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.,/ ~ ~I' ~ ~. i '\1\:;;,
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11:Sun 6 10 66! 6 1 6 : 6 'ISunl 8 ! 8
, 2 6 6; 6 .sun 6 '\ (; Sun 6 7 i 7 ~ 8; 9
i 3 6 6' 6 16 6 6 1 6 6,} sunl8~ 9: Sun
I 4 6 6, 6 6 6 Sun 6 I 7~ 8b 9 9pO

! 5 6 Sun Sun 6 616~ 6~' 8 9 9 Sun 10

1.61 6 6} 61.6, 6 7 7~ Sun 9pO 10 110
7 6 7 6 7 Sun 8 8~ 9~ 10 110 10 10

. 8 Sun 7i;" 6b 'l~ HI! 8& 9 )0 10 Sun 6 6

97~18~7~Sun8 9ISUDlOlOI~'6 6
110 8 9 • 818~ 9 :10 10 10 SUIl 6 6 Sun!
ill 8} 9 i 8~ 9 9 Sun 10 6 6 6 6 'I 6
r,'12 9 SunSuDI 9b 10 \10 6 6 6 6 ,Sun, 6
~13 9~ 10 I 9 110 10 6 {) Sun 6 6 6 I 6
11410 10 ',10 10 Sun 6 6 6 6 (3 61 6i; 1

15,Sun1O ,10 10 6 6 6 6 6 Sun 7' 1 '7
1~101010 Su 6 I 6 Sun 6 7 7 76 8
17110 6 l!lO 6 6 6 6 6~ sun,' 7~ 8 Sun
18 6 : 6 6 6 6 Sun 6 7 8 8 9 \ 9

~O 6 I 6 6 6 6 7 7 b Sun 9 9 10 10
1 6 I 6 6 6~.sun S 8 9 9 9~ 10 10
22Sun 7 6 7\ H 8~ 8~ 9 10 8un 1010
23 6,}i 8 7 Sun' 8 9 ISun 9pO 110 6 I 6
24 7~! 8~ 7b l\ 8b 8} 9bl 9} 10 Sun la 6 Suo I
25 8 I 9 8 9 9 SunlO 10 6 i 6 I 6 61
6 9 Sun Sun: 9~ 9i\!10 110 10 61' 6 Sun 6 •
27 9~:1O \9 ,110 10 10 110 sun16 6 6 6 I
2811010 10 10 Sun 6 6 6 6 I 6 6 I 6{1
~9Sun-,10 110 10 6 16
6 ,sunl 7/7 6
30'10 :-!1O I'Sun 6 6 Sun 6 i 6 6~ 7i, S- ,
Sl2,O '-110 6 -I ,-I
6 .6 - , 7 , - Sun
No. !is, Ahb(,Y·ltreet. Dnblin. .
THOMAS l\lAcPIlERSoIII IJt'gs JeaVl' to nturn his aincl're 8l'\(now.
JeoV,ll1cllts to hi~ . higl&ly respectable aDd numerous Cu51om~1'8
fOl'the pl'f'fcl"l'\1('(' lu.' ha~ l'Xprrif'nct'd ; and to inform Ihem, he is
l·p~\l13rly Hl1PV1ird from the llartford and Battrl.)lilIs (fUcidtdly lI,e
I",.t Manl{{lIC/o,,;c8 It! Ihut Artiek Ha Enrrpt) with a Grnersl Assortment,
\'hich Ill' Vlill dbl'OlIt O/i~ t~cmffl'm'f'm'tRf a liberal c:rl'dil.
'Gfll.H'I, It sCrroOl'{lF
RII!:I' 'C,

C~~tleman's and Citizen's

To/w, JVatson Stewart,
FOl he YEAR of our- LORD, \816.
The FIFTY-kTH YEAR of the Reign of KINO
. GEb.GE Ill. \iUzSth-O&ober', .
And FIFTEEN;l'H ... AR gf tilt!'usioN if G~&AT JiSalTAIJl
. {Jnd IRf,:LAND•
.. C:O.1'".WIJlO, ' •
TIle Days o! rh.e Year and ~nth: Wcck~Da}'l: &'0', Rlliol. Sctlill'~
lUul Declinat,IOll: a T~le D.]l:q1l3tion: Mooo's Age and Cball&CJ:
the l)mes of HIgh "'ter at IhbJjn-Bar. &c. &c.
,[C,UCULATIEP· ay TU. ~v •• f,llN ... o MAC ~B.R.}
Several Tables, Altered, Renewed, or Continued.
The SOVERECGNS of lWROP:£ ~ ..
The Names of the LORD L1EUT.QlANr; of Ili. J.ia~'. M"
HoaourabJc PltlV:Y COUNCIL. and 01 .
The Loans and CO~MONS of Parliam~t,
An.t the PUMAUX'f STAff of the MILITIA in.JAB .......
<,ptinUb b~ autbprit~:)
AIIO, The JUDO~, aOG fCQAI other pcrro.. iD PIu.._ Hip
Trufl:. and Ot1ic:e in ll\ELAND, both Civil . . Milia.."
Ani lb, 1);r«# RQAlJS f.,. .(JUlJ,f.IN,tIw_gl 'R~r.ANJ).

N. B. The Names Qf the teveral OFfICEIl$ of tb, ,,:

F~UR CoURTS·· are printed here by Leave ofth.~~
. f.~
••======"'I~""'-="""'=;O:===Z::::;!.~~,•.",==-~" I
. DU.B·$..ZN: "~,
P.riDted by JOHN WATSON STf;W.-.aT, Stationer. Np. J~
C[,II,.b-Stn., C",.M' of Ki"g',.:r••,-!t.'III" 181j. .'
l.r,-.8. . . a'. a4" or ..,itb,f., "Pllzlij4 RttiJ'J' J', ,,\4,]
. ~ ;1• ., DttI~.
4 An IN 1) E.X ,of the Principal
, .. Page Page
Account 0!liceMllitary'
Ad'J G' . , - 151 Colk"or.
of Ii'."che":"t
'r ~. i 16:\
.A~aIt ;,.~. s Depal'tD1~nt r40 College of Phyficians _, 190
ra ty'<Vur~, ~ - xa8 College of Surgeons ~ - 19~:
A?u 1t Female Penitentiary - u8 College (Trinity) 'Ill:, ----...
Aide. de Camp to theLd. Lt. UI College Tcnns _ ,188 .
Alblon In(urance .Company 185 Patrick 188
th .of Dublin - J69 Cnlle ge L ay, Mayn 1: .
18 9
po ecarles Hall 193 Commercial Buildin', o. 17
Appeal~, Court ~f. 128 Commtrcial iU(IJraf Cump. 179
Arch Bi/hops - _ 9 1 CommilTariat De .ment 15 0
Arch Deacons 137 Commiffion ~e,fccounts - 164
Arms (Office of) _" 110 Commiffion::: ~ffidavit.- 133
Army A~ents 1,49 Commiffioncrll" Appeal - 128
Army Lift 142 Commiffioner!fBankrupts US
AJllhy Medical Board 15 0 Commiffion,.for Char. Don at. 13 8
Amn~n~ Barrifie.rI - _ 1:19 Commiffio,rs of <:ul1oms. - IS.
AQ'oclatlon for di(counten.Vice 2.06 Commiffilcn of First FrUIts 13 8
A(ylum for Female Scrvanta U9 CommilJ1llers of lnlan.d Excife I6~
Atlas AQ'urance Co. _ _ 183 Commjloners for Pavmg, &:c. 17 0
Atto!ney's Table _ 8 ComIJ'ffioners of Stamps - IS6
Aud,tor General's Ollice 15 6 Com,iiffioners for red. N. Debt 166
Bank of l~eland _ '. 174 COI,miffioners for Trea{ury 156
Bankers in DuhliD 175 Conmiffioners forWidt:Street~ 175
BanKers in Ireland - 2..l5 Common Council - - 17:1
lJ&rons 103 Common. ofl,rdand - 110
Baron'et. - lIS eunmlon'Picas Court 1:&6
Barone1fes 103 Co::fifrorial COUrt 136
Barrack Depattlllent 15~ Coroners , 13:\
llarrack Mallers 153 Corporation for Paving. Bcc. 176
Battle-axe Guards J U Corporation for impro.,ing Port,
Benchers of King's Inns, - 1:1.9 of Dublin. - - 17S
Bifhops . ro:1. Coundl tPrhy) 89
Bifhops, Rotation of 110 Council (King'i) - 130
Blue Coat Hafpital ' !&08 1Court of Admiralty uS
Board of Genenl Officers 150 Court of Chancery - I2.4
Board of Education 139 Court of Civil Bill. - .1'lS
Board of Worn I I I Court of Common Ple.I. - 126
Borne Navigation. 167 Cuurt, Confillorial IJ6
Brigade Ma,io~ Yeomanry 14:1 Court ,of Delegates - - ib.
Britlfh and Irifh United Infur- ~ourt of Exchequer - - 1:1.6
, ance Company - 18I Court of Exchequer Chan1ber U7
Carriages (Rates of) - 34 ourt of King's Bench - - 1:1.5
Chancery Court - 1:1.4 Courts, l\1anor - - u8
Charitab1e Loan - " 2.:1.9 COllrt of Metropolitan .. - 13 ti
Charitahlt Infirmary 2.l3 Court of Prerogative - ib.
Charitable Society :1.2.8 Cow-Pock InllitutioD 2.~S
Charter-School Society - • 2.09 Crown Solicitors 136
Chief Governors of Ireland 8i Cullode~ Rotulorum 1,'3
Chief Secretary's OBiCl: I'U Deans, Very R:ev. the 136
City Officel'l _.170 Debtors Fritnd Society 2."9
Civil Bill Court - - '1 ~R Deeds, Office f.. r Regillering 1"3
Clerks of the Crown 131 Delegates (Court of) - 1.,6
Clr.rk. of the Peace: 131 DireCtors GeQ. of Inland Nav. 16(,
.... -r ____ 1"_ _ I Tloaol..l: ... r-.-n .. r21\ .. 'l.".tA
Pacre Pago
Difpenrary Infant Poor ~~4 Hofpital. Mercer', ~'4
Difpenfary St. G"orge'8 U3 Hofpital, Royal - - 154
Difpcnfary St. Mary'lI, Bte. U2 Hofpital, Killg', Miliury - lb,
Difpenfary North Weft - uo! Hofpiral, Steeven,', - - !U3
~peij. Sick Poor, Meath-ftreet~z3 Holi,ital, Simpfon's - Sl9
.Divine Service in Churches 16~ H0fpital,.st. Mark's, Btc. ss..
DlIblin Female Penitentiary 2.Z61HofPital. St. Patrick', - • ~IS
Dullli .. Genel'al Difptnfary U1. Houfe of Induilry _ _ ~16.
Duhiin Infurance Company 179 H""fe of ReeDy, or Feyer H, SSl
Dublin Inftirution . 2.03 Houfe of Refuge: - U7
Dublin Library Society - - ih. Houfehold (Lord Lieutenant',) IU'
Dublin Society - 19S Incorporated Society 209
Dublin Schools, North Strand .12 Incurables Hofpital Ill.
Dublin Wee1dy Bt Daily Schools 2 I I Index to HouCe of Peers 108
Dun'., Sir P. Hofpital UI Imkx to Commons of Ireland U,
Eagle Insurance Co. 184 Index to Roads from Dublin 74
Earls, 93 Indullry, Houfe of u4
Education, Board of 139 Infant Poor Difpeufas:r U4
Education of Poor, SOciet,. for 2..8 Infirmary (King's Royal Mllit.} IS4
Eclipfes • - • - 7 IHfpeClors of Linen - -. I6J
Exchequer (Court of) - - I2.6 IlIterell at 61. pl!r Cent. - 311
Exchequer Chamber· I2.7 :{ing's Bench Court - US
Exchequer, Receiptof I p King's Council IJO
Exchequer, Teller of - IS; Kiag'sInns Society 1:&9
Faculty of Phylic 189 King'. Mc\r~lIger. IU
Fair. of Ireland - 41 King's PrafdI"n - . - .18;
~ Farming Society - - s04 Kirwilman S,)ciety - S04
I' l'dnaigliall Institution - 2.F/Knig hts of St. Patriek - - taG
Fl!male Orphan Houfe 212 Law Club - ~3I
Fever Hofpital UI Lay College, MaYllootb 189/
Firn Fruits 138!Leaure8 Weekly and Monthly 169
Foundling Hofpital - 2.10 Liberal Annuity Company Il'}
Freemafon Female lJchool 1113!Linen Manufaaure Tralleea - 165
General Officer. 140 Literary Teachers Society 110$
Globe Infurance Company - I8z Lock Penitentiary - - 2036
Governors of Counties - '- 123 London U nian Infurance Co. J 86
GovernorsoCFortsBt Garrifons I391Lord Lil!utenant's Houfehold IU
Grand Canal Company 166 1 . Chaplains 239
Hibemian Bible Society - 20 i i,Ying-in-HOfPllal - 215
Hibemian In(uranee COlllpany 1;8 1Mail and Stage Cttaches - 83
Hibernian Marine Society - 2Io·Mail's Dispatch - z
Hibernian Sunday School Soc. s011Magdalen Afyluni - - .25
Hibernian Society I5S ,Ma"rlalen Afylum,General 2.Z7
Holy Comlo. when celebrated 1('9::'.'1agHhatcs of Chid Towna 233
Hope Insurance Co. 183,Magi(\rates of Dublin - 169
Hofpital, Blue Coat .08\Manor Courts - 1 ~8
Hofpira l , Dun's - - .ZI Marquilfel - - - 92
H"[pit21; Fever 11 U iMa, ine Infurance Co. 180
Hospital, Foundling 210\Maner. in Chancery 12.4
Hofpital,lncurahle. 2.14 MeathHofpital - 11(9
t{ufpit;o I, Jervis-llrcet • Z LJ'Meath Charitable Loan 113"
Hofpital. Lock uolMedical Board ISoll
Ho(piral, Lying-in _ 2.1,< M~rcers Ho.pital - 1114
. rm.. h x36

" An INDEX of dut Lifts, ~e.

Military Accouut Ollice 15 I Roads from Dublin - 67
Military Sec. Office .' - Jar Roral Artillery, 142i
Militi.. (EugL&scotch)in freL 14S Royal Canal • - 167
Militia Prrm. :italf, Ireland luslRoyal Canal ComD'lilSionors J68
Mufic,," Fund SoeielY :a05/ItOYal Hofpit,,1 . - '\....- , 1~4
Mufre1' Office - _ ISO Rny. E!t(h. InC. Co. of Ire'~ •
National Infirmary ns Rny.Exch. AIr. Co. of London 11$3-
Naval D.partm~ut • 139 ROy311rHh Academy - - ao.
North Well Difponsary - :u~ Royal Irifu InftitutioD - 204
Office fue regiRering Deeds U3 School of Phyfic 189
Office of Arms lIe School ol Surgery • J 9S
Ollctrsof State III Secretary'. (Chief) Ollice IU
Old Men's Afylum - 1119 Senefe»al. - u8
Ordnance Ollice 1,5' Sheriff. (High) of Dublin - 16!l
Orllhal1 HoulC sn. Shcrilf, Pc~n - 110
Olll:el Galley So~icty (71 iclt Poor TllllitlltioD Ul
l'ap<:.f (State Office 1:12 imp[ou's Hofpital :119
Parliamel1t, M"rubers of - 110 '1 Clerlts Ollice U4
l'aving Board 176 Smith', (Erafmu.) ProlClI'orl 18,
Peers uE Ireland 90 Smith':; Schovls :lOS
Peers, Index to 108 Society, Charitable uS
Peerdfes - 103 Society, Dllblin - - 195
Pelican InMlrance Cc.Dlpan1 18,5 'oeie!y, Dubbn Library - :loJ
l't!ls Office" • - 15(, Society, Farming :104
P"ltitcntillry, Jamea's fireet IUS Society, Hiberu,an 155
Penitentiary, Kilmainham - Zl9 Society, Incorporated :109
l'~uitentia,.y, Smithlield ib. S"cicty, prom. cllmfurtsof Poors06
I'CAr:y l'nfi 8J Society for Educating Poor :1.08
I'hUl'x InfHrance Cumpany 178 'ocicty, Hiberniiln Jjible - 201
l'l,ytician<;, College oC 190 Soeiety, Bib. Sunday Schools ib.
Pbyliciaus in Dublin 194 Seciety of King's bIDS - - U9
Pipe Water Eitablilbment 171 Society, Hiberniau Marine 1811
Police Eftalal.ilhmcnt 173 Society, reduced Lit. Teacheru05
Pull Olice 7,5 SOyerc.igD8 of Europe sS'
Poll. TuWJII . ,S;St. George'. Difpenl'-ry - UJ
i'rerogativt: Court IS6'St.MarI.'. Holp.tal :z.a4
Privy COliDdl - 119 Sta4f of Ireland - 140
l'r!vy ClJUllci, Olfin J:l.1 Stage wd ~ail Coach" 8a
fflvy Seal 1:1.1 Stamp Dutlee :1.36
Prucl(}rs (,f Pr< r0[t3tive - I J6 StaRlp Offirc I~"
PublicAccr.Oj}ice rUf Auditing 164 State Oaicers - lal
l'ublie Nutarie. Sncitty - - 117 State Paper Ollice I ~
Public Record Olice 1:1:1. Steevells's Hoipital :IoIJ
Q.:.MaR. G.'neral', Departm. 140 Stock E1[change: 17'
Q!!arter Scaions, Co. Dllbliu uS Swt AlI'~~ ('olUf'an, • 1&4
R .. te. of Carriages 34 St. Patrick's College 18$,
.Re.eipt of Exdtequer 1;6. Patdrk's Hofpital - ~ 15
Jl.cceivil'g H(luCes for I.ettcrs 17 St. Patrirk, Knights .. C no
Jl.aceiviar d(l. mr PCDUy.pOI$S, Strangers Friend :iocicty '.- ~~II,
Jl.c<ruitifig DilUiC!h 141 Sun, Fire. & LiIeAfrufaaceCo, .84
Rqiltera of Di.orefCII IJ7 Surgeous. CoIlep:e of - 191
Revenue 157 SJlr.vey.or Genual'. OfIice J~~
Rirhmood Gen. fcniteBtiary :117 Table DC Guineas - 37
Richmftnd Natiollallnfiitution u 7 'J able of Exchange at Par - 36
knnti.m of Bilhltll, - 110 aBle oC IlItcrell at 61. per Cent. 3~

Index, !clipfes, Bee. Moyeablc Fed.. Tc:rms. ,

~. Pa~ .
Table of Kings, !cc. - - - ""C Vicars General - IJ7
Table of Purchafe
Table of high Wat~r
Trustees, 1.inen Manufacture
- 39 Vifcounts
9 Vulgar Notes -
165 Wdlminllcr Life Infurancc
Truftees, Rnyal Exchange • 177 Weflmorland Lock Hofpita.l sw
Tern" and Return. 1815 I Wide Street C"",milBoue.. 17J
T orms and Return, 18.6 7, orb, Board of - ilia
Trinity College • 1871Ycomaury Brigade MajoR 34a
United Hofpital. - - :&14

ECLlnn iD the Yar 1815.

1ft. or
the Sun, Jan. 10, InYifible.
~. Of the Moon. June ~n, Invifible.
3· Of the SilD, July 6, Invitihle.
"". Of thL Moon, Dec. 16, Invifible.
_ _ _ _ _~,S; Of the SlID, !)rc. JO, Illvilible.
Vulgar N<>te!l and Chrollolozical Cyde••
Dominical fYr Sllnday Letter AlRoman India ion • .. 3
l.unar Cycle or Gelden Number II Victorian or Dionyfian Period 14.' • - - 110 }ulian Period • • - 65 1 1
hlar Cy~1e • - - 4,
CakDdu Macka ExpLUucd. Hant.. •
CJUh Hant, !aft MOIIday A.pril.
t Nights nf greateR Moonlight. :ad Moael. Oct. 2d MODd. Dec.
• Dublin &aker. Holidays. Down HUllt, III Mond,ayJaI!' ~.
• High Tide. on Dublin-bar. MClDd. NOftmber.
, Courts don', fit. North llangcn Hunt. laft Mt)Ddar
j Civil Bill Court fits. Feb••th MOIId. Oce. :ad Monday

MOftahJc FII.a.. '

Scptaa~ Sundar. Jail. 2.11 Lnw-Souday, Aprils
Sexagelma Sunday, Jan. ~9
'l!aillCJ. or Shrove Sun. Feb. j
A'lb.WcdMfday, ¥"b. I &f.,.
RagatiOll-Sunday • .April JG
Whitfan.Sunday. May 14 '
Mid. Lent S.Dday, March S , l'riDity-Sunday. May u
Palat-S.naa" March I? Adveot-iIMlday, bee. 3.
Eaaer-SuDday, Mardtd .
Terme, Returns. and Q.!Jarter S~llion8 for the Year 11116.
Hn.AllY, 1&16, hc:gin. Satlll'day January :lO, Sill Tucfday Jan. 23.
ends Monday February u.
RnDlUlt, Mo.dq Ju.;ao,MOIlday Ja.. ~, Moaday Feb. 3.Momk,
, Feb. JO.
EASTl'R, dw,l>qfias 1'4onday April 119, SitaltIoacbJ
Wednefday jaly !I" ' . ,
I. ~

Q,YART1i.R SllSSfOIlTS. 18.16, Tuesday JID1IUJ 9. Tuf4ar ~prilll'.
Tadirlay July 16, T~. 0 4 . 8. ,
8 Terms and Returns for 19r}.
TER MS Begins I"
HILARY Term. I8IS Friday, Jan. 2C :\fond. Jan. ~3 VlOlld. Feb. Ig
EASTER Term 181.5 Mond.April 10 Wedn.Aprilll :\lo11d.May 8
TRINITY Term I8IS Mond. May 7.2,l'riday,May 26 Wedn. June 14
MICHARL. Term 1815 I'riday, Nov. 3:Mond. Nov. 6 Tuefd. Nov. 28
CHANCER Y Ret.(Addn<'" m/llirw) KJNG'. BENCH: RETURNS.
• HIL. In 8 days after St. Hilary. <LHIL. Frid. the Od. of St. Hilary.
, In IS Days after St. Hilary. "Friday In IS Days from St. Hilary.
s Ollthem.ofthel'urif.oftheB.V.M. t Frid.mor.ofthePur.ofthe B.V.M.
~ In 8daysafterthcPu.oftheB.V.M. d WedOd.ofthePur.of thc13.V.M.
,! EAST. In 15 days after.Eaficr le EAS.M.inIsdaysfr.thefcallofEaO.
f From the Day of Eailedn 3 W~ek811 Mon.II13~eeksfr.thefeafiof Eall:.
I From the Day\)f Ealler in IMonth,g Mon. III I monthfr.thefcafiofE..ft.
/, From the Day ofEaller ill 5 Weeksb Mon. 1115 weeksfr. thefeallof Eall:.
i On the moo ofthe Afcen. of ourLordi; Fr id. The mor. oftheAf. ofour Lord
I TRIN.Onthemor.oftheHolyTrin.1 TRIN.Mon.The nl.oftheH.Trin.
Iln 8 Days after the Holy Trinity.! Mon. The Octave oftheHolyTrin •
.. In IS Daysafterthe Holy Trinity. mMoD. InIsDayafromtheHolyTr.
• FromthedayoftheH.Tr.in3weeks" Mon. In 3 Weeks fr. the Holy Tr.
• MICH.OnthemorrowofAIlSouIs. 0 MICH. Frid. TheM.of All Soul ••
I On the morrow of St. Martin Mond. The Mor. of St. Martin.
I In 8 Day. after St. Martin, 'I Saturd. The Odave of St. Martin.
,. In 15 Days after St. Manin r .Saturd.ln IsDaya'from St. Marti ••
· RETURNS.. COMMON PLEAS. Quarto die poft.
• Friday, jan. 2.0. HILAR,V On the 08:aveof St. Hilary MI)Od. Jall~ 2.3
'Friday, Jan. '1.7, In 15 Day. frolll the Day of St. Hilary Mond. Jan. 30
• Friday, Feb. 3. On the mor. of the PuriI. of the B,V.M. Mond. Feb. 6
. "Th,.urs. Feb. 9. On the od. of thePurif.of the H.V.M.Mond. Feb. 13
, Mond.April 10. EAST. In IS days from Eailer-day Wedn.April n
" i Mond. April I'. In 3 weeks from Ealler-day'. Wedn.April 19'
I Mond. April 2.4. In ol1e Month from Eall:er-day' Wedn.April2.6·
" Mond. May I. In of weeks from Ealler-day Wedn. May 1
; Friday,May 5. On the mor.of the Arcen. of our Lord Mond. May S"
I Mond. May 2.2.. TRIN. On the mor. of the Holy Trin. Friday, May 26
I Mond. May 2.9. On the oane of the Holy Trinity Wedn. ·M"y 31
.. Mond. Junc 5. In Ij days from the day of the H Trin. Wedn. June 1
• Mond. June 17•• In 3 weeks from thed~ofthe H.Trin. Wedn. June 14
• Friday, Nov. 3. MICH. On the morrow of All Souls. Monli,Nov. 6
I Mond. Nov. 13· Onthe morrow of ft. Martin Wed. Nov. IS
f Saturd.Nov. 18. On thc odave of St. Martin Tuesd. N6lV. '1.r'
r Saturd. Nov. '1.5. In IS days from. the day of St. Martin Tuefd. Nov. 2.8
EXCHEQ!1ER RETURNS. Add the W;ords ne",' G• •ing in each LiRe.
" HIL. In 8 days of St. Hilary. .fTRIN. On themor. oftheH. Trin.
6 In IS days of St. Hilary. I In 8 days of the Holy Trinity
, On them.ofthcPurif.oftheB.V.M. m In IS days of the Holy Trinity.
;I In8day.ofthePuriI.oftheB.V.M. n In 3 weeks of the Holy Trinity.
, EAST. In. 15 days of Ealler. • MICH.Onthc morrowof All Soul.
fIn S weeks of E..fter. p On the morrow of St. Martin.
I In onc month of Eaner. i In 8 days of StMartin.
, In 5 'weeks of Eaner. r In IS day. of St. Martin.
On tMmor.of Afen(. ofcJurLord tT· Terms for 1816, fee Pail".
A TABLE Eor findioF FJ,igh Tide.! ill the following Place8, by addinr
the N limbers annexed, to the Time of- NiVl~ W a\cr at Duhlin-bar.

H. M. a.M. li.M.
Lborough II IS Falmouth - ' - 6 45 'Newport,halfTidel 30
Amllerdam 4 lO Coall of Flanders 1 30 Nower, WeftErul I Ij
Antwerp - - 7 30 WithouttheBanks' Orknefl - - . 30
Army - - J, 0 of Flanders -:- 4 30 Orkney - -10 3"
Baltimore- - 6 0 Fhalhing - - I Ij Plymouth- - 6 4S
Berwick - ~ 3 45 North Foreland 0 45 Thw~ of Plym. 9 0
Coaft of Bifeay 4 30 Coaft of Gallicill 4 30 Poidou, S. CoaIl 4 30
:IIloy - - - 6 ,0 Galway - - 6 0 Portland Rare -10 30
Bovrdeaux River Road of Gibraltar 1 30 Portfmouth,,ftide I 3e)
within - - S IS Graveling - 1 30 Coal!: of Portugal S IS
Channel before" Gra"efend - j 0 Q.!!eenborou,h - I 30
Bourdeaux - 7 30 Groyne - - 4 30 Robin Hood IBay 4 30
Breefound - , 0 Guernfey - - 3 0 Before Ruche! - 5 IS
Brell: - - S 15 BcforeHamhurgh 7 30 Rochefter- - ~ IS
South Coall of Hampton-Q.!!ay I, 30 Rotterdam - - 4 30
Bretagne - '430 Havre,de Grace 10 30 Rouen - - - S 15
Bridgwater - 9 0 Hull - - - 1 30 Chamber of Rye ~ IS
Brift"l . ' - 7 30 Before Humber', At Scilly - - 5 IS
Brillol Q.!!ay - 8 15 Mouth - - 7 30 Shetland ~ - 4 30
Bi-oadhaven - 6 0 Ireland S. Coafts 6 '45 The Shoe - J 3"
Caithnefs - 10 3 Ireland, W,. Coaftl"'4 30 Cball of Spain- 4 30
Between Calais Jutland )fie, - J 30 Spurn - - 6 4J
and Dover - 4 30 Kcntijh Knock .... J ao Road of Texel- 9 •
In the Candado-- I 30 Kinfale - - 6 0 Tinmout""- - 3 0
Cape-Clear - 6 '0 Lanlbay - - 9 45 Before the Bay of
Cariingford - 0 45 Land's-cnd - 9 0 Tirullouth - 4 JO
Carnarvon-bay- 6 45 Leith ~ - J 30 Torbay - 7' 3-
Carrickfergus - 0 4S Limerick - - 6 0 Sea of Wale. - 6 0
Cork - - 6 0 Liibon -.- .J 45 In Wale• ...- __ 6 45
Corp.Chrifti Point J 0 Lizard . . . - - 9 0 WatcrfQrd-- - '1 30
Dartmouth - - '1 30 Thwart of Lundey 6 4S Well..... - - '1 30
Denbigh - - 3 45 London - - 4 30 Wexford ..-' - 9 45
Dlngle - 6 0 Londonderry - 1 30 Weymouth, - 7 30
Dort - 4: 30 St. Maloes - 6 45 Wbitby - ,... 4 30
Dover-pier - I So Mafgate Road - 0 45 Winchelfea ..... ~ IS
:OownsintheRoadJ 45 Milford - - 645 Yarmouth - .,.... 9 4S
Dunhar - -10 30 Milford Haven- 9 0 Ya~th Picr-I9 30
Dungarvan - 6 45 Moufeho1e - 6 0 Youghal - - 6 o!,
Before Dunkirk I 30 Before the River Zealand Coatl -,: 3 0
JleforeFenn inthe of Nantz - 4 30 Zcrick Sea - 4 30
Chanuel -- 3 0 Newcaftle- - 45
N. B. The Bars of Dublin, Chetler, and Dnndrum: And at,Arklow.
BeauDtorrisFcrry, Bulloign, Calais Road. Dieppe, Dover, The Powns-
alhore; Drogheda, Dun~allr.,' South Forela"d, t!le Frit"', H;u'lIrich.
St. Helal's, H,olyhead, Ule-of-Man,. Li.,erpopl; All the Co:dl: of NDr-
mandy ane!. ficarc!.y, Orfordnefa without the BIIRb, Puloiuther. Scyne-
head., St. Vallery, Wickl~ and Yarmouth &oad, an,i, Hawn arc all
down neul), in tbe Calcnilu Part nery Dar. iD JUIS.
181 • B
,10 JANUARY, i8~J"~,,,.,SUhclai..AaI~3,~ 1).JI.., ,
0< a::W .. D ...- . . Sun- SUn- 0 too Sun's
. ~·S eek aY5, ,and reJba.rkabl~ rife. fete S~ow. Decl~.
; t:l b -. D.aysi HMHMM. S. D.M.
,7j 1 1 WN. p. Cn";'Im4S, CirCUlfl. 8iO 340 ""'i+' 23'S.+
~,2 ·Monday 8 193 +1· + .9 22 S9
3 3 Tuefday 8 193 +1 + 37 22 S3
+ + Wednefday 8 183 4Z S 522 48
5 5 1'hurfday 8 I' 343 S 3 HZ 411
6 (I Frid3.y. Epipha"l a 1634+ S 59 u. 351
' 7 Saturday . 8 IS 3 +S 6 a.6 22 27
• 8 8 I SUNDAT p. Epipllfllll 8 1+.3 6 fl222 20 46
9 9 Monday 8 133~7 7 17 U IZ
10 ~o Tuefday~ ~arter SeiJions 8 12 3 +8 7 +2 zz 3
1111 Wednefday 8 Il 349 8 7 Zl H
12 J2 Thurfday 8 103 So 8 30 Zl 45
.13113 Friday,Hilary . S 93S1 8S4Zl35
.14ili Saturday 8 83 H 9 I 21 2;
1SIIS 2· SUNDA'r p. ~pip'''ltJ1 8 6 3 S4 9 382J 14-
16116 M~~day 8 ·S3SS 9S9 z1 .3.
1717 . T u e f d a Y 8 +3 S610 30S0 SI
1818 Wednef. !/.iem', B.D.lept 8 235810 39 zo 40
1919 Thurfday [Aifem.8 13 S9 IQ 5 820 21
ao~o ~Friday,TEl.MBEsnu,Q!. 7 594 J 11 17 20 15,
21 21 ~aturday . 7 57 + 3 11 3+ 20 ~
2222 SEPTUAGES;SUNDAT7 S64 411 511948
23 2 3 Monday, TEl.M SIT. 7 54 + 612 7 1 9 3S
2+ 24 Tuefday 7 53 4 7 12 22 19 20
2S~S Wednefday,Ctm".SI.PauJ7SI+ gU36J 9' 6
26z6 'fhurfday
27 27 Friday· .
. 7 10lZ 5018 SI
7+841213 218 3~
28~8 Saturday . 7 +6 1413 1418 21
29129 . SEX.AGES. SUNDAT 744416132518 5
So 3~ Monday, K. Chat. I. Mart. 7 +2 181335 17 49-
:'13 1 Tuefday. i 40 4 201 3 +S 17 3~
JI B -·JI'be IlIllholt Sprlrit;-Tid •• on Dl1bUn.ha. are gen...lly betwe.n the Hour.
··aic,ca aDd Onc o'Clocli", and tbe loweR Nc:ap-TIdCI between Five and lIcv:en.

HOLIDAYS kept at the Pull" OFFICIS. r

EX(:H1ctYlIll, :&-9- 16-:13..,...3°'
STAMP-OFFICII, 1-6-~8-30.

'._._ •• .,. v. • '. • • • • ,.~

.J A N U A R Y, 18.15. 11
, i'£ Dub!',"b", ;!Moon MOO~Moon
. ~ Week Days. Mom.,After. ~ rifes louth!> iets I
t::J ~ . ~IIH.M. ~ H.M.H.M.H.M.
:"1 SUNDAT .2 48 3 la l l l l alO 4lll5 J 1111+3
2 Mon4ay 3 3\.1 4, 7 U' _ _ 5 4-!:Ioa z
: 3 Tuefday 4 35, 5 4 2 30m3 66 3SIO' 20
.. WednefdaY 5 36 6 10 <1+ J 5 2 7 .1°10 38
5 Thurfday
6 Friday
6 4-5 7 2.C 2.S 3 3 8
- 7 52 8 2.a -'64 16S 52 I 20
61' 0

· 7 Saturday 8 49 9 I·V7 5 ~ 9 3~jl ++

8 SUNDAI 9 391.0 2 .:~o 2910 a72 21
9 Monday 10 221040 97 33~1 153 '1
10 Tuefday 10.5 811 15 l> ~ Iko a 53 51
I1 Wednefday 1'-33 1 1 .5° 18 5 80 53 .. SJ
11 Thurfday - - o· 7 2.19 301 '1-1 5 SS
loll Friday 0 21 p.p 39 S6, :u 6 S6
1.4.1 Saturday 0 Stl I I, 410 21 3 118 ~
151 SUNDAT- 1 Jii I 54 S ~o 4' 3 559 20
l6' Mop-day :a I~ 2 30 6 ro ..s6j+ 3710 go
· I, T~day 2 49 3, 9 7 1I IH 21 q 43
18 Wednefday 3 30 3 .ss 8 I I 306 6-:-
19 Thurfday .. 24 .. 57,'911 $5 6 s+oms6
20 F r i d a y s 3 2 6 9looa~o, 45 2 9
~1 Saturday . 6 4-6 7 2.4- 11 0 40 S 423 32
II SUNDAT 8 0 8. 34 12 I i9~ ~l 4- 55
:13 Monday' 9 693 61 3 z J01045~ 13
24 t Tuefday 10 4 IQ 32 14 J 1811 497 :u
· 2.5 tWed~efdar 10 SS 11 221 54- 39 - d .14-
26 tThurfday 1I"'46 - - 1.66 3fom531S 57
21 Fnd~y 0'" 10 0"'34 177 12 I 52 9 27
28 059 1 24Itl:S' StliZ ..89 41S
29 SUNlhlT fHZ 419110193 391~ 6
30 Monday' ~'::4 :z 4+ 20 11 374 29 1~ 27
3 1 Tuefday 3 5 3 27 21 - S 16 1043
o Lait ~uter, ~OJld"r, 2 Day, 21 Uli~ p. ~ afternoon.
b New M.oon, Tuc(day, 10 Day, 4() min. p. ~ Aftel"IlOQli.
D Firft ~arter, Wednefday, 1 8 DaYt48 min. p, 3 Aftein~
o Full Moon, Wednefday 25 Day, 35' min. p. 9 Mom.'
"N.B. Tbe Planet Venua "ill be an EvenlnB Star from the ~·ol u.e You
Ilotll tbe 13th or October, aftenrarclo a ~lorniJIi !liar to IIIe eDd "'" IIIe )_. •

"~ a
\ ; .
12 FEBRUARY, 18Is, Begin. on Wednefday, hath 28 Dayr.
>< s::
~ 0 W eek Days, and remarkable 'fi
Sun- Sun- G too SUtl'S
b? p ays. iiM fet. Slow. Decli.
HM M. S. D.M.
32 I Wednefday, Fall
-- -- --
7 3 8 4 22 13 54 17 IS
33 21f Thurf. Purification, p. M. 7 37 4 23 1"- 216 58
34 3 Friday 7 35 4 25 14 9 16 41
35 4 .Saturday 7 33 4 27 14 IS 16 23
36 5 ~UJNff2.UAGES. SUN. 7 3' 4 29 14 20 16 5
37 6 Monday 7 29 43' '4 2)' IS 47
3 8 7 Shrov e T uuday 7 28 43 2 14 29 IS 29
39 8 Ash. Wednesday 7 26 434 14 3 2 15 10
4 0 9 Thurfday 7 24 43 6 14 34 14 SI
41 10 Friday 7 22 43 8 14 36 14 32
42 I I Saturday 7 20 4 40 14 36 r 4 12
43 12 I SUN. in L ent 7 18 4H 14 36 13 52
44113 Monday, TERM ~NDS 7 16 444 14 35 13 32.
45 14 Tuefday, Valentine 7 14 44 6 14 34 '3 12
4 6 15 Wednefday, E111ber We ~k 7 12 44 S 14 3 1 12 52
47 16 Thurfday 7 10 45 0 14 28 12 3 1
4 8 17 Friday 7 8452 14 24 12 10
49 18 Saturday 7 64 54 ,14 20 I I 49
50 19 2 SUN. i" Lent. 7 44 56 14 14 11 28
5 1 20 Monday 7 245 8 14 8 I I 7
52 21 Tuefday 7 0 5 0! 4 2 10 .45
53 22 Wednelday 65 8 5' 21 3 54 10 24
54 23 Thurfday, fall 6555' 5 13 4 6 10 2
55 24 Friday, St. M atthitJI, 6535' 7 13 379 ,!-O
56 25 Saturday 6 51 5' 9 13 28 9 18
57 263 SUN. in LeNt 649 5 I I 13 18 8 S>
Monday 647 5' 13 13 8 8 33
5: 8 27
59 28 Tucfday 6 45 5' 15 (2 57 8 10

HOLIDA YS kept at the PuUie OFFICE S~

6-8-13- 20- 27.


FE B R. U A R. Y. 181 5. ItJ
is:: Dublin-bar. ~ Moon Moon Moon
::s Week Days.
Mom.!After. <rifes. fouths fets.
b H. M.lH. M. 11 H. M. H. M. H.M.
I Wednefday
- -I - - -
354 +23 Z2 omSl 6m 3 11 m3
:I Thurtaay + 52 SU 23 Z 3 6 +9 11 25
3 Friday
5 56 6 3+ 24 J 157 36 11 SI
+ 08 2" 11 19
7 12
8 20 87 +1~ :15
26S 199 12 oa59
6 Monday 9 12 9-3 6 27 6 1'5 10 1 I .. 7
7 Tuefday 9 58 la 18 286 59 10 502 43
8 Wednefday 10 38 10 56 397 33 it 373 4S
9 Thurfday 11 13 11 30 1> 8 30 a 254- 53
10 . Friday , 11-+7 1 8 28, 96 a
J1 Saturday 0- 3 0·19 28 +6 I 5+7 13
IZ SUND.dT o 36 OH 39 3 2 37 8 23
13 - Monday I 10 I 27 49 193 20 9 33
14 Tuefday 145 2 3 59 36 + + 10 +I-
15 Wednefday 2 21 2 38 69 H" So 11 59
16 Thurfday
17 Friday
3 0 3 25 7 10 135 3 ti
354 + 25 810 386 30 Im 17
18 Saturday + 58 S 36 9 11 18 7 262 34-
19 SUND.AT 6 16 7 0 le JI ~618 26 3 <H-
2O Monday 7 +0 8 17 I I o a 449 285 0
21 Tuefday 8 52 9 24- 122 810 316 0
22 tWednefday 954- 10 20 133 3 1 I I 32 6' +8
23 tThurfday 10 +l- ll. 8 1++ 58 - 7 :u
24- fFriday 11-3 2 Il·54 15 6 26 lo~o7 +6
25 Saturday - - 0·1+ 161 451 2+8 8
26 SUND.AT 034- OH 17 9 13 2 168 33
27 Monday 1 14- I 35 18 10 323 58 4S
28 Tuefday 155 2 15 19 u +93 5419 +

, o Laft ~arter, Wednefday. I Day, SI min. p. +,Mon

J)New oon, Tburfday, 9 Day, 21 min. p. 9, Mom.
D Firft ~arter, Friday, 17 Day, 33 min. p. 4, MOTn.
o Full Moon, Thurfday, 23 Day, '5 min. p. 8. Aftern.
14 MARCH, llh5, 1Jegins tlnWednefday, halh 31 Days. "
~ «I~ . ' tSun- Sun- 0 too'Sun's;
f a
I g Week D. aY8, ~nd. ,remarkablel rifi.e. et .. SI,OW DecliJ
, . ~:~", . . . . Day.s.

. 'rH MH MM. S.D. M;

l '6°1

1 Wed. SI. DatJld,Bri$toi Fair 6 '43 51? 12 45·f48

! 61,2 T h u r f d a y 6 415 Iy 13 337 2$
1 62 1 3 Friday 6 395 2112,217 .3
f ,631 A Saturday ' 6 375 2312 86 39
! 64 S UN~ in Lent, MidLt.Sun.6 35 5 25 11 S'4 6 51,~
65 6 Monday 63252811 4') ~
! 66 7 Tuefday 6 305 3(' 1 I 26 5 3~
67f ~ Wednefday 6 285 3i I1 iz 5 ~
68 9 Thui-fday , 6 265 34 10 59 4 +~

,69'~P Friday ,
70 II Sa~urday_,·
6 24) 36 [0 .P"
6 225 38 [0 26 3 :5~

7 112 5 SUN;;nLenl,Gregory M.6 195 4' 10 1 0 3 3 a

72 [" '"Mo,nday. 6 q 5 ,43 ,9533 9"
f 73 1 Tu'efdilY, ' 6 [55 +5 9 37 z4~j
1 74 H Wednefd:lY 6 135 +7 9 20 2 2~
j 75 16 Thurfday 6 1 15 49 9 :t [ SRj'
"761!7 Friday, St. Palric.l 6 8,5 z8 -45 1 34
177 18 . Saturday . 6 65 54 8 27 I IQ,
' 7 81 9 6,Pa,lmSUndaYI6 45 50 8 100 41',1,
'I 79 20 Monday 6 25 ,58 7 510 21
" 8021 'ruefday, Equal Day&Nt. 6 06,' 0 7 33 oN, 1.1'
81 122 ·We.dllefday. ~ 526 2 7 15 0 2 4:1
,! 82 12 3 Thurfday , 5 5616 4- 6 560 AS';
. . 8312+ HG,ood Friday, "Fall 5 54 6 6 6 38 I. u!
84'25 ',S;ltur. A""um;;afia" V. M. 5 sz'6 8 6 19 [ 3~i
~ 851!26 BASrER SUNDAT 5 506 le 6 I 1 :5~'i
,86 7 E~er JltJonJay .' 5 4 86 I Z 5 422 Z. Zl'
'S8 z9 'WednefJay
~87Z~ EdjJer Me/day ~ 4S (; 15 5 Z 3 Z 46
5 43 6 17 5 43 ,9
.! 893 Thurfday 5 4,6 19 4- 46 3' 3iJ
90 Jl Friday. 5 39 6 Z 1 4- 273 56
'HOLIDAYS kept· at the -'Pu~/ic OFF1C:£S'.-~
ExcH,£QOIlR, 6 ·13 '17-20-'Z4--25'-Z7'-28--29~30"51",
STAMP-OFFICE, i7-24-25~27-2S-29. . ;
'CiJs"'f<JM-HouSE, 24.
llAlIIKS, 24. .

_.. -
- ,- -M: ARC H. IBIS'. 1':
~. " ,-. : ~'MoonIMOOn MOOD
? Week~a.y~ .~.orn. Afte... < rifes. fouths fets
t1 H.M.H.M.! 6.M}!:..~:a:.M.
. IWednefdoiy 73ji2j5 10 - +m'fl 9m lS
3ThurfJay .s l6 3 40 u omss S' 3(J 9 S7
3Friday +6+342231161111019
Saturday 5 8 S +6333 157 8107
. 5 SlfNDAr 6 38 7' 63+,. JI7 57 1 1 43
6 Monday 7+z8 17 1 5+ S88 +60 a 34-
7 TuefJay 8 47 8 13 26 5 359 33' 35
-8 Wedtiefday 9 Ji 9 53 17 6 610 31 2 +1
9 Thurfday to 1210 30 I,E 6 3' 1I 73 SI
.0 Friday '0 4711 4296 53 11 52 S ,
11 Saturday ~'.2C 11-37 »7 11 0 a 35 6 11
u SUNDAT . 11·53 I7 27' • I:! 7 23
13 Monday o·'~ Q 27 27 +32 3 8 37
1+ Tuetday 0 H ~ 2 38 1 J +89 +9
IS, WedDefday 1 20 I 3!J -+ 8 193 35 11 7
16 Thurfday 1 5H .2 18 5 ~ 42 + 26--
17 Friday 2 38 3 3 69 1 JI~ 200mu
18 Saturday 3 3 2 + + 79 4 8 /0 16 I 41
19 SlINDAT ... +0 S 20 810 397 16 J S2
20 Monday, 6 0 6 42 9 Il +S 8 J 73 53
21 Tnefday 7 27 8 7101 'a 29 174- +,
-22 WedI1cfday 8 4Z 9 1+ 11 2 z(i 10 14 S 30
23 Thurfday 9 +01 0 .. 123 52 I J 95 +fi
24 t Friday 10 2610 47 '35 17 - 6 10
25 t Saturday 1I 811 28 [4-6 4-1 G>m 16 29
26tSUNDAT 11(0+8--158 50 S26 49
27 Monday o· 8 0.381619 2+ I 427 7
28 Tuefday 0 -+6 I 617 ,0 4-[ 2 31 7 36

29 Wedllefday I , as I 45 [8 lJ $) 3 .207 -+7
30 Th'lffday 2 5.2 2619 loB '7 --1-+
31 Friday 2+Ci 3 61zolm35 0,853
a Lall ~arter, Thurfday, 2 Day. 56 ~in. p. 9. Aftern.
J) New Moon, Saturdllt, 1I Day, 6 min. p. 3, Atom.
D Firll~arter, Sa.turday, "UDay. :I min. p. 2, Aftern.
o Full MOOD, Saturday, 2S Day, 1.8 min. p. 6, Morn.\ begins Tl1efdaY',21 Dot.y, I9min.p. ll.t.~
F i

.... -.

16 APRIL, 1815. Btgint OtISaturday, hath 30 DaYI.

~I' ~1'week.Days,Dand rem~kable S~n.
.... ::I
, 'l~
Sfcutn. 0' I too fDsun
rue. e. S OWe ec I.
~'b ' ays. . !!..MHMM. S.D.M..
911--. Saturday s~ 6 2349/ 419
9~\ 2 1 SUN. p. EqJI. LowSund.S 3$6253 514 42
93 3 Msmday . 5 33 6 273 3315' 5
9+[ 4 Tuefday, ~arter Sell. 5 3 16 2,9 3- IfS 28
,,95' 5 Wednefday' 5 29 6 3 12 5715 51
96 6 Thurfday 5 27 6 33:Z 396 14-
97 7 Friday,~arterA{[emblYS24636z 211636
98 8 Saturday 5 22 6 38, 46 59
99 9 2 SUNDArp. Eajler-' 5 206401 477 21
10010 Monday, TI!IlM BEGINS 5 J 8 6, 42 I 30 7 44-
101 IJ Tuefday 5 166 HI 148 6
102 J:z • Wednefday, TUM',SITS 5' 146460 588 28
10313 Thurtday 5 1216 480 428 50
104114 Friday , 5' 106500 269 12
105115 Saturday [1746 5 865* 119 33
\10616 3<SUN. p.Ea.rt. B.Culloden,s 66540 F. 49 55-
10717 Monday 5 46560 1910 16
10818 Tuefday 5 26 580 33 10 37
109['9 'Wednefday 5 07 00 4-71058
110,20 ~Thurfday 4587 :z I '11 19
1l'121 Friday, .. 56, 4 1 14 11 39
1 I2 2Z Saturday, ~ 54 7 61 27'12 0
lI'3!23 4 SUN. p. E4fl, St. George4 527 8 I 391112 20
114,',2 4 ."Monday, Curragh Races .. 507 101 51 IZ 40
115 12 5 Tuesday, St. Mar~ 4- 487 I2 2 3 [3 0
11626 W,edneioay 4467 142 1+1'3 19
1I7!27 Thtirrday .. 4'1 7 16 2 241 13 38
1,8i 28 Friday 4- 'P7 182 1 34113 58
119'29 Saturday 4407 202 43!14 16
_ UO~30 5 SUN. p. EqJI. Rogation 43'8/7 Z2j2 52i'4- 35

HOLIDAYS kepta~ the Puhlic OFFICES.

ExcH8Q"vER, 3-10':-'17-24.


A P R I L. 18 I 5. 17
.... ___-,-__
Week Days. Morn. After. ~~1Moon
Dublin-bar. Moon Moon
i rifes. fOUth5 fels
H. M. H. M. D iH. M. H. Mo H. M.
I Saturday 33c 3 S8 ili2 m 41smsc 9m32 , •
:& SUNDAr 4 30~S 422:2 5616 ~~ 10 18
3 Monday S 42 ·6 24 233 401' 2;, 11 23
4 Tuefday 7 2 '1 37 2414 '°18 IS ° a 27
5 Wednefday 8 10 8 382 5:4 359 21 3S'
6 Thurfday ·9 2 9 2.p 6 l4 5819 472 46
7 Friday 9 43 10 02 715 15110 3C 3 55
8 "Saturday 10 1810 36 285 3~ 1I 145 9
9 SUNDAr 10 53 11 10 D 15 49111 S96 22
10 Monday 11"'2711.44 1\6 sloa457 37
11 Tu.efday "--- 0'" I 26 2211 318 52
12 Wednefday "0·18 0 38 316 4512 U 10 11
13 Thurfday 0 59 1 21 47 133 1611 31
14 Friday I 4+ 2 6 5 7 4714
IS Saturday 2 30 2 56 618 34 5 IC om43
16 SUNDAr 3 24 3 56 79 33 16 le 1 50
,17 Monday 4 34 5 14 81104417 9 2 41
J8 Tuefday 5 54 6 3S 910 a 6~8 53 22
19 Wednefday 7 14 7 4910 I 3 19 03 So
Thurfday 8 22 8 )2 11 2 549 524 13
21 Friday 9 20 944124 19 10 424 34
utSaturday 10 6102613 S 311I 3 1 4 53
23 tsuNDAr 10 4 6 11 6146 59 - - S 19
24 tMonday 0"'2611*45 15 8 19 0mJ 95 H
25 :Tuefday - - 0'" 3 1619 35 1 95 49
26 Wednefday 0 21" 0 411.7110 491 Sy6 15
27 "Thurfday 1 I I 2°118'11 53 2 506 45
28 Friday I 4( 2 0191- 3 407 23
29 Saturday :& 20 2 40120jom504 3"18 .12
lO SUNl)Ar 3 2 3 262T 375 2J 9 9

a Laft Quarter, Saturday, J Day. 46 min. p. 4. Aftcrn.

D New Moon, Sunday, 9 Day, 57 min. p. 5. A~tern.
D Fira Quarter, SUnday.; 16 Day, 5.6 min. p. 8, After.n.
o Full ?doon, Sunday, 23 Day, So min. p 4, Aftern..
18 MAY, 181S, lhgitu .o1l'1ffonday, hath 31 J5aJ~'o
~ 2(1 . :Sun- Sun -0 too' Sun'"
.L'g ,Wcck-DaY$, and remarkable. rife. fet.. Fall:. l)edf.
.-E~ DaY$: . H M H M M. S.n.. Mo
lZ.11 Monday,St.Phlijp&Jamos + 3"6 7 2+ 3 I 14 54
I-Z~ % Tuefday , 4- 34 7 26 3 ~ cS u
u3.3 Wednefday,Faft 43 2 7 .28 3 16 [5 30.
I:Z4:4 ,Thurfday, 4(ce'!/ioll1J4, 43 1 7 293 211 5 47
uS'5 41.97 3' 3 as [6 5:
uti 6 Sa~urday. + 27 7 333 3.+ 16 2Z
121 7 SUNDAr,ojier 4/cmjion +25 7 353 3916. 39
u8 8 Monday, TUM ENDS +23 7, 373 +3(16 SS
lJ9 9 Tuefday 4 21 7 3 8 3 4717 IZ
13010 WednefdaY402o7 +03 5017 ~8
13111 Th\lrfday . + 187 +2353 1.7 f4
Il2 IZ Friday 4 16 7 443 SS 17 59
133 1 3 Saturday.Faft 4 1 57 . H3 561814.
114 14 WHIT-SUNDAr 4 [37 '473 57 18 1.9
[351 [5 Whitlun MondaJ +IZ 7 48 3 57 18 4~
136'16 WJutsunT~IJ>[Emb.Week+lo7.S03 57 18 S81
1 Wedllef.Princifs.oJJV(Jubn·4o 97513 5719 IZ
1 38,18 Tlmrfday + 71 S3 3 5 61 9 ZS
r391~9 Fdday, ~em born, 1744 4 57 55 3 Sf [9 '3~
14-0~0 Saturday 4 4- 7 ,63 5 ( 19 SI
14111. [ TRINITr SUNDAr .... 37 573 4 82 0 4-
[41. 22 Monday, TER,M BEGINS + I 7 593 H20 16
1+323. TuefJay 4 08 03 41 lO 28
[4.P4 Wednefday 3 588 . 2 3 37 2 0 40
145 25 Thllrfday,CorpuJ ChriJli . 3 57 M 33 3 22 0 SI
146 26 Fri~ay, TUM SITS " 3 56 8 ~ 3 2.62) 2
[47 :!7 SaluT4ay" . 3 54 S 63 2021 12
14828 I SUN. p. TriRity. 3 53 8 73 1421 2J
14929 Monday, Relt. K. C. H. 3 SZ 8 ~ 3 72I 32
15°130 Tu.:sday. '1351892592Iff
1513' We(~neJa'l.y ,'350810.2 ,121,0
-~ .. ....,,-
HoLIDA. YS kept at. the P/lbli& OfFICES•
. E1:CH EQ.Y ER, 1 - 8 - 1 S'-1()-J7.-,.19-U..:....Z9. '
STAMP-OFFtCJ!, '3-H",,"!~6-29.·
C\lSTOM~Hous£, '9-:i9'
M,A Y, ~815. 19
~ D u.blin·bar. ~I Moonroon lMoon
g ,Week ·Days. Morn.IAfter. <l:! rifes. foums[ fets
b H.-M.!H.M'r! H. M. H. M:H. M.
I Monday 3 5 2 4- 2022 2rn 326 m 990150
:2 Tuefday 4- 52 5 282 3 2 466 5(: 1I 14-
3 WedncfJa y 6 6 644 2 43. 37 ,420012<}
r. \ -4 ' Thllrfd,a y 7 20 7 9 25 13 203 18 26' I 39
5 Frid,ay 8 20'1 8 44 26 3 ,4219 J( 2 40
6 , Saturd,ty
8 Monday
9 7 9 29 2 3 55 19 53 -4-
9 4 8 10 62 4- 1211O.38~ 18
10 2 4 10422~431Itl5631

9 Tuefday I I 3 1 1 2 0 D 1+ 49 0 a 15 7 57
10 Wednefday 11 "' 4- 1 - - 15 15 I B 9 17
11 Thllrfday o· 2 0·.14 25 442 510 34
12 Friday 0 47 I I I 36 293 5 11 '4-7
13 S:Hurd ay 135 2 ,0 4 7 23+ '5 - -
14 ' SUNDAr 2 26 .1 52 S8 335 50m41
15 -Monday 3 2 0 351 6y 55fi ~I 2S'
16 ' Tuefday 4 25 507111665715'9
I7 Wednefday 5 36 6 16 80 a 40 7 4 2 2%
18 Tljurfday 6 50 726 09:2 :2 8 38:z 40
19 Friday 756823103239263 0
20· Saturd ay 8 50 9 1611 + 41 10 '33 17
21 ' SHNDA r 94-210412559'1 , 1333
. 22/' t MORda y 10 2410 43 1:'3 7 I<)! I 5 q 52
23 tTuefda y 11 21120148 32 - - 4- 17
24 tWcdncfd ay £' ''4 0 11 *59'59 320m41 ' 4 i4
25 ' Thu:rfday - - 0",,81,6 10 40 I j l 5 2+
26 ' Friday
! 27 Saturday
0 3 8 0 58171131.1
I 17 I 3818 - - 3
23 6
13 6
: 28 ' SUNDAr 1 57 216190m13+ 27 57
129 Monda y 2 36 2 56200, 4-34 5 0 9 3
30 Tucfd ay 3 I S 3 4-221 11 1253610 12
li 31 _ W~b.erday 4 8 4- 3622 I 3c 6 2011' 20
Ia Lalf <t..-uarter~ Monaay, IDay~ 49 fflin ·P. II, Morn.
1> New Moon, Tue£daYl g.:Day, 51 min. p. 5, Morn.
o Firll Q!larter, TuefJay, 16 Day, 18 min, p. 2, Mom.
o Full Moon, Tuefday, 23 Day; 2/t min. P'4. Mom.
a Lafl Q 1;I arter,Wednefciay, 31 Day, 36 min. p. 5 Morn. ,
. .. -- =
20 JUNE, I~IS' /kgiIu 011 Thurfday, },ath 30 DaJI.
~I ~
Week-Days, and remarkable\S.~n- ~un-,· 0F', ~~IDsunl'~
D nle. let. an. ,cc I.
pb ays. H M H MM. S .. D. M.
I S2 Thurfday,
I 3 491s"1l ~ 21 S9
153 Friday
2 3 4 88 12 2 34:U 7
IH 3 Saturday [lIl.IJ"m,17383 47~ 13 2 2p2 IS
ISS 42 SUN. p. Trinity,K. GEO. 3 4 6 8 14 2 l-5i Z2 :1a
. ' 3 45 8 15 2
15 6 S Monday
.57 ~ Tuefday
158 7' Wednefday
3 44 8 16 I sslu
5'zz 29
3 43 8 17 I 44 ZZ 4 2
159 8 ,'rhurlOay . 3 428 18. 33 u 4 8
16c 9 Friday 3 4,8.19 1 21 1U 54
16110 Saturday 3 418. 19 I 'Q22 59
162 lJ 3 SUN. p.Trinil!.St.BarllalJ. 3 4 08 zoo s
82 3 3
163 12 Monday, Curragh Races 3 408200 4623 8
164 '3 Tuefday 339 821 1034 2 3 12
165 1 4 Wednefday, TERM ENDs~ 3 398 ZI 0 21 Z3 15
1661 5 Thurfday 3398210 9 z 3 IS
167116 Fri.Jay ,B.Dettingen,I7433 388220 fl. 4 2 3 ZI
1681 7 Saturday 3 388 220 16 23 23
169'184 SL;NDtlrp. Trinity 3388220. 29 2 3 25
17c 19 Monday 3 378 23 0 4 22 3 26
'7120 Tuefday 3 37 82 3,0 SP3 27
'7 Ut Wednefday. 3378231 8 23 28
173 21 Thurtday, LongeA: Day 3 378231 2123 28
174 2 3 Friday, Fast [Midf. Day 3 378 23 1 .3423 28
175 24 ~aturd. Nal. St. :John Bap. 3 37 8 23 1 +6 23 27
1762 5i SUNDATp.Trinily . 33882%.1 59 2 3 26
'77 26 Monday 3 388 ZZ 2 12,23 24-
17827 Tudaay 33882112 24 23 22
1792~ WidneIday,FaA: 33 8/8 2Z2 37!23 20
1802 9 .T~urfday,SI.Pet"
18 1 30 Friday
. 3 39 8 21 3 23 14 Il
JUNE. 1815. 21
~ Dublin-bar. ~. Moon MOOD MooD
Week Days.
H.M.~. .!.~H.M.~
Morn'IMter. -< rifes fouths feu

I Thurfday 5 10 5 H. 23 1 m4S 7 m loa 3 1

2 Friday 6 17 6 So 2..p 27 4S1 42
3 Saturda.y 7 22 7 '54- as 2 17 8 29 2 +1
4 SIlNDAT 884626a 339 14+ 9
5 Monday 99 34 a7 2 5 I 10 as 29
6 Tuefday 5610 18283 la 10 54 6 sa
7 Wednefda1 10
+011 2» 3 4" 11 sott 14-
8 Thurfday11·2511·+~ 11+ 200aS09 30
9 Friday - - 0·13 a~ IS I 53 10 SS
10 Saturday 0 38 I 2 36 20 a SS 11 24-
11 SUND4T I 26 1 So ... 7 353 SS 11 I9
p Monday 2 15 2 4- I J 9 I 4- 52
13 Tuef~ay 3 8 3 3.S' 610 355 45 cm27
14 Wednefday 4- ~ + s.a 7 11 sc6 35 0 49
'tS Thurfday 5 6 .5 40 8 1 a 9" 23 1 8
16 Friday 6 15 6 SI 9a 288 101 '4
'7 Saturday I 7 a3 753 10 3 44 8 S7 1 40
18 SUND.AT 8 22 8 SI 11 S 19 44 I 58
19 Monday 9 18 9 +2126 610 34 1 IS
;0 tTuefday _ 10 410 24137 2611 24 I 44
21 tWednefday 10 4411 3 148 a~;....-- 3 16
22 tThurfday 1I.2211-4zI159 aSomlS+ 4
23 Frida)"
24 Saturday
25 SUND..dT
0 I,
o· z 1610 10 I 54 4S
0 361\1710 431 555 44
0 54 I 12 18 11 II:J 436 49
26 Mond~y- 1.3 1 I SOj l 9 Il 333' 297 53
21 Tuefday 2 8 2 262011 52 4 149 .5
28 Wednefday I 45 3 41zr - 4 5810 16
29 Thurfday 3 19 3 50122\0 m '5 40 Jl 23
30 Friday' 4 16 443230 Z2 6 Z2 0 a 36
]) New M90n, Wednefday, 7 Day, IS mi,n.l" 3. Aftern.
o Firft Quarter, Wedqe{day, 14 Day, 28 min. p. 7, Morn.
o Full Aroon, Wednel'day, 21 Day, 36 min. 1" 5, Aftern.
o Laft Q!!arter, Thurfday, 29 Day,I9 min. p. 9, Aftenl.
Sum. ~ar. begins Thurfday, Z2 Day, _37 min. p. 8, Morn.
22 JU~Y. 1815,Beg;nJon, Satur~ay,h~/h3IDLJYs., ,Ill
-< ~ m kD 1 I::lUfl-ISun-/0 .too Sun' s , I ,
~ 0
.. ::1
n ee - ays,Dand remark ab e .11,'{ie. {iet. . SI OW. D ec I'1. i I'
~ b a ys. :H M HMjM. S. D. M.:
:~; ~ 6 ~~~: :a:rr~~lle, IQ9° 'I ~I tol~~ :Ii ~ ~: ~'~ 1~ :

184 3 Monday 31 4 181 93 362 3 Z

)85.4 Tuifday 34 1 ,8 19'3 471'21 5 R
1&6 5 Wednefday . 34 2'B 18/3 ,$%2 52
18'] 6 Tl:urfday, Chdler Fair 3'4 21818 '+ 91H 47 :
188 71 F. nday . 343 ,B 17!4 19j22 41 1
18g 8 Saturday .. 34418' 16 4 29 22 35
!!)O 9 1 7 SUN. p. <['nnll] 3 45 'S .54 39iu 2S ;
19 110 Monday • 3 4~8 14+ 4 81'22 21
19211 Tuefday, ~ar. Sdlions ~ 473 1314 57 1'22 13 ,
193 12 Aughr.1691348812 iS 5H 51
194 13 Thurlday 3. 49 8 1115 13.1.21 57 ,
195 14 ' Friday . , 350 8 10:5 1021 4 8 1
19 5.
61 Saturday, S,t., SWlthm 3- 51 H 9;5 . 271zI ' 39!
197 168 SUN. p. TrltlJly 3. 52 ~ 8i5 331 21 30 i
1981 7 ' ~onday 3 53 8 H 3911 20 1
199 18 ' fuefday 3 54 8 615 44[21 10 ,
%00 ' 9 ' Wednefday 3 5 68 45 49!21 0 1
20120/3 Thur[Jay 3 57 8 3 5 531 ~0 49 1
20221 , Friday, Quar. Affembly 3. 588 2 5 571~o 3S1
;103 22 ' Saturdn 3 598 1 6 0 ' 20 26 \1
2 °4 2 3 9 SUN. p. Trinity 4 1 7 59,6 220 14
:l05 2 + Monday, FaH. 4- 37 57: 6 4 20 2
zOO 25 1'uefday, St. Jamu 4 475 616 5 [9 49 1
%07 26 Wednefday, St. Anne 4 () 7 5'4'6 6 1 9 37 !
Z0827 Thurfday 4- 7753 i6 61 9 2 3 1
209 28 Friday - . 4 975 1 \6 619 10 !
210:29 Saturday . [begID j4 1075 6 ° 1
5/ 8 5 6 j
:11l !301OSUN.p.7'rtnity,DogD·412, 748 ,6 41 r842 ,
Z1213 1' M.onday -4 13 747;6 218 1'1 :
HOLIDAYS kept at the Public OFFICES.
EXCHEQ.YER, 3-1O-17-~4-3 ·I .
STAIIU' . OFFlC £, 1-12.. '

-' ' ~.
JU L Y, I XI5 · 23
~ Dublin·ba r. ~ Moon Moon Moon
g Week Days. Morn . After. ~ riles. iouths fets
b H. M.IH . M. A H . M. H . M. H. M.
Saturday 513 5 4 6z 4 0ID 37 7 ID 5 I a47
2. SUNDAr 6 23 7 0 2 5 0 547 5 2 3 10
3 Mondav 7 3 2 8 31261 J5 8 4 1 4 25
4 Tll ef~ay 8 3 I 9 02 7 1 499 355 37
5 Wednefday 9 2ti 9 54 2Hz 1 0ID 337 5
6 T hurfday 1 0 20 10 46» 2 5 711 34 8 17
7 Friday i l * 1211-3 8 13 560a 3'l:!9 14-
8 Saturdav -- o· 3 25 14 I 41 9 58
9 SUNDAr o 28 052 3 6 39 2 4210 29
10 M onday 1 161 394 8 633 81o H-
I 1 Tuefday 2 3 . 2 24 59 :13 4 3 1 I I J 3
12 W ednefd ay 2 46 3 f< 6 10 56 5 2011 30
13 Thurfday 3 3 2 3 58 7 0a 15 6 811 47
14 F riday 4- 2 0 5 0 8 ( 34 6 5 5 --
15 Satu rd ay 5 3 2 6 4 9 2 5 0 7 420 m 4
16 SUNDAr 6427221 04 68 320 24-
M onday 7 58 8301115 27 9 21 10 50
T uefday ~ 56 9 21 12 6 2 4- 10 1111
19 'vVednefday 944lO 6 13 7 20[ 1 I11 5f
20 t Thurfday 10 2710 4 7 1418 7 11 5). 2 40
2 I t Friday 11 7 112 41 518 ·H - - 3 35
22 t Saturday 11*4111 * 5 6 16'9 15/i om404 39
23 SUNDAr - - 0*12 17;93 :) 1 275 45
24 Monday o 30 0 4 8 I H9 57 z 12 e 5 +
25 Tuefday 1 5 I 23 19~ IO 13 12 55 8 3
26 Wednefday I 40 I 5 8 20'10 2 9 ,' 3 3 79 11
T hurfday 2 IS 2 3 2 2110 H 4 1 91021
Fri tlay . 2 50 3 1012.2 10 5915 I I I 32
S aturday 3 30 3 54? 3 I [ 1515 45 0 a 45
SUNDAr 'I- 22 4 56124 I I 39 6 3 I 2 1
Monday 5 24 6_ ! 2 ~S 1 2 3~
-- 17
IDNew Moon, Thurfday, , 26 min. p. 11, Aftern.
" D Fir fl ~arter, Thurfday, T3 Day, 55 min. p. I, A ftern.
o Full Moon, Friday, 2[ Day, 14 m in. p. S, Moro.
I <l Lafl ~arter' ,Satu~day, 29 Da y, 3 min. p. 11, Morn.
24 AUGUST, 181 5, Beg;," 011 Tuefday, halh 31 DaYI.
-<I ~ Week D . !if k hI sun] Sun- 0 too S~n's
~.'. g . - aysD'an remar a e rife. fet. Slow. Decli.
...E'i;l- ' ays. ~ H.M M. S'I~
21 3 I Tuefday, Lammas Day ... 157 45 5 5918 13
211 2 Wed~efday 4177435 5 61 7.5 8
2 J5 3 Thurfday 4 18 7 +Z5 52 1 7 4:&
2.~ 4 Friday, .. 207 40 5 +81 7 26
21 7 5 S;iturday ... 2Z 7 385 43 17 JI
~18 ~ 11 SUNDAT p. Tri.if1 4 247 365 37 J 6 54
21 9 7 Monday 4 257 355 3116 3 8
220 8 Tuefday 4 277 335 2416 zr
2219 Wednefday + 297 315 1716 4
2:&21(1 Thurfday .. 31 7 2~!5 9 IS 47
223!U Friday [1762+327285 01 5 29
U4!12 Saturday,PrinuWalesborn,f 34726+ 5 11 5'11
~251312 SUN. p. Trinily 1+ 367244 411453
u6~ Monday ; 4387224 3 11 + 35
!a2 7 IS Tuefday, Affump. V.M. .. 40 7 20 f 20 14 17
u8t6 Wednefday 4427184 81't35 8
u~ 17 Thurfday 4447 163 5613 39
alo.8 Ftiday + +67 143 oH 13 20
23 11 9 Saturday ... 48 7 I2 3 3' 13 1
2322013SUN.p.TriniIJ· 4507103171241
a33 21 Mond:~y 4"517 93 312 ZI
234 22 Tuefday , 4537 72 4912' 1
-35 2 , Wednefday,FaA: "4557SZ 3411 +1
.3 6124 Thurfday, St. Barlholome'fIJ", 577 32 18 11 21
237 1 5 Friday 4 597 I 2 3 II 0
23826 Saturday 5 I 6 59 I +610 39
239 27 14SUN. p. Trinity 5 36571 3010 19
1~18 Monday' 556551 13958
-41 29 Tuefday 5 76 530 56 9 36
24 2 30 Wednefday 5 9 65 1 0 38 9 15
~4.]31 Thurfday 5 I I 6490 ~o ~
HOLIDAYS kept at the PU&l"Ic, OFF~CES.
ESCHEQYU, 7-12--.+-Z1-~8.
ST,...n-OFFIC E, n.
A· g
A U G U S T, Ilh5. 25
~\ Dublirt-bar. l ~ Moon Moon Moon
? Week Days. Moru.·After. ~ rifes fout4s feb..
tj. H.M.H.M.} H~H.M.H.M.
1\. Tuefday
2 W.Klnefday
6 So 729 '361 m 1 Hm iO +a 39
8 5 8 38270 4.j 9 145 53
3 Thurfday 9 9 9 3928 I 31 10 17 7 a
4 Friday [0 7 10 3529' 3811 2J 7 58
. 5 Saturday u· I 11·27 1> 4 co a 24 8 +0
6 SUNDAT u·50 - [5 35 I 14 8 55.
7 Monday 0*'3 °
36 2 7 ~~ 2 209 18
8 Tuefday 0 59 1 19 3 8 343 u 9 36
9 Wednefday I 41 2 I 49 58... 29 52
le) Thurfday 2 2 I 2 40 5 11204- 5' 10 10
fI Friday 3 °
3 23 60a-385 3910 28
fZ Saturday 3 50 4 20 7 I 'S56 2810 53
.13 STJNDAT +"5252883 97 1811 21.
1+ Monday 6864794 178 811 55
'5 Tuefday 7 25 7 SS 10 5 168 5 7 -
.16 Wednefday· 8 28 8 )7 11 6 89 ...Hom36
17 Thurfday 9 25 9 48126 4810 37 11 29
18 t Friday 10 810 a8 13 7 18 II 25 2 30
19 t Saturday 10 ...6 1 I. 2 14b 42 - 3 38
20 tSUNDAT 11 1811 35158 50'iJ194 42
21 Monday 11*.52 ---- 168 200 S45 53
22 Tuefday o· 7 0·22 178 35 1 367 2
23 Wednefdar °
38 0 55 188 522 188 JI
24 Thurfday I 11 I 28199 'ti 3 09 22
25 Friday I 45 2 2209 233 4210 24
26 Saturday 2 20 11 40219 414 2711 45
.27 SUNDAT 3 0 3 242210 35 141 a 2
:~8 Monday 3 52 4 262310 386 52 19
29 Tuefday 5 0 5 402411 20 7 03 ~
.30 Wednesday 624 7 '625 - 8 0+ 4 0
jl Thurfday 1468zQ269mI79 11.; ~91
~ New Moon, Saturday, 5 Day, 38 min. p. 6, Morn.
n Firft ~arter, Friday, I I Day, 4~ min. p. 10, Aftern. •
o Fnll MOtlD, Sjlturday, 19 Day, 49 min.. p, 11, Aftern.
Q Laft Q...uarter, Sunday, 27 Day, 58 min. p. 9, Aftern.

18r5' c
I ~W SEPTEMBEa, 18 J S, IJegiru ollFriday,hath 30DaJI ••
..~I ~ Week-Days, and remarkable s~m-Isun. 0. too Sun'~
~ i;:I Days nfe. fet. FitB:. Dech.
t::i b
_.- . . .HMIHHM. S.D.M.

~44 I Fri~y.
BriftoLFair. S 13 6 47 0 J 8 3~
.245 2 Saturday S 15645 0 16 8 I~
2f6 3 ISSUN.p. Tru.iI, S 17 6 +3 0 SS 1 48
Z17 4 Monday S 19 6 4 1 0 54 7 26
2481 5 Tuefday 5 216 39 1 147 4.
2496·Wednefday 5 2 3 6 !7 1 33 6 42
250 7· . Thurfday, DagDays ends 25 6 35 I 53 6 . ~9
:l51 8 fri~y. Nativity B.V.· S 27 6 33 % J3) 57
252 S Saturday 5 306 30 2 335 3+
25311016SUN,p."-rinit, 5326282545 I t
!HIII MORd~y, Curragh Races 5 34 6 %6 3 14 ... · 49
2H,Q Tuef~ay. J 366 24" 354 26
256113 Wednefday J 386 2Z 3· 56 4 '3
2nll4 T~ur~y S 406 204 17" +0
258.15 Fnday. 5426 18.+ 38 " 17
2;'9116 Saturday 5 44 6 164 59 2 54
%6017 17SUN. p. Trinil, 5466 14 S 202 3 1
26.118 Monday . S 4 86 I2 5 4 12 7
262 19 Tuefdax 5 5 I 6 9 6 2 I 44
263 20. Wednei.' Fall Emb. week 5 5" 6 7 6 24 I 2 I
2~4 21 Thu,rfdilV, SI. Mallhe'1ll 555 6 S 645 0 57
26SZ2 Friday,King's CorDnation 551 6 3 7 60 34
266 2 3 Satur.~q.Pa,y&Night 5596 17260 11
267~418SUN.p.Tr;"iI, 6 I5 59 747 0S • I 3
26.8;15 MondaX 6 H 57 8 80 3 6
2692(: Tuefday: 6 55 SS 828 I 0
27027 Wednefda.y ~ 75 53 B 48 I 23'
27~ ~8 Thurfday 6 9) 51 , 8 I .... 7
27 22 9 Friday, SI. M'lCh(ll1 16 1 1549 9 28 a 10
17330 Saturday· ~ 135"'7 9 4 8 a 33
HOLIDAYS kept at the Pu!Jk OFFICES.
EXCHEQ.!JU, ...-tt:-18-:-'S-:-~9·
i''''STAMP-OFFlCI, 22-29.
;"'." .
S E P 'r E M B l!. R. 181 5.. 27
-a:. . Dublin-bar. r ~ Moon fMoon IMooa
,g 'Week Days. Morn. After. o:t:: rites. fouths fits.
,- ; . . , . H.-~ H. M. » H. M. H. M. H. M.
-~ Friday n
18 -. 54 9 :&81 I m 26 'Iom s 6 a 33
,.2 Saturday 9.5810 u:&8 J 0j' 14 6 53
~ 3 SUNDAr 10 45 11 7 b 4- 3 1 ,0 a :& 7 17
. 4 Monday 11*3° 1l-S4 16 1,0 5 8 7 39
5 "ruefday - - O·IS :& 7 :ZJi l 5 1 7 57
6 Wednefday "36 0 56 3 8 SS' 4 18 13
7 Thurfday I 16 I 3J4 [0. 18 3 3 1 1\ 3:&
8 Friday I H 2 IS 5 11 '40 1+:u8 SS
: 9 Sat1lrday. :& 36 57 60 a 565 IJ ~ 16
10 SUNDAr 3 20 3 +5 7~ 7 6 29 ·SI
~1 Monday + I,. + 49 8 3 u 6 54 10 30
.1% Tuefday 5 27 6 7 94 67 4411 U
13 Wednefday 6 +7 7 2+ 104 4 88 3 3 -
'4 Thurfday 8 o832J1f 229 2Zom20
15 Friday 9 0 9 2412,. +8 10 81 :&6
16 Saturday - 9 +410 2136, 11 10 5 22 34-
17 t SUNDAt' 10 2010 S7 l4 6 2£ 11 $53 43
18 t Monday 10 54 [I 101 5 6 45 - 4 54
19 tTuefday n*:ZSIl·+J 16 7 ,oom 175 59
20 Wednefday 11*58 177 I4io 597 la
21 Tbu'rfday 0*130.28187 291 +28 24-
Z2. Friday 0.cH 1 0197 462 '25938
; 23 Saturday I 19 -1 J8r,08 93 13 10 S6
2+ SUNDAr I 58.2 18i21,8 .36+ ':10 a 9

.:~ -~~:f~:~ ; ~~ ! ~i:; ~o !tt ~~ ~ ;:

27 Wednefday 4 44 5 :1412 4 11 I2 6 +83 3'
.z1:l Thurfday 6 7 6 5 1 12 5 - 7+2 4 15
29 Friday 7 29 8 6126 om 298 484- SI
30 _ Sa~~1Tday 8 40 :?
10 2 7 1. 58? _+~ ~
1 I~

-) New Moon, Sunday, 3 Day, 55 min. p. I, Aftern.

o Firft Quarter, Sunday, .to Day, }.2 min. p. 1I, Mom.
o Full MOon, M~nday, IS Day, 43min.P. 3. Aftern.
o Lafi ~arter, Tuefday, 26 Day, 24 min. P:7, Morn.
~a!VeJl: Q.!!~rter beg,i!lsSatur, 2~P~Y, 15) min.:p•. x.Q, Aft.

C a
28 OCTOBER, 181-;, Bfgiruun Sunday, hath 31 Do,i.
I< 3:':
~ g Week-Days, and remarkable sun-\SUn~0 too Sun's
rife. fet. Fall Decli.
t::l b Days. H M,H MM. S. D. M.
274 I 19 SUN. p. Trinit, 6'i61.544ri07~
2752 Monday 61854211026,3 20
Z76 gTuefday, ~arterSeffions6 20540104+'3 43:
277 4 Wednefday 6 22.5 3~ It 314 71
278 5 Thrrrfday . . 6 245 3 6 11 2114 30
z79 6 Friday 6 26 5 ·34 I I 3814 Hi
z80 7 Saturday 6 2tl5 3Z 11 56,5 I~
z81 S7.0 SUN. p. Tri";,, 6 3e 5 3c tz 13:5 39
28% 9 Monday 6 32528 lZ 29:6 2
2831C Tuefday, Ch eft. Fair 6 35) Z5fU 45 116 2r
28411 Wednefday .6375 2 3 13 116 4Si
28512 Thurfday 6 39S4LI3 167 III
286/ 13 Friday 6 ,p 5 '9 13 3 1 \' 33,
28714 Saturday
288115 ZI SUN. p. Trimly
2891(, Monday
29017 Tnefday
64351713457 56·
6 455 1 5 13 59 18
6475.13 14 l:7.~8 4
6495 TI 1+ 2492
z9118 Wednefday, St. L u i e 6 515 91+ 3619 2+.
291: 19 Thurfday . 6535 7 1 4 4 8 9 46
29320 Friday, Q!.,laI'ter.Afl'emhlY6 SS 5 5 '459110 8
294ZI Saturday . 6575 3 IS 9 1G> 30
295122 Z2 SUN. p. Trinity 7 ° °
5 IS 18 (0 SI
296!23 - Monday, Iri.rh Rd. 164 1 7 2' 4 58 IS 27 1I I2
297124 Tuefday 7 44 56 I> 3S 11 33
298'25 Wrdne(day, Kin!s"Acm. 7 64HIS 43111 S+
2rn26 Thurfday 78452154912 IS
3 27 Friday, Fall: , 10 + So 15 SS I2 36
30128 /3Saturday,St.Sim.&jude 71244816 01.256
3ozz923SUN.p Trinity 71444611i j13 16
30336 . Monday
30il31 Tuefday, Fall:
. 7 16444 1(1 813 36
7 18442116 11 13 ,6
HOLIDAYS kept at the PtdJ/i, OFnCE~

EXCHEQ,!1£1l. a-9-I~al=-30.
oCT 0 B ER, 1815. 29
a: Dublin-bar. ;. Moon Moon Moon
~. . Week Days. Mom. After, ~ rifes fouths {ets
J2. ~ H._M._ ~I~ _H_.M_. H_.M_.
I -s;;"u=N"n""',d7r:::::--1 9 3510 0 is 3m27 lom4' 5 a 37
~ -Monday _ 10 2410 46 D 4 SS 11 355 59
3 Tuefday I I 8 H 80 16 240 a :1 8 6 10
4 Wednefday JI-49 - 27 491 186 1 35
S Tburfday : 0-8 0·29 3\9 I U 96 54
6 Friday· se 0 1 10 4- 10 285 01 7 24
7 Saturday 130 - I 52 ~ I I +4 3 53 1, 56
s SUNDAY 21423661 a24 468 16
9 Monday 253 3 18 7 2 -'5 38 9 IS
10 Tllefday 3 +6 4 16 82 486 ·1810 10
11 Wednefday 4 47 522 93 . 26 7 1 7 ) I I I
. U Thutfday· 6:1 6 H 10 3 54 8 . S1- -
13 Friday 7 25 7 59 fl 4 188 490mlo
14 . Saturday 8 2+ 8 +812+ 359 321 ~8
-15SUNDAT 9 10 93 01 34 Sll.O IS1 ~9
16 Monday 9 48 10 5 1+5 . (H~ 573 47
17 t Tyefday . 10 U 10 38 155 2611 395 I
18 t Wednefday 10 54 11 11 165 35 - 6 11
19 tThurfday 11-2911-46)75 soom2:l7 25
20 . Friday - - 0* 318613 I 918 30 0 :11 0 ,," 01 9 oS , 3911 S~9 59
22 SUND.IT I · ) 1 U201 122.. 50.11 IS
23 Monday I H:I 7"17 $£ J . 4- oa:a8
2+ Tuefday I 30 2 SS' 2:1 8 584 +3 I .a8
25 Wednefday 3:z6 4 02310 IH 412 18
26 Thurfday: 4 36 S 12 2411 316 392 S5
27 Friday 5 49' 6 28 2 5 -.- 7 323 18
28 • Saturday- 7 8 7 4626 1 I m 08 .3034+
29 SUNJ)4r" 8 20 8+8/2 7 Z 279 234 . l
30 Monday' 9 IS 9 4 028 3 51 10 144 19
3 1 Tuefd~ _ 10 .2 10 23'~9lt IS 11 54 3 6
. I)) New Moon, M~nday, 2 Day, :10 min. p. ID) Aftem.
, t> Fidl Quarter, T.u efday, 10 Day, 6 mIn .. p. f' Mom.
€) FuH Moon, Wednefday, 18 Day, -3 ~ p. 7, Mom.
li.o LaG ~uarter, Wednefday,:lS Day, 27 min. P.3, After.
30 NOVEMBER,lS15,li'~i'ls op W~dnefday',hath 30Da jl.:
><: ~ Sun-l Sun- 0 toof§u~'~ I
~ 0 Week-Days,and remarkable rife. let. FaiL Dedi,
88 D,tys. HMHMM. S.D.:r.L
305 I Wednefday, All Saints 1 ~0440 ~ 14 '5,
30~ 2 Thurfday, All Souls
30 7 3 Friday, TERM BE-GINS
7 224 3816 14 14 3S
7 2443616 15 1 4 54 I'
308 4 Saturd,ay,K.WI/l. Ill. born 7 2643416 14 1 5 13 1
30 9 5 24 SllN.p.T,.in.P.Plot,16051284 32 16 13 15 31
3106 MQnday,TEB.MSITS 7304301611155 0
311 7 Tu~fday 7 3242816 9 ~6 8
3 128 W,.dnefday 7 ,3442616 516 25
3 1 3 9 T~urfday 7 3642416 I 16 43
3 14 10 Frrliay 7 3842215 55 17 0
3 15 n Saturliay,St.Martin 7 39421 IS 49 17 17
316 ~2 25 SUN. p. T";nill 7 4141915 .42 17 34
3 17 13 Monday _ 7 434- 17 15 34 17 SO
3 I S 14 Tuefday , 7 45 4 '515 2618 6
3 19 Ij W~dnefdaJ: 7 4741315 1618 2 2
3 2 0 16 Thurl:daJ: · 7 4'8 4 12 IS 618 37
32i 17 Friday 7 5041014 55 18 5 ~
32218 Saturday.. 7 S' 4 9 1 4 43 1 91
32 3 19 26 SUN. p., TrltltIJ . • 7 S214 8 14 30 19 21
124 20 Monday ; I ' , 7544 · 61417I93i
32 52.1 Tuefday ' , :. 7 564 4- 14 2 19 4-~
3262.2 We"nefd:aYI~t, Cecl~, 7 5714 313 4720 . ~
32 7 23 T~urfdat , 7 5914 113 31 20 I ~
3a.S 24 FrIday .. 8 01 ,. 0 13 1420' 27
32.9 2 5 Saturday." > 8 2 3 5812 S6 20 40
330 2!5 S(JND~ ~ext~erOfC APwn/ 8 335712 3820 5 1
33 1 2,7 M,onday. , • 8 435612 19 ZI ~3
31228 Tuefday,TEIlME~D' " 8 635411 59 21 .1,'"
338 29 Wedn,~day, Fafi: 8 7353 11 3821 2",
3 34 30 Thurfday, S.1•.AnJr~ 8 9351 11 1621 35
. I
HOLIDAYS ,kept at the Pu/;/ic OFFICE:~.
EXCHB\>U £it, 4-6:- 1 3-20 - 2 7.
S,TAM.l'-OHICE, ....
. ..
...... -.~ ... . -
NO V E M B E":il, 181 5. 3l.
~ Dublin-bar_, ~ Moon IMoon MOOD
p W~kDays_ Ildom.~er,,< rifes fouths feta
k.M. . M.I J. IB.M. laM.
10 4411 51) 6m+f IlmJJ
11"25 11-44 18 9 0 a.J7 S 17
3 Friday o· 5 29 5e I 40 S 4S
S~tUrilay o 27 o 48 10 44 2 .33 6 18
I !
'9 .I 29 11 50~ 277 4
1 So 210 oa44 4- 19 7 Sf
7 Tuefd~ a 33 2 54 ~ I 26 S SI R S6
8 Wedn (lay .3 16 3 40 7 I 58 S 58 I~ 4
Thurfday 4 10 4 41 8 2 22 6 43 11 12
ll2 5 47 9 i 4-2 q 27
24 6 58 10 2 S8 8 ,10 omu -
12 SUNDAT 7 30 7 59 113- uil SI I 3 2
13 Monday 11 25 8 50 12 3 .2S~ 33 2 4 2
14 ' Tuefda~ SI 14 9 34 133 41 10 173 53
IS tWedne Clay 9 52 10 10 143 57 11 3S 5
, 16 tThurfday 10 26 10 43 IS4 17 I i 516 25
17 t Friday 11 011 20 164- 40 :--i 41
18 ,--Saturday .
11-40 - 17 5 9 0m 9. 3
o· .3 0~26 .18 5 HI 10 19
20 Monday o 49 I 12 19 6 5'21:&'- 57 ri 26
'21 ,Tuefday I 36 2 0 :20 8 J.3 ~7 oa22,
22 Wedn~fdat 2 24- 2 So 21 9 .23\4 3S o '59
23 Thutfday 3 19 '3 52 u 10 48 ~ 31 I 29
%'4 Friday 4 25 4 'SS 23 - .21 I 50
2') Satutda, 5 36 6 16 2~ om 1'2"7 18 2 8
26 SUNDAY 4) S2 7. '20 25 137 8 7 2 27
27 -Monday 7 4i 8' 16 26 2 578 S7 z 41
28 Tuefday 8# 9 12 27 4 ' t8 9 4 6 z ;.8
29 . W~dnefday 9 36 10 o 28S 41 10 35.3 '17
30 Thurfday 10 20 10 '+0 » 7 311 Z7 .3 +1
.' .. . ,

]) New Moon,- Wednefday, I pay, 5.3 min. p. 8 Momil't.'

o Firft Q!1art-er, Wednef4ay, ,S-Day, 53 min. p. 11, A t.
o Full Moon. Thurfday, 16 Day~ 2'7 min. p. 10, Aftern.
a Lalt ~aner. Thurfday, 25 Day, 55 n1in'.~. JO~ Aftem.
» Ne~ ~_,~on, ThurfdaY,30 Day, 15 min. p. 10 .Kftem. ,
a:: WeeK-,- DaY5,d ·k· 1 Sun- Sun- 0 too Sun's
an remar ab e ·r.e r. t F 11 D I'

~ Days. . HM it M M~IS, D~M:

33)1 Friday
336 -2 Saturday
r-ro 3 So 10 54 21 44
8 11 3 49 10 322I 54
337 3 ADJTENT SUNDAr 8 u 3 '48 10 822 3
338.... Monday 8 133 47 9 44 22 I1
339 5 Tuefday 8 " .. 3 46 9 2022 19
340 6 Wednefday 8 15 3 4-~ 8 SS 22 27
341 7 Thurfday 8 16 3 44 i 29;U 34-
342 8 Friday, Conception 1$.V. 8 '73 H 8 3 2Z 41
3+3 9 Saturday 8 173 43 7 3612 47
344 10 2 SUN. i" AJwnI 8 18 3 H 7 9 22 53
345' t 1 Monday 8 193 41 6 42 22 S~
346 IZ Tuefday 8 203 40 6 14 2 3 4
3+713 Wednefday 8 21 3 39 S ....62 3 8
348114 Thurfda)"· 8 21 3 39 5 1723 12
349 I~ Friday 8 21 3 39 4 4923 16 -
35016 Saturday 8 22 3 3 R 4 202 3 19
351 173 SUN.;" AdwM 8 22 3 3 8 3 5023 2Z
35218 Monday . t! 2Z 3 38 3 212 3 24
353 19 Tuefday 8 233 37 s 5' 23 25
35'4120 Wednef. FaR, Emb. week 8 233 37 2 2223 27
355 21 Thurfday, SI. ThomtU 8 233 37 1 5232 a8
35622 Friday, Shorteft Day 8 233 37 1 2223 28
35723 Saturday, Fall: . 8 233 37 0 S223 28
358244 SUN. ;nAJ.uenl· 82 33 37.0 223327
3S925 Monday, CHRIST BORN 8 223 38 Ofl.~23 26
36026 Tuefc1ay,SI.Sttphm 8 22 3 38 0 3823 24
l6127 Wednefaay, St. John 8 22 3 38 J 823 22
~2 28 Thurfd~y, 1"lIOclnII 8 22 3 38 I 3823 20
36329 Friday. g 213 39 :I 823 17
3643° Saturday 8 2I 3 3\.1 2 37 23 13
3~5 3 1 I SUNDArp. CJu-ijlmQJ 8 20 3 40 3 62 3 9
liOLl])AYS kept at tPe Pu6/ie OFFICES;
STAMP-OfFICE 23--:2s--~6--:Z7-28.
BANKS. 25.
DECEMB.ER. 181 5. :3
--::~:::;-"---------;CD':-ub--; lin-Bar. ~jMOOnI1lQOil.I Mooi
g Week Days. Morn. After'.~'~ri,es. ~ouths fets.
t; H. M. H. M. }) H. M. H. M. H. N
J Friday l"I3 ~Il m21 oa:J9 4aJ
z Saturday 11l(41'i - - 2,9 33 I 14 4 5
.3 SUNDAr o· 6 0-"51 31!10 35 2 8 5 ..
4 Monda y 0 45 I 6j 4 Jl 22 3 0 6' 4
~ Tuefday 127 1+7 510 a 1 5 SI 7 ..
.. Wednefday 2 8 2 28 610 274 37 8 5
7 Thurfday 2 48 3 8 7to +85 U: 10
8 Friday 3 29 3 5l 8~1 56 +,tl I
9 Saturday 4 18 4 441 9: 1 19 6 451 -
10 SUNDAr 5 12 5 405'lOh 337 li: om2
11 Monday 6 20 6 54111 \1 H 8 81 1 3
J2 Tuefday 725752122 18522 ..
13 Wednefday 8 I~ 8 431 1312 1 79 39 4
'4 Thurfday 9 8 9 31 1'4'1 2 39 10 301 5 I
I j tFriday 9561018'53 7 I l 2~ ~ 3
16 t Saturday 10 41 11 5'I6j3 H - 7 5'
17 t SUNDAr 11- 2 7 11 5 I !I714 37 0m2 4 9 I
18 Monday - 0-1511815 47 I 2 10 I
19 Tuefday 0-39 I +'97 ·62 27 111.
20 Wednefday 128 15 2208 513 2711 3
21 Thurfday 216240219581+ 2311.5
2~ Friday 3 + 3 29J2 11 235 16 0 a I
2 3 Saturday 3 51 4 282 3 16 6 0 3
2+ SUNDAr4 59 5 33 24 0m 4 6 6 55 0 5
25 Monday 6 8 643252 6 7 42 I
26 . Tuefday 7 16 7 S026 3 258 50 1 2
27 Wedne1q.e.y - 8 2v 8 48274 +79 2e I ..
28 Thurfday 9 16 9 44 286 510 I2 2 I
29 Friday 10 610 261297 1811 f 2 4-
30 Saturdar 10 46 I I 6 1> 8 211 I 58 3 3
31 SUNDAr 11-2711-48 19 16oa50 4 2
o Firft ~arter. Friday, 8 Day, 17 min. p. 9. Aftern.
o Full Moon, Saturday, 16 Day, 27 min. Aftern.
·1 Q Laft Quarter. Saturday, 23 Day, 43 min. p. 6, Mo~
1> New Moon, Saturday, 30 Day, 29 min. p. 2, Aftetn.
Winter ~art~T begins Frid. 22 Day, 20 min. p. 3, Aftel
( 31 )
Fronl6l\1ornmgton FromI~~jgh&
llATII of CARUAOas. at Night. to 6 Morn.
C.tUb N.ddy,'Sdatl Coa,b ,8er1_
A Set Down within the Public s. d." I. J. j.r. eI. I. J. s. d._
Lights I 4 o la!o 6! ~ 0 r 7i
For the tirR Hour ~
° I .3!'1 I 7.
For every Hour :.fter
- Fllr twelve Hours
I 6 0 lS '0 I
13 6 6 6 '6 6
9 I'I ~
° I 1


NotIdy, Coa,b NotItIy,
PLACES. j.Car PLACES. j. Car
s. Il. I. d. I. Il. I. J.
AhbedlowD 3 S I lIoi Curfisfiream 5 5 ~ 1i
Artane J S 1 4 Collinfrown 5 5 ~ 7i
Afhbrook 3 5 I 4 Carrickmiues 8 Ii 3 3
Balla.-bridge a of I 4 Cabinteely 8 It 3 3
6 91 ~ 71
B yfarmot
5 5 2, 7! Corkragh
Croydon a 8f r 4
3 5 I 4
BaIlygall 3 5 I '4 Dunlink 4 1 I Ili
Blackrock 4 I I lit Dolphins-bn-tu.
Bluebell 81 I 71 Dargle (New) " \°1 1 4
5 5 ?
Booterftown "
3 5 I 4f Donnycarney ? 8f I
Bellcamp 5 5 11 DOlinybrook ,a! I 4
Barberftowll 1 5f J 3 " Drumcondril. ?" of I 4'
Belldoyle 8 If 3 3 Dubber 4 I I nf
Belgriflin 5 5 ? 7! Dundrum 4 1 I ni
Brackenfi:own 10 10 3 I I Dunleary 6 I t ? ti
Brazeel 10 10 3 I I Dalkey 10 JO 3 .3
8 1\3 3
5 5 2, 71 Finglas
8 11 3 3
I Fairview

Finglae Bridf.e
? 8! I 4
3 5 I 11
? 8f I 4
Blackbufh i
3 5 I III Fox and Gee e 3 5 I 7t
Burton Hall 5 of 71 I Feltrum to 10 3 JI
'Cabragh " 4 Forrefr 7 51 J .3
Cardiffs Bridge
" 011
a 8fll 4 Firr Home
Oodley Green
5 5 ? 7f
8! I 4 3 5 I lIt
Chapelizocl "
J 5 I 71 Olafnevin
Olanagcary " 8f I 4
Church Town 3 5- 1 4 8 10 3 3
Caftleknock 4 I I II! Glenville 4 9 7i
Clontarf 3 5 I 4 Hampftead ? "
&tI 4
Clontarf Shcdl 4 I I III Harold's-croCs ? 01 I 4
Coolock 4 I I U! Hall' a.-barn 3 5 I 4
Crumlin ? 81 I 4 Howth 10 10 3 I~
Cloghran Ch. 7 Si3 3 Hundl:own 4 I 1 ul
Cloodalkin 5 5 ~ 71 Irifh-town 7. 6 I 4
Cloncc lOo 10 3 I I Johnfl:cwn 3 S I 4
pruagh 1 .si 3 3 JamCfTown 4 I I I'll

Rates of' Carriage••
c., ' ..... ,.c." ~
PLACES. \ c.aJ,
. 'J.
d.'l. tl.
.. . d. ~
6 J 4
3 5 I JI Phipfborollgh .



Ximmagc :l lJ I U\ Rahcny (Countl'J') $ I
Xllgebbio 8 11 3 I Raheny(Strand) $ j a 7
ltiltc:man 10 10 311 Rllthfarnham l $ I 7
~ge 5 5 :l 11 Rathinines
to 10 all Ringfend
~ 6
ot I
I 3
~ 3
Kilmacud 4 9 :l 71 Ibth~ ~ 6 r J
~oge 4 9 • 71 Rock rook 7 j 3 3
EDocklyOD 5 5 3 71 Roche'a-toWD 8 I 3 3
~lIghlinftowa 10 10 3 11 Riverfdale . ~ 8 I 3
LeWi 10 10 311 Royal Charter School :a 8
I 3
~caD [Wo 84 9 :& 7t Royal Hofpital
113 3 Ranelagh
~ 6 I
J,.uttrcliloWJJ, _
8t :a 71 Richmond
3 I I 3t Ship on the Strand
~intoWD 3 I I 71 Shoulder of Mutton .5 .5 a 7
tpei.Para4c( III 4 6 ~ 6 Stonnanfiown 3 S I 11
~t.pel.Place( B.R 4 6 a 6 SUnmons CQun ~ 8i I
tLpel.ROW(B". 4 6 :& 6 Sea Mount
OWltM~ 4 I I 1t Sandymount
. 3
811 J
M#ide 10 10 3II Sprmgfield .5 .s JJ
Moukftown 6 11 :& 7 Saggard 9 6 J S
6 9t a 7 St. Doulough'.
1 .si J J
3 j I 3 St. Catharine', 10 JII
¥owat V Cllua
¥ewbrook -
6 9h 71 St. Margaret'.
4 9 ~ Ut Santry
4 9 ~ 1t ScaPomt (B.lL)
.5 .5 ~ 71 SomertoD
.5 I
6 3
:& 'I
Newtowo Park
6 91 3 3 Stillorgan 4 9 I III
S S :i 7i \sworda 10 10 3 11
lilewtD. Hall', 3 S I III TempJeogue 4 I I nl
Nei1iowl1 S S ~ 71 ITallagh S S
Oldbawn S S a 71 Taylors Grange; 4 a 71
9 111
Palmcrilown 4 I I III Tubbcrbonnr 4 9 :& 7

P.idgeOD Houfe ' l S I 4 Tercnure It I 6
4 9 a 7!, Warren
:a 8 I 41 Whcadidd
Houfc i rh 3
9 6 3 J
Pickardfiown 7 .s 3 3 Williamftown 3 .5 I
Pncik HllUfj: 3 S I 4 WiudyHacbollr 3 S I 7.
.. Set DowD to any Plate adjoining the Royal or Grand
Canals r 7 I .of
D.o. &om III at Night to 6 in the MorninS a 01 I lIi
. . Clrriuca ne dCSC1l\ed on their Stand wherever with provided
• dley be Illlt at that Tiae a~u"u.J CDla&:e4.
( 36 )

Englilh Money Exchanged Irifh·Money Exchanged into

into lritb, at Par: One Englifh, at Par: One Pound
Pound Englifh being One One Shilling Eight Pence
Pound One Shilling Eight lrifh, being One POWld
Pence, Irifh. Englifh.

Eng- ~ ~.
ljjh. IriJb· ~
Irv'" rj,.,. E nglfr-.,
Jj .:11 ':11 ~ Engljjh.
I. I. d. ,. I.. tl.
I. I. I. I. d. ;. I, d.
900 975 0 03 3 3 9008 30 15 ...t ... 3 8i'
80086613 ... 4 4... 800 73 8 9 2t
5 4 7i
700 75 8 6 8 5 5 5, 700'646 3 0;} 6 5 6t
600650 00 6 6 6 6001553 16 11 7 6 st
500 HI 13 4 7 7 7 5001461 10 9 8 7 4t
",00433 6 8 8 8 8 400 369 ... 7~ 9 8 3t
300 3 2 5 00 9 9 9 3002 76 18 Sf 10 9 2;!
200 216 13 41010 10 12oo1S+ I2 3f 1110 I;!
100108 6 811 11 11 100 92 6 'If 12 11 01
90 97 10 01213 0
80 86 13 413 14 I
90 83 . I 6*
13 lZ 0
80 73 16 11 14 U 11
70 75 16 81 4 IS I 70 64 h 3t '5 13 10
60 65 0 01 5 16 3 60 SS 7 8; 161 4 9
50 54 3 ... 16 17... se
+6. 3 0;} 17 15 81
40 43 6 ~ 17 18 5 +e 36 18 5t 18 16 7"1
30 3Z 10 18 19 6 3e 27 13 10 19 17 6!
~O 21 13 4!d.1 0 I 20 18 9 21 d. I 0 o-l
10 10 16 8 2 0 Z 10 9 4 7* 2 0 I;l
9' 9 IS 0 3 0 3! '9 8 6 11 3 0 zf
8 8 13 1 4 0 4! 8 7 7 8* 4 0 3t
7 7 I I 8 5 0 S! I Z 6 9' z-! 5 0 +t
6 6 10 0 6 0 ~ IUS 10 9 6 0 st
5 86 ", 7 0 '7st
4 8 8 0 t
4 I 2 3t 78 0 6
+ 3 13 10 0 14
3 3 5 0, 9 0 9-! I 3 2 15 4t 9 " 8*
2 Z 3 4' 10 0 la-! I' Z I 16 I I 10 0 9
1 J J 8/11 0 11;l 1 0 18 st 11 0 10
',' 19!1 1 0 7lJ' 1 0 at i I. 1 0 0 I I ~'I 0 0
o . I ,i Z 0 at I
I I •
2 0' 1 10 % Q atA
o 2 Z, 3 _<?. o~ L __.. ~_O_2~ __ 2_ ..?:__~_l
A Tilble Of Guineas, carefully cotTeacd.

d. ' N0'll,
SI s8
d•. No. I 1.
3 IOIiIl4 11
I. d' l NO'j J.
9 15 1' 17 1 IS
.. I

~ ~ 5 ~ S~ 59 3 0 10~1I6 0 6 J5~1 I7~ 18

3 3 8 3 S3 60 5 9 10 117 3 J ISJ 174 0 ,
4 4 II 0 54 61 8 6 IO.pIS 6 0 154 175 3 j
oS oS 13 9 SS 6~ 11 " losI1I9 8 ISS 176 6
6 6 i6 6 s6 63' 14 0 106 no 11 l 156 177 9 j

7 7 19 3 57 64 16 9 107 UI 14 3 IS7 178 n !

8 9 ~ 0 s8 6S 19 6 108 lU 17 0 IS8 119 14 I
910 4 9 59 6, ~ 3 109 H3 I9 9 IS9 180 17
1011 7 6 60 68 5 0 110 U5 S 6 160 18~ 0 (
11 I~ 10 J 61 69 7 9 III u6 5 3 161 ISJ S !
u 13 13 0 62- 70 10 6 III U1 8 0 16~ IS4 5 ~
1314 IS 9 63 71 13 .I 113 uS 10 9 163 185 8
1415 r8 6 64 1S 16 0 Il4 u9 I 3 6 164 186 11 (
IS 17 1 3 6s 73 18 9 115 IJO 16 J 16s 187 13 !
I~ 18 4 66 7S I 6 u6 131 19 o r66 188 16 I
° ,
17 19 6 9 67 76 4 3 117 13J I 9 16, 189 19
-ISr a 9 6 6S 77 7 0 118 134 4 6 168 191 I (
19u I~ 3 69 78 9 9 II9 135 '1 3 16 9 19~ 4 I
~U 15 0 70 79 u 6 I~O IJ6 10 0 170 193 7 «
UI"3 1 7 9 71 So IS 3' IU 137 la 9 171 194 10
u:.S 0 6 72 81 18 0 112 138 IS 6 171 195 13 (

·3 ~6 3
14 I, 6
73 83
74 84
9 UJ 139 18
6 U4 141 I
-3 173 196 15
0 174 191 18
~5 28 8
~6 '9 IJ
27 30 14
15 85
76 86
71 87
3 Us I4~ 3
0 126 143 6
9 u7 144 9
9 175 199 I
6 176- 200
3 117 101 6
.. c
28 31 17 0 78 88 14 6 uS 14S U 0 178 101 9

19 32 I9 9 79 89 17 3 u9 146 14 9 179 203 u
3°1 34 2 6 80 ~I 0 o 130 147 17 180 "04 IS j

3135 5
32 36 8
81 92
82 93
S 9 131 149
6 132 150 3
• 3 181 205 17 !
° Ih 207 0
33 37 10 9 83 94 8 3 133 151 5 9 183 ~08 3
34 38 13 6 84 9S IJ 0 134 ISS 8 6 184 109 6 I

3S 39 16 31 85 96 13 9 135 153 11 3 185 SlO 8 ,

36 40 19 0, 86 97 16 6 136 IS4 14 0 1t'6 211 11 ,
37 4~ I 9 87 98 19 3 137 155 16 9 Ij,7 2f2. 14
3 8 ,43 4 6' 88 100 S o 138 156 19 ~ 188 :us 17 ,
3944 7
4014S 10
89 101
90 101
9 139 Is8
6 140 IS9 .5
• 3 189 114 19
0 190 216 2
41146 IS 9; 91 IOJ 10 3 141 160 7 9 2.00 227 10 ,
6 9 i 104 13 0 14" USI 10 6 300 341 5 ,
4348 18 IS 3: 93 105 IS 9 143 16:1 13 3 36S 415 3
4450 - I 0: 94 106 18 6 144 163 16 0 400 455. Q
45151 3 9' 95 108 I 3 145 164 18 9 5 00 s6!! IS ,
461S2.6 6: 96 109 4 o 146 166 I 6 600 6C" 10 ,
471B 9 3~ 97 no 6- 9 147 16, 4 3 700 796 5
48(4 U °i 98 III 9 48 163 7 0 800 910 0
49SS 14 9 99 In u 6r
3 149 169 9 9 900 10-'3 IS
(0 (6 17 6 100.113 IS o. ISO 170 U 6 IOOOIII~7 ~o
-Z;P= h

At 6 pe~ cent. on any Sum from loa. to 10001. for any time {rOln ,
One to Ninety DaJII. '
Prin. I Day I toDay. 30 Daye. 140 Days ~o Days 190 Days
1 - I. d. 1. I. d. I. I . d I. 10 d. I. •• d 1. 10 d
•• 10 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 o! 0 I ' 0 Il '
I 0 0 0 o~ 0 I 0 1\ 0 t! 0 3J
1 0, 0 0 ot 0 -11 0 3 0 4\ 0 7
3 0 0 0 I 0 3\ 0 4\ 0 7 " Jot
4 0 0 0 ri 0 4i 0 6~ 0 91 I z
5 0 0 0 d 0 si 0 71 0 I1i ! 5~'
6 o· 0 0 21 0 7 0 9! I t J 9-t
loot 0 tt 0 8i 0 11 1. 4\ s et
tool 0 3 0 91 I 0\ I 6i 1 4i
_~ 0 ot o. 31 0 10\ I 1 I 91 .s it
le0 , ot 0 3J.l 0 Ili I 3t I 11\ 1 III
It ot 0 0 44 1 I I sI t 2. 3 ';
hoot 0 4! r s I 6i 2 41 3 61
13 0 oi 0 s I 3t I 81 2 tit 6 10
14 0 oi 0 slId I 10 1 9 4 Ii

~ ~t
.0 ot
~ ~t
,0 6\
! I!! ~ la : ~i
s si 3 4 5' oi
:t;8 0 ot 0 'I I 91 s 4~1 3 6! 5 3~
19 0 ot 0 ,t I Ioi ' s 3 8:1 5 7l
o! S
4 If
6 zi
ss 0 at 0 8t 1 1 1 lot .. 4 6 6
ot 9 s 3 3 01 '4 6.1. 6 ri
0 ~
9t s ' 41
s ~
3 It
3 ~
8t 7 r
7 d
16 0 I 0 lOt · s 6t, 3 5 5 1I 7 8t
0 lot
0 II
3 8
61 s ai
s 61
29 0 I 0 lIt. S IMt 3 91 5 8t 8 6t
30 0 I 0 lIt S II 3 IIi 5 II '8 lot
, 31 0 I 11 , ooi3 01 .. ot 6 11 9 S'
31 6 It ' f 3 It 4 2t 6 3\ 9 si
33 0 It 1 I 3 '3 4 4 6 6 9 9
34 0 It I It 3 d 4 si 6 8t loot
3S 0 dI It 3 si 4' 6 lot 10 4l
40 0 Ii I 3t 3 lIt S 3 7 IO! JI ,I.
~~ 0 It i 71 4 ut 6 61 9 lot 14 9J
.... O!t 1 Ii~. s II 7 loi II 10 ' 17 9'
1c 0 ~t S 3i 6 lot· 9 st 13 9!~ 0 81
80 0 3 S 7t 7 101 la 6 J 5 91 I 3 8'
'g'O ° ul 8 loi II la ' r, 9 t ' 6 'f

3i 1
100 0 3t 3 3t 9 lot 13 Ii ' 19 8f I' 9 7
200 0 7t 6 19 Si 1 6 3f I!9 sI t I 9 1
9 10 I
si s
-9 6! 1 19 sf 7. 19 s 4 8 9
~9 .st ~ ~s
9 3t 3 5
, 3~~ ,lQ.i ls-IB.~~
9 4 18 . 7f/' 7 IIi
'000 3 , 3t !1 n lot4 18 71.6 u 6 9 17 3 14 IS loi
( 39)

I' ' -t

P'',,", 1",,,,,,,, """- .""- '.p"C
'1 Y.M.D. Y.M.D. Y:M.D. I Y.M.D. Y.M.D. Y.M.D.
I 0 11 I~ 0 II 9
0 11 6 0 11 3 • JJ 0 0 lOll
I I 10 9 I 10 0 r 9 so I 9 U I 9 J I a~
3 I 8:w s 8 I S ' 7 14 S 6 17 s· 6 JI S S IJ
.. 3 6 I~ 3 5 I, J 4 19 3 3 S1. 3 I 16 3 s I
S 4 3 18 4 '~I6 .. I 6/3 11 17 3 10 10 3 9 1.01
6 S 0 1.7 4 11 0 4 , 5 4' , 4 $ 11"
14 4 .. 7
7 5 9 13 5 6 19 5 4 1.0: S 1 Sou
14 .. 10 IS
8 6 f 1'6 6 S IS 'S 11 19, 5 8 s8 S 6 n S .. a
11 7 I 8 6 · 9 18 .6 6 S! 6 I 18 S 11 18 S 9 ~
7 8 19 1 4 9 7
8. 3 10 1 1019 7
11, 6 8
6 S 0
7 I 10 6 9 19
6 l:as
IS 5.208
IS 8 10 1.0 8 4 J8 7 11 9, 7
6 IS 7 I I, 6 9:as
13 9 4 SI 8 1.0 6 8 4 81 '
la IS 7 5 ss 7 I 7
14 9 10 13 9 l 16 8 a
a8; 8 I I, 7 '13 7 4 IS
'IS 10 4 16 9 B 16 9 I .81 8 6 SI 8 0 SI 7 7 8
16 10 10 'I 10 I . ,8 9 S I~ 8 10 6 8 3 11 7 9 16
17 IJ 3 8 10 S SI 9 9 4 9 I 13 8 6 IS 8 0 7
18 11 8 8 10 9 s, 10 0 SI 9 .. 13 8 9 I 8 I IS
19, IS I 0 JI I 16 10 .. 0 9 , 7 8 n IS 8 4 I.
so I1 j 16 IJ S 19 10 7 3 9 9 14 9 I 16 a 6 4
SI I1 9 IS 11 9 S 10 10 0 10 0 6 9 3 IS 8 ,1.J
U 13 I 18 IS 0 14 n 0 as 10 I U 9' j 9 8 9 ,
13 1 3 j l j l l \ ' 3 1 9 11 3 , 1 0 4 1 3 . 9 6 1 8 BlOI1
14 13 ' 1 7 IS 6 1811 S 18 10 6 10 9 8 14 .• II 14
IS I. I 3 IS 9 11 n / , IS 10 8· I 9 9 16 9 0 I,
16 14 4 IS 13 0 I n 9 I, 10 9 SI 9 n 4 9 I s7
I, 14 7 SI 13 I IS JI JI 15 10 11 6 10 0 9 9 I ss
18 14 10 '.13 13 4 16 11 I 19 II 0 18 10 I 11 9 3 10
19 IS I so 13 7 S 11 3 9 II I I, 10 I n 7 4 13
30 Ij 4 14 13 9 '5 11 4 I, II 3 I 10 3 8 9 j .1
31 Ij 7 3 13 11 4 IS 6 II n' .. S 10 .. 3 9 5 u
40 I, :r I, IS 0 16 13 3 2.9 11 11 oS 10 9 1. 9 9 10
61 IB U, ss 16 I -8 14 0 19 11 4 18 II 0 19 9 JJ 19
99 19 10 S 16 7 IJ 14 3 6 IS S I, II I 9 9 U I?
'8 so Q 1:1 16 8 0 14 3 U 11 6 0 JI I' 10 10 0 0
l'Ile l»urchafe fO!lnd by Infpe<!lion. But to renew (fuppoj'e),
• SI Yean at ~'per Cent, whereof 7 Yearsare Ijlal,fed. . Y.M.D
Pnnnthe Value oC the Lc:.afe, oroE 11 Years at 9 perCent. vi•• 9 3, I
IIIIbtraa the Value of the uncxpirell, or of 14 Years, viz.· 7 9 I:
llemain. the Value oC that Renewal, or Rent to be paid in}
Han4er ' • • _ I 6 !
-I. 40 )


, - Q' ';r··I--R;;i,;;tI I'~-I---'----~---
Kgt.antl uwrs. A.D. Reign. r. M. D.'~ Wh.T< BUTUtI.
William I. CQn'l',102.3\10660a:. I4~, 0 11 5 i64lcaell, Normandy
W.illiamll,Rulu, 105711087 Sept. 9:U JI 8/43 Winchester'
Hellry I. 11068 IIOO Aug. 1135 4,167 Reading·
Stephen 1105 I135 Dec. :It/IS 10 2.349 Feveroham
/ .
The SAxolll LINE re6tor~d.
Henry 11. IU"IIlS4; Oa:. 2.~34 8 Itl631Fonteuerard
Richard I. 1157 1~89 July 6 9 9 014z1Fonteuerard
John 11661199 April 17 6 I3:49 j Worcester
Henry ITT. 1209! I1.I6Od. 1956 0 z8:64Westminster
Rdward I. U.W;U7:1. Nov; 16 34 ·7 U;,6 9l Westnlin5ter
Edward 11. U84,1307 July 7 19 6 13'43,G1oucester
E,lward Ill. 13I:1t'13~6 Jan. :i551 5 "l(65 iWcstminster
Rirh1rd 11. 136:1t;1377 June 1t,ln3 834,Westminstet
, . 1'he LutE of LAIICASTI!:R.
Henry IV. 1366!1399 Sept. 2.9 13 5 Uj46 Canterbury
Henry V. Mar. ~o, 10 5 11, 34Westminster
Henr,. VI. 14U;14H Aug. 3137 6 4 49,Wind50r, .
The I.uu: of Vo .. it. , '_
Edward IV. 144:1t11460 Mar. "'13 ,I 51 4:1tlwilldsor
Edward V. \ 1471~I48:1. April 9" 0 :It 1313 Tower ot Lond.
Richard Ill. 144311482 June 2Z 2. 1t 7 42 Leicester
The F AMILI£! United.
Henry VII. 14571485 Ang.U[1t3 8 QI52 WesuninlltCr
Henry VIII. '1491 1509 Apr. S2. 37 9 6151'> Windsor
"£dward VI. '5371546 Jau. :1.8 6 5 8·1(, Westminst8r
Mary 15181553 July 6 5 4 11:43 W~~tminster
Elizabeth 1533 1558 Nov.1743 4 7)0 Westminster
The UNION of the, Two Crowns.
James I. 115661601. Mat.24U 0 3[59lwestminster
Charles 1. 160.:> [6:1.5 Mar·:l.7 1.3 10 349' Windao...
(C.",,,,.nwttlhb.),- 1649 to 1660 [ l 3:1.9 )
Charles 11. 16301660 May 29 '4 8 85sIWestminster
James 11. 1633 16a5 F~b. 6, 4 0 7:68 St. Germains
Mary 11. aDd 166:1.' 1689 Feb. 13 S 10 15:33 We~tmiD.ter
WiUiam Ill. 16501694 Dec. d 7 Z 2.0511 Westmiallter.
The UNION of the Two KingdolUs.-
Q.:.Anne 1166511102. Mar. 8 1:It 4 2.41 sol Westminster '
George I. 1660\1714 Aug. 1 n 10 rO,6,:Hanover
George 11. J683.17:1.7 June 11 33 4 1417Wtstminster
George Ill. . .1738,1760 O~. :ItS Crowned Sep. n, 176r. ,.. R,K.
• Ireland united to these Kingdoms, Jan. tit. J 801.
[ 41 ]
RUD, k. c; King's County, q. c. Q.!!ccn'. COUDtf.
S Monday. Crosskeys, cavan so Fr,'a..,.
Altmme, tyrone Ederneybridge, fermana. Adair, limerick
Ardoallagh, roscommon Graigue, q. c. AhacrQlS, cork
II>.UyconneU, cavan Knockan, carlow Cooldorky, cork:
Bellaghy, sligo Mahoolan, derry Gla.\',ugh, mf)n3ghan
Borris, carl&w Moy, tyrone Newblrlllingham, tippet'.
Castleblakeney, galway Ronmanagher, clare SI S"I",'''Y'
Castkdawwn, derry 7 S~I.rd"y. B:,lIybay, monaghan .
Castledergh, tyrone Ballinode, monaghan Moncymore, derry
Caatlefin, donegal I} Mlndol). sJ M""d.".
C;atldyon~, cork Birchwoqd, q. c. Athlonc,weet.I'''..lf,rtiM
CastlelO\vn, cork Oorten, tyrnnc Coolnahay, weltmcsth
Cloghau, ~. Co • Irvinestown, fermanagh Fivemilelowu, tyrone
Crullllin, antrim Newcctown, cork Leitrim town
Drumahaire, leitrim Oldcastle, meath Newtownardl, down
DruDlnd,leitrim Tedounet, mon&ihan
Emyn Ie, monaghan 10 TII,.,Ja".
SS W,J"",/a,.
F fi CulIyhanna, armagh
orl cid, m3Yo Enniskillen town Armoy, antrim
Kilmurry, k.ilkel1lly, cork Benburbe, tyrone
Li.anc:, deny Bnrris-in-Ossory, q. c.
Mallow, cork n TlwrsJa,. Kilwnrth, cork
Monabhan town I Aghygaulu, donegal Rockcorry, mOl1aghan
Nadrid, cork
Rath'liUy, carlow
Banbridge, down, 3
Blngor, down
da,. s6 ThuTl.i.J).
Athboy, meath
Redcastle, donegal Comber, down Clones, monaghan
Rrdhill, cavan Dervock, antrim Saintfield, down
Taghmon, wexford Downs, wicklow Seskinore, tyr.. ne
TuUy, Kildare Dunne1ong. tyrone . s7 FriJ",.
Warrenstown, meath Greenca.tlc, down Arvagh, cavan
Wcstport. maro Herbc:rtstown, limerick :Carricmore, tyrone
J Tueuia.1' isnarric, fermana~b Killyleagh,
Adanlstown, wC'lford Maghcra, derry ROltbdowney, fermaDa.
Dl'\Jm, monaghal1 Mob ill,' leitrim z!l Satllrd",., tyro!!e Omagh, tyrone Bonnyfobble, Joncgal
Trillic, t~'rone Surgo",ney, fermanal\h Clonmallon, westmeath
4 Ur,d..tsd"y. r6 Mo"day. Kille8handra, cavan
Ballow, down· Glanworth, cork . Newbliss, mon3ghau
Caatlebllncy, meD:lghan 17 'I",IIId",. 'robbercorry, sligo
Mounthamilton, ty~one llanada, aligo. . 30 MonJa.".
Newrownbarry, w<xford.Brodagh, clare Ballymoatc, .liga
Irewart,town, t,ronc Drumquin, tyrone Barry, Ilongfor4
'rin~hely, wicklow Kilgolagh, cavan Dundalk, 10l\th
J 'Th",,·ia.1' Maguire&bridge, ferm:ln.Fethard, wexford
Balnegleragh, anpagh Narrowwater, down (ore, e'tmeath .

6 Brt"d.". Pettigo, donegal :I'empo,

Aughnacloy, tyro.e· . Tuhbermorc, derry 3:1 TN"J~y.
Balanagare, roscODUllon 19 Thll"d_). Mahery, arm,gh.
Cro~s, Jerry Kil1in, .tyronc Tlllra)lcn , may.
FEBRUAR.Y. Ballinode,monaghan 13 Ill."My.
1 Wttlnifday. Ballyjamesduff,cann Ballillacarrig, caVan·-
J\allintra,·donegal Desertmartin, derry Ballinahinch, down
Ballymoe, galway Shanballymore, cork Ballinalllallard,ferman.
Cashcarrigall,leitrim Shircock, cavan Ballycilllen,kilkenny
Castlebl!1yney, monaghan
Calltlcwcllail, down
Altmore. tyronc
Ballyconnel, cavan
lIalnakety, tyron.
Cavan town Bama,galway Birr, k. c•
. Clady, tyronc Caltlecaulficld, tyiolfe. Briueswell, rofconnn4ll
CIara, k. c. Crumlin, antrim Calary, wicklow
CJoghanbcg,galway Dunllanally, donegal CaracalUe, mayo
Convoy, donc:gal Edgeworthftown,longf. Churchtown, deny
Coolboy, wicklow Emyvalc, monaghan Cloone, lcitrim
Coolkenno, wicklow Kilcoguy, cavan Drumfuambo,leitrim
Dunaghy, tyrone & 13th Kilcreest, galway Foggart,louth
Gardenmorril, waterford Mallow, cork Kildare town
Hollywood, wicklow Middleton, armagh Killcar, wcameath
Kilranela. wicklow Monaghan, town ~anesboro', longford
Kilteely, limerick Nealc. mayo Muilough, tipperarJ
Milltownmalby. clare Rostrevor, down Norris, armagh .
llathdowney, q. c. Tedounet, monaghan Slyguff, carlow
Strabanc, tyrone 7 'Tuesday. Tubbcrmore, deny
Ta~hmoc, wexford Drum, monaghan 15 WedMsda,.
Tarmonbarry, rofcomm. Dungarvan, waterford Balnalack, wcfimeath
'TullyooonBld, donegu Edcnderry, k. c. - Dunloy, antrim
1. 'Tburfday. Lagocurry, armagh Hillsboro', down
Ardfinan, tippcrary Loughbrickland, down Newbirmingham, tipper.
Ballagh4erin, mayo Parkgate, ant rim Portumna, galway
Ballymahon,longford Rathk<alc"limerirk· Rathcllnrarh, weftmeaah
Baltinglafs, wicklow Tinahely, wicklow 16 'ThulfdtlJ.
Bekarra, mayo 8 Wediruday'" Carnew, wic,low
i>angaD, cork Ballasodare, fligo Cafiledorgh, tyrone
Dromore, down Ballyfarnon, mfcommon IClaranbridgc, gal way
Dungannoll, tyronc Bdrurbet, C3vau Naas, kildare .
Glaffon, wcfimeath . Clonegal, carlow jRathdrunl, wicklow
Kells, mcath IDer~ilin, fcrmanagh 17 Fridt'.Y'
Kilcullenbridge, kiW.are Dr~mkerrin, Idtrim Bailieboro', cann
KilDaJeck, cavan !rvmc:fiown, fcrmana~h ·Glaslough, monaghaa
Mafla~nland", cork 9 'ThuTSdoy. ·IJ< illough. down .
Muff, derry I'Camolin, wexf"rd Mountrath. q. c.
Mulaghcrew,louth ,Hacketfiown, carlow I 1.8 Saturday.
Longwood, ~ity, k. c. . Ballibay, monaghan
Roftellan, cork 10 Friday. Graigue, q. c.
SwadliEbar, cavan Ardftranbridge, tyranc I . 20 M."t/ay.
3 FridaJ.Culdaff, donegal ;Adair, limerick
Beleek, fermanagh !EnniakiUenJt\lwn. Bal!yragget, kilkenny
Bunratty, clare Monea, fe~managh IClogher, tyrone .
Clofs. deny ScrilDY, cavan 21 'Tutsaa,.
Crofoml'glen, .armagh . 1 1 Saturday _ Camdonagh, donegat
Mahoolan, dcrt1 CafiletowlI, limerick· Moneymore, deny
Moy, tyrone
Sheeporidgc, down
',Cookftown, tyrone
Ferns, weiford
I' 21. Weci" ..daJ'
Benburbe, tyronc
If S~/urJaj. Kilgobenet, waterford iK,ilgohenct, waterford
n~lIlr.acoi-. wlcldow Lou&,hrea·, Jillw~1 'l~atlJ'riWjCl, cluwn
Ilockcorry, mOI;aghan 1I.1ounthamilton, tyronc DonalTe, cbr~. 2 rb)'1
13 'l"hurJd"y. Moy, tyrone Down, rlOWIl
B:.lIymag3uran, cavan Swatteragh, derry DllhaUow, cork
Clones, nlOlJaghan 4 Salyr""J' Emyvale, monaghan
Dtrvock, antrim • llallinode, monaghan Glaslough, mOllagban
Omagh, t yron e . Multifarnham, wefrmeath Herbertl!own, limerick
Slintlield, down 6 M.ndny. 'Kanturk, cork
Seikinore, tyroue Altmore, tyrone Kilcorkey, roscanulIo!l
l~ Eriday_ Crurnlin, antrim Kilgolagh, cavan
IkDnctsbridge, kilkenDY Monaghan town Leckarrow, rofconunoll
Carriemore, tyrone 7 "'uti day. Mogeely, c.orlr.
Cafllcdermot, kildare Drum, monaghan Mofgrove, cork
Clogh.D, k , c. Seaford, down Mountchlrles, doncgal
Cloyne, cork Tallagh. dublin Mountmcllick, q. c.
Killyleagh, arDlagh Tullyvin, cavan MuJaghcrew.louth
Maryboro', q. c. 8 WU/"ifdo,. Naa-, kildare
'1.S Saturda,. Ballyjamesdulf, cavan New Inn. tipperarr
N whlif., monaghan IrvilleflowTJ, fermanagh Pettigo, doncgal
~ewtown, leitrim 10 Friday. Ranllgrange, wexfo<d.
11 ido,,""'y' Enniskillen town Sword., dublin
Armoy, antr im I I S,'lurday. Wexford town
CooI.tin, wicklow Gorey, wexford 18 Salurday.
D'lOYIPana, tyrone 13 J)Jo"day. Ballybay,
Fariniliarpy, lIigo Rallyrnoc,galway 20 Mo,;day.
Kildalky, mcath Cairn, wexford Aghygault" donegal
MohiU. ldtrirn Carlanftownbridge, mea. Baln.barn. wellmeath
P arrick's-wcll, limerick. Carrigtwohill, cork Borris in OS50ry,q. c.
28 'ruifdoy. Cootehill, cavan Goofeberry-hill, cork
Mouncshannoli, dODcgal Hackerflown, carlow Kilregan, wicklow
Killash"", longford Lifnoskca, ferman,agh
MARCH. Killcdmond, carlow Redhill, cavan
1 U',d",jdoy. 14 'T"u dR'y' 11 'Tu'IlL>,.
damllown, wexford Magher", derry ~rhlon c, wen, I,flUl" ,id6
Billybrood,limericlt I S Wtdnuday. Ball ybought, armagh
I:allymacod'y, cork CQolboy, w icklow Drumquin, r,rone
Bearagh, t yron e St cwartflown , ty ronc Hdrrow, wexford
C.nlcb laYlle~, monaghan - 16 'rl,ur /da/. M oneymore , qerry
Clooegal. carlow BalIicmoylt:r, q. c. thmdton, doneg.!
CoolgreJlny, wexford Banbr idgc, do\\ n, 3 ti.')u Sca r va~hpa fs, down
Croaghburgefs, limerick Fe rt!,gh, l:ilkenny u W,d"ifd,'J'
Cu rraghraige, wnford Glanworth , cork Ballillakill, q. c ,
EdtrIJeybridge, ferman. Rarhkerran, kilkcnny Tinahdy, wi cklow
G~rteD, t)'l'one • ] 7 Frid'.l ' 23 'rhur ,cl"l_
M.llflrcet, cork Annagalfan,l our h Ballilla, cavan
Moakflown, cork A rdparrick, li merick ~ aintfield , do" n
Newrownbarry, wexford Arhy, k ildare 24 Fri,L...,.
Tilghmon, wexford Ballyconncl , cavall Arvagh , cava n
Talluw, waterford Baltingl.s., wicklow Crolsmag len, ar magh
T uUeleafe, cork Cappoquin, w ater ford . Ilol y-ifhnd , clare ·
3 Frid..JJ. Cafhc arrigan, leilrinl Kin~s .. c\)urt , c~vaJl,
Crou, derry Cloghan , k . c. Tiller in, wexfor<1
Fredricb fin'';"D. tyrone \Cro!i;keys, cavan . '1.5 S "/~rd ,>.•
K:JIJgordon. donc&al ~\lrnbcgl and s, cork _"
A n ~grc,ye, ":or~

:Ballintra, donegal: fimOlin, kildarc :Benhurbe, tyrone

Ballybritia., q. c. Trim, mt>ath , CaRledawfon, derry
B~lIyhack. wnCord Tul~k, rofcommon Roc,kcorry, monaghall
Duleek, meath Tuficinfpaf.; armlgh Stranorlar donegal
l'crn~, w,xrord I 28 TutjJ,,]. 30 TI,,"Jday.
Five.mile-town, tyrone Armagh town tlones, monaghan
Grangemuckler, tipFer. IAugher, tyrol1c Sdkinore, tyrone
Kilcock, kilnare BaUillamultina, waterf. Swadlinbar, cavan
KiJculIen-bridge, kildare Bal1on, carlow 31 FriUJ"'
Kilnaleek, cavan BalIyeaftle, antrim Carricmore, tyrone
MilFord, cork Ballydehob, cork KilIy leagh. armagh
MitchelJstown, cork' BulhmiIls. antrim Newbirmingham, tipp.
Mulaghcl ew, louth Callowhill. fermanagh Ravenfdale. louth '
Mylhal, carlow Caftlcbellingham,louth Te4oanct, monaJhau
Newblifs, Monaghan Call1dyons, c!lrk
RathYiJly, carlow Caflletown,cork APRJL.
Redliofl Inn, kild;llc Cookfiown, tyrone J SaIIlTtio].
Roftellan, cork CnllyhanDa, umagh Ballinode, monaiha.
Tobbercorry, sligo Donaghmore, tJ. c. Cloghan, k. c.
• 27 MMda.!. Drullloo, leitrim Crcggane, k_ c.
Adair,limtrick I Grange, tyrolle
Dangan, cork
Ahascragh, galway Grayabbey, down
Ennu, clarc
Ardfert, kerry Jever's-town, clare Gardc~morrj., wat...r.
Ballinacarrig-caftle, cork lJ~hnfion's-bridge, kild. Graigue, q; c.
Ballinafloe, gal way Kelh. rermal1agh N ewcaftle, limerick
Ballingarry, limerick KiJcafb, tipperary Newcafile, wicklow
llellaghy, f1igo Kildare town R.athdowncy, q. c.
Blarney, cork Kilkenny city
ButleYant, cork l(il1aloe, clare , 3,.
CarrigaJane, leitriin Killelhandra, cavaD Alrmore, tyrone
Calhel City, tipperar" KilmagaDny; kildarc Crumlin, antrim
Caftldin, done gal Kilworth, cork F.il1~r, W dlme~tll
Gormanftown, tipp. Louglibrkkland, down r.yn:coun, galwa),
Curten; tyrone Louth town Monaghan tOWI1
Keadue 1 rnfcommoD Luttrdlfrown, dublin Ncwry, down
Killinick,.wC,xford Malin, dou"gal Slane, Meath
KilIuquin;:wellmeath Monaficrevan, kildare Smithboro', mon~h_
Killyhegs, i10negal Mu!linavat, kiIkenny Tranftown, tork
Longford town, :I ""11 Narnglmlore, k i l d a r c 4 'IMifda].
Mountrath •.q. ". N"wtown. wicklow BaUylhannOll, dOllcgal
Mulaghcrcw, lo'uth Newtownforbe., longf_ ICamolin. wexford
NanD, Meath " Newtownlimavady, der.CaLUedermot. kiidare
Newmarket, tlare Newrowllfie" art, t7T. Drum, mooaghan
New Rofl,wexford Philipfiown, k.c. Keady,umagh
J'alatinetown, caj-jow RoRrevor, ddwn Rathkt'alc, limerick
Portadown, armagA Scartanpatrick, weam. Shircock, ca'nn
Portarlington, q. c. Singland, cork, .' Tubbermurry, limeru:i
Rathwyre, westmeath ' SIradone, cavail 5 Wdniftio,.
Rofberkon, kilkeDD)' Timoleague, curk Ardagh',longford
fihrule, ml,Yo Toome, an trim Ballimany, "ild~rc
ftligo town 'Tuhlienllorc, dcrr)' Ballow, down
Tarben. knry Wicklow town De1coo, fermanagh
'falhinr,longford 29 Wd"tj'J",. C~{\kblaney, monagha
•• . , rn1"V ·'!I.n'r;'D ~:!JtllHft._a .. • i ....... ,. J_'
CI_e, l"itrim Newbi!:mingliam, tip. Roc~col"ry, monaghall
';:rilnller, down Ratoath; meath \\rar.... nfiown •. mc.lh
Crofsciunel', cann .19 IVt.;,,,./d.,y. '1.7 'r"",.,,,. . ,.
Ennilkeane, cork Rathfriland, down Adair, limerick
ltilmurry,l<ilkenny Rathmolion, meath Alhford, wick/o""
Limriek. wexford 2.0 TJu,rJJ"l' Cluu':., monaghOlIl
Lisnarrick, fennanagh Balll'heiguc, kefry Nowport, tipper ....'
Omagh, tyrone . Ballyragget, lIilkenny Old Abbey, cork
R.thdrum, wicklow Ballyvoolane, cork SaiDdidd, down
Timohoe, q. c. CaiUecoDnell, limerick lieskiuore, tyront
Tipperary town' Charleftown, k. c. 'ullow,limerick
6 'IlntrJ""y Drumanaragilebeg, cork 2.8 E,.;"".1'
Ballinabineh, down Fetbard, tipper,uy Uarnagrove, cork
Clooaghkiltl', cork Kilmore, limerick Boon) fnbbk, donegal
Dunaghy, tyrone Stranocum. an trim Cardcmore, tyronc
Kilcooly, tipperar, uragh, limerick Clan~, kildJre
K/llmaderan, cork 2.1 F.iJay. Kelh, fermaDa!lh
Mullingar. wefimeath Ballinderry, wicklow. Kill~ leagh, arD.agh
7 FriJay. Ballinvreeny, limerick Kirkcllbl>in, dOWD
Crofs, derry G1allough, monaghan Knockecroghery; cork
Mahoolan, derry Kilcummer, cork M itchellsfort , cork
Moy, tyroDe IMoneymore, derrr Patrirkowdl, limerick
St. JohnLton's, donegal Stratford, wicklow Skerrie., dublin
8 1Jat"rday • Tullow, carlow ~9 Sat.,J",.
Coolnahay. weftmeatll 22. SatllrJ",. Balbriggt:n, dubli.

IrriueQown, £ermana,h Ballinakil.l, q. c.
~4 iWoN/la,.
Ennilkillen, fermanagh jBallycanow, wexford
BaUinahown, wdloa
Murroc, limerick
Newbliia, monolgh..
Glam, mayo '. Co.urt &. Curraheen,lim. N"wtowubarry, wear.
Killyleagh, down ',KiIDOCkiD, tiprera~·y Tullr:l,eafe, cork
. J I TllifdaJ. Kiltegan, wicklow
Cloghan, k. c. JNeDagh, tipperaJOY MA Y.
C"llybanna, armagh ;Oldcaslle, meath 1 . Monday.
Lough of. Cork, 2. Jay' 'Palatinetown, carlow ",-llmnre, tyron.
I~ WnlIUfJdJ. 'Scar, ·wexford Arvagh, taVan
Groyney, kilkenny I 2.5 'IuifJ",. BaIJaghdcrin, may.
13 'Ihurf""y. Athy, kildare '. Balli".cor, wicklow
BuroWmount, kilkenny CeciJlslown. cork !I..allil,clare,. kerry
BallyfarnoD, rofcommoD Fi,ddown, kilkenny Ballinhaffig, cork
Pullgannon, tyrone Greenoghe, cork Baliydc:ave, kerry
Mohiil, leitrim Kildrotighill, kildare aallytrain·, D\oDaghllD
14 F"iia,. Moate, westmeath Banagher, 11.. c.
Jhllingarryctamer,lim. Nobher, meath' Bangor, do:wn
BillmagarrydoWD,lim.· . ~6 WtdnifJ"y. !larry,longford
Carrickmines, dubliB Anglesbllrro', limerick . Borri.,< ,rlow .
Kijnwnhamwood, meath Ardpatrick, limerick Bray, wicklow
IS Salurday. \ Benburbc, tyrone Calverfiown, kildare
1ilall"bay, Monaghan Burrafakane, tipperary Carlanftown, mealh
Taghmon, wexff:""d CooIboy, wick! lW !C;lfhcarrigan,leitrim
17 M.,,"",. Culloville, armagh, S a',.:Catl:letown, q. c.
CaftletowD, limerick Kilgolagh, cavan :Caftletowndelvin,welhn.
lmyvale, mODaghan Maghera, deer.y Caftlewellan, .down
18 T-if*'7' MiUtown, kerry, 'a Jay. Coolkenno, wlck,low. ck
JaIl ~onndl, cavan J.athciare, l:un; CrpaghburaeM, limct"l
Crumlin, antrim 3 H'ttkwlay • Kinfale,~_
Dromore, tyrone Athlone W~ft, C."".' ntU Knockaderry, Ii~
Drumgriffeb, galway Ballymagorey, tyrone Loughgall,armagh
Fethard, wexford -, Barnagrotty, k. c. Lusk, dublin
Freemarket, weftmeath Bele~k, armagh Maynooth, kildarc _
For khill, armagh Bruff, limerick Middleton, armagh
Geilfhill, 1<. c. Caftlebla.YQey, monaghan Moyv()re, wetlmeath
Kilcteell, galway Caftlecomer, kilkennJ Muff, derry
Jl;.i1dangw, kiluare Clonaslee, q. c . ' Muff, donegal
Kildorary, cork Coloony, Digo Naal, kildare
Kilmore, down ' Corrofin, dare Narr<n9-water, doWll'
Kilmurry, cork Croome, limerick Oldtown, donegal
Kilted, kildare Dl1leek, meath Ragorey, wexford-
Lilcarrol, cOfk Elphin, rofcom;non Scraby,cavan
Lisgoold, cork Granard, longford ShanbalIymore, cork
Longwoo(i, meath Hollywood, wicklow Tullyvin, cavan '
Maltery, armagh lCelIs, Meath Tyn"gh, galway
Milltownpaft, roscomm. i1gobenet, waterford Waterford, city
Mooue ,tuidare Knucknamariff, cork Wells, carlow
Monagh,n town Leixlip, kildare Wicklow, town
Mountain'>:1nIe, water!. Milford, carlow ' Youghall, COl'k
Mulagh~rew, louth Newbirmingham, tipper. S Fri/ay.
Mullinahone, tipperary Newhridge, kildare Athenry, galway
Newtownfa~i1Ie, tyrone Newcaftle, limerick BaJJyonan~ kildarc
Newtown, waterford, al New Rof., wexford Birr, k. c.
SiJ'fJ_i"u Rosberkon, kilkenny Clonmel, tipperary
~ld~a(Ue, c<ork Spanfel-hill, clare ' Crofs, derry
Pal1'age-weft, cork Tralee, kerry Don~gal town
Peuigo, done,,1 Tramorc:, waterf6rd Fedemore, limerick
Rathbeagh. kilkenor ' Garriftown, duhlin
Raphoe, donegal , 4 7'lturlda.l' Kilmainhamwood,meatk
Rum, dublill Aaon, armagh eitrim tOWJI
Silvermine., tipperary Athboy,meath Mahoolan, derry
Staplefiown, carlow allyboy, k. c. Moy, tyrone
.Stewardlown, tyrone Ballybrittas. q. c. Sheepbridge, down -
5tradbally, waterford Bandon, cork Templetoohy, tippera'T
Summerhill, meath Banlahan. cnrk 6 SatMrdDy.
Tinnehinch. carlaw Bawn, lulhnoy Aughadown, cork
Wex.fbrd, town rookboro', fermanagh lIallinode, monaghan
']', .rtltl Callan, kilkenllY BaIlyfheehalle, tipperary
:z U'.J. cr· Carlow, town Balrothery dublin
Ardfiranhridge, tyrone Connogh, cork Bandon, c~rk
:Bal1y~umber, k. c. Donard, wi4!'ktow Barna, galway
Caftlemartyr, cork Downs, wicklow Clogher, tyrnne
Ch\lrchl~Dd -fanan tem- Dunmanw'1Y, corll oo.kJlown, tyrone
pie, kilke/lny Fintona, tyrone Cooredare, clare
Clonmalloll, weftmeath Glinville, cork Currano, kerry
Dnonbeg, clare Glyn, tippenry Curraa &. Maun, c:ork
Dromkeen, Kerry Hacketftown, carlow Gorey, w~xford
DruID, ~onaghan Kanturlr.. cnrk Killala, Mayo
Drumqum. !yro~e ilcnnunin. k. c. _ achrecregan, tyront
Hortland, klldare ,Kilcorky, r08cnmmOD Markethill, armagh
Newmarket,!ofc~mIl\QD KilCallaghan, dubliD Nealc, Mayo
Ponrenar~, funcmlr. IXinky, k. c. llewtowneyre, rIway
MAY. M.\Y. M.\Y.
NlII'Dey, carlow Brury, limerick la hi"".
Patrage, waterford Buncrana, donegal Antrim, tOWD
Portumna, g~lway Clonroad, clare Ardsallagb, clare
Jt.thdowney, q. c. Crofsdkiele, meath Augher, tyrone
Rtdcrof., wicklow Dunlc:errin, k. c. Balli"a, mayo
Sru.non, It. c. Kilcennell. galway Ballinacarrig, eavaa
Sixmilebridge, dare Killdhaudra, cavan Ballioamure, leitrim
Si1Jl1ilewater, cork Kilmurri,ltilkenny Ballyporeen. tipperarr
Stradbally, q, C,. Kinncgad, weftmeath Baiting!..... wicklow
8 .Wont/ay. Lifnarrick, Fermanagh Bellagby, derl,
Annagalfan, louth Newcallle, dublin Bilho,limerick
Ardeath, meatb Swords, dublin Bleffingtoo. wicklow
BaIliuderry, wicklow Temrlepatrick, antrim Carricdrumnlulk, leitrim
Ballyjamesdulf, cavan Turlough, mayo arrickfergul, antrilu
.Ballymonev, autrim .' 10 Wedne.da,. Carrigtwohill, cork
Brosney, k".c. . Adamfrown, wexford Caftlemorris, kilk.enny
c.birmee, cork Balanagare, rofcommQn Caftletown, cork
CallaghanlnUlls, clare BaIlymurry, rofcommon Chariemont, armagb
Cvrigalane, leitrim Ballyvourney, cork Clan, k. c.
CalUesampson, rofcomm.·Clouegal, carlow Clare, armagh
Claddagh. galway Collon, louth Cloghjordan. tipperart
CoUinftown, weftmeath" Culdalf, donegal Clonfert.galway
Coolnahay, wefimeatll Drum, tipperary Galeraine. derry
CUUenagh, 'I' c. EnnilkiIJen, fennanagh Creggs, galway
Dc1"ertmartyo, deny Glalfon, weftmeath Cronrow, wicklow
Dunlo, galway . Graig, kilkenny CrofstoWD, wexford·
Kmyvale, monaghan . Gort, galway Drogheda towa
Ferrypoint, waterford Hofpittle, limerick Dromare, Clown
Grangemore, wellmeath Kilfenora, clare Duudrum. down
Irvioellowll, ferrnauagh IKilrulh. clare . Ferns,..wexford
lGlgowan, kildare Myfhal, carl~w Gal5ally, limerick
Lackeen, kerry Rofsmanahar, clare Kildare town
Lawr~ncetown, galway Tuam, gal way S-illowen, derry , "
Li3deen, clare Tullamoorc k. c. K.i1macthom~, watnford
I.ioelkea, fermaoagh 1I Thld.du].· Lrtterkeony,doDeJal
"Manorhamiltou,leitrim· AIlDer, limerick Lifme, derry
MohilJ, leitrim ' Ardagh, limerick Macroome, corl;
MooeygaJl, q. c. Ballyket, cl~e . MV)'boro', q. c.
Mouotbellewhr. galway Ballymahoo,longford ~onivea, galway
Muuntpelier, limerick Ballymoate, lligo MoukftowD, cork
Mount-talbot, ro,comm. Ballymoe, galway Newtownbutler. fermin,
Mullinav .. t, kilkenny" Caftlebar, ml!Yo Port, donegal
Newtown-hamilton,ann. Chureh-hill,dooegal Strabane, tyrone
Parkgate, antrin' IFivemiletowo, tyrone Tilltrin, wexford
lloli:rea, tipperary tHeadford, galway Tullk, rmcommon
RoJlea, fcrmanagh ,Ualyero.s, tipperary Urlingford, kilkeHny
Tarmollbarry, rollConun. :Kilcock, kildare Woodford, ga1WII}'.2 daJ'
Tioahdy, wicklow ~iffin; kerry, ~ tlizJ~ 13 Satllrda.,o
Trim, meath iltarton, galway . Bally~oe, gal way
9. T.u,day. Li.benaw; fcrrnaual'h Cappatagell, galway
Aghrim, galway MalJow , cork Clare, to'!"n
Ballyneeargy, wenmeath\MoJUltra(h, q. e. . Drumod, leitnm
Blenervllle, kerry St. J0hn1lon's. ),gn;Cllrcl OWlkcrrill, k."

Finea, wtft~3th ungannon, tyronc lallyconoel, cavan

Glanworth, cork Dunlecr,louth Bccti.,bridge-end, mt'ata
Kilnaleck, cavlln Dunloy, antrim Belrurbl't !'lice. (:a~
Lillowhill.. ken)' Dyfart,q. c. irchwood, '" c.
t.~anacanlaDd., corte Kderueybridge. ferm. Bonlal\y, longford
Multifarnham,weftmeath FicldllGwlI, duul.iB Cahircnnlifh, limerick
Newtown, cork • Fettord. mayo Catri.\:.on-Suir, tipperarJ
Ro;crea, tipperary Glenavy,an~rim CaftleiJlakeoey, ,alW&l
Tulla, clare
Whcathill, fennanaglt
Granfhaw, kerry,
Grsyney, kilkeno),
3." Clady. tyront:
Claregalway, galW3Y
' . 15 Monday. Holy·]lIand, clare Cloy ne, ccrk '
Aghygaulu, dooegal Inniftimood, clare Drumfhambo, leitrim
Alfane, waterford Keadue, rOKommOD Duodrum, til'perarr
Alladoyne, down Kildalky. meath Fintowll. don,egal
Ardara, ilcomragh, waterford Callowlhill, mayo
Arllfert, kerry Kilcoole. wicklow Hl'lIymoun., mapl
Arklow. wicklow Kilfeanycommoll,lim. tc:ilI;uoe, dare
Augho:lcloy. tyrone KillyolI. k. c. tc:illinick, wexford
Ballinacarrow, sligo Knocklong, limerick Kilmallock.limerid..
Ballinamone)" cork. Knoctoph.r, kilkellny Kilteg ..". wicklow
Balling-ollry, limerick Lcighlillurirlge, carlow l.ollgwood. meath
Ballingarry. tipperar)' Limri~k. wexford Moolle,.kildar:e
Ballillrobe. may I> LifnacolI. cork onaftereva.n, kildarc
13allinfpidale. cork, 141. LU'ganbuy, leitril;ll ~ewcc:town. cork
Dallively, Mayo Macreddill. wicklow Newi\lD, ,ipperary
1!allymore. wellmeath Middleton, tork Orchard, carlow
13311)'roan, q. c. Monea, fermanag~ Rathaagall, kildare
Bally.caUy, tyrone ~aa., ~ldare Rofu;evor, down
Balnarba, weftmeath Nautenane, kerry Straid, alltrim
13anada.lligo ~ewrof., wedor4 roftommon
Baurcey·.... ba~n. mayo NewtowD, {ligo 17 Wd""d.zy.
Cahirelly Wdi, limerick Newto.wnards, dow" Ard{inan, tipperary
Caltragh. gal\'< ay Nonis. armagh Ardfallagh. roacommOl\
<,:arrigalane, cork Portadown, armlgh Bailieboro', cavan
CalHeaken. mayo . Rahilao,e. k. c. Bdeck, fcrmanagh
Caftlehrack, q.' c. Rathconrath, wefbnea. _ CO\lvoy. donegal
Caftlecaulfield, tyront Rathowen. wellmeath Dundalk,louth
Caftlefinn, done&al R~ckfield, rofcommoD Fllcrty, rofcomlllon
Call1elyoD8, c:ork Rosberkon. kilkenn1 HilJIboro', dows
Cavan town Rofcommon town . Kilmurryibrickan, clare
CcciJIfiown, co~k Shircock, cavan l.ongfield,leitrim
ChlK'chill, ferman3gh Skibhereen, cork Maguire'$.bddge, ferm.
Churchtowlr, derry Smithboro', Monaghan Scortagliny. kerry.~ c1Q~J;
Clogllan. k. c. Stoneball.limcrick Sc:otllo'Wn, monaghao
Clogheen, tippera..,. Surgown.y, armagh Swatteragh, derry
Clone""l, carlow Tnorn~varaf tipperary Templemore, tipperary
Clultgin,limedcil; Tubberbrackin, galwar Terrilfpafl, wellmeath
Conoa, waterford Tul)"ghall.leitrim Tubber(canavan, Qigo
Coolinanta, kil~enn)' 'rrillic, tyrone Tullyodonald. done~a(
Crooltllown, cork Tulrahcn. may& 18 Tbllrf"""
C!lrraheglandt, cork '16 'IlItlW..1' Abbeyl_ix, q. c.
Downderry, cork AnneftowD, waterford Ballinahinch, dowliI
PrumJUh, ~onpoCll .BalliDderry, wicklow ~al1inakdll, q. c"
'Ba\1lh~., •• ~a.~ Ballyleague, roacommou Crogbau, ro(comll'lCIII
Balnalack. w ..{\me"ta :neltra,lIigo KilIalhee,longfcrd
Carn~w, wid.low elturbc:t, cavan Kilmellgue, Ioildare
CalUep\up\c:t, rofco1ll. Bunnidane, nigo ilmur'1'macmahou, d.
C!aranbridgf', galway Carndonagh, donep} ''''pp, cork
Cliffouey, fii&o CJlfil~pollard, wellm. RathfrilaDd. dOWD
CDotenall. rofcommon C"fikO'ille, Plonaghm Redhill, cavan
Donaghmnre, cork Cooldor k ey, cork ShaDagolden, limet"ick
Dunfallahy, done gal Cork cily, ~ork Templchouse, lIill(o
f.dend~rry. k. c, Cotteriboro', cork rim, ruratb
Gooldt-!1, tipperary llonnelong', tyrant ullinadally, galwa,
J{illanteel, clare Drimbar, antrim . Wclltport, Mayo
J{i\l~aul('. tipperary Dronlon,limerick, S Ja.1' SS nur/d",.
Killin, tlprerary Drumfna, leitricl Anngrov., cork
Kinnra, galway Emly, tir'per.ry Armoy, IIDtrim
Moyoe, 0.3YO Ellniferone, aligo Ball) hack, wexford
&wadlinh;.r, ca'Vall Frenchpark, rofcomm. BeJl~ree, meath
19 FrIJay. Garrifon, fermaJlagh Broadway, ....exf'or4
~abrega,meath Kildyfart, clare CalUetownroche, cort
Ballrfarnon, rofcommon KiIlyleagh, down Cloga, kilkcnny
Cloghanbeg, doncgal Largy, cavall Clone., monaghan
Clough, down Lurgangreen,louth Dany-an, rofcommon
Down,down Milltown, wt'frmeath Dupgiven, derry
DrumcalhelJ, Inuth Moneymore-, derry Dunow, kiJltrltny
Veathard, -tipperary Mouide, antrim Johllfronabridgc, arm" ..
Gla&\ough, monaghan Nav~n, rnealh Hacketfiown, carlow
Jafpers-pound, clare Nede~n, kerry, S day. Kilbalinerin, kilduo
Killinan, limerick P"rtarlington, '1' c. Kilcoguy, cavan
l\:ilkilhell, clare Rues, mayo KiIcorban, gaIway
KilJin, tyrone Rockhill, copk . Kilkenny city
KilIorglin, kerry Shanmulla, longford KiIlucan~ wefimeath
.Ki1rnichael, clare fa)Jew, water fore! Kilworth, cork
Melcombe.regis, mayo obbeJ'corry, mgo Lismore, waterford
Rakefireet, mayo SJ 'T1It/da,. LoughgliD, roscommoa
~o SatJlrda,. Ballyclare, antrim Maghcrllfelt, derry
Armagh town jJallimagauran, cavan Moccory, wexford
Ballintra, donegal CafUereagh, rofcommoD MOllntPlellic , q. c.
BaUybay, lIlOnaghan CoolYlDorohoo, cork clt. MO'$'l'Ove, cork
Bally hillard, ca van Ctl,fmolina, Mayo Newport, tipperal'J
Brodagh, c1ar!! Dlmlavin, wicklow Newtown, Idtrins
Coole, westmeath Garvagh,4erry Nobber, meath, cork Kingscourt, ClI,van Omagh, tyronc
Druumalagree, cork Mit'cheJlstowb, eerk Saggart, duhlin
Faithlegg, waterford Mulpheder, meath . SeskinQre, tyron.
Grangcmockler, tipper. Oranmore, galway Shandrum, curk
t.1iiford, cork Portglenone, antrim. Temple!l:own, wickl~'
-Sherwood, car lo~ R.athrne'tton, dOllegal Thornafrown, kilk~l1lJ,;
Swiuford, mayo S4 Wedflcs<i.ay. Tomgrenoy, clare
.~~ Mq"d"" AbbcY8ht'ule, longford ~6 Frid", •
Arlirahin, galway Ahafcragh, galway Cahir, tipllefary
BaIlybofey, donegal Bunlingla8, mayo ·Camtec:l, tyrnne
JlaUiniJllal'a, kilkenny Call.led~rmot, kildare Carricmorc, tyrrine
JhUymote, ialway Clarej mayo Caatleooatbc:try. ~ild"r
Cutt~rgh, tyroDe
Clonegal. wexford
3 Satrmu.1. ,
ClaremDre, galway l"OImaglen, armagh J!.llina~oftelle, m.~y.
ClooDc, .Ieitrim 31 WeJ-tftitly. Ballinode, monaghaa
Coolattin, wicklow BeIonlagh, roscommou BllDratty, clar.
Derrilin, fennanagh Benburbe, tyrone Bryansford, down
Donamona, mayo Cappoquin, waterford, fligo '
D~bally, cavan Emper, weftmeath Fredrlckfiown, tyroue
Glenarm, antrim
KiIlyleagh, armagh
Galway fq. plot, E.
Glanogra, limerick
,a', Kilmore, down
S Monda:J.
Lougbrea, galway Infegela, cork AhoghiU antrim
Molahalfe, Jcerry, ~ "". Kildaran, clare ltnlOre,' tyrone
Mullahi.h, keny Killygordon, donegal Ballina, cavan
'1.7 SalwrtlllJ. Liscarrol, cork Ballygawly, tyrone
Adair, limerick Poweratown,ldlkenny Ballymacody, cork
Ballinamallard, ferman. Rodlcorry, Monaghan Belearra, mayo
Carrickmacrofs, monag. Straiil, mayo Beleoo, ferlD«llagll
Clogheen, tipperary Tubbcrmore, derry Bellintoy, antrim
Crosdonoy, cavan Cappagb, tipperary
Cullihill, q. c. JUNE. CaracafHe, mayo
Drumkerrinmunterk.1ei. I nUr/day. ,ICaftlebaldwin, flip
Dunymana, tyronc BallinakiIJ, galway" Cooreclare, clare
Kilnelag, galway . Ballyhaunis, mayo ,!crumliu, antrim '
Ncwblils, monaghan BeoDmore, keny Drumana, waterford
. "9 MonlldJ. c Caftleconnel, limerick jJonesboro', armagh
Abington, limerick Caftledawson, derry ,Keady, annagh
Ballasodare,. fiigo Caftlewcllall, down [Kilgobenet, waterford
BalJiodangan, mayo Coloony, fligo . 'Knockan, urlow
Bal1yvary, mayo Gorey, wuford Monaghan town
Bearagh, tyrone Kefh, fermanagh Mouothamilton; tyrone
ClonagalD, waterford Killiegh, k. c. Pettigo, donegal
Clough, antrim Kilteely, limerick Newmlll, cork
Crosskeys, cavan Knockboy, monaghan Tinahdy, wicklow
Donegal town Lifloughery, mayo 6 'I,mda:t.
DoolIDlore, galway Machrecregan, tyrone Ardee, louth'
Fariniharpy, fiigo MilIftreet, cork allyfhannon, doncgal
Franklord, k. c. Mohill, leitrim Dromore, flig 0
GotteD, tyrone M'Nugentpolerea. cavan ,Drum, rnonaghan
luuisfhannon, cork Moyarta, clare 1 Well"w/ay.'
Jameilown, leitrim . Mullinahone, tipperary Caftleblayncy, monaghaa
J ohnftonsbridge, kildare Pomeroy, tyrane Dcsertrnartin, derry
Killin, tipperary Rath keale, limerick Dortaghadec, down
Kirlr.cubben, ,down Ratoath, nleath Glio, limerick
Magheravooly. ferlDan. RedcafiJe, donegal 8 'I}II,rIMy.
Mountshannoo, gal way Saintfield, down Arvagh, cavan
Nenagb, tipperary "tragowna, fermanagh Ballintogher, mgo
Newtownbellew, galwa " Frit/aJ. Ballyfc:anlan, limerick
TaghmoD, wexford , Croe., derry • Balnaglera, 3fmagh
'rashiny.loDgford Machremore, donegal Blaruey, cork, " daY'
Temp", fermanagh Mahoolan, derry Irvinefiown, fermanagh
30 '<fwfda,. Minola, mayo '. Newl)larktt, cork
BallycalHe, antrim Moy, tyronc Newport, mayo
Burros in Olfl>ry; q. e. Newtownftnvart, tyront OldtoWD, donegal ,
lSoyle, rlllCOmmoD Slane, meath SilVCnniDCf, tipperar)'
T01WI10n-& raee,cla~ Stnluorlar, dOllt'gal Paldaler, _lIPrlord
9 FriB.ay. ] 18 TheMlag. GoowberrybiJI, cork
Atby, kildare Clonue,lellrim Grayabbey, dowa
Ballinphelic, cork Cookstown, tyrone Kilnelag, gaJWII1
Baobridge, down. 11 day Drnmabaire, leitrim Lilbellaw, f~
Bantry, cork Emyvale, monagbaa MilltowlIJDalby, «:....
BeUagby, sligo KilIieg"', cork. Nob~r, meath
Bnrrisoleigb,lipperary Newtownlimivady, der. Park, dl'ny
Carnolin, wexford 0ld8tonl', anttim Rochda~, loath
Cootehill, cavan Strokestown, roscomm. Skreeu. mPalh
Drnmatloan, antrim Tllrlough, mayo Taghmon, wl'xfon!
Dnlmqnin, tyrone U WedlUlsday. 11 WnbttMl..,.
Drumshambo, leitrim Ard~tranbridge, tyrone Agbrim, plway
Fivemil .. bridge, cork Balhnacarrow, sligo Ardeath, Dlf'8th
IDoistiogne, kilken,ny Masseytown, cork ArdDq!BII, aligo
Killongb, down Moont-talbot, r08comm. Ballinvreeny, limerick'
. Mt.-Bellewbridge, gal. Sevenchurche8, wicklow Ballyearry, antrim '
lUountcbarles, donegal' 15 TAarMlag. BroaMord, clare
8eaford, down Bailli.. boro', cavan Caledon, tyrone
SommerbiJI, meath, Barnagrove, cork, donepl
10 Saturday. Barrowmouut, kilkeDDy Cast1ereagh, roecommoe
Ballyheige, kerry. Baurceysbarn, mayo ,~ltJesbane, 1lI0II&.....
Ballyjamesdntr. cavan Castldownlauda, ma10 Cloghan, k., C.
Bridgetown, clare ForUjeld, mayo Co01boy, WIcklow
Conrt & Curraheen,lim. ROlmanaher! clare Convoy, dOlH'pl
Dnimoroirk, Kerry 16 Friday. ' F~rmoy, cork
Enni.k.illen town, fermi O!aalougb, mOll.ghall Gllford, dOlii'D
Fidd01ll'D, kilhDny K~lbe~aD, westmeath I~rkelly, galwa,.
lfountpeJier limerick KI~m~mbamwood.meatb Kllmaclennan" c~rk
, LlIltrlm, town Lurganbny,lellnm
. 1t Mmtday. LisDacon, cork Moneymorl', derry
Ball, mayo PatricksweU, limerick Moylough, galwa,.
Ballin..s, donegal . 17 Saturday.· ROBcrea, tiPPI'r&ry
Ballybrood, nmerick 8a\libay, Monaghan TullYlldonald, donegal
Ballymoate, .Iigo Dromore, clare Windygap, waterford
Ballytrain, monagban Loudonderry city !ill 'rh"rldcy.
Belturbet. cavan Mulagbcrew,lollth Aghrim. wicklow
Callan, kilkenny Newtowubarry,wexford Ballyragget, kilkenn1
Clahaman, wexford Palatinetowll, carlow 8aJlywalter, down
Coolgrenoy, wexford St. Mul\ins. carlow. Oanoge, wexford
ereggs, gahny Scotstown, monagltan Carlow town
Donagbmore, q. c. 9 da. HI Mll1lday. Clal'l~, mayo
Donasse~ clare, 2 day. Beleek. t..... managh Croome, limerick
Dromdel?r, cork, 2 day' Broughshane, antrim Dervock~ace. antrina
Graig, kilkt-nny Cliffony, ~Iigo Donaghmore, dawn
1I.ikullenbridge, kildare Connogh, cork Dowupatrick, down
Kilgobenet, waterford King's.collrt, C!lyan Drogheda town
Killenenagh, clare Longhgall, armagh Drumsl)a, leitrilU.
Killyvally, wl'stmeatb Rathkt'jlle,limerick Dnngarvan, waterford
Kilnalt'ck, cavan Rockbill, cork Enniskeane, cork
Longford t"wn Searvaghpass, down Fintona, tyrone
Maghera, derry SiXOIilebridge, 'yrone Kilcnllen, kildare
Oldl'a.le, meath 20 Tuesday. Kille,handra, cavan
Oldmillstreet, cark A rdnaree, mayo Kilnockin, tipperary
Pa""age, ",at~rford Ba\lyhoD:r;ht, arma~ Lisnarrick, f .. rmana,b
Rathbeatb, kilkrDDy CnllybanaB, ~rlllagh Marketbill, annBgh
Icar, wextord Drumaual'a&:i1eb"I::, cork Moate, weatmeath
6! 1UN!:. JULY. JULY.
PhilipftowD, k. «. . Tipp~rary tow.. IBoIltinglaf., wickloW'
Ilaphoe, .10Degal " 'IuifJa,. ,CaIHedergh, tyrone
TarLlClt, kerry CaT1ahan's-mi!l&, clare iDunkaunally, donegal
'3 FriJl1:J.o Care.",kt·rnalle, mayo 'Emyvale, .monaghan
Curran, derry Grallgt'mockl:r, tipper_ Frecmarket, wdlmr:at"
Kiltcgan, wicklow Kildorarry, cork Loughgall. armagh
Kinity, k. c. I.cckearrow, rofcomm. N edecn, kerry, 2. day'
Ivliltown, It err." , Ja,<
Ttmpletoohy, tipperary Portumlla, galway
Warrenftown, meath Tobbercorry, sligo Rathclare, cork
2.4 Sal,,,Ja,. 2.8 IVdnifJ"y. Turagh, limerick
A!hr..rd, wicklow Bcnburbe, tyrone 3 Monday.
Aughagow,'r, maye CORlbcr, d"wu Altmore, tyrone
Ballaghderin, may" Hc:rbcrtfioWD, limerick athcllry, g~lway
133l1yconndl, cavan MonamuJlen, wexford Ballillacarrigcaftle, cork
B~llygurteen, cork Roc\tcorry. Dlonaghan Ballihauni., mayo
B"lIy Illdanwefi, ci'll"8, tipperary Borri~, carlow .
BallymQc, g"lway Timolip~ kildare Caftlebaldwin, Diga
Birchgrove, wexford Tillahely, wicklow Crofskeys, cann
Borri.-in-Ossory, q .c. 2.9 'IbllrfJay. Crllmlin, aotrim
CuJlyvore. longford Abbeyfeale. limerick Dundalk.louth
Dfomor~, tyrone Ballinhaffig, corlt Edgeworthtl:own. longf.
Duleek, meath BaU)·hack, wexford Fint.wn, donegal
Harrow, wexford Cafhcarrigan, lc:itrlm' innegad. weilmeath
Killcrceft, galw.y Caftletowll. q. c. Manorhamilton, leitru.
Kilteel, kildare Clones, monaghan MORaghan town
I.ifgoold, cork Collnn.louth, Mounthill. ant rim
Lou ifbu'gh, maYQ Dunower, wcfrmeath Shanefcaftle, ""trim
Mahery, arm3gh Drumod, leitrim ShircClCk, cavan
Malin. donegal Ferns, wexford Swinford, may.
Mountaiocaftle, waten. Kilmeague, kildare Timohoe; q. c.
Nafh. wexford Mayo, q. c. , .. 'be/"""
New Birminglum, tip. Melcllmbe-regia, nu-yo Dallahean, moyo
Newblifs, mona,ghm Mylhal. carlow BallinaOoe. galway
Rathvilly, carluw Omagh, tyrone Ballingarry, limerick
Shannon, k. c. Rockcorry. Monaghan Ballyltet, clare
Spallfclhill. clare Ruel, mayo Donaghadee, doWQ
Stradone cavan SeskiRore, tyrone Drum, mODaghan
StroaD, kilkenny Swadlinbar, cavan Kanturlt, cork
Tedounet, monaghan TuUelea{e, cork Killarney, !terry
WaFreufpoint, down Wexford town Limerick city .
Waterford city 30 Frida,. Mulliogar, weftmtatla
,,6 Mo"ti{I,. C{rricmore, tyrone Nenagh~tipperar1
~lry, limerick Cavan town' Sligo town
Burrafakant, cork CloughDakilty, (ork uam, galway
Bufhmills, antrim Killyleagh, annagh 5 WeJllmla,.
Clifden, galway
C{Joldorkey. cork
Killorglin, kerry, ~
Pettigo. donegal
,,,,1 Aughnacloy, tyrQll'
Ballow, down
Crebilly. antrim Ratlullolion,meath Ballyml'gorey, tyron.
Derrilin, fermanagh Tubberfcanavan, fligo' BeloDlagh, rofcommoa
Fo,r4trd, mayo JUL Y. BleSJinglon, wicklow
Mount-bemifh, corlt. I Satllrvla,. Cappoquin, waterford
Newmarket,rofcommon ;BallinahowD.....eftm. CafileblaYDey, mona,.
N .."Wwtongore, ieitJUn IBallillode. moucU. Carucrea,h, dowD
.untield. dow.
Caftlettl""" lolrtb
Clanoulty, tit>Perary
Callan, 1tilkenny INt. limindy,
Carrickmacrof., mODagh.Orratnr, tyroDc
Clough, d"wlI Castlebar, mayo Swords. dublin
eolcraine, derry Claboy, {ermaDap 1·oberilldony. pi"..,
Cratilow. dare Cloone, leitrim 13 Tbll"''''}.
DUlllcu, louth Derrygonnelly, fCrID. Ballyhays, cavlUl
£onifconhy, wexforcl 90nagh, fermanagh oulagurra, corlt
Kilcommon, It. c. Donegal town Dunlo, ,.Iway
}GUowen, derry Doonmorc, galway Oraigno",n, kilkeJll11
Maguire's-bridgc, fenn. Dunboyne, Dlcath Kella,kilkenny
MaryHoro', q, c. Enniskillcn town, fcm. Lil<keD, clare ,
Middleton, cork Eyrecourt, g"Iwa, Luok, dublin
)loTarta, clare - Gorer, wexford Noughwell, wcftmeatll
Rathbridc,kildare Gorten, tIronc . Wheathill, fermanagh
ltathdrum, wicklow Orevi.k, rofcommoq , 14 .Fr;"'y.
It, JOhll'S, rof.:ommon Hofpittlc, limerick, wicklow
lit, Jolu'!s-well, clare Kilfiacle, tipperary Kilfcnny,com, limeric:k
St. John's-well, kilkenny KiIlyboy, kilkenny Ravenfdale, louth
.Tanderar;ee, Armagh Kilmurrahan, cork '5 Stllllrtl.,.
Tlmoleag>~', cork .t'etterkenny, donegaJ Ballybay, monaghaa
Tryad, deny Lougbbrickland, down Killcfhandra, cann
Tubbermore, derty N'Intenant,limerlck 17 Moritlay.
TuIlyviu, cavan N<:wcaftle, wicklow BalIyjameodutf. caYall.
6 T6I1rfda,. Newtown, waterfOTcl Caltragh, galway
la\\ifarnon, rofeommon Otdcafile, mcath Cafilccollllell.lim.
Duugannon, tyrone Ra\hdowney, q. c. Curral and Maun, cork
Mohill, le,trim athfaroh,"" dubtia Dronlkeen, kerry ,
Stranorlar, d"'legal Shinrone, k, c. rumshambo,leitrim
. 7 F,·:,/"y.' Skibber"en, cork Edcrncybridge, ferm.
BunJillglafs, HUYO Stradbally, q, c. . Killcdmond, carlow
Crofs, derry fafhiny, longfurd Randallilown, antrira
Mahoolan, decry Templepatrick, antrim Rathmelton, doncgal
M411orcunningham, don. Tobberp"dder, galway Swattcragh, derry
Monea, fermanagh Tullamoore, k. c. .ghmon, wexford
Moy, tyrone Tullow, carlow "lIow, limerick .
~in, c1ar~ Virginia, cavan TII.,,,,,.
1'alJagh, dublin I r 'Ii.t;J, Drumkerrill, IdtMm
8 S.lJml.,. 1 I' u~.ay. DUllmanway, cork
B \'Ilr. A mer, Imerlck," tl"J' rn 'ha I la
awn, I enny Atltlc"lfue' rofcommon I mic. e: c re •
Fcthard, wexf9rd Cl h k New BJrmm,ham. tip•
• rriud\own, fermanagh Clogb"lnl, k' 'k' Portrenard, limerick
Jame fi nWD, le· '
Itr1lll L onuoc,.C!o
'r k'ld' 19 ~tJ. ""
t ""J 'J.
~il6n, kerry, " ""y' eIX lp, I .re rmabrcga, meath .
Meuntpellier, limerick u Wdnd"Ja,. Bunratty,clare
"'lOea, fern13nagh Ballyroan, q. c . ' Gart-ison, f~rmanag"
10 Mon""}. Cahirmee, cork . Killill, tyrone
Ardfert, kc.err' Fr(ll(hpark, rofcommon Montanagee,Johnltllwa
.ArmaRh town GrayltoWll, tippcrar,. kcrry
BaDafodare, f1i~o . Kilmaine, mayo 20 Tlu".,d"y.
Ballinahinch, down l.ackeen, kerrj Aghygaulu, d"ne~ ..r
Ballilinch, kilkenny . LORgWoo<I, meath Buttevant, cork
BallymoDeY. antriJ» Macroome, c.ork , C~hir, til'per~ry
-'Ilynomry, fork' :N(\lcalUe, illnenck \Klldan,an , kildafC.
Kilgo••u, kildan 'Bonlahy, longford AUGUST.
Lilbellaw, fel'lDlUJllll (;lUItleblakt'ney, gal way 1 Ta1!6IhIJI.
!1 Frid-. Clogher, tyrone Aghaboe, q. c. ~ d"".
-" Coolboy, wicklow 1\ rdara, down
Beltn~bet, cavan J)oonul'g, clare Ballaghderill, ma"o'
Cutleahane, mooagkan t'r~ucbfure, kildare Ballybrood,limerirk
Drumabairt', leitrim Garvagb, dury Ballytrain, monagLtaa
Glulougb, mOllagbau Glam, mayo lJallgor, down
Kilcommer, cork Killllny, kilkellny Barrowmonnt, kilkenny
Killekr, tyrone Kiltegan, wicklow CasbcarrigllJl, leitrim
Lisborn, antrim agocnrry, armagb Castledaws'on, derry
MonryJUore, der.., Mulaghcrt-w,loutb Castle island, kctry
MlJSI;idl', antrim Ralllt"a-iinod, dowll CastJepoUanl, westm.
Newport, tippera.., Rockco ....y, 1Il0llaghan Castlctowndelvin, westL
It SattlrdlJg~ SIIMlle, mallo Clatl~', tyrone
Aunagassan,lollth' Tl'lIlpll'8town, wil'klow Clogl",en, tipperary
BalJindangall, mayo '1'omha~gard, Wl'xtord Cloghnakilty, cork
Ballybeige, kerry 117 '111l1,.sd"!I. Clouroad, clare
ClonegO'Wn, k,. c. }lllncrana, donegal COIIV,?Y, dom-gal
utgy, caVln Cairn, wexford Coolhnnf), wicklow
MilltowllPIUIB, roscomm. Cappagb, tipperary Derry M'Logbney, gal.
!40 MI17Iday. Clou('s, monaghau Dromure, tyrone
Ballingarry, tipperary }o'inea, wcstmeatb Drum, mOJla~.'ban
B1'Il1f. limerick. eskinore, tyrolle FOI'khill. amlagb
Leitrim town wadlinbar, C8\'all Glangowl1l, cork
Ih·dhill. ~av,an Tully, kildal'e Hollpvood, wicklow
~[) Tteadaf. 28 Friday. King's ,court, ca'ln
4thy, kildare / Bonnyfubhlt', donegal Malill, d(lllegal
Ballycanow, wexford Ca....icmore, tpone Ml'lcombe-regis. may()
Ballyclarl', Illltrim Cw;hel city, tippcrary Monkstowll, cork
Ballygllrteell, cork KilIyleagh, arlllagh. MOllutbl'lllish. ,:ork
Ballyhack, wexford ' 29 Saturday. Newinn, til'perary
Boyll', rosconl1!lon Ballyconnel, "a>an NewJl~rtpl'att. mayo
BurDcbll.rcli, kllkellny Lough,::IYII, ro."uIlI11l011 Ralb:.~y, ('arlow
ClaDe, ... Idare Newbliss monanhall ~ost.,,\or. dowQ
Clara,.k. c. ' eo Scrauy, cavan
Clollmallon, westmeath 31 lUontlay. Straballe Iyrooe
Jobnstonshridgp,arma/:ll A.rdsallagh, ruscommon TemJl!>, fermanagb
Knocke('roghery, cork I'\skeatoo, limerick Tullyodonald, (lone,aJ
Listowbill, kerry BalliDtra, 'donegal Tyolle, tipperary
Lurgangreen,louth 8allycowan, k. c. 2 Wedru:sdag.
Mallow, cork Barry,longfurc\ Ardshaubridgt', tyrone
MouDtbellewbridge,ga1. Brookboro', fumanalb BalaDagare, r08commOq
Moyne, mayo CloDegal, carluw IJallycleave kury
O'Sriensbrillge, clare EUllgh, clare Callagban, fermauagb
Passage, cork L~rllf', antrim, Callow bill, ti!rmaoagb
»etligo, donl'gal Mltcbdlstowll. cork Castleblayney, mooap.
St. Mullius, carlow Mobill,leitrim Connor, antrim
TramOl'e,watcrford MonWlterevall, kildal'e FarbaDe, may 0
Twomilebridgl', watl'rf. OldtowlI, donrgal Roesgreen, tipperarJ
, t6 Wtdnbday. Porlaferry, down Skibbereen, eork
Anglesburro', limt'rick SainUjeld, down Taghmon, wexford
Ballinagobogbr. antrim St. Marga'!, dublin j l·'.ur,day.
~allym,,"a, aotrilU , Straid,lllayo Beleek, armagh
, allilbu.. be, 'lrou& TemplcNl0lljC.IlJCO (:astleder,h. t~ro~
Cool~rl'ony, wexford 7 '6fOfltl_y. ROlberlr.o.:lilleJID1
Croagbbnrgl'ss, limerick Altmore, tyroue '8kerriea, dnblia
1)t'rralio, fermaoagh Rallincarrig, CUaD 11 FriIIcf.
t~ilcogny, cavao lJ~uada, sligo BallymuoD,loDcforcl
Ki\corky, roscommon Blrr, k. c. Baruagrotty, l. c.
Knocknaniariif, cork BlInnidane, .Ii~ tlri.-, mayo
Money,;all, k. Co BlIrrisoleigh, tiplK'l'V)' Carricdrnmroll8k,kit.
loinif, deny Cllrlanstown, JJ1('Ilth Gort, pI.a,
Orrator, tvrone Cashel city. tippt,rary Kilcock, kildare
Scar, wexford CastlefiuD, dooegal Killor«!YD. hrry
it. Johuston's-br. dOD. Castlesawp8oB, roacom. Knock aD):, Iimeri_
4 Frid4l1' Clollgb, antrim Hligo lowo
Athboy, meatll Cmmlio, antrim 1! &dtlf'dMy.
AugbagowcD, lIlayo Danyan, rosco_ Aff'anl', walnford
Ballinacor, wicklow Drnmli.h, longfllnl ArdoaUL'!, clare
Bro~nl'y, k. C. DUDhill, tipl't'rary ArmaJh low.
Castiedt'rmot, kildare Emyvalc, monaghaa BalliDa, m.yo
Cross, derry Janw8well, sligo lJallinakill, I). c.
Fl1l'rty, roscommon Kilmorry, kilkeony Ballymagaaran,e&VlID
Kilconnel, gal way Lurgan, armagh, i .,.. BaayscanlaD, liQlericl.
Limerick. city MODaghan lowll Balioo, carlow
Lonisbnrgh, mayo Pargaie, ant rim Balnl'~lerap, armacta
Maboolan, derry Park, d"IT), Balrotbery,dablia
Moy, tyrone Smithboro', mooqlaaD c..rrigaline, cork
~eale, mayo Tinabely, widdow Cast\cbraek. q.e.
-Newtowngore, mayo Westport, mayo Caatlemorria, kilkellDY
Sbeepht-idge, dowlI 8 1iu:fdaJ. Cutlesb_, mo.......
Tralee, kerry, l! day.. Arvagh, cavan Cloll/l:hjllrdaa, tippe......
Tnllagban,lt'itril1l BalliDacbstello, _yo Clonf"rt, ~_y
5 Saturda!l' BamagrD'\'e, cork. Crew, gal_y
Ballina, cavan Rrideswell, FOBCO_ Dooard, wicklow
Ballinamal/ard, fenoaD. Irvinl'stown, fel'llllUllllli Doneraile, cork
BalliDode, Ulonaghan iUiddletoll, armagla Donnelong, tyron.
Ballybny, cork Roscrea, tippt'rary JO;,nnisiteanl', cork
Ballyclough. cork 9 Wedwllhlg. GraDgl'mockler, tipper.
Barna, galway Arklow, wicklow Kilmacthomas, waterf.
lkkoo. fermanagh Camolin, wexford Lisane, derry
C.rdriny, cork Carrigalane,leitrim Maaseytown,cork,S...,
Cook.stown, t)'I'one Claremore, gal_J Moooe, kildare
Cross, armagh ' Coloooy, sligo. Md, caVaD _
Dangao', cork Kildalky, meath Newt0WDeY""p1wa1
Dowos, wicklow Kilfipap, IilDfficlt - Portgil'Oone,d£'l"l'f
Dunf"paby, dODl'gai ' 10 Thu,..,. Ratbcormnek. cork
Frc_bfonl, kilkenny Ballinhllllllig, CO"it ReCleastle, donl'gal
German'town, tipperary ColdaW, donegal Straogford, dowa
Kikasb, tipperary EnniskiUen, termaDltlh Stranorlar, dODe""
Aillacounty, cork G)aDwortb, cork l'arbert, kerry
Kilmorl'. down GIaSSOD, wesboeath Wicklow towa
Kouck.moyland, kilkeJi. Gowraa, kilkenoy 14 Morula".
Muff, donegal Kilnaleek, cavan Aglare, mayo
Nallteoaot, limeric~ Macbrccregan, t,roDe rtlagh, liD1t'rick
Newtownbutler, ferm. Moulltrath"q. c. Augher, tyrone
Omagb, tyrone MoylonfCb, galwa, Balmagarry, down "
ftedcroPB, wicklow Naas, kildare. Balnabama, we~\IIl"'.
,'raclon, cork. Newro88,wexford 'B~lfllllt,~lrim
Wl1iLecuurcb, waterford Rak~'tr"l" ~ay~ BUbo, \uuer'3
Caftleplunket, rofcom., Ballinaninch, down Dromagh, cork
Cavan lown Ball yket, clare Dlmlavin, wicklow
ChurchlaQd, kilkently Ballyvary, mayo Fermoy, cork '
Cladlhyh, galwar Carncw, wicklow Gallowrihill, may.
Dervoc'<, antrim Claranhridge, galw:ly Hacltetstown, carlG'W'
Faithlegg, waterford Clare, mayc KiIluran, wexford'
GreenCa.lUe, down 'Coolymoroho, cork tit. Kit(lownla"-r<n"e,watert.. '
Jonelborough, armagh, Kilkenny city Knot k~iroghery, rofcum.
Keady, armagh Killala,01ayo Limrick, wexford
Patrickfwdl, limerick Mullahifh, kerry Loughrea, galway
-' ,r 5 '1'u'ifd",. Scotftown, monaghan Lurganbuy,leitrim
Anngrove, cork Tarmonbarry, r"!'(Oln. Magilla, cork '
Ballyhrittas, q. c. 18 Friday. Molahajfc~ kerry ,
B~llymurry, rorcom. B'Irch woo, d q. c. ~oneymor~,derry
B a11 y fh ee h '
ane, tip. DrOln()n, 'limerick Moyvorr., we(lme-.. tn
Bdllytore, kild"re Finea, weftmeath N ewcaflie,limcrick
Borris, carlow OlaJlough, mon~ghan Newtownba.rry, wexford ~
Borris-in-Ossory, q. c. KiIlough, down ' Oldcaftle, meath
Brodagh, clare L k -'-- 1 Palmerftown, duhlin
Carrick-on-Suir, tip. ett,er enny, .....,ega Rarhm\! lI.. n, donegal
1 Liibellaw, fermanagh
Church-hill, donega Scortaglinny, kerry Shandrum, cork
Clo)!han, k. c. Swadl.nbOlr, cavan Sherwood, carlow
DooballYf 'Cawn Swinford, mayo Spanfelhin, clare
Dun!fannon, tyrone 19 SlItu,Ja,. Stradhally, '1 c,
Dunloy, antrim, Bally},ay, monaghan . Stragowna, fcrmanach
Drumquin, tyrone rumod,lcitl'im Thurl~5, tipperary
Garriftnwn, dublin Fivemiletown, tyrone l'imoleague, cork .
Kilmore, limerick ongford town, i ""]1 Tulak, r08common
Kinnity, k. C. MO)'arta, clare Windygap, waterford
llibghera, derry u TII'ift!.a,.
Mallacanlands, cork M.,,,la,.
:a ( Ballyclare, antrim
Mulaghcrew,louth bbeyknocklnoy,galway Cooldorky,cork
Nafh, wexford rdee, louth lnDiftiulOud, clare
Newbridge, kildarc Ballahean, mayo, l.:twren,cctowD, galW:ly
Nobber. mcath Ballinamoney, cork Shircock, cavan ,
Portumna,galway , • BalIinamorc, gal way i3 W,dnejJa",.
Rathconrath, weftm. Ballinderry, widtlow CatUerea, roscommolJ
R.ollellan, cork Ballyboy, k. c. KilIefhandra, cavan
Tohercorry,lligo BalIyheige, kerry MiIltewD, !Lerry. 3 *'1'
Urlingford, k,lkenny BaUymany, kildare t4 TlJuifd.". .
16 W<dMfJa,.' Ball ymoe, gal way , BalIyhad" wexford
Ardnagl~s,lligQ Ballyporeen, tipperary Ballyna", donegal ,
Charlemont, arlnagh Ban try ,curk CalUet:aul6eld, tyroDe
ClonnllY, It. c. Bdtra, shgb Churchtown, dcrry
Crofl'akie1e, meatll Cahirconlish, limerick Currabeglan~", cork
Don3l1:had~e, down' CaIlan.. kilkcllny D~rrow, kilkenny
Fo.tfield, mayo Caledon, tyrollc For~, wcftmeath
Grevi.k. rofcnm. 3
H ilUhoro' ,'down
rI",. Camdonagh, doncgal
Caslecomer, kilkenny
Kilnelag, galway
MilfOl'd, cork
ScaraweHh, wexrord ' Crcbilly. antrim Mohill,lchrim
$lradone, cavan CuIleil\vayne. k. c, New Birmin:lram,tippu~:
17 Thurf"'J' Curralll, !>err)' OOlalh, 'yrollc
.aaiebofo'. ~"';u1
Torlollgb, mayo DunimallY, 'yrone Slane, meat..
Wexford, town Io'arinaharpy. sligo WarrebalOwD, mf'atlt
!5 Frid"y. Kildysllrt, clllre " MlHIdag.
Abucragh, galway Kirkcubbin,down Allmort', tyront'
Ballintllbbt'r, roscom. Mountsbanuon, galway Athlout', west, _ . . .
Carricmore, tyrone N ewmarltt't, clare 8a1I~nakt'lIy, eork, 3 dI.
Clo~hanbE'g, dont'gal Port, donf'gal , RaJIlDavar, cork
DrDln~na, leitrim Rapboe, dOlM'gal Ballymoalt', sligo
L.-.erkelly, galway Tubbermnrry, limerick Ballyrag~ct, Itilkf'nny
KilIyleagh, Armagh !9 Ttt.tsday. Rartholomew-wcll, cork
Kililnllrrvibrickao,ciare Bt'aragb, tyrone Bellioloy, an trim
MaghE'rafelt, derry Gorten, tyrone Bdtorbet, cavan
Newtown,leitrim Mulling", wellmpalh Ca.Uf'mainf', kerry
llathfran, mayo 30 Wed""". Ca~tlelown, cork
Bathkeale, limerick BaJlingllrryeramu, lim. Cookatowo,tyronl:
!6 S4turday. Ballybays, cavan Cross, IU'Illllgh
Ard.... ~ longford Benbllrb~, tyrone Cmmlin, Antrim
Ballyllooly, cork Chllrchl:ill, fennaoagh Donegal .. town
BalIymore, dublio Rockeorry, monaghan Druman8, watt'rford
B.ubridgE', dowo, :; dB.. SI Thu,'sd,,!/. Drumcullf'bf'r, ('ork
Benuets6ridge,kilkeony Abington, limerick Emyvale, monagbaa
Cabirellywest, limerick Ballinvreeny, limcriek Enni., clare
Carlow, town !CIOneS' monaghan Fairhill, .:alway
CaruteeJ, tyrone Donaghmore, q" c. F~rns, wexford
Carrigtwohill, cork Gorey, wexford lo'intownj donq;a1
Churchtowrr, westmE'atJl.lnst'geela, cork Galway, ,town
Clonagam, waterford Kilkishen,clare Grayney, kilkt'nny
Cloone,leitrim K ilIygordon, donegal Kilcoolt', wicklow
CoolatiD, wicklow Lis,-arrol, cork Kildorary, cork
CrookstowD, cork 8c~kiDore, tyrone Kilb,loe, clare
Crosdolley,cavIln Tynagb, galway, 2 d./rgs_ Kilmagllnny, kildare
Donagh, fermamlgh , Kiltarton, gal way
Donnybrook, dnblin SEPTEMBER. Kinsal!', cork
Enniscorlhy, wexford 1 Friday. Knockmill, carlow
Garretstown, Dleath B('f'nmore, keTry Leitrim, town
Goolden, tipperar,. Brollghshanc, antrim Londonderry~ dty
Kilgarvan, we8tmeath Castlewellan, down Longhgall, armagh
Mot.iiligo, waterford Clifden, gal way Lntlrcllstown, dublin
Monea, fermanagh, Croome, limerick - Maryboro', q. c.
MountmeJick, q. c. Cross, derry Monaghan,- town,
Newblls8, monaghaa Curraghraige, wexford N~nagh, lipperary
Racabill,limerick Gardt"nmorris, waterf. NewtowDforbes,longf.
Rathangan, kildare Jamestown,leitrim 0ldc85tle, cork
Rockhill, cork Kiltegan, wicklow RatbsaJlagh, wicklow
Rusaelwood, kildare Hahoolan, dcrry Ruggxboro', curk
Sainl6eld, down Millstreet, cork Sainllit'ld, down
'fillaroan, kilkenny Moy, tY,rone Scaford, down
Tullyvin, cavan Multifarnham, westm. Shallagold"n, limerick
~8 MoJUlaog. Newcastle, wicklow Straid, antrim
Ahoghill, antrim 2 Saturday. Templemore, tippcrar,.
Ballioafad, roscommon Ballinode, monaghan • Trillic, tyrone '
Ballyconnel, caVAn Bllllygawley, tyrone Tlllla, clal"e ,
Castlelyonll, cork Ballvjamesdllft', cavan \ 5 Tuesday.
Drogbeda, towb Ca..acastle, mayo . Co!oony, ~\igo
Dundalk, loath COllrt&Curraheen, liD!. Drum, monagllan
Dungarvan, waterford l\iullinavat, kUkeony S~arv8!;hl'a", do"'.
~BJ • 'f': .
6 W"'~tj'Jay~, ICootehill, ravan IKilcorban, ~wa1 '
Cafllebaldwin, fl~go. Crosmolina. mayo Molahaff"e, 'li.erry
Canl&blayncy, monlghan Edgeworthftown, lengC. Navan, Meath
Kec1ogues. rnayo KilfenDycommpn,limer. Oldcaftle, meath
Sixnlilewater, cork Kilkenny city Ratbkeale,limerick
1 'ThllifJay. Lackeen, Iterry Tubberacanavan,lligo
Cappakernane, may., Loughglyn, rofcommon
Feathard. tipperary Lougbbrickland, down 19 'Tuesday.
Mountpelier, limerick Macroome, cork Ballybought, armagh
Stratford-oo.Slaney, wic. Oldmillftreet, cork. Ballyclough, cork
8 F "wy.
'J. R hd Ballyfarnon, rofcomm ....
at owr.ey~ q. c. B 11 -~?
A!hIord, wicklow Ro[manaher, cl're a ygunner, waterford
BaJiaghderin, mayo Silvermines, tipperary Ballytrisna, kilkenny
Ballinamultina, waterI. Wheathill, fermanagh Bennetsbridge, kilkeDIl Y
Ballyheige, kerry 1.1 Wcdnmlay. Carnteel, tyrone
Bawn, kilkenny GlYD, limerick Carrigtwohill, ~ork
Claghan, k. c. Tullow, limerick Caftleaampson, rofcOllUh.
Eytecourt, galway I4 'Thtlrfdoy. Drumlish,longford·
, Fortfield, mayo Brury,limerick Dunleer,louth -
Hos·pittle, limerick Curras &. Mann, cork Enniscorthy, wexford
Irvindlowll, fermanagh Mohill, leitrim Kildare town .
Kcadue, rofcoromon MulIiuahone, tipperary King~court, cavan -
Kilculleubridge. kildare Mylhal,carlow Ladydland, ~exford
Kildroughill kildare Newtownbarry wexford Mayuooth, ktldare
Kihnurry, c~rk Stradbally, wat;rford ~o~, cork d .
Kilncner, wexford Swadlinbar, cavan 0 rev or, own. -
Kilsallaghan, .doblin IS Friday. Templefiown, ":lc"l,;,w
LifJcen, dare Adair, linlerick Tubbcrmurry, bmendc
Mulaghcrew,louth Banaghcr, k. c. ?c"W,dJmday.
Newmarket, cork Blenerville,kerry B,ray, wl:klow
Ramsgrangc, wexford Derrilin, fermanagh CappoqulD, '!'aterford
Redlyon-i1m,kildarc Glallough, monaghan Gooseberryhtll, cork
Rollea, ¥,!rmanagh Rues mayo . Keney. wellmeath
' Loughma!k, mayo
St. M UI Ills, carIow 16 Salurda,. . M llah'lh k.
I 9 Saturdtry. Ballibay,nlOnaghan RI!", erry
Calhd city, tipperary Canlebar~ mayo S athfnland, dow~ .'
Emper weftmeath Pettigo donegal even~hurche8, wicklow
Knocir.;derry, limerick Shanbahymore, cork ~oberl_ndl~n~y~ gkalway.
Palfage, wateFford 18 MvnJa,. uragh, Imenc _
Ty~)Qe, tippcrary. Ballinakelly, cork, 3 days ':u ThMrfda,.
. I I Monda,. Ballylhannon, douegal Ballycanftw, wexford
Ballinabowh, weftmeath Be!laghy, fiigo Caltragh, galway ..
Ballyvfo)orney, cllrk Blarney, cork Calverawwn, kildare '
~nnisl<i11en town,ferman. Cahir, tipperary,' day, CalhcarrigaD,leitritn I
Kells, Dlcath Cafileotway, tipp. S day. CuUyvore; longford .
K.rnaleck, cavan Derry ¥'Loghny, galw_ iDonafi'e, clare, 2 dt'Jl .
Kilworth, cork Drumquin, tyronc Frcnchpark, rofcommoft
Middkton, armagh Dunmanway, cork 031way fq. plot, E. gate
Shanmnlla,longford Ennifcrone,lligo Ki1(ummer, cork,
Swords, dublin Finea, wcftmeath Killinick, wexford.
n Tuifday. lOlinfk, roscommon KilnlUrry, kilkellny .
Ardrahin, galway- Grangemockler,tipperary Moneymore,-dcrrr
l3altillfjlofs/ wicklow Hacketfidwn , carlow Mofgrove, cllrk .
u FrijIIg. 18 'l'lnIrsduy. Barrow, welrlord
Ardpatrjck; limerick Camonn, wexford Nllwbliu. monagbaa
Arvagb, cavaD CIQlIes, mona~ban OCT08ER.
Bmlyhaouis, mayo Kiltishanrlra, .-.aV&\l !t Mo~.
1:rossmaglen, armagh ,Kilmichael, clare Altmore, tyroae
Emly, tipperary Lorgaoblly,leHrim Aoghadown, cork
Larln/, cavan _ Rockfield, ro~common Dallina, cavan
Milltownpass, roscom. ISaiotfield, down RalIiotra, donepl
1I0ntaoagee Johllston, Sesil.inore, lyrone 8allively; mayo
kerry Tedo\Joel, Monaghan Ballyhe('neo, cork
KOUDtcbarles, donegal "l9 FrilJall. . BaH,keroltge, watl'd.
SammermU, Meath Aghyganlts, doul'gaJ Balnalack, weIi,tml'alh
!3 SatlU"day. ,\ ollgrove, cork Balnegll'rI, llrllUlgb
Dromon, limerick Aughagower, mayo 8oylli, ro~colllmon
Newtownard.s, dowD Balbriggen, (jubhn Cast/t!blakeney, gal~f
Park. derry. Ballinbassig, cork Castlecarbcrry, kildar~
'15 Mlm4ay. Ballimongb, ro~r.OR,JmOll CIJSIt'baclu:t, plwa)'
Ardoaglas, sligo BalliQicanlan, lin;lerick Cast/eis,lud, 'kerrv
Arklow, wicklow Ballyeonnel, .:avan Castlemartyr, 'cork
Alhl ..agll~, roscommoll BaJlyhack, \Vexf'ord Conno~, wrk
B'III, mayo . BallJ'.l!Iacody, cork Cork Cl tv, c\U",k '
BaIliDs\.idale, r.ork,
Ballyb.()~n, me~th
8allytl'ain, monngban Crouro.w: wicklow
BirC'~,rove, well,.ford Cru~l!n, antrim
Ballylnbbnck, klidare Car-rlCmore, tyrQn~ Cnlhhlll, cj. c.
Bt'ale, kerry Cappagh, tipverary Desertm{lrtyn, derry c

C1ISt\eeomer, kilkenny Castledermot. kil.dare Donfanahy,dOP~.;

Cavan town Casttelyolls. cork. Emyvale, I"OJlll liD' c

quggin, JiJnerick Casfll'townlands, Mayo Ellni$k~n('1 co .~." r

Drimoleaglll', cork C~tletownrocbl", cork Oranard, longfprd,
Dmmcannon, waterford Cloone, teilrim Jl!-VeJ"8town, clare
Olanworth, cork Clollmal1on, westmeath Kesh, fllr,manag/1
Holycross, tipperary Cooldork'ey, cork' ' KilcuJlen, kildare
Jolmstonsbridge,armagJl Dromore, tyrone KilqJlu:Jenniog, cotJt
Kiltialinerin, killllire DlIh~low,co.rk Kihnlirry,kilklmuy'
Ldghlinh'ridge, carlow Fiddown, ItjJJteQI~y KilLeely. IilDen,ck
Lismore, waterford FOI,khil.l, /lrmOlgh ltinnify,k.c.
lWuUinab"wn, kllkt'l)nyKant"~k, co.rk Kno('k~, 'Ii~rick
Newtown, wielllo\v Kilc,ock, kildau KnocklOllg,limerick ,
8tonebaJl, limerick Kllcor,ky,roscommon Lislooghe'1'. m;lYO .
Trall5towo', cork K ildangl"l, lc.iI,cJj.~. Maghenvooly, fenun.
'6 :r"'g Kilhlsb~'e, 'lougfQrli Magl\i.r~Jl>rillg .. , ftrlp.
AaglesbBJlI'o li~clt KiIlyleagb, "J'Dll\gb Mf'.elick., ~lw"y
BlIrrasa\um; -tittP KiJIIII"JlP, wft~a.tb MIDtow. n, we~t.meaU
ClareolOFe pI..,uar<J ~~I):gor,,~n, dq~pl M_Q.~e, \Veshnl!~f!t
DOODmnre' claM K Ilmor-e, ,dO\fU Mon,:;han tow.n
DroJDore, cl;are Kilt~l ..kiJdllre . MO!leyb,ore, w".xfo.l:~
Nedeeo, k61"" ...... ' LoUlsbn.rgh, lDllyb MOllnt\ld./., "n,trlm
Newto",.bar,y,_.flml MoUJl.tajn~tlt:. \utllri'.INarrow.,w,aJ~r, d~_
Taabiny leupord \fon1llbd~br. plwllY NJ!w(~afltle.,h.llltnl;Jt ,
, , MOllnt)l~\ftl; j:1ldt. Om~~,'tylone
!7 Wtlblarllly. 3Ionntr'atlJ; ,q. c. Orc!Dl\ra, .CV1oW
Benbln"be, tyroue Ral'bmllHon, m~aU1 Tintrlm, w~lIford
CarricanacrOll, JDo~b. Rns\ll,Il\\bfiti . . Tobbe1hany.,p~J>
Clar., mayo " -;ha:n~o..k'•. c. Tu"_, !!lal'e ..
COlilboy,'Wicklcnr' Tinnehiucll, cllclow Tr~Of"e, w_at~rfpr(l
Leckcarro.w nftIeonImpu Tut'iOI\lhUlore, clare Tl"lm, m~ath
• • • "Ha· "tare
s'1'tluclGv. Fedl.'more, Ii~rick IStranorlar, clenegal
AhacrOSB, cork h'vinestowo, 'fermanllgb 'fallow; waterford
A~gh town, KJlfenora, clare Tipperary town
Drum, monaghan Kinnegad, westmeath 'fobberpadder, galway
Ferrypoiat, waterford Leb:lip, kildare ' Tomgrenny, cla..e' .
Foxfard, mayo Manorbamilton, 'Ieitrin) Tuam, galway ,
Fredrfckstown, tyrone Newcastle, dublin 11 Wedllt8d.,.
InnisluulDon, cor~ Roscrea, tipperary Almer,limc:rick
Knockan, carlow Shaneacastle, antrim Ahogllill, antrim
MuJlinavat, kilkenoy Sligo town 8alliodangan, mayo
Ratbmeltoo, doat'gal Trilee, kerry, f dsp lIal1ybrood, limerick
Trillic, tyro ne ' 10 TIIad.,. Ca,Ueplunket, ro.coiD.
'. ,Wedlle8d0l. ArdaareC", mayo Killyleagh, dowa .
, Ballincll!re, kerry Athy, kildare Newtowobellt'w,galwa,
Ballow, down Aughaacloy, tyrone . 111 Thar.,. "
BalIyniapuran, cavan 8aIIiapbeUie, cork Carric.on.Suir,tlpperawy
Castleblayney, IDonagh. 8alIydebob, cork Dromdeer. cork, !t dup
CastIecoDnel, limerick BalIymoaey, Ralrim. DnllDcashel, loath
MouDthamiltoD, tyroue Beleek, fermanagh KilIena"le, tipperary
Tobllercorry, sligo Callaa, knkeaDY Killin, tippl'l'ary
TWahely.!.wicklow Carlinld"ord, loath Kikusb, cIa..e _ •
5 uvlday. CastlebelIiogham, loath LisbeUaw. fermaDa~
Ballinahinch, dOwn ('.astlepoUard, we.bD. Maghcra, deny
BaDiDasloe, galway. to 9 CastIetown.geoghegan, M&lSeytowl~~ cork, 2 lb.
Clltrony, ahgo westmeath Monivea, p1way ..
Lisburn f antrim CharlevilIe, cork Portarlingtoo, q. c. '-,
MobiU, eitrim . Cloghoakilty, cork Skreen,meatll
NeWmarket,rolCommon CooitltoWD, tyrone Skibbereen, cork
Newross, wexford Callybaona, IU'lll&gh Urlingford.!. kilkenny
Rosberkon, kilkeJiny DooaghadH, down 13 1"ri!Jag•
. 6 Friday. DoonmorC", galway BamDacarrigl'astl~,cork, kerry Dromore, down Clooroad. clare, !i! dap
BaDyeloujh, cork . Drumod, leitrim Johostoo'a.bridge. kUL
BeUc\lo, fcrllll.l1liih DUDdrIlID, dowo MODea, fermanagla
Cro.., derry '. . Eirkmaeody, cork Nobber, meath
.Drumshambo, .eitrim EndilCorlhy, wexford PortreDard. limerick
E.dl'rneyb'riaie. fennin. EDniakllleD towo, feran. St. JOhostOD'~, dOllegal
GeashiU, k. c . . Faitbleg. waterford Swadlinbar, cavan
Graigue, q. c~ F,yemiIebridge, cork 14 StdIU'd4y.
Mahoolao, deny Keenagh, loogford Adai., limerick
Hoy, tyro~e KiI~ooly tipperary Aghrim, ..lway
RayeDldaIe,lout.h ' KilIyoo. It. c. RailiebOro', cana
Templetooby, tipperary Kilrea~ derry Ballymore, weatuat-atli
, ,. Scttlrdar. LismullaDe, limerick ButleYant, cork'
BaIUnode... moaaghan LIBnesk!!l'. ferm,nagh Cappoquio, water(. . . .
Baw'ceysDacn, mayo Lonpefd,leitrim Can'icminea, dublia
KiUln, kerry, ! tlag. Midilleton, cork Headfort, galway
~owan ki dare Nadrid, cork Keady, armagh I
. 9 MOl/dIlY. Neoagh, tipperary Lissini.lty, tipperary I
ArdstraDbridge, tyrone Ne"!mllrkel, cork Lougbglin, rOIC.umw_ 1
Aikeatoo, limerick Newtownstewart,tyron Moyne, mayo ~
Bun.idane, sligo Noms, armagh 16 Mmtday. .' ,I
Cahirmee,cork Orriltor, tyrone 8allinacarrow, sligq ;1
CarrtgaIaDe, leitrim Ramicbae1, dublln RaDin.kill, 'I' c. I
Cutlefio, dODegal Ratlldrum, wicklow Rally:yoolane. cork J
Doonbeil', clare agprd, dublin Bantiy. cork
Vrumau, leUdm SJi'adonf, cavan BvrowmolQlt, lJIkellDJ
Bf'Ililltoy, alllrim MOhill,leitrim \NeWPOrt, tipptrary
Bonlahy,loogfol'd MOlmtpelier, limerick Oldltone,8JJtrim
Clane.. kildare Roesgret'n,tipperary St. Canil'e, kilk.euDY
Clifden, galway Scorlaglinny,kerry, 2 ds. Straid, mayo
Clobboy, fermsoagh 20 Fridtlf, Tubbcrbrackln, galway
UUngBDnoo, tyrooe RalIinacargy wl'slmeatb 14 Tlluday.
»unkanally, dooegal - Ballinakill, gwway ~rmabrega, m!ath
Galt.lNly, limerick Hallinass, donegal Ballaso~arc, .Ih,;o
Grevisk, roScom, !daY8 llallyragget kilkenny Dunlavm, WIcklow
1\..118, .ath Bunrlluytciare G?rtcn, ,tyro,ue
Killyll'agh, k. c. Castlt'dergh, tyrone Klloo.ckm, tlpperary
Lagocllrry, armagh Cbarlestown, k. c. Red!IIH, ca~aa
Lianarrick, fnmanagh. Cloghl'r 1vrone Strald, antflm
Nnrcetown, cork Clongh,'<lown Tllllylease, eork
}\j,.,.to\mgore,lt>itrim Collon, louth !5 WedJItMI"".
Pettigo, d0!legaJ Cootcciart', clare Ballyconnel, ca\IBa
Rosmanaber, clare Drnm, tipperary ballyma., galway
17 Tuesday. arbaue, k. c. Benburbe, 'YMne
Ballintogbu, slIgo Fetbard, wexford Bleut'rville, kerry
Borrjs-in-OSllory, q. c. Glaslongh, monaghan Coolboy, wicklow
Cahirconlisb, limerick Killaloe, clare Dllngiven, derry
Claregalway, gal way Kunl'kllamariW, cork IS.ilfiulln, limerick
DooaJnona, mayo Lepp, cork Knodecroghery, cork
Dromoroirk, kerry Naas,.kildare Mllff~ donegal
1l11ndmm, tipperary OldtoWIl, don~gal Rathfriland, dOWD
Ki\\in, tyrone. Oranmore, galway Rockcorry, mODaghaa
K;n'Varra, galway. k _. k" . d
Londonderry city Patric swell, hrueFle .'hlvermlDl'S, .'atenor
POI.tllmna, galway Rocbdale, lout.. WaterfOrcl,city
8trokcstowu, roscomm. Tubbermore, derry 26 nv_,.
J8 Wt?d"eBday. !18ctll.rdllg. Ballyheige, kerry
Abbeyteale, limerick Agbaboe, ". c. 2 day. Hallyj;upesdnW. cava~
Broadway, we~d 8allibay, monagbau Clont'~, monaghan
BmW, limerick Ballyfarnon, roscommoll Coolnahay, wt'stmeath
nurpcburcb, kilkenny Ballymoate, gaIway Convoy, donegal
Castl .. town, q. c. Galway sq. plot, E,gale Culloville, armagh,! tU.
Cccilatown, cork Jonesboro', armagb Enniskihen town. ferm.
Dnleek, mt'atb KilgobcDt't, kerry Glam mayo
Ifolycross, tiptlerary MODt'ymore, derry Goolden, tipperary
Kilcomin, k. c. l\olount-nWlgent-polIerl'a, Killeter, tyrone
Mayo, k. c. cavan Markethill, armagh
lIIilltownma!by, clare TaghmoD, wexford Moccory, wexford·
Mogt'cly, cork Tt'mpll'more, tipperary Rockhill, cork
Mula~~crew, !outh Tullamoore, q. c. Saintfield, down
-'New KOSS, "Wuford !3 MOIIdau. Seskiuort', tyrone
Rosl.ocrkon, k\lkcnny Ardee, lout.. • ~., Friday" .
Timoho<', q. c. Ballymena, antrim Adamstown, wj!JQord
TJIlrahen, mayo Ballymnrry, ro.commou Ardeath,rueath ..
Twomilebridge, waterf. BlI5hmilla, antrim Carricmort', tyroDe
YO\lgball, cork Douag"more, down Castlereagb, down
19 Tb,''''", Dnndalk,loutb Dervock,8JJtrim
Ardll8l!agb, rC}8commou Frel'lllarjlet, westmeath Droumalagree, cork
BaDinacostello, mayo Kilkennywest, wetilm. Gorey, wexford.
Comber, down KilIyvally. westmeatb KiIlyleagb, armagh .
Dramkeula lei\rim Longford town Munoe, Um~rll1k
Garrison' fe_nagh Lurgaobuy,leitrim '18 s..h!rdCl!l'
,. , . ' ell alway
llaIlyOtlari, l:i1da1't Newtowneyre, galway MOllntalbot, rofcotmni>o
llanagh~r, lC.. c. Newto'\\;nlil~i"ady,derry Ncnagh, tipperar,.
llonn,fubbl~, d!lnegtl Rathcorlnuck, .cork Newtowngore, mayo
Clogheen, tipperary Roughtybridge, kerry NewtownflJville, tytone
euUeu, tipperary . Shircock,Q'Ian ~in, clare'
Donegal town. Tinnthinch, q. ~. kandall{\.own, antrim
- Glanogra, limeriek. 'tullow, carlow Rathbeagh, kilkenn:y
Glenerag~, kerr,. 3 1 T".rJa • Ratl;t.c1are, cork
Graig, kilkenuy "'. ~ Rathdowney,q. c.
Kilbeggan, weftmeatl1 Ballycarry,anttill'l Roftrevor, down
KiImaine, Mayo Ballycaftle; aDttUn Slygoff; carlow
Lifiowhill, kerry BelOldagh, rofcommon St. Mullinl, carlow
Mallow, wrll: ' Carrigart, donegal Stragowna, fermanagh
Mitchel~s,-fort, cork, Drumahaire, leitrilll S~I(/an, kilkenny
Moone, kildare Mahery,.armagh Stewartftown, tyrone
Mullinavat, Itilkenny Malin, donegal Tr3IDoi'e, waterfor4
Nl!!wblifs, monagbal! Newtownforbes, long£, Weftport, mayo
Oldcaftle, meatq Templepatrick, antrim Wexford town
Pallis, tipperary Tubbencanavan, mlo " '1'hMrftlay.
Roslee, mgo . Ballygawley, tyroDe
30M,ntI"y. 8allyinagorey, tyrone
'Authago'tVer, mtytl J Wetl"iftltzy. loone,leitrim
llallinderrr, 'Wit:llo'w :A.ghygaulu, doneg!11 Greenoghs, cor~
llallyhaulUB,m:lYo Ardara, donegal Muff, d"rr}, .
Bal\yleague, rofcartllnon. Arv~gh, cavan Tarmonearry, rofcotnm ..
Ballymore, dub~ Baliaghderin, mayo 1I FriJ"l·
BandoJl, cork Balanagare, rorcommoll~;llIycaruc, antrin;l.>bgfoTtl BalIinacor, wicklow Beireek, armagh
]lawn, kllkennY' Ballymany, kiIdare Brookboro', fermanagh
ClalibuUoclc, k. 1:, .aall~t\'ain, Itllmagh8.ll Caihel city, tipperat'y .
Cloghai!', k, c. Bectivebridge-end,meath Caftlc~wiu, fUgo
Co'Ilitl&towil, w'e'blr~~h Cal'ricfergns, antrim Caftletown, limerick'
Connor,lllltritn Caihcarrigan,leltrim Convoy, donegal
Ctflgitlln, rofco~lho~ ~aftleblayn'ey, monag~a Crofs,' de'rry ,
Cu~ran6, kerr,y ~hurchtow\l, derry CrofsD13glen, arma~
Downpatrick, Clown Clara, k. r. ,:punkerrin, k. c.
Drogheda town Coolkenno, wir,ldow Fintown, donegal
F erns, wexford ,Croaghbm-gcfs,limerick GIiDville, cork
Finton", t)'rone lJromore, !fronc., Kantllri<, cork
Fortfield, maye Garriftown, dublin King's-coUI'l:, cavan
Glenarm, antrim Glangowra, cork - Mahoo1l!n-, d~rry
GICIl3VY, antrim Grangemockler, tipper. Middleton, arm~h
Gra},abbty, down Granlhaw, }rerry, ~ tIay) inola, maro
liofpittle, limct'ick ,HolIy'fl'ODd, wicklow 'Moy, tyrone
ltilcreeft, -galway Kitdare'tO'Wn Qldabbey; cork
1{.ilmainhamw9'Od, inea~h Kilgobenet, ;vat'er{ord Onlagn, tyrolle
Irnockaderry, limerick Kilmbrcf lim'er~ Rues; mayo
Louilburgh, ma10 ilmurry, cork ,Sheepbrldg'e, ~
Magherafert, 4erry itilaleek, cavan , TullY0c¥'~la, do'ric~l
Newry, down , i 1 t e e l , kilf1are 4 'SatllrifaJ'
NewtQwn, :wiCkfow LiCgoold, cork ~bylei1[, q. c,
Newt.-~ingham, dllD. MO\lntm~ck. 1),. Co' ,lhllinode, mopa&b~

Callao, 'kilbaaf Kilmiddy,limeric:k Belcarra, rnayo

Collotl, louth Knockarding. tippcrary Culdatr, dollegaJ
:l.deoderry, k. e. Milford, carlow Enniikillen town, ferm.
Emper. welbneath Newtownbutler, ferman. KiIlygordon, donegal
Ncwtowobaz:ry, wexford NcwtownhaOliltoo·, arm. Lifbcllaw, fermanagh
Parkgate, aDtrim O'Brieo's-bridge, clue Hiwbirminghanl, tipper.
Raphoe. donegaL Stapleftowo, carlow .. Ibvco{dale,louth
TaghlUoo, wexford Templehoufe,llig" n 8111I1rt1,,'y'
Toomavara, tippcrary Tinahely, wicklow BallicmofJer. q. c.
6 Mo"do!/. Tralce, kerry, ~ tlttJ' Blarnq, corlt
Altmore, tyrone 8 Wt"tfr.t/Ja,. Clare, town
Barna, galway Anadofne, down Cookftown, tfrone .
:Barnagrove, cork Annagafi'an, loutlf Cullenwayne, k. Co
Ballinderry, wicklow BaUywalter, down Kilconncl, galwa,
Ballyhays, cavan Balnil8Jeragh,lIlma&h Killarney, kerry
CahireUfweft, Ihnerick axher, k. e, Knockany, limerick
Cliffoney.. Jligo Bandon, cork Lurgangrecn, IOlltla
Cloullee, q. c. Jlelfaft, aritrinJ. Newport, rna10
Clonmd., tipp!=rary Carlow town Newtowol)ellew, gahny
Crumlio, antrim Carrigalaoe,cork Newtown, waterford, at
Cnrras" Maun, cork Carrigtwohill,cQrk Siwtnrr;"t.
Ganagh.~ . ClogJ:a, antrim Pomeroy, lyrone
Kilcoguy, cavan Desertmartin, deny RathCran, l11ayo
Kilnn, kerry, 2. day. pungarvan, waterford Shrule, mayo
KiUucan, well:meatb Frankford, k. c. Wheatfield,fermanap
Kilmore, down Irvill,l!ftown, £ermana,b IJ MtIIl/.,. .
MlIlIorcunnipgham, don, Keadue, ro&conunon ,Antrim, town
Monaghan to\YD Killala, mayo . - ArdrahiD, galwar
Neale. Il}ayo Killelhandra, cavan ,Annoy, antrim
Pa{a~citown, carlow· Letterkenny, douegal Augher, tyrone.
P.u'lt, derry Moylough, galwa)' Ballinamore, leitrim
Port, donegal Ragorey,wexford - JJallinamJlltina,waterford
Scar, w~dord . Rathfriland, dowD Ballinglllry, tipperary
Smithhoro', Dlonagi)aa RoOea, fermauag4 ,Ballymoate, fiigo .
SWQl'ds, d..blin . Saggard, dublin ,Bella,hr, der1"f
TaGelnagee, armagb s~, ~ HlefelDgton, Wicklow
Tem:po.fermanagh Strangrord, down Cafllelllorria, kiDttDD1
Tu119w,.limerick . Templeiown, wicklow Caftlewellan, down
1 TUI!sdny. Tulkin'.'pafs, armagh Cav:an, town
Athbo, ,·me~ 9 Tlzu, Charlcmont, ~rna&h
Ball, mayo CaDJQliu, wexford Charleville, cerk .
Cabi ~ce, cork Carri~macrofs,moJlagh~· CIi!>d4agh, galway
Call.lerea, rofcommon Danyan, rofcomm.on .. lanoulty, ti:.'Pcr\U'T
Churchill,. donegal Drumqujn, tyrone loghnakilty, eorl!; .
Crofsakiele, meath Kilkenny city Clonegal, CIIl~ow
J)l1Im, Monaghan Mohill, leltrml Done~le, COI"k •
F~rmO)', cork MQuntrath, q. J;. J)owns, wicklow
GalloW1!WJ, J:IlafQ T,llagh, dublin DuDJU", antriul
Gort"gal~y Temp1cmartiD. ki1kenny Dyfart, q. /:.
Qr.ang~mQl'e, weftmeath Tullialhan. leitrm. ~yvale, monap. .
Hcrbenftown, limerick xer PridllJ, Figivee, defTy
~~c&hillJ kiWarc Ba1l1.,eorne7It~I!\GraJi,e; 9~o~
• KilIeigh~ cork' 16 nt"'d",~ . Largy, ea... .
Killollgh, down AnlJeltown,'waterford Lougbgill, ••trllD
KiIlybegs, donegal AlIghnarJoy, tyrone Milford,.cerk.'
LiQ;jrick, wexford
Lismore, waterfonl
BallillBhincb, down
8allinaklll, q. c.
~ollgbhricklaud, down Ballymoate, galway
Nasb, wcxford
Nedeen, kerry, t
Raloath, melltb
d.,.. •

lIIacreddin, wicklow Banbridge, down,;} day. 21 T1IUIIsy.

l.\-Iacroome. cork Beltllrbet,-cavan .1\ rdach, limerick
Mitchellstown, cork Capl,agb, tipperary Ballybougbl, armagh
Monea, teJ'malla~h Can1ew, wicklow Ballyclare, antrim
l\lankstown, cork Castil'lyons, cork Hallymabon,longford
Mullingar, 'westmeatb Clady, tyrone 8roadford, clare
Mlllpbeder, mt'ath Claranbridge, plway CarndonagJJ, donegaI
Nantl'nant, limerirk Drunlshambo.1eitrim Carricdl'umrousk,leitrira
Pa5~age, waterford Manorhamilton, It'itrim Ca,t1emaine, kerry
Pt'ttigo, dOlll'gal Mulaghcrew, \cmtb CoI.oony, sligo
POl'tadowlI, amlagb Ratbmelton, donegal Clllmllllin, meath
Hathangan, kildare Rasharkan, antrim Donaghmj)re, cork
Ratln·i\Iy, carlow Trim, meath Feathard, tipperary
Hedl:astle, donegal . . 17 Friday. Fut'rIy, roscommllll
Strahane. tyrone Ardpatrick, limerick Gilford, down }.
'l'"illsk, rOSCOlDmOD Bailieboro', cavan Kiltartoll, galway
. ' Clady, derry . Kilworth, cork
. t' Thesday. Crookstowu, cor~
Ballyshallnoll, donegal Crosdoney, cavan
Kinsale, cork
Morieymore, derry
Ballyvarry, mayo Dllnfanahy, donegal Newmarket, cork.
Rorris, carlow Glaslough, 100naghan Ramullan, derry .
Callaghansmills, clare ScOt~towD, monagban Ramsgrange,wexford
CootehaIl, roscommOD 'l'ullanJore, antrim St. Jobnston's,lougford
Derrilin, fermanagh 18 SutUTday. SbiDrone, k. c. .
Harkctstown, carlow 8 \I b S d
Kiltegan, wiclc.low a y ay,monagban tra bal\y, q. c.·
Castlebar, mayo TulliDtldally, gal_y
I,isnacon, cork Esky, sligo' '1'llIlow, c~rlow
NoblJer, meatlt Killorglin, kerry Virginia, cavan
ScarvlIghpass, down Monntcharlea, donegal !Il Wtd1teMIay•.
, Strokt!stown, roscomlll· Ratbkeale, limerick Affane, waterford
TriUic, tyrone 20 Mllftday. Aghrim, wic"klow
15 Wed7lesday. Ardfinan, tipperary Ballinacarrig, ca"a.
Mdnaglas, sligo Armagh, towu Ballybale, kilkeoa,'
Ard~tranbridge, tyro ne BalJinvree~y, limerick Ballyroan, q. c. •' .
Arklow, wicklow BallyscaIly, tyrone I Bangor, down
RaIlyscanlaD, limerick Brodagb, clare eastlecofi~ q. c.
Bl111finglas, mayo Buttevant, cork Castlefin, dODepl .i
Castlebra.'k, q. c. Carlanstowu, mealb Clonegai, carlow
Cottersbol'o', cork C1oghaubeg, dODegal loufert, galwa,. ~
Dromkeen~ kerry CODDogb, cork Clongh, down !
Drol,manargilebeg,cork Coole, ·westmeath Carrofin, clare
I)unloy, antrim Crosskcys. cavan Curran, derry '1
Finea, westmeath Down, down Fivemiletown, tyrone •
HiIIsboro', down . Dromagb, cork Garrhidinny, q. c. '1
Kilcomragb, waterford I)unnelong, tyrone Kilbrittop, cork
l\Iaguireshridge,ferman. Gardenmorris, waterf. KiIlymore,. galway
Na.&bera, derry GlasSDn, westmeath Lurgan, armagh, ! ~ r
Orrator, tyrone Gooseberrjhill, cork . Middleto... cork .'~
POl'tumna, gal way Kesh.fermanalh Naas, kUdare ;...
Ratlu;onrath, we.tmeath Killeter, tyrone. Newtown, waterfor.
TeropJemarti., kilkeDny Middleton, annagh Kilela., clue
~a 'l.1&tuwIag. Monnlshan1lon, galway &nockbny, moaapa..
BaIlymagaurao, cavan 29 Wtdrwday. Mitchellatowu, cork
Clve, mayo Bearagh, tyrone Multifaroham, weltmftl.
Darrow, kHkenny Benburbc, tyroue TuUyodouald,lIouepl
M_hie, Antrim GorteD, tyrone 4 Moad",.
O_;!tll, tyro.oe LiIW-arrol, cork Altmore, I)'rooe
Ponarlib/!tou, q. c. Rockcorry, mouagban 8a1lyconoeJ, ca.a
i4 Jonday. Roscreit, tipperary 8allysllubaae, tipperIU"J
Almscragb, I18lway l'obbercorry, aligo Cappueroue, mayo
BeJIyJodan west, clare SO Tlw.rlllllq. Casllederglt, tyrooe
Carri~rt', tyrolle Ballintra, douecal Clooroad, clare
~iJstOWH, cork Ballycanow, wexford . Cromlin, alt&rim
Coilon, looth Ballyheige, kerry l>ooa~lty, Iyroue
Killylt·aglt. annagb BalJyn_; dooegal Drpmlillb, Iongford
lda('brecregan, tyrone Sally tor!', kildare Insegeelagb, cork
Monf'ygall, k. c. Castlct'anlfield, tyrone JODeKboro', armagla
t l Sat_Nay. Church-bill, fenuanagb Kingscourt, ea....
BirchwGOd, q. c. Clones, Monaghan Maryltoro', «t. c.
Brid{!;etoWIJ, clare Conrt & Cnrraheen, lim. Monagban, towD
Brury, limerick DOIla8~, clare, 't day., Muyne, _YD .
.JDlmstoD'..bridge, arm. Fid~oW1l, kilkenuy Navan,mea.h
Lusk, dublill 'Ianwortb, eork p,bilipstown, k. c.
Newbliss, monagban Killinick, wexford Spansl'l.bill, clare
NewtowD, leilrim _ MOlllltaincastle, waterf. Swatteragb, derry
SI. JobnstowD, donegal Saintfield,down Toome, ahtrim
Sammerbm, Meath . Se8kinore, tyroue ' . !; Tuead.,.
Wieklow, town arrenspoint, dowD Aboghill, antrim
~7 Mllndag, Balllnllll\oney, cork
Aug1eaborro', limerick DECEMBER. Ballil/garry, limerick
BallinamaJlard, ferman, 1 FridGg.. Ballinrobe,mayo
Belcoo, fermanagb Agbrimland•• galway Cabirconliah, limerick
Bunnidane, sligo Ballyc;:leave, kerJ'Y Cloyne, cork
BurriMoleigb, tipperary Ballycnmber, k. c. Dntm, Monaghan
Carnteel, tyrone Rallyket, clare Drumoroirk,kerry,2d4y.
Coolattin, wicklow Bantry,cork , Longhrca, galway
Dunmanway, cork Banrceysbarn, maro Moyvore, westmeath
Dnnymana, tyrone CastIetowlI, limerick Newtown, sligo
.Farinaharpy,sligo ClllItletowodelvin, weat. Newtownbotler,fermau.
Jasper'. pound, clare· Cloghjordan, tipperary R06Common. town
Kildorary, cork Cro~8, derry Sixmilebridl(e, clue
Kilgolagh, cavan Fortfiehl, Mayo 6 Wedwaday.
Lisantc. derry Hly n, limerick Ram boy, k. c.
:Rathwyre, westmeatb KillygordoD, dorte«&l Brigown, cork
Straid, OIayo Harrow, wexford Caatltblllyney,moD8gba.
Swadlinbar, Lame, anlrim Castlt'lI!UIlp!iOn, roacom.
28 TU4!IIday. Leitrim, town . Clonegal, carlow
Ballycastle, antrim MaboolaD, derry Cootebill, ('avail
BalDabarna, westmeath Melcllmberegi., mayo Oonagbadcc, down
BroW, limerick MilbU:eet, cork _ Gray8town, tipperary
Donegal, town MonlanageeJobnst. ker, Kil/ashtt, loogiard
Drumadoan, antrim Moy, tyroD~ Kilma... thomall, watert.
DungannoR, tyrQne / . !! SGh.Nay; Mona.lereven, kiluar6
Ederneybridgl', fermaD. BaUinderry, wicklo,\,!, . \Yloneyhort', ~t'xford
KilluquiD, -weabDeath Ballinode, mo-acbao. N4i'w?UUe.. wlCldo-..
Kirkcubbill, d!lw8 CODvoy,cloDefBl.' ' ~ewlDll, tJ.PP'IWJ'
Powel"8toWJI, ki.lkenoy Clogbm, tipperary
Ratbbeagh, kilkenny (;Ioncgal, carlow
Kildalky, mull!
lihanballymore, Cjlrk.
. .
Ralhfrilaud, down Coolgrenoy, well.for~ Tralee. kerry
se.iord, down Doonmore, gal way 14 l'llttlwlay_
Telll\,letooby, tipperar~ Dntmqllin, tyrone Bamna.carrow, sligo
"l'jmoleagne, cork Dondalk, Joutb Ballinaco6tello, mayo .J
7 'l'I&llrBd«y. Donleer,lonth BaUyfarnon, ro8cQ~
Armabrega, meatb Elpbin, rOlcommon Callaa, kilkellDy
Bellinabatty, sligo Emyvalr, monagban Caltragh, gal way
Balliodaogao, mayo Enoiskillen town, fenD DrolDon, Ii_ricit
Cahir,' tipperary Fosford, mayo M_y.towlI, cork, t a..
Graigstown, kilkellllY Grayoey, kilkcony Newce&tpwn, co.-k '
Mobill,leitrim HollYRWllnt, wayo Newto",abarry, w.exford
Mollinall1lne, tipperary Kantnrk, cork Shircock, cavan
Templemore, tipperary KiIlyleagb, down ljj l<Md,,!/.
8 Frid«y. Kilworth, cork Adeir, limerick
BaUinabown, westmeatb KnockmiJI, carlow Boofinglas, mayo '
BalJintogiJe.-, sli__o LOIIgwood, meatb BurrasaltaDC, tipperary
Bal.tioglll8S~wicklow l\1ollntmelick, q. c. Castleshane, mooagluua,
Cabirmee, cork M off, donegal Clilfony, slig/l •
Croome, limerick Newcastle, limerick Crossakeile, meath
ForkbiU,armagb Newtowueyre, p1,,'ay Glasioup, mOBagan
Gowranl kilkenny NewtowD..tewart, tyro. Goolden, tipper,I'Y .
Grayabbey, down Oldcastit', meatlt LaureDcetowD, glLl_.,. ,
Irvinestown, fermanagb Raslle~g, denegal Milltown, keny, ~ days
KilcuIlenbritl~e, kildare RatbdnHII, wicklow tl,.
M .. wutmealll ,
l\IaslacaJiltlods, cork Roslrevor, down . Sewbirmingham, tippe.I-.
Mosgrovt', cork Scralty, t;;av.anPort, doneglll .',
MouDtpeliec, limerick Singland, limerick Portrenard, limerick
MOIlJftain.castle, Mayo Skibbereen, cork Rathdowney, q. c,
Rakes.strl'et, mayo Tarbert, kerry TuliagiJan,leitrim
Ra_gran~e, wexford Tipperary, town , 16 Saturday.
ROI!8, wexford . Tllllyv&n, caV3f\ Asbford, wicklow
Tallow, waterford Tynagb, gal way BalUnakill, q.c.
Tinabely,wicklow Wells, cerlow Ba lIybay', monllgllMl
Turloogb, maYG - 1'l! 1uuday. 8allymltrry, roscollUlJoq
, 9 ,,,,"urday. Aglare, Mayo Ooootlf'g, chlre
DrnlJ)od,leitrim Busbmills, antrim KillJ1llr.ry, kilkenoy .
HortJand, kiltlare Cutletownroehe, cork MOIlDlbemilib. ,cork
Mnllinavat, kilkmny CI(!gilan, k, c. SCIW~glinny,kerry, 'dB•.
Stranorlar, dODegal Crf'ggane, k. c. 18 M01Idaf/. '""
11 Mondm.J. Donagbrnort', q. c. Ardee,lpntb.
Acton, armagh Lar.keen, kerry BaUymoatl', 8lige
Ahner, limerick, 'l dill/' Oldmilllltreet,.-c:ork ~~U1'lJOreen, tillperlU')"
Atby, kildare Pol'taferry, down Chfdeo, galway ..
:Ballingarry, tipperaryltathrnelton, donegal Cooldork,Yi cot'k .
Ballymacod)o, cork Itathowen, weetmnth ColoOoYrllligo
Ballyragget, kilkenny Turagh, liaJerick CrosmQliDa.,weyo
Balneilera, armagh 'J'urlougltmore, clare Cullenagh, I). c.
Bin', k. c. 13 WC1l1ltlldag. Enagh, clare
Boolahy, IOD~rd Ardnart.'e, may 0 , Freshford, kilkenn)'
Brookboro', ferrnanagh .Ballioacarrigcastle,cork ~ilnalet"k, cavan
CallowbUl, fennaoa~h .Bal\ybays, t.'8VIIO KilliD, tyrc,me
Carrickman08Sj monBg. Drn_na, lI.'itrim . . Uadeen, clue '
Castlepollard, webtmeatb Graagemodliler; ·tippes-. PatricbweU,lim,rick
Clogh, autri1a . .Iooistioguc, &ilkeUllr ' alhc*'.e,c{)rk
Stra,'oDe; cavan Newportprat, mayo t5 Mtllldq.
SwNif....d,mayo 21 Tlt.-1Il"1l'. Armo}" aauim
Tn-illSf'IISS, wexford DaDina, cavan - BaUybpfey. doIaeiaI
ToIrabin.·mayo Benael8bridce,kilkeooy Lllugfield,leitrim
19 T.esdsg. I Cahirellywt'u,lilBerick 16 'liro:':.,.
Blmervilll.' • .Jterry Cappagb, tipperary Agbrim, wicklow
Clll!1Iedermet, kildate Cashcarrigan, leitrim Anagron, cerk
CutJewellao, down Dunkerrin, k. c. GeuhiU, k. c.
Crt'ggs, !;Illway Garrison, fermaolgh . '1:1 Wetheud",.
KlIOckaderry, limerick Hackel8town, carlow Beoburbe, tyroDtl
Ross, cork Jobnstonsbridgr, kildar CroS8lll8glen, armap
StragOW1111, fermanagb. Kilcllmmer, cork DeMf'tmarti., der"
to Wft/lJeIIlsy. Kilgobeoet, kt'rry Fern. wnford
Agbrim, wieklow Kilmllrry, cork Kiljfo!,;aet, watelforcl
B"DIIICk, 'westmeath L1sgoold, cork Kifmore, limeriek
Breomote, kerry MacbrecregaD, tyrone R{lckcorry,lIIoaagbaa
..claremore, ~alway MODt:ymorr, den')' f8 n ......
CIoone, leitriJR ~ouat-talbot, roIIcllDIIII. BalIygurttea, cork
Cool'"')" wicklow 1\1 IIlaghcrew, lou!h Clout'.,lBoa.gban
Cnrnbeglaods, cork Shanon, k. Co Newmarket, rollCOIIIIIIo
Drumkerrin,leitrim Swadliubar, cavan Sai8tfield, down
Edgewortlrst!lWb, lGUgf. TlIDr~B, tipperary Seekinorr,tyrone
Eyrt'coot1, gill way n Frid"1/. 29 FriIiaf•
.Fn!emarke't, weatme~th Anlara, dOllt'gat amcmore. tyrone
Oalh'Wshll1, mayo Arvagll, cavan Carrigalanc, leihim
Ja1nes'o~,leitritll BaUa~tlerin, maye iIlylngb, armagb .
KHnelllg, ca¥an KiJfl'Tmycommoo, Iimer. Letterkenny, deiiepl
Kiltt'gan, wicklow Kilkishm, clare Lo~bgaU,armap
King'll-court, cavan "flahtrday. St. Johnst01l'O, fongf'.
Knock~rogbery,coik Dallybeige, kerry Stranocuni,antrim
Knucknamari1T, cork Ballyjanrelldulf, cavan ;I() .'i'cItrdsy.
Leek~l1'o\V.roliCOmmOD anytraio,1I111paglllm, CeokstoWD, tyrone
HitltowoVlISl, rOlicllmm. f.,isbellaw, fennanap Newbliss, monagban.
New~...ket. clare ib~reen. cork Stewartstown, tyroae
Wtd1U!ldag, March 1. 'Ibnd." ,loly 6.
Friday, ikpt. 1. . 1 Tvelf14y, October 10,


R6.d tire fint Col1l1D1I 1If SrleceMf/e dill,-oees, tbllB, Abbyfeale to
Lhtaweft 7 Miles 6 Furloogs, LiIitowt'1I to Al'dfert 13 Miles 3 Forlonp.
Read the second Co'kutm of Total d.i~tauet-a, tJrus, Dublin to A bbyfeale
1!3 Mnes 8 FI1'r1ongs,''to 'Littowt!H 131 Miles I Furlong. &c. To avoid
R~petimoos thrre are re'ferenc:nto the 1-0 Collunns, thua (1,) (2,).(3,) .kc.
Also IfD ln4ex, 'With rererencn 10 the Col1UlJ1\a where t4e .Jtoada are tll
lie ·fotm4l. . _
. (1)' ,(2)
"f.4wUm. ,••".\8.
~b"~.,col.71":·Iio. 0\)\\28 S
M.F.' •• Po.
. \
""'to"eB KqT!I 7, '6'(15"1 1 '-kIIenck, col. 7 Linl, CD. 0 O. 94. eo
"f4fllft .q' S,lt4 .. AKe~tOQ . ,\3 9\?7 ..
Road. trom .Dublin.
~) (~
. AIf~hw mid Clog"er.
M.F./M. I!"
Dallyroan - ,
. 111.1'. M.
9 5 44
Emy"ale,eol.7 MOll. co. 0 0 ' 66 1 J)lIrrow, KilkeJllI,1' .. 51 '7
An;:her' 'Pyrone 8 7 1 7f> 01 Urlin~ford 9 4 61 !'J
ClogIIl" 1 !J 76 5, Ca_bel, TIpperary 1f> 3 76 6
Rulbrip,m., Cahi, B 85 ..
Ba11"1I,hkry,col.7 Dublin 0 0 14 '! Clogllcen 6 :l !11 '7
Balbriggeu _ 1 '! 15 4 l1allyporcen 3- 3 9:> !': _
Forw. tu J)I'ogb. 1.vutl,8 5 KilwOIth, Cork 8 1 103 3
- Bailkool'OlA/;-/" Fl'rmoy ! b\,106 0
Krl1s, col. 13 Mealh 0 0 31 Ralhr.ormllc~ 3 !i log 6
1\loYllal1y 3!; 3.'> ! Watergrass·hlll 4 4 114 J
Bailirboro' Car.1t 7 6 43 0 ('/Irk 8 5 121 6
• 8audon 13 !' 136 1
Ballillakill, Clonaghkilty 9 0 145 1
Athy,col:} Kildare 0 0 S! ,tiROS! 6·3151 ..
Tilllfthlle, Queen'" 9 ,I 41" !l ,8kibbrreco 8 7 160 :J
Ballinaklll 6:1 47 5 i Baltimore 6 8 166 6 .
" Ballg.:asile. by A.trim. ,- I BatutgAer.
Balluriug.... col 11 .J)OlCI\O 0 .60 <I 'New·lnll, col. 14 MtulhO 0
20 0
Lllrg:m. Armagl. 7 1 67 b !Carberry, ' Kir:g'.5 6 25 6
Baliillut'rry lflltrilll b 6,78 3 :Edl.'nderry, :} 2 29 0
Giant'''Y 3.'> 77 ~iPuilip~to\\,11 94 ,Sf ..
Antrim 7 0 8.0 iT1Il1amore 'T :, 46 1
Kells, ' 5 69b Wrankford 9 4 bit 5
Ball~mena S 7 93 4,Clgghan 6 S 62 0
Clogh {; 0 ,99 IBlUlligher 4 4 64 4
13allycutJe 13 7 113 ::I Bagor.
BallyCOllfl('U. . ' Belfast, col. 8 Antrim 0 0 80 0
KilJ.isbandra,co!.l1CatanO 0 60 6Hollywood.DUlDII"l 84.-4
B.allycooncll 66 67 41Bancor . [) 90 0,
BallY/()J/grord. IBray WieklOlO 0 0 10 0 -
Adair, col. 7 Limerilik 0 OlO!! 0 Black,bull 10 0 ID 0
Ncwbridgc 7 S 109 S Wicklow 4 0 24. 0
Shanagolden. " 4 US 7 Arklov.; 12 0 86 0
OtY,n 7 1 h!t 0 Newbt'lro'orGorl.'y,Wez.9 4 45 •
Tarbl'rt, Kerry 3 0,124 0IBallycanoc 4 0 49 •
Ball~loogro"'d 4, 0 118 0 .Olllart 7 4 b7 0 -
1Wexford 9 66 5
BallymMlty, !() k 10 2 76 7
Antrim. col. 3 Allflim 0 0 84 O,:BallunOOcowrmuc 4 1
(l 88 0
! 94 t
I Bantry.
Nashnrkan 6 6'101 '0 IBandon, col.... Co/'k 0 () 136 1
Ball"lllon"" 6 4'107 4 Duomauway 13 " 149 5
• -, Drumalnllue .... 6 1 155 6
B/d/yrlJgget. Bantry '1 ~ 163 0
NaIlS, 1'111. 7 KildareQ 0 15 4 Balkrghy.
Kikllll. bridge lJ " ' i l 0 Moneymorf',.col.6Derryo (l as I
Ath)' it 1 82 -1 IIl1agacrafelt ... " 87 1
CaKUecome-r. KilkerInJ 13 0 .,;. 1 DawBoll's-bridge 2..1 89 Z.
B-allyraggel ... 4 49 5 BaUagby 2 ~ 91 ..
Ba/tinwre. &wt',.brit1ge .
Emo 'Inn, col. '7 ~Qutell" 0'0 34 li o",.n, r.ol •• KiUIfMy 0 0 52 O·
Roads (rom Dubliu~

(5) (6)
IV.F.\M. F.
.. 7 56 7 Agflrim .
..P. Ill. F.
Bun-Voleig1&. Tillahely 6 0 41 ()
BoacreB, eol." Tipperary 0 0 59 2 Carnew 57 46 7
0:69 2 I CaslkpolUuJ.
3176 S Trim, col. 1 J lllt«th 0 01 't'l •
BKfTisakmte. ,Ca'tit-tn.ddy.Iuu j.f,U. 11 7 34 S
Birr, col. 12 King's 0 0 6S., ,Maypole · " . 1 39 0
Bnrrisakaoe, Tippergry 1\ 0 7. 7 CasUepoUard S :, 42 a
Broug~. I CI4dy.
]ten., col.S Ant. 0 0 89 5"DIIDglren, col 12 0 0 ~9 0
5 :} 95 O,Clady
CI...·e tlrrou"h Athlolle.
8 ;, 107 ;,

Bntlersbridge,col.13CIJ1I.O 0 57 0 BalIinaDlore,t.-o1;16 (jgl. 0 0 74 .5

Bellurbet ... 1 61 llKilkerrin 11 4 83 1
CaIlahill Fmna.7 5 68 6, UuoUlore 8 0 91 1
Caledcm BalJiodiue . 8 0 99 I
Ardee, col . .,. LouthO0 34 4 Clare Mayo 3 ~ 10ft 5
Mill of Louth 50 39 4 ClonInaUock.
CasUeblayney, .... 12 0 51 4 Lucao Dublia 0 0 6 ..
CasUeshaoe . 7' 59 3 Celbridge
7' Kilt/we j 2 9 6
MiddletoD, 0·63 3 Clam
..4rmagh .. 6 1 15 1
TYDaD . ! 0 65 3 Prospero\11 t 1 la 0
Cale:dOD, Tyroae ! 3 67 6 Kilmeague 4... ~'t 4
. CarUgfflTd. RaUIDngan 6 0i \l8 ..
Dondalk, col. 6 Lo,dla 0 0 40 5 Cloubullock. King', cn. 3 ;', '2 I
CarJiJlgford 11 51 7: ClollmUles. I -
• lArlUle Fort. D\lIIcormack,coJ." Wu.O
11 '1'6 0, 7
Ki1cnDenbr.coI.SKildareO 0 21 O. Cloaminrs, ... 6 tu .i
Timolio 8 6 ~9' 6 ClolW'1l.
Caatledermol . .. 11 33 71 Callen, col. 5 J(ilkcnJty 0 11 6;' lA
Carlow, Car'-S I 390, Mobaher Tipperw.II3 .5 69 ()
Leighliobridge tl 01 45 0 Cloneen . 5 5 7.. ,j

Royal Oak
Killtenoy, Kilkemty 10 21' 0 Navan, col.Cl01le
47 ..
b7' 1S, •• Meath 0 0 !IS Ii
Callnl 7' '1 65 :3 Nobbt'r 9 0 SS 4
lii_ilebouse, Ttp.5 71 0 Kingscourt c~a. 5:3 38 t
CloDmel . 10 6 81 6Stlircock, 5 '1 44 6
BaIIyn;amoltiaa, WIller!. 9 91 4 Coot.. bill 7 6 5t -l
Ca,poqnia ' 6 1 97 [J CIODt'S MImlI-KMII 8 6 61 ~
LIsmore 2 7' 100.. Colfr<ljlte 4" BwhmU16.
Tallow " 0104 '1 Duudalk, col. U Louth 0 0 40 5
Dugoom('y (Ark 9 41114 0 Ntn. Hamilton Annagh 12 3 53 0
Cutlemartyr "j4113 .. Arm~h, . '"9 2 6~"
Cloyoe ' 4 122 4 Blackwater·towD .. i 66 ..
Carlille Fort . 8 0 ISO ... Cbal'l~mont 1 (j 68 t
c:.rric1rIergu 4' GlImllt7ll. Coal.i~land T!l rone 5 5 7S 'l.
BeUiast, col. 7' Antrim 0 0 80 0 Ste\\'arbtown 2 ... 76· 3
Carriekfergus 8. 1 88 1 luoneymo. re Devr, 6 6 83 1
Ballic:vl'J ' .. S 92 4 Ursertmartya ~ 21 87 3
Lanae 6> 1 97 5 Tubbt'rmore , 2 5\ gO 0
G1eDarm 8 0 105 5 ~t.gbera, . 2 1 9'! ~
. . \ Gar.v~a 7 6 99 7
Blackbnll, ~ot. t::5 Wick,O 0; to 0 .co"'.'raiD • 8 5 1108 ..
Ballad... ij 1llt '1 B~\Iill\l -4f1tnm G. ~,u .. G
70 aoad. frOli!l Dllblin.
(7) (8) M.P.M. P.
Cumber. M.F.'\II. F.[IDunlter ' 6 7 :;0 ..
Dromorr,eoL8 D61D11C1l.0 0 66 O:Castl~belliulham 3 34 $_
Ballinahinch 8 01 .,.4 U:!Dundalk • (; 40 [)
Sainttield 4r 0 1 78 0i;Jonesboro' .........1& .. 7 ..,5 ..
- Derr,.
, 0184 O,:Ncwry
DowlI 5 0 50 40
7 f '5a 3
l>rogheda, eol.1 u.tI& 0 0 IS 5iBallbridge SI 1 60.
COUOIl - 5 6' D s'IDromore • 5 4 66 O'
Ardte [, 11 ;M 4, Hilltiborougll . , ,3 :J 69 S,
Carrickmacrou, MOll. 9 ., 44 ~iLisburu ...""... S 73 0
8all)'OOy , 10 6 54- fi;;8elfut 7 0 ao ~
Monaghan 7 ~ 61 G'Nellll'towDal'ds DOlDA7 4- 84,..
Emyvalc 4 1 66 1: DOl!aghadee' 7 1 94 1
AughlJae1oy, 7Yro1lll4 S 704, • DrlltlltWmr'•• ,.
Balligawley 8 t 78 6, Carrlck, coL 14 LeilrmaO 0 7"1 ,.
Omagb 11 86 2, Leitrilll , • 3 0 ao 0-
Newtown.atewart 'I 0 98 't' Ballintra :. 5 83 5
Strabane 7 I 100 4' Dnmlkerrin 7 1 ~ tI
Derry Dmj 11 5 111 11 DJ'IIIIIahail'e 7 !l 98 0
. DiftGle. ' Dnuat:tilItU&er~
ltathcoole Dublin 0 0 8 0 eamel. col. 4 Tipper. ~ 0 76 S-
Kill Kild4re4 11 4 ooldfll , , 8 4- an _
Naas 8 0 1.') 4 TiPttcrary _ '6 If 86, S
Kildare 9 147 KilaaUock. Lim. 17,Oi138 S
Monuterrvan 5,! SO 1 Charltville CMIc'4 6108 1
Emo-iulI QatttU',4 5 S4 6 Drumoollaber 9 7118 ,()
Maryboro' 5 .8 40 1; Duleek.
Mountrath 6 4- '.f.6 :;' Kilmoon, col. 1&. -araIfA 0 0 15 4-
BOTI'is in Ossory 6 4- 5S 1; DuIeek ' 5.3 to .,
~oscrea TIpper.6 1 b9 2, Du_on·Fort.
Dunkerrin King',4 S 68 5' New.Ro.. ,col. 8 We:ff., 0 0 6'1' ,
'l'oomavara 'JIipper. 5 7 '69 4 1 [)1IDC.,.OIl·POJlt la 1 79 S
N!"IJagh ~," 75 0, . naltdnlm. "
KllmastnIla ,8.8 88.8 Radlfrlland, col. 7'DOWItO 0 57' 4
Limerick Lim.10 94 2 OUDdnntJ ll! (i8 •
Patrickswell 5 0 99!: DUllg41TfJR.
Adair ' SOlO!!! ~, Lcl,blinbr. col.;, c.. 0 0 4-5 0
Ratbkeate 6 0 1011 0 Royal Oak !e 47' 0
Newca...tle 6 S 1448 Gowrau lI4lI-Y'5 0 5i 0
Abbyfp.ale ~ (I liS, 8 Thomastown '.6.7 58.,
Castieiiland Kerry 10 2188 5 Knocktopher 4 1 6S '.
'l'ralee, . ' 8 614" S; Car. 011 8uir Tipper.1! 75 0
Dingle , , ! t 5164 0 ' Kitmactbomat Water. 8;' ~88 'S
Downpatrillk 4' StNlll{{/(fI't/. 1Dnng.I'van . 9 6 98 1
Newry, col. 8 .' Dou.'II 0 '0 50 4: .FMtllard, 7ipper4f'Y.
,,Rathfriland . '1 57 4- Urlmgford, col. 4 Kfllc. 0 0 61 •
CastlewelIan ' 7' 4 Dj 0 KilIenaafe ''fiwer. 11 I 7'! 4
Cloagh 4 0 69 0 Feathard 5 ,6 1'8 •
IS 0 '14 0
6 80 Leigblin"r. col. 5
Royal Oak
Fttllard, Wr:qord.
9 0
! 0
-46 ,I
.." 0
1J",ords, DllbJiII 0 0 ., 0 Gores·bridge Bilk. 4 1 ~l 1
'M an of War {i., I" 7' Ballybnrria CarIIiuI S 1 54 1
Balftlddery ' . 28 14 ~ New·ROII W~~ 13 0 CI'7"
Dr<Jgh-:da LotI"" s 18 5.IFo&lalri 13 -81 1
RoadS from n..blln.
FiIIlou",. H.P., M. V'j lllll'i.slaJaln •. F. H•••
LitTord, col.9 IWntgal ° °1101 2 Cork, eol. 4 Cork 0 0 It2 /)
tBstMin .. 5 105 7 InnisbanDoD 10 5 1" :;
BaIJibofey' ~ 2' Ilt 1 . hnci#iope. • ,
Jlintown 12 411124 511 Ilomaatown, ('oJ.S- Kilk.O MI '1
Fi"emiletoum. Inoistiogoe 4 I 63 0
DOlJOogh, col. 1;3 Ferm. 0 0 67 :I lImwtplllJlId.
Brooksboro' 6 01 '13 3 TobberdouYI coLlO 0 lOt 5
Fivemiletown, -'l!fr1l7M!;; 0 78 3 Corrotin' ClaTf 7. 0 109 .'i
. FrederickstoWII. looistymood 8 6 118 3
Duogannon, col. 12 Tyr.O 01 7t 6 Jalanstotcll. Dmtl'pl.
fomE-roy . 8 0 1 iO 6~ LitTorll, col. 9 Do. .,lO 101 t
7 4 88 ~ Jobostown
I KeIt1IUJre TOlDll.
00,9T! CII.IUeisland,cGI.7KerryO 01335
6 0 107 I

FerlA.13 0 lOO 2 KiIlaroey

Milltown Dublin 0 0 2 2,
I li"emnare Town
9 7 143 6
11 6155 iI
Ennislterry WieklolD 7 4 9 6 ' I:..anesboro', col. 11 Longf.O 0
Togher lun . 7 It 17 SI' Ros4:llJR. 7
GlaDdelongh /) 0 !S 31Tulst 5 !
Gortahurk. . IFrenchpark 7
SrrabalJe, col. 7 Tyrone 0 0 lOO 4 ,SallagbadirreD, Mayo 6 I
LitTord DU/II'gal 0 61101 :i1Balla~y Sligo 8 97 6
Ra\1hoe 4 5·105 7' Swiotord Mayo 5 [) lOS 3
Letterkenny . /) 411I2 si Foxford 9 lie 1
KilmacrellaD [) li'17 4: aallina 'I '1 120 9
Glen lno '5 6,123 ~\ KiDala /) 5127 S
DOnraDally 8 3131 5 KilzilfcgA,
.. Grai,re.'
Gorrsbridge,cul. 8Kilk.·0 0 51 1
6 5 138 2! Dowopatrick,co1.7 DOICIIO
6 0
Graige 6 5 57 6 Cloagb. col. 7 DIIfI1It 0
GrartIlrd. . Killough ., /)
A thboy, col. 11 1Jfeath 0 0 \l8' 4 . Kilrea.
Crosskeys . 8 4 37 0 Magbera; col./) Dm'! 0
Finn lYestlfl.10 b 47 5 Kilrea, 'I
Granar,) Luntif. 4 :I '52 0 Kil,wh, tlrouglLougkrea
HfUketSt4fL.,..· ElIflu.
Blessiogton Wit:kl. 0 0 14 0 Ballinasloe,col;.l2 G• •O () '11 P
Hollywood 44 18 4 Agbrim $ 4 '15 •
DOIlard 4 1 2i"5 Looghrea 11 0 86 •
Hacketstown Ca,'lorD 10 0 ':12 b Gort 11 r PS 8
• JleaclfOJ'~' Tobberooany., \ ~ ~ 102 I)
Tllam, col. 16 Gilfway 0 Il 93 01 Croshecu, Clare 3. ,lOG 8
lIeadford . 1U OlO:i 0 J!:oni. 6 112 9'
• HDlgcriMB. Clare . )1 1t4 Ci
Urlingford, col. 3 Kirk. 0 0 61 ~ ilrosh . 25 ~S9 6
'l'harlea Tipper. 9 0 70 :3 K;i7llflle.
lIolyerou . ~! 13 b Cork, col. 4
/dfl{eela. .' inale
,Cork, col. " Cork 0- lHU 6 . Lottgltgall. .
OYl'D~ Inn i
o'3 12l' 1 "Dundalk. coi. ill..outJ. 0 405
I udlPgeefa 1':51,146 "61 Mar,,~bi\l, .,41'JR04r1a'11 5S 0
72 ~~ds from Dublin.
(11) (12)
M.F. M.F·I IIl.F•• M ....
Bamiltons.bawQ l! 4 60 4, Newlown Glt7lw.
Ricb-bill 1 b 6~ 1 Clogb, col. 3 Antrim 0 0 99 40
Lougbgall 3 4 65 [, NewlowlIglens • 11 6109 S
Manorh"milton. NewtliWu·Barry.
Blackbull,c.s Meath 0 i> 10 1 IJlcssington, Wickwu'O 0 140
Brim 12 3 22 4' Ballymore-eus,tacc,Dub.:3 5 17 5
Atbboy 6 0 ,28 4' Baltinglass, Wicklou> 11 5 29 S
Oldcastle 12 6 41 21 Tullow, Cl'rlow 8 6 38 0
Dalybridge C"f)1I7I5 0 4d 2 Clonegall 7 0 45 0
Ballyuanangbt 8 2 54 4 Newtown.Barry, We::r;{. SI ;; 47' 5
Crossdoney 1 4 56 0 Newtownlimarady.
Killisbandra 4 6 60 6 Cbarlemont, co1.6 Arm. 0 0 68. 2
Baunboy 8 6 69 4 DunganDoD, Tynme 4: 4 72 g
8wadlingbar 4: 5 74 1 ICookstown 9 0 81 6
Cross Roads, Ferm.3 4 77 5 8tramore Iun" Derry 9 2 91 0
Largay, ('aoon.6 6 84:3, Dllngiven 6 0 990
Manorhamiiton, Leitrim 9 6 9<1, 1 Newlownlimavady 7 b lOCi :;
Middleton. O'Brun''icige. '
, llatbcormuek,eol.4CorkO 01095 Nenagh, col. 14 Tipper. 0 0 75 0
M.iddletoD 11 0120 5 O'Brieu's.bridge, Cl4re 12 2 87 ~
Mill-mm. Ouchterard th,·o' AthlO1lf.
BallyporeeD, col.4. Tip. 0 0 95 2 A thlonc,col.Ib ''''.8,Rosc.O 0 59 5
Mitcbel1stown, Cork 6 1 101 3B"llinasloe, Galway 12 1 n 6
Kil.dorcry 4 1105 01 I K ilconne1 6 3 78 1
Doneraile 5 7111 3 New luo S 7 82 0
Mallow 54 116 7 A tbenry 9 6 91 6
Mill·street :17 6134 5 Oranmore -6 3 !Ja 1
Moir4. 'Galway. 4 [. 102 6
lIanbridge, col. 8 DoumO 0 60 4 Ouchterard 13 41116 2
,Moira 8 6 69 2 Passage ud Cove. .
M01IWea. Cork, col. 4 Cork 0 0122 6
. Ballinamore,pol.16Galw.0 0 '74 5 Passage 5 o,~126 3
CastlebJakeney 5 5 80 ! Gove ' ,. 2 21130 5
Mcnlollgb .'3 • 83 6 ' Pettigo.
~onivea 5 4 89 2 EnniskilleD,eol.13 Ferm.O 0 79 1
N"u'. Lisnarick 8 4 87 5
8alJyboghill, Dublin 0 0 10 3 Cash ' 2 6 90 a
Naul 3 5 14 0 Pettigo, '7 2 9'7 ~
Newpar' '''rowgla Roscommon Fortadown.
aM Call1lebar. Newry, col. 8 Down 0 0 50 ...
Mulliogar,col.14 Westm. 0 0 38 2 Tanderagee, .A.rrAlIlIh 10 6 61 fa,
Rathconllra 5 7 44 1 Portadown 40 :) ~ 5
BaUyniahlm, Longford 8 3 52 4 PortMJ.M.
LaneBboto', Lottg. ~ROl. 9 6 62 2 Coleraine, col. 6 Derry 0 0 108 ...
Roscommon,' ' Rosc. '7 1 69 3 Portrusb, .A..trim 4 7 113 3
Balliutobbel' 9 :3 78 6 Portllmna.
Castlerul(h 4: 2 8'1 0 Monasterevan,COJ,,7Kild.0 0 30 l'
Ballinlollgll , 5 1 88 1 Ponarlington, Queen's 5 S 35 ...
• hJlyhauuis, May" 4 0 92 11Clonegowan KiIIg's.'3 4 39 ()
:tall IS 5 lOb 7 Killeigh - . 6 SI 4b ~
lW_DilIa 2 1 107 0 Ballyboy 9 4 54 6
-CaJtleblll' 5 1 US ;;! Bin 9 1 63.,
J!ie",ort· 9 2 1'2~ 21 J,>ortamna GW.11 6 '1ii 5
Roads from Dubtin. 73
(13) (14)
• Ro,tr.",ol". M.Fj M.r.\lKilmoone
JOIluboro', col. ,8 Louth 0 0 45 4iBlaCk.lion

Narrow.water, notO" 3 4 49 0 Blanc

Rofrtevor 3 0 s~ 0
" Ru,h aad Sl"ri,.. Lucan, 6 4
Swords, ~ DII6Ii. 0 0 1 0 Leixlip, 80
lAlk 4 JI 0 Maynooth l[ J
Rllilt ~ 4 I34iKilcoc:'k 144
sterrica 3 4' 11 'New Iun, Meal" 5 ~o 0
Rutlalld. 'I
Rl&ck-buU, col. 4 Mealho 0 10 I Kinnegad,
Clonard B. M~a: f!d Kil. 6
Weft_ath 3 4 "9 4
a6 0
D1Infhaughlin 3 11 I" 0 Mullingar ' 8 6 a8 a
N 4 t';m , 9 6, 23 6 Balnalack ' 8 0 46 a
'1 '1 31 S, L ••gflrti 5 1 S:I. t
Ca'flan 9 01 40 S Longford 6 2 58 3
BalJ:yjame!!dulF 414 4S I Newtownforl>ea l& 6 61 r
Cavan ' 8 7j .1'4 0 Rulky.bridge, L~itr;11I 5 I 66 " '
Butlertbridge 3 0' 57 0 Drumfn3ve 6 7:1. 6
Wattlebridge, Ferman. 5 :7. 6:1. Carrick 3 2 77 0
Newrow~butler 2 7 65 ,I Boylc, Rom",,,,.,, 7 5 84"
DQD():Jgh 2," 67 3 Ballinafad, Sligo 3 3 88 0
Li6illkea " 7 '70 ~ Colooney 10 6 98 6
Mlg»lrefuridge ' l& 4 12 6, Sligo S 410l 6
Liibe)\a.w . :7. 5 75 3' S/radlal!;.
XJinilt:J1Icn :3 6 '9 I Athy; col. 3 Kilda,. 0 0 32 I '
Chlu-ch·hiIJ ' 9 088 I Stradbally, ~un'. 6 5 38 Cl
B~eektown , . 9 I'197 2·, Strll/flt,.",. ,

BallysbanDoD, J).neza~.5 3100 Clogh, col. 3
5 01105 5 Stranocum,
Anlri",o 0 99 4
9 , 108 S
Ddnegal S3jlll O. iJ"",.'rlUll.
Mountcharlea 1
3 0 J[4 0 K.ilcock, col. 14 Xilda,., 0 0 14-4
Td the turn at Ki1Iybe&s 9 .o1112J 0 Summ«hiIJ, M,aM 5' 4 200 0
Ardra' 7 0 tJo 0 . Taghm,,,,
N:¥rn ' 44 X34 4' Newb.orGorey,c.3 W1".0 0 4S 4
ShJlagan,bridge 6 4141 0 Ferns . 8 4' 54 '0
D~glo 90150 0 Enniacorthy 6 I 60 I
Rutlaad 3 6153 6 Taghmon : t I ~ 11 l
• Sa-lelf. "" Tarm",/'ar'7"
Ratoatb M~at'" 0 0 I2 6'. Uiopr, col. 14iV<lt"'. 0 0 38 2-
ScreeD ,6 6 19 4 Ballynecargy . 7 4 45 6,
Sha"",n BrlJg~.' I ColehiU, Longford 5 I SO ,"
Kii\eggaD,col.13 W ~"" 0 0 44 2, JSarry' ' '3 3 S4 2.
Clfta, King's 4.~ 48 .f. Keoajth :\4 S6 ,
nallycumber 2 S 51 I1 KilIalhee . . ' , 4 '2 6r 0
Fe3'rb:loe 'I
5 6 S6 TarmOl1b. L""gf.{IIRolt. 3 5 64 5
Sh6nou-br.K.C.StR.u.8 J 6S 0 TuJ/a.
8i..,.",lk Br}~t. ' TO'Omava11l, ~o1. 1 Tipp.o Cl 69 -4
Limerick,col. 7 L"""i..1 0 0 94 0 lIIeoagh S -4 7S 0
Six~ile- bridse, Clar. 8 1 10:1. 1 KiUalQc, Cl.orH 1 4' 86 -4
" '. QI..,.· ,Broadfurt. ''1 0 9S 4
Grecnogc M,lIth 0 0 9 '4 uUa 6 4 IO:a. •
74 Roads from Dvblia.
(15) (16) ,
WatlTford tD Tra""" . ... r.'M. r.p M.1'. M.....
Knoc~ophcr,col. 8 Kill. 0 0 1\ 63 o,'Ballynamore, Gal<r11.3 5 74 5
Mullmavat 6 S 61} ,)1 NcwtowlI-bd1cw 8 0 h 5
Waterford, Waterl 6 4 76 1, Tuam 10 3 93 0
Tramore 6 0'1 h 11 Kilmaine, M'"J'II IX 0104 0
We,tler', I
Kinncgad,u:Ll4 W,lt., 0 0i :a9 4; Partree '
, 4 108 0 °
5 0 1[3 0
Tyrrcllspas~ 10 41 40 o. Weaport 10 5 1:1.3 S
Kilbeggan . 4" 1.. 44 1. 1
Mo.atgreooglle 7 6[ 51.
01 Ballyoamult, c. 4Wattrj. 0 0 91 4
Athlol1e, W. fJd ROI~. 7 j 59 5i AgIHh' 9 ,3 100 7
lIallyforan, R"~~ I I 5 71 l.i Youghall, Ciri 8 0108 7
Ardfel't. C~!Dingle • •Co~IManorbamil~on C;; .
.Alkeytsn • • 1.' Donaghadee • 7 Middleton 11 ,
Aughcr &Clngher 3'IDowpatrick and' Millstrcet • 11
lIalbriggcn . • • 3 Strangford ,Moira • 11
Bailiehoro' • 3;Droghcda. 7 Monina • 11
lIallinakill. .. 3',Drumahaire. ,2 Naul. • • U.
BallycalUe byAntrim 31Drumculleher • 8 Newport thro' ROII-
Ballyconnel • . • 3 Du\eek • • • 8 common & Castle-
lJallylongford • 3 DuncanD0n Fort ~ bar; • • II
Ballymoney' • • 3iI>uudrllm. 8 Newtownglens ., Ill' ,
:Ballyragget. • 3,Duoga.rvan. 1
8 Newtownbany • I!I
lIaltimore • 3iFethard, 'IipPJ· 8 Newtownlima-vady n
'Banagher '411.f'~thard, Wt"/Drd 8!O'Brien,s.bridge . U
Bangor 4 FlIItown. 90uchterardthro'Ath-
llannow 4'Pivemiletown 9 lone: '. • is
lIantrr 5iFredrickstown 91Passagc & Co,"e .' u'
,Dellaghy·. 5 [Garrison • 91Pettigo . • • u
.Beonet's-bridge , 5 Glandelough • 9'Portadown. • U
,Brougnlhane • • 5 Gor~ahurk , 91~ortru!h la
Burrisakane • 5 Gralgnemana .. 9:Portumna u
Burrisoleagh • S Granard • 9. Roflrevor. • IJ.
J liadtetftown •
5 Headfort
5 Holycrora
• 9.I!.~tland
•. 9i&:recn '. •
• J, .
9 Ruth anli Skcrrk. • 13 '

'. 13'
CarIi.lcfort 5 Inchegeela. • 9 ShannC?nbridgc • 13
Carrickfergui and Ioniihannon :. IoISi1mikbridge • 13
Glenarm • 5 nistiogue. '. 10 Slanc.. I~
Carnew • 6lnnistymond. 10!Sligo. ~4,
Cilstlepo!J.ard. 6 Johnstown, DllIugal Io1St.radbally • 14
Clady. • • 6·KenDlare town • I.G1Stranocum 14
Clare thro'Athlone 6lKilIala • • • 10 SUDlmcrhill . 14
Clonbullock. • 6 rKillileagh • , loiT'Ighmen. 14
ClonmincI. • 6Killough • • 10lTarmonkrry • '4
Ci<ll1ell •

• 6 Kilrea. • • IG\TUlla.
• 6 Kilrush tbro' Lough. Waterford;o Tr,,~
• • I"
~oleraillc & Buihmilll6' rea and Eoni. • 10 more. • l.i
(;ornber • • 7 Kinsa!e • • 10twcstport • IS
I-lorr' 6Lo\l~hgall IQ Ytu~\aK 16
General Pon. Office. 76
Q E Ifn ALP 0 S T - 0 F F I C K, IRE LA N D.
Jj,llab~cd by ACT of PAI\LIAMI.NT, III of Au,lIa. 1184'
Right Honourable Earl O'Neill, K. P.
Right Honourable E&rlof Rotl'e.
llmUry, Edw. Smith Lees, efq. Pultl."t, Ifaae De loDcourt, eCq.
Chief ClerA, Thos. Orde Lees, efq. Pi&. Pm;tI••t., WilliamDoDlevy and
Fint / ..inCkrI, T .G.HarrisoD, esq. Edward Ball, esqra.
s.:-Jp"i", '(;I"A, Anthy. Lyftcr, gt. Smi.". C/erA, Ambrose Leet, esq.
.' . SuMII S."i."., Stephen Dc JeAcourt
TaEABuaE a'& Or.lcE. gt.
Tru/. Graves Cbamney Swan, efq. IIIjp.d"-if F".,.I.., Fras.Haney, Kt.
&.iw CUrl., Glascott Symes, gr. Bra, DIAD, AWD Mu.aNT -',
k ...pI.Gm.ADd.Redm. Prior, cCq, S"P.".i"t."tk"" Wm. JohnlloD, eC41.
S..u.- atrl, MaUrlcc. Cramer, gt. S.";o,,. Ch·l., Thomas Webb, gt.
·BI.ITISBMILIL OFrICII. S"pe".We"Jetrl. lOM Hamilton, nq.
C-",..uu, Frederick HODl3n, esq. S."i". CI."." T omaB Hall, gt.
Ckrl, lsne De 10DCOUrr. gt. _ • LaTTaa BILL OnIC&. ~
Itojitkat 811"'9"r, H. A. Bufhe, eft}: S,IIi". CI"'l, Henry Bene, gc.,or., Wm. E. Lees, Wm. Fe- MAIL COACH OFFICI:.
- merit OD, Thomas Heron, and S"/'I";.,,,,tkttl, lofeph FergufOD, eft.
Jl.oberr Parsons, esqrB. . Al4isllln', P. Urquhart. gt.
Lei.jq. .Edward S. Lees, eCq. Stefhen Draper, eSi'
C"""••Z",. Wlliiam Donlcvy, efq. SOLICITOIl.
N~/", William lohaa"n, erq •. Thqs. ThomplolI, esq. 30, N. Gr"'"
M~jI.r. Thos. Orde Lees, cCq. G"'g" 1-3/red.


Lhfrftlol, Capt. Danes M ..,nji,Capt.Maurice Goddard
SJHt!#r, Capt. Weftem P,lhll.., Captain kobt. Hdy Ju44.
~, Capt. John .Skinner CIJ~IJejle"., Capt. llDgcn.
U.~.r,· Capt. Stevms .
..dgmt III HDIJIJetd, Captain Wm. D. Fellowe ••
.d~, Capt. Ricbards 1 Go..,t" Capt. Gray
CmUm, Capt. Nuttal ILanguigt, Capt. Jenkinl
L~"', Capt. Steele t8"..,,,1, Capt. ;Propard
.401:&T wuaRIlIIS.
The Anna Lift'cy, and Referve Wherries, employed by-Oovenllncllt
in .dition to the Packets, under the dire.!iioD oC Stc:pben Draper, Efq.
Tluf Maih cOr England leaTc DubliA- nery BvCDing except Sunday, aOlI
are Due in Dublin every Day except Wednefday. .
Lctton f9f Jrclau4 ami Sc9tland are received 'IIDol Seven o'Clo~k.
F a
General Post Office.
Betweell Dui-lin ,and Londdn, by way of Holyhead
Betweell Waterford and London, by way of Haverford Weft ' I It

Between Donaghadee ann London, by way of Port-Patrick .. J 4

Between Dublin and Holyhead o s'
Between Waterford and Milford • o a
Between Donaghadee and Port-Patrick - • • - ICI :z
Members f'rallka are chargeable if aIJ..... C!oe Ouoct' weight.
Between DuMin and the Ifle of Man I 6
Betmeo Dub~in and Guernfey and Jerfey I 7
From Dublin to France, A S
Between Dublin and Italy, Switzerland, &e. 'and .through 1. ~
'France S· I I
Between Dublin aad Spain, 3 's
Between Dublin and Holland, ,. ~ ..
Between Dublin, Germany, Ruma, Pruma, and Denmatk,} ~ a
through Hamburgh •
Between Dublin and Sweden, .• If
Between Dublin and Portugal, lot , .
netwecn Dublin and Madeira, a 11
Between Dublin and the Brasils j 3 10
Between Dublin and Gibraltar, I 2
lIetwecn l)ublin, aud Malta, S\cily, aad Sardinia, 3 6
Between Dublin, the Well-Indie~, and America, , • 6,
Letters from Dublin to. the Ealt.IndiCII, pay the IPollege to 1. .s
_Lo~n, ' - - - S,
The Pofiage of Letters to, or from any Part :whatfoevel' of his Majef-
ty's DominioDs in Europe or the Wefi,Innies, (except to Gibralt., and
Malta) mayor may net be paid, at the time of puttingthl'D1 into aai
Pofi Office, at the Option of the Writer. '
L'btters from any Part of Ireland, for any of the.·Places under dtc
TWe of FOREIGN LETTER"S, are befides the faid Foreign Rates they'
~e chllrgeablc with, to pay atthe Office where they are put in. the: fnU
Pofiage to Dublin; without which they cannot be forwarded i therefore..
.All P.rfon,_a... to taJ. parli,ular Noti.. tber../. to 1'1.'''' ,b. N.~ Iif
"u;r Lefter, hei"K op.ned and rtturnedfo. the Poft0g'.
All Double, Treble, and other Letters and Packets whatever, pay~
Proportion to the refpe8ive Rate~ of Single Letters before fpeci6ed.
Packets chargeable by Weight pay after the Rate of four Single Letteri
£Or every Ounce ~eight, and fo (in proportion for any greater weight,
reckoning every quarter of :m ounce equal t6 a, fingk Letter.
Mails are made up in London as follows :-For france, every Tue(-
day, Wednesday, Thursday, and. Friday-For Holland, HambUl'i8.
and Sweden, every 'Tuesday and Friday-For J_ica and ~.
rica, the lirfi Wedaefday in every Month.
I.etters to the Leeward Ifiands are dnpatched from London the FiJoft
and Third Wednefday. Montbly.-To Madeira and Brazil.., the PiT/t
Tues~ay-To Portugal,Wql'y,Tuesday-To, Mi!lta, anoi cbI:
MeditQtranelln,everr, tbird Thll1'fdar. . "
General Poll Office. 77 Cor the Receipt of utters for the ·G,....."I p.p.0./M.
. . UJKil Fi.e o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the fonowing Places: _
No. 8, Clarc:-ftreet No. 740 ~een·{\rcet. OOCIIer of
Kavanagh's Hotel,. No. :&4, Barrack.:jlreet
Stepben's-green, North No. 10, Kiftg's-Inns-<l.uar
No. 35, Aungier-ftreet No. n, Capd.llreet
No. 88, Bride-ftrcet No. 18. North King.lreet
No. s6, Meath-ftreet • No. 81, Dorfet.fW:et, llear . .
No. 53, New Market. Coombc tbeCda Cbapel
No. 104. J we,'l-ftrect . )loo 66, Great Britain-ilreet
)loo 6, Corn Market No. 7, Nollth Earl·ftrcet
L4IIw,f.rKnglaud.,foJJ.'" ""'" ill" ~ efllJ, -/lu.n"l-H.,gu.
A LU"l" of ·the Gau."l" OrFl("US of STA"l"!:, aod othcn, who, iD
Virtue of their Ollices, Frauk aDd receive Letters IlDd Packets free
t~m the Duty of Poila,e. -
. His Escellcucy, CUAaLSI V18C"l".Wut"l"WOaTU, Lord LicutCDllDti
tRight Hon. Thomas Lord MaDnen, Lord High Chancellor,
Iilight HOD. William Fitzgerald, Right Hon. ~obert Peel, Right Hon.
Sir Gcorge Fitzgcnld Hill, Bart. Right Hon. Colonel John MaxweU
BlII"ry, William O'Dell, Esq. Henry John ClemCDts, Uq. EdmoDd
'. Alexander M'NaughtCD, Esq. CommiflioDers of the 'rrea(ury
Hem. <lwr,e Ca:t'enlllih, - Secretary to the CODUDilIioDcn of
. the TreaCvy.
Maj. Gen. Sir Gea. Murray, K. B. Hi, Majelly's Adjutant General. .
Maj. GeDerai Gco. Aircy, - Hie Majelly', Quarter Ma1ler Gen.
llt. HOD. Robcrt l'eel, . Chief Secretary to hi& ·Budlcnc1
• - the Lord Lieutenant.
CoL Ready .. Secretary fur the Provinces of UI-
. acr aDd MUDftCl".
Wm. Gregory.ECq. UDder Scc. of the Civil DepartlBCIIt.
William Taylor. Efq. • Firft Clerk for the Civil Department.
Lt.Co1.SirEd.BakerLittlehalcs,Bt. Under 'Seerctal'Jto the Militarl
. . Department.
'I'dwanl COIIDOr, Efq. FirCt . Clerk for tbe Milital'J Do-
partlDeDt •
.w4.ior ~ Q.!!in John Freeman, Firll Commimoner of the Barrack ,HOD. Earl O'NeiD,

" , t HoD. Earl of lloJI"e. J
His MajcCty·•.PoCt-Maftcrl General.
Edw.Smith Lees, E f q . - S~tal'J of the GcnenIPoft·Olliac.
Er,. ..
tHenry-Amyas Buthe,
tWin. E. bes, ECq.
tWiUiam Fetherfionc, Efq.
tThomas Heron. Efl{.
tllobcn: Panona. Efq.
tJofeph FcrguCon, Eeq. Surveyor and SuperintendeDt or
Mail Coaches.
t 'l'6rti ."r'''/, ru';", Ldtwt ".4 Ptldll,lI /r" rf P'!JIII,"-" lr"-rl ...,~
A LIsT of POST TOWNS iD la ELAND, the Number bE PoG, weeltJ,.
with the Postage to each, and the dirtc:t DitlaJIc:cl froD' DUBL! N. '
6 Abbylei& 7 48 !t!!.,,,', C,. 6 Banagber 9 67 Ki"K', C..
6 Adair 10 10~ Lillrwi~i 6 Banbridge 8 60 DHv.
6 AhaIcragh 9 75 Gal'WII' 6 Bandcm 11 '36 Cori
6 Antrim 9 '84 ;l""i. 6 Bangor 9 90 . Drr..
6 Ardee 5 35 LOllt" 6 Bantry . U .6J C.ri
6 Arklow 6 36 W/,ll..." 'Belfail 9 80 A".,,;-
6-Armagh 8 h A,.III' 6 Sdlagb1 10 91 De,?
3 Arthnrftowl1 9 75 W~"fo,tJ 6 Beltul'bet 8 61
3 Arvagh 9 6:& Ca_" J Bleffington :4 14 WWI.w
6 AskcatoD 10 110 Li..wi,j 6 Boyle 9 85 R~__•
6 Athboy 5:&9 Mellt" 6 Bray 3 10 . Wi~I/_'
3 Athenry 10 97 GII/""II, 3 Broadway 9 51 W,"fortl
6 Atlj,lone 8 59' Wrjhuat66 Bmft' 10 106 Li"",;d.
6 Athleape 9 74 Ro_.. 6 Buncran& 11 UJ
Cl Athy 6 l:& K/Ift,. 6 ButTalalwle 9 75 TI/'JIWII"
6 Augbnac:loy 9 71 2",,_ 6,Oll'ory 7 SS (},uuto',Co.
6 Aghrim 9 75 Gal.., 6 nurriaol~igh 9 17 2"1JF."
6 Bai\ieborough 6 43 CII'f101I ~ Duihl!'i11a 11 no Alllr;'
6 Balhriggen " IS D"IJi" 6 ButMrant U III Corj
3 BallaghadereenJo 89 Nil'. 6 Callir . 9 85 2"ipJ.,."
6 BalJinc:ollig n 133 C.rj J Cahircavine la 160 Kw?
6 Ballina 11 no Nil'. 3 CaledoD 9 70 ~r....
7 48 1211'...·, C. 6 Calla1l
6 Dallina1r.i11
6 Ballinaflo'e 9 7:& GIlI'fP"1 6 Camolin
9 65
7 SI 'IIn:'"
!l.,.,. I •
6' Ball.inrc.'l1e n 108 MlIJo (\ Cappoquin I~ 98 if'II"rforJ
3 Ballingarry 10 1I3 Lt",,,.i,l 3 Carlillgford " sa LM6
6 Ba11rbay . 8 ss Mlllag" Carlow 39 Ca,Itzt.
6 Ballyboy 8 SS Ki..,·, Co. J Carn 11 131 DOIIIfJ
6 Ballycarue 1I 113 Alllrn. .l Camew 7 47 Wku..
3 Ballyclare 9 9:& A"tr;' 6 Carrickfcrgus 9 8, Aatri• •
3 Ballyconnel 9 68 Ctwllll CarricJunac:rofs6 44 MOII#zI·
6 B&lIygawlty 9 74 7)rOll.
6 Ballyglar. 10 77
3 Ballyhaunis 10 9lMa,.
M.,. 6 CarrickonSh. 9 71
6 Carric:konfuir 9 75
1 Ca1hcarrigan 9 84
6 BallymahoD 1 53 L ...gford 6 Cafhel 10 77 ~..,
6 Ballymena 10 93 Atttrilll 6 Caftlchar 11 113 MII~
3 Ballymoe 9 89' GlllwlI, 6 Caftlebellingh·5 34 L.,6

6 Ballymollcy 10 108, A"tri", 6 CajUeblalteacy 9 80 Gahr", ,
6 .Ballymore 8 So W-J-etIIA 6 Caftleblaney 1 5S
6 Ballynlott 9 94 81i,0 6 Caftlecomcr 8' 45
6 Ballynacargy 7 45 Wtjlmtath 6 CalUcconnel 9 88 Li",,,W

6 Ballynahinch 9 74 DD"l.1111 1 CaGledswfon 9 94
6 Ballynamorc 9 liS Leit,i", 6. CalUedernlot 5 34
ti Ballyraggct 8 so· Kilj,,,,,, 6 CalUe6n 10 107 D"""JI.
6 Ballyihannoll 10 101 D."tgal 1 CaAlcilland la 133 Ktrr,
6 Ballytore 5 ~9 Ki/tU,. Caftl1:martyr n u9 Cori
6 Ballyv:uy JI 119 Ma,. 6 Caftlcpollard '1 41 W-JuIJ
6 Baltiu&lar. 6 19 IV;".. 6 Caftletea 9 8S R.p...
Poll Towns..
I Ca.ft}etoWII 1:1 160 .C.~" 99t3Dungiven 11 bur,'
6 CatlJetwn.dc1.6 .34 Wgl__U DunkCl'.
5 Ca&Jet.Rochelo 114 Cor"
'Catl.IewcllaD 8 65 Drw.
5 31 Lat6
Dlmmlnway la 150 Cor.
6 Dunmore 10 ,I G"'-',
6 Cavan. 7' 54' C-.. ~ Danfttaughlin.1 14 MI."
6 Cdhridge 3 10 - KiJU,. Dunymana 10 107 '1",,..,,,
6 CbarleYille 10 108 c.,j 6 Durrow 7 5~ XiIl.",.,
6 ChardI-hiIl 9 8S Fe,..... ,6 Edendcrry J .19 Xbrg', C~
6 Clara 1 49 K;'g', CD•. 6 &dporthJID. 7 51 LfIIW4'
6 Clue 11 103 ~. ,6 Xlphiu '9,6 Refi.",.
6 ClogbecD 9 91 TiJIIn.,,6 lUno 6 34 Q._'..c..
6 Cloghar 9 '.' '1',,._ )' Emyvale "" MDlfllg6d
6' Clogl1llalr.i1ty U 145 (;.rj 6 Xnaie 10 :113 . Cia,.,
6 Ciomrd 5 16 Mull 6 KaniiCorthJ I 60 Wtltj'ml
J Claaalee ,. 47 ~_',Co. 6' KaIli8tillen 9 19 F.r",aII.
6 CIoDca
8 61
9 ,81
.1 SI WtIt.fort/ i6 Knniftimolld 11 Jl3
MDugl. ,6 Eyreceurt
T~'3 Farbane
11 ,a
8 57 Kiwg'sC••

6CIopjordall 6 70 TW-.,,~6 FenROf 10 106 c.,j

6 Cloagll· 9 69 Dew. 11_ , 53 W.ltford
6 CJo.yne :u US c.,/t 6 F~tJwocl , , 8 TiP/mlrl
6 ColehiU 7 5. Latfrwd 3 FeadWd ,BI w...fortl
6 CoIeniD U 109 Drr" 6 FintODa 9 BI F.,.", ....
6 CoUon J 29 LOfIIi 6 FiYemilct_n 9 ,8 '1jrOll'
'Colooncy IQ 99 Slig. 'FlorcnceCoutt 9 75 F,,..,1IIIo
6 CoolIlown 9 81 '1'.1.... 6 Flurrybridge ,. 45 Utltl! '
6 C_tehill 7 53 C_a "Fod:hill ,. 4J A,.,,:'
6Corrolin . 10 109 Cl.,., , Fodord lJ 113 MtIJO
6 Cad:' I I U3 c.r.6 French.park 9' 83 Iltf-.
6 Con 11 131 Cor' Frelhford It' 6s lC',u,.II'
6 Cr~ 10 106 L.rW 'Galwa, 10 10,s GIJ/""9
c....... b""
6 Ct-oedoney 8,56
6 Crofsmolina 11. IJ5 ' M..,. 6 Ganap
6 Gilford
IO 100
8 61 lhw.
6 Crumlin
6 Cumber
9 18,
9 . 84
3 Decl CaLUe U 134 Map
AMI";'" j Glanworth 10. 107 -C,,,I
Glaanl1 10 10.6 AlIIrI.
3 GIcaa.y , 9·17 A.,ri.
6 Deny 10 IU IJwry 3 Goolifcn 10 80 Tipper_,.,
3' Dcrvoclr. '11 I ~Q Alii..... 6 Gordbridge , .5 I Xilu"", .
3' Dioglc I:lo 164 6" Oerey ,. 45 Wlftforl
10 94.0.-
10 III
JI IU C""j·
])f..,•. ' Gore'.
8 58 XiII."""
1.0' 91 Gal'UJ?
1 5~ Kill",,,,

6 Dnwnpatrick 9 74 »-,. 8 SI Lott2forl

(I Drogbeia 4 ~3Z-1" HacketAown,. 33 c.rTo..
3 Dromahairo 10 9S LMtri. 6 Head£ord JO 103 GaI'fJJ~
6 Dromorc 9 66 Do_ 6 Hil11boruugh 9- 69 Dov,.
6 Dr..morcwelho 97 Slip Hollymount: 10 107 Ma,.
6 Drumflla 9'~ LliIrI.o 6 Howth 3 1 DII611a
6 DunPlk . 6 40 LordIJ 6 IODiiUoge 8 6, KiI~", .
J 'Duufanaghy, n 111 DMit"1 6 InuHhUlllOll n 13 Corl'
• DUIlgannOD 9 73 '1'"..., ) lnladkwn 9 89 l',r_.
6 Dlinguno 9 117 Wafir.fJ,
9 60 Kilkall,
9 ~5 Rtf-, 6
Pofl Towns. '

8 59 .d.-.ulf6 6
5 3~ MMII6
D. M. COUIf'l"l1t8
9' S, G.J~
6 D"J,/_
? 68 A_gI
Lurgangrecn 6 37
Macroollle , If 141 CorA
3 Jtcnuwoe I~ ISI x.rr, Maghera
3 IQ 96 D,rry
3 Xefh 9 93 F _ . Magherafclt 9 87 Drrr,
6 Kilbl=ggan 6 44 W.,p.-,U Mall.!nr XI 111 Co,A
6, Kilcock
3 KilcoDDcll
6 Kilcullcn
3 14 .Kilthr, 6
4 SI Kilthr, 6
lohnorhamilt.l0 94 LIiI,. .
Markct-hill 8 58 .d"".p
Maryboro' 6 40, fbwi'.-ea.
6 Kildarc 4 SS. Xilthr, 6MaYBooth 3 11 Kit..,...
3 Kildort:ry U 101 c.rl 6MiddlctoD Il 1;1oX- CH'"
6 K.ildyfal't 11 us Cl.,., 6MiIlftreet n 134 C,.,.A
6 Jtilk~cl 9 65 DhJ)Ir 3Milltown 12. 169 Jeer"
6 Kilkenuy . 8 58 KiUlu, 6 Milt.malby ' I I 12.1 "Cl,."
6 Kijalla I~ U7 MiI'. 6
MitchdfidWnlo 10$ q",j
6 KilIaloe 9 87 Chi,. 6
Moate 1 5$ Wtft....
6 I{illiuney 1$144 /f",.., 6
Mohill 9 18 L4#ria
6 KiIlen.ulc 9 73' Ti;pm.ry 6
Moin 9 69 ])0_
6 Kmefhanclra 8 61 C.".. 6
Monaghan 8 6s M"""'~
6 KiJlinchy 9 9~· n-.. 6MI!Dal1ercven 5 30 JGu."
3 KiIlongh 9 16 DDYI>II 6
Mooeygall 9 69 Ki¥', &0.
6 Killucl\P 5 sS WeJ-tT. 6 Moncymore 9 83 Dur,
3 l{iIlybega
6 Killyleagh
Jl IS4
9 19
D_.. 3
MOflivea 10 89 0'''_.)1
Moo.ntmelidr. 4 4S {llt'e,,', c ••
6 Kilmaa:ho~ae 9 83 Il',derfin/6 Me. NugeDt 1 46 C.2"'_
3 KillD iillllc1!. IQ 103 LI.""j 6 MOllntrath 1 47 Q.......!u:••
6 ~i1iea ,IQ 9P Dm., MOllPt Talbot 9 76 R'!foo_"
6 Kilrufh ~I '40 Cl.,.. 6Moy 9 68 Tyr..,
6 Kilworth 10 JOl cm 6 Mayoaky 6 35 Mnth
6 King.court 6' 39 C... 3 MO'II'ille 11 120 Doint:,,1
6 Iqnneg;ul 5 30 Wtj.,." 6 M1I1Iingar 6 38 WejJ_a:
6 Killpety ,,67 Kill,', e•• .4 Mylhall 8 54 Carlnll
11 Kiu{ale IJ 134 CQrA 6 Naaa 3 15 Kilth"
3 ~irc:ubben IQ 91 L!qUHI 3 Naifll JI 135 D.,,~J
3, l{nqclttophCr 8 ·63 XlJ.fe"", 6 Nayan 4 S3 M,al.
6 Knock 10 J3S 6 Nenagh 9 15 .Tipper,,?
6 ~arnc ,0 CiaI"
97, .d"!,u.. !S N.~irmingI)am9 15 T;III'"-'''''
6 Leighlinbrid. 6 .45 Ca,lfJ'/IlI: 6 Newbltfll. 8 55 MOIlItg".'
6 Leixlip S' 8 Xiii." 6 Newca{lle ICl P4 Li",,,i.i
6 Letterkcnny 10"P IJ'",gJ' 3 Newmarket 11 U9 Corj
6 Limericlt 9 94 Litro,ri.j 6 Newm.onFer·IO 108 (:la,.,'
6 Lifburn 11 13.dJo"';' 6 Newp.Mayo I t I2.~ MiI,o
6 Lifmorc 10 101 ,WiI'erf.rn.. NeWp()rt Tip. 9· 86 Ti!!"",.1
6 Lifnelkea 9 10 F,,.,,,.,,.
6 Newry 7 50 D.'lJII '
3 Lill.pwel I I 131 X".,.,'· 6 Newtownar:ds 9 88 Dow"
(I Li~leto" 9 11 Ti/'IHrt"J 6 NeWt.barry, 8 47 Wexf.rd
6 ~ngf()r4 8 S9 L."l./ord 3 N8)l1tllwn~l. 10 J09 A"t,i".
6 Lllughbrickl. 8 ,511 b,..... 3 Nu. hamilton 7 '5.1 .dr.agh
3 LOlliligall \I 6~ 4r","K" 6 Nt,li.mavad. XL 106 DeT,.,
Poll Towns. 81
6 Newt.'Mt.Ken.4 17 Wi,jlow 16 Shinrone 9 64 Killg'J •••
6 NewtD. Stew.IO 9~ 'Ty,.••e 6 Sixmilebridge 9 len Li_ffitll
6 Nobber 5 33 M,"tb 6 Skibberecn U 160 Corll
/) Oldcaft.le 6 41 Mtath 6 Slane 5 t4 M'tltll
6 Omagh ,86 'T,,.,,,,e 6 Sli&,u 10 104 Slig.
6 Oranwaore 10 98 Galway 6 StewartftolVn 9 76 'T,,....
3 Ouchterard 10 I19 Gal_, 6 Strabaru: 10 101 'T,r"".
3 O\lwt 8 57 W'iford 6 Stradbally 6 39 QII,..II',,.,
6 Palha Greeu :LO 96 Lim,ri," 3 StraDgford 9 80 D ......
6 ParfonO:own 8' 64 Kill,'t '0. 6 StraDorlar 10 r r 3 DIt"I'"
3 Patragc 9 70 Watnfor 6 StrokefiOlVn 9 10 Rofi-_.·
6 'Palfage Weft 11 J 30 Corj . 6 SUlIlmCIrhill .. 19 M816
6 PhilipO:own 7 39 King', , •. 3 Swincford 11 103 M",.
6 PortadoWD 9 66 .dr.llgh 6 Swor:dI ~ 1 DIIIJu.
6 Portaferry 10 81 DO'OJII J Taghmoa 9 73 W'Kfor~
6 Portarlington 6 36 Q.""',,•. 6 Tallagh t 5 Dllhli.
3 Ponglciiene 10 '100 .d"trim 6 'fallow 10 106 Wat'iJ',
6 Portlaw 9 89 Wol,rfl· 6 Tallonstown 6 38 L.."h.
6 PortumDa 9 1(, GaltullY - 6 Tanderagec 8 61 .d,...., '
6 RameltoD ICJ "7 DOII".I J Tarbcftll U4 K,r?
6 RlIndalftown 10 88 .dlllri.. 6 Tomplemorc 9 69 'Tipp".?
li Rilphoc 10 105 DDII'ga/ 6 Thomaflown 8 S8 Kille".,
6 Rathangan 5 ,8 Kildart 6 Thurlcs 9 70 'Tit!"...,
6 Ratheoole 3 1 D"bUa 3 Tinehcly 6 41 Wkll.'W
6 Rathcormuclno HO C.r" 6 Tipperary 10 86 'T;pptrarz
6 RathdoWJlY 8 59 (bi""',,,. 6 Toome 10 91 A"t,;..
3 Rathdrum 5 ~9 Wid/.'UJ 6 Tralee U 14t Kerry
6 RathfriJand 8 58 D/l'lfl1I J Tramore 9 h TVat":(.rd
6 Rathkeale 10.108 Li""ritl 6 Trim 4 ~3 11-[,.""
3 RathlackeD U 132 Ma,. 6 'fuam 10 93 GII'I"'9
6 RathoweD 7 48 WtJl-uzt6, 3 Tubhcrmore 9 '7 Derr,
6 Ric.h-hill 9 6:& .drmaz6 6 TuJla 10 10' Clar.
6 RofCommon 9 ')9 lioft._· 6 Tullamorc 7 ..6 Kiltg', •••
6 Rofcrea 8 59 '.[ipP'f'lI'J 6 Tullow 1 38 ellr"'",
6 &0[5 9 67 W,,,!ortl J Tullk 9 75 Roj<.",.
6 Rofscarbcry I t ISS C.rl (, Tynan 9 65 Ar.azll
6 Roftreyor 8 53 Dovtll 6 TyrrelilpaIl 6 40 Wejlllltll'
6 Rulky· 9 67 L,itri.. 6 Virginia 6 41 Callall'
3 ~u'tUnd 12' 153 D.n'llll 6 Warrenapoint 8 56 Do"",'
6 SaiDtfield 9 76 Down 6 Waterford 9 76 Wat".
3 Scarift' 9 93 CiII" 6 Wefiport 11 113 May.
6 SCOTLAND 10 - - - - - - 6 Wexford 9 67 W'ifor"
6 Scz:aby 8 60 Ca'IJOII 6 Wicklow 4 24 Wi,lItJ'U>
3 Shanagoldcn 10 lIS Li"uricl 6 fOllghaJ . I ~ 104 Cor•
••• Bag. are made up for the foliowin, Town., and difpatcheli by,
the Mid-Day Coach, lVh'ich leaves Dublin at otic o'Clock, through
Athy, Cahir, 'Cafhel. Clonmel, Cork, FemlOY, Kilcullen. LitdetOD.
Mitchelftowtt, Naas, and Rathcormuck.
Bags are alfo made, ~p with Brit.ilh, Forei~, and St~te I,etter"
on ~unciay8, for all Towns through which ~~e ~~ CU~ches pa~,
General Penny Post-Office, &c.
C••pl,oll." Edward James Bayne., Efq.
P'1itlml and Cbiif CI.rt., NeaI J. O'NeiIJ, EC'!.

In the City tbere are Fo~r

Colledions, alld Fonr l>clive-
Tim, for putting in Ltll<rl.
For III delivery, over Night, by
~d do. Morniu" 10 J~
D. ..,

ric~ daily. and in the country 3d do. AftcrnuolI, ~ 0

two, Sundays excepted. 4th do. Evening, 5 0.
Ti." if rh/i,,.r, ;n It" Cil,. t <Fi•• if tJ.Jiw" ;It lb. COfI"'ry•

•• N. H. M. H. M. B_ M.
M;lIrningbetween 8 3e & 10 0 .Morning,between 9 0 &. lZ 0
Noon, do. Jl 30 & I 0
Evening, do. 3 0 & 5 0 Evening, do. 3 0 & 6 0
Evening, do. 6 0 & 8 0
AN Letltr, for TO'UJn or C.untry "'''Y 6. put inlo th. lluei'fJ.r, IIIlin G.It.,.J
P~ OJli&.. Q,,' Hour later Iba,. th./im. ab.'VeJi>ecijid,for ,,,,b Jifpakll.
The Poftage on each Letter, to and from all parts of the City, witbo-
in the General Pofi Office Delivery, is one penny; beyond that Delivery.
two-pence. The ~nly place where Letters can be pofi.paid is the Gf-DC-
nl Poft-Office. No Letter exceeding four ounces In weight will paU.
ucept 5uch as is intended for Gener"l or Foreign Difpatch.
a:J" So secure and expeditious is the I?ifpa:cjl and Deliv~ry of Lettcr~
by this Office, that two perfnns refidlDg ID the moft dlftant part. of
the City from each other, may between seven o'Clock in the Morning;
and eight o'Clock ill the Evening, write four letters, and receive three
anfwers in the Day, and the anfwer to the fourth by nine next Morning.
for the trifling expcnfe ol olle penny on each.
, <\.11 Letters for the Black Rock, Seapoint, Dunleary, Rocheftown.
Monkfiown, Killiney, Montpelier-Parade, &.C. are difpatched from
~i6 Office at half paft eight in the Moruing by the Rock Coach, and
deli vered !hortl y after nine.
65 Barrack-ftreet 63 Francis-fircet 133 Mecklenburgh-4r. ~
45 Bolton-fireet 1.4 George' s-qua}' 6 Merrit>n-row . '.
Broadftone 38 Golden-lane 7 1I.101efeworth-flr ~
43 Bridgcfoot.llreet 34 Graften-flrect 34 New-fireet
1 Brunfwick-flreet 50 Gt. Britain-fireet 38 New-market
31 Camddl-ftrcet 85 Gt. Britain fireet 13 Ormolld-quay,Up.
49 Capel-ftreet Grelm-ftreet 38 Ormond-'lu.Low.
~63 Chllrch-fireet,OI I Harcourt-fireet 19 Pill-lane
$10 Clare·ftreet 61 Hcnry-ftreet I ~een-fireet
'9 Cook-fireee 18 8011es-ftreet Royal Hofpital
10 Cork·hill ' U Kevill-ftreet 77 Rogerfon'.-qu3Y
J 19 Cork-ilnct ~ 7 King-ftreet, North 9 Sac:kville-Ilreet
?7 Coombe, Lower 18 Xin,-fh'eet, South 18 Stepheo's-fireet
11 ~iggc.·~-ar~et Kilmainham.l.aoe 98 Summer-hill
pI Dotfet-llrect 4 Leefon-ftreet P.7 Thomas-areet
S Ii Dorfot-ftr. f...,o.'frer 30 Mi!J1or-llr~t .45 Townfend ftree,
.• 4 ·Echlin-Iane
;'0 Et$~I-!lrcer
40 M ary-firect
'0 Meath-Arect
.. W crburgh~ flrel;t
Penny; Mail and Stage Coaches, ate. 81
BalPs-bridge olphin's-barn 'Finglafs Rabeny
ll1ack-rock oDDybrook. Glafncvin Ralleiagh
Booter1lown Ilonnycarney Goldenbridge Ratbf:unham
Castieknock ruQ1arton lie,,'
Harold's-crofs Rathmines
Chapclizod Kilmacudd Island-bridge Ring's-cnd
Clontarf Shed! rumcondril Mill town Sandymount
Cooloclt undrum Newtown-avrnue StilIorgan
Crumlia uuleary PalmerfiowD Wiudror-avcoue.
Portobello, Hotel
Cork Mail Coach, with, a doable Guard, fets out a 'lJlIarter before
lIipt o'clock every night, through Naas, KiJcullen, Cafiledermot, Car-
low, Leighlin Bridge, Royal Oak, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Clogheen, Fer-
may, and arrives in Cork at half pail 9 the following Night, perform-
iDg the Journey iD :asi Houn. This Coach fets ont from Cork every
Night at half paft feven o'Clock, palling through the abovcTowD••
... atrm:a in Dubiin at 9 o'Clock. the following Evening.
The Cork Mid-Day .Mail Coach (by CalheJ,) with a double Guard, (ct.
out a quarter before one o'clock in the afternoon, tbrough 'NUl, KUcul-
lcn, Athy, StradbalJy,Abbylcix, Durrow, Littlcton, Calhel, Cabir, Mit-
ch~. Fcnnuy, and arrivcs iD Cork at onc o'clock the followjhi
n.r- This Coach feu out from Cork cvcry Day at one o'clock, paain.
tbrough the above Towns, and arrive. in Dublin at two o'clock thc fo~
lowing,aftecllOOP. On the arrival of the Cork Mid-Day Coach frolD '
Dublin. at Cabir, a Mail Coach setl out at sil o'Clock<i!l the MOrning.
dlrough ClolIJDe1 to Waterford; a Coa,h retorn. from 'VatcrIord at two
o'clock iD the afternoon, and arrive. at Cahir at nine at ni&ht, to meet.
tbe Dublin bound Mid-Day Mail irollJ Cork.
The Cork. Day Coach fets out on the mornings oI Monday, WeJuc£.
day, and Friday, at scven o'c1ock, Naaa,K.iIc:uIl~D,Ca1Uedermot
Cwow,Leighlin Bridjl;c,Royal Oak,.Ki1xenny(whcre pafi"cagcrsdine and
ficCp), & proceeds next morning at fix o'cloc:k,throughClonmcI,Cloghccn,
Permuy, and arrives in Cork at eight in the evening; leave. Cork at
{even on the mQrDiDgI of. Monday, Wednefday,and. Friday, and (l1ee,.
ing in KilltculIJ) arrives in Dublin thc following day to dinner.
The Caihel Day Coach fetsout at fix o'clock, OD the Dloruiogs er
Tunday. Thursday, and Saturday, through Naas, IrilculIen, Athy.
St. adbally, :4bbyleiX, Durrow, Johnllown, Urlingford, LittlctoD, and.
arrivCl it1 CaiheI at nine the iame evening; Rtnrning,-leaftl Ca1hel at
six on thc mornings of Monday,Wednemay, and Fri~ay, palling thro~b.
the Came towns.and arrives in D~blin at nine o'clock. ,
Kilkenny DayCoach feu OUt everr--rning at fe'{en o'Clock, through
Naas, Kilc:ullcn, Cafi1cdermot, Carlow, Lcighlin lIridge, Royal Oak..
and arrivcs inKilkenny toDinne'r; leaves K,i!kenny every Morning at ~~
o'Clock, palliDg throu,b the fame towns, and arrives inOuhliu ~o 4inne~:
tt'TlII: llo.Pl Mail.Coach from Cork. to Kjllat'ney, leaves Cork ac
fix o'deck e\'try morning, aDd ~rives at the Mail Coath Ollic~ in Kil-
larDCY at S o'Clock in the Evenms, throuSh M;lcrooUlc and Mdl-Arce(.
84 Mai.1 and Stage Coaches, &te.


Limerick Mail Coach, with a <iou!)le Guard, fets out at a quarter be-
(ore eight o'clock every night, throllgh Nus, Kildare~ Monallere!cn,
Maryborough, Mountlath, Borris, Rofclea, and Nenagh, and arrlv~.
in l.imerick at three in the afternocn. At half paftt.hrce a Mail
Coach pr«Kecds to Ennis, and returns in the Morning to breakfaet
at Limerick, from whence a Mail Coach fete off at fix u'Clock,
every l\loming, through Croome, Doneraile, Charlevillc, Mallow, and
din", in Cork.--Anothcr Mail Coach fets out every Mauling, at"aix
o'Clock, thro' Druff, (aille-Oliver, Fermoy, dines in Cork, and proceeds
next morning, thro' 1.1:iIl-street; Macruomc, and Killarney, to Tralee.
l,imerick Day Coach, by the fame route as the Mail, every Morning
-at half paft feven ,,'Clock, (dines and fieep' at ~ountrath,) and at four
o'Clock next Day arrives at Limtrick.. ~

Al10ther Limerick Day Coach every morniQg at six o'clock, through

Monasterevel1, Portarlington, and Mountmelick,dines and sleeps at Par-
fonUown, and proceeds by Moderel1uy aud Ncnagh t" Limerick, whcr.
it arrives at half-paft one in the afternoon.
Galway Mail Coach,with a double Guud, through 1.,eixlip,Maynootn~
Clonard, Kinnegad, Kilbeggan, Moate, .Athlone, Ballinafloe, Loagbrea
and arrives in Galway at five o'Clock in the afternoon. On the arriva i
of this Mail at Ballin;uloe, at half past ten in the Morning, a Mail
Coach ia dispatched for Weftport through Tuam, H"IlJiDlOunt· and·
Caftlebar, and arrtveafroru those place. at BallinaB.oe at three o'Clock,
in time for the Mail for Dublin. A Mail' to CafUerea, through Rof-
cOmmon, is dispatched from Athlolle every morning, 011 the arrival of'
th\ Mail frQm Dubliu, and returDS from thence ill time for the U~
Galway Mail; ~

Slig,o Maii Coach, through LeixIlp, Maynooth, Glonard,Kinnegad~

Mulliugar, Rath01l'ell, li.cIgewortflftoWI1, Longford, Roofky-brid~e.
Drumfna, Carrick-ol'l.Shannon, Boylc, Colloany, and anive$ in SIJg~,
at five o'Clock in the Afternoon. . ..
The A.hboy Coach, at nine o'Clock in the ~orning, on Sundays,"
Wednes,lays, alld Fridays, arriv~s in Athboyat half palt two, r.t~
from Athbc·y at n!ne i.n the ~orIling, on T,ueS'd;iys, Thursdays all<l)
Saturdays, andamves In Dubhn at half paft two in thc-afternoOll. "
The Athlone Day Coach, at fiE o'clock in the mOl"ning, on Tucfd..,..· .
Thursdays, and Saturdays, through Leixlip, Maynooth, CarbefIY, Edell~'
derry, Philipftowl1, TuJlamore, Clara, and Muate, and arrives 'at. fix '
,,'clock in Athlone; retuI'ns on M"ndays, Wedne{days, and Fridays. at"
~e fame hours. ' .' ,
Tile Ballinafioe Day Coach, at five'ill the rooming, on Monday. -
W~dnesdays, ~lId Fridays, through K.inllegad, Kilbegg.n, and A_thlont::,
arnTeS at Ballinafloe athalf-palt fix ID the evening, alld returns the fol-
lor ing mornings, arriving in Dublin at half-palllix, even in,. '
.;"'.' .
Mail and stage Coaches, Bee. 86
The Castlcpollard Coach, a~ eight o'Clock on thc MorDior .r Tiles-.
days, Thursdays, and Saturciays, thro' Trim, Athboy, and C ••t1etown-
ld~, arrives at Cafuepollardat four o'Clock, (from whence a Diligence
u.mediarely proceeJsto Granard; the DiligcDcc return_ID Cafllcpollard
~ Wn.c o'Clock in ltbe M091ing ;lletum. hndaye, Wednescl&y .. anti
<~z¥Jays. aDd arrn-c. iD DubliD at live o'Clock in the evening.
. The Monaghan Day Coach feta out at ten minutes before fix on the
Mornings of Monday, Wednefday, and Friday,' through Drogheda,
.Oellon .. Aldee. Carritlr.macrofa and Caftleblaynen return. Tuesday,
T1lurfday, and Saturday, ;uldarrives in Dublin at six o'Clock in the Rve-
lling.-Thi':Coach takes up Pauenieri, and fets them down at Farrel'.
Hotel, Dominick-Strect.
Mullingar Day Coach feu Ollt every morning at ten Q·Clock.
Aiaes at Mullingar, leavcsMullingar evcry morning at fix o'Clock.
and arrivejO in Dubrm at two o'Clock.
GaA.Tolll-s'ra .aT.
Wwotd Mail Coach, with a double Guard, reUout a quarter lId'on
eirht o'Clock everynight,thro' Bray, Wickfow, Arklow, Gorey, Ferns.
Rnnifcorthy, and arrives in Wexford at half-pall: eleven the next
".wesrurd an4 Rof. Day Coach, at six in the mom:ng, on Tuesday.,
"l"~unda, .. ao,d Saturday., throllt;h Bray, Glen of tile Pown., Newtown,
Wacldow, arrives in Wcsfor.d at «:ight, and Raf. at half-paft eight
iD the evening; returns Mondays, We,dneadays, and Fridays. ,.


, Waterford Mail, Coaeh, with a donblc Guatd, fets ont at a qnarttr

before eight o',clock every night, through Naas, Kilcullen, Timoliu,
<:.vlow, Gowrau, Thomall:own, and Waterford. The Mail Coach.
from Waterrord to Cork, sets out I!very c'iening (through ~lmactho­
mas, Dunga"ao, Cappoquin, Lismote, and TaHow) and arr;"'e. in
C<irk the next morning;. returns by the s,ame route; after its artival in
w-aterford, the Mail is sent down to the Dunmorc ~ckct Harbour,
and forwarded to London .,;~ MilIord.' .
• Rofs'DayCoach, a~ six ~'c1ock, on the mornings of Sunday, Wed-
Jfefciay, and' Friday, through Blessington, Balting1ass, Tullow, and
Graig, arrives in ~olS at feven in the evening; ntufl)S Tueaday, Thun-
day, and Saturday. ...
·Wesford Day Coach, at fix o'Clock every Morning, on Tuesday,
Thurfday, aqd Saturday; thro' RleseingtOll, Baltinglafs, TlIlIo\\', New-
tow~barry ..and Eonisc~hy, and arrives in Wc:<ford at balf-paflsevea
in the evening i-a Coach return' on Sunday, Wednesd;ry-, and Friday.

Northern eOllch, with a double Gllard, fets out at forty Minutes pail
"ven o'CIoc~ every Night, through Bdbriggell, Ilroghe!1a, Dunleer,
~anlcbeliill~ham,1), Newry, BaJlbridge, Drom.llto, Hill(borollv;b,
Mail and Stage Coaclaes, &c.'-
. . ..
Lifbume, 'Beltan, aOO Donaghade'e.-Regular Packeu are d'tablifhed !It,
Donaghadee and Portpatridt, which fail from each place immediate!,.
after the anival of the Mail. ,
EoniJknlen Mail Coach with a doable Guard, Cete out forty Mioutea
JUt ICven ncry Night, through Dunlhaughliu, Navah, Ke1ls, Virginia;.
CavaD,Newtown-Butler.. Linelkca and Maguire'. Bridge, to EnoiOWJen.
On the arrival of the·Mail at E~iskillen, on Monday, Wednesday, and"
Friday, aDi1igen~ proceed, through Caurchill to BallYlhanulln; returua
.Sunday, TucC~y,aud Thurfday.
Cavan Day Coach, (by Navan and Ken.,) fets out at fix o'Clock in the
blaming, on Tuefday, ThurCday, and Saturday i return. Monday,
Wednefday, and Friday. , •
Cootehill Day Coach, Came hon on Monday, Wednefday, and Fri-
day; retama Tuefclay, ThurCday, and Saturday, arrivCII in Dllblin at
fiveo'Cloclt in tbe evening. Th. Coach leavel Dublin every SUAday
at 10 o'Clotk in the Morning for KeIla.
Killelhandra Day C~ach acts out at lis o'Clock in the Morlling, .~
Monday, Wjldnefday, and Friday, through DWllhaughlin, NavSD •.
Kell., OldealUe, Mt. Nugent, Ballynaght,Crofs!loney, and arrives at
Killeshandra at fevcn iD the Evening i returus Tueft1ay, Thurfdayand
Saturday. .


LoII4ondnry Mail Coach, with a double Guard, fo:ts out at hali paft
Seven o'Clock every Night through Balbriggen, Drogheda, CoUon, A ...
dee, CarrkkDlacrofa, Cali:leblaney, MOIIaghan, AughoacloJ, Omaih,
&trahane, and Derry. .
A llcwry Day Coach fets oilt at sis every m.orning, and another
at seven evel, Morning, through Balbriggen, Drogheda, Dunleer,

. .
CaIUeb.Jlingham, Dundalk, and Newry; thence with the Mail through
Market.hill, Armagh, and Moy, to DUlIganuon. . .
Drogheda Coach fets ont overy ay.-A Coach retllrn. nery day.

Enniakillen and Kille'&aoora Day Coach act. out at ,ix o'Clodl.

in the MorniD" on Mondays, Wednesdays, and -Fridays, th.-o' Athboy,
ClonmeUon, Oldcastle, MountnugeDt, KiUeDlandra, ud EDnukillen ;
retarDS Tuesday., Thursd.~ys and Saturday..


