Complete Docket - South Dakota Public Utilities Commission - State ...

Complete Docket - South Dakota Public Utilities Commission - State ...

Complete Docket - South Dakota Public Utilities Commission - State ...


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IN THE MA1<br />



PROVIDE -pp' Ir<br />


- I<br />

EXCHANGE vrnr<br />


41~~1 48niifted rn St\\ York<br />

iffrLF Li;ir>\nlrd<br />

a: I A .I- ~ ~~~~:U~~SHLES<br />

-Z'ii+ \i iliiain Dtrllarci<br />

lib,t+c:rti\.e Clirecto~.<br />

Sc-i~irh I)aliota Pilblic [Jtilities Cominission<br />

5ijfl ESast (I'ripifol Avenue<br />

f'k~~, SD 5750 1-5070<br />

trm) n.1-3301<br />

1 'f elicor Inc.<br />

i k ~rr. 91r. Bullxd*<br />

Lance J.M. Steinhart<br />

Attorney At Law<br />

6-1.55 Ens1 Johns Crossing<br />

Suite 283<br />

Duluth, Georgia 30097<br />

September 20,2000<br />

Er~slosod please find one original and ten (10<br />

Itck:lt,trati~)it of a 'l'eleco~~l~nunications Company to<br />

sir\? ice

Xfr \Vitlia~l Bullard<br />

h;xcl~tit ix-c Director<br />

Sai.i.r 11 D,&ota <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> Conl~nission<br />

Septcniber 26,2000<br />

133pr 2<br />

1'11% int'orrnation which is<br />

a11d rncoine<strong>State</strong>ment from inc<br />

csrperaeion, tile Applicant's fina<br />

takes reasonable precautions to<br />

Publ~c disclosure of Applican<br />

tlp~dicanf at a competitive dis<br />

rtqkkests that its firlancial state<br />

$11~ jxil~lic record in this <strong>Docket</strong>.<br />

1 have also enclosed a check in the amount of<br />

Ltililics C'on~ndssion" fbr the filing fee and an extra copy<br />

retiirned to me in the enclosed s<br />

If yoti have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me






1-3 -7<br />

inLlCOK INC.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

t23R AN ORDER<br />






1<br />

) Doc1:et No.<br />


Application is hereby made to the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />

<strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> for an Order authorizing<br />

il'Telic~ru or "Applicantu) to register as a<br />

campany to provide resold and facilities-based L9ca1<br />

interexchange service within the Stare<br />

following information is furnished in support thercof:

1 . Name , Address , Te l elshone Ntl~~&~~~,-~&i~~-~~-~~.~

&ippiiczni is azchirized c_7 - . .<br />

o,.,-.,.i * -. ,* 2, -;>.z-=,s .'; g;+f.p-i? ,;2. 2; .-a:. ,:L *a'. i -? bz *.:<br />

> . . ,r 7 3~ - ;.> 2. c: ,= * p.,, .. . * 2 . .,.- a<br />

inierexchange tel ~ corn~~r.i:~;~~~~<br />

CFF+.ites<br />

in goad standing with ihe appropriate<br />

such state. Applican~ is in 2.i.e P~~~~~~ icrc;;iv5 .'.?<br />

I S z-+ ,- -; r;<br />

-.<br />

authorization to prsvide conppeti tiv. :;,z,sl s~2;:,3z-ze ,$-.;<br />

z-><br />

interexchange services in ;he i 9 cant igi;;2;.sg -gs.B,sd<br />

_.. 4<br />

seeks authority in this ~pplicsti~r:. ~5~5.2~.~zfzc+~ i,;2- piri3z<br />

providing service.<br />


"? -'<br />

The senior management of LeLLcar 62;:e:3%<br />

k. ;i.-i~tgz;?i><br />

telecornn~unicacions inuustry and offers exg&za.i~$g<br />

business technical and rnanageri;tl &:q.p~,~:cis~ ::2 L:&2;i;,;5:i,Lt:z<br />

Telicor will be prol~.i.cl.ing resold and f ~ ~ ~ ; . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 , s . ~ . & ~ E i z ~<br />

Telicor w ill r-3-y upon the managcifriaP a;:;:$ 5-<br />

of the i ncilmben t local exci~ar~ge j , z L<br />

s;icA<br />

zL$y,,.~ -":-."-..;;"<br />

2.*i;;.a =- .ip .:<br />

interexchange carriers which have $95~ ~!egz,~.f $k+::j, ,.xg:3<br />

tecl~nically and manzqerialxt;p 3ble ~LJZ.<br />

the Commissisn . The reiei~l;nt operac ic>a:, @x,pe;ci++fiiz$: ,;z..<<br />

key management employees is set zaz<br />

attached hereto.<br />

The Applicant's customers will p.a.;i;.inr:~,i?~: & s ~~~.~i,:i<br />

.;9a.T$<br />

sized businesses that need Iscal exc;lawgg,, ,:yei;..*ili.;e~~ *3$:$F:~+.zxe-+<br />

~, v.2 u; ,: .=.*<br />

'?Q- 3 &,..A . I..4hII ?, f2.-p .,,- zJwAsd A !.,. 2 ' ?:,;; -<br />

4<br />

i, L%<br />

.. !:?

interconnect wi ti1 the public sw~e--h:e&. ~2.9~<br />

li ~WT~IP<br />

-. -% L2y; .-. r -<br />

remote module capabiliey lu.ki2 ~l.~~rri<br />

B,P~~~.+P.:: I ez,+ ;.-i5<br />

ma.r-r.ner that provides<br />

L O<br />

f- r -. " , G<br />

,. .; _ _ .A.<br />

a ~ d callinyfcaller . :,t-s. 5b5.<br />

zccordance with network sca~&&-dss<br />

of de1 ivery mechanistrrs thro:i.igh h:tc~fif&~~lt ~ , . : g ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

unbundled loop networ<br />

. -<br />

networks, as well as via IP'traice ~~ag$+~:+-tg~;% ~~.;~.:~,.;h,.g~,c~gi,<br />

&pplicantls equipmefit<br />

systems. $,t the time of +j~~a<br />

U .<br />

L ,I.. Ei1,jfir* .J-~.Q<br />

" o *a .e ..* w,<br />

tllis equipment has beei> iristalieJ;-j h.; ,d. .:,;<br />

5. Stockholders<br />

The names and addre<br />

?,".-:," .,<br />

I . .. r i, $E<br />

owning 2 0 % or rno r e o E the f 3 t.eze.a~ 1 yi, :+ ;E:z j;z:2~gi .H QS,., 4,) #%:$ 8 ,Q<br />

Seat.tle, Washingtor: 96119-'~:,:..:4:

6, Officers and DirecLqg~<br />

Teiicor Inc. are:<br />

Officers :<br />

David Porte P;, 1:- . ,f C. G,~,e~~Lb:~:;r~<br />

--L.-.. ..: [>

7. Qx~s-rate owners hi.^<br />

The name and address of any corporation,<br />

o 5 ln~lar organization holding a five percent (59)<br />

w~lership in the Applicant is as follows:<br />

E:rnployec Pool<br />

f,:;ri~~le Ventures 8.54%<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S20C<br />

A~sttle, Washington 98Li9-4191<br />

Tnitially, the company will resell<br />

i:icu111k3ent LBCs and f acilities-based i<br />

~pp?;cant constructs facilities in this state, Applicant<br />

p-ovide services through a combination of ics<br />

-.iitu~ldled network elements purchased from incunlbent<br />

~-fixcha:~rje providers. Telicor will rely ope;-1 ?!:a :firi;ti&>t3:;:.<br />

vb:.'f:~~::ge companies (LEC) and other carriers p,, riLa2<br />


.<br />

throughout the <strong>State</strong> of Soutli <strong>Dakota</strong> in the ar-e..ss s-rl;il~:$ 5;' JX;:.;<br />

LECs ir, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> that are nct ellgibl'e fo- a ~ msh, $2~<br />

carrier exemption pursuarit to Section 252 iil \k zaf t-hi-<br />

Act. Telicor does not seek to provide resuZ6<br />

services LO customer in those small or rux-al<br />

% ,<br />

kirne. Such. servlces w i l l be provided by ii?,L+Latn,?. 1:;~ J+G<br />

faclllties as well as the facilities ~f :rl;nk;rirca~ , :z;>i.<br />

rarriers ("LECs") and facil-ities-based in<br />

SI-IIZ~ 2.5 Qwest-, MCI WorldCon, ar.,~ Fr3Ktserl;'il;lrd~3j;?~<br />

~ : ' w * : 7 : ~ ;:'iu4<br />

Telicor lntends to provlde ail forcs a? 1 ;: Y:JS :cL:+<br />

and local exchange telec<br />

Interexchange (switched and dedicated sezztlzcesl z<br />

A. 1-k and lOlXXXX outbou~d dLa3~ng;<br />

' . <<br />

B . 800/888 toll-f ree inkczin:~<br />


T-,<br />

9 . rrnancial Qualifications<br />

Applicant is financially wai;flecj ~2 ---+-,-=,ti.7<br />

L' -a rn ,*:'cijt -,&=<br />

1.zcal ~xchange teleco~nnjunicat ions services i~++l.;.f.,:.fr ai3\:Eij<br />

11: pal-: lcul ar, Applicant has ader;irzte :,access +--<br />

-<br />

,,L, * . . )-*- x - ~ . 3;:t 3;<br />

r,c;issary co fulfill any obligat xons it zsy :I:-aderg, atire x.; ti:-<br />

~-esy,.ec.;. to the provision of intrasta~e Zfi?,:?,; e;-;sz5z~:~-%e .-<br />

re~ecornrnunichcions services irl the Sta~e 35 SCIZ:~ ;'rG?>k:t,l$,<br />

Tippilca~?t's Balance Sheet as cf June 3C, 292 ;~2 3i;:i :t;t-:*-~g<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment from inception (April 7, 2352' ts 2:kir~." 3.. ,<br />

8- >% ,-,<br />

Exlzibit D, which are marked and filed as " I'$~i~de~1ti~1-*-*<br />

separace cover. The Applicant hereby*<br />

waiver from filing current financial stacemeats un3e~~<br />

., .<br />

20:20:24:02 (8) and ARSD 20:10:32:03 (:If, sLnce! a :-irr99",er:;e:;l<br />

czsh flows is not available. The company y.%*k3!, ::ot Yt:7qf2;$e<br />

prepayments, advance payments or dep~sits,<br />

A l , Sex-qlce Area Map<br />

Tel icor WI. 11 concur in the eschartgc ~+>."t::~:.i bq ..ir;sdn 2,' L." ::I,!<br />

established by the ~ncumhent LECs.<br />

2 . Tariff<br />

Attached hereto as Exhibit E is CcrFvt' at,<br />

:nt~rexchange tariff. Also attached an ExZ::b:t f: 2-7, -I<br />

Telicorrs local exchange tarief which is beiz~s~ filed i3r<br />

inf urmacional purposes only since AppXi~a~ih!~~~l'iid~<br />

:rj<br />

than 50,000 local exchange subscribers 11; Sc'uth C3ki-t 3,

customers utilizing com.phete2 z31; 6c:>r.'L<br />

underlying carriers.<br />

14. Solicitation of Customers<br />

Telicor will not submit a chacsa 2:-rier KT::;<br />

il~tl-as tate toll service ur,ti1. Te:icor 53s ~:::J+?~;;~~..T' ': -a<br />

1,:ritten au~ilorization to 3U?33.i'; ::h% ::rjr?:- xrzi :i'; ;-;~-:-~5-~:t<br />

following information from t~e c;rs:r;:er: 1%<br />

4 '<br />

name, billing telephone XILLIP~~Z 3:::~ ~ i 1 . X I T:.:$ >":.~zI .s<br />

telephone number ro be ,-ovesecl! 2; ;;?rzr;jii :: .51;-:-; l"<br />

3 1<br />

decision to change; and (3: ine r.:::s>zxer'<br />

cha~ge fee, if any.<br />

15. Description of Mzrkeukr-s<br />

Applicant intends ta marker r 3 act.;.:-.e:i 1:; :t:l,3r; 5<br />

to mid-sized businesses and resideskt I:&L c~ l~:cil,i.m",t 7 ~ ; 5: -<br />

Applicant does not intend to engage in<br />

%<br />

r 8 3-r L ! 4 th4**2$ ;'GI ;-i k,* " '<br />

Appli.ca11t's marketing materials $~:.;if;Bz ::-tk,z:-,t i;._+.-"is r;,.:"<br />

been dr,vel.oped and are not av?tiXak>;j; e 3:- t i: :$: 2- ,: A';:-<br />

16. cost Support:<br />

Applicant inrends to provide ge C ~J :.yes _t+ ,&)<br />

cost. Appl.icant ir~tends +,I-> sez'v-rt lczc$$~<br />

subscribers in <strong>South</strong> Uak~ta, :i~ere!:ozc, ; 2s :,:: t *.<br />

cost support information.

17, Federal Tax Identification Nuder:<br />

92-0171338<br />

None<br />

19. Customer Service<br />

Applicant's customer service department nay be<br />

nationwide via a toll-free number, (877) 564-5611, The<br />

will maintain a Customer Service Departmel~t i<br />

cornpl.aint s and trouble handling. The Ccmpany ' s Ct~aCa;ner<br />

at. 100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200, Seattle, Waslrjnc&tat:<br />

The Company also intends to have a lacally<br />

zus torners with a local Custarnes Servize xl:,trr~her *+;k::zt:k il;~i 1<br />

available 24 hours per day, 7 days peE ~at?k,<br />

Off ice Hours- Excl~ding hollb%i's,<br />

Representatives will be a-uri;ilable 8. OrJ tcr 5; GO 2 4<br />

time Monday through Friday. kiber hours, Srindays<br />

holidays, Cust.omers will autornaticalky Be f orx+i:~::ci~~f<br />

answering service or operations center.<br />


Complaint Procedures - The Customer shal pas? a;:-;<br />

a cilspuees d1rec~l.y co he Compa~y for ~-easl;;t1~2:;~<br />

coininunicat ions should be dxrected LC;: the $~lr',p2r'd; ' s<br />

Service department. undisputed port-ioxs cf a::y<br />

balance due are to be paid while resolt;?xon E the<br />

dlspute is pendl-ng. The Company will Invest :~d*-e<br />

irkq:llry or dlspute and report the findlr?gs zs tke<br />

the Con~pany flnds its actions t,o be col-isist@:;t wi:> its<br />

the Company will inform the Customer of izs r:;_.l fatiit f ;;I<br />

require f ui 1 payment cf any outstandin2 izt? iarrxe d c ; ~<br />

Ct~stomer is not satisfied with the Campanyts r$sl~zi.~ir;r~;;<br />

~nquiry or dispute, the Custarner may refer tthe IS;S~:F:-<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> Commissic-F; far frmif<br />

Wher: Applicant lnstalls faeil.ikies<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong>, facility and equipment tnain",e&:~ce w~:!<br />

the company, either uirectiy or tfirol;gk: rsrrt :, is-"..., ii;<br />

ensure compliance with any csrnmxuslcr; *;;:;,a t : t; ;. $2:<br />

requirements.<br />

20. Interconrlection<br />

Applicant initially intend8 to ~rl'iG~~r;;'~~cr.d.r~:~~ Q:I+-::<br />

Negut iations for inter-conr~ection wi' .i. ' A d k 4 ri i g : 3 1;<br />

determined time following certifisat A m ,<br />

is likely to be initiated 9:irhi1: 229 53ys .-:<br />

rnterconnection negotiations. appi:san: k c ;,' tt<br />

~.ntzrconnection with anit local e:*rcki:?ge : :<br />

ac chis tln~e.<br />

r r;:

WHEREFORE, the undersigned Rpplrcai:~ regue$:s -23:<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> encer hn or~5e~<br />

application for a Certificate of Authority a~tk3riz-f~-~<br />

to provide resold and facilities-based inrsrexch~z<br />

exchanae s~rlri PPQ<br />

J --<br />

DATED this<br />

By: -<br />

2, '<br />

', ., .<br />


<strong>State</strong> of Washington<br />

County of King<br />

Kevin Ward, being f<br />

the Oirector of St<br />

in the proceeding en<br />

foregoing applicati<br />

are true of his/her kn<br />

therein stated on<br />

he/she believes th<br />

~ornrnission expires: ....----+-.-. ~[LS~W<br />

L.:<br />

...,,, +..--,+.aG.-xx , . w,:<br />









Stnte Capital, Ste 204<br />

580 East Capitol Avenue<br />

Pierre, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />

57501 -5070<br />

sdsos@state.sd.us<br />



BULUTH GA 30097<br />

From: Secretary of <strong>State</strong> Joyce Hazeltino<br />

Corporations Division<br />

Date: September 19, 2000<br />

Re: TELICOR INC. (DE)<br />

Foreign Certificate of Authority<br />

The application for certificate of authority hais baen r~c~iveef and<br />

filed for the TELlCOR IMC. (BE).<br />

Enclosed is the Certificate attached to the dkrpficste a,iagfir;stirsn<br />

along with a receipt for the filing fee of $1 10.<br />

SDCL: 47-9-3 requires the filing of a corporate annuat regsad witkt<br />

our office between the anniversary date of qualiificaficrn and ptiaf tea<br />

the first day of the second month following. Ths report is dwa rhe<br />

year fallowing qualification. An annual report form wilt ~AF! maired<br />

to the corporate address listed in number five on the nppficaticsn far<br />

timel\/ filing. Piease contact our office if: tho cotparate address<br />

changes or if the form is 17a.e received,<br />

Thank you.<br />

Ac)rnlnistrullon Corporations<br />

(605) 773.3537 (605) 773-4845<br />

Fa# (@If",) 773.6580 Fax (605) 773-4550

Pux 6 059 -4550<br />

FILE NO.<br />


of Authority<br />

a Ccrtifieare of Authorily to<br />


{I3 Tht ama ofthe corporation is ---<br />

(& c~parnte nnme) -<br />

k2? Il"l!rrr nantg of &c corporation does not contain the word "corporation", "company", "incorporated" oi "limited" or does not<br />

wxjrda an gbhcviation of one of such words, then the name of the corporation wit11 the word or abbreviation which it clccts to add<br />

afjsrrt?tu Sir use in this state is<br />

.?. "" ,4 -,**--"--<br />

il! fldrla d w e incorporated Fe&ral Taxpayer ID+ 92-0171338 -.---...- -<br />

14)Tho date of ib iocorporhtion is 419 8/00 and tlte: period of its duration, which may k<br />

$wr&t~& is &rpurual<br />

(5; 'fhs sddrcss uf its principnl office in the state or country under the laws of which it is incoq~orated is<br />

25 Qslgystene Manor, Lewes, DE 19958<br />

*-All F Id , U-ii r-.-T-l-I Zip Codefiwifitrg<br />

ddros if d"t'ireo!. &om above is:<br />

,<br />

~. ". L *,u-<br />

-, - -.",--..-+..--- Zip Code<br />

(6: Ylrc strcejt ;iddress, or u statement that there is no street address, of its proposed registered office in rhc Stafeof <strong>South</strong> 15akot~ is<br />

BIQ VVilest Third<br />

Pierre SD zip codc 57507<br />

-<br />


{XBj S'%e sypcyntr, number of its issued shares, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares -&*out par value, and serif%%, if my,<br />

~lthii~ it ~ttk~9, is:<br />

Par value per sh.are or datemen? that<br />

Class Series shares arc without per value<br />

9%,72O,OOQ common .OOA<br />

I --, i*-"?.CII - -- -- -<br />

qGOB,232 preferred .001<br />

-> ,"" =-.".-.---- -- .-.,-.---<br />

I i? Ihl: ~TOW~ of its stated capital is $ Z32q. 23<br />

:<br />

%*a IbruMf tlma par value equals stated capital. In the case of no par value stock, stated capital is the consideration received for<br />

ths; 14'fii1@d shwcs.<br />

143 ihb sppliotioil is nccampanicd by a CERTIFICATE OF FACT or a CERTFICATE OF GOOD STANDNO duly<br />

e~cb~fcdgd by d~c Secretnry of <strong>State</strong> or other officer having custody of corporate records in the state or coul~try under whose 1a1ts<br />

ia ts ifir;arpcrr;itcd.<br />

tlJ] Tlrstt st~ch corp~ratiou shalt not directly or indirectly combine or make any contract with. any incorporated company, ftrrign ot<br />

i3aws@dc, lhruuglr their stockholders or the trustees or assigns of such stockholders, or with my copartncrship or assodation of<br />

pmunr, or in nny nlar~ner whatever to fix the prices, limit the production or regulate the transportation of any product or com~nodity<br />

%a $8 I@ prcwnt cw~pctitian in such prices, production or transportation or to establish excessive prim therehr.<br />

rll) That corporation, ar a consideration of its being permitted to begin or corltinue doing business within the Statc of<strong>South</strong><br />

tY#kc&i, ~ Itl a,lpply with ail the laws of the said <strong>State</strong> with regard to foreign corporations.<br />

Tkc rpplic-r\do~i ilzus~, tx signed, in the presence of a notary public, by the chairman of the board of dir&ors, or by ihc prcsidcnt ar<br />

b au30lhw ofliccr.<br />



onsent of Appoilrntmeaat by Ithe Registered I<br />

1, - Corporate - Research, Ltd. , hereby give my consent lo serve ES istlrc rcgistmd<br />

a,,it,<br />

name of wgfstered agent)<br />

TLICOR I ~ . C<br />

(oorpatc name)<br />

The proper flling ree must accompany the application. Make checks psyable tothe Secretary of <strong>State</strong>.<br />

Aalrwixd cngilel stock of 25,000 or less S 90<br />

8vcf 523,000 and not euemding<br />

QI~c~ %lo0,050 illid not c~acding<br />

Over 5546,11(30 iutd 11ol cxcccdjng<br />

100,000<br />

500,000<br />

1,000,000<br />

110<br />

130<br />

150<br />

O%r,r 51,000,090 and not cxmding 1,500,000 200<br />

QLII %'I,SUU,UUO vlud not exceeding 2,000,000 250<br />

Ovi\r $2,1j0Q,f300 nnd not crding 2,500,000 300<br />

Dt'c~k $2,500,0230 ~nd not exceeding 3,000,000 350<br />

Qt'clr 5:4,000,000 and not exceeding 3,500,000 400<br />

Eh.a ?;3,$00,000 mid not exceeding 4,000,000 450<br />

Ovnr $~~,U#0,1)00 and not mceeding<br />

f3var M,SW,COO nnd not exceeding<br />

f;ww1i fidrlltiaual $500,000, $40 in addition to $550.<br />

4,500,000<br />

5,000,000<br />

500<br />

550<br />

FFZ~ purpn.~+ wly of r~mputing fees llnder this section, the dollar vnlue of each authorized shore having a par value shall h: cqunl to<br />

PW VUI)UD ,wCt the value of each authorized share having no par value shall be equel to one hundred dollnrs pcr shnrc. The muximum<br />

smowrt char~ed under this subdivision may not exceed sixteen thousand dollars.<br />

'firr applimiian must bc signed, in the presence ofa notary public, by the chairman ofthc board of directors, wits prcsidcnt, or my;<br />

dra nfiimr. Oxac original crad one photocopy of the application must be submitted.<br />

‘fire: ~kppljcation n~ust be nccompanied by an origbl, currently dated, CERTIFICATE OF FACT or n CERTfFfCATE OF<br />

GUQP STILWD~VB from the Secretary of <strong>State</strong> in the state where incorporated. A photocow of a certificate is not ucccptahlc. It<br />

r~hiwl,d bs &led witbin ninety (90) days of submitting it to our office.<br />

Swcitl'r r28ko:n law requires every corporation to continuously maintain a resident ofthis state as tbc registered qcnt (nurnbcr six on<br />

tl~o applimtion). 'I'he rcgistcrcd agent's nddress is considered the registered oEcc address ofthe wrpaation in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>. ,4<br />

w~nplr!tt alrcrt nddress must bc listed for service of prmss.<br />

-!'ire (,ansent c3f Registered Agent portion must bs signed by the <strong>South</strong> Dnkatn registered agent.<br />

kisll tbc application, certificate, arid filing fix to the Secretary of <strong>State</strong>, Corporate Division, 500 E, CapitoI Avenue, Pierre, SD<br />

i'PTr>l-S07fi. The duplicate and a Certificate ofAuthority will be returned for your rccutds.

Dstvid Polrte<br />

James Dunlap<br />

John A. Fleming<br />

@my Sigler<br />

Kerri Bumgarcines<br />

Directors<br />

David Forte<br />

James Darlllap<br />

AJl the above referenced Officers & Directors cnn be reached at:<br />

100 West Harrison, Ste. S200, Seattle, WA 981119-4191

<strong>State</strong> of Delarvare<br />

Office of the Secretary of Stn-tr<br />

AGE 1<br />


Tclicor Inc. filed its initial certificate of inm~rarion vvitki Dels~wwcz Se:<br />

of Staxe on December 7, 1999. This Amen&d ;u?d Restated CZ&fimte of Xni&~mm%m<br />

of l'e\:licor Inc. was duly adopted in accardance: with Dslawmei GeneraI Cai~aGaa W<br />

S=tjioPn 241, 245- sad the company has noc received lp&pCffE Tot &#r gf i~@<br />

stock.<br />

- FIRST<br />

Thee fame of the conporation.rtmains Ttlicor inc.<br />

SECOND<br />

The address sf the registered oMice of the Cnrpomfiorr~ in the <strong>State</strong>s of Delrrwm is<br />

25 Greystone Manor, Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776, County ofSusil?,x, The me: $18-i%<br />

registered agent at suck address is Wtarvard Business Service$r, inc,<br />

The nmre of the business or pufpost?s to be conducted or pmm~ad "a tta eeg&&e in<br />

any 1awW ace or activity for which corporations may bts o~gianizrb m&r Q$neml<br />

Ca+poraeibn Law of the <strong>State</strong> of Delaware.<br />

TAe toid number of shares of a! classes of q i?aI st& wWs:Xx &0 C ~ O ~ ~ Q B<br />

shall have ~uthority m issue is 40,OW,000 skarrs, con~pW of 20,00(Ih0QO sbr or<br />

Camnm Stwk with a pa- value of 3.001 per she (the " CQ~BR Seock*') nrrd<br />

10,000,000 shares of hefkmed Smck with pau value of $,OM per shaic @JC "p$~f~-n%d<br />

Stack").<br />

A description of the respecdve dasses of ~wlir, snd n stakmenl af the da;sigt~&t.a~m,<br />

yefnerices, voting powers (or no voting powas), nlative, psnicipating, aptionat or 6th~~<br />

special rights and privileges and tbe qualifications, limitaxions and r~niclions afthe<br />

Frefmed Stock and Cornman Stock aw as follows:

The Preferred Stock may be issued in onc or marc se~cs t' me sic<br />

times and for such consideration or considerations as the board of directors rimy<br />

determine. Each series shall be so designated as to distinguish the shares ~ht~csf ficr3m %kc<br />

shares of ail ather series and classes. Except as may be expressly prsvided 32 &is<br />

Certi ticate of Incorporation, including any certificate of dcsignutitms for a $ch~s of<br />

Prcferied Stock, different series of Preferred Stock shall not be constme$ ca ctsststt:a;urc<br />

different classes of shares for the purpose of voting by cfasses.<br />

nt s ~ h<br />

The board of directors is expressly authori~d, su@r!ct to the ilmilatiatas<br />

prescribed by law and the provisions of this Celtiticrrte af Incorpckrahon. to provide G2r<br />

the issuance of all or any shares of the Preferred Srack in one QP I'BOZ-1~ 5Efl69. mdZt wirt:<br />

such designations, preferences, voting powers (or no voting pow ti:^), tetaitiie,<br />

participating, optional or other special rights and privileges and sluiich qu 3 i' iPic&ti~fiz,<br />

limitations or restrictions thereof as shall be stated in the rcsulkfti!an at" resafsrlrahs 9d~p~kd<br />

by the board of directors to create s~nch series, and a cct-tificitte sf

expressly made subjec~ an<br />

shares of the Preferred Stock.<br />

2. Voting Wghts.<br />

Certificate of Incorporati<br />

Preferred Stock, each holder of Comrnon<br />

share of stock hcld by him of record on 11<br />

directors and on all matters submitted to<br />

the holders of shares of Common<br />

by the board of direcrors, out of the ass<br />

therefor, dividends p<br />

dissolution, liquidation or winding<br />

in full of the preferential amounts,<br />

law or this Certificate of<br />

whatever lund available fo<br />

FIPTH<br />

The corporation is to have perpelual existense,<br />

SIIXTFi<br />

In furrhrrance and not in limitation of tile pa-crs confcazd b$<br />

<strong>State</strong> of Delaware:<br />

A. The board of directars of the crrrpatnzrrsn rs cx$r*%sty &korksnxd:dL<br />

(i)<br />

To rnruke, alier c?t repca<br />

(ii) To authorize 3114 elsuse ga bc a3xccule3 f<br />

upor; the real and personal property of the corpc~rstiox<br />

(iii) To set aparr: om of~cy ofrhtic<br />

availabk for dividends a resenre or reserves h>t ark? ptup<br />

such reserve In the manner in which it was crcaecd,

By a majority of the whole board, to designate orrc ar mnrPI<br />

(iv)<br />

committees, each colnrnittee ro consisr cf one or more of the dire4cto.r~ of the cor-yuamtion;<br />

The board may designate one or more directors as alternate mernf3ers of;urqt cGr"nmfttce+<br />

who may replace any absent or disqualified member of any con~~xitittcc. The bykws may<br />

pro\:idc that in the absence or disqualification of a member oFa comittcr. the z3emkr<br />

or members thereof present at any meeting and not disqualified firam voting, rr-hsrheg c3r<br />

not he or they constitute a quorum, may unanimously appoint anclther member ~X'the<br />

board of directors to act at the meeting in the place of any suck 8bst=nz Qr: dbsquafiSeb<br />

member. Any such committee, to the extent provided in the resolution af the board rtzr<br />

directors, or in the bylaws of the corporation, shall have and may exemisc all the ~ W C E<br />

and authority of the board of directors in the management of the busincss nffais<br />

the corporation, and may authorize the seal of the corporation to be affixed to ail pnwrt;<br />

which may require it; but no such cornn~ittee shall have the power or a\rtharity in<br />

reference to arnending the Certificate of Incorporation (except thiat n r;lomtnittce: map. tc<br />

the exrent authorized in the resolution or resolutions providing fc~r the issuaace ~F$l%irr;'s<br />

of' stock adopted by the board of directors as provided in Section 15 ifii] of the Octne~d<br />

Corporation Law of the <strong>State</strong> of Delaware, fix any of the preferences or fight^ %?f sktfk<br />

shares relating to dividends, redemption, dissolution, any distribl~iorz of asset3 of lhc<br />

corporation or the conversion into, or the exchange of such sharrts far, shares sf rrny otherclass<br />

or classes or any other scrics of the same or any other class OF cfmses af stack ofthe<br />

corporation), adopting an agreement of merger or consolidation under Seczi~ns 25 t tat<br />

252 of the Cei~eral Corporation Law of the <strong>State</strong> of Del:lawarc, rt;cornmt;ndirtg to ah@<br />

srockholders the sale, tease or exchange, of all or substantially all ctfih~: ~aprarion*~<br />

property and assets, recommending to the stockholders a dissola~ih'un of the d~f73fxrillilti~d wr<br />

a rcvocadon of 2t dissolution, or amending the bylaws ofthtttc corporation; nmd, unless rhc<br />

resolution or bylaws expressly so provide, no such committee sirakl have the ~GFY&P or<br />

authority to declare a dividend, to authorize the issuanec crfstock, or to adopt i, ccntlieat&<br />

of ownership and merger pursuant to Section 253 of the Genemi Crrworatlan, Law ~Ediro<br />

<strong>State</strong> of Delaware.<br />

(v) When and as authorized by the stolckirc~lder;; in %~z&nhn~e<br />

with szsute, to sell, lease or exchange all. or substantirrlty alf ofthe property ;art$ iaBett3; af<br />

the corporation, including its good will and its corporate fiarlc!~iscs~ Upon sir& terms ;~nd<br />

conditions and for such consideration, which may consist in whale or' irr part nf mawcy I;sr<br />

property including shares of stock in, and/or other securities ofl any ujthcr csrqrunxric;xn 0~<br />

r,aporaticns, as ils board of directors shall deem expedient and fisr the bt.t;r inkcrests uf<br />

tht corporarian.

- B. Elections of directors need nor be by wrincn bnlfot udt.r;~ the by$%%^'% irF~fke<br />

corporation shall so provide.<br />

C. The books of the corporation may bc kcpi at such plscl: within nr wira~ian,<br />


Whenever a compromise or arrangement 1s proposed btsbyresn &is ~uqar~tinmr on4<br />

its creditors or any class of them and/or between this carparatian and its f&w~k:hbIde% ar<br />

arky class of them, any court of equitable jurisdiction \vithirt d~c Staft ofDst~&~~e ma$<br />

on the application in a summary way of this corporl-tti~rr or of" any' ercdirar or bt&~kh@ir,ie~<br />

thereof or on ihe application of any receiver or recciven appointed far dli~ ~of-~xorailiab<br />

under the provisions of Sectlon 29 1 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code br ar; the &@it~%tia~ of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or rcccivea sppointac;! far this ~oq~r%~fji~ts<br />

under the provisions of Section 279 of Title 8 of thhe: DeInw.arc Coda, urdci* 8 ~ %~etfhg tlf<br />

the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of rhe st0~kf3uid~r~ ar ~llit?ig i~f~tt~kh~iQ~f5 ~f<br />

this corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such manner 3s (hu s ~id ~@u@<br />

directs. If a majority in number represenling &rce-€ou~t~s in value of the C~G&~PQS CiX'<br />

class of creditors, andlor of the stockholders or class sfstscki1u51dem af this se~~cfitsiti~~e,<br />

as rhc case may be, agree to any cornprornjse or amzgement and la tsorgnni~~itkan nf<br />

this corporation as consequence of such comproinise or errdngemcfii, file %%id<br />

compromise or arrangement and the said morgnnization shall, if sanctianed by the couE<br />

to which the said application has been made, be binding urt ail ttke crcdi@@ rrr cfaa af<br />

creditors, andlor on all the stockholders or class af st~ckholdc:~, af rD~it., rarpaiati-~q?, 3s<br />

the case may be, and also on this corporati0~1.<br />

A. director of the corporation shall not tie personally iirtbls fs rh~ eayra~%%iaa at I&<br />

stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty ps. zs. bire~hat", E X G ~BF ~ ~<br />

liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of lu~;dzlq. te rht. ca~mrii~a 6rP it%<br />

stockhotders, (ii) for acts or omissinns not in good Fa'rrtr, or wtrich invotve rwecn%icji~i*I<br />

rrrisco~duct or a knowing violation of law. (iii) under Sc~tivn I74 171 ~ke ~GI;~WS@<br />

Genml Corporation Law, or (iv) for my tmnsacrion front tvhiilZt it12 .F<br />

limited to the hlles: extent permitzed by the Delaware Cilscml Corgs~fkea!art %.a%, ~JS go<br />


Any repeal or modification of the forzgaing p17tr&g~~ph b% &~@~hk~id~%af%b<br />

corporation shall not adversely affect any ngh"Er p%ic-~€ien OF% d~f~%k~Fl"r2~fb&<br />

corporation exisring at the time of such repair ar rrradrGce$it~@-<br />

ZilTbEiTH<br />


Each person who was or is made a paty oh is ~Rrn;~lba~2 ia E%. saDf .0 ~IZ.%:&<br />

to or is i~lvolved in any action, surt ar praccedirrg, tvbf;t'rhet ctaE. u~A;;r~&a$, ag%%h&#$a&%e<br />

or investigative ("proceeding"), by reason sf the fact t~ag.1,; st sitk$ ILF h @D%o@ c;;~f m%~m<br />

he or she is the legal representative, is or was it dt~etnr sst ~ffis~~t-. e~(hgf@z&e D$ qtm ~f<br />

the Corporation or is or was senping at: the rerjcses; of Cc@o~d~ti@n as E D;$ecik%g 'I~F<br />

oEcer, ernpl o yee or agent of ansther csqsmrioG, os a$ a ppm&nRip, @rara vm~f~e, %rw$<br />

or other enterprise, inciuding service w-i $11 respect ta efi$pIay@e fit @$&zs, kgSII@khqL@ &@<br />

basis of such proceeding is alleged actiurr iit an uFS

If a claim under Paragraph A uf Article iin\lTH is #a,! paid irt hi! by $86<br />

Corporation within ninery (90) days after a written claim has been zereivcd by ths<br />

Corporarion, the claimant may at any time thereafter bring suit agriinsti r'nc G~ma-zaEi~ri ra<br />

rccover the unpaid amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the daimanr<br />

shall be entitled to be paid also the expense of prasecuting such ci2iirsm. It $hi! be a<br />

defense to any such action (other than an action brought to enforce a claim for &xp&%$a<br />

incurred in defending any proceeding in advance of its final dispo:rition %oh%r% %he<br />

required undertaking, if any, has been te~dercd to this Corpornti~flt) that, the ckimnne lu&<br />

not rnet the standards of conduct which make it permissible under the Dct~ttiar~ Cr'1tck~3k<br />

Corporation Law for the Corporation to indemnify the claimmt far the ama~hi G~&~FT~G$,<br />

but the burden of proving such defense shall be on the Coqoiation. Nsixkr the Ufufc af<br />

the Corporation (including its Board of Dircctois. independent lcyak cowrrvcil ur irs<br />

stockholders) to have made a determination prior ta d~c comnl@nofm@nt DEW& ~XG~~OR<br />

that indemnification of the claimant is proper in tile cirmmstanccs bccaase he t2; sk@ hfa<br />

met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in d~tk Delotvnre Itiener&l Car$arati@n<br />

Law, nar an actual determination by the Corpom~ion (indtlding ib Bnatd of Di~ct~rr,<br />

independent legal counsel, or its stockholders] that the dairn~nt fa.; nat mcar ~tr&<br />

applicable standard of conduct, shall be a defense 10 the action olr ~i:&$n: w p$~$%s~piio.~i<br />

that claimant has not met the applicable standard of c~sdrrcr'<br />

The rights conferred on any person by Pa~acympi~ h nvrd 8 ;iaf #kgicte<br />

NINTH shall not be exclusive of any othcr right which such pc~~afis n%$ &%vc at?<br />

hereafter acquire under any statute, provisian of the Ccnifi~stu: of kitduvamr'ran, by!&*,<br />

agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested dircctom or ot!rcmbci-ae,<br />


The Corporation may maintain insurotlcc, at its eql$;i$~, 10 pmtgl;i i~sjf izi"ld<br />

any such director, officer, employee or agent of the Csrp~ratian sr sta~thcr ~~r~~rati~tr,<br />

pamership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against czsrg suctr gxpilse, kiaibikity i.it<br />

lass, whether or not the Gorporatioi~ would kavc the pawe to irudcnlniry $uc#ape~~n<br />

against such expense, liability or loss under the Ddawarc Grat2rat flrrrpa&i%iorrt E*etv:<br />

'X'EMTH<br />

The corporation reserves thc right to arnend or repeal itrap gfr~visfi)~ ~CO~~OEXI$& in<br />

this Certificate of Incorporation, in the manncr new or ttercnfier prcst:ribcd by sg~tutc, z%kd<br />

all rights conferred upon a stockholder herein are grxnkd SIJ~JCC~ iir this ~cservati~~t-

A&mM md Restad Ce<br />

L~YV<br />

of the <strong>State</strong> of Delaw

<strong>State</strong> of Delcvtare<br />

Oflice of the Secretnvy of <strong>State</strong><br />

F&GE 2<br />







OF<br />

Telieor - EInnc,<br />

FIRST: 'The n m of the corprpomtion is: 'ifellicor Inc.<br />

SECOND: Its registered office in the Statc of Delaware is 1ot:ated at 25 Greystow<br />

