Dec 1919 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Dec 1919 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Dec 1919 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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,.•- >•>' • t--il,t "ii"ar?"•;W *» •'A". •'*• "^^~?"*»i»***-' • r-^^r*"'* ••wiV>a\iiaw» > a> i a_^»i,v. rTTT. t a • m • ai ^ ;GENERAL CONTRACTOR'737' Asbury" AvenueOCEAN CITY NEW JERSEYROAMr-8IWI*8i &ftl DGB8, bULKHBADS•IU.M«0N(4»OCCAM Cm. N. J.MJOOBSTIONS FORBttgosOo to Ata-ntte. Qltr '•»»- Mi,, btahjpi. bu* Oont MI«Pn>Rebuilding SaleFurs <strong>of</strong> I"•I Through the reliability shown in my garments and I. jf. _,. R_: vV.j^Trm.77.iilj nj3J5J2_b_b_t_*-- yX^'Ju-M JMET3 ___r^_^_____i•^ort^y "^ ^ t&uil have one <strong>of</strong> the prettiest stores in town.^tr^_*iI m B*t make room, and have reduced all my furs from 25per cent to 50 per cent Take advantage <strong>of</strong> this unusualopportunity and bay your furs now. We have fur neckpiecesfrom $25-00 up, fur coats from I69.00 up. A visit tomy store will convince yon that there is no one who cancompete with my law prices. Remodeling done by expertsat moderate prices. Remember the number—i. -^*1307 Padflc Avenue~~ MitM New JerseyTFOR YOU^^r —Bo^e^p^n^ aJriagBS^ga^afVIoar-pf*ao*io fcoww-in.ilalinii.liliii.wlUi Uood Wot* uri Boat lUt<strong>of</strong>tel.Lawrence n. LearOMM CMjr. N. J.I_ Box Ball AHeysJ-4 Monkey Ball Alleys, IShuffle Board. ApplyPowell's921 Anbury Avenue <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.B II f__.:wSV-r^V^-M%_#'Don't let the eprlng find joo with aleaky m<strong>of</strong>. ItaadaStiwuianilai•odaliMkir tool win ba apt torcaoltiaChrnaeyatBat^ahMldte looker)kA«r and wada water-tight. 8aaokeychhBneyecaabaa—datodraw.liaro<strong>of</strong>o an fire-pro<strong>of</strong> .A" Mod <strong>of</strong> atm and beater repair*,atom aad heater prpee.Tin, alate and dag ro<strong>of</strong>ing.SMITH'S, The Tin Smith738 sbury Ave.Chas. C. Read & Co.WALTSw — ALUM. fifr.8.8-so Asktiry Avo. o-rjgrjh-i,. Ocmm g,^ N jOOSAM omr. N. J.VloaiM OaUMfV.not, why not? They give three timesab much light as the old style Carbon lampsfor the same current consumption.Real Estate andSearch CompanyainnnmFidelitv Trust ComvanT- <strong>of</strong> NewarkIildiood Title and Trut Co.Title InsuranceSaarohae, Abstracts <strong>of</strong> Title,ConveyancingPrompt ServiceFire InsuranceAll Wort OuaraateecMoney to Lou on Oood Pint MortgageFarm* UaFraah CoaattyMaddock's PharmacyOCCAM CITV. «*.J—»-T-A-T-! O-H-R-R-V-.—i, scHighland <strong>Line</strong>n at 75cBaton's Lawotliie, Ib. pkgs.. 50cWard'* <strong>Line</strong>n, 1b. pkgs.. 35cBnvelopca, 15 eta. pkg>Universal Electric IronsR. H. JOHNSON CO/8 STORE84e ASBURY AVENUE••Hrr~W>-'r-ir:>:r.\->l..rtAr.ArtArr^m^^ • • ; • •..a_-^^^_t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t_-_M*-*--^M*-*---*—-*_•_*_*_VOL. XXXIX.<strong>City</strong> Sentinel IOCEAN CITYPpogpessive Iieagae TabletHB Memorial Tablet Coumittea <strong>of</strong> the Voang Mea'a Prograttr— Uame• herewith aabmh to the public a corrected Uat to data-<strong>of</strong> oamat compDedfor the Memorial BrVxua Tablet to be erected In the f-tore, and If any per*eon knowt <strong>of</strong> one wboae name dote not appear In tha following Hat, or If anyaOBIMSOM "•• •» •* oppeaia ia not tptlled correctly or any initial aa a part <strong>of</strong> a atae la left•TIB' . - • oat. they wUlt« coafcrring7fa«or by immediately notifyiag any <strong>of</strong> the followingeat OM waaanoawnamtd genilemtn, who conttitnta the Memorial Tablet Committee t Walter Allen,r. J. ThoraltT Hagbc* and Dr. WUaoo Y. Chrftttaa.Tba commltlee detlrea to bare each and every name <strong>of</strong> Men aad Women wboHated or waaotherwita in tba aervice <strong>of</strong> the United Stale* from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, only,' daring tba recent World War, aad they Ukawiea appeal to the public to co-operateDR. W. P. HAINESZam.mWTM ano WMLCV *WaD*. FLOUMCX B. HAWKSoca** otrr. •. i.AM dfl^LD.&a!a£ m "Mfca*.PBTTtT. U. DKMNTM AMD OMTUl AVI.OCCAM errr. N. J.•V.WIU0W Y. CmvnAMI09 Central AveopeDR. DAVID M.8AXEakag the line <strong>of</strong> aahaallUng nanta «a atattd. to that an authentic lict nuy ba eompiltd,and arraa|iaanta bronght to bear for the completion <strong>of</strong> «ud Tabletf^oll <strong>of</strong> Hottor-John B Adam* • Dominic OerfaaaioRaymond Adam*Leonard OatraciiiaRaxraotvd BarlowDaniel R. GoodwinJohn D. BarrRaymond HaleyBurl P BreckleyMoncan Hand, andlotepb Breckley •yJohn UelliwcllJoMpb Borrlerieris Icris Dr. W. P. Hainea•oatph BootbrojdojdTheodore HildrcthJoy Bentbam* laaac H<strong>of</strong>fmanWm. J. BateaonnClarence W. HartnunHiney L. Cbattln Itln William lagenollWalU* fU CbatUa. M_x,Jr.C~-_. InganollHownrd CrNrennWilliam C. jeirricsWlllwm C. CrunceIrving M. Je|aa. •aaatliBMliolrtnwnaft Hi «r**'ilioa- to May a*___^U?S Il laww!a_r-1»h orga^la Tkw laelira apoo '>«««*. <strong>of</strong> Dr»toe|Ulow | Bovatatlaa" wUI (O. V )*etlCwB>Mr. n—iw, «ke iiiialty Mak*-• _ , . _ » — * '. n M j !. T :_Monuments, Headstones andMarkers Finished and ReadyTo letter ft«H Brcct ImmediAtclvg-jggj^Pf^glSB'......-.. .. BaflPhooa.^737Yard Qpp. Atlantic <strong>City</strong> CemeteryBflPlAs It Is1.1; iAs It SeemsThe Road—In New Overland 4 onThree-Point Cantilever SpringsOverland 4 does not change the road, but it dots {? ve lon 5 er "f 6 *°***** P*« *nd thus minima* up.change the manner in which you can ride on it. It ^*P *"** re P laco rnent costs. .givesyou ayousmoothcomfortlaJinaiiuteadaemariAn<strong>of</strong> di«omfort.«n9 r ' 'ww wiKUJwiwiiiouincH. letuvsriand4 retains all the advantages—fightness. econoniy^ndca*eo/handling^l(XUnchwh«elbasey in gas, oil and running expense._ OverUrA 4's equipment is complete from Auto.^Comejo and see this remarkable car. Ask tota*o»aWa-a»A«o. Ocaao Cwy.M.J" KMtU-WUrwomcn•rr*. w. *.w«a«t>a o«»». w- *•MORGAN HAND,ATTORM-V andLAW OFFICESApsaro. Botwell.J_AW OFFICESRAT-Mrno an. n. *.JOSSPH _. miWii-H. Cot-Jaw-, I-_I)•rtfclaa.about dyes.Many new and *ptc_l g»open evenings until nine o'clock-Underwear Horiery Corsets WoolYard Goods<strong>Dec</strong>ide toIncreaseTro_ Coorpt-rllnllbt Igrowth <strong>of</strong> jo««f»2iAcco—»t» M- tavBwJ.l0CiBd_« JO-«.t per cast. WewatOC£AM CITY. ft. J.I. Elgr-tt- St.Our WallJ, . vdiUbaO B>d.aeeapaiMyaftbaeaUasolabobotktot rrad. C-vaabaria--'At tbaaaaao<strong>of</strong> ooo-J-waf year*IVVeaaey. Hctxnl in tbi* atty la* a youball. a»4 wbieb paaaUoo«fcoto- Tbo Bov. Job. BJIobla.af ttt. UoJa.|MUaav.•Mmil l *'— ——'* waatwagoaet a law daye ago af hi* IlSTocwir waa wHb Iba Mb Bo«t- cooaaa. Iba B-». Tboatoa W Baaka I-,;John BaataOBUMotbe*aMo. Ho baa been -oar <strong>of</strong> St. Aogow.tao'e Cborob. tbla | Tboltbo.PaalCaaf- raahttf <strong>of</strong> tbo CbohOB Haul aaaee ctty. Kalba* BMO-O boa IiayBaetEI. JonVaod b. blgbly oiltaaia- by aU a- eae-toa<strong>of</strong>-.UWbaa aad fiiaodtiSCOLLAflBHC- WANTS EARLY DECISION L0D6B WOIBH SS-SsrSSELLS SIX LOTS ON COMMUNITY BUILDING m m m m ^ ^ g t e r o ?S. B. Straa Urge* SpecialVew OWMIS Pla> to B«lli -,«-__. BlccUoo 8oon-«cunmcx«__--_*o»mer r*^81 ** <strong>of</strong> D.o(A. CotmcllSchool's Heeds.tboaoloaf aIpeoaa-y boiMI Iwt (Ma-La—wwHiaS It. T_.^aJaa-«o_»»l_-»i__lJO,aactk_O.a. aeoaootaffl.AUNt-to*• .- - . Tf«_— aw-^t-l law-«-all_«a»lo-LOCAL RED MENGET HBW MEMBERSKa-aia Tribe Wtt-lalaatVcw Weeks.1«».O.B.M.. <strong>of</strong> tbla dty^Bpoaaar & Hew,<strong>of</strong> tba•rged thatUk* CHy f--ally batMlnsbosaef Ibt-raeon.rtal u» _Notbloaaod'lboettj. OOM»|<strong>of</strong> Ibabraa-maa.a auntoc aaraaon aadloaaar-al wytbol to bh btaiata I —laUMOMuaoafblaaddraaaOr __•• I B-Owltti•••la-ia ika ladiaa <strong>of</strong> tboXutbetan &m&-oMni TrU«t*...-_. HOTEL IMPEWAi-The BaptlalHAMMELL• * » " * \ * i • * • » • • * \Abbotfs-A-ls-kOceao<strong>City</strong>Tide -JKl Tro-tCos-fMUiy||AkKLAKBotttUTM_ - *. . •1 ...v":•:«* ••* ?*-»-•

,..•;,•« • • -.. i i nfi In nriTi'iiiZXptaKX........w'-:v.:..i^i>IwV-NtFirst Nation**! BankBOaapovoaosaaT —aaaaotracutnrrror OA»B MAY.PaWIe Hatto.a>*l*«ax«r«aa>nawiia *f»luaa*VAQ9AMTtall t*VTaa •!-»»* <strong>of</strong> la* Hptm» MM| waa wrtttta ay aUnr.laaa laMa ibtDatkaalMM akalikloaiauitkaU-bla. atlbelboi<strong>of</strong>•« UM d«y N OWOT to in* Ito want,•«=§^Hat? toteta. latkaowi-•ft. 117.,.; f a_a> B-Ha».B» a** a. •_•-.»* • -- ai- _ •SOOOBSTIONS FORCijristmas T.Martk VMal a a)•kX'TION B.I a.VlUIOARO aCALTY IB VtT.OCX-M CITY LAND COMPANY TRACT.PLYMOUTH rLACK._. —.Oaa- Iii M«n. nuliTl »'—M. T—a-aamfand'raata'ts br addrdTtam for Ik* rrar AkrlHaalj |r»«orwar vouiv OffommvmMTM AND HAVMM AVB.ooaT«M <strong>of</strong> rr. «*TW jtmtmrL. W. MILLERD. HlbUMAINtaao Aabury BUIbDBR Oc *" n , CUyNovelty " Pipeless'HeaterTWO PHONMBt aOO. 22OFRED P. BELLFor Things Good to EatSEVENTH STRCCT ANO ASBUNV AVCNUCRcJUbla plac* to do your markoting. Moats. Oroo«iia«. FrulUand Vogetables.*»«mm omuvmmv TO ALL. M»T8 OF OITYOr _^ _, ___,r^,. B| Q BAROANSCotliir—• Aiuitn-i. .-j D . - ^•«T Cheap. Apply uTI Alohzo CottMO fYTOU>ANON MORTGAGE.poUr Sca^de Ke°"a° J Cmr.N JR C A LESTATE .„- INSURANCEClayton Haines BrickPJLUMBIINQ**-'!Tkimak>jLeander S. CorsonBUILDERi»»« «nut avcOCIAM CITV, K. 4.IUMIEITG.P0NTIE1E 1TtawtiratiLo(sl(»S and OS Aatoiy avaeet.DANIEL KRAUSSElectrical Contractor411 Asfaujr Aw****OCEAN CITY NBW JERSEYNow is the Time toPUnt Privet HedgeThomas J. ThornFLORIST1128 Bay AvtawaSometlUng Newlor tk* bnett <strong>of</strong> OCUJ Cily pawfal*<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Eonss ci^nturl*aaadcoDUIna*l*«*o ob**i»aoe* <strong>of</strong> "EnlMaMnt W**k" I* tbtpaoptaob ibt batk) tialvd by tba WblktlCatt b* vlalttd to* MMtala!oompaoy.Ooaipaay'a work*on boaiowaaod al.o^T> oTna-nrf ku mlad M fL tpartmanl-. balDR mad* from Dtctmbtr 7 lo 14 lo*_.»: _*tj__rr___rj»_rjr_, Tin. arw aim nporta tbt fol|owiDg Ib* local Hapllai ehureb. Ibtrt will bt Tbtptoplt aioat takt proaiptaad took'la'lha 'SlSd, 1 ?,!. JS?otoLl• Basaw* ttaw an *aoury^T.nU«. „,... • •*r»k-.tv«y ultbt *se*pt Htlantay •arotatlottnatlo Ibl* maU*7 After •«»*• .»*• •*?Mm*!*J*JSL", 1^ ITktfUwUota CkrMaiat asla baa c..Ha«. <strong>of</strong> Jobo H. M.lo. IIU •"ubltc >n>ir> in Pblla "d l|'ina a Ml ia no Mran(rr la OrtaaQafciim Ubnoo aod faailly »p»nl tba • liy nbtrr h» ha>>|*in bla •umititr- LOWDBN'8 CLASS WONvtat-tod wHb rrkradt lo Viotlaod. lor many yrar*. The proptrly b* baa _____l>uiebaa«d I- r-d wllb a bcatlucWUIkMB Caatla. <strong>of</strong> Pbllarfalphla.|>laot for all.\rar occupancy, and it l« Cwil-M la MmtMa^f* taaaaiwat am nag Ibt »»aHo»< ban Haturdayllirbi'pvnf Mr Utrrnwoud lo apaud oct'owl«**(• •«• 3*«aak**a., a eollaa* owDtr, waabcraTutaaaaaaytrtolog froa» a IMia. Ralph W•aillna: campalajn dunoa Ib* paxSi-Trada Board WHltaakSolatloa Ttwaday.CMj Uo»_nia«loo*T Booart fitbtv.altbamoiitblvaMatl<strong>of</strong>Trada,taMtbaladHloa again aoafnala trt. Voalda to 60 Abroad InSprlatT for Motse-PalrbaaksCompany.LlHrt. Harry W. *ooMi •Mttd bWCoamaoy'aforaigonpnaKiUlU*. HI* I1 him eoellaotdlam <strong>of</strong> Ita* towo.k amoog ibt Bap._— _- ^otattoo <strong>of</strong> prlaaak— part*I liala I* an allcopl to trouat Ibtlr pto>aaea lo *»*ry praparty owner aodimioo <strong>of</strong> in* woiM tmtr-*»a»> etttara. It atay bt wtll tooatta a-a^hl ' B. Vraok HaiUh 1;«tncy. Ih» oul«rowlh <strong>of</strong> Ibt lal* war. to talk <strong>of</strong> BBOIOT battta aati olatr lag <strong>of</strong> Iba Board <strong>of</strong> Tradt Ibat a Iui«an» <strong>of</strong> eooimaneo aroaad I town, towB.loaw at botaleoa>paoyl*b*loRot_anis*d, Ibat Ibttt vt 1 * 1 '*'—• >~u _.MI_I M AW. tbt|tAdlbatttlaoka«tryaiaeaaatboatb|anI*modtrn bottl will aooo bt atartad atare nally fliird, or can bt diltd for.cuuicM, obtained ItO uaw tot—loara.*B*WIU>«««-v«- -..u ..~w». .w I |ub BOd -*ll BOOWU H*f*.Waawlpaaa.Trxoirtrt •aUmad* by Mr. rMantoo —-*-*•)«« aa Si. K.(ka-a.L. M. OairtaU <strong>of</strong> Ptill*d«lpbla, a i. <strong>of</strong> aa aralmani boax. .TIKX III Tb* K*«. 1) H. Kcboek.<strong>of</strong> Pumao.mmaJmtmUfn n-.n. waa aaa ug Ibr i.ra»iwt h*v» rtquvMrd llwir main la eondocol tl>* a*f*ie*a aod pnaebad•M-aBB-tfajr.i« wllbhakl fur IM pr—-ral, but II no in Ib* Kin* U. K Church Huoda)MM, Lydla Hlldirtb, <strong>of</strong> Haralolon. i« ptaim that Ib* nlllna; prtc* wa. •onrnlng J. H. Manuit*. a localliliilij «Mtad b*r iMii, Mra. aboul tfhoopmcrwr. fioj> Pt*a*a~l«UI*. pttaebtdCaarry. m tblaeMy.—"•in ib****olog.Mr* Fraak Lak*. <strong>of</strong> Caavdmi. »l- GETS #300.Bad WlUkua C Lak* and family IntfcateMy Mooday. • rra>#» *»«—««•• Dmal aa w talaWunaa B llacb** Ufl Moadty t»twatflW-dtlB Tltaina, WarbloatooD.O.,aadPkUaa*lpala.- MawKalbryB D->to*. <strong>of</strong> Ihl- enaaaal Ta*aaasi«ioa w**< wiih rtltrmmCatadaoaad Pblladrl|>bia rtn.d 0.1JobaJ O**lao.<strong>of</strong>lbl*eHy. »•• Hunaay *1tiud bla aaotbm lu Pbil*d>l-" . 8b* bat bam mty M tot a luugMn (VOIIM tkidfray. <strong>of</strong> mi* diy.eoe* to Pb' adtf^i:atBMalaapaod Iba wlour •an b*rrttuetaua Mv M. H*«klik ha. re—M fraas ba> •acaitoo. tod t*ulie*-Uowaial Jotaaoo kt oow lakloaktr<strong>of</strong> ratalivaa at adlaoM oo Thaukgriiog Day al bat booat oo Niuib*u*at.lbtacMy.Mlaa Bailba L. Bo**, oar <strong>of</strong> O.tauCMy**»ackHit reboot Irtcbvc*. -proitk* -t*k n* -Mb b«r pattata al i at*MayCoan Uoaaa.Mlat Haad Hartia. a atudtnt at ib*TMatoa Hut* HotmaJ Hebool. «Mt*d•nptmu, W. H HUM aod >if«.aattagiba bolidaya.Edward Bo«k*« aad -IN apmt a•waaya -Mb bla pantita. Jubu Uat-bar aad wit*. ata-*olt*alb atraxaad Avaary attaaaMlaaBlaa*. <strong>of</strong> ML *. Mart'a Oolitaa,PttiaB**d. rWUa bn bcotbrf.tk* Btr. Tboam P. Blakt. lo ibia•My. darlag UM bolldaja.Mra. Many gallantry <strong>of</strong> Phll*d«l»*>*, a»ra| ib*Ttuok-ci iuc»ulKta>*•Mb bw ptrrala. Wdllam Oiklrowjrraad vita. IMS Waairy arrau*.Uban Coraao aad aruV. <strong>of</strong> rWa«ili*.a*.*iaMlog WUUaaa Mcodrrxxi auJ•MaUylaiMi* B*ad*raoa ta a daufblcr.Mtaa Laalaa Morrta. daotUttf <strong>of</strong>Barry A. Ma rai aod -it*. 'P« ' Ib*aw«i«» IM-C-.TbaHkarduf Trad*, al Ita moolhlyhaUaay*Mbatbuam* brt*. **•'••I. N. Aflrons £&-'" 1 at tba TirMao o*»i* N*ta»alWlUkua Uyo«b aad -If* and Mrr.M.A Mdaaw.<strong>of</strong> IbtacMy. -HI Ua.aBttaaaay tor ML P*t«raoars. fl*.- Ib* ailolM• U.O He-ana*. Jr.. at-l family, <strong>of</strong>attmM. ntaraad burnt TiM«da> afitt>g a-raral day* b»r* «-n«-i*JtataTwia* aad -if*, air. MMkHn. rVaaaaa'* Wotbn.Annlbcr pni|«ity I* ibal nf ItubtrtKl thai Ii* wouldMMaMarkto)r.<strong>of</strong>U4Tmaslowa. tud **'"'Mkw Myrtto(*arrl-m. <strong>of</strong> riaWa. ««rr ""• lo ry a|>|i|Nd la Hi*~tattor* bar* 8alard*y aod rjuudaj. "Mk» Mainrat Pr)n*MD, <strong>of</strong> Ml. 'Aay. Mlaa Wariram U'fJ.ird. <strong>of</strong> fnua "„,„„, rri|>tu»Mlor* bm Haoday ."Jukira. Lydla OarrVoa aad Brand T,mr. aa!.ildtfv ioll>r" U * .W.HILI. uj.^im ,,r mi. luxrai mi. ihur bo ITaoia**»r_U'«ur ,,,,-,,r« an-Miwr iiotr Ilial wa* -aid lattaMonbtrt tialurday aiut Hun :„ ^ u, ,lr ,,r n» I.»-,I t,..i»s llw lr»«^aay.,,i,r mrr f fn u.r I-.«I i. E >V r>uil«ic in* dilrrlal'i—lrnl• f IIx o|— May C-iu.ly • haui'xr uf• •MUBlrir*' turoibrr* turrtln^ tMT*.Pli.l. Mrv«n. a-K—l «t|rlllrr In*utj«ld li*4 aullMiffUnl Ilil* riilrllvlii'.fUrlil. H* -aid b* *a« iiitluliJTIlntf III^ »lr«r s. p.^.iii1r. tai a|>pl>—1 lor*-gilir buaid'* uiJa on III* aoM>«d friMB J. L. InM*. if IfbUadalpbla.Ib* eotlta* TI9 WtvtjlAre You a•poaf Do you winl todos-a*midsibacGrt and troabtt <strong>of</strong> catwrjiot coal and ache* tfaroai^ ttoW HoyoavntttcotnhmrooW Hyat lea* COM!Wbynot fantadgstata*lim<strong>On</strong>epipe Heater(kTJLN«TBOUT.A fall UM from fa->S to fu.00.jtucA gunolnic coat al $j J9. aptdaljua to acll oat Ihc b»Uace. The Modrra llardwan Stora,Chas. C. Read &. Co.WALTU B. ALLtX. ncr.S4B-SO Asbury Av*.OM ySJtS"" Ocea* Cttjr. N. J.ATLANTIC CITV A, aHORC RAILROAD COMPANYA. J. atiMNTON. ftccciwcaNOTICEBeginning at iio'clocl .while Ureet U being paved at' Eighth and Aabory avenne. <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong>, can will arrive and leave from Eighth street and Wot avenueinatea.l <strong>of</strong> Eighth street aod Boardwalk.ATLANTIC CITY & SUOBK R R. CO.Pre-Rebuilding SaleThrough the reliability shown in my garments andthe honest doling, with my customer, my business ha. «rI larger quartersThe rebuilding <strong>of</strong> my store will beginnotopmttdCummhiatoon Flabar.Ibttbawta oot at tba•llgbiaat doobt ibat Otetasbtr SI wUIa** lot Ital rua <strong>of</strong> trollty can,tbltbtingibttuao wbta Ibt prattal arraogtBMotatod.Aftaogtanata wtto aMd* batwatatbeettyaad iba Board tf Bdasattoa---• - c - ownan <strong>of</strong> ibt ataelrte Ua*.Ih """r k -\tba,or ootil Jaavnla«*d to Hoalb Oc*aa~ CMy>«ak* dally a** <strong>of</strong> Ib* ear*.HAD PQfB TIMBrbtoOcan<strong>of</strong> Battara Star l»dg*.fibhcM*. wan aaltrtalaaa by Mra., Mra. r. K. Daray. Mm.*.U. Abtxxi, Mra. J. Bd-ard Voaa,Mra. Hum*n Yoaag. Mm. O. W.tUtebly, Mn BaeJI «od WUItaai V. Uaidmn. <strong>of</strong> lbk> cay,aod Mr*. Harry haaill aad Mra. Bob.I uwo, <strong>of</strong> Allaolie CMy.alawwaiaialR«MH| H. Mall/, M-reu-r aadImaom<strong>of</strong> IbaOpau <strong>City</strong> Tttteaodrrual •'omBaay.Uod writ ynmtalaid4r. Nullj'a Nilow worstn1 ra Ibla laHrtuikxi at oaa bom*. 710 Hlbth almtt.Mooday rrtolot; All bad a aaoat tav>oyabl*tim«. Tboaa prtatol -*r* CU Lo-dao aod wim, CMatea & Prte*.MM BO-». Mlaa bu, Joarpb A.MratoaM aod Roland lti**

'•'.' '•••'y. ;'»''•'•'.'•'•.' •;.{','•'.':/>'. '•'• '1 $?-..•:r**Vi* . J^T^I WiFOR YOU ) Awnings andT»he abie to do thai(House Furnishingsptavaa aaoetoehrely that laMgee arae^wdBBBebaw! ehBwSVaB/aa> VaVVaVWeSaj ab)W 9- — - ^ — ^ "- • • ^ • ^ I A^^h^a^ a. _ j ^ akkA ^aaaaB«« a . l g M , a t a a aaflssJ aVaa> eaMfc a_- aaaSfaa- I ••••• QMS ID9 •«•¥aa»ahaba ._ at " •f*BBaaaj aj vaayMwOIICal WOTBal 1 — » . , * » - ^«. ^aj*^. av« •aowiowtL«S^|oA«* (reel oeedTf lovela •••*» «»••••«• •!»•'» °«" ••*•» Ibe reooil«»loo <strong>of</strong> a wracked lift. IOH••tary<strong>of</strong> tba neb au aad Lasame. opportonlitaa. tba power to Me nie•S"* 11 !"* «aBgbt eoeae weighty eaiatake*. but beyond Ibe ability tog*jb" Tbeo> word* are ailed with ie«ify—«be« wae Ibe bell <strong>of</strong> Ibe abate—weeand cany wno lbtaBU>oo«I>u «*p»neoce. Ule life in aU ua tirnlaaBanog aod MMooe <strong>of</strong> faarfol ba- rreollectloo eaaae trooping up cuo-*-"* "'•yia calBjd apaa lo re- «taally la all Ibeu daesnteg array, for^_ r^ba»bawooMgl»aaowtbtag be wae lo uraeani.***•••*b?*egat. aodaaan*. Tbe "AerhBlaaleao eaeape IbeaMtbaaya»ea>waaia7tiraiaal.aaiaiaBioM <strong>of</strong> lba law, bal ba cu arm eeeapevaryMtive, aoartoBfcnb a-ttbla ban Ibe aetaaulaoe <strong>of</strong> htoeoowwneear hfc.'• Meeaory H Ilka a dlota<strong>of</strong>Ood.lPboae.whkhBretreeerreeead retort.opportanMy iba bapraartooe aad tbea taint MI back on deotesd ae evMeoea. dan^ .. . . Ib»orolberwlee.eetbe«eeea»lgbite. II doat kaow.lJeaoeaaya. -B» ibioeowo worde tbuolaatb «ar tbaia I iboa abatt aa ooodaaMd. rtodlbM<strong>of</strong>Ood. •acoodaaaooiaalvaa.fOodT Wacto_iao-Ilbtak, do. toatoraayua aUatotadvpaod eaa ba biasgMpnoa laoloi iuMb •bola baut, eoatmmutbaait aad Irta. Ood. a*aa L ••• Ha ibat blotlatby ttaaanaaaaaaa lac aluaoaoad wtllaa* faataaBbt* lay alo*'«tll UM tbaai oat. tbao willabMudoot ndetd; otbmrba.anal aitapa ibees.^1aiar«»fMo eteratty loiMayoa* MUrUod. UataFOR SALER. H. JOHNSON CO.'S STORE84a A8BURV AVENUEnot, why not? They give three times' .}as much light as the old style Carbon lamps '•.for the same current consumption. •Byes EumiDed Wllhoot Drops**•«•*! apto^tet* metboda. MallafkettOavOpihT»i work)b«r«iai>op«^«MUyor«oloctolMilUdalptittiMyt<strong>of</strong>fcutKyUifiai — «od Hp*cta«if>i U tvCO «.pKl» M eao b* found ID any Olbbv oocAN errv, NKW acascv vaaea L. BMI 7Joan H. WHITCAB, M. D.''" EMMTM AMB OtWrSUU. AVC'• . OCCAM CrTV. H. J.809 Ceotrsl AveaoeHearyW. Poold.OMMUatPordJobnM. PhbnMaarice L. FoelerRaaooa PaaacaOeorce W. Ooodto*John Malta. Jr.Tbooua MorriaaaWUIka I. " 'BariMewlrirkCkade S. MtckcraonRul W. NlckctioaAathooT PaaseVictor PoettenJunta PcteraoUUaley PtarcaWat> MPVIMHiaiAlethaTbwnMad Mi« Aaoa WaOaceArthnr BtackaunNorswaiI*r*eTConiM«>aCSogeae DarbyHarold FcnroaonVs. CUZxitRe*. V. V. LewaiWat B. Maaatr.Jr.Oeorge W. Booy, Jr.Kayawod PriceaaftsrKarBwadBllmnh A.RoganiU.tSSSBbirphamXorrla C 8a»llhBart SharpHome* P. SmithTboaMaScaURfcdWNathaniel C. BerthCharleaScbockAithar HhnannVtrJay SmithCbarlea StetnrMaarice (Frank 1.1lohnH. &rttMaarice BcaU •" "" IreHer. R. S. SayderBbcrtTnatJoan 8. TroatNewttaTanerOuoTboarpaaabVuOUderR. Richard Vca*Mrariea WrloiatHraUnca WaUacaDr.JotaH. WUtfcarAltmt H.WAtbntH.WelliPimakZitcUrASKS FOR SPECIAL ELECTION RED IEH'8 f 8IBB ICITY ORON COMMUNITY BUILDINQ mEHDS CB08CB APPARATU^toj^^meato {LOAM 8061111Pretest <strong>City</strong>. IlUMMrnaadottag tba watwtta Oar.IBmOAimg assortsHos! ^rtBTSfci!tSSTbia baa> la UMIYACHT CLDBI ^BBra^a^a^a^BB^aBa^B'B^BBaHanlBBB aa^Ba ^BB^aV^BBBBBBBT ^a^Fa^B^B^BBaaBr^a\.\.. v .U UNIVERSAl CASSistcaaYcan' *•M bna'awiy tat <strong>of</strong> tba Void Cuud tba PocdOaiatoaTraca. BKbaraaluapartbMbacaatarliadlbatypa<strong>of</strong>land 4 Introduces.The farther you ride in U themore you will appreciate It. Cocoain, see the car and ask for booklet.The demand will be greater thaathe supply for a long time.$1375. Prkesf.o/bw Toledo.DR DAVID M,.SAXE|"In merooiHem"Waley CorfrryNka^tapagbud(0 Bcary Rlawr B. KaackX*^agSiaSKl.c> I Cl)c{sttna0 ani> Nem Qeot SiftLSSS^TSIA^ I SuggestionsDR. CHAS. H. VAILS*aadWeateyA*e.V•aa.a.eawa>.IfOSGAN HAND.OeeaaO-y.ll.jlATTfMUlSYsndT-LAW.JjAW OFFICESApgar & BotwolUl^aW OFFICBSrno Stov"Iwn <strong>On</strong>- 1ft AOT a« «O*awama-uioiwW« «M to * tMattas* fee SMVC tmm e*M*a» im tU mjowavtar"-^T-bl%JS < •im r%fh. CdkUMiibMtl• w*e} ff»4 IU MVWwIa* 1tat* sat duutau* sadWtkMiwiUtUMlyMU a*Ck Oa« «WHi M»*«ap>amOtM aad WaaVj Afb4W^aiir« 4 a*>te»v«*H* CentraCMWWMWEAVER^WOMKN•aUaalda:I oat la'bakaanaetblagartbaiaBert.r«d>l TaOrt U-BASTBRnSTlR VETS OF'61 TO BE HONORARY AGBMT TO 61VBHAS HEW OPFICR1S MEMBERS OP LEGION ADTO UGEKSESCHILOXKNarba aaa aa tailaaia)GOOHTT IAI TAKEOra STBBBTS HBRBIC<strong>of</strong>SfftM'BaiscxPost ApptotM Stftts X-tpn0atatettivo to to be*m*»-U*** AaxO- i.TW.<strong>City</strong> «»n*ay,Ofgwdstd, BseetsbcrAArtaaiaTipatroa. Mia. BaaaaUanlma.. Mbe R that Orrti Wat»a»-| -Dajoaf tw a A R. b> gM»bt If BateI b aad aau*a aftjeaa.Mlaa alaigaaraw KagttabiBaaavban anatltaaa.Mra M. tTMraaaard aadaa ajvMatbalyaaj"a^Baeeleaataroaaaty•^ «•—1.Ia dajrafl•Si atviy «at|Ir^[| HTT - ,,„ aiiKail !• itiaai tat witk w Par Seal or Fee Sala.aaaaal aaavaaOaa af Iba Cape'XXXSTgE*Raatiac win atart aatly hi 1930.1 IJOSKTB I. SCOXX AOSSCV,757Amb«yAT-,,Oe»»«CI«y.H.J.Y«oi Qpc. AstedB <strong>City</strong>CITV OARAGErW

• — . , - * . • - - •.-••v.•" :••^ss;—.-,ara.rlaa r. akoraI uuu.FmnI-Uaatc* WlatarllW auraI imnJi. karatlaaauaacvdIWaa. a. arkvani•ohaT.*u C.•> C KMtil 8. M. Co.Ua,M-auur. r.atujiM.W.K7 Satari)*OCS4H rYOBTN.•AY vitoirrw^—kar aYa. laaMkar «Uk'. acat.«iaH,• -.. ^i':.'.:i.:j. l :. i i;:£j». i : t .rj.^M!ti:Mn l:i •Saving andO>ynershipIf It spurs up interest in saving to have a foodobject m view, like the ownership <strong>of</strong> a home.U An account with the First National BankInterest Paid on Savings Fund Accounts._-iL-Jiir-V'l>- ^--•'•: •••• ;.!:'i ri.ii.i-). s :AnyKtorfJoseph 6. ChampionBuilding ContractorOCEAN CITY. N.J.My WhereBUILDEROrwtem sth 8t. Opporita p.OCKANCITY.H.J.Ol l l d £axtatiorworkJoseph D. Let?CftPENTER vmorgm XV. HTenth Street and West Avenue N*. u w.IOCBANCI1V.Is. a. SWANSwan and TroutJ. K. TNOUT»H«OTIOAt IOCSAH eiT*. a. t.Contractor, Balldtrand Jobbing ^Leander S. CorsonBUILDERiCaroenters and Builders IUMIEI1CPOMTiaEVI I' i;10*0 Asauivr AVKNUC•PICIAtTVOCC«N ciTT~i«rjrYOB 8I00LD HAVEA Reliable BuilderTo erect yottr <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottage. Yon cannot *pare the timeto look after It cloeely jooradf and rnnit depend upon thehonesty ol the contractor.I have built for a large number <strong>of</strong> people and coald refer yoa toany or all <strong>of</strong> them.Send forthe Mat <strong>of</strong> name* and photographs ol the houses.OTIS M. TOWNSENDa nun r\t?DBUILDEROCEAN air.<strong>City</strong> Garager*u*MO«i, torn\nnoNu YOU* omommBtVMNTH ANO HAVKN AVM. .oou* O4Tr. mmm JtmmvL. W. MILLEROCAbBR ININovolty " Plpeless'HeaterFRED P. BELLFor Things Good to EatSEVENTH STRCCT AND AUUftV AVCNUCaoa. aao\rnv TO AH. PA*TB OF OITV*MN AL4. THK YMAMGeo. F. SaxtonPAINTING. RARER HANQINQQRAiMNQ Mo DECORATINGfO4« ASBURV AVCNUCOCMNCITVNeWJa^n SURF LAUNDRY929 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue r*.^ ,«o <strong>Ocean</strong> CltBIQBAROAlfVSAnnouncement • • 11 - -•-,'••••^•as-ej^lha^ictbMIh-aaopraadaaUalHatat..* AlbnZO CottOMIt Is an aanaaa hi ibna l»ili 11 ic*U. -pana* or «rita.J. WILU4M NOfUPerfection Oil Heaters•- _i . t . . . IIOCMN «TV.Jaat to taD oat lha hakace. «Tha ~aJ»B»JChas. C. Read «* Co.•aATSB. S. tUM lav.. . ^ — — BaBJar»Jy«s» ^^^ cm^^ ^ x||John Marts Lumber Co.!OOaMdty.R C A LApply loJ. M CHESTER & CO.,OOUMCnv, N II<strong>On</strong>el MM <strong>On</strong>. 1.1Marry R. HavaaALBERT G. GILBERT,PIACTICALIOBSE PAflUB645 Asbary Avenue,MZi«Uin,ILJ.AMD, Aiaa T.aa« ratuan- aa»aiia>,Btarato Tina aa« Mafattaa. lorrx* aa«. a. MM, at8E9. a. AOAMS * M.PUSTBM6. UKEBUCK UTUN, tab.OCCAM crrv.BRECKLEY'8CUNTON L. SaiCKLCV. •««•9mAy Mind Palata, Laad aad Oka•aa sod Sit Aibuy avaoaa.DANIEL KRAUSSElectrical Contractor411 Aatwr* A«««a«OCEANCITV NEW JERS8VHow is the Time toPlant Privet HedgeThomas J. Thorn.FLORISTII2S Bay AvMai*Something Newfor the brarftt <strong>of</strong> 0c.i <strong>City</strong> pnela<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Housa CleaningComnny<strong>On</strong>aa CMy «a« .N«w JaraiyA.i.JOMKB.1JII1T MIICO'SSI1TIIC HIUIHrst-OassSenrlceEIGHTH lodBOARDWALI las4 3 ASBURY AVEH08[ASK U=»TATE .„- INSURANCEClayton Haines Brickoa» iu prohaMa M.PLUMBINQC M. BACONaa« tkr ri(a«aU A^ajan aa^i kaia«eu««aii^tr 8 8 "^' IOCH BXCHBIEHI CITY MAY ENQAQE IN THE COT. DAVIS IS, mm—*-^ FORFIRB1BN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS TO SPBAK BERBTwo Alsrms In Qoick Snccct-JACHRBS IAYQBTSALARY INCREASEto Voters-X4aaWUProbablySna, for Preseat terlan Bible Class.CtabWIU Address Prcsby.wtth UM Ml naaM and ~ Mouse usmagea.itMr2laod taopto Jaooaiy Ibacky oao aa. oodar tba pnaant qaat ay tba asbool. I^ «• »»"• Rt •" "••#-"A f Ib P "."' <strong>On</strong>a «oa rraaoo naaoo (ivro waa tbal inal Iba Itwi i iiy »y *• _v Wau Uwa, tooparattas tba road. Friday maloc. Oascaibrr IS. atslr Haawi OB ^n» Batoto ol too Prodi- l foaiail»loorn ' i l l lrrd t l d l lo k know Imw I' * * city HQIMHIT HBtwall aa :5 SwV*lD a Ptupla frit rreardlnE Iba putcha>r WM. J. BARR BURIBD tba btliaf ibat tba pnwtot lawaTra tbal aaoqatt. aod iba cntlra asbool la IS'v f>u|ais> I< Bwlog and W. K. or Ihi. rt|ulpmaot. riM Hcuud tn-MifflclaattoroaMalbaeMy toao«aaaapaotadiabapnaaot. Mr. Lowdto'kldan will ba adaUttad fraa, bat adaltl•l.waivki. n»k.r aaaaaaav tdt^Jlf 0 * olto *" aatffc aiiaiBaia <strong>of</strong> Iba aebool will pay Ml; rJLu. <strong>of</strong> Iba Motor Vehicle Depart -oo w«. that a two |..o Imck could *alaiwal*fXaiiaMr. Hacoo' 2tat. 'will oa at Iba etty ball. Ihlhialiwayanot carryanil|i«)llwtallunahrallboriifflmwaicr. and • nuiiy loratrriaoda<strong>of</strong> WIHIalillwVfrV "I'I'''.•:•ywataawwolCapt.OaorfaBlacka.ko.-bo (.^toPbllaiWpbla.priillhawUn.w, did I,.*' a.k ror iba elreulallou "f V*'? <strong>of</strong> "br. w.ll^oown Phlla'ajaprrty brra. «a* to lowo Ibr lalUr .part <strong>of</strong> Uwt wtak.WlUftMB Moray, aoa <strong>of</strong> Aithur , mlrt. 'T~» •i>nnklinc« «•• >'I CMaiay. <strong>of</strong> Trmloo. ba< baro •prodtoa- au ,,f (i,r Mrrri-. rm* a»kr« .•avatal daya wub bH •rarxlaKHlMr, 7j miir. f .iriwa Iu br >|iiiiKlrdMja. J. K. Morry, ortliUciir- ,.rh rrwnfl <strong>of</strong> ih» r.rtSlwoad Kaodlaand wir> «p»nlll>a In ixb.r r»~..ii mw» Ibry Bo"waafc-aad wHk I. «V K«nd«a k»d «n» Mnatw -wtth-trtr»prr<strong>of</strong>cJ«- fbaaa asaalOM'aod raildai Iaalpbta.Tba Hav. Utona W. Yard,wab b*» faa>Uy. irtaruatt la-«MOda to Tranloo andCwapaoy aod Joatpb L P fc»Frktay troas a m| !•• L«ka-•aara Ibay weolby auiu ri>ur>say aftaraaoo." COTTAOB8 TOLD,. rtlbatlr"*WttkiMK.The Sras <strong>of</strong> J. M. llwui at lorn"A May rrport baatoaaaaaoraactita Iban,. LTway part <strong>of</strong> tha jrar <strong>1919</strong>. TorybaveaaM. wMhM Iba Da#« lau dayai«A lo Joatpb «'• KaBMty. oiPkaladalpbla; lot oo Wr>try avrouaaatwaaw Fifiaaalb and rtniwuihu tyat raady la ba aaoouoord.ThlaSraaIa day and Iba WMO work Ijrhr-» «r» lh» |*|ila •• -upj>ly ll>rrarrrd at hta bnno. lin Hoolh Hroad.H.I, uftba Krd tion fbrWai*. waa T> aj|| T 3IAT ii'in TTX . a sJ I1MI I^rw BBBW , Bl^T^ar^" J f ( AT* 11 » [' | f • • 11 >Rrd fnauWtatl bJaa *jr taa ytand jary oa»Ocrau I'll* ha»n'l a a>no»|»ly on tlia al a> la aarpaa. aaylbjas <strong>of</strong> Uw8.11 Uindor Ktab*«: «,m\£i-?.rk. klod at lha prtce. a la atatad.-luariiviu< .1'"•'^J".^ ,*,![,„.' I Ulrrctor Ki-hrr »ald lhatll baj baro I • *•fitabaaaota warn tarrad.TbaaaenodIff TOiCTi T7!.'-'"a ! ^^rFW.*^sFnn^^TBiwB'• *ia90 feet front* 1365 feat deepBARGAIN PRICEaosaPH i. sou nit AOBHOY7W AMURY AVENUBOdAN CITY, HHumphrey RodlontflrePerfect comtntatloa, aaCe, odorieta, and gives inteaaebeat at a sorprbdagly small gas «xpasaa.No need tob<strong>of</strong>fld fttnace Urea OMmiajs aad e»ea-Inin during tba apriag and Call monthsFits late anyfireplace and is easily installed.It throws oat the beat reaching into other rooms.<strong>On</strong> exhibition at our salesroom.<strong>City</strong> Ga* Llftht CompanyBuild o HomeNSW HOTBLThrra IS a BnUdia K Boom It is tafaD swias la the Waat aad MidoleW«t We hare coanntacad to fatl K hare tothe Baal Ittapnadlaa> Pricaa ^will adnaoa.Why not gat Imay now whh thoaa planar BaaroBrfXrad.Mr.CoBtiactor.and go onr it with Urn. O* eoorat ll r a ondaratood that yooTl waat tha Una- aan a*ibar tocoma from oa. U wa set tba bastoot, yoo-U not ba held as feetba BULUoallvarT<strong>of</strong>tbaaMtarlal. That doaa not oatTmauLUalSBB.ttnMaaaCawMat. • «' .Lath. 8a*h aad MiOwoik aad Baidwara. ' OOBAaotTfC. li. Shoemaker Lumber Co.Twain* and Waat Avaftu*8IMM8*RESTAURANT iwd D€UCATES8CNClosed for Season Sunday, Oct. 5SHIRTSIrrrMlr<strong>of</strong> Pron««laania< l \h''v\u t'f f. oil. a* 6 •In r^nosliu* rrpair>lion. II h«- ttrm drm-MllwraItatuuol. pli>« in* on«wMeblbey bop»"uT"ba abla "lo ao- Vii'ETSiivt.tia •••!«» rlarm jrar. a>«»~ rMais Laka. <strong>of</strong> that ctty. aavlha aocaaaBMat <strong>of</strong> bar aauajlh-. MaioaTTTaod Barl Haaup.<strong>of</strong> Mra. BUaabatb Kttarp. <strong>of</strong> thatOcaaa tlty laaMaals,Tryaa ad»arlbjiaiaal katbaBaVTV'owrrtl^aiu^li »o*ad agalaat the »««.« a^l^wwaw*nnnSa-^s^utbaya^. ^^^^^^j^ Search Cr<strong>On</strong>ipany— r?iTbir£:. pr...ru ib.t ««.rf Kdeiitv Trust ComMnv"»-aprlnkl.r.aa-ly "'"*•*» " ^ * ol Mawarb• da* at»d rtuntHji*- I0U0O g«llou» or ••L.i»4o»»0 0IMII* prrfallou. TW. . „ . . , . _,.. ._, -—^ |J-^Vr^m ss£f:: WI-UJJ-S- ^""""•»•_^ M ,._ , _ daU* aprloklloa eapscuyThe maallna U-4 e»a