~Qghedl Day, Coach fcts out every day.-A C~ach returns every
• ay. . .


let out from No. 133, Baggot·atreet, for the Black Rock .4
I,)IIP.kar" t",'ice CVOI', day, alld return to l>"II¥a twice ,very llay. ,
Chief Goyernora ~f ·Inland.
• 7t1.~ July 3.' J
AMES, Duke ·of Otl!lDnd, {worn Lori LieuteDlllt.
Dcc;.3. Ld.Chanc. Phlpp~aDdLt GeR.IagolcUbr,L;}.
'rh, G,n",.1 "i«li,,,,,. G.., ....~"" ~9 ,,,au.
. Mar. 10. Sir ConiantincPhippa.amljobn Vcfcy,Abp.of'fuam,L.};
Yll-oa:. 27. Charle. Talbal Duke of 8brnY1bury, {worn L.L. '
.,........e 7. 'I'..Abp.of Armagh, SirCouLPhipps,jn.Abp. ofTuam,L.I.
Sept. ,.- Wm.Abp•.,mubIia,Ja.Abp.ofTuam,Rob.E.of Kildare,L.J.
oa. ,. Tbe &me L.j. {worn, 11, '1I1fo all tM PfIi"'rc..II<il.
1715, Nov. 1. Charles Dlake of Graftou, Henry, Earl of Ga""y, L.J.
1716.Mar.~Lord Chanu. Middleton, Wm. t\bp.ofDublia,1IIId W.Co-
nolly, Efq. Speaker,L. J. Ld.Chanc;. and Spealterfwonl.
- 1,17.Julyto. WIIl.Archbilhop oC Dublin, then fwom one ofthe L.J.
Aug. 1. Charlel; Duk~ of- Bolton; (worn L. J..
Jap. 9· Wm.Abp.ofDublin,W.Conolly,Efq.appointedandfworn,L-j.
11!8.'May u. Ld. C.Middletcn,W.Abp.ef Dublia,WIIl.CODolly,Ef".L.J.
J1iS/.Mar.3J. Charles, Duke of Bolion, L.L.landed. '.
No.... '0. Lord Chancellor Middleton, and Wm. Counolly, EIq.L.1.
17:1.1. Aug. 1&8. Charles, Duke of Grafton, L. L. {",om.
Feb. 1&40 W.Abp.of Dublin,Rd.Vifc.Shannon,Wm.CnnoUy,Efq. L.l.
I 7a3' Juan 3' Ld. Chancellor Middleton, Wm. Abp. o{ Dublin, Richard
Vifcouat Shannon, William ConnoUr, Efq. L J. '
: Aug.IJ. Charles, Duke of Grafton, L. L. landed.
171&40 May 9. Ld. Ch. Middleton, R.d.V.Shannon, Wnl.Conolly,Efq.L.J.
. oa.I&\&O Joim Lord Cartcrer, L. L. landed and {worn.
z , •• April \&0 Hugh, Abp. of armagh, Ld.Ch.Weft. W.CoDoDy, J:Jq.L.1;
Lord Cb"",J/o, WdI ";«1 ill tIN Gowrnmtll#, 3l}t'.1726.
, »ccoI&J. Hu.Abp.ofArmagb,Ld.Ch.Wyndllam,W.ConoUY,L{q.L.J.
J7S7.NoY.19. ]n. Ld.1CanEret, {worll L.I •• oIitheDeath of King Georgcl.
J 7z8.¥ay r of. Hu.A{,poof Armagh,Ld.ctt.Wyndllam,W .CoDolly,Efq.L.l.
17:19-SePLJI; Jobn, Lord Carterc:t, L. L. landed.
Willitn. o."rJI"E". died, 30 OS. 17"9' [Speaker L.I.
J,30.Apr.u. Hu.Abp.ofArmagb, Ld.Ch,WY!1dham.Sir Ralph GO~.Bt.
I1JI.Sept".IT. Lionel, Duke of Dorfet. L. L. laDded and fwornL .
17.f1&.Apr.z40 Hu.Abp.ofArmagh,T.Ld; Wyudham,SirRalph Gore,bt.L.1o
. Sir Ralp" G..-"JinJ ill tb, G"".rnm~"t, "3 P./Jr.1131&.
J7 33.1\I[a11&3. Hugh,Abp.ofArmagh,T.L.dWyntiham aa (everally.
'. Sept. 1&4. Lronel. Duke of Donet, I •• L. landed. .
J734. May j. AbpoofArmagh,Ld.Wyndham,Hen.BoyIe,Efq.Speakcr,L.].
J 73s.Sepr.26. Lioad, Duke oC Dor(et, L. L. landed.
17 36.MaYI? Hugb,Abl'.ofArmagh,T.Ld. Wyndham,Hen.Boyle,E{q.J •.].
J737.Scpt. 7. WiUiam, DukeoC Devonfhirc, L. L landed and (worn.
113&-Mar.d. Hugh,Abp.olArmagh,T.Ld. Wyndh3m,Hen.Boyl=,Efl{.LJ.
J739.8rpt.",.William, Dale of Devonfhire, L.l•. landed.
r 74.o.A pr.18, Hu. Abp.of Annagh,Ld.Ch.Jcicclyn,and Hen.Boyl~ ,Efq.I.J.
appointed L'J.T~e I.d.Chanc. BIld Speaker (worn then.
MaJI3. Hugb, A.bp.of Armagh, fwom one of the L. J.
174'.S~Pt.'l3. WilIiam Duke of J)evnnlhire, L. L.landcd.
. Peb. 18. H.Ab;. of Armagh, Ld. Ch. ]oce1yn, Henry Boyle, Efl(.L.1.
"74"'.luDe 4. The fame Three L.]. or any Two tl) aa. .
.t.tinl Pri_.Bo.l,.r "i.d in th.Go<rJ""mnrl. 1&7 Sopt. 1 '4:1.
~ 74 z. Dec.
!. In:~hp.,,f Armagh, Ld. Ct:'- Jocciyn, Hen. Boy.le, irq.L. j •.
u U.sePMo. WiIIiaan, l?\i.kc CI~ Dno.ntlurc, L. L. lanW. . .
Chief Govemon of Ireland.
1744 Apr.It.Jn.Abp.ofArmagh,Rob. Ld. Newport,Hen. Boyle,Etq.LJ.
1745 Aug.!I. Philip, Eatl of .Cheftetfield, L. L. landed and (wom.;
1746 Apr.15 .In.Abp.of Arrvagh,Rob.Ld.Newpprt,Hen,Boylt:,Efq.L.J.
Lord Pri."" Ho"dl] rJi,J i" tb. Gr.,rllllltllt, 19 JII/" 1746.
1741 Apr. 10. George Abp. of Armagh, fworn oneilf the; I •. J.
Sept.13. William Earl of Harrington,L. L. landed and fworn~ ,a'
17 t8 Apr. 2.0. G~o.Abp. of Armagh, Rob.Ld. Newport,H.Boyle,Efq. L..-
1749 Sept.2.o. WilIian1,Karl of Harrmgton, L. L. landed. .
17 SI) Apr. aa.Geo.Abp•.of-Armagh. Rort, H.Boyle,ECq.L.J.b.Ld.Newpo
115ISel't.19.Lionel,Duke of Dorfet, L. L.laooed and fworn.
1152. MaYI7.Ceo. Abp.oC Armagh, R.Ld. Newport, H.lJoyle, Efq.L.J.
1753 Srpt.u.Lionel Duke of Dorfet, L. L. landed. .
1754 May I I.G.Abp.ofArmagh,R.Ld,Newport, Brab.E.ofBefboro' ,L. J.
'755 May S. WilliaQl, Marquis of Harrington, L. L. landed &Dd fwom.
11S6MayIl. Robt. Lord Vifcount Jocelyn. James, Earl of Kildare,
. Bu,bazoD, Earl of Besbonlugh, L. J.
Sept. 2.0. The fa~c Three L. J. Any Two, or One, to aa fep~atcl,.
Lord CDallull.r 'You!]" Ji,di" tb. GHI,rnlll,,,t, 3 D".115'6..
1'51 Sept.2.J.John,Duke of Bedford, L. L. lUlded and fworn.
1758 MaYIo.Abp.ofArmagh,E.ofShannon,J.Ponfonby,Efq.Speaker,LJ.
1759 Od. 7. John, Duke of Bedford, I .. L. landed. ~
:i 760 May 2.o.Geo.Abp.ofArmap,H.E.ofShann.on,Jn.Panwnby ,Efq.L.l.
1761' oa .. 6. George Dunk, ¥arl of l;Ialifax, L. L. landed and fwom.
1761 May 3. Geo.Abp. of Arrnagh,E.ofShannon,J.Poufonby, Efq.L.J.
T,63 Sept. u. Hugb, Earl of Northumber~, L. L. landed and fworu.
1,64 Muy 15. GI!O>l\bp. of Armagh. Hen. E. of Shall non, 1. Poofoaby,
. Efq. 1.. 1. Earl of Shannon aDd Speaker fworn.
L.,II pr;"'tlt. 8""'e dim 19th 'DH. 1764, .",d H. ZtlrJ fI
8b""NOII, died 28tb Dt•• 176... .".,h in th. GrvII'llfNlll.
1765 Feb. u. TheLd. Chan.l. Baron Bowea, & j.Ponfonby, Efq.L.l.
, oa. 18. Francis. Earl of Hertford, L. L. landed and fworn.
1766 June 11. Ld. Chan. Bowes, Ch.E. of Droghc4a,J.Ponfonby ,Efq.L.l.
Ld. Ch"". Bc,",,, tlitJ i" 'hi Go't1trll_', ud 'Ill, .1167.
1767 oa. 14. Geo. Ld. Vife. Townlhend, L.L. Iaadedand fworn.
17 iZ Nov.30. Simon, Earl Hareourt, I .. L.landed and fworn.
1117 Jan. 2.5. John,Earl of Buckinghan1lhire, L.L.lanclecl andfwom.
1'780 Dec.2.3. Frecterick, Earl of Carlille, L.L. laaded Ilnd fwem.
1782. Apr. 14•.W. H. Cavelldilh Bentinck, U. oCPortiaud, L. L. fwol'D ••
Sept. IS. G. Nugcnt Grenville Temple, £. Temple, L. L. fwona.
'783 June' 3;Robert, Ea,rl ofNonhington, L. ~Ianded and fworn. ~
1784 Feb. 14. Charles, Duke of Rutlaod, L. L. landed and fworn.
Dul. of Rullalld dim i" thl Go./r"",t"t, Oa. 14, 178,.
'i87 0&.1\7· Rd.Abp.ofAmlagh,Ld. Bar. Rokeby, lamea, 1.4. VICe.
Liff'ord, Lord Chancellor and the Right Hon. 1·. Foller,
Speaker, Lords 1uilicC1l.
No". 3. The Chancellor and the Speaker fworn.
Dec. 16. Gen. N ugcnt GrenviUe Temple, Marquil of Buckingham,
L. L. landed and fworQ.
,,89 luDelO. Rich. Archbilhop of Armagh. BUOJl Rokeby, .In. Br.roD
, Fitzgibbon, Lord Chancellolr, and the Right HoD. fa.'
Poft"r, Speaker of the Jioufe of. Common.. Lorcla
, Jul\ices, the Chancellor and Speaker aworn. "
1790 Jan. S. JD. Falle, Irarl of Weflmorland,L.L. landed andfwo,a.
179S Ja... 4· Wm. FitzwiWam,i.Fit&william,L.I...1anW and IwOlll.
Chief Goy~ors or IreIa~d, Privf Ceunc1L 89
IftS Mar.24. Wm. Ab;. of AnMrh, md ll1fu1 ViCe. Fltagtl,hdti, L. J.
Mar.JI. John Jefteries Pntt, E. Camden, L. L.landed ~ ["am,
I79B June1o. Chu.Cornwalli., Marq.Cof!lwallia.L.L.landad at (Wft.
~8ot May 25. Philip Yorke,E.. of HaTdwltke, L.L. landedlD\i fweft!.
1806 Mar. IS. John RuJfeH, Dule of Bedford,landed and ("orn,
.807 Apr.I9,Charles LCIDlox, Duke of Richmood, L.L.landed & ffrMII,
Jh-l lmg. 16, Chvle! Whit"en", Viac:ellllt Wllitworth, If.B. L.L.
bnded & (worn.
- ••• '"r '' ' t"

of la nILirD', His Excellenc),
Lord Primate Earl of Clancarty \Hon. Deni. Browne
Lord Chancellor Earl of Rofs Hon. William Forward
Duke of Welling ton Earl of Harrington Hon. George Knox:
Earlof Buckinghamlhire Hon. T. H . Foflcr
Archbilhop of Dublin Earl of Chichefrer Hon. Robert Ward
ArchbiThop of Calhel &arl Catbcart
WilI iam D ownea, Lord
Archbifhop of T uam
Lord Fred.Campbell Cb. 'J"jI.Kirr.f's Btll;/'
Marquis of Wat erford Lord He!l . Fitz-Gerald W ill iam M c. Ma hont
Marqu~~ of Donegal Vifcount Carle;on Maj1<r of th. Roll"
Marqu Is of Drogheda 'r C fl:l h "
M . f W 11 n Vucount a ereag Standilh 0 Grady L ord
arqu~9 of T he e eY
M arqUls 0 omon d Vifcount M elville Chiif Baron . ' 't6.
E b "
Marquis of Sligo Bilhop of Meath '" ''1"tr.
Marqui80f Ely B' O f ' ld Sir George F. Hill, Bt.
Marqul"•of Abercom '. lOp 0 KI are .;: ' J h N <wport, BaTt .
~ Jr 0 n

Marquii of Hertford Lord MulkerrJ! Sir Joh n Stewart , Bt.

Lord Call an Sir .\!;van Nepean, Bart.
Earl of Ormonde and Lord tit. H lens Gen. Sir Geo. Hewitt •
. 0 ffOIY . L ord T yrawly CO'Mland,r of th,
Earl of Wefimeath Lord Caftle coote For",.
Earl of G ranard L ord Fr:mHor t Henry King
Earl of Shannon Lord Tara David L a T ou che
Earl of Roden Lord G) enbervie James Fitz-Gcrald
Earl of Glandore L0rd Norbury, L ord Sackville Hamilton
Earl Carhampton Cl';if J uJliu of l h. St. ,Gcorge Daly
Earl of Mayo CommM PI,al. Maur;ee Filzgerald
Earl of AnneOey L ord Caftlema ine John Ormlhy Vall de·
Earl of Erne Lord Grenville leur
Earl of Carysfort L d
Earl of Moun t Norris L or d Re
desd aI e ~hn Sta ples
. W · kh
N' dd m. le am
Earl of Londonderry or 1 ry Charles Long
Earl O' NeiIU Charles Abbott, SP,altr\wm. Conyngham P lun-
Earl D~noughmore John Foller kett
E,rl of Limerick Hon. W.W. Pole Gcoq~e Ponronby
90 Privy C!)uncil, King, R.egent, Peers, Ice.
Wi1Iiam Elliot. • ~at. Daigcnan. LL. D.lI.ollut Pecl, Clie/ S,.
Dem. Bowa Dal, Charla Vercker 6rd." I. ,I. Lrw4
John Philpot CurraD' William Bagwell Lilrlt'N"',
Henry Orattao John Muwcll BaITJ
WiIliamSaurill.4IImu) Wm. Fitzgerald, Cha.'I- '
c.-1Il 6.0" of tW B,,,II'tpdr.
1,60. Od. SS. Hie Mol Excellent Majefty Gaoaoa WILLIAII F. s-
RUICIt Ill. King of the United Kingdom, of Great Britain and
Ireland, Defender of the Faith, [Duke and Prince of Brunfwick
LWlenburg,] Soven:ign of the Orden of the Garter." Thillk,
Bath, and 8t. Patrick. (W"mdfor caltle. and Kew palace.) ••'
OEO. Ill. !Su. F.II. 5, , Hi. Royal Higlme.. GEollca-AucusTUS-
F •• DEIlICIt,Prince of Wala,[Elc:ctoral Prince of BrUDBWic:k, LullCll-
bur,,] Duke of CotnwaU and Roth.y, Barl of Cheftcr and Carrick.
Baron of Rcufrew, Lord of tlfc Ula, Gmt Steward of Scotland, High
Steward of Plymouth, ColciDelof the Iota Ileg. of Dragoons, aDd
Capt. Gen. of the HOD. Artillery Company, K. G. KDight of the
Gelds Fleece, St. Efprit, Sr. Audrew, St. Annc, and St. Aleuader
NcwOty of Iluflia, Ch... III. of Spain, Ite. &c:. (Carlc:ton Hoofe,
Weftminfter, and the Pavilion, Brigbthelmftone Lodge, Sull'n) ••
AblwmatiODs, . X.G. X.B. Knight of St. Patrick, Garter or
Bath, , a PriYJ Coanfcllor, § a Baronet, Ua Minor, a Roman Ca-
tholic, tt fit in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, •• DlaITicd,
.. bachelor, VI. wiciower. ' -,
Gao.m. 1,84. N..,. S1. Hia R.oyal Highnef8 Prince Frederick, Earl of
Ulller; [Duke of York, England, and Duke oE AI\lmy, Scotland,]
Bilbop of Oenaburgh, a field madlaal, Comnlander in Chief 01 all
the Land Forces, colODelof the la regiment of feet guuda, colonel
CIf- the 6otl\ or royal American regiment, and oE the -t'Ofal Dublin
regt. oBiciating grand maller of the order of the Bath, lord warden
of Windfor forea and great park, wardeD and keeper oE New forea.
Hamplhire, and a privy counfcllor, iu England, X.G. X.B. D.e.i.
t!)' P.R.S. K;gt. of 6t. Efprit, St. Andrcw of Rullia, Maria There...
&c. Bee. (Stable-yard, St. Jamea's, and Oatlanda P.ark, Surrey) ••
1186. Ma), '9, Hi, Royal Hithnefs Willianl Henry, Earl of Muidlc:r.
[Duke of Clarcnec, England, and Duke of St. Andrcw'" Scotland]
admiral of the Fleet, ranger oE Bulby park, and a pri~ coWlfellor
in f;ngland, X.G. t!)' K. 'T. Knt. uf St. Esprit, St. Andrew oS Russia,
&e. (St.lamel'8, Bulby park, Middlefex.) 6. .
1199. Alril ~J. His Royal Highnefl Prince Edward, Earl of Dublill,
[Duke oE Kent, England, and Duke of Strathcm, Scotland) a field
marlbal, colonel of the III or royal regiment of' foot, governor '0£
Gibraltar, keeper and paler of Hampton.court park, a privy coun·
Cellar iJ? England, X. G. t!)' X" SI. P. (I<enfin(ton pallltc '.
... 1'aviboll. HamplOn.,olU't Pak.) .
Peen of the Blood Royal, Arcbbilbops, Icc. 91
1799. April·28. HislloJal HighaaCs, Prince Emea AuguRu. Barlof
Armagh, [Duke of Cumberland, England. and Duke of TmotclaJa,
ScotIaDdJ Prefideut of the Board of Gener.J O&iccrs, a general in the
_y. colonel of the 15th regiment of clrqooDe. chaaceIlor of the
univerfity of Dublin. and a privy counfelloi- in Bnglaad, /C. G. fII
D.C.L. (St. Jamea'•• and Kew Green. Middlcl'el..) I.
1764. N",. 14. His Highnefl. WilIiam Frcdcrick. Barl of Con.
naught. [Duke of Oloucefler in Bugfand, :and DIIke of .Bd.iD1Rargh,
Scotland) a general in the army. colonel of the 3d re,m.ent of foot
guards, Chancellor of the Univerlity of Cambridge. ranger of Bq.
that park, and a privy caunCellor in EJlgland, X.G. V.C.L. ~ JI./l.S.
(Park-lane, Bagfhot Park, and Boldrewoo.l Lod(e, NewForcA..)~.
'795. , Rt. Hon. William Stualt, D.D. Lord Archbithop of Armagh
and Primate or all Ireland. PrelJte of the mOlt iIIuJlriouI order of
St. PatriclL. a commiffioner of the board of educatiou, a vice pre-
fident of the atrociation for difcouutenancing vice, Patron of the
lIibcmian Bible Society. a troftec .of the linen manufacture, and a
privy counfellor in England, brother of the Marquis of BUle, (Pa1&cc
at Armagh) ••
I~. ,Right 11... Eurch,. Cleaver, D.D. Lord Alchbithop of Dub-
. Iin, Primate of Ireland. Bifhop of Glandclagh. Prebendary of C1I1-
• len, Chancellor of the lbollt illullrioulorder of St. Patrick, vifitar of
Trinity College, a co~iffiouer of the board of education, Preli.
lient of the Hibemian Bible Society, [confecrated Bifhop of Cork,
Much 1789, Bifhop of Leighlin and Fernl,
green. Dublin, and the Came, Tallagkt) ,..
;11.', J'789') (Stephen'..
1801•• Right Hon. Charles Brodrick, D.D. Lord Arch.bilhop of
Cafhcl. Primate of Munller, Bifhop of Emly. a commiBioner of
the board of education, treaCurer to the firft fruits department, and
a vic:e of the Cocicty for difcountenancing vice. brotl-er of
Vu.:ount Middleton. M.RJ..A. [confecrated Bifhop of Clonfm 1795.
Bifhop of Kilmore, 1796.] (Merrion·fquarc, Dublin, aJld the Palac:e,
Cathel)" w. .
1794. , tt Right Hon. Wi11iam Bereat'ord. D.D. Lord ArLhbHbop of
Tuam. BUllop of Ar.dagh, [Baron Decielof Decies], a CODlIOIt"-
Goner of the board of education. uncle of the Marinis ofWateford.
[confeerated Bithop of Dromore 1,80. Bifbop of Ojfol')'. 1781.](8tc-
phcu'l-greeu, Dublin. anc! the Palace, Twun) w. . . .

0.0. m. 1766. NQ'fI. 16. Augufl\l8 Frederic Pit2gerald, Plllee o[
Leinfler. Marquis and Earl of Kildare, Earl and Baron oC Otraley.
[Vilc. Lein4er, of Taptow, Engl.] Premier Marquis, Karl. alld
1saro1J of Ireland,- a governor of the county of Kildare,Prelident '0£
the Royal Irifh Inftitucion and of the Kildare Farming Sotietr•. and
Gran. Ma4er ofthe ':(eeolafonl of Ireland, &'c.·(Mtlr'lllilO.I KIIiI".,)
Lei114eI' Hour., Du1J~. and Catton~ MafDooth. ,. .
. Ga

92 MarquifJ'es.
• M A R Q..U 19 S E S.
Oao. m. 1189• .1"1' 19.' S Henry Dc La Poer BercsCord, Marquis
of Woaterford, Earl of Tyrone, ViCe. TyrODe. Baron Dc La Pou,
[Baron Tyrone, Eogl.) governor aDd cuftos rotulorum of the c01lDty
of Waterford, aDlI colonel of the Waterford regimeDt of militia,
K.St.P. (7",..".) Mansfield-ftreet, TyroDe-home, Dublin. and Car-
raghmOR •.PortIaW. •• .
17S,. Awg.19. Arthur MUDdeU Sandy. Trumball Hill, Marquis of
DoWDihire, Earl of Hill1boraugh, ViCe. Kilwarlin and Hillibc:-rough,
Baron Hill, [Earl of Hilllborough, Eng!.) hereditary governor oC
HiUfIIorolllh fort, D.C.L. (Hil!Pv-,lI) Huover-Cquare. and Milia-
borou;h-ClillIe. HilUborough, ••
179f. ".1"'" 11. , George Augullus Chieheller, Marquis and Earl of
Donegal, Earl of Belfaft, ViCe. Chichefter. and Baron Belfaft, [Barou
FiJhenrick, Engl.] a governor of the county of An,.-im. aDd a
trallee of the Linen manufaaurt, (B.{filjl) Cumbcrlan~plaee, Sea-
ClifFHoufc. Eaft Lothian, and Donegal-houCe, Belfaft, Ireland, ••
1191, ]IIJI. 17. , Charles Moore, Marquis of Drogheda, Earl oC
Drogheda, ViCr.. Moor., Baron of Mellefont. [Baron Moore, Engl.J
a genenl in tire army, col. of the 18th regiment of ,dragooa..
conftable of Maryborough fort, governor aDd eulloa rotulorum of the
King and Q!een's counties, Md of the county of Meath, aDd a
trunce of the linen mallafaaurc. K,8,.P. (MH,.,) .SacbiDe-4reet,
Dublin; Moore-place, Kent; aDll Moore-abbey, MOIIa.ftcrevu, v.
1799. Du.~. , R.ichard CoUey Welldley, Marqui, WeUe1ley. Earl
of Mornington, ViCe. WeUefler, Baron MorningtOll, [Baron Wd- I
Idler. RIIgI.] Chief remembrancer of the Exchequer in Ireland. cull.
... rot. of the colIDty of Meath, and a privy couDfellor in England,
X.G. Go c: aDd D.C.L. MeJnber of the Royal PerliaD Order
of the 6un and Lion. (M.,."iJrgto.) Hyde Park CorDer, and Uptou.
1800, Ih&. 1I9. f WilIiam O'Bryen, Marquia or
ThomoDd, Earl of
Inchiquin. BaroD of Burren, Lord Inchiquin, K.S,.P~g:&";";.~
Leicefter-Cquare, Taplow-hoDfe. Bucb. aDd llofte11aD- , Mi~
dletoD. Cork, _, .
1800. Du.1I9. tt § Thomas Taylor, Marquis oE Headfort, Earl
Bectivc, ViCe. aDd Baron Headfort, a lord of the King', bedcham
sovernor of the c:ount)' of Meath, and colonel 01 the Meath
. ment of Militia. X.St.P. and F.S.A. (B18;,,&) Great 8
_ .Orect, .'-lid . Hi:adfort-houfe. Kella•.••
1800. IN&. \&9. , Howe Peter Browne, Marq~ of Sligo, Earl
~t, ViCe. Wellpon," Lord Mountcagle. [Baron MOUllteag
-.,,1.] a governor of the co. of Mayo. LB,.P. (411....,)
and Weftport-hoDfe. Wcftport,l. '
doo. Die. 1I9' , S John TotteDham LoItua, Marqui.arE1y, Earl
. $Iy. ViCe. Lofta., Baron Laftu., [Baron Loftus, Engl.] a gov
of the cnuntica of Fel'D\aD8gh aDd Waford, aDd colonel of the W
for4 regiment oE militia, X.St.P. aDd D.C.L.{Loftru) Graltoa-
LoDcIoD, '-lid Ely-Qflle, Enn;'killu, .. .
Earls: • 93
ED"'. Ill. 13d, Nov. ,; , Waiter Butler, Earl or OrmODde anel
OJl(,ry,Vife. Thurles, Baron Arklow, [Barou Butler, Eagl.] honorary
chief butler of Ireland, governor and cuft. rot. of the co. of Kil-
kenny, and colonel of the Kilkenny rcgi.ment of militia, K. St. P.
and F. S. A. (Tllllrltlj Sutton-haIl, Dcrbyfhire, and the calUe.
Kilkenny, •• ' .
Hili. VIII. 1543, jnl] r. I UUck John De Burgh,' Earl of Clan-
rickarde, Baron DunkellTJl, (DllnjJ/,.) Belmoot, Hampfbirc, and
the call1e, Portumna, I. .
JAM. I. 16to. OS. a6. Edmun~ Boylc, Earl of Cork aud Orrery, ViCe.
· Dunganan,Baron Boyle,[BarODBoyle,Engl.]a lieut,gen. in the army.
(Du,a,.,,,.) Hanu1ton-place, and MarAon-hall, SometfeUhil'e, ••
16n. 3. tt, George Frederick Nugent, Earl of,
Baron DclvlD, clerk of the crown and hanaper, guvernor and
cull rot. of the eouuty Weftmeath, and colonel of the Weftmeath
regiment of militia, a truftee of the linen manufacture, M. R. I. 4.
(DJ,,;") Clouyn, Caftletowndel,in.
16u. A"f'ljl 5. fatriek DiUon, Earl of llofeommoo, Baroo oC ltil.
kenD7 Well, Barbavilla, Drulnfna. w.
16n.A.,.5. Bafil Piercy Fielding, Earl ofDefmond. ViCe. CaUan, Baron
Pielding, [Earl of Denb'gh, Kogl.] South-Ilreet, Martins-thorp, Nor-
thampton1hire, and Newenham Paddoll, near Lutterworth. 11.
CaA. T. 1617. April 16. John Chambre Brabazon, Earl or Meat.,
Lord Brabuon, Baron Arilce, toft. rot. of the couuty of Wicklow,
(Artlu) Stephen'.. green, EaR, Dublin, and Kilruddery, Bray, ••
1617. M., u. Henry Barry, Earl of ilarrymore, ViCe. Buuevaot,
Baron Barry, Premier ViCet. oC Iceland, (BwnftNl.t) Palmers-Grecn.
Henfordlhire, ••
16:&8. Stpt. 16. Arthor James Plunkett, Earl of rlllgaJl, Baron Kil-
Icen, a ,ilitor and trutlee of the Royal College of St. Patrick's,
· Maynooth, and a trultee of the Lay College there, KilIeen.caft1e,
· Dwtlhaughlin, •• .
1647. Richard Ford Witliam Lambart,· Earl and 'Baroll or Cavan.
Vue. Kileourlie Lord Lambart, a lieutenant-general in· the army, and
co1onel of the 58th regiment of infantry, K. C. (Kilto...}.) ...
(:8&.1/. 1661. t Charles Talbot, Earl of Waterford and Wexford, Baron
Talbot, F.S.A. LEarl of Shrewibury, EngL] (T",/Io') New.1lrect,
Spring-Garden., Heythrop, Oxon, and Grafton-hall, Worceftcr, ...
16840 D,e. 30. , Gcorge Forbes, Earl of Granar4, ViCe. Forbel,
Baron Clanehugh, [Baron Granard; Engt.J brother-in-law of the Earl
a( Moira, a major-general in the army, colonel of the Longford
regiment of mibtia, and governor aM cull. rot. of the cowtty of
Longford, (}'orbfl) St. jamcs's-l"l;rce, and Caftle-Ferbea, Long-
~~ .

WILt. 111. 1691. MareIJ 4. Rynan Diederkk Jaccib de GiDltell, Barlof

Athlone, ViCe. Aughrim, a major in the _mr- .,; ... '
Oao. I. 1717. yur, u. Walliam WeutwOfth Fitzwil1iam, Earl
Fitzwilliam, ViCe. Milton, Baron Fitzwilliam, [EOlr) Fitzwilliam.
Eng!.) lord lieutenant and cuil. rot. of the Weft-riding of the
county of York, high fteward of Hull, cull. rot. of Peterboro·.
recorder oC Higham-Ferrars, and a privy-counfe11or in England,
D.CL. (Milt",,) Orofvenor-fquare, WeutwlI...rth-houfe, Yorklhire,
'Milton. Northamptonlhire, and Malton, Tinahely, Wicklow, ••
17U. y"•. (7. Frands Thomas Fitzmaunce. Earl of Kerry, Vife.
Clanmaurice, Baron of Kerry and Lianaw, a governor of the co. of '
Kerry, (CI""m"",iee.)
.71&5· ,,,., ss. John Bligh. Earl Darnley, ViCe. DOlrnley, Baron CliftoD.
[~uon Clifton, Eng).] hereditary high fleward of Gravefend, and
Milton, Kent, D.C.L. ""d F.R.S. (Clffto.) Berkeley-fquare, and Cob-
\lam-hall, Kent. fIt.
Gao. 11. 1733. N.".6. § John James Percenl, Earl oC Egmone.
Viic. and BarOlf Perceval, [L<;rd I,ovel and Holland, Engl.] lord
paramount of the Seigniory of Duhallow, (Pert"'''') Knlllore-caltk.
near Briclgewater; and Sunden-home, Herts, ...
1739. Od. 6. Frederick Ponfonby, Earl of Befborough. Vifc. DUIl-
cannon. Baron Befborough, [Baron Ponfonby, Engt.l vice admiral
of Muniler, (D".",,,nD") Curzon-ftreet, Sinham, Norfolk; auc1 BcC-
borough, Canick-ou-Suir, ...
1748. ,.", la. Somerfet Richard Butler, Earl of Carrick, Vife. Ikcnin,
Baron Butler. (J1",in) Mount Juliet, Thomaftowu....
175 1 • Oll.5· John Fitzpatrid::. Earl oC Upper Oll"ory, Baron Oowraa,
[Baron Upper Offory. Engl.) lord lieutenant and ~ufloa rotulorum
of the county of Bedford, kteper of Waltham FQI'IIft, LiacoID-
fhire, and Rockingham Forest, Northamptonfhire. tlI' F. 8.4. Grof-
'RIIor-place; Ampthill Park. Bedfllrdfbire; and Fumingwoud.
NorthamptoDfhire, 'W. .

I~S:l' 'l1li11116. Henry .Petty. Earl of Shelbume, ViCc. FitzlIlaurict:,

BaNII Dunkerron. [Marq. of Laufdowne. Engl.) a privy counaeUo.r
in Bngland,F.R.S. (Fit_";&t) BerkeJey-Iquue, Bow-woocl, Wilt-
thire, and Wycolllbe, Buck.,... ,
1'56. 1't{"r&iJ:&o. , Hc:1IlJ' Boylc, Earl of Shannon. Vife. Boylc, Baraa
CII(Hcmartyr, [BaroD Carlton. EnCl.) cvloa rotulorum of the
county of Cork. clerk 0( the pelt., and a truflee of the linen
f.aure, K. SI, ,.. (B",h) Harni)~o\l-place and Call1cmartyr. _
1756. ,"'II1,~. § Chkhei.ler Ske~gtoll, !tul of Ma~areene; Vu~
, ,Matfaree\lel Baron Loughn~~. l~,...h'''giJ.) AIItrUD-Caft!e. AD.
triin.",. .
.17 j6. :Jur, 3. .Brinl1~y
Butler, Earl of Lanelborough. Vafco. Lane.
ho..,u&h. B,r9D N:e1lI'towII Butler, HiIl-boufe, Gloucefterlhire. &.
1"'9, 4p,il \116, Jame. DuW, Earl of Fife. Vi,fc. MacduW, Baroa Brace,
lor~ licute~ot CIf Bamfllhire, (.M,,(dItf) Whitehall; Du4"-houfc,
Rcthiemay; I,Dd Dalyca~,an~ ~t. fII. '
,,60. .Alii' 16. GelJ'ge Jamea Ludlow. Earl LucUow, Vi(c. PretI:aa.
BarOD Ardfalla, a lieutenant geDeral iD the arlDY, coJaaeJ of the
38th regilDeDt of foot; and licuteDant govern... of Berwick, It.&
(PrrfIM) GroCVeDOI"·Cquare; Great ScaughtOll, HuutiDpoolhire; aD4
ArdCalla, Navan, ••
0.0. Ill. 1761. MIII1 18. I John Delanl ~er~ Earl of TJro
coDDell,_Viac. CarliDgford, BarOD Carpenter,((drli"lforrl) ClaremoIat.
lodge, Surrey, 6.
,,61. D •• IS. § Francia llawcloll H.aiup, Barl of ..oin......
RaWdoD, [BaroD HastiDgs, &g1.] Governor paeral ia IDdia, •
general iD the army, eODLlable and cbief perDDJ' of the ToWCl'
.r LoadoD, lord lieutenant and euftol ,.ulorupa of the Towa
tlivifioD, coloDel of the 21th or EuDHkilleD rcpcpt of iDfaauT.
a governor of the Charter.houCe. ODe of the council of the PriDec
ef Wales iD Cornwall and Scotland, and a pri'fJ _Ccllor in
Euglaad, K. G. F. R. A. S. ~ M. R. 1. A. (R...... ) Doninctoa
Park, Lciccftcrfhire, llawdoa.laall, Yorldhire; LoucIoD-ca1Ur.AJr-
laire; aDd Moira-caJlie, Moin, Dcnnfhire, ••
• 76s. MtllreIJ :17. § ArthIP' Sa1dider. GOre, Earl of ArruI. ViCe.
Badlcy, BarOII SallDllm./~) J)oYcr-4rcet, - ........oourt.
Woforcl,.. -
,,6:&. 'April u. jPJa Ocorge StopfDJ'd, ~.,l of CourtawD, Vife.
_ haM of geDtlcmeB peDtioDera, a privy counCe11or ia
ud a COYeDOS' of the La. Weuord, lStopf.rl) JIill-ireet,Bcr.k.!eJ
Stlli'r.cs. Jaroa CourtO'llJll. [JSarOll S~en{ord, Kncl.] captain of

(quare; Bcan:.hall, aDd Courto~n, Gorey,.. .

.,63' M4J 10. I lofeph LccCon. Earl of t,filIt01FJl, ViCe. lbdIto-
"lNIgh, (Rp,"",,) &u1borough, JSlc1IiD~OlI. I. .
.,63. 011. s,. tt iranen WiIIiBa Ca~Id, Ead of C'IIuIcacIJt.
VUCOUDt CauUield, Baron CharleJniIDt, a t~c of the linen 1llaDU-
laaurc, MoR,/.A, (c-Jjdd) ll1J~d-C"uar" IJIcl ~ DlIboo
liu, ••
• ,66. Fd. U. JohD SaWle, Earl_al Mftboroagh. ViCe. PoJJinp,

BaroD Pollington, (p.u;."..) Methlcy.hall, Yorldhire,..
Id. IS. &lward Galth Turuollr, Earl WiIlter., ViCe. Tar-
Banm WiDterton,
118111", <t.,....,)

BrllO!r..flrect, 8hilUJIclca-park.·
Surrey, •• _
.,67. s",. 3. Wllli,lIII1 St. J4wre»ee. Jarl of· Howth, Vifco¥Dc",
Lawreqec. BarPD Howt)),(8,• et.) Howth, ••
.L.....' ..
• 168. A.,.jI 'So tt § George King, 'arl of KiugftoD, VaCf.~..,. BaroD' Ki.noD, (Ki",va.roor) j.
s71l. N..". 30. William MoIYIlCU'l, Earl of - &!:ftoa, Vifc. ~J,.
_clm, (M.."... .. ) Croxteth-hall. Laucafhirc,!I'! . '
.771. tt 'f S Ilobert JocclJn, Earl of &~, ViCe. Jocel~dJaJOll
Newpon, auditor general of the Exchequer, cufl. rot'~ of the CCJ!UItl
of Louth, aIld a truflee of the linen ~ufadurc, g. ~" P. (YM~")
St. Jamce·, aDd Hyde-hall. HIftt,!II. ' "
1176. ",r, 16. Wilmot Vaughan, Earl of LiibuJac, ViIc. L~e,
Lord Vaughan, Buon of Fether., (Y...,gha.) Harley·tucet, Lif-
bume-howe, DevOD4hire and Crofawood, Car.liganilire,f6. '
. 1776. ,ul, ~O. § Ricl.ard Meade, Earl of Clanwilliam, ViCe. Clan-
",illiam, Baron Gilfotd, (Gi{f.rd.)· ,
1776• ,uly u. Richard Grenvllle Chandos Nugent Temple, Earl Nu-
gent,lMarq. of Buckingham, Engl.] lord lieut. and cuft. rot. of the
county of Bu~s, and a privy counfel1or in England, D.C.L.
('T,,,,ple) Pa"ll-mall; Stowe Park, Blll:kiDghamihire. and· ~bin"oll
Park, near.Wincheller, w.
1776. '"? ~\Z. tt , John Croibi\l, Earl of Olandore, VUI:. Crofbie,
. Lord Brandon, cU,st.rot. of the conntv Kerry ... F.R.4.S. f9' M.ll.I.A.
(Cr.,&i.) St. James'..plaee, and Ardfert.abbey, Tralee •••
1711. 111ly 9· lohn Stratford, Elp"1 of AldbofOJ,lgh. Vife. An!iena. and
Baron BaltingW"•• 11 gov~rl!,llr of th~ CIlU~ty Qf Wi~ow. (.4.;e... )
Bj:lan, Call1eclenJlot.. •• .
178r.F.". 9. Stephen Moore, Earl of Mount Caibel, Vifc. Mount
Callael, Baron Kilworth, (KiIVlIWII) Moore-park. lGlwofth, ••
1185.'/Ill. ~O. tt Thomas PakeRham, Earl of Longford, Baron Long-
ford, K. SI. P. (PallIIh_) Pakenhllm-halI. Call1ep~d. Long-
ford, &. ,
1785. ,'1111 ~I. John D.WCon, Earl of Portarlington, Vue. Carlow,
Baron l>awfon, Heut. colooelof the ~3d regt. of DragOOll" (c.r.w)
Emo-park, Emo, 6.
I 785. Ju". u. Johu James Barry Maxwell, Earl or Farnham. Vifc.
Farnham, Baron Famham, a governor of the county of Cana, u41 a
truftee of the linen manufaClure. (Ma:lt'fIJ.II) FarulIaJIl. Ca~, ••
. -185. J"n. ~3. , Henry Lawes LuttreH, Earl of CarhamptoD. ViI'e.
Carhamptoi:l, Baron Imham, a general in ~e army, collllld of the
. 6tl!. regiment of dragoon guardl, governor Dd cuilos rotullNWD of
the county of Dublin, (Irllh_) Paine'l.hill, Surrey, ..
1185. JII"'~4. , John Dourke, Earl of Mayo, Vile. Naaa•. B~
Nus, I).C.L. (Halll) Palmtttlon-houfe, Nau•••
. 1189.4/1g. 18. , Richard Annefley, Earl of Anne1Jey, Vift.61crawly,
Baren CalUewellan, a trullee of thG linen lIWlufaClure. (Glntl'fIJI,)
Caftlewellan,... .
1189. Aug. d. tt John Willoughby Cole. E,r1~f Ennilkillen. Vife.
Ennllkillen, Baron Mount-fiorence, fon-in-law of the Earl of Ux-
j,ridge. a govunor- and cuRos rotulorum of the county of Ferll:Wlll,Jb,
and a truftee of tile linen mallui'aaure. XI. SloP. (MOfIIIIjlwllUl)
Povc~-ftreet; :tJld FIQfeQc~'Gu.rt. Il1\o .
1789' Allg. r8. tt, John CreightOD. Earl of Erne, Vife. CniptOll,
:aarOD Erue.lI go"~lIor of tIM CQ~Y of FUQ1anagh, and a t~
Qf the linr.ll.IIllImf~4tlM"o. ( Ci"izkt,.) QiJ'4ifw....~\l". I?uWW.
ea'Ue, lJdlur'e~. 'It.
1arIs. 97
"'9' .If".. 11. ,. John Jolhua hoby. EIIl'l 01 C."uort, -...,n C&rfe"
fort, [Baron CUJafurt,\.] a pri9J CDunknor alCo in England,
K.SI.P. D.C.L. F.R.S. I!f M.R.l.A. (Proby) Lower IIcrkeley.
Areat; Portman-Iquare, Elton-hiill.· HUIltingdoaBaire; and earyuort,
Wicklow. •• .
1793. Dee. ~O.Edmund Butler, Earl of Kilkenny, ViCe. Maantgarret,
(MHaI••rru) B~lIyconra, IWkcnny... .
1193 •• Artllur Annefley, Earl of Mount Norrit, ViCe. Valenn..
Premier Baronet of .Ireland. a governor of the county of Wes(ord,
F.R.S. I!f F.S.A. (Y"lmtia) Warlield Grove, Berks, and Camolin.
Park, Cam.olin, ...
"93. Du. ~O. John Otway Cuff'e, Earl oC De(art. ViCc. Caftlecu6e,
Barl;ln DeCan, Member for Bo8lliney,Cornwall, a commitlioncr cl
tJae boud of education in Ireland. (C41",~~ Albany. PiccadiJly,
&ad DeCan, Kilkenny, b.
'793. Du. JO. tt Robert Howard, Earl of Wi£klow, Virc. Wicklow,
Lord CloDDlore, Cavcndilb-fquare, and Shdton. Arldow. b.
'793' Du. ~. Thomas Scou, Earl of Clonmell, ViCe. elClllDlell. Bar_
o KuWolt" Earlifort,) Allesley Park. Warwicklbire, ...
~795. y_".lo. U John Fiu-Gibbon~ Earl of Clare, ViCe. Pit~Oibbon,
lIaron Fitz-Gibbon, [Baron Fiu-Gibbon, EngL] (.foiI.-GjjH,.) Mouat-
ftaannon, Limericir., b.
1195. oa. 6. Nathaniel Clement., Leitrim, Vue. Leitrim..
Baron Leitrim, a goveruor of the county oC Donegal, GQlonel of the
. Donegal regiment of militia, cullos rotulorum of the county of Lei-
trim, and a truice of !he linen manufaaure. M.R.L~. (Ch.."t,)
Killadoon, Cellbridge. •• .
1195. oa. 6. § tt Richard Bingham, Earl of Luan. Baron. Lntan,
(CajlI16Ar) Hamilton-place. Piccadilly, and C:Ullebar, Mayo•••
• ,96. Oa. 10. tt • Robert Stewart, Earl of Londonderry, Virc.
CaIDereagh, Baron Londonderry, a gcwemor and caioe rotu-
lorum of the eountiCll of Derry IIIld Down, and a mince of the linen
manu(at9:ure, M.R.l·4. (C4uretJg6) Grosvell4ll'-iquaro, aad Mo~­
ftewart, Newtownardl•••
1797. N~. ,. Romerret Lovry:Corry, Earl of Behu.ore. Vire. Cwrr.
Baron Bclmore. a governor of the coutJty of Ty_• .: tru1lee cl the
linen manufacture.... (Cor,.,) CatuecoolCl. Liau.eiskea, ..
1197. N".!. tt Henry Burton Conyngham. Earl Cooyngbam. VIfc.
Mount-Charlea, Baron Conyngham, a Genc:ral in the army, go-
yeraor of the county of Dooeg~l, ,ruR. rot of the County of Clare.
and a trull:ee of the linen manufacture, K. Sit P. JI. S • .4. and
Mo R. LA. (M....", CI""I,,) Stanhopc>4reCl; an4 Slane-caill:,

Slane, ••
1791. N".,. Fnn eia1,ma MatJaew, ~1 Land': ViCe:. Math_.•
lIaron LaadaB'. colouel of the 99l1. r.p,nl flf foet, (M-'-)
~1F""lwafe. ~o1dcII. """
98 Earb.
1800. A/ifll} 7. tt, Charles Henry St. Job O'Nc:ilI, Earl O'Nclll.
Vlfc. Raymond, ViCc. and Baron O'Neill, joint pon.mafter-general ia
Ireland, a governor of the cOlUltyof Antrinl. anti (01. of the Antrim
I'egimeat 'of militia. a' truftce of the linen mall1lCariure. K. St. P_
(Ray ....d) Grofvel1or-plKe, SJianc·...carue. Antrim, and Raymobd
Cottage, Toome, I. .
J800. A"zujl 7. tt Franco Bemard, Earl of Bandon, ViCc. BandOD,
Baron Bandon, recorder of Bandon, fon-in-law of the Earl of ShaD-
lion. and uncle of Lord kiverfdaJe, (B.r.,m/) Bafingbourlle Hall.
EfICJ:, IIIId Carue-bcrnard, Bandon. m.
1800. D,&.~9.Robert Stewart. I!ul CailIe-ftewart, ViCe. Caftle-ftewan.
Baron Caftlc-ftewart. (8Iturar/) Stewart hall. Stewartflown ....
1800. D,•• ~9. tt. Richard Hely. Hutchinfon. £arl of Donoughmor~.
ViCc. Suirdale. Baron Donoughmore, a general in the army, lord
trwurer's remcmbrancer iD the court of Exchequer, Ireland,. a go-
vernor of the county of Tipperary and a privy counfcllor in EnglaDd.
(Suirtiai. )Knocklofty CIonmeI, and PaJmerfton.hoI1Ce,Dublin, 6.
1800. D.e. ~9. tt Dupre Alexander, Earl of Caledon, ViCe. Aln:-
ander, Baron Caiedon, a governor of the county of Tyrone, and
colonel of the TyrODe regiment of militia a tI ullce: of the linen ma-
nufacture, Caledon-caftle, Caledon. ...
doo. D". s9. J § Valentine Browne, Earl of Kenmare, Vife;
Caftlerolfe, Baron Catllerolfc, a traftee of the Royal Colll:(e of
St. Patrick's, Maynooth, (ClljlkroJfo.) 6.
JSOl. F,". 11. tt , ltdmund Henry ~ery, Earl of Limerick, Vife.
, Limerick,Baron Glentworth,(Gu.I'W.rlb) Mansfield-Ilreet, & South-
hill Park, Berb ••
IBol. F,". 11. tt 1 Richard Trench Le Poer, Earl of Clancarty,
ViCc. Dunlo, Baron Kilconne1, Ambalfador at the Court of the
Prince Sovereign oE the Netherlands, mafler and worker of the nlint~
governor .nd cun. rot. of the county of Galway, and colonel of the
Galway regiment oE militia,. a privy counfellor alfo in Kngland.
(D".I.) Privy Garden, and Garb,dly, BallinaDoe, •• - .
1806. Ft6 . • 6. 1 § tt Archibald Achefon, Earl of Goafllrd, Virc. GOIoo
ford, Baron Gosford, govemor and cuft. rot. of the county of Ar-
magh, and colonel of the Armagh regiment of militia, a traftee of
~ linen minufaChlre, (4.btfo.) CumberlaDd.pIaee. and Gotford-
call1e, Market-hill, ... .
1&06. F./" 16, • tt LaurenCl: Parfon" Earl of B.olI'l=, Baron Omlaa-
town, joint potlmafter-general iD lrebnrl, a gdvl!mor of the King's
County, M. R.I• .4. (Q ......,.,.,.) Fulham, MiddleaeJ:, and Par-
aon(lowD, ••
. JIo6. P.b. 16. Welbore EIlis AlIar. Earl of NormantOll. Vife.
and Baron Somerton, (8...",.".) 6. .
: .106. ,.t.. 16. tt Charles WiJ1iam Bury. Earl of CharleviJIe, Vife.
Charlevillc, Baron TalIamoore, F. R. S. and M.R 1 . .4. ('Tullll.Hr,)
_epbaa·B-Jl'CCII. ~ubliD, andCharleviUe-forell, TuJlamoerc, lit.
v I S C 0 U N T S.
EDw. 'V. 1418. ,A"K' 7. t Jenico Prdlon, Vifcount Gormanflown, •
tmftc:e of the R.oyal ceJl"ge of St. Patrick's, Mayuooth, and of th.
lay college there, (Go(manflO'Wl'N call1e, Balbriggen) ••
JAM. 1. 16~o. 7.". 3- George Villicra, Vifcount Grandifon, Baroll
VilIiera, [Ha.f of leney, Hngl.] (BcrkeJey-f'luare; 01lerlcy park,
Midd\efes:; and Middleton park, Oxon.) ...
J6u. Henry AUgUftU8 Dillon Lee, Vire. DiUoD, colonel of the 1014
Jlegt. of foot, (Diehley Hall, OuordJhirc, & Loughglyn, CalUc:res)••.
t6n. April J. t lohn- Nenerville, VircoUDt Netterville, (Blackhall-
ftreet, DubliD, and Douth, Slane) fI.
CUA.I. 16~S. Ap,iI 18. Robert Necdham, VircoUDt Kilmorey, (Shea-
ton hall, Shropihire, and Moumepark, Kilkeel,) ••
J6,,8. ']II~ u. Richard LnDlley SavilleSaunderfon, Vifco\lnt Lumley.
Earl of Scarborough, Eng1.) (Portman·fquare; LumJey caftJe,Dur-
ham; and Sandbee caftle, YorJdhire,) Ill.
J'~, ".fur, 17. Percy ClintOll Sydney Smythe, VircoDDt Strangfonl.
aDd ambaffador to the court of PortugJI, Grand Crorl of the Por-
tugnefe order of the Tower and Sword, a privy eounfeUor in EDg.
land, K. B. e# K. T. S. 6.
16,,8. *
Allg. I. Rodolphu8 Taaffe, Vifcount Ta:I/fc,' Baron B;.uymO~
a eouDt of the Roman empire, Elischan Caftle, Bohemia, ••
16~8. Aug. "I. Thomas Joues, Vifcount Rane1agh, BaroD Na~ Ful.
ham, Middltfa, ••
16~. A1Ig. s. * Richard FitzwiUiam, VifCOUDt' EirzwjlJiam, Baron
FitzwiUiam. of Mcrrion, Vice admiral of Leinfter, F.R.S. (Rich-
mond, Surrey, and Mount Memon, Dublin,) I.
1643. ']a". J. Thomas Jame. Warren Bulkeley. Vircount and BarOll
Bullreley. [Baron BulkeJey, Engl.] lord Iient. and cuft. rot. of the
county of CaernarvoD, hereditary conftabl. of Bcaumaris-canIc.
chamberlain of North Wales, (Stanhope-ftreet, Baron hill, Anilefea,
PonytoD, Chefhirc, and Rayer, Bucks,) ,..
1646. lUll. ~9. Matthew Barncwall? Virct. Kingfiand & BaroD Tuner, ...
1661. § Mareh ~9' Georlle Jamea Cholmondely. Vifcount Chol-
mondely, .Iaron CliOlmondcly, [Earl Chohl1on.tely, Engl.] Lord
Steward of the household, judge (If the Marfhals ..a and palace court.,
and chamberlain of Chester, (Piccarul1y; ChoJmondely call1e,
Chefhire; and Houghton-halJ, Norfolk,) . . ' .
J680. 11.6. 19. § John Chriltol'her Burion Dawney, Vifcount Downe.
[Baron DawDey, Eng!.) (Wigmore-fueet, Cowic hall, Yorkfhire.,
and Danby lodge, Warwickihire) ".
ANNE, 1701. Dte. ~, §John Jame. Hamilton,Vire. and Baron Strabane.
BarOD Mountcaftle, [Earl of Abercorn, Scotl.; Marq. of AberCQrn.,
Engl.] a governor of the counties of DODegal and Tyrone. <I.od a
truftee of the linen maDufaclture, K. G; (Portugal-flreet, GrofveDor-
{quare; Belltley priory, Middle!cs; and BarCWo'~ eo~rt. Ncwtow_
l\ewast,) 1If.
100 Vikounu.
, GEo.l. 1,16.,.,,1,16. William Thomai MoteCworth, Vifct. MoleCworth,
Baron Phi.lipfiown, a colonel in the army, ••
17,r,. 7"1117.9' Richard Chetwynd, Vifcount ChetwyJUi, Baron B.alb-
downe, clerk of the privy couucil ill England, ....
1717. Aug. IS. George Brodrick, Vifcount MiddletOD, BaroD Middle-
tou, [Baron Brodrick, Engl.) (Park ftrcet, Grofvenor.fquare; Pepper
Harrow park, Surrev,) ..;
1,1,. A.g.7.o. Gunavus Hamilton, ViCc.1Joyne, Baron Hamilton, ••
1717. Aug.!!.S. Jofhua AUen, Vifcount and Baron Allen, (Lady town,
, Naas)... '
1719' Ma, 18. § James Walter GrimRon, Vifcount Grimfton, Baron
Dnnboyne, [Lord Forrefter, Scat I.; Baron Verulam, Engl.) F.R.B.
andF.S.A. (Grofvenor.fquare, and Verulam, Herts.) •.
'1710. JIII, I, B.ichard Barrington, Vifcount and Baron BarringtOD,
Cavendifh.fquan:, Becket-Hall, Berkfhire.) ,
1710. S.". 14. § Henry Hall Gage, Vifcount Gage, Baron Ca/Ucb:1l'.
[Damn Gage, Ens!.] (Arlington.ftreet,Pirle-place, Su/fex, Well.bury
houfe, Hants.)'6.
171i. S.p'. 14. § Henry John Temple, VifcoUDt PalmerRown, BaroD
Temple, Secretary at War, member for Cambridge univerlity, and
a privy counsellor iu England, (Broadlands p.lrk, H ants.) 6. '
010. 11. 177.7. 7"1, 17. William George Monllon Arundel, Vilc •
. Galway, BJI'on Killard. (Serlby Hall, Yorkfhire.) ••
1743, ..,,,1, 17. Richard Wingfield, Vifcount- Powcrfcourt, Baron
, Wingfield. (Powerfcourt-huufe, Bray.) ",.
1751. ..,,,1, 17. Henry Jelfrey Flower, Vifc. Afhbrook, Baron Caft1e-
durrow. (Beaumont-Iodgc, Berks, and CafUe-durrow.) •• .
010. Ill. 1763' 'lUll
19. Francil Herrey Morres, Vifcount Mount-
Morres, BuilD Moupt-Morrel•••
1.766. F,6. I,..
Arthv Hill Trevor, Vifcount DoogaDnon, Baron
Hill, : BrinkyDault-caftle, Denbighfhire,).. .
1766. ,,,,, rI. J SThOIDas Anthony Southwc:U, Vifceunt Southwell,

1776. ,J,
, Baron Solllbwell•••
19. Johe VeCer, Vifeount De Vefey, Baron ltnaptOD,
17so. (Merrion-fquarc, Dublin, aDd Abbyleis Houk, Abbyleis.) ••
1,,.6. ,_" 13. William Charles Fortefcue, Vifcount and Baron Cler-
mont, a lieut. colonel in the army, a trull.ce of the linen manufaaure.
(lU'geIIldale-parlt, Flurry bridge.) ••
1781. '"11.4. James Hewitt, Vifcount LifFord, Baron LifFord. Dean
of Armagh, D. D. (Hollq-ftreet, Dublin, and the Deanery,
Aimagh.)... ,
1781. ".11111. I~. Nichol.. Ward, ViCcoWlt Bansor, Baron Caftlcwar.,
(Canlewarcl, 13tranlford) 6.
Vj{countl~ 101
1781. 'JtJI•• 13. § Peni40n Lambe, Vifcount Melboume, Baron KiI-
more, a 10Mof the King's bedcl!amber, (Piccadilly. and Brod:ct
Hall, Hertforalhire.) ••
1781. 'JtJIII. U. .JIcory Welbore EIDs, Vifcount Clifden, Baron CIiC.
den, [Baron Mendip, Engl.] clerk to the privy council in Irdand,
reeorder d£ Gowrm, Hanover.{quare, Paulton Park, Hamp-
thire •••
1785. 'Jut, S. Richard Thomas Dawfon, Vifco1l1lt CreJllCJrJle, B.un
Dartrey, and Cremorne. (Stanl!.ope-~et, aDd Dawfon Grove.
Cootehill.) ...
1,85. 'Jutu 11. Hayes St. Leger, Vifenunt Donerailc, Baron Done-
nile, a governor of the cn. of Cork, (DoneraiJe Castle, DIIDe-
railc.) ••
1791. 'J.t, S· tt Thoma. KneS', VifCOUDt Northlalld, Baron Wellea,
a governor and enft. rot. of the co. of Tyrone, a tRAce of the
linen manufaaure, (Dungannon Park, Dlwgannon.) v. :
S791. 'Jut, s· Henry Pomeroy, Vifcollllt Harbenon, BarllDHarberton,
F. S. A. •• .
S793. Du. 10. S Cornwall;' It'Iaude, VifCOUDt Hawarden, Baron 4c
Moucalt. (Dundrum, Cafhel.) ••
1795. ff Charles John Gardiner, Vifcoant Mountjar, Baron Mount}oJ •
• govcmor of the eo. Tymne. and commiffioJlet of wide 4reeJI
in Dnblin. (Henrietta-n. Dublin. Oxburch. Hall. Jororfolk, and
MOllntjoy Park. Omagh.) v.
S197- N ... ,. tt Hugh Carletem, Vifcount Carleton, BlIlem CarletoD.
a truB:ce of the linen man,uaaure. D.e.L. (Hanover.(quarc:.) 'W. .
doo. De. !l9. William Charles YelvcrtOll, Vife, Avoumore, Lord YQl•
. VC1'tOn, BMoD Avonmore, regiier of the high coart of chancery•••
1800. IHt:. 29. Richard White, Vifccmnt Bantry, Ba1'Oft Banuy.
(Seale14 Park, Bantry.) ..
1100. Dtt:. !l9. Henry Stanlcy Monck. VifCOUDt Monck. Harem Moack.
(.Cbarlevillc, Bray.) //t.
aloo.DI..: 19. Jobn WolCe, Vifc. Kihrardetl. Baron Kihrarden . . Lord
Ituwarden, Regifter of Deeds in Ireland, (Ncwland.. R.athaoole.) I •
• ~. MarJJ 8. John Henry Upton, Vile. 'tclIlplcton, Lord 'teD\pletoll.
Baron Templeton, fon-in-Iaw of tlM: Barlof IlaDdwicb, ]i.8oA. (earue
Upton, Belfact.) ••
1106. MtI, 30. Corneliul O·Ca1laghan. Vitcount Lifmote, aaton LiC-
~, (Henrietta-n. Dublin, Shanba1Jy Ca4le, Clogheen.} ...
1106. M.., 30. Robert Edward King, Vifcount Lorton; Baton kil,
lIrethcr of the Earl of Kingfton, governor and Cldl. rot. of
the co. of Rofcommon, a lieut. gen. in t~e army, and colonel of the
llofcoftUDOn snilicia. (Hcarictta.ircet, DUblin, and RockiI'Jshua.
lIeJle.) Ill. .
102 Eifhops.

1798. ,. Rt. Hon. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Meath.

M. R. I. A. [confecrated Bp. of 080ry,1795.) Ardbracc:au HuuCe.
Navan •••
1804. ,. Rt. Hon. Charles LindCay, D.D. Ld. Bp. of Kildare, brother
of the Earl of Balearrcs, and- brother-in-law to the Earl of H ard-
wicke, Dean of Chrift Church, Dubiin, M.R. I. A. [conCecratcd Bp• .-
of Killaloe. 1803.] Glafnevin HouCe, Dublin. ", •.
1794. tt WilUam Bennet. D. D. Ld. Bp. of Cloyne, a vice prefident of
the Dublin J.ibraty Society, M. R. I. A. [confecrated Bp. of Cork,
1190'] Palace at Cloyne, ••
1798. John Porter, D.D. Ld. Bp. of Clogher, [coftCecrated Bp. of
Killala, 1795.1 Palace at Clogher... .
1801. George de: la Poct Beresford. D. D. 'Ld. Bp. of Kilmore,
couGn of the Marq. of Waterfurd, nephew to the Archbilhop of
TuUD, a truftee of tIIo Linen Manufacture, (Kilmorc Houfe, Ca-
van.) ...
1803. Hon. Wm. Knox, D.D. Ld. Bp. of Derry, fon ofVlfc. North~, a commiffioller of the board of education, [confecrated Bp. of
ltillaJoe, 1794.) Merrion.fquare, North, and Fahan, Derry•••
!l04; !iathanicl Alexander, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Down and ConDOr, [con-
{ecrated Bp. of ClonCert, 1801.] North Great Gcorge'e-Ilreet, and
Portglcnonc-houfe, ...
1804. Chrill:opher Butfon, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Clonfert and Kilntac-
duagh, (ClonIert HouCe. Eyrecourt.) ••
18<>4. Lord llobert PonConby Tottenham Loftu!, 1). D. Ld. Bp. of
Kmaloe and Kilfenora, brother to the Marq. of Ely, (Merion.fqIlUC,·
£all, IIId Clarisford-houfe, KiIlaloc.) ••
1806. Charla Mongan WarburtoD, D. D. Ld. Bp. of LirnericJt.Agha-
doe and Ardfert. (Limerick.) •• .
1807. Lord Johll Georgc de la Poer Bcresrord, Ld. Br. of Ilaphoe.
brother to the of Waterford, [c:onIeaated Bp. of Cork.lIId-
RoCs, ,805.) Palace at Raphoe. 6.
,807. tt Hon. Thomas St. Lawrence, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Cork and Roe..
brother of the Earl of Howth, a commillioner of the board of .dua-
tion, (Palace, at Cork.) ••
1B07. tt Hon. Percy Jocelyn, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Leighlin and Fem.,
brother to the Earl of Roden, a commillioner cf the boarll of educa-
tion, (Belvedere-place, and Palace at Ferns.) 6.
1.810. Hon. Power Le Poer Trench, D.D. Ld. Bp. oC Rlphin, brother
of the Earl of Clancarty, M. R. I. A. (cODfecrated Bp. of Waterford,
18oa.] Upper Gardiner·ftreet OIJId Elphin Houle, Elphin, ...
1810. Jame. Verfchoyle, D.D. Ld. Bp. of KiIlaIa and Acllonry, a
commUlioner of the board of education, and a "ice Felideat o~ the
Dublin Library So.iety, (Killau. HOlhC, Killala.) ..
Peereae. and Baron•• 10S
tllS. Joba L~flie, D.D. Ld. Bp. or Drombre, (Dromore Heluf.,
Dromore.) I. .
1813. Robe,t Fowler, D.D. Ld. Biaulp oC OJTory, bzother of the Co_
tdi of Kilkenny, (Merrion-fquare, Couth, at Palace at Kilk_y.) ••
tl13. Hon. Richard Bourke, D. D. l.t!. Bp. of Waterfoni and
mnre, brother and prd'wnpti.e heir to the :x.rl of Mayo, (Palace at
Waterford.) Ill.


010.111. 1,8S. ,lItu19. Anne Catherine MacdODDell, Oounter. of
Aatrim, VifeoUJIteC. Dunluce. widow of $ir Harry Vane TCIOJlCIt.
BIn. (W.ynyard houfe, Durham.) '"'"
1791. N"",. ,. Margaretta Fuiler, VifcounteC. Ferrard. lady 01 the
Right Hon. John 'Foib:r, (Colloo-houfe, Collon.) ••
1803. F.". 1 I. Charlotte Newcomeo, VUC01lDteCe Neweomen, Widow
of Sir William Gleadewe Newcomen. Bart. (CarricglaCe, Lone-
ford.) 'IP.' .

1791. Nw. 7. Grace Toler, Barood"s Norwood,lady of LerdNorbury•.

(Gar4iner'lI-row, and Cabngh, Dublin.) ••
1197. N"",. ,. Aune CroCton, BaroneC. Crofton, widow of Sir Edwarti
Croftou, Bart. (Mote Park, Athlnne.) v.

Hili. 11. nBl. John de Coarct, Lord Kinfale, B8IOD De Courc:y and
Ringrone, by prefcription, (Kinfale, Cork),..
: This noble family enjoy the here4itary privilc!ge of wearing theil'
bat. in the royal preCeocc, granted to their anceftor. John De Coarcy.
Earl of Ulilcr,aod Baron or Kinfale. by John, King of England.
EA ... IV. 1461. Mllrd .... t 10hn Thomaa BannvclJ, Lord TrilDlefton.
by Patent, (Tu"CJ Roue, Swords),..
146s. RancYl Pllillket, Lord DnnI1lllY, by writ.' (Dull1i&.ay caftlo,
Dunshaghlin.),.. ' .
HIN. VIII. IS4S. ' •• 15. ThClm;g PlllDket, Lorcl Louth, by Patrot,
(Louth hall, TaBooatown) •• ~
ELlS. 1.s83. M", 6. tt S Richard Blltler, Lard Cahir, a un.tee of

J'AIIElI. 1620. '.1,

the linen lWIIIufacture, (Cahir c:aftle, Oahir),.. .
19. Edward DigbYI Lard Dighy, Earl Pigby,
Eng\. lord lieutenant and cuftOl rotplorum of Dorfetlhire, D. C.L.
(Brook ftrert, and Sberborne caftle, DorHtlhini)' I. .
16:n. 'Jul, laO. Andrew ThomasBJ8ynry, Lord Blayney, a major g.:a.
in the army. and lieutenant 1;00onel of the 89lh regiment, (Caftle
Blayney).. .
~1A.I.lh1. UPbUip Sherard,-Lorcl Sheranl, [Earl er Harllorouill.
&11")lStapleforO, Loicellerlh.) •• - '
104 Batons.
ANNW, 1103. 011. d. , Franci. Ingram Oonway Seymour, BUOD
Conway, [Yannouth, and Marqu1s of Hertford, Engl.)· lord
chamb. of the King's houfehold, cuft. rot. of the county of Antrim,
a pri'fy counfellor alfo in Kngland, K. G. t!l" F. S. A. (MancheO:et..
fquate, Ragley park, WaM'Vicldbire, aud Sudbury hall, Suffolk) ",•
. 010. I. 1115. MII'9' 10hn Evaue Frtke, Lord earllerr;', (Ca41e£rell:ej
lloCetarberry) •• ' .
1718. M", I. Mathew Aylmer, Lord Aylmer, to the
King, a maj. genttalJn thlf army, and a tapta1n In the l.d aglment
of foot guara., •• '.
Iho.lI. 1758. SI/t. 18. John Lyfaght, Lord LiJle, oE Mount North •.
J7b. WillillDl Hanger, lAIrd ColeraiDe, (Driftielcl, GlouceD:erfhire,) I.
Oao. III. 1,6\\. F,I. \\6. Edward Clive, Lord Clive, Earl Powis, Rngl.
lord lieuteDaDt ~ Shroplhire and MontgoltletylKire, recorder of
Shrewibury, a privy counfellor iD Engllllid j n.CL. (Berkeley.fquare;
Md Wakot hall, Salop) ft.
116,. '11" 3· S Heary Phiptil, Lord Mulgtn'e, [£arl Mulgr..e.
BogL] malt. gen. of the ordnance, an elder brother of the trinity •
.... 'lieat. cuno. rotolorum " vice admiral of the eaft riding of
Yorkshire, a lieutClWlt general and coloael of the 3 Ifl regiment, go.
,"mor oE Scarborough, a privy counfellor in England, F.S.A. (Mul.
'. grave call1e, YorUtire)",.· .
1770. M;.., \\3·." Charles Georr Perceval, Lord Arden, [B.arOD
Arden, Engl" half brother of the Earl of Rgmont, register of the
court of admIralty and eourt of dtlegates, a trustee of the Hun-
teriau Museum, atld a privy counfellor a~ ill England, F.R."
.,. I. S. A. (St. Jame.'s Place, ancl Nork houfe, Surrey)•
.,,6. .,,,,, 11\\. Ridlard Philip., Lord Milford, lord lieutenallt and
nftoe rotulorum of Pembroke (St. ·Jamea'r-ftreet, and PiCl:on cuJ
tie, Pembrokelhire).. .
1175. 1-'7~. T~ JoIm Wynae, LOrd, (Porthm4
'place. and GlynnllivOD caD:le, Oaermarthea8aite) I.
_,,6. ' ' :1 \\7. Alnllld. W8IItwottk Macdondel, I.oi. Mtcd.onald.
(Great George',.ftreet, and Slate, lOe of Sky) t. .
J776. ,fII, ~8. William Edwa1fdes, J.ok'd XeafiIIgtftDi Illem. W
Haverfordweft.(John4oD. and Weft. Mead, Pemba'okefliire) ..
.,,&• ..,,,,,'\\9. Oeotgo Pulke LyttleWI,LerclWclftCl6te. [BarOl'i Prankly'.
Lord Ljuleton. 1714. England) high tl:eward alld rec6l'der of Bl!wd-
Icy, .I..LD. (MorUma' ..strc;et. London. anei Harley pulr, WQ.\'Io
ft4erthUe) ~.. .
1176. :Y-ly 30. Ilobm OftRWr. LOl'-d ODrter. (Cheat Oeotge'..ftUet,
LOudoa, aud Old Warden. Be4fcmlflUre) ...
1,,6. A.,. 4.MUgh Rlmo" MaI'e'y" IMd M~eJi ~reague,
CaftlecOnnel) •• .
1't/'1. Jld. ~6. f Morri~ Ilobiftfola·,·I.or4> Wi1t'4 (It:. .,,,., yoslk6id.
and Monck. Horton, Kent) I. ....
~onl. 10~
'180. 'Jt611. j. U Rohert TilCon DC'\IIe, Lord MuJken-y;pernnr and
cuilos rotulorum of Limerick, colonel of the co. Limerick miliu.. and
. a tr'ullec of the liu(n manufaoiure, (Spring&eld carue, Ne....-
c;aftlc.) ",.
I ,81. Jail. 9· John Baker Holroyd, Lord~Sheflield, Bar~n DunaUaore,
[Lord Shef&eld, Eng1.1 a privy counfdlor iu England, F. R. and
A.S. (Portland-place, Greave·hall, Yorldhire,. aud Shellield-place,
Sull'ex) ...
I,h. u. § ~muel Hood, Lord H!lod, [ViCe. Hood, EngL] an
eI.ler brother of the Trinity houfe, mafter and director of O .. eeRw~
hofpital, and an admiral of the red, (Whitley Abbey, near Cuventry.
and Greenwich, Kent)"W.
1783. 08. 13. William TonCon, Lord Riverfdale, colonel of the
Souih Cork regiment of militia, and a governor of the co. of Cor~.
(Lifnegar, Rathcormutk,) Ill• .
,,83'- 08.:n. Lowther Pennington, Lord Munafter, a gen • .ua the
army, and col. of the lOth- royal vet. battalion, (MuncaL\er huuae.
Cumberland) ...
1,8j. JIIII' 30.· Richard Malone, Lord SunderliD, (BaronftoWJI, Ba
linecargy,) 1fII.
1,89. Nrw. IS. Georp Eden; . Lord Auckland, [BarOD AudtlJnd
Engl.] (Old palace yard London, and EJ1en farm, near Bromle,
Kent) 111. I

1789. No.,. 18. § James Caulfield BroWJIe, Lord Kilrnaillt. a cover-

nor of the n. of Mayo, (GalfiowlI park, Mulliogar) ...
17S9. Nov. IS. §. Valentine Browne LaWlefl, Lord Clancurry, ClWr-
IJIan of the Grand Canal Company. (Lyons call1e, CelQl.idge, aa"
.Abingtou, Limerick) .w. _ .
• ,89. N.';. 18. § Sampfou Eardley, Lord . Hardler, D.C.L. F.R.S. and

F.s.A.. (Belvedere houfe, Kent) 'W.
"90. J"If.6. George Agar., Lord Callan, (Craaham ball, Ell'eJ:.
·and Ringwocid, Rofs) 6. .
J: 790. Y,,".6. Luke: DilloJJ. Lord Cloubrock, {C.1onbrock, AhaIcragh).w •
• 79[. , Alleyne Fitzherbert, Lo~d St. Helens, [Baron St. Heleu..
Engl.] a trullee of the Britii£ and lianterillll ,Museums, and a
privy-collnfellor alfo in England, F.S.A.. (GriiEton-ftnet, BoncJ...(W:et.
London) 6. .
Z7pJ. JUII' 14. §'Richar4 Ca1leodilh. Lord Waterparlt. {DOverid,.
Hall, n:.rbyJhire.) ....
• 79:'· 'Jut,. Thom•• Natlh Graves, Lord Gra ....., a lord of t~
King's bed.chamb*,~1' fer Oakhampton. DevlIII, trd(urep an.
(.umptrollar of the lloufellopi t. the Duke cl Sull'ex,(O]d Burling~en"
ilreet London. Bilhop'..court, Devon, and TorpoiDt, CoruweU.) fII.
1194. A."g. n. § Samuel Hood, Lord Bridport, [Vife, Bridyiott.
Eng!.] (ou-in-Jaw of Xarl Ndfun, (H:wley-nseet LOIIdon, BAIl
Lodge, SoO\cr(et.) ",.
( 181 5'] H
1195. 04. I. George Auguflus Henry Anne Parkyn., Lord R&1I-
cliffe, member for Nottingham, a captain ill the army, (Bunnypark,
Nottinghamlhire)... . .
1.,96. ,,,"' 8. § Jolhua yanneck, Lord Huntingfield, member (or
Dunwich, Suffolk, (Grofvcnor-fquare, London, and Hcvcningham-
liall, Suffolk) ...
1796. ,,,"' 8. Robert, Lord Carrington, (Baron Carringtoa.
Eng!.1 s;aptain of Deal call1e, Kent, F.R.d.$. l!f D.C.L. (White-
hall Garden, London, Wycombe Abbey, and Wendover HoWe.
Bucks.) ...
1796. OR. 10. William Warner Weflenra, Lord RoiTmore, a governor
of the co. of Monaghan,. (Rolfmore Park, Monaghan.) ,..
1797. George Keith Elphinftonc, Lord Keith, [Vifc. Keith, EngLJ
an admiral of the Rctl, fecretary, chamberlain and keeper of
the fignet, and counfellor of ftate for Cornwall, and in Scotland.
to the Prince of Wales, treafurer and comptroller oC the houfehold \
to the D. of Clarence. K. B. K. C. F. R. S. (Harley-flreet, London,
Tulliallan court, Stcrlinglhirc, and Purbrook Park, Hants.) ..".
1791. M.,.~h 1 Beaumoni 'Hotham, Lord Hotham, (South Dalton.
House,Yorldhirc.) ....
179'" No". ,. tt, lames Cuffe, Lord Tyrawly, a governor ofthe co.'
oC Mayo,. (Caftlelacken, .Rathlacken,) 'W.
1797. Nov. 1. 11 § Charles Allanfon Winn, Lord Headly (Brook-ftreet.
London, and Bramham Hall, Yorldhire.) It. .
1791. Nov. 7. Iohn Shore, Lord Teignmouth, a commiffioner Cor the
alfain oC India, and a privy counfeUor in England, (Clapham, Mid-
dlesex,) M.
1798. F.It. 14. t Thomas Ffrench, Lord Ffrench, a trllfl:ce oC the royal
college oC St. Patrick, Maynooth. (Summerhill, Dublin, aud Ca1Ue- '
ffrenc;il, 'Aha,cragh) ...
1'99. Nov. 9. Frederick Morton Eden, Lord Hculey, a pri'f)" counfellor
in England, K. B. F. R. S• ••
I!loo. Ap,.il4.' Charles Whitworth, Lord Whitworth, [Vife. Whit-
worth, Engl.] lord lieut. general ;uJd general governor oC Irelan~
grand-mafler oC the moR: illuflrioul order oC St. Patrick, a lord
of trade and plantations, and a privy counfellor in England, (Stone-
lands, SuiTex, CaR:leoC Dublin,lIld Phenix Park, Dublin.) ••
'1800. JJ:y 31. 1 Charlcs Henry Coote, Lord Caftlecootr, a Jovernor
of the Q.!!een's County, colonel of the Q.uecn', County militia, chicf
commiffionrr oC his Majelly's cuftoms. (StephOll's-green, Dubllil.
ForeR:-Iodge, Mountt;.ath, and Leopard's-toWD, Dublin.) ••
I!lOO. "jJ:y 31. Clotworthy Rowley, Lord Langford, brother oC the
Marquis of Headford. (Knglcfield Grove, Berb, and Summerhill,
Meath.) Ill. •

'1800. 'lily 31. 10hn :Qlaqllicrl, Lorilk IIlaq_icre. (PertlcmoJl, Mul-

linpr.) It. . .
Darons. 107
1300. .,1I1y 3t. ,. Lodge Evans Morres, Lord Frankfort, a truftee oC
. the linen manufaClure, one of the commiffionera for improving the
port of Dublin. (Merion-fquare, Dublin, &. Frankfort, Killr.enny.) ••
1800. "Ju/,_ 31. § JO:lO Henniker Major, Lord Henniker, member
for Stamford, Lincolnfhire, F.R.and B.A. (Grofvenor-f'iuare, London.
Stratford-houfe, Eifex, and Worlingworth hall, Suffolk.) nr.
18oo.,,/1I1y 3t. § James Stevenf~n Black1J!.'ood, Lord Duli'uin mel
Claneboy, member for Aldeburgh, Suli'olk, a governor of the county
of Down, colonel of the North Down regiment of militia, and a
truftee of the linen manufaClure. (Cavcndifh-fquare, London, and
Ballyleidy, Newtownards.) m.
1800. Jllly 31. S Richard Quin, Lord Adair. (Adair Houfe,
Adair)... •
1800. 'lily 31. § Thomas Mullio., Lord Venuy, (Burnham Houfe.
Dingle) m.
1800. Jul, 31. William Hare, Lord ~nnifmore, (Portland-place, 1.on-
don, Purbrook Park, Hams, and Convamore, Fermoy.) ••
1800. Jllly 31. U 10feph Henry Blab, Lord W'allfCOUl't. (Ardfry.
Loughrea.) ". .
1800. "Jllly 31. Henry Moore Sandford, Lord .MoUllt Sandford,
·(CaRlerea, Rofcommon.) ••
1800. "J1I1, 30. Henry Prittie, Lord DunaUy, half brother of tb. Earl
of Charleville. (Dunally Caftle, Nenagh.) ...
1800. "July 31.,. John Preflon, Lord Tara, hereditary tru.llec of the
free fcbools of Navan and Ba1Jyroan, (BalliDter, Navan) ••
Maurice Mahon, Lord Hartland, a governor of the
180;)• .,1I1y 3 r.
co. of Rofcommon. (Strokeftown Houfe, StrokeRown.J ...
1800. "fur, 30. Joh~ Bingham. Lord Clanmorri.; (Newbrook, Bally-
gl2&8,) ",.
1800. De&.2.7. William Waldegrave, Lord Rad1loc:k;an aclmir;U cl
the red, (Portland-place, London,) ...
1800. Del:. ~7. ,. Srlveller Douglas, Lord Glenbervie, furveror Ire-
neral of the king's ",:oods and fordle, rector of King" college, Aber-
deen, a privy counrellor a1fo in England, F. R. S. and F. 8. A. (!i>c.
George's-flreet, London, and Bufhy P!<I'k, Middlefex.) m.
1800. D,t:·2.7. ,. John Toler, Lord Norbury; lord chief juftice of
the conlmon pleas, a bencker of the hon. fodely of King'. iDnl, an
official vifitor of the royal college oC St. Patrlck, Maynooth, and a
trunee of the linen manufaaure. (GardiDer'..row, Dublin, and
Cabragh, Dublin.) ",. .
1800. Det:.2.7. S Alan Hyde Gardner, Lord Gardner, a rear admiral
er the red, (Lord Gardner; 1806, in England.) (Abbeville Park, Sta!-
for4lhire,) . . . . . ' .
]08 Index to the Peers, Bee.
1800. Dt&. ~7. George Oren..,ille Nugcnt Temple, Lord Nugent, bro-
ther of the Marquis of Buckingham, and nephew of Lurd Grcnville,
member for Ayldbury, Bucks, (Pall Mall, London, and Gosfield
Hall, Sufi'ex.)
J800. D,~. ~1. Frcderick Trench. Lord Alhtown. (Great DeDllWk-
'fireet, Dublin, and Woodlawn, BallinaJloc.) ...
1800.DI'. 1&7' nEyre MaJl'et" Lord Clarina. (Elm. park,> Limerick.) ...
IBo6. FdJ. 5. John Thellufon, Lord Rendlelham. (Rendlelham Hall,
SufFolk.) ...
1810. May 18. John Prendergaft Smyth, Lord Kiltarton, a ge..,ernor
of the co. of Galway, (Mil£ord,l,imerick, and Gort, Galway.)
18u. Dec. 7.1. ,. William Handcock, Lord Castlemaine, conftable
of the caftle, forts, and governor of Athlone, brother in law of the
Earl of Clancarty, (Moydrum Castle, Athlone. and Hare Hland,
Westmeath.) ...
18r:l. Du. :zI. ,. William Beresford. D. D. Baron Decies, of Decies.
Lord Archb. of Tuam, Uncle of the Marquis of Waterford,
a conmliffioncr of the board of edutation. (Stephen'a-Green, Dublin,
and the Palace, Tuam.) '" '

Adair, Baron 107 Bridport, Baron :(05 Clarin. Baron 108
Aldboro', Earl 96 Bulkeley, Vifcollnt 99 Clermont. Vifcount 100
Allen, Vifcount 100 Canir, Baron 10.1 Cluden, Viicount 101
Annefiey, Earl 96 Caledon, Earl 98 CliTe, Baron, 104
Antrim Countef.. 103 Callan. Baron 105 Clogher, Bilhop 103
Arden, Baron 104 Carbery, Baron 104 Clonbrock, Baron 10$
Armagh, Earl 91 Carhampton,Earl 96 Cloncurry, Baron 10S
Armagh,Archbilhop 9 r Carleton, Vifcount 1011 Clonfert, Bilhop 102
Arran, Earl 95 Carrick, Earl 94 Clonmei,· Earl 91
Alhhrook, ,Viscounuoo Carrington.Baron 1061 Cloyne. Bilhop 103
Alhtown, Baron 108 Carysfort, Earl 97 Coleraine Baron 104
Athlone, Earl 93 Calhel, Archbilhop 91 Connaught,Earl 91
Auckland, Baron 10S Caftlecoote,Baron 107· Conway, Baron 104
Avonmore, Vifcount 101 Castlemaille,Baron 108 1 Conyngham,Earl 91
Ayhncr, Baron 104 Caft.ftewart Earl 981 Cork, Bifhop 107
Band"n, Earl 98 Cavan, Earl 93' Cork, Earl 93
Bangor, Vifcount 100 CharlemontEarl 9S/ Courtown, Earl 9J
'Bantry, Vifcount 101 Charleville, Earl 98 Cremorne 'Vifcoimt 101
Darncwall, Vifwunt 99 Chetwynd, Vifcount 100 Crofton, Baronefs 10,1
Barrington,Viscount 100 Cholmondeley, Vifct. 99 Cullen, Vifcount 94
Barrymore,Eari 93 1CI,ncarty, Earl 98!Darnlcy, Earl 94
TIelmore, Earl 97/ClanmOrris,Baron 107, De Blaquiere, Baron 106'
Ec,(boro'; F..arl 94 Clanricarde,Earl 9 3~ Decies, Baron 108
nlayney, Baron 104 Clanwilm. Earl 96; Deny, Difhnp 10~
Boyne, ViIcOUlltlOO Clare, EilrJ 9i'Ddart; Earl 97
Index to the Peen. 109
Dctmond, Earl 9J'Hennilter, Baron 107 MilltoWD, Earl 95
De veCc:i, ViIcountloo Hgod, Baron 105 MOim, Earl 95
Digby, Baron 103 Hotham. Baron 106 MolefworthVICct. 100
DilJoD, Vifcount 99 Rowe. ViCcOUDt 100 Monck, VifcoUDt 101
Donegal, Marquis 92 Howth, Earl 95 Mt.CaJheJ,Earl 96
Donuailc, Vik_OUJlt 101 Huntinglie1d,&rnD 106 MOUJltjoy, Vifcount 101
Donougbm.Earl 9~ Kcith, . Baroll 106 Mt.Morrea,Vifcounuoo
D~, Blfhop 10" Kenmare, Earl 9~ Mt.Norris, Earl 97
Downe, ViC,ount 99 KenfingtoD,Baron 104 Mt. Sandfo. Baron 107
Downfhire Marquis 9:1 Kerry, .Earl • 94 Mulgrave, Baron IC'4
Droghcda, Marquis 92 Kildare, Bifhop 102 Muneafter, BaTOA 105
Dromore, Bi1hop JO" Kilkenny, Earl 97 Munller, Earl 90
Dublin. Earl 90 KilIala, Bilhop 182 MufkeJry, Baron 10S
Dublin, Archbi1hop 91 KilIaloe. 13Hhop 102 NettervilIe, VifCOUJlt 99
Dulferln, BaroD 107 Kilmaihe, Baron 105 Newboro', Baron 104
DungaDDOn,VifcountI Kilmore, Biihop 10"INewcomenVifcouDt 10]
Dunally, Baron. 107 Kilmorey, ViIcount 99 Norbury, Baron 107
DunC;IJlY, Baron 103 Kiltarton, Baron 108 1NormantoD,Earl 91
Eardley, Baron 10,5 KilwardeD, VifCOUJlt 1011\Northland, Vifcount 101
Egmont. i£arl 94 KinglloD. Earl 95 Nonvgod, Baroncfl 103
Elprun. Bifhop 102 Kiruale, BarOD 1Q3!NUgent, Earl 96
Ely, Marquis 92 LlandafF. Earl 97 Nugent, Baron 108
Enni1killen,Earl 96 Landboro' Earl 940'N.,ill, Earl 98
EnDillDure Baron .l01 Langford, Baron -1060ngley, Baron 104
Erne, Earl 96 LeighliJl, Bilhop 1020rmonde, Earl 93
Famham, Kad 96 Leinfter, Duk. 9lOfl'ory, Biihup 103
Ferrard, VifcouDteCIl.3 Leitrim. Earl 97 Palmerfton, Vifcountloo
Fife. Earl 94 Li1ford, VifcpUDt 100 Ponarlingt.Earl 96
FinJt3U,. 181'1 93 Limerick, Bifhop 102 Powerful. Vifcount 100
Pit'llwi1lm. Earl 94 Limerick, Earl 98 Radftock, &ron 107
Fitzwillm. VUCODDt 99 Li1burne, Earl 96 RancIifFe, Baron 106
l'rankford, BaroD 107 LiHe, Buon 104 R.Delagh, Vifcount 99
Ffrench, Baron 106 J,.i1inore, VifcountIol Raphoe; Biih6p 10~
Gage, Vif~ouDt 100 Londonderry ,Earl 97 Rendlefham,Barou 108
Galway, Vifcount 100 Longford, Earl 96 Riverfdale, Baron lOS
Gardner, Baron 107 Lorton, VUcoUDt 101 Roden, Earl 95
Glandore, Earl .96 Louth, BaroD 103 Ro\r.c:by, Baron 104
Glenbervie,Baron 107 Lucan, Earl 97 RoCcommon,Earl 93
Gonnanftn.VucouDt -99 Ludlow, Ear~ 9S Roffmore, Baron lOll
Gosford, Earl 981Lumley, VifcOQDt 99 Rote. EarJ 98
Gtanard, Earl 93 MacdoDald,Baron 104 Selton, Barl 9S
GrandiCon. VifcoUDt 99 Malfarceoe.Earl 94 hanlion, Earl 94
Graves, Baron lOos Maft'ey, Baron 104 Sheffield, ]!aron IPS
Grimfton, Vifcount 100 Mayo, Exl 96 Shelbume, Earl 94
Harberton,VifcouDt 101 Meath, Bi/hop 102 Sherard, BaroD 10.3
HartlaDd; :aaron 107 Meath, Earl 93 Sligo, Marquis 9~
ftawarden, VifcouDt lOt ·Melbourne, ViCcountlol SouthweU, Vifcount 100
Headfort, Marquis 92 Mexboro', Earl . 95 StubaDe, Vifcount· 99
Headly, Baroa 1061MiddletDn,Vifcount 1001Strangford,ViCcount 99
Healer, Barol1 JO~lMilIord. DaroD I04jSt.HelGJl" BBr911 _ "':(1
ltO 'MemberS for Ireland, Office of Arms, !cc.
'SundcrIin, Baron I05lTyraWley, Baron J061watcrford, Bi/hop 10'3
Taaffe, Vifcount 99 Tyrconnel, Earl 95 Waterpark, Baron 105
Ta~, Baron I07)Ultler, Earl 90Y/elldley, Marquis' 9~
Telgnmouth,Baron 106 UpperOtrory,Earl 94IWell,ote, Baron J04
Templetwn.VifcountIoI: Ventry, Baron 107 i Weflmeath, Earl 93
Thomond, Marquis 91'Wallfcourt Baron I07,WHtworth,Baron 106
Trimlellon, Baron I03jWaterford,MarQuis 9~Wicklow, Earl 97
Tuam, Archbi/hop, 91 Waterford, Earl 93'Winterton, Earl 95


Firlt Seffion-Primate, Meath, Kndare, Derry.
Second Seffion-Dublin, R.phoe. Limerick, Dromorc.
Third Seflion -Calhel, Elphill, Down. Waterford.
Fourth Senion-Tuam, Leighlin and Ferns, Cloyne, Cork.
Fifth Senion-·Primate, Killaloe, Kilmore, Clogher.
Sixth Seffioll-Dublin, Otrory, KilIala, Clonfert.


U!JItr King of A,m., Sir Chichelle.r leo,A Hun/d alA,m., Theob. Richd.
Fortefcue, Kn5r O'Flahrrty, Efq.
Deputy, Sir Wilham Betham, Knt. :P.HifSe~;.unt••'A,,,,.,J,,hnM·Clin-
Register and Soii.ito" 1 heob. Richd.! tock. Jun. and William Foller
, O'Flaherty, Efq. M"Clintock, Efqrs.

Dllklit, Htrald at Arml, Thomas Me- Del"ly'" Robt. Simp.on and James
reditb Winftanley, Efq. Pratt, Efqrs. '
Alhlo"e Puifuiv(Jnt at A,•• , Sir wm'js... Strj. t1# Arm., H. Minchin, Efq.
Betham, Kilt. :, Drpllty, Jofeph Minchin, Efq.

Reprefenting the {everal Counties and Town8 in Ireland, ~n the Par-
liament of the. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
ELrr'r D 1812.
Antrim County.
Hon. John Richard Bruce O'Neill, only brother of Earl O'Neill,
lieut. col. of the 19th regiment of light dragoons, and Conftable of
the Came of Dublin, (Stretton-st. London, and Tullymore Lodge,
Ballyroena. )
Rt. Hon. Fraucis (Seymour) Earl of Yarmouth, fon of the Marq. of
Hertford,' lord warden of 'the stannaries, and a pri"Y counfellor in
England, (Seymour-place London, alld Ragley-park, Warwickfhire.)
Armagh County.
William Brownlow, Efq. brother-in-law o( Earl Darnley, and Vif-
count de Vefd, a banker in Lurgan, and a trullee of the linen roa-
Dllfadure, (Lurgan.) .
William RiehardfoD, ECq. a truftlC of the linen manulaliure, (lUch-
Hill, Armagh.)
Memberl for Ireland. lil
Armagh Borough.
, Rt. Hon. Patrick Duigenan, vicar gen. of the lIletrop. court of
~ag},. aDd of the confift. court of Dublin, Iudge of the Prerog.
Court, King'. Advocate General of the High Court of Admiralty.
Vicar General of the diocefes of Meath and Elphin, King's Profclfor of
COIIWIOn Law in the Univcrfity of Dublin, a Bencher of the Hon. So-
ciety of ,King's Inns, and a trullee of the linen manufOlGlure, D.C.L.
(Reurietta-fueet, Dublin, and Sandymount, Dublin.)
Athlone, Borough.
.. John Wilfon Croker, F..fq. fecretary to the adnuulty, aDd to the
Widow's Charity, (Admiralty, Londou.)
Bandon-bridge, Town.
Hou. Rich. BoyIe Bernard. fecond fon of the Earl of Bandon. (Stone
Buildin~, London.)
Bel£all lJorough.
SlcphCl) May, Esq.
Carlow County.
David Latouche,jun. efq. eIdel~ fon of the Rt. Hon. David I.a Touche,
a governor of the county, of Carlow, and colonel of tlie Carlow regi-
ment of militia. (Upton, Leighlin-bridge.)
Henry Bruen, Erq. (Oak Park, Carlow.)
Carlow Borough.
Sir Frederic John Falkiner, Bart. colonel of the Iooth reg. of foot,
{ccretary to the moll illullrious order of St. Patrick, a commiffioner of
. wide frrcet. in Dublin, and coulin to the Duke of Leiufter, (Scymolll'-
place, Loudon,and Abbots-town, Dublin,)
Carrickfergns County and Town.
Arthur Crucheller, Efq. (Came Carey, MoviIle.)
Cafbel City.
Sir Charles Saxtoll,Bart. (Albanyj· London, andCircourts near AbiDg-
ton, Ber ks. )
CaV3JI County.
Nathaniel Sneyd, Efq. cull. rot. of the county of Cavan, a dircGlor
nf the bank of Ireland, a commillioner of.wide ftreet8, ..nd oneof tlle
corporation ror improving the port of Dul1Iin. (Sac kville-fl. Dublin.)
, Right Hon. John Maxwell Barry, fon-in-Iaw of the Earl of Mount-
Norris, a.lord of th~ treafury, a governor of the county of Cavan, and
colonel of the Cavan regiment of militia, and a truftee of the linen ma..
nuIadure. (Woodfield, Newtownbarry.) .
Clare County. \
Sir Edward O'Brien, Bart. (Dromoland, Newmarket-on-Fergn •• )
AugnlHne FitzgeraId, Efq. lieutenant col. of the Clare regiment of
militia. (Carrigoran, Newl1larket-on-Fe'11;ua.)
. Clonmel Borough.
, Rt. Hon. Wm. Bagwell, joint mufler-mafter-general, and clerk of
the cheque of his Majelly'. Armie. and Garriions in Ireland, a governor of
the county of Tipperary, and colonel of the Tipperary regiment of mi-
litia. (Marlfield, Clonmell.)· •
Coleraine Borough.
Sir John Poo Berj!sford, Bart. a Rear A4miral of the Blue. (Wir
More-meet, LendoD.)
112 Members {or Ireland.
Cork County. .
R.ight Hon. James (BerJlard) ViCe. Bernard, fon of the !:arl oC Ball-
don, (Caftle.Bernard, Baudon.)
Hon. R.ichard Hare, eldcfr fon of Lord Enuifinore, and brother-in-law
of Lord Clonbrock, (Palace-yard, Well:minfter, London.)
Cork City.
Mountiford Longfield, Efq. coulin of Vifc. Longueville, ~oloDel of .
the COI·k city regiment of militia, (Bury-ft. 5r James's, London, and
'Castle-Mary, Middleton.)
Sir Nicholas Conway Colthurft,Bart. grancifon to the Rt. Hon.Vavid
La Touche, (RcddHh'8 Hotel, Jermyn-ft. London, and Ardrum, Ballin-
..coIJig.) . . .
Donegal County.
Sir Jame. Stewart, Bart. a' bencher of the Hon. Society of King',
Inns, r Fort-ftewart, Rathmelton.)
George Vaughan Hart, Efq. a lieutenant general in the army, and
lieutenant colonel of the 75th repment, (Blake's Hotel, J ermyn-fueet,
London, andXilderry, Dary.)
Down County.
Hon. John Meade, fon-in-Iaw of the Earl of Carrick, and uncle of
Lord ClanwiIliam, lieutenant colonel of the 45th regiment ofloot.
, Rt. Hon Robert .(Stewart) Vifcount Caftlereagh, for. of the Earl
of Londonderry, nephew to the Marquis of Hertford, and Marquis of
Camden, brother to the member for Londonderry, f(cretary of ftate for
the foreign department, a lord of trade and plantation., an official
trull:ee of the Britilh mufeum, a commiflioner for the affairs of India,
a privy counfellor in England, a governor of the county of Londonderry,
colonel of the LOl!donderry militia, K.G.F.R.S. &. Jl.I.R.I.A. (St.
Jamc¥'s-fquare, London, and Mount-Il:ewart, Ncwtownards.)
. Downpatrick Borough.
Charles Stcwart Hawthornc, Efq. (Ringhaddy, Killinchy.)
Drogheda County and Town.
Henry Meade Ogle, Efq. (Stanlon, Drogheda.)
. Dublin County.
Hans Hamilton, Efq. a governor of the county of Dublin, (Union
Hotel, St. James's-square London, Mountjoy-fquare, Dublin, Sheep-
.bill, Dublin. and Holm-park, Ba.lbriggen.
Richard Wogan Talbot, Efq. (MaJahide·caftle, Swords.)
Dublin City.
,. Right Hon.· Henry Grattan, (Upper Brook.ftreet, London, and
Tinnehinch, Bray.)
Robt. Shaw, Efq. a banker and alderman il\ Dublin, (Pall Mall, Lon-
oiIon, Merion.fquare, Dublin, and Bulhy.park, Dublin.)
.' . Dublin Univerfity •
. ,. Rt. Hon. Williain Conynghanl Plunket, a bencher of the hon. So-
. oiety of King's Inns, and a King's counfeI, (Stcphen's-GrecD, North.
Dundalk Borough, Louth.
Lyndon Evolyn, efq. (York-place, London.)
. Dungannon Borough. Tyrone.
Georlc Peter Holford, Efer. (Bolton-ftrcct, London.)
Members for Ireland. 113
Dungarvan Borough.
Hon. George Walpole, brother of the Earl of Orford, Uncle of the
member for King's-Lynn, a maj. gen.' in the army. l Q!!een-ftn:ct,
May-Fair, Londoll.)
Enni. Borough, Clare.
, Right Hon. William Fitzgerald, eldeO: fon of the Right Hon.Jam..
Pitzgerald, chancellor of the exchequer a commilsio ner of Wide
'Streets, a eommillioner of the board of education, and a privy counsellor
in England,(Albany Lon.Jon, and Inch~nan. Clare.)
Ennilkillen Borough, Fermamlgh.
Richard Map., fen. Efq_ brother-in-law of the .I!:arI of IltrnifltiDea.
(Saville-ftreet, Loudon.)
Fermanagh County.
Hon. Sir_Galbraith Lowry Cole, X.B. brother of the Earl of Ea-
Dilkillen, a lieut. general in the army, and colonel of the I03d regi.
meat of foot, (M~rleb3nk, Florence-court.)
MervynArchdall, Efq. a lieut. gClt. in the army, Iieut. col. of the I ~tA
.regiment of clragoons, a govemor of the county of Fl'rmanagh, (Caftle-
archdall, Enllilkillen, Grove Emo, and Trilliclt Lodge, lrvineftown.)
Galway County.
James Daly, of Dunsandle, ECq. Mayor of the town of Galway,
'I Rt. Hon. Deni. BowelDaly,brother-in-law of the Coufttl'flDowager
of ShanDon. (Daly's lodge, KiJcullen, and Dalyi1:own, Loughrea.)
Galway Town.
Valentine Blake, efq. (Menlo, Galway.)
Kerry County•
. , Right Hon. Maurice Fitzgerald, [Knight of Kerry) Iieut. colond
of the Kerry regiment of militia, and a: truftee of the linen manufac_
ture, Mo R. 1. A. (Miller's Hotel, Jermyn-ftreet, London, Stephen',-
green. Dublin, and Ballinruddery, Liftowel.)
James Croibie, Efq. a governor of the county of Kerr!', lieutenant
coConelof the Kerry regt. of militia, (Jermyil-iuect, London.)
. Kildare ConDty. '
Right Hon. William Fitzgerald, commonly called Lord WiIliam
Fit.gerald, brother of the Duke of Leinfter, (Leiniler-houfe, Dublill,
and Carton, Maynooth.)
Robert Latouche, Efq. brother-in-law of the E:1rl of Clancarty.
Vice.Prefidcnt of the ,lS:ildare Farming Socidy, (Cavendilh-fquare.
Loadon. Merion-fquare, Dublin, and Harrii1:own, Kilcullen.)
Kilkenny County.
Hon. J,amel W3ndesford Butler, next brother to the Earl of Ormondc
snd Olfory (New Btirlillgton-ftreet, London, and Caftlecomer.)
Hon. Frederick Cavendilh Ponfollby, second fon of the Earl of
Belborough, nephew of Earl Spencer, and lieut. col. oC the nth regi-
ment of Light Dragoons, (Cavendi~-fquare, Lonl'on, and Befborough,
Kilkenny. City.

Hon. Charles Harward Butler. brother oC the Earl of OrlllDllde,
and Brother-m-Law io the Earl TIC C&rrick •
'Jl4 Members for Irelani.
King'. County.
Thomas Bel'\lard, jun. Erq. brother-in-law of Lord Dunally, and of
the Earl of Charleville, (Cliffilrd-street, London, and Caftlebernard.
Harurefs Lloyd, Efq. brother-in-law of the Earl of Rotre, (Chapel.
ftreet, South-fircet, London, and Glofier, Rofcrca.)
Kinfale Town, Cork.
Henry Martiu, Efq. a 'king's counCel. (Ncw-Cquare, Lincoln's-lnu.
Loudon.) , .
Leitrim County.
lohn Latouche,jun. Erq. a banker in Dublin. rMeri~-rquare,Dublla..)
Henry 10hn Clemcot8, Efq. a lord of the Treafury, go~or of the
COUnty of Leitrim, colonel of the l.eitrim regiment of militia, and
a trultee of the linen manufaaure. (UlliOll-Hotd, St. Jame....Cquare.
London, and Alhfield-Iodge, Cootehill.)
Limerick County.
Hon. Wyndham Henry ~in. eldeA. Con of Lord Adair. and Nc:pbe.
of the Earl of IIchefic:r, (Albany, London, and Adair Houae. Adai:r _)
William Odell. Efq. a lord of th.. treafury, and lieutt'lIaIlt colonel
01 the county of Limerick militia. (RiIey's-Hotel, London, and Grove.
Limerick City.
, ,. Right Hon. Charles Vereker. Nephew of Lord Kiltarton, colonel
.r the Limerick city regiment of militia, and conftahle of the c:ity
of Limerick; (Clarendon-Hote1, Bond-O:reet, London, and Lougla-
cooter, Gort.)
Lifb.urne BOrough.' Antrim.
Hon. Lord Henry Seymonl' Moore, fciD of the Marq. of Drogheda,
and nephew of marq. of Henford, joint muller-mafter-general, and
clerk of the cheque of Jus MajeftY'8 Armies. and Garrifuns in ire-
land. lieut. colonel of the ~een'. co. regt. of' militia. (Mmchdicr-
Cquare, London, and Mqore-Abbey, Monafterevan.)
, Londonderry County.
Hon. "-iIliam Ppnfonby, brother of Lord Ponfonby, a maj. genen!
in the army, IlDd lieut. c:olonel uf the Sth regt. of Dragoon guard..
Aleunder Stewart, Esq. Kilrca.
Londonderry Citr.'
,. Right Hon. Sir George Fitzgerald Hi!, Dart. a lord of the trea-
(ury, lieutenant colonel of the Decry regiment of militia, recorder or
Derry, and a truO:ee of the linen manufaaurc. (Great G'orgc· ...ftrect.
London, Brook-hall, Decry.) ,
Longford County.
Sir Thomas Fetherfiun, Bart. \Sutrolk-O:reet, London, and Anl.agh.
Right Hon. George John(Forbes) Vifcount Forbe., elded fan oC the
Earl of Granard. and nephew of the Earl of Moira, a Miojor in the
army, and Aide-de-Camp to the Prince Regent, (King-O:rcct, Londoo,
and Caftle Forbea, Longford.)
Louth County.
, Right Hon. John FoO:er. a gOYCrllor of the county of Leutla,
aa official vilitor the roral ,ollege of Sr. Patria, ftc of tll.c
Members for Ireland. llS
corporation for improving the port of Dublin, a trullee or the lin ••
nlaQufaClure, and a privy counlellor in' England, M.R./.A. (Great
Geurge's-fire.:t, Lou<}on, and Collon.Houfe, Cull on. )
Rt. Hon. Robert !Jocdyn· Vifcount Jocelyn, fon of the Earl of R.-
den; and fun-in-Iaw of lord de Dcfpenser, -vice chamberlain to the
King, (Couduit-Ureet, London, Hyde Hall, He[t$, and TuJlymore Park,
Catliewellan. j
Mallow Town.
James Laurcnce Cotter, Efq. eldeft fOil of '"ir ]ames L. Cotter, baJOt.
(Parliamcnt-fireet, Lundon, and Rock-foreft, Mallow.)
Mayo County.
, Rt, Hon. Denis Browne, uncle of the Marquis of Sligc, (Terrace,
1'..Iace Yard, London, Mount Browne, Wellport.)
Dominick Browne, Esq. (Calllemagarrt:t, Clare, Co. Mayo.)
Meath Gounty.
Right Hon. Thomas (Taylor,! i.arl 01 Ikdivc, fon nC the Marllui, of
HeadEort, (Stanhope-ftrcct, London, and Head£, Kell8.)
Sir .Mucus Somcrville, Bart. I Somerville, Navan)
Monaghan County.
Charles Powell Leflie, Efq. coulin of Marq. Wclleficy and of ViCet.
Dungannon, a governor of the ~ounty of Monaghan, colonel of the
. Monaghan regiment of mi\itia, and a truftee of the linen manulilduN',
(Union Hotel, St. James's-ftrect, London, and Glafiough, Tynan.)
Thomas Charles Stewart Corry, I':fq. (Fairfield, Coutehill.)
Newry Borough. .
Hon. Frallci. Needham, only brother of Vifcount Kilmorey, a gme-
ra1 in the army, colonel of the 86th regt. of foot, (Grofvcnor.fCJu. Loa-
-cIao,and Datcbc:t'Bucks)
Porlarlington Borough,' Q.!!ecn's Co. ,
Arthur Shakefpeare, Esq. (ArliDgtoll-Ctrcet, London, aDd Broker-
Hall, Herts.)
Queen', County.
, Right Hon. William WeITe4\ey Pole, brother of Marquis Wellcftey
od the Duke of Wellington, maner of the mint, a governor of th:
.Q!!cen's e~unty,(:hief t"m~mbrancer of the exchellller, and a privy
counsellor ID Ireland, I Sackvllle-row, London.:
Sir Henry Parnell, Bart. brother-iD-law Qf the Earl oi Portarlington,
(Stratford-:plaeC:, London.) .
RoCcommof\ County.
Arthur French, Elq, (Duke·ilreet, St. ]ames'•• London, and )"rench
Park. .
HoD. Stephen Mahon, Cecond fon of Lord Hartland, a maj. gen. in
De army. and a lieut. col. ofthe 7th regt. of dragoun guard., <.Britilll
HaId,Jermyn-!ireet, London,)
New Rofs Town, Wel(ord,
Charles Lcigb, Erq. (Albany, London.)
Sligo County.
Charles O'Hara, Efq. a governor of the county of- Sligo, (£urzo..
beet, London, and Nymph'a.field, Colooney.)
Kdward Sing Cooper, Efq. (Upper Seymotir-lircct, LQndon, Mernrv,
~CJ' and Bowdcn-park, Mullingar.) .
116 Members for Ireland.
Sligo Borough.
)olhua Spencer. E.lq.
Tipperary County.
Hon. Montague Mathew, next brother of the Earl or Llandaft', a
maj. gen. in the army, and col. of the 99th regt.of foot, (Grafton-ftrcct,
Bond-firtet, London, and Goolden, Thomafiown.) -
Hon. Frands Aldborough Prittie, only brother of Lord-l>unally,·law of the mrmhcr for Taviftock, tuftos rotulorum of the
county of Tipperary, (Miller's Hotel, Jermyn-firect, Londun, and Cor·
.i11e, Rofcrea.)
Tralee Borough, Kerry.
lames Ewen Baillie, Kfq. (Albany, London.)
Tyrone County.
HOIJ. Tho•. Knox, elddl: COD of Vifct. Northland, (Upper Grofvenor-
Ireet, London. Dtmgannon park, Dungannon.)
., Rt. Hon. Sir John"Stewart, Bart. a Benchcr of the HOIL Society of
IGng'sInns, (BalJygawley Houfe, Dallygawley.)
Waterford County.
Richard Power, Efq. (Bury-firect, London, Clalhmore, Youghal)
Hon. George Bereafol d, commonly called Lord George Dcrellford.
Waterford City.
, Right Hon. Sir John Newport, Bart. aprivy counfelloralfo in Enr-
land, D.C.L. t!I' M.RJ.A.{Bury-fireet, St. James'8,London, and New-
park, Waterford.)
Hon. HerculeR Robert Pakcnham, brother of the lhrl of Longford,
Iieut. col. of the ~6th regiment, (Pakenhanl-hall. Caftlepollars.)
Guftavus Hume Rochfort, ECq. (Suffolk-flreet, London, and Roeh-
fort, Mullingar.)
Wexford County.
Robert Shapland Carew, jun. Efq. nephew of the Rt. Hon. Sir John
Newport, Bart. (Chapel-row, Vere-fireet, London, and Caftleboro',
Ennifcorthy.) .
Sir Frederick Flood, Bart. a King'. counfel, bencher ef the hon.
fociety of King's Inm, cull. rot. for the county Wexfflrd, and brother_
in-law of the earl of Mountnorri. and Lord Waterpark, (Portman-!q,.
London, aDd Danlla Lodge, Camalin,)
Wexford Town.
Richard· Nevi11e, Esq. Cashier or T"lIer of the Exchequer in Ire-
Jand, (Upper Gardiner's-strcrt, Dublin, and Furnace, NaIUI.)
Wicklow COIlnty. .
WiIliam Hoare Hume, Efq. \ Mont"gue-place, London', and HUIIle-
wood, Baltinglafs.)
WiIliam Tighe, Efq. (St. James·s·pIace, London, and Woodftock,
Inniftiegue. )
YOHghal Town.
Sir John Kcane, Bart, (King'. Arms-row, New Palace· yard, London,
and March-wood LOOge, Hants.)
· Alphabetical LiIl~ 117

Archdall, l\1ervyn Fe.rmanagh Hawthorne, Cha •• S. DownpMrick

Hill,Rt.Ho1l.Sir.Geo.F. L.derryCo.
~1I,R,.H6n.Wm. ClonmeU Holforrf, Geo. Petfll' Dung-3nnOQ
B,ullie, J. E. Tralec Hume, Wm. Hoarc Wicklow
Barry,Rt.H.".J0hn M. Cavan Jocelyn, Yj"ount Louth
Bective, E4r!. M~ath. ,[{e'lOe, Sir John Voughall
Beresford, S,T John P. Colerame B'iIKuOJC Ho". ThoRla.a Tyrooe
'Beresford, Lord'Geo. Waterf. Co. '
, Bernard, Hon. R.Boyle. BandOnbr'!',LatOUChC, David, Jun. Carlow
Bernard, Yi,,,,,,,,,. Cork ILatouehe, Joho, Juo. Leitrim
,~Jlernarcf, Thos. K;ing's Co. 'Latouche, Robert Kild~re
Blake, Valentine, Galway Tn.:Leigh, Charle6 New Rof.
Browne,Dominick Mayo ',Leslie, Ch:lS. Powell Monaghan
Brown/ow, Wm. Armagh iLloyd, Hardrd.' King's Co.
Browne,RI.H.".Dcnis Mayo 'ILongfield, Mountifort Cork City
.8ruen, Henry Carlow., .. . .
Bltticr,Hn.C.Hardward KilkenDlelt. Magems, Rich. EnDlallllJcn
Butler,Ho".].Wandesf. Kilkenny. iMahon, Hon. Stephen Ruseommua
'Martin, Henry K.insale
Carew, Rob. Shapland Wexford IMathew, H,,,. Montg. Tipperary
Castlercagb, YiscOlln/ Down May, Stephen Bellast
Chichester, Arthur. Carrickferg. Meade, H.". John Down
elements, Henry John Leitrim Moore, lArd Hcury I.isb\.rue
Cole,HoII.SirG. Lowry Fermanagh
Colthurst,Sir. Nich. C. Cork City INeedham H.". FrlUlcis'Newry
Cooper, Edw. Sing Sligo ;Neville, Rich. WCIford Tn.
Corry, Thos. C, S. Monaghan !Newport,RI.HOII. jn. Waterf. Cit.
Corter, James L. Mallow
Croker. John Wilson Athlone IO'Brien, Sir Edward lare
Croabie, James Kerry 'O'Dcll, WiIliam Limeritk co.
O'Hara, Charles Sligo
Daly, Jame! Galway 1()~Ie, Hen. Meade Droghooa
Dall' Rt, H.".D, Bowes GalwaYO~Neill, Rt.H.".j;a.D. Antr im
DUlgenan. Rt. Hon. p, ArmaghBor. I
'Pakenham, Hon. H. R. Westmeath
Kvelyn. Lyndon ' Dundalk 'Parnell, Sir Henry Q.!!een's Co.
, 'Plunket,Rt.H.... Wm.c. Dublin UllIv.
Falklner, Sir: Fred. 1. Carlow Bor·IPole, Rt. H.n. W. W. liQ!!een's Co.
F~therston, SIf, Th~s. Longford 'PonsOIiby, Hon. Wm. L. Derry-
~~tzg(rald, Augustme C~are 'Ponsonby, Ho", F. Cav. Kilkenny
J~tagerald, urJ Wm •. KIldare Ipower, Richd. IWatorford
FltzgeralcU't.H.... Mau. Ker:y Iprittie, H .... FrancisA. Tipperary
FitzgeraId.RI.Ho... W. Enms
Flood, Sir. Fred. Wedord Q!in, H.". Wypd.H en. Limerick C~
Forbes, 1'J..swlRl. Longford
Fo.ter,Rt.Ho.., John. Louth Richardfon, William r magh •
French, Arthur. Rofcommon Rochfort, O"IIta"".' H. Wcstroeath
Grattan,Rt.H.". Henry Dublin City Saxton, $ir Char. Cube!
Haalilton, Bans Dublin Co. IShakespeare, ~thur, PortarliogtoD
Hare, H.n. Richard Cork Co. Sneyd, Nathl. . Cavan
Hart, Geo, VJu~han ,Don~ga1. Somerville, Sir Mareut,Meath
118 Lift of Baronets.
Sha,.-, Robert DUblin

Talbot, Rich. Wogan IDublin Co.
Spenccr, J olhua SHgoa. Tighe, Wm. Wicklow
Stewart, Alexander
SUwart, Sir jame. / L. Derr, :Vereker, RI. Ho". Chas. Lint. City .
Stewart, Sir John Tyrone :Walpole, H.".
Geo. /DUngarvan
IYarmouth, Earl of Antrim


Instituted September 30, I6r9.

Printed by the authority of the Office of Arms.

Aylmer Fcnton, Donadca-Caltlc, KHcock, Co.Kildare - JI\II. 2j', I6:n
Barry Edward, Dublin - - July 6, 177(
Bellew Edward, Barmeath, Dunleer, Co. Louth - Dec. II, 1688
Blake John, Galway - - - July 10, ,6u
Blofl'e Robert Lynch. Galway __ Jun'e 8, 16:1.1.
Blnnden John, CalUe Blunden,Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny - Mar. 12, 1766
Bond Jamcs, Co. Longford - - - - Jan. 21, 1794
Borrowcs Eralmus, Giltown, KilcuUen, Co. Kildare - Feb. I I, 1645
Bnbazon William, Newpark, Swinford, Co. Mayo Dec. 9, 1797
Bradstreet Simon, StackcUDluie, Leixlip, Co. Kildare - JUly 14. 1759
Browne John Edmond, Co. Mayo - Dtc. 8,1797
Burdctt William Bagenal, Co. Carlo. - July 11, 1723
Burke John, Glinlk, Ballymoe, Co.ll"icommon -. Aug. 2, 1628
Burkc John, Marble-hill. Loughrea. Co. Galway - Dec. 6, 1797
Burton John, Pollerton, Carlow, Co. Carlow - Oct. 2, 1758
Butler Richard. Garryhundcn, Carlow, Co. Carlow - Aug. 16. 1618
Caldwcll John, Co. Fermanagh - - - - June :u, 1683
CardenJn.Craven,Priory,Tcmplemore,Co.l'ipperary - Aug. 31, 1787
Chapman Thomas, St. Lucy, Athboy, Co. Weltnleath - Feb. 10, 178~
Chinnery Broderick, Cork - - - - - Aug. 29, 1799
Colthurll Nich; Conway,Ardrum, BaUincollig, Co. Cork Aug. 3, J 744
Coote Charles Henry, Ballyfin,Mountfath, (P. B.) Q:.C.- April 2, 1621)
Cotter JamelLawrencc, Rock Forest,Mallow,Co.Cork: - Aug. n, 1763
COli. John,Dunmanway, Co. Cork, - - - Nov. 21, 1706'
Crofton, the Hon. Edward (eldest Con of Baroner.
Crofton,) Mote-park, Athlone, Co. RoCcommon - June 12,1758
Cromie Michael, Toddington-park, Leicefierlhire - - June 25, 1776
CulFe Jonail Wheeler Denny, Leyrath, <;0. Kilkenny - Oct .. r, r 796
Dancer Amyrald, Northland, CloghjOrdan, Co. Tipper. Aug. 12, 161>:'
De Burgho John Alien, Protpect,Caftleconnel,Co.Lim.
crick, - - June 16, 1781
Dcnny Edward, Tralee Ca&t1e~Co. Kerry - Jan. 15. J7h
DeITczu:r. Charles, Q!een'. Co. - SCl't~ I, 1787
Echlin - Co. Kildare - - Oc!. 11, 1721
E_bJ!de ThOfJ!.u, RiIlrille, Co. Waterford- - Jan. d, IhS
Lift of Baronets. 119
falkiDer Samuel, Co. Cork - Aur. 24, 1771
letherftone Thomas, Ard'agh, Longfonl, Co.Longford June 16, 1776
.itzgualdJames, Cork, - - - - Feb. 8, 1644
l'1ood Frc:derick, Banna Lodge, C:unolin, Co. Wexford June 3, 1780
Fofter Richard Thomas, TullaghGn, Co. Monaghan - Jan. IS. 1794
GetIiin Percy, PerC)!DloUDt, Sligo, Co. Sligo - - Aug. I, 1665
GiIman John St, Leger, Cork - - - - Oa:. I. 1795'
Oodfrey WiIliaul, Bulh6dd, MilltoWD, Co. ,Kerry June 17, 1785
Oon: lWph, Co. Donegal, - - - Feb. I,I6u
Gore - , Corkagh, Rathcoole, . - Aug. 30. 176.
HamiltOll John Charles, DWlamana, Co. TJ1"One - Dec. I. 1780
Harvey Robert BateCon, Co. Antrim - Aug. 16, 178,
Bala Samuel,Drumboe Caftle,Stranorlar, Co.Donegal- Aug. 17 .• 1,89
Hill, Rt. Hon. Oeo. Fitzgerald, BrookHaIl, Derry, and
Rock-houCe, Goleraine, July 3, 1779
Boue Edward, Cork - - - - Dec. 10, 178.
HodfonRobert, Hollybrook, Bray, Co. Wicklow - Aug. sS, 17 89
Hopkin' Fraucis, Athboy-Lodlte, Athboy, Co. Meath J"ly ~5, 1795
Hwt Vere, Curragh, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick - Dec. 14, 1784
Hutchinfon Rev. Samuel Synge - - • Dec. 11, 171~
JenisJoho-Jervis-White, cliIiou Brillol • - Dec. 6, 1797
Joitnflon William, Gilford-house, Gilford, Co. Down July ~7, 1771
Langrilhe Robert, Co. Dublin - - - Jan. ~4, 1777
Lellie Edward, Tarbert HouCe, Co. Kerry ~ - Sep. 3, '78,
Levinge Richard, High Park, Mullingar, CII. Wcllmeath oct. 16, 1704
Leyccfter John Flemiug, Tabley, Chefhirc May 17, 1671
Leighton Thomas, Dublin • - - Mar. I, 1791
Loftus Edward, Mount Lottus, Gore'.-Bridge, Kilkenny July 16, 1761
MacartJ;le'y John, Co. Armagh . - Jan. 4, 1799
Maoix Henry, Cork - -' - - - Sep. 4, 1787
Malrey 8ugh l>illon,Donasse, Castleconnal, CII. Clare Oel. 9, 1781
May 8umphry, May-park, Co. Waterford, June JO, I76J
Meredyth Joshua Colles, Co. Kilkenny, Nov. 9, 1660
Meredytb Rev. Thol, Carlanllown, Kells, Co. Meath July 16, 1795
Miller John Riggs, Co. Clare - - - Aug. ~4. 1",
Molyneux Capel, Call1edillon, Co. Armagh July 4. I7S-
Moore Richard, Cork - -, - June 19. 1681
Morres Wm. Ryves, Upperwood, Frefhford, Co. Kilk. Apr. ~4. 1758
MuCgrave Riehard. Turin, Lifmore. Co. Waterford Dec. ~, 178.-
Newcomcn. the Hoo. Thomas (Hdc:ft Coo of
ViCcQuntefsNcwcomen) Carricglafs, Co. Longford 0&, 9. 17&1
Newport Rt.Hon.John. Newpark, Waterford.Co.Kilkenny A~g.~5 ,1789
Nugent Hugh, Ballinlough. Atbboy, Co. Wellmeath July 3, 1195
O'Brim Edward,Dromoland,Newmarket-on-Fer.Co.Clare Nov'9. 1689
,O'Doonell Neal, Newport. Co. Mayo - Dec. ~, J 180
Ofilome Thoma•• Newtown. Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Oel. JS, 1629
Palmer John Roger, Co. Mayo - - - - May ~,1177
Punell Henry, Q.2een'. County - Nov. :;, 1166
Paal Jolhua. BallWglan, Co. Waterford Jan. I. 1794
Piera John Bennett. Weftmcath Feb. 18, 1660
l.e]'1lcl1 Rickanf" (America,) • July ~70 167&
120 BaroJlets, Knights of St. Patrick.
llibton John Sheppey, Dublin -' - - April a, '159
Richardfon WilJiam, Ca.tlchill, C'logher, Co. Tyrone Jan. u, 1'94
St.George Richard Bligh,Woodsgift, Frelhford,Co.Kilk. Mar. u, 1766
Shee Gcorge, Galway - - _. Aug. :18, 1799
Smith Hon. Wm. Cufack, NewtowlI, Tullamoore, K.C. Aug. :18, 1799
Somerville Marcus; Somcr.,ilIe, Navan, Co. Meath June 14, '7411
Staunt"n George Thoma" (Eal!: Indiet,) OC!:. .~J, U8,
Staples Robert, DunOlore, Durrow, Q!!een'. County July 18, 1.63.8-
Steele Richard, Hampl1:ead, Co DuijIiD - - Feb. 13, 1168 .
lStewart James, Fort-flewart, Rathmdton, Co. Donegal May Il, 16113
Talbot Charles Henry, Belfaft, Co. Antrim - - Mal'. 3', 179 0
Tuitc George, l.issicvoolin, Athlone, Co. WeflI1ljlath June 16, r6:1a
Wailer Robert, Lifbryan, Shinrone, Co. Tipperary June 3, 11 80
Wallh John AlltnJohnfon,Ballykilcavao,Stradbally<t,Co.JuIy 27, t 7 ~4
Warren Augu<tus, Warrens-court, Co. Cork - July 7, 17'4
WoJfeley Richard, 'Carlow - Jan. 19. 1744
BARONE TS 01' NOVA SCOTTA, Refident in IreIan ...
Atheson, Arthur, (V. Gosford) Markcthili, Co. Armagh, Sept. a6, r6:13
BiDgham. Charles, (B. Lucan) Cafllcbar, Co. Mayo, - 1631..
Brown, James C .. ulfield. (B. Kilmaine) Co. Mayo, June 21, 1631.
Crofbie, Wm. Edward. Co. Wicklow, - April "4, r63()
iorbe., George, (E. Granard) Castleforbes, Longford, Sept. ,,6, 16"g
Pk8:eJ'ing, Edward, Rofs, Co. Wexford, - 16xJ

ftituted March 17th, J783; it coniiftsof a Sovereign, a' Grand Made!:
(who is the Lord Lieutenant for th~ Time being), and Fifteen KnightS
CompanioDs. They wear a Sky-Blue Watered Ribaud with a Medal
appendanl. .. ,
His Excellency VISCOUNT WHIT-) Robert, Earl Rooe1l
~ WORTH, Groi,d M'!JIer I John, Mar'luisDftfly
IS KI,igbtt Compllllj'lIs, viz. I Henry Earl of Shannon
Hi. R. Highnefsthe Duke of Kent i Cha.rl~, Earl O'Neill .
Charles Marq. of Drogheda ·William Marq. of ThonlOnd
John Jolhua, Earl Carysfort -Peter, Marq. of Sligo
Waiter Earl of Orm0tJJ.: ~ Oltor), • John Earl of Ennilkillen
Heary Earl \:onyngham "Thol. Earl of Longford
Henry Marq. of Waterford The Knights marked thus • have
'rhum". Marq. of Headfort !'JOt been Installed •.
O.lfu:.r. 6.ltntgillJ to tb. Ortltr•
. I'r.lal., Hi, Grace the Ld. primate·f.lCillg of ,A,.",s, Sir Chich~ner FO!'-
C:han&ellorTheArchbilhopofDublin. tefcue, Km. UijI.r K,tlghl Otlm-
. - , . .' dant.n th. Ora.r.
Ii~fII", Dean of St. PaHlck • D'p"t:I, Sir Wm. Bethanl. K.nt.
S(&. Sir Fred. John Falkiner, B~rt. I He"..o"'l, Tho. Meredith WilJllanlcr.
G.ntfllogijl, Sir Stewart Bruce Barr. f and Th~ob. R. O'Plaherty, Erqrs.
tTfl-r, Sir Charles Vernon, I\'IIt. PuKr[ui'IJandtl, JOdhn] O·FlRahe.~~y, P.
• CDlle y, aD ames 0':", Gt",
Lord LieUtena~;5 'NIJueebold, State Officeh, &~. 121-
H .. Excellency VlkouKT ,WBl1'WO&TH', Houfchold.
Pn-teSe&. ColonclReady. Ptlgt, ,. h:r Gran th. DIlt6tji "
~"rdi .Robut .w,ynile, Efq. D.ifo/, )\lr. Wm. OreeDe. aQIi
Co",'Mlhr•. qco.'Rich, Efq. Mr. Bulb.
-c1un.t.N"i". Sir Cha~. Vernan,iCnt.I------------_ _ __
G.-I'-'Ufow.nrl M".fI"if,b. AIDES DE CAMP.
".n~.> Sir SCf:wan:Bruce, Bart. ' To hi, Excellency. the Lord Lie.. , •
..,N,G.... Ujlur. H. DawiOn •• ElC). 0 .
lK"./I. of H,~, Lt. Col •. Hoo. W; C I T ,A fi' ni"J1",'
Gore. Cl ..• ~II en, 6o·Rcrt.
mal.ojth. ~r,H.,Dawfon, Hq. ~apt. C.W.Dance. 2.3 ,L. D.
and Robt. Wynne, }lIn.(Hfq. Lle~t. J~l,n ~Ol~. I G. B.
GtatlnR•• iII L"rg.,Samud.Stone,Efq. Ens1il1l <.:. Vaudra~ule, 61·RqtI
----..Bterewn. Efq.John G.on. "'~lllgn Gc",!"ge,Rlch, 5 'G. B.
Efq..T.,B"Bt. Geurge. Efq. I.lellt. John JIIIU:., 6 D. G •
.~ .. ,O"lls, Mr. Wm. Kelly. . ElII:lr •• r:r/i.,,':1'
P"g" I. his Ji.,,"I/~/t<.~ ,•• L.rd Li.ut. f.t. Col. John Ready. I G_B.
Mr. HCJuy HutchlDfon, ,ir Stew.rt Bruce, But.·H. P •
.... dMr. V.sraoo. Lieut. FUlIeis'Brooke, I D.G.

S T A or E 0 F F J·C E R S.
rtlfI,f 8nut.rylo"k Lord Lk.t.lUltrt, K•.,,, of Ih. Pri"y Stal, Rt. Ht-n.
Rt. Hon. Robt. Peel. CharlcaAhbott.
'hula -S ..rdll"y in t". Ciioil 'Dtpa;". D6/'"t" Dug-"Id Catnpbcll, Efq.
""', WilliamGregory, ll1q. . .
FiTft Cl.rJ in I/'t C;'fIil Dtpa.1",••tj PRIYY COU~CIL OHICJ:.
Wm. TaJlor, Elq.' .. r:1.,1 ofth. C.ulI&iI, I.d. Vi(c. Clifdea.
Curl., Peter J"e .Ba$, Alel[. Mangm, D,p.tics, John Patrickfon. J. .lbbs,
Thos.TlIylor, C.]. Fox, Juhn and John M'Kay, Ef'lf&. .
Tay)or, and Geo. Yeats, Kfqr.. Ufo ...."ilK..p., .'/tb,Coun,ilCh"",f>,,.
Cler~ in /IJid D.plfrtlll.nt for the Pro- John Pat... ickfon, Efq. •
..,i.tu qf UI.J!.r and Munji.r, Rich- ne/My Ufo.r Df the Cr,,,,,,il Chanr6n;.
ard Broughton, Erq. . ' John Ebb.; Ef'I'
'OjJiu'K"jtr, Mr. Henry P:hnc.
M ILJTARY D EPAaTM~ • T. Kt6/'e .. oj IIN Ph",,,i,,Parl, .\.,.illiant
G Er.
Urultr S_Uil f1,MiJit12r,y Dtpa,."",,,t, regory, q. ,
S' E B L' I) I B Ranger of tIN CurTa:h of K,/Jan•
• IT • ' . Itt r 1;1 ~.? art. Jame. K. Gore, Ell].
r-lTp Ck,J ',IIC IheM,lito"D.p.rl- l.r. Cl G' d /J' M . fI.' R ,
,..,.,tI. Edward Connor J£fq. nJp• . or- .~ •.'!t u ('.!~! ' .y,.
CkTI, Jilfepb Alhwort{, Charle~ Muus, RICh. <?rdnths, lUll. Efq. ,
Hali, Hen. Con~or, Dun. Fr<k, C"C~lbIJ' °hif R})'!bhlm dCB'ifU" HO~n.N' ~Itl'
".. L B R I o . (\ n le Rr rute Cl •
Fras.Be fIionetj .... as. e as.. c. D A Ii' C . El'
Franci. Sleater, Tames Simon., C:pulty~ R U ID AOI ope: , Iq·
st ap es, • •
A' M
Joh u_M acean,an
1 d J b f;1 mtp atn., eVe eX.
<I u',eater, M'!I'nojth.Re..,ds,Vt'nt.'1vleekejEfq.
&Cqn. f)'Fty aM :1""nllet if 'lb. ThNlr.
'.en:lar, for r/u", of c!1Jl., R.yal, Ftederkk Jones, Er'!• Mu".f/lr, ant!pri1JaJ. S ....Iu,y I. 1f"if..Jeep" Rnd JVa,dro6...I"jer of
th.Lord J.;'III'lUIn~ Lt.Col.Rudy. Dublin. Ca/II., Mrs.lf:,beUa Cooke.
Pri1Hll. Sec. to 'he Cbief 8lert/u,), A./lifl'lIltl, Mr •. Dl)rc.tliy Cunlmwlfa
Geo. Dawfun, EC'l' and Mn. M ...."'aret ~lllj.~
L18JS') 1
B~ard of Wotks, Record Offices, &C'.
King', M1finger, , Merr. Tho •. Poyle, lMTTLE All E GUAIlD ••
Wil1iam Marron, Jam~, Daweb, Gapla;", Colond EdwllTd Hill.
Wm. Hodge., and John Lee. Luut",ad/, Capt. Robt LawrenCo-.
;;,,'rll J..f'JJ'nJ:er. J'\'lr. rhos. Dawes. and Captain Theoph. BokOlt.
Caplain of tbe Kin!:' s 2""cb/(11n Willia"' ____ _
tin,] Mar,) Captain sproule. BOAIlD OF WO" .....
M'!ft. if R'i.ii1lg ]{O.,(e, W .ll'roome,~fq. Co-_!lJi_r,.
CMlp~"r if tb. D.oJi" GaZelle, !:iJch•. Lieut. Gen. Q.!!in John Fleemal'I.
Pnce, Efq. Sir H >lgh NIIgclIt, Bt.
Print~' of tbe Dublin Gasdt., Georg< John l.ongfidd, Efq~
Gnet(on, Efq. . . \Henry Singleton, Kfq.
C.,rdior alld SUp"",!ror of the x,.,., 'I'
l'reji. Chll:r1cs Bcrkeley, Efq.
Richard French, EC'l'
Lord ViI',. Delvin.
Depuiy, Bowcr;~fq. Geo. John Archdall, Er".
King',Print,r" GeorgeGnerfon, and S<&rrtar" P. R Wolfe,EIq.
Wm. Rowe Power, Efq~s.
ICing', Statio'"" Ab.Brad. Kmg', Efq.
ljI CI/,.!.!l' AjJiftS". R.RobiIlIOD,
Office, North Cope-llreet ..
NhD1C_~L DUAR .. "' .. NT. . d,.I1iIIEl t!I' -IlIfpcClor if Ci9i1B"iJ4-
8tdtcPl,x/iciall', Jounes Cleghern, Efq. i1fK" Franci. Johnllon,Xfq. Office.
M.D, &. Alex. Jackfon,F.f'l· M.D. Lower CaIHe Yard.
IIta/e Surgeon, Gerard Ma,klin, Efq. Meafur., I. Civil Built/i"", Mr. Be ,
Slate Apothecar,. JaDles Hunt, Efq, Bolger.
i";;-e;;;';- if~P-;if.on'lbr.ugb.u, Supe,;,ifor of AIlINId,. Lancatlcr
I"lawl, Rev. Fufier Archer. nudge, Efq.
Office, 8, l"orlt-j/'ttt. S.Ii&ilor, Richard Martin, P;(q •

En/ran" ill I;" L."'lr Cast1, rll.r~.
No. I, 10, and 8, Pu.uc REcoan Orrlcl.
lJil Majefiy'. Commiffioners for inquiring into the fiate of the Public
Record. in Irebnd.
The Lord High Chancellor, the Archbi/hop of Dublin, the Ch an-
cen". of the Exchequer, the Earl. of Meath, Charlemont, and Rolfe,
.he Lord Bifb"p·...f KiI<larej the three Chief Judge., the M.fier of tBc;
"-011e the Chief Secretary, afld the Judge of the Prerogative.
~t:l'etll')' William :lhaw_ Mafon, F.lq. M. R. I••<\ •

• bitj CI<rl, Mr. Tre/haDl.-CI"rltfor J"dll""l' M ... LyDCJ..

. No, 3, S, ani 6, ,P.\XLIAltEMT"Il" REco •• Orllcl.

if Iht
Rt&ord/, Edw. Cooke, Efq.
]),p,,';II, 1'ho•• Taylor, &. T. R. O'Fl&her~"'Ef'lfJ,

No. 4. STATI PAPIIl OUIII&, 11..
~/trA .f
the- 1''''''''' John Mahon, Er'!.
l)'put" Peter Le Bas, _Ehl..

tilHl,"jlOffiu PUpITs. ICe Council Offi,&'.

No. 1, g"IlVE1'OIl GENJ: ... L'. OrFfe·••

'"r'l1<.1 ar Gmerlllof La"dl,Il"J ra/utr of hi . Mllj-JiJ" I 1I11t,,.;. lilllf.
, ford Heylilnd, £"1' . •
~'I"'i", Rn/lC"1 ilII4 'Rifhallli fi~11ar,i,li:£."r..
Cullodes Rotulorum, G-overnen of Coanties. a:c. )23
.. No. 9. BJa.INOBAM Tow.a RlleoRol.
K"!", VifcoUDt MahOD;
SJ'IIIIUI, Wm. Warburton, Efq. and Sir ~illi.un Betham. Knt •

RIEC6ao ••
See Office oC ArJlll, Lower Castle GOlte. .
OFFICE (or .REGISTERING of DEEDSj King', 1... ~.,.
I'."'i,Jl.gijhr 'Ii DUI", Rt. Hon; John VifcQuut Kilwar~,
Dr}.ti." Ocorgc Mot,re,and Olinr MooR, J::{qr •• of Attendance, from 10 till 4.

C U S T 0 DES k
0 1: U L 0 R. U MI
oa, 1t1l:1I: •• a. o. THE a01l1.1
~Marqui. oC Hertford LI",.ric.f-Lord Mulkd'ry
"'_,p-Earl Gosford LoRJo"'hr.,-Earl of LondoDdctr,
6.rl.W-R.t. Hon. Dav.Latouchc Lo"gjiwa..-Vifcollnl Furbea
C_Nathaniel Sneyd, Eiq. Lou·th-Earl of Rodeo
CI..n-Earl Conyngham Ma,o- James Culfe, Efq.
Cri-Earl of Shannon lIofcat6-Marquiil Wdlency
l> of Leitrim MOllag[,,,,,-Lord Ror~ore
iJ-.. - Earl of Londonderry ~t<"·I-C...-Marqui. IIf Oroa;hc••
SJ"ui..-oEarl of Carhampt'Jn B.uj'."'''''''-Vifcount Lonon
.F.,......,gh-Earl of EnnilkilleiJ Sligo-ow'Cn Wynoe, Ef'l'
6 ..~Sarl of Clancarty Tipp".r,-Hon. F. A. Prittie
X"r;y-Earlof Glandore . T,to,,~Viacount Norrhlalld
• Ki/J.r.-Lord Robert Fitzgerald Watliford-Marqui5 01 Waterford
K~.n...,-EarJ of drnlolfdc W~....Ih-:-Earl oC Wetlmeath
K;..g·~.. C""lIIy--Marq. of Drogheda W'''ford-8ir Frcdcrick Flood, Bt.
uh,;"-Eatl of L~itrim Wid/o",,-Earl of Meath

Ctw.;, iIj' An".;". Viftoullt Dllneraile CDIt.." P""'''1i4g6.
Marquiaof Douelal Baron Rivet1,lale Lieut. Ocn.M.Archdall
EarlO'Neill Wm.H.M.Hoddet,Ef'l' fOlrlef Erne
",,..,_,6, Marquia of ThoDlonoi ,Earl of EnniOdllen
a.rl Goaford
Wm. BurtOD, Ef'l;
C.,,';I, DPn.,J.
Matquis of Abl:rtllril
Earl of Leitrim
.Marquis of Ely
Eatl Clancarty
10. Sta~.R.odUort,Efq; Hatl Conyngham IBaron lGltal'totJ
b. La 1 ouclae,Jun. Efq: Sir Samuel Haye., Bt. Rt. Hon. Chas. Vereku
Wm. Brownc::, JU'". Ch'" J>...' Collnt, KITTY'
Co",,~ C/Jv..". """. Earl of Kerry
Earl of Farnh.m Earl of Ll)n~()ndcrr, Ja111cI Crofuie. Er...
l\. t. H on. 10 hu M • Barry Lt
LordH Dulfctlo.
R b W d Cl
K "
C.".." Clan. t. on. Cl. ar Dullc of I,cinltct
Hon. ·Fr. N, Burton Cb"",, DllbJiIi. ,john WoICe, E'q!
kt.HoD.Wm.Fitzgetald Earl Carhampton C./ln" /CUll.".,.
c.-Iy Corl. George Vcfey, Ji.fq; Earl uf OrmoDue alf'
at.UJli.FitzOerald,Ef'i;\H;l.1\i Hamilton, Ef'i' I QIf"rJ
I I .
1211 Governors of Counties, Law Deparfment.
Killg's-CounIJ. . IMarqUiS of Sligo S~ephenMoore. Ycg
Marquis of Drogheda Cou .• ly l'r/onolg/)(RI. tarl DonougTlmore
Earl of RolIe Lord RotTmore Rt.1-\on. Wm. Bagwetl
Hen. p.I:Eflrange,EfqijCha. Powel Ldlie, E. fq. Counly TyrD"'.
CounlyL<ilrim. . County Meath. ircount Northlancl
Waiter Jone3, Efq; Marquis of Drogl11!da Marquis nf Ahf'Ccom
Hen.Jno.CI~ments,Ef'1' Marquis ef Headfort Earl of Belmorc
. Coullly Limeri,·.. ~"n',-C'JI"ty. Earl of Caledon
Lord Mulkerry MarqUIs of Droghcda Vifcount Mounlj", .
Lo"donderry. Rt. Hon. Wm. W. Pole Water/o," Co.
Vifeoullt Cafllereagh Lord Call1ccoote . Marquis of Waterford
& ..1 of I.tmdonderry Thas. Cofby. E(q. c..."" H'd/_4Ib.
County Lo".g!ord. C.JIII'y R'!fio",_, Earl of Belvedere
Earl of Granard Lord Hartl:md Earl of Well:meath

comen, Bt.
. Cou"ty Louth.
Hon. Sir T. G.New-·Vifco!lnt Lorton
COllHI, Sligo.
County We~fi"'l.
Earl of Mount'Norrit
. Charles ().'Hara, Erql Marquis of Ely
Itt. Hon. John Fofter OweD Wynne,'Erq; Chas. Tottcnham., E(q.
Hon. Tho Fofier Rt. Hon. Henry King Earl of Courto..... n
COllnty M1Y.. JofhuaEdw.Cooper,EllJ'. . County WitHowo
Lord Tyrawly John Irwin, Efq. .aFI of Aldbomugh
Lord Kilmaine Coullty Tipp,rary. on.B.O'N,·al!';'ratfor.1
Dam. G. Browne, Efq;' Richard Penefatnel',EnJi HllIl. 'Hugn Howard••
Henry Browl.e, Elq3 Johh Bagwell, Efqi •

C 0 U R T 0 F C H A NeE R Y.
'J'JIus t III"rllll, Commiffioners to hear and detennine CanCes in· Chane-erir,
in the Abfend:, or UPOII the Death of the Lord Chancellor; a judge
to be alwa y5 One. .
LORD CHA~CELL.oa,· Right Hon'lr.krI,..fth,Cfo'ID" ($ Hona/w, Right
Thos. Ld. Ma1)ntr8, SI,ph.n',-GT. Hon. George l'redcrick, Ead or
Jt!dji<r of the Rollt, Rt. Hon. wm.1 .
M' M ahon, S."l'htll'l Gr,m. ,D'puty CI"l of th, Cr•• DtI ."" H_
~tp.t!y, Robert Wogall, Efq. P",,· PtT, Tkos.Bollrchier, Efq.
JJT,d. R.'g!JI,r" ViCcQunt A YOllmo~e. ,.ad
'Mafters in Chancery, 4. Hon. Barry John Yelve;tpn.
fWm. 'Henn, Efq; M,·rion-jq.StJfIth. 'V,pufy, Frands Prendergatl, Etq.
tSteuart King', Efq; Rut/anJ-fqlldr. 10i", Dtput" Charles O'Keefe:l!.Jq..
tThos. :illis, Kfq. M"i.,. L~'1W("" Ufl.r a"ti R'gijl" of. AffiJ.'Oi/~.
tTho3.lIail;Efq, n.",illi<lj..d Hon. llichard Bobart FilzV"b-
eix Cierlto. ban.
O.ffi:a, ,Xi,z;r', Inn" D.puly. R"bt. Frencb, Erq;
A.'~l\. Brcnan, ECq; dmlll1lt"'" GmtrGi, Henry C8JleJ
EdwardWooch.,Efq; Dominld-jJrut. Efq.
l"JIC' Stcyclly,: Efq; C,..ydo". D.pufi." James Han-oW. and Ricb.
Tho5. Spunner, Efq; M.r;.n-jqu. S. Davi., Genu•
.Mkh~e1 Mill., .cfq; lJomini'''-jmtt. Cl". of tb, Returl O.Jiu, JIl~ p~
,FnUiii ~WT'" .\U~ Fi/""'*iJliiJ,,,ojl. . leQ)(.. l;:f~
Cenrt of King's Bench. 125
tlui_/ ltlllwl;" llra""s of Idi.f'l F ••rli SII•
.. n~ LM,.aJi&l, Dan!. M'Kay, Efq·'Sal\1. Pilt. Dtd,foD, CqnrJtIPj.uI.
Ojp", FDur-Cllulls. IStep• Dickfl>n, St.pbr"·s-gu.,,.
C.rjitor, Thoma. Prendecgall, Efq.I John Smyth, Fitz ...iJJi""-j'rul_
Cliif E_";_t.,.. m ChanuTJ. :Juhn Dwyer, KilJ",l-PIa.,.
Tho. Q!!inall, Kfq; 8,S.FrNtri.l::fir.'ThoDla8 Vic:kefl, j.tifolJ-IITI.'.
Th"". G. Digby,Efqi 'J.9.N.RMII.""",' Fifth Set.
jJrMl. • .John'l.rland, Norlh Cop'-jlI'ret.
R<g,I/.,. ""tI Cltr", of Ih~ Fa;JIk";johll Whitley Stokes. L ..!on-jlrltl.
GaWID L~e, E~; n, P,."./foz-fo !John Ball. Jun. Efq; Up. Gardin,r;/l.
Iltpuly, Daniel M Kay, E~ SIt-:BertramMitford. Efq;
,pb'.'-grun, N.- •• '
'11.of,h< Ruog",.;allul, W.iJlialR Ji'..,
Blake, 'Trillil) Col/<gt, DIII/i",
•• '
PQrtllJ'. Gent. f"rI'ary if Bunlrupt" 1 hOI. I.Delt-
8_1IIf.." 10 Ibe Lt.,J Cb""",lur, Th.ot., wood, Efq;
Lockwood, .Efq. _ ' ID'PUIY Secret"ry. a,.~ Cll. if Ihl Btt,,1.
P"rfi-6<arer, Geor~ Minet, EIiJ.. ."p' o,r'!' Dame! :M'Kay,. El ...
~ ram"/'l"r.r, Wm. Porter, G$:nt. Sf,pbm s-gr. M--0J!i&lFolI,-C.",,,,

CI"Jo of I, '" BiII.l"'JlI'7-.
"S Co._i/Jione" of }J""/wllptl. John Warburton, Efq.
Firjl Sd. MjJlIIger' to tb. C•••iIJio"<'" Francis
Tllo~ Carey, .Ely-pia.,. l'rendergail, Elii. and D;&n.i~l
P. P. Henchy, Meri."':f'l"ttrt, 8, M'Koy li.fq.
Amhrofe Smith, M,.-j."f/,uf. ,p. MeiT;"!",.. Sam. Walk~r, Gent.
Charlca benfon, lI n t-J1rfff. 39, M .."it"bt.rgbjl.-o,jfi",Royal.
firm. Waiter A; Y el.,..nOD.G/wqflt,.., jixcba"gt.
ford l'uifui.,"III,Danicl M'Kay, ErCJ. o,ft
• S,;onJ Set. • ji.., Fo>t,-Co.rIJ.
E.dward Hottghton, N. Frtien&J.f#. 'Cr:yer, G. Lane, Efq.
Edward O'Grady, Sttplm,',-gr.8ttjl'
Jolm C. Graves,Fit'!Jwi/li.",:f,. Jl'<ft , - - - - - - - - - - - - -..
Witcocks Huband, B"KfIt-JIred: <;:~Tl' QlF CORE.
It. MODtgomcry, Up,.r Rid/<md-Jl,. C-rniIJiitrlrlof ,Ba"J'"/'4I.
'Th;r. Set. Jokph Dennil
Ninian Mahalfy, N~rt" 61U"1-jfr,d.Bar~holomew HClN'C
John Ryan, BtV;OI-Jlrtet., :,Anthony Connell
Morg_ J. Q'Dwycr, MQllnt-Jlnd. :Roh!, Wilmot _
Ja 1'!l".
Lyne, Lo_r Mounlput. :Wm. L. Webb, Efqr••
James Tho. Dil:kfoll, C""d,n-jlr«I.IMdlmltr, Wm. Grc"_


Will. Downcs, ~r;'II-Sf""'" N., Gcorgc Daly, Rutl."d-f'l"ar••
Hon. Se.
Z/il Rerjltr, John PoDoc1r:, Efq; Hir RegijlIT, R.ichard Livci'ay, ECq;
'TrtJlpk-Jlml. ~ MO¥"tjOY-/'J"an, N. .
tS~I'ONn JUSTICE, the HOD. llobert tFoull'l'u JUSTICII, the Hon. Cha..
Day, Mtrion-f'l"are. O{borne, 'Tempk-jl,.ut.
Bi,RtgiJIt ,., Mi;t. FriUl\s,lUC!. r... Hi, Rtgij/.,..1,t4w. AU.\lftlll Waq,,,,
J.rtd. liC,\1 '
126 Court of Common Pleas, and Exchequer.
CI,,~ of 11" OrtlWn, PrQtbMtltary,IOI"k ofth. RlIlu a~d Ortlcr., Godfrer
X •.,tr if th•. Writ" Fi/flur, CI,·,J. James, Efq. W.fI.orland:ft"et •
..r lb. Erro", Right Hon. Lord Deputy Ri/a"." Th!,s, Church, and
Henry Seymol\r Conway, and Rt.! Dllwfon Church, Efqrs.
Hon. Lord RobertSeym. CooIJI7.Y. E"am;".rs, Godfrey James, Jame.
D.puly ClnA of tb.Or.",,., "".1
Barlow, Geo; Cro~ier. and Jofiu
Waiter Bourne, Efq, , Dunn, ECqrs•
.p,puly Protbono/dry. K."., if ,'', 'Tipftnlf, Ben. Riir:y, Ef'l' Cav••difo-o
Writ"~ Olerl of lb. En/,i",. alld ,,,/I.
C./erl of tb. Errors, Rowiey fiey·"X"ptr, F. 11:. llowcn, Gent.
land, and Ro1>t. HalJlil~/h Er~fl.1


t LOllD CHn, J"5T1CI, Rt. fioq. O,pllly Prothonotary a"d S"otttkzry.
John Banm Norbury, (;nrdin.r'I-r, George Hill, Efq; 14, SII,."terh';lI~
¥i, RIgijler, Peter Jacklon, Efq. Fila"" alld E"ig.n/." Hon. Daniel.
J\J;JJI. GarJ;,.tr-jlr.d. Tolcr, GarJi ••,',..,.o",.
t SECOND JU5TICIt, Lulte Fox, ECq; CD/.p~t:~, ~epn.t. .
U' • . r. er. 'Y / • rf·arrlln'/, It. lerepOln~
••«r.on"Jruare• H . Er.
Hi, Rtgijler, MichaelFox,Efq. SI.- D eWI~rt, "Hq·. G
...1._' G S /lib eputy, • 4. .3cnaD1nra, t.
,...... I ~. .n, • , Clerk if lb. Rill" alld E,,,,i.. , Peter'
fTBJRD JUSTICE, Eclward Mayne. Jackfon Efq' MiJJI. GarJin.r-flr
~fq. ;Stepbm', Gr"~. Ol"'k oftb: Err:,., Cler~ oftIJ.E.J!oig,,;
Hi,R''lijltr, E.Mayne, Eff{. B·'lot-jl. .ad CI.rA ofth."]uru" And. Reid.
t FQUr.TI\]li5TICI:,Wil\iiIOFletcher, and Jor.Rcid, ~fq~•. C:/~lIceji<r:flr,
Efq. M"rion-S'lw",.., EaJI. Cltrlof Oullo'ft·" ... , W,Umm Kem-
RuR.gijler,Rich.Ii~thering~oq,f:fqi mia, Uq. Xi/Jar.-f/mt •
.drr~"·'lIl'!,1' ' . Olerl of.djftgsunCflt" w. Thomas, E(q_
Cbi~gr"p6'TI, KIt,lr, of th. Writ" 'Th. E,.a";,..r,, Qeorge Hill, Petel;'
s,.dCI,rl'oftbeKing',SiltJ.r,David Jackfon. Cooper Crawford, and
Dabingtj)n,Efq.andWIJl.~ha. ~a Jol1n King lrwin, Efqes.
bington, Efq. Grallby-row." Peter Jackfon, Efq;
~'''''t;tI, WIJl.FeD!ler,~d JQ. King 'Iipj'!ffaIlJCryer, Frallci.Pierepoint
Jrwin, E{qrs. Hewitt, Efq.
~rethMota", Hon. Thoma. Kn01,, T. Macnarnara., (}t.
and HOI1. VefllY Knox. D.pu/y Cr,lr, J;1.lIles JohnfioD, Gent_

COURT o. EXCHEQ.!JER, OrucE, KING'I-h." ••


Right lJj)\I" Wm. Fitzgcrfl,ld.
. .
or THE EXCH!'l..U!Il,lt THIRD B<\RON, Sir Wm. Cufaek
Slllith, Bt. HII ..t-JI. an~ Ratlif,.,.-.
bam, Duh/i"., .
tLQIID CHI~F :&AR~, Rlg~t BOT!. H;,Rtgijltr, JaIOea Davit, Et,,; .lofc~
Standilh 0 Grad)', Sltpbtll • Gree".1
l1is Rt~ijI'r. C1 ST!li~ O·Grady,tFou"TI,BA.Il(l~,J3,It1esM·Cldand~
ECq. ' Efq. G.,·tI",,, .-Place.
,8 • G
BAIIOII, DelUl '!lis ~'Kifor, liugh M'CldUld, Hq.
. ICOlolD eorge, G"rdin.,.',-Platt. .
lifq. i,,4m;,.I,., William Croker. Johq
¥;. Regijltr, WilliamCol"grave,EC'1; Swift Emerfoll,Gco. Crozil'J"tNlt4 -
Nv~ (h,., fim:.c'l-;f1r1fi.· '~il" Teadl, ~f'lu. .
Court of Exchefluer.
tAW IIIID. or the EllCBItQ..UEIt. A ....""laml-O"". John O'Neil. Er".
Chrl of thlf Pltas of the E.".b,'1"t1', Lt;IIjier-:/;'.".
n. Earl of Budungbunfuirc. Vep. Sampfon Brown.:, Gent. Ojfo,., John Pol/ock, and Jor"ph lGlIg'.. ltUU . , T

Farran, EiiJra. Ojfiu, Killg',-INlu.

C/.,j ifth, RN/", Henry Yeo, Eoq. Rltv&wUII: SID" of the ElI:c BIt <tU " ••
Ckd..!lb, PI,adillgs, John and Heury L.rJ 'Ir"y"r", .,S".,.,J R.__6rflll-
C_y, .Efqr.. "', Rt. Hon. Earl Donol!ghmorc.
Ckrl of tb, ..fIp~. Launcelot INP"I,'" Rich. Waller,JolhuaNuuD.
L.,..i., Gt. and Ecjw. ·Aug. Waller, Efqrs.
CkrJ ,.d Sig ••, of tlu W,;u, 11 &.u'"rin,Dan'idBcere,JolbuaNunn.
Ckrl0.llbc .fppearaMu aM .dltfl&h-I Rich. Wailer ,and Rich.Been.Efqn.
...t., WiJliam HaughtoD, Efq. C/j. of lb. Pi~, H"ory LllttI"ell, Ef'l.
~'!rf~. ofllu £>&<1'1'1. Robt. 0' Hua, Del'''':'' Wm. Lea,Ef,!;
Efq. Ck,l, Henry Byrne, Gr. 0ffi,,', 33.
D.p.Dan. Beerc,Gt.OIfi«,K;IIl..ll111S. N.,11r GlotIc1',,:f/rul.
/J'i' Ku/,. of lb. S",d,. Tho. Kem- C."'/,I. '!Itb, 1',/", G. W. Tighc, Efq.
!nis, Efq. Kildart-JIrul. D</'lIly, Tho •. Sterling Berry, Efi,
,,,jt,. al A""",John lWClintockJun, Trmifcript.r tI"d F.rdp A/'J'ofo', Jolua
and Wm. Foller M'Clintock, hlq'l l-'ollock, .Erq; .
D'Pllli", Jame. Pcatt, and kobert!D.put" Arthur Jono, Ekf.
Slmpfon, Ef'ln. 38, Up}'" S",;'-' S.m"'."!JIrr and Cl,,;' of ,I" EjI"lIt"
."ilk:JIrut. I James Dance, Efq; Gt. Sbipll rtt' .
Ch;,! Cr,~r of the £".h.tJ. C. Smith Rem,mbrtlne<" am/ Ruti.·... if tL, Fir.#
O'Grady. EC,}; Fruils,amJ 'I.IJml;tlb P,uts, '\Valta
I)-puly, S:un; Hird, Gt. Jao. Glafcock, Edward -Glafcock.
M"rJbd/ if IN F.",...Cwrl/" Henry and Wm. Shaw Mafon, Ef<i,C9.
Onntby, E f q . ' /)'/'lIty, Edw. Grove. M.foll, 1:['1.
- - - - - - = - - - - - - - - 1 CJtrl,S. P .Lea,gt. Off« iD theRecord
Z'l"un'Y SJDE of the EXCHIIQ..UIlR. Tower Low,r Callle Yard.
r.6iif R"".",6ranccr, The Moil N o - ' ; •
ble Richard, Marquil WcJlelley, Suryuy.r GM,,"," of Lnntl., ""d y,,-
K. G. and K. C. /"., tif his MJjl1Y"' Ho"."TI, ~&._
D,p. and A.dit.r of .11&<0""". Fred. l.allgfOl"d Heyl.n<l, Etq.
Thompfon, Efq. 16. Mn-i.,,-,{'1' S. f)'I'"ti". Rowley and Richard Hey-
~"",.i"a'.r ft; the Dep. Chiif R,,,,,,,,br. land. Erqro; I 8, D.,.i,.i,j..,t. Of~
and CIII;' of tiJ< C"ufl', W. R. lice in th Record l"owcr,Lower
Steclc, Gt. ' CalU~ Yard.
C'lIIuiJ ID Ih~ Cbkf Reml"bra""r' J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -
OjJi", Art. Chich. Macattnc-y.Efq"CouRT u, EXCI! I Q,U! It CU"MUIt.
t:1'fi ,of R.porls. Jofeph M=.. rtney,! Sit. in the Exchequer Chambrr.
Eiq; Marlbo,••gh-jlmt. IJIJPGU, tt.e Right Hun. the Lord
Fila~", Sam. Page. Efq; Llifo~-Jlr. Chief Jullice, Rt. Hon. Lord
»7. Fi/atur, Richard Eames. Gent. Norhury, Right Hon. the Lord
Lrw,r O",dill.r-flrul. Chief Baron. HOD. the Judge. of
CIw.f ill tb, S,.."J4r,·,Ofot. JI.IneI the Couruof King'. Bcnch,Com-
Calthrcw. Efq. Har"lIrt-JIr..,. mon Pleas, and the Baron. of the
Rtgijltr. Fr. Harrifon Biddulph, E{q. ~xchequer.
Cl,,;, ill th. R'gijl,r', Ojfi.., Wm. t;"'r~ of the Err.,.,.~) th, K;ng'I p,;:"
R. Steele. and Jofeph priCe,G.nt~ t.~/, Sir Jame. G, albr, ai~\, n.. n.
·'./hm, Sir Ch~rle. Vemon.. Knt V,puly.lame. G;J»rai-~, ~r'l; ~,.
..,4 qtarlct Fl.,rwoed. EC'l' ."';,,i.~-J1r"t, '
Law and -Manor 'Co1.lJ'h.
COURT 0-. Appr.-~-ts 1'1 R~vltlll'" ~AllT&R StHJ.NI" Co, 01.
CAU~'''. publin.
• Sits in the Four Courts, Chair,.",,; Artbur Moore; Eiq. ~
• C_mmijfi,ntYIo_ rldJa .. n,eel.
R.ichar4 Monre, Ef'l" Parl"t'''f, E, R~iJkr,Andrew B.Carmichacl,R{q.
Wm. Wynuc. Efq. GreR'f}ii/ Frm,b-J1rr. t •
Wll1. Knott, Er,!: Lufon-jlred. I: fi 1
Arthur Burdett. Efq. -- to- Pro~effes: to be ,eTVed' re 'ea"
Mark Hare hI. L. L. D. ParJ- Day. bdore the Scffion, for- Rny
- j1 ret.,
• E' • I' - rum under ten pounds,and twel,VCI"
:" J
&,• IJJJd R eglJ' W Er. dear Days, fro\U ten' to twentt
er, ames arrcl1, q. ,Iound••
"'7, Glo."sl<1-jlred. 4"
.~.-, - S' J
J rulge, .lr ana
hn ' I .. I P '1. nefthal of tb. King s Manors, [ :.....-.tIl]
liurrngales, Rt.
I,L.D. Hmridla-jl"ut.
I • "

Dlligcnan, Sm.Fhnl of St.

I, Man..
}o~are, Efq; LL.l>'. Pal'l-J1r. M ...
WI'R. V~vafu\lr, Efq. LL.D. Kil" n,'~o;-hG/~ar"1 . Er L. B !~_M
dtrr~"'Jbld nt'g!/,'·,", eo. rw\t1, Iq; Vh rrat-:r.
'VOl. Rjdgc~~y, Efq.. LL,D. Hilr- Ma~foat,Wm.S~Harri{\Jn,Gt.M"'ta.
,ourl-!tTNI. .' jlr,.,. .
~ini"n Mahaffy, Efq. LL.D. N. ~t.efthal of' 'J'ft~",a-.-(f."'t and ]Ji,"'I't!.
Earl-,tred_ James Fowles C~ell, :efq~ 7-"
Xing',Ad-,·oc<lte-G."n'dl, Rt. lion. P. Sfephm's-Grmt.
Duigcnan, LL.D, Hmri,tla-jl. Reg!J1er, Geo.lrwin, Efq;o7.Bdd.-fl.
P"anr lo/,i, ."la1"'y, Wm. Rich- ,'vf"rjh,t!, Clerkof' Jl.fark,tf.!f ["f!eaor.
ardfun, Erq. "'3, POI/btg-slred. John Waiter, Gent. Co,l-jlr..,.

.j'.!arflal, Thos. Mulo~k, Efq.
llegijT". Daniel fineau, ECq. No. 1"Senifchll1 iflblllfanQT of Gra"g<-G.....
PIIa", B. Mitford, Efq. L L. ~
,Lu!o"l'rt,f. .
.jJ,p. P. Gorman, ECq. 9, LIl/NT Reg!fl.r, Wnt\ Browne. Efq. 9El.
M,ri.n"Jwul. 'j,imts.'sllrttt.
Marflal and Cl•.,.} of tIJ, Ma rhr.
elYIL BILL COURT. Edw.Browll. ~:a • .IJ.Aughril1f-jlr.
. • . , S."'ftblll of tbe LI~"Uu of SI. Pair",
'Wllha~ .Walker, ECq; ~ecorcIer. Wil1iam Ridgeway, El<)..
J ohlJ.",I1I""-jI,,Ut.
· 1 .
n K 109 l'WIll,
-r.rR'" S e~, .t:baI oft'
h L"IDtrlus
+-Iq. egmer, L eon. M'Na11y,elq~
. "J
,. G'"
. ha.,
R tl j.1: /4-'.1l t.~'.'em(r'':t••
".n; U a~ - 11/1f", . './.. R'"iJI"r,LeoD.M'NMly,jll.Gt.1-or.l-jl•
.. !v.M'. III 181';, VIZ. 20 'Ian. 2G'Marj/IIII FemrickKinder,Ot.e..rI~

Aprr/, zo J"ly, ",8 Oa.ber.
Proc<ff~. ~o be ferved twelve\
I •
'. .
dear Pay a before tile seIliOlh'IJ~!IJJJ'I" Lordflil 1,,"1 .A""r(J/~ t1J
{i." he had only at M~ lioeY'i, 36, MJohi<4;
Fp/er O"JloDd-fju.Co1',,,r&j' Ch,,,l,,- . _
jI"tet,j and all En:rie. to be madeS,nlJfhlfl ..1ft! Jilt/I', Thol. E~mOl1Il
·with the Regifter, prr.viou9 to WeIr, ~fq. " obi1'WaIJ Ca,tlt. .
tht fitting of the Court, other l1egilfer ad Wltt.r Bailiff, '\\'jrual1\
...-ife tlie1 .~anno~ b" :rrQce~dcd Thollll?fon. G'c\l.C. '
AlIillant Barritlers. Benchm. 12ft
a\lIInANT BAtUUSTlUlS of. the IcYeral.Councietl mlr_do
. .If;"r;....
1.;chard· nobbs, 1<:fq..
JohnCUIT}',Efql N. c"."",..~
AT_g6. LoxforJ.
l - Dawf()D. Kc,; MilhI.wlJ,..jI. lldWlITd O"arrc!f, Efq.
Carl".". Loulh.
1&orpn 1. O·DWyer. Bfll' L_r Archur Chic:he!ler MacartDe)'. El'q.
M..,.,-jht_ SI"1/''''' •• Gr"lf.
C,",a. M", ••
Wi1Henr.Bctty, Ef'li RiII"-I-jp. Wm. Hen. Bllia. Efq. Gt.Br;u;,.~
Clar<. ,Mul/'.
0Iar1u- M_n, lH'li ~ ichd. Ruton. Efq. M,,..,,o/f. W.
Corl, .-4 BJ..:j,DaRJ.. N ......
8anud Hnblon, Efq. Moag"" ••
DOMpI. John Slar.k•. Efq. »..,;,,;,""fowI.
W:m. EdJr. Major, Erq. 3.... ~ ..."..
.firrgt-.r"..,.,. H~ ltamnif,Efq. M."r;...{fII."'"

Jofe" PollocJ.,
RIIj•• III_.
,e French, Ef'l; E"I".p,.",.
Fma"""I.6. Sligt.
Thoma. MODren, Efq; N • ..,.I'I-,I. Robr.Johnllon, Efq. MorHtJj,,-/,.Jr.
. . G"/~"I'" . 'T;pperlJ".
lamee ltirwan, Efq. J)o,;",Uj,j1r. Rich. Moore. Efq,U,.Fils.""Ui.-/.
KtT". 'Tyr."..·
.itep. ItiCII, ~fq. B".h"Il".'prttl. Robert Lind(ay, Efq. c;,.u,.",.
Kith". . W.'trfortl,
Will4m Difney, Ef'l1 B_.I",,,. Edw.O'Grady.Efq,S'tfh"'I-~,..E'!I'.
Km,,,,,,. . II'ljI.. ,,,,6.
Gerv~i.l'U1t1:f' Bufue,Hq, L,iJ'o.-J. Jantes Lyne. Ef'l'
~, Lt.". AAaI-
. Ki"g'. C.. .I'u'.
'l'ftom. ~rfun., Bfq; I14rtfllrl-jl.. W'Jl!ortl.
L,;'r;.,. B.obert Richard., Efq. Ki'tI.t'I.p.
John Diclfon, ttfq. ~9. S".,."lIUJ. Wi,
Li,.tri,l. MauriceMagl'atb.E'q. JIIt••Ub• • ·
'?homas Lloyd; Efq; Mlr;."..p,."" j1rul. .
BKNCHElUI of the Hon. SOCII:TY of KINO'S INNS; Dublin. with rile
. DItes of thci.r A:dmillioD, 4S in Number.
Ai~t HOD~ ~d Manne!8, LordlHon. Jullk!: F~lE. Baft. dol.
"H.ghChancellor. Trm. 1807 Hon. BaroDSmlth, Hil. J8o~
Jl.igIit Hon. Will. M'MahOD. Hon. JuniceOfuorac, Hil. IBo..
Maner of the RoUa, Mich. doS Hon.BaronM'Cleland. Mich. dOl"net,L.C.J. Hon.Jufticellilayne. Bail. do~
of the Chief Place. HU. J7P HOD. Jutlice Flcteher. Mlch.1806
Ld. Baron NorburY. LC.]. . Ld. ViCe. Carleton, , Trin. J76ja.-
of Common Bench, TnB. 178. SirFrod.Flood. Bart. Mich.J770
Rt.HoD.Sta.O'Gnd1.L.C.I, Rt.Hon.Ju.Fitllgeralcl Mic!i.J77J
ohbe Kxchequcr, lIlfth.17111 Ript Hon. John Philpot Cur. .
Hon. Baton ~rp. HiL 1786 ran, Mich. I7b
BOIl, Juf\ice Day, Trin. 1.789 Bcreaford BurioD,ef'l' Baft. 1784"
l\c.JIaa.J1I4i£cDalJ. a.a. ,a. "
Hon. JoIulP~. W. I~"
130 :!enchers, King's Council.
Ile-Hon. 1'. Duigenan, Mich. t 784 Steuart King, Erq. Mich. rtct.r
Rt.Hon.Geo.Ponfonby,Hil. 1786 A.Moore,Ef'l.IIl:Serj. Mich. 1805
SirEdm. Stanley, Knt. Trill. 178'i Thos. Ellis, Efq. Mich. 1809'
Edward W~ftby, Efq. Trin. [78'1 W. Johnll:"n,Efq. 2.d Serj.Eaft. 1814
flenry J.Coulfon,Efq. Trin. 1789 Hen. joy, Esq. 3d Serj. Kall:. 18I4
Robert Johnfon, Efq. Trin. 1789 iiirC.M.Ormfby,Bt·31, Eall:. 18 r 4
Thomas Walker, Efq. Mich. 17\10 Hen. D. Grady, Esq. Eall:. 1814'
Stephen Dickfon, Efq. Mich. 17'13 Hon. Baron M'Clelanll, Treafurer.
Wm. Hcnn, Efq. Mich. 179, Rich. Mauufell, Efq; Under Trea-
WilliamWalker,Efq. Hil. 119' furer,JI, RlltJtt"d-f'l"ar., "1.
R.H. Sir J.Stewart,Bt. Mich. I ?\lll 5tephen Dickfon, l!'.fq. Libranan.
Rt. Hon. William Saurin, H. J. Monck Mafon, jun Efq. Li.
Attorney General, Mlch. 17\18 bra rian.
JamcsWhitell:olle,Efq.Mich. 1798 At·ch. Hamilton, Efq; Law-Agent,
A.C. Macartlley, Efq. Mioh. 1800 2.9, DDmi"hl-jir'd.
Rt.Hon.Ld.Redefdale,Trin. 1801. Edw. Ferrifs, Efq. Clerl, D./fi",
IIt.UI'n.W.C.Plunket, Trin. 18041 King',.In"" Hmri.tttt-jlr ..t.
Cha. K.Bulhe,Efq. Sv1.Gen. !R. F..Merder,Boolcfdler,Anglefltt-J.
Mich. r805 :B. Dugdale, Slati./I.,.

KIN G' S C 0 U N C I L.
Affortt"-G,,,. Rt. Hon. Wm. Saurin,lSir Jonah Barrington, L:J,..D.",,''-g''''', North. IJas. Whitt:fione. Efq. H.lfri.lta-jlr..t.
Hi, CI<TJ, William KemnUs, Efq. Art. C. Macartney. Efq; Slepb•• ••
KiIJ",..jI,eet. Gr ..",
801i,itor-General, Cha •. KefldaIB1i!he~Barth. Hoare, F.1q; rork-JIre.t.
]!:fq; 36. BagDI-Jlr...t. ofepn Jamefon, Efq; r.rl1/rul.
Hi, Clerl, John Domville, Efq; John Kirwan, Efq; L • .jim-JIreet
4, MoIe.f,vDrth-jlrell. ChrilJopher Stone. Williama. Elq.··
t Rt. Hon. Wm. C. Plunket, St.- Stephen-JIreet.
pb.n's'gr,,", North. Peter Burrowes, Efq; Leifo.-Jlree:.
Eirft S.ry.DHt, A'rthur Moore, Efq; Thomas Q!!in, Efq; Le.fonflmt.
H."rillttt-JIrtd. Francis Knolt, Efq; Gardi",,', 1'1.".
Hi. CI.rl, Andw. B. Carmichael, sir Charles Montagu Ornl{by, Ban_
Efq. FItIl<h-JIre.t .E.~-pltt",
8 ...,uI S.rjtallt;Wm. Johnfon,Efq.340 Henry Deane Grady, Efq;
Rarcwrt-jlrtet. 1'1"art, North.
Hi, Cleri, 'fhoma. JQhnD:on. Efq. John Burne, ·Efq. Meri."-f'1uar••
• J).rsd-JIrect. Abraham Boyd,.Riq. ~9, G/DW&ejl~.
"rhird Serjeant, Henry Joy. Efql jlred.
remple-JIr-l.t. Richard Jebb, Efq. Rlltlafld-f'1' W'.ft.
Hi, CI.,I, ( ] Thomas Goold, Efq. MeriD"·JtJutt".
Sir Frcderick Flood. Bt. Chas. Borton, ECq. Filr.wiJlittm-lfll.
Rt. HOD. J. Fitzgcral&, Mole/worth- J ohD Dunn, Efq. S,"~i//e-jtrld.
flr"t. John 1"arfon8, Efq.
JJeresford Burnon, Efq; HarcD.rt-JI. Timothy Drifcoll, Efq. Ha"o"rl.,.
Jlight Hon. P. Duigenan, LI .. D. John Llnyd, Efq. Meri.,,-fg. W ..,.
H ... rittta-JIreet. . John Scaly Townsend, Efq. Ba:'1#><
air idmund Stanley, knt. Pr;" .. of jlrtel. ".
W.I,,' • .{.lawd. . Daniel Webb vv,ebber, Ell". .
~atkcd thuI t have Pateata o£ Prcctdcau.
[ 131 ]
eLllltl O. Till ClOWN AND PEACI.

ll!•• f;". Ciul. of lb. Crow.. I D.pu/i". Ci.,lu/IM 'NIl ..

- Wak~ne----I---'
/ Do.
--.-\ N.M·Pc:~~"juB.
• • • • • . Robt. M KlJltlr,
Carl<NI J.FoIlock & A.H.C.Pollock'Bwj. Riky Aiex. HUDlfr~,
Cavan John Johnfton WI11.lnine John Maync
t, J. Eolton
J. Chatterton&W.lenkin.
Wm. Jones
Robert Keane
Wm. Jone.
D,nrgal ohn Johnfton Wm. Jrvine Thos. YolUng
D.",. Waiter BournI.' John Craif
D"li'''~III, J.Pollo~k &A.H.C.PollQck J. W. Bal
Dd/i. ,il, D o . . . Benj. Riky Alien and Green.
D,ozl",la Do, Waltt'r Bourn" W. O. Fainluur;1a
lYr_z/I John Johnfion Wm. lrvinc A. Nixon
G.I'II/o, Maur. Fitzgc:rald • lom". Kelly
Kerr, John Hurley • • • • John Hurley
Kilda,. J.Pollock&A.Q.C.follllck Denj. Riky J. & G.MedlicolI
Xik ••y u. Do. John Bouml! Wm. Water.
Ki/!tn., city Do. John Waters
~i.g'1 .0u,,1y Do. Benj. Riky Henry Hardior
f.,dri. Mau. Fitzgerald And. Johnllott
Li"tr~j 'D. p. Dwyer & J.Parker james Wall
L;'."iei city Do. Edw. Parkca
GUy '0. 1
,.. ~D"" S Jobn J0 hnlLon
" W m. J '
rvlDe 1ame. Gregg
lp.gforr/ j.foliock&A.H.C.Ppllock Geo. Gibba Jame. W.I.ittlc
f..MI}, 1)0... \\'alter Bolurne John Bourne
Ma" Maut. Fitzgerald And. Clarke
Mtal" J.:Pulloc~&A.Ii.C.Pollock Benj. Riky Edw.E.Cbamheft
M.1IagA.. W~ltcF Bourne' • .' Waiter YOllng
~,,~'I ,a. j.Pollock~A.H.C,Pollock Benj. Riky bram. Robert.
111,,-,. ~lLur. FitzgeraJ4 Pat. M'Keogh
S!ig. Do. lamell Chrilliall
'Tipper• .., Fred. Falkiner Thos. Sadleir
2;r- Jobn 10hnfton Wm. Irvine Hill & Galbraitla
Wat'rfl,4 eo. ame. Chattcrton Tbo •. Delandre
Waterfard 'y. 1)0.... • • • Barth. Delnndrc
WejI""alh J.PoUO(k&A.H.C.Pollock Benj. Riky 1. & J. Ardill
W,,,/.rtl Do. Juhn Bourne James Lee
WidJo.. Do. • Do. John Milia

~Ierb of the Crown, Court or King's Bench, Right Honourable Lord

iienry Sermour ConwlLY, and Right Honourable Lord lloben Ijey_
mOllt Conway.
J},PII'I, Waiter Bourne, Efq. y.,I-jI,lfl.
C1erli. of the Crown of the Commillion of Oyer lLnd Terminer ror Dub.
lin, John PoUO(k :!Dd A,H.C. Pollock,.if41ra.-J)'1"", Bcnj.&ikJ, JU..
f4f"'~rtv. .
132 Coroners of Ireland.
Ant,.;",. I Ki/d"".
Jeur Aicltin,BaJljn,'_,Jaa. Moore,Johu Browue, Htt!fo', MIIJ'HOtI,
.Ba11>_II~. <':oll~)' Grattan, Atby, John Parr.
A,magh. N""" Oeo, Tyrrell. KiI,..,,:!> CIQIO
Prancis Smith, Blacl.,at", A,,,,ogh, trard.
Michael Magee, Lu'g"", Thema lGlJ¥II""
,Mathlrs, LII'g"Il. Frand. Reyno!d., Kilhnny, -
Ca,I• .,•• Pat. Delany,DII".w Clt .W"rJb.r...,i
Jam~ Bymc, CII'/.T".
CO"IJ"" Ki/l:'trtry C;".
_ :f.lli., B"II,"'''g.wr..", Hugh N. Colli~,.]. Kengh.
Fitzpatrick, C••tewli. King'. C.""".
Cl",.; John Lege, Parjon.ft•• u,..,
Thoil.lveors, Enn;., F.O'Maca,EIIII;', Pu,rce, ,rll//4mo".
An drew Perry, Sil<.mill-B,idg_, Le;t,im.
Thomas Sampfon, '1""11,,. John ]ohnClon,A"gbdiU.o,.r,C",.,.icl.
C.,l. "".SIHut.M.
J)ani.1 Connell. Corl, lilaich. Foote
c.,l, Thol. Hun~«r&rd. CI,,,II' ' Litrtlrj~l. C••
~i1t:l' -_ Arth, Henry D'Efiprre, Efq. Chu,
C."I Ci". Be{lnet, E[q. It.obt. Cripp&. J;:fq.,
HIlary Hardy, 'A'illiaBl Pnilips. Li.uicl City.
Do"~,,,,'. I ohn GOIt• .E.q. RI";'h,,I,.
Jame!> n,ow.,., Mallo, Cllm';"gl¥_, J. L."tI.",/"r:l Colllrty alft/ c~.
l\Alked, Lttfu'_IJ1IY,- Willianl Ellis, Lo"dolltlerr".
IJt", '11. Longfo,.d.
&d..vud Cadde), R~t:':lrilnntl,GeorgeWm. Boyle, Long/o"tI, J.Canninr.
Crozier, B ..nbrUg., George Ste. LiJ!guill, M.Kdly, .0.,...,.&11,......
plte.feD, H;I!Jboroug/J. ho".
D~bJ;n COMnty. LOllth.
!Wm. Burkc, L",on, Robt ••, Fitl- Hen. MUllro BlacJlwell,M.D. C.Il."
gerBld, Blfonp-JI,.. Arth. B. ~offe JOhD BYI'ne, Rutb,.t••f.tlgr, D._
,/IfffUttr/t",gb-Jlrttt, John- Pdcy, till/le, Paul Parks, JJ..ntfalk, ..,J
Ofo., F.", C,", t., DfJlr;bwt.r of Slam/I.
J).blill City. M. ..
AM. Mark Hloxha~,Gar~n"'s-PI·ln. Gallaghu. c;, John Galtt
Idd. Meredi;h Jcnk,Z' H,.",.,-jI. BallinrOb., T. Gibbons, Wiftport •
A 11 erm""k' . . b '.1.
JOUR I'DI roftg, agM,re,- "-6" ..rru.
•L T.Knolt, BtJllu.". W. Ward, CIso,.,.
Lewther Brian. ' M.~th.
"ward Bu::.lw;~'W"" WiIli,m Wm•.Thorogood, D""'~lIghf;lI~
French Ke II y, B Q 111ntz.J-IU,
'·1l Patr'Il.:. Humphrey~()yle, '1"1"".
M'Mahon, Lo"q.r<i, Daniel Mc. Mllllag/J"".
~.,in, Lortg/Jrea, Paul Maonion, Jlmes Daaiel, Effilt.c".JIu, Carr~
Tuam, H.O' Loghliu,M.yl•.,gb, Sa- ".a<T-ft.
mucl Strogan. for Golw9 2"»v•• Richard MitcheU, MOII'I"""
XerrJ. - '
Jlenry ~lIeMaJret, 'h,,/tI, Ea- ~-!, c.~
(ebill. M·Gillicuddy.T,.tJI", John John KeUT. SlrflAalll"
Week". 2",."/,,.
Coronen, lComniiaion~s of Affida\1its. 188
Rofttml"'.". Watrrfo,J.
lIemard Cannor, RofiD"''''.~, Pat,j..:', Henry Anderfon. lJulfga':9u ,"Roget
M'Keogh, - - Thos. Thewles, Devcreux. 'Tulf.~u, Mlchatl E...
R.[.-.",,,,,,,,, Mkhael M'D,rmott, lyn, W"lerj'ord Ciry.
BiJ'fI<r-r."", Btryle. W qI""ul/'. •
81i John Adamf'lD, M.a/I,M. DIC'k(dfI,
r· CI."""II"". Franci. Palituer, Xii..
Benry Irwin, Moyd.agh, Meredith ~tua", Thoa. Shea, M.I/UtI4'.
ThOlllpfoll,lI-It, Th.mpr.".BaIJ] •• I, H'oej'rd.
'Tiff,rar]. Henry Cooper, W,xfortl, Jame. L.:~
Eelw. Armfirong, Tharltl, Richard Go"" B~njamin, ..AWl
Crotty, Gold,,,, Bricn Kennaly, ··llanl, Woodr~{fe, Go,.".
NIII, John Ryad, Cui!>,I. WIlAlo'W.
Steuart Mulllgan, A/lZb"IHI.,. ·Dan.
J. M'ClaTchy. Wit~"•• Geo. Ma...
nID¥, BaYiltigt, J. Parr,
'Wi,H_ T .....
WilfoD, O"u'gh. Samuel Bur,"

C 0 M M I S S ION B R S 0 r A ·F.F I D A'V ITS.

N.8. Ch. Cbanct:ry: K,'King'~B~nch: C. Common PI"as: E. El-che-
all. but Chancery: 4. Four Court». H.P. Not.Public.
quer. Or J. are
A",ri",. J.Prentkc, 4, an.1lJijtri- . Cor••
Pc:t.Aikm.4; Ball].... /"IIor of SI<I""'. 'IIM enryAcam$.4,r• .,.MI
Rug. Cafement, E. Ch. Q<1l1gu Will. All., C.
Ar<hur~iJlCoate •• C. Carl• ..". Rich: Chmnery, 4./.,
'Wm. J.Dl~lon,K. N ..PU<S. Wm. Byrne, /lmal Bolil Co.l1nrJ CM,.
~If/Ti", , JAlex. Durdin, Jun. E. Js:dward Cotta. Ch • .E.
J. Edmonfton,C. E. ThomJs'Guriy,jlln.4 Jiud."
- Jof~ph Fullon, 4 ..for Jp Cha.M. M'Mahon4fo Rich. Foote, C. C,rj <;!1
<iflJ Bail, E. L"bur" /I" pail;K.C.E. N.P. Pafcho Gog¥in. 4 N.P.
JkDry KcuDedy, K. C",low Mall.w .
Li,hur" John Lalor, 4 '1'ilIlD'IJJ Mathia. HendJeY,4,.l'n--
.June. K.ilbee, Ch. ell",un. "..,.
Wm. M'Creery.C. Andrew BeJl,K. 11. - TliGs. H',ward, It ....""
lohnSh.:p~rd, E .•is'......,Mic. Bermingharu, 3, Sp. Bail, ,,!fo 11 C."'I1I.
Rich.Waring, C. B'VaJI Km!:·,-,."rl f"r tbtAdmu-alty, C.""
"'-ill. Waifu,JI:. Edwan! Griffith, 4 ti~y
A h Wm. Erikine, 4. Ca'llon William jenkina. K. E. • Jame. l\1 ullen. 4. Bally· r.',ghal
W. Atkinfon, E. Pm..' ha.!', CII'IJOn Elwell L~ary, Ki"".!.
Juw.. Rich Phillip. 4,IInd Sp. Willi"m N~wman, 4, o~
Wm. BUl'ke, E. Lu~ttl" I Bd!; C....I,IJiIJ Sfu. Buil, J(j"ralt
Thus. Hall, Ch. C. P.Edw.·Whitehy,K. c.n.J. Trdilian, lL. I1and",.
NoI. Pub. LflTg""
R.Livingfion.4 . .n.-",lIg":
I B.d/;ronntll
Ch" •. \Videnham, 4·
John Wrixnll, C. Sf'';/l'
Mic.. Magee, 4. AT1IIIlgh Ifaac Bolton, 4 ]Jail und 4d",i, ally.
Thoma. Mathcn.K. E .•viie. Canny. 4 N,P,,&. Henry Hayes JaiPe ••~
L.,r~an Mzch. DoQ.lgbcr , DIIN",.n'Wfl.J
Il"L"rt Mollan,-C.N.P .. Gcorgc'd., C. E.. C• .-I, ,Cil).
N •• vr,. :Fr.ancis O'Mara, 4 Wm. Colb\lEJI'. C • • ,,<1
1IOIIa'N~.iU,C.~-L l~.RJ&II.4.H,.l'.~Kj/< Co",,!,.
Commillioners of Affida.. its:
William l'mes. K. Jethro In. Bricknell. 4. King', C.UIII!•..
William 1)hi1lip9, K. Daniel Connor. 4. 8a'~ John Abllott, Ch. Pa;.«
Thomas Pope, 4 lirajlll ri,,,I.,,,,"
John Reynold., N. P. H~nry Dolphin, 3 WIJl.; L. Hobart. 3.
City I""J C.lluty, 4 l'arrick Martin, 3 Thos Whitfidd, C.
John Swiney, 4, o/j. C•. and 'Tow". 'T"'/~",o".
JJ>,cial Bail. Nit.Brown,Ch. C. E. John Lcgge,4,~ars''''''''
Davy. Tuckey, E. 'Rich. n...rke,4. 11 'Tow" t.:,,, ,
lilich. Vincent, Ch. E. N.,. Pub. LewI8 Rofborough, 4_
D'''''I:al• Jame. CofreUfJ, 4.f.r'tJp. 'Tu/la",.. r.
JohnArbuckle, 4 B,.;I, CO.'flnd 'I".'VII. L,it,i",.
James Brown, E. Cha. Davis, Ch. K. C. ,T •. Churc~, Ch. C. E ..
Wm. Cadon, 3 H.J, Dolpin, 3 IWllham Llt~le.<:h.K.E.'
Wm. Chambers, C. Samllel Hobart, .. Berry Norrl8; 4. MeIUI;
Thomas Davis Wm. Kelly, Ch. C. E. 'IThomal ?tewort, 4
Michael Hauley, 4 D3niel M'Nevin, C. K.. L,_"",i.
WaIter Hunter, 4, and Anthony Nolall,4.for C.I'Thomas 7nraght.
Sf,.ial Bail. P. Sp,cial Bail. Br1au M. Mahon, C.
Rob. Philfon, C. E. K. B. Wm. Orllliby, C. W m ••S~t~, E. ,
Tho. Lipfit, K. C. K. Alien Ruxton,Ch. K. E. C,,,.
AlexandCT Wallen·
alia 'To ..",.
Thomas Savage, E.
I LI:trm.1
Geo . ~Ip~, E.
Pat. 0 Connor, C •
.....11. • H • Egger
John Arnlft~ong 4 a. Geo. SUllcock., K. C. E., "Iv :
r. B'I C ' fllid 'To."". WI ham Holland., ..
Jr'" "" . James Wall C
Rd\Vard Cadell, E., '1'....". L d .i. .
Pranei. Caffidy, C. D. Blake,";~uial Bail, Eo i\\ 1 ~" O~
Ceorge Crozier, E.. Ba". Bernard Kc\ly, E. • ""T
'? .0.
an er ,?Y,c'd
Ch ...
!J • P . .LVcwJ~Wnt"nl~a ,
r,dg' , , Anty. errlll,4 Hugh Boyle, E. C.
Robt. DlclUon, C. E. Ktrry. 1)u"li",,,,
/),#.... ,., Garret Barry, 3 K.obert CriU, Kit·
)foare Echlin. :E. John Mc. Cann, C. E, Tho na 1)"
Robt. Mollan, C. K. K, William Gallagher, I
C. cl.f. kl . •
le on, 4"
a-.J No P. Nt'WTy . Juhn Giles, E. Wpt. D')ugherty, 4 C.~
It b
M K.C. Thomas Hely, C. P. 0 J C',
11 I y,
o ert ontgomery,E. Dom, She~hiU1, Ch. E. Lewis Drunllllond,
Thomaa Pott"I", E. Jofeph Smith, E. C" 3.
F r~ncls . Se ' h
~lg t, C.
. , ""'a"',
Wllham \vilfon, K. E. W.Eliis.4 C/)""tya"dCit.11
Mlchae1 SmIth, E. Kildare. Dur)
Wm,' Stnkey, K. C. R. John Famlcr, E. N.a. jame. Keanc. C. Gar.
'Wm. Hen. ~l"Ottcr,C.E. John Parr, K. C. E. ""lkh •
Daw.pafrlf;k KiI~tnn, Arthur Maxwell, E •.
Drog!'cJa 'T~ ..." KiJlrtnny. Henry M'Henry,
'Wm. Ollver Fau-tlough, Rich. Bibby, 4, N. P. M"ghtra
,C. E. Kildart D ..vid;}1'Kee'4,M..g~
""JJl. Holmes, 4 Piltrick Delany, 4 fOT rajilt
Ftrmanagh. Sp. Bail, Co. "naCity. Roger Murray, Ch. 0;
John ..,.rmftrong. 4 DliTT"'" (!;J Mar,6.,'.. Co • .f Cily, D,,,,
A. Montgomecr, 4 Edward Denrocile,· 4, George O~ilby, K.
Charl" 01 i ver, + Kili",,,-, , D,rrJ
,Gal:"",. J. Walfhc, 4/"" SR.aai/'lJohn O'Doh~rty, K. fie
~~rJe F• .A.llltos.t, .. Kill""" Cd• • ". Cit), D~
CommiQjoncn of' Aaidavitl.
Ala. Purviauce,...
IE.I"·~rd J~c1r,
Swan Mullipn,E.
Ch. It. ..
John Tittle, .. ,lAkrai... jj' '., 011' .,Q, E+ R·~; W illi.m Kid •• rdJ .......
'tt""a "' ~ ... '
Samuel Barber, ...
Berllard ConDor, of.
I •

1- c" y IT'' '1o,r....


Ed "Jj,i~;&l41
HUli\h !Jail, Ch. C. E.
'I'homas Hauly, 4
John Kmfi~y, 4
John Feam., 4.
Roben G"If, Ch. K. E..
B.," Wal IIYd<rfortl.
Thomas 1"uirc, 4 Mau. Henry, ".b. S,· Heo.Andn-loo, ..
Charles G. W~bb. E. B.,I. IRog~r Deurcn, ..
L.",b. BernardKeUy, ... .4,6/.. Rid,nd Zv1'(iralh, 4
Cha. Eafiwood, 4 Mi.:bl. M'Dumlllt, W.tffforJ Cif].
William Bartoo,N.P.,t. C"jlkr.a RCJ~" Cooke. C.
Stcphen Page,..... Pat. Flanaghan,3,E'p6i11 Th. D.:I aoclrr,N. Pd . ••
M,?", Slip. In. Lymbcry.N'P"'.E.
WiIliam Davis, E. John COllolly Ai P"p",1V.l'II6. Lh.K.
Audrew Edmonfoo, 3 Frail. M'Cann, 4 N. P. WlI.,Mb.
lames Gale, c. Ju. Mc. DOIlough, 4 Gco Cuync, .../(i'ka-
John Galea, 4 'Tipp.ra". ..~ndw.lludgcu.. ,4, ......
John GaUagher. .. Sam. Abbott, Ch. J£. ~p •. Ji.u/, C. M.u;",.
Thomas Gibbon_, 4 N.nagb gdT.
Tho. ~nox, 4 W.H.Eradlhaw,K.C.E ~att. N.g~teD, ..
John Ragers, E. •... <r • C' I Richard lugg', r_ 6 1..
W a It~r War..~ , 4 '" •• ~"" '0Ir"~.J
COQper Craw ford, E. I .~rtl '"7"
." Ib ~am. H3)'mau 4 N P I hoa. :>hca, .. , _..J S,__
'J t...A

}fumphn:y Doyle, 3,


Weld .. n Jurdan, of,

R b~' ~ 1~·II",g_r:'L
0 ~rt ;I
. . . . 8..,-
lienry p. Hnelwood, Cofo" .,,,... , Ilduilill,_r
N.",all Bricn K<:nnedy, .. N.P. W'>;j.rtI.
!tewnt Osborne, ,],,,',,, .It.,,agL.,, Peter Uel:" h .1::.
jamco 'Walker, 4, K.II. Jllme. Zvlacl..ay, 4. N. 11,0. Brililun, K. C.
MDnagb"... • ""Il" .RlChard Bruwnn!)g. L
Tho. ArmilroIJg, 4. PhdIVRYan ........tI.T••c".,.~. Freud., N.1'u6 . .E.
CI'fI" CI."m" 1 . Jone., 1\ .1'••. E. ~
a.Iarcus CalJidy 4 Ctzr- J"hll Ryan, E. Cl... ",~/,Jaflle., K.
,;"1",,,".11 " l.eece '1'albol, 4,R':I'rlaIJ-leo. J. l\1uretoll, ••
Dr. J. M'Morran, Mo- 'TiN""" 'rown. IRobcrt Rogtra, 1-
,!Glh"" Kobt. H.ufion. Ch. E. jo~ Tench
William Wilfon,4. M,- Jollll Phil,p Ryan, -4 Mlciu.e\ Viccary
",,{hlla '1'••"" if 'Tua.. Wi,l/fI'U1.
!f!.!!'''''' C"""f]. <..:ha. Davil, E. John Manifold, E.
John Dav,", 4. B.rri. '1,'011'. JolUl Miils, 3 N. PilI.
J>~t.Delany, 4.lJurrD'U> 1. Buchanllan, 3 q""l" ,~Ohll P"r!.K. E.
.RIchard ~amcl, D ..lIi" Robcrt Brown,.. 11
hom:s,~auDder~. C~
James HlIl .... R,ubJ..-w. jame. Falls, ... ..!"lb"".,K.. lph hylo •• C •
• ,,
Henry Harding. Mt.
Arthur FuIlan, 3. D",,- Henry Adam •• 4
I Youtb,,1

lU.lliclt • .ca"n." . IWm.

Garo.lller: .. N.I'.
"(Ill, Wllllt!rHr•• C. fao. ~g.&. K. IWtJlii!l» J~.. x". J:~
13ft EcdelialHcal Departmmt, .fee.
,,,"110, ;11 Cri",/".I Ca".fis, for Ih, For Norl/, Wd' Cim/it,Sir Jatn60aia
c..1UfI! City of D"Mi" ,,,'Ii Ld"J?tr braith. B..,t.· N. Gt. G'~rg"I.JlNIt.
Cire"it, 'rho •. Kcm:nis, and Wm. Fo,. Gonnattgbt Cir&"it. fulwarli S.
'.J1':emlnis, Eklr8. Ki/J.rN-jlr,," Hick .... an. !fq. G.,.ditt,,;/I,e.' '.
I.,. ,b, HomeCir.uil,]no. POIIOCk,andIFo" Munjl,r Gir."it, Samuel Pnn-
Arth.HilI Cornw. Pollock,Efqrs. dergaft, Efq. UN'r .H...ion-jlr.#14 .
I.,. No,th E'fII Ci,,"it, ·David ,GUro/SDlicit., i".,1I .lftrll,,·s "Iali ... 1.1'.,-
tlon and Roh"rt-Haoliltll.ll,.Efqrs. fated Efl"''', Robert.Reev<.8,.F.('l_
litter S.";''I1i1'!"lired. Ut!" M"h",,:/Irttt. z
MET<ROl'OIJTAN cou~:r o.
J'ltu: Gr", ·Rt. Han. P; D. Uigenan'l·prollDr•• C. M'M:lller
LL.D. H~lIritt1l1tz.-fI.'''', . R. M'Kew
"Rig. C J Ja. Armlh-ong
.JJtp"", Hogh M'Maller, A,,,,ag!, Lee M'ltinftrr, jun. R'

--P:RER 00 A 1'1 V E CO U RT.

0fol, JI_,.in,a-jl,.,.,.
Rt. Hon. P. Duigenan,LL.D·ID.p",y-Rtgi!l.r, John Hawki""
~triRcv. ]ohn·Rt,billrun. l';farjbal, Thomas Kingj'OIO!'C:, Ueut.
E". .

P,HI." of Prerogativ" awd all olbtr EaJ';;"fti''11 C."rI•.

)Sarlo"" Wm. Tho. 89, C.,~.I-jI,,,t.IRoger., John C• .f/."rittttl.-jlrott.
B,earty, Geo. Hartlwi&l,oplll«. Stock, Henry F, ~I, ·r••
.fiamilton, loCo 13,.s· Cumhtrlaw ....A Till)' & Swift, 43, D••iJticlil,.,.
Hawkina, John 9, Henridla-jlr,", Walker, Wm. Ij, J'ct.,
-Mo~.F. J. ~8, H'lIr;,IIII-jI., Wu,thington, lleresf.1l3.Grafie".p•
.••_;" ..., .Mltaew Hagarty, PuJ,lh Nolar,.-OJli... 10, H,wtidllll',.fd. 1


Ofo" 107, St,pMn',oG,,,,,,, Weft. Gin., Rt. ·Hon. P. Duigen~l1, LL,D. H",r;ttta:!l.-Surroglll.;Reya
-.John Lewis, rorl-jlr..I.-R~~ijI", Rev. Chari"! Cobbe .BereRlorJ.-
·n'l'at, R'fijlcr, TholUiII Clarke, EC<i' Public Notary, 101. SI ..
'/Jhln·.r-Grtn" WdI. .
•Jl~.t;!." ~~,"Is uti Spirit. P,.., ..o..,t.John R()hinfon. Kfq; 4, St. IflltlN"";,II,.
, The Very Revereild lne lJ£AN:; of 'he feveral 1)iocefea. ....
~~."ry'-A:rth.H. KenllY, D. D. . E",I" Richard Moore. A. M.,. Richard GIilV,,", A.M • Ftrns, Peter Browne, A. 1\1.
J1,.tIj;',,, Gi~btrt I:ioll1les, A. B. KildtW" Thomas Trench, A.M.
J1,."., Vllc. Llfford, LL. D. KiJlm.m, George SttveJlfnn, D •. D.
C'ifotJ, ]ofeph Palmer, A. M. Kill.rla, Edm. 13urton, LL. O.
CkoF,r, Riel}. Ba~w~Il, A. M. KilI.rtDt, ]uhn B~yly, A. M.
CIoII/<rl, Thn. Hilwkms, D. D. Ki/mad""g!', Wm. For.ll~r, L.I....
Cl."ma:noifo, Henry Rop~r, D. D. Xi/lIlort. Wm. Magenis, A.M.
CI.yn" J21\1e. Arch. Hamilton, D.O. Leigh/;", Geo. Mauofe)!, D.D..
Con/lor, rheophilus Blakely. A. M. L;I1I,,,;'A, Arthur J. Prellon, D •. m'
C.rl, Win. Magee, D. D. LV",.", loho 5oott, A .. M.
D<rry;]ohn Hume, A. M. Ojfo"y, Hon. Jor. B6tlrk", A. M •
• DDwII, H~u, WlIl. Anneflcy. LL. D Napbat. Richard Allntt, D. D. '
:lJh"',...t, .Ia~w~ Mahou, A. M~ NoJi, Jama ForWilrd Bolld, A. rd,.
DM6/m, Cbr,,1 Cb. Ld Bp. of Kildart Tua. Thos. Carter D. D.
,..,.--SI. Palri,;,]. W. Kcatingc, D.D. W.,.if".",. US\lI:r L;;. A. Mo.
-'ljl.d'!., Jolw I:r~JlI;Q. 4 • .Ih .
Archdeacons, &c. Registers of Dioceses, a:e. 131
The Venerable the All<:HDEACONS or the Cneral J>ioceto
1Ie"-,." J"reph V~rchoyl~, A M. 'WIll, Edward Bartoa, D. D •
.4gt-J.~, Aiel[. Arhuthnor, D. D. Gltnukl.,b, Jamn La"lJrifhe, A.M •
.4l'1.tgh, ~obert B~attT, L. L. D. KilMr" WiIliam M.uufell, .A. M •
.4rt1ft,-/, Thomas Grace, D. D. XiV_., Jama KeDn)', L. 1.. D •
.4,.",.:b, Hon. Chu. KOOll, L.L.D. KiI,.,., John Kin" A. M.
C*', William Gal""y, A. M. KiII_, Ed•• Price, A. M.
Clogb", John Brioklcy, D. D. Xi'-Ju;b, RichardVincatt,A. M.
ClMtftrt, Jamci S. Butfon, A.M. KiI_II, John Caul&eld. D. D.
rl.,,,., Zac. Cooke Colli., D. D. LnglJi., JoIua Elp, 1•. L.D.
eolr.lWj Anthony Trail, .A. M. . Li",.rul,
Corl, Willianl Thompfou,A. M. Lif••r., PhiJip R)'ao, D. D.
DirTY, Trcfulia Lovell, A. M. Meath, Thomas De Laty, A. D.
/)"V'''' R.obt. Anderfon, D. D. 0jfo", Paul Plcllbam, L.L.D.
Dr.",.", ·Hon. Pearce Meade, A.M. R./boo, Rev. John Usher, D.D.
n,,"'i,., lames S:aurin, D. D. RoJi, Wm. Bi/f"t, D. D.
Rlp.i", Wm •. Digby, A. M. 'TIIII., Charle. Warbnrton,A.M.
£..Iy, Garret Wall, A. M. Wah'rforAGce. Lewia Flcury,LL.D.

The Right Wodhipful the VI~ARS OENEkAL•,· I
, KU".", Bcrtram Mltford, LL.'O
Ardfort""dAgh"d",J.RadcliB'eLl.. D. XillalH, Rev. John Parker, D.D.
:dr..agh,Rt.Hon. P.Duigenan,J.,L.D.I Kilft...·., Rev. lames Martin, A.M•.
C4fotl, Ditto. Killal.. IIItd" Rn. Gabri~1
Clogh." 10hn kadcliffe, I..L.D. Stokes, A. M. .
Cl."};,,, ad Ki/III ••dlllll". Rev • .,.. Xilmort, Gen. P. Bu/he, LL.D•
. Yincent, A. M. Leighli" ""d Fert", Rt. lWn. P
Cl"],,,, Rev. lames Hingfl.on, I.L.D. Duigenan, LL.D. .
(;",1.,," Rrdi, Rev.J.Kenny,LI ..D.,Lim.,icl, Rev. John Ho:trr, Jot. .
Drrr,. Rn. S. 1.. Montgomery, Mtllth, Rich. Ruston, Ef'l. 1.1•. 0
LL.B. . l0jfo,y, Rev. P. Ilcl1ham. LI •• D.
Do_ "'CD",,~r.Rcv.8.CDl'Plee,D.D. RIlPhD~, Rev. John Alcock, LL.D.
D'fJMfI't, Rc\'.ChaSoHamilton, A.M.! 'Tu" .., Rev. Edmund Burton,LL.D
DIIJli., Rt. Hon. P. Duigenan, LL.D.1Wa6iford ""J Lif...rr, HlII1fl
£lpU", do. I M'Dooga11, Ef'l' LL.D.


. Artl",h.. ' ! C/ogt.~.
Thtm1l1s Wcbfter, Er". Long/.", 8ugh Harris, Efq. Clogh"..
D.,.,), Rev. R. T. Hedrn. ro.p"I)',MaDr. Bur.nell.' N.P.M...:,.
Lim"iel, Artlftrt, lI11d .tight,,'''' Ckillfi,t.
Bryan M'Mahon, Ef<.q. Lim.,icl. l)tobert Blak., E1q. L .."" ••
Ar."g/'. Cloyn,.
J. Fatrlckfon,Efq. JJu6/j" C'!JIlt. IBenj. Borton Johnfon,EftJ. S"rlll,"
p"puty, }. Mc. Mafter, vt. A'.lllll.1 bill, Wattif...,,·
. C.foll. . 1·~,.putY.JOhn Royal Wi\\r.ior~~
SaJl)lJel Cooper, Erq. /Jub/i". "If"
Corl Roji.
D,put" ,. Hiclac)'. Ott C".foll. Henff Jof. ~card, M,.
[I~J;.J oK .
138, Firll.Fruits, Charitable Donation~. !cl!.
, . ' Derr,. KiIIR'''.
Sir James Galbr..ith, Bart. Dublin. Wm. Erlkine, Efq: ClWrztr.
D./UI", William Camac, Gt. Dnry. M.ath.
Down Qlld Connor. Rev. Geo. Brabazon, NafJrz.
Rev. T. E. Higginfon, Act. LiJ!"mt. - O.lfory.
Dromo". Wm. HarfOl:d, Efq.
Olive!' Brulh, Efq. Dro_r~. Depu", Wm Gra~e, N. P. KiI~en.'
Dubli". Raph•••
Rev. C. C. Beresfortl, A. M. . Rev. $amuel Law, Raphoe.
Deputy, Thomas Clark, Efq. C.,,- D,put" Lcwis Walker, Gt. tlitt••
jiRoriat office, 10 7, Stepl",,'s-gr.W. 'Iua",.
. . EI/,hin, Hugh StalFord, Efq. L.rjOlf-prut.
H. Kenny, Efq, EIpUII. Dublill .
. " , Kilda,... Del"t" Charles Da-ris, N. P; 'I"a••
Wm. Pltton, Efq. and Rev. RawdolJ .
Griffith Greene, Watuf.rd and Lifmort.
Rev. Geo. Lewis Fleury, LL. D •
.Kiltsto. and ~ilftnora. WQt<r/ord.
Rev. RIchard Martm~ ~. B. . Dean and ChQ/,t" of Chrifl Chllr&J.
D'puty, Rev. 1. Martm, Jun. Srarij[, Dublin Mdlh. Harris & Dryan
Mtchael Martin, Gt. Kilta/o.. 33, ro~l-J1r..t, D"bUn. '.
Ki/ld'" Qlld A&bollry. St. Patri""s, Dublin, W.D. Rooke.
Fred. StPck, Efq. Ki/ta/a. Ef,}. :;, Ha "ourt-jl. DII6Jit,.
Trnllees and Commillioners of the Firtl Fruits payable outoE Eccle-
flatlical Benefices, incorporated by ad of Parliament, the ld6'
GEO. I. fur the difpofal thereof.
The Archhilhop. and BinlOpS, Dean of St. Patri,k's, Lord Chancellor or
Keeper of the Gre"t Seal. The Chief Judgesand Law Officers, &c.
"1'''4'.''''- H is Grace the Lord Archbilhop of Calhe1.
~""tarJ-lfaac D'Olier, LI.. D. 18, Baggot-jlre.l, by whom the a~g­
mentation grants are paid, on apd after the 6th of January and lA
of July, each Year.
z,a.v Agtnt- Thomas Kemmis, Efq. KiUare-!r9t;
Architut-Mr. John Bowdcn, 6. BldJ;'ngton-JIrul.
R.mem8ranur and Recd'"cr of Fi,.ji FT/lits and 'r.. ,it,,".th pQrts-Walter
Jas. Glafcock, Kfq. Edw. Glafcock, Esq. and Wm. Shaw Mafon, Ks'1'.
M.B. ..I . A . .
Dtplll,-Edw. Groves Mafon, Efq. C/e,.l--S. P. Lea, Gt. OjJi.., i" ,r,~
R.&or. 'I..u:r, Lower Cast!. Yard.


,a,ppoiuted by Ad of Parliament, 40th GEO. Ill. Chap. 75. .
The Archbilhops ami Difhops, Lord Ch3ncelior and Judges, Judge of
the prerollative Court, l'rovol1 of Trinity College, Dean cl St. Pa-,
trick'li, Vie"r GeReral of the Diocefe of Duhlin, and the feveral hi~
camhents of the Parilhcs within the City and Libertil:ll thereof, ~ "
{fir the Time being. • , ' .
John Coroeille. Ef,\. 3, Dawfon-firel.t, Secretar,.
Will, Ja", M'Caviand, E{~; 31, Upper Merien-itrect, 100uil".
Board of Education, Governors of Forts, ate:. J39

'ormed und~r an Act of Puliamenr. pa/f·:J in the Fifty-third year

of the Reign of his' prefe.1t l\l ..jelly. Chap. CVII.
Colll11l!lJiOlur, 0tp.;",,,, ~y th. dd of P""I;"",.",.
'the Lord PriRsate rhe Archbish,,1' 01 Tuanl
The ~or" Clianceh Th~Lord Chief )unicc oC the Courc
The Areahifh!lp of Oobr.. <'f King" B,nch' _'
Th.e Archhilhup of Cafhcl 'I'Iwt Provon of Trinit y Colk~1l
, C_-i([......, Rf'!.intM ~ G.wrnm."t II"J.. ,b• .d.,I.
The Lord Bilhop of Det'ry Th~ Earl of D"arc
The Lord· Biihop of Cork
The Lord Bilhnp of I'erns
iTh . .Rt. HOIl. John MannU BarrJ
,The I,t HOII. Wm. fitzgeralli
The Lord' Bifuop of KiUala !John I.eflie F.,Uer. E.q.
S",.,,,,,,John ComeilTe, Ef'!. Nu • .;, {hwS(lO.ftrc:ct.

,R'eglllatfIfJ Cllpt";lffor tb. Imf'''''''' S""~" JttIut Wllipple, Erq.1!l. N.
Li.ut",,,,,n4 ltail'h Gore, Esq. i.. N. John,.Mootie. Esq. R. N. ,
Tr"tUpor' Offik, 'Almt, Lieut. E. Fishct, R.II: Omce, 46, z.-,r Mnttt-l.
Nwg... /Q ,I., Na,'II,al Hofp7iJ, Srr KithurOlarl'1,Knt.M; D•
•• t" " r'i
r '

140 . Staff" of freland, &c~

. GeDeral;Rt. HOD. SirGeor~e Hew'ett, Dart.
, MUit".., S,.rrl• .." Col. Peter Care,. 84 P.
AJlifoml Si&,-"• .." Lieutenant Henry M'ManuI, H. P.
AM.. d. ell.'.
eapt. MajeJldie • 6 F'ICapt. Chipch".t, 61 F.
Capt. Miller, Roy. Alt. LieufJ>i(ney,. ~3d I.. D.


D""". t:......
JrJjtltll"'. ~.". (!JI/",hdI_r G.". '.I 11"
G.... Col.Chas.Handficl.L

R"'I',III'.r S".";.,, MajllT Gen. lElI1lhus SlDger, Elq.

ljffl" {;1II1r1ll, Paob~
. ,
Sir G. Mumy, K.B. 6oF.DulJJ;". Dt/'td, B""II.I Majhr Gm. Lieut...
De,. A#,. Gn. Colonel John Rofs, ~en. Q!i.n John Freeman. •
66 F. D"IJ/i". '].,,,, Ph:J!i"fl" Gcn.Chas.Wl1L«:t!!....
A./fijl. Atljl. G,,,. Lt.Col.N. Ramsay, M.D. alld Wm. lianey, M.D.
a.p. Du&N". S...g..1I Gm. Philip Crampton, Efq.
D,. ~t. Col. O'Brien, H.P. C.rl. Dir.tlar G.". '.I Militll,y Ho/pital"
D •• Lt.Co!.Colquhoun,H.P.DuMi". George Renny, M. D.
n.. Lt.Col.Murray, H .P.Alhi.",. ,,,rJK' Jd,,""t. G,,,, F~aacit Patt~
D •• Lt .•Col.TIU'~,H. P. ]{)11e".,. COD, Efq. • ..
D .. MaJ.Woolclrldre,H.P.Li.wtri,'. Dt/'''Iy, Rcbcrt Leftle, Xfq.
Do. Lt.Col.D'Arcy, H.P.,Ar.IlI4
D •• B,u. Maj. Hewett, u P. G~NERAL OFFICERS•.
A.Jijl. Dt/'. Lt. Burton,lateuR.V.B. KOITBEUIDIITlleT.
Do. f.rlh.R". D.,.Capt. Pofi,H P Ar.IIKh.
• • Lic11t. Gea~ (kci. V; Han,
~AITlla MA.Tlla GIIKEIAL'. 4idlllt CII.P, Capt. Hamertoa,7.!'..
DK.AITMKNT. '. M".i,lillt" • . '
~ M. ~... Maj. Gea. Geo. Airey Maj. Gen. HOD. Stepken Mahon"
. DIIMiII. ' AirJ, tU c;"".Brir·Maj. YQlll1gh~
D. (2. M. G",. Lt. Col. 8. Br~e, ~aRd, D: O. .
York, ~ I. V. D"IJi". Br.,.MIIJ. Major Sovt.,•. H.l'•
.J.Jijl. ~.iIl'. a.•. Lt. Col. J. Preach. ,Ar-Kh.
H.P. Dw6lifl. Maj. Gon. R. Coghlan .
,l)•• Lt. Col. R. Owen, H. P. DrtUi AitU tU ea.p, Capt. Birch, 90 V.,
Do.Lt. Col. T. G. Fitilgeralcl, H.P. Maj. '.I Bri~ BRvet Major Ilha. .
Ar••,6. H o P . . " '.
D.. Col. Will. Armftroal. H. P /ItV·"·
Li.";~I. ' Maj. Gen. Dalzell .
D,. Brevet Major D. O'Doaoghue Jilt a, C."". '
H. P. Clrl. Mllj. of J1,iK-, Brevet Majot Cl
D,. Lt.CoL H",. D. Cochralle, 36 F. Macby. H. P. .
4thl.",.. L",,,,,,,ltr..,.
1).. Lt. Col. Hawbhaw, H.P.KIIl. Maj. aea.John Burntt, .
D,. Col. W.Chaboc, H. P. DIlUiII. Jia, I. C••p, Capt. Graham, 71 F;
Do; Lt. Col. L. Aug. North.,. MIlj·.f Bril·'reY.M,aj.Ca~.H.~.,
/J!I. Major R.eed , WZlTI:IM DII~.J"T.
D,. Major John Herriea AthlllM. .' '.". •
4/i.Dtl.EnI.D'Anveu,latc4R.V.B. Lieut. GeD. laure"fb!,··
Pri,,&iflll Drafts"'lIn, Ea_gn Wm. .tka,&nrrJ lB.Maj,walker,4'& ".'
Duncan, H. P. 4. I , I·Lieut •. BWott. 'H.P;
StafF of Ireland. 1U
Maj. Gen. William Doyle, C,rl1. •
",id, It (Aap.Lie.. t. Doyle,R. Art. Li.ut. Gcn. Lord Forbct,
M"i#/ Brig. Capt. Henudt, H. P • .4ides d. {Capt. Weatropp, 7 D.G.
JJ.,k. C".p Enl. Ho". J. Forbc.,d·.G.
Maj. Gen Fer .. .,.
Mdj. if Brig. Capt.Pilkington, H.P. Maj. Gcn. Sir Wm•.A.ylat,
CENTRE DUTIUCT. .4itktllC-p.Lt.l'hiliJpfOD,.7 D.G.
. 'INII_.".. Maj., Brig. Brevet Major Jer.
Ab). Gen. JaDla KCDmU9, rar, H. P. .
~;'" lit Ca", ", Capt. Ferlls, 66 F. C.,I.
Maj. if Brig. Capt. Watte, Un:ltt. Maj. Gen. Forbcs,
. .4idt M Ca.wp, Capt.Dl1llIUIlOnd,7SF.
E.6ITEILN DUT&lCT. Maj. if Brig. Capt. HUlltcI, H. P.
. Dut/iII. c;".Jt.
lot. Gcn. Th05• ..Me),rick,. Maj. Gen. . ..
Aidt. J,Ca. S C~p:. M.yrlck, iU F. M,'.}:. if Brig. Brcvet Major C. C.
- l' 1 Lleut. Carden, I D. D.xon 90 F.
Maj. Gen. Th..... Trotter, (RoAn.) , ______
1)u'6lill. • RECILUITINO DISTalcTI.
Aid. M. Carrp, Capt. Kno1, R. A. Unlkr the Dircction of the Alljutallt
Maj. Gt-I!. Francis White, Gmcral.
.4id~ de Camp, Lieut. Ch!fon, ~ I F. D""'i,,..
M"j. if Br;". BrcvetMaJor BrIdge, I"JJ"cti"g Fi,Id Ojfo,r, Litu •• CoL
6J F.· 'Han_
~aj.~. Wm. Fyera. (lL Eng:) DijlriCl ·AtI.},,'all', Lt. I. Maguire.
.4,I/.tI, (.a",/,> Capt. Cardew, R.lLng. Ad},,'tI"', Lt. T. HafiitU.
Maj. Gen. Lord A,lm~r, Dijlricl P"y_aj1tr, H. J. Rc),nctt.
:.IiJ,,* Ca",," Capt. Hoa. Wm.Cur- D.III~1nJ Pay_jl. Hcmry BeaUlllClllt.
zon. 69 F . . Surgton John IJrowa.
Mill _/ Brig. Capt. Langley, H.P. '#11111_. .
GAa .. SON (IF DVBLI N. I"Jp.8i"g Fi.", OjJittr, Lieut. CoL
JJn_..:i:~atl.::~~M..:.a~rj.:.• .::L:.:t.:..C.::..:.ol_._G_e_o_.G_I' J~unt. Lea
. M agqlfe.

- A ')ul""I, t. .on antlnc
LOWER SHANNON DUTIlICT. p"Y.";'" J3mea N. Fr~. .
.. Li.."itl. S"rltDI. I. rk F,rc,., Wm. Wallace.
Maj. OcD. Bmy; Clrl •
.DM J. OtVlrp. (apt.Carpenter, 1 $ F. Injpel1i"g FitltJ OjJicer, Col. Wa\1ll.
Maj. if Bri;. Capt. Bor d ,?' F. Adj"I""', Lt. C. T. Gladwin.
• Sou fB EAST DufTIlICT. P"y-ajln-, F. Wemyf~
KilAtnn,. S.rg~'If, Joft:ph Deall!,~.
'lA. Ocn; I. Gordon Cuming. Wal_if,r".
A.·UeiJt JCapt. H. M,axwell, .p l". njp.ClMI Fi(/d O~.r, tt~ C~. F.
Cam/,> 1 Capt. H,U"fIS, 36 F.Coghla~. .' .
W aler!,,.d. ",tljllla."I, .!,.t. Tho.mal .HIII.
Maj. Gen. John Cruwgey, PaymaJhr, Sir Wm. V".~hell, KIlt.
AiI,J. Cam!, Lt. G. }.'Iacka" 63 F. SII'I"", ·W. P. Drumgoole.
M"l- if Brig. Capt. Hoblllt, .H.l'. . B.!Iaj1.
CI",."I. In/p •.ri,1tJ Olf..r, Maj. N. Hamilton
M;lj. Gen • .colquhoun Grant, Adj"'''''I, Lt. Thomas .Shields.
Ail. d. C,,~,L!.Y.3nsfield, ISH"... Pa, ..,,}... , H. E.l\1'N.ell. .
iltIj.f! B,iz.. Ca.1't.Stewart• H. P. s",,""',J. Ho B.adfur4.
Regiments in Ireland, &t.
A. Armstrong Wm. Colby \ ·Rd. H"u~hton'\ Thes. Palntel'
J. ArmftroDg H. Croker Rich. Marfhall John l>ankey.
J. Dridgham Tho .. D' Arcy D. Maholley John Semplc-
E. ('om,
T. T. Femoll 11~ Olm,by
H. Harding
K. Wallaee
Maj. Gen. Thomas Trotter, Staff, on the Staff of the R. Arty. and
conun. R. Artillery ill Ireland. Depu~y Adjt. General in Ireland.
" Capt. Franei.Kn"x, Aide de Camp.
STAFF OFFICE~S. Maximilian Ja1l1efon, M. D. Affis-
Lieut. Col. Georgc \Vulf!', (omm. tallt Surgeon Gen.and Deputy In-
RoyalArtillery Driver-,n Irt'b,,!, fpcctorGl'n.ofOrdnance Hofpitall.
Lt.CoI.Jos.Mac Lean, i'idd Officer R"". Henr)' Mac Lean, Chaplain.

FIELD OFFICE'RS, Commanding the Royal .I\r~illery in the 'lITeral

DiHrid < of Irdalld.
Colonel Richard Hamilton, WeH Dif.ria-.
Major Henry E\"cleigh, South Well Difirid.
I.ieur. Col. John Sheld:akc, NorthtrD DifiriCl:.
Lieut. Col. :irellcerC. Parry, Hantry Bay Diilri\l.
Lt. Col. Ins. H. Camerof,. Clollmd Diflrid.
Capt. B. Hal!h. Centre Diilrid.
Lt. Col •.Charlc. Wailer. Duhlin Difiri8.
Agmt,.1. Si,lfon Cooper, Hq. 11, North C,ltlfh"kuttl-fl,..,'.
4th (RoJ.lri)b)D,·ago." Guar,II. C ,4Ih/ (~'F""s -.'WHn) IJra,gn/ls'LG
',one, ranc!s ugon1I1, •
Ctno.el, Henry Fane, MO Lt. C%n.I"Lord E. Somerset, MG
Lt. C.lo ••/, Frands Sherlock, C J. C. Dalhiac, C
Rohert Rof" Le Major., James HlIgl>nin .
Wm.Ogilvic BohllD Shore, LC
Paymaster, If. Goodwin Pa),ma!.r, Henry PatrickfoD
Age.ts, Meifrs. Armit & Co. "'gents, R. Calle and Co.

't" Dragoon Gua,."s

I h

(or Carao,n«rs.)
G 'CoItItJ./,
13th·Light IJrag""',
Hon. Hen.G. Grey,LG
C%nJ, Ellr Car ampton, .Lt. CO/GII'r., Roht.·Bolton, MG
Lt. C.Io".II, St. Ge~rg~ French I C I Pitt~ Doherty, C,
Major, JL. H.gglII~. • Majori, S'hllpI. Boyce, LC
Charlc. Irvme Geo. L.wrenee. C
la,-f/tr. David Hay Pa,,,,ojltr, A. Strange
4g'"'s. Messrs.ArDlit & Co. Ag,nts, R. Ca"lle & Co.

,th (P";II'ej"s Royal's) Drl1,g. Gllar"s. 15th (arT(jng',) L. D. H"./Iar;'

Coron./, . \tich •.R. Wilford, G;Co/onrl. D.of Cunlb~land, K.O. FM
Lt. CoIo..,,,II, FranCl< Dunnc 'Lt. ColulUls, L. C. Dalrymple .
Maj.,.., H. A. Head. LC,lU"jors, Edwin Griffith ."
K. Banbury,
7ay",afltr, J. Jennings .
Lel _ HllD. W. E. Cochraae
Pa.,,,,rrjI.,., J. C. Cockfedge·
JtI:.ntl, Melfra. Arm.t &: Co. Agmls, ,Mdfu, Armit &: C..
Regiments'in Ireland. 143

His R. H. the Dukeof CDlond, Sir .l::yr~ C:o ... tc, KB. G
Kent, K G. F. M I.J •. ~.'M.I', Johll Maifier
Nonnan M'Lead C Ma).", H<llry Worfiey, Le
Robert NiJ[on ' LC Geo, .I::. P. Barlow
Alexander Gib'fon. Pa,..ajf<r, c. Tolli1fe •
Sir Wm. Burdelt, ban. Agthtr, MetTrs. A'nllt & Co.
86th ( H.r<fort/foir.) R'K"
CJo"eI, HOD. Henry St. John,O
IU£ (N. De",.,,) I! Bait. Lt. C./Mtl, lioll. n. Cochraue C
6I.ReI, Sir Chal'. Afgill, Bt. G Maj.,., Wm. Crofa, ' L<:;
.1.1.,1 el_d. Gc<>rge CIl1Io:r, C Martiu Leggatt.
Majo,.. Gco. G. Hely, Lt: Faytll"p.r, \\01. Fraftr
Wm. s. Elrington Agent, R. C.lne lit (.;0.
l'.,.alin-. Male. M'Gregor .
~0II1. MelTr.. Arruit lit Co. 381h (Sto./frm!fbirt) RIlt.
C.I."t/, Earl'Ludlow KB. G
Lt. Colonel, HUll C. J. Greville, e
tolh (Ea! !>e",o'!foirt) Regf.
M,j.' , Edward Miles, Le
HOIl. J. T, F. Deanc,' C
CoIo".', Sii-.h>hnStuart,K.B. Le.' PaYllajf'" W. 11. White
Lkt:.tl1JR!l. Charles Steevcnl IAlel/t" M"Jfrs. Armit lit Co.
Mlljors, Samuel S o u , h ' ---
Juhn Murray ~,tI (Royal High/alia) R,zt.
l'1I,,,,ajI.r, Rochf. Bloomfield Co/.nd, Marq. of Huntlc:y. LQ
~lmtl. R. Cane lit Co. , Lt. Colonel, HohertMarara
Maj'''' Robt. Henry Dick, Le
Wm. Cowcll. .LQ
-s8th (N. G/,"eeJltr) Regl •. Pa)majl.r, John Home '
"{M/ .• , Mcffr•• A!mit&Co,
r:.r.1UI, Robt. Prefwtt,
Lt, Col."el, C. P. Belson,
M"j.r , Robt. Ni,1ton,
~I 45 1h rN.ttingham) Rlgl.
LC Col.".I, Cav~ud. Lift~r
I Juhn Rofs". ·LC'Lt. CoI.ntf, Leon. Greenw;n
Pa:?, John Dewes iMajo", Dav. Leckey, Le
"':nls, Kecd lit Franr. Hugh Stacpoole
Pay "'njI.r, Marcus l alhunty
Agentl, Metfr •. Armit lit Co.
32.1 (C.rnwall) Regl.
CJ,ul, AIex, Campbell, G 48th (Northa,,) lUt!.
L Co I J M 'cl d MG Colonel, Lord Chaa. Fituoy ~
t . '.... , ame. a.t an, LC. Lt• Co/.".I, James Erfkine
Majors, John Hicks, '. Mo ' 'W G
John BeDnet, LCl a/OTS, m.. White, I,Q
l'aJ",ajltT, Thomaa Hart ' M o l y n . I\farfton LO
Mcffn Armi~AC. . p..",""'J.r, Hills. F. Hughel
• . ~I.''''t, 1\1&". 4t~it lk. C••
114 ltegimentl in Ireland.
50t£ (W.JI Kent) R<gt. 71Ji (High/antl L. I.) I Batl.
Culond, Sir James Dlllf, G Colo,,,/, Francls Dundas, • G
It. Colo.,I; -'Charles Hill !-t. C%"./, Thol. Rcynell, "C
M~j"', jokn B. Harliion, Le Majors, Arthur JODC8, Le
''rhos. D. Campbell Ldli~ Walker,
. Pay.aster, John Montgomery Po.,.ajlu~ J-Iilgh .Mackenzie!
" "S,/II., Metrr•. Armit &. Co. . Ifget",; Reed & Frafcr
59th ('la Not!ingb_)''ld Bait; 7'lot!. 'la .Batt.
610:"', Alexander Rofe,
Lt. Colond, J 3Dles Dunlop,
" G Col,.,/, Jamo5 Stuart,
LG Lt. Co/olI./, Sir W. NicholIou on
.. , 0 "

Henry Aunen John <;:rowgey MG

/llajorr,' Fred. W. Hoyned, LC Majors, lknj. Gravel,
John T. Horfiey George n.aitt
.1""'''ajer ,Ch3rlts Marr P",fllajI.r, John Rae
"gm", "g""s,
Mclfrs. Armit Br. Co.

60th (R. Aoltri&an) 5th ~"tt.

Melfrs.Armit &. Co.

74f/) R'l"
(:qlo.~/, Hi. R. Ho the Pukeo C,/on,/, Jaa. Montgomerie, LG
York Lt.eol.",I,Hon.R.Le PoerTrench, C
L,. Co/OII.I, 1. Rohinfon, LG Majo",. RuKel MannerS, Le
J. F.Fitzgcraid. LC John Ales. Meil!,
Pa,Y1"nj1,r, 1. Birch
John Gaiijfe, LC 4 • 1 Reed & Frafer.
PllymaJler. Henry 13igga g" ",
-IIg,nl., Melfrs, Armit le Co. 77th (B. Mitldltj'e,,) R.,i.
. Co/,n./, Sir Thoa. Picton, La
(I '.J1 (S. GI.~uj1.,rjhm) R'II." Lt. Col,II,I, John BromhC!ld,C
Co!on.I, S.r Geo, Hewett, ht. G John It. nun kin
Lt. <:010"./, cWm. Carr Royall. LG illflljou, John Rudd, Le
M'f/0rs, John Ok., LC Murd. H. MlKla.ine-.
John OwelJ PII,fllaJi.r, R. Hcacuck
P"y"'.ajlcr, Wm. Mofa R C & C
A;:e,,'s, Melfrs. Reed c!t Prafer Ifg."tl, . ane o.
62'/ (Wily&i,.,) la Bait. 79 tft (Cam,r." Highltlllder.) I Bat'_
CiJ",tI, Samuel Hulfe, G CoIo".I, Allan Can'eron, 1'40-'
LI; Co/qn.l. Nat. Bl ..ckwell, C Lt. Cu/,,,,I. Neill Douglas
./itajor., John F. Goodridge LC fJIlJ.r.. .And. Brown, LO
~dw. 'Darley, Le Dune. Cameroo,. L~'f""
Pal;,,~nfr, Fran. E. Leach Plly",ajI.r, John M'Arthur
A/J",I, M.lfrs. Armit Br. Co. 4r""s, Armit &. Co.

6811> ( l. I. 83 d. Rtgt. 'la Ball.

C.I,.,I, Henry Wardlf, LG CoIOll,/, James BaUour, 0
Lt. 1.:0101l./s, \\'m. jolmil:olt, CILt. C,',,,,I, Hen. Wm. Carr
Jf{aj,r., John P. Hawkiu., LC/IMajor., Jame. Sullivan,
James Winnett, Allan CamerolJ
jPjllll"f',., John L. White, PaY.IIJler. Henry ernfs

, .
lfiiMi, . ,!\rmif ~ Cl!; If~Id., A~t &. Co.
.. Reg'Rlents in Ireland.
J.tth (rorll1.tuI LlllluJ/I...) 'l.d B~t. 9 JjI R",. r) ]J4tf.
C.utu/, . Geo.rge Bernard, G W/.",I, DuuCllD Campbcll, LO
Lt. C-oJ..tI, P\:tcr Carey, C Lt., Will. Douglu C
.Najor" John Lockc, C MaJor·, DoD. Mac Neill
Robt. Cockbllrnc AllgWl. Mude, Le
~"P"ajIn-. John Gri./lin plI:J-J.,. D"gald l ampbcU
.J,mU. R. Cane at Co. A,.II", K. Cane at Co.

1l8t6 (C._ul'" Ra"l,r,) -U Bait, .9U R'll.

C./...J, Lord LG C%,..I, Lord Kiddry, LQ
LI. C,Jr,,,d. Alex. Wallace, C Lt. 1:.1"".1, John C"mclo~ C
John Taylor. C M-.?r', JamcI Mirchell. Le
MI1;jOr', John Dunn . Donald M'Douald
Wm. C. Seton,
P",.ojkr, Wm. A. Macdoll~
"'"l1li. ,Armit and Co.
A,••,. J. Gordon
Bruc. lit Z.Ilc:h.
9~ R'gu,wrt.
,QI/I (f.r/hP" rot.) 'J.J Ban. C.I...I. Lord Hill, LG
CoIo",I, Lord Lyncdock, LG Lt. Go/OMI, Jame. l:ampbell. C
Lt. CJu.I, Mark Napier Maj.,., JaDlcs Alkn, Le
Majors. AIel'; Thilliethwayte Thl'D1IIS Laing
I'.,.,"ttr. Charle. Jones Pay_ajl." Jame. Wright
"'g.lIIl, Mell"rlio Armi! & Co. Ag.,,/i, Armit &. Co.
The Prince Regent'. Essex, West Militia, 30.
Royal Regiment of Ayr, 38. C"',.J, iir WiUiam SID7th,barc.
eoz"ul, WJD. Kelfo . I.J. CtJI.".I,
Lt. CM..,I, John Gray Far'luhat Major, James Bog¥ia
MIfi.r, John Chal1)1era pIlY""1I1tr,. Sam~ci TTJgge
P",_jtr, b. M.lcliBtyre Ag"/" Reed &. F11lICl'
.IlZmtl, . R.· Cane and Co.
ForEar & Kincardine Militia, U.
101a1 Chdhire, 6. CoI""I, Hon. A .. Dotaglaa
CM.. d, Tllomas Parker LI. c.tlll,l. HOll. C. Dougl..
Lt. CM.II.I. J. F. Buckworth Maj.r, James Thon1pfaa
Mllj.", l£chvin Corbelt PIl.J_aIIff, Wm. DawfoD
Lynch s. C~IOD ~zt"',,, Armit aDd Co.
P"ja4/lw, AbrahalD Ball
4Igntli, Atmit &. Co. . Royall.&llc:alh.irc, III lltgt. M. SI•.
__ C...Io",I, Thomas Stanlcy
Bdinburgh (CG. &. City) Militia. 51. Lt. c.J.tu1. John Plumb.::
C.wul. Earl of Ancram MIIj/lf I • Edw. W. R.igb)'
I.,. C.r."J, ThoDII. lngli. Will.. Alheton
M,,;;-, Geo. S'eett PaJ-}", ~rRjamin Slnith
Pqtoajltr, D. PatterfoQ .lp' john.HlIDIfrey.E('l.
"'Z""" Cane & CG. . """'-
oya1 LlLIlcalh.ire, ~d ReiL M. $4-
ElI'ex, Raft Militia. 300 CJu,I, Edw. Lord Sun1cy
C.""",' F. fi. Ri,by ,
L,. e,l_I. s. C. Came ,
t. CoI.tHl., Etlwud Wi!fon
William Hon••
M.j-, P. P. Dennis Ma,;.r, ' Ceorge Bigland
P.,.-.JIIr, Ch... Thorky . ·Pay",,,j.,, G. Burgers .
13r12ce MUl· Z~...
J%"". Armit " CIt, . 11,"''''
14,6 Militia of N. &~. Britain, in Ireland. &e•.
,'RoyalI.ancashire, 3d. Regt. M. SS. sd Sorru;rfet Mili!ia, ..
or Prince Regent's own. CsI."d, V,fconnt HmtoD
£eh"it, WilsollBraddyU Lt.Colontl, John H. Cooper
. kt. CtJo"a,.J"hp Sedgwick Major., . Nathaaiel Knotl
M"jon, , Thos. Braddyll Francis GyUett
. . George Vernoll P"-,,,,'ojl.r, G. Atkill.
""J"'tYi.r, . T. B. Hardey Ag."I" Reed & Fr_
Ag."t., ' ,~t & _Co. s,.
Suffolk' Eall Miliiia,
Royal Middlesex East Militia, 7.0. Colo".I, Marquis ContwarGt
c.Io".I, Thomas Wood LI. ColotU/, John White
Lt. CsfMJ, John Gibbon.. "Major, Henry Murray
. S. P. Blalhford PnYh,ujlw, J. Wales
MtIjlr.. Robert Gordon . .A~"'., Armit & Co.
'11' ' 1
Janlcs R. Barker
_"jilt', C. Miller
Annit & Co. W ....I,
W'! Ih' 'M'\"
• t .re 1 It.a, G •

Earl of Ayldbul'J'
g., '. Lt. CoI.".I, F. Warneford
Royal Monntouth '" Brecon Mil.IIl. Mtrjon, Wm. Wyndham
C'/~"./, Duke IIf Beaufort, KG J. D. Aftley ,
J.t. Colo"eI, Thomas Lewi. PIIY_llller, T. W. Wadley
1'4ajor, Franci. Chamj,rc Ag'III., .' R. Cane aDd Co.
'aJmajl.r, Wm. Ford. York Well:, ."d Regt.
Jlg.,,'i, Bruce_~ouc1t Militia, 3'"
R.etlfrew Militia, u. C.I....r, Visct. D"wDe
Colo".l, James Dunlop Lt. CoI•••l, Kirkby Torre
Lt. CsI."./, L. Macdowall, R. SargeDtfoll
N".i. r , Rooert ~wintoll N. E. Yarburgla
P",1IluH,r, G. HamJiton Paymllllw, J. BarRow
Ag'''''' Cane and Co. Ag""" ,Atkinson & Co.
,!hropOlireMi!itia., 3. York Nort~ 44. L. r.
C.I••,f, Lord DraMord CI/ond, Lord Dltndas '
Lt. C,I.,,,I, Wm. W. Whltmore Lt.C.lln./, SheldoD Cradock
Nllj.rl, Richard Betton M"j":" Gregory EWcy.
John St. Geor,c Georgc Healer
p.,_tJjItr, J.oD. Lacy P"y",,,.ier, P. Mair
.Ag.,,'" Armit & Co. _:!gent., Arm it at Co.
ANTRIM, Randalstown,! ,CARLOW, Carlow
01. Cha.EarlO'Neilh,6JuneJ798 C.I. Dav.LaTouche,7.2Dec.179$
Ra,•• Wm. Lewery 28 Sept. 1804 I'.Y"" John P. Hoy 24 April IHJ
A"iut.W. F. Savage 1:1 Aug. 18JJ Atljllt. Capt.L.HagartyuAug.rl!o"
~ M"f. JohnDobbin 13 Oel; 1809 ~JI.!uf. John Hartnett I3Nov.1800
8"7:' S.Fergufon,M.D.I6Feb.l80 4 Surg. Arthur Re~d 17 June 179l
.4geau, Armit and Borough I Agmt, John HumCrey, ECq.
ARMAGH, Market:.:rn- - - - CAVAN, CavaIl
Col. ),':arl Gosford 20 Apr. J80IiCol.Rt.Hon.J.~.Barry,lsApr.I797
,.,•• Wm. Ogle, ""d Nov. 1803 I'a,•. Wm. Tdly 30 Jan. 1811
At{juttlRI IACY"t. Cap.E.Harrifon 16 Scpt.J801
- It:MIIJ. B. Bradford 11 Feb I807~MaJ.Jamel Hugheus Apr.IBol
.urg. Dav, M'AnallrJ6Sepl.179;;lSurg. Wm. Moore 7.5 Mar. 1794 ,
,4,11"'; Mr.l. 1\4. Ormlby. ' "'tllll. Mcll"r.. ~t .el BaiQIlP
CoJoaels and Stall" of the Militia of Ireland. 141
·Ci..ARE cO. Clarecaftlc DUBLIN CO. Luc."
fJ·. Hon.P.N.B'lII'tr.ID·1 ~p. I791'\CO/. Tho!. WAire 17 May Ihl
I.,•• C. Mahon 16 'iept. ISU P"y•. Car. R. Defpard.9June 180f
.AJjIll. Cap. Wm. BeattJl4 feb.18J:O .""i'''.
Capt.G~o. DuO'u Oa.18o,
~Maf.Capt.T. CoopergNov.18bJ'~M4WI•• TI'oy do.
"'rg. Gar. Pukinfon 17 July de. S"'g. Alex. D'lae, M.D. IIIr.
Ag<llh, Apnit IUld Borough. 4Z'''I'~ Cane aad MD
c.r. W.H:M.Hocider :lsMay 1807 Dub1ill
'",.. Rich. Hickfon :l0 June J80J Col. H. Gore Sa"key '1.5 Apr. 119.
J.gld.• .Capt,Kd.Hrarol 13 Sept. I 199 P"I"'. 1. MODtloo....·Ulery'1.1 July 1807
~.A£..f.Lt.Edw. Ring18 July 11103 dJ;. Capt . .Err.. Lc:t1ie 14 ¥ay 1809
"Ja.r.S.W.Chcrmfide.l. '1.7Jul laO? ~Mllf. J.;nth '1., July 1307
M.D. S Y . S"'I. R. Y.Armllrong '1.S F~b.180,
te'"Armitand Borough. Jgml,. ~.~i~~.~~gk. _ _
CORK. SOUTH, Ibthcormuok FERMANAGH, 1'.llnilkillell
"'- ' LoIId B.ivvCclalc '1.3May11l08 c.I. E..of EnllillcillcnJI MaY180J
I"",. Wm. Oregg 11/ Mar I110e Pa.,... ADtIr_ Nillon 8 Sep. IB06
A;orI.Capt.R.B.Bay!Cy'7Mar.18e8iA~. Capt. Dan. Blif. 16May 1191
~M'!f. Walterltvanujju11 I8r:a1~"f. A. Klnllplar.d.'1..\Apr."9.1
'"". J0ImChambley u AUi.1809.S"'J'.F.M·CartJlcyM.D. 7Dec.18oJ
!!f"t" AI""" Reed and Fral~r
R. Cane.and Co.
Reyal CORK CITY; Cork GALWAY CO. Ballinafioe
CII. Mountif.LoDifieldujulyIi05 C.J; Earl CIaDcartYJl Mar.lio.
,.,•• Wm.Hcn. Alien j Jll1y IlIoli I'~"'. Th~•. HarriloD '1.,Aur.13l.
"'!id. Capt. jn. Bafs ~a Sept. 1798 4tij. Cap. Sutherlanll 14Sept.18o,
t:,Maj.Dav. Richards '1.7 Aug.1810 ~M4R.lcb. SAarpc Ut Sept. IBu,
110'1. Tho. Bell ao Mu. 1803 i"rl' Wm.c. Barrett 16 Mar. 179'
04,••11, :Reed aDd Frafer. AZ'"", Roed. and Frafer
DONEGAL CO. Ba1lylh"nnon ItEll11 Y CO. Tralec
c.I. Earl of Leitrim uJllnol796 eN. jaDle:S Crlltbie '1.jMar.I801
1'",•. Capt.Juf.Bl;niCouL6JulY 119& P.;y_. T. Orpt:n 16 May, 1807
.4Jj.I. John Harding 30 June 11110 J4j. Cap. R. 0'Co':,lneIJ,3IlJen804
~Mtif.L!.lohnHic.ks nAug.1796 ~M.if. J. Comcrteld 14 "p.I80.
&.rg. T. W. Crawford 18 M""',18u 8111'1. k. Maybury I Nen'. 17'.1
"'!gcoI.. i:lOII.,P. B.B1alluierr. ~I'''I, Mr. Plunkttt
aNerrhDOWNSHII1.E,Kililleagh KILDARE, .Naaa
CtI. Lord DulFerin ,Apr. 1800 CN. JelJn Welt. '1.0 May 17U
P.,..Hen~Hardman 10:Junn803 P..,_.Capt.Jn. 'WalkcrlO 80pt.ftlel
. •:Cap.J. Y. CrozierJ4Dec. 18 .uj"" Capt.Gee. Pewell10 O.!. do.
~Maf.Wm. Howc III May 1803 ~ M6f. )am~ H.ay.. 7 eept. 1801
8.'l'.p, Blackwood. 16 l'eb •.I805 011,,'1'. JII. fODllialOn. SS Feb. 180(1
~It, Annit ana Borouarb. ,&,'11",
Mel'r•. Amut anel Boroul~
1\. SoatItDbWNSHIRE. Bangol' Xll.JtINNY., Kilkenuy'.
CM. Rt.Han.R.Ward I1Jaa.18oJ C.I. LofOrntOlldeJ
1'."",• .Cllaa,; Birch ISI Nov. 1807' .. Olfory '1.5 Apr.I i'9S
401· Capt.]. Peck II April 1807 ,4,fi1d.Cap.Jobn GordonI60Cl:.18o&
-t:~.JOhD HodgfoD_ :J 04. dJI ~MIIJ. Hen.Gardner 3009-.1803
b"!l. Bt;nj. Wilfon I Aph 1797 Sttrg.,W.M.BoytonM'p'IS-julrllu
""'" C~"llclc.... A,.", 1l•.C_,,~,
.,j3 Colonels and Staff of the Militia o£ Ireland.

KING'. CO. Dirr I
H. P.l.'Ellr~nge 2 Apr.119 8 c.1.
NORTH MAYO, ".llina.
Wm. JacHon [Dee. 180.$
1'''Y'''' John A~bott ,8 oa. 11110 Pay",. Ja•. Ja~L:fon 19 Jan. I~O!J
.A<ljI.Cal'l.A.L Efrrange 29Ju1y1799 Atljul. Capt.S. Strogell u F"b.I &xa
~ M,.,.j. ~oward 4 Dec. 1806 ~.Maf. Jao. Jobnfioll 116 Jan. J:80~
SlIrz· Tho. Waters 9 Sept. 1803 Sur. T. Little M.D. 116 IJec.J:8C>1
•• _ ___ and
_ .Reed.·-
__ . A g
d.IMIs, A CAllt
. lUN..• Borongh-
LEITRIM CO. ~arr. OD Shannon . .
Col. Henry J. Clements 115 Aug. I 807 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1'''y",.Gco.M'Dcrmott 20 July 1806 SOUTH MA VO,Weftport
..4<ljlll.Cap.JJ)uckwortlu6Fcb.1807 Cl H B A 8
~MaJ. Wm. Duke 28 M.y 18 0 5 0 . . enry rowne?-4 ng. I OS
S R B B'd I10J 1 l! 6 Pay•• D.I<.Prellde'galtlBJune18o.1
; rg ., 'A
't,n '. rm! all
"1 ra B UhY 1 0 Adjlll. Capt. P. Higgins 11 Aug. 1806'
oroug. ~MafP. Barrctt .+ May Ilho
LIMERICK CO. Limerick SlIrl' Molill. Ni,holfon 1$ July dlo6

(;01. LwdMulkc:rry 2$Apr.1193 Ag'.'I,. R. Cane and Co.
Capt.Rich.Ka-lIe loJan.1804
A<lj. Cap. Brab.Connor .28 May I SOl ROYAL MEATH CO. Kcll,.,

~M.J. ConnoUy .5 June 1812 Col. Marq.ofHeadfortIl5Ap.179S

;S""g. Wm. Furlong 16 June 179 6 Pay"'. Win. Be/cher 4 Jlu.e dOl
..4g'lft,]. Mafon Ormfby Atljlll. Cap:J.W.Charlton6Mar.17"
- LIMERICK CITY l.imerick ~MaJ. JobaRobinron 8 Nnv. 1801
CoI.Rt.Hon.C.Vcrcke;13 Sept.119i SlIrg. Mich. Ncligan '1.$ lobr.179$
PII:J", John Wallacc 18 June 1808 Agent
~III. ---------------------
!l!,.Maj. J. D. B. Morriu July r808 MONAGHAN CO. GlaloSlou!ft .
Sl(rg. Wm.Gibfon 11 Mar. 1804 CI Ch&. P Lclr '1A I
Agml r , Armit and Borough
________ .._.... -- .._ - • •... JameaN,XOIl
Pay '. pr. 191
le 13Dec;.I80J
L.DERRY CO. L. Dury .ttfjlll. Capt. John Raf..
Col. ViIc. CaftlcreaghuJulyIBoo ~MaJ. Wm. JohnCon 14Apr.d04
J'II"'~ Sam. Stone 29 Iune 1803 Surg. R. Montgomery, M.D.
~. T.H.Goodinge, 13 Ma, I81~ 3 June 1793
~M"f.Wm. Br_ne $ Apr. 1198 Age"',, Reed and Frafer.
S"rg. Me,. Taggart 7 Dec. lio31-~---:"",- - - - - - - -, Armit aftd Borouj!:h Q!JEEN;, CO. Maryborou,1a
,LONGFORD CO. Newtowllforbca Col. Lor.dCaftIecoote uJan.r?99 .
CDI. Earl of Granard ~5Apr.1793 P":J"" Robert Fifuer 10 Apr. 1194'!
'ay"', Richard I.edwithI60&.r 798 Atijllt. Cap. Ed. Skinner '" Feb.i800
~tij"t. William.Walker 6 Dec. 1809 ~Maf.Ja. M'Lee 800;1804
~M.if.Sa.I·Iazlewoodt4Apr.I198Sllrg, J. ~ith III Aug. lllJ
pu,.;. S. F. Crawf?rd l A!1g. lall Agenll, AnJUt and Borough. .,
~,I!;t"t.r, MelT... AtklDfonl. . . .
• LOUTH GO. Droghcda RpSCOMMON, Bo)1c
I;.J.Rt.Hon.T.H.Foft!r IlSJ\P~·1193 Co/.M.G.Vifc.Lorton ,,,,Nov. 1797
1'.,111. LeOD. Crookea r 793 Ptl:J... Nath. L"w 22 JaD. do.
A<ljut. Capt. J.Rickab.y J "'pr. 1805 Adjrd. Cap.J.Robutfon 23 do. 1'199
~.iIldJ.Wn\Hamilton ~1 JulYISoJ ~MtU.Lt.A.. !..ennoll ~JNOV.I80J
j;;rg, .Geo. lutr;phy 27 J~CI1?4 Surl' L..Hall. M.D. 8 Joly 180;
4,1lIJ., ArPlit and ,uofough. . A,renl't Anuit.llld BorouJ;~.
- Militia, Army Agents, cte. 14.
81.1CO, Sligo WATERFORD, Watrrford
• CJ. Mai-q.ofWatcrfotd ~8NoT.r79"
CJ. J®n IrwlD 4 June 1807 ,.",... T. M.Beyd 14 May 1811
pIIY", Rob. OruUhy I Apr. 1798 .""ju'. Capt. C. Engli/h 1 Feb. IftO
Mtiut.Capt.S.GoodwiD 10JulYI 798 ~M4- Peter Brillaud do. duo
.t:Mqf.}a.Burraw". n Ang. 1803 Su"iJ. R. Smith";cl 9 Sept. 1801
8.rg. J.T. Fergu(on u May ISU Ai'''''' R. Cane and Co.
4,."", R~ Cane lII1d Co. WESTMEATH, Mullinrr -
Col. E.ofWc:ftmeatb ~IAprih8~
- - - - - - - - - - - -.... P"y_. Wm. Bond 16 NOT.r811
TIPl'RllA,RY. CIQllJl1el Atfj. Capt.G.ConnellauoAug.18JQ
~M"j. G.Gucrnfey, JoDcc.l806
CttJllt.HOD.W.Bagwe1b-Sept.lgOj S.r,. Sterb • Taa~e 1.5 July 1193
P.,-. John Garratt 15" Feb. 18061-='--=-----------'<-
Ag"", Melrrs. Arml! and Borough.
Aij.'. Capt. M.Daniei1.l! ~OT.I8oe WEXFORD, Wevord
-t: Maj.Liell.W.BrogdcDlDec.1798 C.I. MlIrq. of X1y I May 1'9$
'."",.RiII",. AtkiD,. :u May IB08 P,,!._. Wm. J.l.~e.r 1.5 IUDe rBo,
.4~RI• . ArOOt and Borough. IfIlJIII. Capt.H.Collm., Feb. 1809
, ,!t:M"j.Hen.DuffieldlsMar.h 1806
SlIrg. Benj.Bigr, M.D.,OO.18ro
:ROYAL TYRONK,'Caledon Air'.'" Arm't an<l ~"roul!'h
'. WICKLOW, WicUow
Col. EarlorCale~oDI~Au~.I804 r:.l. W.H.Forward2,! ]ulYI8r.
Pity_. R:'lphMackhu I April 1806 Pay",. Thos. Grey 17 Aug. 11109 .
.Al/jM1. &ichard~eyn Au,. 181C Atfjllf. JaOle. Sc.,t j Aug. I81J
~Maj.WI1L ~ar~ ~6 Nov. ~804 ~Mif. R. Martin 19 Apr.
'.'K' John SlDclalr i7 Aug. I 802 ~lIrg. Geo. Syme. 15 Sipt. '1801
~f, Ro!l. AlcltllDder, jun. E(q; tIz".,., R. Cane and Co.

A.IIT AO&NTI, 8Dd thdr RUID&RCU, &~.

MeitArroit and Borough. t8, Ln,,· f)~. Ag••f I. H. P. OJli~trl, Hump&.
.J!..r-p"n. Aldnch Woodward,E(q. E/Ii.·.~ ••
Jotepli Arkinron, Efq. ~Dd John At- .4ge., 10- Offirtrl Witlwv" Wm. cOl-
kinfon. Efq. I, EI,.plllce. . TiDe, Efq; Offj,e, BII,I..I.,',. .IIa.
HOa.P.B.Biaquiere,M.ri..S,.S.III ..fgntt f. HIlIf-P"y Fr...," Offiar.'-
Bruce (Ales.) and Richard ZOllch P",jiM.r•• Jafper Defurifay, Erq;-
O<JjI4Ag'IIJ" Ojfo,. . Ag"" ,. CI"/ft" P'';."ers, ryrJi.g ill
Rich. Cane & Co. D4"UJ,forr-jlrwt. Ir.I."d, Richard :louch, Efq.
JOba HlJIIai'rey.lU"q. FiIa_mill_/r Ln/m' Cajll,-rartf.
!.feW. lU.ed & Frafer, H.",-jlred. O."..,.al Ag,nll,f." Rmipl IjOfow.
T,.rlQr&Fiuley. M""lfrj'7'1' N. Half PtZ), ""d P.n.;QII. t. Qffi"~"
~_ • .Aglld'~ lb. R __mlfg ,fi,r9iu, WiJ.-iu/", ' ,
, Si~ Wm. B. Burdett, Bart.· Geo. Pardt. P/lrft-:fl. M,,·i."-fiJlIart,
f1••"al.4z- t. IIH r_"ry s"."i,;e, MelI'rs. M'Geotge Moore, and Co.
. Rich. Cane, Bf'l' DtrIIIfolt-;/i'44, D"""-.I'rfd•
.ttttrf fir 'Ir~JlliI/iM if· Ikfirlm .4r..y A ..:"".,';',,,t-main ,. 1>;, Mp
Thomal Tlckell, E('!; .' j<j!y', IriJ" Ejfabli/I""mt, John Da.-
AB/ilK Ag ...t, Tho. Brewer, Efq, TiR, 3'; Arrarr-'1""Y' Du6f'", •
.4l"" IQ Half",!a, OffiUrI, Thomas C..p Fu,."itur, U"'/lfoRwrw, .'Zach•.
Bemard Morland, Efq. and Thot. F."all, No. ",a. Arr.n.f"~y,
Tyrin,ham Morlan4, Ef,. .
Ordnance and Barruk Department, See-,
, ,
R",.u La&orllHrJ. I C""" Samuel Smiley
DI/IflJFi'l M.yI.Maj.Jor.W'.Tobin. Carri.L/erglll, A. John. '
Ckrl., Lean. Thornhill, Wm. Gra. CI""I...",.,t, Jnr. ByrOll
dy. Arthur M'MAholl, and ThoS'lchark",."t, John L. Crawfori
Thornhill. Gent.. DII"a"".II F.rt, John Harder
AJliJl. C/trl. Edw. M'Briartr, Gt. BII"ijHI/.". Franeis Hafting.
MafI.r Fllrl>;!Mr, Mr.. Henry Cooke.Li...ricl, Geo. Chapman
'GIIII-&arr;og. D.part';'.nt. L.nd."derry. John Buchallan '
A.I!ifIr'''' I-.fpea." Col. Matlean. Slig., Thomas BaltoD
8."i., c.".fIrua.". Wm. Monk,. Gt. TIII/a",.It, T.,Acres
,"",.. C.nflrlla.". P. M'Mahon, Gt. Watn-jord, J. Rogers, Efqrs.
1:1,,,1., Wm. Bomford. John WH· ORDNANCE.
kiDfon, and T. Willis, Gtnu. BAIlIlACIt PIEPARTMI!N.
BIIKill"" DI/a"t••"t. ,rJ'AjJijl.lllfp... Lt.Col. W.Armll:ron,
CI."lof W."J., Wm. Grant, Gent. CI.,J. Wm. M Maxton, Gent.
CkrJ/, 1.Coyle, B. O'Neil. Thom.. Ba",atJ-MajI.",.
Flemlng, J. Rufl'ell, Mkh.N"lar."DII6/;'., John Moore
Geo. Dilns, and Jas.Grallt, Gents'lwnt<t/ord. Lewi. Mmi'e
, C'''''''iJiI" Fi.ldT,II;II., B"lIin•• l/ig. H J. Jone.
jeptha Kirton, Ot. !C6)"J JIa,IJ,ur, Tho. Ty44
Ad'",' C••",ij"a"k., Thomas Ceot(,'AtU."., A. Clerk
James Ellint, Bc P. Hanlon, Gts. 'l'''','(hna, J. AtkiLlton .
£krJ, Tlio. 'f'Clatchie, Gent. ' BQJ,d.II, J. N"rth
St.".,..,,,.. , CI.ltmrJl, Ridl, rook,!,
Athl.,... Wm. Weaver, F"m.y. C<I" Fit71~erald

Jlalli". Sup."i.t",, C. Wilb O",,'gh, W 0\. J "<lge
St." ll. B. Ady
I ••"ifo J, Shenl, l)ubourdlea.
• 'g . CIJ.ofCbtt,,,,W.Blac:lc\Vell Brif..), T. Abraham '
Ba.t". Richd. Clerkc Coun,iI, Tho~. Vicker~, Efct. ,
GM",.II, Peter KettlewcU djJiJl. S.Ii,it.;., t. H. Thol11U, F.(~,
C'J:I, lCaae Cope Gardin.r-.ft ..~ " . , .
"-- :--.-
BARRACK 'DEPARTM~T. Office, No. 8, Up. Merinn.Street.
Chit/' 'C••",!lJion." of Ba",,,,J. a"d; e/."JI, G~o. Thomas, Jam~.s ('oilin",
DI/"" B"rra_" Mall" G•••"a1,1 John Dowrlall, Rdbert Robin._
J4eut. Gen. Q!!ip John Freeman.' fOil. John, Foxall, Thomas Giller•
.A..lftjlaot DI/ut, Barra," Majhr G.". F. Magrath, James Plunkeu, alld
Col. H~Il' w. J. Gore. John Heayjfide, Gent.. ,_
Itmlal"J' John Hughe., Eeq; I"j'ptaor, of Fi,i.g Amlllll",. WIIIa.
""'rill/~"'a.', G."."at of Ba""ad.. Henry, ECq. ',-
Robert O. ~ Newenham, Heq; CI.,I., John HCaYilidc. and ·Wl\Qo~
S"l'~iflr'" 04...1111", EdwH'd Ha· Beeby, Gents. ,

miltoD, ECq; I'llPea., G.ntral of 8Hm. Lieue.
. . . ., •.Hdward Smith. HC'll Col. Thomas HwC)'. •
4n/>ika,. John Berrdl, H. Brown· SI • ,h • D 'l' It M'Far'-.s -n_'
. .. J h Beh Er.
, r~". an", 0 n, an, qrs.
.".d"r" III 110 ' " , . ..uo.~
DD. ill C.rJ. T. Deane; Gent. \
Z"fIdIors G.t1tratO,f Barra,h. Edw. •
Bagot. D.CroftoD, Henry Goolle, C.Ii.,iI, Charles Torreqs. Er,,;' ,
J. Hozler. Geo. Melvill. and F. S.lkit.", Richard Marw•• Kf'la
lames Card, Efqrs. ,
JJ1};.Ith. JJ.lrflld. M4"r,. DiJrltfi. }U,,.41A M"j/m., Luke Da9is R.&rllilil'gDr!.t,lofm Do_cbl\
"'""a~h, jllmts Kearney s. Gto,;.',-jlr. Col. M'M3ho1l ,
"')l•.l(OII, Tbu•. Adam, _ .~t,/,htll I-gr_. John 8. Tar) ..r
"',hI_, T. S. Armftron~ SI. Stplllchrl, lames Clement.
"'.g.6a.,tUrll:". W. S. L. G~thin DIlfJ/itr(.iA*i'11 ~orge Thoma
J!lIghJluloy, Robert )oh~f.,n - n..'a1A, M. Fllrtcfcue
B"llaghaJir..", John Rlcbfrdfnn D_gII,..,IIII, Thos.O.Courtena,
]Jam"", John Bourke /)11."0".
J"'\O F.dward.
S"//i"aj1.,,, T. M'Mahon /inis. Rob. K. Charles
B"Qi"robe, Courtn. Kenn1 6.IIiJHtI... Mung" Noble
l!"f/YIlfQr.E'l'(I'~ John Hb\mcs F,r_"" J. F O'Flani,ln
David Crawford
Wm. Plu1i,.
tIi,i."aJ !hr"--I Th o. Couttetlat
It.""'~J"r, Wm. Grant F.t.6arJ, Thnm .. ltec'lt
Bdlttry, f!fe. Rohert Kenny P.,,/.,J, WilJiam Snow.
B'!fuj1, Charle. Brett r;ulw"y, Tho. Srowno
SJ," .."". tames Raw fun Glallo_. 1. HIID.
.1J,r.b__• beo. P'owd' G/M",,,li.,, b. M'hrtolla, Erq•
Boy!., tlenry Jrwin Go,t, Iglllltius lteogh
Itr"y, John Nuttan Jonrfo<>r •..p. Hugh Moore .
Buff• .,lItdj .Am". Langton Kifcm, ThOJll3ll Bryaa
C"6i,,t«/y. William Healy Kill.lfn,. Jofeph I.aft'an
eau.. , Henry Sargenr Kilt/oIlt, John Col1i~
Cappog_;II, John Courtne7 Kil,ullnt, "Wm. !rownriil
C ,r"'.u, ~dward Bos KiliJ'ull'" Arthur TaJlor"",. Henry Perc,/ KiDa,,,,,, Chrifrol'her Gal"et
Car,;clt Suir, Jacobus }t"je1 Lllr"l(6, Innas Studda,t
Carridftrgru, Henry Nail\. L.i"ilJi, lohn MahiC"ld
C,fod, "Wm. Q.JJill U ••rid. Mat. Hemmil1g.
r../il"""" Wm. RyaD lijJurll'j C!>rilloph. Mcadc
~. adm.Cullftl Lift-", Wnt. Hughes
(1,w.II, Ay!hut Flet\\~ L."Zf0r.I, "rand. "M'f'arlanc
a'p.n.,J, Hfh • ..". Hardf l.o'gbjlrrltn, . C. R'!"l
Chn/nJilu, I. Ken, [""'lb ..tll, ""m. Hcmtfworth
Cf.,r.....t4I1. D. A. KnglanJ Nf,d/ow, 'l"hos! 1'ol'nJ(end
Chy/.•t1f, Henr, W. Hudy Mdll if JI1'or, W. H. Bra1tazaII
(JlonlKi"Y. ). Kelly Mid.n,·tonl Thomas Ror.
CloghlUllillJ, Thos. V/bite Mi/~flrut, n. M'Canhy
Cltnr'!',J, Walter CrokCll" l1onlfloWII, Francis Heath
IflHn.Mrrt'. Lalicelot Kel1t MIIJIiA~UI Thema~ Gteetl
Cui. .
.AlesHlder LawlS Mo-gli_. l'hiI. :oefpatcl
Crirl 1I1ln-, Wm. HlII'dillg NaaJ, CAt-ill. Hannan
C-'. H. B. Brownc N"'.g", Jorepb V1inn
.Dw~, John llea Nt'fII G#MtNI. Charlt!9 Grailt
Dow"ftllr1d, R. Martin lI.... I"", . Milo Bot-ke
'JJr~. M.}. Grace NMU,." . FIItItI. M'Mcale
,l)ubJJt.,-R.B.w. G. SaD4itc»" o.""X", William Magill
Il~pwt, "0- SioSd.8taPJcr~t. P..,.flnJ.'tfm. Saml. Crl1mmrt .. d,. Lord ~rlle P.,I._, lienry I!hewhrid,~
",,,,w"-jlr.d, Thos. Booket R.irfi•••I., 1<11\'. Menzics
[ 18I S']
15,,1 Royal Hofpital, Royal Infirmary, &c.
Dipri!1s. Barrad Majl"" I Dijlri81. Barrac! M_jln"l.
RatMea/" D. Joyce I Tr.1Iu, Oliver Stokes
RufoommlJll, Thomas Mahon i
'IritJl, H~nry Warner,
Role",., Henry Cornwall TllllalRon, John King
SIi¥0' Arthur Irwin 11Vaterjord, R.L. Parker
Strahant, James Hughe. 1V.:;1port, Robert Bud,annan
Swords, Hugh Picknole W",.jod, John T",wel,l
'Ietnpl,mo", Daniel Manfcrgh Wield.w, Jofeph Nich,,\fuu
IrlNrks, Ilenjamin ,Smith rougbal, Hell. Bowles, Ef<l.r8.


for ancient and maimed Officers and Soldiers of t~e Army in Ireland.
HhExcellency,Chas Visc.Whit\vorthMaj'. Gen. Thomas TrQ.tter
LORD l:.IEUTENANT . iRt. Hon. Lord Tyrawly ,
Locd Chancellor, Rt. Hon. Thomas'Muller Mafter Gen. Col. Rt. HOII.
"Lord Manners' I W.Bagwell, :lIld Lord'H. Moore
His'Grace the Lord Primate Icapt. of the Yeoman of the Guard,
Lord Archbilhop of Dublin Colonel Edw3rd Hill
Lord Chief Juft.of the King's Benell, Coloncl Chas. If andfield ,
Rt.'Hon. WiUiam Down!:. Lieut, Gen. Q.!.lill JoJm Freema.n
Lord Chief Jult of the Com. Pleas, Lieut. Gen. lames Hay,

kt, Hon. John. Baron Norbury Sir Edward B. Littlehal"., Bart.
Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Mafter of the Hofpital, Right Hon •
.,' Rt. Hon. Standllh O'Orady General Si.r Geo. Hewitt, Bart.
Seerei~ry of State, Rt. Hon. Robt. Col. Feter Carey
Peel. . . Col. Thomas Brownc '
Deputy Mafrer, [ . .] Chaplain, Re,.,. Henry,
'Croftnn, A. M. Auditor aad Regifter, Wm. Plunk.ett, Eftl' PhyficiaJl,
Dr. Charles William ~in. Surgeon, George Renny, Efq. Paymafrer,
Jamc6 Stort... Efq. R~ader, Dr. George Vefey. Providore, Thomas
R\>bert Underwoud. Apothecary, Mr. WilIiam M'Auler, jun. Butler,
Fueler, and ,(!,.amberl::in, Mr. George Mulfon. Regifter 3 Clerk, Mr.
Cl),as., B!luk,. , All reJlij( at tilt Jl.;pilal. &'u';I." Rohert Burrowes, Ii:f<y.
C!'Y"-JI"t~/. '


MARY, in the PIlXnix~Pa,.l, for Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the
Army. The COMMANDER in Chief: Lieutenant-Gellt'ral: Majon
General: Q!Jarter-Mafier General: Adjutant-General: Muftcr-Mafter
Gelleral: Dep. Vice Tr~afurer: Surveyor General: Phyfician General:
Surgeon General, and the; Director General of Military Hofpif3ls: All
for the Time being.
Surgeon, J,,[eph Stringer, Efq. Bagot.fl:reet. Refident Medical
Officer, Henry O'Hara, Efq. Chaplain, Rev. Henry Campbell. Stewar4,
~:lIl, Newton, Er'!. Storekeeper, Mr. LaB'crty.
, '
Hibernian SchooL
THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY, for maintaining, eciacating, appr.:a_
tici,og, or pl~cing in the Army. the OrplwlS and Childrcl1 01 501.-
January 1,1765. a School was opencd by Sublcription for ao Childrro,
unce which Peciod to Ifl Npv. 1814, 3S31 Children haye been ad-
!Diucd; 310 Boys and 160 G iris arc: now in the School. Th" Sot"j~,
at large mcet the nrlt Monday in Noyember, Jo'ebruary, May, and
Au~\~, and th~ CODlmittee of Fiftem, the lirft Tuefda{ in ~ach Month.
fur auditillg the: Accounts, and receiving Applications Cm Apprcnriccs.
and the fecond Tu.!fday iD neh Monlb Cor giviDg out Apprcntieca and
ad mining Children.
Rr. Ron. Gen. Sir Gcorge Hewitt, Bart. Commanda or the F"t'c~.
'T/'".. marl.J t. Iogdh., .,,,ith th~ ""'D filti.r Field Ojji"" if tb, G""ijo. Dj
- lJ.J,Jilt, lire th. C••miltet of 15. .
GOVUNOIlS appointed by Charter, 15th July, 1769, aDd 6th Feb. r801.
Ld. Lic:lten:mt, Prelid. Gen. Officers 00 the St Colond J. D' Arabin
J.ord Primate Deputy TofpeCtor Gen· Hon.' Thos. Pakenham
Archbilbop of Dublin eral or Recruitt Rt. Hon.Wm. Elliot .
Lord Chancellor tField Officers oCRegt' Capt. Gea. Ball
Bitbop of Kildare on Dub.Duty,theSe- Rt. Hon. P. Duigc:n3n
Ch.Jnil.o£Kiug·s Bench nior,8t fecond Senior Rev. John Lyftcr
Ch.Juftice of Com. Plea. Recorder of Duhlin Maj. Gen. Brownrigg
Ch. Baron of Exchequer AI/for tl.. ti•• IKi"K' "tRev. John Grant
Lord Mayor or Dublin \lf3j. Hen. Chl. Sirr
Ch. Sec. to the L. Lieut. Hi~ Royal Highnef. Major Wm. B. Swan
2rime Serjeant GEURGE Pr.ofW ALES, Lieut. Geu. E. Dunne
Attorney General Hi. Royal H;ghncr., Lt. Col. Francis Dum~e
Solicitor Oenc1'3l FUDERICJtD.of YOK. Tho. Jones, Er':!.
tComlIWl.lcrof the For- 'wf·.rquis of Droghc:da Rt. Hun. Cha •. abbot
. ca; V. P. Marquis of Buckingham Maj. Gen. R. Cogh!~n
tAdjutant General Vifcount C,emorne .-\Iex. Matfc.len, Efq.
tQ.,oancrMallerGener:,1 Lord Bolton Lr.Col. Stew~rt
tDcan of St. Pairick's l3iJhop.,f Deny fames Henthorn, Ef~.
Archdeacon of Dublin Rt. Hon. Day. I.atouch. .Vm. Farran, EI'1;
tUndb-Sec. fortheCivil Rev. Singleton Harpur Nm. Broo:,e,M.P.
and War Departmel·ts Rev.-Dr. H. L. Wallb ~dw.Houghlon,Jf.rq;
~.tolhc Command,r \'I~jor G. Nicoll. . '::01. Cha. Hand6dd '
oC the Forcca )r. ~in, P"lficialf G,P rRcv. Wm.O'Cunnor
Judge Advocate Gen. I.faj. Gcw:ral Pratt Vm. JohoJon, Efq.
Officer at the head o· ~ev. Archd. Burrowe, Ihjor Ale>:. Taylor
th~ Barrack Depart. gdw. C. BrowDc, Elq. {obert Slade, Erq;
Dlre8:0r General <4 .japt. Jol. Atkinfon r Rev. Roh. King
. Military Hofpitals Rev.T. Crado,k, L. L. Lord Hutchinf<-u
CommilTary General D. tHan. Col. Gore
Deputy Adjutant Gen. Maj. Gen. Wright, :\fajoT Orm1&r
tD~.Q!arter Mal.Gen. Luke White, Efqi
, L2
Revenue Department, &c.
Oapt~n RilThanlflln CeI. Shortan BilboJl of Lilner1ct .
Capt. H. A. Woodwar,l AId. A. B. King Barn. Burro.... cs. l!.t'!'
C?\ond Talho~ G.D. Ycates, Efq; M.D Admiral Bowen _
Llellt.G~n. Cl,nton JoC. JamdOn. Ef'].
I.iellt. Gcn. Freeman IAlel['JaCkfon'~'fq'M'D '" CharlPr'
G<o. Renny,Ef'l;M.l). 81alt PbJ/i.,atI The Relitt of 'he. /uN
Sir John CardeD, Bt. Hon. Baron Sir Wm. Genera.l Prcllon.
Captain Gorges C. Smith, Bt.
COMMAND.~:!TT,Lt. Col: HuCb Colville. TtL-alhrers,1tt. Hon. ,()avid
1.atouche and Co. AcHn~ Treafurer, Johl1 Hemlrlcl::, Er'!; Jervis-ftreet.
Sol,kilor, Wm. Jame& M'Caufiand. Efq. UppcrMerion.£l:reet. Chaplain
and 5upuintendant of Moral" Rev. T. Pbilip Le Fan ... Adjutant and
8clcr.u.ry. J..rtpA J'udfun. 8.r,eon, Edw. Trevet, M.D,Fihagilbotr-jl,..t.
A,/!ijla,,' SUIl"n, 1 homas Hill.
Subfcripti.. nl.'lIld Iknefa,,'\ioos are received. at .11 the B.tlti ill Dublilt.
and hy the Traafurer, -Secretary, or any Governor.

1'UASUIlY.OfllCE, Dublin-CatUe. ,
C...·iJIi·""., f.... elCte,,';ng tlH Ojfi£ A"r/il", GtlrrrJ'r Offia.
if L ...J Higb Tr,a!",."r.
R.t. Hon. Earl qf l.iverpool. Rt. Hcn. ~qbert Earl of flo.den,and
Rt.UOD. Wm. Fitzg.rali, Cl.lllU.ll", Lord VIC" Jocelyn, A-J,tIW,-Gr
of tb. EnlJ6tl'ltr ,n"ol.. .
Rt. Hon. kobert Peel, Chiif 8.m- D,,~,y, John Metge, Efq, .
tar, t. 11" Lord Lkuunanf, rj1 Lltrl alld Cln-A 'If' Ut Ij'lIa, Wm.
Rt. HoD. Sir Geo. Hm, Bower, HIq.
Bart. CI,rj if Ut RtcmJ., e!f... HeDlJl
Right Hon. Cnlonel John M.Bury Harding, Efq. '. ,
Wil1iam O'Den. Efq. . RegYJ.r aNI Kt.,.r of IIit Ci.,iI L!).
H~nrr John Cl~ntentl, Efq. 'John Barty Ef'l' . .
,EdmoDd Alex. lWNaRlllten, Efq. Cltrl if' Ih.: Yo,,,·h,,., tHttI.T,,'fIM?
/jl&Tttary to I~ CO",,,,;./ioll,r., HOIl. ~~ts, Tho. Haffield. Efq.. .
Georjl;C Cann~iflt JlfiJiUr:1LeJ~.r Keef',r,J.1iower, Gt.
Cbiif C/~rl, James Crorlon, Erq-. CltrA if t6. »uUi.IIf<_lIfs, w~
.In/I C'"l ill s",IIa.,,', 0,#", kioh. HIlCdinr:. UCIlt•.
Z",t1ch, Efq .' Ckr~f.r fJIi"i GbviJ hiP ~<IItJI,Tq..
8".1Ul and LttIgtr Cl,,.,,, Edwar61 D.icloasd Dower. qeat. .
l\fitchdJ. Efql . ClfJI'A if Ih, Ingr'ojf••Jrh, Willla,na.
Third CIA. Pierp. Oli.v. Mitcl)eU, FIq. M-Loughlin, Gent. -
C,,"'pul.r 0/ Off li..
Mitchell, Efq;
"""i"", Edw,1t4IChrA for Ir."";"g 0..,.,,' wa~
. t &'\I'(:}111, Gent.
R~."",,, 6~trl, Willillm TU~fr, JI".IAt;~. GiNiI LttlpLtJ-. Will_a.own;
Lif. hllllll:r Cli.FFaI1.Standda, Efq.; jail. Gent. - ..
Loa" Clal. l!:dw. Standilh, Efq; .. .. ' '.. ..
.II.ff!fl"",. Gk,J, Wm. M'CaOt~y, Efq; .
'''''iG' Cl.,;., Will. N. Scott, llobe P.1k Oji&.,
RobinfoD. JamesRa1f~y,Arthur GI.,lo}: tI.. PJk, Earl of 8han~oa.
~urgh CroftoD, aud Robt. GrCfg,. PtfI"':!, WilJ,am Jenkins, li:r.. -
Ef,\r.. JjI AffiHanl, Thoa. Barber, Gmt.
IlDMftl"/.r. Mn. Elizabeth Walker. ,u .II./1ft"",. Wm. B-ower. Gent.
:pis Majefty's l....eJlue, Excite, SJe. 161
IbCI!lVI!Il-GII/fERAL, and Paynlaf- Id i •. ,",os. Higinbctham, ~r'l.
ta'-Generai" of all ru. Majeuy's 3d tI•• Peter Thumpfon, EI'1'
I\.e'fcnoc., ~lr George IHIec, .B:.rt 4'" rIo. Ilowlaod Pri~e, G~nt.
OJ!(~, Crtjl_-Ho"l·· :C~iif(;b..tkrJtlin, W.H.~aJlReT. E"rJ
, , ¥",tr of tb, Ifo".!, for R","", , A.. "
CAS""., ... TJJ- of tH BIt,I",_,,' Ala. Stubb.,
Ilichani lieYi., Brq.
Depod"Arthur lIuma, Elq.
eCOUJf'l ANT-G&IU • • L, ikr"en
"~./ftJ-t, GIIO. ThompliJu, ~. Moorc, Mq. '


C'.ls'roiU MJfD POll" DI1T1U. CUrj of tIJ. Irtj'o,• .,i.,II,
Rt.!lOIl, Lard C3nl~ Coote - $taft'ord, EI<j;
Rt. Hon. John Ormfby Vandeleur ! "ru! ao",ptrollw of ,'" c.J7
Robert Wynne, El'q. IdI.,. Arc.""t. of I.,irk.", Fnmci.
flan . .'lhl'aham Hdy HutchillfOll Kierna .. , t:fq.
Hon. Johu Joc"iyn I E""fNi.",., of 1",idm BUh, Ja..
Henry Hamilt(on, Efq, iWak.ely, Efq;
llulton Smith Kit g, Ef9,' I Pqy-Jl" of Co;. Btnllllkl, JJch.
:J«rtt"ry, Allan Mac t.ean, Efq. F, Shaney, Ef'li
1«••tI S,mda", C'ha.rleo J. A. lr!at' I.h;"ty. Mr. Cafey.
LeaD. 1li1J. . E;fa",inal.r if Ettp." &et,;",
F;.p IUitl CUif CI.,I, P!lui Le Ba:;. Eler. '
John M'Cloy, El,; /l'&ijhr of (;,,.,, Itn"nll, Jolut
CI«I of ,b. Millllt". Tho•. T. l4uore, E/iij
White, E(q; E",,,,.;,,,,. "lftl a'rlifttr of Fm, {}e-
, Ch,I" ~'. L. Morgan, 8. H. MOr'j,aldAYimer, Ef'li
rn, Isaac Boulger, Thomas Under- GI,ri of tb. ilibip Jifttrk., F,.n~
W04Jd, 1'heop. Molefworth, Geor~e: Ca.lcton, Ef'i;
},?oes, Joftn Madd~n, jun. Hel)l'i (Okr} of 11,. .:hif' ZNtr;u, liI"i CI.,J 11/
bndy, Jamea 1(.e,lly, J. A.Duj tll, C.aj, Uw H~ton, ifq.
IIourdieu, H. Madllen, Richard CI,ri of tb. C.",,,,iJji.,,.,, CMi'"
(:rawford, ~at. Leyden, J. C"p" 1JooI, John O'&irll':, Jo:fq;
M. DOIlc,CrlIvcti Lo~kw'Jod, Rob. Cl"'" ~ ... m.Hon &). AUCII, O~ .
Whitelaw, Wm. Glec:n, anel John lltp"Iy, Micha.tll,)aJy, ~Uf.
l)al1, Gents.
Cldl t. Fi,jI C__jJE.. ,r, Exam;""'.,, of ,/i, GIIl."", JuAn
F. L. ;ifapies, E.q. Tjw;mas lStaplq, a1<t.
-Merpn, i.fq. ;IJ1d Samuel Wa;k~, 1::1'1;
&Iim.r, Edw. Au:rftut Warren £""min~t.r.f tb. lif-tli;.IIf
Jteq. ' JI..~., WIlhams Kelly, Jo,l\f;
11---'4.' G'll. Wm. Syme, Es'l' Infpt4Dr (Jt"tJ'ql .f I"'port. IiIffII
CIriif Clt:rl, P. Twigg, .Erq, ."po,.t., Wiiliam Manble, l!1'Ifo
SII'W,'F ~.t:rtJI/ of"'" c".fl."" L'ir,fiCllrj, Hu~ B. Ha!ltCnvi!lt.
S"1l' llkbiLrd Hardingc, Bart. Efq;,
D'I"'" H. A. Dudgeoo, Erq; ~'lulilli;t" of Dlltltl "ru! h.fprBDr V
c-tlriilkr, R.obert Tjgho:~ Efq; t~, n.",,ut~? ~""" if ,Irtlllltll, '
D..,.?> l'~terJacob:tl()dgIOO,Efq; l'rmcIIEdward J horna., Et'!;
Ck,j of IW 1IaZ" Wm. :iteek Ag,nti"L.nJo"f"' rm''IJingM.,,''.I -
Efq; . /of I liIl"lInf '!f S,a'*t'"~ "".,H,Arthllr
Ckrl.!lifPnUi.."Hon.J.Leefon. M.lbyui9Dd , U'li '
His MajeQy's Revenue, Cu~oms, ~c.
Exami"er IIlfdCertifier ofNII'lJy,PlI]" R ..ti". Gentrlll,Sir Gco. Shee,Bart.
",,,.ts, T. T. \\'hite, Efq. Sur""yoTl on Ibt C:uft.m-bouj. ~-:t,
E"afllilftr alld Ctrtifilr of .Army aNd Infp.aoTl of tb. ~") 0jfturl.
Paymeltts, Theobald Richunl O·Fla· Wm. Fenwick, Efq. Wm. Parfrm.,
herty, Efq. . Ef<). and 00::0. Gre~n. Ki<!.
R<Kijler G"uralof Shippilfg, Tho- Land Waiters on Ibt .. Cvj1_-bo'!fo
mas Warren, Efq; . Quay. 'Vm. ]ephson Baker, Elq.
Registry Officer for Shipping, Fran. Rich. Underwood, Efq. Tho •. Dodd
L. Morgan, Efq; Smith. Hq. Henry B. Code, li.fq•
. Comptr.Uer of 'Tonnage and Lighl Heu. Townfend. Efq. Edward Dal-
Moncy, Samuel \Valker, Efq; ton, Esq. Charles Knox, Esq. and
Clerk of Ibe Stationar.vft"u,jofeph Pat. Fitzpatridt, Efq.
R. W orthington, ,Efq. Su!,,,,<yor and Comptroll,.. ill lb.
Clerk; Wijj!am Vance, Gem. SI.rt, Cha, Trench, Efq;
£"om;ntr of thi SurfJeyors 4llld SurvJ:Jor Il.d Guuglr on tLl Cujl~-
La'ld.vaiters Booh, Wm. Howard Ho,ife !:!..uay, Gco. Browne, Ef~;
Lee, Ef'!. AJ!!fIunt, Ueorge Gattak~r, t.fq.
Sto"'-l..p.H.BarryBere~ford, ECq; . Landwait., on Drugs, Oil, f!l'•• a,J
and John C. Ber(8ford, jnn. Efq. AffuJtr ofSPiTitl, Wm.H, Speer, Efq,
Deputy, J. Fitzpatrick, Efq; Surveyor and bjpdlor of th. rid.
C6equt ill tht Store, Eph. Hutchin. n..tiu, Stephen Draper, Efq;
(Oft, Efq; , Sun"yo, Rog'r/',,'s ~ay, William
AJ!:JIant, Char. Hutchinforr, Gent, Baker, Efq. '
Rlgijleroj'Se;zu,es,Cs.frazcr,Esq. Sur'IJtrr'of the North Wall, '
Pl1ymajl" of the Ch~rily ej/BbliJb. Sur", at Ringund, John White,, William Norton, Efcn ECq. Wm. Leech, Esq. Wm. Hamil-'
Exam;"" of Spirit B.ols, Francis ton, Efq. John Cranipton, Efq. Bc
Huddlefiolle, Gent. John Wood, Efq. .
4ffifl.E"amr.T.~.\,:.Murphy,Efq, Sur",.,or of Re",.nu, B.ilJi"gl,
Council at La'fv, Sir C. MOlltagu Sam. JohDllon, Esq;
Ormlhy, Bart. &; Hen.D.G,',dy ,Efq. Sur"",or of Latlti Corr;"le Ojfo.",
Cl.,} oflhe Suuritits, Robt. Ha- John M'Donell, Gtnt,
milton, Efq. ' 'Tid. Surveyor Olf 'le"," ~ual'
Agmt for I,-ifo A.ffo;"1 in Lond.", AnJ. Crawford, Efq; ,
Sir Ch:!. Wm. Flint, Knt. Land.voU" for EXPbrtl, Wm. C.
Sur.",.yo" G.n<!ral of CujI_s.
Monck Mafon, Efq;
JOhfl Cuthbert, Er'!. " Land.voiter for the Coajl BuJuufl,
Chas. Laurent, Eft'!, ' '
Thomas W orrhillgtoll, Efq.
Paul Dawfon, Efq. ' S"rot)or on Aslun' •• Q,Ji0Y, Thom;u;
Samuel P a)!" , Ell). St. Ue,"gc! Esq. • Oil A,/Oil s-Quoy, W •
• DUbLIN PORT. , Jennillgs,Efq. J-.. M'Calkcy, Efq.·
coll.a. Hon. F. Hely HutcllinCon.:Lewis Saurin. f:sq. &: W. T. Chanl-
Firjl. Ch!. and I.omm. fur taljllgherlain, Efq. '
Affidavit" Henry 'Kinfey; Efq. J"'1l/tr, Hun. Peter B. Blaquicre.
Cuj1~""r l:t- C.ltator, Hun. E. ltifpd10r of th. Re"''''''t Boals; Illfd '
Ach~foJ:l" ", ' Examinahr of'Tid. Sur.,.y.,. Pj"r;",
n."uty~ Miles Atkinfon! ,Efq. Hon', Franci. Charles Anncfley,
CM,! Clerk, Edward Campion, g~. R.,gijler of D,ttntul'" !!f C,,~tI
S.aub.r, Pac'" anrl Gal/ger, The OjJice, Jamps' Leech, Efq; , .
HOIl. Robert Clot worthy Clements. Clrrl if tI" Wool ,4&'011111'1, Paul
D<p. Chas. Dawfoa Larkin, Ef'}> ,DawfoD, Efq;
Colleaors of the Cufioms, !cc. lJ9
Cr.,," ."d Wh",.p"g." Lord Hen. Corl.
Seymour. .' CootB", Robt. Aldridge, "Efq.
Dtput" Lord ~orge Scymour. Pro-CoIl«hr, Philip Rydl'r, Efq.
AJlijllllfU, Pierse Worthing:ton, C."'J>lrolkr, F, W. VaJ,dcrltille, J!.f'li
Efq. and Hellry A. Dudgeon, Efq. Port Surwyor, Jonel Harrifoll, Efq.
Alllagtr of"d, Wm. Elliott, Stortl"p". Tho&. Harding. Efq;
Efq. 62., Mreltm/,IIrgbflrttl. Su",. of S'or" alf" Rtg. of Stinrtl,
Surgeo" to tht • .RNJe""•• S;lmllc 10hn Galway. Efq.
Croker King, £Iq. N. C".6erland-jl. Sur'V.,or -'Jlfd Ga"gtr 0" th. ~aJ'
A.ffiJlant SurgeD" I. the Rewnu.. Wm. Chalmer, Efq.
James Duggan, Esq . .4ungi.'·-Jlre.t. £.a", Wm. iinlith, W'illiana
Ap",he<ary. M ... KiemalJ,Maty-jl. 1.umley, Henry Johnfu11, G,o.
COLJ.I:CTOas, &c. Knapp, Efqn •
.Ba/lyra;". Do. Olf Ollt ~UQ', Geo.l.itch6cld,Ef4·
e./I.Bor, FIOlllci. Manslield, Efq. CII of Lalfd Permit" R. Shea, Gt.
Pori Surveyor, Wm. Lighlon, Efq. SU""Y." "t C....t. Robt. Ball. Ar·
Landwaiter.James Stephenfon, Eo'1' miger Scaly, Wm. Colc, Gents.
'rid, SIIT""y.r at Rath.II/Ia", Wm. D. at Pt1./Jog., hcob Lemon, Frede-
Delap,.Efq. rick Clarke, Gent,•
.Balti",o". . Yidll4l1ing SI.rel ..p.r, J.Lo'fctt.Efq.
C.lltBo,," JohnJatnta Troy, EfC{. D."oghllll,..
P.rISu""Yor,Hllngerf.B.i.ldwin,Efq. CoIltllor, James Arbuckle, Ef'l'
'TUfe SUr'V_"Yor, .la•. Freke, Gt Port Sur",'Y." Edward ~ull, Efq.
Do. _, CrllOnh,''IIIn. J08. Wall, Gt. L""d'U'aittr, Georgc Lclhe, Elq.
Do, at Glando,., Ben} Hingnon, Gt. DrDgbtdiJ.
Do. ot llan'rJ, Saml. Young, Ot. C.II,Bor, Geo. M'IDtaggart, Efq.
Ih. 'at CiJllkhiJwn,Thos. BC"'lliJh;Gt. Port SUr'V'Y.r, Rich. Rochfort, Klq;
n~.a/.BuTha'UtII, RoW!. White, Gt. Landwailer, William Huey, Efq.
~""1J'Y'fS 1,,;p,B. simon White, Efq 'TitI, SU",.,OT, Steel Hawthorn, Efq
It.lfaJI. Dllluiall.
Co/kBor, Earl of Ma1farcene. C.llt8..., John Straton, Ef'1'
P,._ColI,Bor,Chrif. Salmon,Efq. . Port SIt"",).r, H. M'Clintuck, Efq.
Pert SU"''Y.r 'l!l'&. Henry Seymour L""d.uailtr, Wm. Purcell, Efq. .
Haney,Ef'1' _ .E"ni, and Cia" Port.
Gmtgi"g ditto, Thos.Semphill, Efq. Collea.r, BOJle Vandckur,~fq.
'rUe dillo, Gcorge Brillow, Efq. Galway.
C_plrolltr. Joit:ph Folingtby, 1I:f'1' C.lltB.r, .Hon. Wm. Trench.
Dep. Rich. Ca:bcck, Ef']; . P.rt SUr'V'y.r, John Blake,Efq.
CI<Tl.jCbtqll., lfaacTbompfon,Efq. Ltlnliwaittr, Henry Perfse. E.q.
Land..'aikrJ, George Black, Foft~r Ki/lj,l"gs.
Coulfon,ArthurHunocock,Efqrs. ColI,aor. John Seeley, Efq;
CI.ri of Permits, Dan, (lunning, Ef'1' Pori SlIr""Y'T, 1\1. Davis, Efq.
SI.rt Kup ... , Counland Skinner ,Efq, Kitr.!al,.
Carriclf"gul. ColltBor, JohD Meade, Efq;
Pori Sw""'y.r, Thos. Miller, Ef'l' Pori Sur'1J~Y.T, J- Pratt, Efq.
C./trai",. Landwailer, Henry Mafaey, 12"1'
Collt8or, Couolly M'Caulland, Erq. LOTlIt.
pori SM'''']Or, Hellry Blacker, Efq. Con,Bor, John SD"lith, Efq.
LnJ.uai/er, AlelL. Knox, Gent. Port SII~'V.,ur, B. Butler, Efq;
Sur<"yor ", BallycaJIl., 10hn lvNI- Lond..,ait<r, 10hn Rowan, Esq. .
downey, Efq.· .... D •. of Glt"ar"" Ro~rt WilfoD,Gt.
wdwaittr, A. M'Neal, Gent. Co'!fl 8"''''1,r, Henry Nafu. GeJlC.
His ~~jtQY'1 Jle"enue, Excite, &t'.
Li.".;... - tL.......,.
~r. Ward; Ur. "
C.II«fII" BoIWlI Walll!l", Efl). Bligt'.
J1Dr' S""",.,.". K.GtlOaMillufcl. ~.rcllfCall.a.r. 8a1!l. Bultecl, Er".
J"tt"tI_it"., DMJ,y O·Gri6'Jr. ud P.,tll""".,.,.. Ril:har.dGetla.ia. at••
J>.rc;r ¥ oung, i.f'fr,. ~I", Wm. PlliJipt, Er'!. '
L""-',,·ry. . B"IIII6fo'~"
c.lldler. Mar'1le i.liiU. EfCN Col/dior, Wm. Hoe" Rr...
Pttrl S"""'J.r, ThQ. Shepher<l. &IAj. Pw' s....",.... Wm. MutrendmoI.C'l-
c,,,.,,.Ik,.UiWa a.iddaU. ECq. 'TiN '''~.'' ,. K. Whi,e, ECq.
Gallg;": , •• Wnt. S. koC.. f;{'I.. L...JWHUI.r. Rebt. Church. EC~
.w.t#rPllh,,,. T. Ncwhllflh. IiAcJ J Tr• •
flamiug. Jbqr.. CJkIItw. OcorKc &0..... lmt.
~.~/}Jwt. Bu,.'fI. of lJillgi,. Ilobt. HidUoD. l:rq.
e,/kaw. Gcor"e lohhon. ifq. S.,'II. of YfIIl"";., Peter Berill. Ef41•.
J>,rl SUI'''"", • •Iohn Jack9Oll, Kf4i' W."rfl'~"
r..U1uail'Utll/ TiJ.BI4lfhI).",t.;PU4. CII/hIIMr. }lme., Wallaet:. Efft •.
()·DQII~U. EIil. p"", S ....,• .,. Jeer,.. ·G.~eae. E~
lY~r'. G~"I_' WP!. M""re, Eaq.
8,!""y"" Gearge CI<.!nd~.aing, KC<): f.,flllI4..,,uur,, Gea. Doato, HeIU'J' .El".
1411t1.,.;H" Luk. Higgins, ;... 3...~Dt.Eaq.ItH.St.Geo.Cole,E1'tl"
. N.'ffJ'!. 1Y'.Yw'.
CtJI/,a." Georg.: MlItbeYS, JUq. wn.a.r, P. N. King, IU'q.
pQrf 81(1wyor, WI!Il. J. Cwry, Ef'&l p&,., S"...,.",GcD"F H.Reack.E't.
C-III'ol/<,,8.o)Jert <:;OiFaw. Erql Latttlr...,." POll"~lb,. Hoare •. EI4o.,
"'Itniuoi,..." ChriA. ).Ioo~e, 1·hu. S..-fIIIR".wlu,1l4ILt.WaUace, ~
Wlliipg, ~"'"" lYi.lWa..
$"~"T, SalUud Bell. fli. ~. Jotqpe l.eiglt, &Iq. •
8,.,.,.,.,. ., C4r1i~,J .~"Efq. P'.,.,
Sp•. Ab. CIlIILCI, Ji:fq. ., W.
)4OQrc,Jl.fq. /.uJu.." '" 4"",,,,,,,.C,,£)", ut.
C."Ili"l s,,~,J•..ltI.conwar,GtiC40Jl S"T'II"", ThCM.Arcber.EIq.
«'i''''•. R'/!rewr, JII. Bi"gh-.Ot.· 'l''''gIJ.u.
)M. fill F~, llav~ J::lIi" G~IH. CtJI~, Wm. H\lWc Hellllis. ~ C/,.~ iloIJert $la~s:h!iA, (dat.. R., -i.,.",....~ Gt-~. jj;f••
. Rtfl. La"kaitIT, ~iugb 1.QUllcy, EfII.
Ctl'"'-r.JkrLLelcvaTQtMllhlllDai.{q; iJlf¥II"".... I • .....,., ..:,j Lur~,
"or'8""'fJO,,~.W.T.ttenhalll,:U'lO JQiCph 4othooy. IU'q. ,
tOl\&"IS~IONf.llS or llil MAJ~STY', R.BV'NU,,"
INLM.D E~~lS' "'1(O Ta:nl,
Madden, lU'q,. Cl"', )J/,IJe Ni,,"te., ISat'kvifle.
John Tl\£ry, Uq. H.'-',vett,alld Chidle! Coot... F.fqr.",·
llaiph Peter Dlludu. Er.. Cl...", HtmfT Wlmtot, lurtoJ;\
~ich. LClIlafiellt. Uq. ~ew('nllllln, J~".es Clements, John
'1,,00. O'J~TI. Efq. ,. tloblc Talbot. Rich. TyrrcU, 1at.
a;ir ~"bert -l.~gri"'e. Bar1.· Jlariter, TbomaeSwan Cl'C>ker.]ohll
1I0D. Ja~es Hewiu fhllipa. ".•• MPrri',)Qhn Mlll"}'I",
..- . Hen. M~wen, Mic!i. DiUou, ]nbP
S"r:~9.~w.lWdll1anJIP.I.lfq S.Uivan,johDLItlyd. V'm.,AlijtllftV. '
Sf'~ $~.,tI"'" ~~o. Wall"r,Uf). H~bt Cbark' Jb,.urrieau.ltobcu
f...lfP fII4 CWI f4lt",Jal,U4 ~~ol SW~, ~4 ~l,&. ~», 0'''\1, .
~r9,\ ' ,
16Z Colle~ors of the Excite, &c.
Coll,a.r, Sir Rd. Mufgrave, Bart. CoIl,S.r, WilIiam Fleming, Efq.
Pu-CJI.S.r, Wm. Norton, EI'I;' Sur""y,,,,, John Moore, Ralph Dnd-
I".!Pta.rGm.ofE"c!ftIJltdLiunftsY geon, and George Cochran, Gti.
rr.l""d, Wm. B,ellingham Swan, Efq; CI.nIt"l. .
{".!P.aors General if Excije, Dan. t..·.II.a.r,Loren. Hickey Jephfon,Eftl.
Wm. Logie, .John Morgan, Beau- P.rlllit OjJi&tr, Thomas Ouckctt,Ef'l'
champ Hill, J. M'Cullom, Georgc Sur".yors, Robert Holme., Rich.
William l:,,{l;er, and John DercM'ord Rogers, PalliiCr Wayland, Thos.
Lovctt, Efqrs. Edwards, and lEneas Coffey, GI,tI.
8"""9'" of E".ift, John Gill, . Col.rain,. •
Cha •• Donlevie, Wm. eonolly, Jas. CO/MiI.r: Richard. Hunter, Efq.
Taylor, ,Adam Leech,oPat. H. Fitz- S""'fIty. J, Bafil G.ray, Step. Den.
paid, .Wm. Black, Oliver' Ddy, roche, G.rret Dlfney, and Henry
George Edmonson, Waiter Vande. Hervey, Gent •.
leur, John Laffan, Edward Deane, Slore K,.,.r of W""<£o'!fo Go.d/,
Oeo. Fitzgibbon, anll John Craw- Morgan Jones, Efq. .
ford, Gents. P"""I Officer',James M'Cullogb,
811<1 Sur,,,yo,,,, and Wm. l{adchffe, Gents. ,
Peter .Bardin, N. w . s t . C.rl..
Edward Wilson, N. Etu' t;oJl.ll.r, Wm. Penncfather, Efq.
Wm. Kelly, S.' Sur."tyo~s,T~os.C.Hammond,Wm.
Robt. Cooke, S. W .., LewlS, Kmgfloll Roche, Wm.
Barrett, Gee. Tottenham, Edw.
E .."",;IIolor of Sur'fl',o,'" Dillri." Fitzpatrick, Philips Cosby Lontt,
HeHry Wheeler, Kfq. William Fo,ter, Edward Joyee,
E ...'1II;""lor of ,d"ai," Duli", W. F. O'Bricn, alld E. Griflith, Gts.
D. Digg.:'\iEfq. Droghd".· .
. Aff"-' Mafl· ""d c.lI.a. oflh. Du- c.ll,a.", An'hony Brabazon, Efq.
're. 011 Pial" Thos. Nuttal, Efq. Su"'ryors, David Turkington, and
Aflift. 'I'ouch Ward." f!f R.gijler of James Wil~iams, Gents. .
,,rs in G.ld, Si/vtT,alld 1«Ve/I, l)·",daik.
_ Fowler, Efq; 0/lie., G.ldfoilh,' r..II«for, Rob!. Pa::c, Esq.
Hot: .. GDIJtn~Lan', ('Tut/d«,., 'Tb"rf- Su"""yo,." Thomas Taylor, Tho.ri138
".,,/, alid Saturd"s,.) Moore, and H. Armsti'ong, Gcs:
. Ennil ana Cldr~.
CO"'LI:~Toa8 OF EXCISE, &c. c.ll,aor, lloyle Vandekur, Efq.
Armagh. Sur"",.rs, Jame. G, ave., Neptune'
CO/leaor, Achefon St. George, Efq. Blood, and Alex. King, Gu.
llur",.y'rs, Samuel Bowker, Andrew Fo;xf",t alld N.wpo,.t.
Wallace, J. CaldweU, Wm. Kil- CoIldlor, Chas. O'Maley, Efq.
patrick, anJ Arthur Hug'!, Gts. S"'""')'ors, John White, and John
Atbl.n.. H\Jtchiufon, Gent •.
Coll.n. Rich, Handeock, Efq; Galway.
S",..,.,O/l, Jo. Baker, Robert Parker, ColltBor, James Killery, £iil.
jos.Handcock,and Fran.Hughes, SII'''''''Y.r, David Kdly, and Parnell
Gents. Gale, Gents .
. Baltim.r.. Killm",.
CJI..t.r, Richard Townfend, Eiq. CoII,a.r, James Wrmyfs, E('!.
Sur'fl.,.r, Benjamin Mathew8, ind Sur."cyors, John Mafon, and Jom,
Wm. R.oche, Genu. ThoDlpfon, GenU.
ColleCrora of Excife, Stamp Office. 163
Col/,EI.r, Wm. Ja.Hon, efq. I Nn&ry.
CO/hElor, Rof, Thornpf.." Jan. Ef'll
l)ur'I",ors, \\'iliiam MocUer audSu,.....].r, Edw. T.5;&Yagc, GCD,",
Ales. Smith, Gents.
Slig ••
Cel/dlo" C. M"nin, Efq.
~/I.8D'. T. Fitz Gibbon, Efq. S.'"''yo''' W. Grol:l4U, J. M'Lean,
SI.Tdup." Jame. Ma!htws, llfq. John Hillman, Peter Conway,
Fer",i' OJiiC<T, Paris .Anderl"", alld John Corbclt, Gcnb.
Efq. '.
8_~,." John Hoplm .. Thorna;.
I •
Gill Dtni.O'.Kegan &JohnHaru- CoIkSor, =anJcs HaauhOll, Gent.
mo';d, Gents.' S"'"IJ'Y0" , Wm. MaJlJ1,Johu Tobin,
ano! Laurencc Doole), Gc:llb.
L!Jbu," !!t Dondghadte.
Col/dIo" Thos. Verner, Efq; Slra_gioTtI.
,/'.""il Ojfi«", Gilc$ ;,helton, and CoII.EI.r, John Scou, Efq.
John Watts, ~eDls. SII,.". B. Bucbannan, and Il. Juwt,
Sd",.,.", I. Blackh;un, Robt. II.1ac G e n t . . .
L(afl, Gcorge Gliffith, and Fred. 1i l
Mayne Genu. '" n.
, C./hElor, Rowland Agar, Efq.
Sti,.,,'Y.'" Chrillopber Abbot, uti
Lond."""",. John TrencJ., Gents.
CO/hEl." Wm. Miller, Efq.
Su,,,,.,.,., Robcrt H:unenon, Wm. 'T';11I.
Hendriclt, Robel! M'Cay, and C,"''',,,
R and . .'''ill'
. l:un G·I.-
ar WlU,
.Bafil Gray, Genu.
Per.,it Officer, Geo. Mansfield. Efq.
S"NI"O", R.Jollllfion, H.!\folloy,I.
L.ughr.a. Brett, Rob. Robcrts; afld Wm.
Co/Mior, Michael Bourke, Efq. M'lJermott, GCllII.
S""""'" 1ohn Downe.,James R uih, Wlder/ortl.
and Norman Allie, Gents. C.llut", Wm. Hughea,ECq.
SlIr".,.rs, Thos. Clarkc, anu Arthur
Marybor.llgh. Ardagb, Genu.
Coll,S.r, Chas. P. Doyne. Kfq.
SIIT"",O", Rcdrn. Hane, lof<ph. S.: Wexford.
Latty, Samut! Holderncfse, Wm.:C.II,tlor, ·Wm.Harvey, Efq. .
CIarke, and E. U. Wade, Gents. SII''fIryOTl, Richd. Julian, R. Kn:lgg!.
Wm. DllIIlcan, John Tatlock, anll
Mallow. Robert F. Hutchings, Gents.
ColleElor, Jofcph Bell, Efq.
aMr.,.,.", Rich. Odell, Peter Coote Wid!o'W.

Wm. Upton, Thoma. HenneaeY,'C.II<Sor, Jas. Kdward., Efq.

and Joseph Carter, Gents. S.r"", Richard Day, and Wm;
Na(ls. M'Cornllck. Gents. .
C.l/tElor, Thol. Jas. Rawfon, Efq. r ••ghall.
SIIT"'"O", RIChcl. Stote(bury, 1 h()~. Co//ell.r, Wm. Stewart, Efq.
Crooltes, Richd. Conway, Robt. Su,·v.,ors, Michael Bomb, Martift
Wood, and Jonas ShekeltOB, Gt5. Cafe)" andJohn Foikey, Gent ..
164 Stamp.Olliee, Olfiee for auditinlr PuMie Acoount.:
C-"';J!_e,.. Clerl 0/ 'he Secllr. J. De Coal'C1', Erq~
Hon. HagbHoward } Cb • !? JI,unp.hlc/s """ .Nrr'lb"I""
WjlJiam Uore, Efq. "".e". Paul Palmcr, !fq '.'
John Trench, Kfq. Wor<-bou/el../ff if Unjl-IN Guw.
Tbos. Uurton F,tz,cra!4, Jtf<1' Wnl; J(newl~d. KIlt. JI

E,lward Olafcock,F.fq. f".!!,f/or 'If Fi,. Injll,,,nm.4,,iI SI.,.

S","'0'1, Peter f.\plmcs, Efql 14'!f1er of e,mll 411J }Jie•• Thu..
'CI"h, Richard Malil1s, j.:fq. M~re D(jw~l1, Gent. . .
dith I.ewis Montfort. L. Byrnc ~UP"1JV&" ., ..,"......,..,Joh" CoJ1iIl"
J. Hamiknn,W.smlth,,?J.White, Efq.
P,·terl\bliflS, k WIII.Stallle1,Ot8 . •1./lijlllnf tlo. Robt. T~JI.r, Cellt.
R"';'Ulr G6(f. Wm. Daniell, RCq. Tell., In, Peter Prclltice, Gent.
Ckrll, Wm. Marlancl,Efq. Wm.Tyr- Tell., of Sla",ps, Rich. Thaeker, G~.
rcll,Kobt.Tyrrell,Rich. Thornhill,1Jliftant. tI•• M. Colley, Gent.
,Aks. I'rallk," J. AtkinfClII, €lts; R'g. of Warrants,W~.M·Kel'zic,Gt-;
,-}"Jllr, li.ob. Mu/ocll, JUq. DjI,·ibutor, of ~a." for 1)"&li.,
Clerl., Adaua CampbelJ, Efq. 8an1. AleunderHolmes, Efq.
Kathrenl, fll&' St4n1ey,H. Lewis, {"Jpea., a••eral ~S'a.1 Drdiu.
Thus. (;tosier, Md .... Kj~,Gts. parey Mahon, tf'l' '
IUli.ilqr, Iloqert norrllwc8, "fq. '''JP_a." of Slal(ll/ iJlIIin, Tho/llu
IH/pellor of L"",C".r/.. liillJtucl Irwin, Joh. Browne, John Bate.,
Aickin, Efq.
InJpea., ofth. C••Tt of Chaae~, f.!I.. Berk.elc
J\ rchi\>ald llamilton Efq. Efqfl. '
Thom~ CouPlney, litho, ""'7
J. ,. -8tueler.
rnJpea.r of J.aou e.llr/, ill ew', Wm [Iltp,e.r for ,h. ~;n -lit.. 111';""
Jobnllon, Kfq.
lYarth"1c-1"per of St,..,_" Mr • .ld. . .1i WF~.· '
G."J., [nJPeR., of PI..,,, _. 1)u•• W~.
RicharJ Jones, Efq;
/i.pu", G. Irvine, Etq.
Speight, Gent.
Engr_;, J. Canaiftve
Curl., Abra. M<CuU",h, Efq. Tho.lI-.foM¥-" MA..llll • .AtWMIL
. .

slow aqt\ Qe8• •~yan, Galts. . ,

. ,
Truftta of the Linen Manut:uhre. 165
TheTroftcee of the LIMItN MA)TUFACTUllR, Ofhe, LUfF.1I-I\rc:et.
ULnaa, lB. ':or4 Ml1llcrry Rl.HuIl. T. H. Foller
Marqt1is of Aben:on L.ord Norbury Rt. Hoo. Sar). itewlft,
Ma"!. of Dreghcda Ld. Bilhop of Ol:'rry Bart.
E...rl of Charlcmont II.t.HolI.Geo.PonfolJby James Stew_re. Etq.
EMlof Eme Rt. Hon. M. fitzgeralcl ~ich.Ge"olS Ker. Erq.
Earl of Leitrim Rt.Hon.SirG.F.HiU,Bt. Franei. Savage, Efq•.
Ear\ O'Ncill
Vifl:. ClcrmoDt
Rt.Hon. JO.Vandelcur
Ouid Latouche, Efq.
Lord Du1ferin P.Latouche. jon. Efq.
Ld. lJi1hop of ltilmorc Wm. Richardfon, Erq. Earl oE Ennilkillen
8irTho". FctherftoD,8t. Wm. Gore, Efq. Kar1of
Rt. Hon. Henry Kin, Nathaniel Sneyd, Erq. Earl of Lon.I,IIl.]cr!'J'
HOD. Jame. Hutler Earl of Aldooroup
Rt. Hon. Robert Ward MU.ITU. 18. Lord Frankfurt
Lt. Ceo. Needham L'fd Primate Rt. HoG. Joho poner
James Verner,Krq; Marquis of ThomODd. Rt. Hon. !nv.J.atouchc
J. Cland., Etq. Earl of Granard Rt.Hon. Wm. Fitagcralcl
Ch... P. Lefiie. ~fq. Kart of Shannon Hon. Thoa. Knox
00:0. Mathew .. Erq. Karl of P'arnham Cornelius Bolton. Er,&-
Earl nE Conyngham Wm. Brownlow. Er".
L.:niaTJr&, J8. Karlof Caledon Wm.8utton, RCq.
M:arqlli •• f 1M0egal 1latl of Matfa"cne Henry J-Clemcntl. Kf'l
Earl of AnneDey Vifcount Nonhland Arth. French, FJ'l'
Bat\ ofWeftmcath l.ord CaUan Owen Wynoc, KCq.
Earl of aooeD l,ord Caftit Jame! Culr, .Efq.
Earl of BcImore ~t. HIW. J. M. Barry itA. M' NaghtCD,lMJ.
LiucIIO..... I Lmoj".
S<,,"""" James Co"", E..... ,. M.llt".
FirJi CIrri, ~obert Lodge LDllth, John M'Caul
St<. C ..•". E4ward 1.allghl.ia f(j"l" C.; I_ia RoilPoreap
'IIIi," CUr!. Charlu Moorc, u"KI.rtI, EdmullII Bc!atty
LineD H~U. KilJ. _4 Wid_, JOOn f:Wdca
a~ Jaa~ Kiag.. Etq. ~",,,'I c.. Dom. OGmpfcJ
Kill."." Cla:uie, iJoauc
Yarn Hall. Wl1_tIID F.aDa. F:&I1wc
C'. 11o,6d..,F:AT.W.Wamtl:Mtri. Ca~"''fII ..:, W•.>if...... Leon~ ltilbc.
l'I:aoriDrial lufpdlor.. ~, Patrick DeuJ.e'f1
UTI"', James Greer. ECq. M""jk,.,
C."""Z". WilJiam 1'011oc1l:, Efq. (MI, Ifaac DewdaJ, aad Te\i ..
Lci.n., & M""II", AIel;. BoJlc.Uq. Vanftau
Countr tnfpe4nrs.-UVl«. Cia .... Franei. Swtn7
A"";' {JOM Kelfey Li'lllrUl, William IMJW
. '\vilJj~ H~a
"'noczJ., Thomas Sin clair
K.,,.,. ,vanick Tr..t'
Tip}""", George HareSeIl
~, Alexan,dq' Johnflonc Wat'rfl,tI, Jofeph Wakdicld
' - - . Edward M'Intolh C."n""ght.
Pm'" R.j. :Powler, M. ~alf $Iigo, Thomas and Robert Holm"
L.rtJ.,.Jrl'r,. Bugh Bo)lc "'tl:a,o, Frands O. MQI'illI, at JllIII.C*
2": roIu 1. It. Teru.llnt ' Wilke.
, > S B. PattifOll Gal....a'. Jnhn Betlew
.o...xal.Robut Cochran, (cn. "jun. Ldt,illl, Wm. &. Tha•• H;uniltoa
I,~, Dan. Bradih"w . R.{c.",,,,,n, Jol1n HanlJ .
166 pirectors General, CraridCanal, Bce•.
P,rl In./p.a.rl. Clrl, B. Popham
C.rl; Brad. Popham Dr'ghetla ~ ~ John. M'Calll
NewTY, James Pollock Dund,"~, S
Btlfaj1, John Macartney Wic~t.w &1. E
S •. ot er
Londundqry. Wm.. Marlhall
DuMi", Pat. DOlllevy. Col"r.,ill', Hugh Boyle
Flax S~ttI Infp,·C1or•• T;lIybdgs, Gco. DODleyy •.
DuM;n, Jamf.S Evatt ' •
:&lfajl, A. 'Hill Oth.r Offic~rs.
N''VIr" Wm. Pollock. AgI. in England, Edw. St.wart. Efq.
Der", \Vm. Marlhall Tr.afurer's Clerk, Je",e. GriHith
S/~f" Thomas Holmc., . eau;,e;1 at La.v, G. P. l3uihe, l .. L.n.
W.jIp.rl l:f Newport, G. Clelldening Solicitor, John Pollock, Efq.
Galway, John Bellew .\ChY ll!J1, William Higgins, Efq.
Limtricl, Wm. Dwyer Arehi!dfl, Edward Parke, Efq.


Offi<t, 'Tmy"ry, DuMin-Cajll••
Chancellor of the Exchequer /Accountant Genera.1
Chief Sec. tl) the Lord Lieurena.nt Governor of the Bank of Ire land
Undo Sec. in the Civil Depar~ment All for the time being.
Maller of the Rolls
Steretaria, Jeremiah Vickers, Efq; aAd Georg.,lPalmer, Jun. Efq.-,--
lJroJ.r, William Deey, Efq; .
OrFlcE, 11, MERI"N-.TluET.
Dan. Cnrneille,Efq. Chairman IGeorge A. Bnuverie, E(q.
Wm. Plunkett, Efq. John,Efq.
Jofhua Kcmmis, Efq.
S4&nttrry, FrancisTrcnch? Efq. Ajfft. S«rddry, Henry R. Paine, Er";:.
Acco"ntc .•:, M. D. Jl,iannmg, 1<.f'1' , Cler" if th. MinI/fa, Wm. Sea-
right,.Efq. C/~rh, J"me, Coul,on, ann Wm. Hording, Gents. Eng;
John Brownrigg, and John Kill-dIy, Efqrs. L ••" Ag,nts, McfTrs, Gordon
and Hami It/)n, 38, Sflcl'IJitI';/Irut.


THE Main Trunk of this Canal extends from Dublin to Rubcrtfiowll,
so mile., weft; whence proceed two Branches-that to the right to the
river Shannon at tihannon Harbour near Banaghr.r, 63 m. f!"Om Dublin,
and that to the left to the river Barrow at Athy, 43 m. from Dublin.
Boats now regularly ply between Duhlin, Athy, and Shannon Barbour.
The river 'Barrow is navigable from Athy to Rofs and Wate~ford;
and the river 'Shannon i. alfo navigable flOlll Shannon Harbour to
Limerick, Athlone, &c. .
THE Cour~ of Directors meet at 'the Grand Canal Houre, 38.
Dawfoti-ftreet, on .Tuefdays aud Fridays, at Three o'Clock ill the.
Afternoon, and OD \Veunefdays and Satur(lays,at Nine o'ClocK. in the
Forenoon; and Committees alfo mcet on Wedllcfdap aJ)d Fridays at
,hc·laDle places, rcfpcctively.
· Grand and Royal Canal Companies. le7
CoO&T - ow Da&clfou.

Rt. Hon. Lord Cloncorry, C"";r.a".

Alderman Thos. M'Kcnny, D,/'t', e"";r.a".
_EeresfordBurfton, Efq. Th.,•. Goold, Esq. \Hon_&Rcv.J. Pome.r0 l •
.Rkh. Corbal!is, Efq. Hugh Hamilton, I!fq. Pcter Roc, x.q
Jamc8 Dawfon,Elq. lames Hamilton, Erq. Hon. Baron Sir W. C.
Rohert Digby, 1«'1' Wm. HuttOIl, EIq. Smith, Ban.
Nich. Fanning, Efq. ja,.Mat.Plunkc:tt, Erq.
Secretary. Daniel Bagot, Efq. 38, Dau?fon:JIrttl.
Treafitrtrs, Rt. Hon. D. J.a Touche, and Co. 'Z"'III/it.,,'1 Ch".
Robt. Newenllam, Efq. &t;"l E"liau" John Stokes.Efq. S"Jn'ittltllll.",
ef Trad" and InJpdlor of P".Jirg"'&"", Andrcw Bagnt, Ef'l' La.
A:,n/, Wm. Duffield Rook", Efq. Pa,.Majltr, Benj. Booker, El,. R~
lup,r, Edward Geoghcgan, Erq .. A&tornlla,,', Mr. 11"1". Hurley. Sto,t-
'up .. , Mr. T .. Maunfell. Dreler, Mr. Thomas Wa~ham. A""",!,,,,,.
Parcel Cle>-l, and f,Vha,plfgtr 11' Port.htlJ.,Mr.James Nlcholfon. M""":,,
'if tb. C.IIi~,i", Nicholas Rofs, EliJ..

'1'.". Pn.J!ag, BOld. tkpllrl fr•• D.&lill, """ Da,.

10: for Athy and Tullamore at 7 in the Morning.
2d for Shannon Harbour - at 2 in the Afternoon.
'1'••• Pa.J!ag. Butl arr;"'t i" DM&/iI., ruer, Day.
-in from Shannon Harbour 20 m. aft. 11 in the Mora.
sd from Tullamore a: Atbr ~ 10 m. aft. 8 iD the EyeD;


Situate at the Termination 'of the .Grand Canal at the R.iYcr Lifrey.
near Ringfend.-Doc1 M+" Mr. Hugh RulIcn, Ri.lfm~.


THE Company was incnrporated in the Year 1790, ror the P!''1'ofe
of completing a navigable Communication between the towns of Drog_
bcda and Trim. Sit. C. Murpby, Er'!. Trlafu".,., Mathew Codd, EIq.

Royal Gallal Houfl, Br'lld:JIont.
Royal Canal, as vl:fl:ed in the Dirt'dors General oC Inbnd Navigatio.,
by the Aa .of the 53d of the KING. ,
The Dircaors General meet at the Royal Canal Houfe, Broad-flone,
on Monday and in each week, at Twelve o'Clock in the fore-
°l1oon, totranfact the alfairs of ~ NaYigable part of the:, frga
the River Lift'ey to Coolnahay.
8"r"a7 a"d d.&I""/a,,t, Samud Draper, Efq.,
Royal Canal, &:e. Chttrebes ;n Dublin.
T~tllrurirs, The Hon. Sir Thos. Gleadowe Nc\vcomcn, Bart. and Cth
Cafll..JI.-La.v Jf,tI/t" Wm. Cofgrave & Son, Elqr •. N. GI. (flo~ge·'-Ji.
C.lltllor of 7"011. & pJ,-MaJhr, WaIter Nngent. Efq. BrOIl" -"tont-
IIII/ml.r of IV"I., John Hen~ell, F.fq.-Parc.1 Cltrl, W,igh ant! Harhour'
,M"jlw. Mt. Benjamin Hin,lr.-Call.S.,. tif "t.Ii, al Mullingar. Mr.
willi.,1l Batkin.--I.fI"a., of Boat, fiN D,.IIII../hr, Mr. John Willr..una.
l'!/JieBor, of 1/,6 LiM, Mr. Hamilton Lilly, and Mr. John •
.4rratrg__ of Puff,g. Bo.",fr0'" I}I of M.,ra. t. fJl of 8,/,ltm6".
A Boat leaves the B:oad-ilonr Harbour ror MullilJj1;ar,and anuther
Boat leaves Mullingar for :\)ub!:n, elrer}' morninj! at Six ,,'Clock, and
U'ri.,~ at their refpecrive ddUnatiom at Sill o'Clock in the Enning.
J;rbll' lIt of N ...""htr t. Ist of Mareh.
A Boat leaves the Bruad-none Harbour every Morning at Send
,,'Clock, and arrives at Mullingar at Seycn in the E~ening.-Another
alfo leaves Mullinga. every Mornin~ u Six ';Clock. and arrives iD
Dublin at Sill in the Evening.~
N. B. the Businc.. of the extcnfion of th~ tin~, from ClXlinahay to
"armonbnry, i. conduCted at the Navigation Office, NO.Il, Merion-flrc:c:t.
By the Aa of the 5.1d 'or the King. the Ro,!,al Call1LI COI11JDatlJ'
Is declared to be dilI'oivcd, and their whole Property wefled in Trulh" ••
TausTIEs.-The Diredors ~l1erai of Inland Navigation.
COMMISSION EU for inquiring into the Attain of the Company .....-
James Trail Hall, E~q.-J"hn Smith, Efq.- <..har1<s Pallen Vale, It.i'l'
eN,n",'" John Galloway, Efq. Office No. l4, Upper Suck'l1i1I.-ji,,,,.
Early Divine Service.
St. Andrew's,lt 7 in Summer, 8 in Wintet. Sacr:unent, lan StlDda,
ill the MOtItft.
St. Anne'., at 3. SacrameDt, third Sunday ia the Month.
St. Brid«et'e, at '1 in Summer, and 8 in \'.rinter. Sacrament, 3d SlInQay
in the Month. alro on Ea!l.erDay, Whitfund.y ,and Lhriilmas MorniI1&-
St. Catilarine'I, at h.,I£ after 'J in SUJIIIDCr. ilnQ & iD Will tu. Surai-
Inent, third Sunday in tfie Month.' .
St. Kevin's, at 8. Sacrament, the fidl Sunday 1\1 the Month.
St ..Wcrburgh's., at i In Summer. and S in ~Vill'ter, Prayers and Ser.
mon; Sactahlcnt, evrry Sunday at earl]' ServIce.
St . Maty'a, at half pall 8. !3arrameDt. at 7 on SunJayhefore Cbrillma"
tft SlIhday ill I.ent, Sunday before Ealler and Whitfu •.lticle, Jft SWlua,
iD Augun, and Iil Sunday in Odober. ..."
S!: . Peter"&, at 7. Sacratn~nt, firft SUnday in ti,e Month.
St. 'thomas'l, lilt 'I in Summct, 8 in WAl~Q. s...:,:wnenr, ad SUlldat'
ill the Month, al£o UII all the Fellival, at e:ltl. s... i,,~.