M:ma~, tcwes, Delaware 19958-9776, County of Sussex, The regislered agent in charge<br />

tl~arccsf is Hum4~rt.d Busines~ Services, Inc,<br />

THIRD; The purpose or the cvrporirtiori is to angaga in any Lri~~ful xlivity fur which<br />

~~~oeiiti~fi~ may he organized under the General Corporation Law of Del,n-rvare.<br />

f;'OURTPF: The totd number of shares of stock which the csorpawtiun is rtuhaizd to<br />

issue is t ,300 shuts hiving a par value of $0,08 pc~ share.<br />

FfFTH: The bwiness and &flairs of the corporation shall bs managed by oi: under the<br />

disection of the bowd of dire~tors, md the diicctors need not be elected by ballol unless<br />

required by Qht: bylaws or the ~orporirtiun,<br />

$IX'IP'H: This corporation shall be pcrpctual unloss otherwise decided by a majority of<br />

ttlc S ~md of Directors.<br />

SEVENTH; In furthwdnce and wl in lirnjkliun uT the pcvcrs n:on[erreil by the la~vs<br />

of Dduivrzre, the board of directors is authorized to amcnd or repal the !byb~s,<br />

&JGJJT%if: The corporation reserves the right to amend or repear any provision in this<br />

Cali fica~t: ur Tncurpord~ion in the rnanncr prescribed by the laws of Delaware.<br />

PIXNT': The incorporator is H;rrvnrd Bwsiness Sewices, Inc,, whose miling address<br />

is 25 Cmystune Mmor, Lewes, DIE 19958.9'776. '1%~ powers of the incorgunlor are to file<br />

this ccaificoic bf incorpurdtion, i?pprovo he by-laws uT thc corpuratio~l and sled the initial<br />

c9i%s;?or$,<br />

TWTH: To the fullest extent permitted by ihe Delaware General Corpomtion Law st<br />

director of this u.n-poriiLiun shall not bc liable to the corpomtiol-r or its stockholdexs for<br />

n!ftne!;l~y dmagcs for breach of fiduciary duty as a director.<br />

T,, Richanl 131. Dell, for the purpose of forming n carpration uudertltllc laws ofthc Stsllc<br />

of DC~BFEPI!~C do make ad file this certificiite, and do certify that the faets herein $lilted we tntc;<br />

find have aceurdingly signed below, this 7&, day of December, 1999.<br />

Signed ~nti Attested to hp:<br />

Richard 1.1, Pelf, Pr~icient Pr Secretary<br />



Company Overview<br />

Management<br />

David J. Pork, Chief Executive OMcer<br />

A founder of Telicor, David Porte has extensive senior executive experience<br />

in the convergent telecommunications industry and in the development and<br />

operation of technology service companies. Porte currently serves as Vice<br />

President & General Manager of hternet Services for GCI, a canverged<br />

telecommunications company. Pork also setves ori the senior management<br />

committee responsible for guiding the convergerrt Long Distance, tom!,<br />

Cable, Internet, and Network-lntegration business strategies.<br />

At GCJ, Pork is directly responsible for commercial and consumer fntarnet<br />

strategies, unified telecommunications management support, dayb-day<br />

business operations and business-line financial performance. Po@ has<br />

pior~wmd the launch of broadband Internet technology tbrough the<br />

introduction of cable modems and copper-based DSL services.<br />

PoPte was the founder and CEO of Astrolabe Systlems, a highly successQ1<br />

technology management company acquired by GCf in 11998. Porta was<br />

directly responsible for Astrolabe's highly successful rural -<br />

telecommunications initiatives utilizing an ASP (Application Sewice<br />

Provider) model to deliver distance education via the Internet,<br />

Prior to founding Astrolabe, Porte attended Oxford University, The Queen's<br />

College, where he majored in Leadership Theory and Modern History,<br />

,hxnes E. Dunlap, Chleb Operating OfPicer<br />

A founder of Telicor, Jim Dunlap is an experienced executive with more than<br />

15 years of experience in the technology sector spanriin~ a wide variety of<br />

'Industries, including telecommunications, electric utility and mnsunicr<br />

products. Dunlap currently serves as Director of Gritical Accaurlb for GCI, a<br />

converged telecommunications company where he is responsible far<br />

providing unitied telecommunications management services, reventla<br />

retention atrcl rnaigin management strategies,<br />

Prior to joining GCI, Dunlap was a Strategic Business Consultant for<br />

Campbell Soup Company where he was responsible for business process<br />

reengineering, competitive assessment, geodemographic market analysts,<br />

decisian support systems and corporate Internet strategies.

Dunlap was the founder & CEO of Digitech, a highly successful consulting<br />

firm specializing in the electric utility and natural gas industries. He was<br />

responsible for business formation, capitalization and subsequent sale to<br />

Fortune 500 investor. Digitech specialized in distributed architecture<br />

solutions to complex issues faced due to deregulation including targeted<br />

marketing strategies, unified customer billing, distribution reporting and<br />

regulabry compliance.<br />

John A. Heming, Chieflnformati~ Oficer<br />

John Fleming comes to Telicor with over 15 years of senior technology<br />

management experience in the electric utility and retail industries. Fleming<br />

currently serves as Director of Information Technology for Connext, a leading<br />

energy information services firm. At Connext, Fleming is responsible far the<br />

successful development of their converged multi-senricelmufti-fuel billing<br />

platform and their Internet delivery activities.<br />

Prior to joining Connext, Fleming held the position of Director, Application<br />

Development for Digitech, a highly successful consulting firm specialiring in<br />

the electric utility and natural gas industries. Fleming was directly responsible<br />

for all application development, system integration and technicaf consulting<br />

activities.<br />

Fl~ming was Manager, Corporate Planning and Integration for Nordstrom,<br />

Inc, At Nordstrom, Fleming managed the orga~ization tasked with<br />

development and implementation of information systems as a k8y<br />

component of national expansion strategy.<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Directors work with senior rnanagernent to define the direction and strategic<br />

plarl for Telicor. The senior management team is then responsible far<br />

making day to day operating decisions, Tslicor's Board cf Oiredors is<br />

currently carnprised of two employee officers of Telicor and four outside<br />

directors, Telicor is actively seeking qualified oukide directors wiih<br />

btislness and industry expertise ta assist our management team in defining<br />

the strategic plan for Telicor. Telicor's Board af Directors includes:<br />

Qt~ven Behm<br />

Mr. Behm recently served as Ciscds Vice President of Worldwide Strategic<br />

Alliances. Upon his retirement from Cisca, Mr. Behm has joined the board of<br />

a number of Internet and Telecnm~ml~nicatisns start-up companies f~tmsed<br />

on next generatian products and services.<br />

Confldantjelli Proprietary - Telicar, Inc. 12

Edward Gailiigan<br />

Mr. Galligan holds the position of CFQ for the Port of Portland, an innovative<br />

publidprivate enterprise with $1.2 billion in holdings. Mr. Galiigan served as<br />

Vice President, Mergers & Acquisitions for Pacific Telecom fnc. and as<br />

Ghaiman/PresidentlCEO of American Networks, a nationwide business-<br />

facused telecommunications provider.<br />

David K. Means<br />

Mr, Means was an original management ernpfoyee of Cisco Systems and<br />

wha nversaw hardware development that contributed significantly to Cisco's<br />

meteoric rise as the largest packst-based systems hardware supplier in the<br />

wrld, After leaving Cisco, Mr. Means was a founding partner of a<br />

hardwerelsofhivare development company and served on the Board of<br />

Narthwest Net, guiding their transition to become a for-profit company and<br />

their eventual sale to Verio.<br />

David J. Porte<br />

[see resume above]<br />

James E. Dunlap<br />

[set; resume above]<br />

Board of Advisors<br />

Talicar is seeking a number of qualitied professionals to serve on its Board<br />

of Advisars.<br />

TI99 "f'licor Team<br />

Supparting the managemlent team is a care of 12 to 16 experienced<br />

telecornmwnications and technology professionals poised to begin operation<br />

30 days from funding,<br />

Outside Pr~fessionals<br />

r'etlcor utili:zes outside professional ad\~isors to provide suppzsri: far le<br />

flrranclal, arrd management decision processes.<br />

Outside Counsel- Heller, Et~rrnan, White & McPuliffe<br />

Financial institution - Silicon Valley Bank<br />

Auditars - MPMG Peat Martvick<br />

BwndinglMarketingl 'The Leonhardt Group<br />

Advertising Agerncy -<br />

@i.nhi;rrnftai ie P~~priotary - Toticor, Inc, 13

P~sbiic Relations - WO <strong>Public</strong> Relations<br />

Co':atrffdonflal% Prapriofary - Tellcor, Inc. 14


-1 ECTCUIP INC.<br />

li10 West I-Isrrison; Ste. 5280<br />

Seattle, \Vilshington 98119-4191<br />

t%harbti:<br />

1i;s~toJ by:<br />








1Cpn.i Bumg;ardncr, VP Custonler Ndrvork OprraLionS<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 Wcsl Harrison; Stp. 5ZlHI<br />

Sr?attle, Washinclon 9HI"IY*-lll)l<br />

<strong>South</strong> Llakotri l'ariff Surrtkc~ 2<br />

Originai P&~P l

TI?ldICOIX 1NC.<br />

100 \$'cst H,urison; Ste. 5200<br />

Sc~t-tle, iVashisgton 98119-4191<br />

s.<br />

l.401.1: CSI: CON'TENTS ................................................................................,................................... ,-*. .... i!a. t<br />

.......... ....<br />

5<br />

t-1,ilr~li Sf--II:k ................................ ..................................................................... ...c.........5..............T............~.-<br />

3.1) . I?l.jLES AND REGULATIONS ..................................................4+............k.........L............... ah.L*eg.sc<br />

.....<br />

;c+sa,,L.'kf,f<br />

4.f) .. SERVICE CIIARGES ........................................................................................... , ...........-.......... .... ;-I4<br />

--<br />

5,tI - NETWORK SERVlCE DESCRIPTIONS .................... .,., ................ ~.,~,..,~~..~.~~~~,..,.,.=~,~~~c~.~~.+.<br />

ii.0 - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE .......................... . ........... .~~,,+,.v.,.-, ..................... ,vv~,+3 *.; . .k4x2-..;..f~2<br />

7.0 - I-OCAL SERVlCE PRICES LIST .................................................................. ~..~,~+~~A~~,iiiiiii,iiii,.iiiiii.iiii~.iiiiii.~~,~<br />

8.0 - DIRECTORY .4SSISTANCE AND LISTING SERVICES .......... , ........................... ,,~,~sz~v.ciiiiiii,.ii,L4c~~~.~~<br />

...............................................................<br />

- .*.<br />

.,..<br />

&ti{'<br />

,, .<br />



100 firest Harrison; Ste, S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

The Tille Page and paRes listed below Elre inclusive md effective a,& ~f E~L'<br />

revised pages as mimed below contain dl changes from khe cs:lngi~aH ttlfilf I ~LI~E<br />

shown on each page.<br />

rx-<br />

ddke $hc~rwn. OH@%%? .latii<br />

&are in tdf~";a OR eAte d&sc*<br />

Page<br />

&-&p~<br />

1<br />

Page<br />

NllmhPr<br />

Original 31<br />

Page Pal gt: P4k~k*<br />

&- hZumher Rm&&m &ut.m E~$idm SU&?T ~~wAsW~<br />

Original 61 Ori@;hl 214 ari@xul $7 m$$%ii<br />

2 Original 32 Oriffinal 62 Original i5 Ohgit~X $8 mjpn-~l<br />

3 Original 33 Original 63 Original 76 &tgb~dT $9 o~igt%*~<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Original<br />

01i.gtnal<br />

34<br />

35<br />

original<br />

OriginaI<br />

6;1<br />

65<br />

%@a1<br />

OrifiinaI fS<br />

C~1@fi11<br />

i t<br />

91<br />

!$I<br />

C~~tgirk~%i<br />

mgiltstt<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

Oriffinal<br />

Original<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

Original<br />

Originai<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

Ori@nal<br />

66<br />

67<br />

63<br />

6<br />

Q<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

OxiGaX<br />

Originai<br />

Originrr-i<br />

9<br />

4841<br />

87<br />

8%<br />

/k3<br />

2<br />

Oti1iii2~d X"i<br />

Off&$1:n+%l 94<br />

Bi$$farl.E<br />

~W@aa&<br />

o~fgim6<br />

O&gniiif<br />

Ofi$$n&i<br />

&@tr~-~k<br />

&%@shti<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Oiginal<br />

Odginal<br />

Original<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

Ori@<br />

Original<br />

Oripal<br />

'7t<br />

2<br />

73<br />

ct)rigins~X<br />

Origiinal<br />

Original<br />

i&L<br />

8<br />

0ng2%uij<br />

BeF.li~af<br />

dkrgkn&f<br />

714 Original 44 Origind<br />

15 Original 45 Ori@lal<br />

16 Orip~al 46 Original<br />

17 Original 47 Original<br />

18 Original 48 Original<br />

19 Original 49 Original<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

Original<br />

Oyigh~al<br />

Original<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

Oriffinal<br />

Ongird<br />

orighi 1<br />

23 Origmal 53 Qrighal<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

Origmii1<br />

Original<br />

Ori@d<br />

27 C3rig.d 57 Original<br />

28 Original 58 Original<br />

29 Oriffinal 59 Crigind<br />

30 Original 60 Original<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

F A N A T T n N L S<br />

*l'litl follow ill): sy~nbols slidU bp used in lhis tarilf for thc purpose tz~dir ,rtcJ i?eIoiv:<br />

(C) To signify changed regulalion.<br />

(D)<br />

To signif)r JisconLhmed ralc and rcgul~tion.<br />

(1) To sigr~ify mcreased rale.<br />

fhl)<br />

Issuori:<br />

Issui~d by:<br />

To s~):nify a nlovr in tlic. location of L~st.<br />

( 1 To sigmfy nrw raLc or regulation.<br />

(I?) 'rtt signify reduced rate.<br />

S) To signify rcissued matter.<br />

(T) To signify LI cha~ige ill text but nu L'II~~I~C*<br />

111 r;ttt* clr n,y,ui,lttakrr.


11Nl M'est 1-lamison; Stt.. S200<br />

Sr&Ltf~, W'lshington 98119-41 91<br />

APPT T ~~~UII\J nr; r ~ ~LFE<br />

Thr5 l~trifr a~ts forlh L11e service oflerhlgs, ralcs, ~ ~ r s n ~ s<br />

(1~b.1 ornmunl~~.~L~ilns sCrvlc('s provided by TChror Int. to c<br />

liprt-1 Bulnp,drd~ler.<br />

VP Curlooln. NpLr+rork Opprlr[~,ln~<br />

Tclic.clr Inr.<br />

I00 West Hurrison; 511:. S~IXI<br />

Sca~lle. Was11inl:ton 981 I 9-4 191

'I'ELIC:OR INC.<br />

IE)U IYusk 1-la~rison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scsttlo, M'dshington 98119-4191<br />

lwr lhtl j7tlr17~)5(~ of LIIIS lclriff, Lhc followin!: dcfinilions will apply:<br />

Arrrss 1,iste - An an-a~~p,cmont which connects lhc Customer's Incatlc-rfi<br />

prth%t'tli-('.<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> f'rtriff'Xl;trmb.~r2<br />

Or.i~in;l3<br />

Page &<br />

.Ireourti Codes - Optior~oi, Cust(~~~~~r-defi~ird dlgils Llidt allow Lhv Cusltunc!r to ~d~ntify ihr ~nsfivxdu,,l<br />

~lft~t', ifl'~?~lr~~lll~llL or c-lie111 dssocjal~d with a call. Account Co~i~s aypcnr on rhth €usttatnt%.r bilE.<br />

:Ldv;lncc L7i4yment - PlwL or all of d paymcnt rccluircd hclt~r~ Lht! stdrl trf s~rvlrt1.<br />

Authonlzcd User - A pc>rson, f~nn, corporalinn, or any oL11c~ cnitt!; ,~tith~?r~r.cd<br />

r ritl\iltb\tIltliI~> t~I~li%i~ij; Lho C~inp~~iiy's servic-e.<br />

!jvsix~ess - :I ('lass of si!rvice provided to l~ldividuals eng;qjPd it1 trusincss, firnts, p,rrtt~~rs$ips~<br />

r c1rjm+~'rt [i.iul$, t~p,onci~~I shops, work, tenants of office huiliii~~gs, and it~dividuaLs .;~'lr~~ctit.~rrjr, d prufklssion<br />

11r i'tf~oriilttig cl ~IIS~IIOSS tvho hdvc no offices other than their rcsida~~ccs ~nct wt~clrc tht. txsc cnf lhra$r;rvt-tc.t*<br />

r. prinm"Iy or ~~hsLd1iLidlly of d business, professi011al or ~~.cupati(~nill 1.tdturo.<br />

Coamrissiun - S{\ULII <strong>Dakota</strong> Puhlic ULilit~cs <strong>Commission</strong>.<br />

Cctnrparoy or Carrier - Tclicor Inc-., unless otherwise clearly indiccltcd by thr rrunttkkt.<br />

f u?i..;tan~cbr - Thcl pr!rson, firm, coapordtio~~ or other cnlity i<br />

itnr? 1% n.sponsihic lor pq7111enL of charges and compliance<br />

13~170siit - Rvf(~r~ 10 cash or rquivalcnl of cnsl~ securiLy<br />



100 West Haison: Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Miashingtom 98119-4191<br />

13ID Tn~nk - A form nf lot-dl SM~ILSI~C~~ c~CC'PSS<br />

~nlcn?,ll rslcns~on diroctly without tlic Inter\<br />

Dial Pulse (or "DP") - Tlie pulsc ty p~ onrplayed hy roLdry dtdl ,statitm $tlt.r,<br />

End User - Aiiy pr<br />

Gampfiny uncicr Lhc<br />

unlcss th~ chilrecs 50<br />

End Office - WiLh<br />

Compmy's "cnd off<br />

Llic~t NPA-NSX code In Lhc Loodl<br />

H[cmiing Zmpaited -<br />

deal; dedf/blind, d<br />

cummuiucating ovcr the lelcphone wiLiic~uL thp did<br />

Hunting - Roulils d r-all tct an idle slalictn lint> irr ,t ~smitrrctr~)f,l*d ghxtlip ~W&PYT<br />

blisy.<br />

Jn-Only - A .;?rvLro cltLributc h at res<br />

nriswcr poinl.<br />

LXC or Znterexchai~ge Carrier - A 1o11g clistanct. it31rc"c>rnaatx nit ertrr.a~3 il:?k ir CY $*Pcv~ idvk<br />

lssucd:<br />

lssui!J by:<br />

t' I) Cu.ctt>~~ct Nf>tt.\rrt~% i>p~-rattriw<br />

K P ELI ~ nrj~c~r.dt~c.r,<br />

f~jfzc'rtr Inu .<br />

l&l EVt.sl Fl,~rrkst~u; Sit'- 53ib-!<br />

S~fittlo, 1Yashtrit;tt'rtr 483 i%it'zl

'i*EEY COR hUC,<br />

XCKI West Hamisan; Ste, 5200<br />

Smkllt?, UTasPlinghon 98119-4191<br />

f.A?,-a - A Lr?r'~l Arl*css dnd Transport Area estabhsl~ed<br />

Irrtit:i~n~i*nt cntcrcd by the Unlled <strong>State</strong>s D~stricl Court for thr~<br />

K2.IlIU2; or any othcr geogrdphic ared desigi~ated as d L<br />

.\%~c~il~ltlrrra, Inr. Tdrill F.C.C. No. 4.<br />

l6C - I,D(-J~ Exchrl~i~r,e Company<br />

hfinhi~um Point of Presence ("MPOF") - The rliain telepho<br />

<strong>South</strong> U*zkol;t 'Ikriff Number 2<br />

Originlil 8<br />

&$ornthIy Rccurrir~g Charges - The moritllly cl~arges to the CusLon~cr hr rsorvic'ca,<br />

ccluiprnclnL, IY hidl ct)~~Lilme SOT the agreed upon duration of ~hc scrvii.ct.<br />

Multi-F~.c.quency or ("MF") - AII UI ter-111achine pulse Lypc<br />

.srriirhc*s, or bclween Lelaphonc switches alid PBX/key systems.<br />

Norl-Reruning Chage ("NRC") - The initial charge, usually assess<br />

u~tt\blis1-r srrvicc.<br />

Other Telepllone Company - An Exchange TcIepho~?c Company, nthcr Lhn Ihc Cnmpmy.<br />

PBX - Pt-iva tc Brclnch Exchange<br />

Premises - A I-ruildin~~ or huildiz.it;s on contipous property.<br />

Itecur-ring Charges - The mon~hly<br />

charges Lo i'ontinurk for 1I1tl aj:r~tlCj. up011 durdlio~i 01 the<br />

Residence or Resideartid - A class of servicc! fur~lislled Lo<br />

ci('ludi ur obvious use is for domest-r purposes.<br />

Kerri Bumgnrdner, VP Customcrt Nctwurk 0poni~10115<br />

Tclicnr Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Slit, S2Cltl<br />

Ssa t tie, Washi~~fitott 98'Jri3-4'101

TELiCOR INC.<br />

100 West Hwrison; Ste, S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

Service commencement<br />

Custonler that Lhc reque<br />

accept servlce which docs<br />

msi! 111c Service Couini<br />

CusL011ier may mutually<br />

Service Odar - The written reques<br />

fonnat devnscd by the Company.<br />

Ctrrnpdny initia tcs the respective<br />

but Lht. C~UT~~IOII of the sc3rvIce is<br />

'Ivelrphone Company - Uscd Lhrclughaut this tariff<br />

~Llic~nvisc by tlie toct.<br />

TED - To Bc Determmecl.<br />

Two Way - A scrvlce attribute that lncllldcs out\vortl dink c;l<br />

~rsed Lo carry uibouiid cnUs to a ccntral point for hrtfrcr prrlr<br />

Usage Based Charges - Cl~arges<br />

User or End User - A Customer, J<br />

provider under tlus tariff.<br />

Issuc*il:<br />

Isst~ed by:<br />

Kern Hu uigdrdt~er, VP Custc~~rtrr F4t*trv1,~rk Qpa.ntttr tr~q<br />

Tcklit {Tr [nu,<br />

l tXl filrsr HL)I-PIAO~I; 5~jltr~ YL:)x~<br />

SraLtit?, kVaslrinj:ttu~ t!X t lV.4 $at

'I'EKXCOR INC.<br />

100 West Himison; Sle. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4192<br />

Undert Aing of the Company<br />

2,l.l<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issucd by:<br />

Scope<br />

services, or l-o commu<br />

Shortage of Equipment or Pacilifies<br />

Kcrri B~mgardner~ V13 Crtstotxrcr i"ij'rtkivn$kOE;ii.:rr\$itr~~


100 \Yest Hamson; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, M'ashington 98119-4191<br />

2.1 Undel-taking of the Company, (Conlid.)<br />

2.1.3 Terms and Conditions<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

(C)<br />

(D)<br />

Scrvicc is pravidrd on the, hisis uf mirtrrizurnr pt1n'~rrc.t tat A &=,%st i.t~ a:t~nf#~. 2b<br />

hours per '1 d y . Frir th! purpose nf r.ilrnplltrrtg t Ssrqy~~ ra tkrc f+kt,;nkts 4~ &~r;7;iEb >+<br />

~~OIIS~~C~CL~ to hdv~ il~ii'ty (30) days.<br />

Customers n?dy b~ rccpiritd Lo tlntcr inte? 't~*rrltc?d SpPVil t! il~d~f~- .)%*z%h fihkkk<br />

contain or rclerenctt a s1'1~cilif ~ l~~cr~pl~si~~t<br />

TI!" Cl~t* klttFt~ e ~rttEt*Wd, tk.%* mi%* Ev jtr*<br />

ch;lrgc~d, Uic di~r~~tiori of kf'tc ~er\lt-c%, 11x13 \Ast lubtr!x*, ixnrf t tincifttravr.c ED tfW f;atil'~<br />

Customers will atso bth rcqtrirtd &(I t.%t~ ute. dtrb i??'r;tr? thxUrnrTit.~ a*, ib"t%\ )lss<br />

reasonably rc.c~ucslcd by bl~t? Ct311tpdny,<br />

Exccpt ds otherwise s~~rtt.c! it? tht) tarill; 3t T RIP t'rpk~ri%ti~f;r ttf IRc a?~t~f: "trrr:t<br />

spccifird in each Scrvicr Orclrr, t)r trr .lu'\y t*tik$~nst~a ~ P R P E ~ ~ 5*7rxitt~ . 'ikih.21)<br />

coniu~uc 011 a 111onkh to month hasw i;t tht~ rlheln iur~u~~e<br />

by eiu~er pisty aport thirty 00) d,kp rvntbn xltltrrLti XFE~ t~r~t~it~tti;~h~<br />

*b& !%Ilk<br />

Ltr SF ~ liy r ?\f~t$:trb E$$< il~trhd 6ttie$%'t 8tw<br />

fntr" ukl?q t-e-$@jxf&hiitt*;if@<br />

relieve Lhc Cus!,~)mt~r ill' its ~/zli$:t.ali~tl<br />

st~rvice order and this lariff prit~t. tt~r~1'r1kt'lr;\1:t~xi:+ Thi. i~fgt~ts ,ifid t'xhBig&t.~rtc<br />

which by their nd turra rxttxnd hryond thtt rtilli;tllniit%ctn is$ t h kttn ~ cbf f k wtil ~ ~<br />

order shall survivrs sttch C~.rrnrn,ikt~fi,<br />

Scrvicc may b~ kert~?it?dt~fci upiltr t%Fllftt:sl tii~lj~r 62 kt% the* Qsu*leusbrat ii':<br />

bE) This tariff slrall ht! in~r!rprc:lc*J r ~ gor;t*rna.:tf ~ ~ t b~ tbr~<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong> without rcprd for iiEy ~hntr<br />

f.b~s*~ta"c e.r$ 5&fttl-'<br />

tv rrl 16b$v:41 3rpltr*~-~+t~r~%<br />

f-tei*~ es+<br />

Krrri Bumprrincr~, VO Crr.;trlitrr$r Ylstwt*rA t;r,'rpf+~g~~>cgtr.r~<br />

Ttrfsf rtr lni -<br />

IrHI tft*~~ f-t6~ttr~kon; sf^, c51i~1<br />

%atkit&, \*~sslrltrj:[trrt t?f4 f 3u4 ltif<br />

tkF %I ljrfli

YELfCOK PKC.<br />

XIN3 b1'est Elmison; Ste. S200<br />

Sc,lLtle, 'CVashington 98119-4191<br />

2.1 U~ldertaking ruf the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

2.1.3 Terns and Conditions, (cont'd.)<br />

(F)<br />

Any OLlicr Telephone Company may not rn!ei-fwcr sv1Ll.1 ~Xlri np;frt of day pentlrr<br />

or cnLiLy to oblain servlce dircclly fro111 thrt (~trmprr.ry. No pt:e,on tlr tkntrtv siictlf , ".<br />

be required Lo make any pa ymcr~ t, hicm aixy' penixlly, ntanrt~ry ukr at hr~nvrht., ttr<br />

purchase any services in ord~r 1.0 Iiavt. thc right ttr ohbin scrvre-tb cfinrct& krrrx~<br />

the Company.<br />

(G) To Llie extent that eilller tlic CompClny or any 0tt1t.r 'ftdtysh{mr Cn.nzja,ri-y<br />

exercises control over available c-able pairs, conhult, rItt

TELICOR 1NC.<br />

100 'IVe.sa Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119491<br />

2.1 Ur~dertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

Issued:<br />

1ssuc:d hy:<br />

2.1.4 Limitations on Liability<br />

7 0 - ~ ~ ~ y , E * C r ; : m B ~<br />

1.(10 Wcst Ef nmlsrrrr; Ste 52t%l<br />

ScatCl~, Wa$llil$.rzl.nfl gg$+i $*9f

A U -LLL!Jl\ 11'4L.<br />

109 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Mrashington 9811931191<br />

2.2 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.]<br />

2.1.4 Limitations on Liability (Cont'd.)<br />

Kerri ZZuingprJner, 'VP Cu5 jfia2tiF &!cg:~~ip&. &>~~P-,rrg.ip~5.<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. S20Q<br />

Seattle, Washingtora 9tt119-4191<br />

2.1 Undertaking of the Company, (Contfd,j<br />

2.1.4 Einlitations o<br />

(TI) (cont'd)<br />

(10) An~fcatl%nt:tai:t.~o,tl<br />

sp,tvicl:r!<br />

is amgaijfiki<br />

Zssuod:<br />

Issued by: Kt?rr.i Bu tngiirdrtc!r, V? {;";us&jlTtce; &-g?~wg& gJp.ig2%tiijix?wJ<br />


'TELlC33R INC.<br />

iM Citpst Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Srrattle, Washiaigtob 98'619-4291<br />

2.1 UzldeaQ+~king of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

2.2.,4 Limitations on Liability (Cont'd.)<br />

(B)<br />

(F)<br />

The Company does not guardnttlc? nclr mliki: my w,iiritntt:<br />

~nslallations provided by 115 fur usci In an clxp1ol;isc. ~binosphrri~.<br />

Fallure by Lhc Company to assert its righls pu<br />

\drill does not prcclude Chc Collipdriy front II<br />

provlslons.<br />

(G) CARRIER M<br />




2.1.5 Notification of Se~vice-Affecting Activities<br />

Thr Cumpa~ay wrll pr<br />

ncllvit~c*~ Lhell lndy occ<br />

inrludtl, bul are l~ot<br />

r*od~.rd ngcm ents and ro<br />

nc)t spccilic LO iin indi<br />

ad vmlccl rrotiJit'nbon<br />

work cooperatively<br />

rc~cluirc?inunLs. Witli so<br />

an OULLI~C resulbng fro111<br />

Kern Bu~nl~ardnur. VP Cuslotnrr Nrlttvr'rrk Cll)[rn~iruns<br />

Tdiiror Inc,<br />

100 West. Hlrrra's~il; SLc, 52flU<br />

ScdtLli!, \nJd~I~ir~yr,tr)i~ 981 3943Y 1


lJMf T/\i't.zt I-Iarxison; Ste. 5200<br />

SttczFtle, t4'ash inat on 981194191<br />

3,1 Undcrt,&i~tg of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> ITa,cfff 'f~umb~r 2<br />

Ori~inal Pag~ 28<br />

h t thc. Cus tomtlr's request, itistallation and/or maintcllanie may hp perftrrmed otttsi-dts<br />

thr Coriipany's regular business hours or in hamrdous locatiotu;. 111 such cases, t-har~t;<br />

hLlsld OII cost of the acluai labor, n~aicrial, or other costs incurred by or cli~r~~ed~~ct<br />

Il;cb<br />

Corn~~11iy will apply. If uistdllatiol~ is started duruig regular business hours but, elf. the<br />

Ctwtomi+r's request, extends bcyo~td regular blisiness hours into tin~r! periods intiudintt,,<br />

b~e nnl ljliiilecl to, weekcnds, holiday.s, and/or night hr~urs, additiondl chages nlq<br />

"?ply.<br />

2.1.8 Specid C~~nstmction<br />

S~zhjcct Ln the agreement of the Company md to all of the regulatiohs: cantilil~t.il-in this<br />

~nsiff, special colistruitiovl or facilities lnay he utderlake.n on a rcitsc)nc~hle uttfrsrts Rasio<br />

st u~e request of the Customer. Special construction is coristruction undertaken:<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

(C)<br />

(D)<br />

wlierc. facilities are not presently available, wttd there is 11~9 other rt'ytlir~mt)nt For<br />

he facililies so constructed;<br />

of a type othcr than [hat which the Conrpal~y wciuld nortn;llly utt'ii::~ tn tht*<br />

furnishing or ils services;<br />

over a roule other than that which the Company would nmitlly ulilisck in k?ir<br />

lurnisl~i~il;<br />

of its services;<br />

in a yudntity greater than that which the cornpmy would nrlrn~ally construci;<br />

(E) in1 all expedited basis;<br />

(IF)<br />

011 a temporary basis until permanent facilities &re dt;lilal~fv;<br />

(G) involving abnormal costs; or<br />

(33)<br />

in advdnce of its nonual construction.<br />

Effc,uiix:c:<br />

Kcrri Bumlr,~~rciner, VP Cuslolncr Nt?twr.trk OpFr;ltiot~s<br />

l'elicor Inc.<br />

ZOQ West Harri~c~n; SLC. 5200<br />

SefitLle, Wasliin~to~i 981 79-f 191

f ~&ir;:'al% INC.<br />

Wwt Marrisr~r~; Ste. 5200<br />

iwtgton 98119-4191<br />

SeatXie, \,%',~sh<br />

2,1 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

1 Owrme~ship of Facilities<br />

2.2 I'mi~ibitsd Uses<br />

?.a,?<br />

Ilr*ucrl:<br />

l~ti.d 17) :<br />

TILIP to all fclcilitics provided in accordance wlth Llus ta<br />

parlnprs, agents, contractors or suppliers.<br />

2.2.2 7'hr Comp,lny may<br />

oikrings for resdle<br />

ilrat hheir use of Lhe C<br />

Ddkala <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong><br />

2.2.3 The Company may hlock any signals b<br />

whit-h cdrlsc irrlerference to tl~e C<br />

c~ll obl~~;al~ons to make payll~el~ts<br />

indi?m~lify the Company for any c<br />

13lock;rgc.<br />

22,4 A Cr~slomer, joint user,<br />

thc service or any rights a<br />

Coml>any. The Cornpan<br />

anotl~er cntity if the exis<br />

rc?guJatud comnmnica ti<br />

cx~shny; swvicc and ills<br />

sldlcd in 11-11s tariff will<br />

Kern Bu mg(!lrdr~cr,<br />

VP Customc>r Wctwclrk Op~ratia~~s<br />

Telicor I~Ic,<br />

100 Wesl Harrison; Stc, S2W<br />

Sea ltle, Waslullgton 9817 9 41 9 1


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

$rattle, IVashington 98119-4191<br />

23 Obligations of the Customer<br />

lssu~mi:<br />

issut~~.I by:<br />

23.1 General<br />

Thy Cusiomcbr shall be responsible for:<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

{C)<br />

the payyulent of all qylicablc chcrges pursu~itlt tn &is ktrrxffi<br />

ddmdge to or loss of Llie Co111pany's fadlititls or ti'qt~ipor~i~f t$~~ed klv tis7bh at ~3 ~zr<br />

omissions of the Customer; or the noncuu~llli,~r:t-~+ b:- ihc ~asltxai)k wth thvstb<br />

rc?gulatic)ns; or by fire or theft or nkhm ~~lrauailtp en th~ QZu5tou.r~r &r~i,:st.4,<br />

unless cca-ssd by the negligent-c or .,r.viitfitl t~ilsct?nliaret c& tlrc. c=rng.itvl;n-c .r*r<br />

agents of Lhc Company;<br />

providlr~g dt no (-liar-gcI ds specihed frc~s~~ timettrlr ti~r4~g thtl Ci~trrp~y, ,it.it.<br />

needed cquipmcnt, space and ~OWLT TO tyx!rt~to Ci~ntptfi? briirf~~z* arxG<br />

~quipmenl mtdlcd on the premises el thrl Cul;l,dmw, at14 tEw \rv@l +$ i~&ya&k~s:<br />

and air conditionitig rreccssary to uzairrlarn ifits f-jr~npvr t1{'3i'mt"brg tr;kTv*rrt~Fka!t~nk~i%n<br />

sud? premises;<br />

p) ohlainin g, maintaining, and ol-hurwise hir,t-mg full rt:sptl$~sibtfity fat dk n+~Pit*eafway<br />

and condr~il necessary for in!taDaliam nf fibclr r,p& titbir! at~il ck~~~l;;isr$d<br />

equipment used to prizvide Commnnjcsfions %?rtfilrs tir the C~gjtt~i~tt~~ ~~~RTTF fhl<br />

cable building entrance or property line lo tl~tb j8tklkft~il ctf t k a~rj~tpt~t~~ttt spau v<br />

desclibed in Section 2.3.7fC). Any ~ nd id r'oDS &s~twhlrci wllh I ~ t?htexix%kt~~<br />

P<br />

dncl maintaining the righL~-~li-~?ily ifc~crihid Fkirt!~~~, ti~'tc"ludlfi~: t haf c; cats $16<br />

alt~rinp, the sttucture to permil inslirlitaiiorx QC ti>+! Cttntptny p?lrtrvaJi\ii f4ib.th~~5:~*,<br />

shall be borne entirely hy, or may bc t:hdrgaJ by ).hr C"omp&ay, tcr kb+Tt~rtekm~t<br />

The Conzpanp may r~quirc rhe Cxatorntxr kr dcmi.>n.;sr,rkri* tr, ~t,ta$pft~tr~rk~ w-itk<br />

hs s~ction prior 1.0 acceptirzt; on ctr~lcr hlr stlrvlcc.

2.. -3 Oi?lligstions of the Customer<br />

2.3.1 Gener~l (cone'd.)<br />

fsst1t.+d.:<br />

4ssu1?d by: Kcrri BILIII gardner, VP<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Taziff Nrirnber 2<br />

0rigirt;zl ISagrcP1

2<br />

t>"fbig,ttiot~s nt the Ctistonler (Cont'd.)<br />

3 2 Liability of the Customer<br />

(A)<br />

(m)<br />

(41)<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Number 2<br />

Original Page 22<br />

Cwricr slic~ll be i~ldcmnificd, dcfcndcd and held liarmless hy Lhc Customrrs or<br />

c ~ user l from and a~ainst any and all clainls, loss, dp~liands, suit%, cxpt.nsrv, or<br />

oihts. acC~oli or any liability whatsoever, including attorney Coes, .~~lielhc~<br />

~uffi!rild, r~iacic, instituled, or ~lssartcd hy the Customr:r or by othcr pcirty,<br />

fur any pcrsonal injury LO or dcath of any pcrscrn or persolvi, and for any kt~s,<br />

cla~~~afic, or dostructio~~ of any property, including r:nvironm~nt~~l<br />

r.ontcnaiuilLion, xvhctlicr ow~icd by thc CusLonim or by my oththr pdt'ty, I.+~IISPC!<br />

or cbimud to have bean caused directly or indirectly by the insl;!llat~r~~~,<br />

c~p~rdli~l~, failure to opcrata, maintenance, presi?ncc, conditiczll, lucdticrn, use or<br />

rrmovdl oi any Carricr or Custoluer ecluipnicnt or facilitiw ox: scrvicr providtd<br />

tzy Ccrrricr.<br />

C'lmrr does liot ~:~i~~ranlec nor make any ~ urra~~ty with rcsptx't to i~isti~llatlon~<br />

prisvidcd by it Tor usc! hi an cxplosivc at~iiospherc~. Carricr shall hi. indsriiniCit*d,<br />


TELlC(3R INC.<br />

4Iillt ZVt3st Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

Si*alile, If dskrirtgton 98119-4191<br />

2,Q Custon~er Equipment and Channels<br />

isw id:<br />

ISCIIPJ by:<br />

L4.1 Gened<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> 'f ariff Number2<br />

Originai fJdgle 23<br />

A ul;,tbr ma): Lransu~it or receive information or signals xir) L\IP fdc*iliLit?s of kfnt. Ct~mp~r-al;,<br />

Thc Company's services arc designated pri~liariIy for tlicLb trancmission of tri)ic~ti-gt;;td~<br />

~clcphonir si)q~als, exiepL as othcrwisc stated in this tdriff. A rrwr mkay trorwrnit any<br />

form of signal that is compatible with the Company's ccpiprncnt, but &P Cnrnpany L~EI*:~<br />

not ~:umantec that its services will be snitahlc. for purposes m~her thcin voicr-gradv<br />

~clt~phoruc con~u~ucatio~~ except as specifically stL1ti?d in this tdriff,<br />

2.4% Station Equipment<br />

(A)<br />

{B)<br />

Tcrn~inal equipment of Lhc user's prc?l~xise?s and thie t?Lctdc power co~l$unxa.d by<br />

such equipnie~nt shall be provided by and rnaintainud at tire exfrc:nst! t~f tht: &erG<br />

Thlr user is respo~lsihle for the prt3visiun of ~virirtg or rahlr it? t'r~(~nt7~'t-t ik<br />

terminal cqurpmet~t to the Company MPOF,<br />

Tlre Cus~omer is responsihlp for t?nsurut){ ki~;rl Cuslot~~t!r-prt~vitic~cX u~luipt~iclnt<br />

co~u~ected to Company equip~i~ena and farilitics is ccrt~~p~tlil~lc? ~k,'ttli +rrqh<br />

equi~rncl~l and facililies. The magniltti-c and d~araclcr.<br />

cunt?~nLs ~ulpressed on Ct~rnpw.y.-prwidt'd ccptlpnrt~nl J:IJ ivtrirag hy<br />

conn~rtion, opera ti or^, or ~nainienanct? of such t*rltiipnt(?i~i r~trd wiring sEk!fl<br />

such as not to cause danlap? 10 111~ C~nipdlly-providttci ~ ~~~lplrn~nt dn~f %Vt.iriltg<br />

