Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission

Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission

Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission


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<strong>Itt</strong> <strong>rnn</strong> <strong>tnm</strong> <strong>ot</strong> N.,<strong>MII</strong> <strong>rnn</strong> <strong>aost</strong><br />


il)<br />

f?<br />

'i /1'.<br />


A rhclh luFnituxl it Panid tulfllhlc<br />

fbr dr cquir.rEnK oa<br />

D.SG ol<br />

, DOCTOR OF t tlll,osolttY<br />


Ul{lvE8slfi oF AGRICULTURE, FAls trtBAD' PAKTSTAN<br />


ItE Cuttou.r oa Eix'nie'<br />

UDil.triY of A$noh|r.'<br />

l. Chlirman 6-r. s. eu.' g<strong>ot</strong>lrio oL<strong>ot</strong><br />

er'.-.r-'*<br />

fl. eur-u-rauto rrrq*<br />

Md,*tr*ri^dL*<br />

t. etu S*"t l&sl'oi

l)cdicitdd<br />

l,: n,y wilc. Z€ror. ri,r htr qu'ertrndcr 'dnig ?ol0Dhr)_<br />

sur;oi tu rrien t $i dI dr!!hr$ l:rlN l:r''nl<br />

Ainu rnd Triritrb lnr thdir inue0uo'Lr hYr


I rvish to cxpEss my si@R sdtnu.k ;d appechtion to Lh. folb,ilg !oph,<br />

'nhout<br />

who* hclp this disnadon would b. a mvtt:<br />

Dr. S. Abrar Hlssoin Gilani. for his dediclt d lElp,<br />

supeoirio! duriry 6!e of this srudy<br />

siEc c@.m rn tind<br />

Dr. Abu Saeed l'Iashmi, Dr, AlraFur-Rchft.n Barque and D. Ts;ur Heio Sbah<br />

for rhcir ustul sugscstioN and constdcrivc cridcism durins l.gEh "n wricuP of this<br />

Dr. AbdulChaifar Khan, sp@illnEfter ofnv suo.rvistv coi! ctorhbsircerc<br />

corcdn and amruiation to und.d.kc Ph.D studia I lhank him fn ni3 Mh eqld<br />

hclp during plinning. conducrnrg rcsearch and cspaidlv i, mogirB liBrr6 rr<strong>ot</strong>'<br />

Llrc Dcll|trrcn( ad lslt.ical sof,po lionr Priqc se*r ad $@l lli5 lrickllv<br />

supporr boosbd oy nnBlc.<br />

Dr Muhrmnmd S diq, S.D. Cnic[s & !cc&. hlu'abad<br />

l)r $lid M. Inxnwrh for riiinliig ^nti'ro<br />

lbr povilirB birdr rn lccd<br />

tuid rMlyscs of thc sntpks troo Dcgu\M.<br />

My tounlcr hnnhcr, hrnr lor his issishnce durnrS executi<strong>ot</strong>r of leEh sort.<br />

N'lt liirnds Mr Atrl l lqbal rtd<br />

and cooptorion vith Ne<br />

Mt pilcnls rbr (lNn prlycrs rnd lovc.<br />

l)r. Muhlirntrld Sarwrr for Udr 3iftc( rriendshf

Acknowldg.renls .-.- ...<br />

AbbFvi.tio6. .<br />


l l Objetivcs.l<br />

chapkr 2 REvlEw oF LITERATURIE<br />

]I<br />


2.1 Truc mehb<strong>ot</strong>iabl. cdra, in L.&offs. 4<br />

2 1.2 Excre$ collcction Period,9<br />

2.1.3 Pe-ertFrinEtnll f4titrg pcricl 13<br />

2 1.4 Tinrc inrervnl b.lwe|r lssy3 14<br />

2.1,5 hevious diet cflecl. l4<br />

2.1.6 Nrrurc oldict. 15<br />

2.1.'7 Frl rnd aric. ctfdt, 16<br />

? 1,8 Excrcrn oollcclnr Proccduru, 22<br />

2 1,9 l:rcrcu JrY'n! DdudsB :4<br />

2 Eid,|!cmu!.rLrctnt' oftrrcrlv r)<br />

?.1 '.10 ll AMI: vs lMli 29<br />

2.l.l2 lMti dititilr.ll<br />

?,1.13 I'edicrion oa 1ME 34<br />

2.t 14 Nirn,scn.orNlrd IMli l4<br />

I I ^ rxr JUtl rv.'il.'hiln, i<br />

i.i r a'n'*' u.,'r"r"riiv or orq<br />

".ir "r!{"*'l traalnurri 4l<br />

: 2 2 E nru.oss cxlrdnnt ol irnhr &d( c:<br />

I i - i;'"i.'i, ..,r -"rv.('r'<br />

roi r-hnr'h{s 14<br />

",".'"<br />

'{dG<br />

2.J.1 Dichry rcquiciFnt urdcr hi!h tcn'l'''rrua {r<br />

:.1.-' Dicrrry lcvrt <strong>ot</strong> tysiN in hruilcis ae<br />

l.1l l)Etarv tLvcl <strong>ot</strong> n'cthiorrnc irr bnrilc6 4e<br />

!.i r ii'ii'ii i"""i -'i- "r .'(d' rd frorltrr nr brorr'^ 5c<br />

-i i I r,kr is ,r,ecsrlttc arri'u Nids hrsis of tR'i ronnul&<strong>ot</strong>r 5'<br />

I l.l<br />

lll<br />


[xFrnrcd l l]ltqnrinnooi <strong>ot</strong> ruc Ndrbolidbl' eErg' or<br />

Dnds. 56<br />

Mcr{bolic ch(nrhcr. 56<br />


3.1.5<br />

3.1.6<br />

3.2<br />

3.2.2<br />

foEc fccdinS apparatus, 58<br />

TME a$ay cchniquc, 58<br />

Cnlohlron for AME.nd TME 19<br />

Ernerin.ft 2. D.tcornar'on of avtilabk anrno<br />

conEn6 of Poultry f*diNtfr' 60<br />

Am'rc acid availabilv dsrv r.chnrqu @<br />

catcnlation lor amino {id rvdlabilitv 6l<br />

ErE incnt 3. Ass$cnt of diedry Equi!'Glr<br />

cb;b ior avail.ble lvsie during sr!@er,6l<br />

3.3.1 HousinS, 62<br />

3.3.2 Birds rnd run genc 62<br />

I1.4 Di€rao katmnts, 63<br />

i; uxp.i'i.*, q As*5srrn oldietiry EquiEment- or l"oLr<br />

.h;.ks for avail$le mehionrnc during suNmer' 6<br />

3 5 Amlytical ncthods,6T<br />

3.5.1 Proxim.t codpositioo. 6?<br />

f.5.2 Cro$crcrgy,63<br />

36 Sr0 c ndho{i69<br />

.rl2<br />

,l2l<br />

4.1.1<br />

4 2.t<br />

..t24<br />

.,111<br />

.r32<br />

J l.l<br />

.14<br />

RESULTS.<br />

lxperir*d I DcrdannlrLnrr ol INo m'tftoliz$le e's$i or<br />

i{uhry tcqj$frs. 70<br />

llurirIrr cuiiiu{ri " ,trtl!nas 'trcrgv /u<br />

liturg, U'slxxirion, 7l<br />

AnnJrcnr atul rn'c (hholiznhk sncr-cv, 'l<br />

'l;( trtLft.l'7rb[ rr'ir!\ r\ Fr'qnrg( ur $os Nrg' /b<br />

l:it .nnc<strong>ot</strong> 2. Dcrcnrnurn <strong>ot</strong> rvailablc lnnN *d<br />

c. cflB of poullry lccdsl!llls,73<br />

Ccrcrl by producb rul h)lAes. ?8<br />

Anrnrl ntrls, tt<br />

L rncn!'tN l Atc$r'c t Ll'clrv r{utrutr'cil or DoNl<br />

chKls lur rvlhblc ItvN J<strong>rnn</strong>g su<strong>rnn</strong>'r' 8o<br />

l'ru,l (ff'.'sNy. 9l<br />

Irt.rr.rtnr 4 A$Ls,n'!r' Jl 'l'drry rcqdnmdrhr @tr<br />

rhtrkr aor avrihbl( rtcrlNnirt dunrg $mnEr' vu<br />

lloJr \ci-rh 8!i!',92<br />


5.1<br />

5.1- I<br />

5.r.2<br />

5.!.3<br />

5.1.4<br />

5.2-l<br />

5,2.2<br />

5.2.1<br />

5.2.4<br />

53<br />

5.4<br />

6.1<br />

6.2<br />

6.2.1<br />

6.2.2<br />


Anilrbilirt or .anry, 96<br />

C.Grl 8 iG. 95<br />

Cct!.| br-Pdd@B &d t!oL!5.1, 99<br />

Aliml dlcrl3, 103<br />

Avail.bility of aino &ld!, 106<br />

ccEI glriN, 105<br />

C.rlal by-Plod|.!, ll)7<br />

AdMl n|cds, l(D<br />

Dln*y luilablc ly.in cqlir.n nt for broilcB lll<br />

Didai alrilabl. hclho nc Equlrcmn| for bo cl3 ll3<br />

SUMMARY.....,...-..........<br />

RccoDnrndrtioro^ugecstloB.<br />

Etreo.ion. t20<br />

R.feE!|q......-.......... -.,,......-...<br />

A{,ctrdix'|i|b|es,.,,,,.,....,...,. ...<br />

u9<br />

[6<br />

t2r<br />


TABIIS<br />

TEbL l. P.r..nt NFicn co|ll.d! of f.GdurB rtcd i! ':tcnDc .l<br />

Tabl. 2. ConPosirios of bdl boitd sdn'r tnd idGhs dir*<br />

TabL 3. PrcxiMt coopositioi and gros erc!8y vilucs of $dous<br />

Tabl. 4- M.tlb<strong>ot</strong>izlbl€ cn rg, lllues of v'riols fc'ds$tfs<br />

1abL 5. ToGl anino acid conle't! in c'rcal gBins atd 'tdl bv_<br />

Produds (% DM bdis)<br />

'fabl.6. Avrilabl. anino.cid contenb in c'Eal gFiB tnl @E t<br />

by_Dtoducts i% DM bNis)<br />

Tablc ? ANino acid trailabililv in ccEat gEiF ard c|al bt'pddlcts<br />

(% DM basis)<br />

Tftle 8. Toill a;ino acid conknrs i! vegtmbk nEls (t DM basis)<br />

'l'ablc g Avnilablc drim acid d$ nr vcsll$lc rtds (% DM bds)<br />

'o<br />

'I'ablo 1o ANir$ avaihbilnv ir vcgcubb (% DM b$it<br />

'nuls<br />

^cid<br />

'l-Jblc I l nrrt nnriN acid co ciN h nninul Nlls (% DM b€is)<br />

'l&l{ 12 Avdhblc aDino rcid cn$ in annMl mcals (% DM b$h)<br />

'o<br />

'fx c 13 n<strong>rnn</strong>' rcid rviihbilnt in i'ml rNrlr (* DM basn) '<br />

'Iablc 14. Co*rh nctlortrdrt' diborlcrs lll <strong>ot</strong>rdica wnh dilt'!trt<br />

l.vcls of rvnihblc lYrtE<br />

'lablc 15. Ctowth t rfoflndNc olboilqs fcd <strong>ot</strong>r dic6 $ilhdifltruol<br />

lrvcts of availiblc nr'trrcnre<br />

65<br />

11<br />

80<br />

3r<br />

32<br />

8l<br />

8.1<br />

85<br />

8'l<br />

ri8<br />

90<br />


Titl.<br />

Fis. L<br />

Fi8. !.<br />

Fig. III.<br />

Fig. lV,<br />

FIGI'RES<br />

Skchh of {94 us.d in TME ssay!<br />

Slctch of for!. fecdirt .plodu us.d b TME l8try.<br />

Truc rcnbolizlblc .rEr8y $ peMntrse of 8t@.Er&' b<br />

Crowtl Ffomncc of brcil*s !d fecd .ffEid.y of dis<br />

wilh dir.Gt lcvcl. of.vilrbL lysie<br />

Gfowth pcrfonfirc. of Droit.B and leed e|fEify of dk!3<br />

vith diffGrcnr lcv.k of rqil.bL rurhiooirc<br />

57<br />

17<br />

%<br />


- atF..r 5lD rld rvd'lrv<br />

- Alldltt BcnDG oodrv<br />

- A{rltd. r.droo'@<br />

G Nr.ia !'dolblc ds<br />

- {lrDas ;{c.cd cDsrtn<br />

Ddfilitdl.dlt<br />

' co;.d d t|tl Nrl,hillt<br />

r crud. nts<br />

- Criie<br />

- Mc.tdi. fd*dlv<br />

r Fst qdlt 'nriElql F to<br />

. fdd .roFr '<br />

r od *nat<br />


t{lB<br />

!9t<br />

TMA<br />

- lrrr4<br />

E T|qTTC<br />

r Nin.aD ts dtrd<br />

' shth coI. wrtu L'a'f,<br />

- Te rdilit dd rythbitirt<br />

- tM dtllo|adl! dtt<br />

r rrt.-F rtl4t @u<br />

. u.id.t d"q


Poultry 6lioN 'rc 8e*rallv fornulated bv n'tchils th' l'v'ls of Nkic s<br />

parricularlt crude proleitr and tutaboliabb 'rergv in ingGdients qih lnc Equircdcfls<br />

", *. <strong>ot</strong>ar. o*.*o ** lhc t950 s 60's Gve'lcd<br />

"d<br />

'n<br />

(n't this 'pPrdch<br />

?xt.cGlv cdde' P<strong>ot</strong>cio lnd cnclgv requismcnB harc to bc undclstood in rcos ol<br />

.mido acids and en*gy eruallv availtbk ro birds This apprcrch *as dequc srerc<br />

"rO ,**nt' " n*" ttt" eid daitabililv (90%) lik' coftcllv<br />

;;,;,.<br />

vrs<br />

pr66sed <strong>ot</strong>bean<br />

""t (rersld'z and P$ons 1ee6a) Hodcv'r' vhcn inscdients rirrc<br />

;!6eed mml bNiig l'ss than 80 ll.cc ahino {cre ued (r4 gr ar'<br />

acids<br />

't'ilabitirv<br />

tlor,. u'" ,"", ^"'* -'o' uid oor Fovi{te !n equaic brsis ror fced rorduhrioi<br />

hcc^u$ oi rn ovcr cstiN c of llrc rrcids eN{lli dvaitable to E bids A<strong>rnn</strong>o e$<br />

^miio<br />

cdnd6 of fcedstuffs dc obl^inctt ht cltrdical anrlvsis rnd ltris Nrirc acids lrofilc irr<br />

rhc ltrdun ddr nor i icntc rhc rtrr@ urlly avrilnblc o llE birds lnc lccd<br />

colrlosi<strong>rnn</strong>r. lhcrctue l s r lnrird vduc fo! lcci fo@nlalion'<br />

(rowlcdBe or rl\c biologifll rvritrbiln' <strong>ot</strong> th! mino acids io tccdstulli<br />

rs tlrls<br />

nrtx)Llrnr nr tNurnB dral ll|c !trrino rcid! tcquirqnuns trd mct lnd opt Ntrl louxrv<br />

;".,",.,,,,-" ''"'ll'"'"t A'unie'ofoch qucs ror ddcdinins biolosicrl 'vlilrbiltrv<br />

or urilo rci'rs n riuasufls rruc brci dcvclop'd 1 lE5' n{lude chicli growh rcsponso\ '<br />

.n""'.,.* tn'nt"*''' ntsrts rrev! rra$rirrg pldn! iDirc rcids ! hrhrcc<br />

cx$ri c s (lllrvrll nod Sorles l9l5) Rdlid a$av lor TME and AAA by Sibbrld<br />

,,"0, *U tn" t*n"U ton's of Sibblld (1986) and McNrb and Blair O988) n 'lc

n possiblc to cviluate tl. poultry fcedsifs on $e bais of the av.il.biliry of Gmrgy .rd<br />

arnino lcitls. Th.se .scys havc sEr.l adent g6 lite hjgh pEirion, @st €|ferivcB<br />

and time eving, Further noE, dnecl detcninldo. ol rhe TME ad AAA oi unpalar.bl.<br />

ingredierts is allo possiblc,<br />

h Pakina., poulfy dicrs arc uually fo.mular.d on the bsis of chedi<strong>ot</strong><br />

codposnion of fecdsNifs. lnadcquate availability ol quahy ingcdicnLs a.d .vd<br />

ircEasiog pric. of poultry fe.ds ea$nrte rhc uF of rvailable .utri.nrs for noE<br />

prei* lonrularion. ictrioration in nurdlioml cluBcrcrisics of fedstufrs dlc to noo.<br />

Dloccssing, conladimrion, adulr€hrion.nd imdeqlar. srodgc f&ilid*.xi$ing i. rh.<br />

rccd industry tunlrcr ncssiinrc lhc .vrluaior of ingrcdicnB <strong>ot</strong>r 0E bais of.vailabte<br />

nurrico$ belorc fecd trcniratio..<br />

nrloanrrioo on rhc biologicilly avrilahle nurricnli in lccdsruffs is sa<strong>ot</strong>y ii<br />

l'*isr.Mosroidrirtarolrli<strong>ot</strong>r<strong>ot</strong>rrvril$iliryoInuuicrtsiifcodstuffso.iBinrcftD<br />

Ictrrltmlc .csron vhieh n , mor bc suirnb[ ntr lcrd lbduldion iu k<strong>ot</strong>i.rl !' sub-<br />

ronicrlrutsionr l1rcrc is, drcrrbre, i NL{ ro cvalu,r ldnl !@lrry li{rlsrutt! ior't M[<br />

d AAA n d o scnc(tc illo uli<strong>ot</strong>r ro bu us.d tur rrlc isc bfuNtarior <strong>ot</strong> lloutrry dids<br />

Sirillrly, infoilnltion on rhc dicriry Equitu:nrc fo. TME nnd AA in boilcr chicrs<br />

rilD tenrpcrut counl ids. n[y nDr lE $ such .tdicablc urd$ locil cnvironmcnhl<br />

condilions, shcft sulnnc. rcnrpu! u,c is roo high.

A sludy *as, theEfor' Planrcd silh & lollosrng obFrive)<br />

r.l Objectives<br />

- To dcEditu the TME dd AAA cont'n6 of indigdous poulkv fe'dsuffs<br />

- To ases $. dielarv equienred of boiler chicks ror AL aid AM durins


prsoLd in lle f<strong>ot</strong>losing p6gc' faus on tlu@ tuj<strong>ot</strong><br />

Thc cvi.w of li!.Ft!rc<br />

jn<br />

in fec&nrffs, .nim 4id i€e4ltfis atd lnc<br />

rdi in ov.dicw of dE TME<br />

't'it'bilitv<br />

chicks for pr<strong>ot</strong>cin and anino acids with specitl Ef'rcrce<br />

dietary rcquicrents of bro er<br />

2.1 True m€hbollzable energv in feedstutfs<br />

The AME sooreinnos rcfcrEd to rs classic ME n defiftd rs lhc diftcrcec<br />

bctvcen thu cncrgv of llt fecd thc eiergv df te ft'c's plus urinc vhich in pollrrv<br />

'<br />

rrc c<strong>ot</strong>rbincd as singlc cicrclrr' lrro clugy bn as Sasour DGhcB ol diBcakrt s<br />

nNigoificanl rftl lltrforu crn hu ig orcd (ttaiiis lt66) Th' AMe vahcs 'E orf,ncd<br />

ro crnicisD bucnu$ rlrc$ mav bc nrnucrc'd bv ornv vrri'bl6 iretudtus sEtics(sl''tg8<br />

(r al., 19c"4: thvlc, .l !1, L63: ljislti I'd Slr non l9?l) ndnrs (S|ntgd 4I dr -<br />

1964: Fdiur, 1968:Mrchrnd Biclt, l9?l) rsc (lltvlcv 'rdl lt68: Alc ia 1963<br />

tnhdi.rdl., 1969) md lcvcl o(tccd nMkc (siblilld lt75l lhc'lMli isa lcnn rld [t<br />

lhd$ (1t66) ro dLscrilf, as $limlt or MLj in wl'iclr corEction k c lbr l:Ijtr! r'xl<br />

ut4. llrc llin is tltr.r$gv of llrl ponion of lhc i'cces oder drn thc fc0d rcsduc$<br />

rnd is trcscnt rs tbradcd ntrsli 11drucosr' hilc lNl diSesrivc fluids lhc Ullcisrl'r<br />

f rr'ur oi rlt: Lrrhrrt .N s) $h (h i! I Ur 'tl Jn*r lcrJ ur'!trt

Rapid l*trsy l4h.ique fo. TME d.v.loled by Sibbald (1976!) is . dcnl<br />

imovarion in ft fEld of fecd evalualion and is claid.d ro b. bettq abl. ro prcdict $.<br />

bid\ p.rfod*! th2n tlEy @uld with AME data. TIP TME vtlu.s aE tor af.cied bv<br />

th. lcvel of fccd ir!,[c,nd hay b. ls subj4rcd ro <strong>ot</strong>her ctues of vathti@ (Sibbald<br />

r9?5)_<br />

Thc TME ey h sntpb and cin be initiated it a slDn n<strong>ot</strong>ice lnd iovolves no<br />

cn.oical ldlFi! (Sibbald, t9?64). This is a hajo( .dvantag. ov€r rhc @nventional<br />

chick *sars lor AME. Thc anrouft of tn @lcrial requi.ed for four Gplicated<br />

nrcNurn)efls pls Nociare

Thcr. cc Dcnv omlo..nts oi TME ev ie ' r$av bir& ercre$ collcction<br />

"f'ct<br />

Daure of dicr. t'r .od carnl effccr' cxcEta coll4tion pcqllE dct|i ory''g<br />

pdiod. pE+rpcri6. fstiry pcrio

shies €ral (r9?9) tporl.d thi! bodv w'i8ht ol assatcd bnds bad oo signincant<br />

(P>.05) efect on ln. TME vllucs ofcorn whcn SCWL rcostcd of heavv veight (2 87<br />

Kg). mcdilo wcighr (2 58 kg) and liSbt weiSht (2 45 kg) *'E usd-<br />

D.le ad Fnllcr (I98Oc) d.Goined TME valu6 of fiw fad i'srelicnB ('crro*<br />

corn, d.hulidd sovh.atr etl, corn gtuan mcal Gnl|ade' lsh ncal tnd ooulrry by_<br />

product meat) and rhc€ combiMtioB of lh4sc ingr'dicnb uitq SCWL rocrers tulc<br />

broilcts (6 w*k-old). and nalc ork'v poul6 (6 w'ck_old) Thee was gemrallv good<br />

rgreemen! i. th. TME vatues betwccn loostc6 broil'rs and poul$ although th' vllu's<br />

lor broiled Ended lo be sliShrlv lowcr rlun lbr roosen <strong>ot</strong> poulrs<br />

shires er dl (1980b) urd scwl- N!l'cllic*s (4 w€ek-old) and adult rcostcrs rc<br />

dckinnt do cffiu of agc on lhc fME iNl TMEn value <strong>ot</strong> vcUow con d'hullcd<br />

soybcnn nrmt Nhcd slods high Blucosi@lNk mPc$c'l ntal aod 'lehvddEd dfrllir<br />

Drcrl 'tl& 'tM[ (krl/g) of fednutl! $v ling chic\s rnd msre6 w'ru con 1t]<br />

198; s<strong>ot</strong>bcai ncal3.24.l ltiwhc:lr shons I l:' I o?: 6lr(scd mal2 24 2 50 d<br />

rLtil|' nul 1.22. l S8. rcspcctivclv 'tlE'lMli(Kcnl/8)oitccdiutlsbv!sn'g'hrclis<br />

r (x)sc.s s!!c coil3 ?6 1 E8i n)vbrrr nrdil: 85 2 S?: whcar slrons 2 92 2<br />

',J<br />

Psocd N<strong>ot</strong> l 99. 2 24 and rlhlll nrcd I 14 l28' rcsncclivclv lhclMEvilucsol<br />

$ybcri n\crl t.d t{e$cd ilcrl oburntd bv rsii! chicks w*e lN% and 90% ol rlr<br />

\rlucs obrrincd rviih too{cd tl! tM!! vtluetofcorn and rapurced nul hv clrrcl{!<br />

Nc( 9?% rll(l 39% oflllc vllucs bv roosrcs The TNtli rnj TMEn vrlucs <strong>ot</strong> tr orl'c'<br />

lrdsufis werc noi aflat''l (P> 05) bv rh' rge of bidr wirn the exccPrion <strong>ot</strong> hiSlr<br />

ghcositDl c Dt't&td Durl lML villcs ohHincd Nnh ux t@stcrs c!Aj! led rn

dE fodlladon of diets for voln8<br />

gowing bilds-<br />

Boldiii ,r al (1981) measurcd TME values of @ft whear 5nd barlev usnrg<br />

rcnsl und dw.rf SCWL r@st€6 ald foud that TME exlus oi Sdia ftNc

'o*f wh.n@$c.lsithyodgbids This.ffdwalPronouncedvhcndicEco'knrd<br />

2.1-2 Exsela couection Period<br />

The rat of dc.tre of fc.d 6idud foin rlE dinc ary ciMl ii iiPonafl in<br />

the bidssay for TME Th. exccla con€ction pctio

'.h. hioas' ro!''ME i or\'s *'' " t-""<br />

:]::il:"j ;:. fi ;<br />

*nl*<br />

{., id hrd^ndcJrr(rngth"'-'*"<br />

,"., ...Nptcd rr.'r " I<br />

,",." .',..*-"' ' " '""-::.:::<br />

" ia,?,, d.rrcs,.dd<br />

.. r....r orvelroru ob nne'r'<br />

'*" ' -:"<br />

**r,, @ qe, ar,he.\n.,,<br />

lrJ"d' r1l8i regc$cd rn'(:r 'r ''rle'ronacnod ' rer<br />

lrc,o re.o rn $c r$dv<br />

.iLic"r,lrrpeseedfii4io6u.'ngborh<br />

r ,.$ rnd s,hbald (1979) tnJAut'u '* 't" ]' "<br />

no *no,. ""* u**ru<br />

14 and r8 M (<strong>ot</strong>rsrDn l*r@d t"' t tt "'1,-l*.lr* .rrj or 0|!rr r'pseed<br />