MontlIly Di"iAc Scrv>u.

St . James'e, Srn Sunday-St. AuJoen's, third Sunday in the Month;
'",rayen, SctDlO.ll aGd SaUaGll:AUt 1 ilLsummer, ..od 8 in Wi.lIC:r.
City Magitlratls; 169
Q.!!arterly Divine Service.
St. Mieban'., the laft Sunday ill March, June, Sep,ember, aud D..
ttlubcr; -¥rayen, Scrnlon and S3crament at 6.
- Weekly Lcdurcs.
At St. John'»,_Prayen and Sermon every Friday morning at u.
- St. Mary's, R~mfay's Ledure every Friday morning at half pall 11.
St. _\'Verburgh's, Snuthwell's Lea.,.r. «;very :ad Wednefday evenillg
at 5. Sterne'. Catechetical Ledure, from Eall:er to Michaeimaa, at 8 in
the morning, ou Mondays at St Werburgh'., and 1111 Tlltfdaya at Se.
fticho1as without, the Rtv. Wm. Anuealcy, Lecturer.
The Holy Sacrament adminill:ered Monthly, vis.
Firll: Sunday at St. Anne'., St. Audeon's, St. Bridget's, lit. Catha-
rine's, Chrill:-Clmrch, St. Luke'., St. Michan'., St. Nicholatl within, St.
Nicholas without, and St. Thom:lS.-Second Sunday at St: Andrew'.,
St. Mary'.; and St. Michael' •. - Third ~uuday at St. James's, St. Paul's,
and St. Peter·s.-Fourth Sunday St. john's.-'-Lall: Sunday St. Mark', .....
8t. Wer!Jurj{I1's.-Ou every Sunday, St.-Patrlck's CathedraL
In this Cathednl Chtltch, Choral Service is cddJratcd twIce ~ery
day; at 11 in the morning; and at 4 in the Afte-moon. On SundaY',
Morning Service at a 'lIUll"ter after I I ; and Evc:njng Service at 6.-
}(a~l}' divine Service. in St. Mar~'s Cbapc:J every d ....y; in Winter at 8,
and- UI at 6 l\l the mornllli'

M A 0 1ST R 4T ES 0 r DUB L 1 N •
. 'LoRD MAYGIl, Right Hon. John Claudius Bett6Cord, M_".!.".H•.,p, -
RECORDER, William Walker, Efq; Do",illhJjlr.,t.
t J"hn Calli, Rut/,,"d./qUllrt. UA. Kirkpatfick,- N. GI. a,lJrg.',-jI.
t. Sir Wm. Alexander, fiart. &,j. tHugh Trcvorl L-tfolf-jlred. '
.,ill'711,,<I. I Frc.\. l)arlty, Wil/;am-JIr.,t. -

t John Edhaw, Grofton-jlrut. , t!)ir Ww. Slame!, Bl. Ddwjulf-Jr.
tllenry MowifoD,Wfflmorfo",l-j1roct. tNadlruliel Hone, Bagut.r,rnt. _
'.He,nrY.Gore Sankey,Rutland-1q . .B. t wm.Hen,.. ArChcr, GIlI-~ill'r"-,,la&l.
tJoh1l Carlet"n, MOllntjo,-1'luar.. tAbr. B. King, 1,r. Grtal Gtorg"'."
t.Saolad Reed, Dawfm-JIr6d., RDbert Shaw, M"i.n-S,ullrt, N.
tThom;B Andrew., --'-WeT'on:fiJ. W. Mark Bloxh:am, GO¥'llilltr',-l'lue.
t.Charle. Thorp, Moulltjoy-1'1u"rt,E. John AUe" '1'.'~".fenJjlr<tl. _
tRich:ml Manders, 'Jamu'l-JlrltI. TI1.Os.M'Kenny, Fitz.."illia_-j1rtd.
tl\ Jcnkin, Hmryjl,.d. Matthew Wdl, H ..r&o"rr-jlrt:l.
1Jofeph Pemberton, C.unlr,. • • . '
All the ALnJ:UUN are JUSTICES of the PEACE.
llichard Smith, Smith F!emin:, Fitz.pilliam.f'l'"
,[1,8lS.) M. '
170 City Officers.
8BEurn' PEEU.
DRt. Hon. D. I ••touehe.S"p.6...·,-Z,. Franed FM. :ECq. C,,,,,",
lohn S.nker, ECq; C"""':f. Sir Iohn Ferns, Knt. Co"nt,:!.
Wm. Humfrey, ECq; CO"",,,. Natbaniel Craven, Er.1; nll~'!fon-Jr.
Breat Nevll1, ECq; ]J,1'fl,U,.,•• -jhut. Drury Iones, ECq; St'ph",',.!,..",.
lerem. D'Olier, KCq; CfItI"",. . §Mountif. J.Hay, ECq; BI1Ji"gt.n-J.
nWm. Cope, ECq; H"",,.pm" 11 Fra. Hamilton. EC'I,i Cajll. /I"."
Benjamin Gault, ECq; D_,.jJ".,. gLeon. Ogilby.Efq; Up.Gllrtlilt.,·,-JI
John GilFard, KCq; C."",,.,. A. Montgomery, ECq. BI1Ji"gt••-J.
H. Millchin,Erq;L'if~"'''. O.Hiekman Kearney. Erq.
Wm. Lindfey,Erq; P.,lillt/U"t-jJ''''.IIThos; Abbot, ECq. St• .AllrlrnD-jl.
nWm. Long, ECq; Mllry'.-jlr,", John George, FAq. B,ir/"..p"" .
George Thorp, ECq; M.lI1Itjllr/,. sir Edw. Stanlcy.Knt.R.'al-Dllrr......
1ames Blaeker, Erq; C.ll,Z,.""". Sir Jae. Riddall, Knt •. C.""t".
lohn Tudor, BCq; . Brent Nevill, jun. :Erq. Sael'llitle-jl. .
R~enry C. Sirr,&fq;D"Mi".Caf/I,. R.o~t. Harty, Erq. Wutmorl""rI-!tr.!t
Rieh.Mander.,Jun. BCq; Ja.u .-jI. J.Kingtlon Jamcs,ECq. S"el'IJill'-J.
Edmond Nogeat, Erq; C./J'Zt-g'. Georg. Studdert, Er't. Graft.n-jl.
HJofh.Dixon, Erq; Fitz'Willia.-jlr..t. Lcwis Morgan, Erq.Sael'Vill..jI. .
aIohn Sempll, ECq; Mllrl60ro.g.6-J1r. SGeorge Warner, Erq C.II.g••gmtL
IlldTry Foot. Erq; /ijfott-llritlgl. , SJacob Welt,Esq. Garai""'·pla".

§ C"!JWh, .; .t
lonu Pain!y. Bflll S. . ..,hill.
SIIIpU.-t S~ L.,.' M","'.-I Fi,,"- '.

rRllSIDllN'l' ~ th. Courlo/ C••• r,,,&yttrill,,et.aplai,,,Rcv.J...Horntr
P""H, AId. John Cafh, RIIIIII"i-I'l' Upl'" D.rfd-jlmt.
e;" 'IrM/IIT.,., AIderman William Lar""Calho/ie Clutpllli",Rev. B.Muw.
Henry Archer, Gttrtlitur'",Itu,. phy, 'II'W.fitttl-jl,,,,. _
2'.ua Ck,.f"Jolan Allen, :Efq. CIIIr,· C~ Surg_, Wm. Leake, Eaq; Str-
j"", Mofefworth Gnene. Efq. IIMa·,-gr..", W,e.
Pitc'fIJi/Jia.-II"d. OJliu. 8'.Ji."~ l'f1JIi~ltz. ,. ,h, Pr!fo",. Wm. Harty.
IHIffo, Grlltt-;jlrHl. . M. D. GI••mttr-flrll'. .
S,i,,,..,., ~ t/,e Lard Mayo" Geo. AI"a,., le ,/,0 PriJotu. Nathanicl
Archer, BCq. Ejfo,.•.6rirlle. Craven Efq. Da'ft'Jott-/ln.t.
La'fIJ Agllt'". Edward Fifher, ECq; lI_rtI Bn.,.", 8am. MidiUcton, Efq.
and Thoma. E. Oreene, Efq; Mat:,.D..rtr ami OJliu, 0/ C_-- t
0,lie" s, St• .AmlrnIJ-JIr,d. Richd.Q.uintoD, ECq. Wi/J;'",..,.
B--.JHrf!f, Aln:. Montgomery, Efq; Mar.foall, Wm. Ferrall, Efq; FIr"":!.
N. Frttk,.i&l-jJ.- Office, M'I/',.IIIIIt, Will" BlliII.ffi. W. Seaton. and Art.
Xing', Itt.,-~a,. Mitchell, Ot8. Office. Sad'lljll,./t,
~ CNplai., Rev. Wm. WaDter, H~b ConjJa/,U. Geo. Brownc, Gent:
Ma,.,-tt,,,, . ' . Office, IB, G.Id."·la,,,.
l-hdhr ofG..1t la D",,-.aev.Pien Ckt'u of ,h. Marl.t, John Supple,
R.. Ganlble, 8t. Mi,ha,,'. Yt/l", Wm. Henry Fintay. and D. Hcf.'
a..,..!J."r"', fel'llllD, PI". NI. IQ, Or_."il
f}lallai" o/th, N . . P'iJi'" R.n. T. Ma,ld.,
.alDbl,. ParMi/,..,... ~
City Officers. 171
CityLa,," SU"''''''' Anhnr Richard C..",.a.r,,' ThOl. Taafl'e .11_
N~vill, Efq. so, C"",de,,-jI"ld. 1!II'" andWm. Doaaghue, ~-.
Cit, Plu",IH", Thomas Reed. XCq; J"Id.
Ci/y Print. G.Faulkner,98,Graft.,,-ft.
y Ihe Cif;! Ma,jI"z/fi., Mr. C.t/dhr, of Ilw PIf' W'1IIw l l - - .
Keep ...
Alex. M'Cullough, G"""-JI"Ht i;aml. Hutchinfon, ~4. &ut6 Fn-
GaD/try Nnvga'e, F.G.BourD3, ECq. J.ritiiI.
K"p.oj tbe Sb<Tiffs Prifolt, Mr.P.Dunn ames E vatt, 3, M,,£btI-,"etl
Robert Newell, Colt ..I,,",
- - - - - - - - - - - - .- - Arthur Ord, 7:a, CurAiIrul
CityCra",. purfuanl ,""Ill" Par/i._t. Johri Murray, 14, M.""t-PI,.,rtllll
JohnDic~foD, 10, Or.,lUI-tju9
Mr. Ufiter, Quem-jlrut
Mr. Andtcw Lee, 'T6,,,,.,1!rtd In an cafe. of Fir~, AppUcation
Mr. Hen. Frttigrew, Spital;ft_ItI. Eor W.ter to be made at the M-
Gil] Cr(llf,fo" Gm" HiJr" Bonh"1R- fembJy hollfe in W,.JJi_-jl.-to dae
./ru/, Mr. William Crumley. ContraCiors-or to) the $cor•• ill


City Affimh" H __P. WiJll.",-jlrttt. '
. . ["Jp"-l.r of Prfflll/-'" _I " " .
The L,ord Mayor, ShenfTs, CIty Pllh/j, Ae,"""II, Damel Hueton.
Treafurer, the Ma !ler. of the l!lf'l' Gre"t .8;#';'0;/1''''' .
Wc'rk., Twdve Al4erl1len, and
Twenty-four of the Common,'Trea!ur" of thl PJJ/il~, Wm,
C OIu,,;il, COOl pOle the Committee, Diuley, Ef'!; 3 8, r.r'-{lNd. .
,,;ho meet every Monday at u S,erna,., to t6, Ter. fll'"StJlifHI'
o Clock. GrallJ J",ill, City ofD/l6Iilf, Alc:r.
S."dari.. , John Alien, Efq. CI.,,- MOJltgollll:IY, J!f1.i N .. tb Fr.
jJrtd, auoMoieCwCIl'th Or_nc ,;u-jr..t. .
E.fq. Fi, f/l'UJiJJia"'oJ!re", S"rtlary t. ,lu 'T.,. Gr",", j"ri(,.
La"9' A.z""" Ji:dw. l·ifheond Thol. CP. if DII/Jlill, C.bat. WiUODl, ijfq.
E. Greenc. ru'lrs. 9, MiJPh GtlnJil/.,.,ftlld.
- Engin ..", Aud. Culfey ,~fq, PC1lIb,o'"
..f"Quntant, Richarcl Cave, Xfq; ~9'
StQ,deep ..., Hugf!. Crorton, Gent. Appointed by Act of Parliament
St.,." 11M,it.jlrc#l. for t~ ,Relief DCdle ~tJat. ,
I4,.Oorl of If'(1/'" IVorh. ,
South Depor/lII,nt; Richard Crufton Gtorgl,-~a, and MdJ:/JIIl-AII". ,
Gent. AUbgi,r:!"td.
... Dirta.r, John Earday Anoway,
J\'ort6 De/,art1lltnl, '\\'i1loD • olney, Efq. '
Gent. ~"I/-JI"'d. C.",pt ...lltr, Sneyd Sallkey, Efq.
IlIjp,,90r of 'TurntO&J/, Richard CJ,ru Samuel Otway, and Samuel
Q!Jinton, Efl}. Ci/~ Affi1ll6/y Ho'!fo, O~;.ay, jun. Gent•.
Willi.,mflrcd •
l1Z I 'Common-Council.
For Three Years next enfuinr; the :14th Day of Decenlber, J 815.

Tau. marked t were not in the laft Council.

MarkMagrath, Nelfon·slrut. !faac Mander., (en. ProJp,tI-llOl{r.
Simoll Boileau, Bride-slrut. 10hn Scale, SIII/JlIt.A.lley.
John B. Alloway, Calli. Bui/di"gs Robert Manders, 'Ja",n's.prul.
tFrancis T. Brady, Da",e-jlr." tAlex. M'Mullen, DorJil-JIreet.
William M'Auley, ~,!,rg"s-tJII"Y' 6. BUTCHERS.
Janles S~tton, D011l.,,,,,I-jlreet. John Sweeny, P"
lames Kmg, Coler",ne-stree:. Edward Bu tt B ·d,.1I 11
'William Wallh,"". . . rnc. Tt e".J.T< •
· tSamne I W . T yn da,
1 j IrtJlS-1. I rlt I • t Ri,hard Wornoll, P",oJ"lI..
· Henry Bro~e, E./fo,,-Gate. 7. CARPENTERS.
tJohn Plunkett, 'l.!!.."-jI",,t. Daniel Hutton, Marrjl"d.
Gcorge Carleton, ErsjIa,,-jlreet. Benjamin Eaton, BIa,ltball-pla,.
JohD Rogerfon, Willia",-fireet. tArthur Batteraby, Peler-jlr,,'
tJohn Stephens, S. Earl-jlreel. 8. SHOEMAKERS.
t William Olenton, Mary-jl".,
tStephen de Johncourt. S'Iifollt-JI".1I Ocorge Holmes, Capel-Jl""t•
• )ohn Todd, 4rbou.... HiII. Rich. ElIia, S",.d.,.".y.
Ja&. W. Fitzgerald, D"'fJ1[on-strttt. Jonathan Bagnall, WejllII."la'III-J,.
tzach.W.Carmichael, C'!fIle-Jlrett. t Andrew Hayea, .A.rrlJlf-gu""
tFrall cis Lodge, Ro,s-I"",. 9. SADLERS.
lames ~mftrong" Parlia_t:f/. t John Hamilton, C'ZltI'-jlr,d
John ~Jm, 'Ja", .. s-ft"d. Henry Cooper, Ma,.,'sjlreel.
f Francls Thome, Nelson-jlnd. Thomas M'Cready Bri,,.,,,
'WiIliam Nugent, DmmarA-firttt. , .
· William Dixon, lo'W. M.II.t-jlretl. 10•. COOKS.
Chas. A. Fitzgerald. t Arthur Morr~80n, Da'Wso"-j",,,
Alexander CraJg, Blad-",It-R'Q~
.tCharles l'entland, Roger/on'I"'Jllay.
tThoa. E. Thorp, FI.,.i"da~/ace. 11. TANNERS.
tOeo. Wheeler, Dam.-Jlrttl. Thomas Ord, Corl-JIrlll.
t J. N. D'Efterre, Bo,hel.,·s-'llJall:.
Henry Pide, C,unlry.
tThos.lamcfon, Denmarl-jl. U. TALLOW. CHANDLER"
:I. ·T~-\ILOR8. tJohn Flanagan, MllrJ-jlrttt
Wm. Leet, ~.,obanl's-gllay. Edward StephCJII, Bride-fired.
ThomasM'OJII, Cban&try-la.,. 13.0LOVERS & SKlNNli:R-,
t William S~ith, Skinner-,.w. John Davis, Pill-lan••
l.ob M'Lame, Dame-fir"t. John Willis T,inil_llrell
3. SMITH::;. ' ,,:1"
George P a y n e . . 14: WEAVERS.
Luke Sibthorp, Pa/flu-jlr"t. Robert Atkmfon, C••",6,.
Richard Lambert, Capelflrm. t Jonatha~ DevereIJ,. JI.!.alb-firt4
t John Langson, Low., Ormond-gull,) Tho. WhJtehead,' P,,,,I,,••
Charlel Sims, Upper Grm.nd-'1I111J. fRobert Riky, Brow"-fir"/, S,trt"
tJofeph Laaby, DIII,-l.«.,. William JalAcfeu, D,rjit-jl",t. '
Common-Council, l'o1U:c of Dahlin. 1':1
tJObn Lloyd, Cajll.-jlmt. Edwarcl Stephen., C"pl-jlrHl•.
tGeorge Connor, Fow ...',jlr.d. tTl:om&l Fairbrother. C"./Iu.fowI.
fJohn Keeoc, D"....jlr'd. :n. CURRIERS.
tWalter Peter, Gr":/t.,.-/I,"" Wm. Bell, N. /f......jlrt.t.
17. COOPER.S. tThoma. Hatton,
fRobert Uiher, jun. Ifhley-Jlrttt. sJ. BREWERS.
}oJUl Hill, ,,,""., "-.fI re•t• ' Wimam Pool, Ola,l-/,it••
Robert 5uttcr, Ufo""-"III1,.
d. FELT-MAKERS. Richard Gninnef., Mer"r-/r"',
t Robert Nl)rris, L _ Sael.,,'/lt-jl. tSamllel Madder, j'IfI.Ja,.,,',-jlr.
Samuel Stephens, C..ntr.l' ~4. JOINERS.
t Frand. Kircholfer, Hmr,.,tr..',
19' CUTLERS. [ )
V.'iID3m Porter, Grafl."-jl,,d. ~5. APOTHECARIES.
t Jame. King, Grajt.,,-j,ttt Wm. Callaghan, Mar,-jlrnt.
tllichd. Yeates, Parl1a1l1tnt-j. tJohn Ufher, SII§'oII:JIrut.

w. BRICKLAVERS. Clerks of the Commons, T. Alien,

Efq. Camtl'lI-jlnd, and John
Cha&. Thorp, jun. BI'./Ji",m-jl. Lambert, Efq. Chatha_.t"d.
+James Llewelkn, Upf'" Rutlallil-j,

EaTA.nml&D 48th GIO~lII. 1808.

No. r. (Cg}I.D""!fi'''') 5, ll:t&lJa"l'" No. 3. ~rI (/.i/'trl, Di.,fji."" 9-

court, R.,.I E:t.hang..
Aid. Frcdr-rick Parley,(Chief Ma.
gidr'ate,) Williamjlmt.
, '
Ald.Wna.Hen.Archer, 9, G,m/;",,',.
]n. Smyth, Efq; 14, Fit:z'wi/litrfll.-jI. pltM.
Maj.Hc:nryCharles Sirr,Dublin Cajll Bertram MitCord, Xlq; LL.D.
he. t. the P"h.OJlim, ].C.Lcea, Efq' j.o{buaDixgn,EC'l;Io,Ji'it.'UliW...·fr·
S.&~etll"" Cha.. Tod, Kfq; . Chiif CI.,.I, Wm. Brownc, Gent.
Ch'ifCkrl, Wm. Crawford Gent. . .
Chi.j Co'!flaj,k, Michael FlUTcll, Gt. C/"if C.nfiahl., Georgc: Payne, 0
. )lo. z. 1ft (Lih.,,, Di~fji••,) U,n.,.',- No. 4·
(.Killg', I"", Di'fJ!JiIJlf" 30,
gua,. U~r Or"""'gllll,.
AlduJnan John E:dhaw, GrtiftOJl- Sir Wm. Stamer,Bart. DII'UJ/IJIf-jlr'&'
./lr.. l. Wm. Turner, ECq; LL.D • .s8, s",.
Chamberlain Wm. Wa1kcr, Efq. P'''''''-K'''''' 8.
~O, Merion-jl, ..t. James Blacker, ECq; CJkge-gr_.
Wm. Lindfey, ,E~q; Z4, Parlia",etrt-jl. Chiif CI.,J John Atkinfon, Goot.
.Ch~ifCI"", Hill Wilfon, .Gent. CIHtI" C.-:"~/' Ch lA i' 0 ne.
Q,itf C.njllblt, WPl. IryJJlC. Gent. 'oF .~.... U IIIlfJ t
J74 PoKce, 13ank of Ireland, .!cc.
No. s· _ (M/IIIlltj.,-/rfl"rt Di"ifi.II ,rNo. 6. (M"i_f,lI"r, Di.,jp.,.,) II
M,,"IH."IIIh-/I,,<t. f
~ John Cafh. R.tlattd- . Dd""pr,d. _
Ip"" Alderman Nath. Houe, s7. B"l--
'J,'hOlo R.&binct0B. ECq. 80.H"rd. flmt,
.",i"f-jlr,d. Rich. Guinller., lUcr. J.{"..r-;ft"",.
William Long, ECq; n. M".,.flru1 Mark Magrath, Efq; 8, N./j.II-ftr,.'
e"i!! CI,rl, Ala. Am:lerCuD, Gent. Chit} Cl"", L. BomfOl'd Gt.
Chuf COII}Jdk, R.bert Beauy, Gent. Chit} C."P"IJI" Tho.K.Manning, Gt.
SOaOItON. lame. Hmthorn. ECq. 1°9, S,t/ht"·s-g,,....

BAN K 0 I' IRE L AND, CelUp-Grmt.

(BjlQ6/ifo'tI''', Aa of P"r/imnndi. 1783.)
(JonE.oa, R01llaT ALlJ:ANDlEa, ECq.l'" Mc"i_I,."'" S.,,,.
DUUTY GovaaNoa, AECUIIIALD I'JAWItBLlV. ECq. 1_. M.II_tj./,jf.
_ DJaltCToas.
Leland Croilhwaite,ECq. 61,FInt-H.:John LelaAd Maquay, Efq. so,Mtr-
Jas.Chamber.,ltCq.3,G"rdilll!"s"_ ri._-f,.
)cr. D'Olier, ECq.lJHI."./I_. Wm. Snell Magee,Xc,. 47,S"d.,ill,.
J~(eph Gol', Esq. M .."tj,,-f,II. N. 'pm',
Arthur Guinac&, ECq. J"." '-grzl, Nat. Sneyd, ECq. 34.Ul/tr S",I.,ilit-
Wm. HarkneC•• ECq.4S. Do.illi.t.-jl. /lr.d
Nathanid Hone.ECq.u.H"r"lIrl:/l'" Wm. Sparrow, ECq. 7, E'!fo1tl-jlrr'
.Ales. Kirkpatrick, Bfq. aDd Aid. Hugh Trevor, ECq. &. Alderman-,
44, North GrI,,1 G"'g<'l>{trut. 3S, Lte. ••-Jrtd.
Wm.P.Lunell,Eaq.N Gt.Gftr,<'l-jl.
Not,. The Dire:llors are annually choCen the fira. Week in "'/'U.
eder thia.P.eiritiioJl. that five lIew DireAon are choCeu CYVJ VIU.
o rl'u: a Ill.
8_it.". Thomas Wmianll, ECq. Cltrl '.I7'rtlllifet•• Brab. Stalrord•
.Actl. CH.. William DoolevJ' Not",il',J.GibboDS and R. WiUiams
C".foier, Nathaniel Low L_ Ag""" Pleetwood and Dar-
Chuf lJ".,U/',. Edw. Ma41icoc ley
CI,d " l)ift,••,.~ GC01¥e Draper SI"tiMtr, Ja.Draper. C'"'I'_I.
6hi'./ ClI. of DukeH oughton - .
C/{I HI/ilia,., Go04-Friday, King'. Birth-Day, and CbrittlUal-J)ay.
Days of DiCcollnt Every Day except Saturday•
. , . Jlqard meet! "ery' Tue1ilay.
All Bi\~iand PromilTory Notes in the Bank, due on Gbod Fridsy,the
Kilig'i Birth-Day, Chriftmal-Day, and CID aU proeialmed Fad-Days, are -
cleManded'on Ihe days pn:ceding.
Bills adaretfed to the followinl Plaeel IR not admilJiblc into th.
Bank-of lteland. - - .
'Arbcur-Hill,M."", .,.,.'CouICon'., OD the Arl;_INorth strand
&r 111. .,_' Portobello
Black-HorCe-lane Dolpbin's-barn anr
Prullia-a.reet, or
Bow-bridge Drumcondra.laDc other place beyoacl
Broad-none Harold'..croC.. tlIe CucuJar-road.
CtlarlcmoDt-ilr~.t Kilmaiuham
13ankers. Port of Dublin, Wid ~ Street.. J 7S
Hon. Sir Thos. G. Newcomen, BMt. and Jamc.Ev0'l'. Effln. C.JU-
Rt. Hon. D. La Touche, G. La Touche, J. D. La TODche, J. La Touche,
Jun. P. La To"che, Jun. and P. D. l.a Touche, Erqn. C'lflk-J'r•.,.
Tho. Finlay, In. Lynam, In. Geale, and Rob. Law, Efqn,'W9I.-jr.d.
l!ell j. Ball, Matt. J.1I. Plunkctt, and P. Doyne, juu. Efqn. H''',,-I,HI.
Rob. Shaw, T. Ncedham, and P. Shaw, ECqr.. FojI.r.p/llu, Co/kg..,r_.
Sir ~. Alexander, Bt. Robt. Aleuuder, JUII. and Wm. Jame. A1elt-
aDdcr ... 1<~qr •. Up. Sad1JiII..j1.


Pon: of DUBLIN, Incorporated by Aa of Parliament, 1786.
Ojji'" W .p_.,/"tUI-flrul.
1786, Lor'! Mayor and Sherilf. 180r, Arcll. HawkOey, Erq;
:1786, Rt. Hon. John Foficr 180:&, Nat. SIIeyd, Efq;
,,86, John l'atrick, Efq; 1804, John La Touche, Efq;
:1786, Leland Crofthwaite,Efq; 1805, Lord FrankfOl'd
1,86, Gcorge M"quay, E1!J.; 1809,Ald.J.C.BereaCord,L''''''MII,tr
1786, Ifaac Wdd, Ef'l; 1809, Ralph Shaw, Uq.
1786, Jofcl'h Sandwith, Efq; 1810, Aid. John Caa. .
1786, Aid. John Carktoll 1310, John Lclaud Maquay, Effl;
1/86, Sir Wm. Alexander, Bt. 18Il, Arthur Guillnef.. Efq.
1786, Aid. Henry Howifon I8IJ, Wm. Peter Lundl, Uq.
1791, Aid. Bcnry Gore Sankey
Ballafl·Mafl.r, Aid. Hen. Howifou.-CI....f. I. 10. Wm. GilIbon, an4
O. E. Gregg, GeFJt&.-Surdary, Wm. Bigger, Efq;-I"h.i1er of Worh
.nd Lighl.ho"f", G. Halpin, Gt.-AjJift. S •.,dll", C/.rl oflb. Chlfll~, .1IfI
Bod.l..p.r, Wm. Lloyd, Efq;-Pilo/.M'!fttr, Capt. Geo. Cunninsham.-
SlIp""'ifor of Boll/aj1.figbt.r.,/JI",b. Floaling Litb", Capt. J. Grantham.-
SlIprru'for of Ball'!JI-ligbl.r. IInd Pa, Cln-I, E. A. Gibbon, Gt.-H.-
'lNn·Maft.", Capt. Tho. Phepoe and Capt. Tho. Huddleftone.-i,,/n';'"
I."da,,' of Bullll," Ojji.. l"ari, Capt. j't>fCph Warner.-CI.rl './.910"', Bart.
Fleming, Gent.-I".!I.lfIer if ~"rr;.. , lI"d H,,1J.,,-Mllflw './ D""It",.,.
Capt. Jo~. ClemenU.-M!ff..,gtr ."d I_Jp. of NUifllft'" "'~"'" Mr.
T. Mulligan.-La... Agm, W. Harcourt Catter, Erq; HllNeflrl-JIrNI.


conftitutcd by Ai!lof Parliament in 1757.
Ilt.Hon. theLd'Mayor~t'HOU'J.C' BereaCord IfaacD'Olier, Er'!;
and the CityReprefen· Lord May., John LdJie Fofter, Ef••
tativesfor tb. time king Vlfcount Monntjoy Majfll' Ales. Taylor
Fred. Trench, Ef,,; In.Staunt.Rochfort,Efq Jas Donovan, Efq •
• Jer. D'Olicr, Efq; CoI.SirF.J.Falkiner.Bt. Aid. Fred.Darley
JlichmondAUen, Efq; ath. Sneyd, Efq; Thoa. Ellis, EJq.
AId. J. Carletnn William Gore, Efq; Hulton S. King,Erq.
Rev. Ca.. C. Bertuord Ales. WorthinitonJ1U'<l; Rt. HellI, W.Fiu,eral.
176 Paving Corporation, Commercial Building$ Co.
Tr.a/llr.. , T1!e Bank of Irelanrl.-S",.tariu, Thomas ~nd Davi<i
Henry Sherrard, l~fqr •. BtcjJillgton-jlrut.-iiaret,,,y t. Treqfllr.r. ana
J/1"ollntant, Jor. Tho. Kane. Ef'l' Richl11olld-jlrut.-·C.llelloT if Club aM
Card Lie,nJes, John Hendrick, Efq; 1ervis-j/rut.-L,,,u Agml, Mark
':,Anthony Lyfier, Efq; Parl-JIreet, .1lerion-{qua,·,.
Streets of PUBLIN, incorporated by Aa 47th GEO~GE 111_
Major Alexander T,'ylor, Mifpil.
Alderman Mark Bloxhalll, Gart/iner's-pl,ue.
Colonel Thomas Neibitt, Saelville-jlrut.
SECRETARY, William Little, Efq. D".ifon-j/rut.
'l'reofurer andComp'roller of Taxes, James Helldrick, O.flice, Da.vfln-JIrut.
COJIneil, Chrifiopher Stone Williams, Efq . .~tephen-jlr"t.
,Law Agent, Peter Warren, Efq. Hem'ietla-j/r«t.
:1: .J' W, l J Sir Charles Coote, Bart. JJagoti',w/.
SlIper'IJ'.!ors".l or s, 1 Capt. George Taylor, Can,den-street.
FirD Clerl in Ibe S..relary's Offic<, Mr. Simoll Brigly, ClarelllltJ~jlretl.
George Creighton, Z4, POrIOhdl.·lwm, Maguire, 5, SOllth-C1nfi,'
Thos. Cames, 6, Cla"hraifil-flreel, Thomas Murphy, Wilfun-pl""
Henry Ebling, , Starkey WifeheQrt, '9, C'1fo:ftn,'.
4!1d. Gorml)', 17, Stafford-jlreet. Robt. Carroll, South K;ng-j/rc;t.
. Incorporated by Royal Charter, the Ill: of January, 1798.
Co;"mitt". Wm. Peter LuneH 1J00hn Patrick
Richard Darling Randal Mac Donnell Jolhua Pim
l.eland Cfofihwait Wm. Snell Magee Rd. Verfchoylc F.fqn;
Arch. Hawkfley John L. Maquay ,
Nathalliel Hotle Barth. Maziere T".qfurer,
John Lindfay HughO'Connor,.'l.J'oullf. John Patrick, Efq.
Richard Litton j.y-s'!. .
Secretary, Thonla. DanieIl; Esq. Offi" i" th, B"Udings,-Ar&hit.a, E.
Parke, Efq.-BaoKERs in the COORT, Mr. Graydon, Mr, Franklill.
Mr. Henry Kyle, .Mr. \Vm. Hone.-C'1ff.... r ..... and Hot.I-ltnler, Mr ..
E. Gaynor.-Ht,:I Porter, Mr. Badge.
Pr.l,r, atP,inftJ 1-.. the Lo.d. of Ih. Trea/llry,
John Talbot Af),enhurft i
W Decy & T.D. Atkin- fIenry Richardfon '
•. " 1er
'\\ Il!lam B,,,
on finrllay
;! Tamts Wm . . Stroker '
JOhn, Alex. Bardin l'i.GibbOnS&R.WilliamS T,mothy Turner
JohllB.rber Thos. Thorpe Funk Boylc Trilvers
Vere EffCll Belcher IEd\~d. Hamerton obt. Webb .
Jam;;s Browne IJohll Hawkins ' GCI). Wheeler
John Browne IP 'k H Samuel Page,
Samuel Bruee A~rl'CL b aytcs h .I 08eph Dickinfon
h '
J!> n Ca~p eb 11 e a er ouc e
• acnry Lanauze, jUIl.
W Jl nl .ru
nl. I ay, q~.
H. CUffimg & Franc18 ,Mid,l. Murphy . 8'1".'1"',.
f-ow l!lowi;wd Pri'l:' ThOlo DaD,d, ~rq.
TruLtees, Society Public Notar.ies, Ouzel Galley. 171

Note t thus marked, for the Time being.

tRt,,Lnrd .l'faY'~'1 fCily T""'I'''',., John Patricle, Er/f.
John C. Beresf.)rd M.RCIIANTS. Jolhlla Pim, Efq.
tT1u High Sh,riffs. Aldm. John Carleton. Rich. Verfchoyle, Er.,.
Rich S 'd Er. iGeo. Carletnn, Erq. Wm. Ale•• Shaw, Elq.
John' S.n;'lle~lin

g ,~
Iwm. Cnlvillc., Efq.
Wm. Cope, Efq.
IPc:ter WiIILiD{oD, Efq.
Sr&r.',,'1 _ R-xijler.
tTheC".1R.preft.tall'lln·'Ald. Nath. HOlle, TrM-Thomaa Daoiell, ¥."l'
Robt. Shaw, Efqrs.
I fur"
P. D. LaTouche,
I C!1!-R..1II X,,/"'.
IMr. Wm. JHnnett.
Pry..Jellt, • John Talbot Alhellhurfi, Efq. 33, Da.,..,,,..,_
Ster.tmy, • JanleS FiJ;dlay, Erq 3. F.·u.'nu-,Ir"',
.. John Barber, 85, [>a11l,-sl, 'et. Vere F...ex Bclcher, .,SI.A";",, ',-/.
'·Samuel Bruee, ;37, j)ame. ,Irut. \\Tm.llayl y, J~, ~J"z1if.a."r,,"
-HlIgh Cuming and Francis Low, Wm. S~,, 3' S;,cJ.,iII~,t,'".
34, ,1:~g/~r.a-slr«t. . .. IWm. Deey and Tho •. D. Atkuuoa.
Jamu G,\,bon, and RIch. Wall,ams, 58, D"II..·.lr.tI.
38, D"n""t ,,~, ' /Abd Labertouche, 59, A"')(Y"~t'"
Edw. Hamerton, 3, :I-r,cll.,,6urgh·,f. Pat rick Hayes, s8,/""ejlr1lorlalli-jl.
Timothy Turner, I, S,~;'ll·Jtrttl. IJ<1f.Dickinfon, 165, ea,el-jl,,"I.
• Thu. marked, arc Esamillen.
perrons eligible for admifaion into this Society must be'oC approYe4
integrity, 1I11bkmilhecl reputation, have fervet! regular apprenti,rlhip.
of 7 years, to regularly hred pr.. ctisir.g Pub'ic Notaries, alld have un.
dergone a proper examillatjon of thrj!e MetJlbers, previous to their ob.
taining a: Faculty.
Jo/hua Pim, ,fq. Ulher's·ifiand. ' PDigges La Tontbe,erq.Leef'on.ft.
John Patriek, el'q Rutlann.fquare. Peter Wilkillfon, efq. Harcourt-flr,
Leland Crollhwaite, cfq. Fleet-ft. R. M'DoDnl'n, teq. Allcn'x-,ourt.
Wm. Col.ville, efq. CavcndHh-row. 'Ald.Nat. Hone, 13agot-ftreet.
Sir Wm. :\.Jexander, Bt.SaekviUe-lt. JofeFh Pim, ef'!. Ufher's-ifiaDd.
Jofeph Goff, erq. Moulltjoy.fq, N. Amu,' GllinDc&, cCq. Jame.·..Ib'.
Geo. Maquay, efq. St,p~u'a·gY. John Lindfay, efq. Sackville-ftrect.
Alez. Ja1fray, EIy-pl'\ce. Nathallid HODe, efq. Harcoun-fir.
Artbur Stanley, efq. ~ide-ftre~. Thoe (·rofthwaite,uq. Kleet·fireet.
R.LittoD, e.q. LQwcr-Ormond-qu. !,Ilathanid S"eyd, el<l' SackviUI:-ft..
Wm.Snell '1age~,efq: Sackville-ft, Frao". &gga, efq. GrGtby-row.
W.Alex.Sh~w,efqJl,cQelor·8 'w~lk. Ja. Chambers, efq. Gardiller's-row
Areh. Hawkfiey, efq. ~ountjoy",q. George Drevar, eeq. Abbey·ftreet.
llobert Sh2w, e~q. Merion-fq. N. In. Todhnnter, elq. Rogerfon's'qu._
J.LelandMaquay,efq.S~cphen·s-gr Wm. p. ,.unell, efq. 1\.1ouDt:oy-rq.
John Stewart, er... Abbey·ftnet. Thomas Wilfon, efq. Mountjoy·rq.
Wm.14rkner.,efq. Domwc.ftreet. Handcock Stanley, osq. Bridc>st.
Rob. Alexander. cr... Sackvjlle-ftr. Rogi/ltr iI1&II S"r''''':J, W.Cofgravc.
Jf. ~owiC0Dt cC'J._ Wctbnorland-ft. _ clq. 1,5, N. Gt.Geor'c....ft.rea.
Hibernian, and P~amix Infurance Companies.
eomi,tinl' of the Principal .Bad,r., M.r,hant., and Trad.", of Dublift.
Fo. rnfuring Houfes, Goods, and Merchandife, againllFIRE;
Have now added to their Eftablifhment the lnfuring of Lives, and
(ecuring, for Children a Provifion when they attain the age of 21, au
~ery mOderate Terms: Tables of which may be had at the Office.-
Tb.,. Families can fecure Property againll the Calamities of Death, and
IIrovide for their OJfsprin~ againft the Misfortunes of Life.
THIS Company was formed on the moll liheral and extenfive PlaB,
(from which it- has never deviated) upwards of 40 Y~ars fin.e, and was
the firft of the Kind el1ablilhed in lrel<.nd. It continues to infur 0
Property at the COlUpaDy's O£!i,e,
NO. 42, DAME.. .!TR.EET,
A.djoinin~ the Commercial Buildings, on fuch Terms as have at all
Times given the man perfe6l: S.atisfadion to the Public. Their Ca-
pital is very large, and a confiderable Part of it in th~ Stock of the
Bank of Ireland, to anfwer immediate DCl11aRd~. The Lill of the Pro-
Jltietor, to be had at f11eir Office (and who are bound to the Public)
will prove its ReCl'c6l:ahility and Secutity. The followillg Rates, as low
ib any other Company, will nlOW that the Misfortunes arifing Croin Fire
.to be avoided at a very fmall annual Expcnfe.
'r"" Ratet of In/u"an" ar. as low as Ihoft of Ih. London Colltp.zniu, ami
PO/i';" gi"'tIf gratis. '
Common Inrurances, as D\\'cllin, HouCes. Furnlture, and Slack in
Trade, not Inflammable, at :z •• per Cent. Hazardous Infurance.. 3"
per Cent. Doubly Hazardous !lJfurances, at 58: per Cent.
" C Mills with' Kilns, Steam' Engines, Diftilleries, Faaories, &e.
infured on the moft moderate Terms, by Special Po greement.
PAT. CURTIS, Secretary.
Office kept at: No. 85, Damo-ftreet; Corner of Crampton-court,
Mr. John Barber, PubUc Notary, Secr~ary.
Attendance Daily from 9 o'Clock in the Morning till 10 at Night.
Continue to inIure "agalnft all LoJJ'c. Crom Fire, on as liberal Term.
III at allY other Office whatever; they have a confidence that the
experience the Public has had of their pun6l:uality in the immediate
"difcharge of all dcmauds tin them, will be fufficient inducement to
give their Office It preference, their funds being very confiderable, and a
large portion thereof invefted in the Bank of Ireland, adequate to all
~ntingel1cie., and their members flUmerous and refpe6l:able.
'fhe Rates of Inrurance are as low as thofe of any other Company, viz.
Common Infurance., aa DwelliDg Houres, Furniture, and Stock i.
Trade, not Inflammable, at :Z', per Cent. _
Hazardolp In{urances, at Ja. per Cent. Doubly Hazardous Inm..
I-lICCS, at 5', per Cellt.
MiDs with Kilns, Stc:!I11 Engine., Dilt.ilIcricl, Farming Stock, and
Fa6l:ories, infured at the m6ft moderate Rates.
Print.:.d Lifts of the Proprietors to be had, on AppUcatillD at the Ofliet.
C l'"lici. of Infuanc:e &iven &ra....
Dublin, and Commercial In{urance Companies, &e. 17,
Capit~l Stock Eighty Thoufand Pound-, V died in the Irifh FUlld..
Office, at No. l3, Dattu:-ftrcct .. oppolite FowDe.',.tlrect.
EJlablifhed in J 7h, by the moll eminent Banker., MerdlUta, aad
Traders iD Ireland, for InfuriD, H.ufil, Fllr,;"'"" alld GooJ" "POll
• lnw Term. a. any other. Company; and all private Dwelling
Hou{ej, and Furniture, at oDly two Shillmgs per Cent. to any AnIOWlt
IIIIwcd, and Policiea gratia.
Jab Gcale, Efq. Banlter'l . Wm.Hen. Archer, AIdc\'IDaJL
'rho. Aadrcws, Aldm. Tt·.aj'lIrt", Daniel Moore, Efq.
John Cafh, Aldm. Robert Burton, Efq.
Charles Thorp, Aldertnan, Ales. Montgo",~ry, Erq.
Hugb Tre'lor, AJ.lcrman, !anl... Corhalli., Ef'I'
fred. Darley, Aldaman, John Li"dfcy, )(('1'
JOHN TAl.lo·r .ASHEICHURST, Public Notary, 8,"".,.,•
••• The Company confillmg of 160 Member., arc of the lame elafi
lid Rank it. Life at their Director., and all relide and f,'end their In-
comet in this Countrr. which it i. hoped will inCure them a PreferenC'c.
Ar.IIKb, John W.Ilgh. jun. Efq. \Li"'~;;'l' l\tclfn. Watfon and Ma.
JJdj'IJJI. )(obt. Hyndmall, Efq. houy, .
c:.rl, Capt. Rubt. Kichardfon, .V• .,..." Wm. Cochr.n, Efl(;
DII"tllIll. John Page, Efq. Roj" P. Roe, Efq. .
For the Dcndit of Widows, ellablilhed May 4th, '780.
Ca";la/ $10,1, /;3.0,000.
Gentlel\len defirou8 of AdmiffioD, ar, to apply to the Secretary, JORIf
TALBOT AIIIENRlIRST, Efq. 33, » ••I-Jl"'''' Du61i", from whom tho
necelfary information may b.: known ..
For Infuring Ship" M.rcballtlift, and Li".. , and ..lfo for iDfufing H'''''f.
, Go.Js, Ace. againll; FIRE.
The Capital Stock of this Company i. On, H."d..,tI '11"11'""tI P_th.
The Olliee kept iD the Cou ..t of th, CotJI'1l6..cial Builtiipg', Dame·llreet.
Dublin, where daily Attendance is given by the Director. of the ConI-
P:111y.--The B'lfinef. i. condu8ed in the moll libc:ral Manqer._
Polidca for Fire Inrurancca are given gratia.
A Table of Premiums for Fire Infurancet.
Common Infurance. - :IS. od. pcr Cent. per Antllltll,
HazardoualnfurallCC'8 - 3" od. per Cent. per Annum.
Doubly HazardolHlnfur. 5a. od. per CeDt. per Annum.
The Bqfinefs of the conducted by the following Dite~o...
George Fred. Carlctoll, Robert Hall, IPeter Roe,
Franc, Codd, Nathaniel Hone.' ~1II'lwm. Sparrow, .
Richard Darling, Rjchard LittOIl, Ri>bert Turhctt,
Georgc Drevar, George Nef., Nichola. M. Wade
Joha :guacan. Hugh O'Connor, Peter Wilkinfon, l£t'.....
" SA_a(. B•• ca, PuIllj.c»tary, kcrctv'f.
180 Royal Exchange, Marine Infurance Companies•


Elbblifhcd in 1784, For infuring SLips, lIf8rehanJifl, an,l Li1l6l.
This CO~lpany have, fot the fccutity of the Public, lodged in the'
~allk of Ireland 75,0001. rart of their capital of 100,0001. and tlwy
hope tho manner in which the foveral branches of Infuranee ha. beeD
traIifaded by them finee th'e year 1784, wjIJ procure th<cm the confideacc.
of the Public. '
The Bufinef. is conduded on the fame advantageous Terms aa at
the Royal Exchange and other Infurance Ccmpaniea ill Loudon. under
the diredion of the followillg Gentlemen:
J. Carletllo, Alderman Thoma, Hunt John n'Bricn
James Con oily John Lindf~y Val. O'Connor, jun.
Jame. CorbaIlia Wm. P. LuneH John Rorke
1.c1and Croflhwaitc James M'Call John Ruthel ford
lknj'l111in Geale Ral1d.IMac Donnell Franci. Shearman
Henry Higginbotham jwm. Slldl Magee Thomas Wilfol).
John Hone Ba.tth. Mazierc

Printed Propofals, containing the general Inforlllation nccelfary fill'

Ferfous Infuring with the Compa"y, may be had at their Office.-.
Letter E, Commercial BuilJings, Da:me-O:reet.
WILLTAM DEEY, Secretary.



Fo.. Infuring Skipl, Meubandiu, ana Lilltl.

The Capital Stoclc of· this Company is

The Bufmefs i. conduCted in the moll liberal manner, under the

.- DireCtion of the fllllowing Gentlemen;
'WilIiam A. Shaw Jofeph Hone
Jblph Shaw lames lackfon
Robert Law, jUJI. Edwatd Clibbnrn
Edward Croker Thomas ManvelJ
lohn Gecrge Jonathan WiJliamfon
Lc:1and Croflhwaitt:, jun. Drury Jones
William C,,}ville, jun. . Henry Brooke, ES'lra.
WiIliam Dykes
ABEL LASUT'OI1CIIf, Notary Pnhlic and Stock Broker, SccTatatl'
Britilh and lrilh mre, Westminster Lite InsllraDce. IS 1

Confifling of the Collowin, Gentlemen, (excluivc of a numerOlls Pr..

pcietary in England, of the firll Properties and Confequence:)
Ilt. Hon. Dayi.! La Touche & COl'J. Exfbaw, Rfq; Ald.rman, Dublin.
Bankers, Dublin. S~njam.ill Dall,£lq; Bailkcr,Dublill.
lir WJr. A.bxander, Bart. Banker John Alldc:riuu, EIq. llanker, Fer-
Dublin. moy. .
Robert Alexander, Efq. Thoma. Prolfor, Efq. DlJliiJI.
Ilobc:rt Shaw, Efq. M. P. Banker, E~ecuton or Samuel l\4'CalI, I.fq,
Dublin; Cork.
Eftablifhed Cor the Infurance of Homes, Buildings, Manufac!toriftl,
Gelid. and Merchandice, Ships, Velfels, Barge., and other Craft, aDd
their Ca~oe.. in Port, or ufed in navigahle Canals, Far.iNK St .. l, and
all other Property, in ally part of Great llritain an.l Inland, from luf.
,and damage by FIRE.
Printed I'ropofal. and Condition. of Tnfurance, and a Lift oC the
Direc!tors, Truftees,lIcc. may be had gTatis as a bove, and of their Ageat ..
iD all the Ciliu and principal Towns in the Kingdom. '
a::7 .A Fire Engine always in reedil'cf. at the Rear of aliI. Houk.
Joa. CAM PULL, Secretary for the lrifu Departmc.t, DublhJ


Ch";r.,,., Sir J. c.. Hlppilley,Bt.; ISimeon Droz, Efq.
D'fI"IJ-Chairfllall,T. P.HamptoD,Efq. Lord l<illDaird.
William Agnew, Efq. Ralph Leicefier, jun, l'f,lt
Jame. Peter Auriol, ECq. William Morland, Efq.
'Sir Chal. Dlicke, Krot. - !saac Sage, Efq.
Stamp Brookfbank, ECq. Sweny Toone, Ef".
John Clcme"'I, Efq. Francis Wilfon, Efq.
This Office was eftablifbed in 119', and infure. the l.iYe. of Perio••
tleflrous oC,Cecuring independency to their F ... mili~.., or 10 provide for
them in any way agreeable to their wilbe.; to effect which, 3n Annu .. l
Premium will be received for tbe payment of a grofs Sum, or of an An-
lIuity, to become due, and payable at the deceafe of a Perfon infnred, te
hi, Widow, Children, or othtr I eprefentativel, as he may appoint.
, IDfurences may be made for a variety of other pllrpofc8:-rO pro.,id.
101' the Renewal of Leafes;. to fecure Sum. paid for Place. or Empluy-
menu, or Cor the Purchafe oC Lif~ Efiate.; or in aid of Arran5cmentl
between Debtor and Creditor, lIcc. kc. Which i. erpl .. incd further in the
printed Rates and Cunditions of I.ofurance, which may be had gratb,
with the Lifi of Dircc!tors, ,u abon, or of the Agents of tlte J3rilijb ancl
lrifo U"iut/ Fi" Offi, in the COUlltry, who ale appointed Agents for tlli.
182 Royal Exchange, Globe Infurance Comp:mies.
--1!.J"U!fo-J f, Cbart,t', in tb, Rtign./ Kilfg G(org' IIn Firfl.
For FIKE and LUll Alfuranc~, and alfo AN NVlTHS.
MICIUKL MUJlPIIY, Agent, No. 5, CoIlctte-grct:n. Dublin.
Inturance on Lives i. foend to be of the lItmofl benefit and advantage
t6 every c,lafs \lf fociety. by the Farly paymeDt of a moderate fum,
pufons mar {eeure to their wives, children, rtbtion., or any individual
they may be detirous to aid, an adequate provifion againft the diftrefs
which mi,ht be produced by their death, either from the ccfi'ation of
Uacome contingent on life, or from any other cauf~; betide. perrODS
may borhlwmoncy during their own LiVC1l, by transferring the 1'olic1
aa a collateral fecurity to the Lender, an~ after the debt i. difchargtod,

A Perfon ag~d
f 6010~ lDJIually
40 mull
6 1 8
rcfume the benefit of it to themfelyc8.-E""mpl,.
3 83 06~ to fteure I?OI.. t~ be'
at hls deajib.
pald .

10 that IcooJ. may he fecured at the death of a pdfon aged ~D, by an

aBnual payment of 1.1/. ISs.· dl1ring his life.
A Jlerfon, whofe ill come depcJlds on the life of anOther, may, by an
unual payment, fecure an adequate fum to himedf or reprefentative,
at the death. of lIIlother rerfon, or may fecure- fuch fum to be paid,
.nly in cafe be furviYes fuch other perron.
The Fund. of this .And"" Cbart"rd C.",pawy, (im:orporated rear a
eentury,) form a certain indtmnity in cafe of lofs. Alfurance on
Lifts ef'cctcd with the greateft facility; no medical certificate requircrl,
when the Life tobe affur"d appears at the Offi~e. No extra charge made
for Militia orVolunteer Service within thelimiu of the UnitedKingdom.
Attendallce in theOflice from 9 o'clock iD the morning until 9 at,night.
a:'r Fire Engines and Firemen in re.diners.
'Ih. urgll Ru,1 Capit,,/ ill Euro,., for Lift "nd Fire InJuran".
This Company make no additional charge for Officers ftrving in the
Army, except in. or going into aClual fervice. Annuili .. purchafea,
with daufEs of re-purthafe. It is requetled that fuch perfous as wifh
to raifc fums oC money by granting annuities, will, [if they Ihink fit
to treat with this Office) accompany their proJ>'lfal with a full fiate of
their title, an accurate rent· roll, and a correct abftra~ of the iac:unl-
~rancCl alfe6l:ing the property intended to be charged with the aDnuity.
Oeo. AberCTombie Robinfon, Efq. Chai,..,••
Jofeph Dorin, Efq. DrplllJ Cha;,,,,tztI.
Thoa. narrow,Efq. Sir R.C. Glyn, Bt. AId. F. J. Pigou, Er'!..
ThOI. Blair, .lfq. Edw. Goldfmid, if,!. John R. Ripley, EfC!.
Wm. Breach, Efq. lfaac L. GoldImid, Efq. Art.Shakefpear,cfq.M.P,
SirC.Cockerell,Bt.MP. David HUDtn, Erq. SirW. Stirling, Bt. M.P.
Too. Cale., Efq. I.Latham, M.D. JamesTaddy, JUq.
H. C.Combe,AId. M.P. Frc:d. MoIling, Efq. Robcrt Taylor, Efq.
Geo. Frafer, Efq. John Neave, Erq. c. Eo WilIonn, Efq.
Wm. Gilpin, Efq. Wm: P,hillimore, EfC).
Rate. of FU"e Infurancc }'eI' Annum.
Common, "I.Hazardolls, 31. Doubly Hazardoul,51. per Annum.
C .An Engine and Firemen' always in readiacf., al L"",b-AII_y, C"n-
MarMI; M1;. M. Pre~. ll.g;nltr. .
Atlas, Hope Atrurance Companies. ] 83
For the AfI'urance of !lire and Lives, and Cor grantiug and l'u,c.haliuC
, Annuiries.
Sir Chriftorher Baync., Bart. Pr'.!"',,.,, LOIIDOJr.
, Henry D~.borourh, jun. 8~&,""'"
Talt ATLAS j. the ...1] CD."".1 who haft eftabliflte.1 Committee. Of
Propricton in Ireland, (pr c:onductin, their BuuneCs ill the followin,
Cities and Towns.
Right HOIl. Sir Iohn Stewart, ~art.-S;" lames Galbraith, Bare.
Wm. Heo. Fortefcue, ECq'1AldeJrnan A. ~,King,!Ald. Mat~. Weft
M. H. Geoghegan, Hq. Wm. Roper, Efq. John White, EC'!.
Thos. Hawie, EC'!. tChich. St.Leger, E~q Abr. Lane, ECq.
Jofeph Henry Moore, Sm"""" -
C_iltu fI1 C.,j, Mr. E. Daly,S",,,..,,-B./foJl, Mr. Wm. Sloa_
S..r""'r,-Li..ri,I, Mr. j.Carroll,S..".,..".-Agtnt a' .&";"",,,,,, Mr.T:
Sparrow,-LQlfdolfll.rr" Mr. S. People.,-H"at.rjo,.d, Mr. Rich. Parrcll.
The AJ'I1IZ"'tll'l ariling to the Public:, i,. the Life Dlpm '""nt, as ar,.
ro.··ged by this Company, makes it particularly worthy their attention.•
N.B. TAIr Alii" u ,AIr .nly C..pll",. w.ho, under the Cl~ufca ill their Lift
P,'i&UI, can be compelled to aprear 1/1 a Law C~urt In Ireland, fhoul4
any difputc &rife, requiring lega inveftigatioQ.
The Fire BulineC. conducted OD the 1ll0ft liberal aud equitable term.
{or the al'ured. '
••• A powerful Fire Engine and Firemen at the rere Qf the Howe.
Ludgllll-H,Il, Lllllth., tut4 WIN ••rtJad.jlr". D"w".
Alf'uranc:es againft LoC, or Damage by Fire el'eeted upon "tIJ
defcription of l'ropeny. within the united Kingdom, upon 'ferml .,
tlencficial to the Allnred as thnfe of any Other ()ffice.
AlTorancel ('Keeted upon I.ives. and en Suniyorftlire; ABlI1Iitita.
rranted and purchased; Endo\Ymellb for Children; /!cc. /!cc:.
The pronts arising ont of this Branc:fl of lrasiilCU, anu a m!\deratc
.kduction for Guarantee and Elrpence of Management, .re divide.
among_t the AssorNl, in proportion to the Cui". refpecti ..dy .crured;
IIpon which principal, nU11Ieroi.s are the infhnces of 10,'':0, and 30 per
Cent, in :uidition to tbe an10unt of Lif" Policies b"n~ paid; and Caret
ban oc:curred (when the dur~tion of life baA been ('()J;liooably prol~
~~; \\' here the payment h 3; t"'en m ore than <lOll ble the fum atr'ured.
Lolres are uni£C'rmly paid by this Company with the utmoft apir~
of Liberality and prompt:tude.-A ~apital F;"~Engine, ac: •.alwa",
in readind'.. PATRICK. HAY":", Notary Public, Agent.
17 Nurarial and Stoc:k Buficefs tranfaaed hy Patriclr. Hayes, ~bllc
Notary an4 Stock lkuker, at hi, Olf~e a. abo_c.
18.1 Sun and Eagle Atihrance Conipanies.


AifD ·No. 29, DAMZ-STlI.ZZ'I", DUBLIN .
. Eftabllihcd in the Year 1710, (IJOW upwards of a Century.)
Wm. C. Shawc, ECq. Trel1'lIrel'.
Ill. Hollo W.HUlitiJI'OD, Wm. Hamil\on, ECq. Bric!: PcarCe, Ef".
M. P. Edward Harman, Efq. Chas. Pole, Efq.
Kdm. Antrobua, Er". Felil. Ladbioke, Ef'}. 1"hos.Rllberts,jlln. Efq.
Henry Bowt",D, Ef'!. Henry Ladbroke, Esq. Stephen Teiffier, EIq.
Ch~rle, Boultun, Esq•. C.l. LeCc:vrc:,Efq.M,P. Gill's Templeman, It~f'l'
Tlicimaa Dorrien, ECq. Chaa. Littledale, Esq. C. G. Thornton, Elq.
ThOs. Dorrien,jun.Esq. Wm. Mofl"at, ECq. lames Trotter, Efq.
Thomas Gar~ur, EIq.,lohn PearCe, ECq. ,
InCurancea from Fire tranlacted by the Sun Office, upon Terills a.
beneficial to the Public, 11.1 thoCe of any other Company •.
. Common In£urance not el.ceeding [.10,000. at as. per cent. per ann.
HazardouI - - - - - - - - - - - - 6000. 3s. do. de.
'Doubly Hazardous - - - - - - . 3000. 51. do. df).
Larger Suml, at alfo Mills, Diftilleries, Breweries, Bec. may be
InCured by-CpeciaJ agreement on application at the Office. Every deCcrip_
'&ion of LiCe InCurance is eJfected with the greatelt facility and difpatch.
EDW A BD G BIUIN, BCq. S"rell1'Y, for the Fire Department, London.
101l1UA MILIIZ, ECq. A&"'ary, for the Life Department, 1.0nOOn.
TUO"AI RAIItJII Ihw •• aT, Jlg"", Ne. '9. Da",,,s'~IIII. Duldill.

By _A~t of Parliamenr.
S3, D,,_lIrle'. D1I61ifl, ",,11 C,nt"ill, LomJ.tI.
A Board' of Directors fit. twice a week in London, for the manage...
ment of-the Con.paDy" concerns in Great Britain and Ireland.
_ FIRE •.....,The Rent of PremiCea rendeced untenantabla1by Fire. will
.. paid until rellored, without increafe oC prenuum. .
FA ... UIO STOCII: inCured without the Average: ClauCe. .
LIFE INSURANCB.-Has a claim to the attention of every ~nk in
fociety, but. it h.. a pre.eminent one upon aU whoCe Income. crafe with
Li£~upon perion. holding Leafea determinable upon l.ives-on the
Debtor de1iro1l. of making ultimate reftitution to his Creditor, upon
-the Creditor wUhinr to provide againft the continiencics oC Death.-
Thi. defcription of Infuranee 0 of ineftimable iDlpOrtance.
. No entrance-money or admiffion fine required.-No charge for Poli..
ciu or Certificates of Renewal-Nor any Regiftry of Transfen.
. Ifthe InCurer 0 ill nee4 of that affiftancc: iI!tended Cor.-a furviving
Family, d1e COlllpany will ptU'chafe the Policy at a fair Price. .
For the accommodation of Perionft in the higher dall'es of Society,
Policies may be had to the lIIIIount of 1.5000 upon onc Life, on the
,.ti&caapry proof of the ~ Health of the Pany.
A liberal Commiffion it allowed to Solicitors, Broken, aad others,
.ringing LiCe Infurolnce. to this Office. _
\ p.inte4 PropoCaJt and COlldicionl maybe had Grato, at the Oflicc.
. lk •• 4BD hAW. A:ml/" lhill;".
Albion, and Pelican Infuran~e Companies. 185
N<'U1 Britlg.:fil'UI, Lowtl.", pt! No. 28, W"t",.,.IIltuf,.jln./ Dui/i.,


ChIl;"'W., Jilhn Pattifon, Efq.-D,p. Ch';,...", John Towgood, Ef1.
Thos. S. Bensen, Efq. Wm. Gonne, Efq. Wm. Snlith, Hq. M.P
Henry Bunham, Efq. Gilb. Handa Syde, Erq. J. J. ,'imith, Efq. AId.
Henry Burmefter, Efq Matt. Harrifou, efq. Thos. Smith, Efq. AId
James )Jurt,m, Efq. J. Kinglton, e[q. M.P. DaD. I.. WarringtoD,ef9,
)ohn C. Clarke, Efq. Gc... Lame, efq. AuoITOJlS.
Richard Clay, Efq. Thos. Maltby, efq. Sir C. Flower, Bt. and
Will. ConinJ;liam, Efq. Henry Pigeon, e[q. Alderman
lohn Danvcro, Efq. Sir John Pinhorn, IIDt, Wm. F. Jone., efq.
Solomon Davic., .li.fq. Wm. Rarley, efq. Kinnaird Smit~, Ef".
Agml ID Ih. C.",pany/., Ir,lllnd, Joh~ Kinr;{lon James; Er".
Surelary 10 Ib, Irffo Agency. Mr. Cha •. F. Dowling.
Ph1ficiun to Ih, Lif' D'pa, ''''tnl, Thos. Mills, M.D. 4 T, D."';.i&ll't." Bcnjanifn Kearney, erq. 101, SI.phtn'logrt•••
4/hy, Mr. E. Ri"'y, Li""rid, Mr. S. B. Goggin
B'lfalt, Mr. William B. Hun Li.....", Melfrs. S. Kenah, 4c Co.
Bi,r, Mr. H. B Legge L"'gan, Mr. Thus. Hall
elon"ull~ Mr. Thomas Oorman Monalttrt'Uon, Mr. Robert EDni.
eorl, Mr. James Calhman Sligo, Mr. Tranr. Homan
D,.ogluda, Mr. W. H. Brabazon Trol.., Mr. George W. Bufteed
Enniseorlhy. Mr. Ahraham Golf 'T"I/a,..r., Mr. Richard WiHOD
Kilhn"y. Mr. John Mac.rtney Waterfortl, Mr. John Bull.
8:7 .4 pow"iul Fire Engin6 ill,rwMJI in r6aiiufi, "'PlI.J t. the Elfli"""
lit tl" RITe of Ihe Ojji~e. .

For Insurance on Livez and Gral/ling Annu;u,z.
This Office was cll:abliflled iR the Year 1797, by a numerous and
refpe8able proprietary; and the Board of Dir.tlWI, with conflderrce,
arifing from'the increafed profperity and permanency of the eftablilh-
ment, a. well as from the experience of its ufefulnefl and benefit to the
Public, think it due to thofe who may be lI:ill unacquainted with the
importance and advantage. of Life Infurance, briefiy to fuggell fome
of its leading and peculiar recommendations, to almoft every degree .n4
rank in Society.
Life Infurance is of manifeil confequence to all who hold eHatet for.
Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecc1eiiafiical, or ProfdIional· to
Officers in ~he Army !lDd .N.avy, Scc.; .., by payment of an 'An~1llIl
(lSIS'~ N ~
, '
t8~ t1aion A/Illrance Company.
Premiu~, the party infured is ~nabled to provide for Wife, Children,
or other-, whofe r.. tllre welfare he may wilh in vain, by other mean.,
to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate f(eurity to thof~ who
advance Money"upon Annuities or otherwife. It renders LeafeH, deter-
minable on one or Dtore Lives,nearlyequal in value to Freehold It:llates,
as an Infurante to the Amount of the Fine, payable on the Demise of
• Party nominated in lueh Leases, will produce the !lum requireil for
1l(D~wal. It is a cheering refuge to Panies engaged in extensive and
fpeculative Undertakings; it affords to Perfons in Trade t~ certain
Means of Indemnification against a bad or doubtful Debt; in Ihort, Life
tnsllrance, eftablifhed in Policy, fanctiooed by Government, and con-
firmed by the Test of Expe1'iencc, is become, to aImoft every SitlUltiol\
ef Human Life, a Meafur~ equally important, ufeful, and beneficial.
Annuities are granted upon the moft equitable Terms, under a Special
Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. .
COMPANY'S AGENT in Dublin, William FarrOln, ,6, Sackville.t\reet.
. Corner of Abbey-ftreet.


(1"P;lu~ldi. th6 R,ng. of ~f/et" An"" A. D. 1714.)
For LIFE and FJlu AlTurance, and alCo· ANNUITIIS, at Cornhill and
Old.Bond·ftreet, LONDON, and No. ~O, College. green, DUBLIN.

"HE DIRECTORS of this INSTlTUTlON, with confidence, de-

rived Crom its eminent fuccefl, invite public attentioll to the impomnt
• henefits which it is calculated to produce.
Even on the ordinary plan of AlTurance Companies, the utility of
Life·Af£urance is manifeft; but how much more !\dvantagcous is it OD
the plan of the UNION LIFE OFFICE? In the common mode the
fpacific fum af£ured is recovered, but nothing more. In that of the
UNION. \\bile equally recure of th~ specific fuin affured, the Member,
is entitled to Ihart: the fUFpllls profits; and this it has been feen will
frequently double the fum flated to the Poliey-and this alfo, without
any ,additional charge of Premium, or being liable for the lof£es of
tlther~! Military men are not. charged with an extra Premium, uuIeC.
called into actual fervice. Af£urallces are extcnded to· allY part of the
PerCol;Js InCuring- Property againft Fire, fer feven years, are allowed
n ptopnrtion of the profits, acco~ding to their refpective contributions;
cnd &aft. hll'IJI ."urred 'IJJ~r~jlt '''"rl] th, wh,I, Pnmj"", Jepif't,d hilI D6'"
t',tur".d 10 tll, Parti".
T.he Company has DOW completed 0", HUlldred r(aTS fince its efta-
blilhment, during which period., the fuppon which it has receiVt:d i.
tbe beft proof of the great advantages accruing to the Public from tlle
JlCculiar and equitable fyftem 011 which it i. formed .
..t'~lIt-H. LANAUZE, JUD. College-grtcft. }
, SfI'lIo_C,.Ji.. TODD, 'i' R.. Collrge S\,tcgeocl, -Dublin.

8(lj,jtor-J.S. MOLLOY .. ECq. Capcl-Kreet, ..

Trinity College. 187
TIt 1Nl TV CO LL E OE, Nov. 10,181.4.
Hi, Royal Highncfa, Ernell AUlllftuo, Duke of CIIIIt"edand. L. L. D.

Ri~t Hon. Wm. DOW1le&, l •. L.D. C/Iic£ Jufticc:' of the King', BClloh,
The Cha,ncellor, (or in his abfen~c, the Vjee-ChancellDl"~)
and the LordArchbilhop of Duhlin.
Ilev. Thomas Elrington, D. D. Di",lnity, Rev. Rich. Gravel, D.D•
. Smio,.FuLOWS, 7. C._.nLa.u, Rt. Hon.P.Duijtell&n.
Rcv.]ohnBarrett,D.D. Yi,... Pr ...ojI L. L. D. . .
and Ubrarian. D.puty, Ala. Hamilton, L.L.D.
Frs. Hodgkinfon, LL.D.Stn.Pr.&t.T. Ci"VU La~v, Dr. Hodgkinfon.
Whitley Steltes,~M. D. Ph:Jlir, Edward Hill, M. D.

Robt. Phipps, LL.D.Rtgijltrf!:YAudr. Greel, Dr. Prior

tRev. Tho •. Prior,D.D. I ~Dr. !'<looney
Rev. Wm. Dnenp.trt, D.D. [4If". AI!rj1lZ11tl, Mr. Wall
L,,,",r,,, and Cal«bijl. Mr. Hare.
Rev. Rich. H. Nalh, D. D. BurJar
'IfId Sm;or Dean.
A Hb6ifl.p Xi",', LMtwr". ita J)m~
1"";'1' FULOWS, 18. "it" Dr. Prioc
. AlJiflallll, Dr. R. H. Ndb..
tReT. Bart. I.loyd, D. D. RlziJlII'" Dr. Saml. Kyle
. / CI",,,,h,rl. • Dr. D. Mooncy
tRev. Sam. Kyre, D. D. A/fiJ"", Gml, Dr. Wilfon
Lib"ariafl. . "l!lIant', Dr. Wray
Rev. lames WJ!fon, D.D. Dr,Sadlic;r
ilev. Henry Wray, D. D. Mr. M'Dcnndl
tRev. Dllliel.Moon.ey, D. D. Mr. Elrington
tllL{ev. Fr,ulCIs Sadher, n, D. Mr. Singer
Rev. Cha •. Wm.Wall, A.M. , P M
Rev. Stephen Creagb Sandes, A.M. KING 5 ROTE6&QU 0" OI/II11N
Ph'U C ptoh L. L. D. LANGUAGES.
Ri:h:' ~~nneli. L L. D. 'jlHliDr Fr.~Gtr",an,<?h.Wil1iomier,L.I,:~,
-Proct.,.. S!~llij6 andItal,an,A1£.mf.oPellcgrllal.
Rev. Charles Hare, A. M. 'Juni.r L. L.D.
D.all. ERAs.MUS SMITH', Pro/1ftr,.
Rev. Charles Rich. Elrington,A. M. Math,.atk" Dr. Lloy!!
Rev. Jof. Henderfon Singer, A.M. Sen. Al!zjlallt IINi DIJII'gal £ta"r",
Henry'Griffin, A. B. Dr. Wilfon
-Rev. Thos. Gannon, A. M. Jfllli.r AI!r}la"t, Dr. Mooney
-Rich. Pllrdon, A. M. Qritlltlll Lanptzgt'; Dr. Barret'
"~~dward Hill,ks, A. B. 4/fiji."", Dr. Kyle and
eThos. R. Robinfon, A. B. - Mr. Harc
t Prta,htr':for.,I.. 0".,.", Dr.Cralllpti:lft_
• '1"b.1I .ar~eJ. Mm';'" LtBII,.r,. A..II!f1tutt. Dr. Wra'1
. ~ a -
188 Trinity College, College of St. Patrick, Maynooth.,
Hij/.ry, Dr. Hudgkiufoll BOMny, Wm. Allman, M. D. 2l.
Ajjij/anl, Kildarf-jlal, and 11.tdllie Gart/,n>
Natura} Phi/oftphy, Dr. Davenport Ba/P,-Brit/ge.
M,'~. D.nn./an'. Lel1ur", ' COLLEGE TERMS. 18 '5.
ANtTRE WS's Prof.jJor of T B ' E I
h . kl D' Ob erm. I <gills 1 'O<S.
Rcv.Jo 0 Brm ef, . U. '![er- Hilary Mon.Jan. SSat. l\lar. 18
1Iol.ry, J)u,y,nlt. , Raller jMon. Ap, lS't. May 13
MEDICAL PROFESSORS. rinity Mon.M'Y22.'Sa~.July 8
o/1nalDmy and Su'gery~ Jam.,! M~cart';Michae\. MOll. Oa:. I iSH. Dec. 16
lley, "\'I.D. F.R.~. & F.L.~. &C'L 4'W i'igen u'·1 &E (J'"!oV."
I ,nI' 1 '\' al'I er, 1'j'qs
6 L
, eeJOll-Jtrut.
Chemijlry, Francis Barktr, M. D.,B••J/elIer, R. E. Mercicr, Anglifeul'.

LaboratorJ, Coll<ge,ll"" 10, Upp.,·-Iprinter, Mr. Dan. Gl'aitberry, Bu,l:-

, M'UliI:JIr«l. I Jan••


P.r th, :F.dll<,atioll of Fetfolls 'pro/".Iftng Ih. RlNJloll Calbo}i, R,I;g;'n.

.' ,

nftituted by ACl: of Parliament, 1795-


THE Lord Chancellor IChancelJor of the Excheq!Je1'

I,d. Chief Jullice King's Bench Arthur James, Earl of FingalJ
Ld. ('hid Jull:ice Cum. PIe., Moft Rev. R. O'Reilly. D. D.
LJ. Chicf Baron of the Exchequer :Moft Rev. John T. Troy, D. D.:
TItUSTE£'S ...

ArthU1' James. Earl of Fingall 'Moll Rcv. Th(lma~ Bray, D.D.

Valentine, Earl Kenm:ue IRt.Rev. Pat.Jof.Plunkett, D.D.
Jellieo, Vifcount·Gormauftown Rt. Rev. Fras. r.foyi.tJ, D. D.
Moll Rev. John T. Troy, D.D. Rt. Rev. Wm. Coppinger, D, D.
Sir EJw.rd Bellow, Bart. Rt. Rcv.Nich.Archdeacon, D.D.
Richard Strange, P.fq. Rt. Rev. James M'irrphy, D. D.
Moll: Rev. Rich. Reilly, D. D. Rt. Rev. Patrick Ryan, D. D.
I '
Surelary 10 th. BDI"J of 'Trt:JIus, RcY. And. Dunn, D. D.
PlnsIDENT, ~ev. B. Crotty, D. D.
"lc!'..PR<:sioL~T, Rev. Michaell"!ol1tague:
DEA N, Rev: 1.noma, ~.iurFhy.
BUIISAll, Rev. i\ Monrague, (ad intelim)
~ulf'DEAN, Rev. j:lme~ Brc\Vllc
1'1I0FEliOR •••

'if l!0f"u,ii, 'Th,okg.. Rev. Lewi. Delahogue, D.D.

)h.rll' '1 br.log, • Rev.hancis Anglade, L. D.
~'uerlt! S''-lfl,fI~# Rev. I>eter Magenni., D. D.
LOJi· ... l\cv. Fatridi. )1'Ni.iwl'4l
Lay Colr~ge at Maynooth, School of Ph,.ru:. 189
illor.,lolll or MOI)E1tN LANGD'AGU.
Of P,,,,,,,. • Rev. Francis J!owc:r •.A.M.
lrifo • • Rev. Paul O'Brien •
.Bnglifo lilotlltio" Mark Ulher.
LEe·rURla.. .
Of Dopatic T,,~.I'D' Rev. J. M'Keale.
M.ral <Ib", • • ·Rev. Daniel Malom:.
lValural Pbi/ofotby, • Rev. Cern •• Denvir.
Gr,.l alld Lat"" • • R~v. Richd. Gibbons,
Pb:J!ieian, That. Egao, M. D. Sa,Jvi/l,.Pr.d-C"'!/ulti"g PbJ/iei..,." Job
loCeph Burke, M.D. 49, Rulltmd-/fllar., W.jI, and John Bn:nan, M.D.
116, (;r.II' Dr#ai"-'prett-Sllrg_, John Doyle, Efq. Ujb.r'.·lJl..mI-A.Jijl.
S.rg,,", Joferlt Doyle, ECq. BIrJ/ingto..jlr••t -C"'II"II;,,: Surg..., Jamc,
Rivcrs, Efq. ~uni'""-dl"b,,"r,, Mr. Edward T. Kdly, MII,,,ootll.
Lllo.Agent, Tho ••. Edmoud \Veir, Efq. Tnrpl..jt"d.-Pri",,, alld .a••".
/.lIer, Mr. H IIgh Fitzpatrick, No. 4. Cap,I-'p".,.-Statid."l\1r. John Boyce.
A.rrlUl.~aJ' . , • .
• •• 'hunees are empowered to recelve SubCcnptloDI and DonauOJ\le
·.ud to purcha.fc aUtI acquire Lands, 1I0t e:rce~g 10001. per AnnuDl.


Ellablilhed by Private SubCcription, in Jgo~, for the Education of Youth.
PrifuJ,.nl, the Rev. P. M'Nieh.lal.
TaD'STIEs. .
.. Arthur Jamts, Earl of Flllgall John M'Loghlio, XCq.
Jellieo VifC9unt GormanlloWD David Hinchy, Efq.
Arthur JaDles, Lord Killeen Wm. Murphy, Erq.
Sir Edward Bellew, bart. Malachy Donnellan, Er".
Mod Rev. J. T. Troy,D.D. John O'Brien, Efq. .
Mon Rev. R. O'Reilly, D. D. Val.O'Cpnnor, Efq.
Moil Rn. Thomaa Bray. D,D. Edward Butler, Efq.
Mod Rev. D. Mum)', D. D. Pat. Grehan, ECq•.
Rt. Rev. P. J. Plunkc:tt, D.D. Thomas DiIlon, JUq.
Rev. WiUiam Rufi'ell Thonlas Mac Donnell, ECq.
John Byrne, Efq. Rand. Mac DoDJIell,ECq. <Ir'''Jimr.
The Plan of Education comprires the Latin, Greek, French; and Eng.
lilh Languages; Hiftory, both Saered and Profan~, O~ography, Arith..
hll~tic. Book-kecpiog. and Mathematics. .
The bell Maflers are, and will always be employed; an!1 the Vicinity
'of the College "f St. Patricl affords peculiar advauta," to ~e higher
c;Ialfes,.io Literature and the Sciences. .

The School oC l'hylic. as cllnftituted by Act of Parliamtnt, con(tl1.
of lix Pro(efi'ors; three: of theCe, vi•. t~ Profefi'or of Anatomy and Sur-
gery, tlte PJ'o(dfor of Cheminry, and the Profefi'or o~ Botany, are on
- the eftablilhment of the Uuiverfity-the three others, VIZ, ,the Prof~r
Df the Inftitutes of Medicine, the Profefi'or of the Praaice of Med1-
cine, and the Profefi'or of Ma,criaM~dica and Pharmacy, 'are on tbe
foandiltiun Df Sir P.l)wa.
){)O School. of Phyfic, College of Phyficians, &e.
The Ledures of the Univedity Profcll'ors are delivered in Trinit,
College; thofe of Sir P. Dun's Profelfors, at Sir P. Dun's Halpital.
The Profelrors commence annually their Medical Le.dures on the Ill.
Monday in November, according to th/! foUowlngarrangement.
At 9 o'Clock, The Patients will be vifited in Sir P. Dun'. Hofpital, by
the Clinical Lecturer. .'
At II, Dr, Boy ton, on tbclnftitutes of Meclicine.
At 11., Dr. Crampton, on the Materia Medica, and Pharmacy.
At I, Dr. M.lcartney, on Anatomy and Surgery.
N. ::I, Dr. BarkCl', on Chemiftry.
At S, Dr. Tuomy, on the Practice of Mtdicipe.
~A<lCording to Aa of Parliament, each of tire fill: Profelfou attends
in tum, at Sir P. Dun's Hofpital., all.l gives a coune of Clinical Lec-
tm'e1I. HOllr of the daily villt at the Hofpital, twelve o'Clock.
Clinical Leaur~rs forthe YelU' cODlInericing Nov. 1814-Dr. Cramp-
ttoD and Dc. Bnker.
Dr. ABman's I.caure. on Botany, commence annually the firft Mon-
1I1l1 ill May, IUId ooDtinue to the End of July-four times a week.
lIy Order of the Profdl'ors,
FJ.ANCIS BAJ.IUta, R<gijl., •

Incorpwaae4 bJ lloyalChal!tCll', December IS, I69~.

FE L LOWS. Dr. Robt. BredilJ,C."jir, 3'J.,JN"u,.

PRESIDNT. jlr..t.
Dr. Wm.H:U-v\:y, (Phyfician Gene.. Dr. T. Taylor, C<ufor, 'J.1, Bagol-.fl.
ral)3,N.Gt.Gtorgt's-jlrtel. Dr. SamuclLitton • .Rogijier olld eo.,.
Dr. Edward Hill, (Regiu8 Profelror for, 9, rorJilrtlt.
of Phyfic, T.C.D.) 8, Iiar,ollrtil. .HONOkAR Y FELLOWS.
tDr. Fra •. HopkillS,. 130, Bdgotil.IDr. ·Chas. w. ~in, Fitr;'Willia....JiJ•.
Dr. Alex., Maynooth . Dr. Robt.Perceval, Kildart-pla«.
Dr.]as. Cleghorn.(Siare Phyfic.ian) Dr. Johll W. ]1oyton, 16. Do..;-
'J.6,Rlltlo,u'-filuf'r<. sri,liluel•
tDr. Anthony Gilholy, B,·oJ. Dr. John CramptQn,.[King's Prof.
Dr. D. Mills KilIg, Rllthd,utII, Co. .of Materia Medica & fharmacy J
·W~Io'W . 12, Gardin<r's·Plau. '
·Dr. Thos. Herbert 'OrpCD, 13, Buulb·Dr. Thos. E~an, J, Bad'IJille-
Fr((i.:riel.:fIrut. I . I Ji"d. .
J>r.Jas. Cafhrnan, T.reafurcr to theltDr. Jor. Clarke, 44, Ru(la"d-frJlI.
Funds of sir ''i>atrick Dun,. 63"Dr. Arthur Saund,rs, London.
,E",NIJutr-JIrttt. Qr. Waiter Wade, F.R.S. 74, Upptr
1lI'. James J. Leahf, SS M,,,I60ro'· Dorfttil·
/lmt.· . Dr. MartinTuomy, 30, SflUlh Fr.@.
Dr. G. Clarke,4.', Bri,J.-Jlrttt. riel-firttt. ,.
!>r. p ...ter 'Edward Mac Loghlin Dr. Fr~s. B3rker, 10, Utptr MOII"t-
'I'''''iltTf't', 6. Middie ·Cardineril· fir""
MouttIj'!1.fqlltrrt. Dr. William A,lImal!, :\7. 1Jaglt-
.r. ·Geotge']lrank· Toddericlr, ne< jlrltl .
. I'rflt/trllllRdOvrflr, 33, tJ'ffffH-:JI. tbr. Thoma, Evory,"~lfIlan"-ftJ.'Q.
King's Pro f,lfors. College .of Surgeons, ate. 191
L I e 2 N T 1 A T I: I. Dr. John Cheyne, F.R./).E. a3,B~-
Dr. Daniel Bryan, Aungi...-Jlr. pl.,u.
Dr. Thomas Bdl, r.rl-ftre.t. Ur. Richard Ryan, 5, Clart-jlrett.
br. James MUrTaY, C/lark""Ntflrut. Dr. Patrick Harkan, 40, S . .iJlp
Dr. Bart. Dillon, n, Ki/ddre-j)r. jred.
tDr. Wm. Drennan, B./fll.ft. Dr. Frand. Duany. M'dth-JIrfll.
tDr.John Pentiand,46, i'4ar/'-JI. Dr. John BOl1rke, 36, C'!Ifo-JIrnl.·
Dr. Wm. Brooke, 16, N. ell..b,..:- Dr. John o. Reardon, Malb.,.
lanJ-Jlmt Dr. John O' .Illien, 8, Grap,,....ftrtll.
Dr. Whitley Stokes, S. F. T. C. D. Dr.John Breen, 5, CawIIJijh-Ro'W,
12, Colltgt. Dr. Robt. Lloyd, I, Fil~wiJlitull-
Dr. Alex. Jackfon, 16. Gardintr',- f'lullr., No .. th
p'a".. Dr. Henry ~qw. Joly, u, Yorl:JI.
Dr. Wm. Stoker, 18, rorltf/rut. Dr. Arch. NlchoU., N""Il.. .
Dr. Dnid .Ledwith, W.,,/mJ. Dr. Rich. Grolttan, 3l, Frt".b-.!.
tDr.Thos. Mills, 4J, IJ<""inicI-Hr. Dr. James Clarke, ..tbroaJ.
tDr. Hugh Fer,ufon, 6l, Sa.l.,iI~ Dr.. John Byrn, 57, St.pben',.grwr,
fi,ut. KINO'S PaOrI:3$OaO
Dc. John J or. Bnrke, 49. Rutlantl. .t\ccor4ing to Act of Parlia:n.nt:
t Dfquasrr., ~l:J1B' 1I L b L; . ["ftit"ttl of MMikin" Dr. John 'W'
r. amne c a ;tU, ,ng-"'- Boy ton.
D r.Hofpilal'D 'd Y B /I: d Pram" of MttIt.i"t, Dr. Martill'
Grant av. eates,. '"Jor • Tuomy.
tDr.And.Armllrong, T,pp,rll,.,. Mal.ria Md;,a !!f' P/Jar",a&J Dr
Dr. Hell~yBlennerqalfett, 'l9,Le'fll.r John Craml'ton. "..
..... ,t. • {I Sir P"t. Dun'. Lihrar;a~, Dr. H~"
r. ames! aeabe,ls, ... a,. D". -.
t D SaJd'UIII,t;"t FCl'gnli 11 .
Dr.. Edw. P;rceval, 2.1, DawJ./I-Jlr. "u • .
tDr.1. C. Donglass, 59, GI. Britain-INSPECTORlof Apothecaries,Shop~
.ftr«!. appointttluntltr1hltlti if P...rlh'_/~
Dr. pat. Sharkty, CD,I. Dr. Toddcrick
Dr.Th!!. Unmfide, 19, Norlh-Barl..ft. Dr Br dill
Dr. Rob,. Reid, 16, B.I..ed"t-pl"Cf. Or:
t Dr, J. Gahagan, 1 I, L,wtr Ga,.· Dr. Litton
diner-JI. - . ,
tDr. Geo. Maxwcll, 3. Grt;''l/ill.l1. Alli.tant Ap.NJ,,-,/q.
;Dr. Nicholas Archer, Kildar:j/l'ttl. Mr. John Usher
J>r.Chrifi. TeeiiAg,66, E"ch'IJutr-JI. Mr. J. W. Moore
ltT The Court of .li:iamiuers cmdifrs pf the PreGdent er Vice-Preq.'
de!!t, and the Cenfors". The COllrt of Appeal confiib of ~e Pr\:~~CIlf
or Vice-Prdident, and thc Afiiftant.. "
Thole J\~rkc4. thos tare PractitioDers ill MidWifery.
tAdrien, John M. D. P'WYOII-Jlrtt;{'Barlow, Edward M. D . .Bqlh.
Anchinleck, Wm. (Allillalit) Hart/- Barlow, BdW.~·:p. (A!IjilaoO
1uicle-Jlrm. Capt/-Jlr"t,
~igger, HufonM.D.(Deputy Inf~~ tBarc1ay, Jofeph Jfrll!ag"
tor General to the Force.) wr~. tCreighton, John (4I1ift.n~) M/,..
tlloltop. 41n'aham N",,'~ '. riQnif""'" WrJI.
College of Su~geons.
Collcl, Abr. M. :po (Cenfor) SIt- Macklin. Getard (State Surgeon)
"ben's-gr."., Nurlh. Affi!lant, Har .."rl-Plact.
tConnor, John North Cop...J1retl. M'Evoy, James
Crampton, Philip M. D. F. R. S, Noble, Brabazon D,,"daIJ~
Surgeon General, (Cc:nfor) Da'Ul- Obre,Ralph Smith cr...afurtr, Grll"-
fltr-fi. "rr.w.
Carmicbael, Ridard (Cenfor) Gar- Peile, Robt. Moore M.D. (Deputy
.Jlilllr"-pla". Infpedor General to the Forces)
Cufalk, James Wm. M.D. SI..IlII1's (Affifiant,) rorl-jlmt .
. Hoffital. Q.!!inlan, Mathew M.D. Grllfto,,-fir.
Doyle, John UJber~-!JIafld Renny, Geo. M.D (Director.Gen.
Deafe, Rich. M.D. (Afiillant) Sack- of MilitaryHofpitals. )Royal H'I!Iit.
'Ville-J1. t Roney, . Pat. /ritatb-jlred.
Doyle, Jofeph Hardwi,l,..jirtd River., James !t.u"n-jlud
Farrd, Thomas, M. D., Richards, Sol. (Affifiant) rorl-JI.
Geoghegan, Edward N. Earl-Jlrttt. Roney,Cufack (PIlEslDEN'r) no.i-
Garnett, J. A. (Librarian,) D"wfoll- nid-P.
jlmt. Read, Ala. (Affifiant) EuH"ct-fi. ,
Henthorn,Jas.(Secretary,)Sltpbt,,'/: tRyan, Edm. Geo. M. D. Kill""".
grttn, Wej1. Swan, Wm. N. Clltn6tr/aRd-flrttl.
tHalahan, John (AlIiftant) rorl-jl. tShort, A. Q:.Frtnch-jlretl
HamiltoD, Rub.(Allifiant)Merriofl-litringer,jof. Staff Surg. (AlIitlant)
lrut. Bagot-fi.
1'1eron, Augufiu5 DrtJghttlll. tSyn"s, Gcorge !I!!!"rltTl
Hewfon, Thos., (Cenfor,) Frtnch-jl. Smith, JaDles ~UIIT'tr••
tHall, Lodge ~arttr~. Stewart, William M. D. Lifour"
t J ohnfion, A. l Cenfor,) crtmpl,-jI. 'Tomlinfon, John ~al leTS.
Jacob, ]lthn Ma,yDo,ough Todd. Charles H. (Affifiant Stere-
,King, Sarnl. Croktr N. Cum6trland-jl. tary ~d Cenfor) Colltgt, Sltphta',-
Kent, Edward tAffiftant) Sltphm'.- gretlf.
lrem, Eaj1. Wilfon, Andrew Boct,lu"I-'WII"
Kilby, John Harcourt-!.· WilfoD; Benjamin ~t(/Tt"S.
Leake, Wm.(City Sur.),,,"-gr,'Wilk;nfoD, janles T. M, D. Lifll"id
W<j1. ,Wlllftl~r, T~08. L. M~. (StlffSur_
t L' Efirange, Francig William-jtrtd. geon), Galway.
Lindfay, Ales. M. D. Scqllalld. IWilnlOt, Sarn. M. D. (VIC& Puu-
Morton, Jolw ~a"'tTl. DENT) Yorl-j1re(f.
Hey, WilIiam, F. R. S.Letd" England.
Armfirong, Robert Y. D'fllj"jcl-jl.ICrump, ~'m. John <Ira/te
.Atkins, RiDgroic 1Il{allnp, Caille, Andrew £.,,;. ,~
, B~b, Percival £,11.;1. Ciarke, John Fred. ~art'rI
• tBdl, Wm. Slig. Cailan, John Du"d"ll.
llu;gcfs,' Richard Qpnt'TI Carmichael, H ugh Qllnrtt"
Eufieed, M. CrConnei Cliff01 d, Henry ~aTltrl
tByron, 'I,.uke M.D. K,l/,. DuhlUrdieu, She m uirgf".r4
F01well, Ambrofc Wt"f.,.d Duggan, James A.mgi.. jlrttf,
llrowne, John Dlmnt, Henry Graflon:f1rtH.
l!arlow, Robert MlIlIinl"" Dalliell, M:chad Jiazot-j1.
Jlcatel. Thlllllal Frccman. l'il'g'Wcll .Boyl,
Schoolot Surgery, Apothecaries Hall. 193
)erguCOft, John Thomas Sligo O'B<irne. lames ~"rt'"
Greham. J;unCI M. ~.zrt.... Parkin!"n. Garr~t ~l1rt',.,
Grattan, Copeland C. H'. !i!:!arl'rI Pattcrfon. JOAn 46r.,,"
Heath, Nic. Wm. Slratf.rd~II-I:i/a"" Pack, ThomlS QuartlT'
Hemphm, JOAn C"fi,1 Porter, Wm. Henry Gr"/I,.-/.
tHopkins, Franci. Br,,:! Robinfon. Richard Ca.,a"
t Hartwell, J ames D"""/'Iltr;tl. RogaD, Francia Stra""",
Hall, Samuel Aungi,r-jlr..' Rouey, Thomas Ki.g', IIfIf'-fI/9
Halahan, s. Handy ~(lTt". tRyan, Wm, M.D. Armagh
J 3cob, Arthur M. D. Reed, Thg6. ~a,.tln
Kearney, Wm. llobinfon, John Nr.utl1Wlfbar?
,Kane, Henl'y B. M. D. C";/ItIIJar Scott, Frall,is te!!.lrftr,
Kerin, James S",tIJ GTlat G,.rgl. 'mith, Thomas M.D, Wicll.'W
jly"'t. tSimpfon, Charles Rofi ......"
Little, Thos. M. D. Quart.r. Taylor. Jame. ~arl'TI
Mulvey Ferrall Thwairc,,Juhn S. Li",,,i,.
t Maginnis,John M. D, L. D,r.., Towell. James EojI InJi..
Macadam, ,Gcorge M. D. ~arllYJ Whitdlone, Luke White !l?!!nrt'rI
M'Namara, R. r.rJ-jlrut. Woodroff" 10hn M.D. Corl
Mo:xwcll, Zach. \\ all Chritlophcr Edw.
Orm{by, Pet. (Stolffsurg:) Slig. White. Franci8 Soutb AIJIfI-jlr'"
OVenden, Chas. Elfnijiillen WilsOD, William
O'Donnel, John !l!!!art<YI Wallacc,\\'illiam N. Fr"'<y;,'-jlr",.
to'Harol, Henry )(qyallnji, ..
O·Mallcy.james ~artlTs
I1" Young. Jallles M. D.lUglll

.11::7 The Names of Melnbere, alld Licentiates in arrear, are not printed.
Under the Direlllion of the Court of Examiners, of the Royal College
of Surgeons, in l r d a n " . · .
Anatomy andPhyfiology ••••• R.Deare,M. D. &A. <':olks,M,D.
Theory and Praai~e o{ Surgery. R. Deafe, M. D. & A. (:011.0, l\J,D_
Pr'ldice of Phylic • • • • • • John Che),lle. M. D. F. R. S. E.
Surgical Pharm1cy, &c." ••••• Andrew ]ohnftOlI, Kfq.
Midwifery •• L ••••••••• !"hn Creit;hton, l£fq.
:Botany • • • • . • • • . • • . • . . Waiter \\I adc, M. D. F. R. S.
The Annual Co",r!e. of L, dures conunence on the left Monday in
Ooiobcr, at the Theatr~, SI plml.-gt'lIn, and a!1, except Botany, termi-
nate in the fira: week of May.
Pra&tu:al Anatomy, under the direction of the Prnfefl"ors of Anatomr
a.nd Phyfiolngy, and 1\o1r. Todd. by whom demonftratiolls are dl'li-
vered daily, during the Sefiion.
The Medical Officers of the Army ar.d Navy are I'riYilcg~d to at-
tond th.! Counes of Lul\urea, GRATU;


THE Su6fcribtr8 1<) which were inC01·porateol hy Ad of Parlialn<nt.
in 1791. for the Purpofc of .regulating the l'rofetIion of Pharmacy in
Ireland, and eflabliJhing a Hall in Dublin, for the Sale of fimple and
compound Medicines, which arc chofcll and pr(lpared under the InCpee-
"ea of a CWCInI Ovurt of Di.rcdors. aunuall)' decteci OD the 1ft of Aug\lll.
)94 Practiling Phyficians, &e.
CHN!f'lIIIr, Jnfhua Hohnce, Efq. C"p'!-jlr.d.
D.,.IJ Crwrld', Nat. Craven, Ef'!. Da'Ul/on-JN.t.
William Armft;ong \GOO. Kieman Arthur Savage
Wm. Callaghan Irwin M'Alpil' ThoR. Stroker
John Gilfard D&IIiel Moore Charles Williams
John Hafting. J. W. Moore lohn Ufher, Ef'lrs.
James Hunt .
'I"'<zf"''' II"J S••rdll'7, Wm. Callaghan, KC'!; No. 31, Mary·ftrcet.
tThos.ArtPure,M.D.(EJiab.'gbj IJ, tphilip Going Kent, M. D. (Edi•. )
Upp., RI/tlllnl-p,.d. 30, Mary-jl,ttt.
tJohn Beatty, M. D.MokrwDrlb-jl,. Thos. Lee,M. D. (EJi.6.) J, Ca.",,,.
tThoa. Bible, M. D. 68. 3/.p""" .-jI. difh-'o"w,
M. Dcafe O'Reilly, M.1>.155.C.p.l- James M'Cartney. M. D. (DuMin)
IN.I. F. R. S. F.L.~. M.R.!.A. (PlO-
J.Br.enan. M.D. (GI,!/&,HU) 176. GI. fessor of Anatomy and Surgerr,
l!ritain-jl,ttt. T.e.D.) 6. LttJrJll-jl,..t.
tlames Browne. M. D. (Edi,,6.) Ant. Meyler. M.D. (Eain6.) 33,
43. H.nry-jl,"l. Low" Gara;,,.,-jI'Ilt. ,
tA. Calonne. M.D. (D"IJU.) zoo S. James Vance Milia, M.D. (Edin6.)
Gnul Gcorge·.-jI'''', ]J!",i-R.d.
Sir ArthurClark.c. Kt. M. D. (SI. Sir T. Charles Morgan. Knt. M.D •
..1."drcw',.) M'IIID. R. Co SII'g ..n., (wmhritlg. and Duh/iH.) F.H.w
L.ntlo", 44, No Gt. G,o'-ge',-jI R. C. Pb:.;;d",.... London, 35, Xii-
tJohnCowen,M.D.19, L.wer GII" da"-:JIr<cI., .
- dinc,'''' Thomas O'F!;J,nagan, M. D. 4, N.
Corn. Daly, MI D. 33. Mary-",."t. ..1.llne-jlrecl.
T. Doyle, M. p. (Edi"h.) Sa, U/'./'.,. Matt. Newport, M.D. (Du6lil,) 45i.
DorJlI-jI. Bride-jlr<cI. .
lames Duncan, M.D. (DuMn) S8, lames Ogilby, M. D. (llai.6.) 15,
Mar/h.r.'-jlrut. . UN'" Sachille-jlr,".
tThomas l'erguson, M. D. G,an",. S3mud Robinfon, M.D.(Ed;',".) a,
. row. Ecc!es-:JIrccl.
Edward Ferror, M. D. (Edin""rg") Wm. Robinfi>D, M.D. (DllhlilJ) U,
'i, Sitmot-p/ace. Digg."-jlrClt . . .
itChas.l'rlzell, M.p. (DuMin)!.,i,,: tHeory Roe, M. D. (SI. :Andr.w'~)
In lIo/filal. 30. Allngier-jl.
Ilich. Gamble. l\4. D. (Eainh.) U, Edw. Sheridan. M. D. (Rh.ims) 46,
s. Am"fJrtet. Dominick-pred.
P. Hamilton, (DuMin) d. Colleg •• James Sullivan. M. ~. (DuMin) Si;
Geo. Hagall, M.D. (Dflhlin) 16, P. Dun', Hofpital•
..1.rran-1I10,. Rev. Wm. Thorp, M.D. (Et/j"G.)l&8.
Wm. Harty, M. D. (DII6/u.) 3a, Midal.,.,cI. • Edward Tre1lor, M. D. Fit"gi!Jwn./I;
llobertH,ealy,M.D.(Dllhli.)Jun-tThom3$ Tuke, M. D. S/~JIuIl"~
g;'''':J'I,..t. g,,"'.
lofeph Healy, M. D. (~. A~".,-jI. Wm. Turton, M.~. F.L.S.(O"/o"a)
Il. 5.lrtland, M. D. (MI1II6. R. C. 7, Great Ship-jlrtet.
8"",.,.., J.~.) 4J..~';trrJI. Luke Wall.M.D.( Dlltli#,J .4,Ar,II".
Dublin Societ,.
~he DUB L J N SO Cl E T Y, for improving H 11 S BAN D Q. Y
IlIId otlla 1lfc:f1l1 A"'re,
[ncorponted by Charter, dated zd 4jlril, 1141.
LauTaNAN'r ef Ia&LAN., l'&UID&NT.
Vlcl-l'aEIlDK HT'.
Hon. I.ord Frankw.,
Hon. John Fofier,
fit. Hon. Earl of Meath,
Rob. Shaw, Efq. M.P.
Rt. HOIl. David l.;iWuche, John Le!lie Foftcr, Esq!
Rt. 1"lon. Earl pf Charleville,
'I,../uu" 'I'he Governor and Company of the Bank of Irdand.
S'~rlfa,iet, Jeremiah D'Oli"r, cfq. and Henry'o'!, efq.
A 'Bell, Th08. 1VI. D. (BUrgh, Rev. J. H •
.Abbot, Chrill. efq. IBell, Thomas, cfq. Irurke, John efq.
Ac:hefon, Jame5, efq. Belmore, Earl of Burfion, Bereafurd efq.
,,6dair, HenrJ, efq. Bennet, Robt. esq. Burton, Charles cfq.
~dlercron, Juhn L. clq. Bere.uord, Rev. Chaw. IBurton, Williaruefq•
Aldborough, Earl of I
.A!Ileck, Lt.Gcn.Sir Jas.' Bercsfol d, Rt.Hon. I.C. BuJhe, Chae. K. efq.
Lard Mu,.,
Alexander, Robt. efq. Btrrell, John,esq.
Butler, Humphry efq.
Butltr, John d'q.
Alexauder,Rob.jun.efq·,Bewley. Mr. ~amud Byrne, John eCq.
Alexander, Henry, efq.'Bl~chforo.l, JOhll,CSq. C
Allell, Richmond, efq. iBLcker, James, efq. Cahir, Lord
Anderfon, Richard,esq.iBlackcr,Maxwdl,efq. Cakdon. Earl of
Archer,Alderman HCD',Blair, Thoma~, efq. CaJlan. Lord
Arabin, Henry, cfq. I Blake, Charles, efq. Camftc, Turner efq.
ArehdeakoD, Tho!. eiq. ,BlakC\lty, Wm. cfq. ~ Campbell, JOhD efq.
Arcll'D, Lord :Blood, llindon of'l' Ca~, Richanl efl{.
Aflltuwn, Lord Boland, J. M. ef'!. .Cadeton, Aid. John'
Atkinfon, Joleph. efq. Holton, Cornelius efq. Carr, George c1q.
Atl,infoll, John, elq. BoltOD, Edward e5q. CarroJl, Alexander cl'l'
AufiiD, Rev; Gilbert Bolton, Robert e[q. CarroJi, George efq.
B Bond,~ir James bt. Car.threw, James e~.
Baker, Geo. efq. Bonham, F. Warren efq. Calhel, Ld.Archb. o(
Baker, J. R. efq. BOWClI, Charles efq. Caffidy, John cfq.
Balter; Peter eCq. Bow('n, Cul.l-Iugh Calh, Aid. John
Ball, Bonl. efq. Brabazon, Wallop cfq. Calh, Gcorge efq.
Ball, Richard, crq. Brdmer, John dq. Cave, Rich • ..c'l'
Barker, Sir Wm. bt. Broome Will. Jt:fq. Cavenagh, ,\ralter efq
Barnwdl, Robt. elq: Brownc, Brah. cfy. CavtDdifl" HOD. Fred,
Darrington, Mr. John BrowlIc, Rt. HOD. Den. Chan,l.y, Geo. dC}.
Darry, John, e.q. Brown.:, Thos. erq. ICharlcmollt, Earl of
Barton. John,tfq. Browne, Wm. eftl' . Charleville, E. of, V.P.
Barton, l;Iugh, elq. Brownrigg,Brig,Gen.T. Chcncvix, Richard efq.
Bateman,,esq.ll;lrownrigg, Rev. Thos.IChdtchly, James ef'I'
Bateson, Robr. esq. Bry01n, R. B. erq. Clanrickarde, carl of
Beatty, JOhll, M.D. llryallto11, R. C. efq. Clarke, Jor~rh M. D.
Beilhy, John, esq, Bulkelcy, Edw. cfq. Clarke, Thomas efq.
nl/lI, J. W. efq. Bur~h. Tilo •. ef'l' qaifon, John ~fq.
1!l6 Dublin Society.
Clements, Hl!flry d''l' IO'Olier, Thcoph. efq. Ferns, Sir John
Clermont. Vifcoullt O'Oylty, Sir John bt. Finlay, John efq.
Clonbrock., Lord Dc Sal is, Count Fittoll, William efq.
Cloylle, Ld. Bifhop of De Vefci, Vilcount l'i'zg-rald, Rdw .•fq.
Cohbe, Thomas efq. Drrry, 1.d. Bilbop of l"itzgerald, kt. HOII.M.
Colvillc:, Wm. efq. Dick, Hugh efq. Fitzgerald,Rt.Holl. la ••
Colville, ·Wm. (;. uq. Dick, Wm. Foller efq. Fitzgerald, Thos. efq.
Conully, James efq. Dick, ~intinefq. Fitzwill,am, V,Ii:ount
Conol1y. Thomas efq. Dickfon. Stcphen efq. Flood: J"hn efq.
Conyngham, Earl DilJon, Sir Charles Bt'IFoot, Jcffrcy elq.
Cooper, Aullin efq. Difll<y, Lt. Col. Moort Foot, Lundy' efq.
Co('per, Edw. Sing. efq. Difllcy, Wm. e.q. Fothes, Arthur dq.
Cooper,Jolbua Ed. efq. DOlloughmore, E"rJ of Fondcue, \,;hich. cfq.
Cooper, Richard efq. Donovall, Akx. <sq. Forlefcue, F. Wm. <Iq.
Coote, Charles efq. Donovan, James esq. Fofier,Rt.Hun.JIl.Y. P.
Cope, Henry efq. Dopping, Ralph esq. Foller, Rt. HOII. T. H.
Cope, William efq. Oown, Ld. Bilbop of Foller,]. Ldlie cf'I' V.I'•
. Corbally, EJias efq. Downcs, Rt. Hon. W. Foller, Samuel ef'I'
Co~hett, Robert cfq. LA. Ch. j. King' ,Bench Fox, John efq.
Comeile, Capt. Danl. Doyne, Charles esq. Fox, Richard efq.
Cofuy, Major Wm. Draper, Stcphell, e5<}. Frankford, Lord Y. P.
'Carry, James efq. Orevar, Geo. esq. Frafer, Robt. M. efq.
Cotter, :;ir James bt. Drogheda, ?\'farquis of Freeman, Major.Gen.
Cottingh:un, J. H. efq. Dr~ught, Geo. esq. Furlong, In. Smith efq.
Cramer, Mumad. cfq. DUlgenan, Rt. Hon. P. Furlong, \\'01. efq.
Crayen, John efq. Dunkin, Sir Wm. KIlt'1 G
Creighton, HOII. Col. Dunn, Arthuf esq. Gando11, Ja •. jun. cfq•.
Creighton, John efq. Dunn, John esq. Geale, Fredcrick erq.
Croker, Edward efq. Dunn, Jo;ia3 csq. \. Gcoghegan, H. M. efq.
Croiuie, John efl[. DUlllle, Li~ut. Gen. Gibbons, James, efq.
Crolllie, Rev, John ' E IGibbons, Ja •• jttn. eCq.
CrIJfbie, Edward efq. GifTatd, John efq.
Crollhwaite,Leland efq. Eardley, Francis esq. Giffard, Han.1ing ~fq.
Crofihw"itc,', hos. efq. Eccles, Isaac Amb.csq.Glanuore, Earl of
Cutfe, James efq. Ellam, Richard esq; 'IGlafCOCk, Waltcr'efq.
Cuthbcrt, Eccles cfq. ElIis, Henryesq; Godley, John cfq.
Cuthbcrt, John cf'I' ElIis, Thomas csq. Goff, Jofeph, jun. cCq.
D Emerson, In. Swifl csq.I Goffe, Rev. Thoma.
Dance, James efq. - Encry, John eS'l' I'core, Willi.m efq.
Dance, G. M. efq. Evcurd, Johll esq~ Gosford, Earl of
Darley, Aid. f·red. Evalls, Georgeesq. IGraillgcr, J. M. efq.
Darley, Henryefq. Evans, Richard esq. /Granard, Earl of
Darliug, Richard efq. Evans, WilJiam eS'I' IGraves, J. C. efq.
Dawfon, Paul efq. ElI:lbaw, Aid. JollII Graydan, Robert, efq.
Day, Hon. Judge f GrayfOIl, Allthony cfll'
ne Courey, lohn esq. Farnham, E.1r1 of IGr<en, J.,h11 efq.
D'Eaerre, John N. esq. Farrdl, lames dq. iGrecne, Fran. Wm. efq
D·Olier,Edw.Leigh,cfq. Farrell, John efq. tGreene, Molesw. ef4·
D'Olier, IsaacM.I.L.D. Farr~lI, '!'homas efq. lGreene, Thos.Evts<fq.
V'O)jGf, Jer. efq. S"rtt. Farren, William efq. (
Dublin Society. ]07
Greene, Tho •. Fran.efq.IHutchinfon, Hon. F. H'·Jr.angley, Charlel ri"".
Grierfon, George cfq. iJ'Jtcl,ipfon, Hon. L. H. Lugrilhe, Sir Rub." t
Griffilh, Re·v. Jofcpb Huuou, Robert cfq. Lap!,c, WiUioun .,eq.
Griffith, Riehan.l cfq. ) l.a Touche, RI. H$JD.
Griffith, I(ich. jun ~fq. Inneo, Charlcacfq. D .... id Y. p.
Mining Er.gin.:,,.. Irviue,Geo.D'Arcycf'l.' LaTouche,Dav.jun.cfq.
Grogan, John cfq. Irvine, William elq. La Touche, G~orgc cf'l.'
Grogan, John Knoxefq. Irwin, Johl! King cfq. l.aTouche, Johu efq.
Grogan, Rev. WiIli.m Jaffray, Alex,mder cfq. LaTouche,Pet.Dav.elq
GUilll,ds, Arthur cfq Jamefon, Andrew c:fq. LaTouebc,Rob.jun.efq.
Guinncfs, Samuel cfq. Jamefon, J"me. efq. Laureuce, W.lter cfq.
H Jdfcryes,Geo.Chas.efq. l.eader, Henry efq.
Hall, William cfq. Juhnfon, Berlj. B. efq. (.eader, NicholasP. elq.
Hablay, John <fq. Johnfon, Franci. cfq. L~3rhlcy, Ford, e[q.
Hal\lill, HIl~h jun. efq, Johnfon, Rev. Henry L.Hunt, Wm.Aug c:fq.
Hamilton, Charles cf'l. Johnfon, Sir J. Allen Leitrin., E.rl"f
Hamilton,Cha.jun. cfq. Johnfon, hmes elq. L'Eilrange, H. P. cf".
Hamilton, Hans efq Johnfon, Robert, cfq. VEilrange, Francs cfq.
Hamilton, Henry efq. JOlles, Frcd. Edw. cfq. LeviDge, Sir R. bt.
Hamilton, James efq. Iones, Henry e1'q. L,ndiay, Thomas cfq.
Handcock, Rev. Dr. Jones, Rt. HOD. Thcop. Lifmorc, Lord
Ha.milton, Iohn efq. Jone., William efq. Lloyd, Richard efq.
Hardman, Edward efq. Joy, Henry cfq. Suo Lod... Thomas o:i-{_
Hardman,TownlyB.efq K. Loftus, Sir Ed~ard
Hardy, Colonel Kane, Thomas cfq. LofIUS, Col. Nlchol ••
Ha.rty, Wm. M. D. Keanc, Rev. C. l.ondonderry, Earl uf
Hawarden, Vifcount Kearncr, Benjamin efq. Loogford, Earlof
Hayes, John cfq. KcarDey, James efq. Lucan, F.arl of
Hayes, Si.- Samuel bt. Kcmmis, Thomas o:fq. Lyne, James cfq.
Henniker, Lord Kemmis, Will. efq. Lyfaght, Tho. efq. R~Z'
Henthorn, lames efq. Kenny, Nich. Wm. efq. M
Herbert,Hcn. Art. dq. Kerr, David jun. efq. Macar!ney, Art. C. efq.
Herbert,Rd.~ownf.cfq. Kerr, Rich. Jervis cfq. M'Caufiand, Robert efq.
HcrtCI,rd, Marquis of Kiernan, Pat. efq. Macklin, Gcrard cfq.
Hill, Georgc e.q. Kildare, Rev. Dean of Madden, IohD Eylesefq.
Hoey, Wm.l'arloDsef'l. Kilmaine, .Lord Madden, J"hn juu. clq.
Hogall, Wm. jun. esq. Kilmore, Ld. Bi1hop of Magrath, Luk~ ef'{.
Holm,s, P~tcr dq. Kiltartull, Lord Mahalfy, Niuian efq.
Homan, Ifaac efq. King, Alderman A. B. Mahon, Jame. ~fq.
Hone, Aid. Nathanid King,Stewart cfq. Manning, Henry ef'l'
Hone, Iofeph cfq. Kingfiey, Jefferies cfq. Man.field, J 01.11 cfq.
Hopkins, Sir Franc is Kir-kpatrick, Wm; efq, M'Donllell, John cf".
Horner, Rev. James Kirwall, !l.1ajor ADdrew MIDonnell, Rand. efq.
HoughlOn, Edw. esq. Knox, Arthur efq. :\<I'Gwire, 'Valter efq.
Honghton,William efq. Knox, HOII George M'Gwire, WiIliam efq.
Howie, Thomas, cfq. Knox, John cfq. M'Kay, John cfq.
Huband, Wilcod:s cfq. Knox, Hon. Thomas M'Kenn), Aid. John
Hudfon, Edward cfq. Knox, Major M'Naght<n, E"m.A.efq
Hutifon, Sir Robert bt. Kyle, Rev. Dr. Malone, Henryefq.
Hughes, John cfq. I. Maquay; GcoI'gc cl,.
HUDle, W.lliam cfq. Labcrtouehe, Ahel, esq. Maquay, In.I,clar,,l cfq.
H\ltchiofoll, Ephra. cfq. Lamb,Geo. Audow cfq. Martin, Ch'llle. cfq.
198 DnhliA: Society.
l\fQrJhaJl, R.olIert cCq. O'Donnell,·Sir Neal. bt. Ro"ert~, lohn, caq.
Malfey, Hon' John Ogle, Rt. Hon. Georg-e Koehfort, Guftavus ~
MaCon, WiJIiam esq. Ogle, WiIJiam esq. Roehfort, John S. e~q.
Meath, Earl of I O'Hara, Charles csq. Roe, Nicholas csq.
Meyler,ADthooy M.b. O'Hara, James tsq. Itoe, Peter rsq.
Mills, Abrahclm cfq. O'Mallcy, SirSam.Bart. Rogers, Jonathan csq.
MiDchilf, Humphry,cf,\. O'NeilI, Earl Rorke, 10hll esq.
Mindtin, Joseph, e~q. Ormiby, SirC. M. Bart. Rothcram, Wm. esq.
Moil'2, Earl of Orpen, Richard T. caq. Rowan, Archei. H. caq.
Molony, CrofdaiIe efq. Orpen, T.Herbt. M.D. Rutledge. Robert esq.
Mol'JllY, H. GOIIDe efq O'ReiJIy, 1. W. esq. Rutlcdge, Thomas esq.
Molyneux, Sir C. Bart. O'Reilly, James esq. Ruxron, William P. csq.
MOIlCk, Vifeoullt O'Reilly,Miles Johnesq. Ryan, Rich. M.D.
Montgnmery,A.T. esq. O'Reilly, Thumas esq. S
Montgomery, Colonel O'R.eilly,DGDliRick efq St. Georgt, Arch. esq.
Montgomery, Jobn esq. P St. Gcorge, A. F. esq.
Moore, Ambrofe efq. Palmer, Major SauDders, Morlay csq.
Moore, Rev. H. Paney, Ion as efq. S.. unders, Thomas esq.
Moore, Wm. John esq. Patten, John esq. SauDderson; Alex. esq.
Merris.. Sir Wm. E. Bt. Patrick, John esq. Sayers, John esq.
Morton, Cha .... C. esq. Pallifer, Io!-ln esq. Sayers, Richard esq.
MountcafheJ. Earl of Pennefather, Rev. John Saxton, Sir Chas. Bart.
Mountjoy, VifcoUDt Phdps, John efq. Schoales, John esq.
Mouutnorri., Earl of Pim, Joshua eso. Scott, J. M. esq.
Mnlvany, Charles ('sq. Pollock, A. H. C. esq. Scriven, John B. tsq.
Mnrphy, Edward esq. l'ollock, John e<q. Seymour, .Rev. Iohn
Mufgrave, Sir R. Bart. POllleroy, Hn. &Rev. J. Shanley, ]all1es esq.
Mufkerry, Lord Ponfl}nhy, Jame. esq. Shaw, Aid. Rob. V. P.
N Ponfbnby, Richard esq. Shee, Sir George Bart.
Narney, John esq. Powerseourt, I.eI. Visc. Sherlock,l.t. Colonel
Ncedham, Thos. R. csq Power, Richard esq. Sherrard, Thomas esq.
Neville, Arthur R. esq. Pratt, General J~hn 5inglcton, Mark e~q.
Newcomen, Hon. SirT. Prende,rgaft, Thos. esq. Sirr, Major Hen. Chas.
Gleadowe, b~. Treafu. Prefl:on, John csq. Slacke, John esq.
Newenharn, Sir E. Knt.,Price, Andrewesq. Smith, Ambrose esq.
Nl'wman, Adam esq. Purdon, Simon ('sq. Smith, John esq.
Newport, RightHon.Sil Putland, GeD. jun. esq. ::imith, John esq.
John lIart. R Smith, Ralph esq•
• NicholfoD, John esq. Rawfon, Thomas J. esq. Smith, Richard esq.
Nillon, John esq. Redfoonl, Arch. esq. smith, Richard C. (sq.
Nixmt, Lozellzo esq. Rtev.:.'S. Robert esq. Smith, Right H~n. Sir
Noel, Gerard N. esq. Reed, Richard esq. W. C. Bart. 3d Bu-
NolaD, Thomas e<q. Reed, Captain Thomas ron if tlo. E",he'l'ltr.
Norhury,Rt.Hon. LOf(IIRe~d, Alexander esq. Smyth, Edward esq.
Chit/J"I. Cam. PI"". Reld, Ralph W. csq. Smrth, Rober~ esq.
Noreott, WiJIiam eoq Reynel!, Richard esq. Smyth, Rev. Dr. Tho••
NU!{ellt, Gcorge Richards, J. G. esq. Smyth, William esq.
Nugent, ~ralter csq. Richards, John N. esq. Sneyd, Nathanid, esq.
o Richardsoll, Ben. csq. ~omerville, Sir M. Bt.
O'Briell, DOl1oulrh estl Richar,d~on, John esq. Southwell, Vi.count
e'CoDl1or,Rev:William'Richardson, C"I. Wm. Sparrow, Rebert B.csq~
Dublin Society. 190
Btackpoole, George csq. Thorpe,AldermaaChas WalJh, J~hJl esq.
Stanley, Arthur esq. ,Tighe, Henry esq. Wallhe, WilIiarn esq.
Stanley, J?hn H. esq. \Tighe, WiIliam esq. WarburtoD, John eaq.
Stanley, 51r Edward Todd, Charles H. esq. Ward, Hon. Edward
Staples, e~q' ITottenham,Charics caq. Ward, Rt. Hoo. Robe...
Staples, Sir Robert Bt. ITownfend, Thos. eaq. Warren, Foliott ClIq.
Staples, Thomas esq. ,Towllfend, Henry erq. Water)cy, Rey. Wm.
Steel.:, Sir Richard Bt.',Truell, Rev. Doaor \\I'eavcr, Thomat'esq.
Stephens, Edward esq. Tyrawley, VifcOUDt Weeke., Chrill:ma8 0IKf.
Stephens, William csq. I U Weld, Isaae jlln. ~
S'tevelly, Jones esq. iUlher, Rev. Dr. H. C. Weftby, Kdward eaq.
Stewart, Henry e~q. Ilu/her John M.D. Weftby, Willioun CS".
Stewart, James esq. V White, Henry csq.
Stewart, Rt. Hon. John'Valentia, Vifcount White, John esq.
Stratford, Hn. B.O'NeilrVandeleur,Rt.Hoo.J.O. White, Luke esq.
Stroker, ThoR. esq. IVerl!er, James esq. White, Samuel "'q.
Sweetman, Willianusq.Verfchoyle, Jofeph esq. White, Thomas eSll.
Symcs, Rev. James IVerfchoyle, Richd. nq. WilIiam8, C. S. esq.
Synge, Francis esq. Vefey, Colonel Oeorge Williams, James ...q.
Synnott, Sir Waiter Dt.. W William~ C. Wye, er,..
T Wade, Robert esq. Wilson, Th08. elq.
Taaffe, Henry E. csq. Waggett, William esq. Wood, Charl.,. esq.
Talbot, Richard W.csq. WlIkefwld, T. C. e,;q. Woodmafon, J-'sesq.
Tarrant, MajorGen. C. Wakefield, Rev. Wm. Woodmafl)n,
Taylor, Major Alex. WaJ1ter, Thomas 1.L.D. Woodward, Henry esq.
Taylor,. Lieut. Gen. R. Walker, Charles Arth. :Wood"'ard, Rev.Richd.
Taylor,Hon.andRev.E. Walker, Thos. jun. c:sq. Wray, Thomas esq.
Taylor, Samuel esq. Wailer, Richard e9q. WyD1le, Owen esq.
Tew, R~v. Wm. Wailer, Samuel, esq. Wyune, Rev. Richard


Rt. Hon. Gharles Abbot:Earl Camden . Lockhead, ef<t-

John Arbuthnot, cJ". !I.ord Carriugton he Prefident and Vice
Duke of Argyle Rev. Mr. Chaise, Hop. Prefidellt of th. L.".
J. P. AurioI, efq. $u. of Rob~rt Colem:iD, efq. du" S.&id,
tb~ Roy"! Inlti!IItion IM. L'Abbe Cummcrell William M'Donald, efq.
Padre Daifamo, esq. ISir Bumph. Davy, Knt. PoE.Mae Loghlin, M.D.
Rt. Hon. Sir J09. Banks'Earl Dundflnald William Mathew., efq.
K. B. Prtjidcnt of th.:Thomas Egan, M. D. S«r,ta,., of th. B,II11
Royal Sodlf, IRichd. Geoght:gan, efq. S ..irt,
The PrefiJcnt oftb. So-:Dean of Glouccfler M.AubiD I.ollisMiIlen,
<ut, in bdrh,,,'... )J. Gucnough, efl). p,,- Kup,r ./ tb. ,Hufeu,.
PrinceBarialky,otRI!ffia jidfn' if/be Geol'l;ctU of A"tiquill" a' P~"i$
Francis Barker, M. D. Soci.l) John Mills, efq.
Rev. Mr. Bertrand, Btrn.Edward Hill, M. D. S. More, efq. L."d.1f
Rev. Dr. Beaufort 'Rev. Thos. D. Hineks, M. Coq. de Moubra y
Jas. Beifotlett, efq. Surettlr, t. th~ (;'r.f Robert Perccval, M.D.
Rev. Dr. Blacker Ilfj/itution. Lord Pdham
Robert B1ak~, ~ D: Rev. Fhili!, Hunt, M.A. Mr. Henry Pclham
Rev. Archd. Brinkley R. Jamefon, efq. William M. Pitt, efq.
MarquisofBuckingham Sir James J"y, M. D. Jofeph Plauta, efq. S ..
Mr. WillilUD Bullock Lord Bilhop of Kildare enlaryl.,b. RoyalS.,;":!
!OO Dublin Society.
Chrillopher Ruette,efq. W. Wade, M.D.F.R-S. EarloC Winchclfea aDd
Duke of Rllt)and Proftlfor of Botany Nottingham, F. A.~.
Sir John Sine)air, Bart. Mr. Adam Walker Priftdcllt of the Royal
Charles Tay)ur, esq. Jofeph C. Walker, cfq. In.titllti.,.
Mr. lonathanThompfoll.Mr. J. Warre, of Opm·'. Grant D. Yeate5, M.D.
DawfoR Turner, cfq. jWilliam Warren, efq. Arthur YOUllgC, ef".
Mr. Vava1fcur, of Ro"", Rt. Hon. 'Vm. Wickham .

AUlSTANT SECRITARY, Bucknall M'Carthy, Xfq. O.Jiceatth. R.p~t.ry.

Thomas Lyfaght, Efq. Office at tb. R.p?fitory.
Prof~/for alld Leclurer on Botanyand Agriculturt. Waiter Wade, M. D.
F.R,S.14, Upper Doifetilrnt, antlut t/,.Botanic G"r/en, GiaslI,,,,;n.
Profmo, of Chm.iflry, Wm. Hi~gins, Efq. Graft.n-fl.
His Ajfrjl,mt, Mr. Samuel Wharnby.
Prof1}"- and L,.CfurIT of Mineralogy, Mr. G. L. Gieseke. Enginttr, Richard Griffith, jUll. Efq.
ProfeJfor of r.t"inary Art, Mr. Thomas PeaU.
Lelflur.r in Nalurlll atu! Exper. Phi/ofophy, Mr Jam. Lynch, ~6, Capel-Hrell.
A./Ji./lanl Lihrarinn IInd Corre8or of the Prifs, Rev. Dr. John Lanigan.
MY''' of the Figur< :<;cbool, Mr. Robert L. Wen, French-j't,..,.
M4'IT of ti" Scb.ol for Lan1fcaf., OrlWlllttnl, aNd Engrll'l/ing, Mr. Henry
Brocas, Wi/{iam-j'trtd.
MnJ1.,. of th. Scho.1 for Archil.allrt, Mr. Henry Aaron Baker, Mecir-
,JJfosUriflh. Scho.1 for Seu/ptll'·" Mr. Smith.
HOo/'Juper at Ih, R.p~l.rJ' Mr. Peter Theodore Wilfon. Gard,ner at Ih. BottUl;c Garden, Mr. John Underwood.
",,.hit,a and Su/erintent/ant of Build;lIgs, Edward Parlte, Efq.

The Following LECTURES are annually given by the rcfpeetive Pr..

feffors, and are free to the P'Jblic.
CUEMISTIl Y-Firll Courfe, Srn Tuefday in November; Second Courfe,
lira Tuesday in January. .
MIN~1lALOGY-Firft Monday in March.
NATUR4L PUlLosoPHv-Firfi COlirfe, lirll TI:efday in March; Second
Courle, firft in May.
EOTANY-Firft Courfe, firft Monday in May; SeeGlld Courre, Sec:oncl
Tuesday in J"ne, given ot th, B,tan;C" Gar"'".
MININQ-Firft Tuefday in FcbmarJ. .
VETU.1~4RY-Firfi Monday in Mlr.
Royal Irilh Academy. 201
No. Il4, GRAPTON-ITR !tilT.
IlInit~,ted for the Advancement of SCIENCE, POLl~1 LITIlIlATWIl_.
and ANTIQ..U1TlES; Incorporated l8rh of January, 11 86•
PRUlnIt8T, Rt. Hon. the Earl oC Cbarleville.
COUNcn, to the 16th oC March, 18IS·
Co.mill.. of Scu"ct. Com. of PoIit, Lit,ral"rt. Commilt... of Allti";,;,,.
a"v. Archd. Brinkley Rev. Thos. Elrington
Re .... W.Davenport,D.D. D.D. P. T.C.D. Colonel Edw. Hill
Thomas Egan, M. D. Rev. Sarn: Kyle; D.D. Wm. Brooke, M. D.
Waiter Wade, M. D. F. Chevalier M'Carrhy Rev. Th08. Prior, D. Do'
R. S. - Re-t'. Dean Gravel John Crollhwaitc:,Ef... Clar'ke, M. D. Rev. Jos. H. Singer Rt. Hon Geo. KnOIt
Jam~sMacartney, M.D. Rev. Thomas Galf R. L. Edgeworrh,Efq.
Wm, Higgin!', Esq. IAlel. Knolt, Efq, Hen. jO!. Mafon, Efq.
Rev. Azchdcacon Brulkley Rev. Thol Eirington, D.;i:i.
Rev. Wm. Davenport, b.D. Colonel, li:dward Hill
Tr.aj""r,Rev.Thos.Prior,D.D.--Se",,"aritl t. Ih, A,ad,,,,y, Rev. "'rn',
Davenport, D.D. and Rev. Jos. Hrn. Sillger, F. T. C. D.-S"relary of
P"rcigll C.rrth."d",.., Col<lnd Edward Hill.-Li6I'ar;',,,, Wm. Brooke,
The Committee -af Science meet the la Monday, the Committee ot
Polit~ Literature the ~d Monday, aDd the Committee oC Antiquities OD
the 3d Monday of every month, (theCounc11 according to Adjournment,)
and the Academy at large on the 4th MondayoC every Month, ilt 8 o'Clock
ill the I!. vening.
All Members are invited to :dTift at the Meeting. of the Committee..
Two ftated Meetings are hel1 011 the 30th of November and 16th of
1I4arch,-Ulould either Day happen on a Sunday, on the Day preceding.
A" Alph"h,ti.:al LIST of 11., ROYAL fRISH ACADEMY.
Rev. Wm.-Ad"ir Rv.D.A.BeaufordLI .. D. Peter Burrowes, Ef'!.
Rev. Jerom Alley John Blachford, F.f'l. Hon F. N. Burton .
Geo. Alley, Efq. Samuel Black, M.D. Turner Cam:!c, Efq.
Rev. Rd. Allot, D.D. Robert Blake, M. D. Vifco{lllt Carletoll
Colonel Anftruther Robcrt Bligh, Efq. Ri£h. Cannichael, Ef~.
Major Wm. Armftrong Bindon BIQod, Efq. And. Carmichael, Btq.
Capt. Jofeph Atkinfon Coroelius BoltoD, Efq. arl of Cary,,"ort
Rev. Richard Bag-well Rev. Heury Bord . Arehbifhop of Calhd
Wil!iart~ Ball, Efq. Rev. Archd. BrinJdey Vifcount CaRlereagh
Ben)anun Ball, Efq. Wm. Brooke, M. D. Honl Henry Caulfi~l&
Robert Batefon, Efq. . Rt. Hon. Denis Browne Wm. Chapman, Efq.
Rt. Hon. Sir Jof.Bani>s, Rev. Si. H. A. Bruce _ Earl of Char-lemont .
Bart. F. R. S. Rev. Arehd. Burrowlli 'Earl of Cbarl.,.ill9
(,815'] 0
202 Royal lrilh Academy.
Richard Cheuewix, Efq.ICol. Edwar<l Hill IJ .H.. mil. O'Hara, lfq.
John Ch que, M. D. Rev. Thoma. Hinck. Cbarles O'Han, El'l'
Earl of Clare Fr. Hodglrinfon,I.L.D. Joh .. Pattick, Efq.
Jofeph Clarke, M. D. Sir Vere Hunt, Bart. Lord P..,lbam
lame. Cleghom, M. D. Eyles Irwin, Ef'}. Robt. P<Tcev:sl, M. D. .
J. B. Clinch, Ef'}. AleI.Jaffray,ETq. Edw. Perceval, M.D.
Ld. :8ilhop of Clogher Rev. William Jdfop Col. Molef,... PhiJlillS
Ld. Bilhop of Cloyne William Johnfon;Elq. R.ev. ThOs. Prior, D.D.
Rev. Cbarles Coleaaan Jama Kcarney, Efq. John Pollock, Esq.
l!:arl Conyngh~m Re.... A.H.Kenny, D.D. ArchibaldRedfoord,Efq.
John Cooke, Efq. Ld. Bilhop of Kildare Solomon Riehards, Efq.
Rev. JollO Cramer Sam. Croker King,Efq. Earl of Rofs
JOM Crofthwaite, Efq. Hon. Thomas KnOlt William RowlC'f, ECq.
William Cruire, ·Uq. Hon. George KnOlt Rev. Fr.m. S..nicr,D. D.
Rt. Hon. J. P. Curran AJeUllder Knolt, EJ'q. Lord St. Helens
ABdrc. Daly, M. D. Rev. Sam. Kyle, D. D. Re.... G. V. Saml'fon
"'m. DaYcoport; D. D. Anthony Lcfroy, Efq. ev. Jowph H. Sill~r
Richard Deafe, M. D. Earl of Leitrim Hon. Barou Sir Wm. C.
Sir John Talbot DilIou Ear I of Limerick Smirb, Bart.
Jobu Dunn, Erq. Earl of Londonderry Wm. Thos. Smith, Erq.
Charles Ecblin, KICJ.. John Lloyd, KCq. Edward Some;s, M. D.
R.L.EdgCWOrth,F.R.S./RCV. Bart. Lloyd, D. D. William Specr) Erq.
Tbnmas Egan, M. D. Ja. Macartney, M. D. Hon. Alelt. Stcwart
Rt. Hon. Wm. Elliot F. R. S.& L. S. James Stewart, Efq.
RCV.T.Elrington,D.D.\Oerard Macklin, EIq. '1. W. Stokes,Efq.
Francia Enns, ECq. Count M'Cartby ~hidey Stokes, M. D.
Rev. M1eh. Fitzlerald .chcyalier M'Carthy beoph. Swift, ECq.
Rt.Hon.Mau.Fitzgtrald John Macaulay, M. D. James Symes, M.D.
Thos. Fitzgerald, Efq·IP.F..MaCLOghlin, Efq. Rev. J. Symes
Rt. Hon. John Foller William M'Gwire, Efq.'Hen. Edm. Ta ..{fe, EfCl-
John Ldlir Foller, Efq. Rev. Wm. Magee,D.D.'Major Gen. Tarrant
R. Murray Frazer, KCq.INinian Mabaffy, Efq. Wm. Thoma5, LL. D.
~. Deane Freeman, Efq.IAlrlt• Marfden, Efq. Robert Thorv, Efq. .
Earl of Glandore Iw.Marfden,Efq.l',R.s. Rev. W. Trail,D.D. Thomas Goff Robcrt MarlhalJ, Efq. Lord Trimldlon
Rev. RJ. Oraves, D. D. Hen. Jos. Mafon, E[q. Robt.WatfonWade,Efq.
Richard Griffith, Efq. Wm. Shaw Mafon,Efq.WalterWade,MD.FRS.
J KnOlt Grogan, Erq. Bithop of Meath Isamuel Walker, fq.

&~uel GuinneCs, ECq. Rev. Geo. Millt:r, D.D. Rcv. John WaHh
lJ.~v. Dr. Guinnefl Earl of l\<Ioira Hon. Edward Ward
Rev.J.A.Hanliiton,DD. Sir CapclMolyneu1:, Bt.·Rt. Hon. Col. R. Ward
Rt. Hon. S. Hamilton 4{ev. Marcus Monck WiIliam Webb, F.fq.
Wm. Harvey, M.~. Earl Qf MOllSltnorris Ifaac Weld, iun. Ef'l'
Rev. Arcbd. HaOings 1·hos. Mullock, E"I' Earl of Weftmeath
Sir Samuel Hayes, Bart. Rev. Dr. Neil.on Franci. Wigram, Efq.
Edward Hay, Efq. Hon. Thos. G. Newco· Ja.. T. Wilkinfoll,Kfq.
l.icut. Gen. Hcnniker men, Bart, John Wolfe, Erq.
Hcn.Arth.Hcrkrt,Ef'l,. Rt.Hon.Sir In.Newport Rev. a. Woodward, DD.
William Higgins, Efq. J. H. !(or,h, ~f'i' Benj. WQOt\ward, if".
R;.Hon.SirG.f .HiII,BI.,
Dublin Library, DubJi,n lnflituuon. ~03
PaUID&NT, Rt. Hon. John Philpot CurrlUl.

The Rn. Dr. HamiJI

The L.)rd Di/hop of. Cloyne
The Lord Bifbop 01 Xillala.
Daniel O'Connell, Ef".-
This SPLiety wa~ iullitutcd by voluntary Subfcription, for tlle E.t\ab•.
lifument of a LIBRARY. Since its commcl1c:ement, more than FOIIl'
"1 aO'JSAND P"'UNDS have been eJ;l,cndcd ill the purchafe of BOOM, be·
_ fides thofe received in DOllationl,to a conlidcrablc amount.-'-A Room,fet
apart for conva-fation, i3 regularly Cupplied with the principal EnglUh,
bcotch,lrifh, French, and American News.Papers. The Lihrary i. opeD
every Day from ten o'Clock in the Dlornmg till five in the aftCfQoon;
and from feven in the evening 'till ten at night,
The Bufin(f~ of the Society is conduaed by .. Prdident, four Vie.·
Prdidents, and a Committee of tweaty_one, choCcn annually, by Ballot.
Terms, two Guineas to be paid, on Adlllillion, for the firn, and onp
"uinea for ev~ry fubfequent y~ ..r, payable on the III of January. TbF
fubfcribing for IS Years fucceffi'l';ely, or a Danation of Books of tlie
value af Fifteen Guinea., or ten Guinea, paid on Adnlillion, ~onfti­
tutes a Member for Life.
Officers af His M~jefty's Navy, ar Army, doing duty in Dublin, VI!
admitted, on p'!yillg an Annual Subfcriptioll oC Ol1e Guinea.
Libra"_, Mt'. &th. Grueber.-Tmifurtr, Tho. Thorpe Frank, EJ4.


This Inftitutiall was founded in 18H, for the purpofe af enlargin,
the means· of uftful kno'/VL:dge, by the ellabHlhment of a Cel.e6t and
extenflVe Library, and af Leaures OD the mon ufefulrub)efu of Science.
It i. fupparted and carried on by a fund nf l50001. ariling fram lOO
Shares o(.£so each, which are transCerable,aided by Life anll AnnuoAl Sub.
fcriptian~, and i3 condud:ed by a COmpUttee of twenty-one Proprietors
eled:ed annually. The Library cllnfins of a valuable colle6tion of Book,.
and periodical publication3 arranged in commodious apartments. There
is alfo a confiderable and ufefuleolleCti.Jn, to circulate amollg the
members at their own houfes. Both theCe departmtllts of the Library
are to be augmented, a. meafJs lhaJ! permit. A uCcful Philofophical Ap.
paratus has been pracured,andaLeaurcroll NaturalPhilofophyappointed.
Extentive rooms have been handforuely fitted up for the uk of th~
lI.fcmbers,. which are fupplied with the maft gcneraUy required News·
Papen, and fimilar Publilations. .
Committee far the pref.nt Year.
jofeph Abbott Richard Darling Peter La Touche jur..
Edwar'd Alien W. H. Ellis Wm. P. Le Fanu
• John Barrington . John H: Furlong W:.P. LuneH
w. D. Burleigh Richard G~ble·, M.D. John Pattm -
lames Cleghom, M.D. Arthur GuinneC. . Rev.S.Sandes;F.T.C.D.
Thomas Crofthwaite Jo(eph Hone Paulus Emi!. Singer
Eccles Cuthbert Benjamin Kearney Rc,".j.Siager, F.T.C.D.
Tr.a/ure.t, Right H on. D~Yid l.a Touche a!ld. Ca. S,.rdJrJ 1I'IIi l.wc-
rillll, Jame, 0jiilbi, M; D.-;-S.!J·Larqri/lll, .S~ ... ~.IIi •.
. ·0 a .
204 Farming Society, Royal Irilh Inltitution.
P .." ...-His Excellency LoaD VISCOU.T WSITWOIlTB, K. B.
Prgitk"t-The Right HOD. JOIIN FOITEIl.
'i" Prifttknt-OwEN WVNNE, Efq.
Co",.itt•• ,Itlf.d ill 18 I 4.
Kev.-Chas. c.BerCtConl'\R.LiL Touche,Efq.M.P.!Geo. Robinfon, Efq.
Earl of Carrick Hi. Grace the Duke ofDom.O'Reilly.jun.Ef'l'
lame& ChritchJey, Er,.; Leinfter IHon and Rev.C.TrcncJl-'
Charles P. Doyne, Efq; Rt.Hon.Visct.Lifmoce Rev. Dr. Robt. Tru~n
Samuel G:lrnct, Efq; Rt. Hon. Earl nf Meath Rev. Richard Wynne
Thos. Going Efq; Thos. MitcheU, Efq. \RiChd. Vcrfchoyle, Efllo,'
J'''l\e~ Harvey, Kf'I; Hon. Sir Th. G. New- C"lond Vefc:y.
John Hogan, Efq. com~n, Bart. '
'J", Rt. Hon. David La Touche &. Co.
Secretary aull R.gijler, Ebenczer DilC, l!f'l' ,
The Objeth of this Society arc, the improvement of Agriculture and
Live Stock.-Thc Committee Ql,eet e-very Tuefday, at, the Society'.
IIoufe, No. no, Summer-hill, at one o'clock. The Members arc
elected by hallot at the GCDetal Meetings in Spring and OCl:ober, at'
Dublill and Ballinafloe. The Subfcriptwns are ten Guinea. for life,
and no new annual SubfcriptiQns are allowed. but old annual Subfcrj:.
bers, are permitted to make up their Life SubfcriptioD8, with the funa
they have already paid.
For the cultivation of Chemiftry, Minerology, and other branches nE
Natural Hinory; meets every feeond Wednefday, Crom November UJltil
P",jiJ.nt, Hon. Georl:e Knox, F. R. S. M. R. I. A.. ,
, rice Prdit!'lft, Robt. Blake, M. D. M. R. r. A. James Ogilby, M. D.
/!-"rttar] tIIId 'J"rtafu~r, M. Donovan, Efq.


For t>romoting the Fine Arts in Irdand, founded June 4,1813.
P"tro", His Royal Highnef. the Prillce Regent.
Cllarcfian, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.

ri"P«tro", Hi. Grace the Duke oC Richmond.
p,tjuJ.nt, Hi. Grace the Duke of Leinfter.
Yi .. PriftJentl.
:'>br,qUis"Of DDnegal
J:~rl of Meath
Jlarl of Fingal
:Pari of ebrIenulnt
tad of Rodeo
Earl of Leitrim,
Vifet.- PalmerstOR
Vifet. Powerseourt
I,d. Bp. of Derry
Ld. Bp. of Duwn
Ld. Bp. of Killaloc
Lor'" Cloneurry
Lord Frankford
Lard Ennismure"
Rt. Hon. Robt. PeCl~
Barl of Meath IRichard FOll, Efq. IMark Byme, Erq.
Earl of Charkmont Ilfaac Weld. jun. Efq. IGeerge Hill, Efq.
Ld. Bifhop of nerry P. D. La Toucll.e,W'q. John Sweetman, Efq.
Lord Franktort IRev. J. C. Seymour IAldermao J. Calli ,
Hon.& Rev.J.Pomeroy John Come, i~lc, Efq. jThOS. Maili~g, Efq.
Henry Ch.... Slrr, £lq.IJ. Gage Da,,,II, Efq. Henry Manm,., Erq.
J-ba I-Id, W'I' jlIen. P. B. Bla'lllitr~ John Smyl}', El'!.· . ,
Literary Teachers, Erafm'~s Smith's Schools, &c. 205
. 'f'ruft'<I, tbe Hon. and Rev. Jobn Pomeroy, Hen. Cbaa. Sirr. and Joba
Boyd, Jl.fqn.-Trul"'trl' tbe Right Hon. David La Tuuche and Co.-
Secrelary, John Bord. Efq. Stepheu'. GreeD •
. :Each rerfon paying Ten Guineaa.or Dpward.,.1te~omes a Memher gl
the Inftitution for life; and each Pufon paying Three GuiDeas, a Mem.
Iter for -one year.


Inflituted 1789, Incorporated by Act of Partiamem for the Relief of
reJuced Litera{J Teachers and their Familie••
~r!fitkllt-LCJrd t:ilhop of-Killala.-Yi« Prif"',,,t-John Dumoulin,Ilf'l'
7"ujlm-Ald. Shaw, Efq. M.P. John Orr, Efq. and Rev. Ech... Martin.
Secr/I.r,. and AjJijlalfl 'Irrofurer-Mr. JoJm M'Crea, 61, S'"I"'''·'-I''''' ..
Rev. J8'. Hutton IMr. J. L. M'Crea \I\fT. Daniel Coftigall
Rev. Wm. White Mr. A. H. LittOD Mr. Tt.ol. FitzPlltrn
John Domolin
Mr. Thus. Duy
Mr. Geo. Harvcy
Mr. Abr. Newland
. Mr. ROluLam'b
, The Intcrut of the Fund, with·the Annual Suhil'criptiOMOf the Me_
• •, are now given to diftrell'ed Teacher., and their Families.


Eor the reliL£ of dillrell'ed .Muficians and their Families, founde.
1,81, incorporated by Aa of Parliament, in 17940-Supported lIy
.. annual <;:oncert, IIld by the Subfcription. and Donation. oC P_
f.Ilional and Honorary Members." . .
. r""f"'~", Right HOD. David La Touche, and Co.
P,#,,,t, Mr. David Weyman J Co/utt." Mr. L •. F_Ier
Yi".P'!Ji"'Rt, Mr. T.hos.CooIte &"d.r:/, Mr. B. COGke.

-GoVERNORS '!I Ih. SCB04K.',. ~ru/ "Hr CaAtITlU,·,;..tuJN "

.ERASMUS SMI}'H, Xfq;-lT.6~ Ch...-t",,"I,.{ .~4th ~areh, I,66p.,
HltGrace theL.PrimatelLd. Archbp. dfT'\lam EarloC Leitrim ,
L~. Archbp. of Dtlhlin Ld.Vifc.CIiCden,LL.D. Lord BiJqop eC DoW:ll
The I,ord Ch311cellor Rt. Hon. P. Duigcnan' and Co~or, .
I,ord Chief luft. King'. Ld. Bilhop oC Oll'ory Lcl. Billiop of Lim~iclr
.Bench, 'Ire",!""r Ld. Bp. of Cloy,ne' Hon. Buon Gcerge,Com. Pleas Rt. lIon,. S. Hamilt~ lIon. '" Rev.J.Pomer0J'
Ld.Cf.BarcmofEx.che1,. arl of Shannen Lord Bilhop of Fcni.
Provoll: of Trio.College . Bilhop of Deny Rt. Hello St. Geo. tI,.J,
All for tt~ 'Iimth,illK' ord Archh. of Cafuel Rt. Hon. W. Fitzier~14
Rt: Hon. John Fofter obert French, Efq; Lord ·Mayor of DubWa
li:arl Donoughmorc Old Bilhop of Clogher Recorder of Dublin' .~
Rl. Hon. D. B. Daly Lord BiRlop of KiIlal Sir Wm. Ale~ander, Bt.
It!. Hon. J. Fitzgerald Lord Bilhop of Kildare .AId. Johll .Exlhaw - .
ll'lijl.r anti Ag.nt, Sam.and Au1iia Cooper, i.fqr.. M.rris..$r"""~'
Asaociation for discoun~enancing Vice, &c.
1itCOllfORATtD FOil DISCOONTENANCING VICE, alld plomotiJig the
XnOiVledge and Prattice of the CUIlUTlAN RELIGION, Infiituted
119', incorporated by AI9: of P;J.rliament, 1800. .
!fi' Excellency, VI8CT.WSIrWORTR, K.B. Lord Lieutenant, Prdident.

The Lord Primate

The P,ovofi: of Trinity College
Lord Archbilhop oC Calhc:1 The Rt. Hon. David La Touche.
Surd",;", Rev. Dean. R. Gravelt, and the Rev.G.O'CODllOf.
AjjiJillll Secr.fa.." Rev. C. R. Maturin, r ..l-jJrecl.
']''''''''''.''' Genmor and Co. of the Bank of Ireland.-Su6- Trt"fortr.
Mr. W. WatfOD, Ctt/"I-J.-"",,. a.d CoI/Mlu,_ Mr. Henry Harri.~L_
..4g••t , Arch. Hamilton, Efq. ~9, D_illici-j.
TheCorporatioD .meet at No. 7, C"p"-./It·",, OD ~ever, .Thurfda,.
from Octo):ler to July, at One o'Clock. _
The objetta oi this tn!l:itutioD are the promoting the knowledge IInd
practke of the Chriftian Religion-the principal means employed, have
been the dilfemination of the Holy Su-iptures, of Prayer Books, and of
Moral and Rdigieus Trad:s; the: extcnlion oC Catechetic:al Examina- .
tionR, and the grant oC Premiums to the ben Anfwerers; die Eftablilh ...
rqcnt of Schools, and ~he grant oC Salaries and Rewards to Schoolmaftera
Cor goodConduct.~They have a1r~ady diflributtd or fold at redacedprices.
4:1.,000 Bibles.-93.000 Te!l:amento.-48.odo Prayer
Religions and Moral Books and Trads, at an ExpenCe of {.,8,000.
Premiums have been gr:lDted to 6,600 Children for di!l:inguilAed an,.
fweritrg, who have been examined in Clalfes, at an Expenfe of {.3.3CO.
-They have gran red l.'ooo in aid eC the ereCtion of :I,~ new
SchooJ.-houfea, and all annual rum of C610 in liLlarics, ~nd reward.
le SdI""lmailen of 4' School., alfo Cloo ion aid of building a ie,.
minary at Kildimo, near Limerick, f9r educating Young Men for Pa....
n'tll Clerks ami Sehoolmaften,:n.d C400 annually towards taeir Support.
The Funds of the ASSOCIA TIOH arife from Parliamentary Granta,
Donations, IIIJd thl} Subfcriptions of the Members.
C nonations and Suhfcriptions are received by Mr. W. Watfon.
Inllitoted 18th Juile, 1799.
Prtfitklit, Hi, EltCellenty Vi{count Whitworth, K.B. I.ord Lieutenant.
F'i,,-Prif'd.nll, Lord Archbilhop of Duhlin, Earl of Kenmare, Right'
Hon. }otlo Fo!l:ci', ~i.. "r Hon. Dnid La Touche,-'l'n,1''''''''' RI,
Ho'n. D. La Touche &: Co,-Secrd,,':!' Wm. DiCner, Efq.-Su.6-'l'r,a-
If"'" Mr. Wm. Watson, 7, Cap././Irut.
TIlt Object or ~ Society is to collect and circulate uf.:Cul and prac- '
tical inforJbatlotJ, cterivctd from Jtxpetiellce, refpectir.g the ·Circum, .
tbilee$ and Situatioh ot the Poor, and the moll: e/fecMIQI Means of me-
liorating their -Condition; with a view to direct and amI!: the E1fort~.
or \Veil 'difinsed tnaividuals, and to enable them, according to their
fe'teraIOppor'hmitrea to combine the Elleouragemfnt of Indufiry with.
dtl!'Ileliet-of Diftre~, ~lld to promote the Imp.ovement oC Motals, as
well a» th-e Condition of the lower OnlcFs.
, 'f't!t. 'Pri:lrci~ has been acted on with Sncccfs in England. 'i'he Co-
operation of ete l'ubiic'-but chietly of· the Gentlemen of landed Pro-
pcrty,II\2.y·cl'i>wn it with -the same Succe& in thiB Kingdonl. .
Subfcripti.olls lI~e rc~eived. bt tile Secretary. the TreaC'lrer~ and SuIJ..
Hibemian Bible, and Sunday School Society, &C. 207'
tnllitilted 1806, Cor the Circulation of the Huly Scriptures, at a reducca'
price, witbuut Note or Comment,
PaIn_His Grace the Lord Primate.
Prdi".~ Hi, Grl.ce the ArdIbilbop of Dublin.
Yk.-P,...fli/I.',. .
Ld. Archbp. of Tuam Ld, Bilbop of Down Lord Bifhop of Raph~
Earl of CharlcDlont Ld. Bifhop of Killala Lord BI!hop of Fern.
Earl of Charlevi1le Robcrt Shaw,Efq.M.P. LordBUhopofDrolnOl9
Vifcount Northland Lord Bilbop of Meath Manr. of Dow n!hiro
VifcouutBernard Lc;rd Bilhop of Cloyne Marq. of Hertford
I.ord Calthorpe l.ord Bilbop of Kilmore Earl of MaKareeno
Ld. Bi!hop of Kildare Lard Bilhop of Ell'hin Vifc:ount Lorton ,
Ld. Bilbop ef Limerick Lord Bilbop of lGllaloc
'TrllI/II'"', Robert Shaw.ECq.and CO •.....;.Sttrdar;n. Ra. B.W.Mathi•••
and kev. Dr. Thorpe.-Since ita commeac:emcnt above ONE HuNDat.
aDd nrTY THoulAND copie. (If the Bible and Tcllament have beep dil-
tributed. The BulineCs of the Society il conducted by a Committee of u.
who mcet at the Reyal Irilb Academy Hnq(c. in Grafton-fireet. on the
tirft and third WedRddaya in each month. The Annual Meeting 0(
die Society is held iA the Rotunda, the laft Thurfday but one in April-
The Annual SubfcriptioR of One Guinea, conftitutel a Member.
bDbfc:riptions l"cceived by tho Treafurer and Scaet1l.ric8.
600.1,./1". Thollo Johnfton. ~O, L.~IJ" StI(lvill.-jrut.


The Objed: of thi. Society is to promote the Eftablilhment, and fad-
lita.te the conduaing ef Sunday Schools in Ireland, [without regard to
..eligious dillinaionsJ b, procuring and dilreminating the moll approved
plans of managelnent, fupplying them with fpelling books, and co-
pie3 of the facred fcriptures, by gratuito\l' grantH and at r.educed prices,
and contributing to de£1"a, the rspenfel of fuch Schools, where necelrary.
Since the EiabliJhment of thi. Society in Nov. 1809, it ha. civell
lIffifiance to u 7 Sunda, School., confillinl of at leaft ~ 7,000 Childrlll\o
PrdiJ,nl, The Right HOD. and Right ltell•.the Lord llilbop of IUldan;.
Coun~ss of Kingfl.oll Mr.. Bhaw
CounteCs of Meath
D. La Toudle, El"q.
'The Earl of Meath The COlUlt Dc Sali.
CounteCsoI CharleviUe Earl of Ban4ion' Thos. ParaeU, Efq•
. Countefs of Bandon Rt. Hou. Roben Peel P. La Touche, jun. JU"q•
• ViCcountefsPowerfC;ODI1 Ld. Bifhop of Fernl Johu Kingllon, EfIJ.
- Baronofs Norwned Rt. Hon. W. W. Pole Jofeph 00.1£, Er,. .
Mrs. Poter LaTollche Rt.HD.the.Ld.Mayo
'rr.ofllrm, Right HOR. David La Touche and Co.-S'4'dtl,." Jam.«
;Digges La T.ouche. Efq.-Affllalll ~,•• Mr. Wm. Heney'. . ::
.A Suhfcription.oC one guinea conftitutes a member for· onc.yeat, anal
Cll tCA pounds for life. SubCc;riptions are received by the ltight H.on.•
David La Touche and Co.; MeJf. :Qernard lit Co. 6irr; MelT. TCDllan~
.lIt Co. 6'1f4·; John AlIderfop, Efq. Fm.;,; Melt Puget lit Co.
[,.IIJ.". Communication. '0 be lien, .co the Scqrec.tJ. (poft-jlRid) 3.3.
4It,ldi~.;rt", .J)1IIJa.
!08 Society for Edueating the Poor, Blue Coat Ho{pitaL.
For promoting tile Education of the Poor of Ireland.
'The obje,Cl: of thi. Society, which i. wmpoftd of perfon. of all re-
ligious peri'ui\fions, ,promote the eftablifhmcnt of Schools; where the
Poor may be,irtfrru~ed i~ llea4iJl-i, Writing and Arithmetic, uron an
jrnproved plan, and where the felr~ioR ,Qf Governors" Teachers and
Scb:olars, fhall be uninfhlcnccd by .religious diJ~in.dion., The Society re-
ceive. communications, and ma~taiJls correfl'on,dence .l.Ipon all fubjede
aonneCl:ed with its QbjeCl:; aUords information refpeCling theerettiou
and fitting up Gf, &c. and contributes i'~ far as i,to funde
l"ill permit, in aid of fucR-ejlablishments; affilh in provi,ding properly
,!ualified School Mallei., and furni1he. Stationary, Book., S\;1IC5, and
aecelsary articles at reduced price ••
The Committee meet ,twice in each month, and often er if bufinefs
requires, at the School in School-ftreet, where all applications arc to be
Rl;jde. '" ' , "
Edward Allen ~Of' D. jack{on' , 'H. M. MaiQ.
S~muel,Iie\Vley John D. La Touche Thos Parnell'
Wm. Difney Peter Digges LaTouche James Scott
Wm. Englilb AI.l(. Maguire Rich. J. Orpen
Arthur Guinncf. Randall M'porrnell Wm. TlIdhuntcl'
'Wm. L. Gninnefs uke Magrath Richar~B. Warren
Wm. Harding 1J0hn Lfiand Maqu:lY
'Trtafurtr, Rt. Hon. David La Touche and Co.~Secrt/a,.y, Jofcpl}L.
Jackfon, 2.2., L€efon-ftreet-Citr~ fllfa C.Il,Cl.r if SIII!fcriptio!,<, Wm •
.FIinter, School-,ftrcetj by any of whom Subf<ription. and Donations
will be, received; and in LOlldon, by' Meffrs. Puget, Baiubridge, and
Parnell, and by Meifrs. Coutt, and Co. B3nkers. '
Com111PIlly,aIIcd the B~u.e·Coat Hofpita) j
For Educating, Mailltail!ing,.CI~thing, .and Apprenticing to Merchants
, and Traders, the Soll8 of Redu!=ed ,Citizens r~f Dubli!,: Containing lLJ
, prefent 150 Boys. " '
By Royal Charter, dated 5,th Dec. I671!l.
T,h~ Lo~4 JWayor Archbifhop of p,ublin Dr. paniel13ryan
R~order' , Arch~ilhnp of Cafhel Rt. Hon. 10hn Filfier
AI~ermen Chief Juftice ' Dr. Wm. )iarty ,
6h~riff. Bishop of Ossory )ViIliam l.eake, ceq.
S!u:ri.ff. J'cel'l Dr. Wm. Harvey Hi~Grace t./te Duke l)f
Malt 01 St.Ano's ~uild Bifhop of Cloyne Richnlnnd ' '"
•• Mall. G. ~erc~aDts, Bafon Georgc' I~ev, AlIeJl ~organ
.All for 'T1II,.Ptln~. ' "
Chaplain, 'Rev;' AlIen Morgan, A. M. Agent, Regifter, &n<\
!Steward, Robett' Hatt, ~f'q. Schoolmafter, Mr. Winiam Dalton~
1Ionfekeeper, Mn; 'Fran~es Walker. Butler and Under Steward,M!.". '
John Wilkinfotl; All 'al ',1" H-hi/at; RJlyfician, Wil\iam Harty"M. D.
~1.w;It.;"'ltrtt"; SurJ1,'COII, m. 'Leake, Efq. St.phen'.-Gr«n; A,pethe:.
cary, Nat. Craven, l£fq. Dtmifon-jlr.'" Law Ag'lIt" MciSrs. Cartcrau4
1loolte, 45, L?tlwfon-",.". ' •' ', ' , ,
":•• Thillnftitution .il entirely S!lppo~ed by i~8 o).Vn P'Dp,eny, l\P4
.' rCC~IVCS nf) Grant from Parliament.
Lift of Ch :mer Schools.
His F.xccIlency Vifcount WHITWORTH, LORD LIEUTXNANT, Prefidcnt.
The Committee of FlrTU:N in Dublin, Chofen Jth February, 1814.
Ld. A~chbinh)p of Calhel, V. P. jRev. Dr. T.Elrington, Prov.T.C.D.
Ld. Bllhop of Ferns Rev. S..m. Kyle, D. D. F. T. C. D,
LG. Bilhop of DOWD and Connor Rev. Robt. H andcock, D. D.
Rev. D~'n of St. Patrick's Rev. Dr. 1\100n"y, F. T.C. D.
Robert Alhworth, Efq. Chairman 0 Rev. William Annelley
the Coml1,itlu if Aceou.I,. Rev. Thos. l>mylh, D. D.
R~v; /\rchdtacoll of Dublin. Rev. Th"•. Golf
Rev. Sir Sam. S. Hutchinsoll,' Bart. Rev, Richard Drury
Ster"",." James Adamfon, Efq. 55, Aunzitr:JI.-Rtg!Jtr and Cltrl,
Mr. Thomas Stuan.-AJ!;JIant Cltrl, Mr. Gtorge Payne.-Archil,a,
1\1r. Wm. FarreIl, I I, Kildare-,'r"l. -C.nlulling S.rg,on, Geraru Mack-
lin, Efq. State Surgeon-Ifpollmary, Mr. Nathaniel Craven, DII'Wlon-JI.
BencfaClions for the Society ,are received by the Governor and Cn.
~f the Bank of Ireland, Tr,al.""; and Mr. Adamfon, S«rttary. A,nd
in London by Rub. DrumDlond, Efq; and Co. Chllring-IT'!fi aud Meffn.
Puget, Bdinbridge, and Parnell, Warwi,J../lln,.
The Society meet in A'lngier-llr. the III Wednefuay in each month, at
one o'clock, and the Committee of IS, every Wednefday at II o'clock.
. [-] Boys-{§) Girls-[t] Number in each SchQol Ill. Nov. dI4.~
m Eftablilhed ~umber-[UJ ChildrCll Apprenticed,,] Marria&e
Portions paid.
• Ardbraccan
60 60 25'8 '"., ' • Innifbannon
tIt n ,
47 So 271 52
§ Bagot Street· 60 60 4"0 7 • Kilkenny 68, 70 "40 11
§ Ballycaftle 60 60 18 .• 19 • L.ongford 61, 60246 n
.. , :BallykelLy 5J 50 "70 U § Maynootb 601 60 201 1
., Calhel f2 80 2092' • Monaficl'evan 142.1140 24-
• Call1edermot 41 40 236 '7 § Monivea 100100 17-
• Cafilemartyr 4" 40 "09 26 § Newpor~ 711702.52"3
§. Celbridge 1$ I 150 - - ' i • RlIY 41 40 "74 '4
§.Charlevillc 49 50 I~ 1 3~ • ~of. 59 60 19 1 'k'J
• CloDmel 61 60 ~u6 H .§ Santry 118'12.0 "93 36
., Cloutarr 159 uo I06q 94 • ShannollGrove 99 100 54495
• ·Do. Gen. Iwy. 29 60 -.-....,. • Sligo' 81 80 1.68141
§ Charlemont-ft. 150 l'1.0 no 43 • Stradbally 59 tio IBIl ".
§ Dundalk 60 60 '1.7438 • Strangford 40 40202.140
§ Dunkerrin 60 60 18036 § Trim 61 60304iI3
• Dunmanway 4S SO Its 24 • Waterford 60 60 ~041"~
• Farra UI 100 '1.4 19
The Numher of Children in the Schools en the III November, r814,
w~re 1438 Boy~, and 1000 Girls, in aJl ~43g Children-exclufive of 4 b
Doys In the School of Athlone, and '40 Girl. in that near Rofcommon,
founded for Protefbnts, by the lall Earl of Rau~lagh ; and 40 Boy. in t,lI c
LHlen and Cotton Fadory in Kilkenny, '(founded by Bilh0l' Poco,k",)
lI1aking a TotaJ of 25Sil ChildrCll under the care of the SO£iety. '
! to Foundling Hofpital, Hibernian Milri1\e Society.
The Children admitted into Charter Schools are Orphans, or Chil-
dren of poor Parents, without any difrinction as to their religious Profef_
(ion. The age for admiffion into thtfe Schools is from ~ to 10
Years; at the age of about 14 they are apprenticed, with a Fee
of 7 Guineas with each Female, and 5 Guineas with each Male, iute
ProtellaIlt Families; and a Premium of 3 Guineas is given to each "Ap-
prentice, who Ihall, at the expiration of his or her Apprenticelhip, produce
fati.factory teftimonials of good coodus!!; and II.rict Atteudance on Rdi-
gious Worlhip, during that period.
The Society alCo give a Partial! of FIVE POUNDS to every Penos
tducat~d in thefe Schools, upon hi. or her marrying a Proteftant, aud·
producing ro the Committee of Fifteen a Certificate of che Marriage;
and a prOper Certificate, that he or fhe hath duly ferved out his or her
" Apprenticefhip, provided fuch Claim is made within feven Yean after the:
End of his or her Apprenticelhip. and within fix Montha after fuch
Marriage. .


There are 1141 CHILDREN in the Houfe. who are, when qualified,
:apprenticed toeiigibleMaftc:rs, and above nn: TUOUSANU with NUICes
in the Countr)".
ArchbHhop oC Dublin George Renny. M. D. Rt. Hon. J. C. Dere..
Bifhop of Derry Hon. and Rev. J. Po- ford, Lord MOJer
Bifhop of KiIlala mel'OY James Cleghorn, M. D.
Bifhl>p of Ferns WilliamDiCney, ECq. Rev.Hof.GuinneC.,D.D.
Chanc. of the Exchequer Atthur GuinncC.; l!:f'l; Re".. H. Moore, A.M.
ViCcountcC. Lorton Mrs. Fofi.r Mrs. Jcbb
Lady Eliz. Lfctlehales MiC. C. Burgh Mrs. T ."Finlay
Hon. Mrs. J. l'omeroy Mrs. Cleghorn Mr.;. A. Hamiltol)
Mrs. Bal£our Mrs. Holmes
·RItSID&NTOU1CERS .....ReV. H. Murray, Chaplain. Rev. AlJneDey BIli-
lie, Rtgifl... and Pa)",njter. Mr. James M'Creight·, Apo/J."or,. Mr. Wm.
M'Cullogh. r.·...idor•• Mr. Won. Flinley. H.aJ M'!f/er of Mill. a,•.
MiC, Fnnc..'S Crofton, HoujiJ"ptr.
NON-RESIDENT OHICERs-Surg,.,r, John Creighton, EfiI. SliP.....
..,ufors of lloufo 'To" and 4"0",ptonl,, Meffrs. JOM and James Hendrick,
·'or",;,}..«I. Lnu Atenl, Willoughby Harcourt Carter, Efq. Dawfo.-".
'Cotle&r, of the #oufo 'Ta .. , Mr. W.Lucas, AldbDrough-plact; Mr. J..Wifc-
iJleart, Little Ship-jll'ttl; Mr. T. IYI'Gwire, C..",d.n-J1roet; Mr. J. Filhet,
Corl-jlrttl; alld Mr. A. Grumley, Clarnldo..-jlrut. . "
'lining, Ed\lcating, and Apprenticing the Orphans and Children •.
"ecayed Seafllen in hi. MA. TESTY'S NAVY; and M~rchantb' Service•
• inoe 1766, to Od. 3r, 1814. 1437 Boys have been admitted, of w.hom
'~176 have beenApprenticedto the Sea Service. and Cent on board the Royal
tiny, 171 now in the Nur!ery.-'the Sodetymeet the lirfi Monday in
JIlovember,'February, May, and Augufl, and thl: Committee of FifteW"
.tilt lirll Monda)' of every Month. ."
lIibernian Marine Society, Dublin Schools. 211
Governon nominated by Charter, June lOch, I11S.
Ln:uTENAIIT, Prtfident.
His Gnce the Lord PriRlate Sen. Maller Guild of Merchant.
Lord Chancellor, V. P. Archdeacon of Dubl;n
Archbiihop of Dublin ( All for th. 'Ti.t lu;'.g.)
Reprefentathre. for the City Right Hon. David La TOlKhc, V.P.
Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor
Governon by SubfcriptioD.
-John Alien, Efq. IStephen Draper, Efq; Bart. Maz\ere, Erq;
-JD. B. Alloway, Efq. Capt. Henry Draper Mor. J. O'Dwyer, 1(['11
§ 'Hon, F. C. Ar.nefiey 'Capt, Wm. Dyke3 :lamuel Page, Erq.
John J\Tmit, Efq; HeDry FaraDge, Efq; Arch. Redioord,Efq;
Rt.Hon. j.C.lkresford Edward PDrbes, Erq. John Rcid, Efq;
V.P. L.,d ll-fa"or 'Thos. Fuller, Efq; .Thomas Rochfort,EfCl'
Wm. Thos. Brifcoe,Efq. Wm. Gregory, Efq. Peter Roe, Efq.
Alderman Carlr.trm V .P•• Edw. H amen on , Efq; Thom35 Rogera, Efq.
Rich. Carmichael, Erq. Arch. Hawkficy, EfCl' 'John Rogerfoo, Efq.
George Caffon, Efq; Jame. Hilles., Kfq; Wm.Alex. Shaw, Efq;
·Sir Arth. Clarke, Knt. Jofeph Hone, Efq; "Ralph Shaw, Erq;
SMaj.GenW.H.ClintoJl E.Hutchinfon,Efq.V.P. Richard Shaw, Efq.
§Maj.Gen.R. Coghlan Alex. Jalfray, Efq; ·Capt. A. Sproulc
§ Captain Colc Alex. Jalfray, Jun. Efq; John Straker, Efq.
t...e1.Crofthwait,efq;VP. Daniel Kinahan, Efq; Johu WaJlh, E(q.
·Capt. G. Cunningham Alderman A. B.King, "Capt. Warner
.Capt. Benj. Darley Hulton S. King, Efq; §I.uke White, Efq;
Hon.&Rev. W. Dawfon Geo.Audoin Lamb,Efq. John White, Erq;
lafper Deibrifay, Erq; Rev. Edw. Martin A. Worthington,Efq.VP
§James Donovan, Erq: §In. LeI. Maquay, Erq; The>. Worthington, Efq;
Ja!. Donovan, JUIl. Erq. George Maquay, Efq; Jof.R.Worthington,Efq;

S Thus marked, Governors for Life. • Thus marked,' Committee of IS.

V. P. Vice Prdidents.
By the Chart~r, twenty Guineas eo title the Donor to be a Gl)vcnlOr
ror Life. Secretaries, Jame. Donovan, and Thomas Rochfort, Efqrs.
Treafurer, Governor&Co.of the Bankof Ireland .. Regiller, J.uke Norman,
E(q; 4, M.u"tj0Y-!lJ"art, S.-Chaplain, Rev. Thol. Gamble=-Phyfician,
John Gahagan, M.D. Marl6"ough-JI.-Surgeon, Fran. I.'Eftrange, Erq.
Wi/Jiatrl-j1rut-Apothecary, Wm. Armftrong. Elq. Marrjlrtll.
Benefadions will he received by all the Governors, at the Banks ill
Dublin, Cork, Bclfafi, Waterford ,and Clonmell, and by all the Co\ltdor"
of hi. Majelly's Revenue in Ireland. By Sallt. Sncyd, Efq; and Mei,i:a.
H. & J. Jolmfon, London; and John Blackburn, Efq; Liverpool.
The Weekly Schools commenced in Jan. 1786, fince which time Ufo
30th Sept. 18 r 4, there have been admitted '4,361 Scholars, wi~hgu!t
diftindion of RdigiulIs Opinions, who are all taught Reading, Wri~
ing, and Arithmttic. and arc provided with Books, Paper, &c. &c,.-.
·.l"hcre were on the books !he above date, .n 8•.'
212 S~nday Schools, Orphan House.
The Daily Schools opened 1 th March, 1808; fince which there
have heen admitted 8,o89Scholars, of whom 796 are now on the bonk••
The plan of Education i. formed on the bafia of that praa:ired by Mr.
Joreph Lancafrer.
The Schools are fupported by annual fubfcription, and by a fJUaU
weekly payment from the Scholars. Subfcribers of teri Guineas or more
are Governors for life. Subfcribers of one Guinea are Governors for onc
year, and may recommend one Male and one Female Schollr each week.
Edward Allen Corry Fowler P. L3 Touche,juD.
Wm. Barrin~ton T. Gibbing. 1. D. La Touch.
S:lm. Bewley Art. Guillnefs Geo. Maq'JaY
Thos. Cloll:hwaite Wm. L. GuinneC. J. L. Maquay
Wm. Englifll . Wm. Hardillg A. Maguire
Rob. FayJe: J"hn Hone T. H. Orpen, M.D.
Jor. Fayle 1. D.I.a Touche W.Todhunter
'Tmrfur,., Edwarcl Alien, No. u, Upptr Brldgt-j/rod, by whom fub(crip-
.01lS and donatiolls are received.


Efrablilbed in the year 1786, for the education and inftrua:ion of the
Children of the: Poor of every·religiou. denomination, in fuch branche.
of learll ing as are ben fuited to their ftation and condition; but efpe-
.:ially in the principles of the Chriftian Re!igion.
Sillce their commencement upwards of Seven Thoufand Boys and Girl.
haTe been admitted; there are at prefent in thefe School. upward. of
400 Children, 100 of the moft defel ving of whom are annually clothed,
and otherwife rewarded, according to their application and good conduct.
This ufeful Efrablifhmellt is fupported by Subfcril'tions, the Sunda1
Collea:iollO, Donations, and an annual Charity Sermon.
'I.-,alu"" Hon. Sir Thomas G. Newcom<;n, Bart.; St<retary,. Mr. W.
Watron, j. Cnp.l-Jlrt<t; Chaplain, Rev. Mich. Boote, Drumm,dra. by any
.f whom benefactions will be thankfully received .


for deftitute Female ChilUr~n.
Jnilituted Ill: of January, 1791, fupported by Subfcri},tiJ)ns, Dona-
t;ons, a ParliamCJJtary qriUJ,t, and the J,>rQduce of the In.luAr), or the
Childrell •
. '·Prijitlt"t, His Excellenc)' Cha.Vifct.Whitworth,JS:.B',Lord Lieutenant•
. ·y;,..Prtjitknts, The J\rchbilbop of Dublin, and Mrs, P. La Tpuche.
Subfcriben of Twenty Pounds Sterling arc qove,nors for I.ifl!. S"br
fcribcrs of FOllr Pounds are Governors for one Year.
'There are Dill HUI!IDUD and nXTY Children in the Hqufe.
i!ubierip~ion. and Donation. arc received at the Bank of MelTra. L~
. Touche, 'T""/lIrt'" Cb,,/J/a;n a"d St<rttar" Rev. Henry Campbell. Rt-
:&ijI" ."d A,cc.""lllnt, Richard Malinl, Efq. Pby)itia'fI, Dr. ThoJ;llas lieU,
r~rl-jl. aud Dr. Thpnlas lierbert Qrpell, S"",I. frttkri.l:ftnct. S"'g"",
liolo·mon Richiuds, E!"q. r.Tl;J1. dp.thr.,,,r,,. Mr. Wm. Calla!,h;U,I; Slllu~
Intmtla,,', Mr. FranelS Waters. M,,'r'fI, Mrs. France! W~ten.
Charitable Infirmary, Steven's Hoipita1. 213
D"""'fJi//.-La'It, R.".IJgh,
Under the PatrOl.age of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
Pry;Jtnt, Hi, Grace the Duke of Lein/hr, Gr""J Jl,faJl.,.
Yi".PrY;Jmt, Hon. Ahr. Hely Hurchillfon, Dlpuly Gt."J Jl,f":J1.r.
III this Inftitution, the Orphan Daughters of deceafed Frccmali ....
are Lodged, Dieted, Clothed, 31111 Educat~d. It i. fuppol'lcd by COlllri-
blltions from Lodge., Subfcriplioll'. and llellcfo.ctiollS f,om the Pub-
lic,. which are received hy the Il"n. Ahr. H.,ly Hutchillfon, Piu-
.1'rdidtlll; the Rev. Reht. Halldcock, D. D. lv[(lrJ6, .... -,:,·•. t; Alex.n,l~r
Jalf,,,y, Ef'l; ElljI"r<jI,.,,/; the Grand Officers al,,1 Jl,fcmh~r. "f the
Committee; Jame. King-. Efq. ·TT'diu,..r, Gr,ifI.,,-Jlrul. an.1 Mr. W. F.
Graham, Se"etflr) , Ca/,tl-JIrctt. Pl.:t!ici.JIls, Dr. C. T"cling, Ex,lu7:1"-/.
:lOd Dr. O. F. Todderkk, Suffoll-jlrttt. S,ug.on, D. Rcdmond, Ef,!.
S.6,ol",i,lrdi, Mrs. S. l\by. Collen.,·, Mr Henry Hanis.

THE CHARITABLE INFIRMARY, Jervis-ftreet, was illtlituted
in the year 171.1, (by Six Surgeons,) (or the relief of Perfon~ re'Iuiriu;f.
immediate furgical aid; the firfi Honfe of the kind, an.! fiill the .nly one
on the North fide of the Lilfey, to which the unfurtunate Poor have
accefs. The Houfe is capable of contdining 50 heds; bur, (rom the
limited ftate of the Funds, 1.0 flnly can be fupported, a number totally
inadequate to anfwer the numerous and prellin~ ,\emand. for admitta.ce~
Twenty Pounds connitutcl a Governor for Lif", and Two Guinea.
for a year. Subfcriptions 'Of DOBationl will be thankfully receivc:d, at
the Bank. of Mc:Ifrs. Finlay &. Co. MeIfrs. Ball It Co. and by Thom..
O'Briell, Efq. Fitzwilliam-f'luare, Tr<afUfcr. .
.... Old Linen greatly wanted, for which a receipt will bc ~hanJt,.
fully given by Mrs D'Arcy, H,""-I"/,,,,
PJgji_ion •• Dr. Thos. Egan, F.R.S. Sackville-Ilreet, and Dr. Willial1l
Brooke, Cumberland-ftreet, vifit on Tuer.lays and Fridays-S"nior Sur-
t.OR" Henry Lytl:cr, Efq. Jame. l\1'Evoy, Efq. Richard De..fe, Ef<t.
:iackville·ftreet. and Sam. Wilmot, Efq. York n.-Junior .surle.n., A.
Garnet, Efq. Daw{on-ftree:, and Philip Crampton, Efq. Dawslln·ftreet.
"afit dlli!y in turn, and all ferve witho ut reward.
N. B. Leclures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine are given.
eada rcafon, by Dr. Drooke, ',nd on tha Theory and Practice of Surgel'r,
by MeIfn. Deafe and Wilmor, together with Clinical Lectures 011 the
Cafes Ma the Infirmary. An extenfivc Medical Library is alfo attached
to the banitution.
, Governoro, 23.
J.ord Prullatc Dean of St:Patrici... \RObert Perceval, ~1.D.
I.ord Chancellor Provofi of Trinity Col. Lord Bilhop of Olbry
Lord Archhp. oC Dublin Surgcon-G~neral Earl of Donoughmore
Chant. of the Exchequer All forth. ']"i",. being IJ11. Staun.RIKhfort, Ef'l
L.Ch.JuIl.King'sBc:nth \Willi:lD1
Harvey, M.D'Il.d. Bilh"p of Derr)·
I,d.Ch.Jull. Com. PIcas Jame. Baron TyrawlcliR"lphSmithO'Src:, El'.'I'
J.d. Chief Baron ~J:ch. 5:,"1. <?roker King, £li)'j1.d. BiCIOP oC KillUor~
IIcan of Chrift-cJi\ll'ch Frcdcrack' Trench, Ef.), J"h11 CralllptOll, M. D.
riftti,,: .Ild r,,,i,,tnZ D":!,, M.""",, and .Jo'riJdjl, fit A/n'''''
214 Mercer's Hofpital, Incurables, &c.
The Patients to prefent thcmfdves before] I, with Certificates of their
I'llverty, figned by a Governor, or by the Miuiller or Church Wardens of
their Parilhes.-Perfons under fudden Accidents received at all Times.
Vifitillg Surgeous, Samuel Croker King, Efq; Ncrth Cum",·rland-JIr,",
and Ralph Smyth Obr~ F..fq. Granby-ro'W; Phyfician, Dr. Wm. Harvey,
North Gaot Georg" s-JI. Atliftant Phyfician, Dr. John Crampton, G",...
dine? I-pl"u; Alliftant Surgeons, A braham Colles, Ef'l_ Stephfn"-grcm,
anti Saml. Wilmot, Efq. r.r~-JI"'t; Refident Surgeon, J. Wm. ClIfack,
M.D. Chaplain, Rev. Rohert Nixon, A. M. Steward, Mrs. Margaret
Thompfon.-Apothecary, Luke Wall. M.D. T.C'.D. Matron, Mr•. Jane
Cooper. Regifter and Receiver, Benjamin Bowen']obufon, Ef'!.. bhour-
Thi. Hofpital is capable oC containing 300 Patients, and has lately
undergone a complete repair in every particular. No. of. Beds 154.

MERCER's HOSPITAL in St~phcn-flrect, opened for the Reception

or the Sick Poor in 1734, beillg then a Houfe built by Mrs." M:lry
Mercer, containing only 10 Beds for Patients: That Number has been
gradually increafed to 48, which are continually full. I Phyficians, Dr.
:£dward Hill, Har&DJlrl-jrut, and Dr. Boyton, Dominie1-J1l'ut, vi fit the
Interns daily. Surgel>ns, Frands L'Eftrange, Efq. William-J},'eet, Gerard
Macklin, Efq. (State Surgeon) Ha ..'Qurt-plaa, Fred. Jebb, Efq. Mat.
Q.!!inlan, M.D. Graft.n-JInd, Alexander Read, Efq. E'1I<lu-/lrut, and
Wm. Auchenleck, Efq. Hardw;,ke-p/aa, all nf whom vifit daily in
their turns, withwut any Reward whatever.-.I1p.tbtc<,ry, Mr. T. Scott.
Subfcriptions and BenefaClions are thankfully received by Peter Digge,
l,a Touche, Efq; Treafurer, aud by the Phylician. and Surgeous.-Old
Linen greatly w.nten.
In confequence of the Liberal Donation of Mifs Daunt and Mrs. Plea-
["nts, of FIVE HU~DR£D POUNns, an additional Ward has been opened,
to which it is hoped the charitable will contribute, as the Donation it
by no meallS equivalent to its fupport.


The ObjectA of this Institution must be confidered as the moft hclplefs
IIRd miferable of the Human Race. In ,he [election for admiffioll, on
preference is given,. except what is grounded on the Age, Dil1refs, ant!
Deformity of the Patient; ill the melancholy competition, a list is made
of the greateft objeCl.; thefe are admitted as vacancies occur: many
however, before they c(luld be admitted, havefallen viClims to.hopelc:f.
There are at prefent ill the House, Sixty Miferable ObjeCls, viz"1
Men and 33 Women, who' arc Loclged, Dieted, Clothed, and fup-
plied with Medical attendance, and afforded every comforttheir melan-.
choly fituatioll admits oC.
- •• All Perfonspayillg Twenty Guineas, ar.e Governors for LiCe, and
Cuch as pay Five Guineas annually, are G"vernoTl for one Year. SlIb-
fcriptions and Benefactions will be received by the Treafurer, Peter
l.a Touel.e,jlln. Ef'l' CaJlle-JI'''I,
, . . ~f the fol1uwing Govimors.·
or by anr
Saint Patric:k's, Lying _in Hofpital. 216
lItichard Alien, Erq. Rt. Hon. D. La Tuuche Rev. Dr. Ould
~Rt Hun. Lord Ardcn J. D. La Tuuche, Efq. R. Perceval, M.D.
Rich. Cane, ECq. P. La Touclle,jun. Efq. Edw. Pcrc~val, M.D.
Rev. Robt. Daly Rev. Tho ... P. Le Fanu Hon. and Rev. Juhn
Robt. French, Hfq. Rev.I. Letablere, Chop. Pomeroy
Rev.Hof.Guinnefs,D.D. Rev. Arthur M'Gwire The l'rovon T. C. D.
Re~. S. Harpur W. Mallning, Efq.M.P. Solemon Richard. Efl(.
Rdw. Hill, M. D. L."du". _ Sam. Rosborm,gh Efq.
Rev.S.S.Hutchinfon,Bt.,D. "Mills King, M. D. Robt. Sbaw, Hq. MP.
Ld. Bilh.op o~ KilIala IT. H. 0. pen, M. D. Rev. Henry Woodward
C••ful';"g Pb:tfi';"I/, Dr. Thos. Herbert Orpen. yift/;":.: Pblficin"" Dr.
Edward Pertenl and Dr. Samuel Lifton. Burg.o"/, Solomon Rkhard.
and Philij> Crampton, Efqrs. A/olbmlT], John Lloyd. li••filup.r,
Mr •. S. Enfcoe.
N. B. The Governor. meet the third WedneCday in each-month, at
.he Horpital, where Patients are to prefent themfelves for admiffion.
SAINT PATRtCK', HOSPITAL, for Lunatics and Ideotl, wal
founded in 17"5, by Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. i'atrick's, alid
incorporated by Charter, 6th Auguft, 1746.
Prefenl Govemors,I.ord Primate, Lord Chancellor, Archbilhop of Dub-
lin, Deans of Chrift-Churcjl and St. Patrick, State Phyfician and SurgeOR
General, all for Ih. 'ri",.lui,,/:. Right Hon. John Fofter, Ld. Bilhop
of Oft'ory, -Rev. Thomas Cradock, L.l..D. Archbilhop of Tuam, Hon.
and Rev. John Pomeroy, Rev. J. Saurw, Arehd. of Dublin, and Robt.
Shaw, Efq. M. P.
Treafurer, HOII. and Rev. John Pomeroy. Sccretary, Rev. Thorn"
Cradock, L.L.D. Phyfician to the Hofpit,li, James Cleghorn, M.D.
Surgeon,)antcs Wm. CuCack, Efq. M.D. Apothecary, Nat. Craven, Ef'l'
Maftcr of ·the Hofpital, Mr. 1'. Campbcll. Houfe-kecrer, Mrs Eliz.
Hani.infon. Receiver of the Rent., J. Verrchoyle, Efq; o.ffi... F.,,,lttl·.~p.
The firft of the Kind in His Majefty's Dominions, '
_Was opened in Gcorgc's-lane, a5th of March, 1745, by the late Dr•. '
BAR T 1I0LOMF.W MOSSE, who, with the Afliftance of feveral charitable
DencraCl:ions, fupported the fame near la Years. And having built the
Hofpital in B,llailt-jtrut, (for which he alfo obtained a Charter,)
the fame was opcned for the Reception of Patients, 8th D,"ml"r, 1757.
State of the Hofpital, from the Opening, to the 3IIl OEloh,T, I8a.
Delivered ill the Hofpital, 76,66a Women, of 41,965 Boys, and 36,96,
Girls.-IU1 had Twins and more, 19 had 3, and 1 had 4 Children.
His Excellcucy The LOIlD LIEUTiNANT, Prefident.
- V. P. Yi" P'·did."t•.
J.ord Primate. IAbP. of Dublin. Recorder o{Dublin.
Lord Chancellor, V.P. L.ord Bilhop of Kildare. High Sheriffs of Dub.
Speaker of the Houcejcommander in Chief, Duke of Leinfier ,al Karl
, of Commons. Dean oC St. Patrick's. of. Kildare. -
Lord M~yor Ili Dublin. Archdeacon .r
Dublin. -.411 fOT IhI'rim, I,;"Z'
2t~ Lying-in HofpitaI. Houie of Indullry.
ihm. CrokerKing, Efq. Alex. Knol[, l!.fq; Earl of Ennir"il1en
Rt.Hon. D. La Touche EarlofCharlelllont,V.P. ChaA. K. Bufhc, Ef'l'
Frcd. Trench,Efq. V.P Earl of Belmore Earl of Leitrim '
Wm. Harvey, M. D. Tho. Evory, M.D. Vifcount Mount joy
Lord Kiltarton Robera Marfhall, Efq. Johll Jof. Hen'y, Efq.
Rt. Hon.J. Fofier. V.P Archb. of·Cafhel. V.P.:Rt. Hon.W.C.Plun~<.:tt
Peter La Touche, Ef'l ~obt. Shaw, Efq. iEarl of Charleville
Rt.Hn. W. W.Polc.V.P. Randal M'Donndl,Efq.'Rich. Mandcu,jun. Ef'l'
Rev.D.How.S.Georgt fa&.Cleghorn, M.D. iBHhop of Derry.
Alexander Jalfray, Erq. Luke White, Efq. ,Ed~rd. Woods, Efq.
Wm. Cope, Efq. lofeph Hone, Efq. 'Sir Thos.Chapman, Bt.
Rt. Hon. Deni. B. Dal), John La Touche, Efq. Michl. Mill" Efq.
Jof. Clarke, M. D. AId A. B. King, Richard Cave, cf'I'
Muq. of Headfort. [{ev. C. C. Bere!dord N3th. Sneyd, EC'! •
.l].cv.J.Frie:ldRobinfoll LordAlhtown .Sam. BeII Labat,M. D.
Sir Geo. Shee, n.rt.

Treafurer, John 1,3, Touche, Efq; Secretary, William Cope, Ef'l;

ManeI' of the Hofpital, Samuel Belll.abat, M. D. Affifl:ants, Chas.
Frizcll, M. D. and Mat. Newport M. D. Confulting Phylician, Wm.
lbrvey, M. D. Chaplain. Rev. Peter Lefanu. Surgeon to the Hofpital,
Samuel C. King, Efq; Matron and Houfckeeper, Mrs. D. Caldbeck.
Apothecary, Mr. T. Stroltc:r. Receiver of Cafh, Mr. Robert Hall, 39,
Gt. Strand-jir. Regifier and Agent, Mr. ]ameJ Rafferty, N. Ear/-jl"'t.
Law Agtlf(" Melfrs. Babiogton and Irwin, Rutlalll1·.ftJuart, WeJI. ,A,
,,,I, H. A. Baker, IIZ, 111.dJinhurgh-jl,.tt,
Benefactions are received by all the Governors, and by the Regiftcr.


Was opened on. thc 8th of November, 1773, and is fupported by
'Parlitlmentary Grants, Aonllal.SubCcriptioos, Donations, alld the Profit.
arifing from the Lahour of the Poor. Since which period there ha\'C
heen received into the Houfe u6,973 Per-fons of all Defcriptions. The
Poor are c1alfed according to their rcfpeClive Conditions. The Chil-
dren are educated, clothed, and dieted, in feparate Afylums and the
~ick art lodged in an Infirmary remote from the Habitation of
the healthy. The .Doors are Ilt all Times open for Admiflion, with-
out any Recommendation. Purfuant to an Ad: of Parliament, pafTed
in the 40th Ycar of Ills prcfent Majcfiy'. reign, lhe CoJlowiug perfona
were appointeol Governors:

Rev. WilIiam O'Connor

James Hcnthorn, ECq. Rev. James Horner
Francia L'Xllrange, Efl}.
&dward HoughtoD, ECq.
c:T The Board meetl every Friday at Two o'Clock.
TUAUII\ltU, tho Govenaor IIlIi ~.mp8D7.r tb.c Bank of 1nl• •
House of Industry, Richmond Penitentiary.' 21 i
HDufo D,part"""t: Chaplain, Rtv. Henry CampbeU, A.B. R.oman
Catholic Chapla;n, Rev. Dr. RufTdl. Secrdary and AtIiflant Treafurer,
Croftoll Fitzgerald Efq. Firfi Clerk & Regificr, Mr. Pat. Callar.. Steward,
Mr. William Bayne. Clerk of the Clothlllg and Beddin~, Mr. William
Abbott. Houf_keeper, Mr •• Mary Clarke. Affifiant, Mus M. Clarke.
l\tlaltcl and Millrd:' of Plain Worl< of Adult P"or, Mr. John Caldow
and Mrs. Ann Caldow. Superintendant of the Afylums for Itldnf-
triouo Children, Mr.. Sufanna Free. SupcrintendaHt of Weavers,
Spinners, &c. Mrs. Sum Chambus. Superint. of Ho/icrs, Mr. Gabrid
Smyth. Superior. of Taylors, Mr. Hemy Bayne.. S"perillt. of Shoe-

rnaker:., Mr. Thos. Ewing. Superint. of Card Teething, Lint aud Lace
Make.ri, IVIrs. Maria Rutledge
I,,' the Houre S Males, adult poor 311 1 I 84
I Nov. 1814L Fema].:., &c. 11731" 4
Children in J Males - - - - - 34.1} 10 '
Afylum 1. Females - - - - - 659 01 JTotal JII6
In Hos- J Males - - - - - 2 6 7 t 6
pitals 1. Females - - - - 36;.r 3 0
Children Apprenticed 5 Male. - - . - - 38 1. 88
within the Ytar 1. Females. - - - 50S
Grof. Produce of Labour of Adult Poor, (""ploy'" in
",a"lIj"aliu,"'j from Ifi Oct. 1813,to 30th Sept. 11114, lrsu. 11 91
Ditto of Lab0ur of Children it. Afyluml 1308 0 21

Total Produce of Labour for n Months - l:.830 IS' 0

Infirmary D;partmmt. -Senior Phy6cian&,Dt. AielC'. J ackfon', Gardjn.r' -
Ila«, and Dr. Hugh Fcrgufon. 6:., SilcA'/Jill~-fl-~d. Junior Phy'ficiam,
Dr. Daniel Bryan, Aungier-JIreet, and Dr. Edward Perceval, D".ofon-.l.
·Senior Surgeon., Robt. Moore Peile, Efq; rorl-JIrut, and James Rivers,
1<:fq. Queen-Jlrut. Junior Surgeon, Chas'. H. Todd, JUq. St,phm's.grw.
W'.f/, Conrulting Surgeon, Fran. L'Efrrange, Efq. Wi/liam-j},'ut. Apo-
thecary to the Hardwicke Metlical Hofpital, Mr. Packenham Beatty.
Apothecary to the Richnlond Surgical Holpital, Mr. Michael M'Eyoy.
Matron of the Hofpitals, Mrs. Mary Callan •
. A Ca,riage is provided to convey Patients in Fever to the Hard-
wicke Fever Hofpital, which the Public are requefied to fend for.
A Difpcnfary ha. b~en opened at the Richmond Surgical Hofpilal
for the rdicf of Extern Poor, who receive advice, medicines, and 1Ian-
nel if necefTary. In the lail Year 4,2 n perfons were relieved.
Part of the R I CB M 0 N 0 General Afyllim, intended for the reception of
~oo Lunatics, has been opened for the reception of I,)() Patient,.-
2-1 Males and ZI Females, above the rank 01 l'aupen, will be recei.ved at
301. pu <lnnum, each; a quarter to be paid in advance
The FoundatiQn of the Richmond General Penitentiary, intended
for the general reception, employment, and reformation of Conyicti
from all parts of the Kingdom, was laid in Nov. ,811, and the buildin:
ill in progress, under tbe direa:i.>n of .the following Commifil..ncu :
James Henthorn, Efq. \ Rev. James Horner
Rev. Wm O'CoDnor Franci. L'Eilrange, Efq.
Edward fJo'Jghton, Efq. Sir Edward S~nlcy. Kilt.
I~' . P
218 Peni~entiaries.


Under the DirelHon of the Gevernon of the HPllre of IDdllllry.
From 1801 to 111 Nov. 18r4, there have been admitted, Con yids 91:,
other Crimina!', 79z" Total 1183; of which number there have been
ap'p"elltiQ:d 77, pardoned 9, enlifted into the Navy and Army 139. diC·
charged 431, transferred tn Hnufe of Indullry 1J7, died 9, efcapad 19.
remaining in the HouCe 8~.-TotaI883.
State of emplolment. Nov. I, 18I4.-Weaven 34, Winden 14,
School 44.-Tota 8~. .
Amount earned by Young Criminals in ODe Y car, ending 30th of
~eptember, 1814, £U4. 3" 3'·
CI.,;,.I rift.r ""d Cb,,}fajn, Rev. Thomas Gamble~ R,mlUf"
(;haplui,,\ Rev. John Ryan. Mtdi,al rifrtor 111.11 StI'g"'" C. H. T ..dd,
Efq; R'gljl'" Mr. A. Gordon; K"p.r, Mr. John Alien. H,,,/d#.ptr,
Mrs. AUen.

Thi. Inllituti!!n was placed under the dircdioD' oE the Govcrnon er the
HoMe of lodullry, on the Ill: of DecembcF,..r809' Its"bject i. the recep-
tion, reformation, and employn,ent of FemaleCon..vic5b,fent,·nc~ to TraoC·
portatioo; they are provided with Bedlleod., Sheets, and Blanket&, an"
receive two meals daily of nutritive food. Thofe who 3re capa1lle of in-
dullry, are ufciully employed, and ·receive, one-half of the profits of lheir
bltour. Since 111 December, 1809. ~+~ Convi6l:. have been admitted,
ef wbom, 63 have been.refermed, al.<I pardoned by the Lw' Li,,,.
tenant,l7 removed to the Infirmary Houfe of IlIdullry, u remanded
to Ncwgate as incorrigible, 4 died, 60 difch.lrged, ~8 removed t.
the Penitentiary, ]amCll'a-ftreet; 58 remain in the l'rifon. Total :1.4:1.-
The prefcnt Rate is as follow3: "Number of Female Convi6l:., III
November, 18r4, 58; Children oE ditto, under tw. years of age 6,
Total 64- Employed at Weaving :1.5, Needle-work ~7, in the fnlii'Dl'.
ry 4, .s Nurfea :I., Children, ef Convi~. 6. Total 64.-Gror. amount
flf labour of Female COllvi6l:., for I ~ montb., endin&" 30th S"ptcmber.
18I4, [.l97. 8" 6d.
Protlll""t C""Plain, Rev. Thomal Gamble. RI""". C.llwlic Clzaf'ai",
llev. Dr. RulTdl. '''''"1'''' ""d M.weal n,il.r, C. H, Todd, Ef".
Ke.per, Mr. William Ceatea Stoker.
The Governora of the HOllfe of In<lullry were appoiDted by tb.
I,ord Lieurcnaut, in the year 1809, to CuperiDtend the work.
40arried on by the Femalea in this priflln. "
In cuftody 1ft Novemher, 1814, 54·-PriConera Cor three ytars,.a8.-
}'riConer. rer one Month, ~6.--Toul 54. .

Amount car.uca by lRe PriCo..,. iD gllc year, GMt,

'11. le,. 1110, ..
State of Otnployment.-Making lbins, 6._Quilting a.- Clcaniar
the houfe;: ~ -Sick, 4·-Uncmployed, 40.--Total 14.
icpt ,,~~
Meath. and SiiDpfon". Hotpita~. 21 i
Ku.II.AnnUIl. 0.1001..
A Male PetSitcatiarJ wu eftabli.fhed in thi. Gaol in 1809.
the prifonrr. capable of labour hue been, by comuund of t!.e
Lord l.ieurclJam, plu.d uDder tile SvperilltencianCII of the Governon
of the Houfe of Induftry.
Employed 1ft Novr mber,18I4, I t . , •
State of Eml'loyment.-Weavinl, 6.-Winding, a.-Labouren. 1._
at Carpenters' Work, •• --Total, 11.
Amount earued by' Convict. in thi. PriCon, iD one year, endin,
3 Qth .september. 1814, '£58. 8,. ri".

THE MEATH HOSPITAL, and COlllfT" 'of DUaL1N h'PI ... Aa",
Coo MU, iuftituted lO reli:" tbe Puor in the Earl oC Meath'a Liberty,
and of the County in gen. ral, ha. Fifty Bed. Cor mtero PatieDte; and
alfo relieveR vaft numbers of ElIterna with Advice and Medicibe.
AD Perfons paying '10 Pound. beconlc Goverllore for Life; ~nd (vch
as pay onc GuiDea annDallyare Governors for the 'fear. A Stand in,
Committee oC the Governon is appointed to fuperiDtend the Hofpital.
who meet once" every fortnight.
. Attenmng Phyficianl, Dr. TIHlml8 Egan, S..,'"UI'7I.rm,lIDd Dr. John
Cheyne, Ely-p'''''' Attending Surgeons, Solomoll Richarda, Elq. r.r"-I.
Richard Deafe, M. D.Sael-vill,..jlrut, Philip Crampton, M. D. DtZ'WI"'7fI.
C. Rolley,KCq. D_i"ieA-jI. Tho•• Hcwfon,~:f'l.Fr,JUb-jl. and ThOl.Roney,
JUq. King ..r""," all of whom have reJigned' to the Hofpital the
Bounty oC 1001. annually paid by Government, and ferve without &e
or Reward. RegiAer, Mr. William Flinter; ReJideut Apothecary, Mr,
Wm. Savage; Matron, Mn. Mary Maiben. Trcafurcn, Rt. Hon.
David La Toudle and Co; by whom, and at the HoIpital, the fmalleft
D.mation llr Snbfcription will be thankfully received.
In the !all year 1814, ThaI Pleaflllt., Efq. preCented this Inllitu-
tion with the fplendi.1 DORation of 60001.; 'l.000I. of which i. to be
Fundcd,and the Intereftapplicdfor thepurpnfe oC Cordials, Medicinea.
&c. for the Patients; and 40001. to the building of aD Operation
Room, &c. With this latt~r Sum, and 8001. IubCcrihcd by other be-
nevolent individua!.. the Governorl propofc to erect a New Hor-
pital, in an airy fitualiCJn, the coft of which is eilimated at 84751.
and 10001. more for the purchaCe of the grouild.-The Governor.
will. therefore, re,:uire i'urther pecuniar,. aid te 'a confiderable CIteDl,
for which they rely OD the liberality of the Public.
C' The Governon have provided III App.ratD. for recoYcl'lng of
Perion. apparently drowned.
. SIMPSON', HOSPITAL iD Grllll Brit.u.-jlnd, (or the R«cptioll'"
,0000, decayed, blind, and sollty Men, was opened in NOV.lill.
Tau.Tau or Tal. eaAaIT.".'
Rev. Singleton Harpur\JalRes King, Efq.· 'IJorePh Golf, ECq.
Sir Hugh Crofton, Wm. N. Ban-y, Efq. Robt. Wybranta, Kfq.
Archib. Hawldley, Efq; M. W:-Hartfton~e.Efq. Mr. Samnel 8~wlc1' ..
Robert Howard~Efq; ThOll.CrollhwlUtc Efq, P. La Teucbe, )110, E(q,.
Aid. Aletr. Kic'kp~lC'idt , :
~ . . P 2 .
220 Westmor!and Lock Hospital.
Phy:iciano, Thomas Egan, M. n. F. R."S. 3a,l"iU,.ft,..,", and John
\\·m. Bort".. , M.D. IJomwicl }lrtd. Surgeon, Gerard .!Vlacklin, JUq.
H.,,.,nu,.t-PIJ.:t. Apothecary, Mr. Atkiufon. Regifter and Agent, Wm.
Deey, Ef'!; .l!trrion-/quare, E.:JI. Steward, Mr. John Frazer. Houf••
keeper, .!VIr>. C. White.
Pe~iti"n8 for AdmilIion to be laid before the Boar'!, or lodge:! with
the Regifier, "nc Month at leaft, previou$ to the fecond Monday in
I\/ay and November.


milOate AdmilIioll of all Indigent Perfoll. adlided with the Venereal
UiC~afe, was opened in Townfelld-ftreet, lln the loth Nuv. 1792,.
State of the HOlpital, from Ill: Nov. 1813, to 1ft Nov. 1814.
Admitted. Dif'harged cured. Irregular. Died. Externa.
1 60 4 1607 4(4 48 5008
Rem"ined under Cure, November ~n, 1814, 280 Patient ••
Prefid. of the Col1e~e of Phyficialll Surgeon of the King'. Infirmary
Vice Prelident of ditto Surgeon of the Royal HaCpita!
Two Phyliciau8 General Two Profdfora of Surgery to the
Two State Phyficians College of Surgeon.
Prelident of the College of Surgeons State Surgeon
Vice Prrlident flf ditto Surgeon of Police
Surgeoll General Two Sen. Surgeons to the HofpitaL
All fo, /he /i#.. 6ting.
The IOIJowing i. the Arrangemellt of the Medical Attendance, viz.
Two Ph} lician. chofen annually by the College of Phylicians; twe
Senior Surgeons appointed by Government; three AlIifiant Surgeon.
eleCted 1y the Board of DireCtors; and fix confulting Surgeons, the Cen-
fors of the College of Surgeolls.
Phy.icians, Jame. CaIlanan, M. D. E",bt'lutr-}l',,', and Peter Edwar4
Mac 1.lIghlin, M. D. ~';dJI, G"rdiner-jl,ttt. bClli.,r" Surgeons, J. Hen-
thorn, 1:.1''1. St1"un's-gret. Wtjl. and Gcrard MackJin, M.D. Ha,courl-
plact. Allifi211t Surgeons, Rich. Carmichael, Ef'l' Ga,dil,.,',·plau,
Andrcw Joh .. fioll, Kfq. Ttmplt-jlred, and Cufack Roney, Efq. D ...
mj_i<J-jllitl, wh" attend every DOly at I ~ o'Clock.
Chaplain, Rev. Wm. O'Connor, A. M. Infpedor of Dietaries and
Accounts, Hugh Fergufon, M. D. Sacl'Uil/t-jlrett. :>teward, Mr. Joh.
}:elfon. APOthl'cary, Mr. N. Hig,iobotham.
(7TheEftablilhment for the Rdief of the Ruptured Poor of the city
(If Dul.lin and its vicinity, having been produClivc of the mon bene-
ficial eff, ~8, ha!' been extended to the remotdl parts of the Kingdom.
Mr. Ht'nthorn, and 1\1r. Maeklin, the fcnior Surgeons, continue to at-
tend at the Hufl'ital every Wednefday and Saturday .at Twelve o'Gloe};,
It' lIifiribut<: TrulTci er lland3~CI, te fuch Poor a. may apl,ly.
Fc:ver Ho{pital, Sir P. Dun!. HQ/'Pltal. 22 t
This Inllitution embraces two objeth:. Thc immediate Af
the diCeaftd perf"n from bis own d~lling plau, and the adoption of
Incafures for countcrac!ling the progref. of infedion in the habitations of
the Poor.-The Hofpital was opened the 14th "f May, 1804; fioce
which Day to 18th Odober, 1814, IS,8a6 Patient. have been admitted,
of whom 14,S99have becn difchargcd cured, II8~ havedi~d,and 10S were:
iD the HouCe on that [-ay. No Recommendation is needfary for Ad.
million but Poveny and Fever aCcertained by one of the Phyficiam, who
vifits the Patient aftcr the Application i. left, alld which Ihould be at
the Houfe befole Nine o'Clock iu the morning, to illfure Admiffioo 0(1
that Day. '
The Committee fnund it necerrary inOdober, 1813,10 folicit additional
SubfcriptiOlls, and parli'M/a'~7 lb. i.di",id.,,/ annual SUbj.ri/,li••, if Ihl
/,,1z,,6ilan(. if DuD/in, to meet the incr....ww prea'use ou their luud8, ariflll!;
from Voiriou. caufe. ; for b, tween the 5th Jan. 1812, and 5th January,
1813, rhe unpar .. lleled number nf l,2 7J Patient. were admitted into
the Horpi"'I, a number exceeding by 449, that of any furmer year.
E<lward Alien, Art. Guiunefs, George Maquay,
John Barrington, William Harding, J. L. Maquay,
Samud Bewley, John Hone, John Orr,
T. Crollhwaite, Jofcph Hone, Jamc. M. Pike,
William Difner, _ JohnD.LaTourh~, G~o. Renny, M.D.
Thoma. Difney, P. La Touche, jun. Edw. Swanwick, .
Wm. Englilh, R. Mac Donnell, 'LukcWhite.
Ph:tfdalls, Dr. Francis Barker, Upper Merrion·Il.-·Dr. Wm. Stoker,
York-ftreet.-Dr. Geo. Hagan, Arran.Q,!!ay.-:-Dr Saml. Robinfon,
Kcc1co-llreet.-Dr. John O'Brien, Grafton·lheet -Dr.Richard Hrattan,
French-ftreet.--SllrgtM, Mr. Pat. Roney, Efq. M~ath·ftreet, (who arc
e1e8:ed annually.)-RtgfJItr ~ Pllr'IItyDr, Wm. Richardfon.-Ap"th"ary,
Mr. J.>hn I-lal<.-·Aff!fl· ApoIhNtlr!l, Mr. John Hughe,.-G.:t,8or, Mr.
Henry Harri •. -Houfilnp<r, Jane Leednm.
Tl1e Institution i. fupportcd by a Parlimentary Grant with voluntary
Subfcriptiom; and it i. Kubmittt:d to the Public, that an Hofpital which
confines contagion within its walls, and prevents its 'fpreadin~ among
-the inhabitant. of Dublin, is particularly wonhy of their considerati·on.
S!!bfcrtption. arc received at thc Bank of the Right· Hon. Davil1
LaTouche and Co. 'rna/our" and hy any oC the Committee. -.
Patienta arc conveyed to the Houfe in a Carriare provid~itI. for that"
fpecific Purpofe.
10r the Reception of Patienu, and the InstnlctiOll of Studen~a Ut·
Lord High Chancellor, Lord Chief Jullice King'. Bench, I.ord
Chief Jufiice Common Pleas, Lord Chief Baron of the Exch~qtler, tlie:
Prefident, Vice Pretident, and CenfoTS of the Collere of l'hyfidaDI,
and the PliOvoll of Trinity Colle,e, Du~/in.
t22 St. Mary & Themas,Dublin General DifpensaricI.
TWII.VE GoVEJ.lroa. ELECTED ,.0& TUE PlanNT Y.A ••

Nat. Callwell, ECq. 'Dan. Kinahan. Efq. \ThOS' Parnell, RCq.

Jas. Clcghorn, M.D. Aldemlal\ A. B. King. Robl. Pcrccval, M.D.
Rieharll Darlinjt, Efq. jam£. D.LaTou.:he. ~ III ~ir Rich Stcele, Bt.
Ld Bifilop of KilIaloe ThM.Hcl b.Orpen,M .D. Rev. <:ha&. Strong
According to Aa of Parliament, each vf the !lis l\Inlieal l'rofdro~t
attend in turn at th. Hofpital, and give a ,ourre "f Clinic-:lll.cClure&;
alCo daily attendance at the Hofpital at Nine o'Clock.
Clinical Leaurert for the YeaI' comnlencing Nov. i814, Dr. Cramp-
ton and Dr. Barker. ,
Ph:!fici"" i" Ordi"",y, Dr. Peter Edw. Mac Loghlin, Jl1id,//, Go,din,··-
jI,·"t.- 'Tr•.ifll"', james Digge& La TOl&che, Ehj. - R!ftltn/ 4}PbUar],
J. Sullivan, M.B. T.C.l>.-.w.t,o", Mill E. Cadge.
N. B. Subscribers of Twenty Guine~g, as a life fuhfcription, arc
eHgible a. Gov,rnon, ans may fend tWt. Patients tu the HoCpital every
Year; and ibGuld tht·y at any tune augment their Subf.:rilHion to
Thirty Guineas, then thry may have one Person in 5ucccflion enter-
tained a8 a Patient in the Hofpital.
SubCcriben of four Guineas per Annum may be cle8ed Governors
.Ier the Year, and },ave two l'atient6 only in the Hofp:tal, durirl!:
that Period.
Application for admiffion to be made at the Hofpital every day,
from 9 to J [o'clock. SI&bCcription5 will be thankfully received lIy any
of the Governnrs, or at the Bank "fthe Rt. HOII.David LaTouche 3ndl'o.


Co/el-laM, HtIt'y-.Ji".t.
THIS charitable Inftitution waa the Flan of the Kind eflablilbed in
thi. City: Medicines and Advice are gi.,en thrice a Week at the Dif-
penfary, or at their own dwellings, to fuch of the rdidcnt Parilhiallers,
whoCe agcs, complaints, or fituations, render them improper Ohjech for
publiA: Hofpitals. The expcnfes of this moll I&Ceful Charity are defrayed
by private SubCcription, and public Parochial contrihutians. Thc Go-
'Vernors and SuhCcribers recommend.
C'o"!IIJtiIlZ Ph;1fi.;aRI, Dr. Perceval, Kildart-plil<l, Dr. Boytorl, Do",;-
If;el-jtr",. Plryjid,"U, Dr. Brooke, N. CII,,,j,,/,,nd-jl,ut, Dr. Jame, j<lhtl
Leahy, M,,~.,.'-jl'le/, Dr. Todderick, Su.ffo/}-jl. Dr. M'Cabe, M4rl-
6.,-"-jl, S"rgtoll, Edward Barlow, Efq. Cd/d-" . ."dpo/hu",y, Mr. Val.
O'Brien, GI. B,;t"i"-jI,·,tt. 'Trt,,!urer, Dr. Boy ton.
lknefaaiOlls will be thankfully received by any of the above Gen-
Temple-bar, mllituted in the year 17h, for admininering Medical and
Surgic~l Reliet to the lick and difeafed Poor of this City. A Phy-
fician attend. every Monday, Wednefday, an.! Friday, and a Surgeatl
cwery Day (Snndayexcepted) at 11 o'Clock at the Difpenfary ; luch
Patients a. cannot attend there are vilited at their own Home ••
The Medical Gentlemen of thit Iuftitutiou have provided an Appa..
ratuI fur the recovery of Pafous appareutly drowned, ace.
Sick Poor Institution, St. Gcorge's Difpenfary. _ 2tS
p,ejultn', Right Hon. David La Touche.
""·-a!u",." Sir Tltomas Gleadowl Newcomen, Bart. /le Co.
~h:ti.· ,. Walt.Wade, M.D. F.RS. Up. Dorset·ft. P. E. Mac Loghlin,
M. D. Midrlk Glrdmcr.ft, J.,O'ReardoQ, M. D. Marlboro'·ft. Richd.
Gra" ,,,. M.D. Freu~h-ft. A. Meyler, M.D. Lower Gardiner·ll.
Sur,.,m,. John Halahan, ECq. Yorlo..ft. J. CTcighton, Erq. Merioll.~q.
Edward Geogheg'lI1, Erq. N. Earl·ft. JaM Kirby, Efq. Harcourt-ft.
Ja&. Dug,:n, Efq. Aun~ier-ft. J. Johnfton, Kfq. Temple.fl.
Apo,hca,." Suj.T",,!u,Ir, IIlId 8",.,,,,,, Mr. Walter Fitzpatrick,
C,II'gt-g run. .
The Governon of this moll uCcful Charity are alUlua) Subfcriber. of
Om: Guinea. or life Su.bfcribCl'8 oC Fin GuiuM' er upward&.
For ~dminiJh;ring medical and furgical Aid to the lkk Poor, and affill-
ing them with the NecelTaries of Lift:, opened 3doC NovembCl', 1794;
fupl'ortcd by annual Subfcriptions and charitable Donationa: under
th. management of a Committee, chof~n from amonr; the SIlbfA:ribers
by Ballot, who meet the 1 ft Friday in every month, U occafion raquirCl.
Rdieved fin,e ita commencement to 1ft of Nov. 1814, u9,~3~; oC
whom have been att"nded in the laft year, 9000.
All Pennna paying ten Quineaa become Governor. for LiCe; an.d filch
•• pay one Guinea or more annually, are Govemon Cor faid Year.
Attendance fr<lDt elenn till one o'Clock each Day, Sundays excepted.
T".n/u,tr, Right Hon. David La Touche and Co. who will thank·
fully receive Subfcriptions and Donations. R.gfJIlr IINd C.II,ao, if S,,6-
[crip/ion" Mr. Henry Harr""lIt ,h, Ho,!!,. PhJf<illn" Dr. Francis Duany,
Meath-fireet, Dr. John O' Drien, GraftoD.llreet, Dr. Patrick Parkan,
Saclr.ville-ftreet. Dr. O'RcardoD, Marlboro'-ftrect, and Dr. JohD Gor-
don, Merrion.row.-S.rg..", Edward Barlow, Efq- Capel·ftreet-
Ap,.th...ry, Mr. Richard Aflon. ill."th-jlu,"


Thofe Inllitutionl are Cupported by Subfcriptiona and DODatioD., and
fince the Years 1801 and I8oz, have extended Rdief to maDY thouf.aQ.
Patients. Printed Reports may be had at the Difpcufary, DiJI~nJiz".Jtuu,
Do""-jrUl, or from the Apothecary.
P",nn, Hia Excellency Vifcount Whitworth, K. B. Ld. Liellt.
P.'rlHltji, Her Grace the Duehef. of Dorfet.
P,';',"t, Hon. and Rt. Rev. the Lord BHhop oC Fer",.
Yi.. P,.jiJ"" ••
The Lord Chancellor Rt. Hnn. Robert Peel \H.Hanlilton, ECq.M.P.
Ld. Bilbop of Down R.ight Hon. Judge Daly Luk.e White, Efq •
. Ld. Vifc. Powcrfcolll't Hon. Baron M'Cll:Lin$.he'P1'OVo!l, T. C. D.
Lord MnuntjoJ Colonel Handfield Aid. :John CarletoD
Lord Alktown Robt. Shaw,Efq.114. P. Jofeph Goi', Srq •.
Difpenfaries, Hofpitals, Bee;.
'Trea/urer"Mtfsrs. Ball, Plunket, and Doyne, Banler.,.-YiCl.'T...a/"rtr,
Reg!f/er, and Secretary, C Dowling. Efq. Phyjician"Dr. P. E Mac Loghlill.
Middle Gardiner-jl. Dr. Thomas Mill., Do".inicl-jlrut, Dr. John 'Breen,
AbbeYj.'. Dr. Thos. Lee, Ca'llendifo_row, Dr. James Browne' Henry-ft·
Dr. Jas. Duncan, MarI6oro'-jlrut. Con/u/ting Ph:Uician', Dr. G. Maxwell,
G~"''lJil/,-jlrut, and Dr. John Gahagan, M"rlbarollgh-jlre<t. Surge."St
RIchard Carmichael, Efq. Gilrdiner'l-place, and Andrew Johnfton, Efq.
· 'Tc"'pl.-jlrP<t. Con/ulting Surgeon, Robr. Piele, Efq. rorl-JIrut..
Rifrdent Apothecary and Providore, Mr. Patrick Sims.


Opened :ud OClobcr, 1804, ro fupply the Poor of St. MWOUAN',
and St. PAUL'S Parifhes with Medicine, Advice, and fome pecuniary
AITinance, and to prevent the Propagation of contagious DiCeafe.. The
Parifhcs are divided into fuur DiflriCls, and a Ph}'ficianappoitJted to
each, who· vifits daily, A Phyfician alfo attends at the Difpenfary
-butwcclI 11 and H o'Clock in the Forenoon of every Day, (Sunday
exceptd) to give Advice to all who are rec<.m;.lended.
The Difl'enfary i. fupported by private SubIcription.
, Pby/i,ian, Dr. Thomas Dromgoole, Lnv.r norfot-jlrut. SlIrgtM',
· 13m~. Ri ...er_, Esq. !!t...uun-jlrect, and Jofeph Doyle, h:fq. BlejJingto~
jlrat •. Tr<ilJu, er, .Luke Cahill, E.q. Fift,,',-/lne. Secrd"ry and. ApotbuIlry.
Mr. Richard l\furray.
· UNITED HOSPITAL of St. MARK and St. ANNf!:, Mark-jlmt.
This Hofr-ital Cormerly rhe United Hofpital of St. Nicholas and St.
c;:atherine), op,ned OClober 3, 1808, for the relief of Poor labouring
ullder Surgical and Medical Difeafc. The HI·lIfe cOlllains ID Bed. f.'1"
the receptiol. of Internal Patients.
Medical Governors and Attl ndant •.
Phffician" Dr.J. JohnBourke, Granby-"o'w, and Dr.Jas.Callanan, Ex,he-
'1uti'-jlru!; SUlgeons, M. Kwgh, Efq.Mcal"-jlr. John I oyle, Ef~. Ujl·cr' ...
?/land, C. Fitzlimmons, Efq. Jas. Rivers, Efq. ~,,;'-jl. John Adrien, Ef,].
Da.uJoOl-.ft. Robt.riamilton, Efq . .l'Terrionjl. Jo •. I oyle, Efq. BlejJingl'n-jl.
-_. Wall,lif'}. Dorstt-jl. Apotbtcary, !\ir. John Conovan, Fktl-ft. HOUlS
of Attend.anee ,ach Morlling, frL-nl 10 to 12. Children Vaccinated
<:n Mondays." .
''Trca/urer, lI.lichael Sweetman, Efq. Ecc/ts-jl. by whom, and by the
-:Medical Officers, Subfcriptwns and Donations will be received. .


Guardian, Her Grace the Duchefs of DOTfer.
. DirtClrt./Je" The Governdfe, of the Foundling-I-i:ofpital"
Inftituteil2sth ~arch, 1800, and conducted hy Johu Creighton, rfq,
(illre, which day to 29th Sept. 1~14, the following Numbers were re-
lieved: Jnfallu a,nd Childreu 69, 001, Adults in &urg;cal Cafes 11,872.,
Cbildl'm Inocllla.tIA;~v'th V~ccine InfeCl ion 19,91 I. •
,Adviceand l\~e4i<;i~;gnti8 Tutfday, Thurfday, and Satyrday, from
9 'to 11 o'clod,; Attendance for Adult Poor in Surgical c"fcs, (partieu-
I.rly dif""fes of Femaks,) on Monday, Wednefday, and Friday, at 11
.. 'Clock. ~nd alIo for Vaccinatioft on ~'lonuay Weuncfday and Friday at
Ten o'Clock.
Cow-pock Inltitution, 'MagJaten Asylum. lice. 22;)
Ptzlr.". His ExcdleDCY tht. l.()ld Licutt:nant.
Opened under the Superintendallce of the following Phyiicianl and
Surgeons. for the gratuitous Inoculation of the I'OOR., IIJld "or fupplyinr
the different Parts of the Kingdom with InIrdion.
Jofeph Clatke, Ef'!; \ Evury, Elq; IRalph S. Ol.rf. Efq;
lames Cleghurn. EfC); Abr. Colle-, Ef+ Solomon Richard., Etq;
Attendauce, on. TuCfdaya ar.d Fridays, at one o·CI ..c.... Packcta of
Infcdion, with printed Dircdions. whkh may be tranfmitt~d by Poll.
(fret: of E~pence.) at half a t rown each; or Gcntlemon may he fUl'l'lied
rnr a Guinea per Anllllm. Surl'eons of the Army to be fUI'I,licd by
applying to tbe Medical Bnard. Since the 14th of Jan. 11104, (the
Day on whicJl the Inniturioll "'3_ opt:ntd,) .U.S76 Pa,icutl have bee.
inoculated, and 31,741 Packets <If Infedion dillributed.
Sardary, Sam!. 'Bdl Labatl, M.D.-A;;.t. Snrna'.T, Hugh Fergufon.
M.D. 61.,Sad'"ary, Mr. Stroker. r".lJritairo-jlr""
C All Letters direded to the Secretary to be addrefl'ed (under (over,
tn Edw. S. Lees, Efq. General Poll-Office, Dublin.


For Curing DiCeafes of the Eye, under the M.dical Direction of Mr.
Riall, Oculi!l to the Duke IIf Clarcnce, and Surgeun in urdinary to the
Duke of Kent.
PaIr.", His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.
Prtfdent, Rt. Hon. Robert Ped.
rice Prtfdmt, Lord Bilhop of Killaloe.
'IreaJllrers, Rt. Hon. David La Touche Se Co,

MAGDAl.EN ASYLUM, L«/.,,-:JIred, opened ,on the Ilth'June.

1766. for the Reception of fULh uufortunate Female., as. ahandoned b,
their $edu,ers, and rejc<.'led hy their Friends, prefer a I.ife of Penitence
and Virtue, to Guilt, Infamy, and l'ro/litution.
Palr."eji, Jler Grace the Duchd. of Dorfel.
rice Potront,fi, COlmtef. Dowager of Kingllon.
ne/,uly nu Plllr."eji, Mrs. Diggcs La Touche.
G...,,,.,,'..Ifo1 for Life-LadyO·Um:D. Mrs. Blachford, )\1". Ogle. Ha..
Mrs .. Wm. [{nox, Countef. of Caftlcftewan,
. rY;lillg I adi,,-Coulllef.Dow. Bedive, Lady Hntchinfon, Lacly Dow.
Roflmore, Vif.:ountefs I.iflord, Vi8countef. PowerfcOIItt, Mrs. Alworth.
Mrs. Vox, Mrs. Morgan, Mra. 'Armllr"ng, Hon. Mrs•. Bourke, Mrs.
Wm". Difllcy. Mrs. P.La Touche, fen. Mr•• Rawfon, Hon. Mr.. 'Will.
l<nox. .
PriftJrnt-Hia Grace the A;n'hhilhop of Calhel.
GlIa d:..",-The l.ord Chancdlor, Archbilhop or Tuam. Ld. Bp. of
w'aterfod, Rev. Mr. Wolfdey, Alexandtr Jatfray, E'q. Rev. Dr. R.
Woodward,P. La Touche,jun.Elq.Jamu Diggea La Touche. Efq.--
GII,mii""lf.r Life, Rev. Dr. H. Guinnef., Morgan CroftOD, Efq. Rev.
Mr. Jelfop. . ..
Ann Ma/ Su6uri6e,. - Counte(8IlT LLndaff, Countefs of Famham, Lady
Hewilt, Sir Nic. Colthurll, Bt. Hon. Ju~ge Daly, the Mifsca Culthur.u,
Mrs. Arthur Guinnefs, Mra. 'Wol,dey, Mrs. l.eCror, Mr.. Jelfup. Pet.
Ree, Efq. John Hawkins, Ef'!.. W",. Andrews, El".
226 Lock Penitentiary, Dnblin Female Penitentiary.
Trlafurtr, Jol1ll La. Touche, Efq. Clxrtloill,lln. ll. H. Nafh, F.T.c.D.
I''':tft,jall, Delllor B.U. Surp.IIs, Jame. H~tllorn, lIDo! SolomoD R.i.
«hards, Efqr•• Apothecary, Mr. Edward HoMer. Sul"illu.dR"t Malr•••
Mr•. Jane !lam.. S"rdar, ..lid Pr..;';or" Mr. Wm. Bruce Dunn. .


HerOrace the Duchees of Dnr(et, I'atr_tji.
Opened OD the 19th March, 17"4, for the llecq>tioD ..hd Employ-
ment of Women leaving th<: LocI<. HOSPITAL, aMd deliroul of return-
ing into the Path. of Indutlry and Virtue: It h.... already aJfordC4l
Refuge to FIV!; HUNDRKIf and.Tw!;LVII: Femal~., I1llIny of whonl
have been reftnred to their Families; more placed iD Service., or oth"r
Employmenu, and FIFTy-rOUII remain in the Houee. ,'his Charity has
Deen endowed by the late William Smyth, Efq; with a Chapel and other
The net Produce ef Labollr amnunts to more than 5001. per Annuln.
All Branches of Walhing, Calendering, Mangling, &c. are carried-
on; and F.mployment is folicitcd. Subfcriptiens and Donat~oni
received at the Bank of the Right Hon. David. L .. Touche alld Co.
Tr••furu. A Suhfcription of Four Guineas conftitutel a GoverneIs fur
.the Year, Twenty Guineas for Life.
S ..rttar" Johu D. La Touche, Efq. Chaplains, Rev. Benj. W. Mathiu,
and Rev.Wm. Thorpe. Ph:tftcianr, Dr. Perceval, Kiltlar• ..."la". Dr.Brooke,
Nor/I. Cumhtrlani-lIrut, Dr. Stokes, CdltCt, and Dr. Robinfon, Digglljl.
S"rg""s, Mr. Halahan, Yorl-jlrtet, aJld Mr. Moreton. .IIp.thHIWJ. Mr.
I . . i.roan. He",,./lr.tI,. who ,eneroufly fuppliel Medicine. Gr"';".


Circular Road, North.
P tro". His Or ace the Lord Primate.
P atr."tJ., The V ifcOUllItos L.orton_
A Temporary Houfe (taken durir'g the building of the permanent Efbb-
lilhment) was occupied 011 the 3d of April, IlS.,I3, and on the ~7th of
October, 18 1 4, the Inftitution was removed 10 the Circular Road,
whore a d,oor "f mercy has beeu opened jor the receptiotl 01 Iuch
unhappy F('malcs as having dral.k of the bittfr cup of Sin and Infamy,
, are willing 10 feek tor refuge from a comilluauce in guilt, and ddirous
to turn from the path. of Ruin, to a life of PCllitencc and (nduRry.
The Inftitution is uuder the direction of a Cori'idlittee cl Lailit;s, who
are in daily attcmdan"e, alld whofe exertions are directed to the Religioua
and Moral irr'proveruent of the Women, and ule advanceruent of habit.
flf Order and Indllrlry.
WailiiJIg, Bleaching. Mangling, and Needle- Work, in all its branches,
.executed with ca. e iilld dispatch; al,d every attention is paid to give fa·
ti.facti<>n to thof~ who may fayour the Inltitution with ErnpIOyU1Cllt.-
. A RCllOfitory has been op< lied at the Houf< for the faJ. of I'ancy and
. Ornamental Works, Linen, &c. in aid of the Funds of the Eftah-
lilhment.-A fubfcription of 10 Guineas, tuultitutes a 'Member for life;
I Guinea, a Mcmbt;r rnr "lie
Tr.alflr.r, Robert &haw, Efq; M.P. by whqm Donations and Sub.
f;:ril'tioDs are received, at the Bank oC Mefi"r.. ~haw & (;0. F'!Ii~tl.",.
Rit:hmnnd National Institution, HOlise of Refuge. 227
.~ENERAL MAGDALJ.2:N ASYLUM, T'"UI"I..d-".~; opUlcd
15th""A", 1798. Cor the reception of IlnfOrUlDate Female Pnlitcntl.
All Branches of W:dbihg. Calcncierillg, Man,lin~. all. Plain work,
a ..<: carrie.1 ..11. and EmploYD1eot i. moll c:arneftly Co1icir~.
liuh[eriptions artd Do~ri,,". are r"ccind bJ the Treafuror.
Pr!Jid.nt6, Randal M'D<lllndl, Hfq. &c Davld Hinchy, 1Lf'l: 7""..-
.urtr. Denis Tholuaa O'&ien, EC,,; CI",,/I";II, ~e.,. P. Powell; P":Jfi&""'.
Dr. Bourkr; $lIrZHJ". John Adricn, ECq; Apt".....,. Mr. J. Dono.,aD;
R!Jid."1 Mdtr.", Mrs, B. Ryllll.


Eftablilhcd by Subfcriplion. for the Inllruaion of the IDdullrioua
Blind (on th~ plan of limjlar illllitutiolls in Grcat Br;tain. iD which
the nliRd are taulIht nriOU8 trade., /kc. &c. wllc:rcby they DIar be
enabler! to fupport ilicmfdve<I.
Por ..", His Euellency Cbvlt·., VifcouDt Whitworda.
PrtJideni. His Gnce tlu: Lorrl Primak,

ru, Pr.jidmt••
I.ord High Cbancellor I •d• Bithop nC I>erl')'
Ld AI chbp. of Dublin The Chief Juftice
I. 'J".w!u,.
Hon. & ReT. J.P',-'erflt
Ld. Archbp. of Cafhe1 . Rt. Hem. D. La Tnuehe 1l8lld.MacDonIl~1I.1!:(••
I.d. Bithop of Kildare ILd. Archhp. of Tuam Luke White. Erq.
u additi.;>nal Manager., eleCted for the current Yur, uuti! May. 181S'
Rev. Wm. Annefley IWm. C.Colvill.jun. F!q.!Rolot.M .l'icle.julI.J\lq,.
Rev. James Armfirong Th08.GibboDs,jun.Ef,!. ThomaaParue1l. &it.
Wm. l'\. Barrj, Erq. JOIeph GolI", jun. Kf,!. John PatteD, Elq.
Rev. Wm. Dul'he Rev. Dr. Handcnclt ,\rch. Redfoord, Ef...
l<.ichd. Cave. Ef,/. Wm. Hardinj!;, Erq. Ifnc Weld. JUDo Efq.
Jame. Cleghom. M.D. Alex. Knox,. Ef". Thomas WilCon. hr•.
I •. Crofthwaite,jun.IUq. John Murphy, Erq. W.P.I.uDcU, EC",
Tr,afu ...., Rt. Hon David 1.a Touche. and Cn.-S".~ta.,. Hugla
Fcrguloll, M. D. Sat:lvilh-jl.-Sul"i"t.tldttHl, Mr. Hen. Cochran.-
M"trtm. Mn. Cn,hran.-P"y,;<i"". Hugh Fergufon. M. D -S"rg_',
R.ohr. l'.toorc Pide, -rorl-zlr,n, and Solon"'.. Richal'd8, E1<t. r.r.t-U.-
Apot"«.". John Murphy. Er'!. J'W.Ilnljo,-f'l"'"''
Subfcripci~ntt and Donations arc receiv~ by the Treafurer, or liT the
5uperintt:ndant III the Houfe.
!t1' Tw~nty· Gui·neal c(lnstitutes a Go.,ernor for lOfe.
Opened in February 1802., for the receplioa of Young Women GIlt
.of Employment, who bring unquefiionable tefiimoniea of their modefly.
honefiy. and It>briety; they refide in the Houfe till accommodated
with eligilole Cervices, and arc employed in tI'alhing. Mangling. Plain-
'work, &c. each individual receives a fm;LH d:tily alln~'ance, to malteup
any deficien(y in her earningL The Hou'Ce i. c... nfided to the care Il{ a
prudent rdidant Matron, under the direc!Hnn of the Goyernefi'es, wh •.
meet the firft of every month. at r I o'clock, to examine candidate.f"r
;:tlmillioli. &c. PcrCan. defirous of servants, are requefied te applr ~
die Matron.
22'i CharitahJe Society, Strangers' Friend Society. '
II' the co.are of the lOin year, the G'overndTcs hav~, br fubfcriptinn,
• large fuitah'e houfe capable of accommodating 60 young' Women,
but al the incrcafed cftabliJhmcnl involves confiderable e.. penfe, addi-
tion.hle Suhfcriptions are mo' ea, nc!Uy folicited, to fupport this in_
terelling ufdul Charity. Subfcribers "f ten Guineas are GovernefI"e.
for life; and ODe Guinea annually. a Govcrnefs for the year.
J'a,rollifs, Mrs. P. La Touche; f/i&e-J'atrollifs; Mrs. J. D. La Touche-,
who are Governe!fe8 for Life; alfa the following Ladies:
Countess of l\feath IHon. Mrs. Clinton Mrs. A. Guinnefs
Countefs of Beclive· Hon. Mrs. Knox Mrs. B. Guinnd.
Counte". D. of Roose ILady Hutchinfon Mrs J. D'Olier
Viscounte... Powef5court' Mrs. Blachf'ird Mr.. J. Freke
Vifcollntefs Lorton fMrs. R. French l\1iss H. Kearnan
VifcoUlltelS Monk 'IMrs. /Perceval Miss A. Keatliao
Darone;; D. Carberry
Subfcriptiolls will be received by any of the abov~ Governe!fe, for
life, and at the Bank of the Rt. Hon. D. La Touche and Co. 'I rea/urt'"
• .. Since the opening of the H"ufe, to I it November, 1814, 584
YOU;lg Women have been admitt£d.
CH AB. IT A B L-E~5('-C (E T Y,
For the Relief of Sick and Indigent Room-keepers,
Jnnituted in the year 1790. Since which p;,riod the Sum of 35,6;>01.
Ios.4d. hall been expended 011 .>86,010 diftrefTcd perfons. The rund.
"rife from fubfcriptions, donations, and charity fermons, under the man-
agement of a Committee of twenty-one Truftees, (chofen "nnually)
• Trcafnrer, anti four divifional Prefidents. .
-r..a/ur", Samuel Rofborough, Efq. Cbar/":JIrut; S"rtlar1 t. thll
C••mitt.. cf' Trujlm, Peter Brophy, Efq. 88, A66,]:JIrut.
Di.,!Jional Prejidmtl.
Barrack Divifion, Mr. James Th ... rp. No,7, Bow-Jo"t.
Vlorkhollfe do. Mr. Samuel Bell, No. 66, Fr<l"ci,-jl,ut.
Stephen's-green do. Mr. Jas. Mooney, No. :a,S. Gt.Gt.rgt',-JI.
· Rotunda do. Mr. Thos. Rooner, No: ro, M.orejlreer.
S"TctOlY, Mr. Laurenee Toole, No. 35, D.rftt-jlr"t. Donation.
and Subkriptions arc received by any of the above Gentlemen. All
Subfcribero have a power of recommendinlr objeCl:s for relief.
~ lsfiituted in the year 1790, for affording relief to Defolate Strangel'll,
Bek Poor, and indigent unemployed Manufaaurers. No Recommenda-
tions required, but evident Diftrefs, afcertained by an unexpeCl:ed Vifitor.
Through the medium of this Charity, fome oC the moft diftreffed
and deferving l,our, and, in many inftancc5, whole families, have beeD'
timely and e!fectually relieved. An annual Report is printed, tu which
the publie are rcfpeetfully referred, and may be had from the Treafurer.
The Society meet every Friday Evening at the Methodift Preaching-
Houfe, Wbitifriar-jlrut, at 8 o'clock, to hear Reports of diitfeffitlg
Cafes, grant Rdief, and arpoi.!lt Vifitors. .
The Funds wholly arife from yearly and' weekly Subferiptions,
and BenefaCl:ion., which are earneftly folicited and thankfully r~ceived
by John D. La Touche, Efq; Dank, Cajl/'jI.; Mr. Dugdale, 6, D"It,,-/,;
·A..Keene, Efq; Charltwolll-jl.; and Mr. M Keenc,6,C./I'ge-Gr,,",-rrevjQru.
Debtors' Friend, Asylums. Charitable Loan. 220
AlI"odated to compromife and Lquidate the Debts of furh Individual.,
(of every religious denomination,) as may be f"und d.Jervillg of their
interference, alld who have been coofi.d for fmall Deots, Within the
City, Llbertie., and County of Dublin; alld ~, a fiord Ifu<h rdid ...t
their caft's may require.
Rt.Hoo.theLord Mayur/Rcv. Wm. Bu.he IBcnjamin Kearnq. Efq.
Mr. Sher.ff Smith Alderman Joh~ Calh Mr. Martin Keene
Mr • .sheriff Flcminj!' Law. N. DonoY:l.lI, Efq. Jdn,es Si9gn. Efq. '
High Sberitf Co.lJuuliJt.Rcv, Piers Gal1lul" Pauiu, E . .sillgc!, Efq.
Rev. D. Archer jHugh Hamill, jun. Ef'l.j;.eob W dl, l.s'l'
Rev. Wm, Blullddl j}:dW. Hendrick.,J.!:lq. Mr. Will. WatJon
Simwn Boileau, Efq.
Tnafuu,,' Robert Shaw, Efq. M. P.-S..".t,uy,. Juhn KingfioQ
James, Elq. N, F,dtri,/,-,'. by whom, aod ...oy of the Cunuuittcc,Dulll'o-
tiolls and Subfcriptions will be thankfully r<ceiv~d •
••• Ten Guilleas cUIIlIilutes a Lik .suull:ribcr, a"d ant Guinea aa
annual Subfcribcr.
This Inftitution was opentd on th~ III of May, 1812, for the r~cep­
tion of Reduced Old Men of gouJ charader. 'lhere are at prc"em ill
the houfe TWJ: NI' Y, who art conlfortdbly accommodated and supported.
A fubfcription of Ten G~illeas CGnfiit1ltes a Governor for life, and of
One Guinea for a year. Tr,ofure1', Rt, HOII. ·D. La Touche and Co.
S,crtlary, Mr, J. Jones, S. GI. G.orgt',-jI. by allY of whom fubfcriptiuna
and donations will he .thankfully received.
Thi. Infiitution, [upported by Donations and annual fubfcriptiolll.
was opened 15th June 1809, at No. 67, SumOlfrLiJ!, for the foie re-
ception of Aged and Debilitated Female SerV"!1t;. Th<y arc rro.
v ided with iuitable acconunodation, and a weekly f.,m allowtd to
cacll for their fupport, ullder the dilfctioll of a Comlllit:te <l.of<1I
annually, who meet th" 1ft M~llc!ay uf C\'ery Month. A 1 ollJtioll of
10 Guineas cOllfiitutes a Governor for Life-one 'Guinea a Go\'en,oc
Cor olle Year.
Phyjiejoll, Dr. Dunean; ApotLwlTY, In. Murl'hy. Efq. 'rnafun" ' '-i!-
cock. Phelps, Cllpel-jl, S"rdary. John Ph cl ps. jun, Donatioos ~nd Subi-
fcriptions will be thankfully rcceivtd at the l;'1I1k. of T. Finla)" Efq.
ar.d Co.; Right Ban. D. La Tou,he and Co,; Robl. Shaw, Efq. & Cv.;
Ball, Plunket, and Doyne, Efqrs; alld Ly the Treafurer, c,r Srcr"t"y.
THE Governors of the Ch~ritable Mufical Society, iu(orporJted by
Aa of Parliament in 178o, for lending out 1\1011e),, lutcrdl frcl,
to Indigent Tradefmen, meet at St.Anne's Vel\ry Roum, the firll anJ
fecond Tuefday in every, Month, to lend not lefs than Two Pounds, nor
more than Five, to anyone Perfon at one Time, whid. Sums are to be
repaid at Siltp~nce in the Pound weekly; Proper Objccls of this Cha.
rity mull. apply by a Certificate printed 1>y Mr. W. Porter, in Grafton-
fireet. Since Mlil'ch 178x, 3,3:10 Perfon. have been relieved, ,,]..,1. F~­
..ruc" amountro to X~,049. and the S.1I1 kllt'u,7" .. PounG'.
230 Charitable Lean ••
The H"II. and Rev. John Pomer"y, A M. E<lward Bdl, Efq;
aud John Beatty, M. D. V,,,,,.P'USJDF.N"rI.
Lord Primate kr.v. Jnhn Brougham P~ter ,La Tt)lIche,Efq.
Lord CMncdlor Sir Arthur Clarke P. La Touche, jun,Bf'l'
I.d Archbp. of D,,1>lin Rev G. W. Cd'iton, Se· Rev. John l.eahy
Ld. Arch!>}' of Calhd err/ar, John Leigh, Efll'
Ch.Jllrlice King's B. "ch Charleo Craven, Efq. 'iulIIph. Minchin, Erq. -
Ch. luftic.e Comm<:>n Rev. Henry Crofton Hon. Ponr. Moore
Pleas Morgan Crofton, Ef'!. Sir W. R. E.Mmre., Bt.
Cl,. Baroll Exclaequer Capt. Philip llefl'arc\ 'lajor Guft. Nicnlls
Earl of Carysfor~ Thomas Difney, Efq. rho •. H. OrpcnM.D.
F.arl DODo)ughmore WIlli;un Difiley, Erq. Tohn l'ittar, Er'!.
I •.!. Bilhop of Cl·'yue Rev. Richard Drury. Wm. Porter, F.r,!.
I.d. Bilhop of Derry
Ld. Bi019p of C'oghr.r I TmifMrer
011. Charles DUlldas
Rev. Thos. Q.!!in
'.<Ihn Rogerfon, Erq.
L,d Bifhop uf KiJlal.. Folith. W .Forrefcue, Efq Rev. Dr. Th" •. Smyth
Ld, .8i!hnp of Kild .. re ~t. Hon. lO~1I F"l\er Sir William Stamer, Bt.
I.d. B'shop of OJlory Rev. Wm. Grattan Arthar StanIey, Efq.
Ld.8ilhopof Waterf"rttR~v.R Handcnck, 0.0. Henry Stewart, Er'I'
Lord Mayor. Recorder"Rcv. Singleton Harpur Rev Gabricl Stokes
and Sh.<rilfs of Dublin'Hon. F. H. Hlltchinfoll Rev.IA.Woodward, D.D.
Rev. D,an Allot, D.D i'Rev. Crinu. Irwin Rev. Richard Wynne
Rev. Richa,'d Bourne ,Rev. Robert Kini Robert Wy"n4, l:.fq.
Rev. \\'m. Bourne, jRt. Hon. D. La TOl1ch.
MKATH CHARITABLE LOAN, Ellabiilbed ull July, 1807.
The Committoe of Managers meet every fecnnd Tucfday, in the
Vellry-room of St. Catherinc's Church, Thomas.ftreet, to lelld te fuch
Tradefmen and Manufadurers, as are recommended for fobriety, ho.·
nell.y and illdullry, Sums under five. and not exceeding twenty pOIlCd!.,· ,
free of interdl, t" be repaid by f,?ur pellce 'n the pound w<ekly.-
Dona,ions .r ten pounds and upwa:d., are either veiled in government
C<cIJrities fur the incrtaCc of the fUlld, or' thrown into the floating capi •
...1, at the option <If the DOllar: '
}'"trons, His Grace tbe ArcJ,\lilhop of Duhii!" and the Earl of Meath.
P"'.J'tdtnt, the ~~arl .. r Meath.
MeR'. W. S. Ambrofe Benj. Guinnef. lame, Molineaux
Rev. Anlldley Baillie F. H. Holdcroft Th"s. H. Orpen, M.D.
Samuel Bewley DflHY lones Thos Parndl
Air!. Bloxham Martin Keene Robt. Smytb
AId Jol.tll Calh 1. D. La Touche Matthew Well
Nath. Callwdl P. l.a Teuche jun. \ Wm. Watfon, Efqrl.
Benj.D'lgdale Andrew Mazicre Rev Arthur Knolt
Arth.r Guinner.
Tr,QJuru, Rt. Hon. David La Tou,he and Co. by whom, the R.egie-
kr, and an)' of the Committ.,·, Subfcriptioll& and Donations are received.
11'liJI'" Rev. '\'ro. \\'hitel,w.J"",.".jlrut; Law A.::"", Wm. ~·fazler ••
F.fq. Marlborougb-jlrul; M1rm~'r, Edw. Singleton, C.r~-jI/'ut. Sub·
CCFiD"" of Ull. pUll De aWlually, lore cliiiltlc t41 .he Committee ~,
Feinaiglian Innitution, Law Club. 231
Thi. InftitutiOll·wa. firft formed' by Subfcription in the year .8'3,
for (Ilablilhillg aDel pcrpetuatiBg the 5yftem of Edueatiun, inyc:ntcd by
P 10 nSlcn FItINAIOI.E VOI< LUl[~MBOlJllo,ah.t... by which the period
of tiaw gfually duoted to E.lucation i. conliderably ahridged. alld the
objects of intlruction are acquired with a facility, and retained with :a
certainty hitherto u.nknown. To gin due etreet to thi. fyftem (a. yct
but partially cotmmuniQted to the Public), and to conduct it on a fuit2blc
teale, tbe Profdfor has taken Aldborough Houfe. whcrein he him.
felI rc:fidea, &lid ill eunjunetion with the othcr Proprietoro. two (p".
ciou. Houfe. at Cloelilf'e. the former for the Principal Seminary. the
latter for a preparatory School. Both Kflablilhm"nta are vctlkd in
'rrullee•• aOG a ,crtain portioo of the Fund. appropriated tu promote
ene of the gr"at object. of thi. natiuual undertaking. lb. Diff'!fi.II of It.
SJjI.", t/v'UghOllt tin B,.it{jh li.Jiin .
The alf'aln ~f the lollituttOn are managed by a CCllllmittce 01 Fif.
teen, eleven of whom are annually _cbOtten from among t~ Pruprie.
ton. The Committee meet the firft Thurfday in uch Month. a Sub-
Committee eacb Week. and ooe of ita McmbcrI daily vilit. the In(li·
T'.jlu,. Hindon Blood, Richd: Willianu, and Thol. Now1an. Efqr••
"'.IJ'jlallt Lu",,.rr., ll~v. Wm. Lawler. Rey. PicfI Gamhle. Mr. Flynn.
Mr. O·Connor. Mr. Mooney, Mr. Hawkfworth. and Mr. Bea,uvert.-
Pra'fl1i1lf .W-.J1.,. Mr. Sandford. M4" MnjlIr, Mr. I..Ollicr. Mat'.... Mro.
Morria----S"i''' i..""J.••tof theP apir. at their lcifure hourl, Mr .!\ofathew.
-u""", ;" Nllt",'" ••, E"r"i"....,'" PbilD/oph), Rev. wm. Lawler-
ut.,.,,. ill C;".!Jfry. Michae DonOYaD, Xfq.-Pl,.,p&ia". Wm. Hart,..
M.D.-Su,.(",,,. Abr. Collcs, Ef'<4r:!, Mr.l"hn DOMyan.
Dr. Waiter Wade. F. R.. S. M. R. I. A. Profc:ffor of Botaoy t~ the
Dublio Society and Royal College of Surgeons, haa kindly confented
to deliYer an aDulla! and appropriate COI'ne of Le;:tur~. OB Botaay ani
Agriculture. to the Pupils v£ the IDt1itlltioo.


InJlitutd ,'. I7'/T.
Clu" Houfe. No. ll, Damc-fl:reet.
Abbot, .Chriftophcr Blenllerhalf'~t. John Ilyme. James
Abbot, William Blood. Thomu Caldbcck. WiIl;1,.
Alleu, Chrillophcr Bood. William Carr. E,\ward
Alleo, j<>ho Bocrchier. Thoma. Carron. Wm. Henry
Archer, G<orge Bowen. Chri:\.opher Carthrew. Jame.
Armftron.. J~CI Braddilh, William Chambera,John
Babingtul!. Davul Bradlhaw, Samud Chambers, J.Franklia
Baker, Heory Bradlhaw, W. Harclen Clarke, Antl,ony
Barlow. JAmes Sreroo. Georgc Colburn. John
]S;CrtoO, "lIle' M. Browlte, Brabazon Cofgravc, Williara
Becre, Daniel Browne. John Cranfton, William
'Jerry, ThoI. Sterling Brownrigg. Richard Cra" ford. Cooper
.Bctnard. Juliu. Ca... Bryan, William John Crca,h, Rich,.,...
8irdl, R.i~lIard lll.u· kr. W illi:om
Law Club.
Creed, Robert Hawkina,'John lbiaxvrclf, Arthur
Crokcr, <.:harles Hcwfon, Geor~e I :Maxwdl, Samuel
(;, William Hcylaild, RBwley i Moyne, John'
Crozier, Gcorl:le Hill, George Mavne, Robert
Dan~c, J"meR Hill, Rkhard Milis, John
})ulq, WiIliam Hobart, Witherlock Min£hill, Jofeph
Davi" James Hogan, Anthony Mitchell, Blaney Owen,
lle (;unrccy, J9hn Holland, William Molesworth, Hick. B.
De.enifh, TholOa6 Holme., Robt:rt Murphy, Jacoh Carnac:
Dickfol1, Arthllr Howlln, James MODlIl,)Wery, Altx.
Dickfon, Samuel HuMon, Edward Montgomery-, And. T.
DiL'JD, John
Dix, WilIiam
Douhin, Leonard
Hunter, John Arth.
Hutchillfon. George
JacHon, Pctfr
I Moytton, Follio!
Nafh, John
O:Callaghan\ Corn.
Donovan, John lamefon, \V.lIiam IOrmfb y, Charles
Donovan, Robert Joru.-s, Arthur Patten, Richard
Ducket, William JOIlCS, Robert IPower, William
DUlln, Jnfia. Johnfton, Belljamin,E. Q.!!inan, Thomas
Earon, Wm. Maxw. lrwill, Arth'lr IRawfon, Thomaa
r,uwanl., John Irwin, J ,;llU King Reed, Andrew
}Jlis, Nilholaa lrwiu, Thomas : Reeves, John Boles
Emerfon, John Sw;{t Ivers, Thomas IR~ce, Dennis
EulWcr" Robert hIe, Hcnry !Rlchards, John Nunll~
Faris, Thomas Kelly, John Roger., John Cook
Faera':,', John KemnIis, Thnmaa Ruxton, Alien
Farran, Jofeph Kemmis,. Wil!iam Seward, Thomas
Fauectt, Chllrlcl Kennedy, Thomas Simcocks, Thos. Matt.
Fergufon, John Kilt, John Thorn.. Small, John
Filher, l.auncellot Killikdly, Dan. Moore Smith, Edward John
Flood, J"hn Ki: by, Edward ,Snal!g, Thoma.
Fox, M.ieha,,! Knipe, George i Stew art, T. Ludford
Frllllk., Charlei Knox, Samuel Sto,k, Henry Francis
Frank., MlIthew Lane, John Swe<ny. Hen. Cope
French, Robert Legg, Mich~e! Taudy, Char,le~.
Furiocg, William Le1and, 1 homas Terry, Card.:n
Furloug,..Richard Lcvifay, Richard Tew, John
Furlong, Wm. jun. Little, Jame. Winfiy Thurnas, ~yd Henry
Garde, H. Prendergaft Lopddl, Chriftophcr 'fhompfon, John
Gilmor, James Lopdell, WiIliam 'filly, Thomas
Glover, Jobn Lynch, Martin Twibill, George
Gray, Rohert Lyfaght, Thomas, Wallaee, Wm. ,Bailey
Greenc, Thomas Eves M'Canney, Francis Wallh, Richard
Grelfon, Henry l'Il'Caufiand, Wm. Ja.. Ware, William
Hall, ".iIli.m M'Dermot, Wm.,. Warren, James
Hamilton, Fl'ancia M'Gully, George Watters, John
Hamilton, RoLert M'Donough, Audrew WhilUer, Gapriel
H'amilron, William 'M'N.:lghtf.n, Rohert White, Th08. Jervi, .-
Harding, Henry l\1acartney, Jofeph Whitla, Franei.

Hare, John M_agller, William Willoe, Henry
Har,[man,. \v. Morton Mart!n, l:harles 'Wog.,u, Robert
H arr .. , Mlchad , Mart1l1, Richard I: Y OUD&, Aleltander .

llal"Vey, Ambrt,(.: Milltwdl, Albut

Magiftra~eI of Towns.
Ar."lh. ·Rt<.rtin. John Tboa. Bligl.. El'q.
8..,,,.';,,,. James lies. JUl{. D,p. Tow" Cltr", Wm. Stewvt, Gt.
Regijler, Hugh M'Mak, Efq. Cb..rlrmollt.
Albu",. ".rtri.'II', Robert Li viagAene, ~'i'
S"."ip. R.lch. H~ndcock. Efq. Clogl",.-

R".rtler. Georg. Freuda, Xfq.
Bailiffs, Thos. Gray. aDd Edward.S-.,...... JQCeph BirDie, Xfq •
.Thomas, Genu. CIo" ••fI. .
1If4,..r, John Itcily, XCq.
D'/,,,Iy, IIInl 'r•."". CI".I, Thomat SIJt,i,ffs, Wm. ~iDD, .Ilqr.
- Naghten. Gent. _ Sub·S"",,!" Tho.. Ry:w, ECq.
All,. - \RtcOrtlt" Edw. Penner.ther, bfq. '
Sa'll.r.e;g'" Henry Hamilton, Ef')o Bdiliffi, John Bagwell, and JllaD
Dt'['. S.... llobert lo1mfloD, Hq. Howell,E('P's,
6111i1!#"HughSheill,&Geo.Biacklin. Y'OUJI CH.-A, John Labarte, ECq.
7"..... Clerlt, Hugh Sheill, Gent. (;.kr,ulU.
Bllhi.gLrft. May.r, Conolly M', Uq.
S•.,.r,iz". Frana. Hardier, ECq. Cor."", jaDle. Hamill, Efq.
R",o,a.r, Lodowick Heney, Eeq. 7".WII CJIr", lohn Tittk, Efq.
7".w. Cltrl, Wm. Brown, ECq. wrA. .
Bd/4ft. Mlly.r,John Geo. NcwCum, Efl{.
SOfI"';Z•• Thomas Verner, Beq. Bh.riffs, Henry Iklloet, & Willi3lll
'l'ftIUI Ck,", William Bynt, Geut. Johnfon. Efqr.. •
, Boyl.. CO","'O"",,. H.BagnelI,juo.lLfq.
B"rgoMajI'T, Rev J.H.G\luldfbery R••or/~r, Wm. Waggett, Er'!..
B".rder, Thomao Bruen, Efq. Dep. R".,tlt" R. Wilmott. Ef<!.
. can... Tn." C/"J., Wm. JODea. ECq.
S/IWr',ip. Hcory Baker, ElA.1. Sword B,II"r, O. Eo Bubtr, Efq.
CariflV1. Gmt. SI'j. "I A£r<t, John Bat..
S_tr.ig", brl. of Charlnille and Johll P. Mathia, Gt••
Serulln", Il.Budd.,aadW.TowoC~od City Cbap"';"' , Rev A. Keoocc!r.
Kirk, ECqra. and Rev. M. Donovan.
Cllr,i<J/..."". DrogbeJIII.
Mayor, Sir Wm. Kirk. May." St. Geo. Smitb, ECq.
RttDr#r, Conway Edw. Dobbs, ECq. M"J'.r 'If tb. St"lk,Sam. Forfter,ECq.
DlP"/" Wn... Dobb. Burld"h, ECq- R,eortl., (!I J'!Iilt 'If If" Pili€<, Pet..
&trijfi, JohnCampbeJl, and Thomas, Vanhomri,lt, Efq.
MilIar, £Cqra. rJlljlim 'If tin P.~, Ralpb 5mytb,
7"•••• CI"I a.1 Citr1 of th. P.II ... ! and Geo. Enn .. E'lIIIra.
Rob. M'Gow:an, Eeq. Sh"!ffi. nurt(.n· TiDdy and Mat.
1~~J~4,g-.CII. A.Cunningham, ECq. Codcl, KCqre,.
e."ner!l, R4>II 'M'Gowan andAda Cor""", Wm. Wynoe, iDd Jama.
Cunoin,~al1l, ESqrs. Davia, ECqra.
CafoJl. '1 D'Ui" CI.rl, W. Oli~r Fairtlon(h,
Mayor, OWIlD Uoyd. Efi). Er.., ,
Det:dy, Weldon Jordan, ~C..' Rezifl.', of tJ" ThIlfJ c.wt, W. O.
Balll~Rob.SQQU; and J.Scott. Erqn. Phirdough, Efq. '
$n •• afn-~ Avery Jordan, <;ent.T,.o/.rtr, Wm. Holmel, Efq.
,. CII"'''''. Low Agent, Geo. Peatlaud, Er...
S",,,"ig., Sa.llud BWTOW!:a, ECq. Higb C'''.Jf"hk, Mr. JD. Armiton,.
Por/rift/tl, Rev. E. Luc.s, Co.. NeJ- VU/ltltzl'.
bit, Efq. RI..,""'" Hon. John Jocc1ru.
[ 181 5.]' ~
!34 Magillrates of Towns.
}J,,;Iiff, Lord Jo(eIyn Portriroa, James Hill, and Georg~
To..,.. CI.,I,l.lIur. TaIlan, ,EC'!. Henderfoo, Efqrs.
·DIl"K"nllo".T..u" CI"J, James Hill, Gent.
P,,,,,ojl, ~rm. Murr~y, Erq. KilJmn,.
S.,,,/<bal, JQhp Snuter, JUq. lJ4ny.r, H'm. J'1l1e; autI.r
En"i.. !'IIu"iffi. J"hn Keoln, and Henr,
P",,,,o), Rev. Henry Fitzgerald Anderfon, Efqr •.
r;G< P,o"'!fi, I,'nn J. Fitzgerald,Efq. N"coder, Sir Henry WilkinfoD, Knt.
TowII Clt/i, John O'Doundl, ,Esq. r.w"
Cln-I, Juhn Wa~ters, .1!1~. .
E""iG:il/",. . KU",all..l.
P'MJojI, Rev. Tho,. Johnfi.on
R".rd",.. Thomas Whitton, I<:fq,
D'l' SO'f)<T<i;gll, StephcnCoUiu&,
Fdhartl,Banhrl",u1!fClo",,,;'r.,.W,xfo,d. SO'f)",;g", Rev. Peter Foley, Clk.
S..""i,~'" kev. John Kt.nneuy RecorJ", J\.nrhony Connetl, Jc:fq
Town CI"J, Th05. Jones, Gent. Chamber/.,i., Had. Chlldleigh, Ef40
F,atl""d, fJ'ipp"ory. , Town .CI.,.J, Geo. Newman, Gent,
S"","";g", Tho •. Banon, ECq. I 1,;",.,.i<I.
ri&.-S..."reign. Richd. V,'right, Eftl" Mayo", F.dl)td Morouf'Y, F.fq.
'(o",VIr ~f.,l, Ifaac R;all, l'fq. Sberijfs, Henry Dlllee and Arthu,
Port,i."", Ahraham Wade, Urq. Brt:{don, Jlf'lr&. •,d,,·, B. B. Brad/ha-w, F.fq. 8..ord", H. D'EUerre, Efq.
Gtd.UII'I' Chart.,. 11j1iw, A Id. R"bt. BrifeQc,
M~y." Jtmes Daly, Efq. M.P. Jos. Cri pp" And. W,!-lfon,aul
R",,,/,r. laMe. O·Har., Efq. Frand. LI"yd, Efqrs.
S/o'riffs,F. E!(ar, l.j.B,·icknelj, Efqro '(Q~'" Cf.,l, Edw. Parker, Erq.
Ward,», Rev. JanK. Daly,.
T#'U1n CI"I. John O~I-lara. Efq. II-1<,y.r, rvrarcu. San,. Hill. E[q;
De/Jllly, Rikard Burk-e, Efq. RfCOrd", Rt 1;1,':'1' SirG. Fit~~: HiJl,
. GI.ifs/ou,ih. Cbamber/"in, J"feph Curry, EC'I'
ftfng&1rat' and Swiftb..!, ~obcrt ,SherffsJ{,.,nolly Skipton, anu Mal-Cl.,
MurcioLk, Eft;. l\1'Cann..nd, &[,1. .
G.r"'rc,,. T.w. r.ln·l, Jame. Gregg, Efq.
Rum/", Vifwul\t Clifden Marylto,.."gh.
P.rlriC'l/t, l'eter Burehall, EiR. Burgo lVr.~/?,r, l\.{a j. Matt. Calfan
G.rey. Bailijf, Rob. Grave"Elq.
8u"",£;,~", Le",i. Miller, Efq. Town Cl,,}, Wm. Simpfon, Gt.
R""dtr, Srt'phen Ram, Efq. M."".!Iba".
'Tow" C/ITf, Jobn Nunn, ~fq. So",,,,;;;n, Earl of R"lfmore
Harriftown, Nt.u R.js.
~.'Jd'·';ln, Roht. La rOQch-, Efq. Sov.,.;gn, Joupli Ld!(h, Efq.
. H;i(jbo,ollgb. ,Deputy, Mich. Burke O'Brial: Ef<t.
1.""lifl" F. Ed.~. Lafed lea, Efq. R«.rdcr,.Chas. Tottellham; Efq. .
lr!Jbto«n, nr SI. C,,~jcr. ITown Cirri, Robert RogersJfq.
r... tri"'Y',Rev,Anthony Pack,I.,L.D. Bqil!f[, Mr. J on~rJlan Guudwin
'l';,un C:,rk, \\'m. Grace, Elq. -: )'.rtJr./,i"gl."., .'
. i Ke/ls. 8...",..i.rll;j.D.Clou·kf.Efq, .
•~,."reign, Rt. HOll. the E .. rl.of Bee· D,p.f:~, R"v.-Rldh,1.;l,.'rkl:. ...
tiv.C! l'"'",.llicllal'l.!·Glarkc;..and Tllqll.
D'fIut,v, Wm. I<eati!'ll!', F.fq. Willis, KC,)rs
R.-gfJlrr , Mr. Robr. C;an"l'bdl Re&urd,·r,J. Dayid Clarke, F,(q~
Kild" .... · Sli~d.
'-""';g,., la.m~. Me.dlicott, F.(~. Pr•."ojI, Thomas :\lrien, I;f~
Magi.ltrates, Bankers, & ••
.l1nilifft, Jamrs MagQwan, James'Sb,r!Jji, James Burkitt, . &Dd Henry
CUlllall,ant! Edw.Uil!efpy,Gellts I Alcoe., Efqu.
'IOWII Clt. k, Peter Fidey, El'l' T.w" CI.rI" Robt. Cooke, KCCJ.
. 'Thomajow:, W.xftrtl.
:;o""'"IJ''' Peter BlJrchlll, Efq. Ma,or, Get). HarriJ;,", Efq.
. Strah~".. 1vla). if tbt Slap. ".ben. Jacob,F.f'l'
P1"'II~n,SIrJohn Ja~. B~rgoyne,~nt. Ruordcr~ Wm. Roper, hrtj.
Record... , Edw. E/II", Efq. Baililfi, Charlc:! Jaeob, and John
. Tral<..
High P""'!fl, Wm: Rowan, Efq.
I Towd, )(fqrs.
Tooon C:/erlt, 'J hr,s. Jone., Efq.
POTITic'!)', Rev. 'Vnl. Elliotr Wi,l/o'W.
To'U'n C:I,,'~, Edw. Malone, Gent. IPu,lri""., Rev.Jam~. Corcoran.
, 'T"am. lilt",,".,., Henry Tlg!le, Kfq.
S,,,'r.ign, Martin Kirwan. IUq. '-'''Xbnl.
llt/JI,I), Nettervjll< Camphdl, J(,fq.· i\.[II,or, Edward Green, Ef".
~~,jl. ,,' M"", Jcibn Hroo"., bCq. \lIailiffi ,lltnjamin Jacl>fon, and Tha..
Wat"j.' J. • Si",o, Eftlfl.
AVa)01', Robt. Lyon, I!:fq. I'Tuwn CkTIt, John Jell kins, Gent.
R,«orJ.r, Sir F. J. HalTard, Knt.

Belfaft.-D. Gordon, Nare. Boltt, J. O,,/.VRy.-M. Lynch, Erq. & Son
H. Houfton, ..nd H. Crawf<), d, Wait, Joyee & J. Appleyard, I!:fqrllo
J!:fqrs. John Joyce. Efq. and Co.
Vlm.Tennent, Rob: Cal.lwell, Rob. Kil.lM.,..-Mleh.Brcnan,andJamc.
Bradlbaw, John Cunlllllgham, In. Laughnan Efq ...
TllOmron, and In. Stewart, l::fqr.. . . ' •
Hugh Montgomery, In. l'hmiloon, LII,url<•• - T. ~ ~.I\.,~unfdJ, Efq"'
Jil'. Orr, and John Sloane, Kfqrs.Thomas and Wllham Roche,lUqr..
. Geo. Evans Efq. and Co.
B"r.-Thomas Bernard, Erq. & Co· L IIrgan.-n-rn. '" Brown IOW, J0 h
Carl....-Henry M'Cartney, Erq. Malcomfon, Hen.l'.1'Vragh, and
C"rr;cl-on-Suir.-.RichardSaufe,Efq. Alexander Cupp'ge, JJ'Iu,
Chur/",il/,.-Geo.Evans,Bruce, and M ..llow.-Robert lJe La Cour, alld
Rohens, Er'lro. WiJli;lffi Gah,:ey, Elqr •.
Clonllul/.-Wm, Ri!t,!I,Charles Rial!, N"VTY.- Johlll\1oore, Robt.~Jacan,
and Arthur Riall, Efqrs. . and Mereclilh Foxall, Erq... '
C.rl.- Jofepil Pike, Efq. Rt{s.-·Clilfe' and Colclougb, Efqrs.
Sir T. Roberts. Bt. Walter Robert., Tullamore.-TbrS. Manley Ik Son,
Chas.H Lellie,& JfI.Le!1ie,J<:lqrs·1 KC'Ir.. •
G~o. Neweflham. Gc<>. N<wcllham"IVIllfT/o,d._ \\'illiam Newpon, and
lUll. and John Lecky, Er'l":
SteJlhen and J aOle. R oche, Kfqrs.
I Thomas SeoU, IUqr..
h d d
W.,,/ortl.--jo n Rf' man ,Erq.
/)ungQlfaon.-T.K.Hanyngton, 1<.[q' N. C. H. Hatehell, Efq.
J:nn;••.,..'franci. l\I'M;lh.n, Efq. I Dic.k{"n, Cozt:ns, and c •. if,.n.
Stamp Duties, i50vereigns or Europe.
).f S

.tIO G•. :&d.
Where the film /hall"ot IIceed

ea. 3d.·~
I 71

:&:i: -<
t to
so -<
100 w

t So::
:i00 ~
500 c:
1000 "g
3 3
4 4
I :&GO g jO<.
5 00 aDd upwarJ.
Any fum of. money whatt1er,
7 7, therem exprcft"cd 01' acknowledged
3 3
5 j

3000 ,1)o.IS,IOSd to be received iD Cull of all demands,

~ooo .. FiY<: Shilling ••
GREAT-BRITAIN. I. EmeflAugullu.,DukeoiCwn.
GF.ORGEIII.KingoftheUnittdberlan4, lur~ 5, 1771, Married
Kingdf)m of Great Britain aDd Ire- :i7th Au,. 18'4, to Princeb dow-
land. EIeaol' of Hanover born ag(r of Salms. ducheC. oC Meck-
Iune 4, 1738. 811('creded his Grand_lcllburgh Strelilz.
fa'fhcr. Xing Geoi-ge n. oa. :i5th, 9- Auguiu8 Frederick, Duke et
1760. Married Sert,ember S, 1761, uffell, Jan. :&7, 1773· .
to \he PrincefsCharlottc, Si"er 0 10. Adolphlll, Duke 01
Chute. Lewie Frederick. Duke 0/ Cambridge, Feb. :i4. 1774-
:Meckletlburgh Strelitz, born May n. Mary, April 25. 1716.
191h '744: GTownedSept, U,1761: 1:&. Sorhi~, ~ov. 3, 1777·
}oy whom he ha. iJTue: Th~ Km, •.Nlcce& Nephew are.
I. George Prince of Wales Prinle Sopb.a. Maulda. born May '9,
Regent. born Aug. 12. 176;. Mar '773, and WUUanl·Frederklt,DlIkc:,
ried April 8. 1795, to Carolineof Glouceft('r~ born Jan. 15. 1176.
Amelia Eliubeth. daughter of the AUS l'RIA.
Duke of Bfunfwic, born May 17. FRANCtS 11. Emperornf :.4u-
1768; by whomhe has iffue. Prin- dria. Killg of Hungary,
cef. Charlotlt Augufia. born J ion. Elector of Bohemia. and Arch Cup-
'I, 1196. b~arcr of the Romatl if.mpire, born
2. Frederick Duke of York, borniFehruary J~. 1768. rriarri,d Augull
AlI,.16tb,I?63;marriedSept.39~14' 1790, Mllri& Te~,'tldd\
I "I, Fredcrique Charlotte Ulrique!Oaughter of the Killg of, the Two:
Catharillr, eldeft daughter of the Sitilie8, whf) died in ,807. married
late Kin!! of PrulIIa. ", l
again, on t~ 6th'of January,l801!,
~. WilIiam Henry, Dub of CIa. to the print-d"s Maria·U~tril. ;"
rence. Aug. n, 1,6J. I 'Tb. It,,peru', Tjf~.
... l>rinceC. lloyal Cllarlotte AII- I. Maria 1.0uifa, liDI'll Decl9hli<"f
guna Matilda, Sept. 29th, 1766. U, '791; married in tho. to No..,
Lady of the Jmperial'Rl1f1ian Otder'pol~fln. late emperor of ·Ft:"n(~ .
....{ St. Catherin.e. married M~y~ 18.1. , 2 •• Ferdinand Cbarle,: Ltll~ld
1791, to Frederrck Charles Williatn. Franc.. Jofel'h Crrfcentlll •• bOrn
King "rWirt"mburg. April '9. 1793, Prince·RGyal.- , .
s. Edward Duke of Kent, Nov. ~ Leopoldina C ...."lina Jofel'ba,
:&, 176,. born January n, 1797.
6. Augufia Sophia, Nov. 81 1768. 4· MatT Clement;. Fr;InC'" JII-
7. Elizabeth, May u, 177e. Ifepha, L-orn March I. 1''Ji. ' ,
So'veretgnl or £"rop••
3. i\rthclll\eJftr~ph Frllncel Leo- Arch-Treafll.rer'o( 'the ll"ihan Em.-
pold. born April 9, 1799. pire.
6. Ca,olina Ferdi"anda Josepha Gowril.,-r..".,..I, HIIRny"l Hi);h-
Dcmetria, bOrD April 8•• Bcl. nef. Adblphul Fredeoick, Uuh oil
,. Archduke Fraud. Charlea Jo. Cam.bndge, K.n.
feph, 'born Dcc. 7. IlIo~. Wirlt'tnhul'J,'.
8. Archduke Char!.. Frand. In- FREDERICK CH ..\'ItLF.S WfL~
feph.Dokebf Salt_urg, botDAtig.I.IAM, (crea!~d, 18oJ, King and
\119. IlIoS· E)c:ctt.r of ~'iJ't~tnb"rK,) D"~.e .11
l'ritrt'tI of tIt BI-'. Suahia, ahd 1'eck, Grand Srlnd.-nI
Archduke Perdinabd, Grad duke: !>earn and HUIII/man of ,h. Mtm"••
ef Tufeany. Empire. M.,rried l\Iay Ill. 1191 •
. ArChdbke: Chatle.. bona kptetn. Cba'rJoue, Prined. Royal ',if 'E'I-
bel'S. 1771. nd.
Archduke Jofeph. Palatme an naden.
Lieurenantof MUDgMT,bom March Charkl Frederkk, GraDd Thlt.e
9,1776. abd KIC'Ctor of 'Bade", heredilar,
-Ardldllke Aotony. GraDd Malht duke of Zoringhtn.· Married No ....
et the Tatbnit: Or.... bona Aag.h6, 1187, 1.1I11ifa Carvline. PrinnJl'.
31, 11'111. Io{ HoKl.herg.
Anhd. John. bot. ".". to, 11hJ Meck~nburtb.
'Archduke RllllieJ', PFefidetlt Ofl CHARLES L.l W IS F'IlEDf!:-
tile COOild), bam 8tpc.· 3°.1783- R.lel(; V. Duke of Medtlc/lhnry,n
Al'chd. Loui., bom Dct'. 13. I 784.,Strelilll, born Ort. 10, I i 41, ~to­
Atc:bd.:a1ldolph, bo,n Jan. 8,1 188.'ther of tbe Qyeen of En,llind.
- - - - - - - : - .-~---.- Wllrtzburgh.
GBllMAN S·fA'l'Ki. [ ]
Fr... kCorc. H, ITe.
(. ) ·WII.I.JAM I. 'Elcctor,and
> Bohemia. , • .(tnc' of HdTe Call,,!.. married tJlc
Pttl'lNCIS (Emperor of Auftria,) Prineer. Royal of Prum..
King and Elcct'oreC Bohemia. Arch- Darmfladt.
tuptlclirer W the koDi~D 'Empire. [ ]
" Banrra.. lI:dl'au.
MAXtMfL!AN JOSEPH. -barD WILLIAM V. Prince t'lf Ot2~ ..e
00 the ~7thor~{a1. 17j6,:,bd mar-j'Nafi"au,l'riDcr Sovereig" of the; N~­
ried a recOtld tllnc to W.lhehnlna therlahd1.
Predtriqulr CvuliDe, PTineefo "t Ba- Brunfwid.
U. . . CHAP-LE,; 8E()RGE AUGU:>-
" Sunny. _ - rUg, Duke "t' Brunfwick, burN
FJlEDE1U(;K AUGUSTUS IV .. Fcb. 8,IJ60. marri.:d Ocl. 1.4,1790 ,
KillC of Su~.ny._Arch-Marlhal oflPrederiea Louifa Wilhe!mina, \ift"
the Ro~ Js:mplJ'e. ani Duk~ ofl lO the Prince of the Ntthe.-land..,
War~ .. born IHo. nd kat iJflte two {"D ••
_, ,Bralldellhur.lh. _ Weftph.uia.
(Kingo( Prullia,) Niargran of Bran- _____________
dcnbulllh. Arch· Chambcrlliin oC Ih. }-·RANCE.
lto1naD F.~pire. tOUlSXVIIJ. Itir.g of Franrc
lIapt'lv9'. an.i Nilvarre, K.G. horn Nov. 1 -.
mr.ORGlt ~II. Kinraril! klecto I75S. Married 'i1l,Maria },fq'i...
"UUIIOVU, (.Kincof Gieat·-britain. <,uiCa, finer tu the I,rdeut I,;.,!,: ut
IhIkc oC Bn\lfwt,\ 'L'intll\'uTl;h"S;'rcioia,'w'h, like! 'iJrI'~.'.
}',;"." .., 11. BI.DJ. t j.ouif. Angn!h. born' July 1,
Louis Charles I'hlllipc, Moufieur, [771. the King's fi(lfr.
C"ullt D't\rtoi •• born Oct. 9. 17,P· SW~:OE'-:N-:-.-----­
)\I ... ,ird J\.bria 'rerefa, fiRer to the CHARl.ES XIII King of Sw.,..
kir'g of Sardinia, and has Iffue, ~n and Norway, born Oct. 7. 1748.
I. I.oui. AI'tolne. lluke oC An- Succeeded on the "Wi,atioll uf GuC-
,."lllcl1Ic, borll Aug. 6, 177~"D1a,. tnus Adolphll. IV. 11109.
n«l June 10, .799, Mafia j e'ef.. The Prince of PouteCorvo (Gcn.
CI,ariotre cle Fr.nce, d~ughter of Bernadotte) elected Crown P
Loui~ XVI bOln O,c. 19, 177~' and fuccdfor to the S.. edi1h Throne,
, a. Ch.lries, dUKe of lkrri, born 18th Ault',fi ,8'0
~41h bll. '.'78. .' ~RUS~lA.-
l,OIl;.I'hl)),}>e, cluke Orl('a~~, PREDERICK WILLlAM IV.
born 17 i J, m~'rlC(l , prlllcelloC s.· King oI Pruflia, Margrave of Bnn-
ctly. and ha. IITuc... denburgh, and Sovereign Duke of
14'IllS Jor"ph, prInce oC Con dc, Sildi., born AU~IIfl: 3. r 770, pro-
(1ralld miiller of th~ hou~chold) bur. claimed King, N~vemlier 10, r ;97'
~th Augull, 173 6 , has .fiue,. Marri~d, December 14; 1793, to the
I.ouio.uuke of Bourbon,Aprll 6th',Prillcer. Louiaa AuguRa ,-\'i1hel-
I 75 6 . lII~rfltd, "l~d h~. "Tuc l.vmg'lmina AmcJia, of Mecleuburgb S'trc;-
AdelaIde, Rl3rned III }jOY. 181J, Jitz horn M~rth ro 1776 (whl>
to the Cellae de Relly. died inJune, 1810,) b; whorn\ehai,
SPAIN. Frecerick WiIIiam, born OCI.IS,
FER UINAN!> .Vll. fucc~eded on 179.1, Prince RoyaL ."
the abdication uf hlb htha ID 1808. Fredcrick WiJlialn Le'illi., bOB
Rellored 10 the th/ouc I~14, after March n, 1797.
the depufitioll uf the Bonaparte Ca· Princes of tilt Blood.
ruily. _ Prince Henry of Pruffia.
PORTUGAL. Prince Freder1ck, hrother of the
MAR TA FRA N C IS J SABEl.l.A, king-.
Q.!:een of· Portugal an.d Algar:ve~ -£'----}{-U-S,..S-I-A-.-----,-
born December 17, 1734> ~arnell ALF-XANIH.R Emperorcf aU
Jun1e 61,Idi60'lltIO t~he IdaledKMln g h~[ the Ru.!!ias, K, G: b<>rn December
unc~, 'c ro ." 0 le ay ~.>, d ' d (' b
3 6 h h fh h' 'f!' l3, 1777, an marrJe, ,<to er9,
J 0 h' ,y~!" ?mJ f·e h"L81 u:' P 'Ine Ii91, to I.(1uif-. Maria Augufia,
Jo n .Luarla 0 ~p ew 111 r t f h H
of Brazil, (decl"n d Hq,cnt of 1'or. d~ughtcr 0 t e ere Itary .. rm<e
L d' " .
tu alon a<colmt of hi'-molher'h iPl- ot lladtn, horn Ja"uary _~4' 17~9'
g . ) b orn ..
c:apacIIY· may, 13 1767 , ilIa,'- of ". hom
was born 81he 6 grand arch-
ried to Charl"tte Joaquira, Infanta ,!yche s, Nov. IJ, I 0 •
oC Spain. bor~ Apnl 'l5'.JnS~ b) ITALIAN ~l'ATE8.
whom he hap Ilfue, Antomo, Pnnc< Sarruma.
er BeTia, born Augu11 u, 179 8, VICTOR I:.MANUEL CAJF...
l'rince Micholcl born Oct .. '16, 180!, TAN, king of Sardinia and DUkof
and four daughters. Savoy and Piedmunt, fucc~edtd on.
DENMARK. th~ .. bdicatioll ofhisbrothedn 18°4_
FRED"~RICK VI. King of Den· B.wcd. .
Pr;"", of tb.
D1:lrk Duke (,f Pomcrania. born Jan. Charle. limanuel Ferdmand,prulCC
~7. ;7 68, tnarri,'u to Prillctf, So- of Piedmont,lat~ king ~f sardi~ia,
rhia Frederica of Helfe Caffcl. born 17 5 I, m:u-ucd Mafia Add.,.!e,
Prince Chriftian, his fon, Crown filler to the kmg of- France.
Prince, married Feb. 18, J 806, to Mallrice Jofeph, Duke de Mon~
Brincef. Charlotte .r lvIeddenbu .. ~. ferr"t, berD Sept. la. 176a.
Sovereigns of Europe.
Charles JoCeph, Duke de Gene- Sicily.
:VO;8, born Sept. 6, 1765, mar· FERDINAND IV. King of botla
ried April 6, 1808, Maria Chrilliana, Sicilies, born January n, I 75 I, 80-
,daughter to the .king of Sicily. cend~d Ihe throne, OLtoher 5,1759,
, Jofeph Belledlel, Comte de Man· on hla Father', becoming King of
,ienne, bOrD Oct. 5,17,66. Spain. Married, April 7, 1768,. to
Genu'a. Ihe Prineefa Mary Caro!ine, Aunt-of
An independent republic, rellored th~ prefcut Emperor, horn Aug. 13,
.814, on it. feparation .from the 1752. Died ~ept. 8, I814,h •• i1fuc
late French empire. aria Chrilliana, marri, d to Prillec
. Parma. Charl,ea Felix, bruther of the Kinl(
MA~IA LOUISE, Graoo Ouch. of Sardinia.
I:r.oI Parma, Plaeenza, aud GU"8- ------;TMU'Rni"Kr";;K'V;-.-----
~ella, A.rehduchef. of A.ullria, aud MAHOMOUD HARGENU,
,daughter to the emperor. Married Gralla Signior and Sultan of the Ot-
April, 1810, Napole<ID Bonaparte, toman Empire, called to the throne
(nuwfuvereign ufElba):ltul ha.i/fuc, ill 1808, ('n the Depolition aud Mur.
. Napol~on>J'rince of l'arma. der of Mullapb. IV.
Tufeany. SE JlN
FERDlNAND, Grand Duke of . V, ISLANDS.
''';rufean Archduke of Auflria, aud PrIDee ANTO~IO COR.NUTI,
brothe/~f the emper.or. Mankd Prefiden~ufthe lomaaRepubhc. Sue:
. ..... Il M' L 'fa daugh ceeded, ID 1804, on the death ~
~gu ,I 79~, ana... UUI, - Prince Theor;c•
.t~r of the kmg of SICily. ___ . '::::-:-::----:=,-_ __
PlUS VI1. fovereign pontilf,bofn LO UIS V' AF FR~ V,Landammaa.
,Aug. 14, 174Z, created cardinal, HOLLAND.
(Chiannonte) 1785. Elected Pope, WILLIAM FREDERTCK, So.
jl800. vereign of the Netherlands, Prince
Naples. cl Orange Na/fdll, K.G. marri~d Oell:.
JOACHIM, king of r:'~ples, born 14,1 79I,Pril'cefs FredericaSophia of
l'lareh Z5, 171 {. Marned Jan. zo, PrutIJa,and has i/fue, Wm. Fredcri{k,
1800, Annuneiade Caroiine, fifter of hereditary prince, K.B. a general 'ia
~apuieon !lonapartf, the Bl'itifh army; and Fl'cdericlt.
PnJi',"I, Jamea Madifon, Efq. IMinift.r ..I War, liufus Kill~, Efq.
Su.oj Slatl,James MoRCo, Efq. i~Millijl.r.flb.Na.,y, Wm.J,,"es, Efq.
S<&. t, tb. ·T,!a. G. W.Campbell, Efq.IAllorn,,.Gmeral, Ri<hard Rulh, Efq.
CASTLE CHAPEL, Lower Callle Yard.
Dcan oj tb, Chapd, f!:!f Firjl Chaplain,' Rn. Dr, Burrowes.
Rev. Samuel IRev. Henry CampbeIl
Hi, Excel/.My', ChoSplaill'.I Rev. William Lluyd
Rev. SamJlcl Slade, I'Rev. So Trench '
The very Rev. the Dean of Corle, Rev. Aiel.. Staples, .4.M.
The very Rev. the Deau of Araag,h'i Rev. George Bifshopp
,Rev. James 'Wilmot Ornuby I
Rey. Thos. Philip Le Fanu
Rev. Dt. H. Gutuuef.·· ChllJlain I . th. Cbapel, Rev. Ales.
Rn. Richard Wynne I Staples
Rev. Mr. Go' "h Organ!J1, Mr. DUIlClln
Rev. Richard H<Jman Kap., oft!.. Cl.apll, _ Wilfen •
. '~ .. v. James Dunn

• 1

• 1


For the YEAR of our LORD, 1815;

'A Colleetion of EngliJh LISTS;

Greatly im{1toved and enlarged.

His MAJRSTY'S Most Honourable Privy Council; ~

LORDS and CO;\IMONS of the'Sixth Imperial
Parliament of Great Britain,
-Summoned to meet for their Firft Sd/ion, in N~'lJlmlHr, 1812;
Principal OFFICERS of STATE, LAW, and TRADE;
J-fo! of COLLEGES and PllOFESSOR~, withmanyother Lilt••
To which are added,
I. A LIST of the Rt. Hon. thel IV. COLONHS. Tbe Military and
, Boufe of LORDS, witl> their; Civil Ell:ablHhments, Governol'll,
• :Employm~.nts, Pofrs of Honour,' Law and ~evenue Officers, .!!cc.
t!J'.. I V. SCOTLAND. All the Pl:er..
H. An Alphabetical LIST of'thel BarOlletij, State, Law, ReveDu.
COUNTIES, CITIES, BoROtlGHS'j! and Public Offices, Univcrfities,
iandMIIMBERS for each. ,with Phyficians, &c.
their Connexions, Employmenrs, VI. The GENERAL and FIELD 0 ...
.and Pofiso£.BoDour., FIc!'n.S of the){,ING'S FORCU,
Ill. A Conlplete I.IST of' the with the Regiments to which
ROYAL NAVY of ENGLAND, a' theyfeveraHybelong:TlleKing!,
allo the ADMIRALS, CAPTAINS, LANDFoRcEs,l'heMIL1TI4,with
&COMMANDJ:R80f the NAVY. theirAgen'8olDdStation •.
The-WHOLE compiled and dige!l:ed from the moll: authentic LISTS, carc-
fuJiy ,,,rreded at the, proper Offices; and from thc bc'll Informatioll.
Fitted to be bound with WATSON'S ALMAIiA~K,and makinKJ
with ~t, the p~efe.nt State of die United Kingdom.
. ;

, (Pr;u Two $ilim"gtalld Eight P""I Haifp'n ..).)
The K~ Speaker or tile Houle Kaights or the Bath"
Prince oC Walel of Commons eldeS: fonl.
King', fons Vifcoun!s' eldeft Coni Knight.' elddl COIII
King'a brothel'l
King's uncles
King'l grandfons
Earl.' younger fons
Barons' eldetl tonl
Knights of the Garter . botly
Efquires of t~ltiiJ,'.
Baroneu' yo~ger f_

King's brotherl~ or fi£.jPri vt Counfellor. Gent~en of the Pri...,.

, ters' fonl Chancellor of the Ex- Chamber'
Archbifhop oC Canter cheqner . Efquires of the Kniptl
bury . . Chancellor oftheDuchy of the Bath·· .
Lord High Chancellor of Lancafier . ECquires by creatiou
Archbifhop of York Lord Chief Juftice 0 Etquirc. by oDice
Lord High TreaI!Irer the Bench YQUngerfoDS of Knightl
Lord Prefident .of the Mafter of the llolll of the Garter
• Pl'ivy.Council Lord Chief Jufliee 0 Yonnger'fool or . .-
Lord Privy Seal the Common Pleas nerets of both kindl
Lord Higlt Coollable Lord Chief :Qaron of YOllng~ fonl of I{nUo
Lord Great Chuakr- the' Exchequer . of the Bath .
lain of KJlgland Judges and Baronl Cl Younger Sonl of XAu.
:Earl Marlhal the degree of the Bachelors' .
. .Lord High Acbuiral Ceife of the raid GentlemeD eJltittccf •
.Lord Steward of hi Court, accordin, to bear arms
Majelly's Hov.fehold f~iorityBarriften at Law
. Lord Chamberlain of BanncreU made by the Clergymen.
. ditto King himfel£ in per- Admirah 01 tile PIca
Dukes, according to fon, under the royal Fiel. MaaalI
their ftandard. difplayu in Adminla
~u!l"a>accorcliDg t aaaralY i:oJalin open ncrala
tbcit.p\ltenet war, fol' the terM" Vice Admiral. ,
:Dukel' eldell foOl theiI'·livel aDd DCt 1011- LieuteDant Gcacrafi
_la..accor4iuito;~ get Rear .AdmiraII
patents· V'Jfc:ouQU' youuger{oDs Major-Ollleral.
J4arqDi1I'es'. cWeft fOIll B;U'olll' younger Coni, COIIIIDOdore. and lira
l>t&kcs' )'Wager fOM Baroneta CaptaiJ!. toCO~Ulcl­
Vi!colPlts, ac;corciini t. BanDerets not IJlade lIy era il!- Chief. .
their patent. th~ ~iog bimfc!lf' BriglJdier-Genera1s
.arls' elddl fons perfon.. Captain. three. leaJ:1
Marquill'es'youngerfon Koighu oE the Bath poll: •
Bifhop of London Knights Bachelors Colonels .,
&ifhop of Durha,m EIddl fonl of the YODI!- Orhor Poll-Captainj
.BHh.op oi W.inche4cr Cor foll;t of Peen . jLieuteilan'-CQ!QIIell
Bifhops,. accordilll to Baronet.. eldeO: fona Commanden
their feniorit'y of con-I Knightl oOfthe Garter's Majors .
• {«ration . eldell mns \LieutenaoUin theNaYy
kons, according to BaDDcrcte' cl.ell fODI Captains. in the Arm)'
tkcis' patentl _
t N Jj E X.
ADMIRALS 185 C~y Officer. • • 146
Admiralty-Office 105 Ctarcnce D. or, houeehold'. 98
Admiralty Court ib. Collector. of CUltoma • • US
.l\ccuunt Offic. ' • I U Coloneh in the Army • • 20-+
Ditto Military • • 11:1 ComNandcn in the R. Nlyt 19:1
Aide. de Camp to the Prince Commander-ill-Chief'. OBice 1"9
Regent " ~U'J Commanden, retired'from
Aliezr-Ofticc 10:& Lieutcnancie. • • 196
Alienation-Office 114 Commilt'ar.1-General • Ih
Alphabetical Lift of Com'mons 7J Cllmmiff. (or Exchequer-Bills 1t9
Alphabetical Lift of the Peen 34 Commiflioners for Land-Tat, 149
Apothecaries Society 145 Ctlmmi... for Kin,'. Property 9~
Arch~\>ps and Bi{hopa 33 CommclD CUllncil • • 146
Archdeacons IJl Common Pleas. • tr7
Army, Lift ot 198 Communs, Houfe of. • 31
-,Amty Department 109 Comptrollers Office. Army. tto
Army Medical Board lIO Confuls, abroad • • 104
Army' Pay Office I Il Cornwall, Duchy. 96
'Auditor ofthe Land-Reyenue IlJ COI.Ulfd, &c. King's ~tlJ of PublicAccompts III Crown-Office ~ • 114
Augmentation-Office. 134 Cumberland' Duke tlr. hciutch. !19
Bank of England ISO Curlltors. • • u6
:Bankers, LoMon. 154 Cullom. • UJ
Bankrupts, Cllmmiflieners of ItS Deans. • t3l
'naronets 81 Dlfpenfation-Oftic'l! 114
Barrack-Office • no IDoaorl Common., • • t,JO
Barons' SI DDtch Property Coromi... ib.
Bcsdcham"ber Lord. 89 Durham Court. lzo
Bedchamber Grooms
Board of Military Claims
Boar4 of' General Officer.
90 Dukes.
J 10 , E a r l . .
11 I IEail-lndla Comp:!ny •


Board of Green Cloth 81 1Eaft India Connnillionet. 101
Board of Military c:nCJ,Uiry lIo lEast India 2stablilhnlent ISI
Board cif -Trade. loo EcdelialHcal Courts • Ijl,
Board of worh . . ib. Embaifadors.. • 10J
Britilh !\fufeum • • 139: Engilfecrs, Royal. • "34
CambridJe~ Duke 0/, houfchold 991 ExamIner'. Office, Chancetj r:t4
Cambridge Univerfity • 137 Exche-quer.Coutt • • 111
Captain. in the Royal Navy 188 Exchequer-Office U~
~arnatic, Commiffionero f<lf

Chancc:Uou' of Di9cefea
130 Excife:.(}ffice·
(''hamoerlain Lord, ,1epartmt. 89 FiIafers • •
IJZ Field Marlhals in the Army
• ti:,
19 8
Chancery. ' , ' II4 I Firft-Fruitl Office • • '.14
Chapel.; Itoyal' . ' '_ 9:1. 'Foreigll Minillu'. '. le~
Charlotte Princer., hIlufehold 91[1 General and Field Officen • T91
'Chelfea-Hofpital • • 113, General .Agency-Office • IlI:a
Chefter Court I:&O! GlouceRer, Duke of, houfch. ;;00
Cinque-Porta 113 Gl"ftnwich-HofpiQI . , ' £09
fiify Ma&,iftratll' J4S Greenwidl-t:hc1l • • Ui,
:Gtelh.m.Coll~ge. 133 er
Peers, the Blood Il-oJ31 9
Hac,kney-Coach Oftice • 130 Peers eC Ireland. 30
· Hanaper.Office 114 Peers of Scotland 39
· Hun~eriap MuCeum 140 Peereffes. 3~
Inrolment.Office IfS Penlionero, Band of 89
Irilh repreCentativc Peers 67 Petty Bag, Clerks of I IS
Juftice. in Eyre 91 Phyfician" College of 141
,Juftice. of Wales. • t.9 Pipe-Office. 118
,Kent, Duke of, household 98 Pleas" Olfice'o~ . ib.
· King'. EllablillimeDt, Windsor 94 Police-Office. ' IS 4
,King's Band. 9t Poll-Office • 137
· King'. BencR Cour.t • ,11 6 Preaclters at Whitehall Chapel 9 J
,KiBg'. Chaplain! 93 Prince Regent's Houfehold 95
· King's Houfehol~ • 89 Printefs er Wales, household 97
,King',' HUI)t .,' ib, Princef. Charlotte of Wales, do. ib.
,King',' Melfengers lOll. Princesses EftabliIhment • • 9J
·,King'. Stables ~ 89 Privy Seal • • 10,[
,Knighta of the Bath 87 Privy,Council • • 6
,Knights of the Garter ib. Pl'ivy Chamber, Gentlemen of, 90
,Knig~u of t~e Thi1lle ib. Property-'rax-Office 149
.Lancaikr Court 1I9 Q.!:een's Houfehold , 94
Lancafter Duchy ib. Q.!:een Anne's B~unty Office. 134-
LlUId Forccs - 31t3 Rangers, &c. 9Sl
Land-Tax, Middlefex ~48 Receivers-e(Tues • t49 Regiller Office IU Regiller of Deeds, Middlefex II9
Lieutenants of Counties ' . 131 Reglifter-Office in Chancery U4
'Lieut: ~e,nera,18 in the Army 199 Report O_Rice,' Chancery ib.
,I.ieut. Colonels in the Army 301 Royal Academ'y , 140
Lord-Stewards department 118 RoyarArtinery • ~33
.Major Generals in thf? Anny 201 Royal Marines • 191
Majors in the Army • ~I4 Royal Marine Pay-Office 105
Marquiliel' u Royal' Military College nl:
MarlhaICca-C'ourt ~:l.0 Royal Navy"Lilt of '177
Maner& in Chancery - II4 Royal So-ciety ,uti
Mejfengen of Bankrupt., • lIS Scots teprefentative Peer. 39
Militia, embodied' 334 Secretaries of State ' JOI
'Militia, discnlbodied • • 33S Serjeanta, King's &c. • II 9
Military Accolnpu, Office oC I 1:1 Signet-Office J Ol.
Military luquiry, Board of. IIO Sion-College 133
Mint I u9 Six Clerks Office 114-
NavaT A.ylum 109 Society of Antiquaries 139
NaVJ~Of5ce' ~ 106 Society of Arts . . 140
Navy Uay-Office ib. Southwark Court J ~o
Navy Yardi " ib. Staff-Officers '. JlO
, N.avy, un of " • 177 ~tamp-Of1ice 127
Officers of Houfe of Common. 80 State-Paper Office lOa
t>ffic<:fs of the Houfe of Peen ib. Stationary-Office 11.9
Or4-uance Office Illl Superannuated Captains I9:z.
O~"rd Un mi, City • r 34 Sur~eono, College of • I4"
Paymallers of Forces IU Suffe:!:, Duke'of, household 99
Peers, alphabetical LiiLof 34 Table of Precedency z
1'COI'., HOlli~uf 9 Tally.court. la,
Tarn (bJa~ Commilsioners
Tax-Onice. • III
liS Wale., Prin~e ot, at Ste",ard
of Scotland • 97
'Tdlers of the ExchCAf.uer • tU Wales, Princes., houfehold • ib.

Tenths Office • J 3 4. Wale., PrinceCa Charlotte flf • ib.

Trading Companiu IS~ 1 War-Ollice • • III
Tnnsp.ort-Ollitc _ 10111
Weflminfler Court • no
Treafury ISI Whitehall Chapel, Prtachcre 93
Trinity-Honfe 10111 Woolwich Academy • 11]
Vid:uallin,-Office 10 7 ' \%olwich Royal.Lah9rattary ib.
Vifcount. • 19 1 Y comen of the Guard • 89
Wales, Prin'=e of, Eflablifh. 95 York, Duke of, hoilfehold • 97

Admiralty-Court 171. Gr~at Seal Office • 1·70
Advocate. ib.· High Officers of the Crown 16 9.
Balla. of Scotland . 1,6 High School • I1S
Baronets 168 Keeper of the Signet 17'A
Bifhops 17 J Keepoc. of Palace. HO
Chancery 11S King's Houfehold 169
Chapel Royal 170 Lyon-O(lice • 170
Chief Magiil:racel J 71 Lord,-Lieutenanta • I7a
Cbri!\ian Knowledge Society 173 Mint • 170
Colle,e of Phyticians • 17 S Officers of Rtate 16 9
College of SUl'geonl 176 Peer. .64
CommHfary Cellrt 171 PoD,-OfficfI ., '16
Caul t of Semon 171 Privy Seal • f7Q
Court of JUl"liciary ib. Regitlere Otice 11a
Court of Exchequer ib.Royal Bank 176
,Coun of Poli~e 171. Stafi",OfficcfI 170
euftonls, &,c. 176 Stam p-Ollicc 176
Epifcopa\ Society 173 Tax-Office ib.
El'cife-Office • 176 Teind COllrt 173
Genera~ Affembly 173 Univcrfitie. 173

lJritilh Colonies and Iflands, 1S61 African Colonies

Asiatic do. 163 New South Wales

fag&:" 39, for Lord Cumbermere, retltl Lord Combermcre. ,
Page IOZ, Foreign Mini11(;rI, fDr America, ,.,.11
Al!lhia...... For l\o.:lllria,
rill" R U&dia. .
Privy Council.
The Kill,'. Moa HNIOurable PRIVY COUNCIL.
Prjacc Regent, K.G. Earl of Buckinglwp1hjre
Duke qf York, K.G. and K.B. Earl FitzwiJljam .
l)uke of Clarence, ~.G. and K.T. Itarlof Hardwicke,·K.G.
Duke of Kent, K.G. and K.St.P. ~rl Spenc:er, K.G.
Du.e of CUl1lbcrlaad, K.G. Earl of Chatham, K.G!
Dqke of 8ulI'es, T<.G. Earl Bathurfi
Duke of Cambridge. K.G. Earl Grofvenor
J)ukc of GlouccO:er, K.G. Earl of Mount-Edgcom~
Archbiihop of C3Dtrrbury Earl of Liverpool, K.Q.
·1.ord El don, u,d K~ C/HI.,JI.r Earl of St. ,"iDemt, K.B.
ArehbUhop of York Earl of Malmefbury, K.B.
Archbishop of Armagh Earl of Moira, K.G.
~rl of Harrowby, Lwtl Pr'./r4ent Earl oC Courtown
~l of Wdhnorland, K. G.' Pr;",] Earl of Caryllfort, K.St.P,
;VIII . .Earl of Donoughmon ",
~uke o.f lUchJTlollt<l. K.G. lLarl of ChiclteRer
l)u"c of Bedford Earl-of Clan~rty
:puJ"e of Marlbocoo(h,K.Q. Earl of Powi.
Puke of Athol, l{. T. . Earl Grey
pl/lte of Montrofe, K.G. E"r~ of Mvlgrave
puke of Wellingto!1, It.o. K·G.F. Eari Ca$:art, K.T.
J:.K. K.M.T. I<.S.G. K.S.K.T.s 'EarlofYarlnoutA
~d K. B E. .' "Lor.d Cltarl~ HtDQ SCllncnd
Marquis o( HertfP.f;d, K. 0. £0<6 Lonl <::harles SpeJl(;cl'
ChIl1R6.rla;II Lord Robcrt Spencer .
:,JIllI'quis pCWincb~fi~, C;".... ytbt Lord Fredtrick Campbell
$1,1. .. 'Lord Charles Cavcndiih Bentiq
~arquis of B'\lckingbUl Vifcount Strangf",d. K.B.
lW"arquis of J,.anfd,!wne '"Vjfcount {>alm~'t'n!lD .
Marquis of Stafford, ~.G. VifCO!1nt MchtilJe
Marql1is!lf SaliCbury, ,K.p. Vifcount SidmllUlh, See. if Slallf"f~
Marqui~ of Bute. the H.";e D.."a'l~ ,
nhl.'quis W~lld!ey, K,c;.,K.C. aDIl Vifc:oun~ Whitworth, K. B. J..,~ .
I'.S.L. ., , Lieu'; y I",land' .
Marq~i8 Camdcn, K.Q~ ·VifcIlunt Morpetll
Mvqu~ of Dougi1!M Lord Binning . .'
Earl of Cholmondclcr,LordSt<'Ward "LQTd Olfulfi~n '.
Jar! of DerBy ' . 'Vi{count Cafrlereagh, K.G. Sec. "
. Batl of1>embroke, K:G. . $Iat. for fereign .Aj[airl '.
Ji:a.d.o£ Wiw:hclf.a, K G. 'Le»:ci- GraavJlle Levc£.mGo:\\'er
Earl of Chefierfield, K.g. "Lord JOhll Towl1f~nd
l!:arl of OarJjJl~, K.G. ' . . Lord.@eorgt' ThynDe
Earl of Shaftefbu'l' "Lord John Th~nne , .
:Earl of Lauder"dt1"e> "Lort! Gforge 1 has. Beresfor~
-'rl of Elgin, K.C; Biihop of London.
Earl of Aberdeen Lord Saint Jobn of Bietf.,.
:larl of Tankerville Lord Holland' ,.
Earl of Macclcsfield l.ord WaHjngham
Earl of SaDdwich Lord Cateeret
.tar! of Halrill~toll
. . , .
I ..ord Orenvii1<;
PrivyCouncll. "I
LOM Glailonbul"J 'Charlel Philip Yorke
Lord ArdcD 'Thomu Wallac..
Lord Shetlicld '<.:harlcs Balhurfl
Lord St. Helen. William Wickham.
Lord Teignmouth ·George RoCe
Lor4 Henley, K.lL ·Charlce LOIIr
Lord GlenbcrYic. 'John Hiley Acldingtea
Lord RedeCdale 'George Tiern~y
Lord Ellenborough Nathaniel Bond
Lord Er&kine William Drummond. K.C.
Lord Manum 'Charlel Arbuthnot, K.C.
Lord Stewart, It.B. ~ohn Hoolr.ham Frere
-Charles AbbOt, S~". Nicolas Vanlittllrt, CH.. '.I
Hon. Tllomaa Mlltland Ih B",hlp"
Hon. John Charle. TWier. -Repaid Pole Cuew
- Hon. William Well.aey Pole 4Ilohn SuUivan
Hon. Sir Henry weUeaey. K.D. Richard BrinJley ShaiclaD
Hon. Sir Arthur l'ageE, K.B. tWil1iam Etliot
Hon. John Trovor tGeorge PonCon"y
Hon. Hcul"J Pierepoillt "Charlel Mannen SuttOD
·HOD. Rithard Ryder John M'Malum
- Hon. Frederick John llobinIoD Robert LiGon
Sp- William GraDt, ht. M",',r DJ 'William Fitzgerald
~h~ Roll. 'Roliert Peel
Sir ThoaialPlumer,lmt. f7ci-C!t"". Hugh Elliot
clUor if B_glarHI Warren HaAinga
Sir Vicary Gibbs, ht. C"ief Jogfl&. 'William Huakifl"OD
".it'" C_",OIf PJ&fU . W"illiamSturges Boai'll.
Sir Ales. Thomfoo, kat. C"iej' B". OurCEIlS ow T Ba COUNCIl •
• N" if,hIBst".,,,,,,. CI"I, ill
S~r J. B. Warren, bt. K.B.and K.C. Vifcount Chetwynd
S~ Jofeph .Ban~, bart. K.B. Sir George Chetwynd, bart.
S~ John Smclair, bart. lames Buller, cC'!.
Sir Evan Nepean, bart'•
• Sir John Newport, ban. ' Cl.,}. ."trarli_.,.,. .•
Sir Arch. Maedonald. ban. C. Cavencllih Fulke Grcvillc, cri'
Sir David Dundaa, K.B. 'K11JIt' 0/ IhI c..1IdI R«IIrI,.
Sir Wllliam Wynne. IaIt. SirSlepben Cottrdl, bt.
eSir William Scott,ltllt. UtuI.,. Cl.,.,,.
!1l". lames M.ansfie1d, knt. Wm. Van, J(lhn Litchfleld, Wm.
~lr lohn NICholl, knt. Ozias H\lItlphry; John »arrett
SIr ell a&. Stuart, K. B. and K.T.S. Lennard, Willi'am Adamfoo.
• John Fofter ll'
.Thomas Steele Peter Henry Vo e, HeDI"J Gut- ,
skell, .efqrs.
·Tho} GrcnvUlc
-George Canriing . K_jrr';",.C.",,<i1 C""..,..•
• William Dund.. jlunes Hardin,. Wm. Flint, gent" '
, Members ol Parliameht.
) t
:foiIII QJl.L\T CB,UICELLO,Il 'of Eilglatttl;
Lord Wmoughby d'Eretby.
IhIri'!l. Lo~d Ch'ldil', ,~. a 7ct~,
Firll Lord of the TreaCury-~arl of Liverpool.
Lord Chancellor-Lord Eldon
Lord Privy Seal-Earl of' We!lmorlaod
Prefident of the Council-Earl of Hllrrowby . .
Three Secret...oes of State-ViCcount Sidmouth, (Home} Vifcount
C:iftlereagh, (Foreign) Earl Bathurft, (Wat)
Chancellor of the Exchequer-Rt. Hon. Nicolas Vanfittart
Firll Lord of the Adrniralt)'.r-Vifcuunt Mdville
Maller G~neral of the Ordnance-Earl of Mulgrave ,
Prelident of the Board of Control-Earl of Buckinghamfhire .
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaller-Right Hon. Charles Bathuril:•.
Mallei of the Mint-Right Hon .. Wm. Wellefley Pole
'Ibe· ab.v. for", the CABINET.
Lord Steward-Earl Of Cholmolldeley
Lord Chamberlain-Marquis of Hertford.
Mafrer of the HorCe-i)'llke of MOlltroCe
Treafurer of the Navy-Right H·on. George RoCe:
Secretary at War-VUcount Palrnerfron
Paymaners of the Forc/lS-Rig!J.t HOII. Charles Long, and Right Hon.:
Frederic John Robinfon . .
Prefident of tbe Board of Trade-Ear 1 of Clancarty
Vi,e-Prefidcnt of do.~~ight H'lD. Prederi,k John Roblnfon '
Att<lmey General-Sir William Garrow, kot.
Solicitor General-Sir. Samuel Shepherd, knt.
PoRmafief. General-Km of Chicheller and Earl of Clancarty
Lieutenant G.eueral of the Ordnance-Sir Hildebran"d Oake., tiarr.
L(lrd Lieutenant of Ireland-Vifcouut Whitworth, K.B.
Lord Chancellor-Lord Manners
s.,cretary ~f State-Right H6n~ Robert Peel. .'..
Chancellor of the Exchequer-Right Hon. William Pitzgernld
X,A. Knight of the Russian Ordel [~. M. Knight .of Malta ,
of St Andrew.· K.M. H.Kriig'ht of Merit in IJel.
K. A. N. Knight ofthe highes~ ,Rus- stein / .'
fian order of Alennder NeW-ski K. M. T. Knight Of St. Maria The-
K. B. Knight of the. Bath refa in Aunria.
K. B. /1. Knight <if the Port}IgUefcjK. N. S. K1)i~ht of the Ilrder of the
rnilrtuy order of St. Bfllto' d'Av.i. Royal North Star, ill Swed~n.
K .. B.,E.~night of thcBlaCkEaglel'K~R,.~. }(flight 01 the Red Eag-le
ill ,~ussia. .' , in Prussia .

.' I.
I{. C. Kllight of the· CreCcent in K. S. Kllight of the order of the
Turk,ey Sword, in Sweden
K.E. Knight. of the WhittEagle iDIK. S. A. Knight of the.Ru~i:m Or.
.... .

Poland. . . der of St. Anne'. '..,

K. F. Knight of St. FeJ:9.ipand in K.S.F.'Knight oCSt: Esprit in'Pranc'c
Sicilx- .'-_ . _ ...... ," . ·\K. S.o.. Knight of St_ Georgc in
X. C}. Knight of the Garter , ,R,ullia. .... _..,.
K. G. Knight of the Golden Fl..e. ec.e~K'S.L' '({nigblt of the Persian Order
in Spain . of the Sun and Lion
K. G. V. Knight of' ·the· order 0 K; 's. P., Knight .of St. St3niflaus in-
Gullavu s Vafa, iD Sweden Poland
K. . KQight of the,equetlrian {e. K. T. S. Kui ht of the Portu u.fe

1'160. GEORGE Ill. King of the Unit~d Kin~dom of Gleat-
Oa. 1.5. Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Sovereign of
the Orders of the Gart"r, Thiftle, Bath, and St. Patrick. and Duke
and Prince of Brunfwick Lunenberg, (Winilfor, Cajllt. and K.DJ
P,,/aCf.) m.
GEO. HI. 1811. Ft". S. , Hi. Royal Highnef. GEORGE-AuOUSTlJI_
~ F ....<. (Prince o?f Wales.) Eledoral Princ.e of Brunfwic_Lu_
nenberg, Duke of Cornwall and Rothfay. Earlo[ Chefier and Carrick,
Baron of Renfrew. Lord of the lfies, Great Steward of Scotland,
High' Steward of Plymouth, Colonel of the Icth Reg. of Dragoon.,
ant! Captain General of the Hon. Artillery Contpany. K.G. K.A.
K-AN. K.S.E. K.G.F & F.R.S. (ne PO"ililiun, lkightht:l..jI.n.,
Suffix) ",. .


C ThDfi .vut. lhil .iliar. 1 art LL. D. Dcaor of La~..,.
Privy-Counfdlors.. D. or B.C .L.Dr. or Bad,. if Civil Lau.
D' Uild.t- Age. F. R. S. Fdlt,," ~f th. Royal So<idy.
* Roman Cath"'i, PetrI. ..h. '{v. '''J.lri~d,/;a,he/ur,wjtl(J'UI~''
K. G.-K. T.-K.B.-K.St.P. Kt. [ ] Indoud tt;/lI, 11:: C,uld':JI Ital.
of jb~ Garter, Thifile, BOlth, or St. of tb. l-.,·rJ.
Pat'lck .
J:f' The Scotch Peers take precedence of Enf.lifh Pecrs of the fame
,Rank.created {ince the Uuion, in 1707. The Irilh Pecc, talte.;;l lil<e
:Manner, Precedence of Brit;lh Peers of the lame ~anlt. created
~the Union, in ISOL Aud Irifh Pe~ra created fir,ee the Union. R,mk
according to the dates of thei.. Patents anlOlIg the Peen of. the
'United Kingdom.
'I SraAl:EI\, Lord Eldon.
P fER So. T n E B LOO D R 0 Y A L.
i784. 17. ,. Prince fredcriclt, Duke of York ~nd Albany. E. of
Ulllcr in Irdand. Bifhop of Ornahurgh, a Field M~rlhal, Co'mntan-
da in Chief of all. the Land Fore< s. Colonel of the FirH R~giment of
Foot Guards.Culonel in Chief of the 60th (or Royal Anu:rkoo) Rt·g.
of root, anQof the Royal Dublin Reg. of Infantry, Officiating
Gralld MalleI' of.. the onler of, Lord, Warden of Windfor
Poreftand GreatParlt, High StewarJ of New Windfor, p.nd War-
den and K<cper of New. Foreft, HampIhire, K.G. K.B. K.S.!!:.
D.C.L. and F.R.S. (Oal/,:mds-Polrl, Surry) 111.
'1789' Md) 19. ,. Prince WiIliam Henry, D. of Clarenceand St. An~
drew's, 1':. of Munficr in Ireland. Admiral of the Fleet and Ranger
of Bl.llhy-Park. K.G. andK.T. (Bufly-p"rl, MNldJifc") 6.
'1'99~,4prit zJ. ,..Prince Edward, D"ke:of Kent aud Strathern, Eafl of
. Dublin in Troland. a Field Marlhal; Colnhel of the Royal Scots Regt.
of Foot, dOTcrnor of Gibraltar, ~ ami Keeper arid Paler. of HaIIJp"
, ton Court Park. K.G.· K.T· and 'K.P, (K<!'ji''K'""",P./af'' (In" G'!IJfi~
e' - ;';J.C·~'X 'b. . .
]0 House of Piers. Dukes.
J199' .IIlril ~3· if Priace Erneft Auguftua. Duke of CUlllberland aad
Tiviotdale. Earl of Armagh in Ireland. a Field Marihal. PRUdent
of the Board CIf General Officer •• Colonel of tbe 15th Dracoom.
and Chancellor of the Univedity of Dllhlia. L G. &. D. L. e.
(Ke.." Grun. Midi/left,,) tit. . .