crr njury to tliu Company's crt~ployc?es or tc? of,hc?r pt.s~~t~s, Any adi;;lbr:otul<br />

p~*utec.tlve equipment rcyuired ic) prrtvcr;t such darr'rrliy nr Iriiury st~iI; b*$<br />

provided by Lhe Cons.paqr at Llic Cuslnm~r's ttXptmr, st~hj{*t:t to prior Crs?;lcimer<br />

dpprcrvaj of the equipi31enL cxpcnse.<br />

Efr'h~~ti tic:<br />

Ken1 Burn!;ardnor, VP Customi~r Nctrvork Clp1~~; t~ntls<br />

Tclliror Inc,<br />

I 00 Wcsl Harrisrxl; Ste. 5200<br />

%dttlc, Wasfiin~Lat~ 981 194191<br />

rrf thtr t.oitdp.ts 6 & f ~ ~ i

'X'ELXCOR INC.<br />

ZtlO Wi!st 14orrisnn; Ste. 5200<br />

Sr,sftl~, Washingf on 98219-4191<br />

2'4 C~astrzn~er Equipment and Chmnels (Cont'd.)<br />

2.4.3 Interconnection of Facilities<br />

(A)<br />

Local Traffic Exchange pravidcs Lliu a<br />

Lcrmiuale local traffic on the Coil1<br />

Exchan!;~ the call musl: (a) bc orir,<br />

by :lie <strong>South</strong> Dakola <strong>Public</strong> ULilitii?s<br />

originiltc and terr~iinate '/vithiii u local<br />

(D) Any special h~tcrlace equip~~ient ncc.cssilr<br />

faci.litit!s and c?quipme.nt of the Com.pany us(.,<br />

dnd Lhc clianncls, facilities, or equipment of<br />

r:spcknsc..<br />

(C) Co~nmunia~lions Scrviccs aiuy \<br />

trow m unit-a Lions rricrs only w<br />

il1lL1 (:unditio~is of Llie tariffs of t<br />

to such c~!~nncc.triuris.<br />

(T3) Fdr:ilikies furnished under<br />

oquipmcnl: in acct~rdanct!<br />

shall bc rcgistc!red by [lie<br />

Titla 47, Code of Federal<br />

Flfiq-tit-**:<br />

Ktlrr~ Bumjy~rcini~, VP Cuslof5irr hi~t~~i)rk C?prli!tli>t~$<br />

Tclicor Inc.<br />

100 Wcsl 2.-larrison; $LC, S2RJ<br />

Seiltllc, Wdslxingkon 98 1 19-41 91

'I'EL,ICOR INC.<br />

100 West H;urison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

mUI1QNTn-R T T F S A W L i E . S .(60&Xk"'E9t<br />

2.4 Customer Equipment and Chmels (ContTt.'c2.)<br />

2.4.4 Inspechisns<br />

(A) Upon suitable nc~tific.iititrn in tlwr Ctr?,trtn:t~r~ ii~r-rd at: rl: ~tr,iu.c.rrrabb tkw<br />

Company may n~akc such trsts ilnd r~lspFk-trtm% tkr YB,~ Esri nttt_i;)w.&ffi' ti?<br />

delrrmine ha1 bhr Cuslomr*r IS t-omplying rvrth terrt bts~jarlr$~r%+:~n& w.", t"f%r$k XD<br />

Section 2.4.2(8) for tt~rx insl~~fl~rtkor~, ~rptwtttrorr, ss~cf ntk~iflira'k+3%ti. C'ci4ir~tk"'i<br />

pruvtdcd fdr-ilit~es, rquipn~~nl, Y ~ ~ tt9rrry: ~ c f rvr the t .trrvi\rtrkrun3 ~ f '<br />

prc~vldcd fdcilib~s and ~y urpmt~nt itr C~mf"tfiv-nti\ 11a4 i%~rrnf *ir%d *-qbrt]?i~~k-st<br />

(R)<br />

Q 'I+~&*ME,~-<br />

if tht~ protvcti\,e r~yirirt~mcnLs for Ca~rttotrrr~r-pf*\'b'iii~~ti t2t~a~en~crdxf 4%tt* 6~tk h$rrj:<br />

c.ornpllcd wilh, lhc Cunrplny ~i~tty trk~ itlrl) Jt%ti~rr .~f; IC. k'clatr iwi"=irla~~ kt><br />

prntcc-t I ts CLttiliLitls, ecluij-rt~tunt, ,tad ptlr.ratrrtti;zit "lbv Crti%tfktny b~8ts" $wtdt;- lb*<br />

Cuslomcr promptly if thrrr is dixy r~c-c~d f~ ifi~tfk?! i;~t~rvcli;'r(* rlidi~rak 5~~1!1i&ap.?~<br />

days of rcetvtml: L ~IL~ n~tii:~. tfl~ C~~tt~iii~<br />

XL!\~-( ttikc* t!syu i ~flll~ k i ~ d~'kk4kfi ~ ' jttSP<br />

notify thv Co111pdny of the at.tioB lulktksl. EF fht: C@-lt%m~*r ti it^. t't, %it'. trryi%+ ~kbb<br />

CompClnjr mdy tdk~ ~vha t(Tm dttditt~nilt r~t,kt~k\ i;F &ft%+~i~i!e;f<br />

Lhr suspension of srrvicc, LL~ ffre!t% t it$ ff\~cqiX!ttaqs, u,xlrit~~rurtrk *~?r& pf~.?rrttwir-;l Paii:.rr<br />

hann.<br />

$lw%-+'a%kSyI bitt?~~~~:<br />

(C) If hart11 lo thr Cnrnpi~tgf rt&bitvrrrk. g~rrst+tfitrd I O *tiet'i~t>t ~<br />

5% BP~Pb~tii%~Ftk f1.atr<br />

Company rrcscrvilr; ~i~t. rrghk to shut, eftask-fi t:::ltt!t%tr~*~'* +jBtclr tk ~k~natik$t*itl-'k~d, ++%ffi<br />

no prior 11otii.r~ rcqdrtbd,


100 \Vest IZarrkon; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Mrashin,oton 981194191<br />

2.5 Custonrer Deposits and Advmce Paym~nts<br />

Issu rd:<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.5.1 Advance Payments<br />

involved. Tl-rc a<br />

14312 bvr*it b, f&n%:trn; $ b %3+EP<br />

F.attbb, it;~brw$gtrr$x -1 l;W


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Strattk, Washington 98119-4193.<br />

2.5 C.ustomerDeposits and Advance Payments (Cont'd.)<br />

ISSUC~:<br />

lssucd by:<br />

2.5.2 Deposits<br />

1011 West Marrist~n; Slc, 52&7<br />

Scat.tIi3, Wasj.\:ialtiafi 981 J 8-423


100 tVest Hadson; Ste. S200<br />

Sitat&, 'l?,rashington 98119-4191<br />

issu1.d:<br />

Issued by:<br />

6 . Payment for Semites<br />

2.6.2 Billing and Collcrtian of f ha.rge$

T.ELICOR m-C.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle., Washington 981194191<br />

2.6 Payment Arrangements {fonPd,f<br />

.&@$P"'.,. ' $;q,.!.,; g' ..<br />

3;. *d:5%. *2ffg5*3*$2 :r$*x7,: .%Jk*?<br />

6-,,. -*SsG.. %*,j .::L;&&~~."#za.<br />

*:*gi.q;:i 8 zk*'%L . . ..


100 Mrest Hanison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, MTashin@on 98119-4191<br />

2'6 Payment Anangements [Cont'd.)<br />

lssuc!d:<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.6.3 Discontinuance of Service for Cause


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

ms 7 n - RT ~L-~WL;IWXS~~C~~;%~~;:~$<br />

2.6 Paynlent Arrangements, (Continued)<br />

1ssut:d:<br />

Issued hy:<br />

2.6.3 Discontinuance of Service far Cause<br />

(F) Wlthnut notice<br />

Custonier btdl<br />

(GI<br />

(I-I)<br />

Wi thc~ naliccl in ~11t) cvwi af<br />

by Lhe Company,<br />

Krrn B~trng~~rdrrer, VP Custcrmtir h~>twerk f ~ ~ ~ = .<br />

* -<br />

1 f!liri>r r k<br />

i rlti tv{l~i I-f 'I~SU~F: 5 % 52akf ~ ~<br />

SrattTi~, fxk"a%hinj:fo~-r %I EQ--1 i'j t<br />

~ c ~ t ~ r ~ ~ ~ +

TELlCOR INC.<br />

100 Wrest Harrison; Sle. 5200<br />

Seattle, Was hin\@on 98119-4191.<br />

sl2cncEu 3-m WmGgLk&&L3%3* p&xzB&;g"Qg<br />

2.6 Payment hmgementsF (Contj~~uciij<br />

Issurd:<br />

Issutxi hy:<br />

2.6.4 Notice to Company fhr C.mc~ll$barr st $@-sr; t-r


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seatae, Washington 98119491<br />

-2.<br />

2.6 Payment Arrangements, (Continued)<br />

2.6.6 Changes in Services Requested<br />

2.5.7 Bad Check Charge<br />

2.7 Allowances for Internaptions in Semire<br />

2.7.1 General<br />

Kerri Bu.~~tj;ard~~~.r~ VF' C.u~tomer X3xg~ei;?:k<br />

filicer tn~, .ltK:l kbr


100 MTest Hmisoll; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.7 Allowances for Intemptions in Sewice, {Canfiarred~<br />

27.1 General (Continued)<br />

2.7.2 LirYxitations of Allo~vsneqs<br />

No credit: allowance ~ ilf be madus ht a~'~rif' ii:'~I~~qprX+~$~#g%~pk:'tg~!~<br />

,,. .<br />

(B) Due to L~IC ft~ilurtr c4' p~)w$!f; ecgtflgi$~d~~$ t$y&gr&$:!:i.<br />

providrrd hy the Cocrpirry;<br />

. +<br />

Ir?tics;tr trtg.<br />

li#i Isi"i:ri I-faffrg$~..re $t& $3:;~)<br />

5% tile, $Yg& ~ $l~{t@~ %;$ %999:.4;f$j$


"rOO West Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

Seattle, MJas hin,gPion 98119329 1<br />

m r n 7 n ~ - R m-u~;~xg skxug~j<br />

2.7 Allowmccs for Interruptians in Senricc [Cun%ins~&<br />

1ssuc.d:<br />

Issu~lt by:<br />

2.7.2 Limitations crf AS1ow;unccs<br />

(E) A srsv~c-c I<br />

(G) That oc-curs or t 13nLsnuvr ctrrts Lbav t:~~&gt$a~?r=f 4 &,it3h',r:q :%% ,t~f<br />

of any clcmrnt of spt~r~~l c im+1ni1 kt~rf~.<br />

2.7.3 Use sf Another kieaars of Comuwunic&linns<br />

Kcrrt Bumj;s~rbnrkr, YP Cutttt@kt!f !*& t;:~t*~k !tlg%*$a~~&@~~'+<br />

-rt51tt xry frt+;.<br />

1 tI(1 isVt*,"mt Flitr~canq sir Y2W<br />

%;c..?f~tr\ \#'i",rck.itrrut#rrx W$TQ+&ts61


100 West Elarrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Waslllington 981194191<br />

2,7 Allowances for Intemption in Service, (Canlin~ted)<br />

2.7.4 Application of Credits for Intemptions Jfi Semicc?.<br />

(B) For cdlculallng credit aallowmccs, csut3ry nnnnkh is conder~ii-<br />

days,<br />

Kern Buln};drdncr, VP (Zustom~r Ncltvr~rK t.?r~nttr$lnt<br />

Tt-licnr f ilc.<br />

100 VVes t Fitii"rtson; S~ts, 5200<br />

Sealtic, \Vasldngl~~n 98 119-4 191

f EttCOR INC.<br />

liKl Wese Harison; Ste. S200<br />

f esttlt*, M7+1shington 98119-4191<br />

2.7 Allowances for Interruption in Service, (Continued)<br />

2.1.4 Application of Credits for lntenuptiom io Service, (tContinucd)<br />

(D) Intemptions of 24 H ow or Less<br />

Length of fntemupfion<br />

Less than 30 ilunu tes<br />

30 minutes up to hut not<br />

including 3 hours<br />

3 hours up to but 1101.<br />

~ncludmg 6 hours<br />

li hours up to but no1<br />

including 9 hours<br />

9 huurs up to but not<br />

nicludiny, 12 hours<br />

12 liuurs up to but not<br />

including 15 hours<br />

'15 hours up to but not<br />

iric3uding 24 hours<br />

(E)<br />

Intemptions Over 24 Hours and Less Than 72 k$aus<br />

intt.mptions over 24 hours and dwij rh~n 72 Bnc<br />

each 3-hour period or fmcticul thrrttof. Ntl nto<br />

be allowed for any period of 2.1 hours,<br />

(F) htemptions Over 72 Hours<br />

Intemp ti<br />

No more<br />

IccrLt ccx:<br />

Iasuiid hy: Kerri Bunigardnrr, VP Custom~r Nctrvnrk Operakzt~r.:<br />

Telicor bic,<br />

100 West I-Tcrrrison; Sk, 5200<br />

Scalllt!, Washh~gton 98'L 194-lYl

II:LIE-QR TXC'.<br />

llltj t'rr'vsr E-1mison; Ste. S2OO<br />

ScdLItr, It'itsit h~gton 98119-4191<br />

2,: Alln~vdnces for Intermytion in Selvice, (Corntinuedj<br />

5-7.5 Lhitdtions on Allowances<br />

No irrcdit allowanci: will be m~de for:<br />

(A) ~ntcrruplions due Lo the negli~;o~lru of or I<br />

~111s tariff by Ll~e Customer, authorized user<br />

(8) m1crrupLions due to the negligence of ally prrsijn<br />

includin,q buL no1 limited to die Crrstomer;<br />

(Cf tnlerrupLions uf servicc cluruqr, any period in which the<br />

access Lo iLs facilities dnd equipment for thc<br />

correcting i~itcrruptions;<br />

(D) intorruptiuns of srrvice during a period in nrPuc11<br />

tl~o service on an bnpaircd basis;<br />

(E) i~llcrruptions 01 service during ally period 141ct1<br />

(li;)<br />

service to the Compaiiy for maintenance purposes<br />

Cuslompr order for a ch~nge UI service arrnnl3t:ni ents;<br />

intrrruption of service due to oirctrmstanccs or<br />

cTonLrol of Conipany; and<br />

(Gj that occur or continue dup to the Cuslomel-'s<br />

any clel~~ent of spodal consL~ucLion.<br />

Z7.6 Cancellation For Service Iz~temption<br />

Canc:ellation or terniiuatinri for service<br />

rxpt!rli%rli.c?s d SI~JT~C cc~ntul~ous oulagc<br />

( rPJils cqualing sixlcen(l6) liours i11 a<br />

subjocl lo the outage or cumuldtivc se<br />

K~rrr Bump,ardncr, VP Customer NetI~~ork Opcralicrts<br />

Tc!licor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Slc. SZ(S(1<br />

Seattle, Washzt?Lun 981 19-41 91<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> 'Tariff Numbea 2<br />

Odginal Page .%

-!-EtMgD& t&.;t*r<br />

0,m 3F%c41 ?&rr%-isnn:<br />

Str. SZOO<br />

S$*&\$Xr:, T"b'+~%li-fligrgf on 981 119-a91<br />

2.x Ca~c'efbtion of Semiceflera~ation Liability<br />

%,%,I 'I's=nirr;;L5on Liability<br />

C~~l,slomc.t's L~r~iunalion liability lor cancellation<br />

all unp'lid nan-recurring charges reasonably ctxpei~ded<br />

stlrviiirc! to CusLomer, plus;<br />

(3) any discormectioll, early<br />

(D) n~~nus ~t reasonable illlowil~~ce for :-OSLS av<br />

uT Customer's cancellation.<br />

Kerrr Bumgardnur, VP Cus1rrn1t.r f\lc,t~~crrk<br />

OpcraUons<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 Wcst I-larrisan; Sto, 5200<br />

P r s l fhf--l.f.--r-- nOllt1 ,1171

'ET,LCOR lhiC.<br />

100 West: Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle-, Washington 98119-4191<br />

Resewed for Futuav Usa<br />

Use of Cuslomer's Service by Others<br />

2.10.1 Resale and Sharing<br />

Tlnere are no prohibibions or<br />

regula tions goverl<br />

for all use ul ervi<br />

tariff, for detern<br />

2.10.2 Joint Use hagements<br />

Joint use arrangerne~ibs will bs prmrtttxi for aU st*rv\c.t% ,is~rrt3%~;.rrdt?d iynJucr th& ecrrhGt<br />

Fro111 each joint. use arrangement, ont3 metnher will bt! d4%kgr.rat~%% as ttiskat~r*r<br />

respol~ihlc for !l>c manner in which thc jt~int use of the SPP~~~C 14i hv till ak~+t5*. "!'he<br />

Co~npaly will accept orders to start, renrrang(*t rtcf~t.*#lr, ~IP rf;r%-i>nltrrutt %pgtlrP~ amfy<br />

from the Cus~omer. Without affecting ~ht Ct~?i~~tt~tt ~lttatttk~~* ~>~pot'~,"rthi!tty for<br />

paymctli of all cl~uges far ihc sermce, edt-d~ joint user ~h~klt bcr ~t~+ot~i!tk(;: ffd khi;'<br />

payment of the charges billed to it.<br />

Transfers and Assipexits<br />

Neitl~cr the Compat~y nor the Customer may assigrr r.rr tro~~Fi%r its rr$$tr; t~r cir$kte% krr \du~%kfirtt\<br />

with the services and laci,litjes provided by thr Courpdny withutit &* vv-irxikktrn \src~~*n$*~~zf 4h~<br />

atlac~r party, except thal the Compa~iy inap a~siip its rights, an i f l k l i c b ~ IQ~ n : pbf~p~x~<br />

tampdny or affiliate of the Company; b) pursu~rnt: M ~lny s&lr rkr ira:~!fi~~ (~f~~b~tlsfit~~k~!i$<br />

akE $$w<br />

assels of thr. Company; or c) pursumt Lo dny f~rrdnr~in~ mc.r$;t*r rlr rrcrtf\a%n:.rirtrrkG' 4rf :kub<br />

Conipnny.<br />

Kcrri Rumgdrdncr, VP Cus~anxcr Xcltvi~rk Optbritttc~rxs<br />

Tclicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrisc~ti; Stt, 5t20Zl<br />

Sea&tIe, Washit~y,tun 9817~419L

X'EUCOR TNC.<br />

llOB l$*ee& Elmrissn; Ste. 5200<br />

SeetBs, litZixshington 98119-41 91<br />

2.12 Kotices and Communications<br />

2.12.2 T ~ Custor~ier P sliall desi<br />

~11,111 mail or dehver all<br />

dso des~i;-natc a separate address Lo<br />

mailcd.<br />

2.12.3 Thr? Company sliall desiqiaLe on the<br />

shall mail or deliver dl notices and a<br />

dcsip;t~ati> d soparail3 address on each<br />

payniont on Lhat bill.<br />

2.12.4 Exccpl as otherw~se slated hi<br />

he given pursuant Lo this fard<br />

either party, and all hi<br />

delivered LO the other p<br />

nolice, corim~urdcaLion or<br />

and properly addressed, or w<br />

w~hichever occurs fjrst.<br />

2.12.5 The Cotupany or the Custotl~cr slialf advise &he orher<br />

'~ddresses desipiated for notices, ulhur commttnicatior~<br />

j~rowduxes lor giving notice set forth herein,<br />

Krrri Bumprdnrr, VP Customer Nefwork Op(3rdhcrns<br />

Tc2licor Inc.<br />

100 Wcs t Harrison; Stc. 52110<br />

Srattle, Waslut~glon 98'219-13~?1<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Taniff Number 2<br />

OSgtuX Page 43

'E"ELlC0R INC.<br />

100 J4'est I-Imison; Ste. 5200<br />

S~atttrt, FVashington 98119-4191<br />

Exchange Service Amas<br />

Local u~change serviccs are provided, subject to avaiiabilitv of iacilitit*~<br />

rurr~ntly served by Lhr following Incurnhcnt LECs: 1) U WEST.<br />

Rate Groups<br />

Charges fur local scrvlces provided by the Con<br />

assorid ted ~'1Lli Lhc Cusi~u~ers End Office<br />

linr1s d nd PBX LTU nks hi the local calling are<br />

In tlitl cvcn t tha L all I~icumbenl LEC or the<br />

'In c~xrhan):c from one Rate<br />

who purchase services u~id<br />

cquivdlcnt to Lhosc dreas an<br />

Scrvrcc Tariff (GSST).<br />

Kern Rumgardner, VP Customclr Nrhrork Opefillions<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 Wcst Harrisrrrl; Sic, S2fM<br />

SoalUe, Was1lint;ton 98-l.tcf-11395<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Number 2<br />

Origi&at IPag 42<br />


'FELkCXIIt SNC.<br />

Jm FVvst k?uist)n; Ste. 5200<br />

Ssdlf;Je, \*'dashington 98119-4191<br />

Extended Area Service Additive<br />

m z n - L;FWF AREAS&XEVT))<br />

C~lrt~iin cxch~ngcs wltJ1i11 the Tt~leconamunicatiol~s Ser<br />

an ExLcnded Artu Service additive to die rates providc<br />

Tlr(t fr>llowit.lg chart idcntifjes the ddditive rdtcs that<br />

scrbons for Lhc Extct~ded Area Service rate.<br />

3.3.1 Flat Rate Service Additive<br />

To Be Detcrlllilied<br />

3.3.2 Message Rate Service Additive<br />

'To Do Dctcrntined<br />

Kerri Bumgdrdlicr,<br />

200 W<br />

Sraltle,<br />

<strong>South</strong> i3akoi;I Sariff S a15a;ibrr 2<br />

Qr5gr~wt Pagr 93

TE&TCOK INC.<br />

KW West IIarrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4193.<br />

4-1 Service Order and Change Charges<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> 'I*ariX€ Noa-rbet 2<br />

Original Iz&gr* W<br />

Non-n!(:urriiig charges apply to pruccssvlg Sc~rvirc Orders for timv scrviccs, C,r ih'x$l.i in<br />

servic?, tlnd fnr changes in the Customer's priniary inlerc.xchc~ngt.<br />

carrier (PTC) cc13tr.<br />

Lsncl Coniioc~~on Chdrge<br />

First Linr<br />

Eat-h AddlLional brie<br />

Llnc Clidngc Cliargc<br />

First Line<br />

Each AddiLional Line<br />

Secondary Service Order Charge<br />

4.2 hriait~tenance Visit Charges<br />

blc~~nl~nc~ricc Visit Charges dpply<br />

prt?nvsrs to perform work nccessd<br />

restrfvual? troubles reported hy<br />

C~xstorncr's facilities,<br />

h~fdilllt~~i~lncc~ Visit Charges will be credited<br />

found in tht~ Company facilities,<br />

'Thr time period for wliicli the Mamtcn<br />

Compclny p~rsoruiel arc dispalclied at the<br />

Tl~c rilles for Maintenance of Servi<br />

423 Restoration of Sewice<br />

L?XELLWI of tini(3: nor t or1w3 Initial 15 minu tc increuient<br />

Each AddiLional15 mir~ute mcremetlt<br />

A rsstort~uon chcrrgc applies to t<br />

nonpdymrni of bills and is payab<br />

fCtr'iliLirls is dl-ranged. Thp rest<br />

stxrvlcc, service is later re-installed.<br />

E U<br />

Butnj;ardner, VP Cuulon~rr Nrllwc+rk Opcnitrrrnr;<br />

Telicor lnc,<br />

100 Wcst Hnrriscrn; Slc, S20U<br />

Sc?attIe, Was1iinl;Lon 451 19-4I9i

$EIXCOR INC.<br />

I(K1 West Hwrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seatde, M1ashingion 98119-4191<br />

5.1 General<br />

5 Scrvices Offemd<br />

SLdnciard Residence Lme Service<br />

Stdndarti Business Line Scrvirp<br />

PBX Trunk Servicp<br />

Du(~~L Inward Dial (DID) Savice<br />

OpLiunal Call in^ F(?alures<br />

offered on a rcsalc basis as of<br />

Listhg Senrices (including Nan Published and Nan Listed (jtxrvk-ps)<br />

Dircckor~~ Assls~anue<br />

h.flsc'~llaneous SP~V~C~S (including Vanily Numbers dnri Nunlbcr PclrkEl<br />

5.1.2 Application of Rates and Ch-es<br />

All scrvict.s offered<br />

Kl'rn Buq:drdncr, VP Cuslomrr X ~iw~rk Oy~,r,l~al~js<br />

'klicor Inr.<br />

100 W~sl Harrison; Stir. M(NI<br />

Spatup, Washinrrt.r.it, au.llrl rt*


IOU W~sl kfaznisnn; SLe. 5200<br />

Scatth, \%:ashingtan 98119-4191<br />

5.1 General (Continued)<br />

Ir;s\tchd;<br />

I~sL~c~L! by:<br />

5.1.3 Emexgency Services Calling Plan<br />

AL-cess (a1 no add~tiolml diarge) Ltr Il~e local nperalor or ~!merj;enl-y srrvlrJt!s bt~ryitu by<br />

dialing (1- or 9-1 -3 is offired aL no chargc to Llic Custcamcr,<br />

I\4~ss;tp,e toil tdcphone calls, to gzrvcrn~nc~nt~~l otnrTry;eiicy scrkdin+ &~;~?~L*LP~S d~; 3% tc~rdr in<br />

(A) follo-rvinfi haxirig primary or principaI rrspo~sih~ility tvitll tcx tf~v ~ITC~~'IGC%I tlk:<br />

cmt*ry,c1ril-y sm~ric'es Lo ptmons ,~nd properly In lhr! &red frem $vgzlf h thrt I rril ts m.itft+*<br />

rnt~t~tlng tlie dcfrnl~ion and critt~id an ~~nrtlr~g(~~ii.y cdli '1s ~crt forth itz (13) t'c~ib~s'~nfi ~tn1<br />

offcrcri dl no c-liargc Lo Cuslomers:<br />

Go vt~rrun t:~itol fire fightinp,, Sou 111 Da krh~ SLaLt! Mil:htvsy Pd~troI, ~~crlit-v, *xncf etnrbr-:~lnr u<br />

squd sr?rvicc. (as des~p~ated by UI~ appxopriilLtt p,arvc?rt~m~utdl<br />

dgibnc;v) q~altfy a%<br />

goveni111cnLal emergency servict! dgenAcs pwb.idt!ri 1ht.y aasuvcr tvnrrrjjt~twy ~~st'kt*<br />

calls 011 a personally attenclod (hvc!) twortly-fnllr (Mj huur kr,tsi~;, thribc ltundred brityfive<br />

(365) days a year, includuij: holidays.<br />

An c:mcrgoncy is an occurrence or set of c-irr-rsn~stances<br />

i~ii~iiedinle LhreaL Lo human life, properly, trr both and nl-~c~tssitatti<br />

iTr whith t rri~d~krtttt.i yrrr*ta<br />

that pr~I:tTpt ,rthtii~rr klc?<br />

Inken. An cmcrgcncy cClll is an nrigi~idlt'ld (-dl1 01 short durC1tlon rl $~~l~~t~millt+<br />

~SS;S~S~~IILI'<br />

clmcrp,cncy services ~Ir,i?ncy in nrdcr lo sec%k<br />

100 West Hdrri,,o~i;<br />

Sti:. 52(XI<br />

Sc?alllc, Washin~;Lrrn 98129-1191<br />

kr ~~ic:h ~~n~~~rl;r*n~y,

TELlCOR INC.<br />

IUQ \Vest Harrison; Sle. 5200<br />

Seattle, Wasl~ington 98119-4191<br />

Call Timing 101 Usage Sensitive Sewices<br />

vrrFSDESCIUPTLnhl<br />

Whcr(> (:htlrgl?s for a swrnce arc speahpd baspd on Lhe ,j<br />

Lr.k!phonc call, the folIowinj: rules apply:<br />

5.2.1 CCI~~S are measured m duration'll incrcnlel<br />

arc' fr.lrllons of a lne~~sure~ne~ll il~crm~nl,<br />

5.2.2 Tl~liill~ on rompietpd calls beh*<br />

Als~zrcrinl; a dclenllincd by h<br />

s~gllcllhij: is provided by the ternii~lali~l<br />

5.23 Tinlllil: Lcrminales on all calls when the

I'ELfCOR INC.<br />

lOQ West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

$f;rTTw fl - N FnmIzK SFR- 2 Qgc&tm=Tmj<br />

5.3 Distance Calculations<br />

\.\'Iicrc3 ihdrges for a service are specified hascd upon disiiatlc~,, ~hr* tc~ilcakui~~g rrsl~~ ap~fe<br />

5.3.1 Disla~~cc. between two points is m~iasured as airline rii$tdtrr~ iwtv;r.u!n Ehe r,ire7 r~~nkt+fi t%%<br />

the originating and tcrn~ii~ati~rg telephone 1111~s. TLIP M~P t-ainl@r if ti ?ye31 txf ggt4~fikphlr<br />

coordinates, as rcfereitced irr Local Exchangt? t~l+>;.s:<br />

and the diff

TELICOR INC, Satrzh )zfdkwfa #&k'&@ %s@&s I<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200 Z~F%~%F& p-&P -a 4@<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

-<br />

5.4 Rate Periods for Time af Day Sensitive 5ervi.r~<br />

5.4.1 For lmte of day, usage smstxve wrt rr tXsF ~bc* # L ~ ~ FFI ~ P F ~<br />

othcrwlse speclficd in this tdriff.<br />

t&~$<br />

s:no Ah1 TO<br />

5:00 ~h4* CIAPTIhIF RATE SREt")P<br />

5:110 PhI<br />

TO EVEKISG a -t r~ PERWP<br />

11:00 PM*<br />

1l:OCi PkI TO<br />

8:0Q AM* P;!GiaH'r[lYEt,cKFXD R 4'1'F $&,$;I,f~~rr<br />

5.4.2<br />

5.4.3<br />

"Up to hut not ~nclud~ng><br />

S~W Year's JSq jrtstbd~ $<br />

X4crnonlzl D'I~<br />

Inciepcrrrdenct~ Dsy<br />

That&sglt.inq: Day<br />

Christmas Dq<br />

IIfQtf or f&%<br />

It@ hli:g%t ~.J..IP~BI~XT~ %ti: %3%)<br />

Sric~tt;&*, \Ydj.hgtlj;trrrf tj&i ~+-4$k~j

EL,LCQR INC.<br />

1QO West- Elmison; Ste. 5200<br />

SeaftIg Washington 98119-4191<br />

5 Standard Residence Line<br />

A Standard Residence Line provides the<br />

c,onr~~tunicatio~ls clialinel, which can be u<br />

stalion UII~ is busy.<br />

Standard Business Line<br />

5,7 PBX Ttwnk Service<br />

Kerri Bujngardner, VP Customer falet~vork Opc?rilkit~ns<br />

Telioor f nc.<br />

1.00 West Harrison; Src. 52ml<br />

Seattic?, Washington 981'f.94191

TEtJ[COR INC,<br />

Itla \Vest IIarrison; S te. S200<br />

Satttl c, Washington 981194191<br />

$3 Resenred for Future Use<br />

S,9 Dhct Inward Dialing @ID) Service<br />

rl~syuns~bilily ol Llw Customer.<br />

lc%u1'd:<br />

Issurtl {?\I. Kcrn Bumprdn~r,<br />

VP Cusiornt,r Nc.lwtlrl, Oprrdttu~~q<br />

Tcl~ior Inc-.<br />

1IXl West Harrison; 51c. S2tU<br />

Scat tle, 'i4'dshinfit an 9813 9-4141


100 MTest Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

5.10 Reserved for Future Use<br />

5.11 Optional Calling Features<br />

I$sutd.<br />

fsfiuc:d by:<br />

-<br />

T11e feC~Lures list~J m Section 5.1 1. i ,trc oi'fkkrctj thrl Kc?r~%pal.c, E:l~~&tra&aF<br />

Cusloniers. Refer to Prire Lists in %~cLirrt-ts Ti and 7 tri tIlis fatag8 Fft~rcpwi ;_t.t$keac11<br />

type of local exdiange st3r\-tcc.<br />

5.11.1 Features Descrilptions<br />

(A) Elexiblc Call Forwarding: Prt;lv~dtlh<br />

at$H ~ ~ ~ 4e ~ F ' P<br />

ic,f~gtrrr'% t~d&re-k$ with<br />

isrrci-user ~ wn twt he 3~~1fi f~~%tw%&n~; r *sp&bii~~~'t<br />

- -<br />

via dial-accessed voiw pranipt mrSnuS, Cgkb+arill% rnz+ $~$plxw~&L 4tn; fi~ ik g~$*x1x3ft<br />

h..~hi*n f t P~I~&&YS$ ~ 54<br />

iocal or long distance?. C~I~J-USPI ntcy 'iptvity t~ ~VF'~"CTR~~II+~<br />

go ul~answcred at the Sansard-to lt.pi;,&m tttt tvd~-h J biz%! 9tgha9. 'fkk wtc-r:W&~*v<br />

location may be anohrr trIcphrsnc nufllkr, brkxgvT%<br />

capabilities included with this ft~ture inc! ycfta:<br />

Speed Forwardin)-t;<br />

Priority Screening<br />

Rng ControI; and<br />

Timed Forwarding.<br />

It is the respo~xsibiIitg cli fl~c Cusin~~r~:r in FYE~YW<br />

nF %Bit ty ~%tc"rewt&~;x~t$;<br />

or voice messaging sc-rvica used d5 ti~t* 4%i~'bl~ ~B~:$;ry 2111q~~g:tl[j?l*~<br />

4ltTt-"$ticr. ~.X%K?<br />

crpejw kv t IW tvg~pbe*ak t*~+t~bk~f, g*qgtq~<br />

($1 Flexible Call Fonvarsfirg sdXlr s%.clrdfa C;&llbk& Xamc'i F'%+n'744:~ &#E$ 6$# %w<br />

funclionditlity af Enhanced CfkiZ For%.;~rdier~~ iyxalxnrrt% k8%*~nr&+@birf BFW<br />

Directory Name of the ge~rtj;'~ rvXriw t *t$f ww t~ttw;t%lLS~& %v p$tt%z3@ ~~-lr$&vF@f.<br />

some situdtionsr, the end-uscv xt~q kw,az bk! t &ftknf$$i%a@kS% F%% .%R+$ ~$4$&* r?~~rr+kr$bse@<br />

nurnbcr, dcy-wndh~g nn avolldf7iit$ rulP d'xta*<br />

%~~~:*rgk~t<br />

(C) Flexible Cirll Fanvanling Pius: Pt.trv~tfi$ eft! rrf bbkt f&taik ttttg%.bE$%j *I$ %~~Rw~~rhk .k1k@<br />

Forwarding- Ako inrtlutf~c ats dd~ItUnw1 Wc$rpf~t.#k- a~~~t~rr n49r t$$frpklgr@% &LBP~$I~~<br />

dnd disli'nciivr! rit?fl,ing for il~h phi ti4 %ex. tht= kb$$li!lt:k\$~k f$tc&tr!~vf i;*h$kbk~bli~k$ Q'o~E<br />

Forwarding PIus dUows pdrties I ~P TC~~G:?~ kk9 exnti~tf5cr"r; ~CW&:F*R W~WE F$,B & ,%$n+rk<br />

and ~11 calls to the cnd-uscb rnairt &%*g~pb.ietrlc~ rtounb~e kiirex~lki @%$$h13Fy !6%W1t4;%<br />

Calls to Lht. additionat nurrthir (f4% ntU f~cb~ald U% t6% ii"f~:~% $?~6&~&kk ii.d {?,,x$j<br />

is ~ZLIVC~.<br />


.kXLICUR INC.<br />

100 ?Vest Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scirtilr, Washixzgton 98119-4191<br />

5.11. Optional Calling Features, (continued)<br />

5.22.1 Feahlre Descriptions, (continued)<br />

(13) Flexible Call Fonvaading Plus with Avdio fdilfing Xdine: Rtavrtfts dF8 th-*<br />

f~niti~nality of Enhanced Call Forbvardini; Plus itrc-lu~irnj; lhp Ittfditntnktt tr*lc~plttlm*<br />

number with Iish~ig and &slincLivt? ringitl);. Mstr prmih khu? cknti-timlr kt> 6-t4m e%tv<br />

thc DirclcLory Name of the p;trtyls whore call \tbrL5 fir,n~~~~~:;lpdr?rl to pr-rrRtlrp nun%Ek*r. Fat<br />

some siluations, Lhc cnd-uscr llldy hvdr thv t-t~llinj', ptrtyi3 city srnd ~t_et;te c ~ f<br />

Lclcphnnc nu~lzhcr, depcndiiig on avc~ilahle ciill d;rk,~,<br />

(E) Call Forwarding Variable: Perrl~ils thr cnci-ttsc!r lo k%dlt>t~2dti~,stEfj- fart.ivtariJ ftf?igi%f~r]<br />

all inc0111inj; cdlls LO a~~otI~(?r LC~~~~TOII~\ nu11~l3t~r~ itnd ttr ttsh\ti~i rt nrlritrttl<br />

opur'ltion at Lheir discrt?lion. Thc end-user must dial at1 A~~V~~~TOVI 8ed~~ EI"E;E~<br />

his/hcr cschanige line alorig wilh Lhc lon-va~~d-t~~ r\itinht:f rn rlrif~lr Lttz cum th~ Ewttrw<br />

on. A scparalc code is dialed by thc end-user to tfedr*Gt:att* thtb ftiatiix'r.<br />

(F) Call Fonvarding Variable, Remote Access: Pvralitt; thc artrf-tssvr hrr dlttr~r~J~rtt~'uff~<br />

forward (transfer) all incrra~inj; calls to onr.rL11t.r ttrlc'phrrnc nutarbcir* anrf to rtlsti?rtl tl 10 ~lorninl opcrdtic~n at their disc-rstion. The enrt-user must ~iilrl (rn ~c.kw:;~kitt~r<br />

+ (iltkib<br />

ciloi~p, with Lhc forward-lo fo umber ill order Liz knrn tht! f~+~iturcl tvf, X wp~wtv $-BIc$~~<br />

is dialed by Lhe end-user to dc!acln'vat(~ Lhr fi!cltur~, F ? t ~ k irl~ki~dkj~fi l ~ ~ m$k , klt~<br />

pc,rfonncd fro111 thc end-user's (y~l-k~fl)l,~ fhfi or ~cn1t)t~4y f*Ttri%.li st~t~tt~kh~~y. tlktt,<br />

Rcm ote dcccss requires il~e end-uscr t cj (1) di,tl rt ~pt'lt-irrf ~rrt sss ~IW&VP 3 tab$ttxd. tktvr<br />

sewn-digit tel~phonc number and 3) cntor ix pvrsizi~ikl id~t~lxftc, tattclrk ntrntkwk p+rrr+ RT!<br />

forwarding lhcir calls.<br />

(6) Call Fonvarding Don't Answer, Basic: Pennits tht* Ftrr~vcirJirr~; .:xh ma stmtng tGklh<br />

wliorr 11ir end-user's line rer~iditxi u ~~IIs~v~\R~~ ctSter pet*-4t~$~p~a~~ki rtqp#m!;<br />

intcrvdl. The rii~ginp, iulcrval bcfc~ro fonvnrci~~tj: itnd thrk ttv~.~rrtbto rltitrrfvilr ,rni<br />

fixcd tzp the service ordr?r.<br />

(I-I) Call Forwarding Don'k Answer r*grRing Gontrak R?n~.srtb<br />

i~ic.oming calls whcn Lhr: pnd-usc~r's lir.rcl rrtt~air-ts<br />

rinj:iiig h~lerval. TIIC forward-to numb~r<br />

11-1~ PTI~-us(-!~ has Lhc ability lo ch

TgLICOR 1NC.<br />

XOO ?Vest Einnison; Ste. 5200<br />

Sedtlle, Washington 981194191<br />

1 Optional Calling Features, (continued)<br />

5.11.1 Feature Descriptions, (continued)<br />

(I) Call Forwarding Don't<br />

incom.in}: calls when tlic<br />

U) Call Fonvding Busy Lin<br />

Lhc end-user's line is busy.<br />

order.<br />

FIB&..; kts-:~<br />

Kerr~ Bu mj:~rdncr, VP Custr~m~r Ki;ct~%-~i:k hJj~tt~~tt~i>ii+<br />

T(!lirc~r 1 I?[..<br />

l(10 Wcs t t.lC~rrist>tl; SLIT. S2i %J<br />

Srattfc, Wdsfsinfilitkf. YfS1;1$1-414i

I'E!.Fdt:OR INC,<br />

ICN) Wcs? Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scd~tIc, ITas hingto n 981 19491<br />

5.13 Optional Calling Features, (continued)<br />

5.11.1 Feature Dcscriptians, (continued)<br />

(M) Cdl Waiting - Deluxe: Allixvs ihr cnd-user it,, t-ol$lri%l UIQ w!ft)dEht~!~C uk~g~J6td En<br />

i~zcoming cads while tlir Custnninr is off-kctalk u!t ~rn ~xit;kkng-; i'd& PBil fp:t@w<br />

includes the capabiliiics of Call Sit'aiting Rdsic' pf~s d&fdfUtfxt~x? I tr~rhtO+r~r~t<br />

options. Trca hnen t splions offt?ri.ci wit11 C?U EC$~ilixtg Deli?lltxp IYH-~DL~P;<br />

Aliswcr the waiting call and placlralr, the firs1 party tul !l(r'fik<br />

Answer lie waiting call and discot~ncctinaj fronz llhtt iirriC p:tyr<br />

Direct: the waiting caller to holc1 via a r&?t;~lti$:u~f$<br />

Forward tlie waiting caller to another 1c.rwlirit.r @.g.., voke<br />

answerirrg service)<br />

exisling call (first:<br />

co~zittrenced call.<br />

(0) Caller ID - Basic:<br />

party on illconzing<br />

not provided by the C<br />

incoming call. It is die<br />

Kerri Bumprdncr, VP CusLrrmcr lu'c.ttvnrk 0per~kir.m.;<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Strt Y8'17'54I9t<br />

- i


100 West Hanison; Ste. 5280<br />

Seattle, 9821941%<br />

5.11 Optional Calling Feahrr~s, (cantha(rrb)<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issucd by:<br />

5.11.1 Feature Descriptions, (coa~nued)<br />

(P) Caller R3 - Defuxe: PcrttliLq the eut4a~wr tp ~F'tthb a Fgf~t tatu- NL&$siiy $$2& $%&b*$5<br />

Number of the calling party sclir tnr-nt1ta2ang tt4*.pk~r\&ii'- i,rt&. !nf%?t8~azula BE d6+4&~'+1:-ra?an<br />

'I spcciatimd CPE not ptittidt+d by iZlilk C~~b~~tp,,xm. 3%~ :&~WBIEF~~<br />

:-$&- p$j%&e* gFep<br />

ddtv a~xf timtr trf cdth rr~conrhg c'~'lfl, Tt bc thq* n%pari%y$&s8$ee ;rf Ith: CCf,-Ms:$%ssF 8<br />

prnv~dc i h n~ce~~*afy<br />

~ Cf'E, !:I 5rilnxt: $kk$~t~~l~r~k>,, &it* = ~ $ F Pp+~ty'% T ~<br />

rc &C &e$ GW+-<br />

%I@ u&~quf~!i:t~~~j<br />

11\64' hc d ifiylcayet.i ra thm tlr,tn 0e11t~t<br />

ttx% %zkflifyt lfi+p5?dhtrj;<br />

i EFL@ .pfi$++-<br />

{Q) honynaows Call Re jecf ion: Ptlmrak L~SL PYI~ -swl/a~ 8x1 *~a;~~rb$i.~$$&-td#~ @%+*& ~pbt *>~wQ:<br />

cdh when LEI~ &%$~r%ea&+~kii~'ika%$<br />

con tinuc to chrck t hrt ~ ~~liltr~~" ~%~i~!y a'i5 4- iirk$% $14 bp f f@ %p~%$b~%ta<br />

b# this tlt~myi$*t ttc<br />

busy. Thc Cirakanrur 3.4: ad{*li.rtrd &vr&c rs+ rfs&fitr% kiwr $x~gi@)t, g*;~gie:$& % bj+ (kg "&1w<br />

number is frcrs tYtt~n lhP Ct-~~b~taci:f dwt~y.a~& f h;jVu $L@& &i'k~ i 4% h &KID% 4 ~:~vti$%*k&%?:<br />

The calling party's nit n1tttv tvRE ~<br />

under CXIIY ci~ct~~nbtdfir+~%.<br />

6 % tv ~$~*F$t~~*t~~tt<br />

vc i;ig~~a"lp~ 6 4 ~4 r &+r ii ~*~ipimai

'TSI[,ECSOR ING <strong>South</strong> 13aknt;s 'J'a-ribS Xwrnlr~r 2<br />

ltH $Test Harrison; Sre. 5200<br />

SeatkIe, Wash ingeon 981194191<br />

C)rigit5-a3 Page 57<br />

S,tZ Opkion,xl Cc~IPling Features, (continued)<br />

5.11,l Feature Descriptions, (con.tinned)<br />

dialed from an<br />

user's telephone nallte<br />

CPE or be! disclosed us<br />

basis. With per call<br />

user to diaJ an aclivat<br />

users must dial an a<br />

Kerri Bumprdner, VP Custilmer Nalrvork Opcriiiifirtns<br />

Tclicor Inc,<br />

IClCl West Harrison; Stis. 23Zfil<br />

Sea lBe, W ashin j$tt.n 981'1.9-ili191.

'TELlCOlX INC.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seatile, IVashington 98219-4191<br />

5.1 Optional Calling Features, fcuntinued)<br />

5.11.1 Feature Desc~:ip~ions, (contir~.rrtrd)<br />

(XI<br />

(?z!) Preferred Calf<br />

ISSLIC:~:<br />

Ism(~cf by: Kcrri<br />

Calk Lo 8tW %ruil:i: nu.nrbcrs<br />

Culls to 9t#b 5erwit:e zlui&h:m<br />

Calls precedcd hy en iutcri:sr:fsit~t,ry ia-mic~r<br />

~x~tc?rtiatinrral Dirrti:t D34;ttm~e fIi0lr&f cixif%<br />

Citlls tn Directi.)ry AsgiskaaCt~<br />

Calls to 91 1<br />



$80 West Hhson; Ste. 9200<br />

Seattle, Wahlngtorn 98119-4191<br />

Wrl74lbLU) - N F T W ~ ~ ~ ~ a U ~ g c W X I J & ~<br />

5.11 Optional Calling Features, (continued)<br />

l~sll(~d:<br />

Issued by:<br />

S.11 Feature Descriptions, (corrlirrucd)<br />

(AA) Speed Cadling: Permits tl~c Custonl~r to ptdcelc.rtfk% ta t%kh@r aeli*ph~rtry n~r@kE6~f5 h-y:<br />

dialing a one or two digit cod17 rather than t h ~~ornpleta<br />

~ t~:lrphorw ~L;I~&VE. hhi*<br />

feature is available as either an eight (8) crotlt-r tist rxt J khirtk' f%f> $i&, Ei-~e. -"C,~*di-<br />

Ustv lndy in dud^ 1or.d and/or toll trlephonr nunlhr*rt+. .fh~ Customst hi. ltir<br />

ability Lo add or rcinovp tcltryl-ir:tnr tzuntbers imd r,t~di!% kt;b/fre~rrr t!~v spvd ~dilknr:<br />

list without assistance fri~rn thc Cornptiq.<br />

(AB) Three Way Calling: Pennibs i h t~rrrJ-u~er<br />

~ tr? ddct SJ third pdrtjp III vkf~ k+%e%lx/~~k~<br />

co~mc.ction. When Lhtt ti~.Elird party answcm* e iiu~t-tvay ~c~i~vt~~~%tat.~,ltt +-*4tifi 2% hvld<br />

before ad dinfr, he o ti!:~uilb ptrty for 11 thi*r.wttty tLt~~tfr~t~~~t,~ Tht* ~%d-uilc+r<br />

initialing the codermce c-unlr~ts the trdf rfflid fllukp' &fh'b\%~c~k tht"kfttf 84dt&ai ti.<br />

reestablish the. origiitdl cc~nt~cclii~n or cstal~finh "r ~~~~x~a~t-bkr~<br />

at3 & sDifif*hi~ fai if;!<br />

parly. The featur~ mq bo usc J nn both ou tjywtxg f:tlr~tf P~GOYM~~~;,

100 West Harrison; Ste. S2QO<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

5.12 Listing Services<br />

