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tariq mahmood kiian department of special education university of ...

tariq mahmood kiian department of special education university of ...


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Thi! is to ertiry th.t lhe F!.5rch wo.k d*crib.d in rhis thcsi3, ..DEVELOPMENT OF<br />


SPECIFIC LE{RNING DIITICI'LTIES" is tt origi&t m* <strong>of</strong>o. aurhor -T&iq<br />

Mdrbod Kho", 2001/Dos06. ed hls bea Mied our undq Ey tliEd slp€nisid I<br />

n vc peemlly goe rleugh dt th. dab/quhtmsLriats reFrtd h |h. haueiipl ed<br />

eniry ilcil @meBvdrhariciry. r fllrq ctit lh.. rlc mle.id iBludcd in lbis<br />

theis hav. nor been ued in pan or tull in ! mdu!.rit atrlrdy subDifEd or in lh.<br />

rilc6s <strong>of</strong> subnision i! p.niry@npt.rc tuIilttMr <strong>of</strong> rhe .w.d <strong>of</strong> a.y oth.r d.gre<br />

non dy orhd iDejrurim. I .t$ qriry thd rhe il*b M Dctr F!p!!d urdd my<br />

sup.ruGion uodilg b fie pGcnbcd fomai .ad I endors rb 4du.rion for rhc lward<br />

<strong>of</strong>PhD d.ge rhmud l[. <strong>of</strong>ficial FoccdlB <strong>of</strong>th€ Univdity.<br />

, i !.4-- A.'\ I .<br />

(Pni, n. N.sUd-Di!) -<br />

I!$irule <strong>of</strong> EdBarion & Reseh<br />

clml UriBity D.t. Kban NVFP






'iJf +lf iJSsl%TF"J:,'#Hfff $.Hffils<br />


BY<br />







I owc all my wor* to Atlih Alnighry .UndoD6i.dly thesc .re his bountics who<br />

blcaed n. wilh th. $En8rh ro @mptet lhis dGsriatio, dd .tr Gsp.crs d. tbr lhe<br />

Holy Prodicr O.& bc uDor hin) eho imqsty hetpcd .nd l@k mdl* p.ins to<br />

I fel pleasure to .xpEs hy d.cp6l sensc <strong>of</strong> gEtitude ro ny ddonng ruide3<br />

.rd Espcclcd cchd. Dr Nd€, ud Din pr<strong>of</strong>.s$ in ldnul! <strong>of</strong> Educarion di<br />

Rc@h Com.t uniBity Dt Kna p.tajld. His in+,nrron .td c@Ls<br />

guidmce, v.lubl. suegcsrioG dd spehl alfation mldc id.tibte inpdrts on ny<br />

hean. Wit oul <strong>of</strong> ttr.e n woutd nor h.ve b€.n possibte tor ne lo @nducl tud<br />

c@pr@ lhis rdious bjt<br />

I dem ii ny privit.ge to th.nl Dr. Atdut lld*d pr<strong>of</strong>€s dd H.!d<br />

Dcpartncnr <strong>of</strong> Spei.t Edu*rion UnivcBiry <strong>of</strong> th. punjab LtnoG pakisto aot hjs<br />

k hnisl guiddc. dd exp.n dvice in te*ing,<br />

I cndoE lhc rh&ll3 ro Dr. Z.r d Mrtnood ctinial psychojo*jsr in ctsgo*<br />

U. K. for his .xp.n suidr@ !I @ly sragc <strong>of</strong> lh. d.vcropmor ot ieis dd<br />

prcqtus. Sinccr sralnu{b isduc forpr<strong>of</strong>esr Dr. H, M_ rqbrt fo, hh insishtful<br />

sugg.srions rhose erc hctptur in ri. €onptaion <strong>of</strong> tne sn|lty.<br />

I d inrLh.d ro .I stut nb ad rh.6 *tD Endq $.ir pario@ fo rhc<br />

r€st3! sery wirh out l])en sinceE pMi.iplljorj I qould hav. beeD !@re ,o @ptcL<br />

Finally y.t iDpo.rlndy, my lhant lo my<br />

€v.r ben I coenl $@ <strong>of</strong> inslanrion tdn h<br />

spousc sh@ cncouEgm.nr hrs<br />


,<br />




Abtraca<br />

Thn drsturion si d.letop M insishr inro $. o$eropncnr or lhc<br />

@npftrcNr. ddgnGricjre.duE\ for chitdru silh \pcirrc ttuins d,m, uhi.. n<br />

l'_,1111.jT,1*lp'l rh..pmF. <strong>of</strong>dmrinirion $irh Fr.Rn.e ro d. sF..nc<br />

uam-ng u rLdtrs ot rh. chitdrcn rn fie ib:room i: nor .rirenr. Ths loltJ bc<br />

onc or s. rsons ior lase !cat. drcD oui m p3lis.<br />

Popularion lflhe nudy ws sixih ed evoth EDde boys dd gtrts srude,rs oa<br />

8s emmmr nhmlr <strong>of</strong>urhorc cq. Onb l0|r nude;b {erc,.t(kd ror rhe rhote<br />

pro(rour.s d he dmritrarid <strong>of</strong> \LD hmuch pulponye smprins rc(hniq,e. the<br />

lT1g_"1 ,::,:1ll.l^ldd- d. p*panrion or chalid ior lhc s@in8 oi speinc<br />

klmng ,um(dfti ro di.3nos a whok tus. or diebilnis di lsidkd<br />

pJoum\ u.ed on rhct&h.ts prio, ob*^arion m |Jle .talsram and j.je.(on <strong>of</strong><br />

rhe,.irteia,,br rhc \.tid:rion oi rhe ch.c in ror pEdrron t.he\e crir.na rcF<br />

iillfifilg"f * -. "**, *r,i*.nri oro'ma z*g.a. "r,,a.ns ii<br />

,,,ATeq Bdnery.onjerngordineturcr!ase$ineo,fi.EnlFobtcm\Rtakd<br />

hb \-LL, wa d*doped sd EtidaEd. vahd,D or rh;* $6.sobh\h.d rrth<br />

::1":j:.lT::.-:T,I,, .lq. dMrimne, u;r}sb mdhods. R.riab,riry or ,h.<br />

LoN6krc) ot,.hc r6h qA mrtyzed sirh (onbach Arpha. sbbiliD rctiabrt.q \as<br />

:::Tln.! lr,rx ,i!rcS' m.'hod ror Tes B.,r.D. tkm M,rr\is<br />

baEry !0s<br />

<strong>of</strong>uBr orrd<br />

madc. {idr ir.m rhRshotd/{m 'Jl. djmcuky lnd discrinirrrion ,nq!ue tevcl<br />

trem pr.!c \cdll* plo, {,.h Rsp

Actolowt.dgcdcd<br />

Lbl<strong>of</strong>TrbL!<br />

Lira <strong>of</strong>^bbBhrtoB<br />

Ch.prer I: Introducllon<br />

S$laer ot{E ftlold<br />

ObjccliE <strong>of</strong>rtE Srudy<br />

RcgKh eu.rioDs<br />

SiSrific.e <strong>of</strong>lhc Sndy<br />

Table <strong>of</strong> contetrts<br />

Ddinni@ <strong>of</strong>rtE T.m U!.d<br />

chrrr.r It: Rcview <strong>of</strong> Utersrure<br />

fhc ooncar <strong>of</strong>slD<br />

Eely id.nrific.rid .td s@t ing<br />

Bles <strong>of</strong> Dystqia/Sl_D<br />

StD.nd S.qEmi.t probt@<br />

Radins Dcv.tolrat Radi,g Di6oli6<br />

Rc.ding CohpFhosion<br />

SLD &d A$.ffid<br />

Th@Eri.| CdlirtoriN in T6r D.EtoFft,r<br />

Correnr v.lidtty<br />

Crltcrid R.trr.d Vatidiry: Co,r@nr V.lidiry<br />

C<strong>of</strong>ir.N V.tidiq<br />

T6r c@mdio !trd hcn Adysis<br />

tldn vliidir, Iid.r<br />

tii<br />

vii<br />

viii<br />

I<br />

I 5<br />

5<br />

9<br />

t2<br />

t5<br />

It<br />

l3<br />

m<br />

24<br />

26<br />

29<br />

30<br />


cb.pa.r m: Mctbodolo5,<br />

RtunDclt8.<br />

Cdtrpc[@iE Di.gnGdc ptuedG Mod.t to. rlE<br />

Id.mi66rion oachik r.n sirt! SLD<br />

lE .ntjm <strong>of</strong> S.@ing Cflckli*<br />

PEp.rlioo <strong>of</strong>Tcs Bcr.ry<br />

Pitor Study <strong>of</strong> Sc@ing Ch@ktisr<br />

Pilol Srdy <strong>of</strong>ELD T.r Bfiay<br />

AdniniiErior, Sdins tud tndrsdo<br />

prc..duE tor Sccnlng Chektd<br />

Pop!t.tio<br />

Adnilisrdiol, Sqtug !d htqDcdio!<br />

prE dG fsTca Edid,<br />

Cni.nt v.litily<br />

Conc@'n Valldny<br />

CdlriEr v.lidiq<br />

Di$riniqr Vdidit<br />

I!.n AEttlis<br />

Di$r.pdrcy<br />

cr.$r tv: Amtyli! ot Drrr<br />

cor .!t v.tidiry<br />

C@@ Vitidiry<br />

Cost4rcr Vatdity<br />

Disinier v.tidii'<br />

R.ti.lfliry<br />

Illm Amltst!<br />

cr.d..v: SuDDrry, trln thgr, Corctuiol' rrd Dilcruio<br />

34<br />

34<br />

35<br />

16<br />

31<br />

3a<br />

J9<br />

al<br />

It<br />

13<br />

52<br />

5t<br />

7l<br />


.!h hG<br />

Slldila. n<br />

Dqdd &<br />

C@lu.ho. at<br />

R&oridd !9<br />

R.folncdddBtbliogndv el<br />

SoafuCL*t'i 106<br />

Sr.DT.ntey tw<br />

D6e.|t.ritoaad, ||5<br />

ftd R.toc Mo.btitrr It- Cn *ra-t Crc br<br />

sd.tubdotrt TdE-y<br />

Ih- R..pd.. t&d.La b !r,r <strong>of</strong>r.r.d Dtrtde<br />

dRtqorlto.td n E lll<br />

Ih R.td.. laoddi{ !o IH.ld tu E rl-d<br />

q@t |E B t35<br />

h!.d.r r,r-r SDt Ond.ddOd.rl|aG&.6.<br />

rd Er.rrt B7<br />

Ihllrtt tdadfcdtoa <strong>of</strong>drc Ctilda qili sLD,fti 2<br />

u l4?ct ItG l[.t\ii h rb T.3B.rr'y la

List <strong>of</strong>Tables<br />

T$1. No Ttd.<br />

4.1 cml im cmci.nlMons s4, <strong>of</strong> l.n, <strong>of</strong> rh. Tcn 8,n .,<br />

ed aoi'.veme.t scoB in Uid! &d re (N: t 0l3)<br />

Toled compoMt t\,t{dr or rrE enfmdory r*6 4tF,s tor<br />

ne,kbE ror rh. idmrificarionot$. ScRnine Chektij<br />

proDr.6 r& 106 ob*Bed by Efh.6<br />

Robr.d-Cmpo.nr Vraix or dr contmiroD t&toF nrh $ tor<br />

mcro6<br />

<strong>of</strong>fie sLDTej B.hery<br />

'oldentificotion<br />

44 lDd.p.rdnr smpt6 !i., ror@npuen <strong>of</strong> tow (n-69r .nd hrsti<br />

r-44r so"ngSrcJpc <strong>of</strong>rhe keningcha rn qirh lne Tcn<br />

4.< lndependenr Slhpt$!k*tor@opeibn <strong>of</strong>toq h_69,lnd high<br />

'ffiti::T:ffi*,{* "*ninc chauis $nn s'o* u<br />

.u lo:f"jfl' :-tf, :"" lor mnpdr$n o, ro$ od h,sn @nng<br />

gmpr or tisls <strong>of</strong>ih. T6r Ban.r, * h Udu ren $06<br />

u' l$r$ll::ltlt :*r roronpanoi <strong>of</strong> ro$ Md h'e qconns<br />

smups or | 63 orlhe Td Bery sllh tQ T4r ec<br />

4.8 C<strong>of</strong>ttflionccfijch bd@n th. prc ed Doq i.jB or tud.nb<br />

tn4) o, dE 16 Bafi.F<br />

4.4 c@nba.h rAtph.cefijai.nr for fi. idennficatron<strong>of</strong>Eh.br|I) ol<br />

ne scceninE CheUi{<br />

,,0 t:^p-.,I,:1,1"n::TT.'.ir for d. ,&nrinc.od or Rehabnir)<br />

roerrcr.nr ot lhc T.sr Brri.r, (N=t O I I )<br />

a.r I Conqmnco.mtiad trn Rejpons Mod.linE rEdiliodl<br />

a12 Cinqle! cmedti4d hem R6porj. Mod.hng:km imjJ{sot<br />

ft rersutrt *rlharcandoncEspoR,cnsiN=tot r)<br />

6t<br />

6.]<br />

56<br />

58<br />

60<br />


Lirt <strong>of</strong> Ffuurer<br />

llt|.<br />

llrb R4p.o. trrodctiIg tcn ctE d.niis cl,rc by s!5 for<br />

SPr lcm <strong>of</strong> tn. T.n B.dcry<br />

Il.m Rdpoe Mo&tins lcn Chlm.rtude Cud.s by sEr fd<br />

NPT h.m <strong>of</strong> lnc T61 Blrb<br />

Ih R.spoM Modetiry ti.n Chelertriq Crc hy ffi fo,<br />

RUT lrlE <strong>of</strong> d. T.s B@ry<br />

llrh Rlt r!.lrod.ti4 tbn Ctrrcbnnicsclro by sB ftr<br />

DPt lanr old. T.n B@y<br />

67<br />


Lirt <strong>of</strong> rbbrcvirtiorr<br />

S, No AbDnvl.do!! D.fttablt<br />

l- sLD SFdfc Lahitrg Ditrotri*<br />

2- Q b,.lli$rreFriar<br />

3. SPT S.q!.nti!t pDbleh T.!t<br />

+ NPt N@\qtdpqEpdGrd<br />

t RLIT Righ kn l&nlifc.tion Tcn<br />

G DPT Dirse p.ic€prioN T.!r<br />

?. LRT tdq R@snilid T.!r<br />

& RCT It .nnicmFttdjiolld<br />

9' wCT Wrirh8 CmFdr@io! md nehdie T.n<br />

l0 lRT llcn RcapoB Th.ory<br />

t t- SD Sr&d.rd D.li.lim<br />

12- ICC ti.n C||&r.rairis Clre



Sraific Lomirg Diffrdhie (SrD) is . sisnifi@t pbbtch <strong>of</strong> dc childEn.<br />

They Bully .Muicr u ealiiy dd disunging tming cxp.n.nc6 in th. rgutar<br />

clssMns. Th.* exp.riences tead mon oi rh. b.ginneA loward .xctBion frcn rutl<br />

@ge <strong>of</strong>educarionel opp<strong>of</strong>rurilies which.e.vaitobte to rhe mljority chitdren <strong>of</strong> &en<br />

ase. All childdr shoutd enjoy cqulir, <strong>of</strong> .c6 to lnc badth <strong>of</strong> cduatio@l<br />

exFm.s. qhich e.njold by rh.i pcrl, tur it G a chauenS. fd Lach.rsr Dsm6<br />

dd p<strong>of</strong>csrionals or sp@i.t eduotion. h G .[ duc b nmbcr <strong>of</strong> dittcE sds tud<br />

*vcBl difcEnr cootexk in Nhich rh.ohitd is sEd Dp. prior (t996) depicred rhat d<br />

lan one in cvcry ten ohitdEn <strong>of</strong> school as. wil have difficuhrs w<br />

or lhe shool cudiculum, nosl anhonty Mding sd sp.ltin8. tf te tdins<br />

difricuhica p.6in in dE @li&.gc ii *i hid.r Oe su@s D I<br />

ditrculti.s c diogno..d 6 SLD, *hich is {t fin.d 6j<br />

An lQ score grea!.r rhd 80 dd d.ficit! in at lan onc ar.. <strong>of</strong> &ademic<br />

ach'.vem.nt (rc!di.g! spe ing, and narhcm,rict Nocialcd with specinc<br />

cognidv. imr{nno$ scn 6 snon tcm mcmory pobl.ns, por aldilory<br />

discnmiMtid lbitity, VisiGpceflurl pDbt.ms! atrr, rh. likc {p. 4) .<br />

Childh rirh SLD e rl$ .si!r.d *jrh srEnS.hl ed w.t.css in difrcHr<br />

aE s, E.ngor Dydexia U,n e002) d.snbed lhe difarculries dd lbilnies a a<br />

conbi@tion, which alleds ftc tehing prccc$ in on€ or nor€ <strong>of</strong> rccdin8, sp€Uing,<br />

wting and sooc lime iunemy or longuagc. The katness in rhc a6 <strong>of</strong> speed <strong>of</strong><br />

pro6ine, shom.m ndory, $qu.rcin& ,uditory FE€ption, rtuat p.cptio!<br />

spoken larsug. md firc o sb$ moror stilts c 6uly diaSno$d 6 drst.xja. The

dtsl.xic pEeh@l chitdis havr p6bt.ms with nursry dryn6 dd orh.r tdsuaS!<br />

g!m6. Tncy lroid Eadine adivnics .G onq di$.gdiad md fdgcl thi.g3 4ity.<br />

Sch@lchitdEn wiih defcic@ics in difi.rnt m.dcot ehi.vs.nrs i. Fi{tin&<br />

qitinS.nd spelling usuuy pe.fom th.n d.ily tiG &liriries sie.incd|ly b.n4, Thcy<br />

oomoit sm. connon mis&kcs i! E din! wordsi ohil soms tencls in Eadins or in<br />

writiog an r copyirg itfrDm&y soue. Such ryp.s<strong>of</strong>prcbtds<strong>of</strong>th..hitddndeprive<br />

them ,o .odemic achi.hcnls in subj..ts in *hich sch ba,ic <strong>of</strong>ridinS ad wdring<br />

carry ndr. lflh.G is no pmbtm <strong>of</strong> lisid lnd.udiiory abitiiiB *i.h rh* chjtd@<br />

inen $.) rd del.Rd SLD in one or moR spcific e! or t@in8.<br />

Thqc Childrei in rh. ehot s&n rn ining exp€ricnc.s in Eadin! and witing<br />

skilk at .81) st.ges <strong>of</strong>lhe ri6t ysr, bul afi.r some dme ther apped sonc symptons oi<br />

problch3 in E.ding ard wilin8. Consqlcndy, lh.s. childE. h.v. ro t@ nmy<br />

dimcuhiB Eg.rdins $c addenic &hi.v!n.nrs. Th., bmft stow &hi.v.r in lh€<br />

cra c conF rd to then rge mr.' For $. difr.Enliar di.gnGis <strong>of</strong> rte Fo6tos,<br />

sp.ci.liz.d essdr is n*sry whi.h n porsibte ar ehot asv.<br />

childrcn with d'st.xi. s)mproms sn b. diasno*d at arty schooling. prcblem<br />

situ.tion in l.ani.s develop in sond lhdc tevet mons these childrcr. An €rty<br />

idcntifieron <strong>of</strong> sLD @ b. hetpfil for lh. s!fi-*r. Th* chitdEn tu b. eEncd out<br />

ed ntcfl.n.d al dty r.s6 (Maid, t97t). Functio <strong>of</strong> eEnins is si-pct nlion<br />

and prebLns dhgDos.d at dty skgrs G noE .sity @p.d wirh. Mr.y chitdM with<br />

SLD le.m ncurarety bul unfonunarcty! lh.rc is tek <strong>of</strong>,bility to t.m in sFciti. No<br />

tlong with th. l4k <strong>of</strong>apFftpriate t lchins dircctions. fte childE, wirh SLD csn lo<br />

aeuntely wnh apprcpriar sd spei.liad teaching t&hniqu.. Th€ srly dialnosis <strong>of</strong><br />

th* childEn e lcad to ihe removal <strong>of</strong> s@h bt@ks lo nooat leming {Joh,son, l98o).

Differert pbcedures dre adopred to a$as the chitdEn tor SrD ii the wodd.<br />

Prior ( | 996) $gg6id six .sssrhb in lh. .lfficnl <strong>of</strong> SLD thal inchd. iitclliede,<br />

rod.nic achidemena, linglage abititica, fienlion dd n.mory. visuit, sparial, md<br />

nolor sp..d oap&iti€s. Dydexia Asecislion ot rr.tdd (2003) h6 eivcn citeria 6, th.<br />

prrho.dlcatoml esmdr <strong>of</strong> rhc dystcri.. I. rhis sm.nt in.ddarid lo hding<br />

and sithlj l.ning reachd rcport is ale coBid.r.d h€bftI. Bansor Dyst.xh Unh i2002)<br />

<strong>of</strong>icr pclimi.ary scre.ning nd rhen asesenr senies eFied or by chdcEd<br />

Edlerional Pstlnobsidr. Blmi6 (2fi8) h6 Mmm..d.d rhe di!8!6is or sLD !o<br />

s rh. .xtrcme di$Ep.ncy beN.en ead.mic perfom.n*s particutaly ii te8urge<br />

readine orsp.llineand shdotdi4dtesr! <strong>of</strong> co8ririvcabitit .<br />

Among cd@ritul ptlhoto*is|l, SLD is a w.lt |@8riad pDbtcD *hich t€ds<br />

towads dysfundion in difi.Mi oes <strong>of</strong> skils. ChitdEn wirh SLD @ found in every<br />

dNem Th.E e no sF.ific pmcaduB fo. th. idcnlifiation <strong>of</strong>th SLD in r€din&<br />

wning ed sD.Uing in pa*islari hngug. Udu. fi is d.si6bt. ro i&nlit *h@lchit&tn<br />

when tn.y h.vc spent sm. yqu in leahing readins, wririns od sp. ins. Ehployi.g<br />

diffeftDt peed!res h idcdiry lh€s chitdcn, Sc@ning Chccktjsr has bai devetopcd<br />

in rhir srud, ro Eotd rh. ctds r&h.u obe.varion abor rhe cnikEn. lt als<br />

pmpdses to 1d.nliry auditory, visual od orher physicat disorders. Abitiry re rsi is ats<br />

u*d io ch*k its di$repu.ics riih lh. rchicvcm€nl $oar i, din*nt subjeta ris<br />

tud, B cls ehicwDdrs frdn $h@t datulrion dod or nud.mr, Fbaly.<br />

ditreEnl tcsts in s.quenrict tlsts, non,r.rbrt perceptions, ishl len idenlifianion, dd<br />

dK.n@ p.Mplioi\ verb.t tit.Ecy in rclding, witirg dd sp.Uing hdve h..n dcvclopd<br />

ror lh. i{kndficafion <strong>of</strong> lhc problan in olh.r sp€ciaE @s or tming. Thc criniog<br />

siluation oirhe idcnlifi€rion dd ctr$itic.rion wth refcrcn€ ro the SLD <strong>of</strong>chitdr.n in<br />

cralsem ts ml a@uE8ing. pr+d.ion <strong>of</strong> lhc mpEhdsih di.gnctic prc.dEs

for childEn uirt SLD cn.bl6 a klchq ii $e dstum io ttcnri& dE liudenr sior<br />

sFcilic t oi,g Dmculrics ln derctopang e idividuatiz.d .d@tion.l dD for rhcs<br />

childrcn. This is p@bably ! leoding and iniovative task in idcnlificdion oithc cnikd<br />

Srlt nert <strong>of</strong> th. prcbt.m<br />

Thc pbblem Dndcr rhis sludy was io d.v.lop conpFhensivc dlago$ic<br />

p@cducs rtr rlE idcniifiodo <strong>of</strong> cniBd wirh sLD in E ding dd wirjnS Uilu. tr<br />

inclu.lcd d.v.lopnor ud votidarion ol Sca.ni.S Ch@&list &d $e tu.,.rdjz.d Td<br />

Baicry addE$ine in di,Tcrcnr e6 or tcd,ins<br />

fic obj4riEs <strong>of</strong> rh€ srudy eE ro:<br />

Obj.ctivs <strong>of</strong>rbe Saudy<br />

Dcvelop od v.lid.t the ohec{isr for scE.ning <strong>of</strong>SLD lo diasnos a mne. <strong>of</strong><br />

disbiliiier dd asiaLd pobLms.<br />

D.wlop dd tud.tdiz a Tec a.ncry co6iei.8 <strong>of</strong> th. ao @n,s s.<br />

l- Sequ.n tiat Prcbten T?sr (syr)<br />

2- No-v.rbat p.cpdos T61 (Npr)<br />

3- Rishl L.ii lddaficlrim Tcsr (RI|T)<br />

4, Disrancc p@plions Tcst (Dpr)<br />

5- Lcno Reoennid Tcsl (LRT)<br />

G R.adins CmpEh.nsid T.sl Ecr)<br />

7- wdting Compr.hcnsion cnd nshanics Tcsl (wcT)

R.6.mn eu6tiois<br />

TIE snidy wa @nducr.d b ssEr ltE fo oBing qrcnions:<br />

Q- I \vhd ws lh. pd.t4c <strong>of</strong> SLD oong 66 & / Bnd. slutdls in cgut<br />

-h@ls<br />

in Patise?<br />

Q. 2 Hop rhe tcachds ed potesion.ts w.rc dcltiog wnh lhcs. chitdr€n?<br />

Q. 3 wcre SLD penl i. on. or hoE !c.d.mic fts?<br />

Q. 4 WeE SLD present in verbat &adcnic aEas ,tong wiri tle M6ted pmblems?<br />

Q. 5 was lhere My disrcpincy bcrwen the lbitily (le) dd &hievde (sEs in<br />

Udu) <strong>of</strong>th. cnitdrcn wnh SLD'<br />

Q.6 weE lhe ehiereoent scoEs in $. subjer <strong>of</strong>Udu <strong>of</strong> lh. childEn whh SLD<br />

Q.?<br />

Q.3<br />

osiste.r wirh rh. diagro$ic Lsrs h @di,8 ed *rili,g?<br />

Wcre khe6 obe^dioc 63isr.nl with rh. diogdic t srs &rd pc€d|B?<br />

w@ thft uy diftcE@ oa sEs o ditrcdr i.s6 lmmg gdder and 66, 7i<br />

Significrrc. <strong>of</strong> th. Saudy<br />

It is on <strong>of</strong> lh. oajor pobl.@ <strong>of</strong> th. .e.rrion.t chitdFn espeialy vjrh<br />

lsmi,g diebilitics in Pbtislan rhal lbcy e ,ot DBperly degno*d dd lre.cd<br />

.oording lo then spccific dimcutli.s in sFcitjc a@s. Chitdr.n wilh SLD cd not<br />

pe om well in lelbal l.sks but rh.y arc fairty ged .t non-verb,t abitily p.fomece<br />

tlsts. Especiolly fien p.rfom.ncc in eadcmic a$i8nhenls is not eood.<br />

I he lelch.r<br />

onen dcs.or kno* thc nalurc <strong>of</strong>lhcir pobtems, as $cy e eusi.s huble ih doins<br />

aigm.nis. Teohc6 @ &sing $.n p.rfomo,c. widr our h@ns $cn Bl<br />

d.ficiqcics in Erbal .nd noD-vi6lt ae <strong>of</strong>ahiad.nt Thcy lrEd dd ercn punnh<br />

tfim harshq cmsiderins rh. lru&nr l.zy sd du .