,isntti.rmrv $ltn tic 'orrecrir" ** ""':::-"-<br />

rn.rroro vrri.r rnouacc rrrrou,*-^':'::,<br />

I'nrh cnlletion Pcriodt Thur ( vds rpplcit<br />

'hal<br />

asrocnicd v(h r i gh lcvcl of rtb<br />

diflccnt ar<br />

-,,igniriemry<br />

;: r""8. v6 N, @c4n,r,<br />

no'<br />

.s and bsky tnrce<br />

s,bbalJ ,roa!\ Fro*o dri ii*'t tt":'."."*.*,,<br />

in z4 h. vhi"h were<br />

fqd r 30 s bver cl-ad '* "'"'""'" '::^::-**<br />

" *hedr or whear b6n (l.)<br />

p,ev,ou'y s.rled ror 14 hr' rr ' " ''* """t<br />

T-'1o., *, nearatrc.<br />

$ar conprer

irom 24 lo.t8 hr (1 86 nnd 3 65 vs 1 42 r|rd 3 39 Kclugl' 'fhis confirnred rhar lhe<br />

.- .!J.. o, rl c.e lLcJrrutr !crr !or roflflurcl) vo"l"d wirlin 24 n.. Thc TME vtlue o!<br />

*hed was norchanscd;v cxlctrdinr lhc collccrion<br />


f.ed .rcE@d rhc asidu.s norc apidly and ov( a latgd Friod tlEn a bird ecciving<br />

less of rh. sa!i. fed. R€sidues ofoars foe f.d ft lcv.ls nneing frcn 6lo 30 s/bnd<br />

app.ar.d in rh. .rcrcta within 2 h. and contiNcd lo bc void.d for 52 hr.<br />

Kesler and Thonas (1981) folnd ihdt soybd neal, fuh ncal and feah€r neal<br />

fcd ar a levcl of 30 g to inlecr and caccectonizd SCWL r@6tr cle,Gd the dimcnhry<br />

catul ir 30 hr, while blo.d neal requircd 48 hr lo pN the eidE thrcugh tlE bid.<br />

They slggdted srandardization of collection tinc a( 4E hr, for all fecdstulfs !o rllow<br />

coNprrisn of dau bcMen labordorics<br />

PaM6 .? dl ( 198 D found TME valrc of d.hllLd sybean mal a 3.ol I Kcrl/g<br />

lsing SCWL @ste6 fo@ f.d 20 to 50 g of emPL u h an excteta collclion lcriod<br />

of 24 ad 48 hr h wa.orcil rh TME of dchullcd syb€n N@l dad n<strong>ot</strong> oh gc<br />

significanrly (P

fon 24 to 48 lf (1.86 and 3 65 vs 1.42 and 3 39 Kcat8) This confimed thar the<br />

rcsidus ol .hcsc f.cdstutfs N.E n<strong>ot</strong> compLt lt void.d within 24 hr' Thc TME taluc or<br />

wheat was rct chans.d by cxt trdins fi. coll.crion p.tiod frcm 24 to 48 bt (3 80 s l.?2<br />

Kcaus). The TME values of alfalla iended lo incss. a3 the CP conEd ircaasd.nd<br />

as lhe sum of Cl plus ash dec!€Md. lt vas ecomdended tb.r rh. €xcred coll6 on<br />

Friod bc exrnded berond 24 hr lor naretial hlvins slo{ 6tcs or pls.g..<br />

sibbald(1979e) studicd rhe efier of 10,20,30I inpur lcv.lorwh.at, mcat Eeal<br />

and aBh me.l on TME valu* ar 24 rnd 48 hr collario. period and lound thd *lEar<br />

cqoned nor tooe rhan 24 h! fo! cle.ra*. tmD alilne<strong>ot</strong>.ry cadl ald had sDe TME<br />

vrluc rl borh colleclion pcriod (3.83 Kil/g), whilc neil neal rnd fish dal niSnl<br />

rquio I slighrly lorger tlriod lbr clerrlnce of residues Th. TME v.lues dedqed<br />

rror 2 86 ro 2 7l Kcllrc Inr nrod nNrl n|]d Iionr 1.29 lo l.2L Kcil/g tor Ilsh nrclL is<br />

rl'c collccrn prriod $rs oxtendcd firn 24 ro 48 h ChlNi ar al {1980) ictoned rl[l<br />

-li\1li vrlilesohrrirBl bt l.l h.crcrcn lt.iod $crcsgnilic. ly h(hstl'nn tho* li" 4ll<br />

I'r cxc'lk roll.crion nr brcwcfs g6ii. s'ybcrn nlcal Nl w!r.r EE5s sed.<br />

Slbbr d (1980b) rcnorrcd rhfl i diriN ol srlr r1 2% lcvel Io dclrydft(cd rllalri'<br />

r.'. Lr.'ltc h' ,riclc'.ic u'. r.'rL or fr .'gL 'l ulh 'Ju.r SCWL (u.rcrLh undu rlr<br />

codirioN ol r-lME bprs$y lhc nornixl rcsiduc olcfrnce tiNc tor alfxlf! wxs27 ro<br />

la' h.. lhc lIlE laluc olrlt tu (0 99-l I I (crl/g) was unchinged by tlE s t<br />

Sihbrld (lt80c) Nicd rhd rtE rnro! ofcrcreh nrcrc.*d wi(h dB i@uasc in CI and<br />

Ahconlcrb ol rh.orlsruggcnidg rld rlN !l$rrnc{ riflE mishl iftrclse wnh hc Dunt<br />

ol rcvduc lo b! roidcd lr wr rho ohs$ed rl r birds r€cciving ! l !. quanriry of r

are <strong>ot</strong> patege oi hulb in &' digestive svscm of th. c@tci.l w4 mlch sloeei and 48<br />

hr wce itr$fficicni for tnc @nplee ctcarace of rh. nuth frcm lhc dtgcs'w sYscm<br />

2.1.3 Pre.erp€.l[ental fstlng period<br />

Shid .r zl (199) r.porr'd thal staryttion of c@k'€k for l2 hr b'foE f<strong>ot</strong>c'<br />

fading csulted id a siSnifiqd (P < 05) d*ce of 45 in fi''tME v'lue of @rn (3 96<br />

Kc!l/g), wher.at f.ning peri& of 24 or 4E hr had no sigoifica 'ff@t on lhe TME<br />

v.h. of coln (4 12 Kcal/8) Moeover' composirion of di't l.d b'foE fsrine hM no<br />

sigtrifict cffci on TME talu. orc<strong>ot</strong>n<br />

P$ons cl ai. (1981) tcd SC\VL rooncts dl loid! on lavct 6rion Fe'd was<br />

\in[drrwn r.d cxselr *cre colleclcd 1o.6 18 24 30 c2 nnd 48 hr ro deleFnnc 0B<br />

lcngdr rf trc-cxFlim.ntrl itsrin-! Ircliod rcquned tbr coqtlec clc!'arce oi dicritv<br />

rcsi'lucs rom dig.nivc ltrct <strong>ot</strong> nbne6 Ercnb @riut dutiig 0-6 hr cill4lion wls<br />

lrcrtr (P

2,1.4 Tlme i'r€rtal beaween aaYs<br />

Sibbtld (19?86) ir two qp.rinas sldicd ihe eff@r 6f rlE dura'ion of lhc 'imc<br />

inErval b.t*cn 6sayt on TME valu4 flcdwed wnh tdul' @ri'6' whctr $yb'd<br />

oeal w.s isyed aollowi.S a bio.srv ol coro thc TME vtlws w'd rcl afiered bv d'<br />

duration of r.si. Birdi forc. fed s<strong>ot</strong>betn neal24 hr aft'r t@iving c<strong>ot</strong>n vielded TME<br />

valu€s nor diifeent frod those of birds esred ror 21 davs Thc TME vAlues of svbeln<br />

derl ranged fton l.O8lo l20(ql/g asevcdtfrc(diftcEnt e$ p'riod (t to 2l datt<br />

Wh.n wh.ar ws a$.ycd follo*iog a biodsav of dptsccd cal a 48 tu dehv was<br />

rcquiEd b.duse sone of lhc trp.eed mcal tailcd !o cle!' lh' dise$rE Gcl wi6in 24<br />

hr'Lhc -lME vilues oiwhcd ([gcd lionr ] 66 to 3 92 Kcal/g lssrved aier difltftrl<br />

rcsl puriod (l lo 2l dav$ Ever { resl ffriod of fivc dlvs wxs nol sulTicie for soNc<br />

bir.ls lo rcgrin lost weiSh ll was rcc<strong>ot</strong>nNnded llr1l esl pcriods bc plarsd bellvccn<br />

grouPs of dsars ro t€rnril Rovc'v oi bodt \crsxt<br />

2.1.5 I'.cvious dict cfftct<br />

Kosslcr rnd'lho[rs (19?9) Icd SCWL roo$eru bolbru islrv eilhc! on drul<br />

uon<strong>rnn</strong> r! low cncr-qv (2695 Kcrl Mli/k8) nn highlibt(10?9{)orondicrcoNanrrg<br />

hish rncrsy (1291 Kcrl Mf,Kg) rnd loN fibd (266%) Th' r'rcviNs dits luvn'g<br />

dirrcrunr ci$gv rnd tibrc lcvcls did n<strong>ot</strong> rrrer rhc nun lME vrlucs ol lhc slnE dids<br />

Shncs ar n/. (1979) rQorlcd lhnr l.veli oi l0 20 and lO% prcEi|or0 ? 5 rnd 15 07'<br />

$rDplcnrsr[!y ccllulosc irdiclslcd lo xssnv bkds belbrc hslin8l[d nosiSnificr {llcc(<br />

on tlu 1Il[ uluc ofc<strong>ot</strong>n

Mcl osh d ai (1962) foud N consisrcnt cff@t of grindiry and pell'rins on ME<br />

vllles orcerclls vhile Sibbald(1976b) found 3 5 lnd O 9% incrcas' in'tME vales or<br />

wh..t ind blrl.y r$Fclivelv, {ith p'llcling as comPaed ro whole sdin foN f'd lo<br />

cockercls. h vis sp.cula€d that pell's €xpose etale surfa€ .F of f"d lo rhc<br />

digcstion Proccss as @mPat'd to {bolc gdin fecdi'g Whol' elrin ale e@d diincutrv<br />

Sibbald (1982) asev'd lhc dltiviB olhull-lcss barlcv 'ach coar*lv tnd fnElv<br />

gr@nd lor TME 'rhc firclv srounl barlev conbired less TME (P< 05) lhm fte<br />

@rsly golNj brl'v (15 06 vs !5'10 Ml/kg) 'lhcy c<strong>ot</strong>uIuded $ar IE t damtrgc o<br />

prinein duridg tinc grn ing hld dccr'scd thc tNtgy nvaihbilitv<br />

Tcftld rnd scll (1978) io! ll lrcs're ofsilicu sc! ina Nixturc wrh coil'<br />

rtrdn,ol 10.26:l'55,6'81:15 I $d142:?2 65 g Uceuscd discslibiht oL lhc conr d<br />

csrltc{ nr r'lN{L ol I 85 Kcnl/g WlMc<strong>ot</strong>r $$ lorcc ltd llonc' digcsribililv N$ higx<br />

ird r'lMli*$'r'01 Kcnl/s lt $r\ c<strong>ot</strong>rcluded rhnt rhc lMljoiI snNilrc rucdsNll<br />

''iSh cl!o,!c. *lur rhc iccdstull N$ rcd nr conrbn rn wiih rn indilcsitlc or tdtrlt<br />

Joes rnd Sibbrl'l (197t) rssrvtd Iilc rrr(tiors of trpcsNd obl'n*d trough<br />

trril|nrg- !r cl$silicrion boihu i'r (i1* Nrr* cxhacli<strong>ot</strong>r ind hcrdE cxradion tbr<br />

'rML. IidtioMrion lcrnrilkd (tu n(od0c<strong>rnn</strong>r ol nr$ls of conprralively<br />

high lNllt<br />

ulucs iloiliry \Lholc sced lvillr Nrrcr tor 20 nrnr rnd lor w cr 'il(cli<strong>ot</strong>r ol wholc scd<br />

'ru*J rn trrPru ln(r( r' t"t INlt n'('

Chami er al (1980) Epon.d lnat TME values of corn ar soyben eal vee<br />

significanny rcducd in ftc pd*nce of 2i gua. gDn, l% lauic ei{t aod 0.5%<br />

gosypol. They corcllded tiat thes .oriB inr.rfcr. wirh AME and TME deremidtions.<br />

Dudley r,.1, (1980) us.d gclaiin capsuld as co.bin€r Ior sp.cial insrEdidrs tike<br />

oil and blood m.al which pos a spaial p@Uem in achicving quatui@ivc detit.ry io<br />

crop or bids during TME assay. This tchniquc was us.tut wirh rhe<br />

crpsule, quanrirarivc rceding was casily accomplished.<br />

'.sr<br />

M&ri.t ifl rhe<br />

Sihbard (1980d) rearcd solvenr cxrncEd d.hultcd soybe.n flrkca by aur@laving<br />

ar 129 kP! (10?'C) ior 10, 20, 30, or40 nin or aur@hving ar 205 kpa (l2t .C) tor<br />

120 nrin rr 50 "C. Addnionrt rerhEnrs w€rc raw Rakcs and nakcs dised ro<br />

'hcndricd<br />

20% rbniuE rrd dricd ir 50 "C ior lB hr. Thesc wcre assaycd tbr'tME using 4luh<br />

ScwL cdkccls *irh 24 hf tuson!, l0 ! nwt tvct rnd 24 lr. colerion Frio!. t.l!<br />

-lMD ulucs ior raw ltrtcs, ovcn nric , l@l^lcd kl; l29llo Di[, tipr 129120 nrin,<br />

fl'r 129/10 ilr kl,r 12rl40 trrh r'ld kt'r 205/l2O ,!i vcru 2 52, 2.59, 2.93, 3 tf,<br />

101,2 9'r, aM z T0kcrus, rcspodivcty tr Nis .bsarlcd rtn(lD icmionofrnritdhrr<br />

rr!{r!um rrr$cd cncrly rvrili)ilu, [d r\r rruch hc cnu$d I subscqucnr rcdrclirnr<br />

n' rvrrllbnrt Cl|nuun I M quMdr (t9q) lbutrd tl|ar turocrrvrqa rncrenscd ,rc Ln(<br />

ol pr$xlc ol rrbrbcnnr. llt 'lMlir lrtucr <strong>ot</strong> ruroctnvcd tabrbcrns wr si0ritr, (|] 6<br />

and 12.2 MJ/kc) ior borh trc 48 rnd 96 hr coltccrion periods.<br />

2,1.7 lrt rnd (,rr'(r (rf(cr<br />

llrcoDN<strong>rnn</strong>ri uir|(e!i!r did Drrycllcrr rl'( urilizJrior ol rlE iJr lonr|{n(

Kdmbach aod P<strong>ot</strong>l.r 0959) found that dr AME valucs of com oil atd tallos vari'd<br />

bcN.en alsay die6 Cullen et al (1962) rePorLd that Ae AME value of blochable<br />

l'ltoq atrd ycllow 8ree di$e€d berw'en dict' In soae idt!rces the ME value of fars<br />

hld becn rePoncd ro ex@d rheir GE vatue' llooni md Scll<br />

(r97?) tclhcd lhn ao "exua<br />

membolic cffccl'. k son and summcc (19?6) rcponcd rhal thc endogcnols fatv acids<br />

(usually unsa$rdled) md fattv 'cids iD f'ed itgEdi'ns mighl ist€nct *nh rnd ihpov'd<br />

rhe absorption of slppldrenred lal Dici plus fat inleBctions tlfddng TME valucs had<br />

bcen rcpoedcrrlicrbv (Sibbatd and Krand' 19??r Sibbald and Pricc l9??r Hallorin<br />

Sibbrld (19?8c) conductcd No '&'rintnis ro Grurc lhc effd of iat $oos on<br />

rlr lME vrlucs of rwo @mporems of ial mixlurcs A basrl dict (85%) @tusbng o'<br />

{hcrr rnd soybcrn scrvcd as lil crtricr !'|d irl mir$e (15%) coNntirg of ditlcrun<br />

huos <strong>ot</strong> b.!i t.llo* N $vbcrn oil <strong>ot</strong> larJ wN assrvcd ror TME vtlucs l hcv ruooicd<br />

rh wltn s<strong>ot</strong>bcln oil !d rddcd l" lnll(N tlrc 'l Mn vlbcs of lhc nrixluds wo'c arortcr<br />

rluidrucolrFnlcNnitrr'll'ekl(lnn'r(l'!)vb$roiliDcrcr$dthclMEvrllcofrnrlow<br />

b!. rhc tddrion ol hrd lnd lnrl' or no ctllc( 'lhc sovbcln oil conuinc'l subsh rl<br />

rnNu ol l,mlc$ (48 6%) n l lnroledic (7 27d) rcids whilc thc lard w* rich in olcrc<br />

(42 4%) ind 0rl'niric (214%) I'cids Unsiru!'td flriv icids in sovbcin oil crn'id ii rhc<br />

trb\orplion of sluhrud icids Prescnl nr hllow (Youts t96l) sibbrld rnd KFrlc'<br />

(19?8) riuid tlr rhu l MU viluc of rlr lalldv ducrrlsrd tonr 9 Or ro 8 28 al]d ? 82<br />

Kciug vrlh crcrF incllsn)n tlct N hr5rl diel liont 5 to l0and 15% rcsprct{c'y<br />


dier sav. high.r TME value foi tnc r.now. With itcr€as in lcrcl of iallow in bel diet,<br />

sddtcd r,uy rcid imrosd znd unsaturat d fany acid d.cHs_d such as lin<strong>ot</strong>.ic acid,<br />

indicarins low absorytioD of f.t atrd dccrease in TME valuc- gigh co@larion (0.932)<br />

bctwen TME and mount ofli oleic acid i. dict sugge$ed 878 of the variation inTME<br />

Mars and Scll (1980) sudied rhe innuence of difl@nt lclcls of inclusion oa<br />

ycllow gr.ae i. hying hcn mriors on rhe AMEn and TME vrl@i- Thc TME and AMEn<br />

orthc ntion wcE d.r.mied 4nd compared rvirh prcdicred val@s. Tbe TME and AMln<br />

olrhc nrions, as dcGmined ch,ngcd nore by ruppleoenrcd f.t Ihrn w6predicred. The<br />

I'ighesr AllEn ofycllow g.oac (9367 Kcrl/kg) yis founn wha lhe flr was lsed at 3%<br />

or thc .a'ion. Wirh ci.i incrcm.nrit terct or y.tlow erce, AMEn dc...ed u il a<br />

uluc or rbou 8651Kdl/1,9 was ohscrv.d l5% rcvct oanxtusion. 'the]ME vrluos<br />

dcrivcd lirr yclkrw grcrsc i'r rn rNkuous nrmcr sh^vst rhe siorc ke|nl ns hilhcr<br />

TMI vrluc (l I.567lcault!) d ]% or rlrg rr(nnr rnd t(,w$t lME vrtuc (8.907 (crt/t!)<br />

d 15% <strong>ot</strong> rlrc nrnr lvlrtr tstn\y lre c !s.d !r rctatrvcty tow lcvols in a c<strong>ot</strong>u h$cd<br />

rrl$n. rlrg rhyntrur <strong>ot</strong> try rcds \vn\ rcldivcty hiuh ttu n[gtriludc or d^orpri!trj<br />

dcdnrd ar rlB lcvsl ofyctlow grusc incrascd. lhrs thc.ooercn nriShr bc lohrcd lo<br />

tr'u sprcrtun ol r' rr &idr iI rhc rht dictrrr tir. 'rhc rur prurDunccd chdgc nr liuy<br />

ilrd conrNrr'un ftcuncd Lsnh lntol.ic ncnt wirh e&t ircrcnrcdr <strong>ot</strong> ye orv Srcr\c<br />

\rhGh oonhincd I lo\r lcvctoflrrctEic rcid (Ct8 2), rhc propor.ion <strong>ot</strong> Ct8:2 in rhc rohl<br />

drcrrry lat duclincd Lo\vur ttr tropoiiion of CtS:? io rhc torrl iir grcarcr $$ rtr<br />

dc(rcrsc n-llvtli rnd MIir

sibbald and Knher (1980) invesdgated the €ffcct ol suppl'ncmarr PhoqlDlipia<br />

on fat uliliarion ard m.sur€d rhc bioava'labilrv of evml t'pid conpocoB Tlt TME<br />

valuc of r.uow diffeEd bdween ba6al diets and with ln' level of tallow inpul A sn<br />

bNal pedilt d grearcr TME valucs (? 98 Kcavg) than vh'a! btel (6 78) Ke'd h{t<br />

. luppledcnr oi soybean Ecnhin n|de the vhe basal havidg gErter TME valE (6 18<br />

(cal/C) as ef.cave s th€ corn basal Linol.h acid ad phdpholipid @Mntrati@ in 0E<br />

soyb.a.lenhi0 supplemcnred whelr basal di.t wls as twice as id {h€ar and @m btel<br />

dicc which ippeared lo had influenced nllow utilization and (he improvcDc b TME<br />

Nrs 2l%. LipA availabitily pa,allel.d dE TMEdda lbol lipid utiliation Eng€rl rton<br />

78 ro 93% ehilc rlrc urilization oi individuil f y acid varied bod betwcn 6iils.d<br />

$idin a.idi b.(seen dichry lrcatoenB. U.saruratcd fnlty a.ids weE well utili4d (85'<br />

t6%) vhilo srMrrcd xc s wcru lss wcll urilized (5190%), llflicuhrly i'l hth lcv0l<br />

Drlc !trd l.-u]lcr (lt8lb) dclddircd TI!,0 ol co oil urnrs bour plrcli.rl !n'l<br />

puritlcdcrii.rs whcnnssnycd wnn'lull rif tncticalcir.ics (corn or uiicd fc.n) dr<br />

'IIlll olcdo oilr!.(god t 2l (orl/g conrprro! wnI r si8nil]c!rl higbcr vrluoi9.66<br />

Xlrl/g sh$ $srycd wirlr 'low fit' caricr As ft tnt$ v.lu..rc.edcd rrE CEof hr,<br />

n wA cortrludcd dnior rn coor oil o t|tr los lnr drricr enlrarced rc ibsrpds<br />

or rhc$ suhi rccs and rlis w:'s rcflkrcd io trrc TMti ofth.corn oil by crhpoldid.<br />

Ad iivcr$ rchrionship wis obsrvrd bcrtrlen llc antrnl of lar in lhe 6rir.Bl<br />

'r,J r'trr I vl: rr lrin nrl A\ rorrl I't'J Inrrj., cJ lrolr o 05 tr 3 391 In (zmr, lh.<br />

rct!'rcrivc-lMli d.crcrsd lron 9.75 ro 9.?l licrlrg A funh( iercdse (8.09t) o{ lipitl

dwn fatty acids of thc omponent far' wirh lat fed sinplv thc'e ir rPpenllv<br />

inredctio. beNeen the fal ldded and that inh€rcDllv prcs€ni lhe btel di't (k'son and<br />

Su$mcs, 19?6) lni.Ecdon oi fat with olh'r diebrv conPoEtrls Mv Also b' involved<br />

in bringinB abou! lh. syn'lgkric cffet TSS conhined ducb hiSher l'vch of Palnnic<br />

sr..ric, oleic and linolcic *ids 'nd nucb low'r levcl of ll_cico*@ic tnd 'Mic ac'ds<br />

Thc TSS, shcn f'd u te cd showed codistentlv lorv'r ME valucs ihan PT eved<br />

ftou8h lhe usaturaEd:siruraEd fa y acids tario was nuch hishcr in lhc todrer tat Thc<br />

syft.gisn bd*en'tSS rn

nr rle cadet !,dlnccd no iurlher ddreN Infte rMt of dtr '<br />

tr' i I<br />

n$r andiiion oi con oil to bw tu fe.ds$ils i@s$ed th.l; drr':i'n<br />

'this suppcns thc .oncept oi end dehboli! eifdr' dcsciiont i'r<br />

, u?r\ l''scfl'rr co 'ld orlv b. dlrront'r6tl /henrhe nrt' r'ir1-<br />

dh 3 39% tiliid'fodcternlin€ $eTMDof corn oil wnhour nr'racror iioN<br />

diet, corlbinaiion of glucose and corn sarch proved r@'pLable Wren gl0cosc c'fn<br />

sntth c.,ricr ves !!€d' the TME of com oil was 8 90 Kcal/g lj)c trddidon oi 15% t"L<br />

ro glusse_corn sralch cdrier seenEd rc be dE lelcl of choice due ro iow lfranon Lr<br />