i Mr. Yard.-- "rbtlf.Ba.U-Ttraa Travaton.mt itwainil toibo**imrlo J*raaaata.aWmat <strong>of</strong> tba Paa»Oa taaatkuj Philip.a* tut tbt* mM •Till MMory. Tb*yiwaatpaka tbtaarv***.m." Hny taw iba Oo»>«ta tafia* am* <strong>of</strong>tb*fMdrlatthifor ta*uZen+jimMbom. n*tO* tlBMm. Tb* Maatfay<strong>of</strong>lfa oeJtrUvw totaot tba work andlttltal. TbtaUaodik at tba eommoottya anat uat* la tb* adB. Baaaa oo IbtObarkr.paaloMb* 8«r».•MM oa "TbsMeaiMkcVattoa, UM CbarefemammWaamaml fawn) a,*- —HaaB*aT«9Jj •* UflwNHal aaammT ammffjata taa aajat mtaat at ntk.laatSmt tmt anat pant" tttawatwbte u» aa-•Jtaaaatfataodibaa.woadroa*tat** WBOm*dakiaaaas> aartl, tall. Mw amtrmaa amta aad OodifyWaWvviw» caaPROPERTYOWNERSgo nu OC Mu IOC MMOO oiOlv» fall Information to tbatTOOT property to oar bat tenant* who ax* making earlyOar natal Ik* will be sent t oat t UM fit firsthalt hlt <strong>of</strong> f January. JRAiMI L. CNKSTERbyaati'NCE4JtO CIQHTH STREETTHE UNIVERSAL CARPull and Running Over<strong>On</strong>ratock room is'fall <strong>of</strong> Genuine FordParts. We have an assortment <strong>of</strong> parts thatwould enable na to build either a Ford Passengercar or a Ford <strong>On</strong>e-ton Track from theground np. Then. too. those pan* are Fordmade each according to its use—to that theyarc exact duplicates <strong>of</strong> the original parts nowin yocir car, and will give the same constant.,hard wear." ' Our shop is equipped with np-to-themisate tools and machinery, specially designedso tbat we can properly and promptly takecare <strong>of</strong> your repair work—from a minor adjustmentto a complete overhaul. And themechanics who will do the work for you aremen who have been trained in the Ford factoryand who understand the Ford mechanism.W* an Auboruad ford Deafen: we oo« onljr ginFord. (rrvic* bat *« nil Ford can and Fori Ooc-tnaTrucks aa wall. So. it i* ei«> to aadaruaad ttut w»hmnonllun a paaatng interest in tour car."" Drtv* to oar gtngeior _ • for Fordput*. Forl aervic*.nr VmA nri Q to AathorucJ " ' Ford beadquarunaad bs oa tb* mf* aid* <strong>of</strong> •lapamUb.e repair*.PteawMintvllle Motor Co.PtaaairUvTjVTWasajiaatoa *%a.**>* ti Na%* JaraayMonuments, Headstones andMarkers Finished and ReadyTo Letter and Erect Immediate!«4rkwwnlu.uiitrr HAVEN AVB.greater comfort under all road conditions.They do away almost entirely with sidesway and rebound which twist and rock thecar.Diagonal attachment <strong>of</strong> the Three PointSprings at both ends <strong>of</strong> A 130 inch Spring-' base jp.es the steadiness and smooth riding<strong>of</strong> the heavy car or .ong u hecibase.Equipment is complete from Auto- LiteStarting and lighting System to MarshallDivan Spring Upholstery.Come m and see this car. Ask forBooklet. Overland 4 Touring, 5845; Roadster,$845; Coupe, $i325; Sedan, S13/5;Prices f. o. b. Toledo.«3 eta. pkg.I*VOL. X XXIX.i <strong>City</strong> Sentinelt. CURTIS ROBINSONW. P. HA1NESNINTH «N» WCSLKVO«(AN CITY. N. J.DR. FLORENCE B. HAIKESUonra kjr ApsoUUMalOCKA* CITY. m. t.Allei Uitti, I. D.Ooaan <strong>City</strong>N«w JaraayHHRSCHBL PBTTIT. al. D.I; SOT atKSLSv avcOCCAM CITV. NKW JKRSEVumea Uowra i * I* M a. m.O«f>Uo.BjUli. m.14a la• •••••JouM H. WiirriCAR. M. D.EIGHTH AND CKMTMA^I, AVK.<strong>Ocean</strong> C4T». N. J.lit. WILSON Y. CHRISTIANI > i *809 Ceotfml AvrtuieasOr»*a lmmaolat*DR. DAVID M. 3AXE%VBTaUUHAaiY SUBOBON•a MO«TlI^Jli<strong>of</strong>iiIi AVSMUB ->*JATLANTIC C1T», •). I.I r»iil¥miiaiini U I liimi* 'DK. CHAS. H. VAILOa umm »lla«ala«iUtjBV»WbHa. Ma»M>a)IB«DilllM«.«aVJ !•*» W l t UolBOOTH PHONOiricaa cu vIttaadWnltyA**. OcaaaCxy.M.JPttooaUS-W•noii. lUreMrt I StMtaMiLAW ornccseit». a. *.•a a. a. m» m.vM 0-T». a. *•MORGAN HAND,ATTORNEY andCOUN8EUJOR-AT-LAW.miiNU.aiasawc •»••OFFICESApgar & Boswell.I |> I'UKU'OFFICESficdftijIRetdATLANTIC CITV. M. i.JOSKPH L. PYLS•OBUO ACCOUMTANT• T*.Ba-r*.WM. H. COIXUSOX.Matan.|DonntlcHxwBoa af Writla*Paaar (all. a»aan aaa allp«tcm**Bos af Caadr"Four ptcatlaaata»aaa"Panaa4Sha«~-IiVll. Mafialnntral PharmacyEifklk mi Wc*i.» A««. '•r. a. OcraaCMy. N.J.WEAVER'SJu»l one more week <strong>of</strong> shopping. Dun't, pieiw tUin't. put .it all<strong>of</strong>f until the la&t da,y or two. Come in early ami make yuurselection*. :: :: :: :: :: ::~ ~ Wkal mete •ipfiirtiatiz* gift than a garmrml or tao0t our Dainty Silk Umdtrsrtar, ituk ox Camiw/ei.Ilillit Bwit'I, Chtmiu, A'igil 6V*«j »r SttkI 'nJftTfilt,OKJ/o'i/rjr. t.iil* mud Silk, all itaJts: (t/o:ry. tail.u.\>/. Ckamoiuttt; Umdtrutar, rihbtd. fltntJ, allu.t.'/; Suialrrt. any totor, any f>rut: t'mbiJ/js.mm l, lodin'. tN 1st completed, under wav. and being contra., ted lorthan ever before in the resort's history. .Why is this ? Because people are convinced that thnccosts will not be reduced in years to come, and indeed mayfurther increase, so they are building NOW.If that b true <strong>of</strong> building, how moch more should thewise purchaser find something rcidy built at aa auractivrprice This means you. Do not wait. Investigatequickly bnt carefollv and then decide.Wt have several very attractive sales to <strong>of</strong>fer.Mmmmmy & EdwirdtoecANOirv.N.j.am »HiJerry DeFranco* 5 "Steelman'sOSEfULCHKSTMASGIflSW. L. DOUCIM ShotsThe Krcatatt nattooaljy adver-Ustd shoe*.Men's Mahogany Calf. lace.weittaooUrn's Colt lac*, wtlt. feOOBo>-*' all-wool Bloc SCTSCSoiu. »ire* S to IS yearsCHENtYilJCFour-tn feiods. .Indestruc-.ible. Silk ^>^hands.. • • - • *****BLACK CAT HOamMen's Silk. Black aadColon $1JWomen s Silk, Black aadColor*. " #1 JOWooes a Silk Usk, Blackaad Colors, . . . . 78cMadras Soirt*.Fctcaic Shfatt Cbnrtma* c*rd read.Aad actcxapaojiBf it mtt apan ti~~» <strong>of</strong> tlua laaUiuti>oabaajag tbc tsUy U •»taiual drpoait.Aa appropnau ' remanbnacaiau:Not only for fat^ighisJpareou to «»« t° IBtlrcaililrco-tMit lor frwnda togtr* to fnaodJ.Xo twlp laaul ts* Unithabtt. to »t**r aooiaoo*aacxaaawar): to laj pcrlupa.ts* (cmodtiwa o< a lortaae—tba* an tb* poaatbaliti** <strong>of</strong>aach a gift.<strong>Ocean</strong> atyTitle and TrustCompany0C8AM CITV. H.i.OOEAN CITY, N. J^ THURSDAY. DECEMBER IK, <strong>1919</strong>.^$*$tem• ';'"•'"-&&&We Wish You a Merry Christmasa'CAPT. DAVIS, OF ATHLETICS, HOST NOT DIGGIVES INSIDE "DOPE" DP CITY STREETSFamous Batcball Player Ad-'dresses the PresbyterianMen's Bible Class.Ifatball "faoa"—aad vlrluall* all(iimnl ku*w at Imat aoavttbloa <strong>of</strong>lh» national gaat*—almply mrtM lallwical ••inaitt* Mud" Ibat oudaopruo-l <strong>of</strong> lit* blRbljr toltrtalnlot talk•Ivin Hi* mto'a Hltil* clam <strong>of</strong> Ib*Kir>l Frr.t>l«lau ituoday Hcbool tolltoocial rixim* <strong>of</strong> Ib* ctiun-a b*('•|.l. Hairy Ii. bavta, Coonto Mack 1 *iKulttianl In Ib* manafnatal <strong>of</strong> Ib*AlliMIca and for )i«i Ib* adit*• hmj <strong>of</strong> a «oiM'a ebamptouabtp 1MB,' TutMtay r»tuio«WANT BOARDWALKIOVBD OCEANWARD<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Pishing Clnb andCottagers Will Petitionbaa Marled to I tk* up Ha Irorka ooW«*lry avtniM, nrar Nllilh Mrtwl.which hat* not b**n uacd Iu aavrraly*ar>, and In I lira omnretloa I* dk|-Municipal Officials. c Innchn' al Nmlb Mnwl andTtk»Oo*aoCilj KMiIng Club, at aWr>l«y avtuua. Clly Iraffle. Mr.luff. p«aa«d • rooluttoa la Fbhm a*M, muat uol o* loltrfttadpMUtoa Ib* CMy CoaiaiiMlon«n iu •lib by Ibla euoipaoy.ant Ib* Hoard walk ntMnwanl In It waaaaid ibat no p*rsaH loutsIn* vkiDlljr.<strong>of</strong> Ib* dub booa*. »hKh vat* In* alrtaXa haa bt*n Hwoad bya|>|,i«alto all cooc*m*d In Ibtaltau. uf ib* HlbU claaa..Uavu wa* oot sJtoawtbM•tuuuc *lrau(vra. aa, in add Woo toDr. Mojdar. bta brotbtr-telaw, aadtola rvlatlooablp csplalo* Mr. Oa«kt*' *|>|«*iane*. n* slao kotw <strong>City</strong> aolattlufAodraar I". Ho.wall, a ftilf pr<strong>of</strong>ra.k>ualaiot*r. and William f. Osrdlucr. mith whom b* playtd oo atrooiaaialaur Iran, in rtilladtlnbm |4tortulh*lim*ti* raaebad tb* ataa*cltbfily.1SDMDAY SCHOOLELECTS OFFICERSMembers <strong>of</strong> Methodist EpiscopalChurch Pleased WithIncreased Interest Shown.Tb* annual marti<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ib* M. f-Muuday dctxxil wa* bald duoday afuiuuon at to* tnd <strong>of</strong>lb* Itiaoo bouwiib tr>* pastor, tb* K*v. Uaurt* WYard. preatdlBg. and wiib all taacbttaplmiil. Tba irmclpal bu.loaaa •**Iba tlrcti'iu ut r*r. Tb* fullowl<strong>of</strong> wa:' ooojloaiad and tlaetad:! duptrmttud.ot, H.d. Mowrtt: dratsaaMaul auptriuteudtol. Jubo Mart,accuud aa*Maol. W. K Maaaay; Uilrdaaai.iatit. K W. Kdwarda; aacnuryHoward tHalutoo; aaaMsnia, Aodrawrtmlmau aud lbaodora iM*v*oa; trraov*d from iba abip sod. aold. auddmrib. Mra. C. Baotbam. MM Mabrlwo or tbra* MdaoU <strong>of</strong> Ibla oly, w hu: Laa*. Huaatll H. Nutty. Ctloloo U.boacbt Ib* earco. mada quit* a lull*' Load«a. Ib* JU*. Uacrs* W. Yard.Mtjur L. R. Tttossa* aad W. H. B*»Tb* acbool w mocb mot* pro»p*toua i ban it ba* *tto ne*a|ly, w«borarly all Itacbtn ptamol aatb Baaday.Tbw* la ao adaslraam apliitpnvaUisc aatooa Ib* r,l wUtao locrmaloa lauraat la tbt lamaaisod ib* work <strong>of</strong> lbs atbool. Tba eontloualiy *Bf*ottB« oilb* actlOOa.Excavations by local TrolleyCompany Causeby Municipality.ActionDirector Klat»r. al lbs *a*Hloc <strong>of</strong>Ib* i'lly t-oraoalMtoo*r». atatad thatIb* local Irollry cnaapaoy appartnllyMOVEMENT STARTED HERBIN INTEREST OP YOUTHSWILL HAVE REALCHRISTMAS PARTItmt O0Yacht CInb Haa Arranged forIbsatawttog<strong>of</strong>laalUnttsasllw Good TimeTomorrow S* enlos;.waaappotataliai•Irtag af takt kaatvtaat aadTbt enmmUtM In Cham* <strong>of</strong> Ib* Umm »*iMiaa*aaaaaaa.•family Nktbu" nflb* Ueaao <strong>City</strong> TbaVaebt Uob, lo b* bald at tb* Rota*.v*ll,aoe!7 C'baatnut atrtrl. I hlladalpbm,dati<strong>of</strong> lb* wlnltr and •prtos'IMy uiiu(tl>* nrnvy wind* laat w**k,HI Mart at atrawl. fUllad«lpbla, aatu* wiud bl*w down a I) atniy bona>.tally aa poaaifcto by pboo* (Watootuuth lha- • "MID. boya rraakrr. MsattJOM <strong>of</strong> Cbaatnul Hill Ml), civlaa IbaBDaXDIMO* COTTAGE law baluR built at North atrrwt *ndiiw. •!>-" Puwtra. -Jack" Uoywoamta <strong>of</strong> IDoaa u>Nixu road fur I'ummi^lur* WUIIaaa"Ar.d>" «"»«lay. "KIU~ t«rt» andK Hriamrr. <strong>of</strong> Fbiladaipbte. Tb*•Jack" Lapp bardat work oo Ibtar«M*« a. Caa, Ca>aa>at«a, la> Han ru<strong>of</strong> uf IUH buildiua; waa partly uufalr» Kvirtlhiuc will b* very lufurmti,audaurtiranrdlnarlly ttuud urn*diamutnl.when Ih* wiud bit Ih* IMMM*. AONut nuly did tape -Uavl.' Vaaa*y * ICdward. wbu rrcwully Mrwi aimllar h"U«* fur Mr llriaasarla in atun fur all d(1 vlaualu* hard tlt«i« bol. nerora byuf^ Ib* Ib* lusxlb* (am* aotd a lot on Haaeb road, «t»i»a Nuilb at. al«t bit by In* wiud and wsaat raw), to Wallw H. «.*i l»'yMr. Col. who I* <strong>of</strong> In* famdao al Atlantic a»*nu* aod Plymuuth whoa* bavr frtruda In Ibla eiljr. aawr*Ttx bar* <strong>of</strong> Ibtclaa* aod Ibtlr Korg* Coapany. O«M b**Q a reotarIuplac*. afau .howad Uidlcatluaa <strong>of</strong> col I bay vMtad, w*ra nnnlly marnad atmarched to tb* aoetal room* tui* city for a***ral auaitnar . asauna. l*p»lba;. but It waa brarwd in Urn* in* bom* uf iba tjida la iJauraatar.riwab raaaud, bot paaaata. SI e*au*L£raw"a*w taoey markattlii Holly aaaatcmw by laa oastt*oJyatablp Hindi* »*•wnekid oo lb*a« abona. Tit* a«td«ol oecumdal t o'clock oo lb> muro-IO( <strong>of</strong> DrtMbtl IV l»Ul.Tb*r* waa a aoulbmat rain rfurm.wub oooaktmbla fuc, si tb* HCMTwo boora Ia4n Ib* wraibar clearedj wHb ib* wind ooitbweat.TbsrJlodl*. lowtad wUb cbiuawar*CITY INLETS ARBTO BE RBBDILT| Public ifecUmf; toBoy Scoots to toOetaaUNyaaaa•Oori u HlfaUw<strong>of</strong>lbayoatb<strong>of</strong> tattalty aaStbma awag tb* Uaat af itfM IUt MoyaarwaslM. M. Lawls. wbaaa Ibt OBalrollaa body.| <strong>City</strong> Commissioners Act oaPresent <strong>On</strong>es Areo'r fUroajj Uu ml I nisi*!.illOialnance Providing for Booogb to Bear HeavyThis Improvement.Aa uidluanc*. Nu. IS*, to neon*•Uuct and repair Ih* Huardwalk fromriftb Iu N.,rtu aira*< wa» Inlrodoeadat Iba »*ckly mrallnaj "t Ib* CHyAn ordinance. No. ita. ba< b**ngtven two raadloc' by Iba illy Uoaauila.ann«r»oruvidlu« for In* racao*alrudtoo <strong>of</strong> Iba cs« rxra:arl aad lard over for twoAabory Ktnur, at Hrcnnd atrvat.watka.Tblrd, fifth. Kuulu. Ninth. Tautb.fb* cuat <strong>of</strong> lu* ttbuUdlna: <strong>of</strong> Ib* KJavaulb. Taalfllt. luinaanlb. fourlaauib.Boardwalk bat*a*n Ib* draata namadKiAaanlh. Hiila»mti and r!*v-Io t* dtfrajrtd by tb* laaulut! o tolaaolb airaa^, and uu Kiftuib 4r**tbouda by Ih* cily at lant*, aud Ibaat AUaaUe. Ootao. Unltjr and l'«ntralavanuaa.cuotract. wbao awardad. la to b* In.porarlly dnaucad by Iba laauiug <strong>of</strong> Tn*r**>oo fur thl. awvi, aa(lv*opromuaury ootra.In tb* ordlDauo*. la ibar, btcaua* <strong>of</strong>ItwaaataUd by Mr. KHbar Ibat Ib* locrasaad w*i(bl at *UIOISAIIU*t.'Uy Koilowr CuJlwa..o bad prapand Irucka, ib*«* Intata ar* ut*t uuw uf a«*f-Llsoa aod apaci&calloua fur Ib* build.log uf Ib* Boardwalk.Major I'bamptoo aaid Ibat b* bad(oo* carefully ovtr lb* plaoa, andIMy appear lo b* all rlajbt.Oo BJO4IOO. iba plana aad apaeine*llooa ttara acccptad aod ordartd Iliad• n Iba city clcra'a uftlc*.Tbl* tb* paopla <strong>of</strong> laat aacilon <strong>of</strong>iba riljr, aa wall a* tboa* wbabadoecaaluolu uaw ib* a»plsna4* laat Mm-A«e»rdlos to Iba ahip'a maoirW mtr. faal U a mucb oaadad improv*.m balk <strong>of</strong> Ibt boat atlll oootatua itkO ol.laa* <strong>of</strong> calaawara and am loo* <strong>of</strong>•ancao*** or*.wttba 708loo baJlaai.Tbawnek <strong>of</strong> Ib* Bindm M In Ib*rH cbalu rob and locktt oa Krtday.UtcvmUr 12. Lockat baa pieaorfb*tw**o Himtaaolb aod H»v*om*olbaaiaM* Mot mocb <strong>of</strong> H *ac*pt ouuld*U W. H. rtoward <strong>of</strong> WOO•uiaauf iwu boya loatd* and loHialaIfMlaa R AUo* Wolfsosot <strong>of</strong> "Tb*Notice to Property Ovrocro:Utlit rjtoop" la bavin* so Xma* aai* For beat nsolu In samnatr<strong>of</strong> garmka. toy* aod ckOdrao'a book*at Mr*. UUdtwtn'a Muluxry ritora.Aabtry a**, adv.. 12. 11. 31.roa HAUL—I uraa. Ua4 (S •mil it) aa flaw. oMblubaa, m*iCsThaif aams). atw.SU*. two Mfbtadl USOU. aaia *a»t u«bl. wUdakaM, *a* alarac* ballary. sod At•alar IT— bjaatwa asatam. A•a O. 0. Ma*r.-aab*y. HuaUurtttiroad to Oao. W. Hoay. «M Ocaaa••coo*adv^ Ii.reotiDg. list yonr spartmcstaCMUKC ka rent with this <strong>of</strong>fice—J.WILLIAM Uoaauo*. Real EatattBroker, <strong>Ocean</strong> avcaor. bel.Eightlt*adv.. I*I8, tf.ToOa* and AU—Da oatold ivliabm Hay Villa Laaadry.was aatabttobti In 1(14 Try tt •ctmilati yaar maadrywatt. Call, wrt»* m amim Bay a*oa fUAB-» atatwwttb M *»as» mat. Mm. SAato Tracks.ndcnl atl«u(tta to wllbataad IbU• •ajbt.Al lourtala duiiog Ib* paal mwmonlba, oo* uf tb* I u lat a atatraat louiaartl- n b«a bawo brokao bybaavy Uaoia pa^iu( ovar. Hitbl* artlou to rrmady lb* troobl*.^ ^ • • "•ykksdan* by lbs Boy IOo-oly. told *f bmttttwat la Ibt rwylibm etty wbtaytmrtaffa. Al lat raaaam af J.'my Hna-bta. at tbat Uat*, beiba Uatnt aMaaate* aa "TaCMtawoabip," aadIbal Ibt Boy Meat* as 1aaaaoiaUoo<strong>of</strong> loabty 1To tba boaoraaa onata <strong>of</strong> tba IMr. Lawtaaud, tarnttoay aJMl.appotatal 1>*otoas*maawtaia e*ar taattr wttb bias. Thaib* bad lo avlod a *oaatarala. Ttu* m*a wwatkrwfumaoatJl aaaw 1aMnkaty wrtech ktta ta*sndtt waaot tbatbawnocb.Tbta tblaa* aatb* waabsa km baaat af ISsIblnc tbt apasaarMr. Lawl*St. 3obn'a Ev. Xutberan Cborcbaav. JONH T. oMbt>tmaai. mmmmw•OtS OamtralSunday Service***at Pour OoloolcIVKSPBH!! AND SBIUatOM)AX THSHOTEL IMPERIALYou aru CordtA»lly Invttad «O ttaSmW*ttarvbw*The BoDttet Oorn«rThe tliesie aad spirit <strong>of</strong> 8a»4«y, **la Umt «*r«siaf tba Psator willmfia|Km^rifajf 1M***rTJI TBtilifttNO ROOM IN THJJ•«t. -» •r'-\ ( w

!35^/^^^ ^ ^ - !>M —toaam, aawaaMaW* ' * .!—*'*•> **'!a>4O —waaa. • \ST4IT lOTHBTFSliOOTISin JBIKIMSJoseph 6. ChampionBuilding ContractorSwan and Troutand Buildersr« sanu IAIEA Reliable BuilderOTTS M. TOWNSENOBUILDER<strong>City</strong> Garageorai.BUILDERJoseph D. LeS. CorswBUILDERALBERT G. GIL3E8T.ttasnuiwm* rum6+5 AsburyIB. •• MUM 4 Ct.^r=?Si- W -.WILLS* BRECKLEYS••• • •"-•» -»»sss-»asBsssT r « ^ * w • —_ _ j- ,"•«•)BBb.~-.BBV. # ^ ^«^amEasy at tfur Sruri JFRED P. BELLMORRISONFor SDAMEL WULSSElectrical ContractorHISomething NewWm. tt Powell1 <strong>City</strong> Sentinel CITY'S DOCTORS" S55i5r * 5S WILL RAISE FBBSBach Will Also Have Afternoonand Evening Off• —imliwllnn- abooM ba ao-P^SgwIUi Ibt toil nsw and Every Week.|sf tks wriaw. not u ttly The local physicians, have determiueiito have a fow hour" all duly alleast one aflaruoon ami eveulug in}each week, lo nritrr I list the; may'1 go-to-cbareh asootb. Ara •III lucres'*.- their f«e«.every Sunday and Wedra«hirW. PoUnd. wbo dle have dtrt'lded Ihsl,bealnnlnir with tiie ne« year, theyASK FOR EXTENSIONTroiirtcar Opt-rnlt-d trail!Kiec.lon i. tin*IU«IIUU" <strong>of</strong>gl tba <strong>of</strong> bla too, A. 8, tneCily y foiunii..|i.nrr« a le.ter froin•*j^j' H d f T l lIU |/gBjil>nlh« Hoard nf Trail*. reviiiiiK tu« rtceullUi ptlea<strong>of</strong> th«HKrri-( lU io look Ic.i.i die ciiy'»[ I — f Janaary I, I9-JD, uanii>itaii|.f ItW *alur plft* «'1 ••'! ll« UllllUtr*.Ware'sidv^ It.l put>ii*i*t to me varinu. (laper* New Krunawlck; U>bulU. Colllufalaa (BBatoda* <strong>of</strong> tba wlaltt7~bint al^< *«ut lo Ibt o-«l; I. 8 UaUoury. Klokura. Priawtlo fw BekMTil tfA.H. tUektor aad wife, <strong>of</strong> Pblladtl- illyA. A Baniell. Philadelphia; M. JtoT ReawTil tt•kas, aaajajw raatdaola 'here, tra alMay I' i inly (laud Jury, rNiwers Mr. KM* aod aiile New YorkHrt »liullar ra-olU'KpMbb.ITajain. Pas.. a>* tba winterB. B. CliMBOl aod wife) bait eloa«lthaw Piftb atiaat eottaaa'aod gou« toWaaiiinttoti. D. C. for tba wmier.Mttafeeble H,ei>d. <strong>of</strong> W»*t Hhilaaatabla,waa • gu*>t <strong>of</strong> ill- AnnaBDMO. In thla eif. ••—r «h* wr»h-W, T Rle*ardi^*nd ^ -•_ • «••we Ml lo thwtf hoase lo law tMia. Utorga Harold, <strong>of</strong> MlllvlUe.•ajaMr naUial <strong>of</strong> Ihla dly I- atLake Worth. Pla.. for Iba aluurpAuthorl/inK I In' burro t nig.euaerK«iii'v '" |i'li» ami lifeguaM*.Hirr.iolim 5HH1 uiiilvr "idlnain^ No...II ai»l Iririo »III< «VI.I«>I, in t* evitrnrvl l.v a lax revri.uv hole.Several bill- >»*rr .rilrr«i| |i«Kl.RESOLUTIONS ADOPTEDluliv.tklrl« <strong>of</strong> Philvltlphia. Tba parebaiarlnur hum* In Ovtibiuok. t b k on in* out ttor 1«» an ap-Wllu iba taklDf o«at <strong>of</strong> Iba abo«aItiaaodtoaTO.road, Hit county now hat a oooltoomeroad from HavMlaeoth Mrttt o»trget a ml Wedne»dBy». and Dr. Cor-11* » bar Ira (Jponaltr, formerly " f<strong>of</strong>net* era eon'a Iliueoir *lll IK> llmiMlay. | Wa-hliiglon, bat no» no* vlelllng vUlitaR lu Iba tbaThla plan, they -av. wnrka >*tl>fae-, *i'i*«tr Illy, Th» price paid for tbaAebary avtnae lo Thlrty-foartb Mreat;runogad.lorlly in oilier ciiiiinunlilt" ol ab>iut roperty wan f 18.000 ISOOOi tba Haw Y«ar. at lM*t, byMav Haaaai Uarwood, <strong>of</strong> Ibu cityaaa wtaroed boaa* frosa a vlali io heraaagklir. Mr*. Bra Leech, lu Allantut*,.Or J. WlUlaas Hogbea ao*f4-POST TO MEETA Isdles' auxiliary will be formedat Ibe meeting <strong>of</strong> lite Morgan-KanekFoai <strong>of</strong> the American Lrgloa In thecliy ball here loulghL Tbe mother*,wivea and aiatera <strong>of</strong> all aervlce BIDare entitled lo become members.A couuly orgaubMllon <strong>of</strong> Ibe AmericanLegion baa been formed JohnE. Trout has beet) elected ties.urerHe, wllh Edward Mernman. t'lsud*Nlrkdaou, Dr. Hnydtr%nd KsymoodHaley sllindrd Ib* mminK fur urla-mlluu, b*M al Cape May Cou:lHour*.llal.l sinaaM.MILLCM COTTAUKU It. Hypbsrd. Mtaa Hellehtr. Mia.Its* Lnoia. Herman U. fauOmaoH. Alfred Eoerbanll. Pbiladtlpbie.stATIILO.J. I.. Hakev and wife, Joseph Conard.Phlladelpbta.r 1--I J-Oriiuate X*...is. r i-.l...'I 1 j. I -u I'I.r .Mr -I! j, uf I .i- - jl.-il.l.^r>u.l iir^t^^iti. ailal • Is IbaMasaol Maw J«~T. lb>liu« ibr> «iU raralab iba Birii.ary y bosiaa ibe* «iu tomUb Uas SISKISIT bomta raaal»»4abtlmbla cuoUSM U be laa«anb>4•»o.ul ftiuiMfcribueooUsrt a«a«iinl il1—l-.Maan ITW board ol •.'uasaUaatnewra ra>am Iban^bl lurv)«vt aoyor all M4*o#ia>rlabl lo rajeet say or all btaa or la a aly» aajrU la aay I -To* pcoeoau.lefaraiaUijr la *a$^bM or proa»~l.'. kvft lu iba'aAnaooa to raoil.a Ibal«»l?&k.. r.atnNOTICE.Bwatla*: or Iba Hoar4 <strong>of</strong> Cos si iMloawra,. ur. M M Jaraay, brM «a> iba 01,~~a;iJ HM»s»r. tin. tif>mtmt4 •«k Mon4aT. Dbar B, IMS al X.B o'ciax*Tablet'HAHMV A MilKaUH.11l» I tar*.ruimertlag ol the Memorial Tablet OommitUe ol the Voan*h ouamltt** reprcsmtiag MorKsa-ILsack Post, <strong>of</strong>i, th* followioc list ol suiuca ««« ouaol upon, AS those cligiihcAmrrtcso' ~ 1 Memor' • —•• - -1,1c. abca* Bamcs arc to be rograB .T^f^^ln^^foltowia« breaches <strong>of</strong> i«rvice: the Uaite-t Sutcs Nsvy. theirso?persoi knows ol one who*, asm. koo« epellea coerectly « sny'iniiulsssput<strong>of</strong>." "'. JTJT-.—aklrkoaL U left ool. thev they will be cooirrriog cooietriog a favor byimmedlsulv' th*' wbo coaslilnte the MemorialihorVwVH«tb»-d S- W*-T V - V"***-So pester tov* hsth naa Utsa lals ; ikst be lay down hie UJ. (or hi* fricad.""InWtaley CotderyUwicace SUSHU GMkholas ImDagUaulmmcr E. Rsack •<strong>of</strong> Hoooi*Mas ALeUu K. TowweeadDoailaic GcrtautoDtaW K. Coodwiat. HaiaasBilwood A. HoweUTheodora HUdmhlssacHoAasuOsreac* W. HartsjaaH. Morrwaa HaaeocaWiUtaaa U HtadetWilliam IsccnoUChrw. UbjarsollSdwaa4fl.Lt*HeityUUkaWStaai A. LyachIMarphyIsmts Psleraw' tiualcT l^rreaiR d Pries«U5£LcroyRJdaCbteter O. fcossKOswonh A. Rodger*Hdward A. Rodgsn .Dr. Uowud ae*4Alfred R. bauthHarry MiarnheBiNorrla kECtot C- BarilfcBart 'harpP. SmithAithar W.lav AadetwGkuiea K. BdetscrMaarioe WtadtU flMipw k j H llohaU. SrttMaBriceacaUBsat O. Bkldla*;taasw. L atitTlaiB. TreatWTE-aklta>dVot*"" " 1 U " 'Or.Jakaa.AJbtft B.AaVsrtB.oraVriwlCar«*taavau.l*la.PLUMBINGUtvaawaUSURF LAUNDRY929 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue •***». IM-J <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.GOOD WORK. QUICK SERVKH. ALL VORK DONE ON IPLBASB QIVB US A TBIALGeo. F. SaxtonRAINTINQ. RARER HANGING.GRAINING MHO DECORATING1040 ASBURY AVCNUCOCCAM CITY NKWJKRSCV .Humphrey. RodlantflrePerfect combustion, safe, odorless, and gives in- .tense beat at a surprisingly small gas expeast.No need to build furnace fires morning* and eveningsduring the spring and fall months. Fits into anyfireplace and is easily installed.It throws out the heat reaching Into other rooms.<strong>On</strong> exhibition at our salesroom.<strong>City</strong> Gas Light CompanyBuild a HomeThere IS a Building Boom. It It ia fall ewiag la the West aod MiddleWot. We have comnwnccd to fecit! bete lo the Raat. Ifa spreading. Priceswill advance.Why not get Imav now with tbnae planar See yorir frltad, Mr. Contractor,and go over it with him. Of coarse It's understood that yoail want tbe Lumberto come from as. If we get tbe boslorss, yoo'Il not be h*M op for thedelivery <strong>of</strong> the material. That does oo< only mesa LUMBBft, it mcaaCen«at,Brick, Lime, Uih. Sash and Miliwoik and Itanlwarc.B%e>rythl*iS Uaat t»»% lea taw BajIMJMC. li. Shoemaker tUumber Co.TwaltUi and Wejot Avtnua•CLLfMONKISSutton db Corson Co.General Contraot<strong>of</strong>QRAOINO AND STREET BUILOINQNINTH ST. «ND SlMatMN A«C. OCCAM ClT». N. J.E. A. CORSONGENERALCONTRACTOR737 Aabury AvenueOCEAN CITY . NEW JERSEYROADS. SEWERS. BRIDGES. BULKHEADSSHIRTSSIMMS'RESTAURANT and DEUCATE88EN822 Boardwalkdosed for Season Sunday, Oct. 5BUY HIM A SHIRTWe hAve a Big <strong>Line</strong> at Fair PricesSHIRTSNew <strong>Line</strong> Tic*. Hosiery. Kid Gloves All-wool Sweaters. Caps. Stctsoo Hsta Suk* OvercoatsJONES' MEN'S SHOP804-06 Aabury Ave. <strong>Ocean</strong>-<strong>City</strong>, N. J.THE TIMEis coming when it will not be an easy matter toget hotel accommodations in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> duringthe summer season.Most people write for reservations a week ortwo ahead <strong>of</strong> their vacation date and are disappointedwhen told there is no room-Last summer over six hundred people wrotefor reservations in the Swarthmore Hotel -andcould not be taken care otEven for the coming summer we arc unable •to'promisc a single room.The new Lippincott Hotel ia being built tohelD meet the demand and yet we have enoughapplications forreservations already to fill it fromcellar to garret.There is need in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> forgood hotel*.LippiNcon HOTELS COMPAMVPOT faithcs* ittajyimHow bi ^^^nf "iff/ wilk flv*. QB*•anal platat ot the -*T/*~**r*"T. fimwrr'*t, Uootfoobay. PubUetty MtMlv, or witk D.Btoani. fccwUfw and Twaanrw, 711 UbtttyFbiladdphia. Fs.THEWfOwatnlAvav-THBKATHLUUM«(NEW HOTELMILLER COTTAGEOpen All Uw TestHot Waasr BastIaMma.1.THE BIfiCAVNEOur Wall Paperb a verltaU* fad. Wa aim taplease tbe paiticnUr. Joatdcs%tw. Uyoa an critical ittake yon a loac tfap« todacVthere arcao inatty palif niatoe»ooiatfutu Ixtt tbi poTpl \p tltfA yon cmbe (tilted exactly right aad at pgfcathat will appeal to yoo.ALPBBD R. tMITMit>a Aawaw* *rAnYoot *Slave to Stoves?a9o yoB WWWidlljM IWt apd ttQsSa* Oa Caa**l)LCk* COal SOd SSaMS aaWBTaa^va QMnw'wiaif Do yoai wsflt aaTAWa SMaooatilnrwn>fnow>tt<strong>On</strong>epipe HetterAsk ns if it b pcacrjcJforvuurhomaa.*.Real Estate andSearch CompanyHcUlitv Tmst Comway<strong>of</strong> MtwecmlUdiood Titli ui Tmt (XTitls InsoraaoaAbstracts <strong>of</strong> This,OoBTwjaadacViraaa Oaat MratrarassktaalOfBoss laUrat HataoalBaakOapsafayOMrt*Ht> • •Bja Emiul ittKH Dnpmime IKCMMIIl