Childd w n difrioldcs f@ pdbhm i, ii0crprclarion <strong>of</strong>$. eds afttr eiDs<br />

il r@n lhe b.6rd, nor.b.ok or fM ..y othcr b@q e u,.d. !o Ep|$d@ rtE s.<br />

woid or 6pd!d a pmpcly s cquiEd. Such tF.s <strong>of</strong> ,rebtcns <strong>of</strong> r[e childEn are<br />

b€oni.g hindtmes in lhd ctss@m D.rfomqcc, Mdy <strong>of</strong> rhe chitdEn md cope<br />

with circumslancB dd quir th.ir funn.r .ds.lion, lrn r (2000) reported rhe<br />

pe@nta3e <strong>of</strong> sLD Mong alt di$bilhi4 t 51. to by rhc us D.p4naot <strong>of</strong> Edu€tion<br />

1993 in rhe Annual Report lo Co.8r.$ on lh. imptcnc otion <strong>of</strong> tle Individuats *ith<br />

Disabihics €duoation Acl, which b rh. greatd perccntase ,s conpoEn to a olher<br />

oat4ori6 <strong>of</strong>dislbiliry. ln P*nl!n, thc h.rucy rdc al primrry levet is,or encoumging.<br />

No .xact sLtisliB aor rlE prevat.ne <strong>of</strong> SLD e available. Howevq, tire@y EL in<br />

Pakista4 @rdin8 ro thc Lit.ey Codni$ion <strong>of</strong> prkisiin, Mi,isEy <strong>of</strong> Edncation Cor.<br />

olPakislnn {2{xr0) is 47.2 %. Accodins to CrA world Fd B@t (2002) LiFEcy in the<br />

Natios nd T.Ei1ori6 <strong>of</strong> the wdld. fi. s.risri$ for<br />

's6<br />

2OOo md 20Ot, tit tu, Etc<br />

is 43 % ed Patitu slatrds r rt'c r 9On posilion i. rh. tisl <strong>of</strong> 210 counEi6. rn uo{hd<br />

EFfi <strong>of</strong>tne Dairy Pati$n Tim.s (2004), tiEry dlc ot p.tistan isjd 54 %. T1*<br />

Epots do ml snow dcdEgiog a&r, lbout fi. |ncGy @ndnion <strong>of</strong> pakistd_ Anons !I<br />

rh.s f&rs <strong>of</strong>rh. lir!@y, drop oul 6tc in prim!ry cducarion in pakistan is ats high. tt<br />

6 Ep.ded in daily Davn (2002) rhlr J0 % chitdr.n .,@[ed in prinary schmls,<br />

drcpp€d our berore conpledDg gndcs tiv., This dmp out mte is highest in sourh Asia<br />

dd comes at l12, as smpar.d ro 98 tor lidio, t9 for Sri tant

tm.dial m6ucs lo qlter fie problens <strong>of</strong>rhse childrei. be.u$ ideirifi@ion lools are<br />

Id.ntifiotion <strong>of</strong> SLD is posiht. only when dEE N sui6bt. preduFr.nd<br />

stlt.h for diogndis lccording ro lhc t@.t noms. Thes. conpreheNive di.gnojric<br />

pMedurcs will bc hclpful fo.lhe id.nrifiotion <strong>of</strong> childr.n wirh SLD. n *outd b.<br />

h.lttul for m.di.l Lshing dd os!rc ih. aadcmic uptift otdc cxetionlt chitdan<br />

who .omally dDp on 6on $h6t. Tn.e p@do6 pDvidc tu 6y ipp@hi<br />

cohpr.h..sive rehniquca od Nbt. sy$.m for b.ih ,.gutar ..d sp*iat eduqrion<br />

rschcr lo h.lp rhcn *ud.nrs wilh sLD.<br />

Defiritiotrr <strong>of</strong> thc Te n$ Used<br />

Il is $. prNc$ <strong>of</strong> usins €ns and othq m6uFs oasrud.,s, p€rfonrn* md<br />

b.hatiour b nalc .d!6rioot daisions. lr @sisr or arolln..r <strong>of</strong> &chniq!., for<br />

cvlludins cslin.lin& .ppEisiDS. dd mlting @nctusios ,bour rh. bch.viour,<br />

p.do6de, and lening <strong>of</strong>studcnts (Venn, 2OOO).<br />

tu is to decmiE rl'. d@ lnd $!rcc <strong>of</strong> a F@ s lbndmt bcnaviot &d<br />

cleiryins the b.h.vior pavd wi6ii d i6.pr.d diaenodic aysr.n. (cEeory, 1996).<br />

Dlr8ndIic,l$erd.rt Pm.dtrB<br />

Th. developm.nr ot diag.ostic s,r!.n includi4 @rpEh.nsjE $cDirg ed<br />

r6llls ,.tu nts !o lint dudd6 t@in8 abitni.s to rh.ir ehot lchi4€mcB in orc<br />

connnuoB srsto <strong>of</strong> mc$urement (cregory, 1996),

ll h. @np&is <strong>of</strong> ffi lo dclnin. sjg.ifetf dif€E.e in.xFd.d ,td<br />

actll ahidodts in thc i&difiErid <strong>of</strong> Spcific rffin8 Diebitiri.s (Mctoushlin<br />

Dyslcxia is evidenl whcn @uEr. ed nuat ed reading dd /d sp.Uine<br />

ddclo'' vcry i@ompl.t ly or uith grlt dimc!ry. This tels on tiLEcy tadins al<br />

thc wod l.El dd impli* dar rh. pFbhm is sv.E nd p.6ki.nt d.spic <strong>of</strong> t6ins<br />

opronuniti.s (SqoiB aJi MGKGIM, 2006).<br />

A di$rdcr in one or nor€ ot (hc b6sic psychologioat pr@sss involvcd in<br />

usin8 l.n!uog., spokcn . NnftD, or ro do md)emaliclt eLutaions inctudi,s<br />

conditioB s@h 6 p.cptu l hddi€ppcd, bdjn injury, nininum bha. dysf!rction.<br />

lr it not imludi.g a l@irg pbbLm, which is prin&ily rhc 6uk 6f vist h*in&<br />

or no|or hdda@ps, or ncnllt Elli.rion, <strong>of</strong> dod@al dislurbocc, or <strong>of</strong><br />

envnonm.nril. cunudl or snonic di$dvrnrlg. (Lrner, 2|)O(,<br />

S.enins h d initial sbge durjr! which nud.ds tno. my hav. diddc. ora<br />

tan'culr p'.dl@, {,i$nt . rftt diebitili.s G $r.d o non $e gcc6t poput.rion<br />

.nd od.r disbiliri.s. ft t rhc irt.Biw p@.s <strong>of</strong>dar! @Iedo, which B ncc.$ry for<br />

aesm. (Srlvia& Yeseldyk.,200r),<br />

spelllc L.rnlng Dimctrli6<br />

Pobl.m in lemi.g thal con iot b. .rsity crplained by tact <strong>of</strong> i.t ctsl<br />

or by d.ficidr $hoolins. Thes dificuhicr e i. teftsl od ,on-vcrblt @<br />

ldgqrgcs, E dans, s!.ttirg, wirirg..d n h.rorial qtatrids (pior, |996),



The sludy @Nist d ot the d.vctorhent ond lrtiddjon <strong>of</strong> rhe @mDrchcnsive<br />

di.gnoslic p@d!res fd rh. idc ifi@ on <strong>of</strong> chit{tEn wirh sLD. This kind <strong>of</strong> nudy<br />

Gquncd inrensiv. theoElicat freework. For lhis purpose, the lir.rar@ prolided rh.<br />

tu€t{ut dimqsio$ <strong>of</strong> SLD ed th@Eliqt bash ot r.st {Grctopm..r During ttE<br />

rev,.* <strong>of</strong> lir.mtuF. em. s)ronlmourty usd Efts like dystexia md t*ming<br />

dis$iliries w.E @Bid.Ed. Ch.tuLrhtics dd sp.cific pbbrehs <strong>of</strong> ch,tdEr wilh<br />

dt3l.xio e fEqlcndy rhilabt. in rhe lircmrlE. Th. tiieEtuE includes some sp.circ<br />

pobren aB such d S.qucnriot prcbtrms, R€di.g ed Witing Conprchension <strong>of</strong>rhc<br />

Tne lirraru@ on lh. pobtem aM <strong>of</strong> studenrs wirh SLD aho betps in the eqrly<br />

tddrificjrion <strong>of</strong> rh.F sludcnq o Micn lhis nud, pt.es Ducn dphsi, I$., Ehrd<br />

lo ile a$s.nr <strong>of</strong>dEe studcnrs, s avait.ble in tbe In mr@i leE<br />

The litenruE aho Mincs lh. thmljcrl isu6 Eslrdins rhe nBuEftenr or vatidit,<br />

.nd eliabiliiy oarh. resrs lscd in rh. nudy. Lir.EtlE on dd qatys,s h.lp.d ro<br />

derhhe ihc diffrculty tcv.t ed disginimlioD indcr or a ihc r.as us.d for<br />

The Cobce <strong>of</strong>SLD<br />

SLD lii.mtuE lg rh. rm .dystcxi!, srron)mocly ri,r chjtdd D fe<br />

ditncuhiB in langlage rctarcd e6. Wod ,Dtstexi., can b. brok n dorn inro lener<br />

Sroups d's ed lexia,. Nhich ma djnod.d wohds in adins sd wnins A@tding<br />

!o spa,loil ald Coser (1996) rhe rem ,dyslexia, is nor presnr in h@nE untit tatc<br />

1800. Hinsh.lNood (s circd in Spanord & cDssr, 1996) epon c fial rhe sjmile

diftcub <strong>of</strong>lanruase w6 tened as.ldyslcxia', by Bcrtin in t877. In t962, Kit u$d<br />

th. Em "lming disabitity, in rhc Iouowing dcinidoo.<br />

A reding disabitiry cfds to Elardarion, dierdcr, or detsyed devetopnent in<br />

one or moE <strong>of</strong> the p@s <strong>of</strong> spcch, tssug.. ddin& w.irinS enhDclic.<br />

or othq eh6l subjers Eslhing frcm a psychotogic.t hddiclp aued by a<br />

posible ccrebral dysfunctioi dd / or emolionll or b.haviou {tinulbance. lr<br />

r not $. Esuu or mcnLl Erardarim, es.y d.privalon, d cun@r lnd<br />

'hstncr'onat feto ip, 263).<br />

The Em ..leding disbilfty.. adoDr.d 6.fucraonlt m w,hour pd.d.nrs b<br />

tuid. those who atEnpted !o dcfine il .nd silho €sEh or @moon us,gc rnich<br />

would asfi in irs approp.iar. fomuration s a fuctioMl t m., (Cruicrshotq 198t. p.<br />

8l rs cired in Obai t99r).<br />

A simjlq d.finition lDpc@d in t975 in public Low 94, 142, the ed@lio. for all<br />

H.ndiqpp.d chitdm acl. tr *6 ate i@rpodcd in pubtic Lae lot, 476, th. | 990<br />

Individuals wilh Disabitilica Educalion Acl (IDEA), and h lh. 1e97, Amendmcnrs to<br />

IDEA iPL( l0t- | 7). The d.finilion <strong>of</strong> heins disbiliri6 in re{cEr raw h lnc bljis <strong>of</strong><br />

nost eare d.nnido6 ad is u$d by nlny $noh (M.rcer, .,ord.n, At$p & Mcftcr,<br />

I 996 6 cicd in Lcmer, 20OO). The redcmt definition <strong>of</strong> tem ing d,sbir ili6 in lh. I 997<br />

IndividuG eirh Disbitiri.s Educalion A.r is:<br />

The tem ..Sp€cific Lcaming Diebilily,, atus thos cbitdrcn who hav. a<br />

diFrdcr ir oe or moE oa dE bsic psFhoto8iqt p'lBss ,nrcj\d in<br />

unde6bnding or in using ttrsu,gc, spoken or wiinen, whioh disodcr 6ay<br />

ndif€sl irs.tf in inp.rfet sbitiiy ro lisLq rhinlq sFlk , Ea4 Nnq sF . or b<br />

do narh.ndical qlcutations . Th€ r.m includ6 such condnions a p€rceptorl<br />

hqndidpp.d, bain injury, ninimuD brain dysfun.lion, dyst.xia and

developmental aphaia, The Gm does not inctudc a lming pFbhh, which h<br />

prindily $c tNh <strong>of</strong> visut h@jng or noror hediap6, <strong>of</strong> n.n1!t dad.iio,<br />

<strong>of</strong> enolioml disrlbde, or <strong>of</strong> cnvionm..rat, cul@li or snomic<br />

died@t gc (ltrcri 2000, p. 9)_<br />

TheE .rc fiEe nain B$mplions b consid€r rhis d.finnio, foi diagnosis, Fi6!<br />

ih. I@iDg pbblm is sp@ifrcj individut hs di$dq in onc n ioE hdc<br />

psrcholqjc.l p@s d cognirik ag. Si.g.t (6 cii.d in ob@!, l9l ) !'su.s rhd rhis<br />

kind ol sp€citichy is utr .lislic. Sies.t nllntoi,ed rhal if djes knds <strong>of</strong> chitdcn hove<br />

pDbhnr h <strong>of</strong>t c.gnitirc @ n {utd .t&.r ! wiry <strong>of</strong> o{ha ..!L, 6 @din& qidn&<br />

spcati4 and lisr.nins d wcU,<br />

s@.d amplio <strong>of</strong> tming djs.rbitiry d.finnms I le ehjdch.nl<br />

o$Epdey! which is atb @nnDBid. lr ssm€s rh.r Chitd,, &hi.vdd desuEd<br />

with the stddaidized ahicv.m..t tesls is ind.Fnd.nl <strong>of</strong>$e obili.y thll is n4@d by<br />

sundlrdi4d lQ rsl ed te ses ,ilt nor tc sff,cr.d by die pEsc@ or SLD. Thiil<br />

d$urplion lhal l.oins diebilny is no! ! Rsutr <strong>of</strong>som. orhcr on

.m "dyst.xi." is ! uinry rcm vi$ en. $@ific d.vidr ondirio.s (pmfEy dd<br />

Rason 2003), Tnis study used the lco SLD 6ai umbrcla, which inctudesa divcue<br />

sDuD <strong>of</strong> childM Nirh loins pbbtcms jn<br />

'E<br />

ot udins od wrilins U.du. Th.s<br />

sluddis may h.re int.rul q.xremit @.ens fo, fajljn! b Ld. Id.spcliv€ <strong>of</strong> @son<br />

for failu@ in laming lh. interv..rion, prc€$ is de sc fomu sudenr. The toltowine<br />

dcrini.ion sivd by Ausr.tid Natio,l Hqtrh od M.dist R.s4h councit (1990) is<br />

Speific lming dimcu cs Et r io substa.tiv. popodid 1016 % <strong>of</strong><br />

childEn od adolc$ols *ho cxnibn p,obt.m ii @rcropodr,l and<br />

eldcnicskitts. Th. dimcuhes arc considered ro rcsuti fbh on. or mor.<br />

oroE followirg a&iou r@lkcMt, dcv.topmcnr!1, phrsiot .dr $nsy<br />

dcfet, inadcquarc .ovimM.nr.t expeie@, hck <strong>of</strong> apprcpriaE<br />

.ducationat opponuniti.s (!. 2).<br />

Errly Id. ilic.tio. rnd Scr@ ng<br />

A child h coBidcrcd beinE SLD ro an e*nr hi&lu che&Lrisdcs, nalching<br />

wid the list <strong>of</strong>signs sivcn by $c qp€tu. towner, ttu.&EBage o u. wly s,8N<br />

ol SLD hr rhR evidcnc.s. Tm.r (2000) desrib.d rhe .vdcnc.s 6, co.stanr<br />

f.atms, pEourcoN od conomitans. tn onsrrnt fedu,.s, il is @nsid.rcd rhst lansurg.<br />

cdt_ol dililcuttics prnicutatt in wordl erndts, pcuis nom osc 4lo t?<br />

'€s. tn<br />

lhis p@blem child may show disrurbon€ in phonotoSial prG$ing, turing .rc,<br />

PEc@E includc the fDily hjjory dd childlood symptoDs tik legnase dct.y.<br />

Con@nibna G de indidr tunlEs thar ma, @onptuy ln. diedfr at uy Civcn<br />

$a8e. rn concomjrulq onh*raphic sbitiiie: ndory and sohmlchitd\ ideresl arc

Fmily hisbry is import ,t for .dt idenlif@tid. SLD h b.ti.ved !o b. g.retic<br />

rclat.d prcblch thar sivcs riF io *u,ologiat problen, Esuhing inlo cogritiye<br />

dtsalrcrid 6 w.tt (Riddick, 1995)_ B,irHr lrystcxi. Ashiion dcpiccd (s cii.d in<br />

Turner, 2000). rhor e&ty *rccnins ce b. nade !r erly ase iD aI chitdM just ln.r<br />

joi.an8 lh. $h@li.g. fte indk 106 e not ph,siqt $ indianj@s EguiG rim.: rhis<br />

is oncn a gEdual prcce$ fi.t |.k6 plae over a pedod <strong>of</strong>dnc. prior (rq6) @nrods<br />

thal child fetinss od sp..iri6 ro d6t wilh .ss.sc wo .sssmr shourd bc<br />

consid.Rd. Th.rc h shoncr co.cenhrion in younger ohitd dd l6t lhould b. pEprred<br />

aEoding ro rhc !8.. A@,!in8 !o Riddick (1995), Rqd,c Agc should b. @si.t F4<br />

to follow *ith chonolosidl ig.. As f& as cdccm is about irhily hinory, if cto*<br />

fioily ndbcu ft sdenr wilh SLD, siens in child my b. co,sidered for sLD<br />

di.grosir b{r ifnorhr o. aafi.r is sLD rh. chd@s <strong>of</strong> SLD idolitic.rion incr@.<br />

Riddicl ( | 995) indicat d rhal in siN ce5 ! farhtr ed in tivc css a morhcr <strong>of</strong>a<br />

sLD, childEn s4 .taiD.d ro h. SLD or lo h!w, hd 3imitar difitcufti6, Ai.r th€<br />

fdily hislory, orher eely iidiotoN !@ Elqtcd lo p4nr and !qohe6, obscdationr<br />

ahout th. child. Ftr ch&nolosiql ad qdin3 !g. s TMcr (z(x,o) &ctaEd $ar,<br />

rcaoh.^ md Fdr.nh aE succ.$fut sutc for rhe colcction ot dir! .boul lh. chitdEn in<br />

childE. wilh sLD fe. 3Deeh d.t.y and difijcuhi.s donS chitdEn wnh SLD 6<br />

cldk, Sllclnou$ dd snowli,g (6 cir.d in Riddicl, 1995), Epdled. Ahhough<br />

SDowli.g a(t $ackho@ (s cir.d in Ritdick r 995), direEd to em. dEnq bur in dEn<br />

eudr.i ftey included .infomot indiaiion,.such as hr. sp.4h, * dce folhalion<br />

dificultics, siopl. srd pMooming dificuhies, til. sying .hum- or "&d., ed<br />

unclcar voice. Augur (6 cir.d ii Riddick, 1995) incllded notor djmcuhcs, s d<br />

tddnioul Ehred siSn fd SLD idqrifrdion. prcbt.m in t.mjrg nuery tirrn.i poo.

sh<strong>of</strong>iem n.morr. diilcutty i, temin! ncw nm.s, t.n r<br />

probt.m tud<br />

dislikins for rcding bookr m rte th. rigns <strong>of</strong>SLD.<br />

'd€ntificaion<br />

TteE rE obvious @ding aod wn.ins probt.ms in fics childE.. .n., e do*<br />

tud rae eme moE dificulri.s. Slo* spc.d <strong>of</strong>*od

sLD rdd S.qu.llDl pbbt.os<br />

Sod.nr5 with SLD hak dificutrics in m!.y .B_ TlEs dirautrie vrry in<br />

scvcrily. Frcquency <strong>of</strong>$quencing and sp.tiat rtllionsnip diffioulti.s in SLD t hish<br />

scqkncins is doins Ihinls d pudi,g rhinss in rlcir colEr ord.r and fottNins<br />

diEcrions. It is ob$rycd, for.Mptq rh.r chitdren wirh SLD fEqucntty lack rl,. idea<br />

abour orde, <strong>of</strong> no ts (poltek & w. q t995). A 3uncy indi@lcs th.155 D.Ent ot<br />

rhc rotal stoddtl coutd d @iE ihe Dorh <strong>of</strong> y@ in co'Er order. A G! 6 bn risnl<br />

id.ntification h co.cemed, SLD showed nor onty highq rate ot@ntusion witt ight bn<br />

6{ .l$ ah.oi rh.t body pan5! i. ., ngh! Lg, bn d, rignt c}q .a. Th.} had pobLms<br />

wirh lhe s€qu.nce <strong>of</strong>ndths <strong>of</strong>y..r. days <strong>of</strong>rhe wek, wods m

orher asFcts <strong>of</strong> l.nguages! lite oFI telurge spetdng md writing (Seyoor dd EvdN,<br />

r999).<br />

Ev.rt individuct has to ps thrcugh lhe equentiat sr.gcs oI teaming io @d.<br />

Defici.nc, in dy stilt <strong>of</strong> Flrrins ala,r.d b a padicur, s68. grc ,r$ lo Edins<br />

probl.hs, wheder lilh word @ognilion o, with E.dins comprehe,sion, N.vennebs.<br />

ir h inpotuit 10 consid.r rhd *hclh€r rlr individut ir no-SLD p@r Ead.r o. SLD<br />

poor eld.r. Therc ,re mot rherics .nd dcscnpdons <strong>of</strong> rhc wars in whioh chitdcn<br />

red io Eld p4enl.d in rh.ir dieNion. Horcvd. lh€E & mry<br />

the ids rhal rherc is a *quential developme <strong>of</strong> tehine prccess or eadi,g! staning<br />

fion b.sinnins tewl or qding to rrr cnd or st ilt.d @di,g s|ls. (Ma^h, Fnedon,<br />

weloh and Deiberg as ciled i. prior, 1996)<br />

wqd ognitio is all,incd i, sr.g6. Fid s6& Dcnrocd by r,hn (2000) is.<br />

''logogmphic" (p.190) 6 prior(1996) dd Elis (1995) have sEred nlwo suEsllgo,<br />

in fd sbg. "clu6 .e ttr6 for @ds @gniri6 m.dncs by rrsut ,i{uE. Whjch<br />

may b€ a lcner in a word, then llophisri@l.d Cuesin8,, (p. 22), whrch js d crrtiesr srdgc<br />

*h€E childm do nor urddst Id,o.d, e conpos.d <strong>of</strong> phoM.s, or sDcch ebd' x<br />

is a Ecognilio. sk8c, ro. @Uins, lhich $an fDm ctues loms oI loeos, picruEs,<br />

colc,.id sharcs tud .(G.r .!e <strong>of</strong> vitut simihriry a, Gpone ro uE ed b.ang<br />

rcad" iPrior, 1996: p, 22). Sighl v@butary incEes allhis suse. The sc6nd siaee is<br />

phonrc or .!tph.b.ric sL9.." *hich involves acqlisilion <strong>of</strong> 86ph.ocDn@hq<br />

decodin!, ond eurdin8 out ntcs. This srase end3 ar nai@ alphabetic sr4e, vhcF<br />

child is abl. b DaI. ,oF*ords.<br />

l-ast slage is onhogaphic<br />

strge in which chitd ser rhc bo*led8. <strong>of</strong> sr[ablq<br />

lnd nolPh.n6. In go@t, rh. r&!oR.fidirg rh. word @gnirion e? fimiti.rir,

fieq@ncr, and agc <strong>of</strong> acquisilion, Ep.liiion, neaning dd conlcnt spcuing, solDd<br />

ESorqity lnd i .@lioG <strong>of</strong>ll aborc f&ro6 (Ellis 1995)_<br />

SildenB with SLD do nol .chi.v. lne s(ces .r a sEges; 3ucces &pcnds on<br />

culy E€ding foundariq sElc ..t@ing disbirjiy driFs who th.E is a flitur lo<br />

d.wlop rnhc. on. d rhe orhq syslen or to nde su@$6ltty from om n 8. ro lh€<br />

.cxt (rher, 2000, p. 23), ChildEn otun stuck lo togos,aphic s!ds.. ChildEn *nh<br />

SLD naj hav. pobl.n wilh sia, sh.pc, @nc.pb hctpj,S dd by Siting thc coeprs<br />

<strong>of</strong> sia and sh.pe tike t.Bc, sroll, rcuid. circte. oval, bhnsl€, shon, wid.. clc. ,<br />

(Pollek <strong>of</strong>tl wllkr 195). Som. chitdm show pbbtd in deodins *ords. Hoscrcr,<br />

if ho$ pFblcG p.^in d. Esutt is in ev.rc disbiliry (pior, lee6).<br />

Di$cpMcy assed dwins @dins wirh rspet to th. .gc <strong>of</strong> lh. chitd h<br />

indi@d orlh. pobt n. ta.8c od a&tilg.s*sm.nr h nor co,risLn. wilh lh. noms<br />

rhcn pobl€m h susFcted !s Doyte dd Snowljn! (20{2) de$ribed thai actu.Iy<br />

@$mqt slan d wnn $o baic qEslions<br />

l - How wclt . child shoutd be exp*led r ud?<br />

2- HN ell (or badly) b lh. chitd r.ding?<br />

n B uetul ro l,ow nos nuch indivi{tuat hs elu. y ud.6roo{t <strong>of</strong> whot h. h4 jlsr<br />

rc.d. Thcy nrdhd desrib.d, "A D@ud ot. chitd\ @np,lhosion <strong>of</strong>ien is vatuble<br />

di.snsing dimculiej (p: Irl-t4). Comprehensio <strong>of</strong> t.nsuag. cM b. ffincd 'n<br />

by<br />

a Nhb.r <strong>of</strong>m.lhods. The$ methods inctude ability to copy. abjhy ro tok€ diontion,<br />

lbiliry ro ass rh. e@y oa tpetti.g aid sped. FE. wiring nry .ts be jldgcn.<br />

Pollocl ond Woll.r (1995) dcsdibe! sonc lypicat SLD kdng nlslokes, such as rqd<br />

vcry rlo*ly !d show h6ibliotrs. fouow tilr wtn hi, figlrq ed l@ pt@ by Disins

Rodilg C,rpEhdior<br />

Alon8 wid rhe @ding pobl.6 rheE !E rcadin8 co6D6ncBion problcm in<br />

sLD 6 Loer (2000) d*rib.d thar iD SLq t@ins diebitiry 6 @ur wi$ onc <strong>of</strong> rh.<br />

bdic Eading skilh, "vord rccogrilio.,or edine "comp6h.nsion,. ORcn sadins<br />

compEhcnsion is o b6sic pobl.m, be@ue $ne SLD srodenu sa nery o fic hs,cs<br />

<strong>of</strong> rod @gnilion.lher pobleh disr wirh Mdin! onpEhensio,. tr is.Oded by<br />

the lhintiDg ol @dd, eadafs bekgbund knoNledg., inteEn sd Edjng situ,rioD,<br />

wis.nd olen (l9t) harc d.srjbed fiat reading conprchcnson pobtos m.y aie<br />

Nnh deficn in dy word Ecognilion p@s. whcn probld is with Nord Ecosnitjoh<br />

be. n bnds ro a.uht und.6ilndins. sonetim.s wh.n diebt. Eade,sec€d in<br />

idenlificslion oa rords! but Gmains tes bpid in .uiomiticit, nerted for noency <strong>of</strong><br />