I8oi. N.". ~7. , Priuce Auguf\11I Frederic. Duke oC SulTez. Earl oC la-
vemefs, and Baron Arklow in Ireland K.G. Lieut. Colonel Com-
malldaut of the Royal North Britons. (KjnK!ington Pal,lGS. _i/ WUutfor
CajI'e.) 6.
,801. N..". 17. , Prince Adolpllul Frederic, Duke of Cambridp, ~l
of Tipperary, and Baron of CuUoden. Gouruor General of ManoV"cr.
Chancellor of the Univerlity of St. Andrews. a Field MadhaJ •. Col.
. of the C"ldftream Regt. of Foot Guards, and Colc.tncl in Chief
of the. ·GerlPan Legion, K.G. I.
1764. }I, 0". 14. f Prince William Frederic. Duke of Gloucrftu ;m
Ediuburgh, It. of Connaught in Ireland. a GCIleral, and Cot.cI ef
the 3d Regt. of Foet Guards, Chancellor of tha Univerjicly of Cam-
bridge. and ranger of Bagfhot park and Walk. K.G. F.R-S. _

RICH. 111.14"3. 'JUM :t8. Charles Howard, D. of Norfolk. It.of $1lfry
and Arllndel. Hereditary Earl Marfhal. Promier Peer, &Dd .&d.
High Steward and Recorder of Gloucefter. High Steward of Herc~
ford, and Lord Lieutenant and Cuft.·ltot. of SuiJ'ex, F.R. andA.S.
(.IIrulldel CaJlle, Sujfo,,; Gra:tftod Ca,t/e. C_t.rlantl; WerJfoJ JJIj~.
Not/I; ,,,,d Homt:-Lacy, Herif.rcflh.) ", •
••• His Grace enjoys the Earldom of Arundel as a feudal honour, by
ioheritallee and polTefSIOl! of the cafile, without any other creation.
:iDW. VI. 1546. Fd •.16. Liward Adolphus />eymour, D. of.S.o~et.
I.ord Seymour. D. C. L. and F.R.S. (Farley Pa,It. S_,rftl. ~
Cajll•• D&'Uonjhire. ond Bratliy..hwfo, Wilts.) m.
CHA. H. 1675. AUK' 9." Charlea Lenn"x, D. of Richmond. E. of
March, a Grneral. and C~lonel of the 35th Rrgt. of Foot. Goyer-.
Jlor of Plymouth, and High Steward of Chiche!1:er, K.G. [D. of Le~
,DOX in Scotland] (Good""o.tI Parl, and W1i S/ok,. ~".ifo".) Il'.. _.
1 615. SIjt 1I. George Heury FitzrGY, D. of Graften" E. of Xullon,
,Ranger <lf Whitdebury Foreil. Northamptonfhjre. ,).. 9r.d Lieut<:-
Jlant, Vice Admiral and Cttft. Rot. of the co. of. Suffolk, a Trut\:ec
of the Hunterian Mufeum, and Recorder of Thetford. (EIIJ1.~.-.It.H.
8-1[011. """ /Y.wj,,/J Lodge. N.rtb'o'i/hiT8.) .
1612.. Dle.~. Henry Charles Somerfet, D. of Beaufort. M. Q( W-Or-
cefter. Lord Lieut. and Guft. Rot. of the Countie~ of OlQuceilec.
,.Monmouth and Brecon. and- r«eiver of rents for Monm9uthfhirc in
the Du~hy Coun Gf Lancailer, COl. £1 able of St. Briaval's Caille. ~4
;warden of the Foreft of Dean. K. G. &. D .. C.L. (B(ldmint." H."".
"lid t·" ..Qllrt'j>t1rl. Glo"e':Jier;jli.·•• "Rd'Troy Hoif" Mo"rnoutl:foit,.)
J683- .T,,", 10. AilbrryDeauclerck, D. of St. Alban's, E. n! Durford ..
lte~ftrar er Chuacery. and Gralld F;rlconer IIf Engl~~,.._
House 01 Peers. Duke.. 11
WU-L. tu. xC!94. M., 4. George Wm. FrcdcrickOl&orne, D.oCL~ed.,
'M.of Carmartben, Lord Lieut. oC the North Riding of Yorlr.A1ire.
Ranger oC lllchmond FOJl!ft, and COIIftable oC Middleham Caltlc,
Go-.ernor pC the Ulaad. of lkilly, [V. Dumblaue in Scet.) (H.,.""1
CtZjk, ".. Kw".", r".ljbire, ,,,,11 GotiJplJill p.rl, Corll_IJ.) ...
'1694' 'M", n. ,John Rull'eU, D. of Bedford, M. of Tavillock, Recorder
of Bedford, F. S. A. (WoWr. A.~, Bnlfordfl••lId 'I'."ijI" HOIII,.
De'tIDII.) ...
,69+ M., I~. William Spencer Cavcndilh, D. oC Dtvonfhire M.
(Or Hartinl-ton, High Steward Ld• .bieut. and Cuft. Rot. t){ the
Co. of Derby, D. C. I .. (C/,.t/'UHJrlb H_rife. "". Hartl'W;." H-II,
D«"-rJltire I L4l1ljhor,"gb Par", ror!t.foire; Chi/'W;d Ho"", MiJJk/t'"
lI"d Lf/lllore C",II., Wat,,:/ord) /'•
• NNE,17M, Du. 14. , GCOI'gc Spencer, D. of Marlborougb, M.o'
Blandford, I.d. Lt. and Cull. Rot. of the Co. of, Rllftger of
Wichwood Forcft, HiKh Steward of and Wo.,dftock, Senior
.Idcr Brother of the Trinity Hoafe, and a go.,ernor oE the Cbarter
h:)Ufe, K. G. D.C.L. and F.R.S. (Bmlw;,. Ho".ft. 0",,", lIi.. HiP,
'M;tldltflJr, Bright/"J..jlOII', 8uffi.. , ~ LHleriJg"'_rifi. Will'.) D.
,70'3. Mar. 19. John Henry Maanen, D. of Rutlaud, M. of Ormby.
, Ree. of Cam&l'idge and Scarborough, Lord Lieut. and Cult. Rot.
oCthe' ce. of Lciccfter, K. G. (H.tlt/.. H,d/, DerllJfoi", CINw/.,
.p"''',c-'',i'l'.foire, qtlll BII",IIi, C';k, J,i_I'!foin.) ",.
I 7tX. · io. Archibald Hamilton, D. oC BranMn, Lcirll DattOJlt
Keeper of Holyrood Houee, lD, pi Hamilton, and PrcnUer Peer i.
fico:l:md) (.AfltOll·h!lU, LllJlttVII. H",.iJ"" HD,j'e, Lttlln'Jfo. ~'Ki".;n.
Li"lilbgo...fl;) v~ .
pEO. J. HI6. j." 6. William Henry CaTencML Scott Bentinck,
D. of P'ortlmd, NI. of TitchticId, a Fa,niIy Tndlee of the Britifll
Mufeum, and Lord Lieutenant of Mid.GleCcs, (WJke,,'.4""'1, NoIH.
- .~ BJ~IIj/k, Im6;r)liu.) tII. ,

HI9- Apr~ 30. Wm. },flllitagu, D. of M~a, V. MandeYDJe, Capt.

GlIIlem adGevernor of J amaicll, Lieut. and Cu1l.11ot. DE the Co. oX.
, HaatiDgdon, (1atJr1'/t.. Cafi/., H/IIIli"""jlUU.) Ill.
'720, jlln.13. George Jol1~ Frederidr:: SackviJle, D. of Dor{et, E. ut
, :Mi.ddlmex, (Knowle Part, }UIII, alllf S",••lall/. S#".) IJ.
~EO. n.1756: Nw. 13. Hmry Pdham Clinton, D. oC NeweaftJe,
. E. of Lincoln, Lord Jieut. and euft. ret. of Notcin,hamlhire, cull.
'ro~ cif lfe'.arlr::, Steward of' the .I<'prd of Sherwood, aad Hip
seeward. of Retr~rd, Ko q, (No/tinZ""'" C'!fIla 11"" a..1w,...,.~
CEO. tU. $766. Oh. u. Hugh Percy, D. 01 NOrtJllrtnbcrland, E. Percy....
, I.ord' Lieut. alld Vice-Admiral cf Northarnberlaild,'aftd'Qf Ncweaft:le
011 "Fyue, ·o.e~r the Council ol'State of the Prince ol U7 a1e. ia
ComwaM, Contbble aDd High Steward of L1I1InC'eftoa. K. G.f.ll.S. 81:
•• 8. A. (A'IIMwi/'~ Cajll'~ Ndrlh""',I. Stil-mt 1'Il",r.,.~. Si..,. H~\
lI~iy/'lkp.., 111.1' Ir-..will,t,,. ParI, C.'If'WtJ!I.),.... ", • •
' \ '

18r4. Ma, 3. ,. Arthur Wellefley, D. of Wellin~on. M. of Dourll •
.a 'Field Mar.hal, an<l Colonel of the Royal Regt. of Horse Guards.
AmbalTador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of France.
and a Privy Counfellor in Ireland, (Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo
anti n Capt. General in Spain, Duke of Vittoria 'and Marfhal Gen.
inPortugal,) K.G. K.G.F. K.F. K.M.T. K.S.C. K.S. K. T.S. and
K,B.E. (W,IIiIlXton Manor, SomcrfotJbire) Ill.
M A R <t.
U I S S E S.
JtDW. VI. 1551. OEl. a;" Chas. l!lgoldfby Paulet, M. nf W'mcheler,
E. of Wiltflli~e, Premier M. of :£ngland, Groom of the Stole to the
King,( Amp.rt-Houp, H.mts.) m.
GEO. Ill. 1784. No'll. 30.. ,. Richard Grenvill .. Chando5 Temple, M.
oC Buckingham, E. Temple, Ld. Lt. and C.. n.Rot. of the Co. of
Bucks, [E. Nugent in Ireland) D. C. L. (Sto.ut, Plllr!., BucJillghamj;.
'lnt! A'VingtDn H.ufo, H,m!s.) m.
1784. N;'II.30.,. Henry Petty, M. of Lanfdowne, E. ofWycombc:, F.R.S.
[E. of Shclburne in Ireland] (Bowwood. Wilts.) m.
1786.,Fth. :l8., George Granville Leveron Gower, M. of Stafford, E.
Gower, Lord Lieutenant and' in right of hi. Wife' Hereditary
Sheriff of Sutherlandfnire, and Cull. Rot. of Stalfordfhire, K. G.
'(Trllltbam HJI, SJajfordjb!re, and DUIlY.hin Cai"t, Sttthtrland.)e. '
1787. OEl. 2..7. Georgc Townfhend, M. Townfhend, E. of· Leiceller,
,High Steward of Tamworth, ('Tamworth Cajllt Sttlffmtfoire,) ....
1789. ANg. "18. ,. James Cccil, M. of Salilbury, V. Cranborn, Ld.
Lt. and Cull. Rot. o( the Co. of Beet.. and High Steward of Hert-
ford, K.G. D. C. L. F. R. S. "" F. S. A. (HatJicltl Houfo, and ClCjJ
"', H.,.iford.foire) ... ,
17119· AU[. 18. Thomas 'J'hynne, M. of Bath. V. Weymonth. D.C.L. &.
E.S.A- (Long/~at,W;JtI.),m.
1790. OEl. 1.. John James Hamilton, M. of .Abereom, V. Hamilton'
Grivernt>r of tht Counties of Donegal aDd Tyrone in Irelaad,
, and a PrivyCounfellor there. [E. of Abercorn in Scotland, and Vifct.
Strabane in Ireland,] K. G. (Dudingfl.n HDUP, Etlinhllrghfl. B ....".!-
C"",t, [re/and, anti Bcnt/~ Priory, Middltfex.) w.
119'" Aug. q. Charles Cornwallis, M. Cornwallis, V. Brome; MaC-
ter of the .King's Hounw., (Bromo H<lll anti e"lfortl, Suffoll, f!!1.S'Wi"u,
Lod;;" Bcrh,) m.
J~93. 'JlIM ';9· , Franci. Ingr~m Sermuur Conway, M. of Henford,
< E. Yamto'Uth, Lord Chamberlain of rhe Houfebold, CUlt. _Rot. of
Antrim, a privy counfellor in Ireland [Lord Conway in (relaad,]
K.O. & F.S.A. (&gI9'- War'Ulic!tjbiTl, IIIRa Sudhollrn-HaIt, Suffoli.) ••
i796. March'.I.,. John,Stuart, .M. of Bute, E. of Windf~r, Ld. Lt.
; and Cull:. Rot. of the Co. of Glamorgan, Lord Lieut. of Butdhire,
Heneclitary' Ceroner -of theHland of Bute, Keeper of Rothfayeaftle,
a'(ownf!:UIlr of1l:ate for the Prisee of Wale. in'Scotland, aJld a truftee
of th~ Britt/h Mufeum, D.C.L. F.R.S.& F. SAlE. of Bute in Scot.
land] (Mollnt St.wart, lj1t of Butt, Lllt.1f Hau}'t, Q"if.rr!foir~, attd Cllrtlij
Cqfil., Gwtn"z"n,foir:.) ... \
.. 801.
Ho 11 se of Peers. ' Earls.
F.f, 4. nBrownlow Cccil, M. of Exeter, L. Bu~h1ey, Joillt H~rd.
grand Alm<.lner to the Kin& ill Fee, (Bdrgb/.] H'dfi, n,,'~ Sla'-ford,) 6•
• 8.1:~. Aug. ($. Charles C,'mpton, M. of NJlthampton, F.. (O:l1pron,
Ld. Lieut. Cult Rot. of the CO:lnty of Northampton, and RecorJ~r
..f :t'lorthampton, F. S. A. & M. A. (C.lfll, IlfobJ, "'orth.""pto".J6irt,
.na C••pl.II·rill]"t.... ...
• 8 J~. Aug IS. , John Jdrcri~s Pratt, ~1. of Cam.!en, ]I;, of Bredu"ck,
oDe or the Tellers of the E<chcq~er, a Governor of tbe Clllrter Houf~,
Mafi~r o( the Trinity li<>ufc, Lord Lieut. Vice Admiral and cu ll:. rut.
of the ~o. of Kent, and city of Canterbury, and Recorder of,
K. G. F.S.A. and M_o\.. (Wil.lm,'.ft Pari, Kml, BII)bll_A6b.), -S,:J/.JI,
,,,.11 Bre,iR"i.Pri.,y, SOlllb W .. /u,) ",.
HEN. VI. r44~. Ma) ~O. Ch.lrles, Talbot, E. of Shrewfuury, I ..
Talbet, F.R.S. [E. of Waterford and Wexford in Irel.] (H']lhor}
nOllfi, Oxfortffo. alld G,a/t.".H"II, W.ruj.rjhirl,) ",.
HEN. Vr!. 1485. oa. '1.1. , Edward Smith St..oley, E. of Dc;hy, L.
Stal)ley, Ld. Lt. and Cull:. Rot. of Lancaficr, M. A. (Kno~l").
Pa,i .tl1r Prtpot, LIlnc'{/liu, all) tb. O"i", Sur,.y.) ",.
"EDW. VI. 1551. Oa. n. 1 George AUg'Iflus Herbert, E. of Pemhroke
, and Montgomery, L. Hcrbcrr, Ld. Lieut. and Cull. Rot. of Wilts,
High.Steward pf Sali/bury, governor of Guernfey, a General and
Colonel of tli'e 6th Regiment of Dra~oon., and vifitor of Iefus Col-
lege, Oxford, K.G. (Will.", near Sl1lifour], Wilt,.) ",.
JAM. I. r603. jul) 21. John Howard, 'E. of Sufl'olk and BerkIhire, V.
Andover, Governor of Londonderry and CulmOt'e Fort, a Gc!beral,
and Col. of the 44th Reg. oC Foot, F. S. A. (Cb.rlto", lie", Wilt,.)", •
• 6r1. Mly '1.1. John William Egerton, E. of Bridgewater, V. Brat-
Icy, a Gen. and Col. of the 14th Regiment of Dragoons, Steward
of ellates to the Prince of Wales, in HertfordIhire, and Mafl:er of
Gretharn Hofpital, Durham, F. R. &. -A.S. (A,hritlgl-parA, Bud/.)"'.
:l6u. Sept. 14. UBarn Percy Fielding, E. of Denbigh, V. Fielding, [E.
uf Defmond in ,Irel.] (Mlrlinlhorpe,,e, find N,,"mb"IN,
PlltlJo,,~ Llt/I"..".rt/;.) 6.
:16'1.4' May 19. , John Fane, E. of W~lImorland, L. EurgberIh,
Lord Privy Seal, all official Trufiee of the BritiIh Mufeum, and :Re.
carder of Lyme Regis, K. G. (Aptborp HIIII, Norlb_P'onjbirt, ami
Brimp ••" Hou/<, S'lIwf.·'.foiN.~ •• .
eHA. I. t62.6. N..,. 8. Albemarle Bertie, E. of I.indfey, I.. Bertie,
a Gener"l and Colonel of t~e 89th Regt. and gonrnor of Blatk·
lids Call1e. (Uji"glon, Li""lnjbir..j "'.
,6'1.8. Ma;. '1.6. George Harry Grey, E. of Starnford and Warrington,
I.d. G,rey of Groby, Lord Litut. and Cult. Rot. of the Co. of
Chdler,F.S.A. (Dufl~"'" Pari, Cb.jbire, &. EII'fJiIII-Hall, Stnffortl.)",.
16'1.8, 'July xi. , Ge~rge Finch, E. of Winchelfc-a and Nuttingham, V.
M"idltullc, Comptroller of the King's Hourehold, ~ord of the roya.l
manor of Wye, and Lord Lieur. and CulL Rot. of the Co. of Rut-
lud, K.G. F.R. &. A.S. (Bur/(] Park, R.tkwljbi".) •.
]4 Home of Peers. Ear1s~
.6:&8: .All!. 4- , philip Stanhope, E. of Cheftemeld, L. Stanhop~,
. K.G. F.R. and A. S. (tira.u,} H.JI, Dtr"-,flire.) ~U.
162.8. A"g. 5. Sackville Turton, E. of TIl:lnet, L. Turt~n, Hereditary
Sherllfof Wcflmorland (Hotbj,1d PI"",K."t; Appleby Cal"c, W.;-
- IlIIIa: a"a Sliplon-Cajllc, ro.-lftirc.) "'.
~HA. 11. 1660. ']1It, u. Charlc;. John Montagu, :!. of Sandwich, V
Hinchinbroo\t. L.L.D •. (8;lI&h;',{,r.ol H.uu, HUlllingdo11fo.)", •
• 661. Apr. 2.0. George Cape! Coningfuy, E. of Effcx, V. MaIden, Ld.Lt.
ef the Co. of Hereford, and Recorder and High Stewatd of Leo-
minfler, F.S.A. aad D.C.I •• (C'!fbi""',." Parl,'ICar Waifora, Herl., •.
1661. Apr. lOo Robert Brudenell, E. of Cardipn, L. Brudenell,
(D'aII Parl, N.,u,..."pt.nflirc, a1ld '1'wi.lmbam, MidJlif"~.) P6.;
.. 661. Apr. 2.0. , Frcderick Howard, E. oCCarlille, V. Morpeth, K. O.
(Caj1kH..oarti, Y.rljbirc, and Naworth Caj1lc, Cum6"lanl.) ",.
,661. F_b. IS. Caark. William Henry Scott, E. of Doncad~r, L. Tyn.
dale, Ld. Lt. of Edinburgblhire and Dumfriefbire'lD. of Bucdeugh
in lieotland] K.T. (D"I~citb Houfe, n,arEiialJurgh, ""Ih./m Ctz.ft/t, ~
. Drumlanrig Caj1lc, Dumfricflirc.) W. .

167:1.. Apr. 2.3. , Croplq Alhley Cooper, E. uf Shafte{bury, L. Alhley,

Chairman of the CommitteeJ in tile Houre or Lord., (St. Gil61 H.r{t,
D.r;fo!foirc.) 111.
·~67\1. fi,;t. II. U Thomas Morcton Fitzhardinge Berkeley, E. of Berke-
ky, V.Durflcy,~. .
.63,. N •.,. 30. Montague Bertie, E. of Ahingdon, L. Norrey., Hli.
Stew .. rd of AbingtOll, D.C.L. (W,tba", AM." 6uell.) _. _
1682.. Dec. 6. Other Archer Windfor, E.· of Plymouth, L. WiDdfor,
(H6'U1cll-Grllnt', W.rujfttjhirt, ."d St. FIlI:(I"" Cajil., Gla.orgt71t.Jlt.)_.
WILL. Ill. t690. Apr. 15. Richard Lumley Saunderson, E. of Scarbo-
Tough, V. Lumlcy, rv'. Lumky, in Ireland] (LtnnI., Ca/tlr, Dttrhll..,
IlJld Sa"t/k,l PIITI, r........i".) ",.
1695. May. 10. WilIiam H~nry Nalfa.. , E. of RodU'ord, V. Tunbridgt,
(EajI," Hall, S~ff"oI1) h . _
169 6• Ech. 10. William Charles Keppel, E. of Alhmtarle, V. Bury,
(!!?..uirlI,,,hll,,, Hall, Norfoli, a"J Elv,,/m lJall, Suffoll.) "'.
1697. Ai'r. 2.6. Gcorge William Co.. er.trr, E. of CoveRtry, V. Deerhtirfi,
Lord Lieut. and Cull. Rot. of the Co. of 'Woreefter, recorder of
\'Vorcefter. aRd High Stew~rd of Tewke~bl\ry. (0.--, Cilttrl, ""or-
1d/'rJbirt.) m.
'1 697. 8 ept. 2.4. Goorl1-"eVillio!'!l, E. of
Jerrey, V. Vi1\ien,l).~.L. [Vii;.
GrandifoD, Ireland) ~MiJtilct." pari, O"f.rtljh••"d Oj1crky /'Ml, A~iJ­
"Iife~") ",.
ANNE 1706. 1>«. 2.9. John Poulctt, E. Poulett, V. Hinton, a Lord of
the King'. Bed-chamber, Ld. Lt. and Cud. Rot. ofthe Co-v! Surner·
(et, ""d Recorder oC 13rid,ewatcr. K. T. (HHrlIII ,s,,;,., G...rp. So-
",,,jrljLirc.J .....
House oC Peers. Earls. 15
l706. Du. ~9' 1 George James Cholmondeley, E. of ChoIm08delry-, V.
Malp"', Lord Steward of the Houfehold, Judge of the '. T~rlhaJfc.
and pai.l.,e Court, and Chamberlain of Chefter, lViCe. Ch 1nl ,ndcley
ilollrel.] (Cholm.""J~ Hall, Ch1h;r~, aM H.ughl_Hall, N.".I".t.) ••
1111. July :14 .. Edward Harley, E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, L.
Rarley, C.:!wfMid H.ufo ~ Bramploll r,,;A, aerif.rtlfl.) m.
;I1II. Slpt. 3. Robeit Shirley, E. Ferrer., V. Tamworth, F.S.A. (Slal/".
I." H<lroltl,Jl6Ilkill/" Lt;,!_ ·,tfo;r., alld Cbartl') Cujllt, SIa,i.rJflin.).,.
'1111. Spt. S. William Leg~, E. of Dartmouth, V. Lcwilham,'
(Satrtf.uJ.J Pari. Sujford.foirt; and W.",MII.J Hull, 'l-.rljhirt) I.
GEO. 1.1114. Oa.IS.' Chark. Bennet, E. of Tanir.erviIJe, L. Olful-
· 11011, ( Ftli1C, .Su"J, and Cbit_gh"", Ctrj't, NOIII.) ...
• '140 Oa. IS. Heneage Finch, E. uf Ayleuurd, L. Gucrnfcy, (Pael-
illgt." H"II, Warwicljhirt.) ••
1114. oa. 15. Fredcrick Will.iam Hervey, E. of Brm..I, L. Hcney.
hereditary Steward of St. Edmond.Lbury, F. R. S. (u_th-Par ••
''!IJi, anti PJtnt~ Hcalh, Surr,.) m.
11111. Mllr. 18; Peter Lcopald Lw.. FranciI Cowper, E. Cowper, Y.
· Fordwicb, B.Il.S. la of the Roman Empire,) (M.t• ..J.oujt, Km',
1fI!Ii,.Wlu-V-l'v1, H...u.) •.
'?XI. .AI" ,. Charles Stanhopc, E. Stanhopc, V. Maiwn, F. R. S.
(CbnI'';''lI"pl" .., XlIII, anti Mab." H.III(, DII'Uon.) 'W •
• '19. Ma, 4. U Philip Sherard, E. of Harbocoogh, L. Shcrar.l, [Lorl
· Sherard in Ireland] (Staj/lfo,tI, Lti'1"fl· alld Gioifi~, Rlltlalltffo.) I.
S1S1. x...r,J.,
I' E.Gi ~ V. Parker, Capt.
· ef me ~of the Guard, ;md H. Steward of Henley, Odllrli.
D.C.L..and F.R,J;.(S~60r"_'fIlk. O""r", aM JJ.&lfnj1kigh,D,., ... ) ...
17U. lk,.lU. G.,e Fermor, E. of PomIret, L. LeoaUuAer, D.C.L.
. ·xs...fl-HaIL, N.rllll"""".fo~"
.7U. Ma, ~3. , James Graham, E. Graham, L. BeHord, MaIler of
tbe Hom tll the King, Lord. Juft. Gen. of Scotland, Ld. l..ieut••f
StirJiogfiUre, Chanc:el1or of GlaIgow Univcdity, aDd au ell:trawcliDatf
~C!!t0l' of th: Bank of Sc;stWld, [D. of MontroCe in Scod.] LG.
and D. C. L. (Buchull" Hou1', DII17Jbart.../kirt,) ...
,Q~. lI. 17s9' St!. 16. John Jam.:s Waldegrave, E. Walrl,.nc. V.
Chewton, a lieutenant COIODe! of the 5+tA Regiment, I .
• .,.3°. MIry~4. George .Alhbumham. E. IIf Alhbuniliam, V. St.
(A./4burllb" .. PliI&., SlIft... ) f1I.
t13I, D,.. S. R.ioha.rd Howard, E. of Eflingbaal, L. Howard, Trcafurer
to thet Q!can, ~ i. S; A. ( G,allZc Hall, r...,yi.) ••.
• 741• F.~. 9. , Chules StaDhopc, E. of Harrington, V. Pcterlbam, a Oe.
· DUal In the army, Col. of the Ifl: Regiment of Life-Guard.,
Captaia, Goventor and Coniable of Windfor Call le, a Privy Coup.
ljdJor iD ltcland, F. S. A. (EJ<J"fl.n-bIllI, DtrbJ.foirr,) ••
• ,43' "'/r. 11. John Charles Wallop, E. of Portfino'Jth, V. LrminctOB'
iaiWF of Bllrl" }Po the n,w iorc;ft, (H"rjI,• .,rM ParI, Elan/I) m.
16 fiouse of Peers. Earl ••
1141'). ,,,1, ,. George Gr,ville, E. Brooke, and E. of. Warwick. Lord
Brooke, Rec. of Warwick, Lord Lieut. and Cuit Rot. of thc Ca.
"V\rarwiclt, F.R. S. (W<l,;;viel CaJlle, and Broolt HOIYC, notfit.) M.
1146. AlIg. ~O. , Robert Hobart, E. of Buckin~amlhire, L. Hobart,
Prefident of the Board of Controul for the affairs of India, a Major
in the Army, Clerk of the Pleas in the Exchequer iit Ircland, and
a Privy Counfellor there, (Nullon-hoIYC, Lineolnjh. and Rochamptolf,
Suny,)",. ' . :
1146. Sept: 6. ,William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, E. Fitzwilliam, V. Mil-
. ton, Ld. Lieut. and Cull:. Rot. of the Weft Riding of the <':0. of
York, high Steward of Hull, Cuft. Rot. of Pctcrboro' Liberty, and
Recorder of Higham Ferrers, D.C.L. [E. Fitzwilliam in lrelandl
(Wml_rlb-bouje, rorlfoire, and Alilfo" P,rrl, Nortbamplon/i;ir., C$
11'1allo", Wid'/U7U) Ill.
1749. 00. 3. Gcorge O'Brien Wyndham, E. of Egretnont, I •. CII(.ker-
mouth, Pt.efident of the Board of Ag;riculture, F. R. S. and A.S.
Pdfuorth, S1f."" and Orchard Wyndba'm, SO""tfi1jhire,) Ill,
, 1749, De<. I.' WilIiam Harcourt,.E. l1arcollrt, V. Nuneham, a General
in the Army, Colond of the 16th Regiment of Drogooll&, Gover-
Bor of Portfnlouth, Mafter of the Horfe to the QEeen, Deputy
, Lieutenant of Windfor Foreft, and Deputy Ranger of \Vindfor Great
Park. (Nu"tbam Courtney, Oxf.r4Jbire, alld St. L,oltf1rd's-hilJ, Butls.)",.
175:1. Apr. 8. Frands North, E. of Guilford, L. North, High Stew-
ard of Banbury, Captain of Qeal Came. a Lieut. Col. in the Army,
D.C.L. (Wro"ton-A66." O"forJjh.) m.
1154. Apr. 1.. , Philip Ycrk€, E. of Hardwicke, V. RoyfloD,
a truftce of the Britilh Mufc:um, High Steward of Cambridge
1:1ni1'erfity, 1.0£(\ Lieutenant and CuJt. Rot. of the Co. of CaIu-
hridge, Ko G. F. R. and A.S. (TVi"PN,' H"II, Call1hridg';/bi,,.) 17~.
1754. Apr. 3. William Harry Vane,. Eo of Darlington, V. Barnard, Lanl
Lieut. and Vice Admiral oC the County palatine of Durham. (RtI~
CaJll., DurhllIW) m. ' ,
1756. 'Jun. 11. Henry-Stephen Fox Strangcways, B.of Ilcheftcr,L. Sta-
vordall" (l'o£.Joury HcuJ., Dorftls. ani! Rd'ynch, So",,,je'Jh.) ",.
OEO .. III. I161. Mar.IS. George John Weft, E. De La Warr, V. Can-.
talupt, a lord of the King's bedchamber. m.
'765. alii. 31. Ja,ob, Pleyddl Bouverie, E. of Radnor, V. Follr.eftone,
Ld. Lt. Cult Rot. of the Co. of Berks, Recorder of Sarum. and
High Steward of. Wallingford, M. A. 1'. R .. and A. S. ,(Lo1fZ.fDrtJ
Cafll." IVills, and Cul<jbill-boll,J', BeI'ls) m.
176S.,N.... I."
Gcorge John Spencer, E.Spencer. V.Althorpe, a tmfree of
the Britilh Mufeum, a GOY. of the Charter Houfe, & elder b{other of
the Trinity Houfe, and High Steward of St. Alban's, K.G. F. R. S.
and F. S.A. (AItLor/, Park, No,tbIl1l1,to'!fbir<; Brtlncion, !>forfolk, Witll-
hldo" Farl, Surry,alfd St. Alba,,'s, Herts) "'. " . .
1166. AUI!. 4. , John Pitt, E. of Chatham, V. Pitt, an eJdj:r Brother
<If the Trinity-Houfe, a governor of die Charter..Houfe, a Gen. ill
th.e Army, Colonel of ~e 4tli Regt. of Foot, Govanar of Jerfcy; 1\11<1
HiCk Steward of Col~hctler, K, C. (G.lcli"Z, KCf/I) 1h~ - •
Houfe of Peers. . Earls.
; 1171. ~u:. "" , H~qry Bathurft, E. Bathur~, Ld. ~l'ney. Secr.etary
. oT Rate for the war departnlcnt, a comnuffioDcr for the alfalra 1)1
ln~a, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, and Joint Clerk' of the
CrOWD, (, Gro1o#, Gi,.",,,ljlt'.· GI""ct{twjilirl, tlIftl Al'jI~, 8'11'111) ••
111S. Aug. :i8: Arthur·BlllndeU Sandys Trumbull Hill, E.of.HiUlbo-
rough, V. FairforJ, Hereditary Conftable ,,£ Hilliborough Fo,"
D. C. L.(M. of Downihirc: in Ire!. ] (Hillftorough Cajll.,lJO'fu"./bi,.,) ••
1716. "]",..10. C.barles Brute, E. of Aylefuury, ~d. Bruce, (~"*u..
, Pari, Wil"t /lAd 'J'.a".ft<1tI Hall, Tory!>irt.) ...
1776. J'"" 14. Tlwr,nal Villic:r., E •. of Clarendon, !.Qrd Hyde. (a Coune
'of thl: Kingdom'of PAllia) (Hind•• , Wilt' t tIIId GrQ".-P",4, ,HlT".) ,6•
• 1J.84•.M.., 1,. Htllry Nrti1l., E. oCAbaFgaWDlly, V. Neville, Record.,-
of Harwith, and patent infpector of ProIccutiOlll in thc~m..aoljC••
.(Br.,. C-fil.. Kntt) .w. '
178•• M.y 19' Henry William Pagn. E. of Uj[bridge. Ld. PIget, a
. Lieut. Gen. i .. the AnIly,:and CoL oE the 7th Dngoona, (B-*/<"
,.lW-A,.8J__t//Nr~.tllftl RJal.~)d, Jjle of Altllt/.,) ••
1,84. "]111, ,. Alexmder, Oor4on,. Eo of, Nurwich. LqnhOordol1.
'. ~,:o£",the Great Seal in Scutlan~ hcredit~ry keeper oC III'fCr-
, DCfa . ..culk".aiJ4I ,cu.antcUor of King'. College, Aberdecu,. [D; of
,ac.d0ll' aad Pnmicr Muquis, $cotland,] K.T • .arui F. R. S~.(Slr"~-
.Iu'I-G'IfII(i ~!,~r... ~ cm~••. Cajll., Ba'ffffoir.) w· '
1,8... "]ul,3. Charltl Chctwynd Talbot .cllet.wynd, E. .TaIIivt, V:. In·
.: «dlric. Ld. LlieJlf. of ~ordAir.~ f.J"",j1"~#flJl, ~"'fprdjb!'!l'} ••
- "S184;' "'uly S.,,·llcilJat GreC~~rt Eo /()ro(ycnor; V. Bdpaw. Ld.
Lieut. of the C", of Flint. ,( Etd~",·C"!foJt'l. ' IINf. /lJilJ.irr-ho-fl.
: .6IitttIfoI} - . ' , . , "
1,86. Allg. 8., John 'MllrraY, E.· of Strange, L. Murray, lAIrd· oC the
..;I1lc; of ''M:iIf, L6rd; Lieue.of rQ. of Athol iD ·S.cotla!ld.!
K.T. and F.R.S. (AthoI H.".fo. Dllttuld CIf/lI•• Puthfoirl, .,,114 .M.""
, C¥k, Jjll of Nail.:}'" ' '
..,89'. .4",. 18,.'.&idlard~. ElaEMp\lnt Ed,c~ V, VaI-
letort, Lord Lt. Vice Adm. and Cuft. Rot. of ~be Co. oC. ~o[lnvall
.. /tDd ~igb ~dof,P-1yznpto~, De'lOq, .p.C.L. ~ F.!LA •. (¥.....,
Il.tIl'.inI>e, C"'ile, Corltwall, ""d m,FJ/"o"J..Hill,:811';"'.)
.. J~9- ,4"6- t8.l{agh F_II{",~ ~ F~cu«;. v. ~bl!~on, Ld: ~ieu­
, ~ant of the Co; of Dev:on,and tligh Steward ,,£Batnftaple. and
S~uth M<;>ltOD. D.C.L. & FoP.A. (CaJlI, .Hil4lJnJ.". lI"rE"r;.gt.,,-
Hall, G/~II'!lkrflire) 'W. , "
J79.t? 30',: ~dward .Dig}!y, ¥. Di,,,,.. v. CO,lelhiU, ,LO~ Lieut.
and Cuftm Rot. of Dorredhire,' D: C.l1. [Lor:d Digbx i\llfe1lnd]
,,($h'~rll' CJ!/il#, .D.r.f<tfoire) iJ. ,..,' '. " ,.
1790. OR. 30. AIgernon Per,,¥, E•.oC Bevcrley,Ld.Lovaine; Brqther of
. the-D. of Nor~mberland(L..."tlJ';~"'" E!f 1Je,j,!i"gt.It~H'rtl)'W. 31. William " Murray, E. of MaDsfield, Lord. . Murray.
Lord Lieutenant of ClacmannUlGtire, Hereditary Keeper of'SCOOD.
F.R.S. [ViCe. Stormont in Scotland] (C"",I."gt." Ctifile, D"rJI/rit,-
.foire, St." P"/a,,, P,rthjIJirl.1IIIIl c-o..J, Midriltj'trr )"'.
18 Houfc 01' Peers. Earls.
1193· 1"'" ~9' Henry Qcorge Hcrbcrt. E ..6f CierllUi'Oft. LGrol Poll<
Wller. (High.lm-b.uft. H•• aMd PiJtIIltl. S'.IT/d.) vi.
. "96• ,."" I. , RGbert Daub JCllkinIoD. E. of Liverp<>ei. Lord
Hawkdbury. 6rft Lord of dle Trc:afury. a Lurd of Trade and Plaa-
tations, a Commillioaer for the AJfairs of India, Cotlftablc of Doter
Came. Warden, Keeper and Achniral uf the Ciaqw: Porta.a Governor
er the .Charter Houre. and an oBic~ Trullee of the Britilh Mu!cum.
F. R. S. (W"I...,. Cttj'tl" K ••,. allll C_H-H• .ge M. Ki"t1'.II. S"":I').'
1797. M", ~7.' John Jcrvis, Eart tA St. Vincent. V. St. Vincent. Ld.
Jervis, an Admira) of the Red. Gc:D. of Marines. ill) elder: brother
of the Trinity Houfe. and onc of the Council of State fIR' the' PrinK
er Wales in Cornwall, K. B. K.~.S, aad F.a.S. (Mrap".,l. S"ffinJjJMr.,
.l1li R,u"II, E.§<.) .,
1100. D,I. ~7· Charles Hury Cadogaa, :Eo Cadflga.. Y. Chelfcs-,
f;8".,...DrtuJ,_. S".ffOII) I •
. 11100; OR"'r 29. , Jame. Harri.,l!~ of MabnelbnF}', V. Fitz-HanU.
I,ord Lieutcna8t of the co. of Southamptoa, K.. B. uul D. C. Lv
f /,(1';,,",",1, 0..... _ H .. H ..,,).,
,801. A/r.U. Jame. St. Cleir Erlkiae, E. of Kofalyn. LfJI'd Leugh«
'borcmgh. a General in the Army, Col. of d~e 9th R~. ut Du-
gcicm••.• COlJllfellor of State tbe Prince of Wale. ror ScotlaDd-,
and Direaor ia CIIancery in bland' for Life. (D:Jfa,., B.".fo" Fill-
~in. tIIIII Llzigw, r ...~.) ..,.
dOl. 'l1li,. 18. William Cravoa. E. at Cra'ftlf. Y. tJliDrlam. a l.icut.
$ca. in the Anay. and recordcr of Coventry, (C-M JlIN;J. _.Q.
..~.'" H-IJI,tMI P."A, 11,,,1..) ••
Jlol.,.111 19. , Thomas ODIl.OW. E. ODIlow. V.Craaley.out-ranIU of I
W"mdiIr Great Park. (a.....ParA. S,.,.,.,) e. ,
, ,1101'.,..,., u. Chad.. · Mar4ham,. P;;. ReIDDe1.V. MulhlllD, (..MMt-

1801.' 'Ill
l(lrA, KnlI) ... I

mafter General, ePiiVJ' C8uoKller.tro ia frellllld. ' ....8. (~_


2.3. , Tho.PeUaam, K. of Ohichtfter, Lord Pelbam, Joiat Po!·

PIWA, S".IJH:) ""

1801. , ••, ~; TbolDiI Eeertoit, E. of WiltoJl. Y. Grey. (H..."",
LiIM'!foirt) •• .
1104. M", 14. ,. Ed.ard Clivt~ • of POW", V. Clive. Ld. Libr.
ttf Sbroplhu-e and MODtgotneryOlli'e, aad llecorder of SbrcwO"u1,
(ThIrd Clive ill Ireiaad),D, C. L: ("ak" HtIIl, StJ./) ••
IloS~ Nov. ~O. WillWn Ne!foll, E. NelfoD. V. Trafalgar. a Prt·
ben"lhry' of Cantccburi~·D.D. [Duke of Bnmte ill Sicily.) (7"r_"",_
p.,.1; Will,.) .,;
.106. Ap"il I. Charlel Plerrepoint. E. Man~eri, V. Ntwark, D~ C. L.
(Pkf'Tl}oita a.llft, .l1li 7"iI.,.!P1 PM'. N.". } .., . '
1806. Aj,,# I. Horatio Walpole, E. of OrfOrd; Lord Walpofe. Ifip
~a~ 01 tile iorolJF of LPl". M.A. (W.ltlTtvr. PII,.t.., Norfilk) .....
HOII{e of Peers. Vifcountl. 19
1806. April 1. ,Charles Grey, E. Grey, v. Howkk, & Go'ftrllOf .f
the t:harter Houfe" (H.tr1id H04-, Nw/h..Hr""''') ••
18°7. April <t. William Lowther, K. of Lonfdale, V. Lowther, a
Lieut.-Col.iD the Army. Lord Lieut. of tbe C~. of Cumbcrland allcl
Weftmorland,and Recorder of CarhUe, K.G. and F .S.A.(z.-1IH_".!'1r,
Wdl",.rla1l", Cuujlllfln.parA. RIllIQlla, and Whil,btlwtt C..,I., C"-r-
1.lId)... .
.109. 1ulJ 18. " Dudley Ryder, E. of Harrowby, V. Sandon, Loro!
Prefident oC the Council, High Steward of Tiverton, D. C. L. oSt
"'.s. A. (Sa.aon-Hall, Staifortllbir., ,,,,,I Non.", GIo.wjler.foirl.) •• "
du, Allg. IS.' Henry Phlpp., K. Mulgrave, V. Normanby, Man.,.
Gen. of the Ordnance, an elder brother of the Trinity houfe, Lord
Lieutenant. Custos R.otulorum, and Vice Admiral of the East
Riding of Y orkmire, a General in the Army, and Colonel of the· 3 ilt
Reg. Go.-emor of Seatborough, F.S.A. [Lord Mulgrave in 1re1ancll
(.JI.rulgra'll. C-.fIU, ro,A,hire) ",.
18u. :Aug. IS. Edward l.ascellcl, E. ofHar~ood, V. LarecJlel, (1I11rl-
_od.·Hollji, .r.rlfoi,.•. ) w.
1813. Ft". 11. Gilbert Eliott Murray KynymRlound, ltarl of Minto,
V.Melguod,( Mi..u Cajll"R.:dllrghjhirt) ••
1814. J""8 d.1 WiIliam Shaw Cathcart,E. Cathcart,Lord Greenock.
a General in the Army, and CoL of the ad Regt. of Life Guard_,
.AmbalTador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the COI,n of Ruffia.
Vice';Admiral of Scotland, an Advocate of the Scotch Bar, and a
Privy Couofdlor in Ireland, K.T. ~".o\.N. K.A. and K.S.A. [Lore!
Cathcart, in ScotJ3lId.] (S~"VJ ParI, CI,,<"'tltltta!fb;rt) ••

V I S C 0 UN T S.
EDW. VI. 1549. F~. 11." Henry Devcreux, V. Hereford, Premie
Vue. of Elli1and; c..Nalft"ilJH, MlJIJIg_:J/IIin, ad 'I'regoya, Bn••,,) ••
CHA. L 1643. 1~. 30. t Rn. Char~ BelW"yCe, V. Fauconbcrr.
in Holy orden of the Church of'R.ome, a Dol!tcJr of the SorbonlilC',l.
AtiNE 1711; Jilt, 8. GeOlgc. Richard St. John, V. Boliogbrob ane! SI,
]9hp of Bfotterfea,. (L",h.rd-ParA, Wilt,) ... "
GEO. I. 17:10. ,.". 113. Edward Bofcaweo, V. Falmouth, llec:or-
dcr.of CllrUkhur~h,("'I'r•.fOth",.., C.",.aII """ WooIIuI-It""B".j,.) ..
11:11. SiP. 10. Cikorr Byog, V. Torriogton, a Rear-Admiral of "the
lilac, ,. •.
OEO. n.t746. F~. 17. Auguftus Frederid: Fitzgerald, V. Leinfter.
[D. of Leinftcr and PreItlicr Peer in Ireland] a Governor of the COUII.-
t.,or" K.ilclarc (L,;","-;""j" Dlllli., tuuI Cart.,., KilMn) I. ,
8-EO. Ill. 11611. M~S. ThomaaNoel, V. Weotworth,a Lord of·the
Beckhuaber,D. C.L. (W~." K;;'~Lodg" Ln'tjI"',fo.) ....
11. M., 6.' WllIiam
Ill. _.
eouna..,. V. Courtcna.,. (Po'fIJdt:rI_ Cajlk,
'763. !fpr. u. WiIliam Ware!, V. Dudley and W. ard, Recorder of
Ki<lduminftcr, Worceftcdhirc, (Hi,.l1!3 Hall, W.rujlerfo.) ••
1766. 011. a8. Charlc. Maynarcl, V. Maynar4 (B<1I'" LfIIII, I!jfo,,) ••
20 Houfe of Peers. Vi1'counts, &e.
1776. ']..., , .. Thomas TfrYor' Hampdeu, V.'
, (H-., ••-/l_"p, 8,"1.) .. , .
I); C.L.
I'~, Ft".
u. Cltarlc. Germam, V. Sackville (D,IJ,"" 1'..,••
""'1"")6.) I.
· 1,89' ,]11"" 9. JoluI Thomas TI'wnibel!d. V. SydDey, Ranger ofSt.
Jamu's and Hyde-parks, aDd High Steward of Yarmouth,l.S.A.
· is ,tI,,.,
LeJg., K~I) w. "
/1796. ']11.' I • Samuel H.<'ad. V. Hand, an Admiral of the lted. an elder
Brother cof the Trinity-Houfe,aod Mafter aod a Dirc\!lor of Greenwicll
Hofpital, (Lord Hood in lrelaud) W/I;II,,-db6,y, II,IJr C_~• ...
G,m.'W;,b PIJrl,JlCell',) 'fJI.

• ,.797. Oa. 30. ~obert Dunc;an, V. DuncaD, (L"ntIi..P~, I'trlhj&;,,) ••

1800•. ']__ 10•. Alcundu Hc!cxl," V:Bridport. COtn, of 'Mariue~ III
Admiral of the R.ed, Vicc.Adnl!~al of Grea~-Britain, ;sn4 LiclJt. 01
· die A4miraky thereof, K. B. lLd. BriJpon in" tiClandJ( Cr;.-kt LJI',
.' S..·rftt)6irt.).. _
1801. P",. 17. Albeton Curlon, V~ Cllrzo~, D.e.i. '(1Iagr,;~ St~.
· ""tI Pntt'Huji, 8u,1,.) w. .. . ' . -'
180~. D'h s •. , Ro~rtSilund~r~'D~D.das.. vir,ciu,nt:'Melville,'f'uII
Lord of .the Admiralty, iI Lard ai, Trade and PllUItatiQnl, an otIicW
Tl'1Iltee of tlte B. and H. M'lleums, Lord Pr~vy'Seal. ~ernor IIf
the. Bank, R.egiftcr ,afScisine, ,and ~aDceUor. ot. the Vniverli,t)' of
. St. Andre,~'8, ill, S,.otland. (MJ'lJilJ•• Cajll•• EtIi",,"'l', Dllllira, hI&-
flirt, "".tI Wil(l"I",p.~ Surr):) ,,,!' c. . ' . . : .; , "". '.. , " ' , . l
dos."J'_.u.+Hcary AddiDgtM, V Sidmouth, Sccectaty..of.&ate
{or the home deputllieDt, a.; cQlJlUli!liqper for the lIB'aira of Jnda,
"~ gov~r ~i the,,cha,r!~r Ho~c:._ u,Rger,of ,-Nc~P1D1l,d Pllfk.llccuf.,
" der _of Deyu;c" .al,1d.;H,~~ Stewar~ .of ,W~ftmlDfter, and RcaWdg,
F. S.A. (Ri,b.,"d Par", SlIrry, ..IItI 'VI.' Ott~, D''IJ'JI•• ) 'W.
*6~ .~t~ ••• ~7 Th~nlat AIltol!,' 'V:' .Ant~n.·:O~ C; L: ! (n"iGor~'gJ,
1'- " '.. r.,~ilc!1i,lI),,:,>.(, ." .:•..' <"", ,~: ". ,'. . ,
1807. Oa. 31. Francl~ Qera;d Lake;, ,V. I:Ut.e; a Lor~ 0( tile Ktng"
Bedchambe,r, ~ l'1,ajor Gen! intlle' AiUii;'anil • Lt: :Col:'Oftbe 60th
Keg.t. dJI.,,-Cl~.t.,!, 1I'!,eh) ... .. ': . ,.',,'
1813, "1u,,;
I • . ,~a:rles' \\7hlt~o'tth" V~ 'miiw~hh': :Ldrci iieut.
. General and Gftm'aI· GOVerlKll' of Jre1&ntli,GNnd. IM'IIil:er, 'Of the
Jnofl. illuftrious Ord,er of St. Patriek, a Lord of trade aDd ~&ati()nl
: t Privy ~bun~hit • BntIand.r~.J,•.• ,I).<;.b. (l.lI!rlfll, Whitworth,
. Inlaod, 1813,) (.Du!Jh" CtII1e. fI!IIl. .P/J,.~~ DuI/I,,).,.
1814. Ma, I4~, oeorg~ K;eit~~I9~iJllblne,._,V. Kdtll!_ .AAlqral of
the Red,· 5ed'tiary; .CHamllerblll-, 1!:eep. of 11le~lpct, ami· COIIP'
~ Cellot of State for Cornwall,' od tIIlkotJllld,.to,t~e"PtoIJaA.o('WalC!,
· and Treaf'. and CoiBpt; ofthe.Houtehold·"·the. D41t~. ,efClariacc,
• ~. (Ld. ~c,thip frdand), K,., B".K .. C•. 8c F.R.s.. ('1'rJlltdI... -c",rl,
8~~~/IH", Pm-5,..,i ParS, ,Hftl.,)... . " ; , ' ", ,: '
IJJ+"~",l4 .• Oeorge G~rds.p,V, G~,.~o.lf, :",!rnftee of the
MItfe-aIn. K.l'. " F. S. A. [II"~"!1"'ft, ~k,.~nr)t.It,.) 'w. . -
Hoose .. I

21 .
H£N. 111. I~~f: , •• 3· Thomu Stapietc.II,LordLeDeCpelleIl',(G...,',
c.uri,O'f/fflt,jji,." tituI MtrnIJotfho.C<r/II" Kat)'.. .
U49' At. S9' Jtd~1I"CI Sqathw~U C.1~~r~, Lo~d De ~~o~. D.C.L~
lK;"-" ~ffl" ,.rl, G~ttj'rJ6'r.) ...
EDW. I. 1S96. 'til .
s6•. Oc;orre. ThiA:1tDel[", Tuchet. Lord Audlq,
(Satlrilg, Pllrl. WiI!foirl) ",. •
11.Ij7.PJJ. 10. aurh Pe~y, J,.ord Percy, (Earl Percy. Con 01 the Duke
of Nor~J,erIan.a) i. . .
,s98. Pd. 6. R.~ Cotton St. Jobn Trefufi.. Lord Clinton. a Lieut.
Colonel ~ ~he Afmy,'( 1.':tf~~ Clljtl., Cor"wall) ... .
~448. M", 13. t Charles Philip StOurtOD, Lord $~. (~rr""
.p"rl,' r".fI6ir,)·.. ., ,_. , '. .
EDW. IV. 148s. N ... IS. f FI'3Dcia R.awdoD Haftings,Lord .Hailinr.
Governor O.meral of ludia,'. "GGIlerldiu the Anny, Cunltabl&l8lld
qhie£ Gov~or of the Tower of Lon4oJI, /..d.. ~ie\Jt. and Cull. Rot. ,
of the TOW~ Diviij,oD, Cc.l. of the S7th Regiment, a Governor of
tJu Charter Home, and ODe ol the Council "f, the Prince of Wale.
il. ConiwaUaiidSC'otlana,K.G.1c K.·T.F. R. 9. F. S.A.and M.R.
I • .A.l~l of Moira in Ireiana.) (1);";,,P'. Pari, .tJMfo·~"',R4u~
ifRp-!JJI; r""l;foi,,;illlil L""'~Caftl" .4it;!>ill)". " ' 0 0 , . 0

Ig!N. VU. 149',. d.•, . .I~. '0hn P~o . VtrnCJ.' -I:ord.

Willough, de
BIrooke, D. C •. L. (C""'~ 'm¥1'
IV_lfJiin) '111, - •

EpZ. JSS8. :1l1li: 13. , s.~t ~drew $$t John, Lord Saint JqhD f!l
.lct,(o, F, R. ~d. A. ~. (BI'!fce-jHll'l. Btdfonll'iH) •• > 0..

ZS97: ¥~,iof" ""CfWrcs Auiuft~. ,JtlJb, Lor~ H,~ de Walden.

(Cla_~.'ilr~, S~"') 6! . • 0 _ .'

JAM. i:" ~~3': '"11

si: fW-dliam FJ"2l1Cis HCl\ry Pctrc, Lord Petre•.
(21orn/.,. Htdl, .EjfoltJ B",I,Ma. lUiifi. Nor:r.n, lIIIiJ D.ddt HaD.
UM;g6;",) I;'
,.t, 0 •••••• , . . . . . : _ . .

~J. Ge~ SpcIleer, L.ord Spencer, of. WormleighfoD, [Mar:-

of Blandford,l fOil of the l)ilke .d! Mar~ro. .h., F: S. A. (WW,.

KJt;glt~, B~r~;r,)",. ..
1603. dlllt.9. Gregory WiHiam Tw~eton. Lord Slye.!c SeJe (B",.s&t...
r;.,1I,. 0".larthb;r,:) •• "', . .' .. . 0

160S. M", 4. J Jame•. Everard .A.r,upclel, Lor.dArundel, [a C01lnt oC the

,"oman Empire) (Wa,.",. C.jl/~, W'ilt/bi,..,alld /IIIhiz", Hall;LirJ&II,,~

"';'-I}... " .: . .
9· John Bligh, LOJ',d CliEtP.JI, aeredi~ High Steward 0-
'GraveCend';pJd t.filtw; Kcn~' [E. bf Damley 'in ircland] D.C.L.

and F.U. (Coffi..../,all. Kmt, alld Ratl...", Mtatb.) 0",;

30. t Charle~ J)ormer;Lot4 ponner, (p.m" 1:01,11',
Blltl,; tiJ Gr_Parl, rI. W4rw;,I) 'J. . ~
I~I.6. ,.t, 9. 0"

Johil Jloper, ~ord Te~am. (Li""jlllld L ....Z•• 1l,,,t) 6

C~~. 1.:T643. ~R; ~~.' ~Ilfse Gor~0l' Br,on.;'or4 ~7l'~n'(~nP/~

1I~6", ~'~"') po,· . . • . ..

22 Houfe of Peen~ Barons.
eRA. n. 1671. April u. Charles Clifford, l.ord CliJTor4, of Chud-
leigh, F. S. A. {Ur.h"ool Pllrl; D..,OII, (lnd EaJl.Pari Hall, Lt."c,,-
,Pi,.) ... .
"'NNE. I7IJ. Sepf. yo., Alexander Hamilton. Lord DuttoD, fOD of
the Duke of Hamilton. Lord Lieutenant of Lanerklhire, F. It. S.
and F. s. A. (Marquis of Douglas and Clydefdale iD Scotland,)
( HoIJrood-ho"./t, JUi"burgA) ••
1711. Sept. 10: Edmund Boylc. Lord Boyk, a Lieutenant-General,
[E. of Cork and Orrery in Ireland) (MarjlM Hall, S_rj'<tJh.)",.
J7II. Dec. 31. Thomas Robert Haye Drummond, Lord Haye, (E.• f
. Kinnoull and Lord Lyon, Killg at Arms iD.ScotL) (D"IfIi" C'!JIh,
P.rthJh. ) 6. . .
"n. Ja•. I. Henry Willooghby, Lord Middleton, !.ord I.ieutenant
of Sl1rry, and High Steward of the Royal Town of Sutton.C.,ldiidd.
(WoIklfo.-#to"./t, Noli,. alld" Hall, WarwirlJh.) ...
8EO.l. 11"5. M., "9. Peter King, Lord King, (O&ih.", CAwrt,S",'1'
Y.rti4.hD"U. D,,,on, a"d ./IIf.,,,,,•.,
8._r"t'pir,) ••
CEO. n. 171.8. MI? a8. UJohn George Monron, Lord MonfoD, (Bflrt,.
. H/)IIfi. l.i,,<dnJhirt) 6. .
1741. Ma, 9. Henry BrOlDiey, Lord MODtfort, D.C.L. (M'lUh.GrllW,
S"",.) ",.
1749' J"n. u. Frederic Ponfonby, Lord Ponronby or Syfonby. (E.. 1lf'
Bdborough in Ireland,] (B!foor",gb Ho"./t. K#i.lln,; lOJlOII6;. Lei-
.tjlcr!6ir" anti Roth...ptOIl, S",rJ).' .' _
1769- .Ma, u. Henry St&well Bilfon Ler;ge. I.ord Stawell, M. A.
(MtlpUdMrh4llt-ho"./t; B.rh) 'W. ' .

1,60. MI? u. Lewis Richard ~atfon. L.orc;t Spnlica, (L ..,.,,,,,,,

Lat, ...d Rodingha..-<ojll,. NDt1./Ja~jtD".foir'l h•
• EO. m. 176T. April7.·Thontlis Philip WeddcU Robiufon, Lord Gru-
.&ham, (N,v", Hall, rqr~;,.) 'f'" , .
1'761. Apr. 9. Nathaniel CurzoJl, Lord 8carfdal~, (K.d/!IIOII, D.,~ir.) _.
1761. Apr. 10. Fredericlt lrby, Lord Boilon, a l,ord oEthe King's Bed-
chaJn&er, D.e.L.aud F.8:1\. (HttlforLotlg" B,,'h) ••
176a. May 6. , Henry Richard Valfall Fox, Lord Holland, of Hol!and,
ud of Fodey; llecorder cf·Nottingllam F. R. {It A. S. (!lollatotl-6o,q..
L>tjtogtPII) n. .
1,61.. Ma, ,.John JamesPerctvl\l, Lord Lovel and Honand or Enmere.
Lord Paramount af the ilttniory of ~ubal1ow in Ireland. [E. of Eg-
lI10nt in lre;}andY(E"..orl C$e, 'S'''"fe!fo; S"IfIiDio·bo"./t, H"I•• l1li4
Bp."t, Corl.)",.
I,h. MI? Ii. l1eDry Venablos yemon. lArd Yernon, Mailer of
the Robes to the King, (S"Jh,,'J,, D<r6Jlhi,.. Briton-.r<rr,.
GI..""rz...J9irl, (lnd N",~J, ~ar Bingha .., ]0;0",) m.
1,63' Alril ~7. Thom~ ReYDolds Morton, Lord ~\lCie. ('1'o'""orlll_
Ilftrl, (I,.Slrill"/~I, (;I"'~.) ",. .. . . . . . '. '.
Ho~(c of Peen. 'aron~ •
• 746. 1)".• u. (}eor,e WjUiam Camp&ell. Ld. SilDdridg' ~ JiaJliltQP,
Hereditary Mafter or tAe King's Houfchold in Scotland. Keeper
e£ Duntl:al£nage and Carritk••tale Counfellor to the P. or Wales
;in ~\md •.Lord ,Lieut.,o£ Argy,lUbire. {D. or Argyle iD ScotJan~)
J..I.,",~ '-,,/tJ,.A,'DI{jh. Rof"ealb.Dw",Hrt',.e.-' S""JriJZ" Lift}",.
'776. Ma, ~o.Ed~ardH~ey i:Jaw,Ite.l.d.Hawke. (6&arJbi"Cf'JI Hall,
To..l.Jnr,J ~,
1716. M., so. John Cull. Lord BrOWl\low. Ld. Lieut~ant •.cua. rot •.
.aJld VIce Mmiral .Qf the ,~,9f .J.ipCQIA. Ji. R .S. alld f.8..A. (B.I;-
· __ H";;. Lu..I"./Vrt) ....
,.,,6. Ma, so.George Pin. Lord Ri~en. one of the FOl,I,r Lord. of
· ,the BecWwnber, &\ 0)1 the KiDg. (St.-.tfoW"" H.III•••J
R'fflJII.r~LoJz,. DOr/d) j.
'776. M., SO. Thomal Folay.Lord Foler. Ri:corpcr or J)
VVbi#i1./Y·,.&ifter,INrt) •• '
af80. Oa. 17. George Talbot Rice pe CardoDllel, J.ord l)yRnor. LortJ
Lieut. and Cull. Rot. of Caenuarthellfhice.{L;......'. (:~r;.
Gad Jl4,.,.i..zt."..,arJ, GI.J.rfl·).· '
.71Q. oa. 17. f Tho.De Grey. Lurd WaUiu~. Comptroller'or lbe
- fir/l Fr,uitla,nd TeD\ht, F.Il, 8. (Mn:t~NJ,l.N.if.tlJ).. ,
,,80. 00. 17. Wm. Bagot. Lord BafOl, F.S.A. aDd F.L.S. (Blitf/WI
'/1.11{<. iJa./i>rt!#. ,,-!Ill P:1JtII-,.#.D,..j~hjbi",) Ill •
• ,So. 041. 17. I ~Iea Fi~or. LorI1Soudwllp~OD. (Fits"' PlMt.
MiJdk/t") I. " ,
1"" . .4;,.// 3• .a.i~d Barre Du~~, l,ord Albbu~~. (SIite"",;1I
.•;,~ B.,II4,., D_•••Md Roj,.baII. SMlilrlaJ.) ••
1,8~. April 9. William l'{PttOD. Lord GrantIeY. J..ord Hi&h Stewar.
, or Alletton1hire and Guilfcird •. , .B.A. (Grllllll.,Parl. r:orJ.lhi~,. ,.,,4
W.nerfl, S.r,.,) ...,.
,78a. ,.116 19· Gcorgc: RC!dpey• .t-orcJ llodDey. J..ord J.iCliCeDaD:F or
lladllor, (GrtiJI Alr.ifortl. H..,.)~: . . , '..
'7840 1-.· S9· f.a~ rred~c Ca~er~ •.L~rd Cart~tet. Hi'" Baill.
of the Uland or Jcrfey. ~.C.f.:. • .(11_1161. Birlfordjh;,.e• .... <1 Corrt....
, C.,."."all,,-J. '" , ' '" . "
J1s... ' l1li ; 30 • Jphn Crag,,, Ell~t. ~9I'd Eliot. Mo 1&-. (P~rl £11.,. _.
· Li4e.,,/, c;,'If'UJtJl~ . . ' '.'' .. , . ,
1784. M., 14· Thoma51ames WarreD Bulkeley. Lord Bu]]u~ler. ~cl
~t.a.d Cuft.~ot. of Jhe <;o\lnty of Caernarvon. COD,ftab1e of Beaumuil
Caftle. and Chamberlain of 'North Waks. n.c.L. [V. BuIlte1ey ill
Ireland]' (B"I'OII Rill; J1,nglefia. Po,,,,,;' Ch#;rc. IIMd .E1I111Uld GrI,..
S .. ,.,.,.)... , ...' ' '."
1,84. 1'4.:/ 17· I~D ~OU)~I ~Fk~•. L.or.d ~ll1£rs •. ~ccor~rror 010a-
~cller. (.EttjI.o,. C"Ik. 'H.rifoiiljh...e. I11III 1&. Pmry tUM . .RjfliJI4
Sa.,.,) .... '
1784. Ma, 13. John Parker. Lord Borinzdon, D.C.L.and F.R.•
. (S~/tra",. 1111. Noillsmtdlltl,lklX",jh.) '!'~ . '
Hour: of Peers. .Barons;
1784· Ma] 19· Thorn"" Noel Hill, Lord Berwick., D.C.L. and. F.s.A.
(Attilfgbu, H.u/" ntar Sb,·t.,.,jhury) ",.
I 184. Md) :&0. JaDleS Dutton,.Ld. Sherborne, (Sb.,~_. . .
'7 84. "July u. Georg~' Gordon, Lord Gordon, Son of ·thcDuke ~r
Gordon. a Lieut. General, eolond of the 4:1.d Highland Regiment
Lord Lirut. of Aberdecnfhirc, and Chancellor of the Marischal
College iD the Univerfity of Aberqeen, (Marquis of HUD~ey) 6.
1,86. Allt. 8. Henry James Montagu Scott,· Ld. Montago of Bough.
tOil, brother of the D. of Ducclcllgh. (Bought.", N.rtbtt-llQ,.,p.ii-e) 6.
1786. Aug: 8; Henry de b Poer Bcresford,.Lord TyroDe, GoY.>and Cull.
Rot. of the Co. of Watenord, Col. of ·the WaterfdTd l\IIilitia,-and
a privy counfellor in Irel!Uld, [M. of Waterford -~ Ireland,] (a--
rag6_,.e; Wllltr/ord.) .... . '. .
,,86. 411g. 8. Henry BoYIe, Lord Car\eton, Cull. Rot.' of the Co.
. Cork, 1UId Clerk of the Pells ill' Irelaud, K:. St, P. <~. of ShanDOD.
iD Irele.nd). (CIIjII..Marly'·, Corl) m.
,,86. AUII: 8. W:illiam Afheton Hafb~;ml, Lord ~~eld, L?rI Lieut.· of
. !lOrfollt, (BI,dlin~ N.rfJlJ m. '. ..'
J 11\r.. A~i. 8. ft Arthnr Hc!nry' Carleton; Lord DOf'chefter, -{ St ..ffi.!/'.
& ...".) b•.
i,S8: 1UfU 9. peotge Kenyon, Lord Kenyon, a Benrher .of tile ~a.\le
Temple, euftosBreviuql of ~ King'- Beach. It; S; A. <GreJi"~,,.
Hall, FIi"tflirt)",. '
~jIl8. Sipt. 5. Richard Aldworth Neville· Gri~n, Lord Braybroke,
Pray. 14arihal of .Jamai~ Ld. Lie\lt;Yke·a.dmiri\l~ an;! Cull. Rot.
o! cl!eCo. .of- :f;!Tex, Rec. of Saffron Walden, Efi'n, High Steyn,rd
e£ Wokin~ham;' ~erks; and Vmroi' of Magdalene Clllkg~, tam-
bridge, F;·S. A. aMD. C.L. (Audl., E"d, EffitJt, a"d Billitrgkar,
Mar Wolh'gba .. , Btrll) W"
2188. Sept. 6. William Pitt Aniherll, Lo~d ~tnherll.a LQ.~d· of the
!tinS's ~edchantbe.... (Mo"treal, K"'t) m. './ .
:1190.1111; 3. George Auguftits Clticaefter, Lord Fifherwic, 11 Privy
CouofeHor\ and Govern.or of the Co. .of 4nttim In Irelalld. [~. of
Doneplin Ireland) ,B.lfQfl'~lItri"') " , . ' .'
1.-790. "Jllly 6. Jamea Waltcr GrimlloJl, Lorq Veru1am, F.R.S. [V~.
_ qr.~n\~lonin Ireland, and ~orc4Forrellcr in Sc.otlan.d,] <'t",la.,Hm-·
frtlfl,,,t) wt. . ." . .'

.790. "J"ty .8 .. Ar~¥bald D~IJ,Iaa, ~ord ~ouglas, o{ pouglas, 'lAIrd

J;.ieut. aDd hereditary Sherijf 'of FOl'farlhi!-e, (D.tlgIM .IId IJot$,uJi
Cilfllt, L(J"a"ijbirl, .d Allm6",y, Wit",) •. :
17~.NrfI. r. Henry Han Gage, ~ord Gage, [y. Gage i~ lrebnd)
. (:FI;le Plllte, S'IiJi'" aruJ Wi{tbllr, H.t1e, HlltltJ) ... ' ..
J 1YO. N"",. 2.5. ~William WyDdllam 'O'renville, Lord Gr~ville, Chan·
. ceU(Jr of t\re Univerlit·y 'of OJford,. Auditor of, the Rxchequer, an
elder brotberoftbe Trinity HOu~.aGovernor oftbe Chattet·H.ou{e,
High Steward of Briftol, a Privy CounfelIor alto in Ifeland, D.e,!..
aIId F. S. A.lDr.p_"1 z..<t" /JUfM,lJlfd Bq;. . C'''''IlItllJ) 11,'
Hout"e of Peers. Barons.
% 7c)r. Aug. It. Gcorgc Dquglas, LordDo~la" of Lochleveu. Ch:unber-
lain -of the ~een's H.oufehold. Lord Lieut. of Fifcflllre, K. T. V.p.
R.S: and F.S.A. [Earl of MUTton in Scotland] (A6.,,,,,,,, CaJlk. FiJi-
flir .. , anti J)al",ab~" MitJ,.utbillll) A. • .
:a 792. J.trr u. EdwarA Thurlow, f.ord, Thurlow. Regifirar of the
Dioct'H!: of Lincoln, Clerk of the PreU:DtatioDs in the P~tty Bag Of-
fice. patentee of the Bankrupts' Office. Clerk of the cuLlody of
Junat;cs and idiDt~ one of the c:lerh 9£ the Hanaper, alld one of the
}lrothonotaries of tile Cpurt ot Chancery in Reverfioll, Ill.
% 793. May u. Gcorge Eden, Lord Auckland, (Lord Aucklll\ld. in
Irel;1nd.l (.Eden Farm, trtaT Br'1f/e], KlII/) ~". . .
:I:.94.4!1g. 9. Jqhn Fjtz~trick, Lord Uppcr~O·iTory. Lnrd. Lieut. and
Cull. Kat. of the Co. of :Bedford, Keeper Of Walth.m Forest, Un-
colnshire, and of Rockingham-Fordl, Northamptonlhire, ·F.R_S.
a~d F.S.A. [Earl oC Upp~r OiToq in lreland! {'Imf"'e, Irtlll_l.
F"rmUtg'UJomf. Nartbarn/l.,itUrt. alltl A"'I,hiU Parl, B"'fordjh.) w.
& 794. AIIg•• ~3. Geor~e f'ulkc Ly~tleton, l..ordLyttleton. high Stew-
jird of Bi:wdky [Lord WeBtco(e in Irel;1nd) (Hog'ry-p ..rj •• ,11,8"",.
"rIdg" Wor,u/usizl,.,) 6.
:1794. Aug. 13· Henry Welbore Agar ElIis, LordMev,dip, clerk to the:
l-'rivy Cou0C+1; !rel3!ld. {Vir~o\Ult ~lifden, Irelancl) all~ F. S. A.
(G.",,'01l Caitl., KUu.",,) "".
2794. ·Aug. 13· Orlaudo Bridgemap. Lord Bradford, (WglM -('ari,
81'!1fDrtljiire) ••
1794. All!. IS· John Peachey. Lord Selfey. F.R.S. F.S.A. 8c. F. ~. S.
(CizlW>1l Ho'!fo. ,,,,d Bi1rl/~,t.n H.'!fo, S"./fox) m.
1791' Aug. 13. Thomas Dundas, Lord Dundas, Ld.Lt••nd Vice Adm.'
Ofkneyand Sh"etl;1nd. a coullfcllor nr State to the Prince of Wales in
Scotland, Prefident of the Society of Scottifb Antiq.,aries, F.R .s. and.
A.S. (Ajh.-Hall, IUId UpnalIJatll Par". rorlfoi,r. arul Kq,,-Hull, SUr.:
li1lgsh,r •• ) Ill. ,

J79~r Aug, 13. Charks AnderCon Pt:lham, Lord Yarborough, D. C. L.

F. R. S. & F. f3. A. (B,,,dlrfoy Hall, LUt••lnjhir,) 'W.
1795. Mare/' '1.7. Henry Hood, Lord Hoed oC Catherington, Con 06
Yifcount liood, l Wliflt;l .I166,y. IIlar C.",ntry) Ill.
a JUIf' 4. Franci. Stuart. Lord Stuart of Came Stuart, (Earl oJ
. Moray in Scotland), (DlJtr6rija/.caOle, Fifdb·; Cajll,.S'rt4rt, Itr'lJlr,,'.fi I
DQ,-nwu, • ./ilg;,fI/';rr. alfd 1)....."'. Calli" p,r/hir,) •• I

1796. "Jat 6. George Stewart, Lord Stewart. oC Garlies, Lord Lt. of

Wigtownfbire, a Rear Admiral of the Red. (Earl of Gallow,.y
in Scotlollid) [P•...,{Q'Wn. Wigt.'W'Ifo.; Garli..,Kinllli6,.igbJ..."" Ji.lliillb
Middlift-.... ]... .
J196. Jun.7. ,. James George Stopford. Lord Sakersford,-Capt; of tho
Band of Gentlemen Penfioners. (Earl of Courtown in lrelaDd ~
K.St.P. (CQurtQ'UmHQuje, W ..../ortl, Ireland] " , . ' .'
1796. J"'" 9· John Chriftopher Button Dawnay, Lord Dawnay. (V.
I ~wne iD lreJalld) l Cm-;, Ball, and Dan6,-LDtige, T.,ljbi,,) 6.
1796. 1"11' IQ. Georgc Brodrick. Lord Brodrick, Lord Lie~t: alUl
Cull. Rot. of the Co. of Surry, (V. Middleton iD lreland) [P~"er­
Harr.", PII''', Sur,., 1 a,,4 G"hir,..", Pur". C.,1] Ill.
1196. 'J/flle J4. John Rous, Lord Rous, [Hmham-Hal/, S'!IW"] ••
1796. yll~' IS. GeorgeGougb ~althorpe, Lord Calthorp(, [Etlg64_
"oufi, nta, Bi,mingoo"" AmplDII-Pall, Suffol", ap" '£/'fJol""/1I, H".,,] I.
J 796. 'Jun. 16. Pet;r Burrell, ~ord Gwydir, Dep. Great Chambu-
lain of;, F .R,S. (Gwydir-CtIj1I.,D.ir6.l1l1d Lairglry-/>or", Xt"',) ••
17116. Jun, ~'7. Fr;f~ci8 Batret, Lord De I?unlbville l!11t1. ~~jJ"ct"
ltecorder of Penryn, D;p.L. [T,hitly-P.. CorllwaJJ] m.
J 796. J"II, 1.0. John Rolle, Lord R,oUe, Recorder of 'forrlngton,
Devon, [B"'y4louf., n. CoI]lon, St''IJ'trj10nt,, Itn. Bia""
D'"."foi,,] m. .
1796. 'J"RI u. Jr>hn CampbeU, Lord Cawdor, ,.~. S. F. S. A. and
D. C. 1., & [Co""./or Calli" Nai.".foir.; Glan/rll!, Cllr.i&artfoire; "nil
/illldpole c~",t, Fcml,,06tjbi,..l m. . ',
1797. Oll. ~q., Ricpa,rd Colley WeUelley, ~or? W~lIeqey, run.
of the po. of Meath, Joint Remembrancer .of ~e Gourt .of EJ:che~
ql!e~ and !l Privy CounfdlQ~ in Jr!!Ia~d, K. G. K.C. K,S.L. and
v.e/L, (M.rquis Wellefley 10 treland) [Up'.II, Somtijit/}Jir'] ••
1797. 08. 2.0. Robert Smith, Lord CarringtoD, F.R.A.S. all4 D.C L.
(Lord CauingtOD, Ireland) [W]mn6e A~hty, Bud" allt! D,,,l Cajlli,
X'''''] 111.
17'1 7• aa. Charlcs Frederic Powlett T0wn!'cad, Lord Baynilll'
LH."i"gl".",-Ho/l, Norfoll] ": . .
179 7• 08: 2.0., Jallle~ Orenvill.e,l,~. Glanenbury,a Lord of Trade and
pI,an,tatlons, [Bull<lZ5 C.url, ·S.mufd] m. •
1197. Olil. 2.0. William Ord~ Powlett, Lord Bolton, Regillnr, EK~
, ","iner, and Fidl Clerk of ~he co. Palatine oC Lancaller, [H.d~~
6011fe, HIIIII., It""
Bolton-Hall, r.,""i':t] tir. ' .. ' . .
1.797. OIM6.J~ Wodehou/e, J..oTd ;W~deh.cJ\~fe,~(oT4ero~ Fal~GIlt,Jt,
(K.",lerJty, Hall, /Vorf.II] m, .
1197. 041, ~6.Jl?hn Rulhput, LprdNorthwic, l.S.A. [N.,.t6wi,,,, 1V.~
• .j1crj6irejllll. Har,..", .11 the HiJl,MidJlif'~) 6. '.
1'/97 '08. ~~. Thomas Powis, Lord Lilford, J:'".S.A. [LW.r. P.r"•
. , N.rl';"-;t.".foi",,] In. . , , , .. •

179 7• Olil. d. Thomas Liller, L.ord ~il>blefdjlle, p.C.L; (Gffollr." ",...

" Sp;'olt, .114 Malballl'Waltr,l"D,ljhire).m. ' , '.'
1797 •. oil. d. F~~ncis H~mberqon: Mil~Fenzje, Lord Seaforth, Lord
Liellt. 'oC RIlUlur.:, a Lleilt. Gen. ID the Army, F. 'R. S. and F. L. S.
(Brab•• C.yll", If. Ding,."II, and Stafrth L.dge, Rofifbirt.) Ill. '

1799. 1"t, 18. If JohllScott, Lard Eloou, J..o:d High Chancel!pr, and
Speaur of the Hp\lf~ of P<crs, ~ Lord 'of Trade abc! Plantation.;
Oiicial Vilitor of Oricl College, O.iord, and of Pelllbroke an~
Catharine Halls, C.mbridgc, ~n official truftee of. the' BritiJll and
Huntnian Mufe1ll1l1, Hig·J> Steward of Ollford Univerfity, and'. tlnv.
e£ tke Charte!' Houf" V,C.L. F R.ti. &; F.S.A. (EIII&_h, DQ,jet,)",;
HOl\{e of Peers; . 13arau.· 27
"99. 8.}t. 24· John Fitzgibltoll.· Lord Fitzgiltbon. (Earl .r Cw..
Ireland) (M...,.t Slumn.". Li..t,.i.-~) •• '
ISQI. "Jan. 17. Charl~~ Moorc, La. Mnort, a Gen. 'n the Army, Col.
of the t8th Dragoons, Confiablc of Maryborough Fort and CalUc.
Cull. Rot. of the Kin,'. Co. Governor of the Co. Meath, King"
heda in Ire!.) K. St. P. (MIHl,. ... U.,.
and Q.!!een" Co. and a Privy Counfellor in Ireland, [Marq. of Dror-
Xjlla", I,..IIIH.) ....
ISOr. Jlln. 19.John l.nftus, Lord LoftUI, governor of tllc Co. of Fer-
managh and Wexford, a privy CounfelJor in Ireland, K. St. P. and
D.C.L. [Marq\lis of Ely in Ireland] (Loftll' HIIII, W"'/.... / ."tI
Nil•• Cajllt, Fel'tNJlragb, I"lantl) ...
ISor. 'an. ~O. Waiter Butler, Lord Butler, Goyernor and CURD.
R.otulorum of the Co. of Kilkenny, Honorary Chid Buder of Ire-
land, Col. of th.e Kilkenny Militl .., and a Privy 'CoU4fdlor ia
Ireland, [Earl or Ormonde and Olfory in behind) K.St.P. &: F.S.A.

180t. "Jan. u.,

(Slit/on-ball, IJ.,hyjJ.irc, and Xilltllllrcajlk. Irllaluf) ••
John Jo/hua Proby, I.d. Carylfort, a Privy Counfellor
aKo in Irel. tEart of Cary.fort in Jrel.)K. St. P. D.C,.L. M.R.t.A.
F. R. S. and F. ,S. A. (Elt•• Hall, HllttI;"g.tJlljiir" alld Car,,/.rt.
Wi<ll.w) ••
1801. M;'y u. Wm., Arden, Ld. Alvanley, a Capt&in in the Army.
('Ta,.po,I.:" Cb<jbjrt, "ftd Ha",pjl."d, Mj/"'ift"') D.
:aSoI. "J"I, 31. ,. AUeyne Fitzherbert, Lord St. Helen'., one oCthe
Your Lords of the Bedch~mber attendant on the King, a Truftee
oC the Britifh and Hunterian Mufeuml, and a Privy CouDfellor alCe
in Ireland, F.S.A. [Lord St. Helen's in Ireland,] ~.
J801. D,e.' 16. John Hely Hutchinfon, Lord HutchinCon,,, Gen.
in the Army, Col. of the 18th Rcg. of Foot, Governor of Stir.
ling Caftle, and COllnfellor of State to the P. of Wales in Cornw;alJ"
~ext Brother of the E:u-lofDonou,hmore, K. Ho K. C. IX F. S. A,j.
180z.F,6. IS. , Joh-u Freeman Mitford, Lo~d Redefdale, a Lord of
Trade and Plantation" and a Privy Cou.Cellor aloo in Ireland, F oR.S.
le F. S. A. (B"I,j.rd-plI,J, n,a,- Mord." i" ,h,Marj6, Gt..e'.f1,,..
"hir,) ••
a30~. April 17. ,. Edw-.u-d Law, Lord Ellenborough. Lord Chief Jllf-
,tice of the King's Bench, an official Trufiee of the Britifil Mufcwn.
and a Governor of the Charter Houf.:, F. S. A. (R.!JI/J"III".ft, SII""
.Rd Wall.rj6a,.,-Hollfo, X.nt.) Ill.

180'1.. "July zlS. , Charles George Perceval,Lord Ard~n, half brother Is

the Earl of Egmont, one of the Four Lords of the Bedchamber
attendaDt on the King. RegUlar. of the court 01 admiralty, and of the
(ou!'L of delegate•• and a Truftee nf the Hunterian Mufeum, F.R.S.
le F. S. A. (Ld. Arden in Ird.) [N.,"~o'!fo. Sur,." and L.b.,,-C.jIlt,
. C.,!] m_
J801.. "J~ly ~9· ,. John Baker Holroyd, Lord Sheffield, F. R. &: A. S.
(LIlrdSheffield in Irel.) [Gr,a..,.t"JI, r"ljb. ~ ShdJi.ld.p. Srtffi,,] ••
1806. Pd. 10. ,Thomas Ertkine, Lord Xrtkine, brother of the Earl of
, iuchaD, a Governor of the Charter Houfe, F. R. S. (RoJ"..nt, ~)'­
flir.; Rl'.rm,1 C".f1k, Cornwall; (lad HII"'III",d, Mitltlkfi"') .....
28-, H~c of Peers. :Barons.'
do,&. F~ •. lo. Howo Peter "fOWDC, Lord Monteagle, a PuyY: Coun-
Cellor iD Ireland; aDd a Govern~ er the Co. of Mayo. [l1ar'l"ja 01.
6¥,o in Ireland, ~ St. P. (Wd'lwl llfll/t. Ma,.) ...
18q6. F.6. u. Hugh M9r!tgomcQ<. Lord AnIJr!?iTau, Lord Lieut. of
Ayrlhire, Bailie of Cuniilgba,n, and a Counfcllpr. of State for the
PriDce of Walct h1 ~cothl1d, K. T. [Earl, of Egllnton in Scotland,l
{.BgI;"" C~k. SJtlmorli. (Ajll" alii Coi4foli..J.D'ffi. JI$'.foiry, ~ !~l-,
11,,,.;''''l'' R,u/r_jOir.) ... '
1806. F.. u., James Maitland, Ld. I.,audc:rdale,. Heritable Royal
StilIld:lrd-Bea,cr q£ Scotland, an Advocate of the Scotch Bar, and &
Counfellor ol'~tc ror the 'Printe pE Wales there, [Earl of i.i.~­
crdale in ScotludJ ('Tbir!!_; B,""ic~;rt. tIJIrJ DIIM"': H.(.. £4
t,,p;tJIJ)...· ., ,
1&~4.Fd. S4. Gcerge, FJtrbcK, Lord Gnnard, a Licutcnant-~ncraJ,
Colonel or·the Longford Militia, Clerk of the CroWn .aoci ~naper..
and Governor of tbe Cv.- of Longford, and a privy couureUor in Ire-
lan4, [Ew of P.~~J'4, iq, Irei.aDd,).( Cajll4-F.r~, ?'''Ii...JI ,tIIIfI r;1Ia....
'&"g+ L"'r, ~"'/I/II~")"·. .-
18p6, FJJ. ~.f. John ~we, ~d Crewe, c.~rf'l!l!' Pa/!. ".., N~
'fIIuh,P¥irt ) , . . · . .

18?~. Fu. ~6. WIDifm. ~on, Lor.~ BCJUcNmp. (M-"!fiJJ

W,,,"tjltr.fom) ...
1806. M4r. 13. John
l'pnrollby. Lord 1\IJtC!)Dby. of .JPloki1lr. ~ qf MunJler, (Sitfj-,~orf.lI. Bifo-~.-C..,.t~ J;;u.~, ~ ~
f.u. c.jlk, Co"") .,.
1806. N..,. 4. Archil!aJd Kenncdy, Lord Ailfa. a. Collnf.Uor of. State
IGr the.P.riDce of, WiLIeR in. Scotland, [Earl of, Caililia ~ 5c9tlan!1,I
(c"lu.-ClljIk, .A~i-jhi,c) ... ... ... ,
1806. Nw. 4. John Caml'bell, Lord Breadal~e, a LieuteDlI!t-GCJL
.nd a CounCellor of State for the Prince of Wales in Sc~\md.
F.ILS. [Earl oC Breadalballj: in ScotlaDcl) (K.l&jllrll.,apf. • .4/VU-
Jhir., "l1li T",ItNIIIIJ CJk, PRt¥-) JII!.
11106. N.".15. Alan Hyde Gardner, Lord Gardner, a Vice Admiral
of the White, [L. Gardner in Ireland] (.A66'J"IilkPar.l, SIIz.ff'ortll!;n) .......
1807. April 14· , 'Thomaa Manners Sutton, Lord Mannen, Lord Hirb
Chancellor of Ireland, a commillioner of the Board of EdDc::Ition.
'and a Privy Counfellor alCo in EnglaDd, rSttp«II',."._, DIIMia.'"
F,ojt.If, It''''' Wa!nf/<tt, Li,"oi".foi,·.) .,~ .' . '.
1807. N.~.3. James 'Gambier; Lord Gambier, an Admiral of the White,
(1'11.... BUlll) Ill. ' ' .
1899. ,a".:I8. James Hop" John,/l,me, ~ord Hopetown; Lord Lieutl
and heredi~ary {htr.iff of Linlit~go"\'fl:!ire, and keeper of LochmabCn.
(:earl of Hopetowu in Scotland,) (HQ/et_If H.II/t, LMlit!JgoUljOiit,
R.flJlf..., lJ..,tI'!.("i~;rt, a!'4 Orm!JIon, Har/iltZ'.''!foirt) Ill. ..
18~. Ma" 3: JOhl~ Hope, Lord Niddry. a Lieut.~General, Colonel of
_ th~ ~,d ~eJ.l. ment. a.Dd a Frivy Couniellor iD Ireland. K.~. (Nit/d". '
Li.1II"b,'VJj&iu.) Ill. . '" .. . . "
. Ho~re of Peers. 'Scotch Pc'er5.
·~.J4. · M.y 3. ThomaS Grabam, LordLyned~h" a Lieuttnant-O!:n.
and Colonel of the 9~d Regiment; Lord Rector of the Uwvcrlity of
GlafJOW' LB. (B'''II'UI.'', P,rl'foirt .) .... ,
lI814. M"1. 3. StaplctoD Cotton, Lord Cilmbermere, a LiCllt. Omct2J.
and Colonel of tho ~otla Dragoons, K.H. and K.T.S. (a••6,"",r.-
",U.b Clwflin) ••
~814. M",3. Rowlani Hili, Lord Hill, :I Licut. OcnetaJ. Cole.elof
the 94th Regiment, aIId GOYCtDor of Hull, K.B. and 1(:r.5. (lUr"
.W,. 8.'0/.)
1 814 . May 3. Willi am Carr Beresford,-L ord Bcresford, a Lic}l t. Gell.
Colonel of the 88th RegirTl cnt, and Governor of Curk, (Marquis r>f
Campo M ajor, and Count (If Tranco[o in Portugal, and a Marlha l in
the Portuguefe Service,) K.». and K. 'r .5. ( Dungar'llan, iYQ/tr/ord.)
J 814. M ay 18. Edward Pellew, L ord E xmouth, an Adrttirul of the Red.
('Irt'IJ,r,y, CornwQII.)
lSI". 'Jlln, 18. Charles William Stewart, Lord Stewart, of Stewart's-
CUUJt, a Lord of the King's Bed-ch,m1:rer, Envoy Ext raordi nary and
Mininer P lenipotentiary to th e COllrt o f Vienna, a L ieut -Gearer"l
and Colonel of the 1.5th Dragoons , K.ll. K.T .S. 1';;.S.G. K. B.E. Qnd
K.S. (Kil,,,,, L ondond"ry, ) •• •
Puu OF SC o'l;LA Nn (16.) Eldled in November, 18 u .
e HA. n. J 61h. Charles Douglas, Marq. of QEecnsbury and Earl of
D rumlanrig, lK,lIb,ad, Dumfritjb ) "' ,
J AM. n. 145 6. J ames Sinclair, E. of Caithnefs, Lord Be, ricdale,
Lord-Lieutenant of Caithllcf.fhir~, and P ufimaftcr Gen eral ill' SCOt-
land, (lJarugil- C'!JI1" Caithnifslhirt.l m.
145 7. Gcorge W iHiam Lefl ie, E. of Rothes, L ord Ldli~, (SlJru6 HIIII,
Darling, Surry ) m.
CRA.1 . 16q4. William Home Ramers, E. of Home. L. DlInglas, L ord-
Lieutenant of Ber wicklllire. [HirJal- Cajll" B er'Wirijhirl. ] ",.
~ 61.9 . Th'oma's Erfl.:ine, E. of Kellie, V. Fenton, Premier Vifct . of Scot.
land. K. G. V. [Ketlie Caj l/., and Ca",L ... Houft, Fif!foirt,] m,
.;. ,6Jj . Ge~rge Rarnfay, E. of D alhoufie, L ord Ramfay, a L ieut. General,
and a C olonel of' the ?6th "Foot, K. B. [Dalhouji" 'Cajil" Mil.
L glhilln. ) "':
i646. THomas Dougla~, E. of Selkirk, Lord Daer, Lord- Lieutenant
. of the Stewarttyof Kirkcudliright. F.R,S. [SI • .1lf.,y·' Illt, KirA-
,u,arig"h/.1 m.
C H~ , II 16~ I. A)exander L in dfay, Earl of Balcarra., Lord I.indfay, a
Gen eral, and Colonel of the 63d Regiment of Foot, K. B. (Hai:"
HlJfl,' I:liniaJb irt) m. .
1660• . George Gordon, Earl of Aboyne, Lord Strathaven. [A~'1'"
CaJllt, A6<rt1u.:foi". ) ",. .
j.NNj:. 1703. ' Qcorge. Boyle,. ~a~.I of G,lafgow, urd Boyle.: Lord
Lieutenant of R cnfrew fh irc, an n tr,ordi nary DiI'etlor of the Bank
of Scotland, F. R . S. /I( F. S. A. ~Ha'rJ.·hl',a". R,qfrtwjbin. ""tI
K:lbnrn-Rouji, If:l'foirl) ""
80 Houte of Peers. Iri1b Peer••
JAM. I. '440. June. Ochonear Forbel, Lord Fotb.., a Lleut .• (Je.
Deral, and ColQ11el of the .s4th R.c:gim~nt. [CaRk-Porkl, A.kra.tll'
fl jrt.] .,
JAMES 11. ( ...5. Aleunder George Frafer, Lord Saltoun and A:be~~
thy, a Lieutenant·Colonel, and Captain ill the Itl: Regt. oC Foot
Guards, [Phil.rtb-Hollft, A.krJ"nflirt.] /" "
I ....s. Frallei, Gray, Lord Gray, (Ki".la.", C".fII,; P.rlijh;r,) ••
1489. Charle. Sinclair, Lord Sioclair. [H,rJ..anjt'" HatlUcgtM.foir.) ...
CHA.1. l6a7' Fr:Uldl Napier, Lord Napier, Lord High Commif-
iionci' bCthe General A1ftmbly of tile Church of ScotlaDd, and Lerd
LieutCDaDt of Selkirkihire, D. C. L •••
lOne Vacant.]
GEO. nI. 180e. Thomas Tartour, Marq. of Headfort, Earl of Bedi"e,
V. Headfort, a Lord of the King's Bed-chamber, Col. of the Meatl.
Militia, and Go". of the Co. of Meath, K. St. P. (HuJj"ort, Mtiltl,
""J Pro/pta, DuIIli,,) ••
JAMEU. ,6"1. Oeor~ Frtd. NUgebt, Earl of Wellmeath. Lori
Del"in, Colonel of the Weftmeath Militia, Goy. and Cuft.R.ot. of the -
()oum)" W ellme:ath, Clerk of the CroWD and Hanaper, a tnaatcc of~.
linen manufadure, a Privy Connfellor in lrelaod, SoJl6m."", te the
Muquis of Drogheda, M.R..l.A. (C<1/Id_Dtl.lill, Wffl-at').~
GEa. 1II. 1,63. funds William CaulfieId, Earl of CharIemeot,
Lord Caulficld, a trultet of the linen manufaciure, M.&.I..A. (Mari-
ft, ,"tIT Dwiblin, 1IIIt1 C""'.fiJJ-Cajlk, 'A.r.1J1") ••

J768. George King, Earl of Kingtl:oll, Vifcount Kingfborough. (JWMo.

';"'I)D'W.,,-'CIl}lt, C.rl.),..
17'1.. Robert Jocelyn, Earl of Rodeo. Vifeount Jocel}'ll, J~intAuditOl'
General of the Exchequer, Cullus Rot. of the County of Lo¥th,
a truitee of the liD en manufadure, and a Privy Counfellor in IrelaDd.
K. St. P. (/fid. Hall,lItrl" Brtltlu,-P,,,l, ~"'" Co. Irllatul.) ••
1]76. John "Crofuie, Earl of Glaodore, Lord Brandoo;Cuft. llct.
or the Co. of Kerry, a Privy Counfellor iD Ireland, brother-in-law
of VifcoUDt SackviJIe, F. R.S. at A.S. aDd M.R.I.A. (drtlj.d Ifo..p,
" X.,,.,) ",.
~7,~' "'I'homas PakenhaB'l, Earl of Longfwd, J,ord Pakenham, K.S,t.P.
~~ s.. A. {L."Z/orrJ CuJlI., u,ngforvJ, "ntI P"k"htllll H,J/, Wtjrtr,llIh} I.
11a9' john Wiilou~hby Cole, Earl ofEnnilkillen, Lord Mount Florence,
GovClrnor and Cull. Rotulorum of che Co. of Fermanagh, Co'onel
of the FerJBanagh Regiment of Militia. a trustee of the linen ma-
nufactute; fon·in·law Q{ the Earl of Uxlnidge, K. St. P. {PhnllU
~••r/, F,r","'!iJz}} ••
1782. John Creigliton, Ellrl of Erne, ViCe. Creightoo, a GQYernor of the
C"o. Ftrmanagh ... trustee ofthe linen manufadure. a Privy Counfcllor
in !rekn,), and Itrotlacr-in·\aw of *"c E. IIf Driftol, (Cr"", ''fIiI" "Pw-
.",,"¥h) "" "
HoW'c of Peltrs. Irith Poet•• 31
, 1191. 1l01;eft Ho1nrd; Earl of Wicklow, Lord CloIIlllOI'c, (BH"""
, •.p, Wid/n".) , •
• "5, Richard BlDgham. Karl of Luan, Lord Slngham, Brother-i._
law of Earl SpeIl(et, (CtJjI~ar, Ma,.) ••
• 796. Rll1Iert SteWatt, :t:u-l o~ Londonderry, (V. CalUareagh) a Privy
Counfellor in lrdand, lA Governor and Cufto. Rot. of the Co. of
Down, a truttH of tile liDen manufacture, (M_, SI.'IIJIIrI,
D6'UJ"J ... -
·S797. Henry Burton Conyngham, Earl Conyngham, Vit(t. Moullt-
Charles, a Li~ut. General in the Army, arul a goverDor of the Co.
C1f Donegal,K.St.P. F.S.A. 8t M.R.I.A. (B"IIgragg" CI,n.,I"Ia"d)",.
1800. Chlltlcs Hc:nl't St. John O'NeiU, Earl O'Neill, ViCe. Raymond,
• Goveroor of the Co. 0( Anttint, Col. of the Antrim Regt. of Mili-
tia, Joint Poftmafler.Ocmeralj a Pri.y Co,nfdlot in Ireland, and.
ttustce of the lineJl ntallufacture, K:.St.P. (S/JlJlft',.CaJlI" A"'r;')~.
j800. Frand. BerDard, Earl of Bandon, ViCcouot HerDatd, Recorder of
Handbn, of tho E. of SbaDDon, _d Uncle of Lord RiverC.
dale, ! CiU,kMr-a, Ball""", Irela"d) ••
1800. Richard &ly HutchinfOll, Karl of Donouthtnorc, ViCe. Suirdale,·
a Lieut. General in the army, Governor of the €o. Tipperary, Lord
TreaCarer~. Rnnembrancer of the Exchequer, and a privy counCellor
iu beth kiagd_, F.S.A. (K~d¥J' Ti/llrllrl) ~.
doo. Dupri Alenuder, Earl of Calcdon, ViCe. Aletlllder, ao.. the er
• Co. of Tyroue, and Coloael of the TyrD1lc Militia, a trultec 01
tine.;; mlDllfacture, (C.W.., <[',r•••) ••
dOl. EdmUDd Henry Pery, "1 of Limeric:k, Lord Glentworth, a
CoL in the Army, and a Privy CounfeUOI' in Ir~land,
(/i.hill Pllrl, B.rlfo. a"" NtvWu1. p,,,, LiMorid) ••
sl03. Richard Le Pocr Treaeh, Earl of ClauCU"ty, ViCc. Dunl..
Atnbalfador EJtrIOnlinaryto Holland, pre&dent of the board of uade
and plantations, ana gnVCJ'Jlor 804 cutl. rot. of the cOWlty of Galway,
ColOlld of the Galway regt. of Militia, a privy counfcllor aUit in
both kin,clomI, (Chr6an,.Im/t, Ga/WiZ,) ••
1806. Ar(hbald A(hefon, Earl vf, GOYCl'llnr ..d Cnl. Rot.
er the County of Armagh, and colonel or thc AnDagh rcc imtDl
of militia (G.ifortl CaJlk, A.r_zh) ..
1806 Launnce ParfoDs, Earl of Rof.. , Lord O][mantown, a ~_
of the Q!!een'. county, joint Poll Maller Gmeral, and a Privy C •••
Cellor in Ireland, M.R.loA. (lJirr CajII., Ki1tZ', &•• ) • •
1806. Charlea William Bllry, Earl of Charlcville, Lord Tallamoore.
F.a.S. & M.R..I.A. (Ch.,.lnIilk For';, Ki"l" C-',7) •• ;
1791. Thomas Knos, ViCco1lnt Northland-, Governor IIId Cull. R.ot. of
tbe Co. of Tyronc, a trultee of tile linOll manufacture, CD-I_
Pa,I, T,,,,,,) nI. -

1195. Charl.. Jobn Gardiner, VifCount Mountjoy, gov_r or the

Co. of TyroDe,_.a c:onuniaaioner of wide ttrcet .. iD Dubliut (M.",.,.
jlj-P.P-', 7jr'fle, /fRi OIl6"I',".P"'-I,.N.or/oIl,.I-..... .
'81 Hoate o(Pc«s. lriih 'Peers; ·Billops, I:e.
r179'. Hatla carletCID, \'ikouut Clrktoa; a Pm,CodDfcUoa- in
D.e.!.. (WiJuw-lllrl, D,wu.)..... . . .
. ELlZ. 1583. kichardBlitlcr,Lord ca...; (c.Mr C.Jk, 'l'i"w.~) ..
Gm. Ill. 179<;; Gcorge Ay;ar,' I;ord Caftan, a;· ...rIVf Cllunfenor i •
. ·1re1ancl.and a' truftee :of the, ·1iDea muulUare,.(Crdnbtz_../¥/4
• Zflil} I •
. 1797. Jahies C-ufF, Lort! Tytawly, OOYe'r!for 'ohM County M~, I
'l'ri'ly CounCdlor in belaud, aud a truflee of the lined DlIDufaCtlUe,
(Z/. HIIII, Md,o,) ... .. ' ' . '
Irifo .8#fl.oju for 'he '1''Uiei.fth SftJi." of tin ~.,"illl !,tzr~.
lUght HOI!. Wm. Beresford, D. D. ArchbiSlop.of TlIUIl.
William Bennet, D. D. BiSlop of CloyiIc.
JJunourable Thomas St. LawlICDC4!. D.D. Bilhop of Cc>l'k _d 2.06.
Honourable Per,y Jocelyn, D. D. Bilhop ol LeighliD ad Per...

.PIEUUU in thcir own llight, by Creation or De(c~t.

GEO.lIl. 1176. Oa. 31. LuuiCa Grnllie, C_teC. of Mandietd, ne],ntr
, "Inger of· Richmond·park, Widow of David .Earl of Maa.field, tDd
Lady of the Hon. llobere Fulke Oreville, lkothcr to the Earl of
W~ck) ••
HltN. Ill. n64' OH.\!. Charlotte Fitsgerald de Re.;' Roe,
:Lz.clyo~ Lm-d H~nry Pltzgetald,Pr~er BuoneIe.(S".,.gforrJ,D,."j6.
·'!IIIItl8.,1t Far.., Ktflt) ... . .
EDW.II. 13°7- No",. IS. Oertrude Brancl~ ·BarOJlefIJD"~,widowo£thc
. 'late Tlioina. Brand, Xfq. (the HH, H ...!fortl.foiu) .... . . •
J i 314. '''.1."e "1. Prifcilla Barbara Eliz. ~utren, Baronefa .Wmoultbby da
Erefuy, Hereditary Great Chatnberlam of England, and Lady ol,Lurd
Gwydir. {LdlllU, hrl, KIIIt) w . · ,. ,
:' ~U. Ma.1 2. B ___Yelverton, Baronet. Grey de RllthYD. foie
· .. ··uilihtel' of· Iknry Lord Orey de lluthYD, (JJr_ . . . · H_I","a,..
· .. VidjhJ..eJ) ""nr. .
HEN. VITI. ISS".M., 4. Mart Anaftalia OJ'aceMordrumt,Bwonetl
..... Motel..." of·Turny; (D_.,.",
Welll.) 11....
• ;CHA.If~J663~M'" ,. Amabel Hume, bolld's Lucas, Wi40w of
Lord Humt', Son of the late Earl of Marc1unOnt (W"rI.1tittfortljj.
. ..d P.II/III..1. Surr,.)''''' "
· OEO. IlL 1788. ·AIIK"jlI9. Sophia Chatlotte PhiPPI, BaronefA .Howe,

LRcty of Watheo PlIipp8,ECq. and D.ughter of Uac !alII :s.rl of Howe,

,.; . (GoIJd.llUll,Leieller.foi")"" .... .
dot. MRJI·"g • .Mary 'AIIIfe Abercromby; BnoneC. Abercrombr,widow
et Sir Ba1phAbeltrOmby,K.B. (Tul/;j,odJ, CI_.Il.) .....
" ~3"'" 19" MU)' Hill, BaroneCs Saady., Widow of the Marquis of
Downlhire, (O"",.r./krCourt. Womjerjhi") w. . .
· : zlojl4fFil"7. DianaNoel, Barone(s Bamham,Co1c da.nght~of·tbeJate
'. .' L~ Barnbam, Wife of .Sir Genrd Noel Noel. Bare. M. P. fai Rut~
land, (l1"rttb",. C••,'. K ••/) .••
Art"bi~o,lI a~ ltitlMpl. 81
. AltCIIBJmOps ifld BI!I»o:rS. iQ .
WWt ... 8um-tUh See ;,;ek*g'!'i 'R!be Kin,,'. lJeoIa." amf lite DaM
of tht!Ir C,m..,.,mtion.
hml. ... . . IM. a-I~ iUlbitier't S\,tfOO, ,h. Dl Lc:.-d AI't'hM.btop t£
~R'IlferIiIiJj; PriarJru! of al~ ~1lJI.1. ..,. ;\1.h'optAitaD.II Lord ot
TI'&de ami pt"nt....., 11 ',t'ril!ltee af Ih~ lbil, !If lI""um,' a Go\it'nrOt of
the Chatter iIouse, a Visitor of all So"I .. and ;lIt·rtun ColI"ge. Od,,,,1,
Untie M' _ Dul/e M' RtItIll1Id, OI'(Jlh~r of IAJI'd ;U""""n,o (Lanlbdt/l
. Palace, ..... Adtftngtdn plate Ill!Rr CmyMn. Sarry, ,A, :'!61l~. 1~~ )Id.
179). <c Kt. Hon; };d,..ant.\'ennbles \'ernon. n. C; L. l.ord Itrcl>l>i!;'\(lp
lIi Y""1r, 17ftm-, M Ent- Md lioN Hf«h ~\I1, ttJ lite Ki'hj(, VIsiIOl' or
QUftfI'. ~ 0Ward; Bf<ftber of l.ord V"'MR. (Hish"p.tlKlrpt:
PtIIaI!ei N.- Yotk, M. . J 6}f) 0 0
i-s wt. , Rt,;}o}o", WiHimh HoW1cr, n. D'. & F. R. S. Lord .I5loJlt>{I ut
~fIlMr an official tl'11litfeof the- Briti.h iH U!leutn, De-an of 11", t:ftotp"l
Jt01id. Visitor or, 8;010 Colllege, 'lid ,roViudal l)~rr of Cllnterbtay:
( Plll~ home, Mtddl_;, lit. JOOO' 0 ()
~'769.' H()b. Sftu~ Bl6'ringtoo, D. C.L LOrd Bi.hop of Dtrritsm; lhJ<'If
of V~nt Barringt'>lI. Count Pob!i"". Md euot. Rot; (.f 1IlP l"tin-
dplBity M ~h8m, ~ 'PnHrttle of' the Drithb ;\Jlh~llm; ""It Visitot rI
Blib&eu~ Orlbrd, Dn11l_ ~ It: .\ucklun.l GtCSlle. J)ltrl!!lm,
add MeBgewcl House, Oxom .... IS)!} 1 :J
).';7 l,'RO., lJmw'tiloW' N<)rtb; D. C. L; I.Of\.! ni.nop: of W itt'Chtlltt'l'.
~ of doe OnM' df tfte- 9ariw,· Pr6'Ime. Sub ~ '" Cantdbo,wy,
nltd ViYtor .n Mewlel-.,.}iN 'Friillty, lft. .Johfl·~.. and Uor,nf &.11.
OK>?6,. t:hI~le Of the E1t.rl 0' 6hi)ft)T(~ F~ A; &- I.;, So • }o•..-ru.-..
Cestte; aIid Wim:l\e!I[cr H o;:., '" ate"""'- .... ' 987J 1~ I
)0781. 116ft. Jam €S Corn wrdl:is, D . C, }., Lonlll""'op . of,LiidHield~d
6~Mby, DebII at DIiriIHrri'. l'mK'ttcIm!"of Litelriield, ~Ie tif' .\\b,~
~ ~ (lAtdIfieId-pabore; Ecde.hall.castht;' 8tafibrtWt1re;
R,.d DMhery-],ou"". Dilrham,) )I" 5&9 17 ~
)., A-9.r ~ Wlll!oli~. D •. D. £d. BpI' omd 'fl-.Wfer of Lhmlofr,
~cJttr tW ElT, a- of' Carift1I; Ule~trire; Re;;ius l'rofe\.."I01' cor
Df+illityllt €atn~ ands' .,~~ or the »,tilteriall i\lu!ie\IllY, }'o
Ih S. ~J.I~'Mtl. Wesfnrorlahd).,;t. 15-1 14. '"
171J7. ~ ~ B:. D. .Lt!.' Bp: of LiucClIn;.Dean of 1St. Pl\lyl'..
Vimor of ~ .. Cui. c.inlh. sn4 af Htlisel1-~ II1Id Uncom Cdl1
o.RiMI, .• nd-~Gl.... talierol' o.n~ p. It. 8; (~ueden­
. palace, Huntingdonshire).m. . ' 82S '*~
1787. 'WiUiam Cle:lvet', D. D. Ld; Rp. of SI. A"'ph. Archdeacon of' St..
Asapn, arId Vicai' <if N'6rlliori, FlirifSliire. (Pahce of Sf. A ""pli.

i 7:~:=ll Beadon, D. :6. 14 u-;"

M BMh and W ell., !~J ~l.ito~
Wadham College, 02ford. (",,,It on-PRI ace, Somer«el,hirc.) 5SS I 3
1791" p~. ~iIbr 001'DWHfl, D. :9. ht. Rp.' Of WOt'<lcMer.
Hector of HartI~.(~\'or~esler~p'dlace, l!:trtlebIJry-castle, Wor-
~!rltl!'. 4'l'I'd -bt~r1, ~hrOp511J1'~;) ,.; . 99.9 I J ~
1791. J'bhli 1I11c~ D. r>!.t<i Bp. of ChicJr8fer; Recto? of St. Gilt!!'s;
~ ("hrehem.r-patJire; Su~!!CI!. ) . 677 I 'l
I m JfIMY'W'ili. M!\Jetldit!; D. a Ld. Up. dt Jh;';'gor. Atdntmon 01'
A~IIItfd'Rltngrir, abd' It,~~r 0'"
Llandtrlf, :1nglt'sI'),.llI1d Llarl'-
~ '~Iab· (B;1ng<»--fY.1thc..', Cartl:U'Vonlihm") 1II.1J'1 111 :;
U b J 5 . ] , L-
34 Bishops, Alphabetical List ()f' the House of Peers.
180!. George Jsaac Huntingford, D. D. & F. R. S. Ld. 'Bp. of G~
ter," and Warden of Winchester College. (Gloucester-palate.)
315 7 :J
1802. Hon. George Pelham, D. C. L Ld. Bp. and Archdeacon of E"e-:
ter, a Canon 'Residentiary of Chichester, and Vicar of Hellingly and
Boxhil, Sussex, brother of the earl of Cbichester. (Exeter-palace.)
, , 50000
1803. 'Thomas Burgess, D. D. Ld. Bp. of St. David's, Dean of Bremn,
and a Prebendary of Durham, T. H. &; A. S. (Aberguilley-paJace.
Cannarthenshire.) 426 2 I
'J 803. John Fisher, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Salisbury, Chanc. of the Order oC
, the Garter, Prov. Preceptor of Canterbury, and Preceptor to the Prin-
tess Charlotte of Wales, F. S. A. (Salisbury-palace, Wilt&.) 1385 5 9
1 SOS. Henry Bathurst, D. C. L. Ld. Bp. of Norwich, m.ther-in-law at
Lord Castle-Coote, F. S. A. (Norwich-palace. 834 11 1
IS07.- John LUlImore, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Hereford,' RectDr of 8t. An-
drew's, ,Holbom, F. S. A.(Hereford-palace.) .... 76S-12 0
lSO!Z. Samuel Goodenough, D. C. L F. R. &; L. S. Ld. Bp. of CarlIs1e;
'( R.ose-castle, Cumberland.) 420 13 3
'IS08. William Lord Mansel, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Bristol, Master of Trinity
College, Cambridge, and Rector of Barwiclt, Yorksbire, and ofAl-
monsfordon the Sevem. (Bristol-palace). 294 11 0
180S. Walker' King, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Rochester, Provincial ChaplaiD
to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Canon of ,Wells, and a Prebendary
of Peterborough, F. S. A. (Bromley-palace, Kent.).... 358 14 0
1809. Bowyer Edward Sparke, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Ely, Official Visitor
" of St. John's, Jesus, and Christ's College, Cambridge, F. R.& A. So
(Ely-palace, and Wisbeach-cast1e, Cambridge.) m. 2134 IS 6
1812. William Jackson, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Oxford, a Canon of Christ-
Church, Oxford, clerk of the closet to the King; (Cuc!desden-palaee,
near Oxford.) , 3S1 II 7
IS12. George' Henry Law, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Chester, Prebendary Cl
, Carlisle; brother of Ld. Ellenborough. (Chester-palace.) m-. ftO 31 :s
181.i John Parsons, D. D. Ld. Bp. of Peterborough, Master of Baliol
College, Oxford. (Peterborough-palace, Northampton.) 414 17 8
BilhoJlric in the Gift if the Athol Family, not a Lard if P.ntammt. '
1813. George, MutTay, D. D. Ld. Bp. of SocIor and Mann, nephew or
the DUke of Athol, and brother-in-law of the Earl of KinnouL
(Bishop's-Court, Isle of Mann.) m.

The HOUSE of PEERS in Alphabetical Order, with their Town

~ The Figures rife'/' to the Page, where the Title, are etrplo.ifted.
Abereom, M, 12.St. James'Sosquare.'Aylesbury, E. 17, Se8more-~
Aberlieen, E. 29. Afgyll-st. Albemarle, E. 14. Grosvenor-st.
Abergavenny, E.17.Berkeley-sq. Alvanley, L.27. Half MOOD-at.
Abingdon, B. 14. Dover-sI. Amberst, L. 24. Lower Grosv---.
"boyne, E." 29. Charles-st. Berke- Anson, V.20. SI. James's-aq.
ley.,]- Arden, L.27. St. J~'s-~
Alphabetical List of the House of Peers. 36
Argyle, D. 23; Upper ICamclen, M. 13, Arlington-at.
Arunlkl, L. Dover-st. ICanterbury, ALp. 33, Lan,beth
Ashburnham, E. 15, Dover-It. I' Cardigan, E. 14, Charl.,,;·.treet,
Ashbw-wn, L. 23. ]3", keley-square
Atholl, D.17. ICarleton, V. 32, George·s-u. Han.
Auckland, L. 25, over-square
A,udley, L.2l-. ,Carli.le, Bp. 34. Bemer's-street
Aylesford, E.15. Audley-square. ,Cadi-le, E. 14, GlOIVeJlor-pJace
Bagot, L. 23, Upper Brook-.t. iCllrnaryon, E. 18, Grosvenor-sq.
~lcarras, E. 1;9, Welbeck-st. ,CarringtoD, L. 26, Whitehall
:BanOOn, E.31. Carteret, L. 113
Bangor, Bp. 33, Dean's- Yd. Westrn.' Caryldort, }~. 27. LoweI' Betkeley_ ,-
Both, M. 12. Grosvenor-square. 1 street, Portman-square
J1.\tth& Wells, Bp. 33, Wimpole-st. Cassilis, E. 28. Privy-GardeD
Bathurst, E.17, Mansfield-street. Icathcart. E.19 ,
Bayning, L. 26, Seymour-place. Cawdor, L. 26, Berkeley-sqwn
Bi'&uchamp, L. 28. St. JeIlle.·s-sq. Charlemont, E. 30
Beaufort, D.lO, Grosvenor-sq. \cl .....leville, E. 31, Piccadilly
Bedford, D. li, Hamilton-place Chethan>, E.16, Hill-meet
Beresford, L. 29, Chester, Bp. 34. Berner's-_
B,!rkeley, E. 14, Spring- Garden Chesterfield, E. 14, AudleY-titreet
Berwick. L. 24, Stratford-place Chichester, Bp. 33, Wigmore-lIlI'eet
- Besborough,E. 22, Cavendish-sq. Chichester. E. 18, Stratton-street
Beverley, E.17, Portman-square Cholmondeley, E.15. Piceadilly
BlanOford, ,M. 21, St. Jame5· .... st. Clancarty. E. 31, Privy.garllea
Bolingbroke. V. 19. Clare, E. 27, Saville-row
Bolton. L. 26, Charlotte-street CLAIlENCE, D. 9, St. Jamea·.
lioringOOn, L. 23. Kensington gore Clarcndon,.. E. 17,
Boston, L.22. Grosvenor-street Clifden, V. 25. Hanover-square
Bradford, L. 25, Upper Grosvenor- Cliflbrd, L. 22, POltmaD-square
str~t Clinton, L. 21
~1Ilybivke, L. 24. N. Burlingon-st. Cloyne, Bp. 32, Montague-square
Breadalbene, E. 28, Park-lane CODlbernlft'e, L 29
Bridgewater, E. 13, Grosvcnor-sq. IConyngham, E. 30, Stanhope-street
Bridport V.20, Cork, ..E. 22, Hlllpilton-place
Bristol, Bp. 34. Cork & Ross, Bp. 32
Bristol, E. 15, St. JlUDes's-sguare Cornwallis, M.12, O.llurlington-st.
Brownlow, L. 23, Cavendish-sq. Coventry. E. 14. l'iccadiJly
Buccleuch, D. 14, South Audley-st. Courtenay, V. 19,
BuckinghlUD, M.12, Lower Gras- Courtown. E. 25, Hill-street
venor-street. ' ' Cowper. E. 15, George's-1iIr1l9t Han-
BuckinghSVJshire, E.16, Hamilton- 'oyer-'quare
place, Piccadilly , Craven, E. 18, Charles-street
Bulkeley, V. 23. Stanhope-street Crewe, L. 28, C;;rosvenor-.treet
Bute, M. 12, Great Portland-at. CU>lBEIlLAND, D. 10, SI.'.
Byron, L. 2J, AlbaJIY. Cur.£On. V. 20, Davies-street
Cl;Idogan, E. 18 Dalhomoie, E. :29,
Caber, L. 32. Curaon·JItreet Dariingt(IJI, E. 16. St. James·s-.q.
Caithness, E. 29 Darnl"y, E/2I, Berkeley-sq.
CaleOOn; E. 31 Dertmouth. E. 15. Rerkeley-sq.
Callan, L. 32. Fitzroy-square ne Clifibrd, L.21, Broton-street
CalthOrpe, L. 116, Grosvenor-square De Dunstan~1lI L 26. UWer 01"04-
CAKJlJUuCllI, D. ~O, S. Audley-¥1. I vwor-street. ,-
"'C 2- -'
30 Altlhah~tical Vst of the House of Peet'If.
J><,!aw8re, & 16, Upper Gm'l.-~t Glou~er. 111" 34; CheW
Dcnhigh, E. 1.3, SOllth-Htrc<,t GLo.:CESTF.a, D: 10" Park-lam!'
Derby. K 1:1, Gro.wnor-sqlll\fe Gordon, D; 17; ~ewJ'iorful"-1b
D.!vomhire, D. I I, Picrndfll,., E. 31, Bemlnclt-st.
fiighy. E. 17, Bt-ool-strtWt Grat'ton, D. 10. Piccadifl,.
·Done;:rru, M. 2·1. Granard; E. 28
1 JOl1anghmort>. E •.31, Bulstrode-st, Grantham, L. 22, Chos.-~t;St..JlIs;'.
Doreh.·,ter, L. 24, Grant!"", I~. 2.", Sloaneost.
Dormer, f" Ill, Gray. 1:.30
Dorset, D. 11, GrO!lvenor-l'lace GrenviHe, I •. 24, Camelfoni-bou-,
Douglas, L. 25, Bmton-street Oxford-street
Dough"" M. 22, (;rol<Veno .... place Gre,., E. J9, Pbrtman-8IJ1IaTEI
DOlVne, V. 2$, ~·""t I Grim,ton, V. 24; 6Tdsveno~squanJ

Downlitlire, M; li, Hallmer-square·Grosvt'llor, E, 17, Upper Gr..". . .

Drogheda, M. 27 Guilford, E. 16, Picadilly
Ducie, I •. 22, Do\'er-,'trl'l't Gwyrler, I.. 26, Whm,bal)
Dudley, V.19,Park-lmMl Hamilton, 'D,11 Ne" road, MaIlf"
Duncan, V. 20 Devonshire-street le-bune
Dundas, L. 25, Arlin~on-9trt>et Hampden, V.26; Green.sf..
Durham, Bp..3,1, (:awn<ll:Jb-"'luare lIarburoul!.h, E. 15.
D:mevor, Xl. 25. never-street Harcourt, E. I 6, CBl'endish.~
E!ftngham. H. 13, Queen Anne-st. Hardwicke, 16, St. Jomes·s-sq.
Egllntoun, E. 28 Harewood, E. 19, HiIIIO\'eJIosq.
Egmont; E. 22 HaningtO'l'l, K 15, Stable-yard
EgretAonti E. 16, Gl'O!Ivenor-place lIarrowby, E. 19; Grosv..sq.
Eldon, L. '.!6, Betlford-Slluare Hawke, L. 23
}~liott, L.2S, St. James's-sq. Headfort, M.30, Great Stanhope-!lt.
ElIellborough, 1_ 27, St.JlIIIltS',.. U«rcfurd, Hp. 34, Rectory, St. An-
squure dre....·s, Holbotn
Ely, Bp. 34, IJl'J1't'r-.trm Hereford, V. 19, Hanover-gq.
JAY, 111. 27, H ill-street Hertford, M. 12,Manchcster-gq.
Enniskitlen, E. :;0 Hm, L. 29 Holdings-hotel, Han.-&q.
F.rne, K .30 UoUand, L. 2~; SI.. James's-"'l' .
};""tdnf', }" 28, nlT.mstoJl-!lt~t Home; E.29
Essex, :Fl. 14, (ire';t ~anllOpe-st. Hood of CatheringtoJl; L. 25
Exeter, Bp. :H, CORllullgJrt.placc Hood, V. 20, GreenlriCh
Exeter, r.f. 13, Pmnbroke-hou9C HOpetowll, E.28.·
Ktmollth, 1>. 29 Howarc! de Wllldeu, L. 21
lo'a1mouth, V. 19, St••Tar/I('s'.-sq. Huntley, M.!?4
Fauconberg. V. 19, Welbeck-st. I-Iutch1nson, L.27, BnLm'
Fcrret~, E. 15, N..'W Norfolk-st. Iichcstcr, E. 0.16, BurlitJb<tOD-st.
Fitzwilliam, E.16, Gros.-eno:r-sq. Jersey, E. 14, Berkeley-,..
}'oley, I .. 2~; Grosvcnor-st. Reith, V. 20, Harl.,--st.
Forbes, I,.;.;o, Ullry.,t. Kellic, E. 29
Fo1'teSt'ne, E, I i, Orosvet\or.«q. Kent; D; 9, KensingtOn
Gtlftt'. Y. 24, Arlington-st. Kenyon, L.24, Portmau-IIIJ<
Galloway, E. 25. Hanover-sq. King. L. 22
GAmbier, L. 2R, Arlington.. ,;t. I(jngston, E.30
Cardn .. r, L. 211,. Devonshlre-It. Kinnoul, E. 22, B ..rkeley-aq"
Glandnre, Jo~. 30 !Lake, V.20, Ilaker-strcet
Glasgow, E. 29 . I.landatr, l~. :;3
GIllCtOllliul)', L. 25, CondDiNt.- Lan5tiQlfIle,!W. 12, l$erkdey-at-
~Iphabetical List of the Jlouse of Peers. 3i
Lau!\erdale, E.28 O'Ncil, K .'31,
J.o Dcspcncer. L. 21 Hanover-sq. O/llOOW, E. 18
I •.,ed.... D. 1 I, Gl'O.'IVellOr-sq. Or/,)rd, E. Ill, Canndish .quare
L'~iKhlin and Fern", Hp. 32, Onll<lll<i4! and Ol;oory. E. ~7, <.'Ia.
J .einster, D. 19. Gn.-venor-p\ace. renuun-hutcl, Hond ot.
Lilford, L. 26, Grosvenor place Ox/,'rd, E. 15, i\(urtim~ bou..
Limerick, E. 31, !\Ianslield-st. G"""""enor I'la<'e
Lincoln, Rp. 33, Gt, George's-st. Oxford. DjI. ';4. l'uJionlR'lt-Rf.
l.indscy, E. 13, Conmrugbt-pJ.ace. Pcmbroke, E. L3.•~li.'{toll't.
Litchfield, Bp. 33, Hill.... Percy. E. 21, Charill~ '''.;..,.
Liverpool, E. 1R, Whiwball P"terboroI.igh, Hp• .;~
Londoa, Bp. 33, St. JlIII1cs·.... SIj,. Pl-tre, 1.21. GroovellOl' /iCl••
J;olldonderry, E.:; 1, . 1'1)'tTlouth, E. 14.
Lon;;ford, E.30, Ckar11?-sireet, Sf. PolIIfret, E. 15. Xurth Audley-I&.
James's POlUOnby. L 2~, ("ur.:on-Mreet
Lonsuale, E. 19, Charles st, BtKe- Portt.nd. }). Il l'lc<'wiHly
ley-square Portmnouth, E. i 5, lLiucoln' ... J~
Lucan, E. ';1. J.'icl>V<
l.ynedoch, L. 29 s.c.kvilk'-o;Ue« Poul..u, E. 14, Sttatterd-place
Lyttleton, I •• 25, ..' l'.,.,.i,., E. 18, ~keley-tq\l8ft
l\Iacclesfield, Eo 15, Conduit-street Queensbcrry, 1\1-. 29
Malmesbury. E. 18. Spring-gardcl! ItallJ)Qr. E. lG, l.ower Groav.-st.
Manchester, D. n, 'Wl'Y'OOuth-st. Ucde.;clale, L. 27. Uarley-sueet
Maltners, L. 28, )} _ IUbhk'(lalc, 1.. ~G
Mansfield, E. 17. Portbnd"i'~ Richmond, D. to, Pri'~'-p'rtIeB
l\Ianvcrs, E. 18, Portmaa-~ Rivers, L. 2.3. S~llth-.tre<Jl
1\Iarlborougb, D.ll. pan 1\1aU Rocllellter, Bp. :;&
1\Iaynlll'4, V. I i. . Rochfol'!~"'E, 11, BU1'ton.....~t
l\Icll'iJIe, V. 20, Do...,jQg-c. ' Il.9den. Eo 80
lHidtlleten, L. £2. HertI'ord·moot Rodncy, L. ~, Harley_~eet
).liddletoll. V. 166. Park...1. W--"IIfo Uolle, L. lI6, l:1apeo' Grosvenor-S\.
Minto, E. HI Ronmey. E, lJI, MilljI:W~
1\loira, E. 21, :&est l-edies ' UOO6e, E. :n. KeD.aI~.-gOTe
lI-Ionsotl, L. 22, .ieyHIDlIT-{lIace B.o.Jy.., E. 16, St. laUles's-..-
Montngu. L. 24. l'rivy-w.nten Rothes, E. 29. Cadogan-place
M~ L. 2\!, GPes\-eft0l"8I)U1Il'I" Runs, L.!Z6 l1enford-street, l\Cay.
l\iontrose. D. 15. Grosvenor-S<!uare~:vr
Moray, E. 25. Harley-street Rlltland, D. 1 I, A rlirlgton-street
l\1orton, E.24, Parkst.n:et' "me, V. 00, Ha.1l'Y-Street
MOIlIlt.~gabe, E. 17. lobn. Si. Alban's, D. IQ, &nidQrt-place
street, Derkc1ey· square e't. A.!;a,"1lI, .Bp. 33, 13 ....lon-5t.
M.ountjoy, V.• ';1. Stratforo Plac.e S.'L David's, Bp. 34, l'iccadill1'
MlIlgrave, F;. 19, Hurley~ St. Heten, L. 27, Gni·ton-st. Bond-
:Napier, L. 30, "'.,'
Ndson. E. 18, POrQnan square . iot John, L. 21
NClI'cutle, D. 11, Berkeley sq~;->t.Yin~t, .E. IS, Mortinter-at.
Niddry, ,L. 28 ' Salisbwy. Bp. 34, Upper Seymour.
:NorfDli<, D.lO, 81, JfUIII!!lJ'. tqlWO ~
N orthnml'ton, N. 13, •sbllry. M. 12, Ariir,IgIiQn-et,
:Kortltland, V.31, Salroun, L.30
NorthUlllOOrl~ n. H, ~ fland"'kb, F... 14, Dover-street;
North,,1ck. L. 26. Cavendi.h "'l'
NGrwicb, Bp. S1, Wimpole ~
ISaye-and Sele, 1.. 21, Lo.ver ~
ley-street .
....__ ------:-~"1)


House of Common8.
Searborough, E. 14, Portman-squa~ Thanct, E.14
Sc:m.dale, L. 22 Thurlow, r..
95, FitzroY-"'luare
Seaforth, L. 26 rorrington, V. 20, Stratton-btre<.>t
Selkirk, E. 29, Upper Grosvcnor-st. Town,hend, M. 12, Weymouth-st.
Schey, L. 25, L. Grosvenor-street Tuam, Archbhhop,32
8h:lftesbury, E.I4, Grosvenor-square Tyrawly. L.32
Shannon, Fh 23, Hamilton-place Vernor, L. 22, Park-pkce
Sheffield, L. 27, Portland-place Upper Ossory, E. 25, Grosven«-,
Sherbcrne, L. 24 place
Shrewsbury, E. 13, Bryanston.street Uxbridge, E. 17, DurlingtoD'street'
Sidmouth, V.29, Waldtgrave, E. 15, Berkcley-square
Sinclair, 1,.50 Walsingham, L. 23, Upper Harley-
Sligo, M. 28, AlbaDY street
Soiners, L. 2::;, Great George' .... ~ Warwick, E. 16, Green-street
Somerset, D. 10, Park-lane Waterford,.M.24, Manmeld-street
Sondes, L 22 WeJlesley, M.26, Hyde-parkcorner
Southampton, L. 23 Wellington, D. 12, Hamilton-place -
S,Jenrcr, E. 16, iSt. JflI!les's Place 'Velltworth, V. 19, Edward-street,
:;taiiord, M. 12, Cleveland-row Portman-square
Stamford. E. 13, Chades-It. Berke- Wesmeath, E.30
ley-sqnare Westmorland, E. 13, Grosv.-square
Stanhope, E. 15, Barner'5ostreet Whitworth, V.20, DubliD
Stawell, L. 22, Chapel-street, Gros- Wicklow, E. 31, Cavclldlsh~square
venor-place ' Willoughby de Broke, L. 21, Hill-
Stewart, L. 29, Grafton-street street
Stourton, L.21 Wilton, E. 18, Grosvenor-square
Suffield, L. 24, Charles-st. Berkeley- Winchester, Bp. 33, Cheloea
square Winchester, M. 12, Lower Brook-It.
Suffolk, E. 13, Harley-Itreet Winchelsea, E. 13' South-street
SUSSEX, D. 10, Kensington Wodchouse, L.26, Upper Brook-st.
Sydney, V. 20, Grosvenor-square Worcester, Ap. 42, Clifford.street
Talbot, E. 17, Hanover-square Yarborough, L. 25, Arlington;.st.
Tankerville. E. 15, Privy-garden York, Abp.33, Grosvenol'olll!1)are
Teynham, L.21, Half-moon-street YOI'I:, D. 9, Stable-ydrd, SI- James'.

Tu!> HO USE 01' CO M 1\1 0 N S.

Elccr"d November 24,1811.
t:3" Tilt Figurt qfter the I\'lIme 6hl'W.• in knw m""" Parliawltflt, thf JJftln6tf'
has sfn·ed. T..OSf wit Mut Pigure' ',re /I</L'. .

ESGL,\ND and WALE.S, 513.

. 'Ahin~rI"n, Berk.hirf'.
, Sir G~orge Bowyer, bal t. (Hill·,treet-kadky, near Abirigton.)
A~rh"lJdc~ham, Bncks.
'1'1'011 BA Tyrwhi tt- Dra1. P, e.q. (Linlllcr's.tlolel, Cunduit.strett-Shar.
,~does, IItlr Ihis ~(JrLngh, and St: Donal'.; Cw.t1e, Glamorgan.
,.",~.) 3
Wlil,am T~-T\diill·Drakr, UI). a fRptain in the royal rt'girnrnt or
.h .. !,.. UU~IJ.>.

House of Commons. 39
Alban~, St. Htrtfonl:;hirt>.
-'_ph Ralscy. esq. (Qut'.'u Anne atrrt·t-Gadduden-bouse, in thi'
"" .. n'v,) " t
ChrtsttJl;twr Smith.' P~q. an ahl"rman IIn<l mpn-ilant of LOUlJon,
(Adam-street, Atldl'hi - Hyd .. ,honst·, Edmonton, Middlesex.)
AhJu~rollll:h, \: ork<hire. .
JIenry Fyne-, PAIJ. a bRl'ristt'r at la\., (DI'au"-yard, \Veswipster.
Welwyn, HfOrtl< and Chrlsl·church-coll,,!!t', Oxti.... I.)
Hellry Gaily Knight, e..q (Lanl(ol", )l;ott.,)
Ahlt'hllfj!h, Su:folk.
Bijtbt hon. Jam('l! Stt'Vt'n~on (Hind. woo<i,) Lord n"fferin and Clane•
. ""y-. in Irelaprf, a g".t'l'IIer ot'lh""ounly ot' Down, an,1 a tfu~tee
of 11 .... lillt'n-waunlitctul'e. (Ca ... ndi.b-square -Ballyieldj-honae.
n""".)· 1
Aliclrew Strahau, t'sq. printer to the. King, (PriDter''''lreet, Shoe·
~~J ~
_ Andovrr, Hants.
Hon. N('wton Fellow"8, ollly b .... lh .. l· of the earl of PllrUhlouth,(So.
llI"r... I-~!rt'et- Egl!, IH'ar Cllllmh,io:b, D .. VOII.) 5
Tlt"",a. Asl"'loll Smith, .. sq. (Purtnjan-squart', '.l'.·dwol'tll, near An.
dover.) t
. Angl •• hirl'. (2) .
Hon. R~rkd'fPaI(I'I, youn:::"sl " ... ,Ih.,. of thl' .. ftrl of Uxllri<l.g.., Ilnd
flf lit. rn .. mllers of Carnanoi. amI ~Hlbonte-Port, a lord of tile
AJlPlcby.· W('slmorlall!l.
Jamj'. Lowlher, <'Sq. (Portma" •• lrc'H-I.'''\Iht'r, Wl'stmorland.)
" Rt. bono Ge •• re;" 'i'it'l'lwy, D.C.L. {Graftoo-slI'eet. BOIllJ-stteet-
. Wilul.ledon, Surry.) S
A rllll(ll'1, SusselL.
Franci. John Wild('r, a m~jor-o:elll'r .. l, and a li .. utenanl-coloncl of
tilt· ~.','h rl'lrimt'ht, (Grosvelwr-l'lact'.) 2
Sir Samut'1 [{omilly. k nl. a kin!!" counsrl, and chancellor of the COUD'
ty I'alatiue IIf Dlil'h,un, (1{IIssf!lsqllarc.)
Ashlmrtllll. l),·vonsiJirt'.
,. Rt. hon John Sullivan, Lrother-inlaw to the t'II.rl of Buckingham,'
.hir(', It ctlllll1ji"ioll<"f fur the alfair. or India, (Harlry-Mtnet-
Hirhin/."'-park, Hnt•. ) 1
Richard Pr..,ton, f'~'l. harristl'r at law. (Nt·V!'.equaJ't', Lincolo's·Il'n--
A,irot, npar Torringtcn, in Ibis cOlloty.
AY!c"\)CIlY, nut:l.s.
Hun. Clutrlt:1I CpmptoD Cav.'udish.
Banlmrv 0, ford.
Hon. Frederic Sy Iv('stl'r N "rtb Ijoll!(la~, ollly 80n of Lord Glenber•
. vie, aud nephew of the earl of ,Guilford. (WbiLt'ball-place-Tbe
Phtll5an try, l\<l ill" le~ex,) _
Barnstapk-, De¥oDshire.
Sir Manll~, .. II-lItass .. th Lopes, hart. recurder of We8tbulJl' (;);rliog.
ton-stred-Mari.;tow-bouse, Devon, and WestLlllry, Wilts.) t
Sir Eyre Cootc, K.B. '* K.C. a Iil'utenant gt'neral, and colonel of
tll .. 24th regiment, only brother of lord Castle-Coote. (Mllrlaret
Slrt't't, Cavemlish-tiquaTe-W est-park, Hamp¥hirt.)
House. CmalJlODI.
~ Lor<l .T""n 'I'1Iy .. ne,
Molh .. r of the men/uit o(Batfl. aDd ftPWwfA
hlrd (:~r.l('rrl. lord d.aml... rlain of his l\Iajhty'a eSlilblisbrueDt at
Wi'HJ.or. (Hill .• IT...... H.'rkplt'y·square.) 4t
Charl,," P"hlln, "6'1' 01' this dl)" a ('oloael ia tile !IfIIlY, second Iiell o
It'~lIt-eol .. n.. ,
of the \1:;,1 rrgimt'nt ofdrll~ollS,aod ILidod~o!=IUIlP t~
the Prince R"gent. (" Ibao),.) .
8. aom3rl!, AlIgrt'sitirl'.
"l'bomaa Fraaklaod L('wi., ..sq. (CtlrZon·,treet.)
Bedtlll·d.kirl'. ( 4 ]
:rl'llDci~ Pym, eSf!. (~rl'u Brook·street-the Ha.ll, Bear Hiule.
~~) ~
~olthon. Pr.nei, (RII."t;U,) ...arquis of T .. iateek, lOB of the nulLO
of }3.,(l/orrl, and lop·io.ljlw of I~e ~l of Harringto~ (Oak1l'J,
Ikdf,mishirr.) I
"alJlllel Wltitbrfllll, ('sq. tlro.I,n·io·law of earl Grey. (ponr.
shwt-Sollthill. n('lIf ni~;:ll"'" jlolt'.) . c
Lor,t George W illianl Rn"" .. I!, ~ccolOd ~n of th~ d!lke of Bl'dford. ".
lieotenaot-colollt.'l in Ike amlv, and a lDajor of the 10"....d regim",t.
ll"d\\'in, Wilts•
.;J/U!lrs Ffenry J,.fi::lt, esq. ~rll".er-in·law of lord SlY ~h<l SJ'le.-
(L(Iwrr Berkt'lt'Y-Etr('t't-Adddslrope, GIo\lc~tertihift', and StODe.
(eigh, WarwickslliJl'.) 3
, Rillltt helD. Sir John Sicboll, knt. D.C.L. lifan of the archre MId·
jn"lte Qf Ibe pr~roJ!3tiVt· conrt of Canterbury, and a lord qftrade
apd rlapt-,tjP!ls, (Brulon-slft'et-iltertbynnawr, OIamorgaDllbi~)S..
. . Berql$IOn, Devon~lIire.
llight boo. GI'Orlll' (PI'fI"Y,) lord Lovainf', ,00 IIf the earl of Beyeriey.
allllnrl'hfw of thl' oI .. l\e N ortbumberland. (Pprto!an·~q"are.) ii.
HOII .. Joct'lyn P('rt'y, a ('al'lnio of Ihe roy .. u"vy. brotht:r of die
: ol!ler Q1eP.l~Cf~ (PortJllan.sqllare) .
· nerhhire. r9] _
C1larles Dl1nclas. e~q. COII~i'l to Iqrd DlIndas, and • c9U1lSellor of
. st!1tc in SCIlII{lIl(). (A binl!Ion·~treelo·Barton-conrt, ,n tlti, connty.)~
110!'. Richard N.-villI', ('Iti('" son of lord llraybroke, nepbew offord
O,,·nville. (S"w Burllnllloo,SIfl'ct, Audley~ojlt EoiHx, and 'il.
lingbl'alt', near Wo.kiu~lIaD1, Bucks.) S
·. .,·rp·id., Northhmberla~d.
.Alexander Allan~ esq. .
}Ienty Hl'neage St. Paul, e.sq. Yllnng..r brotber to tbl' mt'mber for
Bridpo)'t. {Chap(l-street, .Ma)'.fair-Ewar&-~lI. NOflbumber.
~cve, ley, l{or\Lsliire. .
Jelln WilartClD, ..... (Audl,Y·iClIII,-e-Skrltml-lI1\llll', f}nia1leroDP •.
Chaf!e~ For'!eB~ eSI,l.lorif fl'C&oJ of
deeD. (J'ltaroY·lqll8ft'.) .
*" , 4-
U ...i&ebal collece of Abt'r.
. . . Bewtlky, WorcjlSteRlIin.>.
Charles Rdward Willeao. l!~II' (nogRor, SUllex.) ...
· . .. . ni_bl'P" <"'&>t"', Shropahi.... .
Wnliam ClivI', esq. uD.le of t~ ~~I tlf :f01l'ia. (8aek"fille-«tt-ee&-.-.
Styche, Salop.) 9
,lohu Robin50D, esq. a lieutenant-general in the anny, and a colonel-
rOll1D1andpnt of tbe 60th regiment, b~other·in-/aw of tile ea" of
:r~wi.s. <O~'HlummoD'8~ Co,ent·gardcn__ pellltoD·hllll, 8.u601J,;,.) S

BJecbin,sJy, ':jurrey. _
Jo'titi 'ft~and, esq. a merdlantm Lpndvu. (~rk.l.",e-Clapblllt.
. Bollmyn, eVl'llwntl.
'Pavl"" -m&ly, Hq. f.M. b; J.,. b. lH ol1 f li •• tJ'l'et-Tr,drH, Cora-
w~. s
'( HiglJ~ hon. Charll's Balhu"'t, (hrothl'r·in·law Ilr V~t'ouot .si.!-
",,,,.(b,t bani.ln-at.taw:, 4;1..'J(· .... lor o( Ih.· fte11Y "f Leneutt'r,
Jj'. 11. A. (N,w B.aljtlllt6ll·streC't~Lydtt~·'1'IH'k, Gioot'e"!.'f'_
IIhire.) $.'
ftt.on.tldtrWl!f'. \' ""hhi,,_
William Henry Clillton, Ufo ....w.....
of AeIIeIA. • Unteunt-.
general, and colonel of tl!e 55th regiroent of f~ •

jar.«~ aDIi • ...-.1

~ Henry Clinton, K. D, b~.lnp1aw aC the earl of Wet1Iys, • ~
~Dt .t' tU SOda Jll8f-t. (y..,Je,.
IIRIet, pOJUllaa.tq..... ). .
n-m." Cornwall.
;lames ArdllpalcJ.&VtII1 WJll'tl£ly. a.q. ncpb.., q/ the lIIanpU et Jhste.
- and soil-m-law oftl!e earl of Era.. (1Jt. JaDlI.!s·';"}lIace-Wortley_heU,
Yorkshire ).
Jl.i~t hon., John Otway (Cuffe,) earl of Desert fa ~ (A1ban.J
_:DeIart-house, Kilkenny.)
Boston, Lincolnshire.
WiIli!JDl Alexander Madocks, esq. (Bury'h1reet-DalmynlyQlyn, IMIW
Do~lly, ~Ierionetl}f;hlre, and Tre.?tIadoc, Camarvollllhlre).
lion. Peter Robert DrutllJDGnd Burrell. el~ son of Daronesll WIl.
JOllghby and Lord Owydir. (Dov!9'-street-DrummoDd-caatle, Pertb-
- Bradcy, Northamptonshire. _
l\QIHnt Haldane.Dradshaw, esq. a trl!stec of the elItates of ibll late Duk.
of Bri~'t!wat~r, (JlI4'k's-howl, Dequ-street-WorsJe1-hall, ~
lihir\!, IIIUl Runcol'l1, Ches!Jire). ,
J!emy Wrottesn.y, esq. litw, a CQ~IlW QC ~ Md
cursitor in Chancery. (Lincoln's.Inn).
Br~r, SU"KlIl.
Jobl\ Imllg, esq. Il rperc!l:lnt in London, (Savl1le-IItJ_).
WilljluIo _WllPecfofCe, esq. (l(e""in~n.gore---Pl"rldngtoD, YorbbUe),
B,econlilil1'6. (~).. .
~ WOQd, e&q. soll· of U>1l1W'1 of Loadonderry, aIIII hIoth_. qf tll\' JI'IeDlW fo;!' DQwnsblre. (South.tJtreet-GwIll'lUl"et,-iIl,
·this COUI\ty, e.
Chutcs Mo~ eeq. cldffit son of Sir Charles MorSl'l'. twt. (Pall Mall,.
',l'r!ldeg~-honse, Monmouth), -
Bridgenorth, Shropshire.
Iftamas WhitmoJoc, eaq, (Warnar·...hoteI, CoD¥t-atreet--Apler.~
Shrorshire. 11
Ran. Charles Cenl Cope JeUInsoJJ. ltaH'-brmber of the earl of Liverpool.
(Portman-9IJ.!1are-J!'hehI)rd, near ShrewlIbuI'1. and 13~ltsteid, vai'
tJeield, SuSsex).
Brictgewater. Somenetsblre. _ .
~e Poeock•.esq. brother-m-law of earl POlllctt. <'~~
J'e&.CY-II.farc-r~Ilk~am, Middtesex). ,
House ot CommoDs.
WnIiam A~ ... a director of the East IndiaCllllDpU.Y. (B~
-Everton-house. Bedfordshire)., 2
, Dridport, Donet.hire. ' .
William Draper nest, a;q. aking·s lleljeant-at-Iaw. eoUmor geueta1 to the
, l1linceof WaleS, and recorder of Guilford. {Lineoln·... IDD-F'ieIdIt-
Norw!)Cld. Suny). ' .
Sir Horac:e David Cbolwell St. Paul, bart.broIberto the member for, ~
• wick. (Cbepei.s&reet. MaY.F.-Ewart-pan. Northumberland).' -
• ~ J - BristoL . ' '
lUchanl Hart Davis, esq. a hanker in BristoL (Picc.diIly. GreeD-puk-
MOJ1imer-hotJse, CIiftoo, GIoDCeBtenhire). .
, EJ.ward Protheroe, esq. (Hilrley street. )'
Buckinghamshire. rl4.1 .'
! Rt. hOD, 'I'homM GnmmIe, chief justieein Epe_th at· Tnat, briJCba'
of. lord Grenville, and uncle of the marquis of BnclriDgbm> IIIUl at
lord Nugent. (Cleveland-square-Wooton-park, Buclra). .
William Selby Lowmte., eaq. (Wbadden-ha\l, Buclra).
Ri/lht hon. Ji'lgh (Fortl'sl·u,,). Viscoullt EbringtolJ, 1100 of Earl For.
· "cne. (Urc>venor. squareo.)
William H~nry Fn-rm,llIlU", ... q. (Stanliopr-strel't. lIay Fair-Ea·
glt'fidd'grt'ell, Surry.) .
· Callillgton, COMlwall. .
William Stl'phen Poynla...sq. talhrr.ip.luw of Lord Clioton. (Qurea
Annr.~ltt'('t·-Mid~ham·ho'''le, Hl'ri.s, and Cowdray·park, Susaex.)
Hun. Cl, am's KOl1011,1I Tl'I'fusis, brlllh.,r of lonl Clinton.
, Calue'. Wilts\lir!".
Joseph Jdl~lI. e"9. F. Ko & A. S. a king's e"nllReol, attom('y'gfOo('ral
.to the Prinr. .. of Wait 0, and one of' hi. Royal Hi"h ..... s~·5coullcilfor
., th .. duchy ot' Cornwali, a beudlt'r fit' Ibe Inn"r Tt'D1J1le. (New-
· 11 re.. I, Spring Glwleu-Spl'ti.lmry.huu8l', Dorsrt;) '_ 7'
Hon. Janll~& A b"I'cromby, third sun of baronl'ss A b('rcrOloby, Il co..•
, miRsionrr of baol.l'Ilpts, ar.d barrister atll,w. (New'llre"t, Spring
• Gardeu.) , I
Cambridgr.llire. [6.] ,
Lord Cbarlrs 801ll('1':\(·t Maoners, nnt brolher ofthe dnkr of Rntland,
. a lieutl'nant.I'Glollel oflh .. 3d '·"r.:im"nt of dril!!.oon~. brQtlH:' of the
member for Lek"oler.hirr. (Sa.'k ... iI1f'·.I"I'~t.) 3
Lord Franeis Gorlolphiu O.bomr, "rothl'r of the duke of Lel'ds, and·Jaw of lord Auckland. (l'ark-Altt'tt-Gogmagog.hou!r,
Cambridg... ' , 1
Camhril\1I1' UlIiver.ily.
f Ri!l(ht hoo. Hellry John (Templr,) vi6collnt Palmel'Stou iu lrrland.
· IIt'l'retaryat wllr. (Hrl'al SIBlIbol)" fitretol- HroBflialldli-park. Dear
Romsl'Y, HaulS.) , 1
Johu Heory Smytlt, e51J. M. ·A. soa·in-law of Ihe duke of Graftou.
(Cltarlt'S'bt. Bl'rkcley-slJ.-Hratb, near Wllkefidd, )'ork.hi,e.) 1
Cambridge Rot·oll" ...
Hon. Edward Finch, uocl" of tile earl of Aylesford, a groom of 'the
· King's bed·dlamber, a \il'utenant.genelal, and colood of the lid
rej[iment of foot. ())uke.stnel, Wulnlin.ter.) 7'
Robrrt 1\J~~el'\l, eHIJ. a gent·ral, colon'" of the SOth recimrnt, and
clerk ma\'sbal and firal C'luel'fY to the kin,. (Blu:r.kolm.halJ, Lin-
• ,:olJlshirc.) . ., . ',' 7
-' . ~W QV. •

House of Commons. 43
Cam.-If:>rd. ConI waif •
• '(\\iam L .. afler. e~q. (Qllt'''n.~qnal''', W"'lnlin~ter.)
Sa·"",,1 Sr.olt, esq. (Lowt'r Groovt'nor .• lrrt-I-8roDlley, Kent.)
- C .. nt~rhmy.
St~plll-n R'"lJb,,1d LU5hillgton, "~q, joint secretary of the treala,y.
( CI('v"I;lIld.sqllar.. ~N orton,court, aud Lillslt'ad.bonlle, Kt'lIt.) t
.Joh .. nal.. .. r ... ~q. a bank,'r of this city. (St. Alball',·dret!t-St. Sw-
, ph~U'6, lIear <':llIlterbury.)
Cal,liff, Glamorganshire.
Lo.rd EvelyD Jame~ Stuarl, son of th" ~larqlli. of Bute. (Cardiff'.
, call1e.) ,
Cardiganshiro" [r]
Thomas Jo!me., e.q, F. L. S. slt'"'ard of th .. crown·manon, anditor
, of the lall,I.·t'Yellul' "'r Wale., aud Illr.! lieutenant of Cardipn-
'hire. (Hauo•• quare-Haf..... house. Cardigan·ahire.) 5
H:m, John Vallghan. half·brother of the earl of Li~hllme, and bro-
thl'r of vi,collnt Cun.tenay. a eolond in tbe anny. (1'ho-
o>as·s.bolel, Bukt·I'·Y·S'I.,Rre-Cro8wood. iD tbis COUDty, aud
Lislmrne-bonse, DewHI)
Carlisle. CUDlberland.
Sir Jam,," Graham, bart. n'cor<lt'I' of the an('it'lIt borongh of Applt-
by. (P'IfIJand-I'la('e,-EdUlond,cllllllt', IIl'ar tbis city, and Kirk-
1111,11, Y ...·... shirt'.) 5
Henry Fawc.. U, ".q. a banker in London. (Portland-plac:e-Scalt:-
by, CulllherJalld.)
Carmarth"usbirc. [y]. ,
Lord Robert Sl'ymonr, brotber of Ule wartlllis of Hertford. patrnt
joint filRser and prothonotBry in the conrt of ki ng's bench, and
clerk of tbe ('fOIll'D. and ke"pl'r of tbe writs, in JrrlaDd. (Port.
laud·place-l'a1liarid-park, in tbis eOODty,)
, Carmartben.
HOD. John Fred. Campbell, eldest lIOn of IoriI Cawdor. (Suft'ollt-st:reIIt).
, ean..,rvonshire. [2.J
Sir Robert Williams, bart. (Stanbope-street-Nant-balI, Canunoa..
mire). ..
, C&I'Il1In'OD.
Hon. Charleil Paget., a &rotber of the earl of UlI.bridge, IUId of the mem-
berstor Anglesey and Milbome-Port, acaptaiDin the royal navy." (Fair.
Oak~ Lodge, 'Ilear Rogate, Sussex:). ~
Castle- Rising, Norfolk.
- Hon. FuIk Greville Howard, a colonel in the army, brother of Vucount
1'empletown, and brother-in-law of the earl of Bristol (Grosv~
Place-Leven's-Park, near Miltbrop, Westmorland).
Hon. Au,,"IlStlL~ Cavendish Bradshaw, second brother of lord Waterpark.
a groom of the king's bed-chamber. (Bolton-street-Putney, Surry).
, , (''besbire. [4. J •
Davies DavenpoJ't, esq. (Lower Brook-street-Capesthome-halI, ~
shire). . ~
Wilbrahani. Egerton, esq; nephew of the member Cor C1itheroe. (St.
James's-square--1'atton-parlt, Cheshire).
, , . Ch,ester.
Thomas GrosVeoor, esci. cousin of earl Grosvenor, a Ueu~t-general in
the anny, and colonel ut the 65th regiment. (Grcmenor-aquare---.
StockiDa-hal1, Leil:altenbire). •
oft Hou!;e.of CorwnollL
John ~gerton, esq. (Gl'anun·~rect, Bond-strcct-Oulton-park, Cl.",-
Ihire.) l
Chich...ter, SIIBecx.
, 'ViIliam H!!SOn, et;q. a l·oll>mi."ioIl2r of woods and fOl'eSts, colonial
1IIfJB01.- ~l", _d .& director "I' the Sua l"ire-Oftiee. (HerorOFd-st.
Ea.rcham, SIJIIIIeJt). 3
~ .aM.O-Oles (Lenao:s.} Earl DC WallCheand parnley. son Of the
duke of Richmond, a captain in the 52d regiment. (N_-st.reet, Sprinc-
ClaiJOPC!1haWl, Wilt&, .
1 Right hon. Robert Peel. eldest son of Sir Robert Peel, ban. secretary
of state for Ireland, la lord of the 'freBllllry. IIlld a privy counsellor there.
~Gt. George's-street--Drayton.plU'k, StaHlmlshirc).
Chanea Brooke, eaq" (Sainbrooke.court. Basing·hlJU-street--Pimple-
doWJl, Hants).
Cbrlstcburcb, H!U1ts.
11l\iht han. George Rose, cterk of the parliament, treasurer of the na.v;y.
keeper of the re<:Or<ls Ul the reccipt of the exchequer, Verdurer of the
New Forest, anelder-brothcr of the Trinity-house, and a trustee of the
Briliah and HunteriWl Museums, father of' the member for Southamp-
"Do (Old Palace-yard--CuJf.. en.... near Lyndburat, lIants). 8
WWiam Edward. Tomline, et;q. son of the bishop of Lillcolu. 1
Cireneestcr, G loucestersbire.
IIIi.r.AIllJjcb BeIIcb. esq. (Blake':;.hlJtel.-- Willi..matriJ>1lllrIr. GlOllClCloo
tershire, and Netheravon, Wilts). 5
IUghthon. Henry Gcorge (Uathllllit,) Lor.d Apaley, son of 1l8rl. Bathurst,
aQlDHJliwillaer for the alfail'll of India. (Manafi.eia...treet. 1
Clilberoe, Lancashire.
.H--llobert c.n.n, II1II1 DC ~ CU1'ZOD. {Welbadt-stNet).
J;dward Wilbraham BootIe, art. (Pwtland-fl--Ladaam-boue, La...
cuhire)., 4
Augustus John Foster, esq. oep~oC tbe~ of Bristol, brother of the

_ _ _ _ .llt.~. (T--. PiGaMilly).

• Right hon. Thomas WaI,lao:e. D. C. L- brother-in-law of the XM:I er
Hopetoun, a commission~'l" of 4hI!. 80ud of C9ntroQl. ~ Carlton-halI•
JI,oben Thornton, esq. marshal of the A4miraky, • ~ (1( . . ltIuRa

COIDpID)" brother of the members fur Surry and Southwark, brother-
Io-J.w of the EtIr1 of Leoveu &Dd Het.itle, F. 8. A. {~
JIart Davis,
aaplwn, Surry.,
esq. SOB of doe member(Ol' Bri&tol. (PiocadiDy, (J~-

JI4rtiaI--1Iewie, Ctiftoa, Gloueeslenlhke.) l

_ -Carf Castle, ~
Hell!)' Bankes. esq. tOld hIace Yani - Kingston hall, Winbome,
J)Qn;&) •
I'eter William Baker, esq. (New stmlt, Spring garden·::' Ranstoo, ....
. ~) "
ConnnIt f 44.1
Itir William Lemon, bait. D. C. L. ~ \lllitahall, Carciew, near Pen-
11", mlills --,..) IQ.
, .JoIIn Ht·.rle Tremaym", e~~ I/ln-in-'ilw to tbe othrr m('mber., (New
~~·rt, Sprmr Gar~_&rnwBII. :11111 SydcnllaDl. Devon.)
. Cflv.. ntry. \fllNtil,k.hh·t'.
P ..," MOote. (,Iq. (Gr. &org';;' ,rthce-Tlloby.priory. ~;;-~I'lt.)'
.loSt'pli BnllerwoJ'\la. t'sq. a n",rdlBut in LOlltlun. (lftodfurthquare.,
. Cri ..lI"h·, WiIlsl'litt'.
'Frnrma. EaU.,.. Mq. cB,:n!rop-llOusl', in Ill;. eounty.,
.Iost'ph Piu, esq. l Clargell str.."" Cin·nr.'stl'r.)
Cnhlbcrlllllll. [(i] .
.Jolkl Lo.tlwr, l'8'f' rm,rller uf·· the ('al'l ot' Lonsdale, and IItllflier.i.
la w ut' tilt' t'lul of \V I'Stmodalld (G I'ObYeJlOr Squart:- 81I'illingfon,
Yorkshire. . ..
,.lti,::ht hem. Gl'flrgt' (Ifoward"" Vlscnnllt MO'l'f'tII. son or tile ('.ad
of Carliale. and brollU'r-ill-law of the da~... of D'evolI~lrirt'. (Par.1I,.
Itl'eet, Groavenor SlJ""l'e~M'OI'pt"tb-ca.tll', l!iIonlltunbel'lalld'.
l>artDlolllb, Devon.hir,'.
"rtlmf Hew!!' HoIct~wonrl, eM). govunor. of Dartmouth.Calde. (PIl'••
f"ru'" Hnlel, l·j'·... diJIy. i-
Edm'lnct Pu~nfen B ,slar,1 eAq. nep4'Jew to thc!lnamtia fOr Duou,
(Porllaatll~l.e'·-Sbarl'h.m, nellr 'l·otlle.... )
. Dellbigh.hire. [!J
8ir Watkin William 'Wynne, bar!. Lord IiI"11tl'nant"and ellltoJ rotlt.
JOflll1l of tbe I:lllmties of Meriuncth anti IJrm.iltll, ~te."'artr t4.
Uromsal.·m·Yalc ~!anor, nephew oflun! Gl·eJIVille. {St; JWme,·.
i'lnare-WYlltilllll, lH'ar Wr.·xllam.)
. Denbigh.
lliglltbon. J"olin O'Bryel\(Fitzmaurice) Viiocount Kawan, son at' the
(',(lUntess 01 Orkney, and brothar-in-law of lord' De Blaqlliere. (t'1ia-
Ies-street, Bcrkele)'."'I.uare.) . _
DerbJ.shire. [4.'
t.ord GeorlPtA...... HeorJ Cavendifoh.. ande of the- DuIIe of Devon-
shire, father.of the m.mher fm: INrb,. (Savill... ruW'--COIllf!Dl.~,
ne-dr Eutbourn, and Holkar-ball, near UlverstWle, Lanensbire.) 6
~wlWd MiDer MIUIdf, eoq. father-iD-law of she. chibt f1i )i8W1:8ltlc.
(Mon~ illlipley.hal.l, _'Derby~) 6.
. .• Derby.
:Edward Co1e, eIIfo ......... oI tile --r-f~b1ori'CIIk. (BeIl""e-hat~.
St. James'IHtreet-IIolk___ ~, Norfollo.)·
BMV)' FxecJ.ria Co~ Ca....usll, aq. a. SOD of die:
WlllltJr-' iraGllUlia... dIe·Dt.M Of DevonsJWe.
1lltIII_ G
tbr ...
UniRll, ~ "hMiA' .
.Jom..Smilis, ell", F •• ~.N.,IW of ille MarlJltis of Nortbmp ...
tota. (A'lbem.r'..... ttcel --Bddin&toll, 31111 ~1"1I("Jl'M~k, Witfs.) 7
TltolRasGri....., ........, e.q. (Cllnlcl·fitlltt.stree&-l'tIflr-paftt;,
Wili~ S
DetouIIire. r26.)o .
Jobn Pollpxr..n BI.~tard. ('sq. IIllcle of the member for Dartftr06tb.
(Portland.pla«-KiU"Y'I-*, jIJ't\sis ,·otmty.) a.;
SiI' Tholllas ~ke 'A eland, bart. (KiIIl'rlt:n-hflIlSe,lR'M' C""-'Ptoa.)
It_t"tlhirrl. [~.) .
WIIIi_ Mertcm.P!U,.CIlO" bNtlu.,,/,.in·law of L~d, o.mll""'l flIdfto,..
j",,_ ... !.be "art •. ROIIIII•• , am. C'CM\'Ifill'IIJ lont: Riven, P. 10. S.
(Albelllarle .• lI .... r.l).lrcll~.) ·s
:!dwal'd BCI'keley Port..,an, esq. 5\lIl·jn-luw flf 100'd Dormer. (C...
·a1dlurd·place-Br'.... to.o.ltousl.', »eal' B,.mdford.) .
-.~ .... -

46 HOUIe or Commons.
Dorrhe., .. r. DOnJetabirt'.
KOHrt WilIlams. jnn. "''I a h .. "kl'l· in London. (Bedforfl.slJuare-
Moor.park, Hi("kmall.worlb, Ht'rla.) - 3
Sir Samuel ShC'vht"rd, '..nt. 60Iicitor-gr_ral to the King. (Bloo,,,."
Donr, Kent.
Charles Jt'nilinson. ('sq. rOllsin of the earl of Liverpool. (Scotland.
yard-Beech hOIlSI', Hai!t•. ) " t
John Jack.oll, ..oq. a mt',·cl... ,,1 in Lonllon, a director of the East In. _
Inllia cOIDI,any. (:-'/"11' Uroad-.lreet-Woodrot.grove, 8urry, ....
Arlliey, B..dfordohirt'.) . t
Downton, Willahire.
Sir Thomas Brooke Pecb..lI, bt. a n.;Uor.generai. (Stratford. place-
Aldwick, SII ....,..)
Edward Goldin;, eaq. (Maillen Erler:h, Berk•• )
O".Jitwich, \V orcestershi,·e.
Hon. Andrew Foley, nnele of lord Foley. (Park.street, Grosunor•
• qnarr-Newpnrt.hon3e, Ht'rt"foIC.labire.) 9.
Sir Tboma. Edward W,nnillgtoll, bart. (Slauford.court, Worceat.,,·
~~) J
Dunwicb. Suffolk.
Rigbt hon. Jo~hlla (Vannt"ck,) lor<l lIuntingArld iD Ireland. (GJ"OIIo
venor·&quare-Hevl'nin;;haUl-hall, Suttolk.) 6
.Micllae1 B~rne, r.q. (Sott" ..It'y-hall, Suffolk.)
Durhalll, <:ollllly of. [4.]
Rt. hon. Henry (Vanr,) vi.couut B:II'mml, 50n of the earl of Darli~.
ton, aud IUII-in-Iaw of j'arl 1'01l1('tt. (Upper Grolvt:nor·street-
Bully, nf'llr W .. lford, NOI·lhamvloll.) 1
John Geo. Lambton, elq. (Seymour-lllace-Lambton, in thi. county.)
Durham. City of. .
lll('hard Wharton, Hq. a barri.'.r Ill·..., IInd .join'-RPl'r('tary of tbe
. treasury. (~atreet, BOnd-strcet-Oldpark in ibis county.) 9
Gmrge ADen, esq. (Baker-etreet- GraDge, in this county.)
Eut Looe, (;u~lIwall;
Sir Edward Buller, bart. a vice-admir.1 of tbe wllite, and re('nrd!'r of
tbi, borough. (8ath'. bo&el-TrellaDt.park, Wivt'"combe, and Tre-
volland, Cornwall.) 3
David V.lld.. r Heyden,t'sq. (Low.., Harley-street.) 1·y. St. Sutlolk.
Lord Cha~te, Fitzroy. lIe~t brutber of the Duke of Graflnn, and IOn-
in-I.w of tlit' Earl of LOOllollderry, a gener.l, .nd ('olollel of the
48th regiment. (CI""KI'~'JlrI~ .. t- Whitllebury. Northamptonshire.)3
Frederic Thomas Henry Fb~I~r. e¥q. son of the dut'lielll of Devun-
.hire, .nd nevhew of the earl of Bristol: (Pit'cadilly Terrace-
Richmond, Surry, .1111 StoRe· house. Loutb, lrelaDd.)
£~sex, [s.]
John Archer Honblon, e.q. (Wmlpole-lltreet-H.llingbnry.plue,
!l:un.) ,
,Charl... C IlIia Wt'~t ..l'II. (,11). (Duke •• tr~t, St. J.ID".·.-Felix....U,
Kilvedllll, ElAn.) ~
. Ev..sham, WOrl'eateral,ire.
Willi.m Manning. nq. Il me"claallt Illld ballk!:, in London, a bank di-
ret'tor, aDd all agent for tll.. iallllltl of SL Vioceot. (liitable.yard,
lit. .....1I"..... lnel-·'·IILt..rid..., Herta.) . .\
lIouae of CODIIIlODa.' 47·
BumphrJ Howorth, esq. (Berl. ..ley·.trret.)
Eukr. .
Jamea Bull", esq •. (Clarg...·st..., .. t.....: Down.., nrar C~dilon, Devon,
a,nd Sbillingh.lIl, Ufar thllla.b, C"rllwall.) .' '4
William Courl .. nay, ".q. broth.. r·io hlW 10 tbt' earl of RotbeA. coni iD
and ont male b.. i .. 10 vioc. Cnurtell.y, la\., .nJ a com-
miMionu of ballk.rupta, elder brother to the me"'~r for Totne!lll-
( .
Eye, Suffolk.
Na!:k $inglt'ton, erq. broth .. r·in·law of Marquis Cornwall;s, prindpal
-atore.k of the ordnance. (, P ..II· ruall- W 1111:
bledon, S u r r y . ) · - le
Sir William Garrow, kot. attorney·pneral to tilt' king, ebicf jIl8!ic~
of Cnestl'r, and • connSt'Uor of slate for lh .. dllcby 01' CornwalL
(Grt'8t George's-.treel, WClItmill.ter- Pt'g .... U·cottll&l', lIt'ar Rami.
gatt'.)· 1
Flinhhirr.· [2.]
Sir ThomaA Mostyn. bart. (George's slreet, Hanovcr.sqnare-l\Ios-
t,o.balt, F l i n t . b l r e . ) · ,
8i1 Edward Pryee Lloyd, barL tLondell hotel, Alb.. marlc •• tre.. t .....
Peqgwem, m'ar SI. AliIlpb.) IS
, Fowl'Y. Cornwall.
Robrrt Wi~ram, elq. M. R. I. A. F. R. & ". S. a bank .Iire"tor, lOft
of Sir Robert Wigraw, barL (W.ltham.. to .... -holl~e, B8'''X,) 1
William Ruhleigb, eaq. (S..d.yllk... II'''c'~M"lJauilly, CornwillI.)
Gatton, Surry •
• ir Mark Wood, bart. a colonel in the army in 11111ia. latc> rhief engi.
Deep at Bengall. (Pall-mall-Gattoll.park, Surry, aud L,llltboIlY.
abbey, and P"nycoyd-caatle, I'10uIll0Illl1.h i I"'. ) 4t
Sir WiUiam Coogreve, bart. (Cet'il'lu"et, Straud-Waltoll.
fol'dsbi,~.) -
St. Germain's, Corll\\,.II.
Henry GOlllbllm. e~q. nephew of vi8t'Otmt Cht'lwynd. nnder lecretary
of state fill' the war dt'partlJlenl. (St. Gl'or!(c's ot .. "et.) . ,
W.illiam .H.,ury Pr'''I(It', t'sq. a D.9jor.!;ellflal, n""hew ill law of lord
Elliott. (Urosnullr-strtet.) .
GhllDorganshire. [2]
B"Djamin Hill, ('Iq. (LandatJ'-Glalllor/l'a... )
Otoll"r~ler.hifl>. rf< ]
Lord Robert Edward Henry Somerset, K. T. S. brotJier of the Duke of
Beaufort. brother'-in-Iaw of viae. Courtenay, a major-general, and f1n4
. lieu~colonel of the 4th regiment of dragoons. (Lower Brook':
~) 3
Sir Berkely William Guise, ban. (SL Alban·...street-Higham.court, in.
. this county.) 1
Henry Thomas Howard-Molyneux, esq. younger brother of Bemard
Howard, esq. pte!lumptive heir to the dukedom of Norfolk. . Grosvenor_
. -fItreet.- Thornbury.castIe, Glouce...tershire, and TiversaU, and Wellow,
Nottinghamshire.) . 5
.Roben Morris, esq. a.:oonker at Gloucester. (lloyllutd's hoWl, Strand-
~lIl'I!-woOd-cOurt, near Gloucester.) ...
John Teed, P.Iifo "
~. Hlft ~.,.. (!fout:bWRllil-LcJcltt!r'. hOllSi!r, 1'r~'
GrantMn1, l.b..:ofrtllhfr~.
",mllm..:J~.H'eIf1y, MJ. eldM fOIl. Itf Sit WflHAnt W'e1l'>y.~' (M:
, gyllw!.1r'I!et-U.tlft»t, In fills collrlt1.Y. '
ltdbc!l't Sdtitb, ~. IBbl ~ot1i1'c-teftl!t8I,1ft Bl!rtgali (S!iYiI1e-N1V;)
Grimshy, Lincolnllhire.
Sir Robert Heron, hart. (Stubliltl, Lincotdsbirc.)
.1'olln Peru Grllllt, e~. a ba:rdster lit law; (Terrace. Paface..yard-- ~ I
mUrchus; InveftfesShite.)
Grinstead, S USS6L
~l!Ol'p Will. Gutming. esq. !;on
or ~r noben Cuming, ban. , X_. :it
(Savffie-row--HortOl>, Nortbamptonshirc.) 1
lames Siephen, es<)' a master in chancery, brother-in-law of the ~
for Bramber. (Soutbaropton Buildings;) • ~
• GuiYUrd, Sutry;
Hon. Thomas Cranley On810w, second sDn of the ean of OUIJ\1t.
ges-street--West Clan dOl), Surry.) "
.ArtaUII 0nIII0w, ... sU)t..~ (N~i!I!t,,8p-i• . ~Stzapr
grove, near this borough.) ,
. 1I111irrp1irii1!; [96.1
Willianl Clulte.;...,. .,n-iRo_ of J. Imih,. esIf.. IIIt1lllM!t b" ~
(Rylor'.kotel, 'palIliarnent-strf~v'Dbe ViM', JiMl"lIbJJlngtf~·HlI!!t.f.~ 4
'l'!IOInas i'recmml.~ E!!4 ellteJt Bm, o~ siP \VimMI\. ~~
hart. (St. James's-sqtiare-~En'llItey, nem-' Rotnsey, iu tills county.) 1
I .H8rwtch, E'ssI!r. •
,. ltig'tl:' !fo".
John H11ey AddiHgtbn, ut1~S\'M'chu'Y' ell sttttif f1lt the
home department, and high steward or ffiMeb, ~ttitl1et' <If ;'is(!(J6'uf.
~tltj (llarley4ltnlct--t:.dngf'ord-roltl't; Setxi~ite:) , ... §'
, Right hon. Nicolas Vansittart, brother-in-law of Lord- .tti:i~d,
chancellor of the e:iclieql1er, a bmtisU!r at law, and a privy couWicl.lQli.
In ~land'. (Downing-street.) , .,
, ll'aslemcre, Surry;
f night hon. Cliarle~ I,ohg,son-in-Iaw of die Iilem~er (or R'asfings,l'lint
p.~ymaster of the forCCSj 8 I'rivy' counscllor, also, in frelanll, an official
lord of trade and pI8nt~ons, a trlLonce of the< Britbh' and Hunteria.
l\fuseulns, a commissiOlter ror tile crectiotl of' national monuments, and
a dil'elCtor of ~cb h6spi.taL (F..,-otaee,- ""Wt<!bAll-Bnlnk,--
bill, }{ent.) . . , 1
lfebm< Ward, ft(. cit>tk of tlW CJFdnaIlce, of . . "'l~ of
Mulgrave. (Pall-mall•• Hyde-lodge, Bucks.) 5l
Sussex.- " '
Sir Abraham Ilume, hart. brother. ill-law of the Earl of B~nWr. lHld
father-in-law of Lord Brownl...... (UU"-street-- Wonnlyl;ury, Hem.) 1
.lama Dawkins.8Mio (LoweJ!. H..nef-su-.Stal~, Wilie."
_ HaVeRotd.we!lt, PemllroketJlire.
RigL.t11oru William. (.FAwlII'des,) lord Ken&iagtoo·ja. lrelaad, (-Bt. Jam..;,
Place--Johllstoll, near tlns borough.) , 4
Helleuoae,. ,€ornwall..
lIugh Ilammersley, csq. a banker in Lood.....· (F..D-mslL} .
'William lIome, esq. a wunster at law, and commissioner of bankrupH.
(Hunter-.trCi~ Bruru;widt-"'luare-.Epl'in,-;rc<n, Litle BcrkhllnSt~
HolM of Commons. 49
. Hen!l'otdsbite. .(l.)
Sir Job Geers CottereU, bet. (HertfOld-streef-CJameIll, Heteftmt.) •
" Thomas Foley, ""'l' son oftite rilemberfor~, ami bttt. a!ionel of
the Herelonblrirelftilitla. (Jordm'. heed, 8t.lllMll's-___ JIetUIf-
ton-park, H e r e f o r J . ) · . S
. Hertfbtd. City of.
I Thomas PoWeIt ~ymonds, eaq. (Dovet-!ltreet-'~1; H'VI'l'fbnI.) ..
:Richard Philip Scudamore, 8SCk (Hudson'. hotel, ~eat GardIIl.·B:tat-
clrurch-courf, lleat" this dty.) ,
. Heztfordshire. (6.)
Hon. Thomas Brand, eldest Ba-onea Dacre. (Al~1-The
Hoo, Hem.) •
I Sir lohn Saunlers ~ght, bet. (JetmJII~.Bftdwood, Ihrtr.) 1
I Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, broth« f1l earl Cowper. (I'blt~
Digswell, H e r t s . ) . . 3
N"ttolsolt Cdvt!tt, esq. bl'Odu!t 10 the IIII!IIlbc for SoIathMtIt. (Pttk~
street--Hunsdon-house, Hem.)
Heydon. YorbIUre.
John Broadhurst, esq. (Old Palace-yatd.) . 4
Andtanyltroitne, t"!At. agent f'dr the island 01 AM;igua. (MlIJl~
place, Bedfom-square.) ."
. . . . Heytesbu1y, WDu. .
lOlrht ban. &nmeJ (Hood), lClrd Bridport In Ireland, II!CC!nd 110ft "r loif·
l'lood, and son-In.1aw at I!IId N~ (W"unpGle-Itrfte..~led"
Somerietshirc.) . . .
Charles Duneombe, esq. ( Arbgton-streee- Dtmetlmbe-ptzt. t'ortJIItloe.)
Higlunn- FerretS, Nmthamptoll'lllre.
WIltiIllXl Plumer, esq. (Cavencllsb.:rquare--Gil:Hon-pl!lir, and Bilkt'!!tlh,
. Hindon, WrIts.
M~ rJl DoudtB iIIIIIf
WltHIItiI BC!Ckford, esq. lIdber·in-law' I1t the
Clydesdale, and uncle-m-law of the earl of Aboyne. (FODthil.~
near dlis bcroI1gh.) t.
Sir Benjamiri Hobhouse, hart. F. R. .nd A. S. barrister at law, tII4 iltst
.commissioner between the East India cOmpany, and the creditors of
tihc Iltte Nabob oftbe C!I1'I!atit. (Manehester BuIldInp, W't!stminllter-
(.'baIltry-hOllSC, Wilts; WestbW"f-house, Gloucestershire, *Dc! Wlritt;>n.
1'1ll'k, near lIounsiow, MldcfleMtt.) $
HonltCIn, Dmm~.
lUdmrd W'dttant Hawarti V~, esq. SOD of geawa1 V,., comptro!}(,r
of the household to the Dole of ~ (Duver-Itr<.'eI:--Stol<.,..
place, Bucks.) . 1
Gcorge Abercromby Robinson, .esq. LIte IICCIIUlItmU.~~ in I1Iala, 1&
director of the East India Compapl, and c!b.1kman 01 tht! ~ Ill-
sutancc Offk-e. (Gordon's.hotel, .Albemarle-~:Bal1!t; DeIIt~.
ton, Somersetsbire.)
Horabam, ~ .
§it: ArtllUr Piggott, kilt. a king's coUn~ (Low~ Oo\ter.,;i1'ert-.P'I!ji-
. low-ball, SbropAbire.) . :
Robert Hurs-t, csq. .. barrister at law. (Swahhcte1. BrlslJ'!-Mittt, Wzot-
minster--Horsh ..m-p&l'k, SU:l!IClt.) :0,..
[li15.] -D
ijO , House of Commons.
Huntingdcmshire. (4.) ,
William Henry. Fellow-es, e&q. first cousin of the earl of Portamouth.
, (Hinde-street-Ramaey~abbey, in this county.) 7
lUghtbo,n. (P.t:oby) Jord Proby, eldest son of the earl of Carysrlllt, •
~ Huntingdon.
John Calvert, Esq. secretary to the lord Chamberlain. (Stabl&-yard, St.
. James's--4ldbury-hal~ .Hertford!ilUre.) :J
-..muel Farmer,esq.amerchant in London.' (Mo~-str~Nonsucb-
park, Surry.) _ _ 1
,. " Hythe, Kent.
. . John Perring, hart. F. L. ~ an aldennan and banker of London, and
• commissioner for the issue of exchequer-bills in the city. _(Portland.-
p1ace-Membland, Devon.) - 2
Matthew White, l!!Ml. ( Soho-square.) .
. . TIchester, Somersetshire.
lion. ;r~ William WanI, F. S. A •. only son of viscount Dudle1 _
ard. (Seamore-place--Himley-hall, StafForcbhire.) .
George PhiliJll> esq. (Mount-street--Sedgley, near Manchester.)
· Ipswich, SulfoIk.
Robert Alexan~ Crickitt. "!"l' a blUIker in Colchester. (CWFord-street.)
John Round, jun. esq.{riccadill,-Colcheater.)
Ives, St. Cornwall. •
~ Walter Stirling, hart. F. R. and A. S. a banker in Westminster.
- ,,(Pall-ma1l-Faskin, Lanerkshire, and Shoreham, near Sevenoab.
J(ent.) 1
William Pole Tylney Long We11es1ey, esq.!IOIi of the member for the
Queen's County, nephew of Marquis WeIlesley and of the Duke 01
Wallington. (Connaught-place--Wanstead-park, Essex, and Dra,CO,C-
• park, near ChippenhBm, Wilts.) '. '
Kent. (10.)
Sir Edward. Knatcbbull, hart. (Lower Wimpol&-street-M~-hatdI.
Kent.), , .
.~ Wil\iaIil Geari, bart. (Parliament-street-Oxen-heath, near Tun-
bridp) , '
, King's I,you, Norfolk.'
~ Martin Browne Folkes, hart. F. R. S. (Mansfiald-~Hillingdoa-
· hall, Norfolk.) . S
'Right bon. Horiltio (Walpole), lol'd Walpole, son of the .earl of Orford.
and nephew of the m~ber for- Dungarvao, secretary of embassy to the
court of, st. Petersburgh. (Bol.1on-row-Piddleto,wn. Donet.)
". Kingston-upon~Hull, Yorkshire.
Jphn Stanif'orth, esq. a bank director and a merchant in London. (Gra.
vener-square--Norton hall, Suft'olk.). .
" &George WiI1iam Denys, bart. brother-in-law to the earl of Pomfiet.
.eq~ to the duke pf Sussex. (Sloane-street-Eaatou, Neslon, Nor-
. ''tbamptOnshire.)' . ., • :
Knaresborougb, Yorkshire.
'1,,~ John Townsbend, nncle of Marquis Townshend. (Piccadill,-
1 Ball's Park,'ri. Hertford.) , . ,7
, R;ight J:Ion: Clw}es..Augustus. (Ben~), lord OssuIston, . M. A. SOD of
, -the earl of _ 'l'ankeFvilJe, and son in law of .the duke de Gramoht.
(Upper Brook-Itreet-.Chilin~.cattle; Northmnberland.) _,' •
House of Commons. 51
Lancashire. (14.)
John Blackbume, esq. F. R. S. (Park-street, Westminster-Od'ord-ha11,
and Hale, in this county.) 7
Rit!ht hon. Edward (Stanley). lord Stanley. M. A. &OD the __I of or
Derby. (Grosvenor-squai'e--Kn~-pal'k, near Preocott.) 4
John Fenton Cawthome, esq. M. A. (Fladdon'. hoteI- Wyenide. Wyen-
dale-tower, and LanC8!>"ter.) • 5
. Gabriel Doveton, esq.1f major general in the Eat tBdia &eTVice. (Hen-
rietta-street, Cavendish-square--Everdon, near Daven.try, Nortbamp-
Launceston, Cornwall.
James Brogden, esq. a Russia merchant, chainnan or the committ-.
deputy chairman of the Rock Life InSurance company. (Park-street-
Clapham, Surry.) \
Hon. Pownell Bastard Pellew, eldest son of lord Exmoutb, • captain in
tbe navy. (81. Alban's-street.)
Leicestershire. (4.)
George Ant. Legh Keck, 8"'1' (Wimpole-street-Stoughton Grange,
near Leicester.)
c Lord Uobert William Manners, youngest brother of the Duke of Rut-
land, and brother of the member for the county of Cambridge, second
lieutenant-colonel of the 23d regiment of dragoolllL (Sackville-atreet--
Behoir, in this county.) 2
Sarnu,,} Smith. esq. a banker ih London, brother of lord Carrington ar:d
of the member for' Nottingham, and father of the member for Malmea-
bury. (Berkcley-squarc- WoodhJll-park, near Ware, Ht'rts.) 7
Thomas Babiugton, esq. (Downing-street-llothley-temple, Leicester-
shire.) 4
Leominster. Herefordshire•
•10hn H arcourt, esq.
John William LlIbbock, esq. a banker in London, nephew and preaump-
tivt' heir to Sir John Lubbock, bart. (Duke-stref!t, Wesunirister.) 4
J~eskeard, Cornwall
lIon. WiIliam Eliot, brother of lord Eliot, and brother in law of the
marquis of. Stafiw-d, a lord of the treasury. (Hanover-square--Port
Eliot, Cornwall.) , 5
't Right hon. Charles Philip Yorke, half-brother of the earl of Hard-
wicl;.e, a teller of the excb"'luer. (Bruton-strect-Bonington, Hats.) 5
Lestwithic1, Cornwall.. '
, Right hon. Reginald Pole Carew, brother in law of b'tl. Lyttleton, a
commissioncr for the erection of national monuw.~ J'(lC(Jrder of
Fowey, f~ R. and A. S. (New' Cavendl'-'\.a~~:l_ny-house,
Cornw"II.) - " .. , - 3<
John Ashley Warre, e.sq. (Stratford-place.) .. ,
J~cwes, SUSic~. , •
Thomas Read Kemp, (''''1. (Queen-square, Westminstcr--Hurstmencea,ux.)
George Slllft'ucr, csq. (Dol'er-strcct--Comhe-place, Sussex.)
Litchfidd, Stafi'ord>Jllrc.
Gcorge Anson, <"'I' brother of "i.count .Ano;ou, a majOl'-gencral. and
eoloncl of the 2::;<1 rcgim..nt of dl'agooll.... K. T. S. ( G rOSWllor-'trcct.--
llu.llnt-hall, Stllm:n·d.hjT~.) :3
ton "
62 House of Commons.
G-ae Venables Vernon, esq. eldest son of tile archbishop of
York, and nephew of the J1lI,.-quis 01 Stafford, and or lord VemoD.
(Mount-SU'eet.). . i
Lime Regis, Dorsetshile.
'!tight hoD. John (P'ane},.lord-Burghersh, son of the earl of Westmorland,
envoy ex~ft8I')', and minister plenipotentiary to the eourt or Tus-
oany, a colonel in the &mlY, a lieuteruhlt colonel ot the Gad regiment,
and estra aid de camp tAr 1IIe Prince Regent, K. M. T. (Upper
8eymo~street.) :;
Jlmry Fane, esq. a majqr general, and colonel ot the 4th regiment ot
dragoon guard& (Wimpole-atreet-Fulbee, Lincolnshire.) , :;
Lincolnshire. (12.)
Charlee Chaplln, esq. cousin to the IIUII'IJt1i!r of Exeter. (Batt'. hotel.
DoYC!I'o.streeto- Blankney, near Sleaford, in this_county.) . :;
Hun. Charles Anderaon Pelham, eldest son of Lord Yarborough, and br0-
ther ot the member tor Newton, Hants. (Stralford-pIace-AppWdur.
com!Je..parl, Isle 01 Wigbt, and Manby, in this county.) 4
John Nicholas Fazakerley, esq. (Albany.-Prescot, Lancashire, and West
Cowa, bre of' Wight.)
Coningsby w'aldo Sibthorp, esq.lieutenant colnel of the Saudi wcom
militia. (CIlllWick, in this county.)
. Liverpool, Lancashire.
IIIIIlIIC ~ I!!!IJo a lieutenant geneJ111, and eoloner of tbe 7th West Ill-
dia regiment of foot. (l"Iertford-street-- Roby-hllll, Lancasl!ire.) 4
'I 'Right hon. George Canning, receiver-general ot the alienation-office,
ambasllador extraordinary, and plenipotentiary to tbe Prince Regent of'
PortngaL (BoItun-st:reet.) 5
JlarYeJ CIIristiaD Cbmbe, esq. an aldennan and brewer or this city, and a
eommiAioner for till! issue of exchequer bills in the city. (Great RU&o
sell-street-Cobham-park, Surry.) 4
Sir Willian\ Curti.., hart. an alderman and banker of this city, 1IIld presi-
dent of the artillery company. (Broad-street-- CulIands, Middlesex.) 5
Sit JarDe:!t !HI_, hart. all aldennan and merchant or tins city, and a corn·
missioner ~r the iHue of exch«:qllel' bilk In the city. ( America..
sqt.tare.) lZ
., John Atkins; C!IIJ. lID al~ and men:hant ot this city. ,Wallbrook_
CharltOll, .Kent.) .
.. l.udgershal, Wiltshire.
IIIdmlfonl Grahara, esq; 801'1 of die member tor ClU'lisle. (Portland-place.)
Josepb Birch, esq. (St. :Jamell's-place.) .
. Ludlow, Shropshire.
Rij;ht hon. E~edlert), viscount ('1ive, son of the earl of P(lWis.
(OTd'ton~!PclWIs-e:lStl<!, Montgomerysliire.) 2
Hem), Clive, Hq. a barrister at law. (Brook-street.) . 1
c • Lymington, Rants.
"eir Harry Buri'ard Neale, hart. a vice adI:niral of the blue. (Upper Groa-
venor.II1Teet-- WalTIamton, ne... this borough.)
John Tayler. esq. a merchant in London. (New Broad.street.)
. Maidstone, Kent.
Oeorge 8lmpoon, esq. a blmker iD LoJidou. (Portland-place. Wbiuoa·
1*k, Dear WiuGsor.)
Hoae at Co.moos. 63
Sit Saunuel J:gaton BlydgS; kat.. (~Demon Co,n,
and Lee Priory. Ke,nt.)
. Maiden, &.ex.
Josepb Holden Strutt. esq. uncle in law of the D\dte of Leinster. (Upp.-
Grosvenor-fltreet-Ter.linHlace, Euel.)
Benjamin GaskeU, esq. (Upper Brook-street- Thome'lI-hoUR, nearWak..
field, Yorkshi~.)
. _ Malmeshury, Wiln.
William Hicks Bcacb, esq. son of the member for Cireneester.
Peter P/ItteD Bold, esq. (Lower Harley-street--Bank-hall, Laneasbiri)
Malton, Yorkldlire.
Right hon. John William (PCJDsonby), viscount Duncannon, _ of die •
earl of Bcsborougb, and SOD in law of the earl of WestrilQrlagd. (Mar-
garet-street.) 1
JOM Charles Ramsden, esq. elcJ.est son of Sir lohn Ramsden, hart.
(Upper Brook-street.)
. Marlborough, Wiln.
HOD. Edward Stopt'ord, brother of the Earl of Courtown, a major general.
and a captain in the 3d regiment of foot guards. (South 4udley-
street.) . 1
Hdn. W'illiam Hill, brodJer of lord Berwick, arul brother in law of the
earl of Aylesburr, envoy e:a:t.rll4lrdinary, .and plenipotentiMr7 to tbe c:olll1
of Sardinia.
l\fadow, Bucks.
Owen WilIiams, e9q. brodler in law of the other member. (Berkeley-
square--Marlow-plaee, Bucks.) ..
Pascoe Gtenfell, esq. brother in law or vfscoant DonnDe and at lord
Riversdale. (Spring Garden-Taplow-house, Bucks.) IS
Mawes, St. CornwalL
&rope Bemard-Morland, esq. brother of Sir Thomas Bmwd, bIIrt.
. (Parliament-street--Nether Wlnchendon, Bucks.) 6
Praacis Homer, esq. banisterat taw•. (Lincoln's Inn.)
Merion~ (1.)
. Sir Rpbert WDliame:J Vaughan, bart. (BlutoD-IItI'en-N~ in this
wunty.) . - - S
Michael, !!It. CornwalL
Hon. Edward Law,. eldest son of Lord El1enborouglJ, son in Jaw at JIIe
earl of Londonderry, and brother in law of viscount CastJereasho and-
lord. Stewart, chief derk QIJ the pleas side in the COI1l1 of XiD&" Bew:b.
Charles TreIa\Vll)' Bl'eI"etoD, ""I. (Soho-squiUoe.)
. .lI(idcUesex. (8.)
William. Me1lisb, esq. gtmnior oftbe bank of England. (Bishop's Gate
Within-Bushill-perk, near Enfteld.) ..
George Byng, csq. cousih to viscount TorringtoDo (St. James'II-square--
'Wrotham-park, Middlesex.) .
}fidhurst, Sussex.
Thomas Thompson, eSq. a banker in HuD, F. 8. A. (HeBdenon's hotel,

Palace-yard--CottingtIam. Yorbfdre.)
ko&. l'WIip Henry (8tMIhope), '"_ _ l\hboa, . . of.earl
StaUepe, anct _ in law at lmd CanUtgtoDo .

• . Milbome-port, Somerse.tshire. .
HODo Sir Edwar:d Paget, K. B. and ~ T. S. brother of the earl of Us-
bridge, and of the members for Angleseyshin ap.4 ~D, • lieu"
feneral, ~d colonel f1l the 80th resime~t.
5-1: ~oUle or Common..
Robcrt Matbew C8Iben1, eaq. a barrister at law. (Bri(k Court Temple.
Minehead, Somersetsbize.
John Fownes Luttrell, esq. (Jordan's hotel, St. James'sCreet-Dunster
castle, Somersetsbire.) 9
John Fownes Luttrell, jun. esq. his son. (Jordan's hoteL)
Monmou..thsbire. (3.)
Lord Arthur John Henry Somerset, brother in law or viscount<>uth,
fourth brother of the duke of Beaufort, a captain of the 19th regiment
of dragoons. (Lower Brook-street..-Troy, in this county.) 3
Sir Charles Morgan, barL father of the lDember for Brecon. (Pa,
Tredegar-house, Momnouthsbire.) ." 7
. Monmouth.
l\Iost Noble Henry (Somerset;, marquis of Woreester, eldest SC)Il or the
duke of Beauf<>rt. - .
Montgomerysbire. (2.)
Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, esq. D. C. L. brother of Sir Watkin
Williams Wynn, hart. and nephew to lord Grenville. (Duke-&treet,
Westminster--Pontresgoe, in this county,)' ..
Montgomery. .
Whitsbed Keene, eIiq. (Sackville-street,-Riclunond, Surry.) 13
. Morpeth, Northwpber1and.
William Ord, esq. son in law to Mr. Creevy, member for Tbetford.
(, near. Newcastle.) .
HOD. William IIoward, second son of the earl or Carlisle. (Bury-street.)
~ Newark, Nottinghamshire.
. Henry Willoughby. esq. ( Hertford-street.) •
George Hay Dawkins Pennant, esq'
Newcastle-under- Line, Staffordshire.
Righthon. George Grenville, (Leveson Gower,) earl Gower, Bml of the
Marquis of Stafford. (Curzon-street.) I
Sir John Fenton Boughey, bt. (Aqualate-hall, and Betley-court, Star-
fordsbire. )
Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.
Sir Mattliew White Ridley, hart. a banker or this toWD.. (Portland-
Place, Heaton-baIl, and Blagdon-aouse, Northnmber1and.) I
Cuthburt Ellison, esq, (Lower Berkeley-street, POrtrDan-squ1ll'e, Hebburn.-
hall, Durham.) _ .
Newp<1rt, .
William Northey, esq. (Bruton-street;, Wiltshire.) 4
Jonathan Raine, esq. a barrister at law. (Bedford-row.) I
Newport, Isle orWight.
John Delgamo, esq. (Newport, Isle or Wight.)
Newton, Lancashire.
John Ireland Blackbume, son of the member for Lancashire. (Upper
Grosvenor-street; Hale, Lancashire.) 1
ThoDlllS Legh, esq. (Lyme, Lancashire.)
Newton, Isle of W i g h t - ·
Barrington Pope Blachford, esq. son in law of the dukeof GraftoD, •
lord of the admiralty. (Curzon-$'eet; Olhorne, Isle of Wilht.) ,
House of Common~.
Hon. Gcorge Anderson Pelham, seCond son of Lord Yarborough,·.ad
brother of the member for Lincolnshire. (Arlington-~treet; Hroclt-
lesby, Lincolnshire.) IS
Norfolk. (12)
Thomas William Coke, esq. brother-in-law of lord Sherbome, and father-
in law of visct. Anson. (Park-place; Holkbam-hall, in thi. county.) 8
Sir Jacob Henry Astlcy, hart. (lJerner's-street; l\Ielton-Conatable, in
- 'thi<! COlUlty.) II
Northallerton, Yorkshire.
Henry Peirse, esq. (Harley.street; Bedale, Yorktikire.) SI
.1ohn Bacon Sawrey Morritt, esq. (Rokeby.park, Yorkshire.)
Northamptonshire. ('1.)
William RllIph Cartwright, esq. brother-in-law o-C viscount Chetwynd.
(King's-mews ;. Aynho, in this county.) -. .
Right hon. John Charles (Spencer,) viscount Althorp, son of earl Spen-
cer. (St. James's-place; Wyoton, Nott,o.)
lVilliam Hanbury, esq. (Ke1marsh, Nortllamptonshire, and Shobden-
court, Herefordshire.) 1
Rigllt hon. Spencer Joshua Alwyn (Compton), earl Compton, son of the
marquis of Northampton. (CllStIe Ashby, in this county.) 1
Northumberland. (B.)
Thomas Richard Beaumont, esq. (Portman.square--Hexham Abbey, in
tbis county, and Bretton-park, Yorkshire.) , 5
Sir Charles Miles Lambert Monck. hart, (MancbeSter-squarc---lIelsay
castle. Northumberland.) 1
Norwicb. Norfolk.
WiUiam Smith, esq. F. R. S. a banker in London. (Park-street, West-
minster-Parndon-boll&e, near Harlow,) 5
Charles Han'ey, esq. a barrister at law•. (Surry-street.)
. '. Nottinghamshire. (B.)
Right hon. Charles Herbert (Pierrepont,) viscount Newark, a son of earl
Manvers, a captain in the royal navy. (Portm~square; Holme-
PielTcpoint, N Olts.) , 4
}'rank Frank, esq. a rear admiral of the red. (Burlington-street; Kir-
lington, N o t t & . ) . . .
John Smith, esq. treasurer of the hoard of agriculture, a banker in Lon.'
don, brother of Lord Carrington and of the member for Leicester.
(New·street, Spring Garden; Blendenhall, near Bexley, Kent. ..
Right hon. George Augustus Henry Anne (Parkyns,) lord RanclifFe in
Ireland, a captain in the army. son-in-law of. the earl of Granard.
Upper Brook-st;reet; Bunny-park, Nottinghamshire.)
. Oakhampton. lJ".onsllln.
Albany Savil .....sq. I. L. ».r.. cord .... ofOakhampton. (Park-street.
W.·.tminster-Sw.· .. tlaml&. nrar OOll-hampton, J)cvon.) . 1
Rij(ht hon. Thorna. North (Gravf.,l krd <irav~s in Ireland. alord
of the Kinj('s be(\,«:hambt'... alll! comptrolle .. oflhe houNehoW to the
Duke of Sussex. hrolher·in-llIw to the Earl of U~hridg('. (Old
BnrliugtoD-llrcet-Bishgp'l (;curt, lH~ar Ellt:ter, and Thaiiks, Corn-
Orforll, Snjfelk. .
"llight hml. Charl~s Arbnthnot, K. C. joint·.cer~lary or the lrt'a.
~nry. (Downing. !tre~t.) 1
Edmnnd Alexander Macnaghten,t'lq. a lord of the Tre88llryin Ire-
land. (BllrY·Atreel-Btanl,.iIIt', near ColeraiDe.)
Oxfordobire. {9.]
Lord Franci. Almarie Spencer, Brcond 60n of the Duke of Marlbo·
rOllgh, aud brother· ofthe Dllke of Gnafton, ranger of Which.
wood ForE'sl. (l\larlborough-houst', Pall·Mal1-BI~nheim, Dear
Woodstock.) •
John Fane, esq. D. C. L brotber·in·law of tbe Earl of Macclfllfield,
and cousin of tbe Earl of Welworlaad. (Great George's-street-
Wormalcy, in tbis county.) 4
Oxford UDinnily.
,RigbthoD. Sir William !leott;tr.nt. D.C.L. ok F.R.S. jlldge of the
higb court of admiralty, 811ft of tbe eonailtory court, vicar-general
to tbe arcbbi~bop of Caut~rbBry, mastu of the faculties, cbancel-
lor of London, and nfficial commil5ary of the city and diof"e5~
of Canterbllry and London; a trustee of tbe British !\IudeulD;
elder brother of Lord Eldnn, and father-in·law to tbe Marquis of
Sligo. (Cleveland-row-Early-collrt, Berks.)
fRight hon. Charle~ Abbot, D.C.L. F.R. &. A.S. Sveaker of this
hou.~, a lord of trade and vlantation~, all official trnstee of the
British and Hunterian Museums; keeper of the privy s"al, aed •
privy cuunsellor aloo in Ireland. (Palace-yard, Weslmiaster-
Kidbrook. Sussex.) .,
Oxford .City.
Jobn Atkyns Wrigbt, eSIJ. (D!!8n'.-)'ard-Compton-honse, Berb.)
John Ingram Lockhart, e&q. a barrister at law. (St. James'd-street-
'l'ub~y.lodgl'. Bub.)
Pembrokkhirr. [s.]
Sir Jobn Owen, bart. (Heretord.street-Orielton, aDd !.anstinan,
Pcmbrok~sbire.) •
Sir "boma. Picten, K.B. and K.T_S. a lieutenant-getCeral, and colonel
of tbe 77th regiment. (B.runswick-square.)
Pf'DryA, Cornwall.
HellTY Swann, nq. a barrister at law. (Charlel-street, St. James'.
sqllare-Esher, SlIrry.) . 2
PlliJip Gell.eaq. (Berkeley.slJuare-Hopton-baH, Derbyshire.) 1
Peterbor... gII, Northamptonshire. -
, Right bono William EJliot, D. C. L. a privy cOUDSellor, also, iD Ire·
JIUHI. (Old Blolrllngtou·street-Wells, Dear Jedburgll.) ...
f Rigbt bono George PODsonby, UBcle of Lord Ponsonby, of tbe
Earl of SlIannun. BIId of Viscount Li.amor~, aad uncle·in-law ~f
Earl Grey,anli tbe Earl of Lasesborollgb, a privy counsellor. also,
in Ireland, a beDcheroftbe hononrable society of KiA,'s Inns, and
a tmstee of the linen·manufacture. (CurzoD.treet-NewlancJs,
Kildare.) ~
Petermeld, Bantl.
Bylton JoDift'e, Clq. (Jermyn-8treet~Mentbam, Surry.)
• Geerge Canning. esq.lon-ia-Iaw ef the EarlofLoroonderry. (Bol.
ton.atreet-Garvagha LoiidoDderry.)
HOUIe' Dt Cemmona~ 67
Plymoutll, Dt'volllilir,..
Sir Charles }Iorice Polt', bart. an admiral of thE- whit., and Voom
of the bed-chamber to lbe Dllk.. of Clame., YOllnrt·, broth.. r of
Mr. Care\\", membrr Hr LrtItwilbirl. (Chantioa-Ilrt'ft- Wolvertou·
park, Hants.) ~
Benjal"in Bloomfil'liI, ('sq. a major·aneral, and Iil'ntl'nanl·colonrlof
the royal p.·jr~lIlt'Ilt ofartillery, chief equerry and clerk·lllartia. to the
King. (Cal"ltoll·lwn8t'.) 1
Plyn'pton, Devontbi",.
llonaKl George Macdonald, Hq. SOD·in·law of the E ...I ot l\Iollnt
. };dgcumbe. (Bruton-Itreet.) 1
William Douglas, e~q. (Albany -AlmanJlW, Kirckudbrlgbt.)
Ponlefract, Yorl.shirr.
Rob .... t Pemberton Millll'll, eaq. brotht' ef VillCeaut Galway.
(Solton·strt'et-lo'riston-halJ, Yorksbir('.) a
R(gllt hOD. John (Savillt',) ViM!oont Pollington, son Gf tM Earl ot
MexborlJllj!h, an.1 son·m-Iaw of tbe Earl of Hanlwiek •• (Dover.
street-Mt'lhiey.ball, Yorkbbir•• ) 1
Poole, DOTSl'tAilire.
Miehael Angelo Taylor, t'sq. one of the Prine.e of Wal"" council for
~'du('hy of Cornwall, aod recorder of that town aad county.
(Wbite.hall.) _ Z
Benjamin Lester Lester, ('sq. (Bory.street.) 1
Poru,atoulh, Rants.
John Markbam, esq. a vice·admiral of tile red. (Sutl'olk-atreet-WaJa.
ton, SII,... X.) 4
Sir Tbowas MlUer, bart. (itrattolJostreet-Froyft'-place, Hamp.
shire.) ,
Preston, Lancasbire.
Samuel Horrocks, esq. (Ureau-street-PeDworll!am·lod«e,_'
Preston, Lallc3hhire.) ,
EdnUlud Horllby, nepbew to the Earl of Derby.
. 9ueenbo .... l\gh, Kt·nt.
Robert, esq. a vice admiral of tile blae, sorveyor.«-ra1 of
the ordnance. (Cadogan·rlace.) . '1
John Os horn, e8q. a lord 0 tbe admiralty, eldelt SOD of Sir George
),. 08born, bart. (Admiralty.)
.... Railnor, COlmty of [2. ]
Waiter Wilk ios, esq. (Mascall'.... hotel, AdelpIJi-l\I;aeaIoucb, in tbi.
coouty, and Wallsworth·hall, Glollct·stenhire.)
Radoor, New.
Richard Price, csq. (piccadilly-Knighton, Radallnlilift.) 4
Reading, Berkshire.
Cbarler Shaw Lefevre, esq. F.R. & A.S. reCDrder of Basingstoke, •
din'ct. of tllC SIIn Fire-ofiice. (New-street, S:r.ring.Gardea-
JIedie1d-p\ace, and Bllrlei/lh.park, near Ringwoo ,Hants.) 4
lohn Simeon, ('sq. a ma.,ter in chanrery, one of tile commi~sioncra for
the protection oftl,e KiD«', prGtJer~. (Queen Anne-street, west-
lVabcote·bouN!, Oxfordahi£e.) ,
Re tford, Nottil.
Oeorge Osbaldeston, esq. (Wimpole.»treet-Bftrtoll/ LAlconmire.)
Charles MIUlIfl, eaq. late .king'. ad¥OCMe, iD die adBlfl'atty co1l11 at
Madra•• (Cecil'»·11I1tei.)
68 HOIlle or Commons.
Ricbmond, Yorkshirl'.
Robl'rt Chalon!'r, Psq.lon-in-Iaw of Lord Dnndu.. (Hailo\'er-~qnare-
(ii,borou~b, ill tillS connty.) J
Dlldley North, ('~q ••oa-m-Iaw of Lord Yarboroogb. (HiIl-alreel-
Gleruham-ball, near Woodbritil(f', )illff'olk.) 7
Ripon, Y orJuobirr.
George Gipps, e~q_ (Sackville-.,,,·et--lIeden, nt'ar Canterbnry.) 1
, Right Hoo. Fred('rick J"hn Robin,on, brother of Lord Gnntbam,
and .on-in-Iaw of the Rarl of 8nckinlt1llunshire, joint pay·master
of the forres, aDd vice-president of tbe board of trade aod l'lu.
tatiooa. (8urlington-str~et.) ..
f(ochf'~t('r, Kl'nt.
Sir Thomas 80nllleo Thomp500. hart. a vi(,e-admiral of the blne al!d
COIT-plfolier of the navy. (Sorucrset-place-Hartsbourne, Manor-
Vlacl', Herta.) I
,John Cakraft, ('"q. (Cliff'ord-street-Rell1pstone-balJ, J),
and Leed., Kent.) I
Romney, Kf'nt.
Sir Jobn Thomas Dllckworth, ht. K. 8. an admiral of the wbite.
(EKbn.y, in Ibe New Fore.t, Hants.) Z
W.lIianl Mitford, esq:ddcr brotber of Lord Rcueadalr. tClargea-
Rlllland. r!.]
Sir Gilbrrt H('atbcote, bart. i. Gro,wellor-sqnare-Normanton-park,
Sir Gerard Noel Noel, bart. husband of baronelll Barham_ (Ht're-
. ford-street-Exeter-park, and Catmore-Iodge, ill this couoly.) J
It ye, Sussex.
Thomas Philip~ Lamb; esq. (Half-moon-Ktreet-Rye_)
Ri~hard Arkwri/!ht, jun.l'sq. (Jordan's-hotel, lit. James's-strcp-t-
Asbborne-plal'l', Derby _) .
Uyrgate, Surry.
Hon. Jobn Somrrs Cock_, el<l(·.t sou of Lonl Somers. (Dover-stll'd
-Nevers, nt"llr Worcestl'r.)
James Cocks, ('sq. a ballker in London, and cousin to tbe olbume..-
ber. (Cbeste.·fll,ld-atret"t, Mayfair.) 1
_Salop,' or Shropshirf'.
John Kyna.ton- POWI'll, esq. high steward of the srij1;Diory and town
of Oswcllry. (Warren's.botel, Cbarlr5-street-Haruwic, iD thia
conoty.) . . . ,
Jobn Cotes, esq; son-in-law or Ibe ('a"1 ofSlllmforu and WarrillKtoo.
(Lower BroOk-street-Woodcote, in tbis county.) 6
, SaltWlh, Cornwall.
Matthew RIIS!I'II, esq. (Loug's-hotel, 80nd-street- Hardwick.holUt',
Dnrilam.) 1
Michael George Prenderg~t, esq. (Conduit-strpet.) 1
Sandwich, Keut.
Sir Josepb Sydney Yorke. knt. a vice. admiral of the blue, and a Lord
oftbeadmiralty, half brotber of the Earl of Ha,dwiclle. (Adm:-
ralty-l:Iydney-farm, Hants.) •
Joseph Marryatt, ('sq. a werchant in London. and ageDt for Trinidad.
(Great Georle'''ltred-'-Sydenbam, Kent.) I
lIouse of Commons.
Sarum, New, Wilts.
Right bono William Pleydell (Bouve'rie,) Viscollnt Folkestone, 1011
of tbe Earl of RadD.or. (Craven-atreet-Lougford.cllIitle, WillI.).
George Purefoy Jervoi8", e.q. \ (The lIioat, near 8ritford, Wilts, and
Henilud-housc, Hant&.)
Serum, Old, Wills.
.I osias Dnpr~ Port'ht'r, elq. cousin to the Earl of Caledon. (Devon'
ahirf'.place-Hillingdon-houst'; Middlesex.) ,
J. Alexander, t'sq.l·ousin oftbc Earl of Caled on. (Upper Brook·at.) 1
ScarboroujCb, Yorkshire.
Hon. tdmund Pbipps, brother of the Earl of Mulcravr, alit'ut.-gene.
ral paymaster of marinel, I(,C. to the malt.-general of the ord-
nance, and a colonel commandant oftbe /lOth regt. (Moant.ltreet.)5
• RijEht hOll. Charles )laonl'I'I"Slltton,, jodge.martial
and advocale.~neral, IOn of lbe arehbiehop of C-..erbary, and
nephew of Lord Manners. (Downing.strect.) S
Seaford, Snsscx.
John Leach,esq. a Kiug's counsel. (Lincolo'8-Inn, New-sqnare-Sea.
ford, SllfilIex.) ,
Cbarlf'b RO!le Ellis, esq. falher of Lord Howard de Wald~n. (Strat-
ford-place-Clart'mont·park. Surry. • •
Shafle8bnry, Dorset81l1re.
(~barle& Welbert'lI, esq. a barrister at law.
Edward Kerrisou, t'lq. a colouel in the army, and lieutenant·colonel
of tbe 71h light dragoonR. (Ht'reford-strcet.)
Shoreham, Sussex.
Sir Charles Merric Burrell, bart. (Gronenor.plaee-Knep·cutle,
Sussex.) . S
Timothy 8hell"y, esq. eldest son of Sir BYlbe Shell"y, bt. (New-Ian,
Bridge.. treet-Field.plac", Wambam,8u88ex.) S.
Hon. Henry Grey Beonet, seeood 100 of the Earl of Tankerville.
Richard Lyster, elq. (Rowton, near thii borough.)
. - Som~rsd.hire. [18.]
WllliamDicklOn, esq. (Upper Harley.street-King·s Wt'8ton,lIeaf
Somerton, in this county.) 5
William Gore Langton, e.q. (GrOlveuor.square-Newton.park, So-
mersetshire.) , 1
8ontbamlflon, Hant..
Oeorge Henry ROSE", esq. 80n oLthe mt'1llber for Chriat.cbnreb, enlOoy
extraordinary to the court of Munich. (Old Palace.yard-Mud.
diford, Cbrist-ehurcb, in thil connty.) •
Arthnr Atherl"y,jnn. elq. IOn-kJ-law to tbe Marqui. of Lothiao.-
(Welbeck-Itreet.)· . 1
Southwark, Surry.
Henry Tbomton, "sq. brother of tb .. members for Surry and Col.
cbesler, and of the Ellrl of Leven and Melvi11e, a
banker in London, arid chairman of the Sierra Leone company.
[Old Palace-yard -Battt'nea-rise, Surry.] •
Charlel Calvert, esq. brother to tbe member of Hereford. [St.
Jamel'•• paftlce.] .
. Staffordshire. [l0.]
, Lord Graoville Levelon Gower, laalf·brotber of the'Muqnil 0'
HlMle of Commons.
StafFord, .nd brother·jn-law of the Duke of Dnoll5hire. [Great
Htanhope-str~l.l •
~dward Jbhn Littleton, esq. [Arlington-street-Teddnly, Dear
Peukridg.., aod lialherloll, in this COUDty.]
lblph Bt'D~OD, elq. (Clijford-&treel, LutW)'cbr, aear Wrrlock,
Shropshire.) .
Thomas Wilaon, eaq. (Nottingbam-place.)
St_ford, Lineol_ire.
EVUl Fou]kej, ftfJ. • IOlicitor ill London, (Southaft1l'top.strl'et,
Itt. hoo~ Jolt. (Henniker, abjor,) lorclQmniker in Irelaod. F, R.
ok A. 8. (Gro • .,eaor"'lInare-Worlingwortb-hall, Sufi"olk; Strat-
ford-bo... , Easel[; .ad Broad-Itrain, Isle ()f Thanet,) S
8tryninr, Suuex.
James Martin Lloyd, esq, (Sackvi\l('-street-~cing, Suue:.;.) S
Sir John Aubrey, bart. D. C. L. (Upper Brook.str~el-Lanlrithyd"
"ark, Glalllorpllihift', Dorton-house, ChiltOD, and Bor&tal, all
lit Bucks.) 10
Stockbridge, Hamp.laire.
Josepb Fostrr Barbam, esq. brotllt'f·in-law of the earl of ThaDt,t.
(Queen Anpe-atreet-Slockbriugt>, Halll•. ) t
deorge Porter, I.'~q;' a lieut~nanl·gl'pl'ral. and colonel of tbe 1O.'1d
regimrnt ; father-in-law of earl GrOl1\ enor. (Warren's botel,
C..,rles-street-Stockbridge, Hants.) •
. Sod bury , Suft'olk
Sir Jeha COlt Hippieley, bart. D. C. L· F. ~ •• A. S. rs:order of
this borough, a bc!ocber and Ireasurl'T of the Ip.l'r-T~mp"" .wd a
manager of the Royal Inatitutioll. (Lower O"roevenor-streel-
1IIooe-Eaatoll-houle, 'o.aerJftsbire.) -' 11
.-cbarles Wyalt, I.'sq.
, SnWolk. [HI.]
Thomas Sherlock Gooch, esq. !.'Idest 10ft of Sir Tbomas Gooch, b:ut. of Lor. !tous. (Hertford-etrtet, May.fair-
Bromfield-hall, Suffolk.) (,
lir William Bowley, bart. (Wimpole-st\'fft-Tendring-ball, Sttft'oIk.)
Surry. (14.J .
George Holme Sumner, esq. I'. It. S. ok F. S. A. (Great George·..
smet-Ha.dlland!!, Burry.) t
~"lIIael Thora'"D, csq' a bank dir,. .. ,or, ~ovel'llOr of the Rhaia, and
deputy govt'rnor of the Etl511 .. nd comp~ny; .. Ider brother of the
IlU!mbu~ far ODIeheeter and Soutbwark, and brolhft'·in·law of the
ead of L~en. (St. Jam"s's-square-Clapham.)
SmsI'x (\!O.J
.$1' Gad&ey Webster, bar •• IOU of lady Holland. (DoveNltreet.....
,satUe-ebbey, in thili coapt,.)
¥alter BlU'rell, etIIJ. yonngt'r brill.r of Sir CIuu. BuneN, bl.
(Dover-street-West Grinlfead'park, So_x.)
- Tamwortll, Stafl'orclshWl'•
.~ir Robert Peel, but. (Upper GrosVC'nor-street-Dnyten.park
Rtaft'ordsbire, and Bury, Lao('umrr.) 5
~ CAarIa v.C#'e· Fernn TowJllil.ead, 8111, bmtller of Marllllu
~owmheDd. (Lower Wimpole.atreet-:-Rainham-hall, ~ III folk.)
House of Commons. 61
Tavietock, DeVOD8bil't'.
Lord William RnsseH, only brother of the Duke of Bedford, .,
Lord Jebn RltSsell, third son of the I>nke of Bedford.
'faun ton, SODK'rseuhirt>. .
Alexander Baringj nq. Dut brother of Sir Thomas BarlDI, bart.
(Portman.square-Wt>lt WyC'ome Park, Kent.) It
Henry Powell Coilins, Hq. (Halch.eonrt, Somerset.) 1
Tewke.bllry, Olollft.lersllire.
~obn Edmund Dowdl.'ltwell, nq. aeolBlIlwioneror baDkrwpta. (St.
Jam('s's.plaee-Pool·courl, oar thia boroll=h.)
.lames lIarlill, uq. a banker iD London- <.Lombard-atreel-OnJ'.
bury.bouse, W orccstersbire.)
Tbelford, Norfolk.
Lord John Fitzroy, youngest brother of tile Dnke of GraRoat.
(Chal"'l.strect, Alldley.square.)
Thomas Cr('evey, ('sq. fatlll~r·in·la1ll' of Hr. Ord, member fIWltlorpetll.
Thirsk, Yorkllhire.
WilIiani, e&q. llrother of Sir Thomu FraD.JtIaod~ bart.
(AlbaRy, Picradill1-Muntham, Snssu.) .5
Robert Gre..hill, esq. a barristtcr·at·law. (Old BDildings, :Linc:ola'••
inn-ChecqueN, Bucks.) •
'fivt"rtoD, Dc,·onshir('.
William Fitzbngh, ('sq. a barri~ter-at·law. (Orchard-atreet-Millbrook,
cOllnty of Southampton.) 3
,. Rigkl HOD. Ricba,,} R)'der, brothor of die of Harrowby,
joint registf"r of the consistol·y·cotlrt. (Lower Gronea"'ltftet-
.Milton·'fetlwordt, O"f.rdahir•• ) •
Totness, Dnonsilire.
Thomas P .. regrille Courtcnay,e8q. brotber le tbe member forExp.ter,
Ilt'cretary to thc cOIDmissioncn; for tbe affain of India, and princi.
pal regist('r ef the land tox. (New Norfolk-atreet.)
.Ayshford Wise, eaC). (Duke-street. Grolvrnor.6quare,-Wonweu,
near Modlrnry, Devon.)
Tn'gony, Cornwall.
William Holmes, esC). (Oraflon.street, PiceadiJIy.) •
Alexander Cray Or-~nt, csq. son of Sir Alexauder Grut, bare.
(King-street, St. lames's.) _
Tl'Uro, Cornwall.
Sir Gcorge WalTender, bart. a lord of the ••Imirality, .rether.iJa.
law 01' Viscount FllhuOIItb. (AdmiFally-Locbead, East.Lotlriao.,
Gf:orge D ..bwood, ('sq, eldest IV. et lile member fet \foolbtock.
(ikirtliDgloR.p-.llk, 0 "foro.)
Wallingford, Berbbirt'.
Ebenezer FIIJlt>I' MaitlalHl, esq. a Alerckatlt iu Loudon. (GroIYCDOr.
squart',-Slainweid·park, Herk",,)
\l'mlam Lewis Hn,ltes, clkJ. {}
Ware'-. nersetsllire.
'l'heodore Hellry Broadhead. e~q. brotller-ia·Ja"" to Sir John
Dashwood King, member for W~·combe. (Lower Brvok-atreet.)
Robert Oordon, esq. a merchant in London. (Bruton·street.)
Warwit'kebire. [G.]
DJt«,I.1e Suatford DttPa1fJ' t'sq. Aoa-iv-Iaw at Visconnt Carson,
(LoWCIr Kro9k..elrtf't~Me"",aIe""all, ia thi. eonnty.) S
Sir Cbarlt:d MordllllPt, bar. [Wimpole·strcet-WaltoD-hou5t',
House of Commons.
Rhrht Hon. Ht-nry Ri('bard (Grevillp,) Lord Brookl', Ion of the
Eulof Waf\vic\- (Qlleen.street-Warwi"k-castle.) , :5
Charle6 :anll., esq. a di,'N'lor of the East-Iudi" company. (Man-
chestel'-Bardford, lI~ar Warwick.)l S
, Wells, Somefletsbire.
CIl'm!'nt Tudway,!t!sq_ rl'eordl'rof tliist:ity; and falher of tbl' Honse
of Commons, elected th .. firat I£sKion of parliament in tile reign of
his prest'nt Majt'lty. (Devon~hire-place.)
Cbarll's William Taylor, e.q. [Ibbetsou's Hotel, Verl'-street-Hol-
lyeombe, near Liphook, Hants.] 5-
'Wl'ndoVt'r, Bucks. .
Gt'orltl' S,uith, esq_ hrother of Lord Carringtnn, a banker in London,
an,l adirector of th .. East-India company.( Upper Harley,street.) ~
Abel Smith, esq. son .of the member tor Leicester, and nepbewof
Lord Carrington., (Berkeley-square- W oodball'pal'k, Herts.) 1
Wenlbck, Shropshire.
Cecil Weld Fort'ster, esq. bl'OtMr-in-law of the Duke of Rlltland.
(Saekville-street- Willey-palk, near Brosi!ley, and Rosa-ball, near
Sbrt'wsbnry.) fj
Hon. John Simpson, brolhl'rof Lord Bradford. (New Bllrlingtou.
Itred-Bauworth, ]S01l8.) . 5
Wrobley, Herefordshire.
Hon. WilIiam Lennox Balhurst, serond son ot Earl Bathllnt,
[Linl'olu,.-inn.] .
Jam ..! Ll!I1nox William Naper, esq. cousin to tbe Dnkr of Ricbmond,
. and to the other member. [Upper Gro8venor.atreel.]
Westbnry, Wiltshire.
Benjamin HaH, P~q. a barrister-at-Iaw; [Upper Brook-.trcet_
Abel'cll(nl', Monllloulh~hire.J. t
Benjamiu SlIaw, eaq. a merrhant in London. [llrl1ok-atreet.]
Weat Looe, Cornwall.
Cbarles Buller, elq. a barri6terat law. [SarLville'Rtrl'et.)
Antony Buller, esq. brother of tbe othl'r mt'mhn, late of the rne.
nue dellartmedt in India. [Charlotte-strcet, Bloomsbury.]
air Franci. Burdett, bart. (Piccadilly-Foremark, Derbylhire; Ram,-
burry, Wilts; aJ)d Wimbleton, Surry.) 4
Rt. Hon. Tholllas(Cochrane,l Lord Cochrane,fon of the earl or Dun-
clonald. s
, Wellmorland. [4.] .
Hon. Henry Cecil Lowther, fecond fon of the earl of Lon.dale, a major
of the 41 ft regimcmt of foot. (Charlell<-fireet, Berkeley-fquare.) 3
Ilt. Hon. William (Lowther) vict. Lowther, fOIl of the earloI Lon..
dale, a lord of the treafury. and a commissioner for the afi'air. of India.
Weymouth and Me1combe Re,i., Dorledbire.
lir John Murray, bart. a lieut gen, in the army, and colonel of the
3d Weft·lndia Regiment. (Twkkenham, MiddleJb. Wimpole.
street.). S
MaftcrtoD Ure, dii. (Lower
House o( COmmOD!. 63
Ilt. HOD. Jame. (CcciJ) vifcnuDt CraDborne,oDly fon of the MarCJwI of
Salitbury. (York-ftreet, St JaD1eB·I.-Hadi~ld houlo:, liICrtB.)
Chriftophcr Idle, eCq. (Adc1phi Terrace.)
Whitchurch, Hamplhire.
Hon. WiDiasn AUCUftUB Townlbend, next brother oC vifcount SJdney•
. (Chapel-ftrcet, GroCvenor-fquare.-Froguel, Kent.) 4
Hon. Wm. Brodrick, brother oC vifcount Middleton. (Saville-row.) ..
Wigan, Lancalhire.
R.obert Holt Lcigh, efq. eC this borough. (Duae.llreet.-Whitly, Lan-
calhirc.) . 4
John Hodfon, eCq. of this borough. (BedCord-row.-Ellerbcc,Lan.alh.)4
Wilton, Wiltlbire.
Hon. Charlcl Herbert, unde oC the earl DC Carnarvon, a groom oC the
king'. bed-chamber. (UpperBrook-ftrctt-Hampton-I.:ourt.) 3
R.alph Sheldon, efq. (Montaguc-place, Portman.fquare.-Wefton_houfe,
. Dear Ship-ftone.) J
,Wiltlhire. [34.)
RicllardGGdoJphin Long, efq. (Britilh Hotel, Jertnyn-ftrcet.l !I
Paul Cobb Mcthllen, jun. rfq. brother-ill-Iawof Sir Henry Mildoli.J.
bart. (Grofvenor-ftreet.-Corlham-houle, Wilu.) .
Winchcfter, Hamplhire.
Sir H,nry Carew Saint John Mildmay, bart. (Uppcr lSrnok-tlreet.
Dogmenfield.park, near Hartford-lIridge.)
Richard Meyler, eCq. (Upper Brook-ftr.-Crawley-houfe, Winchener.)
Winchdfea. Sull'eJ:.
CaJvcrly Bewicke, efq. (Harley-ftrcet.-Clofe-houfc, near Newcanle-
upon-Tyne. !I
Hon. William John Frederick Poulttt, fecond Con oC the earl oC Dar-
Iington. .
Windfor, Berldhire.
Edward Ditbrowe, eCq. vice chamberlain to the Q!!efll, (HertCord-Ar._
Walton, Derbylhire.) !I
John Ramtbottom, junior, eCq. a banker in London, (Hertford-ftrect.
-Clewer-Iodge, Berlu.) I
Woodftock, Ouordibire. -
Iir Henry Watkin Dalhwood. but. one oC the gentlemen oC the king'.
privy-dtamber, father-in-law of the Marqui. of Ely, (Gloucefter-
place-Kirtlington-parlt. Ouordlhire.) 1
W'dliam 'thnmto., efq. a lieutenant general in the army, (GroCvcnor-
gate-Brockball, near Daventrr, York.)
. Worce~lhire. [9.]
Hon. Wi11ialn Beauchamp Lygon, eldea Con oC lord Beauchamp,
i.. commiC.ioner for the iIl'ue oC exchequer billl in the city. (Pall'
. Mall-Macldremeld-court, near Worcefter.) ,3
Hon. William Henry Lyttleton, half brother of lord Lytdeton, and fon-
in-law oC Earl Spencer, (Daviea-ftreet.) 'i
Abraham Robarts, eCq. a banker in London, and a director oC the
Eatl: India Company. (Low·er GroCvcnor-ftreet.-North End, HaDlp_
ftead, Middlefe:i.) . ' 4
• William DIIff' Gordon, cCq. a tnf'rchant in London, (Stanhope-tlreet.
May llair-Worcefter.) 2.
64 House of Common&
Wootton-Baft"ct, Wiltfilirc.
llichard KniCOII,'eCq. (Berkeley-fquarc-Sudbrooke.Holme.) •
llobcrt Rkkardt, d'q.late of Bombay, (Stratford placc.)J •
Wyeombe, Buckingham1hire.
Sir John Dafhwood King, but. (Upper Harley·tlrecl-Weft W7eombe.
&Ickl.) , ..
SiI'Thomas Baring, Bart. brGther to) the member for Taunton, a mer-
chaDt in 1.ondun, (Devonlhire Place-Stratton-park, Hants.) a
Yarmouth, Great, Norfolk.
WiJIiml Loftua, efq. uncle in law of marquis Townfhc:nd, a general,
colono:l of the ~4th regiment of dragoons, and lieutcnant-goYcrllor of
the Tower, (Upper Wimpole-ftr.-:!tiJllccy, near Wells, Norfolk.) 4
JEdmuud Knowlea Laeon, efq. iOn of Sir Kdmond Lacon of tu b0-
rough, kt. (Bridge.llreet, Wdlminftcr.) ,
Yarmouth, Ule of Wight.
Sir Henry COIIyngham Montgomery, bart. (NortGn-itreet-Tlle Hall,
Doncgall.) , I
llichard Wellelley, eC'!. (Bury-flreet.)
Yorkfhire. (30.]
Ilt. hon. Charlel William (Wentworth Fitzwilliam),.fvi{count Milton,
fon of Earl Fitzw illiam. and fon-in-lawof Lord Dundaa, (Halkin-llr.
GroC"enor-:eJat"c-Milton-houCe. Nonhamptonlhire.). a
Hon. Henry (I.afedlcs), viCer. Lafcelles, eldell furviving Con of the cad
of Harewood, (Hanover-Cq.-Harewoocl-houCe. in tl!.j, county.) ..
, York.
dir Mark Mafterman Sykea, bart. F.S.A. brother oC Mr. Eg.ertOtI,mcm-
ber lor Chelhire, (St. Jamcs' Yotk!flite.) t
Hon. Laurenee DUDdas,D. C.L. eldcst rOA of lord D\Ul~ (Hc:nIord-
place) j

]a1nes Fergufon, Efq. an advocate at the Scotch bar, (St. Jam..'.·place,
-PitCour.) - ,
Aberdeen. , -
Jame. Farqullar, efq. a proaow in Doliors Commona, and jolnt depu-
lJ regillrar of the admiralty c9urt. (Duke-llrect. W c1huinllcr-
Johnfioo.kK!ge. KinQrdioeJhire.)
, Ayrlhirc.·
Sir HughDalrymple Hamilton, bart. brother·in-Iaw of vifcount DUJlcaJI,
(Great Stauhopc-!\reet-Bargenny, in this collDt)', aed Nonh Ber-
wick, Hadioitonlhirc.) • r
Annan, &cc. DumIrieslhire.
William Robert Keith DouglaS; eCq. brother to the marquH ot Qaeen...
berry. (Bury-fireet. St. laIllCs'•• )
Anftrutber, Bce. Fifelhire.
Bir John Allftrulher. bart. (Hanover-llreet-Anftruther.) I
Argylcr/hire, ,
J.ord John Douglas Edward Henrx CampbeJl, brotller ut tile duke f4
Robert Abcrcrombie. cCq. fon of Sir Gc(\rgc Abercrombie, (Little
ltyJcr-fireet-l3irkenbog and FarrIen;)
HOUie of Commons.
Gearge Baillie, of Jc"ifwoode, efq. cDUfin of the Earl oE Hadingtoa,
BoDd-areet, (Mellerfiane# iD thi. co.) 4
Bute, and Caithne.fhin.
John I\fajoribanb.jt\n. efq. lord provoil of Edinburgh. J
Clacmannon and Kiurofs-fhire..
Hon. Grorge Abcrcromby, eldc:il fon of the Baronef. AMreromby, ani
brother-ID law of Vifcount Melville. (MilIer's-hotel-Tulibod),.)
Callen, /kc. Bamfmire.
Patrick MilDe, efq. (Fludyer-fireet-Crimmon MoUat.)
Domoch, Sutherlandfuire.
Hugh Inna, Efq •. (Ceckfpur-dreet-Lincolnlll.)
night hOD. Archibald Colquhoun, lord advocateo! Scotlana-(Down-
i"g-fireet.) J
DumfennJiQe, Fifefhire.
Alexander Campbell, Efq. a gcueral in the army, and colonel of the
3zd regimeDt. (Sulfolk-ftreet, Charin,..crofa-Menzie., Perth-
~) J
Wm. Johnftone Hope, Efq fOll-in-lawof the earloE Hopetoun, a rellr
admiral of tbe red, K. M. '" F. R. S. (Admiralty.) _
Sir George Clerk, bart. (St. James',-1t.reet-..Pcullycuic.) J
, Right hon: WiJliam Dundas, col\fin of vifcoDnt Mclville, and nephew
in-law of the Mar'l.' of Bute, keeper oC the: Signet ill Saotlau4l.
:Frauds WilIiam Grant, Efq. brother to the earl ol Seafteld, a. coloneliu
. the a.mly, and lurd lieutcna.Dt of InverDefsfhire. (Batea'•• l!otel. Jer.
mYD-flreet-C;IIHeA Grant, Invernefafhq-e.) $

WiJliam Wernyfs, Efq. a general and colonel oE the 93d regimtllt,
(Britifu-hotel, ]crmyn-O:rcet_Well!yfs-calUe, nO!ilr Dyfart.) J
Hon. Wm. RamCay Maule, brother uf the earl of Dalho\lie. (New-
ilreet, Spring-garden~Panmure-calUe and Brechin.)
Fortrofe, /kc. RQfs-fhire.
" Chatle. Grant, JUII. efq. a Lord of the Treafury. (Rua"ell-f'lllar&~
Batterfea-rife, Surry.)
. Glafgow, /kc. .
~irkman Finlay, efq. lord proveO: ef Glafgow. (St. AIban' ..4rect.
Battersea-rife, 8urrr.)
[_IH".] • E
House of Commons.
Hon. ChOltl<!t1 HQpt:, "Iitutenant-gen"ral, and a ~olonel <ontmandant
.;t the 60th regt. half brother of the earl of Hopetoun, and brother
01 Lord Niddry. (St. James's Hotel, Jerllljn-ftieet-Waughton.)
Hadington, &c. Hadingtonfhire.
Hon. Anthony Maitland, jecond fon of the earl 0,£ Lauderdale, a cap-
tain in the royal navy. '
Charles Grant, efq. a dir~ctor of the Eaft India and Sierra Leone ("om_'
pany, and deputy chairman of the commilIioners for the iifue of
c:xch<'lueJ' bills in London. (RulTdl-fquare.) 4
Gcorge Harlcy Drummond, rfq. a banker in London. (G~ofvenor-
Flace-Drumtochy-caflle, &c.) J:
Kirkaldy, &c. Fife-Ihire.
Ron.ld Crawfurd Fergufon, cfq. a lieutenant,general and c%nel of
the Sicilian regiment .r foot. ("·n.) 3-
Kirkclldbright, St,ewartry.
Ja:mes Dunk)", tfq. a lieut,:nant-~eneraJ, and a lieutenant-colonel at
the 59th r"giroe"t. (Fludyer-ftrcet.)
1.ord Archibald Hnntiltoll, fec('nd fonof the duke of HamiltclD. (Cha-
'I'cl-Hrtet, May-lair.) , '2
, ' Linlithgow-ihire.
{Ion. Sir Alexander Hope, K. B. a lieutenant-:rcrJeral, and colnnel ~f
the 74th regiment, governor of the rord military college, brother
of the ~arl of ::inpetoun, and brother of Lord Niddry, and of the
member for Hadingtoltlbire. (Mill<r'~ HOld, JermYII-/lrcl/Ot-
Farnham, Surry.) 4
, .•loiairn and Cromarty-Ihire••
Sir James z...lackintolh,bart. late recorder of Bombay. (Gre:!t Ccorge. ,
fuc<et. )
Orkney-Ihire and Shetland-Ihire •. Bemrde J?hnllonc HOl'yman, efq. youRgcr fon of Sir 'Wm.
Hooyma'J, bart. lDu'ke-Ihcet, tit. James·.;-Armadalc.) "
Sir James Montgomrry, bart. advllc ...te, pre{l>nter of fignature~ in the!!
nchequer-c()urt of Scotland, and keeper of the gre.t feal to the
Prince of·Wales. (Upper Grofvenot.frrcct-Stanhope and Whim.) 4
Perth-Ihire. •
Jame. Drummond, ~rq. fon-in-Iaw of the duile sf Athu1. ' (Strathal-
lane.)' I'
Archibald Sptirs, efq. (Elderllie, in this county.)
, Rofs-Ihire.
Ch.rlesFra{cr, ~efq. (Braha,,-C~1l le.)
Rothfay, &c. ~ute-Ihire.
nunean CamJ'hdl, tfq. a lieutenant gtu<ral, and colonel of the 9 III
ugiment. (l.ochnell, 'Argy Il-fl,ire.) J
. Roxburgh-Ihire.
, .A.ltJ:. Don Jun Efq. <NcwtowD Don, in"this co.)
Houae of 'Commons.' 07
St. Andpcw'" &1:.
Sir f)avid Weddcrbunl, ban. (Haoover-Cqun: BalInw-ltoute,.
Penh.lh.ire.) 3 '
William Elliot Lockhart, erq. advo,ate. (St. Jamc:a' ...irect-BalliD- ,
dean-houCe, Penh·lhirc.) ~
Sc:lkirk, lice.
Sir Jolln Buchanan Riddell, bart. brother-in-law of the cvl of Rom- :
ncy. (Charlel-ilr~et, Berkelcy-rquare-Ridddl, Roxburgh-Ih.irl:.)
. 8tirlin,-fhire.
$ir Charlel Edmondt1:one, ban. Con iD-law of LOI'd Hotham. (Harlty-
ftrcet, Duntrcath, iD this co.)
Stranracr, lice. Wigtowl-lhire.
HOD. Jame. Hmry Keith Stuarr, hrother of the: earl of Galloway, a
lieutenant-coloJICl ill the army, aDd a captaiD ill the 3d rez!. of fOOl
- 8uth«land-.lhire.
James MacdoDald, eCq. onc .f the; clerks of the privy real, ron of Sir·
Arch. Macdonald, ban. late Lord Chief Ba,on, and nephew of the
¥u'llli80f Stafford. (New-Ilreet, SpriAg-glt'dCDI.)
HoD.SirWilliam Stcwart, K. D.and K. T.S. next brotb~r of thecarl
of Galloway, a lieutenaDt-genual, and a coloDel commandant 'of tbe
95th regt. (Berkeley.C'luuc.) . .

Antrim Co.
HOD. John Richard Bruce O'Neil, only flrother oC EarlO'NeiI,lieut.-
colonel of the 19th regt. of dragoons, aDdc:onftableof DubliD call le. '.
(SlepheD's Hotel, Bond-ftreet, and Tullymore lodge, Ballyiaena.) 3'
, Right.Hol". FrancillSeymour,) Earl of Yarmouth, fOD of 'tile mar·
quis of Hertford, Lord WardeD DC the Stanoaries, and .. frivy COUD~
Cellor in. Englan~. (Sc1mour-placc-Ragley-parlt, Warwlc..fhire.) 4 .
, .Armagh C o . ' ,
William Brownlow, eCq. brother-in-law of the eatl of Darnley and oE
vifcoullt pe Tefd, a Banker, ill Lurgan. '(Hidilen" Hotel, ~r!,rcl..,
ftreet-Lurgan.) I
William Richardfon, erq. a truftce oC the li.nen maliufacture, (SI. JamCl'1
CvfJ'ee.hou(e-Rich-hiIJ, Armagh.) , .
Armagh Borough.
Rt. hon. Patrick Duij!'enan, D. C.L. vicar-gen. of t-he metrop. court· oE
Armagh, and of the cl)Dlift. coun of Dublin, judge oC the rrcroga-
tive court, King's adv. gen .•f the hi&h court of. admitalty, vicar.
gen. of the diocefcl of Meath and Elphin, King's prof. oC c:qmmoo
Jaw in Dublin, a privy counfellor ill Ireland, a benche., oC the hOD.,
rudely of King's Jnns, and a truft~e of the lillell maDura.lure.,
tOowning-ilrcet:-SaodymoUDt, Dublin.) ..
E :r.
68 Hoose of Commons.
Athlone, Weftmeath.
JoIIII Wilfon Croker. efq. feeretary to the admiralty. and to the widow', .
charity. (Admiralty.) 1
lIandon-bridge, Cqrk. .
HOII. Richard Boyle Bemard, fecQlld fan of the earl of BallOOJl. (Do-
Be){aJ}, Antrim.
Stepheu May, eeq.
DaYid La Touche, eeq. eldeft fon of the Rt. HOD. David La Touche, a
governor ef the couDt}' of Carlow, and ,.lunel of che Carl.,.. regt.
of militia. (UptOD, Leighlinbridge.) I
C:u-Iow Borough.
Sir Frederick John Falkiner, br.rt. colouel of the looth rrgiment, and
fecretary of the i1Iuftriolls order of St. Patrick, a comm. of wide
fireetl in Dublin, and coulin to the Duke of Leinfter. (.Clanndoa
Hotel, BuDd-llrect-Abbotllown, Dublin.)
Carrickf~rgu., Co. and Town.
Arthar Chichefter, erq. (Calll.c.Carey, Moville.)
Calhel, Tipperary.
Sir Charle. Sa&ton, bart. (.Aibany-Circourts, near AbiDgdoll, BerJu.)
Cavan Co.
Nathaaiel SDeyd, ("Uft. rot..f the. County of Cavan, a director of the
Bank of Ireland, a COIllJlL; of wide ftreeu, aDd ORe of the corpora-
tion for improwng the port of Dublia. (Lon,', Hotel, Bond-fueet
-Sacltville-ftreet, Dublin.)
Ilt. HIHI. John Mallwell Barry, COnoiD-law of the rarl of Moantnorri..
a lord of the treafury in Ireland, a governor of the county of,
a truftee of the linen manufacture, aDd a privy coun{dlor in Ireland.
(Hynde-fircet, Woodfield-NewtQD..},atry.) 1
Sir Edward 0' Brieu, bart. (Dromoland, NeWDlark~t on Fergu •. ) 1
Augalline Fitzgerald, cfq. (St. JaDle.', Newnlar~
kct-on-Fcrgu •.) ' I
Clorune1ll~rough, Tipperary.
lliglat hon. William BagweJl, joint I\lUller-maftcr-gcncral for Ireland.
a gov. of the co. eI Tipperary, and a col. of the 'l"ipfe~ militia.
(MarlfieJd, ClonmeL) . . .1
• Coleraine Borough, Londonderry.
Sir JohD Poer Berellfgrd, bart.. a of the Blue. (Wigmorc.
ftrret, LondQD.) . '
Cork Co.
Ilt. HOII. James (Bcmard,) vifcoUDt Beruard. Con of the earl oC Ban-
don. ( Bernarcl, Bandon.) ,
Hon. Richard Hare, eldcft rOD of Lord Ennifmore, and brother-in-law
of Lord CloDbrock. (Palace-yard, Wc:Jlmin4q.)
. Cork City.
Mounttfort Longfldd, elq. colonel of the Cnrk city regiment of militia•.
. (B~'1'-nreet, St. James's-CaAle-mary, Middleton.) . 4
S,r Nlcholas Convray Colthurft, bart. grandfnn to the Rt. hOD. Da"'f'i<$,
La Touthc. (Recldi,ih'. Hotel, J.crJllYD-ft.-ArdrIlDl, Ballincullig.)
House of CommoD••
. . DonegaU Co.
Sir JameA Stew.rt, bart. a benchrrof the: Hon. Society of King'.lnlll.
(Fort-ftewart, Rathmclton.) .
George Vaughall Hart, efq. a lieutenant-gencral, alld. Iieutenant-col. of
thc 75th rogimcDt. (Blake's Hotel, ]ermyn-fr.-Kilderrr, Derry.)
Down Co.
Hon. John Mnde, uncle of the earlof Clanwilliam, a colonel in the
Army, and lieut.-col"nelof lhe 45th regiment. (St. Jame." Hotel.
lermyn-Ilreet.) •
"I Right Ht)D. Robert (Stewart,) Vifcount Caftlerea,h, fOD of· the earl
of LODdQll.:lerry, nephew of the marquis of Hertford, and mar"fui.
oC Camden, feererary of Ilate for the foreign depllrtmcnt, a lord flf
trade and plantatioDs, an official trullee of the ¥ritilh Mufeum, a
commillion<r fur the affairs of India, a privy counfellor, alfo, in Ire-
land, and a guvernor of the county of Londonderry, and colonel ui
the Londonderry militia, K. G. F. R; S. and M. R. 1. A. (St, lamei'.
hluare-Mount Stewart, Newtownards.) ..
Downpatrick, Down.
Charles Stewart H;lwthom,efq. (Ringhaddy, Killinchy.)
, Droghc:da, Louth.
Henry Mead. Ogle, efq. (Conduit-ftrcet, ParJiamcnt-ftrcet-8tanloD.
• Dublin Co.
Han. Hamilton, efq. a go,",crnor of tbe coun~y of Dublin. (Union
Hotel, St. James's-fquare-Holm-park an4 Sheep-hill, Balbri,gen.
DubIiD.) 4
Ilich. Wo,aD Talbot, efq. (Clargts-ftreet-Malabide.caftle, Sworda.) 1:
Dublin City.
Rigbi hon. Henry Grattan, a privy cOllnfellor in Ireland, (Upper
Brook-llreet-TiDRchinch, Bray.) . 3
Robert Shaw, efq. a banker "nd alderman iD DullliD. (PaIl-mall-
llulhy-park, DulJIin.)
Dubli.- UDiverfity.
Rt. hon. William CODyngham Plunkett, D. C. L. barrillcr at law, a
privy eounfellor in Ireland, a beDcher of the hon. liociClty of King'.
Inlls, and a King', counrcl.
Dundalk Borough, Louth.
Lylidon Evclyn, efq. (York-place.)
.Dungannon Borough, TyroDr.
George Peter Holford, "['1' (Bolton-fireet.)
Dur'garvaD Borough, Waterford.
Hon. Gearge Wal'pote, brother of the earl of Orfol'd •• ude nf the
. member ror King's Lyun, a major-general in the ""11Iy. l ~eCII~
fireec, May-fair.) _ I
Ennis, Clare.
, Right hOIl. William Ficzgerald, e1ddl fOD of the Rt. hOIl. James
l'ilzgerald, chancellor of the Exchequer, a comm. of wide fircers in
Dublin, a conim. of the board of education, aDd a privy couufdlor
aho, in Ireland. (Albany-Inchchrnnan, Clare.)
EnnilkilleD Co.
Richard M.genis, fen. c:fq. bruthcr-in·law of the earl of Er.n;/killell_
(Savillc-.!lr.;et.) -
'House of Commonl.
.' Fermanagh Cn.
·lion. Sir Galltraith Lowry Cele: K. B. brother of the .rl of ErlD;s-
killen. a lieutenant-general. and colonel of the l03d r~gt. (Marlc-
bank, Florence,c!lllrt.) :>
Men-yn Arehdall, efq. a governor of the county .r Fermanagh, a lieut.-
gene .....I. a lieutenant-colonel of tlte nth regimcnt of drago<m ••
(Little R yder·ftreet-CalUe Archdall. lIear Erlniik.illco; <'orove,
Emo.bnd Trillick-Iodge.lrvincllown.) 4
Salway Co.
. James Daly, erq. mayC'r of the town of Qalway. (Dunfandalc. in thia
, county.)
Rt. 11on. Deni. Bowel Daly. a privy collnfe1IC1r of Ireland. brother-in-
law of the count cf. dowager of lihlWnon. (Daly', lod~c. Kilcul eD,
an. Daly' .. town. Loughrea.) J
Galway T.WR.
'Valentine Blake; ef'!. (l'4enio, Galway.)
, K~rry Co.
Ilight hon. Mlurice Fitzgeral", kot. of Kerry. a p"ivy cOUllfellor ia
IrelaDd, and a trullee of the Haen manufacture. M R.I.A. (MilJer'~
Hotel, Jermyo-Ilree.t-Ballinruddery, Lillowel.) J
'James Cro!bie, efq. a gO.,erDor of the cOllnty of Kerry. (Jermyu.ft.(
Kildare Co.
,.Lord William Fitzgerald. of the duke of LeillR:cr. (Statford-
~~ J
ltoben La T8uche, eCq. brother-in·lawof the earl of Clancany. (Ca.·
veRdifu-fquare-Merion-fq. Dublin. HarriftoWD, Kilculleo.) J
. Kilkenny Co.
Hon. hmel Wandedorol Butler. Dut brother of the earl of Ormoodc
and Offory. (New Burlington-ftreet-CalUecomcr.) -
:Hon. Frederick Cavendifh PonfoDby. fecond fon of the: earl of Be!bo-
rougk, and nephew of earl Spen~er, lieuteoallt-colollelu t he 12th
regiment of dragoon •. (Cavendilh-fquare-Be!borCluga. Carricl<,oD-
Suir.) \ ~
Kilkenny Borough.
lion. Cbarlel Hardward Butler. 'brother gf theArl of OrmoDde, . all.
brothet-in-law to the earl gf Carri~lb r •
King'. COUllty.
Thomaa Bernard. jun, efq. hrother-in-lawof Lord Dunally and er the
Earl of Charleville. (Clifford-tlreet-Caftle-Bemard. Bandon.)
Hardrefa Lloyd, eCq. brother-in·law of the earl gC RolI'e. (Chapel-
ftrett, South-ftreet-Glofter, Rofcrea.1 I
· .
Henry Martin. efq. a
Kinfale Town, Cork.
cOUDfeL (New-fquarc. Lincoln'. IDn.
Leitrim Co.
· John La TQuw. efq. a banker iD DubliD, aDd nephew of the e:trl of
· llche(ler, I
Henry John Clementl•. efq. couw. of the earl of~ Leitrim, a Lord of
the Treafury. a governor er the county of Lettrim. aDd a trufiee
of the linen manufacture:. (Uni ..D Hotel, St. Jamc.' •• f'luare-Afh •
. field Lod~e. CClgtehJll.)· 3
House of Commons. 71
Limerick Co.
Hon. Wyndham Henry Q.!!in, eldefi fon of lord Adair, and Nephew
ollhe Earl of Ilcheittr. (Alb.ny-Adair-houfe, Aeair.) I
William Oddi, cfq. alord nf the Treafury in Ireland. (Ryley. Hotd
-Urvve, Rathltcale.) I
Limerick City.
Rt. hon. Charles Vcreker,ne~h,w'of Lord Kiltarton, Colond of the
Limerkk City Militia, a privy C01lllfellor in Irdand, conllable of
Limerick caftie. (Clarendon Hotel,Bond-ft.-Loughcooter, Gort.) I
Lifbura, Antrim.
Lord Henry Seymour Muore, .fon of the marqui. of Drogheda,
and nephew of the marqu" of Hertford, joint mnfter maller gCllcr;lI,
and liI privy counfellor in lrelaod. (Maachcfter-fquare-Moorc-
abbey, M9naftercvcn.) I
J.ondonderry Co.
Hon. William Ponfonby,brothcr of Lord Ponfollby, a major-general.
and lieutenant· colonel of the 5th reginlent of dragoon guard~
Alcunder Stewart, efq. (Kilrea.)
' . LOlldonderry City...
Rt. hon. Sir acorge Fitzgerald Hill, bart. a privy cou~fel1or in Ireland,
a lord or the treafury, a trnllce of the linen manufacture, and 're-
corder of J.ondonl1erry. (Great Ucorge'a-ft.-Brook-hall" Derry.) 4
Lon,ford Co.
Sir Thomas Frtberfton, bart. (Suffolk-ftreet-Ardagh, Longford.) 4
Right hon. George Johu (Forbe~,) vifcount Forbet, Ion 01 the earl of
Granard, and uephewof the. earl of Moira, a nllljor in the army,
aide.tle-camp to the Prin,e Regent, and cullol . rotulorum of th.:
county Df LOI'gford. (KiDg-llrcet-CalUe-Forue$, LODgfurd ) ,
Louth Co.
, Right hon. John Fofi:er, a privy couufdlor in-1rcland, a governor of
the county of Louth, offici"l vilitqr of the royal college of lit. Pat-
rick, one of the corporation for the port of Dublin, and a tMlftee of
the linen manufacture. M. R. I. A. (Great Gcorge'.·fi.-Collon-
houfe, Collon.)
Rt. hfln. Rob .. t· (Jocelyn,) mcount Jocelyn, fon of the earl of Reden.
and.fon-iu-law !If lord de Defpencer, vice chamberlain to the King.
(Condllit-ftr~t-Hyde."all, Herts, and TuJlymore-park, Cafile:-
'lVellan.) •
Mallow Town, Cork.
lamea Laurencc Cotter, efq. eldea fon of Sir James I.lurence C1otter,
bart. (Parliament-ftrect-Rock(oreft, Mallow.)
Mayo Co.
Right h(ln. Deni. Browne, ulIde of the marqui. of Sligo, a privy COUD-
feU.r in Irdaad'. (Terrace, Palace yard-Mount Brown, Wcftpo~t.)
Dominick BrOWJIe, efq. (Caftlemagarret, Clare.)
Meath Co.
Right hon. Thomas (Taylour,) earl of :acetin, fon of the marqui. "f
Headfort. (Stanhope-Areet-Headfon houfe, Kell •. ) .
Sir Marcla Som<'ryilJe, bart. (Somerville. Nayan.)
• Mena,hjln Co. •
Charles PowelJ Leflie, erq. coufin of marq. Wellefley, and of viftount
Dun!:'auoun, a l(ov.c.fthe co. of Monaghan,Co;)loncl of da* MIlBa&hUl.
72 House of Comm6n~.

ngt. or militia, and a truftet of the .linen manufacture. (UlliOll

hotel, 8t. James· ...fquare-Olafalough. TYllan.)
TlaollU5 Charl~. Stewart €orry, efq. .(Fairfie1d, Cootehill.)
Newry, Down.
lion. Frand. Needham, agenual and col.• of the 86th regiment. 0111,.
brother of YUCOUDt Kilmorey. (Orofvcnor-fquare-Datchet, Bucks.)
Portarlington, Q.!!een'. County.
Arthur Shakefpcare, e(q. (Arlington-ftI",et-Brocket-hall, Hcru.)
. Q!eeo's County.
, Right hon. WilliamWel1eOcy Pole, Mafter of the Millt, next brother
of marquis We\1e(ley, and of the Duke of Wellington, joint remem-
brancer of the exchequer in IrelaJ\d, a governor of the Q!!een',
County,anda privy cOdnfellor, alfo, in Irdand. (Saville-Row.) I
Sit Henry Parnell, bart. brother-in-law of the earl of Portarliogton.
(Stratford-place-Rathleague, Maryborough.) 3
Rofcommoo Co.
Arthur French,cfq. (Duke-ftreet, St. Jame~'s-Freoch-park.) 4
Hon. Stephen Mahun, fecond fon of Lord Hartland, a major-general
and lieut.-colonel of tAe 7th regiment .r dragoou guard.. \.Briti.
HOld, Jermyn-ftreet.) .
Rofa, (New) WWord.
Charles Leigh, eCq. (Albany.)
Sligo Co.
Charles 0 Hara, efq. a governor of the county of Sligo. (Curzon_
ftreet-Nymphsfield, Coloony.) , l
~dw. Sing. Cooper, efq. (Upper Scrmour-fu-ect-M.rcury, CO!OODY.
and Bowdeo-park. Mullingar.) I
Sligo Borough.
Jolhua SpeAcer, ef". Tipperary ~o. .
Hon. Montagu Mathew, nest brather of the earl of Llanda1f, a major-
general and colooel of the 99th regimeDt. (Gtafton-ftrcet, Bond-ft.
-Ooold~n, Thomaflown.) .
Hon. Fraods Aldborough Prittie, only brother of Lord Dunall y, hro-
ther-in-Iaw of tho: member f"r Taviftock, cuftos rotulorum of the
,,,unty of Tipperary. (Miller" Hotel, JcrmYD-irect~CorviJl~,
Rof<n:a.) a
Tralee, Kerry.
Jamn Evan Baiilie, efq. (Albany.)
Hon. TLom~' KnOll, cJdef\ fon of vifcount Northland. (UPP?, Cro.-
venor-l1reet,-DulIgannon-park. DUlJgannon.) J
RiJ(ht h'lD. SirJr,hn Ste'fVart, bart. a privy counfdlor in Ireland, an "
bencher flf the hon. Society of ~iog'. Inns. \.Ballyga",lcy.houfe,
Eallygawley.) - 4
Waterford Co.
Rich3rd P~wet, efq. (Bury-llrect-Clalhmore. Y ougha11.) _
I.ord George TJio •. Brtesford, fctond fon of the snarquiaof Watetford.
,om pt roller of the King'shoufehold, a aujor-,encl al ifl4lliclltcnint-
colonel of tlle fecond dJaguop guarcS.. ,,"
Alphabetical Lilt of tbe Roule of Commons. 73
Waterford Ciry.
, Right Hon. Sir lohn Newport, bart. a privy C'ounfellor, alfo, in Tre-
land, D. C. I. M. R. I. A. (Bury-llrc:ec, St. James'_New Puk,
Weatmnth Co.
Hon. Hercule. R"bm Packenham, brother of the earl oC I.ongrord.
Lieut.",!. of the ~6th regiment. (Pakenham-h,JI, Call1epolliU'd.)
OutlaYUS Hume Rochfort. eC'!. (Sulfolk-Itreet-Rochiurt, Mul-
lingar.) I
We%ford Co.
"Ilobert Shapland Carew, jun. tfq. nephew or the right hon. Sir Job
Newport, bart. (Chapel-row, Vere-llreet-Castleborough, Kani..
Sir Frederick Flood, bart. CUI. rot. oC the county of Wmord, a King'.
counCd, a bencher of the Hon. Society oC King'sIDnl, aDd bro)thcr_
in-law of the earl ofMouDtmorri., and Lord Wau:rpark. (Suatford-
Hoscl, Oxfurd ftrcet-BaDDa-lodge, Camolin.)
.Waterford Town.
Richard Neville, er'!, cafhier or teller of the "clleCiUer in Jrdand.-
(Fumac., !'Iaas.)
Wicklow Co.
Wm. Hoare Hume. eCq. {Montague-place-Hume-wood, Baltingla... )
William Tighe, etq. (St.lamcs'~place-Woodacock, Inwdiogue.) l
Youghal1, Cork.
Sir 10hn Keane, bart. (King" Ar1ll~row, New Palace-yard-MlII'ch-
wood· lodge, Hants.)


With the Places choCeafor.
t Marked thus, were !'Iew MembLrI at the late General XleClioD,
in 18u. § ChoCell fince the General Election.

Archdall, Mcrvyn, Fermanagh

ABBOT, Rt•. Hon. Cbu. S".u:n., §Arkwrl,ht, Richard, JUII. Rye
Oxford URlverlity Aftell, Wm. Bridgewat~r
tAbercro~by, Ho". Geo. Clacman- AllIey, Sir lacob H. Norfolk
Danllure tAtherly, Arthur,jun. Southamplan
Abercrombv,H.". James, C~IDe Arkins, 10h.. , L>ndon
tAbercrOB\~y, koht. Banftlh,re. Aubrey, Sir lohn SteyniD,
tAck!aud, SJr Tho•. D. D~voDI~\Jre B'
Addlllgt~n, Rt. Hon. John HlIer, BabiDgtoD, Thos. Leice4er
H,UW1Ch B;;gweIl, R.H. WilIiam, Clonmel
Alexander, James, Old .Sarum Baillit, Oco. Berwicklbire
Anim, Alef:mdcr, BcrwJ~k Baillie Jame. Ewao Tralce
SAIleR, Ge~. Durham city . Baker: John, Canterbury
.. Althrop, VJle. Northamptonilllre . Peter Pcter Wm Corf-Callle
Anron, Geor~e l.itchfield Bank~.. Henry, Corf Caftle
An.truther,SJr J.ohn, Anilruther Barbam, JOI. Fofter, Stockbridp
Apll.y, I.ord, ClFfnceftcr Baring, AlelClnder, Taunton
,..u);UJtflAot, RH Cb... Orfor4 tBaruard, VilC. DIJrham ~ounr1'
, .. ·Alpbabetical List of tbe HOIISe of .commons.
tBame, Mich"e1, Dunwich BrowlIlow, Wm. Armagh
Darry. Rt. Hgn. Johll M~s:wrIl, Bruce. Lard, Marlbtorough
Ca'l'auihire ·1 Bnle", Henry. Carlow
tBalhrd, Kdmund P. Dartmouth itBrydgCti, Sir Sam. E. Maidftone
Bailard, John P. Dnonfhire tBoiller, Amhony, Weft LoDe
. tBathurll. H,n. Wm. L. Weobly Bailer, Charles, Weft Lone
Beach, Mich. HieL, Cirencener Buller, Sir Edw. Raft Looe
tIkach, Wm: Hicke, Malme1bury Bu!lcr, J3m..s, Exeter
lleaumollt, Thol. R. Northull1b. Burdett, Sir Francia, Wetlminfler
Heckford, Wm. Hindun Burgherih, L.r4, Lime Regis
·tB.. etive, Foarl of, Meath BurreJl, Hon. Pet. Robert Drum-
Bennet, HOII. Hen. Grey, Shrewb- m~d, BoOon .
bury Burrell, Sir Chas. M. Shoreham
fUellfoll, Ralph, Stafford (New) .
. fBentinck, 1.or,i Wm. H. C. Not- ';Burrcll, Waiter, SulTa
tinghtunlhire Butler, H.II. Jail- Wad...£ord. Kil-, Sir John Poer, bart. kenoy
Coleraine . . §Butler, H,,,.Chas. H. Kilkenny boo, L.,dGeo. T. Waterford tButterworth, Jofeph, Coventry
Bcrllard-Morland Srr. St. Maw". !3)'ng, Georgc, Middlefes:
tBernard, H.". Rich. B. BandoQ-br. C
tBemard, Thai. King's County Caleraft, John, Rocheller
tUtr.nard, yift. Cork tCalley, Thos. Cricklade
tBell, Wm. D. Bridport tCalvert, Cha •. Southwark
Bewicke, Calveriy, Winchelfea Calvert,, Huntingdon
Birch, Jofeph, Luggerfhal Calvert, Nicolfon, Hertford
]3!achford, Barrington Pupe, New- CalUpbell, Dnnean, Rothfay
ton, Ifie of Wight C;unpbclL H ... John Fred. Car-
Black.burnc, Johll. Lancaihire marthen
Blaclrb\lrlle, John I. Newton, Lan C~mpbcll, L.rd John Douglafa Ed .
. caihire Henry. ArgyUihire .
SBlakc, Valentine, Galway Campbell, Ales:. DunlfcrmliB
BloolDJield..Benj. Plymouth Canning, R. H. Geo. Liverpool
§Bold, Peter Patten, Malmcsbury Canning, George, Peterofidd
SBol!and. John, Blechingly CaTew. R. H. Reg. Pole, Left-
§Bootle, E4w W"bb. Clitheroe withid
tBoughey, Sir l.F. Newcafile, :;taf. tCarew, Robt. Shaphind, Warord
Bowyer, Sir Geo. Abingtrm Cartwright, Wm. R. Northanlp-
Sradihaw. HQIf• •\ug. Cavelldifh, ton .
. Cap-le-Riling tCafberd, Robt. Math. Milborne
Bradihaw, Robt. Haid ace, Brac kley Port
Brand, H.n. Thos. Hertfordihire Cafllereagh, Yip."ltt, DO"l!'nJhire
§Breret"n; Cbas. T, St. Michacl Cavendilli, l.ord Geo. Aug. H. Der-
§Bridport, L;rtJ, Hctesbury byfhire
tBroaclhcad Theod. Hr.). Warebam. Cavcndiih, Hen. Fred. C. Derby
SBroadhurit, John, Heydon :§Caverulitb, Hon. C. C. Grarnpouud

.Bro,don, James, LaulIcdloll

Brodrick, H.n. Wm. Whitechurch Cawthorne.,John Fenton,Lanc;;.fier
Chaloner, Robt. Richmond
fBrooke, Chad"., Chippellham C'haplin, Charlel,Liucolnihire
Br(loke, Lord, Warwick tChichefier, Art. Carrickfergua
B.rowne, Anthouy, Heydo!1 I Chute, Wm. Hantpfbire '.
Browne, R. H. Deni., Mayo
SBrownc, n"minick, May.
l Clements, HOD. John, Leitrim
Clerk, $ir Geo.}t. E4inll\lJ"gh
. Alphabetical List of tbe House of Commons. 75
Clinton Sir Hen. Boroughbridge tDontoll, Oabriel. Laneafrer
,Clinton: Wm:H, Borougbbridge tDouglai, JjM •. !'red• .:.yIY. NortA
Clivc:, Vi/."",I. Ludlow Banbury, ..
Clive, Henry, Ludlow tDouglas, "".Ulilm, PlymptoD
Clive. Wm. Bilhop'. Caftle, W.Ulam Roll<rt, Keitb
Cocltrane, L.rJ, Wefrminller Annm
tCock, Hon. john S. Rye~atc .Dow<ief~ell,jn: lWm ..Tewkdbury
Cocks. Jame., Ryegate !jDr.kc, I ho •. 1 yrwhilt, AlOn1ou-
Coke, Edward, Derby delh .....
Coke, Thol. WO\. Norfolk §D.ake, Wm. Tyrwitt, Agmondc-
Co!e, H.". G. Lowry, Fermanagh "'am
§,Coll(t;, E. Jobn, Grampound Dru.nun~nd. Geo. Harlcy, Kincilr-
Collin., Henry P. Taunton dlllelb'f>!
Colquhoun,R.H.A. Dumhartonlh. Drummolld, james, Perthlhire
tColthurft, Si,. N. Conway, Cork tUuckwonh, :;;r j. rhus. RUnluoy
Combe, Harvey thrift. London (New)
Compt01l, Earl, Northampton Du/fcri1l, L.,../, Aldeburgh
tCongrcve, Sir Wm. Gatton l.>ug~ale,. Stratf. Dugdale, War-'
Co<>pcr, Edw. Sing, Sligo ~Id.lhlre
tCoote. Sir Eyre, Barnllaple Du'genan,R. H. :f'at.Amla~h bor.
SCorry, Thoi. Cha •. titewart Corry, Dumannon, Vift· M .. lton
Monaghan Duncombc, Chu. Hcytefbury
CotCI, John. Stropfhire Dundaa, Charles. b.rkfuirc
tCotter James·L. Mallow D\lJldaf_, H.". Lawre1lce, Yorksh.
Cotter~ll,Sir J1l.Gccr., Hercfordlb. Duodaa, H, H. W ..Edinburgh .
Courtenay, Tpo•. Pereg, TotDcM Dunlop, Jamel. K'c£k'ldbn,ht
tCourtenay, Wm. Enter ' E '
Cowper, H.n. Edw. Spencer,H.rt- tRbrington, Vife· Buckin,ham
ford Ji:dmouftone, Si,. Chaa.Stirlinglhire
Cranboume, Vi". Weymouth E,erton, Jonn,Chefl.:r
Cren'ey, Tho•• Thetford E&CrlOn, William, l:helhirc
Crickitt, Robt. Ak,. Ipfwich H.".
Elliot, Wm. Lcikc.rd.
Crokcr, John Wilfon, Athlon.. J!.lliot,R.H. Wm. Pelerboro'
tCrolbie, jamel, Kerry EUil, Ch.... Role, Seaford
Cur:i., Sir Wm. London . • tEJlifon, Cuthb. NC1\'caiUe on TY'lc
CurzOD, H.II. Robt. Clitheroe ~£lJifo., Ilich. WOlton·Baifet
D Elleourt, Thoe. Grimll. Devizel
. Daly, R. H. Denis13. Galway Evelyn, Lyndoll, UU1ldlllk
-tDaly, Jam.l, Galway F
Dalhwood, Sir Henry Watkin, tFalkner, Sir F'l' Carlow, bor.
Woodllock . , F a n e , Henry, ,ime.l{egi.
Davenport, Davles, Chelhirc Fane,· JOhll, Oxfordfhire
Davi., Hart. Colchefier Farmer, Samuel, Huntingdna
Davil ~ich. Hart, Brifiol Farquhar, Ja01.'( Aberdeen
tDawklDl, Hen. Aldboro'. tFawcett, Hen. <.:arlitle
:S·Delgarno, John, New!,cr.t, I. W. thzakerly, John Nit. Lincolll
tDeny., Sir Oeo. "'m. Kin~fion' Fellowe., Hon. Newt. Andover
upon Hull . Fellowe., \V. H. HUlIIingdonfh •
. Defart, Earl of, Bolfney Fergnfon, James, Aherdccnlt.ire
Dickinfoll, Wm. Somerfctlhirc Fergufon, Rouald ·Crawf. Kirk.ld,.
Difbrowe, ~d\v. ~indfor : Fcthcrftone,3irThos. Longford.
,D;)Il, Alu. JUII. Roxbur,fhlre FUlch,.H.". E<iw. Cambridie bor.
'id Alpbllbetieal List of tbe House of Commons.
Finlay, Kirkman, Glafgow I Grenfell, PaCco, Marlow
Fitzgerald, Auguftine, Clare §Grcnville, R. H. Thol. BuckinK-
tFitzgerald, R. H. Wm. Ennil ~ hamlhire
Fitzgerald, R. H. Maurice, Kerry' Grofvenor, Thos. Chefter
Firzgc:rald, R. B. L.rd W. Kildare Guife, Sir Berkeley Wm. Gloucefl.
Firchugh, Wm. Chas. Tiverton I' Gunnu.g, Gco. Wm. Griuftcad
Fitzroy, Lord John, Thetford H
Fitzroy, L.rd Charles,' St. Ed- Hall, Benjamin, Weftbury
mund.ltury I' Halfey, 10•• St. Alban'.
"Flood, Si, Fred. Wexford Hamilton, Lwd Arch. Lanerklhire
Foley, H,,,. Aud, Droitwich Hamilton, HanA, Dublin Co.
Foley, Tlaomas, Hcrefordlhire Hamiltou, Sir Hugb D. Ayrlhirc
Folkes, Sir M.B. King's Lynn litHanllOerlley, Hugh, Helleftone
Folkftone, Yiut. New Sarum Hanbury, Wm. Northampton
fForbe., Chaa. Beverley . "tHarco'urt, lohn, Leominll:er
fForbes, Y!fo. Longford tHare, Boa. Rich. Cork
fFofter, Fred. Thos. Hen. St. Ed- tHatt, Geo. Vaugh. Donegal
mundsbary ,tHarvey, Chas. Norwich
Forefter, Cecil Weld, WUllock ifHawthorae, Ch... S. Downpatl'ick
SFoster, Aug. John, Cockermoutla tHeathcote, Sir Gilb. Rutland .
Foller, R. H. 10hn, Louth Heathcote, Thol. F. Hamplhirc
Foulkes, Ev.. n, Stamford Henniker, L.rd, Stamford
SFrank, Frank, Nottinghamlhirc Herbert, H.". Chas. Wilton
Frankland, Wm. Thirlk tHeron, Sir Robert, Grimaby
SPrafcr, Ch... RoCohire Hill, R. H. Sir George i'itzgera1d,
Freemantlc, Wm. Hen. Buckingh. Londonderry
Freach, Arthur, 'RofconlDlOn H,,..
Hill, Wm. Marlberoulih
Fynel. Henry, Aldborv' §HiIl, Beuj. Glamorgan .
G Hinchingbrook, P;foHunti~gdou.
Garrow,Sir Wm. Rye Hippisley, Sir J. Cos,Sudbury
GaCcoyne, Ifaac, Liverpe.l HobhouCe, Benj. Hindon
tGa/kcll, Benj. Maldon Hoclfon, John, Wigan
tGeary, Sir Wm. Kent HoldCworth. A H. Dartmo\lth
Gell, Philip Pcnryn _ tHolford, Gee. Peter, Dungannoa
Giddy, Davie., BodmYD Helme., Wm. Tregony
Gipp., Gen •. Rirpon Honyman, Rich. B. J. Olkneylh.
SGolding, Edward, DowDtoa 'tHood, H.,.. Sanl. H~itc1bury .
Gooch, Thos. S. Suiralk Hope,H .Sir Ales. l.inlithgowihire
Gordon, Wm. Duff. Wurceller Hope,H.". Chas. Haddingtonfhire
tGordon, Robt. Wareham Hope, Wm. Johllson,Dumfricfhire
Goulbourn, Henry, St. Germainl Hornby, Edm. Prei1:on
Gower, L.rd Grellvillc: .LcviCon, tHome, Wm. H. Hdlei1:one
Stalfordfhire , ItHoiner, Franci., St. Mawel
Graham, Sir James, bart. Carlifle §Horrocks, Sarn, Prei1:on
Gnham, Sranford, Luggerfhal Houblon, John Archer, RB'ex
fGranf,.Ale1. Cra)'t Tregony Howard, Ho". F. G, Cafi1e-RisiaC
Grant, Chas. Invernefs Howard, H.n. Wm. Morpeth
Grant, Chas. jun. Fortrofe Howorth, Hurnph, Evelham
Grant, Fran. Wm. Elginlhire HughCl, Wm. Lewi.. Wallingford
tGrant, J. Pcter,Oreal Grimiby Hurne, Wm. Hoare, Wicklow
Grattan, R. H. Hra. Dublin ,ity Hume, Sir Abr. Hallinga '
Graves, L.rJ, Okfhamrton Hllntingficld, Lord, Duawich
Grcenhill,. Roberr, 'flurlk. HiU'a, Rok Horfha:n
Alphabetical List of the House (If CommoDs. i7
Hafkiffo~, Wm. Chichdler I.\oyd. Hard~c.. King" Coanty
HuJIey. Thomas,Ayldbury Lloyd. Ja •. Martin, l:itcyning
I&J Lioyd, S,r Ed. Price, flillll
Jackfon, John, Dover
Idle, Christ. \\reymouth, &c.
Jekyll, Jofeph, Ca1Dc
I l.ockart, Wm. Klliot, Sd.. irldhiu
Lock hart , John, Ing. Olllord Citr
LoftUI, Wm. Yarmoulh. Norfolk
Jenkillfon, Ch••• Dover Long,R. H. Cha. Hallemere
Jel1kinfoa, H.". Chu. Cecil Cope, ) AIDg, Rich. Godolphill, W iltfilire
Bridgenorth • Longfield, Mountiford, Cork City
S Jervois, Geo. Purc(oy, Saram New tLope., Sir Man. M.r. Barnllaplc
bues, Hugh, Dornock i Lovaine, LOI·'. Bcc'ralftone
Jocelyn, Vift. Louth Lownd<., W. Sdhy Buc"inghama.
johnes,Thomas, Cardiganfilire Lowther, rift. Wellmorland
Johnftone, George, Heydon Lowther, Jame., Appleby
Jollilfe. Hylton, Petenlield Lowther, H.n. H. -Cecil, W"ftmer.
Jevin" John. Brambcr I.cwther, John, CumLcrland
, K. Lowthcr, J7sc. Wdbnorland
Kunc.Sir John, Youghall tLubbock,John Wm. Lcominftcr
Kcck, Geo. Ant. L. Lcic"nerihire Luihlngton, Step. R. Canterbury
Keene, Whitlhcd. Montgomery Luttrel. John Fowne., Minchead
Kemp, Th08. Read, Lewco tLuttrel, Fownc., jun. Minehc:ld
Ke:nrick, William, Blechingly Lygon, Wm. B. Worccfifrlhire
tKerrifon, Edw;u-d. Salisbury §Lyfier, Richard, Strewfbury
Kcnlingtoft. Lord, ltaverford wen Lyttleton. Hon. \V. H. Worceilcrlh.
King, Sir J. Dalhwood. Wycomlte M
(Hucka) lVIacdonalcl, Jas. Sutherl:lDdlhire
tKilkwall, rift. Denbigh tMj.cdonald, Ronald O. Plymollth
Knatchbull, Si,. Edw. Kent tMackintolh, Sir James,Nairnfhire
§Knight, Henry Gaily, Aldborough Macnaghten, Edm. Alcx. Oxford
Knox, Ho•. Thomas, Tyronc Mad"cks, Wm. Alexander, DolloD
Kynaston-Powdl, Jno. Shropjhire tMagenis, Rich. fen.. J<~nnifkillen
. L M.hoD, H,li. Steph. RofcommoD
tLacon, F.. K. Yarmouth, Norfolk MahoD. rift. Midhurft
tLan1b,Thos. Pl>illips, Rye Maitland, Eb.d. F. WallingCord
§LaalbtoD, John Oto. Durham §MaitllUld, Hon. Ant. Haddington
Langton. \\m. Geo. Somerfetlhire Manners, Lord Chas. Bomers,Cam-
Lafcelles, Vie. Yorklhire . hridgelhire
La Touche. Dav. Jun. Carlow Manners, Lard R. Leiccftcrihire
La Touche, John, Leitrim Manners, Robt. Cambridge:
I.a Touche, Robt. Kildare ManRiDg, Wn~. Evclham
Law, Ho". Ed. St. 1\, ichaef "!March, E",.I, Chicheller
Leach, John Seaford '!'Marjoribanks, J. Caithncf.-Ihirc
tLeader, \\'m. CamelIord Markham, John, Portfn1Outh
Lefevre, Cha. 6haw,Readia, Mar~yat, Jof. Sandwich
l..cgh, Tho~. Newton. l.ancalhire Mu-1h, Cha •. Rctford
+I.eigh, Ch ••. New-Rof. Martin, Hrnry, Killsale
Leigh. Jas. Hcnry, ~edwin tMartin, Jam ....Te'!'k"'fbury .
Leigh, Rob. Hoh, WIgan Matthew, HOII. Mont.1lpl'crary
Lemon, Si, William, Cornwall Maule, Ho". Wm. R. Forfarlhirc:r
Lellie, Cha •. Pow ell. Monaghan May, Stephen, J,klf"n .
I.efter. Benj. l~efier, Poolc Mcade, Hon. John, Down
fLewis, T. J.o·rankland, Beaum~ Me\liIR, Wm. Mid?lef<;x
Littlct01l. Edw. J1I4I. StaffordSnre tMetimen, Paul, Wildhlre
7~ Alpbahetical List of tbe House o( Commons•.
tMeyler. Rich. Wincheller I Oiliorne. Lml, Frand. Godolphia;
M I ldmay, Si,. Hen. Carew, St. John' Cambridgefbire
ht. Wi::.hdlcr Ofoult,m, L.rd, Knarefborough .
Mlll~r. Si~ Tnos. Ponfmouth Owen, Si..John, bt. Pcmbrokelhire
MJ! •. Charlcs, WarwiCk P
tM In~, Patrick, Cullen Paget,H.... Berkeley, AlIglefeafbirci
Mibe •. R. Pemberton, PODtc(ta4 Page', H,,,. Cha •. Carn .. rvon
Milton, Vie. Yorklhire Paget, H.". Sir lld. Milbornc-port
tMilford, Wm. Romftey, New Pakcnham, Ho". H. R. WelbncatA
§ 'vtolyneaux, H,n. Thos. GIO~lcefler Palmer, Charles, Bath
Monck, Sir Chas. Miles Lambert, Palmerfton, rift. CambridgeUniv.
Northumberland Parr.elI, Si,. Hen. Q...licen's County
Montgomcry, Sir H. Conynham, §Patten,Peter, Malmefbury
bart. Yarmouth, I. W. §Pechell,Si,. Tho •. B. bt. Downton
Montgomery, S;f' J. han. Peeblefb. Feel, Sir Robt. bart. Tamworth
Moore, Ld. Hen. Serm. Lifuurn Peel, R. H. Robert, Chippenham
Moore, Peter, Coventry Peirfc, Henry, NorthaIlerton
1I.1oorfom, Robt. ~eenfborough Pelham, H.". C.A. Lincolnlhire
M",rdaunt, Sir C. bt. Warwicklh. Pelham, Ho". G. A. Newt.Hants
Morgan, Sir C. Monmouthlhire tPcllew, Ho". B. P. Launcefton
tMMgan, Charles, Brec.n § Pennant, O. H. Dawkins, Newark
SMorland, Scrope Hernd. St.Mawes . Percy, Hon. Jocelyn, Beeralfion
Morpeth. ~7.c. Cllmberland Perring, Si,. John, bt. Hythe
S Morris, Robert, Gloucefter '·Philip., Geo.llchefter .
Morrit, Job.n, Bacon, Slwrr,.\ P~ipps, B.011 • .!dm. Scarboro'
N .. rthallerton Plcton. Si,. Thos. K. ~. Pembroke
MoRyn, Sir Tho•. bt. Flin.:!hire Piggott, li;r Arth. Horlhanl .
MUlldy, F.. Miller, Derb)·!hire "tPitt, In!~ph, Criclade
:Murray, Sir )no. '''cynlouth, 8te' Pltt, Wm. Morton,Dorfedhire .
N . i'Plumer, Wm. Fligham, Ferrers
tNal'er, James, L. W. "'rnHy PllInket,R.H. WIIl.C. Dubl. Univ.
tNeale, .\;,. H. B. bt. Lymiugt'ln Pocock, Gcorge, Bridgewater .
Needham, H••. Franci., Newry Pole, Si,. Chas. M. bt. Plymouth
Nevillc, Hon. RiCh. Bcrklhirc 'Pole, R.B. Wm. W. ~een's Co.
Ncville, Rich. Wexford town §Pollington, VI,t'. Pontefract
Ncwark, ytfl. NOltingham!hire Ponfonby, Hon. Fr~ C. Kilkenny
Newport. R. H. Si~ John, W"ter- Ponfonby, R.H. Geo. Petcrboro'
forc!' Ponfonby, Hon. William, London-
Nichol, R. H. Si,. John, Browin derry
Nod, Sir Gerard Noel,R'.1t1and l§ Powell, Jol:n,Kynallon,Salop
North, Dudley, Richmond Porch er, Joft •• , Duprr, Old Sarum
Northey,Wm. Newport, Cornwall: Porter, Geo. Stockbridgc
o ' Portman, Edw. ,8. Dorfetlhire
O'Bricn, Sir Edw. Power, Rich. Waterford
OddI, William, Limerick ll'owkt,ll. W. J. Fred. Winchdfea
tO~le, Hen. M~ade, Drogheda Poyntz, William Step. Callington
O'Hara, Charles, Sligo Prend"rgat1, Mich. Oeo. Saltalh
O'Neill, Ho". John R. n. Antriml'tPrefton, Rich. Alhburton
Onnow, H •.,. T. Cranley, GlIilfOrdl Pric~, Rich. Radnor New
Ord, WiIliam Morpeth tPringle. Will. Hen. St. Germains
tOlbaldeftone, Georgc, Retford Prittie, H.". Fra. Aldb. Tipperary
to(borne.J"hn, Q!:eenooro' . : §Proby, LorJ, Huntingoolllhire .
Alphabetical Lilt of tbe House 'of Commons, i.,.
fPro;heroe, Edw. Briftol '3impfoD, GeoTit, Maidftooe
Pyrll, FraD. lkdfordlhire Sin~leton, Mark, Eye
Q... Smith, Abel. Wendonr
Q:!in, H.". W. Hen. Limerick tArnith, Chrifi"pher, St. Alban',
R IImith, George,
Raine,Jonath. Newport, Cornwall Smith, Thos. A/beton, AftdoY,.. •
§Ram.bottom, John jun. Wiodfor Smitb, Jabo, Notunilwn '
tRamfden, J"hu c. Maltan Smith, Jolbu&, Dui;a""
i'R",c1iffe, LDrtl, Nottingham tSmitb, Robert, GranthlUll
tRalbleigh, Wm. Fowey Smith, Samuel, Leicdlq
I{ichardfou, Wm. Arm Smith, William, Non.. iCh
5ft ickard1!, Robr. Wottau-BollI"rt. Smyth, John Hcn. Camb. Uniy.
tRiddelJ, Sir In. Bu(hallan, Selkirk Soeyd, Natlaanitl, Caau

tRobiulon, Geo. A. Honitoo

Rilley, Sir M.W. Newc. on Tyne l Somerfet, urtl,anhur J"hn H~
Roharts, Abr. Worceller Monnlouthfhire
Somerfet, LArd R. E. Hcury, Gloa-
.i{obinfon, John, Bifhop· .. Cafilc ccllerfhire
Robiufoll, R. H.". fred. J. Ril'0n SomerviUc, SirMareu8. bt. Meat.
Rochfort, Gull. Hume, Wefhueath l Sp"ira, Archib..ld, RCllfrewlbire
§Romilly, Sir Sarn. knt. Aroudel I Speneerth, L."J,F. A.,OxIorcfthire
Rofe, R. H. Geo. ChrillchuTch §Spenccr, Joshua, Sligo
Rote, Geo. Hen. Southamptun I Stamforth, John, Kingll. on Hull
tRound., John, Iprwich Stanley, Lord, Lanedhire
tRowler, Sir Wm. bart. Suffolk St"l'heno, James, E. Grinllead
I<ulfell, Matthew, S.ltafh St"",art, H.". Jame., Stranraer
; Rufi"ell, LOTd John, Tavistock . Stewart, Sir Jame, Donegal
RulfelJ, Lord William, Tavilloek §Stewart, H,,,. Sir W. Wij(toDolb.
Ruti'ell, L.,d Geo. Wm. Bedferd Stcwa", R. H. Sir John, Tyrone
Ryder, R. H. Richard, 'l'ivertoD Stewart, Alex. 'ondonderry
S $tirliDg, Si,. Wait. bt. Sr. Iv".
Sr. Paul, Henry Heneage, Berwick Stopford, Ho•• Ed. Marlborougla
tSt. Paul, Sir Horaee David ChoI~ Strahan, And. Aldehurgh
well, Bridpo" Stnan. Jos. Holden, Maiden
SaviJle, Albany, Okehampton Stua" Lo;.JEvelYD James, CardilF
tSaxton, Sir Cha•. ut. Cafhcl SulliYaD, R. H. John, Alhhurt".
tSeott, Samuel, Camdford tSullivan, Sir Htnry, bart. Lincobt
Seott, R. H Sir Wm. knt. Oxford §Sumner, Geo. }lolmc. ijurrey
UniveTfity Sutton, R. H. Ch ••. M. Sc .... bar.,..
Seudamore, Rich. P. Hereford Swann, Henry, PCl1ryn
Sebright, Sir J. SlIun. Henfordlh. Sykes, 'Sir Mark, Mall. bt. Yort
Seymour, Lord Rob.Carmarthenfh. Symonds, Tho. Powell, Hercfor4
5Shakefpear, Arrhur, Portarlington T
tShaw, BenjamiD, Wefibury Talhot, Rich. WogaD, Duhlin
Shaw, Sir Jame., bt.London Tav,jfioc, Marquis, Bedfordlhire
Shaw, Robert, Dublin Cit), Taylor, Charles, Wm. Well,
Sheld!)n, RaJph, Wilton Taylor,Mich. Angdo, Poole
Shelley, Tim. Shoteham
§Sh<perd, Si,· Sarn.
Shiffncr, Gcorge. Lewe.
§Sibthorp, Coningfby, Lincoln
Simeon, Jnhn, Readlll)!:
§Tayler, John. Lymington
tT.-cd, John, Grampound
Thompfon,.'ir T. B. br. Rod-diet
Thompfon, TboD1fI8, Midhurft
Thornton, Robert, Colcheller
Simpro", H.n. Jobn, Wenlock ThorntoD, Henry,South .... ark..
~o Clerks or the House of Pel'r3. Common ••
fThOf'DtOll, Wm. Woodflock tWeUefiey, Wm. Pole T. L.5t.lvea
SThomtoo, Samuel, Sl1rrey WemyCs, Wm. FiCelhire
Thyune, L.,J,John,Bath Weflern,Chas. Calli" EfJex
§Tierney, R.' H. Geo. Appleby Wctherell, Chal. Shafte.bury
TiChe, Wm. \\'icklew WhartoD, Joho, Benrley
tTonlliue, Wm. Edw. Chrillchurch WJurteo Richli. Durham Citr
tTownfeJld, LordC:V.F.Tamwort Whltbread, Sam. Bedford
Townfcmd, Lord John Knarefboro'. tWhlte, Math. "ythe
'l·ownCmd,H.". W.A. Waitchurch Whltmore, Th08. Bridgenortk
S'frefulia, H.".C. Rodol. Callington Wigram, Robt. Fowey
Tremayoe, John H. Cornwall Wilberforce, Wm. Br..mber
Tudway, Clement, Wclla Wilder, Fn. John, Arundel
U Wilkin., Waiter, Radnorlhire
,Ure, Maflerton, Weymouth Wil,liams, Owen, Marlow
Vander, Heyden Dav. Eaftleoe Williams, Sir Roht. bt. Carnarvon-
Vanfittart, R.H. Ni<h. Harwich Williams, Robert, jun. Dercheftcr
Vaughan,Hon.1"ho, Cardigan _ WiUoughby, Henry, Newarlr::
Vaughan, Sir Roht. W.Merionethlh t Wilron, Thom,,", Stall'ord
Yereker, ~.H. Charles, Limerick §Wilfon, Cb. Edw. Bewdly
, Vemon, Geerge G.Ven. Litchlield Winnington, Sir Thomas Edward,
Vyfe, Rich. Wm. Howard,Honitoll bt. Droitwich .
W. tWife,Cha. Aylhford, Totoef.
Wallace, R.H. Thos.Cockermouth Wood, Sir Mark, bart. Gattoo
Walpole,lfo". Gee. tiungarvan Wood, Thomas, Breconlhire
Walpole, L.rd,King's 1.ynn' §Worcefter, Marquis, Monmouth
Ward, H.". John Will. llcheller -tWright, J. Atkynl, Oxford City
Ward, Robert, Hafiemere Wrottefley, Henry, Bradey
'Varrender"WrGeo. bt. Truro tWyatt. Charles, Salifbury
tWarre, John Afhley, Lefl:withiel Wynn, C. W. W. Montgom~tylb.
tW~bfter, Sir Godf. Suffel!: WYlln, Sir Wat. W. Denbighfhire
Wcdderhum,s;,· Dav.St.Andrew's Yarmouth, Earl of, Antrim
Welhy,Wm. Earle, Grantham ·Yorke,RH.Cha. Philip,
Wel\efi~y,R.icharcl, Yarmoutil,t.W. Yorke, Sir J'!I. Sydney, Sandwich

CLI'!~KS aod OFFICER. o£the. HOUSE of PEERS.

Clerk of the Parliament, Rt. Hon. Copying Clerk, W. WalDllley, e{q.
, George Rofe, '. Gent. Ulher of the Black Rod, Sir F.
Clerk Affifiant, Hen. Cowprr, esq. Molineaur, bart.
Reading Clerk, &c. W. S. Roft, efq. Yeom~u Ufhcr, Robt. ~~rme, efq.
Counfd. Edward Stracey, dq. Sc.rj. at Arm8, Wm. Watfon, efq.
Clk.nftheJournals, Rd. Parratt,esq. Rec. of Fees, Mr. Chas. Sutherland.

Cu ItS and.O'FIcERIl of the HOUSE of COMMONS.

ClerIc or the Houfe of Commolll, ].[Clerks of the Ingroffm,ents, Rdw..
'Hatfell, erq. Old. Stracey, Mr. David Jones.' •
Deputy • .I oh" Lev, esq. Printer of the Journals, Luke Han-
Clerk Affii,t. Jerel11iah Dyfon, esq. ,Card, efq. and fons. ,
Clerk of Committees,&c. G. White,ISerj. at Arms, F. J. Coleman, er...
Clerkol the Fees,]. Dorington,efq.IChaplain, Rev. Charle. Ponsonby
Clerk of the Journals, &c. GeorgejSec. to the Speaker, J. R ickmao1efq.
Whittam, efC{. Traiobearcr, Mr. Rowlan4.
BarODt'ts•. 81
An Alphabetical I.IIT oE the prefmt BARONETS oE GUAT Ba.-
TAJN, inflituted May U, 1611, with the Time when 'ther, or tbeir
Ancefto...., were Co honoured. '
·ABDY, WiIliam, Surrey, 1641 Bemcy, Jnhn, Nor!ollt, 16,,,
Acland, T. D. Devonfh. 1644 Bcrry,l:;dward, Norfolk 1806
Adon, John F. E. Shropfll. 1643 Bertic, Albrmarle, ElI"a, 181&
A'Court, W. P. Afhc, Wilts, 1795 BicJ<~non,Rich.K.L.Huntin. 1nl
Amec!., James. Suffolk, 17h Biddulph, Theo. Warwickfll. 1664
AiuJIcy, Rubt. S. Linculnfh. 1804 Bilhop, Cccil; F. R. S. Sutfu, .G~o
AlcJtandcr, Wm. Dublin, 1809 Blackott, Wnt. Northumb. 1673
Alleync, RcynellAbel,ElI"cx, l769 Blaclr.wood, Hon. Henry, 18'4
Aadcrfon,J. W. Middlcfcx, 1798 Blair, Dav.Hunter,WigtownIh172c.
Anderfon,Rcv.Cb,.Lca,Linc.1660 Blake, Patrick, Suffolk, 1nl
Anderfon'j' Caleb, Cork, 18n BIl!kc, Franc;', Durhan1, li74
Andrews, ofeph, Berks,' 1766 Blak.illon, Mathew, London, 1763
Anftruthcr,John,Fifelhire, 1798 Blanc, Gilb. M.D. Bcrkfh. 181S
"Apreece, T. H. Huatingdon, I7SsI BJennerhall"et, Rowl. Kerry 1809
Amlytage, G.D.C.L. Yorklh. 17381 Blois, Charles, Suffolk, 1.6ScJ
Afgill, Charles, Hants, 1761 Blomcfield, Thomas, Norfolk, 1801
AIhburnham, Wm. Sull"a, 1661 Blount, Edw. ShropIhirc 164&
Af1:Iey, Jac. Hen. Norfolk, 1660 Blunt, Chas. Richd. Surrey, 1720
Aflon, Wilioughby, Lond. 1628 Bocvty, Tbos.'C. Gloucefter, 17113
AubreyJ. D.C.L. Glamoi- Bouthby,BrookeWm.Dcrbylh.1660
. "ganfh. 1660 Borough Richd. Berb. ..813
Bacon,Ed. (Premier,)NorEolk, 1611 Boughey, Joho F. Stafrordlh. 179&
,BailJie, Ewen, Middlefex, 18,111 Bollghton; C.W.R. ShroplhirCl641
.Baird, David, K. B.. & le. C. Ealt Bowyer, Geo. Berks. 1794
,Lothian, 1809 Boyd,John, Kent. • . 1775
Baker, Fred. F.R.S. DnoB 1776 Boyntol1, Francis, Yorklh. 1611
Ba}ter, Robert,Surrcy, 1796 Brc:nton, Jahlcel Iha
Ball, WIll, Kcith, NorEolk, 1801 Bridgc., Brookc Wm. Kent, 171a
Bampfylde, Chas. Warw. D.C.L. Briggs, JohJt, Monmouth1h. 1641:
DeY(ln, . 1641 Brifco, Walidl, CUmberlanci,178.
JJank.,Rt,hon.Jof.K.B.F.R.S. 1781 Brograve, Gco.Bcmey,Norfk.1191
'Baring, Thoma8, Hants, 1793 Broke, Philip V. P. Water!. 1813
Barker, Wm.1'lpper.lreland,1676 Bromhead, Gon..... Lincolnlh. 1806
·Barlow, Geo. Hilario, K.B. BromleJ, Robt. H. Notts. 1757
Devonfhire, dOJ Brooke, Richard, Cheihire, 166&
Barrillgton, John, Ell"ex, 1611 Brooke, Jofeph, Chefter, 167cJ
Bateman, Hugh, Derbylh. 18861 Brooke, Rielu!. B. de €apcIJ, 1803
·B~)ne., Chrift. Mi<kilckx, 11101 Broughton.Lt. Gen. 1. D. Chelh,
Bayntun,Al1d.D.C.L. Wiltilt. '176~', 1660
Beaumont, Geo.,D,C.L. L"ice&- BroWII, W.Aui.Well:minll:cr 173S
. terlh. 1660 Bruce, Rev. Hen. Harvey Ail:oD,·
Beckett, John, YorkIh '1813 .B,A. Londonderry, 1804
Beckwick, Jon~dlan, YClrlUb. 1681 Bruce, Stt:WMt, Dublin du.
iJedillgtoll, Richard, NOl folk,1660 Buckwortl1,H.Evcrard, HenSl6ln
Ben·or, Thomas, Norfolk; 1783 Buller Frand., Devonlhire, 1;89
Bellingham, William,lreial'I'\ 1796 Buller, Edw. Cornwall. 1808
Beresford, JollnPoer,WatcrI.11114 Bunbury, Thos. Chi. Suffolk, 168,
BCl'nard, Tbus. D.C,L. Lincoll1th. Burdett, Fr~cie, Derbyth 1619
, , , " 176, Burden. Chat. W. Yorldhire, 166S
[ 18I S'] • P .
82 Baronets.
Burger.; J. B. D.C.L. SUlfel:"I 795:Cotton, CharTes, Cambridgelh. 164'1
Burgoyne, Mont. Bedfordlhire 1641 Crawfurd. JaR. Stirlinglhire, ,,8r
B\U"Ilaby, Wm.C.Hond,01:0n,1767 Crewe, Henry,D.C.L,D"rby,16~6
_ Burrard, Harry, Hants, 1807 Croft,Rev.Herb. B.D. Berks. 1671
BurreJl, Charles M. Sulfex I 775:Crofton, Hugh, Leitri:n. 1801
Burrou!!;hs, Wo•. Calcutta 1804 Cullum, Tho. O. F.R.S.SufF. 1660
Burton, Charles, Leicefterlh. 1612 CnnlitTe, Fofter,Denhighlhirc, 1759
Buxton, Robt. John, Norfolk, 18co Curti., Roger, Hants, 1794
Caldel', Rnbt. Hant., 1798Curti., Will. Middlefcx, 1803.
Call, Wm. Pratt, Cornwall, 179I'Cuyler, Gen. Ct>rn. loIertl 1814
Campbell, !lay, D.C.L. Dumbart. ~Dalla8, Geo. Stafrordlhirc, 1798
1808'Dalling, Wm. Wind. Surrey, 17&3
Carew, Henry, Devon, 1661Darell, H.V. Bengal, 1795
Cave, Charles, Leiceft. 1641 Dalhwood, Hen. W. Oxon, 16:.14
Cayley, George, Yorklhirc, J66~:Davic, John, Dcvonfhire, 164'1
Chad, George, Norfolk, I79I'De Bathe, James M. Meath, 1801
Champneys, Tho. Somerfet I 7671IneCrefPigny,Claudec. DC.L.
Chlltterton, Wm. Abr. Cork, 1801 Surrey 1805
Chetwode, John, Stafl"ordlh. 1100lDenYl, Gea. Wm. Middlere:n8r J
Chetwynd, George, Stafrordfh. I 79 S jDering, Cholmeley, Kt:Dt, 161.6
Chichefter, Arth. D.C.L. Devonlh.IDickfon, Aiel:. C. Norfolk, 1803.
1641 Dinon, Charles, Meath. 1801
Child, Cdar, Elfcx, 16841Dixie, Beaumont, l,ineoln, 1660
ChDlll1eIey, Mont. Lincolnlb.. 18061Dolbcn,W. D.C.I•. Northamp.1704
Clarges, Thonlas, Yorkfhire I 674,Douglas, Geo. Roxburghlh. 1786
Clarke, Sim. Haught. Notting. 16J 7jDouglaa, Howard, S. Perthfh. 1777
~Iarke, Wm. Cork, 1804 Doyle, John, K.C. Guemfey 1805
ClaVlring, J. T: Durham, 16641Doyley, WilJiam, Oxfordfhire 161fti
Clayton, Richard, Lanenfh. I 7741DOYlcy, John Had.Hampfhire 1663
Clayton, William, Surrey, J732 Drake, Frand. H. Devon, 16u
(~lerke,Rev. W. Hen.Lancafh. 166o jDryden, Edward, Northa!Dp, 1795
€lifton,Gcrvas,Nottinghamlh. (OIl ,DllcA:ett, Geo. Wiltfhire, 179 1
Cockerell, Chas. GIOucester,18091,Duekworth, J. Thos. K.B. Devon.
Codringtoll, W. Gloucefterlh. 177.1 1813
C.DffiD,Ifac.c,l,incolnfh. I804pudley, Rev. H. Bate, Wk. J813
Cog-hill, John, Surrey, I'77S'Dulf, James, Ayrfhire 181 3
Colebroolte, Jas. E. Calcutta, I 7591Dukcnficld, Nath. Chcfhire, 16 65
Col!@ton, Jas. Nall'au 166olDuubar, James, 1814
Collier, Oeo. Ralph J814!nuntR, John, Devon, 1774
. Colquhoun.James, Dumbart. J786'Dllrrant, Thomas, NnrfoUc, I 78.l
Colt,JohnDutton,Herefordlh. I69.11Dyer, Thomas, Londun, 16i8
~Ol'lgreve, Wm. Stafl"ordlh. 18u Dyke, Thoa. Kent; 167 6
Cooke, George, Yorkfhire, 166IIEail, Willianl, Berks,- 1766
Coote, Charles, Dublin, 'I774,Edcn, Rt. Johuflon, Dullham 16;1
'Cope, Den:7JI, Hants, I6ulEdcn, Fred. Durham, 1776
Copc,Jonat.D.C.L.HuntiDgd•.r7 I 3 Edmonftone, Chas. Dunlr~ath 1774
Copley, lofeph Yorklhire, 1778 Edwarde~,Rev.J.T.M.A.SalopI64S
Corbet, Charles 1642!Elford, Wm. Devon, ISO\)
Corbet, And. M. C. Bt:c:ln, 180llEltoa, Rcv.Abr. M.A. SOInClfet,
Curbet, Corbet, Salop, 1786 1 1717
CornewaU,G.A.D.C.I..~CI"f. r664jEnglc6e1d, Henry,Jerk" I6J~
CuttFreIl.John G. Hutl, . 1 80S
Enkine, WiIliam, Fifelhire, I79IjGr'fiCY, Roger, Derbylh. ItiU
E,hcrington, Henry, Yorklb. 177J Grey, HOD. Gc:or c: 18, ....
Evdyn,John, Surrey, 171.110uil;', H. Wm. Gfouccftoclh. 178)
Evtranl, Hugh, E~cx, 1618,Guuning, Robert, Northampt. I] 78
Knry, H~nry, D"rby, 1641 Haggerllonc:, Carnaby, Line. J64J
E: leo-Styles, John,M.A.Hc:rts, 1714'H:olcs, Edward, L"am"rbury. 1611
l'a~g, Rtv. Julln, Kent, ,I6liv Hale~, Philip, Somc:rfctfuire 1660
Falkincr, Fr.:d.JnM, Oublin 18Il:Halford, H. M.D.I.illcolfllh. 1809
Farmer, Geo. Wm. Suffcx, I 7191'Halton. W. Huntingdonlhire, 164~
Famabl', Chas. Kcnt, 1719 Hamilton, Cha •. Mirldlcfcx' 1716
F2rquh"r,Walt.M.D.I.ondonI196 Handyn, James, Wm. Dcvon, 179$

l'el.herllonhaugh, H. SuJfn,
1'''''[(5, Wm. Dumfriclh.
J, . . ,
l'c:rgufon, Andrew, Derry, 18'::1 Hamond, Audr. S. Bc:rk.,
HaulpfOll, Thos. P. London, 164l
1804 Hanham, Jas. Dorfer,

J'ilmcr,Rcv. John, Ktnt, 16'4 Hanmcr, Thomas, Fiillllhirc, 1774-
l'3lzgerald, John J.Tipperary,1801 Harding~, Rich. Fennan, 1801
.Fjtzhcrbert, Hen~y,Dcrbylh. 1783 Hardy,T.M.Northaml'tonlb. 1306
Fleming, Dan. Wcilmorl. 179J lIarland, Robert, Suffolk, 177'
Fietcher, Henry, Surrey, 1782 Harriugton, J. Edw. Berks, 161'
Fl~tehcr, Rich. K.T.S. Cork 18n Hartopp,Ed.C. Warwickfll. 179'"
J lower, Charles, Oxfordfu. 1809 Hartwell,Fraoc. John Elfex, 1806
l~ludyer, Sam. B. Monmollth.17J9 Haftings, Charles, Leicefier 1806
Foike;,M.B.F.R.S. Norfolk 1714 Hawkins,John C. Sonurfetlb.I778
Ford, l/ranci" Staflol·dih. 1 i93 Ha~kins, Chrifrop.Cornwall, 179 r
Foulis, \Villiam, Yorklhire, 1619 Hawley, Henry, Kent, 1795
Frankland, Thoma.., Yorklh. 1660 Hay, John, Wigtownfhir~ 1798
Frofer, .Wm. Invcrne(,lhirc 1806 Hayes, T. P Wcfrminft. l797
FreJerick, John, Surrey, 1713 Head, Rev.John,A.M. Kent, 1676
GJge, Thomas, Suffolk, 1662 Hc:athcote, Gilb. RutlallJjh. 1736
Galbrailh, James, Donegal 1813 Heathcote, WilIiam, Hant., 17 3l'
Gamon, Richard, M:ddlcfex" 179J Ht!Ilniker, Lt. Gen. Hon. B. P
(lariliner,J. W.S.LL.D.Lanc.I18l ElfclI, 181J
Gcary, Wm. Kent, 1782 Heron, Robt. I.incolnlh. 1 i 73
George, Rupert, Middlefex, 11102 Hefilrigge, T. Mayn. Suffolk 16n
Gerhard, William, Lancafll. 1611 Helketh, Thoi. D,l.ancalhirc,176 {,
Gibbes, Philip, O"f.mifh. 1774 Hewet, Rev. Tho. EJfex, 1611
Gibbt>l1s,W.D.C.L.Middlcfex,11Jl Hewett-,Gen. Geo. Som-net, 1813
Clyn, Lqvin Powell,Surrey, 17J9 Hicks, Will. Glouccfrerlh. 1/)1\1:
Glyn, Rich. Carr, Dorfetlh. 1800 Hillary, Willi~m, Effex 180,5
Gly·,mc, Step. Rich. Flintfu. IMI Hildyard, R.D'Arcy, Yorklh. 1660
Qooch, Thomas, Suffolk, 1746 Hill, John Sljroplbirc, 1127
• GOQdricke, Henry, Yorldhire, 1641 Hippifiey, J. C. D.C.I.. F.R. &.
Goold, Frauci., Cork, 1801 A.S. Somerfetlh. 1796
Cordon, J. Wm. Lincolnfhire 1764 Hislop, Lt.Gen. Th"s. Devon ISI J
Gordon,Wm.Cllmm, Elgilllb. 180 Hoare, R. Colt, Wilts, 1786
Goring, Henry, SuJfex, 1627 Hobhuu(c, Bing. Gloue. I8u
Graham, Robert Cumberl. 1629 Hoghton, Hen. Phil. Lancalh. 161 I
Graham, Belllng. Reg. Yorklh. 166:1. Holmes, Leonard Thomas, Ine of
Gr.ham, James,.Cumberl. 1182 Wight, 1611
Graham, lame. Yorklbire, 1808 Homan, Wm. J. \Veftmeath x8o(
Green, Wi1liam, Kent, 1186 Home, Ever. Southampton J813
Grec:n, ~ha" Yw-ldhirc 1805 HOllyman, Wm. Orkncylh. I8~~
Honywoo~~ J"hn C. Kent, 1660 Lees, Rev. Harr01lrt, Dob1iJi, 1804
Hood, Sam. K.B. K.M.T. and Leg.lfd, ThoMal, Yorklhire 1660
K.F. Surrey, _ 1801 Leoc:eQer,j. Fleming, Chelh. 1660
Hart, J. Wm. Bucks, 1767 Leigh, Egerton, W:l.rwicklh. 1772.
Bortun, Rey. Tho&. Lanc·afh. 1764 Leighton, Robert, Shroplhire, r69:1
Bolkins, Hungerf.Hertfordlh. 1676 Leith, Geo. Norfolk, 1175
Hofte, Wm. K.M.T. J8I3 LeDlon,W.D.C.L.Cornwall, 1114
Hudfon, Charles, Kent, 1660 Lellnard, Th08. B. Effex, 1801
.Hud.fion, Ch. Palmer, Leiceft. 1791 Lethbrid,e,John,Somerfetlh.1804
'Hughei, John Thoi. Suffolk, 1773 LiddelJ,Thol. H.Durham" 1642.
Hulfe, Edward, F.S.A. Hants,17 39 LippillcOt, Hen. 6loucefrerlh. In8
Hume, Abraham, Herts, 176\1 l.ittlehales,Edw. Baker,Suffex I80~
liimloke, Tho. W. Derbylh. 1643 Lloyd, Edw. Price,..Flintlhire, 'nS
Hunter, Claudius Stephen, 181:1 Lockhart, Alex. M,acdonald, La-
James, Waiter, J. Berk8, 179' ntrklhire . 1806
Ibbetfon, H. Carr, Yorklh. 1748 Lo"mbe, John, Norfolk, 1783
Jerningham, Geo. Norfolk, 1621 Lope?, Manafft:hM.Deven, 1805
jervoife, Rev. Sarn. C. HantSl8IJ Loraille, W.Northumberland,1664
Ingilby, John, Yorklhire, 1781 Loui., JOhll, De'loll, ' 1806
Ingilby, William, Lincolnfb. 1796 Lubbock,, Norfolk 1806
Inglis, Hugh, Bedfordlhire. 180) Luihington, Hen. Surrey, 1791
J.. hnfon, John, Middlefex, 1755 Macrlpnald, Arch. Surrey, 18I3
Johnftonc, John , V. B. Yorkih. 1 795 Mackenzie, Alcx. M. Perthih. I80S
Jones, Harford,K.C.Hereford:1807 Mackintofh, lEnea .. Invcm. ~ 81~
Jones, Thos. J. E. Shropfh. 1808 Mackworth,Henry, Norfolk,1619
Irviug, Paulu,lEm. Dumfries, 1809 Mackworth, Digby, London, 1176
Ifbam, lulL D.C.L. Northamp- Macpherfon,J.lnvemefs/h. 1786
tOlllbirc 1617 Mainwafing,Hen.M;Cheihire,r804
Kay, Wm. Surrey, 1803 Malet, Cha •. Warre, Wilts, 179-
Xaye,John, L. Yorkfhire I!lU Mannen, Wm. Lincoluih. 1793
Xeane,J.WaterfordandHantt,180I Manfefi, Wm. Carmarth. 161.1
Kellett, Rich. Lota, Cork, 1801 Martin, Mordaunt, Norfolk,1667
Kennaway, John, Devonlh. 1791 Martin, Henry, Berks, 179:1:·
Kent, Cha.Egleton,Lin(oln/h.1781 Mawbey, Jofeph, Surrey, 1765
King, John Dalhw. Bucks, 1707 Maxwell, Dav. Kircudbright, 1804
King, Richard, J.ondon, 1792 Medlycott,.Wm. C. Somerfct.I808
Kingfmill, .Robt. Berk., 1800 MetcaUe,Tho.l'heop.Bcr!tJb. 1802.
Knatchbull, Ed. Kent 1641 Mi.Jdleton, Wm. Suffolk, 1804
Knighdey,Chas.Northamptoi1I79¥ M!llbanke, Ralph, Durham, 1661
Knig'hton,Wm. M.D. D6Irfltts. 1813 ¥,ldmay,H.C. St.Johll,Hanul772
Knowles, C. Henry, Berks, 176S Mill, Chu. Hauts, 1619
Lade, John, Sunex, 1758 Miller, Thomas; Hampihire 1705
Laforey, Francis, Devonlhire, 1186 Miller, William Kircudbright,
Lake, Wm. Middlefex, 1711 (Lord Glcnlee). ' 1788
Lambert, H. Anne, Norfollt,1 7I I Millman, Fran. M .D. & F.R.S. 18eo
Langham, lames, Milner, Wm.M. Yorklhire, ' 1716
Langley, Henry, Bedfordlh. 16411 Milnes, Robt. S. Leicefic(, 18cI
l.aroche, James, Devonih. I 776j'MiChell, Andrcw, Shetland 171.4
J.awlcy, Robert. Staffordlh. 1641 Moiefworth, A. O. Cornwall 1689
1.Jowlon,Hemy Maire, Yorkih.166S IMonck,Chn. M.L.Northumb.1662
Lec, Rev. Geo. M.A. Bucks, 1660/Monoux, Rev.Phi!. BedfoirlJh.1660
Lecdt, Geo. W. Cambridge, ala Mont~omery, GcOtTweedalc. 17H
.Montgom~ry,Jas. Prehie{h. 'T801 ,Pening John, Devon, 1808
Mont&omery,H.C.Dollegal 1808,PeytoD,Ye!Ver.Southampton,I6U
Moore; William-, Berk. 17661 Peyton, Henry, Cambridge, 177 4
Mar-daunt, Chaa. Warwic. 161l Piggott, Geo. Queell'. co. 1808
Morgar., C. Monmouthlh. 169~ igot, Geo. Statfordlhire 1764
Morris, Iohn, Glamorganlh. 1806 I;>ole, W. Templer, Dcnn, 16~1
l\1<lrlhcad. Fred. T. Cornwall 1783 Poie, Charles, Klfcll., 179'
Molley, Ofwald, Stalfordfh. 1781 Pole, Cha.. Morriee, Hants, 180r
Moilyn, Thos. Hintlhirc 1660 Pollen, John Wait. Hant.., 119's
1\1ol\yo, Pyers, Flintlhire, 1670 Pool,Rrv.Henry,M.A.Sulfa: 167%
~1:urray, John, M.Perthlhiro:, 1795 Poore, Jobn M. Wilts, 179S
Mu(grave, Phi lip C. Cumb. 1611 t>refcott, r.eo.Beefiun,Herts, '794
Nag\e, Rich. V.'ellmeath, 1SU Prevoll, Geo. Halll., 180S
lIkale, Harry Burnrd, Hant.,I769 Price, Jofeph, Pembroke 1641
Neavc, Thomaa, Elfex, 1795 Price, Chas. Surrey, 1804
Nelthorpe, Henry, Lincolnfh. 1666 PrideaUll.,John W. Devonfhire 16U
Nep~an,Rt.Hon.Ev.Dulfetfh. 1801 ProClor, Thomas B. Norfolk, 174't
Nightillgale,C.E.CambridgefhI6~g Rollefion, Richard, Flilltfh. 1813
Noel, Gcrard N., 17 811 Radclilfc, JOfeph, Yerkfhire, I8I.J'
Norlhcote, S. H. Dcvonfh. 16,11 Rac, David, Mid. Lothian, 180.
NUgJ!nt, George K.B. Bucks 1806 Ramsden, Jolm, Yorklhirc 16: 9
Oalteler, Chas. Shroplhirc, 1190 Ramfay, Ale". Kincarditi~fh. x8C4
Oakes,!.t. Gen. Hildebrand 181 J Reade, John, Oxon, 1660
O!,:iander, Wm. lileof Wight 1665 Readc, Rev. Wm. Clare, 164[
O'Malley, Sarn. Mayo, IS04!Rich.Rcv. Ch.C.LD. Suffolk 1791-
O'N.::ill, Randal, Cavan 1643/'Richards, PhiJip, (in Spain,) 1684
Onllow, Richard, Lancafhire, 1797 R;ddcll, Jas. Mile_, Argylllh. 1778
Orde. John, Sullex, 1-790IRidley,M.Whitc,Northumb. 1756
0rmfby, C.lIvfontagu, Duhlin 18u;Riven, Rev. Henry, Norwichl6l4
Ofuorn, George, Bedfordfu. X 66°1 Roberts, Waiter, Cork 1809
Ou(cky, Gore, Herts, 18c8iRobinfon. G. Northamptonfh. r600
Owen, Arthur. 164I/ROger., John L. Devonfhire (699
Owen, John, Pembroke, 18a Rowley, Wm. Suffolk, 1786
01enden, Henry, Kent, 16,8,Rowley, Jofias 181J.
Pakingloll,J.' D.C.L.Worce!1:. 16:z.0IRumbold, Georg.e, Yorkfhire 1779
Palk, Lawr. D.C.L.Devonfh. I ,8a Russoll, Henry, E{fex 181~
Palmer, C. Hal-court, Bucks, 16:z.1lRyclOft, Nelfon, Surrey, 1783.
Palmer,john,Northamptonlh. 166o St. Aubyn, JoIm, Cornwall, 16'1
Parker. William, Suffolk, 1681 St.Paul,Hor.D.C. Northnmb, r81J
Pat'ker, Peter, Etfex, 1782. Salufbury, Roht. Monmouth, 1193
Parker, Wm.Geo.Warwicklh. 1797 Sandys, Edw .. B. Gloucefi. 1809
Parfons, Mark, Surrey, 1661 Saumarez, Ja•. K.B. Guernf. (801
PaIley, Thomas, S. Dumfries, 1794 Saxton, Charles, Berk., t 794
Paul, G. O. Gloucefterfhire, 116l Se ott, J"f. Staffordfhire, '1806
Pay ne William, 1812 Sebrigbt,Jn. S.Hertfordlhire, 162.6
Peacock, Non. L. Clan" 1802 SeYDlonr,M.Cork, and Devon 1&09
PecheU, Thomaa, B. Sulf~lI., 1791Shaw, John G. Kent, 1665.
Peel, Robert, Staffordfh. 1300jShaw, James, AyrlDir.: 1809.
Pennyman, Wm. Yorkfhire, 1663,Sheaffe, Rog. Hale, Clare 18'3
Pepcrell, Wm. London, 1174 Sheffield, John, Lillcolnfhire, 17H
Pepys, Lucas;M. D. Loodon,I,783 Shelley, John, Sutfex, 16'1
Fepys, Will. Weller, London, 1801,Shelley, Byfshc, Sulf':iI, 1806
Sheppard, Thol.l3ucks . 1809 Thorold, John, Lincolnlh. r64'z
8h,irl"y, Wm. Warden, Su!fC'l, 1786 Throckmorton, John, Berks, 1641-
5h'lckburg, Fran.WarwickJh. 1660 Tichborne, Hcury, Hamplh. 162.0
Sibbald, Janles, Berks, 1806 rrelawny,Rev. Hen.Corl111{all,162.8
Siurlair, Rt. Hon. J. D..C.L. "frevdyan, John, Somerfet, 1"661
CaithneCslhire 1,86 Trollope,J. D.C.L. Lincolnlh. 1641
SitweU, George, Derhylh. 1608 Troubridge, Rd. Thos. Sutrexl799
S~,eBingtor., W. C. P .S.A. Leicefl. Turner, Greg. Ofbome Page,
1786 Bedfordlb. . 1733
_ Skipwith, Gray, Warwick 16u Turton, Thomas, Surrey, '796'
Smith, Culling, MiddleCcx, 1801 Twifdcn,John Papillon,Ktnt, 1666
Smith, J. Wyldbore,Dorfetlh. 1774 Twyfden, Wm. Kent, 1611
Smith, DJ'ummond, Herts, 1804 Tyrrell, John, Elfex 1809
Smith Wm. Worceftcrtb;rc 1809 Vane, Fred. F. Cumberland, 1786
Smithc. Edw. Jos. Yorklhire, 178.1 Vavafollr, Tho. Yorktbire, 1618
r>myth, Geo. Henry, Etfex, 166.1 Vavafour, Henry, Yorktbire, r801
Smyth, Edwd. Shroptb. and War- Vaughan,R.W.Merionethlh.' 17~[
wicklb.. • 166c Vincent, Francis, Surrey, 16~o
Smyth, JohnHugh, '')omerCet, 1763 Vyvyan, Vyel. Cornwall, 164.
Smyth, Geo. H~nry 166; Wake, W.D. C.L. Northamp. 16u
Btamer, Wm. Dublin, 1809 Wallh, J. B. Berklhirc, 1804
Stanhope, Heit.Ed.Middlefex, 1807 Wal~ers, Hugh PalliCer,Kent In3
Stanley, John Tho. Cheihirc, 1660 Warren',Rt.Hn. JohIlB.K.B.& K.C.
Stanley, Thos. Chefhire, 166r Efi'ex, 177S
StapyltoQ, '\\Iart. Yorklh. 1660 Warren.Jer,Geo.Hadiflgtonfb. 171S
, Stepncy, Tho~. Carmarthenlh. 1621 Vl'atfon, Charles, Bern, 1760
Stew art, Rt.l'lon.Jn.Tyrone 1803 Webb, Thos. Wilts, i64"
StirIin~,GiJbert,Edinbt1rghlb.1791 Webller, Godfrey, Sufi'('x, 1703
Sti!ling, WaIter, F.R.&A.S. 1800 Wedderburn, Dav.l'crthlh. 1803
StonhouCe, Thomas, Etrcx, 162.Slwelby, Wm. Earle, Lincaln. dOl
Strachey, Hellry, Somcrsq, I80! IWentworth, J. Liucolnfhire '1795
Stricklalld, Gcorg~, Yorkfh. 1641 WeCcombe, Anthony, Surrey, 1699
Strange, Jas. Matt, Armagh IS03 Wheate, Rev.Jn. Thos, M.A. 1696
Stllarr, Simcon, Hants, 1660 Wheler, Rev.C. M.A. Warwickih •
. Style, Tho~. Charles, Kent, . 1627 . :1660
SlIlIivan, Henry, Sllrr~y 1804 Whichcotc, Thol. Lincolnlh. 1660
S"tton, Richard, Notts, 1772;White, Tha. W. Notts, 1801.
Suttan, 'ThoB. Surrey, 1806jWigram, Robert, Etrex, I Sos
Swynburnc, J.E.Northumber. 1660 WilIiams, Edw.Brecknoeklb. 1674
Sykes, Fran.cis Wm. Berks. 1781 lWilli'llI\s, John, Flintlhire, 1798
Sykes. Mark,M.F.S.A ..Yorklb.I783:Williams, Rob. Carnarvonfb. 1661
Synge, Robert, Meath. rSor :WiIIiamfon , Hedw. Durhanl .. 164~
Tancred, Thomas, Hant¥, 1661;Wilmot, ~obert, Dcrbylhire, l77a
Tapp., Geo. Ivdon, Hants, J791 Wihnor, Robert, :rrerbylhire, 177~
Taylor, S. R. B. Stalfordfh. In8 Willoughby, C. William OxfOFd.
Tempdl, Henry, Yorkfhire, 1 6 6 4 ' , 1794
'l'cmple,Grellvjlle,Worctller, 1612 WilCon, Thomas, St,lfex 1661
Thomas, John, Ola.tnorganfil., 1694 Winn.Edm. Mark, Yorklbire,1660
Thomas, Geo, White,. Su.trex 'I 766 Winnington, T. 1:;. Worccftcr, 1 7S.5
Th"mfon, Nora. Sulfex, 1791 Wifeman, William, Jiff"". I6~8
, T!lQn.l~fon, :1'119&' B. H~ltS., 1806, Wollf,~amcs Weftnn, Devon, 116.6
Knights of the (jarter, Thistle, aod Bath. 87
'Vttlfely, Wm. Stattordihire, I6~8 Wrey, Bourch, Devon, 16~3
Wombwell, George, Yorklh. 1178 1 Wrottelley, John, Staffordlh. I64~
Wood, Frinci., L. Yorkfuire, 17831- Wynn, Watkin W. Denbighfu, r688
Wood, Mark,Surry 1808 Yea, Wm. WaIt. tlomerfetlh. 1759
.Woodfonf, Ralph,J.Lincokfu.I7911 Yonge, Gcorge, Devon 166,
Wranll. Nat. Wm. Sonlerfet 1813 Young, Wm. Laurellce,Buclr,t,I766
Wray~ Chencr, Derbylh. 16121 Young, Samuel, Berkfuire 1813

KNIGHTS of th. MojI Nohl. O,.r/... of t[,. GARTER. I".JIitwttl

January 19, 1350.
The SOVEREIGN. ,Duke of Gloucefter EarloEChellerfidd
The Prince of Wales IDukeofMarlborough Marquis of Stafford
Duke of York, K. B.D. of Northumberland Marquis of Hertford
Duke of Clarence,K.T. 'Earl oC Chatham Earl of Lonfdale
Duke of Kent, K.P. Marqllis of S;llifbury MarquilWcllelley, K.e. '
Duke of Cumbcrland EarlofWeftmorland .!It J<::.S.L.
Duke of Sulfex Rarl of CarlHle Duke of Richmond
Duke of Cambridge Earl Spencer Duke of Montrofc
Prince of Heffc Marq. Camden Earl of Moira -
Emperor of Ruffia Duke of Rutland Duke of Newcaftle
K\ng of France Earl of Hardwicke Mar~ui3 oC Wellington,
Emperor of Aunria Duke of Beaufort K.G.F. K.M.T. K.S.
Killg of Pruffia Marquis of Abercorn K.T.S . .!It K.F.
King of Spain Earl of Pembroke Earl of Liverpool
Prince of Orange Eilrl of Winehelfea Lord Caftlereagh
Bifhop oT Winehener, P,..I. of tb. Orr/er.-Bifuop of Sahibury, CIJalI.
ctllor.-Dean of Windfor, Rtgijlrar.-Sir Ifaac Heard, kt. Gart,,., KillK
of ATm,.-Sir Th08. Tyrwhitt, Knt. UjlJeT oft!" Bla&/o RotI.-Franci.
Q.!!arme, Efq. n'llIt]. ,
KNIGHTS of tb. M?f/ .An,ienl a"d MojI NoM. Orr/... of tb. THISTLE.
I'lIilu/cr/7'67, Rtlt.,.et/ 1540, R""i..,ed 1687.
The SOVl:anGN. \Earl of Morton Duke of Bucclcljgh
Duke ofClarence,K.G. Duke of AlhOl. Earl of Eglintoun
Du ke of Gordon Ear I Cathcart - Earl of AbergavcDny
M, rquis of Lothian E;u-lof Aberdeen Earl of Galloway
Earl of Poulett
Dr. \'I'm. Laurcnee Browne, Dca" rif,h.Ort/(r. George Dempfler, efq.
SUrdar]. Earl of Kinnoull, Lion King of Arms. Rob~rt Q!arme.
efqj G,-"I/cman Ufo ... of t[,. G,-m' Rod, 100/.
KNIGHTS COMPANIONSrif t[,t lrI?f1 HOllourll6ic O,.a" rif ,f;.
, BATH. I'!ftitulcr/ 1399, Ilnr/ Rroi",d 17~S.
The SOV-£REIGN. Admiral Vifet. Reirh, K.C.
Duke of Yerk, K.O. Grand MajI,,.. Rt. Hon. Sir J Bor. Warren, Bt.
Sir Robert GUDning, 1Jart. Right lion. Sir Jof. Banks, Bt.
Earl of Malmeibury GLneral Sir Alured Cbrke
Adml. Earl oC tit. Vincen. Admiral Sir John ColpQys "
I,ord Henley Gener.. l LurdHutehinfon, K.C.
Gen. Sir Robert Aber.romby Adnlir.u Sir J. T. Duekworth. Bt.
VUtOllllt W!UtwQrta Admira15irJq,Sa"~III'~lI:l.ut.K.O.
88 KDi~bts.of the Bath, Lord ~feward's Oepartment.
~D. Sir Eyre Coote, K. C. HOD. Lt.Ge•. Sir Edw.Paget, K. T.S.
<kn. Sir John Fran. Cradock, K.C. Lt. GeD. Lord Cornbermere,K.T.d.
Rt. Hon. Gen. Sir D ... id Dundaa Rt. Hon. Sir Charlee Stuart. K.T.S.
I Rt. Hon. Sir Anhur Paget Hon. Adm. Sir Geo C.Berkeley
Gen. Earl Ludlow Lt. Gen. Sir Geo. Nugent, Bart.
Vice Adm. Sir S. Hood. K. M.T. & Gen. Sir Wm. Kcppel
K. F. Lt; Gen. Sir John Doyle, ban.
Adin. Earl of Northdk Gen. I,or..! W. H, C. Bentindt
V. Adm. Sir Rich. 1. Strachan, Bt. Lt. Gcn. Sir Ja50 Leith, K.T.S.
V. Aclnl. Hon. Sir Alex.F.Cochrane Lt. Gen. Sir Thos. PictoD, K.T.S.
Lieut. Gell. Sir John Stuart. K. C. Lt. Gcn. fIoD. S:r G. L. Co le
Count CIf Maida. EXTRA l<N ICRTt.
Sir Prulip Frands Lt Gen. Lord St(wart, K.T.S.
Sir Geo. Hilario Barlow, bart. K.S.G. K.B.E. and K.S. .
Vifcount Strangford. K. T .S. Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Alex. Hope
Vice Adm. Sir R. G. Keatl Lt. Gen. Sir Htnry Clinton
Lt. Gen. Sir Georgc Heckwith Lt. Gen. Earl of DAlhoufie
Lt. Gen. Sir David Baird, K.C. Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Wm. Stewart,
Lt. Gcn. Lot'd Niddry K.T.S.
Lt. Gen. Sir Brem SpeBeer. K.T.S.1Maj. Gen. Sir G. Murray. K.T.S.
i..c.Gen. Sir l.C. Sberbroke, K.T.S.iMaj. Gen. Hon. Sir Edw. Michael
Lt. Gen. Lord K.T.S. P.dtei.ham, K.T.S.
Lt. Gen. Lord Lynedoeh Admiral Sir Wm. Young
Lt. Gen. Lord Hill, K.T.S. Genera! rhe Hereditary Prince of
Lt. Gen. Sir Samuel Achmuty Or<1nge "
Rt. Hon. Sir Heliry Wcllefley .
D'CIUI oC Weibninfter, D.all oft/" Orl.r.- J. PalmerCullum. "f'l' BATH
XiII, of Ar..,:-Deputy, Fran. Townfend. ef'l; l~.S.A. Windfor JI.raltl,
Sir 010 •. Nayler, efq, F. S. A. Gm,alogij, alld Blalle Coup'''', H",aJc/.
John Clu. H~rric., Ef'l' R.g!JIrar and S,,·r.tary.-Geo. Fred. Ikltz, Efq.
a'NII""." U/her if tb. Blad RoJ, a"J Bn'''.Pw;tl Fl,rJItI.
}J.artl ofGmll r......". Rev. WiIliam C. Dyer
L.,.tl81#ward,lt;arloCCho!mondelcy. S... Jofeph Hanhy. dq.
S"reiarYt Timothy Brett, efq. Court .of the M,u:lbalfea of the:
'7'rM!u,''''-' Lor~ Wm. Charles Ca- King's HO\lfe.
vcndllb BCBunck, Earl of Cholmonddey, LtI••~fc~var".
C~trol"r, LOJ;d Geo. T.Beresford. Burton Moriee. Efq. SI,ward ./ I/'.
P"ylll~fI"', Geo. 'falbot. efq. COllrt of M.r.fou!fia
M4er of Ih. HO'ffihold, Gen. Sam. Sir Ja•• Bland Burges, ht. Klli,,,,
Hu.lfe. . Matfo.I.·
Ctrrl, ofdo. Geo.' Stonc, efq. Caas. G d
Bicknell, efq. ar en~.
S ... /0 tb. lIoard aJGr.m CI.tb. Tlm. ~o",p:;U~(;,e0'.f.~~tonc. efq.
B ent er. u. r. s. elt.
Ajlifla1lll: J~i1D. Jenkinfon, Jl.ithd. ~a~to""C:::ttsW:. pa,dleyw'..rq •T
St d CbiClark ef.1rs. ....'!!,lIgt." '" t. J - I, 01. •
ODe, an •• Aiton, Efq.
Almonry. ~""'I Houft, Mr. Rich. Smart
LtI. HigbAI",olld, Archbp. of York Rich_Nif$ K.-w. Wm:r.Aiton.ef•.
, S,J,.4.I",...r.lle... Wm•.Carcy.!?D. ,K."", Ditto.
H.,.III. Gr",,{/ "u...
Marqwt 0 Witltifor J. T. Aiton cfq.
• •
Lor. Stew~rd's and Lord Chamberlain's Dep~rtmenh. 8Q
Yeomen of the KiDg'. Guards. inlU·
tUled 8y Henry VII. 1486. M".fIw, Ea~lof Macdesfield, 10001. trofe, K. G.
The King', SI;.blel.
H.1ji, Duk.c of Mon-

LiiM. John Hell' y Davi., ef'l' 5001. Ch • .Eg"wry ,f!' Cl.... M.wII.J. Maj.
£,y'ign, Aiel<. Atkiu5, erq; 3001 • nen. BenJ. .'
Cl". if 11,. Ch'g'" iJlld S .."I. Cole .F.. , F,gu"rl('.In O,J'lIa,'3'
Child efq ' L l e n t . Ctn. Bammolld
, • Sir Wm. Cougreve. B.ltt.
£"tttlJt ,. Maj.Gen. B .yle)'
W. R. Wb1t~ng, ef'!. Hon. Major Fred. H()ward
Henry Cipri;mi, efq. 'Tw • .Eq.trri., E.t;t,a.,JiwIIITY. Col.
Roger Mpnck, efq. Vivian, Col. l\1ellilh
The •• H. (;urtei,. eaq. F.ur P"g<s if H ..."" Philip Spen-
100 T ..",." iJI 391. lIS. 3d. 'lIe/'. cer Stall hope , Henry Murr.1y,
. Fred. Henry Turner, Ch~,. O.
, , J. Arbulhuot, ef'lrL
The Hon. Ba~d of ~entlemen Pen- 'Two Do. E"lra Fred. Wm. Culling
fioner .. , 1<.llablrlbcd 1509· Smith, J. A, D Bloomfield, ef'l"
Capla;n, Earlof Courtown, 10001. Efl'ltrr, if 11" C,ow. SIaM", Cha ••
Li.ul.nlut, Wm. Henderfol1, erq. QEendn,efq.
M.-\.5001. 1------------
SliJnJiJrd.hliJr""Edw. Dawfon, erq. 'The King's Hunt.
3~01. Mp)" of tbe Stag HDIlIIJ" MarqUil,
Chr}, orC""""., Phi!. L.Powye, efq Cornwallis, ~oool. '
Pay",a}u, Wm. Gifl'ard, efq. HunifRJaff, David JohnRon
040 Gentlem~n at IO?J • .each. Gran" FaIc.n.r, Duke of St. A1Nna


Lorrl Cha",h,.,.la;n. A./fzJIallt Gmt. U.foer, Edw. Sneyd,
Marq. of Hertford,K. G. & F.S.A JUD. Erq; .
u,ool. ' G r o o m , if th~ P,i." Cha",!,,,, Ch ••
ri" Chamb<rllli". Miller, Wm. C. Fowle, Fred.
ViCet. Jotelyn, 1I591.8'.4d. Chapman, R. Powel.l, cfqrs. 731.
S~&rda.." Joh" C~lvert, ~fq. G.II#J....nUjlJlrt,$!!!artuly'W·ait1rl ;t>,
Fil' CllT., Tho. B. Malh, efq; . OrJi/Ulry. John S. Dobyns, R.
CI.ri" Sam. DlMty, James Thomas'l Browne, W. Lewis, 'T. B. Malb,
Wm. Martins, Wm. Todhunter'j Jas. S. Burton, Hon, H. Ltgge,
c'qrs. . 1. Bawdier, Edw. Alb, efqrs.
S"p"i1llnuliJIIl if P",.,nt., Henry Pages of the B".&l Stairs, T. Stil-
Browel1, efq. I lingier.t, Wm. COl<.
Mrj., if Ih. o.,.mcnill, Sir 5teph. Groom of Ih. Sto/., Marquis "f Win·
Cottrel!, Knt.3001. I ,heRer, 7.0001.
AJlijl. R.Cbcfter, cfq. 6s.8d. a·day. LOTd, oflh. B.Jeha.&tr, 10001. " ..h.
Marjhal, Root. Chclter, efq. 1001. Lord BolloD
Gnrtu..m Ufotr.. if lb. Pri"" Cba",' Vifeount Wentworth
hlr, John Hale. efq; Robt. Chef· Earl Poulett, K. T.
ter, efq. Wm. C. Mailer, eCq. Lord Chas. Spencer
Geo. F. Hatton,efq. Marq. of Headfon, K.'t.P.
o.;',I."".n Ufo'TI, Daily Wait"" Sir Vifet. Melboum
'rhol, Tyrwh~t. kat. BIa•• Rod, Lord JaDIes Murrar
H; Y. Wortharn, ef'l' 'rhos. Of· V'ifct. Peterfuam,
mer, efq. Gco. H. Seymour, efq. ,Vifet. Lalr.e
to Kiog'. Hou.8holtl •.
Earl of Delaware Willialll Harding, .. fq.
Lord Graves Thomaa Holbeche, efq.
Lord Stewart, K.B. ThoDlaa l!0lmes, efq. .
Kup" of Ih. Pri.", Pllrp. Ilt. Hon. Thomas StntngewaysHorner, tfq.
John M'Mahon . WHY J.Ans,dq.
66•. t. D •• Thoi. Marrables, caq. William Jervis, eCq.
Grooms of th, B,d,Z,a..h«. Sir J. Ktnnaway, bart.
Hon. Charles H erbert Edward Knipe, eCq.
Hon. George. Villien Lancelot H. Lee, efq.
Hon. Lieut. Gen. Edw. Finch Charles Long, efq.
Hon. Henry Verner Rdward Mainwaring, ef'l'
Hon. E. Capel Sir Wm. Mannera, Bart.
Hall. Fred. Weft Fitnne. S. Miller, efq.
Gen. <:;harlcs Leigh Hon. John Monckton
Gen. Edward Stephen. Sir John Pakington, bart.
Gen. T. S. Stanwil[ Hon. Philip B. Pufey
Hon. Col. Stanh.ope Robert Ramfd.n, efq.
Gen. J. F. Cradock, K.B. & K.C. Ambrofe Rhodes, efq.
Gen. Sir Wm. Keppel William Smith, tfq.
Col. Wilfon BradyU Sir John 'r. Stanley, bart.
Col. Tkomas William Strong, efq.
Lt. Gen. Hon. Wm. Lumley H. Line Templer, efq.
James Thcobald, efq.
H,on. Aug .. Cavend. B.-adlhaw Thoma. 'Tryer, ef'r
Lt. Gen. Sir Thos. H. Turner, kt. Levifon VelDon, efC{.
Salary soo\. a Year Auguftus S. Willet, cfq.
G,.,ltam ofth: Pri", C~. Thomas Wodelloufe, cfq.
John Aclanu, elq. Sir William Wolfdey, hart. .
Hamond Alpe, efq. Willouj;hby Wood, ef'l.'
J. Amphlett, efq. John Worth, efq.
Jofeph Beren., efq. Pag.. of the Be.!chamt,r, Edward
Henry Mertins Bird, eCq. Dawfon, Edw. Smith, Charles
Beale Bonnell, efq. Downe., John 'Wood, Sarn. Bow:-
Sir John Boyd, Bart. teU, efqrs.
Lancelot Brown, efq. . Office of Robe ••
X. Buckley, efq. Mojler oflhe Rohts, N~1fauThomas,
Edw. And. Burnaby, efq. efq.8001.
Ji Campbell, efq. Groom a,,4 ClfTl, Tlm. lIrent, efq.
J. Chriftma5, erq. artlrob,-Kup,r, Ket!fingl ... , Mri.
C. Clulrchill, efq. ICabclla Fielding
Frands Colman, efq. N,,,,jJOTY Woman, Mrs. A.BcIlDden-
Thonlas Coutts, cfq. bcrg ._
John Cuftauce, dq. Ntcllary Woman t. lb. flat. "part-
Sir John Davis, kilt. ""ntl, Mrs. Cath. Macq\1een
Stlmetfet Davie., efq. Strjeantl nt Arml, T. Stevenfon, E.
Sir Henry W. Dalhwood, hart. BuAl, J. D. Worgan, E. Gor-
Francis DickeM, efq. don, C. Browne, R. Cornfield.
Robert Foote, cfq. S. Saunders; & T. Malh, efqrs.
W. R. Gilbert, efq. S.rj,ant at A,ms atltnJing lb. L"rd
Richd. P. Glyn, efq. Cl:a".,I. Wm. Watfon, efq.-
John Hadley, eCq. Sujtont at ArieS 1I1t"''';''g tb, Houft
William ljale, dq. T if Commons, H .Seymollr,efq.lG>oJ.
King's Householtl. 9l
Knight Ha,"ing~,.., R. Rycro(t, eeq. , Aurij 0lm.I..., Wm Mauk, crq.
Ck:r" if tbe Cf,{IJM,·,Saru. Belty, efq. 'IV&M'if!" Jo/,n TlIylof,t:fq. Jer. Tay-
.II~....tfong'rs in AllrnJan&e 0" tbe King, lor, elq. and J. W. Phipp" cfq.
Robt. S.mith, Thos. Jarrctt, Joh .. D'nI!f1. iN Ort!. Geo. :!pence, efq.
N"a, Tho.. Thompfon, James D.ntijl (xII". T.R. Spencc..!Ie 'l'1uM.
Guant,Louis Monet, efllf" Norman1ell, efqn.
B:ln.t of Mufic. Op"alo, for lb. Hands tUUi Ftrt,TJaOl.
Maj.r and Condul1.r, Sir Wnl. Par- Scrjeaot, efC).
fons, Kt. D.M. 3001. HOUSEKEEPERS.
Chas.Scola, Benj. Chrifiian, TOOs. At Wintlfor Cafo, Hon. MU. Gcor-
Atwuod, Rob. Rawlins, J. Crofa· giana Towprend, 3101•
dill, F. Hackwood, Wm. Dance,. Ktlrjillglon, Mr•. J. Strode.
S. -,\I!(kn, Wm. Bhlllt, B. BJake,1 At Ihe ~"n's HIIII)", Mifs A. Fran..
S. Porter. W. Shield., J. Parke, Chcveley, M,f. Ma'1' Cheydey
T. Rowley, Dan, Wigg., John S,. 1al1l(l's, Mir. E. Kc.t. 1001.
Evaos, John 'Scott, Wm. Napier, Hamplon Court, Lady Eliz. Sc:ymeur
Thos.Leach.John Harrifon,Da- Krw, Mrs. W. A. Duck
yid Taylor, W. Cale, John ReUe, N,,~-mar"ct, MiC. C. Strode
Geo. SI rube!. AI Ihe Coclpit, l\1 cs. A. l\1alh
S<rj. 'Irumptflr, Chas. Rooke. AI Ri"omond LodJ/.'·, Mrs. Tunllall
MEDICAL DEPAI.TMI!NT. Maf/u if tb_ 'I<Illlit Court, C. Mer-
ndl, ef'l' .
PbyJi&ians ill ordinll'7, 3001. LID~AI\Y.
S~ I.ucas 'pepys, Bart. M. D. Pri". Librarian; lI"d Kltp,r of ,£.
Su. ~r. Mllman, Bart. M.D.F.R.S Medals. J)ronvillgs, t:f&. Frederic
~lilJam Heberden, M. D. Aug. Barnard, efq.
SIr Henry Half~rd, bart. M. D. Affi'. Nicholas Carlifle, e'q.
p'hv(u:,an, ",.tra. ld .00. Mr. Willj;llll Armllrnng
. John Carmlcnad SmIth, M.D. Hijloriographtr, Rev.Jas. S. L'larke.
Edwaro AIh, M. D. & .t. R. S. ll.C.E. and F.R {).
Matrhew Baillie, M. D. . Port LaM""t, Roht. Southey, erq.
9c~!11" Juh~ Taylor and Jerenu' E",amillu of P/"]l, John Larpent •
.. "~Ior, dqrs.. - . . jun. erq. 1001.
l'h:tfi"an to tbe HoujeLo/J, SIr F. MII- Surveyor if Pie/urts, Benj. Weft.
man, Bart. M.D. F.RS. crq; 2001.
Hllrg,on to Ibe HO/l/eho/d, jamci Pen- M".ft<r of M"hani", Rev. Thos. C.
r.ofc, ef,!. ~801. . I Mariham, M.A. '1.001.
,Apothecary to lb. RQ,!fthold,..A..Jona8, A)1rollo';',r Royal, John Pond, efq.
efq.1601. j"jjijl"lft, Mr. Taylor
ApDth""ri" to the P,lon, F.vcrard'-=-~-----'--------
Aug. Brand.:, e('H 3101. Robcrt Chief Jlf/iw in Eyrt.
B:;.ttifcomb, Ji:fq; 1601. N. of 'Innl, Rt. Hon. J. C. Villien
Serie"nl SurgeMI. S. of T,..:"" Rt. HOD. T. Grenville
Charles Hawkins, JUq. Sure/ary, John Hanfun, erq.
David Dundas, Etq. Dui/iJlof Ih. Thumes a6,.,. St.i"",
Sir Ever. Home, bt. 3961.138. 4d. J"hn ~cott,csq.
, SU'-"'MS exlra. to I~e p.,fon.' Cl\dWN ESTATE'S OFFICE,
John Hcavifide, .Er'l- . Whitehall, ,Ru.
jilmcs Penrofe, Efq.
Sir James Earle, KlIt.
C.",mijJiMer, of Wo"!" F.rej1s,
I.olld Rnlenu., W.~acresAdams,
Su,z,on extra. to tb. HQ,j'tb./tl. el''!., and H. Dawkms, efq. 44001.
Sir ]:UIlCs F<Arle, Knt. See. for Woods and F'rej1/~ Ale""
Frantis Knight', Eq. 1 MIine, cfq.6001 •.
92 King's Household, Rangers, &l'. Cbapl'1 Royal.
Su.for La~tI R""tI."" Jamea Pillar,' n.pul" Counters of Manalield,
efq. 6001.
Pr;.,. St<. H. D. White, eCq.
& K. B.
1'01''.11, Duke of YC?rk, K.C.
S"rv".rs of HOII/a, T.Leverton.and Ridi"g For'.ll..-, 5irH.Burrard, Ut.