'lME value. The .bsorydon <strong>ot</strong> Pudncd Sluoesrn sl4'!h crdet sas n<strong>ot</strong> inproved lJv<br />

tk $pplede$ariol rd th. abs's of codog'los "nL nreclrdes<br />

rnv lltlv !cr'l<br />

syturgism. lt {a5 suggcstcd that !e of P{ri6'd gluco*{<strong>ot</strong>i *dh rniier could pDvrdc<br />

vatid slaain8 Poifl or co<strong>ot</strong>rol for ne'$ ng inl4|ldioni beN'en variols rvpci of l and<br />

l'luzGr ci al (1981) condudcd expedm' s wilh pdnre lallov lPt) ar'd to$cr<br />

Bpcscd soapsroeks OSS) 10 d'ie@inc dre losibtc svn'rgim bctqeeo rtcs' Iit$ lrv tne<br />

ronl coll4lion ard chronic oxide AME cthods G w'll s lhc TME asav' Ihe ISS<br />

vas 66idclablv lo{d in AME th'n PT Hoqcv€t {h.n &ee two lals wcr' dixcd in<br />

1 1:1 rado bv vcight, tl€ AME vrlud w'e sinil& lo rh6se of lhf PT sins bolh rohr<br />

colerioo ,nd birler ncthod Thc itr'E e in AME !al& of bl€nd oblhied through<br />

tokl @lt@lion nctho

of com oil ond tlvo stnple of bllov larying in t@h 4id (I8t0) @ntenr' All valus<br />

vcE in .ie$ ol $c GE of f't slgg6tilg an inpoEm in Ue absolioo ol <strong>ot</strong>h{<br />

di.ory con$iN.nii Vhen $evcd 't a 15% level ol fat in a purifsd blel dE! n'<br />

TME ol corn oil vd ngdtidntlv highd tMn drt oI tn' t'uo{ Use of the ptaclcrl<br />

com-$vttd bisl idpro!'d ltE TME of corn oil atd hllo{ bv 22 4 tid 349 '<br />

aspcctivclv. A portloo of dte idprcv'nent i'r the TME of the rdlow *6 pFsum'd ro<br />

@oud for bv '! incrmion wiih fartv acids in $e Pdiol bdil insnditnt thtr m'gnl<br />

be obscur.d 6t higher lcvels of inclusi<strong>ot</strong>r ll was concludcd rhtl vilh adcquit GPrrcloon<br />

it is teasible rc assav lhe TME of fa$ at lo{ telcls oi di'ttrv inclusio!<br />

2,1.8 Erc.cit colleclior t"occdurc<br />

The usul nclho( of collcction iNolves lhcoNnt of trav! uBlcr birdt hou$d<br />

in cagcs Alrlough llis nrclhods wds c$v to u$ b!( excrco b'qm' conldnituied \vi<br />

u"t"t *u*' 'ut - *tn tsibhxld t9?8d) N$niodliv crcctr Nry ndluLc lo rr'r<br />

*,. t*u t U'" *," "t n" "t'*tctl l)cvo l drc 0criNcrc! of th' rrv fh€ <strong>rnn</strong>(i' ol<br />

cxr(..rr IdD trrt nno sui(hlc conu tsis(dtuus lnNcorsuNirr!rd suhjc( cnor<br />

'o<br />

'llE cr ol lrstnn'g ! dcviuc ovc! rhe clord lorN ofnv fl crcrc'L<br />

'olLcrn<br />

is nol N*. coulv nrd lloghcs (l9l0i ci|ld I lxPNr dalirrr lo l8E6 rlm rclcr !) 'lj!<br />

collNrn'. of cnict'n cxcruh in Nhhcr bdsr rlict rurgicll fonurion oi arrific'rlirnh<br />

Such biSs ssc usurlly sulur'd $ rlt cloaoll rrgion or aclEd bv ! shon lcnSlh ol<br />

ruti,tg rl *"* *t"'l ru tL" tirdr<br />

"L<br />

(Colvir er 4/ 1966rr'lulson l969) 0hNclv1l'6r)<br />

O"*"r,."r ., .pn"tt' it' toltcclhr<br />

'r* ol turk(ts frL{e! thrl involvtd rttr sunrn{ oi

an !'adopieri to dre bird lo whicn a snrau brg was atlachcq vD a tnrcaded bode cap. A<br />

hol. *as c rhough tne top of rhc cap for ne pssagc or excEra anit tEsh @nrrinen<br />

.ourd siftpty hc lhlc.ded inro,lace,<br />

Ahcidi and Baprina (1984) used laEd ptasric a.cat colccrion bag tied to a<br />

padd€d n.Bl .ing held in pt.cc by a harN$ fo. .xcera co duon in rh. TME bioass.y.<br />

Wnh rtris nedod n *4 posible o coltd quanirar,v.ly rhc qcE|a aec a.om<br />

conu iMrions. Th. .xcr.ra wcre ovcn dricd diBdy wthin plaric bag wnhout any los<br />

of weigbr froh rhe ba8.<br />

Sibbatd and w<strong>ot</strong>yn u ( 1986) conrp@

in rhe em. conla'rcG n whrch (ss@llect.d A.ilntnrllv. conramrnauonofercterr<br />

with feathcs, fecd, $a'. snd vonrir w.E .void€d<br />

2.r.9 E"tcr.la d.Yitrc Pl@duft<br />

Sibbrld (19?9f) d.temined TME t'lu6 of whert tnd l'viog htn dict with adux<br />

cdk cls. Erceu of f.d ad eg.liv' o ol bi'ds w"G fdE dri.d or ovcn dri'd at<br />

65, 80, <strong>ot</strong> 95 "C The drvitrg pr@edures h l rc 'flcct on the obsdv'd aoou oi erersv<br />

roid.d bt the Ggalive conrol birds nor <strong>ot</strong>r rlE TME vilues ol the No feedstuffs -fhc<br />

dexn GE oulpul oircgativecoffol bkds lvis 10 8 Kcrl TheTMEviluesofwhealrnd<br />

hti g lrcn diel by di,fcrent drvnrg ncllrod $ea 3 73 ind 144 *cal/s' lcspecuvelv<br />

Sibbrld (1979f) in rn ohcr strdv ued ercrcla froo l|ying h'ns and facces lron<br />

cows, pi$, bo&s .nd shecp nrdcd {irlr vario$ ?rupordon<br />

of wtrd and ddcd 6 rr*a<br />

drynrs or oven dryins al 65 80 o. t5'C 1 h! tcE nhCc DM and CE c<strong>ot</strong>unt orrhe dry<br />

mfuial wcc Nu$Ed -rl*ro sas ro cvid'N' of stryv los r$@iated wnh drvirrs<br />

lxlo 1r rl (ltil5) irrvc$igrlrd rl!u circci ol crcrun d!vrn! frecdurc (lr!c^<br />

dryir)8 vs loiccd rn dvcn !'tirtg rr 60 "C) on rc$'lrirrg IME r lMtin llluc\ urnrl<br />

rwo hish pr<strong>ot</strong>cin tucd$ufh (sovbcnn mc and pdrxrv offal nE ) No sisnirlcxtrr<br />

Jrllcr(Nc\ tl'\ 05) r! tlt TNll:ur IMti ul erllkr Inlt€dBnt cwld bc dt'rbul' ru<br />

dD g lrdcdtro' l hr 'l M!.: vduoi $nh frcczc dricd td osn dricd cr'eh kr' In'<br />

solcu nud 2.91 ad291 Kcrl/B alxl t<strong>ot</strong> poullry oflitl @l44? rnd 44E Kcllrs-<br />


2,L10 EndogeDols ercr€tion oldergy .<br />

Thc .xcEla of polltry co ain cNrgi rbin is er &riv€d didllt fon thc djet.<br />

ahe FEo wd ihe d..gy of dig€stiv. jric6. bilc and $,.i.d inrc$iMl ducos.. the<br />

UE. resultcd fr<strong>ot</strong>u dr. desradrdon of ti$u6.d prod@tio! oi catabolir. dn.i.g body<br />

niinEnarce (HMis, 1966). These encrgy lo(G wm of pitucular iDponam. in rh.<br />

dcrsure.r.nt ol avaihble dierary energy (Sjb!.Id, 195). TllE wd lack ofagrccnenr<br />

anoog rh. dara dc*ribing rhc nagniodc oa 0! con$ined FEtr + UEe los of Poullry<br />

Guillau.E and Sumno (l9?0) cnimard dr 16g to be 5.2 Kcaukg body weighr/24 ht<br />

lbr xdulr SCWL loosrcB. Sibbrld (19?5) io two erpsilDils wirh sinildr birds lound<br />

endosenous en$gy lo$es 6 3.3? anil4.70 l6lAg body *8ln/24 hr. ln a lalcr serics<br />

oi exFritrEnrs rhe mean l?Eu+U!e lor.16 Urds sriiv.d for 24 hr was 4.07 Kcaukg<br />

b.dy $cighr /24 nr (Sibbdd, 1976i) Tlr ra. of qce @ of FEm+UEc by adult<br />

SCWL dosrcrs dccrcNcd duriis tu pcriod of erRlrion prior to dp inninlioo of.rcrett<br />

cdllcc<strong>rnn</strong> (Sibbrld, lt76d) i.. 2.1. 43, 71. 2nd ,6 hr ol shrv ion tu F[nr+tj[!<br />

A(rcrion du'rD! rlr trcxr ?.r hr rqr obsuncd ro hc 4.26, 3.59, 3.44 a d 3.4J Kcd/kg<br />

bdrlt vci!hl, rc||rccrivcly<br />

l{ollsdrl (19?8) lcNncd rl rrfu ldirion ofshc britr b lhs dirr as a sourcc<br />

o! llbr. hrd Do clfccr <strong>ot</strong>r rhr n(( of .tirhcliunr ren$vrl in cithlr Ecmrlicc <strong>ot</strong><br />

convctuionnl chicks. Silbrld and Pricc (1978)Edld rlEFEn+UE cNrgy lo$cs ol<br />

300 rlt SCwl- r@ncrsduring I 2,1 hr Frirl tollowi.g 24 h.oftla*ation. Thc loses<br />

'rigcd<br />

lion 2 l7 to69l wnh r tr$r of4.46 \cal/kg body e.ight/24hr. Mullillc<br />

'.sr$nnr rnrl)!s nr^\cd rhir rrLy :lti or rlk qri.rlior ir ttu oncrgy kx5 \rs

.xplaimd by diffc&rc in bodt seight 'nd w'igh chanr' Thc m'asurede'6 vere<br />

nude dudng 38 €rPcdncsls spEad over 3 yds bu( thee N0s no evidenceof anv<br />

rcl,ti<strong>ot</strong>uhip b.rien the ya. o! rioe ol vert rnd ougniNde of $e enc!8v loss<br />

Sibbald (1980!) n Nuftd rne effecE of inefl oat'ritls on!Em+UE 'rcttion<br />

ge iolid $tt feedingceuulos <strong>ot</strong> end upto 4 8/bird alongwnh kting hcD dict o! cceals<br />

i.; corn, wh.at ind oat did f,o! change !h' FEn+UE€ cdrsv crcEdon of SCWL<br />

c@ker.h. N.ntEr tnce ired ntcrials did llter rlrc iliation of thc mcriak wnn<br />

which th.t \e.te f.it Ir {as sFcul'tc

Kcdl/s wheo inclusion oisilica gcl itr thc nirNft was cduced fron 60 b 16% nws<br />

illusldred rhar an indigcsriblc naEd.l p6inc duough the in€stinil mcl of thc chicken<br />

clraGed tlte adount of fa4rl mcribolic .Er8t ercreEd and coequently idnuetucd rh.<br />

TME vlloe of conprrison le.dsllr<br />

Misli and Qu@i (1981) conFEd IEn + UEe lossd of broilers of diff€tn. s.x,<br />

nge, w.igtu and also of SCWL tt,4R It wd corcluded (hal dE ex of lnc b.oiler<br />

chicks b€rw.cn 18 and 107 daFoa.gcdn M .faen fEn+UE 10$6 llowev€r. lbe<br />

rvegge FEn+UEc lo$cs expGi*d.idd Fr<br />

unn body wighr or pcr unn bod, size<br />

W'' kg showcd r trogressive fil! tron 612 ro ?65 KJ/100 g rs broilcr chick<br />

logre$cd in agc berwoen l8 and 7? drys of as. lnd ldter sere smbilizcd {t r nrininrum<br />

bdr$cci 7'7 tuki 107 drys ornge.'fi. rverl8c l:E$+UEc lo$ca or SCWL lo6rers d<br />

ll? drys ol nge *crc s:gnilicNnrlt higlrr rh.. lho* ol107 dil old broile6 clcn though<br />

lhc dc'agc w.ighr ol lnc r@slc6 Er orly 5lt6 rhrr oI l0? drt-old broilcrs. lt wns<br />

coNluLlql rlnr vrEdio s exiniq h rhr l:liin+Ulic los*s of young ad lllulr binls or<br />

srrrc or dili'o.c $nri d $x Mr nrn'rl duc h r|tr dilr.rclEe critlnu id bdy<br />

lorrfoslrs rnd brsic n\crilolic nrc uL-rly nd.ds Nr ur hody rwiShr<br />

Sibblld (l98lr) lnu l tl!tr l:lin+l,E N(lBr i|ocrsc'l mr decrcxvtl slrcr<br />

crll('lo\( \rs Ii)'cc lcd ullo l6<br />

g.n'lc'l Iuvclr <strong>ot</strong>saw du{ trplo l<br />

r.d nrdigcirblu ihrcrirl. lt rvr coftlud.tl rlbr rh. usc oI . tri€d bird b mc u.c thr<br />

Flarn+(Jllc l$sc! in rllq bnnsmy forlM[{} rrlid ind rhc .hng.s n uccd by dr<br />

01(R or qirnur) ordLc{r.y librc \rere n$igtrifird.<br />

ft nrs $rs co lir sl wlrctr<br />

itr pltc o{cellulosc as iftd

sibbald O981b) in a ditl of 800 sevs ov'r 1 Period of 5 yelrs obsrved tlur<br />

oveFll m.an of FEn + UEe los!€s iD SCWLpulle$ and $'ruE boiler hts was 10 45<br />

Kcrrbnd/24 hr col!@lion lt was also nolcd thrt FEm+UEc of iowl u'der condnions<br />

of f.sring vary bolh in quanritv.l1(| @dposilion Bodv *ciSln bodv composlion'<br />

genorype.nd phtsiological s|ate ofbnd conaibure to fie laliabililv in FEm+UEe<br />

Dalc and Fuller (1982b) fou&t rh r@slcd fed completelv ibsorbable mderirl<br />

(glucde+n.rch) 25 8/bnd level, decfased FEn+UEe losa fronr 13 80 to ll 69<br />

Kcal/roo$ct24 hr and excrelt ourtul 4.55 ro l5? !/@o$cd24 hr The obsncd<br />

decrerse h enetgy crcetion of roo$e6 fcd i co Plct'lv<br />

abrcrb*lc n{kri rs<br />

corntrrcd rc lasrcd rcoslcs was tssu$.d (o bc duc lo thc sF ing action of nrscncd<br />

unfgy ofl rhe crhbolisD <strong>ot</strong> bodv ri.sues When rbc Slucorc led @crs wec u*l is<br />

ocgrtive corrrol!, tlt T<strong>MII</strong> dfcon! !(ered bv I 7% ('rc 16lo35?Kcrl/!) x"d<br />

E I N'tU oI s<strong>ot</strong>hatr Ddl d(ruascd bv ? l % (troN 2 90 lo 2 81 Kc /g)<br />

stncy ud Allcn (198h) EIDncd nt N'rn l;lin+Ulir $crdion irr 24 hrDtriLitl<br />

l('ll{trviru xr irritirl 24 lrr IN i'r llrllc Linl]l<strong>ot</strong>r !ce$ ldgnrg irr scigl lid 3ll7 [r<br />

la57 g as 3 4S1.8?2 Kcrl ttr g.o--<br />

Sibhrld aM Wolynclz (1981) condtrcrcd rn crpc<strong>rnn</strong>crr h ehich rl'c eN4f rid<br />

iir'Dlcr vonlrd hy coct.rcls dLdB ll'u Inr 'l8 ltr ol cdr or r'urtcn 72 hr lins :8<br />

drJr rtflr. \ic'o rrflru!0tl llrr woN ll ScWl'cockcrch (lt0drv old)lionr0(l'ol<br />

8o n{nr rnd l? birds C68 drvnnd) ironr cdr ol rvo ntil lvpo skir$ Inrh<br />

t:ljrD+u[c rnd l:N+uN v ic{] tr<strong>rnn</strong>rg riN l)crtuds<br />

rrd a00rg bitds rnd n|pcrd l()<br />

h. rsl,icd n, i|!1rh!lic [rxiv ezc Sirtrihr nrrctDs $crc ob$^sd lvltr rhc lilid+{rric

dara weE corecrcd to !En+UEn. Thcr€ was also signincam (P< 01) quadratic<br />

rcliLtionship between lmtie k'nFnture and FEn+UE!, FN+UN and FEn+uEn<br />

vith high$ excrera ouFns b.ing siared witb either los or hieh rcDp€rt<strong>ot</strong>cs<br />

sibbald dnd wolydE (liE !t!di.d in scvl- c@keets, initiallv f'sEd for 4a<br />

hr o clear fced residu6 fom rh.n.lim.nt.ry dn.l and r,En fa$'d for addniodl rl<br />

days to mclire FEm+lrE , FN+UN.n

valu€s {crc lo*r lov l.v.ls of iopul and itccased it a cuoili*tr datu( as mpur<br />

tcvel i aa!.d. whilc TME valud w.e nor.ffcct'd bv Lv'l of fccd inpur' sibbald<br />

O976b) r.ponen valua of dif.r..t v.ricri€s of barleti wh"i add oar for TME and litE<br />

as 3.4s, 2.88; 3.68, 3.38i an

Dal€ and Fuuer (1980b) ssyed livc broitcrdi€s forAME.ndTME. The dict5<br />

had AME imEaed by i(Mcnt of lto Kcrt/kg arom 2860 to 3l@ Kcat/kg. A<br />

comisrem rcratiooslrip wa ob$.vcd bctw.cn dE dcrcmritud AME and TME conrcnb of<br />

dE lire rcstdiers. The TME values wer€ 13 |o 14% sreler rhan rhe corcpondi.g AME<br />

vilu€s. Chick growth rcspoB inproved Nirh incrcasing diekry ercigy dc$ny upro<br />

3065 Kc.l AME/lig (TME 3458 Kcartg) 'rhire fced cfncicfty codiN.d ro inpove<br />

dvorglout rbe range or.ft.By lcvels rcsed. WIErrEi cxpressed as AMe or TME,<br />

dskry crloric levels corctared qc[ wnh tced eficieNy<br />

Muztrr ind Slinger (t98la) assaycd srnpt.s or35 conrlercial portrry diers tro,r<br />

rirc rcgions oI Cnnrda lor TME while MEn scre cdcutded from ave4ge adtysis<br />

rigurcs. Ihc tohtionshit lDtween fME ! j tvlE was e rircd in rwo ways Fnsr, r<br />

lvlljD vilucs wcrc nrhitlicd by 1.097, thc rrckr ro co.vcn Mni ro TMI durivcd by<br />

Sibbrld (l9??!) rnd rhc rosuhs wcrc cort|[rc! rvnh re co csPondirg dclcnriocJ lMIl<br />

vnlrcs jhc llircc dili0rc&c butrvccr rhc cii'nnrcd ir|(l dec nirrd lME vnlocs<br />

' gcd lr<strong>ot</strong>rr -r 8 k, + l4.T ftr dilttrcnr di{\'l tE rmio dl dcrdnrincd tME:M!tr tu,<br />

v us dicN wJs nlso {lculalcd wbi.h vMi.d coNidcfthtt h<strong>ot</strong>h hcAvcen tosioN ud<br />

\erlhnr(gi<strong>ot</strong>rno[0.957l<strong>ot</strong>.20.1.ttrdrllslglcstcdtt! ltElMlj6s]coutdnolbc<br />

!su'l (' iccr(rcl! n'onnor r MIir co cnraldicrj iI corNcfciit pr.clicc. tlowcvcr,<br />

rllr nry I'rvc bccr duc rr i prccitdr nr d(-aItD drh o. h rhc MEn vdtuus or l{rh<br />

llluztlr a.d Slnrg.r (l98lh) ron,FsJ rtre rcsuhs of rhe l ME and AMD rssrys<br />

rr illrccr[! drlrcrcnccr ir ME ol co Md !)tbcrD trHt Thc rvenSe ficlor lb,<br />

lMIj:t,It obtii"Nd i dB liilh xtrd t{N trlcrn \<strong>ot</strong>tErn cit .nd corn ecE LtoE_<br />


1.224 and r'<strong>ot</strong>7 sp@dvelv Faclo6 for sovbear neal selc subsianriallv h'gher Md<br />

rhoe for corn oNiddblv loser thu th' contdion fac@r of l-og7 r'poncd bv sibb'ld<br />

(19??a). Thee r€sul6 indicatcd rhxl dEre righr be no cosisteDt rehriooship b€twen<br />

AME rnd TME aldough |heeticallt thee should b! a codistent r'ldrioship beMeer<br />

lhes t*o e*rgy naec egardls$ of $e f€'dsNff asev'd'<br />

Schlng.nd lhtilon (l9sl) conlprred a apid bio'$av fo! AME (Farell ltTS)<br />

atul (hc bioasv lor TME (sibbald l g?64) bv usiis SCWI rmste* The AME vtlu$<br />

{npid bi@ssy) for $c fcedsutts rcncd wee {'iff'€<br />

(conwrtioN metlrc

ingrcdients {.re Nayed for TME and CP contenB On tlE bsis of rh€s! Malysis, four<br />

is@loric, Lsoniltugc.ous dicls wrc lrr.parcd using thc asycd lols of insrcdietu in<br />

!3ryins proponio.s. In dll diets critical nurieDts w.r. i.cluded in eress ol<br />

rcqnireme<strong>ot</strong>s, etrrgy thus bcins limning for oprinral clticli p.dnonarcc ln a thEe w4k<br />

grcwrb trial, chickr E@iving .ach of the (.n dieG exhibir?d vinuall, idcni@l bodv<br />

sciEhr giins and red convclsion fttio tt wN concludcd rhar rhe TME svsr.n provid€d<br />

a hGhly satisfactory mcasurc ol lhe caloric code<strong>ot</strong> of tn i4.dnufis and wcre apPlicablc<br />

ro broilfi (Dale aftd Full.r, 1982a),<br />

2.t.121[lE .ddilivily<br />

D e ;nd rullet ( l98oc) dcr*Nntcd l ME vrlucs ror five feed irgrcdieob Gorn<br />

dchollcd soybern nDal, conr glucn itrl, iish ntrl ritl Poshrf bv lroducl ncrl) a<br />

dftcco.ntndioN of tsc ingndicnrs, usilgscwl- roosre6.6 wcch old broilcrnrlus<br />

(cobb), rnd 6 vcck old irlc turkcy Dollrs<br />

(lirsc vhnc) \rrluus ror dt itsrcd(rl<br />

c.tr,btrrrion. ff $rycd wnh rhc Ilrcc.l6scs ol birJs sllNLd lifl'renuus ol396 or lcss<br />

lcNftn ircdi.rc'1" rnd 'dcruanirKl" irr suvd oi nii( conrFris.s n 'crrrg I<br />

5rrirlicktry dcgrcc ofl|(llliliviry ol'lMljvtlucs laf rl'$c r!r!'lrms<br />

Sil,hrld d dl. (1t8fi) cviludcd scvcn l$dsruil! i d {l rccd trriiur's li'r-flvl ll'<br />

cli rnd tnxi dc consrnucnh CoorNrison5 wcrc trrdc hcNcrd<br />

'MIl<br />

r|Iou-qh ll( obscocd {Nlyli$l valtcs ol llt Nirlur.s dnd rh! \i u* lrcdicul<br />

vilres obhtr'c'l<br />

Iron llt<br />

drrr dcscribnts rhi. connirurlr Dds ht x$uuing addnnn\ The dilf.e'k' bcrNcco<br />

obrcrlcd nrd nrodictcd lMEvrluusscrtri ilrrk,rlt{dillcr.ncesinlhe<strong>ot</strong>hcranrlvtigl

valu.s.,Thc Nerage err<strong>ot</strong> ol PEdidion wd abou 2 5% oflne obse'ved TME value<br />

2,l,ll P!.dicuon oITMO<br />

Sibbald e,4l (1980b) ustd dau dcsribine 4r9 comcrcial poultrv te'ds and 4l<br />

dixNrcs of fc.dstuffs @ d''lop multiplc lif* r'gdion 'qu'tioN ror prcdic(in! the<br />

TME ulu.s of Bixcd lee& Equarions using the lne vrr ithl' coobinalions EE CF'<br />

$h" aod ' EE, cP, NFE' *ee eqlally uetul Ns pedicto6 ofIME expl'inirg about<br />

80% of c variadon The co nEdhl dlti Ec split ino rh@ sroups and rlE eqltrioN<br />

Sibbald drd Slnlger 0962) observed I close rcldtiodhip bd$een th' cla$ic'r<br />

AME.nd AMEn ralu.s bare'l on rapidlv sowing chict'n Tbs 1vo&'6 alb round<br />

du( rlte eu@ and a ounr of dierarv pt<strong>ot</strong>cnr had hrk etiici on the mgnitud' of $e N-<br />

cofltction By conka6(, duing TME6s!vs rest 'ninrah dc in Egdiv' N brlamc' thns<br />

th. TME as dcsribed bv Sibbald (1976t) did nol include i N{<strong>ot</strong>r'ction Mlzlar c' a/<br />

(19?8) tbuft nature birtu to b€ ii negarive N brlancc or25 and j0% npelecd 'neal or<br />

rrpcsecd diels, Ihough thc exPerinent involved 'o irst ind de bids on an awrasc<br />

consumed abolt 50 !o 60 g olcach di.l dail, lor 4 davs Ddle lrd Fuuer (l98la) Du<br />