E dinS cmpGhdsion. Sde oth.r prcbtms nry atF g&c irs ro Fading<br />

comprehen$on pDblcn. Dunns, Mdk ed waddt (s cited in wis &otei, l99t)<br />

lound dat @din8 conDEh..sio n nc d€pendenr m ,sd @gDili@ rhD listeni.g<br />

conprchension. Word recognilion qn b. identifi.d by lerbat inlelicene toctor <strong>of</strong><br />

wIsC. lf rcrbat inr.Iigc@ ir nomar, rhq mpah..sio poblch ts drc ro *sd<br />

eoS.irion. According ro Hcl.y! A,a, Ho@wiE and KessLr (6 cii.d in Wis &oten,<br />

l9l) $c Fople with n@!t te md low *ord @snnion abitiry @ a .d sLD.<br />

Diasnoses <strong>of</strong> Eodin! cobpEh.osion cdn be done with verbar hr.tjige,@ dnd word<br />

e4,ilion ability olchi&t.<br />

stude.ts virh SLD show pmblen in .l wilin8 prcces deordmg ro za,aSoa<br />

(a ci€d in sprford, & c'bg, t996). t1E qni.g pllr@ nay b. divid.d in0o<br />

primary, middle, ed sond!ry kidngs. pdmary Midn! EfeN ro heh&ios <strong>of</strong>kiling.<br />

which includs s!.tlir8, puncrulioq mpiEtiz*io,, hind*rjiDs, tegibirig, gmm,<br />

spac'ng etuen Enc6 dd spacinS berwEn words.tut pmg'aph' fie niddl. dd

lt6(,lrt witing dal ei$ qutir.riv. @npn..B <strong>of</strong> wirins. puncnrrids'<br />

capitllizations, .nd smmoar .106 ore sonedmB igrocd for yourg ohitdEn, Some<br />

gpiol sLD sp.llins hislat s dsib.d by Bomby ( 1984) m $Ms o.dcr ot terbs <strong>of</strong><br />

sp€llins, bircr wriline for nunb.r od tdter, poduci.s in inc<strong>of</strong>tcl sn.pc, Nrning<br />

r.v@ i.n6. sEh .! b 6 d, hd inwninS t.deE such .5, n s u.<br />

ln sunoary, dimcuhica in rcadiig ft ooc <strong>of</strong> th. signiiiqnr pobt.ft <strong>of</strong>thc<br />

sludols wiih SlD. Thcy suEly ha pobt.n widr l@ins 10 rcad. Arthogh rh@ e<br />

e mary othcr.ssiard ditlcutrieE tik! pe, sp.lrin!. stow dd inharurc wririns dd<br />

inabilit b de.l with nmbc.r, bul readjng dinculty h th. pinc,pat l€&. chitdEn wid<br />

SLD nrk s hih . caus for corceo in firn plc. tr is idpotunr rbar cnrtd wirh SLD<br />

should b. Ms.d for rc0di.g .$@idcd dificuln6 s ee as mduft or rn. cNtd,s<br />

cooprchensio or rcxr rd SLD diasnGis (Snowtins, 2oOO).<br />

Speed oi rcadi.g is anorhd probl.m <strong>of</strong> sludcnrs winll SLD, *hicb suppon, dr<br />

ido rh.r dey c& b. diasmc{t *h.n @pyi,g nuh bold ir .ts nvorv€s @mpch.6ion<br />

whar the child Nds r@n bo!d. Aocording lo po oct dd Wo er 0995) and fie<br />

rouddaon ca8., sr E dins <strong>of</strong> !s! ? and .borc, mpEh€nsio ot uding F6isr5; *n<br />

olh4 rc.dins p@bt.ns am over@ne. Further, ,lpcah pbbr.ms e. oti.n onty<br />

@.sid.rd if rniclhtio. is ldC $ it is nol inctudcd in SLD djlgn6ii ahtDuStr spe.h<br />

ptrcepnoi invotr.s codpEh.hsio, <strong>of</strong> tanguige $d lhis is a specific sEa <strong>of</strong> ttugugc !o<br />

bc @n!i&Ed for SLD di.gnosis. Trre chitdcn als shq..@ntusi@ ov.r sinird<br />

sound'n8 wodJ' (p. I 8). whit vods .@ ro b. confus.d by sLD dep.nd on norher<br />

longlc qhich sholtd b. &sd fo dysl.xi,_ Doyl. (2002) bclicv6ltul dlc b th.<br />

slafos or lmgoag. .s secmd tanguag. ,@di.8 @utd tkc tons.r ro s.r BlablBhcd.

The dialrosis is .s io dermin. rhe naluE, eurce <strong>of</strong> ! peMn,s abnoml<br />

bch.viou dd clsirying fi. b.navi@r pslr.n wirhin o !@pad dia*no6tic sysren<br />

(CEgory, 1996), TheE is . diaFoslic jysten for thc comprehcNive l6tin! to linl<br />

$uddrs lming abitirig b ricir $h@l ,chi.vd.nr. This system hs r*! ldvellg6.<br />

On. is.curalc cohpori$n <strong>of</strong>scoEs sd sccond b convenience. Thh diagnosric sysien<br />

povnl.s dciv.d $06 fo.ll ndc in r&ious dohaiN ess.d in rc di.gnostic<br />

srsLm. Diag.ostic aysrcm povides norc rcu6t cohpdhons <strong>of</strong> a pcMnt<br />

perromoe in dift-cmt dom.ins! Nhich is baen on fi. s. gmuF dd rh. dqivcd<br />

scoEs BE m rbc differenl donains. Th. diagnoni, sysr.m prcvid.s a co6rEh..si!€<br />

scccnDg and e$mmr mcthds atong rilh dj. noridal nomi<br />

noms ror cop€risn (Salvir .nd y$tdyk., 2O0l ).<br />

Asesncnr ol chitdEn witn sLD is not e simplc, Tnen probleDs ii Eadins sd<br />

wnjrs m (ulii-aaer sr!d..b *irh SLD cmc frcD difeBr blctstuundl *,hich<br />

inlchct wirh rhcir difficuhics, Ase$n.nt otcbitdrcn dd ldultr shoutd b€ mqdc widr<br />

difcmr m6ues. TMq (2()OO) sugscskd rhar in $m. childrn orty sisrc or SLD e<br />

ovcrome wilh $he.lfon o! hhavioat modifi€lio. bur nol se..6l odutthood .lrhoDgh<br />

beinS SLD. Brlor dd Br.dly (6 cit d in Rjddictq r95) depEcd smc faruB in<br />

lhE. Md fou. y.4 as. chitden who Bcftt risk bur not bid for d1}hing. Tney<br />

@mncnd th.r lh. child shoutd no! b€ dir8no*d s sLD utit al 7 yG <strong>of</strong>lsc.<br />

Ehl@tions inctude sed.rdi2cd r.sri.g oa inlcllig.ncc md !{d.mic<br />

Frfomance, s wcll 6 additioEl diagnorljc poccduB for daem,oing lhc sp.citic<br />

natuc orlie@y Md rolirnlf.s {tcv.lopn.,n. Clss@o obsRlnons e condsred<br />

on as ned b&sis, A$e$ment p&*aCes inctude pmni,nd cacher confeEn@s, winen

i.pons d.r.iling 4*sme.t d$lls, dilgnostic iDpEsro.s,<br />

plans (Trevalha,2001).<br />

'n|enenlio.<br />

For dilgnorins etuiog dd As$sm.nr n is sugg.ncd $ar Cha.r*d<br />

Ed@tioMI Pstrhologisrs shotd ca.rt oul Ksot for SLD. tt noy be codd€d<br />

rhough od lnc ag. @se lilm pa sh@tchitdEn ro adutrs tud Ef.ft{t aohd

sr.ndardi&! inohdins stud..6 with toning diebililies ere, @iviDg speiat si@s<br />

'n<br />

school scni.g {WehsLr, t 92).<br />

For SLD dilsnosis dd !ss.sd( 0@6 <strong>of</strong> te e iot.@gh dd s.<br />

ooer iesG .G lls usd. wood@k R..dins M,sr.ry TGls- R€vaed (WRMT,R t9s7)<br />

is us€d ro pinpoi 3nddrt watres &d jFnsrhs in roding. tls fom (O) conbjned<br />

visul Audilory kming Len.r td.nlifiotion ild suppl€ment L.rcr Checktisl <strong>of</strong><br />

Rading R..dinesr which @ ormonly us.d fd sLD diacnosis. T.st <strong>of</strong> w ten<br />

SFlli.g '2 CrWS-2) h us.d aor sFling skiu. trs bodr suhrdr e s|ldldi4d dicrarion<br />

te'ls (cEloay, t96). Td <strong>of</strong> wrina t!8ue. ,2 Gowt 2) cmpris.d o t6<br />

suhlGls.nd ued for Mding ed wridn! sljlk. h is ako a sed.rdiz.d tsr<br />

(Mol,ughlin dd L.*in I99,t).<br />

Di$Ep€rcy b.NM dE dill.Enr rasls in Edjng od wiring dd ehool<br />

.chidch.nB lad us lor ttE diagnosis <strong>of</strong> rhce chitra. A(ddirg to rcb ran<br />

I,cp.dl@r ol P3r.hoto4/ unit*iry ot K.nnrcty rJK (20oj) rh. crmon f6llB <strong>of</strong><br />

th. sLD rE, rh. signifi@l discEp.my b$*en vdbrt dd wrin.n Frfomae,<br />

misding wh.n copyiog or 1*ing notcs, }oubt. in followins a squcnc. or kephg<br />

pe wh.n elding trcbl.m in ordcrin! things equeDtidtx uo pc<br />

poblcm wirh stEltins. Mdn rd Suikr {a citcd in ArFr, Ry Ll&Sc,ht6,2OOt)<br />

dd.lopcd H.dbo.* in Diasmric T*hing. which snd ro bc. good se or jda<br />

rbour anfom.l iDcllire dd Rding Gscs.nt. Smir, s (6 ciLd in AlFr, R ndak &<br />

Schlsi 2001) T..cher Di.gn6h <strong>of</strong> Edsilion,t Difiioutlies *ss also . e!tue <strong>of</strong> sLD<br />

diaclosh, which irchded lh. @ <strong>of</strong> spcling, readins wnn!. expErsiori sp@h dd<br />

lmguce sii[o.dc .tn psord ooiiotul-s@iat .tills. Dyslqi! Asiarion <strong>of</strong><br />

lElsd (200r) hB siv.n dE folowing.rii.rh fd th. ssycno{d@ri@l lssrcnt <strong>of</strong>

l - Conh.l the child s eh@t, *t ch D.y age tul r pbblm drs,<br />

2- Hav. fi. childt heing and 3igh rn.d io ens@ rnd fieE @ no &uiry<br />

3- Arege lor a psycho-edualion.l .$c$mdr wirh a qualned psycholoBhr,<br />

as$mctu shoutd d.sib€ $c Mturc ed ex&nt <strong>of</strong> rhe pmbr.n ud <strong>of</strong>.r<br />

sF.ific advie on ren.diatio.. A t !.h.1s cpdt is atM's vcry h.tpaut in rhis p'!c.<br />

L&tjng lh. q[h. di*Epancy b.Mn rh. r.im.nts in difrdnl aE $bjeB ot<br />

lh. urionrl curicutm or widr in oc sobjer, p€nicut.rty i, regu.gq rcadin8 or<br />

sp.lling ed sr.tutudn.d tesrs <strong>of</strong>cognirivc lbitiry, dd onl compchension h h.tpaul<br />

Th. discrepdcy b.twcn IQ scocs.Dd acadehic pdromoce con b. identilicd and<br />

u*d for di.gnosins sLD, wtsc-Ifi povide, spmre le $ores in vob.l md<br />

P.raomne 'tw snd di$EF cy s6 b.tqan rh. two al4 h .te dsid.rld fd<br />

SLD dhgnosis. Ar individul dsEF,cy <strong>of</strong> 9 (p < o.Oj) ro 12 (p < O.r) poinl is<br />

si8nifi@t lndividD.l dieEpacy is nor Bually onsid.red ctjnidly significdr ul.s<br />

tr 6 gr*t r rho 15 poinls (wechst.r, 1992 dd Klurdo, 1990). Satvio lnd ys*ldyk.<br />

(1992) whed rhe usN lo be sNirive !o thc contenl or &hisen.nr t$ls lh.t shoutd<br />

c<strong>of</strong>tsp..d wilh stude s! cuficulum. Thcs. pDbtns in dE a$essncnl <strong>of</strong> ehi.vcn.rt<br />

and atih, c& bc aLed by dittedt rsi! n suri.g dr sp€cinc porenist.<br />

Thc esdr <strong>of</strong> childEn wilh SLD q b. c6@d by mpa,ing te rsr sr<br />

wnn dc $h@l achi*enmr! Ldoing disd.6 is djasnosd *h€. th. individqt,<br />

achrcv.nnt on i&Iividutly adminbreEd, sn

adiviri.s <strong>of</strong> daily living ltlr DquiE cading, m.0En!li@I, or qiring sldUs iwshinsion<br />

Th@ e ditT.E.r pccdur.g ,hich e ,vsitabt rd tE i& ifioion <strong>of</strong><br />

childM wnn SLD in rhc difi@t counrdcs <strong>of</strong> fi. *orld. p'ldrs us€d ror sLD<br />

idotifidion elwh.€ 6nd be u$d in p.listln du€ !o difemr si@omnic &d<br />

cnymn(e al condirions. Th. scenin! and sLD T6t Blrcry dewloFd jn this study<br />

co b€ ed for id.nifislior dd ase$ncnr <strong>of</strong> SLD studdrs in eFdes 6d dd ?s.<br />

However. there is ned for d.vclopncnl <strong>of</strong> st.rdardized i,retrie€nce ond rhievemenr<br />

le$s i. difeMr @s for stt shoot lmdes a@rding to pokislani condilions.<br />

Tbeoreti@l CoBider.tions tn T.rt lr.velopmeor<br />

Witi the con€ptual dim.nsions <strong>of</strong> .sscnl ot SLD atong ihe nslery<br />

hackgFund, n is now deiEbt. to Evid rh. licEruc Elalina i6 rhonlkrt<br />

e6i&dic h rd d.Elopn.nr. Fi6r qoatig ot rhc cc ro b. @si&Ed is iG<br />

validir, Validdion is a p@s us.d by ! r.sr d.tctop., r i.n us to olt61 did.M<br />

hal supFtu th€ typ€s <strong>of</strong> infc@es ro b. dd*n tbm t.n soc (cDnboh, t955).<br />

validity <strong>of</strong> a tesr h dcfimd: s Etrr.dftss ot a csr wirh olher simitd n6ubs<br />

iBlrumdts {NuMlly, 1978), dd s fic dclac to which the L$ n6ms ,b,r it ctaims<br />

lo neasuE (Vashcsrj 1993). Sp.cific m.rhods ac cmplored for lhc detmiMtion <strong>of</strong><br />

A@dins lo Nunnilly (19t8) rhcc !E rh& msjor tuncrions ot psychotoeical<br />

m.auEs, ti6r is lbe esLbtishncnr <strong>of</strong> sbtisriol rlctionship witn a panicule variabte<br />

s4nd is tne reprst lion <strong>of</strong> dc speific univ.e <strong>of</strong> conL.r dd rltit is n6uEmcnt<br />

<strong>of</strong> psycholdgial hiB NuMU, d.$ribcd d,@ rr?c, <strong>of</strong> vllidiiy @Gp.nding to rh.<br />

abow thr n4uEs' fi6t h6N k Epcer.n by Fldictiv. vatidiry, sdd by<br />

@ntent vrlidity &d rhird by @sM vatidiry.

wnd Ancri@ Psychotogicat Asi io 0994)<br />

sr.ndads four bF$ ot tatiiliry KE idcnrin.d *id drfitrnr<br />

v.lidiricswercr (o) conrenrj (b) predicrivc; (c) concurent; ed<br />

Am.ricqn P!)cholog'crl Ar$ciahon 9ftt Educed pftdiore<br />

volidity inb crirerion Elicd vrtidity.<br />

Cdl. validiry h a @Ept Etsl.d ro tc speinc @me atEady r.ush! io rtE<br />

nud..r. ibdn vhich rhc rec is ro b. pcplEd. Coror vatidity Equicd lnar conrcnk ot<br />

a tesl should adequtely Efler rhc p@btcn invotved. Conlcnl taUdily is morc pdip<br />

wn.n n.6ur.d variabte is wetl cxposcd, which h ide,tified silh the judgm.nt <strong>of</strong><br />

cxFft. The onrem validily is u$ful qhcn nesu,able vadlhte is known jn advec.<br />

(Sh.lly snd Cohcr! 1936). CESory (1996) pbDoss a tour Doinls ini.r aicr !g@m.<br />

mod.l for rh. ding @nt ni htidily o *h iEm.<br />

Aaotding to Muphy ed Davidsh<strong>of</strong>d (t983), .ss'ne rhc 6c!t mtidiry is<br />

not so sjnplc ond dieE e no cd ocrhodj, MuDhy dd Dnvikh<strong>of</strong>s $88.st thE.<br />

sleps for det minarion <strong>of</strong> @nknl vdlidhlL: (l) lo ctGsig e&h iten bcin! rirhin<br />

boundai.s <strong>of</strong> the domaint (2) election <strong>of</strong> iLms ba5ed on lhc nost rpresnr.rion <strong>of</strong> rhe<br />

ch$ifi@lioq 6nd (3) stucture or d. r.* cm b. comFDd witn th. e@luE <strong>of</strong> rhc<br />

Crit.rlo! R.L&d V.lidity: ColcurElr vdtdfty<br />

To d4min. th. &ii.rio EIa|.d vllidjrt, 161 ws e mp.r.d witl' cxGting<br />

crit.rion ol .tuibutes. Th. sinpt st mahod <strong>of</strong> dclcmining cntcrio! vatidity i3<br />

c.lcularing the d.g@ <strong>of</strong>c<strong>of</strong>tl.tion ot r$ts $oB wirh existing n€as!6 <strong>of</strong>. Fnicul.r<br />

anribulc, rhich is Efeoed as crilqion and it cd b. ohained qusritallety (Mlrphy and

Mcloul]llinand Lr*is (1994) argu. rh.l6e tem concurEot vatidny is used rhen<br />

ctuenon mesurcs ore obtained n@ly al rh. soe line as the t.st scoEs In pEdiclivc<br />

ulidity, lne cnErion n6DB e obain d in tut@ when rhe e,I.c(J <strong>of</strong>$c ditftE.r<br />

vdablo hav. @uEd. The iderdncaaon otd. el.rio$ip hr@n $c cnbion od<br />

pEdicbr @ m..s!cd lhrclgh rhe coGhion. Tn. @fttarion caftci.nr ohain d non<br />

rhe study <strong>of</strong> oherion retared votidiry is wonh ob*frine lo id.ntify rhc dn*don od<br />

sia.gh. Th. positire orelation b€rwc.n th. crirerion ed pfdicro, is providing dE<br />

suppon ror d.t minirs th€ Elidity. Mctoughtin ed t uis tunhe dph6ia rhat<br />

Dlik rh. clirbiliry ftc is no $r ol.s tor arLqucy <strong>of</strong> rh. m.gnilud. <strong>of</strong> lll. wtidity<br />

ccfiicidr, Accordins !o Afiisi (1997), rh. cocfi:cidr or @Etation .r mininm<br />

shduld be sigiifiqnl dd intomation about rne stalislicat si8nificance <strong>of</strong> tests<br />

iclationships should b€ povid€! in relesrnanurt.<br />

Thc lnird IrF <strong>of</strong> wlidiry i @salct vrlidity_ fic An.ricu prrhotoeiol<br />

Asaiarion (APA) (a cid in Aln&slsi, t97) <strong>of</strong>licialy i rcduccd th. rm @Brrucr<br />

validity inro lh. psychoherrics I.xicon in 1954 in lhe lechnical ftcoDmendalion for<br />

psrlholosical lcsls ed diae.oslic rechniqud. The @nslrucr lalidiry <strong>of</strong> a rcsr is the<br />

qLn ro which it n66 dE th@Eriat drrwt or F.ir lak vcrbd nrcncy or<br />

mehdi€l @mpEh.Nion. Jhe @Mcr5 e d.riv.d rlm rhc EtdjoBfiips mong<br />

rh€ beh.viohl n6uEs. Nmauy (1978) d.&ribcd lhe consrrlcr, as snethins nol<br />

exislcd 6 dn isolar. or obs.nabte dimcnsion <strong>of</strong> behavior. Ans<strong>of</strong> (!s cilcd in venn,<br />

2000), d.eribc! @nirucl vatidiry as . @nc.pr mdEr ihan ! sel <strong>of</strong> rehniques. which is<br />

Elaled wirh dc inLlPEiarion EulGd nm cn sEs.<br />

Swdsn sd WorN (1989), illBrdl. lh.r to {r.icmirc lh. @nnnct v.lidiry <strong>of</strong><br />

a Ee 6ne musr paisty de6nc thc ch@l.ftics beins studi.d. prcdicions ft ma{te

a!.d on va ations oa 6e individuals on ftis @.srruct, Th.s. Fedictions seec as<br />

guidelincs lor the resl devetopncnr Crawaord ed Me$ick (6 cil€d in SNinon<br />

Watson, 1989), @nsi{to lh.lest vilidity lo b. s oleFU jud8odl <strong>of</strong> ttc ad.guacy<br />

Esuus obtain d ilm rh. rcst onsrocls. Conbach ed M*hl (1955) b.ti.ve lhd<br />

s'nslc .xtDal ciLrio is suficicnr ro v.tidac dE <strong>of</strong>rci<br />

CoMct validiiy @ b. dbhlish.d though d.viring cmh s}3|.mdic<br />

pbc.(iuEs or sleF. fte.duEs tor d.t minjns thc 6tud vatidny ha!. b..n<br />

su8sesred in steps dhr e ft.q!.nlty usd in consrrucr vatid.lion. Thee sLps ar<br />

g.nctully rouow€d 6: (i)- fomulatin! hyporh.sis .bout how those diller on lhe prcpos.d<br />

construcr! do they h fet dilf.r in Et.rion !o olhq consrruols alF2dy v6ti&ted: (b).<br />

dcvlloping a meNllMent ine.ument which coNiss <strong>of</strong> itens spejficrly rcpEs...ir!<br />

thc consrud; od (c)- lsing .mpniot data @ el.d fron hc r.st lo chek ur.<br />

hyFthdied Eldio.ship (c@tq ard Algid s cir.d in 66oq 200,1)_ Ccgory<br />

(1996), oli* thc follo*ins ch@.rijics or con$ud hridiq: (r)ts A@tysis ro<br />

d.ffiine il rh. H ibs d suh6G aE hmoSee6 ond rh*foE ncslG a singt.<br />

consrtucri (2), srudy <strong>of</strong>devetopr.nat chrngcs ro d.Eoinc if they m consincnl with<br />

thc lh.ory <strong>of</strong> ftc onntooq (t)- Reearch ro @e!iai. it group ditrerc<br />

irc fi@rclicrrly cohshrenli (4)- Anatlsh ro dcrcrmine it itue*enins .ifers o! tcsr<br />

sorcs arc lhsry conskdri od (5)- conel.rion <strong>of</strong> $c t sr with olhs rct.rcd ed<br />

lnElared t.sLs dd d6uEs.<br />

Consaucl hlidity subsh.s rh. @nl.nt dd criierim rtard v.tjdir,<br />

r.quirenents (AMi! t99r. Consrld vrlidiry shortd b. d.te.,ni,.d empiria y, s<br />

psychom.lri€llt fae v.tidity is . Bct .vi&ne <strong>of</strong> lhe o.srrrct mtidiry wilhour<br />

.mpnislly esiabhhed @Rici.nr lH{lor .nd p.ndlcro. 6 oit d in Donnelt, l99l).