Thos. Chawl1<f, eCqrs. Sb, ...,·.od Fortll, Duke of Newcafiie
"j"/.dubittcts, John N.fh, and las K.G. '
- "z"forgan, efqrs. Greenwich P"la" anti Pari, Prined.
Ilinty,,"1 D'I"'Y, Edw. Kent, efq. of. Wales _
2.501. IliP/ing 1'01''.11, ~. Bofanqnet, efq;
, ()jJi<l Kup.r, N. Choveaux. Bujhy Par}, Dllke ofClarence, I(.G.
RANGERS, K££PEIlS, &t. and K. T.
L.,·d' Ward... , 0" Li.ut. of Winrffori S"I"y For'!, Ea;l of ~ullon .
. Fortjl ""d G, Pari Duke of S"owtlon 14reJI, Earl of Uxbndge
York, K.G. & K. B: . IWiCh.UOot! Porll, O"fordjhiu, Lord
Dcputy Li",I. Earl of Harcourt F. A. Spencer. -
Elm'ad E!l'S"y. J. Secker, cC'!: St. Br;"""/,, CaJl.I., in the For1' of
Wi,,'!/or C"jll. I!:arl of Hacrington Dcan., Duke 0/ Btaufort, K.G.
Governor ' , Carnar'l1M CaJlI., W. Middltnon, ... rq.
W;.djor ParI, D.puty Ran, Whiltlebury Ford', Northampto'!fow..
g.r, Earl Hareourt D~ke of. Grafton, K,G.
Out Ranger, Earl of Onflow Ro.:llngba11l Fvrd', E. of Up.OlTory
Chapl"in to the Lodg., Rev. Jouncs St ..~'ard if,. BI'olliful.n.ral. Martor,
Ogilvic, D. D. I Sir W. '\. Wynn, Bt..
Willdfor Littl. Parl,SirThos. Tyr.G~ouc'.ll'r-CaJI'" N. Hyett, efq;
whitt, kilt. iRuhmolfJ Ford', rB~".Jh. D."r Lecd.

Gloucefier. K.G. / I
Btrgliot ParI alld Wall, Duke of MidJ"hllm Cizjll., ror"./h. Duke of
Leeds, CoaJIahl,
N.w Lod'ge Wall, PriDed's Sophia Ma"or of H',., Earl of WinchilCca,'
(If Gloueef1:er K G. .
WilU!for H,",. Pa,-l, Gcn. R. Oren.' Geddingto" Cbaft, Lord Montagu
ville, 6001. : Buerly Lodge, Earl "f\lth
WillJor lI'foat ParI Arthur Van_ Stl1v.-rd of the Lordjhip of Englp./tl
fittart, e C q . ' , I Flint, Sir Thos Hanmer, hart:·
Hnl1lpIOll-C.urt ParI, Duke of Kent, IJIe of ,]"fty,IS&. R. J. D' AuveI'ne;
K. G. & K. St. P. I Capt. R.N.
Cra"6ou,,,e Ch4', Hon. Geo_ ViJliers - - - . - - - - - ' - - - - - -
St. 'Ja"..s's Par. E!l' Hyde Pa,-l, ViCe. CommiJIiona s for the Mallag,m.",
Sydney if M. King's Prop.rty.
Dtp. Lord Wm. Gordon John Simeon, Efq.
Superintend. Thol Bridwcll, efq. Count'Mullfter,
RKh.and PaTI,.Vue:. Sidmouth lLt. Gen. Herbert TayJor
D«Inifthl Chap.I, Bifhop of LOll- CHAPLArN. IN ORDINARY.
dOD, 2.001. Edward Kynallon, B.D.
SIIb-P.IPI, Wm. Holmes, A. M. Gel>. BurraI'd, M .A.
G.trfdfor of tl" H."ft!xJJ, Rev. Hen. Ant. Hamilton, M.A •
. Fly, D. D. F. R. S. " Hen. John Todd, M.A. & F.S.A.
Cl..-lof the Killg's CI'!ftI, Bilhop Ofi/,Tho.Barne, M.A. & F.B.A.
Oxford. lofiah Thonlas, M.A.
7JIjJ. CIITI_, Dean of Wlnd(or, W. Thos. Coombe, D. D.
Cookfon, D.:o. T. Hughes, D.D ..Jamcs Satterthwaite, D.D.

Chaplains, Pre8t'hers, &c.
frands Haggitt, D. D. Robert Bamard, M.A.
Durand Rhudde, D. D. Lharles Goddo.rd, M.A.
E. A. HolY Drummond, D.D. 'I,,,
PunTai" Ortl1".".
John Strachey, D. C. L. Wm. Clarlr.e, M. A.
Wm. Morice, D. D. Henry Fly, D. D. F. R.B.
Spencer Madan, D.D. John Moore, B. C.L.
John Keyfall, M.A. /!( F.A.S. Wm. Clarlr.e, M. A.
Charles Lucas Edridge,M.A". Wm. Holme., M. A.
James Burton, D. D. John Pridden, M. A. & F. S. A.
Hon. Rich. IIruce Stop ford Itdward Cannon, B. A.
l\obt. Price, D. C. L. Edw. James Beclr.with, MA.
James Ruifel Deare. Wm. Haye., B.A.
Geo. Nugent, M.A. Rich. Webb, M.A.
Wm. Bingham, D. D. WBJT~HALL-CBAnL.
William Folter Piltott, D. D. RtIIf!ing Cup"'i"" Rev. C.Kfte, Rn-.
Samuel Byam, D. D. 1- H. Howlett, Rev. R. O...ldiok
Jofeph A. Small, D. D. HAJlPTON-COUIT.
H. J. Wollalton, M.A. Bc F.R.S. Cb4plai", HOD. and Rev. Ger. V.
Hon. Hen. Leaie, M.A. Welleaey, D. D.
Robt. Hodgfon, M. A. F.R.S. ' KENSlNGTOIf.
Wm. D. 1'atterfall, M.A. Bc'F.S.A. HoUfthold Chap/aj", 'Rev.1D.Wether-
James Reed, M.A. all, D.C.L. .
George Thackcray, M. A. WINDSOR.,
Robcrt Orme, B.D. Rev. Jam •• i. Clar"e, B. C. L.
S. G. r. T. Demainbray, B.D. F.R.S. Priv. Chap,1. te the King.
Hor. Thomas de Grey, M.A. Rtatl.r. Rev. C. Moricr, M. A.
Ch~rle. Burner, D.D. GERMAN CHAPEL ill Ill' Frit,..,.
Wm. Chafy, D. D. Chaplai'f!, Rev. Mr. Giefe, Rev.
Hon. Harbottle G. Bucknall, M.A Mr. Kucpcr. .
James Carpenter ,Gape, M. A. RtaJtr,. Rev. Mr. Kurper
William Philipa Menzies, M. A. DUTCH CUAP£.L ;11 th, Middlt r:'II1'I.
John Carlton, M.A. , - Pr.acht,s, James Compton, H. F.
Thomas Fountaine, M.A. A. de la Fite, M. A.
Thol .. D'Oy)y,M.A. Ru,J,,., James Comrton
Bap. Gerald V. Welleiley, D.D. FItENCUCUAPEL,SI.Ja",.s's Palac~.
John Maddy, M. A. 'Prtatht", E. Gibcrt, J. L. Chirol,
Edm. Ferrers, M.A. 8t F.R.S. M.A. Nicolas Carey, M.A.
Hon. Auguftu. Geo. Legge, M.A. R'4dtr, K Glbert . .

F"m Ox/.rd.
T~o~. Wintlc, B.O. .
Wllbam Carne,.D. 8.
PREACHERS at the King'. c11apel, Whitehall, 30). a Year. .
F,..", Camb,iJg'.', C. s. '1'.. Jel'h(C'n,.
C. C. James H. Motk, B.D.
Ft/I..... SI. 1'[.,,',
Edward Griffith, M.A. Ma'fo" Geo. A. Browne, M.A. T,.i,df)
Henry Kett, RD. Trin;~y Thomas Jackfol1,B.D . •';1. John', C.
K. M. R_Tarplcy, Chi/t's T. W. Hornbuck1e, M.A. 'Trinit)
Edward Copl'iestun, B. D. Oritl William Pcmhenon, D.{>. £",,,.1.
J"hll L. Hayes, B.D. Ext/tr,Hobert -jeft'erfon, ,~iJ",y, Suff..,.
Robert DicJ.,enfon, M.A. ~t'"' sW. H. Markey, C.rplls C.
T. E. Brldg:s, B.D. C. C.IThomas Dickens, M.A. Jifu,
B. Bandenel, M.A. Nr'W C.'Samuel Vince, Ki,,:', C.
R. B. Gardiner, M.A. . Watihdm!Jame8 CUIIUllillg, M,A. <]"rill;11
Jl.ich. Jenkins, M.A. Bllli,/l
f)4 Eslablisbmt'llt at Windsor, Queen's Hou.ehold.
G..- _/th, SttU" Earl of Winch cl· wright, Lt. Gen. Sir D. Spencer.
f~a. K.G. K.B.Maj.-Gen.Wn1.H.Wynyud
Y;c".Cb",.~r,la;IJ, Ld. J. Thyllne Pr;.."t. Sec. to tb. ~..n, Maj.Uc:n.
L.rth of tb, B •""'." Lord St. Herbert Taylor
Helell's, Lord Somervill.:, Lord M.l"'· '.ltb. H.u/.bold. B. C. Ste-
Rivers. Lord Arden vcnfon, ef'l'
Majlw oftb. RoI>,., Lord Vernon IParmajl.rif bix Mojifti' Pay",,;;;s,
Gr_, Hugh Rowland, efq. Robl. Brawn, er!). .
Cltrl Martial anti FirjJ lilJ,..rry,FiIJl IJI.rl, Will. de Sr. Croix, efq._
Gen. Robr. Manncn ICb"pl"i", Rev. C. Moricc, M.A.
G" ... ifth', B.J,bam6", H,lD. R.!Pagtr 10 t6. King, T. Stillill:,:tleet.
F. Greville, Hon. Rear- ·\dm. Fi.1 Jos. Bott, John Clerke, Anty.
Le~. Rr.-Adm.SirH.B.Neale'l Healy, Wm. Baker, R. Browne,
hart. Gen. Hen. Campbell. John Bott, efq~.
~1J".rr;", Gen. F. E. Gwyn, Gen. Apothecary, Robl. Battiswmbe. efq.
Geo. Garth. Lt.·Gell. \\'m.Cart-!B'1I'6", Henry Cooper,cf'l'
Th. QYEEN's H0ufihold.
U.C.&.r.w6.1!:. of MortonK.T •12.001. Gtnl/mun Ujh.r., '!j! IInrttrl] Wait.r"
r.Cha.6.,I. K.Difurowe, erq. jOol. Hugh Bilhop, Jno.Gibbons. John
Mijlrl' oftb. R06t1,Marchionefa of P. Addrnbrook, efqrs.
Bath, jool. ,')1'00'" if th. Pri.", Ch/J"'''.n. Jor.
Latfits of tb. B"',"a..k~. 5001. Cooper. - - Fortnum, esqf3. -
Counlcfi of Pembroke fill" gf th.Bilc" Stair" H.F"Q,roe-
Counter. Harcourt bl"Cker, C. Papendick, Wm.Dun-
v ifcounlefs Sydney ean, and Dan!. Robinfon, efqro.
CounteC. of H arringtlln PI""". SirF. Milman, W. Hebcrdelt
Counter. of Macclesficld Surg"''' EKlril. Robcrt Keate, cf'!.
ViCcounlefs Mclville And. Milthias, ef'l'
Maitls of HOlfollr, 3001. Surge to th.Houftholrl, J.GrifJiths,efq •
..fiCs Caroline Vernon IJ.ntijl, T. Scarman, ef'!.
Mif. Augufta Bru<lenell Oeul!J1, Fred. Bifchoff', er'l'
MiCs Seymour Coleman Apotb«ary, A. Everard Brande, Erq.
Mifs l.ollifa Wrottdley "potb.t. tb. Houfiho!d, O. Jones, Efq.
Mif! Eliza Courtney R.atl..·• Mr. de Luc
Mif. Louifa Murny ,!?!f"'"'' Trla/"r,. -
B.d-eb_kr Wom.n. 3001. !tarl of Aylefuury,K.T.,Sc:ol•
.Mrs. Sopbia Fielding l'iu-Tr,a/ur,r, J. T. Mathiu. elq.
Hou. :Mrs. A. M. Egcrton Su. &I Co",pt. W. Price, ef'}. jool.
Lady RadUoek Hi, CIrri, Hugh Rowbnd. efq.
Hon. Mra. Courtcnay A. Boyle Att,r.u,G.If. O. Hardinge,ef'l' Zjol.
MR. Mary Gwyn Solicitor Gen.}. Vaughau.c:fq.I801.
Krrp., if th, RuIJ". Mrs. Charlotte ~ten" :itahlll. .
Beekedorll',&MifsS.Beckedorft'.IM'!P.Y/6,H.,ft, Earl Hareourt .
.AJ!1I" Mn. Tbielcke & Mifa Ricel'E,,,trrits,HolI. Edw.Stopford. Hon.
L.J1Ir./I tlntl Lauabtfi.HoJl. Mir. .\. Upton,and Hon. C. Murray
Anne BoCeawen . Ipaget if Honour, A.G. Auron, Wm.
eatk...nUjhi!r,, Cba",- Hareourt, efqrs. Ijol.
w, • Tbo. Fauquier, eCq. Ch.. Clerl if/h. Sta6l.. , W. Cowden, eCq.
R.OOK, efq. Maj. Gen. Sir ThOI.i, ~",•• " li.J1aUifbunt at Fr.x""" ••
Brook.e Pec:hell. bart. cool. S,..!"arrJ. Robc;rt· Watkin •• cf'l'
GeRtle.,'! Ujh.,s, DllilJ Wai/.", Geo.,Potg" George Neech, cC'!.
N. VmCCllt. Cha. Harwood. and Lih,ilrilln, Mr. Hardina
ha ." • •
The 'Priu,"esses'. the Priilce Rege:lt" Housl'hold. 9~
ESTABLlSHMEN7 of their Ro)aI HighnelTe. the FUNCU'II.
Ladi.s of the B.deh,l1I,b,r, Lady. Ifabrlla Thynne, COWltefs of ROaYD,
Lady Mary Tnylor, Lady Mary Powlett. .
Dr11,rs, Mifs Wright, Mif. BrawD, MiCs Roundclift, Mif. GiJlman.
P"i'''' Mr. Moon" Mr. E. Vcnablcs,Mr. T. Hardy, Mr. J. Gollopp.
Apotf...fa;v, R. Battescombe, eCq. La.ndr.", Mr,. Rti1lingfl('~t.
His R.y.1 Higblltji tb. PaINC~ REGENT'S HO'fd,.Id.
'Ir&aJurtr !!I Ru.;",.r GM.ral, Gen· Rev. Anj,ur R. Chauvcl, B.C.L.
eral.Samuel Hulfe Rev. Jame. \)ollglaf., F. S. .'\..
pri",at. Su. 8:•. E"trll. (<I Pri.,,· Rev. Robert Lewi.
Stal, Rt. Hon. John M Mahc.n . Rev. 'O:dward Pole, D. D .
.Llflijl. S ... Tho•. Marrables, efq. Rev. Corn •. Carclew, D. D.
Yi,,'TrtaJur.r atltlC••m. of & ...."t. Rev. Richard V. WiIlesford
Robert Gray, efq; Rev. Ja •. Greville
So!icit.r , Charles Bicknell, efq. Rev. Francis Lee, M. A.
Glou'lI" King of Anl/" and pr;,...;}o' Rev. Ifaac Jackman, 1\.1.A.
HtraltJ ofl/,. parts of 'HT"In, JObil Rev. W. J. G. Phillip8, M. A.
Palrner Cullum, efq. Rev. Samuel Kilderbee, D. D.
CI.rl ofth. Clofit, Rev. O.E. Blom- Rev. H. Craven Ord, M. A.
bcrg,M.A.antlChaplainill.rdilflll,. Re". Oeorge Cuthbert, M. A.
Ch.plai" I. th,Hou.fobold,"5,· LiIJrarillll, Rev. Wm. Line Bowle., M. A-
Rev. J.S. Clarke,D.C.L.&F.R.S. Rev. R. M. N. Ullicke, M.A.
Sar.ta" f.r t/'_ Lihra,.,. Rev. Dr. Rcv. John Barwis. M. A.
Thomas Brooke Clarke. D. D. Rev. Edward Cannon
ChQ/lains in Ord;',a". Rev. WilIiam Yate.
l'r;.,.t. (;/,,,/111;,., Rev. las. Hook. Rev. JUl. Ruddock
D.C.L. and F.S.A. Rev. R. K. Mimer, M. A.
Rev. Thomas B; Clarlr.e, D.D. Rev. T. CharlesScott, B.C.L.
Rev. Daniel Collyer Rcv. Anon Vade, B.C.I..
Rev. Dr. Baker . Rev. Jo/hua Morton, M. A.
Rev. Henry IcnklD, D.D. Rcv. Thos. Fi/her, M.A.
Rev. C. ]. Gough Sea re Rev. A. Sloughton
Rev. J. D. Perkin., D.D. Rcv. B. W. Salmon, M.A.
Rev. Dr.' Wilgrtfs Rev. Charles John lohnfon
Rev. Dr. Cotvmor Hev. John K. Fletcher
Rev. John Chappeau Rev. - - Honywood, D.e.I ..
Rev. Tho,. Cope Marlham Rcv. John L. Salvador
Rev. John Edgar Rev. Henry Willon, M. A.
Rev. Wm. Pcrkill8, M. A. Rev. Geo. Hen. Templer, M. A.
'Rev. C. Swann, M. A. Re~. 'rhos. H. Foxcroft, M. A.
Rev. William Hughes Rev. Vemey LoveH, 0.0.
Rev. William Boldero, M.A. Rev. Tim. F. F. Bo.... ea.M.A.
Rev. Sir R"ben Peat, D. D. Rev. John Wall, M. A-
Rev. Wenm. H. Lan~on, D. D. Rev. John Lloyd, M.A.
Rev. J. Palmer, D.n Rev. Robt.Jamcs Carr. M. A.
Rev. Wi\liam Baker, B.C.L. Rev. Hon. Thos. L. Dundas, M.A.
Rev. John A. SeoUl D.D. Rev. Rich. H. Chapman, n. A.
Rev. John Hayter, M. A. Rev. Hon. JamesSt. Leger, M. A-
Rev. C.c:or~e Wafey Rev• .R,ichard Scott, M.A.
Rev. Tho •. Alex. Willis Rev. Hen. Watlcia., B.A.
Rev. Albert Nefbitt Rev. John Croft., M.A.
Rev. James RV1118, M. A. .Rev. H. Fellows, M.A.
Rev. John, M.A. Rev. John T. Barrett, B.A •
.Br.ev. AleIancl .... Brnclic. I\,I.A. RI'''. , l'~. 116 ___1._. ~ ..
·06 Prince Regenl's Hou:,t'lull •.
Rev. Kugh Totty OjJi.m ofIh. D.,oy of CoMali.
Itev. Gco. F. Molineaux Cbllll..llo~ "nil K'ep" of Ih' Grt"
. Rev. M..rcUI Monck, M.A. Selll, WiUiam Adam, eCq. .
Rev. Wm. Hallbury, M.A. Vi" AtI",. Sir Tho. Tytwhitt,Knr.
Rev. John Port is l..~d War/un of Ib, S, __ itl, ""/
R~v. John Rowe St"vlIrtloftbe Dw,by in D~,. .tul
. "Rev. Henry Whitfield, D. D. C.rnw"lI, EarloC Yarmouth
It". EJward Brudie, B. A. $"rdtuy, Frcd. Lilldeman,eCq.
Rcv. H. HartweJl, M. A. Vi« Z,Vllrd. Cor. wall, J.Thomas, efq.
Rev. Johu Kipling, M. A. Do. n,WII, Richard Gurney, cfq.
Rev. €hriftopher-Frederick ~urfleyor G.n. Benj. Tuckcr, e[q.
Rev. Thomas B. Gough, M. A. Deputy SUnJ. G,,,. Robt. Gray, eCq.
Rev. Wm. M'Oouall, M. A. AM"itor f!!f SeG/·lIllry, Rt. Hon. John
Rev. John Rollellon, M. A. M'Mahon
. Rev. Powell Guife, M. A. Deputy Auditors, Robut Gray, and
Rev. l'hilip.Dodd, M.A. Robert Abbot, eCqrt.
Rcy. Kyrle E. Money, B.A. /"gro.Jfu 10 tOt Pr;.,;, S,aI, Chadel
Rev. John Rowley, M.A. 8icknell, ef'I'
Rev: Ifaac King, B. C. L. Rt,. G",. Rt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan
Rev. John W. Ooyle, B. A. Dtl'. Ru. r;,,,. Ch •. Carpenter, erq.
Rc!. Edw. Smyth, M. A. ':"'./",61, of Lau,,,,,I.,, CIIII/er, Duke
R.v. Thomas Al:er, M. A., I ofNorthumbcrJand,K.G.
Rev: David Wm. Garrow, M. A. Allor"., G",.ral, ]oC. ]ekyll,t'fq.·
Rev. Wm. Gale Townley, B.A. Sol. Gt". Wm. Draper Beft, t'fq.
Rev. John Hewlett. B. D. Compt.ofC.i""gll. S. LuxIDort'. e{~ •.
Rev. Wm. Aldrich • Steward, 0f'o, St"",,"'" COII'·".
Rev. Thos. Prince, M.A. Coruw~lJ, John James, erq.
Rev. Wm. Chapl<n, M.A. Devon, tdward Bray, efq.
Rev~ Charles Bampfyldc De/,. St."""r" of tb. Coi"agtl, W.
:kev. J9hn Hug)le., M.A. Skilcf, an.1 Rd. Skuc:s, gent •.
Rev. T. R. lohffe, M.A. ~ • • • E~r. I dR •
C· F D pr'
CrtHJ",s. . . u ~lq1l1Cr, co.
"1,,varus.J :I'a t I an """IIIt,
'diverl C(Jllhlr~J, 'f);z.
J'ag.. of. tb. B"d.Starrs, C. I. S'II-I
thag~n, B. Lueas Earl ofBrid~ewEter, He~. •
PaglS'4Pr,fo"",J.lnce,j.Mdfenl/:er, Wm. Stron~: esq: Somerktfiure
c.Kramer.. J. Str..dling, J. DObdlwarw. H. 1 ollkm, efq. DOl setih.
·MEDICAL DePAlI.l M~NT. Richar<l. Gray, efq. Surrey ,
Pby., • .i" Or./i."ry,Sir W.I;arquhar, Samuel Selwood, csq. Berk'. ~
,jit.M.D. SirG.Hlane,M.D.F.R.S. 'Tt" Ho". ,L, COII"d!, \\'m. Adam.
Sir HoCll. Halford, Et. M. O. Sir efq. Duke 'of 1\ orthumbcrland,
William Knighton, Bt. M. D. K.C. Karlof St. ViII cent, K.B.
Phyjicilllll Extra. C. R. Pemberton, Earl· of ·Main, K.G. & K.T.a.
M.D. J. Fellowes, M.O. J. La- Vifct .. Keith, K B. lie K.C. Lord
tham~'M;D. W.II.Mofdy. M.D. Hutcl:tinColI. K.B: & K.C. Lord -
W,Satlndcr.,M.D.M. J.Tierl1ey, Er/kil,e, SirT.Tyrwhitt,kt. Gcn •
. M.D.A.Bain,MD.P.Jal\l~,MI). 3. Hut.c. Rt. HOD.J .. M!'4ah·oD. --
E.JenDer,M.D. T.Ch:ifl:ie, MD Rt.Hn. R.B.Sl.cridall, Maj.Gen.
r.b:>/i,.totbeHoufibold,G.¥>lane,M.D. B. Blaolllfield, B. Tucke~., efq.
SurgeOl', Thomas Kcate, Efq. M.A. Taylor,efq. J. J)rcCb.t,.ef4
Surgron t.!hebouj.-6old,J.Phillips,Rfq. Sir W. Garrow, Itnt. Jof. Jekyl1.
Surgeon. Extra. J. Birch, J. Phillips, ff'l. Mr. Scrjrant Beft .
1.Ogle, S.Howard, F.ThompCon CI,rl, of lOt C.,.",II, Ricbd. Gray.
T.Chevalies,T.Luxmorc,S. Ham- and Rt. Gray, eCqrs.
jpi~k, T.~ew.en. W.Atwie eC. C/.,R anti d IIIJI • .
Ellitbliihment of the Prince of Wal~s, &:e. 97
Her Royal Highnef. the PR.INCESS of W ALES'S HoufehoLl.
et.""'''/lJIi", - - P,;"" P-rfi. Mif. HaymUl.
r;~1 c:h ...~,'-'4i", Anth. Buller St. Bt.uhfl.iI," " ' _ . Mif. Garth.
Leger, cCq. Mo",
M!fIrtfi ef the bin,. Lad Glen. 1/' " • - , ,
.IIH"· I M
r. 0 n lcar.
J h S' d
lien' " '1 1'1111", Mr. J. Stikeman. Mr. Sanl.
Lilt/i.. if'
ft., BtrJdt"",'r" Countef. kbbcrta, Mr. F. Golden.
of CarnafYOD. Lady Charlottc t>~';III", Mich. Uradawooo, M.D.
LindCay, Lady Charlotte Camp. l'bJ/i';tlR ;" 0"/;,,.,.,. John Ma,...
bell, Lady Ann Hamilton. M.D."
Eftablilhme!lt oC Her ROJ ..I Higfmcr. the Pl"iac.
dmei'al Oarth. KcY. Ales. Sterkj
Counter. Dowager of ncheft~. Rev. Willialn Kupet'.
Conntms Dowager or RoCal,n. ll.ufi S'rtll.rd, Mr. Robt. Lyon..
Mrs. C~lIlpbel1. Pat" Mr. lames Sim..
Mif. Cote•• Drrlftr" .Mu. I.ouil, Mra. Sdact.
Mus C. Cote•• kilo, Mn. Dunft"n.
Bilhop of Salisbury•• H."fiAt"", Mrs. DiII"n.
Rev. Dt.Short. CHI, Mu. JllhC BUl!omb•


• ",,,• ..,. Ct..",b.,lai;' .,,,1 X"p.,. T. DuidfCIII, D. D. and' »an.
IbISig"d,Lord~eith,K.n.&K.c. Malcolm, D.C.L.
1>IP"". Wm. Ingli., Efq. PI(Jji<;lInl, A. DUDCIiD, M".D. J...
./CHp" of tb. Gr,., S,aI. Rt. Hun. Jaffray, M. D.
Robert DUDda. " Pb.r[.Exl,a, Dr.Frrcr and Dr. Ho.,.
, " . Land SIIr.,. Jas. Ma\Colm, Efq.
IJ~",,,, of Ih' B ••"""", .,.. C_..if- Yllllt C."aajlllor. Dnke of Ar"';!e
./itnf'''' . Man!'llS . 0 r ...~~lte,
" Ear,.0 CKg"'n10-'
Non. Ftetcher Nortoa ton, Earl of Camli., Earl of
deo. P. Hepbum, EC... l.auder<lalc, F.arlof Breadalbmc,
Sir Joltp Sr1l;art, BArt; Earl of Stair, Lot1! Kinnaird.
James Clerk, ECq. " :Earl oC Rofalyn, Earl of Moira.
AIwc,,*, David'CathciLz'r, E(q. " Lord Duhdas, Lord Keirh, HOII_
SUi';I.,. Gt""aI, G. Gnnlloun HCIl Henry Erikine,Lord Gilliea,lohll "
6e1k;,., ."tlAg"'" .And. Blanc, Elq. Clerk, Er'!. Sir Wm. Aug, CUD"
Alltlilor, Hon. Wnl." Ilingham; B~. Chat. Dlllldu,Ef'l"
~h.PIaiIU, Sir H. Moncrief Well- Wm. Adam, Erq. David Cath-
w,"""D.D. Dav¥! famollt, ~.D; cart, ~rq, ,
!1'6';'" RI1Jtll Bplji" ,he DUKE "nJ DUCIiKSS of YOitK', H.ifJM".
c;,.Pf,elhr-11IIHI M'!Jftr of tb. H_tt/.. IS".for F.,.,igto A.JtIir•• Major Gc-
h.ttl. Gen. Richard Orcnvillc neral Dc.Bud •
• "",nu of I/w B ..I.b. Gen. Wm. Ai,u. tI,e"ltsp, Colonel UlitOn, CI!I.
Morlhead,H.Bunbury,efq.Capt. AUllftrong, Col. Cook, Col. Bar-
C. CrauCurd, Jar 'l'ho•• Stepney. day, Col. W)'Ddbam. C.l. S,..a.
Bart." hope.
[LSlj.J • G
98 ,Dqkc of Yor~, 'Clarence, J{~~" Hcmfebblctf.
~,u,.";d, Gc'~. 'sir Ch¥lel Afgill~Apot'-."" ~ • .A. Br~ el'qr. . ;
Bt. !lnd Maf, Gtn. Wm. "-:1n1olT A/.lbm.,., I. Ib, DIl&/"/s. G .•w.~
Ladi" of'" BttI,bntldtr 1# tIJ, D",h1's, . Grbote. Efq. '.
Ri~ht HOD. Lady Al1~ CdllinlApotl>.'" Ib,H.",I>.II, Mc. WtAct. .
. 8mlt~,llt.H.on.Lad1K1i&.Speace S,.....rtl. Mr. Michacl Lumlcy. '
Cb.",.;,. ."d Li&r.ri4l1l, BdY. Wm. p' I Ihe D 'h.r. 1tf S:l\'efla:
W. Dakias, D.e.L. &. F.5.A. ag' 0 , . , ~'~ r. I ••
l'hjii i tin in O,di~.r:1,a.J, H.".!... Gfo_ oftl>, C~a",kr,. Wm.ltell.
holtl,'Ge.,. Pea'l-fon,M.D.& F.R.~ y"I"of J•• Thol. Whitt. '
""'gIDIU, T. Keate, J. T. Simpfon, Bllt/.r, Wm. Gibboo..
and M: Mac Gregtr,
Er"" .
Cool, Jofeph Patte.

Ru R.,al Higr.JUji tilt DUK;& of CLARENCX's H.,;j.h.u.

'1'r.d!urw""tlC_",..HwojtlM H.iI!... Re.,. Sal1\: Cole, Bu..Dr. M.~
/r.U, V'ifc:oUftt Keith, K.B. & It.C. ReV'. Gilbert Ferd, Bcy. Pt!t.eir
S"b-T,."!,,,.er,Joha BartoD,efq. Elel'.l, Rev:·f. P. Feord, MA.
G,"., of"" B..I>; Adm. kt-Hori. Re\,. Geo. Jope, Mo .A. Re... P ..
Sit' J. Borla1'c Warren; Bart. K.B. ter Wood, A. B.Rev. Sa18. Wk.
and K.C. Adm. Sir Chariel M.,.. M . .A. Rn. Geo. Morgan" JU). '
rice Pole, Bart., aDd l.iOut. Col;' ReY. Thomas H. Jtearney, ~
Cooper.. ' '. ' BI!'r. Wm. Waiter, M.A. '
Stru,r". JoIm By&, cr.. . P~, Si!:. Gilq. BlilDe, Bt. M. '0.,;
CilapIMM, ·Rey. G. Waddl1lpm, n..-"
!ltHifi6./tI, D. Cooper, M.D.
ReY. Dr. Colc. 1\eY. TboJ.Iofd, 'IIJfi- d Hid. Gd. BeU.uny, Eft{-
lteY. Wm. Tu.tiag, kev. r·
~ S"rg_'. HfIIjiWJ"j. Doratt, Eft.
Waodtnail; Re¥..John ~rk ... 8"rpM E"t. ,J... IoliDfoD, ~fq.,. ' ~
lteY. 'UawiD Clarke. ReY. ThOI. ~"""riI', Mr. Tegarc, Mr.....
Triftrain, BC\'; Alfrtd' William~t, Mefl". Mensiel. ~
ltebert.; lteY. Geot~' 8GUth.D,~!, T. Scarma.,
. .... .
Et,. '
. HI, iljal HijAirpl/", DUKI t!f KK!f'r( H"fd.(I.· .
C-t'rll(w~ 1&.ajor Gc": Pred. Au,. Too•. Hardiar. ReY. S~ml:.n!er•
. 'WethcraU..' MA. Bcy. J. S. Ponl,Jt:n.literla-.
Sf",r,;,., l'JIa,. ~D. Geo. S. Smyth. Barbut, B• .A. R ..... M: J. PatCil'ea.
Maj. GiD. Sjr Too.. Paumaurea, ReY. 1. Streat6eld, ac..•. I.erpat.
CololleP)~!1kwater, Maj. Gea; eYe P. JobaaoD.a... J... .....,.
Geo. AnfoSl. Col. fred. UvdJ' M. A.
1I1aa,CCll. J~~,s. ~oorc , '
Parker.', , ,,'.
, Pb,/in..,. Mm. lfootfJ,
JJli6",,' P,iWIII S,,,. Licaat.10ll.un • 1_ Hawottb, M. D..
fh.t.IIMH.."...... G.Huelto••M.D.
CkJlllitU. ~.1. P. F~er, B. D. D•• B."... ,Iir Ales. WiU'u. JaIt."

Rcy. 1. Wethera1I.D.C.L.Il~v. KD., , ,

O. Vd'ey.An.J. G. sm7tb,~. Srwz- ;. O,.tIi~. Thee. L ...
John Maulc, :M.1t.; RCI't'.· ' mOn:,Joha Doratt, 10 &0 P"'erjf .
,8Jme., an. Joha Jr.J~, D. D, --:"'AriMpr,lIa", 1l~,Etp
J.. *
acor. R. Holme,I, M. A. Rer, ""~, ~ Betfdoll, Mr. TU'... ,'
_ LaJU' .HD. &ile", - Mcacle. Mr. J.,Nooth, Mr. HopkJai
Rn'. W. ¥airiJ,• D6rJi#, Wm, Ad..... Eft. ;
II\U, Rev. IM ~ichmoDCl, M.A. Alt'i!lur,. Mr. Teprt, M".
, Eit/No CIo"/t.i,,,. uti H,',U. 1~1IICo1L
&&". W. "dcr, M. A.. lot". H,..,p St.WrI. Mr. p,,~
Duke ofCmnfJer1:trtd', Suffer, Ciml,tidgets Houfehold. bp
Hii ROYlJllIighny. tl" DUKE ifCUMBERLAND'S ilo.y.bJtI.
ev.ptrolkrof 1« H"'fill./d, Gen. Rev. Henry Hayes, Rev. John W.
Idchard Vyfe , Wich., M.A. Rcv. 1. Rulh, B.C.L..
'Groo",s of the Btdc/,o",htr, Lieut. Rcv. H. Step. Blackburn, Rcv. H •. '
Gen. H. Wynyard, Col. Cha. W . Bermn, Re". F. Cl.iftM, Kev.
Th9rotun Tho. Lloyd, Rev. Peter Hawker,
·.Bg_ritt,Lieut. Col. Hon: Wm. Jun. Rev. J. Kearnty, M. A. Rev.
Colyear, Wm. 'l'yml'.. le; Eh.. Maj. 3anu J. Otway, M.A.
Gen. JohntSlade, Capt. R. Vyfe - Pb:Ui'UIII, C. R.P<mhertoD, M.l).
Ho".!__Strwltrd, Mr.3aliibury and Wm. Dome'.:r; M.D.
~r- of illt Cbam""., Mr. Htal). 8117'gto... , MdT.Jnburnl. aJld Br~
Pagts, Mr. J. Ball, Mr. Ceo derip ' .
birney, Mr. J. BrUct, Mr. Wm SlIrr.t.tkHou!dJoId,Mr:Thonlfott
Tickeri~. ApolL,"ry, E.A. BrauoJe, Klq.
9Hliains, Re'v. T, Hught~. n.D ,Apotllt,ar:J t. tW H.".foboltl, Mr.
ltev.Tho.Ptevoft, RCy.W.CO(lkfoo Walker .
D. D. Rev. A. Eo Bowman, M A Dmijl, Mt. ClementBrotherro!l<
_ His R""" HigJmfltb. DUKE", SUSSEX', Houftholtl.
COMptrolltr, Lord Graves .Howard; Rev. T. T. Havedield,
Suh-'T.-eafurtr, C. Pciwdl, Efq; n.C.L.
Gr_. ofJ/itBtd:.tIx"";',r, Ri. Am. Pale, A. Panzata: ..
G.Hop~,Rr.A!dm.SirT.Wimam8 I'h,yfcidns ill Ordinnry, Eclw: Frit'rj
Kpt. Lieut.Col. Ogg . . M. D: Kohl. Wright, M,D. Wm.
Efilmritl, Maj. ~en. Walk~r. Maj. Domicr, MID. Art.·B. Faulkneri
Gen. J. Guif:rie, Maj. Perkin. m.D. - Berdinah, M.b. G. A.
Magta, se.;. 'Wm. Deny., Er'!. Bdrthwick,M.D. j.Ph,lafJ,M.D.
Chllp/ains, Rev. J. Hifd, Trefilsi, Do. to Hllt/fib.ld, C. Badham, M.D.
,J.ovelJ, M. A. Archd. of Detry, SIIrg,"n, in Ordinary, John Durafti
Ilev'. J. Maphy •. Rev.Mr. Genne, John Philips, and Jas. •
Itev. Mr. Newcome, Rev. M..... Efqr'. . .
l\1entz,Rev. Mr. Green. Rev.Mr. n..Exlra. Mr. H.U.Themfoft- Mr•. -
Witham, Rev. Mr.Starkey, Rev. J. H. Englilh, Mr. J. Curtis. . .
Mr.Pftifd1d; Rev. ~t>bt. fofl:i:r, Ifpot.htcRrin,E.A.Brande,Etq. Meff'.
Itev. G. Smit~. Rev. Hen. Boyd,Tholllfnns.
Rtiv. ~rl Cultum, Rev. il.khar<1 rimtif/s, Chev. Rufp'ini, ard Son.
Hi. Ruyal Highlly. tb, bUKE ifCAMllRIDGE's Huufi".ld.
FtjlJtrr;o, Gen,. Decken, Gen. Don Rev. Wm. Harrifon, D.D. R~v.
Col. Cooke, Major Dtlke. Lieu, H.j:.Symoo8,D.C.L. Rev. P<tei' •
Gen. Sir Thos. Hifiop, ~1ajo r Frafer, M.A. .
Gen. I.yon, Adm. Frafer, Vent ?h!!",ianr, AIel(. ChrichtOll, M. D.
Cotnne1 Iteale, CaptaiD. Mars- F.R.S.1'homasHume,M.D.Chas.
cJia:lck.· .,' .' . Grodkopotf,M..D.
Chaploins, R~v. John S?nford. ]\'[ A. Surg'ons, Rbbt. Keate; John Doratt,
Rev. J0(.Shatpe,lQv. Geo. Henry Skphen Woodriche, J. T. Sillll'''
Pie~1. Rev. T. Morgan, Rev. fon, Efqrs. . .
M. H,Lufcombe. Rev. J. Bond, ?h::JicinnE",ttti. i.twis V;~rfrurm6r.
19'. D. Re,'. Samild Bir~h, M.A. ·1\1:D.
It. ev . C,. .JerVi.s, B.A. Rev. jOIh. ua\sur1r"" ExtrIJ •.. JoImpower:, Hq.
ltowIcy,.. Re.. C. A. Clr.rke, Apoth../frj, .K. A. "Brand:, Ef~.
tav. ---. Goltat, ,Rev, Trevan Houp St, Mt. UrI.l!. .
1t.empe, n.-A. Rev. Geo. Clarke,llou!.-Et'per, Mrs. 1. He' cr
M.A. Rev. Wm. Croiliie, n. A.ip<lgtJ, Mr. El'l, Mr. Ciriyel
, ;t<G A
100 Duke of Glouc:dler, Board of Works, Ice. ,
Hi. Royal Hig/!I"ji lb. DUKE ifGLOUCESTKR's H"'foh.lJ.
&etrnar, anti Conrptr.ll.r, Edmund Pb:t/irigns, Sir H. Halford; Bt. M.D.
Currey, Ef'l. Jofcph Drandreth, M. D. G_. of tb, B,tkbamL,r, Colonel
Gilbert Currey, M.D.
Thomas Daltoll, Lt. Col. Ra\ph SW',f'DRI, WilIiam Fcrgulfon, Ef«i<
Hamiltoll. Sir Home Popham, K. Sir Wm. Blizard, AntJa. CarliJllI'.
M.Major Gen. Ales..lohuGoldie Efq .
.Bguur.!. Lieut. Colonel :;amuel G. Surg,." a,," Oc~/!Jl, Wm. H. Gi>ld-
Iji~gin.. yer, Efq.
Ch"pla;,,,, Rev. F.d,v:Wallby, D.D. At.I""ar" J. Yonge,Efq.
Rev. Eaw. Cartright, RA:,v. Thos. Do. to tb, HouJtholtJ, - - Marfhal.
Sncll, Rev. Mr. Cole, Rev. Geo. Ff'l.
Vallbrugb, B. C. L. R\!'I' Wm, Houfi·Sttwar", Mr. Wm. Hart.
Gimingham, Rev. Johnja •. Watt Pogtl ojth, PrifmCt, Mr. G.F,aUow..
fon, D.D. Rev. Wm,W. D~);'in8, down, Mr. G. Richmond,Mr.Jo.
D.C.L. & F.S.A. Rev. J. Curry, Mars.
Rev. T. Waite, M. A.

f/m-<u'J.r G.It. (!i Co",;Ir. C. B. Stet SI. 1"",..'" Whittbllll, 1I"t! Wll""-
phenfon, Efq. .fIt/., Cb•. Bacon, Efq•
.s.""miner, C. A. Cra~, Efq.. Win1for ,C'!fII, a"J ~m'" LtJZ'"
llif"!"" D•. Mr. jn: Wm. H.ort Wm. lI4atthew.Elq•
./f/JljIan'" John Spence, Georgt .-
, Hortler, Georgf Rutrell, Gent.."., Court tint' BIfIh1 ParI, ThlMo
CI"'. of th, Works, Ri,IJ",OtUI aft HardwICk, P.:f'lr. '
KftD, lVIr. Robt. Browne 'Tower, Nnvmarld a"t! Wi"dJ!ft....
~u"'r Pa"'", earlf." Houjt, Mt"UI$ Edward Cracker, ,Efq. '
.lId K<'!Ji~gto",J. Yenn, Efq. R.A.

Burtl of Cw"ci/. for TRADE .1It! FOREIGN PLANTATIONS, ,

l'rdi",.t, Earl of Clancarty .. Rt. Hon. Lord Frederic Campbdr'

P,p. Pry' Rt. Hon. Fred. John llo- Lord G\aft.mb\lry ,,
binfon Vi.count Whitworth
The Lord ChaD~lor Rt. Hon. Sir .John Nichon. ~.,
The ArchhHhop of Canterhury Lord Redefdale '
Fira Lord of the Tre.fury Lord Sheffield
.Firfi Lord of the Admir3lty Rt. Hon. Sir Jofeph'lIanfu, Bm.
The Principal Sec", of, State Se&retary, Vifcount Chet1WyA!f, air4'
i!hancellor and Upder-"freafllrer 0 .T. Buller, ef.jn. , ' , ,:' ' , '~,
theF.xcheqUf!r 1jiijlant SII. Th.mas LulL, ei\t~
£pcaker of the Houfe of Common. , . , .' ,. 'l.
Chanc. of the I>urhy of Lancafiu Ch.C/.f.G.Chalmers,efq.F:R.&,!~.s.
PaymaUers:oC the Forces Cl"'., John Porter, Themas Lac"
Treafurer of the .Navy Jll,hn Sowerby, John, Bartoa,
Mail.,r or the Mmt ' j{ !Chard Penny, Robert F. SuCe.
i;\,ch O~(ers of State i~ Ireland, at Cha.. Noyes, Sail). Webli, .r1
rio '
art PnvyCo~lIorll.·IL.I),land ?...u Cl.rl, J"IuI,R.c:I~ ,er..: 'f.
Co mmissioners fo'r India, Secretary of Sta'e's Office. 10J
nOwNINc .... TRE.T.
P"tjUknt, Earl of Buc1,in~h..m1h.ire,I"E;J1. SU. J. Mehcux, efq.5001.
soool. Cbiif CIl. John Wright, dq.
Viieount Caftlcrcagh CJtTAI, R. U. Glbfon, Thom.... Bdl,
Earl B~thurft Benj. ,. JOlleo, James CUlnmiug,
Vife. Sidmouth R.G.rd.ner, H.:;.Alvcs, Wm. Ca-
If,Qrlof Liverpool, K.O. bell, Robt. Lane, B. H. Jone ••
Right Hon. N.c. Vanfittan John CroK:att, H. Slar&C, Wm.
Lord Teignmouth Lennox, alld I~. Wilfon, cfqn.
Ilt. Hon. Thol. Wallace .A._II.t.III, T. N. Witlwer, c.fq.
Vifcount Lowthcr .A.ffijlallll,T. Iklland W.Lc;ach,efq....
Right. Hon. John SullinD Yllii.,Ij,.,. ...,.IIIi}(,po.-ler,C.PIXJIc,cfq.
Vifcount Apllcy Pri".S.&. I. Pr'./id,nt, Arthur l::dell,
Lord BinnlOg efq.
Wm. Slurge. Bourne . &Ihit." Wm. Groom, efq.
11... Thos. P. COllrtenay, efq. Lihrarian, Gcorgc Jvhufton, rfq.

P II J V Y - SEA L, S.,lUrftt.P1"".
L",.' Privy, n',cllli<l.
ltar! oE Wdlmorland, K. O. Jolm Larpel1t, cfq.
CI".l, t. tht P,·i.) Stal. J"bn Jallles Lafjl<nt, efq.
Richard Grenville, ffq. John Geo~ Dounc, cf1'
William F;.ne S,,",&I;r),
James Macdonald, cf'/.. John Larpent, cfq. Henry Caries, efq. toeL cacL

HOME DJ:PARnUNT. ChrAl, JODathan Joh~fon, and S.i4-

Pr. SI<. of Staf., V.Sidmouth, 60001. uey Streatfidd, efqr..
V"tIw 8« •. John Becltet, efq. and Privat, S... t. Cbiif S.,. Oea. R..
Rt.Hon. John Hiley Addingtoll Dawfon, Elq,
. Chiif Crn-I, W. Polltkk, efq. ·C.II,,/<I, Tb ... Wyne Tomlio., d'q:
In". CI"ls, T. H. Plafltet, aod I. Parli"••, :lam. GUllndl, cC,,;
Hicb, efqn. Mr.ff'engtrl, Geo" Ward, and Palil
Clerll, G. P.Brietzcke, R. R. Wood, Farina.
R. H. Noble, F. Mills. Rd. Med. - - - - - - - -_ _ __
Icy. J. P. Norris, Tho. VCllable., FOREIGN A,rAU.,
Roltt.Jc:nkinfon, Robt. Willimot, n..,.,II;"I-slrl.t.
Wm. Montagu. and Fran. Wal· Principal Ster.,.. ,., './SIIII" VifcCl1IDf
pole, efqrs. Call1ereagh, 6 0 0 0 1 . -
L<J. (;1,,-1. Thos. DavisLamb,ef'l' Undo S'"rtta,;n, Wm. Hamilt~
P,i". S". Hon. W. L. Addington, efq. and Edw. Cooke, cfq. .-
J~I. . _ . _':biif, T.hol. Bidwell, Stcph.
,,.<,, Writer, Henry ManDm,ham, Rollefion, elqrs. ..
cf'l; 3 001• ~,"i""C/trks, C. R.Broughtun, Th·~.
r-urur;IIII, Wm. Peace, cf'!; 1001. Bidwcll,jun.and C. Warren,cl'!r..
_-:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'~/tril, John BidwelJ, Ja. BandineJ
laIlII DUAl! ~ IiIEHT. G.F.P.Uyng. Hen.Rollefton Jo!.
OlJj~., No. 11,.Great Oeerge~ir. Planta,D.Graham,l. Jackfo~ W
.,;t,f SdU.tIuy 1<1 It, L.rd Lim_.,. Twner, E. Shc:euerj O. L. 'CO-:
Right HM. Robert Peel. nyngham, &. C. Bankhcad cf'lr..
Jlifttl,U,*, 8". Sir Chat. WDloFliat P,.iw" 6,&. Ji:lI.war. WUG • .r,.
].02 Sec.retary of State'~ .Offi,ct!, Forejgn 'Mini!)ter.s, ~~.
prre;, Writ", !oferh Planta, ef'1' t;/,rlJ, T. M ..Mllfg~vc, Thom ••
Tr",tjlat.r, John C. Hllttncr, ef'l' Rcece, Beni. P. Capper," H"',~y
C.II«I., Q"d Trll,umi,lu' cf StaIr Jac. b, A. H. Tr~mer, ~ W~,
p"per., Char le. Gocl',,,rd; efq. HIIgh~., efqrs •.
..f. ih,lIrian, Lewi~ Hertn~lt, .fq; .4g.sll.
·C .
· ..l'1''''',.<.
60001. 0
d W D
0~ON~ anof S AR E·~Pi~
lat., ar at UI , H
Dow" B, ~ow, efq;
'( Gra'''fimi, Mr. W ..llh,jl\fl.
n ·.h ltII r. S'"mue1 Bill:nni
dr'Wl., ~r#
V. d S M' G B b d,Falm.utb, San1. Pellew, dq.
-Ji rc. G a~b en, Ii un ury, an r",.",outh, Win .. Palfgrave. efq.
Ch"'ife~/Y L 0J
", Wc, an'e,
e q.
ume'ha r
pman, «."'1'
S.~ILal1tIIOfl, \\'0.,. Sm~h.efq.
(;Ierl., A. GonIon, Hugh Stuan . " ' " -: ..
,Rd. PCWI, John ForbcR, Goo.L, Sl'ATIt~4.~.JtOFFICE, WhilebaJI.
\'Vi.lder, F..qw. Darnar<l,J.Strahan, K"/,.r of Sla'" Patrrl, John Bru~.
Henry' Cutler, Th"5. Amyott, efq. F. R. S. ~ool .
. Henry T.Short, N .•G. Bailie,an.1 n,trlfy K",,,, John BroWD~, efq;
Robert St. John, clqr..
c:Pri-ttalcS". C:. C. F. Greville, efq, :'J'
F',n et 1 R L
(r,.. t:n1on.,""'t.
Precis Writ,·" John \Vilder, ef'!; Gp"~UJ:-Wrll", Stepben RoUeao...
e1q, 3001.
, ALl . .' OFFICI. D.putYI'Henry Rolldton, efq.
Cr;"",n:!trllt, 1:Vtjtmil'j'ttr • Ga,,,ti.-I',·intrr, Robt. G.Clarkc,erCl'
..s·Pn-iRtclldant, • ' : Sc,rdd'y if LatiA +angwag., J"~
~Mior CI"l,·Ch ••. Lullin, (fq,. Bruee, e.~q, F. R. S. ~801.
,Aing'l '~~II~~t"J Qtltndillg tb~ Se;rnarits of S141t', Office,
._. ill Rcgllltlr Sllcc'Jj"ion.
Johl! 'Schaw, F,.ed. COUt voi,ier.!Pcgler, James ~1unr(>, John~obin~
.• Hunter, ",.,m·
Ch ••. SY. Ivc:!lcr, wm ""."
T. '!\fearos, 1.ohn Danic.I, Jace,b
Ballett, Nath. Vick, W. Rufl"e, Rd 'Juy, Ge ... \\'alllt, John YOQres.
;;fohnfon, Geo.l,yell, Th(l~. Finler :ieo. Willi,,",,, John AVes, Thos.
John Proudm311, -J hOB., Smilh, Johr, lltLwn, Vtrn. RkhmoJJd, and Ch¥.
J;liIrdgrave,John,t.lills, John I~~Y'ICloud. .' :
,to3101. ParCo"., \\ m· !'via",., RI.h. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-_ __
.. S' I G N }<; T - 0 F F .1 C E, SoW~(fct-I'I:IC:.e.
.TI:PJurs of th. ,signet, the Sccretarie~ Deputies.
of Stilte '. Wm. f,ol!o~k, e[q~
. Chiif Cltrh. rh". Bidwelt, jirn. er...
."nr.oqk Ta,:lor, dq. , , Calluizlg, e~q•

• )r.t>v. Wm. funy Edw . 'Bcntinck
~~J:. G~~;;o:~"wlett, efq. OjJi.',-J,·'!:r, f'1'r:C. T.Jo~.
---=--FOREIG-Nl'vllNISTERS R}<~SID1.NG IN E~Qi,A-~:-"
:' .. ·America. ~C.~if"' G,n. And~·.d~ Pliha~~y,
iill"o)·ExfN. a"d i'd'ill. Plm. Count Et'q. Wf!lp..~-J'. <

. de M.e.n.. eb.t.'
. f9uarl.. '
Yi ... CD,!!uJ, .M.
F r a n c eJlJl
r • ..FlI1Il'bank._ . :...
:;' AIIllria. : ~""'. J!,xlr. f!# PI.", Count ,Deln-
~"... .Ii"trll-o~d Milll • .Plc"i. CQun~ .,hillr.:, Por'man-!'1' '
. ~ ~.imJ), ~r./r};/Ir'l." ~ Crn/", Cim.~. CI,1,i. do ~a1.Dev~.
Foreign Ministers, King's ~iillisters Abroad, &c. ] 03
Spam. Portugal.
b~",. Llr... alii! PI... Duke de E",b"f. iJrt. ~ 'PI",. Count de
Mentellano-, p.,lIanJ-p'u,;· Paimeia, S.d" A.ual'JJt., - .
/Jecr'tal:' if llm"u.ffy, 'Mr:WilIiam Amb. Ex/ra.1S<.. Plen from tl;.Bro;:ils,
CurteTs,' ' C o u n t de Funchal. ,,',
C-fui G"•• DOR jofd Almlzo Ortiz, C.llful Gin. Joaq,uim Antradc, Efq.
Sali,bury , •• rl, Strand.. Ak"u""~t.u,,.
Pi,~ C.,,/.I, Don Hiku"iu de" Rivu- ,'~qiuia. ,
fey SaiIuon. En". .£"t",. ana Min. p/m.-.Count
PnlHia.. lit. MartiD D'Aigle.
z... Z"tr,,:. _J /11'in. -"/1ff. Baren - Two:;li~iljes..,.
de, jacab. Klo~fr, HJ,/,-.ooll-j. , .E""., .E".; anti Mi". PI,,,.,Prince of
eo,,/J. A. C. G.cfe, E1q. Br.,,';:jI. Calleleieala; Gt.CII1N6.-rlaRJ-jlrllt•
..&dIJj"Z· . . Con/ul G,,,. France.,.,'" Efq_
.Tllrkey. Vpptr S.,_ur-j1red.
Qarg',/' Affair'~, M. Ra~a~nf " Bavdfia.'· _
JI&Jlngeoll: ul Gill.
. Pr<jM-:JI. vQ(Jf/prall
f ,
N:"ah, GI.
en". e"tra.
.de Pffi {sel
& Jlllin." 'PU,,:
UDiaed Provinces of tbeNetherlanda e W;.rterobu· h
.Am". E,<I,II. & PI.". H.'Favd,cfq..
rfi '" GIll. Wm.
ay; .... , ~
". ~.tI...
., "I
d Ber"
e oxmg,
~ M' rg ..~ eN,nt
.... " • .&.X ra. ~
en. '".. mt.
E ... E,,~a.tUltI Mm. Pka. Baron .. Hallove~. ,
de Rehaufen. M,,,ijI~r of Slnle, Count Munfler
ConJul, Chas. Tuwe, ECq. GI. SI. Mcmhovd, C/arga-jlr"t...'
H.t.u. Hclfe Carrel. ,
Denmark. ' .EII'II. &"Ira. Baroll d~ Doernb~rg.
E"..,: Extrll. & 11-1;11. PI,,,. Edmulld k1jilknl, Rich. Lorelltz,<ffq, J.·it;:ro:;-
"Eonrke, E'fq. pia Cl, RuJfell-S9 uore •
C#nJul Gen. H. Pred. HQaneman 61efwitk, Halllein, Oldenbuigh.
" Und"".' C.n/ul, Mr. Ch as. C. Beeher.
. Aullria. Conltalltinople.
A.Sas. E"t.a.'tJlJtI Mill. PI... Lord .J,nba.f!atl.r '£xl,.". anti PI... . Rt.•
'Stew;u;t, ,K.,B. . Hun. Rolicl~t 1,1nora '.' ",' . '
811. of 4IR6a,. HOll. Fred. Lunh. SIi:.o.lEm!Ja./b, ~anbw .. Frere, Efq.
. l\uffia... - . . P . e r u a•
.4m6a/~ E""tra.,,,,,rM'II.PII•• Vife. dmlal .. p...ara•. /zlJtI.Plm. S,r Gore
• 'CathcilJ't, K. T. . . " OU8~ley, lit. . '. .
,,,,nary of lltnHj;,llIId Mill. PlIII. Sce. if Em60.?, Jail. Mllrier, Ef'l.
-,..wd>le . ' Pri",. SIG. Sir' \\- 01.. Ousele,..
Am6a•• e". &. Mi". PI.". Duke of ' U' I P' .
WelliDgtllJr. . D.t,;!, rbv lI'~ces. .
Se~of~."'. Lord!'itzro)'Somerset. Am!.. EJr. and Rim. Sir C. Stu:trt,
. " SJ>3:in. , '., K.B:
41116".. E"t, ,antl-,DUn. Right Hall. S... I. 11.,6. Hon. R. Gordon.
Sir}-1en. :Wellefie,., K. B. , . Sweden .•
& •. ri/li.f1I/I. Ch;i.J-. Vilujlhan, ECq. En.,oy e"trll. ami Min. RIm. :id-
. ,. . ·PruSs.;a, . ward Thornton, li.f'i' .
Z-.p",!,!. ",,,iMin. /'.1..'" ~,·.of itll'llifllh
"':if t.,,z,,tiQIi. Qee. JaWoD;cf'l" .. -
104 His M.jesty's Consult, etc.
~Dmark. I Bav:ma.
I. .... Elt ••• d M ... PI••• JohQ I\u",' En",. E", nI.t/ Mi•• Pk•• Gee.u..
FO!'ilU, Ef'l' Rofe, Efq.
I ..· of Ltg. Edward C. Dilbrowe, Sec. "i l.'gat;on, In. Jamea, I!.fq•.
Efq. Switzerland.
:portugal. E"". £.r • • 11" II-/i". Plni. SU'Ilttot4,
£".,., Ellttril. ,••J !'dill. PI." • ., Lis- . Canning, Kfq •.
'on, Geo. ~;lnnmg. I!:fq. . Suo of L • • H'f. Un,rin AdliiniitoJ;l.
q. .
8... of L.ral..", lo. D. (:;.lfamaJor, xc, . rz
)£"":B,,,. ~""M'''. Pie" . • , '"1Jr~"iIs, 4",6. E"I,·a. and Mi•. ]11... Brooll
Vlfe. Srrangford, K.B. & K. r.s. Tayler £f'l' .
BI&H!u,Ll.~:~:' ~ir Frao~i, DrianISe". of L';. Ec\w. M. VV;Lr6, :Ef9..,
Sardiaia. I Helfe.;.
)£n'O. E",tra. a"d Min.!'k". Hon.IE~'O. Bdr•• and Mill, ·PI,••
Wm. Hill. . Suo of L.g.
~... of L"gtl/io., Hon. A. Perey, _ Baden.
Sicily .oCl"". B". fi!f Ml". 1'4-•
.E"". E",tra. tIIId Mi•• l'I.lf. William Sec. of Leg.
A'Court, Efq. America.
8.~. !I Leg. And. SDl~pe DougTafs, b",. E",.f!!I M ... Ph••
Ef~. 1S t<. of Leg.
Tufcany, Barbary State.,
i..",. R",trtl. alld ¥;~. PII•• Lord Efl..,. E"I,.". uJ Min. Pt,..
Burghc:rfh. { s e v e n Hlands,
fJ«,oJ Leg, Geor,. SIIoI~o Poug1al- Rifrtle"/ Spiridion forefti,
The King" CONSULS Abroad, fer the Proteaio~ of Trade.
<'\ufiria. Bwe"os ,A,r,,, Robe. P. Staples, d,!,
.' ' /111. John ~.aird, efC). Yenj&t, Rd. Bift'" t!l' Guipuft... , G. Warre, Ciq.
Belgrave Horner, "{'I, ~"I;f;" alld Aj""ws, Con/Ill, llichd.
Ruffia. Alien, efq. .
C.It/III. Gt •. pan. BarTey. efq. Ya/tnfia ~ B!1,·,tl••• , P.ter Carty
Cwi/III Gt ". 0" tlil Bla," S,., Henry Tupper, efq. ..
~vagc Ye ..mes, efq. C4II'Ir., !/Ialltll, Gilb, S. :th1tce, eC't.
France. . Tu~key,
Il_N I. Gra«, Peter Stuart, eC't. Egypl, CO(l. Get!. Erncft MiJl'ct. e!q •
.]J..,uall", WilIiam Pennell, efq. Conjlanti"opl., Cu". G.:., I.' Moria,
.If..'" JiItllc. Stirling. cf'(.
Spain, G,.,,,., (!! f.
C.SIi} G,•. John Hunter, ((1\' COIf!"I. '? tb, q'"lir.t., c....
(Alii .. , J~es Duff, eC~: . ' fa"y. .
61, ,f."f.r, Gtlarles :Pl\iUipi, efqr, ' ..,rlfa, Fun. Werry, efC{.
Y. ·C•••ul. Sa/",;<a, Fran; C!larnaud, cfq; . .
¥nltll&tII, Wl1l. :J..aird. efq. ,A/'PI'D, In. B"rke", Erq; CIII/III Cw
~lit"lII, ~ernard At!ly, efq.· Agml ~ ,,6,
Ea/i·lntlia p; ao..
.Gij,II, Geo, White, ~[q. Pr.-C,I.f["/. 41,,,,a"tI"ia~ Steplien Maltass, ef'!.
C~''''''Q, Ja1l. Ma&mae, Y. C,,,,III. Patrap, Nlcolas StraDe, eCq. . ....
I'tl" Frand. M. Mentnder, dill •• Dard.ntlltl, Sig. Tertagauo, fr, CM.
Ut.ri. 'JIa~. '-'. liill'i,avc, ef'i' C!/",s. ~C. V.n~ai_, .1,'111..
AdmiJa't) Offie~. Admiralt)' Court. &e. JM
United Proyince.. Babi/l, Free!. Lilldernafl, efq.
(Mr. G<•• Sir )ame~ Gamb .. r J'"""",I""., John l,.empritrc, cCql
Sweden. aamN', Rubert Helketh"ef'l'
((",jll' Gm. III Golttnh'l, John It...b. "Italy. , I, " '
WiCe, ef,!; Cagli",i, Fr. Wm, Magnoll, cCq.
SJ~/PI. t.~eo. Foy, Kfq.
. 'Norway-R.r€,...
Sidly ...;J lVIaltit, Ro>bt. F ..,an,
C'';"la I"t"hia,
pr.",h.i'!', -l'ruffia.
C1,,&'1idnf~"" H(lmbu~gh, Jof; Chal. Mellilh, eC<t.
J.·~J.."d, John Parke. eCq. Ed,',,,, Sam. G. Marlhall, os'l'
PonugaL K""i~%,b"g, John Parkinfen. ef'!.,
L!foon, Conf Gm, John Jeffrey. erq. Barbary.
0porlo, Johll Crif~in" CC'!, Agml' tlllli (,'.,,!"II GI..~,IJ!.
FIITo, Jof~ph B, t:r.fpml' efq. ,'4"'0&<1. James Green, efq;
.A",,,,, Wm. Hardinl> Read,efq, 4Jgi.". Hffiry S. Blallckley, er".
MaJ.;rll. C;on!1I1 Gln.H. Veitch, cC,,; Trilell, Wm. W. Langford,efll;
]Jr:Y;I,. Con/Ill GIll. fly. l:hanlDcr- Tk";', Rich. Oglander. efq. '
lain, ef<J. I America.

AOMUALTY OffiCE. W;ight, Wm.Reynolds, J. Dye-r.

Charing-Crofs. R.Rdey, C.Sayer,!'am. Thurtll!.
H. F. Amedro2', J. Fisher, and
L~l'dJ Com1HIJi(J~r'.I. Jame. Evau., ~Iqr~.
,irjlLorJ, 'Vifcount Md.ille.
llearAdm.Sir Jo.,~id"ey y or~e,ltnt.
Pr;,,,,,. &ocrrlary t. thl I,:JILt,.!.
Robl' \\'. Hay, efq. ' "
Rear AdlD. Gea. Jotll:~tone Hope, Tran,llIto,. cf Fn,..ic" Pal.rI, H. P.
Sir Geo. Wa.rrendcr, ]jart. Am'tdroz, dq. ','
Joll1l fHborIJ, d"q. Kap,r cf tb. RlC.r,iI, f!!!e. JOhD
J?c,.r Adm. Lord Hear}' Paul.t Finlaijon. e f q . ' ,
.Ilarrmgeoll P. Blac]:fo>rd, ,efq. S'C. t. th, ~VjJ..u,' Ch",.i,), J. W.
First S',Tda,) , John Willon CH.ker, ~fq.
Croker, afq. ,d"ij/. M. Wailer (lif,oll. ef'l'
S.c.nJS.C'. John Barrow, eCq.F ..R.S. I'lIymaJlI" of th. Wit/nu, 1',lfjio'lI.
Cbi'f Clerk, Wm. Peoree, efq. Edw. Finch Hatton, ef'l' OJli..
S,,,i.,. CI"'A" Edw. Bane., Henry N.w7'1uar., Litteol,,', In".
llt1YAL ~I.tJtINU' P"T OiflCE. Solicitor to tb. AJmi"ally IIM N ..",.
P<·y"I1.,.I", Hon. Edw. Stewart Cha •• Bickr.ell, elq;
Fir/t Cl,,;, Thonul. Hind, Gt. KiNg', Pr.a. Char le. Billiop, ef".
'lit Cbatham, -C,.pt; Wm, 5eward AJmir.ditto, G. Gofi:ling,ef'l' F . .R.S•
• t PortJ",.ulb, Capt, Edw. Parke R.gijl.r oJ
th. Admiralt) Co",'t. Lor4
"t'PJYf1l'rllh, Lt. Col. F. H.l'light Arden.
~ WHlWKb, Capt. Varlo. D'f"li", Jame. Farqubar and 1~
ADMIltA'LTT COURT. Bufb, erqre. ,1

. 1-dg< ofth. AJmir"II:j. '. Marjbal, Robr. Thornton, efq.

ltt.l1og. Sir W. ScPtl, Knt. D.C.". O.p. J. Deacon, efq •
.J:ing's Ad,,; Gtn. Sir Chriftr. Robin. Jutig. 1"".Atlm. Court, 41 Han/a..
iOIl,Kl1t,D.C.L. , AItJ1:.Cooke,D.C.L:.'
.Admiral:y"o: Js. H. Arnold, D.C.L. JuJgt Ati<J.,atl t. Ih. FII", S1l',~
C:."rf'J t, AJlIlirall) (#!Jii Nu,,» Tao., Ducloett, Bt.
'jtrviJ. 'cJ'i! ' ", . ' , ~. Mefca Gretmm, erep
106 Lvy 'Pay-Office.
NAVY P~Y-OFFJCE.(Somerfet Place.)
9'1'11''''''''' of th, N,,1IY'
Right Hon. I"fp. of S."m.,,', W;II, a"tI P..lJtrlV
(?corgc Rofe Ail.,. J. Bedingfield, erq•
.P",,,uljer, John Smith. erq; , Gnfoi.,. /or .!lloil1lml '.1Jran"h, Joha
&:flJr"nth.n./"P"y"'.Jo, SWliffield. !>avles, cfq. -
8wp. III Depl/I,d and Woo/'wi.b J),... 0.11:&lr for Pd"" , T.D. BofweU. ef••
rllrd_, <ko. Forster" , C.",Ir.cltrl.'
Jlt ,porl/m,"/h, Wm. Taylor, John Chie/e.lld, f!!f Ofour for pllJing C_,
Humer - lingentin, G. Bbchford . .
.4t Piy",Olllh' Alex. Gordon Wait Porl.m'"lh. B. P,erc,e -
~eid' • . , • . er "(vlr..llth. T. Wolridj8
.4t'S[.t(rlft/s W. H. Ma\llc' .",/ham, F. S. Ne~cj)\l1bc ,
.Ai 'Chalha.. ,' John Slade: ' U"''''i/Jiol..r~ for .",amining _Ih. I.,_
if Ih N . •• pro",,,,,.ntl fuggejl<tl ~y the No",""
afN •C f. li."'Y{or PIlYlng Bills C'I1lJll0'ioner"I,QrdBarham.Awn.
,m. re We • e q; Sir R:Cunis, Bt. R. Ad. Wm.Do-
Co.foi,'" of the l'ia~/ing for p",in,> mett, John Fordyce, EIq; 4m1t.
.B,Il.. C. Twedlc. ef'1; Serle. efq. F. R.S. -
,A....plllnl. G. Fennel. efq. ""ela,y. J. T. Brigg~. erq.-

NAVY.OFFICE, (Somerfet PI~,ce.)

I Princiral Officers and COlt,tnliffioners.
, . C••ttr"ltr of the Navy., Slom ~ Ship., tI•• J. O. Rore, lrfqJ ' .
Sir Tho& BO\lldenThompfon, Bart. Storc"luptr's A"tl. JohnCoak. Rf'll
,f)ep, COlF/'trolltr. Wm. ShidJ,clq. A"/~for SI.p" J. Crdwell, Elq,
Su,..,ey.u. Sir Hen. Peake. kilt. Jos, neptford Yard.. --
I, 'Juc~~r.&~ol;>t Seppings, Efqrs U,nl'" Ihe Ink"'i.,, of c.• .uJli.,..,.
C.",mi!li.ntrs. Hon. Henry Legge. Chadu.CuulWlgham. Efq•
• Jfqn. Edward 13ouverie. John Cltr.,.J•. John Morre, Kfq.
neas Thomfon, eCq; R. G. Mirl- Woohyich Yard.
dlelon. ,~fq. Hon. Eolw, .Stewa.rt. Under tbef,,,··,
,pnd ~ercy Fr~{er. C;f'l.' " Cltr!, Japle.,\t!!~d,l!'jq.
_~,. R.~. Nelfon ~f'l' . Chat!>am Yard .
.4J!ifI, S~,.Geo. ,Smith, )Uq; ~.I1I"'i/Ji..n!r F.pdtll/.
S,!t. J!! CO"'flliJtte III A .. G.eorge ,ir ~oben l3arlow, kDt.. .
Ye,a,tes, Ef'l' , ,';J(r~. 10 tfo· o. Da,vi~.. f. ffOH,
Ditt. I. Stores, Chas. Derrick, ;Efq, J.ohn V!pal1. J!:fCJrs.
Chief Cl"" to S". ~. ¥-qr.t,?n, E; S,hecr~eCs Yard.
" ;8!Uour, .;ECqr," ,.Co1Rm~l{i.aer •.R#1tI.
,!fjf)tI Q/litt, Chief CI"lso;G. Dilyfh' Hon. Courtnay ;lJoy!e
W.lfudgfon, Efqrs;,. CIIT.. ,tu d•. T. F:u,rlo~'g, W·,srln~
(fJMm~f}t, OJ§!e, 40. f ,,E.Qtt\1'. ltCq; Por.rJillql,lth y;u-d.
Cont,afl OjJitt, 'M. C" W. ,FQrfter, ' CO"III!Ji.."~r lI-!!J#trI, _
Efq; , . 'ir Geo. Grey» ,part. ..
"Chief'ClerJ to Sury'j.T;Jo~~l!owleo (JJ.r"~, J.(\. Hill, W. M~. '
',E£ll. . .. . J' W. Forrel\:e,r, E{qra. '
.."II.-anJ '!""!".'!'" ,qief C1!rA, W, Plymouth Y~d. "
N\.J;lay.(•• ~fll; , C'_VJi~r Rditl~/lt,
f'itll}"~., I A"". d•. q., Efl}, ito!>erf Fan(h,aw, '1¥q. .
fie.",,,,,, H;'~g~/,io.,q.,l:l'~1~"lf:(q. (;Ierl •• Robt. Merr. ThoI. ~dL
/ttgr. of FUI, <1'•• W. N. RuJ~ El'!. l D. Dc:at; Ef'l'" ,'.~'" '~.
Victualliog Oftlc,e, Tr/UlsfXlrt Offire, I.·C. 107
'Royal Naval College. '''''''!/fio",r, H"D. P. Wodchoure
1-;(111. Go",. Capl. J. Giff'ard '·ti",J.u;'r, \:i'&. D. B.il_wcs, Ef\.
:frif1J. Jas. 11l,ll1an, M. A. MaJ~.
.:f,mpior, Rev. \Vm. Tale C••",!I''''',J"fcph Larcnhl, ErCl'
fia'g,o{l, .Wm. Walker, M. P. Slonlttpq• .W •. ). \Velt, El'l.'
;o~iil. I\ntij,"\Ia.
Ckrl of 01"1"8 , J. T.rennC<llI, ·JUq. Co...ifftontr, ).1\1. Lcwis, Xrq.
H'll~wich. . Stlr.;'uper, John Gilbert, Elt.
CIl:of Ch,'1"" l1~. Jn. aopkiDs,.fq. Jamaica.
l,eith. Co...ijfr.""., Dand Woodriff, Efq.
Ha.,. SI,rd"p", Jas. Bruce, Elq. S'or,I:,·,;,,·, Amb. Nie ....tea. .
Ittr,"",", 'lam~8 M!Kaill, Erq. Cape of Good HOl'e.
• ,ll:1olYlbo \IV ling UlaD d. ~.ilfi. ~ir Jahleel BrenlOD, Kfcn
.11".,. OJli'~r, G. KinjtdOD,Kfq. SI,u,lup.-, Wm. PCDUCU, EJ:,.
Nor'th,Yarmovth. ' . Madras..
¥tlv.'OjJi..-r, J. Day, Kfq.
Co",!"i,IJi' Peter Pugctt, Er".
. Bomhay.
C-~_, lfaac Wooley, ECq. Cotn_ijJi. Jas. Johus:r;>"c, Jifq.
.... LifbnD. &rmuch, .
N(l9. Siorel:r",,,, James M'ltain Na'D. Office" John fluulier, Ert.
Halifa.x, Nova. Scotia.
.'. Barbadoe~
~Mrv. 0.-... of W~"J, (Se. Sir John
\¥'entwofth, Bt. NtrO. OJli"r, Tho •. l· .• rslow, E(q.
'l'ht: ,VICTUALLING OFFICE, (Somcr~t Place.)
. C."''''! . CII. c{"i for iap"'g' Cha, ge •• P.r.
John C. St;a.~le,f:fq. Chair"alt f-N, t!l'c.Jn. Wm.Tompkins, Efq.
eeo. P. To",:,ry,Efq. f)". C/Jllir,tIt- f)o. for Ptlr{<r's A(fls. Wm. King.
Nicholas-Bro)wn, Efq. dOln, Efq.
Thomas WelJh, l!:f\l' Ag•., al.D'/if."I, Capt. H. Garrett
John Aubin, Ef". D. Porl/IIIlJflth, Wm. ~eeks. Erq.
71~. E<1g.c~uuiliO!, Kl'l' Do. Plyfllolllll. Thoi. Miller, ECq.
'llobt. W. }j<lf 0.. Cblfth,,_. H. ~tokes, Ef".
$Fmtd,r,. '\Villiam Gqllin,g, -Efq. D •• l!"".~, l'hos..R~el, Erq.
;()<puty, JpllD Goiling, ,Elq. . Agml Yi<luall." •.
D •. t •. C.o""",.9/' A"'s.J.'J.·.Briggs, Efq. Gi6ra/tar, M:wley Hulke, Efq.
,4"o1llpt.for Ca}b. Rich. Ford, Erq. lIfalta, John. Wilkins<lll, Er'}:
CIA. l"",r41 Aut,. Jor. Prime, Ef'}. Cap., Alfred Joi1nfon, ·Efq. .
D •• fOT tb• .4M;gningOJli".!!J'&.Robt. R~ </. 'jafU;r" J. Geogh~gan, Irc.{~
F\t:etw09d,Nq. LIsbon, Robl. JohnfoD, Efq. .
.II.&&.""i·for·$torts, R ....lolt, Er'!,. ; H.J'go/anJ, D. J. ;Thom.pfon. E:'<l,
-~;;, . ; ... Secretary.'. -Office., '."
Sir Rupert GeOl',e,~ir&.
Jamea BQwcn, erq;
i 'Ira".!l.rl Dcportwunt,
, Cbiif ~tr". John Woodr~fe. t;f,.
Hon. Wo. JJnuglafe " Ijf 4wst. T. H. Balr;~r, ffq. . .
John Harners, efq; M. D. & P.L.& CII:.for 'IranJportl) R.obt.M'Cr~y.
HOll. Courtenay Boylc: c:fq.
JohD Forbes, er'!.. Department SieJalfllwollnd,d Sea,.,,,
8m Alelh M·Leay,cI<t.' Strr1tar,.lohn HouCeiWW. erq.

108 Tran-sport Office, TrilJily-Hol;se~

.I"iJt. C:trl, John Bynon, Gtnt. A&et. Foreign ~<r'lJi&t, Chas: W. By-
D,partme,,' for P'-yo"<rJ if War.
nOli, etq. -" -
Cbiif Clerl, 10hn D:xon, eJq. ' .JuiJI. CI,r}, JoOO Hair, Gt.
Trlm)/"'or """ R'giji. of /!.ub,,,,:;I,. iltp.rI.for p,.yo".~~ of. War, H~_
AleI. Adam, efq. . .
Accllmptant's omc ••• de". Wm. Smyth, cfq.
A,,,. Gm"tlt, Wm. H'-'rding, dq. d"ijI. Clerk, R. O. Smyth..~t.
A"iJI. Nath. Thorns, Gt. F",..igll 8,rviu.
Tral1i'."ft Dtpa",,:,nt. A«t. Wm. Fry, etc{. .
A"":,,pt~nt, 1 ~os. Ibrding, ~q. Allifl. CI,rl, Jame.; Cathrow,Ot•
.lJlift· Cterl, G. Appl~1'arJ! Gt. .R:foI.nt Ag<n',/.,.. Tr.tifPwtl••
A,,,,,", Slorll, F. 1 ubbmg, Gt.ntptfor.Infp. Agt. Oapt. Williatw.
I "'/'''.1" D·/o t t ¥oung,R.'!.T. -
"" ore'/h 'r ar I,un •
• L t. R0 b t. A fno Id, R • N.-.
Aceomptant. Wm: FI or, ef'!. V,al, Lt. Dav. Rofa, R.J.V. . .
.4ui,'. Cltrl" RIch. Raudall, D. J. PO,t/fII."'I., Cart. C. Patton, ll.ll.
Monck, Gcnts. IJIt of Wigbl, Lt. H. Parke, R.N.
Slor" , S afl0lll.
Ply",outh, Lt. R. Cheefeman, R.N.
C/.,Ia, W. H. Tc:mpen, C. Pearce £i'Utrp..J, Lt. Jchn Brown, R.N. _
L.ilh, Lt. R. Giynn, R.N"
. Stores, S,,...iee Qfo.r~. DuhJill, Lt. E. Fither, 'R.N.
CJ.,ls, Wm. ,Filher, jun. T. Lang- Cul, Lt. H. R. Grove, R. N.
ridge, R. G. Pratt, John C"llin. Gum.f." Lt. John Greig, R.N.
A«,. H."" S,,.,,i,,, \Vm.Judd, efq. life), Lt. D. Delafon.,-R.N•
.llIill. CI"j, C. Perks, Gt. Sh<erndi, Lt. E. Mallby, R.N.


(Founded lsn, GrearTowcr-hlll.)

I~OS Marq.Camden, K.G. Majltr r797 Capt.8irWm. Fraler,F.R.8.
17 88 Capt.JoCeph Cotton,D.MajI<r 1799 Capt. ~eorg" Curtis .
180j Capt. John Woolmore
~/Jtr Brtfhr.". I80S Capt. Richard J.eww.
17 68 Duke of Marlboro', K. G. 1806 Earl St. Vincent, K. B.
177 8 Capt. GeorgeBurton 1806 Capt. Jonat. WilCon
I?ll! Capt. Sir Richard Prellon,Bt. 1808 Capt. John F(.Ulcrten
1~84 Capt. Fr. Crefswell 1809 Capt. Thomas MortoD
i;8S Capt. Gilf. Lawfon Rced 1809 Capt. GeorgcBalIantync
17 88 Capt. Henry Hinde Pelly 1810 Earl of Mulgravc
179'1. Capt. J. Huddart, F. R. S. 1810 Capt. Aaroo Chapmaa
17 86 Earl of Chatham, K. G. I81I Rt HOD. Geo. Rofe
1793 Rt. Hon. Ld. Gn:llvillc 181S Vifcount MdYillc-
~79S Vifcount Hood ('f""",·V'a."I.)
1795 Earl Spencer, K. G.
'179$ Capt. Abd Chapmao James Court, cell' 8""'17-
I ?96 Sir A. Snal'e Hamoad, Bt.
Glftotricb Roya1 Hospital, Army Department. los.
GOT., •• o ...-Thc Great Officers oE State, &'e.
ll" Di...ewl. Hi, Cltrl, Wm. FcrguCOII.
Admiral ViIcollnt Hood, If,.,;wr·s of Eftat<l, JoC. F..4«,
WilllarQ Browell,eCq; and Wm. Waile., dqn.
Adm.Sir J.Colpoyo, K. B. P/'J/i<ialf, R. Kob"nfon, M.D.
John Clcvcland,dq; S.rg"", Mr. B. M'Lachlan, .
.Rev. );'Ceoke, M~ ·A. A.ffiftaRt., Mr. Morria, Mr • DomTiUe-
Wm. Palmer, d'!.; DiJpnrf,r, Mr. Matthew Kent
Sir R. PreftulI, Dart HisAJ!1I••', Wm. Bu,nett
Ja.hl\. Yelln, efq; M. A. Cbaplai." ReT. John Cooler, M.A.
Si! W. llellingham, Bt. Kev. 10hn Maule, M.A.
Sir F:.1tH:mwdl,Bt. S.,."".,., John Yenn, efq.R.A.
Right. Hon. Chas. Long, SIIu'ard, John Gudhr,efq.
Jo!m HarriCOII, cfq; C/,rl of Cb''1~t, Richd. Smith, .. rq.
x.irl of Romney, Cle,.lof the W.,A" H. Se ... ard, efq.
RQb"ft Robertfoll, M. D. SoIi,itorl, l'.f.ifr,. Evereft and Co.
Sir Wm. Ceary. Bt. ~ i 10 Penfioners, Nurf... 144,
Wm. J.'I"Savery,efq; 200 Bo),., their Nun... , 6.
G:T. GdooRdenoEu~h, elfq . DC I CluJl al Greenwich re",.,,,,df'.1II Ch.,.
Hon. an ev. uw. ,~gge, . .•. b
Adm. Sir .Ric~. lliekerton, Bt. SIIP;;;;ifo
rl , Firll Lord uf the Adm.
John Angurt~m, efq. C f h N 'G d
V' Ad' 'ral \¥rri Do ·,Ptt' omptr. 0 t e .ay), OV. an
Ice ml. .'. n ~ , Aud. of Greenwich Hofp.
Rar Adm. -SIr Jof. SIdl1"Y Y oJrkc: S
J hn D
.creta.." 0
yer, e.q.
nt. On: Di"a.,." Captains vir. Browell, S.
'-!I,CUI. Arden, J. Ellifon, Lieuts. C.
NaJl. ABm. V.fcollnt Hood, BelTon, and Geo. Spearing.
Ri. C/al, J.~ ..Macarthur, J!:fq;, L. M'Lean, efq.
Lt, Go"" Wm.. n, o~eIl. Efq. Surgeons, Mr. William Miller, Mr.
'IrtdJ. Adm. Sir J. Colpoys, K. B. Kent" .
Ris nepilt" - - AIl.tin, Efq.
Capt";'II, (4) S. Arden, Jor. I'lIifun,
kO ef"
RI"" ., .. , fi· .1.-"
l1]d ",.,S't1a1AIY'U1II, U"*"I:U·V
Wm. Edge,an.dHJ . e\l ·~s, qrs. a.arg' III.
Lieut,nant, (8), C.Beifon, u Spear. .
in.g, F. Bedford,j. Dewfni'p, T. PrllUmt,Duke o.fCumberlan<"K.o.
Lynne, Thomas Willia!11S, lohl. G.",,,wor, Captatn Darn ••
Rickman, and R. Aichfon, efqrs. ,~<&r<l".." Tliomas Bayne., ~sq.
, ... J0 hn 'hoer er.q· Au,lttor, Re". T. B. Clark, D.C,r.·1
~J' ' R
His Deputy, M. Hollinwortb., efq. '."b apIam, cv.. W m •.'1
' organ
Auditor, .. S.rg••n, Wm, Gladftone, efq.
C••_nder'in Chief'l OJli&<, Hor:{e Gtlartlr •
.....",'''.'er i;' Chiif,
Field Marlhal !jeut. Col. Barclav, Capt. Lo ....
the Duke of York,K.G. & K,ll. A. Soa1ersct, aud Lt, Col. Hen.
Military Se<, .Cul. Hen,y Torreno \Vyndham, Lt. Col. Armftron"
JlJ!zjlants, ··Lleut. Col. M. Shaw, Lt. Col. lien. 1. Stanhope
Capt. T. Maling Offic, K"'pfr, F. Fergufon
.lid" U Camp, Lieut. Col. Hon. A. H.v:fo-&:,;, Mrs •. CaldwcU.
\lpta., Uwt. (;VI.Ho E. C-lw
ua AMI., M~cllt 8bat'd,Std O1Itce'rs, &t'l
Aa,," ..I\-iltdlCiAt. 1!oAItO.
I>j"d.r·d'~'''I1.I, Jnlin Weir Efq. Ace."'ptlllit, EdW'. skppard, Erq. .
Prineipll/-I~fp"'lor, Ch~rleR Ker, Prifusional .4ft;,t. JohllWarrell, Kaq.
M. O. Wm.l"'ankhn, M D. Afi!,. St~""Robt.Stewart, Efq> '.
:Jecrttary, Samuel Reed, Ef'l. .Agmt, Jame. Window,
. . . Efq.. .

Arljutatit du.Lieut. Gen. H. Calvel·t ,d,,!zi'utl a~d S"r.u'Y.r .• , jok San...
1),1" Ad]. Gm.for G,"'. A.If,,;rr, M clt'rs and The •. Jean., JUqrn.
G. Ralph Darling AI!"t, Charles Gr
e.<;.r1Y"ontl. ~(q;. .
D •.'.f., R'&ruili.~ D'/,art1Nent, L t . . . :.
Col. Alex. MiOvlla!d omml>~'on for aui/iling Gell. Dc
~,.art",-M'.fI. Gm, Ma)' Geil. Ja;. Lam:ey's A.·(101ll111~ .
Willoughby Gordoll.
D.;uty, Maj. Gen.10hn Br'own *1. ~as. HerTlee
4/!!JIan/,', Lieut Col. Wm. Marlav, m. rag!::e,F.fq.. '. ".

Capt. Sir N. Trant, Col. C.. lin Stt,(!::.'1' Thomas Bonnor, Efq~ .
CampbeU, Lt. Col. Haverficld Co",plro!I.,.'1 ojjk•• W6iJ.luzlr
C.""lfijJ..,., j" Ch'if (I,,/and t!l' E:t.1 John E~Ik,"e, Itf<J.
Indi,. """pt,i), John Charle. J~hn King, ~rq.
Herri"s, Efq. Lteut.Col;Drmkwate~, ..
Principal D'puly Com",i!!",., G.Ii<ral, .<;",.tI.r1, rho. Fauq~lIcT, Ef<J: 7oor..
Leonard B. Murte, lUq. . AjJift·See. Fred. Whalley,Efq.
c.";,,,,ij!ary General if IVfujld" Geo. G,.trlll p,pa,·ltn..i; '"
Aull, I!~fq; Ar:r:ompt. t!l' Clnif CI(rl Geo. Wm.
D,p,C.""'~IT,ry-G'If.Jas. Tckt:!I •.Efq. ~ewconie, Efq: '.
'Jlldge Jl,f.. rt;al and Ad",,,"t. Gmtral, S,.,or CI.,.lz, J. A ..~d\Varcl., Wm.
Rt. Uon. Char. MannC!1"s Sutton. Walrnealey, L. 1', Fauquier, aud
Deputy, J. Auguftus Oldham,Ti:fq; Oeo. M'Lcod, Efqrs.
Al!ijlant. C. B. Woolafton, Lfq. Clothin/! Br""ch. Firjl Cl,;l, Wm.
I'!!p,aor Gm.rat if Sorl!fic"tion" Walmefley •. E f q . ...
Lt. Gcn. Gather Man. SUM" ,,~. Lou,s P •. FauqUler; lUq.
D'p,.~y, Colontl Ro.wley. tow,. (,chlif Acept. !"T' Cor(cllis, Bfqo
Aid. d. Camp, Lieut. Col. Mann E"""","'I", Js Smith, B. L. Goul'd.
Apoth""rrGtn •. Gen. Gamier, Ei'ij.· .~fqrs. . ,. . .. .
Chap. G,., Venerable Archdeacon AUl!trtbt" T. COlher, J. H. Cramer'
.' John Owell, M, A.· . ,,' .
D.puty. Rev.W. W .. DakOL D.C.L l)~Ak~. OF MILITARY ENq,ulltr.
WaX.fon Jltlart,r 04n. Col. Digby q.le." Ternplem;rn. Efq.
H2.milton. Ch~lfl:. Bofanquet. Efq.
Drll1ll ]I!ajor-(Jm. MJJotcGcn ••Btadtbaw
_._. _ _ ~_ i;.C. Cox, Rfq.
B"rr"C}~Offiu, SprillK G"i-lit.. Henry Peter., Bfq•.
Ctlm11l~/"1fCrl, ' Olb
orn M arkh am,S C.t S!cphtufo"f P .... Eftfl
Juhn ~,lher, Kfqra: I.t. Col. Alex. «Tt ary, eter Urant, ""-Ft· '" m.
BOARn OF, Ct~[M:;.
8ur~t.. Capt. John St~~leton PIYI. Lt. Gen. Richd. WilftlTd
A".,.,pta"t, Wm. Hemming", E(q. Lt. Oen. Wm. 'Cartwrighf _ '
IlIfp<~."s Gm. E. B. Freqenck,Efq. Lt. Gen. Sir Cllas. Grern B

Ed.ard Baron.
Capt Charles M'Pherfon, Capt.!Ma Gen. A. L. Layard T ;rn;,
Maj. Gen. Town~ ·Wailer
Inftefl,,!" if SJ.w.Bor le Arthur .Ef'l' St<. Richard Barty, E~. .
SPECIAL BOARD of GENERAl. OFFICERS. fol" rhe bd'peciio~ of
the Clothing of the Army.
ir'. M. the DllkeofCum' Gen. Sir EJm. Srevel'l> Lt. Gen. 'HarryCalvcrt
b~rland, Prif"',nt 'Gen. Neabit &I[ollr M. Gell. Wm.Wynyard
P. M. the Duke ofYorl Gen. F. E.Gwyn M. Gell. J. Brown,
F. M.the Duke of KCll\ uen.Alel:. Rofs 'vI. Gen, R. Darling
F.M. D. of Cambridg-< "en. Earl Ludlow 1.1. Gen. J. W. Gordon
Gen. Rt.iill. Wm. H~I Lieut. Gen. HOII. Edll' tc. Too •. Fauquif.r,efq.
court Phippa ''!fpedor, Lt.Col. Wrrt;
Gen. Rt. Hn. Sir Daviu Lt. Gen. Wm. Carl Turner
Dund,a, wright ':1,,11, Wm. Walmfley't
Gw. Sir Alured Clar)c, Llellt. Gen. Sir Charle l.oll;' J.I'. Fallqllicr.
Gen. Earl, of.HarringtOl Gr~n, Bart. Ef'lrl. _, _

Royal MILITARY COI.LEGE, Sandhurll, Inftitllted in 1799-

C."",!JJi."tr.. \ll:aj. Gen. Gordon. ,
Duke of York, K. G. &. K. B. Ma} Gen. R. Darling. ",
Duke uf Kent, K. G. & K. P. Col. Jame. Butler, L"ut. G..,. "
Du.e of Cumb~rlaod, K. G. Ptc.f.of Malbemali",ifaacD.alby,efq.,
Duke of Cambridge, K. G. ,senio, IJ.parl"""I4I W',<omk. ,
Duke of Gloucelter. ',lafficat Profeffor, J. L. Mills, B. .A.
RiJ::ht Hon. Nic. Vanfittart A,tl, H. C. Clarke, D. '~.L. _
Gen. Earl of Harringron. Com ..andallt,Lt.Col.SirH.S.Dougla ..,
.Rt.Hon. Lord Vifcuunt Palm.rcnon bt. .,
Rdton. Gen. Sit D. Dunda., K.B .1lglltllltt, Ant. G. Douglas, Efq:
Gen. Eall of Chailiam, K. G. ,,,,rI,r !h!ilrlmtnl .t Mad..... ,
Gen. Earl Harcourt. !Hajorll Lt. Col. Jame. M·Der~t.
Gen. Earl MIIlgrave~, Adjlf1an1, C3pt~ Thomas Abr-..ham.
Gen. Earl Cathcart, K. T. Cllp'.;n., Chas. Wrightl David Er..
~.t. GCI,.lb>bert Browarigg. kinejo John Ott et" T, Abraham •.
Ijeut. Gen. Harry Calvert. Cbap.(!!Lihrar;a",Rev. Wm Wheeler.
Li('ut.-Gen. Ho... Ales. Hope, GnI. S"irt1ar}, Capt. John 9arvock.
l.t. Gen. Sir Tho•. Green, bart. TI'e,tfur~r, Geo. SaOl. Collyer, efq.
Lt. Gen. sir Harry Bnrrard, bart. PaJ",lIlftr, Capt. Chas. Stone.
Lt. Gen. Hildehrand Oake.. Surg''', Ninian Bruce.,
~t Gen. Wm. Wynyard. AJ/iJi. b. John Pickering. .
Maj. Gen. Brown. . ~uar; M4ft. Alexander Calder.

W A R- Q F Jl ICE, (Whiteboll.)
$N:rdary ill W.r, ViCe. Palmer/fol', E:umintr,T H. Ro1>iDl'OIl, lltq.
»_p.I] Storeta,." Wm. Merry, Lfq, F.,.,ign Br,onc),. CMt' Cltri, J.
lit} CI.rl, Rob. Lukin, Efq. AUDIo,!t. J~ w. I.ukin"Efq.
hjncipal ClerA, Richd. Brown, Hq, Ajfljl. C. C. Ra'per, Hq; ,
D'I,lrl"",tI at the n.,,!. (i".,", Sp"illt Appo;lIt",,,,,•• . ' .. "
'._ ,Whit,hall. ,Pri",lIIt St<. ,. 8«,·". III Rl'a't'JI'l:
6",i"" Cur"" C. Green', Jas. Ray, EJliott, Efq. ".)
Wm. Grav~, Aiel:. Mackay, E. Pr~'. S~c. t, Ilk Dip. S;c. id .11'41'.
Marfhalt, Ji.fqrs. . Wllham M,er~y, Jun. Efq.
plJ4rl/rlt" if 4&counts,pri'f '.1791 ClerA for D"t/i<uttl, (if,. P. Cocl~
"ueo. Collings, Efq. Efq.
16htRor"G.Brown,j.Prmar, Efqn. La,. Ckr~. Wm. HarriIvn Er.,
J l2 Aeeo'Unt Office. Army Pay:Ofli~. Ordnatt«, &c.
ACCOUNTANT'S DEPARTM$NT, DlIlroS1rllt,II"'t.t",ill,t,r,
Michael Foveaus, Henry Vandeput, Chas. W.Wa~.
lohn Stuart, and Laureace Sul~ r~n, Geo. Wyhrow, Wm. Kill'l~
• linn, Itfqft. ton, Joltn Robinfon, Geo. Ellis.
·,,,,pu,,,... John Kirby, Richard John E. Hnlliday, HCllry Finch,
Bailey. Pare Rebel Dick, Gen. N. Hodfon, Efqn.
,....--- .
e,.",;u""J Ono. ;/f Chiif, John Cha,. der., P. Heme, C. L. Flyer, Rr'!•.
He~ries. Efq. '. F."ign Brand,.
SJ'I*I'II, Learn B. Motfe, Rich. ]. .
Anderfon; Efq. P"II•• CI"rJ, Thos. Archer, Er'!._
/lll;.,a"t" J. A. Boocock, 'A. Y. - Accountant BrlA/ch.
Spearmau, Efqr., ' fle,/. E. W. Cleere, Ffq.
H ••, Bra.,/'. C'"fi.u~li''' Cltrl, T. Archer, Etq.
CI"'kS,' R~ Mile .. E. Saun·
Agent General'. OffiCII for the Difembodied Militia, Volllnteers, and
MiUtia and Defence Acts, Great George's·ftreet, Wefiminfler.
~••t Gcn. Gen. SIIee, Efq.
K ••p,r, Geo. pri.ngle, Efq.
D.p.'" Henry Longhu"., Rfq. 1I.111'."t, George Ndbit.
CaJhltr, Robe. Sprnuli, Efq. . "
Pay",tifI", Ge""a/, Rt. Hon. Chas Veputy Paymafter; G.nt,al,.Ab,...,/.
Long, and Rt. Hon. Fretl. John Gihr,z/I"" aon.
Augufl. l'hipp.
RObinfon. Malta, Thos. Fyeu, erq.
J)'/fllty, Richard Neaves, efq. Sicily, J. N Duntze, efq .
.IIccompl. Gen. A. N. Bradlhaw, ef'H Canada, John Hale, <f'1' ""
D.puty, Terrick Haulain, efq. Halifax, Robt. A. Tuc~r, efq.
C'!foi.T, Keen" Stables, efq; New BT'lftjw;cl, N. Brnnton, ef.}.
D.puty, P. Craufurd, efq: U'i"d'lJ. and Lnow. [flan"". Job
Lerlz.r Keep", Law. Willi.ams, ei'q. Herior, ~fq.
D.p",y, Thus. Swan, efq. ']"",,,ic(I, Col. Kenneth M'Ru"
Cafoi,,."of l/..lf-pay, G.G. Mills, efq;Cry/,n, WD1. Arllott, efq •
.4lfij/"lIt, G. T. Thorpc, efq. (;"1', G. H .. John F-...Ieon, efq.
~nt"illg Cl,;'., Wm. Wood, efq. ,]<rfry. Edwnrd Morritt, efq•
.II.I!1'aftt, Thomas Dyfon, cfq... Gutrnfty, John Clack,efq.
611/.,.illl. of D./ulit,'A&&tJ. Willtam N.'U:/o,mdianJ. Jllhll Stewart, d"q.
Jones, efq. Spain, J. P. Boys, efq.
4ITifI, John H. Frer., cfq. P.,lugaJ, S. Hunter, d'q; .
Li6,ariall, R Hulband
Majl.r G.II. Gen. Earl of Mulgrave, "i"l of tI.,
J)eli'll"''', Hon. !
Litflt. Gen. Sir Hildebrand Oali:es, Phipps . ~. .
. Bart. " Tr'a/ll r<r, Thol. Alcock, efq:· .
l~r'll"Y0r-Gtn.ral, Rear Admiral R. S,.rda,y to th, Board, Robr;rt H.
'Moorfom, Crew,efq. ~ .
Ct.rloftb.Ord~an&t, Rob.Ward,Efq. Se(r.tary In Jb. Majl<rG""7VlI, La.. "•
.l'ri"dJI.rI-A. Mark Sin&lctun. efq, CuI. R. S. Chal'Dla.n.
. Ordtllll1('f. Cinque Ports, Royat Hospital. 11:1
Ch. ell. lI~r Mnjh Glllt. '1'. f. Chriflie, M. A. Tho •• Mytrl,
]Ohll!\UII, c:fq. . ~I.A. Pehr Bado"", M.·A.
D •. ,."ti" Sur. Gm. J. Angell, efq. ,'vlolll••",,,,. /ij}jl. Wm. Moore.
D •• ,,,,J,, Clerl of Or411111"", J. H. Pr~rJJ. of >"r/i/ictJ. Ifaac 1.andman
BarnouilJ, dq. 1I1~Jt<T1 of do. ChIlS, Blumellh"b~n.
D •• ,lIId,r P,i",. Sto"~.rtJ.r. James ('has. Malorti de Mart~mulIt
~latter, tfq. Frt~(h M.jlus, l,cwis Catty. ('.
D,. und.r CIA. of I).lif"";", Rithd. Wann
Welbank, efq. ""'of";: of CL.",ijI,y, J. M'Cullogh.
Do. ""J., Trenfu'.... W.B. Ruddick, M. D.
cfq. . B..Jal LaQorllt'" ", W ..twh/'.
Do. MIII"ti,,: 1Jra~b, P. A. Ouvry, Comp',. Lt. (,0<11. Sit Vim. COli
efq. greve, Ht. .
D,. C"rrfp."diag Brancb, WilliaOl C!..iif Fir. lVI'!Jl. Lt. Gen. Georf;c
. Griffin cfq. Ro,hlort
S./icilor, bi/liu WilCon, efq. Allijll. Maj. Ch.~, Binl1;nam,jofcpll
ArchiltCl, W. Atkinfon, efq. Ncwell, cfq.
A../!!f1. Lcwia Wratt, cfq. D., at PI:Jm.uth, T. F. Forbes, efq.
Cb'-!fI.!5&. John M'C'.dloch,M.D.lJo. ill Portfi'" J. G. Burfiem,efq.
S"ptrl. of Sbip/j"t, Capt. Thomas Ilifputor of .4",illt,.,.
DickillfoD Lt. Gen. Sir Thol. tJlomefidd. Bt,
S",all GII" D,;."",,,,,,. Assift· ti.. Col. Henry ShtapbelJ
Iwfp,Clor. LL Col, James ~iIIer I.JJ.,/iIlJ Dn!fJRti". J. O. Hook~
. D d ham, efq.
I"if r• Royal B".Ji Pnumb,.,. Lieut.
A ..ift· CaptalU ·Wm. un al.
MUjt.,.:! .A&ilrltmy al W"~'U1i,h.
G • .,. Gen. Earl of Mulgrave
GeJi. Sir Thos. Blomcfield, bt.
Fo""d"" Henry King, C/jrns. kill,
Lt.GItv.Lt. Col. Wm. Medge p,.,'.! MaJ.r, Lieut. Ihid
sniP. Lt. Col. Oeo W. ~hipp. It',al Cnr,.iagt bt;arlment.
'4.uijl.I1tfPd. Capt. Wm. Hall Infp. Maj, Gell. Will. Cuppag\!
Prof'.ff.,!! MIIIH-..'i".Johu Bonny- 1/1 Assijl. I,t. CuI. Wm. Millet
eaRle '1,1/ d•• Lt. Col. Ftcd. Griffilbs
katlnm. M"j/lrI,Rn· . .Lcwis.ETaRS, ROJ«1 Milita,y RtpDjit."y.
Olint. Gngary, D.e.L. s. H. Sup.. ;",. ~ir Wm. Coilgttve,.Bt.
L.rJ W.,lkR,Cha,,;,II.r, a""AJ",•• Lit"t. of 110. John Bray, efq.
the Cin'l"t P.,II, IlnJ C.ttjJ..t, if $,mdgate t'!f1lt, Wm. Eve\yn, efq •
. .nw,,. CII,1. E. of LiVerpool, 30001. Litat. if ri•• John Simmonds, erq.
Litll!. ,f DI""'" Curl" Tho$. Deft, Capt. kIo..tJ .Bul...·Qrl, J.Latham, dq.
efq., . Litut. of do. - - - Green, efq.
D.p.Lieut. ThO!.Batfman Lane. crq; Capt•• Archdjlf Fort, H. tadd, cfq.
Cllpt. ejD.lltCant.,EarI ef Gllilford Lieut. 6f do. Wm. KnOCK"", efq,
. Lint. of M. Gea. Stringer, eCq. 'J,"/g. of tbe AJmiralt, C.urt,Jor~I'h
Cai'. if Wal""r CtrJ. O,orge Leith, l'hillimorf, D. C. 1"
.eC,!; . /?g. of d•• Thomas P~in, tfq. . .
Lit_I, ollo. Samuel Harvey, cfq. Chapt"in, Rev. R. KII/haw
8""w" C<r}Jlt. John Robinf"n, efq. S""tlar.v, Jofeph Smith. dq.
.{jfl.nuJ. .. Lt. GO'II. Gen. Safn. Hulfe, 4001.
.Th~ arm Officers of State Major, Lt. Col. H .. L~ Bb,nc, 3001.
Mi#ta"J OffiCt"... A.ijtit...t.Captain Gco.Arklnm, 100;.
GflIh'lfO" (i,';. Rt. H"n.-Sir D~vid Trlafurrr, Paym. Gen. of the l.and
D~das. K: .D. SOOt. l'orf.~; f"r Ih" Time .(jug
181 '" 1/ '
1) 4 Lu\\' Departmt'nt, Court of Chancery, &e.
D.,rdy, Will. Henry Spicer. Ph:ficilltl, Bcnj. Mefely,M. D. J6SL
e;'''i'la;,u, Rev. Wm. Haggitt, M.A. C''''i'lrfllltr, I.oftlll NUDn,efq.
Rev. Rich. Yate., B.O. 1301. each SI<ovartl, Val. Fowler, efq.,
$,,,lIary alld R'gijld', O. Alia, cfq. Surg,.n, Tho. Keate, efq. 1001.
AI'IIt alltl Pay.ajIer t. tb. Out·Pm- D,put;u, John Leeds, Wm. Nort"
)i.Mr., Jofeph Smith, efq. .1polb"ary, Ri~h. Rob. Graham, eig.
Ma&¥lr.t. t. utt!f1 IIIvalidJ anti 0",. Orgllllijl, Dr. Burner
p,,y;.,,ers, Fred. Matthewl"cf'l' CI.rl of thl Wofls..Jn. Soane, dq.
Court of Chancery, &c.
8~~.,,, Cobl"l Cln'As, Ch as. ,Ab'l . Sewnt" DJ. '
bot'Dan,er,."artd John CorfieM. H. Stebbing, John B.auclcr'k, Hen.
CI.ri. of thl, P.lIy Bag, Wrottdlcy, Jeft". Sptang"r, Wnl.
Philip, Parry:, Laur. D\¥ln, John Paley, efqu.
Dental!; efqrs. .Eighth LijI.
D,,"fy, Mr. Fr:mcia Abbott ichard Calvert, Wm. Conrt~nil",
Pat"".. if Ih. Sutplrn4 Ojfo., Wm. JohD B. Bofanquet, Wm. Welfitt,
Court~nay,jun. efq. JohD Pcnfam. efqr..
RI<. iftl" Sixp,py W,ilOfJiq.Junes Nhth LijI.
Sayer, efq. Junea Trcbeck, Jas. Seton, Edw.
Chaff WIl%, W. Pyc, aDII W. Buller, Gro'" Smith,] ohD Sam. H won,
efqr.. , Wm. OWeD, efqrs.
8,.1", Robert Hand. efq. 'Imth LijI.
CU~ if,hI L,,",, Pal."" Va1eatiDc ThomM EVIUlce, Wait. Pye, Pllil.
HeD. Wilmot, Neave, Wm. Randall, A.lexan-
~,,_.oflhl Lt/I'" Pld<IJt,Andrew der Johllfon, ei'l,".
HuUeJloD, cf'l' .E1",enth LijI.
S«r,t,,'1 if th, Pr'!fo"lllIi..., Richd. Andrew Huddlefton, Pc~er JOhn-
BurdoD, ECq. , fion, Hen. Hall, Baul.Molltf.p,
Cur" if 11" Pre.finlations, Lord ThaI. MeggifOD, jun. efqrl.
TRUl'~ . ' T1u./flh LijI.
D.ptIIy, Williun Wc1ch, efq. J. CalthMpe Gough, John JJowlei..
P,..tMQI.r" Tk()f. Thurfion, etq. John Edm~uJ Dowdefwe,Ll,'G~.
D'I"'J, Saml., efq. Dale Collillfon peter &till efqr..
C•• ,.u,io,," ior tll. R.Jiif of Inlol- Tbirlt:nlh LijI. ', ~ ])~hlo"" Arthur Palnier, ef'l' Cha. WarreD, Geo. Daniel Harv,e,..
ScrJeant ~t L3W.· , Jor. Yates, GeorgeRoou, Chri.t},
CMUJillIjonere of Ballknpu. Pullcr,eiq...
FirjlLijI.' , Fflllrtttnt" LijI
William Gou!~ Hon.,Ja\JlCl Aber- GijJin WilCuo. A. E. Im~y, F. M.
cremby, ~11~ ~lngficld,JobD Ainllie, William ViUicrs Su/"
TUl'ncr,Wl11lamT~os:Roe,e{qrl. Charles Grant, eCql'1l. •
SaDlltl L t ! . . lIA'~ D' , ,
'Jehn France John Mitford Wm..... '''Kln, aVid Cadddl, lofeph
HorRe .ae~. Story 'F. C. Parry artopp,Henry Page,]n. Ridler,
'efqrJ.' I , , John T .. Nixon, John Billing,
Thi,.tI LijI. _ John Wnght . • ' .
Jame. Burrongh, Burton Morice 'I""" QM"" eo.,.,,.,,.,,w,. IJ'hom.1
Will. Elias Taunten, W. Rob.erv. E~~ce, Ch•. Cotton, }ohrrNare~,
Iticild. BurdoDj efqn. Phillp Neave, .Geo. St.>ry, efqn:"
Fllmh L!J1. ' Pili.",... for 1It/llmg .ul C_",fIJi.", of .
lieD. Reyel,R.eY,Dolds, Robt. Jo£. B.nI,.upt", Lord Thurlow, d
Chambers, Wi~ .conant, 1of. Thos~ Thurlow, efqr.
Hickey.Richd.,Ricbatda, efqr.. D.p. Geo. For1lcr, efq.
, Fif'" 'LiI' 'I",Jmtllt Office.
J. Reeve., Rich. W~eCon, Arch. CI."I" the Si" CI.,i,' ill Chllnc"y,
CulieD, R.ich~ Wilfon, ,Geo. N. and th,,. Cler!- of th, Pr/t:; Bag.
Edwarlis, efqta. , ' Stili,,.S.",,.,,CI"l,E. Hanmer, el'q.
, ,(;itolh Lift:. ' Jtlni!," J•• John Mitford. efg.
,John Nares, Edw. Chritllll,ll. ;tlob.ert cUr, ift', Brit}i,]ohnHump,hreyf,
'. 'falbot, R~rt CapN. ir.,ua. ef'l.. ,
Vefey, ef'ira. CIer"bf Inr./m. H. E. Church', er1.
1 t6 . Courts or Chancery and King's Benet..
D:/,ulJ, Mr. Tho•. Rller St< •. .j' th. c..... .j' ~"'" Joltn
Ci...l if lb. C".,RoJi., if Uf.t, 1#14 Lu. Pcnfam, cfq. ,
IWli.., Lnt'd Tl1urlow. S ... .j'Lunati.., Th.,.. Cart. eC._
De,,,,,, Ch. HUll. Talbot, cfq. \ D,p,,'y, Edw. Goddard,f:f1-
Corporatl... if Curjilor/. C_"'iQi"If,r, if Llllfati", T~ EVince,
Prinei}"I, Rd. Smith .tq>pl.,artl A~l'Ifh~~ Moore, Wm. W'dIiCt,
cf'ir • ".' pru.I"!,OI"t:,1. Wear; ef'Jl'S.
A'/Ji.l''''''I,l. Vemon Eo Dodd er. n Rml'f1"- o.fF,,,~,, JaM F~'rit.efq_
, :/" " : q S''''''''''' if Dm-rf" I"J''''e;., .~d
~;;t.,., r. Llotd.Jegon· '" dlard, AN,aft, Wm. V. Sancea, efq.
Ilt. Nvthall, Craven ord, R. Tal- Se<. of ,b, Brig., Joho Nates, oq.'
bot, P. Parry, T. \Valker, O.Al- S'rjtlllll fI# A,.,.s, W. Watfo..,Cfcl.
, lea, R.,,,cHon, T. P.Lamb, Hcn- !J."",,; Mr. Wm.'Blitt. ,
ty Wrott~llc,., Wm. ltandall, J. P,r,foio-dnf. Oeo ..5tiiftfortJt.,elq.
Halket: Richard WilfoU'. J. Pen- D'f'IIty, Mr. Johnaarbcr. . .
ram, Wm. V.·Surteca, In. Sayer., Ufll7' O/,/" Hall. Mr. J; llidleY.
Thomas Jones,Henry Burrell, .
J. hlladly, and T. Carr, ef.n. . OjJicm,. 11" Majf.r of I~. Roll#.
1I.,6",r.r, Wm. Ban. Sit. A. W. Grant, e~.
U,,4.,. &"• • "Il Sc<. of Cou., Mr.
L ...d ehafmIIDr', OjJittt'l. C. I<!. Mufra.,.
Prj""S"'-J~ntes Farra', erq. U}btt' if'(,' H,JI, Mr. !.ladtI<fn .
8~•• if Balll""I'" U.foer ifth. t.llrl, R. Ctitcll!ft. e's.
-rJ,/,. S".H.E. Chureh,cfq. VICS CUANCIJ.L-GJ( 01 Eft,rancJ,
A.Jift."", G. H. ChUf,h, esq. Sii' Thomas MutDcr, ~nt. '
Su.l. Ih~ P"'.fo",'atietft, Rkh. Bar40n Ste,.d,,,,, Wm. Turfolit, Ci'q.
erq.' . T,..i,,-6,ar.r, Mr: J. Hoope!'
8,lil.r, Robt. Hand, dq.
Clj6-.,., M •. Corlett.·· .
. Lord Chuf 'jlljlitl ...., judgtl. .1.1'1'''''', Fred. Grovc';,e(q.
Lord Elleoborougn, 40001. !l4ar;jbtdof. tiu Xinz' t B.M.l'rf{OIf,
iir l5imon J..c Blant', Knt. Wm. Jones, cfq.
Sir John' Bayley, Kilt. CI",J of JI.. RJ~J, Chll.l5hort, er'l.
Sir H.:nry llampicr, IW,. A.ffiJ1. Mt. !lam. Card; .
, 30001. a Y~ar caell Clh of Plller" S.lIt J. praff,cfqnlo
. Cr••un1'nk, D•• of Paptrl ;11 K.B. Pr!!,,";
~", JO"l' C....,,;,. ... Aft"""" CIA·oftbe D41.Hultr, W.Jones, "C!,
Eilmond Henry Laihingtoo,c{'l' Cl:rJ.j'Dodd/ ~t.Wm;PrC'9d1l,e(.
3,t""".":!> Henry Barlow, cCq. Cltri of th. Dc,la,.at. Rob.FoRcr,cfcr
€I,rl of IIn RN/.. , HeD. Dealtry,efq. CI,r~ if Baill,. P1!~'" "ru/ EjI,...",
Ji" ....;"." {J;f CQ/,,,,," XIII''', Robt. Rlci\ard Snuth, ef<t. ,
Belt, erq. . !iiz~m of,L, ''''riis, W. Prevbn,and
CI.rh ill C.urt, It. Belt, G, LGpipre, 1 nos. Cm.mbre, efqr ••
Henry !>taltry, Henry !iarlow Sign,r if Ib./JiIIi f.r '1I1;Ir/'{<",
,B. Burnctt, Wm. S. Jones, Wm.. John Stan1cy-,efq.· ,: . '
lIelt, P"regr. Dealt!')'. and Cha.. eujt6tks Bf'W;um. Lard, lCerryofl and
Franc •• RobinfoD, efqrt. Hon. H. Law.. ' ..
Chi</, CI"-I,, HOD. Edward Law
CI."s.j' ,h.
Nifi Pri;", Wm. Pre·
v"n, T • .vih,tcj and J; W.Han-
" and' O.born Mar1bam, cfq. ' mcr, efqrs. . .
&'."'IZ?, !luGcrt Foftcr, &fq. and CI.r~ 'f IN r",," 't'rtqf'";. nlllo
Th... Le »lane', ef"., I Waitc, cf'i'
Courts of Kiag'. Bench and Common Plea.. J t.,
CluA if tlu'Ouur ,'!rufo'J, Andrew JUc. G",. if 16" Prffi~3 if ,,,. SuI. if'
JWr;c, eCq. Ib, King', Btneh PIfJC"'lIl11tJ11 Piu,;
'i/""." E""ig••tJ Cl.,; if 11" Ollt- Duke of Graftoo
'''''IIru., HOII. Tho.. KcnY~D,. Dep. R .... jame, I'oolc, cfq.
li'tlur/or Effix anJ M.nm •• t¥urI, S I I"L D _1~' "
."od: Edge, d''}. u tr, ..... II,~ CJl.,...~t -
C/.,I if Ih. EI"ror'.,ltd. Smith, erq. ell. 104/. ClmfJ'1fI~" T.PJatt, er,.
MA~iI/ IS .IIflcwlI I. Cbi,/ Juf- Crit, "nJ l'Jl"', T. W. Qr~CR, .ell.
'1«.. 1:Ion . Eward Law pcI'. l!}Qm, Mr. t,!cwiff",lII)d Mr.
D.~, Wm. lones, ef'}. Sayer
1!,ti: ·iIf'""'·'M;MrT· hR. Clar!C'n". D.p.Crit", ~r. Hpris. Mr. Gr~
-"".,,, ..t4r(r, r. tllJ1a~ v-H,..~. . - _ .
Ckrl of NfJi Pri•• ;" /",ndon ."J
f]",/,.ft~.fft.- Ch. J.,t..., Mr. T.Pnace
Midtlfifa, HOD Ch:u. Law T. 11--, ~Ih" J"dgtl. Mr. Bclchcl,
Cri" al Nffi Pr;II' ;n Lon",1f a"II Mr. Stone', Mr. Ycwd.
M:idtlkfi"; Richd. Smith, ef'!. lI"gh""r, John Mitchcll
C.o :u R T 0 F C ,0 M MO N P LEA S.
(:i~IJ.)lP'f"/Y' Wn:t. A:rcher
C,b/if ,!!uJlic~ tin.,,,Jg,,.
<-, 'j
Cb"ogrupb"rz, Sir James Edw. Cole:-
at. 1i?D' Ifir Vlcary Gltob., K,nt. brooke, bt. and Hen. Thos. Cole-
F.S A. 3jOOl. . brooke, efq.
Jflho Heatla, cCq. . , Suontiary (:If ll'gijl'" :Wo Welch, .r'1'
Sir 41ao Chamllfe, Knt. Exi:':M/,r, Jas. Meddowcroft, Gt.
Sir 'Ri?bi. Dall~, I~Dt. . ' .r
"Yerl 4'li,t, H''III,Cir(II;~, Jeronl.
, Q.Ji" of Cuflll BrN1'"I11. W. ~napp, .1'1.' ' '
Hon. J,..ouifa Brolfu,ing, Sir li'yen .'I1idla"d Cir~uil, k. Lowndcs, e~'1'
, ~1.J1, Ban. Sir FClOd. Eden, Norfo/l Cir:u,if, lJ;arry Jl.dgell, e~9.
joCeph HaJlkip, ,fq. J08i_h Ijan- Ox/.rd (.';",,;1, J'?hn Bellanty, ef'/..
kin, ~ Lady Bill'. Mattyn, 5841. Not/btrn CirCuil, F. Rigg, clq.
DitfnIIJ,Gco. Humphry., efq. "~"Ur" Clr""i" T. Chambre,ef".
Prol".no'"ri,,;Geu.)Voodrooie. Geo. Cl,';; of tb. Outlnor;", Att. Gcn~ ,
, Watlingtl),u, and R.ob.Ray, .Cqn. cars Clerk; pr9 'temp.' . .,'
'l&~ri",Geo~Grillirh, T.Loding- D,/,lItl' Mr.Jell"criei '
~on. )onat. ,Hallnc:s, ef'ln. Re";"IJ~r Gmtral if ,,,, Profil. of 'hI
Ckrj ,of. thl, J""r..IfI., .&ichard S."I, in CtirII... Ph", alfd K;nz;,
. ,re,tWld«e, efcJ.~ Bm", Duke of qrafton, ;K. a:
Cltrl if Doll", and1!«I"".Ii.m, D.!rty, Jame .. Poole, (f't. ' '
Tp'p~. Sheryvo~d, cfq.· . 8,.1,,.,
Mr. ]"bn Pemlott, .
D," if ~t&pwri". Will. Suflield. efCJr CI.r"t/tht Ern"" Mr. S. Hough
Do• 161 Tr(iff""" T. 1effcrya; .'1' .IIj".ci,,'./o Cbkf ,'!ft.;u ."tI Mflr;foill,
.'1',.•.,{",., K"'IT, Robt. WaUon,efq. John Co~ c:fq.
D.,lIly, William.Danicl· Crier, Mr. Broad .
CIA"f ,,,,J"raJ,,W.V.Sqrtctl, cfq. H",t/. C/'iif Pr.cI"",,,lor, Inho'Wal-
Cl" l './Wllrrlllf/i, K. Fitz,e~ald,cfq. Iter. H$eage, l'fq. ' '
pt/Id" Mr. ~amcsE.~e .," Warden'./lheFlt,/, John EyJes,e('l.
IJ,. iflh, Ep'gns, NIC. Smith, erq Cl". oj'tb.l'a/HrI do. Mr.N.Nixul1.
Citrl V'.6'J",.iq,Sii-Tho.Turt9D,bt~ . 'Fi!cllr/. ;
D,,,,,,, .uf. )"ff"eriei" . For L'''''''',M,tltllj.Btt!f.B"h,BII,1t
Cl.,." if IrwoI",mt" q. Sufcll, Gt. O.if.C.r".GI.uctjl.H.,:tf.W"~'f1'':
tJJ. V''''"K;lIg' s 8,iI.ur 0JIi"; ",cv, Mr. Mansficld, ,,,,,""td b) Mr;
, Wm. MaD,field ' RoCe. N.4. EJ"'-~."rJ. T_;It.
118 Court of Common 'Pleas, Exelu,"qne-r, &:c.
;or Ha"'lft· WiltjJJ. Suffi'" Surr,,'Fur C.m6ritlg'J HUIJlinz/"jh. LJ•• '
X'llt, Mr. Ho/loway, -40<",,1. eolnft. and Lip"llI. M.lidgen._
":1 Mr. Rofe, . E,,,..utd by Mr. Jennings.
For Nor/oil, Stqfford, Norlhemptonfl, For Cumberl. NortIJlI1"h.rI. 1Y<}I~~I.
Shropft. Rllt/llna, and M.IJm'uth. NCWlaj/. DwoII, £".t", Kind·
Mr. Cox-EJrI'cm.d '" Mr. Ruff. upo,.·Hull. rorl, aDd rlrijb. Mr.
. , , 'Batten, ~. 4, Har~O/Irt. .
For D.r~, Lml', NottlltgbatnJb. and For Brijlol, Do,fll, Pool., Somlr.fol.
lYahrJu1". M.r. Surte<;o..-.E""ulld Lane'!!ttT, Cheft!T, & DlIl'ha11l~
'" Mr. 1CDlupgS. Mr. Cox.-E" ..utulh, Mr. Rore.
!JOT Jjffi~ 3nd H"iforJ. Mr. Erjki For S'!ffOll,Mr.Edgell.-E""uletl6i
. -ll.,,"utrd h, Mr. Jcnnipgs. Mr. Jennillgs.. •
Chllllalla", ltt. HOD. Nicplaa Vanfit Matjhal of Ih. e,,,rt of J!.",h~p"•
. tart.. James Sayer, efq.
Lord Cbiif .8l1r.on, Sir AIex, Thorn- D.,.t" R. L. Appleyard. ef'!.
fon, Knt. 35001.' Fordgn APPoftr, John Teltell, efq.
<J:h". 13",..,,,; 30001. each, Sir Roht. Deput,.· Allatfon Burgh, efq.
Graham,Kt. Sir G,eo.Wood, Kot. Cl.,! of Epreall, }Vm. Gilford, er'!.
Sir Richd. Richard!, Knt. D,p. CI.ri of 11" PI.IlI, J. Day, er'!.
(:"'jitor Bar. Fr. Mafere •• efq.F.R.S. Depul,. Thoma~ Farrer, erq.
~""Iar, 10 the Cb"ncel/or, &ir Wm. Sur'll.of,Grtl.Wa¥.J.Jel1kinfon,efq~
llellingham, Kt. Cler! oftb. 'N;~bi1ls, R. Forfter. efq.
flJijlali/ Secrelary, Rob. Gray, efq. S.rj.ant-,.IArlJls, H. Brougham, efq.
Ma,tjha/~nd AJIo,iat, 10 th, C6. J'!f- ----;;1' qpu" Somtrjtl Pine,.
Im, Richard .Luwndes, efq. Cl l ~. ,he P' Ld W.· H
K' 'R h ,. On: Ir ~ 'f'" m. en.
" tng S ,,,,em rall&e , I 'JI,tf. Cavendil)1 Bentinck K.B. '
R<lnem~. Rt. HOII. Thomas St~e1e D t '' . ' ,
, , 7",-"
D,!uly, Abet 1\1-oyf<y, efq,
,il S Ed d T 1
,fl .. 'J 'J F
r IJ ......."ua? . ,rrar, e,,!.
h r.
IJ • "&Maar], war ay or. Cl'1' uI S d, Alia f,B
2d Sf. cnd"",,. D.~. Fowlc:r, efq. . ,,011 II?," t on ~r,. e q.
S'w,rn Ct"ls, AIel[. Bennet, Cravell~I" S'Wf)rn1Itornltl,. ,
"Ord, Hutton Wood, Wrn. Bow- John Heaton. J. Pame, John Raper.
yer. Wm. Gatty, 4 Wm. Thorn. John Wolfe,Robert Prefton, and.
rnn,efqrs. ; , Henry Burgh, efqn,
/-. 'Tr".jlfrer', R.,."m6rll""r, Snsw. Board Elld el.rl" Co~~.Burgh;J08~
. den Barnc, cfq. . Conder, cfqrs. " .
1),;111" Ben. Playford. efq. Arthltd CJerl.,~ohn P. Panton,an4
IjI Secondary, ]qhn Kiplillg, ef'!. Jotin Raper ,jun. G'I~ts.
l.d Secondary : t!J' Fil""", J. M Bu.!: Bturu, Wm. Harh$, Ct.
Grimwuod, cf<}. ' CON!fIroll,,'s OffiCI.
Ii'f.,n C/"JI, W. Foxton,Hcll. Cumptr.lI,r, Johll Tekdl, efq, .
. Playford, S,up. 1'aylor, B. A, Def'"tJ"Thoma~ Farrar. cfq.
FOI"!ler. CirrI., William Rollert., and Th,"
CI,rl'v 11.. Errors in tht Exche'lulI IIHS Paine, Gu. ' .
Cbam.,r, Harry Edgell. efq. £"chequ.r OffiC& of P/(as.-Lia,oIu·,.
}1,rulitary Chiif' Uft", Mrp. A. W. Inn Buildings.
'. Hcneaae. . Mej." W1l1.Stc}Vart R?~, er'!.
b1'uty,' M •. Hest. Tubh. Deprty, John Da~ efq. •
u,~c,. of th. Court, Jil": Wade, Jas. fttoTn'Ys. 'Rd. EdmundJ;. Tho.~I,
Hullt, R. GuY" ...
Rd. Collet, Bcnj. l'ricc, ef'l'"
Judges iD Wllles"King'.Serjeants, Council, &0. 119·
A-zi}., -.I D,"'s i" C""'iMitJ4I,ft", D'I",i,s, Tbo. Dodfis:ld, 'and Joh ...
(.Ollki:,Bell-lfard;rcanptt.Bar')1 Rigge, efqrs. "
~obert Forller, Keene Fitll!gerald, Cbiif GlerJ, John Rigge.
:J hOI. Stecle, M. Hanlne~, .efqr•• t

Jp1licCl of the Grand S$SSIONS for the: COWltU:& in W4LES.

eh"." Mot/tpm"h Flint Il~ p:~-'C"rJ",,,,Pt1II6rol., «Ifi Catr""",'".
liiZb SI/ins. ,,' I Sbira:
Chitl jllfti." Sir W. Garr01i',lmt. firftJuJiic~, Samuel Htywood. ef<J.
S,&o/ri 1vj1i.., Francil Burto!!, ,eIq. S""'I.IJuJi"·' John B:llg'JY, ~f'l'
Brtt.If, GIaIR.rza", ,.,,,1 Ra""., ShirlS• AIf~/1t), C""D~r~.n. and lIf.,i.""h
",. ' • ' SI"r".
F,;-jl.T".ft'~/, Hon. Geo. Hardingc· Firft Jufti.., H .I.<y,die" ef'l.LL.D.
S'-"J'fIi.<, Abcl MoyCey, cf,!. S<lOlldJ'fIii", William Kenrick, cfq.
Prot,htlf.ta" of Ih. Collr~~,.tl1tn Cir<uit, Henrr Mathb., ef",•
. CUy j'fllitt if 'hi IjI. if £/), Euwanl ChriUian, efq. M.A:.
.,4Itu'"1 G.". ~,r Wm .. .Albe{~ Peil, Er'l' . Kt. Hun.N"tha,niel&od
Garrow, Itnt. IWp10 R.oDg~ El... Wm. AdaJP, Elq. .

Shepherd. knt.
,To~ ~". efOJ·.
I s•. Cor!ey.
S./kit.r G.... Sir s.~ R. lJ. BloJfett, Ef",.
Wm. Freere, Ef~. .
J. El~,
t Jas• .Alan Park; Efq•.
t:;ir ::am.Rontilly, Itll'.
tJame" TOl'pin!:", Jj;l~.
KII'Z' .lUlI""I1"1••,,ts. ;Klng. C'IIIf&lI. ·rhos. Mille&, l!..tq,. '
Wm. DrapcrBeft,Ekj. Will. Selwyn, Efet- .Gcc.. \WilCon, .El'I'
John Vaughan, Ef'J.' Fr.all. Burtan, Klq. In. lo'onblanque, Efl!'
.' ··8''i~.''1I at Law. Geo. Hardinge, ltC'l' F. Jafeph Jekyl1,¥I"•.
'Chu.Runnington, Efq .. ', R. &tA. S. 'Thos. Jervi., Elq.
Sam. M~ll,Elq. lop M,orri., Erq. Franci. Hargravt, Ef'J.
Sam. HCyWood, Efq. 'Sir Arthur Pigot, kilt. ~hilip Dauncq ,
4rthr. Pa1n,ter, Efq. Sir Too,. I'lulIIer ' Anthony Hart, Ef'l'
lJaker J0hnScllonjEfq" Sir William Garrow John Leach, EtiJ..
Arthut Oo1low, Erq. Hu;h: !.eycea!=f, , EC'J. Henry Martin, Ef'J.
Wm. M. Pracd. Rf". D..C.J.i.',· 'N. G. Clarke, EC'l:
Wm. Mauler E f " . ' . ,

N. 6. ·<IIIeft ••rW,IM,

c.ur' of LIl'""fin'.
tu,,! I"attlfls
.of ~rtet'tII(~.
\ Sur•• of Lells alf' W ..ds S~ of <Irtnfj
, H.J.Sayer, cC'!.; of Ho/D.urn-d.
CiJ4/I&tI/Q,.. Rt-Hon.Charles Bathnrf.l SllrV• North if <Ire"t, In: Crewdcr,
~,,"ey o.'lftrlll,. W. Walton, etq. eC,. if Ferry",.i'gt, JJr.t"trl.n~
X,:,C: 8,'7""'" SII' T. P~er, ut. mlll'r.'ljhi':"'."
KlNgt COl/llftl, Roht. Carpet, ~ 811,.,,.,0" fIJ' W""'s N,rlh if <I",If', '
w,-m. Tho.Roe,eflJ~· at~ Hon. JohnChi.rlet ViUiora.
Auil,~rs, Gea. Bramftota, and qeo. UJblr, Mr. John Lacli:- ,
Mltford, ef'Jrs.' ,,!...:.:~=':""":';"'';''';~~----
. Clerj Vlllt C..."eiJ ""i lUzifI. Hqn. C,I/nl, Pallll;n, of LIl,..aJltr·
George Villiers Cb.MJI."~ Rt. lion.Chas. n;tthudl:
D~lIt,. Robert'John Harp", cC,! Yi&e C'-'"llor. Edw. King,.cf'.l"
8,.,tI.,." John Miller, erq. > Bar"a,." Jaho Miller, ef'i. ,
tlrrls I" Cft,., I" C""ftt, Mr. HGdJ- ,4ttorn-, t}tn"al if IhlC•• 1ame:'
{'.lD, Mr. MiDchiD ." .,.uen Park.cfC)..
-J~O Duch,Y Courl$, Court ofWesthlilnt~r. &c.'
R'JiJI'(' E""u:in.r, .nd Fi".fl Ckrl" C""nl, C.url.
Wm, Fiddin~. ef'l' Skrijf, Adam ASkew. c:fq.
D,p.R'gijl"2r, T.S.8hu~tlewort/l,efq, Und" d•• Rich. Scru~on, rfq.
8,al K.1''', 10C. s. Afpden, efq n,pu~" Mr. Hrpry D~nldn
CMrjlt.rl, !. s. Alpden,lohn Grim- C."jI"M, of Ik Ca,JIlt, Sir Thomas .
illaw, Thos. WilCon, )oIic. Grim. Clarget, Bart.
Iba1&', and S. Shuttleworth, ~f'lr .., Sl<'fvard, Samuel CanJe, c("q•
./It/inK Cllrjitur, ~. Grimlhaw, dil.'K~,;&rof Auell"nd Cujl/~. VV, Enun,
PrQJbonot",,·, Itt. U'/U.J. C. Vil1i~r.: d q . , ,
JJtputy, Wil1iam ()rol;', "41. i lfcc!:f4Iital COM,.,.
Clq" of thf CrO'VR, J. T. ~at!. ef'i' ,1-7,,,,. G~. SIr I'hos. Bernard, Bt.
l)'r~/Y' r. s. Shu!tln"~rrh, ef,. i 1>. C. L. -
CirrI of PI"", H()tl. f;dw. Sterhen. iRc~ifl"""'. Wilkinr.>n M81weJl. Efq••
.Jhl'''/Y. }{'dw. G'Tfi, c,'fq.
C../IIfy Palatine ·f DII"·"'Il.
I' CO. P",",i". of,' Cb"/,,
. COllrt .f'E", h''1I1~r. '
C?~rJ of Cha"..-,y., Ch"",b,rlaiJr. Ho~.I!:.Cholm!)lldd1.
(:b~",,"or •• ~lr Sal!luel .l\oll~"ly, Kllt. jl ! -;« Clullr.~. HU!!,b 'Lcyccfter, c:tq •
•1>t~""-(g,,. Jao. All~n. Par.k. dq: ,Bar." iftk E%d.G.L. Bloullt., er,.
b."~/t'" Rnbt. H. Wdha':1lon, e!q. Del''','''. Davtd Franci$ JO"e5. efq.
R~fll,a"" ~lIo. ,Brooke. ~!l' '~lIilijf, John StevellS '
D',/,lIt.V, John GTegfon. Gt. , Fil.iftr, Charles Hamilt!)D
EX~I1f, 11,,," Ckr" if/M Crou"r.S~. ' , C'Urt of Aul",••
Caftk:: elq. . ' . Chi'.! 'J.".fti<t, Sir Wm. Garrc:;w,kDt.
DI/!'IIJ C,I/.rjilpr, RI~h. Klrton, ~t. 2<t.Jl';';l~ FQilcis Bur-tOil, efll.
C(JrwU, lIV,. Hoarc, R. H. Wilhalll- 4tt. (}.. ~' , ,
fon. Wear, and Rich. VI- ~'lr~l jlro/~.,,; Bagot Read" ef'l' '
tcl); <!fqrl. " ' Dtpllty. S; lfumphri:ys, cfq. '
to.rrt of ('.",,,,on ~ka,. . Marsh,,/.<ffl Court, &"//,,,,,11,,,,, ".d
7"({;(i, The ~1"r.;rand Al~crm~1l the C~~t if t"f .K;'.g~, l'~'" M
6f Durh"~I" and th~ Juilices 0 W.j",.n}Ittr,7->.~'ttllllike,.,Fritl~.
Afli::" , ,
Pr.tlJ;:i.I.--'"-Thurlow, efq.
lL,rd S/''lV4 r.d,f tb J(qu,<IxJtI, Karl
of CholmOlldely , ,
D"t. John Griffith; Ot. Xlfigh Mar.hal. Sir J.B.Bu~. bt.
CM" if Jb, Pta't, Barrington Price"S'....'ard, Burton Morice, cftt.
l cC'I" ' .. , '. ' Ill<p, Hon. Hen B. Reynolds
D</,. SalJlucl C~/lIe •. ef:l' 'P,·'ttry, H. F. Campbcll. etq.
C'JIt,il, W. 'f.f'oarc;R:H. WilJiam.' D1>"ty, J.. bn C. Hewlitt, Gt.
r~nl ,J\l!ll~ Wear, R. Wharton,' Four Corme;J., hOles Agar, B. Hart,
john Prnngton, John HuJlockt H. St"ck~, 'iL T. Cowlcy. esqr••
JainnLoi1.,WU1. ~rocd, <~qrs.ICri.r, Philip ~u~.
- , : (;pun of \V EST M J N S T Jj: R. '
J)rlf'!. V~ry Rev. \'Vm. Villccnt\ D.D,:St. Anl/,'", Blirll':!!II. T. Dawc., ECIJ.
li~ '$t,:w: "V';f"'ullt Sitllllou~h : Mr. James N"wwu
D'P"ly St<~w"';';",ji.dw. ~"QSOI1. Efq.~$t. Jam,,"., Bllrgdf.'I, J!)hn \\'il-
Iii~h.Bai/ijf, Anh.ur Morr!,_ l".fq. i I,ock, Efq. ,Mr . .Edw • .rem\en.
D:l" Bui!ijJ; Wm. Tool<c';H'l' iSt G~.rg"s,B"rgifs, Mr·Wlll.Hurley
/it. 4rlf'.~'trC/·s,Blltj;1Jh, Mt. 'JuhllSt. P""t·. <;:,,,..."'G4r""', B.rKg;.
~bill~~"!l, Mr. O.'L. Kier. ·MT.I Mr. Jor. ).:utung
~oht. M'Ipl'l; l\lr. John lcmes. iSt. r;!trR."u,·Biirtefs, M: J. PontCll
s: ... B',Irg:ff<i, Wm. 'Henry Tn,'n CI';'S, Wm. llarclis, Ji:Cq.
Whitu, Erq"Mr. T. Gayfete·, Illigb C•.jlPbi., Mr. Robr. Langdale
St. Mai'ii,,· ••·r:.rgtjJc.. Mr. M'' Cri", lI"d M""'''eaTtr, Mr., Q~iil~
vies, l'Iath. Hadlcy, Efq~.. -I RowJ,aud •
Lord LieutenaDb. Revenue ~part"'~bt, &:~. 121
The Lord LIE V T E '" ... N T S, .c~ ill ltaJiaDji allIl Wala.
JJ.q.,.d. Earl of Upper Olfory Is.,.,,.PI.
Earl PAuleu, K. T
~.,.l" Earl of Radilar . S"lba"I'OD, Earl of Malmeanl..,..
~Udl, Marq. of Buckiogham . K.B.
C.....~,.i"g•• Earl of Hardwickc, K.G.ISt.ffml, Earl Talbot
t:/orfler, Earl "of Stamfoi"d I
Cui. R,I. Marq. of Staf'ord. K.'Q.
Corn.uall, Earl of Mount KdgcumbcISI:ffoll, Duke of Oraftoll
C"mk,.Jllnd. Earl f Lonfd~lcl K. 9.8.
D,,"l. Duke of:pevQ~ire
o. I/r,.,.
V ifclI!lllt l\4id<!1etoD
. 8".ffe"'; Duke oC Norfolk
D""",,~jlrl of Fprt4c'lc T.w.,.
.fI<lI"l"" ~l!flQf ~oirJ,K.O.
D.rfi/, Earl pigby W,at'Wi,A; f:ui Warwick· .
D",.IJI,•• Xa,rl of ~ilriir;:.mOJl fY!fJ-.rlaIlJ,Ea,lofLonCdale,K.O.
CIfjI. R.,.13i4top of Durh~ Will,. Kul of Pembroke, K. O.
, J£.ffe", Lord BraybrovkeW.,.'tjI.r, Earl of Coventry
GI.".<jIer, Duke ofB~aufort, K. o. r.,.ijhi,.".E. RU6l1g.Earl Mulgrayc
H''''fo,.J, Earl of Err~x ir.,.ljbi", w. Ril/u.g, E. Fitswilliam
HltTfo,.d, MaN!. of Salitbury, K.O.'r.n!lbirt, N. RiJing, Duke of Lccda
Hlllllil'gtI.n; D. of M~chener .. W~k,: .
K~III, Marquhi ~aindcll, K.~. I ~'. .
Ln1f,ajbi,.., Earl of Derby . AlIglifry, .Kar Uxbndgc
Leiccj1.,..Duke of Riltland, K. 0 JJrt<~n, ~lcc of Beaufort, K. ~.
LiJ'foln , Lord Brownlow {:a"/'gtt'!fo,rt, Tho. Johnet, Elf!•
.MiJdI'1.;"" pt! kc of f'ortlanli C(l,~",artbe1f, l:-ord Dynevor
.Jkr".",."tb, Duke of Beaufort, ~.G. C(1m,.a,.,.,!. Vlf~. Bulkeiey
Not/oil, Lord 8uflicld . D,!'6,gb, Slr,W. W. WYIlll, D~.
N.,.,ba"'JIDII, Karl of Northampton Ft.III, Earl GrpCvCllor
Nqrthu,d.,./tmd, D. of ~l'rth~- Gla"'."gan, ~arq. of Bute
berland, K. 0: ." '" Mmoluth, !;u Wat.-Wm. W1D*•
..NDI#ngb_,Duke ofNewcafile,K.G. Bart. •
Ox/Old, Duke pfMi\rlborouJh,K.O. MfHllgoIIZ.r" Earl?f Pow~
Rlltla~d, l!:ar 1 oC Winchelfea K: 0; P.,.brok, Lord MJlford
Skr0(?foi", of l'owi. " Rod...., Lor~ R.odn~7 ,
l-tn·1"(:o"'",.r~. P,.int. Min"', ell.' Stamp Broek.Co
Earl of Liverpool, 40ooJ. bank, efq. ' . "
Rt. Hon. Nlc. 'Vanfittart !lea.., . CI,,.I,, Benj. Bp~el1, J.
Rt. HOIl. Wm. Fitzgcrald Yorke, ,JOM BraWll; Thomas
&11. Berkeley Paget Hoblyn, Wm. COttOll, illld Robt;
Vj(~oum Lo~ther Mitford, efqrs. "'.
C~~. Grant, efq. I600L MtC". Cl"",, fo,. B"sit..~,. "lal;'" I, '7/;.
'l.oinl Sm·d4ri.~.· '. rirl La_, VmceDtStuckcy; efq~
Rt. Hon. Chas. Arbuthnot, K. C. CMIt of tb. Bill_, OeD. Hcrbut, L.
an!! St<;pbell Rumbold Lulhmg. RumC.:}" c(qra. . .
tciii, cCq., . R.,r. of Fill, }oCepll VerDan, dq.
L.-w CltTl, (JlltlA.lTrft. S'f. Oeo.,Har- SIII,,.iRt. if Rill".,,'• ••• I. P.rlu..
rifon. eCq. ' ",.nt, Wm. "ill, tfq. '
Pr;". 8.i:. t • .fir) Lord, R. WiJli· .iI,,;II. Mr. Wm. O. Aclriilll ..
Jl19tt, cfq. . XlI/.r ift". Pal.TI, -wm. Stem-
CMi' (,:J.,.l" Thos. Cotton, Philip Con, efq.4OQI; "
<':Ipriani, Wm. Speer, Frederick R<'lJtut D.parl/llllll.
Nicbloiij; efqrs. C~ief CI,,4, Jo{. Akock.ef~"
122 Treasury 06tl!e, ~xcbequer omee..
Srni,r c.',rl., Ed",. Ballock, 'i'hOI.I'S,lilit.r, Hen. C. Litc1rl!ctd, ~~.
IIrooktbank. Efqra. zooo1. ..
Af!f1aM Ckrj.,. Ch.., WoodfordC"iStrj. IfI Ar.,., H. Braugha,m, Kr,.
Jos. Alcoclc., Jun. Wm. fhll, J. D. Ran:'T of /J,Gl., Mr. Thol. fiUe!: .
C:U"pentcr, .¥f<{rl.

Und.r T,·.4"r", Rt. HOll. Nic. 1 Earl Bathurfl
Vanfitt~rt, 18001. Hi. D'I. 'u,,/ J} Cln-I, Hon. Apfiey
Autlilor, I.ord Grenville, 40001. Bathuri, 8. Wilde, C. Barten.
Chiif ca. jaincs Fifher, Efq. . H. Blunt. S. F. T. Wilde. ef'ltl.
CJul of D,[untum, Wm. Rofe Hl~ 3 Rt. Hon. Charles P. Yorke.
wonh, Efq. Hi. D./,. and I} Cltrj, C.W. Man-
CI;rl: of the allll .(ffiw, ningham,ef'l' W. Blakemore,j"Qf.
Grofvenor Ch. Bedford, f,fq. F.Delfy, Arthur Eden, J. J. Beau-
ClerlofthFCafo-B.ol,T.Forner, Efq. champ, cfqrs. .
Ajy'i.A.gull~y,J.Woodfordc, l!:fqrs. 4 Chas. Perc·eval, efq. . ,
Office/or 111aking _Ill B",h''1uer Bill.. Hi. D,put, at/d IJ et.rl, llobert
, ••• Cltr}, W; Cr~flft,EfcJ. 4sol. Brc:wne, erq. E. Adlc,]. Seely,T.
d • .riJ'..... Hen. Chifholm, Kfq. '
...tllnllitits Iri.r to I 78~.
r· ¥ayhew, C. Notridge, el,!r, •
Tlllly Court.· ..
'.n;or Cli. K. Fynei, Efq. Chamber/Qin., HOIl. Frtd. North,
A'uifl. CI.r~. M, Cock, W. B. Clin- Moutasue Burgorne, efqr.. '
. torl, 1'.. B. Slllith, E'firs.' De/utili, Cs. Eilih, Robert Lett, .A•.
Tontinl .,t",••it;", '789- Milne, efqrs. . .
/1,,,;or C/j. John Wiliiaml, Kil{. 'ItZlly-writ• .K. J. Lon~ley, efq. .
.4.iJ".CI"h, W;!t., Odl, P. WaJ- CIAI.W.Cha)"fl~,R.J.Jennings,e(qn.-
ker, J. Ttevclyan, ·Efqrs. . CI,,1 'if I11 t r.itu., C. RobQ"u, ef'!. .
Ji,._i".r;jT,IIO'. r."J;.,.,. 7ally-,,,lIcr, WQI.We/ler, dCJ.. .
C/,iifClai, JUJiu Sewell, UCJ.; Hi. D'I. Mr. Wm. Muller
"',Dij1. Joh.. Cotiiunt EiI·· .. E,cch''iutr-Bill fay OJli<'t 1794.
'~".ftH PHI.. PUJ",fIjI.r" Edw. H.Nevinfon, ·8.
Hon. Henry Addington, ,loooL Jadis, and W. C. Smlth, clqn•.
DeputJ Kdward Rob~rt8"·Efq_ C.1IIptrolJer, Wm. J>ol!ard.cfq. 350L
CII;. oftlHlntr.itus, C.Roberts, Efq. Am"'l,anl, Wrn.'Waterfield, efCf."
AJiiJl. ~ H;o.rriott, tr'!' Fir} CI.rA, Thol. Patetho?, dq.
CIL of Exiiu., J. Kingrman, ,:('1' O.lfo. for .J1uJiIi_g Pu6i;, )feeoutil.,
C/t of DulaTllt. Chs. Stevcns, 1'fq. S.",.ifn-Place, Ilna WhittiJal/-}JIl".
CIl. of Palent" W. H.RobcTts,e!q. C.mmijJtontr.,'
CI.rl of D.Hn. Thos. Packer, Efq. Mr. Seljeant Ptaed, Cbllirflfll." Sir'
C/l. of qajhBoo~,J. w,. Brereton,cfq. C. W .R. Boughton, bart. F. Per-
'.Ai!!I, J. Penwarne, Efq. cival Eliot, RiCh. DawkiuI, Jol;n .
, : Old 'A.IJn"ity P,If. Office. SarO"ent John Anfley John
fbiif ~/erJ, S~cp. ~Jlmont, ll:f'l' Whllhaw, cfqrs. ,' ..
. Tontml PeIJ,.O.§ict.. Src~ttary, rohn Lc:l'lis Mallet, e(q.
pm/ C~rl, llaac Phipps, Efq. -1/!tj/. See. kichard Calcraft; ef'!.
Four T,/I,r. of lbe Rt~iJ4'. i1"c. I..'birf f'ifp,lio", Bernard Cobbe, aIId
, Mar'!._ Camden, K. G. . kicb. Whitcomb, efqrs. .
His »op. anti IJI ,;ur!., Geo. Wat- In/jodlors, ~bert Hc!athcClte, Jame.
, fon, efq. James B. La Grange, Bauke, lohn Burfer, Fred. L.
John WadmaD.Jobn Giruiniham, Rogcro, theron MutvelI, Jloht ••
jun. H. S~th; er"r.. Mit~ord, Cllrift. nOIl~,ard,Johl1
Exchequ'c r gffice, Custom.Houl~, &e• 123
. Noble, Oeorgc' Mattbiao, Johnl 'Ta" OjJiu, 8''''".1'' PI.p.
Hoffay, G. Lewll Kn,db .. ch, C.","';.ffrs. Wm. Lowndel, Barn.
esqrs. . . Barne, Henry Hodgfon, Tho5,
1I1i",,'. C11. ~ CII. of Ilu 'lII,lienJ' D.Larnb, Gabl. T. Slewart,Efqrl.
Eatlon. St<. Matt. Winter. efq.
Ltttw CI""~ ~.firft ."111. 111.81<. Wm. Aj}. Ster,u."tI, ~1. Tr~ur~,Johft
"ofe Wilb,er Rulfel, and Bon). Sayer, efqr •.
CI.,I of Iht Rtpijili•• DtPllrl.,InI,\8..oIitiJ.", Frc:'d. Booth, lWd H. Lc~
BroQlWig Soaqy " gatt, efqn. " '. .
Cltrl Of 1/" Inrq/III •• ls, Tl10mal R'
, Downea . I' LlllltI-Ta:t R";jltr-OjJi,, • .
Pr;lIt;pal RtgiJt'Il', Robt. Wlllimolt,
CI.,I of JU,."", John Pnnce pot-\ efq. '
lard U",ltr Rtgi/lr6r, W.D. R:ldcliffe, erg.
LttlglT MP"', Jor. Slatter, Jho@ . Ifj;-ilili"j' of ILt Lpnd R""If.Ut, .&zntl
, H .. ggcr Tu", alld H'indiJ~v Ta", <Ji". for
Su,rl04"he -!-tUlphi,Wm.Walt~,efq, Ibt CUI., .f Lit,,,/n, N.llingham,
jtfitutk Cl"., ~obn Tayt.r ' Ch'.!t' un~ Dtrhy,-Whi/tl>all.
A.ff!fl. Tho•• Saliab\lry Amog A"tI,toT, Rd. Gray, Efq:
CltrA of R,,",,,,, Henry Goo'cll A"di/." for a/l /b, .Ih" Cos. Ut
L " • G I' S . _. . ~/IUI.J. '
&,ffirt of'''' n.,!,t.r mer" I!, f " Rev; Sir Wm. H. Cooper, Bt. aacl
uti for,.gl1l. ' . P.GrHCoop<!hEfq. ' ,".
4.JiI.r Gtn. Ricftd. Dawkinl, efq. VoJ. Richd. Gray, Ef'l' ,
InfpttUr', Clu:iftr. BO\lrcif d, JohIl For I~t Pr;ncipali/J of
Hoffay, A. Lovdedge, efqrs. T~o •. JohnCl, efq. A.dll" ,
LdZ" Kup.r, Lewi~ Berthoud D'1' ~lbcrt Badger, otq.

c U S TO M - H 0 USE, Thames-Str~et.
'Th, Board, a/ld ;/, A tlmdanll. ["JP, of Plan/. Aull. H . Davie, dq . .
Comm;iSionc)'l. A ccourrl . of P <lty R «,ip/s, J.L.Pow-
!lal, efq . .
Chairmen, Wm, Roe, ef'l' alld Su,.",. ofb'uiltlingl,D avid Laing, efq_
Fran ci. F. Luttrd!, D.C.L.
J uhr. Buller, cfq. O.fjiu of·r 1/" L aw Br1f"efi·
G!ocellerWilfon, cfq; F. R. S. So~;citor f or L wdolr "lid W:Jl, ....
Jnhn W illiams, efq. P Oril, Wm. Cooper, cfq. '
Richd . Bd enfon D eane, cf'!. Nor/b Portl , Ar thur Tylon , efq.
S no wdcn 13arnc, ec;q. Bonu.t anti , yiTII ;nat ProficutionJ, It.
H enry Richmond, cfq. R emmett , efq.
'Wm, Bllot hby, csq. Co'!fl BOlldl , Wm . Earn£haw, ef'!.
Sa,.,tary, G cP , Delavaud , e f ' l · , ' .
CIk. of WcjI . P ori', D . Curiilrg , ef<I' Cujhu/'S fl:rd P 4!majlcrl, 'UJI/b //"';
Cl frk ojlb<Jllo,.'bn'IIPol'lI ,R.Thomp- / <"J<l'al Lomp/rollers.
(on, e(q. . R,,; GM,ral, A ugufius P echell, ef'l;
plallla/ion C/"k,R . B. !iar: ,fon, efq. A.J!jI. Th os . Yo ule, efq. "
Surelary's O.fJia. F;'jI Cltrk , Edward Eeaumont, ~~'l.
CLiif Clerk, H. Maclean, erq, Firjl P aym: John Coltl]1an, efq. .
CII<, of the ,M;uute",]. Cuff, and T. F/lji C/1 . ,n tbe Tr,ajury, John l'~
W hitmore, cfqrs. R alph, efq. .
Cll . of B ond-o.fjiu, J. P arkcr,efq. T<il<y, F. W. Pnce, efq, .
eN. of Ib, P ,tWon" Gea . N. Ada m. Ht!fo, Df Iht!' 4J;. p<r Cen/.Plant.Duty.
T . vo Dcor-Ru p tyJ and Six Mu- C . \V.Cr:lcroft, erq.
Jln(tn. Comptr.. of d~lto, '

Custom.House, Co(lcctors of ~ustoms. 1 ~5
, OJ/iu,. ,Ollh.",/'. Ojfiu,~ niI}I'yld in Ihl ,.E'!Ji illJi.
~...". if S.""".rt, F.AnQufun, 81h1 W",.h,.y.;.
N. Saumare~, efqn. IN/i,.I,. Dlli,"';'y if all U"'lIt..t E.I
Ch. $,a,.". T. Crof., J. S. Crof&ley, '1.f!!Jf"h/,
Henry Read, efq.
G..u, F. A. Barnare, ~fCJ"
D. Madean '
l,!hll Cuok,J.Aheir. W.J.Albert, 811'."." - Barnard, eft{.
Wm. 11. Drouel, l'r. W;LUb, C. AJ/ijl. 8/1,..,. Geo Arnot,ef,!.
Boyd, J. W. W diOR, VI. Tucker. 78 WfIr.:iJwji KIt},rI.
N. Marn.:at', E. WilfoD, cI'!rs. .
I~ Cn.}trollilll Stllt.h,TI. ' OjJill'. III ,/" T.ta«. D"",·,,,,.
~14r<h"" a'
G. Rich, cIqr..
Gr.l.Jt!<hll. N. Oilea, '.n
D.d.. ,
SII,.,., y,kWartb.JohnSwineT.eCq.
C''''lfr. S•• ,&I..r; John Wade, C·"'I'·if , •. C. Phillip., er'!.
, W",.h.uji K,,,,,,
T. Pcarlan
OJli"": ''''I'."J '" ,/h Xillg'1 W'mh. ' (jJfi,t,i 'of Land a"J Wat.r Gu"r'~
SlIr....,.;.; Pel~r LOck, cIq. ' S"'''-4f$loop,,&c.1.- M •Sc pplDg.,c1it,
4fjjlllnf, Richard Eale., cC'!. A.If!JIall" John Wllke., ef".
W""bOJlft,K.. p." G, G. Garaoni Sun>, for All if N".,i. Nich. Rohit.
. lard. efq.. ,
Op.n ""I"y,d III 16, CIHJI1Jo/ilf'./i. Ilfjputers'V'!., Ri",,, John Symone,
(oaji'vy., 1"",,,,1.. -John-Tat-taRl, C. Floo<!, J Jacub,
C.II,flor. ltlch. H~iea, ef,!. , J-. Chapmon. ' ,
C.I1I!'rPJltr. H., »,!hopp, eCq. ~ Ridi"g SIIr'IJ.,'N•
., ' I~ 'Tidt 811"""1"1".
OJ1im'l ""'II.,.J /11 1/" C,"J1 B'!Ji"tj,. ~oo 'lid, W~;ltrt. '
A.lfift· t. C.JJ~, OIl(w<I,d" Cb,. Wc~. So Wat,h_if., ,
ftead, erq. _, ,
Chi ICII,. A 'WelRead, cf'!. C.f1/.m[dwrir. 10,. ''''Il''"ging t6. IMo",,'
C...p'. James WaUh., eCq. 'Ill", C. CuIJen, Rd. 'rhomp{oll,
811",,(,.r 'If tl,., C.ajlwllit.rJ, Joh and James Earnlbaw, ofqra.
, ,GilIfou, ef~. , ' AlTrjfor!:f e.ll. S. B. Har rifen, c:f!.
13 C.ajI Walttrs. , CJrrl.,_ T. E. Willoughby. ' ,

COLLECTORSo£ the CvaTOM. in theOUT-Poi.n.

Aberyftwith, Eo Locke, efq., 'Colchcller, T. Tayfl'iIJ, erq.
Aldborough, E. Bunnl», ~fq. Cowea, J. 'Ward, csq.'
Arundcl, leremiah Lear, er".
Dartmouth, N. Brooking, cf4
Barnftaple~ Edwara R.Robcctl, eC'1' Deal, W. Ricltorda, eCq.
lScaumloLuril, W. Hugha, eCq. Dauglaa, (I'fieof Man) T.SCott,Cfq.
Berwick, S. BurD~ eCq. , Donr, B. P. Stow, cCq. I
Biddeford, Tho •• Granl, c:fq. Eaftbolimc, A. J;!amilton. erq.
BlakcDeyand Cl-T, R. Prefton, er". Enter, J. T. Wright. efq.
BoftOD, John Brotherton, cCq., , Paknolith, S. Pdlew, cfq.
:lridgew-ater,R. Anllie, cfq., Feverfham, Wm. C.,leman, cfq.
Bridlillgtqq, ,B. Milne, cfq. Po.wey. J. Kimher, efq. '
Brinol, 1. Gordon, cfq. ' (,tloUlleii:r, T.Jenkins, e1q.
CardiJr, 1.. Beatne, efq. ' , ' G~iJntby, w. MarfhaU, .fq.
<;arcligan, D,P',Lucal, eG{. ~_Ir. J. Head. cCq. '
Carlific, L. Smitli, 'efL!' " Hirwkh. n. WorJfwonh, eiq,
Chepftow:. T. Jennings; dq. ' Haftings, J. G. Sh~ter, cCq.
~heQer, ':T. Brofter, erq. ' Hull, Clr.Irle3 Lutwidgc, c.o'V
Chich9Ller-, ]. Powell, cI'l.... IIfracolll,be. T. R.odl1, d<i.
Collectora of C.ustom., Ex~ise-Oflice.
Jpfwich, W. Batley, efq. Rocheller. J. Nightinga~; ef••
I.anellT, H. Eaton, cfq. Rye, N. Protior. cfq. . .
Lancafter, James lloolh, cfq. St. Ives, A. Stephens, c(q.
Lei,h, J. Loten, efq. Scarboro', Jame. Cooper, cfq.
Liverpeol, J. T. iwaiu(on, efq. Scilly, S. Lem(\R, efq.'
Looe, J. Nichola., efq. Sandwich, J Slaughter, nq.
Lyme, John Chambers, ef1. Shoreham, H. Parlington. efq.
Lynn, S. Lane, efq. Sol1thampt()n, W. Smith, dq.
Milford, H. Lelch, efcl. Southwold, J. Renns, eCq.
Mioehead, R. Searl, cfq. Stotion, J. Carr, eCq.
Malden. J GUff, eCq, Sunderland, G. RQbinf'on, ef4
Newce..fthi, C. Ogle. e(q. Swanfea. Edward King, cfq.
Newhaven. H. Harrifon, CIIl. Ti'UfO, J. Tippet, efq.
Padftow, T. Av~ry. efq. Wells, N. Jicklin" efq.
Pembroke, M. Campl>ell, e(q. Weymouth. R. Wefton,.efq.
Penryn. J. Edgecome, efq. Wiibcach, T. Wraight, efq.
Pt"Dzance. R.· Ferris. efq. Whitby, C. CoulfoD, efq.
Plymouth. H.Tolcher, e(q. Whitehaven, E. Knublc:y, efq.
!,oole, David Lander, dq. Woodbridgc, W. Milne, crq.
Port(mouth, E. Arnaud, efq. Varmoll~h, W. Palgrave, cfq.
Prc:ll:oo, R. Pilkington, efq.
lI: X C I S E - 0 F F I C K, Droad-6treet, 1643.
. CD""'!/fio"crl. Deputy, D. Sutherland, efq;
Martin Whilh, and lIlob. Nicho!as dudit.r, f. C. Mortlock, efq.
efqn. Chairmen. 1/.tjllIwt,Oliver Naylor
Hon. J. L. Olmiu., Hon. AUguftU6 C.l. of SWtr. W. Smallbone, efq.
Phippa, Lord Geo. Seymour, Gro. ell. t1f ["<;'/""1, T. Cooper_ '
W4tfon, /I.. Campbell, Beni. Sy CII. of the Dillriu, JiLntes Bunny
denhalI!o, and W. Manler, _'IlfS. ell. of the Entrill, R. Bath
'_tlllr)'> Tho. lIurton, eCC!,. [nfpeR~ Ge". of Pe,.",;1 Print. PIIJtr,
Jritjl Cl" l, lohn StoTer. efq; Wm. Jackfon '.
c.,,~nt, Wm. :Wardky, ci1; DD, brm,it Prinilnz OjJj&e, Ja. (;:art:-,.; John Vivian, apd Tho- wright •
mas.Wm. Can'. ef'IFs, Warc.!Joufe.luper of fii~ G~" 1.
8.licit.,; for Criminallr_fi;utiM/, P. V. Sauuders, ~d J. Well .
W. ~ayow, efq. Ge". Surv'YO" of Brew.,." G. LiD..
R'z!fttr, Edw. JackfoTl, /If'i' ' fell, R. LiJ)dus, C. Karkcr, G~
Genll'lIl A".",p'l1ntl. Newtoll, W. HcwCoft, J. E. Tit,:,
Cm. Bujinifs. John Hodgfon, dq. terton, W. White "
B"r; W01. Haftingo, , ' Gmtral SUNJ'Y0'" ofWiM, JOL Hat'-
Malt, David LangtQn tou, Isr. Ramsd.ea, C. Scrank v
F,,,eip Spirit, "lid 'Te", R. Hcwitt, Wm. Chat. Knoft' '
cfll; ["fpeR. G,.. " t..'oJfie, <I,,,, I.!!&•
.'iWai'''I, i!fe. Jo4n Larkhilm., ef'!; Kdw. F. Hatton, ef'l'
:I),b.n/u"", Wm. Lpr1l)cr, ef'll Regijl. of Te. Sar", John Scott .' '
P"P", Jolhua Sa,~~e . Sur'fl. Gen. Iohn R. Paync; efq. .
Liunftl, Jofhua W 1II11rove SUr' of the Ware H""p', Jo~
11i'" of £,.,1""13', Wm. LCcfc, Sanders, }ohn TruJock" I
,4<1'Dmtf.afttsto Lom'u B;.'Wtr), Wm. T.b,,«o INpartme.t 'T"""e,. Hill•.
Lo()kcr, VI'm. Hopkllll, jSU,'tJ . .Rich. Jones, ef.", ' . .'
Reo. G#n.,Geo)•. Ch0 4nll ijddty,efq W. H. K ••ptrs, J. BillOl1, W. ~
Deputy, 'Wm. smith, .fq. l'II.ny, John Holdaway, Jeremy .
C_I'''· of C"ft, Chas. GreTiIle, cfll; Barr, James Crouth, Win. B.~
c.",,,,,4/J,r Glmr.r, :ldw. Milward. tin. Wm. POlUU.
Exciae.Of&.ce. Stalftn
......,. ..O(Jict. &e. .....
)n '1
£oIldI. E..eiji.At1 if Lo"••• Rich. AJ!!Ilq"t., Wm. Stant9D, John iet.
Stratford, efC). 10hn Harding. •
1'lf'JM1I. GnI.1ij hip-ri" T. Grove., 'Title '"'"''''', T.Hieett, T. Wood
efq; Wm. MicheCon, John Creary:
A.J!~""", ]0110 Ar~her, Tb.~s RDbt. Tivc~dlill, Richd. Bi~"
Tanner, and Wm. M. . T. Thomas, J. D. Clarlte. .
.,.~." ..r IIIIIDrI" W. Benn, J.8tw,l"!,,., Tltoa. TyrreU. .
PI.;I!!, G~. Hill, R. SimplPl1i. C••IIIi/P.",r, of A.plttl/~,
Thds. Blgnell, lolhua HaytoD,JOM Touchet, Rich. Bevan, J. Wm.
8 e(qr..a ' ; ' . . . ''Bramfton , John Eard!- -,
W'wI .c.
IIrll·· '" 4>"""" Franc•• Feltoe, Saml. Carpenter, John Milford
T~o.. R01,l8e, T~~ M'Adam!\' c f q r . . . '
A"'#IlM., Jol1n WJlbanu, Joacph R'g!fl.,.'C.llrl./A/'!.aI',lohn Sc:rf-
S~reet. , ' ; e n e r , all'
I"./P. V Ri,,", T. W. Hur;hcI•. Pw",;t Ell"!";""., Richard Clark •.
:l ....

, . ..
. 1~8 Gelleral Post·Offic~.
S,a 1'.lley ()jJiet,
D'.ft,U,u"" James Curtis, cfq.
D./ut" J. C. Cogan ,"
tON/hl",},.d. 'Commi!Jioll,,., Jo,.
It, '1:",.
0" ~r."tI·­
Iy in Ih. Sta_p ~OJli", Wm. Kap-
pen, W. R. D~'I1, ef'ir5. ,
R'g!l',r of It'"rrnntl, Oeo. GCldby Afffifor, Wm. '\\ a r d . . ,
S"""I, J. Copeland !Rmi"",., Lean. Hunpngdon, efq.
. St."'/lr of

G EN ERA L Po S,T- 0 F ~ 1C E, 1..../,.ri-pml.

,'fill' Poj-iII6jlm Grlftrll1, 50001
ftarl of Chichefter
If/lani Ldt" OJliu.
Sup.rlnt. PnjiJ. Dan.Stow, cf'l'

'-arl of Clancarty l'ry,tlmt., J.

B. Al1fiin, M. Slater.
S.crttary; Ft•. Heelillg, tft!: R. Watt., efqrs,
~N· St•• Geo. Jiehi'T Freehng,tfq. Yi<l Pr.ft!. A. Thc6ger, B. Vander-
Fir} 8r"",h. gacht, R. Sea des
C6iifCkrl, Wm. Stok~, erq. .. CirrI, of 1/;,. RHII.
S."i.r CIrrI., W. Norm, W. Milli.. CIJiflrr, J.Baptift Aufiin
k.en, G. Karftadt. ' . N.rJh, Henry Delborou,h
S...n' ll,tlne", ' /(enl, D. Stow
t:";t/Ck~', Cha•• lohnfton, «If" ,Y,,;IiIOJith, J. H. Drigg.
$"';.,. CI... 'to !to llradfhaw, T. W~, Sarn. Drowrl
Tucker, Thos. Jobtl., ' Briftill, T. Hit"
J,,",. CI.,I,I, J. Erancis, J. Camp- Smi",. Clwl., Mathew Slatcr, Jo-
~ell. G•. Arabin, T. Lawence, feph Carter'
W. Ferrer.. In/I'<<I.". of !""It" .1. Hume, S.
, 8",,,,'].,,., Sam. Woodcock, G. Wc(. Johnfon, B. Woodco~lt, R. Wllt-
tern, L. Auft, A. Scott, G. Hart, more
W. Hodgfou, A. Olldh)", el'qrs. Cl"!,, t. flll! SlIprr;". P"y,J"." ,Q.
'SoI";I." Anty. r'illkin, eIq. Falllkner, B. Churchill, C. Cralr;-
'CI.rh,1. nowden, jon. G. Barker, anthorp "
~. Pram:is, W~l. Bluetl, J. Wi1~ Sup. o.f 1""<,,, (JfJ. Bill C/crA, Thus.
limot, eco. HIde Rofs, efq,
. Itm;'/J,,, G... T. Mnrtloclt,ei'q. 800/. C/,ri" 8. Johnfo~ J. _Brown, I,.
aUj' Ckrl. John Do wlkri, e~. soc/.,J. M9ille, t::"Rnd,].Rofe,
b .•/f. Ctll. John Spencer, efq. Tho~. Fletchct, John Lay tUb
10GI. Lttt" Cllrr;,,', Oji.lf.
D.put" T.Camphcll, etq. ~601. [n~. B. Crltchet
$,.,,,, ..... Solpmnt. 'If MIII/.,,,,,,k., D.puty, Wm. W"od
T. HatkCl',cfq·1001. Aff'.fl.alll, D. Jonel , .
.4.ffzj1..nll, W ~WOQbucr,Jamcl By. anti Crtjs Road Lttttr 0./"••
lef. A"••p'. James Brown, efq; - .-
.4r<[,il.8 allJ 1. Kay, cfq. CI,,,h, C. Ward, E. Lioyd, J. Mit~
J)./if). of L.ft",.. ,.11,. H. o)C'_OIII, chell, H.'Stahifchlllidt
Wm. COUltfoll, 68. 8d. a da~ ,
It{prSrw, R. P. Barlow, ellJ,i .
For.i"n, OJliu.
M#III Lluu Offi... C••plr.JI.r;Art.Stanhope, efq.
f)'~lfIy, H. D;lrlot, ef'!; ,

AjJ'!fI4I11, Wm. Graves,::/"II, 1'. W'alton,]. Anderfon. C.

_a.:r~/ S. Hnw~rd. G. White, E. Wagftaff, ·r. Walker, R. Big"
Laycock, H. Weedon, W. Nut- D.· Fowler '
,tall, W ••,harpe 14 '£ell". Carr;."
• RtI,",nea"r OJfiCl. 8 S."lT8,
&,1I/trlIII. W~. Hicks' [nl/k/o"'f SlUp Lrru,.,,]aw.tlrant
U"'~/, S. Glllman, C. Borber,J [n/peR. oj'Pllel"l, Cha•• Reilner
TiUp.rd, F. Woodf~lI, f. L~IIIf.OJ,
A~f!Rts, and Po~t Mastl'rs, King's Mint.· 1'29
Agnrtt for th. P"cld-Boat•• 'Jamaica, ]. M. Marsh, efq.
F.r",outh, c. Saverland, efq. _ U/~"" Henry Alien, ef'!.
H ....1",.ulh, Wm. Mackellzie,efq. 111'-".7, James Ch:!bllt, efq.
Harwicb, Ant. COlt, efq. W<lrt/nic., J. Blackburn, erq.
H.{yh",d, W. D. Fellowes,cfq. iJ-lolltforrat, P. Wheatland, d'q.
MUjo,..I, H. Leach, efq. N...,i" Saml. Ben net, erq.
Dover, Thomas Mamell, efq. N ..v-ror~, T. W. Moore, efq.
Ag/tllI, ./IId Po.t Mol,I.,., A6r.atl. Rio Janer;., J. Peppin, esq.
Antigua, H. M'Connell, ef'I' ~t. Groik, J, Brandon, efq.
&rhad.", J. P~irman, erq. St. [U 'J'" C. AdJison, esq. '
a,rh;", \\'. Rcott, efq. )t. K;u', , John Smith, cf'I"
D.marara, Thco,. William., ef'I' St. Tb"ma., C. Robinfon,efq.
D.",inh", S. C. Con/la!?le "f1. ~t. Vincwt'" D. I.Vlacdowel, efq.
];)oozia', John Payne, dq. ~urinam, A. Cameron, cfq.
G,,""oloul', J:lmes Bland, cfq. ("""go, John Buehanan, efq.
Gunada, Ri,h.', Singer, erq. -r.,-t.l.l, l\i. D. French,erq.
Gih,alt"r, H. L. Chevalier, efq. ·Trinid<Jd. Rkhd. G .. lway. cfq.
Bwlif""" John Howc, efq. ~,bu, G. Heriutt, efq.

.- ' .
THE .K I N G'~ 1\11 N'T, (T••••,) 1()66.
Ward,,,, • . MujI_,.'. A.J!aj-MnjI. Jollo M. Beck-
Sir Walte; J. j~~es:J3art. with
.I)'put! u"d Gleri, p .• C. Mott. p,..h.ttion" A.J!ayt,., N. Robinfon,
tod Guri, Edw. £"ftlaod; CMif Engra.)(,., Lewis Pin go,
A.Jf!fla"t lJ •• N:lthaniel Mllrchant.
MaJl.,. and W.rk,., ProbMtiol:<r D •• T. Wyon,
It!. Hon. Wm. Wdlelley Pole, . 8m;f[,-a.f,~1,mtto 'Engra",,~s, Thomas
JjI CI...l alld D'puty, J. W. Mo,ri- Moorman,
fon,. _ . p,."",,,, iftl" MOn,y'''''}' Sage, .
aJCltrl1t. Mulhett, SlIr..cyo,. iftbe M."y-PrtJfo" John
!d GI.~", Alfred John Kempc, lottinj;ton,.
Sla",p" if Wflght.r, J: Sage,
Coin;t,."'/", GI,,.l a"d G.",pt,. •.JI,,· ".I CoPPtr-••i,,"
John Teltel1; ~f(l' . ale, J. n: Davis, .,
Depl/ty ami &.,,1; John B.Davi.. Ru,;"",,., John W. Morrifotl,
Killll Il/lay- 'I'l11{t.r. Robt. Bingley,S"perinl."Jall/ of Macbinery, Jame.
Wnghtr and Tdr.,., Afher JOIl~S, I Lawfen,
KIng' I. Gler.1 and Cler". if lb. P"P,rs'ISN':'.'Y./' ~f Blli.lJing /, Rt. Sm.irke,
Wm. Dickfon, S./'t".", Vertllln HtlJ Fntnklm,
SIINJ'Y0r·if Mtftillgl,Berl,Matthew, B"lli•• p,ort". John K .. mpc
CI.r! .]:tlll IrMJ,J. La,,,fon,' OffIC,-I"p,r, Mary Wilfon.


i683· I'Hpro",d, 1794.
Compt. Edw. Johnfnn, efq. MidJ!, }cot~:~", ra.rtI~
His Cl...", Thom,.. Brillgea If
P,incipaIC/,rl., W.Harris, T.l!llttB, C."'ilroll.,., Ge"rge Dickins, efq.
J. Sumpter . C"jb;"" John Church, Efll' Chas. Freeman, e[.I" St.n·j,'f", Johll Durdon, cf'1'
C~II,lftr, J. W. Fergufou, erq;

[t8Ia.] , • 1
Doctors of J."w, &t'!.
JI.\C,(SEY CnACIJ «n./ HAVn.E"'I'C."''''!iJ;.'''rlappointnlu''''''''~N-
Orllll£, LJf:x:J!rut. ""nl 611 ..",,, the" EJln INIl!",
C"m~'lijJiQ"trl, ,Wnl. Douglas, chu. Dll OR 8 of th. lale Nahoh. of I"H
\ Thornton, Jallles Grant, C'\RNATlC,lInd(·d6y Par-
Jr·hn Nitbtt, and Edward Jdr", lia"''''',''II" h.lttr to .arr;, IkJ"""
c:qrs. into tjJrtl" (OjJi«, NO""I I, M ...
R."i'Utr, Matt. Gent, cfq. Ibd/tr"·6ui"ingl, W,{l",inP.r.)
Solicit.r, Edward Donllc, ofq. Co",mi/!io".,.,.
Sir Benjamin Hubhollfe, bart.
Jlrgijlrar, Matt. Gellt, ef'!.. Thoma. Cockburn, efq:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IR8bert Harry Inglie, elq;
. ,Stcrdar], John Parkhoufc, efq;
C'lIImi/Jiun,rr /., Ih. Ca", Man .•g,·IAllijlanl, Robtrt Playfair, cJCj,.
"""l and Difpj'..lof Dutch Pro- Or;.lIla/ IIII"frcter, Alexander Haoo
pert" Offi<tdS, Old Broad-.ftrttl.! milton, efq:
• R'gijlraTl in LOIIIl<... , Charles Binny,
~,"n";lJio"r". James Cr1ufurd, jo>hn cfq' James King efq
Bnckwond, Alien Chadield, and
J"nh Bowl.s, c'qra.
r IR.,
;'R' ~ I U ' J .; W';l"-m D
'K:r rllr a .iY.lil "'!I',
glas Brodie, efq;
• u.. ou-
~. .

Th, COUfg' of D080rs of LAW, In..rportli~d june U, 1768.
ADVOCATU. '1WiJliam Battine, D.C.L. and F.J:t.8.
, ~t. Hon. Sir John NichoU., Kilt. Cba",. of" tb, Di."fi if Lin••I""
D.C.L. F.R. and A S. Official Commijfary of Li"e.lll aod SI",-",,,
Principal of tb, A"c~es Court Off c.",,,,. if Ih, Roy~1 P<Cllliar tif.
Cunternu,)" .l'.lajler Kapcr.r Com- SI. Catl,,;,u, Ft!lo~" of 'Trinil.7
IIIWJr), ~f the Prtrogati1Jt Court Hnlt, Ca1l.-hridgro -
'L~r~, CrJ),.,,,ijftJry of dlt: Dcanriu "J:Js.Hell. ArnoId,D.C.L.Kilrg"sA.I•. ;",
Ih••1re/", of London, Shorehami Admiral/.homl Chan,. oJ JVo·ajl.r~
and Plal//alh"l.
. I
Croydon, and Lord of 'Trod, Mamice Swahey, D.e.L. ebBIf<. of
Rochefter, C.",,,,. of\\'dlmillfiCI",
,Rr.Hon.>3irWm.Scott.Knt.D.C.L. Ene:!: antl He;"tf"rdlh. anJ 1fi.iltl
ond F.R.S. Ju'!i{' of t~, ll~~l'" I. th. Archd. of Sur",.
COllrt if Admiralty, Vi,"..,. G",..,.,,/'Charles Coote, D.e.£.. "
to tb, .Ar&h~!Jl.0P if Ca nttrtur] , Samuel Peare. Parfon, D.C.L •
•!l,[ujI"r of Ihl P'Uulli", Chllll(. off'John $cwcll, D.C.L •.TudZ' of Ih, Y.
,h, lJi 1&1/. of LonJtn,Co1RmijJ.lTy AJ"•. c:"url at Malta.
of 1£. City ,rnd DiD,,/: of Canter-lHoD. Wm. TClII'itt, D.e.T.. .Tlldl'if
bury IiRd London, and a Lord of! th. Y. Ad",. e.l/,' ut Ih, Berm.du.
'Tradr (/lid PIon/alienI. IAlex. Creke, D.C.L..'J'urlge of 11;, Y.
Itr ChrilL Robinfon, Knt. /h. Killg' J AJ",. Court at Halifa.x.
Ad·v... ·GIn. Wm.Ad.'uus, D.C.L.
1Rt" Hon. Sir William Wynne, Kt'iGeo. Ogilvie, D.C.I ..
V.C.L alld F.R.S. 1<f"jl. oj'Tr;".,Sherrard BcaUDlontBurnaby,D.C.T••
Hall, C.'I1f~ridg', a Lord of 'Tra.1• .j ohn Stod~.t, D.e.L. "
.nJ Pt."t"l!on.. !Herbert Jenner, D.e.L. C'''''''ij[a?"
'Y(01. Cumrton,. D.e.L. C/'''III,:lo, 10 lb. I).aN .".1 abaJ',r of 81.
~ IJ.fI)i,'l}iof l!IJ. P3>/t'I. .
10nn Daubeny, D.C.L. I 2. Court of Aretu,
Jo~n Woo.lficluCol1lpt~n, ?,C,L~ '! Officidl hi"'ipa/, Rt. Hon.SirIohn
Jud« ,( ~"< y,,,-.dt/;,,,,,,,.), Cou;"1 NidlOil. Kilt. D.C.L. .
Rc"v irur Jallles Bufh ef'l
dt BdnNlIu)(!.
Jofcph Phillimore. D,C.L. R<g.
0./ Ci'IJii Law, Os-foro, CIJltnt:a/ol
.3 P,,"rogQti~t Court.
, .
'of Oxford, Y~Jge ~ tt,. Cinquc1JI,.faC,r, , Rt. HOIl. Sir J. Nichol/,'
Ports, and .pmd t. tu, .d"bd.",.n- knt. D.C.L.
,'i.s if Middkk" .lId l.ondon_ R~:llror', Rev. Geo. Moore, Cbal.
Thomas Edw.ard3, D. C.L. ]l.100re, cfq. Rev. Rcbt. Moore,
Augufi. Goflllng, D.C,L. of M.A. -
'trinity Ha~i, Call1l.rid~e, D'putitl, Gen. Goning, N. Goll.
Stephen LufhlllgtOll, D.C.L. ing, R. C. Crefwdl, efqrs.
Hon. \Vm., Herh"'t, D.C.L. A/pup-.:tor G,,,, G. JIIIadit.11 ,e[q.
John DoMou, D.C.L, l' I On:
Rich. Henry Crefwcll, D. C. I" 4 'd'" IJ :u""
Samuel Rulh Mryrick, D.C.!" Mufe,., ~Rt. Hun. Sir Wm. Scott"
'Sclfe Adorns, D.e.L. I Knt~ D.C.L.
(!Md, r 'rred/""r, \Vm. Grimwall, R""ft,,,, , Chas, Moore, ef".
DtLlIi'" Cout'I, '/)t:/,"'i"I, J. 'Towuley, \V. Moore.
. I Yj&a"-Gln~r{dtJ OlJi,r. 5 Conf1 wy ~ourl.
, r'''', 71,1'. Rt • H on,
11. G' , S'r
1 \\; nI. Sentt
., j]Url1g ,.C 'i( l~t. Hon. Sir W. Scott, kt.
Kt. D.C,I.. ), •.

'].;bore, e f q r s . , ·
J)''P"ty, Geo. Jennttr, efq.
Re .if/ran, Julln Muorc, and W:M.Rt::ifrr,'r, fj Rt. H"n. Rieh. Rydcr,
Depllty, John Shepherd, d'l'
\ ,

'Fbi P'<rJ Rn'''''ltrllb, D\OCF.RIAN DEANS • .('Tbofo in Wo/u, in If>.

, 'Gift if1l!Jhols.)
Pr.,·inc, ~f C,rnf,,.Im".,'. is!'''1j'pb, "rll1.DaviesShipley,¥,A.
CI/"tul,urJ,S.Gcr~rd AncirewcsD.Dllla .;or, John Warren, B. D.
1Iri/lol, H"pry lkd<e, D.D. S!.lJ.niJ'" Flans.Wol;aftOIl,D.C.L.
Chlcl'ejI'r, Chriil. Bnhdl, M.A. Precentor. '
Ely, Wm. Pear:c, D. D. Landajf, jo,hn Frob),n, Archd,,,,.,,.
E,'r!er, \Vhitti"gton Lantion, D.D. 1',.";"CI of r.r.f.
Gloutd!e,', John PJunltrc, D. D. V" •

H,n/_rd, Gcn!'ge Grctlon, D.D. ' orl~ .GeC), I\lLtr~ham, D. D.

Litclf'U, John C. Wnodh()ufc, !I.'I.A,e. Ifaae Mlllltr,D. D.
Lincoln, Geor"'c Gonlon, D. D. Cbefln, Hll~h Cholm()~dcky,I •. L.D.
London, Bifhop of LiBc"l". Durham, Biih0l' of Lltchfield
Nor.ui,b,jnfeph TlJmer, D.D. 1.0'0/ D".IJ.;
O,/"J,. Cha •. Hell. H~II, D. D. Battt., Tho. Birch, D.C.L.
Pdcrbor'o', Thos. Kipl:ng, D. D. ·lJo,~"n.... C. Wordfworth, M.A. &.
Ro,~',}",W; Bea~,mol1t Bulb),. D.D. ,It;. Auriu\,Hay Drummont!,D. D.
S"/1 burJ, CJla•. 1 albot, D. D_ r""",,! y. D. F, Durand, M.A.
W'~!h, Hon. Hell. Ryder, E. D. Jcrfiy, F.dw. Dupre, D. C. I.,
IVlncbejler, Thom~s J{ellllcl, D, D. ivtiddlfbam, R, B. Nicholl•• M.A~
w..rcrJ.r.Arthur On flow, D, D.
132 Deans, ArcfHlt'llcons, &c.
Ri!'P.,., R. D. Waddilove, Di D. Bangor, CharloWarrm, M.A.
WrjI"'''jI. Wm. VlIlcent, 11. D. St ..D....,iJ'" Bifhop of n.. th an.J
II/",,([or, Hon. Etlw.Lcgge, D.C.L Wells
Tb, IV.r/bip/id Ib, Chan"iI.r, of Ih, Uand(lff, Denj. Hall, D.D.
/<,""1'.1 Di..rfol. Pro",;"" of ro ..l.
Pn'fljllct: if CiJnlt"Y!~u,.,. '"
,. Rt. Hon. Sir John Nic9oll, Kilt. 1.orl~ Olborne Markham, D.C. L.
D.e.L. Ojfieial Pri"eipal ( orl!Jle, •
"Kt Hon. Sir W;lham Scott, le C[.1i.~, T~os. ~J3'kmfon, D. D •
. D.C.L. Vlenr Gtneral [nJ'['QIII, Sir 1 hos. Bel'laard, Bt •
.Br!JI.I,Job W,dka B311j!h, M.A.. D.C.L.
Cbicbrjl,r, D. Hollingbury, M.A. Richmond, Geo. Markham, {c_
£Iy, \Vm. C0lllpton, D.e.I:.. mi.ffaryl
.Ex,llr, Ra1rh Barnes, M. A. C{janctllors of Church.
Gloue. F.dward Coo~e, 1\t. A. !langor, Lewi. Hughe., M.A.
R"iford, J. Naplelon, D. D. Breeolt, W. H. Barker, M:A,
Li/cb)i,Id a"t/ C.·,,,·nlry, CUcl'rjler, D. Holingoury, M.A.
Lilte.llt, 'VOl. Battin", D. C. L. Exd,r, Hon. Hugh Pel'cy, M.A.
London, '5 Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, Htr,(orJ, Herbert HaJ, M A.
Kt. D.C.L. l./.J~da.ff, John Hunt, D.C.L•.
Norwich, Hen. Bathurft, B C.L l.ilclji,lJ, ArchdeacolJ Vyfe, D.G.L.
Oxford, loo. Philli.mol"e. D. C. Lincoln, 11\nma. Brand, M.A.
P,ttrDorougb, Nor...,ieh, Charles Millard, M.A.
RorDdI,r, Manrioe Swabey, D.C.I •.
Salijbury, Wnl. Douglas, M.A.
Af,ph, Jame~ Drake, M.A.
SI. Da'Vit/'s, Wm. ProbyIl) M.A.
W;'lChtjler, Will. Gamier, M.A. S .;IIJP..III'I, Rd. Ri.:hardfoll, D.D ..
W,IlI, '."U11I, Hon. Hugoh Perey, M.A.
'''o"cjt,I', Jas. H. Arnold, D. C.L W.III, I. Nichol,., 0.0.
:>1. Afaph, George Watts,M.A• . rori, Henry Fofier, H.C.I..

<J'b. Y,lltra51, r/" ARCHDEACON! i" the /l'IJrraJ /JU&efi••

. [A/I app_mtld hy tb,ir rej'p,Cii11" BflhoP'.]
PrlJ'f};ltct 0/ CANTERBURY. rotnifs, Ra1ph. Bilrnes, Y. A.
Hounone RadclifTe, D. D. Bar".ftdrpl&t Thomas Johne., M. A. .
. BATH alld WELLS, 3. GL6I1Cf.STER, I.
W,!/t, William Willes, M.A. rhomas Rudgc, D.D.
Taunton, John TurneJ', 1\1..>\'. H EIliEF<>I!.D, Z.
JJath, Jumeo, 0.0. Htriford, Jame. Jones, DD.
BRISTOL, I. ';.'/op, Jofeph Corbelt, M. A.
IJorfof, Hensy HaU, M.A. tlTCHFIELDand COVENTRY,,,"
CHICHESTER, Z. Slf/.p, John C. Woodhoufe, n.D.
Ch;cbd/,r, Cha&. Webber, M. A. Dtrby, Edward Outram, D.D.
Low'" M. D 9yly ,<;I.JJjilrJ, l{ubt:n Nares, B.D.
ELY, r. Cw",t,y, William V)'fe, D.C.L.
lliihop of Lian.Jaif LINCOLN. 6.
EXETER, 4- .'id.ror!, Sam. Vince, M.A. F.R.S.
EXlte", Bill... p of Exeter .'1.,11, L"ke Hdl .. p, aD.
C.,._~II,WUl. Sbort, B. D. I [iMnli'g,{"', Jame$ Ho"l~ D.n..
Arcbd~aroD9, G rE'sham ColI!'gE', &c. J33
L ;~co(n , J ohn Pretyman, D .D .
I " icl'er, T. P arkillron , D.D.
r ST . D AV I D' S , 4.
SI. [)a",iJ's, RichardChurron,r\1 . A.
S t o'w , CJ Ic:b l llin worth Ca(rmur(Jun , \\'111. Craw luld, D. U . •
L ONDON , 5. CurJigall, ' 1 homas 13~lIyon , l\1.A.
L ondon , } :s. l-iolJlll Pott , M.A . Bucon , Rid!. rd Davils , l\1 .A .
Effix , Fr. J. H . W()obllol., D.D. . S T . AS.HI!.
Middlif<'x,G .O wenCambridgc,M .A . Blfh op of St. Afaph
CO!..!"jI" , I. ] dferf" n, M . A . I llA"GOR,3'
S t . Alban's , R ub ert Hodgfoll,M.A . Anglrf'J" l Bilh" p of Bangor
Bung oy , S
N O R W IC H,4. Mu-iGndh, J ohn J ot1e~, M. A.
N or. uich , '~' d li~m YOllgC, M.A .
Norjolk, J oh n Olde; iliaw , B.D. L I. .'" OAlF, I .
S udbur), J oh n Gooch , M .A. J ohn l'robyu .
S ujJ;'I;' , Strucht)', D.C.L . 1-------------
PIl () \"JNC2 of YORK .
OXF OR D, 1 .
Ph ineaa Pc tt, D .D . YORK, 4 .
CI-."JanJ, Charles 13aill ic, M .A .
, P ET£R BO ROUG[/ , 1. Eujl R idillg Rob rt Darley Wad-
NorlhamplOll, \ Villiam StrclIg , D .D . dilovc, D.D.
R O C IIESTER , I . lITolling/'u'::!bi .." Juhn Eyre , M .A.
j<>h n Law, 0 .0 . 1'ork, Ko Gcrt ~hrkham, l'v1 .A.
S~\ Ll SR U R Y, 3.
C . .U lLI : :O LI! , I.
Ch~dcs Anfon, M.A.
B<rh , AI th ur Onno w , D. D .
CUES T ER , '1..
:io,",,", , ( harl e. Dauheny , l:l.C.L .
Will. , ' Villi, m Coxe, M .A. Ch1hr , Ullw in Clarkt:, JVLA .
R ichlllOlld, J hn Owen , M .A.
. WI~C ll E S T ER , '2 . D URH .... i .. t , 2.
W mcbtjler , H on. A G . L ogge , M .A. D urban:, R icha rd l' roller, D .D .
Su rrey , H OIl. T hos. De Grey, M .A. NorlhulIIb,,{ulld,R.G .Do l'yer,ll .C.L .
\ \ ' O RCE ST E lt , I. S o n o R, I.
T hom as Evans, D.D . D aniel M ylrca , M.A .

GRESHAM COLLEGR, found,,, Dy Si, THOMAS G" UHAM, 158r,

F., .lJ,fluru 10-6, 'lad Ju.-ing ru,. rim'. ill 11" RD)1l1 E,,,bllngl.
f.Jofdfors C. 100 :i Year each.
Monday Divillity. Rev. J~. Henry Pariter. M. A.
'Tarfday Civil Law. Wm. Joedyn Palmer.M.A.
Afironoruy, Rev. l'cter Salldiford, M. A.
Mulic, Mr. Rd. John Solm~ Steven's
Thurf"'" Gwmetry. Rev. Samud Birch, D . D.
F,iday Rhetoric, Rev. Frdnei. Ne ..... nham. M .A,
Salu,doy Phyfic, Chriftopher 8tanger. M. D.

SION-C<lLLEGE. L.ndon-WolI. 1}/&D"",ot," 1630.

/'r'.fid&nt, J~hn Rof~. D . D. ·IA.Jf.floats, Rob . Hamilton, D.D. Ja~.
pta.n, John Hutchim, M.A. wm.\ llltuK;;rnc,:ll .A. Sam .Crow!hcr,
Van Mildcri, M.A. M.A. I-h'llry rudd, M.A.
131 University of Oxford.
J?,"u",f,ra1letr, R ;ch. HarrifCln, 1<:fq. AUI",enfolion-OjJi{t, 1704.
b'rnior C-trl, J. nal~on, F.S.A.
K"I'of ](<<OyJ" J.Caley,efq. F.S.A.
YMi" Clt.k, W. Shl Ig! .. ,',cfqr.
Rt:rti'!/~r, John Bacon, er'!. !J!.!:u" 4.n,,"
Bownf) l1ffit.
IJ'Pllty, Wm. Shl'igl"y, eti .• S""j,,, y, Richard Burn, erq.
(".",/,Iro/i" , Lo.d Wallin~':I"m ('le.·It, T. Glanfield, jun. efq.
IT~lItlh"(YJiCt, T"fII/:L" Trra/ John p.tterfon, clq.
J?,."umhrancer, kich. Harriion, efq. ;",,,;10" John DYlldcy, efq.
R""i"",., Rich. Richards, <f'1'

U N I V E R SIT Y 0 P' 0 X FOR D.
Lord Grenville, D. C. L. Chanal!"r, ,!y8i</ in 1809.
l.ord Eldon, D.e.L. Higb.St",u."rd, "Pi)"illte.i ill lllor.
ThontJS Lee, D.D. Prefident of Trinity College, 'Yi,.. Ch4I1ull.r.
'Vhittington Lall(lon, I? D. ProvoO of V~'urcefrer College.
John Cole, D. D. Redor of E"<ter Colle!(e.
Frodlliam Hodfou, D. D. Priu("ipalof lk"7.en.Nofe College.
Gc:orge Wil1i"m Bales, 0.0. Maller of Pel1lhroke: Coll"ge.
C~i-.ll(jrl of t/;( TL!.ltr(.

Whit. Landon, D . D. Provofl: of W \lrcdbr Co; lege, e1eCl:ed 1806. .

Michael Marlow, D. D. Prclident of St. John's Collcgt;" eleCl:ed 180 I,
Burgcffi. if tb, UniwJjity.
l'tt. Hen. Sir Wm. Swtt, knt. D.e.L. Judge of the Admiralty.
Rt. Hon. C. Abbott, D·C.L. ~rcakcr of the HOllfe of Commonl.
j)'luty-St(ward, 1801, James Blackfronc, Efq. D.C.L- Pnnc ipal of New..
Im:·H"ll. BllTifier at Law. .. .
.A.J!'.!for, 1811, J ohll David !vI.c"ride, ef'l' D. C. L. of ElI:eter Colle~e.
. Cot/egu. Hcod{ if CoU,:;;". Elelld•
Univcdity 117'1 James GI i!lith, D. D . .M,'./1" 1808-
Ihliol I2(,2 Bp. of l'tt<rborough, l'vIr!le, 179 8
~fcrton 1274 Feter Vaugh"n. D. D. fV",d•• J810
}i:xctcr 13 16 ]c,hll Cule, D. D. RetiQr 1808
Oriel IJl; .Jnhu Ev..:!eigh, D. D. Pl"cvrjl 17 81
~ccnls I340 ~('rrimns CnHinf(Ju, D. D. P,-C7.'oft 1~9'
l'ic\'fCollc:;e 1375 !l~ll1"d G:t\lIItkt,lJ. IJ. IVlrd~n 1794
Lincoln I.P1 Edward T:ltham, D. D· R,aor 119$
All Soul. J.i37 .Fdmnnd llham, D. D. Warden 1793
Brazeil·no[e 15 U rrodiham Hodf,,~, B. D.l'rineiplll JII09
COl F"S (.'hrifti 15 I '} John Cooke, D. D .. P;·iftd,·nt I7&~
l'vbgdalcn 1 ;2J Martin JO[CP:I kOlah, D. D. Pr;jiqent 179[
Chriil Church IS ~ 2 Ch" •. Hl'nry 11,,;1, D: D. J)'<ln 1809
. Trinity 1.155 Th",na., D. D; Y"jid<nt 1801:1
St. Johu's IS.i'/ l\lidlael ;\larlow, D. D. Pr!Jitlelf.t l7'1J
University of Oxford. 135
,C.!I'ltl. F4l1nad. Htad, of Coli,:". .E1,cld.
Jefu. ,157 1 David Hughes, il. D. Prin(~;al 180:1.
Wa<lham 1013 , \\'illiam Townay, ll. D. IV<l,.dm 1~o6
Pembroke l6:40 Geo. \y,lliam Hall, D. D. M'!J1tf' 180!,
'W orcdter 1713 l,}ean of Exeter, i'rot,':/I 1795
liertford 1740 Richard Hewitt, M.A. 181 4
Ma~dalcn Hall John David Macbride, L.L.D. Principal 18IJ
A:ban Hall Thomas Winllanley, D.D., Prrncip<ll l797
St. Ma,y Hall Archdeacon Pett, D. D. Priruilh,l rllor
'I<:dmund H41l Geo. '1 honlpfoo, D. D. Pri1Jcipa/ 1800
New-Inn H,.!l James Blackftone, D.C.L. Prin<il"l .1803
'wm. Aldrich, M. A. Fellow of Magdolen College.
Bulkeley Baudend, M.A. :l'ellow of New College.
P"D-Proctors. -
Edmunrl Goodeno\lgh, M.A. Student of Chrift Ch.U'ch.
'I'humas Rawbone, M,A. Fellow of Mag<lalel! Culkg<,:
Jame. John Hudfon, M.A. Fellow of M.gdalen Cllllcge.
Henry, M.A. Dcmy of Magdaleu College.
P.Ui< Pr.albtr;, for I RI 4.
I Charles Banon, D.D. Fellow of Corpus-Chrifl i College:
Thoma. Falconer. M.A. Fellow ofCN))u, Chl'illi l"ill'g~
Vaughan Th',ma., ll. D. Fellow of Corp". Chrilli College.
Joh .. U.iley Somers Carwithan, M. A. of St. l\1al'Y 11;,11.
13enjamin Parfons .>ymons, M.A. Fellow of Wadham Coll~& ..
B~lRpt.n'J L,iI"""'r( 11]8.)
Re.... lleginald Heb~r, M. A.
PIIUic E"a",intTl,
WiIliam Van Mildert, D. ri~ Regiu& Prof~jforofDivi)ljt:r.
- Card well, lI1.A. of Brazen-nofe, Colleg~.
_ Keble, M.A. of Oriel Coile~e.
MuJltf'l of th, Schools.
WilJiam Vaux, MA. Fellow of naliol College. ,
Philip Nicholas ~h\lttleworth, M.A. Fdlow of New CoIlt,!!"
John Hill, M.A. Vice Priudpal ,,£ Magdal<n-UaU.
Uni.mjity Offic:rs.
Mallets of the Streets are Thirty Regellt Mallers of Arta, nominated
annually in Michae!mas-Term.
1564 Public Orator, William Crowe, B.C.L. of New Col. 17 84
Clerk. of the Market l' Jo~n. Guteh, M.A of All Souls College.
'1 W,lhap1 Brown, M.A. of Magdakn Col.
1634 Keeper of the Archives, Whittingdon Landon, D.D. Provoft of
Worcefier . - - 17,6
11590 Kt'eper of Bodley'. Libr. BulkdeyBandinel, M.A.FellowofNcw
College 'J 81 J
Under·kecl',r, tienry Cotton, M.A. 1814
University of Oxford.
' ,.. 7 K:C!eperelllatlcJift"c·~Ljb. George Willianl!, D.M. Bc F.L.S. Vel-
, . low of Corp.-Chrifti - '1810.
J683 Kc:cper of Aflunolc'l Muf. William Ll"yd, B. C, L. of Wadbam-
Colltge - - 1-796',
EIIIJ. PROFRSSORS. .Appoint.d or E/~&I''''.'
Jj40 Rcgius Divinity W~. Van Mil,lert, D.D. CWlon of
,Chrill Church JI13
1540 R egiuI Hebrew Rd.Laurt nCf ,L.L.D. Canon of Chrift-Ch. [80S
JS~O Rl'gius Greek Thos. Gainsforti, M.A. Stu. of Cbr. Ch. IBIa
1540 Rcgiu3 Jof. Pbililllore, D.C L.lIfChrift-Church 1809
1,540 RegiuI M~dicinc Sir Chrif. P"l!'ge, Knt.M.D.F.R.&F.L.6. 180J
1714 Regius Mod. Hill. Edward Nares, D.1>. JI. 3
J793 Regius Botany Gco. William., M. D. P.L.S. of O.C.C. 1796

. 6 S '11e' I Aftron. '

J 19 aVI S 1. G~om.
J.502. 'Marsaret Divinity, Sept. 'Collinfon, D.D. Prov. of Q!lC!en~.
and Preb. of Worcdler
Abr. Robettfou, D.D. F.R.S. of Chrifr-
Stephen Peter Rigaud, M. A. &F. R. S.
of Exeter-College J8Io
J6:a0 Natural Fhilofophy Geo., LeighCooke, M. A. Fellow of
Corpus Chrifii College . 1810
J6u Cam den's Ant. flifi 1 Tho. Winftanly, D.D. Pr. of St.Alban·,
1636 Abp. Laud's Arabic 5' Hall J790
Ld Aim ' Ar b' J John David Macbridc:, L. L. D.
. oner. a le 1 Principal of Magdalen Hall. 'rlI3
J700 ErperimenlalPhilof. Stephen .peler Rigaud, M.A. Bc F.R.S.
I of Elteter College t81,O
J 707 Poetry John Jofias C;onybeare, M.A. Student of
. ' Ch rift-Church 18Ia
J7S8 Viner's Com.Law James Elackflone, D. CL. Prillcipal
of New-Inn Hall, Bar. at Law 1793
7 SLotd Litchlirld's1. Martin Wall, M. D. F.R. S. oC New
J 5 1. Clinical Medicine 5 College 1,8j
1795 Anglo-Saxon Charles llyfon, M. A. of Corpus Chrifti "
College 18is
, lAnatomy SirChrifi.Pegge,Kt. M.D.&F.R.&F.L.S. 1803
iS03Aldrich's Medicille Robt. 13ournc, D. M. of Worcefter CoL 180J
Chemifiry John Kidd, M. D. of Chril\ Church 1801
J6a6 Mufie ,WiIliam Cl·otch. D. Muf. I11J'I
UDiverfity·Council R~ Wondefon, D.C.L. Fellow of Magda- .
len College, :aarrifter at
llegiftrar, . 'John Gu~ch,M.J\. Bc J;f.S.A.ofAll Soul.
College , 1197
Coroners oC the Univer- J Wm. Rhodu, M.A.of WorcellerCollegt .PoB
lity , 1 G. Valeutinc: CUll, M. A. of NevJ. Colle;j'e 189&';
Solicitor, ,Baker Morrcll. cfq.

wm. Rh"dfS, M.A. of Medicine and Arc.
~r'1uife,:Bcdel., Robt Hall, n. C I .. of Divinity. '
, Geo. ValeDtine Co~M.A. of l,.aw
University of Cambridgt', &c. 137
- - ~wllliam Taman, of Law
Yeomen. Bedels, Andrew Dicks, oC Divinity
Johll Brown, of Ml'dicine and Arts.
'f"N'gtr anti Di<Jinity-CJ..-l, Juhn Greene
Bailiff, Robert Bldi
CI~rl of th, Uni'lmjity, Wm. Goodcllough Dodd.
B,JJ""In, .William Shepherd.
M ..rjhal, John Holliday.

, Cha""llor, Duke of Gloueener, K G. E.UClld It. r8l1:
, High St..uarti, Earf of Hardwic'ke, K. G. 1806
Yi .. ChQ"cel/or, Rev. Geo. Thaekery,D.D. Provofi of King's
College, . 1&14
C .r.J {HOgh Leycefier, D.C.L.
ounJ " Serjeant Lens, M.A.
.. . {Vifcount Palmerfion,
Re}r:ejtllfat",,, III Parl,,,tI,,nt, John Henry Smyth, eC'l' ¥.A.
Counfil, Henry D3mpier, }([q King'. Cn!lege;
A.ffi:Jfor, William Hunt, M.A.
Co",...,ijfar_v, John Filher, D.C.L.
S.licitor, John lngle, F.fq.
Colltg.. anti Halls. Fountid. Heads of Callegel. F./ditJ.
Peter Houfe. 12.57 Fraucis Barne., D. D. Maj.,. I1P3
Chlre Hall 13-l6 Johl! Torkington, D.D. Ma.Jltr ,17111
Pembroke Hall 1343 Dean of Norwich, Mojler 1,84
Corpus Cnrilli, 1. 135 1 P. Douglas, D. D. MaJl., 1795
or Benet.' :01. S
Trinity Hwl 1350 Rt.H.SirW.Wynne,Knt.D.C.L.M4.I80l
GonviJandCaiul 1351 Martin Davy, M.D. F.R.S. Maj1<r 1803
}{ing'. 144( Humphry Sumner, D. D. PrO<J'!JI 1791
Q.ueen'a 144~ Dean of Carlille, PrejiJ.II' 1~8a
• Car.harin~Hall 1475 Jofeph ProGlor, D. D. Maj1er 1199
Jefus J 496 Dean of Ely, D. D. F. R. S. MD,,, 1789
Chrifi'. J 50,5 John Kaye, M.A .Multer 1784
St. John's 1509 wm. Craven, D. D. Maj1er 178,
J Hon. III Rev. George Neville, M.A.
Magdalen 15 91 M,dier
1 181 3
Trinity 1546 Bifuop of BriftoJ, Maj1tr 119&
Em'lllUe! 1584 R. Towcrfon Corry, D. D. MaJltr 1791
Sidney 1598 Rev. Wm. Chafy,D.D.Mujilr ISU
~ow!ling 1800 Wm. Fre,e, efq. M,A. Ma.Jl" I_S ••
Pl'llaor. 5 Charl". Blick, M.A. St. John's ColJe&""
1. Jofeph Shaw, M.A. Chrifi's College•
.s lVIii,s Bland, M. A. St. John'. College.
1. William Hunkr, M.A. Jt'rus.College.
\ William Jlari!h, M. A. Mag.lalen College.
1 Thos. Hart, M. A. King's College .
. SDaniel. Crer.well, M. A. Trinity College~
l. WiInao.l Hull:ltf, M.A. Jefus Co\lc,c; .
Ullivcr'iify or Cambridge'.
Jlvrry Uoivcrlity Grace, mull: rafs rh. Caput before it can be iutnltlaeei
into the: Sl Hate.
George Thackeray. 0.0. King'. Collcg~, Vi .. Ch""eJIDr.
R"but T,.wrrf"n Corry, D.D. Emall'" 1 CuH~ge, Di-vi"ilJ•
.lames Wil!iam (;clda:·t, 1.. L.D. Trinity Hall,La'W.
1humas Woodhoufc, M.V. C3iuJ Col:"ge, PI'lfte.
Peter Hinde, M.A. King's College, SI''' ~Von. R,Z'
Rubert Jdfcrfon, M'"A. Siducy ~utr~x College, Stn. Rt'r.
l'ROF.\t:~SORS. Appoi.',d Or EhmJ.
IS0:l. Marg. 1'lOf. of Divinity H.r bert Madh, B. D. 1 ~01
1540 Re!;iu. 1', of. of Divinity Ri/hop uf Llandalf I 76
Dq.ut), Richard Ramfdfn, D. D. . 1801
IHo Regius Prof. of Civil Law James Will. Gddart, L.L.D. ,aIJ
1540 Phyiic Sir I. Penningtoll,Knt.l\1. D. 1793
- 1540 C.lluil1ical Profdfor Franc;, B,rnes, 0.0. 1813
rHO Hebrew HeHrY Lloyd, D. D. 1795
15 II Gree.k ]:une. He"r, Monk, M.A. 1803
J663 M:r.thematical !Jcan of CarliOe 1198
163~ Arabic John Palm"" B. D. 1804
1]04 Plumian Prof. of AGronomy, S. Viilce, l\1. A. F. R. S. 179'
1749 1.ownJcs's ditt". \\. Lax, 1\1. A. F. R. S. 179$
1707 Anatomy
1714 Modern Hill:ary Williant Smyth, M. A. 18o,.'·
~706 Chcnliilry SmithfQn Tennam, M. D. 18"1$
1714 Botany T. l\lartyn, n. D. F. R. S. 1761
1,7'1.7 \\'oodwardian Le.:lu"er John Hailltone, f.R.&'L.S. 1788
J 763 Lady l\1a,;:a,a'. Preacher James F:}wcctt, n. D. J7'l5
l'j69 No;rifian Pr·,feOor )"'u". Faw~"tt, B. D.
1·78'1. Jacki"oll;'.ll Profdfor William Farilh, M. A. 181.1
13o~ Common Law };uwd:·d Cltrillian, M. A. J800
Muuc C~.arks Hague, D. Muf. 1799
1:808 Mineralogy E. D. Ciark ... , D.C.L. I~
l.Ju!iiic 0: ~'.~()r Kal[.h Tath~lu. M. A. 1809
Ch.ill,.n Ad"ocate C"orgc D'Orly, B. D. 180J
l'ri;:.:ii,al Librarian 1"hM. Kerrich, I.I. A. 1797
l.ihrari~n Jot>n Davi~., R.n. 17lSJ
ReK"ifirar Viilli"m l'e'nhurtoll, B.D. 18c~
John Beverly, :,1. A. d Divinity 1770
.F,(guirt.Btd,/', { lIenr), GUllll''':;. ,,1. A. of 1.i1w 1789
Geo. \V:}re, ;,1 .• A. of Arts 1799
'Teach" of tbt F"neh Lang"':;', Jean P,"ptille Gouffell.
Ftnci"g.Mt1fttrJ, Me1lr•. Ang<lo.--Uni",,,jity Prillt", Jo!lft Smith.
Jy['''J'bal, J. Taylor.-T••,."" IhM, J. Laughton. .
Scbocl a:ld LihrnT.Y K"J~rr, Joht: Marlhall.-B,II Ring.r, Phi1ip Maore.
Or';"'ifl, John Pratt.-U'ard.", oftk Mar"", J. Taylarand J Hazard.
G.III;:cr, William James.-.1p/'ro!forl, Elliot Macro Smith and T. \ orke.
CUTat3r of tb~ Bof.u';r Gtrrtf,:.",
Ym/R<",Jofefh .Gc, ry, WillismGuriord, 5.1'. Beale., ThoQta. MitchcU.
Itoyal Society, Antiquaries, British Mu ••U1•• t3'
Th~ ROYAL SOClETY (ifrcor!oraW 1663.)
Patron The KING. 1 Ra.rl o~ Mortop, K.'!. r. P.
'Tb, Cuuncil. ,11.om01' I\IUI(1O(h, thl' F.A.3.
:at. Hon. Sir JoI. EallkR, Bt. K.B. John Pond, elll' n .'/r.~.
ancl F.A.S. Pn:}dmt. ll:dwarJ Rudge, d',t J:'.A.S.
Sir Ch"l. Blagdcn, M. D. Kot.
'~ir .Geor.~ :1'.
Slaun~UIJ, bt.
Bilhop of Carlifle, F.A.S. r.p. , fnnthlon 1 euaut, dq.
7ayl".. Com;,c, F.A.S. S"utar:J Rev. William 'fuok.
Aftley Cooper. ef<}.
George Bell", Grecr""'gh, efq.
'\Vlllialll Charles Wells, M.D.
Clffiu w,Jj<JC, <Iq.
Thoma. Harriloo. e.q. !Wiilia", Hyde \\'"olallon, 8"r't~',
Samuel Lylon., F.A.~. V. P. IIlIcl TholU ... Y uung, i\1.U. S"'ntar3 f ..
Earl of Man.field, F.R.S.
,LU,rllriall,Mr. St"phcn Lee

Franci. Maferrs, efq. I

SOCIETY OF ANTIQ.Y,\:t [KS, incorporated io 17JT.
Patr.", The KING IMat. Raper, ef']. F. R. S. r.p
prryidtllt, George Earl oC Aberdecl1, Lord kedddalc, F.R.S. 1'.1'.
K.F.R.g. iMarquis uf Ba,h "
Rt. Hon. SirJof. Banke8, bart. K.n.~ han.isDouce, rfq.
L. L.D.F.R .13. Ed;n4\urgb,M.R. LA.:Thon1.!s Hope, dq. F.R.S.
Frcd.Aug.Elrilar.l, Efq; f".P.F.R.S.'I.ord Kenyun
Wm. Rray, Efq; 'irlajurer' IHugh L<ycdter,rf'l' L.L.D.
Nics. Carlille,t:fq. Sm'dalY. B;n,op of J.ondoll, F.R.S.
Taylot' Cnmbe. M.A.F. R.S. IJir<llor; L h.rks MUllro, dq. .
Henry Ellis, F.R.~. Se,r"I1'J iJohn D. Phclps,'efq.
Sir H. C. J<:nglefield, Bart. F.R.S. I'RObert Smirke, jun. csq. It.A.
Sam. I.yfons, efq" v.P. :aeuj. Cha-. IStcphellfoll, cfq.

n Rl.T 1,S,H, MU 5 K U M, Montague-Houfe, 1753•

.Forty-thr" Tru}m;-.2I, By virtu, of !l.•ir Ojfm-:'7. &,..
SI.atlE, Har/,nn OIlJ To",n'" FIl,,"!i,:, rnarlfd S, C. H. T.-
nnd 15 rbj'", 6y tL, jor";'" ~8. .
Lord 'Prdid~I1t, 'of thcLotd Chief JWlice. o. T. Rich. Paync Knight,
Council <;:o0101ou Plea5 cfq.
liiI'IlI.d.oftl1eTreafury AttorQoy-Gfllcral Tr".f1m Eldittl.
Lord Privy S~al' Splicitor-General Earl Spencer, K. G.
Firrt Lurd of the Ad- PI'C" of the R.Society J.ord Fred. CampbeU
O1ii'alty {'r.. fideml oC College 0 Mlf'l.uis of liute
Lord Steward Phyficians Bifhop of Durham
Lord Chamb~rl~in Fam,Yy Trujlm. Earl offiardwicke,K.G..
Three Secretaries of C. Sir Oeorge Corue- Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. SwtC
State wall, Bart. Kt. Hon. George hofC)
'B,ifh(,p of.London C. Rev. Artll. Annefley Lurd St. Helens
Chan. uf the EIchequ.e: S. Earl Cadogan_ Matquis of ~tafford
1•.,r,\ Chief Juftice 0 S. Hans Sloane, efq. Lord Grenville
, King', nCllch H. Duke of Portland Earl of Alhbu, nhalJl
Maller ofthc .Rou. ti. l'.t. lW. 0, CUUlint I:jlrl of Abcrucen
14) Hunluian ~JlIseum, Royal Academy, &c.
L(~rd Olenbervie IIK"p,r, 0.( lIf~nr1<ripl,', K~e~'r, Anli,! aAd Coins, .
Rt. Hon. Cbas. Long H. Rlhs, dq. B.C.L. 1. Combe, t:fq.1'vl.A.
Yijil"rI hy DJ/h.·. ',AJJI. Rev. T.Maurice.4ssijlonl, Wm. Alexan-
Archbp. of Canterbllry Kap.oflhePrinttd Books,l der, efq. F. A. S.
Lord Chanccll"r \ I Rev. Hell. H. B3ber, K",,~er of. Nul. HijI.r~,
Speaker of the H. of C" M. A. iC, Koelllg, efq. F.R.::;.
Pri",ipdl Li~rQrjan, Jof.jAffi)iant, Rev. Mr.Bcan, Afflt. W.~ uecl~,M.?
Planta, efq. ,S"I'et"ry, H. kills, e1q.

HUNTERIAN MUSEUM, C/lftle-lI:reet, Mew ••

Official T"'l'm.
Lord Chancdlor ISecretary at War' 1R'eader Anat. Oxford
Firil: Lord Trc"fury IP,:efid. Royal Society R~g. Prof. of l'hyfic,
it Chane. of ExchelJuer !Prcfid. Coli. Phyfician Cambridge
Firli Lord Admiralty iTheir Four 'Cenfors Prof. Anat. Cambridge
Speaker H.of COlllmon.' Prof. of Phylic Oxford .
Elrflcd Trtl'm.
, Lord Auckland ~Lord St. Helens Sir Arch. Macdonal'lt.
Duke of Grafton Lord Arden knt.
Rt. Hon. George Rofe Sir C. Bbgden, knt. Bi!hop of I,1andall'
Mathew Bailie, M.D. Ifaac H. Browne, er'1' Rt. Hon. Charle. 1.oDI

SOCIETY for till Enrouragtmcnl of A,'/', klanllfallur" aad COIII"UH'.

InjlitUled 17S3.-0jjice in the AJeli'M., '
,friftJ1nt. IEarl oC Livtrpool Nath. Conant, efq.
Duke of Norfolk Hon. Robert Clill'orcl Richard Powdl, M. D.
Yire.Prifttknt.. ISir Wm. Dolhen, bt. John C. Curwen, EJ'H
Duke of Bedford bir Robert Peel, bart. R. Wilfon, Efq. F.R. 'l.
D. of Northumberland I'Sir
Watki'l Lewes, knt. S, .... C. Taylor,M.D:r.
Marq. of Stall'ord TholUas Pitt, efq. AssIjIJd, M. T. Wood.
Earl of Radnor Richard Clark, e1''1' fall.

ROYAL ACADEMY of ARTS.-In.JIihlteti Deumhtr 10, i768.

Patron, The King Per!pdli'lle, J. W. M. Turner, P'l'
p,riftdenl, Benjamin Well:, efq. Painting, Henry Fufelli, efq.
8t&rttarits, H. Howard, cfct. and Sculp/ure, John Flaxmall, efq.
, Prince Hoare, efq. .4nalcm.Y, Ar.ry, Carlifie, efq.
Profe.J!or•• d nli,,, I Literal. Cha. Burney, L.L.D.
Arebiull.", John Soane. efq. Chaplain, Bp. of Salifbury

The Royal College of PHYSICIANS, War'Ulid-u""

eftablifhed 1513.
7'hofo fIIorhd U art COllllllijJiOlJl'" fl, granling Lict1fm 10 Perfoll' for'l"p;flZ
Houfu for tb. Reception of Lunatic•• EI.8:ti in the ",.wlb of 0806.r.
P RES I DEN T. Dr. Rd. Blldd, Elcll••,«1 'I'r'tifurtr,
UDr. John Latham, ~'. R. & L. S. Cra'flrn:/lrt<l.
H,,,ley-jirt<t SirFr.MiJnun,Bt. EI,ll.Lo',v<I Drool.
F ELL 0 W S. ' )imf. .
H3ir LpC3S Pepys, Bart. ·F.R.S.,Ele8.Sir U~ Pcnuiugton, Kt. CtII1I6riJ:,.
(liP" Br,d;jlr"t. I
Collt'ge of Physician •• 1.11
Dr. Jaa. Hervey, BltRor, L,iU{lIr-'1 Dr. George Gilbert Currey, HII/P
,/f"a,.. . lvJ•• II-j,'ut

go'm.rx/bi,•• ' I
br. Devereux Mytton, Ga"h, Mont. Dr. Thol. Turntr. Charlollt-j. B . .
nOr. Richard Pat. Satterley, 'l.-
'pr.", M.,
Dr. John Matthews, Hm/oNl.
Dr. J~m. Robertron Bar,day, F.R.S. F"i,
l)r.Martill Wall~ F .. n s. O:if::rtl. IDr.Edw.Nat.Renc~oft, Ja••i••
Dr. James Carpuch. Smyth. f.R. S.'UDr. Cha. D. NevlDfoD, s.•• r/"-jt.
Sunh1lr, ,Portman-:fiJullrt,
Dr. John Mayo, 5tu"'•.1nn..;. Dr. P. Warren, F .R.S. AIIw.a"I.-/t.
Dr. Wm. SaunderM, F.R.S. Dr. Rohert Bree, F.R.S.Ha"ew""f'1-
Dr. Robcrt Bou'rne. Ox/orl. Dr. John Cooke, F.A.S. GD'UI.r-jlr.
Dr. l\,latthew B"illic:, F.R. S. BI.g. Dr. Arth.Broolte Faulknrt
I•••u", G,oj''IJ.llDr-jl,,,t. IDr. Thol.Hume, C."fir, Libk SI."..'
Dr. T. Monro,Bltct.A,ltIpbj T.rra" hop...,P. Ma.y Flli,..
Dr: William Moore, IjI.oj WigLt. Dr. Pt'ter Raini~r. Alba",
Dr. Edward Roberts. £llll. BI.oml- Or Rich. Faber.
AII,v-JiJ:lo;.. " IDr. Trifrram Whittcr.N.... Britlge-J.
Sir He;}ry Halford, bt. ,curtt,o"-jlrttt. Do'. Clem~t H.e, B""arJ-j. B •• •
Dr. G.Paulet Morris. Parli4m.nt-ft. fJl-:fiJullr••
Dr. Henry ~ilie. C••for, DO'/J.r-ft. r. J. Bright. CltwlanrJ..,.'UI.
Dr. Wm. Hyde WoUafton. F. R.5. Dr. T. YOllJIg. F.R.~. Wtlhtd-:fl.
ButAi"JIm",-jI. Fitar.] fljuar6 r. Henry James l.'holnll:ley, C..for,
Dr.ArthurD.Stolle, C/;"rl.rh ••/ ..,'1' St. Ma'1l A"...
Sir C. Pcgge, Kt. F. R.lkl.. 5.0,,/or.l. Sir'Thos. Cha •• Morgan,kt. D.~II.
Dr. Chr. Rt. Pt:mberton, GtoIg.-jI. Dr. Rich. I)immons. F.R.S.
]{lIn.wr7'1' Dr. Jor. Ager, Margartt-JI. Ca'IJI".
Dr. 1>a.ggeD Wm. Mayo, nonc".fl.r tlljh-f'lua r ••
Dr. Rd. Powel. £ffi"-:JI,...t. Str""d. Dr. S. Winthrop. NI'U1 Caw,,,IJb:/.
Dr. Wm. Heberdcn, F. R. S. ilpper Dr.].C"pe,B"lft,ar,N.rtha",tt."-!r.
Br.olll. , Dr. Andrrw Sain, Cur",,,.},,,,.
Dr. Rt. Darling Wallis. TmtmJm-j. Dr. .lames Tattrrfall
Ha"fI'U.r-f'luar6. nr. Thomas UUJ?nie. BI."ht.'_fl.
Dr. Alger. Frampton,N''U1Br.atl{t. Dr. !{ichard Harrifoll, Cttil-jrctt.
Dr. Edw;u:~ Afb. F.R.S • .Argylli'. Dr. John Ayrton Paris. P.IIZo.II':••
I)r. Gcorge WiIli"ms.F.L.S. O"ford. ,' CANDJD.\TU.
Dr. Deyey Fearon John Noble Johnfton, M.B. D.,·IIjl1.
UDr. Chas. Oower. Old r.rlingl.,,;j1. 'I Ur. GunL 1>a via Yate&, K, jng-,Prld.
Dr: Samuel Holland "Ja",tr·s.fquart.'
,Dr. Wm. C. Maton, F. R. & 1.. 5. hf6P£CfUR CANDIDATEs.
T ..'"f"",''', Ct"j.,. S/,ring-G"rtlm. 'John l.eman 'futhill, AI.A. S.6..
Dr.]. Haworth, (,.·,nfor, B.djo,'tI-,nu·i f'1"D,..
Dr. jamu Franck; Pllr.r JJuilJi"Z" Wm. F. ChambCT8, M. A. Upp.,.
Dr. Rich. Edwards. Falmouth.
I J)·rJ-plau.R~IfoIl."IDtt.
John H:.vil:ind, M.A. Ca",/"it!g.. 0"

Dr, Qe.... S~thGibbes.f.l •. S.-Rath.1 LICEN1'IATU.

Dr.-Wm. Lambe. Kini'. Road, BttI.'Dr. John Coaldey Lcttfom, D.C.L.
/ortl-reo F. R. & L. S. B~(t"gtaIlJ,...t.
Dr. John Johnftone. Birming.&a",. Dr. I, H. Seqoiera. irlnrl-Ian••
Sir James Fell~wc., k!lt. . Dr. H.Kr"hn, St. NtfiI:~, HlllltillZtIM ,
),)t. Clwt. Pme, G,. Or"""'jI. Dr. JOM Lee, F. &. It. "
~f)lIege or Plrvsicilll1!1:
br. Jarms Sl"'~, D.e.I.. Bath. I Dr. Thomas Blair, R,.tgttoll. '
Dr. S~guin H~Il. Jackfon, Ha"",,,. Dr. Gef'r)!c l>inckard,m..mj6"'-,..hlll
flr,,/, Ha1lo.ur-!7ua.... ' nr. Rubert Hamilton.
Dr. John Sim8, F. L. S. Vpp., Dr. Philip Ellior, S-.caRj....
/orJ-j'r"t. 'Dr. Malcvlm M'Q!!ccn.
Dr. S:~p.I.I. Pellett, Wt.'I", •.//th-ft. ID;': ~ic. ~?ma)'nl", Nf1,' 'Yorl.
Dr. "r J lual11 Payne, Am~nclZ. . Ur. J!.dw. 1 hom.a'i, -/J,lyhac/on.
liir Gilbert llIane, bart. and F.R.ll. IDr. Richard Dellnililll, Br""'-J1,."t~
C/~1J.tliJ"d..r,)'trJ. I buildhl/<S" '
Dr. \VIll. Lifiet, Lillcoln"';"":!i,U, Dr. S"'wart Crawford, Bat!""
Dr. l<..;bcn Freer, Clijgo.,/J. Dr. Richard Fowler, S"'!llm,.y.
Dr. Jo. Meyer, Br(Jlld:J1rut Buildir.;;riDr.Wnlt E-abing[on, AJ,h-rmt111}m,.
1>,.. (ko. Pearfon, F.R.S. Gcorgt'.'fi. Sir AI~". Dougla8, 1'11,0. Bart. 8"0/1.
H""f,,,,er:fil". Dr. lfohert Graves, F. L. s.
Dr. Toos. W.ur"n, "I'//nbriJgt. Or. Rohcrt 'Wir.hrman, SOllI!""'''p~o".
Dr. ~J.muel Ferri.,·F. R. & A. S, 5irWalt.Far'll;br,ht.M.t~.C,,'d";lp.
B~.1CQ"ilietd, .Et/cJ.s. Dr. Pinkftall Janlcs, G(f';:-:;:.:'$;jlratJ ·
br. Jar. i;hdafl, Cur",.I/o-flrti, 'HanO'tJ'I-j,uart.
Dr. T. Forbl's Leith, Scotland Dr. Ale". Marcrt, p.1:/ft1-[r;1I.
Dr. G. Bandeman, R~ll/irJ1l:ri!lart. Dr. 1'honlJ~ Nelfon, .1:"'_"Ill'r'J7J1rt~t.
DI'. T. Dale,~e.;onft.;/i, D....'fo-lv· ; Or. John ~. cllul)', Fi".,~~" ) '}jll.,r'.
Dr. \Vnl. lllaeit'buffi, Ca'VtIldjh-lr. Dr. H.1. Lldd~rda!e, ]."'·""-/1""'"
Dr. R"bert BlAnd; 'Dr.}l:(Curry, Bri,{ge-/".BI.,c!.j;'i",,,.
Dr. \\'111. mack, Pi<'ddilly~ Dr. Franci~ Home.
Dr. Benj.Mofelcy, Alha'J, P;m,di/(1" \)r. T:",!. jam"fon, CL,/!<'nl'dm.
DJ'. Juf. Hart Myers, Job.-ji,·"., Dr. Aiel(. 1>. lluch:1n, P"·''Yfir<tI •
.4"'''';<0-11''''''' Or. i\lcx Ab~rdolll·.
Dr. Lawrc:1ce Nihel1. 1)r. Wm. Pitt, Dimfd.le.·
Dr. "'T. C. Wells, F.R.S. lkrgTnt', Dr. Charles l3aclhalD.
I,,~, F'ctt-Jlrett. Dr. Jof. Skcy.
Dr. Caleh Hl!lier Parry, F.R.S.Dath. Dr. l.ha. Tice.
})I'.)ol: Fox, Fa/mouth.' Or. John Reld. Grtm,;lf,-jlrul.
Dr. In.Stark a.binCoD. Or; HenryClu'Y~rhuclt, N"uJ]rU"t.
Dr. Rich. Pead'o!1, F.S.A. Rn"Ii,,!. jlr"", "
Dr. C.:'>tan;;cr, I"""b·"C.nJllit-p!,J,· Dr. Robt. Batty, F.L.S. Cha,}.I!,-j1.
;[)(. "1'ho01.o." ~utt()n, Greufowj,6. ,Prwtlill/d pI4c£'.
Dr. Edw"rd Fryer, Gitmlotlt:/I. Filt,,· Dr. Akx. LYl)n Emerrnn, Cat' of
ro~-:fqullrt. .. G(l(lr/ h9.o/'t.
Dr. Rich: Kentilh. !)r. Th"o. B,ltcman, F.L.S. DI.,,,,,.
Dr. Alex. Cl iehtoD, F. L. ~. RHffia, /":n-(-II,I,,.
fir. J"hn Ro!':"rfon. 0:-. Ir"n~ lluxtcn, !'r.,·hurcl'-j!".,•
. Dr. E·jn,or:d Somer.. !Jr. Som.Fnth~T7m, Cr.,,,,",,,},.,,t
lX. William Scott 1)r.l{. lliqrhorrl'6h, N-iFn"-!1ua"
Dr. In. Ail,in F.L.S. S,.1t,N""jn",r.fI. D". S~'1Uel Prtt, Clap",
Dr. John Muller, Chrij1iano, N.n, ....'lnr. Samuellrving, C,,:t!.' •.~tlrJ'
n~. Rich, '~emple, .R"!i,rtl-rDw. IDr. R"h .. t Hooper, S",,,:I/:-rd':/l
Dr. S. \Valhr, Frr.lay-J1. Chta!jiit. Dr. )r.hll DU'!'an. '
Dr. \\'"It<r Vaur.h.\",' I'Dr. james Lair<i,l'ud/'ib.ur,. '
Dr. John l\1array, Thaytr-J1rttt. 0,'. J,,~n Herdmcn,
11-. R R<ibillfoll, vrtWUlil/rHofpt. 11.1;'. J. R. f;;rr~, C~ilr/(I;"',

Coll~ge. of Physicitln9. 143
m. Adant Ne:le. Brav. IDr. Thomas Browne, StleAviJ/;..jI.
Dr. RobertCal"f'ert. IDr Geo.Dent, JY",.!r'.
Dr. George Aleundcr Morcwood :D ... Wm. J\1afOD, PI"Jc!o"gh, Dt""I'
Sir \'Vm. ~Dighton, Bart. HIlI/.v,r-,Dr. Banj. 1'.O"tr.,m, ji,,,,o.,,r:!'lu,
f'1.It.r., IDr
Wm. Broillet, Salyi;urY:!'lulll'lo
Dr. Rich. Dune~n M'Int.,lh, Cclchd'tr Dr. 'fhos. Smith, Hertford.
Dr. Mat. J. Tiul;t'y, D.", ~jI"d. inr. Thomas J0r.r>.
Dr, Ch,des Henry Parry, .1". R. S. Dr. D. M.ckinlloll, Joh":fi. AJ,IpIri.
Bnlb. Dr. lohn Dwyer.
Dr J F. Lampert, S.v,..{rn. Dr. Adam BlAcK, Sloan.7ftr.d.
Dr. Waiter Wright, Norwich. Dr. John B. llavis, Gru/,hed.!ri..,.,.
Dr. v.~m. GoraoD. !Jr. Thos. Chr:frie, Cbtl:~lfh~m. ,
Dr. R. R. W. Kobinfon, P"O"n. Dr. John Eliiotfou, Grajion7ftrltt,
Dr. C. Bankh~ad,LolL"" (]ro'/".nn-j1. PiuaJill".
Dr. Thomas Brec, Sta,ffr.,J. Or. Frafl<i~ Hitchen Nonhen,N,...,.
Dr. Kdward Carnpbell, CI!fftml7ft. ,cn}lc, Slaff,rd;:';,-••
I>r.Tho,.Walfhman,K,lIRi"glon-r.'II' Dr. }'Vm. Fitlon, lV.rtba".pt ....
Dr. John Eyre. Dr. R"ht. John TllOrDtOn, #intN-:Jf.
Dr. David Uwinl, Ay/!foury. Man,h:fl,r./'qudr~.
Dr. George Birkbeck, Cat,al."7ft".,. Dr. Dellnis· Coafiden, C"",h,rl"""-JI.
Dr. Alexander Morifon. NC'W R.,d.
Ur. Janles M'Dougle. Dr. Geo. Coldie, I.of/lfr Br ••l-Jl.
Dr. John M'Mull.n. Dr. Rohel·t GOII,h, AId-rman/,urf.
Dr. Ueorge ~ees, Finflu'J·ffullrt. Dr. n. Cnn1ncing, Dw/';gh, N.W.Ju
Dr. Wm. Shearman, Gt.Orm..."-Jl. in. 1\13tt. B. Cowk, Fa"on:!~warl.
l)r. yhn M'Culloch, Bla<lb,"lh. AId'·h.'!-I""I.
Dr. John Ford Davi., B.,/h. Or. John Wall;er, Bont/·C.",/, IVIII/.
Di'. Chrill:. Cooper, Do"Id',r. hrcol
Dr.A. R. Sutherland, Gt. Gc.rg.'s-jt. D,-. H. H. SOllthey, ~",,-AIZI"-J1.
Wcftminfur. Dr. (ha •. Wighllllan, Aln,,,icl.
Dr. Ales:. H~ndertun, G.IJ.,,-jgullr,. Dr. Wilbm Proul, S~"tba"';ton-J.
Dr. lietlry Edgew<lrth. BIM.jbury.
Dr. C. Whiltdl, ,1udJ'Y-!'luart. Dr. Thoma, Drenr, Buxt.",
Dr. }:dwin Goddell Jone.. Dr. Th" •. Grey, l.'o,7fg"I,.
l>r. De I. Courcy La6'.n. Dr. !o!", l\1an!owal! Mackrnzie
Dr. M. Roget, B""arJ-j1rrtf. D:. B. 11. I>elm if<m,Bo'Iry SI ..Edmom!r,
Dr. Edmund Lo~ky('r, lIy"outh. ~r. John .Fuley. B,r",rJ~fl.'
Dr. R. BurgoyneTumpki;.!. ·r. ll"nry Ckm~nts, HuflrJ~flrul.
Dr. Jofeph Adam., H<lIl'H'-gllrd<n. Dr. lJjvi:1 D;.vi." Cbarlcll,-}",,-
Dr. Ales. Lawlor, Vilfi""jlr"t. . Bf••",jhu,:y.
Dr. T. Halldeock., G,o" Cbu"bj. ,Dr. Ra1rh .Eden, Chtlp,I-/I. Dulr-
Dr. John Bootb, Lirm;"gl,om. I
Dr, T.M'Whiner, "V",·c"./ilon -ri'"
Dr. T. C, Carpenter, Ly"'c, Do,fit.
Dr. John Hind., Sal!/\ury J. ,slr"",I.j {tral.
Dr. Wm. ""'lIlier, n""crj. ID;',
R,,:'at DUlln, Poland;[tr,d.
Dr. John Franeis n·"r~~r. . Dr. Wiliiam :iaiusbury,""'~
Dr. Patrick l\1·!(etlZic.Scar~cr.~gh I JVil'{ . ,
Dr. Charles Mad;Cll:l:ic. WIz;",·,- Dr. Cl ..,r1c$ Scudarnore, H.II,,·'I.
""ll.MidJI1'K. I

1.:4 Col/cl!e of Pllysicial1ll, Surgenn., etC.
I,i"",!"t .. ill Mitlwift". Dr. John Sherwen, Bal!.
Dr. 'rho. D<nman. Dr. J. E. Stock, Bri/M.
Dr. Midlael Underwood. Dr. John james de Roche~ Cn,...
Dr. Cha. Com!>e, BI""'fo~-JiJutl,.. Dr·l,ohn Hull, Man<i''.f/'" '
Dr. John :iqlllr'l:, Ely-pia", HcI6.rn. Dr. :;tephcn Luke, E,ut".
Dr. In. Clarke, N.'fII lhrlil,gt.n':ft. Dr. Johu O'Ryan, Wat'''.fo,rI.
EKer. Lim,t;a/u. Dr. John Robinfoll, Do",.,Rtr.
Dr. WilIialll FaJcontr, Bath. Dr. jame' Clarb, Nottillglta••
Dr. Niehnlfon DoubJeday, Ber_id. Dr. Pat. Miller, Extl.,•
.po" 'T..,.,"". Dr. Wiliiam Silver, C/,khejltr.
Dr. Jonathan Jiinn_, Lancaj,," Dr. TtJ!lpdl CoJtlturlt.
C. M. Torre, M. A. Pu"t<j'ratl. Dr. W. C. Heywood, Blo",'1.",
Dr. Charle< Brow!l, B"lin, !Jr. James Ga/king, Ply",outlo.
Mr. Wm. Landfitale, l'darylantl. Dr. Robt. Anderfon, lJrigbtb,l",jlolI,.
Dr. ErI.w~rd Long Fox, Brijlol. J?r. Jam~s Clough, M",,,:hejl....
Dr. Wdham _May. Chas. LtttJehalel,L.L.U. W;,,&h'.JIh" •
.1)r. John Nott, Briftol Hot'llltll... Dr. John Erly.
Mr. J. ,Newman. Dr. G~orge Beliamy, PI]",."tb.
Dr, Samuel Edmonds. Dr. Joftph Da Cllllha, Oporl ••
Dr. Gafpard Chai-le5 de la Rin. Or. J. P.lohufton, Sq""fbury.
Dr. Ja. ChapmaD, Ba,b"Ot,.

RorAL COI.LIG!: of SURGEONS in Londo". Chart.,-d ill 1800.

o Thus mark~d are the Court of Exam iners.
Majl:r, RSir Wm. Blizard. Knight;Jn.A ..Haw~n.,Ef~. GI.Marll>o..o'-JI.
F.R.S. D""-'''jhi'''-i9u''rt. Fr~IlCI. KlIIght, el'l' Sa."ille-r.w
GO'·<rIl"rs. ISir Ludford Harvey, R"i/,on-i'luIl"
gHenry Cline, ILCq.F.R.S. Lincolll',_I Wm • Lynn, rrq. Gt. P.trli~ • .-ml-H,.
inn-fidJs. John Abemerhy, cCq. F.R.S Bd.
-,Wm. Norri., Efq. Old 'Jewry. ford-ro ....
AJlrJlallls. Will. }.ueas, efq. 'Thr.adlll!ttll..JI.
BSir James Earl", Kilt. F.R.S. Hall' C;uratu's of Iht Mt'fi"m.
O'fItr-!'l' WilIi,m Long, efq. I'.R.S.
Wm. Long,Erq. F.R.S. Lincol,,',-int, Gcorge Chandler, efq.
FitM,. Sir Ch.lrlcs BJicke, knt ••
DGeo. Chandler, Ef'l' SllImford-jlrul"Thomas Keale, erq.
Bla,1friJrs RoaJ. ISir Wm. Dlizard, knt.
USir Cha. ~lickt!, Knt. B"'Jord-fiact Henry Cline, eC'I'
AThompf(')u Fnrller,lf.fq.SDu/:t.lInpton- ISir Everarcl Home, bart. F,R.S.
jlr. BloOtrif"u,.v. . Honorary Frrj<fTors of. ,1".lIo",y o".J
John Birch, Efq. Sp"'''.r;-GJrJcJI. Surge"" SIT Wm.lIhzard,Kllt.SU"
UTh~ Kcute, l'.fq. F.R.S. CbJfta. Everarcl Home, bart.
John Heavifidt, Ef'!.. F.R.S. Geerg•• HMora,", Mu,,"'-r. Sir Jor. Ban~&,
flrert. Ho1NO'Vu-i1Ut1T1. K B. f.R.S. &c.
IDavid D~nda •• Ef'J. R:.',,,,olUl. Pr"fJTor if 4"al."" (ft,tI Su'gtr'1,
John Samuel Char!t')fJ, ~r'l' Parl- J nhn Abernethy alld A. P.Cool'cr.
jirut, C,-o!v(1l0r:nuIIYf,. F.R~S . .cfq' s.
Ja •. War., Ef,!. F n.s. NCTClBridg.-jI. Surei.n:!. Erunolld Bdfour, Efq.
U~ir Evet.- flome. ban. f.R.S. Sad-ICo,,/a'VotDr to tL, NWfo"AI. Mr. WII\o
v,ilk-ftm'. Clift.,

Society of Aputbecaries, Cit~ Mllgistrates, &c. 14$
SoCIETY of ,APO'fOBCARIEI of Ll~DOII, Bla(:k-friars, incerporat d in 161':.
ThQlle markl-d IbQ~ .. are the Court of Exalllillf.Uo
Maater,JQhn NewBOm, esq.· Rice Davit, ellll.
Wan),," •• Edwan) Roberts, eaq. Georlle Cabbel; aq,
Thomas Hardwick, nq. John Btlker, esq •
.11,,;,1.1116. Clerk to the Seci..ty, S. Blac:ker.·
• John Coilier, e6'1' G1l 1tnic4! ad Ha. ~/-V.
* Richard Haw,.. rth, e'q. F. S. A. Treniurer, WIIliam 8imo.. I, esq.
• Robert Sher8on, esq. F. A. and L. S. Deputy Treasurer, John N"WIUlll, lV.
• Hugh French, esq. Wbeeler, esq ....
• Elial d" Grucby Fassett, e&q' Accompt. S'ltherton "finckl.. r.
• Cb,,"le$ Ne\'inson, esq. Operator, Chri.topher GregaoD.
• RiehBot Griffith, e1q. Clmnic4l Dep,rlmcnt.
" Jobn Sfepiten Baeot, esq. Treasurer, PhiJip Nicholas, esq.
Richard Robert Grah.m, esq. S.lperintendant Cbemical Operator,
Will:am Simuus. "sq. Wm. T. Brande, F. R. S.
'William nux; eoq. Accomptant, William Bonner.
William Wht!eler, £8q.
John Jones, I/sq. BotlJnit:· Gllru" III Ch.,_
Mile. PaTtillg:ion, eaq. Profe.aur and Lecturer, Thomu
William Athinson, e5CJI WI:eel~r, F. L S.
8amnel Lawford, esq. Princ'l.·al Gardener, John Fairbairn,
JOI.~h Jack.on, eaq. F. S.

The Right Hon. SAMUEL BIQCH. Lord Mayor, elected Alderman of Call-
dlestick Ward. 1807, MaDliOll House.
Bridge Without '12-84. Sir Walkin Lewes, Kt. Somenet-street, Portmao-
. square; Father ofthe City.
Tower 1'185 Sir Wm. CUlti_, Bart. Brood-tt~t.
llishopt~te - 1790 Sir Rich. Carr GIYll, Bart. P. L. S. ArlingtOD_~
A1clgate - 1'190 Harvey Chrilltian Combe. ~sq. Gt. Russel.. tr4ll!t.
l.augboura - 1'1'5 C?I. Sit' .rohn Ramer, Knt. Rutlund-place, Up..
per Tham!'!l-stre<>t.
Farin!«lon witho\lt 1'1911 Sir Charles Price, Bart. F. L. S Bedford·squjlra.
Broad-sf reet -. 1'7118 Sir J"hn P~rring, Bart. Broa.l-S'reet.
PortS'JkeD • 1'198 Sir James Shaw, Bart. Am~rica.sqllare.
Billing!~ate 1'199 iJir Wm. LeightolJ. Kilt. F.nchurc'l-huildinp.
Br,-ad-.treet lSOO John Annf'sk>y, esq. F. L S. "Bread-slr""t.
Cornhill 1801 Sir Charles Fl"lI'er, Barl Filllbu.,._quare.
F~rin;:don within 1802 Thomas ~mlth ••• q. N,·w R,·idgt--streft.
(:a.tlebaynard·_ 1803 Lt. Col. J".1Iua J'.n.rhaD.Smilh. Ben~t's-hill.
Bassi.-baw 1Il04 Col. Sir Claudlns Sr''Phen H'l.nler, Bart. Sprini-
Dowg.te 1805 Georlr" S<.holpY, ..sq. Old Swan. .
Queenbithe 1806 Sir Wtlliam Domville, Rart. New Qrmonel-street.
It~corder )803 Juhn S,lvester, ~sq_ D C. Land F. R. S. Bloo~
bury-squar", Se 'ary £2.)00 per anuulIl.
Bridge within • 12t3 t Bir Matth. fll(,xam, J(at. Wahygrtb .
• J(
City Oaken, Common Council, &te.
Cripplt'gate 180'7 +Malbew Wood, esq. Palcon-square.
Conhrainen 180'7 t Cbriltopber Smitb, esq. Queen atteet_
Wal.brook ]808 + John Atkins, t>tq. Wallltrook.
Cheap 1809 +Samuel Goodbeoort', esq. C'-paidf!.
Vlntry ISIO +Cbristopher Magney, eIII. Queea-Street.
!.illle-street 1811 0.0. BridiY.... esq. Trinily-square.
Culman-,treet ] 8111 +William Seygate, esq• .A!dermanbury.
AldehIJate IS13 +Rnbert ,.!bion Cqx. esq. little Britain.
N. B. JIU..,.", ,Aa ~r Mw ~ IAe CIuJJr:-muJ ,ru. _w
IAu +"- --' IM OjJiCIJ of SAeriJf.
SheriftS, Joseph uigh, • sq. Jobn R~ay, t'sq.
Chamberlain, Richard Clack, esq. F. A. S. 1798.
Il1l1¥r-OftIee, Principal Clerk, B. W court, ate. Tholllas 8helton, elll.
Seou, ~sq. Princ:pal Clerk, Court of Requ~.
Ouler OmCl-, Clerk of tbe Cbamberf J"bn Holmes, ~sq.
Jamel 1IJlldon, t'1q. n. BatJairu of 'h Mfl!Jf1f'" How..
'Com"'oD S.'j. Newm. Knowl,s, esq. Ia.W. .
Tuwu Clerk. Hen. Wool1thoqte, .Iq S"o,d Beart'r, Wm. Cotterell, esq. -
Judges of the S'prifi"s Court, Pran- ("ommon Crier, James R; 8yms, e.q.. .
ri. Mallf'res, P. R. S. JUQU '-ail- Wa' .. r Bailift', Wm. H" ...~I1, (,1ft.
lant, ...q. Comptr. of tbe Bridge House, ilalD~
. FOllr Common Mlel¥1en, WilIiam N..... man, estj. .
Watlon, F. It. S. H. R. R~ynolds, Justice of the Bridge Yard, Sir J.
W. Bolland, and Wm. St. Juli.o )o&m"r,' knt.
Arabin, "sqn. . Bridge Ma.t...... 5, I. W.Galabib, Rich.
Comptr. oftho!Cllalllller.J.·BIttImH. Yeo_rd, Gent""
Hq . , City MatSbal",•. P. HoJldswQrtb, 1'.
S,'comlory of Gilllpur St. Compter, Nalder, Gents.
Same (;ollingridge, e.q. Collector of Ihe City n.I" at tbe
~ondary of the Poultry 'Compter,' Custom House, FA •• rd De"" ljent.
Pbilip Wyatt Crowtber, esq. Do. Orphans duty on Coal, Sir Wma.
Rellltlmbran"«, TimodIy Tyrrell,eIIl. Curtis, hart. AIdm. . .
Solicitor, \\'m. Lewi. Newman. esq~Plincipal Land Coal Meter, Wlllia..

Clerk of tbe 'Peace for lnndon AndenlOn, esq.
Southwark·, ofthe Mayor'

L . . - all CommotI c.tmdl.M4Jt of CUi of &ruJq", . . , ...

Ih lUll ofn-ntJ«o.
Alder~pte,.. . Bass~baw, 4•
.Rob. F;.bpr, esq. Goldsmith, Dcp,nty. Sol. Wad<!, PSq. Musician, D<>pufy.
Erring"'" P8lItoo, Inn.bolder.· &hvard Frisby, Merchant·taaor.
~te"hpn Adaml, Goldsmith. Oaniel Brittl!n, Cluth-~orke~•.
TbO!l. L Forff'lt. lhllerdal1\er. W.lIiam Smart, Weaver.
Geol'!{e King, e.q. Vintner, Deputy. Billingspte. 10.
JosPpb Turoer, Wire Drawer. Jobn Onl. esq, GoldBtlJitb, Dcput)'.~
Samuel Rolls, Currier. - I'beophi!ns Hean",., Glo,"er•
.Daniel Ray, Wheelwright. !'!:d.ard ({aO'lOl1, JiliMr•
. AW,ate, 11. . Anthony '8ro"n, esq. FilbQlOllJllf.
8am. Weddell, esq. Draper, Dep. Th~mal Dornfhrd. Cooper. ~
Samut'1 Thorpp, nnplateoworker. Jobn Sudlo... F.sbmonger.
JamesTaddy, Goldsmith. R. J08epb Dickinl, Wheelwrigbt.
Cbarles Omce, JOjlbolder. lVm. Sampl9n. Framework·bitl'tl".
',muel Favell, Cluth-worker. Samuel WtllOn, Draper.
" T'bQlIla. Tb~rp, nra;per. '
':Court of Commol\ Council. 147
Oeorgc Thomas King, V.ntn r. Jvlin PatrersoD, ?'fercer.
B~bopg;.:ate, 10. TbLmas Crockalt, F.shmonger.
T. Grcenaway,' sq. Carpenter, D, p. 1'1",md5 Clarke, Merchant.tailor,
Arthur Wind"., Coach-mak.,r, &.c. ChBS Fuster, Goldsmith.
George Ckld ..; M.. rchant-~ailor. J·.ho IlPahons, D, aper.
Jalllea Davie., C"rriwaioe,·. Wm. PeprelCOIn, Inllho]d.r.
Thomas Judkius, Baker., R:chard W. Jupf', Carpeuter.
$"muel Barton, Tallow (;\Iandl"r. C'anJI'e'lick, 8
Juhn Bumstfd, Patten·mak",. Josepb 'Welsh, e.q. Glrdler, Tkp,'
Wm. Day. GIOCl'r. ' Juhn Gal .., G .• J.I.mith,
Thoma. Gl"v .. r, Innholder. Jubn Ryland Ma,id'er, Tinpla! ..
Daniel W Harv~y. Grdllf. worker •
. lli8hop~aL4, Withput J"hn Waiter. Cord"'ain'"
S:r Wm. Ra~hngs, kilt. Upbol<Jer, John ('Ialt, Yintner,'
Deputy. , Rubert K rby, Nc.,tJ!e maker•
.Jobn Dueft'eJl, ~~n. J'J&<,ph HUllipl~by; Plumber.
5alDue! Nash, Stationer. J""ph Ealon, F.shmonjtf'r.,
Castlebaynard, Hi.
Ed1ll'ani Wbite" IDllholder.
Bread-street, 12.
IOamuel Hayward, Gin er, DPp.
Wm. Box',".q. Ap<:>theca'ry, Dep.
Jamfs Griftltbs, Jorner.
William lkdford, D,·aper. Robert Slad", e.q. Iron~08ger.
John Elli9tt, Drapl'r. Richard Howell, Vintner.
William ~athiE'. GrOcer Thomas Farranc." Co"k, :
Zachary Langton, Skinner_ John Treacber, W/lpehn·s'lt.
James Bat., S a:1<JII,'r. J,)seph H,ucomb.>, Wheelwright., '
Thomas cOlman, Clotb-worker. JOB/ph Hudock, Apotb"t:sry.
Heory Dibbin, InDho,lder. Perrot F"nton, jun. Weaver, '
Matthew Topbam Gibson, W,III"'er. Jame, Edward Pownall, Stationer.
Thom" Moore~ S~jnnE'r. Cheap, 12., ' "
.John Kaye Smitb, l'attenmaker. Thomas A,rnold Lo,!ey, eo,''I., ,TiI..
WilllBlD So1ll'erby, l ....ather·aeller. and Bricklayer, D"pu'y.
Bridge, 15. George F"umier. esq. Yilltnew.
Wm. Child, esq. Mercbant.:aikYr, SllDuelHlile, Vintner. .
Deputy. Rlcbard Cheesewright, Turner•.
Eenjamin Bovill, Gllldsmitb. TholRas Swift. ({,holder.
John JOyGer, Haberdasher. J0bn Smith, Fish!Jlonger.
R9bert lluttOD, Uphol,ler. Richard Rothw...U, Fbhmongt'r.
Tbo. Cartwright, Tiler BUd B,rick- Ricbar,d Brtl9k, GOld.mith.
layer.. John P"rrell,. Wea"., .
I'hil.p Green, Ironmonger. , '. 'm. Ed"'ard Smith, Ironmonger.
Matthias Atwood, "sq. Merchanf th:irles M,ller, Fishmonger:
Tailor. Joseph Taylor, Weaver.
N .• lhanie! Saunders, Pishmooger. Co!eman str!-e', 6. '
John Alldin, Vintner,_ Fran. Paynter, esq. N~.dle.mak6r;
,Juhn \\Iells Jlean, Clotb·worker. D ·puty.
Wm. Wadham Cope, FiahmOllter. John West, Girdler. .
John Locke, Painter.alainer. Nalloaniel. [)a"ie., Musician.
John Sbarp, C!oclt maker. WiIJiaDl Cbnpman, Armouref aiul
.Jos;ah Harri., Joiner. Brazier.
Thomas $aundu8, Fishmonger. Tholllas Ni,ch"I" F;shmonger.
BIQatI-stnet, 10. jCha•• Walker, ,Stationer.
Hen. Blutand, esq. Upholder, D\'p. Cordwa;n~'1 8. I
Thomas Marri,Ott, Armourer alld J"bn Uamman, (sq' Glrdler, 'O<p.
Brazier. \\'il1iarn Row, Skmnt'r.
"DIIH.. I'II..J Clofh.worker. J,mpiTrimblY, e'q. ~aj>H.
'" .~.
GlUtaVUI Auoll'hl1l Smi. h, V,.blDQO- Lt-wi. Lewis, Vintner.
ger. Charl.,. C.oot, Statiooer.
Richarel Abbf>y, Patten-maker. J a _ Scatcherd, Stationer.
t:barks Willia", fli .. k, F~II-maker. JotN'pb Da., P.inter.ltaiDer.
Will,am Watson, Wheelwright. Thom .. BI.cket, GI ......lkr.
(;l'Orge Ste"ensoR, Station.,r. FarriDgtOD .ithout 16. North Iide.
Cornlllll, 6.
William Angell, uq. Cloth••orker Wm. Ja. Rreves, PIICJ. BlacUm. Ilep.
Deputy. Abnhalll TOlleg, Tumer.
James Jacks, Merchant-tailor. John Da_n, Pla ••,erer.
Char!<-s Chapmall. CordwaiDer. William Griflith, lLatiooer.
Thm,,"" Blnw, Needle-maker. James Croltk, Cord.ainer.
Paul Philip Barraud, Clock-maker. William Murrell, Barber.
Lucas B,rch, OJOk. ' William POlllir~", Armourer.
Crippll'gate .ithit•• 8. • John Blacker, Ol...·eeller.
TbomasVsllanCl', fill. $tatioaer, DcI" South lide.
James Dirt, Upholder.' Robert Herring, aq. Upbolder, DIrt-
Willi.m Hardy, Goldsmith. pUly.
Jooalhan Delver, Fletcber. Rob. WaithmaD,FraUle-work~Dit_..
William Kerl, Currier. Thomas ReeYe, ,r"DIDODger.
~~.. phen Habberton, Wheelwright. ....cI.ard QUiD, Clock maker.
Willi:Jt1l Waterhouse, Innbold~r. TholDU Harper, Tume~.
Fehon Mathew, Cooper. R.obert Hed~es', (;o.·per.
Cripplegate .ithout, 4. Heury Maniot!, Armourer.
Joseph Daker, esq. Clotb••or-"r, Tbomas OaklDlith, Oluier.
Deputy. Langbonm; 10.
Richard Dillon. Innllolrler. John Philips, esq. Upholder. ~
John Pollen, Joiner. Thomas Ayres, Golo.mith. •
JO$eph 'Vello"lef, Carpenter. Ric:1Jard Dixon, Fisbmonger.
Dowgate, 8. William Witberby, StaUoner.
J _ Samtders, esq. F'Jlhaonger Robert Elliolt, Ohm-eeller.
Deputy. erna. Wihshire,·C!oth."WOrkellt
John PeaI'SOl'!, Wbeel.right. BeujamiD Stubbing, Butcher.
Josepb FitzlV,lIiam Vander~om, Jla- Josepb Carter, We8Yer.'
berd8lher. Edw. Poynder, Plumber.
Thomas Britten, MerehaDt.t"ilor. $amuel Joyce, Cock-makeF.
James Fb.nezer Saunders, Fisbm. . Lime·stlftt, 4. .
Thomas Atk iOlon, Distiller. John Aclcock, esq. Salter, Depat,.
lIen. William Easlman, Cloth worker. Thomas price, Mercbant.tailor.
John Forster, Brewer. Jobn DYlter, Do.
FarriDgton Within, 17 N. 8id~. Wilham Shearmao, Pelt niaker.
J. Crowner, esq. Playing Call1.maker, ' . POrl.ok.. n, 5-
.Deputy. . E<I,... Colehatrh, Ha/)f'rduher, DeJ\\
,Tnbn Whtehle, Stationer. Robert Carter, Cut'per.
Wm. Pritchard, Innholder. Thomas Park.,r, Wh~lwright.
John Walker, Musician. Franci, Barnfidd, Innholder.
(!Jeorge Winter, Baker. John Smith Bower.
Malcolm Dllnnett, Barber. QU8f'nbithe, 6•
.J~me8 PPllTShall, Dytl'. John Wm. 0018, esq.· Haberdult~
Adam Oldham, Wax.chandler. .Deputy.
Robert 'Wt'S!'Wood; ',..nmonger. William Oraham, F1etcher.
South Side. . John Cottun, Stationer •.
T~aniel Pinder, esq. Dyf'r, Deputy. '. Edward flu~hp" OrQCl'f.
William Cadwen,Currier. . John Skilheck, Musician.
John Leigh, )(erchaat-tailor. .JohnA.hliD, Paint8t'.staiaar.
E:emmeft CellftciJ, l'roperty Tax. Office, &c. 149
To_r, Ill. Thuma. Whitby, jnn. Draper.
"Samuei HalcbillSUD, ..q. )4ercbaD& William Spt-ar, 1\I~rchaDl·,a,l"r.
tailor, Depu,y. /'boma. £uawey; CordwaiDer.
Samuel J) ma, FtlhdlOll,lIr. Jobn Hanl, .., Oi ...lIel •.
Samuel W tigbt, Wheo:lwrigh&. 'rbomaa, Bo.y~r.
~at\hias Lucas, Vintner. .John Combl, PalteD-ma"~r.
Cbarlea LucaI, Baker. Charl.... I.,pll, Villlner.
nayid LaiD" Tiler and Bricklayer. Thom» Cr .••t. Curdwaioer.
1'hoWaI Bridges, VintDer. Wa.lbl\lOk, 8.,
Pllter Skipper, Barber. . T. W,lIiaml, "Iq. Blacksmitb, Dep.
Wm. Cawtllorne, "ab!llOllJer. W,lham Pearep, Cuck.ulBker.
Gil"in GUI".', Vmlner. 1'1",UI.I Bell, N.njl ..·maker.
Joha Drinkald, V'Dtaer. W.lham Ryd .., Wu cbaodler.
Hubert SWill, HabellJalber. WII,iam Rou, Grocer.
- VIDtry, 9. Thuma. Hall, Haberdasher.
Charles Martia, eaq. Vintner, Dep. W.llialll Woodward, .Joiner•
.JII"ph Oa-Iy, Paiater Italaer. Bpbrainl HaywOloel, Barber.

ftICII1'&8' GIIIUAL of ia L.odon and ,Middlesex.

l.aad-Tax. Willi~m Bqgot, f'ICI. .
Depuly, Jubn Jlllalld B.,.WlialOD,l!Mf' Office at No 2'7, A'ullen Prial'L
.A!Id~ Taxea, William EorereU, e&q. Ofticl', 94, Elccbauge-A:ley.
Deputy, Mr. Richard N,.on. ,

ColllltIU"NERI for fM 8. I11III Rlrlemptfoll of IM £a4.7b JfW tu CiI,

of Lft40ra _ UJmy of SI. JltIrlira·. .O,..... OjJioe, /i....
5, z..&.
....,rwt, O.. id 1"nl1l11g., John Baker, Wm. T. Brown, Re\-.o....
P. Edwards, M. A..lamea R. Williaml, John Kowlau, eaql'L

c-u.l""'f",.tlte 8. ofds J..a4..Ta: 'ra tie COWJtt!lof JlItl4kwt. ,

John RaCOD, eaq. Friar. barne&. W,lIiam KlnDaird, eaq. DiSh Dol-
Jb,Y. D •• BPau.. t, Hilfhgate. born.
Thomaa Calli.... "l1li_ FlllehleJ. lam. Qailtler. eaq. Hadley.
Nathaniel Conant, l'Iq. Oreat Marl- Juhn Rea, aq. Aahford. ,
boroag....treet. ' Cuteu Rlwde, eMlo Rado:liSr.
Ham. Crosae, eaq. KIIight'•• bridge. MarDiadll~e SelluD, eaq. C1erkea-
Rice Da"" Hq. Lambeth..treet, w"lI.
Wllllechapel. WiII,a.. Spencer, ..... N~.
Samuel Edwarell, aq. Beaufort- Sir Daniel Williaw., kD&. 8pital-
build in,.. 6e1d.,
Luke Flood, esq. Mile-end. Clerk, Dui.1 Jliailley.
John JellOp, "Iq. Walthalll-A.bbey.

~!l-Taz OJllt:e, No. lOT" Prench-Itreel. ESlablilbed in 1803.

CUMMI.IIONaR.. TboI. Paynde" 8~PpheD Cattle"
Chairman, Pbi), Sallsom, ..sq. ~I!II., Wildm.II, Soamuel Weddell,
Deputy, Davld Jenninp, "l1li' Jamea Palmer, Benj. Ha'riSlin,
Ju.hua hall, etq. aldn.,John Clark Pow.II, Jllllhua Gou,h,
N. Bnckwoud, Thoma. Plummer, 1 _, aqr...
IHDry BluIaad, Daniel PIDder, Clerk, Joeeph B1.... eaq.
IS!) BaJlk of EIJglanJ, &c.
BA~K OF rNGLA!'OD, iD Cl>, pO' at"d in'he Y!IU lci!H.
0,.· CTO,.. Joo. H.wku, F. R. A.-DiU", ""
r,,, ..ern()r, Wm. \oil'! i,h, "". M. P £1 and ,,t"l Notu, Mr. Roi ...rt
D"l)\ll~, J~r.·m. HarMeD, e..q. M. P. B'ckn.a.--lIlJ11k .'Hde 0:J!in,
G"orge B,a, kmsn, (.• q.
John Bowd,m, esq.
Mr. R..
"".·tB .... "·II·IIW'.· -3 ".,
A"". Mf'. Thv<,
Curner ... nu I..... ~.q. Rr. nn,",', M,'. J.o .. H·.lloway.-
Jam· s Call1l'bt!!I, esq. 3,.,. c...,.
COfIIl>16. Mr. f,. pqVPI.,..
IIpnry P'V,dlOl1, t'tIl' ton. Mr. Nat. H. To" le, Mr.
S'mu~1 J)" .. , ...q. Do,nl!-Iri.h i, per Cen!, <>!tIt Impe-
\\'i I'am Hald,mand ...sq. riIll A ....""'. M,. lIip.hIo ..d ,\4."0'
T:.omai f.., w", e,'!. .o"._~ p~ Cl,,", IInd ,v1l.f1!15 !Hr
J1ep,ton .f.'ong, "'I' ('.,.t" 1\1r. Gh... Surr •• ~r. 11._
\\'iJh3m,)f'\llIIiD~, 8'1. M. P. Pau·OI ....; Mr. Wm. G.: .... •.. Re-
J"rem'ah lIltyp., ~. ' gist., O.ifice, Mr. A'f,.()ar ... ~.P_·
J ••hn Hors'*'y Palflll'r, ""I' er of nIA-.y OJllu.. IIIr. Tho~.
Jlan P,,"is'lII, j,If).~. N,· ..,··.-C...MuyOJlk'. Mp. Tlws•.
jo,h&-Pe....... '-'1. Land field .• - C~pe QUia, Wr.1!..
<.:harles Pulp, uq. H. [,.·,,1 he ••
W,lliam nprney Robarts, esq. Chief Ca;hie~, Henry H~II". esq.
H"nry Smi!h. taq. Fir· t 1055's' ant, Mr. T, R;·ppon.·
J"hn S'annifolt h , PS<J. M. P. SpC(>od Ditt", Mr. Thoolas Br08.
Aodrew ·H. ."'homlon, esq. ea.hie.., C. O'ier. J. Wald,,;n. Wm.
Samuel Thornton, 'Iq M. P. Mulle"., F.· Kensall, J. &<11",
S: .. J>hrtt T~, ~£<l' lsaac Field. P. Poea.u, ThaI. T.n-
SilllluelTnr-Al;r, jlmior, esq. qu!"t, Jas. [.(oIIlmaR. J. Fleet,.o"oI,
RolWrt' Wigram, 1!5<l. M. P. Aln. lJ.onper. S.... 001 'a M.aie,!!,
je,bn Whil'lIIt.r., eaq. John CIIICk. S. KuI...., Go 'f•.i9....
.OFFIC.... (' • .l'hiliJl.S. J. ~ward, W. R. We.l~
S'cretaq• .RQ!rert Bes', '·sQ. W.Jla,r~I., 11lIac< 1W!>lh, T. Dooo-
Depu,¥, Mr. lVi!ram Smith. van, John "ollbt'n, Will. Hu.~"
As. ~t~!lt. l\f,-, K.,ight. and James Lambert.
S"('. tD C<Jmmlltee of l'r<uury. Mr. ht Clerk Esche41uer Olle.., Mr. And.
W. Sbruu.ole. Honey. .
Solicito,., ~r!. Ko),', }lmtl>ftelcl Ulttn, Bullkn Oflice, Mr. J. Hum 4
and Kaye. \Ill'.
Architec', ./!ob:. S 'ane, !!S£!. 1st In.teller, Mr. And"w ......lhlm.
Chi.., A/!c~. Wm. O."e<t, psq. l.-t Clerk DiSCI. 011",,_ Jl,fr~ W. Cu,·H.
J>.oputy. 1\1 •• Vfm. Hu chin.on. 0.110 I;'U Oftioe, Mr. J.Ftekett.
Ass~tan~, Mr. R"bert Bryer. . D:!t" Drawing.Office for )lub!:c Ac-
PanlClPA£ Cr.HIt<. ,enun'., Mr. J •.",..pil Clark.
Accompt47ll', O.lfim, for; £5. Netu D:\t<l Private Accollnll, !\Jr, Thomas
..lid uPlllllrdI, Mr. FA ..ard Be(}ll~5', $urr. .
--~A~ INDIA COMPANv-;-;!abii;heuin 1700.
D,~,c"'olls. lWillia~ -\It'llJ. e$q. M. lIo
Hon. Wm~ Fullarton E1pbinslonl', Richaril Chi('hel~y Plowd"D, eaq.
Ch~lrw.a1I, £500. I ,John HOOdlesoon, r.q.
JIl. Ini'lII.e.'l'
Dep.Chll.rman .. £300. Jubn Bebi>, -PIK).
Cha~; M:I.!", ~sq. M. P. ~jalQes Patt'son,. ....1.

Ahr.bamR~beth, esq. M: P. rlca..

Pb. Majaribanka, tsq.
Charles Grant, • sq. M. P. Jobn Jackson, elK). M. P.
G~orjl;e Smith, ~'l"M. P. Georg" Abercrpwby RobinlOD,·ner..
S'QUy Toone, esq. M. P. .
P.ast India, Company. 151
J, ..... AIeSODller ~_lerman, eaq. WareJ,ou# .tdp<!n.
JItfDM Iloniel, esq. Company'j Husband amI Sslt-petre
Joon BlHen Ta,tor, esq. Wart'h.-kCf'pers, ftcbert. Gear, nq.'
Samnel D... is, t!IOlJ. Assistant, John Foster, psq.
R(.bert C erk, 1'Iq. OfT~as, &;c. Jobn Stockwell, nq.
Hoo. Hugb Lindsay. A•• istan', Thomas Saundprs, "4
Jobn Morri., 81Iq., Of Benoal GoOOs, H. Dicken:wo, t'Sq.
David ScoU, e&IJ. A.... tallt, Jobn Jone., f'Sq.
Ales. Allan,l"Iq\ M. P. £3ro. each. Private Trade, Thomas Cleeve, esq.
OFFICEU. AE.istant, Wm. Johnson, esq.
hretary, JalDf'8 C"bb. Coast and Sluat,Geo, Mutdaunt, rsq.
Deputy, j.""pb Dart, ~oq. Ass:stant, Rob:. M. Bamard,e'q.
ExaminH uf India Con-e.pondence, Pepper Ollars, T. W'. H. Wood-
Samuel JublllltODP, eoq. thorpe, rsq.
AAiltant S,'erf'taries, Wm. MOCal- Baggage Warehouse-Keeper, Wm.'
wSh, TMmat W.Rundllll, aod Evans, esq, ' ,
Natllaniel 8. Hlllbed, esqrs.. Standing C(}unsel; Bern.rd Bosao-,
AOOOIIIplant-Gen. Chas. Gar''''nght, qucI, esq. , '
t'Iqo S .Iicitor, Henry Smith, esq.
DPp,,!,., <ko1"ge Patet'Sl'fl. esq. Hisloriogr:Jphel', John IImee, esq.
Treasl1rl'1', John A. O,lmollr, nq. F. R. S,
Deputy, Charles Mortimer. esq. Oriental Librarian, C. Wilkins, esq.
Pavmftlltfl' of S.ilor'. W'a8f!S, JIt~ F. R. S. and n. C. I~
Coggan, e..4t. Cbal'lain, Rev. Sa.m. Hoole. M. A.
Depnty Comelioe Wit teDoom, esq. .
Clerk ,~ Comlll. of Sh pping. :JoIIn EAST-IIfDIA ErrrAlLtIHMINT.
M ...ricfo, t'M!' , &iIG.u. •
.A·sist.ot. Richard Le GI'OII, etq. . St4pmm Council
PriYate Trade OIlt1rardt, AIIg. War, GOY. Gen. },;arl of MOlra,·K. G.
ren, esq. ..L. Itall Commander of the Fore",", and Se-
Tra.osfer A<:eomrt' Ruu. N. ,esq, eood iD Cuunl'il, Gen. 8" Oearse
Ass,.t. J. H. Keonedy, eS9' Ni.srn' bart. K. B. .
Freight ACCO~~I, W. Reincock, esq. Th,rd ;'n Council. Ne;1 B., Edmon~-
DPpaty,'!4. S.II,\'I')I', esq., . 5ton~, 1'0'\.
Clk. ,to Comm. 01 Warehouse, R. Fourth ill Coupcil. Arch. Setr;m, caq.
~Ihett, nq. . Cbief Sec. Oeo., 1'"'1.
A!lSlltant, Wm,. Stmon~. . Private Scc. to the Gov. Geu. Jobn
Clerk Id Committee ar Buy"t@'jDarth. Adam, esq. ' ,
, Bro.n, esq. M,litary Sec. Ch.s. Wrighte" 'lar-
Assi.tant, l,bn Woodcock, esq., Itner eM!. ,
Auditor, and Cluk to lbe Comlllitte,' . '
of Law-,nitll, Wm. Wrigbt, esq. Supreme COIIrt of Judicatwre.
Aaaiat.·Aaditot, TboIIlas Woodboullf', Chief .Just. atld Juofge of" the Vice
esq. Admiralty Court, HoII. Sir ~w.
I!Iecret1I;ry tor Military 0>t-1'<'IIpCIId- Hyde Ea,t, knt.
ence, Jame. Salm(.n, e.q. ' Judges, Hon. Sir Juhll Royds, knt.
Pa}'UI8llt.e,· to tbe Military Pimd, Hon. Sir Wm. lSurroughs, bart.
Wm. Forsteen; esq. Advocate Gen •. Ed •• I'Itrettell. esq.
Mast. attend. of Shipping, Capt. Stand. Cou"cil, R. C. Fellguson. e'q.
Joe. Boulderl'On. Clerk ohhe Crown, J.' A. SimplOn
Ass'ataot, Capt. J. W. Hilt&n. esq. . ' '
Snrveyor of Sbippm" J. HiUman, e&q Reg. 'Vice Adm. Coun, D. Heminr,
p,pgisur India Reconlf, Wm. Jack- esq •
.ua. etq. '.
IS! East India Establishment, &c~

Judge ~dt'ncatp, Lieut. Col. Henry Jud~C8. Hon. Sir Fra. l\facnagbten,
F"a Calcrafl. knt. So .. J,hn H"nry .I'\",,·boll, knt.
Bishop uf Calcutta, Tboe. Fanshaw udge Ad,. ,G, ... Sir ~m, T .. lIer. knl.
M:cldIHon, D. D. , !<"gistrer Adm. Cuurt, Hen. Gaba-
Archdeacon, Rrv. a.."ry L. Lormg gan, esq. '
ChaplalD, hey. J1S. 'Wart!, D. D. CI,apfain, Rev, Cha •• Ball, D. D.
COLLEGE 0)1' F"Rl'W"ILP~M. DO~!B.Y. '
G )Ye"'Or'.' CounciL
The MrmhArs'oi the Supreme C,un, q ,vernor. R;-~hL Huu. Sir EvanNc-
eil, 'the 1",lgp,s of the Sudder De- pean, bart.
,'vaune "uawlut, aDd Nizaum A. ·omm. of tb .. Forces, 4\ Lieui.
dawluL ' ' Gen. Wm. Wllkin."n. •
o 'professors. , Geo. Bl'Own, esq.
Of the Laws ana RegulatioD,S of B"i, ',hn Elphinsto", eoM\.
tis!. India: - - :4.I-ex. Beil, ~8q. ,'
Arabic and Persian, Mr. Lumsd ..n., Chief Secretary, Fran. Warden ~'l.
Of the Hindu S aDni, Capt. 1. W. ilil4ry SL'i;. JamC8 Fa,rish, e&c{. '
Taylor. -, Recorder; Alex. All"trllth'lr, elq.
Chaplain, Rev. P. Limrick. Advocate Gen. H G. Macklin, elK!.
Teacher of Ih~Sati6crit and Mahratta Clerk of the Crown, Wm ••\. Moa:.
Language';, RtJv. Dr. Wm. Cary. gan, esq., ,,'
Accomptant; H. ~t. Geo. 'tucker, Register, A. Wm. Morgan, r~.
elK!' ' . C,1-!aplain, Jlev. ~i"holas Wade.·
Auditor, yv m~ E~erton, esq. ST. HE~t:N",
MIID .... SS. Coud '
Supreme C,uttdL . oV~,rnor, ,Colonel ,Mark W~lk5.
(;ov. Ri!(ht Hilo; Hugh EUiot. Lt. Gov. Li. Col. John Skeltoo.,
Commander o(,tlle F-Jrces, Lt. Gen., (n. Webber DCluLOn, esq.
Sir Tbfimas Hlstop, barl.' Robert LR>ch, efq.
Coimcil, Itobert Fullertoll, anil Ro. Chief Sec. TnoR. ·H. BrooJ<e, elK!'
bert Alexander, psqrs. 0" Chaplain, ~v. ~ich,!-r.4,Doy ••
Chief S.c. Geo. ~Hachf!.. ' ,
Military Sec. E<.lwi.rd Wood. PRINCE 0, W"tES'S I~~AIiD.
Civil Sec: F.d". Hill." Govemoraud C"mmaoder ill Chjef.
, (ourt of Judicatllrtl., ' Wm. Petr;e~ <;Sq. 90,001., '
Chief JIISli"~, and' Jl\dg~ of Ihe V. Recorder, S'r Edm. StaDle~'. kat,
'AdtJI. Court, Hun. Sir r. A. Secretary, Wm. Clul>ley, ~"q.
Strange, kid. Botanist, C. Smith, esq. F. L. S.

SOtl1~SBllCoII!P.UtV. 1710. :Couusel,J. B. BO!'an'l.ud,esq.,

Q..v"ruor. The King. ,Solicitor, Ra/ph Dunn, "sq. '
Sub, Governor, Chas. BasaDquet, esq. r---:
Cashier, James Ta"80n, "sq.' L ~USst& COMPANY, 15,';.5.
n.~puly,1'hom8ti ~napp, esq. !Guve.(nor, Samuel Tllorqtim, esq.
Secretary, Harry ~,esq. M. P. '
Accompt. John "",!pb; esq. 'Deputy, Alex. R Sulhprland, ..sq.
n."p"ly, Nat. Si m P5Ol!, .. sq. lConsuls. Job. M. Raik.·" lsane Solly,
Ch. Clerk Trallsf"r Ofhc(', William I SaDI. I'!lewe,Dan. H. Rucker,p"'1'</.
HUDt, eaq. .. 'JSecretary, J. A. de R.,,;mf'r, eSlI. '
Trading Companies. 153
C159. M,neral., MetalS, &c. Scotland.
Governor, Lord GreDville. 1730.
n.puty, .~ob Bo~anquet, f"l. GOltrnOr, Iknry BoltoD. fO.q.
Treasur~, j..m"" G.-ecn, ..sq. Dep. GOY. Nich. Pearse, esq.
Spcft"tary, Geo. Lidolell, .. sq.
Solicitors, Me,..-•• Kaye and C·,. ENGLISH COPP&R C·,MPANY. 1691.
G~ve rnor, Josepb Cotton, ""I'
E.a.s·rLAIID C"M~ANY. 1579. Deputy, Allln. Mello, eaq.
Governor, GdO. Norman, *'''1' S<>cretary,1I1r. J')hn GUD.ton.
D.·p, Gov. Samuel T"ornfnn, esq.
T"""urer, T:.ol. Fulley Forster, ""I, BRf'II<H CvPPEfl C"MPANY
Secretary, J. A. de R ·imer, "sq. ""q:
Cllairmall, M,ch. Barn.·tt,
Deputy, John Gray, ~'q.
AFRICAN COMPANY. 1662. Secr<'tary, J()I~h Chaler, esq.
C()~mitlee. .
For London, In. Swanzy, Richard WES'r bl>IA D0CK COMPAIIV. 1799.
M. Wy"oe, Thos. Mono", esqr!. Cl' C r R be
Felr Btis'ol, D.IO. Cave, Thomas )alrman, () ID :'. rtsoD, esq.
Reed, J T; Vaughan, esqrs. IDepu y, Jel"nll.,n,dl~II, esq.
Fur Liverpool, John Backho\1se,. S"crela'Y, Tb!,s. M~rshom, esq.
Ja •• Bam!'8, Gen. Barnes, esqr.. ~--n C
Secretary, !limon Cock, £Sq. . . ND",CK "MPAIIY.
JW;- •
. S!llicitor R"bt. S'nitlr e"'t. Cnalrman, Beeslon L'>ng, e9q.
____' _ _ ' Deputy,.S'rCharlcs Bayn"s, bart.
HUDSON'. BAY COMPASV. 1750. Tr..asur~r, Johll IlIglis. <'sq.
Governor. Jo •• Ber..... ,jun. e.q. Secretary, JOhn It.bins'JIl, e.q.
Deputy, John H. P ..lly, esq. -
!lecretary, Mr. Alex. L~an. EAS"l'-lNDIA D"cK Co"~AMY,
Chairman, Josenh Cotton, e.q.
Pres'dent, Lord Sheffield. Deputy, John W •• ,Imore, e.q.
Chairman, Ber.j Shaw, ('Sq. M. P. S 'crf'tary, John FarraD, esq.
S"licitOl', Tim. Tyrrell, £Sq.
Deputy, Jobn W. Buckle, tsq.
Secretary, Nato Arch.son, e.q. ------.----
S1JC18TY BRITISH N. AMSRICA." Chairman, Sir Charl ... Price, ~rt.
MIRCRAII,", 1809. neputy, John Saint Barhe, esq. -
Chairman, J.Jug'i_, eaq. Treasurer, Sir Charles Price, bart.
Deputy,J. Bainbridge, esq. ----
Secretary, Nat. Atcheson, e"l. GRAND SURREY CANAL DsCE
~bairmRD at Qllebec, Hon. Jame CuMPANY.
lrvine. Treaillrer, James Heygate, eaq.
Ditlo at MODtreal~ H'm. Jobn Ri Secretary, Mr. Sarn. T,avers.
char4son. ---_
Ditto at'Halifax, Wm. Sallatier, esq. .LoNDON BRIDGE WATER .WOllK8.
Ditt~at Se. Jobn'., New Urunswick, Treasllrer, R'chard P"l'cival, ""'t.

H()n. J R ,binson. Secrctary, Mr. Richard Till.
- Engineer, Mr. Jobn Foul.u.
CrJRPORATINf for 1'imr-hhlg ch\\'l! - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ __
J""3cl, .itb Pit and Sea C"al. NEW RIVER WATER WORES.
1692. Governor, Juhn Walker, esq.
G"verllor, Jacob Hag"n, f'sq. Ifflpuly, Richard Benyon, e.q.
Deputy. J-mes Palmpr. e.q. I'reaaurer, S:tmlld G.trnault, e.q.
Secretary, Mr. R. Tippler.
Police otIic:es.~ers in Londo••
S 'cre'.ry. JADles, !>"P"II. ~_q_._ _ Th,,~. Ab. GreeD, ('Iq.
EAOT L NO .. II WAIlR W.,alts. Deputy, Wm. P'sher. esq.
Chsi,ItIs", Jot'n Ord, -to S'crelsry, Wm. K. Kni,ht.'eIq.
Deputr, Al>raham Pann", nil. - - ------
"~nginf'.. r, Mr. Joo. Stpto\'eus, GRAf<D JUI'CTIOII WATBR WORIt••
S cr.' .... , Mr, T. N, Pickf"'jo." Chairman, R.Jbert Clf'rk, ...q.
SOD'lY L' '1'0011 WATIIIl WORItS. Rng,oeer, John Rpnnil', esq.
Cb'rman, J"twph Shfe, f'Ml. Secretary. Mr. W. M. CQe.
Chid' C!ertr, M. C. Marsba".


Bow.&treet, CO\'ent, Garden. Daniel WiUiamt, kilt. 'Wm. In-
Magistrat..., (Chief) Sir Nathaniel range Rogt'fS, esq. ,
C nant, John Nares, Rich. Dir, Cle.k., Mr. Thomp&On, Mr. Wm.
nie, f'sq". 0&m8n.
C!erks, Mr. Stafford, 1\%r. Thomas. Hi h I Sh d ./
Mr. Kt?'eop. • I_·S reet, ,:-.a we••
Constabhp. ]clhn Towulend. Pat, M~lStratl'., Georg<> Story, Edward
)'a"mauu~. Jo. SlY~", J. p"arluo. Ma'klllll~, Henry Gregg, ..sqn.
S,. pho·n Lavt'nder, John VI'O lEery Clerk., Mr. J. J. Mallet.t, Mr. T.
Ha, ry Adkins, S. Taunton. ano' ~lleLt.
100 oth,.. ConaIRliI,'s and Patro!1'S , •
S.lary Cbi, f Mag.slrate 12ilCl. ~uet'n'a S'lot8''', Wes!ommster.
The olber two GOOI. each. Ma'Il.'raleF,P,at Colquhoun, D, C. L.,
Wm. Field ng, Thomas JlerneJ'S
Oreat Mallborll'.slreet. Pl..sto.... esqrs. . '.
M .
,atlstrates, Ph'""p Neve" .. _L.
..."",rl Clelk., 1\-lr. Black.
_ _ .. _ Mr. Miller.
Baker. G.iO •• II:cks. e .....,.. Union· Hall. Soulhwark.
,clel'b, Mr. li'BSon, Mr. J. Fietcher. MagislratE'S, Th... £\'auce, R. J.
---- Chamber.., Qaker In. S"1I0", eaqrs.
HaIl()ll·Gard~n. eler/", Mr. Ja.. Reeve. Mr. J.,Km.
)fa,:lhates,Johll Turton, Tboma Ion.
LPach, Rooert R, inlrnrd, efqra. Rrce;\'er I}f' the ~l'e Oi&cMs, J"ha
Clelks, 1IIr. Ford, M... Sbearman. Bald_in, esq.
WONip-atret't, S!tOf!C!ditcb. , Thames p.)lice Offioe,WqapiDg.
Mi~i9Irate., John Giftbrd, JOlII'ph Sp.kW. Justices, .lobn. Ihrrioflt,
M{lIIl'I', Nfju. S;r Wm. Paf88Dl. Wm. Kinnai"" JIlhn
knt. oaqra.··
C1ptk" Mr. YaRl:"', Mr. W'-HIiem ReCt'her, Pat. Colquhoun, D.,C. J.
, Heritagf'. Clerks, Mr. 8ymOlll. Mr. P"II.
'll a'"er Su"eyOtll, 8 ,La_ CoD.
Lambeth-'Weet, Whit«bapel. ataMps, 60 R.iftr Con...".... or
M.gistrat., lliee D."i.... eaq. Si WaterBlm. &c:..

Au.ten, )fallDde, Auaten, aDd T.lann, No. 10" HeDrietta..ueet, Co....t.
GaJden. ' "
lIarclay" Trittun, ]levan, aDd C,}. N~.~, Lombard,allftt
Blnkere in Lendon.
~, Diadalfo, /HId O:....lale, No. so, CBm]till
Biddu'pl>, ex'b, a .. d R 'dll"', ~o. 4.3, Ch"ring-cross
Birdl .nd ChIImbolrs, Nu. 100, New Bout! stn>et
Bond, John, Sou, and, No. 2, Exchange·all,.,.
BosalJquet, Beacboruft, Andwon and Fnn, kc, No. '73, .Lombard-s!r8(·t
Bouv,.rie Bod Antrobus, No. 3', CAaven .tre.,t
Bro<.ks, Son, and 0 lIOO. No. 25, Chancery-lane
Brown, Lall8borllP, an4 BTailaford, No_ 25, Bueklenb1JI)"
Bro ... n, C»bb, and Co. No. 66. Lombard.strt'et
Bruce, Simpson, FrePn, aM Ma .. kenzi~, No. 2, Bartholome... lane
Chatl. ris, Whit more, and Co. No. 240, Ltmbud .. treet
Chi Id aoil Co. NIl_ J, Flpet-,t rI'f t
Cou"" (Thorn..) alld Co:. 59, Strand
COli, Med", alld Co"~ No. 2. C,S'S C ,,/,"', l.iltle-B;italn
Cunieo. Ra;kp . ' . , and Co. No. 29, C,rnhill
DjlV;SI.>D, (AI"".) Noel Hou. Wm. Temple., Middleton, and W~d,wood~
No. 340, Pall. Mall '
Dpnrison, J.meph, an4 C". No. 106, Fenchurch-strN>t
Dcrrien, M_gen" O:>rriFn, and MeH." No. 22, Finch·IJne
Down, TIW",ton, Fr.e", aDd Down, No. I, Barth<..lomew.lane
D~nd. and Co. No. 409, Charing-cross
&«Jaj'e, (Sir Jaml's~ F..,.d"il"',.HamDlPt., and Co. ,~o. 21, vmhard-street
Everelt, Wa'k"r, Ma!I"Y, E~F., ami Co. No. 9, Mao,ion-H.,use atret't
Pry and S·)n., lI4i1dr,·d', court, P.,ultry .'
Fulier (Ril'hard Rod O'lor.,,) and en. No. 84, Co,hbill
01)'0, (Sir Rich. Carr,ba!'.) Mills, ",-li~ax, O:yn, and eO. N,'. 19, B:rchin.
lane .
Gosling, (Fraocisand Will.) and Sbarp, No. 19, P1t'
HamDl~rslt'y', Greenwood, Drew and Bnx.kobank, No. '70, Pall.Mall
Ha"k' y. an.lCa. NE>. 7, Fenchurc ....street
Hf'rties, Fa quhar.Hsflid~y, and Cllapman, No. 16, SI. Ja-'. Itref't
Hoar~, lieu,y, He... y·lIu,b, Cflules, W,lIiam.JienllJ', and Henry Mer.
ri( k, N". a7, Fleet.... tr.... t
Hodso:l, andS'erlill{{ S.r Waiter, bart. N·). 3H, near Catherioe...t. SI rand
HopkinS<lI1s, No. 5, St. Alban',.street, Pall-Mall
Jones, Le yd and Co. No. 43, Lothbury ,
Lad/lrnke." )\Tataon, aod Gillmao, Bar.k.bui!dings
Lees, Satt.. rthwaite, DraM",., and Parr, No. 71~,Lo.rd·lICreet
Lubbot:'k, (Sir John, hart.) LlIbbock, For»ter, aDd Clark~, No. 11, Man.
sioo- H,",sp.-street
Marsh, S bhald, Straeey, F~lIn,t.l .. roy. anll Ste_rt, No. 6, Beroer's,street
MarleD, Hale and C,II, No. 25, Old Bond street
Martin, SlOU", and Martin, No. 68, Lolllhtlrd· Btre<>t
~aalt'r\ll3n, :Peters, Mildred, Mallterma,o. ,and CQ. No. 2, White hark·
court, Gracecb.llrch s!reet.
Minn~lt and F.etor, Austin Prius'
Mor'aDd. Raa.oms, and Co. Ne. S6,. Pall. Mall
Pares aud Heygat~, No. 63, ,,"'ermaobury
P:!xtons, Cockerell, Trail; and Co. Pall-Mall
P~rio(, (Sir Jobn, batt.) Sha .... Barber &lid Go. Ne. 7!!, Comhill
Praeds, Mackworth, and N~"CQIJlbe, No. 189, Fleet-street
PrtsCQtl, (Sir G. W.) Grate, and Pr8llCott, No. 69, Tb_dneedle.stred
Pri~t, (S,l" Cbartes, bart.) Kay, (Sir Wllliam, bart.) PriM, and Chap!ll4".
No. I, Mansioo·bouae-Itre<>t
PlIget, Bainbridge and CQ. C.,lIege Warwick-Jane . '.
It.amabottoml, Newmallf. ilamabottomaodCQ. IW. U, Loa.rd..,_t
156 Bankers in .London.-Britilib eolonies.
Robartl, CarUs, (Sir W....but.) Robarts, and Curti" No. U, LoabiLl'd-
.'reet ,
R&.:ers, Towgood, B.ogtn, Arnold, Olding, and Boycott, No. 29, ClemeDt'~
SanlOlft, Postletbwaite, and SanllOm, No. 65, Lnmbard.atreet
Sbarpe (Wm.) and S .1", No. 8, Weat Smithfield
Sl)tes, Snaitb, and Cl. No. 5, Mansion-houle·street
Smitb, Pa,o", aDd Sm.tIu, George•• treet, by the lt2ansion-boUH
Suo.. , Sandby and Pau', No. 21'1, Strand
Spoo"er, Attwood" aDd Spoon.,r, No. 2'1, Gracechurch.street
StephensonB, Rpmiogtunl, S.I.ilb, aud Co. No. 69, Lombard-street
Sleven5,1I and Salt, No. 50, Lomba ...J·
Ta~lor, Hanbury, Bowman, and Lloyds, No. 60, Lombard.street
Vf're5, Smart, Baroo, aod Ha ..1I;,n5, No. '17, Lombord-street
'Velltworth, Clla!o,u'r, .1111 Risl ..... rth, No. 25, Tbrt>adneedle..treet
W •• !on, Piabom, (Sir Jubn, knt.) Ne_sum", an!! Weston, jun. No. 3",
WilliaDlB,Soo, Moffatt, BnrgeR, and Lane, No. 20, Birchin-Iane -
Will i., Perci .."I, aud Co. No. '16, Lcmhard alre.. t
Wli;lht, Tbomas, aod Co. No. 5, HeDrietta.~!rc..t, Coveut.garde,l.


Gi/mlll.,.. jTown.Major, Lt. Col. Henry NillOD.
ao... Gen. FteId·Ma'" Duke 0 Mt>dical Staft'.
Kent, K. G. 80: K. P. In.pector~Geoeral ttf Hospitals, Dr.
Lt. Go... Cen Gra. Don. Franklio. _
Sec. GHI. W. Wickham, *111' 4001. Naval DepartmeQt.
P ..ym. -Hon. A~ Pbippa. 5+'71.10.. \commiS811rV• Capt. W. A.Otway.
Principal C ..... S'''res. JuIm Sweet- Nav. Store Keeper, Wm. I. West, esq.,
laoct, nq. 54'11. 1'7,. Agent-Victualh,r, P. Wilk.e, esq.

tberall, J 151. s..

Bec. to tile Go""mor.
Chap. to tile Gov. Rev• .Jobn We· Commissary for Pnloners {If War,
CaP!· P. Lamb.
Vice. Admiralty Court. -
Judj(e of the Vk.'C Adm. Court. Rd. J IIdge, John Se"ell, D. • L. -

Mouotoey J"pbson, eaq. 1'7111. 1'la. Kin~'. Advoca,,,,

R.egister, Marshal, Jo. Jacksoo, ..sq.
Marsbal. Jollo Tyrwhitl, eaq. Registrar, John Lockyer, eiq.
·J'own·M";,,r, _ S~lJior Collusel, R. Forrest.
661. 8 •. 9<1. Proctors, T. Wittenoom, J. Jaek-
T"~II-",;j. Lt. D. nriIY, !Ill. 1'15. 3d. 000, C. E. Fenton, and - - -
Rurll. l\1aj. W. W. Fr...... Ronvier.., esqr••
Ext. Snrg H~n. Gl...... ~91. 6g. 3d. Ventlue-MaSIf'r, R. R. Wood.
SllllerioknflalJl Gt.neral oitbe Hu.· Quarautille and Puhlic Healtb De~ .
pital., IIk,..iu NuOlb. pallm.".t.
Mate, A Irxaoder B."eII. Sunerintendant Gen. and Pr"s;".nt or
Prov; Mar.h. John !lop, 6911. :Js. B'18rd ofHeallh, Wm. x.ton, .sq.
1!l;l!nal.Man. Rd. Odcre, I'll. SI. 9. ,CJmmissaries •. the C,lUnt d" M!r~-
Turukt'y, Ridl Ciuoo, ;71. Ss. 9d cbesi, and Baren S. D. Gauci.
Captains nf the Purt, Col. Parni.and
Jlnllil. C,1. Scerri.
Govp.rnor aDd Commander iD Chief, Warden of the L¥aretto,-- Pullil,.
Rt. HOD. T. Maillaod. .
Pu.blic I:iec. ke... F. LaiD,. Hdi~o:tmd.
Prl\'ate S""",lary G 'v. C 1. Will. Osb H~m;lton.
Militar.1 St:c. Ca~:. Hamiltoll. L•• Gu •• L.CJI. Henr,- K:II~.
,ritilh ColorUeI. 157
LOl1Jlr Cannda. R c. G,'n. H. C"Id..,ell, f'Iq.
(,Jov. Gen. Lt. Gen. Sir George Pre. C"II~ctor, T. Scutt, esq.
, vOlt, bt. lomplroUer, C. SI"1tort, f'£q.
Lt. Gov. of ).ower CaQada, C,i. Surv.. yor ('",neral. J. Bouch..U.., ~,
William 10hnl,08. Surv•••f Woods, J. Collin, ....q.
Civillp.~""Iary to the Governor. Her· Provillrial Agent, Ril-hald C"mlM!r.
man W. Ryland, esq. land, ""'1'
Military S<>cretary. N. Freer, eaq. Commi"ioap.. 'or m.nag;ng tIle F...
Lt.. G.,v. ofGasp~,-F.. rbe •• esq. late. f.. rmerly lw!nng;III: 10 the J,'-
Bishop of Qllebtoc, Rt. Rev. J.cob 8uil., T.Durm, T Pc",y, J. w,r~
Mountain. n. D. liams, fle.thul"r O·A.tiguy, alltJ
Eftcutiv. Co ul1c;l. Thp Ch;,·f Justicf', R. W.·Rylancl, '"q'''
tbe Bishop 0' Quebec. P. R. de Stjcurporation of t .... TrlOity HouR at
Ours, F. Baby. T. Vnnn. Jaml:S Quebec.
M'Oill, James Monk, I' A. de Muter. J. Young, eaq.
:BoDOI', J. Yhung. J. Williams, J. D, poty. J. PdiOler. f'aq.
eral!!ie, and ~ L. P,net; e;qrs. C,'pt. o( Port, F. Bomcher,l'SI}.
lert, H 'rm a 0 'V. R. land, e'q Oove,nmpnt'. Agent for tile Purcllul!
lA,ial. C"uocil, H. AIlCO<·k.SI"'~k ..r, (If H··mp, J. W. Cla,ke, "iq.
the B .hop of Queb..... T. DUlln, Dpplltv fur tbe District of QuelJM.
'p·1t de St. 00", F. Baby, C d .. 1 L. Fay, I'!q.
J.aoaudier., A. de BOllcb.. ,v 1Iil, H.lDepuly for tbe District of three Ri.
Caldwell, J. l\lonck, e'q'•• SIT J'j
JohnsoD,bart.C. de L·,tblnier.. ,G. E.
vel"ll, T Collin, eaq.
Upper Canadll.
'tUl'hereau,and T. Will>ams,esqrs. Lieut. Go... Franc" Gor.., ('Sq.
Clerk and Master in Cbancery, Wm. Chie'. Just Thomas &COtt, esq.
Smitb, f ' a q . ' Judge cfComQlOll i'leas, W. D. Puw-
Cle.k of the CroWD in Chancery, ell.. ,~.
Hemmn W. Rylaoo. esq. • Alt. Gen.
Pu;.ne JudgEs of the COllrt of King'. Solicit. Gen. Dsrcy B'1Ulton, ftl).
Bench, (or tbe District of Quebec,SurveY(ir Gen. of Laud., Thomas·Ri •
•T. DUAn, P. A. de Bonne, .nd J, dout, ~.
WilJiam., f'Bqn. In8pf'ctor 0·'0. oj Proorinc Accomptill
Cblp.r JUltice "f Montreal, Jooathan H ..n. John M Gill"
Sewell, ~q. Aud. O-·n. Hon. Prideaux.S<>lby.
Puilne Jud~eo, P. L. Paoet, J. Og. Sec. and Retriot. Wm. Jarvi., e"".·
den, and J. Reid, 1IIft'1. Clerk of the Crown, John Small, fttt.
Provincial Judge-at Three RiYer9, Naval, J ..ho Powell,~. -
L. Foucher, e a q . · Agent, W. D. AdaDl8. "'I'
Prorincial J Udllte for lbe Inferior Kx"culive C01lJl1ellon, the Chief J","
District ot Gas~, Wm. Crawford, lice, the Bishop, Huo. J •• Baby.
eaq. Pr.deaus Selby, Lt, Col. Kneas
AttOTDey and Advocate Gen. N. F. - "h...., Hon. Alrx. Orant, Joh.
Uniackp, esq. M'Om, Hon. Wm. D. Po...,JI.
iPlicitor Gen. Sam... Slnart, L~slativ.. Counael, Hon. Chief JU8'
JOOge of the Admi ...lty, Jam tice Scoft, Speaker; tbe· ~bop,
lCerr, eIlJ. Hon. James Bahy, Rt!. Cart... nght;
Ditto 6lr QtJf'bre, Ieeae 08den, esq AI"". Grant, Rd. Duncao, Eue...
R~r, G. Hawdan, eaq. Sh."·,Ju. M'GilI.
'Jecretary and Register of the Pro Clerk of the Parliament, John Powellf
vioce, - AmVQt, eaq. e-q.
Deputy, John Taylor, esq. Master in Ch.acery, Will. fL ~d"
~art.r~~WII. W.... ~wllec:k,eI4j•• "in, 81;1\.
158 British Coi6nie8.
!fajor of Drigad~, Lt. Col. Eneasl NnI1 BI'fI~. c

Sba... . Lt novo G~n. ThODlaB earleton. etIt(.