I,recz ct dl (1981) {dd McNrb lEhcL (1981) repoflcd lhd iincd t@n'6 voidcd<br />

^Dd<br />

hishlv digestiblc ingrcdic s sh'fts<br />

$lnilicr ly nrore eicBy thar o c! Icd Nrincd<br />

.r 4l (1980r)epo.red rltc'lMIir values <strong>ot</strong>c<strong>ot</strong>r' sovbeatr nhlinJ rrpt&ed Ndlro bc<br />

sul)srr(irll/ lo\cr lhrtr t colror0ondiig 1ML vrlucs<br />

ivlu.hr rnJ Sl6gcr (l18ld) cvrlurtd N cordrion In TNE rilucs ofNxcd d'cts<br />

r.d iirglc ir!r.di.dl! usirrg nMturu SCWI- nx[lcrr Nilh 24 lrr lirsr' 21 hr cxcrarn<br />

nrllgdnnr, ird ll) l0 g llcd illl)u( Thc lllED vrl$cs ${u co$isr' lvhirnur(l'< 05)<br />

rl,Jr rh. coiicsto.dirr! lMll vrlrc\. 'l[is ir icxrcd aftr loss i'r bod' niltcr r] rhc<br />

br!d\ 'lho c<strong>ot</strong>rclrlnnr b0twccn N irrl)tr rnll N cooac(idr lr{d lighLv (l'

over.stimtion of.ndogenous energv R'Poru bv P'soG 'r a! (1982) and Sibbrld aml<br />

Mor* (1983) hid ds supportcd lht @ of a Netetion in TME ssavs'<br />

Dale and fulle! 1984) irNestig 'd r'hriodhip be$cet rhe p<strong>ot</strong>ein conren' or<br />

redsNlls and lhc tllgninrde of diffcan" bct@n @cponding TME ad TMEi sing<br />

fifty rwo snphs oi f@d insredienB rninuE of ingt'die s and mixcd feeds *ith inpur<br />

bv.l 30 g, 24 hr fdting and 48 ht @Idtion Pcriod A psnive €lationshiP wa<br />

obsded betw.en $. polein co e oflhefeedstunplesand<br />

lhc mtgnnude ofdifference<br />

berw*r detmimd TME and TMEn values A$'ycd samPtes {ilh simila' ProEin<br />

Lonrunb 147 to 54t) had lowel \7 2 o ll ?%, TMEn tEn TME<br />

Sibblld a wolvncE (198J) 6|)oned rh he rcgression <strong>ot</strong> FBn+Ulle on<br />

FN+1,N,yicldcdasl<strong>ot</strong>cestirDrrcDill54!4I2XI/goinilrogenwllichisn<strong>ot</strong>dirieeil<br />

(P> 05) irod vrtucs connnornv uscil o concol hiorujl{ble cncrgv vrlues |o zcfl)<br />

2.2 Amino rcid availabililJ h fccdstutts<br />

'lhc AAA is rlt norli,m ol irlilkr dids shich is rutu'llv rnsorbcd nr I nrrr<br />

sur, tlt k{ rr'lt(i,rr M(rh,kl. { J(rflnrld! rNnu *tu' ""'u""'u' '* ""'" '<br />

!r!d iNlrdcb<strong>ot</strong>hrii riwr nr rttu rnPr<strong>ot</strong>uhs (McNab, I979) lI rev€r' rhc rrl'od<br />

ut ctu,icc DUs lt b$cd o. lltlr ittu (ilqir: pEirion *'silirilv dnd '!e of<br />

cxecurioi ,l,tro ssrysdoos rdll\vrvrcontl clvcli wnh'r !iv' nrrl'ods'lhc !hc[<br />

gro*rl' rsay n a shrulMl nEtlk uicLl ro 6*s biologic'l avaihbilky of rino rcd5'

This rctlro

deteinined TAAA of stver fedstuffs (i igated wnear' irrisaled nilo corn sovbean<br />

nerl, sunflover mcal d'hyditl€d alfalfa derl lnd mett anit bone mcal) hvusinS SCWL<br />

cocle!€ls. Tle overallTMAmdme Lvsavailabililv for ihe fedstuffs werc ror wheal<br />

96.6, 9? 6%: milo 81 4 73 l%i corn s5'5 94'6%i sovb'an m'al 89 6 88 7%i<br />

suono*er n.al 83 4, 73 5%i alftlf! 6erl75 8' ?5 2% 'nd hear and boc nctl 84 7<br />

Muzrnr ahd Slingei (1980) obscdcd higher AAAA and TAAA valucs oblarnd<br />

by teding the corn mned with baeldier as co$pared to lcediha as Lhe sole ingrcdEnr<br />

durirg bio6$v lbr NrirF cid avaiubility usn|g rdulr @'kereh vtlucs of AAAA md<br />

,,tnn,., ""." "t'*' *UU o'*l dicr ! l co N the s'D ingredienL r{ngcd 66 88 36_<br />

looi46'87, 84-lOO% rcspdlivelv Cl Do6[v at|d Roodb€cn (1984) dcrcnnincd rnrilro<br />

Nidlviil ilnv oflricd Putr' $lrtc le l*!me0l 0oulrrv bv_ptrdr<strong>ot</strong> nc meatmerl<br />

!&l soyb'-rr ntcrl using brcilcr chicb rll.f corecrnrg lbr crnloccrous rnx'trcids Tl'c<br />

prorcir na rvr atllirv or mino rcidr nr dricd tonlkv $rde r'cNhc! nrNl louxrv hv-<br />

;':;, ','"., "'""' "'""' "".r '"thon trr'ir vcc 18 t8 81 or ' 6r '65 56 62 rnd 44 2e 7<br />

i :r'c8 rrr' 8r' rn't9:Z rcsP!'rivult lhc dricd lo{|fv stslu conunrd rll h<strong>rnn</strong>'!<br />

(scnlrl rnrino rcidr lr lirllcr ciMrl \(s lrc M{ lidirin! lirlkNcd rv lli\ rNl<br />

Lyr I'r $vbcrn nrrl onlv Mel e$ Inririrrg' tlE nrcar rcal wrs sutrLior k' v'vtrrr<br />

^il l\n C)' llc I vs rnd llr<br />

Dllu 2r dl (lt6r) lo! d 0! |AAA ol 16 rurnF &ids l!(rccl83 6 ind 9l lt<br />

rN,rl In i\rrLbrliv Jl<br />

h nlillfl I,(ocin cortrcorxt (l'ro-$n)Nhich lrd 52 ?% nrolc'n rnd 3 28 Kcal/g TNll!<br />

JohN d .l 119s6) toNncd ll tn cNLcm discs(ibilnJ<br />

tchnnluc Srvc nPlrNirl'lv

highe! .dino dd dig6ribility v.lu6 {hcn hcat dMg.d m( ald boE mal was fc

Barbolr ant Sin (l9l) obs'N€d TAAA rhrcugh quict( bioasv BnC6 for<br />

soybeanocalS?'96%,cuolasd?l_IOO%'<br />

can<strong>ot</strong>ameal79-98% naiseed79_91%and<br />

flax n4173_95%. Wirh rne €xccption of ttis and Cvs whce lowcr availabihv values<br />

serc doilcd, the anino eid avrilabiliry i! camla Prcducs *s l<strong>ot</strong> dife@r (P > 05)<br />

frcm tho5. of sovb€an turt TlE av'ilabilirv of rru ll' Vtl Phc and Md in flax<br />

ploducb {.G low( (P < 05) thd thos' oi canola prodnc6 'nd sovb€an oeal<br />

Han and Pare6 (I9l) rePort€d rverige true di8'siibihv ol amino acids irl<br />

fearhcr .al lhich nnged fton 7l l |o 80 5 aod 7? t to 8?wilh ca46mmiud and<br />

inract ccli.rcls *hak uue digAribilnv ol Lvs a'd Cvs wce lowd aNonB tl'c<br />

irrdisprnsiblo rdirlo lcds kc t' n/ (1995) dciciiDnrl IAAA !trd AAAA in tlll llrr<br />

sccds, <strong>ot</strong> r, oi llux !ftlca$h hy lllcc Iceding a$ry 'lhc TAAA of nax $cd rdd<br />

mc.l r gcd lthvcdn 7l a l89% Ntrd thil of canou sc'l ind nEll ianged Letiven 78<br />

alxl 94rl Alnrgcnufl ti'<strong>ot</strong>a i@&nk hdnola$cd rwrc m<strong>ot</strong>u avlilablc lhrn rho*<br />

iI.rDolr rMlr' lhis was t{i rhs<br />

''rsc wnh flu trd vs Irar rtcll TIE A AA of llrx<br />

r;crl r l sc! rrt-qsl iro 6l h 85% rnd rlnl ofcrNh lro ?0 b 87% fhc<br />

rvril iliries oi h. llis lru. l')s llrr rNr'ftr nr crroll scod dd ntll vcrc l'rglrul<br />

(|< 05) d (ho* n' [u *a\t rikl trlcxl<br />

ticm-dc/n l'$on\(l9r6n) obscrvcdnftdigonibl!! nrncidsi.co(or\u'd<br />

ntrl ir $ruour n!tr| dcrcrnrirtd llrough Prccision fcd roostcr rslt rvclc tr' llt<br />

biorviilnbli DiorHihhilnv oicoronsccd nrrl aRl so'bcun 'F!l was thun ftscs$d hl<br />

chick gro$tlr asrv 'lhc rc$tls ercrlcij rhrt biorvlilrlilitv of rc diScsLiblc t-)s tr'<br />

conon*cd <strong>ot</strong>rl rnd thc 'ligciiblc t'vr rrd vrl in sovbcrn $cnl did n<strong>ot</strong> diltcr (P> 051

frcm rmt lor do6r rcsPoE prml.F. Bi@vailabilitv of th. dig6tiblc val in<br />

cortoNe.d nerl Biged fron 78 to 96tr d.P.nding on ea.ious r€sponse pttu'cB !l<br />

war comludcd th$ dig.stibL Lr3 r l V.l in s<strong>ot</strong>b..n nql ad @nodcd ncal as<br />

ma$€d ty rh. prcision f.d rcos.G ey ,d al'nost b.allv biovailabl. for P<strong>ot</strong> in<br />

rt hcsis. Howcv.r, whcn soyb.5n nBl au@lav€d for 40 or 60 oin' thc biorvail.bilitv<br />

of dig.sribL Lrs baed on misht Crin or czsr Lvs gtin w.s 81 to 87% and<br />

silnifican y lc$ (t

Lys concnt in €rcla Ml {.s rcduc'd nark€dlv bv imrc$'d a oclivins timc wnh<br />

liul€ or no effers obsctved aor <strong>ot</strong>hs lnnb acids Truc digstibilitv of indhp'nsable<br />

anioo rcids dccrEd (P< 05) as lu'@lrvins dm ircr€ed sith LF prcvidina rhc<br />

mo$ nokbl. chanSc Th. rmino acids wtich wer€ efiEGd by ov'r prcssine ircludcd<br />

Thr, Cls. Mer. ltu and Arg Anrino &ids for ehich rheF e* m cosise<strong>ot</strong> 'rf'ct due<br />

o auclaving imludcd Val Il. and Ph'<br />

Zhang lnd Pdons (1994) studied the effecl of ovc! p@sing on theNirition{l<br />

qlalny of sunflo{.r roI. Slntlowe! nEnl wns lutdiav'd at l2l "C afli 105 kP! lor<br />

O,lO, 60, or 90 nin. A pccision lcd cctctls digestibilitv 'sav using cadciomrzcd<br />

birds indicded lhdr rrue digesribilitv of dolino $ids in rdn[owcr Nenl dccruascd ds<br />

rchvnrg lnnc iMued. 'Llt .tltct ol rur@laving on digestibililv w8 gEatn lbr<br />

l,ys, whce ns digcsibilirv nr sLDll(^vcr dul \vis 86 5'l' 41and l5% whcnNrehvcd<br />

tu 0, ]0,60, goNi. rcslcctivclv clicl g(nvr[ l.nifln$ce also'lco'c!$d ns icd oo<br />

dicB hvnrg drrdhvcJ $oll(^vcr uil<br />

2,2,1 Fildogct<strong>ot</strong>s crcrdnnr {'l n nro n'ds<br />

sibhrld (19?9J) r+onrd rlirt r Iirnr rcids cxcsrior vrlucs forceIc(lr dul)"vcd<br />

of lad tu 2.1 lr rlu initiil lisntg oi ll lrr Nctt Ah l? l' gr 20 6' Asn 30'l Glu<br />

48r,llis l?.0, llc ll0. lru 25 5. l)s2l 4 l\1cl5 0 l'hc t2 2 l"o244 Scr266<br />

'lh 10.8. 'ltr 15 o rnd vil l? o ntg/[irJ/?l ln Kcssl{ 4r a/ (1981) uscd i'tNcl rfld<br />

ciccscl<strong>ot</strong>rrircd nduh SCWI- coclictuls lnfcd '<strong>ot</strong> lJ hr rbr rhc dckrnrn[rion <strong>ot</strong><br />

cndogcnous duo lcids cxcrcrion l( Nrs norcd llur MrnD lcid s{ctDtr v'!u* rdc

norsisnific.ntly difi.En. (P>-05) b.tween inrad and crccectodized co.kcls for }lis<br />

or Md, howerer, all tbe <strong>ot</strong>hc! amino rcids wcE signific. ly diff.e<strong>ot</strong> (P

cids. Randjo and Fu'cll (1984) aho r.poncd sinilar lindings<br />

Giccn (1988) studidl rhc elfcct oa dieBry fibF on lhe excFlion of endogcrcus<br />

iftino acids fron i acl tnd caeccloniztd c@lcrels Eigh diels bat'd on mtia $arch<br />

and sucose w.E p!'9ated coouining sround draire hu!*s or smi pulincd w@d<br />

celluloe, qirh 30, 60. 90 or r20 e iibr s@c p€r kg of di't' lt w's obsett'd th't dr'r<br />

hdd no innuence on the qlanliries of erdogenous amino rci& or cndosercus raccll<br />

nitrogcn cterion n ws rho mlcd ihai a propodi<strong>ot</strong>r of ftc aNim acids and n(ogcr<br />

ol rho nai4 nusts lnd of cndogeDous origin appcai'd lo b' &sadcd or ciaied in tu<br />

Kienr (1989) found (ha( lhe excrcdon oi 'nriro tcids v$ hrgher rolr<br />

ctcccrorrizcd coclicrls lhm ftom ir rct cockercls fcd on orolcin frcc di'B lo<br />

prnicul*, crccccxnnizcd cdt$cls li l sigdflc$ily highcl cndo8clous sccrulrods ol<br />

Asp,']ltr, Scr, Cl! loa'dllisn icnlins rhar ll$sc 'minocidt wcrc prnicllarlv li$L<br />

!' nricrobiil brcrt down i rltr cador' Snrihr rc$'lG wcre rup<strong>ot</strong>rcd [v PrrsoN (1984)<br />

DictnrJ Pr<strong>ot</strong>eir rnd rrrrrirto rcids rcqtrircnrctrl or<br />

N io l liusrt'lr co!rcil (|)sr) sncllorrl R6d(h Council<br />

AlnNnhrio. EqlilitLc Coilnc sv (1987) hdd suggcsr'{ nuricnls tcqunun$l<br />

(l97tJ n<br />

lor rlr<br />

rtpt ol Poullry bndi lt$' luiJc ln$ suil *ell ro ftcnnoNul'rl cnvirod cDr' llLgh<br />

rnrbi{nr (Drlolrlurc ir uccs Phvsiok'gici'l Nvl rrctlbolic chlnlet i tu birdr (l onui<br />

(sulun;c,hccd -{rowrh perlorn No r<strong>rnn</strong>v duc ro low lced i !!c (ltcsoo 1986) l|

dre iollosiog pa6goph!, di.rrry prorein add amino ncid (Lys .nd M.0 Gqui@e,ts ror<br />

brciler chicts Fnkllzdy ii nigh l.mp.latule aE t.wwed<br />

2.1.1 Diel..y nq!i.46t ud€r high tcrodalure<br />

P6ed .t al (l97l) @omcnded dietary lev.l oi 210 g/kg prcl.in wnh an<br />

cdet cod.dnuon ol11.9 to 13.0 MJ/(s dicl ror broild chicks during.a.lv $.8e or<br />

srcwrh. R o €t al. (1973) suSg6lcd prclein EquiEmenl in broiler arouDd 220 g/\g<br />

during nading !d 190 s/tg durios fi shing ph6es. Sinrih! values for p<strong>ot</strong>ein hrvc<br />

becn ftomeBh by Ooqdr d a/. {19?6) fo. broiler chic*s wih a ME coeormriod<br />

of 12 5 NU/(g dicr.<br />

'fhcE ft fcw rcpoirs co're.oin8 rfu rcquitomcnts oI liniring aDiro &ids li<strong>ot</strong>r<br />

lDdi( rtrd orlrr koltiul couurics, ShiDgIi cr d1 (19?5) recomn.nded I1.5 ! Lys/kl<br />

did, \vhilc SriEbvr.r a/. (1976i,b) NonD(.dcd lcvcl ol Lys and Mcr dN Ct! ^\<br />

ll I rDd 9.0 g Ag dicr. tcstuolivcly tu l,roilc^ chicls durn'g rhc hor$rsor. Sl!irr!fli<br />

z/ ./ ( 1976) .$nnrrrdcd I Mol..qui..!tcDt olxlDur5 ? g/ltg dic( tur broilcrs duril!<br />

rlrc lror sslnnr Dturi.r (l (1t75) K<strong>ot</strong>runcndcd, nl(nc ?10gwithMl!ll.?lvJ/kr<br />

d'er Inr bruihB.pn' 6 wccks ol ag. $hirc vnk ar al. (19?6) r€comnrftlcd lnnr lolcl<br />

ol Uoruir blr diilcrc lcvcloi ME (12.r MJ/ls diuo.<br />

I)rk rnd l:uttcr (1980r) nord lcprasrnB cil.cl on scighl sain, tc!.d inratc lnd<br />

ldgd grn' oI boilcr clricli rltrn !err& d 24Jl 'C !s ll.?l 'C tcnpenrure. 'lhc<br />

Ncirht gain, fen inhlc.r fccd: gri! vxlucs d rwo rcrnpcrnrures (11.23 vs 24 ll 'C)<br />

\ci3 Ll59 vs 99.1 !, 2641 vs 2216 g rid ? ?8 vs 2 25, respccrively Thct coftludcd

hlt 63% of d€Pression in groMh was dle o heai ste$ which us diccdy FlaLd !o<br />

Baghcl.nd PEdhtD (19894) srudied ercrgv' proEit dd limitinB adrrc aclo<br />

rcquicneDb of broiles verv nigh ambic GnpcBNc T* v oE deE *ee<br />

fonrula€d lo conllin lh€c lelch ofeer8' (lr'? 125and134MJ/kg) 4lcvelsol<br />

p<strong>ot</strong>cin (slatEr 200 220'210and250g grover l8o2oo 22o dtd240 g and linrther<br />

,UO. tro, ,* ond<br />

"O ,'*U' "d luo codcntdlions oi linitin8 aniso acids !<br />

' ' Lvs<br />

rnd Md Plls Cvs in ercll lhasc of gro{rh Fach dicr wd i'Il lo two groups of 15<br />

or"**. a* n"*t "t****<br />

rrrgcd froN 4t $ 5l 'c N marioun aMl L? ro 22 ',c<br />

rs nrtunnuDr rnd rhc dlalive huNidnv ngd fom 19 o 65% Bnds icd low c'us,<br />

,, ,., "u*, -u nou *ttt '50<br />

240 210 g/kgdicls wi$ $!!nird inclus'on de5 ol<br />

Lts rnd $lPhur contailnrg drrino ioids in sld'ling grosirg lnd finishiry dNs oL<br />

,.*Ut t*Uttd "r"'n"tu''<br />

g,vc grcxtr rlliuicncios of lucd {lilir'ton<br />

nighcr scigh$ llovcvct hich cftrgv' hiBh pr<strong>ot</strong>n! tl'rrr<br />

Al lilxtrvi rnd Sirrsl ( 1989) n{dicd lfu crtucr or rnruc lcNlr oL ln C h (26 21<br />

204) or btoilcr pc'roflnrnct in lhrcc scrsoos (lNl hund hrndrv a'! cold) ll(Ns<br />

atrr,,'", rt'"t" "t" "' hnilcr chic*r vrs silnilicr lv (l'< 05) hiShcr d h1!l'<br />

Prorcin l.vul irr rll rlrscnsuns 11t'toorcr' hirdsrrtnn'dd bdrcr incold<br />

(l$n lror-rutrrr<br />

or dlvlld condilirt$ &xlv rvci_qhrs r l fN{ c<strong>ot</strong>rvcsion ralio tor boilcrs d 6 wNk ol<br />

rso:cru 60l, 566 5a1g rnd 2 ?l : 8r' l'8? espccri!'lv on diers conoinnU<br />

26 :l<br />

oxl lrLJ<br />

- ,on t*tt lu cold hor dry rnd hol-lN id esoos bcli scigl[ Stin<br />

.,;;-'"<br />

^' " -"'-' " t $'c* lgc vcrc ?2e {s4 411smd178 2?e 286

Bathd ad Pmdhan (1989b) conducrcd brciter gtuwrh periomatuc rial (O-8<br />

weekt in hor hlnid crsons and found rn.xinMn w€igtt sain i. brcjtcB{r]68:1516 g)<br />

eceiving 25-24-21% plorcin wnh 2800 Kcat MPkg diet during slading. Cowing atuj<br />

flnishins Dh@s ol growrh How€ver, dre fecd urilizarion (O.447-o,4j4 BaitltedJ vas<br />

sl'ghrly poor a .mparcd ro bird receivins rbe sane tcvcl oa poreid bur 3200 Kcal<br />

ME/lg diet (0{ll 0.524 gain/fe.d) CoNidering rhc p.rfomance of brcitcB and rhc<br />

cost oi dieHrt *r!y, ir was sulg€$ed rtrar 2800 Kcal ME/kg diet lnd 25-24_21%<br />

pror.n' rlonlrilh t.2-t.G0 85% Lys and 0.93-0.72 0.60% Me! ptus Cys {is optinrunr<br />

ro. nanBg, g@in8 all(l firishint boilc,s.<br />

S cru n Pndlrn (1034) hr\c r.porlL{ !r ltr nrrer$d levcls olpmrch iI<br />

rr'c dicr dLlEyn dr .crcmio! oi rtrntu rcids Thc ter utiliaion <strong>ot</strong> dicrary porcnr<br />

ths h rgcly dB tu poo! rrlnb mcid b nku nr B d'cb. TtE udtialion <strong>ot</strong> proonr wJ\<br />

rcr .'r ro rhc rdcnri(nr ofMrnm &idr<br />

lhgh r ttdtr (r9t0) srrdicdrtrcliqcrof j tcvcts<strong>ot</strong>MD(2800. lOO0, jzOO<br />

K!rr/Kg) rid4lcrts ofpftrcur nrdi|urudr|hrsu: (nrrr*20,12, 23 rd ?5%, groMl<br />

13, 20, ?2 rd 24t: fi Dnhcr 16, ld, 20 rM 2t y, or growo or brortcrs u!!o 3 wcckr<br />

.l rrc Dic$ nr iunh!, llowing rnd t0^hirg lhdus or'gtuMh corlrin.d L:. O 9tZ.<br />

: I ul, 0.72: d 0.35, 0 6O7a t_y\ rDd sutphur aDilo icrus, rcspecnvcry lr w$<br />

ol)vn.d rh ift5trctivc ol rhc lcvrh oi tr!rcnr. didr,y cnc|!) rcvels drd nor lr l<br />

!!nrllefl intluc&. on tlt *c,gt giin (Jvcftg. giin lI g) ol brorteG durirU srdins<br />

llirc (01\@tt tvhite, r& bruitcr Kcning 2800 or tO00 Kcat MB(g dier nl

sloqing PlrM (3 6 w.€b) tld 28OO Kcal ME/Kg di't in linistins phae (G8 {ek) had<br />

;ignitic'nrlv (? < .05) hishd {eighr s'iN or rhc oih'r sidc icsp@rit' <strong>ot</strong> th' Lrcls<br />

oienc!8],21or25% P<strong>ot</strong>cin h s$ning phaF 2z or 2 r% p@tcin in Srosing<br />

phae and<br />

18 to 20% prolon in finishirg phis {ee csponsible for sisnitiont highct wiSh( gdn<br />

Muha.i .' al (l9l) $udied rlE 'ff41 oi 3 di'tatv<br />

pr<strong>ot</strong>ein lev'ls (20' 22 and<br />

2at) and 3 efrgy lcvcls (2500' 2?oO aod 29oO Kd MgKs) on broiles under decp<br />

|(Lr system of housirB Tle pertornan" of chiclis Nas cv'luated fron *e'k l 8 oI age<br />

with t6Prt ro bo'lt w'ight Sain DM i'hke lnd f'ed conversion cfficicnry in iuunnr'<br />

vi er, sunNerand ilinv sersons Dict pror'in (24%) had signilicrntlv bc cr oo<br />

'fi@r<br />

body ucighl srin io d'd inv slsoN' Ar 29oo Kcal MBK8 tu Frbmr@<br />

'sunmcr<br />

rn lenns ofbodv wcigl grin r'd rcc'l clricicncy wrs silniirct lv bc|(d$allslsoN<br />

nN cficcl of sc$oi wis significr ly herlc! n! aururd on bodv *ei8br gnii r] ii<br />

sulncr or nnikc !s wcll is on lcdl EfliciDtut i'o@in nd cr*tsv indoclion<br />

*ds bcu<br />

.n."" *"' 'n " * "n nrnrnr r 29m Kcrl MF'ts in rulunu ud !der' 21%<br />

pnnctu d 2](x) (crl ivlltlis irr srniEr rr :1% Fnti'r r 2tO0 K$l MnKg i| iul<br />

S.nft (l9tl) nudicd tiN cLlco( <strong>ot</strong>clcli g higlr urvironntitrl unNr uru o<br />

8n)vl[ F-rr'onnru oL broils ohi<strong>ot</strong>\ 'llc hroilcrs *'rc rerrcd lroN 2] o 49 drvs or<br />

o! 21 9 $ 15 'c<br />

ir" ." .*' '" -"** 'enr|{rrrLtrc<br />

" ' cvcln$ tish rcq&r ua<br />

lkoilcrs rc$cd undur ovclnrg high rc Frrrur' srDss llincd 2l% luss vdd (l'< 051<br />

rlun rhos( iilhe rhernlonculfllcnvnonnrcnl linns inllt23 9 oc €nvironn*nr<br />

I l% 'r$ic cfllciorl (t'< 05) i'r rltc oonvsrsn <strong>ot</strong> fcln rc scighl Udr'<br />

wdrc !li'