Coostucl vrlidity is .l$ a f&lor brsd or rh. Mepl m6uFd lhFush ih. Est,<br />

ot scales. co.sdlcl validiiy could b. givcn do$er nme as rtuionat validily (Nunn! y,<br />

1978). In faotor dalysis, lh. itehs wnhin . givcn scab snout be *tercd wnh .n<br />

.bsolutc value <strong>of</strong> { lea$ .50 for .n iNrum.nt (Fish &d Dane 6 cited in Walk.r, 2005).<br />

Fed .MlFir sunmi2es $. hr!. d!t! lo subsumc inlo @n!in set othirJ. Thc iiF<br />

or r4lor &.llsis L to a3xfui, thc fu Ln.nEt McruE <strong>of</strong> ! r!4! *r <strong>of</strong> vei.bl.s<br />

c!l$ (20{N) rnnher irdicild thll CDnLeh ltphr i mdty us.d ro<br />

.stlblish inlcmal oBinency with ,60 vltucs consid.cd eptoble for .rptosio,y<br />

purp.sc, .70 values coNider€d qdeqla|c for continlrory puQoss qnd .80 good for<br />

corfimatory pueoses, ln oddition lo i wh.n.. indic.ro. vdhble h6 towoonnunatity<br />

.nd tlt a&ror mod.l is nor e*ins w.ll aor lb.r idicaror lhen ir should bc remov.d<br />

fom th. mod.l. Ho*€b, c@nun.tiri6 mlsr bc s iD Eradd ro $e inr.rpGrbitary<br />

ollh. f&to' A cmmlity ol -?5 ffii hish hIr is ndinsts unl6 tn. flclor o<br />

whi.h th. vdiable G loaded is int.edilblc, An ilcDt .ll@uEliry ot .2t sahs low<br />

bur it nry be a ndingftl iLn conLiburing b . w.I

NuD..lly (1978) !Bu6ltur inrmll coNisr.nc, is n*ssary brt,or suffci.nr<br />

condilion for consract vrtidily. He p@pos deErEiraion ot discliminail validiry<br />

thFUBh disimin.tory ulysis. tn disrinin bry ln.lyris rnr prcbtcff a !o b.<br />

coBi&Rd: (l)- is ro d.lcmin€ whdh.r $6 b difiernc. i. sooE prcil.s for No or<br />

n@ crcup5 (2)- @imizins drc disimi,!.ioB doDg g@ps by combini.g rh.<br />

vdiabl.s in sc My .{t (l} to .sr.blish ot6 t6r |h. ew itutivjdul ro bc pt ad,<br />

Nunnally funhei sugs*!.d tnot Hen coutd be usd lo t6l rhc slalisticat significdcc <strong>of</strong><br />

the difr.qc6 b€Nen thc lvdge pbfit.s <strong>of</strong> two 8oups. If rh. null hrporhcsis j,<br />

rcjEGd lh.n n is inf.frd lhd b.rb tn. cai.go.i6 e dife6r. C@i (2004) his<br />

endosed tut di$rininaiory tuoqsis for nctu $ores on any t st o, obsed.lion b.nv€n<br />

th. so smu!6 in wnich Di$rihbli. Functid Anal,sis is u..d ro ctsiry @s inro two<br />

Rclirbility is rhc .xcfi ro dal 16r is euEr. ed sr6 em. Buh ,n E<br />

odminisrrarion. Wnd ey rest is re-odmini$cre! to an indidduat !o hss@ any<br />

behaviouftl spe! rlE csl 8iv.s se eoB. Th@ @u6 $n. emr in thc Btimatid<br />

orfrcs@oldt indivjdull. Md oath. vdi.bitiry <strong>of</strong>dc s(E dn b. afi.ibDtd to<br />

eiior conponctu iJohn$n, l979i swan$n, 1989 od Swanson &Walson,l9s9), This is<br />

d$ clerd 6 sbbitity <strong>of</strong> rtr m@rinB ini,u,Mi. fti, sLbitity @ b. m@Ed by<br />

corel io c@moieDr b.rw.., two serr <strong>of</strong> eom fial is th. .xpFssion <strong>of</strong> rhc er6nr oa<br />

Elarionship and dirtio, (W.rdDp a cibd in SwaNn & Warson, l ese),<br />

fic Elhbility @mddr is dE rgEm€nr belwn rK sc or |wlll fi,on rtE<br />

sane pc.dure. Ten-rccsr retiabiliry ocasures the stabitiry ot dE lesr ov4 rime. Th.<br />

lme ENer hlo obs*.rions should .DDDpdare excndins or. s.6l E*' ThcE<br />

rE .@in pobl.ms or nmor, n,odion cfccrs. Ho*cv.., r€d_Etcn d.silrs e srill

widely 6.d. Cut <strong>of</strong>i cncris aor retirbitiiy @Frddt by @nvdrion is .60 for<br />

.xploatoa rcsrch dd il is ar t.sl .?O or hieher lo erain an nem ror d ad.q@rc $.te<br />

dd .80 for good el. (CaNn, 2OO4).<br />

cFnboch s .lpha incs&s as lhe nunbd <strong>of</strong> ir.ms jn rhc sb inoc&. An iren<br />

sh@ld b. dopp.d in torge splc it ctnci.nt ltpha t lcs thd .l (C.M.2004).<br />

Ccflicient atpha is tos iflh. tcsr is too shon. The lcsr shoutd b. Bonsidercd ifatphr js<br />

o.ly .30 (Nunnalty, t9?3). Low €liabiti.y insm.rni&ms B roreBbt. *hfl deision<br />

k@nfimcd by othe de (LiD & CMtund, l99o).<br />

Th. lonser lcsr3 aE noE Eriabla, blt in il€m Eaons nsn6 short lesr {n b.<br />

als EUlbL. In sunm.ry, Etiabilig oalh. t6t ir.ms depends on the t.ngd <strong>of</strong>th. ies!<br />

nirure or rh. rsr and natur <strong>of</strong>rhe ren Fh.bitityiKIine.2000J<br />

T6r our{criotr rld rt o Aubli.<br />

Tlcft are six srascs <strong>of</strong>rcsl @nsnucion: lt)- defihin8 ihe rs! which isdetimited<br />

to ja sF dd purpo$ (2F et*tjng qtj,s ncrhod, *t ich 6 oe p@es or 016 ad<br />

lcst Esultsi (3)- conshciiog <strong>of</strong> tesi icmi *hi.h d€pends on cHlvrly or th. c.r<br />

ddclopcrj (4)- r6lin8 rh. n€o, which irctudes lhe sllisicat pecduB Efeftd as h.n<br />

lmlysis; (5). ualrzing iten lo &t min. *hich ian shourd b. dinc4 Biscd, ud<br />

rcplaced by nN on. and (6! producing !.sl hcms for insrun.nr on lbe basB <strong>of</strong> fe.ibsok<br />

E'IeriveDes <strong>of</strong>lh. tesr is aftribulcd io irs ir.ft lnd icns, e ccriv.ne$, rbich<br />

cd b. dct min d by rhc mtysis <strong>of</strong>stu&nG, Espoi,$s ro n. riin dalr.n h gen.ntry<br />

don. wilh r.feEn6 to noms and ilds drc basd on desiEd ddticurr, tcvets and b€sl<br />

di$rini,.rory indiE b.rwa. th. hish od low &htuving studnrs. rrcm mtrsis is<br />

usually dsigncd 6 che* lhe funcliming <strong>of</strong> d irm, jt5 di0iclrty tcrcr, disrnninlrion<br />

po*cr. dd orher d€fcds (Lim & Crc"tund! t99o).

vilidirJ ind.x inctud.s difficully tcvets Md di$nmi,.rion indies tor lh. lcsl<br />

tr ms, For nems dilficulty t*cts it is dcsiEbL ro stecr irns *nh ditficutty t.v.t<br />

ranaing fom.l o,7. th di$rimir.rion indq iss shriniol iftr.x <strong>of</strong>hw €Frcicntty<br />

!n iten dis niMl.s b€t'rq iidivi

S@Es <strong>of</strong> lh. Fsls @ nd @mnmly inrc,p,El€d wath Efc@6 ro mms.<br />

Noms .rc th..npirialty povcd sooEs, *hich a p.uon achicv.d on a lcsr in a goup.<br />

Th€ Ew so6 4 onv.n d inio deiv.d scG .xpcsed in tvo M),s: (l) !s<br />

d.v.lopm.nbl leveland (2) a3 r position <strong>of</strong>individu.t within sr.cinc ercups {Anlsrasi!<br />

GEde dd g.nder noms aE *idety used in rne sondddized te$s. C6de no@s<br />

aE ftqE {y Ed in $hot s.nings. Omd€ nm e noE usftt s rhe e&na<br />

actucvem.nb '. contcnl m.s drpends lpon gddc-based curicltm icrcgory. 1996),<br />

Mmy psrcholosirt ch@E.istics clb8. ,irh lh. p.ss. or tim._ ThcE mij b€ wirb<br />

la'atrons o6ong p.opte 6 thcy Erow !t isr€r o! stow rale (Muahy and D.vjdsh<strong>of</strong>.r,<br />

1988). SFcific nms @ld E rl$ devien rd na!:wty dcfin.d Dopul.rid b en $e<br />

specinc purpo*s <strong>of</strong> cach test(Ai6tasi. 1997).<br />

Noms cd b. ddctoocd fo. a D.putnion by $l-1i,8 cpt*n@,v. emprc. nc<br />

lesr devcloper has !o define and deiemin. ttE apprcpriaE sdpL. R&dom spting<br />

oay b. adoprcd for nominE .,ton5. cluscr smpting is suBtg.st d fo. ta46ste nom,<br />

ba5ed on dnnic b&kgrcud, $x, geoemphical ESioni ur6m vctsls,ural qnvnomdri<br />

siH@mic tcvcl dd n.n, olns tado6 (Mu,phcy & Drvishord rr88). rt.<br />

rt{d.rd sres silhin group noms m rh. mo* $risfrb,y rype <strong>of</strong> d&ilen $ocs.<br />

S|lndail $6 cxpcs dE F&n s dbraM 6!m rh. h@s in lems <strong>of</strong> lh. iand.d<br />

d.viationsoltne distributions. p.rcendtcs e lts u$d tor.oms to indieic lhe Etaive<br />

positioD <strong>of</strong>8 Fen in . sF.iljc gmup (Anan6i, r 997).<br />

ln this charc,, tn€ reus is o. ihc und.sr&ding <strong>of</strong> lh. @n€o.r <strong>of</strong> spe.ific<br />

l@mina diticuhi.s..d 6s.sdr. D.tiiirionlt j$u6 m Esorved In lh. begi.niig<br />

ard ditreEnt chamccristjcs <strong>of</strong> SLD a di$u$qr. Th. lileduE lte jdiecs 1hlt le<br />


.trd rchol rdLv.d.a! h foglrse[cd $q.c! I! tr S!.d nftc tr dr<br />

tr..r|ft4 ot SitD Difrtdn3htr {da <strong>of</strong> cl nEdtS.D@.lo<br />

Eriteqt b t lllre Fh.t9, dlft!. rt o.td..t od&rd@ h t* rd<br />

&rd.pcd dd dldrdidio Ftc.hs G di&.d



PuDo$ <strong>of</strong> lha slndy Ns ro dev.lop dd vdlidaie ihe ompEb.nsivc diagnonic<br />

poc.duB ror lh. id.ntificlrion <strong>of</strong>lhe chitdEn w r! SLD.<br />

fi. srudy ws <strong>of</strong> dcsriptiv. drua in which sctMing.haklisr .nd Lsi3 wcE<br />

develoD.d 0ircugh lo[ dislincliv. ddetop,n.n6r phas:<br />

L lnnDncnronrrucrio,<br />

2. Inirum.d adminituhm<br />

3, Inndnc sing<br />

4. Ir{M.m inrclPEtarid<br />

Thc ddign <strong>of</strong> rhe Comprhensive Diagnostic prcc.dlFs Modct for rh.<br />

ld€nilic.lid <strong>of</strong>childEn wirrj SLD is p@ftd i . diasm on $. rol@irg pasc_ Thc<br />

dcsiF <strong>of</strong> rhe study inctude{t th. prcpararion <strong>of</strong> .hcktisr for th. sEning or SLD lo<br />

drlsrc a whole asc <strong>of</strong> diehitiri* 8d Mnr.d Foblctu b.5ed o dE re,chq!<br />

pnor obscdarion in rhe cla$bom ud $tccrion <strong>of</strong>a crit ,ion for tne vdidarion <strong>of</strong>rhe<br />

chaklis ad prdictioi. The crireri, rF imhd.d Abiliry e En &d ctsmn<br />

achi€vem.nls or 66 and 7u smdc students in lhe sbj.ct <strong>of</strong> Urdu.<br />

S.mins Ch*ktij for de r.&h.6 w6 dev.lop.d lo @od rrlc ra.n.6,<br />

obsesotion abo the.€denic behaviou <strong>of</strong>lhe chitdrcn, Conlcni co.cMcni, Fallorial<br />

Disimi@r !d Cowrgcnt uti{rir, wE eiadnh.d. Rehbitity or th. scdning<br />

Chstlisrw6d.remined silhCodba.h Alpha

Comprch.miv€ Dirsnostic Pro.edrErs for<br />

th€ Idcntifioation Model <strong>of</strong>SLD<br />

rQ<br />

r!<br />

SLD<br />

o E<br />

0<br />

EE r r<br />

Id.nihqriotr <strong>of</strong> SLD led or

A Tcst B.n ry for di.gncis difi.mt pdbl.ns Elalin! b studo$ eil[ SLD<br />

w6 dcvcloFd {d vrlidar.d, Coi.n! @rcur..rn, dsrjniMi .!d onGscnt wti{tiri.s<br />

<strong>of</strong>ksl3 *@ esrablirhed. R.ti.bitity ot rh. lc51s ws d.t mincd wjlh eabitiry c&trcieDt<br />

<strong>of</strong>lh. l.s r€t61D.rhod. hr.Ml ConsisLncy oadr r.s1s ws dtlzed with cmbrh<br />

Ii.n Mly3is <strong>of</strong> r

Following @nsters h!v. ben cmploy.d ir rhc ScdniiS Ch6tthr t)- tjw<br />

Self E3M; 2). Sequdcins; 3)- Ancndo. Detichi 4), Revde Reter,lion, and 5).<br />

Prcp.hlior olT6t E.fiory (Appedtr B)<br />

Tests <strong>of</strong>lhe Test Bln ry reE b.sd on wcb.t r Diagnostic T.st for Dysldh<br />

(Web$g, l9?3) dd Tne adlor Dystcxii Tes (Mil6, 1983). tr included: Scqrcnriil<br />

ProbLD T€sl iSPT) with 4 ircms: Non-Vetbat pc@ptio. T.sr (NpD wiitj 4 ir.B in<br />

NPt Pln A 4 n ff in Pan B, 4 n ns in parr C; Righr L.ft ld.ntification T6r (RLrT)<br />

silh 4 ir.ms in P.n A, 3 it ms ir prll B; Disbe p.@ptioi T6t (DpT) with I nems iD<br />

Pad A, .nd 3 n@s in pd B; tdrer Rsg.nion Ted (LRI *nh 3 itns_<br />

T.d aancry onraibin!, $€e paaSaphs wE etecd spdlety to, udin&<br />

wiing dd dic|rlion in Udu tbn rh. Urdu texrb@ks <strong>of</strong>6d ed 7r}t gnd6. Th*<br />

prEgEphs *ec rcprc$ ins t sts <strong>of</strong> ll.t. Tcsl B.icry R.ading ConpEhe,sion Tcs1.<br />

(RCI). \v.iring Coop€n€Gio ..d ndh{ics T61 (wCD.<br />

Pjlol Study ol S.r.ert.g Cb.ct|br<br />

For PrElini ry rrls .nd an tysis ot jrcms EEj{diDg th. v.tidiry ed Elilbiriry<br />

2t itens *eE consructed usire tne above n.nlioied fiv. conslrucls, Sccening<br />

chekli$ *a giv.n ro ren r.*h.s. 5 hat. mir 5 foah *ho w@ rc€.t rg sbjer 6r<br />

Urdu to 66 ed 7u clo$ for pilot study to Eport O..ts@n obenadon <strong>of</strong> stu{teDrs<br />

wj$ M. poblns in €dins and wirj.g in Udu. Tt scHins cheUin ws<br />

adDinistcEd 6 169 (50 boys ..d I 19 Bnb) stud..B for grades 6d ond 7s. DaL co €kd<br />

n6 dc pild siudy b u.ty2!d 6ins &..or etysis for @nsldcr vatidiry in lh. ron<br />

<strong>of</strong> tutoial vaudny. ExDtor.tory Rorarcd compoicnl Marix ot tador .natysis <strong>of</strong><br />

scening Chcktin f&ios vales tused liom _j7 ro .89 lrd Condmalory Rord.d<br />

conpoem Marix <strong>of</strong> iidor .nalysis Bnsed nom ,64 to ,92, Exptomrory &

Confindory Rohl€d Conpondl Mardx <strong>of</strong> faclor lmlysis for th. faclo,s hl rhe<br />

id.ntifierion <strong>of</strong> ScffiiDg Chetlir pDbld frto6 obsrcd by l4h6 for pitd jud,<br />

h gi@o in Appcndix c L Frcios wcE ale setercd Nnh noving sed Etirbitiry<br />

catrddt CMbeh atph! w omput d fo, rhe Elilbitiry @fficicm wilh rhe lEtp <strong>of</strong><br />

SPSS conpDcl s<strong>of</strong>twe, livd in ADp€.dix C 2. Thc fmt6 nor wilh goo

coml.rio B nor signif@ . neE wa tow bur tignitimt @Gtnjon b.rwa SpT,<br />

NPT, ed IQ le$ sd tulpd tron .t9 lo .2?, lxepr tcsl tus <strong>of</strong> RLIT ed DpI sh@<br />

oc @n l.rid ra d 3aglifie! Comldid c€fiicidr sag r.*s <strong>of</strong> rtE T61<br />

Bdtt ry, ehool gEde in Urdu ud tQ esl $oEs for pilot sru

ScE.ing Cneklsr @sisr.d <strong>of</strong> pln A dd p.!r B. Th.E wft t@r sr&m..15<br />

i. P.ft A which weE EtaEd lhh lhe idcnriicorion cd.iia for lh. chit{rren wirh SLD. A<br />

siuddl ws .ligibl. ld tunh.r inv.$ig.tim jr hislrr r@nd cponden ..ycJ, for rlE<br />

starch..r l tud 4 $d ,No,' for fte st lcm.nr 2 and 3. plrt B consisled<strong>of</strong>2l srdemenls<br />

i. |nc b.gidins_ rler on fir sfiradts vcE dctlde4 s Espo tcnls @utd nol<br />

und.ut nd lhcm, If tne chitd w$ with ch3fuErkracs frp@nting SLD lhe dswd w,3<br />

siv.n orc sc &cordhg r! ley. lf rh. chitd w6 rcl wnh rhe ch@rnnics<br />

dpt!*nring sLD, thc osK ws givo zrc sco6 eording !o k.y. To bc.tiSibte for<br />

sLD idgtifierion . eudenl must anrin . $oE <strong>of</strong> 4 in pan A. Fd pon B se ,€a<br />

co.r.d and add.d wnh in Pd A, Cd <strong>of</strong>i point fo. Scccnins chlcktisr wls 2 SD b.low<br />

Snidc.is wid hien sG 6ging a|m G - ll) d ScEoing Ch6*tasr reE<br />

consdcrd al risk ftd N€re s.tdrcd io dermjn. disr.panci€s on djfreEnl t 3rs. firy<br />

rcE tunhd adrinisr.tqt .bitity re lcst Raten prosBiv€ M.rri6_ Th.ir Uidu<br />

acncvcme scoFs wer. @Iccted from $hool record for tunlq dot,sis,<br />

A.lEl.Ltntio!, S.nrlls.!d lir.rpE.rrtotr prduc for Sr,I) T6r Bri..y<br />

Tes Bmcry w6 pEp.cd in bookLl fon and insruclions for lh. sludcnts wee<br />

wircn on rlc firn pqsc. Two chpks rF !l$ ci0.d to f!.ili6r. rh. stu{t nt' Th€<br />

sludcnrs who got high $oe on S.Eeni.g Ch-klist and Ie wilh in rd8. <strong>of</strong>go _ I t 0, od<br />

achicwmdts sc in Udu b.to* 5O!,a 16 arj,ninist.,ld ttE Td arlrdy.<br />

Th. siudcnls had to wdrc mne o.d ct$s, sch@t on lhc lop <strong>of</strong>lh. t.sl in lhc siwn<br />

sp4. The' wrc io pd i chet nek d c|6 mark on 0E ngh dsw in Spr, NpT,<br />

RtlT.nd DI'T <strong>of</strong>th. Tesr E.tr.rr. h LRT dd RCT, fi.y nad ro cad $€ p4lgmph dd<br />

MtL it .gain on ihc s. pag. in rhe givci spse. h WCT ih. eue.ts wE drcraLd a

For $orins <strong>of</strong> SPI, NPr. RUT and Dpr, sE on ws sign.d to dghr esws<br />

r lzmb9fu8!lwd, LRT @6ist d <strong>of</strong> 6r plns @h rEl m6icd fiE t.fl.B<br />

.nd studcnrs wcE requiEd to rewdt thc letrcB jD th. given spaoc, s$e onc was<br />

a$gn.d 10 @@t r.ier !d z.o io i.c<strong>of</strong>&t tetrcr RcT @nsisrcd <strong>of</strong> No prEsaphs<br />

8d the studdB reE eiuiEd to lffiL rh. padgoph in lh. givci sFe.. Fitocn<br />

Flccled Nords <strong>of</strong> @n pelEDh EE ldjudB.d fot scorins ed onc mE for @ch<br />

cocct wn ws Niancd. ln wcT, a p.6anph ws dicr!.d ro studdls. Ifstu&nr<br />

providcd wrir. words. dne $ore for emh wod ws a$i8!ed and toral $or€s for thh tcn<br />

Tor.l tim. <strong>of</strong>compl.rion oatest hy 80% <strong>of</strong>srud.nls @ also Ecotded for th. rime<br />

n&&rdiztid <strong>of</strong> fie &sa t r Ssa d.sh Esr indist d djc prcbld @ <strong>of</strong>dt<br />

srud. in l6ing, M.4 rnd srad.d d.riarions w.E catcul.r.d 6 all lh. rcsls.<br />

Chde ed gcnd.r noms for .&h l€sr weE dtablished. D.enptvc alaristics in lcmJ ot<br />

Mces, sD and P.@ntit6 EE ohraincd td 6', ?6 cts to'r ed Sarts $p€Et ty fo.<br />

clch l.s <strong>of</strong>lhc T.st Balrery, CDt oil scoe for i{tenlificarion <strong>of</strong>cbildEn wilh SLD ras<br />

cdculared by subl.Ictilg 2 SD 6m m{ sE o eh tcsr <strong>of</strong> rh. T.n B{tcry. The<br />

slud.nls oblainins s.es toer tnd this cul otr w.c bb.led s chitdEn *ith SLD in tne<br />

sixlh ed Sewn$ Cradc boys and gnb stldenrs <strong>of</strong> govemm.nt sh@ts <strong>of</strong> Lrlrore<br />

qry codinncd rh. popuhrior <strong>of</strong>rh€ srudy.<br />

Th. tupL <strong>of</strong> dE fidy E stet d frn rh. poplldlid mid.ring €cI sh@l 6<br />

clusr.r <strong>of</strong>tiiorc ciry. Foriy schots ctusr.R were ddomly setded foi lhe sludy oul <strong>of</strong><br />

lhc toid 152 gnh rd boys gomcnl $h@ls si.8 b! oli,8 n.rl$d. crad. d

Sendcr *is disribution <strong>of</strong> smpl. is eivcn in Apps.dix C 8. !n {ch schml a[ rhe<br />

i*t6 la.hing Udu ro 6' lnd rh cLs *w invotv.d rd id.nrifidion <strong>of</strong>childM<br />

wilh sLD. Scrc.ning Cbccklisl w6 adminisl.Ed lo 2l()O sludcnls with SLD sJanproDs<br />

s id.ntiicd by lb. ra4he6 r&hing Uiiu. B6.d m rh. dalysG <strong>of</strong> S@ins Chektist<br />

l0l3 studdts wcE $l

do. @l'sis ws M for rh. c<strong>of</strong>m.lio ol $6G3r to @nfim rh. v&i.bl6 i. rh.<br />

t€sl as wcr sleLd in thc cxplomtory rcror tuatlsis in th. pilot t sl.<br />

Thc di$rimimnr validity @ d.t mio.d ror Screnins Chec*tist oatdng rwo<br />

crteeon4 ol lor scocs (0,l4)md high sEs (r5,2r) in tilot rsting on &h;cvdor<br />

$ms in Uf,t!. ln tunn.r 3rudy, lh. S.@ing Chcktin % inlDv.d od f..ioc<br />

sleted rirh god sd sullicicnl lording, Th. di$rimiMnt v.lidiry w.s rhtr d.teDin d<br />

ror scding cheuisr mrling two c&8on6 or tow (O - 7) &d high !.G (3 - D)<br />

*nh achiM.nl sEs i. Urdu md *irh $. $c <strong>of</strong> 6ch r.s't <strong>of</strong> lhe T.d A6tGry.<br />

The 6nver8e.t vdlidity <strong>of</strong> tesls <strong>of</strong> thc Te$ Birkry was.s6blish.d with abilily<br />

IQ td sB ed a.hia.mar sEs in Urdu. S.oE d *n tes-t<strong>of</strong> rh. T61BalLry<br />

NeE ditid.d inro No cabgoricE tow @Rs and hish $oca,<br />

R.li.biliry <strong>of</strong>t sr, 6.r\*miDd in i.fr, <strong>of</strong> inkmr @nsisLrcy Md stahili.y_<br />

The sEbiliry oilh. tcst w6 dd.mimd using fic lestj.tdt ftthbitity datysis.<br />

Consiscncy in rlE f&l@ w6.sublbh.d sing cxptoBlory f!.ior Mtysis sd<br />

In il.m aalrsis' ii.m disiminrrioo pow ed dirr.utry lcv.t ws stcut.cd_<br />

Individul itcm pl&e sicr ptor wirh sp.cr to dlc individual dd ir.m ch.@rerinics<br />

weE pl<strong>of</strong>i..d. Itcn Ntysis wc @ndrct.d *irh dE hctp <strong>of</strong> Conqu6l C.ncotircd n o<br />

R6Fos Modcling $nwE. h provid.d rhc dieriniDraon porc, ircn tnahotd (ir.B<br />

diniculty) lnd $atter plor <strong>of</strong> individD.t irem pleemor (ADp.Ddix E). xcn<br />

w.E .le oht i..d (Appendix F). tLm R6ron& Mod.th!

