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Related to lapidation: stoning


the process or act of pelting with stones, sometimes as a form of execution.
See also: Injury, Killing
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.lapidation - the act of pelting with stoneslapidation - the act of pelting with stones; punishment inflicted by throwing stones at the victim (even unto death)
corporal punishment - the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime
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References in classic literature ?
In the background the lapidation of the condemned."
("Lapidation" is good; it is much more elegant than "stoning.")
L'exclusion n'est pas une solution car cela peut etre applique sur certains partis qui etaient dans le gouvernement et participe a la lapidation et a la corruption.
On lapidation, see Rudolf Hirzel, Die Strafe der Steinigung (Leipzig: Teubner, 1909) (on Phalaris, see 241).
Although numerous verses explicating corporal (hadd) punishments, such as Q 5:38, are not avoided or explained away and, instead, communitarian benefits are articulated, destabilizing effects of wrongs examined, and premodern exegetes referenced--but the more difficult case of adultery (zina) in Q 24:2 is a notable departure from this general heuristic, with the SQ authors opting to entertain a murkier hermeneutic and call into question the juristic consensus related to the issue of lapidation (rajm).
Les deux protagonistes en sont venus aux mains apres que l'emir tunisien a donne l'ordre d'emprisonner son frere d'armes pour refus d'execution des ordres ' mesure assortie d'une peine de lapidation. Et alors que ses geoliers s'appretaient a le jeter en prison, il a actionne sa ceinture d'explosifs tuant 14 de ses collegues dont l'emir tunisien, alias Attamsah ' dont on ignore la vraie identite.
(57) L'exaltation plus que l'extase: l'exaltation d'avoir commis <<l'innommable>>, d'avoir ose defier, dejouer, narguer cette doxa persecutrice de la femme, etouffant son corps duquel elle ne peut disposer comme elle le desire sans risquer la lapidation. Venerant la Liberte, sa seule deesse, Malika- l'Ishtar (11) maghrebine fustige toute forme d'alienation de la femme subjuguant son corps et son ame pour la simple satisfaction d'une societe phallocratique regie, jusqu'a l'outrance, par les codes de l'honneur et de la pudibonderie hypocrites.
As Ronald Martinez observes (8), Bruno and Buffalmacco impose, for Calandrino's seduction by the fantastic mineralogy of the "lapidary" and pretensions to the knowledge of magical arts, the contrapasso of lapidation with real stones (they pelt him with pebbles, while pretending not to see him, on their way back into Florence).