awtBxceHentDataNalbarale* weatber. I ber* wa«,iiltO04-«lM« ajtffMgatlM al 10 o'clock• taWAojfawilo*'* cbapel Huoawaifwloi.Tbeeeltbraot waelb*msr.3?''•• '--hurcn »ill glva • caulaia.were wnlira by Itlltli Hanfnrd Tillutaiiu aud Ibe aBUaK by C Harold Lowden.Tb* cbolr member* have l«en wurkloc ou Ibia cantata foraosa* lime, audtheir production will b* well worilibeanos;.Tbe following la lb* miJ«*c*l pro(rasa aa II will begieeii:Choir, "Tbvra bjif in lit* WorldTuday."Cbolr, -Itrrw Beaatlfal Upon Uwftmwr aAPTtarla Use First Bapllat ChurchFamily Sunday." and.iba waatfewr. -*> **jd atead aod-~'a fatacw waa presaat both moratnt and;'£.. .ewaajaav Tlia fliiialaj fliliiinl aaa i i)It la lacreaalag eachB> tba osncatnr tbe pastor, ibe Kav.M. K. lawlm pleached oo tbw sub-V ^ JM. -T*a nauly Aa a Ualt far Ood.'At.tb* bectsatac <strong>of</strong> bis sermon h.o* Iba dramas <strong>of</strong> a new day andfact that tt bad not dawned, noraid aat until tba spirit and passiontaa Cfcrist BOaareaiil the bamrta <strong>of</strong>Rb) aawale aad aot antn tb* prtartplea" i were pot toto all oar banianBarHnoa »>ta (tlr. tlberawo) • AKln« tfhall Beigo."iliartet or ebotoa,-'rflkul audIlll." •Cbolr and •ouraooaolo (MreHwan*)"Tota Were drtepbeida 'Cbolr, "Ulory lo Uod."Cbolr and awl* lotemm. "Aud rtaaMto Pa-« "Coolrallowln (MUa R«M•..Booai at Iba I• Bo.nl o> g«aralloa att>yMr. Hooter, wbo wa.Ma frwoda la tteaao l°My, wH * mslar «arpenier for Iba Pennayleama 1KAJlruad C apany for new r j 40 year*aattl an*j» year* ago, wbet |b*r»iu dHo we* a vatarao <strong>of</strong> tbw civil Waraud uflltaivrt aa reerMao "' iU. AK. p- M lu Nawark. H* an witliibei.l f(aw J«r-ey t'aealry aud |«mn paled iu olueleen battle*.> I 111. >« w J.nwv.M W ^..WI-KMU.Uii.a.P.tf- wialCi on oUrfire aimM land,lm aUVe <strong>of</strong> aoaia. open wWmrn nr boanlonnom plllna sklca «lll Bet InaimtW fr tk f lnd be%Uir linn <strong>of</strong> tald lob. for IWaoaia. open wWmrn nr boanllllakla lll t Im plllna sklca «lll Bet IntWfrre tkm <strong>of</strong> laIT <strong>of</strong> \r» JlaaJU r y artta tay 1 eretory.TUGGINGAT YOURConsciencetbere oagbt to be two fact*1. YOU occd Ibe CHUkCH.7. TbcCHURCHoeedsVOU.Have yoa aod tbe membeta <strong>of</strong>- your Manly been- to Oretch-Utely?Have they aod yoo attendedSabbath School tThf* hiGo-to-ChurchMootbJoin tbe Cooxcb goera NOW.Atleod tbe Church <strong>of</strong> YourChoice.BUT GOi«>"t:itJ H. KWin.r'•"•••J'a'iWw' aaa. Matiliew. Val.OS7a>HiHKirtON H.iiS. IU IXT an'•*•f*nree> 1 II KlUUioeii I„ " !T. W.»•Itaua I. Hsrbt M. K. «rAauH.ManelttoM.TowaaradA» I •••ill••.on.n A JobnaoiH. W IlMMl-I.VMOl Til I'Ltl'KUIUSMM.11 «i» III4Tl linillu IIIlu lu»••.!If. -I*.1 ,\ Ii:.114Jil••7I 11, rUKtnc K. B- Co.Ta>ead £tin Kianrvr 8. n. Co. taIAIWH' .. .J.ss • K li—fn4 H-at»aI •—» B .«e. 'r-raa» IS' tie' ordjU'» W T.nra —4'tall T. ao-oi4>-.. t: K— | X. E.JI-,- miaKlIa.tMln kt<strong>of</strong>tley *J7t.M.Wa».K l X.kla>leyallA. I- iwlKju.mh Me mlt ibx> Mn,ip• aaid K Ken~i1-KllaaAMaertaV itaBHe. .«•. taK4*7IMUMftin. 3>1If.trmI «. w. iyrai*. r- ar nit• •»14 W• *'*• *.*,21 UII U*4 014% i** it*4 *l4 XI2 m •7•?1 II1 > • -:•it *•*.rA;*Ij&c*c•c•T•7•Ta?-•C n *3 %3.a?1 II .1D. II. UatrhtBpF.aJLIoenior*li H Imcliuipl>wiftA>>r.!•— K 1I.J.O k*. KB rtotif. iana*M.«raHt>araJUMSbaian»HT l>.\ IINESTINGS A 8VCCS88Tb* • KalManat W*ek" <strong>of</strong> acnlee*In Iba first Baptist Cbarcb caa besaid to bae* bam a good sorceas Ooly Iooocl*arni(bl w«* bad turoogb Ibe!a ask. bat. de> pate ibsl. ibw cocgrrta-1tloaa averaawd 42 people eacb <strong>of</strong> Ibe'tear hbjbfa. Tblny uf ibe W rest !dent aiiaia ra ware prastot al ebberIba pervawaTweniy-oo*'i wet* sained eallro*- lor an en-1SUOOESTIONS FOR(Biftgta AUantk) and Mtaa-laalpal. but Ooni MUaysO3lf> AtlanticAve^-nearOaorglaWhere you are »are <strong>of</strong> a aqture deal and a Urge stock <strong>of</strong> high gradejewelry at reasonable price* to select from. 10 per cent- dntcoantto all <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> patrotM. We will re-open on tbe Boardwalk Easter.MnalB.OI4in»a l»:«IM« *MmaJ.Lawb.Joka U. rtramlUaarbe WlaKeV.XT'IIIHIUTIllM II.HTam J K.wj«eWa> WallJ«a» r 1UC A'it. U.I.W » .ragan eo1hMfadaliegawea lo Cbrlat aod HieCbarcb. aad a ontoaot to aet apart a IJdat peoportloo <strong>of</strong> luae aodhafaattata Iba oew world awvmot. ITwaaty dlHenet people collated 10 dowars <strong>of</strong> elaatalloo darlog each »aek.',Maddock's PharmacyKla>it»i e»~«» AaburyAvanuam*>r)ona ••&Get ycur CbrUtauu Otndiea here.We have a fall line <strong>of</strong>Whitman'* Fruit Caodiea.Oar Special Christmas Offer is a five poand box <strong>of</strong> SamoaetCindten. assorted, for S3.so.Wr ali-o have a large assortment <strong>of</strong> Cntex Goods, pot np in fancypackages, which will nuke a fine present for him.Stop in and see oar other ChrUtmis Goods.You are always Welcome.aflhatbraoca<strong>of</strong>ky Ibeeo* baeiog charge *^•ckef Iba work.••••r» U.I.K 1T. • ulbuba• 1*MlMaII 'llII A111taIbI JaII«r:jIlia4 «l4 414 XI4 il4U S*14 tlIt 77II.1.a•aTHE UNIVERSAL CARSurest Thlr.g in the World...ti.l two hitw a.HH\a> made four.Tbereilt tunI,I,.II thicc million five buidrcdl *K« i.l 1:uf» in i!.iil> at tile*—mbhb 1*ott nn llf i; ll ttic ] i Hlni «.ti KiiM n«'i h«t%r woq lift worid-* toelot it-; al i it».Tw> il e Oent.Iiie Fc.nl P*irts(vkilltd uirclunici*; and all thetomjtinuiq th«»i..r.l^i.l <strong>of</strong> (|ii.4lit\ wtiiih i» nfiK>n«l in th« Ford car.\\ hen }€-u wunt A 1 OT». cr ir a Kurd Track, andwhrti \iiti w.int re|-air* «>r riplattment- for tbc wne,rri l \otir\t .tttenlH'n", teal Foul wrvice, andeconomical FoiJ j.ricc*.und wr h.iw the l-«>iPleasantville Motor Co.7 South Main Street WMhlngtaa Ava.PLEASANTVILLE. N. J.|W, W. P. HA1NESgML NINTH AND WKSLCV AVK.OCtAH CIT*. M. .V).ilwNa.a.nataooa* 'aiao'tloiiaiaBM—aiao'tloiiaiaBMLOKENCE B. HAIKE»IDnVnoi. I. D.M Waaley AvaaaaN«w J*r«ayPBTT1T, U. D.•or wuuv AVK.OCtAN CITV. NKW JKrtSKV\ i*^Monuments, Headstones andMarkers Finished and ReadyTo Letter and Erect Immediatelyfo*7 t. tttajo.i *, Titrt*-*. etru+r p >*(«.••« .* "• fiaiunailiiil'PM« aa* Saw"'Bill* MrxWSterno St"afutka WaVau*-~I—"Ram«ac«CtMco-Utn"veiW* aara *• win *e taaafin:ta)Toilat La*li sat a* CrtaaiUr aftrr Saanr*Skirla* BruanrUirBruilvn aadCg«tl4Tocta Bruihn ta4Igmh Brink^ IWJrtiGri ttiA* LrW.ll.liTamaaabMtlm-AII »>la>. frxn >ft4 fimWv tra la a pautiaa ta aw«l r*»r 4*fB«a4« ftr all ntl** c4 ILAIUBM Kvd*«i ml C«««r »•>4JNaC>aHaltlm. T tiiaa Riaf*.ol aSabt Talcw r>>b»n AtAialar a' Bb M 4a W bP4ar Bci«. r.i;uU,lr H»t *.t.t IfcxlUa ••a.a.*a>a>a>a>a>»wAwAwA.w»»«.wAW.i|1.w^v^. --*»7»T»T.-».-.w»-i-.-.-.-.--.»»->.a.-,-,1^We Wish You a Happy New Year!Ua>a>*a.a.a,a>a,a,a.a,a.>>a.^a.^a.a.«,a.a.a.a. < ._ «AJtL!axja«»-aLi»J5fejaol^fcJftJ»AJftjarJftJaVa^.a^.aVaVfc*j»^!>'«>y^ •WILL RUN CARS FOR A TIMEUNDER EXISTING PLANBut <strong>City</strong> Not Pituadall* PreparedNow to Accept Com*paaw't- Agreement.The trullvjr •Ituailoo htn wa*bniuuht Ixtorp the <strong>City</strong> Commlaaioatr»al ihrlr weekly meeting by tbensidlnit o( ih«lontr«.Ihr-all <strong>City</strong>. N, J.-nii-n: -<strong>On</strong> account <strong>of</strong> havingbrvn r^lli-d a*»r today oo Importantibu.ln.«f.. I tx-g to report hailm takenSTEWARTBOOSTSTHIS PRETTY CITY*iih ih. urn* ana« nna . \i-i« daring the period necon.ition*arv In pruitma.Kmdl> have th.s. t.uol board.BaaaaWaskyAva.Ocaaa Ctty.N.JHarcMtt • StttlauLAW orriccssarre. a. 4.• a.a. a* •-irual'Idrr| a .'-*>aO cwork,ailk* tatak aaaat.Iblog*CHBnniAs uomvrRrupholstcri<strong>of</strong>FOR YOU .(HouseOur pneasar* I cwaat p nlbH cansSsteal wMb Uuod VVu*« aad Bast MaterialIba first aTaHnaal Baak la nw«i| la. fasr, aad Ibla yaar 1 --^ A-k-,- Athaa PIN wa* dsstrlbai*d ta ""*U P W Jlaf lb* aaimaalty. walcaa latalwf aadwt |M«B* ataribwtba btsk asaaa tb* dubLawrence il. Lear<strong>City</strong>. N. J,Tawaasaaasasiasal way tac astka to- ' (aada |wr at* at ibas pattlea1 af laa ywar. wbaa ibat* an taFOR SALE4 Box Ball Alleys, 4 Monkey Ball Alleys, 1Shuffle Board. ApplyPowell'sMl AstNiry Avraitc Ocaaa CKy, N. J.s?;.',: •»Universal Electric IronsR H. JOHNSON CO.*8 STOREM9 ASMIftnr AVBMUBM r.ar.1 M*aa..»*.iprruiwii.,ra*-»4 KIMu•7 t liwnilSawIHO•as• '1I U• III IIu :ibibO C KiretrM a. B, To.mm, mi MJT» la* aSr»ea wul xiisbn»b loolue alib c•ia. eaeral la* aaaaa. ru.. r. r-mi»C W. blHl.|lj|l.Baaar Bleaaa. «i— •*»— ———- "CMaia*. UaalJcZifSSJ?^U ""~'m ~ <strong>On</strong> ' "—SEX SZZ.\AT TUB MOOBBH MAmSWABB ST3BBChas. C. Read & Co.WattBB B. anira, n_e»»Aifc»r,Av.. *~iEJiT'"' Oca. <strong>City</strong>. N. J.-S^^a^^^^iiS^e^^P^i% Interest Paid on Saving FIfORGAN HAND,ATTORNEY andf^NSELLOR-AT-LAW.I ^in • aiaiaiiiiw Bssslr^Mtast•jBajtAk «w* atT aaa* aav, a. ».•.BaUAruaa.uaanC.|/W OFFICESApgar &. Boswell.OBt AVKKLl: aa4 KlUttTU MTttaUnOL'KAJI 1'ITV.M. *•N OTWITHSTASDISC the great inctei-* in l.nildinscosU. tbere has been more buildng since August1st completed, u Her way. and being contracted furthan ever before in the resort's history.Why is this ? Because people are convinced that thrtecosts will not be reduced in rears to come, and indeed nuyfurther increase, so they arc building NOW.If that ta true <strong>of</strong> building, how much more ih^utd thewise pnrehaser find somcthiog ready boilt at an attractiveprio*. Thla means you Do not wait. Investigatequickly bat carefully »nd Cieo decide.^V'» hire tcvefal very attractive sales to olTcr.JOSKI'II ration n( Ihr- matter VI*l.i.i[«.n--d until the mi-rtlns <strong>of</strong> tbebrrt-fl4l>e# 24.on motion <strong>of</strong> Dlr*«inr Fisher, forth< r «..n-ij. ration <strong>of</strong> ih.MHi bond luoe bss bevnI..-..J to the Lkt-sn <strong>City</strong> Title andTrU't ' "tuj^ny. *| Th.-1. lort.<strong>of</strong> the bulldlnc IBapectoiiiiuououail oa mrant faaa.1TelU Reattera <strong>of</strong> Fishermen'sPublication <strong>of</strong> Advantage*.<strong>of</strong> Vacation Here.Prsok M. Stewart, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,a former president and treasurer <strong>of</strong>Ibe <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ftahlntt Club, baa boinna tup lo Ih* Weal, and willb* lu <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> about January 3.Tbey will ncvu|>y, March 1. Ibe realdruc**|M Wr>l*y a«*nu*nceully pur*ba^d by Dr. Wbltlcar.Ur. Wkitlrar aad hla bride matwblla ba waa at Kurt Kirttr*. wblcb•uarda Ibttulraiica lo I(O*IOD. Mr*.Wbllicar II> aecretary <strong>of</strong> au <strong>of</strong>ficial<strong>of</strong> alru-l company lu Hoalon.Dr. Wbllkar. olio waa born lu falrtou,S. J.,c*ma lu Uceau I'lty iromfhlladalphla ibre*j**ra*ca.\vbeiicountry declaitd war wttbUermaby baeoured I'olird iMale* Medical Corp*,and aooa aaa comaibaloaad a Dratlleuutiaul. He "«r»td for two yearaaa an luatrucaat in Held boapltal aodaaaboianc* company tralninf. Umwaaloaeeeral cam pa In Ib* Hoalb,drat (olng lo Koit UgMuorpa, Ua.MAXOM 8PBAJCSBoitVn. (n three-balMlic rcieuc* lo Ib* Oceea <strong>City</strong>OUT-OF-TOWN MEN AREGIVEN CITY CONTRACTStKrueula •loiilar lu lha"g.mil <strong>of</strong> Ibat a»euROYAL ARCH IBNBAVEINSTALLATIONIRS. I. G. ARTHURS93 YEARS OLDweulOv«Und 4 Tojtrinr, $845, Ro-iiter. $845; Coupr, $1325,Sed-a.^1375; Prices t a b. Toledo^TataajOFFICEStodfrej *t Read|niaiill.umiinBan Ml MsUtfUa :: iATLANTIC CITV. N. JJOSEPH L. PYLEaaswas* Sac Uc Atcoaalai*UBUC ACCOUNTANT^aastssBeaMtaJJT Asbary A**WM. H. COIXISSON. | a.Aftso, St. Aav Boa. C- K.(Ml Eafiater aa4 SonciarABBOTTS'Alderney DairiesTue mariiage ceremony was per*filmed lu New York Ctty oo rialar•tafsud Iba pair ImoMdlalelyua Itielr IrMir.| Tu* touug aomsn bss teeo leacbiiia:Here •lueettM brgiaalo^ <strong>of</strong> Ib*rail aud amiee term laat rwptawaber.»t» »ill IMIH ber duiieaoo January' V a two tba •cooola raopeo, andoaplet* Ib* leras. wblcbuae l*baNew York 8laie.r* raral«aCITY GARAGE» L. W. MILLUSeventh St. and Hav«n Av..Try an Advertisement inWKTAKK MLCII I'l.UASlKEix i:xri:xt)i\G OURCORDIAL r.Ki:i:n\t card> andfrw..Id JC Ot- puin. d rut-, ilng- )«-ftieidav afternoonauardt-d. b> roolutlon. lo VU1. Duushl>ami IVnjjiiitn I*. L4-e ihr c-tmlrscr fori.-mukj| n( id*- *H>V ..trbau.* (ur ihev..ir l'J.'" Th. tu.l »J. »:.So.Tin- bill- fur Hi.- »ur» w, re rv*:ir». th.- loa.-.t bidder fur n*-xtorder, pastor <strong>of</strong> lb* first Iio t'huitb, a Boyoeamtitre was appotntad byowe, i^eaatoat <strong>of</strong> lb*) laagw*, eaa>prMug ib* followlngtCape Alfred a HasHb. as. Maw.rer, a & Bwan. Uayor Ubaasasw,. O.Uordoa.RatMtaaaadBaUaOarretaoo.It wustAt*dla«4O*orBaPattw, aa.tonal field secretary and HUe» ispiw•enlattes<strong>of</strong> lbaBoyHeoata,wlll ba MVean CMy suosa IIBM batwsaa Jaaa.ry f snd IS aod asset wltb tba ajaavbers <strong>of</strong> ibss ooas as Biaa.Or.Hnyderlold<strong>of</strong> bavtng talkad b*sUpboos WMb natloeal oOoara af taa•eoau la Mew Yeek aad <strong>of</strong> Iaaraoe* <strong>of</strong> ctelna; allI* to tartber tb* tUiy and Cap* May Uoaaty.Tba assstloc was iraaa by Iba B*». Osuras W. Tans.Mr. Yard aald Ibat Iba bay at 4serving <strong>of</strong> .can ba gtean by tba otdafboy'a lite l* vary <strong>of</strong>leo iin bla sarly youtb. . Wbaa abaa resetted bleaaatarMy.lt*. apoaslbl* to iiTuniai* faaKa, batdlfflcult to do so. In yoalb imay form bsbiu ibat, wbaa ba iBtatun years, ba wanid gtvaaBawb *»bs at>la la overooaM.Mr. Yard aald ibat ba Is vttaaty lavlereatad In tb* Buy ttoata at aayeosent ibat wul baip tba Jiala.but Iber* I* ootbloc along taas Ma*esusl to iba boat*.TbaM anary help*. *ocb a* iba HaadswTb* epeaker stated Ibat baataiitnmianirWi* roarts rs*T tnr>t National Bask <strong>of</strong> Oee«Bport, considerable acU«tty tarichancr, snd. (or th» benaattbo»e drilling to (orwsrd money-„. . UuUtuUon Is prepared lo- laituh drafu on reapoaalbW basks lacountry <strong>of</strong> the world. Tb*. si pieaent Is «ery mock latur <strong>of</strong> the American doUaj, so thatd.-.lnn.- to lorwara fosda caa•u now at a frest aattnc as, foruncr. <strong>Dec</strong>. JO. CagUsh potuds: rstaand>..ir'» »oik ««a brloa- th.- prlo- that•rubrsneca (rum rrlaiivi-s uuuld hav. b.frlrnd.. snd appM-clatrd th. ojjih[.r.wtit .iintiurtor, alth th.* inverymuchIrrvaae that uould have romr- had helira. Arthur »•• bom ln ThiUdrl-irootlnurd iht> work, but tu- r.-c. allyphis, but hs. lnrd In thla my sub' noiia..! ih,- my ihjt he did not'" to continue th*- contrjrt am>tlu-rThr rumrj/t for r.nui\int: ihImpressive Ceremonies Conducted by Pi<strong>of</strong>. J. If. Stevensand H. 8. Adams.Al Ibe aauual meatlnR <strong>of</strong> iba IwyalArcbt'bapter. No. w^r^rrnaasaa, Ptaa.-Bb let •*»«••»sUSa».iaI*w1»*t _ ^ ^LO*T -4aaaU Bold rtafj wMb bloodatooa caolar. Reward. Batora lMary aQlasbstb UaUassaa.Mb bBatora loU Amtmad*.. It.TrytaadThe Paptlet CornerA H^ppy and Prosperous New Year1920bnt remember thatGood habits are not made oo biitbdaya, aor ChdatbaJChanctcr at the New Year. Get Uw Owe* ktiiftjand let us help you "gat «i#*l« Iw ttds Jatv •«

• , . ! ' " ' • *; • - & * -AAaV»WsJrl&w£fraa^W»l'< '* '••'.•*;•ILLBTCABTO«DH FOB A T1IBSHERIFF'S-SALE.Si..l puoii.McmOAT, JANVABY I*, I KM,wtU a check tor rn sad the electrical !»•«. tha rIhajntor. with a cheek to for th* titM. city"*"*tTMfOMr. I•. i «' J' -»•. •• i taaaaaaaaaaaajjiatlams,Tbakeldreport<strong>Dec</strong>ember<strong>of</strong> th* cityM, wcollector oo»oeasa OMy sad Ued. ' j"" ___. The foUowtag letter, with resolatlon \_attached, from Irrtasr nteh. dark..ol *«the Cape May Comity Board <strong>of</strong> Free- «•boMsra, waa read by <strong>City</strong> Clerk Mor- JU,WOSiavAn ri,. SenMr. Harry A. Morris. £*•« JU.OKy High <strong>City</strong> Clerk. Oeeaa <strong>City</strong>. " *hi the Dear Sir:—I smoaclosmg herewith :certified copy <strong>of</strong> resolution by 'the *•'*•!•"hyltrsl svaaae from rbrty-oeventh to I•aa«f the **,». Bmdsatfcw kkjksshiil wawiMrred ta la the reaohrtlon paased by IamMrs.aaSrall| r oar board <strong>of</strong> commUatoaera on O»|by afr.Kllby.<strong>of</strong> Kindly a«ad ma. in duplicate copy S *»«th Company, rabblab HT^6I aSU cSpSTcoDaetora, ha) raulaad onUl <strong>Dec</strong>amlMr £ 3 ^ ii^^' a J ia C&«|jt»M>» and <strong>of</strong> lk.1 «ldl» 7tI tu a artrra trri vharIby Mioetor Campbell, was adopted: •••Jg; Ma naaititri t»o Immlnil Utttlll.taa BBBdlH Srt»-S>» IXUIadmt *n>-^> ixttl. t«o aiwdmJm, and m auiirfrid unr-tUttta tto plan aad arrtloa a/amaCl.Mar ..irai.iarily ilat ol•mar Sft» tnt araiaamrrii"•*I'STIJIanHeeolTed.ordbuneebyortbertaointloa).Board <strong>of</strong>pravhMutyComml» *n*-~. and «f tkal otdOl ««•• •loser, ^ <strong>of</strong> (k# <strong>Ocean</strong> g^ <strong>City</strong>. f ci New Jersey. '*w J«ra*y (Contract I •¥•.•*•*•.'lara karaby aathertaad to azaenla>|not* or notaa to aa'I A nanbar <strong>of</strong> billanWTTY CAMTATAItekool (avalboeaalata.•Ma" la SMtfay atbool lI drMSadyoajac P***** who took pan•M traJaaat byrMlmt^ateOareoo.I TkearhoniliiUiisl. «ttk tajo|«*»BtHM<strong>of</strong> Ik* ebaueb aadnansay. IM <strong>of</strong> tkaaalMaday i«toal •«• aasaMnlaodad by' asmI«•'• «rs»» aa* Mm Maaw.that ho tba» MokllIIIMl. Mwrr kuadrrd nlartrm Oltl. lam IIllae'twiT raratr (Hit. tam> Iliaailltil Iaaiidw >t taTatr IIB1I. Ilin* Iwmjutl Krah^an| IIO.. Ikrrr kyadrrd tmtato-fm* IXI4I an Iff fn£Vaitkfsf R2TSJ •SSdoT^TWn* n w t«o >•• III J Irt. Ik« brl«a lfclrl frt Idt d |M> ar atom af II i—ill"> AlWklta. l» U IAweor'a Hike.AnyWodIn Wonkw wiui is* ntiMMU <strong>of</strong> Ik*m, laaaai'MuraaaUaisaooaipIata.aaaawalIM sad 4aiMtaat« wtm TC* 5nUpdoTlWaaMoa oil <strong>of</strong> Mbr* Jaaaary A'.pfa-sgra,.•a-f-gviY-m-mY f^^g^P^Bh^sHesaaavf/ ** - -"•'S'i'TSI*'-'-'*'! J?, •llkalr<strong>of</strong>-•s. oa rrfcjar. '!*>•• poiauanul b oTTwaaUaUi alraat lo. IMO/aaa Clly IIII atau prMa p*rda> lor raisbb.•mottlMx. anllM si Manl Sf'MOmwinl«renalrea) tonn la* Thirty IHI alaM la detail Ib* alia sadOBIOOUM I aajt proaoM lo aa. sad It>a*arood> UMDwloooottlrxinr willIM VOBIU aintortaMy mn• aaaiaried* III b* raalnd lo fornUb bood•. •- SWANla IM BMrd<strong>of</strong> Kdaosiloa torAsk Any OoiighboyWhoWas "Over There"and be will tell you that American railroadi arethe best in the world.He saw the foreign roads — in Rwglaiw^ andin Europe — and in other Con*— and he knows.-Tbe part railroads have played in tbe devdopkent<strong>of</strong> tbe United States ts beyond measure.American railroads raOroads have achieved high stand* stand-ards <strong>of</strong> pabBc public service bv by far-aighted far-dghtcd and-courageoonsinvestment <strong>of</strong> capital, captUL and by the constantcoorage-striving <strong>of</strong> managers and men for rewards for workwell done.We have the best railroads in the world — wemust continue to have the best.But they must grow.—.To the HOflOOfiOOflOO now invested In ourrailroads, there will have to be added in the nextfew years, to keep pace with the nation's b 'inn"- .—..—,- nam ior • aaamonAl •••-• --tracks. •*•+*"aaB^BjaBaaa^aB^BasBBF aaaBB^avaB ^ap a>^a^v ^•^^•^^^^B^waa^*^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^—terminals, cars and »«»£*«»—. electric power housesand trains, automatic signals, safety devices, thewTtrntnarioTi <strong>of</strong> grade fnrttingt — and for recoo- *•traction and engineering economies that will reducethe cost <strong>of</strong> transportation.To attract to the raOroads b the future the hvvestmentfunds <strong>of</strong> many thrifty citizens, the directinggenius <strong>of</strong> the most capable builders and nr—JosepfiC ChampionBuilding ContracfdrOCEAN CITY. N. J.Tenth S|reet and West Avenue.Any whereSwan and Trout»HACTtC«lJ. K. TROUTCaroenters and BuildersiO4o Asaunv AVKNUCfOI 8IO0LD MVEtTvOCEAN CITY N. J.A Reliable BuilderBUILDER<strong>On</strong>rtcat ath St. Opposite P. O."•'a, OCKANCITV.N.J.. <strong>On</strong>ly galTulMd nails wed do•starter workJoseWOW A SKCULTVOmaOty. ft.* 1Qeorgv) W. HarrlContractor, Builderand JobbinglUMIEIT C.TMMtkMltBaU(k«M.mjMM OH. LIt-imrry R. M«ye'ciMm* WTBRLotaiotSil* CotUfalarSakaaciIkal. rW» isi/kwjriMUM OT1.1. J.Sf u. PHoajg. ««1-JALBERT G. GILBERT,PtACTICALIOISCPAJNTElTo erert your <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottage. Yoo caaoot spare the time645 Aabury Avenue,boocatjr<strong>of</strong> the contractor.I have built for a large number <strong>of</strong> people aad coold refer yon toany or all <strong>of</strong> them.rail Uaa o« Joaa UM a ca,1 raiauSend for the lilt <strong>of</strong> names and photographs ol the bovaes. "lBOOTIS M. TOWNSENDBUILDERIlaKora.OCBAROTT.Mfaaaaa aa4 ralalomr «a»ll«a.•• J.Ster / m the 8onday School room. • nsarn. B. wt>aau <strong>of</strong> bto macblna bad crc«a*d formed lltopr<strong>of</strong>amhioal*. Tbe orgsnfoaly a few oay»siway. » was eipected that tha SUts 8ua- ""»« were nuny present »t all tbe ib*irseUwbeo be mw s tisln near, let. Mis. JaaMeAoalln. by her woo-(»mlly gsthetms* aera dmnac ^^ gehool aacretary woaM be preaent *»r»lce» In tbe HetbodUt Cbuch Son. (olog aooth si a good rats <strong>of</strong> •pssd. dsrfol playing, demonstrated that ahalaVamys, / to address the concreaation. but Sopt. osy. Tbe record attendance at the Tbe yoaog man Immedlat.ly toroed •> ao aitlat aod a great credit to <strong>Ocean</strong>JaMaraarht ssrrfem ha lbs First kfowrer annooncad that tbJs gsntle- 8sbbath school waa again broken. bUcar oo to tbelrackaaodatlamptad CMy. Mra. Baby Oanetaa aaoc hatiTohwreb Wss/Yssrt **•• man coaM not ho ta attendance. tn*re b*ln«- nearly three hundred lo rscs ahead <strong>of</strong> lbs Mala oa lbs eopreaoaoloa with tbs extreme elsrtty- - . »__ vtntar" staC Prashylarlaa Church, was tben pro- un to raaca us tnreo Banana marx in* ear and Mood on tba running g toaiBM-oip- 1 tbtbai asntsd.d- ionion8anoay8anoayandandOTertopOTertopItItthetheflrstflrstboardboard<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>tbatbaTahtel*.Tahtel*goMInggoMIg ththssia.star*star*warswarsdbwwsiaddbwwsiadInIntbatbaptraona<strong>of</strong>ptraona<strong>of</strong>l;*r Dr. Snydar »sld that there was no Sonday <strong>of</strong> the new year. . flblD»,ooill tbe rhlbt rtar end <strong>of</strong> lbs Mlaa Luy Hacbbanar and MalcolmMad for worda aftaT-soeh a dclUhtroI The annual coal and Interrtt coUec- mecblne waa Mroek by thsonitas. AoMto.who asng costnllo sad ba»tkasK^BO-^ Tka grown people traqaent- Hon wa» taken tothe cburcb. TweWe Ha waa thrown tome dMaaee. hat looeaoloswBbigrsal<strong>On</strong>lan. Theeo-oHIa agsla.banqaat. ^ ^ ^ T , , ^ ^ h m i n i M l m WM aMtti tor „,„. w Meo tool, a llttto. In addMtoo la loa<strong>of</strong> Mr.Cas.rro. uod John HOD,^ folk. a. wSTaTth. older one^r! twoU«aa andneariy thirteen bunded -—.olag-un, broloaa. •aUa^rs.mtly app»dafd,^a wa.Charcb wlU'bsasef Miat B. U 8ayde* i'^dattresms, Deeembsrio.SMBShsacs<strong>of</strong>adfar |n^. femu»ltl*a oter th»lr actlviUea. The panior. tha Itev. Oeontn W. •sicbman ol lbs rallnad anting oa Msans.Uall»Moaand Aoatln. one orZfZjST" "^ rtU^ Yard. £ L briefly a, the ,»orn.n« •*«•?oMbamtlsaUllon stThlrly. tha pk^ta. r-lor- w«. tb,M-otk<strong>of</strong>HU e»eoln K , ab .«l»s sny rtgnsls. he tboajht the rail- M•* tD raad traeka wars elesr.*|Theae are miiliil la the chorebaa andlJett waa, "Tbe Meaninx <strong>of</strong> ChtUtma*.OJbara.Tba auto waa wracked. •d.Thsasacais.|t«sas*s part <strong>of</strong> tba~— saostoal prograaa <strong>of</strong> the ohurcb, ws*bAXB tortbsbanefll<strong>of</strong>lhsplpe organ foodaad a •aod-eaed earn waa naUaad.••eaue a row After the does <strong>of</strong> tbe a*mee manyirrlm-Ttsscsd people. He cannot an- Mr. Yard said the day for dire pov-^1 «La-*eerlpUoo price <strong>of</strong> IbeRaari- demand bow each folks as the last erty baa temporarily passed from oura^-aaaseoctog Jsnaary I, 1M». kind can be considered m coonectloa mldit here In Amerjcs. Tho orators.-awisstlJ» P** ysar, la sdTsnoa, Ad with the work <strong>of</strong> th* Lord. He doe* ittttBneft_»mLBre»chers^ *r« .not *•' - - ralaa arrtr irilt be) sdesoeed. not know bow tbe Idea orlclnated dwelllnii upon that subject as they „PSBaOMAXrS.taleUTselaUsTdswdaapi-aaTtb.ipaak.r alkt It U a •aobl'ome other pUce.. <strong>On</strong> the other hand.lb l f Ai bui haaek tkmgs la other cbarthe*.yoaag mea aad woeaea tossy sr«|by *»* teacblnmi and life or *"hrl»«.| M|htM-|#<strong>of</strong> - |ht g,^the bolklsys wMA fsssttvsa e^uuttttt ,,,,j,«]t*T arged. Thai Mr. Yard said we need to .put more"* boys sad stria who pot their hearts ta|l°»« Into tbe tltt (hat is nude, andItk* Martha Haoderira. <strong>of</strong> tbleeMy, ibeUworkare tbe one* whowUlsolrelnot a mere act c< preeeniiiic somebodyMac lha boUatye ww» PhUa- tha ivabania <strong>of</strong> tbe nation.Msads. ,A a W.Bdwsrde aad wMa, <strong>of</strong> tbm Svaday School tkat eoaUaaes twerre|ou*ly locgts for.|wlU *omethln«. This U a universal• Sky.sm ipeodlog lbs hotkUys wMb month. In the year baa the richt klndl Tbe cbolr *a«e IIH> c.nt.ia. TidM Bridaetoo.<strong>of</strong> enihoalaam aad -prp." The bla~!a.n=asBMt.or Caasdeo. tarsasraflksicay. wore tMtare bar. to^ sad iraadatoldrs. jj. do-IUI Ik.dlon*»Maerboeae m Ibla . h|eh ^the snip tkroagkoat the year.to beat them at Banmtkaicay. wka Mrs. kHiimso. rTsadaco Bay.- This wa. ao weU regabawaaralalUea.Uctloa aloauj the same Unas.abasa Harps* sad UoOar. atsaagli ipinilai the koUdays Baptist.*ak kar psnot*. Camrtss B. Adasaa preseat- aad ptaaaed to•sdwaK<strong>of</strong> tbtxaty. , eatbsslaam aawas thela*. M. M. L«wla aa*) faaally aod P*»-•«ryfWlaaaaaadws«». afrerkass*.atMo«y a a ,* las ham* <strong>of</strong> Bw. Taomsi L—ia. Spanin sad Babsnaa wslara. In adtbeehorch ws. Mis. As G<strong>of</strong>f. widow <strong>of</strong> 4Uoa lo the oaetomary war strip*, be•Tse*. baa tha UMiwIan asrtlee tnpo.uibssatlfultanor eola Tbe psatorIrfg werU, and abamsmiaaTlbe bolUaye aad an vtskv tktt j^,, WWM eaoxed. cacored. responding mpondlas lbeB fkm taU loid lh. Ib* u^y story <strong>of</strong> ••- " " " " leaVlann* Mrs. I Usmphls sadIsgasHIHiiat Rasslsj, wttk a kaawraaa aeaKtlCA k l Th Tbe oasi^ ar W|M HM>>> uiostraUog U «Mm Mary Potsrsna aad dssabtsr tet oomprtaed Dr. J. TborsJey Hashes. M, mmmtIhiscay.Next Sunday la tha HetbodUtlMartha, <strong>of</strong> ML Airy. eaasaMT Raaaeffl B. Hslty. CUaton D. Lowdea j^CbrsHma.oooeert lo Iba afur- nd Edward at Battoa.BMB waa **ry eojoyabie. Tbe prW ^ ^ v-aHsnI sad wtm. etthlamtsksawaysmtkbicsiy. ,„, p^,. ,. w. watts, rector <strong>of</strong> mary bade number <strong>of</strong> attractlre psru. O-«H. vaaoan.^oo-B-.^ ^^Mm. Jsasph L Boall. who m «1*Mlo« Holy Trtalty Ej*eeop*I Chucb. nestrtnr BAPTIST.' wmapeet Mood.y la Ibla T^muit d. aald tkat. wttk so msay a.oday was a good day al the run* - ^ rf j^,,, „+„paoladeysaw brother. W. I^BOOH, be doee not know wkat U B.^^ Choreb .cci ooiwialatlsod- mt^0tOtmaiMr .?uZ. t*U lai. <strong>of</strong> Ifosol HoUy. - note* to bappaa. Tata. too. m tkU u ^ r .^.— -» H- ~a« wer "^M*e*ifal fnllaja. ftillaflel[iliai ,,„_.Jd-sglbe balMaye wab his par- tn bla home Isle that afternoon aadl^okuwoo. withwith ibeirj»»OIIB.. were•aXr.K Duty sotr.tla. <strong>of</strong> S- how be had ha- thoroosbly M M L S * . - botb• bf I kbl wall p^L kto«« Ada-sa. father <strong>of</strong>1. tb. -orolu.cARAuicy orntio •-*•mmmm 'aatryhasaias' wkb tbammmf *'Memorial Tablet'Goo.-.PAINTING:PAf*teR HANGING.GRAINING iO4a ASBUIIV ANO DECORATINGAVCNUCTHKKATHLUHow sfsa tortaaUMOaimlAOCKAN CITY Ncwj NEW HOTEL HLBERONI-ooaattam.KX.FlU Into «.y<strong>On</strong> exhibition at oar salesroom.<strong>City</strong> Gas Ulftht CompanyBuild a HomeThere IS a BnUdlag Boom. It U la (oil nriag la tbe Weat and MiddleWest. We hate coaameixcd to fe*I it here ia tbe Bart. It'upreadlng. PricesWhy not get Imnr now with tboa* plaosr Seeyoor friend, Mr. Contractor,ud go ant it with him. Of coarse it's understood that you'll want tbe Lumberlo come (ram us. If we get tbe basta***, yoa'll not be held op for thedelivery ol the material.her.<strong>of</strong>ln.ordM. and I MU.->MOHCia<strong>of</strong> thai Itog s tow day* la Oeaaa CMy aaTaatdoesBotoalynMaaLrjMB8R,itmeaasC«incat,Brick, Lime, Utb. Sash sad Mtllwoik sad Hardware.BvsrrthlM Mw*. S*«« In Uw BMIMIUSC. li. Shoemaker Lumber Co.TMOIIUI or*d Waat Avanu*Sutton 6, Corson Co.General Contractor*"'•ORAOINO AND STREET BUILDING LOINQrf crssea,lb* B*»|wo-s«iC.Cks-osMr. Yard saM • NUBolsa D*WaaieyCoaatryU«f«ac*aaajaOB«ary"In' ffittmoriam"Nlcheiaa laspsctiaoiEhser B. sUackl)oU <strong>of</strong> HonoraUat Alctha aV TOWBacsdDoeilalcOarbMteDaakl a. Ooodwta. Wiaeta F. BaiaeaWUasm IsasiainnaMbamA-LyackfssMsPslenaoBusley Pieraeaaymead PricejkwekAgaVtwaal A. aodgenHaray aaaraaaaalo**pkB.C.aw*aTionrm C nesUbaM SharpBonot P. amahTkeSawBcaaBJcaadW.aooyArdwr W. ahoaaMkerMearic* WaaMteO BsafpPmamj.nsaat-wItaaricaacmndniMJokaB.{tewaaOrercoatsFidelity Trait Coutt&yXltXal leWstttjsattOajlSaarchaa, Atetra<strong>of</strong>ca Os* TtiVa,MEN'S SHOP ~"OO»^£5^' dTHE TIMEis coming when it will not be an easy matter toget hotel accommodations in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> duringthe summer season.. Most people write for reservations a week ortwo ahead <strong>of</strong> their vacation date and arc disappointedwhen told there is no room.Last summer over six hundred people wrotecould not be taken care <strong>of</strong>.Even for the coming summer we arc unableto'promise a single room.The new Lippincott .Hotel ia being built tohelp meet the demand and yet we have enough•T - . m ..* _•_ 1.. •_ £11 a* fa. nilceiiar to garret.There ia need in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> for good hotels.LIPPINCOTT HQTEIS Co-miftFor farther information ia conoortlon wttk ta* wananalplans <strong>of</strong> tha above Company, commantrata withiL.L. iiffuir^vTr. PnbUrity kfaaanr. or with D. AdasSrowTSS^^TimluT.W" Ubttty lWUiag.nUadripaia, Fa.aal*aa*aae» Saai l.^maaat SlaaB B^aaaaaftaawertisTsWOflOM In .Flrat HatioalBaak BolldiatOaoa Xif Ooaxri BoaaaKjet Bxuiiei Wittat Hipi.- t.jL-^.jL.i—'jr..A. W. ELYIT*>n»» mrsel %V.•ctAaorrv •*.•t>*.laVtll

T ,IOK* la aaOarlUt treat floaiMtal kMe|Pbr*an*r. 11,000. UK* T60 and 770,1 atrwt al AUaalle. <strong>On</strong>u, W«*l«y and Oalnl ami al « rot*, <strong>of</strong> talwl not'>-' «• tji . iaMAHtPCIRDAAtifl *IM«and«f Iba eoadltloaa that axM £1,040. Lot 80x100 leet oo auulbeaal •aa!i"ba~nbai7rud £? n^a^nKtZi M "aiw^SVii "^'n h.'-'.'iu;-ii.',nni in ,«r »« ami -h.n i• \ TMUlUr laUVn) M • lifted pollea foroa to farnlab .Ida <strong>of</strong>Ocaao avenue, where Blavealb £.»'— ""••»•»'••«'— •' ">•«•» KM.- ; daw. laaianir. d»n•< n.. iu»ij quara feel, theuo* ••' nmmi.Mirr n..i— <strong>of</strong> ih- « looUjbl Ibal baa for lu ob Mlllar.|2.7W. Parl.<strong>of</strong> lot. Jl«'»and ;7.;? n;;1 n7^."^;;A; h :,';. l > r rV,i 1 V,! '•'• -"-""•'•-•"'•'.•>" ^7 •••';•"•. ,'^".:Mala op <strong>of</strong> boy* <strong>of</strong> from J* 0 * ID# fomloc <strong>of</strong> ao ontanlxallon U4;o, block i4. Uarden*. ' f'- ' •'•aod Iba* do <strong>On</strong>e work. " f olaul»li |1fra monii It t'urtl. ll«bln»nii. at ux. to ri,«. • •,••..•-..• •,- • ' . . . ••... ••I I ha ptulum war* aatora atodla*, leolMotban ibaap-btioglng <strong>of</strong> ebll K.N*bb,eiux. rl v»). Lot r. • K«J«na> Tiaatataia. tnrm ^ DUHOI.. \ M ^ ..i ,,. a .' • . / ' _ . . . . . • "': "•." '- . Raoaot real aHala trmoafen in Oreai> ,09. Section I). • ' • ' ' -...•• 1mi3 Jx^^i-lLLJJ-Li^aH n XJ2±I1'1 X'lM.fl'I'l'T" UJ J.»«pb M. ftowland. et ux. in iir>, ' : :. * • ' . • " . ' ' • • • • ' • • . • :J. M U M . r'lUUt Trail ul land al * . • • . • . • " • 1o <strong>of</strong> tba MnniaL —* "" ' " "°« lh *' | y c j ruer «f t*t. JimW place : . ' . . . •aii>atk miia_t. n« >wJTh!_r.M Hhaaa H. Hawrvr. m* ox. to Jobo a o d A 1|, o U e av.ou*. extending .oulb- :.;,-,. : ' . . . " . "~' .'. .'.MMatfllMKal***• r f bo »» f r e - •" Braaaatl. »l.7J0- t-art <strong>of</strong> lot MS. Hec • «Maloo« a«ilbw*M lioa rtda <strong>of</strong> Hi. -•*•--"•' - ' • » > •'• .rail. a*7atMrto .«..•. »*i~> .11 * • ** °° o 0 1 1 0 *** * >d * ot l*>irai Jaeae.' placed frrt ID frootor traadtb T,"''- * v V '"t." ' : " . _ > . . . . . . . . .•"— m^miLZT'^Zl!!. ZHZTT' aT*Boa,oaarBI«thetraat. u^j *xleodiu| theoc* Mutn>*M al '/Ji'">, ^. | •/•; -"•:.;s :' ;' .'aaa«m ** ma **/J]Z,'*L - w "«•• w »-*nm M Da by. tATW. ^t, , uaimto HI. JUKV plac* be. -*•—i ' - ".--". ,. .feet lu Ivnaib ordeplh, on* <strong>of</strong> aatdfroaB oarlbwaa* atda <strong>of</strong> Central uoaa being aoulbemai aM* <strong>of</strong> AtlanticuZ**£>W*mlL!L Cb -*>>1 ~tu'U'*RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? IfL not, why not? They give three timesab much light as the old style Carbon lampsfor the same current consumption..Proposals.•i r o. it m H i>t . ri'.l I >|< r lli.Hl r-rli•......II.I«;- i.ii.i.i,-.,. .HI.— tllflr.l fix • K, IMlHh >• •r. ii^..u I My. N. I ...«tf *i |.**f mil. ul II n l.i.l IiOCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE<strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Etoctrlo Company\i l». II . I". • .. »l 7iiS SAI.K.r \.HUF o( a «nt nf t-'irrl liiclMt. fur 11.1 M..rtrf.iKrU IT, nn»c*. I" mi- .litr. lij.ll .,llli.i Illr < ..lirl .ll I h:i...rr> ..IN< ^.. ..11 ll.i I.t .!.. ..1 11.,.11.1.1. A II,1. .1 I.MIIII r.u... »li. r. II >,...i.. A1..I.i I I ...in. I I.. I-1.11.I.111U. I .lull .*,.-..1 J.'. ..I |...l.l..- ,,».MHI. JAM \U\ -.Ih. HJ«.i«-ii tin I...111. 1.1 tHiUr nn.l U\i- ..Vl.»-k !1.. I.. «i|. at uiir u'tliirk III Illr . l t r |I i-t ».li.l il.i\. al tlir Mirr-ll*« .nil..-, ill' M.i> l..u|l ll.iiv., lain Mi> l...li.l>.jJcrt'y:11.11.ll i.r r. ,1.1., ... it ....I IT 'II..' .i|.|,rilii. 1.. 11.. I.It ..|..rii......... ..... I., .,l..ilv .,1 .,, I',. ....I, ,.l,.| .1 ..,.!-.I. It,.I „ I.. ^., ; ,III,...- . 1 1-..I..1 ...... U ..I ' I.....I|r - • I .t |..ill.l,l .ill ,|. •..1. % 1.1..1. 11, it.. .n> ,.r ,ili.l -l.ilr .1I...... .....I .....,I..I».I li.,i..|r..l...I.I. l>«" .1«J| .,,,.! ..IM llllll.lt. .I ..II.II. . ..„ .1.-,.I. .. ,.l I |.u -I.1.. ••> n>. »'.«i»u 1 1. it. ..1 < n- I-,. I . .,- M.v i.t.rl H-..W.v. , .. ,| •.. 1)!. MI >....| I t. tL- '• >.I* c.t ":. ..ii.l ..)*.. ft., n.til I .I ...,| MI..!.1 ^.|. r r |..ill» int.1' r j.)..• 1 I !•• II.. tl-.v. .1. %i^n..|..l ,t,. ...|. I ,. n - ll» -*« . . (Hi- l-f'-i- f 1% I •l.r;t *k AUAMN" Reading GoaTUUGIXGConscienceitlcTi- nll>;llt lu In: two f«.-|»THE UNIVERSAtjCARSixt en Years* Experiencell HlH.lv HIC- lulu cv» i• • It if U till t\ pi «'Irl% II-^ t«.i -.t.tt.l •'HI I\».i, i > l l Kul t «ni-l tutlt |Nfitcv'tllt>; lilt *icvl IllMtr.u -•! the Ki>|.|iio>lc |urU,\titu.,Mift I "fl iKrilcf*. t,lkci>.nl ..f.1 \.»t i«» our K 4 ''K^ ' or» .ni'l ^tiii ril * tttmiiK up.*'..11 t Hcilcr*. We ran »uf>--. j-iii- ( * „*«*•"• VaoUllde*. e4 vlr. lo Kli Aulbooy X u.,^.. „ UI , o WQ , .. •;.. -- u "* Rebecca fcWell Wloatoo. et »ir. lo u • ^'.'r-. _ TT-^.V^J* ."°* "**• Anderaoo Hourgaote Lot 1M. Hecttoo It Mo-anl Tborn. H UX. lo Han. a -" '-*"•" ^ T> —-.y_"V°- A.«odtoU 43.421 88l.ua. «tt aod o(b W. M.lcbell. |7 »«. Lot Ttl. ^,fi.- ^"""^I.'•"'TT- lwMbl*daoriota». rJacttao C. Alan Htctioa A. ':."T \?to taka ootka. Ha ta**a'. Tb^eo^|r>OBjlntafaaeUooorOcaana»eoueBod bagtaoloi 400 feet aoolbwni Hcujatulu «l Rarueti lo rani* UK.rgiMoo. Lot W. ritctioa N..»ib.^ : oo <strong>Ocean</strong> *»*• Point. * 7 «">* Alaotba undivided oo* ball <strong>of</strong> (ball*. V. Head, et u*. Frank O"**»•>• all lot* r—Balntng untold wblcb aier* Juaite*. *2>iV0 Lot nil, Hectlou l\IT J^-LiZTTT; JT 0 ?!!* • 00 *«»» (l «° *•»•» E**" Bourgaole. JoMpb M. Rowlaod. at ui. to Win.r^bTltL .UTl!l? '**•»' °*^»A. Boor B aoia.H,..«t u. La-aoo. ,2.4/0. Lot oo «uibhat~-^--.^V ^ "*** •"•- ««-4 aad. <strong>of</strong> «t. Jasaa pUe*. i» feelr.rlZlI.fc/tlt-.^'.^l!! Kobe* H Health to Jobo a Adam. .oulbra* from aouib coroef <strong>of</strong> dt• •TktokltoaaJaatorttaBoy u,» «. «*«,,„„ r. J,... plac.od AlWlo ...«,«..—.^...^.. , .-..-- • John B-Adaaje lo Rooert H. 8»llb. Kuroiao A. OeMarl.. rl ux. lo Hao-T^fame^raeerrad to aa^araJ but. „„,. Ha.aM.bo,,. „.,, w Mrtcbell. Hoou Lot 41.tbiaaaaMliiii. 1^?^? •• • Aun^a H. Murpby loCarlti Baa beLaarey Kealty Co.m!ZT?Z^L~£l'WbmlU " —' »l«» Lot oo «>«lb.*at .Id* H,lv^.r«» Mall,... ,1 ux. lu IU,J^ "•"• "•*" •"•» ••« freaj AUaollo aveoaa. 40x100. r*M <strong>of</strong> loia oTI aod oonbeaal Ii fe»l uf., .^. Joatpb U. Bo.Uad. atux. to Leab loi 67i rk«tloo C.7 _ ^ f^84^- .*^. 000 -LM •»»«. ateor-TbeCUy<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> lo J.u,..~" " *" " yuttelalai. lot tti7. clock^^r«?.^--!--tt«*|-Ti».M ***..* „. .oOeo.lT.00.^"- 8^, 4 :^ K U . U .I Lot lOOmlfti K rt A.b*lBao. *xr., lo ltaeiM.1 I rta>H*il.aIudlt M » "MOOT Weaaty a»*oue. K»»eo«». »l i«. Lot. 717. T^t «,..|•ayawaMeaaailyaan. ^ (^ .^nhaeM froea fourtaetub «4. HMK» U.-^*i"I!^I* !•*** - lb * °~* -raat. 10»»aKoo Waatay aeaooa. Ka*t»l T H. Kav*n.on lo *. m ,, r iTS. tg^*.. ln * mom - "'"°~ - Bhare»a« E. Ayam as*) Harry B Kraa. A.helaiao W.Ka L.^ Ti;>> *"*J!!?* I> "" "^•""» <strong>of</strong>aeeea Hayea. EM Lot ITu. rtrdtoo U rtertloo U. .^ y y y y - "»w>a»»lt- J«tpb«Bo.U.«l.alni, tuTbao- Gertrude L Haadley.M vlr. i.. W.I- -K? it ^"^ •" ""•• "* do "°- B^brM «** **• •»«» ler H. Uberaaan »»0uo Loioi.i.rt,,.•«• *»«lo» »a* carried at eaat roroct<strong>of</strong> nra(*traat aad Allao- lino A.ateou*. • Jobo Braeaell loKdatanl M. Hun .i.^ao^,!^.^.. A..,.,.9 t . o U Uill.r "PUuloo K. BucbatUler. at ux, lo Ueo Pulni *Booo at as. I&.00S' lot* 7S aod Wallet B RurrioCba'rl*. f.• i.ikrwL, tal .Pan <strong>of</strong> lot> TO4 aod 7«a rieriiua H"• "•"""' v - H. L. Memm. et ux. lo B*«Uia 14Hacttuo, Ua* RobfttL MkHer. abawifl (Ocaao CMy .>'*«•"**' North Puini." to^"- •« «•• ••• *""•i bata • MWary Club) to Aodraw Ml ell*. > **** - *" H T'Jf *•, • .•* '•*u> u > * -•» °-<strong>of</strong> oraao- MMM. Farto/tou IS». IS aod 13*. ATS It uL.t. H «lr. loll.ry B^ lot wbJcb tnla ajMal- HatUaa C (•Mb good anal eballlaa). Haakuw. Lot I7f ifocUoa A.Cllotoo L. Utaaaetiy. *t ux. IOAIlam-tooCoraoo. rtOOO Ho«lb •••---.Jit?"lataa I* nol»DeLW Bioota. Ill 000. .UOIIaoalba>*a4llaa<strong>of</strong>ih.Cba>laaplac*. 90Hue ulthe national joy $moke\OTKT:- ClilKCH.II.ivc \i*u .mi! tilt- incnitK.1^ ulHue \Ue\ in.I v< ii»-to-Cliurcli(.'IIUKU-fuci. Nowilu- Cliuuli •.( VmirChuicc.Ii f T (; (JCamden Yt»rd Opp. Hurleigh Cemetery Bell Phone, 2737Pleasantville Yard Opp. Atlantic Cily Cemetery. Bell Phone, 1W PulUH-*. CljytII. Il II.VI.K. C ipeu-'T . i i j N . C t 1 till ,vr.. Vciiifinr. Atlwitic Cily. N. J.It .* l'ii.!. A'— ..H.N*. l . f o r C u * - 1 - 1 "---•• -.til .111 At! tlltU C'aUl.tlf*.1. \ J., (..f Ciiii It 11. •i»lcni .utel r.toucr-Mf;r Countlrv.N J.. fi*r ll t\t.,n 4it w>alll aaa rimamwtit down how you could smoke ft A. lor hours without ^^ wh