For each Customer of Compwy-provided E~t~hdfq*~t> %ct*ti-~i\f$$~ kkc C?tleailptt~j- ~fffv~kb AJXP~R~F<br />

the listirig of Lhc Customer's rnain hilling tt*topbt>nts mrnklr ifi &titkt ~x;.~s~;'%~EF$&J%<br />

px&t&&d %*a<br />

$ 3 ~ ~<br />

thc dominant Local Exchange Cdrripr il-i thi 3rm df nhr .tcX.ctt~t~wf i hycp, e% C~X+~~~~%<br />

option, 1.11~ Cou~ pa n y will a rrCtng&cw Iktiditt~>rrrit fistnE-:?; f~fcls RrdtfL~&ra~t7&crE ~'11arg1-<br />

5.12.1 Non-Published Service<br />

This option" s~rvicc prtrurdps for surpprtlskm F$ prrsrkthrf: lath$ $x*tvi"&?$t dt-s,B~*j<br />

listings. A Custnmrr's nmc. ,+nit nuratrt?txr Jtr k%tbk *ippvar rfi ~vy*S@:r$ ~gwqYaK1 ;\c:<br />

Direclory Assistance Buwau rtlt:rrrifs.<br />

5.12.2 Non-Listed Scwice<br />

5.63 Dhctoay Assistance<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issucd by:<br />

This optional service prirddes for supprc%itln t ~f pfkntsif ~fir~bktley l~%Ardjp i?%2v2 P8aret@iv.<br />

may still obtain thc Customer'r; nunttwr by t-tdlirz~r, ~FIP DSm tisw t$~s~$~~t~t~<br />

%~~B~E~GR.,<br />

Provides for idcnlilir.ation of tt4rphrrtw dr rrqL istq tiur~d%:n t-i~ &@ t't'p.srrdf h8e uP yr&~~t$+t~f<br />

L 4% --<br />

pldtfonn. Custn~ltrrs ,lrP prtusrttfr*r"iah.rth $1 f$t4%+~$@ii,lra~<br />

~ k t ir fi\kst%@ p~cf :*a h bi-cij% kra f%%r%lrGx<br />


-, .<br />

IiN West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scaltle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

5-14 Reserved for Future Use<br />

5.15 Rt.scmed for Future Use<br />

5-36 Miscellafieaus Services<br />

5.16.1 Main Number Retention<br />

hhin Number Retention is a11 optional fcaturr by at-$rich *a Ctrrtamrr, whrv av*~ $xintiaity<br />

a i.ustaoi~~r of another ce~tified local extc'ntim wfvk.~ is rmiy +rlt,rrtle&t%* art7%1c<br />

wht!rc. the Compal-~y maintains some font1 of nunmrbtkr rthtt>ntitm ~.i.r~1,rir~;r>fr?c*n1 "tvtitlt tile*<br />

Custors~cr's former local exdtange carrier,<br />

5.16.2 Fay Per Call BIockingfUnblocking<br />

This scrvicc provides the option of blocking or sf;uhscguer~t unbltrchngr, ;rlt %%a tart&% tP7fr<br />

c-alk on a per line basis. Thc Compai~y will pmviclc<br />

Compa~iy's switc:hing facilities permit.<br />

iwr-liitx* bf~i~king rcjhe~; tl'i~<br />

5.1 6.3 V4nnity Number Service<br />

This scrvlcc provides for thc rcscrtratinn dspcv-ial or uniyut: tt:lsphtmi+ numbvc fet\<br />

number for use with the Co~l~pany-pro'c-icf ed cx~han~ke ,fit~rvil?~*l?i,<br />

5.16.4 Pwsubscdptior~ Services<br />

This servirr provides for thc Prrsut~scriptiotl ni IDC$:~E: C X C ~ X I~PI~SP ~ ~ pntvrdrd ~ U b>- this"<br />

Co~npar~y to the intra LATA and intc?rLATA Itwtg niktitkct* ~ilrt?wfsj<br />

Cuslomer.<br />

Fflvi trw;<br />

Kerri Bumgardn~r, VP Customcr Ncttl-irrk Opttr&~vn%<br />

Telicar Inc.<br />

100 West Hurrisc~n; Stc, 52%)<br />

Scaltlr?, Washinfit on 981.1 41.419 1<br />

k):jfvtvc f t4 C1:c E ~ Y

TELlCOR INC.<br />

Ill0 Wesf Harrison; 5te. S200<br />

Stnatrit., Wasltl~lgton 98119-4191<br />

7;L Ccner~l<br />

."<br />

S F r T T n N 7 . n E m P R<br />

Sosviccs provided in this tariff secLion art! available on a<br />

St*rv~ccs srr provided through Lhe use of resold switclung a<br />

Otlit~ Tclrphone Compai~lls.<br />

*I'Iic r,~tcs, Lcrlms and condilio~,~ seL forth ill the section a<br />

pr~)v-id(:s spwihcd local ~3x1-lialip,c services to Customers<br />

\r*rviccs.<br />

,411 r,~lcs srt forth in this SccLion arc3 suhjccl to<br />

p~lrsuant Lo nolicc: requirements establish<br />

I'hc raLrs, Ltr~ns a~id conditions set forth<br />

hcreof ~ild will no1 apply Lo any Cus~ome<br />

SC~S~I~ of's local exchange services, in whole or<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff &umber2<br />

Odgirsal P~ge 62<br />

f r F Ll!5T<br />


'FX.I,IC:'DR INC.<br />

t.t'rsr l3arrisox1; Ste. S200<br />

5cixltlkb, Washington 98119-4191<br />

.* 2 Standard Residence Local Exchange Service<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Nuarhttr2<br />

Original I'aga &3<br />

Sltl?itfr~ril RCS~L~IICC Local Exc1ianl;e Service provides Lhc Cusl~micr wilh d sitiglc, dildl(q5 't'~ii.*ch<br />

grdde ~r)lrl7hnnir co~iimunicaLions cIic~nnel, whicli can he t~scd lo p1dc-c' or rc:ceivtb tlnr ~ ~ ' i t l ! d<br />

Llmt.. S~und~~rJ Rcsidcnct: Locdl Exr.han):c St?rvicih lines arc providcd for ti-rip ctjiin~r"Lto~.t i~f<br />

C~~stornt~r-provided wiring, Lclcpliones, facsimile u~acliitics or atht~ slatiirn rtpiipmr~nt,<br />

crpLir~nal per Ii~io Hutxlinl: fcaLure is (~vailnblo for multi-line Custc~~i~t~rs, whic'h rirttltls 11 ~2131 to Ihp<br />

11cxt ~dle Iltitl ~u a prcclrrilnji,eci group when Lhc caUcd line is busy.<br />

I.m:cil i?xchan/!e scrvicc lines and Lrurlks are provided 011 a singlc party (incfiviiiuill) kdsi~ only.<br />

No multi-party licc~s arc provided. Service is avaiiabIe on a flat rdtc, i~~ea~tlr~td r~~ilt~ or ~~?t??;.q,iq:e<br />

rcito hat;is dapaidinp, on tl~e st:rvice plan selecled by Lhc Customer. Not ill1 SEVV~C"(II ~I~IIS \Gill btb<br />

c~v~~iloi~lc in all arcas.<br />

Rclcurrinj\ charges for SLandard Residence Local Exchange Scrvir-e art. hilled mnr'ttlzly - in<br />

r~rlvc~ncr. Usaj~~: c*har);cs if applicable are billed i11 arrears. U~ilge rl~arp,t.s nriiy ~ppl~i f'w c:iilis<br />

plurad f~om Lhc Customer's line. No usage eharp,es will apply Lu c'llis- rcrceivcd 1y th11<br />

Cxrslamcr. Non-recurring charges lor inslailatio~~ nr rclarraigcmt!nt nt scrvirUv<br />

nilhi monlh's hill in~m~didlely following work ycrforn-ipcI hy \he Crrmpatly.<br />

EI'frt:tiut*:<br />

fCcrrl Bui~~~~drdncr, VP Customi~r N~lwork Optlfdiiitns<br />

Tt?licor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; 51c. 521x1<br />

Sr?altlc, Wasliirip,lnn 981 19-41 91<br />

;rrth hilltbd nn &hi>


X00 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.2 Standard Residence Local Exchange Service (Con~ued)<br />

I.c;suclrf:<br />

Isssucd by:<br />

7.2.1 Monthly Recuning Charges<br />

TJw following d~arges appl<br />

month. Ralm and charges<br />

ctidracs hclow apply to servn<br />


Kwri Bumgurdner, VP CusLnnnrr Nrhvfirk C~JWTJ~E~.RI<br />

Tcliror lnc,<br />

100 Wes~ Harri:un; Sic5 52tk~<br />

Scatrlc., washing tor^ %I tg-t~qj

'f ELICOR INC.<br />

100 West Harrison; Sae. S200<br />

Seattle, washing tot^ 98119-4191<br />

-<br />

7.2 Standad Residence Local Exchange Service (Continued)<br />

Issuc?J:<br />

Issul!ll by:<br />

7'2.2 Other Monthly Recurring Charges<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

End-User Contnton Line (EUCE) Recovery Charjge<br />

The, followil~g cliargc appUcs to recovery at' E<br />

hilled Lo L11e Cumpmiy by th~ Inountbc~nt LEC,<br />

Single Line Customer, Per Litrtr TRD<br />

Multi-line Custonr, Per Lin~ TBD<br />

Hunting (a.k.a. Rok'y or Group&&)<br />

The f~~llowir~g charge<br />

equipped with Hunting.<br />

To Be Determined<br />

7.2.3 Usage Sensitive Charges and Allowances<br />

(A) Flat Rate Service<br />

No u~easurcd cn mcssaiy ccha<br />

Rate scrviccl lines. Cuskonzcrs<br />

area.<br />

Kcrri h~nifl~rrdller, V1' CnsLomc*r Nt~twt,rL C?pt*rrthtkt~.i<br />

Ttllic-w I nr-.<br />

100 West Idrtrrbon; St

'TELtCOR INC<br />

100 ISest H;arrison; Sle. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

-<br />

S F r T T n N < T . n c 1 { A T . E - V T r E P ; m<br />

7.2 Standard Residence Local Exchange Service, (Continued)<br />

7.2.3 Usage Sensitive Charges and Allawancrs, (Cantinued)<br />

(B) Message Service<br />

h-0131 the Custon<br />

in arrears. Lo<br />

(1)<br />

Per Local CC4l TAft<br />

Calls to Expanded Service rkmas<br />


Kwn Bumgdr Jn~r, VIJ Cusrolner Nj~twtrrk, Oprsriz: tu&~<br />

Tetiror fnr.<br />

I QCl tVi?s.,rt Harri_sil-11; Str*. 52iS)


$00 West Hiinison; Ste. S20Q<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

7'2 Standard Residence Local Exchange Service, (Conthued)<br />

Issui?ri:<br />

lssucd by:<br />

7.2.4 Non-RecuaTing Charges<br />

Nnn-rc~c-urr~n g charges<br />

chargcrs drp !11 adQtion<br />

tariff. All such charge<br />

Non-recurri~ig cliarg~s for instalkalion of Rrsid~nti~~l tztws ,irpr<br />

NOTES:<br />

First Line<br />

Edch Add~tio~idl Lin~(1)<br />

"As-1s" Chdngc. Over, Per Lbc<br />

Kern Bun1 gardner, VP Ct1s1a~11i.r Nrtwork C?f,nir;attant<br />

TeIicar farT.<br />

I00 West Harrison; 51~. 52l1C)<br />

ScatLIe, Wdshit~gton 98119-4191


100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washingtan 98119-4191<br />

7.3 Standard Business Local Exchange Stnuice<br />

Issued:<br />

Issuc?d by:<br />

5L;rndnl.d Business Local Exchange %I-vizc prot.13~~ tltc cnairrtrk~r u%-i%h *a 4tfqtbt# JF~;EI!~~&. ~.XCCT+<br />

grdde Leleplionic cozllmu~iications chnntll, ~vkR.h &-slit hc ii'~~nJ kcx pFarv rvr ~"IYPXVP~ sttiib tszli at .z<br />

Lune. SLmdard Busiricss Local Exchange S~rvirc Lfrrr-.s trrrtT pto~F'idr4 'aaiftr Ohp r

'fELICQR INC,<br />

100 Vb'csh Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7,3<br />

1ssur:Li:<br />

Issuc?d by:<br />

Stamdmd Business Local Exchange Service, (Continued)<br />

7.3,1 Monthly Recurring Charges<br />

The lollowu~g chdrges<br />

month. Rates r111d CII<br />

charges below apply to<br />


Kcxi Rumgard~~cr, VP Custolner NcLwork Operclltnns<br />

Tclicsr Inr.<br />

100 Wcst EIarrison; Ste. 5310<br />

Seatlie, Washinp,t!tot~ 981 19-41t)1


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.3<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Standard Bushess Local Exchange Service, (Contirlueb)<br />

7.3.2 Other Monthly Recurring Charges<br />

(A)<br />

End-User Common Line (EUCL) Becovel?: Chrqe<br />

The following charjfc!<br />

billed Lo the Corupanp<br />

Sin$@ Line Cuslumcr, Per Linc<br />

Mullilin~<br />

Cuslomcr, Pm Line<br />

(B) Hunting (a,k/a Rotary or Grouping)<br />




100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.3 Smdardl Business Loc.aI Exchange Sewice, (C~nf$aued)<br />

Issued:<br />

lssucd by:<br />

7.3.3 Usage Sensitive Charges and AlIatuance5:<br />

(A) Flat Rate Sentice<br />

(B) Message Service<br />

Per tncai Call<br />

(1) CalIs to Ex~taz~CXcd- 8~wis:& Akva&<br />



108 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

%@g%% LTak* $z@#% @&@be 3<br />

{?g@gm$ Pqge ?k<br />

7 .n<br />

,rm-Jf sg&&35,,@1s& g=fz&%r&%<br />

7.3 Starzdard Business Locd Exchange Serric~, {f olzi;tr"itttabk<br />

Issued:<br />

Issucd by:<br />

7.3.4 Non-Recurring Charges<br />

Non-recurrii~g cItdr$yri f@r f~s~&$ftf,itdnn<br />

First Lin~<br />

Eiiclt Aifdjillr~?iat Utr.~q%f<br />

" A.t5-idr j'l%lP~1'5$y* 06 rk ih$$ 8; knc<br />

6% gh=~tf%~~ff~'hk h~'i@s<br />

Kt5rn [f1~.nl~:,lrijr:p~, Sdi" t:;gqta*Bapu tiy*l;t%r 14 fi; i,4cgtt.-$<br />

Iktfk&7 b'1<br />

l.~l'&\iiba; %$P- %+3&3<br />

i(#l iYt;lr~plj:<br />

%u$tk %%',$$ki~~$im $34 t Eqf $BckB<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

7.5<br />

1ssuc:d:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Residence and Business PBX Tnink $@mice<br />

PBX Trunk service<br />

cl~anncl which can<br />

PBX Trunks arc<br />

Each PBX Trun<br />

7.5.1 Hat Rate SentSce<br />

To Be DetemxinecE<br />

7.5.2 Message Rate Semira<br />

To Be Detedae-tf


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service<br />

Dlrcct Inward Dialing ("DID"<br />

Premises Equ~prnent to be rou<br />

DID calls are roulc directly<br />

offered by the Company pro<br />

digils LO enable DID service<br />

and hardware noi provided b<br />

of the Cuslomer.<br />

Thc lollowing charges appl<br />

Coll~pany. These charges are<br />

CIS shown m Sccti01-i 7.5 or<br />

nxumhers tltilized out of the<br />

Eslahlsh Trunk Croup and Pravldc<br />

35t Block of 20 DID Nun-ibers<br />

Dch Add~t~onal Block of 20 DID Numbci~<br />

DLl3 Trunk Terrzu~~ation:<br />

Per Inward Only Trunk<br />

Per Con~bu-iahon Trunk wilh Cdl TrCm?iCr<br />

Dual Tone Multihcquency Pulsing Option, Rr % Wb<br />

Issued:<br />

1ssrrc.d by:<br />

Automatic lniercepl Service, Pcr Nuttthcr Rt'S~rn.3


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-41%<br />

7.7 Reserved For Future Use<br />

7.8 Optional Calling Features<br />

The features in<br />

cabfi$ng F.,'-'<br />

Optity.a.n.itf<br />

t:41ll&&>$ "<br />

Three-Way Calling<br />

Call Reeun~<br />

Repcat Uiilliag<br />

Calling Nutvtbcr tsc!&@q+ Bi'racLf~~p> E$$~.c&$i<br />

Issuc-!d:<br />

Issucid by: Kcrrj Bumgaif&terf VP %V*:$E p$;*fcix$$t; $g@-z %.%&;%<br />

%ijif~g!i $q&$i$$%gkgj~b $$:g,gff.=$g;$?#$


100 West Harnison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.8 Optional Calling Features, {Ctrafismcd)<br />

Issued:<br />

iss~~ed by:<br />

7.8.2 Features Offered on a biantMy B~siz;<br />

Tlie Hotvh~g crptlz>naj rtxm mu5t uriZci- \&J= t~$g%sbp&&t< ~3tk.ir~ljiv~' t=f ?~~:z~w~ Few% 1?& $i@nulnber<br />

of lines which rvtjl Irirs-t. arsgrc+. LP Zl>ab &,%tar:--<br />

Flexible CaEI Foravarkl~t.ittig<br />

Flexibb GiI Fmrc*artZrnj3<br />

wilh .4udio CIttfing M,~.T~II~<br />

Flcxiblc! Call F~prv.;trbrm)l; Wrt.;<br />

Ca 11 Fom*ar~f&n~ V%wa6xBBtr<br />

Cali For$vrrtrit.nt: t,'il~rie2$l~<br />

Call Fonvcxw~%ins: Brssy E=ties..fi - f&7-~@+

ECICOR WC,<br />

100 West Hat-rison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.8 Optional Calling Features, (Continued)<br />

Issuuc!d:<br />

fi;surd by:<br />

7.8.2 Features Offered on a Monthly Basis<br />

Call Selector<br />

Call Tracing<br />

Calli~i): Number Delivery Blockit~g<br />

(per line equipped)<br />

Message Wailing Ii~dication - Audible<br />

R/Icssage Waitbig Ind.icatio11- Audihle<br />

and Visual<br />

Mu.liiple Directory Number Distinctive<br />

Rnp;ing - First DN<br />

Mu1 tiple Directory Nnlllber Distitlckive.<br />

Ringing - Second DN<br />

Preferred Call Forwarding<br />

Repeat Dialing<br />

Speed Catling (30 codes)<br />

Speed Calling (8 codes')<br />

Three Way Calling<br />

Kerri Bmn f;arcl ner, VP Custnmat Netssrork Qpc w timt:i<br />

Ti?l.icor Inc,<br />

'1.00 West: I-iarriqon; Sln. $2CE:l<br />

Sea ttlt?, Wasliint$on c)SllfJ-4:).91.


100 West Harrison; Ste. S2W<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

Directory Liskgs<br />

8.1.1 General<br />

Issucb:<br />

1ssur.d by:


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981294191<br />

-<br />

8.1 Directshy Listings, (Continued)<br />

8.1.2 Conrposition of Listings<br />

(A)<br />

The following natllcs nrlry be ilrr.2urteJ I E ~ bti%t~b%k WF*.ssr- S~ij$j%~<br />

Issu(1d:<br />

Issued by:<br />

(1) The name of subszril~t<br />

(2) The name, of t.ttthh Euainass +ntt~qtisk*<br />

conducts.<br />

ur jcritia ~ 5 ~ s ~<br />

ik-hzt-h %&~V+V%P~<br />

tF&f itr; )-w& rwr<br />

(3) The name hg. wlzirh lhir I%E&~Js~BP~~~ eitf a aqkhk taEsi\k t~ pr5"1if 3 ;g-W c"; Pilmsyet:@ to<br />

the public:. Only snr %r;uch zh%me $r~phl\wn%~iag fht* +r.r"r~~ 8.wiq7tc4 fis'i.', .ti$<br />

busmesr wii1 be drc%?pltltf.<br />

*w-.rkke.l 4hk' F~L$@*~K&&+ e?t ~ P~AI biyX%-<br />

(4) The namr of any p3acm 35%4xti1led<br />

sanw b-osiness.<br />

(5) The name trf airy $?t*fia& fxnn akf ~?rg,hlvax$~~ia'EE~~~ &kt & %@bq<br />

&Mg i;+P il;%rri<br />

user iq '~~khnf~ltt~d ttt r$*p~':l%m:, oi~" ~3t2$~i,:F *%P.A ,?~t~~t~~wvt<br />

(6)<br />

rcprcsenk~~livr Iftc S U ~ Y S at? ~ jtw;3~Z ~ Q IWY. ~<br />

Afiernakivc spi~iilng at atr dwniibivkkitkptk mli@~ of ~ t~k~-~%k~~$~'o~<br />

6 t e 4 ss"<br />

hus~nuss ndmry( ptitwded thlu h$tr@- J B ~ kik k@&$g~1:wi% sf$ $BF k+Ctmpk%&% ( P?<br />

not for advrrt#,smg tfrsTrr$rs.z t?:ces t.r;~51si~+ ~f p2bttcdk55i2 ki;twtF<br />

periodically by tl~ct suth;t rrbrtr t~k yruit ~fbiits,<br />

(7) The mrnc of ,la ifi~cltvrm k?,i$tfirs$ gltgkiftk~**x$%~%-t ar% .4 +pa+,%%rg*$%+f~%ki+6 i%,$k~~-.<br />

when auttzari./:c~$ hy such &$%re%% arfjtfiztxfacltri$d<br />

(8) fic name crf ,r rnt+nrkr ef ~tr&~-~/kwlt'ry &ei~$~lr'$tk +~t;i~1~&$~*+%r1~*~~g<br />

t~ %w<br />

business scruicc is furnidw~I as? %$k* $ah r~h+t u tq~?;~islt;i!t-<br />

(9) The nanx of 4) r'cirpt~rctt-juts wh~k t% ViUhml $r%~nt C ~ P ,KI %i+l*%$tb~vif% 4~4 FIX<br />

suhscriiber.<br />

(10) The nalrntl uf n ria%i!.f f-nl of d &cstrs& ,$p~kghl%%rri~<br />

which ir; frxrnisht4 PBX i c t ~ ~ ~<br />

tn+%$~y, B~$a$dieg<br />

f%.1"6~%: %M<br />

Stp* tb*~i~t-kl):<br />

e, hb ter t&&:d SF FF~PS~~~P'C~S<br />

with the tt~lcphctnrc nttm1.c.r cai zh- BF@h 453~fst+2,<br />

kr 4 gik*~i~r$%~$ &wg~np~~r@,*~z<br />

(1 1) The Ilr?ntrl of the $~thcrzl~'f<br />

Kcrri Bunrprdr~r+r, VP Cu~tnsatcs<br />

$G$$--$ Err ip<br />



150 West Ha-Prison; 5te. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

8.1 Directory Listings, (Cantiwed)<br />

Issued:<br />

IssuecS by:<br />

- p w S & " i ? ~ s & m<br />

8.1.2 Composition of Listings, (Confintted)<br />

(B)<br />

The purpose of a husincss Jcsignakirm is ktu iei!~r~kEI~, kkk &%tx~d<br />

;F?I-&? *I%% B%% 8:'<br />

advertise the busi~~css. Nu dcsiy,nilti~n ttf th

' CLPLULC YNC.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, SZOO<br />

Seatile, Washington 98119-4191<br />

8.1 Di~clory Listings, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

JSSU~J bp:<br />

8.1-2 C~nlposition of Listilxgs, (Continued)<br />

(Cl -<br />

(D) Telephone Number<br />

~uu~gordncr. VP Cusitsmvr XsL~\~ark C)p?F41tjiriir<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrisao; Stc:. 53gj<br />

St?attle, Washington 19 j:lq

I rCLllUrr 13L.<br />

109 Sj7est Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seatf le, M'ashington 981194191<br />

8 . Uhctoq Listings, (Continued)<br />

8.114 Types of Listings<br />

TnN8.n - nm- -aM;EILf:-3;"-<br />

(,A) Standard Listing<br />

(E) 1nd.ented Listing<br />

Smith,, John &ID.<br />

O&re 3 25-Parifirxxrf<br />

Rcs-ld,r~nce<br />

$3$43:ggj<br />

9 9lt:ritti.a~~ .535-&s;ss' -<br />

Such listing may bc fumi5hed ds m rnd~*rr(t*if istin): er iri ir stib.r*zpikab -. F b<br />

telephon~ number in such a lelittg may he f,hl uf ,m~fth:r WW~C $frwHlhlll the*<br />

subscribct or one of &p &uir;t nhsr'c lt-i&k &r*h~iE~l ad*i*i~~ik i LE<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issui?d by: Kerri Bumgardnvr, VP Customm Nt.twrrtiL Opcr&tro~~<br />

Tr?fi(*nr Inc,<br />

100 Wcsl Hilrnsntr: Sip, SZ@J<br />

Scatdc, lVdshinljr,turr 987 &-I-191

8*1 Diwctosy Listings, (Continued)<br />

8.1.3 Types of Listings, (Continued)<br />

(C)<br />

Alternate Telephone Number Listing and Night Listing<br />

Any lisled parly who lias made the necessary arrangtw1ents for rrrc:c~itr"L'~~~<br />

Lelephone calls during his or her abse~rcc may have ari aiicn~~il~~ telckg~hont.<br />

number listi~ig or a lught listing, such as tl~e following.<br />

If no answer call (telephone number)<br />

Ni&t calls (telephone ~unlbcr)<br />

Night cab after P M (telephone 11w1St.r)<br />

Nij:lils, Sundays aid hoIidays (teIephnncl. numbor)<br />

5PM to 9AM weekdays, Saturday m1L8 9ACV1, h.ltrnriexy ~ncE hc>$irirtys<br />

(telephone nmlber)<br />

Such listing may be furnished as an indented listing or CIS a sub-t;rpth)t't- ?'kt\<br />

telephone number in such a listing may be that of anothcr service Eutnlshr*d tho<br />

same subscriber or one of the subscriber's PBX trt~rrks not incJudpd irr thr.<br />

incoming service group, or the service fonrishcd a diffctcrn<br />

t suhst'riher.<br />

(D) Duplicate Listing<br />

Any lisling may be duplicated in a differmi directory! or ttt~cil!r 4 st~pt~titkt*<br />

trfuplic31ed in<br />

geograpliical heading in tlie same directory. 5trol1 listing :rtay hc~<br />

indented form.<br />

(E) Reference Listing<br />

A subscribes having exchange services Uslod u tider differci~ t ilk:ogrdpt~i~'ul<br />

l~c?adings may have an indenled listit~g in rtlft\rc:nci? form in litiu of ,\ r(~~plir-'tt~<br />

listing.<br />

(F) Cmss Reference Listing<br />

A cross reference listing may be furnished in the? Same i11;5habtltit'31 1:rotip ~ylth<br />

the related listing when rcquircd for icicntificution c;f thc listt~ci party ;tnd trtrl<br />

designated for advertising purposes.<br />

Elfec~ivt*;<br />

Kcrri Bumgard~~er, VP Cusloi~res Nelwork Operations<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Scaltlc, Washhifilol~ 981194191


m(l West Harrison; Sfe. 5200<br />

Seattle, PVashington 98119-4191<br />

6,l Directory Listings, (Cont'd.)<br />

8.'1.4 Free Listings<br />

The [ollowiny, listings arc provided at no addilional charge to Ulli~ Customer: nne Llsling f5rt c)&

----....-a<br />

loll Ct'esr iimrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Wasdzhngton 98119-41191<br />

S a R n I Y w m -<br />

82 Non-Published Service<br />

8,2.11 General<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> "l'atiff IrSambrr 2<br />

Original Page 85<br />

No~i-publisli~d service means that lie CusLon~~r's telephone nut~~ber is not fisleri in thv<br />

dirc.ctory, nol docs it appear in Lhe Company's Directolry Assislmr-r? Records,<br />

8-22 Regulations<br />

This service is subject LO the rules and regulations for E911 servic~, where applicable,<br />

The Company will complete calls to a non-published nuurbcr only tvherl tl1~ ~~rller d~tjb<br />

dirccl or @vos the operator number. No exceptions will bo mclciex even it' thc cK211ef says<br />

it is un emergency.<br />

When klie Cotnpany agrees to keep a number unlisted, it does so without any csbligittrnn.<br />

Excepl lor cases of gross negligence or willful n~.isconduct, tl~a Compar~y is not PiitFIc lot.<br />

any daniagcs that rnighl aiise from publis!dng a a~ol~-published number i1-i the dirccttrry<br />

or disclosinj: it to some, If, in error, Lhe Lclephoix number is puhlishcd in CIw tlirt!~:tor~,<br />

Lhc Company's only obligation is to credit or refu~d any tt~onthly charp,rs ~IIU CUS~(~M~Y<br />

paid lor non-published service.<br />

T17c subsc-riber indenilufies (i.e., promises to relmhurse the Corrrpciny fix any ,Imoxna<br />

tlic Company must pay as a result of) and save Lhc Company harmless ~ pirlsl<br />

all clai~lls for da~liages caused or claimed to have been caused, di~~ectly or indir(~ctfj;i, hy<br />

tlie puhlicalion of a 11011-published service or tho disc lo sit^^ of sdid naintbur to itny<br />

person.<br />

8.2.3 Rakes and Charges<br />

dt'rp ~ncf<br />

docs rlc,rt apply is<br />

'filcrc is a monLllly charge for ex11 ~~ol.c-publis~~ed service. This chilrj~c<br />

~hc Custolner has olhcr listed service at the same location; if thc Custonlrr lives jn n<br />

holel, boarding house or club wiLh listed service; or if the service is insldlh:d for cl<br />

tclxlporary pcriod.<br />

Non-published service charge, pcr n~onlir TD D<br />

Krrn Rumgardncr, VP Customer Nctwork Opercltions<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

ItM West Harrison; Ste. S2(10<br />

Sc.atdr, WashingLon 981 194191<br />


PELfCOW INC.<br />

f 00t$'t?st NaKison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scrrttle, Washington 98119-4192<br />

8.3 Non-Listed Service<br />

8.3.1 General<br />

<strong>South</strong> Z3akot.x 'fj.n'ff &umber %<br />

Ol-ig~d Fagc 64%<br />

Non-listed service means that the Customer's Mephone number is not lisled ~JI<br />

directory, hut docs it appear in the Company's Directory As~istc~~c~ 8.3.2 Regulations<br />

ISc:ci.rrds.<br />

This service is subject lo Lhe rules and re,@ations lor E911 scrvil~c, whwe lipplicat~Q.<br />

Tile Col~ipany will complete calls to a non-listed number.<br />

When klie Company agrees to keep a n~m~her unlisted, it docs so withtrut an)* crhtifia~iirn~<br />

Exi'cpt for cases of gross negligence or willful misronduct, the Company is; not Eiahla for<br />

any damages ihal might, arise from publkhit~g a ~zon-listed number in the dimk~ry clr<br />

disclosinl: il ti sonae. If, in error, Lhc telephone 1111n~ber iq listed i,n the dirty~rrry, tho<br />

Company's only obligalion is to credit or refund any r~~ortthly chuges tiw Cu$tc~mr;r<br />

paid for non-listed service.<br />

Tho subscriber i~idenuzifies (i.e., promises to reimburse llze Coilxpi\ny for itt~y amoa<br />

the Company 11iust pay as a result of) and save thi. Camparty lliart~tlcss opinst ilny atrtt<br />

all claiz11s lor dunages caused or claimed to have been causrrd, ciirc~ctly or indirecay, by<br />

i11o publication of a non-lisled service or the tt~closing of said number to ijny pctson.<br />

8.3.3 Rates and Ch'qes<br />

There is a nxonlhly cl~arge for each lion-listed service. TI-& cf~argc ilppliil~ if kfte<br />

Cuslnmcr has olher lisled service at the smxe Iocaeicrt~; if the Customer lives in il hotel,<br />

hoarding Iiousc or club will1 lisled sertricc; or in the scrvicc is in.hcllltxi for ,I t~;'nrpur~lry<br />

period.<br />

Non-lisled service charge, per month: TEID<br />

Effc:r~ivc*:<br />

Kcrri Rumgardner, VP Cuslorner Nelwork Opcri~tiot~s<br />

Telicor hic.<br />

100 West Harrison; SLe, S200<br />



100 Ct'esk Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Sczttlrt, Washington 98119-4191<br />

c . - n m<br />

Directory Assistance Services<br />

8.4.1 Dhctory Assistance<br />

<strong>South</strong> D&uk 'risrifdRRrtlrrrhra.r2<br />

Orighaf Page 87<br />

A DirecLory Assistancc clidrge applies per local dirixrk~?ry dssiskdnce cd1L The Ct8storn~r<br />

nwp make two (2) requests for a trdephone number per call, Thp Dirrrctcrry Asailsl;tntx.<br />

Charge applies regardless of whether tlie Directory Assistantz: ~pc~r~tt~r tF &Xi? ta.ibpp;fV<br />

~hc rcqucsted nuuxber. No charge applies for 111e first ct~ll prbr mrsnth per r'csidit~nte. Irutv,<br />

Each Local Direclory Assistal~ct~ CtxU TBD<br />

Eifk'i. t ktk"i~:<br />

Krrr~ Bul~~gardncr, VP Custorner Ntskwctrk Clp~:r~it~t%<br />

Tclicnr Int..<br />

100 West M~rrisc~rr; Ste. S21Ki<br />

Stiattlc, Wc~shin~r,lnrr 98119-4lYJI

z ~ rMc. t ~ ~ ~<br />

11N \Vest Han9r;on; Ste. 5200<br />

c ~ ~<br />

S~attle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

9-1 Etcscrved For Future Use<br />

tssu\zrl:<br />



3110 West Hwison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, :j.lra~hington 98119-4191<br />

10,1 Reserved For Futuw Use<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Sea tllc, Wusl~~gion YX119-q9]<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> TariffNumber 2<br />

Original Page St9

TBI~ICOR 1hTc.<br />

10G i4'est Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Se,xltle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

fssuud:<br />

1sziutv.l by:<br />

11.1.1 General<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> 'Tariff Nunrfrer2<br />

Ot;gkaf Page %1<br />

CL~rricr P~.csubscription is a procedure whereby a Custor~~rr rfcsi:;natt?s lo the Ct>mgyirry<br />

tl-1~ cdrricr which the Customer wishes Lo be the carrier (IT rhnii-r~ for int~aLAf j-! dnd<br />

in ter LA'TA Loll calls, Such calls dre au tania tically dirr_c#erf to tliu drsignritt!c2 rttn-ib.%,<br />

~'ilho~h the need LG use carrier access codes or adclitionicrl dirllitq to efircc-t fhv to thr.<br />

dcsigr-1dted carrier. Presubscriptio1-1 does not provcrit e Gustolncr .rc*ho hels prk~s~b$c@xbc~ii<br />

to an LrilraLATA or InterLATA Loll carrier I~oni usin); 4rarrit.r iirlci~ssc~cZt:~ (tr &l.dt~i,ixj,ait<br />

dialing to direct calls to a11 alternative loni; distallei: c'rrri~r on a ptbr &:dl[ basi$<<br />

X1,1.2 Psesubscaiption Options - Cusloniers may sek?cl Uicr sdmu carrier rrr scpdrt~tr u;&wt


100 West H,arrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

SFCTTON 3 1 fl - MIWFT 1 ANFrUlS SFQTJTCEL tfcmmt<br />

11.1 Carnier Fresubscription, (Continued)<br />

11.1.3 Rules aad R.egulations<br />

Cuslomers of record will r~:~jir~ their prhndry intcrt~szl~~t~il;tj r .dr?ut(sj trnUi k h wi+kmt ~ ~<br />

that their dialing arrangc!ments he rli,~r~god.<br />

Cuslcrnlers of record or ncw Cust~~murs mdy sc.1cr.l ritha~t Op~loraij<br />

LIIL~LILATA Presubscripfion.<br />

A, 8.. Ti 0, fR e.>f F Bttr<br />

Cuslomc?rs niay changc their sc~lcctcd Op1ior.t and/or l?r~.su%-4~nhoaJ TPI~<br />

Lime subject to charges specified m 11.4.5 hllow:<br />

11.1.4 Pwsubscription Procedures<br />

r, rkrtziir d$ 2sia~<br />

A new Cuslonielr will be c~skc.d to selpct inLrdLtYf,-l ,xnti l~tcrLATft tdl 6L\rirt~.ir*; ~vB Kbv<br />

time ~jic Custonier places an order to ostdt~fisi~ Io~di ~ti--hrigt, w&tu.t* wi&- ZXJV<br />

Company. The Compmy wrilJ process the Custontr~r'zi' trr.dct ft~r ssrt-iki., All &si:w<br />

Customers initial requests for intraLATh td! service plrr?;\ibsrripktum $R;rt! kr pfut;i$rt-i<br />

free of charge.<br />

If J new Custolner is u~iablt? LQ mdkc st:kstitm sit t f in~t~ti% ~ ~ t h W*\P -S~~S%OW\C?I p&tc@t+ S~IT<br />

order LO cstahlish local exchange smvictr, thv Clampirny rufii re*%~iJi 1~d1t~itkfi3 'L{sYif~$ I&oIX<br />

dvailable intraLATA and &tcrLATA r-ttrr&r;~- tts did the Cust~unt~r ft~, ?I&:!FV~~EDR, fF<br />

scleclion is still not possible, ihp Cnt~ipdrcy wtH infmmt kZtv @tr~isy*a~r t&t Fkl$sfit* wifk Pt*<br />

l?iven 90 calendar days in which it1 ir~ farm fh~ Ct~atpawry or t~&)a\a!t r h


100 Mresk Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scaitle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

21.1 Cam'er Pr~subscription, (Continued)<br />

21.1.5 FresubscAption Charges<br />

(A) Application of Charges<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> 'Tariff K~miser2<br />

OYig*~~<br />

Pap 92<br />

After a Customer's initial selectior~ for a prczsukfi~n~d lnII ct~rricr runti ds<br />

detailed in Paragraph 21.4.4 ahavc, for any uhd ngc tkif.t'rr;lficr, a Ptfi~hscripgl(rn<br />

Change Charge, as set forth below will apply. Cttstomt~~ %vhu reqezs%t ~Xtbtttf:~<br />

UI introLATA and inlerLATA carriers with UIP S~L~IIC*<br />

a<br />

sillfile charge per he.<br />

(B) Nonrecurring Chqes<br />

Per business or residence line, tru& or ptrrt<br />

Initla1 Line, or Tmnk or Pmt<br />

Additional Linc, Trunk or Port<br />

Elftkrktvt*:<br />

Krrri Burngardner, VP Custou;t?r NtrtwcwkOpcr~tu>i~~<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 Wcst Hanrisst~; Sto, SZfXl<br />

Seattle, Washington 98'1194191<br />

t3rdi32 tviff bv ~~$t%s%d

nLICOR INC.<br />

100 West IHm4son; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

12.1 [Reserved for Future Usel<br />

Issucd:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Kc-j-i Dumgardner, VP Cuukc~ntcr NcEtucrrk k3pt~*ftt~>W<br />

Tclir40r Inr*,<br />

100 Wt.f;t Mdrrisatl; strf, 5241El<br />

r ..t ' t - 4 nhlttr* fZFirT<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

13.1 [Reserved for Future Use]<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

~ a ~ ~ ~ E ~ : ~ . & S & i f

1 ELICOR INC.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811 9-4191<br />

14.1 [Resenred for Future Use]<br />

-~-~~~L'BEQP+U[~~KI;~;~~<br />

Issued:<br />

Issrr~d by: Kerri Bumgardnrr, Y P Cu:usworci N**~rrrg$+ ~q.r~tl..m<br />

"rehcaf Em,<br />

1 a1 \%+t~5t i $'IIT{.%$%~~; 5gp* 52f&<br />

Satilf:. ts;d~shtn~:ft,n 9gZ EY,+E<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, R1ashington 98119-4191<br />

15.1 Special Fron~otions<br />

Tlrc Company may from Lillie to ti~nc eiq;ay,e in sp~rial prnn?rrttntt~tl ftrae ri~xikil tr 2'5f~:~~~g5 o8<br />

limited duratio~i (1101 LO exceed ninety days on a pr9t Crtstomcr b35il: for ni)t?-~plitr*tt, tt~ @H5~%j;<br />

charg~s) Jcsip,l~ed Lo altracl new subscribers or to inc-rc.ast8 ~trb~t~ibet- t'i W~IWZX%~ of D pd~&%BE,'r$<br />

tariff alfcring. Requests for promotional offerings wilf i!r 1 7 ~ e ~ ~ ! Ift ~ l t[irc' ~ ~ k~tii%sk'rrt<br />

k f<br />

&b" fk?<br />

rcvic~w h~ a~.corda~~ce with rules dnd regulations ilr;tdrli%hvd by Ckrt Ctxrzrrn~m$tm. wiM %.pt<br />

111cluded in the Cdrrier's tarifl as an addendum tc~ the Cawl~rT's pnr-rl trsks,<br />

35.2 Discounts<br />

Tl~e Company from Limp to linic '35 rcflcct_'cf in t11~ piiriir Inti oF&r =$.iw'catrnk+ Pti~r& nilY<br />

mon~hly volumr (or, when appropriate, "rnonthIy revtinula urmlmiIt-air.na" sxrllifrsi. ' k%%s af oio~~L''<br />

111 a y also he tr~t'trrgfif.rrtj<br />

Isstird:<br />

Issuttci hy: Kerri Bumgardncr, VP Custcrrnr~ NrttruorL Cjra:rr;frs1n5<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Sktr, S2kJfk<br />

Scattle, Wd~kington 981194E91

TELICOR INC. Q ,<br />

SOUTH DAKQYA PaG T&qTf F %$&; %<br />


TXPLE SHE&?<br />


This tariff contains the descriptxahs, r&g%~attrs&s.<br />

rates applicable to the furnishxng of. sew.%&& CJE<br />

Telecommunications Services furnished by Teiic~i? I&%.<br />

(ltTelicorv) , with principal offices at 100 @@st<br />

,5200, Seattle, Washington 98119-4191. Thss<br />

services furnished within the <strong>State</strong> oij <strong>South</strong> D%hr+t&.<br />

is on file with the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Pub%ic U&&Lif&e@<br />

copies may be inspected, during nermal btlsingas<br />

company's principal place of buatnas~,


~H---%wk2*#*&-emr*~d?,9sr*?L... 4w-r<br />

ISSUED: September 27, 2000 EFgXCT EVEE : .t 23~~0<br />

ISSmD BY : Kerri Bumgardiier, VP Customer Hervari wtar,itsns<br />

100 W e s l Harrison; 8ke- $26Q<br />

Seattle, Washington 9BEf9-4 $91



The Shee~s of this tariff are<br />

at the bottom of the respective she<br />

~i:eers as named below comprise ail<br />

xiriff and are currently in effect<br />

ri-I L-- rkis sheet,<br />


1 Original<br />

C1<br />

L<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Or iginai<br />

Original<br />

Originai<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

-<br />

Original.<br />

9riqi~ai.<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

i 0 O,r~gLnaP<br />

11 OriginzZ<br />

7 1<br />

, L<br />

13<br />

1 4<br />

CzigFnal<br />

v"rigina1<br />

Ori~inal<br />

15 Origin61<br />

1 E Original,<br />

17 Osiginai<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

2 1<br />

22<br />

Original.<br />

Original<br />

Original<br />

OrigiriaL<br />

Originai<br />

23 Original.<br />

24<br />

25<br />

* 7<br />

L u<br />

Origirtal<br />

Orf ginal<br />

Orinma1<br />

27 OrlgFna?.<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

Original<br />

fJri gi:ial<br />

p * * ,<br />

3 1<br />

i4ZLLj>KEi"+.<br />

r-: *-..bL<br />

2. $1~ ~ L &. G<br />

32 2rf.gifia:<br />

* Ne?d or Revised Sheet<br />