Trdiilo.l St tirtiG w.F c.lala&d md mnged fd thc idcntifiorid <strong>of</strong> B.5at aln<br />

c.ililg poinrs ro. rtc gnb, bys <strong>of</strong>6: !d 7. cLs,<br />

Nms w d.v.lopcd in ihc fom <strong>of</strong> nds, st d.rl ddiotion! ud pcMdld<br />

forsnq boF itr 66 {d ?6 clrs s.t6rir.lt. Tte f6.n nF <strong>of</strong> ct t i B ddd .t.<br />

M@s tnd 9@d.id &vi.!ioB wE c.lcuhi.d for alt t.st! <strong>of</strong>th. Ten Bdtcry (Arp€ndl\<br />

C). B.!.1 od CeiUrS polnts for rhe gidsr toys <strong>of</strong> d ed / das wF !t!o jd.mi,i.d<br />

ltdlh sna ph iridividu.t irco pt-6an F!c.dc,<br />

Th. !.!t 3@r wi6 2 slutud ddiei@ b.kq $e m6 qd osidald s<br />

di$t rct soB ft. dierlp.ei6 in tRT, RCT, rd WCT,d ot h.. @ <strong>of</strong> tt<br />

sPr, NPr RI-IT od DPT w@ c@tt rd for SLD di!8n@is giv.n in rhc Tabt s



For the developm.nt hd sLndfudiafon olroh, louowing slcps wd. follow.d:<br />

L Dchrninirg lhe validily <strong>of</strong>lhc Screenirg cheLtisr and Test aaftry<br />

2. Colledo <strong>of</strong>rhc aft in urdu rn fim $h@t Ec.rd<br />

3_<br />

Iddrificdion or IQ ldel oa!h. studd6 by Rlq Prer|Birc Md.ica<br />

Det minin! de Eliabiriry<strong>of</strong>rh. ScMins Ch.oklisr dd Test Bin ry<br />

lar analysis or the SLD T.sts B.nery for sludcnt<br />

ldcnlifiodo <strong>of</strong>ths eud.nrJ hsvins dispey on Ihc difiddr Es6<br />

Pr€snbrion <strong>of</strong>lh. nonarivc dlb<br />

The oalysis and Esuhs obrlin.d tDn the spte <strong>of</strong> rh. stldy werc discussd<br />

under the fouowin8 hodinss: o)- V.lidily; b> Retjabilnyi c)- rren Anatys[ d)-<br />

lddifidion <strong>of</strong> sdd.mt wilt sLD r.d. .)- Nming:<br />

vilidily <strong>of</strong>!h. ScEenins chftktist.ndTesr Banery and .dm inisrBlion p@durt<br />

ws i.v€niearedwnh rhc iollo ng validiiy ryl6: t - coDr.nl v.tidiryi 2_ cm@nlj l-<br />

Cmstua Elidily od 4- Dis..inimr sd @nsaat Elidiry.<br />

conrenl validiry <strong>of</strong> tbe screening Chektisr and Test a.dci, ws iN*liglrcd<br />

thbugh extEn opinion. Conrd <strong>of</strong> dE csr *cre pttgcd lo cxpc6. p6net @nsining<br />

ol G&he6 r.ehing lJrd! ttugu,se. S@c <strong>of</strong> rh. .x!.nt h.d ! tds qFridc <strong>of</strong><br />

psychologiql aid .ducarioml l.st connnction. Contenl vat idity <strong>of</strong> lhc Tee Ban ty *!s<br />

cspeoially dei.mined in Eading sd qiling compehension tesls in Udu. Twenty-frvc<br />

$h.ns <strong>of</strong> .hc Sc@ing Ch€tri{ *.c Evis.d_ Fite riateh.nrs w.E dopFd on th.<br />

b6i5 <strong>of</strong>dp€6 opinid. Sev€n $b !.sts }a inctuded i. rh. Tcn B,ri.ry onllininS

itctu: 4 ii SPI, I ii NPT hn a! I i. NpT p[r B, 3 id NpT p.rr C, 2 in RUT p A 3<br />

in RLIT Ptt B, 2 i. DPr Pln A, 2 iD DPT Pan B and j ln LRT,. ft@ prnglPh, l@<br />

eler.d iFr,&ly fo qding wnitr! !d dictldm h U'd! 6m ||ic Ud! r.xtbootj <strong>of</strong><br />

6d !'d f gnd6 Tle F6sqlh. qrcer.d RCTed WCI <strong>of</strong> $.T.n Bd.rr.<br />

For dd.milinB d. cmumq v.tidiq or 6c StD T*i Batcrt e dr! t<br />

qii.ri@ B Lrd wbich * $G in Udu r..G &d te r.n_ RdXs e FFlod nr<br />

Comldtotc@tbi.fu e,,sffi 4E4t 6ttr r:d BdE r, d,.t dti&,t,t M<br />

sPr<br />

Nrr<br />

RLIT<br />

DPT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />


SPt, NPI, DPI LRT, RCT, ed wCT had posiriv. mtdioG <strong>of</strong> ,t4. _tr, .02,<br />

06,,09,.l4,.nd.l46F.riv.ty indiqlcd in TlbL4.l. Th. @tarjons oaSpr, Npr,<br />

LRT, RCT, and wcT wer sienificer ar d = ,l)l while @ftlarion <strong>of</strong> Dpr wirh Urdu<br />

icsr scorc was significotala =,05. Th.E w.s no sigrifi$l corclotion tal{ccD udu<br />

lcst sort ond RLn sFs.<br />

SPr, NPI, RLIT, DI,T. LRT, RCT, rnd WCT nad Fsirjv. .@hrids <strong>of</strong> . j?,<br />

.09, .07, .12, .ll, .m, dd .33, 6peiv.ly. Th. @Gtarids <strong>of</strong> NPT, Dpr &d WCT<br />

w.E significet at ! = .0t white cmt.iio <strong>of</strong> Spr, LRT, md RcT wirt te r.n $c<br />

so rolloring null hltorh*s *ere rejerd<br />

| . Thee is no sisnificdt co@tarion bcrren rst si6 or rh. SpT ed scoEs in<br />

2. TlrcE is no tignifmr @hrion b.rEn rh. i.sr sE <strong>of</strong> dE Npr ud scc<br />

3. In.rc is no signifi@. @ctalio b.tren rh. cs w <strong>of</strong> !h. Dpr ed scoEs<br />

4, Thcre is no sigrincdr coml.rion bctwcen tesl mrcs otlh. LRT and sEs in<br />

5. Ttqc is no signifiql aEhrid b.tqen tes sres or6e RCT lnd s@s in<br />

6. TheE is ro signili@t mt.rion bcr*an lcsr sEs orrlE wCT ud sB in<br />

?, Thcrc is no sierinsft corclalion h€rw*n tesr $oB <strong>of</strong>the Spr ..d Ie eorcs<br />

3. Thcrc is no sieninqd orclarion bclr..r tes sEs <strong>of</strong> the tesl NpI aid te

9, Ths. is no signilicer conclarion bcts..n thc &n eoFs <strong>of</strong>ihc RLn iid lQ<br />

10. ftcE is no signific.nt c<strong>of</strong>tlatio b.le.en th. t st sEs <strong>of</strong>$. DPr dd Q<br />

ll, TncE is no 3ig]ificdr comlalion b.s... lh. E r sFs <strong>of</strong> thc LRT .nd IQ<br />

12. Th.E is no iilnifiqnr @lrrion b.tw..n th. r.n sos <strong>of</strong> thc RCT rld rQ<br />

ll. ThcE b no siSnifi6l @Ghtior b.r*en |lt. l.sr ec <strong>of</strong> lh. WCT dd IQ<br />

Null hyporh6it thlr $.E is no iig|lifi*r cmLlion bdlff dE rn s@ orri. RtlT<br />

ed s in tinlu , *hach s6 e!E4<br />

Athden Doll oa rh. lbovc Eport 4 @dladoB wE signific.m bur kepang it<br />

tia $.n b* vllws' th.y m.y hrrc pEtiol 3isnific.M. I. smr diinol !o 6t.blbl'<br />

mclmt slidity, Hw.r, rhcs @ftl.rio$ indian d!,t sD. El.rionsnip qi.,l5<br />

Cotutucr {lidi9 <strong>of</strong> $c ScEning Cfietdisr .d T.sr Batt ry ws car.blished<br />

usin8 princi!61 @mpoMr ed dplorarory fldor dlylis *irh vsiM Robtid M!!ix.<br />

s.varen oL@nt3 <strong>of</strong> rhc Sffiing Ch*klbr wcc fduy *tarcd bes.n on frbr<br />

.n.lysis. F&ro salFis for lh. Scc.ing Ch*klbr is F!$ .d in dE TrbL 4.2.

T.U.4.2<br />

Rdr|r..| CdnF{Ht Mtrln <strong>of</strong>ihc sfmlo.y f.dor! Dhir for rlE idc|tifidlion ot<br />

tlE S€in8 CheUls Fbhl@ ho6 otsrEd !y i'..lER<br />

LEI'<br />

LEI6<br />

LEII<br />

s6<br />

s?<br />

s5<br />

ADll<br />

ADl2<br />

RRI]<br />

RRI4<br />

sK9<br />

sKt0<br />

sK8<br />

.aa<br />

.€6<br />

F*!or tddins N"l0l3)<br />

S.qu*iig An6dd R.t@ Stipping<br />

(S) D.frit(AD) R.r.nrio(R ) (sX)<br />

.84<br />

.62<br />

Firc fr.ro6 .r&s.d in Vonru Rohior G irdicr.d in T.bt 4,2. Th A.rc<br />

lodi.a 6 fiE f.do.! qfim.d htTodtaid fmrod( FbF.d fd rtF Sccning<br />

Cheui!| 3 iicmr <strong>of</strong> Lo* clf En Gn f&r.. htd fdd ta.tiry! <strong>of</strong> .l& ,85 dd .E6.<br />

nrcwvayaoodtuorlo.ding h6Fihlri!rhi!6.10.. 3 ir.mr<strong>of</strong> Scqcring<br />

red h.d n.t6 l6iling' <strong>of</strong>.61.8a xd.75. TIEE I Ery good flcor lottin$ ai<br />

irms 6 rd ? ed 8@d in lid 5. 2 icn <strong>of</strong>^rEnrid D.fE f-ra h.d ficrd l6dir8!<br />

.u<br />

.azl<br />

.cl<br />

.67<br />


<strong>of</strong>.84,od.84. Theft @ t.rr good faatd lo.dinca i. holh iiens ln rhis feror. 2 iids<br />

<strong>of</strong> R*F Rct .iio fctor hll f.dor todings <strong>of</strong> .87, ! .sz TIEE iw rcry So.d<br />

ft.lor l@dinls ii bolh acns h tn is f!.lor, 3 icm <strong>of</strong> Skippins faolor h.d factor lold ings<br />

<strong>of</strong>,6r, .35 drd .62. T1s! w! vrry good ftcrn b.di.e in i|qB lO.trd s@d in iran 9<br />

..d lL Mon <strong>of</strong>the B ircns w@ hiving v.fy €lod f&ror tedinS tud som. *c<br />

h*ins god fetor lddinB!, F&torial ntidiry <strong>of</strong> rh. S@ing Ch..krn qs g6d<br />

F&lor mlysis was run ro .slablish rh. consrJucr validiq/ otth. SLD T.sr Brtrcry.<br />

s.rcn r.* @ninins iicftr 4 in spT, 3 in NpT p.n A. 3 in NpT pfi 4 I in Npr p.n<br />

C, 2 in RLn Pnt A, 3 b RLIT pM B, 2 in Dpr pan A,2 in DpI pln B d{t 3 in LRT,<br />

rcc irclud.d in the Td A.tcry b.s.d d @fimnory p.irciprt f..tor et 5i, widl<br />

Vdi.@ RoLEd Morrn rFlor Ladins. Thb b prwnd in 6c ribl. 4,3_

Pot r.d C@pocr Mrlrix <strong>of</strong>d. qtinnddy 6.io6 ultsis for fi.roB f6 fi.<br />

id.irif'c.rioi <strong>of</strong>th. SLD T.!r B.tr.ry (N-1013)<br />

sPr<br />

sPt<br />

sPt<br />

SPT<br />

NPT<br />

NPT<br />

NPT<br />

RLTI<br />

RLIT<br />

RLTT<br />

DPI<br />

DPT<br />

LRT<br />

LRT<br />

LRT<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

.31)<br />

,65<br />

.58<br />

,50<br />

.71<br />

,47<br />

,81<br />

.84<br />

.E4<br />

.u<br />

,82<br />

.15<br />

2<br />

l<br />

I<br />

2<br />

t<br />

I<br />

2<br />

It is idi!.d in rh. Trlt 4.3dutftrij.@<strong>of</strong>sprhldnt..todii8s<strong>of</strong>.50,<br />

.6t, .80 ed .6, 6p.criv.ly. Tn. faaru lddinBs in it m 3 r@ rcry t@d wnil. il ws<br />

8ood h ir.N l, 2,.tn {. 3 it tu <strong>of</strong> NPT p.n A hrd iclor l@di.8i <strong>of</strong> _7t,.59 &d.67<br />

.42<br />

.31<br />

,51<br />

.E0<br />

.78<br />

.8E<br />

.88<br />

2<br />

I<br />

3<br />

.83<br />

,El<br />


ctDe Kly. The f&tor lodins in icm I s3 rcry sood whit. ii nons 2 &d I n 6<br />

Cood. 3 ilos <strong>of</strong>NPr P.n A hrd hclor loldings <strong>of</strong>.J3, .8t ed ,8t dspeljv.ty which<br />

wls v.ry good for items lnd soods i. irs l, 3 items <strong>of</strong> NpT part C had v.ry g@d<br />

fa.ror lqdings <strong>of</strong>-3t. .33 md .63 6F.rivctr. 2 ircns ot RL|T p.n A h!.t ws rcry<br />

g@d f&d l@

Indepodc Slmpl6 t-rcsr fd @npdison <strong>of</strong> low witn (.d9) od hieh with (n=944)<br />

rditrs guF <strong>of</strong>ine ScEning Cher|il sirh rlF Tca B.!dy 9]c<br />

T613 C-ps M SD<br />

2,19<br />

bic 2.a<br />

8.t3<br />

7.68<br />

2.54<br />

hidi 2,27<br />

hi8ll<br />

1.88<br />

LRT low 12.46<br />

bith lj.ll<br />

RcT low t3,tJ<br />

hic 11.99<br />

r.05 2,t3..<br />

Ll6<br />

t,42 2.06.<br />

t.39<br />

,El<br />

,82<br />

,19<br />

2,11<br />

5.t0<br />

4,88<br />

2.00.<br />

wCT lw l.4E 2tj 6,81..<br />

high 3,j8 2,j2<br />


2-<br />

3-<br />

5.<br />

mco m3 0t th. sruderB 0f<br />

13) Coup 2 ol tne Sccening<br />

sisniiq difTe@rc. b.ts@n lh€ NPT 66 sr€s <strong>of</strong>rh. studenls <strong>of</strong><br />

i0 - 7) Croup I ed hiSh ioring (8 . IIJ Crclp 2 <strong>of</strong> lhe SceniiS<br />

Thet is .o sienifioinl difi€Ene brrw€en lbe RLIT hsn scoB <strong>of</strong>fte studenls<br />

or roq sri.g (0 - 7) Crcup I dd hish srinS G . t 3) CNp 2 <strong>of</strong> thc sc@ning<br />

Therc is no signifiqnr dif.Mcc b.rwd lh. Dgr m.M ses ot srDdonls ol<br />

lw srins (O - 7) ODup I ad high sing (8 - 13) coup 2 <strong>of</strong> d. scEnang<br />

Thqc is ro signi,itur difeMc. b.nvs |h. RCT md sEs oalh. studenrs <strong>of</strong><br />

row $dins (0 - 7) Gop I ed hi8h si.s (8 - t3) cDup 2 otlh. S@nin8<br />

Th.E is ro sigitcrn df.cM b.t@n rhe WCT nd st]6 <strong>of</strong>rh. nudcnt<br />

or low $qins {0 - ?) Coup r dd hign mring (8. D) c@p 2 ot rhc ScEe.i.g<br />

Exepr null hyporl€is 6.r Tfi@ is no sie.ifi@,|r dif.GM hdv@ lnc LRT nd<br />

*oEs <strong>of</strong>th. studeds <strong>of</strong> to* sco.ing (O - 7) ceup I .nd high so,ins (8 - I l) chup 2 ot<br />

thc Sc@in! Cnektiu which s6 a@plcd.

Indeprndcnt Sanplerrks lor amp€rhon or to* *irh (n-ogt Md<br />

$or'ng grcups <strong>of</strong>tne ScEcning Chaklin wirh ehieven.nt scoes<br />

IQ<br />

hicn<br />


Ind.pendc Smpl.s t-lcsr for onpdison <strong>of</strong> tow sd hj8h lcoring !rcups <strong>of</strong>T.ns <strong>of</strong>$c<br />

T.st Batbry wil|.| Urdu T.* ffi<br />

T* cop! N M -D ----<br />

SPT low 17 43.00 435 2.40r;<br />

high 916 45.t7 5.42<br />

NPt low 55 42.60 5,05 l.5t,r<br />

high 958 4s.21 5.19<br />

RIIT lN ta 4t.28 6.67 1.43<br />

high 93 45,12 5.38<br />

DPf bs D 44_Og 4.4a t29<br />

htgn l0ol 45.11 5,41<br />

LRT low 32 43,25 4.Or<br />

hidr 93t 45.tt 5.43<br />

RCT low 3t 43.t6 4,4R 2.02r<br />

hisn 982 4J.15 5.42<br />

wCI low 148 ,t4.t3 4,02 -2.95.!<br />

hicn 865 45.26 5.59<br />

.. p

2-<br />

t.<br />

5,<br />

2-<br />

t- TIEE is no sisnificant difcmcc bctrg rhc U'du<br />

<strong>of</strong> 16* scoriq (0) Cbup I dd high srins (l - 4)<br />

TheE n no sicnifisnt di6cr.ne b€nr€en lhe Udu<br />

lo, $ding (0 - 5) Cmp I od high $ding (6 - 9)<br />

Th@ is rc sisnifi@t ditrc@ bcr*en rE Utlu<br />

<strong>of</strong> low eori.g (0 - 8) coup I ed hish $odDS 0 - 15) Croup 2 <strong>of</strong> LRT <strong>of</strong>the<br />

TheE G no 3igrificd difeeoa bawd tn. Urdu tesr n.an e@ <strong>of</strong> srldents<br />

or low $oring (0 - 4) cbup I ed hish sring (5<br />

Thcre is no signifiqnl ditrerc.€ b.nvd thc<br />

or los eqin8 (0) cDup I ed hiih sing (l<br />

rolloBing rnc iull htpothG l@ ac@ki<br />

Thft is no sisnifianr dilf*nc. b.n{en lhc<br />

r.s no ffi <strong>of</strong>studots<br />

30) Goup 2 <strong>of</strong> RCT or rhc<br />

Urdu re$ n6 s6 <strong>of</strong> srldenls<br />

- | 5) cbup 2 or wCT <strong>of</strong> rhc Tcsl<br />

urdu l.s mcfu scs <strong>of</strong> srudots<br />

<strong>of</strong> loe eriig (0) C@p on 0d hirh sqing (l - 5) Coup tyo <strong>of</strong>RLIT ollhe<br />

TIE€ is no sjgrifisi ditLrM b.6sn rhc Udu |e51m{ s6 <strong>of</strong> qudflts<br />

<strong>of</strong> low $qins 0) Crcup I sd high son.g (l -4)<br />

Gmup 2 orDPT <strong>of</strong>rhc Tesr

lndcp.dLn. Sepks t{6r for oomplis ot lN .nd high snng gbuF <strong>of</strong>T.ss otlh.<br />

Tesl Blit ry snn IQ T.n sB<br />

TqactupsNti<br />

SPT lw 3t -8- 6.-hidr<br />

976 loojt 15.96<br />

NPr bw t5 96,59 10.76 2,30'.<br />

hiCi 953 100.14 16,20<br />

RLn bw B 99.61 10.87 ,01<br />

hidr 995 99.95 t6.08<br />

DPT low 12 91.65 9.66 2,96r.<br />

htl' t00l l0O.O4 16,00<br />

LRT l@ 32 94,32 1s.43 2,o3,<br />

hign a3t t00 t2 tJ.9t<br />

RCT lw 3r s4.23 l4At 2,o3.<br />

higl 982 tOO.t2 tj.9J<br />

WCT tw 148 89_98 r4,j4 .a!n,.<br />

hjsh 865 IOt.64 t5,51<br />

" p < ,01 l*l <strong>of</strong> st8nii6c.<br />

I p < .05 Lcwl <strong>of</strong>sigrifi@<br />

SPr, NPT, R!IT, Dpr, LRT, Rqr, od WCT h.d r_ldei 6.J3,2.30, ,07, 2_96,<br />

2.03, 2.03, ed 8,92, Gp€.tircty iDdicir.d in T.Uc 4,7. Thc r.v.h6 for SpT, Npr,<br />

DPr, ud wCT *s! sisdf,rclm d = .Ot .d r-v.t*, fd, LRT xd RCT sig'ifrcer !r<br />

o - ,0r. For RUT t.v!lue, .0? wa nor lignif@r, Folowing nul hr!.ttt& wrc

l- I]ier h no signifrtuI ditreMe bctw€r tic tQ En med s6 <strong>of</strong> siu

.diid$dld io {E 6d .!d ?6 gl!d. (dcnt3 &d !fur fiE @*g itE !.m ie* B<br />

ldbinis@d with |ne 5@ @ndniN to tn tuc nulta !. Thc Gdb <strong>of</strong> c@Lrtod<br />

cfiicioB sc giv@ in rt. T.ble 4.E.<br />

C<strong>of</strong>tl.tis c@fit ient bcrw6 d. 16l dd E E!r5 <strong>of</strong> studhrs (n-t4) <strong>of</strong> th. T*t B.!sy<br />

sPt<br />

NPT<br />

RLIT<br />

DI'T<br />

LTT<br />

RCT<br />

" p

I- Tl'.E h no stnifrcct cftlation bctwd rd.r.t.!t sffi <strong>of</strong> SpT <strong>of</strong> ttE T.d<br />

2- TIEE ii & signifdn ftbri! b.rwr i's{n 3l ffi <strong>of</strong> NPT <strong>of</strong> r[c T6i<br />

l- Th@ i. no signifet @reldio b.n@! lanrad 3rG <strong>of</strong> RLIT <strong>of</strong> T6r<br />

4- Th.F ls ro sisniflml aret tion bavm Ed-r.tolr jco6 <strong>of</strong> DpT oI lh. T6t<br />

5- T[et! ir m sisnilicut @lation b.r6 icr-Et6r tus <strong>of</strong> LRT <strong>of</strong> ln. Tclr<br />

G Tt@ is m signifior ftttrion b.reEr t'sct !l cm <strong>of</strong> RCT <strong>of</strong> th. T.st<br />

7- It@ b ro siglifisr cmhtid bc$er jcd-Et6i !c{m <strong>of</strong> WCT otln T6r<br />

Mon <strong>of</strong> rhe lbow EDorr.d c@lrdos *@ d9i6Mr T.!ts corchtion<br />

*trci.rt apporr.

Cdh.dr'r Alpb! cffra'* for d* ida ificdio <strong>of</strong> Fti.bit[y <strong>of</strong> rtr Sclaing<br />

Scdc tui6 Nmher<strong>of</strong>tlens<br />

AboE Trlle 4_9 5lb$ |t!r Cd!.d' Atph. rtilbitity @ffiaiq w! .!3,*nich<br />

B hiSh fo low slf

cMb..h'3 Altlb @mcidr fd d. i&idfidlid <strong>of</strong> Rdtlitiry Cc6ct <strong>of</strong> tt T.s<br />

Bdidy (N-1013)<br />

SPT<br />

NPT<br />

RLIT<br />

DPT<br />

Ir h indicar€d i. th. TabL 4.t o lhlr rh. cDnb&h Alph. etiability cmciors lor<br />

SPr, NPt, Rllr !d DPI wE -51, .60, .58 rn.66 c!€tisl'. ft Sorcd rhr dt i6B<br />

orth. T6r B$Ery h.d g6d Eli.Ditiry.<br />

Co.qrcst Gel@liad lr.n R€lpoe Modeting Tnditioid sLti6ris for $. Tat<br />

Bll.ry r@ dso qlculed fd Eti.liliry a6ci{i!' which gfr si@ in dE T.bt<br />

4,|l<br />

_51<br />


ll.m R.spos. Mod.ling Tndilimt stafni€ for d. T.rr B.t.ry wtrh d ed orc<br />

T.ft M s. D skcw$ sE SEM Cc6ci6r<br />

sPr 2.79 r.16 .61 .(x .81 _51<br />

NPr 7,90 r.31 -1.80 _04 _8? .60<br />

RLtr 228 2:2E .t8 ,ol r.o3 .6<br />

DPr 3,61 ,71 2.60 _02 ,45 ,J8<br />

ft. .bovc T.bt. 4, I I lhom fi.t NpT n6 Dc8.tirc Skm$ C6fiiciol Alrh!<br />

msing ton.Jr to.66. tr $std I|i6r dt dE r.ns h.e le.pa.bt d8. <strong>of</strong> Cetrciqr<br />

Alph., *tich b $trciot !o B|lbtish 6. ilr.mt c$irlncy <strong>of</strong>d. i.rt iEni<br />

Disilrin ior i!di6 !d ditrcuny hEts rw ohutdd ft. icd .a.t lii<br />

It n Mlyris B condur.d with th! h.lp <strong>of</strong> Co,4u.n Cindnliz.d tt n R6pow<br />

Modeling $0q6- Ir !'olid.d dc dieriniMtio indic* ed itcn lnGhotd (iEm<br />

ditrody) Sih in .h. T.U. 4. t2

Ird R6pons Mod.ling item Nlysk <strong>of</strong> 6c T6r Baitery wilh *o dd o.e respde<br />

nens (N= l0l3)<br />

SPII<br />

SPT,2<br />

sFr-3<br />

SPT-4<br />

NPTI<br />

NPT.2<br />

NPI-]<br />

NFT4<br />

NPT.5<br />

NPI-?<br />

NPT-8<br />

NPT-9<br />

RLTTN<br />

RLIT-z<br />

RUT-3<br />

RLIT4<br />

RLTT,J<br />

DPTN<br />

DPf.2<br />

DPT.3<br />

DPI.4<br />

.59<br />

,59<br />

.63<br />

.50<br />

,51<br />

.13<br />

,J5<br />

.51<br />

.72<br />

J9<br />

.66<br />

-,50<br />

.32<br />

24<br />

214<br />

,.53<br />

1,09<br />

-.90<br />

-.20<br />

.39<br />

-.94<br />

-.33<br />

.01<br />

-.53<br />

1,05<br />

LC2<br />

1.02<br />

I.|l<br />

099<br />

LO9<br />

l.0l<br />

l_01<br />

t.06<br />

la<br />

1.00<br />

t.00<br />

t.03<br />

t.05<br />

1.03<br />

1,07<br />

Tbc .boE TlbL 4l2 irdidrd ttd dE disiriEli@ Lrc|! <strong>of</strong>.I i0cE <strong>of</strong>.[ rt<br />

r.ca tugd frw .20 ro 0.79, vhid k &!pr.bb mge mpr d. iln <strong>of</strong> tnc RuT d<br />

which k h.vlng ,09 disqininoti@ indiccj, Thc ildn rlftshotd <strong>of</strong>rlt rh. ircns Msld<br />

fron l0 io .98, which b also Elatiwly lo! di,lcltiy mg€ ex*F $. ilcns Npr 2, Npr

4. RLIT /t .trd Dgt l. vitl 2.(X, 1.09, -1.4? lrd Ol iloD tlt!$old tBlciiEly. Io tlr€.<br />

iEnr RI-I[ 4 k rdriEly eilh lN ihr dilfculty. NPT 1 NPT 4' .!d DPI e sitb<br />

rlLdEly wilh his! ildt ditrcttlly.<br />

lt 3l$ed thi .ll i!o! it dh <strong>of</strong> th t 6 h.d disioidid Dowr with h<br />

ru€. cxc.r m itdr MdaE, dl ia!i6 h db <strong>of</strong> th. lc5t3 h.d dcl!.. iicn<br />

rbrBlFld ntaE diftculv qilh iD fugc dc.Da fou itci.!.<br />

lan| Cl|' dairig cuG (lcc) by !cor! fd ah ihr <strong>of</strong> dE lcr. <strong>of</strong> lhc TBt<br />

Bdtay rit! rao dd * E!!.c wE it E h ih fi6. CombiN.d iiaB ffi<br />

for SPI c Fel!'d in Fi8@ |<br />

Itcn PalDc. Modclils lh CLr*lciidh. Cuc by !co{t fd SPT lclnt <strong>of</strong>tL T.n<br />