::•••• •:'-•' •^•'rr^^tmm& i ^ ^ ^ ^•' : ! - ^ ^ K ^ « .• • • • - ' ' •••••' •• • • • • ;•''" .>•"•': •''•'A-:'^5^l^? s iI./vVv^X^r^^^vfK^[g^.^in;iavnsul Some <strong>of</strong> The Peo- Soldier Boy* to Be T«ken Col The Time But <strong>of</strong> and Employment FoundB i Fw }' ° TForThem 1-Tbe pretly leildeoca <strong>of</strong> Mr anil lo unumj u>«, .....Mrs. J. Edward Vom waa tb. ..'—'•'> "' lU "iVr V Ml*-" «"* lha dhVtr '" 1 I in openmK .he n.«-..n« tb« Mayor br .11. a lunch wa. «r»«l at»'^«"' \ ^ • ^UAilomUhhtfoWhl••• ! nil*- »' '; ...„.„„..., drain l» tu *.'«HI4 1- „,. ,. I"!..". ,h., .„ ...old-et .ipart a day „„.,., <strong>of</strong> Korro^ Gordon W «»• ""' „ ,,,.., nrl. owner:yUaitUy|i, „„„„,.,.f law. 8won»ha afdOvwi o ' ,.„!.'•'"'vv.'liu... » J"" 5,»T tATUROAV IWENIN0 „„,,,,..,. ,,,i. M To»..-; .-;^5,»,„„, ,hru .o>alliTCUO"RCW AT Hijt:t dii.l. o^n. r i-.lT~ ilTV.idETYi»nd> i""lMI ,..,.,.. ].miu.r> r.ih. moat 0* tba-.ii.'.ifi i Li...run-'. lc <strong>of</strong> CkrUl-, I.-. •..: il,. 7 I". |.. in. Mnrkca:;.il\ "ir.nii» 1.1>.•«•»>i-ul I'hiirtb.axm inn. 'HCO CROSb BtC^fr N..,... it. ii. Ii.-i i »ill h.M an Informaloual.ly en)u>.-d"itN- aff. i. ^ 7,',T'7l""l.'"n Tm-Jj> .di- <strong>of</strong> Kmpl„,- r..ldi.-r» ••• 'UuchChe, lhla«. »• lh "tic you do cad(»..» I'll'Srhmt , Ulll ,.. ._IlWII.. l^ll Ihr (ro ,,i II -'"p dote*NAVY .TABLETStd ten yeanaownSoar ', u uld uamr ib. ' .„,..,M^..r fbampton •'""' ,...„-,,;,OCEAN CITY HIGH 6CMOOL> • I IUMIHutcr l^dn:aUIIUlUI*** *»* l!lPr *-r'.*' 1111 '^aa gtad I*•a aay ~~Him AVOWSSMITHJLSTVHDSTARTING CARLV.'• n.m..m'"d th.'.*.l^ ••' unlua4,4 by WIW* caittam.ins bra»-dVta. way ««»tCoatiiadOR.T.MARPE. DKNTMT latran that '»^L .tllrll PfcuOr-«.i Trotley,,,r- artU dalH3*T3 «!!«?"I K>.v--

•*&?•. . . . :••,•!.,*i&••vs...n•I:}Maita. OoatTn trass* MI O !RealTHS OOBAIT OIT7 LXD<strong>On</strong>t, OOIAJT BUT. V. 3.UTEST NEWS INABRIDGED FORMCventt That Concern UM TWOto Ba Read at afibm***.mc< - ^w»**iiior terminated negow» nwu a. a auiwv.tlatlona with representative* <strong>of</strong> tb*—~-~~— coal operator* and announced tbat an*FOREIGN AFFAIRS EPITOMIZED J*- ^on^^SH; ^"StW t n""•'•"tlona brought befnr* tb*International Labor Conference «ei»adopted at Washington.Tb.coo.Vr."*** "•Uourncd after acting on -leaveOovemer Robinson wind from OklanomaOty to Becretary Baktr askin*(hat •"•*•»• troop* t» atot intoOklahoma to protect coal mlnera will-——— declared tbe operators bad abown nos*ar*er*pfc* WMsh Picture KsMotlv* dlvpodtion to 4** material assistance•M UoMMhx A*tMtJ*S at tt* {^-^'p^.'^^?*'' °* «"» duIkNational aae) Mat*goo, ranging from two fret toCapitals,Inch** covered moat <strong>of</strong> the Mississippi^___river statra.Three atatea arc pat lo panic byi what U saldto be plunge <strong>of</strong> bate*PEACE BULLETINS< Bttlor lnto witer* <strong>of</strong> Lake Michigan.National Park.—Tbe nystor snppetgiven by Hope Fir* Company nettedINCW sjGaTSGy Trenlon.—The south Jersey wood-•*Isntla ure already being stripped «c WIIH w-remiiiiy anu BWS I • — *-~—' I --—-—• — - .*-~ *~-» .-•*• ,^- ..,.••.,.-..-..-. ...-i......recalled Latvia's envoy from Berlin. I Mayor James Couxeos. <strong>of</strong> Detroit. I The company baa about |73* money will not be available.Th* opponeota <strong>of</strong> tbe treaty to ItaActing President John L. Lewis, <strong>of</strong>present form have bora creally eo- Ibe mine-workers, though refusing- to jrooraged since Ihe adjournment <strong>of</strong> "y one word aa to tbe strike Itself. !Congress by expressions <strong>of</strong> opinion In which theoretically was called' <strong>of</strong>f, Intho public press and In letters received obedleoce to federal court Injunction•rblch Is that the treaty oagbt to beratified at once.Bulgaria signed tbe pence treaty atKenllly, France, with a simplicity andlack <strong>of</strong> form that* marked the IncreastncInterest In the work <strong>of</strong> tbe peacesky. her prime minister.<strong>On</strong>ly SS asea were tsecated for militarycrime* oat <strong>of</strong> 2480.001) Americanasent orerseaa, according to flntreport <strong>of</strong> Judge Admcate GeneralCrowdcr.German commercialorganlntlonaand export and Import firms whoseproperty waa seized by tbe Colled«erdlre*t to tbe Oermu wremmentDepartment <strong>of</strong> Interior announcedwere produced by school children nadersunerTlaSoo <strong>of</strong> ColtedBtatsaBcboul Uerdca Army.Spain U making a serious effort lobnprore Its flying arrrlce mid baa Justplaced a contract wits a British cotn-- WASHINGTONI rerlcw the action nf Ktatc Motor Vcli--Id* Commte»hw«r Dill tn TPmktnp Iti*Ilcpaupoi—An outhrmk <strong>of</strong> srsr" ' IT itnro ncontvllle automobile dealer.Mnhr waa """ ""' slin.iiii.li.eharjrnl before Cnmmlaslnner mil InIMnmii.—Tlie now nfll•.-..*._.___ _,.,. . , ... • . . turn] V II" #• 1 ..^-.- I.*-.f... wartime food and foci control,scored tho FOTcruroent roundly at tbeconclusion <strong>of</strong> tlie conference. Bo didWilliam Green, secretary <strong>of</strong> tbe mlueworkers.Frank Ward, wuo has been conducthiapossession motor vehicles upon •••""i- —which Ibo roclatrntlnn numbera had Anna linker: Mtroinry, Jll.n Miriambeen mnlll.ito.1. nmnveal nr altrmt. H'-Minifl. Ir.-J.urvr, Jll-s Kllxubetland on Xovemlier IS tbo commissioner '""'rley.revnkeil bl* license.National I*nrU.—At Iho annual tin-.-*Trenton.—Lieutenant Tnlt*ott flmllh.lns <strong>of</strong> lh «' vSlouc-e-fer i-ounty u»*«*.-lt.wnlskey. waa am .ed at Daltlmore byDeputy Volted State* Manball EdelenIn a raid made by federal authoritiesOD ala <strong>of</strong>fice.SPORTINGBarry P. Sinclair and Samuel C miandat which Iroqools, winner <strong>of</strong> tbeEnglish Derby <strong>of</strong> 1SS1, was dcicloped.Oolditooe. at odds <strong>of</strong> 13 to 1. woo bya neck from the fatorltc. Dainty Lady,at Havana.Tommy Gibbons <strong>of</strong> St. raal cuttyNew T<strong>of</strong>k ami New J.'rwy. will makeon ln»pfcil..n nf tlie Flr»t Troop, X«-»Jersey, at Iho I1IMC\'II|« nrroory, Xewark,prellmlmiry to aniiy tbefederal gnrernment.Mollcul and recraltltig<strong>of</strong>flevrs oo Frhlay will hednIho cxamlnatlna <strong>of</strong> mTtiim for IUtteryA nf £a»t Ornnm>. ami llaitcryI) nf CunHlcn, flcM anlllery units.Trenton.—In on opinion filed In UM>Now Jrrwy •unrfuu' oart Ju>iln*Tn-ticlianl has uphiM an annnl uml.rIho workuien's rt>mpMr*. M.iry Kmrrick for the i.'.ulli <strong>of</strong>l«-r liQ«l,.iml. Jihn Kiiierick. «l wn«etnpln>ry Hie Mlo-Clly. Tin- tuan was »lmi ami killed bra |nin>n nf UH- »..l.«m In wtilih !»• wasrmplnjeitIt ni heM liy Ju»llccdint: John Xrlilorvr. WIMXIIIUO'. vltt|.ix-.hlmi: William lkirm NatlnnulI'ark. «*ctflnf}. uml AllurtCunt.Wornll.uo'. tn-a»unT.I'lilinjra.—Jauii-x Mcfuffipr, apwlM« inili>Th** Uid vviiH on bu uay hnuiv fnmi aIfall jsiiiic- on tin* Klold Clul> cr.iuti.l-.and oltlier did not M-o the Imlii oimuiok il.o lii.Mlli.'tii for an ili^tr °""rdliT^ to rin^:dc critic". l»uibycaneHlstlon uf coniructs fulloulnfl!t '° UJ * lo ° e;k-rx-»»ir IhiousUout.11K-annUtlce,Uhiiu ua» a.i ltia.tl\tt durai^ tinnepresentaUvcs <strong>of</strong> tbe fcur railroad cafl> r " m " i * ''- at "'«•' rluilniuu <strong>of</strong> Ihvbrutberu.roor <strong>of</strong> Kinu. on lanualnctroop* to protect vuluiiuir cojl tulu-(rs.Tbe coal supply In .N.nearly nurnial doaplto'it.^uqulry ah'iws.Ultutiitji.*are eoou;b fur too n>.*h:.isrrlilD; dally. Tie I...-plenty. luilnmda a...; 1-curtH>>-ailoua t-x|M-.t n>* .!••.In f>niid .ta>IIU.t In .\. >banditseolerrd the I.UI-.«• y..rk Ur »ir ko, mi:» n-*ued by r.,|i.Carter, <strong>of</strong> lutilumn*. fur .<strong>of</strong> lbo Kun.tay srlllne andto •upp'y ilmaselirs wlih ,oUne lo carry tbctn over inha r*««p.ta l«a **1_ A*. •!..,ui.d iu:j*-d--I r'1-.l^rali..tv <strong>of</strong> 43e N.-npartlluTuun.-rendrut iiiul.^ltbrr.u^hIA*Maniial-iif..m-uit-tltn.irk laws.rtioufli pasmiLiy,slocu• bU'.J AllVlaouunt .\. n-ui in Umj plurullly <strong>of</strong>IT, .^iH-nrun rtiru »il*? orUtur, Hln» flr»t uuuuui:l*h ti«*u»c <strong>of</strong> ruiuiuuiui by a•rcaxi.11U1 luti\>dur«-d In BrilUti ci^uniaus. rvfurtus Itvljud'a t-.tu.-ululK>tla.i.-a a| Iriland i.uIV»l Of ||,vQ.latirl.il n! iu ia l-ilH..ru..llull V. a. l«-'Kul.^-i-.. .-\.-rut...l. .iMeVr.m f.. guanla tn |John LJ., to ll.o houelet-t:..u !n JUilUJUV IKL-ttiJIhe rjtiMf 1..,UDitir.'tu. irI rilr..'!--*. Uy>1* CO^TUii.. i)iC huL •• t>( Mrit'.flot, fi>r a >> i If!t>( Vi r< \.,f An.. :••• r« .i..ir*|«uri- TIT ailiv-u.I^![.1* alt.l puu•.ft U|ll( ||ttf4'ml.tea tLuI jrl.jimi.t.;l «• r» a Uiz.l-iiiM.l.-. \.U«o1..-1 I..*- f. ri.-M III V..-K>!.•»OuUbiisj.;. u-jit i IWCNI• * lo IIM.* br-L'urluim o*uuiy.l*ul.l:>l.ira and •mkin1 nork.-r. ..f> uyrti uiont.1 Atnat.-r.lam T»locr.if, q>.1 thorllatUoI and ll.o f.i' tiiMlilu; wil' tho latter »| Or.o hur.iOOO.li.'>). totuturtr**,** U>Nrtuor Ku'ft«-r J,| 1 V«J[CIIJirUDIrVI"" or.l.n.1 f.r II..* l.-|. ..f I IK. I,I.*:Ttn.i.Hi. —I\ i.itlii? nut lt;nl It «>>ts '•*' ''•'•"'• In l'a:ianl I'.irk In IH.II.-T ••!• I-Ki.iiii n tfay tn nporato tin* M*nn>r i:.«la *t.nn and ihnt eiory .lay pn>»!Mo d.->l.r.... n <strong>of</strong> tl.i> tiu-t/-n,-;al.• bniild ho nuwTTnl, Stale «'.«im>.lilout-.-i.ri r —TIi.- Slntli.s KUIM! «'..I •/.lomr <strong>of</strong> n.Iiit.ui.>:i KVi.ili.ll ,'n Us an- III!»«II u | urrl«i~-l *ST.t««i nunli ..|nnnl rajxirt. to ha. •ultulll.,1 m tho Hn* »mvt liii|r..\.'!iiont l«.n.K \.lu.:,Plate IVMPl <strong>of</strong> EriitciUon on m-n-inU-r f..ll dl:o l.'io hr.t ..f u.-.t •it.-ith. T!..-It. remninH'nda tl.at the Inn t*o nnia-nd- 11..1L.» K^IMI n.rlli >.f t:..» l«.:i.'.e-1 to jiTnilt tin- •rl.o.jla to U- kr|i| •.-.!. Ii if :•.!,, ..,,i, »,.,- |i,,|,!, aiilnpmnn a-lmlan alay*.it -Mil U :.,,.,...v t,. |..,j ,^[ , tl.v._ Crmdin^—In luitM*r-«f-ih.—H»--r<strong>of</strong>>- *tr«-r --\t A, VTI'.r'V.fiL- 1 "*.:.".yth. Vcn lhl» . Hi « .11 1^. ',,,!, r i...., ,,,-,| .Hart. Itnnvn,IKMI.I.IIII ni.d «J. niU-r. ever l.':..n-. a.i.I tl.ire U r... ....t...i Idlinga cuninilitiv to ti.ke »ti[ a ti.uar.1nli::i ilu- i \ ran- uiu N* a lin!." hi "i,tli-> err «I«.T ..f .in-.*:. «ero in.-r.-i-.,| d ir i ••ball ktuir-n a» .\n:-.r.r>• INirfc Las U-tn tho ;;-zr.IU .-fi.i.lns ultii t|,,. ,,,'•UtfSnle.1. 'Ut lli.n* :• likely to K* ..'(^ y,..ir ,),,- .r.!;,r;., ,.f ih.-».* ..t!!,:nl. v, HIl--lll..tl t . it« :it .im:..rimt,t .-.» u [ark |« :iun-.i».-.|Tho l.-:i.l.r- ,,f t|,.Tlio rilv oiiilii. ,r ».-.» d:r..t..| by pul.lf. .. h.«.l. ,,|r. .i.ly t.a\o ih.lr i-ilonunHi•• jot .-i.:IUiii.-» f..r ll.o Un- il.m r.or>..ii. l.iuii.in.- in LiuU-n.!Tni.ton. — Kfll.-»li.,- I /..i.f.rrno.. |ai..| ,;,..:r ,|,,. Jm k,.y H.JI,,,, n,kl.|,t*cin.xnMa>nr r»ir.. lly and Sinio ranio u|-.n n... I--I) ,,f William V Tu>-<strong>On</strong>mml.'.'.vner <strong>of</strong> l.-.lirtr Itrj-.-nt the |ur, a y. uti; n.in ul.n allviri--.:r..|K.^iotal-Wlalo-M!:!! 1 .-'! ,tl l.n!*..r Itur.-.iii, ihrit* n.i.iilt.a at.i I• !!n--t. I l.y |j:to IV Tri>.-r. In tt.o rllyn-.i.h. r ulth ,.n,. .I..,.,JLull, n.ik rm|an»l. It will cntlnue la U^'.k* llio l«wly Tajlnr. th.-~w.ii <strong>of</strong> «o|..-.iil* at loa.t tint II .1anu:.o I, nlid ciu.r-1 at Iho \\ hurl..n Ar*.iwi hidly il.at link* II I. I. i->d ilain »um* |.r..-t.,| r.v.r a lo\o nlTalr.rlenl fund* \.!lti >'h. r . h 'o jt-nranli*Atl.intl.- Cllr.— TI.N rlly niTt pivll« tvulnwl ..p r.illon. T..e l.ure.-iu tn |'l. -a»: tiHlllo a lax let led ,,(, |*,.|»T>m« rl..«,l M-N.-ml d.l>- a.-o hOIMiif |y ,,«i,,,| |'y ,(„. r||y ,1,,.,-,. ai,,| ,;:|u,,,la.t <strong>of</strong> ..ale fun.U ulth wh.rh to |*er- l.y I*:.ri..,til» !I!v- In 11.1'J si HIV.JOi::. t It. ociitli.u.-ince. f..r ta\ltu- |.Uq~». Tl:.* pn.p.-ny ,.-i\.-M:irk —Krur.k H rH\enrirt .hair- rjui-.il..y ;. a |.t:ii.|.ln_* .tutl.^i <strong>of</strong>'tr,t.-.-i-i ..f tbo IU»e« Cnut.ty Ri-t.ul.li.-aii ,ny wait-r sii|.|.lj.i:\.-iu|.>:.,,, f,,..-,,«"..n:tiiltlo... I..-1* rr|.wlla*eblii n»aiim.-.l by ("nil.-1 Siat.-« S.-na- lar.l. urxler a .u[.|i.ii..iit lo the I. \ .i.mm til^o and Frrlln;liu.v».-n aivl [^»».-.| In l!il;i.narno.1 i.nln>l attotiipi.-l dlrtatlno nf Jorw-y iity. — IVter J. MJ!I*..IO)AnnMian ABce Enjoys United States WonderlandFch^dreo, who arrtred here aboard too steamanlp Ha**rford, a* cfcargaj<strong>of</strong> tbe International Botary rtob organHatloa. to dacMa that the OaJMState* waa the grandee* country ID tb*the roccptioo given tbefa! dinner In • glided cafe and theprospect <strong>of</strong> Psllsun porters ketewls*all the way from Philadelphia to1 aiCDfclf 1 umv «evv •mnvOK utm intiuiw v» M^ WW^WIMW. turn • -. ivlittle Alice aad her brother.The little girt I* Armenbol Hovlvlan. fctutwa year* eaoV.aad the bay.In tbe early summer <strong>of</strong> 1914 Oagan Hovlvlan. father at tbe cbOdna,decided to come to America. lie packed op hi* belongings, bought passagefor bis wife and foor children, and <strong>of</strong>f they went. Bat Uwy got only as tars*Liverpool, when :t was discovered taclr funds bad ran abort. There wasonly one thing to do, and It was done—Armenbol and Fapkla. weeping •a*distracted, were left behind under tbo care <strong>of</strong> .Armenians, Tbe rather sadChicago. There the father obtained employment at tb* plant <strong>of</strong> the lira!Products company, <strong>of</strong> which William C Mason, a Botarlan. to manager. Tatman worked bard a month and saved money. Then be •cot word Is kttArmenian frleoda In Uverponl to forward bis children.In their two-hour stay In Philadelphia tbe dllldrto war* eattrtamed by acommittee <strong>of</strong> Botarlana.tartan Count's Prize to American "Best Girls"P noVIPENCE. R. L— Cnon Mayor IL IT. Calner <strong>of</strong> tbla ctry will rest a beeryburden when the will <strong>of</strong> Count Paul BaJnotU <strong>of</strong> Turin, who died lastUartn many time* • millionaire. Is filed for probate hrre by State ItenaurBalvaiore A. Cotlllo, attorney In this^a. «*t ITT»rs5-*t country for the royal Italian govsv*.^ ^ ,«-»._r^"\»9K K * ot - In tbe wUI <strong>of</strong> Count Bajnotttwho during tbe coarse <strong>of</strong> bis diplemaliccareer In this eoantry met sadmarried Wat Carrie IL Brown wbostfamily founded Brows nnlrcrsUy a>m found tiUa provision:'-I btqocata to tb* city <strong>of</strong> PrerVG dence. In tbe state <strong>of</strong> Rhode Ulaa*.tCnited Bute* <strong>of</strong> America, tbe nativecountry <strong>of</strong> my dear wife aad her coo*spictMoa family, tb* asm <strong>of</strong> flOOOO.«joal to about MOM Itsllan llr>. for tbe creation <strong>of</strong> a trust, tbe Interest <strong>of</strong>which ihall annually be donated, about July 17, to Ibe yoong tody In that ctty«U btlcr twenty year* old. niarrlacmble and a daugntrr <strong>of</strong> the «—"people, will best deserve It by b«T conduct and family vlrroee.-Tbo cnant provided that iho lYmiik-nce fund should be known as tb*•^Carrie Brown Rralero fund- ami ib>> wlnm-r "Eosierr."-I >-Jc;i-»t that the priro U* civen »lib f»mo solemnity; that tho winner becroWBi*! «lih rows and bo r:,11*^1 -Jt.-tlct*.' JLnd th-n the nrts* b* detJfDateias a rriic to virtue," aaid ttc couat la bis wllLAshes <strong>of</strong> Angler Strewn on the Waters He Fished.f>nl.l!..in nalloi-al ennientlon. Ho Kin iiion » A-...«-.aii..|i ..f |UI» cll> >i ....^lir.,1 that i:.*n cunty will not «u.l«-n.l«r.| l> Tliv flilef l!«.>|,. ,'u'i ilu*sut.iiilt to funh. r »..ii:h Jor»oe .loml- rbarvv <strong>of</strong> uinj alu«-nt witUiut k-..«ennll.*n mid rr.nllon.^l -I'..ilr.| and ».-ii as Jacu-a I'ontioil. in-.i.urvr <strong>of</strong> the ulil.uillnu* ..f uhnm K>~ x ha> hid onoiish.uha uu »u>|«ii.l.-.| horaiiv It «aaMHIvillo— UIM-II r.ei^bltrs <strong>of</strong> T.oiy ajid he kill out u lotior -teti.lin.- n.IV-r-.M.) .mr atni.l..- >»u:nc fr»m lite incite ln.ui-.r.l:uai..iu In iho iii> nirHM.f <strong>of</strong> IiU l^itr,* at ItiM|ri.in\ Ille they .I*-|*nrtiiu.|ii.-*m»h.-l l.> ll.o l...i:-v an.1. fli.dln: tlioTn-iiioi. -lu^lniiln.- m-o.:, l^r I la•l.«u« I.--L.-L f.-r.vl an > lilralnv. Po- aeeor>)aurv uub .111 oid.-r lwu»| l.y it.,.tri.y »j» f..i;t..l l/ins dead l.n.. r. it,.- |,r.,,. ,,f _a. n, \,.v, J,.,^. ,Ihi- .itt.lll .- l.:..ii.-!. Tlio i:.in..-» wore r. Ill t*,* In, r. .I..-I fi.mi H7 .-.•: •. ,.. s| | -,i".tli.Ell*>l»^L ai •: Iho e.*n.i..-r «a« p4-r lull ...I ... f,,t. Tlia- i.r..v i> U-.o\inni^.iie.L 1!..-. 11.0 11...:. .--.in.* t.. hi. ill,. r.r»t I.ir-i (,tt. l.:ir i!,,- t..*.r I.I .-.Itsltl l» a t-i)>i.-rj. ul.:.!i Ihe ..lUrtaN f..r ul.il.-vjli.. TL.titn:.-» win L.. |L.arc loin.- 10 a..ii.-.en....-.) n.m->: .ui.l.ii^l}'.(S.11H1. |*oint.—KoniM-r i»-r\irt. menCl.i>t.*n — U". II. -i" > aUnU>ut "bu.t things wlde> open.' Paddk-around him till hi* txts u UnV <strong>of</strong>- •-r — --^*y*-'-5=' tbo prp out <strong>of</strong> him. TUi» talk to htmquietly and baodto him n hit IiU hekt..u» y.u nix* not p^ns lo hurt him. Herd him to where he can Jtut tooxbbard to|t..ui. If ynu Jump on him In deep water be will sink—a moo-' »»tiian ..tle-l i.U.ul ..... . r.-.-t -n.l i.l j - l..n> l.i-l. ..n. f.,.- .,,!t .| »j. \l.\\t...;•rsrctilnit mcmor> <strong>of</strong> Its li.rr.d |.ro»- iho |.t.| .i>- t..- 1:1 1U.| i,.!,.;.., ;„ ,|,.s*ce. A iKrf. mo-ty banildlty |ra.|..1 INK bnlr.»4ii. iv.v.n .» -nu-l.-.. :.,vhtiitUilota about lier |>orvp.rlni f..ix-4rn< ..ier iho ...'i-r • .• •• t> «. t-iastd Into fsnn-tlr form- as >lio ml ay ;j.-; •• . . i,.r. r •>! T.ttssrd Ibo n«*ur hrvaihlo»a fn.m t;^j.i,u'«. lne_ .11 ! .r •_:• ..a: .if inraslrmMo rilmti <strong>of</strong> .tair^ Pp 1 ~t..r»* f...- I.u. :....., It- 1^1 • u. 1 1 ot lbo v-lnnW. the roortjsnl >on.|. ^ns *|m «,„ _-1,» ,, r .|lr ,_.., tl, 1.- 1forth lla nlllrly qu-rta <strong>of</strong> uul.« | liauil) oj.^.-l ia. j.i'4'.-i. - ..tr :. 'a• other ..hr. fr>T% th.* q-t-i.t.-n I turned ali.-n'a..-l* . 1'.:.: :.w. I>my hail n«» tu-l.» for il..* ir | •.. iitu ,.!| •,, ;|,i |.. ,rIdea nf foal na her labli- and ;:•••nssly s.lju.i.d b.-r>»*:f in i!i-. .JH..| 1 • ~W1i-n ..-ir su.u o' I)>J=.I i.v . - 'n1 coo.fuf.irt4l.le t'odtlian n—»•«. uy .ti-ar.see lbo i.lnal.iH' In iho lmll.l:n; ..[•Wh«i It. r.:r?,.,-.,aasllo. 8ho k-ao.nl forw.tr.1. i;i.,r.u ""b c-ld -' fl.^1 ^. t MI I.. 0.1 r* h for Ihr nl'».»- 11.-i',.- any •mall<strong>of</strong> gtogham. cbambray and tbe like.girt ilet.-rtnliM- t.-nM<strong>of</strong>troprtlher tips as -he Jiiiiit--.!•» sxvfit <strong>of</strong> -vhleh had .sttMfth. Oat Intu Iho »:rv. t Ji.- ran•ad u|> to the door uf the u.\l linlld-••«.atrs. sistii^jrspfwon**l In nn-«.ertSOW lni|«*ratlvo »unim..ua ..f tlio I-*-'!.1 rueaa all tho roooisSI Ihe curt smt unsolldtisamon.lkiay lawrted her1 d.f.r and panaH to |shut In her face,-a not looking t«r s m.mi. tint.•1* stsanineml •• tbo unu-iul-RIBBONS FORECASTCHRISTMAS TIMEl-..-!'.!> byI.r.-JM...- Th.I tht. ,l..y. Tl.oI I .;i.,-:.-lullllo-l I" l-iit-tu-Jt-l t" l*rrv.tl. 'VV• 1. I>r.-am«. I'.u .•- t'o."It r.oiid it r. ii:> 1ai.i..l.-rfi:lly n«nititli-. It "*s I* iii.u r-.l -i..- 1.1..iui.' inr,. ,,"i lp andfinlden e\>m hn-j.l. a |.O|.OT»T Irult art* oil |i>*pularand olws)«w.-lo,.me l.n-adn.Bran Uumnm-—Takothn-.. is-I l.lo^k-KlfuN <strong>of</strong>I bntwn »aAir. mixwith a fable,apoonfol<strong>of</strong>•hurteninj. half a ul.l.*|«»mful <strong>of</strong>salt, no.* rupful <strong>of</strong> N«r milk, ono-hjilf?.-a>ik.ta»nful nf p>«la. a etipful <strong>of</strong> dour. Mix wellUup._ 8rrip . ,„,,eo.* for an hour. Add a quart <strong>of</strong> milk.blr: strslti. rehewt.fal <strong>of</strong> sbnrtoalac with anrr ^ ^ ^ v^rttMT•«"».»*« iwlwlto-m tbxer cap- M a a n l „,,*, . „,,,. ^ t%0 mOa^ ^ ^Calm vf floor alfted wlth-twn trwapuoo- „,,,, ,,.,11 ^ ^fuls nf baling pow.lrr and a hslf tea* chicken flirribn fttt on a larasv.po.«rul nf Mta .»d tho «mo <strong>of</strong> salt tro atlntyiht- la.I. Put tho lardlu-ul iho yolksan.1 l.ull.or int.* a frying pan and when<strong>of</strong> yoor tonsnta to.nu In tr.-u-SB." Rrtay galprd bard. "af>d • r< "bo has fainted.I—we canlira, Siaurry made un«>nirMis«*ur MHP JJ^, o m o »bl.h It la Impnrtnot tu and net ere u».->l i..r bix^ikfast rapsn' Dreaiua. !*ot Itf" • ksow at Cbrlsimas tbae ss they for- and they oevd. ••r.l.iiurlly. no wire sopjn.1n.er lbo tos.ied rrjr«. r. IJ*-t- ^ ^ |b# taimtaenvtmtir and les-t pnrt. 8msII .-hid. n or ribnuo fl.rn.-rt..j n.-l.l'-l a—Anetaer Wstt«r.what la w.^ul b> a••»d Br' 00 th. table, anna bSnUrg•'tkSBly at bis ski*.With unewi»rf.*asI she tamed to «r». Ulsttcry.I followed lo her wake.•«s*> a* <strong>of</strong>t ate aear to the bed."..III »onO he •* •» ••-IUroui^Uan. Age-ll.ra.d.Baked Koga aod Mushrooms.—Takcoatly<strong>of</strong> ribboo dfta.AIKI llu-rv sn* | roaattea. howa and ends rmbelllsti. biHt-«.-tttml.hln; plerr->. all n»-rltlps Tu ciako nbl> nr.»a>a one must have' atteatkm <strong>of</strong> tho ITirUtnia. -i»>|>i*er. h.-.nvy wire fur •:••• -I.-ma and tnllllneryBat It Is oot poa-lbk* to dr*.-rlh* all follag.'* Tho |>riaU <strong>of</strong> rthbnn are'I <strong>of</strong> '.bete nt-bun onlck-4 at ooo time I....und tu th* Mc..i« ultb llo-wltv and•be group uf ilrrsa accoaaoriara shuwu ! the »l.-ro- H-vnllybere there oppear threo coruge iiruj- ..—ti r'l^M-.umrnts. a tlsnre rap ai»l a party ba«v|an will enjoy. Uf tlsatlo rlbboo; the olhi'r ru»** la .«et nbboa tn rn»«> pink sn-l ttwlih narroucolon forma a little bouquet that will:Creeping &hot.U«rs for Spring." t i M t D-atlno sa-oor- ItxlC>, that lets aw o<strong>of</strong>diincult Ufjrrccch cuutunervsI ll-o )..lt. and nhltoa <strong>of</strong> f.xir rrra andI beat well: a.ld one cupful <strong>of</strong> moltedflour wlih iho ynlka ..f lbo ecss. thr<strong>of</strong>old In in.' ulffly hoalotl «hlte» Ihe butItilnz. Bake In tautno, rlntm.Sne-e Sails.—Make a .halter <strong>of</strong> onecupful <strong>of</strong> thin Team, two tablrapnnn.fal- <strong>of</strong> .urar. ih*> l-raion y.4ks <strong>of</strong> fnarett-a. two loa>puoiifula <strong>of</strong> asking puwd.-rami flour enonsh in nuke s dropbailor. Add Ibo «hit.--. Int «llff «ndfold In I. -I. I'lll toivihlnla fall ileepgrsniio . u|~ well bait. red. sod tsiketn s h>>i oion.llanllo lbo dough s« a<strong>of</strong>l as |>».lhle.roll and cut Int.. In. h il.lrk rip I.-.: arrsnf.*In a hutientl |o:. an.1 hsko la ar.r) h..l ..iin. 1/ the ts,h <strong>of</strong>X MM : Jsmnr' ud to* oUMr•I tn* stMD) areMt tba 8tat« traII100.00O with which. keit ywr's health BragBK with aoeewM Is into.(be oponlnit nf th* caJ weeks ago, thore naa I•nt demand far more •-flouo local onranltalioM.koadquarlers for the aa.ll"d st 45 Clinton street, N•.OOO.ODO seala oa haad .ft tho campaign, and IU el 1 tar *' mnnint low. HowereriUut lks>io« Indlcalo that aalea aif DB# * *•V big In all paru <strong>of</strong> Iheidreds <strong>of</strong> soaU sre seat j•I.Tremendous sale* aii lookad'" at present from Mercer ftdevll, 'Rldnnwood. where tnsr<strong>of</strong>*d alT*d population nf 1,000. «alaS750 has already been rDiakei sou seals per VAru>: TIak <strong>of</strong> H*lsn aa*•ra or America had s*M up stake* 'famoua «ood ijmej a. more sroatlthe K.<strong>of</strong> |«. Hmll lai B*vor ceased'p«. A box roalalaiataa nosta.self« was awarded* (has never ceoa**b*r m, ihe rorreaamo old fortyrora rtmlih reduihal I'baroaJs1on Waiting"; Mrrd up sll hUrecited OH <strong>of</strong> Cdgatd Iho famoaaMrsAnns Barclasoa Is belog cfi•oral M>IO. aad a BOD)red »*•* <strong>of</strong>i« Ksmos Were played snd evonoily lime.^j, <strong>of</strong> old.•loo nf the ovoalag* Lsat caniis wero served si lh-*mr roauml***•_mn eoaM wal*••-tstu. »«y «» ir'-KI-KtUtATtOX ag face from »'VtUl celebrated bkilrb straage to«st Sslurdsy s^pjoy chrtstlaa r "•lag a number <strong>of</strong> hkjt*. la <strong>Ocean</strong>be asaal number "%iit*H that iwere played and tht on th* otherIhe fact that Iheaddaat <strong>of</strong> all, thval good lime. Tbt csarcbea ar*»f the afternoon t% th* Isnrs41»*a Ibo refreshmeaUity boat adI a| an anistlcalloa; MUhtTtho predomlaatlotMras* slm«md white, and lh«tb* charehea —H»nta Clauses. hodlst chnreb. «* the reclpleat os^iigloos lwJ**try• >ae.ls convert**'eie sllssoa Kath-teeUagaa plaee*r*l rorson. H.les^owded |o" th*'r, Uaaters Alleaiesertad.^d Kdmund Fnliii * m —- •* Bobble Header-jn -OIAIX TO"*""'"'• "•"•"S.ut. s»d other.Bradford WleaenJ^pT who^hod^Charc."" '•»•' '*-M,.hall U widel*I 11 -"' P»« Wta| sod bthto .rholr -1UsassiI no rural dlo-.bo produced at• To ,hu ^d. «««-•. ~«' Ih. public.- *• C""**-hsto bee. seal "•sfra.rultursl a««ts. «» Daculture and (he'together withrileres>t aad aidceiery t<strong>of</strong>* f*rowners ran ef-P