ISSUED: September 27, 2009<br />

ISSUED BY:Kerri Burngarher,





??age<br />

Title Sheet . ...................-..............-..s+~6~~s~~<br />

Reserved for Future Use . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ . . m . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ t t C L ~ s I 1 l r ~ S f ~<br />

Check Sheet . .......................-........*.-.*6sk.,~~s?<br />

Tabie af Contents ...........................,4,....*a.,*.a-L c<br />

T&riff Format ..................,.............*~~s4qmsd,-<br />

Symhcls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . + . . . ~ + . u . e a , + e . e i 5 .<br />

3ect~on 1 - Technical Terms and 9,hbreviar~sns..,h++-*.e & * + 3 :<br />

Section 2 - Rules and Regulatiofis .........................<br />

2.1 Undertaking of the Company . ,...,,.....II+CriiC1F3<br />

Q 1 r'<br />

...............................<br />

2.~. Use cf Services i v i<br />

2.3 Liability of the Company . .,.....a.*-,iiI**lZC'hi L C<br />

2.4 Responsibilities of the Customer.,,.,,* a ,z<br />

2.5 Cancellation or Interrupticin of S ~~VLCP,.*~<br />

+ & * L L:I ++<br />

2.6 Credit, Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . ~ + ~ . ~ 1 1 . C . . 1 C C , 5 1 ~ ~ f . =<br />

2.7 Restoration of Service ......~..G...i.Y.Ltt.i<br />

s";<br />

2.8 Deposit . ......................--.-....*4Tea-7-. i<br />

2.9 Advance Payments . .....,......B...-L..~.-~+wAw-r~e<br />

2.10 Payment and Billing .......+.......-..i..++llihli.j .- ,-<br />

2.11 Collection Costs ...........<br />

2.12 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . ~ . ~ ~ . . r t t t t t I I L L ~ s i + , ~ s ~ b .<br />

2.13 Late Charge . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . , + r ( . 5 ~ ~ , 0 L . + L + b e r s ~ b~:5 ~ A ~ ~<br />

2.14 Returned Check Charye . .....+.....+.i(IYrq.***+iddbb<br />

Sectrort 3 - Description of Ser~ice.....'..~..., ........... 3 1 ') 5<br />

3.1 Computation of Charges , . . . . . + w c l c r r + r r r.L r . . i a * C X i t -. x .<br />

3.2 Customer Complaints and/cr Bi bii.Rg t'tsp:~;t.~~~~<br />

+ *i *i >ttri-<br />

3.3 Level of Service . ..,.......t.,II,.4.+C~liU+1.7ili,Bf 7h<br />

3.4 Billing Entity Conditic*?~. .................... .,i:~.~<br />

*‘) 4<br />

3.5 Service 3fferings . . . . . . ~ . . . . L L L L . 1 , 1 ~ I ~ ~ , , C C C 1 4 *, ~ *r , a ~<br />

Section 4 - Rates. ......................................... b'k<br />

ISSUED: September 27, 2000 g $ ~ E c * ~<br />

ISSUED BY:Kerri Bumyardner, VP Customec Naknurk fatsen$<br />

100 West Marrison; Stez 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98129-4191





A. Sheet Numbering: Shee"tr;c:&ers 3::-.;2;7a,r 2;: cze C+;~F:F-<br />

i l<br />

zlght corner of the page. Sheets are r,:~~kt?re< seq:rc;:~~1: g.<br />

?icr_t.wever, new sheers are occasionali>- ,-a$de.cl; ts ",;re :;;3~-ff, J"; L, -<br />

:-LJz-if L$<br />

!-.ew sheet is added between sheets alresd? dr; e:tc%:7t6. 3 :~V:Z:.P!<br />

the upper right corner of each sheet where appll~abL~. Tl;esg<br />

~luinisers are used to indicate the most CErrent- ja8rfr.: rer~d;-i.~; .;-<br />

---I+ j<br />

frie with the <strong>Commission</strong>. For exampie, 4th $ah=$<br />

cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 13. (lo~sult t;t%:e 61:e;l~i;<br />

sheets currently in effect.<br />

(7. Paragraph ldumhering Sequence: Ther@ &r~$ -.. bt%sae.<br />

- *<br />

d-k%.2?s% ~??"Wk?% s.7 -,<br />

S!-i,g:@~ EG~;; :::$a<br />

F. *r - 3 ~ x b , - '<br />

+<br />

>?if.<br />

Lt~;:t::.<br />

paragraph coding. Each level of crsdincj is a:,;b$ezvi~> ! ,:. i,:s<br />

nexr higher level:<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

2.1.1<br />

?. -<br />

d.L.1.A<br />

2.l.i.A.1<br />

2.1.1.A.i.!a)<br />

.<br />

~.1.1.A.i. (aj .I<br />

2.1.1.A.l. (a) .I. ti)<br />

2.I.l.A.l. (a) .I. ti.). (I)<br />

D. Check Sheets: &hen tt tariff f ii't;aq is t7:a.t~: 5i;hii;<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>, an updated Check Sheet ac,:a~:~pnnic~:s t uc kar; r g f: + ! i. , ~*-r;{+ *,&--<br />

The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in khr i&:ttt@ kdttt;<br />

cross reference to the currenr. RevLsLo~., $$;,r;&~;>;t', k;lk~:;y ~:i~~v~:-.,<br />

&re added, the Check Sheet is clzari~ed @c r+:$ie::lt ctea! r+;it,pi2;i:ri:,<br />

All revisions made in a given fil Fng ;.ic,iid,yi;:lt*:lr$ t:-.,b 1$ri<br />

asterisk i") . There will be nu other gyi:ib::;a :r,~p-k iln*$k;i;i ;$>r-,*.:p + --<br />

f., if these are the only changes mado to it i i, ..,c 201~~lbt- ~i:-.<br />

relnalns the same, just revised rri'ji~l'lryr, ~&~VCL:?: .;it, :-:,:>-;%;: :;i:,.-~;,~j ,<br />

The tariff user should refer to the ?atear ::j~q::g ~n+.-:: I ., ;;,;~,i<br />

out if a particular sheet is the nos?: i-ii~ri,~::t. P;:=.:.,: ;.ji:~: *.:;-<br />

Corm.ission.<br />

ISSUED: September 2'7, 2000<br />

-"<br />

---?iucrma<br />

EFFEC 3'- r 2040<br />

ISSUED BY:Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network w~eE&sns<br />

100 West Harrison; St@. S2QO<br />

Seattle, Washington 98139-4f93


SYlMBOLS<br />

The following are the only sysAzls zse:i fsr :k~<br />

indicated below:<br />

(C) to signify change in regulatxo~<br />

(D) to signify a deletion<br />

(I) to signify a rate increase<br />

(L) to signify materiaf relocated i2 the tart $P<br />

(N) to signify a new rate or reg~i&trc:;<br />

(R) to signify a rate red~r-tion<br />

(Ti to signify a change in teXZr k ~ ~k3 t<br />



SOUTH DAKOTA PUC TiXFtE~'~ 'fa- 1<br />



Access Line - A, arrangement from i: ex;-a::,~e te:---*- Li is 2- - '--<br />

campany or other common carrier, usiilg eit.ier deiicntt-3 21<br />

switched access, which connects a Cus~o~er's j,oc-'- "r,L,>:? ?.- ;:.<br />

--3 -.s--i<br />

Company's location or switching c~nter.<br />

Authorization - Code - A numericai code, cii~e or nor- .:t igi-xr-L * k s L.A<br />

a be assigned to a Customer, to enable the a n i- 2c$e:lz:~-p<br />

::hi oriyin of the Customer so it may rate and i-il-k me c_i:;*<br />

Automatic number identification (K\TII is used aa the<br />

aiithorization code wherever possible.<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> - Used througl~out this tariff ;a a,,, : SP~-~L<br />

4. i&J-i2<br />

Da'io~a <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> Comission.<br />

Customer - The person, firm, corporaricn .I o2hey ;+nai<br />

"<br />

ontitywhich orders the services sf tile Company mi! is<br />

responsible for the payment of charqeo and far coapl!an_.e ri t;I 1<br />

the Company's tariff regulations.<br />

Company or Telicor - Used throuyd~~~t ;i?iLs krri ti ! < % ri~~?~r;i<br />

Telicor Inc., a Delaware Corporation.<br />

- Hal-Fday<br />

Day - New ;ad Year's Christmas Day, Day. Independence Bc;idai~i ikayf Labor 56. ~ji~~uL+~<br />

ric evening rate from R am. to 11 p,m. Alte; 11 6.r. rfk.? l(3+~c~~~<br />

r~ight rate shall go into effect.<br />

3x7, .,r<br />

'ISSUED: September 27, 2000 EE"~C?E-@E : --TT%Rf8-<br />

ISSUED BY : Kerri g d n VP Customer Yetwazk OpsraLionn<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

Seattle, Washington 98llT)--4191


local exchange carrier to reach ths<br />

telecommunication^ - The<br />

coinmunications or, subject t<br />

the services, the transmissi<br />

metering, or other similar<br />

and T~,WPU+<br />

"<br />

necessary for the transmissisn i+~t>:ir c*,<br />

telecommunications traffic.





2.1 Undertakinq of the Company<br />

This tariff contains the regulati~i~s ar,d rates<br />

applicable to intrastate interexckzange<br />

telecornrnunicat ions services prcvicied by Crmparry tr?~<br />

*t.-&"<br />

teleconununicat ions between points within ~ he &,ate c3f<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>. Services are furnished sti3ject z13 :he<br />

availabi1it.y of facilities and subject :.a t;l"rP k;lrnls &:id<br />

conditions of this tariff in compliance with<br />

@<br />

limitations set forth in the Comissionrs roles. rhp<br />

Company's services are provided on a stakewicig i:&sis<br />

and are not intended to be limited geographically. ?"he<br />

Company offers service to all those who desire tc<br />

purchase service from the Company canxiatsslt; with wL3.<br />

of the provisions of this tariff, CuxtoreteiPs .i.rzt-ezest,e:i<br />

in the Company's services shall file a service<br />

application with the Company which fully idehtilies the<br />

C:ustorner, the seririces requested and 0th~; L~f~sr~tiltkti~'in<br />

requested by the Company. The Campany reservss the<br />

right to examine the credit ~ecarb and check kha references of all applicants and Cust~ners, The<br />

Company may examine the credit pr~EiLekrecnrd 0-E m y<br />

applicant prior to accepting the service uraes, T?le<br />

service application shall not in itselE obXigaks khe<br />

Company to provide services or to occrr:Lf:r!;a t.3 ~rt.::uida<br />

service if a later check of appli,c-ant's csredie rsi:fsz


SOUTH DAKOTA PUG TAhiLFF &?a,. 1<br />


.1 .1 The services provided by the<br />

part of a joint undertaking w<br />

entity providing telecommunica<br />

facilities, or services, bur m<br />

resale of the Message Toll Servlces<br />

Wide Area Telecommunications S<br />

of underlying common carriers<br />

subject to the jurisdiction of<br />

<strong>Commission</strong>.<br />

- - n<br />

.L The rates and regulations c<br />

tariff apply only to the s<br />

by the Company and do not<br />

otherwise specified, to the<br />

facilities, or services prov<br />

exchange telephone company or<br />

carriers for use in accessing<br />

the Company.<br />

., P><br />

service necessitated b<br />

control, including, wi<br />

of satellite or other<br />

capacity; the revislon<br />

repricing of the Under<br />

tariffed offerings; or<br />

, .-...I The Company's servic<br />

- *<br />

, % .-<br />

lawful purpose consi<br />

transmission and swi<br />

telecomn~unications f<br />

s - , . L The use of the Company's se<br />

calls which mlght reasonabl<br />

fr~ghten, abuse, torment, o<br />

uch a way as to unre<br />

with use by others is prohi<br />

Seattle, Washington 981


payment for service or atterr<br />

payment for service by fraud<br />

devices, schemes, false or i<br />

or false calling or credit c<br />

prohibited.<br />

2.2.4 The Company's services are<br />

twenty-four hours per day,<br />

week.<br />

nonpayment of charges or<br />

of this tariff.<br />

2.2.7 Customers shall not use the<br />

under this tariff for any u<br />

2.2.8 The Customer is responsible for n<br />

Company immediately of any unauth<br />

of services.<br />

3 Liability of the Company<br />

2.3.1 The Company sha<br />

claim, loss, ex<br />

caused by the<br />

God, fire, war,<br />

The Company shail not be l,<br />

shall be fully indemnif<br />

expense, or damage fo<br />

slander, invasion, in<br />

or patent, unauthoriz<br />

trade name or service<br />

creative right, or an<br />

person, property or e<br />

material, data or inf




2.3.3 No agent or employee of any ather carrier or<br />

entity shall be deemed to be an agent or<br />

employee of the Company.<br />

Reserved for Future Use<br />

Reserved for Future Use<br />

Reserved for Future Use<br />

v-<br />

TSSW~: September 27, 2000 EFFECTIVE: 2 ~ 5 5<br />

XSSWD BY:Kerri Bmgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191




2.3.7 The remedies set forth hereiri ar5 ex;P;;zi-;%<br />

and in lieu of ail other warrji:tias sr'.?<br />

remedies, whether expressr irr,pl ie-2, sr<br />

* w* 4 *


TE-LXCQR INC .<br />

2.5.2 Without incurring<br />

interrupt the<br />

tine in order<br />

inspections to<br />

regulations and<br />

operation of Cu<br />

equipment and f<br />

such interri~pti<br />

noncompliance o<br />

soon as it<br />

The Customer<br />

Customers wil<br />

long distance<br />

Seattle, Washington




2.6 Credit Allowance<br />

2.6.1 Credit may be given for disg",:,~"Lci<br />

per call basis.<br />

* *<br />

rl:aeh%+<br />

- - -<br />

-- Tw6<br />

ISSUED: September 27, 2000 E ~ T X ~ :<br />

ISSUED I3Y:Kerri Bumgardner, VP Custam~r Network m@~ati~frd<br />

100 West Harrison; St@- $200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4x91


SOffTH Dm43TA 'pat<br />


2.7 Restoration of Service<br />

accordance with the<br />

64, Subpart D of the<br />

Federal Comrnunieatio<br />

2.8 Deposit<br />

The Company dues not reg~ire depssilks,.<br />

2 .9 Advance Pa'i,mentg<br />

The Corr~pany does not reyllire adusnmg,


2.10 Pavment and B i1l.d<br />

.-, , -<br />

i.iV.i<br />

-. -- *.-,<br />

ISSUED: September 27, 2000 Ta.~~:almi<br />

ISSUED BY : Kerri Bumgardner , VP Ctjs'I;o'iti@-z N@%w@.gk w@~aQik@~t%%<br />

LOO West Warrism: Sea, .@28B-<br />

#$$$ f<br />

Seattle, Waskingtm . .$wv& 9%




3.1 Computation of Charqes


SOUTH DAKO!lFA PUG T'P&.Im 'NS, 1<br />


- -<br />

3.1.;<br />

I. -<br />

Timing beglns when tke ca;L2a st3t:z:: A:<br />

answered and two w&y cc~~~~~~nleetr~z is<br />

possible, as de~e~ined sy s;ar,dar6 ;sd~;

TE-LICOR INC .<br />

The Company will<br />

of receipt of an<br />

dissatisfied with<br />

or inquiry, the C<br />

<strong>Commission</strong> for r<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> Uti<br />

500 East Capitol<br />

Pierre, SD 57501-5070<br />

(605) 773-3201<br />

(800) 332-1782<br />

TTY throcgh Relay $eavic:.f3 S~u;:ei;r ;l&k@;ta-<br />

(800) 877-1113<br />

If a Customer<br />

undisputed de<br />

Company Resp .<br />

undisputed. charges<br />

3.3 Level of Service<br />

I?_ Customer c<br />

of not less<br />

3.4 Billina<br />


TELICOR INC. d5KPGHM 88$9$ g&<br />

SQUTM f4aCOiTA PQC 2.5 F!? %@. 2<br />


3.5 Service Offerinas<br />

3.5.1 It Dialing<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3 8 00 Service -q*<br />

$7 ;fr& ,.i $Tit 'i' k* P ,* ,


ISSUED :<br />



ISSUED: Septerrber 27, 2000 n ~ s c !" ~ i ~<br />

ISSUED BY : Kerri Bumgardner , W Gus ta"~t@~ i n b ~ q&r&%iana<br />

~ ~ k<br />

100 West Warriaonz 32QQ<br />

Seattle, Waskrngkon 9821%-&%%I<br />

-Iwr&swa- -%L**%mJ

TELf COR INZ.<br />

- ...~ . .~<br />

ISSUED BY : Kerri<br />

3.5.5 ~i~~r.i.~tl;. - L ~$~.bt&&n:zg

dSCOR INC.<br />

3.5.6 Specialized Pricing Arrangements.<br />

Customized service<br />

offered under<br />

filed with the<br />

or charges wil<br />

similarly situ<br />

3.5.'7 Emergency Call Handling Procedures<br />

3.5.8 Promotional Offerings<br />

1 : September 27, 2000<br />

XSSUED %Y:Kerri Bumgardner, VP Custom<br />

100 West Harrison;<br />

Seattle, Washingto'n<br />


TBLIdOR fNC .<br />

4 ,; 1+ Dialinq<br />

$0.15 per minute<br />


fi $4.95 per month service charge applies.<br />

Billed in one minute increments*<br />

4..2 pave1 Cards<br />

$,I99 per minute<br />

A $ .25 per call service cYtr.ge applies-<br />

Billed in one minute increrne~ts-

yE.G.,rcoR INC .<br />

4,3 Toll Free<br />

$0.15 per minute<br />

A $10 per month per number servi.ce cha.rg~ a,c;wi.ks.s.<br />

Billed in one minute increments.<br />

4,d Reserved for Future Use<br />

TSSUED: Segtembe<br />

ISSUED BY :Kerri B<br />

Seattle, Wa

TE,LLCOR INC .<br />

4.5 Directorv Assistance<br />

$.95<br />

4.6 Returned Check Charae<br />

-<br />

IS<br />

1s<br />



SOrjTIP DRKC)pA Put T&&fPF %a, f<br />


- -<br />

Rate Periods<br />

5 p.m.*<br />

I<br />

Monday - Frlday<br />

Daytlme Rate Per:od<br />

5 p.m. Evenrng Fate ~exicd<br />

4 To, but nor r!<br />

Ehen a message spans ma-- -<br />

charges for the minutes in each rate pexiai<br />

calculated and the results for cadi rate ger~od -C<br />

totaled to obtain the tctal message chaqs* A=<br />

calculation results in a frarticnai cbacye, tbc<br />

wsll be rounded down to the lcwer senz.<br />

4.8 Pabrpbone Dial Around Suscharae<br />

-2-<br />

around surcharge of 5.35 per cai: wlil b@ W.j?ai I'l;<br />

hny c~mpleted Ii.1TMstate toll aczesr ccde azii su&3t-Pi3vr<br />

SQ0/688 type calls placed from a public or semi-pubilc<br />

Universal Service Fund Assessment &<br />

Interexchancre Carrier Charae<br />

'The Customer will be assessed a mo~;thly 4:nlveraa'L 5e2xLVlC&<br />

Fund Contribution charge on all telecoiraiinlt&ti -* si3 g=r$ce;':<br />

which in no event shalL be less thaa the prevaii;oy<br />

contribution percentage rate charged cbe C~rnpan*~ Cn<br />

in~ra5taF-e traffic by an;? state agency or kt% B~%YLL~(~::LC~T-!.~'~~'<br />

* *<br />

A Presubscribed Interexchanqe Carrier C%?.rge {"?rc';";<br />

applres a mon~hly basis tr; 81l Cr?stc-ner ~^afitk~?y $;:;$L dV<br />

the prevailing rate.<br />

---<br />

ISSLED: Septder 27, 200Q $=<br />

ISSUFD BY :Kerri Bumgardner , VP Customer Network Opsrations<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 52a4<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-419%<br />

* -


FDQViEST ~tRRRISOt~I. SUITE 5200<br />

SEATTLE. WA 981 19-4191

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><br />


Far the Period of September 24, 2000 through September 27,2QtaQ<br />

if you need a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please contact<br />

Delaine Kolbo within five business days of this filing.<br />

Phone: 605-773-3705 Fax 605-773-3809<br />

@TQO-?1248 In the Matter of the Complaint filed by Joan Clark, Yankton, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, against<br />

AT8W~ornmunications of the Midwest, Inc. Regarding Clnauthara'zed SwiPch!~g-af<br />

bang Distance Carrier.<br />

Tha ~ompiainant alleges that when she established new telephone services she was switched to AT&T<br />

wrthosrf, ketr authorization. She had selected another long distance carrir;r. The complainant requ~sts<br />

can'rpsnsatisn for the unauthorized switching and for her AT&T charges to be rerated to the raft? ha;<br />

safedad carrier would have charged.<br />

StaA Analyst: Charlene Lund<br />

8kaff AAtton7ey; Karen E. Cremer<br />

Qoctie.s,ed. 09125100<br />

Intktw~ntian Deadline: NA<br />


EL##-027 In the Matter of the Petition filed by Nafthern <strong>State</strong>s Flower Company dlhta Xcei<br />

Energy, Inc. for Approval of Modifications 4 0 the Small General Time of Day Senrice.<br />

QPP September 21 2000. Northern <strong>State</strong>s Power Company dlbla Xcel Energy, Inc. filed a petition for<br />

rn~difjcations to its Small General Time of Day Service. The main purpose of the modifications is to<br />

gravida far an additional type of service under this rate for customers with numerous, low wgttzige dc?vi@&$A<br />

8tgS-f Analyst: Heather Forney<br />

Staff Altorrtay: Karen Cremer<br />

Data Ua~keted: 09/21 100<br />


TCOD-f 37 In the Matter of the Application of Americatei Cc~rpomtlon dlbla 40 '12.3 Arne~icakl and<br />

1010 q23 Americatel to Amend its Certificate of Authority to Offer' Prepaid Calling<br />

Cards.<br />

Amcricafal Corporation, dlbla 10 123 Americatel and 1010 123 krnericatel (Arnericatel) was granted a<br />

ccrttficata af authority to provide telecommunications services in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> on March 28, 1998; subject<br />

:D IRE: irpncfttion that it not offer prepaid calling card service without prior approval from the Cammissian.<br />

Qn September 21, 2000, Arnericatel submitted an application to revise its tariff to provide far prepaid<br />

eafCr;lp card servtce.

Staff Analyst: Heather Fomey<br />

Date <strong>Docket</strong>ed: 0912 1 /00<br />

Intervention Deadline: 1011 3!00<br />

TCOO-138 In the Matter of the Application of T-NETIX Internet %sw$@o&, i1W &Fi% g&%e;%+ $9<br />

Authority Po Provide Telecommunications Servl~el~ in 8$&x%h g%kq%&<br />

T-NETIX Internet Services, Inc, is seeking a Cefiificrte of Autl?or+ty tr3 pr~v*@@ k?rMQrrxt:34$Q@<br />

telecommunication services in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, The appll~snt is a e@#it$Ii$r kb%$ :? ???!*<br />

interexchange services including 1 + and 1 OIXXXX outbaund diahng. tali i~t&ibi,,na 3@kAh3 ,".&?; $4;<br />

assistance, data services and travel card services.<br />

Staff Analyst; Keith Senger<br />

Date <strong>Docket</strong>ed: 09122100<br />

Intervention Deadline: 1 011 3/00<br />

TCOO-139 In the Matter of the Filing for Approvai of a Boururl~I@ Ch&t~tO# ' fi$qF@g<br />

Telecommunications Cooperative Associsstiorn, fnc, and W@%I Nig~a-<br />

Telecommunications Cooperative.<br />

ValIey Telecomm~unications Cooperative Associatican, lri~ and Wsrrl RIFC@P<br />

Cooperative filed a joint application for approval of a boundary change bstwadfi @fa &&9%di

Also Admined in New Y ork<br />

md Mayland<br />


Mr. William Bullard<br />

Ex~cuti.ve Director<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> public <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><br />

500 East Capitol Avenue<br />

Pierre, SD 57501-5070<br />

(605) 773-3201<br />

Re: Telioor, Inc. - TC00-140<br />

Dear Mr, Bulltvrd:<br />

Lance J.M. Steinhart<br />

Attorney At Law<br />

4455 East Johns Crossing<br />

Suite 285<br />

Duluth, Georgia 30097<br />

October 17,2000<br />

Enclosed please find one original and t<br />

response t~ Staf's request, to be filed<br />

Provide Telecommunications Services<br />

~&QP&<br />

I have enclosed an extra copy of this letter to be date stamped<br />

reIfffaddressed prepGd envelope.<br />

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate t@ contast me.<br />

Enclosures<br />

; Michelle M. Faxis, <strong>Public</strong> Staff (wienc)<br />

Mark Bicraugel (wlenc)<br />

Lance J.M. Steixhnrt<br />

Attorney fox Telimr, be,

'Felicor? Inc. (Teiicor)<br />

<strong>Docket</strong> TC00-140<br />

October 17,2000<br />

1. Provide the name under which the applicant will pri3t.idr: lacit$<br />

irttsrexchange senice.<br />

Response: Applicant will provide locd exch<br />

name of Telicor, Inc.<br />

2. The financial information submitted for Telicor, In&, sb~s

TeIicor, Inc. (Telicor)<br />

<strong>Docket</strong> TC00-140<br />

October 17,2000<br />

6. 'fie local tariff does not include a Section 6.8,<br />

Response: Attached hereto is the revised local cxchmge tarkfffirr TE'fi[2~9f,<br />

7. Section 7.1, paragraph 3 of the local tariff contains an incnrti.tpIt=tc ,CmP$fiE:dr<br />

Response: Attached hereto is the revised local exchmgc t;anlifffof Tletimr:


Revised Local Exchange Tariff


f Mr West Hzrrisar~; Ste. S2W<br />

&aftIc; Washington 98119-4191<br />

hued:<br />

lszueb by:<br />








Kerei Eumgardner, VP Customer Network watians<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981 19-43 91<br />


TEt;ff OR XNC.<br />

11?0 Wrsl Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

%%sttle, VLtashZ~~gton 98llW9L<br />

Sonfh <strong>Dakota</strong> Tam N mn~a a<br />

Original Page 2<br />

'I-ABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................-................-......... vs-..s..4.4+..<br />

' I*<br />

Cf.a:If:Ck ~SffEET ....................................................................................... : ................................. 3...6...q..vfis...-<br />

......................................................................*................*........................‘....... ....<br />


AITBICATION OF TARIFF ..................................................................... .................... ..................................... 3 : .<br />

....................................................................................................................................<br />

. .<br />

,D . BEI;1NTTIONS s~.~.~.A..~,~.v~~~.~~~+=~~:$:.<br />

. .<br />

1<br />

2,Q- mJ'f4E<br />

.........................................................................................<br />

AND REGULATIONS ..,..,~~.,~c.z.s.,~+~~LL...~~~~,~~r~~Lz<br />

,<br />

3.0 -5XRt'ICE ,?&WAS ..............................................................................<br />

-4%.<br />

.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A A..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~iii+<br />

..y.<br />

4D SERVICE CF-IARGE ................................................................................... ............. dh.*.,.h4.,s,.Lm.,+a.q ....<br />

5,o .- 3qEWCIRK SERVICE DE-ONS ..............................................-............. ..,....................a ..,..,,.<br />

1. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE .................................................................................................<br />

7,Q + E,0C,41d SEI

-<br />

Ihe 71kle Page and pages listed below are inclusiss and effective as of the date shown. Original and ~ ked<br />

IX"FpESC"C3R INC.<br />

f &9 Wwt Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

Saftlc, %Vashington 98119419l<br />

Sauth Dakoh Tariff Mu*ber 2<br />

(Xriginal Page 3<br />

p~8s as named helow contain all changes hnm the original tariff that are in effect on the date stto%% on<br />

vt~eh pa gee.<br />

Page Page Page Page Page<br />

2-s2"aw BPvininn b.hId33 RPvisinnbIliR?bRPviinnm RPwiinnw&&&=&<br />

1 Origbal 31 Original 61 Original 74 Origind 87 Cfrimi<br />

2 Original 32 Original 62 Original 75 SrxTginal 88 C3rriginid<br />

3 Original 33 Original 63 Original 76 OriginaI 89 &gbl<br />

1 Ori@nal 34 Original 64 Original 77 Originai 40 C3ri&e@<br />

5 Original 35 Original 65 Ori@ 78 Original 91 QrI@al<br />

h Original 36 Original 66 Original 79 Original 92 Originel<br />

7 Ortigind 37 Original 67 Original 80 Ori@trid 95 CkiSlfi&c?I<br />

E Original 38 Original 68 Original 81 Origindl 94 OtSgit-tdl,<br />

5) Original 39 Original 69 Original 82 Original 95 OES&&~<br />

'It) 1Dtiginal 40 Original 70 Original 83 Original % &i$bd<br />

11 Qrigiaal 41 Original 71 Original 84 Origirral<br />

I2 Original 42 Original 72 Original 85 Originttl<br />

13 Original 43 original 73 Original 86 Original<br />

14 Original 44 Original<br />

15 Original 45 Original<br />

16 Original 46 Original<br />

17 Original 47 Original<br />

XN Original 48 Original<br />

19 Qrigrnal 49 Ori@<br />

213 Original 50 Original<br />

3 Clriginal 51 Original<br />

22 Original 52 Original<br />

3 Original 53 Original<br />

4 Original 54 Original<br />

25 Otiglnal 55 Original<br />

2.5 Original 56 OriginaI<br />

27 Original 57 OriginaI<br />

28 Original 58 Original<br />

29 Original. 59 Original<br />

30 (3riginal 60 original<br />

LSSZE&:<br />

issued by:<br />

Kerri Bumgarher, VP Customer NeWork Operdti~fB<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West. Harrison; Ste. S?OQ<br />

SattIe, Washington 981194592<br />

Effw Aivf?:


rW West jia17ison; Ste. S200<br />

S~aHlr?, Washington 98119419l<br />

c<br />

'fir lollo\cing ssrnbols shall be used in this tariff for the purpose indicated below:<br />

(D)<br />

Iasustct:<br />

iss~~ecl by:<br />

To signify changed regulation.<br />

To sigrufy discontinued rate and regulation.<br />

To signify increased rate.<br />

To signify a move in the location of text.<br />

To sigmfy new rate or regulation.<br />

To sign* reduced rate.<br />

To sigrutjr reissued matter.<br />

To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation.<br />

Kerri Bmgardner, VP Customer Network Operatiom<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191

23% tl~iff sets forth the service offerings, rates, &m and conditions<br />

I~~aammnnications services provided by Telicor hc. to customers within<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operatiom<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />


'~EtfCoR INC.<br />

TM %2'cs2 Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

SasBIe Wshington 98119-4191<br />


FD~ tl:! purpose of this miff, the following definitions wiU apply:<br />

Acci:~~ Line - An arrangement which connects the<br />

prwnce,<br />

Aetount Cacfrss - Optional, Custo~i~er-defined digits that allow<br />

depwtmet~t or client associated with a call. ~cfount Codes appear<br />

Advance Fzyrnent - P& or all of a paymertt required before the start of senrice.<br />

Aothorized User - A person, firm, corpsation, or any other<br />

tarnmtmnirat~<br />

utilizing die Company's service.<br />

Corrumnrission - Soxlth <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>.<br />

Campany or Carrier - Telicor Inc,, unless otherwise clea-rly indicated by Ihe conteul;<br />

Customer - "The person, firm, corporation or other e<br />

rt'sponditslr for payment of charges and compliance<br />

Deposit - Refers to a cash or equivalent of cash s<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inr ,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. $200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981394291

---- ---. t.7-<br />

It@ West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

SattTe, ~ashington 98119491<br />

ljlD Tivnk - A form .of local switched access that provides the abiiity for an ou<br />

&emior; directly without the intervention of the Company operator.<br />

Dial lPulse (or "EIP") - The p uk type employed by rotary dial station sets,<br />

lSud "Sane Multi-Frequency (or "DTMF") - The pulse type employed by tone. dial station sets.<br />

End User - Any person, firm, corporation,<br />

Company under the grovkions and replati<br />

wnfw the charges for the services utilized are accep<br />

%36 (mice - With respect to each NPA-NXX code prefix as<br />

, Carnpnny's "end office" for purposes of this tariff shall be the<br />

h'fSA-NXX code in the Local Exchange Routing Guide ("LERG")<br />

Hearing Impaired - Those persons with communicatio<br />

deaf, de&/blind, and speech impaired persons who<br />

cr:trnmtlr.~icirthg over the telephone without the aid of a teIe<br />

f4unting- lioutes a caU to an idle station line in a pr<br />

fn-#nJy - k service attribute that restricts outward dial acc<br />

i%'E2'iWcr<br />

point,<br />

Wt ar htterexchange Carrier - A long distance telecommunications sentices provider,<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

1 00 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191

'li%tICOR INC.<br />

1W West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

<strong>South</strong> X)i;tfCata Tatiff WUmbe~ 2<br />

Sfi@n;tl Page b<br />

LATA - A Local Access and Transport Area fskiblkhed pursuant to the ilkiodificgtiurt nF Final j@dggrrtr!%k<br />

I)iF my'<br />

entered by the United <strong>State</strong>s District Court for the District of Columbia in Chi1 Action No. 924794=<br />

olher geographic area designated as a LATA in khe National Exchange Carrier Asstxiation, IEIG Tatiff KCC.<br />

No. 13,<br />

EEC - Local Exchange Company<br />

Minl~ntrrn Point of Presence ("MPOP") - The main telephone closet in the C:astomerisBtrUdingrL<br />

Monthly Recurring Charges - The monthly charges tc~ the Customer for s1ervice5, fdcilitie an& ~piprnrnt<br />

whidr continue for the agreed upon duration of t& service.<br />

hfulfi-$requency or (UMF) - inter-machine pulse type wed for signaliqgbehvm K\trphnte sM&h@! or<br />

bmeea telephone switches and PBX/ key systems.<br />

NolrXaurring Charge ("NRC") - The initial charge, usually assessed on a owtime h~kt trr ini&& rind<br />

st~blish serhce.<br />

Ofher Telephone Company - An Exchange Telephone Company, other than the Gotnp~~t~y.<br />

PBX - Private Branch Exchange<br />

Premises - A building or buildings on contiguous property.<br />

Reruning Charges - The monthly charges to the Customer for serviced bcilitjes and qrzlpmeot vuhrcl$<br />

continue for the agreed upon duration of the service.<br />

Residence or Residential - A class of service furnished to a Customer at s frtace of dtuedi.mg whets. tk 4cElral<br />

or O~V~OLIS use is for domestic purposes.<br />

Issued:<br />

I%ucd by:<br />

Effm&k:<br />

Kerri Burngardrier, VP Customer Nctwtlrk D1.w tion%<br />

Teficor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

SeatfSe, Washington 9812941 91

TELliCOW INC !hzxth Daka& TaM %=-2<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200 tXQ-&&Z ~ ~ ! 3<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119491<br />

Service commencement Date - The first day fdowing tlre dak im tr.hV.33 tPhr; &m;4*&9 S%Tm k%<br />

Customer that the requested service is available for use, u~.nf% exwtxdscttll by ihit C t r ~ hgks.~% t ~ $@ ~ MX%:@E ~ ~<br />

%ice wtrich does not conform to standards set Eot-th in tle Service Order of tfx5 kM* &, w%x& ~4c. h<br />

Service Commencement Date is the date of the Cuslomsr's ac~cptikttct5~ I%$: Cmp&~iy &#$ CGSL- Mk$"<br />

mutudly agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date.<br />

Service Order - The written request for services executed by tf-ie Clrsbitrr.~t?~ dkful.4 kbzz Cca+%f FA famu&<br />

i@k%%%<br />

devW by the Company. The signing of a Order by the C@sliotr~er abrtd ~t&%g~t.m~ by && k?@m+p%tp<br />

&te ~w+wtive obligations of the parties as st forth tfiewin ;and purntrmf tc+ ah& b~g, ha# h d~s~1%7& +?$ %k5<br />

service is calculated fronv the Service Cummencement Date<br />

Telephone Company - Used throughout this tariff ta mean Teii'ticar fm ufaha 6kktTy &rikid&~&,m*&<br />

the text<br />

Two Way - A sewice attribute that includes oub*artil dhl capftE!$tic$ bf. tbr;l1bsFz;'&s.~ r&$&<br />

twd to carry inbound calls to a central point for further prwssix1gA<br />

Usage Based Charges - Charges for minutes or mes;iags &~'~r'eiftg m*c~ ttx41i @%E~W$P fm'htk3<br />

User or End User - A Customer, joint User, c?<br />

provider under this tariff,<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Kemi Bumgardner, VP Custonier M~l~hi~?bk. O~&f;t%t&<br />

Te1Cicrx lac,<br />

100 West ~ ~isatl; S& 5200<br />

Seattle, M%shirtpon 913829439F<br />

i3f&%%*E<br />

ih&d r"m etwd 1@


1D[SWesI Narrrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seatkir, Washington 981194191<br />

21 flndertakirig of the Company<br />

issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

ZP*1 Scope<br />

The Company undertakes to furnish communications service pummt to the ty?- a$ ehrs<br />

tariff in connection with one-way and/or hvo-%tay infomation &&nun.isf;btt<br />