2.3.2 Diet.ry lercl ol lyline lu broile.s<br />

Izqui.do er a,. (1938) cpoftel disesribilily d availabilny ol Ly3 in L-Lys dcl<br />

as cvaluaten by pncision i.d mne. and cbick growrh Nsays ws. i<strong>ot</strong> sigoincandy<br />

Holsheiner md VeerKamp (1992) in a broilfi grcwrh pcrfomaM trial found<br />

'hd at equal dierary Lys com€nr, cfiick, on dicrs eith lhc nomal CP @nrcnt (Pncricrl<br />

value) had . higb.r gain .h.n rhc chick on rhe lrigher CP dicrs. At equal dicbry CP<br />

conE.r. chicks on dicis wirh a hth Lts co enr hid a hiBbcr grin rhrn on a nomll Lys<br />

coDtc . u ws c<strong>ot</strong>uluded rhar Lys oeeded tof nrixnnungainand maxinumf€cd togain<br />

rario $ N lituar tirnction of |he dieury Ct, co<strong>ot</strong>ent. 't he dierdry Lys equiEmen6 shoutd<br />

bc snccilicd s I nroponion oi llN prorjn Md nor is i ptupo ion ofth. dicr,<br />

Ildshcnncratul Ruesink (1991) rin|lld drr ty iturc^sing (he dictry lcvei<strong>ot</strong>!rs<br />

'n rl'c honcr shn* ud fi.ishcr didrs upb O.l5%, bin s grined ?O g.xtrn bo

280I pr<strong>ot</strong>cidrg. h tbe fud experlne 0 o6, l2 or I E g DL_M'/tg P4 'dded b<br />

dLc Flculitcd to co ain 160. r80or 2OO s<br />

acids rcqli@cnt for bdlv weighl Sain irceaed 's<br />

prorei'Vts TIE $lphlt codaining mino<br />

dieurv D<br />

Reg!.ssion tMllsis itrdiated a cquicm' of 38 g sulphlr co aiting asim acids/tg<br />

pocin. The Lys suDplemcnmlio. providcd a oinioum of l0 s/kg Th' Equientnt<br />

for sulphur conhining mino dcids Per lnir of di'r incrcdcd o'lv sli8lrdv as pror'in<br />

concenmrioo increased indicaling lhat below 2OO g pr<strong>ot</strong>cin tEr kg ofdict he sull'lrur<br />

co rining amiN acids ftquiftme inct'0sed per u l <strong>ot</strong> prolein qi|h supplenrcnration<br />

of{hc second li0iiinS anrno acds<br />

Ilan.r d/ (lt9o) rcpo ul dilesibilitv rnd availibilit' oiMd{ as 100% in l)l-_<br />

lvtcr $ c$luarcd by prccision ltd roosld Dstlc e| 4l ( 1994) lid broiler chicti ( 14 la<br />

dar5 ige) ondic$ having Mcl lcvch 'l4 17 4l '46<br />

52 and i8* lt w6 obsr$d<br />

tnar weigl Srin, led inhke rrrd leud tmcic'Ev incaascd vnh icsding luvcl of i\lct<br />

h lhc dict. 'll'c blNl wcighl glnr. $hl (cd nrakc lnd |ucd: grin v uds nneql !?ll<br />

1N?1g. :ll0r.l ll0 !, rtrd | 66-l ?9 3/! dspcclilcl,'<br />

2.1.J Didxry lc!cl ol.r$ro lcids ntrd lrolci't<br />

ir! broilss<br />

Slii tt.l dl {1991) iudid lhc clltcr ofaNioo &id lovcll vhic[ w(! 70 s0<br />

90, lOO, IlOor 120%oltu rcrorntc. L{ lnrino lcids vduca wi6ou( or Nnh ldtl Ll u '<br />

of L)s t .llvlut or tl'c t rr<strong>ot</strong>rn$cc oihoilc6 42 ro 49 d'vs oIr!r' ll a's lbund rlnt<br />

dicrart r inoacid lcvcls hrd tnrlc cltel oi body $cilhlB'in whcnmlcbeilers N'rc<br />

fcd dr.li cdfltri'rnrg l6s rl$n 100% oi c Rfon$Ended ' im rciil Lrch bclt $!'ghl

gaia lnd fdd lfficicmy d4re!s.d. The addition of Md and Lts to 'lt 90fr .oino icids<br />

dicr !ryrcv.d pcrfomur., hovcvq, lhc .ddilon of Met .nd Lys to lhe ?0% dino<br />

a.ids di.r had tu b.refEial .fi4..<br />

MoEn.r dl, (1992) shrdi.d rhe.ff.cr oa Educing diclary CP 23 to 20 ei 20 io<br />

l7% fro& 0-3 w€.k and l-6 w4k. Bp..riv.ly on dE p.rfomG. of boilcN. shil!<br />

saftfying rhim acid aquilllMl h wd aNd Lhx liv. bo

F.cd efficiercv qd also lover at rh! two higlesl lcwb of M't bul none of rhe lev€ls<br />

of ex6s of Lvs dcpcr*

chicks by 92, 79, 53, 50. 4?. 3r, 29, 15,9,4adOt, cipelivcly Eiclss olMcl w6<br />

obs.lved ro be moB grcwln dcPlessins th^r ei@$ of anl olher @ino 4id<br />

KalKcb@k 4 ar. 0991) r.d SCWL heB (31 wek or asc) on di.rs ,ith It<br />

addnioml L.Lys aod l% addilioul DL.Mdt ior 4 wc.ks of Podlcli<strong>ot</strong>.<br />

An lh'<br />

productioo parincters sere nol cfectcd b, I % addilional Lvs or M't indioring rh'r<br />

coNittcdble rolgaGe €xit.d in high producing hd lor aes of Lri 'td Met<br />

2.3.5 'lolal ts diS6tible .illno lcidt b$il ol lecd to'trrulauon<br />

Creen ( 1986) conpaicd the groMh pfifomanc' of broiler chick! (2142 dats of<br />

rgc) led on dicrs folmul.lcd on dD b$is oi rolal Lvs did discstibl' Lvs usiq thr*<br />

oilsccd neals (soybcm ncil, ripcs&{ nEnl rd suntlowrr 'Enl) d th' <strong>ot</strong>itr Lvs srcc<br />

l)uo ro low digsribilnv of Lvs in rrpcsccd nc {69%) rd siflord nrctl (757') did<br />

tunnuldiion bNL{ on ttnl lls i.sullcll in tercr goerh (7lO vs 814 g) and lBl<br />

oorvlrsnn (2.19 vs 2.17) rhM wlt' dicts wcrc i)nnuhrcd <strong>ot</strong>r diAcsliblc Lvs<br />

lolly (1989) Id lltnB Mns (19 r' 3fi scc!$ oL tgc) <strong>ot</strong>r di'b lonnuhcd on 0'c<br />

hrsis oi l(nrl !s diScsrruc l,vs rid Mci l{csrth ndi<strong>ot</strong>td rh F-rfonn"cD <strong>ot</strong>lEns<br />

rcduccd turcgg floductioi bv l'l'. cg! <strong>rnn</strong>ri oulpul (g/drv) bv 7% md lcod convcllor<br />

nt 5% ttd on dicts I$!d on ru$l vs diScnihlc Lts rnd Mcl<br />

Ircn$ndcz er d/ (1995) cvrluxlcLl lho Frloanrtrcc ol bioilcri lcd on dLcls<br />

r<strong>ot</strong>rhnring colto,Med ,rtil on iD crlui\rlcd robl rnrioo n'id bais vr !n eq!'rdunt<br />

drgc$lltcaNid<strong>ot</strong>cidb.rislorrld.drorco*$vblrnbn\cddictwcishtstin(27lvs<br />

J5l g) rftj lced ctti.icncy (656 vs 615 !/lig) ol chict! (8 22 drv) fcd 25% or mor(<br />


corlo's .d d.al on a t<strong>ot</strong>d amino tcidt b65is s/!l! Lss (P < 6) |br lho!' of chict! ftd<br />

irF @m{oyb..tr di... wcjgh Sd! el8 v' 233 d tld td #4" (693 $ 6E7 y'rs)<br />

of chi.b f.d 2ol @!od d.d oo t dE .ilbL dino *b B 'qrit'L!' o tb't of<br />

chtcLs fcd tbc c@ toyDa! b<strong>ot</strong>d dia' ht didary lc*l o' 30 alol @no'!.cd tEr<br />

d€pEs$.d srowth [t. (233 w 2m D atld f'd cfficic!" (5? t 6'E g^d .M or '<br />

d8e$ible b$k. It wt! c<strong>ot</strong>clu4d t}.t fomul'tio! of dict! Gdbng conoft"d mal<br />

or . dig.lriblc.tnim Ei.! b$i5 v$ sp"i<strong>ot</strong> to fmurr&r d | l<strong>ot</strong>il @i!o ci&


Tne 3rudv conptising f@r exPctitu'b war lld'ralcn b dc@diE TME tid<br />

AAA of ind igcnous Poul I ry f€edstufis gem8l lv used in poullry d icb in thc counl ry ' The<br />

dicory rcquiEme s of brciler chkks fo' AL tid AM *ft ale ess€d ln th' firsr<br />

rwo erpcriNe s, TME and AAA co e s ol Poulq<br />

le€dstltfs we'e decrflNd<br />

wheE6. in lhe ldt lwo cxp.rincns. lidary r€qu'r'G or boil" cnicks<br />

'or<br />

AL and<br />

AM wcrc a$e$ed duiing sunnf' All lne four c4lcriFena w"c conduct'd rr Ine<br />

A|lnn N(rnior tNtilu|c. Nntiornl Agriculrudl Rcsirclr Cenm lslamab ' t'ikMa''<br />

't& dehils ol ll[ cx0c.imcnK ad givcn d uftlcr:<br />

3.1 Drpcrimcdt l. DctcrNitntion <strong>ot</strong> trrc Inetabolizd)le cnergJ <strong>ot</strong><br />

poultry fccdstuffs<br />

Srnrdsr of rwcnlv (No |ccd$urh wcishing rlnrr 2 li! wcrc collcorud lon<br />

prinrr' irrlilr -u(c with tbu n cdio. o lcr qurlnv fti{nulTs rvtl'blc itt rlr<br />

eounky. l ht5c rrslsl!ll\ irrlldud:<br />

\'(R.'l\ !'.rn.<br />

c.{ ' r-r' $tril'ur' r'J \rr<br />

Crrcd ht.floducrs: Colt glulrtr ltcJ. r'c! Onishings ifil wlral t'r '<br />

SuArr i luvrt hy'podtr(: Moltsscs (crtrd)<br />

vcgeFblu rurri: G' !hrc. Ncat(lO%) cdrn slu|cn n"(6o%)'

couo$eed N.il (.x!.lkl rd elv.n .nrac€d).<br />

ru. o.!1, mpe*.d Gl (.!}cll6 .!d drc<br />

.xrFccd), ssnE cal, $Yb.d dql aod<br />

Blood nE!|, fish arc.l, r.d trgI .d Pounry by-product<br />

The* f.cdsufas wcE coaEly grculd 0.5 m o.dr si.c.d *c stoEd in<br />

pla3ric bonl.s ro. subsqucnt !* n! thc cioernEol.<br />

3,1.2 Dirds<br />

Onc rhousrRl dny-old nulc wlrir. Lgh<strong>ot</strong>u rhict! of Nil Chick sttuin rcE<br />

froc$Ed lhc clrioks Ndc rcrrcd lbll(trvitrr srNntun ficdi$.nd nu Ecnrnhl<br />

0rNriccs. Cril fe nrion s:s lsd for runring de bi.r5 op|o m[ditt. Aficr lhe.gc dl<br />

24 \ccl\, cockcruls ol unilnnn wcight rnd gdn 0lysiqs Ed *lt|/'rl for u$ nr TMl,<br />

d AAA nssrys. I hc rvcrrBc v.i!l't ol bndr u{d nr E dt0crimr nnBql lroh 2 t'<br />

2.25 Ks ll(trr.vcr, dr birdr u*n ir cNh l Mli d{y rtisltd lo thc Nrdsl l0 g<br />

.1, t.J lrcrrDoli( clrd ,cr<br />

'llrc o\nl<strong>rnn</strong>c Nlr cu uclc! irr nrl \rlic clEnrber 9(in!l) buill lo rl'd<br />

nnrpo$.l-hct \rua 20O.igcs $.lr trusurirB t8'd(a?,ll- lid.d 12'wid4 sltich<br />

Nere fixed ir r cl rbrr n d rmngcd ir llvo ross. Ca86 *er. $pplicd will lo,rg<br />

rroush N .rcrs id acqturs. S.pdrxc rlNcs collsti{r! rE s BE ieltt| beNnln 4lr

N N<br />

lrg I Skcrch of crscs rsc'l 1IlE i$irs<br />

Fi!. Il Skcrcl of lorcc lecdin! rru .Ni us.d TME.ssrvs.<br />


cagc- Thcs tFyr ec p.ovid.d wirh tq@y.bL vin l pL.ti. rhetl ror @y .nd<br />

conpler coll.ction of fa46. lne skctcn of lh. stc h down in Fig. L Controllcd<br />

cnvirom.n. wnh 20-22 'oC tenpcraruE, v!60t lMidny and 16 hr lishi *.s<br />

m.isBined throuSholt thc cxpdiment. Th. mod wE litc! eith he.t c .ir condniocr<br />

and cxhals! ilc to naintain rcquircd rood ldlpcslut Themomtcr ad huhiditv<br />

nrrcr wr. 1ls 6xed to clKk the niainu.rn Minm idlcdorc 'd hum'dnv<br />

0f rhc roonr. Elcclric rube lighc weE usdt tor poviding lnificial lighr'<br />

-1,t.1 !'orcc locdnrg atplmtus<br />

Six *ts <strong>ot</strong>iunnellnd plunger wec P'.paad bv joiong gtss tub' medurinS40<br />

ci! x I 2 cft qith glass fuNel tivnlg Iom dnsd'r aBl 12l cm lcf,Erlt bv ! ncxiblc<br />

rlbhc! trlbc Cl.sstud50oNI I l cr1 Yd usl $ r !l!ng$ llt skctchorrhc rlrcc<br />

Ircdng rpprtllus is owtr itr l:ig ll.<br />

I l.s rIlD tssy l..hniqut<br />

An risny rcclrn(Lrc dcvclo$d bv sihbald (l'86) w6 uscd lo dckrninc'lMli of<br />

vrrn)ux lcLdsrufl!. six hitds wcrc uscd torshfcdnlfro ''cisuiu LME sn'co ll'crc<br />

\!N frcilnr bconducr nriry rs\arsn(alirr* oEornpN rn oe fce{sluf1vrto lcscd<br />

ri'luhrNourlt A sgl ol rtuthor six bird! $tvcd N Egilivt 'dnml uscd |o do(rDlrr<br />

rdogcnous €xcrerbn ol umrgv llt drb $ ohui*d wce ued<br />

ourtuts ol .ll bndr uscd lor .rssit oI oN or mrc drn od fcedsbff al orc (ioe 'I hc<br />

bnd\ und{ trril w.rc trar vld lnr 48 l$ Drnrs rsliru lll th{ birits wcte crcp nNblt'd

ith rwo do$s ol 50 ml .&h of an 4ueos gluco* elutior (500 e/k9<br />

at 6 and 32nd<br />

hi aftcr feed wnhdm*al (McNrb aM Bliit, 1988) Aft€r fasrin8 period' cockelels in<br />

karr*nt grcup wec ctop inmbalcd Nnh 50 I of goond sn?i' of thc f"dsNlf ehile<br />

cdk rcls in eglrive co rol sroup r€ceived two doscs of 50 ml of aqu'ous glucose<br />

sorurion i5oo 8/ks) ar 8th ind 32M hr to ivoid @t bolism (McNab dd Blair' 1988)'<br />

In.ddilionaU rlE birds w.te given 50nl wat.r rhrough tuncl incrcp at24thht during<br />

assnl peiiod The excr.k voided during lhe eract 48 hr post fecdirrg wcr' collecred al<br />

24 hr inrcrvals. All thc sanDls of cxcrera v.e colleccd $paratlv ro. each c@keEl<br />

Thcsc wet wcighcd, ovcn dricd {i 60 'C aid grouM lo pass troqh 0 3 nm ntsh<br />

sievt. Thc Cll coiatn of each Lcdsrulfrnd ns cxceh *tsdelcnnired.<br />

l.l.( Crlcnlitiou fo. Al\rlt il lNll'j<br />

'llt [4]: valuc olcrh lcodnril sN calol cd as lhc diffcrc&c bctwccn Gl]<br />

ol lcdd i r\c n l Oli oi ox.!(h ol llt lcd binls 'lhc'lMli v0luc wN obhircd rlrcr<br />

.rtrccri'r <strong>ot</strong> rlr .;l: oj u\Lrch lnr ,:r:r, rdd I li Jh. Ava 1 J lM[ It. k! or r!.d<br />

\!rc orlculrcll by rltu lt)ll(nYrr! ldrrnrrr<br />

Altll:(KLrlrri!) =<br />

Tnlli (KcxUX8) =<br />

5'<br />

x 1000

06 tccks ol agt nF trid wa5 conduct'd in h<strong>ot</strong>-dry sasn fiom<br />

1996 ba!.d on lhe d of ltl'd$ad h hdr5c<br />

'!'orelogiclt<br />

rcoildl dudng dE<br />

aG p6'nt!d in App''dii<br />

"p'rircnr Tablc I<br />

3,3,I uoulltrg _,__ 14xj @r.d ceh on d6p li[.!<br />

'rh. boild chicks q'G r'tad in lqs na!!flng rL<br />

vashed aNr disinrected<br />

," .,-";;; -""<br />

" """'t<br />

beroe lPrcldin8 ttte hr€'<br />

,,J,;;-;-" """ *"* ":::.:-1,"'",;ffi ::l": ;:<br />

rurins nd,w w.crs n orric<br />

'*' "*'" :::1-.-,r" . -,s cross v.n,iri,ion ird<br />

p.n Nis loviddt sifi f.'d''s a" --t-' _-.--<br />

., 3i.h wlll cumiN<br />

,,""a.rn8<br />

rhicks {erc lrctrcled li0$ dircd sunligl c\pus!rc D)<br />

rutrriditv nEt"' sN nx'd rr dirtc.t irlccs in rhcst*d ro's!s!'c<br />

;;;;-<br />

:,--:;;;";"""tn, ^24hrcorNr<br />

risrerre'rurewrs trni!.inc.droushou'<br />

l.!.2 lti(ds ntrd Nrn'tctrrtrr<br />

"'" - "n"",<br />

*"t"u t* n'' drt{nd ooonrcLcinl boilo! clric*s (llubbad) wre t*d<br />

',,,'":;;;:"<br />

:;.-';',:<br />

chic\s lv!ru $cishcd drr $sscd i rivi'rualv !t dE s<strong>rnn</strong> cric'is<br />

tt - *" nt on'rv nssi!'|*{ o !n* eprictrcs or' 50 chicts cicrr<br />

r( lowiug conflctlv flndonri?td dcsigtr' lhuv rvcrc vrccnic'l agiiNt Ncsrsrlc<br />

discrsc, lrtectious broNnnis lil@1iolt buArl dis're lnd Hvdo p'rntdiun syrl{lruN<br />

s tcr NoNnEtrdcd 3ch'dule TlE fcctl vts ofite{ lhrce rime'g I d'v rl cqu'l inlcrvrls

lor dd ltrtirx fEding atd fr.sh wrter wd oade availrbb dnd tu clock'<br />

Broiler stiner and 6.ishct basdl diel5 qere pEpaed fron $' f'cdsNffs prccured<br />

ir bulk f<strong>ot</strong> rhe pEparalionofexperiNrtlldie6 Amlvsed chemicdl c<strong>ot</strong>rlposni<strong>ot</strong> oftbese<br />

ilcdnufh n shown in Tabl. t ind he composirion oi slarier and linishe' brsal dieh is<br />

prcsnred in Table 2. Baal dicts fuliilled all the nurli'nls Gqun'me<strong>ot</strong> of biiis n<br />

No.rmcnded by AEC (198?), crelr Lvs and Md ID snf,cr tnd finislEr bisl dtts<br />

l,ys vs 0.91 and 0.85% and Mer O '10 !trd O 3?%, rspaliv'lv wlrile iv labilliv ol<br />

Lls s,$ 76 6 and ?7 7% rnd Mcl vrs 90 0 rnd 89 19%, r'speclivelv Thus rheshrrer<br />

ind Inrislrcr hrsrl dicrs Fovidud<br />

0 ?2, 0 66% AL dd 0'16 rrd 0 13% AM' Alcr<br />

r\*_rsiru rlr. dud c<strong>ot</strong>rtftu<strong>rnn</strong> oi/\l-rr Atvl lio brsJldiols rh' quririlv orl- I-vs<br />

ItClrtrd l)l-.ivlcr vrs cdcuhrrd tu {'Pfl.rrcrhdn' ro obmnr rlc dusir'd lcvols<br />

.\,3,1 I)icllrJ ticxirftnts<br />

l)icllrl rcquncDtnt ol l, i)r l\&ilcr chicts \vrr nsscs$tl Lr$irrg rltrcc lcfclr of<br />

At. r[ rlr crfri cnrrl di.ls s|lRlrd dicr t!trtrril AL dicr) con(ritud lcvul ol AI-<br />

r L(ornluifd by Allc ( 1987) rvldu$ No dic6 drt cd l0% bclt^v (low<br />

'llBr ^1 ',<br />

dd) or 1011 JrNc (lrigh l. tlnr) llrr srintlid ror sind |i'rnlcr pl *s ol<br />

!r.*lh. L,o\. ndnnll rnd hilh L dlcr5 hxd lc\clr olAI- rs 0 89 0 9t irnl I 09'l i''<br />

nNlcr dlcs rrd O TT O'8t Md 0'1% lor fnrkher dic$ rctFcrivclv'lhc lcvrl or Arl<br />

ir i l rlt lltr.c diuhry ftrlflcils srr kopt dccord g ro srindnrd $ O r'7 dd 0 18% n)f<br />


ignircd in nullL itrmne' at 550 C" o lqrn all rh. oBanic nstF En ov'r ws<br />

'!d<br />

*.i8hcd as $h Tht NFE ws claolatcd by subrr.ctiig rtu slm or ci EE' cF *n<br />

'td<br />

fron |h. sampt weiSht on DM bask<br />

TtE GE of 22 l€dssffs and rhat of $nples of cxceh trch 'ml c@kcltl dlong<br />

rME ;.vr ii ExPdiiEm I *6 sE$uild wnh th' ltlp or Pi! tdi'bric o'(y!cn bomo<br />

:;;,rna*,"'-'', te6t ro d't'di" th'<br />

'Gr!v 'quiv'r' rrdor ad to<br />

;;;;. ,;<br />

'"'; """"''""r be'zoic rcid (cE 6'8 kar/s) ws ucd rh' $dPk<br />

il ; ;;;" ",r"'' -" ""cd<br />

id $e irin! uup or bonrh rhe bonb *as chirscd wirh<br />

bo't$ wds der n nsrscd in rqo rirGs oI<br />

prodlcd<br />

".;", -,* *"*'"""<br />

'$ioru''lrp<br />

;;;; *-. t'' 'i*<br />

""*<br />

nt rcrrcrxurc or Nar$ {d o<strong>ot</strong>dr'<br />

^cid<br />

,"r,", tlt.<br />

'tin* " t-t" v$ distvdl ii thc $ r a tnrau! t8'n$r 0-0,)N<br />

'<br />

;;";.:;<br />

;:;;'-'..t<br />

;'" "'"""" 'r nrtrri u$d si' nokd u'blrnt 'iss or ftc {iritrs *ia<br />

'" "-"""'" .,' "'N lsod rtriis ignitior' rr vrh''s ofris in rntcritr'E<br />

oi wr(o, rlliali Md tte wnu wcrc uiJ irr llt lornruh 1' $lcul e CD<br />

J.5.1 Anfiro a.iG<br />

'ItBrrrdcsol!| ftL{srutts !n r\cNh trdn AAA 65rts in lr|l.n i 2Nurc<br />

gol rinlysud fto Degus$ Anritro rcids lrborlt<strong>ot</strong>-1- Ccm$nv fq '[nN do5<br />

conrurlilnrr. lhu s rPlcs ol bNrtdiuls ill tjiN<strong>rnn</strong>c l.and I and llre excr0h srn[lds<br />

li<strong>ot</strong>rr cdkctcls o. .nN ucnl r!{ilxbililt {rsrl ol br$l tlicls \trc !l$o mllysrd lnr<br />


alri.o acids conPosilion Aniio rcidsanrlvsd w6 Flomcd bt tulonrl(ic aflnb acids<br />

analyzcr at tbe Animal Nutrilion Ubodtory. Depr|foeft of Alitdl Nntrition Uoivcrtilv<br />

of Agrhulturc, Faielrbad, Prkistin follo{ing ltE @thod o' Sp'ckn'n ai '1 0958)<br />

The sadPlc enHining 6 mg oa proch v's weighed into PvEr lcst tub' and l0 nl <strong>ot</strong><br />

6N HCI was added The rest lub€ was evluarcd with 'itogen Its<br />

and s'aled dnd |hen<br />

pldced irr an ovcn ar l1O C" lbr 22 hr TIE hvdtolvzrlc $o f<strong>ot</strong>rDed was evaDor ed to<br />

ruNo\. HCL Thc dried til ofhdr<strong>ot</strong>vaie wassutP'ndedwnhInlbufLt(DI{2<br />