' : : . * : . ' • .x •:>-5i"«a£5s2i• *i tv y it-* -'.-* Ci'(man (Ettg sGtilgtr.JOUBXALAT TH« UOOCR BUILONteOCCAM CITY. NIW JUMSVBnterrd at Urn Foat<strong>of</strong>flc* at OoaaaOtty. M. J, aa aseoad etase aattar.SaXOBOAY, DBCBMBOt ti 1HS.• OMLV TMB NAMBS Of KNUSTBOflIM AND MOMKN ON TABLBT.At a meattas or tha ProgressiveI.eaaBS. laat M. nday nJ«ht, Dr. J.Mg d <strong>of</strong>f wMh aaa Mwiiiy eveatat aa4 tftymlttee. reported (hat tha LNIW had ApoUca^iStatabeen promised (ha baarty coopera- Attendant* Potatataat. Oaft OusaVta. wtth th* aM<strong>of</strong> Usat rrsaftC. Darby. eeeared ttTha Maroaa Uu, captateed byWater a Anna, laearad twenty-twoaaw aartw, nineteen <strong>of</strong> which war*eecared by Jobs a Adam*.Tha Whlta Man waa la th* laadfar iwriin deltaqasnt paymenta aadalso ta atteadtae*. Tha total sambar<strong>of</strong> potata secarad by (ha Whit* taaatwaa t». aa follow*:AppUcatfoav Rotate 1Attendance Potata .DtHaqaaat PotatsThaToUMaroon teamToUl . . . lmet in Joint •*•*» aad decided that The potata are eecnred aa follows-25. **•. •"••£_!? • tf * te » «•»• •"• For eaeb M* Bralwr. 5 point.: FV«rrtMaaadiaambm<strong>of</strong>jhaaaTyahoald .„* nmabn-att«a Pplseopal cburrbee throuch- • At 12 o'clock oats, always a bit fea-.-m (be ratted State*, last Sunday. tare <strong>of</strong> an aveotac were served. This !-T*» Flans* <strong>of</strong> the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Ood- to a contest srbere John Adams al- 'the oasaaat praaaated ta Holr way* shows up welt'•rlnlty. It was a very pretty trwr- In tb* we* ama hours <strong>of</strong> the mornH- da. mad* thoroughly eajoyahle bv the gaaata departed for (heir home*.• •••» perfect maaarr ta which It vu everv on* bate*; sorry that Miss Lena J .t'vea. — would not have another, birthday for!The aieictoa* opeaed promptly at a war.'«.«< when (he ortaa pealed forth Its Those nreeaat were: Misses RebsJnyoaa notes <strong>of</strong> vteury and. (ha Spirit Comas. OHv* Cottta*. Cora Baa. Alice ;<strong>of</strong> Victory, ta th* person <strong>of</strong> Mtoa IWeheraoa. franc** Clayton. DaisyMarr C CeAara. appeared. After Moray. Leas Moray. Edythe JaniNe, ftha Spirit had coactaded Ha rfccttal Bdtth Wtaaer. Mr. and Mrs. Jn*»r>r> '<strong>of</strong> well earned victory wtth prat** to - Sbropshlra, Mr. snd Mrs. W*lt«- '•Ood aha sammnaed (he Spirit <strong>of</strong> NB- Boo*. Mrs. Julia Shoach. Mrs. Abbl*I loo Wide Campsite,. Mrs. Baby Dans- Cnnorer. Messrs. Leroy Jeffrie*. Johnsun. aad ah* ta ttra amamnaed th* Adams. John Johnson. Joan Hoaywefl.BplHt <strong>of</strong> Taachtaa, (he Spirit <strong>of</strong> Mb> Paul CUrtoo. Ctaade Nlchrraoa, <strong>of</strong>Bioas. tha eptrtt <strong>of</strong> Berries, (ha Sptrt* <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>: Henrv Bdwsrd Jackson.<strong>of</strong> Otad Conaarrslloo aad (he Spirts <strong>of</strong> Tackartoa. sad MOton Hacarthy. I<strong>of</strong> Worship.<strong>of</strong> Uawood. aad Mtea Ftarear* CUy-«ffr- sach had "rtVM >V T Sam* <strong>of</strong> ton. - — - I—(batr aatara aad bad staled their mis'Martha hmrrto. Taktap: her placa ta ta aB tba Bapttot cbanhta throat*tb* raaka b*ra <strong>of</strong> (he commlrts*camw dowa from FaHidstabto aad bvapaetad tt* i .aunt fsaadartoa <strong>of</strong> tb*eBrnasi. which ta sanaed tor the as*<strong>of</strong> th* wtatrr eansjnesttan tt SLSobs/a Lathersa Charch at Teeth andCentralAn the eoaaataalty ara cordlalty ta-:vllad tohear the treat that all win he aJtordadby (be apeakara wh, wOl addraeatba varloaa amltas.Taaaday wfll be Charch Ntahtw>itona»j. awaday School meat:Taaraday. Mtostoaary NHht. with a I'apastir froaa ladla ta caatnssa: m-day *H he-Toaac Peopled Nejht anda good (ha*.(ha worW. the oatzTOwth <strong>of</strong> the lat*-toht at All PUata Cbarch. rwlladal- charch to sank* Utamphaat th* prtarato.a* airiiti apoa ataaa for th* , otatoa aad aptrst *f * —^-— i%. . ^.— —. ... ..— ^ baama rstattaaahlthaw to aetaHery saltot everybar <strong>of</strong> th* charch ta (hat service par Iwhich they are realty Stted. *r caaMMS. PNN.TV IMTBirrAmS. a* Stted far. wtth th* stacaa, 'thtas far «very Oa* to as,-Mr. and Bba. sTainB H. Matty **> taaapt ta iieiln tha spMtaal ttfaerlafwsaOeaaa each amiiaiil by th*Ctty.Tttta aad Trant Caanaay taat taatr bams*, pstvata prayer, aad a*>|refresh- aparltefth*sad aB voted bar- Batatas wfllbesta at T.tt c/ctock. IMr. aad Mrs. I • ••-Jfr- • afss ilaald, ; P^tsaaVTmpMAH SUNDAY BCHOOL.TNS w. M. H. aoeiiTv TO btccr.Tha chfldraa af (he First Preewyltotheeoctolctaty. at th* Ftent M. B. Charch. wffllhoya ta th* saata room. Mm.a ill 111 nistoi nilmi at tha boats aasaasd th* (few, ta (ha<strong>of</strong> Mra. ABan Coraaa.Sth. at LU P. M. AB maea>trs aralUAMfTKATsW AOOBJCSB.sorted cakaataad candy. AH voted•Hal maatratad addrea* oa <strong>Dec</strong>emkwr ^*ad a yary »By aveatag. |Hat. ta (ha First PraahyOrlaa • •Charch. He wot us* the dtoeorrtaa CHBIBTMAS CXBBCISBS.ttrrore -T>» rwber Wise Man." Tht i Tb* Cfcrtstmas a»*r*l««i rj tbe Bao- 'la aa Uhsstrmrlne) <strong>of</strong> the famnc* _ •-> | ke.• Tuesday r - * —The Need <strong>of</strong>The Hourto for thrift, and BMW thriftPerhaps thaitaceatlv* to thrift ta a 8avtasa Accoont la: a th<strong>of</strong>wash-aa oars. •r.-.The aavar bteoaiaa so tatareatadta watdrlat hto ba*.ance grow that he Bada newways to save ta order thatbis account may tncraasa.Aid your owja assf yoartba UrtftrsartarankH*ak>OCCAN CtTVTtTLS A TRUST OO,Ctty. M. J.The RightBattery forYOUR Car•wry car needs a errtatapartkutor type <strong>of</strong>battery ta at the other«*tctrical wnilnniiil thacar bafldtr put on It.Doo^aotosoaMon*whoU atffl yon "any oldbattery- — benuss babesot yoar particular#J»>i *'*e.IB not Satisfy.BOU> BY AIX DIUOQISTtBail 4*. ., , , ~u-l ALLENCOR30N.*ta i«• UaWaaurt-Ava. OOUXUITV.H.J,OfBeaHoaraJxi* IP.M.ITIO 8P.M.[rboaalia.HERSCHEL PETOT. M. D.807 Wasxav Avnn,TclepboiiaBaUna.DR. W. P. HAJNESNlXTH ASD WBSLBY AVaWOB,OcKA»umrNJOfflcaHonrallMto sjt*(DR. FLORENCE a HAJNESOoa.NijriHAjn>Wa«unrATB.Masssa* Hwedlsb JluvaaaantaMadleal and Oorraottra UjamasticaHounbyAppolotsaant OeaaaOty.N.J.DR. M. a STANNARDncMntTMAaoaioBUM.ttH ASJOAIBOBV Ava.OCXAJI Crrr, S. J.BaUPnooa.FURMANa WILUSATTOftNEY.ATOJkW•SSAaaoayAva. OcBAaCrrr.N.J.135 H. Third BL, Camdan, X. 1.Bell Phone 377JOHN H. WHmCAR M. D.. 8th and Ceatral AvenueOeeaa <strong>City</strong>, N. J._ f t'atU 9 A. M.ia.P.L**a,lC.A,Oa^KJrWDUSBI flUpjalPttrthlOoaaa Cttj, ta* Popular Christina 8*aaids BaaaTt, k§ !•>catad ea tha Ocaaa Front, a few BOta batav fltlaailu Cttr.MdraacKad b, tha Bactoic sad Wat* imrnr tnm J8a*sat Wltut aad Bsadimaj BaOroad tram ChasteaatWharf. PfinsihajhiB B«aad-til» tkkata aooal for idays. F a i n f lj j y ,<strong>On</strong>wrsBiil BstBiBg. SafllBaj aad FishJag.FbrtethavpartkBJsra,wTJtwVlmaBalAn AdveriiscneBt in The LedgerBrings Rerans* *Cjjcuit Rider Uses Flivver^CIRCUIT RIDING-OLD AND NEWi rafitictti «uUirr circuit in burros; motorcycles and auto- for a mrmbcr <strong>of</strong> email towns wjtMawU> h-s ccncrcsptiom scat- trobilci th;t the ttftftivcnen ol sixty mOea <strong>of</strong> Toptka every Soa-(rrrr f.-i-n ten to fifty square (be rector m the sparsely populated day.<strong>of</strong> territory docs not travel sections <strong>of</strong> tb* country may be in- Hie Rieht Rev. Frank H*»*pJscc to p^c* on horseback, created nuny'times. Touret. Bishop <strong>of</strong> Western Colo-!& te m. !.e» o**TEptocoe-l a*MtfaW^thatreat that it is deemed bv<strong>of</strong> tba various parabet aad motor transport ^^TS rrtamed to (h* cetwnl Tb* Brtt R«v. James Wh*.•artrrs <strong>of</strong> (he NatJooWlde Bithop oTlUau*. wts motorcyattS4 E4Mt M Street, dta iasttad <strong>of</strong> aotoeaobilrs for aPOP) RBMOVAL Ofi caa ha seeared from aty otaidrsftau a Bes4s aad 'To tecore dreeJsOea_ attached to sp*dacaUons>hich To tacar* O. it. O*aasti.aaehUtaedfroBKhe<strong>City</strong> CVrk.aatllid cbech drawn to the orderta tha —~— <strong>of</strong> tlte.00. mosila a caatract aad faroish acboatta the earn <strong>of</strong> » prrat bid aad ta he a sorely combahflstyconditioned<strong>of</strong> (hett Maw Jersey, that theyo7aB bala'ar Capital «M«*taSM-an^ ta « h-» Bmta^^j--s tt traaipstlsuron onjBcmioii_oF TBBFIRST NATIONAL BANKOCEAN CITY. N. J.Ta ascar* BlUs Parabk,).,», oapleiasd .._Tbrtft iaf Oaaaa Ctty. wfll ha• i imT» awTswa aa gut* ef New Jnti at tha Ca*nah> L a & atr^r, Batt. Maah that (he aba**^•ae. at (bra*atlaihsd in tin '* "'"" ""!*aatK to (h» anoaht «• •>••••uent* » rootr«c< snd farnl<strong>of</strong> bid »~d •">*•*. »or*« vhood, and al« Ut.iranr* a*a Uablrlty.y^oEStvTwVth Iw*«al Bs-rveCaabtaVUABIUTIE&or certtSeate.1.oretr company.•a* or all bids, or IULMS.C2titJMM•. W.awlLMCTat-T*IMXM*»IU3T4PUS.| iUMM. ISJSMLM. 1MHM. MUNU144M*— - iku 141k day et Mavaashar. IMS.B?C0irns BOBWBOH. Matary•USTJSUSJ*;."- y*,*" *"'Your dollar today buys fess bread.fore, but your Eloctric Dollar buysmore by using !» It In >• ItMAZDA LAM!OCCAM CITY ELECTRIC SERVICEATLANTIC CITY BLBCTRIC COMPANY<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is BoominBUYNow is the a>e to stket your Braiding Lot or Lots, they wtl«ever be as cheap again.Large, beautiful home rites for a home or an iuveslment withunEmitea postibiKda for increase inT.be to the purchaser, <strong>of</strong>Real EsUte in Oce*n CHy<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> u growing rapidly and will cootinoe to eskige.RIGHTana Aahary Avaaaa. at threei ta the afiaraaea af said day.wfll be received for (he ntaov-<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, the greatett family retort b America- Tbooe.rtJa<strong>of</strong> visiton come annoaDy to its Hotek. Cottages and BoardingHowe*, and as mrety asOctwn <strong>City</strong> cotttinuei to grow, sosurely wiB it* RMI Estate increase in value. Bywaitingyouare delaying your pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> your purchase. Buy in the center <strong>of</strong>activity, among Churches. School*. Stores and beatitiW Cottage*.NOWNearly all our Bafldiiig Lots are 40 x I i wemay in««seprkes.lhaiARewaEstaiemsiliubfwicbes. Call and Listyoar Property with me. 1 ajntherwewIUalEatateman.I am at your service. Furnished Hotels and Cottagesfor sale and restJoseph L PeacockReal Estate - 838 Asbury AvenueJOHN T. SEALABBOTTS•vma ass Wear AvOCEAN an. H.LAMOTTS "A" miCot Your Fuel BillPtubiklpkia Skee lUsairiig SUppscoAtrvaaALL WORK CUARAHTIXD.OCIAM C1TT. I. J.»— aM< mM^aM.-.e^.b M .ba»l M alwatnt RoUlJOHNR.GROVESIVSSraWa. aowAao Taoait. ALLENP.LEVEHINC CUNTONRABBT A. MOBBM. I. .. ..n 1701 "*- I aWwesVfi.srt_mrdttnn for the Uve batCty.B.J.TM« OMITBO STATSB fOB *IMLBOOBB. SCNT AKYWMBBB INSUBSCaiBI "OH THB OCCAN CTTVflrrtCtssaWeakhyfwatiPAINTERADVERTISE Hi THE LEDGER.Mv.*wt ttt';..yaaris heaMkwith saecaa* Ml' JJlhe opanlnx af thawi) weeks a«o. that* nan.{ant demand'for, rloua local orgaiI jioadqaartera far th* atald at 45 Ctlntoa streat, ", M0S.000 saate oa haauif (ha canipataa. aad Its; ! monlDi low.' M Indlcato (hatj t Ms ta all parta <strong>of</strong> tha'Idreda or soala ara seat*l. TranMndoaa salsa iat present from MarearRldimwood. where t&ara«d popalatlon <strong>of</strong> i.OM. OMif7S0 has already beea nkth^y lookednuke* 100 jsrabi par eicAnalilerrd r n>uisrkab*-amn'-ri aa 10 uabj pertat to required la ralati; sonab't In (he campaign.ily aad Hndson Connty i• rise said lo be boomlns.reports from other Iive ranched Earnest D.:otlvo aecretary <strong>of</strong> thanberrakMls Lmsae. f"Mlea. Maay biva aptI* baalqaarllera fortins: that tho aomberbyL (he, NaUoawl A• • s been disposed <strong>of</strong>.' Hampshire stood fiii aiih fourteen seal[uar ajat all!,i marehiaa X-partiaala*L devil sad taaJdiuwasdha list, with roar saala>ad«iB* Inn (he araf all tli« r««ls dlstrlbaL to low thaty will atitnit ' l«her onUaiiaa ally, ayt did last yoar. ^ wma „ ,**-1- lramedli>t*>- aTIABU! COMHTTOX . fact he'ora I'• mille. aa a**d ~HMSI1 (hoasaada<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, la III at Us <strong>of</strong> doll"*'« HNM. Whea asTrfthaaaldai'.rl womea happened'I her la bad wit!era to keep p warn.'' .d oothlax In ceil,re tarxe cape In (Heme*p erarlon. so l^-»poararatcommunity by•teeet wttho dlfflrnUv In si• hnase. Oae ladyod and porebaaed < aad beaaUfa!e*a airs. fHJIle eomfremainder <strong>of</strong> ber*r aoo I* no(-w*ard L.Charebeetad it another iUt. aa ta th* ia woman aadhat aaroahoat (htaml attracUaaa.OTAMKMK-A '•K KXJOTABUCrtsttaas»rs <strong>of</strong> America bad- be soon dfamous Hood times ^»». K. <strong>of</strong> P. IU1I taj^ Mtmnr. A bo> *oatatataKitt waa BwardedT•her »s (be «Cora Hmlla, raetta^.. hmtaI oo W^tlajT; Mn kthM . avnfnt- „, ^^Mra Anna BaretaT thm| pfc.,,*, Froeal solo, and a an.^, ,„ .„ -i* cauea were play*. — , B . f.toll, time. ilsaatahalMion or the nenla*^ ^ ^ otta were .erred at U&, aBa «,„ Uh." Bt r orsh <strong>of</strong> oU.t-KUOUtATlOXnln« a uatn «*were played aad t(he fart ttat tryal «ood lla*. ThT<strong>of</strong> (be aJUmoon t,i. the »*fr~h»«it»r«.nu ClauseBen.h.m. Hu«h«. David_a. Pa, who»OOOt* 0 *** Church11 to wilfu- <strong>of</strong> wood for*"**tn. n n l dto. r ltat«sdblbta.«»» produced a(l»a baa a barataBnearby al a re*- «»"•»1l111 "••W unted by Btaf *- •••»• » t _ fco1 *tkill aa a>e*»nt fuel sJte*-^0***•by tb* scarcity ~si. To Uuead.,uf th* sabttca-loaaca la that*-ha., beea seat |~ Hall hutleullurslIrultur* i

..I* 1 *-:••'• -•'•'•-••:-••••••; 1. - v : ; > vs^n> ' ^ > - ' ••• • • • • • • . v ^ ^ - . ^ ^ ^ :•••;-••,'. \; ' v .••"-•• . •'•'•'' •-•;'••: • • -' .• • • - • ^ \ ' - J - \ ' - . S - K I ^ W : * X ; : A : - : ? \ - V-b.W't:'••...•••:;••::•.•••..< -;•.•"•'• ' •-:;• " . . * • ' " • • ' " • • * • ; " • ' • •• ":' - . ' • . ' .;. . • • ' ' . • ' " ' • " • • - • . ' • • > ' • • ' . ' . • ' • • ' • . ' . - . • > ' ' ^ ^ ' • ' • ' • ' ' • : ' ^ ' ^ • i - ' ; ^ ^ ^ • • - • • • • ' . • • . • • . ' • • • • • ' ; ' • • ; • • . ' • • • • . • . • • . - ,;" , .•'• . • ' , . " ; • • • . ' • : . • ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ; • • • • ' " ' • / ; ' • • • , ^ v ; ' . ':. -: ;- • • • ' ; " • • - . ' . ' ' ^ ' ' • • ; • • . - ' ' . ' ' • •;' • ' ' • • • • . • • • ' • • ' • ' . ' " .• •- • ' • • ' . : ' -"• •• •''"•' • ' .. '" ' " V • • • - ' v •'•' : •.•'!'.".,'••.'••• * '•• • v .:. . ':u ' V - - ^ ' . • " v t - ' ; V ";: i $ ' v ^1£ > V . ^ " ' r ? X $ ^ ^: ' .* -,'. ,'."' ••'•'. :•'•. ' •' '. ' - . ' ". • -.''/ . ' : .' ' • > • • . • • ' •'', ' • < • • '••.':'.''••' ••'•'• ... -*"*-'- ' ' ' .'*• - - ' • ' " . '. - . ; • . • " • ' . " . ' . . - • \ : ' ^ : t f . . " '••;. " V " - •'•••• \ r - :•?.:;-r;,:'::V •'-.:•" • ? : ^ v > : : ^ % ' ? - ^ f e ' M ^ '•• ••' • •'••••••\'"\.' .' ''••'• • ••/ .'•' '•'••" '•• ' '-' Putiijiifan ia th* made* tfciagttaja *t«r c*m* Into aittenc* for foaagtBatttaaav. I did not know <strong>of</strong> thit daring-at* otam oTpectancy tad ia eoataqoaaa*taalanj with my nervet, and for th* (actOw*> aatata* I m amr entatetabl*. I*•*—». .atfcrib* th* eomfort 'Fsvorit*alailiil^tnd Tfad praelicaUy no «£•atrtar—«aa only ajompariaoo I can civ*" I*»*•»• •"•are wtt aa (mt a diffareac* aai 1 lick and whit*. I waa alto abt*theae hat two, which w*a im-«..» ay *nrt baby, and it waat tha* caaatd m* ta to** bha wbra—*- tix mootha old. My twoAut<strong>of</strong>nobile Thieves Should Hang Around Home NowW AOTIXOTO.*.—The national mntorrehlcl* law paitaed by both bouae* !eoniret*. which President Wilton allowed to become operativ* wltlionhi* ajjnataro, la now in effect. The new law, which tbotjld aid In auiinplo* out the atolen enr menace, follow*:"Re It enacted by Ihe tenate andbnat» <strong>of</strong> rrprejorntatlre* <strong>of</strong> Iho UnitedState* <strong>of</strong> America In eonjrreiwAUTOS CAUSE OFLAUGHABLE UWSArt Added to UwyerVLftrariet Defining Speed andRights on. Roads.tatra <strong>of</strong> America In cnoitmu muM-mblnl.that thin act may be died ait theaaUonal motorvehlclr-lbrft net."H*clli>D 3—That t»heo a«o- »lni^ territnrr or th>> DUtrlct <strong>of</strong> Columbia to aonth.'(tata, tnrltary or Ux> IXatrlct <strong>of</strong> foluinbla. or to a foreign country, or frnn• forvlsn ouiintry t» any mate, terrlfery or tln> DUtrlit <strong>of</strong> t'oiumblji,tn an UM *t ucotTb„ , ^.«... .,-,«..vrj or iu.» uunnct nf oaaiyoroTerpkMn,c tl»«n b« joyooa aboat thelina God. laughing and good Biz-—> m. fYancta <strong>of</strong> AaalaL-CAN I BECURED?" SAYSTHE SUFFERER-•V!-nnjurefit ihn! tirniv ibunvint itw klllt-l la n.-eiiletiinotlh» Cnlt.il Kiar.-< In thjt yi-a •The ni^rt r^fejrrd hy th*. nati.ioa»jfety council inuiiux>ii2^-4 tt» .aiaei,f ,.-.-id-^t« «o r.ll.n.. in pjrt:Tha. Ki—at -«t numlvr <strong>of</strong> d>*ithcharcotto nny on t> aecMcntal ai> •.11.114, or 1-L0 per lOO<strong>On</strong>a la itmra at from fell*. N'.'It to faltt. tb« ^-eir-*n number <strong>of</strong> acHileotal death*. 8.64B. or 11.5 per H»)0oO. re*nli.ponalbli> fur 0.K*O Jiatli», .ir 0.1 pDeath* from aotomobll* acetdent* and Injstii-s lo 1017 tntaicd O.T-1. •U per luu.onaAccidental drownlnx rrinted .VMX) dratha, or 7.4 r>er 1W>.Dtalha da* to tajartea-br-irhltlw ortwr than rjlln^.i . .r». ttreet cand amooobll** aombered 2Jt20. or 3.1 per 1-mli. r.-.ni:in; rntlrwt car aeddrnta nombrred il»77, rorrcponiilne t'» n rate .if ;| I»T 1'. >«»»Uarnlnery arcldmti eatued 2,112 deatha, or 'i»p••> •- " 1*4 tfHard on Him.to try ibo ruin.I rnre.~it will It have to work o<strong>of</strong>**—Aiurriean.•aaptwtfca .. . • •rtter than CQUcora Soapand CTntnent now sad tBta aaafl ta &aak* tha f^rrpitihfii dsar,xann and haada s<strong>of</strong>t and whit*,aa tklg. fba e»«»«»»M»y fnLgrsoJnwa Talcum aad yoa tara taaBBSB, Jallat TrtAdAtW •.'•"A n w n thui e\**r>h* IlWi 1 * has»mt all nf It* tnfh JH;I1.-J OOO "OU Iaana a firm.N EAV puataje tramp laaort »inc*> <strong>Dec</strong>.-mter. !!'1S. a.v no-. • nnlacc«l tluou:hnut the "orld, rj^Ialy cJccintjijla tbe vatermnrk <strong>of</strong> tb»- Brlt:»h o.i.cUl l»u--*.4>oe luiporuint »t4-p toward Qnullty In thy rnilttellc n.^lilr-i <strong>of</strong>.ne*. 11* . j^I* tbe l.-ui- <strong>of</strong> unlftvd r»"-'nc- - .. . r ijand Mlovrne*. Inttrad <strong>of</strong> tbe M-tumle lanir*'f..r Cr>uitta. .W...n:.>. I*-, i. . :..liertjlA. Tbr>" (M-ar the llkiti.-».» <strong>of</strong> ihe \it.-rin K:n^ I'.-'^r 1 .!-» o\- ..> , a:''l^* v a »l.:p • f th« lima clax witti i .|:»plac ;.-.,.-.t <strong>of</strong> SliJjJ tons, luttc*m.t.cv oras rban.'txl to *ti'a>>.^."win t* •* work <strong>of</strong> her «iui|a»*o"abd artr_>a..-r.t will bo |r*>».;. I ii.t ih.* K-ne lU^-j-ar.!. a:-.d .. * i- .ni.-4fo". »!«; r abii». fi-11! bo to! ~;.h liVi.h c\:r. hjn::; •'>>-ra:io rjn.-.' i- Ia o*«*il nf ^T. > r.-.to. at- "111 eirr) -< >i"..j.-n *:.: ..'.-.nfi CJ6""t ln« upon tb* preroeatlvv <strong>of</strong> any ,-....-leal chautrear to ran an aatonW.UI.ii:*band wagno at any rata be we* n:.comparable with the aafety <strong>of</strong> tbe rwrupant*there<strong>of</strong>;prnvtdrd, however,that not lea* than tarn nor more thantwenty rope* b* allowed at alt llm.-to trail behind thl! Teblri* +b*u tnmotion. In order to permit tbnaw wb.'have been ao forttmat* aa to e*car»-with their political live* an opportunityto be dratted to death: an.iprovided, fanner, that whenever amangled and bleeding political corp*--Implore* for merry th* ilriver <strong>of</strong> thovehicle ahall. ta accordanc* with Ih.'provttloaa <strong>of</strong> thl* hill, "throw out tli-IlfoHin*." IBe* Kama* law* <strong>of</strong> 11>>*.cnopter 67. page 118)."Kantat It, no doabt. on th* rlcbtroad.Net Daaaereu* »»e •*.Tn hi* preface to tho aecood edlrlnnef hla work Rnddy aayt:"Two (trlklng tnd Important piinctple* at tawconcerning th* motorvehlcl* have been eatabltihrd tinethefirtt edition appeared. •The flrtt and moat Important Nthat tb* automobile la not an nevn. vvtrv* chambora. Tho other end I* oo|.•li^\-d to the bndy <strong>of</strong> un n!ES -n:XTWhOOU >ES n:XT-Wutch >. and rr*».MM v* «nl»r Into I»nipi«i!(in.-M>ik n ilAUDITIC.SAt. MATKHML-Uat. X X-M: Luka 3JM»: John H.MI.nuMAKT TOPIC-An Anol BlMnaih-'aatnc Jaaua.J1.-S1OH TOPIO-I'.l.r ud John Fallto ll«lp Jtaua.INTKHMEUIATB- TOPIC - Aaleond Kldron.•boat thrre-founha <strong>of</strong> a mile frutn Je- .ni«alem. The name meant nl|ve-|in-»». jTba name It tlKnlflcant <strong>of</strong> the occu»l..n.Cderfhelm «av» It I" tn emblem >'f Itrial. riUtreta uml agnny, Perliap* |«*rdeniral"hPneumonia<strong>of</strong>ton follow. *Neglected ColdKILL THE COLO!I maty fat tsiMrtIon* tola. turt. a*. oplwn—bnaka op t coM la M^tJESTSSTJr •••-•''"•Up laui. a BortMILLIONSSuffer frotnAcid-StomachGRANOHA DIXONtor Uv*r *n4aon« tt 1 /tos lU then thmiiJk-d onto tho valvt*fsntrrHil vrlib a nut. jnd (oi'lorfLThU llttl* dovlce. whl.-b, may l«.Uke carbonAVT071OBBLEA ran**<strong>of</strong>Po nthat .« fr--or »arolil Mjth «;HVJ ; itopcomtt loojr Milt.*dogt and choke* a at*>tor. ao the exceta bile lo liver, aajlj Uio coostlpattd wast* to the btnrtt*.I >rodoe* foggy brain*, headache, tour,icld stonurh. ladlgettlon. tallow itta,. Ueepleaa nighta, and bad cold*.Let gentle, barmlec* "Catenrett-rkl•be tyttrm af the totlaa, adda. gat**.ud polaotaa which ar* keeping yoa an.Take Caacam* and enjoy to* nlctat.grntiett teiatlvuMtbanlc you rraa)experienced, Cuearet* nerrr grrpa,tickra. or cast* loconvrnicoc*. Tbtjt: arork wbll* yoa aterp, A bos <strong>of</strong> Oat*-«r«u caata «o Utlla too^-Atft. _MalidbMaa bpnaaien.I"llu-le apeak* all Utvaas.-^."-And I an|if»*«. yoa mould *ay afcux batxl *talter*.'Ucs primgi tMtalca tvnan Don* K*O CCI.C.•W Carur-a K. and B. tea. unuh•S v*(rut>l«..raji IM browrd jl^at a aixaU »wk*so *U1 Uat aJSata tf old Ptor'* will ull youBSttfcMH drlnkint II fur ri'ti. an I•Va* Irror and Ujwtla t.a\e h««n putKiotraBUoo tn . foor il^va :.y a l^-CkaBtw cup. that only an «.< -4rl.>n..la'tnarvaMa nevtaaary lo kr-p one•it nd nno.H trto drink • cup ef Dr Car-|7«** B. Tra onr* In a. trbllo.'oaltf«*«T. bav* anv blMo'ia nttarkt.aatarfco or tallaor aktn. It'a £.""1aad *irla. ror«cliUly thr>t« who•a aad frttfut Druc::ala l_.\eMr II for mnny ro-.r.fotla ot Co, \* IW. N. T.Ilk* wiTlrttbe artK«*ep cparttT!AQ properlyrl.^n, hav.* nubfr ihlr.Dl*h. as too4tlivr»njt »!iirtnt It i*sirvii.cl7 \zluic>!- t cREMOVE CARBON WITH CLOTHRaoSaturated Wit*' Oaaal.n* Wl'lClean Soarti Pino— ajruoh AltoKay a* U*ad.Clean <strong>of</strong>f carbon with a cloth dippedIn gatnlln*. or a broth may be u*ed- .Touch op tbe point* <strong>of</strong> plue with rat- ' .u .mniwa ortry cloth, but do not toarb eawry to ' l-ottle* wllh tbu(iaxed porcelain. •* It ocratcbe* and ; andmake* It aoot op all Ihe more r\-adll.. Uut iu..iA cracked core matt b* replaced.| trouble.Tbetivad <strong>of</strong> aa Kn^ll»h l..r^r.'->autuus> onlnln* nuic.-rplit-,-«<strong>of</strong> mtet'l. »o lli^rt-1 In ^raMwr that the laitt-r il'^"< not T.--:tbe crouad.• • •It la not uncommon to have •:;•> ctalurn <strong>of</strong> tberoKM tnirtl •» b.-> JW fr>the vtbratlou <strong>of</strong> ll i"i> >T. !A Feeling <strong>of</strong> SecurityToa natortOy let! aanrt wbra yaaImow tbtt the madxm* r«a art atuut •>UX» 1* tpanlnUly port taJ cootaist a*bamfal or htbit prodWiac dn«t.Each a amlidam i* Or. KJmrr-t Stru*>Boot, kkmry. Uvtr tad bltJdrr maeoy.Th* atma- ataadtrd'<strong>of</strong> parilr. itmttkand exetlkoe* i* maintained ia r>«ryaottl**f 6waas>Boot.It is scioitiacaSyea«rub*t acrba.Il it no* • wlmaliat tad U uita latttavooaiol dote*.Il it not reossunradad for errrrthiD*.It i* oitort'a treat btlptr ia rtl^-miand onrooouac kiaaty, Uvrrc«aJ bltoiatrooblt*.A tarara ttttearat <strong>of</strong> pcritr U with.rvry bottl* <strong>of</strong> Dr. Kibntr'o S.tmp-Root.If yoa and a tD-llfipo-. yoa aboaUk>r» th* brat. <strong>On</strong> tola tt ill Jruj >inn*~ i bottiet <strong>of</strong> two tlaa, Btdiom ud kist.However, if roo wiah nnt to trjr >"•at preparation trod * i erota to Dr.Imrr *To, Bi^hai.. K Y.. f=r •asmpl* bottl*. \V\n onitag b> *ur* ta4axsttua this ptptr^Adv.na ponkin ol tn« « .r. Tl rr. .»ivay to cur* Catirrt^al l*o.:r.^.k.I la by a conatltutioL.il rvc^ iv.. CATAItHH lllrDHlNi: >. :tk tkt Bioojon tha Mucnua Aurf].^»I trktm- CAtorrhal l*e*tM*.» i%v an Inflamed coa>lll».>n ou !.•*«• A^__ wua.1 or Impcrfcvt h- ii.i.^- •ilBkla.ntirtlr elated. Iwali*... i> fB> Ca^aoa tbo lnaarnm.iik>n . -i w ,»-I It.'.t lutM. rcotoro^ to •(* I.T-_ik>i. hrartnff may to !.'»m).l— Uany raawt cf IV.ifn^«. »^^|»» Cilirrh. xbUh U in .i.!Ux.. It*a ef IV.* TiltKoua lurf^^v*-'!>iKil.UVKS I r a-vI IVirnroa I. i .-.n- lty HALi/a CAT.\UI:II— «.'. Ct.-.-i_-lArt frco.r a> Co.. Toiw-, ci:u.frletda.2. Ill* cnrn|«r.lon* (v. V,). He tnnkttlth him Ihe 11 dlnclpli-a. thnt Dicymlct.t «hare, to f ar na p,»«ihl.-. ih|«x.rrnw wllh Mm. IVlng a real litininnUlns he crovc4l tymrathy. He liado |thi-m wntch wllh Mm. While he kn»w jthat he mutt ~tr.-ad the wlm-prv.«Hlone." lie had a k4^n tppreclntiiin n(tvnii^thy «o far «• Ihnor nho I.UKIhim eoul4| rt»e It. The hehnrlnr nf the.|;.o;r.l4-« «hn«« the utter llmltntlnn nfhutnr.n »jm[atliy.X III* ETMit «.m« (v. .14). Thl* iathe tame a* the "cup** In ror«e *tfl. Itwn* tint primarily Ih.* |Vn»pe.-t nfrhTfira! aurT^rlnc that n.it. craKhitu:him: It t4* .iimUn iM-fnre 'I.-. - ..- poo* dlaoatlo*•win. prtr aoarlatimaat <strong>of</strong> Iho dlffaroatartaat oai ilaoao. <strong>of</strong> ibt body. Too blood latupoTotWK-1—ooconwa tnak. tkla, alovtlak IAllmrato <strong>of</strong> m*ar hlnda aprtat rruin aueb '•oa-iltloaonuUYUoaoao, tbaomollam. lum-IH>. jrlalUa, (aaarti w»a»Boaa. looa ol.Pu'*r *od •«• rwr.b*a.lacti*>. taaomata Iaor^oatno**. menial daprooaloa avaa moro**rl"U> alim«ata jooltle c-f-L that famnuo nltl rrtsrrysa>4 children, and i« tt..: i-I tbe ""kPfJftrrOrer JOTcar*.» Cry for Fletcher's CattoriiI*** n.r luty l«-o|.|o II.. I 1 ..- 11U.-I.greatKilm,nut fiir slrla would r«'fu«- t.> -lur*a ynunz tnan'* lot If It hapi-ix-J t.i b»•.ortb Jl.W") a front fo»t.LTHRESTOREDASPIRIN FOR HEADACHENam* "Btycr" to on Genuia.Aspirto—say BayerilrdCkt Wtt Dtwi Vik lid•T CittnJtUt; Tout Doai'iTRUCK ATTACHMENT FftR MAKING HI6HWAY {n-.»yTh15-lncti zun* nnd a »p***' < l uf ' Jliei'alifi>ra!a <strong>of</strong> t]i..» L'nitid ••i-ii.i cavr haJ a(oca. 1." lllii. h .-mu aid a -l«.^ ..( .'1 l.u-.:-.Tbo Ata.r!can na»y tJ» |.. •••-_\4f .1? i.-. ;ru^ (noa tnd a tiKid ot 13 tUA>u^w=«: <strong>of</strong> :i^;>.ar»iiricr :>,-i::, . on "Baytr TabUu ol A>pirla*1 in a "Bayer packager contalolns prop-I *r . Ai.i.- 1 - II..1. •f.i !. i i -.v.i 2 ll..- II»«-r\ »r.i.i ; •;.-• i" tl... ul (l.lt.- ^.-lil.II 1 . n • .-• at|..n (». ."-'••. lll» ".II »T«;r. >!.'•>•: -MI t.» t».r rath. r. II. :.:..•.»tti.it I. • .t«.ih ..II the cr... M.I- th. 1. ,M • f .;• -I r. • r.i-\.-r: ft" *.- .* .- ihl-n*-..1 - "!j-'i fr.->. "I- f-.ir -I .1 >-n <strong>of</strong> \teu.-rld (I) U.. ,:~:j!.-. rvti',.,| (v.i?)II.- «:i..'!..| • 'it IVur. -iih'ifi U^ ii Ih.- ln..«l 'oc-l'j.-.:r: h"« I-T!i..i .'I. h» «• n!.!>... ,-•nie *piln."maid Krnndma. "I renniulxr utu-it Abnercauie liomi> from the Civil war, Ignv* up hla tch.rnl I had bran teachingund »t uen> murrlcd.""Ill bet you dlil." tnaueretl Itlcbard."bnt Hboae coming through tn*tftle1~-Why.b!.-«* met If It l.n't Belly."*old^rutidma. hurT>lni* lo mevt ayout.s Elrl ilmwl In a •IJIMI «ult anda \.-r3 iMi-nuiln^ fulfill hat. *t'oiii.- onI>lck. >4iu knoiA- Hetty. Why. >ou u»edto pluy uitb b.-r uln-n nhu « • u tinyizlri.V-.KJ rvtu.-mlK.-r, >ho li the oblycramh-hlM I b.ve.'*Noililni; l.mtli. 'llihnnl fi'llimedOrnnkrd| lt.-it>.-Jl.r»l t.f lu" n-t.ll.-l ^miiilina. "nl-I tb4.u.'li It. Intl.- h.- talk* aUHIt It.I JUM 1.4.1V |i.*'. nil U|«t o>.r not. t'.i.ii ht« i'1-l «..rk l-i- k."j "Hut iTr-unliim." |-n • -t.*.i Iti-tty,; ••[-•rl.:i|— th.- i*irt ne*-,u tu*- nv.nn, I. .-anilnt: u» murh u. h.* «IIM-». Ii -.I;!.. ..f tli.. Kir!* Hi our oltl.*.- mv tukluccare <strong>of</strong> lln-Ir luoibim and >.-uai-«-«I |if>*tli.-ri. und kl»t«-n>.~-It tuny h*> all rijlit *nr I!I.'H* sirlat nb«>ut t)a> vrtii*. liU.> >..u., ihat dtiu't niUly u«-«-tl tohr- 1:1 prtr< -,!fv v w. t.'.l fjti in th»* triil uiiV*. ai'l I. ] fr* tu : h"T.\ Tt.e f.4-.h l» !.*.» ueakt.» kt-i-.l t^.• *Tm!n.i T!..* •••el.•! | ra«-r Irv. .T.. «•).fl.» f Itt drev thr fc.vond tin 1 * 1 fr».m hla.lScij.!,^. ar.d iitt»r»*l lhr> r.irne nurf,'•n fr»«>.r.Ttil* wa» not v-iln rvfwtttlon.It h, p^i-er to rrr^-nt . ur re-•cf*r.. lie f"Ut..| the cM-. !'.!.-• n.le. p%C!i!n. Tt.elr »h.T ve and cniuaNia tvam,.n*n .-»rtrd Ihin at flr*tpj-0T Tt.- t-Hlr-1 ptr.yrr («. «t. n-t-if.-rt-l ihe »•» "IT.!, tn hla.,„! |n,»r (V.itt. ^"1 II) II"' "•'•«r-. it... d:».ip'.- -aa«4f> Iteoo •>-> aJw oa*m-r- tma»l.l. joj »k.--a,I | u,,,. Ul•JitlrtJa>a>o*>.9*aao>u.allua-M- «• b»t-u-rt ***. c^aULIKoi aCUauowaai a, 0b."dy f.he> nrrlpronchl0.Troub.e9I S* ttt IMtoslam aM r*» «»«*•I *^- Cn hot'] ouoVllr oavj tao'l»'«T• " "•-«• :»«a»UT a dt-waaibat mo-'JISO'Str.e:i •••:'" "' " I " " 1 'rl-, t.. .Irt.c up l« lb» i*»i(-f.la>'."Y*-*. >U Mil d!t| >..ur U i-i uLIU* Ih*?n^r *Ma*« t»*lit«; f-.i.^tit .m.i ui>D, t>atno** ttuit If* * tO *> U>*trt.' **uirs)l,t .il ujy ttuia ttiivml'ui aaluiiiMtJ otj. n."~*Vi»i ut.n'r h-t-»l i.ur i.il.|.VHit It u.i-K't tnft|»>; It ua-* n>Hi.ird! i:.::t IWlty f.-iiinl -.tili.L' •!i«-.^:w.»l itt-!y• ti n-i "-'t *--ut t>> tin- .....•-*•. Na oaacoU'-l n-^i>>t I-tiy ul.. t. -..u* ujuti-U tub««A:ra «l..niiln^ ai.ti ill-) -weiv1HUII>.' ..U.I l.itivt.U.^ Itk,.- *!.'..•..t-n.jTI.»- i.-*it ilu) lUniy rxiuni.-'l hotnutr,.l !.«? •...>' ttftiT\»..r.l» U'*f>^nl n*•i i\.-l iuit l.titm; ..I.,- wi,. fn»m Tlei-I f>. v ;.iil» a!t«T n-ijiii.', tu k.'-»*^l and, ,*,: .II M- iii-'li* I*.*, i. UM- nUu-r• I..- U4« fr>>ui r*"li"t. i. MUMQ. toi\l:i..; him (i* *ii-l at tl:. ir i-tfc-*.j ][ uj. ttl thr c..i».» nf ih>* i-utuMcr*j rti ..in* u-.--i.liL-.il u'.+ltiluit Hi*- talli : in .' ..... . «• fn*4*i iht.r »K-% p toand t)..* »-lU)f r^4 », ^.rr,'.^-AS "•"> •*••• --ri-*"' •'"•--Uy turnedtu« t • - 'twirrll«^iUatDo^uViiaiaaa71wratllcuUruJPanurious."They toy Hiank I* very close."CitMc? Why he wouldn't *v*nI>ODI1 a vacation.**BOSCHEES SYRUP.A cold I* probably the moat com.lion oran dlaoMirit uBilwhed B«8te«-•d 1» apt to be moat danc*l I- req.tlre.1 In ralaln|| *"'•Jh, in lhecamna.« D!] Vl '"muchl in Iheinto a«Uo hald to be boni.ilnit. *?report, from other 8l'2rat ina*ave re»eh.^l E^rnoat n. J" , l^I.run... »ecrel«rv <strong>of</strong> the V "" d# 'ritwor'-, pprnvi ro tSCSS&inCUrVLCO tZiUMa<strong>of</strong> th* Nioht.-I* yiuir hu-l.nn.l n —.MI.I -lw(»rr*"! ^hixilil «iy •*». Tin* »«>IIIHU he -amkj< urv w.iiii'thlns a»fiil.~' W. N. O, BALTIMORE. NO. «B-ttt»Polk Miller's Liver PillsTh* OU Ftihioatd Kiad tKal do ib. work. TTb* tarr* bmbola to* »•rtut. UneGiialWd fo. BiUounma, Sidi Hr*da«rKi. Coaaup* J f\tioa and Malana. A« all druniMt. * II It**Maauiacturtd by Polk M.lUt DrucCa.. lac RkimoaJ. V*. • Vf-w*5UBSTITUTE FOB ROYAL ARMS CARiCES WEALTH IN MOUTHJln.ng <strong>of</strong> Cap and Btltt on EnaUth Bmnticad Whal* Wortn MucnPaptr Waa th* Origin <strong>of</strong> tha iIf <strong>On</strong>ly That Part ef lu Aivit-Word -Koolacap--clrn<strong>of</strong> il...yomy War* Utabl*.A ftlll-^fonti ti-.vt|u-u.| nhaTfr to*nr <strong>of</strong> l!-»* A'oril *-f.*ol*- ' unxlli «1.*..I*M in.-n-ly fur tilt* ntatW--n|." n. a|.|ili.-.| ti. ^ c.-nuln .itv-* .if IN.IU* It i-urru** In it. ni..tiih.Tlal* tt-.itM-r.ni.fi.f tli.- i-*.|.l.-t .i.l n. !• ttut . tin- »JH-':4~* tlti.t funiUlM-. Ih.* r*r.fa oal.\ 1 ,.n < T. .rl. - | <strong>of</strong> i:i.;l..m! I..uml til. It,.- on.:... r. ..I -HH' 1 - •< av» .»>.ni:- -li-.n. In* LT.II.U-I .. r::illi pin- , ulil.h l« i...« >.. nli $7~'* 'i itMiml. tt-'l.-^,—iiii.'iiiiin..- to ir.'ii. l-'ll.-. uml ' (. „ .imi.-.i, ,.r A:. t|i- ».asii.ioi _• i:»-~.- u:i» iio- i.. i:..|.'.i.iurv ..f Tj... !„,„:„..„.. ni, :,,.r ,,i,;ir.- ..lil-ti ,,|..il.-.. I...- no I.-.-U II..|.M.I li. >t»a...:•• ~.|.| lo ..riiilii i-irti. .. ul... sr.u- .,r,. flmi:.n,,|Mi:b u .«,-f« i.l '•..1-1' I ••:!/;. h - l iti.* e..t.-n.iii.-iit ai i ; i , » , j , u _ . i n i i . <strong>of</strong> „ i,.. n.v - » J M ( '__I..- .-VI-.1.-.- <strong>of</strong> liion- »Ti.. ». i.. ..Tn-.-,5 "fl]u;.,.|,:ltll |u,.r ,i> ii^."'"^"•• " - I-I-T. Al !'••- !:•"• "Ii . 1,1.1, ..... .I,.-,.|,i.'-, ,..fc.m.m,..,-.- I-...-, l:. >...:..r,.i..rk«. „ , „. „,. „. _ n,a chrlillaa'" T4 o Ih* ehri*tla:' Hlllle. an<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly. i.avenue.When noilwomenI her in lM^'"w,7hf'' """".vr, .oke.pw.,,: >'.r^^l.nnihlnc in rai.te Ian.-.- tap, i n ,.,,.,.,manlty by•> heaoH wllh«..e for Ihe p«., r.*1 lime • red -* "• "••"•/.• ..ion ..f „,.- c,e D( ..*a""\ r \\ ni £.£'~** we,., M-,,,^ Jf , brah <strong>of</strong> old. he«i«V « »'••«nl. I-"»l cummer •• •**•How Timca Hcve ChinkedII. i.II Til ..-. !.:,».• . I .i ...IJ.U.I- %.-. || 1» .1 I. |.-_ .-.;.)-;r..i.-l..itl,» ''- tl.^u i.. u >-I". If.ltXi-»«."Won. n af .li'|..^-_l.l«* .1 -xi y.ioiv>a|. t.. ' |.i,.| .1 ...: '"l!.ill..rtWl. 1 ......I I (.t. htfinoi.. ' »-t. nil..-* I !..»..- :-..v u I*, tti-r *mjSin mil;.- ni.tiit ,-u..! tt.n,. •• maV.* ulf.* l« ;•• n_- ••• :lv in me IT tty art>'li ti:iml It n\»T.' III.-."- -I'...-ton lr:ll,'-*Tt|.|.. It's the wise house*wife who servesPostum Cerealinstead <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee. For wherec<strong>of</strong>fee sometimes disagreesand leaves harmful after-effects,Postum is an absolutelyhealthful cereal drink. Made<strong>of</strong> roasted wheat blended witha v/ee bit <strong>of</strong> molasses.The extraordinary flavor <strong>of</strong>this beverage resembles that<strong>of</strong> the finest c<strong>of</strong>Fee-^-pleasingto particular tastes.Two sizes, usually .sold 115c and 25cUtubtryPottum Cereal Company, Battle Creek,:I>:IUIATK>\ •""•• r " uld " — L .IVIIIt eelebrai^i hl rl * IUl> "" " llh T,!«•!!».lu,day ^Ifj"---lmrrfrom tf^line a number <strong>of</strong> hk" 1 ' 1 * •"••»••* lohe uaual number ot br * hrUU * n "*'•were played tnd Itn**** ln °*** B• he ftel that lhej mark * < - th * 11>al cood lime. TM on **• oih * •<strong>of</strong> Ihe afternoon tt***- 1 * 1 * <strong>of</strong> •*•• lh *'•» ih.. refreohmenta 1 «hur»he* are t|•I -I ^n jrtl.iir.lly* lnI-..h- Pir,| m,, lo., lnr4lr boat *dvaac«tf»*•n.l whlir. and ihc°»* •-•-••«- f n"" "*K»nu CLuM-a-oor.s* almo*t toi« ilu- rrclpirnt <strong>of</strong> lhe 'hurchew areIhodl.t rhurrh. a|•ft. 1SUIKM-* Kalh-f*"* 1100 * ""••••"-'.t«-l r.inMin. II.-I.-B' "" XU cavened.,er.U..I.-I, AHVa-eeUait** plaeea <strong>of</strong>j•nd Kdmund John- rowd * d»° ihre. llohbie HrndrrJ**" 1 "*'-llenthan,. Hone* • "UKI"... rtavid « n.|»H!»HAlX TOllia.lf.,,,1 U'ir«en->dlata and olher*I I'.-MII and Mr. Dr. L. W. MataUhi. ilu- lattrr l>r-a. I"., who will• >.f Mj.lcr |*aul..hodLat Church ta* wushall lo wld*ly»'H>I»icellat and blbl. «•]u». ..| „,.„) fllI „. haa a bnrnloatin- rural dio- choir will rea|- 1,nillui.. ulluti-. lOKellllci.-olpuhhea-•-eo aoul• <strong>of</strong>ento.and 1 brierwllh• nd aidera ran rf- !•