Tuwn Adj. at Furt George, Ma},.: Ch. Just, "',,,a 1!.an B,I ss, ,
C .. mpbell. ,JIII·i<:e., John Saundtr., td-a-. Wins-
Dep. Supui"t~ncb"t General of India, kw, Ward Chipm~n esqrs. '
Affairs, Wm. Claus, eiq. At!. Geo. Thomas "''''more, esq•
.Aasislant at Di!lroit,Capi. Tbe., Mac Sol. (leD. J. M. Bliss, esq.
Kee. ' 8<><,. Rfg and Clerk of the CouDcil,
INputy Surveyor of Wood" Tboma J,oathao OtIeIl, e'q.
M~rrit, esq. Ra'. Gen. And Rainsford, ".q. ,
Surveyor Gen. of Lands, Geo. Sprowloe.
Nova Sco/is. t'.&q.
Liput. Gov. 8,·d V. Adm. Lt. O"l!"ra! Collector, W. Wanton, eaq.
Sir John Cope Shp',broke, K. ll. ComptroNl'1', R.)bert Park." eaq.
Cnmmander of the Pun'e.;. Naval Oft'. Francis Gilbelt, elq. '
Rishop, Rt. P..ev. C. Ioglis, D. D. A!(eot, ,
C.:h. Just, S, Sailer Blo..'.r., esq. PIOV. ' Agent, Lhrard Goldstone I.ot.
2.1 Judjl;p, Jam e , H. l\Jonck, ..;q. wy,·h ...
:;d Judge, Rr.. nton Ihllihurton, e~q. ----~---
Attorn. Ci·n. It. J. Ulliacke, ,sq. DJ Prince EdffHlrd, 6V~A ..t
Sol. Gen, Jan,e. Stewart, .. sq. St.IJItDTe"CIJ.
Prolhonotary Rnd Clerk Oflh" Crown Lt. Gov. C. D. l"olj\h, ('sq.
Wm. Thomson, "sq. Ch. Jus" al.d Pres:d"nt of the CoUD-
Secretary of the P"ovinN', Rec. ann cil, TIlOmas Trpmlett, esq.
Clerk of tbe Council, Solmuel Hooo Speaker, Robert Hodgson, esq.
GeorSp, .sq. At,. G. n. - - Johnslooe, esq.
Trta8urer, Michapl Wal1ac:e, psq. s..I,citor.(l,·"eri'I, ,
Ch. Sur,\,. of Lan"', t:;. M Ifril, e~q., Secr"tary, Reg ster, and Clerk of the
Surv. Gen. of K,ng'e \VoO<ls, Sir Jobn OJcncil, ThomllS !J"bur;say, esq.
Wenh.orth. • Sun'PYOl' ,G"lIeI111 of Land_, Thoma ..
Naval Qftjcer, John ~with, "sq. Wrigb t , esq. ,
Collector of the (;ult(.m& at Hal.fax, Na"al Officpr, and C.•1IO'ctor of Cus-
Thomas Nicholson Jdfery, "Iq. \oms, WOI,To.. "s·r.~, Psq. -
Camp. John Slayter, .1'1' Comptroller, Jamp> L. Desb"res, ,sq •
. Deputy Paymaater, O. J. W.Ui8llls, Rece; .....-General of QUit-rents, J~
eaq., ' Stl1art t f'sq.
lkarcber, ,John Nawton, esq. Ch.pla'n, Re<r. Thomas n.s~ri&8y. ,
Collector of ,l,e "cslomsat Strelburo(', Prv,'. Mer$bal, Russet Mallners, e'q.
Henry Wrillht, esq. Comtlljssary of S:ores aod Prov;s;OM.
Comptroller, Colin Campbe\l, esq. Akxander Howe, eo.q. '
S.uneyor, A. S. Bruce, esq. Barrack-Master and Ordnaoce-Sto~
,Judge of the Vice.A,Imira'ty Court, ke<-p,'r, J. F. Hollaad) esq. •
Alexander Croke, D. C. L. C.!onial Tre98t1rer, Rob. Oray. esq.
Ht·, Tho. Howe Parker, eaq. Garrison CIIaplain, R.v. Rd. Grant,.
Marshal, James Plltman, e'q, Towo Maj.", Ronald M'Dooald,et.q.
AjJeot, Thomas James l\lathiai, esq King'J Agent, J. N. Dllntze, Esq. ;.
Ki"lf" Collegl>, 181J2. Colonial Ag"DI, Philip Codd, esq. -
(lO'-emors, Sir John Wentworth, bt. .:....
B,shcp of Nova Souti., Sam. S~lter ~ Breton. -
Illowers, £Iq. R. J. Uoiacke, t'1II' Preaident, MajOr Gea. Swayne.
JaDl.t's Stewart, esq. Ch. Jllft. ,Arcb. Charles Podd, elq;~
J>~lron, Abp. of Canterbury. A·t. Gen. Wm. Campbell, eaq. ' '
'Vl.'~r, Bls""r of Nova Scotia.' Prov. Marshal, Jobo Hames, esq.
p.'uideut, Rev. ThomBI PQrter. Naval Ofieer, Georp Moore, ~
:British Colonies. U9
S,'c. and Reg. - Smyth,', elq. Ilep. - - C'a,k .. , "Iq.
King'. Agent, George hIed, ell<!> N",'. ()flker, W. H. E. Dentinc".
Cunector, Pbil'p Dumaresq, uq. Judge of the V Cl! :\dm. C"urt, J. \V;

Comptroller, Ranna CUSI>itt. C 'Olpt.n, D. C.l.
Surv. Gen. of Lands, T. Crawley, esq. Regi.ter, Th". Hvl"" Byde. eaq.
King's Ad,'. Mal. COII'lbul1Il, f'Iq.
NellD/oundlllfttl. Marshal, Hon. George UTey.
Governor, \-',ce-Admiral Sir Richard Sec.etary, Clerk of Cou .. t:5, aDd Pro-
Goodwin Kea!., K. B. tbonotory of the Common PI~....
Lt. Gov. of Placenlia, Gen. O. Gartb. lion P.-rc)· Cha,·I~. Wyndtoam.
Lt. 00\'. of St_ J·,hu'Il,CoI.Jn. Eiford Att. Gen. Jobn !leckles, ••q.
Chief Justice, Czsar Colclollgb...sq. Cbap!ain, Rev. A. K.,bomaa, N. A.
:Rarraok-Ma.ter,. Ch,,". Andre,,~. eIMJ- Cull. of Bridge.Town, G. llallam, f'Iq.
Cullecbr, Anhur HoldiwortbBroulo. Comptroller, J"hn S,raker, ~.q ..
iug, "''1.
Comptroller, Oeo. 'Baillie, fIIq. J.urJard I.IinId6.
Judge of 'h~ V.ce Adm. Cuurt, .WII Captain.General, G"v.. rnor in Cbief~
Iiam Cart.. r, eaq. . and Vice.ArlDI. Lt. Gen. SJf Ja_
Register, Tb·,mas Tremlett, jan. €\iq. Leitb. K. B. alld K. T. S.
Marshal, John Se .. art, eaq. Lieut.-Gen. M. G••:d_ard BarDes.
Naval Offic~r, Rich. Ha't Nol.Ie, esq. Attorney G·,n. and Adv. Geu. Joha..
.King'. Agent, Joseph Smith, ~. Burke, ""q. .
. - - - SJI.-Gen. W. Madenboro"gb, f'Iq.
J.,IIIM:a. Auditor Geo.. ra!, Hoo. aOO Ikv. It.
Captain Gener..1 Governor. aDd V. Chohuond.·ley, eaq,
Ad'D. Dllke of Mancht·s~er. Secretary aoo Clerk of the Ctown, J.
Lieut. (Jo,·. Lt .-Gen. Ed .... lItIorrieon.' T. On_"Id....q.
Prov. Marsh. Lord Braybroke. Na,. Ma,obIll, J. L. l'uW118l/, eaq.
Naval Ofijcer, J~hn KID':, esq. Prov,lOff.
Rec. Gen. Hua. George Germaio. Regi.....roftbe Vice-Admiralty Cv......
Deputy, W.lliam Mit"hel!, esq. JJhn W,lliam Molloy, .. sq.
Rec. ill ChaD. Hon. P. C.,WYlldham, - - - - -....- - -
C:.rk of the CrOWD aud Peace, and AatiguG.
Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court, l.t. Gov. I..!. Col. Ht. Matbe ....
Rt. Hon. S;r Evan Nepean, Bart. Cb. Justice, Rowland Burton, e*
·Secretary IU)d Clerk of Inrolment., Jucigaofthf! A4miralty, E. iyarn, f8:,
Hon, Cb~rlel Wm. WYlldbam. ' Registrar, Ant. Jj.Pye Molloy. '*I;
Att. Gen. Wm. Rosa, esq. Kiag'. Adv. Gen. In. Stanley, esq.
_Jud~e of tl.e Yice-A1.Im. C~urt, Henry Marshal, Hon GPO. Villi .....
. H~nchdifte, esq. C,lIect. of the Oust. at 8. JoboY., J".
,King'l! Ad"QCate, Wm. R06', esq. siah Martin, aq.
)I&,..hal, Sir Mordilunt Martin, ht. Comptrllller, W. Jarv••
Registrar, Oo.ilo.. ne_ley, CiIiq.
Agent, James LYOD. esq. . St CI,,0f8top"".
Fort' Charles, Oov. Maj. Gen. Hun. U. Gov. J"hn Hayman. ..sq.
Charles William &:ewart._ Sc'Cr~tar}', J\Jbn Garnett, esq.
f;:ollector of Cu'ltoml at Kiuplon, Judfeof V. Mm. C<>urt, Rt. Tb,,,,,f'"
M'Dollal Grant, elft. .~n. esq. .
-------_-_jC"lIeet. of Cllitoms at £a ••eterre, Na-I
BarbtJdocl. tbanielPIDe C ,illo, ..sq.
Go.ernor and Cvmm"ooer 01 the Comptrol;<r, W. H. Male, esq.
Fore.... , Maj. GeD. S:ehelin. Agent,. Browne, esq.
l'ro~. Marsh. Thomas Carter, esq. ..
P"1'. iu ChaD. and CI~rk of tJae C«uWD, NeW .
.EdW;. ~Wl'.. ejCJ. ~Lt. Go.. W. JootbbJ. ~
160 British Colonies.
Cb JUII. (;',orgc DJniel. esq. Trinidad.
Iud~"of AdlD'rolty. JII. Ward, e"'l. n",'. Sir Ralph J •. "",ooford, bart.
}>ost·Malle,.. D. Mawo ..ell, "sq. JlltlgeofV ..~<1m.Ct. UtIv. Smith,eo;q.
Collecwr. Edward CroItOIJ, .. sq. Reg "rar. And", .. AI/all. ei'l'
Comptroller, Richard,esq Marchal, Roupr! Pal grave. uq.
--.- - - - - 5nM'. Gen. L,· C.,I. J. Ruthf'rford.
- MontlerrllU. Col/celor, - - C'''!!1OD, "'I'
{jrnt Gov. Compt.ofCustorns,J"hnJIudsoD,esq.
Ch. Jllst. Thomas Harc,""" rsq. .H'. G·n. Henry Full,,,, "sq.
Judge of -,"d,n. H. 1I"ml't o,', "''1' • gent; J".eph Marryal, esq.
Coli. "f th~ Cust. R. Symon8, e"'I' ------_
C·,mpll'OlIer, R. 1-:1/,.. Grenada.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - .~oY.Maj.Gen.8IfC.Shirl .. y, knt.
Surinam. Lr. G·,v. Lie111.0.n. Sir jo,hu StuaTt,
Go\'. Maj. G~n. Pm.oD Bonham. K. B. K. C. Cqunt of Ma;.!a.
V. Adm. A~lorl1"y ';"11. Abra. Ch. Mye, esq.
H.roollr-l\hster, John Princp. Sol. Gen. G. Low. Tuek#!t, ~.q.
Collector. Georgt> Herber' ...sq. J:ldg. of the Vicf' AUUl. Courr, Tho.
Comptroller, Artam Cam,·ron. "''1' Bridgew3ter, ""<I.
Naval Officer. RobrTt R ... eo'!. 1'",v. Ma ....~. N.-h. C,ffin, <'Iq.
- - - -..- - - - - - - COOl[lllis. R~Sf't'llt. D. Monro, esq.
D_tlroTa. and IuequWo. (;Oll ..ct"r, G. Fng.,.oo, ""q.
Glv. Maj. Gcm. J.,hn Murrny. Deput,. - - M("',nt, esq.
Pree. C ,or! of Justice. J. A':.nry.I"O<I' King's C "',""I, G. TylOo,esq.
Secreta,y, R"gis',ar, and Kh'g's Re. Chaplaill. Re,' ••I"ho M~k~ozje.
ceiver, Jailn A. SlIlIjvan, esq. D .. Cololl'al S"".'and CI.·rk.ofthe Counlel,
puly, AIf'L Simpaoo, e!IfI. C. P. Hornil'on, I'~q.
Judge of Admiralty. Jus B ....te. ('sq. R,·",·ivP' G·n. of' h,' "asl1al Reveoue.
:FInt YlSCal, Theo. Williams, PIlI. O. R·,wley, "'I
IeeoDd Fiacal, 'William Robertson, Naval Officpr, Rt. R. Wood, esq.
esq. Assi.tanlQuaner aoll Barrack Master.
Vendue..Master. Hon. W. R Eden. Capt. R. HazeD.
Deputy, A. Mills, <'811' ~gent iD London, B. B:-oughton. esq.
Pir<t F.xploit .. nr, J. Farr, 'IICI. -------------
Deputy, M. Mertern', •• q. Tobllf:8.
'Co/lector ofCII_tom_, Jo. Forbes, esq. Gov. Sir Wm. Y""IIII:. bart.
CoMptroller, P. Staple. esq. . toief JUS1. R h. Pattt'r80n. "!oc!.
!'in. Officl'r, C. (.. ,.evilll', esq. Dh S·c. and R.·g. C Gre"ille, esq.
puly.- L. Van Roaourn. ud(l:e ofV. A<1m. Ct Wm. Holt. esq.
P."" Masler, Th"... William., ~q. Rp~iat. Gpo. Poynl, esq.
A(.-ting flo. H. Wit'jams. <'Iq. ,n)l'. Ad", CRt p , R • Willlbo«ipy, eaq.
Ordnaltce Stortkerper, Henry Hen- I' Offic. C. Wund('ock."'t. .
k-y, e.q. Provost Ma...h. R. Mitchl'lI. esq.
IJl~I ...e'or Gt-n. of R:ad., F. Vande" Cl. of the C"uncil, - - Rali ...q.
"eldUl, ""q. jTrpasurPr, Robert Pat·"".on, esq.
Agents, A. Gordon and J. Beetf',csq'.Col. of Cllst. C. A. F.llnklyn, esq.
- - - - - -----=---ICompt. of Du. Fr., Macfarlauf'. "sq.
J. Gov. Henry W. Bentinck, esq. St. "1IMIt.
Register, i1nd Receiver, GOY. Comma",ll'r, "od V. Adm.Capt.
Juhn Thomal Capt'I, <'Sq. Sir Charl~s B Isha,)e, .knl.
",.,.due-M.lter, Gen. Holland, esq ..... It. Gen. - - Pigott, <'Iq.
O,llfttor, Tho. Chapman. f'sq. Chiefl118t. bi }.dgeof tl'c Admiralty.
D"puty, Webbe HOWon, ('eq. Court. R.,bert E. H~"vme, f'Sq. .
C~ .. ptr.llet, WM. GO!'.un, ~. PrN. eftla~ Council, Rob! Paul,~.
British Colonies. 161
~ec. Rc!:_ and Clerk, John Glofter. King's Adv. Ja~es Chriflie, cfq.
efq. Att .. Gen. ~rallcl' Furbcs, efq.
Speaker of the Alfembly, Ed. Sharpe, Reglllrar, fholllas Moore, cfq.
c[q. ~o!leC!or, John Stc wart, ef,).
Clerk nf Patents, C. Thdiger, cf'l' Surveyor, John H. IlKker, ofq.
-Creal"urer."!. Aleunder,el"q. Yi,.t;in IjlanrJs.
Deputy, Cnlm Campbdl, efq.· Lt. Gov. Lt. Col. Cha. Napier.
Prov. Marlh. W. AI,•.uud<r, efq. Ch. JulliLe, James Robcrtflln, efq.
Agellts m London, ",~ Wm. Young, J'Jdge of the Adm. W. Turnbull,efq.
bt. and Wm. Mann1Og, cfq.
Collector, Charles Theliger,efq. .' JJ"hamtl .ljI.zndl.
Deputy, Wm. Taylor, er'l' Capt. Gm. and Gov. Charles Came-
Naval Officer, Edw. Ddbrowe, efq ron, efq.
Powder-Ollieer, ,V. Taylor, efq. Preu,lent of the Council and Chief
Orcilla",~-Stor"keeper,J. Jelfopp,efq. Juft. W. Vdey Munni,nj!s, efq.
-------=---.:::....-:...-~-.:;..IJudge of .the Vice-Adm. Court, H.
SI. Lucie. Morcton Dy«, efq.
Commalld.nt, Maj. Gen. Delaval. Affiftant Judges, Peter Edwards,and
Collector, - - Robinfon, .fq. Vefey 1\lunning5, efq.
Com ptroller, C. ) ohn M orphew, efq. King's Ad vocate and Procurator Gen.
Waiter and Se:lrcher, John M'call,\ Wm. Wylly, efq.
and John Muter. Revirtrar, Charles Bentinck, efq.
Nav. Officer, R. Cannichael, .Iq. M:rlhal, John Baxter, efq.
Sec. and Regift .. ar, H. Stewart,efq. ,Solicitor Gen. Stcphen Haven, efq.
Receiver and Treaf. W. Woodyer.scc. and Reg. <\. Chryftie, efq.
efq. ITreas. A)eund~r Mellzics, efq.
Ordn. Store-keeper, C. K. Duvernet,Prov. Marlh. Wm. Ba,lis, efq.
efq. INaval Officer, Johll Baker,efq.
Hill·bour· Maller, Mr. John Galh. Col. at Nalfau, Hon. Alex. Murray;
Dominica. Collector & Agent at Turk's IlIand,
Gov. Maj. Gen. G. Robt. Ainfiie. Mir.hael M'Carthy, efq.
Lt. Gov. Lt.-Gen. Sir John Stuart. Colonial R~ceiver at Turk'.II101n4,
Sec to the Gov. Wm. Bruce, ef'I' John Stiles, efq. .
S"cretary, Regiilrar, and Cleric,.. '1'0,1010. .
Griflill Cllrti., cfq. . :Gov. Sir Georg« Young, bt. .
Judge of rhe Adm. I. Matfon, e~. 'Judge of V. Adm. Court, James Ro-
Chief Jullice, Arch. Glollcr, "fq. -I benfon, tfq. \
Att. Gen. W. W. Glanville, efq. Rc)!ilhar, A. J. P. Molloy; dq.
Sol. Gen. Robert Rcid, dq.
Naval O·flice., Edw. H. Betch, erol G
I - Curacca.
Pr';voft-Marfhal, Jame s Laing, efq.: overnorand COol. Maj. Gen, Johl1
Comptroller, Jam". Laillg, cf'j'
Poll-M.ller, D. Conllahle, efq.
I Hodgfnn.
Con;ptrollel', Rd. Bateman Lloyd
. "q.
R,nRurJ.s, ,Searcher., J. Taylor and H. Livcfa".
Gov. Sir James Cockburn, bt. ;N .. val, R. l.ukin, efq.
Pref. of Council, Hon. Sam. Trott. Sec and Re!\ifir.r, G. Wright, efq.
Sce. anrl l'rov. !I.1arfhal, Gen. Hon. Vcndue-Matler, Sir .I. Athol Wood.
Rohert Kenncdy. ,Collector "r the Cufioms, Ja •• "Van
Treaf'lf~r .. Wm. Smrth, ef'l' 1 d" SplCgel, ef'I' .
Judge of Adm. Court, W. Turit,.Poft-Maftcr, - - Rohinfon. cfq.
o C. L. I Nf"~r;"I"R".
Ch. Juft. Jame3 C. EftCD. cf'l.\Gov. Capt Thomas Colc, R.N
[181S·J • L
16t British Colonies.
e'ylfill. \Comptroller of Cnftoms and Muacr
Oov. alld Cam. of the Forcu, Lient.. MalleI', A. Bertolacci, efq.
Gen. Roben Brownrigg. 'Coli. of the Cuftoms at Columbo,
LieuL Oov., Maj.Oen.John Wilfon.1 C. Bletterrnan, efq.
Private Sec .. to Do., James Suther-,Collector at Batticciua, J. Sawyer.
land, efq. . 'Man. Att. at Calumba, G. Laughton.
Chief ju(tice, Sir AIel:. Johnfton, kLl1Maft. Att. at Oalle, W.C. Gibfon.
Puifne Judge, William Coke, efq. Maft.Alt. atTrincumale,J.B. Brown
Regillrar of the Supreme Court, la·IGur. Store-keeper at Galle, L. Oib-
Sutherland, efq. fon.
Chief Sec., Hon. John Rodney Affift. Adv. Fifetl, A. H. Geifter,
Commis. of Revenue,&. Boyd, efq.1 ~fq.
Treas. aud Ace. Gen., W. Carring- AOiftant Civil Auditor, W. Tolfrey.
tou, efq. . Salt J\gent, jofeph Smitz.
Adv. Fifcal, Hardinge OifFord, efq. Agent to Gov. at Hambantolte, J.
Civ. Paym. Gen. Ala. Cadell, efq. Farrel.
Civil Auditor Ocn. R; Plasket, esq. Colonial Agent, W. HusltilTon, cfq.
Dep. Sec. to OovC<nlm.j. Ga,.,efq. Military Staff.
Superintendcmt of the Cinnamon Com. of the Forces, Major General
Plantalions,W. Montgomery,efq. John Wilfon.
Chaplain to Goverilment, Hon. and Dep •.Adj. Gen. Lt. Col. Rof••.
Rev. T. Twifleton. ep. Q.!!. Mail. Gen. Maj. Willer·
Provincial Judge of Columbo, John min •
. Deane, efq. . AOift. ~.M. Gen.Maj. F. Hankey.
Prov. Judge of JafFna, J. Richard- Dep. AOift. Do. Captain Prager.
fon, cf'l' Town Maj. at Columbo,Capt.Hook.
ProvincialjudgcofMatwa,H.Lay-Town Major at Trincomale, Capt.
ard, efq. H. Stewatt.
Prov. Judge oC Gal1e, l.Tolfrcy, efq. Mil. Auditor Gen. Lt. Col. Thorn.
Call. of Columbo, J. D'Oyle,., cf'l' Military Secretary, Capt. Hook.
Coli. oC JafFna,Thoma, Eden, efq. Dep. Judge Ad. O~n. Lt. Col. W.
CQII. of Trincomale, G. Lufignan, Kerr.
efq. Brigade Major, Captain Coxon.
Collector of Matura, Wm. Orr, eCq Fort Adjutant at Columbo, Lt. Cox.
Collector of Oalle, W. Hooper, efq. Fort Adj. at GalIe, Lt. Hay.
Coil. of Caltura, Cha. Layard, cfq'jMilit. Paym. Gen. W. Arnot, efq,'
Collector of Chilau, J. Badger, efq. Dep. Tnfp. of Hofp.·
Collector of Manaar, J. Snqd,efq. Garrifon Surgcc;n, MId. High, efq.
Collect. of Malativoand the WODny, . ,
Hon. G. Turnc,ur.
Cuft. Malt. of jafFlla,Wm.Granville .A1116"'"a.
Garrifoll Store-keeper at Columbo, Gov. Wm. Dyam _l\lartin, cfq.
J. Maitland, cfq.
Cap, 'of G••,Hopl. , C~utt of ;Admiralty. .
Gov. and Com. in Chief, Lord C. Judge andComm.lfary GeIl. Wmch-
Henry Somerfet. . combe Hel!' Hartiey,efq,..M.A.
Lieut. Gov. Maj. Gen. Hon. Rt. Prille. Regiflrar, Hon. Wm. Grey.
Meadc. Deputy, Henry Buckton, efq.
Secretary, HelJry Alcl:ander. eCq. Marlhal, Dellni,O·Brye~. cfq.
British Colonies. 163
Deputy, Waiter lIentinck, erq. !Regillrar-, Th05~ MiliaI', erq.
Conimiffioner-. for Appraifement and SUTVeyor, Wm. Buchan Sewell'
. Sale, "",,!ter Bcntinclt, efq. Hen.!Deputy, MT. M. Champion Watt •
. no.ckton, efq. A. Robertfoll, efq-:Cal't. of the Guard at Cape- Ctlall:
Colonial .\gent, - - Willimot, efq.! Call1e, .!cc. Jamts ,lOlInCoD, eft{•.
Melfenger and Crier, J. William•. IDeputyWarehoufe: keeper :lOltOUti·
Practitioners. net, James Stnkes •
King'" Advocate General, Oeorge Chief Surgeon, Dan. Sparks, efq-. .
Kekewicjl, efq. M.A. rfl: Affiftallt Surf~OIl, J. AnM, Ifq-.·
King's 'Procurator General, William ~d Affilt. Surg-. J. Bellarby
David Jcnllings, efq. 3-d Affifl:. Surg-. T. Carelcfa
Proctor", Uavid Pontardant, Oq. P. Factors, T. A. Smith. Jona. SeGtt,
LaD<lon, efq. Geo. Cadogan, efq. Henry Bainham. John JackfoD,
J. Morris, J. El!. Blewatt, Fred.
Ijlc of Pran,.. James, and Pre•• ick Dodd.
Gov. Col. R. T. Farquh'ar. Writers, Wm. Colliver, J. Heather.
Corn. of the Force., Lieut. Gen; Sir W.· P. Cowcher. Jos. Norma!!.
A: Campbe!l, kilt. A. H. Barlow, Jon. Arm.ftronr~
Acct. Gen. Theodore Hook, efq. Js. Jowes! H. P. WilIiam•.
Chief Sec. David Powell, efq. . IClerkB' Davld Graves, Rd. Graves.
Colonial Agent, - - Penn;cfq.
- New S autb Wa/tI.
Ca}. CoaJI CaJlI. and itl D.p.ndeRei.s. G C ' Ch·c!.· M'
overDor, om. ID 1, Q{t. &J.
Governor in Chief, Prefident of tho Gen. Lachlan Macquarie
Council, Tre.furer, &c. at Cape Lt. Gov. Lt. Col. Goo. Malic.
COi\ft Caftle, Edward William Judge of Court of Appeals, The
White, efq. . Govcrnor.-Sec. J. T. CampbclJ,
Vice Pres. of Council, and Gov. of erq. .
Anamaboe Fort, Jof. DawfoD, eCq. J!&dg. of Vice Admiralty, .!c Iu.Ige
Honorary Vice Prefident, and Gov. Advocate of the Civil Court,EIli..
of A,cia, Geo. Richardson, efq. . Bent, 1111. A.
Mem. of Coune. and Guv. of Why- Rcgifirar alld Secretary, J. Thorna.'
dah, John Hope Smith, erq. . Carnpbell•...,...Clerk. M. Robinfan
Member of the Council and Gov. Prov. JVIarlh. Wm. 'GOf'C, efq •
. of Tantumquerry, Frederic1 ameol Chaplain. Rev. Sarn. Marfdeu
cfq. Surgeon, U· Ar<y Wentwonh ,efq.
Meml>er of the Council. lIn<l Gov. Sun'cyor General, - - Ode ,cCq
of Winebah,Henry Alfred Adam- Oepu-y, James Mecllan. erq .
. fon, efq.. '. NavalOfficer, Jnhn Piper,efq.
Gov. of Appollonia-FoTt,JohnFoun- PoftMafter.lbac Nichols
taine. efq. Lieut. Gov. at Hobart Town, Van.
Gov. of DillCove-Fort, Diggles Bay- Diemen's Land, Lt. Col. 'rhoma.
Icy, efq. Davey.
Gov.of Succondee,W.H.Blenkarne, Dcp.Judge Adv .
.efq.. Chaplain, R~v. R. Knopfwood
Governor of Commenda. Jas. Mol- Surgeon. Mr. Matthew Bowd~b'
hn, efq. Deputy Surveyor, Mr, G .. W. E-.ians
Chaplain, Rev. Phil;p' Q!!aque. Naval Ulliter, John Gorrkn, erq.
kkcl'etary, B. D. Adamf... n, erq. Comman,hnt' at Pori Dair}'mple,
Hi, Deputy, Mr. will. Smith Capt. M'Kenzie
Accomptant, Wi'iiam Mollan, er'J' CODlmandant at Newc:,aIUc. Lieut.
D,eputy. Mr. John Grace T. Thom,,!on
'L a
164 Britisb Colon;'!!; Peers of Scotland.
Sitrr. LnM. . Engineer, Wm. Appleton, erq. A ..
Gcvernor, Col. Charlea W.Muwen fifta'!t, L. Morgan
'-hie! Jufticc and J of the V. Chaplam, Rev. l.eopol.d Butrcher
Adm. Court, kobert Thorpe, crq. Surgeun., &obt. Purdle, And. Ty-
Secretary, Robert Purdic,er". mon .
Cou. of Dutie., K. Macauley, erq. Apothecary, J. M. WJlfon
King's Advocate, Bernard M'Don- Surveyor, B. M'Donnell
. Dell, eCq. MaCon, Aiel:: Storie.-Carpenter,
Clerk of the Crown and Recorder'. Owen Lewls
Court, ThOl. Wilfbrd, el'q. Printc~,' James Wife .
Jtegiilrar of Grants, Thoma. Hop- Agt:nt m London, Henry Chdholm,
kin., efq. . cfq.



"OB. m. 1399. , Gcorgc Augullua Frederick (Prince or Walea.)

Duke of Roth{ay, Earl of Ca.rrick, Lord of the Illes, Prince and
. Great Steward of Scotland, K.G ....
DUKES. (8)
CHA. I. 1643. Archibald Hamilton, Duke oE H~milton, Marqai. of
Douglas and Clydeedale, l Duke of Brandon of Great Britain,) v.
eHA.II. 1673. Charle. 'Wm. Henry Montague Scott, Duke of Uuc-
cleugh and Q!.Jeenfberry, Earl of Dalkeith, Lord Lieutenant of Edin-
burghlhire, (Earl of Doncafter of Great Britain, K. T. ~U.
1675. , Charlea Lennox, Duke oC Lennos; Earl of Darnley, K. G •
. (Dukc of Richmond of Great Britain,) Ill. .
1684. Alexander Gordon, Duke of Cordon, Marquis of Huntlcy, '\Ear1
of Norwich of Great Britain,) K. T. v. -
WILL. Ill. 1701. George William Campbell, Duke of Argyle, Mar-
qui. of Lorn, Hereditary Maller of the King's HouCehold, (Lord
Sundridge (>f Great Britain,) Ill. '
.AN NE. 11°3.' John Murtay, Duke of Athol, Marquis of TnUibar-
diae, (Jtarl Strange of Grcat Britain,) K. T. ... - , ,
1701. , Jamea Gl"oIham, Dukc of MontroCe, Marquia Grabam, (Earl
Graham of Great Britain.) K. G. Ill.
1107. James Jnnes Kerr; Duke of Roxburgh, Marquis of BeaumoDt.
an,1 Celford, [Fleur. Call1e, Roxburghfhire,] •• -
CHA. n. 1680. S Charle. Douglas, Marq"isofQ!!~nfberry, Vi(count
DfW!Dlanrig, [Kcllhea,l, Dumfries-fhirc,] m. .
WILL. Ill .• 694. GrtM'ge Hay, Marquis of Tweedale, Earl oE Gir-
ford, Hereditary Chamberlain oC Dunfermline. Licut.-Colonel of the
"Iotnh Regiment of )'oot, [Yeller- HouCe, Hadillgronfhire.) 6. .
.ANNE. 1701. William John Kerr, Marquis of Lothian, Earl of Aa.
cram, a General, and Colonel of the ad Re,lmcnc of DUioous, K. T.
(Ncwbettlc HouCe, MW-Lothian,]..,.
Scotland. Earls. 16.$
EARLS. (41)
JAM. IL 14.U. William Hay Cur, Eul of Erro). Lord Hay, Here,
ditary Lord High Conltable and Knight Marifchal of Scotland,
[&rrol Houfe, Aberckenlhire,] ....
1456. § Jame. Sindaa, EarloC Caithne1i, Lord Berriedale, Lord Lieu-
tenant oC Caithnefslhire-, all. Poftma1ler-gc:ueral oC Scutland,l Barro-
gil-Callle, Caithnc:faJhlre,] ••
1457. Gc:orge Dougla8, Earl of MOI-tQn, Lord Aberdour, (Lord Doualas
oC Lochleven of Great Britain,) K. T. Ill. •
r 457. § Gcorge William Letlie, Earl of Rothe., Lord Lc:fiic:.
JAM. Ill. I469. Da.. id Stewart ErlItinc:, Earl oC Buchan, Lord Car-
drofs,lDryburgh Abbey, Roxburghlhirc, and Kirkhill. Liulidlgow-
fhiu,] Ill.
JAM.IV. '50:&. Hugh Montgomery,Earl oC Eglintoun, Lord Mont-
gom"ry, K. T. (Lord Ardrofl"an oC the United Kiogdom,) ••
1509. AJ chlbald Kcnncdy, Earl of Caffili., Lord Kennedy, (Lord Ailfa
of the United Kingdom)",.
JAM. VI. 1581. Franeis Stuan, Earl of Moray, Lord Doune:, (Lord
Stuart of Great Britain,)",. -
1604. § WilIiam Home: Ramsey, Earl of Home, Lord Dungla1i, Lord
Lieut. of Belwicldhire, [Hilfal, Berwick.]",.
1606. John Lyon Bowea, Earl oC Strathmore and Kinghom, Lord
Glamis, [Glamil Call1c:, ForCarlhire; Gibfide Park, and Streathana
Cadlc:,Durham.] w
164>6. John James Hamilton, Earl of Abc:rcorD, Lord Pai1lc:y, Ko G.
[Marquil gf Abc:rcorn of Great Britain, and Vifcount Strabaue in
Ireland,) ",.
16'9' § Thomas Enkine, Earl of Kc:llie, ViCcount Penton, Premier Vi{.,.
count of Scotland, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Fife, K. G. V. '[KcUie
Call1e, and Canlbo HguCe, Fifelhire.] Ill.
1619' Charles Hamilton, Earl of Hadington, Lord. Binning, Lord
Lieutenant of Hadingtonlhire, [Tyl)ingham Caftle, Hadin(ton-
Ihire.] w.
r6zJ. Gcorge Stewan, Earl of Galloway, Vifcount Garlies, (Lord
Stewart lIC Great Britain,) ,.- _
16:&.J. , James MaitlaDd, Earl oC Lauderdale, Lord Maitland, Herc:di- -,
tacy Royal Standard-Be;u-er Df Scotland, (Lord Laudc:rclalc. of tJlc:
Unired Kingdom,) ••
CHA. I. 1633. Thomas Robc:rt Hay Drummond, Earl of KinnoulJ.
ViCcount Dupplin, Lord Lyon, King-at-Arme, (Lord Hr.y of Great
Britain,) IJ. _
.-633. H John Criehton Stnart, Earl of Dwnfric:.. Vjfeount Ayr, Graqd-
IOn and heir oC the Marq'lia of Bllte, [Dumfries HouCe, Ayrlhire.] IJ.
1633. , Thomas Bruce, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Lord Brvee, a
Lieut.-General, K.C. [Broomhall, Fifelhire,] ••
1633. Charles Stuart, Earl of Traquair, Lord Linton, [Trr.quair c..-
tie, Tweedale, ) 'ID.
1633. Francis WemyCa Charterlc.. Earl oC Wemyfs, Lord Elcho, and
1697, Earl of March, Vife. Peebles, [AlIliafield and Go.Cord, Ilea&"
Hadington, and Woolmet, near Dalk. ith.]",.
1633' S Gc:orge Ramfay, _htI of Dalhoufie, l.ord Ramfay. a Licat.-
General, and Colonel of the a6th regimeut of font, KoB, -
U1G Scotland. 'Earl ••
• 641. Alel!.1nder Ldlie. Eari of Lenn and Mel.iIle, I.ord Balgonie.
Comptroller of the Cunon\. in Scotland, [Melville Houfe, Fife.] Ill.
J64~. Wil1>raham l'oll<tnac.he. Rarl of D)fart, I.ord Huutirigtower.
HIgh Steward of Ipfwich, [Ham HouCr, Surrt',.,) .u. .
1646. S Thorn •• Douglas, Rarl of Selkirk, Lord Daer. Lord Lieuten-
ant of the Stewanry of Kirkcudb .. i~hl, St. Mary' '. Ille, Kirkcud-
lIriglu.] ,
J6~7. WiIliam Carnegie, Earl of Northe.k, Lord ltoCehiU, an Admiral
of tbe Blue, K.II. [Ethie Houfe. Forfarfhire.] VI. :

16St. § Alex. LindlilI' Earl?," Ealcarras. Lord 1.indCay, a Genuaf,

and Colonel of the 3d Regiment, ,.. .
CHA. 11. 1660. § George Gordon, Earl of Al?oyne, Lord Strathaven,
[Aboyne CaIl:le, Abetdeer.lhire., ... ,
166r. Ant. James Karlclyife l.ivillgllone, Earl of Newburgh, Vifc:.
·lUnnaird, [s!indon-Houf~, Suffex.] Ill.
1669. Archibald Cochrane, Earl of l>uruionald, Lord Cochrane. [CuI-
o rof, Abbey, Fife.] Ill.
16". Antony Falconer, Earl of Kintore, Lord Invcrury, [Keith Hall,
Aberdeenfhire,l b. .
~678. John Can'pbell, Earl of Breadalbane, Vifcount Glenorc:hy, F.R.S.
(Lord 8n:adalbanE: of the·Uiiit~d Kingdom.) ... '
168z.• , George Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Haddo, K.T. and
· ;Po D. A. (Vifcount Gordon of the United Kingdom.) .'W.
JAM. 11.1686. Grorge I\lur.ay, Earl of DUIlJDore, Lord Finc:aftlc,
[Dunmorc ,Park, Stirlingfhire.J ...
W'iLt.. Ill. 1701. J.ewis At.nnder Grant. Earl uf Seafirld. Lord
lt~dhaven. all Advocate at the .;;cotch bar, [Calllegnwt, InverneC..
fhire, and Cu\1en Houfe, BanfiThire ] !J.
1701. Andrew Can:iiic:hael, Earl of Hyndford, Lord earnuchaeL [Car-
· micliaer Houft, and Mauldflie Cafile, Lanerkfhire,] b•
.(I.N~E. I?Sl. John DalryDlpic, Rarl of Stair, Vifwur.t Dalrymple, a
- COllnfdlor of State for thePrinee of Wales ~ Scotland, [Stair HouCe,
· Ayrlhirc:]!J. 0 0

"03: Archibald John PrimroCe, Earl of RoCeberry, Lord Dalmeny,

, [Dalmeny Pink, Linhthgowfhire, and Bixley Hall, Norfolk,l rn.
17.03. SGeorge BOlle, Earl of Glafgow. I.ord Boyle. Lord Lieutenant
of Rmirewfhire, and im extraordinary Director of the Bank of Seot-
lbd, F.R.S; alld F.S.A....'
1103. William Char~es Colyear. Earl of Portinore, Yifc. Millingtoa,ftI.
17°3. , John Stuart, Earl of Bute, Vlfcount Mount-Stuart, (Marquia
• of Bute ~f Great Britain,) ••
J r03. Jame~ Hope Jo~nflon~, Earl of Hopetou~. I.ord Hope, (Lord
o l;I~pt~?'1D of the Umted Kingdom,) .... 0

JAM. VI. 1620. U ClIarlee John Carey, Vifcount Falkland, [W!>rley-
· Hall, ~.~',l ~.. 0

1623. Wilham Murray, V1Ccount Stormont, (Earl of lYIans6eld of

Grea~ Britain,) [Palace of, S~oniC,] ",..
c:RA. I. 1641. J9hn ~buthnot, ViCe!)\lnt ~rbuthnot, Lord~ieutellllDt
of Kincardinefhire, [l\.rbuthQot HouCe. Kineardinefh!re,) ",.
CHA.II. )662. Ceorre WilJiam Frederitk ODlornc:, Vifccunt DuD-
blanc, (Duke (,le LflCcla ill EJlIlalld.) ~.
Scotland, Barons. 167
14:l4. John Somer.. i11l!, Lord Somerville, ODe of the Four Lordt of the
Bedchamber attendant on the King, [Drum, near Dalkeith; Fitzhoad.
lIear Milverton, 6omerCedhirc; and Fairmile-Farm, near Cobham,
Surrey,] 6.
1440. § JaDles Ochoncar Forbes, Lord Forbel, a Lieutenant General
in the Army, alld Colonel of the 54th Regiment, ••
JAM. 11. 1445. William Shaw Catheart, Lord Cathcart, (Earl Cath-
"art of the United Kingdom,)... .
1445. § Alhander George FraCer, Lord Saltoun and Abernethy, a
I.ic.ut. Colonel in the Army; and a Captain in the Firft R.egiment of
Foot Gu;u-da, [Philonh Houfe, Aberdeenlbire.) 6.
1445. § Fraucis Gray, Lord Gray.
J AM. IV. 1488. S Charles Sinclair, Lord Sindair, w.
1489' .Hugh Semple, Lllrd Scmple, [KinCauna,] "Ill. .
1509. John Elphinftolle, Lord Elphinftonc, Cumbcrnauld HenCe, Stir..
ling/hire,] h.
'509. James SandilanJs, Lord Torphichen, lCaider HonCc, Mid·Loo
JAM. VI. 1606. Robert WalterS~wart, Lord Blantyre, a ColODel iD
the Arm], [Edkine Houfe, RenCrewihire, and LenoxloTC, HadioS-
tooihire,J Ill.
s609. John Colville, Lord ColviUe, a Captain iD the R.oyal Navy,
[Broomwell HouCe, near Briftol,] ••
1609. James Edward Cranll:on, Lord Cranfton, ••
CHA. I. 16:l7. § Frands Napier, Lord Napier, Lord High Commir.
fioner oC the General AJrembly in Scotland, and Lord Lieutenant of
Selkirldllire, D.C.L. ... .
J6:l7. Rc:v. Bryan Fairfa&, Lord Fairfu oC Cameron, [in Virginia, N.
Auierica,l ",.
1628. Eric Mackay, Lord R.eay, [Tongue and DurneC., Sutherland.-
~~L "
'J628. Rev. Waiter Hutchinfon Allon, Lord Anon, rector of Hart&ld,
1633. Jamca,Walter Grimllon, Lord Forreftcr, ...other·in-Iaw oC the
E;u-I of Liverpool, (Vifc\lunt Grio)fton in Ireland, and Lord Verulam
in England,)",.
1633. lihelto Henry Mac1ellan, Lord Kirkeudbright, I.
1643. Ale.calider Murray, Lord I!.libaok, Lord I.ielltenant ofTweeUle,
[Darn Hall, Peeblelhire, and Ballencrief, Hadingtonlbire.] ••
1648. William Hamilton, Lord Belhaven and Stenton, [Wilbaw, La-
nerklbire,] ",.
165 I J .. mes Ruthven, Lord .R.utl:ven, [Frccland Houfe, Pcnhlhite,} ••
CHA. H. 1651. John Rollo, Lord Rollo,[Duncruib, Perthlbire.l ...
168a. Ch.,rlea Kinnaitd, Lord Kinn3ird, a Counfellor of Seate tor the
Prim:e of Wales in Scotland, F.Il. and A. S. [Kinoaird HouCe, anel
Drlnpnie Priory, Penhlbire,] "!.
ALEX. la7S' Elizabeth Gower Sutherland, CouDteD of Sutherland.
Baroncfs Strathnaver, Premier Countcf, in Sc.,t1aJld, Lady of tU
Mar'luis or Staiford. [Dwlrobiu Ca(Uc, Sutherlaodlhirc,].. .
'16R Scotland, Baronets.
eHA. I. 1635. Flora Muir Rawdon, Counter. of Loudon, Baroner..
Mauellliue, Lady of the Earl of Moira (Lou1lon Call le, AyrlhiLp.,J ••
WILL. Ill. 1695. Mary O'Br)'en, (:oulltcls of Orkney, Vifcour.tcfs
Kirkwall, widow of the Hon. Thoma, Firzmaurice, (UivcdeD. Buck ••
aDd L1ewenny l-Iall,lkllblgh.1'v,


Abcrerombie, Gta. Banfflhire, 1637\ElLiot, Wm. Roxburghlhiu. 1666
Agnew, And. Wig.ounlhire, 16~9'Fergufon, Jam •• , Ayrlhire, 1703
AnLlruther, Rub. Fifea,ire, 1694 Forbes, Wm .. Ahcrdeeufhire. 16~6
Aruot, William, Pcrtlllhirc, I()~~ Forhes, Wm. Aberdeenlhil'e. 1630
Balfour, Patrick, Joifel1l;re, 1633 FOl'bes, John, Abecdcenfbire. 1700
Barelay, Robcrt, Middlefex, 1668 Foulis,J .. mcs, !i:dinburghI11ir.:. 1634
Baird, J. Gardn. M. l.othian, 1(:80 Fullarton, WiJli~m, Ayrfhire. 16:a.7
.Bannermau , Alex. Aberdeen· 'uwon, Jas. blll.ff1hire, (Pre-
fhire, 16h micr,) 16~$
Bruee, WiIliam. StirliDglhire, 16:a9 Gordon, F.ilDCis, Aberdcenfh. 1 (us
Burnet, R"bt. Abcrdeenfhire, 1616 GordOll, Orford, Sutherlaudlh. J63'
Calder, Robert, KcDt, 1686 Gordon, John Benj. Park. .If'86
Campbdl, J~" es. Argylefhire,lhl! Gordoll, John, ";arlfton, 1706
Campbdl, Alex. Pcrthlhire,. 1618 Gm'don, Rev. Adam, Eifex. 110"
Carmirhael, Tho•. GibIoo,).a- Grant, Ale"",,d"r, Hallt6. 1688
nel'klbire, 1618 Grant, Archibald, .I\heroieenlh.170$
Carnegie. Jamts, Forfarlhire, 1663 Grierfon, Rob. Dumfricl1lu·e. 1/:IIS
Cat heart, Aud. Aydloire, 1703 Halket. C.harle., Flfcfhire, JCi71
Clerk, Geo. £dinbnrghfhire,. 167'.1 Hall,James, Hadingtonlbire, 1687
Cockburn, Jame., Berwicklh. 1617 H.milton, Willi,ull,Lantrkfh. 16:a.7
Cockburn, ·Wm. Berwicklh. 167 (Harniltoll, Hew Dalrymple,
<:olquhoun, Geo. Duobartonfh. J6l5 Hadingtonfhire, 1697
Conper, Rev. W. H. Suffolk, 1638 Hannay,Sal1luel, WigtoWlIh. 1630
Craigie, William. Gainay, 1707 Hay,john Peeb1cfhirc, 163S
Crawfurd, Rob. Dumbartonlh.ltl3E Hay, John, Park, 1661
Cunningham, Wm Ayrlhire, 1630 Hay M'Duugall, Henry, Ros-
CunDir.gham, Rich. Ayrfhire, 167S burghfhire, . 1703
CUDDingham, Wm. Ayrlh. 1669,Hendcrlon, Joho, Filelhire. 1664
CuoDingham, ~Tm. Auguftus, Holburne, Franci~, Kirlhie, 110$
Linlithgowfhtre, I iO~ Home, James, Berwicklhire, 167'
Dalr)·mple,JohD,Edinburghfh.1697 Hope, John, Fifdhire, Jb8
Dalrymplc,J. P. HadingtoDIh.1101 Ingli., Patrick, Mid-Lolhian, 168,.
Dalziel. Jame., Linlitbgowfh. 16851011<;0, David, EIginl1lile, 1686
Dick,Andrew Laudcr,Hading- 1nlle5, James, BanfTlhire. 16~8
toolhire, 1688 Jardine, Aiel<. Dumfrielhire, 167:&
!>ick, John, Mid-Lothian, 1637 Johuftone, William, Berks, 16~6
Dkk, John, Rdinhurghlhire, 1107 Johnftone, George Fredericl,
DOD,Al.xander,Berwicklhire,I667 Dumfriefhire, 1100
Douglas, Alex. M. D. Kincar· Keith, Gea. Ingldlon, 1664
dindhire, . I6~5 Kilpatri~k, Thol. DUD,fricfh. 168$
Dunbar, W.Rowe;Wigtounfh. r69~ Kinloch, David, Hadingtonlh. 1686
Dunbar, John, Banfflhire, 1691 Lawri.:, Rehert,Dumfri.;lhire, 168$
:{,1unbar, Archibald, Elginlh. liOI Leflie, John, Mma)·fhirc. 16:&1
DlInbar,Benj. Caithnefslhire. 1706 LiviDgiione, Thos. Stirhnalh.16'$
Dunlop, Tho. WalIacc, Ayrfh. 1669 LongueyWe, T~OI. Flintfh. 16J&
Scotland, Baront'h. ]69
Mackenzie, Geo. S. Rofslhire,16731Ran-fay, 1'11.,1. Xinc:u-dinclh. 1615
1\I1'K~nzie; Hector, Rofslhlu, 17ooIRam[~)', Jame., Forf~rlhire, 1666
M'Kcnzit, J. Wcmyt:<, Rof.lh. 17031Reid, John, Abcrd(cnthire, 170J
Madean, Hector, Rotslhin., 163,iH..d,a,,'lon, John l.bas.l'en-
Maleolm, John, hfelhire, 16651 caithlall'!, 1636
Malwell, Wn,. LanerklhJre, 16."Ri<ldtll, 10bn BIlChaDaJl, Roz-
Maxwdl, Wm. Wigtollnlhire, 16lS1 burghlhire, 1618
Max,,*ll, John Pollock, Ren-, kof., (;h31I<&, Rof.lhi"" Ib7a
frewlhire, 163:l Scotl, John, ROlburghlhirc, 1671
'Maxwdl,john Heron, Dum- Sinclair, John Uordon, Had-
fricfhin:, 1683 ingtLIJIh.r(, 1bi6
l\1enziea, Robert, PertMhire, 16~5 Sinrlair,John,Berwicklhire, 16b4
Milr,e, John, Barmon, 16~6 Sinclair, Johl1, Cailhnc:Jolh. 1104
MOI.(ricif, Thomas, Putl1lh. 168.1 Seaton, Altx. LillLthgowlh. 1946
Munro, Hugh,Rofslhire, 1634 Set"n, William, Al>crdeflllh. l'lSJ
l\lurray, JohD, Mi<ldlefez, 16l(, Stc:wart, James,l.adcrklhire, 1636
Murray, Archibaid, Pcebl€lh. 16111 Stew"rt, Mich. Stew art b<ichol-
l\oturray, David, Pec:blelhire, 1664 fon, Rtnlr~)\Ilhire, 1667
Murray, Patrick, Pcrthlhire, It'll Stewart, Geo. l'c:rthU.ire, 168J
Murr.y, Count, Melguin, 1704 Stewart, John, Berwickfhire, 1687
Mufgrave, Wm. Cumberland, 16311 Stcwart, Robt. Clack.,alJnan-
Nadillyth, Jame-, Peebl~lhire,1106 Ihire, 110'1
Nicholfoll, W. Clackmannanlh. 1686 Stirling, JoIn, 3tirIinglhire, 1666
Nicholfon, Ja •• Kincardinelh. 1100 litrachan, Rich. John, K. B.
NiIbet, 10hn, Mid-Lothian, 1669, 16:l5
Ogilvie, John, Forfarlhire, 1616 Steuart, John, Kincardinclh. 1105
Ogilvic,Oeo. MUlgrave, Kin': jSuttie, Jamep, Haddivgtollfh. 110~
cardintlhire, 166.,1'urillg, Robe'rt,Abenlc:enlh. 1639
Pilkingtun, Michael, YorHh. 16:-5~Wardlaw, juhn, bfdhire, 16,36
Pt=.ingk, J"I>II, RoriJ1lrghlb. 168.l/·wellwoud, Rtv. H ..Mon.rie1f,
Prdlon, Robt. Prrlhlhire, 16J 7 U.1>. Kinrof.lhire, 1683
I'urve., Ales. Berwicklhire, 1665iWcmys, James, FiJelhire, I?OJ

HH':H OFFICERS of the CROWN. IVicC-Adm., Earl Cathcart, K. T.
Gr""t Neward, Prince Reg~nt. Lord Jullice General, , Duke oC
Keeper of the Great Seal, Duke ofl Montrofe, K. G.
Gordc.n, K. T. 30001. a year ILord Prcfident, Rt. HOIl. Charlea
Lord Privy Seal, , VifcoulJt Md- Hope.
ville,45ool. . Lord Chief BarolJ, Rt. Hon. Robe.
Lord Regilhar, 1 Right HOD. Lord Dunda ••
Frel!. Cam pbell, ,8001.
Lord Advocate, Rt. Hon. Archi- The K • H
bald Colquh"un, 15 001 •

Lord Tultice Clerk, Rt. HOD. David.Herir. Maller of the' King's Houfe-
Boyle, 40001. hold, Duke of Argyle.
Heritable Lord High COllllable, Herir. Carver, Sir J Anftnalter, bt.
and Knight MarilChal, Earl 0 Heritable U/ber of the White Rod,
Ktrol. Sir Patrick Walker, kilt.
Herit. RQy. Standard-Bearer, Hen. Heritable Arn,our-bearer, AreM-
S. W eddcrburne, ef, balJ Seton, ef".
170 Scotland, Officers of -State.
Htrir. Standard-bearer, Earl ofl Pr;", Stili 0.f!i<~.
Lawlerdale. :Lord Privy 8".1, , Vifcount Md.
Keeper of the Wardrobe, Richard: yille, 30001. '
Carter, .HI. I {So 4d. iDeputy Privy Seal, Robert Dundas,
Falconer, Ludovic Colquhoun, efq. efq.4001. .
Phyficians, Dr. Gregory and Dr. Writer to the Privy Seal, 1aJ]1cs
Home Stewart Oliphant, cfq.
Apothecary, Gco .. Wood. efq. •
Hifloriographer for Scotland, John Lyotl OjJice.
GilEcs, D.C.L. & F.R.S. ~ool. Lord Lyon, Earl Kinnoul, 6001.
Gazette \Veitcr, DUl!:ald Stewart,I.yon Depute, James Home, eiq.
efq·3 00 \. • Herald., zSI. each.
Printer. and Stationers, Sir D. Hun- Albany, James Mitchell.
tcr alair. bt. and John Bruce, Rothfay, Robert Dick.
ef,!. F.R S. Kent, Thomlls Hufband.
King's Uotanift, D.Rutherford,M.D. Marchmont, Thomas SmalL
F.I..S. 50\. Snowdown, Ken. M'Kc::ozie.
Limner, T. S. Abercrombie, efq. IIlay, John Cook.
Purfuivants, 161. each.
Chapel Royal. Unicorn, David Taylor:
Almoner. Rev. John Paton, M. A. Bute, Alexander
411. 13"- zd. Carrick, John Grieve•
. Almoner's Deputy, Waiter Cook. Kintyre, James Geddca.
Dean or Chapd ~oyal, Rev. Wm. Ormond, Wm. Allan.
Laurence Brown, D.D. Oingwall Robert Thornfon.
Deans and Chaplains, Rev. G. Hil~. ' Oliicers.
D.D. Rev: R. Muter, D.D. Rev. Principal Clerk, James Home.
JOh.l lnghs, D. D. Depute Davi.! Clyoe.
~plaill', Rev. T. Sommerville, Keeper'of Lyon Records, &c . .Joha
"D.D. 801. Rev. Gitbert Gerrard, Kerr.
D.D.Rev.D.Johnfton.D.D.Rev. ____~--_________________
Alex. Fleming, D.D. Rev. John OjJictrl iffhe Mint.
Ma~kenzie, D.D. Rev. Wm. Tay. Gen. Gecrge Elliot, cC'!. 300t.
lor,jun. D.D. sol. eack. • - Mafter, Henry Alves.
, X"perl or Palaces. Warden,Laurence Cragie, ef'!. I50L
I,,0 r D uk e 0 £ I'om'l
'" I 1- R 00 d H ou.e, ,,~ l '
601. Warden, lames L. Grant,
Li t~h S' T L'" ft bt Alfay.Mader, J. S. Simpfon, looL
·S n t ~~wl' fl~ . fil~~,g ODe, . Engraver, W. Jamiefon, sol.
, coon ..... r 0 ans e . S 'rh A' d B . 11
Lorhmahen, Earl of Hopetoun. nu, ,exan er oog, " .•
punftafnage and Carric~, Duke of St.!If O.lfi"rs.
Rothefay Call1e, , Marquis of Bute. Commander of t.he Forces,
Falkland MoncrietT of Haliyards. Commander~, I.leut. Gen. H. Wyn·
. " yard, Major-Gen•• John Hope.
Great Stal Offi... and John Hatton.
Lord Keeper, Duke oE Gordon, Military Secretary, Lord Robert
K. T. 30001. Kerr.
:J)eputy Kc~per, and King's Writer, Deputy :Adjutant-General. Lieut••
James RobertfoD, efq. Col. Sir Gregory H. B. Way.
Dep. Ulhers, Ad. Wilfcn. and Thos.pepufY Q!!aner-Maller Gcnenl,
,Deveridge, ef'!n. \ Colonel Will. H9W. Pc
S.cotlllnd, Law Dt'parfllll'nt. 171
Infl'cctor nr Milita,ry Road" Cnl. Judge Adv.,Gilbert HutchuOD, cfq.
Anfiruthcr. ,Uer. Soc. to the }o'orces, Alex. An-
Barrack-I\hftcr Gencr.U, Captain! nerf,,", dq.
Charles Macphcrloll. j'ldPC",ur of Hofpital•. W~l. Som-
Dep. Commif. Gilbcrt·Yo\.lDg, ef'l' me .. ville, M. D.

C.urt .if Stui.a.
Fiij! Di'fJijiolf.
I C.url if jl:J1iciar,. .
'795 Lord Juftice General, , Duke
1811. I.ord Prefident, Rt. HOD. C .. of Montrofe, K.G. lOOO],
Hope, 43001. I8lI Lord J"fricc Clerk, Rt. Hon.
Lords, ::cool. each. David Boyle, 2.0001.
1799. Clanue 1r vine Bofwtll, Lord CommilIiollcu, 6001. each.
1$;.100uto 1804 Lord Meadowbank
Geor~e Fergufoll,Ld.Hcrmand 11S:,8 I.old Hermand
1809. Arch. Campbel\, 1..<1. Succotl,,18 n Lord 'Gillic. .
Il$u.Dav.WiIliamfon, lod. Balgrayl1813 Lord Pitmil\y
lin. Adam Gillies, Ld. Gillies \181 3 Lord Succoth
:1813. Dav. Cathcart, Ld, Alloway 1807 King's Advocate, Archibald
:11113. David Douglas, Ld. Re ROll. C"I'luhollU, efq. 15001.
Principal Clerk., 1. Walker, Wal- I ] SI 3 Solicitor GUJ., Aiel[. Mac:ono-
ter Scott, Geo. Home, D. Hume,1 chie. ~fq. 6001.
efqr.. IAdvo cates Depute on the Cir~uiu.
Depute Clerks, George Bruce,john H. DrnJlllllollcl, And, Clephane.
Pringle, Wm. Pringle. and Sarn. M'Cormick, efqr••
Saolla Di'f}i/ioll. Crown Agent, Hugh Wanender,
181 I Lord Juflice Clerk, Rt. Hon. ~fq.. .
DaviJ Boyle . IPrmclpal Cl~rk. Robert Dunda.
1795 Sir Wm. Miller, Ld Glenlee I ,M'Q.!!e.n,efq. 200~.
:1196 AlIen Ma<onochie. Ld Mea- Dep. Clerk, John Suuth, 801.
dowbaJlk ._._-- - _ _
1:<)9 \V.M. Bannatyne, Ld Banna- (;ourl of E"""r"er •
. tylle r801 Lord Chief Baron, Rt. Hon.
1805 W. Robert~o~, Ld Rube~~on Robert Dundas 40001
I8u Robert Cralglt, Ld Cralgle ' • •
1813 David Monypeuny, Lord Pit. Baro"s.
milly 1776 Hon. Flctcher Norton, 2. 86ST.
Princip") Clelks,]ames Ferrier, C. r807 Sir John Stuart, bart. 2.0001.
lVlackenzie.H.M.Buchanan,tfqrs. 18c9 James Clork, efq. 2cool.
Depute Clerk., Rt. Menzlcs, James 1814 Wm. Adam, efq. ::ocol. .
Rofe,John Elder, efqrs.· Killg'. Remembrancer, Sir Peter
Principal Clerk. to the Bills, Robt. MUl'ray, bt. seol.
Dundafs, and James Hope, e['ifS. Lord Trc:lfurer'. Remembran~er.
Dep. Clerks, Audrew Miller, Jas] Arch. Ferrier, cfq. 2001.
Mercer, and J. Watfon. Selic. John BuchanaIJ. efq. 1.401.
R.gifirar· of Seisim, Rt. Hon. R. Principal Auditor, 12001.
Dundas. . Dep. Aud. Fr. Anderfon
Keeper of the Regill:er of. Horoings, Clerk. of thl; Pipe, JaG.Walker, ani
Jllhn Wauchop. ef'!. John A. Murray, cf'1Ci. lool.
172 Scotland, Law Departmt'ht, &e.
Pcefenter oC Signatures, SII' J amc, Lord R'g!jlu', O.ffi<l.
M"ntgomery, bt. :1001. Lord Regifter, 1 RI. Hon. Lord F.
Rcc. Gen. of Land Rents, Alexander Campbdl, 18001. a )'~ar. .
Maclean, dq. 650~. . Deputy, Th .... Thorufon,efq. 500L
Ree. Gen. of B-fbcps Rents, Sir In. Dcputy Keepers of Record.,W. Rc-
Anftruthcr, bart. 4001. herlCon, Alex. Rnbertfon •
.Court of -;fdmiralty. MagijlralCl of Edinollrgh.
I.ord VIce AdmIral, 1 Earl Cath- L d P
ca't, K.T. 14001. 0: fi R H
k rovo, I. ou.. aJon-
J M ' ..

Judge of the Admiralty, Jas. Wolf. B' 'I~,n SJ h W h R b S 'th

l\1urray, el'l' 8001. a! .,,:s, 0 n· ~Ult, 0 t. rn1 ,
Procurator Pifeal, Alex. Kidd, efq. I hos. Scott, \\, Arhuthnot, efqra.
Clerk, Wm. Campbell,efq. Dean of GuIld, )c1m Walker, efq.
_______..,...._______ ITreafure:r, Al'clubald M' Kmla)'oe(q. I

Cvmmi/Tar, Court. AIf~lfor8, J. Fergufon, J., L'Amy, J.

Commilfaricsi Jas. Gordon, Thos. .Implon, and John ",ood, efqro.
1'0<1, J.mcs I;erguson, Geo. Rofs. Keeper of .Re~ord8. w. Forbes, efq.
efqrs. :1501. ~~amb"rlam, rhos. Henderfon,cfq:
Principal Clerk, Robt. Gratrne, efq. CIty Clerks, John DUlIdas, Chlll'le.
Deputy, Ororge Carphin CunnllJgha~ .
Procurator, fifeal, Pat. Wifbart, efq. AciDllral of Leith, Robt. Johuftonc,
Faculty of Ad'IJocatu. Shenlf Depute, William Rac, efq.
Dean, MatheW Rof., efq. -;h~rilf Sub. H. Davidfon, cfq.
Treafurer, Alcx. Irvin,. efq.
Librarian, A. MaDnen, efq. Court of Police.
Cb4IJeery. EjlQhli,fo<' b.J' A., of Parliammt, 18I:Z.
Diurtor, Earl of Rofslyn Judges, City Magiftrates for the
Dep. Director, James DUDoa., efq. time being; the four Old Bailiea;
Principal Clerk, David Ewart the Sheriff Depute; and hi. Sub-
o. - - - - - - fiitutes.
Signet O.ffi&t. Supermtendant of Police, Capt. Jq.
~ceper of the Signet, 1 Right Hon. Brown
Wm. Dundas,3000J. ;GeneraI Clerk, Mr. John \\furra)'
Deputy Keeper, H. \Varrender, efq. LitutenalllS, Hug" Morrifon, John
Sub-~eeper, Tho. Weir, efq. i Wanen, James Miller.

Aberdeen, Marquis of Huntlcy IDuDlbarton,'DllkcofM~ntrof,.K.G.
ArgyIe, Duke oC Argyle 'Ediuburg-h,Duke of Buccleugh,K.T.
Ayr, Earl of Eglinton, K.T. Elgin, Earl of Moray
)lanft', Earl of Fife Nairn, James Browe, efq.
Berwick, Rarl of Home Fife, Earl of Mortt'D, K.T.
Bure, ,!Marquis of Bute Furfar, Lord Douglas, of Douglq
Caithnef., Earlof Caithl1cf. H a,lington , E. of Hadington
Clackrnannan. Earl oE Milllsfield Invemef8, Fr. Wm. Grant, efq.
Rofs, I.ord Seafurth Kincardine, Vifcount Arbuthnot
Croma~ty, R.B.JE.MacJeod, cfq. . Kinrofs, William Adam, efq.
Dumfries, Duke of Dllcdeugh, KoT. irkcUdbri!!ht, E. of Selkirk'
Scotland, £celesia~t:c81 Jllstitlllions, ,\:c. 173
Lanerk, , Marquis of Douglas. )Rox~urgh, Eorl of .Ancnm.
1.inIithgow, Rarl of H"pdoun. !Scll"rk, Lord Nap,Cf.
Orkney and ZerIand, Lord Dundas j'Stirling , 1 Du<e of MilD, traCe, K.G.
Peeblc., Lord Elibank. Sutherland" M. of S,aif'lrd, K.G.
Perth. 1 Ouk( of .'\.thoI, K. T. Wigton, Earl of Galloway, K. T.
Renfrew, Earl of Glasgow.


, G",crdl./fjfolll.II]. S ..irty of loe S,", of ,he ClerD.
· h C
H 19 'fli 1 d N· l'refidcnt, Right Hon. David Boyle,
omnll loner, .or apler. Lord Juflice Clerk.
l\oIodcrator,Andrew Brown, D.D. T 1i AI, B li
Procurator and Cafuier for the rea u,er, <x. allar, C 'I.
Ch ure h , 1o.n
I Coone, II e q. Ad v . Secretary,
._____Wm. _ C."ech. efq.
Clerk, Andrcw Duncan, 0.0. B:Jhops ol tLe Seats llpiftopal C~"rch.
Suh-Clerk, Thos. Macknight. 0.0. Aber~een, Rt. Rev. John S"lDner,
Agent. Wm. Murray, ef'1. Pnmat~.
Edinburgh & Glasgow, Right Rev.
<J'eiml Co.rt. Donid Sandford, D. D. Oxon,
Edinburgh. .
Conuuiffioners for the Plantation 0 Brechin, Right Rev. George Gleig,
Kirks, and Valuation and Sale 0 LL:D& F.R.S.1l:dinb.-Stirlini
Teind" Lord. of Sc/lion. Moray, Rt. Rev. Alexander Jolly,
S"licitar, Edward M'Cormick. efq. Fraferlburgh.
Agent,Alex. Kid, efq. Dunkeld, Right Rev. PatrickTorry.
Clerk, Jofeph Wil!iamfon, eC'1' Peterhead.
Rof., Rt. Rev. Andrew l\1:acfarhne,
S«iely.fOr Propagnting Chr!JIiall Inverncfs.
Kno."ledg', 17 9' 0 . ~ Epifiopal Pr;mdl, So&i;;y:-"
Prefident of the, Society, Duke 0 Prefid. Rt. Rev. Bifhop Skinner.
Athol, It..T. Treafurcr, Rev. Wm. Skinner. B.A.
Prcfident ofCom. Wm. Crt'ech,eCq. O.:on. rdiding in Aberdeen.
Secretary. ~ev. Dr. John CamJ,bell Secretary, Rev. J. Cruiklbank.


St. ·.rIlld·"'v·... fountkJ 14 I~. Rev. James Hunter, M.A. Logic.
Chancellor; 1 Vlfcount Melville. Re.,.. William Ferrie, Civil Hiflory.
Unittd College of SI. S •• I'Uodor aRfl Ge?rge Hill, D.D. Theology.
St, L~on(lr". Nt'rv Cofl'g~.
Principal, James Playfair. D.D. Priu cip"], George Hid, D. D.
Profelfors. Profc1fors.
Robert Bri~:", Medicine. John Cook, D.D. DIvinity.
'rhos. jackfo\l, M.A. Natural Phi. Dall. Robertfon, Orient. Languavcs
lofophy. John loee. M.D. Eeel. Hillory.
John Cook, Mor. Philofophy. John Cook, Hebrew.
Robert Haldane. l\oIathematicl.
Heury David Hill. D. D. Greek. Gla/'So.v, found'" 1454.
John Hunter, Humanity. Chancellor. , D. of Montr"fe, K. G.,
J74 Scotland, Academical and Scientific 1nstitutions.
Lord Redor. Lord Lynedtlch, K.B. Alex. Monro, M.DJand A1cx. Mon-
Dean of faculty, Gavin Gil>b, D. D. ro, jun. M.D. Anatomy.
Principal, Wllliam raylor. Jdm •• Hamilton, M.D. Midwifery:
Profdfors. John Thompfon, Military Surgery.
Stevenfon M'Gill, 0.0. Divinity. Andrcw Dunean. jun. 1\1'. D. Medi-
John Young, Gro"k. cal Jurifprudencc and Police.
Rob. Da.idfon, D~C.L. Civil Law. Robert Jamefon, F.L S. Nat. Hifi:.
Rev. James Mylne, Moral Pilil. Robert Hlair, 0.0. Aflronomy.
)an«s M.llar, Mathematic.. AndreW Coventry, Agriculture.
Geurgc Jardine, Logic. Andrcw Duncan, M.D. Phyfiologr.
Rev. Wi:liam McikkhOlm, D.C.I" Clinical' Ledurer, James R u ffd I.
Nat. Phil. '. ILibrarian, And. Duncan,jun. M.D.
HumaDlty. Keep~r of the Muf<um, Robert
Robtrt Preer, M. D. l\teciicine. Jamcfon, F.I..S.
Lodthart Muirhead! M. A. Natural·Dotallic Gardener, Johil l\lackay,
Hinory. F.L.S. -
James Jeffrey, M.D. Anat. and Bot.
Patrick Cuming. Orient. Latl;;uagc,. AkrJ,'.n, [0'11'''''' 1494·
James Cowpcr,D.C.L. Pmd. Af- Xltlg I eoU'g'.
tronomy. Chancellor, Duke of Gor~on. K. T.
Wm. M'Turk, Church Hinory ~".do.r, , Lord Glenbervle.
Robt. Cleghoru, M.D. Chemitlry. 1 rmcIP."I,.R. Ma~l~od, D.D.
Rd. Miller;M.D. 1\1 at. Meelica. Sub-Pnnclpal, VVllhamJack.
Jimles To\V~rs, M.D. Midwifery.. Profdfors.
JiJiI,burg",found,d 158~. . G~lb~rt Gerard. D.D. Divinity.•.
Patron, The Town Council. Alex"ll<I~ .1)auney, D.e.L., CJvil
Principal, George S.ird, 0.0. Law.
}'rofdfors. Medicine.
William Ritchi", 0.0. Divinity Wm. Ogi!l(y, Humanity.
Aloex. Brunton, D.D. Hebrew. Hugh Macpherfon, 0.0. Geek.
H. Micklcjohn, 0.0. Church Hill. William Duncan, and T. TuUoch,
David Richie, 0.0. Logic. Mathematics.
Gcorge Dunhar, M.A. Greek. WHIII~am Jack, Nat. Phi! •.
Alex. Chrilli>oll, M.A. Humanity. Wl lam Paul,.M~ral Phll.
Adam J!:crgufoD and John Lefiie, JamesBelltley, Ouental Languagu.
M.A. Mathematics. JllJariftblll Colltgt.
Dugald Stcwart, M.A. and Thomas Chancellor, Marquis of Huntley.
Brown, U. 0 Moral Phil. Rector, Charles Fotbes, efq.
John Playfair, F.R.S. Nat. Phi!. Dean of FacLlity, Geo. Douglas, efq.
Wm. Frafer Tytler, Uni,'. Hill. Principal and Profdfor of Divinity,
David Hume, M.A. Scotch Law. Wm. L. Brawn, D. D.
John Wilde and Alex. Irvine, B.C.L. Proftlfors.
Civil Law. Wm. Livingfiol1, M.D. MediciDe.
Rt. Hamilton, D.C.L. Public Law. James Kidd. Oriental Languages.
AI'drc~ Brown, D.n. Rhetoric. John Stuart, 0.0. Greek.
Daniel Rutherford, M. D. F. L.~. Georg. Glennie, Mllral Philonip1:y
Botany. and Logic. "
Jame. Home, M. D. Materia Med. Patriek CoplaJ'd, Mathematics.
James Gregery, M.D. F.L.S. Prac- lamea Davidfon, M.D. Nat. Hilt
tice of Phyfic.. Robcrt Hamilton, Nat. Phi!.
Thomas Charles Hopi-, M.D. F.L.S. George FI·cnch,Chemillry.
Ch~lIliftTy. . Chulel Skenr, Anatoni}'.
Scotland, Royal Collt'ge of Phy,icia~s. 1 is
High 8.6 ••I!f Etli"h"rgb. \ fon, Jame. Gray, aad George Ir-
Rector, James Pillan., M.A. vine
Malicr., Wm. Ritchic, A. R. Car- Writing-Mal1:er. Andrew M'Kean.


t P r.pl1ors in Ih, Uni';;,rjily. U El",.".
PrelideDt, t IIDr. Jame. Hamilton. Dr. <.:olin Lauder.
Vice-Prd. t IIDr JlLIll(" Home. Dr.Georg.:Gavhl BrowneMiII,Bath.
Fellows. Sir Aleulld~r Wilfon, kt. Bnh.
tDr. Alexallder Monro, fen. :Dr. Ma,th~w Poolc, Ireland.
Dr. W. Shippen, Philadelphia. ,Dr. Thomas JaDliefon, Cheltenham.
tu Dr. A DUlIcan, fen. Ccnfor. ~Dt. WilIiam KeDnedy, Invernef•.
l}r. James Hamilton, {en. . liDr. Nicolaa Romayne, New-Yolt.
Dr. Nathanicl Spcn.. Dr. Alc%. Morrifon
tllDr. Danid Rutlkrford. Dr Ofwald Hunter, Bengall
.. Dr. James Gregory, F.L.S. 'Dr. Wm. Dick, London.
Dr. William Wright. IDr. W. Franklin, LOlldon
Dr. James.Hamilton, Sec. London. IDr. Robcrt FoxIey, Mancheftcr
Dr. John Lind, Ponfmouth. IDL John Gray
Dr. Robert StevenfoD, Newcal1:le. 'Dr. Samuel MJcdowal1
Dr. John MarlhaU, Lynn Regis. ,tllr. Thomas llrow?
Dr. James Wood, Perth. IDr. Alex. Mackenzie, Madra.
Dr. J.ames C;tmpbell, l:alcutta. IDr. John Barday
Dr. Henry Madagan. Dr. Wm. Wightmw, Dunb:lJ'
Dr. Robert Freer, Glafgow. Dr. lames MacGregor, Ponfmoutll
Dr. Sam. Spaltling. Southampton. Dr. Wm. Gourlay. Madeira. .
UDr. Thoma. SPCllS, Trcafurer. Dr. J. Hemy Davidfon
Dr. Patric Baron Seton. Dr. 4\lex. Wylic, Librarian
t HDr. Charles Stuart. Dr. Adam Burt, Bengal
Dr. James C1arkc, Dominica. Dr. james Muttleburry, Jamaica
Dr. Wm. Roxburgh. F.L.S. Bengal Dr. J. P.lohllfon, ShrewIbury
Dr. Georgc WilftJll, Virginia. . Dr. John Cheyne, .Dublin
Dr. W. Moncridfe, Brillol. Dr. Henry H.udic, Gl:l.fgow
Dr. J. C. Leufum, F. n. and L. S. Dr. James Andtrfon
London. Dr. Sam. Fcrguson, Antrim Militia
Dr. ThollUls Arno!d, Leictfter. Dr. Dan. Dav. Davies, Sheffield
Ur. John Yule. Dr. John Bigsby, Nottingham
'Dr. Jofcph Fox, London. Dr. Wm. Klford Leach, Londo.
Dr. Jam~s I'vbcdonnell, Bclfaft. Dr. Wm. Fergufou, Portug31
Ur'. A. Macdonald, Taunton. Dr. Wm. PultcJ:ey Alifon
Dr. A. Ph. Wilfon, Worcciler. Dr_ Ben. Burdett Buchanan
Dr. JJmes Buchan, Lifbon. Dr. John Warwick Purfell
Dr. lame. Galking. Plymouth. Dr. John Ciark, Portugal
Dr. A. Stewart, Perth. • Clerk, Alex. Bofwdl, efq. W.S.
Sir Waiter I.'arquhar, bt. London. Licentiates, Dr. James Sander., Dr.
Dr. 1. H. Cooper,Stamford. Wm. Manon,and Dr. John Wil-
D Dr. F. C. Hope, F.L~S. Ceafor. li:unfon.
Dr. Oeorge Dickfon. Hd"",." Ft/IQ",'"
Dr • .A. Duncan, JUDo Fifcal. ,Rt. Hon. Sir Jofcph Banltea lit.
Dr. Andrew Kcltic, Perth. K.B.P.R.S. • .
tOr. Alexand.;r Munro, JUD. Sec. Dr. 1. Ro,crfon, Peteribur,h
I'll Scotland, Revenue.
Dr. J. G. Waiter, Brrlin Euminators, Wm. Farqohal', ,A.nd.
A. G. Richter, Gottingcn Inglis, Jame. Bryce, Alex. Gil.
Dr. h.lw. JenDer, London lefpie, Geo. Bell, Wm. Ne"big-
Dr. Math. Baillie, London ging, Geor!!;e Kellie, Thos. 1.0-
Clerk, Aiel[. Bofwdl, erC). W.S. thlan; John Abercromby, Wnt.
--R;,-;rC;"-;g,,-;.r iu-;'gwu. Wood,I. H. Wilhart, and )ofcph
Prefident, James Law, crC). Bdl, cflfr•.
Treafurer, Wm. Brown, efq. Clerk, William Baloterllon, erq.
,' 'Ta" OiJiu. Agent,Jamts Horne,cfq. ~ool.
Comptroller, Hen. Mackenzie, efq. Ag<:nt at London, R. Mitford, erq.
'Deputy, James Mackt.nzic, efq. - - - -----.-
AJliO:ants, Mell' .T. Brown, and T G""ral PofI OjJi&" •
Campbdl Pon·Maner·Gen. Earl of Caithnd's
Solicitor, Henry Jardine, efq. Secretary, Wm. Kerr, dq.
Board'of CujlomJ. Solkitt)r, James Rober!fo~, efq.
Chairman, Edward Earl, efq. 12.001. Accomptant, Charles Buclian, cfq.
Commiffiollers, Henry Vcitch, Alex. Surveyors, F. Ronaldson, and Jamea
Ofborne, L. H. Fcrrier, Thoma. Shearer, efqn. •
Bruce, ef'lfS. 800L Infpector of dead and mls-fent Let·
Secretary, Mathew Pemberton,efq. ten, George.Mafon
Receiver General, 1. Campbcll, cf'!. Cl. of the Engl:fh Road, R. V~)Ung
Deputy, James Hamilton Clerk of the \\ eft Road, F. Glbfon
Solicitors, J. MerlZies, and J. Din· Clerk of the North Road,D. Buchan
ning . • 8tamp OJlict.
Amnant So\Jcltor, H. rWarrender
I d G H ead D',url A 'b
utor an d C 0 11ector It.
Surveyors Genera I .or Scot an, . H b r . '
Cunningham, and J. Weftgarth D ep uWrne, eMq• 1"'
I n.pectora- G I fIt deputy, m. urray, e.q.
cncra" mpor s an Clerks J.' Small John Gra and
Exports, A. Cleghorn,efq. W 'V' y!
Comptrollt'rGeneral,Earl of Leven C m. IloungM T P d' I
A Jlifi ant, R'lC Ilard G ar d ner, e~'I, oOlptro er,
D·ft·b t ~ Ed'rlb
r. . en eI', 190 •
h ndl 'th
Examiners of Cufloms, David An- I rI U or or .'. urg a .CI"
ii r. A w'n Mr. James BaIlIe, 11101. and 301•.
er 011, ' . I for Clerks;' -
Infpector of SeIzures, F. Anderfon S I"t I B .1"
I nlipector 0 f l nCI'dcnu, J 0 h n BI ac·k , 0 lel or, ames remner,c:.Jq.
In fipeet or, J :lmes W add e,11 100I •
wood. .
Agent at London,.Z. Mitford,efq. Bad of 8.otl",,,I, 1('95.
Ex.iu OJlict. Governor, ,Vife. Me.lville
Chairman, James Sedgwick, efq., Deputy Gov. Pat. MIller, efq.
Commiffioners,FredericK'Fothering- Secretary, Geor,e Sandy, cf'l'
ham, 1. .Jackfon, SaOl. Rofs.efqrs. Rov..1 Ba,,", (1?-7.
Comptroller, R. Wharton Duff, efq"Goverl'lor, 'Duh nf Buccleugh.
Sec. 1ames Bruce,. t.fq. \Dcputy Gov. Gilbert lones, efq.
4\,udi.tor, John Ph,lIp 'Y0od , ef,).. Secretary, Aud. BogIe, efq.
Calhler, , Rt. Hon. SIr John Sln-
clair, bt. 1 Britifo Li"~1I C."'lwry. 1746.
Accomptant .Gen. lames Dundaa,Governor, Earl of N"rthdk, K.B.
'l>:n~ James Hamilton, efqn. ,Dep. Gov. Sir Jas. Montgomcry, ht.
SoliClton, 1. Olced, 1. Boaar, cfq. [Secretary, Will. H~nderfoA. ef'1'
ttoyal N4V1. ] 77
}'irat R1tte 100 gUM and upwards, 850 to 875 mell~
Second 98 to 90 700 to 7:10
TlIird 80 to 6' MO to 650
Fourth eo to 50 8'20 10 4~0
Fifth 44 to M uo to 300
Sixth 28 to 20 . - - 140 to toO
N. B. 1·1te Ship. with an Italic Lettl'r afler the name, were tak"
en from the Enem), I thus denoted, F. from the Fren('h, .fJ. Spanish.
B. Bata.ian or Dutch, D. Danish, 1. Italian, R. RBllian.....
A 18 Anaconda, Phil. Westpbal
h Abonldi', Norb. TbompIon 18 Arid, Oan. RosI
74 AehiHes, A. P. Holies 16 "'ctetm, F. John Ross
'1'4 Ajax, Geqrge Mundy 16 Anacrcon, J. Davies
t4 Albion, Vice-Adm. _G. Cock- to Abundance, JOI. Que
Iturn, Capt. C. B. 11. Roas 1f Adder.
t4 America,SlrJ08iasRowll!y,bt. 8 lEtna, Bb. Richd. Kenab
t4 Asia, Vice-Adm. Sir A. Corh- 14 Aggressor, H. Jewty
raul', K. B. Capt. A. Skellt' 14 Alball, A. M. Wright
64 Ard ..nt, Sir Win. IlUlllauy, ht. 14 Archer, Wm. Slaughter
6-10 ArK_ut, F. Lieut. JR. hllles 8 Ant, -Tbomas Strong
/10 Antelope, 8amuI'l Butcher " B-
60 Acbar, Chas. allUen 98 Boyne, F. L. Maitland
44 Argo, Rear-Adm. Wm.Brown, 74 llahama, S. Lt. H. S. Willen
Capt. Wm. Fothergill 74 Barbam -
40 Acasta, A. R, Kerr, 74 Bedford; J. Walkrt
38 AfritIJiJle, F. Hon. Ed. RodDey 14 Belh,rophon, Viee-Adm. Sit
38 Alcf.te, F. D. Laurence R. G. Keats, Bt. Capt. Ed".
8R ..41.:_, F.,Jl're'i1. Goghlan J:lawker
88 Al'Jllide,F.SirE.T.Troubridge;
Bart. _
7' Bl'rwick, Edw. Brace
74 Bombay, Hen .. Bazeley
36 Astrea, Wm. Blaek ?,4'Bulwark, F. P. EpWorth
36 AI"belll. George Langf'ol'd 64 BI'IIi.lllftIX, Lt. Win. Lee
36 Araus, Geo. M. Bligh 50 Batutier; 8. Lt. T. D. Birchalt
SI! AigJe, Sir John J,ouis,Bart - 88 Bplk /'011.11', F. Francis Baker
M £01115, Jas. Creigbllln - 38 Bac('hantt', Fl'allcisStaufell
82 Ampbion, J. P. Slewart 36 Bar0881l, John Maxwell .
81 Aquilon; Thomas 8nrton :16 Brlll/e, F. W. S. Badcoek
'4 Andromeda, Richard Arthllr 311 Brilon,SirThos. 8tllilll'~, Knt.
to Acorn, GeOJ'ge Hendetson 32 Bnc!epbalos, O. W. H. D. Aeth
18 AclJ(lte"F. T. L. P. Laughame 22 Bann, John TIlneock '
18 Albicore, Thl'o. Jones 10 Bermuda, Wm. Woliidge
16 AmllTanthl', Rich. 1'1:. Yates J8 Bantl'rt'r. C. Warde'
16 Alert, J. G. Garland 18 Baraeollt., Cha.•• H.wkey
l4 Apellel!; Alexander M'Yicar 18 Bittern, G. A. Hire
18 Arab, Henry June 20 BlolI!!oDl, J. It. Rowl!'),
18 Araebot',·Wui. F. Godrff,)' - 20' Buffalo, R. AlldcnoD

178 Royal Navy, KiA·g'Jl Ship. ill Commission.
18 &nutt Citttgt1f1le, f'. A. W. J.I 18 Camel, James Keitb
Gliiford IIJ Crlli~er, . .
18 Rrlftk,. Ht·nry Hi!ml~n Is Crane; Robt'rf Standly'
18 B,lzzard, Lord John Hay 14 Cro(,lIs. Henry Collier
18 »acclms, 1'''01. Hill 18 Cllrlew, HIIgb Pearll8'll
16 BlIstard Is Cygnet, R. RUllSeU .
10 Badger, Sam. T, Dirk .. nl la Cllallengrr
:l0 Bt'svf'r, Ewd. (1'8ri('n DrDry 18 Colllmbia, H. D. Cbadll
tu Brazen, James Stirlin~ fl) Comet, G. W. Blaimey
iO Briseis, W. R.JarkeoD 16eormorant, Wm. Kirby
:to Dritoll/lrrt, Rober' Riddle l ' Conflict, A. 1\1. Hawkiaw
14 Basili~k, !O CarH,8.
16 Barbauoes;Joho Ph'miA'gI0 Cballticlerr, John Tbompaoa
14 Borer. Wm. Bawlin. 10 eadmu8,Jobn Ged~e
14 Bi'evdll/fMPlI, D. T. 8. J)evoB 10 Calliol)e,Johll Codd
14 BlootJ.hoHB,I,Lt. Cha. Rnbiuge 10 qlcrokee, WilIiam Ramage
H Brnis('r, Lt. Wm. Priee IQ Cordeli., William SargeDI
.. Br~alll, Lt. C. D. Brow. _ 14 Clinker, Jos. T_Ilidge
8 Bramble, T. W. NiclioIllt 14 C,nsor, Lt. M. R. Lueu
14 Cbet'rly, Lt. John Smith
• C . 14 Cooqllt'~t, Lt. J. Rogers
74 Cor.i'wallis, ir. Adm. G. Bur 14 Constant, Lt. John Stoke.
tOl': Capt. E. D. Killg 10 Can,o, W. P; Croke
74 Canada, 14 Cracker, Lt. M. FiUoR
74 Centaur, T. G. C.n116 .. fcf H Couted, James Rattra,
,'4 Chatham, David Lloyd 1~ Cheerful, Lt. Wm. Smith
7~ Cnmbf'fIHntl, Thorn ... Baker . D
M CentllliflD, ltrar-Adru. Edw. 74 DIIMmttrk.D. H. E. R. Ra·kt!'
33 Ceyloll, A. R. Hmllitto»
38 Cresceut, .John Quilliam
SS Cygllll~, Fredt'ricK Laugford
Griffitu."cap t.JnJ;tiCot'FiDfaY 74 DralloD, Robert BarHe
74 DSDC8II, Rr. Adm.. Sir J. P.
IJeresford,bt. Capt. S.Cb8lll_
31$ Cht8r~,A. Fran.N I'wcombe. 64 Diadem, John M. Haueliell
31! Clrwi1ide, F. Sam. G, Pechell «;40 Dictator
:16 Cnolt', GeO. Chas. Mackenzic' [)() DiolDedt!fC, M.Fabian
36 CnrMoa •. John Tower 44 Dolphio, A. ~Iack
~\l Castorf ClJarlt's Dilkes 33 Doris, Robl'rt O'Brien
t2 <::011111. Jah" Tailonr S8 Dromedary, Edm. Ives
~':! Cos~ack, Lt!. Algl'rnon Percy 36 Deairee, F. Wm. Wooldrid,..
~'t Crocodile, William Elliot 82 DoM', F. R. H. Rogerll ,
seo Cherub, T. T. 'ru,'hr 22 Daplllle. JarueJ GreeD
!SO Carron, Hon .. R. C !IpC'Deer 18 DasbeF, Wm. Hendersoll
:!o eyrene, ,"o.«Ion Falcon 18 Del'. - - ADdrews
la, Cbildeu, J.·B. Ulllfreville 18 Dispatch,Jame. Gall~'~y
If\ Calypso, C. H, Reid 18 ne)'weDt, T.bomu. Wllhama
20 Cyrm, W. 1<'. Carrol 18 Dotterd, Jobo Knatr.hbull
18 CQlnmbillt'. R. H. l\IlIjldle 18 DauDtless, DaD. Barber
la Ca.lilian, llavi.18raimer 10 Drake, Grf-gory Grant
18 C"phallls, J.obll FilrD"aUx 8 Dl'vaatatio~ T. Alexlnller
18 Chatybdis, J. CI ..pban J. Dexterous, Lt. Wm. Mor!{llll
la CarnatioD. 01'0. Bfntham 12 Dl'c()uverte, Lt. R. WilIi. . .
JII "lio, WillilDl F.. niDlt~~ 1~ ~e''cader,
Royal Navy, King's Ships in Commission. 179
it Pt'ptford; Tt'nd~r M Goliatb,
10 Oa!'t, Lt. Sam. Gordon :;0 Grampn., F. A. Collier
10 Dwarf, Lt. S. GordtD 44 Glalliator, G. J. Rt'Ilr Adm.
E James Footl', Capt. Cb.a.
9'4 Etlinblu'!th, G. L. Manley Hewitt .
7'1 Elizabt'th, G. H. Guion 44 GorgoD, R. B. Bowdt'n
44 Experimt'nt, 86 Gr1\oicns, W. F. WiRe
~!I Enrolls, R. Boyle 116 Galat"a, Woodlpy LoRack
40 f.ndymion, Henry Hope 4(1 Glasgow, HOIl. HeD. Ouncao
:36 ,Eridanu8, Henry Pn,scotl 114 Gangnll!d,. P. J. 8. Porvis
36 Rthalion, W. H. Bohbie 22 Garla",l, It. P. Davit's
36 Euphrates, Rohert. Prt'ston 111 Grasshopper,Sire. Bnrrard,bt.
56 Enryalus, Charles Napiel' 16 Goree, C. R. Moonon
2!1 En~crt;rize, Lieut. W. C.Bar· 16 GriffQl/j F. Geo, HewilOD
ker 10 Goldfiuch, John Foote
24' ~urydice, Hon. V. Gatllnel' 12 Griper, A. IWl\Iel'kan
18 Echo, Tholllas Perccval 14 Gallanl.~. Wm. Crow
III Eclair, John Bdlamy 14 Growler, Lt. H. ADderson
If! E~piagle, Cbas. Mitchell
18 Elk; J! B. H. Cnrran H
111 Ele...tra, F.T. I\'i. Cecil 50 Hindostln, Dun. Weit
16 Emulous, J. Gore 36 Hebrus, Etlm. Palmer
18 Eucluintress, Lt. C. Bo~toek 38 Hydra, J08. Digby
·is Espoir 38 Horatio, Will. H. Oillon
18 Ere1Jll8, D. E. Bartholomew 36 Hamtldryad, S. Etfw. Cheiham
eo Eme, Hon. W. J. Napier 36 Havaullllh, Wm. HamiltOJi
16 Edwa!'d j J.llykes 36 Hlllspnr, Hoo. J. P~rcy
!l3 Esk, G. G. Lennock :It Hyperiol1; W. P. COlllby"
14 Earnest, Lt. James Tait 2,1 Hyaena, J. Foxlon
14 J.~cort, Lt. O. V. ero,bie 2n Hermes, Hon. W. H. Perc,
12 Elizabeth; Lt. I. w. Dwyer 20 Herald, Clem. ldilward
la Hupy, T. G. AII~n
F' 18 Harrier1 Sir: C. J. Jones, knt.
'14 i,m, n. 14 Hasty, John m-enlOn' .
:38 FIlriIiM:, F. \Villiam MotinSey 18 HpCall'; John Alien
38 F,.., D. H. H: Hore ill Hazard j John Cooksley
40 }<'orth, Sir Wm. Bolton, kilt. 19 Heron; ~'. C. Anoesley
36 Fox; F. J. Willock 18 Hesper; Charles Biddulph
i8 Ftl1lto_,F.J. Lawrence 20 Hyadnth, A. R. 8harpe
~ Fuorite, HOII. J. A. Maude 18 Harleqninl Wm. Kempthome
la Fly, Jno. 8ald,,,in In Helicon, Andw. l\litcbell
111 FOrfester, Wm. Heudry 10 Hope! H. }<'; Jalluj:t'y
18 ~owey. Hew Stewart - '14 Hallghty; LI; Jas. HarveJ
16 Foxhoulld, Thos .. \Varraod III Havoc; Geo. 'l'ruscott
18 Fairy, Hen. L. Baker 12 Hearty, Jamt's Rose
14 Ferret; . 4 Herring; Lt. J. Mllrray
:14 Forward, R; Bankl's I
14 Furiotls, Lt. J. Mllndall 98 Im}lregnable, V. Atlm.· Wml
i~ Fervenl; Wm. Hotham Domclt; Capt. qobt. Hall
G 74 Irrt>r.istihle; Robett Mansel
Genoa, Lt. A. H. Wbyte S6 Isler, John Crlllner
16 Gloucester, R. Willialld . 36 Ipblgenia, Andw. KiD.
180 Royal Nary, King'. Ships in CommissiOd.
36 tri,'. H. H. Chri.ti .. n13~ Melpmnnr" F. RoM. RnwT~
4fj In(l~f.ligahle, John Fytfe \ j6 \\Ia,d~tone, Alex. Gonloo
38 In/'IIII<t8I1t, Sir E '1'IIoller, kot. So Mala~('a, D. H. l\Iackay
18 Inriian,JRIllt's nUlln 38 M~IIf'lalls, -',,1111 Dirk
18 ;rartllf, 'llto •• R. De\'on .36 ~ieaflder, John Ra<tard
' " t· ';. :""I',JollII Gilmour SS Medina, H(,DIY l\olJcber
14 /1.,,,1011. F. Wm. Kt·lIy ;1'2 ;'!erlT1aid,
12 Inlt";~<"', Lt. N. Tuckl'r 36 l\1afla.\tlIst'ltr. R. C. DO~'le
In"e.lij:atnr. J.Thomlll, MIIBt. fO Min8trd, Franci. R. T.o~k
30 Ja~oo, Hr.n. J. W King ~ Myrmidon, Wm. PallprsoD
SI! JU7IOR; F. Ciot. Upton to lIhrtll', A. B. Bingilam
la JaloIlH',.Jam<'" Bashford 18 1\I:,m,', W. O. Pdl .
1fl Ja~eur, N. L.·Patle,lJal IS Marti", Hon. J. Arbntlmot
10 Jallper, TI\ps. Carewe 18 Itfm:fll-tu8. D. 1'h08. Rcnwick
K 18 l\Jptl'or, Sa",1I1'1 Rob.. rts
lR Kan!!.roo, W. S. Hall lli l\iohuwk, Heriry Lilt'hfield
16 Kite; '1'h08. }'onter 18 l\lorgiana, Oavid Scott
. L 18 Mosellf', JohnlUoberlf'y
7' La lInane, Hon. T. 8. Capel ]a M 08(111;'0 • .Ja•. Tompkio8on
7'~ Lrviathal1, Tho~. nl'il[II;S 1, 1I111r09,1. 1. S; Gtiffillboofe
64 Lt'!/dtll. B. John Davit' 18 J\llItioe, Jame. Monld
50 Lcandt'r, Sir Geo. ColliE'r, bt.· 10 Memp .., W. B. Sucklinr
4-0 Linr/lool, Ar, Ih. FUffluhar \ 14 Maria, Tllorl'u Hawkelt
40 tifi'ey. Jol," Hancot'k 14 Martial, J3 •. LE'~rh
SA Lanrel, Hon. O. L. Prohy 11 I\fanlfy, Vinct. ~E'wton .
M Latolla, Rr. A,I. W. J. Hope;, 14 Morllf Forfll,w,F. Lt. J. Steel.
(""1.1. A. 8n,ith
S8 Lena, Geo. Sayt'r
110 l\Jllllft, LI. J Thomp!lOD .
8 Mi,lt-top, J.f, R. Ramsay
86 Leolli.!ru;, 'Will. King , 4 ~lackarel. LI. 'r. H. Hugbes
S8 Loi,e, F. 'fhos. B r o w n . N
36 Lacedemonian, Sarn .•Jackson 74 Nomur, Rear.Adm. Cha.Row-
20 LI'''''II, Johll Tailor 11 lev .
20 Lil(htning, G('o. Kt'Dllie 74 Nmire, D.Chal. Do,hwooo
18 L .... , C. 8. RE'~lJold. 1 f>O Nt'\\'('a8t1e, Lorrl Geo. Stewart

18 J.t'vant, Hon. Geo. Douglas SIl ,Ni/1't'r, Peter Rain,,'

18 Larn .. , J.!hn W. A Dd,,,w 38 Ni..,uffl. F. Sumtll'l Pym
10 Lt'vert! .•IoORt. Chri,tian Sa Niobe, F. H"nry C. Deaeoa
14 Liberty, Lt. E. H. Senhonse 38 Nymph, Hugh Pigot·
10,LF8, Do"d O'Rei11y 36 Nypllm, D. Matthew Smith
.. Lalldrail, Lt. H. D. Lancasterl ;3'i Nbrci.Ru<, John R. J_!mllfoy
M 32 Nerens, Manl~y H. Dixon
110 Nulla, F. R .. ar·Adm. n. Hal. 20 Nortb Star, 'l'hoDlas'C:Oe
10wt'U, Capt. S. ·H. IlJljle. 18 Nalltilm, TllOnlae Deoc~
field 18 N iml'od, Geo. Hilton'
'14 lI1a!!nificent, W. T. Luke 15 ~i/ll,t;n!!all', qlliat. Nixo.
'i4 Medway, V. Adm. CIIlI. Ty1e" 12 Nilllble, Lt. P. WilliBllK
Capt. Aug. Brine . 0 '
74 Minden, V. Adm. Sir S. Hood, 30 Orphene,
Kot. (;apt. Joecpb Prior \':16 Orontes, N. D. Codirane
74 MOnlal!l1t', P,ctl'r liaywood 36 OWt'n GIt'o.lo\\,er; B. Hod,.o.
54 iHaj".tit:, John Hayt's 36 Orlando, J<,i1O CI.vell
{1\1 )l~abar, ." Bradlh.I'Y 1, Ci)btrOIl, J3IIIe ••iana,
'Royal Navy',Kill~'8 Ships in Commission. un
16 Orestl'S, Wm. R. Smith - If) Paz, S. Lt. P. Dnmart'sq
10 Onyx, Smith CoiJ" 10 Piont'rr, Lt John "ill
JO 0P08SlIIlI, T. Wvlridge ' 'Pictnn, Lt. Cloas. Hare
10 Olympio, Lt. W. Windeyer 10 Pigmy, Lt. 1<. (;ro.slJlan
98 Princ!', Adm. Sir R. Bicker. 74 Quern, Rt.Hon.Lord Col~iIIe
·tOIl, Bt. Cftpt. Ol'o. Fowke 4 Quail, Lt. 0 .. 0. St~ .. art
7.(. Poml'et,F.Sl£J.A.Wood,Kt. R
74 Planlag('net, Ro~rt Lluyd 80 Riroli, F. E.lw. S. Dickson
74 l'rincus CaroiiJle, D. H. 1)own· 74 Kalll:lli('~, Sir T.M.aardy, bt.
man 74 Rl'pulie,
,74 l'ui",,,!nt, !. B. W. Pa~e 74 Royal Oak,Rr. Adm. P. Mal-
()4 Pr. fI'edmck, B. Rr. Atim. T. ('DIm
B. l\1artlD; Capt. R. Prid·,04 RUby, Com. A. F. Evanl
man ' H Rt·gnhlh. Rob~. Ham;ay
4(1 Pr~tmte,F. T. Stokes ;>8 lttrillutill7ililirt, F, J. Co Wool.
38 Pomone, F. Philil' Carteret combe
38 PresUjt'1Il, F. Areh. 1)uff 38 Rt>tu. D. Philip Somerville
S!I Pactolus, HOII. W. F. Aylmer 36 /lbin, F. Cha.. Malculm
36 Pent lope, Wm. Coblt Sri RuollllU8, LI. J. Rvwen
36 l'h<rIJ~, Jam,·. Hill~ar :,:,~ Raillbow, Jal. Wemyu
36 Phenix. C. J. Austin 18 ItacoOD, A. i\loDtgomerie
36 Piqae, i~. Hou.-A. Maitland hi R.'crnit. Thos. Sykc~
se Paima, J. A. Worth 111 Iterlwill!(, Tlwmas Youn,
f8 Prince>., H. Will. Simp.ol1 18 Rffi~llIau, H. E. Napier
24 Porcnpine, Booty Harvey HI. }tll1gdov,', J ... CTl'I~htlin
!if Pn8~lIs, E. H. A'Court 20 RIJlIllmond, Etlw. Stopforcl
18 Pandora, Jamf's Mcara 10 Rosario', T. L, Peake .
113 Partrtdge, F. J. M. Allye It! Rover, H('IJ, !\lol1lres*or
18 Pupil/oil, F. JamI'. Hay I B Rnyalist, T. P. J. Pllrry
18 Pfimrose, Cn G. R. PhiJIott 16 Raltit'l', Ift'n. ~ollr;;e
la PelA&OCk, A. Geo. Domett 16 )(av .. n, ,Erlward Lloyd
t8 l'doros, John Gonrly , 10 Redpole, Eum. 1)enmlln
16 Pelican, Wm. )(. Bitmber 10 Reoard, 1)avidSt. Clllir
18 Pt'nlvian, Oro. Kipv~n 10 Rolla, }tob,'rt JI\~yan
18 Pengnill, Jam.,8 Vil'kensoD 12 nact'r, Lt. H. F. Y. PogsoQ
18 l'heasant, .Edm. Wallt'r 10 K,"aldo, i\ rch. 'l'i6{iall·
SO Phiiolllel, W. H. Nares 12 Resvlute, Lt. W.P. Ur~eD
18 Piiot, J. T. NidlOI~ S
18 Plov .. r. Johl1 Skekel 112 SaJoB'/, S.
18 }'rospero, G.'o. Greensill 74 SOH JlJflll, S. Rr. Adm. liou.
N Podargu~, Jumrs W.. \Iis ' C. E. Fleming, Capt.
18 Port 1\1abon, F. W. nurgOy ne 90 sU8"eX,.Lt. W. (,;\Jct..craft
16 Pylades, J. C. O. Roherts
Jp Pal1lina, R. Mainwaring l E. FlemilllC; (;al,t.
74 S~il'jon, F Hen, Heatbcllto
14 Peller, Geo. Haye 74 SIWn ..el', Rich. Baggett
l6 Pickk, F. Lt. W. Figg t 74 Sultan, Jnhll Weat
l8 Pru";1elbeIJ8, W. IJ. Dasbwood; 74 Sl1p-;rh, Hon. Cbas. Paget
J4 Portla, H. Tbornpson
18 Piercer, Jos. Knel'sba\v
174 Slfltlsur.. , Ardt'll Adlifrley
,54 Saturn, Jam"~ Na~h
14 ProteC'tor, Lt. 01'0. Milchener 44 Serapis, Will. Lloyd,Mastn>
H P~ke, J,.t. D, BuehlUl [3, Salctlte, ,I gaD .uo"ea
182 . Royal Navy, King's Ships in Commission.
J. A. Go ...ion
38 Sl"I\boJ'llt'. 74 T;I(f'II,F. John Hallid~
~8 Sr. Fr. Drak~.T,Ho8kiu.'.1JIut.64 TrIlleDt. R. B. VIQI:t'nt
S8 Statira, Spdlman Swain .11 Trusty, Lt. J. Co"wt'1l
38 Surprise, G. W. H, Knight ~a Tcnedos, Hyde Parker
$8 Sgbelk, F. Thomas "'nrr~~t SS '.L'iber, Jas. R. Da"rea
~ Seamander, Gilb. Ht'alllcoate 36 Th~ball, Samnel LC8Ii~
10 Severn. Jos. NOllflic S8 Tanais, Joupll James
:36 Stag, PIli lip Hornhy j6 Tagu" l'hilip PipoQ
32 Suece.s, J G. M. 8. J\I'Killop j6 TI~ris, R. tlenderson
18 Subillt, F. Edw. Wrouesley 36 Traave, Rowland Mooney
~8 SamarllNg, B. 36 Trent, ViceAdJn. U. Sawyer,
18 Sapphire, Adam Brown Capt. O. 0, LeDlJlriere
28 Satellite, "'ho~, W. (;ecil 32 Thames, Hon. H. C, L. h'by
16 Saracen, Air". Dixie ~8 Thisbe, V. Adm. HOD. A, K.
16 Scout, JII8. A. Murray Legge; Capt. Thos. EH~
:IS Seylla. C. B. Alien 20 Termagllllt, Charles Sbaw.
18 Slant'y, ' W Thais, Henry Weir
18 Snakt', Josrph Gape 20 Tartarllll, John Paseo
14 Shelburne, 20 Tortoise, Tbos. Cook
18 SOJlhie, N. Lot'kyer 20 Talbot, Wm. Dowets
]R Sparrow Hawk, T. B. Clowes 18 Tamar, C. Sotbt'by
~8 SphYDX~ 18 Tay, Wm. Robilliard
::18 Splltil'e, JamclR. Daltoll 18 Thracian, John Caiter
20 Spey !to Towey, Henry SleWlU't
18 Stork, Robl. L. Coulsoll 18 T,'inculo, All'x, RenDit!
18 Swallow, Lotd A.iJOfrey 13 Tyne, ,Jobn Harper
20 Sabrin3, A. R.l\J·Kfn~ie 16 ThofO, Lt. W. Somfrvill~
]8 Sylph, G\!orge Dickt!l~ 16 TUBean, G. M. JOtIt's
16 Shark, 10 TYl'ian, A. B~dwin
~6 Sbeldl'ake. GI'O. BriOt! 14 Thresher, .
16 Sparrow, 1". E. Luch 14 Teazer, Th08. Prickett
16 Swaggerl'f, 10 Transit, Lt. Edw.l\<Joore
:16 SDl'pen, Wm. J.aullhame 10 'ficklel', Lt. S. Hopkiosoa
1/1 Swift, Johu Engledew, fJIQ8t. 10 Theodisa, Lt. Tbus. YouDgq
3,4 SprigMly, Lt. J. C. SherwiD 14 Thistle, Jas. l\\Ie
6 Strombolo, Jobn Slodtlart ' 14 'l'l'Icl;r3Jlh, Tim. Scriven
:14 Swingpr, A. H. Branch 11 Tprrur, John 8heridaD
14 ShaqjslJooter, Lt. J. Goldi\! 8 Trial, 1-t. T. S.prullle
In Shcarwater, J. '1'. Coffin Tower, Lt. Jobo Cox
, :14 Soipe, P. W. P. \Yallis U
1.J, Spider,S. '1'.E. Willock 44 Ulysses, Thomas Browlle
14 Starling. Lt. C.~. lSapier 40 Ullite. F. E. Chamberlain"
:U Swall,Jamt'l Wlulhorll· :J8 Undaunted, Ch.., T. Smil1J
14 SI<'ady', Lt. Geo •. Greene s~ Unicorn, S. G.Pecbell
10 Surly, Lt. R. Wt'lch 14 Urgent, G. }o'itzmal.lfit,:e
14. Shamrock, Chas. A_ke", V
10 S~'IlLark. (4 Valiant, ?acb~ M\ldge
14 Soap, Geo. King 74 Venerabl .. , Rr, Ad •. P. C. Dor.
. Si1llley, 6(:0. Holbrooke ham; ClIpt. W. M'Culloca
74 Venge"r, 1', R. Ricketts
T sa Ji'olonlaire, F. HOD. G. G,
19 T(IIInll7it, F~ Chaa. ~cr~ _ \v{Ild{'grav~
, King's Ships in Ordinary, &e, 183
36 Y41i8, D. K. M'Kenzje 18 Wasp, .Jobn Fillhtr
28 Yestal, Sam. B. Deekal' ~C) Wandl'r!'I', John Pahner
211 Volage, Jos. Ornry 13 WolveI'ecne. G. G. Burton
16 VictO¥. BaHil Hall 14 Wrallgll'r, Lt.J.t:.t:rawford
1. Vixcu,Lt. Saln. Burgess 10 Woodlark, Wm. Cuttidd
12 Variable, Lt. Hubt. Balele 16 Wizard, J. H. Plun.ll'idge
12 Virago, Lt. John I\litchell 14 Wrangler, Lt. J. Crawford·
10 Vestll, Lt. G. G. Miall H Whitinl{, Jobn Little
8 Vesnviu•• WJlI. IJext 12 Watchful
» Viper, Y
6 Volcan\), David Price \,4 York, A. W. SeboOlbt>
" Violet, Lt. J. B. Pellet t:
, W 74 Zealou~, Jamt's Andenn
38 Wean, Tho~. B. SnllivlU) la Zcnobia, N. C. Dobne
36 Weymoutb, H. Tnrner, ,lfast. 16 t:epbyr, Hd. Creyke


A P4 Bristol 32 Conlelia
80 Alezandre, F. 50 Br-"el, B. ~'j Cyclops
14 ~lJen;romi,. Fa 36 Bra""e, B. ~4 Champion
14 Alci4e 38 Iloadicea \!U Camilla
14 An8oD' 38 BOllrbollai«, F. ~O Cyrcne
14 Armada se; Belvidera 18 Confi~Qce
74 Alias 10 Barbara ll! COil way
74 Audacions hI BIIII Dog HI Comh~tal\t
,50 Adamant 14 Blazer 110 CO(llIelte
[,0' AlkmtlfU', B. 8 Belzebnb 16 CllfU/Io-r, F.
44 .\dveuture C
44 Assllrance J20 Caledonia D
38 Active 80 Cresar 8 Dreadnougbt
sa Audromache BO Cmtoptu, F. 74 Defiance
31 ~melia, f'. 110 Chritdimt J'IT. D. 74 ]),'von,kire
S8 A mpliitrite 74 C_pIlf'flmtm, B, 74 Dvntgal, F.
38 Amazou \,4 Carnatic ~ Dublin
S8 Apollo . 74 Clarence 64 lhlft, B.
~2 Alexandria 74 Colossus 64 Dararee1&t, B.
18 Argns 74 CflnqlU!l'or ,'jJ Droch.,rIQrtd. B.
]6 AklDZO 74 Conqnestador :i8 Uiana
H Attentive 74 Cornwall 36 Dartmollth
a Arrow 74 Courageux 36 DedaigMUl?, F.
74 Cressy :'6 DrYllU
B 48 Cambrian t8 ])
J8 CQrriere, F. 16 Driver
98 Barft~ur :lU Clyde 12 Discovery
80 Brfl1:t, F. 38 Cubq, 8. 14 Desperate
74.Belloua S6 Caroline l't Dapper
T4 Benbow 3\1 t:erbel'us R
N Blake Si Ceres 74 F.agle
'4 Bleuheim j~ Circe 74 E(lgar
7. BrUll.wi~ .J Cleopatra 7" E:uwac "
1St King'. Ship. in OrdJoa",.
,,, r'<I"t,nf'nt ,K S6 Penevnanee
14 Elephant 4 Kent pYramQa
40 "F.troJ>I il1tlte, F. 74 Kro1t Pri-. D. :J'l Pran
SS F.m .. rald 18 Kinphl'r !8 Pegasus
Js Edil'se L 18 Pinto
ls F.d('n 64 Lancaster 8 Procris
18 Egrria Lion 16 P"lerel.
1a Elvtlt, D. 38 La,inia 16 PorpGise
33 Li,ply 14 Pine""r
F '!R Lapwing 14 Plnmper
110 Foudroyant '18 Ligero, S. iO Parthian
74 Fame 1\1
'436 -Fortitude
4 Marlhoro'
4 Mar.
110 Qqr..n Cbarlot&e
36 Fortl1llf'e 4 Milford 8'll Quebec
:16 FrmlChile, F. 4 MOllt B11IIIC, F. . R
.2 Fylla . ! Mulgrave 110 Royal Grorge
20 Fawn 61 Monmolltk Uu Roy,,' Sovereip
16 F"koD '1\ JJ.lilall, F. 74 Renown
H Flamer 6'l\lt'lampns 74 Reveage
:16 M agicienae 74 Rippon
G 18 Mt'r.ey 74 Repulse
B(} Glory 16 Mi>rlin 74 Robust·
80 GilraUllI', 8. 16 MlI'gera SO Ro('hfort
7-1 Gangf's 14 Marin~r 74 Rodnry
~4 Gtnereu', F. 14 MRJltiif 6"~ Raiso"nable
,., Gelllke.Aeid. B. 12 Mueodahic, F. 38 Resistance
61 GuyUln-ltmd, B. Is Racr·hof8e
bO Glatton N is Ral"ijlh
l!O Nelson 16 Ratllf'>TTake
H 9S Neptune ' 1 4 Ri('hmond
loo F'ibprnia 74 NorlJJumbtlrland 11 Rt"dbreast
'4 Hannibal . 64 NlWau, D. 1! Rebuif
64 HfU'rinA, B. Sll NIliad S
;y.) Hygria Nereide, F. 111 Solrfldor dt'l J[flIII4
S3 Hussar 38 N vsns do, S.
:16 ""d., It.
S\!! Hf'roille
18 Ni:d Elrnt, D. ttt &m JOII!pA, .IJ.
!O Hip,)
o 10 So". Pareil, Jr.
98 Ocean , 14 San Anfonio, S.
If. 18 Halirall 4 Odin, D. 14 &m Domi7l/l'O. So.
J8 Hor~t!t 36 (n"eau, F. 74 StIft lldiforn;o, S.
14 Hard,. 1 a Ontbrio 14 Searboro'
III n'h', 4 Sceptre
t 10 Orlltll, D. 14 Scipion, F.
'74 IlIo.trions p N ,~kial(', D.
.,4 1I1!1PIac8blt, F. 98 Prince George 74 Sjiflrtiute. F. ,
,.. In,ius 98 Prin(' .. of Wales 14 StirlingCa~t1e
74 Invincible 4 Pl'g(lst, F. 74 Suft'olk
M Inflexible 14 Pembroke iH Sampson
U lnt!""pi(I.. ; H Poietif'rs- 64 Standard
SIl Imp~ S. 74 Pri"ce.98qfOrtntge,B. 50 Salisbury
M Jnpiter 74 Pri7U:t~s Sophia, D. S8 Sirius
]6 JIJlia
• .Juniper
64 Pol yphe.1B1II 138Shanooll
Sarhl\ttoQ SII S.p'I·~
, King', Ship. 'Building, Royal Yachtl, &c. 185
38 SUITl'iIlante, F . I T V
:Jtj Sal/ta /J1nrl:a?'ettll, S. 98 Ternt'raire '10 ViIle de Paril
;36 SI. Fiurrn; u, F. 74 Terrihle ~ oo Victory
S6 Semiramis 71. 1i-te hn>fleJI, D. 74 V"ngnard
3'1 SolelJv ,,0lr/lmp, B. 74 Victorious l
.8 Sa~e,$c. F. ,o Tt'''''' 74 Vigo
~4 :8qll irrd "6 Tartar /4, Vindictive
18 Sappbo 38 Theli, ' ,\(j Vlieter, B.
le Scorpion :16'Iopae, F. ~O Virgiuie
18 SurU,aII., M. 36 Tri bune W
]6 SaYa~e !It Tl'rr1ir.hore 74 Windlor Ca~tle
16 ~onrge 16 1'Y111'1Joue H Warrior
16 Speedv H War'pile
14 Sea Flow~r U ti4 '¥a_.I/,t"%, B.
14 Slrl'nllOIH 91 Union ;;'1 W IIIt' hdlto:a
l:t 8yl\'i& 16 Utile il W"ule

, . Aginconrt 74 Herclllea .s() RomD~Y
ItO Britannia .'>0 his 120 St. VII1CeDt
74 'BlllCk PriDeI: 50 Java 31 Scringapatam
74 Bo.cawea 98 Loodon 14"napper
38 Brilli"ot I1 Lynx !l1 Trafalgar
36 Blonde 74 ~J.llville 80 Tal"vera
80 Cambrid,e 71 i'dinolaut :SoTriDcolUale
74 Defence 100 Prince RrreDt '8Tees
38 Diamond 98 Prillceaa Charlollr ,8 Valorous
18 D~ 74 Pitt 8i'WeUesley
36 ~6 Pall.. jIWoUt.
liO Howe 7" R~dllDbtable II Wye
74 Hawke 74 Ruaaell 18 :t:cbra
14 Hero

10 Doriet, E. W. C. R. OweD 10 Roy.I Charlotte
'10 Mary, Sir E. HamiltoD, Imt. 10 Royal Sovtreign, Sir Edwllrd
10 Medina, Wm. Love Berry, RI.
io Pl'illce Rpgent 10 WiUiam& Mary. A. Sproule
8 Prince" August., C. Ogle

4dmirlll qftM Fkd. V~uat Hood. Gooer- Sir Rich. Ol1slow, BI.
Bia R. H. Wm. HeDry 1101' qf Grt~4 HO!- Lt_ Col. '" Marine,
Duke of ClareDce, ,;tal lklljaminCaldwell,fsq.
K.G. &: K. T. EArl St. VinceDt. K.B. flon. W. Cornwallis,
.Admi!,cW qf tM Red. GeJI. qf IIItn'ine, Y. Adna. of r.. Brit"i'l
SirCbalmooerO,le,I(t. Samuel Cornish, esq. W.PeereWilliamr,esq.
" "'
lR6 Admirals.
SfrJ. COI.,0YI,jlI.K.B. Admiral. qf 'Ire IIlu. Thomu8otbt'by, ....
T,·l'tItIurrr of G,CIII· Etl. TYlTdl Smith, t'tIq. Juhn 'S"hank, Hq .
.rich HHpil", T. Maell8. R".sell,e&q. .... R.S. .
G"orge Mo.,laio, "'I' Sir H. TwHop", Kt. Htnt. Micb. De CooKY
LnrdKeilh,K.B,&K.S, SirH.F..J.StanllOpe,Bt. Phi!. de AOVer2De,
Jamt's Pigott, esq. I{obt. M'Uollall, esq. PriDeI.' of Buuillon,
Ltlf'll Rad.t .... k BIlly Donglass, esq. K.J. F.R.S. ,
SU' Ro/!. .. r CurtiM, Bt. J"hn Wir.key, esq. Johu Hu'nter, e5q.
John H"nry, .... q. Johll Fiah. "''1'
)t. Rodnt'y Blign,esq J"h1l Knight, eM). J'icIt AtlJJrirqU ., tle
Aln. nrtl'IIIP, ..sq. l~d.Thorohorough,e8q. White.
haac P,"scotl, esq. ~an.psonE"wartl8,e8q. Fraucis Vender, eaq'
'fllOmas 1'1'''Y, esq. r;porgp Camphell, ..sq. Wm. Alb. Otway, ..sq.
,4\ir,J •• hn Orole, Ht. o;i, J. Stlnmart·z, Bt. lIirSamoe\ Hood,K.B.
Sir Wm. Yonng, Bar' K.S. & K.S. K.S.&: K.S.F.
Rr•' rhumu Drury, csq. Henry NichoUs, eaq,
lArd Uambier ;ir Albemarle Bertie, H. S."yer, esq.
Philip PaU.. n, eaq. B t . O a v i , e G o n l d , esq.
Sir C.Morice Pole, Bt. Farl ofNortbesk, K.B. 'SII' Rleh. G. Keata, Bt.
Jalne, Vasbon, esq. K.B.
Admirtd6 cif Ihe White. f..ord Exmoutll ' R. D. Faneou1't, esq.
'WiI.iam Swiney, esq. "if haac Coffin. BIII" • •.,.. Edw. BlIUer.'Bt.
Cha. Edm. NII~cnt,es'I' John Aylmet. esq, H_ Robert Stoptonl
Chll. P. Hamilton, csq -;amllel Os\)01'O, esq. Mark Robinsoll, l!Iq.
EJmuotl OOdd, esq. ~{ichard Roge r, c~'1' ThOll. R. Shivers, Hq.
Jam"s Bn",', esq. ViceAllmiralsofllae Hed.. Franc. Piclnnore, cs..
John Hotloway, ('sq. John Child Purvis,esq. John Dilke., esq.
Georg" Wi!son, esq. I'hcophih.sJones, esq. Will. LeekllJere, ett!..
Sir C. H. Knowles, Bt. \ViIliam Domett,esq. Tbomllll Fol..y, eaq.
HOII. Thos, Pakenham lVilliam Wolst·ley,esq. Charles Tyler, esq.
!tobt. Deans, eoq. John l\lanley, csq. Robert WaLlloll, esq.
Ja.;. H. Whit,hed, f'sq. George MurTllY. esq. LArd Alall H. Gardaer
Artbur Kempe, esq. , John Sutton, esq. :'\Ianly Dix01l, ~.
Sir J. '1'. Dut'kworth. RolI!'rt MlIl'I'ay, eaq. Georg.. LosftCII, eaq.
,K.B. Htnt. Sir A. Cocloralle, IViII. Mitcbt·ll. "«t.
Sir Rabt. Calder, Bt. K.B. O;i1' TbQmaa B~rtie,
HfYII.G. C. Berkel .. ~" John Markham, esq. K. S.
L,rd IIigh Adm.. 0' H. O·EsI. Darhy, esq. J'ice Admirala 41 ,..
1'orlugul '£dward Bowater, e8q. Bml!-
'l'homas W t'st, elHJ. George Palmer, esq. Rowley Hulteel .. eaq.
Jal\lftS ])onglas, esq. Wm: Effington, ,·sq. William Luke. "If.
Peter Aplin, esq. John M' Dougall, esct. lB. Geo. Mauler .~.
Henry Savage, ~sq. James Alms, esq. 'Johl~O.born, esq.
Sir R. Bickerton, Bart, Eliab Harvey, esq. Edmnnd Crawley. ~
K. C. lJi'qjor Gmeml .~r Etlm. Nagle, Km. Charles Boyletr, eaq.
qf /Uarina John \V ells, esq.'iir Thos. WiUiams, Kt.
Oeorge Rowen, eaq. thehal'd C,rilldaJl, esq. l'bomaa Hll8liltou.t!S1-
)tobert Montagu, escl SirOeo. Martill, K'ltt. ,lii1'T.B.TIIOIQPsop,a.
,John Ft'rj[llson, eaq. Sir R; J. Stracban, Bt. Juhn Laugtlltrne' . . .
l'dwam J.:dwards,,,sq. K.R. Will. Hargood, esq.
1#. lion. SiI·J. 8. War- SirW.SidoeySmilb,Kt. John Ferrirr, eaq,
{en,BI. K.U.& K.C K.C. and ({.S.F. Rd. 1. BUf)'a..-41.
Admlralll. 187
~obert 1'o11l1lnom...q. Thomas SnrridgE', elf). ,CUr H. Popllam, K. 1'01.
iir C. Hamilton, Bt. Sam.Hood Linzee,eflll' SirJlNii.1 Rowley, 8t.
~Off. Hellry Curzon Jamt's Carpt'nter, rsq. Edw. Codringlon1 e.q.
~m. Bligh,eS<l. F.R,S. Rllbert Bal'lolI, esq, Rear Admit..,.", , ..
l., W. H,lo1l.'o,('&q. u.aham Mooll', "''i' BI.e.,
O:d. O. OslJorll(" ('sq. M. H. ScoUt e&q. Ot'OFge Parker, ..,.
,ir H. R. Neale, 8t. Rear Admirals of #/1 RolJrrt Plampin, ~8fJ.
;irJ. S. Yorl,,', Kat, White. Edwar.1 L.Gowl'r, esq.
~1nI. A. K. Lt'gge Josep!. HIlIIW"'I, rsq. Sir H. Blackwood, Bt.
rl,'. Adminlllll,j"liw Ral. H. W. Bayotoo, esq. John E. nouglas, esq.
r'rao. Fa){:rmall, esq, 1;1"". F, F. Gardoer Vi""o.,., Torrillgton
~;arl uf Galloway Sir Rit'h. {{ing, Bart. R088 Do~nelly, es'1'
1" (." Freemautle, eflq, Edward Oriffitb,t'sq. _jr J. I'.,lJI:
'ti,'}" Lafortly, BI. E~ J. footl', esq, Hellry L, Ball, ..sq.
('. C. Durham, esq. Rwbard Lee, esq. Th08. ~yJes, ~8q.
fBI'.el Pellew, esq. Petel' Halket. esq. Tbomas Le March.. t
\iex. Fraser, esq. Wi~l!aDl ~~ford, esq. • GOlISeJin, t'sq.
B. Hallowell,esq'J. Pluhp \Vllkmson, e.q. Charles Rowlev, f'lfJ.
3eo.J.Hope, esq.11>.S. Hon. C. E. FleDling Sam. J. Ballard,esq.
Lord A. Be811clrre C. V. Penrole, !.'sq. Robert K".le~. es'l.
Wm. Taylor, esq. William Hotham, esq. Walker Locke. elq.
los. Nich. Morris, 1.'8'1. Geo. H. Stf'phen~, esq. Uavid Milne, esq.
George Burdoo, "iq. !'uUnt'y Mlllc!olm, eS'q. 01.'0. Dunolls, Het.
r. B. l'lartin, esq. Wm, Nowdl, eSII. JaOl(,s YOIIOg, esq;
John I.awford, 1.'8'1' James Bislf't, ('sq. Jllml'll Macnamara,esq:
Frank Sotb('ron, e_q. John Cleme~t8, ('Iq. Ilonald CamplJell, esq:
fhomaa Wolley, ('8'1' Sir ",ulm Gore,bf. J(obert W, Otway,e.q~
W. J. HOI't', eRq. John Harvey, e8q. Thos. West.-m, esq.
f.nrd H. Pault't HOII. Hem'y Hotbam Johu W. Spral1gPr,elq;
C. W. PaterlOn, ('sq. 6eo. Bllr1ton, esq. WII' Lnkin, ('Iq.
[7. Cockbnrn, ('sq. Chas. D. rater, eaq. Edw. Fellowt'l, esq.
Duke of Clarenet', ~. G. <'It K. T. Admiral of tbe Fleet.
HOD. Wm. Comwallil, Vice Admiral of ~ngl.ud. and Li('utenallt
pf the Admi",-,t)' tbeffof, 1Os. per,d.)" and lOS. per ~ODtb for 16 ser-
Admiral WilIiam Vonng,l\ear Admil'lll of England,
!lnd H)•• per MOl1lh for I t Servants. ,
.61. per day, \
Earl (:lathean, ~.T.&K.A.N. ViceAdmiral of Scotland, and Judge
~f Admiralty, <'Itc. th .. r('of, £1000.

'SUPER4NNU4TED R~AR..ADlftIU~4LS, qI t~. 6ft. per Day.

"ir Digby Dent, Km. hut! Smith,esfJ. \Henry Warre.elq.
1'h08. Shirley, esq. n. Stow, eS'I. Wm. ~rthrew, eeq.
J!!. Sutton, faq. T. Goldesbrougll, esq. S.ndford TathaDl, e'q4
W, Doddingston, elq. J. Pe)'ton, 1'8'1. Fred. W.tkiDl, esq.
J". Kendall, elq. Wm. Heath, eaq. Jobn Monkton, elll-
"'lex. Edgar,(,ICI/' i\. Guyot, eaq. ,John Cooke, esq.
David Graves, eaq, J. Triglle, eaq, J. DawlOn, esq.
Sir C. Fortescue L. Huoter, esq. W. CbartOD, esq:
!\. Chriltie, esq. S'. Ingram, I!sq. Shuldharn Peard, eaq:
R. GraVel, elq. Rich, WiHil, eaq. John Bayley, 1.'111.
J. F. Fortescn!!,esq. Jer. Be~J eIIq. Alpx. Wiisoa, eII,!_
W. Chllmben. ea'!.
Captain!! of the Navy.


N.B. K. F. ~ignitiP8
Knight of the Sicilian Ord('r of St. Ferdimmd,
and of Merit; K. M.. Kllight of Malta; K. C. Knight of the Cr.,,,,
c~nt in Turhy ; aud K. A. Knight of St. Alt'x. Newsky in RII"sia.

1796 17!;l7 G. F. Rvvel< A. Maekel1zie

K. H. A.. neDllctl Andn'w Smith 'I'. G. C~llllfield ame8 Oswald'
W. T. Lake, Col. IV.I<, Broulihtcl. Gforg .. Seolt Franci. Vt'St'y
Ma';nes J. ' t .. V('1180n ThM. Durlffas H. Gal'\'ett
Charl!!., Ogle S" E. [;,·rr;)o,Bt. O .. orge Fowke N. Fortioek
Homy Rapfr "m. P,.c,""t! J. K. Shel,ard Wait. Ralhnrst
Will: Cha-.Fahi .. , Rt. Hon. LtI.l\f Hd. H. P"al'~on Adm.Dnm1nrcflid
('o!. 0/ Ma,.;"o" R. Kerr S. P"I. Forsl~r Hobl'rt Hall'
lIir G. Eyr<, !':"r. 1'. M. Walll'r Georgr' AstJe Thomas Sparke
Cot.qflllarines -iirJ.A.Wood,kt. J. T. Rodd Robert Lloyd
Rolle\'! 1.. m,b •• 1 noma. l:Iarvcy J. n. Hay Johll Ch(Kshyre
Jo",ph Bingham R. H. l\follbra) /'jirT.M. Hardy, 1800
Rt. Dull I)' Oliver 111'11. H. Glyim Bt. Sir T. Living. I
D'Ar"y Prestoll JohnB,i/!:" W Cnml}('rland slolle', bt.
Man Dobson Peter Png!'t Robert CIII hl"'rt Lilt'. Hardymllll
Thomas Boys T. E'phinslor.e G. E. Hamolld Chr.I.arnf'be
Juhn C. Se-arle Sir E. Halll,UolI, Robt. HOIJyman J. S. H .. rlon
, San;II~1 Brooki"!!; Kt. Hauh. Janles Thos. Baylt'y
SiI' C. Bri,hant', Thoma. Baker R. L. }o'itzgerdld H'·nry Razely
knt. Gm:. ,1 :>t, Henry Evall! Vi,c. N.'war!< Ed,.a),d Hrace
J'iliCf71t'6 "alll. Suttoll . Josiah Nislid liir.J.Hl'tlltoD,bt.
J. Talhol, Col. of HOII. C. B(.~It' V. W. Balla,'d Roberl Mend.
1I1/lfinps William Og.1ly H. Downman Jelm Wood
Robe}t Larkan :O;iI'R.Lawl'.r,JH. Hon. T.R.Cap,'liF. W. AII8tin
John Haili<iay . W. H. (,a~e Will. Hllnw .. U B. R. Littlr·
10;111 (;iflal'd .l.)lm l\fftitlalld ]799 Robl, Pbilpot
W.n.Klllbfrfor<llsaac WooJley John CI'llw"'y P. Call1l'bell
J'Oi," Weht Jellu Miller Thomas ManLy N. 'l'hompson
joserh Bulleo Stair Dougla8 Lord J,. O'Brien Sir Mlchael Sey.
Slephen POyllz W 1IJ. Cuming David Lloyd mour, -ht.
'I'homBS Ptarot! Ja:oH'R Walker W. Sanderson E. 8. nick~OD
Lc,nl Colvillc lion. C. Paget Richard MataOn Edw. RotlH'ram
John Cocl~ct RoL, rtCa,m~belJ Richard Raggett ~harlt:'8 Grant
Sir\.. C.Dlckson, HelJHt ~ Ilhams John Mal'kcllar fIIos. J. Mafio,
bt. Ricllarol WOl'8ley Jamt's Oughton J. A. Ommaroney
It, nert Rfi!mill J798 George Barker Henry Slnl'rt
Rob~rl WiOlhrop JIlllD CleJand Charles Adam Zacllarial,l\-llIdp
l:l, .. I) Dig!,y- IASk.pas.Holles J~h\l Geor,g(' Wolte
(}"·, Ekills Hell. Heathcote Rich. ~ ,Ihams . 180~
J. Sl'rat ftaillin<J. R. Watson M. Hal1iday Henry' Sill
lJ~n. W. Pal!c .·\\ld. F. Evanll Wm. Granger JODes Rose
lion. l)h. Wode· E. W.C.R. Owen J. C. White Sir T. Lavie, kt.
Ilou~e n. Jas. Shirley C. Campbell. . J,. 1\oIason Lewil
Tho8. Alexander It, Bowyer Geof6c White C_ cl AntW-"
Captains or the Navy. 189
~. 'Wonuton tir R. H. Brom-IW. H. Web!py 1804
wm. C"alUpain Iry, nart. IEd .... Oalwpy Hon. G. Elliot '
A. W. S"bombt>r,r Ron. D. Pleyd.IRidl.JolIl's ,Wm. Durban
E.t .... n. Kin~ BOllverie IWell. Ha,,,kins James Hilh'ar
Wm. Wa,l"r Hell. RieiJardson 1'llOmas ('owan Lorel W. Fitp.roy
Hen. Van... l~11 Rich. Oudolard ' Wm. H. Dallit'1 Lord G. Stunrt
G,·o. Moody Rich. Powden 0<'0. C. Pulling Sir J. Linti, knt.
Wm. BoltOD eha'.OUt'r Jacob Waltoll Josl'ph Nom'se
Ge<>rEt'SAyer Thomas Rnrd David ColLty Hooprt O'81'i1'D
Robert Mall'<el 'I'holO"" Miles A"l:u'llI~ Brille K"jlh l\luw"U
Cbarlt1l Tinling Dan.·Dobrce J. C. Crawford Wil. FotllPre:illJ
Sii' P. R. V.8rokl' PhilipSamcrvill .. JU~III HayI" Mat. Ooelwiq
bt. Rich. Pl'llowe S. C. Rowlt'y HU/rh Pigot
Allllr.. w Broao ohn Dick 8. M. Pl'aed Janil's ;\-taster,
F. L. Maitland Pel .. r Ribolt'all John Whytt'~.p. Hnmphrey.
Janw8 Brisbant' John Na,b SJnlllel ~Ioltl('y E. L. Gtllham
William Birchal;'Stel'ilen Raios Etlw.W. BrowlI" .John T"wer
J. F. Dt'vonshire Thomlll Hand J"hll S. ROllctt hc'n. ]\1'Kf'
Fr~d. 'Warren P. F. Epwol'th Wm. RicILctts E,'warti Hawker'
Rich.. PeHocke Mat. Bnckle Alex,' Sk"ne Aiel(. Campbell '
Jame& Carthrew JohnAllcn HOIl.,W, 'french Williall1 Ft'rris '
Thomas 8rj~gA l!lllac Cas~rave Geo. BIake C. Rich .....i.on
John Bronj{hton G"orge Bowen Ed. S"cyd Clay J. C. Wotllcomhe:
Hon. O. H. L. Jam.,_ Noble Thllllles RiehLtdl lUO,5
DundaA Samuel Warren Benj. Carter Oeorge A1dham
Nidi. Tomlin."On /I..J. Griffiths Charlu IIJ!(lis Fra.,ris T .. mple
William Parkn Georg" BIII'deU Cbarln Cart .. r R.B. Vill"eot
T. R. Rid,elta Jam('s Na,h ThomaIBr"",n A. Farqllhar
Geo. M'Kinley Pt'lerSpi4't'r LortlE.()'BrY'·!i Hr ...·,YOordo-n
JlJmCll &atol) James Seward F.Godoiph.l3olld SII'W. UuItoD, kt.
(;has. Dashwood J. Taylor Mit- St('phco FolviIl .f. A. Gordon
('bell W. HenrY8011 HnD. F. W. Ayl..
lRot J. P. Durell t\rch. Uicksoo mel' .
H. E. R. Baker ,\!ex •. Becher Clohv. UptOIl Rich. Thomas
Ridlard entry Gf'O. R"ynolds W.H.B.TremJett John Quillialll
Sir W. Haste,bt, John Hatley Samuci Pym Johu P.lford
L,'ooxTIlomp80R "'s. H. Coffin George l\r!Cl"s 1806
Chilli. Fielding Jetf.Raia:~nfidd Samuel Blltch~r Wm. Hennah
T. (T, Bbortlaud Cbas. R)t1er k"bert Ja"k'i.OlI W. P. Cnr.lhy
W Skip"ey C. J. W. Nl'lham Rub .. rt Ilarrie, G"o. Digbv
1\1.S. Hill Charlel! nuUen C. B. H. ROM Jamf'sR.Ilacrq
S. T. l)i,by Johu Wijl;ht WilsonRadlbol'n Prlt'r Rainier
}{pD, F. J>.lrby Hen. F. Etlgell H~nry i\llltson HOII. H. DUllcaQ
SirCbr. Col... kt. COI'D. QllilJton' ·hu. Malcolm David Ram~ay
Si{ Olt.
CollielrSilJ. J)unoor,bt.
w. Butt~rfidd John Serrrl
18U3. HI'II. ""u/.:l,al1
Tb os. L'arhpbeU ,
.h6rpb Baker I{idl. ByYon Prtu Haywood Jos. L. PupllaIn.
Dani~.1 Woodri WiUiaol Young Mllrl'lly l\Iax.well'Jollll S. Caj'd<'1l
And. SprouJe ','orge Tobiu e, 1\1. SchomLt"r!C John Sykes -
J. W. Loring ohn Wainright Fr. Wm. "'ane Jam,,!> WalsoQ
,J.IIII W,)'nQe JamQl Saudera Peter Bunt J"lt.U
. '
]00 Captains 9f the Ni~1.
Jobn Hant'nck IEdw. Hawkina SirJ.L.Yeo,bt. Ld.,J.TowiJWild
J. w. H .. Uand R. T. Han.. ock of the Ordtf",,1 Thollllls"I'hrlltlh
John Yelland ,J. 1\'1. North,. ~t.Bento qfAvis Wm. Mountley
woo.n. Lo.ack l'. Dumaresq Chas. Gor,lou Thomas FOri"t'IIt
.•101111 Imrey P. B. Batemall George Harris Rich. Harward
AIel< • .H. Kerr M. A. N. Dl 1I10B Geo~e tldl
Danid M'Leod Starck Thomas Oartb W. GOlltc
H. W. Ommalley Wm. Cook John Clavell Jos. Jame_
Arch. Dud" Ar'hur LY8Ilght W. S. Parkiusoo John Davit'
Robe>rt J. Neve Hon. Joc. Percy J. M. Oordbu H. H. Sl'ence
Edm. H"ywood Hon.A.Maitland G. Lan!!ford Wm. Raitt
n. H. Jlfat'key Fred. Langford W. H. lliUon John 8. Parvis
Fraucis llIa.on Hon. O. Ptoby Jam. Brad.haw Joho Lake
M. J. Helllliker Matt. Smitb 01'0. Andnw8
F. J. Sncll 1807. Tho •. Searle Wm. UlIl'hanati
Matt. ForC'stel' J. Edmonds Rohert Yarker J. M. Hanchctt
Philip Carter.. t Hon. O. O. Wa!· Henry Hope JIIII. Robertson
Ja •. JohnstDn.. degrave Tholllas Usher ~. J. II10Marly
Sir T.Staioe~,kt. :-fon. O. Cado. R. Bevan Arthn!' WaIter
K. S. F." gan W. Ward M. Ponftonby
Tho~. Rrowne SirE,lw. Tueker, S. J. Pechdl Jel10 JJock
Ale". Sllf"nperd knt. Robt. Cathcart Edw. 5. Baill'y
P. R. pellew E. H. Cbamber- R. Elliot Geo. Cadman
John Bowi'D lilYlle C. F. Daly Rieh. Oaktey
Henry Laroeh!' John Ed!!'!c.\mbe John R. Luml .. y William 1)011
R. flenderson Wm. W ooldridge Philip Pil'oll C. Kal"tholome*
Lncill~ Cnttis J. O. Hardy Oe>orge Pigot W. H, SbirreJf
Sir J. Louis, ht. Wm. 1\1ande Ed. Woolcombe Jobn Simpsou
Hon. E. Rodllt'y S. H.Ingll'field F. R. R. Pf'lIew Edward DiE
Mrian Hodjt8on Edm. Palmcr John Hal~ted Hen. W. Pearse
H. H. Christian W. A. Montagu G. C. Mackenzie> _ 1810
Hon.A.Cot'.I,,·all(, John Bastard Ed. 1'. Drenton Edward Kittoe
JobnClllmer G. R. Salt Fra". A. Collier Richard Artbllt
N. n. Cochrane Val. Cullard G. M. hligh G. Pari. Monke
Jo~n AyAcougb John Fyffe 11109· Roh!'rt J'r..stoQ
SirJ.1'.Cocbrane Edw. Clwtham Wm. Wilhrabam,Phippa Hornby
Knt. Geotge COl~k~ Clla,-I"s Gill Hon. W. Gordou
W. 'H. Dobbie Rellhen l\1angin J. W. Maurice ~"~ta"",,1I
W. F. Wi~e Wi\lism Ctoft Charl.. s Dilkeoo Donno*,
E~m. Boger J. phillimol"e Hon. J. W. KingS. G. Pe>chell
W. J. Lye F. Sean"UIIl Jan,,~s Pre~08t C.J. AIIAlen
Frallcis Kempt J. R. Phillips. Fra. Newcombe Spelln. Swaine
G. F. Seymollr Wm. King John Joyee F'"3n. n''llllforf
Hon. G Poulett·P. SIoddart Jas. Canlfield Bl'nj. WIII"er
Hn:!h Cooke Andrew King Wm. G()(lfrl'Y John Ma'<Wl'll
J: H. 'tait Wm. Bowles J~eph Spear M. B. Bl"adly
O. Healhcote Hyde Park!'r Wm. W.ell~ Wm. :Pattertoa
W. B. Proctor C.S.J. HawtBvnl' Thomas Withenl H. PrtstotL
C. J. Johnson J. W. D. Dnn'da.- Charles Napi"r iT. Wh_ile
Edward Rat~ey Samnel Jackson John Richard. Thomas Oravl'S
Rich. Piercy Sir E. T. TrOll- George Sandfn N.J.·WiUoIlPtbt
bridle, ut. -
· Captains of the "1-tavy. 191
J:!. w..Hoare
Wm. Etliott
Jobn Williams
Robl'rt Hldl
Rt'ynolds Ijolm Thol\lp~on
l\Iorri~ Arth. Achi.r.;on
.lames CoUias omas "'dlowes Jas. Grpcnc u~o. Moubl'ay
Jobn Crispo
P. B, Grel'ue ',Ills.
Andei'son A. Counill~IJ I,ll
HOD.Wm.Walde- Will. Shepcard J. L. l\1alllev
.lubnLawlIOn grave JohD'l'allcock J. W. Antlr;",
Christ. Wa~on Tbos. HDsk.iSion Hon. G. A. Crof· J Ish, R. R,)wle1
George Davies Charles Webb ton JollIlOrilfiths
'1'hamas While E. H. A. Court J'a", 1". Stewsrt .. w St"nart
G. Sa,'cr Thomas Coe Robt. Maunsell Ja~, Abt'rdour
J. A . ."Wortb n. C. Ooyle Christ, Bdl W. R ',itiarcl
Jwnt'i Slade John Pasco Rich. Sp'~lIc('r Jusevll Prior ,
Wm. W. "'oote J. HolliDworth Vii. F. Hatton IIlIS
Thomas lODes (:~ement ~neyd ;4.: 8. Bin~ham Al'elC. R. Sharpe
R.J.L.O'Conllo Richard Snck I homas New HOD. R. Rudlle1
}'I'lUlei3 Dong Edward Scobell Henry Harwell Rohert Mitt"ord
Jolln Hndson J. D. Mnrkland Jail. Stevenson HelJdersonBa:ne
Rob. B. Tom Wm. Fislaer . Edw. S. P. I\.no," Kirh. Sp"ar
Wm. Wilkinson Alael Ferri. Hon. G. Doullla. Clelll. Mil\Vard
Jas. Lillicrap Edward Harvey David Ld. 8al- JOllies IIlal'k
Waiter OroStlet ~obert Fowler g?nie' Jo~. N. Tayler
FrancisJ. Nott 1 bomas Grabam Colrn Camp~ell John F .."1"1'11'.
Lewi! Shepittl1lJ'd W. F. O\\'en ChaK. T. Smith Robert R1uye
.John Tholllpsoo MRnly H. Dixon Chas. Sotheby T. E. Symolld.
Robert Evans W, B. Dolling Jo.eph Symes Will, Stephens
ltlichael llodd J.R. Lapenoti~r.., Hon.W,H.Percy Wt'.tby P~rcevaJ
'1'homas F.8a1lgb Hon. A. Jones Booty ~a~vey, Jolm TailoUF
l~aae Ferricres Benj. Clem~Dt A. R. ~ Kenzle
.John Lamborn C. K. Qllash Jas. Pl'lngle
Oor<loo Fa/COli
JollD Ilaker Hon; H. Dawson Rich. P. Dft\lie~ Watkin O. Pen
Alcx. Innes OOD. CampbeU Geo. W~'o~lham John Ray/.y
C. M. Fabian F. G. DickeDI Ht'nry Weir. Edward Gr.. y
Samuel eolqoitt Henry Hart . ~. W. G, Clrfford lleu. J. Lyford
Gusl. Stnpart C.J.D.Auvergne SalllllPI Le.he Tbos,F.Kennedy
.1. W. Man;ball Geo.Jackson H. J. P,'al'lwy Bell. Crispiw
Robert Forbcs Oeo. Henderson Ed\V. Ellicolt EyJes l\IlJunllber
Anthony Abdy T. TodorTllckel' Alpx. Milller Jalll(~s Stoart
H. E. P. Start Hon.V.Oardinel Jas. Bal'ker Lewis Hole
lL Janverin John Bowker Pett't ltye Wm, W. Dauid
G. W. Blamey Hen.8ouehier Ja •. "eitch Thos. Fife
John Coode J. S. P"yton .\lId. Mou John M'K('rlie
ThoIDIIlI Burton G. H. Gnyon Jas. Gitrurd Ja. R. Tokt'r
Jer. eogblan K.'W. G.FesliDg Tim. Clinch \v~. F: Carrol
'I'.F.C. Mainwar- Pt'teT J. Dougla, Gen. Le Geyt Fled. J. Thomas
lng Hen. Hoyt's . !I. s. ~Illett W. H. Mulcastlll
18u Wm. Hamilton e!t'II. G. Morris ISh
W. H. By.a Etlw. Stopford ',am. Chambers Jost!ph Dt'ury
.){obert<:lephane 181!t Wm. AlIll'ldge Alex. Gordon
Jos. Paekwood Geo•. Price ,f.:dw. A. l?own FI'etl. Hi"kt'y
VillCount NrviUe Jos. ~. Tetley rhos. Whlllyate! Hen. T. Davie
WiUiam Flint Geo. Acklom Will. Hcllard P~te.t' }o'islu.'T .
£«ward Cr"fteD I
19'! Supetarinuated Captains. &e. &c.
~d". A. lIihl~y ,01.'0. E. WRtt ~RalphR.W .. mley Hon. it. Somet~
Hnn. H, I). Rvngl "brahHID Low Ri" ... Coole villI.'
Hon. J.A. Manlt' R"bf'rl Balf'Hlr Sal. Milchell' Edmund Lvons
Andr('", Gr~en /Ju ... J. O. Br.rner Johll Harper ehas. SlIlIivan
Arth"r S'ow 'John Portt'1I3 "am. 0.. De"ker:Richard Foley
W. B. M~",18 Cbas. H"rtra,m Wt,.ton Phipps 'Henry JenkinsoQ
Ot'o. O.LenDock,Gt'o. Hills Aug. V. Drury John Marshal! .
Hn. W.J. Napi .. rH!'n. 1-'''lIsh3W •.tw. Flin E,lw. S,illrin
Hon. R. C.lJpeu.'I.H. Mllrri~on 1'hos. Barclay Edwal'll iJoddet
('f'r 1°1.'0.
TrollopI.' {J~o. W. Willt's John 11: Ootlby
Of'o. Fergnson ,Tho~. C.Hickell! Hay. O'(;l'ady Cbarl,', Shaw
Si,. W.O.Barker, Thos. Mansl'lI G, W. H, Kl1ightJarn('S W .. my811
ht. Colill Calli I' bell Tho~. Dick W. M'Cuiloc\t
O. R. Sutor; .. s Jnsli,'e Finley Will. I. SeoU Anlen Adderl,r
~Ohl. W~lIdlOpt' Joh" Wil$on Ttll>s. Evt'rard James Boxer
Cha •. H. Watson n,'orgf' Pringk M. F.F. BerkeIf'Y Rir'h. O'ConllE'lr'
BirJ. O. Sinclair, iSt'vi1l5011 deColI· Bertie C. Castor ,'WII1.DOWCr8
!>t. I'ay \)avid Dunn Fran. E. Lo"b
Robt. Oambier Alex. Frazf'r FairfRX More8by'H. F. ScnhollSc
Cbu. Cllote Thomas Grollbe Geo. i{enIJie IThO~' 'n. Sullivan
Henry Hnpk.insIH. Robinaon Fred. Vernon 'thos. Alexander
Jobn Elli. H. R. Ilattersby Watkin Rvans ICilas. Kc!'r
JQ..eph Pearce Wm. Bla~k· Rdw. Bl'azier Ij:,hn Palmer
ChRS. F. Pay ne .:\[jcha(·\ Head Gllas. Hewitt ICilllS. It, Watson
Colin M'Donalrl,Thos. Stamp 61.'0. A. Byron iHenry RobiUSOQ


R. FaD~bawe, Clla', HlIlI;bes S;un, Arden,Capt. C. CraVl'n, GOfJ.
COIIIo tU Plgm H Heron, bt. qfGJ"t(!nw. Hos. qf Ha.t/ID· Hosp.
D~ Yard )"101" 1"mbfr Jos.EUi8on, Capt. R. G. Mi.I<lletOIl
Sir A. S. Ham 1.. lIn Ur.,ton G,.eenw. Bo,.p. Wm. Shield
mond, bt. Hn. M. FI)I't(,~cl1e Matt. Smith C "ri~tmR' Paul
H~n. DntlCBU J~ntr. Hnrllt'y
Sir 1'.J.Hartw..,1I Ralph Milbal'k..
Is!r Rubrrt Bar· W. Bro\\'(>1\
Iow, knt. ('OI/l.;J<lJll('. Lel'ke)'
bt. Corn. tU tI" R. Cff'yke, Gor, of (,lltIth. DocA:Simon !\lill,'r
NtJfJ!I - of l'I'fm . Nu~, Yard !pcrcy Fra7.f'1'
H"l!h Balki!'. H""I,/t,d _ Cha.Cunn;nl\'ham Chas. Patton
Chas. HotchklS, l"lm GihRon (.'om. of ';Vool· Wm. E,I~e
J. N, lnglefield I-:,I\\'. Herbr~t ~ich 4' Dl'pt'iJo.rph I.areom'
W,." Carlyon W. 10'. O\'''\',lIe jord DoekYa,·dsJal\ll'S BoweD
Il;r R.Georre,bt. Edw. Igguldon
Com. 0)' T,.uI.,·
[Him. Of'o;Ort'Y,Rlclt. l)aeNs
Com. of J>()I·tsm.1
por' BG4I'd _. __I!~"-:.f,;;.:a;.:rd=8.:..._-'-'_ _"......_ _
1778 J78l1 H .. n. Deacon S. Ff'albt'rstone
]amt's EUi¥ ..6.Dt. Gibbei Jobu Edward. W. H. Kittoe
1779 )78:~ ]7t19 1793
Wfll. JalUt'8 Good. Colquitt ::I. Kf'mpthome Rich. Rnrl'1'
WIJI.R,'dmoD Wm. Titcher ]7!1() 1794
J7Rl 1787 0('0. Maxwell eh as. RobinsOlt
Dui" l\lac:ka~ S(. P. Munalt Dau. Folliot A..b. ~rof\ft
Commanders in tht Rnyal Navy.
RiI·h. R,,·hJ,,1I ,Thos. Rob~rts ClIao. Pickfortl IE,lwa1'd O'8riell
Peter .\l'1\elJar Joim Ander.ou J01111 SlIlyl" Drnry
Will. Knr,!,'ss John Rt. L~a Will. Hl1glws Georgl' Hewsoll
Joh ... John Hill Wm. KlclHtrllson Alex. I\l'Viear
.Joltn Mar.h John Whip),le Johll Lawrellce !Ale'and~r Kenny
J .....·ph Tllr""f John JOII.,. 1305. JO'''l'll Hoy
ne01'~" J.1I~t' IIWIII. l\Ioo ...~ Tho •• Maynartl Andrew Hodgt'
'i·homa. lh' by 119<l. Janws Hrant B.'n. Warbllfton
17~l.). Geor~e J on eo Thomas Cole 180H.
Ht'nrv W rav :J "hll Harwartl ,Wm. r,ayman >lamnd Fowt'1
J nhn 'E,I"''';·.!5 iH .. nF~ COlIIl,ton James N i"holoon ThomBs Pinto
Gt.'(). Robin.on I tJJO l. Edw. Williams Fred. Hoft'man
Jer. E,lwards ~David 'Gilmol1r .John Yule . John LlIwrent'.
H. H. Uirl.h.'a<i John Thicknesse Etlwartl Barker Edwar.1 Burt
17fl6. 'J. H. Martin i IB06. Da\'id Draimer
George Davey 'J. N. Mar.;hall John L. Smith Thol. Ueucb
Martin Hintnn ITerenee O'Neil Wm. EHison Charles Warde
Chri •• Kilner IHoht. WilliaDl8 .Thomas Oliver Wm. Farington
Jam<'s Go ....uch 'Rich. Thwait8 \William Ko!\""u Henry Kalll(h
Geo. Harrisoll Jolm Chiltl ID. Val~ntine Wm. (;lIlfield
Ed .... Killwi"k I 11101. ,Jas. Malloersoll C. C. Irvine
James Boonkr In. H"n. Cartier Wm. 8. Rider John Daviei
John Davies IDavid ~udie !Jno. M.iller Adye Ki"ha~d Walu
H"my Probyn. ,Robt. Tmkler IJohn Kv~ns John (,ore
'Thos. nickin~on Will. Morce I Wm. KlIIght J. M. Fergll~on
]{ollert Pcarson Jo.lma Johnsoll 'James Galloway (,;,llIlIIl1d \Valid
7 iAml. '1'10010"00 'J. G. Garla"d Hob"rt Parr,,)'
1, ~7. I Iso:!. jwm. Kalfollr F. A. Halioay
~an. 1 (:"k.~y IThou'8>I Hill G. M. Stltton John Gourly
elms. Nevllle !Jame.1rvin Richard Smith-\ng. Baldwill
Jamts Hill. [Wm. Hi.,ban IJohn S. GibllOn Sir H. elements
Jacob Jalllu IArthl:r GrulHley SllmucI Clarke Tllomp~on.K.S.
J~lJn Mor.tllner .Johll Manley IWm S. Hall Wm. Knss"'l
\\.m. B,·vlall. Philip Lamb R. H. Mutl.lle Wm. ))ow('1'I
Richard \'r<ltcr J. Richard.on iWm. Lan.llt'S1 G. W. Hoop.'r
B I LI,,'e
IV'II" l w " I
. Ill. "as IIlIan 'R • W Ill. P al'k
er. u,BleollerhaMet
' t
J'II"~' W I. la;ns ;'I'h08. Lyne Charles Clariog" Thomas \VdiK
J ~ . G rt ne I I PhiliV Lyne
°r i
.'1'. Hed,liuj!IOII JUltice FIRIIIY
J l H:~::(lYlle John f..:hileott ·'1'ho•• Renwii:k W. K. Smith
~ In M;tl" iR. Hayley Judtl Martio White W.H.Whorwood
m. (' ,nlre IHelll'Y Waring ;W. J. Bllghes T. P. J . Parry
li enry
N' h' w J h D
,on· ougI asN . '11'0Ias L ockyer Ja09.
J. '~:))I·~I~'~:Olld!G. Clark HII~diaThomas y oUllg Ed. Wm. <?arrclt
H S B ..Jame~ AgasSlzJohn Parulh Wm. Fl'rne
r ~nryH'l ~~I lehr. Strachcv John Bradll'y Alex. Neabit
'}'h:~as ,~~~~~onl)). Willonghhy i 1807. Geo. Haloted
Hobert Sallce ,Wm. Love John eellamv
179R., Malcolm C<>WaD Wm. l\Illthf'r Ewell Trillon
'rho~. Linthorn 180J. T. Ball SlIlIivao William Bill
~oht. England JaR. M'Farland Henry Higmlln William m,sell
'1 ho•• Hlllton 18)4. 'Samuel Jeffery J. C. Carpenter
Jo.~ph Brodie Kobert Peltet :Wm. Ramage H. Monrrtsol' .
. J. M. Srn'ad liobt. Tllcker 'WiUia.. Coetc ft.M. Ugc:lU ol'
[}815.] fiN
]91 Commanuers in the Royal Navy.
W. R. Smith iWm. H. Smith John Alexander. !Edward BeD~
John Cookt,.kv ,I)allid Barber John Cramer. It'>. Fltzmanrice
(:hrisl. Nixotl' :H. N. Rowe W. Kf'lIlptborDe. Charles Walker
T. "I(-"alll"'r lames Hay H. L. Bak~r. (RI. Hy. Hoge.,
'I'. l'ercinl Henry \\' ildey Henry Lynn... G. Greensill
'1'. G.Mllston J. Molytlellx Wm. Gn'gory. JoLm ROf'II,KS
Henry Jone8
Willialll He"t
Henry Jalle
D. La'Hence
J. Dc Rippe. 10. T. Scobell
Fairlax Moresby Robert Hiddle
H. F. Senhonse T. S. Grovt K. M. T. Pelcy Hrett
Alex. Kennedy Peler Proct!'. James Clf'phant'. Henry Forbes
H. T. Frascr lien. Tholllpson Wm. Silllpsull. Wm. Sh le
JohnThomp.on R. L. Conlson J. H. G~ratty. Jamt's RattraT
James Murray P. G. Pickel'l:el Edward Lloyd •."lewart Blari.. ,'r
ehades Alien [CUIV. Collier C. Mil"hdl. Charlf'II'l'ylt-r
Thomas Graves Dauid Ross J. K. Whit/,. C. T. Tburston
Jame~ Bashford Sir C. T. JODes, John Filmore. JOReph Digby
G. Bennet Allen kt. John Skekel. Wm. Holmaq
John Worth Geo. Benlham John Gilmour. T. Metbven
WiJliam May Nat. Iielchier Richard Kenab. Robert Gnes
John Carter J. H. Mar.hal N. I>atteshall. .John Forhes
J. T. Nicholas ehas. Clyde Jame! Brt'llIer. Ric~ard Creykc
C. G. R. PhiJlotl'Thomas Vivion G.AUgll&tIl5 Hire Charles FarweU
Urry JOb,nson W.l\'J. CourteDay T. Simpson Thomas Galwe,
Samuel Grove Gregory Grant homasSouthey. John Jekyll
Chas. Beecroft K. Benj. Young Wm. Haydon. J08hlla Trace)'
H. C. Coxt'n Wm.H. Ba\llber.John Irons. . W.Gabriel
Geo. Sainforth Henry Ullvis. T. '0. Hewe8. Robert Rowley
Archibald Dl)w T. P. Pcrkins. J. O. Tullidge. Kirhard Alco('k
Step. 8tephena Hyde J. Clarke. S. Popham. George Trllscott
Christ. Robrrts James Mould S. Brown. David E. Bar-
Wm. BrandreUI Alexander Hose R. T. Blacker. Ihulomew
John Cartwrighl James Leach David Scott. F. W. Rooke
'I'. S. Grove Charles BeuDctt J. B. H. Curran. W. P. RoiJerta
T; ClInnillgham John lSorton G. W.H.D'Aeth T. B. UOWf'&
Arthur Clark Wm. KeJly Wm.lielly. Gf'orge Scou
C. L. Came A. 1'. Hamilton Henry I>mry. John Price
Andw. Sallnders F. W. Hnl'goyne Sir WilJiam S. A. M'Meekan
Josepb Haynes Wm. SlaughtcT Wiseman, bt. T. Ladd Peake
Geo. Turnbnll John Sheridilll Charlrs Shaw. Daniel Roberb
J. P. I.,Rochrllril G. M. Jones John (,edge. W. B. Dash wood
Rowlan'd MOII~) Thomas Rowe J. Baldwin. George Haye
John Wybol'O 1811. John Ross. Josh. Marrt"tt
J Smith Cowan R. Rns:;el f). C. Askew. John W ..'cks
i Mc. George Thomas Woh'ige B. M. Kelly. John Banks
1810. Tho.L.P.Lallgb. Charles S'lllire. John Kt"'.'"n
T. S. DyfI aruc. J. Campbell. Charles U. Reid
Edw. I>eDman Bc.~jaminSlreet T. C.1\1l1nn. Jame. Stirling
Jost'ph Simmons F. G. WiHock lfl!2. - John StoddllrC
George Brown Will. H('nd~'rson J. Chl'istiau.. J~hn Smith
J. '1'omkinson Wm. Wolngc H. F. Jalllll'y. \\ m. EIlChaDaD
i R Dalton .Jas. Dickenson Robert Halllsey. J. C. G. Hoberu
J~Ia~ Codd C. B. S"'-OlllO Thomas DuttOD l'fhom~s Eyre
Commanders in the Royal Navy•. J ] 95
Thomas'Warranr T.~.Griffioh"of,· SalllIJPI Roberts R. Gr('enaway
Charles Hawkey. j'. ,\. W""phaIlHob,rt Slandly Wm. Hy Uruce
Wm. Cale. P. W. P. Walli, 'J. Call1l,bdl P. H. DCII",<I ••
Won Bryan. C. L. Fanlknl'l' 'J. A. !\ IInoy n. H. P~cl,dl
John Pri.,k .. tt. ri. Lilf'l,fit'ld 'Uavld Price R. H. 11. Pigott
Wm. Sheppard. , Hon. f'red.Noel 1· Knatehbnll J W. \lontague
Wm. B~nllett. J. IC Kinsman ringlo Patlon J. Medlicott
Edw8n\ Hall. ~. 8. Bo\'\'(I~n ~Rol... rt Walker (.:. West
Rithurd Hllrtoll ',aac Shaw C. AI/lOllY ,\.8. Bl'anch
A. F. W"str0l" rho. Martin I 11114 R.J. (i.,rclon
J. Cr";"lIton. .V. H. Hpl'rick John Kains Job Hal/lIl,,,r
J Llhn S~epl·\'fl. \. M itcbell IJ. Kueuhaw Rob,·I·t Julyan
.It. M~illw,,'i"g. H. II1<-ynell !G. Blllley Bugh P,alSon
O"orge ilrine. ". O"Rt'illy S. Hadford G(·o'gt· HiltoQ
'V. S Ballefl(·". ·1<n .. y EIIwanls John Alien Co W. H,lii!'r
Gl'O"g~ K"i'p"'" .Iohn Foote Jdll'l'S Groves Wm. R. A. P<'lt.
Charles Hol<'. ,I. Wright '1'. Forster man
AII'!ITW Wilson .lan.e, Ho>e Jos('phGape \I.-x. nixit'.
C. I'hiliip... ~'rancis Hanks W.C.C, Ualydl Etl\\ard Stewart
John Gort'. r. Seri ',en ~asil Halt Th"lIIas Carew
'1'. M'Clliloclt. r. Simplon , H. Sbiti'lIcr John Fishn
J. \)f('wilt. IV. R.Jad.son .H. Smilh Jall1cs P"'hard
~",ith C,Jhb. G. F. Hid. Lort! t\. Pt'rcy J. H. Plnmrid&e
H. '1'. B. (;oliier. HOII. J. Arbuth. JaIlOrs UUIIII 1I,'nn Elton
joirll ~Iea,ll'. not JOIIII O. Aplin Jalllt's lll,'ara
Dal ,d St. Cia,r. H. Lowray Sir Gcor!(c M. T. W. Cecil
J'Jlm Brantoll. Will, Murky ,Kfith, bt H.C.'ncacoD
N. C. U"bl'(,('. Jalll~" \\'alli. R. M; Jackson Hon. C. L. 1rb1
John B. Sn,ilh. \I. J. p"pl~\nJl S. T. Uickins H. A. YeatcI
A. ~1. Ua"kllls. denr) BUlIrne 1'. Delafilll! James Athill
C. B,J.,"lpll. fholllUS Sykt's Adllll\ Brown Wm. Cobbe \.
1 B 1 J. Geurge Did.rns B. Moleswohh A.l\Ioll·tl(omel'le
Franc;. E. Lock. It. H. Barclay John.!. AI" ow H. E. Nap,,,r
u: H. Olll'i"o. Oau,l'l Pring Jo'. K Seymollr Jame. MOlltaglle
O. O. L'''"\'''I!''': r. B. YOllng HOII. C. O. George DOII,('\t
\V. M. (;oUl'rl'Y' Charles Ha)lfy lir""~t'man' .-;i,· C. 'Burnird
A r"'libah! Ti"Ja, IV. 1'01'''"H,II. HOII. h.I'.Camp· ill. 7
R. h".-ell. .I. W. \Villi",!!;. !Jell John Trt'lll'y
Tlrc.lllasEnglan J. Dalg'c'sh. EIIwinJam.·. 11. lV. Hore
F. 1\. SpihlHll'y. 11. eOllolly. D. l\lapl"'"n Wm. Hotham
T. (j. AII,·n. i{olJert Plleh. ·Thbmas Clllby 1(. Tomlillson
Thomas CIII'8011. W. H. })oll/:las. J. Bazalgette Nathaniel Vasset
T. B. DHOII. J. Clllell·~. J"llIhCorm"h Heor!;" Norton
H"b"rll''''iedoll Jall"s OliveI'. John lIo'chols ileorge Hay!
Sa:"'" I llol·~. J. E<I\\al'.I,. J. n. M. 1:1. ill' 1'. H. Wij,on
I;O·:-;IHl\l.~llIlc,,) Ch"l'ks Climb)'. Klllop Henrv Uowed
(Jt:o.!;;t' h"'l!'h . .s~sbit (;';"11. Yillc"ut Newto, John Watson
Sir J~ Co Rich. 11'11'. Sar":"lIt.. Wm. HUlchintiOll J hn Fenllell·
ard"H1. K. Lnwllllall, Will. l<.awli'lIs Wait. Bo.well
J I. D.Orau. J: Campbcll. R. Slre8ttidd J. R. Morris
J,.hn :\L,ocl'), r" \\h~tc. . Sir W. Baniaby John Lambert
W,". Ra.""":,, .J. U. Umfl'evllle ht. IRich.PridhllBl
-N 2
J96 CO.mnianden in the Ro~al Nuy.
O. T. \Vingate Wm. Haml,y Hon. J. Gorden J. C. Symond.
Geo. Nini. F. A. W.. tberall Lord J. Hay Jas. n,d,arlb
John B.'alter Thoma. Bury John Tbet'd Thomas Wilaon
Jto~ert !lJhetl Ried. Moorman RolJt'rl Ro.sel Jobn W. Rober ••
Edw. Colli"s H"od Knight Thos. W.lliallJl J, Deb.. nhaln
Henrv Haker A.F. Ell'hinstont';Francia Bahr J'lm,s Tockey
Dan:Cllllo"ay w("orge Prall jJohn T. Coffin eter William~
R. Wilbraham G. P .. nrnddot'\i, iWm. H. Nare. Edw.John.on
Gc~: 1nl/ham Aal'Qn Tllz('r 'W, B. SII('kinl( .\n,h, C, Slaoto.
Jo ... ph COl'hyn Thos. Smjth Jl$m ... Townaend F. F. C1al'k ..
Robt. M'Coy O. B. !.\1a~wl'Il John Bernev William Hillvar
Geo. Canning Franci. DRyal H. M. Mar~hall Rich. Edwaid~
A. W. Thomaij Jamf'5 SihbaJd JohlJ,Lyens R. Havertield
J. P. OreenJaw J. H. Rhodes J. Pllckinghorn T. W. Hig/and
Tbomao Gill W. B. Bigland A. D. y.ArIJuth- Ri., ... Devonsbire
'fhos. MailsI'll C. C, Ben,,1l not 'fhos. Tril1l1D"r
Eaton Travers W. WalRole H. Stanhope Rl.b~rt Oliver
H. B. Pow,,1 ROlcoe Dunn Sam. f¥llkina W. C Jervoise
Thos.l 1 .'tlman Rich. Crokt'r Ci.OI'j[(' Lnke J. 'f. La.c,.lIea
Wm. F. Leith Percy Grace Edll'ard BO)I Sept. Arabin
J. D. Boswell W. G. C. Kt'nt Ht'm'y Fyne Robt. J. E1Jiot
J. I. Gamegie Peter M'Quha" ':. a. Harvey ]..Im Lind ... y
Sir W. Cbalm .. r~, Henry Rllk"r T. A. Edward» '}o'I·ed. Hnnn
b t . W I l I . llnchfort rh~oj)ald Jone. Cba~. H:ulIvn
William Dean Edm. Jub('rvillt' fleorge ~ing J. R. L. Wright
F. A. H. Parker Geo. l\.ing \. B. Valpy E- F. Stanbope
A.llen Stewarl Jamet'liu)(gins C. R. Moonon Wm. Matthew,
Ge\>. Bow.t'n J. W. Dalling John Fnrneallll: Ki«'h. Harnt'so
Henry Taylor Henry Leake .:. lIulchin.on A. l\jf'.-cadell
Ch... lI~nltain 7\. Bllchanlln l:haS. Greo:ne Chas. Giddy
Jamel A~key JllmesSterling Wm. HiI'd W. Laugharne
Joll' Hil~oll ohn Pakenham Cha•• Pf'ar50n Jas. 1'11'1)0,,·.. 11
ThOll. Dil·kill.on F. Le Hnnte • C. Almeslt'y RI}~er R. H, ... lt
C. W. SdwIR Ch... A. Baker Edw. Barnard Jollo F. Morgan
David Ijllpe Norwich Duff J. F. Stllddcrt - - White
Wm. Riehards a. H. Full"r Houston Stewar, H .. n. C. Mt'fcer
A.nd. WCullocli
.• '11


, AT 680 6<1. 4 lht.
Jolm COWl' Wm. F.lletson J.8aint-Barbe J"bn Gardin('r
D. Kinlorh JOB. Anningson . J"hn Pavne Jo.cph Pri,"·
AIel(. Todd Jobn Ord .. Wm. Waddell Wm. Sam~dl
Henrr, Lambert O. P. Camby Jam"o Ly. Gt'o. Morri~
Prtrr Talt Rich. Sallndc:rs Martin Dijtby John Slevt'IlS0Q
Itobert Mayne 01'0. MOl!att M. H ..I\i •• bury .\nlh. DOlladien
.John May Jas. H. Clark Thn•• Hardy Wm. 8. Peppen
Tho•• Townsf'ud Waiter Watts "nd\\'. Lorkhart John Withu.toll
Alex. F. Bailie [Hobert Carl('r Bowlrs Mitclu.:ll G. A. Maclavert"
lUchard Krmp Sam~1 J obll A. Cunj:aitoQ :Tholllai Spry •
Royal Marines. MariDe Poly-Office. &: Marine AgeDts. 197
Peter Hill Charln Elder Tboma. Bond Wm. Lanyoa
Corner Brand Hllm.ltokel William Snow John Simplon
lIartin Liodeay John Cony John Scyruonr Franl. I\J l'88l'rY1
J'obn Hance TtI08. Crawley Ric-h. Dorrill J olm Elliot
R. WiI\iams William Wall John Slevens J. H. Nicbolal
Ado.Sc-hnyler 1'1108, Jt')nra John Hewl'tl Abram. BurdoD
1'. D. Abbott Henry Mitral! Rich. Sainthill Noah DalwaJ
Jamt'. Jack
John Pierie
Gt'orge Doyle ThoUlas Milt'S
John Tayll'nfe John nrymca 1\1. 1\1'Kt'nzit'
Milt. BrownCllarll'a King
Wm. Moore
John Smitb
J. Sommerville

Gcnl'f'al, Earl of St.ll\laj. Gen. 1'. Lrwis [Jamel Campbl'lI
"incent, K. B. Maj. Gen. R. \\' illianu Robert Moncril'ff'
Lt. Gen. Sir Rich. On- ....t ..lftd ('01. (;oRlmu"dlllltIJohn !\1aekilltosb
slo,,", bart. Major Gt'D. Laurcnce Le "'I! Charles Ml'an
IJlqj. Gm. Sir Rkhard De.borough 1I1qjors.
Bickerton, bt. K. C. Maj. Gen. J.l\leredilh Geo. Edward Roby
C.lanel. Maj. Gen. RoM. Hill Kirhard Lee
Willoughby T. Lak.. Farmar Henry Ll'e
Wm. Cba•. Fahie Major Gen. Watkin Robert M'Cleveny
Sir Geo. Eyre, knt. Tench Wm. Henry Boys
John Talbot Luut~nll7lt-C,,"lfttb. Tbomad J)any
Colonel Commdlldll7l' ill Maj. G~n. Davld Bal· Richard Williams
chid. hngall . Thoma! Abernc>thie
Maj. Gen. H"nr) Bell \\faj. Gt·n. Geo. Dyer to the elll.
(,,/otU!($ Commrmdalll. Joltn J.\'Jiller Commanda7lt in chit;{.
Maj. Gen. Tbll.Stricl.- Marlin Camp. Call' Capt. Geo. Kempster
land . Rich. Barry .'oley ec. Jno. Wm. ~rokl'r.
IIfaj.Oen.Robt. Winter WiUiam Binb ~8q.


Paymaster, Col. Fr. H. Doyle I Deputy-Paymaeters

CI..rksledo. '1'. Hind, O. 081'dner Chatharn, Capt. Se~'ard
Extra Clerks, W. R,obi0800, W. Wonlwich, Capt. Varln
B rill PY. J" Edwltl'd~, aad W. Portsmollth, Capt. P.trke
Gardu.. r Plymouth, Lt. Col. Fligbt


Capt. G.Kenlp~ter,Half.Moon·8t.ll;OX and Son, 44· HaUon Oar~.
Capt. Hie .. , DIlIt'IIF'I'placC', Bread-reapt. Madden, Port.llloolb
s(net, G"ld~1I-8qtlare
198 List of the Army.
The GEN£ftAL and FIELD OFFICERS of the King's Force.,
with the Regimt'nt tbey severally bt'long to.
N. B f. ~. stands for Foot Gual'ds; 1.1/:. for Lire·Guards id. g. fnr Dra·
go 011 Guallb ; d. for Dragoou$; f. for Foot; h. p. for Half Pay, .s.:c·
FIELD M ,\ RSHALS. Robert Prelcolt, ,8 F .. Sir C. Cuyl .. r. Br. 69 f.
His K. H. Freilerick, W. Earl Hareourt, 161 Gor. Kinlllle
D. of York, K. G. D. (;orcrnor of Pot·ta·'C. Earl of HarriDjfton,
and K. R. l:OInm. in mOllth.
Chief lit' all his Ma- H. E. of r.a,·hampton, Bor.
I 1 I. g. Goo. qf Wind·

j ..~t~·s \o'orce8, Col. of 6 J) G. Ni6b~tt Balfour, S9 f.

the 1st Regt. of f. g. Hon. W. Ht'fVey, E. Steph,·ns. 8 f. GGtI.
and ('01. in l'hi..r of Isol. qf Flirt WiUi_,
tbe 60lb (or Hopl Thoma. Bland, 1; D. G. Francis, E. of Moira,
Amuiean) Rfgt_ 01'\0'. Buckley, G".,. K. G. ZT f. COIISt. qf
foot, I Pl'7ldl'7lnja ('a. lhe To_ of London,
His R. H. Edward D./G.Garth, t7 F. U.GIIfl. GI1II. GtJI. and co,.....
of Kent, K. G. Col. !'lactntia in Chiqinthe ElUlla-
of tilt' bt Regt. of f. Richard Gccnville, 2:> dU,B,
and G"". qfGibraltar,. F. 1808.
Arthur n. of Wl'lIing-1 1802. E Fanning,
ton, K. G. CuI. of J. Earl of Suffolk, 44 f. Henry Johnson, 81 f.
Royal Regt. ofbOCSl'I' G.". Londonderr!l and G,,". qf nOBS (:cut",
guards bloe "'almore, J. W. T. Watson, 8 R.
Hi,R. H. Eruest. D. 01. Hon. Chapple Norton, Vet. BD.
CUllllJerland, K. G.I 56 f. GI/(). qf Cl&arle- LLd. Moncaster, 10
Cot 0" (0]' 1R0,,'.
the I!;tb R. Vet. Bn.
,Kill!:'s) Ligbt Dra Sir David Du.ndas, K. Fr•• Edw. ~WYD,22 D.
!t0t'''s, 8. 1 d. g. 93 f. GOII. GOII. of S~
Hi. R. H. AdolJlhu~ 'qf Chelsea lIHpital. Robert Morse, R. E.
F. D. of Call1bridge,lSir R. Abereromby, ~.1'. Sloughter Stanwis,
K. G.-Col. of Urt'i B. 75 f. GOtI. qf Edlll- 85 f.
Coldstream Regt. of bMrgh Catle His R. Higlrnl'1i8 W. F.
(. g. alld Col. in Cbil'f Jame. Coatl's, 2 f. D. of Gloneestl'r. K.
oJthe King's German: Sir A lured ClarlLe, K. G. 3 f. ,.
Ll'gion, ·B.7 f. 1809~
GENERALS. 1s03. R. Donkin.
17!18. S. HuI6l', 6t f. U. G".,. Jam ... Balfour, as f.
C. Mar. of I)togbeda, Chel,. Ho.". Sir James Dnff, Kt. 51
K. St. P. :8 Dr.' Albemarl.. , E. of Lind- f.
Hon. A. Maitland, 491 sey, 89 f. Go!:. qf H. E. of Mulgravl', SI
Foot, BlackntBll Cu.lle. f. G".,. qf &arb. ea..
1796.' Sir.T. Sleuart Denbam, tie. Mast. Gta. ON.
W. M. nfLotbian, K.I Bt. 12 d. Gnc .. Blakeney, .. R.
T. t D. . :Tlrolllas Carlf'toll, 60 f. V. B.
1797. IC. Li"t~r, 4.> f. G,,". qf 1812.
Hon. H. St. Jobn, 36 1~lIdguard Fort. 1'i'r P E. lrving, Bt.6
Jo'oot. Chal" e8 Ll'igh, :3 f. Lt. R V. R.
Sir George Olboln, Bt. Gu!:. Isle qJ Willht, ' ,('urge Harrig, 73 f.
40 F. IAIt"ll.
Earlot:Balcarca., hiehart! Vy.e, S d. g.
1798. 63f. W.EluIC!lthcart.K.T.
Hon. W. GordoD, 21 F. le I. ,.
List of the Army, Generals. ·199
B. Tarleton, ~l D. Gor. Sir C. Hastings, Bt.lZ f.'Rd. F.arl of Cavan, K.
Bt'I·u,ick. Robert Mannr,.,. :)iJ f. C. :,8 f. GUr". qf Cul·
Sir H. Dalrymple, Kt. Wm. Loftns, ~~ U. LI. shol ('"sill:
;17 f. 'Illhe TOl/'cr Si,. Davit! Baird, ht. K.
Gor<1. Forbr',2!l f. Oli",'" Nich"II" 66 f. n. & K. C. 2'1 f.
Johll Flo)"I,8 D. Gor. \I~x. Mere"r, H. Ellg'. HOII. F. St. John
qf GrauSl1!d and 'fil· 'ii,. Gcorge Hew~tt, bt.ILd. c. H. Somerset, 1
bury. 61 f. w. i. r. Gor. and C-,",.
OliveI' de Lanccy, 17 .. t8U. , al the Capt qf Good
U. Ptllhp )Iartin, R. Art.1 Hope
A. Farrington, R. A,·t. Sir E,-re COOlt', K. B.'Jolill O,·spard,.J "'. iud.
James Stuart, t~ f. & K. C. 34 f. ! .. eg.
John Whi1 .. , -It; f. Cha'. IJ. of Richmond, Wm. Wemyss, 93 f.
A. J. lJrummond, 11 K. G. Sal'. GDr. 'If, \fIll.
H. Vet. BII. Gor. 0 PI!lmtJutl& ,Hi, R. Highllc's W. F.
DIIIIIJ,arto/& Castl. J .. hll Adolp. IIarri.,1 H. Hereditary P. ·of
J. W. E. of Ul'idgcwa· frOln6~) f. . I O"ange, K. B. COIll.
tel"',14 d.' Wm. John Arabin, 21'1: oflhe Forct'sin Hol-
Ellis Watkn, R. Art. g. land & the low Coun.
W. Ma~\vdl,ofJate 3,GL·0.])on,9Gf.Lt.Go,'.
H. \'I'l. Bu. : qf Gibra/t,'r LT. GENERALS. -
G. E. ofPembrc>h, K.'Sir J. Fr. Cradock, K.' 1801.
0.6 d. Gor. '1/ Guem.! B. 43 f. IW'
J. ~ilrl u~' CI,lIlthalll, K.:Ltl. Charles Fitzroy, ofR. !\far.
S. Johnstone, latc
G. 4. t. (,ov. Jew'Y I 48 f. lA03.
A lex. Campbdl,:;~ t: \' Nal'i~r Christic Bill'· C. Tarrant, late of Eng.
'Vm. MOl'.,head,.'I1 f. , tun, o() f. in Ire.
Frauds O\lnd"., 71 f., Hit-hard Hieh. WiI.fortl, 180;;.
Gov. of Ca,,·;c!ifl',·gll.' I 7 tlr. g. ' Hl'nry Read, late 11. g.
AI.·x. }{oss, 59 1'. Gov. Edward I\lorrison, 13 Arch. Robertson, latc
1-'01'1 Georgc alld Furt, f. (;ov. of CILc./f,r of Eng.
AII~lIs1us 'Sir Chllrles Asgill, bart. Hon. H. A. Bl'nnett,
Hon. F. Nce,lhaln, 06 f.' 11 f. hlte of 8.) f.
H"nry Pigol, Set f. ,Thomas Garth, 1 tlr. 1808.
13' 3. '\'augIoRn Lloytl, r. a. Hon. Robt. Taylor, 5
Gcoq:;e Bcruard, 84 fJallle' EarlofRo;slyn, d. g.
Sir G. Nil!!. Ill, Ht. & 9 dl'. (ieo. MilDer, from 3 f.
K. n. 6 f. Gov. Sf.:Andrt·", COWI'U, from g.
JllawN I CoItM. t: g. G. Marq. of HuDtley
John HarcIay, Col. C,'Jos. Dllss~aux 42 f. .
R. ~lar. !Colin Mackenzie, 9 r. HOI!; E. Finch, 22 :
Will. ~Jacarnlick
Sir Kt. Sluart, Bt.
I v. b.
Jobn Dickson
Isaa(~ Gascoyne, 7 w.i.
Sir William Kt'ppel, K.John 1\101ll'y F. Lord Seaforth,
8.67 f. Tllo. 1\1l1rr"y, of latc i Hon. Sir B. Tre. HeD-
J .. hn Ltl. Hlltchill~on, r. v. U. niker, bt. late of 9 d.
K. H. If! f. Go". Stir- Sir G. Beckwith, K. B. D. D. Wemyss,frOlll 18'
lill;i eflslle 2 w. i. r. f. Go,'. Qf TYllmouth
J. Hamilton Thomas Uoberts HOIl. Johu Lestie, flU.
A lex. L .. Hay IG ..". J. Earl Lndlow, 1 f. g.
Js. Stewal t, of lale 1 K. 13: 38 f. Lt. GoP. Hcury Wynyard,61f.
. .
R. Vct. ilu.· BerWick
200 List of the Army, Lieut. General••
W. Thornloll, lat" tt~t C. Crauford, 2 d.g.Lle'"", Sir.B. Spencer. K. B.9H
!;ir.J. Stuart, K. R. & ( Tynmouth ~ Cliff Fort 1812.
C...l of lIJuida, tu f G. H. Vansittart, 1 gar. b Stap. Lord Comber:rilere,
Lt. GflV. (1/" Hon. C. Fitzroy. 25 f. K. B. 20 dr
))lIlIc3n Clllllpbdl, !Ill Francis ,Hugonin, 4 dr. S. Dalrymple, from 8 f.g
T. Or 0 8Hnor, 6;' f 181 I., Wm. Johnstone. do.
J. Ca I(· ....lfl, fill. Cm. f.~ F. B. Dreschsel, thek.gJ Rowland, Lord Hill,' K.
J. Lo~tI Niddry, K. B C. Bar. Linsingen, do. B. 94 f. GOl'. qfHuU
, 9t I. • G. Rochfort, r. inv. art. Hon. 'Wm. Stapleton
Charles ,!al't, 11, \! I. 1!' CMRj'Firema.,tertoLa. Denzil Onslow
11 LordF I Fftl OI'lIt·I ••'I;,4 t.- boratory at W'00 l WIC'~I S'1 rJ. M urray, bt• 3 W I•• .f
,,' .ar 11 " 'I'll !,!(., ''.:.John Spens W. Twill!!, royal eng.
SIr Jnhll 1l"~le, hI. 6: W'lli Se tt H C Hoof
K B &: C 117 f ' I am. 0 on. . ope,
, •. " : RobertTipping Sir G. Pigot, bt.
R. Bro,' lIflg;:, 9 f. COil! A C
tlf thE liu'ctl' ai I 'eq/rm • ampb e.11, Iate 0 CBrea-,' l' M·tI d, 1 C' r.
'W. K nnJlj" frolll :J f. g. dal. f. I. Lt. Gov.
Hon. E. PiliI'P', 60 f. Fort A"/iustu.
rfl 8l an
GOIl.. if Grenada~
J. L~Y160n Gower

Wm. Cartwright, 3 dr"Alexander frotter Martin Hunter, 104 r

I'" Ba,"611 HOllll't',"Ch
IF. Fnller, 59 t: C,)m.
t"ejarees in Jamaica
(!fIR. E. of DUlloughmo,..
of late I III f '
, Hig -"t'Tene Hil{'mes .• W. SirJ. Affieck. hI. 16 dr H011.J.Abercromby,S~f
n. Elli"l, H. i\Jarilles IJohn Hol.>inson, 60 f.
lJ1/ke ofHrulU;',\.Oe:.G.VaugbanHart,Cm.75 W ' Carr, Ld. Beresford,
n. Leightull, :3 gill'. bil.lGeorgc Ward 1813.
J. Coflill, N~w Hruns ...IHon. T. Maitland, 10 f.J. Evelegh, royal engto.
Rd. ArmSII'on g
J "hn l\l urray
.I Gm'. <t Commander ~G' Earl, of Dalhousi~
K. B. 26 f
~ir C (lrecl1, "t. the Force. at Malta
3~ 'f. R. Bright, T. manlles
\\'. St. LCl("~" fr"," ~'II', James Campbell
Thomas Baker
George l'orter, 1031
R., N. Hopl,lni, I~le ol.-sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt Sir J. Erskine, bto fro,.
.l'l f . 52 f. It. gen. if tlte ord. 2 d. g.
T. Hartcllp. r. mv. <"ng. Sir G. l'revoHt, 1.>1. 16 f., Henry Williams
• ,1,8 I U • Gen. and ('J<Jv. in Chid 1". Earl Conyngbam
~atr!ck SlItclalr in Norll. America Hon: Sir A. Hope, K. B •
. c ~ '.': catl, r. ~I·t. FW, Wailer, from" tlr 47 f. Gov. if tile RO!llll
S~I 1. Blu,""",>!.I, ~1.1·"a'M. ~chdall, from 12 dr Military Co!l.'ge
rj' t'n
0.1\1a.1111, r. eni!' at'"1.<1"",'<"
>' lJr .C. S'llerhJ'UVAC,
-_.. K .J
. .v. raser,lJY"
J IYork ran£'.
g/~n. 0 In' ~., C .l!JIlS: TI. iH t: . Peter Heron '
J, I l·aU, jate r. I. III t.
.... Champaglle, 95 t'
. ,rummon(.,"
I 97 f. H. L
• >awson, roy
al art.
J • "• 'I171IllI'H!."1 "~, ...• ' t" Is' J. ,\ b"rton, fl'olll 21 cif. T. 1 cter, Can. feuc. mF.
w p , 11 1\ ~ h f
H. Ca! V('I'I, 14 f. aqj. gj'r • "yne, lit: 19 dr. . on. 1. "fal CW, 99
(' ('0 'khuru HOII. Euward Dhgh J.Uamsay, of latel·b"".ht
th: 'Ulllllle
• .' U;'lIInmond
Wm. Earl Craven Sir J. D. Broughton, ht
lA1. \\T. Bentine". K. B. Wm. Dyott, from 35 f
=iV. J)owtlfs~,<,n:f:r.61.· ~l ,.~. .com. tiftlleForjlt.C:Fcrgll.on, Sidl.r~gt.
~ 10. ~Iad,cnzw,fm. ;.;u t 1/1 ",mi!l, <S·c. lA. Galllmdl, from 11. C·
(;. MOllcridl-", cal'c r. IEJ.u. Jo:. of Cork H. }Iacfarlan.c, rill. 711£
,,\'. M~yrkk. f)'o'llI '~I .: 'jHon. ~. G. Grey, 13 dr ISirS.Auch;nut~,K.B.7liif
'I'll .. ,·. Lurd Lynedock, Hon. SIr Ed. Pal:cl, KO' John G. (ro,IJle '

,1'" E.!lf) f ll. 80 f. I I\:dw. Stack

Lilt of the Army, Lieut. Generall, &c. 201
Hon. J. Brodridt
Henry Warde. 68 (
Clitfe ,E. W. L. POI,hatn
Wm. W~'nyard, 5 f.' J. DIIUlop, from a~1 f.
_JalllS Durham A. Wood W. H. Mac\~an, 37 f.
lIon. D. Leslie, fm. 48 r,\.. 1>irom, from 44 f. W. Ktr
Sir J. ~ith, K. B. 4 w.' ,\.L. La>lIrd, 2 R. Vt Sir Alrx.CamplJt'lJ. Kt.
i. regt" Com11ltlnder if:, . Bn. . : VOI k !--t.Iltt'. V(:1.
the Force. in the We,' I. Earl of ElgIDH. P'. ,Calllpbdl, t,.OIll
Indiei -I ila,id Huntf'r : I t: g.
J. Kerr.of late Sr. vet. bn J. Earl of Breadalhane W. \!lIrnplt
1'ho. Scotl, from 94 f IJ:'hl~ Sladt', from I VI'. C. W, Lt!. Stewart. K.'
'Vm. Robertson ~\ • ~1J('ncfr ' ! R. 't." Ilr.
Matthew Baillic s. Grllham, fmm !7 f. MAJOR GENERALS:
Sir H. Turner. Kt. 19 f. ~ei't. Gor. of Stirl,ng 1 ;9U.
Lt. Cov.'!I'Jerse!/ (".,Ie . G.Mf)rga!"lateClf~r,ll.
C • Ch owne,.. 7 " f .I, i\lolttgom!'ru', 74 f. J. HlIgoDIh.lau, ot.j, dr
F <\ W i l l - ,~ ..
\V S" •.• ftlt"'It,Nuv. ..,,4.
H~~' ..;.~:~ Maitland ~ko ..l','n. 1nl', Wm, Fa.,,~ett, GOIl. qf
'w . M W, Wrll(ht,la 1eJ" I.A.' Utnerlc/&
m, unro J, D. Arabi", d o . ' 1796.
,j: cam. p,ben. 61 f. IV. Blldlal,alJ, dll.
SIT T. Picton, K. B. 77 ~ W. l\lll1T3Y
I'wm. 1\1. Ricilanl.oit,
Goo. qf N, l'umWltlh
J. Gordon C~ming IHolI. W, Lllmlt'y,R.U'." 17911.
Hon. John Crewe Ind: RalJgns J ..r. Amh. rst, Go~. "
Hon. Sir G. L. Cole, K., R. Br(' ...·tOIl, fmlD 63 r. lIJ1n .... CUB.
Sir G. Brombead, bt.
IJ.T. H. EI"cs
~loo ...' DislJl'y 15 f.
,w . 1798.
G. SlrUtl, Go~. of
Q.J. Freeman, (rom 16f. J. lWKenzic. ' Qucbtc
Del" Bar.Ma'"' A. G. Slirling 1810.
Ireland." W. Thomas, K: n. L. S l>o)nt",. I,lle uf J I. ,.
G,'urj:\t· r:a"IofGnlllard J. Rallls,"y, R"y.\r,iI. 1 lIlO>!.
Sld. Li!(htbllrnl', 53 l!- C. Ilarby, fro"'.H f. IHa
y FNrit'I', U. Goe.
John Hen. Loft W. WilkinslIII, SO f. r III LJullbartvlI
}'rallci8 ~1oo"e H. '1', Mnlltrl'8or, le r. lIJJ(I.
FoL"I't Vio-. LlIuon Sir A, Gleo.talles, Kt. L. Rradshaw,lat(, ofll.,
-w. H. CIi" tlln, a.-, f. IOZ f. . l' A • Hurn, Ru), ill ariu!',
}:dw. Stepit!'n., R.Art. C. Stncnson !\ng, Ual'lm Vchhtim.
11011, Sir Wm, Stewllrt, J. Hodgson K. G. L.
K. B. 9;; f. It. T. Nelson T. Trollt-r, Ray. Art.
ltit4. W. J>. Acldand, from'Juhn Smilh, do.
F. T. Hallllllon.! C'!ldst. Ft. GrJ.. 1Will. CUl'pa~(", do.
l,ir J. H lmillon, Kt. ~ N. roil'pean (J'lloma. :s,'ward, .10.
Ceyl. H. ({ur. DIUI·J. Taylor, from 12 f. ;}'r.. II('Is La)t', do.
calo1lOn fill't M. N 'ghlill/.\all, 6~1 t: ;lIayly W Ill,"gton, do.
R. U'- Hla!.c J. Hay, from 2 Dr. G lP, Du'Plat, K. li. L.
R. DUll~la .., Rn)'. I\rt. Wm. C:',ckeIl 1 a f. ,Aug. HUIlSI .. JI, d.,
W. HO. IIston, 4 Gill'. n'j
Hon. R. M<'Htl~, 3J f. L. S. Or<le

J. Prince, frolD 6 Dr. John Lee

iJa/,lin AI!~II, do.
H. Bin~ham, from;3 f ... ~. R.II'I'" Low, do.
:'.\. /) .. r",1 Bal'sst', do.
C;l'orge Michell "i,· H. elinlOn, Ko n.'v. Ba/'on All"n, ttf>.
SirT. Hi,i<:p, bt. 8 W. 601; IJ. (; .. 01. .. '·, ••
ImliJII K"gt. J. Sunlag". I.-G. Re'I.IJ. I~. Wall"ce
J. Mad... III, D. A. G l"llr. OfI'. jJ. Hope, '/'''"1111'0 f.
U"f. I1.rlW. _ ,r ...Il." ltuiH'rtso~ U "0 r:;.· ;\Il) II.;k
202 List of the Anny, Major Genera1,.
Sir 1\1. Bur~oyne B, fiT. Drshrisay,Y· Artit. R. Burnf', from ~6 f.
Alal1 Camero", 791". Cllarles Tf'l'rot, do. (;"IJ'. of Ca..tisle
A; LtI.lllayney, fin. ~9fW. I'~ers, n. En/:. J.O.Valldelenr,19 D.
Hon. Sh'plll'. 1I1ahon, r;. Glasj(u"" R. Art. ClIarks l)~e, from oS Dr
f"Gm 7 U. G. It. Win!l'r, U. i\lanllrs Sir W. Aylelt, Kt.
J, S. Wood. 8 Ur. W. Bentham, H. Anil. J. H. FINch.,,., fill. 6 D
n. O·i\!esr8,. E. Strhclin, do. H. "rownc, f;'01ll12 Dr
F. Baron l{ottenLurs, J A. Sehakh, do. H. M. Gonloll, York
I{oll'~ 1nl'. .. Lt! ellry H lIUon, do. Chas~..
Hon. Cha. CoinlJe, 5 1. B.arrow", \\'. I,: R. A. J. (,oldIe, 6 n. G.
Gar. En. 1J, S. Farh'Y, 68 t., H. B. LOI'g, bDI'.
Fred. Cha. Whitl'; from J. Wood. ,~i\" R. H. 'ihca/f,·, ut.
1 F. G. ISir T.1';ullnmrl"~, Kt. from tof.
Gore Browne, 6 G. B. Hor. qlll.('II;;;, K. A.,!. John HlIght'M
Lt. GQc. 'If l'! Drivers IX late 1 H. '\I"~all.i,,r Duff .
L. Lindellthal, K.
from 97 f.
C'I G. (;rls.
iJ. Jenldnson
IG. \in'y, frolll tl r. QWl:
JlJa·:t. GPII. in Inlal/,t
R. f'oghlan, /'1'. Lewis, R. l\Tat"i,,{',l{. S. Donk;n, Qlla. ,U.
If, Fallf',4 U. G. T. Dunoor, 8 W. 1. H.I Gen. ill Sicily.
Rob .... t Bolton, !~ Dr.1 F. Delaval !Hon. E. 811ll'ford, fmm
n. Cheney, from 1 F. GIR.Witlial"s, R.ilIarin~<: :; F. G. '.
GeOl'ge '\1180n, \!3 \lr.IC. Call('ndar, from es f:G. Cooke, fan. IF. G.
K. '\. H(l"7lrtl, frum,L. Desborllil!!h. R. l\J.~'fhos. J. Rackhons,',
Culust. F. G.
la 11.
IJ. J\Jackt-kdl1, it. Eyg.j. from 47 f.
J. T. La)'ard, ["j. f. J. Wilson, 4 Ceyl. I·t'gt.
~. Ne~eall, R. EnginJ'6. IJ. Skinner, ti'tllll 16 f. Iw ,~rJ~n, frolll 84 f.
1.R. Charletoll, R.ArtIJ. I\JcrerJlth, K. Mar. IF. G.' Ise. LakE', 6~ f.
H. de Hinubcr, KillS'sllL H. Farmar, do. (leD. T. Walk<'r, lIhll.
Ger. Leg. W. 'T~nch, dv. rOil'. Rq,:1.
Sir C. Shipley.
"t. R. l. S. Sallllflcr" from 61f Richard Slnvin, 17 f.
L.Maekan, QUIlr. Ma.t. K. Mackenzie,
H. Bell, Royal Marines Gell. Irind,,·. ww Lt'e.'Sir J. Dalrymplr, bt.
'l'homas Strickland, do. ward Is/alld" I frolll:; F. G.
HOD. T. MaiJon, 9 Dr. G. Wil,on, R. lllv. Art.' F. J. Wilder, frQ", S5J.
Sir J. S. Maxwell, Bt. S. Rin,n.illstoll, tlo. IHon. G •• re Gr"y,l Ur
W. T. Dilkce, from O. Ballingail, H. Mar. S. Hawker, 14 Ur.
~ F. G. D. Shank, Ciluadi. F.1.1 1812.
H. Rudyerd, R. I. En ..'E. Shaw IW.RaYlllOud, 13 R.V.B
J. Ol;",ahl. 1 Greek Lt·iG. Dyer, R. Marint's T. O'Lo;,;hliu, I L. GII.
Inf. R. .f. J. Barlow, F. M. 8l'fOule, R. Art.
J. M. Haddell, R. Art. C. Jefti'rson Sir Geo. Murray, K. B.
W. Doyie, from 62 f. Wm. Miuet, from :30 f. 60 f. A4iut. Gm. i.
J. Hatton,from66 f. W. M. Peacol'kc, from ll'~lcmd, Lieut. Gotl.
I'. Bonham, f"om6~~ f. Coldst. F. G. 'If Edinb. Caatle.
John Bnrnrt Si. Vi'm. Cockbutll, bt. J. Kempt. 60 f. Lt.
W. An80n, from 1 F.G.·J. Pare GOD. 0/ Fort lJ'illiam
J. Bouchi,'r,.iatc Roy. W.}'. Clay, W. Uonhwick,R. Art.
Irish Artillery C. Wale, from 66 f. C. N. Cookeol1, do.
G. W. Ram&ay, 60 f. J. Le Conteur, W. JohnstoD, R. Eng.
E. Howorth, Roy. Art. T, Hull, 62 f. Jobu Burton, R ..-\.
J. Dorrien, R. Re". J. Kemmis, 4Q f.
ef H. Gds.
Liit of the Army, Major Generals. 203
J. ,H. C. de HerDt'.!G. L"wi8, r. invalid arll\1.C.D. GrilBth, fm. 1£,
witz, Dnke of Brull- RohCl"t Ll'thLri"!,(C It. Darling. from 51 f.
8wick's Corps Henry Proctul', 41 f. del'"t!! adj. gen.
W. de Dornberg, do. J. Brown, royal staff r. G. Horsford. from 18 £
H. Ch.-ster, fm colds.f.g dep. q. WllUt. gm. R. l\IRrriott, 24 f
Evan.Lloyd, 17 dr. J. Walker~ late r. i. arl L. l\Iacquarie, 73 £
Mat. Sharpe W. Hutchlson, 48 f. S. Gibbs, from:l9 £
J ohn LiRd8~Y, . Daniel ~ed(!on H. Taylor. fm. coldst. £ ,
D. L. T. Wldtlrmg!oll, G. R. Amshf', 25 f.. Sir R. T. Wilaon, Kt.
R. Blont, from ~ t. J~hn ~yng, from 8 t. g. from 22 tIr.
I!.Bayly,fm: col~s.f.~.!l. Bmbane, M. 1"d. Aylmer. from
F. S. Rebow~ 1 hfe g. :R. O'~onova",_6 dr. coIlbt. f. g y th.:,gar.b.\c.NeVIlle,roy 1813
W. Guard, from 45 f. Hon. T. W. Ft:rmor'D H 'It •
Hon. Sir E. M. Pakcn from :3 f. , . 't .aml on, roy. wag.
haUl, K. B. 6 w. i. r. 'Johll Hall raID, '!'ag. m••ter,_no
Sir'r R Dyer lit fm 'A. Halkett from 101 j 1o tlle.fl>rces
r.y: r~ngers" H'. Sw_yne,'late r. i. a . .
R. R. Gillt's(lie,25dr. Hon. W. Filzroy
SII'C. Holloway, Kt. r.ea
Henry Canron, 1 t: Sir W. Keir, Kt IJ,;,hn Humfrey, do
J. Baird, 63 f. Den is Pack, from 71 f. ISII' C.lmhotf, Kt
W.H. Pringle, r.. new. f c. Griffith~, 11 f. G. G?rdon
J. Hare, 22 drag. "ir G. T. Calcraft, KtlArChillald Stewart, 1 f
O.T. Jon\'8, from 16 dr. 3 dr. g Alex. Adams, 76 f.
P. K. Skinoer, 56 f. Lord R. E. H. Somer- Hon. G. Bosville,fm. 1£,
, 1818. ' .et, 4 dr
W~ Kerstemall, r. j. e. ,1. Picton, from 12.c.
IT. N. Powlett
Sir E. G. Blltler, Kt. 87 f
Gerard Gos,elin IHon. A,ABDesley. 6g. bn Samuel Need, 24 dr
",V.Alexander, fm.l g. b B. Travers, from 36 f Edward Webber
F. P. Robinson, 2,. b·IEd. &ott, late of Sl6 f Mich. Edw. Jacob
ebas. Camp bell, Win. M'Casldll, Tho. L'Eslrange
A. R. Dillon J. Crowgey, from72f. Sir T. B. Pechell, bt
D. Darrocb, 86 f.
John Grey
W. Buller, fin.cold.f.g W. Latham, from 7 d ,.
T. Bradford, from 82f D. Dewar
F.Stewart, fm.lCeyl. r·'John Granby Clay C. Craveo
J. Ml1rray, from 961. !Wm.
Lockhart, 30f J. FoveauI
Arthnr Aylmer A. C.Jaekaon, 66£ G. K. Dana, 6gar. bn
E MackenzIe
B J M oore, 40 f..
4"6 f. G .I. H a 11, f m. 7 w. 1.. r.·
Rar~e8, r~m I' t ' Hon. W. Blaquiere
a. H. G.Barry,fm. 15f.
Bayne~, Glengarry Li.
£ uqjt: gen. in North
Phineas Riall, 69 f. . Browne, ~9,f L1me~lca .,
W. Brooke, from 5 d I! L.~e Watteville, a reg. of J. Stellmg, from 4~ f
Hon.W.PonsoDby,5d+ mf. . lR:t.
Young, R f ,
Tho Molyneox • Lambert, from 1 £ g. SII D. M. M. V'hvasour, ha
G. A. Armstrong J. W. Gordon, r. African: E. V.icara, ~OID. 21 ~r.
Ang. Fitzgerald - corps, qua. mast. gm ,J. MIller, r.llV. art. 'mp.
B. Forbe_, from 60 f. 1\1. Head, from 13 dr I
ifsmall arms
H. Smith, from 27 f. J. Fuller, fm.c04t. f'i' ,Wm. Dacreo
Wm. Peacbey l\f. Power, from 39 f. jHen. ,R. Knight '
Wm. I~glis, from 1S7 f. ;\. Gordon, from 67 f RObert.Dou,gl::tss. from 55
John 'V IDceDt, 49 f. r. G. MODtresor, 22 tIr f. tu{j'l'!'h W~~J lTUI."_
!Ot List of the A'nny, ¥ajor Generals. Colonels.
Sam. Venabll!S Hiodefm. If. Eusw:e, lateen,;n;in Edward Haddaa, _ •
•'l~ (. Ireland 15 f.
T. Norton Wyndbam, Cm. Colin Halkett, k. g.l. Jobn Camesie,late "'1 f
J W.
Berkl'nbead G1egg
/H. E. Dunbury, r. Newt: dr.
fen. inf. 1800.
Hon. J"Uamsay . Sir H. Lowe, kL r. Con. W. Stewart, \ate of 89 £
Lewis Moslieim, foreign ran. 'HOD. J. Vaup.a, la. po
dqlUt IF.Adam, from21 r. late Shelf. rep.
F. Streicher, York lL i. v. R. Huuey Virian, f'nI. 7 J. T, Haddi.... b. P. r.
Charles A uriol ' d r . Iteho ft!It.
, Colquhoun Grant, 15 cL Henry Torrens, fm. ZS f. Ilj()()..
Jams Lyon,,97 f.' g. miJilary6ec.te I.u R. J. O:Moore, b. p. Iri.b
William Gift'ord, fm.43 (. H. Ihe Comm. ill C~ . 8f1~de
James Orde, from 99 f. 8. Bloomfield, royal arL lOOt.

C. B~eley Egerton
J. Baron de Sonnenberg,'George Cookson, do. IJ. Connt O'Mabouy.
de Roll's regt.
late Ir. Br.
J. Ta.ubIDan,h.p.llot.
Sir T. Sidney Beckwitb J7Si, E .. Dlllon, • regt. of
' ... R. H. The P. .....
I. t.95 r.. Qr.MaII. Gen.H 'ft'_ ·mfllDlrv
in Canada. gent, K. G. 10 dr. Tho. Brow';;i", kite
H. J. Cum~g, 11 dr. 1783, of :j f. \
Charl,;".Irvme John Yorle, Dep. Lt. 0 Ch... M'Mordo I.teof
C. Phillips, 44 f. Ihe T<>we,. S I f. '
Hen~y Bruce, 31 f. 1790, H.-M. Clavering, b.p.
T. Birch Reynardson J. Drouly, ,capt. 'If Cowes !l13 t:
J. Ld. Proby, tin. 1 f. g. Castle 1803. .
Sir W. Nicholson, bt. tin. 1794, W. Uicklon Lt. a-
72 f. A. Baillie, late r. irival. '11' Cm'Ie' '
Peregrine Maitland, fm. T. Nesbitt, h, p. unat. off. J. Flftcbrr, h. Po Roy.
\ £ g. lA. Cl. Walsb de Serraot, Marioes
Hon. E<Iwar<l Capel" <10. late Ir. brig. . " H. Aollerson, late of
Bir W. Sheridan, bt, fm, Hon. H. Dillon, ditto Royal Mal'iilea
Coldst. f . g . C o u n t D. O'Connell, do. t8U....
Thomas Carey, fm. 3f.g. 1 " 1795, ' Sir John ,Hllrkr, fat.
G. Basil Mundy, fm. 2 £ Richard Brooke,late of3 91i t:
WiIliam Grant, !!~ £ Idr. g . ' 1~().5.
G. Johns:~ne, fm. 93 C. lA.Mair, 6 r. v. bo. Dep. Joh~ O'l ool .. ,h. p.lite
Wm. T. 'IS. l\Iolesworth, GUll. 'If' Fort (k'Orge 11. br.. .
1 Ceylon regt. 1796, .'rt, URlaek .., h. p.
lion. R. W. O'Callaghan. C. Vis. W. de Serraot,lale W .~~ !'I I' I .
from 39 f. • Ir. br. '"'. " at all, I. p. ID·
J h K eane, fi~ 6 0 r.•
, 0 0
, 1.97,
dep ....d . ,
J.P. Llonl.laCl' of laf'.
W. H. Beckwlth , J. Elfo,:d, Lt. Gov. 'If.Sl. iil();).
I;ord 6. BercsCord, fm., Juhn's 'iir F. Jllhll i'aikiDt'r.
2 cL g. I'C' HandtielJ, Co .... Gen'1 bt. 100 f .
Robert CampbeU in [,.eland '. 1806.

Dug aldCampbell,3 w ... r.! f.

11.. A. Dalzell, Cm. 60 f. 1798, .
/ RoIJert Balfour, fm. 2~. D. Cunynghame, h. 1', 821 Hl'n; A. Vi.c. 0.110,
J()J t:
. J 80a.,
J. Ma'gralb, h. p. Vu.i.
Il. A. Seymour
J. F. W. De.barres. la
J of 60 i: I Otl:
L;st ~f the Army, Colonelli.
W. T. Hanrood h. p. H. S. Kcaling, BOllf· John Lockr,lU f.
J!I dl·ag. ' I' bon re~.I. F. /Jllrllll cl.. Arpnta-
IIl09. John M'!'I;air, 90 f. childl, K. G. L.
F. W. O;alll, h. p. z:Ltomuel Warrell, 27 f. ~. Hlu"'1I Oml'l.·.I" de
Argyll! fco. illf. \pat. IIl'K"nzlc,81 f. ffi. Wllltf, roy. arl.
1810. Will. Necdhalll, S gal'. J .. hll Taylof,ll,l r~·
'Vrn. Say. h. p.99 f. bll; ~obt. l)'Art·y K. Eng.
E. Cam·pbdl. h. p. p.:AI .. x: W"Uace, 88 f•. 0 ..0. 8:,.111,,":, do.
IHa.tlllgs Fra,,,r, 16 t. S.m.'. ))'c.f"". <10.

of Walt's'$ fc-u
Hugh Saili .. , h. p. sur.,R. Ld. BI.ah,yr.., h. P' Geo. W. DicklOtJ, ray.
rv R<tllg"rs lalC 8 U. U. , a r t•
.Jam... Rutl .. r, 1...1. C"". Jam~a Campb.. lI, ~~ I Wiltshire \Vilson, do.
u 11./'1 ('
nuy. l . f I ege I1 S,",mll;lIl Mawhy,;,J
- de 1 ~ . I 1'1>0 Reyn ..ll, 71 f..
HOII. \V. J. Gor .. , h. p. E.h~'ar 0,1. '. t, G. R. Bingbllm, 53 r.
9 t: ~. Sewell, 119 I.. T. Bligh St. Gearg,,-
11. P. Thoma.~, h. p. R. C' I Amed"7- Marconrl, IllS/,. F. Qf. 'If Nil. 'l'r. G I. 1'. ~'l' I: in C"nada .
..J. R. Bloadh..a", h. p 8 .... rl'<'1 8 I. ',4 7~' f obo Mwray, do.
l!tt f. I alII"" Will on, " . lIon. Chaa. J. GreVille,
. ISII. I IJOhll M., 38£
'l-at. Maxwdl, latc of7 h .., p. 26 f. (,om", Loftus Wm. Otway, h.p.
dr guar,ts . H,wa BIl¥'. 26 r.
Cba.s·. Brown h.p. ,.;f.I Cha ,. 1'. Hel~n, 2ft ,f. W N-1COIay. royal staI'
, ·Wm. Aug. Prn""I, 6N m.
18 I'. HOII. John !\lead.. , 1a.1'. corps
John Dirk Bunaaby, 4" 1'. Edw. Kenison, '7 dr.
lale of I f. g. G. l'owoall A4ama 2~ A. M. K. Hamilton, i
T. Melior, h. p. Camb. drag. ' w . I. R.
rang. Wm. Rotlewald. lato Hamlet Wade, 95 f.
P. L'Ardy, late of D" of K. G. L. ulius Stirke, 12 £
J.\1enron's r .. gt. Edw, VrllUIJDond, lat< Lionel Smith, 65 f.
181:}. of 116 f. Sir G. Leith, bt.- 4! f.
Jolm EII .. y, R. r Sir J. P. Dalrymple, A,mtant AdJ. Gen.
horge guards bt. h.p.lateroy. r Nortl. RrUain
Lewi. Graut,?O f. of 1\-Jalt8 Kobt. Barton, 60 f.
HQn. F. G. Howard, Wm. Kdly,24f. Thomas Austen, 60 f.
b, p. 9 g. b? oh~ &lacleod,78 f. , Will. Patterson, 21 f.
Lord F. Bentlllck, t £1/ G. Crnlllp, b. p. O.le S R. Hamilton, my. art.
I. PIlt. Tillling, t f. /1,. Levy,. C. du PIal, K. G. I •.
C. Baroll Dceken, fo..r. Hl'nry ElllOt, 96,r. G. A. Madden, Inte of 12
vet. bn. Kobt. 11.,,100, \I~ t. Ur
Wm. Von!:la., 98 f. Overin!ltoll Hlullden, Juhn' Gwse, 3 f. •
Arthur 8roola', 4. f. t2 dr. Joh M'll g
P • Car..y, 84-. t· Mu.J~' ' ","~en t S .11)' I11• .5;). tl• C .n W I Do \,r, le,
.vc. Ut InUutd J "hn LamOIl', ~,s 1'. • m. y •
T. W. I!...,rr, i Ccyl. Wm. Full.-r, I .Ir, If. J. r,athurst, h. p. Argyll
regt. Wm. Armslro"" <: g. sne.
Fred. ·Hardyman. 17 f. )JII. Paul And~n, 60 r. '
Philip Rion, RoY. Art. Wm. H. ~ ~ocey, De']J. A,dJ. Gen. Malta
John F. R. 811Iilll,,,,,./. Dep. Qlla. MIIIIl. Gell. H • H.• M.whell, 51 f.
William l\IIIllge, do. ill N. Hrit. ohn Dalrymple, 22 f. '
Henry ihrapudl"do. Il. U~UI<IHm •. ~ W.(.R. Brooke YouD&'. ray. art
206 List of the Army. Colon eh.
H. Frannn~h:un. r. e. IG. D. Robertson, SiciI.IJ. Ross, 86 Dep. Ad·r.
Lord J. 1\1urray. b. p. regt. Gen. in Ireland
1\lan", fenc. Aid de'John Nugent, 38 r. Hon. H. King,s f.
Camp to H. R. H. thel'wm. Cbabot, b. p. 50 f.'lIon. A. Abercromby•
• Prince Regent Wm. Bink .. roy. mar. Coldst. f. g.
A. F. Darnard, 25 £ do. Richard Bidlnke, do. Wm. Thomton, fI5 f.
11'14. IPat. Roa." b. p. 8 g. b. Hon. R. le Poer,Trend!,
.6.. H. Pye, h. P. 10 W. H. B. Dolphin, 6 W.I.R. 74 f
Indianrcgt: D. Q. "DD. Walker. 58 £ Rob. Wright, roy. art.
Gen. in Jamaica J. Foster, h. p. a&:ient Joscph Maclcan, do.
John Graham, Cape rgt. Iri~ ~encibles IJ?hn Hams,. d~.
J. Shnw, b. p. 15 g. bn. T. Prltzier, 22 dr. cam. SIr Geo. Adam Wood,
Richard Pigot, 21 dr. '!I cqval'ydepot Maid- Kt. roy. art. Aide de
Sir J. Wardlaw. bt. 64 f. stone Camp to H. R. High.
James Watson, 14 f. J. G. p. Tucker. 41 f. tile Prince R,'ge-nt
John Sheldrake, roy. art.- C. Turner, n. W. I. R. Dickson. royal Drt.
George Ramsey, do. rang. Wm. E. Wyatt, late oC
John Lemoine, do. H. Walton Ellis, 23f. 23 f. Insl" F. If.'if u I
Spencer C. Parry, do. 1I10ntagu Burrows, 14 f. Ree. District
John Rowley, royalEng. Hon. A. P. Upton, 1 £. g. Hen. Tolly. 16 f.
Del" 11U11'oclor Gen. A. Christle. of late 12 J. l\facdonald, b. p. I ,.
'If Fortificatwns roy. vet. bn. comm. bn.
August. de Butts, r. Eng. Gen. if Hos1's. Chas. Pratt, 5 {.
Martin C. Cole, r. mar. John Cameron. 9 f. N. Blackwall, 62 f.
Robt. Evans, roy. art. S. Huskisson, 67 f. D. Stcwart, R. '\'V.I.rau;:(.
C. Mycrs, 100 £ Del" J. Ingli. Hamilton. 2 dr. HOD. J. B. O'Neil, 19dr.
Qua ••'\fast. Canada Geo. Salmon, roy. art. A. M. :\funay, 4 CcyL r.
William Pollock, 101 {. H. Monckton. 72 f. H. G. A. C. Stapylton.
L. Holland,h. p.154 f. C. Visc. Petersham, h.p. 4.5 f.
R. Bourke, -h. p. late 8 W. I. R. Ant. Salvin, IusI" .P. Qf
Low~nstcin's Levy Wm. Fenwick•. R. Eng. ,if a recr":ling district
R. Harry Foley, r. mar'. Francis Hepbnrn, 3 f. g. Anthony WaIsh. do.
Hon. Pat. Stewart, 19 f. John Maister, 34 £. Le C. d" N;aquanl. r. for.
Hon. J. T. F. Dcanc. Hon. G. Mnrray, 2 {. g. artillery
38 f. Henry Askew. 1 £. g. John Robinson, bup. F.
O. W. Phipps, ,·oy. mil. Henry Darling. h. p. Ii Qf. if" dis.
acad. al Woolwich gn. bn. Jonas Fitzherbert 99 £
Hon. B. Cochranc, 36 £ W. Stew-art, 8 W. I. reg. Wm. Johnson, 68 f.
Wm. Miller, roy. art. W. H. Rainsford, 19 £ l"rans. Ncwberry, 24 dr.
Hon. H. Brand, Col Hon. W. Stl!art, J f. g. Pat. Doherty. 13 dr.
£ g. Jasper Nicol\s, 14 f. Qua. Richard lluckby, 5S f.
J. S. Bame", 1 f. MtUt. Gen. Ealt Ind. Rt. Stewart, late r. Ir. H.
James Graves, 18 f. C. Morice, (;9 f. Lewis Davi~"" 56 f.
Joseph Gubbins, Insp· S. Browne, Yk. 1.. I. A. Annstrollg, late roy.
F. o. ,;I Mi!. in Nova Vols.Del" Qua. Mast. J. art.
Seotia Gel/.. in Ireland S. Frecth, h. p. 15 r
Wm. G. Harris, 73 £ D. Herbert, Imp. F. Qf.-John Buckland, .53 f
Sir H. Dou~las. bt. h. p. Mil. in Nova Srotia IT. Mac Mahon, 53 f
York rang. roy. mu. Henry C. Darling, NovalJ. Lamhrecht, !'Oy. mar.
college Scotia fenc. John Cameron, 92 f
Wm. 'Robe, roy. art. George Cuyler, 11 £ V. Fisher. de Wattev. re:;
List of the Army, Colonils, Lieut. Colonels. 2()7
F. Shcrlock, 4 d. g 'LIEUT. COLONELS, IT. Frederick, h. p. 84f
D. F. Blommart, 62 £ 1"781. .J. Nicholsoo,h.p. r.m.
B. W. Ottley, 91 £ Sir A. CatlJcart, bt. h. p. D. Pat.-son, Inte r. in~.
Joseph Muter, I) dr 73 f. It. gm', of Quebec
Edw .. Copson, 5 f 1783. F.,H. Flight, h.p. r.'"
E. Blakllllcy, 7 f !.t. Temple, h. p: 87 £ 1800.
J. C. Dalbiac, .. d T. Wollocombe,'h. p. un'I,SirJ. Bontein, Kt. h. p.
A. Bryce, r. eng officers ' Kclso r.

John Maclcan, 27 f
J.p.como,d''l.7Il. g.mediJ 'Hon. S. D. Strangeways,:R. Sach. Newtnn, h. p.
h. p: 76 £ Macdonald's corp.
G. B. Fisher, r. art
J. Home, r. mar
J 1793. W.C. Vi5Count Clermont"
A. Browne,lt. gov.CinJale h. p. unat
R. D. Jacki;on, colds. f. 1794. W. Earl of Lomdale, h.
jir N. Campbell, Kt 54£ G. Vaughan, late roy. im p. H4 f.
J. Earl of Portarlington, gov. if Fishs:uard, Hon. G. Carnegje, h. p.
23 dr F. Downman, r. i. art 110 f
George Molle, 46 f E.Andenon, h. p. 85 f T. P.Tharpe, h. p. 134£
T. Hawker, 20 dr E. Earl of Guildford, Hon.R.Clive, h.p.110 f
G. Q.uentin, 10 dr. ajde capt. Deal castle 1'. Welsh, h. p. Ir. brig.
de camp to H. R. H.'C. Martin, late r. in... David Barry, do
the Prince Regcllt P. DaIy, 4 r. vet. H. Z.mch, retired inn
;1. Carnpbell, r. mar '!f Galll'a!1 J. F. Bland, h. p. 107£
Wm. Dougla.<, 91 f H. Ditmas, late r. in... J. C. Tuffnell, b.p. unat.
.A. Rottigcr, k. g. I Went. Serl", h. p. 106 officers
C. Campbell, coldst. f. g. 1795, G. Vigoureux, 2 r ...el.b.
ass. qlta. master gcn H. Haldane, r. inv. eng It. gov. Scilly islands
. P. W. Colebroke, r. art M. Paumier, h.p.108 f. C. Newton, h. p. 134£ ,
George Mackie, 60 f J. Drinkwater, late c0""j W. Booth, r. inv. eng.
r. rl
Sir J. Wilson, Kt. y. l 'If accounts, h. p. ID. Gonion, late inv. r.
Robcrt T..ale.... 10 f E Hill, late r.mar. }<'. de ChambauIt, h. p.
S. F.Wbittingham, Portu. G. Duke,h. p. 65 f 109 f
.erv. aide de camJl to 11., 1796. H.Bowden,b.p. unat. 01T.
r. h.t/t. Pri1lce Relent. F. Enkiae, h. p. 99 f J. Williams, h. p.Newf. C
J: Colborn~ 52 f ?'0i It. B,rowne, h.p. 5dr in.
Sir A. Campbell, Kt. J. 0 ~ara, h. P. clanal. 1801. '
Portug. serv. dol inf. do IHon. L H.lfutdliMon, h.'
T. M'.Maiwn, 17 f. atij. P. Cunyughame,'lt. I;0v. p,"U2 £
6en.EastIndies dui Hull, i
G.H •Mason,b.p.1l2£
A.G.Woodford, ~old. f.g 1798. :Alex. Colston, do
d,,! N. Imrie, h. p. 122.£ !J.Grey,h.p. York fen. in £.
,IIon.F.Ponsonby,12 drdo'F; O'Do~herty, h. p. roy.' tioll. J. t;""'glOtoll,gOD.
C. Palmer, 25 di- do mar. I llurst c".tI~
T. Arbuthnot, 57 £ do R. Andenoon, late of ray T. Le l'ureSlil'r, late of
H.F.BouveriQ, colds.£g mll'. I (·h. bri.
extra ck I. Weymss,h.p. unat.oiF lA. Lorall1(" (1''l'lIly lin.
}<'. B. Harvey.14dr du ill. lU'~ei\, late r. inv. 1< ulh sea ,,,,,,lie •
HOD. H. A. B. Craven. W. Morris, late r. inv. 1!IO~.,.
h. p. du H. Dawet, late of r. m.
F. Baron Eben. Roll's M.I'hillips, h. p. r. Ill.
IW'"' Bray, h. p. 7 \Y
I I. H'II ' 1 R
regt. d" }<'. Seymour, h.p. 81 f
J. Lord Burgorsh .,3 (" F"loy, late roy. iny. l
.W ..n. anll ton, 8 .
Vrt Hi!.
208 List of the Army, Lieutenant Colonels.
O. R. )latthew~, h "W. Cox, Port"g.· S.'rv.'O. IIliddlo'llloJ'e, h. ,.
V'IlII. . R.Elli"',6t.!r ·1 It!!:."
Johll A. Ca,II"man, h I' L. lla,."fl Uu.,be, K. J. H. Dnnkin,77 f
John (haul, Ir I' Unal.· G. L. IW. Willium .•• I:j f
Ott'. 'Juhn Um'han, " W. I.J. LOOlU", 6'') t'
Thus. I"gli~, h I' J2G f r,·g!. J. M'COlUllc. r. CoD-
Join; West, of IUle 1"0yiE. W. Prilclranl, roy. ran~.
vd b" I art. C. Wailt'J", r. art.
John Willlllf cook'IT. J. W. IIlnlTisoll, h\) f
, Ret Ill.. Nor'mall M'LI·od. I f J. i\/ail/allll, 3'l f
JBO~. I M. C. O'Cullnell, 7:1 f C •• ll'Ildle.ille, ror vd
Hon. W.o. Grl'Y, oflJ. Wh;'l', 8J t" UIl.
'Iale' I(.VI'I. Un. Lt.J.P.1\llltmY,;; ~ar bll J. W.Sll'igh, J\ dr .
GJr. njChuter ~"Iunc. ViIWY, l'Uy 11. 1" C. M.EdWllrd~':1. Cl·yl.
Rut"... t Walk~I·. Rt't. K. l'ilki"~I"", noy I:ug. le;:
Inv. Ue/lt. Gov. ; Ht'nry Evall, ".Nl'.b;l,dcp."
'!SI&eernen Johu Uromll.,.d, 77 f {(en. ill l/re MutCriti".
• J804. , C08mo Gonloll, 1'1) lat.· W. U •. Uavy ,.10. p. late
C. !\ng. We." U. Gor. 16 gal' "n 7 It. b. .
Lundgllard Port Geo. F_ V luicomilt', 'R. H. li. BI'adJol',J, I f g _
1110;;. mar C. i\la"weil, r. Afrit:aa
Hon. W. Collyt'al', hp.\!. J. Wynyard, 2 gal c.
2Htlr iln JBtO
)1orri~ Rohin,on, As•. Hrogh Gondl !!7 f C. Ashwortk, PUI·tuga)
'B''''/'uck l/ast. G~II_ H. W. Ulle~,..,y lnv. K. B,·t:vol·, r. ol't.
fit CiiIJl't.l't•• r art \. CKl1Ipildl, 6 t'
;:106. J. Macdon .... I,Colds. F. '1. Nap ... r, 99 f
HI'III'Y Powlt,lt, 11 R G. A. Cawllhcll,lI~ f
V"t B".Capt. qf Car- Lorellzo l\Ioore, 35 f H. Hiantl, 17 f
,·isbrutlk.C....,tle Eruest de Scilrado'r, n. C. de Jolru'llIieres, k. ,
18,)7. of Brnllswic~ 0,,1'.. I.
JJ. Le Blanc, of lato' Corp. . Wardlaw,70 f.
5 I·OY. vct. "n. M'li"r J. B. Hamilton, !I F.O. W'n. A.. Jtltmsloll, h. p.
<if Chelsta llo"Jlilat lillhan Shore, 4 <lr j C"ylon "~g.
WO!!. . A. Sharp"; b p 16 gal'S Fcrriol', 11. g.
John Farcl',harson, l.t. bll' 1>. M'St'an, S9 t:
Gor. of {'urlisle' Colin Dnnran Grahanr; J. Yale., -f9 t:
p. F. Thorll", it/ilt. 1111('8"011'1, hl·i~. I ott \V, ,\rrnstrollg. Nov.
AluI. Gm. 'If Ace. in .li.v. "I' Edill(JI'l"gh S.·o. t:
C"ylolt Plu!il' Vallnrord, j') fJalllcs Kl'arnl'Y, 2 <l g
F. Bllrk~,. late J~ow. C,'RV("lIdiS.h StUI I, MI
ensl"in'. Levy R. Hamllt,,", hp L"
fil".hY: Ja •. O:\3r~ .. n. hp
l'nllc"ss C. ut Wak!>~'
\Vi lIiarn lo'enwi('k, I.t. nre,kk 1". I. f~lI. rnt". Ass. Adj.G<>!.
f>,OD. qf Pe~dellni"C",tle ~'rall('i. U""",,, 7 () G1 j" Irelund
. 11109. T. Marlay, 10.". If. g.!Johll (;001..1.', bp lall'2a
HUj!;h. Gdlvill. Co mIll. D. J. C.lIlleWIl, ut' latel dr
q/lliber14uI"Sc/"",t I r,,). vct. Gu. . 1'. Fustrr,ltpYk.Hus.
Ht'll. Lofl ... , Colt.!. I. g. Hon_ H. Tu" userul, 1 ,C. de V"gd~allg, De.
Roil .. ,·t IIjoucri~tf,ruy f.:(. I l.{oH'~ R. .
mar ' J. GHrdinl.'l'. (j f J. Dnnsmorr, hp 10
Jalllt's C.Rsst'lI, do .-\. Pilkmgtoil, b. p. \tll g Iln
John Mnckin'o.", do C ..ylon. rpgt. dtp fII(i J. n. !\Inrpn, h» 5f.
Lcwi& C. Mt'llre., da Itll.• N. SfO<tic. ,,111sp. F. Of. _
Lilt of the Army, Licllteuant Colonels. 209
HoraeeSt. Pa,", It p.; C. M. Lord (7reenoek,tWm. Woodgate, 60f
J. Lc M~t1rit'r, h p 17 f Perm. Aaa. QIIG. iJI(J3'j~lr G. H. 8. Wa~, knt.
R. Gor!', h p late York Gen. hp 22 f Dtp. Allj.
Fuz. F. Griffitha, Royal Art. Gl'It. North Brit.
A"'x.St~wart, hp.f R. Bnderkt"r, K.G. L'jlEnt'U M'lntolih,79f
Hon. D. G. HaUihnr· Wm. llImenstein, do. J. DOll!tla~, POl'tllgal
lOll, h P COllicao Ndl J\I'Kellar, t f John Waters, clo.
Rall~t'fs A. !\Iack.t'nzit',YorkL.IW. Macbean, do.
Hon. J. Ram~ay, la p I. V. jWm. P. Can'ol, do.
Clanalpine Fent:. 10- Wm. Gwyn,IlItip. FWtl'Henry Harping, 1 f r
fantry Off..t Nee. District. :P. K. Roche, Portugal
Sarn. Dales, I1 p Mal!- . 181 J -!Sir G. Elder, kl. do.
donald'. Recruiting • ,e. C. Palrict.son,,43 r
Corps Fm. Wm. Cash<4I, 10f!jJ. Campbell,h p 611 f
John F. Brownt', 56 f ,John Castle, ,6 W.I.R. Ht',nr)' Shadfortb, h .p
J. A. Far'luhaflllm,~;) C. Jt)hn~lon, 8 !lr Qbl'ffi'~ Rangers
G;RoherUon,Canad. f I Philip Pbilpot, 20& lir Alex. Hamilton, 30 (
R, Owen. h p5g b A .... F. deSchluttu, Iateof,M. W. Let',b p 96f
QlCfI. lHrut. Gen. Irl' K.G.L. IJ. French, b p It 1 f
land' David Martin, K.G.L.' R. LOCRS, b P York R.
Charles Hill, 50 r Alex. Lt-ilh, 31 f Arthur Lluyd. 98 f
John M'Dougal, h p Francis Hrookt',4f J. M. Hnmerton, 44(
'27 f N. Bursll'm, 14 f A. OiJalliiH, 2d Ceylon
AlII08 Godsil Norcott, oil.E. Achcson,Cohb. Regl.
95 f F. G. John Prin81l', hi 31 dr
Geo. EV&D', l! W.t.R. John ROM, 95 f Alt'x. Lighl, 'l5
Charle" Brn('c, 19 F P.Renaod, Dillou'sRt. David L'ftmpbt'II,9 f
NntaU Gr('t'n, hp:>5 F. Rivarola,SiciliaIlRt.lGf"o. A. 'fonyn, 31 r,
J. F. Filz:Gerald, 60 I Sir J. 8rown, knl. l\IHeRry Thomlou, 40 r.
Charl~s HJ('k~. 24 f Gr~k Lt. Inf. And. pavid~on,15 r
J ..')horlall,lale l' ir art. B.Anoley, h p R. ,C.' R'11'. Chamb~rlain, !l4 f.
Richard L"~gl', do., Hlln. R. L. DUlldas, R. John HIC'ks,32 f
Rohelt Crawford, 73 f Slaft' CIIl".pS :Fl'('d. Mnllt'r, 1 r
Alcx. ill'Lt'od,5,9 f W. H. Font, R. Rllg. 1"'it't('ILf"I' Bardav, 56 f
1\1. J. Dn:aurt', of lale F. W. MnlcuU'r, .1a.P. J. Parry, h pG g b
. Cl"'.H'"r, Brilan.. W. Gt;aVlltt. R. I. E. IDa,!,itI Xi,mim's, 62 f
Dav"l Rallra", 63t Geo.(.aunlll'tt,62f /Wlll ~Jt .. arman,'ld I
Wlllillm Card~n, 17 tlr Lord R. Manner., ro d,,1'. W""ton,h , 14 g b
C. 'tudor, h p R. Wag. Hon. H. ArbRttmot, hiD. Colq,thoUD, h'p late
Train. p 52 f ' 7g b
JaO\e~ EI·.kinr, 48 f R. Arbutlmot, Cold.!.8alft. T. Popbam, N f
Arthllr n, Clit'lun,l dr f. g. VI'1" Quartfr Master
'iV. Manay,;SW,I.R'·gt C.M'Carthy,R.AfrieC. Ge1I. in tAt! Willdward
Au. Qua. ,lJ«St. Gm Guy G. C. VE.trallge, II1ld l.eelDUrd /Ilu.
E. Mill&ett,bp lale6G. 26 r IWm B. Neynoe, 27 r
Bn. W. Collis Rprinl!:, 57 f :Thom"~ Cunie, 6 f
H. U. de Latille '1'1108. Pearson, IMp F.IJohu RoSll, ~II ( ,

Lq~"'n. ' nuda.

W.1li8m /iltewart,3 f HohertNhum, 'i8 f
J. B. Bulow, King'sG. OJli• ., MililM iM L'u-J. K. MOlley,h'p Arm~
strong's 181t' recl'llit.
illg corps. ,
W. C. EII"tact', of latf 0, L. GilmoJlr, 95 t' P. T. Robl'rtson,,8 f '
Chasg. Brit. ~i.rC.Sutton.kt. h p23 Ht G, Hi"iD', 3 f,
[1S]:'.} . • 0
~ to List of (he Army. LieuteDant Coloueh.
Aug. Meade. 91 f P. KeUlewelJ, do. IJl)bl1 Daniel, 99(
R.., hp Hom· Rich. Uniacke, do. Hugh H"nry, ~W.I.R.
,PIlS!: I', Mounted rift. It. Tbomhill, roy. art. W. W. Blake, to dr
.John Stafford, 63 f G. Irvlllg, late R.I.A. Edw. Miles, 38 f -
Colin J. Mibu.'8; 65f W. Smith, h p 50 f H. Renny, I,.. F. O.ffi.
'W. Cottoo,:l f g Hon. T. ~lftUeog, 44 f orflJilit inNoc" .'1cotiG
Jaeob Brunt, 83 f H.R.Fl'atherllonhallgh Geo.1'eesclalc, 'I dr ~
St. G. Jo'rench, 6 d g b P 46 f O{'o. !\1aegregor, S!;O (
Cha~! Nicol,66f . J. Ashley Sturt, 8() ( John Otto Bey.. r. 10 (
W. TII~II, IS fIr John \VaUing, 39 (
0., H. F. Berkeley.35 Philip Nieoll, 17 f
t:,35 f. De,. Ai(j.GtR. F,ancis Wellar, 18 f
ill Holland, 4"c.
John M. Nooth,7 f Heo. Cox, 69f "
F. M. Miller, 87 f
Rob"l't Heory, 21-(
J. Sht'rlcJen, bp
Charles Mhwl'l\, 67 f H. Hdkett, K. G. L.
u. (
Pat. Lindsay, 39f M. I\laflton,4&( Wm.Marlton, liO f
8.-Berkeley, 16 f. Ikp. G. Fitzsimmons, 17 f F. F. Brown, 6 W.I.R.
Ac(j. GeII. WilJlllI1. 4' J. H. Fitz.Simon, 65 W. TRill', R. Mar.
lMlI1.1.t.",.. John Jamel'; r mar .t. B. Savage, roy. mar
C. Napi"r, h p 50f ,Robt. Smitll, 18 f Ge... Hardinlt, .4 f
Luke Alien, 8 \V.1. R. G. Vile. Forbes, JUell- W.H.K. Erskine, balt~
C:W.Whitby, 1 W.I.R. ron'8lnf. Aifk.4e.Ca. pay 8radsbaw" late
;-W.L. Nixon)4W.I.R. loAiaRH.tM.Prift Le'fy
J. Dickion, Perm. ,.4". Regent. C. Bird, h p 99 f
Q_ Md. Gm. . F. H. Doyle. h P M f' G('o. la!. ReI''' 1'8, " . f'
Aug. WarburtoD, 41 f W.Belfollr,bp late5gb,T. Tilllin., R. Mar.
LordC.S.Mannen,3dr. Heory Yonge, S3 f IIt.'rravers. SI! dr
F. Hankey, 2 Ceylon WiIliam Gray, 1 f 8illlon Hart, 37 f •.
Re,gt. Dfp.lnsp. Gen. Henry Bird,5 f H. Holland, R. Mlr•
., Colonial TrOllpl, H. WesteDra, 8 dr Rllbt.l\-lal'ara, 4t I
CeyIOll. T. Williamson, h p 85fISir R. C. Hill, kt: R.
WaIter Syme8,69 f E.C. MODcrieli'e,. K., Keg. H. G.
SirJ.M.Doyle, kt-Ill'" V. Bn. IR. E. Acklom, 1 d g
qf Militia ia G.. lie "H. W. Hailes, CaD. F. i1\1. Mahon, R. Y. R.
It.. Butler, 89f Dq. A.'Jobn BolaDd, hp 36 t';Hon. H. Murray, 111 d"
O. Carey. 10f
1111.1", 0.fJi. Rtt:. DUI. Hou.L.Stallhopt',17dr
Edw. Darley.6~f JollnM. Everard,Sff
Sir T. N.HiII, kt. t f giRo James, bp 5 dr Ht'nry Austin,59 f
J. Campbell, portUgallDaVid Lec:ky, 45 f W. T. Edwards, B01l ...
1\1. M'Creagb, do. Pilei. Btu. de Capol, boil R.
G. Holmes, S d g ,RoJl's R. J.Hamilton,Colde.,'.a.
Nigel KiIlfIIeote, 56 f An\hony Mobr, de. L ••'. !\daDls, dll.
C. w:rhornton,.Iateof,jHt'RI'y Nixoo,44 f, JollDGrey, 5 f
Ret. lov. Artillery W. Haly, Nov.Sco.F.I.]~dw. Gibb.,~! (
R:H. Cooke, lfg John R. Ward, hpS6 fR. Manners, 74 f
H. F. Cooke, 12 f. ""r'I"' Williams, bp It. 2 g b'F.H.tU·~b"GleDg8rr;
ticulm' aervice OIl the F. Plunk.ett~ 5 f I L. I. F.
Continent. Cb... Best, K. G. Leg. Hon. A. Gordon, Sf I
B~ Milling, SIC V. W. Hompe8cb, 25 fG. T. Napier, Sf g
Hi:Iir.I King, 811 ( John I\Iausel,53 f Reginald James, 57 f
" I il!J.
1'. ~u"on.late R.t.A. 0.11•• b& ill Ca_"t
C. Hamilto." I .... FiddH. F. lUeUiab, Bicilian
R~, ...
• '<t'"
tlst of the Army, -Lieutenant Colonels. 211
t). Rarclay, 1 f ~ Col in Campbell, 1 f 'IG.Grogan, Dublin gar.
H. W. l{ooJuo, sfg L. Greenw..!l, 45 f J.G.ClIyler,Capelle"t
'I'. Gcil,,; :l f g G. Sco\'ell, h p J. M alcolUl, r Illar
G. Wyndham, '20 tlr W. Gomm,Colds. F.G.:T.Atborp.., rh g
W. D:xon, ,·oy. art R. C. St. J. Lord Olin· W. N. Leitch, 1~ f
R. Campbdl, 72 f Dep. ton, hp la le II g b 1'h08. Erne., 5 f .
Adj.Getl.J<IInaica J.D. West,.l t' g JollllNapPI'r,83f
Raymolld Pelly. 16 dr UIYSSfS Bnrgh, 1 f g F. de W's.,l! K. G. L.
S.R. Chapman, R.. Eng. E. L:ndsay, ~2 t: IJep. John Belllld; 8~ f
Hen. Will. Can, 8:.1 f Adj.Gtn.Jsleo! l""allc W. Bar.Lillsingen, k
C. Broke, P.A.Q.Jl.G. J. Wil\ia1l15ori. COlUm. J. lit- Sdlroeder do.
John P. Hunt,OO f. In. Roy. Military Asylum G. E. Roby, r ~ar

JOh. n Rlldll. 77 f
FieldOffi. Rec. Did. Frail. I)'Oyly, 1 F.G. John Wardell,66f
C. tie salllb.~rr~., .cauajRICh. Di!,gpns, 11 dr
HO;I. H.· R.· Packen· ,lian Voltigellh '1'. G. Filzgerald, h p
barn, Col<i •. p'. G. Edw. Walk.,·r, I.. p 18 f late a g b .
Chs!. RQwall, 52 f i R . Hen. Dick, 4\! f Geo. O'MlllIey, JOl f
llIathew Sl1aw(',59 f John Clithrow,;) f g Rich. Lee, r mar ._
Alcx, Camt'ron, 95 f John Johnson, 86 f D.:R. Mowbray, Sir-i!. reg
Lord F.J.H, Somerset, Aqj. Gen. East Indies'C.Plendel'leatb, hp -/9 f
1 f g. I
Chas. l\:lorland, 9 dr A.ScJmmmelketel, r e r
Jas. Wilson, hp 48 f R.Chul'ch 2IateG.L.l .. Robert Dale, 9S f
AJex. '1'ulloll, roy. art J.Ea,·fWaldegrave,54 N.Ramsay, hp late 5g11
Alex. I. Dickson, do. Neill Douglas,?9 f P.D'Arcy,h plate? g 11
. John·May, do.· J. J. Cochrane, Sf g Edw. Grt'gory, 44 f
H. Holcombe, do. 'r. Downmall, r art Alex. Milne, h 'p 15 f
J.F.Bnrg"yneiroy.l'ng Johtl HaDbnry, 1 f g JohnGillies, 40 f
Jobn T.Jonl1l, ,do. . 1613 John !\1'Donald,~4 f
Phili., Hnghes, do. . • Henry Lee, r mar
T. bUFke, Villon'. r. Ricll. Williame, rID R. M'CleYerty, 00;
B... de May, De Watte· L. G. Jones, 1 f g C. Turner, h p lSb f
."me'. regt Francis Ray, r art W.F.W.B.LonlJ~,bp38f
A. LawreDce,! g b A. W.Young, 3 W.I.R. F. S. Tidy, J4 f
F. A •. de Hertberg, A •. Maclean, 7 W. I.
BruDswick Corps
a·IIE. O'Hara, Y.1t iD. "01
W. G. M'Gregor, 9 f Tho •• Bates, !1 dr
Edw. Stables, I f g James Hay, 16 dr E.O'RolIl'ke,R.W.I.R..
J.,B; Harrison;50 f JohD Austin, 58 f Geo. BOI'rell, 90 f
Chas. Co tileI', 71 f A. Madean, ~ W. I. R. Ju. Ogilvie, 8 f .
Edward Currie, 90 f' Wm. Wood, 85 f A. Bar. Lillsingen, K.
John Harve)', 103 f D. Henry Packe, If g G. L.
Aqj. Gm. in Canada C.Bar.Maytlell,K.G.L. M.Bayard,deMenrou'j
W.Cafl·Royal.61£ W.Warre,'l!.3dr.DlP,Q. Regt
. Wm. Evans, 41 f M. Gen. C.o/ 6. Hope Isaae B. Clarke, !dr
. E.J.M'G. Mlll'fay, 8 dr R. Oswald, 1 Greek 1i James Farre1", 81 f" .
Dep. Q. Mast. Gm. C.A.A'Court, 1 Gk. 1 i R!lbert Roas, .. d If
East Indies. Aqj. Gm. in Sicfl~ J. L. Higiin~, Gd g
J. Hal'tman,Art.K.G.L C.G.D'AigiliJar, 10. I i J. F. de Burgh, 2 f
Fred. Newman,l1 f HenryD'Oyly, t f g P. W.Lambl'rt,9t'
n. Williamson, 4f C. 'W. Paaley,r eog Thoa. B.Aylmer,do.·
. 'I'; Dalmer, t3 f G. J. Robar.ts, b.I" 9d Th08. Wright, 90 f
Gustavus Brown, 60 f Hon. J. Stewart, S f g H .. deLntterman,lat"ett
JohnPil't'r,4' W.H.}(aikes,Colda.fC _
~ l2 Liat or the Army, Lieutenan! Colonl!ls.
Wm. Kinioclr; 67 t IJ. F. Birch, ray eng .IM. Lindsay, 78 r .
I.. A. Northey, 4. Q.M.John Handileld, do Arch. Macdonald, 1 g "
Qea. Depart. Rob. M'Douall, Gleng. F. W. Trench
Ja. l\l'I>ermott, R. M. C. , i
Hen. James Riddell. P. Henry John, 60 I
IW. C. Master,3',
;600. Fead, 1 t g
A. Q. M. G. IN,part. Wm. Aug. Keate, 3 f g·Nicholu Eu.we, HI r
Robert Skeene, cal1.Ik]', Cha. Fox Canning, do L. C. Dalrytnplc, 15 cIr
Benj. K. Laricourt, 96f. Charles Stephens, l!O' Charle$ Gold, r art
Gco. Taylor, Insp. F.Qf. R~. H. Burton, 13 ray Douglas Mercer, 3 fit
ill Canada , bat :Cha. Dasbwood, 3 , g
R. Geo. Elrinpn, 47' Henry Gomm, 6 f i Cba. Thomas, If!
Andrew Geils, 73 f • Donald l\I'Neill, 91 IF. SuttOn, Coldst.lg . .
Christ. Maxwell. 30 f Wm. Grove White, 48 IF.· M. Mil-. Coldst.
Pnce Robbins, 69 f F. B. Campbell. 58 I· : f g .
H. C.'. E. V. Graba . Rich. Annstrong, POI'-I' AIel!:. Lurrl SaltoUh, I
Imp. Pd. qjJf. in No· tugal I g .
tIa Scotia Andrew Brown, 79 f J. Reeve, do
Serjent Prescott, 5 dr g H. M. Scott, 6 r T. Gore, Coldst. I g
Jobn a-Iy. hp late 1 if b Robert Wailer, Perm• .As. Jarob Tonson, 84 r
Radmond H. MOl'l'IISo 9 Qua. Mruter Gen. IDon, M'Neill, Portugal
dr Maxwell Grant, h p 42 f Staff
Sim. Geo. Newport, 9 dr Frederick Stovin,28' Wm. Ales. Gonion, 50 r
Tho. Armatrong, lau! of Charles Tryon, 88 I Step. Goodman, h p 48 t
Colds. t g . Guy Campbell, 6 f F. W. Hoysted, 59 r
O. A. VlgOureux, 30 r Gustaru. Nicolls, r eng Thomas' Kenah, 58 t.
Bryan O'Toole, 39 f John H~ 102 f Dep. 4dj. Gm. ill ~
Pnd. Hartwig, kg I R. G. Hare, r2 f cily.
~t.l DDdgin. 69 f Arnold Gerber, k g I C. Hill, r reg h g
A. DuiulUao.y, of late ch. Sir C. F. Smith, kt. r eng. 1814.
brit J. 1I. E. Hill, 23 f Alex. M'Donald, r art'
3a. Ardl.ltope, 3 tg Ales. Thomp!lOD, 74 r ohn Haverfield, .4•• Q.
AugustuS. Fraser, r art ha. Ellicombe, r en! Mast. G/I'II.
David Roberts, 51 f Henry Goldfinch, do Henry Daubeny. 84 t.
Henry WorsIey. 34. f J·.W.Smith, r art· Henry Wyndh_, Colds.
:Rob, J. HarTey, POrtu- W. K. Elphinstoile, 3ar f g .
gat . John Tnclter, 51!! t JAug • de Wissell, kg 1.
B. D •.Rosa. rart Wm. M~n, 52 r Henry Roberts, 34f .
n. St. Leger HiD, l- '" i Lewis Meyer, k g I Joseph CamcrO!<S, r IlI'l
rmg.. . James C. Smith, r eng . Arch. Campbell, 46 f •
Marq.of,Tweedale, 100 Thomas Doi'Val, 1 fg Geo. M'Donnell, IM1Iet:.
J.en P. HawkiD.l,. 68 f JohnW. MaIleft,. hp 56 . Field O.J/l. 'If Milit. in
EdH'I. K. WilliaiJ!s. 81 A. Coghlan, York chas Canada
Nat. Cameron, 79f. ~. MacphekoD, io rvetJohn GalifTh, 60'
Henry SullivaII, 56 t bat C. E. Conyers, 82 t
Jolm G. Woodford, 1 Cg Wm. Cross, 36 f. . Wm. Cowell, 42( .
H.Elphinatone, roy E.,. Samuel Rice, 51 f Ja. Mitcbell, 92 f .
EIiaa Durnford, do Web. Bu~ W'1lliam Beattie, 64 t
Gce. Whitmore, do Wm. Frs. P •. N;.piei', Jos. FJed.DesbaITet,S'U
43 r . IRob. Gardnler, r art ..
.... Thaclr.en.y.
Ho .6.. M~ ...
_11 Ok,- ~I f . W. L. Heri1n, hp 2.'
List oC the Army, Lieutenant -Colonels. 213
\Y. MHler,.J fr 'fbo. s. ~ell,hp Drad.IIIar. P. L-iR, rmar
-Geg" ~ 1 Cg . sbaw's2d levy IJohnMaule, ltM C
F. Home, 3 f g E. CoghJ.lR, Ins!'. F. Qf. RobeJt C• • h P Slit
Barn. LanilieJt, Ifg Bee. Du. IDavid wmi--. .rmy
Geo. l\lutti.eImry, 69 f Geo. H. GOrdOR, 71 r. depot .' -
A~der Upg, 55 f . Sir C. W. Burdott, bt 56 f Adam Ormiby, 4"
R. H. Man;ac, 1 f g
Hon. Jas. Staubope, 1 f g Shapland Doyse, 13 dr Andre,,, Creagh, 931
It. HeatlK'Ote, r newt' flEd",. V. Eyre, It P Unat
J. Freemantle, Coltb. f g . C. Smith, hp 19 t' . Edw. Gillman, 81 f· .
J. ~idgley, &11,1]" III Tit· ames Spawt'oNb,bp !'l4Jf.F. Heaton Thomas, Ul r
bury Fort alllL'S Graut, 60 t IJohn Clarlc, r mar
Will. Bal{wr, h p 40 f . Geo. WikillB, 95 f tha. Stanser, do
John Dyer, r art lUd.. ·Ibo. Fuller, h p Gen. Dunsmuire, d.
John WIll. BefItty, 7 f 41 f IWm.Minto,r m art
Duocaa Cameron, 79 f \Vm. Hen. Boys, r mar ~John Long,rmar _
Lord Geo. W. Itussell, len. It. }o'urzer, do Henry A. Head, 7 drt
102 f . Thomas Dav")', do Tho. Walker, 8 w i r
Geo. Aug. Henderson, 11.0. Abemethie, do resal' C. Armett, 35 r
2f . obo Hart, b.spect. Field'Fran. Gomer, Stllff Ca}'t.
Geo.;l)II. r art O.Jfice.-llee. dis/ru:t For. depot, Lyminglof&
John Dell, Dep. Q. Mast. 1110. Deanc, 1 f Peter Nicokon, 27 f ,
Gen, .."tIer Sir E. Hector .l\Itmroe, hp J.Chisholm,r Afric corpII
J>akcnha"" l'hilip flay, ll! dr Helier Touzel, Impec. f/'
s. B. .t\ue1unuty, 7 ! obn Slc'\iwr, 35 f Mil. Jwsey
Edw. Wynyanl, 1 fg lIans AUcn, I...., r i art Swan HiD,. (
James }'erguso.n, 3 r rullCS hving, do Geo. G. Hely, 11 f
Geo. LandmaDII, relli- ohn J. Dunkin, hp 1I1( H. C. Briscoe, Bourbon"
Henry RWerts, 3 f 0110 Carr, lot Cha. A. Quist, r adriy
Colquboun Grant, 11 ( Lewis Prevost, rporart Ales. Fra'ler, 76 I
.}Qhn Cbctluun, h p 61 f IC' Massey ·Baker, 14 dr. C: P. de Bosset, de RoD'.
dr I
1110. W. B~otbenon, 14 Patrick M'Neight, hp regt
22 f John Blaney, h p late "'I
Tho. ~ightfoot, h p 45 N. Ormsby, b -p 63 f . Malta
A. J. DalrYlllPle, 60 f John Handayside. h p H. Bruckm8lln, k g 1
;J1iI'o Henry Ueynctt,.5 Stecle's late recruiting N. W. Ban"),, 301
f.1p]>. Q. M. Gen.Ko.cDrps _ . '~G' A. Gonion, 73 (
'If' Germony. Wm. Geddes, 113 f Wm. M'Carthy, 97 t'
T.;Aird, bp r wag tr Wm. Batt.elY., 60 f· . . Ompteda..k'l
T.Barrow, Coldst.f g Ricb. Graham, rmat Edm. Lascelles, 66-£ .
Earl of Athlone, h .p l!5 f Fra. Lyon, do Oswald Werge, 17 dr
. \V m. Smelt, 103 f alIlCS West, r art Benjauiin Preedy, 90 f
.C. Newbouse, r inv. Art Hobt. l,'rederick, 5S f JOhn Edwards, 80 £ .
Cba. l11ompson, 27 f aeab Jordan, 60 I IFra. Eddins, 4 w i '(eg
Hoger P, 39 f Ramlall Gossip, hp 11 Robt. Jobns. h plate! ~ b
WilIiaM. Lambton, 33 f g bn F. S.lU#ler, 6 dr
It. B. Macpbenon, 68 f. W. TremeniMleft, r mar \WiIliam Shaw, ~2t
'Tho. I'. Hankin, 2 d ames Wemyss, do Thomas Fraser, l.f
J. ::\1. Cliftoa, 1 wires Rich. Timpsoo; do. AIex. WaI8on,rart'
Ch&, B. Hastings, fm.F. Rich. Armstron,. 76 r A.Jon~ 71 f
.O.Jicc.r 1lcc. district Cha.De Menard, r ( Mt..H. c. Diclteus, M!
214 , List of the Army, Majors.
Jam. Allan; 94 f G. Colquitt, I f g 1'190. '
Henry King, 3 f Edward Bowaler, 3, f g Benj.Wair. late or r 1'4
Edw. WOr$ley, r art Charles West, 3 f g 1793.
Nicolas 4.lUein. 43 f Henry Wat80n, Portugal George Lind, hp 971
Franz. de Fragstein. David :Fori>es, 78 f 1794.'
Bruflswickinfantry Joseph Wells, 43 f Sam. Biggs, laleofrm
RObel1 Ellis, ~5 dr John Ewart Tbo, Pidcock, h pun.
W.von,Wessein. Bruns- Wm. Jervoise. 57 f , Cba. Stewart, late of'rm
wick CllValry Geo. Edw. Raitt, 2 f IJ Wm. Howatcr. It p r m
Carl yon Tempsky. do. Q M Gen at Malta J. 'Sholto Douglas, h P
A. C. W. CrookshaJik, A. D. Faunce, 4 f '25 f,
h P 58 f ITimothy Jones, 4 f W rn. Adlam, It p r ID
Fra. P. G. de Preval, of, Georgc Brown, 85 f Wm. Ramsay, 'do
late r for eng' IHenry Dehbeig, 44 f P. De~risay, late of r m
J. CampbeU, ,of late r iJoltn A. Johnson, '1'1 f Cba.Berkeley Money,do
art , IRobert Henny, 21 f A. Sbuttlcworth, r inv
Kane Bunbury. 7 dg Richard Gubbins, 85 f art
Ricb. Fitzgera!d, 21 g, ! Comelius M,mD, r eng Cha. St. Ours, h p132 f '
J. T. Prenti~, cape reg J. S. Williamson. r art Edw. CharletoD, hp HI f
P. WestropP. r mar ,Tho. FenD Addison, 100£J. lU. Grant, hp 3 f g
- De Villicy, r for art :Robert Moodie, 104 f II Gaorge A ubrey. h puna'

'VID. J. Tllcker, late r i. Fra. Cockburn, n brUDsf S. B. Johnston, of late

A. Wilkinson, 13 f ,Wm.Wauchope,h p 481 York Fusileets
John F. Goodridge, 62 f John Aitcheson, ;; f g EdwardBle~tt,hp 1l2f
l'hilip Dorvjlle, 1 dr I MAJORS. ',1795.,
1<1. $. Wa!rond, hp 60, 1778. John Wilks, riDY IIrt
" Fort Major at /)0" • Hpgp L!lrdrla,te r iny Ch., Leigh, I.te ~ inv
minica I 1780., E. D. Payne, h p 29 dr
Henry Pynn, Portugal John Vignoles, h p 76 f John Grant, late rinv
Edward Hawkshaw. hp Wm. Chester, hp Lor H. Vinnell, on prov. bp
Gcorge Morris, ;; f 1 Strathaven'~ late.corps 1'790. '
Rob. B. M'Gregor, 88 f. 1782. Wm. Weot, late of 9 rv
J ames M'Nab, 19 f IW. Shairp, late of r In bn
Robe"" Nixon, I f I B~ereton Poypton, h 1797,
Ar. Johnston, r cors rang', 22 f , • D. Fellowes, of late 3-
Archibald Money, 11 dr P. Lindsay, late of r m t vet bn _
Mey. Shaw.late of 76 f I 1785. 1798. '
P. T. Ryves, 4s. Q. M. Perkins Magr/l, h p 88~W' H. Horndon, late of
Gen. IAlex. Duff, hp 99 { _ r art -
C. Bouv~rie, 60 f :R, Hamilton, hp indep J. Gordon, h p 8 w i r
R. Torrens, I w i r Del" Patrick,Jacob, It p 95 f 1799.
Q. M.G.~n Holland, -re Walter SC?tt, hp 26 f
W. H.J\opInes, I {g, !HOII, J. S. Wortley,
D;m. M'Kinnon, Coldst: ~II 92 f
I Jas. Weir, late ofrmm:
1800. '
Edw. Wood. r in... art
f g IRobert, E. of Bucking- D. R. Parker, h p Nu"
H. E. Joddrell, I fg harnshire,late of 18 d~ gent!slevy

k, I
Henry Stables, 1 f g 1 785. , 1802.
Hon. J. W, alpole, COldst. Rob. Clayton. hp 82 f Tho. Brown, h p 9 f
fg , 1789. Geo. 1JalI, late ofr m.
lIIemy PAwkins, do ; Duff, h p 'LuCl\S's cpsl A.&ll, 141 ' '
List of the Army, Majors. ' !15
o. 'Naylor, late r mar v bn Town Major 'If R. B. 'ltaudcock,' 13 f
D. Douglas, late Scotch b Gibraltar Fred. Aahworth, 58 f
.Alexander &ott, do Edward Sheannan, 26 f John Ross, 2 w i r
.John Cameron, do Fred. Jones, 26 f Miller Clifford, 89 f
James Urquhart, do T. W. Forster, 24 f R. Ashton, late (If 12 f
J. Douglas,of'Iate7 rvb Nathan. Wilson, 17 dr I. S. Lynch, I f
T. Hude,-, hp 8 w i r Robert Shelton, 57 f R. KeU)', 4 Ce)'lon reil
Edw. Letherland, h p Sam. Hall, 89 f G. R. P. Jarvi., hp 36 f
22 dr John Huskisson, 4 Ce)'l. R. B. Fearon, 31 f
A. Taylor, late r eng in regt J. R. Meadows, IS f
Ireland T. P. Howard, 23 dr Will. Ogilvie, 4 d i
R. Brown, oC late 3 r vb Tho. Brereton, r w i r 1811.
R. M'Cre&, of late Srv b/1wm. Henry Wilby,90 fTh. o. Reade, 27 f .
.James Rose, later inv Nath. Warren, 65 f Alex. Andrews, 60 f
Hi!DJ'Y. Bowen, do A. S. King, 99 f Richard CcveU, 24 dr
1805. IJ. Richardson, h P 32 f Uenry OdeU, 25 dr
H. MaxweU, late of 48 f, Alex. Ja. Ross, 21 t ' F. de Luttennan, k g I
Geo. Stephens, late qf r i Rob. Macleroth, 63 f H. Bar. Bullsche, do
Henry King, h p 128 f IPaul Hunt, hp r m F. de Robet1SOn, do,
. 1804. iHenry Eveleigh, r art J. S. Hiawkshaw, h pS.-if
T. B. Campbell, 11 r v bJArch. Maclachlan, 69 f T. T. Trickey, 10 f
S. Fraser,oflare 1 rvb IWm. Parke, 66f A. W.M'Donell, 25 f
P. Joseph DomeH, late\Ant. Rumpier, 60 I V.' Winter; wattey. reg
of De Meuron's regt Rich. S. Brough, r art D. Mackay, 3 Ceylon reg
T. Fortye, 6 r v b Ephiaim Bamford, r mar - Combremont, of late
:'1. Alves, late 7 r v bn C. C. Bingham, r art Chas. Brit.
D. G. of St Maw', call. B. Dickenson, r mar Arnold Gerber, k g.l
1805. George WolCe, rmar RObert Torrens, r mar
.Philip Slewart, oC late 9 William Barry, r mar Wm. Munro, late leg of
rv bn D. B. Davies, 100 f' I Malta
W. White, oflate 2 r v b A. Bredon, roy. art. ,Hon. F. Howan!, 10 dt
.T~ C1arla.>, do 11 r v b R. W. Mills, 9 f ;P.Bar. Gruben, k g I
1807. W. M. Combe, roymar .G. Krauchenberg, .do
E. J. B. Green, 10 C S. G. Adye, royart Hon. H. E. Butler,2gar
Alex. Rose,9 r v hn R.O'Farrell Friend, 41£ bn'
1808. . Alex. Clerk, 49 f 11'. H. Blair, 91 f
C. Thnlman, Cor v bn John Chapman, 3 dr g :Henry Balneavis, 27 f
J. E. (Jordon, late.ofr m WiIliam Cheyne, 47 f iRobert Foy, roy mar
Jo!m Williams, h P rm Wm. C."campbell; af IV. E. Eyre. late hone
T; Gl,tilCord, late of r m Peter Deahon, 85 f ' gren
D. Wilson, do Hon. H. Percy. 14 dr V'm. Richardson. of late
. J. Lodington, hp r m E. Nicbols, roy mar 5 ro)' vet bn. .
'V. Collis, oClate 12 r v b Hugh Hi.milton, 96 f Paul Crebbin, r mar
Peter Grant, late of 92 George Soest, k g I James Cullen, !Ill f
H.Clcrmont,7wir Charles Aly, do_ RicbardR.obara,.62f
1809. John Dunn, 88 f Fred. Tompkins, 58 C
David de Bachellc, latelA. Ligertwood, 60 f dep. James Power, roy arti1
of kg 1 ,. Hector Hall, ~5I f
lino. Frederick; Reh, k g I Nathaniel Foy, fO)' art
la, J.FI'8IiIir, of late 7 J'lEdw. ParkiDsoD, 33 f .A. H. Gordou, $ d ~
Lilt "r the Am1y, l\JajOf$.
Hugb Muaey, If, hfl'ery Pierry, 53 ( John 8Ilckwonh,'fK"-
Thomas Mia.:bell, r 11lU C. Macalister, 35 f Wm. O'Bril'u, b8 t'
Fr:mci" Williarnll, do John Wbetham, 40 f Ht nry Slandi5li, 89 f
,Anthony Stl'aDlham, do H. W. Davenport, 87 f R. I. 'fh'lrnlcm. 21 dr
Martin Horlock, do T. D. Campbell, 50 f ' ... Ra>, b p ;:I f g
S. Mad. Middleton do l'eter Hodge, 19,( Jas. Fyulllore, ro~ ,,)An
Michael,Aruett, do Thomas Shadfonb, 57 r Ai .. ". G"r.lon, IIJ (
Henry Gra:qam, Idg T. Woolridge, hp 91 f H. B. n. Adams, 96 (
Wm. MolTison, l'Oy ma:r Gilbert Cimitiere, 48 f Will. Val~elcleUl·. lti f
Henry Phillott, 10yart G. L. Goldic, 66 f Cbarle,' Sron, 10 f
Peter Fyers do Robert G~t, Lie; f Hngh Fra.'l'f, l'oy ~rt.
Hon. Wm. Oardner do Gw.ts. RochtOrt, 102 f J. W" " 60 f
Wm. Scott, do Jo.buaG1edatane, 01 JaluPs "mon, roy art
Charles Bayn.. do 3 w)r I{:,uerr PI.'"' do
James .Ha",).er, do I'hilip le Geyte, hp 63 , ~~;'~C;:,~~f~g.d~ I ( W~ do Mark Butcher, 27 t '\Iex. l'Ilackll" 93 f
_ HIJIUp/rrey O~n, do W. H. Forsteen, 12 f H<'nry Mar.h: 'rllY art
George Desbril8y, do Hugtl ~le, 45 f T. H, DawI's, 22 dr Boger, do ~eorge 0 Halloran, 4 f Joseph Hanlla, b6t'
WJlIiamFraser,18,£ i:am.Arcbdall,hpsof JamesCollolly hp26f
JameB Price. 38 f Wm. Tbame, 25 dr M. }t('ad +w '. r
Hugh Male, 7S I Wm. Robin&OP.' 21 f C. Bayley. l!1:ar bn
.John HjU:d),. 1 gar ba Wm. Ingleb1. 53 f G.Slarc!., R YarkRaa
Jl,van M'PbI!r.!OD, 79 f G"er,e Tod. 29 f C. J. Doyh', ~ g,bn '
:M. W. M'Gibbon, r mar Da.wson Kelly, 73 f A. 8arry, hp Bradsb.
A. Steiger, De Roll'. reg AlllQI K&J. '54 f In y
Itcol.C"JU.<f.Eu,.. 'J, l\ia('VbrI'llOD, 78 f Martiu Lcggatt, 36 f·
George iI\;lortlmet, rlll# Prler WatPlilouse, 8] tEdW. Warner. I! P 26 f
John F_r, 661 Jamesll!l.'Vean, 78 f J. T. Rahertaanj 6f
C. ,CaldwelJ. 8 r vabn Jame. Hugonm, 4 dr Tbomas Evaus, 8, f
Alel<. M'Pber&Ol1, lTUP. 'iil'J',M. Tyldeukt4Sf Jahn })I~lfy. 4S f '
F. O. Bee• ./JiIt ,{' Bull. (oyartlllery IG. l\l. MlllU', 10 r vd b
Wm. Gordon, 2 d g .W. O'))onoghne, 417 fiG. Mackod, ray l'l!g
Alma. J. Cllwon, roy , ,18,12. 1'. W. ue HareD, Can.
John Fox, hp 36 f " W. robin, r art fen, ' '
S Williilnls, '\'I>)' roar t[, (;rovl', h p Cape r G. F. W. Fluker, Bour.
W· M • T~e, __ I, 10 ._ Ft, Clwtham, b p 47 f bop r '
P m. Drwn •• ''.," P o.)'cr, toy ai' r
and, y do T •F• F'ISher.'6 ,d g
erey , ID _ Fra. \'"nlill, 1~ r A lidrew Tilt, 87 f
W. Massey, 7 ,,!I J;~ Flt'tchrr Wilkit'; 83, f F. Bttr. GrubI'D, k "I
F.Maulc, hp Skerrelt., Tho. Gerr,ml, \ a ut John Camac, 1, I g
T. R..~ougrt'fto .70 f J.1'wi/lg,'lIwi r 10.E. P. 8arlow, 34'
C. POIUers, 7 w I ' , Charles Ramcs, SZ fiR. A n,hll Iher. h p ~ (
P. n. Hawker, SO f ' . VaHack, roy mar ,Richard Uewellyn, 28 f
Patrick Burke, h,p 96 f , '. Youngl!ulband, 7 d g~G. Lallgia,lds, 13 r vet,
Charles Mackenzie. 60 Eel"" ...1 Cllt'ney,! dr I hn
.Tames AlleB, hp 23 dr It. H. -rol,on, 36 t ,J. T. J.. pahy, b p ;:3 f
J. M. S1acpoele. f5 f, 'lifJlry Broomt', 2:~ dr le. M'Urt'gor, 70 p
ThomaS Buck, 8 f. W. S. Elrington, 11 f :W. C, Seton, 86 f
B. Camac; hp Bradab.leY. John Cal1)pbell, 46 f jlD. GrrgorsoD, 91 f
lUdIanl T~ '9 f :lamea lte"~ 4f ( ~. A.,' Proctor, 8U
Liat of the Army, Majol'l. ~17
Cbu18 Pnnill, 1 dr W. CarrAlll, '9 (iup. efIWm. Wemyu,9Sf
John Nicolb, 911 t" co," 1"00,. ilJ Ho,u:lroa,IRobcrt LiMlc, 19 dr '
Etlwllru Hodgc, 7 dl'. Mllllr. al/!l J4t:G IJaulC~S Poole, 2 dr ,
Heor,. Gore, 9 dr George AI'thur, 'I w i r George DavidllOlI, 41 f
J. H. Selli, 16 dr. M. G. Blllk~, Cape l'eg.James Powell, 108 f
Hon. H. 8. LYI:on, 16 /hp. uqj. Im Cape- qf S, Re~'nt'lI, r iov art'
Geor!!" Killll, 7 f Good Hope [wm. ,PIIYlle, royart
C. de V,lIatte, De Wat, D l\1acdouald, 92 f Gcorge I-'oredt1', dG
,",v i lie'. re,; Jan1(:8 DClmis, 49 f ,John Caddy, do
A. J. Maclt-un, 78 f W. Holcroft, royart !Alex. Camvllell, do
F. De Zi"lIt'sllr, k /C I J. F. F.ultoll, Call. feuc:H/M. Faniugtou, do
F. de Dorl1'/)(>rg-, Bl'Uos- JolIll Williallll, 49 f IGcorg,'SkY"ing, dO
wkk int' T. Kcnncdy.h p lIo f
Tho. Kol.... rbi, :).) t" , J. P. Bl'idger; l~ <II'
JC. H .•'itzwaycr, dll
Joseph Brome, !lo
H. de la", 69 f 1'1108. HUlchlUl, 3 dr. C. Younglntlbllnd, do
C. J. Barrow, till f Michael LOalt, :.1 f George CraYltord, d~
D,l\1'DouahJ,19f 1813.' M.Cloae,bpiatelgb
N. Hallliltoo, i1I"Ji.jieldWUI. PhiVps, hp 9! f A.deConrteo,Wattev',r
OjJi..;...• r ••TILitu,g cl;'·' N. Cocki.lul'll, 11 w i r Malthew Ryau, so f '
t,.jet, s. Moliau, 1'" Ce)'l re n. Elringtoo, 3 w i r
G. H~wctt, 2, f John Moor!', 15 f J. L. Wlllllon, 69 f
H.1Staplt:toll, h p t2 ( A. O{,:;ilvil', 40 f ' Thomas Huoter, 104.t
R. C.1-ang, 81 f C. Sl'IlIIylcr: 114( Jl\mes Mylne, 24 dr
Jobo Clu,pllIan, h p 63 f.Jollathall lJro~, 75 f A. Dougla.., I/S f
John O"~n, 61 f ' IGcorKe Coolan, "- g 1 Goodwiu Pllrcell, 52f
R. Macdouald, r art George Mullel', do W. H. '1'.y"t01l, 60 '"
Tbo. Evans, Si f ' G. H. Murray, 16 dr Wm. Loftie, G w i .
R. Law801l, royart G. Willermill)I! Ceyloll James Wiunett, 6B f
W. BereMrord, hp
JOSl'ph Hawtyn, 2'1 f
311 rq;t. dep. ,. ,n.
"II',G. Lawreoce, 13dr
John Stauoton, 1S f
John Crowdt'r, 7 f J. Prior, P ,rlugal G. LeWil, ray m~r ,
Richard mshop, 5 f, W. Ba:: ~;£cI~t', ~ l:~obt:rt
g P. Boys, do
'J, M, Sutherland, !H t ,E. O. 1 rip;, 00 t. U:JG. J. Sale, 17 dr
J amu Hnl!:hes, Itl dr cnl. ora t~(;onti/llmt Utij HenrySkeltoD, 11/ tlr
Bell. Gravel, 72f EUl'ope John GIIt'8, b3 f
John Maswell, ISf Edw. FIc .. i~g,l t vv i r'G. P. Wiogfove, rmar
J. A,. Wbitaker, ~1 f G. »ruiu;;,S't' 'l'holUU Shcpht'rd do
J. Baskt'. G1el!:g, 49 f Wm. Tho,uhill, 1 dr Hon.E.MullC'D6, hp~8f
Fo,ler L. COOI'j',;3 w i rJ. JOI'da'. 27 fdep• .,q;. Wm. Irwin, S d g
Aug. Friederick:s, k g 1 . gm. ill the lolliaa I.- Eyre SllIyth, 62 f
Richard 68yley, I~f l<md. JH.Hirl&,lateDiIloo'. I'
Philip8aiubrigge,perlll. W. "'a~ett, 14- f E. Lawreoce, I' mar
tlBSul. ,.areer 7114f'erT.Dra¥:,65 f. clep.qllll.Jobn Reed, 4 w ir
geaer.,.'ll. illtheloaUllI W. Jobn_toot', 1" mar
Geb. Timll:lls, k ,;1 IBla~rU F. Smitlt, ruy art
W in. 'Hcdderwlck"2~ R. Cotkbllroe, 8.J. f Henry Shum, 6 d g
Hen. Prin" Rl"uSll.k gl R. C. Packe, r borae g c. Egan, royart
It. cOl. 1111 tlti Contmmt M,. H. Maclaine, 71 f Fountain IrwiD, 44 (
qf E"rope , " P. A. Lalllour, \!S dr J. Bartiemaa, ray mar
J.l\lac Neil, 18 r J08eph Phillott, 35 f Wm. 00110'"", ,'" dr- '
J?atrit'k Savage, !4qr G. 'C. Brice, 3 dr g., H. Hickman,-roy art
~. Griftilll, 1,; dr' , Gco1'le Walla, S dr" J. Mio,.~ May, r ~
List:or the Army,"Majc,rs;
Geor(te EnU, 55 f Aug. Hl'ise, k g I Geo. Halford, .'59 f
Hon. C. Hurray, r It g George CO\lper, 9! f KenD~tbSnodgra...,M'
Jobn Cumpbell, II f Ales. Andfl'llon, 42 f R. ~1' DOIIald 1 f.
G.,~. Bllrdett, 1 w i r T. F. Walle. 42 f D. Jolly, 8 w i r
W. M. MGrrilon, 7 d gThorna! Weare, 85 f JOIt'P" Crl'ightoD:'9 f
T. J. Forbe", ft'Y art C. BII1'. During, k g I John T. Horsl.,)', 59 f
W. H. L.p~ley, 89 f H. Harrilll(ton,8 dr K. Moluwortb, 47 f
ThomR~ Hole, 2iJ dr Bo~ I.. O.1.oanl', 1 Ct'yl E B,!,OII D!lring, k g I
H.' AlI11lsley, r w i r rGg parta.:. teraeellll COllt.
Jolm Howard,!'7 f George Raitt, '12 f A. Peeblu, 9 f
H. Ill" IIIHarpe,:} Ct'y, .. Ge(lr~e Cowt'U" 67 f M. de Mnll.'r, k /! I
J. M. CIOII", roy art Abraham Freer, 25 f Pat.Campbell, r. art.
_ L. C. Hook, 'l Ct'yl.,' G. RIII'er, 37 f 11. Oglander, b.p.t Co b.
Wm. Gore, Id« G. NixOI), S et'y!. reg C. Irvine, 6d. g.
HI It,''ill", Roll'1l rl' TlJomay Burkr, 4 f S. South, 20£
J. Cooklon, an f R. R. Newlalld, 20 dr Geo:S. Fraser, Caperl!l.
<J! Hilynt'S, 4'1 f T B. Ham!or.l, 6 \V i r W. 8. Forbes, 56 C
.James Pt'at, 25 f W ~ Marlin, 8 rir ' Charles :Mill., 27 C
W. Fitz-OeJ'llld, 82 f A. I\l'IIot. 65 f J. A. Mein, 74 r
N.Benjafit'ld, 67 f A, ll'Lachlan,7!;,f H. Fitzgerald, 60 r
IU. A., 8~zon, b ., 15 f J. Burrowes, !l7 f W. Linsingen, K. G. L.
'Y.lrI Gibhon, 57 f A. R, Hfylaud, ~o f .J.1'tIalillg, r. Afr. COI'pII
Wheeler Sparrow, 21 f R: Egertoll,:;\.l t C.Dukc, York 'Chaaaeun
Hon. G;deCoufcy,7tJ i w. Call1pbcll, 36 f Daniel M!Il'&lon, 86 f
Hag" Ca.m~ron, To:'! f • BOItII', 9-1 f Wm. Vincent, 82 f·
Hem'y Whitl',~" f J. B. Walmsl"y\ 8~ f G D' Arctiy 39 C
Edw. Cal'lyon, 66 f R. B. Ganil'l~ 2 d g O· Clarke,5'f
Jam!!s MUDdy, 8 f . H. Thomllf, 27 f C· Cam 3f
G. G. Cochrane. S7' f T. Bell, 48 f . B' Sto eros';j f
F. HCI iot, Can. Voit. O.,.G. Fchr 2en, 5;3 f vi B~e,·rd, 95 f
A. nll1'll" Reit¥eostdll, L. Rnmalln,97 #' T'S 'N~BlUs, . C'
k lJ I W. Chahn~"I,.';2 f ••• lCO 31,
John Harl', 2.T f F. Dalmer, ~l f ' W. N. ~nsay. roy. art.
A. 'fhiltletllwayte, 90 A. 'l'lIdd, ralaif C'lrp~ • n. Colleton, r. ltaifco..
C. E. dp M. Duzi.dorft: J. l\Jacdl)nald 811.#' 8.·Strettoll, 40 f
Ml'ur~n" reg Wm. Clulllt'n,~k g I D. O'Kelly, 1.1 f
Hon. Sir C. Gordon, S. Saukry, 9 f C. H. fhurchlU, I r. g.
·la.te2 Gk. Corp. L. Walk"r, 71 f os. D An:y, ruy.1Ilt.
G. Marlay, Uf J. M. (;ulcliffi> 23 df D. Mac Gregor, 78 r
G. Baring, k g I Matt. Srotl, 't f 'Ho Ouseley, Portugal
J" Val'll, 95 f Wm. I\l"rri~on, rov ar: Vie. de Arentschildt, K.
Robert Anwyll, 4-f C. S. Cllmpbell, 26 f G. L.
Pat. C;lmpbdl, 52 f Th0l'flas F,'rrar~, 9 f John Rolt, Portugal
Wm.Pcrct'val,14/ John Willian,.on,4f: P.Johnston,14C
Pet('~ Crown, 23 f Rob, C!ll11pbt'II, !H f W. Reacl,Pcrm. .As. Q.
S. 1\<lIl('bell, 95. f Hl'ctol' Call1t'rlln, 9 f Mo G.
J\rchibald Ro~s, 91 f 1'lIos WiII.hire, 38 f Hon. W. E. Cocbrant.',
'J. S~ho ..dde. G() f n. H. Htollllt'IMon. R~: 15 dr. '
\VUl .. l\lo~rl', 74f JOhD'i\Jurray, '"0 f ,C. L, I.. Foster, bp.
hmes "Mrl1er, 74 f Jarnci 'l'ayloJ', 4!:l t' I w. i. rcgt.
1J1I1l1tlel Hext, 83 f· WIlI.,POWet', roy 31't, !J.l\lqrtin, 100 r
T. Wewyss,..50 f., •. olla, ro~ 011 t \W. Rol:ins n, Ij r
Lisl of tbe Army, Majors.
G; A.Eli~ 103 f W. H. Sewell, 60 f· Peteradorff, K.G.L.
J. H. Holljwd, 69 f T. Rynd, lOO f James Horton, b-.p 61 r
It. VF' J:awcett, 100 f Thomn.. Kirkwood, New A. Hartley, 61 f
W jJi'".: !laird, 86 f Brunswick fen. illt: !runes Laing, h. p. 61 f
G, i), \\11>0)1, 4 f G. L Dawson,hp 1 dr.g. Hector l\'l'Laine, 57 f
.1. l:. Kipping, do. Sir G. Hoste, kt. r. enc. J. O'Flaherty, h. p. 45 I
,:.,:.,1 Gomersal~ 58 f :."11. Chamberlain, of latclHen. D. Lof\us, 9f .
l'atrick D()wdaU, 51 f 1 Pro. bR. of militia Peter Warburton, 97 f
Josepb Marke, 57 f E. Michell. roy. art. Henry Godwin, 5 w. i. r.'
I'eter Allamson, 71 f W. Cochrane, 103 f T. T. F:-Eliott Drake,
hmes Jcnkin, 81 f Cha. Pratt, h.p. 96 f 52 f
1110mas Napier, oflate G. Spottiswoode, 71 f .Joseph Skerrett, 76 f
Cl,", ... Brit. A. Boden, I{. G. L. Patrick Anderson, 19 ar.
H. Montgomery, 50 f J. Fulierton, 95 f Rich. Carroll, Portugal
H. H. Sale, 12 f Gcorgc Beane, 1Oy. arl. C. R. Forrcst. 34 f
,181~. R. VnlzeU, 43 f Geo. Darley, r;
H. B. Lynch, h.p. ¥ork James Wal.h, 91 f E. A. Angelo, 21 f
rang. Jarnes Walker, 42 f T. W. Hewitt, Portugal
Thomas Lung, 94 f James Lee, h. p. 92 f 1110. St. Clair, do
C. Turner, h. p. r. wag. Henry Hooper, 87 f G. W. Paty, do
tr. A. M. Bennett, 5 f W. L. Herries, Perm. As.
,J. Keightley, 11 f J. M. Clements, 18 drs. Q1UlrtermoBter General
D. Caml'belt, 79 f George Teale. II f G. H. Zulke, Portugal
n. 1\1. Bro"."". of late 2 Wm. Wingfield, 36 f J. W. Green, do.
Pro. bn. of mll. Loftus Gray, 95 1" Jamcs Boun:hier, l-i dr•
.lames Payler; do• .5 do. J.l\Iac Alester, 13 dr. Hon. F. L.Stanhopo, 1f
George Dean, do. I do. 1 E. 1'. Sparrow, h.p. 61 f dr.
C. M. St. Paul, do. 2 do.lIT.P. Milles, 14dr. 'fhomas Rogers,
John Carter. 84 f Edward Purdon, 60 f J. Coutquelvin,
Henry Hristow, 11 f J. Campbell, 42 f ThollUUlGamble, roy. art.'
,\Ym. Aly, K. G. I.. Wm. Greene, roy. art. Alexander'Munro, do.
,)Vm.GollSet, r. eng. Rob.1\!. Cairne&, roy.drt. James P. Cock burn, do. -
J. Fogcrty, 101 f - Wm. Campbell, 23 f John Bradisb,2Cev. reg.
J. Stopf"ord, 60 f Charles Campbell, 94 f PhilipDelatre, I Ce'y. rea; .
John Makeuzie, 46f William D~l1bar. 66 f Wm. Da~ 7dr.gds.
D. Caml'bdl, 39 r Francis Gualey, }1 f Niniah Craig, Sicili~
,J. 1'. Oates, 88 f Ham!. Obins. 00 f, regt.
S. Taylor, 6 f \\ m. Caror. roy. art. John Dalrymple, 80i
,J. Cully, 5 f Edm. L'Estral1ge, 71 f Wm. Derenzy, 41 f
W. Greene, ' I r lUat. Fomer, 38 f Wm. Bemard, 10 f
G. Wcstcott, 77 f George Tovey. 20 f Richard Jones, 55 f
W. Russ<;:II,20 f Gilh. Elliot, 83 f Adam Onnsby, /; dr. gd.
G. Miller, 95 f ' J.D. Bringhurst. 1 tIr. g. David Supple, 17 dr.
C ~eckwith, 95 f . W. L. Darling, It g. b. Robert Horsiey,11 dr.
D. Rowe, 50 f T. Bunbury, Glen.L.I.F. Edward Fawconl1l', 93.'
·W. HowaII, 52 f Hon. H. C. Lowtiler,1O Thos. Manners, 49 f
J. Campbell, 45 f dr. Robcrt Durie, 24 dr•
.l. I.epl'e., 24 f Sir E. F. Agar, 2 I. gds. Joseph Gordon, 22 tIr.
N .. Thom, Sf A. Long. r ••tatFcorps A. Alexander.3Cey.~
4, 11ap:ljl~n, 4 W. I.. Henry TlIJleton,~Q f JpBU CampbeU,i6f
· '.' . -' .. V"'_... y;--....- ..---••.

Liat o( th*l Army. Major..

'WIll. HuB, SI I J. Beltu1lin. r. for. . . G.Chut1aa,
:QouldM'Neill, Caperg. DelII!1, WIIUe'riIle F. DftI7IIIaIIJI, 2"1.
f'" I.&.1.
Hamilton Bagwell, 88 f int. G. L
IAWiI de Mangon, 60 f Andr. KineJuD, r. I11III". Jobn j. SeeJiIIpr, Bltf
Weeton Hruna, 11 Wm. Riddell, 6i! r C. Pringle, '1iae,LG.L
'W1Do Collinl, roT. mar. N. H. Engliala, 1'OJ.mar. RobertMUJny,lJOf
R. Mat.UUJeII, b. P. 39 f John H. Gnluuu, do. Geo. JeniB,
G. 8. Th...., f8 I WIIlo EdWard Geila, 19 tIr.
--y dtJNI
~lip de Mauriage, 60 Ricbard Dunce. do. J. T. WheLm, r. Newtfa
W.IL ~I. Bayley. r.lIIIU". James B. Fletcber, do. N. P~ de B-. fA l1li
Sunuel CI.pertoa, do. N'lCbolaa Brutton, 8 dr Chass. Blit.
Aiel[. W.... t1o. W. Morria, ~. Newf. fen. Darid Beau. 67 f
T. J. Stirliog. do. Rich. Rochfort,arlftvde]'. ARbur Morris, 2 pr.1a
John Bum,. do. Ed.... PoweR, 10 f Tho. Pater'llOD rrIJ.-.
Artbur H. BaU. do. Lewia A. de Noe, _ y Ada'm Wall. ..
,ArdUbaldM',Au.,..44 'CUI" ' Wm. Cleeve, cID.
Henry LindlaJ, 69 f loou M'Mahon, • f' I olm JllnW~OD 64 f
l'4Ibu Cndce, 44 f D. O'Donoghue,h,p. 1 rhos. Jackson', sal
J'efUeT' O'c-eU,18 f gar. bo.A.. Qu. Mo G. him Bridg.., b p Ci:I f
WilUaa Sall,& p. 47 f Ireland • 't'''. Railie,.r la
Manill CcJtr)r, 67 f Thos. Ware, 90 f 11)"11 JackllOn, do.
HarklLGlue,I'01.mar. AIeL M'Donald, 761 J. W. WilIlOD, li91
It.obert Perc:ival. 18 f Pbilip Dumford, 'obn Call1pb.-Y, I."
&muel Bircham. 3'0 f fohn Sinclair. do. ~. MII~II'r. Roll.. !"I
&uRuel CoIberg, 58 f William Lloyd, do. ': ~rott"n. Y.k.1f. "I,
B,ail FUIIer,63 f Blayney Wabb, do. r. F r.llcI~-. do.
J. G. L. Carter, 44 f llobertH. Birch, do. C. ~.'r.·dlth. I' m5r
WIlL P. MeIIduim, 28 f ~ames Annstrong, do. \. Cr.·,~tua. {)3 f
William lrrior. 28 f Richard Dyas, do. O. Grt.gOry.hp. late I; I
Fred. P. NobJe, 67 f Edward Willmott, do.~· 1- tiilt'tou, .....
RobertHilliard,a.p.45 f Geo. W. Unett, do• .,am. l\-~a."reJl. ~ f
.' Un. .......... a
..Obn .. - - ...,
""f DL!H JH
~ ..... p. ughee,
K.P.Symo-.l'n:ar ,
do. 'vI S O'C C' Uit:14 11,
EliaaPipon,r.New£fen.. las. Maclachlan, do.~! f • all ,
TJtos. ~!M dr. Wm.J. Lloyd, do. :1. Lawreuco.e. lSdr
J. M_y, 73.f lames A.dams, do. \<Iam 3Juil',.1 (
Charles BaldWUl, 58 t Henry \emon, 36 f John Ridley r 1II1II
l. Wm. Rogers, 77 £ Thomas Adair, ray. mar. -\ IlIbl'Ole La~ ... U f
Ld. R.l{err,& f·Jerr&IId, R. Wesloll.l W. Lns
R. M. Skeannan, 86 f Robert Terry. 25 f L. Gibbous, 60 f
WIIlo R. Lawrence, 72 f. ge Brock, 37 f Gba•• Sti"tro. ;5 dr
JamesGnmt. 111 dr. Joon PhilliJl8, 1'01' mar. ·3eo. R. Dearf', a cIr
J., s. Lindesay, h. b. Ir. Nilliam Williams, 86 f 'b"5. Read. li p 5 ~ I
br.-· Wm. Roberts, JOy. art. N. W. Olivo.'r. t ~
,Qriat. Noble, ray. mar. fobn Fead, do. William OW~D. Qc ~
Gearge Bunee,24 dr. T AIIIOI')',b.p.late5g.b.C. Rey"old",. '51 w.LI
Henry Cox, ray. mar. Epe Coote, 14 f C. R. Barn·n.ll tlr
Edw. Carter Homby, do. L. Bacmeiste" 5 line K.J. C. ,Eadi~.. 6 1,
,Henr.y RenaelIs, 60 f ,'G. L. I. r r g t · I
,Fn!JleisWempa,roy.JD. M. Bar. Declr.m,B tine,Willialll Holl.....
itJeorp J~ do. K.G.L. ill· Capwoce, ~ f
4 gt •

l.istof the AI'IRY. M'ajors. 221

l\iah. Youn«, l,g b
Geo. Wright. r cng
Win. Bailie, '15 f J. D.Lacey,hp hUe f
Wm. W: Brolll.. , 10 f !tobert Elder, SI f
W .... Thw8il"•• .'H f Wm. B )y~ ... I! li£.. gel. 0"0. aaITO"', 1~ f
E. Lenn, j Ct'yl. rcgt James Bllller, 6~ f Chas. Hughes.l!. f
B. Snllivan, 3:; f Joh .. Wvnne. 6:1 ( l l l d . Wuod. 9.) f
Deni. Killgdon, RO f W. U. Nicoll" 12 f J. l1~rg .. r, I lite !fltal'd. '
Rich. Hart, l! ![ b Pat. Cnllce, :H t T. Hutch'"If~, 6~ f
J.C·Snilh,Sicili~nR J.WNt-iI,7W.Lreg T.C.Mllftdli,72f '
Chas. Robinsou, 7.<l f r. C. GreeD, 2-1 f Wm. Conolly, 18 f
T. Soutl"J It P ,) f V. J. Quin, l!1 f nonald Mac Lean, 1 ,
John Parry, r mar John An_tin. ~~ f aeo. Jllxon, 25 f
Ja •• T. COW\IN, l' a John F, Oltlham, 2 g b J. Thomp.on, roy mar
A. 80s('well, 21. i. K. Jam .. ~ Sllllivan, a:l £ I'hos. H. Murri!'t', do.
G. L. Il. Lntyf'II~, 11 dr H. Wm. Cre'lwt'lI, do;
Robert Hart; r mar W.Rothwell,hp IlIt .. 6gb J .Caml'roll,hp IlItf''t!l b
William Oongh, 68 £ Ht'nry Evelyn, 45 ( \dolphus MUllslal, 2.> f
R.Hawthornl',IIIINg. b .\1.. ". Stewarl, SI f \.B4r08 MODcl'eill',lsf
Thomas Hart', 9il f Tll08. Conolly, 1.5 f Wm. H. Toolt',S't f
Henry Croa~dailt', 93 f Wm. Langworlhy, h p Cb1l8. Johnstone, 71 f
8.Carter, hp !-ate , g b 24 f Williolnl Taylor, :'18 f
Wm. Mlln~, 98 f Jacoh Watson, 14 f G. Gorreqll~r, 18 f
T. Bayl .. y. ~ C"ylon Ft :. Woheley,~5 f .\l\aR Cam!'roll,IJJ f
Nath. "",11,17 r Oliver Mills, ·~5 f Wm. DanllRers, S line
J.Monltri .. ,h p latet g b Wm. W. Swain, 36 f kg I
John J8!lOP, 44 f H. ~. L!'\Ven, 3! f If - K.("kllrl, rl~.
W. Conltman, ..,3 f D. Rob.. rts, 5 W.1. r~ John Gualer, 56 r
0 • • Mullet, late of k F. 1\. Eliot, bp f6 f P.lE. I"ing, 62 f .
gI j. ,~. Gib_on, 'i! g b Aiel[. Daniel, h P 63 t,
H. K~m_, art k ~ 1 Robt. K. I\bbt'y, 71 f Thos. Smndeld, 83 f '
(fto. BriaIOW. 84 f \. B .. r~n8I1ack,~ng kg I Hen. Merer, 4 line k i 1
Geo. Hnmphry, 12 f J Week~, 7 W.l. rt'gl Jos. Maclean, 3w ir
JoIm T. Keyt, 51 f Gl'O. Marlay, I f Ja... Cassidy 1 \V i r
N. Tarot'r, t a drivers Ht'lIry Hardy, 1 ~ £ Joba L. Gaille, 38 f
~. Pewer, 7 dr g ,... H. nOft~la8, 21 f Albert D'Altoo, 90i
c. H. Godby, r art Henry N ooth, 14 £ Dom. Rossi, r corsi
Jas ~t. Clair, "0. \It'x. itewart, 1 t Jos. Be b' Roll' er::
liaruJ, •
le. 1. J. lAcy, do.
J. A. Clemt'l'It,do.
M.M'u,an,latl' of" f R. F C~
Jam("s M'Haffit', U £ W
.Kobl'ft DOtIglas, r art .John Gordon, 1 f J"
T S~..
van ner, 73 t
John ffiaslard, r ,ng J. Blosst'tt, 5 W.I. reg) S~mea K 'th,1J1Ce, r '
E-. P. Wilgrt's., r art Edward M. Bird, 1 f ene et 62
LewinuHaring,61ine Henry 8. Hall, 101 f A. J. Ca1len~r, 91 r .
It g I J. E. Cellrlenay, Nova J~hn Blackmore,,8 t
Jobn W. Alldain, 16 f Scotia fen. Nlch. Fuchs, Meuron'.,
F. Hawker, h p 96 f WilIi.m Moore, '17 f T. Shaw, h plate 6 g b
Stt'wart MRxWl'lI, r /lfl Wm. Grit'fSon, 15 f George Dods, 1 f _
Dogald Campbell, do. Llldovit-k 8tl'wart,!4 f Thomas Craig, 24 F
W. G. EUiolt, do., H, Newton, 1 g b. J. C. Andrews, 53 f
t. Campb..I1, do. Lawrence Oakes. 119 f George J. Rogen, 18 r
GeG. Turner, do. Johu Pollock, 0:11 f Cb.d. Vigny,~ t
List of the Army, Ml1jois.
Geo. L Spinltdl; I g bn Octavius Temple, 14 C ~Wm. anerfie1d, 4S (
George Noleken, BSC jEdwardDundreneUc,81C: R. L. Arguimbeau, If
Wm.Richanhon, It plate 'Thomas Howard, 70ew. B. Kcr.iteman, lot
5 g bn John E Jones, r art Michael Childers, 11 dr
Wm. Hutcheson,25 f W. H. C. Benczette, do Geo. W. Wbite, b)lla I
James Ward, 4 f D. A. Brandreth, do' 6gb
Peter WalIace, r art Alex. Gillespie, r mar John Mitchell, r art I
Geo. Lane, 4 line i g I Geo. Williamson, 90 r Wm. C. Bail, 85 f
Eo Baron Linsingen, 3 Fielding Browne,.40f Jos. PatetsoD, Vortck
hussars, k g I Eyre E. Kenny, 80 f Henry Gea. Smith, SS·
A. Sympher, art k g 1 P. B. Foley, 9 f Tho. Blanchard, r eng
John Hilton, '~5 dr Thomas Reignolds, II dr Thomas Falls, 20 f
B. R. Lynch, 30 f PersseO'K. Boulger,93f C.M; Graham, 7I f
Robert Vernon, 2 dr R. !'tIaxwell, h I! late 6 g b D. MacdougalI, 85 f
Will. Hill, 6 wit George Ross, 6 w i r George Tryon. 99 (
Wm. Power, 7 dr g W. W. Higgin!S, lU dr llichard Leonard, l(}l i
. R. B. Lynch, 30 f Robcrt Brownrigg, 52 Henry Rea, r mar
Daniel FalIa, 57 f n .. A. G. i" eeg/f)" L. Carmichael, r art
Thomas Molloy, 27f John By, rcng Harry B. Haxri .. 86(,
Henry Bishop, 64 f Norman Pringle, 21 f John Ciravegnac,' Siril'
Richard Edwards, 62 f W. B. Tylden, r eng John Robyns, r mar
Ch ... E. Radclyfle, 1 dr T. W. Taylor, 10 dr D. Felix Calvert, late Di-
Rich. Jones, r art Q. M. Gen. i" J<nJG Ion's inf
Cha. C. Dixon, 90 f _ John Guthrie, 3S f W. P. de Bathe, 85 f
1:1. de Welldt,GO f A. Fitzgerald, 49 f Joh" Allen. 10 f.
John S.JaCkson, 72 f Charles Jackson,21 g l\!.Stewart, roy yorkr
John Malone, 98 f Hon. F. Cathcart, 2 dr I. F. Briggs. h p 28 f
F.dward Watkin, 65 f Hor. G. Broke, 58 f jThOll. Fane, Mearon'H
G. Mackay. h p Kclso r~ C. C. :&:Iacksy, 78,{ W. StaVeJey, ray Africr
Lorenze Nunn, 89 f


'Colonel George Q,uentin, 10 dr. Colonel Andrcw F. BlII'nard. 95 {

- - .. Charles Palmer, 23 dr. - - S. Ford Whi~ghlllD.
Lt. Col. Geo. Visc. -Forbes, l\:leuron's . Portuguese Service.
infantry. - - John Colbome, 52 f
Colonel Thomas M'MahDn, 17 f - Sir A. CampbelJ.kt. Por-
- .-.- Thomas Arbuthnot, 57 f
- - - Lord. Ja. . Murray, h. p. late
Manx fenc. infantry
I tuguese Service.
- - Hon.F.C.PonS\>nby,12dr
- - Sir G. A. Wood, r art.


Colonel H. F. Bouvcrie, Coldst.. f g
- - - F. 'E. Hervey, 14 dr.
Colonel.fred. BaronEben Roll'.
Hon. H. A. B. Craven, hp - I. Lord Burghersb, 63 r
• ~2=QL1JJ· "iW2L, __ti.

List of the Army, Life-Guard8 tomIl DrligcroDS. 223

·TAe KING'S LAND FORCES, witli their .Agents, ~·c.":"·Cttands·
fl,. Fil'ld }fIarsllal, G. for Gcne~al, L. for Lhdcnant General, M.
f- MaJQr. Gmcral, B. fur Brigadje, General, C. for Cownel, L •. C"
for Lieutenant Coloml.

Life.. Guar.ds. Maj. John Chnpman Lt. Col. Jas. Inglil H~

I. George Watts. milton C
CtH. E. or· HlIl'rington GAg!. Collyer and son. aj. I. B. Clarlce, 'Le
Lt. Col. Ter. O'Lough· 4. '(Royal Irish.) o. Pate Hankln Le
liD .i\I Col. Hen. Fane M Agl. Mr. Croasdale.
F. S. Rebow M Lt. Col. F. Sherlock C 3. (King'. Own.)
Jtfqj. Sam. Fen-ier LC Maj. Rob. Ross LC Col. Wm. 'ClUtWrIght L.
;rohn Camac WID. Ogilvie Lt. Col. LordC. Manner.
~gent. GreeDwood & C Agt. H opkinsoR & sons, Jfa,i. 'Thomas Hutchin,
2. 5. (P. C. 'If' 11'.) H. BarriugtoD
Col. Earl Cathcart . G Col. Thos. Bland G Agt. Greenwood and co. .
Lt. Col. C. BIIl'ton L t. Col. Hon. R. Taylor 4. {Queen', (}fon.)
Wm.JD. Arabin G LC.I. Fr. Hugonin . I.

Sir E. F. Agar Sergent Presentt

Agent, Greenwood & Co. M(~i. A. H. Gordon
. I
Jfqj. HoD. G. !\lurray C Hon. W. PODsonby . M ILt. Col. Lord E. SoIU4Ir-
.T. C. Dalbiac
Royal Horse.Guards. William Irwin . Maj. J. Hugonia
Col. Duke of WeUingtPn Agt. Collyer and son. Bohun Shore LC
X.G. }'M 6. (CarahineeTl.) Ag!. Hopkin~on and lIOn.'
Lt. Cui. J. Dottien M Col•.E. Carhampton G 5.
John Elley C Lt. Col. AIel:. J. Goldi
Sir R. C. Hill, knt. . M
Mqj. Tho. Athorpe Le SI. Gea. French
R. C. Pac:ke . Maj. J. L. Higgins LC
~{t. Greenwood and Co. Charles Irvirie
Dragoon-Guards. Agt.CoUyer and SOD
I. (King's.) 7. (P. Royal's.) 6. (Inn;sldlling.)
Col. Sir David Dundas, Col. Rd. R.. Wilford G Col. E. or Pembroke CI-
K. B . ' G Lt. Col. Frs. Dunne Lt. Cols. Rd.O'Donovan
Lt. Col. W. Fuller C Mqj. Hen. A. Head LC M
Jlqj. GIIO. Tees4ale, LC K. B8Dbury LC .Toseph !\Iurer·· C
IL E. Acklom LC Agt. Greenwood and co. Maj. F. S. ]\filler LC '
.Jgt. Mr. Adair. DragoonL Uobert EUice Le
2. (Queen's.) 1. (Royal.) .Ag!. Mr. Broil>-ell.
Col. Chas. Crauford L Col. Tho. Garth G 7. (Q,'. Own Hussars)'
Lf. Col. ~a.mes ~eame,. Lt. Cd. Hon. . G. de Col. E. of Uxbrillge L
1lqj.W.m. SpCll!'!ll!Ul LC Grey . 1\1 Lt.Col. Edw. Kerrison e
Wtn. Gordon A. ,8. CIiItor1·· ' . Maj. Edward Rodge
.48/. Greenwood and Co. Maj. Ph. Dorville LC W. Thomhill ~)
S. fP. 'If' Wale.: •• ) Charles PurVi.. Agt. Greenwood and c«
~ Rich• .v~ G Agt. Greenwood and co. 8. (K.', R. Irish.) •
LI. Col. Sir Granby T. . 2. (8coU Greys.) CotJohnFloyd . G
Calcraft M C.l. M.rq. Lothi.. G.Lt. Cols.J. S. WOod 111 ~
f)lOri e Ho~. . ....... ~ I iChris. Jghll8"'''
!'4 Lilt or tlte Army, 9th to 95th Dn1~OM.
Henry Wtatenra 15. (Xi'Ilg... H_n.) , 21.
JLlfi. E.J.M.MII1T&7 LC Col. Du.keorCu~1and Col. B. Tar1eton G
W'ilnam Marlin K. G. F.1U Lt. Col. Rich. Pigot C
q. GTeenwood and co. Lt. Col. R. B. Long M Maj. '1110. Bates Le
9. Colq. Grant MW. W. Hisgins .' i
Col. Barl oC RO!IIIlyn G L. C. Dalrymple 4gt Greenwocxl and 00. I
Lt. Col. Ho",. T. Mabon llqj. Edwin Griffitll ~.
. M Hon. W. E. Cochraae C"l. Fr. Ed. Gwyn G
CUrIes MorIaod Agt• .Gften....ood andco. Lt. Col. J. Hure ., lC
8. G. Newport 16. (Q_',.) T. G. MOIltNsGr It:
JLqj. R. H. MOJTeIt LC Col. Earl Hareourt G T. Pritzler ~
Georg, Gore Lt. Col. Sir j as. Allied:, Rab. TraYerll
4&t. GI'8eIlWOOd and but. ' , L MoJ./T. A. Da_
11>. (P. ,/''''.'. HKU<Jr,.) Raymond Pelly Henry Broome
Col. the Prince R~ent James Hay ABt. Coll,.er and. IIOD.
Ll. Col. G. <bIeDan Mqj, Hon. H. B. Lygqn 23.
LpN'R. M_en G. H. Ml1rray , Col. Geo. AIlSOA 1Ir
Maj. HOflo F. Howard Act. Collyer and son. Lt, Col•.&",1 of p~
HIM. H. C. Lowther . 17. lington C
A,;I. Greenwood and 00. Col. 01. de Lancey G MIfi. J. M. CutdU& .
11. . Lt. Col. Evan LIoyd P. A. Lautuur
Col. Ld. W. BentinclvL Wm. Carden .4gt. Collyer and tI9R.
Ll. Col. Ho J. CumminglHon. }<'. L. Stanhope 24.
• M/Maj. Osw. W. Werge LC Col. Wm. Lofuts G
James Wm. SleJgh Nath. Wilson . Lt. Col. SanI, Need M
Mqj. R. Diggens LCAgt.,Greenwood and co. Philip PIUlpOt
Archibald Money LC , F. Newberry t
.;fp. Collyer and son. 18. (lIuUfJf'8.j Maj. IUcbard Coven
12. (P. if Wales's.) Col. Marq..u oC Drogb- PId. Sav.p
Col. Sir J. Steuart Den- eda, K. St. P. . G 4gt. Greenwood and co.
.barn. hart. G Lt. Col. Ho". H. MllIftyl . . 25. .
Ll. Col. R. Browne M1Maj. PhH. Hq Le Col.Li. Stewart, X.B. L
jlon.,F. C.Pon.anby c/.James Huglwl . iLl. Col.G:P•. ALms.' C
Mqj. O. BltmdeJt C Age. Greenwood &lid co. R. R. GiUespie M
Jas.P. Bri~.. 19. IW. TuyU , .
.4f.t. Greenwood and ~COI' SirWm. Payae, bt. L Nttj, ROb.' •.. Ellis. . L. C
I~. I.t. CuI. John OrmsbyHenry Odell .
LW. Hon. H. G. Grey Vandeleur· J( Age. Greenwood and eo.
Ll. Col. R. Bolt(lO
Pat. Dobarty
M Hon. J. B.O'Neill,
C ].[qj. RobBlt Lisle. '
Jlqj. Sbap. BOJR LC Pal. Andenon·
I ' . ..,
'RoyaU/·"I."pie Tririll. '
Col. D. HamiMn js
G. L _ _ .dgt. Greenwood aDd . c». ,'!I/fi. G~o; l}arll'Y ,
.4gt. GTeMwood and ca. 510.· iAft. Orl'enw91'1I« Ce.
14. (DIICh. York's Ollm.) Col. Lord ComIIermere,!' 11'oqt Clumitj.' ..
Col. E. Bridgllwattll' G K. B. , } . Cil. Hnke of Ycltk 'F ~
Lt. C.... S,lIawker M Lt. Col. T. Hawker C Lt. t.-'ol. 11-&". LtJrIiF.
P. B. H~e,. e George Wyudbam I »entllll!k:' ~ e'
J4i. C. Mo BakeI' Le Maj. W. W. Blake, ,LC ,U'i/o1 HI/It., A. P. UII:'
T W. BtotheJ'tQu LC R. B. Ne....l... f km . C
",.t. ColI)'. aM ,on. ~gt. Collyer &lid.,. IiCII1'Y_jJIIe;', ,~,

List o~ ~\h~ Army, 2d Foot Guards to 16&)) Foot. ~2a

11".. W.ShMlrt CA. n. Fallnce I
LC/Fr. Wm.CulreU ..
"'1r1s.Greenwood & Co. G. O'Hallcitan Mqj. J. O. Beyer t.c
2 (Cnldsir'eam.) Thonlas 'nnrke Oct. Care,. LC
Col, D.ofCamliridgeFM Agtl. Gretnwood &: co. Thomas T. Trickey
Lt.~ol. Hpl/. H. Btand C ~.( Northumbe,·wlId.) !Jaliles Higgil180n,
MqJ. R. n. Jackson C Col. W. WynYard L.{I.getlt, Mt. Bownas. ,
Alex. G. C Lt:Col. W. Cockell L) 11. (Nm·thDtrim.' .
~·ts.Greenwood If( Co Cliarlp~ Pl'att C Col. Sir C.Asgin, bt. Et
.3. 11011. H. King . C Lt. Col. G. Cnyler C-
C81; D. ilf9tonee<ler 0 ~J'Ii. E. Coplon CC. Griffitll!!
Lt. Cm. Oeo: Hill C TllClDlllll Em... l.t: FlNewDlan.
~/f1j. Jillm O"i~e C John Grey LC Mfij. G. O. Hcly LC
lo·i'Il. HepbtlmC tfenry Bird Le W. 8. Elriugton
Ages.tireen. wood & Ct'. Agts Greenwood &'«:o'll-IeIlI'Y Bl'istow' .
]. (Royal Scots.)
~.( l~.W-,wi'k~.irt.) Colquhoun Grant
eel. SIr (ieu. N agent; Agh. Grl'enw,ood & cO',
aH, D, of Kent, FM ha~t. K.~.. G Hl. (Eat Sujfol'!-)
Lt. Col. H. C6nran, M' Lt. LO/; A.. Campbell. Col. SlrChu, BUhn,s,
J S a ~ c fho. Carlllc ,bart. Q
~.,..:na~~leod Mu}. J. Gardillcr Le U. Col.Juliul Stirke C
N"I M'Ke:llar " Henry Gomm LC H. F. Coole .
~ M llil' ' , • 'f. Rob~rls<rn.. N ich. Eustaeel
.' l' . Guy Call1~~1I Lc Maj. W. H. Fo .....en
MV· Th?'n as DMm! Le Alftl. Greenwood & co. Richard Bayl., ,
~an HIll . LC 7 (ltoglU Fuzilecrs.) R. G, lJare Le
Thomas Fraser Le Col. Sir A. ChUk.f G R. H. Sale ' .
.:Robert Nixon LV 1.1. Col. :£. Blake'ne,' C "8"" Greenwolld &·co.
Col. Campbell Le John M. Nooth. . 18 (1st'kI.).
r.: So Lynch ,l/qj, In. lV.Seatty LC Col. Edw. Morrisson Q.
A. Stewart Geol'ge King: U. Col. W. William.
JohR Gorden . .' John C~owder. Mfij. Fra. WeHer . Le:
Agt. Mr. Kirkland S. B. AUchmuty. LC R. B. Handcock. .
2. (Quem',.;' .Agh.Oreell'Wood &. co. Ap. Greenwood" co.
cW. James Coates' Cl (8 Nirlt".-) 140 (B~1ring~.)
1.t. Col. 0, A. Ii~det- ('01. Edm. 8,'''''u G Col. fbrry Calvett . L'
!IOn . U. enl P. 'I. Robertoa U. Col. Ja. Wataoll C
Jt. '. 0 E. Rain Le Ju. O~ilvie, ' M. B1Irrow~ Cf.
M'!'tthew' 3coty . Maj. 'lllomas Buck. Ja.sper'l'(lcoll, ()
~ Green oOd and rbonnis E".lIs. S. Bunlem .
.. • 3. (;"ffi,) 00., Jalllett MOll_V" :lfqj. F.Skelly Tid, LfJ
Col Ch 1 L' If 0 J. BlaekDlor!',' Wm. Fawcett
, . ar es etg Agts. Gr.enwood & eo. P. JohnstoD
n. Col. W. Stewart 9. (EaSt Nu(lolk.) W. P~reiv81
~es Ferguson Col. H.. Browurigg L J. Krightley
M'l1. HI!n. nobertil Le u. Col. J. Camel'OD C Eyre Ceotel '_
~ry ~I!g. . LC W. ,G. Mac Gt·e~.r Agl.,Orernwuodl!o....
. C. MOlTl9 '. LCl1oj. D.CllmpbeU LC J!;. y",." S.RidU.r)·
W:C. CampbeU . P; W. Lambet't . LC C.l•. M. Dislley· L€:f
Agtr. Greenwood and co,l'IOIIIIl8 B. Aylmer ~U. Col, Alld.Davijolt1..
... l-Ki1t.g's OWlI,.) '., -;amtlei SIJD~y. . Alexander l\Iilnc . ~
Col. Earlof Chatbam G ,.4'zl.Oreenwoo,!111: e.o. ll'lqj. J. Rd\Iead. 9W ••. :-
i.t. (Al. F. BIpoke . Hi. (Norlh..Luu:oIn.) J. Maxwell .
l>.WilIlI\lll9OR ' . ' . Col Hmi.1'.Mllitland Jobn"Moorc • "~
Maj. Jolrn Piper . J.C U. Cul.. .R. ' C! A,t. )Ir. Disney
.tIB1a. j . tip ,
, ~ :01 .the Al:UlY, 34th te 61tfl F~t. ~V
Maj. W. Lambton Le 39 . (DOTJltjb.) E tlwa td Grego ry LC
l'dward P arkillfon Ccl. N . llalfour G. I'. El wio
John G1.!lhrie Lt. Col. Cav. Sturt JgCl,t , !\fr. MacdolHlld
.dgls. G reenwood &: Co. iVfaj. C. Bruce LC
Pa t. l.indfay LC 45. ( Notl in{JTIQIT/.)
34 . ( CU",6.rl4",!. n.ogt r Parka tc
Col. Sir Eyre C.oetc l I-ler. ry Standifu C"l. Cav. L(,ISICI' G
K . ll. GI.diIS. Grecuw oud 1k .C'0. U . C" l. l. ro. G r~('nw")l
L t. Cql.J . Ma iner C · ,tlqi. Da v. Lc"k~y Le
J, M . Evcrard 40. (1" SG""rfdfo. ) ~n!;h .S~. ~Ij olt:
H.;nry Ropert. . Col. Sir G. Oiborne, 'tts. G reeli wood & Co•
.JJ'f'nj. H. C. Dick ens L bt. G
H " ury Wif./Iey L<': Lt. Cui. J. Kemmis M 36. (South Devon. )
Geo. E. P. Bulow H cory T borntOli Cut. J oh ll \\ h) le G
C. R. For reil Moj. John GiJliCi ~C J.t .C,J/, . G<,o rl(" MaUe
A g ent, MT. Maedonald ohn '" elhulll Arch. Ctlml' v d l
J. Moorc: M :l1ui. Ale x. () ~i l~ j c
3S . (SujCx .) A . R. H cylan d John l\l ' K ('nzi c
Col. D. of Richnrond G Agts. Colly cr & Son "lgts.Grc ~llw oo d &: Co.
L t. Col. L. Moorc " 41 .
Geo. H . F.lIcrkdc)' CoL. ~. Chalnpagne L 47. (I- an,casTti,·t.)
M "j. C.C. Aratett I, C L t. Gol . H . Proctor 1\1
C. M' calilier W ill i ~m E vahs Col floll. Si r ,\. Hopr,
J ofel'h Ph illot t A ug. Watburton K, B. L
John Slefi'or LC Mn). R. O. Fr iel,d l .t . Cl/I. H Ulll p l, rcjI
Jgentj Ml. Macdonald J. G. P . Tuc:tL-r Blall'! .
MGr Greeuwood & Co. J all>cs-<.:otm ng
3.(j. ( Bm},.,.,"h.) <0 it. ~ . E Ii'i ll~ f ~n
.1" (I "!Jut i iwlt/C11Id. ) lUOJ· \\ '11. C h l ) he
Col. ",,' J oilIl G "0
. I .HH.on.St.»:
"C \.. ,1. ",' .1. (} t· 1-1," I
1 lit cS·
1 Charle .s H aYlll's U
l t . Go. OC - Lt. Cui. RI. Mac lInl 13. ~ (01, ~\for I
rauc C IJl(J. 1< . H. D ldl. :Le rlgts.t, rl'cl1 w uod & Co.
M aj. n. Darr och M I\' ili/am Co w(· fI Le
Wm. Crof. Le r/lfts .OrtcmtooLl & C l> . 4 I. (N/J/·t haml't.)
l\Il'ah ill L eggat t
Agmt, M t. Croafd:lle .k3. (-'lrhlmtfrtIMI;/rc Cui. L ord C. Fi tZI<ry 6:
. L 4rlll/ 1tjll'llt> .y. ) Lt . {Jo/. J 3!" ' s. Ers)" lIIe
3.7, ( N. iIa"jub. ) .col. Sil' J . F , C,'aLl o!' !;: /U,v· W. G. \ H llt" t~
0,1. Sir .' Gre~tJ. bt. L K. n. J 111. l\1;II·,l oh Le
~ L t . 'co!. F.G.Maclean L Lt. Col. C. C. l'u(l'ick- gls.Orl·cnwoo d & Co.
SiJll')u !Llrf
1I1uj. And. t it! aPJ'~r Cui. 11011 . It. 1I1ailla nu
G. C. e ach, an~ " G
G . Burer L t:. J V' t 1\1
&. Co.l ot 11 n"lr~, l.t. c": . 111('('11 !
;lgls. Greenwdo( • , Ill . Hav rlil lci J 0111) \ all'!
./ 1.'.G rl< mfOod & Co • .'I1/1j. A,I. Onmh)' Le
38. (r.jI Stqjf.,d,h.) All" . Cl< rk
c../. Earl t.u d[~w • G 44 . ( l:arst Esar>: .) ..Jgtkt , i\Jr. Gllpi ll
/.1. ~oJ. H OD . C· l Gre- I " I. t'. " I' n ffo l k' (;
y~lle C Lt . ( ol . 1'. n ' (} ok c C 50. ( Jre.t [{ <nt .)