2) Th'<br />

tolublc n8re.irl was cenfituge ro gd rid of visibld slinen|5 rnd snple {as loa']ed<br />

on ionexchaog. colu n orNDtrlvzcr (Bakron l20C) Th' 'lutim was d<strong>ot</strong> ar llorv rrr0<br />

ol 15-10 !n4rr lbr Di0hydri r.d cnlrt buiter' Lospecriv'l! Tbc perli ler of a im<br />

Nids wis ortctrlLrrcd rtrd huNe ru ntriNo &id coNe fllion *.s work our.<br />

3.6 Strli\licaltrrclhods<br />

'Ihcdilion lMlirrkirn<strong>rnn</strong>)rurdNrihbililv mvrioNf'cdtluill\{!rcrrbul{cd<br />

MunnJ r t {rtrdrrd cr(r ol Nc'rrrr $crc ctlculrtcd ldr cdcb na{(ull<br />

IIN ilili or vcighl 8rirr.<br />

lscd itrl c rNl llcd cfiilicNv wu0 sbJcdsd b<br />

nMl)$ ol Yrri$co lcchnq c suikbl. tur conrPlclclv '!'donizcd d'!3' u$rg rrru<br />

ccmrrl t-ilcrr Mo'lcl ln{tdrnr <strong>ot</strong> rlt SAS nNnurc (t985) ln casc or sisniicr<br />

dilTcrd{c\. or.rtrs Ncrc $|rftr.{ ht srudcor NcNntlo Kcul rNltiplc dngt !c!t d 5 and<br />

l t lurtl ol trohnbiliry (sokrl rnd Rohll 1969)<br />



Th. TME.nd AAA c<strong>ot</strong>E s of indig'lou pollry r4d$!ffs sec delemired<br />

usiig quick bioa$av rcch quc Di'nry FquicFe'$ of brcilcr chicrs fo' AL aDd AM<br />

wete a!s6$d rtrouSt grovrh pertbm'rc' lrials Rsulb of the four cxD'mens aE<br />

4.1 Expernuelrt t. Det€rmination of true netahli?ible energv of<br />

Poultry fcedsluffs<br />

1hc dar on lMn fo! rlt c\tnnnn iMligerss tedsrults 'e prc$ntod nr<br />

pr!8lix'hblc Vl tlE rcsulls <strong>ot</strong>r 0('xirnltc<br />

lL! sruffs ohinnrud nr dris cxn(rnNnl hNc bccn dc$rih'] rs udcr<br />

i,t,l l'.oxnnrlc conrlFsilid nnil Aro\s cidgv<br />

comlosirion GD i'd lvlD <strong>ot</strong> vdk'ur<br />

ltori' rc corrtrxi(i(r rn Cli vrlrcs ol ccrunl !rrn$ cordnl by-Pn'dur( r'<br />

nn rres rrc pE*nlcd ir'l'tl' I :trE tuur ccrcal E6i6 htl uoisue tc$ dhn ll*<br />

lr si\ obsc,vcd r cl'a j L_l: Ncr u higlrn irr *hcd tiltincor ' NfD in ioc aril.Al'<br />

h $4h!nr. Ric! h l lltc l$vcsr r ucs for Cl' Cl: a'xl asb sltMs EE sas loecs rt<br />

sorglNn rrd Nlil, io con 'lho OI\' rrkl Cli Rtc llE lislEsi i'r licc lnd cn<br />

rcsFrti(lt rn'l lrtrv$l u' $rBDu[<br />

Th. rls.c ccrcrl by_lo'hcls hrLl n$islre less rhln | | % lt was ob$Ncd rlri<br />


Table 3. ProxnlDte onpolirlon ed gosi e$, rrlu, or v.t1ou, teir5rul'6<br />

7l<br />


CF, EE, .sh atd CE *!t hitlst in ri* polishi'ss NFE 'd OM in what bnn &d<br />

CP in coro Slutcn fed. wh€red CF' EE ard OE wetc lowest in corn slut' f€ed NFE<br />

and OM in rice polishinssandCP and dsh nr *hed blrn Mol6ss hrd rhe lowesr DM'<br />

CP, CF, EE. GE but higher NFE @nc among all thc fecdsDfs cxepr ricc wh'r€<br />

All the v.gebblc Dals had hoisure Iess fian I I % The CP rnd CE were hrghesr<br />

in coii glurer Neal(60%) CF in surflower Neal EE in sdenc mc'I NFE in corn<br />

glu€. dcal(3o%), OM in gu.t meal r8l ash in nPcscd ncal(ee) WhetasCPandGE<br />

wcre loNen in corn Sluren s.ll{3oje) cF i' @o Etucn ncal(60*) EE i' et*rn<br />

D!.rI. NFE in coltoMcd rcrl(cc). Nh h gurr Nrl i'd OM in rapcseed rc!(€e)<br />

A1l lhc rnimd Ncrls hnd nloisrurc 10$ drD 8%' Thc CP nod OM *c'c hilhci<br />

i! bnDd nMl, CI, Iiti snl C[ in !.!lrrv by P dud merl NFDal|(lr inn]eatmcrl<br />

wlrrrs t'j, Nl:ta idj lnr lvce k*csr h l uxt cnl. cl:,nd GEin nsh Ncrl lnd cl'<br />

4.1, ! ljr,r|]y di.r,o\iln<br />

fi. n{rkt, v<strong>ot</strong>l.'l rnd rclrie{ CI: vilucs lbr vrriod fLrdsluffs ffu lrcs!tr('d<br />

in'hblc J 'lhc Ol, n ic lor cc..dl S<strong>rnn</strong>$ rmAcJ r'(on 184 ?'7 $ l'9't9 Kcal ll'c<br />

highcn Cti n rlc Nns ol)su'v.d irr crso oi corr rM lowen h s<strong>ot</strong>sllnr' -lhc G! vordc'l<br />

h cRrch trnlcd fi<strong>ot</strong>rr 4826 h l87l Kcxl Coctccls voidcd highes cn'rgv o<br />

Fr.cnrrsc <strong>ot</strong> Cli rnl rc in qsu oi {hc!{ (26'29) follo$oi bv $rBhum (26 12) ri(<br />

(l5dl) co (2J 21) lhcOlitrniN!nn8edfton'1365lrol5l 5lKcrl lli_{hu{

energy rerenrion as percenhse of GE inoL M obsded io case of com (75 77)<br />

iollowed by ric. '74.54' sorghum 44.88) ad vlE t Ctl 7-..<br />

ln c€Eal by-produc6 de GE i .*. atB.d frod 193 95 ro 220,65 Kc.l b.ios<br />

high.sr in casc of ric. polishings ad lown ir cd gluLo f.cd. TrE GE voided in<br />

excrcla ranged froo a2 8? ro 11826 (al. c4kcEls void.d tishdt.ergy as<br />

perccnrage or C E i.u*e in whea. bran (58.35) followcd by corn glutcn fed (52.48) and<br />

rice polishings (17.56). The CE ftl|imd bydk ah Enged fron 84.41 to l3?.?8 Kcrl.<br />

llighei energy rereDrion .s percentage of CD innke was observed m casc or flce<br />

polishirrgs (62.44) iollowed by corn glut.n fe.d (47.51)and whe,t bran (4165) Incise<br />

oi Dolrsscs rhc vrlues ror CE innkc, voided in.rcrctt and erained serc 125.54,48 84<br />

I ?6.'70 Kcrl, lrsplcrivcry,61.l0%olCEintrt *s rettidd.<br />

lr c$c oi vcgcrablc nuls rlD n !k OE mngcd lrom 196.46 o:14 I0 Kcil<br />

knr! biShc\r irr crjc ol con slurcn,Hl(60f) ad l{,wl h co'tonsd n&l(s). Tltr<br />

Cl: roidcd nr u\crch r gcd lro[ 6?.3, h lll6] Kcal. Csrcttls void.d lrislEi<br />

cicray $ l!r.c.[Sc ol (;li n'rlc nr u$ of stl]orvcr ntrl (54.42) lbllowcd by<br />

co(oNrcd nrxl{sc) (52 l0), r|tsccd Ddl(s) (51.87), Pcsocd nrcrl(t) (51 35).<br />

co{onsocd crL(cc) (50 7l ), conr glurutr Dcrl(]o*) (50.64), scsrnEnul (48 4l), gur'<br />

0ctrl(17 54). r'Jbcrtr Nrl ( 11.57) Id (rtr glurctr drrlt60%) (2t 00). ll'ccU!uhn'0d<br />

rI.(J ,r't," ,l 5l " iou : l K!rl. lL8hcv cR,py (rcnriutr r pqtrd rlc ol Cn in(;ll<br />

wrs obscNcd i0 crrc of corn ll|lcn mml(60%) (71.00) followed by soybcin nr.il<br />

(to,r3) Surr mhl (52 46), scsrnr dcil (tl.t8), corn llur.n merl(l<strong>ot</strong>) (49lar,<br />

(.lrnrccd nN,'ll.d) (.1919). rrFsccd dl(d.) (r8.lJ), lr'leeed mcil($) (48 11).

Tablc 4. Metaboll2tbte drgy ralu6 of voriou! feedd!fft<br />

20t.ll rl l 6,r el'Jr<br />

7t<br />

Mdh.[,I,r. E!.rv (K'iKs)

cortoBEd mrl(s) (47.90) Nnd enflow.r nar (45.ss)<br />

ln adml rcals ll! cE inhkc hnged fion 216.2? ro 23?.75 r\cal b.ing bighdr<br />

in qs of poutry by-prcdrct Ml aftt lowe{ in ruar Mt_ Th. CE voidcd in dctl.<br />

h.gql frcd 89. l0 to loo.ti Xcat. CckcEls rcidcd niglEl *tgy s p.@ila!. of CE<br />

intakc in ce orbtood neal (43.23) fo owed by ,n d nrar (42.42), porrlry by_prcducr<br />

mcal (42.36).t! Ibh dql (40,94). thc oE eraimd ratrgcd tom t24.51 ro t37,03<br />

Kcal. tlighcsr .ftrgy cic4tion as perc.nbg. oi CE n ak w.s oD$rved ir @l. of lish<br />

'neal (59.06) foltowcd by pehry by,prcducl neat(57.64), neat mcat (57.18)and btood<br />

{.1-l AD0nre.r rrd truc mcta$<strong>ot</strong>irnl,tc enc.g,<br />

ir -l<br />

'lhe AMu d tM[ valocs ol.vlri<strong>ot</strong>rs fedsulTs rc showtr !r Tabtc 4. The Atuti<br />

codcnrt <strong>ot</strong> ccBrt gtuna ringcd |nn 30d? ro l2{a n,td 1476 to 1672 Kqi/(g,<br />

^,lll<br />

tustccaEry ttitshc$r AMti rfld TMlj \,eE ohscNL{ h c<strong>ot</strong>u d towcsr in jorgtrunr<br />

rrr,r! rlr ccrll lrriN. n! .4M rj Ird I M! coolcnrs dr ccr.rt by l'l odrcB rargLrt<br />

lih 184.r b1016rat 22?4 ro 3436 Kc /Ks, r.srEcrivctr, $hcBs.ic. lolishing,lr,!<br />

tltr rrigh$r nn! $l&r hnn tu nnvcn. -fhc AMri rnd .t-Mi: co cnc of nbhs*s w.to<br />

215'r ud 269? K(at/Ks, .crtcclivcty.<br />

'llrAMIiJAt IMI:ronrunh ir rL!u. lc mlrrs rrng(il t.om ZOj: ro t57j ,t<br />

:{67 to lt80 Kctrr,KB, Bpccrivcty fliuur Atuli .nd t.n E {rs ob*rycn in coirr<br />

!l cunrrr(60']l)iNrlorvosr iirunurnvcrnMI ThcAIl|iod [MEconrcnrs<strong>ot</strong>,rnirnrr<br />

nrrls n.!ql ltoD ?a,?7 ro 3'6l dd t07O b 1167 Kcar/r(t, rd{Efitty, wlkruns

pdltry br_Prodsr h@l htd rh. htSlF l rnd nEl mal fic low.sr TME tnong all rhe<br />

{.1.4 Trne Detalrolirable enerw t! pcc 'geof gros dergJr<br />

Th. TME as PecnrAgc ol GE of various feedstufr' ac shoqn in Fis' lll The<br />

TME perenuge ol GE of cont, ric' sorghun and {h'!l serc 86 85' 84 atd 8i'<br />

.rspstiv.ly. c@kcets fttatrlizdl nlximlm CE fon @'n ad hinioun from<br />

sorghun, Tnc TME d peE lgc of GE ol corn glute! fc'd ric' Polishinsr<br />

and *tEar<br />

britr vcc 58, ?l and 51 r$r{crilely Cockcdls ehboli?rd mximun CE fmn flcc<br />

I)olinri gsrDdm iNUd froN whc'tlbt'tI It tNobservcd rhd lh' cockercls nrtboli?c'l<br />

76% ol CE liun nDlas*s<br />

'llc lMll r Frcenusc or Gl: ol coro glucn ncil(1o & 50%) c<strong>ot</strong>roNcLl<br />

Dr (N & $). gur nul, mnc*.d trErl(cr & s) $$iN nNtl svtrN ntal x'rr<br />

su|tl]oscr nBtl s.r 59, ?9 59. 5? 61 t7 5? 61 66 rr 55 ruspcctivelv Csk!'cl!<br />

nrchbolizcd nrxim{n GE norn cdd Sl<br />

cn nrcrr"O%) r rnini unt frofl sonnoNcr<br />

trrc lhc'lMti xs $rccrlilo rn Cljol'bkxxl crl llsh rurl orl nrrLxrd r<strong>ot</strong>rnr)<br />

bt{ndlcl nMl we65.68, Ca}itrt|65. rcsn'{rivclv CMkcruli nrr$ohicd ru<strong>rnn</strong>urt<br />

C! |nnn fi nMl ui iriNnr lro bloL{ oErl anJ t{ulrrv bv prudlct nul'

---l II<br />

--!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

a__<br />

ll 'ffi<br />

ll .E<br />

tl ,G<br />

--i<br />

t<br />

?<br />

I<br />

!<br />

{ i(,1<br />

ititi!<br />

ili;,.<br />


4.2 Dxpedm€nt 2 Det€rmnratio of lvailoble amino acid cortents of<br />

goultrY feedstufb<br />

'the .lau on avsilahilit, of lnino aci& fon various r'edsuifs bav' ban rnowD<br />

in Appendix Trblc Vll Tne r'sllts on the rohl amino tcid aod AAA conrc<strong>ot</strong>s alongvirh<br />

rheir alailrbilitt !e givcn io lhe follo{ing p'mBnphs<br />

Th. rornl anino acid lnd AAA coDknrs of<br />

'c@ls arc Presnrcd<br />

in Tables 5 md<br />

6. tcsteclivclv. while rvrilabilily oirDilo'oids ngiv'o in Trbl' 7 The avtrilabililv ol<br />

r[o rnrirD rcids ft|l8od iron 82 b tt% i coar' ?2 $ 89% in ric€ 68 to 94% iI<br />

s)ryhudr rNl ?5 tor?% i' wtudt'-lhc r\r'hbilirv Nas P hiehust oi l,u cor' rnJ<br />

RxBlNN. rg trr ricc ldl Cvs in whu rvhilc l-vs i rrv nr conr' Md tice Lv\ n'<br />

strgh!trr wnort wctc tlE l(rNt\t lnrnl! n l!(ret u lsnno dcro\<br />

4.2.2 C$dl bY l'rodrcts<br />

'iho lohl tnrn$ Rid rid A A corut$ ol cctcrl by l)rodlcts Mc l)ru*nrud rr<br />

'lrbhs t r l6,tus|uclivclv.\Lhilcrrrihlrililtofr|trnDdidti5SivcnnrTrblc?'[t<br />

iqilihihy of tlt InD rcids ti!{td I<strong>ot</strong>r 75 o 96"4 in @rn slllcn l'ed ?6 o 379{<br />

h ricu Nlishrngs !.d 6'7 b86'{ \rhcri trrin 'lhc rvailrhilnv Nd rhc hilhe$ oi l'hs<br />

i[ eon glukr l{ctl r Ar! nr Iirc Plishi gs rrd \Lhell bran $hile ol t-}s nr coflr<br />

lltrrctr IcLd rnll ricc rlishnur rtrtrt \rrl nr wlur bflr Ni! love$ imons i nncnsrlilL<br />


The toral aNm acid and aAA conrem of vegclablc nels .c shosn in Tables<br />

8 and 9, Bpeti!.1y, vhiL alailrbility of amino .cids G Biven in T.ble 10. The<br />

rvrilabiliry of ie anirc acids Bngcd fioN 72 to 94% incorn glurcn mcal(3o%),82 to<br />

t8 nrcoogL!€n eal(60%), ?8 ro 96% inco'toi$ed nEalGd,69 to 91% inco oN.ed<br />

ftell(se), 64 to 93'6 i! goar Deal, 7l ro 88% in mps*d nErl(.4, 82 lo t3% in<br />

rrNsecd nrerlce), 3l (o 95% in scsoc Nrl, 80 ro 89% in soyb.an meil and 8l b<br />

94% in sutrllowc! ff.il nr rvnilrbiln) qrs hilhcn ofPne in@rn glurn nrerl(1o%)<br />

rnd coltonsed nul(dc), Lcu in co glutc! Nc (60%) iod esrnc ncd dd rg ir<br />

cofloNL{d rulGc), gur.rErl, mp{sued trrcrl(N). npd*sl nul(s), sorbclr nraland<br />

sunrl{^vcr nkrli vhilu ol L}s in.orn sturcn nMl(30%), couoEed nerl(cc & s) a*i<br />

rutrllowcr Dcal, 'l]tr in guar nre't trt \cs!trc dBit, 'tiy io conr ltur.n nrJ(60*). Ilu<br />

tr' ftlcscctr nrur(cc) ir cy\ in nlFsccd NrtGc) aod $rb.rn ocal err tosc$ rorB<br />

nrd'\r'Lsrhle rirx,rcils.<br />

'Irt lokl rnin. n.id rnd AAA co cnls.l rflnnrt nrcxh rrc lEsenrcd in lilhtcr<br />

Il r d ll, rcspcc|r.ly whilc rvirhhilitJ <strong>ot</strong> r nD rcrds is grvcn i. Trble l3 Tlk<br />

iv hbillry ol r|t rDrnoacids ntrrsc tunr 80 r,98% ir btNd mc!t.87 ro 96S i[ firlr<br />

n'erl, 82 lo 9l% in lrsnr n$t !0d 18 !) 8t% Ishry by-producl D$t Tt!

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'1.1.<br />

rrhr. lI. mrr do idd cdrt'6|l li .&i{ d. (r DM !!ii)<br />

$drbr!ir!=<br />


Tabl. 12, Avalhblc $nito.r.it c.dmr' In adlul meols (s DM b$id<br />


TabL t3. Amtoo lclil .vdllut'Y in mldrl m.rlt (i nM td)<br />


nvril.biht was highesr of Cys in blood mat and fisn n !1, plr in mr ncat and Mcr<br />

in pouh.y by.pmdNt Dejt, whitc of Ile h blood ne.l, Mer in fr$ @t, V.l in mear<br />

'nerl rnd Cys in poutrfy by-producr tucal was rhc lowest anong itutispensabrc ahino<br />

1.3 E^xperimenr-3. Assessment of dierary requiremenr ofbroiter chicl,s<br />

ror rvaltaDte tysine during summer<br />

TIE .ler|gc gain in bo{y wei8tu, r'.rd<br />

oi dic( conrinrirg diitcre lcvels <strong>ot</strong>AL rre<br />

rralc of broiler chicri a'|d f€.d clli.ictuy<br />

J.l.l Eodt scighi g:ln'<br />

'l|t ivcftgc ilirirl bqtt wcilhr lu biri ut{nv, nonll !dlighAl_dio6 wcrc<br />

1l t]10.r,1, {? 06+0 14 rnd 42.16t0 lit g/bid, rcspucrivcty. TIr BaiN h scigt or<br />

b(ls on dirf.runr rcv.ts or' r_ lulc ntso tun nnNo li$trica|y in [ig. tv. ,UE rcsutts<br />

rluvdd signillcrDr (1,

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.nd hi8h AL di.t maaicd dr bod, wciSl 8rinr ol bird:.<br />

Th. Flllrs showed noroignific! diffcGm6 adols de3tr &.d in&kB oabids<br />

oo diffcrcn lcvch of AL in slarrcr and finishd phes 6 wcu .s in ownu 8rcsth<br />

p.!iod. tlow.vcr, an iMing lrcrxl w.s ob*n d in fc.d itrtik by bids *id rhc<br />

idd$. itr th. L*l of AL lhNehdr rmwtn Fiod- Th. cult idlic.r.d th.t loi<br />

iNG.* o. &ct!e i. AL r.El fM AEC aontrd did @t n8liaEE y i.Ulrc iIE<br />

fe.d inhk. of brcilcr chicks dlrin8 $c 8osth pdiod.<br />

r.1.3 rtod cffclcncy<br />

ns NulG shovsl llD( flr.{ cll'rciqty for low AL di.l w.s sitdfEan(v<br />


4.4 Exp€rim€nt 4. Assessnent of dietarJ requiremcd of broild chick<br />

for aYdhble methionin€ during summer<br />

I* ranlls nFvcd<br />

on dilrqofl [;els or Alt<br />

grin in body seighl f€.d itruk of boil'r cni*r 'rn t'd cruciemv<br />

differ€nt levels oi AM lrc pl€s ed in Ttble 15<br />

The aveog. iniial bodveeight perbidonlow nonnrl$dhigh AMdieEwdr'<br />

42.lito ti..rl.99t0 15 ad a? olio 15 g/btd Gslccliv'lv Tht glitu in wcignr o'<br />

bfiis on vrrious lcvcls olAM rrc iri$ i$wn gEPhicrllv ir Fig V 'Lhc rcsulB shorvcd<br />

rlrr body scigh giir ol bi;ds ws sigrific ilvlow*(l

-5<br />

I<br />

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':'rqx<br />

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38EF<br />

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9l<br />


obs.lvcd in led inlakc of birds whh thc incs* in rh' l6d of AM Ordghour tbe<br />

grolvdi Peiiod, ih€ @lE indicat d thit IOS incEas or ddsc in AM l'vcl ilon<br />

AEC strndard in lhe brcil.r dicts did n<strong>ot</strong> siSoiticantlv innlee t!' f'cd int'k' <strong>ot</strong> birls<br />

The 6ulls showd thll fdd effaie(y in bi.4s on bigl AM di.t wG 3i$ifistr'lv<br />

(P < o.0l) p@r€r dEn Ihat of lhos o. nonEl and low AM dils durinS linishc' Phe<br />

.!J th. overall growlh P4iod, llowcvct, f4d €fficiercv nlB nld toBig.illclnr<br />

dirrcleNca.Nong low, no<strong>rnn</strong>l md high AM dicB durinB sltnd phe ol Srowdl. lhc<br />

r$ulrs rklicared thar birds fcd high AM dict coosumcd signif@ v nDrc fced Fcr un{<br />

boJ)_ vcishr grin as codtmd ro norm l nnd loe AM diels drinS linislH nd overrll<br />

!r.\rh plrn s bur mr durnrB 3rincr l,!ricl.<br />

cli;ickt ol li{d trriliTalnr i.t binls <strong>ot</strong>r vlris lcvcls ofAM<br />

,.1<br />

1hc Fig v.,lto dcpicB llB uc*j <strong>ot</strong>

I<br />

E<br />

I<br />

?<br />

-l<br />

mFffi;r*rff :flH"f, i'r''#*'<br />

"" ".'#11,1'f;fr ilt :'^'r*;r'1"';:1ff ' "<br />

;;l<br />

""r E


Tll€ study w.s c<strong>ot</strong>ducrcd o rss's c*rgv ad mrino acid a{il'bilitv from lbc<br />

indigemB leedstufis @NDonlv u*d h dE poullrv dicrs in Pa&Lstd Dietrry<br />

requn.m.nb of bNilc! ctlcks for rvailrble Lys and Mei were nho assd dunnS<br />

suNd.r. ln lhis cl4rcr rvdilrbiht of €ncrB] rM i$ associatd facto6 lravt been<br />

discu$cd rolloscd bv rvrilabiln, ol 'i\ino {cids ol fee

wirh 3.3? ro 6.31% fai yielded 4.3? to 4.to kc'l/8 cE (Lnir rnd Sullivan l9S2 and<br />

Srolct and Allen. 1982b) as agains( 4.1? \crl/g ol l@al sorghum eidr l' 1i 7' fdt 'fhe<br />

cE mighr also be infl uenccd by I't lctl of CP Wne.r conEiniig 14 7 to 15 5 7' CP had<br />

4.31ro4.43tcavgCE(Sibbald, 1979.,c; Sorev a.d Allen l982b: ilatlev eI at, 1985<br />

rnd Sibblld, 1986) being 2.4 to 5.2higlrer lbro lhe local wheal having r3 88% CP<br />

Sibbald eral. (l98oa) fPoned 1.95 Kc|l/gCE in corn conMining t47' CP whirh was<br />

lovcr rhrn rhe ldal corn haliDg 13.61% Cl'.<br />

The aME ulues of locrl cercrl g'riN rrnscd rrom 3.05 ro 3 24 *c.l/8, bcnr8<br />

ldve. rhN rlr ctodcd vrlues in litcrdur! Thc aMD lor cont r l nnn 3 43 b 3 t4<br />

'trrgqi<br />

'<br />

kcxl/g (lInLlorM, ltSOi Schog rtrd llirrilror, lt8li S(ny nnd Allcn, Ita2b; Du l)ez<br />

4r {/ . 1984 rod S0b. 1988) lir'\orlhN lior i 12 ro 1.85 kqrl/g (Clunri cr.l , 198(J<br />

rNl S(tcy rntl Allrtr, 1982b) rnd |or Lvh.i r'ronr I 34 o I 5l l.d/S (Sibbrld, lr76b:<br />

snog rnd llmilbr. lr8l rnd llilluy d d/, l93l) 'lh! AM! vllucs <strong>ot</strong> lecdnullr<br />

ohsfv ir (lris nuly by IME rrlrt rcchnique $crc odlcr ciruted duc &) tr.ccduful<br />