l,•4..• • • ' % * • : • •m*•«-! iWORLD'S NEWSIN MIDGET FORMLong Stories <strong>of</strong> Big Event* ToMin Brief Paragraphs forQuick Reading.•ATIOIAL CAPITAL SNAPSHOTSflesjilng* <strong>of</strong> Interest HPEACE BULLETINSsquare miles In toe Northplated by the Colicare an via <strong>of</strong> compel _ _..If tbe League <strong>of</strong> >atlons foils.aanctal smash.Chamber <strong>of</strong> Deputies, advocatea crea-1commercial relation* with Germanyas a means <strong>of</strong> easinf <strong>of</strong>f tho financialsituation.Sir George Falah, well knomi flnan-waa nnanlrooualy approved.strongest fleet tfloot. anJ asks for theaonstrnetloo <strong>of</strong> two t'sttleablpe.WASHINGTON :jri.iiifiijiijiiiiiirrrrrujjj if IWar pr<strong>of</strong>lti <strong>of</strong> certain <strong>of</strong> tto proper-1, ^, .ii» may increase the totalto KOaoOaoOQ, accordliuc tn IIM callmala<strong>of</strong> experts In Pittsburgh.Charles E. Wry, secretary <strong>of</strong> ttoTig QQIAH CITY UPflM* OOtAV CITY. H. J.New JerseyItems; Paotsboro. — Both Ore companies.; tore usked tbo council to pass au orj dtasnce to stop tbe practice <strong>of</strong> aulo, UHibllt-s rushing to Ores tbo momenttbo bell Is sounded, causing confusionlenT^Lr"?National Associatio 1 *'"* <strong>of</strong> f*«**HCI«tnothI | l umj hindering ttrv vniitne*.A M .un !>"Inuring thu flcu cniilnes.liaddonnvld. — There wus a j«»^pr*dlcted prices will continue to J ICeillS | | scauiper _ l J"? l< " l . lo fltld savo - ~ dugs J 0 " hrra *"• when « wild ttopolice department put over an Innovationthat surpriaed tto community.at A LL b os""^L' tEI>OTt " lvta " on »>'0» tW LesstT^r "H" 1 nqctloI » J" lm »n--Tho people hero were *o "° ' % Two £l *J?"* dog cutchurs ""n^sed were **• quklly community. engagin-1-• - -PMy <strong>of</strong> B T L ^ ^ ? 1 ! ^ ^Com " T 1 ' Pto "" ed WIU| "-"•n»»»l Chau-1 IT? ^ ,f tcbB *«• I^^Uy engag.'3==--— • - =="—*-*== "BraEsrssitsprtomioi <strong>of</strong>•^nber^T"?,auHuvn &. uownrrL 0 * '5?"* <strong>of</strong> I-l? i ! l . lol '-r ln «»« «*«••* for bollr f"» l0 °» n0 '« «• t* «*ool building*~d,«.r,ers win be itT^^T " I «^»lfy ple^ful.'*" •*-*•» "°°*Three notes sent bv ito rr.i.-i llnmi 1-J.1 , .. InI ..°* P"*"*" afforded nIgnored by Carrana.SPORTINGcording to ito Vonkw dubsTbmckmortI ll f..' > " v ".That waa two months ,down this "i•, the entire load mtrrtng I travel, sent for him.a- I his ahdomea. Coroner Lcconey Usonl I •- •• •i nlt j> **f«f'«'»wax no longrr tho simple. »tnp!4When It developed the released prtaooeand E a Rmlth. a boslneaaWUK • sanitarian on Uncnta highwayIII be used by the-healer" topersons who are flocking to him.In making this announreisent theeditor <strong>of</strong> the New Carlisle Journal, adally newspaper, asserts that from SOto 00 per cent <strong>of</strong> the aflllrted personatajorhrd by the man have been ma-hla cigar tacta) "aometWng awful" by slmpiy, aa taraUd for M months from' W p on the .Be aays Mays tod effectedord pa*scd amund rapidly. _.-•--.pouring to ui 41 tto stranger to bo tooched. With aa overflow bastes**). Haysdecided to charge $1 for each treatxaeot._j tn. Bto wan hot and tiredanimate for the tlynne nouaerlUex ma*t go oat in the «v»' Wd Ita degree <strong>of</strong> charmItluo. Mooka's boalnn*waa a comparatively newI It waa with utreme he hod stepped oa dnrtncIh.lr acquaintance, and «to rrallxedIt M.,. moment lbs word* left ber-Upsr8hil.^Ij _^ "I'S I L^? 1^^ ^ J ^ ^ I .*«»« •*• ^ '-^~» -«"t. I ^'.2?^^ .o"^.CS*SS Ir B TL!Jr,»TSl^f^f-'.!?. rs_for_^-*- —*•— •> by the National ,• been dlnnoaed <strong>of</strong>. !«,] a ehv Hampshire stood flrafto tbe «b»a with fo neen seal. L M , torreahile New J irsey was taj. from a raflno llat. with four «nbao low thatfudging fr->n the preBrorth reeordlLf all tiix ,„.!« dlstribsjiaa dty. aytons oriunix. I'oan srest. waa aft atty will finpit • | Kher oa imedlMr'- at did Isst y.-ar. |Mt h^are. t_.. " • *& tboaMiadartAtUM cn\nmn« , ot doii—• ?. ' Rlltle, an aged col<strong>of</strong> tto said a^-a' <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. 1. ||| „ LJ| „-wHgbtHarding ot Ohio and Senator Watsonef Indiana were put forward tn Washingtonto <strong>of</strong>fset Ito strvoph <strong>of</strong> ttoWood movement.Justice for all If there la to be perr**T^"Industrial peace 1* ih» keynoteIrvmarluitlo Ofiliicr byFOREIGNAlIorDry cenerul <strong>of</strong> Oalsrio i>rd>-rey. »lib..1 • „.,.,. stMunum. a" Ul '''>- «f »Vllll Uim,,, wrt.lib Azitfriran cooevms. I theft <strong>of</strong> hnih both money m^#t«- .-... _-v"...t iu .nuintlcI (It) !• taplalnMl In a statrment I».o*-. MI, L . aIll| , bjt -^ao doubt few more -tl^l^l If .,., ^ (Klt ,, fl>f_-ajjrsred <strong>of</strong> them. • , -x t,, v u,|| uy wife come bom* to•> It was ttot Hooka becan *M, , m^rijar aott artlrtlc bits <strong>of</strong> w.^k j _ sh- ftll|Mll- t tonVe was Ju«t Ortt ilo.* to ; Ult> u-1,,.,,| ,„ -snd It was to xbo !•»* ber j •,, Do ( Kco«om4e*l Hsstina.. ' Thi' sun ll^-lf n«t» lh«- hot water. hug. sttrflo roomgn-at. coiy rtilnli cl.nla Ctost.rtkW. with a tawillto ciqul.lle ro^ u«».boid nn The ttorscv tank Utank, from »hlch It Is d»»»n fuctwo lamps." ito snW to M 1DliruUl. hi r | uwlilrj Ihjt Uw loweamry snd look so adorablv un-**e lljhts that—" 8be stopi»-d•r at tto queer look lu her> ryru• have tto right Idea." was allrk«SB. ttot David Trevor'* apart-*a* going to be ito gem <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> exqulalle• karaasa ttotr custom aa ttohung tto eartalaa aad tto- pot dowa tto rags sndbegaa ta appear oa tto'far David aad Ifonlca to makeJwag vtstt t» tto apartment.3 tnwa more ctonslag by ttoDavid totd tor. They had1 that evealag tto great' t o to tk bd' wa back tavttlagly banked•sasws <strong>of</strong> a<strong>of</strong>teat rhlffoa aad ata naillni lamp with a calf-.' at a we*-Keaawallefllyaway.Whra ttoptok•to waasa mot allow hsrailf||a|' ^rr|( , |hu „,„ , o . ^^ttuutorrn t'sllforaia l« ontuojlly fatuivd»llh Muubioe. but tbnv HVOM10 be no rva»oo shy this re- oomlralnwHh.-l <strong>of</strong> iM-attaf water tbuulJ not!•• u-.1l la otbrr parti <strong>of</strong> tbe coaairy.luring bo». tunny weslber.»eaVllnir square u. «h. for wbirh tto|Jalo. making a vsrlrty <strong>of</strong> cskes fromus many pur-1 Uouw worn provl !••« a backsround.w <strong>of</strong> *^{" tba mU-lsMraa . . . _ Caokarr.Hats That Match Merry Eyesui> <strong>of</strong> a namt>rr <strong>of</strong> I wbrn ih>> materials use! la Ito hat atTASTY DISHES.Tfcilfl U «U«4y •arstas. via* vp««4-SnJ IbJ atokitDo* <strong>of</strong> *ut«.-lla whil >• u. aat alul r» sbi't.t«^«u*« if r* ii «a tut >• U."Tto following dUtoa are like let*-e. a spleaatd'carment. but not ft*for constautonl.«. UoUtt-u -lib a tablnpoo<strong>of</strong>ul Cover aweetbmd* wtth lee water.or l»« erf vlnrgar: hnc to tto psa and with a tablespooaful <strong>of</strong> vinegar added,•.-re.- on tbe tiwaior*.Let sund one hour. Parboil 30 mlarttmtthCarrots^-Csnaed summer «•«• Cut In cubes or sUees aad. brown to a bottrrrd saucepan. Serve,with tto following sauce: Ooe rup-ra _ # I ito prejudice gay and carefree as this trio. Far- j beanr trll tto story <strong>of</strong> this bat aad otrtt one Ublespoo<strong>of</strong>ttl <strong>of</strong> butter, add Sne shndded yrtlsw rtod. oae table-Katast red hair. -Never lode* at redt^H+XpeopW. toases." raas a prsbobblagtassel, pert bow. or tying ;«•< <strong>of</strong> yarn WTIIM "Sols" for It and oolon aad half a teaspoonfu! <strong>of</strong> sugar. bl««po<strong>of</strong>ifnl <strong>of</strong> orange asarmalade Lettons It is tocsuse this mlltiaery. with | It has a nappy ending—« dancing tss-four tablrsnoonfuls <strong>of</strong> finely chopped •oooaful <strong>of</strong> orange juice, aad oae ta>ceot la the nft«««lh osatary "Bok* <strong>of</strong> cods. Is lea plain than tto majority <strong>of</strong> J Joins tto company <strong>of</strong> many •««~-'»r Cover aad let cook very slowly oa an aU cook together 'until boiling, thancitasje." "for these be folks that axtodrede." Accocdtog to one tradition sod ribbon aad locks aad everything I Tim* baa added yvara enough to tto add one cupful <strong>of</strong> toef stock, aad ata- aVewaiaa Ctoetawta^—IJee tto) larajahats made for girts. It has vrtvrt I curia.sstoatoa mat. until atlghlty brown; pour over tto sweetbreads.this distrust <strong>of</strong> red-haired peapte dates lo make It a Joy to pretty wearers, j history <strong>of</strong> tto girl at tto left to alaadwe mast concede ttot It maletoa . low her a hat that looks much like a carrots and let atsad over hot water make two torlatoaa at right angles taBMT until tto eaioa la leader; add ttoItalian ctostnata. With a abarp knifeap well with daarlsg carts abl marry turban made <strong>of</strong> velvet. It has a modtryes.' Bed tarn crown with a band <strong>of</strong> tacked aaety mlok-ed parsley Jo* befuru serv- side <strong>of</strong> rara nut. Cover wtta boOhsgV BlBUM or Icagar. Sprinkle with each other through tto atoU oa oa*)water aad let cook for bait aa hoar.We jest eaaaot get away from loag- veivet Inserted about It. At tto sidesapped furry bearer to children's • lna Praia, aad keep tot valla resaovtagP and end <strong>of</strong> veinrt sre wired toewee Caatarla* OUL tola, but it ha* not a monopoly to • t » nJ oat at a saury angle, and ihU *f siastod potabMa wtth a ptot <strong>of</strong> tto atoll and thto toaar akto. CookIssalBg tower <strong>of</strong> PVa tto smart aallor with upward-roiltog Joan* person baa arrivnt at tto dlg- «our. lifted wtta half a teaspooafal <strong>of</strong>» an.1 large puff* salt. Add milk snoagh to make a tat-Turter like griddle cakes, then add twowtta <strong>of</strong>tro, draia aad sprtokla tightlyli* t'oiter. «i-rv» Ue«pou<strong>of</strong>uls *f toller untU Justsilb one Ubievpooaful <strong>of</strong> tbe following brown. Add two UMnpooafUls <strong>of</strong>mixture on hU«|ioonful<strong>of</strong> buttrr. ooo tra-pooo- T. stir until *mooth. Add one putful <strong>of</strong> «UEar. two <strong>of</strong> dry mustard, a <strong>of</strong> good-seasooed stock, simmer 30d*»h <strong>of</strong> Mlt. a H>rtnkto <strong>of</strong> raymae and mlautca. strsin. skim <strong>of</strong>f tto fat. addIb.- )..lk <strong>of</strong> a hard-cook«l egg. Add one-half cupful <strong>of</strong> currant Jelly andto 1I1U two tablnpoonfaU each <strong>of</strong> stir over Ore until melted.co-ii*-.! mm prt>t»-r. parsley and SisMtbwad* Wrtk Oraasje Ssarenarrow strips and cook to a little wa-1 lshle»poonfuls <strong>of</strong> ejubbltog tot butter.tabUapooafuls <strong>of</strong> aseited butter. Bleodooe-bslf yeast cato with two tahlespoonfula<strong>of</strong> water aad onsnuarter <strong>of</strong>a tea spoonful <strong>of</strong> soda: beat this Intotto totter. Let rise until light andMl <strong>of</strong> bubbles, then bake la greasedBuAto rings. Serve coveml with gravy•Uh a roost or fricasseed chicken.beans aad season wtta chopped taeoaand tto hot fat alas a « «CJ>mc rontsmi/omaa could walkbrtstiaa city wllj.. .^- ._.. - ^wa. Ps^. who wt.athodlat CbarrhMaatoU la wideAfMlOtagetlst aad bibleu»» <strong>of</strong> wood fsr' 4T * *** * b-r "'"«the rural dla- tholr "*"" *••"" auuie »* •"*•K urced by Htalr B. Oe> A.•kill as a mrnaa * Daaghtara <strong>of</strong>-**»ot fuel sltua-' by ibe scarcity CoaacO ** t * -Til. To tbu ead. •*-. Ball last Tha«r ito publics,-hs>« bees seatvisitorsCaassatmaIcullui*! agents. sa. Mrs.

Wif!i •' -•«0.i»V>_*SATOBDAT.WMVSaHTMT THOU MtfB ^^ ^M&t flwkwl tttec laaaO( MUM» • •*•*, howorar. that«to tl» •Harta* haa tatafr laaa a-*•** •• »•*•»« ooald BoaaMr tabL aoMtr. •xaiiuifrtir ».»sifl/ AN AFTCAL ran TH« BOY*.MLimimttt imittliiiiWiWi .Mat WBBB »*5f» It Ja Uat* UM mab <strong>of</strong> OCMB CHJlSt St.tt la aot baatbaatoa tola a dnaanr aad tha Mt'^hty ^ta cal Rla fkte.t rtail T»«aa»a. >iit fcrtMa<strong>of</strong> Bt* tlte*•*attbat Uw kava o« this C«T rtoaU haradata mad par* aadway. Tbaa It wooMIT tor tba boya to I•Wa amy «f ftortoaa wM aad UaHU Mat H« aant b* dotac •naninlait»emOi1^«MOT.hte«hi wwym^ta<strong>of</strong> taeday. TbTtaria?i«W«ntmiw(y>»«- H»t»»» «at -"nan <strong>of</strong> tfta Imniiil «•>auay <strong>of</strong> Hi* fbOovan ten UuM tt m ^ yooth aMk a aemnl onttet.aaflk. jDQlUtadw ft>*«tmad pioat- w. atodTkWtt«n oat<strong>of</strong>tbTwaytoUawad bo- twrftU taadm »>«• .bomVI oyareema art wttTS* «•ad aaaillif. Bat afllloaa wa «tm danariasalwayi «o dtaaai Uw isodtaft la tbat tratf taad. who bava aot oMdvaTUM vbolanaMartlvite. ttebowadtb»Ka»»teBMl.aadaHIMoaa 5^5, tbet , - umaj ' «••ose* TTTT 1 ?— <strong>of</strong> tba faOovara <strong>of</strong> unilailnMaMoak. today stsad «a tor ' tba reoau<strong>of</strong> tb« pn«nallboaor Him - ^J^J 1^. 0 "* oa Maa—bwjtor frtaarfa «a chra tkalrTa hab> iMtll tba tkitft kakttoesAHorryTTTU A TMUCT 00,. M.4.-First Costbattcfy taisnttti yriot»WQIafd wtto dbaaco«t more. H> docs a WB-UrdBntrrv. Buttaotltturn tatt tf yoo Un artmt «tn»irn. or «rcA#- MMMW-HBMB mmm Cmmt. Bna. I M UA. Saa «adfiiijaiiiilii gin Iiu aiphai> 8M f«B- aaad. Mr.C H. SHOEMAKER LUMBER COMPANYThe <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>*dissociationFMaidwt. Bar. JUMBBL Uka, D. IX, Oewa CBy, H. iVkaPkvaidnt; Bar. P. A. DdUite. a D,WaatGala.SBBBjo4.RX.tentaiy.Bar. W. EhnB Ufa, M. A, MMttx R *E.G.GOcMaCtty.N.1.WBban ChaOm.«-*.OewaCU7.tfasPDpoJtrChriaiin8dUBiaBMort.kiV>cstedoatfaaOc««iFroat;aftwmJaad nadMd by tfaa BheMe aad W8tnat Wbazf, aad Biittai liltrnaJ tnm iWba«t Fhflad^Ua. Bond** tkkate a»d fordays. Fain BJII Sanrka. Ttew~priatacthaaBtindty, aadar PL,An Ad?eTtiscacat k The LedgerBnogt Rftwro.-•;,,,-MA*Ban.NtatbM onarad tram Oty ^Btr—«0tory ta Ood. - oa bUdtmcl-• attadwd to apwtlcaUou watchtotbaordar<strong>of</strong>flM.M.1r aropoaal. aa althat tba lattmftil Mdaarta tb* oa at K Btrl<strong>of</strong> bat aaa to b* a aartty eoaa-livi; •>.•••»•'?'at Mow Jataay. that tbay w«lttaht toivtoct aay or all Mda mtowatmaayt<strong>of</strong>anaalttytaaBTbldorBABBT A MORRIS,wCtty CVrfc.Iniatbai II HitMOTK&•f tba Board <strong>of</strong> CoavlBar. bald OB Ib* aftaaatb day <strong>of</strong> D». mt, adto*nad to tBMt Maa-- ML tttt. at ».«$ o--to rasal** taa: - - BABBT A MORJOS. <strong>City</strong> Ctoik.at tha baar <strong>of</strong> »aaa ta tha OBB>ta tajac* aay ar allaatomttaat CHy CWrtL ILAOMCS, TAKB MOTICt.atatJ< OaeaaV Ull AJ*aibowa oa.tbaa1itri.au toator. Ma T. OOtooa.1 W aaa.A DOZEN GIFTSFarlhaPMeo<strong>of</strong>OMa.YOU BAY. MBtty ChriataMTCRIBNER'SMAGAZINEIHorseshoesAsk Any Doughboy Who* Was "Over There" 4nd he «iB ttO ye* taat Ain«a*« laflww* ••fa ldtoads—ia Tnglaail aa4tka heat l»7 ooe—«»i h etaar Gt*>Hw paxt nafaowb bvrt played iapfAa Uatod States fabeyonduriaai laJIfoadi leas atmkrTcdaHt <strong>of</strong> pobHe aerTfco«a« JBIllllft Of aifB«ttk*y*foda<strong>of</strong>aadtotaaby tkefor mratda for vaiki at tae world—«•BBV iamatad fad d t k—aad farIWOBB-•BMS tkaX WMIKVaTlVPA. bUK VDUavf mtd•aV^^VBt^BBB BBBB-«BB>BB> ^V ^fJ^BBBa fJBBBJMiZDi.<strong>Ocean</strong>•ail aw ba>Ddbr boyiOCEAN Cmr ELECTRIC SERVICEATLANTIC CITY BLBCTRIC CtMWAMTis BoominBUYNow is Ae tine to tdect yoor BuSdBng Lot or Lots, they wfliTAAv^a^BB^*^aa Ba^^Bk ^a^*k ^•^^•h^a^^h^aak ^kt^Bh^a^ai^^kBerer DO •• cucap •gatii.Luge, beaadfol kome titet for a home or ta taTftataaBatt withlaaiaitcd poMJhiltict for tacnaae m«ahM to the pvthneri <strong>of</strong>RMI Eatate in OCMB <strong>City</strong>^\aAriBBBB>am B^4a*aa? u mi •!•?• m raaiT H f 1 «*a«j1l - -** -v_ 1 --vcnn ^nj is groifioQ npMiqr on. win cosraoo to cowyoaRIGHT<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, the greatest family retort in America. Thooaantk<strong>of</strong> vmton come aanoally to its Hotek, Cottages aad BoardingHones, and as tardy as <strong>Ocean</strong> C^ coadnacs to grow, sosarehj will its Real Estate increase ia valoe. By waiting yoaare delaying your pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> yoor porchsse. Buy in the center <strong>of</strong>activity, among Chtathes, Schoob, Stares and beaotifol Cottages.NOWNeaifjal oar BaUino Lota are 40 x 100 ft.aad larger msue. Pkices laaoe.frem $350.00 toward*. Thiak <strong>of</strong> eachan opportomty. OorlotswiBcte soidnpidly and we naty increaseprkc>.lhsndklUelEstaiefaaiubr«wh«. CaH aad Listyow Property with me. I amtheNewRealRstateasaa,H f BmBBS aamak ^aTa^Bmaaa& BaBBBr^B^BaT^BBW B^^a^aTBaBFawnaaaj a^SB^lBK^BrawaBB BvBaTB a^ ^B^BV^B^BMJ^BBBBBBMa» aaaaBaBB> *Ba*a> ^V^^^BjBaa aa^BBBB vaBajaaaBaa a§ waWaBBpaBwjaWBjaabw) *•> aaWaa^BaaaaBBF waaawBap ^BB#BaFBJBBjaaBBBaBBjaBarfor tale and rentReal Estate - 838 Asbctry AvenueJOHN T. SEALABBOTTSDairiesBTDIBI Ajo> Wax* ATBarttaOOMMOTV. M.LABWTTS "A" -fHXCol Your Fuel BfflS=T"ALLEN P. LEVERINGOaa,B.iaacmaa voa TMC OCCAM env|ALLWOWC GUABANTCED.JOHNR. GROVEStttAaVwyAOCIAH CITT. I. J.CLINTON L. BRECKLEYPAINTERVraBSaal BaBl 'ADVERTISE IN THE LEDGER... vaant iMaltlt|k« .with lanaaa-titba ov«ala> at Iba'.,J araaka a«a, thafa'aai,Wat vaeiaaal for v "[rlooa leeal onajo^lqnarton for Uw,_I at «t CUMMi atiMt,.•M.09*t tb* campalsBi'Md Mar nnalas low. Howaiiot ladtaat* that aalary M« la'all tarts <strong>of</strong> Iba.Bdrada <strong>of</strong> aaala ara aaat*l. TuawaOoaa aalaa it at pnaaat from Manor'RMavwood. wb*r* Oantod population or «.H#,}•• baa alraadr baaa i«ak*« too jwato Bar* tewMmd »lannrh an 10 unit parkat toraaalrad la ratob. aoa«b'| la tba eaaaatcm.aty aad Radaoa Coontr«to> aaM to b* boooUac.nBotta rroai otbar S•a** raacbad Earaaat D.««IIT«» awntarr <strong>of</strong> tbarabtmitaato 1«M«*. I 1 '•He*. lUayba*aan»• baaiaaartlaia forttiac tbat Iho aaaibw» by tb* Nattoaal At.'• t»*a dteaoaad <strong>of</strong>.m Haaaablra stood Oiajtotb*.• wit* fnurUaa aea»aUl Nrtba Uat. with foar ualaiao *m thatJadstac tmm tba — ' *If all iho HKII duertoaa onxnlw.tfomM ai«n wlU M.nd >;l«b*r oa,It did teat rear. jfact a*f«r*-l******* COXOfTKMf iiaf *«"•'" Mill*, aa ac*d coMK tb* aaM a-Kf Ocaaa <strong>City</strong>, 1a in «|^"Wmt iitiM. Wbta ii.rI* ; **yaJ«ood tlaM. •t <strong>of</strong> tb* aftefaoot i••a tb* rafraabiaatv»d *t aa artlatkall% tb* pradoaUaatlBcant Conoa.I. Bradford Wldahr, (b* laitarMU<strong>of</strong> Maatar ta BM <strong>of</strong> wood for!"**i> Ib* rorai toaklU aa a BMaaag »M Br*-at by tb* faal MnttylOa altaa-{* Vy tb* Mntty•Ml. To Ula *ad.F P -a f ib MM». Imatbar wtu• lalnwat aad aMltbawaaMlac faea tnmw*** atraaaa IBby chitottoa Iaaij MUhty ', coansa abJMBt9. tba'cbareaaa ifco.., thank.ntistoaa tadPa>. who 'Chan*MaahaU to 'KiVK*vam :^•>* " ' 1 •

• $ , *!> * • ^J ^ S - I B ^ •, .-..V.^i : -fy\K •:;• bv;';-;.^'>^;iiv;,..i ,;V< v. ^.^:i^;(:Siisags*ii1#-vf.ML•:,&.:. i• \.$>. :l^-v- *11,0 ,M .'• j i ^ . •••/:•?;'.• :1IMlMS*i ! l •j »»'; mW S£1 jrtane aafldlai *Ami <strong>On</strong>er, N i'' IMkka? Jtoka)**FTUM aeJattnc ,Ovaer. Joe. M. U».imi|. Xo remain are bc-SOJBOO brad thl« y.-ur."Ihe tvlnWr nnd rnrlhoa are the•••e; the rWnd.-rr l> domemlnitA] a»lthe cariboa wild. The n-lnr. whichwre domeatlcnird Nf..r,- hlaiory br-*»o. can «row fat where cattto wnaldUilp 3.fO)x»io corraiGOOD PEN SKETCH OF BERNARDBonanl Barara, «fen U a p*n ifcrtrfe <strong>of</strong> hJm at the*al lfitatril lfi«ta«trial rtinft*n*fi4«ahly. trim,kreo, opra fare, (ray uatt^ianr%*. qalrtc nutvias. «)rctjlTfrtrixlly, mnurrvful and a* IHtU- ut-Sflr.1 Hltt) bImM-lf a> a tiaadxuntf nun>hre b«>. IT» la !!>•• D^wrr type fAtarrimn J?v. Am**rlcan lift* hasprv»x-d almnM tb^ ln»t rntlcv <strong>of</strong> bublood fn^cn bU mlra. It la a »tron£bloi-l. t.ut Ihla la a •Iran rUHUatlon•re are maktas brre, and In lUracb vsbaa In Ita puwvr th- - - OMtrni rtTlllutloot hi. Moodln» at.illty to potBARUCHA -V^l D f Bnny °T Bbout 2O9 JW>^"^ ' ' rullitoryvoold meet the.ton C March. ctl*f <strong>of</strong> ataff. dorlorcaiUrrt focoda his Jodjfn« <strong>of</strong> tae world war. Thatprortd conrloalTely. be aajm. that abilityto be arlf-aaatalnuaT faron InoVflnit»prrloJL prmtded the army waa adequatelyptvvmnd. waa tbe natldo'aaraatast miutary atSo far aaBOOM OX •TtBITtarUar* <strong>of</strong> baiea by aa enemy cuotroUlacthe aaa and mteot on landlnxtroopa.ut airen army carpe. maintained at half atreagu, la Deaca tlmca. Tbe propoaaiaUw drpartmeat pmeotrd trntaUfdy to rauicH dcHmih. —.-i ,, M| 1Q_- Oeo bntmdarloa. aa ho believe* theyought t.i bo. between Canada and thein .1,7 \LJTJ•—•'•*•. uowr anineWlthnt boundary ahoald be bedwhereby about &000 .nonre mile, <strong>of</strong>the «tnt«. Of uatno ahoald be added tnCanada." Sir Andrew elaborate, on«f the St. Univnre. Thlato thtrlr Joat and senedlaaualns v.uya und rucaaa.FOR "fir*MJ« *rv an- uJcul .iluCalifornia Is last Wbrt_jn Superdreadnaugbts•lemin.ll>^ feet wonld be 3 ^ ^r"«L f -'h« an e«lma,^ .p^., <strong>of</strong> a ^ Tu m n.-r iMrtato^firvllcu; toai-bloe.In cnmml«aloo tbe California willre a rrvw <strong>of</strong> l.trfi mm and rjt oA-."i". 0 *,"" ru»> "Partly <strong>of</strong> u«u '•«?!L-U * mttm * t "i «n«t »U la fBli r»rr sreat torblnea art-»»».— -"l»vt«l |USome Bull's-Eyes and Stray Shots by tho Younq Idaa n p ^ . ^ •*aytb»loo' we have tbe fuJl- li r-!tblr.~ Ttu- rUu In Enill-A blttory_ sod killed tbna all." -E-Ji-iiit. If hi* m->ibir bod tos-o a KO." *K—in> White Koipua>lar\-rr Mailed acala." "terrlbl* for the laburrn. tv» they w«rv furn-l l 0)y the thon»anda that Ul«l-We derte* rartoaa bit* <strong>of</strong> biocraptiy: "Ut-ajaoUa Fmnklln rrotor>- lathing Your BowcttVerffc Harsh Cathartic* but•f . t Bka "Cucanta."|aj|aa» moat occaamoanr BITP tho-^Bjaa malar kcip •» clae inf.mck bcadoena.bart walp.OM kowda into ao>t««B karas cataarUn.r |A* Brer aod beweU need it aa»l aafafal toeie. one that no-^raaoBrd wttkont harm. Thetear aad bowel tonic U "Ctalaarput ate IfTtr to work{tmnu*. bow. <strong>of</strong> CM. I The vTCrv«l Crttlo.my ln«t canvnn," mildAHEUMATTSM'•1*10 Ct* Umpo.-ary relief. Tbe airknatnitl to hralthby<strong>of</strong> aaSerere from rbra-(nrrl and otbtr'affxttonT*. tint, atnenac*i. bladotr. NoKjmtption.• aHma lo me ttxiv la a tax oa: but talk no tbo U-oinie t>f•WRO. FOR HEADACHEAtpOiu• oa CttauiMaajBaytfoa "Hajer TatK-t> "f A^pula"lno••* 1 ««»>!t*-ii*afaiiMB 001AW OlfV UMBl 061AH CITY H. J.Jewel or Monb and eonmwere oar own UauRhtcr."mounilnf *»"*« to the door.. Harold Draw ~ nnr *'" Mrrrltt haa bocoThey w ^^*l> I niMlr h.Itillmatcd Ur.ThttT had chevalier.nnrtd ;'»«• *""H.wh.. w 7h.. f ,,mfil-.ty l^l,..w .K u'rt nn !I !h£ So tST'i «^'«"rt"*"'«ew. «""» »">« ''"rlJ- haunle.1 ,he h.*-, , ,drrn. rL^^J 1^ "" lr m( * ot '-'-" nut ">« y»u"S phr-urlan *•• Covered It With Kla.ee.Tuflda.'»'• »«' mafrlullie a» e»|»«ea. aud . nk|n(, ,„ ^..^ my w|f(., ond fl,I AH Ibrr knew wa. that tbe prvtiy 'J* P* 3 ? < f, T # lh fB ? KC *ooJe "" I'Dulae B"aie fr»"i the funrral ..f In. t.->..:ti^r.• prr*crU>ed by rhyilcluna for bricrn.- «l-li him a nl»ifu! .-.xl •;:.!•• J«*ra. Hand)- tin t..ira <strong>of</strong> 13 ' fa.. J ran- cf a elrt.io*t few ceota. Ajplrla U trade i • l_ap- U* ».i.J t.. hi. n.f,-. -thj. i>•a "»J«T Uannfartore <strong>of</strong> ilooo- I Rhrda Jlar-h. a por.r ..n-b» -Uilitr <strong>of</strong> Sallcjllcactd.—Adi. J anou m- c ll.fr a.l.'(ii-l. sb» ha>' pU«-n hrr Ibfr tenj^rr»t »ar\- to the la»l—. Affection. ' b-.ur ut Utr .ito i od »i< a M^.lac to•Bdn. I.H.T, bl» wwrtt ' brr ol.l ic. Hhe la left Mlihoot i' rrplint Mr. Gronrnt-r: "tut b"m. ShocW »* cl'e h'r oner"a* a topic at rur.v*-r»atN4i." "Wt-.tioaJd. an.1 »v •balL" c-jtoe the'Quick rrply. aa lira. Itrm-e raz.'.l intoBOSCHETS SYRUP.•"hi probably tha ont cca£U dUirdi-ni and w««n n.-tfeOo orid»«r tbo Lut flftythrfounrea. and rrad Ibrrv Iralb aod tnr" roc *aml * ""° lfu !. app ' !° ,•"ff' "' ma " fI " 1 "^ wmrolWHa."»»»" r «' a » • trat <strong>of</strong> tbe rVWIly and"H-jmtkr <strong>of</strong> the «lrl S~* merstn*»•• > UM * ««»»nood. limb ..; ibe*»Hdi»o ««» taken *mn «lih a dan-*" from coinrntrwlA «-• *" qturantnvrd. Hhoda hratrd ibr^ on In rtTZli . M •' pr"U.rf mtrrtlnn. r»y and niihl ab<strong>of</strong>amlllc* ell mir tb'•"Id. Sold e\trjvbm—.\.V.y 1»'•h* fartwr iJftiMewa Tallat Tr^•?••"•! y.«ir aku keep it dearCuilroro yoar ct»-ry-w^ii^i wi adta* te k» I ^r ikrir lecoeary.«»«e» . 10, ut MUr»j tar •«•plan- Ibrorfllf L irul brt- or* beamed witbjay and hopplnr«a whenever ttie aaaIn tarlr pmrocaThe paytirtaa who attraded Iheralldria waa Albloa Mentrt. lie hadenured the pr<strong>of</strong>raaaoa Ihe. protece <strong>of</strong> aaralthy man. aad had acaatnd a...—... .« ^^M»». .i^ .nH a *whea the littlei coaraloanat that he bad roatexolMr. Broce.fheod.II•Brerei," he «kt 1 cannot tod11meroa to eiprrae my admlratioa and 11t«aalae tana? a aat lomaa,mlrtleioe her* tm , f,, # <strong>of</strong> tho-> wtn R, r7' mlB, rluvr ^-o.Me. «cr. y.u and I oo aIDS am.*c tbr former r«JoVui. <strong>of</strong> tb- nu °' f - r 8 »""« ^w •»rch th.-re n:«lil.tt.i un.l li.T h.titljiT. • Joy. tlvli^hr.t\»n>r rilMfc-uici it^- »lu•»tabllab fuctnrk^ to nianufacturu It InMvrrnl ruuiitrtiiLEa»*rt—Wonder will thla reducu tbecoat <strong>of</strong> Ihc >uodulrb«a avned at rail-1road luucbrmiuiM? 'Ero lnv.nl"! rlnthcm.. iDonrdlni: IUIUMK IUIUM-K drive u lot <strong>of</strong> Ihcirvictim* i c t i m * !•• nuitrlinnny.t l I[Qoo Ditui'sJ•:;j- : r -.-^ :^-^- -_atoaa Copy <strong>of</strong> WkaspabPolk MiDer'sLiver PillsPeraMng <strong>Dec</strong>orated.at American aoMIrr had JuMtinlafied palotlnz a d.«>r panrl In oouuf Ibe halla <strong>of</strong> lh rroaTYBtaraTajc"BLUE8aused byStomachPATONICtMDaattoM SMI Cartotmaa aoal aamJ laa Now Jeraay TalUo and tbe other 1.•hoot the ateata are t:' Ptthont the Stale are IIJOO.OOO with which |next year'* health pnOmnit with auree.u In thlath«> npxnlnir <strong>of</strong> the ram•I *r-eki< ait.i. ihoro naa be,4inl demand for mnro aeeJ* PoatoOeaitioun loml orronliatlonaTj * MOI>d 'hoadfiiiarleni for the aealcd m 41 Clinton alrcet. J10.000.000 sealu on hand •<strong>of</strong> tho ranipalin. and Ita af** IM8VII nniare'ja:laa etiy. by»ey will rtn^.: | Kh or on u ,„ „, tltfII did lam ; -.;r. .imedl'T'- etfTtAtU*: M»ITIO\ ^j thou.ao.ia»" Klllle. an act roloa <strong>of</strong> do|! • :<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> nty. u M| at f the aald J .V_"'"' «»*nuc. When aotnd dnaea and • tlon by•ted women happened Mid for over a I.UIIan !nn rwltr.1 one <strong>of</strong> Ed«a, lh», i-t.aioahI"-; Mr. Anna lUrrl*,^ op ,|| hla 'a vocal rolo. ami a nu'n, B(1 ,h» famo*'Una M»n wrrt- pl.ye^ w, ,. Mnf ," Joll> l.m... y r^^. <strong>of</strong> rum.irlu.loa <strong>of</strong> ih.- rvenUK-od and r»n like•enl. ».. tr » nni „ ,^ <strong>of</strong> oM htgbl.ur,al §_ u>| „„,„,«,

' • ; > • . . ."•-', ; ::Vri:^-^:-!-1-:^"j^XV^r-"-.^-.*-^^4^^"^^^v?S^t?i^:52£^^i 3 ®i^sS^^^^S^^-SfeS^X^H""S^"^i^"?-=?Ti = •• i .-^"V--^v-:-!-WVv'-rv^^"^:.••'>*.';^ M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^suet*3{.v* • • !IN THE CHURCHESIN TH* •BTHomrr OHUMN.• Methodist Charca. The h«nl nialBriMM*tattrm—taar." The apeaher<strong>of</strong> th* ehttjoa m aot, that^'»!!"2 I _ »"«••• aetttmaaetotlaUag treaties norwomea with dear«"ttWM MU«IC AT•I agka wJr tkt idols <strong>of</strong> her father.HOLY TRINITY.Baaoa can* tbe idols -ay Mob."Jscokepeaka b k <strong>of</strong> f them ssstraags gods- Ttwebolr <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinity Kpbxo-It wa« a short step from tbe worship P" 1 Church baa bean faithfully ro<strong>of</strong>tbasa thmga which Ood bed made! •** nU "« tb* beautiful Christmas -t> tba thtaga which maa made,tasalt <strong>of</strong> this waa tb« "God shaott entirety, „ _ ^ _ . .•del worship aad Idol substitute wor- "•» **d. Ul*. ae eight o'clock In tb*ship. la oar land there ta aot the «""«h. for the bencflt <strong>of</strong> th* annaeetahtmhment <strong>of</strong> carved Images, but J"* 1 - The music lovers <strong>of</strong> Oceaathere m a mental condition which m Cltr cannot afford to miss this treat• "• • u aa It U claimed by an wbo are tamfl-_ iblp tar w 'th Chrlatma* music that this Isdid. There are ambitions <strong>of</strong> the m- OB# <strong>of</strong> th* prettteet cantatas publish.dMdaal aad amhltloaa <strong>of</strong> tbe family •*. and la* choir <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinity can»Wch are destruction <strong>of</strong> the best. »• depended upon to give sallsfsctoryAmhrlioB m a most esssatlal quallfl- •"•aalte. Tbos* wbo beard this choiritaMy <strong>of</strong>taai ban bean the coatrolllac S? k coaUtead lam a maa-s atlad recardlasa ^*"Bu *r <strong>of</strong> Christmas- la prettier!. «" aad JasUca. Tbra them >ad wOl be better balanced aad rradaredA Hirer <strong>of</strong>fertac win be re-aatan m the eadksa qasatlOqOfb. Tbea the world la madod and third• tb* roaad <strong>of</strong> eajaymeat vhlchv * n * aaUHab*d. aa idol whleb Is hard Sopranos-Mrs. Baby Dustaa.<strong>of</strong> no Impartial*tbe Idols <strong>of</strong> hsmaattT loreac* Claytoav andtw « l toto tabl drtd Aastla.m TM« BArnaT CHURCH.*.a. «*••"••i Aastla, JoaaBaaday m tb* Tint Baptise Chorea Hanywfll sad H. Holt." ****T Bdy- d James Aastla.nUMBAMHBPart I—That Pieahnj.aad toerraalaB *arh *•—Cbara»—-Piaalit, taw days come.ssHh Ike Lord." O «-«•-«-• —'- the pastor preach-. "The FaaUty aa aKms aad la»i)t*».Tha Aaaas"** ta L2"iT- A i- 1^ * * y "* *-*opr«ao Solo and Cbora*-ThaBOB a* spoke <strong>of</strong> la* dream <strong>of</strong> uttl Oabrial was ast from Ood."^^^Vj^J-f" »f* Part n-Tha VU~ <strong>of</strong> the RbeptMrda.tba beans <strong>of</strong> His people aad ••""C •> •«* Said.- "Aad tbaaot aam the artactpks <strong>of</strong> JaaaTvrra !?*TL"*!L"'°JiM" : TOor ' to *>*tepot tato al oar bamaa raUtloaahlps.tk * hl « 1 >—«'— He ahawiid tw U not coBmldered or re-1 "a** all j* failhfoL-— j '^Si*~ "T** 1 - *** asoaad text la anIaad maatata ratajiaa throosheoraf<strong>of</strong>ied Hu8ok>--ABak*,i2jyVoaSaSrliJ ** Not only 1 ii did' WIUlTlltirr WCCK MKVicu.??••. •• ••*• aJa ehUdrsa after himaoal •• aad y* ahafl i>o ha«* betawrite them oa the door potts <strong>of</strong> thin*! X 1 "* lorth* familyStat* m th* ertHclal. sttariort»* moat tattmal*<strong>of</strong> raUtloaahlps where eharaetertULWratma. what ftto Ura nthtlowtr » "*»ad!«anf people eaiu3•hat braach oTWn wer» ail sood and»>«ae win turr*f,.BELL PHONBToo also wfll ba happy toaeconat with tha rtrat^Muto aoa or daachter. "~This ChrlstniitsThe New Real Estate HanJOSEPH L PEACOCKJM AAmy Aimm Ocmm Okj.lH. }.f-mbassert aWCaaiag.IMI Eatah) fa «|•srWamp.am.am.srfB»w.a«mi.immw siRICHARD E JOHNSON CO.High Grade Pfamboi*846 A*bary A-mw, Oe^n day, H. J.H* Or*. •« farH(B OM f/srfcTNI MAUTYOfOUR WALL PATCHttaal aad eepedaDy ataee forv* aartlcalar room. That k<strong>of</strong> thamoat haadsaaMly oecocspapersthat cams from Alfred R.tie MkcUoa. Tom ara always wet-SW-iS -ALTUOII. MMTMSIWIH, The Tbismh%735 Asbury AvemeBaUPkoMtS-W.ANNOUNCEMENTthat I hawi oaeaaa a Realst*«A J B^A«*awa.Oo*aaCir«. Real Eatam la allI «J1 L. ^-J .. v.^a. T ^ p,.,,,,,,,,. caiJOSEPH U PEACOCKe-«A-»»,Avw.»a,^lT e W J£"£-^» Child—By the£hool. .Board <strong>of</strong> Omwmsloaara waa h*M ea aflh ajaawfc taaa^ by Mre. Bsjtha._ .. ^. ._^. M Kaeigs. Oaistatas CaaaVs-By, noBday aftsraooa at S o'clock with Voas aad Mra. Harrkw VaaOOdartarn WO* Mks. Director ff>>sn •!>. t^^-. ,-». hSTUvJirtrthi7o*«?aryiTt | irett, «d the Wtl. Wk. kaw. their* 1 "' •*• • "•' «*•«• am1 "» • Oto - ""SCf^" 1 " L *«« 1> - B » PrB> !tleaadTnamCB. aatta weB. Ta. program waa aa tat-^w, 1^0^.1, vokas <strong>of</strong> th* Sky." we* •" "»"•• . i BeiwH <strong>of</strong> the w-a^».. | M lm, I lews:taapeetor. with chock far ma, were rataor Chrmtmaa. B**lrle«aaskm.! liSv^aad otdeiwd •todT^ Chitatmaa «Blrll. K. BMrtagham.' * d aad carried that Ibe Caoermg I M W , Jasspblsi Oostt.j coatract for scrapsr Tb* First WwiaO Soaa, •cheoL»as imy Itsehbaatr saag a bea»HlIdtttes aad Ih* Hens* oommnuwia en w^w. «i, k woaderfal mterpretatloa ^SLJpSSi, n.»r puv.— Ds»la*.whohsa**«B|f*rrt*« tbe rales- Yoa have Jast aat ^.j «a*ldsrahle siSSBa-Th. B**t ChrmtmasNlcht- aad an th* bars far naesmslioa <strong>of</strong> oaVers. Bs sure prate*.—Bvetya Chesteryat eight o'clock.StSiita-If vaa were a ttttl* her to this <strong>of</strong>fset.y p<strong>of</strong> a wraad.^olntwl to arrange^ B dM — _HarryiBmlth7 H l t h 7 A latter was read rad from IrHag IHa Pitch. Pith Carfstmas Wish. ...rraah ClaytoaarthiayHats <strong>of</strong>f to IHCTtOW OP- OWIdlll *£Z5£5i Ckranaa. Wmb-H*. etork <strong>of</strong> lbs Board <strong>of</strong> PrSoU*^ „_ . „ C*** ..V*rh*y.whereat he endossd a cony <strong>of</strong> a resadjoafwedmeetlag <strong>of</strong> tie I Elmer Jsckxm Peart. Orov«r dere-j8^?* a 'SS 11 " v "*» "•**• *»"»•mmaloBsrw oa w«na*sday ' Und Gordon and Earl Sharp. At a regularPaw iimaiis kw Paatsr aad OaOea otalloa paaMd by th* Board tastes' *T PavUa <strong>of</strong> the Fifth Gradeth* roatrart antrart for the remov- |f. If. funny f unn> how tb* tbe boy. who wbo dMVt CNt ; Chapter. atpw. No. ; J_^ Jey. Jersey.eatb etmet to nrty-afth street. £•**•••" James Howr>t0 ckriMtmrnt Alrakla (astag a ab> from Central aveaae to th. Bay. Thai "W* 1 *ef garbage was award-! uiak they would like to pUy shnfte week. Ibe following <strong>of</strong>florrs were| r>t0 ckriMtfool alrahte medo by atr. Wm. OaV completes th* cosumctlouas referred "f 0 *•••• *fO*"*?l»**» OaMQt*Daagaty aad Ben). C. board bang oa the uhle*. Evea Doe eUcted:fool alrahteCltT^ rJ^TTneHMnV. -filnter Ale" »s learslag te H. P.-WUUm Baaek.berO-AaberO-Aanrrrtsenrrrtsebybythetheolderoldepa- to ta the motstloa paased <strong>Dec</strong>ember 2«T f .....Katbsrta* Schwaita.»u^; tth. Tb* untu or Thiriv^rmrfik ,o"X Boy.-^^ - - •*• • -j.. T2. K.—A- D. scun. »u^m^nSry torTSSS ^.1, Allea-a bac. again. W-der Z^Z**!^ ^ ^ ^ « CUU " ""-mZL H '» d S "Z>X'J. -rer^ iT- tt' S^^'TSaimlrr- ''Soam. -mg-FoUo. th.SUaa e O^ danghter <strong>of</strong> -ys be U- ?*» fJ!! f .'!r. ^2J" M ... • r- rfW-llM.ltarth.rtt. ibeSchooL« IV " MiatOYBW TUmttYS.rtrraxa lo Oc*«a <strong>City</strong> wast cr d*d wh HTrsslee—J.sie. M. Steveaa.Xatthewa. a N | " H/^w • •^iv '" ITm ©"A" CITY. OEATH OF MBS. WILLIAM OOTF.T^C^lit•>'• aad Mrs. Suydam arewho did not IB Ulnresthese, the Mg Ux Occaa <strong>City</strong>.-*— -—.I•CCASC PCO»>LK.Itarie. There werer a Bumbrr <strong>of</strong> boys.First Pneajtilaa Cbarch byhath with tb* srrmoa-snd pic-AB80TTSICE CREAMmad and aaow, ^^ |- . Hihmarlae chaser waa from,oa th* George Waahlngtaa thatand Qneea <strong>of</strong> Belgtam^*eaa< ,rU knows here.<strong>of</strong> years, died at the horn* <strong>of</strong> IBINTHOAY.x. matbrr <strong>of</strong>SSZUI«* ^*S"V^* " iV .l^L.TJSS A Christmas n.* Han. HJZOm Oosaa <strong>City</strong> aatll the taal dlsposl.' A Carfatmaa Day. Basel NIcharBThe^amamsicstkm was received '• At th. coadualoo <strong>of</strong> tb* eaatatesad Hod.IB**- K- a Sayder spoke to tbe detl-A resontlon to borrow till* to *"•; ^ " ^ 2SL* ar 'SI f52Xat*uac« coalrmct 74x4. avma teitv^BvaMl *w*7 wou lbs ongta or t»# C,T»7 fSSSl Si ^LSf'"^^ 1 -a. tree.I BOm amoaatfaa- to uiii« _ . school wouad ap the aBtertatameaL•USLie IM«TALLATM>»I readaadlordsredfpakt ^^i«»^Uf?^^COKOBMK1D.ta the K. <strong>of</strong> P. HaU.;«heHst day<strong>of</strong> <strong>Dec</strong>rmher.titled to tsvlleWEAVER'SWILL BE CLOSED ALL DAYNEW YEARS DAYWE WISH OUR PATRONS A MOSTENJOYABLE HOLIDAY SEASON AND APROSPEAOUS AND HAPPYNEW YEARwcAvors, aotCet/HJ.riltST NATIONAL BANKPittPAIttO TO FURNISH1Arrordlag to th* snaaal tiaott *I th* Departmeai <strong>of</strong> Weighte sad Milunr* far the fiscal year ewdlag Jan*S*. UU. there were leMed ta themeasure* <strong>of</strong> all kmoa.The Fir.t Itotioaal Baak <strong>of</strong> Ocaa rS,Clly. N. J, rrports conalderahte acttv JherIty la foreign ewhaage sad tar tb* ^ .benefit <strong>of</strong> lho>r desiring to forwsrd.T*"mmey abroad th*y are prepared ta "*iZfanitoh draft, on reapoaalble bsaks m "JfTs»l any country te tbe world. Tbe V£exrhaage st preseat Is very marh la T tifa«or <strong>of</strong> tbe American dottar so thatthaw dertrlnc to forward fond* can 1do so now at a (real aavlng. for In-11•tanrr: . ',<strong>Dec</strong>. JO. EndUh Popnds. rale U*., Inormal itUl: rlermsn Msrkx. rate, I•SIS. normal .2M: Italia* Ura. rate I _•TI*. aorma) US.I IHOLY TRINITY CMIMCMCor. 11th aad Csatral Aveaas.Better. Rev. J. W. Watte, at A.asadsv Xrrekcs.U* a. m. Sunday ScbaoLIMS a. BL. Charch ssrrira.T.tf p. m. Vespers sad —I«.». Jeha T. OJIUaen. FeelerPmdmg the eredioo <strong>of</strong> tbeChurch Bnlldlaga. Vesper Service*are held every Sundayat 4 P. M.. at the Hotel ImperialTroth street aad Central svseasATI are Welcome.•shout the eteate aiw iupghout th* 8Un) aiw i. IJOO.ooo wtth whletrnext year's health pro*ling with auccean la ave reached Earaost D. !!! ••-!fcullvo secreury <strong>of</strong> th* *" J?" r^rubrirulosls League. Ind] *" "• ** 1ilsslrs. »«•»> hnve appll, •• _tue healqusrltnrs for i •" """»»•*atlflK that Uio sombern by the National ASre been dl.oosed <strong>of</strong>.w Hampshire stood tin- 5 .tk whtm ''" coold *..J•bile New J !rMV WM ,Jto tbe chwith f ^ r9y will .m n.| • ((It did law y . arvnmnvao low thathmedletf'- a" Slllle. an aged colo** 1 * Bolll « IMl#f <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. |. in at |Veat avenue. When anM women hsppeneoT* 1d her In bed wlth^01 * 1 for °' eT •• «r« to keep warm, wt*"*' Tn ~id nothing to rat ^tlv* power <strong>of</strong>«• lance KSP. m in; m «*»munltyby iIrep crevice.. „ ,„„ f> >~« *** dJlo diairullv In .weepl "• • no " ••• '"e houM>. <strong>On</strong>e Udy »' lD " few " »«d »nd pnreha»ed coT 1 o^"*"- 1 •"leep Um. 8t|||e comfort c " orrowl » rremainder <strong>of</strong> her sf? 4 " ••°*"* rter wn I. not beard fr/*" 1 ' ••••»*ek. .be will be Ukea *•• 8 " U " 'umeTBr the poor jaUfol gard«*« slwsy. been a ef* 00 * br ~"n woman and |. worU*** •* >o "' l *that anyone may see I** 1 atlrartloaa,in sod everytleesed to tatr.«*• AMKIIirA trtallaas bet'•K KVMtVAHl^ Tlbf» •• • oo " dlr.mou. Kood llroej »»• m dumplnsthe K. <strong>of</strong> |». Hail u/rs <strong>of</strong> Halsn aad iIng. A box ronulnls"" 1 OD lUk< " ~• stiff wa» awardeif fa °T» P">'•"•r •« ibe ronwiCora rimllb redte«tan IH»U.•I on Wsltiag": Mrr* has never trtfdled one <strong>of</strong> Edga **«"• oW f° lt ': Mrs. Aana BsrcU' lhal »*•">••vocal iolo. and a auaT* 41 OD •" k>a 'ng game* were play*)"* 1 lh " f *a»«^toll* tlmr. » sea U odBgi.loa <strong>of</strong> thr evealng' "^ *" °' nU were Mrred at tb'* •mat.Bd evrn Uk#Tab or old. beglLast cunim*rroaM wtSkPettit celebrated he*"" !*•• •**•UM Saturday aft (/*»*'•* tltT 'alag a aumher <strong>of</strong> hh* a * '"* lrom '*he usual number <strong>of</strong>> len strange tewere played aad tht^ chrlstlsa ralthe fact Uat they*", la <strong>Ocean</strong> ark * d th * 1 B<strong>of</strong> the afteraooa U •* u> * ot!b * rthe predoniinatia,* tb* tnradtagand while, aad th#ty boat advu)Unia Clauses. >a; Mighty meau the redpteat ol°ursge almostthe churches ieere Ulun Kath-bodlst charch.r*t Conos. Heienwilcioos Indastry/r. Muter. Alien soula converts*ad Umund John^etlsgss places*. Booble Hendereaerted..m mB«be». D*vid an4Bradford Wie.en^VWHAU'TOI ivmi sad Mr^tete and othersor. ihe utter be.Dr. U W. Maah. <strong>of</strong> MaMer PBBL«. Pa., wbo wilt•*bodlst Charch 'kfMM>tunhaU U wid