!<br />

ICC <strong>of</strong> ir.h SPT I E CiShdy nd sith '. t .r io lhocli€l c!rc h w<br />

!.4r..blc nqp <strong>of</strong>ditrcttly. ICrc <strong>of</strong> ilcn sPT 2 E.bo diihlv nd qiih lt{..r io<br />

d.oraicrl cuw€. It iidicd.d los ditrcuhy lcv.l. ICC <strong>of</strong> iEo SPT 3 B 3lighlv fln<br />


wilh spcct ro lhloGircal cw.. Ir indic.Ld d !ced!bl. ditrculy l4el. ICC or n.n<br />

SPT 4 M 3lighily flat wilh rs!€t to thor.tical cue, Wnich hdidLd los dimculy<br />

l.rcl <strong>of</strong> th. itcm .nd it wa e eay it n.<br />

Cmbi'.d iI.Bs cffi for NPT c pEht d in Fisu& 2<br />

Ito Rcapois Mod€line ftd Cbu&t ridi6 CllG by $oB for NPI Il@! <strong>of</strong>dE T.s<br />

i<br />

tt<br />

t<br />

tCC <strong>of</strong> it n NPT I Colc E iGGp wilh Flrcl ro th6sl&.1cwc, It indiat d<br />

0E a..eirble bd l.ow difFculty l*1. ICC <strong>of</strong> ilcn NPT 2 slo!. E 3lisldy fld wi0!<br />

BDc:r ro lh@t r1c.l cl|rc. Ir indiqr.d !E hig! difiicdq l4l. lcc <strong>of</strong> it n NPt 3<br />

sloD.6 {.t $d Esoel to th6r.ti6i cwq 'ftjr itdic.Ld low dimcttlly l*t, ICC<br />

<strong>of</strong> ir@ NPT 4 stope I in s..p wilh Br.ci io it@rical .@e. It indicat d 3li8lr{y<br />

our <strong>of</strong>mg!diffi.ulty l.v.l. ICC <strong>of</strong>itch NPT 5 doF. * flat witt F.p€t to th.r6ticd<br />

.le. lt indic.l€d rh. low difrcllty kst. Icc <strong>of</strong> iten NPT 6 sloF ws fl.l wiur<br />

F D*t to tlE@ticd cwe lr indiclr.d thc v.ry low ditEcdty ldcl .nd dcltt d E.y

6y it€n. ICC <strong>of</strong> ircb NPI 7 slop€ *r, flai *ith Fsp6t io lh@Ftical cwq h<br />

indj€tcd lhc lov difEcllty l4l. ICC <strong>of</strong> iadNPT8dopcwflnv h Fa.cl lo<br />

rh@.di..l .wa It idic,r.d i!. vay ld difrc'Ity lcwl rod

&*pi!bl. but lo* dimculiy krcl. ICC <strong>of</strong> it n RLIT 5 slop. sd .t .t with E p€t to<br />

th@r.li.rl c|e. h indid.d 0r $.pet'b but difrculty lcvd.<br />

Conbin d it m3 .w6 for DPT d prrst d in Figw 4<br />

Il.n RdFM Mod.li.g lcm Ch!tut dni6 Cw! by $6 fq DPT h.ms <strong>of</strong> rhe T€sr<br />

-<br />

ICC <strong>of</strong> nan DPT I slo!. w 0n wit rBFcr ro 6or.ric.t curc. h iidicjLd<br />

bw dificdty l!rcI. ICC <strong>of</strong> i|.h DIrI2 doF ls d..p with crdr ro tt6Fri.d cw€.<br />

Ir indi.lLdlh.q.ptrbLdifficuty Lwl, ICC <strong>of</strong>itan DpT I sloF s fld *irh cpar<br />

ro th.or.ricd ffiq It idi€r,.d ll!. &adlbte bur low diificulry la.l. tCC <strong>of</strong> iten<br />

DPT 4 sloF E fl.l {itlt ElPocr ro th@r.tiet clft. ft irdic.r.d thc !o* difEc'nty<br />

Thc !rcc.din8 ICC a!.lysis <strong>of</strong> SPT 2, SPT 4, NPT I, NPr l, NPI 5, NPT 6. NPT<br />

7, NPI 8, NPT 9, RLn ?, RLIT 4 DFf I, DPT l, dd DpI 4 i.dic{cd difficutty td.l <strong>of</strong>

$*itntwslow, ll6high fn dE ircms NPT 2, Npr 4, RLIT r, Md RLrT L tt<br />

*!5 eceplable for RLIT 5j and DPT 2,<br />

rjl.nr Disfibldon fld R.+oM Modcl p.6ftre6 M.ps i.dic.c ln ir.rs for<br />

Bael &d Ceiling runclion or th. r!$s itehs (App€ndk E). 22 itens <strong>of</strong> SpT, Npr, RLIT,<br />

ed DPI wre afus.d in *ri.s ro d.Emj,e rrr ilcm rhBhotd for bel ant eiting<br />

il.hs using Conquc$ cene6li4d rl'n Rcspons Modeling pmeLr. This p@cdG<br />

rcd !o@ds th. devclophen! oarh. Ccnd.t ed cnd. nms (ApFndix C),<br />

As r rcsut! t ircn including irens I I, t9,21, lO od 22 amtrgci h.E @orling<br />

ro rhct dimculty t.!ct an bc ued as ba.t ir€ms for 6s Cle 8nts. 8 ird includin8<br />

ilcms 7, 9, | 0, ll, 2l rnd aru8.d hcE .@dins ro rheir difrEutry tmt 6 b. us.d s<br />

b&l itens for 7t Cli$gnh, 9 hem i.ctuding irN t0,22, Il, 12,9,21,7, Ij ed 19<br />

.ms.d h.E ac.ording ro dEn dificutry ld€l tu bc usd s tael ilcns fd 6n crlrs<br />

boys. l1 il.m i.cluding items lO, ll, 22, 9, ll, 2l, 7, t2,19,5 ed 20 MCed her<br />

r@ding lo $.n dim.uhy tcvct on b. u*d 4 bdst iEm, tor ?6 Cts boys.<br />

cdd.r dd Crade No@3 w4 @nput d in rm3 <strong>of</strong> p.@tres, nss, md sD<br />

for gnb ed boys ol6q dd 7r dls (Appcndix c)<br />

A soc or 2 SD b.toq th€ na N6 @nsideEd di$EFrcy sE. The<br />

discEpanci.s in ach r.$ reE 6lcut,cd dd deged f<strong>of</strong> boys dd gnb <strong>of</strong> 6d and 7d<br />

gdd.s rlpcrircD. h br.t 66 8i,ti 0? grade 66 sd 29 gr.dc 7th).!rd B6 boys (71<br />

gnde 6b .nd 65 gddc th) ftrc id.mified os sLD,<br />

SLD pEvdde in dE Sirh *.r 2. 5 yo ed 2. l %<br />

resp€cr'v.ly and in fi. boys *6s l. 4 %.nd 3, 6 % in s!ad. 6u




Thc probLm un&r fih nudy ws lo devetop @npdhensive dilCnostic<br />

pm€durcs for ln. ad.ntifidion <strong>of</strong>childEn wnn SLD in Edins e{t wirins Udu_ tr<br />

included d.velopm.nr dd vatidnion ot S.@nins checklisr ond rhe shnd.rdped T.sr<br />

Bltkry addEshB in diff@nl s@ <strong>of</strong> t.min4 Th. objcriG orrh. sludy w.@ lor r-<br />

d€velop lnd valid.l. rhe ch*klin for scEcni,s <strong>of</strong>SLDlo dia8oose otuBc <strong>of</strong>diebjlirics<br />

ud Mja&d probt.m$ ed 2- dd.top ed slodlrdia a T.n Brtr.ry. Tnis Tcn<br />

Ban.rr consisred <strong>of</strong> thc fotlo*ir! rds I, S.quddal p,obts T.d (SpT); 2- Nonadbal<br />

P.rc.prions Ten OPI); 3- Rishr L.R rd.niiaiFrion Test (RLIT); 4- DGt!,ce<br />

Peeflions Tcsl (DP/D| r L,ll., ReogniijoD T.sl (LRT); 6- Rading Comprh.Nim<br />

T.n (RCI); 7- wrning conpEh.nsion .id m{hanics Tcst (wCD.<br />

sch@lchitlEn cmDil &nc 6onon nisi.tcs i, aadi,s wordsj mn sm.<br />

lcneE in rcoding or in witin8 .n r copyj,g it fiom any $urc.. Such ryFs ot piob tcm s<br />

<strong>of</strong> lhc chaldE. &priv. rhm i. ed.nic &hi.Mcnrs in subjers in vhict ech bsics<br />

o r EadiD8 and wriring c0ry manci rfth.rc is no pebtcm <strong>of</strong>lbion Md auditory abititi.s<br />

with the childa th.n rhey a detaEd St-D in on. o, n@ speific 'E <strong>of</strong> l6njI3.<br />

Childrcn wilh sLD p.rrom scneral abitn, l.sk in d g@d nanner, Nev.det6s, l11 n<br />

pcrfm&e in acadmic Ni8im.nrs is nd ftc dr Thc r*hcr Fcivs d.n<br />

peblems, as they ac crusing trcubL in doins ssignncnr,. tdtrlifiqdon <strong>of</strong> SLD h<br />

p6ible wnh lne cdpr.heDsit. di!3ncrac p@€duas. It Mold b. h.lptut ao. rem.dj.l<br />

raching ard cnse dr ccademic uplin or $* *.rriod chnoEn.

Thm G no speific pd.d6 for rhe idenrifiodo <strong>of</strong>ft chitdci ehh SLD ii<br />

rsdi.g, wrilinS lnd speuing io Urdu paliislani hngua8e. rr t desiEbl. ro idenlio<br />

sh@lchildtu wh.n in y h.v. sFnr s.<br />

'td<br />

in l@i.B cadin& wiring fld<br />

sp.lling. ll h funher desimble lo $er our suoh child@. fom lh. Eguld sch6l<br />

stul. r !t sinh {d Fvc h g6dc.<br />

T1. design ol$e study in lud.d rhc prepaRtion <strong>of</strong> checktist aorftescB,ingor<br />

SLD.o diagm$. whotc turc ordishititic dd ashd pdbtm bas.n on $.<br />

te&h.fspriorobsdarion infi.ctN6m lndstecion<strong>of</strong> acrit rion forthsrltidalion<br />

<strong>of</strong>ir!. chaklist for pEdicrion. Th.s &&ri! reE inctud.{t Abitity te resl ed clssllm<br />

&hi.v.menbot60ed 7u gdd. nu&nts rd rhe $bjed otLni,.<br />

s.Mins Cbecklisl for $. le!ch.6 ws dcv.loped 10 @rd lhc t rchets.<br />

oberyotid rbour rh. aqd.mic b.hwiour ot rhe cnildEn. rt inotud.d rhe oh$frrrion ror<br />

physiel pbblems <strong>of</strong> hding ed vision. Thc ch@klisl w6 for ldch.N ba!.d on geedl<br />

obed.rion <strong>of</strong>t. chikrq *nh SLD Fo owin8 c63lmr. haw b+n imtudcd in dE<br />

scEning Chetl& I) Low SeU Esiecm. 2) s.qucncine. 3) Anention D.icn. 4)<br />

R.w R.tedion, 5) St ippin& Sccnins ChaLtis *6 giv.n ro rno$ roch6,<br />

reaching subj@t <strong>of</strong>urdu b 60 tud 7d ctslca, ney wde brietc! lboul thc SLD <strong>of</strong> the<br />

childErl Ih. purF6 od oruc <strong>of</strong> rh. S.rning Chellis. th.y ecE !5t.d ro<br />

ovcBrew the studcnls ponfotio and prior bcn.vior on dineent cc.sions. They w.rc<br />

tunhcr a*€d lo Epon rhe ql Ett*rion <strong>of</strong> di.n ob*B.tio about lhc $rdors. TtEy<br />

Gpon d misl.k s csp.ciatly in rask <strong>of</strong> rcadin8, wriring dd sFlling i. Urdu, .Irl.y<br />

funhcr i.diaLd difiGt dllc <strong>of</strong> dislalc ot $u&nLs dums $e'r cr.s wort ed<br />

hom.wor*. Th.t rc als givcn ct* di@rids for fi inS <strong>of</strong> thc Scenin8 Clrcktie.<br />

SceninSCh4ktisl.oBistcd <strong>of</strong> panAddpan B.,n,crc *.c Dursqcmdts<br />

iD Pld A which w@ Etar.d wili rhe id.nification oirgi! for lhe chitdFn with SLD. A

studcnt wis eli8ibl. for flnh.r i.venigotion if hi&rhd rrher cstorded .yct. fo, th.<br />

trr&mcnr l md 4 rnd "t{o" for rh. satcBcnl 2 lnd l. pdt B consisEdot2l srddols<br />

m lhc bcginnins. Larer on fiv. slateb.nB w€@ cxctuded, .s r.spon{tenb @utd nol<br />

urdffi.d rhd. If rh. chitd ws Mrh chdcterinic Epres.ring sLD ln. .tlffr w.,<br />

gilen one sE ecording !o kcy. !f the chikt was nol whh rhe chdet.rjstics<br />

repEeths SLD, t. dso ws siwn ao $oE ec@dins to t.y. To bc.liBible td<br />

sLD idcnliirorion ! (udenr mlsr anlin a sE <strong>of</strong> 4 in pdr A, For pan I sE rurc<br />

coul.d lnd added with ir Pr.t A. Cur otrpoinr for ScEntrg Chektjj @ 2 SD b.tow<br />

m.!n. sludenB Nith bich eorcs msinE fbm (8 _ r3) on sc@ning ch.cltist *ere<br />

@nsid.Ed at risk .nt wE eldp

slldcnG. Tne sud.nrs Nho got high scoE on Sccning Ch6ktisl dd te whh ii Mse<br />

<strong>of</strong>90 - ll0, dd achi.vdcnr @E in Unlu b.low 509/. were ldminiiqed thc Test<br />

B.tr.ry. In sud.nrs h.d ro wrik ll@ &d ct6, $hooton thc rop <strong>of</strong>rh. rqsr in tlF<br />

givcn sprcc. Thcy w@ to pul o cbak mrk or cro$ mark on rhc riBht mwer in spr,<br />

NPr, RLIT a.d DPI <strong>of</strong> ttu Tcd B.f.ry. In LRT dd RcT. rtcy h.d io @d rhe<br />

pdrgraph .nd s!ir. il aerin on l]le sc paSe in lhe Sivch sp.ce. In wcT lhc studenls<br />

e.E dicbt.d . pmShph fd srhing<br />

For the purpoe <strong>of</strong> scorins ot syr, NFr, RLIT dd Dpr, scorc one *is a$igned<br />

ro ri&t 6w.r ard zm lo wbng mw.r LRT @nsisEd oalhc Fff, Bch pdn<br />

@niincd fiv€ l.tr.^ nd siud.nts wer ftquiEd b Frirc lhc l.trc6 in th. Bir.n sprce.<br />

Scorc on. 6 .sisnd ro @mcr tenq and ao to in6@1 tencr. RCT ansisred <strong>of</strong><br />

No p€aeFpnr tud th. srud.nrs reE &qoiEd ro Fwite lhc p.c8F!h in lh. givd<br />

spae. Fitoen sclerd w6ds <strong>of</strong>e-n paEgtaph wcE.djldsed for srins ed onc sore<br />

for.&h 6d wod ws eign.n. In WCT. a pra3arh w {tic..r.d to euddrs. If<br />

slud.nt prcvided witc words, one sco@ for @h word ws ssj8ncd od iolrl $ores for<br />

66 lesr *eE I 5. ft.m mtysis <strong>of</strong>te*s <strong>of</strong>T.n BalEry s6 n.d. for iLm difi]crh, aftt<br />

disqimi.0rion lcvcl, Individuat irn de sc.ber ptol wirh Esper ro rhe hd,vrdurt md<br />

iLm cha@l$i$ica q.ft duined. n.o ch'eldinics crc *.E .re obr.n d rron<br />

Respons Modcling nidnionat slrtistie w* cdlcutaied lnd atueed for fte<br />

ideD(ficarion <strong>of</strong> Bad dd Criling pohis for the gnb, bo's oa6d ed / ctass.<br />

Tobl rin. olcmptclio <strong>of</strong>tee by 80% <strong>of</strong>ju&nls w6 ako doded for th. time<br />

stlnd.rdizalion <strong>of</strong> lhc r.st, Low ScoEs oi each t $ indisled rhc DmbteD e! <strong>of</strong> lhe<br />

stud.nt in laning, Ma dd sE d.nt dcvi.rioD w.E otcul.r.d @ !U dE rns, Cade<br />

and gcider noms lor dch resr weE esbblishcd. D.seiplive shlislica in r.ms <strong>of</strong> Metus,<br />

SD ..d Pe|qril.s EE .,brai..d for 6\ / cte$ boys .nd si.k cplncty f@ {ch r.sl

orthc T4r Banery. Clt<strong>of</strong>fscoc fo, ftlendfr@rion <strong>of</strong>childrn qnh SLD *s @lcuhled<br />

bysuhdcring2SDfmman sc on ech |cn <strong>of</strong>d. T.n Baftry. Tfi. sidcrc<br />

oblai.ir! scores lower tne $n<br />

cDt o,I weE lab.led 6 childftD wilh SLD in tn.<br />

Thc d.sisn <strong>of</strong> lh. study funner inchded drc $l*rion ot poputaiion,<br />

smplca fn *hirislrdi@ <strong>of</strong> ch@hisl ud c.r5_ Si{h !d s.vcn$ gEd. boys od sjns<br />

sMents <strong>of</strong> sov€ho.nr $h@h <strong>of</strong> rrnorc city constitud rhe popltllio ot l1)e study.<br />

Th€ $pL <strong>of</strong> dE srudy @ sldrcd iiom rhe poprtain c@id.ri,g ach shot .s<br />

clBi.. ortih6r€ cily. Forty sclDols clusGb rcE rddohly shcr.d fo,lhc stody oul <strong>of</strong><br />

lh€ ro€r r52 gids &d boys s('fud. st@ls cin8 bdktinS n.rtDd. In qch sh@l<br />

dll lhc l@ners t 4hinB U.du lo 6d ed 7rh cte w.re invotv.i for identifi@don <strong>of</strong><br />

childr6 rirh SLD. Scrnin! CheHist B adninisr.d !o 2rO0 s[&.rs wiltr SLD<br />

sybptoms 6 id.ntjiied by rhc le&hcu t.&hing Urdu. AB.d on thc .Mtysk <strong>of</strong><br />

s@i.g Ch.cklie l0t3 sdcnt3 eE st*rd 6. Ehabi4 tO8? stlddrs v.E nor<br />

includcd, is lhey did nor meel th. c,it ria t.id dou ior SLD jn rhis ,tu

std&rdiz.d ehicvdor t.srs, Urdu rchiercmcit 3@s EE lhc b61 ov.it.bt.<br />

Fetor d.ltsh 6 fln for th. cxptorarory aebr loadins to map out rhc m6r<br />

np.rbnt veiabl.s for rhe s.Ming Choktist !trd ao, rhe Tcsl Bid.ry. Confi@iory<br />

r&ror @l,sis was run fo. lh confimrion <strong>of</strong> surrcals b confim rhe vaiibtes in the<br />

csl 6 wc slet d an dE d?todlo.y f&!or mlysis in rh€ pitot t6t.<br />

Th. discrimin.Dr vllidiry was dclcmined ror Screenin! Cneklkr nakinc leo<br />

cegoi.s or low (0-'t) dd hid $G (8- 13) with ehi.kocnt s6 in Unlu ,nd wilh<br />

thc scoE <strong>of</strong>ach r€sr <strong>of</strong>$e Tcsr Barery,<br />

The o.rcrgol vrlidity or tecs oarlc T.st B.rGry B 6bblislEd wirh abitiry<br />

lQ test smrcs dd ochievem.nt srs in Udu. Scoa on each rst <strong>of</strong> rhc Tel Banery<br />

s* dividcd inro No @gori.i tow sEs ed high scc.<br />

Reliabiliry <strong>of</strong> tcsts Nrs dct mined in t ms <strong>of</strong> inledat .onsisimcy ud si.bihy.<br />

Th. nabilir, <strong>of</strong> $. rd w.s deGmimd 6hg fi. r6l-*si Enabirfty eat,sis.<br />

consislency in thc f@ios rs €slobtisncd usinS *plomrory faclor anclysis ud<br />

Noms we€ dcvetoFd in drc fdm <strong>of</strong>nani sllrddd dcrilri@ dd p.,6ril.s<br />

lor girls, bots in 66 lnd 76 ctas scpm!.ty, Time tor 6rtenF orach r.n rs @cordcd.<br />

Mtus dd srodard d€virtions w.E stcul.rcd fe . lcsrs <strong>of</strong>rl,c Td Ban ry. Bot dd<br />

C.iline poinrs for th. !nk, boys ot 6d od ?a cte w.r. al$ id.dified th@ugn san.r<br />

plot idivdu.t ncm pl.emer p@dus.<br />

Th. t sl sEs wid' 2 d.nd4d deialions bctoN fi. 6cm w.c @nsidecd a3<br />

dieEFrcy sE. The dis.cpsfties in LRT, RCT, ..d wCT .nd ar td om oa rhc<br />

SPT, NPT RLIT ild DpT *.c oorsideEd for SLD diagnosh.

Findirg3<br />

2.<br />

3,<br />

sev.n sub tes|s wec in luded in rhc Tcst B.ncry @nhininS it n' 4 in SPT, 3 in<br />

NPT Pln A, I in NPt Pan B, 3 in NPr Pa.r C,2 i. RLIT Pan A,I in RL|T p.n<br />

B, 2 in DPT Pan A" 2 io DPT<br />

elered *paEl.ty for Eadine,<br />

t xlbooks <strong>of</strong> 6u ed f gnd6.<br />

P.n B dd 3 ir LRT,. ThEe peasFphs wE<br />

wdting &d dictation in Udu ftom lhe Urdu<br />

Tn* FEeftrns EpEsnred RCT dd WCT ot<br />

SPr, NPI, DPf LRT, RCT, qd WCT hd posirivc @mt rion *irh Urdu <strong>of</strong> , t4<br />

.12,.02,06 ,09,,14, and,t4 Esp@livety. The an.l.rion <strong>of</strong> SsI, NpT, r_RT,<br />

RCT, rnd wCT l@ si8.ifmr .r a = .Or whit. cmt rion oa DpI *itn URlu<br />

1e$ sor. was significdt ar q = .05. TheE qs no signifi.&t onclatro, bcrw€n<br />

Utdu td @E .nd RLIT sco6.<br />

SPr, NPI, RLIT, DpI. LRT. RCT, dd wCT had posniv. @ftl ion willl re <strong>of</strong><br />

.17. ,09, .01, .t2, .13, .Oj, sd ,33, Esp€crivcty. Th. c<strong>of</strong>ttaljons <strong>of</strong>NpT, DpI<br />

ad wCI *.8 sisni6@r ar o =.Ol *nih @mtado.s <strong>of</strong> spT, LRT, dd RcT<br />

with IQ tesr sorc was siSnificml .r d = .05. so nu hypo$*s rcj ed wilh 6tl<br />

thc c5r5 mG Ejdcd qc€pt .ull hypo{heis Et r.d w n RrlT, *nich B<br />

Th. a&ior loldinss o. fiv. fa.r6 confmcd hrDorhdicat nincBfr popord<br />

ibr lhc s@cnirg Chec*tist. 3 ircms oi t w *r Eneh tulor had ftctor<br />

l@din$ <strong>of</strong> .88, ,85 ed ,86. Tn.E @ wry Sood f..ror toadrnSs In $R ncms<br />

in this lanor I items o I s.qu.ncinS f&lor h.d fador t@dins <strong>of</strong> .62, .84 dd<br />

.?J.Th.E Nrs v.ry sed t&ior todings in ir.ms 6 dd 7 .nd god m e6 5. 2<br />

nos <strong>of</strong> Art j6 D.ficn racror hrd r&tor lo.dings <strong>of</strong>.8.r,od.84. ftcrcb<br />

very gtud factor loadine i. bolh iGhs in lh is f&ld. 2 itcns <strong>of</strong> Rc vcNe Relcnlion

fldor had f.clor l@dinss oa .8?. dd .8?. nrE s€re vcry g@d f&!or loadings<br />

in both iLms i. ihG fador. I nds <strong>of</strong>stipFin! focior hrd a&!or tddinss <strong>of</strong>.65,<br />

,85 sd.62. Tterc w6 r.ry s@d l&tr lodings in nems ro ed g@d in item 9<br />

5- Four il€G <strong>of</strong> SPr had facbr loldi.g <strong>of</strong>.5o, ,65, .30 ed ,65 Espetivclr. Thc<br />

l&br l@dings in i&n 3 *cre v€ry Smd whitc il *6 goo{t in irem l. 2, dd 4. l<br />

hens <strong>of</strong>NPI Pan A hrd facior lo.ding <strong>of</strong>,71, .59 dd .67 6p€.tivcly. Thc<br />

fftbr lGdins ir irn I ws vcry good whit. ii ircns 2 .nd I n wB good. l<br />

ilcms or NPI Pd B had f.ctor loading <strong>of</strong>.5j. ,81 sd .31 EsFclivcty ehicn ws<br />

v.ry good ror irens .nd so.d i. il.n L 3 il.m <strong>of</strong> Npr p.n C hld v.ry good<br />

r&tor lediogs <strong>of</strong> .3l,.83 tud,68 Espeiivcly, 2 icne <strong>of</strong> RuT pan A hd wis<br />

vtry sood f&lor l@dings <strong>of</strong>_37 lnd ,87 EsD..riv.t, I n ft <strong>of</strong>Rt_rT part B h.d<br />

vert g@d f.ctor l@din! ot.69,.80 cnd.?e Esp4lively. 2 iEns <strong>of</strong> Dyr pan A<br />

hld.ve'y goodfacbrtoldings<strong>of</strong> .84.nd.S4EsperiEty. 2 aEGorDpf pd<br />

3 had a vcry gmd fator lo.dinss <strong>of</strong>,88 ed .88 rcspelivcly. 3 ftns <strong>of</strong> LRT hld<br />

! v.ry so.d f&tor todinss <strong>of</strong>.75, .34 dd .82 Esp*tiv.ty.<br />

SPI, NPI, DPT, RLIT, LRT, RCT, ftd wcT had t-!,tu.s 2.9s,2.06, 2.64,4.23,<br />

2.00, 215, {d 6.3t GFdivcly' The r,Etes for Spr, RL|T, DpT, &d WCf<br />

we€ sisnitcbr st o = .01 e{t l-valucs tor Rt_rT, and LRT sisnifiqr 6t o = .05,<br />