'lillurcrLcs<br />

r:con,trrud !'c<strong>ot</strong>rlc.rirtrrl Mlin(rlrlxl l,rcdnvcdiuul n)crhod li! Altlli<br />

dcrc'nnnnlon brds Jrt lcd .r./ /irnr, ltr'irL-! rJsrt rtrd lroporlioi rl Iilinr.lJliu ol<br />

u\crch is rn<strong>rnn</strong>trdr W|trars, ir'lN1li r!\ry rcchrnldc. rliobirdsrc lircc leil 50S<br />

inr r rtrd c\crch nrc collc!tcd br 18 hr sjtrcc.ljljm+U[c oll'itdsbcirrs consanr rir<br />

hor| r'|r orrsilyr.lhr pronorrion or flin fUft rMD n55ay lclFnlr'c is highcr ]n<br />

rhc !\!rch $lri(h is ror!orscrsJ tr Allli llrirlr!hc'|'<strong>ot</strong>oni<strong>ot</strong>roll]ltn+ULcirrlrc<br />

ri$cr r.$1lrs nrro high!r ourtur rl CI rrrn crcr(h, slrlh or subl.{erior rn,n nrtu<br />

orCt ol licd gircs r{rBr vrluc N Don,nF(tr nr crlcuhrion ofAME rcstrlring into lovo

AME r.lue Wolvnee lnl Sibbatd O9s4) rclortcd ihnt hish levels <strong>ot</strong>t"d iMr' v'rc<br />

rcquircd !o contror lh. varhtion in AME 'stim!t6 lssiscd wi$ dfttrB il lcd<br />

inbke Tlre rlE of chaoge <strong>ot</strong> AME csrioMrcs inc(asl d rdl inblc dErand Sitiald<br />

(1985) reporled !h!. 6 dc dultrion oi qccta colldtion ircGlal' lEn B I<br />

concomitant incEis in the FEm+UE pci unn offedt co'suh'd a'n ha'! d @l!.g<br />

nelrh\. bls I AME 45 rn c rima'e of rvtilJblc 'ncrg]<br />

1lE TNII vllucs lor corn rice' sorgnlnr lnd vn'4t wfic ] 6? 3 62 148 'nd<br />

1.56iicrl/g,respccrivelv'fheTlvlEvrlues<strong>ot</strong>hdigenouscercllsrols{eGLo*ernrn<br />

rh{r .cpoded bv nuiv sorters Tlrc pdsiblc ren$i rbr lowe! TME v'lEs <strong>ot</strong> ldJ<br />

crrcnl grni'ts coutd b'- ihe lowr lrr coNe in t[ed Co con$nrnE 4 E6 b t 25ji r:rr<br />

h -ti\lE vllue flngif,g lroN I 80 o 4 2? kclug (Drle rnd FullNr' lrycr Mu2i n'xr<br />

slnrger, l98lb:i,uisrndSuUivrn lgslr S(onv 'l Allln !932b id Sibb'kl 1986) rs<br />

isrin$ I 67 kcrl/! ol l(rrl conr wirx 2 ?8% lir' Sinrihrlv sorghscod'ini'A l ?4 ro<br />

o:l7t lil 1vr\isportc!hcdnLnitrIItru403kdrl/glNlll(l-uLt'nS{tlivinl'31:<br />

Snrcl riLl Allen l,$2b rDLl SibbiLll l'36 ) s rltirN l'18 kfll/8 oi l*il nt_lhttrr<br />

Nirh L.ll % lit.<br />

'Ih. -I<strong>MII</strong> (lucs Nishr 11$ hrd b{cn xnNrcd lrt tLt ldv'l !I Cl' whclr<br />

!{tni"iil. I l ? @ 15 5% CP h l l'56 b I 73 lrcrus TMli(Sloct'lt^lkt<br />

r'$lb x<br />

srbbrld. 1936) rs agrinsr I56 kcrl/g'tME <strong>ot</strong> tlt hf,nl *ltnr tilvh! 11889{ Ct'<br />

oon rnd $herr c<strong>ot</strong>rrlinira lo$er CP (9 t and I l 5%) ti|.|r bkr'llvl[<br />

1 O? Icrl/8) h gcrrdl' lhc varicrrl dillcrcrces' clireri 'c!]itp6 urj<br />

'!r trtr rr( nrx\rirs u\.r<br />

-d -"- rY nulri(ir corPsrm or cL" 'l<br />


grai6 3rd rhe TME valucs.<br />

- Avengc TME;f rhe leal c.rc.l grAitr wds found ro b. 85% of rh. CE- Cdt<br />

rdd soighum had b.en reported ro conrain 93 lnd 89% TIvtE ol lhc CE (Lri! arn<br />

Sullivan. 1932), while it was calculfied to be 887. in cr* of whe4 (Sibbald. 1986). Tn!<br />

'.digcnos cercal guis had lowe! porcndal lbr available etrlly $an the repone!. T!.<br />

po$Dle rc6on rbr ldq cnergy utitiati<strong>ot</strong>r tuom l@al cee.l Srais<br />

dnlc'tMes md dillbe clnn.tic colldirions.<br />

5.1.2 Cfcll lry-t.odlcIs rtrd nt<strong>ot</strong>N$<br />

coutd bc rhe vdi*rl<br />

'tl* CE vilucs lbr lsrl corn gl!.er ltcd, ricc polishingr and whe bnn sto<br />

r 12, {.81rnd a ll Kcrl/g, rcs!.crikly. Sibbrtd (1t36) El'oned rt 6r sinillr Cr:<br />

vrl',6 (419,4.83 x! 4 52 Kcat/-!) ibr ttu ibovc Drcnrioned r+dsolTs havir4 iDst<br />

snrih. ruricnr e pNnion. -l tu M Lj vntucs lirr co.r gturcn ltrd, ric. p<strong>ot</strong>ishirg inl<br />

n<strong>ot</strong>.'l N 205, i.ol rDd 1.34 (r /g, cspLrnycly *lrich NR.<br />

rofin.nblu hrlkr 'upof,u hy Nltc (193.r).xcq{rhd or'hrir shc bn. vt*e At!:<br />

-lhc IMU viluux rur l\Enlco.n !l(.n ltcd, ricc f(tishirls,xl wh.it Uon w.<br />

l..lr, l, l l rftl 2.27 Kfll/g, rc5trcriv.ly. I ncsu valu$ wcB b rgBcriud wir, rln. or<br />

Srbbrld (1986). Ilosivor, highcr TMC vrlL'cs rlcrc .cpoi.{ for cod glu&n fe.d<br />

(CrsrJNn 4 dl , l9r0) rnd \lhcnt bfun (Ono l, | ,r2) lvhcrcrs, to$er 'l M! vitG lcE<br />

'!|)o c'l rur rlu NL ri$ (Chnu z/ n1., ItlJo dd rhcnr brn (Suh, 1988) Ttr<br />

\rrilrion,in lMC\rlucsxn(rgditttrc r{pd'ls $orc trobxbly due to rtE vri i',; ir

nutrie composition oi tedstuffs Tbe TME valu's o' locrl corn sluten recd rice<br />

polislinSs md shc bnnwerc 58 7t ad 5r% of GE' cs!€tiYclv Th€ llvlE d<br />

perce.mge of GE when cilculared frcn the daa rcPrted bv sibbald (1986) for corn<br />

glutn fc.d. ricc Polisbingsand whe bFfl, itc'oetobe54 6? 45% tsp{tiv'lv Thc<br />

vlri{ios tuighl bc rtuibuled to

(Sibb3ld, 1986) b.ing loz bigh.r $atr the !oc.l co.n gluten ncal (64%, CP) and<br />

suonow.r Gd hlving 42% c? hrd c84.64 Kcrl/g (Sibbaid. l9a6) b.ing 5% high.i<br />

du Lh. lMl slnl ow.r rcAl (cP, J4%). Similarly, Stoey and Alleo(l9a2b) rcponcd<br />

vcry high OE vrluc for esame n.xl {5.25 Kcnl/g) contnining i2 4CP<br />

The GE of mcals w.5 lls isuoed.d by llre lsh cont€n. Seent oEl conhnirg<br />

ll% dh fid lo$c. GE 14.47 (crl/g) lsibbrlir, 1986) rlun rhe ioc.l scslmc mc (r.53<br />

(crr/g CE) hrving ll% ish. Thc AME ol veeehble mcals rarged frcn 2 05 to 3 58<br />

Kcri/g. nE AI{E valu6 oi n!dig.@s vegetnblc oexlt werc lowc. Ilbn the cpo(cd<br />

vil6 in licntue. 'the AME valu6 lrd bcctr rePortcd is l 9l KaUl lor corn llurci<br />

ftd6096(Sub,1988),I52Kcrl/!ibt$srnc nunl (Storcva l Allen' 1982b)r l1 82<br />

rN l.9O Kcllrg lor $ybcrn oB l (Mdrlu and Slinlct, l98lb rlrl Sloev rnd A[i.<br />

'lh! l\t[ vrle ol corn gluttr 'nerl 60% rvrs ].r8 Kcal/S Sittihr hul nilhllv<br />

lrglilr'lMli !]lucs rs l1? u .1.Ll (erl/! hrtl lrcci i.oorrcd hv Dnrc rnd l:uu*<br />

(1981) Ssh rlglls). rc$ccrivcly Sil)l'rl.l {t9${t ho{t(cr' cfinsl highcr lNl:<br />

vrllc (J.r Kcll/!) r ll su ds ol conr !h{e. nrcrl \vhich .d[iR{ d' fi xvcrxlc<br />

07.,: cr'. ri)\ r'^'ri n' bcntcor! glur<strong>ot</strong>r dMl cour! bc dur il:l;:3turirclv<br />

l'^*c! cl'<br />

(onrcnr (6r $lli) fhc IMI vrl0cs of rorr(nNcc(l nrcnl vcrc.1.52 K. g t)t \",i:;,:<br />

(r(itrtdni I iN K.rl/8 i,r riplllur 0na*sc! Snr,lrr bu( slilhrly loNd lMr: vrlurs<br />

lnr r'l$r c\rrtd coltor$d ,rur (l.,rl : -19 Kcrl/!) lvLr! ,tPo'lcal ht l)rlc nrkl<br />

ljlll{ {1981r. s bhrid (1986) md oNrl l9rl) llo\revlr, sLrh (1188).<strong>ot</strong>u! l{trr lMli<br />

vrlur (? l? li! g) pn)b ,ly duc h lLNcr CI) conrenr r||nn r,E hul n'ql (CP: l0 !r<br />


49%). Sub, 1988 also obeMd lover TME in expelkr prcc'sstd c<strong>ot</strong>lonsd meal wrllr<br />

lowc! CP Ns against lcal mrl tdhg higlEr cP' Vdaions i' cP conEnts or merls<br />

could be duc to vrrielal is Mlt .s agr@limatic ditfecss uder which cttron is<br />

Thc TM€ vdlu. ol .rpeller pr@essed rapcsed nEal w$ nilhdv hiSher rl'in<br />

solve cxracted (2 54 vt 2 rl Kcal/g) Slie ti d (r980b) Schtng and Hminoi<br />

(19s1) and Sibbald (l9so obfdsd sone wlrd si$ilt( TMF vilues for solvent eilncrd<br />

rulcseed dcll (2.45 2 50 Kcd s) llish TME value (2 66Kcil/8) hrd bcen rctorted bv<br />

toncs and Sibbald (19?t) io nteal lnvnrg hilher CP (51fr) lhrn ftnl having lo$€r CI)<br />

(15%) in cdc <strong>ot</strong> n,lve cilh.Ed nrp'secd De wl clr s$ reponed s 2 10 Kcal/S<br />

{Sub, 1988) Sr1|roo (1984).elorled higltr TMn v ue (2?2 Kcrl/d nr crPcLl'f<br />

lrlccrscd fuNsced ucll rhu ldnl oDc llE rulodcd nP€{d nrsrl conkincd 18'51<br />

Cl'!r 8 to ll 2% lrl ngriN lrtd ( t'nrtl7% Iu i ldrl rllEst! Ncd ltrnvci cl'<br />

dld l(f,d flFsccd nriLxpP$rs !) hc llD rcN)tr lrt lrnvd' lMllvrluc'lh'-lAI':<br />

vrl0c of scsrnrc rtrl s$?7j(crl/! Skrcv !d Allur (1932h) ''Nn'd \crl l|lr<br />

'l-Mli lrluu (l70 }(c /s) i,r isrrt nul \(hnh hd vr'v higt Cl' (51 1%) ir lnr<br />

(18%) r\ (oiDir_'t b ldrl$sinc trBrl(CP.4l% &li 8%) lhtl(trvcr'llvllihnul<br />

icsrne nr could bc due |o ir ldvcf cP r llrcoNcdlr sibhdld (1986)1l$ ohsrrv(Ll<br />

ri^!.r TiuE (2.56 (crl/s) irt .rs.trN nul *irh loN tii (l ?%) ad lrrll' Al' (ll'91i )<br />

1hc IME vrlue of so)hcan DcrL Yrs 2't'{'<br />

?' d/ (1980), Kc$lgr rnd l lDllrs ( lvSl). scxrng<br />

ll)2<br />

($l/kg. Sibbrld (197611. Chrrr<br />

! l llmilrcn (1981), S!lrrun (193r)

!M D.lc cr al. O985) eporr€d TME ior soykan De{l in thc 6ngc of 2-91 o 3,08<br />

K@l/8. Stocy iod AlLn (l9a2b) .nd Sibtrld (1986) ob*d€rl hielE TME valws (3. 15<br />

and l,l8 KoVg) for $tb..n @al conbining 50.nd 53% CI,, HowErt Mut.r rnd<br />

Slnrgcr ( l98l b) 0*l sub ( 1988) rcGd lowcr TME vrluc (2.80 and 2.67 f$allg) of tuls<br />

@draining 4s .nd 42 t CP. DificEmes ia CP coflcrx mish h.d Ie[.d in tlE uri.taon<br />

of TME valEs, The TME valu. or slnnoscr nEal was 2.47 *cd/8. Schlog and<br />

lliorilton (1981) and Du P@ d a/, (19&l) ctonq! sinil* TME vrl'6 lor $.0owr<br />

nEal (2.45 rlrd 2.58 Kc.l/g). How.vcr, Slb (1988) obsdcd lo*er IME vll@ (2.10<br />

Kcal/8) for sunnower ne.l, prob$ly dle |oiG v..y low CP (25%) !!rd high CF(29%)<br />

Thc lME N |)eroc Uc ol CE fo..oh glu|m, coriorBcod, ho(sd, !o{mc,<br />

so/bclr rnd sunnow$ nurls wcre 79, 58, ,?. 61, 66 rDd 55, Espe.til.lr. Thc'lMl:<br />

N |lrc'ltngc o, Cll for con 8lutc., corxrsd, flFscd, sm, soybon n<br />

sunrloe$ nqls crleuhEd fnrn dxlr on lMli ud Clj ruA .d bySibtrld (1t86) wc.c<br />

?9, 52, 53. 5{. 6l i'd 51, rc{.llivcl, lr wrr on$trql rhrl locd wgcubk tuls lDd<br />

sli,rhtly hctrq Fncnrirl to ptuti'lc lvnihbl..Nr!y tu rhl rclt,n 'l ods, lh h!trcr<br />

uriltr i;tr .i cnclgt fionr vclc(rblc lrcr l could hc duc o vnrierics ol ltu |r)duds<br />

souEc r|t| clirtrtk ditftEmc udq *hnh thr* BB gnNn.<br />

5.1,.1AnnMl dHls<br />

llr G! rilucs or nrul<br />

trrrls mi&rl li! r.61to 5.1.1li6l/kg, llE$ ]R<br />

lourl lo b. lo*d rlhn rli llluc! rcpoIlcd ir(ltr Lncrnrurc l|t P$ibk l.isn lbt kNur<br />

l0J<br />

I<br />


concnts. Sibbrld (1986) r'ponsl dur bldd iish 'lrd poultv bv-product nrcn6<br />

conkiniog 96. 68. 65tr CP bd 5 93 4 95 nnd 5 /r7 (cauq CE r'sperivelv -rxese<br />

$b6wre6_23% higher rhtr tnoe of l@d m'aG similarlv Sibb d (I979c) rcpodeo<br />

4.?9 K@Ug GE for tsh nol qhi'h eN 4% highc' th'n thar of ldal ncal Howevcr'<br />

Sibbrld and Mose (19S2)<br />

'nd StoEy ard Attet (l9S2b) t'porEd 415 and 4 28 Kcrlig<br />

GE for fislr ncdl being lorcr thao th(l ol tdrl firh $crl Thh war Drobablt duc t)<br />

lovcr CP {44.5%) in EPof,ed n mcrl' Snlilarly Sibbald (19?9c)' Sibb'ld ?r 'r<br />

(l98or) !M Sibbild urd MoN' (1t82) fcPorlcd Cli ol Ncrr nrcdl tunln]g ftor! 3 9r !l<br />

4 19 Kclllg 'lh'ir lnlLrcs $!rL loNor rhrn rhe bcrl nrcN D$l hcca!\c 'l rltir hr!r'!<br />

rlr coorc (25 9-2? 3%) flt AMli rrlLr$ lirr Ninrnl nronk rtlsLd ftonr 2 63 o 2 96<br />

ftru! ll|lld (1980) Srhru rnd ltrNilnnr (l98lr Nd Ou ltccz /r d/ (r9srr<br />

rcl)onln hiqhur AMU vahEol li Ncil r girrs liorr'l 05 (r I 1q Kcnl/g scl !9 rN<br />

llrnrilroi {lr)81) dso Nnoncd lislE' ANlt' vrluc ldr nrnt !s 2 $5 K$r/g<br />

'rd<br />

'lh|'lIll: vnlN lit l(*il bnn)il nErl Nrs 3 09 Kcrl/s sibbrld (l')Rn) rcporrcd<br />

lriSXcr 'l M li \ ttuc (4 00 K$llg) l ' blrr)(l Mtrl *hich 'DrhnBd t6 6t Cl' rgrirrsr 89:?<br />

i', r,.,,r r'r,*,i*""r KcsrlcrNd'lhonN (l9ltl) nlsoohscr\tdhishc!-lMli {ht (:1 s')<br />

Kcrllgl1brhl(rl Ncrl 'llN lr^vcr'llvlll irr loerl bkxrl nExl 'ri!hr [c roihutd t) lrn\ti<br />

Cl' !t n Th. lNll rirh <strong>ot</strong>xl tl$ ltn krv'r 'illE (3 13 (crl/g) rlrr llNsc ruporlcd oI<br />

S'lnlld (19?9!), lhlldnn (l9li0 l)rlg rrd linlor (1961) Du Prcca d n/' (r91i]<br />

snldon(198r)rndsihhild(lts6l llilhrr'!'Nrll ulL'cs (1 31116Kcrlr!)1cn'ie! li<br />

lith rtrr \rctc dtrc !'till(r cl'(64 ?2"i ) rnd n'lrrr xsh 11:20'l ) q!{u'i nrl thc l"Lrl

l4rr Ned LLr, ur, {! (-.. --,-?<br />

The TME value orlocalnEar neal wr;3 0? Kclvs SiDiia! lME €lcs (2 90_<br />

3.,4k<strong>ot</strong>o oi oEar neal wcr€ obs.rvcd tv Schrngadtr.millon (1981) Sal@n(1984)<br />

a.d Sibb.l

5.2 Avrtlability ol An m AciG<br />

llt @hs ol ttE tunino ';id lroiilc and ilEil availrbihv in th' iledsuils u et<br />

slrty haw bcn discussed io the tolloqing porrgnphs<br />

Th. iniho rcid Plofilc or locrl drcll griins vrs bc(ct rhrn rhd repo(cd ror rorn<br />

(sibbald,l99di sibbald LgS6; Slb 1988; Enenntgc' r' d/ r99o: AnorvD)ols r99l<br />

aril 196) (App$dix lrltc VIll) ud ricc (Sub l98S and EsnriNer N! 4t tv)\)l<br />

(Apl,edit 'flblc Vlll). 'l1r r<strong>rnn</strong>o tid nofil' ol lGil sorliun $'$ ho$c\ur<br />

cdnPrr lctorlt crrlicrrqFns (S{b, 19881 ll$Drtulcrcli/ l99O '\nonvrn)us l'J!)i<br />

,d l'IXt (Apn$dix lftlc Vtll) Sntih' N$ ll* drsc ol NlErr ltr in'nQ rcid llii|r<br />

(suh. l$8: tiNnnrlc! .r d/ lr)r)0 rid AnonrnNus' lt'6) (As*'di:i 'kblc Y!ll)<br />

Ii(Ndydr. Sihhnl'l (l(186) ob\crv(d lrr-lhct vrlu$ ttt rnrilorcids w|rl i: 'dnntrtJ<br />

!' hul $h.rr nrnic(lntlv ht lud crs- l-f -fhr xnd r\r!<br />

-tlE c.flt dtCohrr lxridv Nnh sltrlt nrldtr rod ricc rios ol lJivni! rr' 'erv NerL urcr<br />

ir r rlN*nt cildirNnt, rlr* rrriuurs &nrs connNnlt gdvn N$ iii' rtr\' l\!rl:'Lt<br />

ttoru$!, Ernccrivrlt lltc ruiNtr li' N&r!dnn'Nd Pdllc rta |Lrlthrlhg'rl'<br />

cnnrcd, *hiclt is !cneric chnn'(rislLc ol rlEst crr4J\ gn*i udlcf dLllcrrtt rLr rinr(<br />

collnn,ns usin-! !ilrct Dt rgDnor"e lnr'lccs<br />

v.il$ilnv ol rll l\c nrdis|'dsrblc {rnN icids h rlr th! ttu cd$l !rritr\ rcll<br />

$ilhnr rlt rrnsc 'c|orrcn h)_ Sil)hru (1t36) Ensritr!$ (' !/ ll}x))nnll /\tror\i!u'<br />


(1993 .nd 1996) (App.dix Tablc iX) exceF rhar of Md in dcc nnd wnd ann Lys iD<br />

soqhum .nd wh. vnicn ras lo*r in ltrrl *cal lnills. Arnons tu ccml gFins,<br />

corn hrd higher .v.iLbiliry tne rice, so.shun i|ld wh€.r. As rhc porcin i. the<br />

endostcm .dh@ mE riehrly to stdlr gra.ul.s in rice, sorghuo atn {h..1 'i!n in<br />

com (BoEn, 1989) tlE dis.3ribiliry or !mi@ rcids in 'hcsc c.ul lnia nigh! had<br />

d.creas.d. High omin co .nr in sorglun as conprr.d ro corn could b. an dlcr frctor<br />

rbr iG low availabiliry. Nclson.ral. (1975) rcton d rh as $e r.Min con@.r idElsed<br />

ni rhe srlhun, lrim..ids avlilabiliry dccrea$d<br />

5,1,1 Cmxl ly{rodlcts<br />

Tlt itr'i.o icij Frofilc ol$c ducc l@ilccnrl by-p(nucB Ns snnih ro rlrr<br />

rs8ircd by Sibltrld (1986), Sub {19$8), ( NrDoi n d/. (1t90), liNmntcr dr dr. {r90)<br />

iRl Arryn$us (1993rnd l9i)6) ( ptEudix liltc vlll) tldvcr.r. Lr rod Ai! innril<br />

$n' glurcn ILln wrc ldrr rn rtu ruB cd vrluu!<br />

Anihhihry of I rlr idisFtrsrDlc nnri*r rcid\ rhc lltr* ldrl cc&l hI<br />

t,r,rluch t ll $irh in r& ru$ rqnnrdl hl Sihhtd (l'D6), |:ns!rnrs.r .r.rl. (t9qrJ rRr<br />

^'r{)rr,usrl,f'Jrrnty,6,rAptrtrJ'\t,'l'lct\r.lnN(rur,,'rrlJh';rtoilh.,,l'k,'l<br />

nr. I'olishnBs qB sligtury hilhlr iNl l,tu in lGrl Lvhcrr lrrn \La5 lo\Er. ABr'$ nr<br />

.ccrql hy pn'docrs ctrn Sldcn lLrd hrd highcr rvrihhiiirtr ol ,irD adds rl'!r ri..<br />

t)nlr$rgr rnd NlEt bdn Avlil i|ny ofccrrll') Itr{xluch<br />

lvns lo*$ d D'ol r<br />

gnn6lr;r \ehich rlky erud$ird. Tlr.erc l'r'-|]nkludr c obriBd loD rh( brxn<br />

llttor of gniB thlh conhin rrucruhl clni rtdr .s rilhrlt bdftl sirh |lrur.nr.<br />


-<br />

mrgesuurG 'u '" " --<br />

rcsuhinB inb toser rvrrllbil'rv 'i anrs'<br />

ThG.nirc a'-rd p'ofil' of oosr <strong>ot</strong> th' vegctablc 6'als s's within lhc reporcd<br />

(19E6) Ensningcr t' ai<br />

(1990) and Anonvmous<br />

.*. **n^t t<br />

''bbald<br />

"r,*.<br />

"", "," t*, ***'t t"tle vlll) lto*vcr' Lv;co e in tcs'€d so'be'n and<br />

;";' *,";"<br />

'"""' '" 'h' nvrisenous n*ars thin th' o'rs Exccs\'<br />

'eooned<br />

;;; ; ,*",'t' -*t hid resurrcd irno Mairri'd nrcducc lnd Lvs in adrancc'll<br />

Mailhd Go pouttds is n<strong>ot</strong> Ecovcrdt duling 'nrir' lcid dalvsir (Huscll 1990) Th'<br />

imiu* in ru@living lnnc ftoN 0 60 nir\ h{s bc'n r{oned lo dccr'as' nE r-vr<br />

;;:"";<br />

'", "-';" '"' "* r 'r? o t 35% ar' reer)<br />

(Andcrson{drcanlnn 'r<br />

89% {i/'lM|]B<br />

n,.*-*t*'n"tt*t<br />

and larens 1994)and lor $vbc$ ntrl<br />

n..,,,.t'"o U't*t- Nrrl P$sons l9'6b) fhc l'vs wrs highcr a d Mcr rn'r<br />

;;;;"-.'* ' *' '"'*" tncrr dtrc ro viririors i'rricrics or scsr'r n*rr rNl<br />

n*,r.rn"*t" tt"t u'nu'*t agr<strong>ot</strong>roNic tr(ticcs in diflcenr nn 5 of dru worrd'<br />