' "*w." • \*--Y.V»'*^Jr -.*• ''''.''^ft'^-*'' ft?>';}i' f \ • 1^>\^' J i''*l'ji ''•*\ N *'^* *''»«v," "'•*'•!"'.»*V\ ", i *••''"* v '.* ', **'' ' . *% ' • •.•••'.• :'•••• ..•'• . . V < ^ • . • . • ! - . v . ' : - - ; . v : ' . : T ^ - : r . . ' - : . v ' . u / ' . : r . K : . / ; r i e - v - ' « / < . - - ' . 5 J - • • • « V ; . . V i : > . - . ' . V - - \ • .••• :-i-r •- •-.•."•••....• j ' - * • ' . '• • * • • - -;' ' . * • • " ' •1•couinMfMled by imb-»*••• b<strong>of</strong>o ~ *• •"•• ** °°~Oomnilttee.sterling touched a new low recordta ?l '* w Torkwhen It aold for ttOOty.n,,,,, WarkarUmh „„„hl. ,»„,,long overdue on a voyage from Miami,***• hQTereached NaM0.ii, Bahamaw,,,.^ „,,„, .ccoming to a radiomemo received In Miami.Ita »"•»•>«' a.hore at Atlantic Clljr, andh|. mother la nrreated.Gold amounting; to M.000,000 nrrlv-** ln * Sew York from Canada. This laport <strong>of</strong> «X00O.00O to be »hlppnLThoma. SIntt Otborne, former wartint<strong>of</strong> Hlna Hlng prlaon. New York,ha. gone tn Philadelphia to tnve«llgal*•««»**• «nal-_— -• ...» .11. A unanimou* rcqwat frvro iho | "ha. (-plained tbo accruing locoiulahleuhollccontent <strong>of</strong> beer.| nu.krit Mtiatu pn-cvJc-1 Uic council', i >ocl«-. uf hi. Uatctnent:Hear Admiral Gray».>i> nnnounrel ( actt..n. | -v. hen a fellow 1. hired lo do upthe President 1. now permitted to niilk I Ai.t rlran '.ensue ba»*-l>all fun. aru j tno:. -r guy he' znea and tell, himabout hla. room and alone the adjoin- ! wUblnc Jark t'oomb. tto hnt <strong>of</strong> ItKk ' ihoat It. Then they get tnccther andtng hall for a »hort time «-arh tiny.j aa enu.li <strong>of</strong> ihe Tl«er pitcher*. Jack I lh*y »lirk courtpU.ier all over Ibo gr •Attorney General rainier and other ; wa » " lw "' "••* crtatct pitcher, ever | head with • •••••— »—»» *•liW • •"In thu •ctdeau«l <strong>of</strong> Itie coal >irlkv fur 1'• eoBiprutnUe vhlrh Ihr furtuer fuil |'•dmlnlitrator cull, "conlmr)' '" fuoda- . IJ| " 1nxtital prlncli.U-* <strong>of</strong> goveniiwni."' l " urhIt |a doubtful wbvtber a new fuel ad. ' '.'* ""BBlaMrator will be app»>otee W-;!.lau..ii f..the rallroada »a. t«««l l«-f..r^ „.Prealdrst turned it* n».U luirk itlielr owmr.-on January 1 two-HilnlJ* «Vr, wou.d «.« go into „«,„»ail [M-i-n ffmnl.il k-u\c <strong>of</strong> I....».!,.»jr»iii|» fakuiixJamea w. Gerard, former nuilwua-\ %uriu\ ut i'. n-mlum «lll l«- *<strong>of</strong> Ilia elreet. Weat on Chicago a««aajacame a big automobile. .*'»*a before they reacn their majority.and fit* them for their Ufe'a work.ycaivoldwork.f>rt to avert Ihe tragrdy. The ma rhinothrown o«t. Bat ttwaa too lata. A fenI hope congreaa will paaa%and Breakfast£"?••• ,, jB " H» »• a eouplo<strong>of</strong>months though, rod -oh boy.' hut 111Ike dew waa atlll on theI Ik* can not yet fulNjrtxxlcation bllla. there camei. Keep, narrow path whichten thicket, <strong>of</strong> eweet fern^ny, to the pebbly ahoiw lie-•Widen fair aa any queen <strong>of</strong>I fame. Her allm llttl« fnK-kte bnve borrowed It. colorI ro»y dawn.•crlng ray <strong>of</strong> •un.hlne fouti.l• acd tran»fonn«M It Inlo a•hod feet appear.-.) lit hurelyItt gruund, yet Iliey liniuutit*lly down to the bench. -T!i»-.eir wldo her lun-liroa n.-«l i.nr.»ktok lonn brcuth. <strong>of</strong> the -".-n--'in-._.th!m la norftvt thla tm.nilu:A clinrmlnf l«!nji tulIm.Ml n, e tu! "f Ihe sirl. To r u» vl-1, „,; a, u,,, „.,,• ho meant by ~ a killing."" hH.nuf . T * * watrhlnj m>"""• "> buMneiM. catohlng tt,eiu napplug and .wonpinj iloon IUHHI I:M, llw_ Uk. ltm, p klwJ1Un; r ^1;';« I ;" lor »—«nd coming hnnie with ih>-• noll «." A. he .poke, prompt.*! i,y UM'""""Ct he didn't «top to nnilyxe. «.n.-"""'• »' nll » deiaehed ltm-ir fmui Hi. ni1 <strong>of</strong> ltM> «1H and nought hi. w utch., "" • •'"" »» •"» «a» wltli.lrnwr.;""" • »•••'»!« unlit nnd with a nlm'''* "X'venivut the prim-.- wu. .in h:«tnt i" at V "T n her urUt.sin- v-.,-,-.|IkejK. !.:n- |— e«6t)lni. let them tr:e(.ie »i..uU ,ta the sn.ur.it. ulklu^ 10 tli.1.1rkll.-.hap|.lr.e>« an. t.f the tin thatdrd expnMnlon. ami at tlr>:1 I here uj. no anlniale lli!nirthan a lonely oaprey wblili clr-Ugh uver 1H0 liay.•j the fttUttnnn I .edge pr..««~t her wuoderful ne«r.t—a l.ile 11 ••• the .pectnde <strong>of</strong> Ihe duuu. yettt new und muneloit. to one nlio |flBBrtrscn It for tho tint llw.Oety ll.tj evening before luid II Lap- •ajaje—Ibeniirucle^—nben lie bad.•eat ber ^ntu hi. arm* at;d <strong>of</strong> a wjd- erf.-c-WAVS WITH CHICKKN.A O)MnU ON COOKIM.We have BO kualtactual r«U te kewbo -•£& —«--•«'—•ssn-rr ^vTrsrSuVrSCan. illlnaveet Bad Mill revere hlmealfto te weary when great yral Hauiata lowllane <strong>of</strong> heart."•*• •* et.ke. «gnea WapHler.dl»h. Take two eupfula<strong>of</strong> rice, ooe capful <strong>of</strong>chicken, a cupful <strong>of</strong>chicken gravy, a bit <strong>of</strong>onion and bake until weltheated. Serve from tbebaking dUh.j^ ^ ^I BROUGHT JOY TO ROOSEVELTCompanicn Tcll3 <strong>of</strong> Colonel's Joy inUnlcokcd-For Oiccovcry in tteB.rd Werld.l"iir«*T. «li-i .il-te »-iilt-rT:lil..tl l!..- t^Mtmel IHI a *.ili;|> lu :r.p al..n^ Mie t;.-|l.iM>i .if Jlu.:«.,'|.i i.ift |j.u'-:imiKile •!..>• liie) ti:~ .i.lt-l .tie ..f 111..-*qut-t-r l.ir bull Utt. iu.>ke polm» al»«e the belli. The *l«cIt l« Hot cnod nutertaU nlmie iliat at- .te«lcii*T dl.l •..•! elatx.mi.- It any fur-Ira rt them, but Et>l .le-lznlng ntnl Iher except |.. allow the »nl«t ac.»l m.rki.ian«hl|>. l"o««lhly there ] tfciuble mw o.' •mail, orten^l button*ullt !«• Hill.- room or call for the at the fmnl.ThU —Take two rupfola ormore <strong>of</strong> the hlta nf chicken left from aroaatrd fovX add any gravy left, aetalk <strong>of</strong> relrry chopped, one choppedonion, rich milk to make aunVtent*»n abuve. TU-y are tXmptr. «ell • jmt Unallfu ly •.Itivl.-r. The bollceOulfbed. eu\Ubly grarefnl and afv.fa^nu oo lie -UVHII.W nn.1 unletmailo <strong>of</strong> Ihe puiroe rvlbhle material, a " ' — • •-'• '- -~»-NOVELTIES IN HOSIERYvatvhful wnlltutf.> "Wh>—>tm horrid iMfi*:"* exi•to (lri. uinlttl fmot thi- ia«-tnrninc to \Ur alenu >t..i.e mu»e,l .«ll..u.ly f"f.•aixt .tep by ^nt Tl.en. «:•• an .ntttcnUUI).| U:rk m..ll«u »f a .:nu..-krt. . slittl-r <strong>of</strong> -Iver. ttu-u .. I«.UP•mli.c douu the l-og ibrot a--•"!•-mint ua. h::.llly .wall«»e.l. '• '—>•tot an In-l.nt Kir Iho lrai:rdy: 'r.»iln^. >lr. !•!• T t - nawcre4 t» herlu..l Mier found a »ln^Ie tu-^t f jrreM.-.l llr catcher thai did o>*f I;ntln tt B .bed .kin <strong>of</strong> a snake, and «a>.ttlut be «uuld like xrry morti to •«•Hft•OttSTMMta NSW TO T«Y.To4*y Upwith aouM lightdeaaert.Thereare thooaanda <strong>of</strong>kind, <strong>of</strong> cookie,bat moat <strong>of</strong> thenhire the earn*foundation. Byaddingnote.g ^ ^ adding .Chicken Loaf.—Chop uplcro, fruit, chocolate and TarlooaIhe meat from ooo chick- 0aror% udug different forme for cutlin. add ono cupful <strong>of</strong> cooked rice, o-w ting, one may have an Innnlto varietyrgg. one-hnlf cupful <strong>of</strong> chopped celery, with the name bane,{one-fourth cupful <strong>of</strong> milk, ooe-balfwhite Cooklee.^-Tnko two cupfolaLmpfuL<strong>of</strong>-nut_meati!.-OBt-»mJ!lLonlon^ <strong>of</strong> nmnr. oin; cnpfnl <strong>of</strong> jOmnenlng. one| rlKi|>ped. nnd >JII nnd |iep|ier to ta«te. |pa>pooiifiil <strong>of</strong> *oda. two ess. unbeat-1 li»ll In a lontt loaf ami bake. cu. hiilf n ti-a»pnonful <strong>of</strong> «alt.- one,IChicken ana Corn Pudding.—Tnko cupful <strong>of</strong> l.-ittermllk. one ica«poonfulm cupful, <strong>of</strong> cold c«iol(iil chicken, <strong>of</strong> II.II.IIIB |«inler. nuluii-3 t» ta»te.ie cupful <strong>of</strong> Knevl milk, or ..hlcli-n ills n» «ift n« po»>ltile., rtmk. otic pint <strong>of</strong> «v».-et curu. two Olnoer Snape.—Tnke ono capful <strong>of</strong>esio. wilt and |iepper, and ooo tin- •liortenlnc. one cupful <strong>of</strong> susar. onei «|K»mful <strong>of</strong> nuuar. Cut chicken Into cupful <strong>of</strong> iiin!n«*r«. nn.--half cupful <strong>of</strong>1 .mall lilt". iM-OMin with wit. pnndey. wnler. ono tatilenpoonfal <strong>of</strong> ginger.| end onion. Mix with com nnd milk, "he rame <strong>of</strong> cinnamon, ooo ten»pooo-; add Ihn beaten ere» and place vttlcken ful <strong>of</strong> clove*, and one traipoo<strong>of</strong>al <strong>of</strong>to the bollom <strong>of</strong> tbo pan: pour OTCT .ode dlmplred In a lalileqnonful <strong>of</strong>I the corn mix lure and bake In a mod- hot water. Slli and roll, adding flour! rr,te oren until a delleaUi brown, to make a ao.t cooky.I H*r»e at OOCJ with a «oce. "ut CooWaa.—Take one cupful a(IClilcfcal*.—Place layere a""! "ula. two and ooe-haif eapfalaI .•"". °P . r?rTr; t^_.._ 1^-. <strong>of</strong> eugar. *oo* cupful <strong>of</strong> choppedwater, ooo-half teaapoonful <strong>of</strong> eoda,ooaiml iwo^JithJ^ThTw eupfula "<strong>of</strong> confeclfciocr..„„, .„, wbo|# ^n*table«poonfula <strong>of</strong> cream. Add theben they ere Beany, Add ooe capful <strong>of</strong> (ugar.. then atlr In one cupful <strong>of</strong>ind ooe laWrtpooo- Uakr*. Add ealt and Oaror with'. Ox* the onion and vanilla. Drop oo a battered .beet an4the butter, add the other hake In a moderate ono.ingredient, and pour over hot. cooked ajAaa*iA«t.i naci—a.Hee. or hominy u«l trrri hot. — Ah and a— the Uauld laI the chicken while cooking with aaltthere U aCoo^eoallv.. l^oV. th«« luxurlou. Mucking, then | without «queeai^HhTurtVord ta elegance, but the gtvlag a|*-er.«l knitted wtihoot a bee Continue cooking for three mantes. "^^^ileottleTtha.aapea aaahJldayT^rouS out very tempting and having a thin leather halfn** rhen.peur Into glaaaea. Cover and ^ ^'So^co2B,1 P^^aa«^^Vhoslery. In -Ik th*. st the toe. which u« unlshed will uld.,.«*t«. • Sfc^LTwi* «kT»it%3aa aUane.ith line lace or sUk a big yarn pompon. Just what par ja iblM rjaaon <strong>of</strong> the year, with eaa- iZZToook these m eatd water anoat— lleular .port thry are made for UW ^ ^ ..gar at the preaaet prkae. t^hoarTta water tn coeer.^^—^ ..„ J evident but foe protecilng ibe «h«. S^/iJeEidy I. far c*eapeT3in ^S^Sm^Bm^omm yetta.STlm^UBsel- Be«». conlrlboled to when their wearer drlvwe a car. Ihe; ~ b o a g M rt ^. ..aBartlnrtara. aanToaa caafel <strong>of</strong> chopped canoedthe brilliance <strong>of</strong> others, bxtadlag will prove perfect.cupfuhj <strong>of</strong> com. half a »rf—*•* «< aatt. aaabratU<strong>of</strong> btock jet pot on in butterfly Good a<strong>of</strong>t cotton or woolen hose re- _»•"• "••»• "".' .«"? VT"*".r* r 1 *. —-". - — ~onpUln etorktag. and rhlae- I keep down the high coat <strong>of</strong> living,f h ld fmd| which the IncreewhM deaaand for eg pine Into coM water, flavor with T*. I capful <strong>of</strong> aoar. Void hi- eggahaataoTeryettS."BW fat a taUanjaeaepooa aaold tt Into, thea drop Into hot Cat.ring! orate on e<strong>of</strong>t pat—*thow that were all black.U the light-colored hoae tllk•tallow for eapour the fudge ovee the avarehmallawa Iend allow It to cootWhen eUghtry jighout tha ataata art 1ipgbowt tha State) aia1300.000 with whichnext year's health aro|ing with auccoM la ihrat thn opniilnir nf tha ear•al week* aga, there naa baant demand for more aaarloua local organisations.mmg^r• hoadquarlera for the eealf>>BP " ned at 45 Clinton alreet, N10.000.000 Mala on hand<strong>of</strong> tho campaign, and Ita 1w running low. Howevwnot Indlcatn that jalea aly big in all parts <strong>of</strong> tha 4" wl ." t a t \mdred. qf aeela are aeat **—& **•* •,->N -if. i .•nAAVfl.Tremendnua aalea ai encamped haat present from Mercer < «•*> 8e * *1 Rldgriwood. where tnero ••>« lr f 1 !" 1ted population <strong>of</strong> (.000,they looked»T50 ha. already neen n >"• derll, ,tinaVet 200 .neala per' ei rmy «*d allcnnitlilercd P n'lnarkablamarching fa.niiirli nn to i.jnh perC4hat !« required In ralalai: Miihl In the campaign.'nty and Hudaon County J•WIM> aald lo be booming,report, from other »lave reached Earnest D.•- particularlevll and tha>•ion lOOd t•la dowa lato 1rowaed. Oe•cutlio secretary <strong>of</strong> the the tret thatrnberruloala Lmguo. Indi aaa the devilaalea. Many hire applh •», •-ue healquarltrre for 1' waa foundedt'ifig that tho number a Iao-loaaty~rn by the National Aw ach when I'e ^een dlanoaed or. ] nrll could ehw Hampshire stood fimfa hogs. ~* with fnurteea seal. >ded a ch,hlle New J -rsey was t# to tha ehiIhe Itet. with four neal.,wss a berrea tafuae QJudging fr^ri the preawa from a rail!If all l.'.r. ,,.„!, diatribe] •" low '"•* '-loos orKanli.nn^ ar« at worth reeordll»y will >tn n.l ' Utter on wlaa city, by

;••'..•« »"an S^SjS^SB^S^S^SaaaSaaaMMaaBiffv" ,. "W. UMM d«l M . .utter.BATCBDAT, DECEMBER ST. 1»1». < "What do wa•d tte CIuKtUa 8rfmc« Colt.I BOIIPV aw —--** —bar* •praac op In many cities <strong>of</strong> oarveetlm asmtui them•ItoaUoa aod atndy Uiecattoa: Mora teachers and fKbools. and better pay for such teach^ teach-1 •samsaow|*TILL ArrmTHI?£?££!*** la. thaFth.7*aS5II.J r J 1 ?-1 tlcl » •"• •"• » h ~ o « hor charch.Wben tbe Quakers swept over Ena>then presented the followersMIMBIRSHI*) SCOIiaTAIIVI the Brat thtaa- towhile this tmportisiren attention. It wooMUaw ta Inquire lato tha merits <strong>of</strong> certainnflsaaa «0•!»« ^"* —CawUmwd By Merga* rtaflej.••-"—Worcestercarries some troth like the Quakers, M •«.._ .*_.s: are r «s«SS SS^'Sff'KMEtbe I'nlttd 8Utee Voca-Iembership Secretarythe Bransno- «nal r^»«s <strong>of</strong>W«KV Moaourra"»*rt <strong>of</strong> the OoantyThla_work m eoakme.s*ttl«4 down Into still water basta.1 ••>' oaaernu democracy <strong>of</strong> Amert- tlons darta* the comlacno mots, no emotion, no power: Oodl°" «>oeatlon.- says tbe WoreesieTod- • araised^ op the noisy Methodist u*\??'?I:_"J?.»Utt^open to every child NO MONK APVOINTMINTS.II IS s%Q tlH*_^Oon Army taprorw for UK- ootoide moltltadeatbatcare more for tbe real thins than they•naeoOctals;ALLEN OORSON. If. DL__ „ (S to 10 A.M.OffleaUoanJxto 4 P.M.17 to 8 P.M.oawlffl.MERKHEL PfclllT M. DHfclWMfcl. l*fcl III. IW. U.DR. W.J». HAINES{ aootoiawA.H.1.00 to SJBOP. H.0.00to 8.00P.M.DR. FLORENCE R HAINESMaaistiuHwadlsh MuvaoMotoMedical and Oometlva UymnaetksOft M. a STANNARODENTIST»"tcBu>a.»rH AMDASBPMY AVK.OWsJI Crrv, KTJ.BeUPnone.FTJRMAN a WILLISATTORNEY-AT-LAWAaacavAv*, OcKAiiCrrT.N.j.t» H. Tblid St., Camdeg, N. J.(UntU 9 .1. M.I to 1 P. U.S to 8 P. Jl.f Mood or mon ; While ahmreaa old mactlpUoas' Bids the tboturhtless one lake heed.— < And Ihe spirit <strong>of</strong> the waralaa; POAI Tna.'L>Si•>RSalOBNT, Seema to follow those who read. »»»vM»*«.! l 7•".•*""| Whafs ihe warnta«T Hear the answer: ^. „ _ -Aa by aaseea haada m reac:HANS BURKHAROTftMBMHO AMD III* IIPMIfcaaded the Salratloa Army, which to-1..? rrt>ort u 'eartbeaaswer: Ir. Ger-I Peraoat eCiavotaatar— •• . . astate It Is sai ._- a candidate. Time Sows oa. aad TkaewhOeSowtac MflajMr M LflmB)lyAstotodevelothe sltaatlon In bis home' To the acooaat <strong>of</strong> each Is coiaf. »' "ewwjeaOaOANIZSO LAeWA ANO TMB LAW as state a It -favorit Is said that Mr. Gerard la like-I *«• aaWMrftmaMIly to develop ronstderable strenctb .Lost! ye preoloaa (otdea moaasaUt *^ MortpfeaisWl•#•!«_as that a Tm -favorite eoa*. 11 U sooestea \ Utstt like roses ta the bloom f *»—that Tammany Hall woold be »ery i Th«» f« fc««^- .«.— -.— —AaWrt A. Ho«wlwho feel that the way.for orsaalied labor k» I "\ n * ">• aplrlt <strong>of</strong> thete lacorred morb popalar dls-lhot-1woald attach to It. then re-1I as Prtsfcfcatlal Umber. While' n fairly aood raasMdste.to be ao Ukstlheod <strong>of</strong> his! . yfcTloVaoarlp•<strong>of</strong> In. dialJSRSSYS WA»Mirroirv.apaUad to a matter <strong>of</strong> ctsaatteaaotaar *ae: hUtiaHal data aasTwatfha ***££"ICtlklY - oaad-OJAtTT ear. V^rflli Yun Dead SO«arj•• . tea aw wen SSIS lma>ThBewhOeSowlaf f. SI, fflVwwawgar I aaaawar Tw.as they By.May waj aow tbaDsadpfTDsadparforaTmaa to HeavesJAMES L CAMEBOM.CABKn.COAT.C U. SUOEhfAKER LOsfBEB CO."wwWatamw.c a mi MI urnFsaey Fnrit.. ProdsceSnA's ReBaUe Shoe Star.REAL ESTATE AND 1WSURANCFCLAYTON HAINES BRICK411 Babta Stoat Ocmm Chy. N.J.Otis M. TownsendThe Reliable Buildercrrv orneiALa.'«MD roauo aunrri.A.Morris.Otydark.B. Warn PoMot JaaUoa.taapactor. W. a Johasoa-I^ff^*'0>y TNaswar, nuaiiia 8. Bean.Tts CoDaetor. BL W. BaiWch.- - •-. Dr. H. T. Hoida.F0BU0 WUBJEBT^sV s\ ^bs^smltfml^M^msbdMBWABSB SPECIALTIES.ar^S"** hot ieaa<strong>of</strong>a. 24 catslaoart or galloa. " " II Baiaat tavored eot«« oaiy M eta.Ipedfosad; good as the kesL IM cents per aoart.Lars* assortsKat ehdea applsa. or-413 Btgfath Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.ana right ffOB tha coaafr*, IJAMES M. CHESTER A CO. __Real Estate and InsurancetUtACMtilfSMeattoPMOMee•ky set tel be^tWLUMBEH tenOCCAM CITY. N.XBuild a Homewre ea«e caaejraoM)EMI|rtaiali caW «*MM MM* c>» Sss yes, (rind. t«V.LUMBERC U SHOEMAKER LUMBER COMPANYTte <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>-—olssociationOFnCKBSFrarJdcat, B«nr. JaBMS B. L«k*. D. D, Oeaaa Cttjr. K. i.E.aCBtamCamd«rN.irCharMaP.Lakt,]t.A,MANAGK88Oe*«nCil7,N.J.OaWmtam Charki lUalAiKtFhOadatphia, Pa.FUladtapbia, Fa.O»«» Ctty. thai Popolar O.>faH.. a ^ -» .¥** 8amn«r8UMMMM BWXVKM9VnaaB*LBAthlat.B»QiatMaiVUhiBi. Has Bfttak,»tmWM-BoardwalkaadMosriya•4J—Asbory araaae aad Sta««—Asbory avaau aad ltta itt AsDory atreaoe aad Uta i«•—Asbory arenas aad Uta I' m-Ooatral avaaaa aad —sweet arista pickles, varywantwhat youwant when youwant it—in theprinting line—WE HAVE IT!Sealed proposals will be recelndby the Board <strong>of</strong> Commissioners, <strong>of</strong>Oceaa <strong>City</strong>, New Jersey, at a meeting<strong>of</strong> uld Board to U held on Monday.Jutury 5, 1K». at the hoar <strong>of</strong> 3o'clock hi tbe afternoon, la tbe Commlukmers'Clumber. <strong>City</strong> Hall. <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong>, New Jeney. for<strong>On</strong>e foor cylinder, (oar psneattreccloeed motor «eblcle with telf starter.folly-equipped and ready for on.To be ddlTered F. O. B, tt a placela <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. New J«raey. not laterthan FVbnury 1$. U2*.Tbe bidder to fttrnUh the bonepaver: the make aad name <strong>of</strong> themotor: tbe ausmarn speed oa hlch(ear per hoar: a cenenl deKrlpikiaaad a comalete speetteatloa.A rertMed check permWe to lbs<strong>City</strong> Trrsaarar. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, M. J, orcuh la foe sum <strong>of</strong> S per cent <strong>of</strong> thebid. (o accompany the bid.The Board <strong>of</strong> Comsiluloosra n-serre tbe rich! to reject say or allbids.RARRT A. MORRIS. Clly C\*tk1 Dated <strong>Dec</strong>ember IS. Itll.With Lovethe Uttle Christmas cardAad secompsnlneT Itwas a pass book <strong>of</strong> this InsUtatlonshowtec the entry <strong>of</strong>ta Initial deposit.Aa sppropriata ramembraaoathis!Not only for far«l«h(ed parent*to «tre their cMMrea—but for friends to (IT* theirMeads.To help testa tbe thrift habitto steer someone neeasswtrd:to lay. perhaps. Ibufoundation <strong>of</strong> a fmlsaethese sre the possibilities <strong>of</strong>rach a «1ft.ocaAN crrvTTTLB A THOtT CO,Oeaaa Clly, M. J.Your doDar today hay lew brvul.fore, but your Electric Dollar buysmoire by using *» It * ft* ft»MAZDA LAMPSOCCAM CITY ELECTRIC SERVICEATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is BoominBUYNow it the time to select your Building Lot or Lots, they wiHnever be as cheap again.Large, beautiful borne ales (or a home or an fomUnentwithuaEmited possibilities for increase in yah*© to the purchasers <strong>of</strong>Real Estate in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is growing rapidly and will continue to enlarge.RIGHT<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, the greatest family resort in America. Thousandsol visitors come annually to its Hotels, Cottages and Board"ing Houses, and as surely as* <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> continues to grow, sosurely will its Real Estate increase in value. By waiting youare delaying your pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> your purchase. Bay in the center <strong>of</strong>activity, amoog Churches, Schools, Stores and beautiful Cottages.NOWNearly all our BoBding Lots are 40 x 100 ft and larger insize. Prices range from $350.00 upwards. Think <strong>of</strong> suchan opportunity. Our lots wiD be sold rapidly and we may increaseprices. I handle Real Estate b all its branches; Call and listytmr Property with me. I am the New Real Estate man.liam atyoar service, fimnshed Hotels and Cottagesfor sale and rentJoseph L PeacockReal Estate - 838 Asbury Avenueroa TMS oecAM orrvlADVERTISE IN THE LEDGER.•-•a aaa tha othert the staata araoat tha Btaf* an if loo.ooo with wkkhnext year's health proa.UK with aocceaa la thla• the openlnpt <strong>of</strong> tha earn 1al weeks agj, there naa brunt demand for mora as•noun local oncaalmtlotM.- hoailquarters for the sealed at 45 Clinton street, N10,000,000 seala on hand<strong>of</strong> the campalxn. and Itsw running low. Howevanot Indicate t»>at jalea a.. ... r ,ly bla- In all parts <strong>of</strong> the far will tora•ndreda or seals are sent A read that thival. Tremendous sales aa> eaeamped taI at prrsonl from .Mercer in Rldcnwoolilercd ' n> LOTIS per athsl I* required la rslslni na aartlealar't aousht In the campalirn. a ware aspaellinly and Hudson County i devil aad the>f •*ewlse said to be boomlnc aalon J00« --*^-> reports from other 81 rlls dowa Intohave reached Earnest Tt. drowned. O\nrnnx fact he'ore. .,le" Flllle. an axed rolopsed Ihourtods<strong>of</strong> Ocesn Clly. la III st >s <strong>of</strong> doll"' ?"West avenue. U'hen aopf the said *• wted women happened and daaes aadind her In bed wlth< sold for over ajuillaa '•own to keep warm, wt a«re. Thaa r"* • - —and noihlnK in rat. 'SetIve power <strong>of</strong>have larxe Kapa In i«ieni acommaalty by .deep crevice*, no lhat (so beset wtth M Ja«k !no dlfflrullv In aweept It. soon bad c*Lf AlkMIhe hnuw. <strong>On</strong>e lady bat la a few y«food and purrhaacd caaad beaullfsl kIJieep Mm. Millie comfort Charehee' si. . , (| taottt,rlie. sa la the«eek. ahe will be taken lee. Satan fhooie for Ihe poor. idtifut irardeaalie haa slwsya been s *>rloos brenes.Han wotiisn and la worthta. thoal thlap lhai an>one mar aee (ral attractions,ram aad every- pleased to la«H «•*• AMMtlCA .hrlstlsiu bet-.—A»>: KVJ4>V.«HI>: TfHea he soon dimnihiei» <strong>of</strong> Amerlrs had ai and Ihe wooldelr Umoua eoo.1 timej hams a dumalagIn ihe K <strong>of</strong> |>. Hall ls»rs <strong>of</strong> JUIan sadicnlnt. A box cosUlnJajlled up atskes a]ue sirt wa. swarded' (,> ninre proadsfKl.her ». ibe rorre*v never ceaaedJr«. fora rimllh redt«e4aa boats.ent fuel allualoal!• the warcttyaT nui. To thla end. dalecatloa.pie. <strong>of</strong> ibe publics- aacil la their•el." -hat. bcea seat Bail Uat Th-• asrlculluial atenta.• urtrullurr and theBUtr. lucelher withelr Intrrrat aad aid{ cetery tops tar^•^SaS•5!* ;m* 3t\

C^^^y^^l :^^i'^""ftftfc'?|^j^^i^^^^^^a^ •' •'-:.".••'• -S¥zl¥&£%y ilm Lenmie <strong>of</strong> Xutlnns by the Joint treaty <strong>of</strong>pence irlth '.cnniiny. and havn IH.TII- tvhnt I consider a fair estimate In rnchcan* nf the employee* ni*ih->l to fnui-tlon thi>«e= trlhunnl* iiml o>mnil«»lon»jfid attnrh np|iro|irtnte m lu-.Iul. -. Rlv Ins llu- .iVinll dntn npon which I hnll I ny ll Fl lSnlnrl>i< nnmlu-n under M-verv u»ase, (be bn-akswere not In the K'ui-d >>lnt«. Indl.-nlli i that the nrtlHi-lol Jululug has beenarcunipllsheil In nn entirely Mllafactniy manner.Hboe lasts werv nl«o mode nf lam Mated worn) and after undcrgnlna thererv*t UMise In various factor!)-* s.e still S4>nlceiibtt k . Hat block* <strong>of</strong> asimilarly l>ulltu|> nuiterlul were trlnl >at thoroushly and proved tcry knlNfuctory.Iterenlly ninsliiicfeil >neelni- -i« <strong>of</strong> nwni hol«teni whlrh »irv nuiany Is tlvlu. tbesv urtkles a trlaLJiiiM.. IIII tin. up;*:.* ihi»> ru-t 1* :i .I lou* »IJ*tM-.» hi >*>:ne ha-aliil.--Tit.*j U-tIIH'IIIIHI <strong>of</strong> pivvelltluii l« ihe il.-i Kirui'tliin <strong>of</strong> the ii-.'ar- In ill* tl.luliy.It IK not likely ih.it tiie uind nil! (.ir-' ry Itic *|Mire for ni.irv tlian u few1 mill*. The alaie <strong>of</strong> UV.t Vli.lnl.ibu* a laiv n-i;jnllia tie i|.-iru> II.KI<strong>of</strong> cviliir* near tipple ur.-linnU. Theparasite d.ie* not *prend from tippletoutipli* nor frotu ceil.ir to ri.lur.Home vnrlelle* nf apple* re»i«itlioattack* belter tliun other*. I hnve *e*uUtnynuiii \Vlm-*u|i* practluilly tin-*touth.'-l when tirlu:-* fiolden In thesame orchard were baillyu.Tivted."FORAILMENTSUvtr andp-Bast stands thethat it has provesasaded in tbousanaa£ ,»" friends cpkkrjr btlhaa-dla»*«aetl*aooncun. It is aVoaos. tWd atantwo eitta, maditwish nrst, t* test thisend ten cants to Dr.Bbsiasmtaa. »- Y- «w a' Htm writing b* tut* andYAGERSLINIMENT"RF.LfEVES PAIN !To abort »coU•IlJ paTalWsMtl «*^ffj, March to th* Sea.,„ In 1804, ticoernl Rher-(Ma mareh frum Atlunta topurr*"" <strong>of</strong> the murch«h Geairuiu from At-,_~4h, cutting n HUnth ftll !„ thereby splitting tin- roti- Itaddotniyl.ijj the creatipply nf the iMiullieni army. .moot* in nuinlier. llveJteRrikiila, erop«. factor* 1 *,every iTiinC"—vvw*~ti|,~ *AUGUST FLOWER.„ Invites other troublesspeedily OBlem quicklyuvrreome hyMASTErt OF.ART OF BLUFFIndlanapolla Youth Had Provided HimsaltWith Material for ImarganoyH*Had rMLameness.Eighty-five per cent ot the lam* p**»pie tint nffecied on ihe left >lde.Two Inilliiniiimlls girl". «ho ore verycloso chum*. nlwn>t> nhntv eoiilldenci 1 *•bout their n-Hpi^lve admirer* NowMice/ IIII* I'lw. who Is much Riven t<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> tiMii|H-r. during which he nl-f P»"per. Tin- IIIIIII had provlikil liluwlfnlth il folibil |ui|iw Jersary, fm/SWO; IVnnajlnala.itUHTJ14.T8: Delaware. (CM.-731.4O: Uanlaad. tOCASS&lZ; Virginia. $2.\0H.4ZJSO; Nonh Carolina. $1.-«3S.7STJS; Kouth Carolina. Jl.u31.t2.00; Georgia. tl.nai.tSjUO; Alabama.t|ata*MM8.'79; Loolslana. U77.mn.u-. Ulutulppl. CTCTCVrW; Tennetsee. (1,*3XmX>: Kentncky. I1.t3.7i;JO; Ohio. tLUn^OOM; Ulssoorl. tSOJXMO;Indiana. pmz±*U;lUlnolt. U77JD10.U; lllchlgao. •tSKJ.T31.iO; Arkanaaa«iaai73L«. Total. rML10J.&H01.B* said that at 4 per cent the principal and Interest amount to S12I.00Q,-00U. II* aoggcstrd a Jout rrsolutloei calling upon th* state* for Ibe rvtura <strong>of</strong>tb* atooey. tuxfer tb* terms <strong>of</strong> th* act.Mr. Andresra was a trifle sarcastic Tber* an 20 debtar state* having £3sstxtatora and 3M boas* members.Fowls that are wintered In eoMparta <strong>of</strong> the a-nuntry. where the temperatureruns IM-I u-e.1. A thin r:.lpartly icn IM.UM. I* lM-»t for wannerclimates, tmt fnu«r have rvQMinal lyIhlrk wall._on.|_!«_ rjpuhle otb»l;trloVnl quite lljhtly on n-vereIIIE!USIn cold »*tl>.ii>. It I* rompsratlv. lychcn|i to uinlie a hoii»e wnnn hy uVugseveral thlrkna-»-4-* <strong>of</strong> lm*ip«iiBlve tarpaper, nn.l If a Utter lonklnit -n irlun*Is varnmi. "lli.r rua-lhotls mn beetnployi*L In .iny a-va-nt. the hocsemti*t ha* mail.. «>>mfrtahli*.[ A ilark i-ullr) t."nroul I* fi'tiinz »horf.KiU-rl— I i-an't l>elleve It. Wli.-neverI linva* attempted to a*jt It. It Ii:tsalvvay* *eeitM*l HIMJUI ihe lou.;. *l th.niI ever luckla*!.World Ootno tlralgM.• ^ — —<strong>City</strong>- liwell.T—I i.'o l*-lleve Iiaaoild le rr(..rr>Ink-.^.uhuttiJul t *»^imvah^t theorydi> yam 1S.IM> >.>urIdea*?<strong>City</strong> rhaa-ller—.houclit a lot Intha» aounlry |.«Liy— tlml U3< a« n.-uto tha* rultroad »tjtloii a* It MQ« ailverila.*!and It wasn't un.ler ujtcr.0'reIt I* f*«*tt«-* you la Un*l «»ut prompt*ly Ji:.t .why )ou have tuJ"»nln2thai le«l£e,I>th4rul.e you are Ilka lyto Bet »t:ll fnnlur ..rtjiHir c«>ur»«-. |V:.iiej-"'l up-* It. tb>- lnl;e hj)Mi t UH.«..1—lhat Is. tho uU»um luxi1—t. Tl..-ml*take lhat nwny nn lm-x|H rl«mi^l|»>u iu«kr* lk-» In blu-.J^rln.- nlmicOlid IrUMlliijr to turlL ullh tli«- r*—t:!tlhat pn-*eiitly bo Is !a»t. for fjlr.' ~In Coure* <strong>of</strong> Repettlon."Are )•« »urv «Jie wnl IVIKU! nhat)ou lulil her In miiildi'wi-5*'"Quite .uii-." r»i>li»*.| Mi»* i*iy.-nn*,".Xlie Hill ri'|*.lt »-.*!l.-lIiin< vah'.tl1 w>uu.l* u little like uli.u I I..1.1 'i.-r.lint uhli-Ii ii-ally tujLe* the tii. bsVhtMD it*** %iuu%omm mar lb«Hup* r»tkv# |h««:bC re***%llta tb«lcaUi OfWtira thm brUa al Ctatwwloll.*tt-* oL*tt o'tnUUM (by aoui-OoJ r*c«l«* taw*:Canaiian, 104 Years Okf, Dead.,~ Lrrey. sgr ooa> hundredsad fver fl-!vetivl«*rtrjvity Wau by that H^^tiko*\»t.nt.frum Unx T ft I>l»litn I. on iba> u|.|r.«firt- Ktreet ch'itali. Ilu*t«ron-h ul oii'l «Tli'-inf t':vj nnr !M^.k^. HIW. n?« .4flr»t u|lr.;l: Thtl lyirr it