from points within the Skate of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, and tednatirtg wikhiin lurid tiiltirrg &ma<br />

defined herein.<br />

rlrttl@%'i~rfig<br />

The Company is responsible under ihk tariff only for the tiervies wd fargi-ei&% w%+&d<br />

hereunder, and it assumes no respomibili~ far any semicsc pr;~~ided h~ any r~& +%&&<br />

&at purchases access to the Campany network in ar&r to originate a? ~tnindb~? $D Qw%<br />

services, or to communicate with its own Customers.<br />

.I,Z Shortage of Equipment or FadliLies<br />

(A)<br />

(8)<br />

The Company reserves the right fo limit or to auar:a& the us, ~ c z x ~ fa$l$ie~* G ~ I ~<br />

or of additional facilities offered by the Company, when rimy 'watk3.u tflf- h&<br />

of facilities, or due to some other cause beyond theCompany's rofi&EE<br />

The furnishing of service under th'i &tiff & s&bjmf. t@ %&& a~&li~&Mv aft- i?t<br />

continuing basis of ail the netessay facilities aad i limited to t%rc rapcity .o"f<br />

Company's facilities as ~eri as faditis the Company may obhh from nth&<br />

carriers to furnish service from time to time as required af &e WIG ,aiiwt:t~dba~ a# Eke?<br />

Company.<br />

Kerri Bungardner, \TP Customer Network: Opc;lra€iam<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Stc., 5200<br />


mLICOR INC.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.1 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

Issued:<br />

hued by:<br />

21.3 Tenns and Conditions<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

Service is provided on the basis of a miflfnum qprid ef ad bs% sit mV&s; 5%<br />

hours per day. For the purpme a5 cz3mapujtixrg {:haw & *r$- Wd&+ @ 1rp.3@@% s<br />

considered to have thirty (30) days.<br />

Customers may be required to ertix.r inlt> %v'~i-t.t:e~~ SIEW~P Q&% ktx%h @k&%f&~+&~<br />

or reference a specific descriptio~ sf at? ~mke @&led P@& 4%~ k& ~ h 2 ~ %& & ~ ~<br />

duration of the services, and the &FMS ark$ e3n43dbm i& f& t&%iffu c%fd$&@&<br />

also be required to execute any ather dt%\tntefi& rn Mik. k -%g'iii4%@ E@$&%%tf<br />

by the Company.<br />

(C) Except as otherwise stated ia eha kariff+ at, ri?~yitf's*~ eir the &%$WE k~bf&x%Fm%<br />

in each Service (Srder, or .in any afwkm i;Bt&fwf6 $E~QP sk9$ &B&W iah4 &#f@~kf<br />

to month basis at the then curr$:nf mw ft&% ib.ikmkmtsf b~ &&her s~WH<br />

thirty (30) days written ncrh'ce* Aq t;em%jndfi.bn di$%liB WI-f: ?@h%t ;Izk'3:sW-%% M<br />

its obligation to pay any charge imud urrder & 6:%f&~ &ad &&df<br />

prior to termination. 'flit. xigh& anid abfB,p;arii~8ib 5wkie"b b- kkdr MWv F%$&$%$<br />

beyond the terminatinn af the tmn a$ &F d@&e FIC&? &B&F %t$@e%i %m-B't<br />

termination.<br />

(Df<br />

Service may be terminated upaE:t ~*it'ttr;fn a~liia 4ri CI:~ISP~II$Z~$ it;<br />

(I)<br />

(2)<br />

the Customer k using the wruie~?. In vi.7tSTiritfi c$;i% d"~jS- bdk% 4s<br />

the Crlstclnrer is mbg the s;~t'i! it% $*kdaIk:;rit~ lirl Zlb &bF%<br />

( 'Ihi tariff shall Ise infrrpr&& md pvcr~d @$ $;a%% tnhlci W W r?F %~&a&<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong> without regard far its cjmice of ptrt.t%b,<br />

Kerri Bumgardcer, VP Cu5tt~me.r<br />

Tdicas Tnc-<br />

7 00 C%lest Manison: Ste4 S2kB<br />

%atAc, Wahingtan 5% $59-lf<br />

XasWatk s;^Jpa&~3$&<br />



20CI West Hanison; Ste- 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.1.<br />

Issued:<br />

bsued by:


300 West Harrison; Ste, S200<br />

%atJSe, M7ashington 98119.419l<br />

2.1 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

Tssrsr,.cl t<br />

LwuecI by:<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

(C)<br />

Except as otherwise stated in this section, the iiabilify of Carrier for darnage<br />

arising out of the furnishing of its services, inciluding but not timiked to nth@%&%,<br />

oi<br />

use of these sewices shd be determined by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Sbhtt! W~)itx39-f&<br />

I and 49-13-1.1.<br />

omissions, interruptions, delays, or errors, or otlter defee& R ~ ~ ~ Z ~ C B M ,<br />

Except for the extension of allowances to the Customer for itl.hwupgtlrw h<br />

in Section 2.7, Carrier shall not be liable to a Custcrmer or S~rd paty fat; aRy diwt*<br />

indirect, special, incidental, reliance, co~ucmtiail, exempXq of priiti~e<br />

damages, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or pt~fgts, inrlttding labe: UI&<br />

limited to, any act or omission, failure to perform, delay; ii~&mpti&n, €aUrtw t@provide<br />

any service of any failure in or breakdn~c~ af fadlitis as~irsiatad *h.'l@t &e<br />

service except as determined pursuant to SKI, 49-1-3-1 me3 444331.1-<br />

The liability of Carrier for errors in billing tkirt result in nvetpiipmmt by the<br />

customer shall be limited to a credit equal tw the daEOiui &matrat %:~r~m%mty<br />

billed, or in the event that payment has befin made rsr-id ha k;~<br />

discontinued, to a refund of the amount erronmustry bifleff,<br />

Kern' Bumgardnw, \T Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811943 91<br />



1W West Harrison; Ste. 3205<br />

Seattle, Washingkon 98119-4191<br />

21 Undertaking of the Company, (Cortt'd,)<br />

Issued:<br />

l[ssued by:<br />

21.4 Limitations on Liability (Cont'd.)<br />

(D)<br />

The Company shall be indemnified. mu$ $abi& .h<br />

against aIt loss, Uabilit): danzge and<br />

dus to:<br />

Kerri Bumgardrier, VI-) Customer Nt%%xetk<br />

GIpra~~st~<br />

Tclicor Xnr,<br />

100 West Harrism; Ste. SPf&<br />

%aftle; W;rshingbrt 98f:T!P4%9fr

$E&YCOl? XNC<br />

IW West 'Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

-$&i~feshin@on 98119-429P<br />

2.2 Ilndertaking of the Company, (Contld)<br />

&sued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

21,4 Eimitation'ls on Liability (Cont'd.)<br />

(D) (cont'd)<br />

Kerri Burngardner, W Customer NemrkOpentio*<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison;. Ste, 92fn<br />

SattIe, Washington 9813941921


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119493<br />

21 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

Issued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

21.4 Limitations on Liability (Cont'd.)<br />

(E) The Company dm not parantee rmt mdka any Wiz#a~k)~ #tBR "c"i;p%% ;P;"<br />

iqstaliations provided by ib far use in as expfmi7i-e Itf4s@~p&~&<br />

(F)<br />

(G)<br />

Failure by the Company to axwrt iks r$gfa& p%iS%d'fit i~

TET;PCOR IN@.<br />

West Wamsm; Ste. 520<br />

Seattle, Washington 98319-4191<br />

2,l Ur~dertaking of Ihe Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

Xssvetf:<br />

Issued by:<br />

21.6 Provision of Equipment arid Eaadlities<br />

maintained and operated as to work sa<br />

Company.<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

the through trar.~drision of: siph liy. ditstnnlcr pr{$<br />

for the quality of, or defectsin, such tr&arniss%g-ar<br />

the reception of signals by Customer-pravidtz% LWJW<br />

(3) network controI signaling<br />

provided network control<br />

Kehn: Rumgardrier, VP Customer Network Operations-<br />

Trzlicor Irtc<br />

100 \Yes t Harrison; St@. S2OGt<br />

Gaftlp. Washington 981194193<br />


1"ELICQR WC.<br />

100 We5k Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

$~tillttf~, W;~$lxington 981194191<br />

21 Underlaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

1r;sucd:<br />

Issued by:<br />

7 Nan-Routine Installation<br />

At the Customel-'s request, installation and/ar maintenance may be prFarmei4 ofif&de $be<br />

Company's regular business hours or in hazardous locations. In such ratss, charges b&rortiF<br />

on cost i;f the achral labor, material, or other costs irrcurnd by 01" charged ta Cewptnjp<br />

will apply. If installation is started during regular bushless hours but, at the ~usta~ikh<br />

request, extends beyond regular business f~aurs info time pmibds includina, hut nat liBFli6ttd<br />

to, weekends, holidays, and/or night hours, additional dtiarges may apply,<br />

21.8 Special Construction<br />

Subject to the agreement of the Company and to all of the ~reppldkiow runrairr~! Za-rf~k<br />

tariff, special construction or facilities may be unde&ken an A n?a*wnabI-ite%r~ W &f @R<br />

reqzquest of the Customer. Special construction is corristrucltion underQken;<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

where facilities are not presently available, and the- is no other requircmcnff6ilhc<br />

facilities so constructed;<br />

of a type other than that which the Company muid norm~tly utiti%@ tbc<br />

furnishing of its se~ces;<br />

C) over a route other &an that which the Camparg ~~ouId rrarrmd!y itftiik~ 11% thc<br />

furnishing of its services;<br />

(D)<br />

in a quantity greater than that which the company wouid norcnalty cd>mW~lt<br />

(E) on an expedited bask;<br />

(F)<br />

on a temporary basis until pern~anenl. facilities are axraiLbIe.;<br />

(C) involving abnormal cosfs; ar<br />

[H)<br />

in advance of its normal consfeructinn,<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Neb\'.~rk OPratinns<br />

Telicar Inc,<br />

100 West Manison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119~4191<br />



300 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

SeattZe, Washington 98119-41%<br />

2.1 Undertaking of the Company, (Cont'd.)<br />

21.9 Ownership af Facilities<br />

22 Prohibited Uses<br />

Issued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

Tide to aU facilities provided in acmdmc:e<br />

partners, agents, contractors or suppliers.<br />

221 The services the Company offers shaD not be used for any ~nIowf%ttf br f&P gfiy<br />

as to which the Customer has not ob~tned ;dl mlyatr@d go.t~'mm~t;aE<br />

authorizations, licenses, consents and permis.<br />

tpf~rripi~h,<br />

222 The Company may require applicants for $emice xvbv inbid trli US %h& CQ@@%~*%<br />

offerings for resale and/or for shard u s ttr &e a ktbr t\~ltkh Uw C~rnpsxy m~fismiw fh@%<br />

their use of the Company's offerings complies ~4th @be&nt 14%w?i afid f k %~%gtk Dittkfla<br />

<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>'s regtrktions, pcsiicj~, wrrd~&, d~irud dwMak%<br />

22.3 The Company may block any sigmil.s Mng bn,rmib$ aver its Nefwmk by C%+@T=%<br />

which cause interference to the- Company ar other mr$% Ct&b@@r aE%tk k &f5@%& f:i#ddR<br />

obligations to make payments for char$& ddting ti3 YW~ bIwR~4 % E V &leida$&tX<br />

~<br />

indemndy the Company for any claim, judpetit nr 13~bi11iy &%%I&@ bi?~~ t& bkkig*<br />

24 A Customer, joint user, or aufh~rifdd user may n41P dsi#&. OF triiafm b &v 8t3WFK ,t&<br />

service or any rights associated with the xwfr:~ witt'~o~C &&<br />

Company. The Cornpimy vdf pemtifc a C ~tc~~fif<br />

~dg* EQm& k';f,%I%i<br />

$0 tF,&kmkf~g ~%i?itk.~rg~%~ &+ &M@Q*R<br />

entity if the existing Customer has paid all cktrtrjp ar*$!d 8~ 2jw R~h%p@~ ~@ibk35<br />

communications services. Such a transfer u4U k W!t& &s a &ik~%%tf@n td %%&$4&9g<br />

service and insaation of new ;w~wi~e, and no~!+tmtcing irqb3iIaticle ebrm* & ~kaI~,tin<br />

this tariff will apply.<br />

E% f %Wve-<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, $fT Cmtnmcr Nctwx>~k O~rzrtiiom<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 9200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-419 l


1CKI West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811!34191<br />

2.3 Obligations of the Customer<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

23.T General<br />

The Customer shall be respomibje far:<br />

A<br />

the payment of all applicable charges pur;r?ua~k &I tb13 kariff:<br />

(B) damage to or loss of the Campdrty's facifities q~ipeag P~%E&& 1%~- t h 6&+ QF<br />

omissions of the Cusbrner; GF the namom~IYfjizra1~~' bjr fk&- C~sSnmf~ with- &&@<br />

regulations; OF by fire or ti"icf.t ci;. oU1er- o+@uefty urr tk CXL%&%@# P&%t&4i<br />

caused by the nqiigenee or \~


103 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

23 Obligations of the Customer<br />

2.3.2 General (conh'd.)<br />

(H) making Camp<br />

'I n - -AT_u~E~-L;;EP~E~~<br />

allowance will be made<br />

purposes.<br />

Issued;<br />

Issued by: Kerri Bumgardner, VP Custo13iut Newrr~k i3j%:r&.fia&%<br />

Tizlicor IJ.K-<br />

100 Wesf liarrisarr: Sf& S2ifi$<br />

Seaftle, W ashingtofi !181.1,'3-4191


XW West Hamson; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

SEm1cw r: - '<br />

23 Obligations of the Customer (Cont'd.)<br />

Issued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

23.2 Liability of the Customer<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

(C)<br />

i * - - as@$<br />

Carrier shall be indemnifieci, defended d~td 'Irelrf flarmk6 @ &eGss.f?dok @%<br />

end user from and against any and rrl;lit&, l@~%~ demix-tdi%sl g@t%, e~pme+ $%i<br />

other action or any liability whakwver, bcl'rrdingaim&x~ r'm, w4kP&%<br />

suffered, made, imtibtcd, nr amrbd iy &e Chsba*f a;%$ sWy a@w% fw$F. 62~<br />

any personal injury to 01' death of &hy qk.tsen sr p%W&k. &Ed Q@o wVy k%%<br />

t~r~udi~ig~vfr~wmc~~r~Pe~~~~mw<br />

damage, or destruction of any pr-erp%4yr<br />

whether ow.ed by khe Custort~cr ar by my %*fkft pr&-$ 8ir $h&%i& %,<br />

have been caused directly or fndi~t1y by the i~f~;t&i&&%fi+ ep$&$b&+ ftbf%* F@<br />

operate, maintenance, presence, earrditjafi, f~%+%f4t!d1~ q%r %I%O%&B $6 Be%$<br />

Carrier air Customer equipment or fae2tid~z1 z;tf -%mW p~bii%&&<br />

%~CL&P<br />

Carrier does not pararttee nor mirkt.any watfitlla& w&h h%gW# tit* 3%%Q'Eg#t&m<br />

provided by if for use in an explosive &mskspbfe, $h@&t 4&%@%fir;4$kJ<br />

defended &d held harmjess by the C~$fam@r I#IB~ rfgi8k6 4%%33 &"is$ &@<br />

claims, loss, demands, sujb, or Q&& a$tiafiZ w di$ry bbf$5Qy ~hhW@e%~<br />

including attorney fs, whether sa&&, 6tx.altte: ir~~&@rr,~$ ert.@%We%i T&w<br />

Customer or by any rjtfrer party$ far pr~am P if$&~ W %F de&$+ of @& p%sW<br />

or persons, and for any fwsp damagep at tfmtxifct&%a d say pM@jp, iwhu&$ipg<br />

environmentilt ~on&ar~ttF~a~a~~~<br />

wFt&ki~? W%YK& ZF h $ ~$t~&~'s GB ky &t+' &@@%<br />

party, caused crr claimed fa haw WB cau%~i blmtIp ef i.fid#~@y by t%Fs<br />

installation, operation, frri(trte tb ap@rdtwfi a%rtrt@a&ms4 PWR~V~Q~~P~R%$%~~$F'<br />

location, use or removal of any dq~fpmhl<br />

os f&gji#kW '$5~ %?:.www<br />

&ad p@fi~#a~%<br />

Notwithstanding any othficr p.tovbiat% +f $l&~s.Bzl$ff filr $,tJ c4%$4fk~k!<br />

Laws SS 49-13-1 and 49-33-3: -1, my ~rxkn c1eim%w& w d ~ ~ 8 Ce~w't &<br />

may either make camptaint to &e Cma~.i%qk$ti BF' &My bf9fig ~ 5 bk!$ % f dW9b'<br />

behalf for the recovery ~i ddsrn&gos b *xny &@wtt &of s$%mptt%f $rbf%%~% *B<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, but na prmn way pursue katk$em@dh aO $he ,*aw<br />

Kerri Bumgardncr, VF' Gusiomrrt. Mebwfc i4pa:.aikf,i~>&<br />

T'etim IRC-<br />

100 tv*t Hadsola; Ste* Sf@<br />

%:%^fn: t*.:

TY-n,ICQR INC.<br />

100 West Wanison; Ste. S2M)<br />

Seattle, WasErjngton 983119-4191<br />

2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels<br />

bsuecl:<br />

lssued by:<br />

24.1 General<br />

A user may transmit or receive infomalion or signitb via &e fa&Bt:soF &L': Compfiy= %%k<br />

Company's services are designated primarily for khe transmhsian of ~oke@ode Mephak<br />

signals, except as othenvise stated in thir tarift A user may tmnsmit Any fom &trip$ &axis<br />

compatible wikh the Company's equipnient, but the Cornpay dm net @Bra&&@ &&% ik%<br />

services will be suitable for purposes other than voice- t&lqhartic mmsxiznkaB~&<br />

except as sp~ifically stakd in this tariff.<br />

2.4.2 Station Equipment<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

Terminal equipmenk of the user's premk and ItYtc cle~bL ptn%~f WMktW<br />

such equipment shall be provided by and maintlkinni at Lk. crpm of (tte tk@k<br />

The user is responsible for the ptovkian of witkg rrr cable fk% ZFQRW~ j& ~ ~ I ~ E<br />

equipment to the Company h4lQ?.<br />

A E<br />

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Ctfstoe~e~p&kvxd& c~$~i$tm&%h<br />

connected to Company equipn~ent and ftrcilitie i?; rlampagbb wi& SGC~ k~]td$akeBt<br />

and Facilities. The magnitude and character of the volfr4g~z%nd ~~tt?m&t imyr-%i<br />

on Company-provided equiprnerrk atrd by c@WaJ4& ~$dv&U&n,<br />

maintenance of such equipment and wilrilrrg sh5l k sat& i& chkit& iliitwsge ftx<br />

Le Company-provided equipmed and witifkg or in@? to Ulr c@&*$%<br />

employees or to other persons. Any additionat gr52~ki~e a$~ipfticrut ~y~itk~%& H<br />

prevent such damage or injtiry sbli be p~ok+id&d hgr && Clkmgt8rtp &he<br />

Customer's expense, subject t~ prior Custanrer ajspro~d trf th.t! quipn~ent<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, W Customer Netwt~rk<br />

t.&xrati6%5<br />

Teticor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S2MS<br />

Seattle, Washington 9611941gI<br />



10 West Harrison; Sle. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981294191<br />

2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels (Cont'd.)<br />

2.4.3 Xnterconnection of Facilities<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

*'mw%x* --- Mgim3 Fig*: 2*<br />

Local Traffic Exchange provides the abiiiry for ano&@ ~M&I le~dt&@ ~m~idg~<br />

local traffic on the Campany's network In ~der M qrtdiftt fW f~k;sf 'fdfi.r: EXC~R@ d~<br />

call must: (a) be originated by an end user of a accmtptty jlki%k h *%luttb~ti~&6 %a$&<br />

<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> .to provide 'litcat exek&n@ fk$ ~~Pigmh kt,%&<br />

terminate within a local calling area of the Campany-<br />

Any special interface equipment necessary to sdiiew compltibiliQ &Wmt a&?<br />

and equipment of the Company used for firmAihitlg C~ntkrikranic&Lhm %~vkEe ib?<br />

chamlels, facilities, or equipment af othes shall k pta%+t$& al %heCa$&mers& .rqWm&<br />

Et3 efff$iW<br />

( Communications Services may be carutc~krf t~ &m.ir:& rrr fa&+ij&% d %4k%<br />

communications carriers only when azt.thnrked by3 and in sce@uf&~ w&A kk &&<br />

conditions of the tariffs of the other eomrnaraic~G~t~~ carrjtm x~+hkh r z &rppXk~Bb<br />

~ it% $&i&<br />

connections.<br />

(D)<br />

Facilities furnished under this taM may k cntm&:Wi b Car~t@ktn@f prn~jkkk!<br />

equipment in accordance with the prawisia~ of ikk tat'iff, Aff sucEBu t&~mb%<br />

shall be registered by the Federal Cnmm~xnicati.i)rt~ Conrm&%i@~ flu~tuint f&Pta&@ 4%$ I~J@<br />

47, Code of Federal Regulations; and is11 w-pwidef %s;inng k &%%lbd &&d<br />

maintained in compliance with thm reguttia~.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, tT Cusbmrrz NrttWo~'k *raGan;%;<br />

TeUcor Inc.<br />

104 West Harrison; 5%~- 32&?<br />

Seattle, Wasflingtorr %Jt94'E91.<br />

2Ffn:itbc.<br />



1W West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981x9-41%<br />

4 Customer Equipment and Chm~els (Cont'd.)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

& &I; B is&,+& %3%%pq<br />

(A) Upon suitable no~ca~tion ta the Ctzst~mt%~<br />

may make such tests and &mwo= a slay be f$ A4kmb* &@% h@<br />

Customer is complying with the requirema& %% Ik& at +%x&ktn zL.kJ@3 krr &<br />

installation, operation, af~d rna%imMg RI Cm~m4ph5~W f&ihWg<br />

equipment, and wirins in tkre cons&an of r:rt!$ts~,n'iimip~vk-f& f&&lW<br />

equipment to Campany-om& fadlitie sird quir)v~t~;'akk<br />

(&)<br />

If the protective rcquirernenb fbf ~~~fomrt~ptovid~~<br />

cornp'lied with, the Company may Lie s'etch acnr?~ &% fit &-%% fy %a3 @$%-<br />

r,yripMk a& &@&I h&<br />

its facilities, equipmenl, and prnmt6 RI@ Ctsurrw@y @d#jT && ce>~$<br />

promptly if thee is any need lot lutther mmdixc action. Wl&jtin An &d;ar$ d<br />

receiving fihic notice, tire Custorrter fit%& f&ke kbb E#~X@~B a~lh% a@& p~ejk*,rrb<br />

Company of the action hkm. If &r Cu$&nrat &iB% $a ilta %k Cam~wb may<br />

take whatever additiun;tE acgon b df!#%& m B q s &%@age+ &% S%sm%%* Ctt<br />

mice, to protect its fdies, q~ipmmE 5 4 f~~~ Wm-<br />

(C) Lf. ham to the Campsny1s ~&w~Y&z~ pm~mll w~~ B fm@d@& W<br />

Company revme the righl ta sht~t dwn C@*afmvu"s MW~% rn~%~ftd%++rri~<br />

prior notice rquirxtd.

100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.5<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Customer Deposits and Advance Payments<br />

2.5.1 Advance Payments<br />

The Company doer not require advance payments<br />



IW West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

2.5 Customer Deposits and Advance Payments (Cont'd)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.5.2 Deposits<br />

The Company does not collect deposits from Customers.<br />

Elf6:rxi~ir:<br />

Kem Bumgardrier, W Customer Network Q%r;l#*&%<br />

Telicor Int.<br />

100 SVesi Harrison; Sk. 52135<br />

Seattie, Washington 98119-411!l1


IW West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Wasl~glon 981189191<br />

2.6 Payment Arrangements<br />

hsued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

26.1 Payment for S e~ces<br />

The Customer is responsible for fhe payment of a!i charjgm f~r bt5ti&s and X.W~=<br />

furnished by the Company to the Customer.<br />

The Customer is responsible for the papent af federal exCiS& BXB~ %Pa&! &Rd ~cE+I ah<br />

and use taxes and similar kxes imposed by gavt?lmentzrf juti%F&~m, dt uaf whicb&u$t iE?&l<br />

separately designated on the Company's invoices. The Compmy %;ilk not e;)"Lr"ak& &a+<br />

for the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> gross receipfs tax on the Company's hvoice fW 'l~d &q<br />

taxes imposed by a local pisdiction (e.g., county an& rnwGcipa8 wilt gnfy k ma%da<br />

from those Customers residing in the affected furbdictians,<br />

Certain telecomnunications services, as defi~ted in the %~lr& tEr.ak~.ikg ,%&id EMF* kaW,<br />

subject to state sales tnx at the prevailing tax ratesI if the WIW~C:~% ot kefmiE5a%<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, or both, and me charged to a suWkxrFs fibiXt?phom ftt11nkk~ ~r u%a~4tt, h<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>,<br />

26.2 Billing and Collection of Charges<br />

The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges incurt& by ffle Cmtk~%er: or hli*&?~<br />

users for services and facilities furnished ta the Custotrrl;xr by &k+ Cowtp~ny~<br />

(A) Non-recurring charge are due and paynble %iWi W L (yItT:j ~ d.lys &fk&r i h nrdrh.<br />

the invoice is mailed to d-re Customr % the ComgI~rty,<br />

(B) The Company shall present invoke% lor rwwring sh&* mnrhly hy<br />

(C)<br />

Customer, in arreas of the month in whiclx %?3@5ce b PPW~S~@~+ 8~1d<br />

charges shall be due and payable %$thin TJO) day) dhef kfxt d&& Lh* kgwe@ L<br />

mailed to the Customer by &e Gompmy, %%%w<br />

usage, usage charges will be billed moafftly far ihe prnaiing biuihrg id#<br />

~%"r:th~~i~~<br />

bitling &a h& SPPl gli&i-e~~w"~<br />

When service does not begin on the first dry of &it rno&*or ~d @# Lhe Wt<br />

the month, the charge for the hacgon of the manth in which E%%& WW fu$~&k~t$<br />

will be calculated on a pro rata basis, Fax thiv pmp, kmtv a@ne% hu ~01iii%W<br />

tr, have thirty (30) days,<br />

Effethc<br />

ICerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Nttrsll~rk,~'i'r2@~xrs<br />

Teiicor Xnc.<br />

100 We9t Harrison; Sle. 52012<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194f 91


100 West Harrison; Ste. S2W<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4197<br />

S F ~ 3 n ~ - IUB- N<br />

26 Payment hangemen8s (Cont'd,)<br />

Issued:<br />

hued by:<br />

2.6.2 Billing and Co~llection of Charges (Cont'd.)<br />

(D)<br />

(E)<br />

BiIJing of the Customer by the Company will begin 0l.t tfce %wire Q?ma.ir1't;~e.menk<br />

Date, which is the day on which tine Camparty wM& &e f&i$it~&c~ &at 5Zre<br />

service or facility is available for use, wept that the %&u; Cnanitr&wemmt Q&&<br />

may be postponed by mutual agreement of Ute parties, or if ihe act%;& @T<br />

does not conform to standards set forth in this %riff ts~' i)le %W


100 West Manison; Ste. S200<br />

SeatUe, Washington 981194191<br />

2,6 Papent Arrangements (Cont'b.)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.6,3 Discontinuance of Service for Cause<br />

The Company may discontinue service for the follawing r#Easo~& pfn;l.id~&<br />

2.6.3. Customers will be provided five (5) days ~vdtte~t trodce psia~ E~r$~scli~~nd&~am%<br />

otherwise indicated.<br />

is kIfib5 %%&~EZ<br />

~Itabf<br />

Upon the Company's discontinuance of service to ate Cus4omc.r urtrfeP W%n f2;.&;%3%$ @f<br />

2.6.3(B), the Company, in addition to aU other remedial that wiay k &rc'&'rhbk Wr<br />

Company at law or in equiiy or under my other provJsi(11~1- ~k Cith Way k&k&@<br />

future monthly and other charges which woirfd have ka jpy&'.hhie by &ecxi,*m&r bk$%g<br />

the remainder of the for whisrh such servic& ivattfd hasf@ ~fl%n%i~& &XFO p$nlli~~ft$* S@<br />

the Customer to be irnrnediakly due and payable [diwoua;t~.4 %@ prW%k bbl.l$& &% .B%%<br />

percent),<br />

(A) Upon nonpayment of my amoun;t?; owhg i~ Camp&ny. G~C~I~P$B%#X~ %My+<br />

discontinue or suspend sentice wr'thouk Incurdttg eiily t"&bSt3~< MQ h%k mtde&t$at<br />

service shall be disconnected for nanp&ynrmk urrtii at: k & 39 ~ hk%y5 dvvk~

100 West Manison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.6 Payment Arrangements, (Continued)<br />

2.6.3 Disconlinuance of Service far Cause<br />

( Without notice in the event of fraudttlent us+? af lhe

'fEI.lCOR INC.<br />

lW West. Hmison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

26 Payment Arrangements, (Continued)<br />

kf;ue~L:<br />

issued by:<br />

TTnN ? 0 - RT JT.FS A Nn R E . . A T I O v<br />

2,6.4 Notice to Company for Cancellation of Service<br />

Customers desiring to terminate service shall provide the.<br />

of desire to terminate service. If special construction is h\r<br />

written.<br />

2.6.5 Cancellation of Application for Service<br />

(A) Where the Company permits the Customer to<br />

to the start of service or prior to any speciaI co<br />

except for those specified below.<br />

@) Where, prior to cancellation by the<br />

installing the service or in prepa<br />

have incurred, a charge equal to<br />

shall apply, but in no case<br />

m~~murn period of service<br />

others levy against the Co<br />

had service begun.<br />

(C) Where the Company inc<br />

where special arrangem<br />

Company receives a canc<br />

salvage, may apply. In such c<br />

cost of the equipment, facilities,<br />

labor, and supervision, general<br />

depreciation, maintenance, taxes,<br />

costs associated with the special c<br />

(D)<br />

The special charges described in 2.6,5(A) through 2,h.§fC) will<br />

applied on a case-by-case basis,<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Ot?eratjol~s<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, $200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

Orisnati rage ar

'~EUCOII, INC<br />

100 West Nrrrrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattic, Washington 981194193<br />

%fi Payment Arrangements, (Continued)<br />

26.6 Changes in Services Requested<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Ntmtkrer Z<br />

CkiginaT Page 43<br />

If the Ctrstomer makes or requests material changes in circuit enginw&g, eqtlipmeplt<br />

specifications, service parameters, preries locations, or othenvSe mattlrially modifies &y<br />

provision of the application for service, the Customer's hwtallation fee shall be a~ijukiusted<br />

accordingly.<br />

2,6.7 Bad Check Charge<br />

A service charge of $20.00 will be assessed in accordance wit31 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> last. fur all<br />

checks returned by a bank or other financid institution for; Tnsufficierit or uncoDe(et@ld<br />

funds, closed account, apparent tampering, missing signature or endorsement, or any;o&ci<br />

insufficiency or discrepancy necessibting return of Ule instrument ak Ihe discretion of &e<br />

drawee hank or other financial institution.<br />

7 Allowances for Interruptions in Service<br />

(A) A credit allowance will be given when service is<br />

Section 2.7.2 following. A service is interrupted<br />

Customer, e.g., h e Customer is unable to transmit or r<br />

component furnished by the Company under th<br />

(BZ)<br />

An interruption period begins when the Custorne<br />

to be inoperative and, if necessary, releases it for<br />

period ends when the service, facility or circuit is<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seanle, Washington 981194191<br />



IOQ West Harrison; Ste, S200<br />

SeaQdq Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.7 Pillowances for Interruptions in Service, (Continued)<br />

&sued:<br />

Xsued by:<br />

2.7.1 General (Continued)<br />

(C) If the Customer reports a 9emice, facifiitrgr or circttik tg he inkm%ptd but ~i*@ikm Ee<br />

release it for tesPing antd repair, or refu-ses access b iif~ prcmhs f%r k'f;9: and %pa& t~y<br />

the Company, the service, facility or circuit is corisidrrcid 07 h imp&& Bat k~k<br />

interrupted. No credit allowances will be. made far it. semicer Bs.cilj@ QOF %i@%;iti<br />

considered by the Company to be impaired,<br />

(a) The Customer shall be responsible for the payment af sewice thrkp s ~f &&<br />

herein for visits by the Companff agents or extnpfoyew t# !&fig p@WW$ Q$,H~&<br />

Custsmer when the service difficulty or &(s'~~Mef .t"ep~t- tesuh f%@? Ut& u3$i* @$<br />

equipment or facilities provided by an). party u&er &iln &eC~mp&~~ &wi@,diq kt45<br />

not limited to the Custonter.<br />

2.7.2 Limitations of Allowances<br />

No credit allowance will be made for any intempti~n irr sm~ice:<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

(C)<br />

(D)<br />

Due to the negligence of or nonc~rnptiancc. with the pmv&ir,~m af &b ruritf,byL&ay<br />

person or entity other than the Company. including but not Brnilrrd t€~ the Cgstg~h@r;<br />

Due to the failure of power, equipment, ~ysyJtem, connulion% ar ~tvkes &ct p&~%&<br />

by the Company;<br />

Due to circurns~ces or causes kyot~d &e resc~xable. conkrat aPQbti C~'*ri.upay;<br />

During any period in which the Companq. b nchk @v@n f%il<br />

facilities and equipment for the p ~ p of ~ invkst/gati#g ~ s<br />

rvfyft lon&rl(ny.<br />

ixiterruptions;<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Cr~stomer Ne~ork<br />

QR~GQ*<br />

Telicor Xnc,<br />

200 West Harrison; Ste+ SZBO<br />

p--Ul- \h?=chinutnn 981fg-+191<br />

it:%& ICC&%+ 6kP b<br />


1t@West Harrison; Ste. S2M)<br />

Seaktle, Washington 98'11941%<br />

-<br />

Allowances far Interruptions in Service, (Continued)<br />

27'2 Limitations of Nlowanc<br />

&sued:<br />

'km€!d by:<br />

(E)<br />

(G)<br />

A service will not be<br />

make use of the<br />

credit, use another mem o<br />

Section 2.7.3), or utilize mother<br />

During any period when the Customer has<br />

maintenance purposeE or for implementation of<br />

service arrangenxents;<br />

That accurs or conmues uur LV u*- ---.----<br />

any element of special consfmction.<br />

273 Use of Another Means cc Pnm*flni'ations<br />

'If the Customer elects to u<br />

interruption, the Customer<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, V . Gusto<br />

Telicor<br />

f 00 West Harrison; Stcr.. S2C)O<br />

cn,*l, washinetofi 981294191<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Settle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2.7 Alllowances for Interruption in Service, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

2.7.4 Application of Credits for Intemptions in Sentice<br />

to the Customer for the peri<br />

(B) For calculating credit<br />

shall be combine<br />

Keni Bumgardnsr, VP Customer Network a$x~&$iutS<br />

Teliccjx htc,<br />

100 West f-larrisen; $fe. SZm<br />

c,.,ect, rArlch;nrrti>fi qfi31 ~ jrl4fZ


100 West Wanison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

2,7 Allowances for Interruption in Senrice, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Application of Credits for Interruptions in Senrice, {Continued)<br />

(a) Intemptions of 24 Hours or Less<br />

Length of Intenuption Amount of Sedce to be Credited<br />

Less than 30 minutes<br />

30 minutes up to but not<br />

None<br />

1/10<br />

includhg 3 hours<br />

3 hours up to but not 1 /5 m y<br />

including 6 hours<br />

6 hours up to but not<br />

including 9 hours<br />

2/5 Day<br />

9 hours up to but not 3pX2;ry<br />

including 12 hours<br />

12 hours up to but not 4/51 Day<br />

including 15 hours<br />

15 hours up to hut not<br />

including 24 hours<br />

On%! Day<br />

(E)<br />

Interruptions Over 24 Hours and Less Than 7% Noxim<br />

Interruptions over 24 hours and less than 72 hours will h emfit~4 11% tky~f~r<br />

3-hour period or fraction thereof. No more tl'irdrf one full- d@& gredit w& be<br />

aIIowed for any period of 24 hours*<br />

(F) Interruptions Over 72 I-i[ou~<br />

Interruptions over 72 hours will be<br />

more than thirty (30) days credit w<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Net-work Opriktiam<br />

Telicar Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Sk. S206<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194lPdI<br />



t[#l West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle! Washington 981194191<br />

2.7 AUowances for Interruption in Service, (Continued)<br />

hsuck<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.75 Limitations on Allowances<br />

No credit allowance will be made for:<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Mum- 9<br />

Qrigirxaf Pa@ S<br />

(A) interruptions due to the negligence of or noncompliance with fhe prrlrt*~- of I&&<br />

tariff by the Customer, authorized user or joint user;<br />