For RCT r-v!h., .2r vs nd signifi6r. Thc nul hrlorh$ ehre{ wirh dt inc<br />

tcss weE Ej@&d exepr nu hDorhesis etated wirh LRT, which ws ecepten.<br />

Udu ic$ srs md lQ rn $oEs h.d r,Etes LI r, e{r j,23 Gpcrivcty. Th.<br />

t-volue o4 5.23 for IQ rcst srs ss signifior ar a = ,Ol whitc it was not<br />

si3niliol for U'du tei, $ n r hrpo$.sb atar.d wirh te B b Elcr.d od<br />

$e null hypothesis elarcd wilh Ud! resr was accepled. Ir nos Dhoini@r

vdidiry <strong>of</strong>llte Sc@nins Choklist 6 cs.blbhcd with dc le rsr *s bur nd<br />

8- sPI. NPr, RLIT, DPT, LRT, RCT, and WCT hrd t-vatues 2.40, 3,t3, 1.43, 1.29,<br />

1,96, .2.O2, dd 2.95. E+€liEly. Th. Gt.les for SPf, NPt,.nd WCT eE<br />

sis.i,icobt al d = ,01 ond l-vatues for LRT and RCT si9ific6nl .t a = .05. Fot<br />

RIIT .nd DPr r-v.lu.s! r.4l dd | 29 BDeriwty }4 nor 3ignifr{r. T}. rotl<br />

nr?<strong>of</strong>icscs rcla&d witl all lh. l.sr! w.re Ejeld .x€pr nrl hyplhes Etar.d<br />

*ith thc r.sl LRIT dd wcT, which sere reprld.<br />

sPr, NPr, RUT, DPr. LRT, RCT. sd wcT hd r-wtu 6.5r, 2.10, .O?, 2.96,<br />

2.03, 2,03, dd 8.r, Bp€cliv.ly. Th. l.values td SpT, Npf, DpT, md wCT<br />

w* sigrifmr '| o - .01 dd t-mtu6 fd, LRT rtrd RcT sigifionl !l d = ot.<br />

For RLIT t-v.lue, .07 ws nor sisnificdi rr. nutt hyporh.se Ghlcd wjrh att rh.<br />

te$s w.E rejeLd *lpr i! hylorh.sjs Flated with the rest LRIT, which ws<br />

sPT, NPr, RuT, DPT, LRT, RcT,.nd WCT had positive corcrrrion <strong>of</strong>.49, ,40,<br />

.52, .ll, -55,.nd ..r9 Eselivery. nE mtlrion <strong>of</strong> i.s -Ecq oa spT, NpI,<br />

RLIT, LRT. RCT, dnd WCT eF silnifiml .r d = .05 wnir. comlarion ot tcn _<br />

Etlsi <strong>of</strong> DPT w6 signifi@l !l d = ,05. So nult hr?otn*s cr.lcd s,m .I rhc<br />

cronbrch alpha reliabitity co.ftcicnt w .Bj, which was hilh for low solf_<br />

csL.m f.dor <strong>of</strong> ftning cnektsrs, The Eli.bitiq @fficior <strong>of</strong> RdcF<br />

R.Lnrior vas .69, which wa good rcliabitity, Th. Etiabiliry G'icients for fic<br />

s.qu cii8 Atr.nrion D€ficil ed SkjDpinc flclors .59, .j8, _50 cwc.iv.t,<br />

which indiEc suiici.m rctiabili.y.

l2-<br />

13,<br />

14,<br />

I5-<br />

conb&h AlDh. Eliability ccfilci.nb for SPI, NPr, RLn ud DpI were .51,<br />

.60, .58 &d .66 csD.ctive!.<br />

Di$rimindiotr lcwls or.ll it ms olall rh. m @g.d fiqn O.2O ro o.?9, which<br />

is &ccpbble Mg. cxoept thc ir.n <strong>of</strong> dc RLIT-4, rhich is navine .09<br />

diErimimtion indi6. The il.m rh$hotd <strong>of</strong> aU ih. jlcns tugd fim .20 ro .98,<br />

wlich is lls @cplr!|. @9. exe $c iteDs NPI-2, NPr"4, RLIT4 rnd DpT.<br />

l, wilh 2.04, 1.09, l.47ed.01 ir.n dresnot resp.crivety. In thc* ite6s RUT<br />

4 is Elorircly ,iln low ir.m dilficutty, NpT 2, Npr 4 .r'd Dpr m *irh<br />

Elarivcly witi hi8h ich ditficutry.<br />

NsI ha negativc Sk wn$ Caficicnt Alpha rangiig fDn .5 I lo .66,<br />

lcm Ch.futdislics Cor. (IcC) by sE fd eh iFm <strong>of</strong> rh. csls oi $e lcn<br />

Bli!ry wilh Erc dd onc Bponse w.E daM ror il.m titids. lCC <strong>of</strong>iEm SpT<br />

I wB sU8hdy nat rirh rcspei ro lhftrclimt c!&.. ll w6.@p|!btc tue. <strong>of</strong><br />

diffculty. ICC <strong>of</strong> h.m SPr 2 wrs ate sligr ty n.l with ap6l to lh.o€riot<br />

cufl.. Il indicaled low difiiculiy t.v.l. rCC <strong>of</strong> ircm SpI3 w6stighdy nar rilh<br />

Espet to $@r.ri6l curc. tl indic.ad d a@pt btc difrcutry t.rcI. tcc <strong>of</strong><br />

ilem SPr 4 B slightty flar wirh Espsl lo lhoEriol cude. which indid.rt<br />

low diftcully lcvel <strong>of</strong> the irem ed ir w$ sn esy ich.<br />

ICC <strong>of</strong> iFn NPr t 3bF w6 slep wirrr 6?€t io dEoeri6t cure. u jndicai.d<br />

txc &c.phbL but low dificulry lcv.l, rcc otnld NFr 2 sbpc w.s 3lighdy n.t<br />

*ith ep

I6-<br />

ICC <strong>of</strong> itcn NPT 6 rlopc w lh. *ith 6r€ct to ih.ocriot clre. tl indicircd<br />

tbc very low dinicDlly lev.l r.d &chrcd very .$y iten. ICC <strong>of</strong> iLm Npr ?<br />

sloD. w6 not wilh c!p.d b rh@rai@t cud.. n ituticar.d rhe tow ditrrcuhy<br />

l.vel. ICC or ilem NPT 8 slope was flal with respeot 10 lh.oEliat curc. u<br />

indjclr.d $. vcry lov di6culy l.El and debEd 6 vcry 45y itcm. tCC <strong>of</strong><br />

ito NPt 9 dop€ 16 nrt wi6 EsD.cr io rhsrclical oud.. rr iodi€lcd rh. b*<br />

ICC <strong>of</strong> il.m RUT I slop. was sc.p wnh EsD€.t ro rheocricat cud.. tl iidiaten<br />

th. rept bl. bur high dinculry tcv.t. rcc oi ilcm RltT 2 sloF {s scc, Nro<br />

dper to th6t li@l cme, rr indjcar.d lh. low dimcuhy l.v.l. tCC <strong>of</strong> jM<br />

RLIT 3 dopc w6 nor with ap..r ro drffiliqt c!ne. ft i.dical€d lh. 4eD|!bte<br />

bDl high difficutty l.v.l. ICC <strong>of</strong> nen RLIT 4 srope rc slalp *rh EsF.! @<br />

u'eoctioal c!Ne. It ihdicalcd ihe &c.plabt. bur tow di mculty t.v.l. tCC <strong>of</strong> iten<br />

RLIT 5 sloF *.s sL.p wiltl rcsFcr to fioEtiat c@. It indiq&d th€<br />

acoeplobl. but difticul! tevet.<br />

lcc <strong>of</strong> iLm DPt I doD. ws flal with cF.t lo rhqdist cln . Ir indicarcd<br />

bw diffc![y lev.l. lcc <strong>of</strong> ilcm DpT 2 stope was st€p wu rcsp€.1 lo<br />

tiodiel cuR.. ft indid.d th. @ptallc dittcutty lcrct. tCC ot iE( DpI 3<br />

slope was iat Nith csp.cr ro lheocricat cun.. rr indical.d the @.ptable bur<br />

Iow diraulty lercl- lcc <strong>of</strong> it m Dpr 4 sbpe ss nar wirh Esper ro d@dol<br />

c!ne. ll indicaled rh. Iow difi.uly level lr.n,<br />

I-ater. Dilr.ibuiio. a.d R6pons Mod.t pmm.r.6 Maps jrdi@le dE ir.ms for<br />

Dasal dd ccilirs tunclio. <strong>of</strong> rh. t 3rs irens. This p@.duc |ed row.r{rs ftc<br />

d.veropn.ni <strong>of</strong> the 6cr&r md cdd. ,om'

17- G.nd.rand Cddc Noms qeE @mputed intcms <strong>of</strong>p€cnlit.s, 6cdns, ed SDs<br />

fn gnh od bols <strong>of</strong> 6d &d ?6 cl!s. A $or <strong>of</strong> 2 SO bclM tlt nd @<br />

coisidercd diercpancy se. Tho di$Ep3nci.s in each tcst werc c.lcltdred .nd<br />

@nsen fd boF a.d snh <strong>of</strong>6! ud f sEd6 r6pedivcly.<br />

r3- SLD prevorcnce in the girls,s 2.5 % r t!2.1o/o in gzd.6d and 7s up€crivcty<br />

r.d. in ln. boys @ 3.t % &d 3.6 % in shd. 6n od /r EsFeiitcly ,<br />

D.v.lop6cnr ol dE cdpr.hosivc diasnosic plGduEs ror rhc chiben *nh<br />

sLD includ.! cedlin i.?s ror $. rholc prcces ol idenifialion. Fi6l <strong>of</strong>alt r€che6<br />

ohsfrafims 14 collded rhDugh ln€ sc@.ing chekri( tr v6 o good sm. for<br />

lbe prim.ry obsea.tion o{tn. nuddr wirh SLD. The ct6s &acher is DoE rcliabt.<br />

suEc ro EDon nc &admic dimcutrics .nd o[.r prebt.frs <strong>of</strong> th. chitdd wirh slo.<br />

Academic achievem. s <strong>of</strong> th. strdqls wE ml@tcd no6 $c $hool Ecord. Th.<br />

8.rdes in Urdu EE s|(rd fom rhe &h@l pdious.xsidlion. TrE Crid6 in Urdu<br />

weE collcccd oa rlos siudots wittr lo* &hiwen.nrs in Urdu. Rav.B prosresiv.<br />

Mdic.s lQ.biliry lln w6 dh lo a rios sbden$ h.vihg low lchideh..r in Udu.<br />

Thos nudcnls with lverae€ le wcE scruiinircd fd noE sp€.itic id..iificatids <strong>of</strong> thcn<br />

pmblcms. Td 8an.ry ws adminhr.cd to ! et{l€d sd.nls sL.r.d bascd on<br />

rvemg. lQ rc$ .ner $rurinizins the re Lsi Cnb nd bo)s <strong>of</strong> 6s od f shd.s sud.nr3<br />

*id' di$aparcy <strong>of</strong> 2SD frm rh. md soF in *h res <strong>of</strong> rhe Tesr Brn ry wcE<br />

conr.nt validiry <strong>of</strong>rh. Tcs BatE.y w.s esibtthed rhrough lh. pan.t <strong>of</strong>dpeds<br />

who w.rc navi.s.xD.rio@ <strong>of</strong>t &hinB lnd test {tcv.lopme,t. Th. exD€n! kE h.vin!<br />

suffici.nr .xFri.@ ar Fsigaduar. nd d€roml t.Kt, The .xFns. susaBrrons td, lh.<br />

conL.t dd languS. <strong>of</strong>6sl vcc cndoed wi$ thc tcsre_

fieF was sisnifisnl corelalions <strong>of</strong> alt de rosls scoEs on rh. tesrs, SpT, NPr.<br />

LRT. RCT, WCT ond DPT wirh ffi in Udu exept lh. En sc <strong>of</strong> RL|T <strong>of</strong> th. Test<br />

Bitr.ry, TheE wa oo significdr c<strong>of</strong>tLion <strong>of</strong> lh. Gsr mE <strong>of</strong> $. En RLIT wilh<br />

$oEs in Urdu. ll might b. duc lo the d.finnioml pcuplctivs <strong>of</strong> thc SLD. Tt.y NcE<br />

sBpd.d vnh n8h Lii iddtificarim confusio. Ir ws fldhs suppon.d by rh. fld rhot<br />

Rith kn identiicalio. was one oi the addiriort lymptons <strong>of</strong> thc SLD. It wcs nol<br />

conpulsdy ard ndimr€d pdblen <strong>of</strong>.&h chitd warh SLD. Th.rc w6 signif@r<br />

concrarion i. .ll lh. Br <strong>of</strong> rhe T€n Ban.ry wnh rQ rcst sEs. Ahhoust mosr <strong>of</strong>the<br />

abov. Epod.4 @ftlatioN *s sisnjficlln tut kepinS jn vi.w lh.ir to* vatucs, rh.,<br />

may have pnctidl siSnificdc.. It seeN difiiculr !o .drbtish commnr vilidily.<br />

Howcv.r, rhcs efthions indier ftd $nc Etarionship cn$ Ew*n h* i.sll.<br />

consuct vatidig <strong>of</strong>$. sce..in8 chetdGt md T.e Bancry sls Brlbtish.d<br />

w iih lhe f!.tor d! lrsis. ThcE was high dd sood Lctor looding jn co, fimarory onrlysis<br />

in all thc G.0o6 <strong>of</strong> lhc sching Ch€tlisr,<br />

scenins Checttisl w.s sjven to r.iche6 tor rhe reoordin8 lhe obsedrtion <strong>of</strong><br />

stud.nrs. In cxploElo.y fa.ror l@di,e a,ch *c etecd with 8ood or sumcnnr<br />

rcliabihy cmcicnl. Th.r rs lov frcior toadinS in Skippin8 flclor orrhe S.Ecnins<br />

Cheklin but w$ eleted tor Sctqjng Ch€klis ehit keping in vid rhc a&t ihd<br />

r.ach.u F4civ. 3kippins <strong>of</strong> th. words or t.rc6 <strong>of</strong> rnc studen$ in dif.Enr wrys.<br />

Pobobly l])ey wcE nol having good und.6tlndin8 ot poblds ot chjldM *ir! SLD.<br />

Th. t m skipping migh! not bc wI conpEh.nd.d by ! rh. techs. Consolcr<br />

validny <strong>of</strong> lhe Tcst Bdi.ry ws also dctlmined with ihe faclor dabsis. pdmdity<br />

cxpromrory @lysis *6 M ii pjld sludy. C@6m.rory datysis ws M fo, aunhr<br />

srudy. All rhe rcsb facloE <strong>of</strong>the Test Banery werc with hish, Eood sd sumoi.nt<br />

cliability @ffi.ic.b. In smc p.r|l ot.h. ..rts tikc om <strong>of</strong>th. i&m ot6c r.j Ngf Dd

C 16 sirh s lo* loadiDg s 0.48. Ncvcnhcb$, n ws includcd in $. cst bdaus thcE<br />

6 suffri.nt CMb4hrs Alpha ctiabitiry @nicicnr for !I pan, <strong>of</strong>thc r.n.<br />

Dienninanr vllidiry lor the ScE.ning ChecHist od coovcrscnl v.tidity ao, th.<br />

Te$ Banery wcrc .srlblished witn the t-rsl. At lne esty slog. di$rimine! validiiy <strong>of</strong><br />

th. sc@ing Cheklin $ br atrd high edDs ws jd.mificd wid ffi in Urdu j,<br />

palor sfudy. Ir funntr sody, dienmjn.nr $tidiry <strong>of</strong> rh. S.Enins chc*tGr {6<br />

d.r.mined *ilh att r.sls otT.d Bancry dc.pr RcT. Il 6ighr b. du. $e c&n rh.t<br />

Screening Checklbt w6 used and cponed by lh. t.ahc6 ond cdsisled <strong>of</strong> rhc<br />

sBrm..b about $n. g.n@l b.h.viour 6 e . N*rt6cl.$, scacDi,s ch4ukr w6<br />

dlscrimiMring rll dhq es|s <strong>of</strong> Td Bery.<br />

In ftrth.r slodn hs low scorin! .nd hish sri,g or.lory <strong>of</strong> rne snrd€nls wcE<br />

identin.d wnh 2SD dhcEpmcy 6om lh. mo scoEs. Thcs. toN ed high sodng<br />

slud.nls <strong>of</strong> th. S.Gnirg Ch{tli$ N* di$rimimti.g significdrty on the lcsls s@3<br />

ol$. T61Bdcry. Dsrihimr vltidiry <strong>of</strong> rh. SG.ing Ch@t|isr I de chetcd<br />

and .stablished whh scorcs in Urdu enidcmcnrs ed re $orcs, Di*nnindr vatidny<br />

was drblished with lQ rst scores. whitc ir oould ,ot b. .srablished wjth scorcs in<br />

Utdu. It nighr bc d!. ro rhc fd dBl th. S.@nins Chellist is |n. @ljdon or raolou<br />

@mprisina dift Ent fl.rcnts in ttre d.finiriodt p.,qeriv.s <strong>of</strong> SLD. ft ir nor<br />

nccesry rhar all thc cdditioB <strong>of</strong> the sLD synplons e b.ing futfitt.d .mong all rhc<br />

carcr3dr validi9 or the Tcsr Barrry w6 d.hincd whil. nDldns sbuDs ot<br />

lN ahiacB dd high &hiscE in @h ics <strong>of</strong>rh. T61Bat6ry. Th.$ Smups ot tow<br />

.chi.ve6 dd high shi.v.^ in @h rn ottc Tesl Barhry wcE mad. *irh Esp..r lo<br />

2SD disftpecy frcm rhe n@ eorcs <strong>of</strong> c.ch tesl <strong>of</strong> Tsl Blr.ry, Th. co.vergent<br />

lalidiiy ola[ inc icst <strong>of</strong> T.st Bery ws d.Emircd vilh @a3 <strong>of</strong> ffi h Udu ed

IQ ability csl. Low snng grcup <strong>of</strong> $udcn6 md hieh s@ing o, rh. l.sr <strong>of</strong> Urdu dd<br />

IQ e@ di$riminaFd by lh€ Tesr B.(cry. t s achi.v6 dd high rchid.c o rhc tei<br />

RI|T <strong>of</strong> T.n Brn ry B nor dienmidring siSnif@dt @ ltE w in sc i, Udu<br />

dd lQ t n sEs. n niEh b. ba.ue fi. .hildrcn haviDg SLD fe.d rh. pbbtcns <strong>of</strong><br />

riglt lnd l.R iddrifislion. Ttey w.E not poseside srabte b.hlviou, <strong>of</strong> rishl lefi<br />

Low lchicvcu drd hid @hicv.u oi lh. E{ Dpr <strong>of</strong> T.st Brdcry ws<br />

disiniMing tisnific!trly on rhc re !.n ffi. Bur not vnn lh. scc i, U.du<br />

Di$@ misFeprid pobl.n B rorhd @. <strong>of</strong> lh. s}'nplohs ot SLD and ,or<br />

necesdly b. rh. ultiMle synproh, TlErcfo@, rhe @nverse.t v.lidily ot rne T6l<br />

Basery w$ dcl.mined witn ehool smd. ir Uido and re l.$ er.s bas.d on rhe sLD<br />

synptoms lik , hlbal lii.Ey in rcodiog tud wnin8.<br />

Th. @nv.tran hlidiry <strong>of</strong> rh. Tcd BliEry 6 6Lbtishcd wirtr s6 in udu<br />

ed lQ tn sEs ba€d o tess lil. LRT, RcT, &d wcT <strong>of</strong>6. Td Bln ry, *hhh<br />

Ncc $. ncc.$rry comDondr <strong>of</strong>lhc symproms <strong>of</strong> sLD.<br />

Thc conv.rgent €lidiry <strong>of</strong>lh. Tcar Bltte,y was .te 6rrblish.d wiln soEs i.<br />

udu and lQ rcsr sr.s blsd on i.srs tik sPr and Npt <strong>of</strong>tte Tesr Batrery, ehich NeE<br />

lne sobdlry coDponents <strong>of</strong>oE srnDbrs <strong>of</strong> SLD.<br />

R.lilbiliiy <strong>of</strong> $c s.E.ing cnctlst ws d.rmin d unh inaMl cmisi.@,<br />

n.NB by Crcnbeht Alpha @filddr, For Eliabitity <strong>of</strong> ln. S.cning Checktis!<br />

Low S.lf Encn retor, lheE wd high Fliabitity in om <strong>of</strong> rhe taclou. R.ves.<br />

Recntion, anoth.r faclor qrs *nh good rctilbilily. Th€re 6 wnh sutnci.nr r.liability<br />

in aU orher lelo6 <strong>of</strong>rhe screenirg chektist, Th.F rcsuxs indiatc th.t ihc eliobjlity or<br />

sGninS Cheklin is suficient fn tc dias.osis <strong>of</strong>SLD.

Reli.bility *ffcidrs o.lh. tcn DpT oarhe Tsl Bariery Ner god but thc rest<br />

SPT, NPr, dd RLIT scoEs wec with sutici.nr r.tilbitity Th.e csuhs indicai. th.t<br />

rh. Eliability ol rhe Tesl Bott ry is sumcidr ld rhc diagDcis in speifi. tBbtms <strong>of</strong><br />

SLD.<br />

sbbility Efianility <strong>of</strong> dE T61 B.rcry *s lts d4min d by rhe Est_dlsr<br />

altubiliry n $od. Thft ws sagrifi@r @fthrion ccfltcior in a[ Ihc r.sts <strong>of</strong>rh. Tcn<br />

Bft.ry a = .01 dc.pr DPT, Cocl.rion ccthci..t <strong>of</strong> Dpf ai a = .05 tRct <strong>of</strong><br />

sisriticde *d sisnitmi This shows lh.r dE T.s Bdery hd sufficienr slibitiry<br />

All items in ach <strong>of</strong> rle l€sts had adcquot ilcm lhreshotd /irem diftcufty wirh in<br />

dns. .rept four ilems. r nighr bc b.clus rhc$ ilcms *.e r.trier wili 0E Miarcd<br />

Drcblns <strong>of</strong>rhe sLD Ary how tu b. usd f6 i.st bltlery.<br />

Iiem Cnadatlics Curu by sE for 4h icn <strong>of</strong> r.srs <strong>of</strong> de T.sl Batrlrt vilh<br />

m dd m GpotE w draM f6 ich fittEs. Td iEds <strong>of</strong> SPT, Npr, RrrT rnd<br />

DPT s.rc <strong>of</strong> varyira difiiculty l€v.b, Tn e Bts e consi.lered imFri. fo.djag@5is<br />

childEn ei$ SLD; hencc, lh. irss w.@ .or qcludcd 6om th. csa.<br />

Ir€m Map or Latent Disrribution ond R€spons Modet palmeter Eslimarcs <strong>of</strong> atl<br />

items <strong>of</strong> the Te$ Bansy indioohd five ircms <strong>of</strong> gtts <strong>of</strong> 60 olds, eish n ms or girts <strong>of</strong><br />

7u clasn nine il€ms or boys <strong>of</strong>6d cli$. Md elevd irms <strong>of</strong>boys <strong>of</strong>f ct6s fo. b6.l<br />

function. Thn incl* in bael ir.n hi8lq g'adc h losiqlty comt b6w lhe iLms<br />

godully baone eas, for sllritots in hiSlF gn&. DitreMt rom! EE d.vctop.d for<br />

rh. snk, boys <strong>of</strong>6d tud f chs-<br />

D6criprive sisios for bol|.| sddc6 016r dd 76 cts m obsfrcd lo b.<br />

dilIcMt in tems or p.lmlil6, mtu and srs.j.rd &viationsj ndce $paa!. noms for<br />

bod $e scndds weE develop.{t.

Acut<strong>of</strong>p.inl<strong>of</strong> scoEswiltttwost ndddd. .tionsb€tosth.ntu in.ehEsr<br />

sa ussd for idenlifidion <strong>of</strong>chitdrcn wiri SLD. Th. ideninadon h,s b.cn basd on<br />

thc verbal lilc@t resrs. fife typcs <strong>of</strong> verbat lil.mcy iests were dev.top.d. Th.r<br />

included L.ner RemcnnioD Tcsl (LRT); R.ldine CompEbension Tcsr (RCT) .nd<br />

wiiint Conpr.hosion Tc( iwCT). vcrb.l lit dy is ih. lEI6r ea <strong>of</strong>sd.ors wilh<br />

SLD, ThB, odyrte l* reE ued ftr rh. iddtitidion. Howvcr, spT. Npf, RLIT<br />

&d DPr tu b. usn for clini€l Dorpoe ro i&nti& slEinc a6 <strong>of</strong> coMn. Thc<br />

nuobcr ot srude.G indid.d di$Ep4y in difi.Ent 6rs <strong>of</strong>rhe Tesl a.n.ry w.r 202.<br />

Th. pBalcne 6f idenlifi.d gnb i. 60 class w6 2.5 %, 8<br />

s in ?d cl.$ 2,1 %,<br />

boys in 6'i clss 3.4 % ed in ?6 cla$ 3,6 % in Lchorc city. Theprevatcnc.otidcnrifi.d<br />

boy *ud.nts Nas 60€ rh4 cnh. Thc dld.nts have becn id.nnfi.d eon bt t cnrotncnr<br />

<strong>of</strong> 6430 <strong>of</strong> the stls. boys in 66 dd / clN oa colcmmcnl ehsls i. lrlDrc, p.kisrd.<br />

M!1. studcnts hrd high.r p.Mr.gc s @nDor.d to fqnst. rurrenc fld n E @ciqar<br />

2-<br />

l-<br />

Conl..t v.lidny <strong>of</strong> ft. Sr@niog Chccldist sd ihe Tesl Bon ry was sood<br />

cstablished witn expen opinion<br />

Although most <strong>of</strong> lh., cod.hrionJ b.rwcan Urdu lesl soE ed T6l B.ttcry<br />

sEs Nere sieni6@t but tcping in tia rhcn lov hlu.s, rhey mly h.ve sm.<br />

pdiel sisnifica@. It shs dimoh b globlish c@mt v.tjdiry,<br />

B@r, ths @rclarims irdior. drr em. Etdiorhip disrs bdvcn dc$<br />

M6l <strong>of</strong>de t.sl iMs <strong>of</strong>lhc Scrnins Ch.c*tisr had very sood rrcro, tading nd<br />

sonc had Sood fetor loailing. F.cblial v.lidity <strong>of</strong>lh. scFc.in8 checkltt w.s

t-<br />

8,<br />

Most <strong>of</strong>rh. rcsr itehs olrhe T$! Barcry bad hilh or sood fEclor losding which<br />

.soblhh.s its faclori.l / @nscr t.lidity.<br />

All th. db.riniBnr mt,*s indid. lnrr s.@oin! Cnetus h.d e ldcqut<br />

All tlc mnrclBdt &.lyes indi@t thrr Td B.n ry hld m ad.gur. Corcrgcnr<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> thc oreladons fo. fie retiabiliiy ot rhe Tcn Baftry wce signifiol.<br />

Tcsts ecLdo cmci.nts eppoi.d lt|. Etialitiry <strong>of</strong>the T6r B!c+<br />

All thc frcloB <strong>of</strong> th. ScEning Chccktist reE Eli.bt. for 6e di.Snosis ot rh.<br />

9- All rcsts <strong>of</strong> rli. Td Brft.ry had good Eliobiliry.<br />

l0- All ir.ns in @h <strong>of</strong>rhc l.s6 had di$iihinarion pow.r *irh in mg. cxepl one<br />

itcm, MoEver, aU ilems in sch <strong>of</strong> the csr had !d.qu,re irem lrlGshold /iLm<br />

dirrculty wiln i. @g. arc.pl fou ir.ns,<br />

I I- All fic tesls hrv. ldFable Eng. <strong>of</strong> Ccfficicnr Atpna, vbjch h sumcienl to<br />

calrblish th. inrcmat coBitucy <strong>of</strong>dE t.s nems.<br />

12' Thc nm ChmcGdsric cure &atyris <strong>of</strong> Spr 2, Spr 4, Npr r, Npr 3, NPT 5,<br />

NPT 6, NPT ?, NPT 8. NPT 9, RLIT 2, RLIT 4, DPT I, DPr 3, ANd DPT 4<br />

indiot d dimcuhy t.v.t <strong>of</strong>lhcs jr.ns e6 toN. l! *s hish for thc iLm, NpT 2,<br />

NPr4, RrlT I,and RL|T3_ tt ws &cep(abte for RLIT j, dd DpT 2,<br />

13- 5 ilem inotudinS itchs lt, 19, 21, lO od 22 mng.d ns. leodi,g id then<br />

dimcufty l.vcl q bc rEd a h€et it ms td 66 Cts snb. I it h includi,g<br />

ilcms 7, 9, t0, 13,2l md atm8.d hcE rcodinS lo th.ir diticuhy t.Etco b.<br />

u*dsbel ite6forTsCtNgirls. gitem inctudinSir.ms t0,22, rr, 12,9,2t,<br />

?, I I dd 19 !@g.d h* eitang lo lh.i. diflicutty t.wt 6 b. lsd 6 bel

it ns ror6u cla$ boys. I I nem inoludins n ms I 0, 1 1 , 22, 9, l l, 2 1 , 2. 1 2, 19.5<br />

dd 20 a]tra.d h.c acodins 10 th.ir ditfrculry tcvct @ b. osd 6 baet ncms<br />

l4- In roral 66 ght.! (37 sade 6! dd 29 gade ?rh) ed t 36 boys (? r s6dr 6d &d 65<br />

ghd. th) h idcnificd 6 sLD.<br />

l5- Male stud.nte had highq pcMlag.6 comp€rd ro femare sucnts.<br />

Followin8 recomm.ndirions e made bas.