•}.li\:>.•/•••. >•;»•'..••:• . . • : •"A'A'.; A"« - • "i.Raaatrs to Ut4W._n. L. Wareaj}OestslM41S| }'1- i .REAL ESTATETMNSFEBS.George a aad Email* Hob. Tacks'"» *° AlDln •>•*•. 8tOIM KtltU.UK 147. BL M. Plan C. In N. earnerI PSJOM THt FILM III S4ta St. aad Saaawt Drive. SO*1«; loTHB OOUMTY «l, SUITS ontOS.._(3ty> to *•*• A. Hlrknatrlek. asms.. Lot ST. Bt T!• MB M* Seosadnl4nwater mark. Groat channel. ItIN THI MSTMOOIST CHURCH.Z5*** **** nany present st all tbeLotTO. sec C,O. ^ h W S S2?* ta JS" «««*S*rt Ch"«h lasti^^7 ^Jj, ««jrt 8W from TsSS S?tSbb. T 5SiJ^Mrt rt •«-*««•«atreet. 3fta«0. Conveyed to grantor JSLT^K!? 8eh »»' »•» «galn broken.by Lewla B. Jeffries. April 10. MO* l£Z£LK** tJ mH * •**•• ««mdredtgana 5!?"** 1 D » «*• secrstarlee. It la theOto. W.reach the throe hundred markRaymond W.Samaei Greer. w, ' ..Qreer and BUzabeth BenurdTw",StsUwi coaora are heI r>Garden. LW. J. In<strong>of</strong> O. C. ,•ectioB<strong>of</strong>OanOo. Conveyed to W. J.?*«• XL 1M*. sad roe*OB, Oct. 7. 1MB,Chester. Sept. J7. ltM.WUJlam Poaock. w,ter A. Dtttrtek, saift C. A. taWAn,oo. la SVla n aiden. nB*»J. r. Tooa*.Bay Ave, »i*».JhO»- to Armmta.•.aDeCaaaadlMilM. 1*. Ull•MyDelaaifrdalaf tB. Bt ttU,Tho annul coal aad Interest celldollars waa anbecribed. I- Her. George W. Yard, 1oman. aad tbe.Hla eveatag subjectdwelling upon that'subject as Ibeylor »jeh aa now raiau la raaay!to [Neither la there ths lack <strong>of</strong> aec*; OJes ss they have never bought before.'" — ' " ' water,whichthat <strong>of</strong> serwoaM »• aocdodto pot am to** Into the gttt that UDOT* act <strong>of</strong> promtwithaotMthlac. Tbla-* ' on* which thoTb» Cbolr «»»• (IM CtDUU ttttitloduV•eh. for they did•N4o« ahowa.the Methodist• •• a jaday School room <strong>of</strong> toe Chorea!j Tb» aervfc* win botla «t M o"ctoek- Isad Wmum OflBerti ** ***** — "sat »sd pretty ssfethu I, aaoa with taelr vWtaaChristmas*'—•* tUm aTbotiTMr. and Mrs. Ckss. Wataoa—*— tor a RtUe vaearJaaleft'HMH SCHOOL BNTCWTAINMtMTAMD CANTATA MUCH SMJOVBA.Tae foOowta* Brasnai waa, Carols.. —*» « iaw arWflttams.- doom, to*~WUUam""""'Rs-: Macredrt* l «sr*«flij!ft!RtvaeaMe.Mtk St. 1Mtt. tSSS(I Watihwe-: SceU AdaaW.QosrUI: -Old Melodies":taar-i Ktdrtdaa ABBtbLCantata: Part «.Dance: Marina -tailBME taka maoo plnraia la' MBUBg oar eonUsl greetingsto oar depositors, cttaata aadMeads aad wish them an a VeryMarn/ Christmas.Whether your baaklag bailam Islarge «•" smalt yon win Sad a CheekingAoeoaat with the first NslloaalBask aa adfaataf. toTOO.HRST NATIONAL BANKOCEAN CITY. Sf.«J.BELL PHONEThe Hew Real Estate HanJOSEPH L PEACOCK• hriatUS Jk+mr AtMwi, RntwOyt*tl Ettala • alRICHARD E JOHNSON CO.Ugh Grade Pfambiag846 Aclmnr A^wni*, OCSMB Oty. RJ.TMB SCAUTV OTOU* WAttrMMltla that e»ry•taal aad a*«M farttomlar<strong>of</strong> tko^ tnm Atfnd R.Sadth. Ocr aiaoiia are alwaya rea- 'dy to adrlae yoa aad tMa itftaao*'"»o awka a timly artlaro«are always wet- •to took at oarthoachdoBot- 'AMMO •. SMITHSMITH, The T735 AdborjAviIBBRSI 'efafaffa Rata Safe! •Safntal Palatal 'gaVSm 1 ~ANNOUNCEMENTto taa Baalg tknt I k*m OBSaad •sCatta*) OBBCBI flt tSS aAgTeawftfV AVVsMML OMBBSW GstS* BSBMI BtoSsttstai fat ffelfakcaacaaa. I wffl ha plasma to asaaVa vow atBaaaidam. Cafl ia toBtflFWaW-WJOSEPH L. PEACOCKCM Aaiary A«aaaa. OOSSB <strong>City</strong>. K JLCSH4WSHAW 6 SHAW•11 ASMIKY AVBNUCOCCAM CITY. N. J.|B &» Cbrletmaa SuooeetfonaPOCKET KNTVBSHOLLER SKATES8ATBTT RAZORSRAZOR STROPSELjBCTHIO IRONSDNrVSRaVkL BOTTLES^IRBLBBS OOOKBRKUNTOW CLOTHIKQBICTCLSSALUWNVH WARSTke Moden Htrdware StoreDirMtly OBAMMO Cky Ha«CHARLES C READ * CO.SHIRTS! SHIRTS!!BoyhtaafflUrt. WobawabltUaoalPalrPrtoaiNJw "»• o"taa, Itookry. Kid Gtowa, A0 Wool SweatersOAP8 8TBnON*8HAT8 8DIT8 OVBROOATSMEN'S [SHOP804 Aster* Awcaoc <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.•TOMES HAS IX. 'Humphrey Radiantfirettrm titian boat at aaad tan .yffrPg »m^| |f aaaOy laatafladLft tarows «at tfeo heat raachtag otaorroom.O- KtaMtto* atTHI WtUNO t» MBHtlianiUHlOUm BKOALTV.CentralSIIOARaTPIRSTGAS LIGHT COMPANYOCEAN CITY. N. J.FRANK L DARBYTO AMar**to. OcasaOy.H.XThcBourscRftstaurantW. G. SCHWARTZ. Pr<strong>of</strong>rktorMS H0MTH SI REST . . OCEAN CITY. N. LIMME COOKINC DEUCATEaBCNan5 . £Suits $40.OVERCOATSEF LOCALS_.....HOtHl»OtD ARTS tYIMfRTKKCape May CnaMy Tforhna Row l-er-T" 6 houwhnld arti tekchtn <strong>of</strong>^ ^ 1U)f ri>un " r »'•• *» Tunida;- altnt n{ Sthoob, at hl» <strong>of</strong>ljee In C»p »••• <strong>of</strong> «»e event Ihl. «ar. il <strong>of</strong> .p,, b, |r i,,,,^. commlwlonct Ssndsy In Ocesn <strong>City</strong>. wasHnpoasilils to boW the naHeM rt.itnecoiapjBr may-lMeis. Ethel Donnelly and Jlra. An- at that time. The time and place nh^jqie <strong>of</strong> nxt% baietl onjQCEM CITY,sjs Pfanders apent Monday In Phlla- <strong>of</strong> holding the confttt will be an- u e»ublUhed by Ihe F ;Maals. nounced later. The following Itat <strong>of</strong> o.n,,,^ , he ^.un <strong>of</strong> th K^erW H£ ££X2l ***. ^JSTMrs. Cngsr. Mr. Blood I* supervisor J. Patch In plain or plaid. year l»«.r«tommendln« ^nolher Urge audience greeted Ibe It wa. with great prldeThat Oay- KOIIOWIMA comnj ,If the pabUc schools in Paasale.B , h, ^ ^ performer, at the entertainment at too H.lno. Bllck pr-Went or the <strong>of</strong> the » B,iMiss Emily Boebler waa a recent 1. Hemetitched Towel..he Cl.re^. r „„. , Bd the Ro,, R Mni ,. rt „.,„„,., ^ C.ly Hea'l ^»u" Boart Kl««* Z ^AUaatle <strong>City</strong> visitor. *•2. Hand-made fancy apron. departv|a ImproireHhe Norember period f.oro IA. '»*• TH rt-by Da"~ — —"•- '"'Mrs. Adelaide Baker, <strong>of</strong> PhlUdel-3 3. Bloomers.»l«o b' .-4. Klght dreaa.FebroUlon van ordered •>•>»«« .AnMIn favored with a piano ibett attendance "at ih. u...i _,.-» lnaala. was entertained over the week- *-rn. 1^-1 •i. Prince*. .Up or' petUcoat.Bad by Mlasea Lacretla Conard aadI5:(M «led. . l lo al- wnltn »•» "rally enjoyed. The'eon. for the <strong>of</strong>flce The latter'-, ad-W " """ Fronl Ood -"7 SpecialMr. .ad Mrs. Oeorg. McGov.n. I »• 8 handwork <strong>of</strong> s the phyilcal mining demon- • v «'ng"a entertainment clowl with drew on -What Ihe Tunael axl' *•"• »ts'hcnoe riuuiitouhlag f^*|J^' l3iaseaUryMo» la AUaali. <strong>City</strong> UM week. ro».»uoily Unging. BH,,^ MrM, ,„ Yo(| tad „,.. m^!T.so, s.b>—Mali: Hsll!"aa*B moved to Bslmar. where lhey| 1 Jar .^^ZTt canned TegeUb'ear was chartered and the pupil.pr<strong>of</strong> - Anthony Liuul will provide . dl.tiort Impmalon upon Ihe a* IMr - H •» "'will make ,h«r fatnr. home. ^ 3. £ Jar liall^ £*« J mt J" •_»««>.IBe ••Isrtalnmenl at Ihe Be.t Room wuiblrd icalton. ^1 ACHOlilJ THK DtHKHTMra. Amy Breckley tpest Ua» j. QUm Olaa. ^ <strong>of</strong> tally. ^ *»• Physical training deuonalr. loalght. It I. certain tb.t Ocesn Clly Another Atlantic Clly real estate I*" 1 * «"»—Tho Caravan ...• ^aad In PhlUdslBAU.4 Loaf <strong>of</strong> bre*< bread. ,•*>» »»• «» »«»e beea held on Ihe •*"»'" "PPrecUle the fact that Pr<strong>of</strong>, man lo »ln rerognlllon from the lhe «•«!."VraC aad Mrs. Samael Cohen hare 5 , prop Drop cookie. cooklea. MlH'oo DolUr Pier, hot owing lo the «»»» '• romlng here al Ihl. tin,. <strong>of</strong> „,„,. i^.ue ... w l u U m g. EmI. r ! Meaar*. Au.llo. Bub. Meeh^nretaraod to Ooaaa <strong>City</strong> after »aend- , «. ^p Cap Cup cakea. ,, »»ke^ k^ •' K"* f «» lh '»»« »« •» •>••« •>••' coold could be procured, procured. 'he •»• year Tft and. Klvlnc giving « a free entertain- pmidenl pmident <strong>of</strong> ihe the Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Real Heal; j THK VlMXa 1-1^1X8 OF Bimil.Kllr Bimil.KIIIM Mlag somo moataa la Lakewood. They 7 MOBM.Maass. '« waa given la the High School gym- »"»«', there nas bInrctMiant demand for more setho vnrioun lorn I organlmtloiub ; the PostoOMSlnto hoadquartoni for the seal as second * "lArateil at 45 Clinton alroet, N< _ _ _ ^hod 30,000,1100 Mala on hand i DECEMBERnun <strong>of</strong> tho campaign, and Its • "IH ROW mnnlng low. However Jipi DIfVIb•lorn nnt In'l'cnlo that jalea ai pK|CP MCA. ,. pedally big In all paru <strong>of</strong> tho I [ in wll|' torsfor hundred, <strong>of</strong> aeala i>n> sent J || mil lhat Ik*approval. Treniendoua aalea al n agcamped IB'ported at present from Mercer < _ HJJ g^n «|ly. In Rldsowoo: nir" 1 "" ^The Itaughler. <strong>of</strong> America had aj**" J 00 " J .other <strong>of</strong> their f.mou. Koo,| iimej f •*" " l * """".T'lt 4MTR ..ll.Hr room In lhe K. <strong>of</strong> P. Hall uf** * dam » lB «Ja very unique gift wa. awarded* f"" 1 0P * UMr., rva >1.hir M._ Ihe *orm«»*_ m^r' * nmguesaer. Mim. Cora rimllh r*rtts M>T "*" r ."•**•And He Kepi on Walling": Mn"*"" ^"^KI.I. Cadman «cll«l one <strong>of</strong> Edgs* 1 "" *""""•Oueaf. poem.; Mr. Ann. Bsrcls* ""* "" '"?f.»ored with a vocsl MIO. and a nuin? r lhal ,!^! ^ber <strong>of</strong> IntrnMlIng games were pUya."** OP "" ~JT btocklBSand all had . jolly time. • Dd lh " '* m °*MAl Ihe conrlu.loo <strong>of</strong> tbe evening?* •** U I *'"! 1,'^*J yoB dsllfun refreshmenl. < m »nH at t& r * rf *** "%Ufc«l*m, uimialure H»nt« Clauve*. *" Bo "* **Ma>ler J-aul wa> Ihe recipient o|°* : * n « Bl ' 'many ptetty gilt.eoorsge slmostThoae prraenl were U!*»t * J ' Jl^ilhrr MrCaltlon. llradfnrd VVIeaen- a»"~^w»—thai. Mr. llrivrhrl Iviiu and j| r.fl'""»IA TO -.ad Mn. R U 5J.hr. ihr latter beOdlaU and othersIOK the grandparent, <strong>of</strong> Muter l"aul. Dr- L. W. Mnnl» — n. Pa- who wtUIU ll\ WIMK>JiodUt Chunh toA wore onerjl UM- r wood fordsnhall la widelyfurl, raprclally In lhe rural dl»- Igellst and bible. •Irlrt., when It ran W- prudured at O» has a baralaghome or purchaMd arutby .1 a rea- choir will *uibable pricv. I. brlni; urged by Slate wa mule atKomler Alfred Cuklll t» a measa'<strong>of</strong> relief from Ihe prru-nt fuel .itua- . Otr A.lloa brought shout by ike M-arrllyjDasghters <strong>of</strong> *and high price <strong>of</strong> r*>al To tbu end. k detogaUoa none ihouMad copm uf ihe publics,- lonartl la theirlloa. "Wood Fuel." hoe hrra seat .. Hall last TVto all Ihe cooaly agricultural ageau. vlalton coani.roualy boards <strong>of</strong> agiirullurv aad the . CammUga aadOrsagcK <strong>of</strong> the Stale, together with . Mrs. Cama r*qur»t fur Ihelr Inlrmt and aid tor <strong>of</strong> tho DaasUla Ike Bwvemnl.Forrat and woud lot ownen can ef- as ascelery lops far '&rSi&.&•••m.• ^v ,

•'•!*•i * : • / / . * • • : ••'•••• -• -':'"' "-'"./': :: : -. • • r ' S ' " ^ ': :, ' ' ••''^.-•'' . • : : " > • • • X ' ' T . ' - v V •':*"?'.' * ; " ? > • ' • . ' . •'••'•.•:• •••'''' ",''. ' > . ••! : :Jv •' :'-'•• > i;';.-.:...C '.•.'i.-.iV-" ! : -> : .'- 1 VvV'-\' ; 'Vi.V}^;S:Vvi>?"-o'o7'".;i-."y'•.'• .':'•'•'. ••"••'•!!!'. .-.•.•... '.:•'.'i- • ,v- -v •/ '.;. :LEDGER/ M ; T•JJr7°y i \ A »""; 'it-*"**\V\QCEM CHY,18, mot3W••.svi'^"..-;"•'ty.\: :: -• VjTj_ta.' .^_^^_V_i.J p^^***^* M y^»MP** B "Pw^" >M sw*r^'^'w»^aT^'4> PERSONALS[ItlBT.tKWi VIM OOHTKWTlfc mak Waraer. <strong>of</strong> Bakmrtlle. «"»««••«". repreMBted by »l» A. <strong>of</strong> choMB P m M d g n ,„ rtrorenc.•a beea spending some time In Ethel Nlrkerwn. recently appoint* , o «,• deem* <strong>of</strong> Weakn.h Creek am(-* «•»•Umrh « r '»«"» *»"»•'«• that' the board will take up the cat— - . A prnuaaeal orfanl-aUea waa ef- . nFaltaderphU Halter. . '•«««. Ml-a Nlekersoa waa - ^ report ^ (he a|y „„„,,„„.„ML William Ollbert flatted At- m " 1 '»«»»P«»^*»«t«"'< Miss Francis. , h# mtXUt <strong>of</strong> ,„„ application <strong>of</strong> thBBtki <strong>City</strong> liuaafll•*'*"*• t * 0|lta - tk# »•«•«•"* Dataware £ AtUnllc Telegraph a7a> Howard Brice <strong>of</strong> Woodstowa. "**• W " ty ""^I-M for *""*' Telephone Company for .a lucre.1, Mr.Howard Briee. ^ ' " - y-r. beta held la ~auertloe .*lth „, ntt^ „ ^ „,(he ,.a law day. with hi. ^ ^ „,,, ^ ^ ^ „ tap, ^ ^ ^ ^ , a ^f ^M— . —.. -,^-^~. **' Coort n< " U * > bOt °* < " e '° lh# «K»»>. »•» dlamlaaed by the• »«*i A » > » Baker, <strong>of</strong> Sea ble Cily. —Hy oil* <strong>of</strong> the »r»«t »hl» y»ar. It <strong>of</strong> ^y,, vuuty commlaiilooerBaadajrla-OeMw Ctty. tu tmpHatbU to toldtm rontoat thatthircompaay^may »let Mrs. Ethel OomaeUy aad Mr*. An- at that lime. The time aad place Mb«i n i, <strong>of</strong> niam baud onj aja Pfaadsn speat Moaday In PhlU- <strong>of</strong> hoMlag Ue contest will h o u established by the Fhjkla. aooac«d UUr. The following list <strong>of</strong> Q^.^,,. «,. nMlt <strong>of</strong> the *' Mn. HefatsMl Pettlt baa twea en- artltlea hSTe bcea selected upon lb# 0UUty Commlsaloaen**'-': Urtalalag Mrs. Herschel PetUt aad ••>•«•»K> h to .•'•S2HSmHMas Phoebe Doughty vfetted Cape „. j ^ ^• May receatly.' j. D,,! (^Mr. aad Mn. Ernest Blood, <strong>of</strong> Pas- t. Rtad Beamed Towel,tale, ha*a beea TtsMag Pr<strong>of</strong>, and 4. Stocklag daralag.* ' Mrs. TJager. Mr. Blood la saperrtaor s. Pitch la ptala or pUM.v <strong>of</strong> tha pabllo schools la Faasate.Beeitai Orade7 Mtaa Ealry Boahlar waa a recent 1. Heaatttched ToweL'.: AUaatle <strong>City</strong> visitor. 1- Hand-made fancy aproa.' Mn. Adelaide Baker, <strong>of</strong> Phlladel- ' *• Oloomerypate, was eeterteiaed o»et> the week- *• Kl * ht "'••»• .5— t—1. «v—«t .^ 5. Princess .lip or petticoat.Ivitlag propoardlaposal Of r^ ,^4, rom .__»„„ uawrnsi 1T*ar ""recommeadlag Aaother Urte.udiea«e> greeted the'Febr**,Itltad IM.ordered J "— Aa-ia f.rored with U " menb * r •• «W k«u:l Mr. II. J nobarrutupll>hmeaU <strong>of</strong> the organjiatloo.hedc^tosMth^aot.: :^Ml LT.;. J 'rZd i ' l 'by Mr. ^ ^ t X T v ^ ~^S& F. l^roy Howe. J. Thomley Hoghe*ami Wallrr E. Allen will bare Ihr, , •„.... . e B^ ltoto_.. Aod „ O|uc (o ^^ .. •oik In charge. You tuay look for-_._. /•.. .. I.-. . IfoOo^a.-rogram: 1,^ ^tZSZruZUrZLL. M ^.^..."'M "'i" wh " an lotemting work <strong>of</strong> literature.* "8 e B I P r o m O o d"NomlaaUoaa t» la order at thiswithPnlalt^ "•**>'•toWn* - «!hat* arrived at St'aaaad priaa. T(joa the work <strong>of</strong> hU pspia aad thai o*^" tOM Lodge.al|M <strong>of</strong> teat weak. V .watwtaatanad tor thffjssauWanklafalat fftarsM.T. Mathbi;•|^>., /7praatkaOy«d •»h W « M from Somar. Poutwere nacaed from the hear, «rfSC Mekereoa.1«•» Caaaoaettor - «• Thompeoa.. as treasurer. C Elmer Ruaek. Orange.!An unuMully good bill haa been'. cbaU store _ 1ji*.-,i Stretoh aad Laytoo had beenowt 1 '* thia dty. Mr. Thoaaaoa aad his „. '*. T»^-_7 a, about sighteea miles In a Wi.tr aklc! Ttf * "**° w uri »« >• >*U dty. He nBarr VATtOsTAJL BAJTK y,. n t i Tirfm Auailn began hla ca- til be siren Moaday night, <strong>Dec</strong>ember10.VIH », catchlag codseh. aad had succeeded •»• trans/erred to this Uore from FA¥M CtnUHTMAB FITTO reer aa a boy soloia la Flemlagtou.m la laadtag ajolte a targe aaabar be- AUaaiie aty. where he wa. employed Tha First National Baak dla-lN. J.. where he was choaea aa theYaar% alght.IOae <strong>of</strong> the- dub will start at once, i John tha Drrtae for three year«. He l~Z,~~ll.Z~l,,~~L.'lZrZt "J^^" ZZ Ides.atshare wUHeareAthntla <strong>City</strong> U T.t* I tnea. .For Mteral ya«r. peat the laak ha.iu a soloist <strong>of</strong> greet promUe. ""^w1ll> b " *** •»**-»•«• ^^JT— conducted Uls dab. aad It has maaat, Mr. H. t. Bob la a prominent Phil- "Tr*" . ...a. m. Jaaaary I, atsaatag at Bgg oaast aatll It waa osT the aoathera JAMKM PAHLKY DOM much to the peoste <strong>of</strong> the commual- adetahU teaor who ban bad wide e»- *»«' OM » Bdwarda wm gtre a de-Jaaes Farley, <strong>of</strong> SSSTIIW; died at ty la providing fund, for tbla doll perieaoa la ehurch choir, sad U »" 1 P« lo o <strong>of</strong> aatloaaJ agorU <strong>of</strong> oar ^ -kta home there last weak. Mr. Far- aoasoa <strong>of</strong> the year. Orer tll.MtjldeaUSed sssoctelly with (he Church *""" Auwrtcaa aeigabon.lay was waU known la Oeeaa aty. was dlstrtboted thia year, sad at-|<strong>of</strong> the Advocate. He has aUo boraVnl - L ' a «* r wU1 ,havtag workad as a atamher tar M A •»>• ««»»»•«.». —^»—-• •• •-•-•- -• -taratac freaa Oaitaal atreat at M« awt at tha Corsoa-a lalst statloa aawa.m- mhereawaasaawMMeaar- the datnae stgaeJs. A lifeboat waa'- d from Caaa May aad Wniwiil. maaaad aad whea the gaarea reaehedrtag each at ttaae BSMM at «J(»»• •oberaea'a craft, ttwa, BL. aad freei Tpatk atreot. 0MM to he well toed wtth waterlOhJy. U M I i a . retaralag fras> t** ••••""• Pretty well -«•—trt Istreet ttMl a. a. Tka beat waa haalad •» aw thaMAST UCanBawB OaUBISDW. L. BwtBC <strong>of</strong> Cape May. aa taapactorfar tha State Mater Tiiim^sw—^faaA1M1 to ewBors .ad drrnre ««sad 0a Mgaat daywChristmas TimeAFSMr. 8. MaadeUoa Meehan U a 8mokr> and refre.hmenta.ptnmlnMt member <strong>of</strong> Orace Church, course. League members who lailMl. Airy, which la one <strong>of</strong> the largest to take lain In are going to mlMgatacoaal churches la the Diocese <strong>of</strong> •omethiag worth while.Philadelphia- He U chairman <strong>of</strong> the •» —maate T~—'r>— <strong>of</strong> that etiurch aad CAJTXOT KAttat BATBKhas aaag 4a tha choir for awsy years. Very geaaral satafarttoa was art-- ir, 3ab aad Mr. Maaaaa daaead by users <strong>of</strong> tha• la Bfolw w«

1;-i ••"*••*took tbe jary leaaakMatoacaaltLESSON^""W" FOB OECBIBBi 28JeW* PMM THI MULTTTUDI.wuMwAoomoKAi. —-—«i« -"-IT turn-•: Mark UMl Mm MMi 1MB OIM*JHUMABT TCFIO Itmm yeeto IMPto «ea«kMrea. Mra. JDWcmiorio iiemvktta eoatHaedl1tto coal Mm aahtotetkto dty Md Plieewhobare failedSmce we took tbe-Birth <strong>of</strong>r oar CkrletMM leoma H^ SMday»•tt M aew atwtr tto attoraato MMMtar fautBaoday toatead<strong>of</strong> tM rartaw.L JMM HoaJtoa aalao; aawtoo.>aaild tko a—wtai •^rit.Hi. n • Pny*r mortis* W*te*od*r«ro-tloB<strong>of</strong>tkMyatOty Ban.tUfcy Ckteftka .aaoato aftar > o-dodtitotttoprpaarijI 1 !I\ *1? 11P1IUT *APTt«T OHUa vB«¥. Marpie Lawa,p.jo-*BBday-aebooL' Whmkjw* aarrlee at T.45«T. AuautnNr* CHURCH«MB *-• mmill" • • •"^WPWBWJ r* *waVK9^ iimttvaeTASIRMACLE BAPTiaT CHURCH•Hi Md Wept Ave.tWn•nadiyorbnolPINST M. C CHURCHIMrlk Street aad Central ARev. Oeeraa W. Yard, Paetor.w lUO-fMday-ecbooLDR.Oba.NiBell ISO.XL W. P.UDW«c tiM rHooraltMppot11.00 toM*»O»ICBl.O«.»TH•» * HOLY TRINITY CHURCH iBaUPbooo. '-M-toTto^k.parpooa <strong>of</strong> tkla mtrkhaaatfaotkoBnad»»to»««»n.n.tn... aad Ho aot^lelwaya wttk tka coaaaad <strong>of</strong> IaaJd -Wo aata bat Bra toataaand t»ojg j,,j •ako«."_tvr_-i»w nanitat oa tkairby tka Fatilln > BMI«W raaoaicaa, laaitac Ckrtat oatMaabmtytoprovlda; "T '"••"»« • tkraateld baa<strong>of</strong>lt («) Ta' • atrrteo., •••» oa foal oar ''"" &*to la 'lo « lT * «*• (***7 to Bia for naatta.~ Jaaaa* aMkod to faadtac tkotttaoa («•. IS3LI (1)tonfa pan. Ba cnatad tka4a* iw aaar Iko CMdal railroad la 2**" 1 " • « »• Mada <strong>of</strong> tko•dfar a piast i ••••77 anmtada. O) fba paapW»— Jfaay | lan ff' £?«• T*** ««o toaU aad eataad to apaad ' **ay «araaot naj naali for tka cr#-tor aaar to tkoj *" oa •*•*• «PPi7 aor ita dtawoa-I tka. bat>tkty mn raapoojlblo torM«a dropped £•*••*••

-•tt aj.at.•lEmujBiiH;amount <strong>of</strong> itsations not yet• JTTT raTT^'iy^SS»^BBaasy^BBBBBBV il * iTHL!iin'aTi|ilalir*-..Ty—k^*)at^h^Ba^B v B-^B^^BX|_[l ^ •71 B^^l^^^^^paasw^Ti ^ ,[jL^H-.M.I.aTsTH-f*"<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title & Trust Co.— ^BF^^^^^*""^as^SjBa» d%> ^7^LBTS*VAssets Orgaid over 19O a millionand a quarter dollars.«. j.BUILDSl^i^'H'^ Service wear.prices which ought toinfluence the prospectivebolder to plan and start his operationat once.This is the time <strong>of</strong> year when buildingshould commence in our <strong>City</strong>, and not waituntil Spring when everyone is rushed andyou must wail your turn to get thephmbers.painters and plasterers.START NOW and have your home readyfor renting or selling in the Spring.TO STIMULATE BUILDING we will doour share m helping to finance your workuntil it k completed.WEJOUCIT YOUR'irjj&%M2t£ : rNCMOOL nuctnow<strong>On</strong>d It vexy roa*ealeat to hava aCtiMkiaa- Arconat with to* Itrat KalioaalBank, where they caa deposit"*ielr rh~>" —-" -«Jolte a nombe. 'r <strong>of</strong> a,**,, u^^^,"> oa. and we oortixiymnur more <strong>of</strong> taem to make taiaatroair. oblldas bask t*eerUHdum ware reeaat•*-*Mtan.Haa WeUa viaited Atlaattereeeatly.AJtXl'AL 8MOKKR OIVKJI BYMia* OUT* Deanla, <strong>of</strong> Wllkea-BarreFROURBMMVK LKAUUE.aa« Mra Parker, <strong>of</strong> AUaaUo <strong>City</strong>.-" tkatr aiatar. Mia. Jamea Marta MeaUAr* Bkjojr Brat RaUrtalawrtMEETING OFCIirMm Laroy Bewa la entertaining Itar •Mthar, Mn. Jamea Taraer. <strong>of</strong> Monday alchfa amoker will be re-!_ _OT_W., —- • •••_•. ui — -»«# U..UI. •UIDUT win oe re-: <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Dec</strong> M, 1*10•nMIIa.BBinile. aadaad MtoaMto.JeaaleJeaaleT«r»erTuraer <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>memberedmemberedbybythosetboaemembersmembers<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>thetheThe regularweekly mesa?<strong>of</strong> the^|krkarU.'Pa^-Bus*rtkv~FaWmerover th*theChriatmaaChriatmaaProgresslv*Fncreaalva-Leaguel«a«aewho•h»-wer»-forwerefor^ Board<strong>of</strong> :~Commls.Tonenfia»~B*ki fasHdsy*. tua*t* enough to be present *a the oo th. aboTa d|lta ., t m t. dotk iMrs. Mlaot Vlaotat vtalted Phlla- ««"t enjoyable affair ever <strong>of</strong>fered P. M. t ^^ Mayor ChaasJsi tnaM-.•stasis iwtsatty.D *"*••ntartalnment committee. A» (^jMr. aad Mrs. Cari Kalk aad daugh- • ""»' •*"* "' p ; **•»• Hows. Dr. | ^ m| BuU , « jj, ,»„»„.tar P-M*, ar* madias Christ- J - TBOrBl «> r Hughes and Joha B.j (al B , M on , h . ija)aay*/A ,H w^iVi -^k-.^r«U laHad- Klrt »- ""« »» 0 «"»»Xhlle nai tree, t to be b plattd l d on <strong>City</strong>I" The Rally held la Case May last their usual oppottuaity for Christ- ^"IfiMRS. HAHUINO. ENJOYSDr. aad Mrs. Beaa" broaght down the boose.jgg aha.fSHER FIRST AIRPLANE FLIGHT.'. w*dB*sday Bight proved to be a Bar i'ias-lr*e festivities oa Monday *fter- J* ?".Mrs. Warren G. Harding, wife • <strong>of</strong> the th* President-elect (right! and sad Mre.' Mrs. aKalr ^^ mtur M boddlce were nooa. <strong>Dec</strong>ember 17. Parents aad 1 " t "-lostee. to th* Hardlaga during their vialt mti „,, oM Umm t^^ ov.,.. Au. rrieoda are Invited. . ^Ttogs for aa air trip at the Cos* Solo Alri^. for „,. Wp „ „ ..ppi,.! b, H. Rev. aad Mrs. Glltlsoo will reside "Mrs. Hardlng-s Brst air Bight, aad ah* pro-),,, ChaUia. Hallags Wallace. "Ike" In Hourtsn. Texas, where an English """•It "perfertly wonderful f" 1 -" - ' 'H<strong>of</strong>fmaa asd "Bolt" Adama. Lutheran congregation will -he or- j*_1 The prominent diacsasioa* <strong>of</strong> tlic naised and a as* edlBce erected.»KW omvtam CBOHSOI BT • levealag were oe the aaiUtloss with' Rev. R. D. Dangherty, D. D. <strong>of</strong>nata.OttDKR <strong>of</strong> BUITTBIUI STAR, the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce, aad Me- 1111 Arch street. Philadelphia, takestall* Orav* Marker* for all the barge <strong>of</strong> th* Lutheran work taHnla tflertioaMto> Jwtla MrwU Sow Ulalii* <strong>of</strong> grave* <strong>of</strong> soldiers daUag back to the which Pastor OUllaon was engaged .Jew- Oreaa Ckeatter. Xo. «S. Ravolsttos. . ' ' here.^ " ^*- - , °««a Oeeas <strong>City</strong> Chapter. No. U. <strong>On</strong>Ur why wknaht I Jos* Ta. Worn? • • €1Royal <strong>of</strong> the Eastern Star haa elected aad That qsostloa haa bees asked * iM\Y!K%om. W1MHEH TOV-* "- After . number <strong>of</strong> bill, had been A . re ? h *7 > 1?V hm * •*£" *» d laaUU ' «"»«*ll*t foilowtng oakersMrs. Walter Boo* U Tiaitlag her «»?• • »«^.»' "? tlld fan*, aad PoaesMy MtaeSac.—Dr. M. B. Staanard.Abhort. . gloa member to causa a million met •*««. People.— Mr. cad Mrs. wnuaar Mown ws l"- ""C.-<strong>of</strong>-B.—Uawood Hlatstr-PltOr>. AXTMOXY Ulltl WAa)• Mcreury—Iilae Harriet Olbb. or *o who did earon to conUnue s. To fcrcertain ihU air <strong>of</strong> hhvlslttag ta West Chester' where theyP. 8.— R«. M. M. Lewi*.Oar SoaU America*MVCH APPBECIATKD.Treasurer—Mrs. Freeman Rlaley. -^-Vtf., I**" 9 'rirnd. rereive Chrirtuua (reetlaga.w*B*taa*Bla for some Mm*•t described'R. A. C.—Warriagton R. Harris.the Utle <strong>of</strong> hU ta»Coaductres*—Mia* Marguerite Ea> A* a member <strong>of</strong> the Legion who Governor Edwards has decided notMrs. Lsara Brigs* was a receatTalested Maskies) Uev* D^ashtfa* G. M. <strong>of</strong> T. V.—Maurice bcoil. gUsh.waata to kees os b*i*g a member. (o »* n< l out ChrUtuss cards, as hasO. M. <strong>of</strong> 8. V.—Howard T. John- AsMKiste Cosdoctresa—Mrs. C 8. ye, viu want to hear la mind thai *"*•> lhe custom <strong>of</strong> governors forOr. aad Mr*. 1; Tboraley Haghea I from the goaXUht at Marie Faeiltoav iUculLy^,, Mtiomi pa* capita tax I* doe many tear., but To rely upon the« U aot <strong>of</strong>ua that Oceaa <strong>City</strong> has |O. M. <strong>of</strong> F. V._-8terilng Cole.Island <strong>of</strong> StTreaaurer—Thoa. J. Thorn.sad faaaily. <strong>of</strong> AUsstl* <strong>City</strong>, recent- Bob. Evas*, • *"" *~T"~ .~ .*~l«r,-.._„„.... your Post oa the trst rears—Dr. H. Peltit aBd UJ.. Lo^u Morris. j for ^. BatJoaal aer eaatta tax <strong>of</strong> the around the world, and thro It I wi.h .*•»« h« «O«. Mre. MM* a- ZZZZZ + ZTJZT """„ ~M.^'^f .","*" ' T T b " ^ W"».._Mr*. *»«-« »»W- UaaAar. <strong>of</strong> yoa/P-t. He -111 for- t- extend to all the people <strong>of</strong> the *•£,Isaasoa. , iJIV"" O w | t ""*'"' The entertainment waa a little tat. High ut * hPriest Jsmes M. Stevens snd Sentinel Russell H. Nulty. I •-- " " ... - Bases; JMrs. Mary Smous* haa reUraed ***•~£ bag punchlag P contest ,. ^mtg ^ ^ owiBM 0WiBM to u,^,^ u. f«t UM that lh. the "»'e ta aa^amLt aad tta gJ^TrTvUlt to Bedford. «•'•_• ^-» ••" the •-• bag -" waa »• on the _..,._._._. JT.^.. .. . . the RasertoUoiu w UBmbu |o „. plww, t "»» elt retiring- w Sigh" "f-" 1 Priest.* 1 William M. — - 'with a Past UUNIM- X1OBT OlTKJf BY tXWX- UENWHoRAVE W PA'D «» D^

" •' ''.- '•''. ' . - ' . V •.'••:.. • .'. •.'• ••': ' . ' • . " ' . • / / • • ', » ! « . . • » • • ' -•'•'.'•';•'•"• '•' ; '.I')• •X-i^v^'; fl ''1 • ••%^&$0W -'•'i<strong>of</strong>dt<strong>of</strong>ctabeta ft»rntVatbaraittber*w-tka atau. •>«- »r oast yeafa— Iat the' wfce aarred to thaiwttfc approprtatoocfcoolcfca-lftttsor Banator Ike;. 0). m naad*i aikiiiil.-, wtwaYi tear <strong>of</strong> tkta» Tkreath coamaloa wa ticiaii QotT* «~ n-mjil "Bk^ ^^^B^B^^BW VA^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^d^_.^h.^B ^^*>^^^A I dJkdBflBj^^^^K ^k^a.^a _ _ — ^^ ^ t • > a^ a_^ .^.^^.^ aA^a^ e«i^BBw^^^aj aBBBBB^BBjBatBjgBB waaoa aa oaaamiaaa IBOB* cauorea. aaa *o c*eapiat*ty ta ear Ufa #'nttjaat rhndioB wHk two par- tatorwewa wlik Hla tkat Ba retard* •a day.traitanat <strong>of</strong> a* a* tnatoMot <strong>of</strong> Utav—"—to tack at ordor* a aatt. Ttin rtin nalniwa* tnln fattaa• awatfc MUMIta akh) the kwrty bctteror wokoaae Chrtoti <strong>of</strong> WbttaB Taf Oo—ao- tfjbtaUftim _faUy_ naltoot It wealdOBt at htaat tar aa todattatta j aanrtlfy oar rilailnaaklp wttfc luftat. on la ChrM. B««rpt>ea <strong>of</strong> bottaiora' hero waa tortadra an forw* <strong>of</strong> ayajpathy aad !taldbylhalak-. To do tfcta taCfcrtoTa aaaw ta to .». u. . M n 119.39 P.M. EKKtrtc 13.45 P.M.ICB.SHAVCHAS Bta-l^£i* i"a?« ttr «.^s:•TBtturw . 4.13 P.M. B«mdlns «.4S P.M.CAtrcn. monc. turnac. tauats ! s.st P.M. s*adia« t.is P.M. -ATuumc rmr * KHOBE B.R. caCOAL, C H. HUOEMAKER LUMBER CO.! l^ni ASD War Avrxrr.HUMBERT C PONTIEREBUILDER9tt Atbfy A**. Oowaa CatyGEO. W. HARRIS! CARPENTER, BUILDER(OCCAM OTY.K.X t«tlPkoaa IS4>JOTOBB <strong>City</strong> to Attaatie CMyIn'Effort Septonbtr 13, 1»394.90 A.M.7.15 A.M.1.99 A.M.1.19 A.M.t.3t A.M.19.29 A.M.11.35 A.M.13.39 P.M.1.35 P.M.3.29-P.M.3.25 P.M.4.29 P.M.5.35 P.M.L35P.M.T.i5P.M-5.25 P.M.•J5P.M.19.35 PJf.11.35 P.M.1.15 A.M.4.51A.M.S.44A-M.1.51A.M.t.llAJf.19.14 A.M.11.11 A.M.12.11 P.M.1.11 P.M.3.1* P.M.3.11 P.M.4.14 P.M.5.11 P.M.4.14 PJf.T.lt PJC.5.14 P.M.4.14 P.M.14.14 PJf.ll.lt PJf.13.lt P.M.2.99 A.M.•IRS ALARM BOXSBf% . \r r> I nil Tba riaslat <strong>of</strong> tk* ftr* ban kxataa'AAlt IOIV rUel Dill !•>*>> aaavwanta. Mat yotr naw ££-. ta tfca Caaaty a( cat* May.Hawwaa twaattatk oa tfco Uat wttk £roa£ BM^oTatartaVrilafclaa.fcara boat •*" ttaaji ftr otatta. Maw Baav- trataaitar Daaraald Oraaoa. Ma. M. •"*• ttoad Btat, wttfc toartoaa. It £»•**P. at B. for tfca yaar lttl. • fcaaat tkat Mew Joraay aaay ba afcta .aaao datwadaat kaiaaaa aa tka wtfaWorthy Maatar. Altai D. A^ktay; ta raaart Ito ayto ^t toa «ata tor j, -M^rlgF.*UmT~ etalj.Mn o •!• it. hU>B*rt •Ittt aa ataakt la tfca prataat caat- aa taoaaata nsataatt) 'Worthy Itatalitl Stoward. *'S.VTha Satakta 9tdatett to piaiida a trvrottai «oaae>teUoa cttate. aad how atach- to thatataottat Wahtaif I atari*, ta ttaawm ha tfca or-lKtaal way* alaplil by aojaa* areas-1' tar aaal aUo* to Ifcainiial_It, Itte).tta J. Bobaa. Janatto B. Dadtoy.order af tfca CoastBBALr* aa thatr ayaaa aarda. ta ^^ 4 n — ^^ j,^, karaaf. to aPtaya aata. ll "* h *' 1 ?•• wharata Paal a Bouakefar ta C«a»-< ky kick tefcaat -i-i,,^ aad yoa aad otfcara ara do-[atadaato la (tta tabby, aad aald ^.',7,"' 1 ,-,_. .. .^.,OOttottteOB OO) attO &B tfco OBVJM ffclf OBOO<strong>On</strong>ttOal1^ aad aaatatod ajatar*Oaty Otark at tta Ctty <strong>of</strong> tally ta aattta*atOl ill ilinriot tfcaOty'a* Ctty at a. taaotta% to b* BOABB C*. Ctty Ball.Oat la htatT^OaQHlWtaVoT taO tit* ajBg^Bj^ dldMBMT Oat tataatWOf tO tJkO OOataV*ctntanta-tydnt day <strong>of</strong> J ..BNB1I«UM takea aattaat yoa., The /aid htn taUad toat Ban. hta wife, datedJaJy 3d. Itl3. ea iiaalin attmato totfco Baroash <strong>of</strong> Afataa. Comaty <strong>of</strong>Gape May aad Btota <strong>of</strong> Mew Jeraey.aad yoa Chartaa B. BaU aral*« thereto, aad yea^|ilaa tfco wtto <strong>of</strong> Chart** B. Ban. ctatta IIto hara aaaat totanat to *eld' taaa. aad yoa I. a BkaOcraaa. trao-|Itoo. arayoa an tha Traataa to Baakraatayat the aald Chart** B. BalLBOBACB r. MQCOM.•IT Mar-M. 1.Mth. lttt.• lS-ll-it.W. Be Formu BrasoieresPARADESPECIAL EXCURSIONNEW YEAR'S DAY$1.50 B T-T $1.50War T.. U (Vnl> K.ir.IM. | nm.Oraaa> CMy 4MT AJf.Pennsylvania SystemBetter attcf more plm*st'na timnMny mild H*ventm cigarsfTHE HOTEL LAMONTEAlJkI WIBBBBBBI tBal wMwt tVHaaTJBT IaATM ltiBJUi nnujkmtTls»T^tlt.9t to ITt-tt Baltoaad Ororcoataaow IM.M to M5,9t. Bowe>a tfca* be doae whaa tha doth to- c. mmWLmmmmmti- •• for a Mtt or orertoet to OCEAN CRT. «• AT. k- -to h-y -1 ^eaat ISt.tt taaa to oaaL"America's' •' 'y'Lots 3dLocated oa Asbory ASticotSa •aiawr.iGrtiW, CrbedWTitle GoaraBtced Ey OwpiCash or Time- • 1. v--*,'_}4...For iirfoniatioo and turn<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>AsboryA "Your dollar today~ fore, but yoarmore by using *f i*\MAZDA Ii!OCEAN CITYATLANTIC CITY.— .•. • 4i y ». - >»,.E* fei ;l 1[

• • •t&^*r,\ cf-^-'Si-V '••••' .' ' • ••'•!•••••' '" .-. v.-v. ••''•••'.'-. r / ' # / . •''.'.-.' -•'-..- •» f t •• '•• - • . ' "• - ' ".'-•. *•••* y:z '••' ' ' . • " ' • v ^ < ' V -1 •" • , . . - V . " V > ^ " ' ; ? - v 5 » > « SJgp^•••'•.•-••'••:V':: •••:•'•: ''•^\;^&&-&^$$^&&' • ^"'r". . ' : 'V '•'•'• - ' V 1 •"'• V •'"• ' • •:'•!'iL^jV^jjjj^aaMiatba^niaBaMannnnnJ•••••$wmSO'- 1 ?••':•.. . ' ' '•;•&••&• . ,-;•' •••• •,--!.- > r-^;.v".:^,--•'"^•*s4^fijs»•.•••..:..••. •>:»V.-" < ''-( ; »«KfSS^^^rTie Cenlef astf fieief ef Bety' reepJeaM Other lit* Newsl4WaBBta*> ^J *• * *MOTHER,MOVEMENTMEETING OF CITYCOMMISSIONERSSCITYSBUILDING BOOM.*" k« tnUmtjfnjf/SSffitSi»•*••>•_•uS» l *__i'. ^"*mldnunniaA. _aa_ -•» is uaaaaaa, aad a baarr%Y& : •'nH^nH _r?a___i_En_aniHn-KpP.tf*.-"'* *.mM^y ••••• ".-IP—--__s^^^-____w^* v;^H-Jr^s-f^"--'--•"•••;nsWa_B#t-g^H- ^ -•• -_S__§S&.-» : -' *" . '•' «K_j2^anaa ta Urfa ettjr. aaaat Naw T*arday ta Phtliaalaala.Pat OB aaa aaap ay aUataka la raar<strong>of</strong> ftp HI aa BaDdlaa 1 * a kos GoataJl«ka> nutC»- lakar. Bovraa BaUdlacMr. OMHaa t«k. vWtad al.B^ toBa«afd U uraraad tobaatth'.T.T Bja^ jtawraw K. flcaO wara aa^kTL» •»•«•«• VUttOm t» ««at taa raoraaaa.•aatalT^ii «T^2Tnr ^i«STb# awaatiaa af road atcaa alaa canwwaa JBm tat*, C M a vary yoaJMawar'... IMI-B. TJ__LI •auiJttaV^v «caH*t«kaajoyad hi. laoroaifcly. Caca oaai^d j^vtZLJZ2!rZmmLJ!*!Z-— , _ ^Man^ka^i—^di ..lia m ,,..*,. ^..^^^ ' aUHf j^, JBJ, artMjMajffsejar W|W IMOWieBJ OaMeoota^<strong>of</strong> ffttiaaat COad «tta eaady.i^" ***-***»• •*«* «—•—'WIU-UB H. Caiikall. Jr. »*o la-_tta_ law to taa aancaa <strong>of</strong> AadravC BBawaa ana lalamad to HarrardCoOata lo raa-mi kin atady af Uw.Mr. aad Mra. B. alayUa Boktoaoa aad ^~hT__?»E :^WSyi! Aatar; Tiaaaarar. B. O. newaO, Mr.:aad Mia. K. •>. a-ranraa oas._____> ibatr raatdanM ta fttt city, aadattar a abort atay toPbf-Hi_»bn>. wfllM 11.—j- laaalai aast. Ta*t aarrteaa wfll a* aaid « taa rYaefcytor-•.

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