(B) interruptions due to the negligence of any person other than thc C~l&~p%ny, iXlcIt,rtjing<br />

but not limited to the Customer;<br />

(C) interruptions of service during any period in which thc Company is fiat given fdii<br />

access to its facilities and equipment for ate purpose af fnve~tigatlng anti co.tfeeing<br />

interruptions;<br />

(D) interruptions of service during a period in which the Custunter c@@tinu~% ktct. ths<br />

serqice on an impaired basis;<br />

(E)<br />

(F)<br />

interruptions of service during any period when the f ustant~r has @ltlrdsy?d #wk& ti?<br />

the Company for maintenance purposes or far itnp1ancnbHon af a Cust~ftte~ st.$fafor<br />

a change in service arrangements;<br />

interruption of senrice due to circumstances or reus* lveyor~d fit. rri3w~lrt%!i. ckttibrd<br />

of Company; and<br />

(G) that occur or continue due to the Cust~mer's failure to autkaafka wplwem~atoff m y<br />

element of special construction.<br />

29.6 Cancellation For Service Interruptio~i<br />

Cancellation or termination for semiice jntcrmptiarr is pcrmikted vntg if iiily ~i~tjtt;<br />

experiences a single continuous outage of eight (8) frourn or mnrr or ctr~fibhu@ *mke<br />

credits equaling sixteen(l6) hours in a co~~tinuous hvctvc (32) mcrnth $%dad. The 1'IgFtt to<br />

cancel service under this provision applies only to the ait'rg'Ie circuit wlitek hi% 3iz.w 3GWt<br />

to the outage or cumulative service credits.<br />

Kerri Burngarher, VP Customer Network Operatiunq<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seaale, Washington 9811 9-ZZ9'f<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

2.7 Allowances far Interruption in Service, (Continued)<br />

Lssut?d:<br />

Issued hp:<br />

2.7.5 Limitations on AJlowances<br />

No credit allowance will be made for:<br />

(A) interruptions due to the negligence of or noncompliance with the pra%ijiaAt4 crf &is<br />

tariff by the Customer, authorized user or joint user;<br />

(<br />

interruptions due to the negligence of any person other khan the Catrryrar~y~ incsIt,tt;fiisr$<br />

but not limited to the Customer;<br />

(C) interruptions of service during any period in \vt'tich the Cmrnpjny it; atg given fal!<br />

access to its facilities and equipment for ale purpose crf ftmetSg;i%ng atd c~sk%Q.irrg<br />

interruptions;<br />

ID) intemptions of senrice during a period in which :)tie Ctrstonxer c~ntinirw t~cx the<br />

setvice on an impaired basis;<br />

(E)<br />

interruptions of service during any period when the C~tstamcs has t&ri,%d $t?Wk~ lo<br />

the Company for maintenance purpases or for irnp1uncnbtiou-r aE a Custarifer otdS<br />

for a change in service arrangements;<br />

(F) interruption of service due to circunrstances ar cau.~s@s kxyarld the tc:dw;ulraktls. cctfitrat<br />

of Company; and<br />

(G) that occur or continue due to the Customer's failttre to suthtgCirx! r.epGewrrrc$tt a! r!n;;<br />

element of special construction.<br />

29.6 Cancellation For Service Interruptio~l<br />

Cancellation or termination for sen7ice intertption is permitted o111y if iiq ~i&ldik<br />

experiences a single continuous outage of eight (8) hours or mtesre ar cl~~ri&ffikili~ rw~ic;'~<br />

credits equaling sixteen(l6) hours in a cot~tinuotrs buelve (12) rt~antEt ~xiod. T'tter ~pigFtr t&<br />

cancel service under this provision appilies only to the sim\g'lc circuit ~~vfdch hhirtr ~xk% sit&mt<br />

to the outage or cumulative service credits.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Nchvurk Bperittiuns<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, S200<br />

Seattle, Washingtan 9811 94191<br />

Ef fcctive:

T*EkdeOB fSC.<br />

5LIry %%%st %Faorisan; S ts. 5200<br />

,%1t-f2a Wssh$n@on 983L19491<br />

@ XJ;mecTlagon of Servic@ermina~on Liability<br />

tE& Cushmer cancels a service order or terminates services<br />

n:;xbon nlSwr than a service interruption (as defined in Section 2.7.1)<br />

list iernls in the service contract, Customer may be requested by d<br />

icraana,tiun liabiliv charges, which are deflned below. These charges<br />

&s of effcrtive date of the cancellation or termination and be payable<br />

in S7xlinn 3,,6,2.<br />

2.8.1 TerxninaHon Liability<br />

Customer's termination liability for cancellation of service shall be equal ta:<br />

(A) ail unpaid non-recurring charges reasonably expended by Comp<br />

service to Customer, plus;<br />

@) any discortnection, early c;mczllation or termination charges re<br />

paid to khird parties by Company on behalf of Customer, plus;<br />

{C) all recurring charges specified in the applicab<br />

then current term discounted a!: the prirne rate<br />

the third business day foIlowing the date of cancellation;<br />

(D) nxinus a reasonable allowance for costs avoided by the<br />

Customer's cancellation.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicos Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

<strong>South</strong> Dakoka Tariff Number 2<br />

Original Page 39<br />


'iT'f;:LfCQR INC<br />

Xi.@ West Maraisan; Ste. S200<br />

$gptt.le,. Wasi~,in@on 981194191<br />

23 kcsenred for Future Use<br />

%I6 Use sf Customer's Service by Others<br />

2.105 Resale and Sharing<br />

220.2 Joint Use Arrangements<br />

3 . Transfers and Assignments<br />

Issur.d:<br />

Issued Ijy:<br />

Kerri Burngar dner,

3%13C0R INC.<br />

3tlO West Manisan; Ste. S200<br />

SieaffIe, Washington 981194191<br />

212 Notices and Communications<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

2.12.2 'The Customer shaU designate on the service order a1 address ie .nwl~idr the Campany &&If<br />

mail or deliver all notices and other communieatiorrs, except tIll%f Cnsttrmcr rnq at*<br />

designate a separate address to which tl~e Company's Iaillls for service sh-dl1 ntjiiX~t3~<br />

2123 The Company shall designate on L%e service order an address ko %vRiclr Cus&ais ahtt<br />

mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that ftY@mpany may dg%im%v<br />

a sepa~zte address on each bill for service to w11ic.h thct Gusksmr shall mail p&ys?ae&f- or%<br />

that bill.<br />

212,4 Except as otherwise stated in this tariff, all notices or otlitff commut~ci7tions rqtri~t* &%,be<br />

given pursuant to this tariff will be in writing" Notices and other co~rrntbnici~Eonx ekher<br />

party, and d bills mailed by the Company, shall be prrw~tmtlcl to have defiv~xy:~E-b<br />

the other party on the third business day follthving ~r1ac:tmcnt af the tlicr&c,<br />

communication or bill with the U.S. Ivlait ar a private delivery ewice, pre$*ac3$~Z -9fklt<br />

properly addressed, or when actualIy received or refused by kh:ho add%-< wkkfimrr<br />

occurs first.<br />

2.12.5 The Company or the Customer shall advise the other p~ty of any &Ztn,ge~ ta t4tr ad~h%~%i<br />

designated for notices, other communications or billing, by follobvinj: dlc prwadrrrw for<br />

giving notice set forth herein.<br />

EIItxtivc;<br />

Kerri Bumgaxdner, VP Customer Netw~riLO~rixtiots<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Sk. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 91317 94191


I00 West Mamison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

3.1 Exchange Service Areas<br />

c ; ~ r n u<br />

* J.cE&wa<br />

Local exchange senrices are provided, subjet3 to availability af bcitihes arli6 tuy~ipm:rrk, h arm*<br />

currently served by the following Incumbent l.ECs: 11 U S t*IC;T,<br />

3.2 Rate Groups<br />

Issued:<br />

&sued by:<br />

Charges for local services provided by the Conrphny may 'C#s hsedli itf w~r afk the R+r& %>a"k7@$:<br />

associated with the Customers End Office. The Kaie Croup S diu&rrrrEm+ by thxz &?$a1 .I~VS% &wa<br />

and PBX trunk in the local calling area which can be reached front each &a$ Qffic@,<br />

In the event khat a11 Incumbent LEC or the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Publk 'UeZXitkx Kontnt&%tmb ~~e%fa&fa% 48%<br />

exchange frolin one Rate Groilp to another, the mI~%ificatian ~~ikj ,$hdr iiippi'$ kt ~r%E~iit~rs.2 i~rcrkr<br />

purchase services under this tariff. Local calling areas and R&& G~gotkp -f~%ig$r~e~b iite t.xkki%u"&wS<br />

to those areas and groups specified in U 5 M=STs %u& Uake~~ C~4tl~~,.?ai SB~W~~I' FE~~CF T~ii.?k<br />

(GSSf),<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VF Customer F.iehu"c!rk E;li~~z 4 Y IOTY&<br />

Tclicor lrze.<br />

100 West Ejnrri~~rn: St* 52FrR<br />

Scatde, Wasfiit~gtcln 9RIf C M Y 91<br />


33 Eckeitended Area Senrice Additive<br />

'row - sFRVrrF<br />

Sout-h <strong>Dakota</strong> TariflZiu"trmb%tt3<br />

Odghal Page 43<br />

D&Q~ u~jbx<br />

Cerhhl achanga within the Tekcomrnunicati~ns Service h j b n.i&h ~ k ~ l<br />

Erknded Area Lrvice additive to the rates provided in Searor. 7.2, 7.3 and 72 of LL hriff-<br />

fa~rinb. than iden& the additive rates that need to be added la he rate ~1 for<br />

ff~e Extended .4rea Service rate.<br />

13.3 Flat Rate Senice Additive<br />

"€0 Be Determined<br />

33.2 Message Rate Senace Additive<br />

'To Be Determined<br />

Effective:<br />

Bumgardner, VP Customer Network O~erafio~,<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981 19-4191

41 Sesvircc Order and Change Charges<br />

Non-recurring charges apply to processing Service Orders for ncw service, for ciiat~gds in service,<br />

and fc)r changes in the Customer's primary interexchange carrier (131C) code.<br />

Line Connection Charge<br />

First Line<br />

Each Additional Line<br />

Line Change Charge<br />

First Line<br />

Each Additional Line<br />

Secondary Service Order Charge<br />

4.2 Mairutcnance Visit Charges<br />

TBD<br />

TBD<br />

TBD<br />

Maintenance Visit Charges apply when the Company dispatches personnel to a Customer's<br />

prelilises to perform work necessary for insfalling new service, effectbtg d~anges in gervicc. uti<br />

rmolving troubles reported by the Customer when the trouble is found to bc? caused by thcl<br />

Customer's facilities.<br />

Maintenance Visit Charges will be credited to the Customer's account in the cvtimt trouble is nut<br />

found in the Company facilities, but the trouble is later determined ko be in thoefaccilifia.<br />

late time period for which the Maintenance Visit Charges is applied will conmlence when Corrrpaq<br />

personnel are dispatched at the Customer premises and end when work is compbkd, The ratts for<br />

Maintenance of Service vary by time per Customer request<br />

4.3 Rcstpratiern of Service<br />

. .<br />

r t ~ r h m lKisidd<br />

Initial 15 minute increment TBD<br />

Each Additional 15 minute increment 'l'f3D<br />

A restoration charge applies to the restoration of suspended senrice and facilities of-<br />

nonpayment of bills and is payable at the time that the restoration of the suspmlcd sgrvicc and<br />

facilities is arranged. The restoration charge does not apply when, after discsnnectic~n of service,<br />

serviccl is later re-installed.<br />

Per occasion<br />

Kerri Bumgardt~er, VP Customer NeWark Opraficrns<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washi~~gton 9812943 93<br />

Eff~t' -., IVE

6.1 General<br />

5.1.1 Services Offered<br />

VTrFC mm<br />

The following Network Services are available to residence/bminess Customers irnd for<br />

resale by other carriers certificated by the sou ti^ <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Public</strong> UBiities Commisslont<br />

Standard Residence Line Service<br />

Standard Business Iine Service<br />

PBX Trunk Service<br />

Direct Inward Dial (DID) Service<br />

Optional Calling Features<br />

The following services are available to residence/business Cus<br />

011 a resale basis as of the effective date of this page.<br />

Listing Semices (including Non Published and Non Listecl %rvicet;)<br />

Directory Assistance<br />

Miscellaneous Services (including Vanity Numbers and Number Portability)<br />

5.1.2 Application of Rates and Charges<br />

All services offered in this tariff are subject to s<br />

Customer requests new services or changes in<br />

Rcmrring and Monthly Recurring Charges. Ch<br />

assessed an a measured rate basis and are addition<br />

for Business or Residence liners, PBX Trunks, DID Truxr<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, IT' Customer Network Operatinns<br />

Telico~ Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981 19-41 91

TkZICOR ZNC.<br />

300 West Hamcon; Ste. S200<br />

Stt4i-tle,. Washington 981194191<br />

$1 General (Continued)<br />

I . .<br />

&SEX= .s-n - NEWORK~~ER~RTP~~~~CZNS_.~~'R~~T. -<br />

5.2.3 Elmergency Sewices Calling Plan<br />

Access (at no additional charge) to the IocaI<br />

dialing 0- or 9-1-1 is offered at no charge to the<br />

Message tog telephone cab, to<br />

following, having primary or<br />

emergency services to persons and<br />

meeting the definition and criteria o<br />

offered at no charge to Customers:<br />

Governmen;Eal fire fighting, Sou<br />

squad service (as designaied<br />

governmental emergency service<br />

a personally attended (live) tw<br />

a year, including holidays.<br />

An emergency is an occurrence<br />

threat to human life, property,<br />

emergency call is an originated<br />

agency in order to seek assistance<br />

Kcm Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Oprraiions<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

1!X \.Crest I-farrison: Sk. S-200<br />

Seattle, Washington 5181lf)-rl9?

- "'4*? MWlt L t 3 L<br />

f 013 West- f4run'som; Ste. 5200<br />

Seaiflc* Washington 9811941911<br />

Call Timing for Usage Sensitive Services<br />

Wl~rre charges for a service are specified based on the duratiun of use, s<br />

tclcphonc call, the following rules apply:<br />

5.2.1 Calls are measured in durational increments identified for ea<br />

fractions of a measurement increment. are rounded-up to the<br />

5.22 Timing on completud calls begins when<br />

is determined by hadware answer sup<br />

by the terminati~~g local carrier and<br />

5.2.3 Tinling terminates on dl cab when the calling party hang<br />

receives an off-hook signal from the te<br />

5.24 Calls originating in one time period<br />

to the rates in effect during different<br />

53.5 All times refer to 'local time.<br />

Ken-i Bunigardner. VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washhgton 98119-4191


100 West Harrison; Ste. S2(M<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4192<br />

5,3 Distance Calcdafions<br />

Where charges for a service are specified based upon distance, the f~llorc~ing fuks apply-:<br />

5.3.1 Distance between two points is measured as airline rfistdinczcr htwcxm tke &tt. CeBW& a$ the<br />

originating and terminating klepho~~e lines, The ralk afei' h ;r wP 0% gkwsgphk<br />

coordinates, as referenced in Local Exchange Routing Guide kuc?d Era k%i@t& a&%~i'ki~f<br />

with each NPA-IW combination (where NPA is the arcla CB~Q atld h~ & g.4;' first &&T<br />

digits of a seven-digit telephone number), SfuThere there it; ritlk kifepho* rtflfinkt &&wkfr.d<br />

with an access be on the Company's newark (such w II dedic&ed ~U31 GF WXE3 ax@<br />

line), We Company will appry the fate mrtb of' &c Cust~i3~nct%<br />

number.<br />

5.3.2 The airline distance between any two rak centers is dekrtllt&b as fc?ifrs~~:<br />

Step 1: Obtain the "V" (vertical) arrd "W @orit~n&l) it~i0fdi.n.rt~ $0~<br />

from the above-referenced BeUcorc dmmenk<br />

fi~aitx ki$$3fig ktvp$&~e<br />

e&h R&i Ch,h+z<br />

Step 2: Computer the diffe~ence between he "V" caardinatrt d tlte t%~.k;~ rate sefit&$~+~&&~i<br />

the difference between the two "El'* cwrdineta,<br />

Step 3: Square each difference obtained in step (b) ah~ve,<br />

Step 4: Add the square of the "V" diffeme ~trd qum& at the "%f'" b$iOfe~~~<br />

obtained in step C) above,<br />

Step 5: Divide the sum of Ihe squares by 10, Rour~cf tn thg nma t&i$tre# ?rhof~* numkt @<br />

any fraction is obtained.<br />

akmv, Ptaaaatd ut3 the<br />

next higher whole number if any fraction is obtYrined" %ih% b tfw ~.BAP~/$&: ~miie~tgc~<br />

Step 6: Obtain the square rout of the whsfc numk mulk nbt~*.?~irfcti<br />

5.3.3 The formula for distance calculations is:<br />

hued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

(VI - VzI2 -t (Hr -<br />

f3iftctj,c?.<br />

Kerri Bumgardn, VP Gustc)n%ser Ncf~~crtk Opratit>fi%<br />

Tellicor fnc.<br />

1 QD West Plarrkon; Ste, $200<br />

Seattie Washington 9811%4?9t

TEiLECOR 3NC.<br />

^ilBMre~t Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Sca tth, Washingion 981194%<br />

5.4 Hake Periods for Time of Day Sensitive Services<br />

ksud:<br />

k5ucl.d by:<br />

5.4.1 For time of day, usage sensitive selwices, the following rate<br />

specified in this tariff.<br />

MON<br />

8:00 AM 'LO<br />

5:00 PMt DAYTLME W-l'E PERIOD<br />

5:OO IJ'M<br />


1 t:OO P&4*<br />

1I:M)'PM TO<br />


*Up to but not including.<br />

54.2 Calls are billed based on th<br />

occurs. Calls that cross ra<br />

for each portion of the call, bas<br />

5.4.3 For services subject to holida<br />

holidays, determined at the<br />

national holidays, unless<br />

New Year's Day<br />

Memorial Day<br />

Independence Day<br />

Thanksgiving Day<br />

A5 Federa IIy Observed<br />

Christmas Day December 25<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West 13arrison; Ste, $200<br />

Seattle, washing tor.^ 981194191

1RO West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

$cattle, Washiragton 981194191<br />

--<br />

S E - r l " l C l D<br />

- 5 Standard Residence Line<br />

A Standard Residence Line provides the Customer with a sirtgte a~alog~ voi~t~~i3dc iclep&c>sL<br />

communicatiurs channel, which can be used ta place or receive ra* mil at a Gnw. %m$&rd<br />

Residence Lines are provided for the connection of Customer-plrovjd~xl r+-ktiing arrd *i#kg& 5taQIimt<br />

sets or facsimile machines. An optional per line Hunting fe!akuw & ast;aiEtrbIa3 for &:d&i'm-c*<br />

Customers which routes a call to an idle statiorr ?he in a prearrqpd gmup whm the r8xlFrrct a&;cilifm<br />

Iine is busy.<br />

56 Standard Business Line<br />

The Standard Business Line provides a Custo~ner with a singit!, u3at&f~& e;ch&grizefe %ehpkg3~$t-<br />

cominunicatiomns channel, which can be used to place nr rec&ve one ~8Xi $t ia Ilntc.. 5~&2:cT&~f.-a:<br />

Busines Lines are provided for fie connection of Customer-provitied wrfrti-g h& GhgIs! %bth% w%<br />

or facsimile machines. An optional per line Hunting feiitbm is aalu&$idbh fat rnidtti~~iw Cw~$aa~em<br />

which routes a call to an idle station line in a prearranged geup when thecotked riit.&Iriow Tixw k h3.<br />

5.7 PBX Trunk Service<br />

Issued:<br />

ksued by:<br />

Basic PBX Trunk Service provides a Customer wih a shgfe, voic~@$tabe telepheae rltu-mt~%i~r'r$wtbm<br />

channel, which can be used to place ar receive one call at a kime,, RumiL. Tmmk ilw peov.MeF Eaf<br />

connection of Customer-provided private branch exchange PBXJ Crb Stw prtb!k sswifez~%?b<br />

telecommunications network. Each Basic PBX Trunk is provided tvXiXft tfbtt~h-tsr~ ~igk~aligg P& &-t(~.y<br />

be configu~.ed into a hunt group at no additional ehrrfgt. 54th otfucr Cornpmpp&~vjde$ &sic PBX<br />

Tmnks. The signal is iu.1 analog signal at the DSO Iwet.<br />

firt'b*%*'f5%'%?.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP e3usiomer Xehvarl; CJperatitr~~<br />

Telicor inc.<br />

I00 West Harrison; Ste, SZaB<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119419E

a bi~iL.Ui< INL.<br />

3W 'Lltc* H&son; Ste. 5201)<br />

ScaMle, Uras)Pingtorr 9811 94193<br />

58 Reserved for Future Use<br />

ION 'i fl - NFWC~B~( S F R V ~ C~ ~ R I r - 7 W w<br />

S,9 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Senrice<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> TasiffiFXN~pstkrX<br />

original Page st<br />

Dircct I~iward Dialing ("DID") permits c& incoming to a PBX system or other Gstomer Pzerni-m<br />

Equipment to be routed to a specific station without the assistanice of an aKendant DID =Us &<br />

mulkd directly to the station associated with the called number DID service es offehld by Qe<br />

C~mpany provides the necessary hunks, telephone numbers, and out-wising of digioi ta g~anabtes<br />

DID service at a Customer's location. DID service require special PBX so&afe and hard$%= net<br />

provided by the Company. Such hardware and software is the res~xlwibility of the Curtamer-<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Nehvork Owratio-<br />

Teljcor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />



lim West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

SeaPtle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

5.10 Reserved for Future Use<br />

5,12 Optional Calling Features<br />

Issued<br />

&sued by:<br />

TIze features listed in Section 5.11.1 are offered by the cl:c$rnp&ny tn RmMetatlal and $1~-<br />

Customers. Refer to Price Lits in Sectiors 6 and 7 af this tariff for spmific b:e*xbirri- &t"T*;~rted OqW +h<br />

type o$ locd exchange service.<br />

5.11.1 Feahues Descriptions<br />

(A) Flexible Call Forwarding Provides end-user conriot fczir ca $1 Ir?r%-*xr@ing $ap&b1&b ws<br />

dial-accessed voice prompt menus. Custam~rs may t"na'wi\t.eP c1s1k tt> p~tn~&q &%&I<br />

long distance. The end-user may sp~iry il s~ot~daq lfsati~~ f@f &tteijfig tzf @F<br />

unanswered at the forward-to Iwation ar r~*3cf.t ii I~kq<br />

may be another telephone number, pager or uaicu rnL%%kp$: se~ice.; C?thrr rspM$M<br />

included with tfxir; feature include:<br />

Speed Forwarding;<br />

Priority Screening;<br />

Ring Control; and<br />

Timed Forwarding.<br />

signat Thb %X:L%%&~? $~w&%&B<br />

It is the responsibility of the Customer lo subfik kt? kho t~k?~@;;yW a~itr&%%,<br />

voice messaging service used as the sexondary Itxatirrrt.<br />

pix@~f<br />

(B) Flexible Call Forwarding with Audio Calling ?%Tarn& Pn%vidts *+\{ &;if thr\ ~VW~@F*X&~<br />

of Enhanced Call Forwarding. Akn pcmtb ~ Imd-usr C<br />

kc* tweii;.: kite E%zh~;k*q ttc'6b;isri<br />

of the party's whose call was fornarcfed Lo prirn41~ nu.B%kt.$, b MIP~~& %ht~tat&ir+.%~ J.bt~v<br />

end-user may hear the calling party's city and stilt6 @r l&t!@pha&~ .t4rnt%rnkge ci@@&iarg &%;.an<br />

available call data.<br />

(C) Flexible Call Forwarding Flus: Provitlm ail crf h w iftrz%tion&$iyy. crl Esrat^v%naasd. tk&;<br />

Forwarding. Also includes an adlditianai tctephmr? mumbsrrf wit?% afirWtr=zq tkstb$; a&<br />

distinctive ringing for cab phced to the additianai nutnt~$~ $idh%r%%:$i ' C&Cl<br />

Forwarding Plus allows parties to te~h &t~c ~nd-rt%r',r im1ttr"i;tn W~CFF F63; k% &~?ii+& Mtd<br />

all caUs to the end-users main ~1r;phom nurnkm wwjtrfi wtmaiky fgrwnwl. t.:ak& to thy<br />

additional number do not forward even ~vhm E&rc~mmd Gttl $$rw&t&%~n$ ACtgrs.<br />

j2,fftC@yV.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, W Cmtomer Netwa~k Op:~abo~~<br />

Teiicar lac,<br />

1 00 West Harrison; St& 53fB<br />

%atkk, Washington %^li 94t41<br />



100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Scattie, Washirrgton 981194lnil<br />

5.11 Optional Callling Features, (continued)<br />

lssm*3,<br />

IssucJ by:<br />

5,113 Feature Descriptions, (continued)<br />

(D) Flexible Call Forwarding Plus with Audia Calliing Kamc; l ~ ~ irk& trat &e i ~ ~<br />

FuncEonality of Enhanced Call Forwarding IJlus ir~cfu~bihf; &e acfdi~crh'~! kv4egb~:<br />

number with listing and distinctive ringing. Also perimirj 6~ cnd~ttef ffi FWC~QF $#I<br />

Directoiy Name of the party's xvhose call was fonvariled to print&? atrlr~kf. It'%%%#x<br />

situations, the end-user may hear the calling par* c.iv imd sbt~ ~ib Zckp$!c~~~ riarmkf,<br />

depending on available call data,<br />

(E) Call Forwarding Variable: Permits the end-user to aulcrrnati~~tt). lit~xwa~d Etttxrniak<br />

incoming calls to another telephoni: number, and to reetaat? tf 243 m~%k~tYrt 0 ~ ~ 4 1 haE f i<br />

their discretion. The end-user must dial an activation CII& fmm hk./hh?t e~,i:%$nge I&?<br />

along with the forward-to number in order ta him the fkatuf.~' osz- h sep~rd~ ra& ,F<br />

dialed by the end-user to deactivate the fedhire.<br />

(F) Call Forwarding Variable, Remote Access: Pernits ?he c%d-uwi It* auti,w1W.h2b<br />

for~vard (transfer) all incoming calls to another &lephonc IYU~~&*~YT, anti ip t@tg@'~e7 ff k'<br />

normal operation at their discretion- The end-user %~u?it dial ackrtretz~n htx.fela!*2q;<br />

with tl~e fonvard-to number in order to turn fie fcahxr~ An. X %T&P&?F $fx%t$ .'i$ dt*&%<br />

hy the end-user to deactivate the feature. fiatitre acB%*s;P.lcfn tR&y bc ~wtfb~&%~d h5Bb<br />

the end-user's exchange line or rmotely frurn mmw nllter krrc Rcllrkc%tqt: &%:EL%% f~~xxs&ge<br />

the end-user to (1) dial a special xcess number 2) cntcr kflcxr* w~6s@-.aii~$31 tit@ph@itkf<br />

number and 3) enter a personal ideneifjcati~n nu~fikx pric~t to fomardirkg rhctr xaaFb<br />

(G) CaIl Forwarding Don't Answer, Basic: Pctimits the forWtu4fing al igtc@rnxrr# t;ilfh when<br />

the end-user's line remains unanswared after a predcsigfiiiicd siwging irit@s%-ak "Yh<br />

ringing interval before fomrarding and the fbrwitrd-to rrumks aw-f'i*d ky &+: jq.fv&c-<br />

order.<br />

(H) CaU Forwarding Don't Answer w/Ring Control: T*cnn~b &a? hprartfiag 0%<br />

iw~mtrt$:<br />

calls when the end-user's line remains tY~if~%'~tr~j aklm pfesl~>ig,sth%i uingrrg<br />

interval. The forward-to number is fixed by tho srrvice ordrr.. &I4atvaWer, tixs ~qjtihtwf;<br />

has the ability to change the rime intcwal kfnr~ famarding ~bt'mw 4 hbihb~e<br />

discretion.<br />

Eiit~aiw<br />


7'EtICDE INC.<br />

250 West Harrison; Ste. SZOO<br />

.Sattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

, Optional Calling Features, (continued)<br />

5.12.1 Feature Descriptions, (continued)<br />

(J) Call Forwarding Busy<br />

end-user's line is busy.



1W West Hamson; Ste. S2W<br />

Seatile, Washington 981194191<br />

5u11 Optional Calling Features, (conGnued)<br />

fssucd:<br />

issued by:<br />

5.11.1 Fcahue Descriptions, (continued)<br />

NurnLxr of the calling party on in<br />

specialized CPE not provided by<br />

time of each incoming call. It<br />

necessary CPE.. In some situati<br />

rather than a Directory h'an~e,. d<br />

(Qj Anonymous Call<br />

(R) Call Block: Alows the en<br />

add or remove c<br />

(S) Call Return: Allows<br />

answered 01. not<br />

to check the ].rum<br />

Customer is alerte<br />

When the Custome<br />

number will not<br />

circumstances.<br />

Kerri Burngardner, VI* Custurncr Xcttv ork Opuiidt~no<br />

Teljcor 1 nc,<br />

100 West Warrbm; Sh,<br />

Seattle, Washingfun 9811%414f

S'Ik;:LJCOR ZNC<br />

3& We~t Hwson; Ste. S20Q<br />

Seatefe, 'Wash3ngtart 981194191<br />

$,TI Optionid Calling Features, (continued)<br />

5,11.3. Feature Descriptions, (continued)<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Nraadber 2<br />

Original Page 57'<br />

(T5 CaII Selector: Allows a Customer to assign a maximum of 15 telephone nurtlber~ trt_~<br />

special Iist, The Customer wiU hear a distinctive ring %.ken calls are received fjon<br />

telephone numbers on that list.<br />

(LE) Call Tracing: Allows the tracing of nuisance calls to a specifieci telepho* number<br />

suspected of originating from a given local office. The tracing is activated upan<br />

entering the specified dial code, The originating telephone number, outgoing buxkk<br />

number or terminating number, and the time and date are generated far we* call to<br />

tlw specified telephone number can then be identified.<br />

(V) Calling ]'dumber Delivery Blocking, Prevents the deiivlery, display and announceme~~t<br />

of the end-user's Directory Number and Directory Name On all calls dialed fmm-an<br />

cxd~ange service equipped with this option. When active, tl~e end-uscr's telephone<br />

name and number will not appear on the called party's Caller ID CPE or Ix! disclwil in<br />

another way. The feature is availabIe on a per call or per line basis, With. pa can<br />

Calling Number Delivery Blocking, it is necessary for the end-user to dial an acRivab"aa<br />

rode prior to placing the call. With the per line version af the featmre, aalf calls ere<br />

placed with the end-user's number blocked. Per h e end-users mast dial an acthation<br />

code prior to utilization.<br />

(W) Message Waiting Indicatian: Provides the end-user with an audible (~hxtker dial tonelor<br />

visual (lamp or other CPE display) indication that messages are w3itlng te be<br />

rcfxieved. Message Waiting Indication can only be activated/deactivotOd by a voice<br />

~xtailbox or other voice messaging service provided by the Company or third partyr 'I\<br />

is the responsibility of the Customer to subscribe to a compatible voice me$sap;kig<br />

service. Visual Message Waiting Indication requires specialized (2PE not provjcl@ by<br />

the Company. It is the responsibility of the Customer ta provide the rrc~ysary<br />

CPE '<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, W Customer Network Operations<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Scattle, Washington 981 19-41 91<br />


TELf COR 1NC<br />

f OO Wwf Harrison; Ste. $200<br />

hattier Washington 981194191<br />

S17 Optional Calfing Feahmes, (continned)<br />

5,Kl.I Feature Descriptions, (conkinuedj<br />

M MuItiple Directory Number<br />

have up to WO addition<br />

number will receive a<br />

feature's screening list.<br />

Calls to 800 Service numbers<br />

Calls to 900 Service numbers<br />

Calls preceded by an interexchange carrier accws cde<br />

International Direct Distance Dialed calls<br />

Calls to Directory Assistance<br />

Calls to 91 1<br />

&sued;<br />

Ilssut~I by: Kerri Burngardner, VT-' Customer Ncbark Qper~tions<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Sk, 5280<br />

P--L&?- i*I&_L. . n e . s * e *-A*

"FLlCQR INC<br />

%GO West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

WaktJt, 98119-4191<br />


TE1,ICOR INC<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

5.2 Listing SesKices<br />

Cornpay will arrange fur additional listin<br />

5.121 Non-Published Service<br />

This optional service provides for suppression of prifik~<br />

Customer's name and number do not appear in printed<br />

Bureau records.<br />

5.222 Non-Listed Service<br />

S613 Directoq Assistance<br />

&sued:<br />

bsued by:<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, W Cm tamer Nchvork 0wratioi~5<br />

Telicor hit,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. $200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811B-+f341


II)[) west Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811941~<br />

5.14 Reserved for Future Use<br />

A1 5 Reserved for Future Use<br />

$26 Miscellaneous Services<br />

bsued;<br />

Issued by:<br />

5.16.1 Main Number Retention<br />

5,ICi.Z Pay Per Call Blocking5lnblocking<br />

6 . 3 Vanity Number Senrice<br />

nun~ber for use with the Co<br />

5,16,4 Pxesubscription Services<br />

Customer.<br />

Kerrr Eumgardner, VP Customer NrhVork I,Fjwrltx?m<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, $200<br />

Seattle, W-a~hington 98119-4 $91


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

Issued:<br />

Zssued by:<br />

SFCTIF)M -<br />

6.1 Resmed far Fukilre U,4r


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119491<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Services provided in this tariff sdon are avaiIabk on a Res?k Sfiic~ h%h ik;3l R ~ Z %rv$t+e P<br />

are provid~ed through the use of rsoId switcEtmg and tiar'sprt facilikia tlk1taifia+ tma%2k%hx<br />

Telephone Companies.<br />

The aa~M, terms and conditions set forth in the are applieabk whets the Cam+&tily ptqr~~$?%<br />

specified local exchange services to Customers through remk nC fncal,ewc&ar%~ ,g3$%km-<br />

Ni rates set forth in this Section are subject to change md may be PI&S~%& bg k%e Ca&p3at?<br />

pursuant to notice req~emenfs established by the <strong>South</strong> '%;iakclb &tbbit.U~Ek%C?a~m~$a&.<br />

f3f4~tr.r~<br />

Kerri Bumgdrdner, YP (luslamer F4eWulk f;@ts&franri<br />

'relicor IGC,<br />

100 West 1-Fdrrisot?; SXe- 52fM<br />

Seaffle, Washington g81%9&4192


1DO West Harrison; Sk. S2W<br />

Seattle, WashingLon 98119-4191<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Slandard Residence Local Exchange Service


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Waslungtom 98119-4191<br />

SFCTTrlN 7.n - T .fl- I ~ ~ ~ J - ~ Q p : ; ~ ~ r r Y & ~ & ~<br />

7.2 Standard Residence h l Exchhartge Sewice {Cn&&snedf<br />

7.2.1 Monthly Reaming Charges<br />

The folIowing chargei appI~ tb bgdsrcf R ~ $ ~ ~ G ~ P<br />

month, Rates md clt~rga hcfude 'i'~xkcB~%.~ %&GW %E'lf .~-I.L~"&B &z PBk<br />

below apply to sea~ica provided 6~ ;z ~itrntkt+~mw#%<br />

10 BE DFTERBBSbQ<br />

ijil/wil$T F?T*~;FT# %@bj&~~ $YE*<br />

Issued: F fk'&%-g6~ w<br />

Issued by: Kerri Rirrrtgardnct, VI" L~~~~~z~l.szrn Me~rwirrL, Xl/33~+'il~%3+7~\*<br />

Teiictx I%l&%<br />

'f M F.-C;es;sa %Lcdl%~~~ SIE 52%3<br />

$hs&fe6<br />

i$'asl'ont t@&rr 4% l- fiice.4 i'@i<br />

riW+ r~Ali9P+p

IW West Harrison; Ste. S2m<br />

Seattle, Washin@on 9811941%<br />

7.2.2 Other Monthly Aechng Charges<br />

Issued:<br />

Lsmed by:<br />

(A)<br />

End-User Common Line (EUa) RecWety Chatge<br />

To Be Determined<br />

7.2.3 Usage Sensitive Charges and Miowances


I(@ Wesk Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

75 Standard Residence Local Exchange Service, (Continued)<br />

7.23 Usage Sensitive Charges and Allowances, (Continued)<br />

Messaige Service<br />

Customers subscribing to<br />

of 30 outgoing calls. This all<br />

Customer's line. Local usage iri<br />

Local usage is billed on a per call basis,<br />

(1)<br />

Per Local Call TElD<br />

Calls to Expanded Service Areas<br />

The following pe<br />