Hon . J. 1. P. D carre I
M~J' EG\;. Mi1'e5 L t 'J. 1\ • . ftankr tu lI
M l{j . Clr ar. l~ llJ l1 i)1 s'
figls. Greenwood IX Co. O ~or!le H iUdi» g
; ut S iy ,f . b(l ll , k t. G-
Lt . Col. hal' {, Hi ll
L e 'laJ. J. H . Han-isoll Le
. ,
2!8 Liatof' tbe Arm y,6ht to dsd Foot.

".r. D. C1UIIpbell ' IMaJ',Sir C. W. Bur'''!/i!.I••.: ·i,·, c'M

Agts. Greeo\900d& Co. dett, bt. Ocorg'e Mackie, '. le
:SI. (:td Y. Wed Ridillg ')',RobertGraot James Lom.& : . "
t;ol. Wm. MonheJUl G Josepb H.nna Henry Illhn .;.1. ,
U. Col. liugh H. Mit-I ~'t S'GForbeJ A.l~, C W. Marltoll·
. cllell C ng S. reen wo~ .... 0, J.A. Datrympt.>-'
Mqj., 8am. Rice Lci 57. (W.}}.1iddkBez.) W. Wlfctdgate. ,
Davlu Robl'1U Le Col. Sir H. Da1rymplep Maj. James Grant LC
'A.gt8. Gre~Qwood.&r;o. knt. :C, J. F. Fifz::aer~d LC
• M. (Olllfordshire Lt.C.",. Wm. Colha Jo~a Gallife , Le
Ligltt l'lltmp'!I.) Sprmg· 4,. Rump~r, .~
t:1Il. Sir H. Oakes, bt.L Tb~s. Arbuthnot . Ale][.AD~ , .•
Lt.Cu/. J. Colbollme C 1I1a}. Robert Sbeltou e. D. H.' Bo....crie Le
Edward Gibbs 'Tbow~S,l~adfor~ Gufts-n,n Brown ~C
Maj. Cha. ROwaD LC Wo\, M ~Ibbon It.O.Tripp
J. tl. Reyoett LC J obn BnrroIVe8 H. Fitzgerald
'Wm. Meln Le 4~t8. Greeo\food& Co. Jam,!:s tJtopford
T· T. Fuller E. Drake :>8. (RtttI(Jfl/ls1rire.) Henry Tarleton
.Ag,.. Greenwood & Co. Col. EGTlof, Cavan. G RDbert ~on C
53 (SAro~~J.· \ Lt. Col. D. Walker C J. w. A1dred
• 'r'.tr~.~ Ricbard BUl'kby (; W B _1_. LC
CIIl., Ho.. J. Aber. Mqj. F.B.Can, bell L • att___ . ' .
eromby L fred. A.sbwurli. J. de MaagQa ,"
Lt. Col. ~,M.w"y C 'l'kOl, Keoab Le Aglt. GrCCllwoM",-'r.Oo.
O. R.. 81Qgbam ' C GeCB,e Druitt . _.' '\1" ' .
~. ~lIcklalJd C Agt•• O,reeDwood&Co. 61. /8. ~.A.~)
iN"". T. Mac Mallon C 59. (ZIl NqUi AAm.) Col. till' Geo. ~~,
JobD.Mal!ul J,.C Col. Alex. Rm":!' G bart. Q
Jell'uy PICI'CY Lt. Col. Fra. Fuller L Lt· C.I. J. Campbell L
Wm. Ingleby AI ""'L d Wm, Carr Roy&U,
O. G. Febnun. . ex. u~ eo Ma·.lohn Okc" 'Le
"~"" ,
4 ""It. Greenwood & Co. Gforge Macgregor
, H. 4U8~en
I"'?' 6
OWl, weD
. . '..
!H. (We.•t No,folk) 1I1aj. Mat. ShlJwe Le AgfI. Qre~n)Vood ~~.
(tJl. Lord Porbel L F. W. Hoysted LC' . •
, Lt. Col. J:r.Layard M J08. Creighton 6~. (W,IIj1JJre:)
'~Earlof Waldegrave J. T. HOI·,ley . Cpl. Satn. Hu1se "Q
'Ilqj. Sir Neil Camp- Agts. GreenwlIod &Co. Lt. Col. TrevlirHuU M
.• f bell, knt C 60. (.Royal .Amtrican.) George OaUDt~ .
J .A lIan KeUy
." Agt8. Greenwood &
I, '
co.\ ICol. in C/Wf, Duke 0 Natltan. :B1ack'!; . C
York ' Fl\:I1'4aj. D. X~ea ~C
Colf:omm: Tboa. Carle-D. F.Blomm,.~, ;0
'- ,M. rWe.emorllntd.) ton , . G John F. Goodri4ge '100
0. pol. W. H. CIiDton ~'Nap. Cbriflif; BUJ'tOD G Kdwar$l narl~" tc
, "I.J ••(;('1. J. N. S!Dytb CIHon. Edw. Phipps L Agls. c.-eeaw®c1 f;c ~o.
~ . ,.'.
." ,Maj. R. Frl;!denck Le I] hn Robinfoo
,I Alexander Hog
.:, I !6'
LC 0
Gr~en1ll'0oJ &Co.'~'''· Charles Hope
or; t &Mer) ISlr H. Clloton, ~. B.
•eUI. HOfI. C. Norton
(1f'.J S~J1"",'
Col. B. of BekIQU Q
G Sir G. Murray, K. B. M Lt. eel. 0. RII'CJ'IIJ

U41.P.K.Skiuncr Mi1ames Kempt M L.,.J Burgiletjh . C

Fletche~ Barcla), < ,!Lt.COIG.W.RalMIIY Maj.!-.!\.bCleroth-.
Nigel Kiogscote Edwara Codd C John Staft'ord . ,10
~ l~~ Forrl:Jlt Bro",,, 'thorn. Aiillen C John CIIapmao..
, ~Jlr.)' $~Iiv.q . : r!!U~ -~~f<)~
: ~ ,.,
.. A;mt, ~.' f9U~ -
.List'of the Army, 64th to 81st FoM. !'-In
_ 64. (2.d SI"J'forJll..) ,M'!i. G.MuttleburyLC 1f. .. ~
01. Hen, Wynyar<1 L.H. de la Douefpe· Cui. SirR.4bcrcromby,
Lt. Col. Sir John Ward- C.J. Barrbw K. B. G
law, bt. Alc~. M'Lachlan. \ Lt. Col. Sam. Swimon 0
Maj. J. MaulOllald LO Agl.; Greenwood& 00. Muj. Jonam. Brown
Wm. Beatty . I.C 70 • (Glufgow L ..ulllnd.) Aicx. MadacW&D .
· .dgt •. Greenwood&, Co. Col. Ho". Sir G. Low- AglI. Greenwood &. eo.
6S.-('lriT.N.RiJillg.) rcy Cole,K. B.- L 76-
C..I. T. Grofftllpr . I..LI. (;0/. Lewis Grant C CII. Cha •• Chowllt! L
.loOt. Qol. 1.. Smith C Maj. Cha •. I\1'Gregor Lt. ~.I.John Wardlaw
Col ill J. Milue)! T. R. Congreve . M,!(••'\icx.Frafer l..C
ll~aj. Nath, Warr.en H.". G. ue Conrer Jofeph Sk~~~tt
f IJ· Fitz..3imon Le A~~nt, Mr• .llidge. Ag",t,~. IllfO!1,
"'~I. Greenwood &r. Co. . . ? 7· (li. t ll Middlefi".)
66. (lJ"~lhjrt.) 7 I. (HIghland Llgh' Col, SicT.l'ickton K. D,L
I'l 01'· N' -11 G . IlIfonll).) LI. Col. J. Bromhead ,
~.. lver ICO Col. Fra. Duudas G J. H. Dunkin
Lt. Col.A:C.JackfOll M 1.1. Col. T. Reynell C Maj. JohnRudd Le
Charles NlCOI Cha Cother M H M'L • •
OIuI R e f s ' :
I '. •
,lft!!',Arthur Jon0;8 Le Ag.." Mr. Croafdale
Mo . . le L. \I alker . 78. (Ro'!i,rlJ'!/ft.)
T\ aJ. DEdd~ ~afceJ 9 LLCC George :;>pottlfwoode. Col. Sir 8. Aachm.-
... all. 0 gm C. M. Graham. K.B. -'"
W'ill1am P a r k c ' . I .L
~.dward Carl on dgl•• Greenwood&.co. 1.1. C.I. A. Ad'IlI" M
. Y de' 1'1.·· 'John Madeod C
4gtr. Gr~enwDo '" 0, Co. I James S·...· tU ..n G I.1\1' artm
. L"III dr.,ey
7: (S; Hamtfo·) Lt. CoI,IH. Mond:t.on ClDavid Forbcl
CJ.Slr·Vi. Keppel G Maj. R.Campbell LC1.Waj. D, l\1'!o~
·{;" e,l. yv.A. Prevoll: C Wm. Naih. Lc:itcb LC JaDles l\i'Vean' ;
• Hu1k~on. C 8enjamin Gravel Dona'd M'Gregor r
Wm. Kmloch George Raitt . C. C. M3fkay
Maj. C. Maxwell LC dgt. • Greenwoud & CO. A"'./~
NHh.B 'a!i Id ~.
Greenwood & .. rt....
G enJ e . 73 79· Cam<ran HigUaurl'rl.
""'Jfeor~e CCoweU Cnl George Rania G/ co ,. Alien Came run ].1
',YAartm . ony - .
· 4gld,
. M" , on'd
r. ,,' gc.
Cl. Col. Laduan ¥ac-
L Co, N '11 D
Nat: Cameron
ou, as
"' quarll~: M . .
68. ,Dllrha.I1f .) Wm: G. H.rri. C Maj. An. Brow.n Le
Light Ip/~"tr:y. Maurice O. O'C"IUlell~n. CameJ'o.n ., LC
_ '~J. Henry" arde 1. Andrew G.ils
'. Lt. Col. J. s. Par~ey M Maj. G. A. Cordon Le Douald Carnpbell "
r:au Matplicrlim

. ·W~'l.0hnftop • . C Dawfon K.elly . _ '*t'"" Mr .Lawrie

· Maj . . P: Ha."kins LC Arch. John Mac'lean . 180. (SI..,-. rot.). ~
· Jatne~ W~etl Henry Cameron :tM. !I''''''
I!ir ~d
~gll.GreenW()()d&C8 . . t'Greenwood&Co." Pagct,K.B.) "·L
69' (LlMDlnfo.)'· Lt.CoJ. John Whiao
,', C.I. Sir C. Coytclr, bt. G 14· John A, Stuq
£I. r..I. T. Browae M C.l. T. Moorgomerie ~1W'tY: J. Edwar4t .' Le
Mile)! Miglttingal1 ,'. L Lt. Col. Non.R.Le ~ijofepb C~11
· .J'hineas JUan
Waiter SylDea.
;. MI!j. R. ~annen ~C . ' . gL,
CI4g~"/' l\lr, W;ttCcm .
Charles MoricC • 1\. Mem . Col. Rep. JobaAon (I
trice llob~ . ' . 4~"", ~~ Macdcmald, Lr. Col. f. J4'KI;" e
.., . u.t" 1he Army,lId to . .t) ;hot.
Henry Milling 87. (1'I'ituu.fW.r,. iJ. M.~ .',
, Ill';. J... Ferrllt I.C
Edward Gilhnlll
- Itifo)·
LC C.I. Sir J. Doy"", hart.
j4Zf' .Mr. ps::
A. ~
- her Waterho1lte . K.B• .,d K;C. L . . ...
Rebert C. LaDt; Lt. Col. E. G. Batkr, c../.Lo,dNsddry\_,L
,d.1,'1J.r-,roeenwood and co. K .. M.T. 1\1 Lt. c.r. J. Camcttm 1.
, ,h. (P. of w.'.rot.) .hs. Wm. Doylc C Maj. Ja~. Mit~...11 Le
Col. Henry Piliot G. ilIa). F. M. Milk:r LC onaldMacdoiWd
,oZ.t. c..t.Wm.Gl'Mlt M urh Gough . Le Agt., Mr: .Br:uce
Henry King J. F. Ddbarrea L . , 93.··. . ,
• Naj. C,E. COlllere Le 1'1. ·W. Davenport M Col., We.yts G
H. A. Proctor ,fgt#. Greeuwood ~ co. Lt. Col. RobertDalc,
Wm. Yi!zteraJd. 88. wlI/IIallfl1t R.ntco. 4 nd. 0cagh,. . I. • ,
Wilt., Vmco:lIt . Col. Lor.J. Beresford; M!J. \\'111. ~ClUrt.
.. ~. Mr. I.awrlc K.B. . L Ale][ander Gordoa
83'. Lt. Cof A. 'Wallace C Ab. _Mach.,. ' .
· Col. J3mes B111fGur G John Taylor '. C Alu, GreCljlwood8c t6.
, l!t. Col. J"". Baird M ~Wai' R; B. Macpherfo~ . 9.... .
JacobBAm . Le Col. M. Hil!.~.B. L
Jie~ Wm. Carr L~ R. B. M'Gregor . LC Lt. C.I. J. Ca.wpiIIell C
· Maj. J. Napper • JOOn DuDO . Maj:JaJn~ AliaA Le
· AiR. Bru~ . . William C. Seton Thomas Lainr:
, :farces Su\liv~n' 11• Mr. MacdoDilTd ..1[;1', GreenwoM'6:-(o.
Allatl Caftleren ~. 9r (.Ri"- C...;..,.)
, ,dgll. Otctnwoed" co. 89· . , . /~ .""'.-r-
4· ".. It
I lid L' ,R Col. Z",./of Lindfey G Col. ". Cbiif,Slr.D.DIIII-
a"e"l',r. Lt. CJ. Rob. Sewen' C das; I(;B.' " "G
C.I. GCI>. Bcrnu-d G OonaldWBean ' C.I. G-.:zllfl.. Fkles
Lt. Col. Arch.C,anlfbc Jofeph w. Morrifon. Chatn}lliglie .• L
Pet~~ C:",cy ..1(_·,.llJch. BQtlar L Sir B. SrlN:t!J', ILB. L
H.I?auoeny S~uel H~ . Hon. Sir W,-- StnWrt,
.~MaJ' lohrr Lockc C MillK Clift'ard 'Kl Jl.; I: " .L
Ceurtland Schuyler R' ha d T h . Lt. CfJl. air T. s.lIett·
· Ra ben CockburDe . L le r rene with:,; ut. .. :', M
John Carter. . Agtl. Ot'eellw~K.k co. HamJet<Wd.' .cj ,\~C
Agtl.DoDaldion Suo: (jOifP""t"fo". Y.M.) And. F_ BaMmli ."e
8S .•(]1uei. rei. LipI Col. L..-tl L:rnedoch, . L. GibnoUr
J~,) . K.~. . L M:aj.A.~:~reott Le
Col. T. B. BtauwiaI· 'c Lt, Col. ·r; M'Nait' George wiliUta - .1£
Lt. CW.'\V.ThGrJltml C Mark NapM oJm.RoI, ' ) ,":1£
WiYiam 'Wood .'. .. Maj. 0et1. ButteU ,1.C Ar. Ca" . '~. '.,'J.'e
1t{aj. Peeer DeIItDa hontilos'Wrlght· . l.e . " .' •
· -eBroWll'
.. - 6 ,
·Le A"-ThitUethwayte
,{f.d Cu' •
win. ~ ~.~ : .. "
"''' ..... Lt' " I
.:,dgt•• Gfteslw.0a4,& co. 'A w . me ......C •• l'Jr.~ .•. -."
· ~(If'D.r iRi.7- C"1fI) :gtt. 6te~0Ild&:to. ...·9.+4 ..... .1
D ...,;",J • . 9 1• .QII'.. a.tfe~· .CI
~ ,c.I. lA.It. P.N'c;eIDiam C'oT.'D. ~eK - I, ~ £_.... JII1ib'c. ,':l Cl
/-t. C.I,Il\U. PFdw . el,. C,I. W. ':Doilgl'" OB. Ko lni'tlldett, ,r.
Jolm~n " .... B W.Ottler . " Maj. R..loi.u~r.·, M
· -"':"1- J?an. ~ar~o~ . M"j.·1Jl Mac Hea}'l:C ugh iMbik~f ~
."'W.u.... Bair.. .: UguftU6 ~eede Lo H. B;·B.lCclaMtat' '-,
- . . Grell"" a . . (;re,or-- .Al" ••G"~aajto.
~12 List of tbe Army. For~ign ~()r,ps; &e.
(RonrlHna RegiJ!,t.t,) 1 Regime1&t HfUIljr, , Lt. Col., W. n 'l.h!.
Col. H. S. Ittallog Co' r...... Cbas. B aron ~ll1gen
' ' ...- ,
~. C , W T E.' I .... :tr.,rn. . ,
, o. • • ~\1jllr~ LiIiflngen L Mqj. Charles Al
JJqJ. O. F. W •• luk~r .c.uul: Col. Allg.'de Wil;.
Amald GertJer Y Le
(11. N"q;,ulUllrtH Fen., sell .
_ ~ibl.l7ifantry,) Maj.Phil Baron Grubeu 6 Ban. 'If' t_'~.
Col.W.H. J'ringlc ~1G M. de Muller. Col C. A. I;ton8t'edt' 1\1
Lt. CM. R. Hcathcote 2 R n' ?T Lt. Col. \'I. do Ulmen-
U • E' P' e..'17le7il n Ul8a~l. stain
_"1/. has IpOIl Col.Co V. Baron Altcnl\l " ' , .
AK,.. <ireen,,'ood & Co. Lt Col A B Li ,,.aJ. F. B~on. On:aptrda
(,If- &;'ti« Fert&ible In. '. •.• aron n.. M. Baron Decken
. futrg.) M;:t~en;JJ B~·. 7 flaU. 'If't,,e.Li~.
,«,:01. F. A. WdheraU Lwni' . Afron \I . e Col C. llari", DrcsclJell I.
Lt.(,'ol.Ii.C.Uartiag (; :3 ;m, y. Hi ,. Lt. Col. Hugh Ilulkelt
M*,i. Will. Hal), Le eB/ment tUsar.'. Maj. <korge Socst
Agtnl, Mr. Kirklaud Col. r;. F. Baron. A~ens.. WillianiClIuden'
(CQood,YtlleibleI'lfa'lt.) dilldt ' . ' : 8 Batt.·'!f·the Lt"",.
CeI.. 'l'!lomas Pelt'r C Lt. ,col. LeW1S Mcyer c"l C. ,P. dn Plat M .
1;1- CIII. D. Shank l; M'V. G. K~u~henberg Lt. Col. Chas. Best
Gf~ KobertBon E. Baron Lm81ngen Maj. J. de Scltrocd..... Le
M",. P. HareR
J. F. Fnlton
I Batt. Lt. Infantry.
Col. C.C.lTaYon'Alterl l\1
de Petendoi'ff,
.Agh.Ureenwood &. Co. Lt. Cl. L. Baron Bussche'A' 1·~rtill('r.'1;· -
,6ta.) Ill.
L. 1. Fatd.,Maj. F. de Hartwig t.C;'-''''' c. '. Bm",,,, Deckt'll
Baron Busschc.
'CIIl. Edw.Haynes ]\J 2 Bott. Lt. In.fa. ntry. ;;'/1"l,..{;-
Lt,'Col. F. Bl\Uersby Col. Colin Halkett 'M HaB'_:_L at Illann Le
Mqj. R. M'J)ouall LCLI. Col. David,Martin , • ,....,..martn ,
'I'. Bnnbnry Maj. ,H. Prince Reuss· Engin:~rs. ''
AgI.9.Gt't'enwood &. Co. Geo. Baring C,:pt. A. B~ren~h .M
(New 8nJ,,,,,,,,ick Pe1Ici. 1 llalt. 'If' tIle Line. Victor Prott .
. _ hies.) Col. C. Duke of Cam- Charles E. Appulm
Col. J, Coffin LG bri~e FM Br~"(le Jfqjor~.
Lt.~~/: Fran. ~ot'kbllrQ Lt. ,col. Bud. Bodeckcr rltcrity Weif,'lnim '.
111'41. I ho~. Ki'rkwood
~en', Mr. Gilvin
'41. F. de Robert$on.

Geo. Coul<m
Baron KroQonfl'ldt
Mauritz. ClaM.
FoallGN CORl'S. SI Ball. 'If the Line. 1': Baro,. DachenhllUSetf
rmc', German Legion. Col. C. A. Baron Bllrsse'GOOl'ge de Einem .
Col. in Clliif, Duke of! 'M Charles de 130bers
~mbridge . ,p. Col. A. lkJro" Beck .' Chaplain,,..
& de C"!'W' Capt.. c.'Maj. 000. Muller ' G. H. Guitucll '
Manba!k; 21 d ' I~ebhert Timeeu! Fr~k. RalUbke
1 Bef!!. Lt. Dra&0MI 3 Batt. 'If' tke Li'ltll, FrederiCk BucholZ.
c. C. COON WalmDdea Col. C. 1I.deHmuber 1 \ 1 ' - Pobse, . .
LI.,Col.JOhD~?" Bu- Lt. Col. WI~IAgtS' Greenwood and COl
.low., IMqj • F. de LuttenIWI The DuIte 'If B~I~k'
JLqj. F. Baro" Grubea A. Boden ; Oel', Clo'Ips.' 11 '
.A. Baron ReitzeJ\SfJflin' 4, Batt. 'If tke. Line. Col. in. c,...itoJ,' Wm.J)ab',
SI Begt. Lt• .Dtvs-. ,CoLC.,S. BO'I'01ILow M of . B1'U'Os,.ick'Oels
Col. C. A. Ba...", Vel- Lt. cOt. Chas. du l'lat HU8lim.,.
theim M Mqj: Fi-cd. Rel! " . Col. C. Dornbcrg lIf
Lt.-Col. c. ~uiere8 George C1!uden . JLt.COl. Em. de Sebradet
C. ~aron H-;rdeil 'I 5 Batl. if tbe. Line. Mqj. Wm. von W. .ift
Mtg. F. ~ Z , . .
'&1II'.Fri~ ,"'. '!
Col C. C. Baron Omp"
. tad.a. ,
C C. yon l'~ Le
: Le
Liat of the Anny, FGreign CorPs~ &c. 233
ILt Col. VictOr Filiher
Lt Col. G. 8. C. de Ber- Hod. de May.,
C Lt. eeL G.I). Robert.
sou, '
MIMqj. Valentine Wmtel" Francis Rivarola ,
' C

F. Hertzber, .Charles de Villate iMqW{. l\1owbray LC

Mq;.F.deFnptem LCAgt. Mr. Ridge. :H.-r.Ml'Jlisb L.C
F. de Dorullerg I York Lt. Inj'. J'ot..iJge"t. lIlr. J>i511ey .
4t!J. Greenwood and eo. C.J. Sir A. Campbell L lit Gt·eekL.;~ht 1"'""""
. /ldI,', Reomaeftt. Lt Col. Fr. Streichen M R~g1i"t1lt.
Cel. Baron ;l~enbergh Alexander Mackenzie, Col. J. O~~altl G
- . M Mqj. Edw. O'Hara Le c.,t. Cot. jilr J. (Jrown,
Lt Col. J. 11....011 de So- S. Brown ' . C knt.
, , oonenberg M Agt. Greenwood and co Ro~ert AOsw~ld .
5fCd,Buro,. Eben C, Royal Corsican Rang: If!1lJ' C. : ~ Court Le
4gimt. Mr. Disney Col. Sir HuilsonLowe 1\1 G, C, D A,g~llaJ: Le
, Meuron', Re.giment. Lt Col. John M'COmbe AI(f'Rt., Mr.".
Col. G; T. Walker M M,,;. A. &:hwnmelketel FOTetg1& Vefera.l1aU.
Lt Col. M euron . n ani " Col. Ch... Baron DecUu.
» a y ' L L CrJI'C de Bellnill
Maj. C. E. de May Artlnor Johuston L ~'. C~ Th6Jawl 4;-
TbOa. Fane iJgt:tlt, Mr. Oisney '11' •
JYatt~'f Regin&mt: :-;icitian llt-gilllellt. Agt. Mr. D1SD8J. "
Col.L. de Watteville M Col. R. Fergnsou L

Royal Regiment of ARTILLERY".· ,', '.

fJ".J, Earl oC Mulgravc,G-Colon,t ,.ftco"d. Sir Hildc;brandOakel,bt •. L
, .. n,puty Adjutant-Gm,rat, JobuMacieocl.L
C~"m:els, IHcllry Hntton M !John Harris ,C
AII~' F~ro'iUg. ton G'FI~~CI"M. Sprowle ,M/iSir Geo:'A.Woo4,kt. C
£1"8 Walker , G Wtlham Borthwick M Ricb. DickcJI~On C
Phil. Marlin Charlt'll N. Cookson M George B. Fisher C
Vaugb. Lloyd 0 John Burton ,M P. W. Colebrooke C
f?,.~~ F~atl ' L Ge?~\ll' <:oobou' 1rI'~dw. W. Pl'itrh~[d
5.r·L RJoUlt'lidd, bt. L Phlhp Rton " 11.ho.lUa~ ~raukliD C
Kob. Law.f)n ' L l.iftt; CploMlI. Jllmes Vme:y y'
Edw. Stephens L John F, S. Smith C Charles WaUl'f'· ,
Rub. Donglas L Wm. 'Mtidge , C~ltobert Beevor. :
JOOn RaUlsey L Henry Shrapnl'1l C!FrHll'l'lr Griffithi'
'Ebo. '}'rotter n.J (h'orge WuUJe C;William t>ixon
'C"Ill1leu. Oeorge W. Oixon C Frauds Rey
Jobn Maclc'Od' L Wilt.hil,' Wilsoo C Charl.,s Gold
J.f>hn Smith l\1 Richard Hamilton' C J08t'ph Clu'I¥'I'OSI "
,\'!n. Cnppage
. 'l'ho. Seward
l\1 Br.. ok YlJuug
1\1 Hayll'l Framingbam C
'C'I N':
'V OT'.
Fraud. Laye M John Shehlrake c:Alellawll'f WattlOQ Le
B. Willitljtton l\J G('orl(~ l{am~ay C'Edw.Wor.ll'Y LC
T~,R, Charictol1 1\1 Jolm Lemoine cThomas DowllmaD 1£
:Ec1. HowoHh M .peDe. C. Parry' cRicbard Uuckller l.e'
Tho. De.hrisay M Rol>. Evana C Henry Eve] ..!!h
James M. Hallden M Wm. Millet" 'cCbari<'&C, Biogbam
Charles 1· ... rrot 'M Bellj. Blomufield M John Oy .. r LC
Ol'orge Glasgow 1'1 William Robe C Sll'phen George Adye
W.iIliam Bentham 1\01 George Salmon C Nllt1.aniel "'oy
Edward Stchciin l\JIRobert Wrigbt, cHt'nry Phillult
Johll A. Scllalch MYo,c-pb Machan C.Plltd Jo'PlFli A
.,(1815]· .. Q ~
'534 . It,O:J8I.Eegin....., C(\rtl l td'Militi.:&ulrodi.d.
., ('oloRtl ita CJMj. IWm. :Jobruton l\tF. W. MlllrastS'
~ar."'fMulg ...;,. . G ~r(:.·lhl"'w.Yl kt.I\J)'hilip ~n!!,hee
.' C I I .~. tJ IJ oh. Wnmfr.y . M H. Jtlphlfl&t~
.0 ne tfI . . ." . :Rob~r.t B'ArcY' liuJ)G.nforcJ.
.5i~1:IUtl"b. Oak~s"l>l.LIVt-IriIl'l!.Dl'id~L'" G. \\,hitt_~
t:..wncU Cf!IH/nCliffiunt. ,IS. T •. DickeDII :.:. 'l'ha.,k .. nry
llubt. '10r." ~F, NojIIrw. H. '\.·l\1..ni1e1llCt
~J ..]o.. l\hr(;~r ~J. Mukdtaar 11 J. )")tireh
· '.fm 'r l\t..un
. \\ IsS
, !1
}......... f'
......-- ow.~.,
:Aug. "BntlA
I • (., . n.U CIl'apman
(,; .t.u1tA lIaadfiekl
J. Enlt'a;JI .L w.. l'eawicli. 't' G. Nicoll.. .
• ' CofoMu. !Alt"x. JJr)ce . . € Jallllll< t.:. Smy,..
"l1bo", N"Pt'all MRobett Pilkilfllkln, G('(If~l.JlI)dsua~.
:M !leol·Y&lIaU·
."IQ, Fyerl
M. W ..H. Ford
" Jlgt&. Cr('~\\:o(}d &€o.
·60lU?6 011 MILITIA, aULUNlNG EMBO,pI~D.
.~ 105." . L,.Col. charhls GladwiD Lt. Col. C. W. SiWMIp
*""Jmm O!bom . MPj. Thomaa JJilbi!l
U. Col. Richard a:lpin.. {ft•• Austes and Co,
)IgJ. Clift"tri IW,.,.
81. M.hBIuc.
¥qf. John J,J. HOrDer Dorset, 50. . R. Middlesho EIIIIt, IQ,
Jgu. Collyerand So. Ri. BiDgh_
(.t1l. ~. Thomall Wood
· ' JJqytll B~ 117. H. Col. R:J;;. Srewucl Lt. Col.Jo•• ~
Col. T. W. RaftllShaw X<ti. N. £. Still B. P •.Blacbferd.
· :Lt. Col. Viset. Folkeeton A8t. Mr.. HowfIlIII Maj. ltobeIt Go.r.d.ta
:J!~. J. B; Pococke , ,Ji:ssn EaM, ~. amesR.
,-;ilgt. Mr.,Jones . . Col. F.H. High, gts. Gre..nwao.hndCo.
. ItQ)Ial :AQ/lk,;, 49. t. Col. S. c. ea,utl, R. Monrq. .&.lIrec:08. 18,
C. l\Iarq.o£ Bu.;kin,. oj. P. V. ~iI Col. ~oI ~
M/fi.JGhp C. PigoU ABt• .Q(r.Sykea K. G.
·4gt. )-Ir. Disno:y: . EIIm WesI\ 30. Lt.CI>l. Thorn. I.ewia
Camljridgo, 24., Col,.SU W. &a1JtlI. bart.Miti. FraucisCIaJIbm
Cnt. F. }>~ton
Lt. Col.· l'a~. V acll~
Lt. Col.
oj John, Boggi~
.IAtt. Mr,Bruee<
ODDrd, ~.
')foj.,l'1ifm1aI, FaW&E:t' ,gt:¥r Macdonald Col. Wml G. LangtGa
4t. )Jr. Ridge R. LanCAllllire lregt. S$;' Lt. Col. Th. M.,}>. Wall
R. Cannarthen, 39. [Maj.
Ol •. 'I4oBlIIf Stanley JeM GWG&ndl
Lt. Col. Lom. Ca...w.~ I.t.Co{.. Jolm Piwube Jlge. Alllten and Co.
Naj.: Hubert En.. Etrj. Edmd. W. High" Shropabire, 3 •
.Jgl. MI'"; Croasdale William AlJieton 'Col. Lo'" Btadfc)rd
Royal Cheshit:es.. ,..Rol1e..wn and Co. u.Col. w; W. W.bitJMft
• c.t.1bomos l"arltet R. LaDC808bire, 11 rer. 59 ,\1 oj. Rkobard Deuaa
: lit. Col. J. F. Huckwonh uZ. Lord StlKlley J. St. George -
JJoj. Edwin Corbet I t. Col. Wm. Horton -IAgt. Mr.M'acdtmafct
"LynCh S~ CDtt/.)n Maj. Geer~ lliglallld 1st Somerset, 9•
.dfJl•• (l'l-etn\\;Qot!& Co 'Agtl. Rolleston and Co. Col. Eairl Poulett
, RciY~ Curubcrlalld,$3. Re La\l1t:e,sltite. ~ reg,li2. Lt. 'Col, J ohn ~OultGII..
Col, Eatl ()f LOll~d"IeCol. WUson lItaddyll MAj. J. T. Jol1ille
Lt •. Cal. Sa.l"').I~l IAI£3f Lt !-'ol. John ~a&""ick JOsepp Sanford
J-fnJ. F~ancas Y.ate>o MlrJ. Thomas BtaddyU AglS. GrceD~ & Cl,
. .4(;1. Mr. Druce Agt. l\;fr Gi!pin I 2d ~,9. .
J?crlly, 62. ' Lineoln, Soutlt, 14.' . Col. ViS<'. ,llintOD
CM. Willi"lll Hiolw. CeI. Lojd..8nJ1I'IWn!- 'I.t. CtIIo J..H.- C'OijfU
PeftuaweDt Stawtithe n;~iat Mm.. ..~M
lftU; Nathauiel Kn.ot&· . ~~ Yor~iS2J . ElinbfJrs"'Co.&eiry,1l..
Ftanei.. GyilCllt Col.· VllICllUnt ~owne CbI. Earl·of A~. '.•
~I. M()Iacd"o.ald 1 Lt.C"" l'iPkuyl"orro· Lt. QiiI.. T I t _ I .
Suft"oIk. East, Sf. Agt. Mr St8J\hJ& .' . /lfo). Geer,. htt .
£0 _ _ _ '1.:_ North York, L.l. +I. dgll. Grcenwcred_o..
o • _arq."",",uW,,- C"'" I-d DIln~. . F<ilillrand klll('ardio.·
Lt. qol. John White Lt. a.t.8. Cradock Col. Ron.. A. noualu
~.l!~'1I!,-=Co. AI";. Gooqe Elsol..- .
Lt. CIII. Hen., C.. D. ._
--. r_.-.-.. CIW" Ueel", ' M'fi. Wltlhtm ~
Wihshire; 8;· AgU. Greed~ ud fu dgI,. Donllldsonand Co.
eel. Earl or At1e.sbury Ro,a!~. Ap. " ltenInw. ·22. .,'
n; ~; F. Wametbtd Col. William Kelso Col. James Dunlup
Ma}: WIn. Wymlbam Lt. Col. In. G. ~ Lt. Col. L. MtitldoWlill .
John'Du:dale Asfle,. ~,!;. John Chalmen. Ma)' Robert hin_ .
~tf. )lr JoIIn 1~1'IIZI!l" .1~t.;Hr Shaw Age" Hughes ana Co. '
JIoplAnsl-&-- SurlJlOn,J. Hugbes' Su'7!-' 'W.,HopIdn '
. ~ ht EUt D.!vop"':""'.Ea!eer R. loath Olotl_ter.-
J(.j• .a. .... Cot. HagbeI COl. J. P. Bastard Gl_Wir'.
PaYfMKtet' . Pa.'Im. Williiun Long c.w. W. F. Derkak, .
.44;. Henry'.Jo_ Adj. Capt:dn Peters Pa!Jffto J. Herbert ,
8ur~ 1. PtiCIcbatG Q.J["at. 1.ieut. Bigne1) d4j. CaptaJa Fulkes •.
Roya) , c.tdifaa-...t6f- SIll"geon, Wm. ItlllTllht Q. M.,t. R. HlIrtis
. . "!!,,-.itA. N. Devon...-Barmlll1lle. SulpOlt. M. F.Sbrapnall
Lt.C".c. CoL ChiClhestet ~ol. Lord Boringdoa Ro)'. North GlDu~
~ If. Enlllllll " Pagm. Peter Ilbert eire*",*",
-"dJ. Captailllonea .tI11jl. Cnpt. Btuton n.
CnL Kinp»te ,
IItIrpetm. R. Rathill . Q. M. J. Piling , -' Po!J1llo Captain H • •
.R~ CanaU\'oo.·OIrtNr- Surg. J. V. Hewlett .tI4j. Captaia Bt-. . . . .
• -.,., . SoutlIIlfvon--I'ty1lJ1NtA. Q• ..1lu4o J. Galla.
Maj.r:-. Cel.Bd....... Col. I"Qrd nolle Surgeon. R..Filkin .
P"!lnl. T. (lbuftM1I PaY7l&. J. Hawkilll N:. Ham.-W'i1wbeller.
-A1{t. CapIain ....1 . dqj. Captain Cole CoL Lord BocbJe1 .
~ Eo Carres 4. Mas•• Lieu&. EDieti Paym. Leoll,. LaijJh
ltoy.CornwaIl••..lIcicteyn. Surgeon, Joha lllltlet Adj~Captain Oaric..
. O"'H~.Willlun'ElI.iot I)urham,BC',"le. Q. Mall;J. ~...QQiater :.
.Pa!!WJ•. rhomas ~hatcl Col. Eat! of .Darlhipl1 Su,.. ... ,WilltaJp· ~bW
'ArV' CIIphIiI1I1emple. Pa' I 'r W Bm . 8. HlIRtII, Btnd/,af1t/lltJfl.
• Q. Moat. Lt, Nanki:vell .tiT. iie~t. -Sfmpson 'ol. PeIer Serl~ ,
S,.r{{~ A. H.-Bargent, Q. 'Masl. Lieut. Bonier Po~.R.~. ~~eI,'
It.,eom-n ... Deron urgeo'tl. L. FIIsbrooke .J4i. Captain lilggllllt
.. Jdm,.rs-Trur... • r . . '. Q. MIIIt.J.Skepegl
~.,Ctrl..(!. Earl fIl v.... toyeJ. ~mt-Mold. , 81W~Jj:L~.MiJ.·
mouth l,t. eel.,PF I-l,etcpj!r H..... ble of. W~t-
~ Geo.. Funtc.r Pfl!fTT&' rhomas :alii)' . , ' RgtU. .
i!IIj. Captain JenJda, .11,(;. Captain Cochnm C4PtGin, J!ibn :Pw~
.il1/.r~"" L.lI. P.. 1"'gII~ W. w. Anw)'U. Poym. J _ Jolliffil
R.'Denbig...... I>·-l't'mofll' R.Ot-pn-.,C4Wdfff. .~ Herifordo
tw.SirWatk.Wm.Wytui, CIll. Hell", Kni8ht ' Col. George C~..u
. . bart. . .. Pagm. Capt. Langley PIJ!Ifflo 1'ItomM ~ilIi1!II
Paym. J. NiehOlll 'AV. Captain Bar, IAtV- (l.ptaiIa.J.....
.~ C!',.m. &. NleIWUt (i. MMI.,};..l;, ~ I ~ :., '. . :,
236 Permanent StalF of the Disembodied Militia...
.. 1IItllt. LieuL Winter
SUrgeon, Thomas Dixon
IR. West hridge.
Midillesex- U,,"~rfj, Cq,tain-Crisp
Q• .'Ila6t.Ensi8D Y~ng
Bertford-!lcr!ford. Col. Edwam Bayl,. Surge~ft, P.l]ennis- •
Col. J M. 'If Salisbnry Poym. F. Austin NotUngkam-N_r.l'l.
Ptl!lf"o T. Osmer l,dtfi. Captain Brew 01. Eo T. GooId
.A<{;rtt. CapL Taylor Q. Mcut. I,ieut. Miles PayilOo Stephen Else
Q. Ma.l. S. StuddaTt - Surgeon, R. Wright· Adj. Captain Hanh
Surg. ~ame<; Baldry . R. Merionetli--Dolgdly ~. MosI. Char1e& Uunt
Huntingdon--llunlmg- ,~!aj. Com",.' Lieut Col. Surgeo., James All.w.
don Vaughan. R.Pembroke-.Haue,..
MaJ· C~mm. Col. W. I). Pa!Jm: J. Rowland flrdlJle". .•. .
rq M!'nchester Adjut. Clll't. Rowland [.t. Col. C. Col. Phillps·
PII!('"' li; Greelle .
AtfilU. Cal't. WhIte
Surg. Thos.. Griffith· Pa~"t.
n. W . . l\f'ddl
R. ~obertson
11· Captam Butler
8urg. W. F. Gray . estmlDster I e- Surgeon, If. bumayne-
East Kent-.Canterbu"!! n l se J x.-BrCC7II.'thtford. R. Radnor•• Presleigft.
-Col. J. E. Saubridge loO. ames I erow Maj. C. Col. Walabam
Pa!lfll. B; Ricketts Pa!tm. R • .cheth~m AV. Captain Langton
A(/jut. Thos. Miller AcU· Captal? Davls. Surgeon, ThonW; Reed.
Q. Mall. n. Clarke Q • •\[a&l. Lleut. Snuth Rutland..OakAam.
Burg. T. Baylcy Surgeon, J. M. CllUrch Maj.C. Lt. CoL Pier_
West Kent--Muidltone R. Montgomcry•• Welch' point· .
Col. Thomaa Dalton . 1'001. • Paym. John Bird
Pa!Jfll. Rich. Davies Lt. Col. Com. J. DaVles AcV'. Captain BJOWIl
JldjlM. Capt. Thmnpson Pa!{"'. Ch,,!,les ~rown Surgeon,.1. Jarvis
, Q. Malt. Lieut. Eley AV' Captam Glider The King's Own Sfat.
$vr/!. W. Surgeon. William S~ ford--Slaffitrd.
Leicester••• Leicerter. West Norfolk··NorwicI•. Col. Earl of Dartmoutb
Col. J. IJ,J<e 'It'Rutland Col. Earl of Oxford Pa!l"'. I. PhiliPJI
hym. B. H. Bird Pa~m. T. ~amant Adj. Captain Muo;grave
..44iuf. Lind. Thorpe AV. Capwn ·Borrow Lieutenant Gardiner
Q. MaRt. J. DealiBs Q. Mast. Wm. Betts Q. Malt. Lieut. Horton
8urg. T. Freer 'Urgeon, T. Oliver Surgeon. G. Deftt, M D.
North Lincoln. E¥t Norfolk._·N. Tar- W'I!St StUlblk.
t:ol. Ch.. Yisc. Milsin- mouth.' Col. Sir Wm. Perker
town Col. Hon. John Wade Pcrym. W. H. GarDham
Poym. G. Dickson house AdJ. J. Bat.ley
Adjut. G. Cullen - Paym. F. F. Hope Q. Mu. n. l\f8nhal1 .
Q. Man. J. Hart1ey 4dj. Captain Junk Stu-geon, G. Ming.,.
. at,.,.g. C. Beatty M. D. Q. Mast. S. l'rentice Isc Royal Surry-King.
It.- F..a.Ist Lollllon, Surf-con, J. Houlton .ton.
LaxtID7I. Northampton-·No..... Col. Lord Gl'lIIltJey
~ol. Sir J. Eamer Kt. tl.otrlP/on. Pagm. G. Gartbwaite
Paym. James Deans Col, Sir R. B•. de C. AcU. Captain Wilmer
• .AdJut. Capt, M.ooonnell Broolt(l. ~ Q. Ma.t. LieuL)Jaler
Q. A(tl,t. G. BudiD, Paym,. Benjamin Sims SUrgeon, T. A, Hassell
Surg. J~ G. Andrews. Adj. John Beatty 2 R. SWTy-GtoU4V1>r4.
,It. West London, Captain Hew\ell Col. Hon. T. C Onslo1f
LMadon Q. Mast. Lieut. Parker PO!!"', Joiul,Sharp
trot. Si.. C. S. HURter Bt Surgetwt, Thomas Vage Ad';' C,,!>tain Venan
p"!Jm. L. Harvey 'Northurnberland-·-41n- QMast.Liellt. HocJgso.
:Afljm. C4J,t. Tatham wk*. Surg. J. H. Taylor, M.D.
Q. JIM. R. Banett. Col. Lord Lovaine SuBsex-Letuq..
Sure· W. 1I. Bo~ .('Q,p. C,. F. ClwlltD.1J Col, C. Duke 0( Nor[oJlt
Knights, Gland Cr~sset of the Bat,h, kc. 23;
.l'a.lf1Jf. 6t!'C\fgt! Philby Q. Ma.t. Lt. B~ley 1 Fite-CII1"'r.
At{i.Cllptain Stnith S,,"~eon, J. :lIarsha.ll Col. Earl of llorton
(,/. MlUt. LK-I.\t, Blink !nV<'>it York--Doncaller. Pa;IV/t. Wm. Lawson
""'~'" W.PCllltlethwaite Col. W. B. Cooke A<{j. Captain Wood
1 R. Tower Hamlets-... Paym. Thomas Elstoll Q. MtUJ. J. Grant
LoniWn. -fqj. Captain Midglcy Burgeo~.. J • .M. Grabam
Col. Sir D. Williams Q. Mast. Lt. Atkinson Inverneas---Inllerne."
Pltym. D. H. Stable SlIrgerm, JobnHardy Col. C. W. Grant .
.Jtqj~ O,ptain King York E. Riding--Beller- Paym. R. :Mac Gregor
Q. Malt J. D. Webb I<!!J. Aqj. Captl&
Burgeon, T. Hovell Col. Anhur Mai.'lter !J!,;M<1j1er, P. WarTf1l
5 R. 'Thv.'.er Hamletso- Pay,,,. J. Wesl4!rhey Surg.1. Campball
Land"". AtU. Captain Green Kirkudbright<):·c.Ki,·cllrf.
Col. F. H. Doyle Q. Mall. Lt. Acklain C.I. S. M. FullcTton
Pay",. B. Miller '. Surgeon, W. Williford Pa, ... Ja.. M'Cl'ac;ken.
,Arij. Captain 1\I&!Qn AberdeeB- Aberdeen. Adjt. -Capt~in Dunn
Q. Mu.l. A.Brna\. Col. Earl of Ahoyue !f.;.MojI. Lt. I?o~aldf{)n
Burgeon, G. E. Carru- Pa!Jm. C. Adam""u S"r,. A. Chnlhe
. thers "tIJ. Capt..Johu Roy R. Lanark-G/ah·~"
'Warwick-_ Warwick. 4. Mast. Lt. Jas. Roy Col. Mar~. of Dou~lat
Col. Lord Brooke S"rgeon, N. Sutherland Pay'm• J. Steyenfon
.ca!!.". 1UJ
R'_Lard 17em
.4, A' I I AJ;t. Capt. M'Lean
rgy:eaut Bute-Argy . fi!.:.M.rjI Lt H· '1
4tV. Captain Jobnson Col. Lord J. CampbeU S·. 4J .A . d a~. ton
Q. Malt. Lieut. Wall Paym. D. Campbell "it'l pn ~ o~ It.
&rgerm,.J. WilmshUJ'St Aqj. Captain l\I'Dougall Col
n. W~land--A'P-~' Mast. JR. BStewart
<;rl rI~'- {TU
p • ~ .oG nmnJou. 'd
"'1R~Ie/'J • a yair
. pleb.V' geon, • £own .44jt. Liel,lt. Gibbons
Lt. Col. C: Col. Lowther Berwick, t$"c-ColdslMlm Q.. Ylaji'.l.ieur;Manll
Pal/.m. JOS •• l\foOle" Col. Earl o~ Home SliT/" J. Clarkc, '
.dqj"Captam Watson Paym. DaVld Vass Rof, &c --'['ain
Surgeon, Orton Bradley At{j. Captain l\I:Laren Col. LQrd Se'afurth •
. W.orcester-- Worcc"8ter. Q. MlUt. Lt.Whlttley PaY11l"JI. J. Hen ucr{Olt
Col. J. W. Newport Surgl'tmo G. M'Cullocb Atijt. A. Mac Leod
pa!fm. T. ~nn'ton Dllmfries,1·c-.DumfriC$. ~ MaJl. ,. Milia,
.4~1· Caplam Moore Ca!. Duke of Buccleugh S"r$' G. B Bortl.wie
Q. Mast. Lt. Gannston K. T. Stirling, &c. -SioTlilrl'
l West York--Leeds. Payrn. Frascr Swansou Col. Duke of MonJrofc.
Col. John Dixon4dj. H. B~au Pau,. W. Watt
PfI!I'IIt. Wm, Read Q. W. D. 1\1'lu- Ajjt. Capt, Campbell
A,dj. ~ain ButtcmcJd tosh !J!,; MajI. Lt. Dougall
_.Captain ~r'Kblllon Surgron, Wm. Grahlml Sur,. Wm. Winton
,Knights Grand Crosies of the Moll Honourable Military Order CIf
the Bath. . .
Milito ..y X1Iigbtl, Gr..nd'Gen. Sir B. Abercromhy Adm. Sir J. SallmBrc:l
., CroJ!..s. Adm. Vife ouut Keith ,G<ncral SiT Eyre Cootc
First Cufs. AdOl.Sir J.B.Warren,bt-iGen. Sir J. F: Cradock
:THE Sovrll&[9K Gen. Sir Alured Clarke 'Gen. Sir Dayid Dundas
Duke of York, GrandlAdm.Sir John Colpoys
, M<ifI,r. ,Gen. Lord HutchiJIfo/l
Duke of Wellillg--
ton, K.G.
Adm.l£arl St. Villtellt.IAd.§irJ.T.Duckworth. Gen. Earlo(Ludiuw .
!'lq Kllig'bl •• GraM erotlCI 01 the Bath, &e~
V. AdlU. Sir Sun.Hood Duke of eluenc. t.. Gen. Henry Want
V Ad.SirR.J.Strarhail Duke of Kent V. Adm. Char.'Tyler"
V. Adzn. Hon. Sir. A. Duke of Cnnlbcrland V. Adm. Lord Garind'
Codwan., . Dllke of C'louceJler. V. Adn~. Wm.Mitdldt··
I.t.-Gen. SirJohn stua Duke of Cambridge v. Adm.Sir T.Williasnl
V.Adm. lir R.O. Keat 'wil KRigbll.
Oen. Sir David Baird
V. Adm. ~jr Th ... J.
Tkomp(· '
Gel). Sir Gea.Beckwith Sir Ro~t Gllnning L. ~n. Wm. HouAOIIIl
Lt.-Gen. Lord Niddry Earl of MalmeibUl'Y L. Gen. Hon.W.~WD1q
l.t.-Ckn. Sir B. Spencer Lord Henly . ' r.. Gen. W. P. Acland
Sot.-Gen. Sir J. C. Sher- Lord Whitwonh L. Get,. M. Night ncaJl
brooke Rt. Hon 'lir J.ijankl."t. I.. Gclt. H. F. Ca.mpbc~
Lt.-~D. Ld.Beresford Rt. HMI. Sir A. Par:,t .V Adm. W. Hargt;od
Lt.-Gcn. Ld.Lynedock Sir Philip Frand. .V. Adm. R••Moonon ,
Lt.-GeJ1, LOId Hill Sir Geo. H. Barlow ,V. Adm. L. W. H~e4
Lt.Gen.Sir S.Auchmuty Vifrouat Strallgford V. Adm. SlrH.Neale. ~
Lt.-Gen, Srr K. Paget Rt. HOD. Sir H. We!- V. Adm. Sir/J. S. Yorkc
L.Gcn.Ld.Cembennere lelley 'Vice Adm. Hon. A. It,
Adm.·Hon. Sir Ueo. C. Rt. Hon. Sir C. Stewl,rt Legge'
Berkeley Maj.Gen. Alan CamCl'llll
Gen. Sir Geo. NUgellt Knights CommlUlden. M. Gen.HQII.. C.Colvi1lt-
Gen. Sir Wm. Keppel SI<Otu/ CJ.f.. Maj. tien. Ht:.wy faDO
Lt.:Gen.Sir.J .Doyle, ht. Adnt. Geo. Montague Maj. Gen. ~eo.~_
Lt.-Gen. Lord Wm. Ca- AdD1. Lord GamPier Maj. GCD.,K.A-Ilowanl
. vendilh Bcntinck Aclm. Sir C. M. P91e', b R.A.dnJ.Sir.F.Laf,,",~
I.t ... Gen. Sir J. Leith Aclm. J. H. WhiUhed· R. A~Dl. P. C . .Durbia
Lt.-Gen. Sir T. Picton Adm. Sir R. Ca.lder, Dt R. Adm. ICrael PeUew ,
,Lt.-Gen. Sir G. Lowry Adm. Sir .R. Bickuto,ll, M. GeD. H. BeD.... "'....
Cole bt. Maj. Gen. JOiul OCwaW
Lt.-Gen. Lord StewartlAdm. John Knight Maj.Gtn. wm. AafClll
Lt.Gen.HolI.SirA.Hnpc\Adm. E. Thornborough M.Gen. E. Howorth
,Lt •• Gen.Sir H.Clintoa Adm:Geo. Campbell Maj. Gen. ehu. Wale
,l.t.-Gell.Earl DalheufielAdm.Sir A. Bertic, bt ~. GeD. J. O. V:mdelcotlr
,1.t.-G.Hon. W~Stewart helm. Lord .Exmouth M.Gen. HOD.E.Stopfolllll
M.·Gen.SirG.Mnrray V. Adm. Wm. Domett M. Gen. G •.T. Walker
·l\Ilaj.-Gen. HOD. Sir E. V. Adm. Geo. Murray R.Adm.Bc:uj. HaIJ,owdl
Pake~ham V. Adm. John Suttnn R~ Aelm. GCQl'i,e l;Iopc
Adm. SIr Wm.'Yollng V. Adm. W. Eflington R.Ai.Ld.A.Beaud. .
,Gen. th~ Heredit.Prince V. AdnT. Eliab Hervey IR. 'Adw. 1· N • .l\!JFm, • •
, of Orange . V. Adm.Sir Ed1ll.Naglc I R . .Adm.1'. B. MaJrUa
.Adm.Lord Vife. Hood V. Adm. Rich. Grindall Maj. OCII. J~ ~
Adm. Sir R.Or.flow.1?t·IV. Adm. S~r G.,~artiniM. Gen. R. R. Gi~1II
.Adm. Hon. Wm. Corn- V. Adm. SIr W. SldneY M. G~. W. H. Prwgla
waUis ' Smith It. Adm. Wino J..
ftdm. I.ord Radflock I.ient. Gen. Gordlm 1It. Adm. J.d. H.ol>:wlett
,Adm. Sir'R. Curti., ht. . Drummond
·"t.-GeE. Ilarl Uxbridge V. Ad,m. Herb-. SawyerR.Adm.Giaham
l.t.-Gen.a. Browllrigg L. Gell. Hop. John ,'R.Adtn..H. W. Baym_
R. Alhn. G. C8Ck~

J.t.-Gen. H. Calvert. Abercromby R. Adm. Sir R. Kinc. lie

;J.t.~. Rt. Hon. T. V.Adrn. Hn.R. StopiOl'd.[R. Adm. Richard'Lee
Maitland . . V. ~m. Tho. Foley Maj.Gtn. F. P. RobiJlfoa
J,tl-Ooa••• H.Cliatoa / GaI• .Ji.. C. flfiuIBll.Maj. Gcn. ~dw. BUM
K:nighh. Grand Croisel or the Bat~, ctc: 2%}
Maj. GI!Sl. Hon. W. Pon- Capl.SirT. 'hainf'8,R ". Lt. Col Sir T. Noclliill.
eooby . Capl.S,,·~.'1·uclst'r,R~ I'guard,
Maj." Gtn. John Dyng Capt.SirJ .1.. Yeo,R.N. Lt. CoL R.Macara, 4' f
Maj. Gen. T. Brisbane COl. J. EJley, r. rcgt. 1.t.Col. Hon. 41ex. (.;or-
Major Gen. D. Pack. , hor~~ ~1U\I"1s don, 3d f gIIAr~
Mal, Gen. Ld:R. E. ~o- Col. 1,. p. lid.ron, !8th Lt-Col. H. W. Can, 1f3r
merfet , rellt. Lt-Col. Cha. Broke, A,.
Id: Gen. T. Bradford Col.W.H. f)el~nf'ey. n. Quarter Maller a
'k.. J
••. Gen •. Lam ert
b Q. t\laster General L C I d '
Col.R.))nrbau,;.dWe.1 t- o.L .F,tzroySo-
UJ •

M. Gen. J. W. Gordon J"dia rc~i"'t'Dt merret I ~.

M. Gen. Mal1~ey Power Co. ti. H. Biugham, Lt-Col. J. Wi/fon, 48 f
M. Gen. Saml\cl Gjbb. 1>3 I foot . Lt-Col. Alex. J.Dlcbol:.
M. GP!. Lord Aylmer Col. tll.· Hon.!;f,J. 61'e. ·roy. art.
R.Adm. Wm. Hotham villl',jHtll foot Lt-CoI.J.May,
R. Adm. P. Malcolm Col. H. :FII'lIl.nlluuD, r. Lt-Col. Gco.Scol'cll,lat.
R.. Adm. Sir John Gore al;l. Staff' corps of Cnvalry
l(.Adrn.Hon.H. Hotham Cfll And. F. Barnlird, Lt-Coloncl W. Gomm.
R. A. Sir Home Popham 9.;Ih toot Cohlfiream ,.
R.A. Sir J. Rowley, bt. Col. W. Hnhe, r.lIJ't. Lt-Col. Ulys.Butgh, I g
R.. Adm. E. Codrington Col. H. W.ElIis, ,~"":ld n. Lt.Col. F. D'Oyley, I ,
R. Adm. C.Ho\l h y Col. J.CIlID~l'o.n, 911t ft. Lt·Col. R. Williauui, t.
M. G.'I1. C. Granl Col. Ih.~ HOll. l{obt.i:e mar.
H.Gen. iiir T.:S. Beck· Poer'french, 7·uhft. I.t-Col.J.Malconl,
witb Col. C.Pratt, [)tit foot Lt-Col. J.A. H<>pe, 3 c»
M. Urn. HOII. Robe!'1 <-:01.£.11 lakt-ney ,7th fl. Lt-Col. A. Fruer, t. art.
W. O'Callaghan ~tll.J. Macl,.. n,'f1th fl. Lt-Col. Hew. D. ROil.
Maj. G"II. John Kean.· Col. R. V. Jackson, I rt
Col.\~trnlD Ouard. L r~l ~d'
lthj.Uen. C. Halk. It
M.Ucn.H.E.8Ilnbllry Col. Wm. Douglas, 9 1 f \. o. 8
.\UBj.Gen. K. H. Yiviar. Col. Colin Campbcl L 1~n;.·'M' • G
rr' .
K W'l
Maj. Gen. H. Torn'm Coldfircam g. t- o. ax. r~t, 42.
Capt.Sir G.Eyr!', R.N. Col. John Colborne,S2 Lt-~ol. Fred. Slovm,7.8f
_Capt. Sir <.:. Bd.bam·, Col. Sir· A. Campbell Lt-Col. Jos. Carncrola.
:R. N. Portugllefe f.rvice roy. art. .
Cal)t. J. Talbol, R. N. Col. T. Arbuthnot, 51 Lt-Col. Rob. Gardlllcr.
Capl. Sir E. Berry, bt. Colclld H. F. Bo'Il'el'ie, roy. ~rt.
R. 1':. . Coldftrenm g. L.c-Col. J.Dr~t, roy. art.
Capt. ~ .... E. Hamlnon. Lt.Col. W. Williams, J 3 Honflrar, An/gbe. Cqm-
R. N . . Lt Col H H Bradford fIIanMrS ofi lb. mojlllQ.
Cal't.I-:.W.e.R.Owcll, In G~ardJ' . ',/IIJrlzbkMiJitaTyOrt/".
, H. ~.' Lt. Col. A. Leilh, 31 f oflb, Bath:
Capt. SII' T.Mastt·rma Lt. Col. Hon. Robt. L. Lt.Gen.C.l.mlingcD,bt.
Hardy, hart. R. N. Dd' If Lt-(;.ColInt Walmodcn
C apl_.S ·... J . '8 reil t tin, bl . L UII "s, toy. sta corp.
C 1R b A b h Lt-Gen. COllut Nug.,n,
R. N. . t. o. o. r ut Dot'M_Gen.5igifm.BIl.Luw
Cupt Sir M Spymonr Coldfire~Dl Gllards
g... , I' . M -Gen.. C .,aroll
D A}
... tCD
bt. K. N. . Lt. Co. Sir C. SuttOI1 !lA G H J H' b
" '[' L ' D N ~, f • . . en n. e mu er
Capt.S,,: .. ~Yh·,n.• " ." M-Gen.W.dcDornbctr
Cdpt. Su PUII1I' B. , . Lt.Col. J. Douglas, Por- CIF B d {: h'ld
BrOKt·, hI:. R. N. tugucfe Service o . . . eArent r I t
Capl. "Su' W. lio~te. bl Lt. Col. H. Hardinge, I Lt-C.F.A ~eHertzberg
H. N. gds. . l.t_Cnl. jubus Hartmal1
Capt. Sir C.~If', R.N. Lt.Col.G.H.F. 'Ber\:cley, Ojjim of .tt,.'!1I .u,'nI•.
Capt.!iidi.H.Collier. 3S foot antvpDHlhelalaKll'~bll
tIt. It. N. .\.t. Col. Jcrem. Dickfon,!"s! Sir Gco.
(;apt. Sir J. Lind, R.N. A •. £)u. Mall. Gen. Naylet, Kmght.
. . • r~. co ... M .. ttr_ ur"' ........
.ublt lBittttotP
Baiite THB
".1'11. T•• i'STa 0' oC"ron.,
. CIAllfS, sURGEONS, ate,

And (nner before published) i.n i!btireir New Lilt of thI'
tlm. TOWII and Catmlrj R__CUt fc. ft.
TIt 1!'h!ch Is IIIneed •• mwPLAN of DUBLIN. allel a UST .,
_ STREEts, Which lIllItuallJ esplain and iDut~ aell othtr• .


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lDHO'S PACKET~ betw_ Dv8L1It aDd Hon. . ,,1t.
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C~ 8pt'11«P, Capt. Wetlera
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lJUli., John SkilQler, ' Pe#o\II"., Qaptam Jud.
.. . .' IRlJai~ ~ lAe ll~al Mall Hotel, 1i, D _..........
~.,. PacIrd W7terrie~, ~ Jo!lll &Del Stephea DraJ.Hlr'~ Bt, R.,...·~.
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~tWl AnaUliw, Captaia
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Packet-Office, 24. Geurge'",<jU0Y, and 5, /VOIla 8cotill, ~.


LONDON. 11. H. Pemberte»,
. J. arid Sob, P!iddi"'....I,IJ\e.:'Withen and MartiA-
,A. B!: W i Ogilbl lie Jones, -?'''Bram- C~
coW'," Fettchu.rch-llree1., ohn Crowthen.
, . LtVE~P.OOL.'
)"ohri, Cr~wtl1er., .
':ohn Edw&l'l1s,
.. feter Ellit,
Geoghepn ,n4Atkin80D,. . Martha ~i.cb.
TholhllS:Sill).PlolIs and Son, .' ..., 1'hem&ll JOJ.l8!l.
Slldg~n /fDd 1"~raa., _ _ _ ~ith aa4 Ce•
.JoaatbaJi Rio.. ani Son•
B..tGUL.AR TRADING sHrps iD'the BaIlTOL. LIYauooJ.
and HOLl'B&AD Trade.
'LlVEItPOOL. :Muria, John Lyoa..
·,ifrrlrd;' Veter Kearon; NIJfY ElAm.. Mat. Ebaaie.
'.Afldromeda, E. Quinn, 'PrerI11rI' J. ReiUy.
Bibby, Wm. Sharrock. SIUIOn.·Cbar'CI'Banker.
Cere,," Jo~n ~se. llli_L~Ce. Jo~'wilei.
"'hlll1elh, Mat; ScaUin. ' . lSRISTOL. .
learoit, John'Thomas. ;&Ucia, JolJ,n Gardiner. .'
Hamal, John Hanna. el8y, WilJiaJJI Cla.JtOl1.
Highjkld, hllac Stewart. . IJM". Hen;jJles Sua.,
Hope, 'Willialn JODes. :F_.. W.l"'&tfit. .
Ind~" 11. l\IIurpby. !robp, :ThQlDl\s Tau.
Irene, Jose~h JIelL iitlft,10hn'Hughes. .
.I.URIJ. Wil!iam Parry'. - Ye" .. Packet, j,Salter•.. '
',Mar;a, Daniel Stubb,. HOLYHEAO;
.1Ilar;a Cralll/.her,T. Watsoa. Rmr;t1I11, LewD Jones.
Cont_citIf !ItA jii1y. 1812.


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ofMone." or on the Delivery of any Cheque, Draft, BiD, or odRi'
Order'; fbr-any Sum of Money- '
Am~Dting to:£2 and not amounting to :£10 Or.; 2L
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With "'~ to' the nezI atfjolaitt, 8",",.

ABBEY.STREET, C4~. :Bebedere-pbc:e, M-ti9-IfIIM-.

Adam & Eye'..lane, Men;liGRI·I-p.' BeDnin~oD-plKe, M~•
.Adam-court. Graflo".Itr~e1. IBenlOn-atreet, Rogw""",..,.",.
Aldbc>l"O\Igh-place, Circtdar-roqd, Ber.lford,p1ace,~, rut.
AUeD',S.c:ourt, Mvllinakaek., lSeresford-atreet, ..v. ' .'.
AlIlien..street, GlO¥cuttw-ltrwet. Betheada-lane. et.
Aoderaon'..eourt, Gree/r·llreet. Binu',-collrt, .Fr",aJ;.1/reet.
.Andrew'a-lane, Ercloequer-.tred. Biahop..atreet, Bride-IIn«•
. Audrew·strcet, WiUiarn-lltreet. Black-piu, Ward'l-liJl.
Angel-alley, Hig/I-Itreel. Blackball·market, BlackAtMl-rou••
Angel-courr, Hit/, ••tr«L Blackhall.row, NicloulfUoltrul.
Aoglesea-street, Cuilegtl-I]reen. Blackhall-6trect, Q"ee!I-IlreeI.
Anne.street, N. Linen-lIall-.tred. 8Icnheim-.treet, fuw. A6/Jq-Ilreet,
Anne.atreet, S. D.,,',on-Ilrcet. . Bleaaingtpn06treet,Dorlel-llreet.
Arbour.hill, .8af'f'adtl. Bolton-court, Slcitl_aw•
.Ardee-rtreet, Pimlico. Bolton-street, C41'd-atr«l. '
Ardee.rOw, New-market. Banham.street, Watli1f"",UI.
Arran. quay. ~eeu"'rut. l'ooker·.. row, CtUlom~I'UttM.
Arran.street', E. "1'. OrmOfld"fV4l/' Boot-lane" MtJI'!I'stt'ti~t ,"reet, W A,.,..n''lu~!I' tiorr-court, Miclr4el'~1&t!,.
A.h:atn,et. low. Coombe. ' Bow-I>ridge, W. B-.lau.
Aato'.).'ll-<Joay. WellmorW.nd.,treet. Bow.lane, N. fIe1~ ,CkIl1'C4-1trfitt.
Atkm.on·...alJey, "1'1J1!r COI1fIIH. f1ow.lane, S. Avngief'-lirert.
Avdeon·..arth·C"...·IIreet. Bow-lanr W. Jaru,'..lh'ect.
~u,hrim-.treet, ManM"·strt:tt. 8ow'Btre~. N. KiRi~tred.
Aungier-sti'eet, S.iJl Gtorge',-"rett, B01De-stnet, Grand-cn1M11iocU.
Badielor·~walk.lolA., O,_d-f""Y. &yne.8treet. S. CI'ml:erland·ltrt:tI.
Back.{ane, COr7I· I3rab~n -row. .8ralJa;:ilt-strret. •
Baggot,..court, Bagtot-.rul. Braba:t'oa. .reet. "1'P'" C........
Ba~got•• treet, Merrion-Itrert. Braithwaite-Jltreet., Pimlico.
Bailey·s-row. Sumllln--hill. Bride'..alley, Bride-siren,'
Ball·•• lane, M, AnnlMf,'td, Bride-street, Werb"f'.lik.ltrl'6t.
Barra,k-bridge. Walling-,/rut. Brid.well-lane. W. ArrIJ.1Wlrtet.
Barr~k·.treet. Tir.llt-ltrtet. Bridge-Itreet, lower; Old 01<i4{l,e.
Barrow-street. Grand.ciJ~-duc/a. Bridge'street, upper, C~r"t.
e". lit .fiuict,·,-,t.. Brid,efoot-.treet, TA011UJI'~
:Beav~r·.trcet, MrckferW"r:h·Itreet, Britain-c.ollrt" gt. Brilaiflo~
Beclford·row, Flee/·Mr.-et iritain.1aoo, g. Britaia-:o#r"'" :
Bedford·street, ChUI'CI.-Mrt'et. ritain.at_t. gt. CapeI...f'181. "
Belle street, Gloucem,.,,7Wt. . Rrita>o~.treet, lit. Cape/~
Belview, W. CmnNQII.. iritain-qgay.ct.Gr4'1'l~~1l~'"
(IUS) a
Streeu, ~~
'Broad-stone, CtYJUlllfJIifJlt-hill. iCharlotte.quar, Orond-Nlnal-ducb.
Erown-alley, Thrnna'-Jtrce!. ICha.rlotte-.treet, Camden-Itru"t.
Brown-.treet, ,N. King-street. Cbatham-street, Go-afttm•• "M.
Drown-street, S. Weaver'g-.quare. ,Cherry-tree-Ial'le, JaflU!I·...reA.
~rulYs ....;(k.stleet, gt. Tot,·,ucnd-str.IChicken-lane, Munor-8lred.
nrunswicl<-stre~t, S, Grllnd-cnnlll· d.iChrilt-church.lane, High-.trut.
Bruns .. ick-.treet, N. "Po Chltrch.,lr., Filhll.lIbh-sl.¥".
Dryan's-alley, E Arl"an-str.:et. Cilurch.1aDe, E. Townsn,d-uTed.
Buckingham-street, Su/luner·ldll. (hurch-Iane, S, E, Cullege-gr"n.
Bllckridge-court, gt Ski//-It_t. Chllrdl.lane, S. Kcvin-Ilreet.
Bull-alley, Pal,·;cNtred. (hurch.lane. W. ThoflUJlJoslrv-cl.
Bull-lane, Pill-Inn,.. Church-street, new, ,S'millifie1d. "
Burgh-quay, D'Olitf'-ttrr<1. Church·.treet, Old bric4;e. , ',,-
Ryme's-hill, Ardee-IJreet. City quay, George"-qua,lI. .
By£Oe'.-lane. JI'T''';IJoJtrert. Clanbra.. i1-8tree~, HtlralJ'~...
Cabra~h-lane,' p ...lI.ia-lIlred.- Clare.laDe. Clare-,t'reef.
C&lendar:yard, Conlc-.lree!. Clare-atreet, Lein"er·slr~t.
Canlac-place. DoIl'kin·~-bflrfl. Clarendon.muket, Cltl""doJl-'t,.f'~
Camden-buildings, Comdcn-sireet. Chrendon-atreet, Enlll!,
Cam den-street, Kevin·.<-l'orl. Clarence-street, gt.Rogrncm'6-q1&"JI'
Cllnal.pldce, grand, Clllwl-II",·bour. Clarence-struet. N. Summer-Mll. .
Canal.atr~et. grand, Denzille-!/f·ut. Clatkc'.-court. g/, ShI'p.street.
Canaf.q u. grand. Grond-l:nn Coc k -h itl, U'i "elaV<"rlI'''~l.
Canon.lItreet, Bride-,<trre!. Cole-alley, M,'ath-lt1"ed.
CaJil:!I-street, £"aer-bridge. Cole-court, U}I. Ch"rch-Ih'ect.
Ca\'difl'-~treet.- Ro{!cr.,on's-9"Q!I· Col,,'s-lane, HetIT,Il-8t.tUI. , ,
C~rli.l~ bridge. S ..ckville-J<lTeet. Coleraine-stJCt't, Lisb"rtl-Itreel.
Carman-hall, F,.ancis-.~', Colh,ge-gteen, Dame-Sl,.,el.
Caroline-row, S ..mml'f"·hlll, Commons·street. Norlh-ttJaU.
Carter-lane. Smil!!fleld. ' ' Constitution-hill, 'W' C'lUrch·str«t.
Castle-market. S. p. GCM'ge's-&trect cook-lane, Wfllling-str(et.
Castle.street. Corfr.kiU. Cook.street. Winetavern-llrt'd.
Castle-ynrd, low. PalaCbstrt'eI. Coombe, lower, Fraflci...irM.
Cathedral-lane, K.'t,ill."rert. Coombe, upper, A,·det-flrt'et.
Catherine-.treet, . E'lf!.i.tll-olfey; Cope...treet. N. Marlborough-It,"""
Cavanagh-court, N. B"I"OWn-6Weet. Cope.stret:t., S. Angltua-Ilred.
ClYendith-row, gl. Bruain ..trl!el. Copinger's-row, Wi/It"nm-Mreel.
Cecilia••treet, Crow-strut. Copper-a Iter" Fislur-nrl>lbltreet:
thamber-street, Nfw-mar1n1. Cork-bridge, .ArUee-,lreet. I
chancery-lane, Bride-.treet. Cork-hill, D",_slr~d.
Chapel-alley, -old Ch1!.rch-street. Cork-street, Cor!r-bridge.
Chapei-Iane. Plunket-.,reet. Com-market, High~streel.
Chapel-yardl C""II-"reet. Cowley-place, RUJlal.-i:ircu&.
Chapter.court, ChrM ·cI.urch-Iane. Cow-parlour, Brount-lirel!t.
Chll1lemont-plue, Clmrlnru> Crampton-court, D(lmr.-lIlreL1.
ClIarlemont.mall, C'urMllml-Slreel. Cram pton-q lIay, AIII.n''"9"",.
ClIarlemoDt-row, Chariemont-&trerl. Crane-lane, E. Dmne-slrut.
Ch1lTlelllont-lt.... et.· C1IarilCte-.erv.t Crane-la lie, W _ Thomns-slreet.
Charle,..row, Chtlne,.,t,.el!t. '. Croabie-court, MiCl,arl'tJolane.
Charl~reet, gt, N; Moull{iay-l1o Cross-lane, lJollon-&treet.
Char1ft~otrCfOt. S, GrtJftd-ctmcj-tl«k'lerostiei.-alle y, Mealh-clrcrt.
Quiet-street, W. O~ua9. Crown-alley, Temple-!;4,.,
Streets, ~'c.
t!row-atreet, lJaflWoltrHt. Engine-alley, M.allt-Iffftf.
CDekoo,.lane, N. Anne-llrwl. F.roe-street, HalklOllreltl.
euffe-street. SlqJAe..' .."..-. ·,me-place, Erlle-$/rtd.
Cnmberland-st. S. H"milltm-row. E.."lt-bridge, C(/I'~I-.reel.
Camberland-st. N. M,·cltknlw.rglHl. ESlelt-gate, Parliamnu-sl>wf.
Cummin'lI-(:ourt, Bride-street. Easelt-quay, E ..<e~-bridge.
Cutparse-row, CortI-marict. Ehex-street, Teml'le-ba,'.
Dame-court, Dame-la~. Eustaee-atreet, Dame-'Ir"et.
Dame-lane', Pala-.fretf. Exebange-eourt, Dame-Slreet.
Ji)a_treet, Coll~ge-grem. Exchanae->treet, upper, Cork-bm.
Darby-sqare, Werbu" Exchange-street, lower. E:'~·g"u.
DawlOn-collrt, St~,latn-ilrul. E"ehequer-etreet, G..aflun-slrrel.
DawlOn-street, Nauau-$IrWl. Pade-street, S. gl. George·...$/I'Cet ..
DawlOn-yard, Ba1'1'OcJ:-llreel. Faucet'a-co'lrt, B,.ide-.trcrf.
Deanry-court, FilhamlJle-streel. Fiel,t's-court, Church-creel.
DeI.ny~urt, Pimlico. Firhamble-strcet, Castle·.tree/.
Denmark-street, N. Gardiner·_. Fi.h-strcet, Nortlt-wall.
Deamark-ttlcet, B,.ita;n-Itred. Fi.her·...aUey, N. W;nt'l"'Jerll-Slre~J.
DellxiHe-ltreet, Hamilton-roUl. Fi.her·...all,,1. S.l1lack-pits. .
Digga-Coart, DiUn-lane. Fi.her·...lane. PilJ-lane.
Digget-Iane, S,ep/una-street. Fitx,ibbon-place, P,,,.llnlJ(l-strerl.
Diggewtreet, Frel,ch-streel. Fit&gibbon-.trect, MouMljoy-slJlIar~•
. Dock •• Grand Canal, 8. LollS. Fit?: willi.m-Iaoe, Fit:;willia1ll-.lred.
Dock., Royal Canal, N. LollS. Fitzwilliam-place, S. Filzwillian,-st .
. Dog andDack-yard, UIhIr'''"IJWA!I' Fitxwil1ia&ll-plac~, N. StnnlwI;e:~.
D'Olier-street, T_d-llred. I"itzwilliam-ltreet, Mfrriun-$quartl.
Dolphin'a-bam, DoIphin'l-ham-laRl' Fltxwilliam-square, Baggo/-.'r«_..
Dolphin's-!'am-Iane, C",*-Il~rt. Flag-alley, N. Ck",.les~strce/.
Dominiek-street, low. ,to Britain-It. Flag-alley, S. M~atl,-strt'e/.
Domiuiek-atreet, up. DorllJl-llreel, Fleece-alley, Fi.ham6!,e-,'reet.
Dopping-coart, Golden-latlq. Fleet-malket, Townsend-~reet.
Do~...treet, BalUm-ltrtltll. Fleet-atreet, TemJJe-IJgr.
DorHt-atreet. up. DOP'ICt-IIrw1. Iou. Fila-lane, Br"nsllick-llret't.
Dowker·Mane. Nev-mn'. Flood-street, S;JlJn'
Draper"M:CIIIrt, Ni~.· Florinda-plac,", R0!lal-cirf;1l.."
Drary-lane, Step~ Forb*'treet, RugerlOft'''''lUll.J/.
Dack-Iane, SmilhJleld. Fordham's-al!ey. COO1IWe.
Dake-lan~, Dultt-#reet. Poster-place, Colkgr-~reca., S..fllflU'r-lriU. "our~onrt.-,ourt, low. ClllLl'cll-I!1'.
Duke-atr• •, Gmflon-.,r«t. Fownee's-ltreet, Dal1le·,tred.
Earl-street, N. SacmUe-nrtd. Francis-Itrcet. Tkoma .. >ll·crl.
~rl-ltreet, 6. Meal/l..treet, . Frederick-str,et, N. Rullnnd-s9u",.,.
~ecles-street,Dorlet~. Ftederiek-street, S. Molemarth-II",
Echlin-lane, Jaru.·..tttnd. FreenQDe-aI1q Ne~-lIre,1.
Edge-eourt, Xlfli~d. French-ItJeet, 1"ork-,/,.,.cl.
Elbow-lane, great, Pimlicrl. Fumbal,"-!a"e, N,.w ,I"..,.
Elbow-lane, little. up. Coo..... Gal .... ay-walk. Wal!....c.-stTe~t•
. EI~phant-llIDe. Sacbil,..."...,. . Cardell-!ane, Eo .lIlanor-"7wt.
Eli..abeth-street, Rny"'-rlIfw. Garden-lane, S. Franci..Jlreet, ,
ElliGt-place, Mdlenbu.rgh-llreet. Garolincr-pla~e, MounfjOY-8'Jitare,W
Ellil·s-quay. Qwrn~t_t. Gardiner-row. Palace-ra,,·.
Ely-place, HUfM4lrm. Gardiller-strret, L BeresforJ-plau.
StreetB, ~'C'
Gardiner-etrett. mid. lWOull(io.v-rq Har-market. Smilltfiebl.
Gardiner..treet. up. UI'. Dorvf-lIr. Hell. CAri,,-dtare4-IaM.
Gate<Ourt. !f,,,,.'nwy-l4Re. Hendric:k..treet. ~.,owt.
George·M:ourt. S. ". G«>rp'N H~Drietta-l'laee. HeRr~
Georre·•• hiU. N.;. • Heorietta..Oeet • .&oil"...,,"1.
Geor'e·...lane. Bn""wick-Itrul. HemY-Itreet. M~1.
Georgc·~..y, G_ge·...Mf'«I. E. Higli-slrtet. 84-i_f'OW.
George·....treet. E. J"oolbe,-Ilrul. Hoey·s-c:ourt. Weriu,.,....".,.
George·...treet. gt. N.,e. Brila' Holks-street. M..-rl""'""!W'rtI.
George·l-etl'l!et. gt. S. Da-*",. Hum_treet, SNJJItim·.,.,...,.. .
Oera,hty~lane. New-lltM. IniB-atreet. BfJUIolwidfc.
Gibraltar. lIIl»w-latul. I.lancktreet, Brtdtr9~
Gilbert·.... Hey. Earl."rwI. aCkIGR·...1le7. Pi","- -
G,U...qaare. c.J4-GJJ~. ames·s-ga1le. TIte~
Gloucester-place. N. .mes·....treet. oItItmea·,.."ue.
. Gloucester-etreet, N. MarIbore.... amea· ...treet, E. B . . . . . .t.
Gloucester-street, 5. Mou-mwI.
Glover·.... ney. -M.r~.
Gold.n-lane. $teplim-#JWI.
enu.laDe. ~rwl.
ohn·a-lane. '~r.'.
Bri,.. . «t.
Goodin's-eourt. ~rwt. ohn·...treet:, N. T~ Chark"uml-"reet. John•...treet. s. J'HnJiI:o.
CraCton-lane, Grafo..." . . Joho·s-etreet.. W. T~
Grafroll-street, CoUece-r-- ohnaoa·SoCOun. E. ~
Graham·...row. Wel/i",-.wea.. ohnlOD·_urt. W. 6~.·
Gl'anb,<ourt. Bar7'tlC!.....,.,. ohU"D'~urt, N. ft.. Br.....,.
Oraaby-place. GraRJg-rour.ooolOD·"pLu:e. W~
Granliy-row,;1. BritaiR-*-'. oluuoR'H1ler • .4~
. Orange-rormau.lane, B"""';a,.". /tau_Iter, c-H.. .' .
Grattah-street. low• .M'Dwti-stwM. Katherioo·a-lJae... C. . . . . . . .
Grant-row. "1~ MOIIlflt-IIr«'. Keiaer·a-iaae. C~
Greek-street, Ma.ry·a-ItJne. Keuuuy"a-laae. Nidi• • IV __ ..
Green-street. lit. Bt-ltaiR-IUwI. Keviu'a-street, I'H.tJJc.
Gregg-Iaue. Ma~h-sI_. evin·...,..-t. ReUwU"NiII.
Grenville-street. MOURdov-~ KUc1areop1ace. /Ei~
Guild-street. Nortlt-waJl. ltiWan-ttreet, Na_ ....
Halstoa-nrett, Miwy·l-l4ne. Killllainbam, Ai"". b.-.t.
Hamillen·••rew, P,wli:-ftrwI.
Hammond-lane. Cburd&·.....
Jfaultury-Iane. Mealll·IInlet.,
Kias·..head-court. N. (;.tyd-"IJIII.
Kia,'a-head<ouAo S•
King'..iuDl-ltreet, .BoIl_I! .,
HllDovf:I-laue., FratJCi...llren. Kiug'a-iulle-qftJ.II1'. 0...." fJIIII1.
Haaover-quar. Grafl4-cafllll·dock•• Kin,·l-etrett. N. ~".,.,. .
Hanonr-atreet. Eo TOII1rIIeJld...".,. Kin,'s-atreea, S. S,.,..·.."...
Hannver..treet. W. low. CfIODibe. Lac:J'.·~MwriOfWlJlll"'.
Ha'rcourt-place. Park,..,. Lamb-aller. Cutpur_ .
Ha,court-road~ Clulrlemtmt-tIM:I. Laagrishe-pkce. ~"'~'
Harcourt-street. CJ#~ffC. Latin-c:eurt. ~.
Har'!"olly-row. Wftl.,.,,-di-p/tu:e. ~e,. Fl.t..,'......
Hal'fy..treet. Gra~. l.eelGB-Jaae. z.-...t....
Hateh-rtreet. Lee_~. LeellOWlreet, 8ref1l-·..."..,.
Hardwicke.plaee• .". Do,..,"""', Leinstli-etNet. N~
_ l'Iard~idlt-ltreet, N. hederick-slr. Liberty-lane, KaJitwlzWL
Hawkw..treet., TdllllUpUl-lIreet. Lilfey-atreet. tlJl-4~-slnItII.
Streets, ~. •
Litfeyo4treet. Iow. Onnatlll-....,. Merrioa-ltreet,lcrw.M~.,.
Li1fey•• t~t, w. P~'iw.;: MerriOlloalreet, up £~-~.
Lime.k.Mo-,..d, T"--'. Met.nJj:.court. 6;Ma~,,","-
Lj_riGk-alI.,. lra1UJi-..a. Micb•••..laae. Hi,p..-,_I.
LjocoliHan •• Arr~. Middlet~. JJ.flt.8IIt!!J.
Liaell-ball..acreea. N. Xil.g.... Mill.lane, M;u.."NeI.
Li.b.ra-rtr.... Li..,..WZ-JtnJd.. ~t. Ardile·,1nId.
Litt0n-court. w... C0tnRb8. Minor..aU.y, BrUJ6.Mrwt.
Leftua-.laRe. CapeJ-llfWI. . Mitre-aHey, K4IIiJlo,,"d.
LQan ........t, T~1. Moir'-plaCl8. Dllns/u...lhYd.
Molau4..treet. I. G.rdiM,·~""

Long-lue, N4f1>o1Crwt.
. Longfotd,, .,. ~.1trM. Molenv.rth-eourt, PilAtmtW....-.
LoRgford..trwt, st. A,,~.,,"l. M"leo~""T.
J".ongforcHtnoet.,· lit. A"'~, Mal,.naux.,.ard, EJ&g/~.
LoU, - . LiJ",y-Itft& Momk-plac:e, I'lI.ifJh,",-P,
Love-laur, B_MrerJt. Montague-stJeeJ, CnIftd.nt...sIr8Ill.
LukHt~, TaMI."""''''''
Lurpn«reot. N.
l\Iontgonoery.atreut, ~"Nld.
Montpelier.hill, Arbeiltr-hitl.
MablMtt.....Okt, Mer~a", Moare-lane, gl. IHlt"itt..UfWt.
M aidea-latM , ",.~. Moarre-ot_, gt. B",,,I.#rt!eI.
Malpa...atreet.,N""·,,,.,. Morgan.plaee. Kht;b·in'Rt-f/tJ.oy.
Maulll'CRet, S~. Mo•••lam~, T_-.l·"....,l.
lIIbay-"-Mard, .Boal-lIu. M~, TulJP~.
M~la«, ~ Moallt-brGWtl. J_'Nfr¥It:t.
Mark-alley, FlWJrtei,..,,-'. MOUIItjey·plaee, Mo.'R~""'"
M""e<ot, T~rM. Mountjoy-aqllUe. GtWdjller·'e"'~
Markel.4t.e.t. ~~ Moaatj0}"4treet, Wt-llinglmwt-e.
MaNIlemucb-grem, ~''''r. Mountrath-etreet, 'ilJo.ltY/III.
Marlb~-Hr..t, I. ~MJI. Mount-street,l w. Merritnl ......
~e-klle, r4QlllliNum. Mount.ItAlt't, trp. Mt'ft'i~II-"tJl""'"
Marshal4lley, Ne"/IIoItFItI. MuRinahlck, C."ft...wm.
~"'" n~ Mutton-lene. A""'~.vM.
Mary· ....bboty. CtlfNJHtr«l. Mylm·...aHey, Bride-llnd,
Muy'Hatte, Clttcrct.·slWJtf. Na.sau.street, Grol,.-..."rtld.
M&rJ'...a.t. gt. Cllpil/.",.. Nebon-lane, N. Karl-N,.,.
Mary·..ts-t, lit. Capel4lrf:«. Neloon-plafe. Belll_sfl'dl!1.
~tre, K. C___..... NeWeOll\8II-place, Nm"-ltrtI.lIIl.
Ma....l.lie. N. Ki.g·HIl"ll$ofutl!f. New-l1Iarket, Brabt/:I1M,"*""".
May-lane, ClI«rcfa-ltfHf. New._, S. PDddk.
Mayor-street, Nor1441rt1f1fl. N _ , W. Tho_.~.
M~laia· Welit_"""Ce. 'Me~reet, Kc-m,_rtIrl.
M'Crack.e.o"T'lrd, W. Nem-ruw. Nichola'-stre~, Higfl ..tffl1.
M'C.u~·$oa~, Higll-.fl7WI., ::,. BrizlJ;n."trlXt.
Mcath'lDlI'ket, lflint.u"!/-hme. Nor~h.strtrnd. BI'N!"'o1f:tl-f"'flc~.
Meath-row. T"'-II~Nr. . ort hanlherlt.nd-~ollrt, C"pt'f"'~'
Meatb-ttweet, .Ire"",.......-. NM!"Utrl~dnd ... tn.'C1:, Charlott-.
UeeW-trll1"p.ItPGtl't, M<lrM'"•••.,~ortl\.wall, NaH!,.,'fl'""ntt. .
Me,lting-loou Q e-lan6, l'Ir"'7/l-tlllix!y. Nottingham.rtreet, Norllt-#rtmtf•.
M8I!QItl'oltre\lt, r.,(,-.dlVlWt. Noy.street, Nu,-:"·strtlud.
M~rcha"t-.""u.y. lfw.-'$olfU'lY. O!J'-latfc, Mo(,re·,lre,.t.
J\,krriMI-row, S,"",m·.~1I. Old-briclge, C~ ...rC"'!;Jrt'''',
M:;d.I)D-s'lnllre, .lYtHf'j"",IIIWtIf.' Uve.afley. W,*"d.-Ob-ecl.
JO Streets, ~'c,
Ordn.BR-latte, It.gno_'..tpI4,,,, Quecn-st~et, At'f'lJ1k!alf!l'
Ormolld-mar.fct. up. O"IlMd-fMa!;, Ram..alley, Ski.._ .......
OrJlliDllCl-qIllLY, low, /JGcJIelor'l-lloaiJ.' '{an~ford-street, ~.
Ocmond·quay. up. .Euu-.ridge. R.,d"",ow.lanc. JJn.fII1II1idt-ltn.<d.
Onnon4..uMt. W~/lI1tr'_9""r~, Redmond.court, Wtldd·"wcy.
Orpin.court, lAI'I....-alky. Redmond'..hUI. Kmn' ..fHWl.
Oxmanto.,"·greeD. N. K;.,..trwc I.IJnold'.-court. MetJI~ltruC.
Palace--ruw. JlMllaad-MtIUJIT. Ringaeilll, StJtUl-a.
Palace-street. Da,...·IIrwt. Robert'l-Itreet. M~-lmee,
Parkgate."'r~t, Ban-acJ<.«'IWI. l.obilllOo'_lIcy. low. c-b&
l'arkpbce. T~...... RogerlOn'a-quay, CiJ!J-fU"!/'
Park"'tr<:et. E. Lei~"" Rotemary.lane, Men:40rtl·~uy.
l'ark.••treet, W. AsIwUut. ROI..lane, Bride-otrwt.
l'arliamelK-6U'eet,' .E'If!I.brM,e. Ro~ircu•• E~JWI.
l'atrick'a-cloae, gt. P~1WI. I._I court, C4Mrc4-t11.fVId.
l'atl'ick··..c:lote. lit. Mitre-aUey., R"-."nJrt.
l"atrick...treet, Niclwla_red. RU88el-atreet, FiUlfl,lbb..-stTM,.
l'embroke-court, CfUtle.IlrwI. Rutland Iquare, ".B"itain~
J>embroke-quay, JjIli'I-fJIlll!J. Rutland-stIee1>o low. SIIo _ _1tiIl.
l'eter-row, P~slrt:t!I..
LeI!6O,..".... up.!.". C4arlu.6If'Wl, N.
Ryder's-row. Capel."reel.
Peter.street. B ..jdd~r~ Sack .. illo!-lane, SacIiti~.
l'etticoat.lane, /iJ. lIr~'ed. Sackvil1.,..treel, ge. Brit&iA-strm.
l'etty.cannon-alle)·, Bri<k~_. St, George's-place,t.... Dorset-. . .
I'hihlMborougb. Canslil:llion.JUl1. Sampsol)·lane, MOM'e-M1'«f.
P-Gilip-st~et. Su.,..IIe1'-4iU. Saoawicb...treet, .TotL'.UCIId-1/1tecI.
Ph<Enix.. treet~ H...._uJ..lG... Saul·s-c:ourt. Pi""""~•.
Pil!.lane, Cnrch·llrtJ11l. School-house-Iane, Higla·fJlred.
Pim...treet, CGna1·l!loNl. Srhool-street, S • .Earl·strod.
Pill'llico. ArtYe-sl_l. Sbannon••treet,G~
pipe-oflice-rard, Barreck-nreeL Sherilf's-atreer, NtWlh-UrtnuI.
PiU-.treet, Harr.'1-XTe<!I. Sherrard·.treet. N. Ga~.
l'lunket:-atreet, Fmnci,.s/rtel. Sherry,court, Bride.street.
Poddle, Patriclt-slr~et. Ship-street,· gt. Slq.hex.strut.
Poole-street, BrailhtlJaite-slreet. Ship-~treet, lit. Briu.*'-t.
Poolbeg.street, HawkinJ.sJreel. Silver.otreet, Barrack-streel.
Port~r.ailey, Jlfa..:borough.slre", Sim poon 's.court, B~tWd.6ltWI., Do'!n!lbroolt-NtJd. Skinner.alley, ~ew-m(Jrltet_.
l'ortland row, !tfOllufjoY·SlJuare. Skinner-row, Call1..streeL.
"01 tlalld·l!treet, E. Donnybrook'TOad Skipper-lane, Cook·slrt.'eI.
l'ortland-street; \V. Rat~fO'1'tJ,.,trecl. Slllith'l<ourt, Red-cBtf1oltrAe.
I'orlobello, Camdm-streel. Smithli"\d, N. KifJl...mteI. _.
}'Hwer' ..court, Jllount.street. Smock.alley, Fisha ...ble-stPWII.
l'rice'..lane, Fleel·,"reel. Span·lane, Grrrjt(Mo.ltred.
l'rinceof viale. 'lI-CQurt,Sltintll'r_' Spitallield.. Marlt'r-alley.
Plince'5-.treet. N. SGckviUe.,treet. StaJl'ord'ltrc<et, ..tfIJb.y.1lrtJeI.
, Prince·..-street, S. ei'!I-I[DlI!I' Stanhope--street, Gmng"'1l~••
Proteshnt-row. Camd•..-reel. 'ltanley-Itreet, Bru"""i~
)'ru.. ia.slreet, MaMr-"red. ' 3tephen's-green, Gruft-.....
pudding.row, Wjne4t1lJf!Tft·II~. :~tephen'•• lane, Jawou·s-lItr«l.
p"rdon-.:r~ef, .ll,[,,"4ot-lh'm. 5tephen's-,treet, S. /l,L. Gcorgc·....
Q"cen·.-brid;::e. QIle.:n.rlre.,. Sterling-atreet, MiJI-II."et.
. Streets. ~'c, 11
Stocking-lane. TOID~', Vaux-street,
Stony-batter, N. Kin",-IIr«t. Vi,ar'a-haU, PlJ.lriclr·s-cll1#.
Strand,'lA/:e. Vicar· ...street. TIo_Ilreet..
Strand-street. gt. Capel-llren.. Virginia-court. Fi~f'm.
Strand-street. lit. Capel-lt_', Walker·..lane. N. R~ A,.,......."""'"
Sulfolk-street. Grafion-Ilren. Walker·...lane. So PtUricl"I-clou:
Summer~hill. gt. Britain-"red. WaU·... lane. Praraci.."reet.
Sum mer-street , S. M"rrowbowe-llUle. Wappipg-strcet, NIJII"tA-WQ/l.
Summer-street. N. SUMmer-MU. W ..rd·,-bill. Mill-streel .
• Swan... lley, Cook-lIred. Warren-mount, MiU-ilreet.
Sweeny's.!ane, Ardet>4lreet, Warren-str«t, W arrenrmo,,"t.
, .. ift·s-alley, FrancU-",.,.et. WarriDi!on-place. Baggot't'<'t.
Swi£t'l-row, Jervi..."ren. Washington-row, SUm",_hill.
Sycamore-aUey. Dame-llreet. Water-row; up. Ormontl.-gUtly.
Synn.·t-place. "p. Dor.,a-Ilreel. Watling-stleet, Jame.· ...slrect.
Tangier-lane, ~fion-#fUI. Wea~er· .. equare. Clwnlber-Mreet.
Tashe-colJrt. MOII!ltrOth."rut, Wellington-street. Dor","reet.
Temple-bar. Fle~t-"rerl. Wentworth-place, Holle...ltreet.
'remple-bar-eourt. T""ple-har. Werburgh.ltreet, CRllk-nrefi.
TelDJlle-eourt. Temple-llreel. Westland-row. E. P.,.1t-stren.
'temple-lane. Dam~llren. . Westley·street, 8I1mmer-lliU.
Temple-street. E. 8"1/&11,-"i«. Westmorland ••treet, Coll~{(t-gret1l.
Temple-street, W. Barmck-Ilreel. Westmorland-row, FilS,ibbo,,-pUlu.
Tenter6elds, Marruwbo"e-lane. Whe"'"r·.·alley. C,Ite·s-lane.
Thomas-court, Thom4 ...street. White·..hne. E. George·,,"reel.
Thomas-street. CIOIp"rs",",w. White·i-lane. N. lip. Dor.,-Ilred.
Tighe-.treet. Q,<ee7!-.treet. Whitefriar-lane, Aungi_reel.
Tinkler.c:ourt, 8., gl.Geo-rge'l-Streel, Whitefriar-atreet. StepAen·,.IIrerl.
Townly-court, CAurch-llreel. Whitehall-street, S. MlIf'f'OtI>6ont-l,
Town.end.strcet, Fled-,lreeI. W hitehorse-alley, T"-tJl-ltrw'. .'
Trinity-court, Dtl1M-llreet. Wllliam',-row. BacAelor'",wlk,'
Trinity-place, Trinily-llretJl. WiLliam·,-- S. N-.",..,.
Trinity-street, Collegt-greep.. William', street, N. Nmh-strantl.
Tripoli, Pimlico. William·...treet, 5. $~-lIlreet.
Tucker-row, ])f. Sackv;Ue-Ilrut. Vl'ilme-court, Skmfln'-rvw.
Tucker-row. 5. Nro",,'ree'. Winetaorera-ltreet.Merc4ant',-'1'""
Union-street, Bathel~r·_nllc. lWO'fe_all.y, Bridgr,,'rtel.
Usher' .-court. U .hcr·'-9"ay. . W' ood -quay, W inela_lt1'el'-
Usher' ••, Udu!r· ...lJU~y. Wood-.treet, WhitefrlM'-llrm
U,her·.-lane, Udaer·.-.:Ireel. Wormwood-gate. CoaWrr.ct.
Usher·s.quay, Bril!ge-streel. Yarn-hall-street. Blllton-street.
Usher'a-street, U",er'~utly. '{ork-.treet, Alllllier-llree1.


Acc:ountant Gen. Olli~e, Court of: /<rmyMedieal Botrd,5.J>arliam.-sl.
~xchequer. r"""quny. AS1embly Rooml, R,,/lond-,q"Qr, ..
AOJutant Gen.Qffice,Ro~al-l.-' Bank of Ireland, College-grem.
Advoc~e Genef11's Offi,e'. Medt-It. Ballast-Office. 21,Wel/mQr'a1ld-$J.r
Aq,miralty:-"ourt, Itl.fUotJuag. Bar~c:J(. Dublin. Barrad-street•.
Apothecanes-ball, 84, MlJtyoftrtel. --Office. 8, "'PO Mtlf"Tiim-Mtlfct•
.IoAm1 AC~lI.tIt·Offics, ~'E" B4th,. TemJlk"""eM, &t CNtne·ltm~
Js Public Btlildheg. 4nd O.ffices~
lIoanI of Workl. M--'.trm.' lice or Anns, hl~ :
Brql"er'. Olicee, C~fli..6vild. ---Enquiry,!t,
C.n.I~, Or.lld, 12, D ......"...... ---Forfeited PiDes aII4 a..
--llooral._D.....ifIicl-.tI c:opiu~, Orenr..It1"e~. .
CiNanee", Olliee, I.~y. fficeeflnbndNnigation,lIflri-.
Cit),-b."aa, /«I. all ---ordllance, law. CtJ.<tI~"1It1rtL
JaJllll"_~. ---,Wide Street•• 1,6te"ingtOfl-l'.OMn, !J.A~. f'awnbroket's Auction-mOll's, Cap-
Comml"rc;al-b.Hdin~•. D_~·IIIff"'. irtgp'I-t"OfJI,Gt!tn'ge·8-'.S. Nr~
Commi.,.ry Gen. Oilic:oe, 9, PaIatJe. llreet, and Hafllmontl-!;ml!.
Common.plea. Office, In-.,-,.!!. Pipe-water-Qtlice, Edibilion-"atUIe
C""'J><'lNltiun Board, M~Oft-<fr. WiUiam-lJI1.eet.
('orD O~, !J. Merdla""8-fJt'O!I. Stores. B".,.,.acIr.1ItrteI.
COI'rt of ConKienee, t:OJIIrtpr'_. i>olice,HeacI-nlficeof,Erclutllge-cewt
( rowo and H.Rarer Offiee, 1,.,,,'"'/ 2. S!8, Ulher'i-lJuav.
Curoitor. ORice, fo'lS-pay. 8. 90, Jnm~I's·'I""~.
Cuttom HouM. I .... A~. 4. SO, up. (Jrmond-qtUlJ.
Dublin (· ...tle. t,;••tz....,'r.n. .t;. 5, Mnrlborough:"t-.
Dublin Institution, J .5,111' Saeh.-It 6. 15, IJN!u·.trecl.
Dul>litl Lihnry, Burp.'"'IWf1!1' PORtOfice, Cen. & Penny. Ce1Iege-t,
--SOC~ty-hOl1se, Hatm...•••sl. Prerogati.,e Otfice. HmrirJlcr·'Slreet.
'adtequet' Offi... Im''''lIUfY. Quartet'Maot.Gen.Ollice,4.Pafa-..
Z ..h ibition-reom, WiI./iom ••reee Rl'gister Office, In'llS-tpuJy.
Farminp; Boe;',ty. 8u",.".,.,...."Hl. Rotunda and New Gardens, RMl-
Feiaa.glian Iftltitut. AMi,."..,.·lrfllln. Innd-s'lIUl'l? -
Filtt P,pit"OllKe, IO,~I'J'h... -stred. Royal Canal OIfice 01 Enquiry, 26.
Gaol, City, C'"""'.~t new SllcfroiUI"'l" ....
_ , C"OI'OO'et"., N~I~, Royal College of Sutgeons,Y""k.ltr.
_ , County, K,l",,,inlan'lft. Royallr. Academy House. Gt'oji""..
Harbo.. Ma.tet'·. Otfice, 58. City-g. --Exot-ange, Corlr-Idll. .
Jmprett...,d Sta""P-olfice, WilIi,,,,.. Royal MaiJ-c:oilCh-office, for Be/fo-.
Jnc.n,..,ateai lioci6ty. 55, Awrt«i..,..J 9.7, COIJ<1l·&t~~t:
Illn.of CoUI't. II~W, H""ri~U.-"". "-""-COrll, 12, DcrWfYII-lIrwL
JU'tl!)!'f".O~t'It, G....,.It-~""'1. ----Peny, 6. BoltOrt.llrwf• .r
I;i~g·. Up.neh Ofliee, Iia'll""'lu"y. ---Ennisldllen. 97, C"pri "-
KiA,!!"~-in_Trmp;e, H.wri."U'JoIrlr. Oal",!!y and Sligo" 40,
I.a·'yer'. Clwb·holl5e. IS, Dame."" DIJ'III'OIl-slrrel. .
Lin"•• I-.l Olice, L;'_·iall. Waterford and New Ro~
L; nen-laall, ,[}i......-Itn 11- ttw/!l. 1 a, I....,. Snc1rtJiJle.1I1WI.
Ma!luf~....,. 'of Implements 0 Wel<ford, Piu.&l"f/.
HlIslrai1<h1', SIl4flntli"-ht1l. Seco"d Remem.OiJice. TR'I".'1M!1"
IVL,rket.lwMue, Corn, Ol'cnut·Cl!ftC/. Se~,ion House. new, Grr",·nrtd•
.MldllllslIa, City, Gno.......,"" et'itf'~ce~ City. /t'faSl./uu.
- - - - Four~ou~t., I.~~/'IW#I - - - . Coqnty,D",,,WIZ If.
- - - - S t . S"rl1lchre'.~t'Vin-~r. ---PriiOlI, Gret'ft.slrect ,
~--Thon.lac-calaft _ .Doaon, &~ and I.~d~aitlEf·P-O'"
HauJIMT!I"'_' . 59,-Ci~!1.
Ma .. h'. LiIJ.rf.r?, 1I1.lIIIIN"""~ tft ttoyei •. Cf'OIIT-*"",.
Mayoralty ~!o_e. D_III___ 'own n~rl:'.Offie~, Grre•• strwIt,
M'I't~r 016", I"", ~1e.JI""Ifo. ranspon Oh. /Of(l. Clllll~ ~crnl,
O'5.:c .. £ 1I-0:I'cIl1',. Cha""'T, ~. -r.'ritOlWille 5Bms, IrilhttN.tIL
~e 4£ ....,. . . . . s.""..~ t~ ofiee, f.w. C'nIl~
Itl8urflllCt!., and'General rennJj P.o.fWjJices. 1 S

.eJltiQn .Fiu aad :Lue Jilljllrao~ ,,y, ~, lVe.~MI'iItI.

Atlas Fire Insllrlnce Company, SI, B(Jci..lqr:MIHIIIt.
British and Irish United Ji:ire Insurance Cqm,Pllny.• 40, D_IIrWt.
Dublin Insurance Company against Fire. S~, Dame-.reeI•
.Eagle F.ire and Life lnm1rance ComptGy, ~a, Da.......".,~
GlobeRin Insulanu Cpm~ny, 3-7, W_tIlOrlqnd-#ftcl.
Hib,rnian,lu_ce CQmpany. ,.2, Dame-,Mrerl. >

Marine l1>or. Com. ,Cif Ships, ·;lDd LiftS, C~tJ.blliltl.

PelicalliLife and Annnity JOluranc:e Ccmpan" '76, luw. SlJcktnJU-s4Nef,
--..r ~slreet. '.
P.b.mix hUllraoc:e Company. againat Fire, 85, DIJ-..-I.
Royal E lmhangetlolorance .Company of In;le.nd, .(;,..l'IIi!NIial.6Kildi.,..
RoyaiExcblUlge 4_sulllnce Company of \.ondon, 5, CoUegr'1lfl"«'ll.
Raya1Excllal!ge Insurance f.:9JJIPany of London, 62, RI!fJt4Srftl.
S\.In :.... suran~ Company of London. 29, DaWJe-ltreet
Union "'!lIlItaw:e Compal>, <If LoDdoll, 20, Cllllege.gfl«JJ.
WeetMi.Hler Life and Annuity,CorqpallY, *'! DafAe-st,..,•

.(J!;.tn~rJ! ili>.enn,'J l~O!lt~.ElDffiu.

'C01ftJ>truller, Edward James~a1nel, Esq
Pre.idenl and Chief Clerk, Neal 1. O'Neill, Esq~
. . ~TiflU! f,r pmtilfg in Lct~s. I B. M.
In the.-Gity.there are'Four~ Eor :Ist deiWery, 0get Ni,", by 9 .c
CollecUou8.and FOlH'DeliJre- 2d .dQ. Morniag, ,10 SO
r;".,<iaily,;a.od iD the,Countr:y ,si .do. Aft_allyl! q..
T~o. olIDadays·excepte,d.·, 4th .do E.,ening,..s.Q
T-ime oJ. de1ipery in u.e CiW. 'l'ime of /lelilJtry in th,e Country.
. . ·R. M 8. M . ' B. M. 'If . .I l •.
Morning, between .'880 &10 '9 Momlng.,bet~een 9 O'l/c 12.()
Noon, do. 1190-& '1"() f , '
Evening, do. S 0 Bc 5 0 Evening.. do. 8 O·~ ,f) ()
.Evening, ~o; ·6 0-8c 8·0
All Letter. flW Tl>Waor Country mfJy 61! ]M ifrto· tlte Receiver, at t/u Gtmmd
Port O.Jllce, oaelt,.,.IQ,Icr·44CVJ l/Ie Ii"... __ 'PMji.«d,'jJiW diqltdcA•
.,The. f'ost~g,on ~h:u~t\:r, ~o.~i(.qm ;aH 1W't~,of.t"e· ity.wid!)n
.the General Post Offil'e.DII/.i.. "O'. iaIQae,1I'4J1ny;, be:}lollddiat,Jn!i,er}'
..T;'IIIo Prnce. The,only,P~ce·,w\We . LeUclflq:lloo>,be ,l?oetrpaid'l8c t t>e
A,~neral Post ·Office.. N~ ~t.ter'~d~~. FOIIr', OVD<lH .. ,Wtrigh\.
11'111 pass. ,xCl'pt,.uch.s,lS ,n,eDdt;dJor:G~or,FIJJlljI!'IlD.t", .
. ,p-::,iD •.,t: Ule, al1d apediti~i•. tbeD;'pateh and:Deli.,.ry ~f Letter.
by tIllS Office, that. two peraOJu tbe molt 'diltmt parts:of
the City frAAl other, ~y bebireea.teYeno'Cwd~ in the.Mornift(,
and eight o'CIQfk i.a ibelE",wriae four Letters, aad ~eive:tbre.
an.wetS i~ ~he.Day.,.and.tQe llJlI;We, to the.f0\1I\h·~1I1i~e I/IIxt MQUliIl&.
fd&' .U!4I ,~Mii~, ·.ox~~e .of :0Jj& peQlly. on Geb..· r
. ..C .. ' ", .
I'" Houses and ~Ne1t:'popers.
All LetteR for the Black aock, Scapoiat, Dualeary, Rochenowa,
Moa!<ItGwn, Killinf'Y, Montpelier Parade, &:e. are dispatched from
tll;. 0Iice at h.1f pout eight iD the Morning by "the 1\Ock COxh,·...
dcli.ered .bortly after aine.
65, Barrac"«reet 65, Franci....treet I SS, Mecltlenbarzh~
45, Bolton-rtl'eel . 24, Geerie'l-quay 6, Mc:rrion-rc:iw
Broadstone SS, Geldea-lane 7, Molenvorth ....r •
.. ~ Brldgefoot.street 34, Grafton-street 54, New ... treet
". 7. llrunswick-.treet 50. Gt. BritaiD-lItreet SS, New-market·
S7, Camden--5treet, 85, Great Britain:'tr. .S, Ormond-q. uppe:r
49, Ca~I-ltreet Glee_treel! Ss. Ormond.q. 10_
J63, Church-etr. old I, HarcolUt-rtreet 19, Pill-laae .
20, Uare-street. 61, Herrrt-street I, QueeQ-atlfft
19, Cook.-totreet. 18, HoI~t~ert Royal HoapitaJ
\ 0, Cork-h ill 12, Ke.. ia-ltr"u 7 7, R08'rt""'>D's-qu:lY
119, Cork-street 27, King_eel, N. 9, Sou:k ..ille-stftO't"
27, Coonlbe, lower 18, Kiog-<tteet, oS. 18, 15tepbeu·.;rec,t
.17. Digges-str""t Kilmai.nham-1aiIe 98, Sum8l..r-hiU.
111, Doroet-streeC 'I, Lee<lon ·street \127, Thomas-.treet -
$I~. Dorset-st. Lowe 30, Manor--rtreet 45, Towuaend-atreet
14, Echlin's-Iane 40. Mar~eet 4, Werbllrp-Itreel;
M, Esaex.. ~reet w ~(), Meath.street



BaU's-bridge lDeanybreol 'Glaanevin ilUlMar .
B~k-rock Donnycarney Golden-btidge 'R,nelagb
·lJootentowD rumarton, our Harold'~I'os, ~athfarnh""
~aatlekJJOCk Kiimat'ud ;hlaad-bridp IRatbmi_
Chapeli&oo Drumcondra· 'Mi!1towa . 1Riug'9-eud
Cloutarf Sheds Dundrvm . ~ewtowll-avenne Sandymouut
Coolock unlearr PalmerstowD'StiUbrgan
Crun.lin FiDglaD PortObello, HoteljWilldsor-aveno.
IVilk' f/aeir n!qI«liw DtJ!I$ oj"P.blictJlio'll•
. r,Carrich' Morning Poet, (Daily Motning) Office, 29, JJdelar'MJ1I1ll"
: CeIn5~nt, (c:..1lIY Evening) If, Fleel-lmx', .
, DubUn Eweni,,~ Poll, (Tues. Thurs. and 5IItllr.'IaY5) 11, Trl"it,'IoIlr/!Pt,
; Dublin Journal, (Morning) (Tucs. Thurs. and Sat.) 16, Parli41f1eJ1l_.
Flieeman'. ,ooln&1, (Daily Morning) 16, Trirtily.,;tr«', .
Hibemian Journal, (Mon.W<lCIata_ and Priday_) H. A~":
" P.triot (e.ety E..ening) 19, S~~, /J4mtJ...z_I.
".unclen'8 News Letter, (Daay Mornillg) 74. J)arR"-1IIWI.
.. 6ca,tiael (MoD. WedncL and Srid.y.) 2, S. c<>~.
.. WeeHfI PG/,en. plllllUW ... SjltMrdtJ!I"
'FoIrmer's Journal, or Agrialltural Diary, Ollice, 72, Grajtf• ...,.
JIllPMtial JD'lUircr, oai~, 9, Cf'ftI-6hWI. .
Ho.~pitau, Dispemaries, 8clwols ~ Hotels. 15
Blue Coat HOlIpital. or Free SchooNMagdalea A'Jll1a1. Gal. T.....-t-
of Charles 11. Blackhea-.rcd. llred.
Charitable Infirmalf. J~;..
Coun'J of Dublin. or Meath Hoa-
II_'" ~Asylum. z..-1trM.
lum. lkw-IIrm.
pital. c-rw. Mereer·. HOIpltal. Itrp/!ft.Ilr«I.
Di.penory. Dublia OeDeRl. ft. rphan Hoale, Male. Prw,';a-llr«t.
..... an. St. Georg.·•• e.'.
Dispenlar}'. St. Muy'•• St. Tho- f'OIUl•
--Female. N. Circul4,..

Richmoad Inltitution for Indus-

----Chantallle, 71. Mr!IIJJa-n. trious Blind, 105,K'. JJritai_r.
Dublin Free School. ScbM-tJttwt. 'Royal Charter Sehool. elottlarf.
Dunn', lIoapitalt .A",;~ --Hotpital. KilMaillhnl.,
Eye Infirlllary. 10. Mary·..~. ---"""lnfirmIlrY. P4tllniz-ptirt.
Jrever Hospital. BroiDlWlrul. St. Anne's and St. Mark', H ••pit....
FeYer Hospital. efWlt-llreet. MarlMJred. _
, Foundling Hoapital. MIIUt Broum. St. George'8 &uae of
Ihrdwicke Ho.e of Il.COY.8n"....
C......ta,...,..",.. D,.,.,.",.,.
Hibernian School, PfuJmiz..parlc. SimplOn'Hloopital, ,;. BribJ;..-Mr.
- - Man.. Naraery, R..,enma'..,. tephen,·.-hoapital, -J_••...,.,.
Hospital for lucarablea. Dtn&1IfIbroolt. St. NiehoIa. aod ~. CatheriDe',
Housebf,lllduttry, B ...lUWiclt-llren. Hospital'. Frgnci,·IIrwf•
. Hoole of Reform, SrreUhJield- St. P",triek's or Swift'. Ho.p. Bow-l.
Hooseof Refu~. Baggot-1IreeI. Westmorland Lock Hospital,
Lock Penitentiary, Dtnwt-Urt:et. ToW/UtlVl-llreet. . -
L yin,-iD-hOlpit3I, gt. Brilai","~el.

Bynic (Edward) 41. ~r. LeImoD (1ohn) .'iachillHl,.,.
CaIlaghan (ADae) &7,' c~. Leoaard (Maar~) 2, BubflJl-ll.,.
Coyle lJohn) 16, BRa-.,.,..,. LeYin. (Tholll") 46, Ca~'
Croobie(Matth_) 14. Sad••-"". M'Canu Games) 65, Pill-I_
Dempster (Aiex.) 25, Bri...,rwt. M'J)oaald (M.) St. Mary-nrut.
Dutf"J u-) 16. DuIu!-#rM. M'E't'oy(Wllliam)S.KiId_....
Dunu (tleanor) 45. Ma",,"rM. M' Kenna(John) 19, 8acJ.II;u-tre4
Dwyer (Pat.) 51. llzc4e~ryet. M'Na-a (M.) 4, W_ullflfl-g/Jf6.
FalkiDer(Anclre.....) H!, D~ Mitehell(Denis) SI. Bridf""rwL
FaDIIiA (Mo) F_tle.·..",.."" Moran (Thos.) 17. SaclnliU..ltfUI.
PalTCll (Andrew) I, DIlf/ltll-IIr«t. MonisoD (Arthur) 28. FredtrricJ..lI.
Finepn (Blyan) 4, Do.iaic""""'. i>ower (Jamea) IQ9. Thumal-mwL
Flanagan lPatriek) iIO• .dMl\fi__ r Robinsen (Sydney) 47, Mmy',•."..
OoslOn (John) 6. BolIft-lWHl. Ryan(Martin) 1~4,,,,.Brilam-,,~,
Hiad(Benj.)R~al-Qaaal.BroIul-Il SeaDlan (Michael)'lO,Molmb0t14.....
Jonel «(Ita.".) 47, Da_1Ir«t. Teeling (IOL) 47, Ki.,-IIreeI, N. '
Ka't'allalh (G.) 24, S,tp/w.fI·• .,.... No TuthilI (William) 51, DaVlIOfj''''''
KearnalJames) S4, Sacmu..IIJ'ft1'. Whi.tley (George) Crlllld ell" (Peter) SS, Kildn_",""", BflleJ. Part.,fo.
Leich (Thomas) 41. XildarNt1Yd.
16 B8nks and BtrnJc.u.$'.
(&tab/i.ked by Ad of ParliafJIenl.)
GoYrl'N"":, ltOB.. AL!X~ND'ER, Esq. 1:l.M£noilm.lf1UJr.... t. .
Darul'Y GOV&IUIOI., ARCA'. ltAWKSLEY, Esq,. I, Mow,!ioY-sq"-";'
' . DI....eTOI ••
L..Crosthwaite, Eaq, 61'~,'jA'KirkPatriCk,E.q..~.o--",61'
Ju. Chambcra,bqo. GardiMr'.-.,..,. Wm. P.l.•• Ur, Eiqt. K . .,. c;-.-....
J. D'Olier. E!Iq . .BOOIerlluum. 1. L. Macquay, Esq. ~ ..iull-.q_
JOI. Goff, Esq. 3, MCfUnljo!f"'SllVl're, Will. Sa M~ :esq.47,~.
Arthur Guinne.. Eaq. Ja_.'s-I<*. N. SMJd, _ .... 84, 8~.

N. Hone, Es•• -H, H. Tre_.

Wm. Harkn_. £sq. ~~DonoiIJiak.Wm, 511aJTOW. &q.. 7.. ~_.
'E.'CI- SS,. L _.......
N-w_The DirfCCors are amnt.1Ily clIo.eJI tfle- fir~ WWk iD "priJ~
IInde~ thi, ~'ictl4»D. that there lie at _ liye DeW Director... eft.,,-
.,..r.· '
Sec tary, Thoma. W illi..., E.q. Ckief Cltt-k af tlte~. Dalfe
~1Inl Gdl. Wm.. DodleY1. HougItton. .
Ca.4ier, :N~h. Low. X"""*I,I. O~"~rlS8:R. WiUiIlllUI~
C"iif Boo/,.{lerptr, Mw. MedUC&tt. Lm',.,lgert", lleetWoOclIilid I 'arI~.
~lf"/'It '" DuCOl61JU, 0..0. D....per. Prirrter tmfI &atifllrrr, Jarr. Draper.
Clerk of 'rrafllfer'j Brab Stalt'or4. ~11/!f', Dhr. Fitigerallt.
All Bills and Promissory Notes falling dlle on GoOd Friday, tfie
King>, Birth-day, Christmas day, and all proclaimed Faat-days, ue
'4emanded on the Day~ precediog,
Dag. qf'Di_nt, Mondaya Tuetday., WedDesdll}'8. Thursdays, uid
• Fridaye.--·.· Board meets every Tllr,daY. '
Bilk ~ le the IeHewin~ Places are not admisaibl. iate- the
Bank of Ireland.
A_.hU!, Montpeller. C'<>uIIou'. on the Arucboke.lNorth-otrand.
• Jllaclo:.hone-Iane. ' I'0/I4l. 1'0r\OlJello.
Bo.,.b~. Dolphin ....batn. l'raIola-<Kret>t; lit any oilier
~ne. • DrU.........._ , 1fIIe!!1II,- Cl. Utew.-
lbariemout.lllreet. ~, iooad. _

mn. Sir Thomas GleadoW't' Ne"'c&metl, Bart. Ed...atd. Gt~dcI'A'e, Eiq.
and James Efory. Esq. CaMle·drrel. ~
Right Hon. David La Touche, George La 'I'outhe,E.q. Joh.'DaYid
La Touche, nsq. John L.a Touclle, Esq. Feter La TQuche, jun.
Esq. and Peter DiUe~ La Touche, Esq. Ca.Ile-llreet.
Thoma. Finlay. Esq. John Lynam, Esq. John Geale Esq. and Jtobert
Law Esq. Jervi.·slieel.--R..nner·i·<1Ji~, Mary·Slred
lknjam'in Ball, Esq. Mathew Jaltlea Plullkc!t, Esq. and Phllip Iloyne.
jun. Esq. Hrnrg·llrtet.
Robert Sbaw. Esq. Thomas Needham, E.q. and PODsODby Shaw, Eiq.
FOdeT-J>!IJCe. CoUege-p,rell"•
. Sir W. Aleunder •. Bt. R. AltsaDder, E<q. jWl. and Wm. 1. Aleiimder;
E.q. IS,-tip.. Sackvilfl!·Sllnrf .
Thomu Thorpe Fr.nk, British Exchange Bank, S.iffollc-lIrtdo
Hours of .Attendance, ftolll Ten tiU Tbree.-


.ABBOTI' (Benjamia).ht a.nd~ak8'" IS, up. 0.......,..".. .

Abbott t r )SlMri6's-peer, Whel.&. siMl Se I9ibb .. n-ll1ABui.2CIj .....4l1nH11;
Abbott (William) MercbaJllt, 9, A~!r"""'"
AchtSon and So... Aiptltho.cariee, HZ, CIfJUl.....tJt.
Acheson (Josepb) WooI!~ft', 113. Gmfl9A-,IItwA
Adam (William) CommiSllion-W&TeOOIlSe, I, L;lIna·/j.~. '.
Adams (Archibald Bell, MI\KIDM.d'Cotto~)'al'll·facto', 29, N Atarte«.
Adams, Ge!J1min, EwlftJ and Co. Co&coo·.piDlI.... 1/&, N . . ._It.....
Adam. (Hugh) ShOll·_ker, 8, ~
.Adams Jobn) TobacooniGt, S, PBhicll-lifWt.
Adams (Neaoon) ApothfKUY, 12, PtwIiOfllftt-aNft.
A ....s (Peter) Tobucooiat, 60, Ma~.'rwt.
AdaRK (Robert) Trimming aDd ButtOJloollUWllfarturet'. ~, JI"'~""""
Ad"moon Us: F.)- Teaeher of Eaglieh, Writi"g,
Adrien (Paul) 'Tallow-chantller, 42, ThMR_slrr4
S, &. ~~....

.Aie.ken (WiHet) U"'Iue:laugh Oiat.ill"" 1~, S If. a-p',.....,

Alcnrn (William) Currier. ll6, BIlOk-laJlt:•.
Aldav (Paul) Music-.eIler, 10, Du_MroM.
A1dridge (John) PianG-t'orte.makar, 4, Du"...,.."
Al~ltand.r (Predericlt) Woollen-cfraper, 1\1, CMtJNInJt&
Aier.J.nder (M-and R) H"berdashe.... , IS, gI. B";lni,..6Ifwf.
Alexander (Sir W. &rt.) Senior Alderman. 9, M"'.....~~"" w:..
Al.k~ (Anne aad Son) China an.1'('hant•. SI, WIIt",Of'lontJ.d.
Alten and 1acllllOn, Whole•• l. l.inen.draper., 22, Bc 23, .p. Bridi,'fN4""
Alien and Kennedy, Watob and ,.lock-make•• , 40, ~.
Allen (George) Aagraver and Copper.plato-pl'iotoF.
Alien (Michael) Baker. 2S, ..p • .Kev',,
S" JlUII4fN111e.~

Altea (Patrick) Baker, U. li;reh*lu....~ .

. Allen (Robert) Jewell •• , 5', Bt:c!w'lll-*e#t. _
Alien (William) LinerJ and Tieken-draper, 9, lHtiJa_rew.
AII"n (WiIliam) Map and Print~lIer, Sl.l, Dmu-llir«f. ._
Alley, Cartan and Ca.. Commission aDd Flour-Jnermanta, lot. A~",
Alley (John) Alderrn.,n and Brewer, 55, 7bll'tUlMld·.wm. .
Alley (Thomas) M.erchaftt, 12, Rt. LOItgle''fi...~.
Alloway (John) B"et and ;;hoo-mak~r, 58, Ni,••"....,.
Alloway (John Buelay) L1erehaift, 0fI«, CIJ1tIIIMI'CiIll·
./\tlpr"... (John) Coach-maker, 91, .A~__ .
Ambrose (William) ... pothe4!ary and Chflllist, 14. Collept.rctr&.
AnderllOn (Elinbeth) Fru;t_, 115, l.W. ~lf!SfliUe-lllreel.
Anderson (Or"gory) Tio-plate work.r .nd ••nier, ss, 8Iepl'ef&-r1J1"'"
'AllderIOJqhaac) Fruiterer. 156, Capet.flNel.
J"'llder~Oll (Jane; L~J1tIllufaetliMl'. 11" ~,;,,', I'm.
}'JelT/umts af'ul T,·aderJ. An
~ndfl'>OD (John) Brazier and P~terer, 96. T~mm.
And"roon (John) Crocer, J J~. Ja,.d~ •
.Ander.on p." Son) Calico-print." Manchester-wareb_,~
.And,,1"lIOII (M,.tth~w) 1... h1ic A~countant. S,lil_ B·riuU_.
,Andenoa (NlIlhanit:i) Menhant. 86, AIW)-II_.
.Aadenon (William) truitl!reraud.Collf~tioner. SS, t:.tki~
Andoe (John) Woollen-draper, J 7, Higb-strm.
AIWioe (Maubew) Wooll"n-draper, 98, High-Ilrm.
AaoIrewa and Firming. Ship-broken, AJ«•
.AMrewa aad Hugbet. Porter-brewen. 5, Cor4-tAr«I.
ADdrewa and Son, Iri.h Woollen Warehouae, SS, Caltk-«'n!d.
.Audrew. (8.) Com-fanor and Baker, 104, PiU-/mu.
Andrew. (Michael) Ivory-turner, 180,61. Bri,ain-Ih¥d.
Andrews (fhomas) Alderman. 9, Merrion-lIJ"an. W.
Angell Ooba) Professor of 'Stenography. 7, Fo_es'I-"~
-'D",itr (Maria) Milliner, 44, Harcl""icke-Itrtel. '
Anllftley (Jame.) Carpenter'. Measurn·. Fad.!-IIreel.
Anne.ley (Richard) Linen-draper. 13, C"rJ.:-NrUt.
Anson (John) Cafpt>nter and Builder. 8, Mo/W....r-,-
Appleby (John) Tallow-chandl~r, S, FlI1wl//..lmIe.
Archbold (Edward) Thread and Tape-mauuIacturer, 15. ri##4IKel.
Archbold (Mary) Baker, SO, Smillljitld•
. ,Ardlbo&d (Richard) Haberdasher, 12,,e. l1rila;'Bm«.
Armer (Cha.les 1'.) Bot,k.sell.. r, S4, Da~.-ea.
Arcner (W. HeDry) Alderman and City Treasnrer, 9, Ctmlilwr'~
Armit and Boroughs, Army·agenU, "1, Xildtlrt-Ur<~
Armit (William) Agent. 1i2, Fitsv,ill;am·_1.
Armstro"g (Ed,urd) Grocer, 10, Dat-sel-nreea.
Armstreng {Gearge Robert) Linen-men:hant. 8, Blasiftgtttrl4lretL
Arm.trong (Hugb) C-otton-dyer' and Manufacturer, 1, Mill-"rea.
,Arm.trong (Jam ... ) Dyu and Bleachcr, ROJ""'~"'I,
.Arllllltrong (Jam".) Gold" Lace-man, 19, Parlio7Rt!al-l/lnd.
"rm.tron!! (}ehn) (otton-dyer, 51, Ma~lW.
ArmSl.rong (John) Silk-manut.cture.-. ~7, N. Kiflg-e1Mlt.
Armanong (Robert) Merchant, 20.r-. ~IIII,.¥.
Armstrong (Thoma.) Grocer, 34, Mole_"-MTed.
Arm.trong (William) Apothecary, 42, Mary-ItT8t/I.
Armlltrong (William) Crocer, 19, Mp. ~zt::luang~m:r.
Arllflld (Francis) Saddler and Haroes_aket, 35, NG~
Aruold (Peter) Baker, 50, S. 8" Gem·ge',-tA",d.
,Arthu. (Franci.) Merchant, 20, Ga~.
'Arthur (Robert) Bricklayer, 25, Greclr-llreeC. .
~."'ey (Jo,eph) 'fimber-merchant, 56, Quem-ltlrlrt.
A,hley {William).Delf-aeller, 7'1, Fnmci_rtet.
A.bmore (Ricbard) Woolleo-dra~r, 21, F1VJU;""'m.
.A.ken (Anne) Grocer, S2, Meath-It_I.
hken (I- hza) Lincn-draper, 104, I1dd".street.
Alkin (John) Plumber, 71, Q"eea-ItrUl.
.A.tOD (John) Apothecary, 4.1> Meath-ltn,t1.
Atkin< (Abram and Co.) Merchant., 24, r-. 0'rmMMl-,..
Atlinson (Chall",) Merch,aut,. Slat UiIAer''-POII'
BA¥ Merchant, and TradeN.
AtkiJuon (D. M.) Stationer, 69, Ma..u-o·-ltr~eI.
Atkin.on (E. and R.) Silk-throwsters, 110, C_6e.
AtkiDlOn (E1eanot") Wonted.manufacturer, 7, Sl.italjlddt,
Atkili80n (},) Aceountant, 56, "p. DvrNt·sI,rM.
Atkinson (John) Linen-draper, 9, N. Ki"g-"IWt.
Atkinsoll (Joseph and John) Army-agenu, I, F.'y-pf~.
Atkinson (Peter) Apothenry, ~6,1o... Br,'d~e.ftm:'.
Atk;luon (Riehard) Silk.threwster. 18, SJlilofjiddl.
Atkinson (Thomas) Worsted-manufacturer, 19, Marlt"lofl!1~.
Atkiruon (W, & Co.) Li~ery-Iace Be Fringe-manur. 14, We,,.b,,i-g~
I .A~ell (Sarah) Hibemian Coffee-house.keeper, 41, DtJ_-sJn:eI.
Atwocd (Edward) Merchant, 18, 16"', Orntrmd-'{tW!I•
.AMen (lames) Smith and Iron-monger, 60, NC'IINlred.
Austin ( ) _ ) Brush-maker,' J S, a.If" C~'''''rm.
Austin (Ricbard) Painter and Glazier, 96, Do_-.tred.
.Ayckbown, Son, and Murpby, GIa.s-....arebouse, 16, Grllfio~
Aylwalll (h.trick) Tobacconist, 75, QII«IWtI'Ul. •
Ayre (John) Carpenter, 24, Punt(Jfl"~. .
Ayre (Mmin) Merchant and Grocer, 28, FrudHh'etL
. B.
Bacon (Jame. Cbark-s) Wholesale Linen.draper, S•• N~rtIt.fI/."~
Bacon (John) Chetllle-monger. 4, lit. Shzi_en.
Bacon (Ma"., Scamp-stationer, 11, Aurtgier-8lreet.
Ba~n (The-mal) Tailor. 47, gt. 8ritai_treet.
1 Badgl' (Thoma.) Engraver, 2, Tr/rtil'''"lliace.
Bagl"" (Au.Un) Linen-draper aad Haberdasher, 5, n_~1Ired.
Bagnal (John) SllcId.ler, 7, Rrd_nd's-lIi1l.
Bag-lIal (Jonathan) Boot and Shoe-maker, 24, TlfTellmariand-ltr«t.
".. Bailie (Robelt) Carver, Gilder, and Looking-glan-manuf. 15, Heruy-st.
.' Baiu (Catherine) Hatter, 9, Sk'"ner-rotI1,
Daird (Sam. Be Tholl.) Who Wo~lIen-drapers Ill: Manur. Bee. 64. PilJ.ltntlA
,< Baker (R. and J.) Merc:hant-tailon. 11, DiJWlcm-lired.
Haker (Hen". A.) Architect, 11i. MecI&fellilJrg/Ht1Wll.
. (James) Merc:hant-tailor, 18, FIeet-llrm. "
, Baker rrhomas) lteather·merchant, I, C4pel-l1neI.
Baker (William) Deputy TreasureJ' to the Na"y and Greeawidl
Hoq>ital, 89, Rogerson'.-'1U<1Y.
IJal.dwin (John arid Co.) Merchant. and Boat-ownel'l. 20, g<.l. C4'/W-l.,
! Aaldwin (John) Whip-maker, 93, Thotft!U-llreet.
Bald .... in (Rebelt) 9crivener, IS, EUU-'1IAtJ!I'
BalCe (James) Rope-IDaker. 5, Pilt-l-.
Balfe (Joh!1) Baitc:l', 49, Moor,....reet.
Ban and Son, -ctilna and Delf-seUen, 8, Te"'~r.
BaU (John}Sh4N-DlakeJl', 15, Amr.fIoIIU4!I.
BiJU (Rlchar.) Cabinet-maker, 4, Hen,y-llrr.d..
Ball (R.ichard) c.ra.facror, IS5, /t{. Kittg-tkM.
',,1 (Samuel) China and Earthen-ware-man. 47, E"i!IZ""r~.
BaUentine (3.) .Stone-c:utter, 1-10, p. Brito;,,-sllWJ.
Bamber (James) Vintuer, 58,' MeJMh"'rt:~t.
~ !Jamber (Richard)" (.'oal:lllft'dtant, Ganliril!r-BfJ'ttt.
8aD*_ (Jiwanl) ~ .... Jft,I{~tliIr! 15, 6~.
Baaks (W.) Merchant tailor, ,84, C"f'!'l......
]bnnan (G.) Carpenter, 6, Slq>lu~r«l•
. Rlfber (Miclud) Silk-~n"b&cture~, .8, Ftw~. .
B;ndin (John) Corn-factor ·and -Co;t.l"'!lerclral\t. 00.' ,,",r4ci~
B:lrdin (Pat.) Tallow~handler. 192, N. Ki,Jg·"NfI.
Bardin (Peter) Sto<:k4ur"T'Y..r, .2O,BHmwt",,~, .DorwI.1Irfd.
Bard.ley, Son, and Co..Hattvll, 74, :Pill· la"".
I'.arker (Charleo) 'fun bri<!ge_an hllUle. !lS,~-tlrtl4f.
Barlow (John) Printer, ,26, .·Bolu••~~uL.
Ilamahy (James) .Boot.and tihoe.-m~lII', ilJ ,.AfJaty........
}lJrn~. (.Robert) Grocttr, 59, Motl/!!'. . . .
Barres (Thomas).Groc:ec, .7, .Di,{y'....'"'Teet.
Barnct and Parke, lIloItton & Milit.ary,Ornament-"'am:I£.-'llf,JII&4......
:Baruett (L ) ~cOllr~f, St,overic l1in •.of-Whlte!Goot\a, 19, ~
llarnett f Ricloa"J) Clothier and nyer, 5, S..",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•
. Bar~r (Josepl!) '\1, 8~n...,lIt<fI.
Barrett and M'Eride, Muslin,.l,inen a,td,Calic~to~, -1'lN• .d~.
Jhrrett (James) Corn. factor, .23, .r.w.. 'i(eui»-allwa. .
Barrett (]ames).I.ate ..apd Fur-warflltouse, .liI. C~PHrIler4lN'
Darrett (John) Straw-hat-manufac:turer. 9, Crow-Ilreet•
. 1lIt1T~tt. (Michael) S;uldUir, 8O,Cq)l.:l~t. "
Barrett (Nichda5) UmQr"!la.m~nu1actUr,,r. ~, .McI~.
Ilalrett (Samul';'~ l}1R.\}r.c:lla-Jl."'QufactuFM~, A.• Chiullll"'~
l!arrett (Thomas) Confe~tiQ:ilc(,""\' .Ma~rut.
Barri"gton (Isaac) Grocer, .9• •T.·ip••/i.
Barti'i1Jl'm. O~~) W a{~h~,.", i~!Q. ,We,MrorltUid-llretl.
B~rrin;;ton (j. &. Co.) Ta11ow.,."..ard~Q\IlIC. J P,6igt.BT~Ut.i: lS,JUu..¥o
lIarrjngto..'1;(MaE}'<.mI-L.,N'sa,,Row!e,y.) Gracers, 'q, ,......t#1JI!'I, .'
.•arr.lIgron .(ThOl1!;a.) ·Silk Ij.lld,.C'otta,t-llUlJu!i<cWrer, UI.,CoM-...,.:
E~rri"gt(Jn (Wiliiam) l\1t rchaQt, iill, Rect. slr<:Cl't. • ,
.1bt't)'·(U."rIt1).Ji~!e"'?II"FaJjd,lluiUef,1t7. St~ _
)larry (Jamts) .<;;, Qv. (:wml>c'. .
Ilarry (Marb'''''~hC!U~Ilt'·OtIAs••~.Je~•. 10.,.lI.A...... ~.
Ilarton (John) Merch._t •.47, ,~ • ..".,_...,et. .
l!lrton (John) Mer~.a.nt.·A.t. ~q~.·Pi&f • .42j,."-l'~
"'~ ~'lhlmlfl'} J,.~ul.,clrap,r , .. 7, .t;;...tle-l4fl'l!l.
Batchelor (John)'Merchant. !27. IVilliaM.str;lt.. ' ,
.!;{f.41w,\l3I) ,~~Wm.~;.J~""'~"t•.~,.tafit «". ~t,
rate (John) TOY-5e11\'.1', ·,!/"".~d.. ' . , •
n~te. (Ahraham and Cor)·Merc:hant" 6,"B._~
:Bath and Co. Pip~.makers •. ~ 7• ..Frt4.ncj;r,sl«lfJ. ;
Bauer,by (Arthu\') Carpenter, .27, .I!.c1er-Wre,1.
B:ltt"rsby (John)",~ipt'r1lnd>.Gl~lIlr."(J ..}i'.,6~1"'f#.
ll~"tcr (E .• "d M.) Straw·.b;lt~.ct\UJ'r~"'J.,.M~
, J1axtt·r (Thomas) M~~~nt~~, lftltrlll'rtl,IId.
]!,'y!y (Elizabeth) liab«lIa,aher,.~,.:H...twkt-!.IIrcIet. .
~"yly tl'lt.iijp) w,Vo)hla-~~p(,MiN~_.'UT~~.""r
llay\y (Richud) .~Qt.lWd~iiUf,.~Ii7~. r
llayly (William) Bakrr, +1;.,(;uqk~l, ..
~~a~,h.n (Patrick).Q_r. ,~ ... ~rttS.,N;''''''''''' . Zl
~~l) u.~'iIlJ,c:a;IIkw":J'Wl,,~~ . . ,. _....
BER .Mt!'I'Clumls and Traders.·
Beahan Qohn) Timber-mermaJIt and Meaaurer, 59, CiI1rfu!I.
Beahan (La....) Tailor, S, Fafle.ltrwt.' .
Beahan· (Mary) Confet'tiooer, 195, 61. Brita;,...""".
Beahan (.&trick) GRlCer. 197,61. Ilr;'oIfIooIhWI.
Beard (Robert) Grocer,. 10, FIIde-IttwI.
Heasley (Jamea) Clothier, B~
Beaslt'J (Thomas) Clothier, 40, Nft'oofUfItet.
Beeker (M.) LiDen-draper, 93, JJ~
~ddy (/ohn) Inn. keeper, 18, low. KeII~
Bedely (John) Halterdaaher, 47, c.-6e.
Beddy (Lester) Book-ieller aDd Stationer, 14, ~.
Beddy (WiIliam) Whalebone-lIWM1faetarer, S9, tlNl. JJridp-ll'rrft.
:Bedford (John) Boot and Shoe-lIIaker. 68, BGcIc-t_. . .
- Beeby (Samuel) r:Iothier. 1, W~HIJVMW'
Beere-':Ric:hard) Grocer, 2, .furag;~.
Begg (Mathew, Boot &Dd Shoe-lIIaker, 127, ehreA-.,.,.,
Begg (Math".,) Inn-keeper, Q_-.lCMS.
Begg (Syl"lMer) Tallow-t'badler, 55, MtJ4ti1-11fot«.
Begga, 1_100 and Co. Men:hantl, O4Iice, 4, L"'l:a.-IIrwd,·
Beggs (James) Timber-merchallt, BlacUall.JIG'I'IIde.
Beggs (Nicbolas) Groeer, 58, CiC¥-fI'IIY.
Beggs n:homaa) Grocer, 71, N. K;'lf"'/I1M.
Beitla (lWbert) Watch and CJoet.-maker, 16, o--,e'fIopag.
Bell (AleulUler) Stay and Corset-warehOllIe, 99, .f.~ier-"""•
..,U <-o-tel LilleA anll Cotton.faetm. 11, LiMrI·..U."...."
Bell (Richard aDd Fl'aIlris) Cotton-factera, 140 Linere-W tIIfwI.
Bell (Samuel) Apothecary, 66, F,.tnteiNtIwa.
Bell (William) Boot and Shoe.matler, 1. "P- ~·Pcry.
IleJl (Wllliam) Merchant, U, N. AWH·IlHIII:
Bellew (Cbriltopherr l'oIel'ChUlt, 51, ~.",.., O/Iiee, 5 I.
lIellwood (Robert) Clothier, 16, Antee·,...
Bennet and Sea,Coach-nrabn. 20 ~1lfWI.
, ISennet (J. .!IrQ:».) Saddlens It Hameu-manufactuetos, 9,liiw. f~.
:Dennct (John) Iron-founcleraad Merebaat, '25, .nd W, ~
ileDuet {htriell) Coach-owllCl'. 1"S, Mnur-flhted.
Benbet (Sl!muel) Merdaant. 154, N. Jrmg-llHfll.,
Bennet (Wilti••, Brnker, ReytIl ll«ltange. .
!lennet (W iUiam ) MiHtary-nl1J1ieaWMtA'DtnCl'lt-maltel', eo, A'~.
Jienson (Edw.) MilitalT CIMII. Bro.and Half.,.y...e..;,1!,DataIw."...
Bentl~y and Son, AUC(ionien, I i. ,MMtI1"'Uerl.JII.
Bentley (George) Tin~l.te-werker, S1, Tig~
Bentley .(Roloert) ~nt, I, ~'~, N.
Del'esforn (Right Hou.sOhnCI..divs) Lord MayPI', .Mo~.
Ee'1~611 (Anne) HaberdMtler, '., B" Bflla;....,,.,ec. .
Berr,cn (Miclt..l} Eaginm, -42. R.iafford~
Ilergin (!osel-h) Grel'<lr, 98, ll-""«t. .
~rn'ingham U...,ea) T·J&ow.dJandier, IS, F~;""'_.
Bermingham (Patriek) ·8aker. S8, F""tWi_rwt.
BelDlingbam (,fhomas) Woollen.drapll', S9, .c-~~
~rry (Robert) Aleat, 18, N . ...,.""''''. ) :
[1815J· .~ .
22 _ /Jlerclt(t1lts and Tyat!ers."
Berry IS_ and Co.) Mm:hanta, GnnIdoeta"'",""",r_
Berry (William :lnd Co ) Seed-merchants, 84, Kt:f1irwIfwL
Be,: (Gtorge) T;t.ilor, 95, iYfarfuoro.."II-1trrr!t.
Bewley and fowler, Whol~oale-m~rchants, 24. S".truUt-""",,
Bewley (John) Calico-war<hou.e, !P, "1'. 8rirlgr-llred.
Hible (Thomas) Apothecary,& .._ 68,«1.
.nick.ndl (]""'ph) Groc~r, 65, 8arM""-ttlren. .
Bigger (W,lIiam) Merchaut, P.allaot-ollice, Wenurltmd.",..,_
Eigly (Edward) Tallow.chandler, 20, Dar....,-Itrerl..
Bingham (Henry) Linen-dlap~r aDd [ron.monge.!, 144,«-145, CtllKI-..
Bingham (Jane) Haberdasher, 47, Hrtary-llre.i.
Binns (Anne and Renjamio-) lron.mongers. 21, Dame-mm..
Binns (William) Iron.mongc.-r, &cc. P"..1heoa, 25, Stt'pm's-V-, N.
Birch (Eyland) Gun.maker, 2, Cl....It...l-Courl.
Birch, Mill, and Chambers, Merchants. Lillel&.ltall, Office, I. LiIIHwa-st,
Birch (Robert) Rope.maker, 177, ChKrclt-ltr«l.
Bird (Bart) Merchant. I, S!I....oI.tplace.
Bild (Thomas) Copper-plate-printer, 15, 81. SIrtuul-ltr«t.
Birkett (Geo. H.) Tallow.chandler and Soap.boiler, 34, JWI;"'1/IrWt.
Birkett (Israel) Linen-draper, 101, Bride-lI1'UI. .
Birmingham (Michael) Billiard Table.maker, 6, Tritoil!f"1llace.
Blackburne (S.reh) Milliner and Haberdasher, 60, Slep/IetwlrwI.
- Blaeker (Jae) Sheriff"I-}>eer and Woollen-draper, 7, ColWg~grtn.
Blackball (William) Woollen-draper, 22, ·Paniamem-4lr«L
Blackwood (Hon. Price) Agellt and Wine-merchant, 6, Harw"rt-«rm,
Blair (Jamea) Apothecary and Surgeon, 68, M_A-#reeI. .
B1air (Simuel) Carpenter, 7, Gt'orgtls-AiU. . -
Blake (Mary) Grocer, 2, Swift'prow.
Blake (Maurire) Merchant, 66, Abbey·6lrtltll.
BlaILe (Michael) Corn-factor and Car-owner, 7, Lw.lte-ll<lwl.
Blake (Richard) MiIl-wtight, 16!i, Jam.e,· ..ltNd. _
Blaquiei-e (Hon. P •. B.) Army and Land-agent, 49, DGtII-.lrm•
.Jllenkinsop (Peter) BooksellcrllDd Stationer, 129, C/J~
Bligh (Brian) Grocer, ·n; gt. 8rilain·1lrec1.
"Blood (Neptune and Thomas) Woollen·drapers,36,W_.orla~
muett (1\-Iary) Pin· maker, 7, Wom&u!ooti-gate.
BlundelllThoma., Watch and Clock· maker, 59, JmliNfWI.
Il1undell (Thomas), 5, Abbey-m-eet•
• Iioake (&reroft) Merchant, 14, Dawson-It.-..el.
Boake (John) Cotton.manufactul-er, 14, Mon1lleiier-hin.
Boardman (Jo.eph) Clothier, 2S, Ardee-at""" .
Boardman (R. A. and W.) Tallow-cbandlers, 6, Mc!1'ricm-rltfit.
JJoardman (Robert A.) Broker. 6, Mm;on-rolD. .
Boardman (William B. and Co.) Calico printers, 45. Corlt-UfWt.
Bodkin (Monia) Muelin.warehouse, 176, st. Britai".llrelt.
~ggie (Alexander) Baker. Ill, gt. Britain-3tr"f't.
Boileaus and Gei>rge, Drug-merchants, 68, BT;d~rC'el.
Boiand (Owen) Ship.block.maker, 65. CiIY"'IUa!l'
JIoies (George) Umbrella-maker, 6, Wet-l>flrgh-lIreel.
8oIger.{Bryan) Measurer, I, lit. LOf/gf<Wd·~Irt!t/.·
Bolton ~Franci.) Upholsterer, 17. Mary-am...
BRA Merchants and Traders. 23
Bolton Uohn) Shoe-maker, 62, GmJton-nreet.
Bolton (Lyndon lJc Co ) W nollen-warehouse, 170, at 17), Ch"rcA-ltret1;
Bomford (WiIli.lm) Shoe-maker, 61. High-II1'Ccl.
Bond (Robert) Grocer. 10, iUralh-,treet.
Booker (Nugent) Lime-merchant, 12, BooIrer's-row.
Booth (Henry) Livery-lace-manufacturer, 64, Grt!fton-.lreet.
Booth (Jane) Ulank-card-maker anJ Book-bintler, 811, Ezche'l'lLr-llreel.
Booth (John) Book-binder, 97, Bow-8Ireel.
BMth (Thomas) Apothecary and Druggist, 64, GraJtcm.8Ireet.
Bc.hell (WilIiam) Cooper, lIl, Ulher'&-'J'lB!J'
B.)swell and Fra;, Drnggistl, 17, low. Scu:ltville-!lreet.
Bo, well (Henry) Carver and G.Uder, 54, Abbcy-IIrt.'tl.
Bmwell (James and Jotm) Paper-Itainers, 27, Bachelor'l-1l1"u"..
Boswell (James) Paper-stainer, '11, GmJt~reet.
Bott. (Hartfield) Boot and Shoe-maker, 25, Kevin', port.
Boulger (Hanllah) China and Delf-seller, 128, Capel-'l1wt. '-
Bouniquot (John) Haberdasher, I, Enez-bridge.
Bouuiquot (Samuel Smith) Wholesale-merchaut, 10, Jentis-Itred.
Bowdea (James) Carpenter, 25, Dominkk-su-eet.
Bowden (John) Profe59or of Mu.ic, 9, Arton'.-qwny.
&wes (Edward.l Patten and Last-maker, 32, Skin,.er-rmu.
Bowles (Daniel) Painter and Stucco-plaisterer, SO, Aungier-dre<1.
l5owling, Walker, anJ Co. Wholesale Druggi.t., 45, Capei-",,"/.
Bowman and Fox, Soda-water-mallllfacture", 4, Fie,I-./,eel.
Bowy"r (R: Downes) Portrait-painter, 45, Jff'I!i, .tree/.
Boxwell (Ambrese) Goldsmith, 18, Slrinner-row.
Boxwell (Samuel) Silk-manufacturer, 7, Nichuia,-Mu/.
Boyce, Binks,. and Boree. Grocers and Wine·merch. 25, S. 6'. G_sI,.
Boyce (John) Printer, Book-."lIerand St~tione!, 9, Arran-quaZ!.
Boyd (Adam) Carpenter, 59, HenTy-slret-t.
Boyd (Hugh and Jame.) Shoe-makers, 149. Abhey·ltreet.
Jaoyd (Robert) (. arpenter an~ Builder, 4, Michan',",ane.
Bord (William) Wine and Porter-merchant, 6, J~sl.eet.
Boylan ( P..)Paper-stain. Floor-c:lClth & House-pain. 102, Grajtun,.II..
Boylan (John) Tanner, 91, Miil-Itr'eet. .
Boylan (Micliael) Merchant. 16, ioIC. Glouuste>'-lIreet.
Boyle (Mathew) Whole.. le and Retail Linen-warehouse, ~5, Mary-ur.
:Boyle (M.) I.inen-dra~r. SS, Mary.streel.
Boyle (William) Jeweller and Perfumer. 59, gt. Dr,~ain-.I,.,et.
I!o; (Samuel) Smitl1 and Bell-hang~r, 20, lit. Strand-'tre~l.
Bracken (Joseph) Silk-dyer, 21, lit Strand-.trut.
Bradbury (Michael) Tape-manufacturer, 97, Cork-!lrret.
Bradbury (William) Steel-t.oy-manufacturer, 13, lIoey·,-coll.rl,
llradbury (William) Vintner, SI, J1arracfMlrut.
Bradford (WiIliam) Clothier, 13, Brail"Wfljl~st,·ut.
Bradley (Ann e) Glazier,S, Hammond-lane
Bradley (Beajamin) Timber-merchant. ) 5. Guldrn-lane.
Bradner (Thomas) Umbrella and Oil-cloth-manufac. 4, Kevin'Ntrl!'C:,
Brad.haw (Elizabeth) Linen-drlrper, 45. S. Kilts-stru/.
Bradshaw (Francis) Boot and Shoe-maker, 163, gt. Britain-strut.
Brad.haw (H. and William) Cabinet.-makers, liS, Aung;er-strlJlf..
BradshOlw (lohn) Artificet and· Engillftr, ~S, Hllftr~-'tretp.,
.J-lercJlO,nts and Tralkrs•.
Bradaha" (Mary) Straw-bat.manufacturer, 11, 84.·.....
Bndahaw (Thomas) Boot and Shoe-maker. 9. N~tIzt/IJI.
Bradttreet (Elizabeth) Haberduhcr. 29, T~ .......
BratlyaDd Byrne, Timber-mercbaDU, 67, Bri~~.
Brad)' (Charl~.) Oil and ("olour-man. 87, .R¥.er_·~IJ".
Brad)' (Francea) Spirit-wolrehowe, 1. UI/wr'I-,/IAfI.
Brady (FrllllCY T_ aud Co.) La«-manuCactur.". 4S, ~..".
Brad), (Henry) Smith and Iron-lDOnpr, 119,,.. IlPi4llis .....
Brad), (JamCll) Apothecary, 26, W. New"""
Brold), (lames) Grocer, 12, FraJJei&-1ItWI.
Brady (James) Grocer, SS, H;,lwtruL
Brady (Joseph) China llIId F~ __•
Brady (Mary) Linen-draper, 55, MarlborO&l,It-Ih'l:4JI.
Brady CMichael) Tape-manuCartllrer, sa, Corlt:-,,~.
Brady (Nich.) Chandler. 95, ...,.. DurM!WlrM.
Brady (Nicbolas) Ladies" Shoe-maker, 93, Cr.rextI",...",....
lIrady (Owen) Grocer, SoS, .FNn&CU-II~.· .
Brady (Patrick) Chandler, 94, Wiw.elaen&~
Brady (Patrid) Com-chaDdler, 114. CAlli,","""
Brad), (Peter) Tanner, 21, Jam"'~
Brady (Philip) Grocer, 29, n~.
lIrad), (Ric:bard) Grocer, ll, Fi.Jw",bJ;-I4J"f111. I
Brad), ('SUaoJl) Breeche..anaker, 69, C~"rwt.
Brady (T.) Wine aM Spirit-ltoreI, 21, T~_
Brady (Thomas)!a.ctur:er, 188.". ~
Rraoagan (Micbael) (haudJu pd Tob~OQiM. Us. N. ~~.
Branagan (Patrick) Wu and-Talw-chaadler. 19. ~ .
Braogan (Lan.) Grocer, Wine, andSpirit-~, eo. N. K;..,......... -
llrangllll (Micb...,l) Baker, S9. 8f111......
Brangao (Patrick) Coach-mahr, 12C, I«~.
Brangan (Riclaard) Caner aod Ga.... 57. 4~
Brasier (Jame~) panq Glaes-cutter. Ill, ~~
Brassingto,o (Ilidlanl) Ageot.1Id Laatl~.r. ff .... Df. . . . . .
Brassiogtoo (William) SiIk-IMDllfamu-er. Ii.-N. ."......
8ray (DeDi.) Grocer, I, !'I«l-I4nfI.
Bra)' (Oeorge) t411~.dlaooler, 25. M.ry·~.
:BraughaU (Ed ..-ard) Sjlk-Rl;uJu{~ctw""", A75, ~ ......
Braughall (John) SiIk.-manu{iiduru. 55, S. N _ _
Braugha1l (fhom&.') Boot arul sa-ker. 51'. ~
Breading (M.) Linen-draper, 20, D~_-9r«I.
Breake), (William) Merchaat, lOS, C.pel~
Breboer (Jobn) Merchanf, 70, ~,..
Bredon (Mathew) Hosier, 18, ea-J.~
Breoan and Redmoad. W ~cton, 55, FI#II.~.
Brenao (Eliu) Confecti_r, 14 9. ea,,,,l.lIrerl,.
Breo2o (James) Grocer aodSpjrit- ....chant. Sll. Deu;u,."'1ff-
Brenao (Jame,) Gl"04'er aOll WilJ~dlan', 8, E. ~1Ir<w.
Breoan Uohn) Llncu-draper, 14, No Kn,g"', .
Brer-an (John) Grotrrand Dye-stutJ:.merchIjlGt. 51, T.w-"...,. __
Br~n3!) (John) V;fttoer, 81, &I- 8r;IQ;I&....1.
Bra.;,,, (L"uf(o~..) Shoe-m.k...... S9, up. O'/lfawl·'llUl'.Jo
llrell:ln (I\~ew) Wdln-. ~• .MQ'3I'~.
BRO Merehants tmd Traders.
ijr,naa (Pem') S!Joe.lQkor.· 7., p. BrilGiII.1IrrIeI. .
llrenan (P.eter) Tailor, 117. DM'ul-ltTm.
llrenan (Thoma$, jun.)· Shoe-maker, 45, IY;~.
ISnIUlilll (JI\IUC6) Coac:b-lDtIkef. 56, M.-......".
lln:nqan(Jol,1p) BII..k,r, SO. 8. J(;JI&~'iteet..
Brickel (~rt) Br~ie" .., N, KiDg."fYltt.
Bride (Robe\'t) MerchllDt, ~$, 81ep/aL'1I.',..,I'flttf.
Bcid&' ('filQllIat) 6hOOollluer, 74, Bpids..twt.
Bridgeman (Jeremiah) Goldsmith Bc Watch-case-maker, CMNc~
Bridgeman (Miss) Board.1n, St>hool, 41$, Cha.rlntonlo-.....
Brien and Wbelling, WooUllnodraPllrs. 1. DaNfNlnJ/II.
Brion (Mieh.\li) Linell-Clr~per, 2S, N. Ki~eeL
Brien (M9Cilll) Victualllll', 84, PAlriol.."owl.
Brigl~y (ilimon) Cqppe,.plete-pril\tcr. 59. ClrwmOll.1tntJI,
Brindley (Robert) Boet ami Shoe-lIIakef. S, P.m..... ","#ItWC.
Briscoe and Dicksol, WooUen.drapers, 112, 'Grqf_.stl'Wlt.
Briscoe (James) Calic:q..warehou~e. S. VfI. J/ridc-'Pee',
Brittan (M.) Wool"n, Leather, and Ch_factpl'. 58, A".,;"..,.,.,.
Britton (ll.ebert) ~d4Ptr, 22, ».. mark-..,..C#/f.
Broca. (Henry) EDITavllf, CZtlttlllllo...
Broca. (Nlcholat and Sons) l..inell.merc:baatl, 10, LIVgP-#"'"
Bro6eld (James) Skinner. )~, WGA/io:g-strwet.
Broot<.e (George firederick) Wil}&' IIIlfrcl)ant. I, G.rdirwr'_ _
Brooksan (Mari4) li3b,rdasher, .1. W'tnl,_th-/1l<uJe.·
BJ'ophy an4 Scully, M.r~llllnt-tailDr., Sf, Wtlli~.
BropbJ (johll) Woolleo.dr"per •. 13, Hi,l""""',
~,(Nicho\a.) P .. iltt4,. 19, J~"""'_ .
Ilrophy (Peter) MfI"'ot. 88. AIJIvu-t/M:I.
Brown (BenjaJlliJ\) Clotbier•. 5, C44.-....,.
Brown (Anne) Haber<Wher. 81. W'illi-..lrtll.

Brown (Bindon) WllaYlr, 9, Sl'itP/ji.el{l..

lIIo.D (Cbarlet) Jeweller, 4, JitU!flQI-llrm. ,
Brown (Edww) Tj~-plate·wor~lIf. 5, .M_,,~.
Brown (Geo~l Stoll#...wa.J...c:ut4'r, 3. F.-t"·"'-"
Brown (Henry Bc Co.) Silk Bc H.r4~.hC""-)TU~b.1Q" E~ ..
Brown (Henry) MoreBaQt. 7, IMp, GlaIIGI".......,.
Brown (Henry) Silk-dye1:, /l""~reel. .
Brown (James) Coal-merchaata0.4 Splrit.d~, St, C;f&toq1l&'J'.
Brown (JallJet, jun.) B.iseQit .nti Er*·b.iNr, Sf-, Geprge'''''fIIltI'
Brown (1IImu) Paper-stamer att" GliIo5"jNlrs:lwtt, 5.5, Hi«""""'''"''
Brown Uoho) Manufal:wring Jeweller, it, F.,.1I6i..,.,.ea.
Brown (John), Pockel·bok'PlllnuJ'utJ!ier. l41, ~"rr:II
Brown (John) Public AcmlWtaat. 85. ~~••••
8"01'" (.Ieho) S)II)jI-JlWW, 1 ~Ii. N~Nffn.
Brown (Joseph) Silk-tbrowsler, Ill, F_""'"eI
Brown (Rebert) Coal-.Ble{, 8, P"_·",II1W1.. ,
Brown (Thomas) S~k..IQa,nufact\lrer, !!G, N~
Brown (Col. WiUiam)ArQl}'-~, ~, /j. hu"-Il~t1d.
Brow" (Willialfl) Miu..wtight~nd Eng;'..",r, &¥It". . .~.
Brown (WiUialP) Silk ,"\d .J..i\lhon-.QIanl\£a,t4Der,7, tll'" Bri4po......
.Browne (David) Agent .nd PJlblic ,t\CleOlI9tant, fi, .~vll.0A, __'.
,lkoWW: (£dward) !:ihge-l.1uUr, 14, Q.rl.,• .,."
Merclumls and Traders~ BUll
:Browne (James) Stock-broker and PrC!prietor of tbe Lottery OSi~'1
2, C.~~ltf'lld. and 36, Culklle'gn"f!1'.
BrOWQII (John) Iron-monger, Hili, TllcntI,U ..."reet. ~
Browne (Joha) l.oltery-ollice-keeper and Stock-broker, 5, COl>el-#rtd.
Browae (Robert) Timber-merchant, 59, TOfIIJIItf&lI-.trut.
Brownlow (William) Merchant and Habecda.her, 25~ Da~e-Mren.
B:"arigg (WilIiam) Tal1ow-ch~n.tlet', 34, WiUi,......",.ed.
Bruce and Zouch, Army-ageats, ChelIea O.JJic.:, or at the Tft!tU1U3!,:
, _ C...le-yard.
Bmcc (Mary) Umbrella-maker, 2, Werhr'lNtreet.
Bruen (Edward) Apothecary, 28, Iou•• SdClwille.ltred.
BrllntoD (Roberi) Wine and Porter-merchant, 2, P~l••
Brunton (William) Chandler and Soap.boikr,ll, BralNntm&-UfWl.,
Brush (Mary and Jane) T~a.dealers, 7, AndretlJ-Ureel.
Bryan (Joltn) Trunk.mak~r, 49, Fi.kambl~-Itrtlel.
Brynan (John) Military.c1othit>r, j 9, Usher'l-i,land.
Bachanan (Archibald) Waich.maker, SI, Cf){ltge-green.
lluch~nan (Beaver) Apoth.,cary, 80, G,·afion-lItreet.
B8chanaa (Frances and Mary Anne) l:iak'rs, 93, ptHJlbpg-llrelll.
Buchanaa (William) Linen.draj,er, lOO, Gru/ton-llreet.
Bucktoa (Joshaa) Working Silver-smith,,&c. 24, Hellf'!I.ltrtel.
:Bulger (Josepb) Corn-factor, 60, Kevin-,'ref.l.
Balktley (Edward) Age';t, a, CnfH'7lt!ish-r"ID.
Ball (W.) Comb·manuf. and Vender of Patent'-rnediciae., 79,
Bullock (WilIiam) Watch and Clock-maker, 8. Cnpel-sltoed.
Bunn (W illiam) Blanket and I'launel.merch.aut, 56, gt.
Bu~ing (A nthony) Prof"uor, aad Piano.furte-seller, ·19, Hard.wic4e-_.
Barge (Henjamin) Army.agent, 21, up. Baggol-llred.
Balge. (M3ry) Haberdasher, 36, 8.t.pktm-¥,ed.
Barges (Thomas) Brush.manufacturer, 4, CI,atkafll-stret:t.
Barge.s (William) Iron-monger, 14, Clorend"lI-slred.
Barke aad Major, Merchant. Bc Prop, of Parcel Boats, RoytJl-CMIIJI-urlt.
Burke (Grego,y) Ginh.web-manulacturer, 25, YiclJ"'-Ilred.
Burke (James 1 Linen.draper, 21, S. Kiag-llred.
Jlurke (Jobn) Grocer, 3.1, Kevir"5-]",rj.
Jru,'ke IJohn, jun.) Merchant, 25 •. BI.I8iI1gw.stred.
Burke (John) Mercha!lt, 21, Domi..ick-Mrtlel.
Barke (JolCpb) Clothier, 5; S. Jolm-llred.
Burke (Michael) Furniture-broker, 63, "I" S/Jckvill~lIred. -
Burke (Oliver) Silk-dyer, ~ 7, S. King-ltt-eel.
Burke (Sarah) Haberdasher, 7, Mf){~rl/.-Ilrt!et.
Burke (Thomas) Merchant, S, UJ&er',.sl,yttl.
Hurke (Waiter) \ lothier, 19, ClIDmber-.treet.
Durk" (Wm. Bc Chr ) Clothiers, & Dye-stufi'-maaufac. 20, C~
Burley (Thomas) >A-hip.mal.;er, 71, St'7,IOt"'-slrt!d.
Burnet (Ann.) C'Jfi'ee-bouse-ke<per, ,Linera-luIll.
Hurnet (Peter) earre,.. and Gilder, 44, Cllffe-sl1Y!eI. ,
Hurnet { Wiiliam) TaJlow-chand~~r, 38, Mecldenf,"'g"-Itrl!d.
Burnett and SOlith, Linen-drapera and Bra... fonnders, 9.Ntclrola...slret!l. .
Burton (John) Wh"i"'ale Lin.Ji-draper, " 1I1~7t;/uuu'l-fJlIII!I'
n~rtQn (Robcrt) Bu.Jdcr, 5, and 6, G,eell.'l""~l. ."
Bury (W illiam) Saddler and Hiu"u(sa-llIak"r, 3'4, i" BriI4iJl-6trr:f"
UYR Jt,fcrcltants and T.raders.
Sashy (John and Son) Silk-mei'tbants and Throwster., 16, NetINlf't#L
Eutler (Bartb.) Brusb-maker, 4, W. New-row.
Butler (Edward and Co.) Merchants, B!, 1_. Q17IIoftd-qutI.'I.
Butler (Edward) Hatter, 30, Eun-stre~I, and 27, ParU"nt!rtl-""",..,.
- Butler (Edwal"ll) Linen-dl"lper, 96, G r aji"n-llreel,.
Butler (Frances) H3berdJ.her, 41, Dor.n-slreet.
Dutler (Franci. ) Baker, 54, Patrici.:-slreet.
Butler ll.ionel and Henry) B,ooksdle1'l and Stationers, 10, Calkgf'Z'W'"
Butler (Fl!rcival) Grocer, 67, BarrClc/,o·lJred.
BIIOer (fhoma.) Plumber, 16, L{{fey-slreet.
Butler (William) Saddler, 129, "p. lJor.el-slrm.
Butts (Septimus) Painter, 19, gt. Britain-8trnf.
Byrne.and Grant, Upholsterers, 55, Jet'fJis-streel.
Byrne and Parl·Y. Wholesale Lrnen-drapen, SO, lOUI. Bridg'Ntre".
Byrne and Short, Woollen.drapers, 58, Cartie-lIreel.
Byl'ne and Wltelan, Woollen.drapers, SS, Ctull~-"recf.
Byrne (Bernard) Timber-merchant, 5, Jeroi$-Blreel.
Byrne (S"rnard) Tallow.chandler, Baggol.llf'eet.
Byroe (Daniel) Corn-chandler, 51, PdlricINlreel.
Byrne (On id) Grocer, 87, Dame-areet •
. Spne (DeniF) Tallow-chandler, 2, U" Mary-ltrId.
Bpne (Edward) Victualler, 87, Ptltric/r-slreet.
8yrne (Edward, It. M'Donnell and Co.) Merchants, Allen'S-CI1lArl.
Byrne (H.) Carver and Gilder, 9, Fowne,' .."red.
Byrne (H.) Chandler, and Starch and'Blue-manuf. 29, ami '0, Cllln't;/Mt,
!yrne (James and Co.) Brewers, Byrne'$-IIiU, C~.
Hyrne (jame,) Printer, 25, Bacltelor'MJXJllt.
BytDe (lames) Tanner, 25, Jame,·,-slreel •
. Byroe (James) Vjctualler~ 13, Patriclt-slreet.
Byrne (Jameo) Umbrella-maker, 18, Auftl;er-m-eet.
Byrne (John) Confectioner, 52, S. g(. Getnge·"",·eet.
Byrne (John) Grocer, 148,
Bynle (John) Shoe-maker, 67. S. gt. Gevrge',-Ib'eef.
8yrne (John Joseph) Ellgraver, 15, C"'l'/IHlreef.
Byrne (Joseph and Patrick. Whelan) Saleamasten, 56, hillffltll.
Byme (Joseph) Grocer, 33, Bride-.lreet.
Byrne (joseph) Sale,mallter, Quarry-/al.e.
Byrne (Joleph) Tallow-chandler, 2,/01/1. BridBe-lIreel.
Byrne (l.aul·cncc) Sh,lf-maker, 43, W. New-row.
Byrne (Luke) Spirit-nores, 68, Jama'$-IIred.
Byrne (Luke) Inn· keeper and Corn-factor, 95, 'rtIN;u·slrtfJt.
Byrne (M.) Flour.fa.ctor, 68, DQNtI-IIreeI.
Byrne (M.) Woollen-draper, 15, Franc;$-!;lreef.
Byrne '(Margarct) CGnfectioner, 156, TIIWIIInll.",.,.,
Byrne (Mark) Gun-maker, 4, Clarlte'$-Co"""
Byrne (Mary) Confeetioner; 159, Captl-smef.
Byrne (M.'·garct) Haberda.her and Straw-hat-wareh. 19, N.".,,",",
Byme (Michael and Co.) Merchants, 10, E",'aC4-flreel. (Patridt) Architect, 25, Mal.b.J/-sIf'eet.
Byra .. (Patrick)Cheese-wa,e\lolUe, 151, Fraflc;,..It7Wt.
Byrnc (Patrick) Morocc:o Leather-manllfacturer, 51,6. New...--
Byrne (Peter) lktur, St t'~.
,s A£erclJanls and Trade,.,. CAt
»,.,.. (Petel') Haeier, 41, C.I-41fHf,
. Uyrne (Richard ~nd Son) Breecheo-·makel'l. 19, W...tmon. __",..

lIyrDe (Richard), 5, E .

lIyroe (llol,e.t) Tallow-chaodJer, SIi, 'l'IwRw#oIll,.,tt.
Byrne (Roh) Woolleo.!ll1If«. 6, and 7, Franci..I¥I'ed.·
Byrne (Thoma.) Coru-dnler, i6, P.,rilllMhwl.
ByrDe (Thomas) Leather-aeUer, 61, IIDclt-ltIfIA
'itynlt' (Thoma~) Brick.layer, 34, GtJItktMtlat.
Hyrne (Thoma.) Unen ·Map«, -I" BridgJ-stl'lltf.
nyme (Thomas) Poulteru Ilnll Feather-merilhllnt. 11, PatNck-lIlW!ef.
byrne (Thomas) Tallew-od.a,"llet, 19, Pill-lMw.
Dyrne (Thomas) Pewterel', S. Itack·IlIae.
Dyrne (Timothy) Hli.... 1~ F
Byrne (Waiter) Grocer, S4, TA_. . . . .I.
llyrne (WiIliam) Oyt!r, 95, PJrnliro.
Dyrnes, M'Nulty and Co. Porter-brewer" Nn-'...ztoett.
C. .
Calfray (Eliza) Conf.tti.... er, 6, K~"'6porl.
C.lfray (Hugh) ApotheclU'yand ChYR'list, 8, K<Nia'''1'fI't.
Calfray (James and John) BrazieB, G9, JCUlteo'!-fllf'flf!l.
Calfray (James) Tm.aoo:.nist aad nIlow-cllancUer, 7, H_,"~
Calfny (John) Silk and W_ed-nlll.nuIact.rer, 11, Sp'l6IjieIdIt.
Caffray (Joinl) Stulf-manu{actur£f", I, l ..fJfIIteI~ltfWl.
'Calfray (Laurence) Skill"er, 19, S. NI!1(-rotb.
Cdfr.y (Palrick) Ta.llow-c:lnncHet-, (i. ~.
Cahill and Waltb, Gle""'~M1mlltol')', S5, b...e-6I1V!f!t;
C"hill (Daniel) Vintner, IG, TItfmta,"*ed.
Cahill (Edward and Co.) Metehantll, $7, L<1il ••
Cahill (Richard) Chip, StnL"""'.t Ill: Hab ...d,.;wanbouse, L ~~
Cah ill (Mary) eJilm. 111101 Delf_lIer, 4g, t,t. lh-ilai1l-Slf'fWt.
Cahill (Edward) Shoe-maker. 1S, if' Bril";.~.
Cahill (George) Haberdasher, 12, Da./le-""el.
Cahill (Luke) Merchant, 10, JIQIIer'..t..t!.
Cuin (William) Coach.makw, l~ M/Jt'tJL~.
Cainea (Michael) GoldMaith and Jeweller, 14-,8IUnJlC'l'·,....
Calderwood (Andrew) Groo<!r, t!-, Ut. Mary-eHl!t.
Calderwood (Thorna.) Gun-Im1th, j 4, z-t-lIIf1tJt!t, N.
Caldwell (jame.) Spirit.tnerc:hant,22, nrj,4p!ttOl-lW'etf,
Caldwell (John) Hardwar ... meflChant, 7, rma'M/Na!l.
Caldow (Anne) Haber4a.ber, l~, gt. BrilaitMlW!lt!l.
Callaghan (C. Br G.) Pqer-rtai...en & Floor-cloUt_uf. 49, ~. .
'.'allaghan (Christopher) Dry-cooper, i2, FPw·......
Callaghan (George) Grocer ani Cooper, 45, ClnrmNr,.
Callaghan (Jaoe) TtWlow-chan.Aec, '9, AblJ(y-tllre."
~~a\laghan (Mary) Tall_-c:h.n~er, 102, Pitl-t01l1e.
Cnllaghan (Mary) Boot and Sfloe-maker, i4, Cal'~/-tt~.
Cillaghan (Patiiclr.) Tallow-ehandter and Orooer. lll<i,
C"Uaghan (Tbomu uclSol'is) Merchanu, ~, FlHf-.lHtl.
- ~'allaghan (Thomai) Orooet', t~ T_d-M_t.
Callaghan (Ta-a) TatlOw.~.ntll« and ~r, ~8,"I/l.ltJtte.
~1i:n~h_ (Tipaoda,~ ~.D4 QJtel)l'. so, 'fIIi<lIUr~m..~
CAR Merchants and Trailers•. 29
Callaghan (William) Apothecary, S8, Mary-lIfW4.
CaUan (Mary) Grocer, 79, Frattei$o",,",. .
Callen (Jam e.) Vintner, 16, FislUJlllf>/.c-IttWl. .
CalKssendorlf (J.) Swedish aad Dutch Ship-broker, 86, Rognwn'l-f'UIl.
Callwell (N.thaniel) Stationer and Lottery-ollice-k~per. 28, CoIlege-gr'.
Calvert (Adam) Groeer and Candlewick-manufac. ·911, ThOflllUollfWI.
Camac (Mary) Grocer, 10, TIW11IICIId-llreel.
Campbell (Archibald) Merchant, 2, l.u"-treet.
Campbell (Cathenne) Baker, 44, Thoma.wttWl.
Camp bell (Edward) Baker, 8, gt. Britain-6lreet.
Campbell (Elizabeth) Linen-draper, 62, Badt-lan/!.
Campbell (J.) Sec. to Britiah and Irish Fire Insurance Company. and
4gent to We.tminlter Life-offices, 40, Dame-",,",.
Campbell cr.) Painter and Glazier, and Eagle Inn-keeper, 17. DwkMt~.
Call1pbell (James) Shoo-maker, 4, Wood-'1IA1J!/.
Campbell (Joho) Coal~actor, 19, Backewr',.,walk.
Call1pbell (M3tthew) Com-stoJ't!l, S, Frederick-la1U!, S.
Campsie (Richard) Lineo-draper, 24, Corn-mark",.
Canann (Joseph) Skinner, 11, Walllng-lIrt!el.
Cane (Richard and Co.) Army-ageou, 61, DaW8Ofll-Strtet.
Cal!noJ;l (RicJurd) Skinner, 5~, Wailing-It,,",.
Caotrell (John) Lioeo-draper, 56, Call~.
Cantrell (Peter) Carpenter, 7, gt. LOIIgj'<JNJ.strut.
C."ntrell (Robefi) Hardware-merchant, 10, 'W. NelD-rotIl.
Cara/fa (Paolo) Artificial-lIowerist, 19, lit. Lt»If!,fard-slrt!:el.
Carbery (Christopher) Paper-hanging-manufacturer, 1112,,\;t. Britai"':#t
«;:arber,ry ~James) Spirit-dealer, 88, Touf'lUefld-llreet.
Card (Nathanid) Merchant, 54, lIolttm-llreet.
Card (Slephen) Merchant, 14.!l.
Card ill', Furlong, ,nd Co. Ship-wrights, 9:1, Roget'fIOfI'S-qvtty. •
Carew (Robert, aod J. Orr,) Lint:n & MuslilJ-factors, 28,:SocIroille-slrul.
Carey (Jeremiah) Boot and Shoe-maker, :12, S'lt. GellJ'ge':t-Ilr«t,
Carey (Patrick) Book-binder, 11, eto-stretll.
Carey (fhomas) Merchant, 20, gt. Ship-slfWI.
CarlctoD (John) Aldennan, 6, MOllnljo!J-lf'Mlre, N.
t:arleton (John and Co,) Merchants, 12, EllUlac8-Slreet.
Carleton ( Grocer, 51, S. gt. George'..ltre.t. •
Carleton (WilIiam and Co.) Hosiery and Shoe-warehoUle, 4$, e""le.';.
C.uney (Daniel) Tallo ...-chandler, 126, Jame'$oUreet.
Carolin (Edward) Carpenter, I, Mnland-Ilreet,
Carpetltet'/(.t;i'mes) Straddle and Collar-maker, 62;Cll'u.rJ:..llrllet.
Qirr (Annt)' Vnen-draper, 98, Thot1llU-Ilr:Bet.
Carr (Cathe'rine) Linen-draper. 52, M~. ,
Carr (John) Gr~8I', 124, gt. Britain-#fftl. .
Carl ick (1. and J.) Printers, & Prop. of Morning Post, 2!}, Baclwlur"-F'
Carroll (£dwanl) Lea!her-selAer. 51; Back-lane.
Carroll (Edwan.) Tallow-chandler, 24, Fi.ha"blc-Itrteet.
('arroll (Henry) Anchor-smith, 52, CiI!J-p<RY.
Carroll (lame.) Confectioner, 110, gt. Brilarn-IIre"'-
Carroll (John) Pape!'..taiQer, 5t, Capd-rfrm.
n815.] _ .~
C.rroll (John) TrUllk-\t1al\,~" 8, Su'fI'J'krq:r.
Carroll (Joseph) Victualler, 46, TOll."(M-sSnet.,
Carroll (Mal}) Stay-maker, 2, Cavt'lldi.<"-r;".'~

CnroU (Mi~b~l) T'I,il(lr, and (M~ry) Stay,-ma~er, liS, Ezt:bf.~-~
Carroll (M iclJ'I~I) 'i'ill-pliltc-workcr a.Dd llrauer, 87, lJriiui",~
t'arroll (PalliC\_) Carpenter ana. Timber-lll4TchilQt. 1S, CQII'[1Ibe.
Ca'rrolI (Patrick) Linen-drape,', 9, Quec.R-slr"rt. '
C.rroil (I'alrick) S~cd,mcrchant, IJ 6. CU1,t'-s<rHt.
('al'T(l1\ (Peter) Paper-5tainLf 1I1~d Painter, 35, Bttek-Illa,.
Carroil (Peter) Silk and 'Vch·ct-maniU.. cture.r.' 1:0, Naw~~'d.
Carroll (Thomas) Cott~ll-mallufarturer, 6, If'. Arra)l,-li'rtd. '
e.moil (W.) Merchant, s, GrlHl(l,fl-rOll].
Car roll (William) Engraver, 47, Jlel&r!J-stret!l.
t,:arrllthers (,-\1111«:) Lh)~n and Cambric~-n\l!rchaJ)t. 55. A~-!&!'I'Q.
C~rtan & Hawthorn, Iron-mon&"rR &. Hardware-merch<mts, 5~. ~ilI..[11>o
Cart an- (Lawrence) Merchant, 23, Stel'hm'$ogreclI, W.
Carter (SampsoD) Prore$60~ apd Doctor of M/bic, 15, M~c!Je.hlU"J;/l...t.
eJrtn (Williaro) China. and ~l[-sl'ller. 84,. Gr'di __$lr~d; ,.
Carter (WilIiam) Ladie.-shoe-Qlaktr, 1.7, Clare-sp-eel.
Cartlarld (E1im~r). Tjn-rlat~'\ 49• .E"·Ohf'lver-Slre~. "
Carton (Maurice) '\I'ooUen-dral'Cr, 8, 111" IJridg,·$Ireel.
Casey (Andreiv) Ca!hic.rto R.Sha.wi.lld Co·sJbnk., S,~IWoU-..uU(.
("asey (B.) Supervi,OJ', ~8, Erch''1Ker-4lrecl. '
Caser (C.) Fal1~y-d.rc ....war.e-rOQQl, ;, MarllKJroK~Ir"rlC/~
Casey (Ma.thew and Co.) Urewcrs, 41, Pi/nlieo.
(;~~l\(Wal(er) Gloccr, 205, et. Brilai"..alucl.
rase" (WilHam) Spirit-stores, 117, Fra"cis-strert.
Cuh (John) Alderman, anll. l'I'esideat of the. Couri QC, COlliC~.
54, RlIllatl4.stjKare, W. ' .
Cashmao. (MiclJael) ShQe.~ker. 45, lJride-llred.
C~idy.(Philip) Cheese.w~rebouse, 46, Couk""~•.
&asm il1lq~. Grocers, 11, ,Diw,,,,'reft.
Ca.,in (Joseph). Grccer, 2~~ GrDjJOl&-flreet.
Ca,.in"",(J08eph) Mercha.llt, la, Flett-.slreel.
Cassin (l.uke) G~e~, 1, Clllrc-sll·e!JI.
castles (TholDiIJI) Biscuit,baker, 4, E. GeG1lf,e'wtrect.
Caul~d (John) Wine-merchant, :!O. MOOI'CooIlreet. ,
C;i.,,,,n (J9~~-keeper. !;.l, N. Kirl&-8I.rM.
Cavanagb (Owen) Baker, 117, gl. Britain-slrert.
CaYe (Rie.) Mer. and Supervisor of Pipe-water-r~venlle. SI, n-t-•.
Chamb.ed~.(Peter &IldThoma.) r.. lercbants, 8, FOft'Mf:'-...tIftCIII.
Ch&lllbera, HalIipn and. Chamben, Stationers, 4, AIiOf!lTIIr«t. ,
t:ham6et,!. Todd, aoll Co. LLnen-IactQfI, S, Ga.·diuT $or....
Champion (Samuel) Cork-c:utter, 10, LiJf't!Ntreet. ,
C~peello, (lobn) Watch and Clocll.-maker, SS, low. SaCkvilk"!II.r~
CftancHer (lohll) Paper-warehouse, 44, C"ok-street. '
Chapman (S.) Cashier to Sir Wm. Alexander, Bt.& Co'•• BaJUt,~.
Chappe\l (William) Cutler, 205, gt. Brit.d,,-.flred. '
Charge (William) C~rver and vilder, 155, .d.~eet.
Charles (James) 'l>rinter and Booksener, 57, Mary-IJtreet.
-Chal'lel (lUcbtnl) Slator, 110, Pe'!r,strra: - , "I
tLE Mertltdnfs and Trl1de'rs. ~t
Chartres & nourne. Gea. Priu-agents Fo!' Army & Navy,ll,/GlOl!tbtl""':.t.
ctet~s tJobn) Wax-bltacber, and rnanufac. c;£'Wax ,;nil 9perl'll;~ctil
candles, 164, If" Britaill-ttt'eet. .
Chaae (George) Carpenter, 65, Wllliltm·$lrcel.
Chatton (David) Toy"llelltr, 8Q, Itt. Brilaill-itri:el.
Cheluey (l~ter) GlaslI-eeller, 157, COl'e{~ret!t.
Cheb,,~y (Sarah) Glass-eutter, 4, Getwge',-stt-trt. .
Cheevers rfholllall) Truss and ~ndagt=-tna.uracturer, 27, RR1II}'arrf-sIr.
Christie (F.) Coach-maker, Hr5, gt. 'Jlrilain-slre«. . , '
Christie (Franci!) Carvtr ana Gilli~, 5, DukL-itreet. ,
Christie'(1ames) Printer, 'Ptiblisher, and Type-founder, 17, Ra_s-leill•.
- Christie (Jolm) Merchal1t, SS, 'Rogerson's-'1uay.
Church (Mic.hael) W()6Uen4raIle'r, 15, Gra/toil-lWt!et.
Clancy (James) Splrlt-etorel, 59, Citg-qlllJY.
Clanc), (Richard) I.eather-seUeT, 6, Back-railr.
Clare (Barbara) ])elf-seller, 53, ~t. Britain-street. •
Clare .(J. and Son) Sale and Commls~ion-warehouse, 9. 81'. Ormond-qullJ!.
Clare {WiUlam) Stone-seal-crlg'l"aver, $4, S. gt. G~Qrge'$"~t.
Clarendon (Thomas) Linen-draper, 12, Westmorlalld->trm.
Clarke and Dallas!, Hair-dreseers and Petfumeu, 24, E ..che'l¥r-.t,'eef.
Clarkeand DlnVl1ng, Sadcflets, 30, TM,ltas-slrecl. ;
Clarke and FerriB, Merchants 3\lilManuf.durers, lS,Merchanc',-qu"¥.
CUrke and West, 'Wholesale Goidglllirhs and J.iweIlcrs. 9, Capel-Jlrle."
Clarke (Andrew). Lirlen.-draper, 48, TI,omas.sll'ul.
~1al'\(e (Bemard) Boot and Shoe-maker, 5, Gol<ien-tailL'.
O:irke (Ihvid and Co.) Corn and Flour-merchanta. 27, Lolls.
Clarke (EdWard) ManOfattll.· rer&: Ca:Hcn-prinh'l', OIliCol, Skipper's-all.':!.
Clark'e (H.) LifteD-draper, 105, DOt'let-!l~et.
,CLrtke U.) Jcwo!lIer, 48, ClarendOll-street.
Clarke (James) Merchant, It, Grartby-rora
Clarke (J. and W.) Srdirfts'& Iron-mongers, Rllliuntf,.J; 1 Il, As/(m's-gllliV'
Clarke (John) Fancy Wig-maker, 15, N<JI,au-"~eet.
Clarke (John) Grocer, 44, Henry-ilnet.
Clarke (John) Linen-draper, 1, Back-lane.
Clarke (John) Porter and Ale-brewer, 74, N. lr.'ni-ilrecl. ,
Clarke ~JosePh) Coach-spring-manufacturer, SII1nmn-hill.
CIlll'ke Nidiolas) Printer, Bookseller, & Statif;lner, 50,i., ...J/rUaln-strm.
Clark'e Patrick) Baker, 40, Uslic,'s-qUsy.
Clarke (Richard) COI1l-chandlec, 112, 1"ownsend-street.
Clatke (Robert) Baker, 26, S. King-street.
Clarkt (William) Goldsmith and Jeweller, 12; low. Sll~kllille-str(fl.
Clarke (WUliam) Mercha~-t-tailor, 156, C"pel-street.
Club (WiIliam) Raior-maker, 44, Sltphm·,lretl.
CIaIIOD and Duggan, Iron-merchants, 46, B rict,dix,t-street.
Clayton (Belljamin) Engraver, I" R!Jder'M'O'III.
Cleary (Michael) Grocer, 94, N. King-st_t.,
Cle" (Anne) Cutler, 60, SltIpher!,-llreet.
Clement. (Catherine) Grocer. 48, City-'lKtI!j.
elements (Jane) Tea and MlIslin-dealer. 10, Allglrltll-Slrclll.
Clements (Margaret) Haberdasher, 59, Da-.slrut.
Clement3 (Thoma~) Glove-manafattlUer, 48, Pill-lane.
SI Merektt..nll and Traders. - C~J..
Clcmeata (william) TiD-iI'Iaft, 4, Qu_-d.......
Cibbora (Edward) Linen-merchant, LifletJ-hall, O/lic.e, 4i, ro~
Clift"ord (J6seph) Baker, 69. Bride-IIP«f. " -
Cliff'o!d (Richard) Apothecary, 68, S.~. Georp"-1lnIf
Clift"ord (William) Baker, 121, T~-Itrerl. '
Clinch (JohD) Builder aDd Tim~-merchaDt, 5, S"",mw-t.ill.
Clincb (John) Prpp, York Hotel, 54, Copel-"reet. "
Clinch (WiUiam) Glover, 10, IflfI'I-qtUJ1j. -
'CliDdenin (Alexander) Apothecary,. SIephell's-grem.
ClindeniD (S.rah) Milliner, IG!i~ gl. 11rUqin~reel;'
Cloke (P.) Breec:hea-makec aDd Glover~ 11:' 's. g,. -Gewp'Hlrm.,
Cloney (Richard) BOot and Shoe-maker, 6. Clare-strut. . 1 .. ' ,
Cloughley ( Tailor, 24,,,. SIi'tJfld-",re" ' ,
Clollston aDd Pottrell, Merchants, 6, Ma~I4g"-Itretl.
Clow (Joha) Hosier, 22, 'Ramjiml-Itrut:' , "',
Clllft" (Joieph) Silk-lIu':nur~cturer, SS, Fro.~.
Clall" (Ricbard) Paper-ataaner, 72, Ji7ut-8Jrerl. .... ,
, Coai! (JohD anel SO!1) Wholesale Glove and Leather-wareh. 22, M~.
Coatet (Arthuf) Merchant,' 51, W.jUilJ'IIWlrt:d., _" " ' .. ' . ' ,
Coates (Geor(e) Builder, 9, .f~.' .
Coatel"(Jamet) Salesmaster. !is, Q¥eetHlFed, and 5. ~Rlitkflc'4
Coate. (Samuel) Timber-merchant., 66, QuMa-&lreet.
Coc:kbllrD (Gilllert) Carpenter,'9, "1" J1...Iel-64Fed.
Coekbuni (Peter) Stone:cutter, 9, Jl(arlt-"..«L .
CoddaDd Breoan., Mercballu aDd CotD-factorl, li6, r~
Codd (qemefft) Merc~antaild ll~iliD Gan-'p'owd~r.~lIice, 28/.~ f.
Codd (Patrick) Dye-stuJl" and OII-merchaDt, 2, M_,---, '
Codd (Thomas) Bookseller aad Statroner, :58, 1" B~iloi.-4l"'.
Cody (M. Bc Co.) Who Woollen & ManchllSb~r-wareh. 30, Merch",.,'.,.
CoII"ey (ADdrew) City Engineer; 8, PemhroftNtreet.· , • . "
, Colfey (Nicholas) Corlund Flour~factor, ,SO. Jame,'s-street.
Copn {B. anil Co.) Merchants,S, "Lott.. ' A' '... ;,;.
Cogan (Philip) Doctor of Music, 6!l, Ercheqtler-Itreet.
Coghlao (Jamea) Spirit-stores, 21, CIJpd-,;reBt: " '
Coghlan (Jose~h) Crocer; HO, ~A_.ilFed.
Coghlan (Robert) Tobacconist', 1~9, 'FhlirM,..lI."fl.
Cohen (B. and J.) BJack-lead-peni:i~-mders; 8, Cbnrlemtmt-ln-id. .
Coil. (Berf\ard)' Linen and Cotton-factor,,' JO, LiRe7!'lu.&a-.irecl~ ,
Colbert (Harr1ptt) Bookseller, 148;' Capel-Blrect:.,· , . ,
Colclough (JutUiJ 'Haberdasher, 40,' NiChiJliu';'treet.·
Colclough (Thomas and PatricJc.) Saleimasters,'61, SmiJhjield.
C'olclough (Tohomas) T~llow~chandler, S, 'S_!i6a.ltei-.. 0 :.
Cole (John) S~Diaker, 2,low., , '
Cole (Thol!las) Shoe-'maker, '46, 'S. 'J:I, Georf!.~·","reet.
Coleman (Barlholomew) 'Llnen-draper, 8, Bride-,'rtet.
Coleman (Frauds) Silk~mer'cer., 9. Dame-sITeet. " I,
Coleman (James) Woollen-draper, 19, Franci"..treet.
Colemaa (John) 'Woollen-draper\ 22, High.Slreet.,
.colemaq (!-etitia) Grocer, 8,. Br"bazl1lM'otiJ.
Colematr' ('William)' Tnern.i,eeper; '24;, Nary-,/reel. ,
Colfer (Mit~.) Haberdasher,:,16,' Towlllntd-s/rWt• • :.
Colgau (Bernaa<l) ("handl\!1", 8.: Qlieen-s/rert.
~lercltallts ~nd l'ra,di!t·$...
'Colgan (Edward.) Tallow.thandler, 158, TItU'lIl(l....,I ....:C. .
C~gan and .Patrirk) Rectifying Distillers, 19, QueriJ.Uut.
Colgan {M.1chael) HosIer, 17, Bridge-WI't'eI.
'C,olgao (WilIiam) 1'allow-chandler, HI, lJalD.,ofl·'lre~'.
C.,lles (William) Printer and l,illen-omament~r, 9; S. Cop~,'treet.
',Collcy (Peter) Skinner, B~l"iew, Cr"Il~.lJtr~el.
C'0111r (Charl~), 12, Cote',·/nu.
polher (Christopher), 22, "1" Onnond-quay.
tJOllier (Eli21a and'Mich. Murphy) Button.manufacturers, 110, BriJ.......t.
Col1i~r (1. and J.) Coach.makers, 10, low. Kd~ill.'lIIre~. . .
'CoJlie'r (John) T~ilor, 411, E$I_street. .
~ollier (l?a~r!ck) WeaveJ', 61, MarrGt!,Bolle-ulIIe.
~o~1ier (1'hoiha. an,d Cu.) Coal.factors, 2, .JI,fou-.trYf.
1:::o11ino "(Daniel) \\ orsted.manufacturer, 9, C"rmall-h.1U_
Collins (FenneU) Saddle~ .an4 Harne~~akcr, 11, Dalll<'·tJ,...'f!f.
Collins (George) Auctiomer and Valuator, 28, Bolton·str.M,.
~ollins (James) Coach.maker, 4, C"ff'c·>1red.
C~lJins (Joseph) Silk.n>anufacturer, 57, P;[[-laJl<;'
Collins (Robut) I:ye-stuff.merchant, 9. Mealh·ru,li.
Collins (Thomas) Perfumer, I, Q,,"·eH ••lrerl.
Collison (Edward) Glover, 3, Wm·mwuod.gate.
~olquhoun (Gcorge), Musieal.instrument.maker, 5, T,·bdJII·1I.,1>«I,,·
Colville and Son, Merch.:!nt., 6, BacllClor';;-wlIlk.
Conan (M'ary) Tal1br, 8, Tl'illiIY·l,[uce.

Conaty (Patriek) Gto,er, 5.

'C9n'aty (John) Spirit-stores, 17. Pal,·ick-streel.
Conaty (T:~ Vintner,' 27, lValling.sJ".eet:
Conlan (Peter) Turner, 59, Ma"!/~.lalle.
C!>nlan (William and Edward) Brewers, 47, W. Nelll-rtnIJ.
Connell (Edward and Co.) Apothecaries. 144, Ft'atlcU-6lred.
Connell (lames) Baker, 43, Clturc4-slreel•
. C~nell (Jaines) Cabinet.maker, 66, Aungicr-llreet.
Connell (J elfrey) Linen-draper, 23, Corn-market.
Connell (John and Iihilip) Cider and Perry·merchants, and Cart all"
·Car-owners, 4, MOnlgcnnery.slrcet.
Coniiell (John) Perfumer, 20, Barrack-.•trcet.
Connell (Michael) Dry-cooper. 9, lI-farlbor.ltg1!·streer,
, Connell (Philip) Woollen.daaper, 3, Parliament.stred.
tonn'ell (Richard) Cabinet.maker, 54, Altn~ie'·'$t1'Cd.
Cooneijy (Michael H.) Grocer, 57, Damt'-strcel. . -.
Connelly {Thomas) Cotton.manufacturer, 105, Fraftcis-#r«I.
'. CORnery (Richard and Son) Timber·merchants, 93. R",ef'_·~glUlfl.'
ConnoU,. (Cath~rine) Grocer, 143, JU7lies's·street. ,
Connolly (Ja.) Merchant, 41, Sackville·str"tt. ,
Connolly (Margaret) Haberdashel, 26, Moore-."rcet.
ConnoUy {Martin) ,Builder, Mounl ••t,·eel•.
Connolly, Maxwdl, and t'ortcscue, Merchants, 3, TJurgh·fJ'lAY·
Connolly (Patrick) Painter aod Plaisterer, 6, S. Ou1llbeTllSnd-stre<l.
CODllolly (Peter) H~berdasher. 8, Di{!ge~sl'"/!~,
Connolly (Richard) I'urniture.warehou!IC, 136, Ahb"Y'.tret't.
Co.onoHy (Richard) \\lbot..;ale Wuollell'\Nl~0I15e, LO, Ch"reTj'Ilr-e/lf •
. l. .
MerclNmts mul 7-radera. coR:
Con.olly (Robert) Printer ... nd BoobeHer, 9, CrofJ.~II1'~l.
CoImolty, Somen and Co. Porter-brewers, 28, S. KI,lg-.trm.
Connolly (William) Merchant, 3. William'_.
Connor (Bart.)ln.-k~per. 14, luw. Kn1i1l-'ilm!t.
COlInor (llenjamil') Trunk-maker. 34, Skimaer-t'OU'.
Connor (Lr.~Il) [I.k"r, 78. FrtnlC;1-1h'erI. .
Connor (Cll! istopher) Timber.merdlarrt, -I, NftI1oltrt!tt.
ConDor (EHu) Starcb.mllnuIactul'er,. 66. Bnrlt-u.w.
eormor (Oeorge) Wirc-work"" ~, JI6bcIy-IlJUI.
Con nor (Joha) SaddleT, 104. Tlloma.-IIm:'.
ConDOr (John) Tatern-keeper, 16. Wiiliam-Ilrtrt.
Connor (John) Turner and Machin_ater. ll, low. C_be.
Conoor (Luk,,) Plumbennd Water-closet.manufactunr, S2"C~~.
Conaor (M.) Haberdasher.' 10. C.tIIdeIl-stm..
Cona.r (M.) Shoe-maker, 77, TIlIltlllJI-1tneL
('onnor (Patriek) Tail.r, 11, Xtflned,.·.-Io"e.
ConDor (Thos ) Manufacturing JC'fVell~r and Goldsmith. 911, NautJU-fit'r.
Conran (Nichola.) Commi,.ion and Com-stons. 74, T'-tu-ItfWf.
Comoy (Catherin,,) Lace-warehouse, 41, N. Glowcut#-lfreeI.
Conror (Fr.ucis) Grocer, 6, Si/t_m!t .
.Conroy (lames) Merchallt and Factor, 12, JeMJu.."rttl.
Conroy (James) 'hilor, 9S, MtJT!J'.-<l6be!,.
Conroy (John) Lace.wareh"ule', ~, Grri/tOfl-sCfUI.
Conror (Mark) Wire-manufacturer, 83, CexnnH.
Cenror (Thomas) Col'fto'fat'lor, 411, TUWfI_d-lbW!I.
Conror (Thomas) Timbe....t1I'erc!mnt. GraM-fl(J""l-~.
Coaway (Henry) Carpenter and Builder, 58, Ne.1trtet.
Conway (1ames) Tailor, 10, E~.
Conway (Michael) Merchant, S'l, BtIfIIolafre, W.
Conyers (Martba) Orocer, ~,Ja_'HI7Wt"
Conyngham (J::dwara) Timber-merchant, 8, Bridgefoot-Itrett.
ConJIIgham (Titoo.) Confectionm' Bc Soda-wzm".uanllf. 10'1 J ~•
. Conyngham (WilIiam) Turner, 0, l1ritlgifrM-rIrM.
Coogan tlolm) Skinner. ·5". W~r«C.
Cooks. U.) Artist, Stationery, Bc Water-coloor-wareh. fl,t 3tJdn7i1lH1.
Cooke (John) Artist. 74, Ctt1IIden-Jlre'et.
Cooke (John) Law Book.eller, 6. up. Onnonl-pay. . .
Cooke (Mat.) Repo>;itory for the Sale of Horses, ate. 4I,Il~""
Cooke (Peter) Haberdasher, 88, /'iI1·lam.
Cooke (Richard) Wine-merchant and Gnn:er. 18. Willi4fta~
Cooke (T. and Co.) Music-warehouse, 45, Dn'me-IlrUl.1c IS. ~_'''''''
Clooney (Corndius) C'ottorr-manufactul'llr. 'IS, M~lafUl.
Cooney (John) Cotton-manufacturer. 6, Cole-«Iley.
('ooney (L.) Saddler, 57, Moore-street.
-Cooper (Henry and Co.) Coach-makers, 27, Df1trt1r&i~fII.
Cooper (Henry) Coach-maker, 25, M~
Cooller 1Samllel) P~rfumtr. 133, Capel-Ilreet.
Cooper (William) Shoe-lDaker. S, mid. GarttiMl'-flr-ect.
Copeland (John) Sili:-m.n~factnrer•. 9, InDl-lJUay. '
Corball~s (J.) Merchant, Otlice, Cam'lllef'ciat-bulUlinp.
'Cciballis (Rithard) Merchant, ()lIice" Timber.stons, 96, hprlilA'l-fo
~o~ ;K~c~1s muJ. l.'~s. I1
. CorbaUy (JaJI(Ie,t).ldnQ.dri4Jl«, lI, ~,. ..
Corbany (John) But~n and Trinunlng-merthant. !l, PrAti~#reef,
.. Corbett (William) Grocery anll Oil-wuebOllJll, 27. C~
Coreoran (Thomas) Perfunle~ and Wig-mak.e!', 9~ Gr4i.-Itf'el.
Core (S. IL) Agent:md Importer. M, low. S~IIe-II"" .
Corkran (Jonn) Lincn-draller, 109. Bride·strul.
Corley and Read. Sbip:agents. Office. C;om~rcuu-biUlill{l"
Corley (B;!.rt.) l.and'\lgent and Gen. Aecountant, Office. 211,F~ (John) Rectifying Pi.tiller. ,(0, Tho_Nh'Ut.
Corr (Patri~k) Cabinet·/JI,llker, 22, Bride'Ioa/fey.
Corr (Nieholas) ~t and Shoe.maker, 54, CaJld-llnct.
Corr (Richard) Silk.manufacturer. SO. New.,tre8l.
_ Corrie and Co. Tbread-Iace-manufactQren,. :17. ,,".e-*Wl.
('orrig;\n (John) iron-monger, 91, Tlwmalollreef.
Corrigan (Michael) Oil·sJlOP, 2, IJoot.{au.
Corrigan (Patrick) Baker, 49, up. Coumbe.
Corrigan (Thomas) Seed·merchapt, 2, Mwc/.anI's-qIUl!/!o
Corry (James) Secretary to the Linen Boafd. 9, L,,"B4"-Slrdto
COIgra:re (TI\qm&5) Wool,col}lber. 52. Jl,f~ath·stred.
Costcllo (Alexander) Apothecary, ~8, High·81reu.
Costello and LOIIg, Grocers, 2, ThMn4S«CJUrt.
Costello (Bridjet) Grocer, 12, AlLngi"'''·$lrecl.
COltigan (Charles) Shoe-maker, 58, Mary-str«t.
COdtigan (John) Groc:er. 79, Cal'l.'I<6lreet.
Cottigan (Iohn) Ilectifyinl Distiller, J 2, Tho1/UJHlreel.
Costigan (S),lvester and. Co.) Distillers •. 161, TI,oJ1UU-81~
Cottlc (George) Basket_maker, 25, FilharnlJle<6lreet.
Cottle (WiUiam) Ba5ket.makerandGrocer.~~. andS6, Watung."1WC.
Cotton (Charlotte) Delf.seller, 45. F._llreet.
C()ttO!l (WiIliam) Apothecary, 57, Coombe.
Cotton (WiIliam) Cotton.manufacturer, 52, Frtlftci,.81fWI.
Coulson (John od W.) Dama,k-maool'acturers. 52, IJolltnwIrteI.
Coulter (John) Linen-mecchant, 14, N • .A.ftJ&e-llrttlt.
Coulter (Sam. and Jame.) Cotton-manufacturers, 16. ~IUII""",,:,
Couber (Wijliam,) l:iuen·drapef, 5, Castle-.treeL
ConIton (Thomas) Bnild~r, 69, Tuwftllt!7ld• .,rMI..
Courtney (Bernard) Tailor, 19, lit. IJritaitNIlWt.
CourtDe1 (D..,id) Wine-merchant. 56, Su
Courtney (Joleph) Merchant ."cl Grocer. 2.5, 10111. Sac"1Jilll."~
Courtney (Peter It.) Wine-merchant &lid W ooUen-draper. ~ 7, ,MiWJI'''''~
Courtney (Tholll~) Printer. S, W-ootWlr«t.
Courtlley (William) Linen-mer~bant, 55, IJole-.MtIt.
C.waa (Catherjne) LinelHlraper, 44,$.
Cowel (G.) LancHW'Yeypr, IS, .14afJbot-ltr«/.
Cowen (Oeorge) GroceF~ 12, Bo/fo't-6tlWt.
CoWeD. (John) Shoe-maker. 45, TOII11U#ftd.IlMll.
Cowen (Iohn) Merchant,. 45, Hardtl.!.icke-Blreel.
Cox (Abrahalll) Ta..... keep,er. 5'7, B.ttm-Itrecl.
COlt (Charlea) WooUen.clr.!per, 5, Dame-ItrUt.
Coa (John) lJra~iu and T~plate-worker, 125, 7:/•."._n"..
COli. (Joaepb) Woou.n·~, ~ ~
J"JerclNmts and Tratlers. cm.
Cox (St~hen) Fishing and Fowling-tacklNnaker, 5, up. O"aond"f....,.
Coli (Waiter) Printer, ISO, Abbey-It.-eel.
Coyle Uohn) Pnchmrnt-maker. 2, Coo/rt'..Iqne.
Coyle (MarceUa) MUliner,59, H/!"IIry-8tr«t. -
Coyle (Patrick) Parehment-manufacturer, 56. W'alli/.g·llnel.'
royle (Patrick) Skinner, IS!, Watl",~",
Coyoe (JOhD) Paper-merchant and Bookseller, H, Coolt·6ttWt.
doyne (Richard) Printer and Beo.kseller, 16, /'flrliament-ll1'fft..
Cozin', (John) Silk and ('.ottoD.manufacturer, 166,gl. Britain-str'ef!Io.
Claig (An drew) Wine, Flour, and Corn-merchant, H.If~reel.-
Craig (nom..) Li"eD-dr.per. 16, N. Kiotg-strerl. .
Crai!!: (Willjjlm) Haberd~sher, 16, Arrma.qtcay.
('ranDen Uame~) Silk_manufact1i\rer, 16, Hmdrick-!Ifleet. ' _
CraweD (Nathaniel) Sherilf'..peer alld Apothecary, 41, DBt""'''~'
Crawford (John) Silk and Cotton manllEadurer, '72, NeuJoSIreet.
Clawford (Peter), 2, Lishunt·st!'t"l!t.
Crawford (Wm & Tho •. ) Wholesale WoOllen-drapen,14,M~hani'~.
Crean (Alicfte'lf) WQOII!!n-draper, 5, InnHJIl-O.'1'
Creed (Rebet"ca) Army and Li¥ery-Iace-manufacturer, H, Da'IIIC-ISf'Ill4.
Cn:r,n (John) Salesman, 85, N King-.'r«l. .
Cfelghton (John) Slate-merchant, /,rince'I-$Ir,«.
CriDnion (Math<!W) Tallow'-Chandler, 60, Moqre,"'r(!ct.
Crofton (Curtia) Tallow-chandle~, S, Gr"gg'&-!alle,
Crofton (Hugh) City-store-keeper, Pil'e-water-rdf!c~, B~.
Croftou (Richalfl) 'Mpt:ctor of City Water-works, 8, Hrndriclr-stMlt,
Croker, Darling, and Co. Merchants, 182, Tounuend·slreet. ,
Crombie (Wm.) Merchant and Mulin-manufarturer, 24, N. Anfle-#fftt.
Crania (Wm. & Ju.) MerchantS1\: Comnlissiou-paper-selJen,'~.
Crookes (Christopher) Boclucller and Stationer, 165, gt. BrilaitWtn:et.
Crosbie (M) Whiskey-ato!"!!., SU'"7IIer-liill.
CrOlby (F.) Artist, 40, (;nld.'R./ant'.
Cro,by (Patrick) Sp<lrit·,tores, 6. W', Brcha~e-"rtet.
CJosthwaite,. Baker, Linen /!<: Mu.1in.warehgure, 21, Mt'I'chttn/·.......
Crosthwaite (Leland and Son) Merchants, 61, FllJel·.frt"r!t.
Crotty (Comeliul) Hardware and Trimming-merchant. 1~, W. Ndl>->\.
Cro"'e (Law.) Artist' and Mechanic-warehouse, 2"', QeIden-lnM, arid
90, Step1len'$'grt't'fI, South.
Crcnier (John) Habrrda.her, SI, C"l'r/.$Iref't.
Crozier (JoIlD) Victualler, 175, gl. Britain·st~..rl.
Crump (Francis) Mer~hant-tailor. 16, Jc,,:is••treet.
Cuddihy (P. and J) Merchants, 10, and 11, L.,Us.
Caddy (Daniel) Apotherary, S, Auftgier-s1recl.
CodcIy (Edward) W hole,ale Linen-dl'llper, 14, tip. Jhoi,lgN'''err, -.
Cudmore and Wills, Military Regiltry, 7, PiII."T""'. - -,
Cuff (Elizabeth Ann~) Coa('h.maker.81, J6bt'frslref!t:o - .-
Cuilset (John aDd Co.) l.ace-warehOt1!e, 149, gl. Britnm·Jlffrl.
Culledet (Jemima) Tannet, 10, Mill-lIIrH'.
CUlleD (George) Girth-web-manufacturer, 47, C.irk-!IhY'd.
CulleD (James) Tin:l'late.worker, Guld..,,-la.,~.
Cullen (John) CIO«"- and Tobacconist, 13, 'and 14, IJarrtr(1:·.trtorl.
eull,an (Jobt» Mil!iatur~-l'ai"ter, n, S,!fo1k."Tt'u..
.DAR -Merchants and n'a~
Cullen (Nicholas) Linen-ckaper, 70, gt. Bri/o;"Uf'fIet;
Cullen l Patrick rLinen-clraper, 26, C,,",-market.
Cullen (Thomas) Tailor. 7, Morg·_6IJey.
Cuming (J.) Wholesale MlIIIia-war.rhouae. ~7, MerchQ!iII'~y.
Comming{J.) Bookaellel', 16, ,Iow. Clnr_~!I'
Cumming (William)Portrait-,paintM, 14, Cl4f'f1-4treet.
Cummins (Edward) Skinner, 57, Wotli"l:'"stf'fIeI.
Cummin. (Miehael) Wheel-wright, 58, Jom/U'Ht,.,e.
"Cummin§ (Peter) Com-factor, 140, Jamea'.-rtf'f!et.
Cunuingham (Edward) Turner, 70, Bridri0ot-stf'flet.

CunniAghatn (llobert) ,HaberdBlber'and Stationer, 141, Donet-a/red,
Cuppaidge (George and Co.) Paper-manufacture", College-green.
Curran (Matthew) Bui:ldft":and MeBlurer. 11. MORlagtlblh'eet.
Curran (Th"mas) Watch anll, 8S, Dame-.llnel.
Curran (William) POB~r, 17, CI1le'HafU!.
Curry, Keene, and Co. Timber-menchant" '107, ROlf-',",,""!I.
Carti. (Christopher) LiCensed Powder Jr. Soot-clealer, 73, Jame"~II~.
Curtis (Patrick) Sec". to the Hjber.Aian Insw:ance CQlJl,Pany, 42, DI/.me-l.t.
'Caiadt (Edward) W oollen-clraper, 34, JVe8lmarlond-,tffft. (!saae) Mercantile-broker anel Aw:tionier, 21, lllUJ. Saol<~illI-"",
Cuaack (Thomu) Timber and Bark.,.merc:hant, Ofti<;e, 4, EUi.'NJVI11/.
Cutler (George) Circulatin! Library, 56, SlepAen.-ltreeJ.
" D.
DalUon (Joeph) 1eweUerand, W, Slcinner-rolll.
nale (WiIliam) Tailor, '35, Cltl'l'endon-slrcet.
Dalrymple (John) Watch-maker, 42, .Aungier.-#f'tIet.
Dalton (Chri.topher) Carpenter and Mealurer, 28, Grtl1\l:f-gor1lUlrt-1q,,,.
Dalton (John) Clothier, 28, Chamber-Ilreet.
Dalton (Michael) Apothecary and Druggiat, 37, FluI-,treet.
Dalton (Steph~n) Corn and Flour-factor, BliflUlw.
Dal), (Christoph:l") Tobacconi.t, 30, S. gt. Geflf'g~',.8treet.
Daly (James) Apothecary, 87, Heflrg-Ilre<U.
Daly (James) Chandler, 22, Cuffe.,/rUI.
Daly (Martin) Baker, S5, CIKmIIIe
Daly (Michael) Greeer. 6J, Thoma,.llreet.
Daly (Patrick) Vintner, 19, Wer/nl"gh-Ilreet.
D~y (Thomas) Academy, 58, 8. 8'.',.~,
Dames (Joseph) Hatter, 32, Temple-bar. .
Daniel (James) Brick.layer, 17, Cuffe-ltrtWt.
Daniel (Thomal) Boot and .ShOlWDaker, 23,C~rerl.
Daniel (William) Brazier and Tin~plate-worker, 51, Marg-""""
Daanelly (George) Tallow-chandler, 68, S. p. G~orge·,...t,""l.
Dannelly (ratrick) Tallow-ohandler, 144, N. King-uNCI.
Dannelly (Ridaard) Tallow-c:haodler, 10, Queen-rtreet.
Darby (West) Mercantile-c:rane, Marg'~abbey.
Darcy and. Co. Tuer.-keeper.,· IS, N. E8rl-lIf'f1et.
Darc)' Uames) G\.Qbe-taYem-keeper, 52, Else~reet.
Darker (WiIliam) Linen.drapcJ', 89, Fronci,.llreef.
Darley (Alderman, FI'ederick) Chief Magistrate of Police, 60, WilUq",oII.
Darley (Benjamin) Royal Marine-store., 78, and 79, R.'4n"'O"·~11OJI
[1815.~ . F ' .
Jt(Jrdiitits antlTrflders.
DlJley (FRderiR) seoae.:c.llter. Mall6GHt.... .
I)trling (Georre) Ml!r'Chant; It~ G~_, N.
Darling (Patrick) Cooper, 611, O/uf,~reill.· •
Darllnr; (Richahl) MetChallt\ 28, rll,,".dJ"3h'i!It.
Darling (Siuon) CoUectot to GtlIlI'Ii Cab,l ,cmnp""i (l'~6otIr.
Darragh (Annlt) LiBen~ape.t, 4, Au~t.
Dan,. (Georie) Plunlher. il, Michlltf,.1lJae.
Dany (jame.) Delf...eller. 19, K/lIOi"'..,,.w. .
Dui. and Elliott, Upbolden and. Al1ctionier'at 110, (hurgil·...,.,.
Duis and Figgi., OIcwers, ~ Pi/l-lnJUl.
DaYi. (AnthobY) AuetiOni'et and UDdtlrtakS; 6\ 6. ~r'«I.
Dayi. (M,,"r.) ClIlTicr, 9, ikscIfC"".. _. '
naYis (J1II'De.) BreWer, 4,.MiatA-tI.Oftl~ BltWa-,. ,,~~,
Da'l'is-(James) Mei'chaht lind ~tOt; 24, 8.2L"'''''Ml!f.
Da.i. (John) Army ACl:outreJllebt-ma"1cer. so, ......~.
Dam (l'fnml11s) 'Carfie6ter, 1I,i'rit:tJ'HbtJ.
Duis "('rhdmBi) Tib..piate-"<*kel\ 4t, ·WiUi~IIItWI.
Dni. '(Valentme) CC1tton-lMDliiacbnw, IS, 'Rai~.
Da"is (Wm.' Grm.-er CbftCe·aDd :Pidde-blerC~ l/u,,«l. JlrftttdtNI.
J)ayiion ~leaiJo,) Ped'vma!tt, 'l,;lfarl~ ,
D.a"risQft (Mary At;lne) pmamer1lllll FMcereD,'S6, '~ittttt.
Dayock (Jame.) Silk.iDaDllf;itturer. -.m, PtllddJUl, .
Da.SOIl and Reid, Muslin, Calico, and Linen-Iactor., 7, Linen-hal/,.lIr.
DawlOD (ENneii) E~nr, .., ~".' .
Dawson (John) Iron-founder. 7, thfm-'.,.sti'Ml. . .
Dawson (Thomu) Metolqmt:, 1'2, zt"flrirridlfdb'Wl, .~, "~-¥4
. 'l)a'wton (Thoma6 ariilSoo) -L;bi!II-halpen, t4 ~",..
n.ale (James) Shoe-makel', 1'6-, ·8~-Ilrtet.
Dean (R., 'GGl!lob6atep' S. ~Ur."
Deane (Robert) Sh~er, ss, 8.,.1Irln4••eIJt. .
Dease (Eliar) 'f'allOw..chan!Hu, jlD, B.' :8nvn~1!1J.
Deast" (Patrick) Merch,mt, .1-, ·lhIIAr'~tuw.
Decluzeau (John) Wine-merobml,·1>, ){.. W,.~1eI.
De Coureey (Frands) Breechea-ml!~"qlna OII1Y!!I'. 'lIirliri. ,......
Dedrickson (Robert) Ship-~""64, V01Hu~.
Deering (Joseph) Tobacc:o.~«pd:Clta'hdte" ~ rRNI~
Deney (Thomal)~r, !7~ -R. JSpg/4tlWl_ .
De Groot (Corollliul) Car~er.aml~. ,86,~.
De Joncourt and ThompsOD, 'W.d\adt., .?9, f~.
Delahorde (Ch~r) CbD~, /8, 'Triauy.,.,.,. .
Delahuht .(,JOII n) ClullenteF, .} 5, '!Je"iifi'YiJr.,It'Iet•
. Dc1amer\~Ptanciaj Me1):hmt, ;J,'Ofb.~9'
Delamour (/otln) &lat'o~, '6,.':11,. bJttp~. .
Delandre (Barth'oIotnew)rStI~.mitll., ·1'6, <8AIJI~
lldany (Bernard) Grocer, "1~, ~1'Irft.'
Delany (D. and Co.)·tbi~bi\)~I,N~
Delany (Edward)-BoobeIMr, 'll'9.·t... ·~~:
Delany (Eliza A.) 01'0_. '8, '11~ ,-wo .
Dehni7'(JIanlll.)·Shlp~" 'as, ~.r;tI(6iy'tatwt.
De1afJr.<John) Lmeh*ijMr,·81J, 'H~
Delany (John) JIIui~.aeUer, 81, .,. 1IriI4i'lWlnfl. ,
Delaay (John) Spirit-stOE", liS, Jqwca•...,.,.. J '
Delany (Miduael) 1!oaUelIer, 8 t B«lfvr4-...",. \ ~
Delany (Redmoad) Tobac.c:onPt, 58, TlwflllU-,met.
Delany (Thomas) Silk, &ihbon &Dd, 1>7, jf{eAlh·st.
Delany (V.) BookHller, F - - ' I . .
Delany (William) 'lfape-mIlD~rer; ~7, Jll/Ipw-~
Delaporte (Anthony) M5cha0t.taib. 6, ~
Deli.le (Frands) French Coq,k, ti, ~
Del Vecchio (8.) Grocer, SS, B~.
~ ¥eccbiD"{J.} PriDt-tleli"er a: LoQkinI~IU~. 2/1, lYe#tllar!4f14.J#.
Demp.e, (Aathoay) I'a,inter &Dd Gluier, SO, B~f'f#.
Dempsey (Chrisrophel') Gl"OA:eJ", tB, ~.". ~~',"f41"f111.
Dempsey (Christopber) Baker,. 81, .Ta'lllll"~'
Dempsey (Elizabeth) GroCU', 57, /'4my.·#-laflfl.
~,( James) Ta....em.keeper. '. Marg.....
~paey {James.) Ta.Uo\V...cllab.dler, .34, Fro.'II."c:i~.
Dempsey (John) Baker, 46, G~
Demps~y (John) Stu/f.manDfa.ct,un:r, 2B, C~fIt!.
D~mpsey (P~tric:k) Co.rll:c.han&er, 121/, T!lW~~
Dempaey.(lt,iA:hard) CabiDe.t-Il'Ia501r, 62,S~
Dempsey (Ricbard)ltrulel'4ur, 7, Hil."-*«1.
Dempsey (William) Gun-maker, Ill, ,s.,gl'",rqIII.
Dempsey (Wiiliam) Painter a\ld .~iel', 99, Jt!r,,~
~pster (ol1udwick)·.IIIft'wnt, SO, .B~.
Dtnt (Denjamin) Slator, 9, up. ~-~.
Depoe (Peter) CtDb~on,e...keeper, S, Col~, ,
D'Esterre (1. ~.) Merchant, J I, ~'~IJI.Q/J<, NI. H, ,f.qU~
&lti YfIIlIlx (W.) l:I,beI'd. Paf•.lUId Pat. Med. YIIDdltr, ),S1,JiI.II~Jl-f._
Denrell (jonaGhan) Genend-laet.or, .21, ~1rFt1. '.
Devioe (John) PJumber, 17, R~.
De'riDe {6arab~ Haberdasher, .L'S, Jll8g-tt• •
Devine (Thomas) -Leatht!C",ellcr, U, ~J!.~
Devitt -(Jame$) Carpenter, L9, BridtNltIItII.
De.lin (J.) Pipe-maker, 1,306, F1'I1fICiwlr~'-
De"t'lin (Patrick).CoaI.fllctor.aod C~r-q'ttl1Al", 1,6, /.~1h1!fC.
De"t'oy. ~P,auidt) ,CoQper,27, Abbey-""..,t. '.
Dick (Samuel and Co.) Merehants, IS, ,LiJte.",M,Jl-Jl~~.
Dickenson (Jer~miah) Pump and jjlocl<,-Alall<:¥, fIIJ. ,f.9/.f60
Dickson aod Beaslpy, Woolleo-dr,apt:rh .99. JY~"'rl4~, ...
Dickaon (George) Wine-merchant, . .
lI>~,uwD:(~rilitapher) Silk-rpanufactllIer, 1,*, ~IY.
DIgnam (Elizabeth) Baker, Il, Fi*'IJIhl~,."t. .
Dlgnam (Francill) HOiiu, .67, JlraflC;"'~t.
Dignam (Luke)O.·p. Tavertt..k,eper,1 J, .Tn.fJily-llffeJ. .
Digllam.(Maria) Carlisle', .:w, Jl.a~.Nr'~It.
Dlgnam (T.)Baker, 117, Iq.,. A6hf!y-1tfffI. ..
"IDIgllam .(!1'hoJllal) Ship, .B1oc.k..and ,PuIIIP,bCIirJ!r, 1(),*, .,119g.,.p'~.
Dignan (Thomas) Baker, 72, FNflcu-6I.i'fIII. .
Dipam·~ Thomas) lI'allDer, Lo.-/IJ1!&
Dato. and Anderson, J>mp. 01 ,E~iskillca_a.l4't:M,,~7 ,~~st.
40 ltJercf,ants and Traders. DON
Oillon (Edward) Iloo~'and Shoe-maker, !.I4, H ..~ .
pillon (Edward) C3rp1!1lt",r 119, Su ..
Oillon (Frands) Merchant, 10, E. AfftuI..."..,
Dillon (~cnry) Shoe-maker. 82., CItJ""""',
DIlIon (James) Boot-.oaM,. 138, Cal'd........
0,11011 (Jam".) Perfumer, 77."...".
Dilloll (l and Co.) Coach-maken. 17, BoI---.
Dillon (John) C<lttOfl·manu{acturer, RoJWl"-.:IL
Dillon (John) Shoe-maklll\ 16, E.sez-']V4!1'
Oillon (John) $addler, 10, ..1''''''''',.«1. .
})(lion- (Mallricc Bc Thomas) W orsted-manui'ildureD. 16~ ./II8i!"...".
Oillon (Patrick) Merchant and MOWlufacturer, IS, U_'~
l)i1lon (Patrick) Bull.inn-keeper, 159,' TI,o,~
nillon (Peter) Printer, 99-, Char/
Dillon (Ru8h) Painter and Glazier, 26-, Clanndoa-Ilrtlrt.
Diollon (T.) Painter, PIlper-8t&iaer.&: Ptinter·... ink-manuf. If.,..~
Dinon (Thomas & Luke» ';Voollea-mercltaats, 7, P-arlia",.,.,...... .....
Wool-factors, 2.;, U$I..~ .-quoy.
Oillon (WiIliam) Apothecary, 57, Hig"".tNeI.
Dillon (William) Cutler, 56, T/MII~reeI.
Dix (Eben.) Sec.,i&the- Fanniug Society, Farmi7ll[f S. H_".I"-tr . . .
Dixon- (Christopher) Cabinet· maker, .1.40, AbiJe!l"llreet.
Dixon fJames) Tanner, Kil_ifl4am •.
Oixou- (JohD'), .2.1, BfftJithwail~.
Dixon (Joshua-)- Sberii'·.-peer all..!., 6, r-:. 0"..... pag,.i
Dillon (Robut) Chandler, 1, ErlJeollf'llll'. . . .'
Dixon (~muel)Shoe-maker, 7, "1'.-onn_oqlltlY.
Dixon, Sltmmeno and Co. Co,n and Biour-melchants, L~.
·l>~~Wm.) Haberdasher~ Portraitand Miniature.paiater.4S; C~
Dixon (William) Timber-mercbant, 48, low. Mcmw.t-llr«L
Dodd (Christopher) Corn anctHay-factor, 20, Smit/!fWd.
Dodd (lames anll Joseph) Seedlmen aDd. Grocers, 'l2; ~
Dodd (John) Cabinet-lIlaker alld Broker, 25, ,_. Ot-rtumd-f(lUJ!J."
Dodd (joseph) Who Linen and Manrhestel'-warehouae, 1, IV. NQ/J-.t'OfI.
Dudd (Mich",l) Dry-cooper and Merchant, NrmlwlMJl.
Dodd (Willwm) Goach1iaker, 8, M""lborovg~.
Doberty (K. and 0.) I'orter and Ale-hrewers, 4, BJucklwJlt.ttlcu_
Dolan (Eo) Cimf!c:tionet, 750 gt. Britai1l-slreet.
Don.rd (Ridlard) Import Merehantj Offi/:e, 8,. a:. c~
D9na1d'lOll" (John) Book-hinder• .24;..Ang!emwtreet.
Don"aD (Patrick) Seed-merchan.t. 152, Capel-lInet.
Donle.JlfWiHiam) Cle~k of theConnaught-.-oad, 9, $,. A~.
Donnelly'(JohD) Murchant, 28, De"n.,.../Nlr,·d. . ~
DoIylelly (Nic:hulal) Confectioner,. 40, Po/rick-street. ..'
DonneUy (Patriek) Tallow-chandler, 144, N. Ki/ig-*,""
Donnelly .(Ric:hard-}'eotton-manufacturer, ]5.· Bra;/IIWJtJiII-IIIWI.
DonDellan O!lhn) Carpenter allt! Bailder,4, Boggot-H,eel.
DOn.ellan (Pati'iek) Grocer, 9, Townmut-.treet, and,
Clarence-sl;"'; SU'rtmero-hiU: .
. Donoho (J~e.) Painter and Paper-nainer, 70, up. D~
DClaohoe (ADne) Merchant-tailor., 1(1j Cork-hill. . "
DOY Merc/ul7Jts ond Traders. 4!
Donohoe (Jallllll}.Pain~r and Ghuicr. 10, C ....nbg-row.
Donohoe (John) Viflegar-merchant and Mead-brewer. 30, S. Ean.",...
Donohoe (Patrid) Grocer, 71, TIw".as-sireet.
Donohoe (Thomas and Cu.) &ectifying-distillere, 94, S. Ev.rl-8fryel•.
DonoYaQ (J.) china Bc GlalS-lIlerchant, 23, GeQ.-q. Bc 25, PoolIJeg-"ruI;,
Donovan (John) .ApGthecary, 2, TovmseHd-street.
Donovan (John Mal!..hovel-manuIac. 3, Jo/m', TluJmlllf-8frt'll.
Doaovan (Nicholu) Baker, 122, Fr.n,i...3trc~t.
Donovan (Willia.m) Jeweller, 6, Triui!y-place.
Donroche (Pete.-) Academy, 58, A.U1I/lk:r-stred.
Doo4y.(Mi<:haeJ} Groeer, 17, Hulks-s/,·ut.
Doolan (Nicholas) Baker, 4. Mary,,-la»e.
Doolan (Waiter) Builder, Marllxnvl.lgh-s,reet.
Doolittle (Henry) Silk-Dlanufa,,-turer, 39. IUV1. Bridge-ltrellA
Dooner (Patrick) Grocer, 24, W. Charles-slreet.
Dorao (Andrew) Corn-factor, 66, Queen-street.
Dol'Jlll (,Jam ... ) Talbw-chandler, 64, Cou/(,.,treet.
I)oran (i'atricll) Habflldasher, 8. Fmnci,-8treel.
Doran (WiIliam) Clothier, 62, Cork· street.
Dornin (Patrick) Taann, 8. MilJ..streel.
Doagherty (ChcistQpher) Cab,inct-maker, 42, H~r!J"lreet.
Dougherty (Owen) Grocer,' 1. BuckiUIJham-uf't!d.
Dougla.. CCalherine) fruiter.: • ., 135, gt. Britain-street.
Douglais.(John).Saoidler, 99, gI.!l.
Douglau ("'aI:Y Anne) ~inen-draper. 144, Jamu'#-8tr«t.
Dowd (James) Tallow-chandler, 108, Claurc",",,",et.
Dowdall (Hugb) Flax, HemP'. aad Rope-manufacturer, 18, FTIlR&iI-.....
Dowdall (Step hen) Silk-m;uaufacturer, 5, gt. £L"-lDne.
Dowlan (kmes)-, 2CO, gt. Britairwtreet.
Dow~ng (C. forster) Merchant and Agent, Office, 2tI, West7ltOrlil.nd""
Dowling (Christopher) Wor$ted-manufacturer, 11, Ash-street.
Dowlin~ (Daniel) Slator. 8, Ten'JU ,co...,.,.
Dowling (Denis) Furniture Bf(~kt:r, 30, Ski_r_.
Dowlini (John) Grocer, ~O. ThQ1IWoI-u1"fIeI. .
Dowling (John) WOO;l-comberand Hosier, 6, Corn-market;
Dowling (MiLhael and John) Bakers, Buol-lane.
De)\ (P.) Merch~t, 13,: .Fit?et-.,tr~. .
Dowling (Patrick) Grocer audSpirit-dealer, 62, City-qutJy.
r.owling (Patrick) Painter and Glazier,.~. Bedfur~ro1lJ,
Dowling (~atrick) Cabinet-lIlakcr, 67, Bride->lreel.
DowDs (C~arles) Printer and Stationer, 2, WMtifriar-strert.
Downel (Eleanor) Haberdashtr, .60, S. gt. Gtorgel'Mtreet,
- Downes (Anne) Linen.draper, 19, S.King-,treel.
Downey and Heauy., S",lesmj1Sters, 12, Bruti$7AJick-ltrcet.
Downer (Hugh) Sale,maater, 8, Smitlifield. .
Dowse (Thomas) Linen-draper and Hosier, 18. Lein8ler-st,ut.
Doyle an~ eo.. ~ocers, 7 $, .Ezche'
Doyle and l'aafFe;!d Shoe-makero,G, Capll-Ilreel.
Doyle (Aadrew) Button and Trimming-merchant, 1':;8, ~rltnci,.itrer!•.,
De)'Je (AlIne} Ot..eller, S, E.r~~lJIIcr~rm..
.. '-
" ..
1I1ercllOn [8 antI Tmdf!!rs.
Doyfe (q,arfea) Tailor, J.IMuon'!-COOrl, ~I. lJrittJ~
. . ,.. (DIInld~ Mtlit<lry-taiiM, 12, Fi$/tamble-Itnd.
Doyle (Dorothea:) Croe~rl loo, l'ill-lfJfI£.
Dvyie (DM~hy) l!eo.... ell."., 9,
De)4e (JO Paper 31Id C"Ma~rehouse, 98, PilU~,
Doyle (Edward) Basket-maker, 42, Fi'''.fI.6ie-II~d•
•DOfIe {FrIIIIt!<eO) ~" '16, Cftmock-SIr«I.
Doyle (James) Grocer Imd Inn-keeper, 107 ~ lOB, ~ie-«reeI.,
Doyle (Jam",,) Tailor, 15, AMmD-lItrtJef.,
l)oyle (John) Groter, 111, f:'_ _ nl:eI.
boYte ( ohn) Woolh!n. Manehettennd Hosiery-~are~TS.~
boyJe (John P.) Merchant, 80, C_dJ-4.It'ed. .
Doyle (M.)Salt a1\d lr~.ostores, 115, F,.,.JIC'-t~.
Doyle (Ma~) "intn~r. '10. Oramplflfl-cour1.·
DOJle (Mary) ftalJerdalll'ld, \'I, KINin''1JOrl.
Doyle (Mathew) Chee~ercbant. 'I, Fillltlfr.t'Jle-Ifreef.
Doyle (Maurice) Grocer, 50, up. K.."jn',.1Itr:eet.
Doyle (Michael) Carpenter and Undertaker, 2t, ".;d. G~
Doyle (Morgarr) Grocer, 132, ({I. Britain-.•tr"",.
Doyle (Nicholas) Corn-fa~tor, ~I, low, K.m"",~.
J>oyle (Patriek) Boot and Shoe-maker, 5~, Hig/Hlret!f.
Doyle (Peter) Hosier, 14, CUlllUf'Se-'1'fY11,
. Dayle (Will/am) Brickl~yer, 6, Cok-nltr!J.
Doyne and Phibbs, WoOllen-drape!'!;, 91, D,._*«L
Drake (Moses A,~ l'mmiter. 70, E:rdreqqer-wtretJt.
Drake (Thomas) }>lumter, 18, G"f~k-<Strm.
!Jrfte, -Grocer and oSpirlt"ml'rehant, f2,s and 1~6, ell{ltJl..lIHtftL
Drake' (Robert) 'Vintn~, f05. C~rreI. "
Draper (Jas.) Pl'inte1', '~ok!Oller Bc ." oiJreiand, a..afftJf.ltnt-e.
9taper'(Samucl) Sec. ~oyal-canal-Co~pany, lt~.t;. HOU$e, Broaq.~
DTelincourt and '\"oorig, <orton-m.anufitctUrers, lJp.'fIn'....tley.
Dreftr (George) Merehan~, '82, A66ey-~, Mee, .p,.irtel:·s~.
Drew (Elizallcth) 'f:rult.wareheuse, '2'6, lIoot-ltim!.
Drew (Mary Anne) Grocer, 5:5,f:apct-s/~.
Dromgoolc'(Christopher) Clothier, "2, :WMfMJ'"II-StJVI"'e.
Drought <Fred<!rick.) Hath'!r, S, ·l'bnple-l1ar.
Drummie (Eleanor) Habetda~heJ', 4, ~..ecn-strm.
Dnlmmolld·tJohn)' Shoe~po;dcer. J, 'Trirrify-stred.
Ducros (Henry) -Glo.tillr,·'l5, E.,ckequer-iJt'f'eet.
J)llcrCW (Witlialll) :Br.n:ier ami Japanner, ~, ·,....rri.. ~h."tWf~
Dudgeon,(Mary and'Co:)Woollen-dTapeRl; 44, .PiiJ,.l-.·
Dnfour (S~ui!l}'''cl'''w-clra.d~~, '6, ~t-$trM.
Duff'(George) Poul~~et, +t, 1#t. ,B..ittnfl-m-ttj.
Duff' (George) Tin-p1ate-wotk er, 5., 1.ti'ar•.,·mw&'-
Dd (Hugn) Spirit-merdnmt, :1., ,MOOT~"!Ie•.
DgIf' (Jamea)'Baker, 16, ·rrjghe-~".t.
Dulf (Jame.) Bteechet.makiralld G~,"6, NmsCl~
,gglf' {1.uke1lrillSoftl) ~"rah:mts, '.OItic;e, ·NeIIr""'~(~•.
·DIitf·(Matthew}·G~, ·t"l8,.CAurtft ~~'t..
Culf (Michaet) Tallner, it'"'f)olp'~ .
lhlfe1 (Edwarll) Spuit••\orel, 125, gt. ,Jtril"'lI-ltruc.
DUlt Merchants and T,·aaefs.
Du.ffey (JaJ!1ea) Hot,,\ and TlIVern·lteeper. I.G. lJt4ltr·strm.,
Duffer (John C.) Merchant. 4. u...·...,t~.
Duffe}' (,jc¥lIt 8c /MI •• ) Mu. MaD •• IIOd Calico-printers, 29, I. Jmdp4/ft
Dugan (Edward) Shee·maker,. I, N . .Earl-,'red.
Dugan (Heary) Builder. 16• .BorNjirrll-.UTI!<!/..
pugan ,&iehartij T.obaeClllllistl 1I9, Ch,wc",treeC.
Dugao (R.®ert) fubw.. ..aer. 1Ia, MOIIre~.
Dugdue;( Boo~er.htl Sta.nCt', •• .DtrItwo1bTrt.
Duggan (.JoseJ>h) Linen-dnlper. SO, COm-tlltJrM •.
iDuggao(Patrick) Boat.owoer. e• .umg-pWtJe. GnrwJ_~.
Duggan (Waltet") Paiuter nil Glazier. s.. IIhJ1..........,It't.
PUigoaJI 0 - ) Flotn"-mecchaat, Bt. 6~mlll.·lt>Wt, aDd ~.
JNi(&Al1 (I.~ Carpeuter an4BtHlder. 41, T~_,"""",,t~t't.
Duixoan (Mary) GroCet"titd Wine·merchant, ~. Abd~.
Dumas (John) Shc&-maker, 117, 1._. QI'nI.l1fld..ttpl0!l'
pumoaliR (l>aulilla} Doar4illl:4ClhGol. 37 • .!it~,.gr~.
Duni)avio (Peter), ·87, t,l. Sl,.a.. d~t.
:pulli)avin (Williaml Ta"--<'-dU!r, 51>, NiR".dr/!l!t.>
puncan (James) Professor of Musit, 92, DDII.'.cm-81rut,.
Duocan (Jolus,) SWt8_cft-nt, ·6. Oluwd·."..".
Duocan (William and John) Mell<IKIIIIla., 6, -(;"""',-rlN1.
"J)uogan (Mathew) Painter aad Gla..... StI, S. gt. G_ge~
Dungao (Thomas) BaIDer, S5,·,," .nor~.
Duno (Denis) Corn.chandler, IS. ~"'41'wL
Duno (DI!Iris) ·rallow.cb4lldltll""I~ .JNr~.
Dunn (E. B. N.) Hahet"das'-.-l~·.are4"OOlll ••~ 8cJdor'-a.
Dunn (i~l <Jed.fa«or, 11. L""_t~eL
punR (Edward) W ooUen Md l.tRe'll-Iinrplll", 'I, _ 6~
plllln (Edward) Leathe",teIlei'•. It'. iJ'lu:/;4il1l£,
Dunn (Edward) Vintuer • .6-1.. •Hi~h""reet.
Dunn (l'·rancil)·W~Iu!t. 56. -GmIU........
.{JUan(p•. B.) L"'eD~, 'l, 'il4:~-""
Dunn (Jameo)-O<l-waftlhouae. 12, W-hJel-.
Dunn (Join.) Slator. ~M, B~t.
l>unn (Job a) 811 kj!r, 511, 6 ..f!L ''*''''.'!'~l.
punn (John) HOlier, ill, ,CI1r.....IIIII1Iir.t.
;Duno (J.obn) Silk and Tabinet_af"llturer, :8, :SpitdljklUo
Dunn (Joseph) Tan~ '48, -C........iitrfl'.l. .
punn (Mary) Utl-.4ra'\>er, 6.7,' . .liIit:Jt...lmte.
Dunn (Maurice) Silk.manuJaet2tF8r, .fiS, .1J~,
punn (Michael) Ir_~. ~c• .i 116.. 7:-4_ .-..r.
D,mn (Michael) SkinlWl:, ;:I:I.• ..s. Nrnr_ .
.Du.n-(MiCh;lel,w.;II»m) .Pellfnnr~r.:68, -Nwiftoewtfllll,.
Dann (Patrick) Card·onak-el, >2, ·'~""r.l/.Uct.
Duno (Sam. and Ed.) "1""lIn-. 'St, <lJeIp/littJ.-btJa.
Dllnll (Thoma.) Baker, 16I,'f(t..B..waifJ-dIWI.
~)unn{T.J\enw) lI-l~,ft1m"r, 'HI. ,htJi...""..,.....
punn (Wiliiam H.) HabcnlMber, ~h&J,a.~
.Bonny ,~11n).'8Itj"lIel·, 91, ,W_.........-t.
bunplty ,tMima..t) 1M~llrhant, -9S,Co,Jtl.sln!tt. _
~Iaia ·ildeD~t1<a) ·1'1OI>C17.Willl/lo£8lOlQ, 0 ..... Jl.l...y~
Macl/ants and Traders:
Durham (!'In-nci.) Uphol.terer, 12, 1Jrilic'Mf"~Y,
Durham (WiJliam) Cabi.rtet-nluker, ~O, Bn·dt!l-ftltey •
•QuttOIl (Job.) Umbrella.manufacturer, 5,~, S. gt. Gt."rge'&4l,.«t.
DIf')'er and Sullivan, Ap<rth""acies. 111, Andrew-sl7'IH:f.
Dwyer (E,) Tanner, ~3, D"ll'''i,.· .. barn.
Dwyer (John) Chandler and Tobacconist, 115"TltO'llUJI-stntt_
I).yer (John) Stone-cutter, I, "I" Cllmdett·lltreet.
Dwyer (Jo_ph) Grocer and To~ttODist, J06, TIt_fU.l/re«.
nwyer (Mary) Conft'ctioner, 31, U,6er'/fo'lWJY, .
DJf'yer (Micbael) I\(l!l'chant, North-wall.
Dwyer (Patriek) Merd!ant-tailor, 15. C......lpf<IIi-cMNt. .
.Dwyer (Thomas) Silk-manafarturer, 14. low. Bridgt-stret:t.
Dwyer (Wm.) Pia.manufae. aDd Trimming-merchant, 9, w: New-rrm.
DJas .( a.obert) 1'1Ipel-staiDer, IS, Hnwy-thUt.
Dyu (William) Apothecary, S, Cmlle-smet.
Dy.. (William, Waiter, aDd Co.) 'Druggists, 22, W~rgA-"'*If.
1!lyett (WiIliam) Printer, 5 p. Lrmt/.ml-llred. '
Dykes (William) Merchant, 10, AIlIrII'I-qU4Y.
. E.
EaJes (Isaae) Fishing.tackle·m.dter, 26, "p. Onnlrlld-qtUt!l•.
E.dcs (Josepb) Grocer, 51, GlIlden-ltme.
Eade.. (W.J.) GrocCT, 4, JohfUMl'/foplu.ce.
Eagle (George) Silk· merchant, 14, GraJlfln""~,
Earl (Maria) St ..y-m,-ker. 55, Jc,..,tl-Rf'eet.
Eaton (Benjamin) Carpenter and Builder, I, BlacUalI-afretl•
.Eatoll (Joho) Apothecar,. 16, Hmry-#Het.· .
Eaton (John) Straw-hat._nuf3~turer, 1141 gt. IJrUaifWtreel.
Ebbling (AMe) Glase-seUer, 29, Hertry-ltrel1l.
F-bbling {Hs!"}') Merchant. 21, Phomi:e-Itreef:.
EIIb. (Mar,aret) Haberdasher, 6, Tri7ll'Y·,lreet.;
Eccles (John) Leather-maoufaclurer, 108, B,.ide-""d.
Ecele. (Rith.rd) J111a.ket. Carprt, ancl WooUen-rnerchant, 8moc.t..auq.
Ecdeston (R.) Saddlery-waf'Chouse, 17, .,.. E:8dItmgC-IIr.d.
Edllin (Wi!liam) Grocer, 51, GrafioJl..ereel.
Edmiston (Eleanor) Linen and Woollen-draper, 60t Hi&"-Ilrei!t. "
Egan ~ nd Woodhousr, Tobacconi.t., I, Curlt-hiU. .
Egan (C.) Woollen-draper, 19, Hip....rwel.
F.)lan (Edward) Spirit.Slores, 79, T~lIffet.
Egian (lames) Hardwarf-merchant, 95, W, New-rUIII. '
F.gan {John) Paper-mak,r. 31, Cook-BTret.
Egan (John) Pedal.harp-makj:£. 25, .Dllwsm-ltrect.
Egan (Jo."ph) Wine-merchant, 62, AMey-Itreee, .
£gan (Patric:k and Co.) Linen and WooUen.warehOlUe, P, L;"~.
F.gan (Patrick) Merchant, 25, lJeresfortJ-,,,.e,,.
Egaa (William) Grpcer, 50, Patri~«I.
Egan (William) Shoe-maker, Il, W...d-qva.'1'
Eggleso and Power" Upholetereu tc> hi. M.jeolty. 11, "~IItfwJI.
:£i1i()tt (Charle» Printer, 45, Boll"n-""eet.
EI/iott (Chri •. ) Grocer and Ti •..,.late-worker, 24, and 26, ft£nry',.fIIIIty.
1c1liott (Daniel) Slatnr and Slate-merchant, 41, B~lr.~I. '
F.lliott (J.) Merchant. London & Dublin Parcel-office, !l3,1··&.cbille-.w.
"mutt (John) Confectiuner, 10, Gr.j'tIYll-Mr«t. .
FAG .Merckantsa...nd Traders. 45
Elliott Oohn) CabiDet-maker, 22 BIICk../a'M.
Elliott (John) Saddler and Iron-monger, 95 Th~llf'ut.
Elliott (Margaret) Milliner and Fancy-dre....maker. 55 "p. 8ackv~
Elllott (Peter) Saddler. 15 Pama~.
Elliott )William) Grocer. 22 Baclc-lane.
El1~ (E.) Book and Print-eellet. 1158tephen',..veen.
Ellis (lames) Baker, 45 N. King-#reet.
Ellis (lames) Shoe-maker, 15 WUlmorlG~.
ElIis(William) Grocer, 58 Cuombe.
Ellison (AUan) Trimming-merchant. 58 Pi~ane.
Elwood (Ioseph) Hatter, G. Wunn<Wlar&d-#reef.
Emerson (Edward) Stamp-officer, 20 Dl1f'lef.4reet.
Emerson (Margaret) Linen-draper, 18 Bride-ItrtJeI.
Empson (Richmond) Apothecary. 154 N. King-ltrtel.
English (Anne) Haberdasher, 19 TowlI$end.ltmif.
English (I.) Coach-maker, 12 N. Eart-'ltreet. .:
English (Thomas, Con.8Ill to the U. S~atel of America, John and Co.)
Merchants, 9 Berei/'rml-place.
English (William) Flour-factor, 14 Meath-Meet.
Ennis (Alicey' Baler, 26 GNjttnl-#rett.
Ennis (Andrew) Baker, 258. gt. Gurg,',..Itreet.
Ennis (Andrew) Grocer. 67 High-Itreet.
Ennis (Andrew) Saddler. 58 E._reel.
Ennis (Iames) Baker. 150 Cal~-Itreet.
Ennis (Moses) Grocer, 58 W. New.nw.
Ennis (Owen) Bookseller and Stationer, 14 Bachelor's-'II!IllN.
Enni. (Richard) Woollen-draper, 4 Ski1cfIIMWI.·
Ennis (Thomaa) Cheese-monger•. 10 T~""eet.
Ennis (Thomas) Grocer, 15 Cktwe1wtred. I
Ennis (Thomas) Grocer, 57 FrtJJlci,..ltrtJe.t.
Ennis (Thomas) Skinner, 50 Watling-ltrwt.
Enni. (Thomas) TallQw-c:han~ler, 112 ~..".,...
Ennis (WilIiam) S.I!.inner•. 51 Watling-ltreet.
Entwistiel (Thomas) Cotton-dyer, Teste1jields.
Espy awl Cross, Printers. Bedford-rf)W.
Etchingham (Arthur) Grocer, 54 low. Keoin-m-«f.
Eustace (Allen) Cotton-manufacturer, SO Baclc../ane.
Ltstace (Richard) Catpet-manufacturer, 5 Omwnd-Itreet.
Evans (C.) Pipe-maker, 155 Frallcil-rtreet,
Evanl (Robert) Corn-factor, 28 JerviS-llffet.
Evatt (Charlotte) Fancy Dress-maker. 60 gt. Britai,..It"",,
~vatt (Jamea) Vort-inspector of Flax-seed, Mabbot-llrfet.
Bva1t (John) Upholder and Auctionier, 8"",fMf'ohiU,
Ewing (Patrick) Flax-manufacturer. 12 Jaffla'l-Itreet.
Ewing (Rohert H.) Army Ageot, 5 "1" Rutland-l4ffet.
- Ewing (Thomas) Boot and Shoe-maker. 6 Wood-pay.
Bxahaw (John> Alderman, llookaeller, Stationer, Bee. 10S Grafron-~rM.
. t.
Pagan (Bernard) Corn-chandler, 41 MeBlk-ltreet.
Fa,an (Jam••) Timber-merchant, 10 Bri""'~rlrul.
L1S15] 0··
4ti ..
F.apn (lames) Wh. PerCUIMl1f ..... ~_rat r..aty....-ll. M C.,..

Fagan (John) ~,.,. S5 Gdld,· ...__ · J
(.hIMt) U-1Ir'V..veI:w.a.." 'H~." s,~.
fagan (1. T.) C.'penter a,. ~.b", I" ~."...ea.
.. .

Fagan (Patrick) Baker, 41 .1"-1IroJd. . . . .

Fairb/other (Th •. ) Hoftiet,~ CfUSle..'. & s--llat-_h '8 ••0910 _ _ _•
Fah-cloth (R:chard) Painter and «1.."..... we· Br;~.
Fallon (M.) Groc.r. ill ; . . . • ~_1.
Fronin (John) Wedgewood-warehlMle. 16 M~.
Fannin (R()bcrt) CaCinet•.,nak..r 15 1II1i4t!s-.,/;«~.
Faris (John) Clothier, 11. B: ~_.
Farley (Barlholomew)~, 1'7 lfl.o--.
l'adey (Simon) GrOf'er. is .c.w1-~dIe.
Fa/ley (Th~mas) \\'ateh.maker, 60 n.____.
Faroni (1':lc3nor, Groc«, . . SJIJP1.sI_t.
Farqllar (WilJiam) Vint_, t .E.k.>,lll'f'-rtr#II.
f.,-Ia (llIROI) Camodtandler IIIJd I'tooorl.i. .......,.. 31 ~<",.~•.
Farran (j()Seph) Tallow-chandler. 29 1'.-ridt-rIrot!I.
Farran (Mark) Crocer~ . , 'i'riIl-tt.lte. .
Farrall (Wi\liam) General Agelllt, ~ ~-', _1IIf S<trbifll-tt.
f.hdl (Anne) Delf ad OI....wller, -8 EttgiM..tky., .
Fandl (lames) Cabinet-makez. ft lJrUIe'-lkfl.
Farrell (James) Merchant. l'f IrI""'!f-1'l>'M.
Farrell (John) Block and· Pump-ealler, 068, -Cil~
Farrell (John) Coach-maker, 1 K~8bee"
hml! (Job) E~.anr~ t Jjri~1ICIWt.
Farrdl Uohn) Orccer~ ·,*s ·lJriIIrl;"'t"-"
Farrell (John) Hattft~ H T_pleJtar.
Farrell (John) Wig-maker, JI ~.""'!I'
farreU (Margatet) Li.en-dPapoll", a? lJo...etolllrWf.
TarreD (Miehael) Gro(U, ""ill.
(arrelt (Michael) Q8 pI ~r -.l TriIRm~. 1ft 'ral" •.
'anell (Mickael) Harnes _ _-er. se low. KtJW........ .
FarreH (Owen) Cabine&;aa.,lOt)~.
Farrell (Patrick) Carpecter, +4, ~1PwI.
"avell (Patritk)'laMliw~, till N.Kin,..f'fII!t.
Farrell (Peter) COlld.......e.- aDd ~_, f Coe~
Farrell (ThollMlsllAlldo_ll«, 45 N .........
Furell (William) Architect, i t ·I'iIWInoe.....eI.
farrelly (Thomas) Tobaoan-.:, t SS ~• .r.wt.
'anen (M.ry' BoIIrdlag·SOMoI, $7~.
Faulkner (W'ilti_~ -.Groce', ill ~rDfl""lhWf.
Fauuet (H.) Prop.•i(!. .di"'~. ___ wo.....!J!i Britl&L~'" •• ",.
Fay (Char.a) 1'11_ awl krlt-snetClt ..... i05 C....---.
Fay (Michael) a..-.-.!"". 2S CW'M-'
. Pay ( Thomas) iJoot ad 4lhee-cl!akeo-, 112 M«H4-#1refJt.
1\!ry{1'I1olllllS) 'llaHow~ 1M4I ~., 110
Fayle. (Joshua) Merchant, 50 ·W.ll.iam-#rtIet.
}lay\e (M.) Linen-~,.,., t. M".,h......... •

.feake (George) Sad41er, s.

Fayle (Robert MMI T-IIaa,)1'hA:~.& flap . . . . . . . . ..,... f t ~
~,.".p.naSlred. ."
,~~) s.MIe tIOd Fiane...nlU-~. l~ lip< ~
Feari,; (John) Cl~lt8 iJf'niIk_it..JhW!t.' ,
Frg-an (MaclMnP} BaHr, )07 Tllo11UilWllYn.
Fegan (Michael) Com-chawdler, 1'9 T~_,et.
~. . (WiUialW} PIuaWt and tfy<ka1A>t'-t!lIgifHll.manuf. 92 ~J.Jf.
Pell (John) trm'brt!Wa--.ufiret1ll'~. 7 ~tt. ' .
lieU (William) Bua..., W"'lej'..... IIdef/i. '
Fergu!lO" (Mery) Tea-dtllllft. S8 S. 'mlerHJ-...l!IIt.

Pergu80n (Thomao} unea-illtter. -1

Fergulon (Thomas) ClII'jIflItat, V s.~,
N, AttItie-sJrHI.
Fernsley (James) C8peuter" Tool-. . . .; 3-7 GIJ"~"',
FerraII (Alldrew) lron-moaget; }3() TA-o~
Ferrall (Charles and J()h'n, Merclu&l1tf, Ct<e;~,j'H1ll1, lhlll"~'
Perrall {l'ranc18) l.bMnodrat-, lS9 ~
Prrra!) (J. . . ieQ) MumarJts aMI Factor', HI H"'I-'RIm-tet, 8fRilI/field.
Perrall (loseph) MerefhrM.,.56 A~-3#reet. Oftin, ~ Lilt",
Fen-all {Luke) Menha ... , S ~ef!Ie~lIireet. '
Ferrall (:A..icbard) w~te arwl Retail HO'Per, 24 .po 0-4-tJwrg.
hraN (Willilllrl. Manb ... of Dlibtill, 0:1 FI~r-lJtroeet. '
Ferrier, PoUock and C .. vo 1Iok-,ale Ha~"lastl"... 56 'ish4~.
Ferris (Barnet) Mderda.her and TIIIa-dNter. :n ~,ltreet.
li'ethentone (WilliaM) 6fIoe-make.-, 97 8. gl, GecrrgIt'.....1.
Field and «!$. Itarch IIIWi 2? CA.,.~
. . . . (G~ 'J'Iia... .tetw.~, 34 8 Freder. . .,MIt. -
Field Ue"'" Cetton-_nafact~r, +3 R~Wfl.atrwl.
Figgis (S~uet} PofIef'ome;t!banf,. TiftlpIe-I/tIIIIfI.
Figgis (T. and (o.'O!arlHpritlg-makerund Plaf~ ... , 2 8. Q1*"1~.
l'iftis (WiUilnIw) Boeksdlet an.t llIlftiellef, 97 NtllltJu-llre«.
FinilJaD (9'.) Jnn-keeper, 159 TItdrttlu-ItMII.
Fini&,an (Charles) Clltril'let·.-e't IJ I1rldh..~ ,
Finigal) (Jame.) Till.;lat~.lel', iI9 ~

Finla, (John) Army-priate!l, 4' BcrrtJdHlWft.
Finlay UohoR) ~mt, 11 N.
Pintay (Waiter) G~' net Bf*cbelloolllak.r. ~ JI.4IJ.I-.
linlaY80n (John) Si!k;.meroer, <J:7 110_........
t'mn and Nowlau, Groeeflf, 25 FTfntd$~f'fe8I.
PiM (ClrriltepMJ, TaRntt' ad CUI'J'let, 9 M . . . . .
Finn (Diana) Fancy Gb~ ...warebQllse, 8+ City"fC'W'
Finn (James) Vi'Iltnet', I!'e p,.ltIle;"~,
Fina (Jeh"l AI'II!y-clGth~, &0. SO Af"1'dTt-tpulI!J.
'inn (John) Tallow-chandler, 'it e,",'fC4-~.

Fin .. ~ 'G_.
Finn (P.) Cun-jet, SI
~ M_:IItW!I.
fiDJ1 (aich~C!) TafI\lt'r, 42 Jtl7Ite/~
" ,

Fimr (W'iIIJam) L.dies' Sb/Je'o'maker.79' gt. .BrIItI#ft."..
Finueane''(Ntriek t:.) Met(:hailt. 50 i1Mi~
'Nher and Co. Painters amj Paper..tailn_,hri$ A¥..,;e,.....,.
lIisher (Eman.) Shjp-cbRridJu. Agell!, It Swedi.h Coneul, $~ fJ#C1t""]
ftIIfet (""till}, 19..,.. B";~·_r~t.
Fisher (Mary) LineD~ aft Hallerlaaher, 6ft 7'ko_1flIWIo
FiShel (Mary) Silk~aDu{ac~ur~~. 4 H"1I'J1)""".ot",~. .
48 Mercluml8 and Trader;. FLE
Fiaher ,Nicbolton.A Co. Britieh a: TbreM-lace-mercbanta,t9 .4"8'-',
Fither (SaDluel) Boot-maker, S8 W~
Fiugera1d (eecili.) Haberduher, 1 N. C• ..-norttWll'fld.
FiUgeralcl (David) Merchaut, 2 Fleel-Mred.
Fbgenld (Edward) EngraYerBt Copper-plate-pt'ill~er, SS~.
FiUgerald (Eliu) Haberciaeb«, 9 Werlnt"".llrt1fll. .
Fitagcrald (James) Sh~maker, 4 gt &Aip-ltred. .
Fiugerald (James WaIcott) Wine-merchaat, 65 Dal_'-'
Fitaterald (John) Rope-maker, 40, W. N _ .
Fitagerald (Martha) Leather-seller, 4 DIJCit-lane.
Fitagenld (Martin) C4rpeater, 141(1U)• ..KevirHlred.
Fitagerald (Mary), 50 Meqth-.reel.
Fitag«ald (Patrick) Merchant, 1 L~rt!d.
Fitzgibbon (John) Revenue Cooper, 19 GardiMr-llreeL
Fitzgibbon (Richard) Book-binder and Seller, 111 S. Kia&-llTett.
Fitzharris (Christopher) Grocer, SO Claurcll-Itreel.
F'lbharris (James) Baker, 89 Ma'l'lhorough." ....
Fitapatric:k (C.) Apothecary, 199 up. DIW. . . . . .
l'itzpatrick (Catherioeaad Rester) Stay-makera, 67 gt. Bri'aifl. . . .
Fiupatrick (E.) Tallow-chandler, 190 S_",er-lIilL
Fitapatrick (Edward G.) Haberdasher, 4 S.-.4.~
Fitzpalrick (George) 9criveaer, S8 Sta./fortWt....
Filzpatrick (Hugh) Printer and Bookseller, 4 CapeHlretL
Fitzpatrick (1.) Strong Ale Bt Table-beer-brewer, 105 M«Idenb.""IwI",
Witzpatrick (John) Parchment-maker, 89 Marrow6one-laM.
Fitapatrick (John) Tallow-chandler, 187 ThtntuJ.#.tUM.
.Fiti:patrick (T.) Academy, 12 Peter-#red.
Fiupatrick (Thomas) Flax, Hemp, and Sail-cloth-manuf. ~ W. NC'lt-r.
Fitapatrick (Thomas) Tallow-chaodler, 54 Thr1fll41-1J.reet. :
Fitz.immons (Denia) Currier, 19 Ni~red.
Yitz8immou. (George) Timber-merchaat, 8 Dridge;fool-ttrm.
J'itzlimmon8 (Hugh) Hosier., 11 Cal¥i-l,reel. .
Piu.immons (John) Cavan Inn-keeper, ~2 N. Kiag-6IT«I'
Filzsimm_ (llichard) Bilker, 91 Jama·NreeI.·
'laherty (Robert) Carpellter, 311 Strpll~
Flanagan (Gilbert) Skinnet', 25 Walling""",.
Planagan (.John) T.adIow-ehancUer and Soap-boiler, 96 Mtuy-ll,.,.
Flanagaa (Mary) Corn-chandler,38 S",ilhjlald. ..
F1anagan (Patrick).Breeches-maker, 85 Tlwrruu-Ilffet.
Flanagan (Stephen) Corn-Dlerchant, S~ores. 62 J,arNa· ..arett.
F1anagan (Tere..) Bllhr. 97 Co~""be.· . . - .
Flanagau (Thomas) Cabiuet-maker, 144 .Abbey--llred.
Fiemin, (Adam) Glover and Ijhoe-maker. 25 "P' OMllOlt~•
.Fleming (ADne) Haberdas\ler, 59 Dominick-ll.re4t. .
Flemiug (ltanbo"*",,,) Button-manufacturer, 8 Prllssi. . . . .t.
Fleming (Bartboloqaew) Gun-mllket', 70 .4.71gier-arrd.·

FielDing (C. Jo) EDgraver, 1«t. ..
Flemlng(Iamu)' $kinner, 48 WtJtling-Ilr«t.
Fleming Uames) Thread and Tape-maaufa~urer, H:J
P1eJaia, (John) Bookseller, ISO COl>.:l.",,",- i.
FLI Mercliants and TrQders~ ~.
Fleming (P.) Coal-merchant" 139 Mdk~.
Fleming (Patrick) Grocer, 24lotD. Bridge-6lrwl.
Pleming (Peter) Spaniah-lrather-manufactnrer, 4 Mill-llred.
Fleming (Thomas) Salelmaster, 54 StailhjieW. ,.
Fleming (Thomas S.) Card-maker, 2 Smock.alIey.
Fletcher and Sharratt, Wholesale Saddler', lronmongers, 70 AlJlley-III.
Pletcher (John) Boot and Shoe-maker, 6 2w~. . .
Fletcher (John) Haberdasher, 44 S. gt. Georp·..IIrm.
Pletcher (Robert) Tailor,S PiU-slred.
Pletcher (William) Trunk-maker, 19 F~.
Flinn (Alecia) Saddler, 32 Mary-Ilred.
Flinn (C. S.) Merchant, 23 Dtmmar~red.
Plinn (Denil ) HouSe-painter, 36 LijJe,.llreel.
Flinll (Henry) Haberdasher, S5 ArrtlA-f{V4!1.
plinn (lohn) Spirit-stores, 98 Ci11l-f{V411.
Flinn (Patric.k) Baker, 23 D~m(Jr/N.treel.
Plinn (1),trick) Silk, Cotton and Worsted-manuraeturer, 1'1 AIla-II¥tIt.
Flinn (Patrick) Starch and Blue-manufacturer, 58 BaeIo-lau.
Plinn (Sarah) Linen-dr3per; 25 Grfek-Ilreel.
Plinn (Thomas) Haberdasher, 52 Grafioa-ltred.
Plinn ,Thomas) Corn·factor, 25 Bridgtfoot-slrwt.
Flint (Benjamin) Cotton-manufacturer and Grocer, 90 CorIHIruI.
Flood (Daniel) Cabinet-maker 'lnd Upholswrer, 48, S. Xirtg-llrttlt.
Flood Games) Cabinet-maker and Upholder, 4lJ Groji--*tlel;
Flood (James) Tobacconist, 28 Churcn-"red.
Flood (James) Grocer, 112 N. Xing-slrcd.
FlQOd (Mary) Baker, '1 BridlHtreet.
Flood (Patrick) Hatter, 5 Tem]
Flood (Patrick) Sail.maker, 46 Ci11l-qllD!I.
,Flood (Thomas) Spirit-merchant, 169 ChlU'Clwlrat.
Flynn (Thomas) Wig:maker, 16 AK1I&it:r'ollred.
Fogarth (John) Linen-draper, 80 Dorta-llreet.
Fogarth (Thomas) Jeweller and Watch-maker, 69 gI. Britairwlm!l.
Fogarty (John) Bricklayer, 6 rorlMtreBl•
.Folds (R.ichard) HOlier, '15 Gmfton-slreet.
Folds (Williaun) Printer and Book.seller, S8 gt. SlrtJllll-lWtIeI.
Foley (Jeremiah) Com·factor and Dealer, 46 E~et.
Foley (John) Cheese-monger, 94 PiJI.ltme.
Foley (Luke) Tin·plate-worker, 24 CslJel.ttrwt.
Foley (p,tric:k) Brass.manufacturer, 118 Abbey-#lred.
Foley (Po D.) Merchant, 28 GWucelleNIMll.
Folliot (John) Carpenter and Timber-merchant. 8 N. XI",..tIIret!I.
Folling~by (Margaret) Booksell!!r, 28 A~MIl.
Foot (JeoIf'rey) Sherift"s.peer, Merchant aDd Tobaa:cnlist, !t K.....
bridge, and 22 Wrstmrw/ond.-slreet. .
Forbes (George) Table-beer Brewer, 46 Brvu,,';t:k-mwt.
Forbes (WilIiam) Haberdasher, 9 QueerwIreel.
Ford fArthur and Co.) Linen-drapers. 90 Gmfto,... . .
Ford (8.) Bl'IlIh-maker, 54 GmflOR."reet.· .
Ford (J.) Confectioner, 53 Gmj'wn.,treet.
Ford (John) W""llen-war.ehouse. 65 BacWorw.
Ford (J'"~l'h) ".-... .... Papet-aIIliH~ '3,l'~.
Forloag (Nichola.) Li-.irap~r. 18 N. Kiq-1lre6lr
,...rIon;;: {lolulMn) Cloth"-, 24~"""""
F .. r.,.tal (T.) Cork-cu$r. 24 A-krr,/-Iibt!!.
Foour \ I'ranci,s) Baw. 111 J'lUt";ck·KfIJllt.
~..... (j.GIe,.) ~.hcr, .i.5 p~_
l'oltrelL (Thom..} M.sdoane, If MIwl'-ttltgfl-.~.
Fo.b, aDd W"i\e~ l.itwo-dr.,us, 142 N. X~.
Fowler (David) Inn.keeper, 4~,I_'Ke.i.... ~
Fowler (Eliza) ar-, ot9 ..... ~
Fowler l Franci.) C"3ch-makft'. tkJ BaK~"'-
Fowler lJohn) Master of tbe Me.uDt~AcadQM.y. )06 M.:tB""~~
J"cnVler (John) Weaverr 35 FurdafA'wJllf'!/l
Fowler (Thomas) Gun-ma!.ef, i,~ Copft-fJft!d.
Fnll (Anthony) Merchant; 7 .IiJtIehl'fM'''Wnl"
Fos (Anthony) Pl'inter and BoeltaeUer, .. "I'. ~
:No. ,(:aartes) Pu~ Md Turner, )21 CoMiH.
Po.. (Jot.) Mer6heat. so &o:I1Wd-1ltrwt.
Pos (Soseph) Liuen-drapel', 40 Pill-lane.
Fos (Laurence) Line~, 15 T"''';'!J-IIIMlC,
Fos (Martin) CoaclMnaloer. 14 Ilet5ntond·~.
FOil , ..~) Aa-t. TKaIlR'}' Oiice, .Ddlifl Casll..
~ ,SiIllOll ).l5illt-tnmufal!lurcr. 1S c..._laU.
Fos (:i"-) CHocef, 46 Pr'llfu:is-lCWet•
. FouU (Zachariah) Camp'.fumiture-mucbamc, 40 ..t"..~
FranUin (John) Gol;d~beateJ!1 5 c-,.,veff.
Fr.mklin (John) Paper-stainer, 4 S1tIM:1t...u-g.
FrankHn (Joshua) Goldsmith and H",.net', 18' CofWge-gt'~
Pranklin (Richard) Broker, C~al-l1uihJI..g&.
Pra,.oe (Anne aD'li Maiy) J.inerMlrllpel's, 6) B4~
Frayne (Robert) Cabra-Rrilkn, 94~'"
Frayne (William) St~IlIac:I8'er, ~l B~e'.
~t 4W. S.} Ap.,tJyccuy• .59 Belw.-.t,.,re..
:Freeman (Richard) Paper-maker, 2$ C""'~.
Freeman (Robert and 'l'a1botl Paper-stainer,., 5S A~ ___
Prench ~) Tai!or add WoollcIM!dpew, lt7 '_lIty IIIM/I,;
Frend (G_,,8) Hosier, 98 Sj~
Frost (William) Cheese-rnoogdr, !3 Clultkcl'~'
Froughan (Marguet) Confectiones, ) 1.6 DtmeI-1tNfeI.
Fry and Nesbitt. L;-I'1.la_m;mofaclu-.. 90 Da----.
Fry (Peter), ,,~. "
F~ (.la'llleio) Sh~. ),., Kt. BrlIC;"ltHJt!f.
Pulham (Thomas) Hesi~r, 81 G.-qfj_.nJd.
'~Itw (Johtt ami Th.-as)_ Wi_nllan~ 'l:j .Mecd-Mf11116
Pnllerton (George) Tailor, 7 .D&m-.-e. ,
Fulton (Elias, Carpe_; Ht T(1IIJ'l-""_
Furlong (Laurence) SpiFit-deak'r, 90 RlJI!tW'IflfI·~.
Purlong (Tbem., A~hecar" SS .Fnmei..otrwt,
Fary and Leland, Hatters, .'t Mf'fJtlr-lfr~ -
Fyan and Taylor, Groce"".,9J T"""r«!ft4-,'retL
Iyan (Mary)'GNocer. 17 PO<JlIH!~IIrt!el.
Fyan (RoIM.n) Mer",lwK, 00 U,k""·e-<J"tIY.
. G.
Gaft"Aef -od, P.a, GReen, 16 SI~It:f".
:lahan (James and Henry) WooHen-<irapen, -'17 JInm.e(
Galbraith (Eliza) Haberdasher U1d Lifletl-draper, 4 Au. . . . "'wt.
Galbraith (I{icherd) Sad.uet'''lfO~. fll rhlter""'HttJI.
Galbraith (Thomat) Boot1lrut ahoe-mak«, i N_-mwc.
Galbraith (fhomas) SpiFit-dftIer, 1ST CIIMway. (William) SaddlEr 1.11' 9Vlow. flodrwiliMtrelt.
Gal1agher (Antlr>ew, Beotand Sh--'tlll', 17081. Bm.~.
Gallagher (Jamea) Gun""",~er, .T t;C. &>ilaitt-.....
Gallagher (Michael) Saleematoter, 65 SmiIfrjW<L
Gallagher (OweD) Me!>ebant-'tailer. ~s Ccpd-1trftI.
Gallagher (RichM"<!) c.rver aad ·GiIder, st 6. t;C. ~'...1't1d.
Galloway (Allttleny) Me1'c~tJlt. '7 I.nc_ Gmtititle'MIPCet.
Galloway (John) M.,FCIKnt, 31 N. Cm.mmIJRd-stf'M.
Galvin (John) ·Tin-plate-w"rlter, 60 Bri!l..~'.
Gamble (Jos. a.... Co.) Virriol-IIIMMSfaCNre!'s, 11'-5 .M~.
Gamble (s..-d~ W4lOl1... and l..~r"1""", 64 ~""""
Gandon (James) Architect, ., M~I!ffIJ~
GaDly (Jlllha) i.i... ~, 1&9 N . .J{
Ganly (Thos.) House-painter eflll Floor-<."Ioth-maflur. I <PtmIi"iw'.......
Gannon and Davern, Wholesale Lr..en-dl1lper., '1 tow. JJ"tl:~1WfJIII.
Gannon (John) Grocer, 51 ~et.
Cannon .( M.) TobacCORMt 1IntI IS& F_dMlrwl.
Cannon (Thomas) CUrTier, S9 &.""",-.
Gardiner (J.n) -Cabiaet-tllaker altd UpbIA'ltel'er, ate. fl1lp. Ia.~
Garnet (A. J.) T~a·ware-re01~, T .If.....-.'Jf.UJ!1.
Garratt (Jas. alld Richard) Wholesale Li~arett-, eldrtett "SU ....
Gartljlnd (Patrick) Paper-staiDer,2 E. ~Hlf'f!t1:
Oart,. (Geerge~ Watch-maker, 90 WiI/H",..-.wr.
Garty (WilIiam) Watch-mak«, 'S S. t,f. Ge~·HI'f'/!t!t.
Gaskin (John) Watch-maker, 22 Col7eg~gJWfI.
Ga550n (John) Slate and Tile-metet._, 11! W • .llrr-.1ffWt.
GatcheU (Samud) lrolHftOflger, 87 Pil,·u"'f!.
Gatt)' (Andrew) Barometer and Tli<!rmorMter_aUr, 1 8ft1ri-If0I(!r''-
Gautier (Corndius) Wi ....~, 9 D_i1liclr-Itf'«!/:.
Gavao (T4atotby) Spkit...ton!ll, 7 Gf1Orge'~y.
Gaven (Thumas) lloe-ier. 14 eon..~.
Clnitl (fobo' IJh_Maker. 00 S. Nf!U_ttW.
Gayoor (I.) itnLw4aat-rnam.caeturer, 25 AUfl~~.
G:1YOor (Michael) ()ork-cDtter, 14 low. :B.rcltfl,.g~.
Gayoor (Willi:1m) Vintner, 6 Bu.;ji'.-row.
Ocale (EIIeft_) WAc:iIeI.jclletllii l"Oft-mo~r, 17 Wn....""..~
.' thatT (WitH.m) -8adt1ler .l1li Kamf'M-ftlater, _ MMy-Itf'M.
GeKio (re.. T., Habel'll...ber and TejI-dealer, 18, f)~""t.
C'.eol;began (Edw...d) MefflI••t, ~O MMthe,..."p-tfre".
~.n (laceb) Silk and Tafililet-manlifactuler, 5'l FNfI~~
~ {J.,lwR}. Gcoc«, $8 M_,",,"
'\4eOlbe,a (M. Ji. .la. CI>.) Meu:hanu, G7 .AII«JI-m-ttJt.
Merellants and Traders. GU
Geogbepn (Midnael John) Linen-draper, st. iIri,.m...w.t.·
Oeoghegan (P. and 8.) Spanith-\eather-drc1sen, 2 M~
Geoghegan (Richard) Druggist, 50 CaIIle-&treet. '.
Geogbegan (Thom3l) Linell-draper, 146 alul 1478'" Britai,,-Il'lfd.
Geoghegaa (William) i'c:rfumek~5 c;,."jtMl-llretJ1.
George (Jamu) Merchant, 106 Ca)¥I-IIreet.
Geraghty and Eiffe, ['alender-owner., 27 N • .d~IIreel.
Gerret)' (Pe.ter) Silk-manuIacturer, 5 up. Bridge-lIruI.
Gibbon (John), 79 TAomtU·""_
Qibbon (Thomal) Grocer, 8 George'WJMDy.
Gib~ and DilIon, Calico-printerl, 14 S. Br01lJrw,r«t.
Gibbons (Charles) Iroo-monger, 8 EIU,',-quay.
Gibbon, (Jane) Haberdaaher, lSS IJorlet-s'ret!l. .
Gibbons (Johll) Rope-manufacturer, 48 W. New-row.
Cibbol1& (N.) Bacon and Butter-&tores, 81 N. King·IIren.
Gibbons (Patrick.) Free-merchant and Grocer, 64and 65 S'Il" ~""
Gibbons (Thomas and Co.) Flour-factors, 12 Meatll-Itreet.
Gibbons (Thomas) Grocer, 150 Church-llre111.
Gibson (t;Jeorge) Carpenter and Builder,
Gibson (S.) Milliner and Haberda,her, 31 low. Ormo.1I1-qtltlg:
Gibson (Sarah) Ship-chandler, 27 MOII·.treet.
Gibson (Thomas) Cabinet-maker aad Auctionier. /is Capel-#r«t.
Gw.on (Th_) Silk-dyer, 2 Bont&y'Nane.
Gibton (llobert) Tanner, S MiIl-llreet.
Gibton (William) Auctionier. 7 Bilhop-ltreef.
Gift'ard (John) Sheriff's-peer, p"tzwiUiam-Btreet.
Gifford (llachael) BoardinJr-schOt>I, 11 IJensillMtrelt.
Gtlbert and Hodgu, MedIcal Book.sellers, 27 IJa1M-llMII.
Gildlrist (E.) Stay-maker, 9 Hill","IIrut;
Gilcnri.t (John) Hosier, 61 N. King-"red.
Gilcreest (George) Grocer, Corn-mJlrket.
Gilcreest (J.) Woollen-clraper and Merchant-tailor, 66 Hi,Tt-tlneI.
Cilfoyle (Owen) Grocer, 41 Stephen-llreei.
Gill (J.) Chandler, 5 FreACh-ItrtJet.
Gill (P.) Sp"lrit-dealer,5 Moore·S$rtJet.
Gill (Racbael) Leather-cutter, 52 Ja1MS',..lItreet.
T Gjll'(Richard) Carpenter, 28 Hammontl-llIGe.
Gillespie (D. H.) Coach-maker, 27 Ca/lel-street.
_ GiIlespie (Michael) &ot and Shoe-maker, 56 Marg'..abbey.
GiUespie (William) Oil-merchan.t, O/lice, 29 La"...
Cillingtoll (Samueland Son) Upholders and Auctieniers, 119 .4~.
GilIman (John) Apothecary and Druggist, 160 Capel-llrea.
Ging (James) Sk.inner and Tanner, 21 S. New-row.
GiD, (John) Shoe-maker, 49 Franci,...,lreel.
- Gil1l1 (John) Private Teacher of the Cwsic:s, 52 York-lItrwt.
Glanan (Thomas) SkinDer and Glue:-boiler, S Cookolafle, W4Ili"'........
Glenton (William) Druggilt and Colo\1r-merchant, 48 Ma~
Olinn (Thomas) Bacon-warehouse, 4 Fisham/Jle..,tfWt. .
Glorney (S.) Thread. Tape and Trimming-manufacturer, 37 W. NiiII-r.
9ir na (John, w:mi.~~ ~M-~ Gt9~eo ~ W;.ne.mmh. 1.79 CAu~.
GRA Merchants and Traders. 58
011llne (Catheriae) Milliner aad Haberdasber. 51 S. Jf'/ltlHtrul,
0:06 (Jo.epb) Merchant, S MOUfl~., .
Oogarty (James a!ld Co.) Iron-mon,. and Hardware-merch. 7.' PiI/,.la",..
Oogarty (Patrick) Woollen-draper, '71 D_..-.met.
Gogerty (Francie) Wholesale Woollen-draper, 11 11)fl1. Bridge-6lrtJeI.
Oogerty (NichoJas) Wholesale Woollen-draper. ss Merchaill'.-gua.v.
Ooggin (H.) Umbrell..maker, 16S Capel-Ilreel.
Coggin (Juliet) Fruiterets, 4S Henry-llreel.
Goldrisk and MorriSloD, Linen-drapernnd IJaberdaahers. 8 up. Sd....
Ooone (Geoi'ge) Enpger, 6 Cl~.
Ooodeson (John.and Co.) Linen-drapers, 519 Com-market.
Goold (Eleanor) China and Delf-seller, 12S low. CoomIJe.
Oordon and .co. Proprietors of the Dublin Mart, and General Rei...
rence and Aiency..()/6ce, 6 D'Olier-.treet.
Oordon and, Fletcher, Watch-maken, S9 S. gI. Gearge'l-Ilreet.
Cordon (Jane) Paper-atainer and Painter, 57 ClI}>el-llreel.
Oordon (Ll\cinda), 27 Clarend<ln..treel.
6ordon (Patric:k) Tobacconi.t, 19 CI",rch-ll1'fiel.
Oorden, Polloc:k and CC!. Druggists, 118 Capel-1lrtIeI.
Oordon (Samuel) Linen-factor. SO J)qrut...,...,.
Corman (Edmand) Grocer, 46 gt. Br;ta;~.
Gorman (Eliza ) Confectioner. 11 S Capel.llreel.
Oorman (James) Carpenter, 8 N. Kirtg-Itreel.
Corman (John) Tailor, 18 TritW!I-llllJCll.
Corman (Mary) Com-chandler, 74 JafM,',-llm!l,
Corman (Mary) Crecf'r, 27. WinttalNJf'fWlreet.
Oorman (Mlchael) Coach-maker, 4 B~
Corman (Patric:k) Grocer, 28 Kt'wfI'-.purf.
Oorman (Robert) Merchant, 92 Marl~••
Gorml!Sl (Thomas) Grocer, 43 BoUon-ltreel.-
Corman (William) Hatter and Lace-seller, 17 CutPIWIM'lJW.
Ooslin and Healy, Shoe-makers, 6 Grnfton."m!I,
GOUOh (John) Coach-owner. 6 Bollorwtreel.
Gough (John) Bookseller, 20 Meath-lireet.
Coulding (A.) Milliner, 77 gI. Britain-Ilrlet.
G&ulding (Mieh.) Rep. for Sale of Horses ud Carriaga, 25 S. AllM-llr.
Ooulding, (John) Commission-ware-rooID1, 39, Grafton-ltreel.
Ouulding. Phipp•• D'Alt!l&ine and Co. Music-iellers,7 W"'r"orlaU-sII'.
Grace (John and Cbarles) Tall()w.c:handlers, III Bolton-Itrut.
Grace (Patric:k) Corn-factor, 125 C~. -
Grace (PhiHp) Grocer, 124 Coomhe.
Grace (Richard) Coal-factor, SO PoollJeg-ttrm.
Grace (RicJwd) Tallow-c:handler, S Marg-Ilreel.
Graham (Brldget) Vintner, 7 up. KlNi1l-8treet.
G!,&ham (Christopher) Wholesale Woollen-draper, t81.w. Bridge-Itreef.
Graham (W. F.) English Leather-importer, 35 Capel-sJrdet.
Graham (William) Shoe-maker and Leather-seller, 29 Wimlaver,.....
Graisberry and Campbell, Printen, 10 Back-lGrte.
Grang~ (Mathew) Tallow-chandler, 71 Cltarlemont-ltTeet.
Grant (lame.) Tallow-chandler, 13 ~t01&JI-batkr.
Grant (William) Tallow-chandler, 169
, [1815] Ji'
Grattan (Ilollel't-) Callillft-lllftn, n Brilk·~.
Gntten (M. and R.) Statclt aJld8lue-manuf..cturen, In '~f'f!tI.
Grana (Hen.,.) Apoth~cary, 'lOO st. BmuitHlY't!et.
Graves (Robert) PaiJfte1'; 15, Fj~ntf!t.
Gray {lames> Merchaat, 61 Jer!
a...,. (John) Gun-maker. 46 ~..t_.
Gray~on (Charle. J.) Broker, Office, COMtllet"Ciol BrMllliotgr.
Green (John) Merchant. S9 ./frNn-9fMY'
Gre. (John) st-Inaer, t r~.
Green (Joshua) Merchant, !16 Arnnt-qu,d!J. .
Green'(Ti:notby)G!eeer, 'B_~,aDd 161 a: t62 CitJ'f'I rtmt.
Green (Valentine) Fruiterer, -g '~.
Green (WiUiam) BoobeUer,10 Bt4foIIJwmw.
Greene (franciB) Haberdasher, 7 MG".-Nl!t.
Greene (jeIm)Fieh-lnOJlger, 17 Willia_1mI&.
Greene (Mary Aeae) 1JocJbeHer, 2S Artgf_strm.
Greene (MichaelWilliam) Bookseller and Binder, 2S A~_stf'lt't.
Greenham (lames) CottOll-manufactilYe!', 9
Gre" (H. W.) Me.chant, 101 gl. 8kq,..,trtJd.
Gregg (lohn) Tailor, !le) R_-la1te.
Grecor (John) Linen-<iraper, -62 TItrJmu.s4rm.
Greham (Peter) HOBiet', 1I CqpBl-Itr«,.
Grehan (Jehn) Carver Bnd Gildet', !l N. ArtftNfM!t.
Grehan (Peter) Merchant, 9 ,_. <>nnotod-r;ung.
Greaham and. Carmirnaei, .)}r~giste, 47 C.III..·..tmtt.
Grey (M. IS. and Co.) Tea-warehoU8e, 53 D.,~eI.
GrierlOn (Abigail) TObaeCOllist, 40 MetJIIt-IWeet
. GrierlOD (George and J. R. Power) KiA,· ..printers, t8 P(Jtl~ •••
GrierlOD (James' MeR:but, 10'. c.pi-........
GriereOn (John) Merrnant, 21 8tsfftml-stIM.
G~iffiD (Bartholomew) G _ , 28 Pilt-Iarte.
Grillin Uamea) Hardware atI. Trim~nr-merehant, 25 Jr. Nl"fD-ruw.
Griflin.(lohn) Painter and Glazier, 28 .Adn~•.
Griffin (W.) Brush-warehouse, 17 1JridtJ..llru1.
Griffin (William) Spirit-atora, 154 N. K~.
Orilith (Christopher) T.ajlor, 14 MOiwe-Itrm.
Grilith (Matbew) Saddler, 2S 101b. S"cltJilk-m-cet.
Gri6t1l (Peter) Carpenter, 11 Cnat,",m~
Grillith (lti«) Sboe-muer, 4 and 41 Nich/JitlHtret't.
G~imley (Ilobert) Boot and Shoe-maker, S 1Y000ti-'l"0!f'
Grilliwoo4 (John) Seedsman, 1 Cluzrlemoot-slreet. .
Grogan (John) Li.ery-.tabiea, Greg~s-18.,.e.
Groome (Miehael) Painter aad Gin ier, 26 Golden-l,me.
Gren. (R. and Sons f Glue, Parchment Bc VeUum manllf. 48 N~Hrl.
Cfoves (William) Shoe-maker, 112 gt. ilTita;71-Mrn:t. ' .
Gtlleber (Arthllr S.) Librarian to the Dub. Library Society, Bltrp ·1JIIft,.
Grumley (WilIiam) Hicleoocrane-owner, llonAmN-Jmf.
Grundy (George) Cabi1l~aker and' Peathet".merchant, 16 ~
Guelt (Frederidt) Matter, 91 D,._"reeI.
(}uinnest (A. BelL and W.L.) Jkewen,l ThOffUJa..IA''-.
Guy (Edw8l'd) Shoe-maker, 2 N_u.""".
. 65
. I:L ,
Haeket (Mary) Milliner and HaberdaSher.. 57 Ma"!l-lI.rm.
Hacket (Winfred) ~traw-ha.t-manufacturer, ~ Mary-""',
H:oockef( Pierce) Collector,. 173 gt. Britaill._llred.
Hagan (JOItD) Merchant. 41 Abbey-"res. _
Hagarty (Maria and Anne) Fr,mch and.EDgli.h-teadler!, 5 Bhlckhall-sI
:(i..gue, Beaumont and Cooke, Woollen-factors,. .il EilAcnnh/s-ltr..t.
Hillahan (George) Apothecary 3 MerCf!T-OI,.t.
Hale (Edward) Carpenter and Undertalier., 6 HOfiINe1'oltreel, W.
· Hale (John) Apothecary.. hver-hospilal.. Cor/Nl.rei!'t.
Hale (Thomu} Trimmin" and. Tape-rnaRufaeturec. 24 CacnMbe.
Hall ani GllIelpie, IroJl-founcJery, Engiae-alldy.
}tall (Daniel) Tanner, 27 Mill-Itreet.
Hall (J.) Corn.-chandler, 54 CoornJw.
Hall (John) Breecltes-ma~r~ 12 ,to Britain-street.
Uall (Robern Engineer.. M~ufac:. of Machinery, 24 SmillifieltL.
Hall. (B.obert} Merchant, 17 N. gl. George·,.... office, 22. Iow. Qnito"d-,.
Hall (s.) Mill-wright iuld MlWIhille-maker.. 13 E"If,ine-..ncy. -
Hall (W.) Trimming-merchant, 5·1 Pill-lane. .
Hall (WiUiam and SoD) Merchants, B.derIo.JllaC6.
Hall. (W illiam) Book.-bindocr. 55 S. gl. Genrge·&-Itn!i!t.
Hall (William) Cord~bea~r.. 4Q Geor~·_recl.
Hall (William) Leather-seller. SS Cono-marltet.
Hallagao (Denisl Skinner.. 34 $. N~~01A
Hallam (Benjamin) Builder. 25 Jcrviloltrtlet.
Halliday (WiIliam and Charles). Mercbams, ss. A,.,..,a-qUDY.
HaUiday (William) ApoWeCilry. 34 ~!t. '
Halloway (John) Buadu~ 7 Par~It_, E..
Halmen (William) CQlIlh-ma.ouCactw:er. 21 .fl_sI!cet. ..
Halpin (Mary and. Martha:)Haberdashers, [; Mecklenbar,.-strul.
Ham (Paul) Glover and Skinner. 45 PiU-l/Ine. .
· Ham (Tbomas) Carpenter,. 5.2 M~cklenlw.rgh.-IlI1"eef,
· Ham (William) Carpenter and BuildeF, 92 Chl#ch-street.
HamUl (Hulb and. Co.) Me_chanta. 32. Daminil:/Mt.e"' ....
Hamilton (Alexander) Painter au4 Glazier., 12 Meat/....oUl.
Hamilton (Emanuel) . Trinwing-manufactu(er, 6 W. Park.,treel.
Hamilto.'(Francis aNtSQn) Saddl~n, 49 ClJftl~••ed. .
HamiltoD (Galbraitb.) Mailin-warebouse, 8 N . .4t11\M1f"eet.
Hamaton (~} Merchant, 61 T_,,'und..mst. .
Hamilton (JaB. and.1o.b.n) Merchant.. 3IJod Crw:ers,.20 1Il? Qmumd-qlUl,.
Hamilton ( FaiAtee. 14 Clare-llreelo
Hamilton (lo$eph Gast."" Co.J Me)". and Linen-factoJ'll, ~ 2, up.
Hamilton (M.} Millilllllr a.pd.-HaQ.rdaaher~ 72, Stqliun.streel•.
1IlUllillC?B 'Wo C.). ~t~ 48 CtIffi-slreeJ. ,/
Hamilton (William Ste.wart} Merchant,. IQ GfflwilZe.llTeet•
. Hamilton (w. S,IIn«l,.CO.) I14ercbanu" Office, 23 MuorNlreel.
Hammer (fra.nciA) lJm~ aAd Fan-maker, 2D GrafllYlWtreet.
Hampey (fleD,t}[) FIII"1'Aer. 2 He:wrJj-Itreet.
Hamy (Wil1ia~) JeVil:1Ie.r and. WlKdr..maker, 20 Dame.sp-«l.
Hanaway (Ilich;l,rd) Coop~r. 2 Mtln01'-&lrea.,
Hanbury (John) Brass-found.,r. 11 lit. Ma.ry-ureG/.
I'land (lame.) Tailor, ,2 William-street. _
056 Merchants and Traders. HAR
HandCOC'k (peter) Grocer, 96 Po/rickr"t.
Handcock (Tobiaa) Paper-stainer, 52 A"ngier-street.
Handroc:k (WiUiam) Cabinet-maker, '74 Bride-mtet.
Hanilon (Thomas) Corn-Cactor, 142 ThMJIIJ,·,treet.
Han'" (Joscph) Merchant, 7 Bvcltingham-8Ireel.
Hanlon (Jame.) Harness-maker, 159 T1l/mllls-llreet.
Hanlon (Mary) Confectioner, 76 Fleel-&lreet.
Hanlon (WilIiam) Watc.-~-maker, 99 Pome-Blreef.
HaIIaa (Robert) Grocer, 12 Hmry-slree',
Haaaaa CA.) Milliner and -Stay.maker, 16 CQmden-llreet.
Hannan (Francis, jua.) Cashier to LaIIOuche', Bank, Costle·llreet.
Haaaaa (Margaret) Salt-stores, 148 Thomas-street.
Hanratty (Thomas) Rope-maker, 101 PiU.lone.
Hanton (Nicholas) Painter and Glazier, 119 Francu-street.
Haatoa (Thomas) Painter and Glazier, 149 Coombe.
Hard"U (Edward) Coach-maker, 113 gt. Briioin-8Ireet.
Hardlag (J ohn) Wholesale Linen & Muslin-warehoule, 169 gt. ,Britain4.
Harding (Jonathan) Salcsmast,<r, lC Hmdricfr-Itreet.
Harding (Samuel) Academy, 71 Cal'el-llreet.
Harding (William and Co.) WooUen-drapers, 2 Cant-mmet.
Hardman (Richard) Ship-broker and Coal-factor,9 George',"f'UIY.
Hardy (Jane) Liaea-draper, 117 Copel-street. '
Hardy (Joaeph) Timber-merchant, 14 S. King-street.
Hardy (Mary) Silk-manufacturer, 51 BridgefOOl-IlIr«t.
Hare Uames) Merchant, 8 Linell-hall·8Ireel.
Harford (James) Skinner, 22 WOlling-BlreeI.
Harford (10hn) Shoe-maker, 41 BoIIon-llreeI.
Harford (W.) Straw-factor, 105 up. Church-ltreet.
Hargt'&Ye (George) Conft'Ctioner, 60 CQ1>el-Itreet.
Harhess (WiIliam) Merchant, 22 Dominick-8Ireet.
Harlin (lames) Currier, 71 Cook-street. .'
Harlond (Samnel) Tailor, 19 D"wSlfll-streeI.
- Harman (J.) Corn-chandler, 91 Coombe.
Harney (Martin) Woollen-draper, 17 SkinDer-row.
Harold (iames) Baker, IS1 No Azng-slreeI.
Harper and GibBon, Saddlers, 66 Da~l1rI-8Ir~et.
Harper (George) Flour-factor, 18 James'a-slreeI.
Harricks (John) Tallow-chandler, 93 JOmJ!s'lI-#t'cet.
Harricks (Joseph) Silk and Mohllir-merc:hant, 26 W. NftD-rt1II1••
. ' Harricks (Thomas) Hosier, 23 WeIt1/lorland-8Ireet.
Harricke (WUliam) Coach-maker, 6S. Marlborough . . . . .
Harris (Thornas and Co.) Merchants, 62 TotmIsmd-Blreef.
Harrisoa (E.) Irish Silk-warehol!5e, J 1 PorliaJlten/-slreeI. ,
Ha"illOn ( Woollen-draper and Men's-mercer, IS Collegr-tJWfI.
Namson (Joseph) Auctioneer, 24 High-IIrt!£t. '
Harrison (Thomas and Co.) Coal-merchants, 48 Ci'S'"fJU0!l'
Harrison (Thomas) Grocer, and Spirit-stores, 49 Cil!I"'JU0!l.
Hart (~atherine) Trimming-metchant, 20 W. N_ow.
Hart (.Edwarcl) Commission-warehous!!, 5 ChurclWo1l~, B.
Hart (John) Parchment-manufacturer, 59 Watling-strcd.
Hart (Henry) Tanner, 36 RoiJerl-,lretJt•.
HEA Merchants and Traders. 57
Hart (I.etitia) Boarding-sehool, KiIkIter.
'Hart (M.) Shoe-maker, 168 gt. Brita;""lIred;
Hart (Mary Catherine) Grocer, 104 gt. Brita~
Hart (Mathew) Woollen-draper, 75 Darne-men.
Hart (Michael) Hiberniau Tavern-keeper, 7 Ha"'!l-Itml.
Hart (Michael) Perfumer,.,Pitt-m-eet."
Hart (Owen) Skinner, 21 Walling-llreet.
Hart (Patrick) SkiRRer, 13 Walling-llred.
Hart (Patrick) Tanner, 28 Watli1y;..,treet•
. Hart (Richard) Cooper, 2 Lotl••
Hart (Thomas) Brick-layer, 25 Rrmrftml-Mwl.
Hart (Thomas) Tanner, 4 Looe-laM.
Harter (Wm.) Silk-merchant, Warehouse, Chapel-alley, Brid~.
Harty (Mark) Hosier, 9 and 10 WUlmlWltmd-It_t.
Harty (Robert) Sherilf's-peer and Merchant, 7 low. o...rmti fIU9.
Harvey (Anne) Linen-draper, 64 Thom~.
Haney (G.) Classical and Commercial Academy, 8t Ahhey..streee.
Harvey (Thomas) Carpenter, 97 Abbc'!/-lIlrut.
Harvey (WilJiam) Painter and Glazier, 60 .BzcAeguer-lfn:l:l.
Hrawood (John) Boot-maker, I .Buer-gate.
Haslam (Drought) Leather-seller, 8 New-row, Jr.
Hasset (John) Haberdasher, 48 CoMllbt:.
Ha88et (Thomas) Grocer, 17 Mill-slrt:el.
-Hatchell and Co. Furriers, I Bachelor'.-wnllr.
Haughton (John) Wine-merchant, 61 JtmJi'-~et.
Haughton (Richard) Brass-founder, 19 Rou-lafle.
Hawke., MOIeley, and Co. Army-hatters, IS Graftl1ll-llred.
Mawkina (John) Boot, and Shoe-maker, so Cu§_treee.
Hawkins (Pierce) Smith and Bell-hanger, 88 gt. Britai,...ttre••
Hawkshaw (John) Woollen-draper, 24 FratlcU-ltUet.
Hawksley and Rutherford, Merchants, 9 low. Saclrvilk-aret1.
Hawthorn (A.). Glover, 4 ~1" SacJ.-ville-ttreet. aud 56 Marlboro'-IIred.
Hay (Edward) Seed-merchant. 4 Churcl&-street.
,Hay (M. J.) Sherilf'l-peer. 15 BlcuiRgtrm-6Creet. ._
Hayes& M'Nally, Rectifying DistilJers,& Spirit-men:h. 2 HammtnttUc.
Hayes (Andrew) Boot and Shoe-maker. 18 A!,"an-lJ1Ul!l..
Hayes (Armstrong and Co.) Coal-factors, 49 To_d-Itreet.
Hayes (Denis) Tin-plate-worker. 20 .Clarmdon-ftnJt'I.
"ayee (Eo) Milliner and Haberdasher, S7. Gmflo...strtlet.
Jlayes (P.) Agent to Hope Insurance-company. 18 Weslmor(a"tJ,.",...
Hayes (Peter) TailQr and Woollen-draper, S Astm's-'jllay.
Hayee (Richard) Merchant, 36 lower Bridge-stre.t.
Hayes (WilIiam and .Rob.) Wholesale Linen-drapers, S7/""'.~.
Headen (Pier~e) Smi\h and Bell-hanger, 108 SU'llmer-hiU.
Heale (Thomas) Corn-chandler; 137 gt. Brilain-strt:et~
Healy (Andr~w) Tallow-chandle,'; 2 up. E;rch,mgc-stret'l.
Healy (E. Lysaght) 'CI'a8:'icai and Mercantilel~cademy, 25 Pt!l~et.
Heaiy (Oabriel) Silk and Woollen-manufacturer, 28 ul"!d.
Healy (J.) Grocer, 4.? Jan•••·lI-street.
Healy (John) Shoe-maker, 13 Cal>el-strt:el.
Healy (Lnke) Whole.ale Spirit-merchant.1I-faCfJuay-br. Grand-~hlS.
Healy (&.1muel) Elec\rifying Machiae-wakel", 13 JafMj'_rcn.
Hfaly (William) "'ire-worker., le lit. !Mip.sIrtJ61.
Hnly (S;mon) Tallow-rhandler. 30 W. Cluutle~,"""
Heany (Richard) Shoo.:-8I<&ktr, 23 Whit'!foi",.".,...
H"ape (WiIliam) Pailltu and ula~ier, 67 z.- GIU~~I:.
rJ~.un ('F. an,l J·l Hardware and Trimm'ng-men:haDt", 17 W. N~
Hearn (J a ne) Shoe-maker, 6.5 Brick."reet.
Hdrernan (Miles) Hosier, 64 FT«ru;is.~.
Hciton (lames) Carpenter aDd llndeTtaker. 6 &n8{ortl-#N6I.
Hdy (Edward and Co.) Papar-merc.hanta, 28 low. Onn~".9-
HemingwaJ (Thomas) Hatter, 47 re"'l>le-~.
Hender..,n and c•. Co;rJ....nerchants, Frederick-ANd.
Hmderoon and Draper, Milliners, 42 CtIfJeS-str«4.
licndePOll (~amea and C().) SilveNlmiths, S. Wel/~""",,
Henderson (Jane) Confectioner, ,L Britaiflrll_t.
Heuc1rick (E.dwald) Merchant lIDd Agont, 69 /il8et·urefl,.
Hendrick (John, jlln.) Merchant, 72 gt. Br.;tain-Ilrect.
Hendcic.k (loho) Mercha.nt, 27 Jervis-Ilreet.
Heneey (Anne) Engraver, )8 S'fifoJk-lJreN.
JJenecy (Anuell..inelHlrapes, 113 N . .K;"'~"et.
Henecy JEdward) Merchant, Office, " Mc~n'*'ll'-struI.
Heney (Laurence) (NocIll', 13 21{o!Nlret<t.
Heney (Parrick) Watch-maker. 6.S Capeli-8trctl.
Henley (James) Agent, 61 GnifcotWtreet.
Henlon (M. and A.) MilIiIWrs, 12 Noss.uo4l,rtttl.·
Henry (Charles) A,.othe~, 44 QII_"""".
Henry (E.) I.inen-dr;jPet-. 1 J"lltl.'oo·<f&
Henry (J0S8ph ;rod William) Morclwlts, 510,.,. Omu....d... ,..a!j.
Henry (R.,ber~ WooU(m-<\rap<» aD.! M"na'-lRercer~ 1"5 w.Nt'..../iJIfa&
Henry {T~} LineQ-<lraper., IO N. King-fh'IIIl"
Henry (Thoma.) Mer~hant. 4 A""UfI.'~IJjUqy.
Henry (Wi1li'llll} MIm'ha.nt. 69- Abbey.lJreet. .
He.qsbaU (j;u»es) Linen-raerchaat, OJIice. ~ ~1truL.
Henshall (Thomas) Printe.f iUI4 Beokseller, 29 NautI.......
Henzel (J. A.) Jeweller and !\ilvlII"-amitb, 45 &e]~en.
J:Ie,Qu~ (John) Arcbite~t, 4S Step!un.ltnet.
Henzel (W. B..) Sa.ddler. 45 Step~
Ikrber~ (),lkhola$) Ch}Tmist. 6 $m.dMt~
Herbert (P) Haber<Wher, 57 Mur~"""4111.
Herbert (Peter) Tallow-chandler, 143 g.. Brilaifl-8lToo/;
~bett (Thoma:;) Inn-kee~r, 67 Ckllrclw(nel;
lJerd (Eli~'1beth) Toy..hop, 16 NatuaU-$lr"
Herd (Samuel) Brush-maker, 5 Mary's-06be.J.
~ringtan (S:&IJIIWl) Linen..draper, 9 CasllHr,t/.
Hev"y (Jal'(lea) Gsecer and Tobacoonist. 20 rlaOflUU-Slrut.
Heynes (Michllel) TaverJ:i.-keeper, 52 .E:rcMfvp.,",e~
Hickey (Jolon) Currie~, 25 Cork-IIr,n. _
l1jckey (Nicholas and Co.) Seed-merchants. 1 IIp•. f1a~. .
Hickey (William) D~lf-5eUer. 24 lJislt0l'-",·uJ;.
HickiD<on (.Jame.) Salt-store•• 120 FTand.'l-slreel •.
llirk. (Allthonv) Coach-maker. 46 8. Killg-nr<lL't•
. It;.;l.,O<Ul Vahn •...,d Robcrt) Wooll~drapers. 26 (;dI"e,.vt:erz.
M erohants lUId "Traders~
Hininbotham (Edwatd, Chitla and Ddf~lL'r, IS E. AM'Glt-lII'eat.
Hi~giDbotham (Eleanor) Baker, Il'~ Meath-.rm:r.
HiggiDbot/urm (Henry) Merchant, " MDUIIU"y·'qttllre, 1£.
Higiinbotham (Thomas) Agent, DtMinCastle, 14 MOWlliJOJI-IguCll'f, ..
HiggiDbotham (T.& W. H.) China, 'Delf a::'Glas .. mercaall'U,l "il'l~
Higgina (Anne) Haberdasher, 94 Jbngirr-ltrecr.
Higgius (Joh.) Oi'o1;er, 44 Arran-'JUfl!J.
HiggiDI (Mary) Sprrit-dealer. 60 Cit!lWfJtmy.
H iggins (Patrlck) Silk-manttf.tttdTer, 35 Nl'IJJ-tff'etr.
H'ggins (William) Hoase-painter andP:ll'er-stainer, !lO J>oo1&~l-ltffl!t.
Higginson (Henry) Cloth-merchant, 15 ElUlaCt!·tfrctC.
, Hill and Hall, Hatters. 19 Ablx!l-stTeet,
Hill (Christophe~~ Paper-.tainer, 33 SIE'l'fll!'ll-Jff'm.
Hill (George) Wine-cooper and '(,'1'01:".,' ~9 S. gt. (;eo"f'gil'l-Ilf'l'd.
Hill (John) Cooper, 154 Jallle,·8-$tret't.
Hill (John) G,ilder. 5 ESI,'r-qrLU!f.
Hill (John) M<Ychant, 84 up. DOTU,""1<en.
Hill (John) Patent Lamp, Oil and Glass-merchant, 'Ill up. lfa6l'~
Hill (John) Ship-brokt'T, Co",mercial Building••
Hill (John) Tin--plate-worker and Helml't-maket. 14 JimJiNl!t41.
Hill (.ionalhan, jun.) Drng-merchant, 115 Cttp£'l.rt'!«. '
Hill (Jonathan) MathL'Dlatician. 40 Aungier-!treet.
Hill (Mary) Mitlinef, 49 Mar/boTough-$t1'!<et.
Hill (William)P~wterer, 156 Cflurch-ttreel. '
Hilles (James) 'ron-merchant and Iron aqd Tin-plate-lbatlUl'aautet.
H ilt......,.lace. J1bbr!!I-ltre,~, aAd LeizUp Iron-works.
flime {Ma'trlce) Musit-seller, 26 Dnme-streel.
Hiuchy (Mary) Haberdasher. 23 Cup-street.
Hinds (Thomas) Shoe-lDah.,.. 8 'Ill', Ormonrl-qu(l.g.
Hink. (Thorn",,) Hosier and Lace-manufacturer. 29 Grtiflo ...grfUl.
Hitchcock (John) Brass-work. and Bell-foundry, 17 J'ervi_relil.
- Hoare (John) Wholesale Fish-merchant, 8 PiU..[(l.tfe.
Hoar~ (Mary) Confectioner, 47 Dorset-strel't. (J.) Cam.'T and Gilder. 2 A6bey-ltreet.
Hobart (W. and H.) Linen-drapers. 82 (;'raj'toll.ltrnt.
Hodgens (Mich.) Flax, Hemp and Sail~ll1th-merchant, 161 Churcl-gr.
Hodgens (Thomas) Rope-mannfactur'cr, 9 1'ilt-la1l'.
Hottge. (~.) Watdl and Cluck-maker, 27GN7J!on-streer.
Hodges (John) Bruier ancl Pewterer, 16 We#morland-Itreet.
Hodges (Wm.) Manufacturing Irou-mOllger, Smith 1111/1 Braas-rollSlde;.
23 [OIV. Sacktlilte-SZrttt
HodgkiD!IOD. Potter and Co. MercfJants, 68 Abb.'V-lNWt•
11OO:5OA (Jane) Milliner, 17 Su.trollr-Itret!t.
Hedgson (Peter J.) Agelrt, 6 B'IIcltbigilam-tl7'ett.
Hodg5On (P. J..) M easUTer. 14 BritU-,trecr.
Hoer (John) Tallow-cha-ndler and Carpenter, ::IS llueZ-JlTtct.
Hoey (Margatet) BOokseller "nd Stamp-statioller, S8 lAp, OrmoM-I].
Hoey (Nicholas) Skinner; Olue-lx>iler. 6<1:. 19 S. NeIIJ-r.w, S",clll·.~
"""'Ill, Milf-.Ilrtltt..
HQeY (Patriek) Coal-merchant, 133 N. Killl-strlflt
HotT (Rolilert) Cual-factot, 1 l,'tdce 11. . .
60 Merckants and Trader•• HOW
Hoer (Tbom..) Pin-manufacturer, 47 Pill-lau.
Hoe)' (WiUiam) Grocer, 135 4jJbey-llred. ..
Hoer (WiUiam) Parchment-manufacturer, 24 Uli!er'tt-iIl4"d.
Hogan (Ma!'}') Cbeeee-monger, 45 Cit!l-fjIJ4!1. <-

Hopn (John) Brewer, 81 EzcheqlM!T-stTee:.