9. T6t Bln .y slstd b. sbnerdiz.d fd rlc Mt s in|&nt3 coc{inninr ilE<br />

nrjdit <strong>of</strong>dF pollLdd <strong>of</strong>p*ii.n,<br />

I0- Tcst &ttrt snald b. d.reloD.d lrd tr.!d4dlz!d in mdn@db! *in @,<br />

I l- lvlF iEn stdtd b. .rtd.d .nd s.ld.dizd in rtE l6rs in stictt id $Gtbtd<br />

or dkcriminarion indi* w@ oul <strong>of</strong>rmg.<br />

12- S.Hi.g Cne{is .rd T.d Blldy stDutd h. d.rchp.d ud n d.diz.d fd<br />

13- Pd.loe <strong>of</strong> SLD !h@td b. idddn.d .l I sD ed t.J SD di$cDe,ci6 fd bors<br />

l+ Concurcnr Elidiry <strong>of</strong> th€ Tcll Binery should b€ cltiblkhed vith rhc<br />

stdd.rliz.d &navcndr i.ns i. Ud!,<br />

15- T.$ Aarcry iLns with hisn o l@ iteo rl@5hotd,/ild difiiculry shoutd b.<br />

sturdldlad d $udaG, d& e ,or .r nsk <strong>of</strong> st_D.


Arroi\ N. C. & Simurdat, J. (1933). &ar'r,sdie,&^. TeheNaocand<br />

Dil8Ioss' Ir Obaut r. E. &HyndC. W- (Eds),(l9l). tg@/,Etba,<br />

FoMAotioN oJ LeMiry Di'dbiliti.r. N.w Yo&: Ac.d.nic P@, Inc,<br />

Abd!t,R, D, (1993). Dlnanic Edrcational P\ah.los. L.hor.. TheCsrn B@k<br />

Actotr,C, S, (2003). vhat is etul abna RNh M.eE@/. Reri.rcd Junc 06,<br />

2007, lrcm w, nsch. ors/mrot/org. hh.<br />

Adams, R, J. & Kboo, S, T. {1996). 0E Itu Intenatiotul Te! ttulytis Sltten.<br />

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. Which picrurc is differcnl fiom theotherlwo<br />


School Cllss<br />

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I - Sequential Problems Test (SPT)<br />

l-wlirc rhe nms oldaysorrhc q.ek sranrng from Monday.<br />

-fuAl'ttt-,trftLui,LA -l<br />

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2-Vtire rh. nmcs <strong>of</strong> morhs <strong>of</strong>y..r slarlinS &om Dec€mber In rhe rev6e order<br />

3-Wrile countinS in Rvee soning trcm iwmry.<br />

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(X r on 'so simild fieurcs.<br />

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(x) on lNo differenl llgulcs,which are differenl frcm othcr lhrcc.<br />

B2-P,,r ., !rn$ ,hrl ( X).n rl'e snrllesr Lnrk.<br />

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3. Right L.ft ldertifcrtlon Telt (RLIT)<br />

Al-Who i! d rhc rtlhr <strong>of</strong> Mr. Idia.<br />

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42. Wto!. nsne k alyour IcR -Eulftt&./-;)f r/r1 -t -tt<br />

(t<br />

Mr, Qosim<br />

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Mr. Ali<br />

El.W ch c'r ir milriru <strong>of</strong>dE clioo|l<br />

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Y<br />

B2-On which si.rc <strong>of</strong>yours, thi. ligDlt i! tunirg<br />

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Al.Whois nd Mr. Ali<br />

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Mr. Ali Mr. Riaz<br />

A2-who tu at mc dktme ftom Mi Ali?<br />

M.. Qa$m<br />

3' f" R<br />

Mr-Ali Mr. Riaz Mr. Qa'im M,. Qaimfo -,r<br />

BI - Which 68urc is n€si to th. c!rt@?<br />

,?o<br />

B2-Wlich figun is flr fton th. c!t@n?<br />

,?o<br />

t1l:){a}Lt -r .-tr<br />

Mr Qsim fq -.-r,r<br />

Mt.Rjdz\i'r, -.iJl<br />

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saLt! --i)t<br />

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6-R..dlng ComprehenrilrT.st (RCT)<br />

f"pJ.:'z);at,<br />

Arwrite rhis parAsraph lsain . -A,rp/-,4live<br />

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il,..tQ n,Sfi - -';r " - tv LV' L a'('Ju " J lt ".r'trt-li /7 t i " f<br />

1 tz',,t (', I d t 8J fu q.*-t a p,,t,pt - f- zs, J& oz e,rr)tn,I I L&/L<br />

-( LI zvh,"t ). -(L,f ot i (<br />

7- wrlllng Conp..hc.sion Tdl (WCT).<br />

Give rhis paiagrapb for diclaiion -A'v'L,v'J:;'r'<br />

!/,, I<br />

L :3' r- r i)4 t J! ( t J

Appendir C<br />

ExploBlory & Connnabry RoiaEd Compore.t M.trix <strong>of</strong> facior analyst ror rhc thclou<br />

for th. iddtiirqtion <strong>of</strong>sc@ning Ch.cktjn obsred by roch.6 for pitot sfi{ty<br />

It€ns Low slf s.qudcine-Attdfion R*€M r*lrD-iir<br />

Esr.sr' (LE) (S) D.fich(AD) R4di@(RR) (sK)<br />

LEt5 .896, .S23<br />

LEl6 .887, 920<br />

LEIT .712,.696<br />

s6<br />

s5<br />

ADII<br />

ADI2<br />

RRI3<br />

RRI4<br />

s(9<br />

skr0<br />

s(8<br />

.8:6, .8r1<br />

850, 876<br />

653,.066<br />

.724 .A57<br />

.72tr..857<br />

.889,.922<br />

,8€4,.922<br />

.366, .691<br />

.686,.895<br />

724,.U1<br />


Tabh c,l<br />

Ird.Fnt Supk! t{.$ for Mporio <strong>of</strong> S.'@iig C|.EHi5t wirh 9G ir Ufllu<br />

T61 ctup! N t ----- i<br />

foq 12 ,o.81 6,<br />

t' p < ,OI l*l <strong>of</strong> .ignifi@<br />

hiSn 57 4n-t2 6,50<br />

C@dq &d CLs Ctw6!d.ri6 Cma &. pitot $ny<br />

Clas Cl&,s ToLl<br />

G.nd6 6" y''<br />

Boy! 30 20 50<br />

Girh 61 58 I|9<br />

Tonl 91 78 169<br />

-2.82r.<br />

c@l'rid @ftcbd Mdg 0E tca. <strong>of</strong> T6. B.!.!y, *tml gidc h Udu &d re r.!l<br />

s]B fo. pilor eudt (Ft69)<br />

SPT<br />

NPT<br />

RLIT<br />

DPT<br />

.227. .188'<br />

.120 .217.<br />

.113. ,007<br />

,!t9 .107<br />

1. p

T.U. c 6<br />

Rcti.d Codporel M!ri,( <strong>of</strong>nd6 utlt ir fa 6r r[ i&adfcdo <strong>of</strong>dF<br />

TcnB r.fy fd pilol srdy<br />

sPr<br />

sPr<br />

sPr<br />

SPT<br />

NPT<br />

N?T<br />

RLTT<br />

RLIT<br />

RIIT<br />

DPT<br />

DPI<br />

IRT<br />

LRT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />

RCT<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

J<br />

2<br />

I<br />

3<br />

Ccmci@rs t m! Ccmoi.nts<br />

.81<br />

,gt<br />

.49<br />

.81<br />

.81<br />

.E7<br />

,47<br />

,80<br />

,98<br />

.61<br />

,42<br />

,E2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

.E5<br />

,80<br />

.&l<br />

,81<br />

,63<br />

9l<br />

9I<br />

2<br />

3<br />


ScaL oI Lliabilit, Crontftht !41ph4 co$Eient lt tt kbitijcatioh <strong>of</strong> pitiabititr<br />

Co.li.i.tu <strong>of</strong>T.d td.,y[u pild ,tu tr h=t69)<br />

NPT<br />

RLIT<br />

DPT<br />

5<br />

Clnt .ed Chs CNerahotdion Com <strong>of</strong> Cnl Sctols <strong>of</strong> t mF qry<br />

Cendq 6* 7d<br />

2038<br />

3484<br />

O.nLr !d CLs Cqest|tolrio Cdnn<br />

433<br />

lt0<br />

583<br />

t7a6<br />

t2lo<br />

2996<br />

269<br />

I6l<br />

430<br />

3824<br />

2656<br />

6480<br />

102<br />

3ll<br />

t0l3<br />

.51<br />

.62<br />

.01<br />


T.bLC t0<br />

C@61tldtu C@a.t d.tu rn,/'ti.d*dt 2tD ewt ht*,td I@Er xB<br />

RCT<br />

Gtrl<br />

oilL<br />

Cirl.<br />

t<br />

t6<br />

to<br />

I<br />

A<br />

53<br />

lx<br />

6<br />

9<br />

t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

101<br />

l5<br />

E<br />

l6<br />

15<br />

tu<br />


h.6 Orffil*r qni.by @ ftr SflI - I<br />

9o<br />

l.<br />

t<br />

AD?r||r D<br />

Itlo Ouneiit . Crd.r hr rd!. ft. SPr - 2<br />

;"1<br />

'r|<br />

.1 t ,<br />

l.*|t tl* oott )<br />


! C'-cd+-qlas irdbSrT-3<br />

b::<br />

=;i<br />

TS<br />

rranat[0{r.t<br />

rd Cr--ndcrGtw tr sr n SpT-4

Ir@t Ctr!.dildcn C\!\€. by $(i!. ft. NPT - I<br />

9s<br />

Itcd Cbr....idic Curve by |.6r!. &. NPT - 2<br />

Eu<br />


[m Ched(tr{ldcr qn€ bv ffi ftr NPT - 3<br />

-<br />

t<br />

ll.d Clrt.'rld€ Crru try s!. ftr NI.I.4<br />

iI<br />

d<br />


16 CtrEld..c|d!. bdgg hNPT - t<br />

Eq<br />

fto! Cb.lrddiri.r O&.. tr rGdE 6.NrT - 6<br />

EO<br />

t-<br />


It d Ch|.eidc. q|!w by w ft.NlT . 7<br />

go<br />

Iia Cl.reidd tut/.. br rm. 6.Npr - t<br />


hd cluur.ri.tic. Cut . by ldg &.NPI.9<br />

Ilt<br />

na ctt--r;r-c|!!c. tyN i. llIT - !<br />


X.o(ffiO.€br@6.RIIT-2<br />

i.<br />

b (hrd.id..qrE b ss ft.RUT- 3<br />

i<br />

a<br />


hn O-rd;d6 qro by dr h RUT. a<br />

i<br />

t<br />

ft.d C|rt&eirict Currt bys(. brRtJT-j<br />

ie<br />


lldCt cidq'G|rctrydE h.DrT- l<br />

I<br />

ftqb Ch.r*Gri{is Crm! by $or.r br DPT - 2<br />

td<br />


ft.d| Cbrl.aidd CulG by@g f..DPT - 3<br />

e.<br />

E.<br />

IomC||e..t i.ic. Arv.. by.dB 6. DpT - a<br />


Appendir E<br />

Itsn Mrp.f ljt nr Di*ibod@ ed pGDoe Modct plmcc6 Edimt . <strong>of</strong> Gnk 6r<br />


Itd M+ <strong>of</strong>t dt Dimihnion ed R6Fo$ Mo&t hrhd. Ecinurd <strong>of</strong>cn6 ?d<br />


lld M.p <strong>of</strong>l$err oistribution ed RcaDone Modcl Pam.te6 Esrin .s olBoys 6u<br />

a)(xxa)oo(x[<br />

'.)(Joqx,o(gxs<br />


Itctn Map <strong>of</strong> Ldcnr Dbribuion ed R6Fo* Modcl Pam.rq! EniM; <strong>of</strong> Boys tu<br />


Appendix F<br />

fter R6po!$ Mo&lhg ft.m Thr6hotd b.e for Blel &d C.itil8 ilaB d. ro tMly<br />

oo <strong>of</strong> dE Td A.ttrr *itb zo &d m @!dE iienB io dccrhin. dE gods ad<br />

I -r.81<br />

2 -r.lE<br />

3 l.l8<br />

4 -r,t6<br />

5 -t.15<br />

6 -.81)<br />

1 -.n<br />

3 -.65<br />

9 -,45<br />

l0 -,39<br />

-.23<br />

I r.8r<br />

I -r.65<br />

I<br />

_t.51<br />

I -1.5r<br />

I -t.38<br />

9 1.06<br />

I ,,3I<br />

I3 -,46<br />

I -.,|l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I tl<br />

t9<br />

5<br />

t7<br />

I<br />

-1.62<br />

n.48<br />

-13,t<br />

-1,34<br />

-1,31<br />

-t.31<br />

n.t6<br />

Ll3<br />

-.53<br />

I I<br />

I !<br />

I<br />

T<br />

5<br />

20<br />

.t.76 I<br />

n.66 I<br />

-1.48 I<br />

-r.4r I<br />

.lrt I<br />

-r.33 I<br />

nJ3 I<br />

n.20 I<br />

..86 I<br />

-.64 |<br />

-.,t I I

T.bl. F I (Conti.ucd)<br />

x.m R.9one Mo

Trbl.Ol<br />

App.Ddh G<br />

P.rc.ntllo <strong>of</strong>cirls 6e clrs f6 cfuh ud Csdd N@! for rh. Tcsr Bsti.ry<br />

SPT<br />

RLtI<br />

DPT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />

T.b|. C2<br />

I<br />

I<br />

z<br />

9<br />

7<br />

0<br />

2<br />

6<br />

I<br />

2<br />

t7<br />

9<br />

I<br />

:t<br />

7<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

P..t dilq <strong>of</strong> Girb tcbs fc@.d. edcar&NdDr frrh.T.. Bday<br />

sPt<br />

NPT<br />

RI-IT<br />

DPT<br />

LIT<br />

RCT<br />

vcr<br />

I<br />

2<br />

tl<br />

2<br />

ll<br />

3<br />

I<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

I<br />

!<br />

2<br />

I<br />

t4<br />

l5<br />

!<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

la<br />

t5<br />

I<br />

9<br />

3<br />

t5<br />

l3<br />

2<br />

I<br />

t5<br />

ta<br />

6<br />

9<br />

J<br />

It<br />

20<br />

7<br />

1<br />

9<br />

t<br />

t5<br />

2l<br />

8<br />

t!7<br />

I<br />

9<br />

t5<br />

2l<br />

8<br />

9<br />


T.bL G 3<br />

P.Mntil* <strong>of</strong>Boys 66 ck$ fd crd. sd O.nde. Noos f6 0!c T.st Brrcry<br />

sPr<br />

NPT<br />

RI-IT<br />

DPT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />

o<br />

5<br />

2<br />

9<br />

5<br />

I<br />

6<br />

I<br />

2<br />

ll<br />

7<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

t3<br />

l0<br />

I<br />

P@ntiL. <strong>of</strong> Bots f chs for Crd. !!d cEn& Nmr for rte Tcd Bllot<br />

sPt<br />

RI,II<br />

DPT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />

I<br />

6<br />

2<br />

9<br />

I<br />

7<br />

l<br />

l0<br />

0<br />

t2<br />

t0<br />

t,l<br />

I<br />

l4<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l5<br />

t1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

t5<br />

t7<br />

5<br />

l<br />

4<br />

IJ<br />

20<br />

7<br />

3<br />

It<br />

20<br />

t<br />

9<br />

8<br />

9<br />

2l<br />


T|lLc5<br />

Dcsirn! Sfrd <strong>of</strong>Cilr fa Grd. d Oat NaDtutbT.rtct<br />

Ipr<br />

LIT<br />

RCT<br />

wcT<br />

tt0<br />

t6l<br />

lt)<br />

t6t<br />

t50<br />

l6l<br />

tt0<br />

r6l<br />

l5t)<br />

l6l<br />

t50<br />

t5l<br />

r5t)<br />

l5l<br />

33J<br />

3.u<br />

795<br />

2.33<br />

3t3<br />

3.6J<br />

l3J2<br />

13.52<br />

lata<br />

la.96<br />

t.1tt<br />

4l6<br />

orl<br />

l!,<br />

157<br />

l.2l<br />

0.8,1<br />

0&<br />

un<br />

t.?t<br />

t.@<br />

1.90<br />

a.l0<br />

ant<br />

223<br />

2.1)<br />

(lt..!.25D) Saa! urd<br />

erdis.?lo.t<br />

159<br />

092<br />

a.tl<br />

53E<br />

0.6!<br />

o'2<br />

2.0|<br />

2g<br />

10,t3<br />

9,71<br />

6.6t<br />

5At<br />

ola<br />

oa2<br />

I<br />

T<br />

5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

2<br />

2<br />

10<br />

t0<br />

7<br />

6<br />

I<br />

I<br />


Deenptiv. Sbtkd.! olBoys for c6d. rnd Condd Nlms fo 0tc Tqt B.ncry<br />

SPT 431<br />

RLIT<br />

DFT<br />

LRT<br />

RCT<br />

wcT<br />

N M SD<br />

259<br />

433<br />

269<br />

434<br />

269<br />

1r3<br />

269<br />

413<br />

269<br />

433<br />

269<br />

tt3<br />

269<br />

2.54<br />

2.63<br />

7,93<br />

8,05<br />

z,al<br />

L2a<br />

4.6<br />

3n8<br />

t1,26<br />

t3,0?<br />

13.62<br />

ll.J9<br />

36<br />

1.21<br />

1.09<br />

1.36<br />

1.7,<br />

0.Et<br />

0J3<br />

0,n<br />

0,n<br />

2.73<br />

741<br />

5tn<br />

5.1,1<br />

2,tl<br />

2.q2<br />

(Md-2SD) Ssus.d<br />

fo. ditqEp.ry<br />

0,15<br />

5.21<br />

5.58<br />

0.70<br />

oJl<br />

2.r3<br />

2.t3<br />

7,79<br />

8,13<br />

1.58<br />

lJl<br />

-2:4<br />

-234<br />

0<br />

5<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2<br />

2<br />

E<br />

3<br />

3<br />

0<br />


Tablc c 7<br />

Dc*npdw sntiltic. <strong>of</strong>nm. dMlb rda by 80 % snk fq {F T6t Dlrrery<br />

SPT tt0<br />

NPT<br />

RLIT<br />

DPT<br />

l6l<br />

150<br />

l6l<br />

t50<br />

I6I<br />

150<br />

l6l<br />

M<br />

3.59<br />

5,61<br />

2,37<br />

3.25<br />

t19<br />

l.7l<br />

SD<br />

3,25<br />

t.51<br />

t,61<br />

3.03<br />

0.79<br />

t,08<br />

0n2<br />

0,63<br />

DdnFirc sidi{h3<strong>of</strong> iinc dutlrio n*.n by m % hoF fd dr T*r Bln .,<br />

sPt 4t!<br />

NPT<br />

RIIT<br />

DPT<br />

269<br />

4tt<br />

269<br />

433<br />

269<br />

4tt<br />

269<br />

a.c2<br />

5.52<br />

5.N<br />

3.r8<br />

2.88<br />

2.00<br />

2.31<br />

SD<br />

2,26<br />

2.13<br />

l.a3<br />

2.n<br />

t.66<br />

t,22<br />

.84<br />

t.t2<br />

t2<br />

a<br />

09<br />

03<br />

02<br />

02<br />

ll<br />

t0<br />

01<br />

08<br />

0,<br />

03<br />


T-IGH I<br />

AI..ah F<br />

T..i! rcorlr <strong>of</strong>2 SD DisFDrdcy tw nM In 6. T.!t B.nsy <strong>of</strong>gnb 6$ oL&<br />

SNo InNo stT ldl{o NPf ldNo tuT U l{o DPT<br />

I l0rl<br />

2 t232<br />

t t2x<br />

a 1238<br />

t 1242<br />

6 l,t!,.<br />

7 1137<br />

8<br />

9<br />

l0<br />

tl<br />

l!<br />

ta<br />

t6<br />

t7<br />

|l<br />

1058<br />

tt24<br />

l|zt<br />

ll?J<br />

1138<br />

l23t<br />

t2tt<br />

1216<br />

I<br />

o<br />

2<br />

lt38<br />

1032<br />

l,Ol<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

1032<br />

t034<br />

l059<br />

ut4<br />

llt9<br />

ll2J<br />

l|26<br />

u29<br />

u,|il<br />

Ia0<br />

t23a<br />

1235<br />

rul<br />

ru2<br />

tu,<br />

139J<br />

1L2<br />

1443<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

0<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


Ttu. H l(coitu"d)<br />

Tcsts gc <strong>of</strong>z SD Disrlp.Dy tion 16 in ln. T*r B.tErt <strong>of</strong>gins 6i ct.s<br />

I<br />

z<br />

l<br />

7<br />

E<br />

l0<br />

II<br />

t2<br />

I3<br />

t5<br />

t6<br />

t1<br />

l8<br />

t9<br />

20<br />

2l<br />

t<br />

I<br />

I t021<br />

I<br />

I l4m<br />

I<br />

1963<br />

LRT RCT<br />

l0<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

l0<br />

9<br />

t02t<br />

ut9<br />

l14l<br />

I l?5<br />

t39J<br />

1406<br />

I<br />

I 1963<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

,<br />

6<br />

6<br />

I<br />

1<br />

-<br />

I<br />

1029<br />

r035<br />

||t4<br />

I ll39<br />

l14r<br />

ll1t<br />

|74<br />

t23l<br />

t245<br />

t394<br />

1395<br />

lt9<br />

I l2'ci<br />

l,l{5<br />

t407<br />

I t4l0<br />

14ll<br />

I<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

o<br />

I<br />

0<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

0<br />


Tdlc H 2<br />

Tcdr sB <strong>of</strong> 2 8D DlclF.r t6 6 b ll. T..r 8e, <strong>of</strong>tlt f cLs<br />

SNo IdNo 8PT rdNo NTI ldNo Rl,lT ldNo D?T<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

t<br />

6<br />

7<br />

t<br />

to<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

It<br />

l4<br />

IJ<br />

l6<br />

l7<br />

l!<br />

l9<br />

xt<br />

r@t<br />

l0o9<br />

lol0<br />

l0|l<br />

lol4<br />

l0J6<br />

ll,l,l<br />

ll,l5<br />

||58<br />

l15,<br />

l162<br />

llTo<br />

ll?l<br />

l7z<br />

1966<br />

1969<br />

lm<br />

0<br />

I<br />

0<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

0<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

0<br />

I<br />

I<br />

0<br />

l0{,1<br />

1046<br />

l0J0<br />

tr?l<br />

t25l<br />

126l<br />

l,l19<br />

tlt<br />

l9@<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

t<br />

1008<br />

lolo<br />

tu1<br />

loa6<br />

loJ0<br />

||6a<br />

u70<br />

l19l<br />

l196<br />

|n<br />

1?49<br />

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9<br />

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t292 2 tW 2<br />

l14t 2 t9t4 2<br />

t344 2 l9t8 0<br />

t351 2 tnt I<br />

ta74 2 1925 2<br />

lt9l 0 1928 I<br />

1509 2 t944 I<br />

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0<br />

lE07 5<br />

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S IdNo LR rdNo Rc ldNo $C IdNo wC ldNo<br />

2 t345<br />

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I 192<br />

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6 163r<br />

7 1649<br />

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I I 1906<br />

t2 t908<br />

r3 1912<br />

14 l9t4<br />

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16 2006<br />

t7<br />

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20<br />

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22<br />

25<br />

26<br />

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1569<br />

158?<br />

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1920<br />

l92l<br />

t922<br />

t923<br />

t925<br />

t937<br />

1938<br />

r9,41<br />

l9t6<br />

1950<br />

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2008<br />

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T<br />

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Cls Chs Tot!<br />

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RCT cirt l0 3 13<br />

Bots E 8 16<br />

WCT Girls U 2t 45<br />

Boys 5t 54 lO7<br />

Tor.l t20 tol 221<br />

T.U. H 6<br />

CDsotobde ctM $d.i& ftLtifi.d *i||! 2SD diidrpdcy b vqnol fiE -y i6b<br />

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Boyi 11 3,4 65 3,6 116 3.t<br />

Toi.l loc 1.0 9a l.t a2 t.r

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