Service Areas B de<br />

A3, presently on file<br />


Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Nehvork Oyxratin~ts<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 5200<br />

Seatlle, Washington 9811 94191<br />

<strong>South</strong> Dakak Taniff Nxamk2<br />

Odgz~&E Page 6:


100 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

73.<br />

Issued:<br />

lssued by:<br />

Standard Residence Lwd Exchange SPrvice, (Coniinued)<br />

7.24 Non-Kecun-hg Charges<br />

First Line<br />

Each Additional Line(?)<br />

" As-1s" Change Over, Per iidle<br />

Keni Bumgardrier. W Cusmrncr Keicht'oiECJprahnra<br />

Telirur Inc.<br />

100 West 131-1arrhrtn; St& 52%)<br />

' + , " * - fin***


10Q Wesf Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811941%<br />

7.3. Standard Business Local Exchange Sewice<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Standard Business Local Exchange Se<br />

Local exchange service lines and<br />

multi-party lines are provided.<br />

basis depending on the service plan<br />

in aU areas.<br />

Recurring charges for Stand<br />

Kerri Burngardner, VP Customer Network f3wr&tiatts<br />

'Itiicor Jnc.<br />

100 West Einrriscan; Ste, 5200<br />

SpnHl~ Wachinuton 951'29492<br />


nLI€nR PWC<br />

lWt4Test Harrison; Ske. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98l19-4191<br />

73<br />

Standard Business Local Exchange Service, (Continued)<br />

'7.3.1 hdonthly Recurring Charges<br />

ksued:<br />

T%sued by:<br />

Rates and charges m<br />


Kerri Burngardner, W Customer Nehunrk OperdBo~<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Hartison; Ste' S2a0<br />

Seattle, Wasl~i~~gtan 984'144141


100 West Harrison; Ste. S2W<br />

Seattle, Washington 98114-4191<br />

73<br />

standard Business Local Exchange Sekce, (can*aed)<br />

7.3.2 Other MontHy Recurring aarges<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

Single Line Customer* Pef L h<br />

Multiline Customer. Per tiae<br />

Kerrj Bumgaidncr. VP Customer hr:tunib %'~~T"E@!.WW"<br />

Tdicr~t In&.<br />

100 Ilrtrisan; 9lc ",@<br />

~aglc. Warhinglon 'i?%J l9443'tt


lOD West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Sca~lc, Washington 98119-4191<br />

'yg<br />

Standad Business Local Exchange Service, (Con:inued)<br />

7.33 Usage Sensitive Charges and Allowances<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued b:<br />

(A) Flat Rate Service<br />

(B) Message Service<br />

Custoiners subscribing to<br />

billed on a per call basis.<br />

(I)<br />

TO BE D m W D<br />

Per Iacal Call<br />

Calls to Expanded Se'vice Areas<br />

Kerfi Bumgardner, Customar NcW0rk G~rL>%i~os<br />

TeIicor Inc-<br />

100 West Harrison; Sic. 5200<br />

Seatile, Washington 981 19-1191


I@J West Ir4anison; Ste, 52.80<br />

$ca,ttle, Wits Mngtrsn 98119-4191<br />

73<br />

~$uc&<br />

Issucc~ by:<br />

C J ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -a.<br />

R V I C F G<br />

Standard Business Local Exchange Service. (Continued)<br />

7.3.4 Non-Recurring Charges<br />

Non-rfcurring charge apply to each line ins<br />

are in addition to applicable service order<br />

suc11 charges will appear on the nex<br />

A separate non-recurring per lin<br />

service from the Incumbent<br />

wrvice(s) and features from the<br />

such service or features. Thb Change<br />

charges listed in the table blow.<br />

Nun-rmrring charges for installation of Residential lhw are:<br />

First Line<br />

Each Additional Line(1)<br />

" As-1s" Change Over, Per Line<br />

NOTES:<br />

1 Additional Line ins<br />

at the same time and atth<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network Operatio$%<br />

Telicor Inc,<br />

100 West Harrison; St@. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washingto11 981194191

"ELlS=C)E IN6<br />

';MI Wefit H;lrrison; Ste. SZDO<br />

Boattle, Washington 981194191<br />

75<br />

- ,<br />

Residence and Business PBX Tmrk Senrice<br />

T w m TsEusgcm<br />

~runk sedce provides a Customer with a shgh<br />

channel which can be used to place one at a me.<br />

Cusi~mer-provided private branch exchanges (PBX) or<br />

rwiiihed telecor.ununicstions fiework.<br />

Tmn& are available to Business and Residence Customers as I<br />

hunks where services and facilities pernib<br />

PBX Trunk is provided with Touchto<br />

bunk Hunting feature is available for CU<br />

prearranged group (see Sections 7.2 and 7.3).<br />

PBX Trunks may also be equipped with Direct Inw<br />

h l ~ for k additional charges (see Section 7.6).<br />

7.5.1 Flat Rate Service<br />

To Be Determined<br />

7.5.2 Message Rate Senrice<br />

To Be Determined<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network O~erfieom<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

CDS++~~. WaShillgton 98119-4T91

%%f..lcOR INC<br />

3W West Hanison; Ste. S200<br />

Si?aRle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

7.6 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service<br />

Ir;sur?d:<br />

ht;tmi by:<br />

Direct Inward Dialing ("DID") permits calk incoming to a PBX s~*sliem or lather Cusft&~es P&m-fm<br />

Equipment to be routed to a specific station without the assistance! uf an attendan%, .ci;b<br />

route directly to the station associated with the called number, Dffz stpie at% ai'hret., @laf<br />

Company provides the necessary trunks, telephone nttmhtirs, and oubpxrlsing of" &$i@& si *bk<br />

DID service a.t a Customer's location. DID service requires special ;PBX: softfli*~tc!<br />

q k<br />

provided by the Company. Such hardware and software is the respc?nsihilit.ft of &e Customo..<br />

sad ~ P ~ W ~ F F<br />

The iollo~ving charges apply to Customers subscribing to I3 13 scnlice provided tht. k ntt~l*&m kftflia%% t$$t<br />

of the available 20 numbers.<br />

InsEallatiotl.<br />

C&<br />

EstabIish Trunk Group and Provide<br />

1"' Block of 20 DID Numbers 'n3D T&X3<br />

Each Additional Block of 20 DID Numbers 'M5D Yf%f<br />

DID Trunk Termination:<br />

Per Inward M y Trunk<br />

Per Combination Trunk with Call Transfer<br />

Dual Tone Multifrequency Pulsing Option, Per Trunk<br />

Automatic Intercept Service, Per Number Referred<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network (Sprations<br />

Teiicor inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Stc, S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981 4949.31<br />


"La0 West Manison; Ste. 5200<br />

Sattle, Washhgton 98119-41191<br />

7.7 Reserved For Future Use<br />

bsued:<br />

ksued by:<br />

mN - -** m%a3<br />

The feahres in this section are made available on an individual trw~is G? LS~ pa$% arb *itiP.?ph fxsPdrr_lpackages.<br />

A11 features are provided subject lo availabiE$!. Cerhkin f~st-trtre %&p ha% -~i*w"~%&a%b<br />

with dl classes of service. TrarzmLissian lev& for cn8% fnr~~arr?ttX!~ rr~. c&i& pi;a~i? &P feth"k'~c$-b%i~g<br />

optional calling features may not be acceptable for all somr uses it-c,wrtle c~aw,<br />

7.8.1 Features Offered on a Usage Sensitive Basis<br />

The followTing features are available to aIt fcxal excherree B~l,pivlez~ n?i%% Et%%&tg* iW<br />

Customers where facilities and seneices pernit. Ctrstaurk.i;lfs ma? ~G1194 E~GIF T(~-~FI?F~ %y<br />

dialing the appropriate access code. The G~st~nez wit! &: bxfictf the pltf Peyak~t.% Wt.;Pyg@Qrea~xti<br />

Charge shown in the following table each time d Ica~kxte i& rg,d $xq! the

.i tLf COR INC <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Tariff Numkr 2<br />

180 West Ramison; Ste. 5200 C1rigi t3al Page ?7<br />

SeaHXc, Waskington 98119491<br />

7.8 Optional Calling Features, (Continue&)<br />

Xssued;<br />

&sued by:<br />

7.8.2 Features Offered on a Monthly Basis<br />

Multiline Custcmers must order the approp<br />

of lines which will have access to the feature<br />

Ovtional Callling Feature<br />

Kern Bumgardner, VP Customer Nehark Operagirt%<br />

Telicor hc.<br />

100 West XJarrison; Stc. 52011<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811 9419 1


1QO West Harrison; Ste. SPOO<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811WI91<br />

7.8 OgtionaI Calling Features, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

7.8.2 Features Qffered on a Monthly Basis<br />

Optional Callinn Feature Iconf'dl<br />

Caller ID - Basic<br />

Caller ID - Deluxe<br />

Caller ID - Deiuxe<br />

W / Anonvmous CaIl Rejection<br />

knony-ntous C d Rejection<br />

Call Blwk<br />

Call Return<br />

Can Selector<br />

Call Tracing<br />

Ca&g Number Delivery Blacking<br />

(per line equip@)<br />

Message Waiting Indicatian - Audtbk<br />

Message Waiting Indication - Audible<br />

and Visual<br />

Multiple Directory Number t33-4miitf~<br />

Ringing - First DN<br />

Multiple Directory Number X)i9tincMvc<br />

Ringing - Second DN<br />

Preferred Cali Forrvarding<br />

Repeat Dialing<br />

Speed Calling (30 cod@)<br />

Speed Calling (8 codes)<br />

Three Way Calhg<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VF Cti,sttriacs Nsti.w~~A<br />

~~TF*IR+~~B<br />

Telk#f Ink:,<br />

1W I-i~rriswln; Sre $,"RE<br />

Seattle, Washin@fkxt %I t l;b4lfrl


I(BO West Harrison; Ste. S2DO<br />

Seattle, Washington 9811941%<br />

8.3 Dirertory Listings<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.1.1 General<br />

S P ~ T ( R - n - ~ TPIREE'TC) ~ ~ ~ p -<br />

The following rules apply tn smdard listing rEr light &%CP %jp~ bP ah p&S<br />

Lri.%~$g?r~& @&%$%!$@?<br />

(alphabetical section) of the klephaxle din;bctr,ry sfid b the &&~&%4the<br />

Company.<br />

Only information necessary to idenw the f ~irh;lt?~+uf is ikt$lcid& ifi f&&@ The<br />

Company use abbreviations in &lings, EI~ Cornprr~ majt zkf&k a %&h%t% 3&%~g, *&k&<br />

is judged to be advertising. It may also reject a IiEiog iebdlgps i& ktxW6~j~ab&- A P&@%%<br />

made up by adding a tern such as Company+ Sltap, Agpic_"y= tirv@rkx Ftei %a Eke +Maw ri?f @<br />

commodity or service willing to be acccpkd GS trt lkting .j*xk% @& 5~'~%$~7 is !e$&@<br />

doing busin~s under that WE,<br />

A name may be repakd in the white pags ~f~ty whew 1~ biPPe*$~% 4~k3zii!e%e ef kJq&*2~<br />

number is used-<br />

Grri Bumgardner, YP Custrt-trrcr Nchuritl., fX-,+faFm5<br />

TeUmr Inc=<br />

100 West E-Iaxrisan; 5kI<br />

Sezlfdrt, Wshix-~gtcttrz 9g!1!&4lB<br />

g: ffe&%v G*


100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 9821941%<br />

8.1 Diredory Listings, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

(I) The name of sukrik i%f<br />

(2) The name of mth k%~sim% ~~~ktp&w %@lk& khe ?&W%$FC p%.% :@%+<br />

cfirtduc~.<br />

(3) "ihe name hy which &'tr bs3-ms $C iia: 9ak#f- &# kt*@ OXP tf? %Wn,%~i%? 4%<br />

p~Mic, t3tlk ~trth maw eifre~'rB~g !I& &rw h"ii;e&sip" b&b*;<br />

w21 be ar:q~~d.<br />

(4) n-le name, d au~y prn d-wmegas" %vm tjb7 pak&-+$% a&$ $L%E+ xmkW=<br />

same busitrisz+.<br />

(5) 'Ihe mne 42 my &EM& &G% ii% %%g&$$agx~n w & ~ %%3wfkk9 h c%~$FF@& %%+ i%L<br />

au&oA& ta ~trp~-%t a% th &$@I e@ a& @t&&zi:%%d &@@c%;t%k2$W ;& t i<br />

5ukrik.z or: i&frl rm&!Z.<br />

of an $WkSka?lf m&al a$ B$~PH%~~%F t~*fd8:~*?+eR% ill$ Q<br />

(6) iutemkiw spil$~@<br />

bushes rtm-iwW prt%%$q$ed ?b I&%&$$ &? $B~~F~@PM %! W-t:@tttg*&: w&-#for<br />

adweC~5ktg p ~qpg~. "fht m#w ~9 a $M!,T@&YW~+ &=&&&$ @Fk%$%ai%$ %T<br />

fie rsukrik or @&$ %AT+<br />

(7 me &%me t3f &% &gb%$&fe Z%$&rn?* L!?F~&&~*&@E k & $%~w*-*f~~~~lh~* tt$?k%f:<br />

when ga&ahli by ?ii%c& 'i~&'ihe& &% .~i:?$pMlafaK~.rp%,<br />

(8) The name of n~cml*# d ~q$k&-&$&*~% %k%%#%& 4~3+%2~&%%&~ W%K% @&m%<br />

service is liumisM sn ~1~0b&f%M?%<br />

fkd&~i@,<br />

(9) The mnlr af s zli?gwra@m w@&& ik~ ihr, psw&g ce a *%bld;t%#? *$<br />

subscriber-<br />

(10) The n&m@ of & w%iei@fik &# & bawl6 &p#$@%%%% iw%+ga k%j*t$f@% tw$;w %Y@ %&+<br />

which $s ft;trfik%k%# 3%% W~5t3;~~ $w 4m&&4& iM & $w&&&W& $wjsC &&ti&$@<br />

with &a %eiegrh&m! WIB~K 4 tl% g3@X %:$~z~Ic-<br />

(If) Tfie name: aF st~h~ttwe 4~ s$ $&di%S/% &$~@;ix%il@dd


POQ West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Mrashington 9811 941%<br />

8.1 Directory Listings, (Continued)<br />

hsued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.1.2 Composition of Listings, [CanHnuedf<br />

The pu~pxe of a business dsiptfan k ii;$e!r@3v k k&&:d pat?- &%2 @,2<br />

advertise the busin-. E4in dtt?ii@azinl;r af tile w~'kak ab -tk k&i;-$&~ i, C%hk&& &<br />

this is sufficiently indicated by the mrn&r, tVk-+~ ije pf@ @&FB:@%~ % %*&<br />

&an one general be of 'nmirr@, Ow (~atftfEioa,k k@$w& :Wzmg$e~ &w &&<br />

inciuded in fhe listing whizj? i?i~s:~&v & ic?e%ti@;si &-t- im%31 p&e %$'hi,<br />

pa* has iwcr or rnm %&d &!ephnxw 6fbimhg Gf %%N 6k && %?%?*%<br />

9 &%c*~%<br />

&&%if<br />

W&y %w &X$R%%$ vdhm?it?<br />

designations indicating the bta-nctr& d a h +;ttgs~l~&~t%%+<br />

necessary to assist the public in ealfiag,<br />

A designation may indude a t&t' to i~nikite st kgdld pateu'& @k%k%?& h4~ IwiC<br />

the name of the fim or MV~GGR ~hikh fbe ifl@&%c$?mb. %, :.w~%%@%%$~<br />

Individual names or titles are %hakcin ftfUh7%$6& @w %&@?.. t-xdl a fi;Wa 4$<br />

corporation. 4 term such t& "fe'lf~tit%g &&Q~IT'* ZX+?'<br />

under the nan~<br />

gx@vi&c&<br />

&*f&de%$ xS-1 e tb~vg t@&%@F&%$<br />

& @$%&tg @$+iv& &Y %b&%<br />

a building.<br />

af a buildi"t~&<br />

the ugitnk a%aiShLkh%<br />

A designation is not ofd&d%~ii~ ~fo~~l~icd iB & lmh$mth:@ $j$% hd* ~bK%?p$ f@$<br />

residential servic@ is permikM+ 2klirt.sh:g. tk &?n1k;9<br />

designation Is pemitmsd on t.~iLSi:t'tci% wmw, I% 4h t~$% $r4 4 p&y%&:Wv= C5Bfg@1g%~<br />

dentist, ostenpatk, ckjnapw4~t pxfT**L @p@t+*d%4, ~&~%gf&&$%*<br />

physiotherapist. Chrisi$att Wi~rnet? pr,rarbof&p;, vzb~w&q %ttw%taG wf&qk%d &tYw<br />

or licensed psacticaf num4 prwldtd Wt kb %AIM 1%w: QYIL~~ S~@~$%Q%~&S#F 1%~7<br />

listed on business ~en~x'i~ ab &ilt 5:t~kfrf:~2 at k%~&if%ff $~tbf$X%!@ ttp &$w mHw+ I.@<br />

different dheckur)..<br />

418 %&& &W$. 1% $bv+A~&~wf<br />

The listing of senrice in the r%i&ew~ ~71 D 61mk31&&& F&&F %~\@6b t% +j%%@f%th~%t<br />

"parsonage," "rectory;" "parhi: hc%wSb" .c$r "@&mqf s~i& atiky bk&%$$ ~i'


1 0 West Hamison; Ste. 5206)<br />

Seattle, %%7ashington 9811!44191<br />

0.1 Directory Listings, (Continued)<br />

ksucd:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.1.2 Composition of Listings, (Continued)<br />

Each residence or non-profit Lkting m&yp but dixa wt%t b?vv 1% ~~K:QQQ Ek @w<br />

number and street name af tho residct~~ &+kern @kc teTr@nrar? %ekx & p!n~jt:f.c.b$<br />

Other information, such as a huiidfng name ur a I&sZt(y cfetsip*@rn ~MF k<br />

included to help identifjr the Customer.<br />

ID) Telephone Number<br />

Each listing may include an'ty nne teltpt~ac- narn--ex, ey&pP in an a l k ~ ~ b<br />

telephone number listing where eatft numht tijl"i.k"t1 B &:$i"r&i%j.fbf~j a~ fkw $13~ f&&!<br />

purposes.<br />

A listing may indude only the telepfin~e xrrrmk~ n% £he ht-rs9-Extx QF & PSLY &>9k~B %%s"<br />

incoming service group, except that a tfttfik nglt incttu&k%$ in %iw ib%$$1@%fng .!%@SF<br />

group of a PBX system, or khe first trunk af a * $1;~~ft r&tatf7ing w~fttt:~.~ ~P@~PF s\rb A<br />

PBX system may be listed to meek spt~id ~a~zbuik'~%% wbw a ct%Ft%tt&Et3& an%% t%<br />

subsidiaries use the same PBX sysMtrs,<br />

Keni Rumgardnet, W Customer Setwt)r&<br />

twr;alrans<br />

Tclicat Xnc<br />

100 West Harrisorr; Sfc?, S2W<br />

Seattle, Wrrshington 98339-4 tYf<br />


mucon INC<br />

1DO West Hamsan; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

8.11 Directory Lkkngs, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.1.3 Types of Listings<br />

(A) Slandard Listing<br />

m E y -Ui%Jm&mm ""<br />

A standard Iisting incIudes a name, dasignixdon, addm2 &hd TP~~Q~W- %$nk%W ~4<br />

the Customer. It appears it1 khe White Ij*zgm af' &a tebpbb* &%~QT>- && ih IPWF<br />

Company's Directory Assistafi~e lie)~C?r'&. 'rk dp~$@%$d~;f^f b ih! $kkk~~ *$%% k<br />

provided according to the rules in gqragraph 5,'E3L3,? liihd~,<br />

(B) Indented Listing<br />

An indented listing appears. under a sti;ad&t:ci 'tbfitxg af5-d May kbc%~tf.~ !:F& e:<br />

designation, address and tfIephan& ntrmbr, Afi iab:knB~c%<br />

tk5lifg $% it!!4r*&i 6R&<br />

when a Customer is entitled m two ow ntare L&tiixtgf; af th %m*fiaHwwi% k$k4f&g@fS<br />

addresses or different teZephanne nurnksts. Far mgrnpirk:<br />

Smith, john MD<br />

Office 125 Portlatld 55WIW<br />

Residence 9 Gtenw~y 55%%9$$<br />

Such listing may lx furnished a5 &a &d&ef&4 $kt&$ rrlr a% $z&ka@tc"tn. 'F"~~ET<br />

telephone number in such ia tirtirrg my 1x1 tk~ll! @f &matfi&f WT%CC;P fx~tt%k*Mf $rhe<br />

same sutrscrikr or one of the sukfitk$% I%% Prlt121tk3 tfg4 i~ebgz~kd %kt%* ."$K&~@&Y%<br />

service group, or the service hrr1.&-Mt +a difo"d~@%t<br />

~ukdkwse?s,<br />

b-<br />

k;ti%~tl%@,<br />

Kerri Barngardrier, VP Custamcr Xct*cask C?p~~xGs%kw<br />

Tdicor Inc,<br />

100 Wet. Fiaxrimn; Ste. $?XBEf<br />

Seattle, Washiagtnn ~iSl%~baI~~


IW West Harrison; Ste S20<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

8.1 Directory Listings, (Continued)<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.1.3 Types of Listings, (Continued)<br />

(C)<br />

Alternate: Telephone Number Listing and Night I,islfiwg=<br />

Any listed party who has made the necs$ar;r arrangttmezk% for r&aivin&$ Lkpfms@<br />

calls during his or her absence may have an alt~rnat~ bfe.p)Pew nskmht fib&& Br M'<br />

night listing, such as the folIowing,<br />

If no answer call (telephone number)<br />

Night calls (telephone nuntlxr)<br />

Night calk after I p M (Mephotre numhr)<br />

Nights, Sundays and holidays (telephone nukrnbe~j<br />

5PM to 9AM weekdays, Sittuxday 11ntii itAbI, hlrnn~f~y<br />

(telephone number)<br />

Such listing may be funshed ari an indwteii 1it;;kiftg ar as suBh.rgC&@. The<br />

telephone number in such a listing may btr &at af mather seek@ kttrd%$~M<br />

same subscriber or one of the subsclriw'p PBX Wx't.b not *f~de$a iff dk W6rnbg<br />

service group, or the service furnished a different s ~ k ~ ~ h r *<br />

(D) Duplicate Listing<br />

$b<br />

Any listing may be duplicated in ar different dt~~fat.y ap: ~r'Witzi' 43 kpara;l"E:<br />

geographical heading in the same dicettoq. Such lirtiq & dizp!&ak~~$ Iti<br />

indented form.<br />

(E) Reference Listing<br />

A subscriber having exchange %mice"$ &k8 utltdcr BifPexent gk:t3@vi~frka'rc~%C $I;Y:F~~~&I@<br />

may have an indented listing in reference form in Iku ata duptk;rkc IhU~ag<br />

Cross Reference Liseing<br />

A cross reference listing may be h1rnishm3 ia Ihe wwc tlph&"~%i$&j yW.ttp ~~itktf~~<br />

related listing when required for idcnliiicatiorr of tho lbt& party nrd &@?<br />

designated for advertising purposes,<br />

&~~%TP&c,<br />

Keni Bumgardner, VP Customer P\ichvork- ~~?erittzt*n'i<br />

Telicar Iilc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Sk. SPiX

. . TELXCOR INC.<br />

-Ir,r)o West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

. '§~ttle, Washington 981'69-4191<br />

8.1 Directory Listings, (Coni'd.)<br />

.8.1..4 Free Listings<br />

Rates for Additional Listings - Business Customers<br />

The following rates<br />

above those free listings pr<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by: I

TELICOR rnC<br />

lCQ West Harrisow Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

8.2 Non-Published Sewice<br />

&sued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.2.1 General<br />

Non-pubfished senice means that the Cizstumefr~ telephone natak? & ~i.4 h$t@& In<br />

directory, not does it. appear in t%e Company's Diir~%tsf+f AJ~J~X~WP R&81,f&<br />

8.22 Regulations<br />

This service is subject tc the mlw and aegufuatibw E91't &~i #p~$i~8X~b$<br />

The Company wilt con~plete calis a oat-poi~li~hei nurrrl;k$ nhm the ~a&ft d&&<br />

direct or gives thc operafar number. No excepklorrs L+?II b n%&@* if Likefafk~ 9hy~ iX *<br />

is an emergen*<br />

a&y iiId$gagk>a<br />

When 'the Company agrees ta kwp a numkrufiti;src~#, If dtw m +vr&o@r<br />

Except for cases of grass negSip;ence ar wfllfrrl mtqancfwt, be Compr%y ul. 3nwnk P&ble %26<br />

any damages that might arise from pubI%biag Q at~~$-ptrl>lh$hd& nt~~'kf irtth rb2&%Wr)z<br />

or disclosing it to some. H* in error, the tgI&ph~x7;6~, ~f~lHi&f S% ~)kz%khed fk kh tii&%?u@<br />

the Cont~any's only obligation is tru credit. mr d&nr% si~ty ak$)fithbg ghes~p<br />

paid for non-published service.<br />

8iw ~IU$MB?P~<br />

The subscriber indemnifies {Lc, prarnifc5 b> geimbar:w$hda Care-2 &~ey *fttt&%t Eb,<br />

Company must pay as a result of) and Savt2 &c" C~ratp&g%y j%$igmb% &gi%Zm% ArhY &1%d<br />

claims for damages caused or claimed to have 'h%% cnu*& lfb@k& %& Wit&?. b$ Ihr<br />

publication of a non-published srwicc ~r fItc d&l&%iwrpeli# %&is% ~ttmht ta &YFy pee$&.<br />

8.2.3 Rates and Charges<br />

There is a monthly charge far each nan-pw$$ishd %%vita 'IR@ ~hsnq,~ &*%% f ~ dg~piy ~ f &<br />

the Customer has other listed servitc at &fie gapl~~ lwa&i#rt'i, i$ Zbp C@s%a~~:f irurv+ m a<br />


TE.kICQR IPJC,<br />

SaD West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seaktle, Washington 9811!+41M<br />

8.3 Mon-Listed Service<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

8.3.1 General<br />

Non-listed service means that the Custrrrner's tciephsne nu&&& a? nat: kk5t~d 28% the<br />

directory, but d m it appear ifi the t7ornparrg;'s #it%=&oq- AksaUtwe fb~~:%d%<br />

8'3.2 Regulations<br />

This service is subject to lfre rules arrd xegulstiow for fi923 $rmimh wkre *~.pp@&s~kk,<br />

The Company win complete calls to a non-lis'tt3z-j rrucu~r~r.<br />

When the Company agrees trr keep la numbs unlisklcd, tit dms 6tr ~ST~~~CIJC e q $~b&@%$@a%<br />

Except for cases of gross nneg$ig%ce or &i&kI mixandtrr~. the C@Sj\pdby 5% ncvT: B@&$E f@g<br />

any damages that might: arh from publisfriy~g & nafishstcck r~xx~$k'!h?r ?& jE& tS$t**r;"F~%"<br />

disclosing it ti some. If, in error, tile kfapfrotianuurlhr zs X4sk:d kkn t&'t?drnx&~$~ d~e<br />

Company's only obligation is to credit or ~ef~trif any rrra&lk%~ ~kefg~ ~he ch&%@t'%%f<br />

g?&id<br />

for non-listed service.<br />

The subscriber indemnifies (i.c,, promisclls b fr,p'nthem tho Cttrxtgfi~~$ FI!:B &fip &~%R.G~.F.~AE $A@<br />

Company must pay as a result 50 tznd ~~iaut; &vet:amp~fi>- ~ t~atr~th ggi~*t%t gW stf<br />

claims for damages caused or claimed to kawe h r t


lO!3 West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

nw - n f w R Y -nmmf J~F-&%=%<br />

8.4 Directory Assistance Services<br />

Is.wed:<br />

lssucd by:<br />

8.41.1 Directory Assistance<br />

A Directory Assistance charge appliei per lnml diguctoty nssiutnnl~l.aff. t 4 c * K%HR&BxLS;<br />

may make Ma (2) requesb for n telephd~re numht pt (&ti. 'fhP ~IW;@*~- ..t%%iskg~*<br />

Charge applies regardless of whefier the Oirrrtary a4s$irta~ciknp&r~~@<br />

the requested number. No charge applies for kthe list cnl! pet n\o&~ f*rr ic.+&Ftick EW<br />

2% lo ~upgi?


IQQMcsC Hmison; Ste. S200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

bsued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

For Fututre Use<br />

SECT~ON-<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP CustomexG<br />

Network Qpcratiow<br />

Telicor Snc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Sk. 5Z00<br />

Seattle, Washington 98119-41 91


1N West I-Iaitrisan; Ste. S2W<br />

SeatiIe, Washington 9811W'iYI<br />

lQ.1 Resewed For Future Use<br />

Ohl Z11C1- RF.-E<br />

issq&&<br />

Im~ed<br />

by: Bumgardner, W' Customer Netwbrk Qpe~at3on.s<br />

Telicar Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981194191<br />

Scrutk <strong>Dakota</strong> Ta&4 l+itmbizr R<br />

Originid ,it.Pasfe fHi

TEtlCOIR INC<br />

IW w&, Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, \Vashbgton 951194192<br />

Lssued:<br />

Issued Ey:<br />

1.1 General<br />

Carrier Przsubscription is a procedure whereby a €314~nn?ur d&vigailtt% &3 dl@ C&n;pa$the<br />

carrier which the Customer u.ishes to be fie e;rcs&r af rkcasr tot 1%@r%5-b%Ta8 a&$<br />

interLATA toG calls, Such caIk are aut~maticafig<br />

raH%tv<br />

direcfizd tur the: tiaig&fe&<br />

without the need to use carrier access cobs eat a-rltdit$ol~~l tddrng W &b-t;%t fkrd~ljf t@ &&=<br />

designated carrier. Pmubsrription dcw ROT wpent d: Gcsb3ma:r ir,bb~ ~ QI?P~%@WP&&~~ S<br />

to an htraLATA or ZnterLATA to11 carrier barn use carrier all:ck%s @P u~d&%za?~ra*~F<br />

dialing to direct calk to an aftemtitre! lang dktsmer%rsier trrt. dC PO call $;x;e41%w<br />

11.1.2 Presubscriptior-1 Opfions - Cusiomcrrs may sokc-t khc rat.tier or ss;*Ftak ajlrikm d4Ft<br />

intraLATA and interLATA long distance. Tlre faBoWijrsg opti~mcs fet I&%$$ ab&ui~c<br />

Presubscription are avaiIable:<br />

Option A: Customer select the Cornpimy &;s, the pmgb~fikd ra~?k* %tM<br />

IntraLATA and InterLAT.4 td! ~8% 5%@e~t fn: ptmkk~s!rfp&tXf~~<br />

Option B:<br />

Crlstnmer may select the Comp*tny as Zhs prt191ar&rt casrkr<br />

InbaUslTA calk subje to psa%&~tpG;~~sn a~aY s@met,a&r e*~tF%r a3 Eke<br />

presubscribed carrier fnr interf;s%TA bEi cr;s&tsfs%LF[&%<br />

E@ pm~iWt~ptta,~~<br />

Option C: Customer may select a carrier other &an


2 M) West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Seatkle, Washington 98119-4191<br />

11.1 Carrier Preaubscri ption, (Continued)<br />

Isszred:<br />

Issued by:<br />

l'l.1.3 Rules and Regulations<br />

Customers of record will retain their primary inwexchange ranierf$) 1zdti1 they n9;1!&%% Lbt<br />

their dialing arrangements be changed.<br />

Customers of record nr new Customers may seIcct eithc.~~ A, Be C', Qs fi F _Fi%<br />

intraLATA Presubscrip tion.<br />

Customerr;l may change their selected Option andJnr yraakrihd toil t&nk:$ gka~y ti~~o<br />

subject to charges speciffed ir? 13,4.5 belaw:<br />

1.1. Fresubscription &ocednxes<br />

A new Customer will be asked to s01ect ~JII~MTA mid iriterPunTA kaH caftic;rn et ek~@ Zfi,p~zt<br />

the Customer places an order to establish focal ex&anga &wic@ wig% thr Cc%&p%~tj?c. 27%<br />

Company will process the Customer's order for serviceL AlJ new Cr.ist&~x~t$ in8k$kxtqae&%<br />

for intsatATA tcill service presuktiption shaXI be provicied Prc"y.~06 &BQC.<br />

If a new Customer is unable to make selecti~n at the $irnre the ww C u s k &nt&fde~<br />

to establish local exchange service, the Company will rrtrtd a MTXI;JM I~dfig 3i~f &It rrtt&ii&ilf4$<br />

intraLATA and interLATA carriers to aid the Customer h% *Ib~%oi, If %otket@~ $ti!) pi&<br />

possible, the Company will inform the Customer that hcjd11c will &@x@& raiewd~e d&$%<br />

in which to inform the Company of his/hcr choice XOP p~mixxy kt$! t&Wf*] f%* t%f~h~y!~<br />

Until the Customer informs the Carnpaq. aE hisfher c9toks rrf p~irnarq-" talr t%~r&%, tk:<br />

Customer will not have access tw long distance services 13% pt8~uk~ih4;d h&&+ hktt ~&tba%"<br />

will be required to dial a carrier access code to ~ouk ail Sulk ralb $0 at. rmf~ffc] cal a;k~;krz.<br />

Customers who inform the Company of a choice far toll t cart$@ l%taktkviptieh chi@ th&<br />

90-day period wiIl not be assessed a service charge fBr the irviesf Customer %~$&t-<br />

Customers of record may initiate an intraLAT.4 or intftr*L&YI-WfA pmaik~$igtk%a cha?@ iaf<br />

any time, subject to the charges specified in 11.4.5 bufca~. if rr Ctasta~~f ~%t$:~rd $tkj%j;@s<br />

of the Company of the caniers available far fall pfmuh~ph'blgr, Ckc Curnpt~tp will t'ar$cf c<br />

random listing of ali available infratAT,dt carries ID aid ete Ct~$igmex $8 ~hxtj0r5.<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Custclmcr Network Operation$<br />

Telicor Inc.<br />

100 West EIarrison; St@. 52W<br />

Seattle, Washington 5181 144t92<br />



ZKI War Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Waskingkon 98119-41$1<br />

1231<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:<br />

SFflrnN 1' -<br />

Carrier Presrubsaip tion, (Con timed)<br />

1X1.5 Pseisubsdption Charges<br />

(A) AppIication of Charges<br />

After a Customer's initial selef<br />

Paragraph 114.4 above, for<br />

Charge, as set forth helow<br />

intraLATA and interL4TA c<br />

charge per he.<br />

(B) Nonrecurring Charges<br />

Per business or residence line, trunk,. dt p~rt<br />

Initial Line, or T,runk.or Port<br />

Additional Line, T d or.P&rt<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, VP Customer Network f3pera~nns<br />

Telicor bc,<br />

1.00 West Masrison; Sie, S2Q9<br />

Seattle, W ashingtun 483.19439.2


If#, West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

Sealtle, Washington 9811941%<br />

I ZT<br />

Issued:<br />

l~suctd by:<br />

[Resenreed for Future Use]<br />

'4F.mlnw 1 7 - R F n -33xLEX-<br />

Effective:<br />

Kerri Bumgardner, W Customer Nehvork Operittio~<br />

Telicot Inc.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste. 5200<br />

Seattle, Washington 981 194192

14.1 [Reserved far Future Usel<br />

Issued:<br />

Issued by:


10Q West Harrison; Ste. S200<br />

SarlRle, Washington 981194191<br />

1.1 Special Promotions<br />

tariff as an addendum to the<br />

332 Discounts<br />

WTON - ~ R 0 - m<br />

Icerri Bumga~dner,<br />

VP Customer Nebval k Opwatia~rs<br />

Telicor Tnt.<br />

100 West Harrison; Ste, 520O<br />

Sattle, Washington 981194191








DAKOTA 1<br />

On September 27, 2000, the <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> ((Somrnissisrs) received at1<br />

agfSieati~n for a certificate of authority from Telicor tnc. (Telicor),<br />

Tellcor proposes to offer resold and facilities-based local e~ct"rartge and<br />

infsfexchange service. A proposed tariff was filed by Telicar,<br />

On September 28, 2000, the Commissiion electronically transmitted notree of tF%<br />

filing and the intervention deadline of October 13, 2000, to interested irrdtvibua!~ and<br />

entitles Nc! petitions to intervene or comments were filed and at its togularEy sctsel%ul@d<br />

November 2, 2000, meeting, the Commiss~on considered Teiiccrr's request far a ce&ificate<br />

af authority. <strong>Commission</strong> Staff recommended granting a certificaft; of authority, sksbjtjer;",asT<br />

rural safeguards, and subject to the condition that Telicor not offer a prepaid c8Ifia"rg dBfd<br />

af raqutre deposits or advance payments without prior approval of the Csrnmissr~i"~<br />

Curnmrss~on Staff further recommended a waiver of ARSD 20'10:24-02C8) and (3 2)<br />

The Comrnission finds that it has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant ta SDCL<br />

Chapter 49-31, specifically 49-31 -3 and 49-31 -69 and ARSD 20: Z0:24:02,2&- 7 0,24,03 ass@<br />

20:16'32:03 The <strong>Commission</strong> finds that Telicor has met the legaf requir.~msaF:%<br />

sstabiished for the granting of a certificate of authority. Telicah has, En accdrdence tikrrtt:<br />

$DC& 49-31 -3 and 49-31 -71 , demonstrated sufficient technical, financial and mansg~rral<br />

~apabilities to offer telecommunications services in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Fuflf~st. the<br />

Cornrnissian finds that there is good cause to waive subpa~agraphs (8) and [$ Z 1 sf WRSD<br />

29'1Cl.24 02<br />

The Cornm~ssion approves Teiicor's application for a certificatie of authority, subject<br />

to rural safeguards, and subject to the condition that f elicor not ~ffer a prepaid calling card<br />

BF r~quii'e deposits or advance payments without prior ~tpprovei of the Cornmissran.. The<br />

certif!cate of authority for Telicor shall authorize it to offer focal exchange setvices <strong>South</strong><br />

Bakots, except in those areas served by a rural telephone camparty, in the fifture, shat~fd<br />

T@ii~ar choose to provide local exchange services statewide, wrth resped ta mfat<br />

t~lephone companies, Telicor will have to come before the <strong>Commission</strong> in analher<br />

procseding before being able to provide local service in that rural sew-vice sima pkitsuant<br />

to 47 U.S.C. 5 253(f) which allows the <strong>Commission</strong> to require a company that s~8ks t-o<br />

provjde service in a rural service area to meet the requirements in 47 U-S*;,C. 3 2$4(e)fj?]<br />

far desrgnat~on as an eligible telecommunications carrier. In addition, the granting af

',<br />

sfatewide cert~fication will not affect the exemptions, suspensions, and modrfimtraosfo~<br />

rural telephone companies found in 47 U.S.C. § 251(f). It is therefore<br />

ORDERED, that Telicor's application for a certificate ~f auth~riiy to i;rwgrde<br />

intc?;rexckanye telecommunications services and local exchange services is grarrt$%J,<br />

affsctzve November 25, 2000, subject to the condition that Telimr not bff~i;r a prqeib.<br />

catling card or require deposits or advance payments without prior approval af the<br />

Gnmmisslon; and it is<br />

FURTHER ORDERED, that Telicor shall file inforn~ational copies of Zarifl cl-@rag@s<br />

'~:*antt.li khe Cornnissiorr as the changes occur; and It is<br />

FUWHER ORDERED, that the <strong>Commission</strong> shall authorize Telicctr to offer its Eocat<br />

exchange services in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, except in those areas served by a rural tetephone<br />

campany; and it is<br />

FURTHER ORDERED, that the <strong>Commission</strong> finds goad cause lis wsi-)iik<br />

8atbparagraphs (8) and (1 1 ) of ARSD 20: I 0:24:02.<br />

GL*<br />

Dated at Pierre, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>, this / day of November, 2008,<br />


The ~nciers~gned hereby certifies that this<br />

rbcu!wrt has bwn served today upon all parties<br />

0: sebrd m this dackot, as listed on the docket<br />

$nrvrct? list, by faasirnlle or by first class mall, In<br />

$#x?p~~iy addressed envelopes, with charges<br />



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