Thc tdim rcid costcnls in lcal elvcnt cxmltld co{lo ccd rod runcsccd nBrls<br />

wcc cmrnmrivurv rrigru ttnn rhc vahcs rnoflcd [v sibblld (1986) ENnrnlgcr 'r dI<br />

,;;;<br />

^-*'*"'" 'i ret6) (^Dcndix lrbrc vrir) trisrrer Prcrein<br />

n\ rocir<br />

"ut"* "-,""'t t"""'-""u tt'40%) rnd ial)(scd ntrls (40 33%) lnd then vrric'rl<br />

chr*tttin$ could Lro Ll! nosiiblc lNlo$ \Yxrcn nnglr( rcsulled inro hiShs anritn n!iJ<br />

lont in lks nEils cntron*td rN r{escd r{tk NCle aho obrrirred froo' !r oru<br />


lcal exp.ll.r ciiriction Detlbd vhiclr is rerrlt prdticed irr<br />

infomtio! on rh. amino &id corrc.F of tnch feedstuiii tr<br />

lnerhNrc. Similarly rhc infomation oo anrino acid co cnis o{ guar ffd vd et'rv<br />

Av.ilabilny of all $c .s$ttial amino acids io vescltbl. mcdh Nas wnhin Ihc<br />

rrngc aPoned bt Sibblld I 1986). EBnungq er a/ rlogor 'm An;nlnrous rl@l aN<br />

1996) (Appendix Table lX) Ho*ever, availabilily ofMct incorone.d (s) rovbcan'nd<br />

sunnowcr mels a')d Lys in soybcan and sln0ower trEals vas lowcr $tn $c rcpon.d<br />

vilues. PNsing ollhcse 'n..k involves froclr h.al,nd prcslr. to brcallne secd aid<br />

exrracr as mlch oil as po$ible. 'rhus, lh$c is I po$ibililv oi formarion ol Mrilltrd<br />

comFoutxls tEnve.n rhe rcducing sugrN in oe,ls a l aDino acids lannubrlv l)s<br />

(MNron, l98l). Tl'c foflndior of such coNl,ounds rhough excesiw hcanng duflrg<br />

tntcstrlg could hn- rl[ possihle rcr$r lor linv tvrilftilirv oi I-}l A Mcl nr rlcit<br />

trNnls.l'rMn.r./ (1992) fonnd 3% d(tunsc nr digcstibilirv oiMcl ir' $vb(an Nsl<br />

wnh lu(dlavnrg A\rilibnny .l cs\crrirL rdrilro rcids irr c<strong>ot</strong>or$cd rrcil 4d mr^-scLd<br />

nul $as inrc.ior nto olh.r nuls lhtnce ol ntrriDuuir'r. tudors ic . Sostpol or<br />

rJ(loPturf,N lr'ry r.-irl. rr' !urrun\4'l r'(rl ' 'J ctu. . r-d I'rJ !.eoviu|Jr '; rrn+(J<br />

nul. sllich nra[c llt lr<strong>ot</strong>cin ir ilcstib]c lo rhc hird ight b! rhc N$iblc<br />

nrv.r,ilabiht ol nNnD acids nr r* it.ls<br />

5:.4<br />

easDn Inr<br />

'llE aDrino &itl lrolilc olbkbd, ncar and poux.t bt Polucr mc wls sDnhr<br />

r) rltr r{'oned hr_ sll rld(19s6) tnsrnllcr lr dr (1990) rnd norvnrour (1991Ntul<br />


1996) (APpendir Table VtlD Ho{evct, Lvs and Ad in ldrl blood Deat and Md i'd<br />

Lys in local poulry by'prodlct ncrl w'rc slighdt lovct *hilc' Mcr' Lts and T'y'n<br />

indiS.nous meat oeal *.rc higner un th' r'porcd vales' Thc tnirc acid conc s ol<br />

fish D.al wer€ low.. rh.n th6. E odcd by sibbald 0986) EBoing'r aal (1990) ald<br />

Anonymous (1993 aDd 1996) (Appendix T{bk vllD tnw proEin conE of l@al hslr<br />

i@l I compaed ro th. rep<strong>ot</strong>red (61 vs 63'66%).nignt b' th' posible cason for lo$<br />

amino &id prcfile of locat nsh tul StiSh( variatioD in stu lnino &ids in l@l as<br />

comParcd lo reponcd anim, d.als Dighr bc due Io valiali<strong>ot</strong> inPoducls sourcc h0 nt<br />

conr0lrrbbwnhllNrcporlql(Sibbrld,1986rEnsmingertral lt90' Anonvilous lt9l<br />

nitt 1996) (Alpcndix lrblc tX) AQihhilnvor dsr Mitro Ncids nr PLhr! lrv-Plodurl<br />

mcrl s4 lo*d rlnr lh. eponc{ <strong>ot</strong>rcs (Sibb d '986i<br />

E6oinger " 4l ltto:<br />

NnyDxtus, l99l rnd l9t6) (Aflcrdit lrblc lX) l digcnous Nulq bv nroduol nrlrl<br />

co.lniNd liir rnNnl ol lodhcrr Nhic[ Ndrc nor seprrlcd durnrg Proc0ssnrg I'r'{rrr<br />

ol ,crlEB in llr ntrl s'ltich conkn*d ir igcsribl| \'tulirr nrilht lnd rcduccd llr'<br />

nv.ihbilir! oi anino aciLlr<br />

rht css{ial dino acids in blood. ftlh rnd ocd m"ls Nas<br />

l-hc vrluc o! Cys nltr|iculnrlr rr llt excr!la olborI itd rnd lr'srcd coc\crcl {{s<br />

ctroEourtt\ulrrn!Inruhrshi\irl.rurli\'Murur?'ilr1080)tcnoiudhrrC)shJ'llt'i<br />

fdnd ro uDdctso dAtrction ro lritnr! &gres iluring llcl hvdrolvsi '1 tu aDouu' ol<br />

.lcslructir)tr bcjrg cscnlixllt nrvcrsll) J'Lolo(ior lo llt conccnlrurion ol Cvt ri rt''<br />

suDl. nlorcoler, Cys \rrs sus$lihlc lr) dcsuxdion rs r lesulr of bdlcrirl iclloD rn<br />


c cnicken ex$era. Becruse excrch conhined njuch jcss Cys $an ted, rnc r.tative<br />

destoctionofrhis anino acid in cxcera ws gcmh y gE!rc.. Thus,lhe Crsavailabnny<br />

valu.s w€re probabty overesieard, The values of ctt were abo huch etron.ous in<br />

cxcrc.a and wer di$ountcd. S@rs.r al. (t971) Epon.d rhai uric acid of bird cxcFta<br />

get hydrolysed during analysis Esulring nro high ct] in cxcrcn s.hplcs.<br />

5.3 Dietalj avaitabte lysinc requh.enrcnt tor Droit€rs<br />

A signiticanr incruasing ftnd was noriccd in bodt vcighr gain oibids with rhe<br />

narcasc ro Dc tcv.h of AL h dr dicls ofbloitcr chicks duriog difi.renr 8rowth Frio{s.<br />

Fccd ir e. howelcr, did nor vu, wnh i[crc{sing dieo,, AL tcv.k ttuD O 6 $cct of<br />

gr'wrl' fccd (lrn (rtr) rr tos AL Jr. ".h r,!nrt(. rt) hsd ;,j1nornr drd n!h<br />

Al- dicrs du.ine %rous Arowrh pcrinls cxcct! turin!,rnNhfnhasc<br />

'thc Gsutrs indicr(d rhd ddirbn <strong>ot</strong> t09i Al_ ovcr Urc ri[dr!(r tcvcts (O 99 r<br />

0.85% in skflo rnd thiltrr dicb) ,cconDc rd by AEC (1987) inDdved llrc wei,thr<br />

!rnr, bul fccd cfficicncy hid nor rcsloidcd sigriticatrttt to xrshcr rcvets or At, undc.<br />

nrln rcnrlxtul$c. Snnih. tjr!]irrgs vcB ,clodcd b, IIrtr aM DaIc, (l9r3r) who<br />

obscrvcd rha! hodt NeiSlI Sri[ <strong>ot</strong> broitcr ro,!d ir conrxn [g[ rqnp€r ur! (37"C)<br />

Inrn 8 h 22 .irys po\l hxrchnr-! on JicG hrlnr8 O 91, I 0l atrd I l]t dilcsriblc t_ys<br />

Krc 136, 20i rnd 202 g. rci|rglrivcti. Ircdt iNr\c arld 8 n (o rced tulio o, ltB diuls<br />

hrDg0.92, l.0lnnd I tl% discnitjtc r)s \cr19O, tO8 d299rl ffi16.41,651rnd<br />

616 8:kg. Itr! nntl ltntiq (r991) rrDo cd (t8l digc$ibld l_rs come ion Nqjcd |n!<br />


n.ximun wiShi f.in occurrcd at a lev'l nor 'rc!'ding I OIS of 0E dict qhilc fced<br />

eflici€rcy m.xim occlrr.d at a dig.stiblc Lys !'vcl trol<br />

'ictcdiog<br />

l 2tS of the dier'<br />

ll wd obvrvcd rhar bodJ *.rghr grin ald (*d 'flicieMv ( d'prcss'd when<br />

di.rary AL l.vel was lO% lower frod lhe silnd'rd Hin and B'kct (1994) Epoied<br />

similar nndinSs, rcgrding dhrdy digcslibl' Lvs ftquircm'm of broilci chicks dlnns<br />

22 to 43 d;ost harching p*iod *ilh b$al dici co aining 0 51% ln' dis'slible Lvs<br />

weighl Sait tnd gain to feed raiio Ner siSnillc'nllv low'r unb 03% Lvs<br />

sup0lchcnLtio.. But as dE d.sired level of digdstibL Lvs (091%) lhroush<br />

suppleNcdiis wih04% Lys aplrocltd lnd thcn crceeilcd $e bitds signinc| v<br />

l'o<strong>ot</strong> Crovlh P-rlonnN(c o'broilerchicksal lov lcv'l oiAL indicr could bL duc<br />

b inibrhNc bc(wcen crilicrl aoino 'cids<br />

-l hc Lvs is thc Er'r'me amim rcid lo Nhrch<br />

all orlrcr n isocsrblu r$no {cids arc juslcn io r ideal pt<strong>ot</strong>cin PNGrn<br />

for lccd<br />

tutrrulrrntt'lhcl.ysrosrtplurcoohnrnrgrnimacidsftriosinlosAl'dierfor$r'lcr<br />

rrd tinislu dicu *urc tOO 8t d 100 84 whcrcas in "trMl artl hisn Al dicrs {bc<br />

rdios t(tr sdcr dicrs wcrc lOo:?8 a*l l0O:?l afrl f<strong>ot</strong> tinirl$ dic$ 100:?5 rM 100:69'<br />

r(rliccrivult l]lc l-ys lo sll|llM c<strong>ot</strong>rrririn! urnu lcids mrn\ nr N'rnrl d hi!l! Ar-<br />

dicrs vctc itrrh closcr ro thN lcnodcd l;t lfun (lt94l Wlrilc nr crse r$\<br />

'i<br />

"rkcfuRl<br />

Al. di.r rlt dillulorcc sr' trn'oh $idcr rcocclitrs nnbatrftc bclqcc L's rnd Mcl<br />

rcsul(irrg n 0 Nor urili2rlror ol r1[ dilr Mrrch md BiNl) (1971) ir icalcJ rh (l'0<br />

lovlh dcfld$ing oltccL scctr \vilh.no rnrirro roid iNhllnncc is rllrlvrkd Nirlr xi<br />

incEa*d eNrBy slPplt o.iginari g lioor enls lr dier or I he nless liruirior l'su'

., al. (1969) rls indioLd rha. Lys d.ficiercy icEas.d bodt ten!.ratur. This snuition<br />

would b. ol padicular cooern undd wlnn .nvirom8nr.r co.diri<strong>ot</strong>u in which rhe<br />

elPerinr ss (ondulLed.<br />

In seftnl ir could be concludcd thdr dichry ioctusion level of AL (0.99 .nd<br />

o.85% tor son.r dd fnisber di.h) s @hnrended by AEC (198?) lor normal range<br />

oi cnvnomcMl tcnrpenlnE un .ls by succNfuuy apptied uldcr rhe sunnner<br />

con.lidoos of hlaolbad. One iDpoflafi frcto!, wlrich nrighl hrd help.d rbe birds ro<br />

adiust th.ir daily f.cd inrakc and perfon noin.l oD srandard ALdict @utd be lhe daity<br />

ctcl'c ren'peraore during dreexp.riDcnt. The ruxmrur lenrpe(0ft raigc was 3t-4(jcC<br />

durirrgdrecxpcrinr,whiohisnruchrbolctheconlombterctuler"ture&Detlrbroitel<br />

chrcks Thc sigs ol hca! srss serc qune visiblc. pulicullrlt h last ttrcc wc.ts ol ttre<br />

cxN<strong>rnn</strong>o lhcr. q$ hytcnhcrDic l)nnrilg by ttr bi.ds virtr srctlhcd winls llirds<br />

redoed dcn iecd iftlc xnd nrcir*d $ cr uthku dur nrg noo. hou6. our rtr l)crr <strong>ot</strong><br />

lo rp.ftroo .cmand o.ly lbr l.$ hours. lhe bnds Lvcrc comfofllbtc io dB nron rg,<br />

n' llrc cvcnnr! a durnu nirhr. Dcrton ?, a/. (1931) i icarcd rh{tbroitcE wcrc bc(cl<br />

xblc b sirhsknd. cyclic rorpor urc ol 3J - 2l.C rlrhc, thr. conn r trigtr<br />

5.4 Di(ra^ ariihblc 'ncthio ilc rcquilcnrcDl for broiters<br />

!ul) \rcight-!anr olbirds on to\r nnd rcnnit,\tt dicb wrs signiticanrt),hi!h.r<br />

r! conrorc'l ro hrSh AM dic( durin! borl rhe iincr and finishc. phises o, aflnyrh.<br />


Thcc vclc mn_siSnific.nr dificr'ncc the fe'd int'ke ol bnds ted 6 uee dre rv<br />

'mong<br />

AM l.vcb d;ntg bolh $e phd's oi Srowrb F 'd 'ffichi't for lo* aDd nodrl AM<br />

dids was sieniircattly highs dEn rhtl of niSI AM di't dsdng lmishd ph's and ovemll<br />

(0-6 w..k) growth period Bd fccd cffici?ncv did nor cxhibn anv lignifi@n( dilf€ence<br />

Jnons dckry AM l.v.ls du"nB i'rcr Ph$'<br />

Boikl chicks on sbndrd kv; of AM (047 ad 0 38% insraner 'd innber<br />

dicrs, Gsp€.livelv) adl lO% btlo* the skndard l'vcl of AM alonswilb stardard levcl<br />

of AL in $. dier as Gonnended b, AEC (198?) pdfomd be!€r during slmmr trr<br />

tsldnab.d whik lo% addilion io sndrrd AM dcpEssed he gr<strong>ot</strong>0l'erfonmncc ol<br />

Irids the bnds on sl{ d dicl nrighl hrve rdjusted qell $ cooP uP rvilh thc ctdlit<br />

higlr Lenrp.trlurc duriflg sunnncr in klmrbld N Alre lt dis'ussed Poor pcrloduce<br />

ol bn'!on hr8h AM nr Jrcr cuulJ rgrtrrhl dlc ru rnbrltrRc b(lN(cnsullldr !unr"<strong>rnn</strong>!<br />

r rno rlds rnJ L)' h*r'g rl'u rcl('tNc <strong>rnn</strong>io rcd 'thc Lts t' sulthur cdttnnnr<br />

rflrnro $ids rari$ in high AM didr fit skncr and 6nisher wcre 100:83 r l0o lil<br />

slrcra$ h low xnd Nrnrl AM diels dt nlhs wurc lO0 ?lrftl IO(l 78 tur $rrlcr LI(6<br />

d lOOTl ,nJ lov?t ht Inn'l'( 'l'$ 'c'Frrrvcb Ir'c L)< ru tullr'J' uri'r"'"<br />

{ni o eids Erios nr bN rnd rnxnul AM diuc {crc nruoh clos ro th rcnodu! D!<br />

lrrkcr rrd tlu (199!). Wlrilc ir 'rsc oI hiEh AM did the dirfc<br />

lcngdi s iDblli rcc bdvccn l'vs rDd Met rcsulring nrm poor urilizrtioD of rc dd<br />

h.o<strong>ot</strong>rntv ro tlt turdirrgs ol thc plcseor siudv wrldroup 4r dl (1976) In! l<br />

snrihr SroNh ljcrlonnd&c ofO lo 56 dry old herl srcssd broil$chicls or irrctc<strong>rnn</strong>g<br />

lc\rlofsulPlNrc.Nninnrsrnrino(idsin<br />

Edict(ronr'8?ro 95%) lutLvslcrcl$r\<br />


il.o cLvtl.d ftor r. B to r.24$ @ltins ilto sftlld lys !o sulphur codrinin8 .nim<br />

sid. r|lb (r0:??). AlhuSnva hhign AM di!! w..6l too llSb (.56 ) io b.c{tlcd<br />

! lolnhd!6d!'tt i<strong>ot</strong> !G dtditioo. dcc-s Md |!i$ rN. idn|'d ll,arnr Vd<br />

Estrils irto etol pdFiologicd cirls.. .rdr u i!.tE' ii; d|di iturnE, ftr:<br />

s.r, whlle-.tc|le in phma Gty or i! Di8ln hrd doitad &ttyl td9 io duco6.<br />

.<strong>ot</strong>rvcdirts I( to nethyl sllcarae which. is rb1 Mil.bl. for .rcrgy prrQoe Th.c<br />

physi.loead ch|4er miill hd niulted bro poor iro*rh pcrfomin$ or chicll<br />

Edr.ds rd Erbr 0981d ttm.dl B.td (193b) cpon d tti d..$ ol M.t h<br />

n|oa t|o*o d.9E!s.fl thr <strong>ot</strong>ls rnio.ci65,<br />


STA{MARY<br />

Srpt biley ror TME alxt aqino rvailabilitv is<br />

'cid ' @cnr ionovation in rhe<br />

.vaturdon of parlry ledstutTs Mosl of tlE infomalio' on TME atd AAA @nrc s of<br />

fc.dstfi5 .dt tlci. Equimdt for btoitcr chiclc is frcm tcmP.BE rcgion' which n'y<br />

mt b. .lPtiqbk under rropiql ' d snb-lmpicel condirions PEsem sludv wls<br />

lnd.rord to d.tmrne TM E anrl AAA@nrcnh ol l"d$ufis Scmmll) u'ed for noullry<br />

fc.d fo@laio in tt! cou'nry TIE studv was ako tiNd 't ssesins rh€ dt'r'fv<br />

toquilmnc oibioiler chicks lor AL r d AM TIrTMEtl]d AAAol feedslulh werc<br />

detcmnrd by qlhk bioasrv lcchn4D ol sibblld (1986) usin! adul( cdliercls whilc<br />

dicr.ry 'tquiEmnts oi broilcr chic\s lnr AL r l AM vce asesscd thrcugx gro$h<br />

'Il* luL{stlll! cvrlurcrl li'r'llvlll trtl AAA w(c ccroals 8lrnrsr<br />

oonr' ricc<br />

vrghu rd elrirr ccrcrl [t-t&,J$B co l|(fllucn ticcliolis[nusr t$hcarbrrn<br />

ilnrss: vcgctahlc ucrls: corr slurcn ntrl(lo%) rid (60%) corroisc{d trtrl(Lc) !trd<br />

($r, Audr nrrl 6F:(cJ nrcol4lr niJ $):(\rnctrt'l :ayhcrn crlrnJ \urtl\\(r<br />

nE ; ani .l nuls: lnni iul, [nr nrutrl, nrcd nHl rr Doulrrv bv'ldlucr Dcrl<br />

nx IvtE (Kcal/K8) lut con, ricc s<strong>ot</strong>Shu and wh' were 3612 3619 3416<br />

ritl l5ol, t\FchvcD Cori LlJlsn rr(J r(( po "lnnS! *lN!r birn in- rulrsL' hd<br />

2.188, L116,,'l?4 an'j 2097 Xlilrli! lNlll Th( TMF valus wc'r lor cu'n Strrcn<br />

tM(lon) ?570. cod glutn rncrll6o%) 3980 '<strong>ot</strong>longd nealiee) 2583 conon\c'd<br />

itrl{e)!t15.gurrlrcrl1699, rrlcsecd [ct(!t)253? tat€sccd NerlGe)2508 scsnnt!

@12?tl, $yhan cal 2957 lnd $nnove. m.al2;6? Kcat/Ke. The bld.l meal, fish<br />

del, Id .El :d !o!l.ry<br />

by-prcluct 'nerl had TME 3091. 3126, 30?0 aDd 3367<br />

TIE rDilo -id rrailabiliry ranged fron 82 lo 94% in corn, ?2 to 89% in ric.,<br />

63 ro 9t i! sgldn snd 75 ro 97% in *ncar. Thc .tairabihy <strong>ot</strong>rmino rcids ,ang.d<br />

r'm ?5 b 96,76b87, aod ?l ro 86% in corn slut.n f*d, rice p<strong>ot</strong>irhings and q[ear<br />

bdn, Espetivclt. Tnc atoino acid avrilabilny mngcd for coln gtulcn nc!l(30%) fronr<br />

72 ro 94*, cm gbrcn nerl(60%) rio'ir 85 ro 98%, corcseed mcalce) iion ?8 b<br />

96*, c<strong>ot</strong>ronFr, ft.| (se) lronr 69 lo 9r%, gur Nqt f.om & ro 93%. rapesccd<br />

tu&l(e) tron' ?3 88%, nDesed .jcalce) rroh 82 rc 93%, sesafre ne.l tiom 83 ro<br />

'o<br />

95%, $yb.!n ftal troD 82 ro 89% ud sun0Nver nrcrl fron 8t ro 94%, ti casc or<br />

mrr tuls rhc aqitrbilirt <strong>ot</strong> iDirrr kids ftnlcd trom 80 ro 98. B7 ro 96, 8i b 9t<br />

!' 48 lo 8l! ltr bl(Fd nrcxl, fish mcrl, D6r rBat lnd pouhrt hy.producr nrcrt,<br />

h a Sowrh pcrhrnwrcc nirt, ir wrs obsurv.d r rorat body qcighr grin or<br />

66i1.. chickr durinS sir *cc*s wr\ rhc lriltf,sr (t5oort4 t9 A/bnd) on hiBlr AL dicr<br />

rollovcd by E on rcntul AL dicr i1475i4.20 !/binl) and on 1oe AL rjicl<br />

(1397j4.20g/bnd) lhc bod, ssighl eiitr oihi,d\dilt.rcd $gnrtrcrilly (p

a 2.2lt ol4, sp6dv.ly Tb' cult! shdcd d[t th' birdi f€d lo{ AL diet<br />

dNd.d siSnifs lv (P

y-podicts ad vege$blc mc.ls conp.ftbte and .nihal n.ats lower ftan<br />

Di.t ry lrjnrG for.vailabL Ly! a*l Mcr h broilcr di.tr as suggesred<br />

by ADC {l9at} d elilfrcto.y during suem.r in bhbrd-<br />

6,2 RM'mmddd / Sugg6tions<br />

Folloeing Ecmen

vdio$ rehPcrltu.. .!d PddE b rct l|wr Atr i'GeaEd G"rch<br />

Prog.ahnE lhould be d.v.tod i! collalo'ni<strong>ot</strong>r of oil sa'd iidt'srv and poultrv<br />

Di.ity rcquiGnEnt of poultt fd .vrilablt Ntti"E duht h<strong>ot</strong> aid huEd<br />

qaficr !t@ld bc a!..*d<br />

ttrforhali<strong>ot</strong>r g€n.hrcd on biol4iqllv avlilabl' Nri'nts of lol li'dtluf6 it{<br />

dE diehty rcquhemcnB of brcilq clicks f<strong>ot</strong> AL lDd AM could bc u&tul for pt@hc aM<br />

rccuFtc tcld r<strong>ot</strong>mllation and .conohh.l pollrv Productio Fa dt bdElir or poulrrv<br />

fcql idu{ry, scicnrist! and 5udctu, truricn! coqo:idon tablcs lE hcn omeil'd as<br />

rlDM i[ ncndix Tablc X & Xl !l rcconnrcRlcd for usc i! ltrra&c'

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1.6.96<br />

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a,6,95<br />

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7.6,95<br />

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12.5.95<br />

13.6,96<br />

1,1.6.96<br />

15,6.96<br />

16.6,96<br />

16.6.96<br />

20.5.96<br />

2r.6.t5<br />

22.6.96<br />

23.6.96<br />

2{.6.95<br />

21,6.16<br />

25.6.95<br />

27.6,95<br />

2A,6.96<br />

29.5.95<br />

3.?.96<br />

a. ?,96<br />

5.?.95<br />

5.?.96<br />

1,1.96<br />

8,t.96<br />

9,?.96<br />

10.?.96<br />

L2.1 .96<br />

35.t0<br />

35.00<br />

35,20<br />

35.50<br />

31.20 .<br />

33,50<br />

$.ao<br />

36,70<br />

34.?O<br />

32.50<br />

31.30<br />

33.60<br />

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