Hogan (T) Agent, 10 N. King-Ilrut. _
Hojrllet and Pluery, FuNlealers, S2 BacAel/1l"'-wa11t..
Hoguet (Joeepb) Fur-manufacturer. SS G""fom-&lreel. .
Hosuet (Joaeph, jun.) Furrier, 45 E~"ret:t. .
Holbrooke Uohn) Engraver and Copper-plate-printer, 15 ,A1\gluelWlr_
Holdbreok (Denjamin) Carpenter, 18 BisMp-,treet.
Holdbrook (Henry) Grocer, 8 MoleSVl/n'lh-Itreet.
Holclen (5.) Mnsic and· Musical-imtrument-selJer, 26 PaTliament-ltrM.
HobDcl (Chriatopher) Watch and Clock-maker, 16 UP. O~!I' .
HobDes (George) Shoe-maker, 58 Capel-1Irt!JeI.
Holmea (Hup) Merchant, 8 Monlague-place.
Holma (J) OnI and Rose-engine-manufacturer, IS J{"",ieJ-.«reet.,
Holm. (Jamea) JeweUer, 58 Srqme....street.
Holmea (John) Shoe-~er, 6 RC1l.numd'..!!ia.
Holmea Uohn) Wire-manufacturer, 8 lit. Ship-Ilred.
Holmea (Joshua) Apoth.,......,., 77 Copel-Itred.
HoIIIICl (R B.) Boot and Shoe-maker, 46 Slephm-ttreet.
Hol_ (Sam. c!It JOI ) Merchants and Linen-factors, 26 G/~.
Hol..ea (William) Saddler, IS Corlc-MU.
HOIII.n (Richard) Inspector of Water-works, 8 H.endric1t-,trut. ..
'Hone and Hatton, Merchants, Office, Commercial Buildixglo .
Hone (John) Merchant, 21 N. gt. c;.orge'S-llreel, Office, EIUltIce-~
Hone (108.) Merchant, 96 HarCflKrl-ltreel, Office, Com_rcial BuilrU,,&'"
Hone (Nathaniel) Alclerman and Merchant,. 124 B"Uol.,tret:t.
Hone (WUliam) Broker, COfItmerciai Buil4ing,.
Honner (Edward) ~pothecary. !lO Clarc-llret:t.
Hook (Samuel~ Clothier, S Orfltlmd-Ilrlld.
Hope (Gerald) Proprietor CoIfee-hol1sc, 4 _ Sad<.in..ft'IWI.
Sopkina (William) Linen..traper. 76 GNf--IlreeI.
Horan (Thomas) Coaeh-owner, 102 Dor.eJ-MruI.
Horan (WUliam) Baker, 19 Duke-slTm,
. Hare (Chriltopher IJ.) Fish-merchant, 12 PilI-lane.
Homidge and Fisher, G!als-mlUlufaeturera. 4 low. ,A"y-llrwI..
Horllidge (John) Grocer, 55 E:rchetpur-ll_t.
Hornidge (John) Tallow-chandler. SS F/eel-streel•
• HOfpital (Margaret) Paper-manufaet\lrer, 19 CaoWnIeI.
Houghton and Thacker, Flour-fact.ors and Merchauu, lIS A6loeJ..,......
Houghten (J.) Silk, Wonted and Carpet-manlolfacturer. 16 N.F~
Houlton (Thomas) Tallow-chandler, ~7 BW.~t. -
Houston (William) Merchant, 90 Alliiey-Ilreel. '. . .
Howud (Edward) Wire-worker and Flour-machiDe-m~er.55 P~.
Howard (J. F,) Provision Cooper, Srrwdt-alky.
Howard (Stott) Flour and BoltiDg-machill4HPaker, 28 Ja",uHlrtltlt.
Howe and Crai" Wh~leaale Haberdashera, SS low. o.-~
Howe (Mary) HJiJerclaaher. 48 luw. K~.
Howell (Doui1a •..,. Mell.urcr. GO S'I'· w~1'(C'.-Mr«t.
HUR Merchanl3 4nd TrtNlns.
Howes (Edwanl) CODfectioner, 16' gt. BnIairwtnd. .
Howie (Thom.. and Co.) ~" Mar4:haJlu, 7 z.-,-*M.
Howi80n (Hury) A14erman and ~rehaDt, 21 WeatrUWland......
HowisOD (J~) Men:hant, Jl~, MOM~
Horne (Margaret) Baker, 6 FUhIJ'lltiJle.mM,
lIuddlestOll (T. Bc: Co.)llepoait. for BLrin·. AAiIIud·med.19 N • .EM'l-#r.
Hudson lRobert) Saddler, 114 Cnpel-IhWI.
Huffington <Iames) Merchant-tailor, 21 l1acheltIr•....uc.
Hughes (Abr.) AgenhndHearth-money-c:oUec:tor,16 M~·sl..
Hughes (Arthllr) Tanner and (".urrier, 15 B~
Hughes (David) Linen-dreper, 25 C_MA-d.
Hl1ghes (Francit) CMrI and Oiice, 4 IAu..
Hughes (George) Merchant, JJlackllall·""",
Hnghes (Jame!!) Baker, 16 HoIlewcrm.
Hughes (James) Brewer, IS U,1er',-ItM!l.
Hughes {J;&mea) WooUen-draper, 10 and 11 Riglwtr«t.
Hnghes (James) Sboe-maker, 25 Dame-street.
Hughes (John) Stone-c:utter, Sf MecklenhurglrllretJt.
Hughes (John) Secretary to tbe B:u-rack Board, 8 "')', M--....
Hughes (Michael) Merchant, 119 T~-""",
Hughes (Michael) Merchant, 4 Luke·street.
Hughes (Patrick) Grocer, 9 C..1fe-Ilrea.
Hnghes (Richard) Clothier, IS! P~t.
Hughes (Stepben) Grocer, Sf gt.BrilCi.-Ifr«l.
Hughes (Thomas) Boot and ~aIter. 11 N~.
Hughe. (Thomas) Apothecary.and Drugilt, 16 ..... a-OIIII"fI"ly.
H.ghel (WiHi'lm) Baker. 56 To~. .
Hughes (W-iWiltm) C-k-aian~. S ~y.
HuU (George) Grocer and Chee_aporter. 128 TlN1IUnId.,'reet.
fluU (William) .orpn-ballder, UI ~, _
Hl)llle (Artbur) Agent, ~Ie.
Humphrey(WilIiatn) SberUf'..,aer od Merchaat, Gcrdi_'#-plaee.
Humphreys (Jobn) Paill_od Gluier, 1,7 Aw~.
Humphreys (Thomaa) Artny-areot,,fS2 Bladt/ufIl Iff'ecI,
Humphreys (TholllA') Upholder,.6 BN&e·...tky.
Humphreyi (Will_) Grooer,·61 Bollota_9N;
Humphrey. (William) Wholesale WoolIen-draper, 17 MMr/uIId·""f1IGY.
Humphrya (Peter) Copper-amilh,lI PhOfti-..m.
Hunt (Elizabeth) Tobacconin, 56 Fro"ci,.,,'fef!t,
Hunt <I.mea).State Apothecary, 'I!) "p. Sa.iUe-.,,.,•.
Hunt (John) Cloehier,·8 Bf'(Ji4htJI(J~l.
, Hunt (Joscph) Cabinet-maker, 1'9 N. A,,_Ifrec.
Hunt (Joseph) Linen-meN!hant, 10 N. A"nt_fH1t.
HUllt (Thomas) ·Merchant, 39l""', G~.
Hunter (Geo-) Brazier and Distil. of MediCitud Water., ~fHitePr.m-m:•
. Hunter (J.) UrocI'r,85 C~l-~.
:ffvnter ~Joh n) kGn-moDger, 19 Ht_ SIfoqlltl-ltfWlll.
Hanter (Mathew)Crayon·paint«, WilIiam-mur, N.
Huntc· (RolKrt)'Grocer and Wi_lIant, 1 ~"".rl/Wl
Hurley (Micbael) '(boter, .50 GIIUm·lIIf1e.
[)~I~J 1
62 Mercllants 1J1lu, Trader.s. .JAM
iluson (William) Pastry-cool<, $ Bride-stred.
Hu.sey (Nicholas) Grocer, 184 j1. B~"ai1l-MN't!f.
Hussey (Owen) Boot and, Shoe-make... 22 Cfljll!l..t"n.
Husley (Patr~k} Musw:al-il1suument-lIIaker, 4- EUf.·~.
Hutchinson pohn) Apothecary' and Druggi.t, 70 S. f!1. Ge'IT?C·~.
Hutchlnscn ~.RebeTt> Cotton-mauufacturer, 37 RaIl:1"rd-sIl'e.:I.
Hutton (Daniel) Builder, 20 Mar.If-street. _ -
Hutton (Jo11nand Sons) Coaeh-maker., 11:'1 SrmuRn"-hill.
Hutton (N. W. and J.) Grocers and Wine-mercha:nts. ~Ol Jtmlel'~
Hutton (Robert) .ClJrrier, '17 Wi1ll'tavern-.'/reel.
Hutton (William aud Co.) Distillers, MUllltl-brml",_
llyland (Brya./l an,l Sons) Merchants, 4 Markd-sWe<'f.
Hyland (Luke) Baker, 49- Mealh-lIlren.
Hyland (William) Leather-seller, 48 Back-lane.
Hyndman (Robert) McrcholJlt, 11 MOIl71li"y-"'1"" .....
Hyndmans ana Cosgran, MeFchanh, Qffice, 49 A~·",.
Hynes (Jame.) Hatter, 106 G,·a/lon-strm.
Hynes (Jane) Bra'Jier. 33 Maf'!I'lJo'lalle.
Hrnes (John) Grocer, U Tilillt:-lJtn'et.
Hynes (Patrick) T~oF. IS D.lIIe-coutt.
Inee (John) Baker, !J S. King-s/reet.
Inee (Richard.) Baker, SO TowTWllld-s/reet.
-fnce (Thomas) Baker, 140 Franc;"'$lrei!l.
Inch (John) Carpenter, 28 Demi/le.llreet.
Irvinc (He:r;!et) Manchester-merehant, 19 Merchflnt''''qll;try.
Irwine (Saunders) Wine-merchant, 10 uJI. Gard;IIcr-lJired.
!zon (Thomas) Wholesale Iron-monger, 15 Cllaneery-iaJlt!.
__ Jarkson & Co. Wbole.ale Cali£o Bc MU$lin-mer~hants, 20 Merc/lSlIl'8-'I-
-'ackson(France.) Hatter, 34 Tem/Ile-lln,.
Jackson (J.) Watch~mak. '" Jewel '1'unb. &: Fancy Cab.-w: 110 Gr'tfl,-8f.
Jackson (James) China alTd Earthen-ware-seUcr, 19 Euez-sh'£d.
Jack~n (James) Merchant, 24 JCrt1i,..,_t._
Jackson (Josiah and Son) Tallow-chandlers.4S BarrlJt!/co.dreet.
J:.ckson (Josiah) Painter and Glazier, 41»0.". Ai . .
Ja~"80n (Martraret) Tallow-chandler, 109 S.~ilL
_Jackscin (Richard) Can'er aH Gilder,S li_-Midpe.
Jackson (Robert) Mer£hant-tlailor, 31 IOfff• .'ltid.illf!"oSlret!lo
Jaekson (Robe't) ·PriYate Teacher of Writing, 15 Stcplu.'II-s/.ren•
.Iack80D (Samuel) Cotton-manufacturer, 15 Cork-41n:el.
JacksoD (William) Clothier, 82 C_6e.
Jaeob (William) Taikor, 22_ Ji:rckeIJuer-6Ireet.
Jaffray (Alexander}. Mer£hjlDt, l!.~'1-1,1ace; Office, 19 Ewtece-.vT!'tf.
Jaffr.ry (Ales.) jun.) Merchant, E('1-piace.,
James (J. K.) Sheriff's-peer, Wine-merchant, Rnd Agen~ to the Albion
'murance Company, 16 b:edel'iek.strert, N. Office. 28 W~I.lfWla""',
.Tames (William) Tin-manufacturer, 59 S. {!t. Geurge·Soosjreef.
Jameson (John and James) Distillers, B&w-stTeet•.
JameloD, Locke a,id. Co. Merchants; 2& NO' A_51rt!rl.
\;'meIOD (Thomas) Mer~bant, 59.Denlliarl.:.llr<:d.
JON ltfercllllnts and Tradirs. 68
JamelOD (WillWn and Aftdrew) Distillers, 50 .Marroli.<borie-lane.
JamCllOn (William) Public-accountant, 16 DtJrlU-st.reet.
Jaaillion (J. B.) Perfumery and Fancy-warehouse, 16 Ccqld-st.tWl.
Jarrett (John) Leather-manufacturer, S 8. New-row.
J.Jf (Mathew) Linen-draper and Haberdasher, S~ S. King-31reet.
Jeakine (Eraemu. W.) Manufac. GoldsUlith & Jeweller, 64 .£zcheIjNer-If.
JenD~ (Joseph) .clothier, 15 S. J./i,...street.
JenDings (A. B.) Milliner and Dress-makec, 22 .suffolk-sl_t.
Jenning> elL) Haberiaallt;r. 29 Brid.:-swa.
JenDy (Marmaduke) Coach-maker, 18 Ste~}hell'l-gfleen.
Jesson (H. S ..& J.) Gold aud Silver-lace-sellerund Hatters, 12 Dame-st.
Jessou (Jallles) Cabinet-maker, ;J6 Staffurd-Itreet_ .
Jessop (Jeremiah) Beeeh_maker, 211 Gmft"'slred.
le. . . (Samuel) Merchant. 158 J_.'~rat.
Jewater {W.) Hatter, 65 Da _ _•
lobll&OO (Charles) Stay-maker,. 54 Sltphen-slred.
·Johuson (Joeeph) Jeweller, 92 WiliUmt-slreet.
John son (Thomas) Watch-maker, 11 Purliame711-s/reet.
Johnaton (A.) Milliner and Hab .. rdasber, SS Capa-Itreel.
Johnstoo and Boyle, Merchants, 69 luwer Dor:set-slre~t.
Johnston (Oani"!) Stone. cutter, 7 BUfi!ul-Slreet.
Johnston (Franc:is) Architect, 34 EccIe..ltrw.
Johnston (George) Silk-manufacturer, 18 B./'abazon-.
Johooton (J.) Linen-draper, III Pill-l.ane. .
Johnston (John) Leather..eller. 9.aud 54 Back-laae.
John.ton (Joseph) JnweUer, 2 Fu.uce!',-colJ.rI.
- Johnston (Mathew) Merchant, BO Abbeg-ltreel.•.
Johlfston (S.) lirush-snaker, 22 ll.. Ano.lWtred.
John.ton (Samuel) Architecty 10 Carolin,..~.
Johnston (Samuel) De1f-eeller, SI and S!2 E.-_reel.
JobDlton (Samuel) Grocer, IS .&.a-Ilred.
Johnstoo (Thomas) Bookseller and Statioacr, S4 Sac/roil/e-$tred.
Johnaton (WilUam) fruiterer, B8 D___.
Jolly (William) Ageat, I>'sutota-Aouse.
Jelly (William) Skinner and Spanish-1eather-manwac. 9S S. New-roUJ.
JOOel and Seo. Vitriol-works, B01JballWtre£l.
Jones (Catberine) Haberdasher, 102 st• .Britain-Il,,",.
JonellCharlea) Skinner, 141 S. New-row.
Jooes (Drary) SheriJf'o-peer and Merchant, Office, 2 S. Cope-IIrttL
Jonel (Edwarcl) Botton-manufacturer, 2 Cork-hill.
Jo_ (Bdward) MiDialure.-painter, G CIt,.lham-slred.
Jon ... (Francis John) Prop. Royal Hibernian Hotel, 47 DawlOJl-llreet.
Jonel (Fred. Ed.) Patentee ot the Theatre Royal, CnnAJostred.
Jones (Humphry) I.inen-draper, 84 Pili..ume.
JOOel (Jamel) Cloth.ier, 15 Braoo%oa-row. .
Jones (John) Biscuit-baker and Coal-f~ctor, 62 City-qlltl!l.
Jooes Uobn) Clothiu, H Cu04-llreel. .
Jones (JoIuJ) SpiriWtores. 19 c;,,,,,,e',.,u.a!l'
Jones (John) Printer aod BooI.seller, 40 S. p. Geor,e'I-Itrcd.
Jones (John) Skioner. 27 .S. New-ro~.
Jone. '(Josepb) Skinner, 15 S • .A· ....
Jon~s (Michael) (' 19 ClCI1'OIUn..rId.
MerclUmu tmtl 7'rIldei',.
M \
J _ (N'aeIIaaieJ) Boot . . 8hoe-maller.
Jonea (Richanl) CarpeD". 16 #- ~.
t9,.. ...........J:J:1&
_. -;
'f' .<
Jonea (IUcherd) Tanaer. M DeIptia•...-.- £ .. .A
JODe. (Robert) G_r, ll7 G~.
JODes (a.-1) Book ..n. aDd StiItio_.
' - (SUa.d) CUpellter. 19 WIeiUjri...."...,,;
7 Tr ......".,.
'. ,,A
. ;!
Jones (Sheppud) 85 W~ , ,;,
JODeS (SoaaD) Saddler. I~ p~ ... 'c.. ~.
Jones (Thomu) Bookseller aM Auc:ticmeer, 6 ..
Jonea (Thomas) Tailor, 17.d--"""'"
"'*". : '4~1'
Jones (William) B¥k.aelIer ucI Hard_~f 7. n ..........
Jones (Wllliam), 8 D;"..."..,.
Jonea (WiUiam), 5.'.....,..;-,
Jordan and Fox, Hosiers, L~rapen ............. _~
No " . ".

Jordan (T.) Who Silk-mercer. Draper .... 1IaIIenI...... Sj ·Filli......

Joullle (Flaneil) Ped'omw UId H ......... _".r.c. 10.l'Jlla.,........
Journeaux (Edward and J a - A.) Merall...u, SI A .... ,...,. •
J"y (Francis) Stoue.eutter. 18 S~
.1oyee (Danid) Hosier, Si N _
. It.
XaDe (Daniel) Woollea-dla,.. '10' DaM••.,...
le,ae (Ma. .·tin) Linen-dnapft', oM T __ ....d . . . .
leoUlC (Mary) Millill...... H.."..,...
Kane (Patrick) Bder, 6S B~
Kane (Patrick) Leatlter-u., S4.&~
Kane (Richard) Silk..maBuf"acllUrerj 51 up.lIriIBNlrM.
Kane (S.) Haberdasher. M GnaJ'I........
Kane (TholllP,&) Hair.dotlMuauafarlllm. lSO~.
Kane ,TJ!.O!llas) late Egaa and KaDei Taiiary l. T . ....",
Kane (WaDiam) Paim... ami Glaier. 1$ ................. .
Kane (William) Spirit~ea_. 16 .Pari-ill1I'Ct. .
KnaniP .1Nl Smith, WCNII.a-clrap... ., ~

Jtavanagh (Andrew) Sa-_aUt, ..............,,. ,.
Kayanagh (Charlea) Watch.maklll", ",. ....••".,.
1tn1lDllth (Jam~) Baker, ss ~
Kavan:agh (John) Goldsmith atId hftUer., •
Jtannagh (John) P,"i~"'t, • "'--:-_
Kavanagh (Luke) Corn chBDlllhrj 'I ~..... .
Ka~ (Mlclaael) ~. la ., . . ......
Kavanagh (Miles) Caltinet._ker, " ............
Kavanagh (Nicbolu) v.o;., Iil ~......
Kllnftap (Nriclr.) CMt~, 1.. ..,......... ..".
Kannagh (ThoaJu)' 1J1 ~.
Kealy (lUnry) Ship-br'" of ............ _ . . .
Kean (Samuel) Academy. Ill" ~
Keane and ~ 8iJk:..mar.~ 1.-.
:Jtearney ,<AU~ and SoDl) ClotWe.; 19 PW;. .
Kl!arney and R.eilly. Mer_ _ ~ l ..S 71..........
Kearney {...... ~ ~, t Q'lal'.Ir"'~.
Keamey (Jeiltic) Apothe.4:ary. a ,,~
KeMney (Jobn) Tal1o ....chan~ 16 .MiU-....
Keamey (Jobn) ~dlIN. JH ,.. b",..·.I~

Kearner (John) Tia-plate-woriIer, 40 Lih-....
Kearney (Joshua) Ca"et IIt'Id Gilder.. 49 HtIa"Y-"'nd. ..
Keamey (Maurice) ircHuI9 and Cabinet-muel,.l4'" 95 BritA:'HlItf.
Kearney (Mar)') ~rdl5her, 1!1 N~
Keamey (Peter) ViDtJler. 19 Ortw·Ihwt.
Jt.amey (TholDas) Grocer. iO Mary'Wcae.
Reamey (Thomas) Will-wrig~ atld WaehiRist. :f So B,.,.",,,1Wt.
Kearney (Walter) b,OD and Sttl~, 4~ .heIlCl'·.....,. .
Keams anti O'BrUto. Ha\-li_ _ n. &; Wbol&la. &berli. 6 ¥p. ll,.itlgNL
Keama (John) Baker, 68 .A,,"«i~ . . (Lnc,'and.C.,.) MiU.,-aad F'M~~ 8 N _ _ _~
Keam. (Patrick) Clothier. Ul Cit.aflliJ--.lMJI.
Keal"M (Thomas) Worsted-manufaduttT, SS MII1T!J'..ltJU.
lOearns rrbomas) 'Builder, 47/i;-f""lItnd.
Kearns (Wi1llam) l.incn-draper. 17 N. King-Itred.
Keary (Micbael) Taruw-, 44 JtJftIN"-MrUlC.
Keating CAmbros..) lnn-lu::eper, 168 Th.fWIW ...!Jtreel-
Keatinll and Kennedy. Sjjk'll'IaeuCa(tlir~ 1 HQl~r..'ff.
Keating (C. & R.) Starch &; StcHIe-btuc·ma.aoiactUl'e1I. 1!t3 8'.ari4i....
Keating (Charles) Groc~r, 11 J_dll-sl1'U(. ,
Keating (J.) Grocer, 18 Ne7l~~I!t. '
Keating (Jas) Gold-~ur lit. Working Sibel"Sllt. 2 P"-'If WoW".
Keating (John) Fruiterer, 7 "1'. Stu:Awlw..lrelit.
Keatillg (John) Grocer, 8 .M._IIrt!e1.
Keating (Patrick) Boot aad Sboe-maket', 98 HeA'f"¥'"'fUlL
, Keegan (Andrew) NIl-boiler, 35 CII"7t.ber-Itret.f.
Kl!egan (john) Shoe-maker, 2. 6. ill. Get'1'ge'J-S~re4.
Keegan (Michael) Shoe-maker, ur .5. gf. Gl!orl!JI:'Ntf"t!tJt.
Xeegan (Patritk) HQsil!r aIM! Habeniasber, 55 M ....J"DIICl\4,w..
Keena (Nicholaa)' Leather-lieUet-, 15 Hi~~Rrt"",
Keene (Jane) Gold.mith, 73 DllwU-Il~,,~t.
Keene (John) G..,ldsmith and Jew-dieT, 67 Da_-II.nrII.
Keene (Martin) ~ler, 6 CiIl/ego-:;"WL
Kehoe (M.ehael) Ship-lMUlder, lOll! R,·g."....,.·...,1I4".
Kei&htley (Richard) Bookseller, 85 up. Or,w...n"ftlea.
Kellet and Wilson, Liaeu--cirilpen, 93 TllinlUl.-llreef.
Kells (Robert) Wbip-ftlaker, 11$ N. XiR6-""ot.
Kelly and Balfe, WoolleIHli'aJlll~. 15 IPhJI_J.IIIIi___
Kelly (Aylmer) Groe-er, 7l (;rqfi ../looIil,-m.
Kelly (Catherillc) Habeldaolller. 1O~ Tow...."w-arm.
K.elty (CUrls AJ~') Wlttab_ak"r. 4 ~.
Kelly (Clo!ment) Sho_Ku.·, S~ ~. ~t. G(,fW'IJt!·~.rttn.
Kclly (EdwaN) o.l40mitll and h .....Jhr, 12 a ...._ .
Kelly (EdwBld) M ..rcbaut, 2. iIIIl......·_r~·r.
Kelly (£<Iwarcl) lihoe-mllkec, ~5 HrfI.,~.".,t'I.
KeUy (Edward) Mel'dW1t.tdml", fI!l ,d..........!foed.
Kelly (Eugt'ne) B"l1s~r, 20 ... .,. &lDI.:uiU~ .... 1SS lItary mo.
Ke\l, (Ji.uta.:e) Grvcer, U (;t;,.,.t.....,..I/I. __I-
Kelly lFJAiM:U) 1 ....tieSo4hoe-mak~. 25 CltJre·lI1rteIt•.
Keli:y (Franc is) AuctieM«; '1";. '"",. o,.,"mtIotW/I,_
Kelly (George) Bro6«. 4' 8ii,"',."'I.-$"
Ktlly ~H~my) .Tailor, 5 C.·.u··,'tTe<1.
66 Merckants and Traders. KEN'
. KeUy (Hugh) Iron and Salt-stores, 117 Th~t.
Kelly (J.) Engrater, 49 J,'nJm-ltrtle'. .
Kelly (]. F.) Dentist, T. C. D. S5 Westm.maflll-ll ....
Kdly (lames) Buttor and Bacon-man, 42 M-,""eel.
Keny (Jame,) lroo'and Salt-stores, 116 Frartdl-lItreef.
Kdly (John) Apothecal"},,' 11 S',p!&er&',-grent.
Kelly (John) Bie_r~ 109 Jomdl-lIr«'.
Kelly (John) Cam-factor, 2 Ca'/IIIl-f1lace.
ltdly Uohn) Liquid-blacking-manufacturer, /l. A,.,..,
Kelly (John) Grocer, 153 Clu4rdt-Jlreet.
Kelly (John)!lUfactarer, 76 MMth-ltr"".
Kelly (John, jun.) Spirit-dealer, 154 Chltrel-3trut.
..Kclly (John) Hatter, 4 Temple-6ar.
Kclly (John) Hosi"r, 6 MerchiJnt'l-tl"lI!Ia
Kelly (John) Iron-monger, 18 RoP-latu"_
Kelly (John) Manche.ter-warehouse, 9 Smock~,
Keny (Joho) Shoe-make.., 17 Bun:-IJ1t<J!I. .
KeUy (John) Thread and Tape-mannfacturer, 124 Ja"~'$-ft,.ut.
Kelly (John) Timber-merchant. SS Pt:Ur-ltreel.
1telly (Joe<pb) Iron monger, 38 Pill-lane.
Kelly (M.) Haberdasher, 67i Tk,n'ltu-llreet.
Kelly tMarga.ret} Haberda,her, 11 Bride-lllreef.
Kclly (Marke) Tailor, 6 Dukt-uretl.
Kelly (Martin) Sporting-tackle-warehouse, 961_. SaclttJ;n~-strm.
Kelly (Mary) Liaen-draper, 18 C_-marfttt.
Kelly (Mathew) Painter and Glazier, S2 CoolNWet!l.
Kelly (Michael) Grocer, 12 Tcn.unIlnd-lIrel.'l.
ltelly (Michael) .Tailor, 17 Abbey-streel.
KcHy (tIf. and Son) Printers, Book.sellers and Stationen, 6 S. gt. Geo.-II.
Kelly (Patrick) !roo-monger, 71 Fleet-Itred.
Kdly (Patrick) Turner, 12 Ash~t.
,Xclly (Pe\er) Vintner, 20 Woad-'1fUly.
K"lIy (Richard) Stone-cutter, 27 10lIl. Orrnond"lJl'dJ'o
Kelly (Samuel) Confectioner, 6 HlJfJIiltinl',-row.
Kelly (Thomas) Cooper, 51 S. New-nno.
_ Kelly (Thomas) Merchant~ 70 MaTlhoro_gh-ureet.
Kelly (Thomas) New Drapery-warehouse, 2 BlJck-/m&e.
Kclly (Tim9thy) Tailor, $1 low. Knin-,Ir«t.
!telly (William) Turner, 2 Britlgtj'ud-""'et.
Kempston (Henry) Glover, 84 NlJ$Sttu-~
Kempston (John) Pr'nter, Bookeeller and Stationer, Si low. SacInJ••••
Kennan (Richard) Currier, 12 Wi"etaverR-ltreel.
Kennan (Thomas) Artist',.warehouse, 19 Filha~.
Kennedy (Anne and Co.) Grocers, 89 Abbey-4IreeI.
Kennedy (Arthur) Tobarconist and Chandler, 57 ChurclMlreel.
Kennedy,(Catherine) Linen-dra.per, 16 N. King.JIred.
Kennedy (Charlts) Spirit-dealer, 146 Cal'ri-llrm.
Kennedy (Hugh) Spirit and POlter-merchant, 1 8. Prl·"ce',.6IrteI.
Kennedy (Jane) Haberdasher and Milliner, 94 Grl1ft_"retII.
Kennedy (John) Apotheeary, 29 Mary's-abbe!/. •
Keonedy (John) Biscuit-storts, 8J Jew• .4.bbey-&t"*'..
KIN Jl.ferclwnts .and Traders. 67
Kennedy (John) Waterford Gla.s-warehouse. 42 Sleplzerwweel.
Keonedy, Nelson and {"o •. Merchants, 2 U:;/zer',-isl. Office. 12
Keonedy (PatriJ:k) Watch and Clock-~ker, 2~ 4nan-"UDg.
Kennedy (Roger) Watch.maker, 54 M"'ry-slred,
Kennedy (Thomas) Grocer, 43 gl. Briuun-slred.
Kennedy (Sarah) Haberdasher and Mi1liDer, Sup. $ackville-Ilrtet.
Kennedy (William) Grocer, 88 GraftoJl-t4rect. '
Kenny (George) Tallow-chaadl.r, 14 S. gl. Geor/Je's-Slreet.
Kenny (John) Grocer and Wine-meJchant, 47 11lW. j]ridge-stred.
Kenny (Peter and Co.) Merchants, Olll.ce, 10
Kenny :Susanna) Spirit-stores. 7 Teml'~r.·

Kenny (T.) Coal. factor, 94 Tou·,umtl-Slreet.

Kent (AquiJla} Lottery-office-keeper lit Stock-broku, 37 College-green.
Keogh (E.) Haherdasher, 52 Mar!J"S:~et.
Keogh (Eliza) Haberd:uher. 25 Bolton-Urea.
Keogh (Peter) Vintner, 21 Au"~ier'II.I"e/",
Keogh (W illiam ) Corn-chandler. 12!3 Francis-.lreel.
Keogh (William) Corn-factor, Il ClI:ff'e-W-tel.
Keon (Jame.) Apothecary, 7 Arran-streel.
Keon (Patric:k) Grocer, 26 C,,,,l·-slred.
Keon (l>hilip) Apothecary, 1 Arran-quay, and 62 gl. Britaill-lI.rcct.
Kernan (Bernard) Woollen-draper, 166 Capd·strcel.
Kernan (lohn) Ship-agent, 75 Marlb.r0"!ih-strcet.
Keruan (Johl') Whole.ale Linen-draper, 12 up. Bridg6-IlTtet.
Kcrnan (M.) Liuen.draper. !38 BoItoTt-lI.rccl.
K~rr (Harriet) Haberdasher,S 1"ork-slrecl.
Kerr (Jo'ln) P'oo1(~eller, 1:1 Wltilif,iar-llreet.
Kerrigan (Richard) Leather-seller, !3 W. New-Ton... _
Kertland (V. illia\ll) Chemist and Perfumer, 1 low. OMlunul-qual"
Keville (Edward) Silver.smith, SO Wcstmorlarad-lI.rcel.
Kevny (James Charles) Watch and Clodr.-maker. -{8 Thomtll-&lre6t.
Kiernan (George) Apothecary, 58 Henrg-,lreet.
Kiernan (John) Silk-manufacturer, !3 Francis-str«t.
Kiernan (Patrick} Woollen-draper,· 4 and 5 Fraru;
Kilch (Patrick) Inn-keeper, 65 Church'Slred.
Kildahl (Jame,) Merchant, 8 up. lU"ulll-slrcel.
Kildahl (N.) Timber-merch. & Builder, Macarln.ey-bridge, Baggot-Itreet.
KiIleu (V'. illiam) Tobacconist, 72 James'I-SlrGet.
Killikelly (John) Lineu-draper, 127 Capel-slreeL,
Kilpatricl< (Mary) Haberda;ber, 152 g/. Brilai,,-s1r~el.
Kil.ila (William) Tavern-keeper, 59 Marg ••treet.
Killahan (James) Groot-r, G6 (;hurclt-slrcel.
Kinahao, Son alld Smith, Merchant', 12 Trillilfl-lireel.
Kinchela (J ames) Tailor, 7!:1 Fleet-street.
King and Bradford, Cutlers, 8 Graflon.-street.
King.(Abr. Brad.) Alderman & Stationer, Rutland-sq. and !3(f DalW!-.,,~.
King (Charles) l'riot.sellcr, :19 Janl&s'.-slre<1. .
King (GEorge) Coach-owner and Undertaker, 131 lfru'-s/feel.
King (Geofle) Merchant-tailur, 8S C"Jlel-ureet. ~
King (James) Mercbant, Culera;'.e-slreel. .
Kiog (jame') l'i;'ring Card-ma~'er lit lIol!.e-painter, 19 GraflQn-sl,rcet.
Merclumts fl1ffl Traders. LAM
King (M.,hter,Cider& A~"·stOre" ~ MulllJUJlurt\.fcE, u...~.
Klnr (Marprft) ""atlOW-cbaadler. -50 Liff."..,reet..
King (RMIert) Apoth~c;;rr. 9'S 8tqAeR'l-pIM.
Killr (Thomas) Broker. 18 ~rhe·,..aII~. •
KiDRla (May) Stay·m.u:er, 45 GrtIforra-rlf'lld. ,
Kiue1a ('nJomu) PbMbaaufac:turer; 60 ham:iHtrrl!t.
Kiu)ey (Patriek) Groc:er; IS D/J7'HI-arIlf'L '
Kireboll'er (H. Br: Son) Cabiftllt-m.tkenr & Upholateren. $1 & 66 H-,~.
Kirk (Patricl<) Bookseller, 'S", CIIMIt:ef'J.",ae.
Kirk IPll'triek) ""0Y·maII. Ctwitt-tlaardl-gortl.
Kirk (Thomas) lku)ptor, !ll Jwuis-strtJtJt,
Kirkwood (lames) Cilrpeuter. 4!l Cinrendtm-stmiL
Kirkwoo4 fWilliam) Tay-man, 59 I!rearfA-llretJI.
Kirwtn (Denjamin) PaiD~r and Glazier,to 8p.itarfWb.
Kirwan (M'rpm) Haberdasher. 15 Allttnl'I-t/UDy.
Kirwan (Patrick) Silk and kibbon_~afac:turer, 9 Bpiltll.fttlitb.
Kirwaa (Thomas) Mel't'bant, "66 Plm-Ilre••
Kitler (ADthoDY) Clock-maker. M 8. gC. G_gll',41rwIL
lCJ:Iarg. (Coote) Cabioet-maket, 46 S'fl.ffurd.1freeI.
Kaaggs (Joo.than) TalJow-ebandler, 68 E~"r«t.
Knlg1rt{ll.) Livl!l"f-tace and Trimmin~anufac:turer, 16'1 ". B~
Knight (Richard) 'Carpenter and Builder, I BagfO,l-"",
Knipt (Thoma.) Det£.seller, 107 TOVIIIIefti-ffreII!I.
Knivetoa '('William) Painter, 44 :L~.
Knott (BenjamiD) Trimml1lg-merehant,27 Hr. NtfIHfIfII; •
Jtaott(John) Wbolesale Threail.Carter andT-ape-m;ma£. ~5 W. N_.
KDott (W.) Wh. Linetl-drapl!r, TiCkeD a: Flanne,l W. ~ I. llridglNlrw4
Knott (Wm. and Ben.) Stareh anel Blue-mallafac;t1lren. 7j M~
Koow1es fMlIT)') Baker, SS ·CAtwlell-llIWI.
J(aox (M.) Stationer. 3 8up~
Xn'O'X{'Wllli:mt) Linen-factor, '7DfMIIt·",..
Kyle (Henry) ,Broker, COfIlmmIial Bllillliltp
. L.',
Lacy (Mkbael '1l.1 'Paller-wlI1:h_, 6 Usfter',......,: ,
Laey (Patrick) Vintner, '5'1 S. X,..,....... _
"'dler (Ch-arle~ Tavern~keeper.4S -C~Ib'eI!r_
u4ley (1'bomas). ''Via'tner. 180 'ClIWt'l-leMlt.
I.a Grange (Charletl) Zookseller. H 'Nrrunv.It7'«i.
La Grange (George) MerChatrt-taUor, 70 'St(·p~
L.lor (Mark.) Ship-broker, "S7 Get1r'VHlr~..
, Lalor (Patriek M.)'Callinet-maker, 'lSS p. 1J.,itlfi,,~1IM!t.
Lalouette (Peter) Ridiag..cllodl IInd Livery-lt1ible" l'ri_'...",rm.
Lamb (James) Tanbt!l'aftH'Carrier, '75 'Coo"~.IIt\tI'S2 Dd{ph"'~
LambenDont (Abraham) Sboe-lnAer, '11 MNtlh-IIwtf.
Lambert (Bartholomew) Clothier, 5 B~a6a~.
Lambert (Dayit) Lln~per. '1 Ctl7lllU1&-strM-
Lambert (Iohnl..Tallow-cltaailler, .n! C/aarMm-!IP/.'l't,. - '
Lambert '('P:Itti" alld Ioha') Army-cldthien:. 1"1Ir~"·t'IIlI·.
Laftlbert (Richasd) lron-monpr, '1'55 ·CdlJei"'llrctl. •
Lamprey (Jo.epb) Cutler, 29 W'nc"'orlalll£-~1"I:·(f. ,
bamptc!f '(Samtref) 'Cutler, ?JCranr-trm. .
LEE Merclllmts and Trader8.
Lanauze (H.,) Age.~ to the LondoD Union A'Buranc" Com. 20 CtJ/"'ge-l~
Landy (Petet') Spint-stores, .IjH lIridgef>Ol-Mri'I't.
Lane, Sharpe aDd Co., 21 Col/pgr-greffl.
l.ane. and Onvald, Army-clothiers, 8,lulI.1. O,.IIIo",J-fjIlU.'I'
Lang (Georr;e W.) Grocer, 12 N.Atlne-Mreet.
1.angan (Aliet') Baker, fI Tigh~eet.
Langan (George)'" Victualler, 69 ChNrcla-strel't.
Langstafl' (John) Shoe· maker , 29 SteJlhe".81re~.
l.Irng.tafl'Uo~ph)MeasDrer, 7 .£'''''''·9"a.'I' ,
Lanigan (Vu.) Bntton and Trimming-manufacturer, 15 C..rlo-MU.
l.apham (Henry) Clothier, 31 Chamb.,r-street. '
l.apham (Joseph) Tanner, 11~'Cm'A:-81ret'-
I,apham (William) Cotton-manufacturer, '58 Corlt-Itreet.
Laphen (Uaniel) Shoe-maker, 25 TOWfIlltmd-81rt.'t.'I.
I.BI,h"n (Thomas) Shoe-mako1r, 26 S. gt. Georllc·..ltreet:
Largon (Robert) Painter and Glazier, 4 E. Temlne-street.
l.arkin '{th.istopher) Skinner, 62 Walling.4tf't'tlI, ,c
I.arkin (Mathew) Auctionier, 15 Grafl",,"Ilreft.
I.arkin (Judith) TobllC:CODist. 144 Thtnlla ..8lreet.
1.arkin (Thomds) BookSf:ller and Stationer, 6 Parliament-street.
Laughlin (A.thur) Wool1en-draper. 19 Skillner-roiv.
1diugblin (nailiel) Merchant, 57 French·lln:et. "
Law (Wm. and Son) Gold-smith. and Jewellt,rs, llow. Sackvillc-'treet~"
Lawler (Jobn) Haberdasher, 60 Filhamhle-81rr:eI.
Lawler (M. K.) Baker, flO A b f ¥ y - s l r e . e t . " ~
Lawlen (Ambrose and Thai.) PI"iBterers &'Stacco-woritcrs, 99 Btide-'SI,.
1;8wl_ (Io.epn) Grocer, 97 D~-slreet.', '
Linvlen (Patrick) C)1rrier, ~tWinel/Jvern-.tre~. ; ,
Lawrence (A. anc P. Reynolds) Wholeule Woollen-drapen and Man-
"hester-warehouse, 71 P'ill-laftl!.
Lawrence (John) Butter, Bacon and CheeRe-man, 17 XlVill'I.street:'
Lawrence (llobert) Miniiiture-paiDter, 95 Fr.:.uriclt-8lf't1et. .
Lawrence (Samuel) Tdlow'.ch.rnJler, 74 MefJlh-slt'tlet.
1.awrenlOn (JohD) Carpenter, ~IO FilAer'l-Iane.
Lay (W.illiam) Leather...eller, 5 Wa(li",-,81rm.
Lazenb,. (George) Cheese and Pidlle-warehouse, 29 ParliDmt'tl'-lIrm.·
Leahy ( and Son) Woollea-merchants,51 Castk-ltren.
Leaby (Theophilus) Shoe.:maker, 44 S. gt. GftJrge',..Elt'tIet.
Leake (Cbarleo) Meagarer" 7 Cllatftam~t.
Leake (Thomas,Cotton-manufaclurer, 84 Colc-alfry.
Leary (Pat rick) Vintner, 86 Higlwtreet.
Lea"y (Eliube;li) Haberdasher, 2 Quee...str'tlt1.
Leav, (Michael)Grocer, 4~' Lee.on-street. '
Leban (I.) Working Si1ver-smit~, 49 gt. Ship.stre"'.
Lecky (John) lineb.draper, 7 N. Afltle-slred.
Ledwich (Frands) 'P&Ro....('handler, 20 S!lcamore-alley•
. Ledwich (Mathew) Balier, 68 TIumuJ,.ltt'tlet. ,
I.edwich (R.) Chandler, 15·:E:n:ftaflge-"recf. . #' ',' ,
Lee and Co, l,-inen-draper. 'and ArDll'contractors, '78 Barrtlci-ll1'trt. (Andrew) Craner,51 QIt_meet. ' ,
Lt&! (Etlmanil) Mu,ie-,ael1er and In~tMlment-makf'r, ~ DarrtHtrql. ,
~1815:) , It· ,
70 AfercliulIls alld Trntlers. ' LQC
lee (James) Painter and Glazier, 9 Mury's-aillrr!J.
Lo!e (John) Hatter, 5 SkiltlILT-mtV,
l.ce (Hict.ard St,...,!,-) Goldsmith, G6 Abbey-street,
Lee (Thomas) Ti"'ern-keeper, I:! Fou'ILt·s'.-.Y/red.
Leccock (1. and R.) Sill.. and Tahiuet-manufacturers, :>5 .$. Eur.l-stree'-.
l.eedom (James) Tallow-chandler, S5 ~U""f't-.'It·".·t\
Leeson (J.) Haberdasher and 8tamp and Law~stationer, 54 lleur!J-:Jr..
Leet (William) MerCjhant-ta:tor, 4.U.:rc/'''lL/'S-'1"lJY.
:Leland and SElns, Hat-n.anufacturers, 5 a,nd G M,"'Ih--slt:t·ci.
Leland (William) Merchant, 41 ]',I,'cI..k~w..rg"-.'tr"ef.
l.e Mai,ter (Sophia) F~ncy Dresq-maker, :J!i-Jerj;j..:JI,·.el,
.lenehan (lo~pr.) Clothier, :}:! Clta",ber-.st1'l!et.
Leaehan (William and P.) ~'oollen-drap~r., ,3 Da7lle·~'.;e.·t.
I.ennart:a (Jose!}h) Cabinet-maker, 23 A./OQ·s-'l/JcV/.
:Leonard, (Edwarol:) Merchant, 1:1 U,<h<T'S-'l'U1,V' '
I.~onard (Jane) Linen-drapfi, 13 CW1,u.'Il·-,'WIJ.
l,eonard (John) \fish Silk !lnd 'rabinet-warel'lOu,e, 81 G.~ift"n,-,vree"
L.eollard (Maur ice) Hotcl-k"epcr and L~very-6taW~s, 2 B<Jlt"",".IT~et_
Leonard (Stephen) Li',en-drapcr, i7 En·/,e'
Leslie (P. ,\.) Oruggist, 40 B,vle-strn/,
Le8sware (eatheriJ>e} Boot and l:ihoc-m;>ker. 95 GrufiCJfl-~,'ert.
L'E8trauge (Antlll~lly) Watch :Ulrl Cluck-D.'a~er, 81· Dn1ll.e-stre,".
I; Estraqge (R. MaDl.. facturer "f implements o{ H\j~~d'l" JY.ur.lh·$Ir.
Levey (John) Grocer, 26 Cltamber-.tre,'I: '
Levey (N,) Painter ...nd Glazier, 107 Ab""!J-m-,''''
Leving (Peter) Victualler, 23 Bcre,YIJrll",red
Lewellyn (James) House-painter, SO 01', Rutlaad-slrtld.
l,ewins (Elizabeth) Card'-lUak"r. 38 (";mr-"rt'et.
Lcwis (Christopher) Bookseller, ,~ A"g~u{NIfet!l.
L~wis (John) lldf-seller, 21 JoJ. King-,"reet.., '
Lil~ (Caades) Arch,tut, 8 M",'rj"u.-rQII·. "
Liny, C"nningham'and Co. Rope-manufacturei'lI,.82 R~Il'",sOlI·WJ.a..
l.i!ly (Hamilton) Wi'lc~:l1e~ehant, C",mby-rtnP. '
Lilly (Robe!:t and' Son) Slat.or•• 2 lit. Lcmliford-Ifre«.
Linan (J.} Ga.., Chilla & Earth"o-wareh: 12 DlJw'''''''''.4: 9 Te,"
Lindsay (Simon) Caryei' and Gilder, 45 Slafford-strcrl._
Lilldsey, (David} Thread-n>anu[acturer, 59 /lan'ad-street.
Lindscy (Joh ..) Merchant. 46 up, Sach,iU<'-Ij/.r,·t:t.
Lindsey (William) Sherijf's.peeund Su.,-mcrcer.24,[i,.,aelll.,J/,rcrt.
Linfoot (Samuel) China. and l)elf-sdl~r, 111 'E_refl.
Lithiby (Robert) Coad'-llI:w':er, 17 WIIU.friar-Sl.reel.
Little (John) Carpenter, 16,1 N. Killg-slI'et>I.
I,ittle (WilIiam) See to the Payiug Boar<!. 1 DlItVIOII-strut.
Litton (AIEllCand~r H,) MercantUe Academy, 92 up_ lJUTIIIt'-,</,ycrf.
Littoo (Joseph) \Yoollen, MalitChest~1 & Hat-war~hollse, 173 CI",r",",u.
I,itton (RiC~1~rd) Book-binder. I Dfi.w"m-cuu,1. SIej./,,,n-llreel.
Lltton (Richard/Merchant, 21 "'U', O".Uf.J1ld-quu!J.
L!oyd (John and Son) Eutton-",iinUfat'tllrers., :J6 etU/'.
l.loyd (John) P,pQ[i1ccary, 24 l\',muu-.trre~,
I.loyd (lobD) R"pe-maker, 95 RO.l!(r.o,,'s-'1JIC.!I.
Lloyd (Williolm) Linen-draper and Habcl',!asbur, Ha 8'. Britlli...rtry:et.
Loc:lr.e (John) Baker, ~ WHUam...rlteet,
Alerc7umls and Tr(u/ers. "71
Locke (Thomas) Army and Livery-Iace-manuf. 33 Na\S(1u-.trcet.
LOl!k~ (Waiter) Hou.e--painter ,,,d Paper-suiner, 34 Ctt,O'c-.treet.
Lodge (EJiza) Linen-draper, 46 Cu.,t/c,.,tm·t.
Lodge (FrBilcis and Oliver) Hanlw,re--merchants. 9 Russ-la1&e.
Logan (Bernard) Lillen-tlraper , llU N. Kilt;j-.,trwl.
l.og"n (Mury) Linen-draper, 10 .AWlgi....-Mtre~.
Logan (1'. & Son) Land-sur. 6 "N. Ki'<g".treet, ,S: 41 vl', Domh,,·c/;-slreet.
l.ogan (1 homas~ Papec,sra.iner,33 1""v>i""/KI,'. .
Logier (1. R) M\ls.ic SaLQOD,and l>r"fcssor of l\Iu"ic, '271<fft •• S"ckvilll!-st.
i.onergan (JohaMa) Stcaw-hat-warehouse, ,i) I J}~""dt-,'treet. '
Lonergan Cl homas) Linen aed l"ali£.-warchou..... 6 "U.llt!T'SogU,",y.. (Catherine) Grol.'~r, 15 Dollsu-Jtrtel. "
Long (Gl:o~ge) Clothier, '1 iJrtrithwailNtreet.
Long (Geo~ge) Glocer, 6 LuJre-strv:et.
Long (Mark) Grocer, 8 W.'sI7llol'!,,"d-.lre<'l.
Long (Michael) Spilit-warehouse, 4:; CU!I-?lMY.
Lo~ (Williatfl and Thomas) Woollen-Incrchant.... 18 Marll-strctit.
Long (WiIliam) SheriH"s-peerand Cuach-maker, 19 ·lIJ"'J/,","~'et."'
Long6eld (fo"n) Land-allr.~yor. 67 G"'if'm...slrer/.
Longford and Son, Straw-hat-manufacturers, (il S. gt. Geor,ge's-s"ud:
Lord (James) Hatter ,and Ho.;"r, .10 CIJJ,e!••tr"'"
Lord (John) Hosier, 3 qtn,,"e.
Lothian and Boyne, l\Ierchants, .l'Jelvie'w, Crn1l8-.,'rtcl.
Loyely (Robert) Slate-merchant, :26 l'oo/bt.'g-"/rfet,
Loyer and Sinnott, Lottery-office-kecpcrs, 118 GrnJtoll-U7'set.
Lowe ,(J.) Hat-rn;lOlo\failltuce~, ~J7 T",,,,,/.,../,,.r.
L-owe (Mary) Metal-Sol.h·mak. ..~, J 1 /ItI,.riborr',,::.h,s/,n'l't.
Lowry '(James) Wholesale Flannel.lI1erchant, Office, "54 Pil~I"I!e.
Lowry (John) :;traw-bonnet-makcr, 2:2 'pilllllirc.
Low!] (Michael~ Brewer. and Salt-merchant, C"alle-sI1·,,~. . "
I.owry (kichard .,and Ce.)Pfient-laR1p-manllfact.-rers, S .lr<f1'pv.rg!I-~'r.
LOWly (WiHiam) Skinne,', 3S Watli.lJg·slredl,
Lowtber & 0." Straw-hat.&. fallcy-feath61'.,uJet;ehnn.ts, 11 Danlt,cq"",t.
Lucas(C.) Hair-dresWor and Ornamentai-h,,;"'-manufdc. 1 Ch,"c"- uIle.
Lucas (C1)oke, Mindtin and CoJ W,oollen-Ilr"pers, 10 PwU<II'/(·I,t-.'trce(.
L\lndy (Emily) Brazier and Tin-plate-work",r, 41/ N. Kingsstrcet.
Lllndl (WiIliam Peter) Me~qhallt, N, ;;t. Gcor8"'I-'I"e~t.
,Lunn (R.icilard) Paper.&tainer, 7i C"pr:{-s1,J·.c'l.
Lunt ( Tobacconist, {; Pi.ll-lane.
L.ynam (ChristophH) Shoe-mjlk.r, 196 I;o't. B",ilain ttr~
J.ynam (James) Bricldayer, 10 HUIlQver-I,.ue.
l.ynch and OGllin!!. Coach,,,wners, 23 IJe"zille~.t'wl.
f.ynch and Young, Merchants, :ll W_ .V,w-rt.,,,•.
J.ynch (Cbar.lcs) \Vholes,Jlc Wooll"n-dq'pel, lil PiU-l,ne. . ,
Lyncll ( Flour-facto", 62 ./"vi.,".tr~ft, Off.ce, 44 l5i. Stl'(j"d~st"eel.
Lynch (Edward) Tail!>r, "HI CljJTr'lItlu'lI->tre(t.
,Lynch (Oeorge) Merchan.t, 3'2 M{Lrlb"roIlJiJ..strcd.
Lynch (James and 80n) Optil'i,Ul",'~ G"lll,l-iilrdc!.
Lynch (Jame,) Grocer, :16 Coonr/Je. "
Lynch (Jame.) Tailor, 5 (h,e/t-slrer<l.
L}'1lch(Joh,n) Hatter.. -10 Te,Nl'!e,"""r.
J.1JercltauJs and 'l'ratiera. Mc.C
Lynch (John) Hosier, 15 Con.-mGrket. ,
Lynch (John) Merchant and &at-own~r, 14 p. 'CG1JGI-haroour.-
Lynch (John) Paint.,r, )16 ;:t. BrilaiJl-6lrecl. , '
Lynch (John) Tailor, 26 Budlelor'...u",Ut.· ,
Lynch (John) Timber-merchant, 6 S. Earl-Itreel, ~ 45 IlfJlWur/l-W'II._
Lynch (Laurence) Sh9t:-maker, 27 Wesl, ... rland-itre.e,I. '
Lynch (Marrret) H.lbc!rdol,her, 23 BTi<,le"'!'l,.ecJ,
Lynch (Peter) Builder, :J RlIder· ...rolf). .
Lynch (~ichard) ~ker, 34 Ercheque-t-.treet.
Lynch (RjcharJ) Vintner. 44 N. Ki"g-.treel. '
Lyndon (M.) Mjni.ature-painter, 49 ·JIi1-vi..~"eet.
Lyng (DeIlil) Spirit-Itores, 54 Cjt!l-~ ..a!l'
I.yng (Peter) Grocer, 53 City-quo!!
Lynn (Eliza) ~/ltr.ller. 11 Bac/...[aae,
. Ly0ll8 (J;une.) Army.!a.ce--qlanufacturtr. 9 .o,,"QIl,J-.tTe.;.t,
Lyons (Jame.) Baker, Bee_ 'H /lp. Kt:Ilill·.'rr:el.
Lypns (Lewio) A~emr, 1S Arran-quoll'
Lyql18 (P. M.) Mer~a'nt, I l. RUIland~reet.
Lyons (Robert) Merchant, 121 Dorlet-ll!reet.
LyoDl (W~) Rectifym, Dis~iUer, 7 Jok7&-Itrcet, W.
M£:• .A1lieter (G.) Eaameller and Painter ofG~ •• 11 ~. Cl4mbpi~d-l1',
Mc. Alpine (~.nyngham) Agen!, 24 Gardi/l/J.r· ...J1lace.
Mc. Anally (Richard) Distiller. 2 Ham1l,olld-lane. . I
Mc. Arc!ell (Frands and Mat.) WooUtm·~raptrs. 20 Hig"-~rt!t:#.
Mj:. Ardel. (peter)- B~e.-JDaker, 45 Ercl.equ.....~treet.
Mc. ArdeU (Pbilip) Linen-dhlper, 2 M"'y·...ubb.!I. "
Mc, .A:I11~y ano! Hugb$!s, Shi,.-chandJeu, 10 Gco'tl0#-'l'J.ay•.
Mc.4uley (Bryan) Grocer. 109 Dorset.ltreet. .-'.)
~c. ~ulCf (Christopher), 46 TII7!'l,le1x>r.
Mc. .AJtley (~(h.ard) 91over. 77 Pill-lane. '
Mc. Auler (Henry) Mus1c;d-wire-manufacturer. IS" ric~r'4refll,
M,. Auley (Jame.) Hatter, S9 and 40 Tcntble-I"u:.
Mc~ A~ley (ja.mef) Vlc~u~ler. I 2 Fade-~red.
Mc:. Auley (WilIiam) Apot/leJ:!lry. ~4 TOU'lt$L'7JcWtreet,
Mc, Auley (William) Merehant, J() Gear;;e "'quu!l~
M~. Brilie (George) Merchant, 87 A.I,he,~...treel. ,
Mc. B,rj,de (Patri~k l Perfumer, 15s gt, Bri1fJin.s!"cel,
Mf. C~be (Jameo) Jnn-IF-eeper. 57 Stoll/i-baller.
~~ Cabe (John), 88 Capel-.llreet.
Mc. C~be (Pl!-trie~) R!tter, 2 and S Me.ath-areL!.
Mc. Cabe (Robert) Clothier, 22 S ,fohn-.treet,
M~. Cabe (T.) Grocer'and Vi~~ner. 5 CQj~al-plllce.
Mc:. Cabe, (the MiSi) Ladies School, 153 N. Kip/: #re.'I.
Me. Call.(Ja~ea ~nd Co.) Merchants. Office, 16 B"cke!ur'$-"'~
Mc. Caller (Mary) !v1U1i!=•.eller. !l6 Moor6-~I_t.
Mc. (ann (Bartholomew)Skinnet, 61 Watliug,slrct'l-
Mc. Cann (David) G~a"ier, 35 Yiea ....llreCl. "
Mc. Cann (lL) Bto~er, 8 Bride'I-«lk!l'
Mc. Cann (Jamel) Inn.keeper. 61) Pilt.-lane.
M/j. Cann '(19911) Apothecarr. 17 CIGre-./~rl.
Mc. D ;1-!erc!uinls alld 1hlllcrs. 7S
Mc. Cann (John) Skinner, 6 W"llin~-lIreft.
, J\fc. eann (JuJitJ\) "allow-ch~ndlef, 57 Fi.h""W/t!-.f/·eel.,
~lc. (anll (Mall.wcll) Lin~!l-drap"r and Habelda_h.r, 6 CI//!le-rlrtd.,
Mc. (;ann (Micl:dd) H:mJwd ..".merchant, 341uw. b"/,icl/ie-slrtd,
Mc. Calln (H.ichard) Skinller, 14 JValli~g-u,.u~•
.Mc. ('ann (Roos) Ag,mt, :14 CaUlkn·sI ... ·d.
Mr. ('allll (Thomas) t:ollf"ctionel, ~5 Tih" .,d.
Mc. Canll (WiUialD) Merchant, 110 ·Abbty'.(''&:e.,
Mc. Ca'tlly (FlonmceJ AcadtJll)" 56 ;V.ili.all.-."lrect•
earthy (Franci_) Fi.b.mollgcr, 19 BN'c!,nl.
Carthy (JJlne') Apothecary, H .1u.llgi"....,rect.
CarLby (jam.'.) COufLctioDer, &c. ;6 up. DorM:kltrcet.
Mc.Ca. thy (jo....,) Paper.maler, ·1 (.·uuk-.,I ...:..,.
ltk. ClI tb y (Johu) Ta.iiw, 41 H'tfli"m,,'re,'/,
,Mc. Carth y ~ Pi11nc'k) Muehant,:l!! Liffiy-.,I,wf.
Mc. Cartney (RoberL) Stono:-c:uttt:r, 137 lJorKI-oIl'llt'(.
Mc. f;askey (Willi ..m and Co.) Iron-manufactw..,u, 22 Cku~c!t-IIIY:d.
1'.lc. Ca.k<:y ( W illian» HardwaH.... merchant, 8 Ke."ed!/$-u.It~.
Mc. ~ul (Anne) Ladie.' Shoe.maker, 4.5 Abbt'9-strcel.
l'vlc. Clean (Aud. Se W m) WholesaleWoollen-drapen, '] Cf".rch-lIr«t_
Mc. Clean (Ueorg~) Me.asurer for Paviog Board, 3 Den~illtJ-MN:t. '
1-le. Cieilll (John JUD.) Dentist, 101 Callel-lIrt:l!l.
Mc. Ckan (W.11ia.lII) Painter and Giaz.ier, 27 Angfe__.....t.
Mc. Cl~ary ~Willialll) Priut-.ellcr, 32 No ..a"""".:t.
Mc. Ckery ( Tailor, :3 g/. LUIYJ.fimi.61re,/.
~c. Clo_lo.ey (John) Shuc-makcr., 159 gl. Brilai'Hlreel.
Mc. Clo.key (Laurcnce) Silk-dyer, 20 AIlIO/&''-9''''!f-
l'vtc. Com (\V,lliam) Urocer, 56 C"a":",,,,,nJ-urellt.
Mc. CoJ/.las (Tholllas) tailor, 7 WJu'ltji·ia .....ree/.
,Mc. ( o,llndl (WiUiaw) bi:k-mallufllcture.r, 7 Ha.-II.. ,.-I.
1I1e. C:orlllick (A) Haberda.her, :11 Ma'"!/"Wt1d.,
Mc. Conniek (Cath ..tioe) Gloyer, 8, C"]ldol/reel.
..Me. COflllick (John) Boot and Shoe.nlaker, 48 gt. Britq,ill-Itr«f.
Mc. Corm'cl<. (joh,,) Cluthi"f, 7.5 COOl/LO,-.
Mc. Co,mici< (John) T'!Dner, 32 ~ill-"rr:t:l.
Mc. C"rlllick (J05hua) l.lothicr and Wool-meTehant, 11 ArdN-6h-e..,.
,Mc. Cormic:' (1,.) lloanlillg School, 41 Bride-otty,·t.
}"le. l""'ll;Iiq (Mark alld Co.) Linen and Fur-drap"r, 16•
.~c. c..rmick (Fa,tri.c:k) Skill-merchant and Furri"r. OS B"icltttf<Jlll-alred:
l\fc. Cormick (I'atri,ck) Cottoll-mallufacturer, 11 £lIgh",.u/l'7' "
Mc. {racf._t:n (Andr.w) (.lothi.f, 9 PeJUl-.'rt!<.L.
,Mc. , rllcken (Thomas) Cutler, 16 "I" Onllo"d-IjIUl!l.
Mc. Crea (John) AcaJe,,',y, 61 St'p/.en-street. ,
"le. Cr"ady (T.) Upho!d~r, Cahiaet-maker &:J\lIctiQneer. 66 B"/tk.,,,
,M.c. c . ."",)' (Jame'Y Carpet and, 4 Higlt-o:flnct.,
Mc. Cr"elY (1 bo,na.) \\ oollen-draper, 59 Hig4--"...:••• ,
,Mc Cu~ (Jamcs) Trimming-lIlcrchaot,. 57 PiJl.-l,Qrtt!.
Mc. Cullough (Da,jd) Mcasur"r, 9 Grten.·61rcel.
!de.. c. utcJl~n' and Ca,. Linen.drap"rs, ~ Curn.-IRfU'J..,;t.
Mc. Clltch,an (Michao:l) Coacl,-mak~r, 77 gt. Brilain-llrm.
}M. lJermott (A.) Lin~u-,lrilpc1, S8 "il. S"eJ;uilINlrc.:l.
Alerclzants and Traders. Mc. C
Mc. Dermott (Andrew and Co.) Merchadu, 9 FI«Mtreet.
Mc:. DeTmott (aJ.) Who Woollen 11: Weldbore-stulf-mer.178 CAvd.-.
Mc. Dermott (IJernard aDd Son) Auctioneen, 4 SIeJ~stren•.
Mc. Dermott' (C"therine) Spirit-stoTes, 18 TOlllnseruJ-Mf'eeL
Mc:. Dermott (&I. Jos.) Grocer, 40 C_be.
Mc. Dn:mctt (Farrell) Gun-maker, 1 Abbey-It_'.
Mc. Dermotl (George) LineD and Cotton-fact,!r, 50 Ll'lte1t.-hall.
Mc. Dermott (James) Brush-maker, 44 W. NCVl·rtJHJ.
-Mc. Dermott (James) Cora-c:handler, 51
.Mc. Dermott (John) .silk anel Ribbon-manufacturer, 2 W. Hanarer-tt
Ma. Dermott (John) Silk, Velvet and Tabinel-manufac. 3 Parit-Sl. If".
Mc. Dermott (John) Timber-merchant, 106 N. Kifl;l.-slreet. .
Mc. Dermott (John) House-painter, 29 gt. Br;'ai,,-81recl.
Mc. Dermott (Michael) Baker, 40 Bridgtj'oot-.drect.
Mc. Dermott (Patrick) D(u~-mer(hant, 15 Jerois-stri'l't.
Mc. D.ermott (Terence) Tayera-keepet", 121 Cal'el-.'r~et.
Mc:._Donald (c. JaIJlCi) Druggist and Chymi.t, 22 ATTnrc-lJU4!I.
Mc. DouW (LeAi.) Mercbaat-tailor, gO Or,mmd·/fuay.
Mc. Donald (Hugh) Tanaer and Leatbtt-seller, :;2 H;gh-sired.
Mc. Donald (Mi.:baet) Linen-draper, 26 N. Killg-:.lrt!et.
Mc. Donald (William) Tronk-mak.,r, 17 S"",ck.,.ll.y.
Mc. Donnell (Alexander) uather.dresser, 44 Wal.liug-strect..
Mc. Donnell aud _Clarke, Caleoderers, ~3 Cook•• lrerl.
Mc. Donnell (Uenjamin) Delf-seller, 138 Tuv.· ...I!'lIli-.lrcet.
.l\1c. DonneU (B.) T lverD-k"'PU. 204 g1, ,B.,.itail/-slTu/..
I Mc. Donneil (Christopber) Paper-JRa,nufacturer, 9 M",,,,hflllt'I-fIU'!'
,""c. Donnell (Daniel) Piano-fwte-maker, J >l A.,,{!,I,.>e</~.'tr,«.
1.1c. Donnell (E) Pa,per-manuf"cturer, \I WerburgIH<lreet.
Mc. 1"00ne11 (Eliza) Print.,r and Bookseller, 50 Essy:r-slrerl.
Mc. Dooftell (jamea and Joseph) Merchants, 5 S: CQJIC-stTe,1.
M&. DODDell (James) Linen-draper, 21 Corn-mnrkL"t. I
Mc. DODnell (John) Paper-wa,ehouoe, 24 Cv.k-,'ree!. I
Mc:. DooDell (jabo and William) Me.-chants, 0&e,2.9 Slufford-Ifrttt.
Mc. DGnnell (Laurence) Paper-maker, 15 Willi.m-:s/,recl..
Mc. D"nnell (Michael/ Hatter, I Tell'l'le-bIlT.
Mc. DORnell (Randa!) Merchant, Alk,,·s-collrl.
Mc. Donndl {Ricbard) HaU'!f', 1\/4 N. K{ng-''tI'rel~
Mc, Donndl (William) jA!ather-""Uer, ~7 K'·4Jir"N;Jre~t.
MCI"Donnell (Wm.) F<lper, Bonn~t & Card.paper-nlanuf 22 U.Icer'1'fo
Mc. Donogh (Edward) Woollen-draper, 8 IVII'. Sndwill'!-8lreet.
Mc. Donough (Simon) Bru&h-makcr, 9 S. gl. Gc:.".ge's-slrect,
Mc. Enery (Thomas) Merchaut, 18 S. Fl'cd~rick-.'r'c',
.l\1c. Entee (W.) Linen-drap~I', :H Frcmcis..slrt·,;I.
Mc. Entegart (John) Groc.-r, 4 low. ])orset-sl,·n1.
Mc Entile tRobert) Silk-manufacturer, 26 ar.c.I ~7 "I" Brirlgc-strrd.
J\{c. E ..oy (Cathe.-ioe) Haherdasher, 2 N. Kilig,."r".""
Mc. E'I'oy (John) Grocer, 40 alld 112 Abt><'!rSt.,·...t.
Mc. E..oy (John) Carpenter, -39 Bere.':ford-.trcc,.
Mc. £ ..oy (M.) Linen-draper and Haberdasher, 93 gr. 8rit";II·.,111(1'
Mc. Evoy (Niebolas) Won;ted-manufacturer, I Corman's-ho/{.
Mc. Gauran (l'atri~k) Gn>I.-ec, .S CullultS-S/f,";' .
Mc.M ,Merc1Ul1l1s and Traders. 75
Mc. George, Moore 8c Co. Army and Gen. Agent., British Enha..,.
. Company, 44 ~. ,
Mc. Gill (Thomaa aDd Co.) Merchant., 8 BaMdur"-4Ir.
Mc. Ging (Joaeph) Wbeel-wright, 41 Ja_,'-Hlreel.
Mc. Gloin (John) Grocer and Spirit-etorea, 90 If. Brit"hl-llred.
Mc. Gouran (M and Co,) Straw Hat-makers, 5 HeIlP!l-"""I1..
Mc. Gouran (Thom ••) Grocer, 24 PtJIricIe..6lWtl. ,'~
Mc. Gowan (John) Confectioner, 1 raid. GtwdilU!flo.fWI.
Mc. Grath (Edward) Spirit-stores, 76 Rogeno,,'s-qrtG.!I.
Mc. Grath (WilIiam) Lock-smith, 11 Slqllu!n..,trn,.
Mc. Guinness (Francis) Grorer, 15:J Fnmci.. ,tr«I.
Mc. Guinness (Nichol:l5) Hosier, S COlt_a,*«.
Mc. Guire (James) Tailor, :J FcuL:-llreel.
Mc. Hugh (Francis) Tobacconist, 61gl. Brilain-,t_t.
Mc. ,ltee (Francis) Tanner, 118 CarIr-ltwel.
Mc. Kenna (A ) Timber-merchant, 54 TA_·""eel.
Mc. Kenna (IHichaet) Seeds-man and Grocer, 10 CnPfl-llMet.
Mc. Kenna (Patrick) BuiliIer and Timber-merchant, IS KCI'itMtfW!t.
Mc. Kenny (J,) Vitriol-mannC. 20 .p. Gnrtl....~. Work., Bn/("lxNgk-bt:.
Mc. Kenny (Thomas) Alderman and Hosier, 47 S. gt. Chorg..'s•'f'd.
1\1e. Kenny, Walton and Co. Silk-mannfactnrer., 96 Arlglelt'G-ltrct:t.
Mc. Kenzie (John) Book-llinder, 12 gt. SAip-Ilreet. '
Me. Kenzie (William).Bookael1er and Stationcr, 7 Mm/oR-roID.
Mc Keon (Daniel) Grocer, 9 Merr;tJJI-ureet.,
Mc. Keon (Francis) Card-maker, 1 Hl TAtJr1UIs-str«t.
Mc. Keon (John) Car-owner, 158 N. Kirag-"wa.
Mc. Keon (Thomas) Haberdasller, 54 Grtifjo,,.,treet.
Mc. Kiernan (Charles) Merchant, 8 Lintln·AaIl-llreet.
Mc:. Laine (John) Stay·ma~er, 86 D4_Ilreel.
1\11:. Lal1ghliQ (.-\ndrew) Sil" and Ribben-manufacturer, 78 D.~_
Mc. Laughlin (Daniel) Carpenter, 46 MecldeR6urgh-slreet. '..,
Mc, L.ughlin (Micha,,) Woollcn-draper, 16 Hig/&·IIIred. '
Mc. Lean (James) Grocer, 9 AnrirtUl-IIr«t.
Mc. Lean (John) Music-seller, 19 Atrgte_lIlrm.
•Mc. LelllRd (WiUiam) Linen-merc:hant, 9 LNrgnn-,frtl!f,
Mc. Loghlin (Cornelius) Merchant, IS U>her'II-i.<lallrl..
Mc. Lorinan (Julia) Linen-draper, 27 Corn-me<ritet.
Mc. Malton :lnd Cl). Merchants, SS l"lAI Li{fi,It·.,red.
Me. Mahon (Eli&abetb) Card.maker, 101 Tk""'QS,"red•.
Mc. M"hon (James) Hl>usecpaioter, 4() M~I"~t.
Mc. Mahon (Jame.) Tur.ner, 79 1.111.' .A,,~,?,~'t'..rl.
Mc. Mahon (M ) Tannel' and Currier; 128 Corlt-s/I't¥1.
Mc:. Mallori (Matbe ... ) Silk·dyer, 2:1 ",t. B~;laill-"rwI.
MC!. Mahon (Michad.) Skin mel'chant, 58 "I'. K"lIiN·"rt'I't.
Mc. Mahon (Pat rick) Tin-plate-worker, ISO "l" lJ,m.'l·1lt'eet.
Mc Manus (Hllgh) Grocer, 99 MIlr/,eet.
Mc. Manus (Patriclc.) ClClthier, ss New·71IfIrltet.
Mc:. Manus (WiIliam) Turner, 11/ ClJOlIIH.
Mc. Master (P~-ter) Watch-maker, 97 6rnflon.m-eet.
Mc. Menamy (S.) Mil. It Na •• Mathem. lit Ship.chand' 93!t~g.',!IfJl!l_
Mc. Menamy l William) Ship-chandler, 11 PoolIJ..!f-Itret!t,
M~. Michael (John) MiU-wlight, 18 BrollJlI,·,treet. S.
J..lel'cllOl1ts and TrOll~rs. MAE
hk. Mil"y (Mi("hllel) Clothier, 6 Onnond sirpri.
Me. Millin (J. and 'Son) Conf~ctinner •• 110 Cnl",'-.,'r,,!.
Mc. Mioes-( J.) Carver and Gilder, I)il. Drirai,,-slrt!t!l.
Mc. Minn (AicKander) Carpenter, Abbe'l-.•tl"l'f't.
Mc. Minn (Thomas) Carpenter, 91" 8Irmw-slreer.
Mc. Mullen (Alexan<kr) Haker, :J 1,,11'. J)"'·...·f-."r('("f.
Mc.. Mullen (Jamcs) Rhoe-maker, '17 tr'. O,,;'."n-«lrt:eI.
Mc. Nally (Patrick) Oil-stdres, 2) Fis4t11roNe-lIIrt'rt.
MC'_ Namara (Henry) Cahinet-maker, 17 Britle·t-at!e..,.
Me. Neely (Samuel) Military-,"~h6>u~e. 11 Ar,,,,,.,,,ury.
Me. Owen (Michael) Cahinet-maker, Il'l C"IIC{-tln·et.
Mc. Pberson (Tho.) Merchant and Army-broker. (l>artford and Eatd~
Gnn-powder-oflice), 6:J Ab;'''!I-''"t'I.
1I,1:C'. Quay (Wm.) Mathematical Instrument-maker, 291;1. Slrnnd-..IT.
Macabe (Mathew) Clothier, :1 Jo/m-Btf't'd.
Mac:abe (John) MerctJant, Q'/<"t1W,tWIo
Macabe (John) Clot"ier, H PillIlit". .
Mac:bell (Laullcelot) Fringe and Tas.e1-mannf.ctnrt'r. 1 .A."'n·~qtta!,.
Mad.lin (Thomas) Tailor and RObe-mAker, 9 Whilffl'inr-.oJred.
Afack, WilIiam. and Gibton, Cabinet· makers, S9 Sl0'u'urd-.lrfe',
.Mackay (John). Grocer, 18 Chllrlottp-.v,""p/,.
Macken (John and Co.) Brewers, 22 C"/~-<tll'!l'
Macken (l'atrick) Merchant, Ig Dridgif.Jo.t .., ...,.,.
Macken (Simon) C1othier. 5 Wenver·s-lI(lInre.
Mackenl:ie (William) Merchant, 10 mid. GnNfiltPr-sl...,.,.
Mackey tp. and C.) Carvers and GiltlerA, :14 SAilme",rotp.
Madden (Bridget) Linen-draper, 18 N. K;,.[!.~./f't!ef.
Madden (Ilryan) Wine-c:ooper, 28 AMe,,,,,.treet.
Madden (Edward) Trimming and Cotton-merchant, 6 W",.,.,,,IIOOd-gq,~_
Madden (Edward, jun.) Wine-merchant, (j W""mutpod-g{/t~.
Madden (Francis) Trimming-merchant, 2 Cm./le.sIN·'·"
Madden (James) Fringe-lI1anufacturer, 11 Aston·80'luay.
Madden (lames) Lime-kiln9, 29 M_4·.treel.
Madden (John S.) Baker, 1 BlJggnt-~et.
Madden (Joseph) Pin and Wire-manufacturer, 19 11'. NnIJ-TOVJ.
Madden (M. and F.) Linen-draper" 5 Nir4o/lJl-.trec'.
Madden,(Mark) Tavern-keeper, ] S "p. Dridgf.oC/reet.
Madden (Michael) Grocer, 16 Franci.....slreet.
- Madden (Michael) Livery-lace 8c Fringe-manufacturer, 26 AftgleSi'G....._
Madden (P.) Baker, 102 N. King-IIr"et.
Madden (P.) Tailor, 18 Jtnis-"retl.
Madden (Patrid) Boot and Shoe-maker, Ig ArrlJ7I-'P'IJ".
Madden (Richard) Grocer, 22.W. NnI~TO""
Madden (Thomas) Hair-dreRoerand Fancy Wig-maker, 28 l.lIfary-se ...
Madden (William) Apothecary, 76 JItI....' ..."'rert.
Madden (William) Pap~r-ma1jufaeturer, 7 Mffl:hIInI·...'1"IJ!1.
Madder (Samuel) Brewer and Merchant, 34 Us1!r.··..,pJ(l!/.
Madder (Samuel a!ld Co.) PorI er· ~rewen, 1>9 and 90 JII.1fU'.'...
J..1:addock (John S, and Co.) Mt'rchant_, C","rrut"ci,,/ Buildillg••
Mi\ddoek (William) Hatl~r. 28 T(~nl'/I'-""r.
Maeder (J. G. and Co.} Gt' Accountants, 2'! gl. Sh;1'-.•tr~11.
MAR Merchants and Traders.. 77'
Mallin (lames) Cotton-manafacturer, 82 pole-alley.
Maflit (E.) Tailor, 96 CtI~t. ..
Magary (Michael). ~ra_foW1der, 13 Cook-Ilreet.
Magaurall (Michael) Merchant, 44 Bridgefoot-street.
Magauran (Patriclt) Hardware-merchant, 1 EzcII4age-mwt.
Magauran (Thomas) Grocer, 24 Patrick-~
Magee (E. aud Co.) Haberda.hers, 18 Den::iUe-llreet.
Magee (Farrell) Wholsale Hardware-merchant, 105 TIIOfIIaI-strtet.
Magee (l.unea) Brewer, N. gt, Geo.;ge·wlreet.
Magee (hmes) Proprietorofthe Dublin Evening POlt. 11 Tri";l~
Magee (lames) Turner, 10 Coombe~
M:agee (lohn) -Turner, Ward.·~hitl.
Magee (John) Tin-plate·worker, 185 Church·strut.
Magee (lUchard) Builder', 18 DdMiUe-8lreet.
Maget' (William Snell) Merchant, 47 up. SoclaJilI#-IIfWt.
Magenis (Patrick) Paper-warehouse, 20 Cook-slreet.
Magenis (R.obert) Architect and Builder, 18 N. Earl-llreel.
Magenni' (Ann) Baker, 84 Nichola~strut.
Magennis (Catherine) Linen-draper, 115 D(met~
Magennis (EdwaFd) Grocer, 10 Smock-atl~.
Magenni. (lohn) Wholerue Linen·draper, 25 up. B~
Magenn'. (Patrick) Builder, 73 TowlUend·street.
Magill (George) Saddler, 14 NaUIJu.-,!r.:et, .
MagiH (Thomas and Co.) Merchants, 8 Bachelor'~.
MagiU (Thomas) Tailor, 20 Chancery-Ja_
Magrane (J. B.) Merchant, 60 A~_t.
Magraoe (James) Baker, 13 Trhtn&mld-lIreet.
Magrane (Patrick) Merchant-tailor, 120 AUey-street.
Magrath (Fol.) Merchant, 81 Mecklenbu.rgh-,treet. .
Maguire and Loughlan, Flax, Hemp and Sail-cloth-manuf. 81,.st.
Maguire (Alesander and Co.) MerChants, E8 .Bul~l.
Maguire ( ,rabella) Haberdasber,·II~ .
Maguire (BernaTd) Hardware-merthlUlt, Slow. Ezi:hange-mwt.
Maguire (George. and Co.) Merchants, 24 P/u;e";z-sJreet.
Maguire (Hugh ) Baker; 40 Exchequer-street.
Maguire (lame.) Grocer, 39·N. King-street.
Maguire (Jamea) Tanner, '156 Jame,·,.,<olreel.
Maguire (lane) Curer of King's-evil, II~ WellingtMHlrut.
Mag\lire (lohn) Confectioner, 74 gt. BritaIK·llreet.
Maguire (John) Quill and Paper-wareholilSe, 8 Coolt-llrtet. .
Maguire (John) Trimming-merchant, 87 S. gt. Ge"",e',.",..,.
Maguire (Mary) Currier, ~7 MiIL..trelIt.
Maguire (Matthew) Merchant. 13 S. Co~,,_t.
Magu!re (Robert) Ilol'e-manu~acturer. tl7 Thrmw,-Ilreet.
Magulfe (ROM) Plumber, 11 Granb,v-t'OW ..
Maguire (Thom.a) Delf-seller, 70 Camden-Il_IO
Maguire (Thomas) Tallow.chandler, 56 S. King-ll'1'Ht.
Maguire (WiUiam) Corn-factor,7 Portland-It_t.
Maher (Catherine) Lineo-draper, 10 Nicholtu-street.
..;, .

l\fahon (Dominick) Tallow-chandler, 10 M.,ry-",..,et.

[1815J L
78 ~lerckiZ1lts ancl Tradm.
Mahon (John) Pal*'..atainllV 8 Claurcll......... .
Mahon (Mathew Neary) Bootaelkr and Statioaer, 1.16 C-ft----
Mahon (Nicholas) Merchant, 26 Merclw.1U'a.qUGf/.
Mailey (Hezekiah) Tailor, 11 liwtace.drm.
Maitland (A.) BoI»k...ll~r, 5 Bldjifrd.roVl.
Maidalld (J.) Bookseller, 16 .lIrtO/l'1-IJIU1!I.
Mallet (John) Plumber, IS alld 6 llyrter' ..'rOID.
Mallet (Richard and Son) lron.mongers, '0 JIlow.,._"'-"-
M ....
MaIlins (WiUiam) Silk.manufacturer, S HaR_reel, W.
Malane (Andr,.w) Card-maker, 37 ThomtMNtnel.
Malone (James) TUlow-chandler, • Wel'btwg''''_'', .
MalOlle (John) Silver.plate-worker, 8111" ~:M:hQJrgll.llreet.
, MalOIle (Joseph) Hoeiltr, lIlI 84i..-.rllltl.
Malone (Josiah and Isaac) Grocer•• 49 8lepTleJwtHet.
Malone (Lau.) Gro«r, Wine aad Spirit-merchant, 00 and ICO
Malone (Mathias) Tavern.keeper, 47 CooIt-llf<Ut•.

Malone (Thomas) Crocer and By.-.tulf.merchant. 107 CooIJt_~

Malflney (Mary) Confectioner, $4 Bridgefool.lltWl..
Manders and Pewell, lJl'ewers., 1 J S JamehlltWlo
l\oJanden (Humphries) Clothier,
Mander. (bau) Baker, 114 Ja ..e.·NI~el.
Manders (Isaac) Merchant, .PrGIt>eeI.MUU.
Manden (John) Byilder and Carpenter, HatcA-IINd,
Mander. (Richard and Co.) Flour.merchants, 119 J_'~
Manden (Thomas) PaintCl' and Stucco-plaiste...r. Bogg~t1t~..,..
Mangan and Langson, Win~metthant., 7 low. OmiOncWiu.ay.
Mangall (Edward) Gl"CKer aI'Id Com-factor, JIB.
Manly ('[).,nio) Boot and Shoe.lut-maker, 29 HigfNlmll.
Manning (C. and C~) FlUlcy-dre_makc.a. If. SwJ'olk-Iitr«f.
Manning (Thomaa) Baker, 80 A~"',
Manning (Thomas) Paper.manufaetuft!r, I • . JJri~~
Man.ergh (John) S~'lIIaa\1laetDl"er, ~.
Manstield (WiIliam) SlRtOll all4 Tri.lIn{n~Jlletchant,l Pra~.
Maquay (John I..elaDII) Merchant, 1I11 MerriOf&~
Marchant (Charles and SOu) Smiths &Bd J"'lW\)OIIger., 49 N. K~II'.
Marlay (ThOrnas) POrter and Spirit",torn, I' Jlou-I6I11!. . '
Marlow (Patrick) House.painter and Glazier, S6 C\H14-#retJ6.,
Marmion (Fr411c:i.) Merdlant, 'I Fleel4t1c81.
Marra (Oaniel) MerChant, III Gearge'~
Marsh and FOlll,"m.dra~rs, 61 ·Gmjloia......
Marsh Ua_) .E"At"ayer, 8 ,"id. Gardi~
Martin and Ormsby, Groce.., S Hmry-Ifr• •
Martin (Alice) Delf-seller, 6 Queeto-""red. .
Martin (Daruel) Tailor, 8 Cope-Ilr6el. .
Martin (E. and Co.) Skin and F~;lther~merdl..t.;' R,1liJh.,.,.,.
Martin (Edward) lku.h'lIIaker, 8 S• .gt. G~tl.-#lWt.
Martin (Geo~) Merchant-tailar, M Du~eeI.
Martin Games) Hardwaft, Trimming aad Button~Wllftb. 66 PiU-ta.:·
Martin (James) Trunk-maker, 5 aad 19 /i_fUa!!. .
Martin (John) Skinl\lII", J6 1fI'GIl;~
Martin (John) Timber.merchaat, 1 GlJrtlitl(if"-#ree(.
Merclumta and TNUlm.
Martin (Joseph) Boot alld Sho_aker, 6 QlU'elNmef"
MartIn (Judith) Tin-place-worker, 48 Cuo/,;-lItr«I.
Martin ~LlIke) Reed-maker, 57 GrxnrdIe.
Martin (Nic:h.,las) Woollen-draper, 62 l'ill-la,>U!.
Martin (Patrick) $boe-maker, 16 .AWie!l-llIreft.
Mania (P.) illk-dpr, 906 p . .sr;/ui..·&treet.
MartyD (fohn) Copper~l.te-printer, 24 Beresfd,'tI,.$lr••
;Martytl (P.) T,ailor, 1'9 DIl/te-$lreel, ,
Muoa(Abn'bam} Iron-monger, 10 Dllfl,Stm-strwt.
Ma_n {H. G.) Clock'Manufacturer, iI U,t-'4..:t".",.
M.sea (Janaes, ~, lO$ Coumbe.
Mason (Jamel) Trunk-maker, 'isJlIJf1tble-llrBi'-l.
Mason (JehtI) Gl'OCer, 86 .". Brilain·8lrtlet.
Mason {lohn) Grocer, 43 CtIfnII6e.
JIIIa"ll (Samuel) Hardware·merchant, 7S n."",,,,..stre~
Mason (T. and J) Optician., 8 E._-bridg...
Mason (W. N.) Umbrella and Parasol-maker, ~ cr"'~I-CO"rt.
MaelleY (Thomu) Hibe",ian Servant'. llt'(istry, iO FOIJJn,,"~ea.
Mathera (Blacker) Linen.draper, 85 GraJio".atreet.
Mathewa (Jehu) Manchelter·wvehouse, S 'l.iaL'f&·kaU.Jtrm.
Mathe". Uohll) Tailor, S G4~,
Mathews (MerYJll) Ti~lter-merc:haut, Luke·It_'.
Math~. (.atrick) Coqper, ,I N.ll_"reet.
Mathewi (S.muel) Mercbant. 85 llN1. Bridp-.'nt!t.
Matbews (Stephlln) Sdet_aster, '26 Smilltfield.
Matbew. {William' Tailor, 10 Pembroke-coUn.
Matthe"" (Chrietopber) Merc;hant, 6 H(iUiam'-..
Matthews (George) Groeer, . 1t4 New-street. .
Maud (Wil(iam iMary) Bookseller, 148 .A6bey-II1'eet.
Manon (WilIiam M.) ('arnllewi~k.manufacturer, 2 Moim·plfltll!."
Muwell (Laugbiia), M"rchaat, 54 low. Dorrunidt·ltnd.
,Ma:v.well (Ma1ac:by) Grocer, FrIJ1Ida.",.,et. '
MalAreIl (RoIMrt) SaIid1er, 41 Hemy-Mf'eet.
May (James) Public Accountlll1t, 115 M.dJeri1NrgA-"wa.
)lIay (Jobs) Watch l!nal Clock-mu.p.r, 7'1 Dame-It_I. '.
Maziere (Anc!rew and Co.) BrllWen, 78 Ja_·~ltrcet.
Ma:r.iere (Bartholomew and Co.) MeTc:hant., 6 MII"!/'s-ctIJ«y.
Ma2.iere (M ana H; ~w) iugar-IIak«s, 4 lkwcfurd....etl•
.Meade (John) Merchant-tailor, 77 .p. D01'u/·"reet..
Meade (Mary) 6 MuljllJ,."r.s.
MCade (Micbael) Baker, 8 Cuj'e-.mrt.
Meade (Patrick) Poulterer, 9 Ormontl-marht.
Meede (TIt""as) lkickJarer, 69 D<w",-",
Meagher (Denia) Timb~,·meJ'/i:bant, 82 C4~.
Mcagher (Martba) Grwer, 81 _ KeuiIPllreeI.
Meara (Cba..i: Co.) ~rcbuu~ ~loDr.fact.(8, Office 8t Store., S Lultl.
Meara (George) Merchant aad Linen-factor. IiO Capel,o"rt"
Mea.. ("(:. and I.) Mel'irh.nt.. J<l c;.orge·~IJ!I'
)ldc:all (Charles) Cailioet·maket', ~ Brltlb,alky•
. MedeaIf (Hannah) Lin4\ll.(actor.,.44 Marrp1L~-la~•
. Mtrb~ (Frauds) GlICXl:1', 55 .
80 Merc"ants and Traders.
Meehu (Martin) Grocer, 93 up. Or-rnond-qua!l.
M"ehan (Thomas) Baker, 18 Coo/r·ltreet.
Meighan (Thomas) Groccr, 19 lit: .Ma~d.
Meledy (Mary) Confectioner, 4 ArTtin-9UDY,
Mercer and ICearney, Tallow-chandlen; 99 Ezchetpter-t:f.t'td.
Mereier (R. E.) University and Law-bookseller, SI 4nglel/ea.-It~.
Meredith (Jefl"rey) Stay-maker, 17 Werburgh-m-m.' '
Meredith (Mary) Grocer, 8 AJldrew-llreet. '
Meredith (Richard Duke) Apothecary, so N. ~a,l-ImeI.
MergaD (JametjVictualler. 8S Palr.;cft..~~;.· '. ,. ".,
Margan (John) Victualler, 85 Patric/t-,'rtet.
Merle (John) French-cook, 57 S. gl. George'WIred,o
Mema (James) Tailor, 46 CltlfffldlnwtM!t. - ,
'Merritt (John !lnd Co,) Silk-~anufai:turers, HI Co~
Merritt (Thomas) Haberdasher'and Straw-hat-warehouse, s Corl-Mll
Mc"y (Martin) Pewterer, SO Brid~llreet., and 52 Ba~Mo .. ' ",
Merryman (Jame,') Wool-comber. 104 COOI7Ik. ' . ,
MetcaU (Anthony) Chandler ~nd Soap-~i1er, 106 FrtriU!f'-~d.
MetcaU (John) Cabinet-maker, 48 CIItwlemOflt-rtre«. '
Metealf (Michael) Tanner, 7 New-markd. '
Meteslf (TImothy and Co.) Vinegar-manufadqren, 64 Jo_~
Meyler (John) Caner and Gilder, '19 IOw: Mount.",..; , " " .
Middleton (Richard) Accountant, Monk·place.. '~A.
Middleton (Samuel) City~sw~rd-bearer, CfulriefratIm-sitwt. '
Middlewood (William) Fruit-merchant, SO Gm/l1YA-#reel.
Might (Fl'ancis) Conr~ctioner, 145 Churcll-Jtred. "
Might (James} Saddler and Harn~ss-maker, 1 BolWrHtfUf.
Miley (Walterl Cabinet-maker, 21 Britle'l-tJlley.' ' " .,
Miller (l\ndrew) lIaskpt-warehouse, 1 EUU-Ilreet.
Miller (Anne) FancY-du:.s-ma~er, '165 tt. Britain.~.
Miller (Daniel and Co:) Brazier., 9 BoW-street.' .',
Miller (J.) Confectioner, S6 GrafltnHtreet. "
Miller (Jas.) liIasket-maker, 41 Fisharttble-il:N!et, and iO I. EaodIo¥-av.
Miller (JoflO) Stont'Cutter, 69 S. Netl!-Itfwl.' . > .. • ':'r'" ,
Miller (John) Watch-malter, 70 Ff'O'Itcis-llred.
Miller (P.) Bask~t-maker, 'S9 FiWmtble-slf'6tli;
Miller (peter) Grorer ,17 Pill-lane. ' ..
Millessio(Dominick) Carver and Gilder, 55 8HnJltiN't1lll.
MilIiken (John) Cotler, 4 Trinilg-Ilreet; . ,. "
Mil\iken (Richard) Bookseller, 94 GriJfton-st:reeI. -
Milling (William) Woollen-draper, 76 D~.
MilIingtol1 tThomas) Carpenter, 5 1<i1o.,Tem~. •
Millner (George) ~a!\chester and Leeds-merchant, S 81. A~.
Mills (Franrii) Merchant,']'3 J.<f'f);..,treet. . "
l\ilills (James) Corn-dealer, S2 Kl!fJin·'"1IDr1.
Mills IJohn) Gfocer and Tallow-chandler, 5 CA~
Mill. (John) Stone-cutter, '89 NnIJ-#reet. > . ' . ,

Mills (Mesdames and Rab••tina) French Bc Eng. School, 6 Slq/Ina-".

1'.finchil1 (Humphrey) Sheriif'a-peer and Merchanh Fi/_iUia_fftC.'
Minchin (William) Cabinet~inaller and Haberdasher, 45 CtUt~.
Mmilet (Paul) Silk and RibboD-m~ufacturer, 1'l U__'~
.MOO Merchants and Traders• 81
Minnet (William) Merchant, 25 Me1'Chant's-quay.
Miot (Iaaac) Grocer, .72 Sleplum-slreet.
~.set (James) Haberdasher, 103· gl.'eel.
Milchell (Chlistopher) Tobacconist. 34 N. King,f/red•.
MitchcU Uoseph) Builder, 72 Britk..treet. ' .
Mitchell (Ma\lrice) Shoe-ma~er, 4:1 S. gt. Grorge·s-Il,..,et.
.,.itobell (Wjlliam) Confectioner, S6 Na .•."nNt~eet. .._
Mitcheltree(William) Merchant and Chymist, 72 Ct/l1d-llred.
Mol.and(Mary) Linen·draper, 69 Ezcllequer-strcet.
Molineux (James) Tobacconist, 6 ESlex-bridge.
Molineux (Joseph) Watch-maker, R Skinner-row.
MolineuK (Patrick) Grocer, ('9 Meal/,-slrecl.
Molyneux (T.) Watch-maker, 12· C"a"c"!l-ltlnt'~
Mollan (Thomas) Ship-brpker, 56 Abbry/-.,'reel.
Moller (George) 'fimbcl'-merchar.t, 44 Cilv·quay.
MoUoy (John) Harness-maker, 140 N. King-.treet.
Molloy (Mar,,) Haberdasher, 48. King-streel.
Molloy (Patrick) Dyer, 36 vI" OrmOfld-'lua!/.
Moloney (John) SaMlcr, 77 {!,t. Bruain-st,·cel.
~oloney (J. P.) TailQr, 7 Henry-street.
Monck. (John) Tailor, ~4 Fleet-strecl.
Monks (Anne) Milliner, 52 Graflon-81rect.
Monks (Oeorg.e) Talhw-chandler, 48 S. {(t. George'Ntreet.
Monks (Richard) Curr;"r, 31 H'inetaven ....,rret.
Monks (Simon) Shoe-~aker, 70 Brick-street.
Mons (Barth.) Girth-web-manufacturer, :1 Pimlic•.
Monserratt (Mark) Wine-merchant, 55 SummeT-hill.
Montgomery (Alexander) Sherirfs peer and Merchant, 5 L..-gtl'rHlr.
Montgomery (Eliza) Linen-draper, 43 Dorut-street.
Montgomery (Jo/m) Glazier. 67 Dorsct-./reef.
Montgome, y (John jun.) Merchant, 32 Baggot-Itret!l.
Montgomery (Margaret) Haberdasher. 13 N. A7ine-atrellt.
Mc>ntgomerJ (Ricbard) Linen-factor, .r; up. Rullarrtl..slrwL
Montgomery (Wil1i~m) Cabinet-maker, 21 WOOtJ,..t1Ye/,.
Mooney (Francis) Haberdasher, 194 gt. Bri/ai,,·,trcet.
lI400ney (James) Brush-maker, 22 S. {(t. GeIWge·...'''"'.
Mooney (James) Hyde.crane and Vintner, 11 BridgejUlJI,-atrect.
Mooney (John) Hay.factor, 44 Slllil~fieltl.
ldooney (Uichard) Grocer, 51-t Dorsel-st"eel.
~ooney (Thomas) Iron-monger and Hardware-merchant, 41 p,71.Jtme.
Moore (Daniel an.! John Wm.) Apothecaries, 9 S, A.n...:-$l.rCrl,
~oort; (Oaniel) C~binet-maker, 45 Stajf""d••trrrt. •
$I00r~ (formerly Clarkson) Haberdasher, 5 GraJion·""eeI.
Mo~re ((£eorge) Grocer, 40 FranciHtreet.
Moore (George) Merchant,. ~ E.'.7-,/re,·/.
Moore (].) Salt-manufacturer and Iron-moJ'ger, 67 Flm-.<trerl.
Moor!! (J ames) Silver-plate-warehouse, 16 E u./ace-strret.
Moore (Jame •.) Wholesale Iron-monger, J 1.9,·and 12* Th~·>t~d.
Moore (J. F.) Grocer, 23 {It. Shi!,-street.
Moore (Jane) Tallow-chandler, 54 Netv-m.rket.
Moore (lohn) Iron-.monger, 59 High-strM.. .
Moore (John) Morc-hant,26 Gardille1'·'-l!lacc,Office • .Tt..",i..llreet.
J/erchan!s and TraJef'f.
Maore (Jo.ellh Henr,) See. Atl.e-i.nsaran<e-Cbmp. 9~ BtlcJ/('i~"·""'Jt.
M(1Ore (Margaret) Che".e-moll8'er and Grqcer, 44 E.Ie:/:-6t1'U4
Monre (T. and (;: ... ) HabcJ'daahers and Silk-Illercc"_ 4 GmJltm...,.".,..,
Mnore ( I"homa.• ) J aundng-car-n" Car-l1lilker, 17 JI"~"",
Moore (Thoma-') Cooper :1 9 Abbq,-II"",.,. . "-
Moore (W;lIiam) Me,,'hBnt alld Agellt, IS FMlttriclN#ed.
M('('rc (W,Ubm) Cabinet and Piano-iortt-makfl", 48 C.,II/~
Moran (Charlea) Baker, 7 We?INr,'MI.,
MMan (franci,) Glover, SS CIIIIl.,.....m. .
Mor.n (John) Silk-manufacturer. !t !'u,.lr-.trut. W.
1'o10ran (Rohcr1) SillHnercer, 16 GNJft~4/reet.
Moran (Thoma.) Apothecary, 145 TMmIl~M!( • ..
Moran (Thomas) Baker. 8:1 KMJin·6-1'<1f'1. •
Moran (WiIliam) Baker, 36 S. gt. Getwge'Hlrcel.
J'.lorgan (Anihony) Haberda.hcr. 18l<tw. SaeIrtJil~st'reet.
Morgan (Edward) Tin· plate-worker. 5 Badt-lc1>lJ.
Morgan (Fr:zJlci8) Hatte:, 9 G1'ttp,m-IlN!rl.
Morgan (Isaa,,) Straw-hat-manufacturer, 3 up. D.ruIoj,,..,,.
Morga)J (J. R.) Cabinet.-maker. 90 Copet..$trtift.
Morgan (L.and A.) Cabinet-lIIakus, ~l He1lr1"'frte1.
Morgan (Mathew) Spirit-stores. SO COOIn....
Morg.n (M ichael) Confectioner. 15 J{u"gier1tl'<JeI.
Morga~ (Patrick) Groeer, 5 ./J'fide...rt'tJel.
Mor&,~n (Patrick) Baker. 140 CI",,.cb-,'recfo
Morgan (R.) TalIO"ll!'-!:h.n:Jler. 6 Ihicl~....
Morgan (Robert) TaUow chandler. 198 " Brua;...
4 "fttII.
Morgan (Thomas) 6i1.e.--emith. 1:1 ·Ski""""-YfIIII.
Morran (Thorn •• ) Toba«oni&t, 68 CII1"'pIa-~t.
Morgan (WiUialJl) W.tcb-JIlakeraRtlleweller, 105 Cr~""',
Mone; (John) l:lS 1\.ft!dWlI~"'I'l!!et.
l\Jorpie and Patent 1'ru.............. !Z H.f!III;7II' -atr«l.
Murris (Gerald) LiDeu-draper, 8 ArraIl·'f'I'IY'
Morria (Samesan" CO.) Paper-hangers le Paibten.187';. ~,..
Morris (Jamet) Il.ectlfyiftg-di.tiUer. 611 J ....,..·....tWtI.
Morris (Jamea) _rcltaat. 14 Jt~rm.
'Morris (JalllH) Tebacronist aDd Inn-keepor, SII
Morris (1.) LYbf-wuehollee, 8 Pill.....
Morris (John) Builder and M .....urer, 43 ..f1Jiey-6lftd.
Moni. (Joseph) Win_erchallt. 4 Easlll/U>1ffllet.
tMrri. (~h.) Haber"~er, 8 ~-bri.
Morris (Paul) Vjotner, 26 Wi~n.t.
MMri. (Rirhard) Cotloa-tnanul'act_. 6 ~..
Mon is (Riekard) GrOtet. 26 MeatA-ibYIBI.
Morris (William) Money and, 4 c.ri-ItML
Morris (William) Paper-ItaiMr, 15 Mrwy-Itf<ret.
M(>rItslOn (Arthur) T;nem-IL~r. 18 Ba_thWt.
Morron and Hay. Perfumers arid Fanry-.uehou&e, 119 up.. ~.
,vhrrrou·tl!:lizabe'th) t'onfectioner. 47 J ..
Morron (John) Confectioner. 61 C./~-Hreel•
.... Morta,hd (Edward) Ap<>t-hec'ary. 7 C"VflCJwtr~.
~orto!l (Elirla) Haberd.~r. 321Otc. Omunld-'l"'~
MUR Merclumb mrtl Trader,. '$
Morton (M.) Aeademy, 4" I,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,
MortDn..(Jl.ebert) Shipo-buildw, it7 To_GIIdodtwt.
Morton (William) Army..apDt, l6 MOfUIloIlFM.
MOIley (WiUiam and Richarol W.) JlnweU..., 17 "'."".."rt4.
Moo (Ch.u-le. B.) lIoolueller aAd Stationer. " D·O~.
MOllop (WiUiam) Letter-cutter aDd l>,, 1U Mdlen~
Muldooa (JoIm) 1laddIet-. 8ilT/un~
Muley (Daniel) Gun-maker,. f i T~.
Muley (Thomu ) Broker. " Plu,"",-.""
Mulhallon (William) 0 _ . SS KlNin· ...JWI.
Mulbolland (Thomas) Woollen.dnprr, &2 Pill-lDu.
MuUally (Michad) Cor_handler, 109 B'" lJriltlirwlNliC.
Mnllanphy (Owen) T.aor, liD 816p1wa IDWt..
MlllieQ (ADClre.,) Vintner, ISO I" BrihUta..r«t.
Mullen (Bar.) Clothier, 15 Cho~-1bWI.
MoIlen (Dnid) WboIeeale aacI &etaU.mardaant., S5 ~.....,.._
Mullen (George) Book-bincAcr, 97 T~IfI/Je.btJr. .
Mullen (John) Silk-throwater, 18 8pilG{jidd6.
Mullen (Joaeph Denit) Trimming-mallufaeturer, 146 ~i"""""
Mullen (Michael) Je_ller, 68 DIJ'WIe'''''''' .
Mullen (S.) Confectioner, II Fraru;~,.
Mullev ('1'.) Bellow Lion Inn-keeper, 118 TIuntuIHlrlllf.
Mu\ligan (Ed. and Co.) Boot anel Shoe-maker,; S6 HM..,,''''''
MulligaQ (P.) Grocer, 79 QuNoa-aruL
Mulligan (Patrick) Coal· factor, 811 low. A#Ihet.r1lrm.
Mulligan (Patrick) Inn-keeper, 94 N. Kirtg-m .."
Mulligan (Patric~) Whole,ale Weo\1en.drapet", 16 low. BridgHl1tMll~
Mulligan (Thorn a.) Tallo ....charnller, 7 Cook..".... .
Mulligan (Waiter) Spirit-nlerchant and Grocer, 27 aod Si B~et.
Mulligan (WilIiam) Ta'ferll-keeper, 29 Mary•• _t.
MI\lvaD7 (Ch.l!r Co.) GlaN-make..... Old Glall-hO\1Ie, low. AbH,."rea:.
Mulnny (Patrick) LiDeD-factor. 14 11.1" Dominiclc-stNl",
Mul'f&DY (Thomas) Conier aod Leather_ller, SO Cook.-r«l.
Mulny (Pat.) ltoot_ancl SbOllomaker. '8 Th_rtreet.
Munro (Jamoa) Lime-bllrner, Lime-kilnJ, N. Lotl..
Mllrdock (Robert) P _ _ forte-OIaker, 62 up. 8ackville-llmr.
Muraey (Pat.) Cottoll-wef, and CandlewjeIL-manue. IS W. Liff6!J-IIIr.
J'durphy and HCllJln, Linen aDd Calico-merchants; It UIher·kJlIotI¥•
• 1urphy (Andrew) Grocer and I Cc.".daik.l"I/tU.
~urphy (Aaa) Corn.chaudler, III ThoJlllUoo"mr.I,
Murpby (AnDe) Stay-maker anel Perfumer, 25 E~r'M•.
Murphy (lIartbolomew) G _ , S8 /md"""rm.
Jofur)lhy (Bryan) Hardware-ll)crchant,29 KMnNJI'HtIW.
Murphy (Edward and Co.) Linea and.Cotton.facto .., 1 I.inm-IIII1I......
Murphy (Eclward) OJOCtlr alld Linrpool-paeket-hollle, 24 George·I"f.
ldurphy (Edward) ArtMt.owuehOllle 21, 81tifl--. .
Murphy (Franco.) Carpenter; 402, T_rIMftIl-smet.
MlIrrhy (Franci&) ·Spi",~-d"ler, 46"' CiI!l'"'JW1!1' .'
l\Jurphy (Geo.Johll) Flcilir-Inllrcbant,. 88 ·J_'wImt.
MI,I,rphy(Heo", Spirit-eto_. 118 .Daf"I/tI...m-ea. .
MtI.rpby ~J. C. i\lId 4\~) r~aber~herl~ 82 It. M~'lli"._rHf.
8. Merckllnts tmd Trader.!. MUll:
M.rpby (lames) TalloW-c:hlndl«, 88 N. Kir&g<o.met,' f - ; . ! .
Murphr (James) W-boleaale Woollen.merchaBt, 461... ~i··.
Murph,. (John) Apothec-ary, 1 M/Jllm~ . (..f : •
MIIJphy (John) Brewer, S.Gloat¥ll __ ~«L .•. {.-:
Murpny (John) Carpenter, &0. 110". BriW,...,.,tt. ' 10
MlII'ph)' (John) Cloc~rf 1 SIIIi'''jieId. '. - . ~ ..'
Murphy (John) Gun-barrel.maDufac:turer. 190". Jl'l'iUlitNlHeI.
:Morph,. (John) Furriu, S5 Th~. .
J,Jurpb,. (John) Shoe-maker, 16 S~r«I. . , .. : i
Murphy (John) Shoe-maker, 11 NicJuJlat-Itr«l. -,. .
Marphy (J.) Merchant, Agent to tbe &oyal EllChange AUUDDCi! Ot.lfIt·
London, 6i Plea.". Timber..totes, 68 Ci'!f'II.f: 66 T~.i
Murph,. (Margaret) Proyision_robaat, ~ 81,;,aljiehJ& _.'
MIlrpby (Michael) Merchanl, Agen' to' the R.oyal Exchange A ..
aUlan", Company of LoadOll, 5· College-I._m.
Marphy (Micbael) Suiith and, 29.B.u-aUe,.
Morphy (Nicholas) Tobaceoni1t, 125 Coombe. . - -
Murphy (Patrick) eroc.." ISl n_~IlM!l.
Morphy (Plltrick l Sh.oe-maker, 1 AURgier-street.
Murphy t Patrick) Shoe-maker, S8 Nicl,ala&-llrtJel.
Murphy (Pete.) Harness-maker, IS5 Tho_.Il .....
Morphy (Peter) Skinner, 19 Walliag-alreel.
Nurplay (Richard) Ha~dware.m.n:bant. ~ Ken7ltld!l'~' .
Murphy(Richard) Boot and Shoe-maker, 18 Cal'el1trret.
Murphy (Robert) Pairltet, 2S st. S'rand-#7'e<1.
Murphy (Thomas) Linen-draper, 12 NichoJku-&lTeel. ','
Morphy (Thoma,) Painter and Glazier, Cran.e-ia"M • ..
Mllrphl'(Thomas) Hosier and Wool-comber, 71 FrtJlu:if-dmJt. .~ ..
Murphy (Thorn.., jun.) Merchant, 5 BtUhelor'~u;alk.
Morphy (William) Gold.beater, CIJ]le-llrei?t. .
Murphy (William) Salesmaster, 48 S..ulhJield.
l'rlurphy (William) Shoe-maker, 4'1 W; Nefli-rO'l&
Marphy_ (WilIiam) Skinner, 5S Walliflg-streel.
Milrphy (Wiliiam) Tailor; 15 S'ep/teJH4reel,
I\!orray :ina Alcorn, Clothier.,. 85 N_marltl!l, COII_.
Murrar and Son, Confectioners, SO NossuU-Olreti.
MIlrray (the Misse.) Haberdashers, 88 Gmfton·.reeI.
Murray (Barnaby) Silk-m:lIlufacturer, 45 Fra"c;"~d_
Murray (Benlard and Son) Cheese-mongers, 8 S. 8t. George'Ntreet.. .
Morray (Bernard) Hardware-merl:hant. 166 Church ·&lred.
Murray (.Catherine) Confectioner, 9S st. Brila',,->1ret:t.
Mllrray (Da~id) Sporting Tackle-warehouee, 510 A'rr4J&ofUOJf-
Murray (£dward) Jeweller, 7 Aslon'''''JUtI!I'
Murray (George) Carver and Gilder, 2 J)ulte-rIffiI. "
Murray (Henry) Stamp Statiuner, 49 Capel-lll'eel. .
Murray (J.) Watch-nlaker, 185 Capel-llieet.
Murra), (Jamei) Brush-maker, 7·S.t). Gwige·..1frt/Il4
Murra), (Jaml's) Grocer, 45 Aungier-llred.
Murray (Joh.. ) Tin-plate-worker, 8 Cron-poddle.
Mllrray (John) TriD;)tIIiD,.mercilam, 11 up. B1'i4p-IIret&
Mllrtay '(JOiepb) T-.mllr. ~ eo..m6c.
_Wo Merc#tl1(ts fItId Trlld,erS.
Mumy (Juditb) LioMoclr~, ~8 ~. . .
MII_Y (La_v.~)C9Mll. ,1iJd4ie aDd J.-a\her-eurrier,56 Henry"""
Murray (I..aureDc:"e) Le~l'-, 47 Ba.~
Mllrray (Marcella) Paper Q\l Cork·~nuf~uur, 78 PiU·I_.
Murray (Mary) Cor~oQIUor, 9 ~.
Mumy (Michael) HaJ'llell8o-lDjlk~, 114 N. K~ut.
Marray (OWU) Tr~,"g an.d..QpiU-wauhou.e, 2 AItIYll'~qv4!1'
Murray (P.) BUer. lS~ N. j(irtg-/lreet.
Murray (Patrick) A~ry, 4l' ~.
Marray (Patrick) Brewer, ~1 B¥A'lP-I1..,.
Mumy (Ntrick) CQJ'DJ!I~, 6$ tip. C_ _•
Murray ( rholQll&). Merc.hant, !Z8 Gtor.ce',a-fi!''',v. .
Martha (James) Tobaccon.iat, 18 C4~.
~ (Frantet) FeriUl1ler ;uuI~IMn!;lctum, 6.1!. £cri-SIren.
Myler and Ly.aam, W,~al*', 11 .Fr~
Mylc:r (John) C~rchant, 1,5 T~~.
. N.
Nangle (jobll) Groeer,1.86 T~reeC
NaagJe (Jolu,) p.wter and Glazier, li1l ~#~.
Nangle (Thomas) SmIth and BeU-han&er. ,611 M4r6'HQ7It!.
Napper (Robert) Printer..q />, .140 (;aPel-Itreet.
Naylor (Thom.a.) Gk:oicer• .!H1 (!;t. BriW.",.,eel.
Neal {T","-,,)"·in·plaleo,W.r~, 67 .;n.""'1JI-1tr6eI.
Neill (J. and D.) !, .88 gI• .Jho#la;~.·
Neilan and Co. Scri'l'epefI, Si "p. O_d-f1Iqg.
Neilson (E'-l Lillen~ ;lAd H,abeRiqh,er, ~ WiJli,nm""t;UI.
lUdla.(HenI:)') Wic1e .ulIl PIKtI=r-JJW~t, 10~. Fr4dericJ<,.Ilrf4.
Nelson (John) Vintller, ..R...~. .
Nelson (John) Wine and P~ ..IIW'~~, 44 .J"",i~_t.
Nehon (Pru~) TaItmr-dlilvd,ler, .1i6 8.151. '~~I¥·,,"~el.
Nl!lbitt(. . . .) LiP~PJIII'. 7.GfofJflqn,peet.
Ne.. (George) Merchant, 1) lYiJI~.
Ne.ill (Arthlll", jull.)Laucl-aIll'.ey~, 11 r.D01k-lll¥,ltt.
Ne.i 11 (Artbur Richard) C)~y-,-"d-jll!rye.}'9I"• .51) ~a1/llln.~1h'fl.
Ne"i\l ~BIoent, 111ft•• jun.) S~i"...peer •.~"f~,:17 Mqrl/Jorp'''J.
INevill (George Ogle) Ship-bro&er;4bbt'J-_e~. .
lI...iU (james) s.tereb aGII StIIQe~ll)eoo,Iq..lli~MI""",,lS ~pqP4k.
Ne'l'llI (John) .silk.-manllfa~Ql'er, 16 ~ ,
Nevill (Samuel) SihrO!r.4IJli\h~ .118 ~I'fi~.
Nevin (Ann) Cotton-manur..ctu~r, !t2 .1l"1Yf~ . . (Thomas) Painter,4tl 4.o#~"', .'
Ne.bery (F. and SoUl) Medi.f;iQe-VJilrehoute. fl9 1J~fP.t-1t~
Newbery(T. :R..} ..Af!ent ~ 8IIJl l1ire. AIs\Jru~eCPIJW- ll$) /)(l7/lNJr:eG.
Newbold (Margaret) Hilber$«, $8 j)a,~qt.
Newland '(AlarahUl) Acalleuoy,:lll "IOIM~I.
Newman (Chrinopber) Co\ton--mllll.t:w..-, 28J\;{1vr~~-:l«~.
Newmao (James) Salellll-.r, .45 $,..;thJie4l-
Newm~n (John) Furr-iec, ,1Q1 . Qrt(iU7J1f4.-..t.. . . ;.
, .1iIeMaan·~~) ,cQl~oIQr..mAte... ;1.1 .1"It!J"QI.,.~fQI.
(1815] ., ')(l~ '.' ".
Newmaa (Samuel) TaIJoow-ehan6r, III JIIaIIatIrwl. " .. "" " .',"

N"u:hollOll and Dto~, t>re..,

Newport (!\lathe...' Agent and PUbile A.I:NIIntaar, fI JlriU-...,., 1.....
Newport (Thomas) Skinner, se
Pi..ueo. ,
NicbollOn (Edwarcl) Tob_ni..,. ~J -.,,'A
Nicholson (Thllmas) Linen-draper, 57 ~1. " (WUliam; jun.) LineR'4lraper, /SS CtHtIt...-. .-:
Nihell (Laure1lce and L.) DistiUen. 90 gt, ~. - ,,-tt
Nolan (Crcilia) Lineo-draper, 11 ·Nimtila• ..r.d. ," ,·,,,IA
NolaD (Jamee Jo~."h) Printer, .( C~...,. ,~ '".
Nolan (John) Copper._hant, 5 UMW'Hr#nL ". ,'.
Nolan (Patrick and Cd.) Merchants, 115 GNljltna...rm.
Nolan (Patrick) Skinner, 511 1'IIifrIcI:.... . '. . n
N<?lan (Patrick) TaUOW'-cbandler and s.p.boiler, 291II1I/I• .&~
Nolan, Taall'e'and Higgins, LiJlea-merchanta, AiraeraooWt. ,'. -,
Noooey (Chlistopber) Thba«onist, 16' C,~. .
Norman (Frederick) Hlberoian -r..-em-keeper, S8 ~
Norman (Oeorge) Wholeale Iron-monger, 19 ~. ""
Norman (Luke) Reg. to Hilt. Marifte Seciet1, + M~,., ...
Norris (E.) Linen-draper, 14 Mary-mwl, '
Norris (Edwal'd) Merchant, 57 T_1Id4l>rtd.
Norris (Robert and Son) Hatter., ~ low 8GtIbU""rm.
North (Anne) FaMy Wig-malter and Han..cutter, 2S CoIlep-,...
N<>rth (James), Harchrare-!lleft'haat, '1 W. Ne.-rDIII.
Nortb (WilIiam) Tea-mereh.-"r. S MuJiiftcllllt:ir. ,', -.
Northwood (EdwanI) Cabinet-lllder, 41i1. '~
NortOll (M.) FanC1'4rea, Mllllia. aad La-.teh; S7·". /JriIGirt..sIPtd
NortOR (Thomas) Hosier, 48 E:r~. ',"
Nowlan (Ancll'eW) Baker, & ",~.
Nowlan (A!I1Ie) T«llow-<btlndler, lOO~, 6ritrti.~IIfWf. :.. ·.r"
Nowlan (Bartb.) Wholesale Leather.W8l'ehoaeo, SB'Iii;WIr«t..
Nowlan (D.) Grocer, 9~ """"'-fUay. ' , " -
Nowlan (Ed_rd) Marbl~,.rd, U7 M~~.
Nowlan (Georp) 'I'aIIow-dIandler, 74 ~~' . ' " '\
NoMa1l (Henry) Maftafe:turing Jeweller, -5~Ji*"ItptI'-""', "
Nowlan (John) HaUeTt -16 Tt-mpl~ " ", < , r,'
NDwlan (Joh~ ,fron.meng. Hardw," TrimmiDtr_. ~8W.~
Nowlan (Laurellt!e) WoollelMfr~r, 83 ~1Ut/I1fo ,," . ' .
Nowlan (M.) Sun-inn-keeper, 65 FraJlcif..l4nlel. ' ""." " • '.
Nowlan (Margaftt) Bakn-, ~l'l'~". :
Nowlail (Matbew) MacbiDe-rulet. 14 FiIh#'A-'ftIt. ..
No_lan (Micbael) Flmtro/Rftchant, 8' A1IOfi6-f/N'lll. ,;,'.. ..~'-.
Nowlan (Micbael) oaaIId CoIonr-iDetdtallt, 1 U O(uu~~, :>. :-.
Nowlan (Patridl)'Skimlilr, 63 IYaIlira!f'4f'N1., . '" t_ . , ,- 1',>.
Nowlan (Peter an.r'Co., Machi,ne-nJera, ~9 fI'- 81N........ ·~c,. ,.
Nowhln (Thomal> 'faU"",-cbcDdIer, 25 pm..,._ . <,hI : " . , , ' ; . . ,
Nowlan (~ilIiam)GIOftI',.i!9-11p. Or-~~tJy. " I" , ... , _ • _ ".~.

" "1fvgent /iln4fitapire, Lappen, &0. of LinCD&o& Cali~ LS

'NuAoent (Aune) StllJ-maiter, 15 Joe. S*"ilk-.IIIrea. ,_'
~o.... lan tQiam) Silwrr-amitJa, IiII W"iItfoi-..treeL ", _ ..... ,~"

!'1uaenQUm.) SherUI"-peer and Woollen-draper. 11 C~

Nugent (Edward) Bookllellv, 36 D_l-IfreU•
..Nugeat (Fraacis)WooUea-draper, so FraRCu.IIrt#.
Nugeat (lames) Merchant, I/O up. SaclN,iJ/,e•.t.U4.
Nu,eat (John) Linen.draper, 130 T~d-IP'HJ.
Nugeot (Mart) Woollen-draper, ·10 FftJfWu..Rrm.
Nugeat (Michael) GI'QCU, 8. CDrlMl_l.
Kugeat, Onon'alNl CP. MuslNlpdry-artiatt •. 4 DenmArk..wew.
Nugcnt (Robert) Haberduhel' andLlneG-dllper. 19 Werbargh.lIreel.
Bllgent (Thomas) Apotbe.cary. 2 ·Merri,fWM'Uw.
Nun!) and (lp. Wholesale L.c_ _hou~, 4 Da_ur:I.
Nu~um (/anaes and SatPNeI) Saddlers. 17. LAlUle"';Cre4.
O'Beirne (Aadre,,,) Men:haDt" U,bcr!,.IIrm. '
O'fllirae (Bridpt) Lu-en-draper, S4 CI!lId·IlTfeI.' . .' .
O'Brien (Andre,.,) Trimming and G,5 'l')IoranNlrf'''-
O'Brien (Anne) Confeetjoaw, 40 S,rJlhe'4-i4reel.
O'Brien (AnthoDy) Mer.chaat, 4 Mul4lf/llRT'14~t~
O'Drien (Bartholomew) Saddlu, 50 C~
O'Brien (Oe ••) PrlDter,. 46 W. N~. .
O'Brien (Eteanor) Linen-draper, IS CtI~. .
O'Brien (John and Co.) Dru~; OU. ColOUr:oiPelcM.n.h, 43 N. j,'il/.g-.r.
O'Brien (loh.n) Globe (;()jf"ee.hou_keep«~ 51·EIt_street. .
O'BrieD (lotepb) Linea.draper .nd l!aiJerlYsIler, 1 CfUIl,.slrllet, .
O'DrieD (Mary) Coafeetloaer, '10 ea,el-s'reel•.
O'Brien, Meade and Co. Merchants, is Merdlanl· .../fIIly.
O'Drien (Michael) Builder, 6' O'/JfIinI'p4Ipu", BritJ.e.,~/rI:6I.
O'Brien (Mlchael) Boot anclShoe.maker, 17& &" Britui,..."reet.
O'Brien (Peter) Cabine:t-mUer, 46 ,81".Jford-",re~
O'Srien (Rich. and Mich.) WMleAhl Woollen-dr!lpep,.5 UIAer's-quay.,
O'Brien {Thorn..) Hardwareowarehollle.l1 lMuo ./i;re.frafl(;e-stre.:(. .
O'Drien (Valaadae) Apothecary, 120 gt. 8 ....1Aint-lInet.
O'Brien (Wallam) Vintner, 8 Fi. . . . . .",...
QlCaHaghan (Wiliiam) Mathematician, US ~-strcM.
O'CooDOS' (George) Wire-worker, 20 st. BriIGi~Rr",.
O'CODnor (John) Irou...onIV, 12.8 J._,'~ltffet.
O'CoaDOT (Michael) Shoe-niaker, 18 Wnj"r~Il""'" ,
O'Connor (Robert) Fla. and Hemp-mal1ufacturer, 47, F4'a.ciN/re~'"
O'ConDor (Richard) Wia..merchant, 28 CMt!t-llrec1.
O'Connor (ThQlllae) ~ter, SO W~.
O'Connor (Thomas) Timber-merchant, 57 U""~ua!l- '
O'ConDor (VaL jail.) Merduant, 57. (lMe_s,rect. .
O'ConDOT (William) Tall~handler,96 Th_ ..street. , •
O'Conbors and Meere, Mercbants, 80 .MarlborougA.",uf.
O'Oonnell (C. T. aM Co.) Mer.cha.sad ___..., 10S F~.nciHI'TeeJ.
O'Oonnell (Daniel) ·Rope-maker, 11 C""~,. '.
O'Doanell (John) Wine and Spirit I8Orel, 155 MecftkRli.rgh-sITlt!".
O'OoDDell (Nathaniel) Apothecary, ~5 ". Brilai7WIreet. "
0'0..-11 (Patrick) Wholesa1eGroaer.5!} 77wmns-strm.
O'Donnell (Penelope) Grocer, 16 Cwff~"rm.·
O'OonneU (Robert) Merchaot, 13 84Che/Q,.'_",Ut.
O'OoDnell(Terem:e) Boot aocl S~er, 3.lllu) 8"tv~rtrm:
o'o.-d (John) Grocer aItd WifI'MlteHbaAt,· 8 Gntoo6j'-f'No
O'Fay (leremiah) Tallow-ehlftl'dI«, J4 W'ood-'!fiI«1• . . .
O'Flaherty (Hugh) LifI~, 9'5 K" 6rillli,..,1rBtII.
Ogden (Thomae) Hcltfet', 26' HfgA-tIftIet_. . .. '.
O'Gilby (James) Seo:(O' fht! DImlinlndiftltl"!"1 IS 'IJ/:~
Ogilby (james and Son) Mere_b, lI6 e;~. '.
Ogilby (Ll!6nvd) She,ill"'''peei'lIaiMetthftt,U 6t11l~ftI... N~
Ogle (Riebmf) ShC)ei.lI1akerj + Lelrillli"Mlrildl
O'oOrman (Richard) Wilolllln IrId Mud\est.....atel1oaR. S lJ~)
O'Halloran (lallle. aild EcIwdr'd} Ml!'rtMnts, '1 .,. ~IIf'«L.' )
O'Ha!loran (M.) lJftert'cfrllperl Sf> N. "i~1fImt, . ..
O'Hara (Henry &: Soli) H:udware It Silk-merchants, ~3. W. New-rrn..
O'Keeff'e (John) Linen-cinijlet, 54 No Kh~el.
O'Laughlan (Patric:k) Oroter; l' .A~Ht!I.
Ok\ham (Ecgene) P:tmtet, 8 BMriJl-IIfWf.·
Oldham(Hugh) Linen-iltatld'; 110 N;'KltIg"Sf'-'
Oldham (Samuel) Liaetl-cif'lp!r, 11 W~tlll.t1-"'tt!A
Oidham (Thoma.) AC:c:Ollfliroc!a<!dlMtotes, G....Jid.~.
O'Leary (Daniel) Orocer, 89 N. X-itt.,..,M!I.
O'Malley (Malacl.iy) L~~i, 7 N. gmg-Ilrd
O'Meally (lohn) 'tailor, "8. C~, •
'O'Meara (Echt~td) Partc)' H41,f-clreMt,.~ Wi'iaflHlffd.·
O'Neilt and Wllah; Oatpente\'t, 46 c.~~ .
O'Neill (Andrew) Breecllei-illaIlet-, 94I1ea~.
O'Neill (Arthu;) PrUiter, n Qall~.' ,
O'NeiU (Arthut) Silt.dyer, !IS CtIC'IfIIk. .
O'Neill (Arthat)· Wattf1o.lIIanllficnref; 101ltW!l..roa",
O'Neill (Bridget) Cdllfeetfol'ltr. 9C~.
O'Neilt (C.) TaUft'-riatr.a.r, l1li- J~:
O'Neill (G.) Vlntt!er u4 GtOc:er, $9 'iMUrwtf1t~f'l!'i, all. Delj/Iii"~
O'Neill (COD.) H1Ihhfare add ·Ttltbm~fOItltDt. J.t __ BrIIlfJHHJ
O'Neill (Daniel) Ormo....t'\IntJlo&II.t; Nn ~...",....
O'NeiU (George) Bwt *n. ShoMrlelert -11. N;-"'rlNitfld.
O'Ndll (H, A. an4 CCI ) Chl!e~t SJilc:e41 I'ktw.lifft'. ""1. ~
. .,

O'Neill (Henry) G:Oft!'I .7 n~,._.· '. .

O'Neill (John) BCIOt and Sh'cJe.otltalttr,,~....... .
O'l(eill (lohn) Beot Dd Shoe-mll ...., 48 ~'!IIlift..llrwt.
O'Noill (John) InA-kWper,; UM' .14WV~
O'Neill (John) Iron 'lllif Salt·ltlHelf, 121 lWnNJiWImII;
O'Ncill (John) FI8Ot-tIoU-miDdlet1A'e!'f 84 Cdt~.
O'Nelll (John) LineD"drlpe\\ 64 C~ .
O'Neill (John) MI!~h..,t,·2."1" ~y.
O'Neill (loli&) Taltow.<cb.bdlet, 4"'", ·8ritlli,..Mr'IH.
Q'Neill (Je&hua) . H~ilaf.1 711..rttflti~rdffi. •..
O'Neill (Margal',Ft) Lillen-,iralMr, 14 '~I.m:h'rHlel.
O'Neill (NieMlas)'V1er. Ui g1.Ili,...". "
O·Neill·(p.) Cbatitllerl I' MertlmPHfIf. _
O'Neill (Fat. «mI (,,'0.) WhoWtalrw.ot.......JIeIIs. -41 ./If>1't!J-ItMf,
O'Neill (Sarah). HaberddMt, 69 S. If'- ~'..~
O'Neill (William) ,I.lkltr,!tA:t. .
Ord (Al'tIlIlt)'hIt.....i ·. .' CtM-IImI; -
Ord (John) Tanner. 116 DJ},....·Hant.
Ord (Thomas) TanlMl'.79 c..r,,"SW«L.
Ord (WilIiam and Co.) Coal-factors, 9:1 T .....N7III...... ,
O'R~ilJy and Caul-fi~W, Fdthei", Rag lIE Paper.._hOUM, 91 Ft'OfIe;""';
O'Reilly (And.) Paper,mcJchat)t 11 Whole.. StasiDaer.
f)'Reilly (Andrew) Hardw_meschant. X"'IIfiI!I·Hau. ..
O'Reilly (AothlMt,) and ·Arcbitact,. .BttIl!JH.~
O·Reilly lEdmundj APOU:IUiII)". ltG, .
O'Reilly (Edwlll'\l) GRIIiCJ. to\ N~
O·ReillytjaIDCI) Ol'Dcer anll Wine-merchant, 5S MeClHtrtkf.
O'Reilly (John and Co.) Merchants. G A •.........,-.
Q'lleUly' (M$J Auoe) Ladi.,.' Bou-dill§1Clwol. 'Jl7 ~i...mcl.
()'ReilIy (Michael and Pur.fidJ) Line •• drapeRl, on PiJl..lane.
O'ReiUt (PbiUp) Gror&:r. 3ti MMbbot-:tlWl_
O'Reilly(Ricbard) Silk.m.:rcer. 5\1 CQ/k·;:t'lJreen.
Orm&by (J"hn}. Slator,. I R.uld~pI<lCt'.
Ormsby (Joseph) Clothier, 6 Clia'"lteroJl~.
Ormsby (Joseph MaiGu) Army-agent, H H~C4.
OrlMby (William) Marshal of the 1'0W'-<:oart.l, T1&o-...r«t,
O'Rourke (E. A. artd 1\1.) Su"-merctrs add MabeTdiUlh&:n. 5J N.-It.
O'Hourkc (Michael) Sh"""lIlllkcr, 1~6 6ulftmer-ltilt.
Orpin (Paul aDd Son) House-painters and Glaziers. 71 c.~.
Olr (Alexander) Me,rchant. 4U Marlbo''OllgIWJUuL
I)rr ([.aac) Linen-draper. 86 Pi/Mm",.
Olr (Rob~lt) Merchant, 7. M~"'·itm-iqlldrw!. S.'.. ..
Urr (WiIlil&m aAd John) Muslin-manufolctaren, 2. ~.~
Orr (WiIliam) }\uinter aDd Gluier, HO T-ollIlum • .,.,.
O.born~ (John) Silk.throw,ter, 5 PaTi·.treef. W.
O,borne (R. W. and T.. Molyncu:c) Watch-mak.,., 2 Gt"1fwa-ltret.c.
O.bQrnt: (Williaa,) Mlltdumt, 13 Dalfll!oCQllrl.
O'Sullivan and Co. Hatters. J08 Ti,Oil/Q.-iJrecI.
O'Sullivan (M. ad CQ.) HoItte11l, 13 lJUU-<iHo!l.
Owens (Joseph) Tallow-chaniller. 14 Nid•.;ltu-ittrrd.
Ollley ~wa,rd) EGOt·malr.-er. 5 C/z..,.cII»lUJU!.
OKley ('1'.) Whul~.ale WooUen-wart:hOUle. 16 Mert:II.,.t..lJUY.
Ot.l~in (Micha"') (:lothi.cJ-, 8rafHul_.
Face (lI1athcw) \\,ind·in~truU\eat_ker, !S ]{1IJIry..ltrl!lIf.
Pack (faithful C.) L1nd.c·lpe-palnter, t; Bf'dmaad',·'"lf.
l'a;,le}" (~on~} saeoi(\··... peft" apd Wiue-tooper. Ht.s,,,,,,,,,,r-hul.
Palm"r alld Orcyille, Coach-make... S. Mar.'I..QT<"I1.. .
l'_lm~r (Georg~ and Richald) Merchant.., .. ~.. s'''1'f't.
Palrn"r (G"org~) Lad,,,,, lih.,.,-ma{ter. 21 Sat:f.uj/kNtref'.
l'.lmer (Gcorge, jun.) Corn .... cIOl'. Pim_stT<Cl. .
Palmer (John) Hatter, ~ Tlflllple-bar.
l'almel·.(lohn and Co.) Ma'ehauts, 71 BdiC-M,eel.
Palmcr (Joscph) Silk..dyer, IS Mtalli-.w,,,U.
~alme-t' (~L.gcr _cl R.l.awtrcll) Coal,factor, 5 4t1(II&·l-qIl.6.!/_
l'~lmer (Thom.,) Coach-maker, 5 l'der'..MI'.
rapworth(George) Arrhit~ct, 40 J'.1aryrslretll. '
1',.'"l>y (Geu!/!,'.. ) Gen'-Ial AgeDt fllr O!liccts. aDd WiJo11's
.1)~11~;o!~·", Pcu",:.• :trw'fl, E.
Meri:lttm/s nnd Traders. PER
Parb (Edwarcl) Architect, 11 gt. SN"l1JJicINllWt.
Parker (Hester) Haberdasher, S· ..,.. 8"c!rviUe-lIIl'r1f1l.
Parker (John) (:.rd-maker, 611 C_6e. .
Parter (Samud) Boot arid Shoe-maker, ~" StqJ"en.lfreet.
Parker (Sarab) Confertiontr, 21 Almgier-.wetJI.
!'alker (Thomas) Clothier, 19 Br060on-rw.
ParkiulOn..,ci Fagan, Haberdaahen, !l7 ~,. SIItp..It7fJtl.
Park. (William) P.per-merckant, 18 Ualltr'...;IlitruI.
Parry (John) Bookseller aDd Stationer,' S3 Jlflgfl6ea.lMd. . -,
Panly (Anthony) Watch and CJac:lt-maku, 5~ G.".ft~· 0·.
Pano08 (John) Leather.dresser, 6S CarIt.."...· , . · · · ...::
Panotit(Thomu) Timber-merCbant and Artist-wlllfeb. S2-'Cold...r<:n. ... ·
Partington(lohn) Merchar.t. "16 York-si,*,.
Panin (William) Button and Trimining-wlrehouse, Sf; Go/dm-lane;,
Puley (John) Grocer, 19 N. FMI.ericIt "reel, corner of DaHtt-llteel• ...
Paltey (loshua) Wine-merchant, t Abbqj-strcet.
P,umore (Nicholas) Coach alld Saddle-currier, Hen"Y-$lrtIet.
PalmOR (Patrick) Carrier and Tanner, 92 CooWret1.
Pateraon (Franc:is) Advocate General'l Office, S Mecklerabwrgb-ll1'f!l!t•.
Pateraon (Jamea) Agent to Globe Imnr. Com. S7 Wutm~~·
Patrick and Co. Merchants, Office, BefIuMla-l"fle. ;\
Patric:1r. and Heney, Merchar.ts, 4 A,>Ioi1·s-p4g.
Patric:k (John) Merchant, 27 Rutiand-¥Juare, N.
I'attenon (George) Tin.plate-worker, 67 TA_HInt"
PaUerlOn (lol)n) Scriyeot:r, 196 "]I.
Patteraou (Robert and Son) Shoe-makeT, !S CAnthafll-Jlreef." ,
Patterson (WilIiam) Club.houte-keeper, S5 Colkge-grem.
Payne (1ames) Bruief, 136 Copel-llreet.
Payae (JGhn) Pocket-book-maker, 17 pmitmter.t...treel.
Part0n (Charles) Wonted-manufacturer, 69 Francf,.$Im(.
l'I:ace (lame.) Linen-<1raper, 1 N. KI"I/"",reet;
Pearce (Thoma~) Button-manufactuRr, 171'Copel-tlrtet.
Peck (William) Merdi'ant, 14 UIher·.-qua!l.
Peeie (William) Liqbid-lllacking-manufacturer, 20 Ab6eg-lf'rtd.
Peel (Jcthua) Barm-manufacturcr, '15 H ..ndf'icli-"reet•.
Peile (Henry) Cabinet-maker, 13 AUxy-stn!d.· -.:
Peile (John) Iron-monger to hi! Maj(sty's Ordnance, S2·W~!imd~.
Pelle, Loyelyand Co. Coal-merchants, Lukv-.otiett.· . :
Pdtier (Mons.) Academt, 21 MlWJl"llreeI. .
Pcmberton (William and Co.) Plumbers, SI EZ4:~ltr«l.
Pender (Alexander) Paper-stain er, 22 low. SackWtJeirlrcet~
Pender (George) TaUow-ehandler, 1 Wonnwood-gfiU". ,.
Peuder (J.) Tallow-chandler; 1 S3 Frrrilci,,"reet.
Penerather (Edwud) Saddler, 8 Noss(JIJ.-strect.
PenneU (Rose) StlJft:.manufacturer, 9 MarIt'l-G/Jey.
Penthony (Henry) Le"ther-ieller, S4 Corn~.
-. - .;

Pentiand (Charles and CeI.) Merchantl, 17 8"C»lm';.Mf/tiJJ; •.•

Pentlllkl (Ch as. & Sonl) Tider-Jilerehant, at Salt-A'l. . . ·/ltJg_·~
Pere! (Edward Hore) Auctioneer, 18 A~
Pernn (Arthur) Cabinl:t-maker, 11 Jeroi...,lrtel.
~errin (Geo. ~ S\Jn<) Law-stat. Print~ & Sookeellen, 10 1fJJ. Or,n0llll.,..
J!lf - M~tt:kafl.fs and Tradetl . 91
Perrin (G.) Printer, 85 Sffphea'"IPW". Offiee, 10.,..
Perrin (Jame. and Hcnry) Merchants, 64 ..f~"-"'"
Perry (Andrew) Grocer. 70 J"-fNlretl.
Perry (Mathew) Stoae-~Iltt..~ 7". &ra...."..,.
Perry (Thomas) MllIical-instrument-maker... A,.~~.
Perrr (Thomu) Trimming-al&aaiat:tul'Cr, 51'Fi,g~rtIIIfo­
Pwry (WiDiam) liaIier, fiO J)~et. . .
Peter aDd Mock!er, WatdJ. a~·Cloek-mak.u, 109 Crafl--eet.
Peter (ChristmaS a) Apothecary, 108 .l>«wt-Il.reec.
Peten (James) G _ . 6S B,ide,atrM.
Peters (John) Manut and Importer of Hosi4;ry. 15 Lei~t. .
Peten (M.) Londo,," DloIbliq Slay & Conet-warellouse.451
Petrie (lames) Miniature-painter aed Jeweller. 811 D~1't?d.
Pettigrew (HePl')') WeiP-masteI, Spitalj<tdcU-Cf'GfN.
Phdan (Andrew) Cork-cutter, 62 Thmllal~rlltC.
PhelaD (.lam:) DiuiUer or Cordial.. J ..fudeora',-arch.
Phelan (Jeremiah) Gla..-meubanl, 10 Luk....$lMlI.
Phelan (John) Qrocer and TObacconist, 14/1 JWI" 147 TIIR'tM~fhoeU.
Phelan (John) Skin-merchant, J Uliher·~·C~U7I.
PhelPl' and Hill,~~gis". 115 Ctq>eJ.s4r«1•.
Pbelpa(John) MerchaDt, 24 up, Dor.......... .
Phelps (Wilcockl and 1"hD) Mcrchanu. 112 Ctliw:.~1.
I'h€poe (Eleanor) T~ow-~bandler, S5 l'ooI6eg-"tTeI. . .
Phepoe (Nkhola •.) Tallow-chand~r, ~6 T~tr-'
Phihb. (John) Weaver, 2 1I4arlt's-alIq. .
PhiUip. (Francis) Coal-factor. 110 TU1UJIattId-ltrtd.
PhiUipa (Ioiiab) Painter and Glazier, 21 Golden-lane. '. .
l'halips (P. and a.) Refined I.iqllGrice &: Cbocolate-malluf. 12 ~'....
Phillip•. (l'hom ••) Silk. aDd .RibbOn-manufacturer. 19 Spil4/fieJ1iJI. .'
Philpot (Mary) TlUlbrKlge..warehoule, 9..fungieNtrreL . . ;
Pickering (Jamtl) Scale-maker, 7SPill-lane. . .
Pickering (Thomas) Paper and Rag-merchant, 8 ..fbbey-street.. .
Pick.ering (Wm. and Co.) Paper~manuf. and SUllone", 8,,~ S'rcu-.1It
Pidlleoll.{WilJia.. ) Wine-merchaDt. 20 Whiujriar-llrIet. . 1
Pigott (jame.) Skinner. 2S Wnuing-llrret.
Pigott (Johll) Skinner, 6$ WatliRg-urut.
Pigott (~tbew) Del£,qller, 55 up. XeII;"'Ntreet.
Pignu (WilJiam) Linen-draper. 10 N. XiRg-illUl.
I'ilkington (1. M.~ Haberda,her, " HeRI'!J-s4reet.
Pilkington (ThOJl)a') Watch-maker, SO .up. SackvlUe-llf'Ui.
Pilkington (WiIliam) Boot and Shoe-maker, 4 Grellt..-rtld.
PillWorth (Garret W.) Woollen-,draper,7 Na,_It,.,.
Pimand Goodbody, M"rcbants. 115 J ..'ntel'.."rM•..
Pilll (Jallles and SoD) S8 SumIfll!roMU, .ORice, S.
Pim (J ..~.n) Merchant, 115 J_a'..lI.req.
Pim (lv.hlla and JUleph) Merchants, 15, UJiet:',-iJ4rtt(. .' .'
Pim (Richard) Merchant. Brewer apd,.<;orn-iactor, 55 CiI!t.p.lI!I'"
Pim (ThQIJI~,_ ~onatbl!lI &lid JOIel!h). M~~hants. !l2 W;U~tr"#. ,
rim (Tobias) Mercbasl~. 67 .d."'gier-llreet.
Pitt (William) &a-fullnder, .15Gr~C7I"""tfl.
littM.(fejJ.Dl CfcIlckmitb. Wmdll .<1,6."",
PitaarQeIHIt MeJlClllIIIt. 111 K,7.rott~.· ' , ' : ~
Piltlllan (Laln_) Wbip-muer, ,1.""'4Ir~""
Place (Cbar~) Liaen-clraper. IS flUlfe.i#r'Id. '
.;'. . ,
~h,. -:

Plaat (Thomas) Conr~, !!W';.k~• ......,~ " ,..... ",

Plummer(&'M.) ONl_IDabt',~!J L~.· ''''''',
Plunlr.ett (JaIIe) "I"'~ .""".Imte.. :.. .:.: .'" '.
I'lunkett (JOLMat.Oliver& lI"')'~ I".N.,",~."" '
PluDbtt :(&icla. Jno. &:Co 5&a1euIlIIlerl, U "~.'S4-.t.2.....,
I>lunkett (Thomaa~ Silk-4yer" 1'9 MIlri'''''''~' :.
Poole (Samuel) Painter and Glllllier, .26 gf. ~ ..
,. - ' ~-
I'oole~) Brewer, 1JIaeII.pIf,: .' , ]'lj.,r.

I'• •_) W...aan-4nptir, 9.il_,,~ """".' '," ., "'" ,<

J>ope (illi&a) .,...~, s ~IJI. '. :" I " .
1'- .-.,
Pope (George) Nu....ryud ~_nt, 61 ~. I '., - "

J>ope (lohn) De~merdlaat, • u--.tfINI. _.'. '

PoppleweU (Tb....) 'Mi"WI'Sght eatlMl!cllioe-mKft", 611· CtwfHltie6#.
Porter (jol!n) Menlhant, 8 Ill_.~.
Ponir(Wttlialn) BookaeHer, '72~.
" .
' ,
Potter (Edward) Saddler, 68 ~HUet!I. :~ .
Potterton (Alexander and Co.~ -Hat-manufa«uPef8;' • J)"";'~"fIWJI.1 " i
PoUI (John and Co.) Pr"';e4l0l1M'fSaunder"8~8I', t. ~
Pounden (J. aadilllrii) iNo,.{o\llldBrs. ':"'f 1J.mlt,r/~ ,,,
Powe1l (Wlliiam) T,i_iD,J-lIkrchant, ~o W. New:"!'I'~ ..
Powe1l ("l"boIIIu}·a.IBet_ker..... ~; "
Power (A. and Co.) Silk-manut'aetuwete. ·9-1 I'tM'--eitI~. '
Power (Catheriae) ,Inn-keeper, :116 n~. . " ('
Power (Edward) ·Ctotftero-an-' ComfftislioD 'litOtes; '8- 8fJJlj'tHlh1. . ' .
. . . ·~niueis·T.)'IIIlIereb1rnt .. 1 RrtfItt1td-" 0IIic!~.'1.5 ·Mero\daf.~
Po_'~ 'Sa~-4ceeper. 1-99 FM~. ' • ...
Power (lames Pbtlip) GrorI!c' lind D,._tlff-tiim!ha~. 511"1tin!~·
Power (Jo.,hn, Thomas Se 00.) MePeh.'tfI6.Clorn4aC.·I~!TAi""'IIi_
Power (John aild -00.) Distillers,'-"... ,'J"""'~ , ' , ',; '," ...,
"""'(1, P.;)'Wh~te-papet'_rc!hant. le Stlltloeer, 61, n--. WifJti,
.Power (Peter) Wfiolesalc Grocer,aml TohftloOliW; t to n~"
Power (Thomas) Rec:tifyingOiitit.1er, -S,I MIJf'!/~ , , ,,-.' ~
Power (William) Musica~d.Inl.WDmeDt.RHet-•• w.eiI~""'~-'
Poynton (Francis) stlt_Dl'lfaetllfer, 112 ~ , " 1 ;.
l'oyntz.(Be!Jjamin) ·HoMer, 6tll-Jft..,e-J'f'f!d, ."
Prenderpst (Edward-lTa~hant, '66~. ' '.
Prentice (Peter) -smith and!lelJ-ba~,'" M~. .
Prcntice (Tbe_.) t'ilel'Chaftt, 1'1 N. ~ -." ..,.
Preston (John aad Sou) OdIiJlet~ma«er. lit ~iDne.,'8lJ~:
Preatwich (Iohn aail'~)()~ieo-wa~!Ie,' '10 RJI. Bt~wad . . .- ' .
Price (John' 'Prni'IIerer, "'.~. fJrittii,,~. :: " " , ' • ',',' ".'
Pr!ce (J. Roberts) ~p'?thecarr,wf16 ~~fcrWf.· ", .,':- : '.•
J>rice (R •. H.) Q~..aPMteuse. -(;6' CapI!l-Mrdtil1lfid,. "'d~,_.
Price{~as5' P~erer.Dd 'JJrazil!t', -2'1'S; ~ /lW" ,,:, - .: .
Priee ('nIemas) Printinr-1ti1t.azndart~,'5'1i~""'" ",
Prke (Thom..) Silk-manuflletarer, 1~&. O~ I J, .' .' " '.
Proudfoot (John) Cabinet.lftSker. i!!I .JW~., I '''' '; ..
P~r~-ell and Beauman. Prop, Mait-eoact..:oh, 'H-t... ...., ....
REA Merckan~nd TraderS. 93
Patadl (Peter) Packet-office, 18 ~U<J
Purcell (John) Iron-monger, 9 llr ge I-Il ,.::,'
Purely (Robert, Richard and Co.) ants 24 ZI1II7. ONllOlld--f1"IY.
Purfield (Jane) Tallow-ehandler, 37 ''';'b6ey
Purfield (Jane) Spirit-stores, 79 Fled_.~ •
Purfield (M. and E.) Linen-drapers, 211 , aR"~
~ (John) Porter-brewer. 19 Rail. et.
Pueterla (Anthony) Print"eeller, 149 Capet-
. Q. "
euaile (John) Spirit-stores, 47. City-f/U4Y. . _
Quartermass (M. A.) Milliner, 55 gt. Britai"-"~
Queleh (Joseph) Grocer, '16 Coot-.treet, and 85 S.'#,. Gellrge'Hlf'td.
Qnigan (Thomas) Currier, 23 Winetavem-s/reet• . '.
Quigley (M.) Wool-eomber and LinCll-Maper, 32 C~. .
Quigley (Mary, Jane Bc Son) Carpentt'fS Bc Timber-mtl\\l TutI1mtR/Wl.
Quigley (Michael) Cotton-manufacturer, '7 CoIe-all"ll-.'
QUigley (0.) W. Ch1p, Straw Bc BeaYer-hat Bc Hab.-wareh. ~ And1'e~M.
Quin (Chriltopher) Corn alid Hay..factor, 106 "1" ChlU'C1&~t.
Quin (Thomas) Tailor, .9 Trinity-place. '"
Quinn (Charle.) Pnmp-borer and Turner, liS Coo".
Quinlan (John) Painter and Glazier, 6 Aungier-Mreet.
Quinlan (William) Merchant-tailor, 41 S. gt. Grvrge's-&ln:el.
. ~ -
Radclilf '(John' Prop. Carllngford Beef Steak Tavern'; 21 AMon'I-<jUI1!1'
Radford (John) Palater and l'aper-stain~r. 29 Williall1o-street.
Ralferty Uohn) Linen-draper, 25 Cor,,-market.
Rafter (Patrick) Tallow-ehandler, S3 Thimuu-strea. '
Rainey (Samuel) Merchant, 42 8Iafford-"~t.
Rainsford (lames) Cotton-manufacturer, 29 Clumiber-Mreel.
RainskJrd (John) Merchant, 114 Ab~treet.
Ramsey (Alexander) Dyer, BrOlD,,-Ilrea.
Ramsey (lames) Merchant, 55 Abbe-,,-.olred.
Rankin (George, jun.) Wholesale Woollen-draper, 9 ZOfII. Brid,~~
Rankin (Joseph) Saddler, 12~ Capel-street.
Ranltin (T.) Umbrella-manufacturer, SO Cal>el-st. and 20 law.8acJ.-v.->l.
Ral\Jifo~d (John) Tin-plate-worker, 18 S. E"rl-.treel.
Raper (Peter) Boot and Shoe-maker, 4 EueNridge.
Rathborne and Co. Wax-ehandlers, 58 Euez-IIl,'e.;,.
Ratigan (John) Tallow-chandler, 19 8. C"mberla~dreeI.
Rayerty (James) Vintner, 16 littk Ship-street.
Rawdon (geQrge) Saddler and Harnes.. maker, 18 zt. Br/lain-"reel.
Raw.Jins (Adam) Merchant, 20 ElUlace-ltreet.
Raymond (William) Watch and Clock-maker•. 114 SI, Britai,_reeL
Read and Frazer, Army-agents, 9 HClWy-lIrect.
Read (Gabriel) Broker, 91 Bride'I-,,(Je/l'
Read (J.) Knife & Sword-eutler & Surgeon'alnst.-maker, 8 C"*ge-grern.
Rea.f (J~ne) Grocer. 40 N~w-m.a.rkel. "
Read (John) Carpimtel, lIO Mecklenl1Ur;;h-Itred•
. Read (John) Clothi!'l, 10 CI.a".bet--Itreet.
Read (Mary ADn) Tobll(;conilt, 17 Claurch-llrea.
lI815] . N
9+ Mercluln/s id Traders. REV
Read (T. cl:. Co.) Knife, Sword a. .irgi~\'in.t.-makera, 4 ParUa1llllll4--'
Reddy CAhce) Harne.mah ~S PiU-lat&e.
Reddy (John) SaddJer and Hlen-maker, S7 Km.'II-pOI1.
Reddy (Neal) Grocer 18 -<lrna.-llree1.
Kedmond (Andrew) Mer;mt, .7 Capd4lreet. •
Redmond (DeDia) Set-c,per, 9 1I1a7lcWlreet. '. (
Redmond (MichaeJ) G,cer and Spirit-merchant, 38 10111.
Redmond (MOIeI)i: 1J er, 19 Bride'-uey. _
Redmond (Thomas rocer, 50 Graft07l-lIree1. .
Reed {Christopher a:K-ci andler, 9 D._rk-slreel. .
need (EJiza), 10 Trinit!/"*"t.
Reed (George) QUon-manufacturer, 6 BrabazOlWlreee. .
Reed (J. cl: R.) Vholeaale Calico cl: Mualin-warehouae, 15 low. Sridge-••
R.eed (Robert" )ferchant and Broker. H Fleel-street.
Reed (Samll'>? Alderman, DawlOlI-atmIt.
Reed (Thoa>ai) City-plumber and Gua-powder-ollice, 31 DaWlOR-It,... •
Renes (~h.) Clothier, 1. and 36 Cha'llliJer.llreel•
. Regan (Jolm) Fruiterer, 18 Ctlkge-gmm.
hid ·CloW.) Turner, J6 gc. Shil~street.
Reid (~trick) Muslin, Calico and Linen-rac:lor, 7 Lifll!f&-llall-stn4
ReWy (Chriltopher and Co.) Tallow-chandlers, 4 CIa"rch-law:, S. '
Reilly (Chriltopher) Cooper, 58 low. Kevir&-Ilreel.
Reill.l:{Christopher) Hosier, 18 "p. Bridge-llreet.
- Reilly (Edward) AnrhM'smitb, 101 Jl.oiJIJl'_'~ . -
Reilly (Hugh) Bum-brewer, 102 N. King-street.
Reill)' (Hugh) Linen-draper, 20 N. King-Ilreet.
Reilly (James) Grocer, 55 ThtnfllJMh'eel.
Relliy (lames) Haberdasher, 39 Niclwltu-strctJt.
Reill)' (James) Hosier, 10 CImI-JtlQrket. .
Reilly (James) Tailor, .43 Clarendon-streel.
Reilly (Jamea) Vintner, 60 gt. Brifai_reet.
ReiUy (John) Apothecary, 128 TAom_street.
Reilly (John) Grocer, 16 PiU-lane.· ,.
Reilly (John) Linen-draper, S3 S. King-streu.
Rei1ly Uohn) Baker, SO Dmzille-nreet.
Reilly (John) Measurer, 48 Townset1,ll-Btreet. •
Reli, (Laurence) Harness-maker, 105 N. King-street.
Reilly (Margaret) Silk-maaufacturer and Haberdasher, 84 .DIJfI1B-urtil.
Reilly (Mary)' D!!lf-seller, 78 up. Dorset-slreel.
Rcilly (Michael) Currier, 19' Winelavem-81reet.
Reilly (Micbael) Quill-dealer, S Merclumt' ..qu.ay. _
Reilly (Peter) Wholesale Iron-monger, 129 TIlonuu-llreel.
Reill, (T.) Breeches-maker, 38 Walling-8lred.
Reilly -(Thomas) Grocer, Barrac/t,streel. -
Reilly (Thomas) Hosier, 17 Com-market.
Reilly (Thoma&) Rope-manufu:turer, 86 ThOflltJS-1In4
Reilly (Thol.) Spirit-stores, Starch Bc Blue-manuractu.rer, ~ JalRQ·..a1'
Rennes and Co. Merchants, 2 Luke-6tretlt. .
Renshaw (John and Son) Coach-platen, S5 low. ~,ay.
Revell (Charlotte) Silver-plater, 17 S6cf.Ultlll'e-tJlJ.
P..enll (James) Linea·draper,.17 CtIIIle-81rret. -

RalJ Merchants and Traders.

B.eynolds (Bemard) Apotheeaty, 8S Brltie-Ilreel.
Reynolch (Edward) Groeer, 1 Hen.ry-IlrM.
Reynolds (James) Silk-manu(ac~urer, 7 w: HUllover-llrtet.
Reynoldi (Laughlin) Tobacconist, 187 Tot~llIt(nd-slre,'"
Ileynolds (Patrick) Clothier, 8 Jolm-.'reef. •
Ileynold. (Patrick) Grocer, .s Marll'Nu,le. ,
Reynolds (PhUip) Tallow-chandler, 87 M,"tttl,.'!reet.
Reynolds (Thomas) Linen-draper, Clarke's-6ri!lt,. 8ummer-4ill.
Ileynolds (Thomas) Salesmaster, 65 No King-"rm. ,.
Rial (John) Vintner. 21 8f1ctJf1llWe-alk!J.
Ribton (Henry and Co.) Woollen-drapers, 80 Da_streel.
Richarde (William) Builder, 26 Rarllf0rd-strm.
Richard80n (Anne) Fnliterer, 22 Bolton-llreel.
Richard.on (Daniel and Son) Cargers and Gildera, 18 llachelOf'.·~.
Richardson (J.) Haberdasher and Milliner, 8 "p. Sachille-Mreel.
Richard80n (John) Baker, 92 TAtmUll-Ilreel. ,.
Richard80n (Mary Anne) Straw-bat-manufacturer, 25 NtllBfJv.«reeI.
Ricbard80n (R) Stocking Dd Pantaloon-warehouse, 2.We"morlarui.llr,
Ilichardson (Ralph and T.) Mercbants, 56 BoltlWl-Itreet.
Richardson (W.) Merchant, 7 WiUiam·.·rov.~
RichardlOn (Williaoi) Merchant. 2 FredBrick Ilreef, N. .
Richey (Alexander) Linen-draper, 26 low. 8acltvilk-,treet.
Richey (Andrew) Linea-draper, 22 Dame-#reet. .
Richey (Robert) Linen.draper, 91 Gmfltm-sln¥t.
Richey (William) Silk-manufacturer, 4 H~t~
Richmond (John) Generai-accoUDtant, 6 Le.ilster-streel. '
Rickard an. Deapard, lron·monger., S6 Capel-MreeI.
Rickard (Edward) Shoe-maker. 82 "p.~;,
Rickard (Mathias) Baker, 144 No KiAg-Itred.
Riddall (Sir Jame.) Sherrifl"s-pecr and Merchant, Riclamond.
Ridgeway (William) ChandlC!', 10 S. p. George'Hlrtel.
Rigby (John) Gua-maker, 19 SvJfoU.·ltreelo
Rigga (John) Confectioner, IS Leiflller-1trWt.
Ripey (Christopher) Menrhant, 122 81. BriJairHIre&
Rihill (Hugh) Grocer, 9 S~.
Riky (Robert) Army-dothier and Woollea-manuf. I, Brount-"""', S;
Ring (Thomal) Bailder and Measurer, ~•
• Ringwood (WUliam) lroa-founder, 16'4 CAurdHlHtII.
Rinkle (Thomas) Silk-dyer, 3 I~lI'
Risk (Anne) House-painter, 1 W~.
Risk (Charles) Grocer and Wine-merchant, 172 CAvrcA-llreef.
Ri"ett (John) TaUor, 7 Cf'fIID-Itr«I.
Roach (Patriek) Sail.maker, 59 Cil,'l"'fUa!/.
Roacbe (Michael) Mercbant, 118 T~.
Roaake (ldichael) Boot and Shoe-maker,' SacktJiU,.",.,.
Robe (I.) Milliner, 2 N. Barl .,reeI.
Robert8011 (Wm. and I,) Seal-cutters, tn up. Ormtmd-tJutrfl.
Robinson and TodhuDter, Merehants, 115 Roger""',,p:l!J.·
Robin80D (Eliza) Watch-gla_maker. 44 CII!rfIMIY.
Robin80n Uohn and SoD) Merchants, SI) Bride-lI4ree1.
Robimon (John) Confectioner, 80 Queell"llre.(,
96 M.:rclu"fIIs· and Traders.· ROR
Robinaou Uohn} Lapidary, 6 Crou>-1Ind
llobiD~n (John) Paper-maker, ~4 U-"er'~a!J' '
RobinlOD (John) StoDe-cutter, 43 MecJderaln"W4-1h'eet.
Robinoon (Jo<:eph) Carpenter, 9 Guldea-ltJRe.
RobidlOn (Margaret) Engruer, ~8 Euu-str«t;
RobinlOn (R.&: Co.) Phoenix Iron-work." Steam.eDg.-manuf. Porlcg.-s.
Robi....,n (Wm. and Co.) Who Woollen, Afanche5ter and Commis.ion_
warehOIUe, 8 Xi"I:'I-ill.....,IUJ!I.
RobinlO& (W. W.) Jeweller, Gold and Silver..mith, !Ii'! Suff~
RobinljOn (William) Jeweller, 18 AHgiuea-"red. .
Jlobin50n (WilIiam) Painter and Glazier. 9 Duk"..",,·et.
RobillBOQ (Wi\liam) Pale-butt and Porter-brewer, Black-pitl.
Rocc:hi (Lewi.) Artificial Floweri..t, S3 C" Bri/.;.-siret!l.
Iloche and Mc. Carthy, Boot-makcrs, 18 ParlUJfllenl...,rm. .
Roche (Hannah) Gun-powder and Shot-seller, g SI"JI,",,,..t'IWI.
Roche (John and Co.) Merchant.. Ollice, 9 gl. Stralld-lIWcd.
Iloche (Sarah} Daby-linen-warehouse, 69 Gtwfto"'''r«I.
Iloche (Richard) Grocer, 59 MetJl4..trw1.
Jlochfort (John) Wine-merchant, 36 DaneI"",,",.
Rochfort (J. s.) Of6ce of Inquiry, S5 D""ullick...,reer.
Rochfort (Thomas) Merchant, 58 T~reeL
Roc1t (Bridget) Straw-hat-maker, 1. B •.;dt>-.t_1.
RoI:It (Patrick) Corn-chandler, IS2 Ck...-ch-flreel.
Rodgers (Thomas) Cabinet-maker, ~ Wer6urgll-sirefl_
JlDe (John) Land..uneyor, 10 Merri""""",,,. ,
Iloe (N'lCholas) Distiller, 15 MtU'f'fIUIboae-la.e.
Roe (Peter) Glazier, 55 S. Kirtg-lh'eel.
Roe (Peter) Merchant, N. Fit,..,illia'llll-lflUWtl.
Roe (Robert and Henry) Merchants, T_pk-&u-.8IId 1 Cmmplo/l"fltlay.
Roe (Thomas) Tanner, 311 Mill_et. '
Roe (William) Tin-plate·wolker, 21 Dvke-llrtel..
Ror" (.Andrew) Grocer, B~-flreet.
Ilogen (John) Keeper of the Club-houae. 54 Sgcliville-#rNt.
Iloaen (John) Tobacconist, 7 Kn;r&'.-porl.
Rom (JOIeph) Brazier. 16 and 17 Bod-larte.,
R.ogert (Owen) Haberdasher, 122 CapeNlred.
Ilogers (Thomu) Baker, 53 S. Xing-Ilred.
Ilogect (Thomas) Metal-founder, 160 CklUCh,,'reet.
Rocen (Thomas) Tailor, 42 gt. -Strand-llrtlel.
Rogerson (John) Merchant, 59 WilliolA-llreet.
Iloolte (Henry) EngraTer and Jew"ller, 14 Crm"l"oIHglfrt.
Ilooney (Dominick) Grocer, 31 MR"!J"6Ireel. ,
Iloodey (Edward) Carpenter" 62 BrUlgeflHll-llred.
ROOIley (J.) Woollen-draper, 43 C~re"'. .
ROOIley (James) Brush-maker, 62 S. ct. GeurV~. .
Rooney (John) ·Grocer. li N. KiJ&g-ure"'. "
llooDt'y (Sa~ and Son) TimQj!r-merchaota, 52 Br~lJOl,..llreet.
Rooney'(Thomu) Smith a,nd i1al'rier, 10 ~st,'I't:1.
Roouey (Walter and John) Brewen, ss Q~
Rooncy(William) Baker, 149 Franci..stred.
Rorke aDd Fltzl'atrick, Pin-maker" 29 W. New-rtYW.
/RYD Merchants, and Trader•• 97
Rorke (D.) Haberdasher, 42 gt. Brjlain-"reef.
Rorkc (Edmund) Printer, 10 Bereifurd-itrce,.
Rorkt: (John) Boot and Shoe-maker, 30 gt . .iJri'ain-Cr«l.
Rorke (John) Merchant, 26 {laher·,-qvny. .
Rorke (Waiter) Wafch·maker and Jeweller, 24 low. Sacltwo.".,.,.
Rosliorough (Samuel) Lil1ln-merchant, 27 CluJrIu·.treeL
ROIl (lames) Tallew-ch.ndler, FOfA1II#·...',... .
Roasiter, Shaw and Co. Wholesale and R.etail Hosiers, 61 »-e-~ .
Rotheram (Wm.) Tallow.t"handler and Soap-manuf. liL &ra».m:et.
Rothwell (John) Shoe-maker, 208. g" George·..lIreel.
Rothwell (Thomas) Tallow-chandler, 202 gt. Brllnin-tlrttL
Rounds (Alice) Paper..tainer~ SS S. gl. Geurgc·&Oftrtel.
Rounds (George) Cotton-manufacturer, 16 Bmi"uIJail6-Jilred.
Rounds (Jane) Linen-draper, 21 N. Xing-llreet.
Rourke (John) Cotton.manufacturer, 4 Elbotv-ltllle.
Rourk~ (Thomas) Watch and Clock-maker, 4 Man·14w.e.
Rowan and Hamilton, Lace and Mdslin-warehouse, 46 Aa.., 11•...,.
It.oycraft (Gilbert) Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer, 14 D~
Roycraft (Tho~as) Wine-cooper, 78 Abbey-SIre.'.
Ruth (Patrick) Painter and Olazier, 2S S. Kirig•.<4ree1.
Ruasel (Bernar.) Whip-maker, 49 Bridgifaot-llre.:t~
Ruasel (B. C.) Merchant, 19! QIU'en-street.
Russel (Catherine) Haberdasher, S3 Stel'ben-ttreef.·
Russet (Henry lit Ed.) Woollen-drapers&: Merehant-tailora Sf JrlUtae»-&.
R_I (James F.) Clothier, 4 Derby·"!u/lre.
Runel (John) Builder and Carpenter, 11 RUIId-place, M~.
Ruuel (John) Fruiterer, liS Bolton"""'. .
Russel (Joleph) Wool-comber, .? Spitalfteldl.
RUlsel (Maria) Fruiterer, 18 Nauau-Jtreet.
Russel (Mary Anne) Hatter. 41 T_ple-lJar. .
RUlsel (Newbold) Wholesale Linen and CaliCO-llIerchaot, 8,l.lIritJp4.
RU88e1 (William) Stone-cutter, 18 Beregurd-1ln!eI,.
Ryan (Anne) Milliner and Haberdasher, 39 Cal1eI-Ve4. .
Ryall (Alida) Cheese-monger, US N.King-6/.r'ea.
Ryan (Charles) Skinner, 60 Walliflg-strtel.
Ryan (Denis) Stone-eutter, Su'ifl·~.
1\yan (1.) Tailor, 8 lit. BJ itaiR·6Cnel.
Ryan (John) Skinner, S2 Walling-meet.
Ryan (E.) BoRnel and Fancy-head-dr<!Ss-maker, 58 .M~ • ...,
R yan (I.aurence ) Perfumer, 111 Capcl-street.
Ryan (Michael) Victualler, Colc·...rone-....r/ul.
Ryan (Richard) Painter and Glazier, 9 N. Ki8K IIIWf.
Ryan (Richard) Wig-maker, 109 TOU11ll<!7ltf,.lIreet.
R yan (Thomas) Silk-mal\llfolcturer, 42· ClUlie-stn:d.
Ilyao (Wiltiam) Saddler, 92 Thumtu-atreel.
Ityan (William) Straw-hat-Wan!hol\&e, 10 Call~.
Ryder (.wdrew) Silk-mannfacturer,·5 W. H_,-1InIrI.
It.ydel' (Mic:hael) Baker, 6 .M_ _ ree,.
Ilyder (Patrick) Baker, 104 A6IIe!l..,reu.·
Ryder (William) Liverpool-packet-house. 57 Gur:e'~.
18 Merchants and Traders. SEA
Sadler (Willi:lm) Picture-seller and Painter, 49 Grafi01l-!f~I!t.
SaD (George) Bell..founder and Iron-monger, 3 A,.,.an-quq!J'
Salmon and Christie, Lihen-factora, Office, LinerWlall.
Salmon (Gt:m-ge) Linen-ciraper, 139 Capel-Ilf'eel.
Salmon (J.) Saddler, 108 Capel-slreet.
Salmon (John) Book-binder, 9 S. COl'e-itreet.
&!moo (W.) Plailter of Paris & Composition-manur. S ,dngiuea-streef.
Salter (George) Tallow-chandler, 108 Jame,'s-street.
Salter (William) Dealer in Hides, Bonharn-.treet.
iianders (George) Md.lin-warehouse, 24 Clare-lIred.
Sanden (J.) ~ raoe Stores 8: Mere. Carriage-e.tablishment, 23 JerfJU-ltr.
Sandford (Michael) Drawing-master, 45 HeT&f'!j-6treet.
Sandford (Patrick) Looking-glass-manufacturer, 45 Henry-~reet_
Sandys (Robert) Architect, 19' S. Allne-slreet.
Sankey (Henry Gore) Alderman, 6
Sankey (John) Sberi!f's-peer and Wine-me. chant, 21 Baggol-str,et.
Sargent (Henry) Tailor, 37 Bollrm-slrect.
Saul (Frauds) Silk, Poplin and Tabinet-manuracturer, 12 SJlitarJields.
Saul (James) Woollen-draper, 4 High-.lre'l.
Saunden (Thomas) Optician, 6 S. E. CllUrch-laM.
SallDden (William) Carperrter, 56 Mecklenbltrgh-street.
Sange (Andrew) Carpenter and Builder, 123 N. King-ltrrel.
Sange (Arthur) Apothecary and Drnggist, 30 Meath-llree,.
Savage (John) Boot and Shoe-maker, 144 CIzUf'Ch-strcet.
Sauge (Patrick) Coacb-maker, 8 Bolt",,-Itreet.
S:1"age (Sylvester) Brazier, 45 BaCic-/d'IIL, and 105 Thomas-liTeS.
Sayers (Richard) Merchant, 47 Mdrlborough-nrwt.
Snnliln (Mathew) Paper-maker, 8 and 9 Coo"-"~el.
&canlan (Mathew) Tailor, 40 Ci/y-qutJ!I'
Sc:anlan (Patrick) Wholesale Merchant, 21 BlUtace-llr«t.
Scarlet (John) Grocer,Shot and White-lead-warehouse, 12 Stolty-batter.
Scho6eld (John) Cabinet-maku, 59 M~c/deftburgh-strcet.
8chooles (Alexander) A.potbecary, 107 Cal'el-street.
&ott and Bouniquot, Factors, 18 N. Aline-street.
btt and Co. Army-clothiers aud Accoutrement-make,,_ SS DdlDSOn~
Scatt and Son, Watch-makers, 41 r...afion-strect.
Scatt (Anne) Linsey-manufacturer, 23 Sweeny's-lane.
Scatt (l)a"id) Straw-hat-manufacturer, 56 Mary-Ilreet.
&ott (john) Carpenter, 41 Mnnl,t!omery-street.
Scott (John) Silk-tb.rowster, 37 New-slreet.
Scott (John) Timber-merchant, 54 Toumsend-slreel.
&ott (Samuel) Merchant, 23 low. Gardinef'-slreet.
&ott (S. H) Satiu-manufacturer, 10 New-street.
Scott (William) Dye-stufF-warehouse, 24 S,epTum-sJreet.
Scott (William) Cabinet-maker and Upholder, 44 Slaffurd-stffi:t.
Scully (E.) Tailor, ss Bzc:he'luef'-lIreet. •
Scully (John) Merchant-tailor, 58 Darainiclt-.r«t.
Scully (Timothy) Turner, 11 Ash-street.
Scurlog (Gregory) Wine-merchant, 44 -Dom;lIiclt-ltf'rIJ.
Seale Uohn) Baker, 13 SrflQcf<.alle!l'
SHE Merchants and Traders. 99
Seaton (William) Merchant, 60 up. Saclrville-sJreel.
Seaver (John) Leather-seller, 8 Back-lane. '
Seaver (William) Tallow:-chand,ler, 4 Boot-klne.
Seed (Richard) Watch-maker, 20 Bride-llreet.
Segrave (Nichola.) Delf and Glass-seller, III Dorlet-sJreet,
SegrQv. (Richard) Tallow-chandler, 134 gl. Britain-street. :
Seglne (Thomas) Tobacconist and Tallow.,chandler, 1 Kevi.· ...llreel;'
Sello!! and Carmody. Hal'dware and Trimming-merchants, 67 Pill-lov.
jiemple and Co. Merchants, North-waU. .
Semple (John) Sheriff's-peer and Build~r, 21 Marlborough-Itreet.
Sext..n (John) Grocer, 32 Lijfey-street.
Shallow and Power, Dry--coopel s, 14 up. Liffey-llr"t.
Shanley (Henry) Spirit-stores, 29 Temple-bar.
Shanley (James) Wine-cooper, 10 Fleet-sJreet.
Sh.nnoD (Cornelius) Tanner, Ki17nainham.
Shannon (Edward) Woollen-draper. SI Castk-sJreet.
Shannon (Eliza) Haberda.her, 101 gt. Britabwtreet.
Shannon (John) Silk and Tabiuet-man'ufacturer, 28 Dafll~
Shannon (Mathew) Tallow-chandler, 75 Pill-lane.
Shannon (Mathew) Tanner, 95 James's-Itreet. ~
Shannon (Oliver) Tanner, Mount Brown.
Sharkey (Tho:nas) Wholesale Linen-merchant, 45 1001. BridgHlreel.
Shar.k.ey (Valentine) 81"tor, 16 Kevin·s-port.
Sharman (John) Teacher of Writing and Geography, 22 DaVIIMWtreet•
. Sharp (Benjarriin) Chip and Straw-hat and Lace-w,areh. 99 Cha~.r.
Sharpe (John) Tin-plate-worker, 30 Nicholas-street.
, Sharpe (Samuel) Breeches-maker, S3 Moleswartlwlreet.
Sharpley (William) Inn-keeper. 40 C"urcl.-~reel.
Shaw and Carroll, Merchants, IS Granby-row, ."
Shaw and Richards, Who Hatters, Haberdashers,&: Agents,25 Welln&.-&
Shilw (Bernard) Sec. to Eagle Insurance Office, 2:'1 Da11UNtreet.
Shaw (Charles) Linen-draper, 15 Stel'4e'll-Slreel.
Shaw (John) Apothecary, 71 gl. Brilain-sJrlNt.
SholW (John) Clothier, 6 AI'!lee.-street.
Shaw (Ralph) Merchant, 9 White's-lanp, Office, 2 Georgl/"''1U1J!/, .
Bhaw \Sam.) Eflgraver and Copper-plate-printer, 18 B.g,. Geor,e's-#nd.
Sha ... ~Thoma.) Saddler, 16 Bolton-street.
·Shaw, Turbett and Co. Merchants, 2 BlUlIelor',-walk.
Shaw (Wiltiam) Merchaut~ 10 gt. Denmark-sIre..,.
Shaw (W illia,") Music and, 105 A~reel.
Shea (Elia.) Tailor, Ig5 Totunse,,,l-..trcet. .
Shea {Patrick) Coal-fact..., Luke-stred,
Shea (Philip) Carpenter, 18 Manor· street.
Sheil (lames) Tanner, 44 DoIJlliin' .. ba,.,.-l~ne.
Sheil (John) Timber-merchant, 150 gt. Britain-itreet.
Sheilds (P,) Vintner. 12 Mary-strcet.
Sheppard (H.) Haberdasher, 12 Arran-quay.
Sheppard (J. and C,) Grocers,12 Steplll!1l"-J:Teen, N.
Shtrid:m (James) Baker, 4.5 PatrirJt-'tr.~I.
Sheridan (James) Iron-founder, 163. CI",rc/,-streel.
8heriaan (James) Tailor, g6MoIeIlUJlWth-urcel.
100 MercMnts tmd Traders.;, sa
Sberidaa (JohD) CJa.ndln-, 97 FranciHtrut.
IIbl:l"uIan (John) Grocer, 1 WeIlmlWlaflJl-lIr«t.
aJIHttdan (M. and Son) Dell_lien, 156 gI. BrilaifWlretl.
8he"dad (Margaret) Starch and Blue-manufacturer, 25 J1d..ltrJtc.
Ih"riliu ( ...trick) Shoe-maker, 155 I!t. Br~
Sheri.laa (Thoma.) Grocer. 102 FrafICN-IIreet. '
.cidP (William and SoD) Clothiers; 17 S. Jol~. ,
IIkdock (D.'Iid IUICi Sap) Merchants and Brewers, 8. K~
Iheriock (Joseplr) Auctioneer, S7 Steplift-MfWI.
SbedDc:k (MKhael) Baker, S5 Mary'fotJb6eg. '" C
lberlodr. (Robert) Feather-merchant aDd Poulterer. 6 lit 7PaIridl-lA'. ;
~ (Iho_ and Co.) Provision-merchants, 101 ..dbbe,...ieet.
Ihernrd, BrasliDgton and Glteoe. Land-snr'leyora, J BIeui~,
~d (Thoma. and &aa) Agents and Secretariea to the Q,JIlPliI,...
8ioDen W ide-atreets, IIbi ngton-.reet.. •
&benodt (JOIeph) Tallow-c:handler, 52 gt. Br;lai_treel.
8IIcny (Andrew) Cooper.nd ,Spirit-.tord, 65 Ma,,!!'1-la7te.
8benrin (John) Goldsmith, S9 GoIden-lane.
8benrio (William) Com-ehandler, 1114 Churek-streel.
Shenrin (William) Wholesa1e Goldsmith, and PawllbrQir.e.r of Plate,
\\'atchea and Jewela only~ 6 William-II1'ef!I.
SberwooIl (Thomas) Leather-seller ~d Shoe-maker. 18 Cora--TkcI.
abiod (James) Architect, 9S BtWJot-street.
Shiae ( Seelf..merc:hant. 16 Hardwiclce-plACeo
tihioe (William) 'Woollen-clraper, 90 Dame-strut.
Sbidey (James) Pewterel' and nratier, 78 FleeMtreel.
Short (Ja~ Fan"1-wig-mUer, 6 CooriWe.
Shoal (Jamea) Silk-manufacturer, 41 Culle-Itreet.
, lihort (John and Son) Wine and Porter-merchants, 28' Camdm-llred.
Shutter (ThoJ1\lll} Auctioneer, 16 lit. Britai,,-I(rse~
Sibtholp (Henry) Glazier, 18 Erchang~6lrtet"
Sibthorp (Luke) Painter and Glazi"r, l' PaIM~atreel.
tiibs (Goorge) Tea-merchant, 127 .dbbey.-Mreet.
Sillery (John) Painter andalazier. 17 gl. Ship-Ilrut.
Iill,. (John) Shoe-maker, 10 W~!I' .
Simmoa. (The_9) Linen-draper, 10 Bride-meet.. .
Simpson l Alexander) Glover, ·107 GTflfiu"'"'t"et. . .
$impIon (AieIUlBder, jun.) Glo'ler, 16 Iuw. Sac~"ine.;ll"et.
SimpoOn (John J) Woollen-draper and Mercer, 66 Dame-atriet•

• imptOll' (T-.lln8ll) ~chant. 1 ColIege-gteeL
(Patrick).Apothec:ary: and Chymist, 65 "I'; Darlel-llreel.
Singlehurst (Joa.and Co.) Hosiers and Haberdasher., 19 Va_urtd.
Singleton (John) Cotton-manufactnrer, sS' Cor~'.
Singleton (WiIliam) Mm:hant-tailor, -2' OnllOlld-quay.
Sinneu ~;) C.biaet-maker, ,106 .d6bey-oCr«f. •
5innett (J.T.) Wholesale Silk.merchunt, 8 Merc/ttJnI'l-tJUtly.
I\.UuIet:t (Nicboaa.) Clothier, S BrabaSMW'otO.
SiSlOn (B. J. and Co.) Merchants, 12 FIm-IIrf'-t.
SNoiI (;Ionathan) 'MerChant, Office, 8 Mtlf'i:IumI·l-tJU'l!I.
Skdlern (George) Braas-founder. 4S RiIhop-8treel.
Skell), (lames) COok· and Cobf'eetiooer, 27 ul'.'Ontwt!.d-tpUJy.
&MI Mefcltants and Traders. 101
~;keyo (John) Wine-merchant, 3 SU7lI'rner-ldll.
Slater and M'Gloin, Tallow-chandlen& Soap-boilets; 106 up. Dorsel-sIl
Slater (John) C03ch-spring-maker, Willia1ll'S·TCYlQ. Badlelor's-Wlllk.
Sleven (Elizaheth) Linen-drapet, 125 Francis.slreel.
Sleyin (Christopher) Circulating-library, 48 CllaTle,."otU-slreet.
Slimaa (Jam.,6) Ship-broker, Long-room, Custom-house.
Sloan (Archibald) Stolle-'cutter, 12 Crane-n,·cel.
Small (James) Tailor,. 2 MOlint1'a(~slreel.
Smart (John) Silk-dyer, 17 Spilaljidds.
$mith and Hawthorn Merchants, 5 L urgdn-SITeet.
Smith (Anne) Bookseller, !l6 IJorsel-strcet.
iimith (Anne) Stdmp-st..t ioner, 3 Cramplon-court.
Smith (Bernard) Grocer, 33 Camde71-streel.
Smith (Brent) Iron-monger, III G-rajtm-street.
Smith (Brett) Printer and BOdkseller, 46 Mary-streeL
Smith (Ch.rles) Habnda , her and Milliner; 78 G-rllfton-street.
Smith (Charles) Linen·- draper, 70 Grajtoll-sITeet.
Smith (Edwaid) Iron-monger, 29 College-green.
Smith (Ele.aor) Linen-draper, 40 Willian~st>·eet.
Smith, Ensor and Co. Paper-stainers, 22 Nassalt-street.
Smith (Henry) Linen-draper, 98 G-rajiol!-strcet. .cl
Smith (James) Grocer, 6 Fislwmble-st,·cet. -
.Smith (James) Paper-manufacturer, 38 Cook-slreet.
Smid> (John) Che""e-monger, 2 Castle-1Itorket.
Sm ith Oohn) Haberdasher, . 92 G·rajtoll-street.
S",ith (John) Ladie s Shoe-m.ker, lG7 gl. i hitain-stred.
Smith (John) Tanner, 50 I)olplu"n 's-bar,l•
.l;imith (John) Viotner, 47 './frran-qll.ll!l.
Smith (John) Watch arH Clock-maker, 4 Ha mmond-lane.
~mith (Joseph) Mercha.n t, 124 Townsend.-streel.
Smith (Michael) Bak",', 21 AlldTe'lu·slreel.
Smith (Patrick) Grocer . g Fishamble-slret;"
Smith (Patrick) Spirit-stores, 46 Mat""!l's-lrme.
Smith (Patrick) T imber-merchant, 8 Bonllam-streel.
Smith (R.) St ationer, Printer and i\ccount Book-manu{. 15 1.einuer-st.
Sm ith (Robert) Grot:er, 5 low. K evin-streel.
Smith (Rob~rt) Silver-smith and Jeweller, 18 H enry-street.
S m,th (Sa muel) Patent Truss-maker, 10 Stept.e,,-strect.
Smith (Samuel) Thread and Tape •.manufa.cturer, 62 TllomGS·street.
Smit h (Samuel, jun.) P aper-sta:ner, 12 "p. Or"' Dnd-qu0l'_
Sm it h (Thomas) Silk-manufac t urer, 16 UsJ4£r' s-quay.
Smith (William) G rocer, 1 Skift lk'r- rotu.. .
:3mith (William) H atter, 35 Temp~-baT. .
Sm ith (W ill iam) Timber and Slate-merchant, 60 TowlIsend-street.
S Ol ith so ll (Benjamin) Boot-maker, 6 Slri1lncr~olu;'
Sm ithson (T. B. and J.) Wholesale Trimming-manufacturers and
Haberdashers, 50 Tltomo:rstreel.
Smithson (T homas) Timber-merchant and Builder, 59 N. K ing-street,
Slllitten (A. and F.) H 3berda.hers, 6 N . .King-sl,·ccl • .
Sm ylie (John and Co. ) Belfast lass-m erchants, 11 Luke-streel.
Sm yth and N icholson, WoolI~n.d rapc r~ , 2 Parliament-I/J"eet.
[181 5] 0
Smyth (B. C:) Merchant, '22 BlioNt"' . ' ,
Smydr (l'haB. 'et'Alex l Cr()~rs 81' Wine~rb<.'l'thlints, S6 vp. S~"..
Smyth (Charle.) I.ill~n-tltaper and iton-rtlonger, 22 tu., Jr.'fIin~.
Scnyth (Daniel) Wootten·dnpe!', '4 C<J6eg~_". '
Sm)'th (Edward) '~atctt arid Ckltlt-make' r 54 J.TtJI,..,.eet.
Smyth (Eliza-) Grocer, 69' Co~.· '.
Smyth (F.), 119 gl,1J.,.ilrtin-lItrerl;
Smyth (Francis) Apothecary and Chymi!t. 26 "1" SadrfillflolJlrwt_
Smytll (Fra.neis) C;:~binet-make't, 6'11 €/"".l~~eet.
Smyth (Jame.) Grocer and W(ne-inercl>ant, 14 Sfony-iaU/l'l'.
limyth (James) Linen-draper; 147 N. ,Ki,ig..mwt.
Smyth (John) Auctioneer; 29 C1!nltC,'ry-ltin,.,'
Sn1)'th (John) goot ant! Shoe'~d1.e'r; 20 NtJlf8llrNlNet.
Smyth (John) Grocer, 4'9 M ...,\A.ItrIrl, - ,-.,
Smyth (John) PetfU'rnery and hn~,.....,atehoi:Jtie-, 24 Coll~"".e~
S"'yth (Jokn) Silver-.mml, a'tui Cold.heater, lFBoWaaMlfW'.
Stnyth (John) \\'holcsaleLineb-draper, 99 .'I4'et<MnJtt'I-fI'O!I'
Sm)'th (.Iosepb) Harne~ ... ttlak«, l!lo N. King4lreet.
SlIt}'t" (M) Haherda8het;78 Gritiim-lItm '
limyth (Mary) Stuft'-manufacttWe~; 1-4, Spifal.ft«U.
limyLh(P. Ho) Groeer, S Boot·ltm/'. -
Smyth (Philipl Tayern-kee.,e~; 1-' C1'ri"e-ln~.,
Smyth (R.) High SheriJr, Hab. t'erfume and fancy-ware., IS l)ame..m.
Smyth (Robert) Iron-merch'llnt, 93 1">lrrtf""'m-tet. . _ '.
Smyth (Robert) Wine·metc1lant ariC{ mooet; 68 an,ItorwJrriiI.
Sneyd, French and Barton, Wine.mM-c!\i,lIt.; 42"l•• ~lk8I-'
SlIeyd (Th0013S) Linen,-drap~t; 81 'CII.ilINimt.· " "
Sneyd (WilIiam" George and He~) Merehlnu" 98 Rogfl~_·'..g'WJJ.
Bohan (Edward) ApothecarY, ,!J!fFfM;.itfoe"" : ' , ,
Somei'll (Alexander and Co ) Bl'ewi!n, 's B.l'WIteI',."r"t& .
Samers (D. and Co,) Hatten,. 4! TeiwpllJ-hr., , '
&uthwell (John) Harpsichbrd'alld PillnO-{o'rte.;lI1....... S •. Marlk-Ih.
~padicini (C,)'Jilse alta Tralft~r 6!7 WiIlilrm-lt1ftll_
Spau. (Richard) fflltt'et,' i. ~.f'OIII:: ,": , '
sparrow (Francls) Linen-draper,J31' N; Xittg..lIItWI.
Sparrow (John) Teacher ~Writing anti G~h1, 628lqJItIJl-&Ir'e«,
, Sparrow (Wi1li'1lIllTWini!l-~i!reh.llt, 7' 'EiUlh~",
Spear and Clarb, Miitheblatil:.Mn!ll'rilMe\)t-lAakers, 27 c..tleg~ea,
Spear (WWiam) Sh~lhal'e\',!! ':.f"..,ti1ljo, ' .
Spencer (Neal) Tuntiridt:e' Itbd 1"oy.warelle\WI, ;SI Ntf#tlu-,md.
Rplcer (EdwlIrd) ~lf.seTler, 19 Eo.lAttt.. ~,.f.
:Spilsberry, Caddy aad Co_ DruggMf,. ~2 'd6i1r!l-offl'f!f. .
Sporle (Margaret) Haberdasher; l'~t'foill~" '
Spratt"{Francis) Painter.'n" Gtaiiet) 84 l/f)/to.-M1'f:~t.
Spring (Ri~ard) Gnlter,TS P~ce~"!tLt. ,
8p1"Oule ~arab) Merchant, • S. llarl.III.~.
,Stack (Patrick) Linen-draper, 98'Hd.
Stacy (Richard) Cabinet-maker,'5!l rJu~
Stafford CJamea) Groc.'er, 94 N.'ff!-iHeet.
St3iford (Mary AnneJ Goldsmith, 1 C..atrrpttnf-C{lt'rf_
S:alrord \Nic:holas) Baker, IS8 T"<»rI4,.rt"~I. '
STR .' JJ~ and 7'raders. 103
Stalrord (William;) WillNhl;dtMt, 14 DoNe,."mt.
Stai'ord (WiIliadl) WooUe~-clraJlCl', SSl_ SadtrJi/k-sl.rm.
Stamet (Sir Wm. Bart.) Mercbant, .98 pau'fOlWtr.IIoI.-
Stamper (John) Tailor and w.tIQLleo-4rapqr. of CII"reh-l""",.
StanCord (William) WooIleu-draper. ,5S.low.- Sac/(f1illD-#red.
~Stanley (Arthur aIId Co.) Dnlg-m.ercb...., _-40 .Brf""''''"'''''
Stanley (Sir Bdward) Sher~ft"~~ .nd ~elCIUI~~ 'RCIIIfll Ba'l'f'flCk,.
Stanley (John) Linea-mer.:u.., L~, _" . '.
Stamer, RobinlOD.ancl c". Drug, .0U and Coloqr-mt$. 61 Dame-UNd.
StaRler (William) Tal1or~.f,S M",u-ovgh"trelll•..
1Itanton (R.e•. Mr.) CI~.. tre.".
Steele and Ka.anagh, Gl'CK:en..·12S A66q-sl.NflI.
Steele (Gen.) Saddler ad 4rm]HIGeolltremCJIt-JIIlkk, 4 lip. Ormon4-q.
Stephens and Law, l\4erc:haau,23lt4CAeiar'a..U'RIIt..
Stephena (BenjaJbin).C!», 40 B;"'op-¥~eI.
StepheDa (E.) Silk-manufacturer, .22 C;rnjtlfll-8Ireel •
.stqphena (Edward.aaq iluaM1) Mt:Ichaau. Rr;IICC"-tIf'«t.
"Stephens (Edwa~) Hosiet, 58 Cape.Jtr, .'
Stephena (Edward) Mel'.chant ·...tore•• 3.5 James·..Jlr,rql.
Stephens (James) lllerebant.. 2S J1D.rjlelar',-wallt. . .
Stepheos (John) Merchant, Jl 8. E,an-,trel'l,
Stephe08 (John) Tallow-claan~er, 96 WjllitJrIWlrMI.
Step hens (R.obert) Tallow.chandler.. 86 CtlflCl~lItef,"
Stephens .(W. aadoE. ).TaUow.-c:bud!er. ;uli .Soap-bealll'l, 119 Brilk-Il,..
Stephen. (William) Hair-dre_r lUIcl FaJlCY'1!Ii~er.!N ~~
Stephena (Wil1iam) Saddler. JJ.W•. N/IMIorf'PII1. ' • • " " ... '.
StepbenlOn (F. and &), ~il'iDen and ,Haberdalhen,6Sllri~el~
Steme (Suluel) Silk_... 31 NicholaHkeII.... l . · · ....
Stewart (A. 0.) Ladiet.' Boarding Scl)ool, ,6. DdrwI·lfmt. .
Stewart '" Hopea.lIook~1en1t StaliOoen.·1 ~•. Co'IIi'IIer tfIn""",-.
Stewart and Swan, Apat.. ~ Ln.ut•.,..,rtrtld,· . ," . ,.' .
Stewart (AleancIer) Printer.. 86 Bri~reet.
8tewart (Charlea).~maker~.9 WelJfIIIJf'lapd-.met.
Stewart (Henry) Saddler,. IS 8"'¥dd. ..
Stewart (I_all" c..) ~hant.. 1t Bachelor'HIJAIk;
Stewart 0-> CoafIaiClllt,r, ,ti PlJrli~ ,
Stewart (John) Cork-co~, 4 • .,. Strprul~
Stewart (John) CotIeio ,1 ~6'HatW.
Stewart (Joho) MetehaDt, UI~ ~.
Stewart (John) 8toeeaod WoocI-cener, 45 M~~.
'Stewart (Phoehe) Li-.dDper, 95 .-;...... . . •
Stewart (Thomu Jordan) Silk~r &lid .,aherllalher, 7 1)4_ _" ' "
Stillaa (Alexander) Mercbant, PAi6M>oro,.,A. . ,', .
Stilt (John) Merchabt,U BItIj'-wt,-,et.
Stilt (WiIliam) Muaurer• .B~.
S~ont and S~i,ht, ·Calicoo-printen,·S9 CorI,.,treel.
Story (Luke) Plaiaterer, 10 C~.. ...
';tOl'f (Peter) Vietual&er. tI a-p·..AfU. - "
IItott (Joou) Men:hUl~, SO D~aid<.ltrect.
Strahan (R.) Cablaet-mabr, 11 ChIlR_"""" •
StrahaJi (Samuel) (;abinet-GIat.,.. la 140 Bhi~/.O~, . :1 . .
104 Mttrc}uillls a'lid TradWs•.
Stftker (Job.) 'l'imber-broker, Roser-'~. --, .'
Stretcb(Ed_rd)Tobac~niltandSeedaman. III aDd 1$ Q~1J.. . . . .i:
Stretch (l.unes) LatbeNeller, 9 Badt-lsne.
Stretch (Stepben) Hatter, 28 81~. .1, ; (
StriDger (John) Apothecary. 46 B. Kin,-"""
Stringer (Joeepb) Apothecary, 92 Aj<rag;p..."rItI.
&troker (Thomas) Apothecary and Cbymist, 51 ". BriltJia.l/tMl#.
strong (George) Academy, 69 81~
Strollg (George) Stay-maker, 5 Atmg~.
Stron: (George) Tanner, 7 M~.._ .. ,
Strong (Jobn) Thread, TIiJl! and Trimqaing-lDercbaDt, .76 P~o:':
&rong (Michael) TanDe~, 106 CorlM/1'Cd. ..
Strong (WiUiam) Tbread-mauufac:turer, 4./_'..".,.. .
Staddart (Anthony) Shoe-maker, 62 FraftCU.,/rt:eI. .
Stwldart (George) Sberi/t" ..peer aad Linen-draper, ~~ W~!·
Sturgeon (John) Suy-maker, 47 ~. .-
Suer- (James and Co,) Mer!=hanu, 1 B""B"-ftuW!
lSuIlinn (Daniel) P.aper-~k~, IIlin'" 9 CooIHbwI.
SulJiftn <'aID") Hatter, 10 MeatA-row.
Sulli~ (James) Printe Teac:her, 25 c. ... ....
SuUinn (lames) saddler, 107 Capel-l/trut.
Sallinn (Jane) Confectioner, 25' Gmfl-*M.
Sullinn (Jeremiab) Paper-m~, Jf IouI_ ~ "
lhallinn ( Comb-~Qafac:turel', 5 UIAer'-o..c.
~~ (John) 'r..ilOl', 19 Artdreta::lIftd. . . (Michaei) ('orD-merchant, 6 Ca. . . . .~.
iaUifta (Patrick) Coal-t'ac:tor, SI George-~!I'
Salli.. an (Peter) Stalf-manufaeturer, 16 A~.
Supple (James) Breeches-maker. 95 Naumwtretl.
Surmq (John) CaRer and Gilder. 14 Cramptdll.M&rI.
Su~ (William) Shoe.maker. 19 H~ .
Suawn (Willialn' Smith and Bell-hangel', S6 J"""'NketL .
Sutter (Robert) Table-beer-brewer, 19 UMeN-t...,.

Sutton Uames) Linen-factor. ,5

Sutton (Fpnc:is) Merchant, 6 IDfl1. GWttcelter-1/ftIeJ.
SlItton (John) Tallow-chandler, .IISMqry'''''
. '!, .
Swail (lohn) Gwcel', 45 and 46 Arr;on-ptJy. . _ '.
Swanwic:k aud Atkinson, Merchants, .QOice; .6 Dotnircic/t.-WNl.
SwaJne (Catherine) Milliner, 50 C~ .
SweenJ (Eogene) Auc:tionetr, 31 low. Gordi..~""
Sweeny (Ellgene) Coac:h-maker, 5 CanttUrc""", .
Sweeny (Juhn) Merchant, 123 A~ea.
Sweeay (John) VictuaUer, 67 Pa'rick-llTeet. .• ,
Sweeny (Nic:holas) Trimmingomanufac:tlll"l:r, 24 Wo New-_,..., .
S'weft\Y (Phillp) Perfumer aOO Hair-dreF.8eI", 127 ". BriIA.i~ .
Sweeny (Richard) Cabinet-m,aker, 11 BritW.. allefI..
Sweetman aDd Butler, Porter-brewen. F,lIfI('u--'" •,
S.eetman (Nicholas? Boot and Sh~maker. l!O PGr~~ '.
Swe"tman (Michael) ('orn-chandler, 64 CANrcA.",.,. .'.
Sweetman (W·. Sngar-baker8c Porter&: Table-breei-brewer, Ham"....
Swift (Williani) Giuie!, HOl!se·paiDter. lee, . ss. ~_I/tri1ef. .
Merc1rimls and Traders: 10$
Sword, (Michael) Tallow~handler. 657to_Jltrut.
8 ..ord, (WiUiam) Silk-throwster, IS Spiloljic:lth.
TaalFe (Dartholome..) Poulterer. 24 Co/e'r.-lane.
Ta:alfe (M.) Confectioner, 14 Arraft-qu0!l.
TulFe (Patric:k) Confec:tiono!1', 17 Co/H!l-streel.
TaalFe (William) Book-binder, 14 S"J,ht,,-,'rW.
Taggart (WiUiam) Bookseller and Stationer, 121 N. KiryJ-IIM!f.
Taggart (William) Grocer, 97 TflllllUe1Ia..llreel. . .
Talbot (John) Brewer, 11 PoolNmel.
Talbot (John) Woollen-draper...40 ~red.
Talbot (Jas. and Sam. D.) Woollen-warehouse, S a"IIf'Cla~IIIn".,
Talbot (Margaret) Silk-manufactUrer, 19 MerchtJ.,·".qlMJ!j •.
Talbot (Thomas) Silk and Ribbon-manulacturer, 9 Wurl'llWOCHt·..,..
Talbot (Wm. 1oL) Woollen-dra1_, 12 CoU"ge-gr,,,,,,.
Talion (George) Com.chandler, 105 gt. Brilain·,eren. . ,
Talion <.John and Thomas) Rope.manufacturers, 10 Pill-lmne.
Tancred (William and Son) Breeches.makers, 78 gl. Bril(l;n-1ltWI.
Tarleto~ (Edward) Wine-merchant, 9' S ___ liJI.
Tarrant (Nicholas) Bacon and Cheese-man, 51 FI41-ItretJ.
Tashee (James) Stone-cutter, 9 Dof'lllt-,'rUl.
Tatc (Davis) Hatter, 54 TefllpM-6ar.
Tate (J.) Coal-merekant, 9 .J.rOl·!<-strCIII.
Taubman (Willlam)' "Grocer, 92 GtIOrgc' "fV41.
TayTor and Furlong, Army Agents, ~o TetIlple·llrrel.
Taylor (Charles) Grocer, 21 Cl4re-llre<1. ,.
Taylor (Daniel) Mel"challt.tailor, 52 E,rCleqaer-strlel.
'';I'a.,.lor (I>a"id) Linen.Cactor, Office, LiJJur....61reet.
Taylor (Elizabeth) Stationer, 59 Dame-Itreel.
Taylor (Gearge) Linon-draper, 22 Corll-mnrkel.
Taylor (George) Trimming-manufaeturer. SO 'I'. NI!U,___..
Taylor (John) Architect. 1 1/nlch-6lieet. .
Taylw: (John) Merchant, 11gl. Ship-!Jtrerl_ .
Taylor (John) Stone-cutter, 66 GrlljMI.ltrerl.
Taylor (Josepb)- Smith. 161 J".neiNlrr!t!I•.
rraylor (M.) Confeetioner, 40 Hetl"!/••,rw.t,
Taylor (Robert) Lineo-d""per, IS ·Ni,·hol",.Slrffl.
Taylor (Samuel) Silk-manufacturer. 9:1 Cruft_N-.""""
1:a710r (Tbeophilu.) Silk-mercer, 9.S. A'IIII>:Preet. ,
Tarlor (WilIiam) WoolI"n-draper, 4.0 1Y~.tff&Cll'l.tfIlNtred.
Tare (John) Gold-smith and J.",vd1ct, 5:4 Sll'l'h,·/I.ltreef. ' ,
Teeliog (Joseph) Coro-factor and Botel-J,.''':r.~'·, 47 lV. Kiflfl-tJlqll.
Teeline (Luke) Iron-founder, 'l Tllonlu ...t"",·I.
'l'eeling (Robert) M"I'chant, 44 AUiey-Urct"/.
Teeven·(Thomas) Linen-draper, 27, Putridr-sl,:eeL
, lJ'eiman (Mlchael) Agmt, 90 N. AlIlI,"./r,'el, ,
Templeton (John) Boot and' Shoe.maker, l:l gt. .11..;lain"'~,
'l:empletoil (William)' Builder,S Hcn'!I-sl.reel.
Tench (Bartholomcw) Tallow-chand,er, 30 Ma,,!/-Ilr«l.,.
T'!Dch (Jan ..) Spirit-stores, 49 Pa,lrick·.•lr.·rt.,
Tench (John) 'Valuator of Timber. H W. ArrtJn-6l,-rrI.
Tench (Paul) Whecl-wl;ght, fi7 C~/~'-st ..del. ~
Merclumt& and Traders. TIG
TencH (Patriek) .Cumer, 14 Back-ltme.
TeilDant (Robcrt) Tailor, 21 .FulWlrttl.
'Thac:ker (Job) Timber and SlatMDerchant, 5:1 TovmsnatWtred.
Thacker (Sarah aDd Co.) Linen.dnpcn, 4 S l i _ .
Tharcll (Peter) Cheae and. BickIe..wllleholllC, IS Clc"",dMa·~.
'rhaftll (l'uLer, Jun.) Tallow-c:handler, 31 Graftorwtred.
Thomas (James) Tal1ew-chancUer~ U RedNMtd'HiI/. ~
Thoma. (John) Apo"thecaiy aM Cbymist, 42 D"",_IImII.
Tbomas (Joseph) Ship-egCltt. ~OO ~twt.· '.
Thoma. (L. ,nd R.) Coach-makera, 7 Hm~. . '.
Thoma. (N. William) Worsted-manufartureI", It ,Jlrd_tJJrttI. ..'
Thomas (Richard P.) Carpenter aIId Builder, 1 FiCoJiIli_pltAaI. S.:
Thompson (Ala. and Co.) Vinegar 11: Soda-water-manuf. 47 8tep1u!rWi1r.
T.olDpIOlI (Anne and Co.) Milliners, 9 N_MrHf. .
ThomplOD (Arlbw ani Co.) Sail·cloth and Sal:kiDg~uf; 19 C.ze..t.
Tbomp",n (Artlnlr) Giover, 1 Mary-MfWI. .'
Thcnnpsoa ( and Co.) Mel'Chanta, 125 1Jf. Bt-ifai""""",,
Th_pson (Deborah) Silk-atocking-dftseer, 11 DIIIIIe-COIII't.
Thompson (George 11: Co.) Merchants, BI!J-pIan, O&ice, 'I T . .plI-lne.
TbompaoD (Henry) 51ator, 4 SloCkirag..laile. ~
Thompaon (John) Boot and Shoe-maker, 8 81~
Thompson (John) Victualler, 90 DorlCkeretJt. .
Thompson (John) Wool-merchant, 9 ."1" C~IWt.
TbomplOn (Joseph) Confectioner, 159 gI. B";taifl-#r«l.
Thompson (P.eur) Agent, Treasury Olfice, low" Ca.t1e-gaN.
TI._peon (Richard) Cabinet-makrr, 16 W. Clarie.-it.... "
Thompson (Ilichard) ·Hatter, 6 .
Thompson (T. and W.) Wholeeale Hallerdalbel'8. S6loiv. 0nII~.
Thompson (U.) Wine-mercbllllt, 14 Mecklenh~
Thompson (William) Collec:tQr, 20 Ratti.f~. .' ,
Thompson (WiUiam) Cotton-manwactUrer, 15SN. X~.
Thompson (Willi;J.dI) Silk-manwactun:t, 49 Pill-ltme.
'I'hompson (WiIliam) Ship-cban.Uer, 26 and 29 Gm'·.."'""'.
Thorndale (William) Carpenter, 65 ,Bride-llreeL
Thornton (Absaloml Carpenter, SS Cole-alIe.". .
Thorp(Cha.) Stucco-plai,terer, Painter 8tBu.ilder, I'S .BIeuingunt-1lnet.
Thorp (Charles) Alderman and Builder,S MOunUe9-SfIltire, B..
Thorp (John) Hosier, 27 Skirlm'M'OIIJ. .. .
Thorp (Mathew) Hnsier, !IO Com-marktf.
'I'horp (Thomas)' Builder and Carpenter, 17 S!fII'Nil.plaa.
Thorp (William) Linen-draper, 2 Tighe-str«t.
'fhuotler (Andr.., and Mickael) Brewer., 11 BotD-lafIL.
Thwaites (A. . .d,.R. alld Co.) Cbymiits, 52 _po Sacli.~.
1'ickle (Jobn) Haberdasber, 28 Mary-ttlreeI. '
'J'jckle (Thomas) Cabinet-makr.r, 36 Bereffortlo4tret!. -:
Tierney (Philil') Grocery and Provi&ion-wareho.pse, 1 H _ _d-l/lll(•
. "righe and l!,gan, f-Ierchanu, 22 Bacllf:Iar·~wafIt.
"igh~ and Hickie, Belfast and .Northcrn-c:arters, 2 ra",-IIa~
'Till,e (Bri)lget) Pre...,r, g ArdeNlnel.· . "
Tilhe (Michael and Son) Tallow-c:bandlers, 15 TJiM/laH(nW.
" Tighe (Simon) Grocer and Wine-merchant. 109 Dor#MIret't. •
Tt.II1S (lane) HalM!r<Iuh.:r, :la J!4ar!lo6lm:I." .
:rUl MereTulfl/S trill/Trader,.
Tipper (Richard) Baker'9 N. K~
Tobin (C.) MiIliJIer, 1 "'id. GtI~fWt.
TobiD (Jame.) Boot-maker, IS) C~
Tobin (John) Tallow-chmdler and Soap-boiler,IIC":l'441_
Todhllllter (John) Merchant, 85 Rop_·N}UlJY.
Todhunter (William) Merchant, Ollice, -i. H,._*-t.
- Tolerton (John) Threaci and T;ape-maIlllCaetuNr.9WarrllfllDod.gtII~
Tolerton (Robert) Saddler and Har_maker, 114 T~rtcf.
TomlinlOn (J8_) Groeer. 94 8. Kiflg-mwt.
'fo!DlinlOn (John) Merchant and Agent, '.IS 1'tJol&(l-1trYd.
TomlinlOn (Richard) Hosier, 50- N. King.......
Tommins (john) Skinner, 9 WaJ/irtg-Mr,el.
Tone (William) Breeches-maker. 64 'Briile-MtwI.
Toohy (Mathew and Co.) Grocers, .<1 8_rrter-hin. . _
. Toole (Cha." LukeA: Co.) Seeds-men '" Planter., 41 Wellmorialll'Wr_
Toole (Charlotte) Straw-hat and Stay-maker, 29 G"'ffiIlIl-,Lreef.
Toole (Henry) Glan.teller,S4 8. Xi",.",... .
Toole (John) Boot-maker, 52 Cnllle-Mr«t•.
Toole (Margam) Straw-bat-warehcmse, 4 BriU-Ilrwt.-
Teole (WiI\iam) Smith and Bell.hanger, 10 .d'l~reeL
TQpham (Margaret) Delf..eller, !iI6 D _ _lIrclt.
Torrington (Andrew) H_paiDter. 84..cCJll1/1~~-·
Tougher (John) Tallow-chandler, 7 W. New-nnp'
'Joutcher (Richard) Ship-broker, 9S' RDI~·..p.!Jo .. '
.Townselld (John) Tailor, 24 PoQl"'~rut. . ..
Toz.ier (Benjamin) Cork-cutter, IS loa •• LjJfey-Itmt.
Tracy (Maria) Grocer, 24 and 2$ N. KilllJ-st.,rwI.
'1'racy (Philip) Tailor, 4 Dnrm:-JAfIII.
TraCT (Thomas) Grocer, 17 CIum:h-llre6l.
Trac)' (Willia~) LineJ!-dra.per, 7S Ft4ftcis-atrtet.
Trench (Joleph) Slator and Slate-mel'dfant. N.nIMIoll.
Trenor (James) BaIts, S Dultl-lt'Hfll.
Trefor and Keogh, Porter-brewers, 11 Ardu-«reer.
Treyor (Hugb) Alderman and Merchant, JJi,;
'rronson (Peter) Shoe-maker, 28 8lep1teno,lreet., .'
TI'oy (Bartholomew) lllinit-baker. s· Pri1lQ/·...
Tray (Matbew) Baker, 28 Pill-lllttl.
,retI. 8.
Troy (Maorice) Glo,et, • 1I(a~t. -' .'
,'&oy (Patrick) Spani.h Leather-dreaaer, !:IS '~. New-row.
Tl1lelock O'homal) ·Guo..m;.ker. 5~LB..,.,...~.I;-llrtn. -
Truelock (William) Glln-maker, 1.0 lit. Britain-""".
Tador (John) Sherift"l.peer, iO Du.......'. . . "
Tuite (H. G. aud Co.) Coal.merrhantl, 9 .G_ge"'strm•. E.
Tully (Michael) Painter and 0131i8r, 10 8wifi·"Nlw.
1:',111), (Tbom..) Paper-.taioer, 17 Havy-lli-eiL '.
"unbridge (Martin) Builder,. 2 H4J'du';cke'-f'lo«.
'Tllrner (Adam) Pifn'er and Glazier, 26 Brid4-.1tr«f.
Turner (George) Gun-maker, IS4 Capd-"-" . .~
Turner (Richard and Co.) IroQ-mongeri, 4 Slql/left.',·g,.m,; N.
TUrDer (WiIIl'am) ..Agent, Ordnan~l6ce, CtUl/e-yllrL -•
'Tutrelini (J.). Caner and Gileler, 41' ct. Brit.inofl,.",,/.
rI'1I1Tt'}' (OeofIe) Jewtner. to &1. s~. .
lOS Merchants and Tfadri's. "tI~
Tute (1ohn) LiDen·draper, 60 8. -gL Gern-/ie's-!trWt. ,
Tote (Laureace> l'rillteru41 JIooII..elJer. 15, FIl~II_~.
Twigg (Ridanl) Boobeller, Statiener, 3rt. 'Heft"!J"tbWI.
T~(~)~~21~~ ,
8edclIer~ Iron-monger, 3ff.AJ.nrn"ftUlj'.
'l'wist (jmeph) Plater and
Twyc:resa 0 - ) GoWen&h. 69 ~... '
Tyaau (Edward) Groeer. SI ~.", ,' '
Tyndall and Lewi', WholaaIe SiIk-manafac:t1iren, 43 z"",. Jlridge-tthd.
Tyndall (Anne.and Sou) Wi...-chllDU, 20 Jm"....strett. ' " "
Tyndall (1_) W...... SilII-mllDUactilrer, '15 up. Bil~rid.
Tyndall (L.) Saddler. 18 -DIIIiIIMIIIe.H' , '. ' ,
TyrreU (Eliubetb, jua.) Millinenad,Halierdllllber. 17 ColUge-~eef£.·
"ryrreU (Thomu) Baker, 6S ~ ,
TJrreU (W. H.) Plintet aml-BaotMifer, IT CoIlege-,-nht.
Tynell (Wil1iam) Groeer.61' M~ ,
Unthank (rhomas) Timber_m~nt, 99 ~ogmoa~;-'l'!nY.
UpiJagtOD (Henry) Timber_.,haat, 29 XeOil,'s po1'l.
Usher and Hill, Cgopers. 9SA6bey..l1'o:et.
Usher 81)0( M'Alpin, ApotbecarWs, 8, Sfijfollt--sttdt.
Usher (ltobert) City-ttaDef, SI Q""en4itrfl't. ,'
Usher (WiUiam ad Co.) Cupet &lid Blank~rehoUseJ 115 IaffoOHI.
V. '
Vailentine (Cath~in&} TaUuwocbandlerf 119 Fmric1s-.crM. "
Vance & Been, Who Woolh!n~p. &. Manc~.-wareh. 13 I. Br~.
Vaughan and O'£oaDor, Fruit-m«c~ant., SO Ma"!l·j-o~.· ,
Vaughan (Anne) Sboeomater, 5 Woatl.-fIiD..". ' , "
Vaugban (Anthon)') Tallow-cbanolter. 14 ~i1~. '
Vanghan Gwe} HaherdalPer, S' Euitace-1trUL . ' .
V.ugban (Patrick) M_~nt, 27 Mm:t/H66i,t,. .
Vaughan {WUliull}'.MlJrl:bllllt dad ltrctifyer," 20 B~thdor·'.Ulal+
Vera (Thomas) Painter and Glazier, "4'~. '
Venchoyle (James) SkJnne~.' •
Vef8Choyle (Richard) Pardunent....nufaclorj'. 104 CiJrTt-lh'tet.
Venchoyle (R. J. and Co.) Merchants, Office, 10 EOWfIei'l-llrul.
Vicary (H~ Haberdasher, 11 Han1tIJicke-pItt«. '
Vic:kers (Robert) Tallow-chandler, 74 Ft-tlflC~.
Victory (Christopher) Harness-maker. '\ 1S Thrmttu-slrl:d.
Vigne (JalOa) Jeweller, 3 N _ _red.
ViIlefranche (Jo/ln) Sta..,.-maker, 11 S. Mw-street.
VUaing (Jobn) LineD-"rapeJ', ~ CluJrlofte..riocel.
Vizer (Bamaby) Watch-maker. 77 Me./A-stTcet.
Vote (J.) Pipe-maker, 147FNflci• .atrerl.
Waldron (Jeo€ry and Son)Coopert'. 1511acAelor',.tDdt.
Wade (8.) Silk~anufacturer, 4 N~ket. "
WacJe,(Cbarlell) Carrier, "W~ed,
Wade (lame.) Baker; ,H ~.#.l,,*: . '
Wade (James) Grocer,aIlllW~iaerchllllf, SS Bntle-~f,
Wl\de (Joeepl...d SnIl),GIot&!nand ,Vine-merchants. i4vp'~f'
Wade (N. M.) Merchant, 60 lhIlmt-"rerl. "
Waddcn (Barret) Silk-m.D.fa~dter. ~ l'alac,.6tnd.
WAt lUg ,
WaldroD, O"Nf aad. Wal4~. ~~ 11 lui.. tfuJj. ~
Walker (Abraham) Merehut, otIce, lJot:4Ilq,'-.Jk. .;. I "
W.1 ..« aod Whit6eld. WhowoeUen-Br· MaDCb~wareh. 5 Chf'dl .•.- (ienj_in) Hatter, I M .......i*L ' . ' . '
Walker (EAlwai-d) Haberduber. 48 p~1Iriet.. '
Walker (George) Tin.pla~k~t; ,11' M~
WalJLer 4H~) 8U"qH~ 66 ~.. ,
Walker (Natbanitl, PaioteY and GlHier, 16
Walker (Tboma.) Lia~per, 'IS. ~~ ,
A.u6"'• ..r.
Walker lThomu) M", I . ' B~.
Walker (~. a~ SoD) M ~ thelriat,-in.trum eI1 t-maUr~ 17 T~"I
:Wall (Ahcla) Haberd;nher, :37· ~Tea. ,·. . · .. . .'
Wall (Anclrew and Co.) Wented-ma"afactllrefti 174 Churc~,.,
W.ill (Alldre'N) Dyer; S9 ~.
Wan (Daniel) Lbther.euttl!r-, IS B4i1i-ldlu. '.
Wall (Eleanor} l-tabenluher, 46 .!~JINtt. '.
~all (Elizabeth);tl and Cap-muufacturei'; 8 ~I
Wall (lten,,) IIoOkialet<, s. ~ 0n0i0Iid-t.." . .
Wall (J~m...) Breech_alollr and GIMeF,S7' "P. ~,
Wall (Johll) TolDner, 66 Jinrwa·...... . .' ., '.,.. .
Wall (Maryl Linen·draper, !1{)Jtf'tl1llci.·...,.., . .
WaU(Samuel) G~r,90 c-be.. " '. .' .
Wall (Thomas) TiIb~~~cbu.t" l~" ' ~.
W~l. ~maa, juo.) Tlmber. _ _ a&j'!.6 - .Bi~lIrt1d. ' .
WaUer (GeQrge) Engraur alUi.Copper.oplue-printer, 20 sKffolJt-4r'Mi..
WalIi. (Thomas) Carpenter, 2S R-9'<mlolt_, '.
Walpole (Samuel) T.Uo.oChan"l~ 5ISA~.
W.1ali (Alexmder) Oi~)_D"~, 'S8 C~
Walah .n~ KeUy, . Woo¥e~ ' Hlf/;p""'"
\v~I.h .• n·d PUltdl. .,Wboleaale IhllerdMherw, nFiMa........ ,
:Walah (Andre.) TUrDer,·J5· ~ret'f. . ' . ."
Wal.h (Anne) Confect~ 69N,~.~, · ' ..
walah (Cbartea) ClIi~priatft, 46~ .' .' .' ' .
Waloh . (Geor~) Prin_, BoOUeller and StatiltDel'\ l~ W~,:, .'1
Wal.h (Hugh) Stlic~man aM: PlaKteret-, 151V~'
Walah (Jamea) Tailor,u Stttff.....wt~, '. ..".
watt.. (.Bmet), 88 . T1t~., · ,,'.1:
Wal.h (lamea) Grocer, 12 A~ " . .. ' " . '" " .;"·'f
Wahh (Johlllllld Co.) l\'oaolDft'ttaantl, .,4 R.....·~ t' : " '1 • .
Walsh (John) Cotton~Il£actara-, '-44II'u.r!~
W.lsh (John) Dyer, 7.4:.f~.· . , ,', (" , .... 0, .

Waloh (John) HOlief\ 15 N. $i..,......' . .•... " ".' .i:

: ",/
I , '

. '-\'a-Iah (lohn) Tobac:eonilt, 47 T"~.

Walon (John) ~Jcn:haDt." s W.GIotIor~ ' I L ;c' ', " . I : .....·
W.1.h (John} Sjilrlt-ltoWl.69.~·, . 1 " , , ' '.I, .. ~~
Wal.b.· (J'*Pb and Co.) Sto~aJIlIiamnwe.)1 JlIMIJWlH/IfJ.I!
Wlllab (Martin) Habel'dbher. 48 ~.: " ' .; / .• "
Walah (l\latbew. and SO..) n,en.Sj..8; Z~,..,.. . ' Cl''' .! , ', •• :. 't
Walah (Michael) Buttoa ~ TrilllmiDg-erdwlt, 5S"....,..IttWr:·
W'aiah (N.) ~a1!d Thx~aanafa.ctunr, .sS N.cKirt,-sIrMI. "
Walsh (Pa:rick Ue~,.)Gr...:er.::!9 ]J._~I. · ' . .. .
[ISI5) P .
Walsh (~. te_~IIIl.~iUa. is.•killl..,ioDtit.·, . _ .'Il
Walsh (Patrick),~~'\.ll:t·""'pI"''''I8Irl· ', ....
w",1,W- .(~~r) ii~·~· .............,." , ... '
Wal,h (Robert) Merchant, f i ....~,: ;,. . r
Walsh (Robert) l'lolU',.....~ 'illt, ~I.¥· er.... ~ 11 J t
W"I.h (Stephen) ~",,,,",U ~~; . .. ,,.
Wal,h (Thoma.) MefoltMa..-l ~~~i'v.......~t.
Wahh t.W.~~.~rpt.n~ ,"~.. ft-~~ _ _•. ,,'

Wabh (William) ~,.~ ,~~*"'"

Walsh (\\IiWa~ {1)aq... alu!r. ":~......
• J.
W,.J.wo (.14u"1l 5) ~llf'l'll'.mi~i ... 'lP' WJIdIMIt. • r ..... ./
Ward an,IGaodland, Sadd"""'"- -I'.rlt/IIIIPII.-u...... " ! -
W a..w,<lilI,e-~· »;.\ter., liI., .1''''•• iI';";',··· , < " ;, ,
Ward (Catherine) BaJie.. HI ~ ,,' ;'
Wan!. (Henry) Carpenter.- . .:. ~"".;,
Ward (lames) Ho.ie4' ..'l-l;_Mwltk.j·
v.\.rj;\:(~ t.i~~ '1· /i. iI6iDg......,d:.,
Ward (:'Ilary) Conreeti~~\60.&gI;~.·""'.;'·
Ward (~~) ~i-,". 1'~"'"
Ward (Peter) Baker, Si! N. Ki~ '" ." .'
Ward (WiUiam) Golds~ i.~,. ,.:.
; -
Warmer (Benjamin) Carpenter, 25. ~.....,.
Warmingham (~~~';.I.~.
Warner and H~•• i!-'1Irit?~Md W""""'akcra,'$ .~ ......
'''!M\\lJ' ~~h): ~1!.1lol.~li"~""';.I""
Warner (J,'W.) PainteulNl~; as }ifmI "Id
Warren (Andrew) ~k .... ~""'~':.
v.·arren, Ch~p",aa'" 'Go;,u~'1l -rlIl;Ma~**",-
Warren· (Chatles) L._~M.r3llCu~t H, 6 .... 'aI. '
WamllO (W-iWaDl ~iUU)-.fQiD-fllMiIIM; f6,S. GIIorIjfIM-. . . ,
Warring Cl) Wllollen-dra-peTj '1i.'M46-~·;"~,,

Watoon and Law, Me~~, ·S ~""",;._. .

Watson (C.) Tayem-ke1'pet'. ~,~ '." . "1
Wat~!Oa11itI)'L~iIJ';'1 W:.~ . . -.,~
Watson (J.), OJ:~"'~ 1&9: N~ *'de"'.". ., . 'It'
Watson (Joaeph~Clothier, 4)' ~1trwI. ". '
Watson' (Marg.)l'Juea<h; ..cI:(;ctte~IMnUf., :D,~,~­
Watson (Sarah) Suy-maker, la,.,y'~I:J1't., . , , ' . ',,,,'J,'
'Vatson (WiI;I.i8~~e''IJ\lIII!Jtatjaer~.i7>.~~,.......",. "'*,
W~tters (Georgt').~~er, ~fr . . .~, • -. • .'~
Watter.' (J"hn) Vintner, 87 gt.l#~, ,',-;
WatterA (WiUiam) Victualle..... ~-'llWet.,. , · ·•. 11
Watts (Qeore-:) .Veterina~, .~;~ n" . "-."
Watts (William) Apo~. /I,l,ttp. Jlt,tkwu.... . . ' ...~. .' ~,'
Waugh (Jamea)Clock.makllfy..·.... ~-\.--...· '. . , L ',";

WehlJ·{~f.a114 t-H""'''''·Qllli~~.J'l.»~ "1

\Vebb (Jame~) Whoht<lll!-.i\ReUilUn~,lt~ '~.B"",""'"
W"bb (Iohn) .-LiDlI!.......~· ~t.,.a~~.,'l . .' .;tj- ". -~.
_ Wf:IlI\t.~.t:.i/fll'll.~.<tI·~ .•·i .. ,.
W,.bb (i.iehanl) bdprittbt. eit,(!O"lIri..jpD.atomtl.."2P,&-.E~·
We.:' (,,-::.t>ert) Stock.t.~1 IT ~~ . . \
Wedick (Mich ..l) AlwMIDy. 55' lJ'dlMp _ _ ,", .,.. ..J: 1,;'-1"';. ··~iri·1f
Weeke6 and Pal mer • W oollenOilrwpt-i.., ,24" . :Lla.;....ue(. Jf.':" " .: ~; ~. ,
Weldon (lgnatiua) MmlIat. • Anden:IIi'-* ' r .:·.di:f;. ",","
Weldoll {Jama} TI1I~~.wofk.r, 6G : -4Y8,. : (j;Juite~ .. ;: ~ .',{",
Weldon (John) Sillt.mer~ S~ Dq'fI/i!..,hid. .. ". ( ' cc ,'Cl:<; . ' ,"V
Weldon (Joseph) UmbntUa~b, 28 Cq,..I:..urm.: .: " ,' .',"
Wembush (Thomas) ·V~'!1.S~g901ri lis ~.iiw;I(;, ;~. ,.:'/;
'Wenlworth (Wm,).,W Weo~aJIIII\M".n.-hCate~.I~W~~';
Welt (George.} C61du, 89 H~, I... " .,',,, _ '. ' .. . . J.

Weat(~n)-~binU.n.:ker;U .B~i.u:iwdl~- ,·.·.. ;.::·. 'i ' :: . .

Weatttahll} W_ilen.a~rj.30 Culk§~, ,·· .. ; c "
Weat (Lewis)MalUllKtilriig Olldet,.s .1"..,.Ie" ....' r:~.:' .
Wen .(Mo) l'~IDter aM BoI>b~rer.: t'"
:.llbllj"*'" : .' ,_ iT; - ....:.r
West (Matht'w) Aldtrman,.~_eJ.ICIC\,'LS.s.ta~~'JI
West (Thomas) Painter and Glaza, ·l~. ~llU.i~wa. , "1 '1: '.'
Weaterman (Thomaa.) Sh~ __ .. , 11 Pdr~dt!. ..
Westray (James) Tanner and MeHllaiit,'&7 . .J4rw/ih':~' ,.;1'
Wetherall (Frances) ~.mIaJul', 6'''1'' ~_il~ . . .. J ••

Whaley (RichardlIADen~"f>c!r ami u-wauhhillle; 8S .l!;r~cnI~

Wi-.rwa (Jallles) DyIcr, 11l. ~" .... '. c .' "
Wharton (John) Silk.matluhctu.-.;,5 W""~..,.u; :. ~ , , : .:.
Wb41,lu1y (Stephell)Tal~dIn.:l1~ J)Q7'_UrUl. · '", " " 'J
Wheatley (Anne) . HabeIrAuber','.. 2: TrJbilJ"'!"';i. . .; .!'
Wheatley (Jane) TalIow4aN1lb; 1'6 tl(fMa'~;
Wheatley (Thomas) Wooh-cCNDber; '. 1' .. ~JU'Alr; .'.' . : ',:7
Wheeler (George) Lotte~--k~;, 18 D~iIYWet;
Wheeler (Henry) MewtNet, 21 G~
W-bedN U!'ft\ta) t.l31lbeibatil:iim. S6AWcy·~'" . -:r
Whelanand Lanigan, Tbn~~Ia"I1tai ' 76 C~~.
• Whelan and lion, Timber~.-c""'bo, Hijlt.I#UI;
Whelan (lames) Qv.pIMlaiJu\dI Bllilda:, "~~fftt, ..
Whe1an (lames) Groce.rilllli .WiBe-mel'eliaiit, 9 .M'~ '. ..... /
Whelan .(J. an' P.) ~l ••ercll4.ot., 441' HIg".rt':'~t. .'
Whelan (Luke) Skinner, -S4 W~Ud. . . , . _.' .
Whelan (Thomaa) Mertbant. :g lOtu.~. .
White (AI.i&ia ud s-Q'. Calie.o-merelWds\·'J UIAer·'--fIlbjf. ·
White and ·Kirwan .. WlIete.al1l Merchaau, ~. ~. ltTUt.
White and Newromb. Merchuita; .0 MMllonll.p.",ftljel.
White (.A:ldI'&~".aot,'I9- M'*!I''''''' . - "."
White (Hamilton), Me~.taIl6r, 54 b~,*,
White (Henry~} M.cha~, 65*. Dor.,,.llrYet:
White (Hugh) Vinegar.... ~.6,r Ja'rw'HtrIWl.
White (John) Cork-cnttn,S4 ~l. Szr'iultJ.."';'Nr,. ' .
W~_ (loNi D,) Carpent er, 16 ~lIHw.
White (khn) DeH-~e ller, SI Slony<&utn;
White (John)·De1f....... 11, ~
Wb~l\YatW .........r . . JlalIt-linfi.
White (John) LiDen.draper"M~i.*".to
Wh\.. (»hll~ &aee.c6ll\.er, 1 1V~
White (John) WeoHeB...tnpe .... .6 H;&~itrm,
White (Joscpb) Gmcer, 84 Ja.n'~ .
White (Joaeph) Wine-merebaD~ ~ . '.
'White (Michael) Cvrier;.s7 CHi..... . . , ' ,
White (Micbae1) Leatber_Uer, 37 ~: ."
White (NatlwriolJ T'iauni~IIWIQfaetu"..i9- li~JY4.
White (Nicbolaa) .Tanner, SSl Dolphin'~, . , . " . ' ~­
White (Peter) Haberduher, 29 .£~
White (Ph$p) 9bip-chandler, 1 GeorV~.' --
'\1{billll (Richar4) . &oluellet, 17 10ll>'~" .. • > -

White {~cbard) Builcler a~d Grocer, ·7 G~p/Iw. • •.

White (R. M.) Pri"ter, a.obeller aDd Sta~ner. 115 61- ]Jr;taia-li,...,,-
Wbtte (Samuel Sigon) . ~iIk-man~r,- ~I l-. ~j~-: I.
Wbite (SimdD) 1J~-aaaker, 19 lMiI. ~. _.'
White (Thomas) SlDtth and Can-1I'right.. 4S N_or~. ~
White ("l'hQmu) .Ia....erc;ba.t.. IS ~. :;" - .,'
White (W_) Factor, ·B) A1il!eg~" '. '., - ". ' -,
White (William) Del£....uer~ SI Br~ -
White (WiUiaot) 0 - , 8S filUrM. 1 , .-
~ite (Williaar) Irou.:moapr, t4 ClaIl"Q\.oJI..,. - .
~ead- (1_) llib~ofact1ll'er. 'lOO c-lt.".,..
Whitehead (loaeph) Ribbon aDcl Tapeolll1anufac:tl\rer, 89 C~
Whitehead (Tho....) Weol-mcrdlaltt; tiJt P4J11lieo. .:.
- Whitestoae (Rob.) IroaMnongety pd.PaDcy-arehouae. 26 K~1t·M.
Whitford (llichard) snYenmitb,'lJl' K ......·...z-. -. ,. -- -, .'
Wbltham (Francis)' Lioea-draper, 29;C~.· '
WhithC4d (George) Prc__• SI ;Piflliico.·'''''· ,
Whitwortll (I_D) Priliter; 14 • E:M:ll/i~. t_.-
Wbitty (MOleS) TaUow-chandler, -ss BoII~ . - -. . r'
Whyte (Edward) ED(lish alid Classical Acade..,.. 79 Cml'p'-.mtL"
Wicking (Thomai) carpentl!r, Lorat.foNl~reeI. ;.:!.I: ,; _; • ~., . -
Wiggin~ (Francis) Grocer, 38 GoIdea-la"..
Wilde (Heary) Cotton-manafactar8rj HI ~ ."
Wil«(Jouph) Skinner, 58 Watli"g-,a.-• ... : .,- , .
Wilde-Voeep~) WhQle.ale Woollen-draper, 63
Wilde (MichHl) Tanner, 54 ·/)Q//,fU",'HKwa, '.
Wilde (NiCholu) Tuner, ~.~.Iitam. . ' .. ' .' ...•. '.'-
Wilde (P.t..,It) Tannlr:r and GllMobeiler ,·64 Marn.. . . I/Ine.... .
Wildridge ~Geol'F) .Ari:bitect..· 5 li.-Jama'i4CrtJttL., '''~.".;<
Wiley tJOhn ) Baker., I sa,, . •
Wilkins (Henry) Hosier and Lioen-dftllCf, 4/i -Grqf~ ..
._ . "
Wilkimon (George) Haberdasher,. 'i4C"'~t. ,' ..... .'
WilkinlOa (John) Caner.and·Oilder; 2~·.u~ .. ' .
Wilkinson (Peter) Men:bant.7, H_rl-Mrut..~ " .
W-dkinsolY (Richard) Saddler. 20 B~J'.
Wilkinson (Thnmu) Carteret'&ohead TIlYenJ-keeperj Si ~IIHIL'
WilkinsoD (Tbomas)Plumbl!r; 2iW~."·· r, ,.'f

Wilkin_twilliam) Timber-JIIerchlWlt,' ~ ~«I. : >C, . - •• ,

Willan (0. and Sons) Wh. WooUeD-Clrllf'Crs; 9-loMr. .JJrC~ .-
WilIard CR_) Shoe-maker,SS H""",,.,,,,, ',I) .':'. . I" . 'I
WilIiams- (Charles)· Apothecary and DSuggiat, 70~"'",
WiHiams (l!: and Il.) Li~.:dr.pen •. 22 Fr.,;ci........' ..
Wi!lams (Frances) Ch'eeae-lIIonger.... lIS 7'Aom4l-It"",. .
WOO' .J,Jerc1J.ant~·and Traders. 113
William. (Gl'illi,h and Nephew) WooUen.:merdlaIlU. 9.CrtJ~
WilIiam. (Henry) Silk and Tahint:t-ID;lOuf3ctunr, 251D... ·~
WilIiams (I. D. and Co.) Who Woollen-drapen. 12 Mm:ItmtJ'..,I ....•··
Williams (f. D.) Linen"&ctor and Merchant, 12 Mm:AaaI'..,uy~ .
WilIiam" (Joseph) Wine-merchant. WilJiam·...'I'OW-
Williams (Mary) Silk and Ribbon-manllfacturer, lil. 1>1-.:1_,,&
'Villiams (Nathaniel) Merchant, SS Cule-alley. .
Williams (Richard and Co.) G~manllfartUl'"n, Potler'Nll1tf!1o
WiIliams (Robt:tt) Goldsmith· aDd Ip.",eller, n Gmjn--.
Wilbams (T.) I.inen-<iraper, Flannel Bc B1.m~mer. SO l. 8_1J~'
Williamson and Wat.on, MerChant.. 65 Flee,..,.."
Williamson (Archibald) Architec~ 27Welliflgle....,fWt.,.
WilliamlOn (George) Carpenter, 29 HTdlinBlaa-4Tf1<1.
'Williamson (Jane) Spirit.stores, IJGeorHl1'SofIlQ.".
Williamson (John) Architect, ,ss WtilliJl1!f"""Iflret'l.
Williamoea (~at~e",) Architect, 26 W'/Ii'l{!lon-"~
WiIliarilson. (R. and J.) Rope-makers, 91 Rogerso,,·~,
Williamsbn (Robert) Shol!'l!1aker. '27 MfJU>olltrd.
Williamson (WiIliam)' Saddler, 69- .fungi_rut.
~IHh tA·. and M.) Haberdashe. s, 11 Colllie.strt!f!t.
Willis (Anthony) Sil...enmith. S U],. OnrJQnd-quay..
Willi. (John) Gloyer and. Breeches-mal;er. :1 TriBiI~ 'r
Willis (Margarct) Glover, 54 O",jt",.-strtel. ."
Willis (Tl'wImas) Apothecary, C"lllJlrll:-row.
\Villoe (Richard) A!;ent, 2 C"arloll~-61reel.
Wills (Joseph) Stay-maker. 106 Capel·"rtIiIo ..
Willsf'lrd (Thorn a.) B..ass-founder. 9 Kellndg'Htn&e.
W'ilson(Alexan4et') Merchant, 41 Camden..rlNd. .,
\yason (Alexander) Painter and Glazier, 4 £
Wilson aod Hare, Woollen-dl':lper~, 147 C"lld___• .,,:,: ,"
'Wihon {Eleanor and J. W_ Ramsay) WiDe-merchal'l~I, 55 .4~.
Wilson (John and Adams) Inrdware-AleJchanb, SSPi.u.Jc...
Wilson (John) Slator, 4 Lojills-lane. .
lViI.on (John) Vintner·, 14 .r;!lca~,olky. ,
'\Vil'lOn (loseph, ion and Co.) Merchant.,' 10 f!,t; SIrt/IftIHIIwf.
WiI""n (Jolbua) F,oundry, 16 Chu r ck4l.reet. "" ..
Wilson (Peter) Iron-monger and Hardware-merchant, 21' Hip... i:'
Wilson (Richard) Lin~n-draper, 8 Cllslt.:-stl'ert. ",1'.'!,:
'VilllOn (Richard) Menhant. 8 George·,-lUll•., '." '" ..,: 1;, •
Wily (Robert) Boot and Shoe-milker, 93 lJridMtred. "1:,
'Vinter (!l.lbert Jose"h 1 Bak~r. 46 P"lrid.-st."a., , :" ,
Winter (Samuel) Hosier·. 76 gl. RriJai• ...trc,t., "," "; : /;
Woffington (Robert) F'iano-forte-ma1<.er. 9 IViJliQ_slret.'l.
Wogaw'(Dafld)"Priitter;{nd l~ook.eUer; 28. AferdoJl"s·f'lII'Y•. ' , ' , ;. ;.
Wogan (Mary) Grocer and Chandler. 16 and 17 N. E6tI·~ ." .,
W~an (Pat1'ie~) B"okeeller. J 5 low. Or-.rumd-'I"tIfI.
Wolfe (John) C,;ach-painter, 2'8 Li.f1'~';'I'reet. ,
Wolfe·(Nicholu) ('orn-factor, U6 TO"'II~.M!I • ... i,,_ J .,::'
WbJre!JOOtt (Eel..... and Wm.) Linen and Cotton-factot'lt,lI DiIr~.'
Wood (.l-Aeeph) Muslin-manufacturer. 10'fI'oil...."".
Wood (William) Merchant. 47 BiJ..."..".;,,,,_
,\"'oodcock (Benjarnin) Grocl'r. US JunlC~·I""f'fIII.
11 ..
............ (JohD) B!ltton-manufactarer. 178trm&d-ilieet.
'WoocIIoek (JnMp1l) TObac:coDilt. 6D ntmUlHtftlrl. .
W~ {WilItlln) Hardware-a,ercbant., IS W.N6flHfOII1.
WoodNIN (Ja_) Merchant, 60 J~
Woodrolf'e tRichard) Mer.chant, OJfice, is gt.JJAipostrM.
Wood, (AlaaotIer) St:edlman. 87 hmd,,"rcd.
Wood. and Sons, Cabiullt-m:d.ers, 121 AMey-WedI.
Wood, (Btenllerhal\el) Azut. 2. D<wkC-Wtf(1..
'Woods (Jamee) Boot and Shoe-maker, fiB C111H!J,.ltrefJI.' ,
'Weoa. (John) Painter and Gluier.. 15 MIJZ'I~,
Woods (Fbilip) Uaker, 20 S. ECJri..Smt. I
'Woods (s, and 0.;) MiHinen, t! ~ i
Woodward (H. A,~ 0., Agent for rrjlh Half-p"y-oflicel'i, 7 JilIU'-.p::
Woodward (Mal}) Haberda.her. 19' ChalJJrntl'Jhw:t. ,
Wooldridge (FranciJ) Tallow-chandler, S IJachlo.u, :
Wooldridge (Hear}') Seap.aad TaUow-ch~d'.er, 21 CA.,.c.\..-..u.
Wooldridge (Hag~ Ca'P"Dtcr, N.SI.....t..
Worn (william) Perfumer, 18' Da~.
Wright (John) WoolleHraper, 29 SAi __row.
W right (Jos. Rd. Jas. lit ~ob,) Hat-81~lIufac:turer.. 11 z-. ~
"-right (Joseph) Hat-momufactnrrr, 20 ~1Imit.
'Wript (NdaeaUah) Liuen-draper; S BJtinJteP-r__
Wright cr.) Jeweller, 26 B" Sltip-rtt'eel.
Wright (Thomaa) Hat-manufacturer, SS JY~~
~ybrant9 (George) Builder. 7 Pem--uteet.
'W)'OD (Jamea) Iron-monger. 111 ~. Of'llllmli-qUGy.
Yilta (Iames) Timber.merchant, JOS Rogent1l&',.,jUll1J:
Yeates CA.} Milliaer, ~ Pill-laM.· -
Yote. (Andrew) Jilraa..£outlder, 98 N.1Ciag:._",.
Y-... {Rirbard) Cutler, It JlGrliaTlInU-Jlreet.
Yeates (S.amuel) Optician, 89 Dame-street:
York,(Patric~) Leather-cuttcr, 2 Xovin'".".. .
-Young (Drdincourt) Cotton-dlaIWCacttlrer, Sl.:inMlf"'·iIIktt'
Young (Dre1iDNllrt) Si!.ip-challdler, 17 Get1rge'l-fKitY: . "
Young (Genrge and Son) Hatter., 12 and IS T~;
\'01,.. V~Il). Iiroi<er, 10 BricUt'lMilley. " .... '.
Voung (John) Cabinet-maker, 22 gt, Ship-Ilreet ." '< ';
Young (John.) Navy-agent and Card-m.ket, 9 EtIIa~ ,
Young (Mathew) Delf-seller, l2'3 Tt'IIIpl6-bar. . ":
Youn! (Samud) Painter and Glazier, 2 W~:· .
Young (WilJiam) Furniture-wareholl8e-. 145 .4~' ~'
Z , ,~.

.zouch (R~d) (Bruceand ZPIKh, Ardlt~ti)A~t6'~

P.,.,silNll''' TUa"'''N, ~." CII$4/e-yanJ. . .',"': ' , " .'
NOTICE. ,>:,"':1.-: ,:", 'If

THIS WORK being subject to~iant'flt,i~iisj,f~6oin ill

<t.&e 'l'IIU, elf 'houon, Te)lJ<Ovals. ifl'S0Ivencie8'~ .e;a.,:5;" file IWkot
II'c,pt'ctfully sol,i)rits communicatio';. ·of th~' lIatVlt;'tfI.
<OtJS to the first·", October; 1815;ln 'order that ~t Ibliftie,~
aHended to in th e ne",t publiatioa. - -'
A:allPT'l' (Io•• e:sq.).S8 DtllII$oa-atr. Archer (Rev. Mr) 8rtri.~
A!ltOD (Miss M ) 77 Sl'll/teJ&·f-gr. S •.Ardagh (Deu! of) 26 Harc~
Milir (til=nry, elq.). 6 Mou"~.!N"..o\rmagb (His Grace,'tht!l.otclAsdl.
Mair (Mn.l!.ob.) !l4lDw. ~110Il7#-ll.· bishop of) Hill"ltred. Lrmdan.
~ BeU-gr<~, AltmrutemJen. Annit (JolNJ, esq.). 1 KildafotI.lf#M.,. .
A!Iams (Mr.. GeQ7',e'~/ace' and NellJlOtW-parlt. _
Ad~1;Us (MT,8. E1~) 1 "P' Dum.· ;Al'ait (Wm. eaq.) tit. FiI_,o4l,..
MaillS (!\lZJ. loabellll) 2 RuueU1IIr. Armlitmng (CeL) 53 lqW. M ...'!t; ....
~ (Saw esq.) 45 Eecla·llre". f\mMtr.cmg ( IOup. Do,-,;w.
.l\4am60P U. elq.) 55 A""ge_Meat Arm4rong ( 8 BI,..;,.. ........
4doIlIJJQn (j.II.ellq.) 3 Fmkr.iclMt.8. ArlMtrong (Mrs. D ) 1~.l • .D4r""t;.
.A<Uecro.n (1110. e.q.) S MoIelW101'lb-,.\Al'IIlatroag (lle... M.c.) S~ at:nJe ....
Allrien (SurgeoQ) 19 .Dru6'Q/Ntwtt. ~Itro..g (R.esl\o) 19 Jlf~-4
Agar (Wm. esq,) 4 Mole,tIII1f'fb."r. i<\rlUtlong (Surg. n.) lS.,.. !::l~
J)i~ey (Maj. Qell.) 45 na''CQ1JrI...".JArneW.(Ja•• esq.) 45 ilp.Jlv1 •
Ale)(.and..r (RQh. e •.q.) 12 MeJ.riHJ-I· JJa~., Co. DO$II. .
M/!$are, S, and Se/JflWV.fll. liArl1Ul (llight Hon. the lJarl·oJ}
,t.lex.aDdt:r (.Sir W ~.) B<4"..,o_., KiltbutMArwt. .
Alexander ('-IIr.Attbur (['r••sq.) 20 ... GardirJer..If.
4lexand"r W. elq.) 1 Richlllond'f/l.Aldll:u: (R. lC;e.q.}lQC_.,.,.... 8~
4lkll (Colonel) 36 t, Gtlrdmer-l4n:e(.' Arthllre (John, esq:) S ~
Alien (Edm. e5q.) SI. Fit,.witliG"",".! ipinr.".' 111111 Jio~. ~__ .
A-lIeD (Lord Vu-unt) 10 M"..-"I"" Anlaun ~MiW; £.<,\-)8 8.c-W.~
41len (l{il:h. elq.) 24 EcckMlrtllC. lA"rthwe.{Mr",,J,):19. • GI»~
~ (Tim. ellq.) 56."*,. Call1den.rl.~sbowe CMiM E.).59.p;G~1t.
Alien (Uln. etq.) 5 MOIpltjQ!I"'Vo S"""lhe (1II;i~) .. liP. Rtulo"""".
J\lIey (j",ome. e.q,) 72 A."Si__II,IMbe ("Mra,W.) 27. I4il1ra••" • •
A.Olory (Majol) MOf!f1!.fteltJ. Bmll' jl'UhJ.e)l {Jos..el4).46 I~. ';'
Ander~ (',Ash~ (Lam)
Ander_V•.·esq.) 148 M~"..t.I WeodIA-.&lliacu!M.

J\n4ersoo.(J.....q.)58 QIIe\m-at,..,lAshwwth (J. eaq.) s S, C_Jefi«.

Andepon (M1•• M.) .2
CJtD'e-Ilrcet.l".klllor&!1 (K. esq.) 16 Merr....Sf. N.
iUlcb:~.{J4I'.. Mar.) .4 Digg...."t'.~k-il1lQ. (l. eaq.) '66 .". Drwtn-rl,..
~-...(l\pb.eJq.) 22 Bl'llfUIf,'''' . kin~ (J. CS4,) FvJ->i_twfW.tI4.
ADdrew. (AlA. Tbo.). Mer...sq,W.. Atk-iaao.o(J.j.uDA9-)I&Jlic=.,iru-...
J\Qgief (pr.) ss Mdnwort'·6if'!M, 'OM/,*e.' ~. .
Au~ (CM. uq.): 57 6cole.HCr•. tkinson (MissM.)I'ZIlp.~s
" !1VU!lltWtl. '..u.v Xihl~. f\ttMlllf"GeIWa1 (~ lIbn. tt.e)~ll
.AIu¥r.ley (HOII. Fn.) 29 Mok.... . 8ep/IM.·..,r. N. t.Xiif'i#>rd.:-m,*r (Re •• ~.) Si MolurM."'. fl-tty {.....<....}2 French·d.
Antill!U (Cb.r.etq.) 61 " GIrd;*""" I\...hiille,,~ (SWlleoII) U Hor,dUJ.4.
Archdall (HoD. Marr) 1 Kildtm:.1 ~ueti~ (CoL) ~MMi. etAltIe.
C<U({t1 4~, .Co. 8-.11414, i'~.(.&tr. Ca••). J!ccle,:.itroel.

1'1'-' C'bl. E.) 24 ftlJUlt-:.":,,,· .

A.rcbet (])QC_) 18
J\rQb,4eaccm(r.e8CJ JUS..
l\yl....{.idL. 'IQ,) 9T~b_
65 S~'''.v.8. . amlS~CiJ.lf/e.,a..K.l~"'1-
116 ~lobilily llRd Gentr.'J'
. B. Bbtty (Tho, esq.) loo B,,~ti(~~:
ISablApa (Dav~.!,q.) 15 ,RUlland- Bective (tbef.o'V'tJ:§S of) J 7 Rudiuid!
IIf'M'Fe.W. ~uJI. Co.~' '7' N. S'_1Iie;...Mlf •. (;o M~alh.. ',"
BabiDatoo ( 28 Hardwicfte. .. Beeby (l"ho. esq.) 19 WentiL'ortl.~pl.
BabiD&t0o (W. eaq.) Sl'ri'I,g-,ardeu. Beeby (Wm. esq.) 9 Macf!rl1tC!l..o/;
Ba_ (Mill S.) 8 8,.,.,-*; 86ere (Gei:i. esq.)1l9 WIo. Ca7lltkK';;"£
~ (T.Inq.) 2S I'tJtrfobello. Beere ( J3 CllarloU';sIn!rl•.
Bailie (M ...) 10 Ha~. Seers (\4'm;esq.) IS OlaclchGU-oh'eet.
Baker (W.J esq.) 27 ..1' R.,lartd-Il. Bent CMr.. J.) 1 JJr.clclfQil'1'"'io.~.
Balfe (WID. elIq.) 2 Hawaillo"'''MII. Defihel (Mrs. A.) 26 N.1;t Gen.:...l.
Ball (Ben. esq.) J 8 M"""",, •.quan:. Bell'oQr (Mrs, L ) 10 DI~C~.uecft: .
B•• od Will__parlt. ~ Bell (Doctor) S4 Parlc~rerl. E • • '
Ball (Gee. esq.) 71 • . D.wl-1hwI BI!ll (Ea. ~.) 22 Cl&~aiad-St. 'N.
Ball (Mrs. M. G.) 4'1 lIcrJo.llreet. Bell tMts.£liza') ;5 Cr.lJrlebconl-.,·r:
Ball (T. eaq.) IS Domilliclr-Ilreet. BeRew (Wm. eICl.) 10 gi.';;
Ball (W. esq.) 7 Clart:·Il. Du" Belle... (SIT Eilw ) Bll!isi"gtO!Wlrmj
lIaDb (Bob. esq ) S7 MaCtJrlnLJj.oirr. arid Oarmeat", D.nlf~. .
Barber (Captain) 7 up. Camd.ea ...... Belvedere (CeuJltes~ of) 6g1 • .~,
Barber ( ~l HtJf'fXJIU<t-str; . mllrk-"reri. . .
Barber (Re,!,. Mr.) 1"d-ro,,,. Bean (Mr8.J,) 128 up. Dor~-sl,.ac:
.• ~rker (Dr. F.j 10 ul'. M~...treet. BeJinett (Chr. esq.) 15 Portobelf". '.:
lIarker (Rn. Mr.) IS C.mlJerl.". S. Bennett (G. e"'J.) 11mb Fi,ZII"" ,ol,
Barker (T. esq.) 1 Lu.o...6tre~ Berrnett ( E.) 38 Xildare-urerl:.
Barlow (JUlea, i!fq.) 581. Geo ....t. N. Bennett (l\frs. E.} 58G1'•.
Bam.. (Joho, esq.) 11 8eonelt (Mr•. -].) J~ Ill'. M~io"/ll~it;..
. Farry Pari:. BeDoett (R. N.uq ) 2S Ha"C<!IIorl~iI,;'
Ballow (M'IU ~29F~-#.S. and N.·aoburj. Cr>. Ki/darY. ':;'
Berua (S. E. esq.) 6 ",~lt-Jll; BeD08tt (The Misses) 8 LHI6n·$Ir.
Bames (T.elq.) 9 ,;p. P~. BereiEord (Rt.Boo. ]ohe Claudiu.;:
. WaIlatul; Co. MOItJth..
&mea (ltob. eaq.) 68 lorD. DfJ'ml-ll
I;otd Mayor. M<I7won H".."'..
Behl.:4ere, RicAlIlolUI; .'-
Bal'Oll (J..ord Chief) 8 8tepMa'''f.N. Berrell (Joho, eu,., 12 Char1ctiHlr_; ,
Barrillgton ( t. Fift:lIPIIiAl, Berry (C.ptain) 14 PMfobelln.'''::
Uarry (Hoo;. Mrs.) 8 C.III6erl...", N. . (Tbo. esq.) -l H","e-Mrerl:"~
Batry( 18 F~. N. 8eosoDnet (Jas.•uQ.)·lIO'.[.~ll
Qarty (Mn.) 37 MoUnDlWtlwtreet. Betham (Sir Wni.) 'l'Jahe4tlW!1; ii.-
Bury (Rt. Hon. Joo. M.) T.-.ury, ,Monllldie,. H.nue, ·MlIRkdt..... -,;
J)wbU.. c.u.u. & N~. Barry Bevan (Henry, esq.)
Dwry (Rob. -..) 11 "1'; Fi,_oCt. Bigger (WIDo e.q.J S7 $k~/iiJJ...

Ba'tteir (Ja.eaq.) 7 N. C~. B~olis (,\{rs. A) ~5 NiuiR~'Hr"

~ttenb1 (MrL M. A.) IG MrMnt- Irch (W1n. R. etfq.'/95tq;.Ip_-IIr
'·,iiJ.rHftI4riJ. 1I. . . Birminghllm' (M.s:- N.)'$·~
Bayley (Ed e1q.) fl HIII"COIIf't-ltreet. g"ret'~tllacj, and .Rf~~~~
Bayley Phil.eeq.) 24 M~ 8uminl('h.aai(W:e<q)!IW :":.
Bayty .(los. eiq ) 411 fl_rept. '. -dreN, aDd Gor<!y. C{).:,tV~·
Bayly (Mrs.S.) 111 JJleaI..,,_IhwI. Biahop (~.... £li2.l} 17dt1itr~.
Baynes (.idw. J, aq.) IS. NellOfHt. lIlac:k-(I. 1'''1.) 12'l8,,--.1I0; "
Dea.l.,y (rho., efiq.) 6. Dafllltm-.... ~~burtre~ •• dq.}'llb'lhrfli,,;...J.
Beatty (Dr.) 1& MoIeliWflftA-lhwt. • ill_bumf' :lIsq.)i6ma~,
~tty (Fra.e.;q.1fi M.WIfoS.. .Iad:ney ( .,..' R.,~jf.RI4tliiailk
Beatty (G\lQ. esq.) 10 Hant.liDltNt, 81ackJIe)' ('I'. cWJ» -t6·","i-.~.
I (
Nobility and Gentry 117
Dlaekwood (Hoft. H.) 8 gt. CIt4~ Bayd (Mn. A) 28 ~ .
J31.ackwooc\ (Hon. P.) 6 Harcmm"'. Bayd (Patlt. eaq) 21 .Brwt#III~
BlackwoOd (Min D.) 22 Haril:tb.-n. Boyde (Mrs. c.) 48 10flJ. Mo""""""
Blue (lid. esq) 7 N. gl. Geo.-Itr. Bojlan (John. elq) Roebuck. .
Blake (Mrs. A.) 102 up. Dorllll-Ilr Boylan (M. esq) 16 law. Gla.CUI.-II.
~ake (Mrs. R.) 24/41111, GClrdiaer-1l Boyle ( 6 gt. C/lwl-liriet.
B.!oe (.R,o~en, eaq). 8 7'.1RJJie.!Ir. Bo)'s (Thol. esq) 30 N. Fret/erick-it.
and SeaJield, Co. Ga1wav. . Barten (Dr.) 16 louI. Duminiclt-ltr.
Blakeney (Rob. aaq) 2 HKmlMtfWI, Drabazon (Henry) 10 gt. Charia-d.
and RO!co_ ". Brabl!zon (W. esq) 5 Blemngto7WI.
Blakeney (Waiter, esq) SS E~4' and DMtIQ""9. Dqleer. ..
Blaqu iere ( H. esq) SO M'i'r.riIm-IIJ. n., Braddell (Jo•. eaq) 10 M _rlney-6r•.
Blaquiere (P. esq) 28 MerriotNq.,..IBradilh (W. Ho elq) 17 ~ly-place.
Bleakley (H. esq) 55 Kl'.Sackvilk-lt.!Sradlhaw (Mri.) 126 "p DorlCt-lIr. -

Blennerh~tt (1.) 27iow. MounWt.lBtadlhaw (W. H. esq) 48 Hareoll"'-"
~oo" (8; esq) 8 Charlemont.llfWI. Ilrm, and Co. Tipperary.
Blood (Geo. esq) 18 Maiupel'-hiU.,Brady (Rich. esq) 6 Peler's-p1D«.

Blood (Mrs. W.) 12 m. GClrdi_II. Brassington (R. esq) 24 Duminick-l.

Bloll.ham (Aid. Mark) 26 Gard.-pl',Bray (Mrs.) 12 DeRZilk-.meI.
and BootCrllnlun. ' ~ Bremer (Edward, esq) ~6 Dl!1&%iQe-s;
~lythe (Miss M.) 22 F~iclt·st. S. Bren~ (Miss M. A.) 7 Ecclewtr.
Boileau (T. e.q) Fit%IL';Uia.m-,'1' N.BrewsterlEd. esq) 18 FretaI:A-IItreel.
Bole. (Major) 10 Mofllpel;',T-hiU. iBridge (Major) 16 Monlpeller-hill,
Bolland ( ss LJluaington-Il,'8ridgeman (Mn. H.) 22 ParINI. B.
Bolton (J. M. esq) S4 Merrion-llJ. S.' Brien (L. esq) 1 J PorIobdlo. .
Bolton (T. esq) 14 low• ."""""',""rm:'Brien (Mrs ) ss low. MOUfIl-llrllet.
IIomtord (18aac, esq) 9 Belwdere-pl.Brittan (M. Itsq) 9 CA(J.rlotte-6Ireet; .
130mfurd (Mrs.) 21 T~llreel. iBrooke (Dr.) 16 N. Cu.m6erla1ld-st•.
&nd (Miss A.) 51 4ugier-llfWI. IBrooke (George, esq) 1 Ga"d.-row.
Bond (Sir Jas. Bart.) IS KiIdorNlr. Brooke (Ouat. esq) 26 Hardwic/te-i.
Bonham (Ed. esq) 17 up Gard.-Slr;; Brooke (Mrs Agnes) 5 Rwull-pl.
lIooker(8en.eaq) 102 Mecldenfmrgl&- Broughton (Rich. esq)"!l9 BaUot-1f.
",.., and SI Doula&A'" ;Brown (Chal. esq) 5 SumllVr-II. N.
Booth (Mri. 5.) /tfotelWorlh-lI.reet. ,Brown (Surgeon J.) 1 COllage 'T~
lIootlie (Tho.. esq) 22 Harcourt-",1 race, Circular Road.
Bordd' (W. E. aq) 5 Dawson-street.'Drown (Thos. esq) 131 Baggot.llr•
.Boroughs (Mrs.) 5 W'etllwortA"fll: lBrowne (Col) 29 SI~''''''. No
&trowei (Rob. esq) 1S C{are-Ilreet: Browne (Hon Mrs. H) 211 Mole,,,, •.;,'
Bodtehier (Tho. esq) 12S .Haggot-II.,Browne (Jas. esq) .56 College-grmJ.
and Woodbrool(, Bray. !Browne (John, esq) S6 Ecclel-llr•.
Bourke (Doctor) 36 C~lfe-ll~et. Bl-owne (1'1'" Jem.)· gt. CIuJrla-",..
Bowdl'n (John, esq) 6 Bl~"jngt-st.l and Rifjrr.tl1\lln, Cork .
Bowen ( S4 .IIfole,wortA-at.,Browne (Mr.. S.) 10 10111. ])or'd-st,
BoJveo (Hen. esq) 21 m Ganlille7'oll,Browne (P. esq) 4 COJlI';"ger'...-ouJ.
. and Barnjfeld., Cu. Ma!/o. . IBrowne.{R~v. Mr.) 10 HoIle...,lre4
.l3owman (Hen. esq) 20 Wmworth-jBrowne (R. esq) 18 Haf'toUrl-llreet..
pi4t:J'., and DalIt.y. !Brown~ (!lob. esq) 1 MffloiorzolfJ. ~•.
Dowlllan (J08. esq.) 19 I. FiIEw.-str.iBrowne (Sir John) ,11 HoIle,.IItred.
Bowman (Miss M.) 1 "l" Gl&rd.-stlBrowne·(w,lter,esq) 16 Harco,,"''''
Doyd (John) 1j7 SIl7'Iien'''greefl, 8 Browning (Mrs. H.) 7,3 Dor,el-I/r.
a~ Ca. ~aZ:
[ 18151 . '. Brownlow Q
(M~. C.) 29' Mrr'-Ig.
.C ••
. _ ••
118 N o1»1i1!J and Gentrif.
BrOwnlo. (Wm. esq.) S M~•.".N.lIytne (<<th,; esq) l' .".llldT/IIIIIo....
and LUI'Il'IJII, Co• ..fnIID:lt. Byrne (Misl PflU'lees) 2'7 Atctt,tflrood.
Broworill (Ho T.) 10 I. MA!rrio...1I. ~me (G-eorge, sq) 4 HtJlJn..llrtlf1.
BroworiD (Maj. Gen.) Mn-riora-R. Byrue (1al. eaq) 541_. &tnlineMlo
BroWDrigg (Mrs.) 72 CamderHlrett Ryme (10hn, eaq) 8priag GanIeta.
BroWDrigg (Mrs. E.) 60 St"Pl--gr.S Byrne (.fo.eph, eaq) 25 l'rtuIitJ·••
Bruce (Sir Stewart) Du1Jlia Call1e. 8yrne (Mrs. M. A.) S6 N." GM-
Bruen (Mrs. ft) 41,II' ge's-Ilf'eet.
and ODl-JHI'*. Co. CarlDUI 8yroe (Mark, esq) 181-. Fitt:v.-If.
Dryan (Captain} 11 HemietlD14Ireet, yrae (Mic;hael. esql6 ~.
and JenkUutown, Co. Kilkering. me (Sarzeen W;) 42 Pruais-"".
Bl'faD (G-eorgeosq.) Collldwock. C.
Dryan (Luke, esq.). 2-l 8. ft. Geo.-.. cahill" C!d'm. eaq) 65 h. C~".
Buckle} (Elt esq) :5 Rllllantkf. B bin (Mrs. E.} 19 Di;;ge,oIlre«.
and Rif!ef'Itlah. albeelt (Mn. Amre) S6 Preaeh·Il.
Euoting (A. est}) 19 Hardwich-Ilr. aUagllan ( IS.,.. Gcrrd~Jl
Eurdett (Capr. R. N.) 114 .Mer.-&V' It Callon (10110,. eS1) lIf Prrr/t.·IIN!e1.
Burdett «(;00. eaq) 51 N. (;to Geo.~t Callwelt fJas. eoq) 7 lI:f1lto~.
Bl1J04ktt (Mrs.) 11 Pariaitreef. an CaIlweU tNa-. esq) Pit%1JJillitmt-IIt/••
. Rochdmua. ~mpb~ll (Bllr. eSq) 11 Ynrk·llrett.
BW'tlett (Sir Wm. Bart.) Campbell(Mn. Clltlt.)'.D.mmconch.
,>ltJa, and lIlem.amp. CIoalar:f. Campbell (Opug. eSl!I 90 B4&,"-
Lrge (Benj. eI.. ) \!O.Macm1n~'y-br. CampbeH (Mrs. E.)-:\OBtep/le»'..,.•.
Burgess (Bern. esq) 4 Clart:lldDn.1l. ClImpbell (Re". H.) "26 J>russia·lIIr'.
Burgh (Mra. A.) 41 lip. Sa&~;ae-", Campbell (Jnhn,.esq) 41 J£ccl-m-.
lmrke (Bond, esq) 62 ~_i"·Il_L. and COrri(''''''UlL'rO~ Co. LIJIIIi. .
Burke (Doctor) 1 Gmllb,Y-P'OID. Cal) (jno.. esq) 3 Moullljog-rt.
Burke (Ioho. esq) III Dtmiinick.llr. Campbel1 (Mrs. MaI'J)DnmrCllftCfta
eurke (MP. Mo.A.) III George·s,pl. Campbe!t (Phifip. e.q) Nmd. .
&rke (Wm. esq) 11 Belfltldere'lll. Campsie (Eern. eaq) f! Prmttl1tl1l1.
Burne (lohn. esq) \!O Mer....v. S. Cane (Major) 122 llaggtJl-llrtd,
Bume (Mrs. E.) 3 11,,, MDUllHtreet. ~ane (Miss) 43 "1" Ganli_IIfJW#.
1io~e (MI'&. Era.. ) 51 Htil'COKrl·llr.\. anning ·(Mrs. r.) 29 Rwlt.-lf. IV.
Bornett (Edward, elq)' Bri~reet. !card (Mrs. E.) 89 "p. Dorll!t~
BurrotreS (100. esq) P"rlt-ltreet, E. rden (Mrs. R.) 9 "I" MouftN'P'.
lJlllTOwel (Mrs. Anne) 21 FrmclHL arens (Step:e-;q)4 Muntl>elre...-lIi«.
Eurrowl!I (Peter, lIs4tl 99 Xee3OfWI. carleton (Alderman) 6 MOIItIf/p,..
tJurton (Chaa. eaq.) Fit:william.&If. '" 8tplart'. N. -and High"111tri.
"»urton (Mrs.) 211 Dens,7le-6treet. carlisle (Mrs. M.) e3 Bl,7ISiwgt""...
Burton (Rob. esq) 17 Domill.ick.str'ICar!1la~k (Mrs. A· )11 ~ ~t<'],,,.g. S.
'Burtschell CMrs.Deb.) 5 Blaekhall-s.Earmichacl (A. 20 ~t'lI....
Bury (Mrs. E.) 51 ~ ~armichael (E. eaq) 74 ~q.wen":r.
:BlIShe (Cbas Kendall, esq) Solicito~i. s. and Boll!lrrumdv/f. .
General,S BItJ-rtl. and KilmurrJl. 'Carmichael (Mrs. IaD~' S I);ggts-".
'Carr ,«;eo. e.q) 17 MllulliiOiJ-If. S.
Ctmnty KilIten7ly.
:SUshe (0.. P. er,q)
MtM'ion.,V B.I and Grtenf.eld near lloud..
Eutler (HaD. Mrs.) MOIIIItfo.g-plGce.Carr (Rev, T.) 15 Ler:JMI·9t'rt!d. .
. :Butler (Eelw. esq) R.mvlr. . 'Carroll (Edw. esq) F;t:::'riRmm-$'1' ..
I1Jme (Anthony D. esq) KUlllllcud.Carroll ( 41 St~J.heft's-g.1!.
Jlyme (Edm. esq) ~~ ,Su_er.AiU.; anc! RocfdWd. Co.1I'kkbm••
Bytrie (Eilw. e!q) 25 ~ic/NJ. S. Carroll (Jobo, es~ HIf7rw:·:rrcn.
N{)biiil!j and GClltl'lf' .11H
· ;(:aJl'OIl (]DD. esq) 4 law. ~embrok~,. Clarke tSir Arth.) H :N. gt. Geo ..~l.
t:arshoie (WJIl.l!sqy 5'7 low. DoTji:/- Clarke (Mrs. c.) ]!l S. FrcrJ~rick-st.
: street, a~ Trim, Co. Meath. Clarke (Dr.) 44 Rl<I1and-lqullre, W.
Carter (Doctor) 17 MecklenbIlTg"-s. Clarke (Da\'iei, es'l) l3 Brl... dt!7't!-p!.
CartoD (eaq) 103 Step4ep's-gr. S. Clarke (John, esq) 7 '11». Pemb1'Ok~-.t
.CartOn (:Jeptha, esq)!3 Rlcl.molld.}Ii. Clarke (John, e1q) 51 Ecclc.t-lIrect.
• Cary (Trist. esq) 17 Georgr"-l'lare. Cla,ke (Mic. c~q) 471olv. ClI1l1dcn·,.
Casei (And. esq) !3 ww. PL'11Il!roke-$l. Clarke (Rich. eiiq) 113 Sltl,h.-gr.W
• Cash (Alaerman ID.) 34 RIltland-sf. and TerryllavcT. . •
· . W. aDei BMlJiUe. . ~larke (Tho. ~q) 107 8tel'''.-gr. W.
· Cashel (His Grace the Arch!!". of) Cla,ke (,rhoi'll'" esq) 12 Temple-·st.
Merrion-MJware, Se l'altU:e, C,!wl.Clegg (Mrs. E.) S HarC01!tt-p/(Joe. .
Caihell (1-1. esq) 9 low. Gloucester-It. Cleghorn (Dr.) 26 Rlltlalld'.'1' N-
· ~a55edy (0. el!q) 1) ~r/~I"tr'IClelllents (Jas. esq) 31 Summer-htl/.
Cauan (George. esq) 49 liarcoffll'l.8. Cliburne (Mrs. E.) 221oUl. Cnmdcn·s.
aDd JS/UWQIJIII. :Clinton (John, esq.) 9 PT'IInicrstr.
CastlWlOte (Lord)CIUIwII, Dublin, Clonf~rt (Lord nishop of) 3 Moles-
ForeU Lodge, MQl#IlJ'QJh, aIId u·!»·lI.-I. and Cl.mfo:rl, Co. GttlWIJ/I.
Leopa'NUlonlJn, Cl>. Dub/i1l. ;Coates(Mrs. B.) ) 2 Blac/';/IO[[-Slrfe/.
Castles (Jas. esll) 73 Slel'hen<~. S. Coate~ (Mrs. "saae) 10 MolesulfWtA..••
· Catharines (Mrs Eo) 29 PruSlitJoltr•. Coatrs (Sam. esq.) 4 Frmch.ltreet, \
Cathrew {Jas. esq} 22 Horcourt·sIr. Cochlan (Char esq.) 11 I. Garil.;81.
, Cave (Richard, ea,,) 31 '11" Dorlel-M. 'Cochlan (Rev. 1. A.) 34 I. Gard
Caverulisb (HOD. Geo'le) TrclILuuy,!Cochrane<JClhn, esq.) 15 Digges~81•
. "!ld BOOlerstown. .Cpde (Henry, esq.) 13 EcclC4'JlreCl.
~nnd.i.h ( 24 S. Cumb .-r.,Coffer ( 29Kildare-~I.
Chai&ntau (P. .e~ 410111. Fi#IJ.~r• .Colfey (Edw. esq) ! up.Penw..-".
Chapman (Sir T.) 32 Merriflfl-s'l' S. Colgan {Mr•• E}65 Queen-llreM.
and SI. Lv.Pa, Alhboy,.Co. Mt4Ith.Colgan (Geo. esq) 13 Pl/r~·-Il~•
. Cbam.b.erlaiD (Mrs.) 35 II{>. Mer.~. Cotles (Rich. esi;j,) 119 8teph'-8r~ ·W.
. CJiamber'(Ji. esq) 17 'lip. Dor".s.'Colliw.("\J1d.eilq.)1611p.Dominiik...
~hamber. (laJIleB, esw) 3 Ga~. CoU!n.s (Johv, esq.) 18 Hrnr. ,-streel.
and COCkle Hall. jColhns (lames. esq.) 6 .DtrIlziile-$tr.
Chamben (.lo!. eaq)!lS ~/.·Colville (Mu Sarah) SS Morluor' .$
Chamlters (Mrs. M.) 46 Bsdu-IIr.~al4'ille (W m. eaq ) 1. Rutland-",. E.
Chamley (~. eSIl) 15 ap.G< and. Clon/arf .
and F_liIl. Comerford (Ji:dw. esq) 29 Eccla·ltr.
Charlemollt (Ilt. Hem. Earl of,) 22 onc:anon (Miss M. A.) 128 "l'1>er'
RJIllod-IgUtIf'fI. N. and MtwinQ. Dorset-.•tr:eel•
.Charleville (Earl of,) 46 SIephn'. CORDOlly (M. esq) 46 I. M.u'ni-Itr•.
8f'fIt.., .E• .... Cltar/eJIi/Ie FtWe8l. IlPOUy (Will e.q) 19 i'Tltsoia-Slr.
Kitttl', Cue"".. Connolly( Wtn esq) 2~ Macart7l£p-6.
~heyne (DcI(:tor. 8.) 23 EW-plnce. Connor (Do~-) 8 N~CIJ]¥-$/retil.
ClUd:. (Mrs. M.) 40 H.rdwiclr.e-II.r. Connor (EGw. eaq) 25 Summer-Mil,
.(:hinnery (Lildr A.) 5 MOUDjj.....,. n. and FaiMJiL'f,IJ. .
Christian (Tho. esv 16 Charlolte-II Connor (Hen. esq) 25 S .....,/IeJ-l&iil.
Qriatmas (Tho. esq) 20 Damiaicll- nuor (S. uq) 9 S. Cumw.·/afld.,,.
."., and NIIIJ ParR. Conroy (Thos. jl!q) 6"1 Summ},...hUJ.
aanc.n.y (Counteu 0£,} 10 ..&/_ Dway(Wm. esq) 56 }jaw:ulWlr.
"'1>l4ce. . onYl1glilim (Captain R. N.) 25
Clarlq (Ias. esq).S' .p. Merriorwl. Porto6ello. . '.
elarke (Anthony, etq) 10 1...DoIII..1O Cooper (Miu E.) 18 up. Mm;"""".
120 Nobility and Gentry
Cooper( 111tp. Pembroke·,. Crofton (Sir Hush, Bart.) 27 " .
OIoper (Ost. esq; 4 Merriarr'fJ. N MerT;OJ&-I!~.
Cooper (M.... Sarah) 12 C"mb..& No Crofton (Sir"]. Bart.) 50 Bz-iIlBf_
Cooper (Re... W) 15 C4.a'l'lolIe-slr,., Itreet. and Lar.,Jrwd., Co. Sligo••
Coote (Sir Char. Bart.) 88 BaggOl-It. CrOftol1 (Jamel,esq) Rlltlback: '.
Coote (Mrs. Ma~) S SynftOl'lllace. Crofton (M. esq) 26 L""-~.
Cope (Wm. eaq) !J H,,~. 'and KiUituJ. ,,'," ...
Co.rbailia(luac, esq) 49 Ecda-w"et Crookshank (Mrs.) 11 Lcifllltir..-mwt,
"d RIIlAOGIIa, Cn. MelllA.· ' and Nt:tillotDJI Parlt. ~, .
Corbet (F.. esq) a MolAfl(j"!J-lq. W. Crosb1 (Mrs. 'Arab.) 92 _po ~
aud Atlair. CQ. MMih. CrOlliy (JleY. A ~'~ IOfIf Dtlrlel'-ftr.
~rco,an (O.w. esq} SI B~iRgltm~ 'rnd- BiIIlyboR. CounlyCov--
... ' (0,,0; e~q) 1t6 S~oe.
Cofdner ~obert. esCJ) 49 Bride-lI.r Ctosby (W!D' eSq.) 58/-. .DGr~.
buRy (Benjamin. esq) 29 Frettch- Crow {Charles. eaq) 8 SKff&'tIUfI'okA
· Ihed, and Nt!fI1Iov1JJ:. 'Crowe (Mrs. Sarah) 51 I. Motml ....
ComeiUe (John, esq) S. DtI1IISlIJI-Itr. Ctozier (Wm. esq) 4lJ1using1l1'11"t1Y';
· and MnllOw, COIUIty Cork. Cudge (Wm e.q);j! .
~mwall (Iohn, es9) ~ • .z;~,.;d.Culf'e (Colonet) 29 DatD'..n-~~
-sl'l"fet. S. and RathflU.a.· DeetUctulIe, County Tgrone. '
..~ ,Wm. ~) S~M~r. Culf'e (~:) 44 NjI.Dtmet-Itrecr .....
t::orry Oames. esq) 9 Lki'g""""street. BoUI'llf'(JH, Coanty Mayo.
Co;by (Major) 17 Belvedere-1'lace. CulleR (Mi.~ E.) 5 "1'. ~"""ich-#.
Cosgraye (Anth. esq) 23. LemA-it. Cullerr (M. esq) S8 N. Cu~
Cosgrne (Wm.e"l)gl. George'Ht.N. Ilreel. Qntl .lItciunt:enus. '. :
Cqssan ('8Mountjoylq.1: CuneD'(Mrs. M.)l' Ki"t·~.
CostI~y (Mrs. Annc) 48 Cujfe-llreeL Cummins (A. esq) 20 up. ~
CO'Jlhollrnc (Tho esq) S Portobello Cum miDI ( 27~.
COllftnay (Mrs. A. M.) 17 Baggot-IJ Curran (Right Hon. John Philpot)
Coul"t!lay (In. esq) 47 u1" RullaruWI Curren (Frauds, esq) 20 PruuiaJer;
Courl.uay (Wm.csq) 8 up. Calluien-ll. Curti. (Miss A.) SO Kj[~ ~
Cowan (John. f5q) 6 ul" Camden-st usack-(Mrs. M.) S HtifrciIlOJl'~,
Cowtill (M:rs"E ) 27, Blessi"iJ'OJl-st. and Merrioil. .)
Cowell (Rich 'csq) 20/. Gai-diner-It. Cqthbert (John. 'e'SCJ) 24 rrrid. c..
Cower'(boC1:or) !j lur». Garrliner-slr.'iliJh--Street, and~.· '.
Cox (Mrs •.Cil~hj :25 Molei-f!H;"lh-Jl.\Cuthbe.rt.{ 24MarI6dro'.-st
Cox (Lady E) IS Mok.,worlh-slreel. Cuthbet1 (W, P.~) 9 B~
Coyn~ (Mrs.rS2' Moltl1iJorl/j.stred. ,:~ . -' ,D." J
Cramc!T (RI:v, D.OrlOr) Drumi:QRd~"a.Dairl!adie (~.'•. cs q ) f0.5 8tep/l.-gr. fY.
Crampton (In caq) 13,Merrion-sfJ• • Oabsack (Mt.:'Cathetifte)
Cramptoll (!VIajor) 15 H"/ks-,,lrtet • . "Ga~" •. , '.
Cra'np on (l'h. es~) 49 .oaw,on-Itr.~CI;f! (G~r~, esq) 48 ~....
Cramptoh' (!:i"'gebn Gc;neral) ~20altcm ('Captain) ·M~rd·..pidcr,
GanU",,,,'s-place. " , ":' ".' - : '/ ...nd M~i, -Ed~.'~ .
Creed (~~i)b, esq.) ,11 French-lh't'ft,.Dalton (Edwatd; esq) 57 ". 8t;p.
anli Ober8~own, Cpfln,!! Kildare.'. slreel. and Clmaar.f. " : •
Cre!ghton (GeO•. eSq) 24 !,ortobello.Oaty (Arthur. esq) 6'89f1_~cr.
ClIltghtOD (G. W- esq) 44'-Cu,D'e-lIr, Oaly (Holi. Jostite) 15~ &
C!reighton (l-fon~ Mrs. A) 8 Mou,it- 0.11 (lames, esq) 12 gt.~.
· JOjl"8quare, S. . . Oaly (La~y ,l:Ia.n-iot) ~ H~~.
Crel,hton (J. esq) 4 Mm-ien-Iq. Wo and ~, CORnt!! 'WidrlO'-A
,,:. ... ' - . ,J. ~
Nobility and Gentry. '121
Daly (M",,) 90 I4tp. Gar~ner-Mr~",,\De Vesd (Lord) 25 MerriOfWtJ. N.
• 'and IImtJ.· . and AbMyleiz, Q'&em'l-coulll.1l.
Daniell (George Rebert, elq) 2, Dick (Mrs. Char.) 5 TnnlJ!e,/r,eI.
Jtlil1&lntjO!(~19Ua1'e. E. Dicken80n (J. R. esCJ) 5 JJig,u-ar.
Dmielt (JawQi,esq) 11 Clfffe-lh'eel. Dickenson (Mrs. Jane) 2 DauwlWt
Da.iell tT; nq) Cu..m"'#6uilding' and C/lmtarf.
and DrumClindra. . ... . Dick'on (Geo. BSq) 13 CharleMOllHt.
Daniell (""rn. e.q) 26 B'Iggo,,,,,reet. Oickson (John, eaq) 11 Cio.D'Nreet.
Darley (Alderman F.) 60 William-./ Dic:kson (John, esq) 29 Sunarur-lllll,
l>arley (Mrs. H.) 13 N.g,. GtJO.-M. and WoodtJille, Co. LeUT;m,
Darling (Geo. nq) 19 GIo1JC~Ster-tl. Dickson (Jos. e3q) 23 LeuorWtrcet•
. Davenport (Ref. Wm. F. T. C. D.) Olckson ( 2 Mr:rrw",",'l'N.
J fO HeraTiell4-Mreel. . igby (J. D. esq) 14 Mountjoyo8lJ.S.
DavenPort (Wo esq) 106 S""nner·h. Digby (Mrs. E.) 1-0 Mountj"!l4'1./G
Da"is (Mh. Alic~) 5~1. Gartii"cr-u Digby ( ~5low. Camden"".
Davis (Mrs. Jane) 16 Charloll."'street. D,l1on (Charles, e.q) 7 LeuorHlr.
Dayis (John, esq) 15 gt. CAo,·leNtT. Dix (Eh"n. esq) 62/intJ. DOf'IeI..Itrtltll.
Davis (Richard, esq) 8 Rus.:ll·stred Dix (Wm. cliq) 12 "p. G~.
Davis (Miss S.) 13 Diggeo-street. . DiJ.oll ( 10Fib.",iIlia-.sq.N
Davis (Wm. esq) 79 S"mmer-ilill. Dixon (Thomas., elq) 4 Pa7i-6lreeI,
DawlOn (1\. esq) 22 Merrio;,.,'!. S. anc! Bullock. .
Dolwson (IIenry. esq) 3 lIlt7l.e-strCl't Dixon (Wm. esq) 48 IMIJ. M""nMt.
· Daw80n (J. G. esq.) 4 Gard'"""6-f'" Dobb. (Mrs. Jane) 34 S"mmer-Mll,
J)aw80n (Mrs. R.) 24 S",,",ru:NliIl. Uobbs (Mrs. Robert) 52
Daw80n (Mrs. M.) 54 Marlbor~'-st. Dobbyn (Miss C.) 19 N CumberL ....
DawwD (Paul, esq) 72 J)orlet""'et~. Dodd Uohn, esq) 27 P",~land-.trert.
Daw80n (Tho. esq) 12 Dom;"ick-,'r. Doge! (Capt. R. N.) 3 .RuueIl-plat:e.
Daxon (Giles, esq) 19 Kildaro-slrm. Doherty (James, esq) 25 "I" DOfIIi-
and Enni" CO"niJl Clare. I nick-.• trm, and J)er-ty.
Day (Hon. Iust~ce) S Merrion ••'I'" Doherty (In. esq ) 51, Stephcn'l-g.E.
. N. aDd Loughli,lItotl.,n. D·Olier (Rich. esq) 26 Charlemo7lt-llt.
Day (Robert, esq) 8 Filzwillipm-,II'.IDoDelan (M. uq) 57 up. J)oNet-IIr.
beacon (Mrs. C.) ss French-lIre.l. IDonlevic (Mrs.) 16 D.lNon-llreef.
DeaDe tEc1w.e~q) 11 Georgh-l'.'ace. Donlevy (Dan esq) 20 Park.street.
1Je.Arcy (R. G. esq) 6 Hardwickc- and N"ranlR",", Co. Galu>ClY.
place, aDd Bray. Donlevy (Wm. eaq.) 14 Mou"li~.
De~1Ie (Surgeon Rich:u-d) 89 up. ''luarr, Wand Priellholl.te.
• 8nc1nnlJ<."#r«t. Donnelly (Mi5S) 51 til" Gloucellefo-
Dease (-. etq.) 2 N. C"mberl<md..". street, and Clun/aif.
peaves (Mrs. M.) S Park.street. Donovan (And. csq) 54"1" M,~",.-st
Decluzeau (Mrs. R.) 29 N. Frcil.-st Donovan (J. ("q.) Fi:~w;IU"m·SIJ.l\r.
De Courcey (In esq) 12 1)onIll-8/r. Donovan (L. Ncill) 2 Jl1uullj"Yr"l'
Deey (Mu. I\nne) 5 Mcrrion','l' E. W. and JI'am,iUe, Ruebuclt.
Denn (I\I'A. esq) 5& '0'" Camd ....-~t·r. Dono..n (Rob. CS'l) 41 I. MI/lJIII-II.
DeQ/lis (Mrs. Matil) 5 H"",I11."-I'" Doooer (Patric:k, ce.q) 15 J)(!!ge,.'l.
· Dennil (Thos. elq) S3 SIrph''''·'-f!.r. Doran (Mc ... Annt) 1111JW. Jl,-lo"'i/ ••
E. and Fortgranl)e. Cl>. Wick/"", Doran (Mr •• Catb.) 3 Wmtl00Tlh-l,l.
Deny tLord Biohop of) 12 MeIT"n Douglas (Mrs. A.) 5 Clare·Slf'Cet.
"lucre, N. and Po/trce, Derr!!. l)OlV~j\ (Sam. csqj J Mt';".l/"''1' W.
DeAney (Thomas, esq) 38 up. Gloq· Dowden (Mn. E.) 31 ChluINMont·$l.
: cuter·"reel, aDd C:'uitarf, Dowel! Q'at. C\(1)5:.! Mce1dmilllrg/,,,,·..
1DcIWIl (Lent Bilhop of) 45 N. gl ~'. ..':
~ aDd 1'~, Co. Doum. Eades (Michad, elq) ..tll~,
Dewua (ilL Hon. the Lord Chie RslllfaraAtwl.
, Jllltice.) !l6 Mm-ion-.ff/IUJ~. N. Eagle (A. M. I!s'l') 4 PorloIJ,;lIo•
...t MerviUe, COIIN9 DlIblifl. berry (C. H. e.q) 7 M~~6j.
Downey (Hngh,esq) 12 B,..7UtDicN W. and IOlIhaRllJl". Co. Widt~.
~le (DoI:tor) 851 UJI. Dor«l-lIreeI. Eaaon (Wm. e~) 16 FIftCh ....
Do.Jie (Mn. E.) 51 CIwrleMoRl...".. ~0Jl (Geo.!!Iq) leB T~.
,eeI. j
DorJe (14. etq) IS Macarlwy-llr. Ebden (JOhll, nfi) 10 C~.
. Doyue (Mn. M.) 2 Weltlartd-rt1tD. .2
noyle (Surgeon) 39 BI.ICgrort-llr ecles CMn. A.) 2 RfJr4..,ide-IIk:
chiin (H. esq) C~.
Draper (Geo. e.q) 17 SUnt~iU. Echlin (M. etq) 7 .fil::willi....... lY.

Draper (H. R eq) 18 Wenlworlh'1 Edgv (Mrs. E.) 81''''''';''~

Drew (Doctor) 62 AWlgier·llreel. Edgeworth (Major) 12 J1dw~.
Drew (Mn.) .. "ll. Moulll-MrM. dwards (Th.o.lIaq) 11 WemVlOrUt-,i.
DrixcIll (Tim. eaq) 50 HarcourHlr. Edwards (Wm. caq.) .. "1'- £4. . . . .
llJ'orheda (Marquis of) SacltuiUe- gaD (Doctor) 18 Mp 8ac~•
. . . . M_-abbey. MonalCerwelt, Eife (J. uq) ~2 .p. G~__
0Nttly JCUdtmI, and MlIDTe-place, ElliI (Ed eaq) 22 S. CII~r.
Kat. 1rtJ:Jensd.. i, (ThOI. eaq) 9 JL.m~,
broUght' (Rob. eaq.) 48, Augier- N. and AbhwtllOllm.
I&re!t, and Bthkw, AITty. Imore (Ger. eeq) 9 p. Getwg6's-ILN
Drury (Mill Fralleea) 251. Ca..uten-. Elmore (Lord) 6 MerTitJ. . . . .
J)uaa epatrick, esq) 5 up. Camdea-at Ellbore (Peter, esq) 96 B~
Dublin (Ris Grace, the ArchbilhOp Elphin (RL H~ the Locd Bisl!ep
of) 158trpAm',-grcetl, N. and the of} "p. GArdill~eet. _.Ill.
, CatU, TtAJlDIhI· field, EIJIMn. .
Duff (LioIIel. elq) 22 Marlbora'·,tr. Elrington (~ev. Dr.) PrOTeSt Trill.
Dogpn (SurpoIl) 75 Aungier-streel CoUege,Dllblin, GnjJ}on.MPUJ,
. Duigcnan (Kt Hon. Pat.) Henriena- Erch (Mrs. 10 Fnmcl~
atruI, &: $aM!I'noKnI, Co. Dublin, Erne (Earl of) 4,t. Denma......,rm,
!)glee (Surgeon) 4 N,"..,n-strect. and Crllm-<XJIIlr•.Co. .f~1r..
Dmlbar (M.s. M.) 5 N. Fmleridt-., Enigton (J oIm,. esq) '9 C~.
Duncan (Col.) H6 Dominiek·stre.]t. Espeinus (Isaac, eaq) 15 H_Nttr.
Duncan (Dr.) 38 MaTlboroug"'str~'~Pinaase (.RU:b. e,q) 71 81q4(r&'.,
'J)uncan (James, esq) 32 D_on- green, S. aD.! XllCr• .,.,.•
.wM, and Mtffioli. Eustace (Mn. A.) 1140 Slq/l._ ".
Dmacan (Mrs. J~.) 17 EcclrHfFret Eustace (Rob. etl:) l ... .aren;...".
Buncan (Wm. esq) 34 CAarlemoltl..c S. and Ncwllau .... Co."c-w.
DiJilleY}" (Ch .. esq) 29 "p. Dorset·a. EU6tace (Sam. esq) 19 ..tre~-
Daun (J. esq) 8 Kildare·ltreel, "TU'. .
Doun (John, eaq) 59 low. Oamdell-Il vans (H. esq) ss gt. cn.ce'Ht,.-N.
Dunn (Jobn, eaq.) 11 SackviUe-m-. Ever'aild (Heu. eaq) GO ~.
Dunn (Mic:had., esq) Balbri&gan. D.,,,,,....
very (la. esq) 87 y.
DoDn (Mp. M.)~7 Hareou.rt- '1ory (Doetor)2Rld1~I:.
Duplex (G~ esq) 2 Mole_t!-$lr. ElUhaw .(AldUJNJl' JCIha) .IOS
Durdin (In. I:sq) 66 tlI" Dor,et·str. Grqflotl-lIffd, aD4 ~
Dwyer (I'. esq) IS up FiWAJiUiafl'·1t Exshaw (MiliA) SS s..-.tailI.
Dwyer (Js. esct) J "}I' CiJlIuIen-ll~et. F.
Dwyer (J. eaq) 5] Iou" ·G~rdiner-61r. Fanning (N. U4J.) 9 •. J1McK...."r.
Dwyer (John, eeq) 2 Kild{Jr~'l>luce, Farobam rne t~ Dowap
ad KilleM&an, "Q. Wick/olll. I of) l8 R,"law.~. N.
Nobility and Gentry- I~S
·FiIt~ (Tohn, esq) 50 York-.m-eel. Fibgerald (M.... 1.) ! 110 G'taU•• "":.
an4 ShctJiragtora, /Jray. Fitzprald (R.igh~ Hqa. WUIiamV
l1arraG (Jo•. esq) 40 York""""",, and Chancellor of the Ilxchequer, II
. .Jtai4gar. MoIBWIOrlIHtnn, aad Treaury.
Fah'dt (Doctor) 25 MOllratJoy-stn«. Ddlira Caltle.
FllrreIl (las.esei) I 111" Garlliner-m-. Fitzgeratd (Rt. Hoa. Jame,) 11.
I'arreU (las. esq) 4 MerriolHlf. E. Mol_IWIh-It.,. /J~ COIIJIty
Pam,1l (R. J. esq) 72 low. D_t·st Dublin, and Erani" COIIfIIy Clare..
MU'n!l1 (Wm. esq) UKildare-ltretl. Fitzgeral.d (T. B. esq) Km,bItJ.
Farrem (Mrs. M.) 97 A1I.1Igier-ttr. N-.
Fa.iere (Mrs.) 2 Pit=iUiam.s'l' W. 'Fitzgerald (T. esq.) i vp. Mo.IIt-~
Faweett (And. esq) G~1t. . itzgibbon (lohn, esq) 41 F~",
i:ea (Ilev. John) W Sv.mer.MlI. Fi~patri"k (P eaq) IlllBPesford-pl.
Fell (Mrs. Anne) 4 Den~ille-81ret;t. ,Fitz&imGns{E.l>
Fenner (Wm. esq) 1851Jfmel-lItreel Fitzsimons (Mf's. S.) SOtIlW.RttI....
Pomwick ( 271. GlIrdira.-sJ Fleetwood (Cbe.eevMa~~
JfergulOn (B. esq) 9 Frcdcrick-,treet. Fleetwood (Henry, aq) rcir.Mrrwt.
"erguson (Ot'.) 57 GraRby-rOtll. . aod Railerai_
, PerguaQII (Dr.). 4 N. Fmlmck-m-. Flemin{ CM.... 1He,.) 66 EecletHtr.
Ferguson (1n. esq) 107 up. DInWMt Fleming (JI:>Im. esq) 9Fif;w ....,. W.
~ (.loa. eJq) 7 ~'tJI. Flellling (Nich. esq) 8 lkl~,
Ferguson (Mi.. Sarah)65.DcJ_ F1etcher(H'OIl~Mr.Ju.lliee) 15 . . .
Fergu_ (T. esq) I tip. GlQuc~$IwoIt' riO'll If. E. UId MOIItf'O#,. ~
hrM (The Lord Rishopof) 1 Bel- DtcbU••
~1liaCt', aaci P.kJce of PfFJI,I, ood (FI'IlDei., esq) gs.l1tWMWi-..
CD. Wt:rford. Flood (/amea.eeq) 57 {j!tIten-.tlN'«•
.hlW' (Mn. M.) '1 StfllffDt-pltue. .Flood (Pat. eeq~ 4I11-. MC/.......,..
l'ethentone (Jas. esq) 40 DOMinici.; ood (Wm. esq) 28 BrufI8Wick-#r.
1IHet. Fold (MR. Isall.) 1 MlfITloII..,. ,,___
and BNClMiIl Ctlllle, Co. Nl'fI.tA. Foot (Lundy, esq.) 9 .1Hr&r:iJIe.-."
.FetherstODe (Mr.. S.) 9 CIIWC-Ilr. and Orrla.
Fetherstone (M .... S.) 42 Hard.-It. For~ (wm. ell\) 2f.I Rock"""""
Taeld (Ilof-le, eaq} 9 Pruuia-ltr. Ford'e ('M... Sop.) 1 Mo...,....."
~reId (Gilb. esq) 94 PrBlimiclt-llr. Forltingtotl (A. eeq) 17 Cliarimt••,"
.'Figgis (Sam. esq) 4S Cltarlemilllt·lt. Fonter·(Cha.etq) Si~.
, J'incHay (Ju. esq) 60 • . DrwM-sJ. ForAel' (Johll, fift-)-16.1Ip, ~,...
Finral (The Earl of)gt. Ben_rk-Il Forte9CUe «(,.hicheater, -.) 21 vI'"
. and Kill-. Co""'y M_A. MerrimNII.-etit, UJd 1l0lln!:t/0r'.
Pinlay (Dawid, esq) 8 f. OID.cul_ Forteecue (Jr. H. -.) 0. F~"',
• .Yualay (Mn. M.) 49 BletsingCftollr. Forth (Mu. Brid.) 6 &lNricnn,.,.",..
Finlay' (rho. esq)A.1 R~MII. orth (Sam. esq) 12 S-..",...
.J:icltay(Tho. esq) 125 Baggot-IffWI. Forw.uct (Rt. Boo. William) 25
Fillney (M'" Fr.) 97 DavIoIwII'ftl. .llwlarad"M/lUIN, No aDel c..ue..
l'illney (Tho. esq) S4 S",..·..,. E. JI'otvmt~ c..mty Doaepl•
. Joitton ( ft r~. FMer (Allen, e5ft) 48~.
Fitzgera1d (C. esq) lw. ~ "oAtel' (1. Ltilie, N~) IS Mer""f'~'
]1,jt~gerald (Dr.) 7 8Iep/1eJ1's-gr. N. Foul'is (Si r J... IIart.) 910",. F'~IIW..
Fitzgerald ( 18 CIuzrlnruntt-". Fox {Ch... eNi> 15 lIP. l'eraIwoItiJ..".
Fitzgendd (Mi*s C.) I •• Cv_AIr..Fox (1ofmI. Judge) 25 Mtwtoio""It]. S.
Fitzgerald (Miss M.) 55 Hart:oKrH. and TritttbIuI.lIIll•
.Fitzgerald (Mn. A.) 9 Gluvc.-m-m. Fox ( SI ! ·S.
Fit>'hld (Mrs. A.) S8 RI4r.~. W. Folt (Mich. C!Itl) 60 St~!..:p> S.
12+ No/)i/ily nnd Gentry. _
Fall (Mra. Eliu) 44 up. DlWnt-1lr Celle (Joh'n,e9q)1l MoutIIJ"1"'foN.
Fox (Pal. eaca) 66""'. Gnrdillft'4l. 1 and Raherty. ."
FtnaiJ (John, ~,.) 2 H~. \Geogbegan ( esq) 19 FredwitJ.... $,~
traacis (M .... Mercy) 87 Clarmtl.-J.,GtOgbegan ( 2 Cuntb.-lt.'&
Fr.aDcil (Tho. esq). 521CHl1. DONd-.u. George (Jas. nq) 2f MaRM'.......~·'
PraDkCort '(Rt. Honorable Lord) George (Mn. D.) Sf Daggot-6lrt1tt.·
. J5 MerTi"....,..are, 8. '" Nary- Ger~g.bly (Jas esq) 31 HoIles-1/nlitI.
Jidd, Clar&ttnf· ;Gilmey (Mrs. A.) 4 EcdeJ-smet.
Franklin. (Fra. eMU SO C~r. Gib60n (Hen. eSfj., 29 Daggol-sIrBd.
Franklin (Mr .. E.) 21. PeoabnJlb-".:CibtoD (Mu. M.) Dn.",condnJ,;' -'.
Frank. (Jllhft, est}) 25 ~t, Gill (Wm. esq) :- I11.f1cklmU-a.-eIfko·:-
&lid NocIdioro, GODly Du6li"" IGilmore ~.B. -..)9 ~[OK"~
Fraser (I\. esq) 7 Maur&lj"!t"f. N. plnre, ~ Carricl.f..-glUr GmurI!I
Fraxer (H. esq) 56 tip. DowtiaiclNI. AII'rilll.· -_
Freake (Alex. Mq) 28 J~.·Ginn (Mrs. E.) 52 rM'k-~red. . --
Freeman (LieuteDt.D' General) 8 up.:Claseock (Edw. eoq) 10 r.".,..drWt,
MmilJa-IIrtIl!I~ IC!endowe (Miss L.) 25 "1" Sa~
Freoch (Cart. George. R. N.) 21/Clover (John,esq) Wero/wrn-lJl..p/ot:r';
. __ GIo~ and Jo"'&'~grwe, Jlallow,
I'IeDch (Lieut. Col.) 1118 B~st.· .Cork. - . .
Fl'eIlch (Rob. esq) S9 Kildn..-.\COll" (1011. esq.) S Moutll}oSf-lf. No·
Prench (Wm. esq) SI Den:ilk-str. and NroIt""'" Parlt. ,
Prood (rdajoJ") 10 Ma"l_-place. G ..lf (Rev. Mr.) 44 Ectles...... ·
P"rlong (lohn. S. esq) 28 Lee"",-Jlpoiding (Jac. esq) 30 Htilk$-"rttt.
FUrlong (Wm. esq) 60 A,,~er.ltr. GO~'d"'in ( rho. esq) SI C~
_ .Dd NNlI1WA, RQlhja!'flMfII. Icoold (Tho. ~sq)20 MI!n"iOll""f';-N.
pten (Maj. Gen. Wm.)81ep4m-st. Gol'don (Ben. t!ICJ) 8 N. Su..-..L
G. IGordOD (H. esq) 15 N._ S~
Oahbott (Daniel, aq) S4 Kildtm- Gordon (Miss L.) 2,? Clarertd _ _•
. .reeI, and Liruriclt. Qmton ( ISIOlD.G/~.
-Gabbott ( 5O_~V..nI-st. GO" (Hon. Colonel) DII/Jli. CGSIlt,
- Oahagao (Dr.) 11 '11111. Gardi_~-Sl' and Glalful1i.. .
OeIbraith (Mrs. Cath.) illS 8uMmer- GO" (Mrs. .M.) SI gI. George'~.N.
llill, -Bc Sterb/JrlII_. C.,. To >ore (Hon. Ralph) 9 M~.
Galbraith (Sir lames, Bart.) 42 {,t. Gore (Tho" e>q) IS Sleplten's-gr. N-
. Gernp',."r. N. and S,rabane, C~' and DnrJlI,Wf'tI. Co¥nlJl a- ::-
-T".-. ore (William. e.q) El,.,-- .·1'
Gallagher (MH.) I S. Gorges- (Mrs. I.) 7 HM"dfDi. . .IIr.:.
GalWey (AnthoD1, etq.) f5 l. Gar- Gorges (Mrs. M) 2 T_tll..--am£:
. diner-llred. Gorman (Rev. Wm.) 1 8J1f&""'~.
Qunble(Rc:y.Dr.) 11 Wellit&gloa-st. aDa KilflUJre, Cvll.'MyltLetlII&. .: ..
Gamble (Rn.P.) Mic/aal&" YellJy, Gorma.n (WII). esq) 87 S~;
and l>twmcOlldra. and BfIll!lmmelS4f&. Co..JUeI4,
Gard_iner (ADthoDY. esq) 16. A}I. Grace (Capt.) 10 Lei___3~:'
-,RfIIlattd,.rIretl. Grace (Mrs. A-) 5 up. Fit:";/limIJ.rll.
Gamett lB.eY. Cha.) 25 Templc-llr. G~ace (Shetesq) 16 H"me-itfW1f<.
and Kelh, Coullly MetJ#I. Grady (Hen. eiq), 2 Nerri'.-$f"/l.
Gllmett (SUrgeon) SS Da,,_,"r. and Stillorgan.
Gartlea (Pat. esq) 8 S!lnot.-ll1lJCi'. Gad)' (Mrs.) 15 low. M"""'~
Oautier (Cesar, etq) 117 Summer-h Grant (Capt.) S Cluwkm~~ (J~; elQ) 11 BlaclcluJJWtr i.iraat (lohc-, esq) IH !:l.>l~
Qeale {Mrs. F.) J 9 m. Cardif'.(7'-Ie. '::'rar.: (Wm, ~.q) 36, _S~.~N..
QolJi./if!J flfl!l Gentry 1!l5
tMtton(Dactol') ss FrncA-1lr«I .Hamilton (Arth. etq) 7 S. CMfIIber.
Grave. (Johri; elq) ) II FilJll...'1' W. imuWlred. .
GraydoD (Cha. esq) 5 Ritllllllmtl-opl. Hamilton (BeDed. eaq) 17 M47IOMf
GraJdon (W. esq) llS low. Fitalll-#' Hamilton (E. eaq) 1 HtJfllill<m'8-'f'Ol/1
OI'eeQe. (-, e"l) 11 LUto1i·ltreU. Hamilton (H. e.q)6low. Fz)xw.-st,._
and GmlljieJtl. Cdltntg Kild4re;, Hamilton (Hana, esq M. P.)' 13
~r_ (Abr. esq) ll6 M(Jlewjurll..,h-. Mounfioy'~' 8. and SAeepo
Gt-eene (Clarges, esq) III Digges-st. Aill, Cou7ll!J Dublin.
GreeDe (Fred. esq) Clatlbrauil-row. Hamilton (John. esq) II PrerlI1IWIr.
G!1ICDe (Geo e"l).6 "/>. RtadtJnd-sl. Hamilton (Iohn, esq) 9 L~
Greene (lnnas. eaq) 20 Hllrcour1-at. Hamllton (Mrs. E.) 58 low. Gard."
Greene (M. e"l) 15 low. Fi"'III.-llr. Hamilton (MJ8. F.) ). Sum",..,hiIl
Greene ('>am. esq) 1610lIl. Hamilton (Mi.. HS 2 Park·""", E.
Greer (John,' esq)' 15.N~ Hamilton (Mra. I.) 8 Rut/and-8lJ. B.
aod GrtJR&ftIIII&J"t!gll,., Co. Ty~. Hamilton (R!lv. Wm.) 55 BlessiR&'
Gngory (G.eeq) S6 u]I. Rutllllld-ll lon-8.l_'. &: Dun6eel, Co. LOIUA.
Gregory (WilIiam, esq) Ct"tIe 0 Hamilton (Rt. HOD. Sackville) 28
DIfb!!f!, and PluJmiz ParI:. Merri<m'liJUIlrtl, S.
Grey (Cluis. esq) '11 Digga.slreet Hamilton (Rob. esq) 25 GtJrdi....',.
Grey !,~rs. Eo) GS Summer-IliU pIaJ:e, and CltnuIlIa, L1ICall.
Grierwn (Mn.A.) ,58 CAarle1luml-ll Hamilton (Sir John, Mart) 21 G..r"
GrijJin (Wen. esq) 261olD. Mounl-It. .uner'.."zat:e.
Griflith (Jas. esq):is N. Cuneb.-.'r. Hamilton(TheR~.George)SSup.
G~iflith (Miss M.) 1s Aungier-Itr. Saclrii..., Bc HafllpWtl, Btilbrigg_
Gtilfith (Surgeon) 21 N Fretltfrick.,t Hamilton (Wm. S. esq) 16 Hard·
Or.ogan (John, e'q) SO Lef'8OfI~ltr. llliclt/Hl; It ,Ahu6rooke, Co. Meath.
. Bc Jol"utuI/Ill. CtUlle, Co. Wnrford. Handcock (Mat. fiq) 19 HlirCOIlrl- I

Grogan (John, esq) 45 PI'tUlu,-IIr. #reel,- and Sally Parlt.

Orogan (Iohn, I:SCJ) 10 Harcourt-st. Handcock (Rev. Dr.) 52 MtWlb";l.
~ Tinn.'11tel1y LU(Ig~, Co. WicJdlHA Hand6eld (CoL Chae.) ColilmiIIarT
Orogan (Mrs. Jane) 21 Merr.-~'1' S. General, 8 MouiI~. No
Gltinness . Rev. Dr.) 52/0.C4md4t.., Hanley (Captain) 19 Di8&-*'"
Guthrie (Mrs.' M.) S2 U[I. DtnIL-Ilr. HaDley (Mn. Jane) SS Cuff~rw:
.. H. . Hanna (Mn. D.) 22 Char/alIHr.
HacketqMrs.E.) 29 JIj,J"IIJOrCi-,/ Hanna (Wm. esq) 25 Bcr:Le.IlretI.
Hackett (.\1n. M.) 2 MolelW01'fk.81. ' & Ac/on-HolIM, County ....'"""'IA.
Haddock (l. e..q) 49 10111, ·GtJrd..,'r. Hanrahm (Jae. uq) 19 Hulle,·ltr.
Hagarty (J. C. ~q) 97 Ecclu-Itrt:el. Harding (Rev. T.) 15 Ha.-dlilicIcHI
Hagarty (Mat. e"l) III Pr"";a-,h-. Hardir.g (Wm. e"l) SO Portland-d
Jiaire (Rob. eeq) 19 8ammer-liill. Harding (Wm. esq) 29 Moulllltr•.
Halahan (Doctor) 9 r .... k..",.. and Hare (Rev. Chat) 126 Baggot• .,._
Moaal-/llfilsant.' Hare (Mrs. E.) 25 I0Il/. GIJrdiner-str.
Hale (Mrs. M.) 2S CtllRdett·8lred. Hare (James,- esq) )01 BaggoWW.
Hall IAlex. esq).9 Sy,uafll.plol:e. . Harkan (Doctor) 40 Sac1t"ilk'-llreet
Hall «(,ba. esq) Wut-.lnlld-MfWII.. Harney (John, ftq) 2 Mol.'swartA."
Hall (John; esq I 129 Baggat.ltreet, Harri. (Mich. esq) 9 up. J{4"...idn.#
and BUrlora-A"U, . arrisan (Captain) SS Bleuiap07Wl
Hall (Rnb. e"l) 17' No gl. Gf!O.ollr. Harrison (Chri'. eeq) 12 M~cJded".1f
Halllill (H. e"l) SI low. DO,..~$lI'ec! Harrison ( 17-Macarlltlly.""
Hamilton (Alex. e.q) 2S Rutlan- Huriso~ (Jas. e~q) 2 Ki""';mtHI.
",_. N. Dlld CGrtingford. . "
[~815) R.
1~8 Nvlnlitd antl ~enfJ.gj
HarrilOlI (T. A.'etq) 6lCafNdiri-# icitinlm' (E! esq) 1'1:"mt,;Ctifltt*-,
liarrilOlI (T. eaq) SI BIuI;ngtMWl HitkJ(':M.dftoIt~.....
H:irriND (Thomas. ~q~:44 cup. l!l'ggIIfbllt1l:titl·(WtiI,·e"l~ If',"
Hart (Jame~, eaq) 20 Kildtire-';". :(jrif'd~rett! . :3
Hart!ey (a. cSq) 88 Step/,en"'gl". 'S, ltigghtt (1Vtrr.1f.)·IIH_~
Hartwell !Mrs. C.) 89ltiJrgoktr, Hi~ltIt(John; esq) 1.l7 M~.
Harty (DocfGr) 32 Glouce$/er-l, .HtginbOtPtbr.( Mfs,'E:? 1 tJ'f.·GirnfH
Hane,. (D!.) 2' N. gt. Geur:;c·Nt~. Higitibot"am'(H.tsqt'n~.~jI:
Harvey (Mr~. E.) 1 N CilI'Ntrl!eI Hjgihb«!dllili1'(l\fr'"""~'18 'G~.
Haty~ (P; W. e~q) 72 Sf<'l'III!A',. Higlltbatll*nt'(Tle""'J4~~
green. S. and Portob~Il.; . . Iij. Il~ 8c··Tfflu.IIf'!I, Didlflf, (.~.
!hsen (D. J. csq):12 "/'. R;i!hmd-it Hill (Aft!hbu),,' esq) ·25'.Mb......
. H:ukins (Rev. A.) 8 .'I'!arga<'d-pl. iHiUtB:· n. -r) 1f5 1ft!: Gardlrlitr4t;
Haoti~. (J. esq) J 1 Ble.~,i"gtolt-st. Hill (D<R:tdr) 8~HMo1lt"'.6lf'M· •
l-i'atten (Mr~. M.) 11 PrlU.,i.-t... !HiII (~lts; EIm:a}'S4·'~v.itntt-.rW
Haud.nan !Rob. e'q), 3 Bl,,"ingloll-n'liitl(Georp, esq) Biitl-;j~
Hawkesl,·y (A. es,,) I M"'mlj~!rsq.! and 'Ki/km... .
HawU:ls (; e~q) 9 Hcnriel,"-st.HiIl (Sohn; eaq) 8~"»rJrwt-",'ttt".
Hawkin. (John, esq) go Cuff.....wl'. .HiII (Ion. esq) 40' AClIg#lMfrM-'
Hawsfo.d (Fra. ~sq):12 IJahl/!t-str.·HiIl (MrS'. Sarabll P;"~·
li'ay(!l.Iont'IY 13 Blc"""gton-Il'Hilr (Wm. esct~ 1IS Prwleria...w«t
HaFs (Jo~fI. ~~ 8 Gardincr'6-JIl. IHilla. (G. esq)'I4:3 Medtertbaf!l~;
Hayn!!s (Miss 'A.) 48 C",n,uw-street.Hincks (Mi •• R) 47··;GirJHr.
Head (Miss E.) 16 low.J:nzw'-"r. 'Hitchcock (.Mrs;S.)5 Cla~rt~.
HeadIOrt (Marquis of) 1{cadJw1-:H"are'(Mr~. M,~.) lo<J~~l,;fI".
House, KclbJ, and Gt. Slallf101JC- Hotlges (Wm. es'q) ,41 LW 8hJt1i*'.
'lr'.ecl. LOIII#JfI. , . '. ,HOIl'<on (C.l\v. e~q), ... Flt!igi~.
lIeuy..(Doctor) 35 Aflllgi~'r-stret;t . :Hodson ,'Mrs. M.) 61 S~
. Hcany (P" esq~' 11 DrKttstl';ck~$tl'et' Hoe)! (ltob! e~q)"' 29 .JMnor--:trdl:
'Hearne (Capt. J.) 22 C1larlelllolll-sl.Hogan (Anthony, esq) 18Ktld\lreo-
Hearne (Mra. 1\4. 'A.) 12 gl.CAdrlcs-S' street, anC! Curragllil'll, Co. elM.
Heitley (Mi~, A). 77 Jledknb -sll·. ~()garty (Tlie Mi_) !l1lJltrcJ;1o..-.
Hei"yside (3. esq} 2 We'll'IItl"'h~irl'Holbert (Jos. esq) 2 Cllll"":f)lOfIt~;
. Hebden (Jo~n, esq),l 0 C/a,...ndon-.rtJ. and MonrutcretJefl: .:'
.H~nn (, csq) 9 Clare.-""..I.Roldcrofi (f. H. eeq) IOxp. G~-61
Henn (Wm. esq) '17 Merrion-&'1' S.'Holden (F. S. e!q) !!6 P4,-liaflfl!'lit::ll.
H~tiry (D. esq) 69Mar/6ll'roMgh~str;Holland (Wm esq) 9 gt. S4;p;.tn:er
Hen thorn (l.eaq) I09Sti'pftcn ....g. Whiolm!!3 (Alex. esq) s'cribbfe.towjd..
Herbert (ltev.·Ed, 50 DOminick·sI.'Holmes (Mr•. E.) S8 1£ard1JJ~.
Her•• n(Mfchael, es~ 69C0I'"I-slr.&tmes (James, esq) uti Step~',"
Heron (llti. A~) 69 low. Dllrsel-llr.: t;!'e£'l'; W. arid M~rr;an. .:
Hetherinjton (W. esq) I Lei"sJ~·"'!. Holmes (Peter. esq) 7 E1:r.l(tlt:t,
. Hewetsdb, (Miss) 17 PortofJ'fliJ.! and TiPI"'NJ"!/,, ' . ; ..
Hewett (Ri. Hon. Gcn~ SIr Gee. Holml"& (~ob. e~q)' 6 Hnrtlri>tcl:tosl.
Baronet) Cummander in Cbief,·Holmes(Sl1m. esq)'(l·Rrc1I1Nfmd;lJ.
RO!Jal Hospital, Kib,mul/lam. I and Richfl.Oftd-alJ!'ftw._ .' ,. .
Hoiw"tt (T: esq) 16:M"CtJrtn"!J-br':(lo~e, '(Joh.II, esq) '14Cliai-lhic<i4t-!f
Hewitt (Mrs. Jane) 27 Kif,lare-str;:Jt0ne (A1derm~n) 194 Bagg~-:slr.
Hewso.l {ThOL esq) l7 Frcnck-Iftr: and Hant\aliilale. 1Ju,fIl"'~'
HeylanJ ·(Row. esq) 18 Dun""'''''lnone (Mrs. Anrie) 46 rurk-4rctc
} Iickcy (Mu. S ) 52 Summer-flill•. Hone (c. esti) 2 .~lMm~.,.. kil!:. . '
128 N oMitJj 'rind GenIl'JJ
lace1y11(HoD. Mr.. S.~.)9.SBMBu. Kelly (Jils. eaq) 15 up. Arrlld-tlil;
Jocelyo (J. e.q) ll5 "1" Merr(oa..... ¥:ell, (Mrs. A') 128 "'p.- ~~
JOh050D (Mn. C.) 11 gt. CAarfa.-Mr. Kelly (Mrs. Cathj 'll Haidwi~o;pt
Johnlton (Al~ll. aq) S3 Mulu ..... Kclly (Mu.Ch'as.) Jf} law. Gknu:.4I.
, JOhDltOD (B. aq) III ;tfonlllo-hilL 'Kelly (Thol. eaq) 27' N. C,..-iW.
Johnstoo (E.elCJ) 62 """. Caflllllm-.t. Kelly (Wm. eaq) 19 iv. Rut~
Jolulltoll(Fno. aq\ i8 .flcclu.ltr. KellT ( 71 Me&lera6.-a~·
JobnstoD (H. aq.) 17 Y. Ga"f-4lr. K!lm~il (tleo. eaq) HllIf...... -sq• .E.
JOhDItoO aeho, ~) ,0 'W. ferub •• Kequn\B (rhos. esq) 40 K~r
Mr. and CtlflJlicp, n~ ,llaUulnra. KempatOll (Mrs.:t:.) 28 Macan....
Jp~'l&to~ (MiN' A.) 87 Dnu:ille-Mr. Keooao (Geo. eaq) 6 D;W'~
:J~holtoo (Robe\'t, aq) 7 MOII.Rljoy. KenBan (Wm. esq) 5 M~~.
~. E. 8r; BaIJ!lIiI4rJIfOf!, Cq.Leilrira. Kenoedy (Mr•• C.) 651. Cawtdea-itr•
. John,ito.. (Surgeoo. A)6 T_~. KeDoedy {Mrs. E.) 18 EtxleHUwl.
lQbo.ton (Wm. aq) 86 Haf'COfM1.1teoDed, (Heo. eaq) '58 M~.
Mr. .aod A6beg HiU. Q~', CO. Keooedy (1. T. esq) 49 8~iIl
Johnotone ('In. Mo) 4S N.". Geo... ~eony (lames, esq) liS FreJtA:h-4lr':
Jolly (Doctor) 12 Yfri-IIrM.· Kenoy <W~ esq} 15 G1W4in8trpL
.ToUr (Will· aq) ¥lTflille.ll{qn'JIIL and La~liu(~. . .' . ~
~OOCl (J.m. esq) 8 Merri«l'-l N.Keo~ (~. e3~) ~8 ~lep/IeIlr,.I'" 11.
and Ret"¥!I $IJ"'~, Co T l{i1dahl (Jam. esq) 8 .p. ~m,tIlN(r.
Jooes (Jam. eISl) 118 1/.". G/UI.-#r. ~nfoyl, Oil11\- esq) 60 ap. ~
Jobes (Mt:'. L.) 66 SIepIwa·,.".. S. Killi&loe (Lord Bilhop of) 7 Mm..
Jone_(Mrs.M A.)128ap. /IfI.E.f:J(~~ala«,co.~.
Jone, (Rich. esq) 89 No
lire"'. and Sale>lo_
,a. ~ Killaloe .(I"be 'Q.ey. Dean of) 98
B~eet. ',1
JOI·". (Wm. esq) 46 low. Gard.-Itr. Kiltarton '(Lord) 4 K.~.
10r. (Henry. eaq) 14 :r-!f(e .".. and Gm, CoJOily GaltiItJg.:
JuClge Oolio, esq) ~3 ap -!?or"M'IIS:~ller (J. M. ~5~) S to. P~.

. ., K.,. I
Jadge (R. ~9) 11 .,. GI~*: Kioaha!l (D~lel, esq) 1I M.~
!'filMY, N, and ~~.
Kane (J. T esq) 2 Rif/!tflond-,,,,,. K~n~er (Mni. Cath.) 44 BolIart-ltr.

Xavanagh (Thos. .,aq) lOEf/.pt,8r; Ki~g (AidmnBo) 8 N gt. Cdo:-Itr•

. .BGIl!If'.tJwtI, COIIlIly l(illa",'IlI' ' King (G. e&q) 7 SI, Deramark-Sf. ad
Kearns (H. M eaq) '41 S""'m~Iu'lL CAarlellow,," Coanty ROICOIR_
Kearoey (BeDj. esq) 101 8kphm' Kiog(MiH) 4'1 A"'~ •.
green, W and M~sI__ ' King (M!'L Ch...) 19 M
Kearney (Joho,esq) ClIuage TerTtZU, and Spriwu-. Co. ·M<.IMlta..
Circular·road. . King (S. C. eaq) 2511. C,,~
Keating (~r8. ~.) 59 Q_.veet Kirby (Surgeon) 47 Htlrcoan-ltrM
E.eatiog (Mrs. F.} 27 N. gl. Gf'O.·rt Kirch'oer (John, esq) 28 up; Rv""
Keating (Miss Inb.) 51 Aungier-Sl.. Kireholl"er (Mrs.Sarah) 4 ~
Keatinl!'t' (M eaq)"SI up. FilZVl.-lI.r. Kirk (!Os. esq) RdJI~i,UJ.'U!!'.· ••
E.e~tinge (Rich. e.q) 91 Baggot~r. K~ng tlImJ.l~·, '~fg) 16, Mer.-t'l' ~
K ....gao (Mrs C.) 86 Charlemvnt·ltr KIDg (S'teuart, aq) r ~
KI'C';e (Arth. esq) 43 C4ar/t'7fI(Int-sl . • and FingaI. '. .
Ke~ne (Mrs M.) 66 CI",rkmonl-#r. KingsbUry (ReT. T.) 18 l!l!1"f'lDCIi.
Kelly (Dan. esq) 68 low.. Gartl.•ltr. Kirkpatrick (Al~oder, esq.)401f.
Kelly (F.d. a"d Geo.esqrs) 17 Mw.-' Geurge',.,treel. N. aod CoofwUtwi,
squarf. N. aDd Kilt"""" Athll1JltJ. Knight (R. esq) 4rip. FiIwIillia'IIHI
Kel1, (Eus. esq) 15 ChCl,'ierMnMlr. Knipe'(Mn. E) lIO "p. GlDM«II6...c
' . . ' -.-. . .
N obilitg Q1zd Gentry i29
Knipe (Wm. esq) 2Sup. GloRe.-lIr. !.aven (P. eaq) 56 BleuiNgtor..
.. Jtuowle' (;;" ni. "sq) E:rcheqll.'f'-8Ir. Law (Robert, eaq) 26 EccleHt.,.".
~nox «(ba. esq) 4CIIIIl!m·land·llr. Law (Robert, esq) 8 Bt. Del!ma~.
· )tnox (Fran. esq) 17 Gc:rdillcr',.pl. and CotlaRe. Rllheny.
· Nnox (G. esq) 8 Merrion.,q. E • . Lawler (G. 48. CU7Ilberi·str
·K-noK (John, esq) SO Slimmer-MU. Lawler (Miss M.) 65 AU7Isier-ltr••
. Knox (J..ady l\bry) 28 Urr","l' S. awlesa (B. E. eiq) tf Fmlcfl-4r.
Knox (MnjQr) 7 lQw. Dominick·str. Lawl".. (Mr•• M) 11 Frrmch·~eel.
· Knox'(Mrs M.) S5 RUlland-sq. W. LawJes.'(Philip, esq) 52 Frertcfl.tlr
~ Knox (Mrs.O. G.) 3lvIcrrioJl.-&.{. E. l.awrence (Rev. R.) 1 Margaret'1>f•
• and Dunran-castle, Co. Wickt.Jw. Leader (N l'.esq) SS L--.rm,
Kyle (Doctor, S.) 9 Hollel-Ilmlt. nnd SWI4jitld. CIIVIIIy Corlt.
;'.' L. . Leake (W m esq) HID SII!J",.-gr. W.
Labarte (Mrs. E.) S5 luw. MOIINt-sl L.~ahy ,J. e,q) 17 low. Glo/l(Vlller.".
Labatt (Dr. L. B.) 62 ",,.. SqrktJiUe-st Le Das (Paul, '*1) 117 8Ieph.-v-"•
. LabiUiere (MI·s. M.) 751.Dorsril-st !.ebas (Peter) PIliU;psboruugh.
Lac\ey (Ab. e~q) 2 Ric.\fM/Ut·ll1ace, Ledwieh (W. esq) 1 vp. P''fllbrokNt
and,Castle Luky, COU7l'!! DCTr!J. Ledwiche (Doctor) 19 ror~.
Lacy (M. esq) 9 lulV. Garltiner-Itr. Lee (W. H. elq) 6 1nl. GtmliRlJr-lt.
'ufarelle (Miss A ) 96 SIe],"e"· Leech Os. esq) 7 I""". Gardiner-ltl·•
. W. and Friars/aud. Leech (Mrs. E.) 16 TtIfIIl'le-street.
~ Feuillade( Dou. e"l) 41 gt. Lees (I!dward S. esq) Secfetal'J
. '. Gl'Orge·...81JV1et. N. Gen. Post-oflice, Collqe-grt'/m
I.alor (Sn. t'sq) g3 Gartliner·...l'lace Lees (Sir Harc:ourt, Bart.) 8eopoifll,
.: and Tempief[lO'fC, Co Tipperary. Blaclt·rock, Cotmly Dublin.
Lamb (Arthur esq) Sand!lmOUtlt. Lees (1ohn, esq) 1 VI', Molml"lftl'r"
.Lamllert (Mrs.) 7, .Vtiuntj(,!)-6fJ. S. Lees IT. 4F;""'iUiam·"l.W,
Lambert (Mn. M.) 8~ Stqm.-v. 8. Lefanu (Rev. T.) 45 Iow. .I»mi7Ii~
Lanauze (Hen. esq) 20 College-gr. stJVIC1, and Phtmi:'-lIGt"k. '
Lander (Rich. esq) 4 Summer-kiU Lef.n\l (Rev. P.) 1 -I', Call1lelwtr.
Lanesbolough (The Countess of) Le Fevre (MissM.)2S m (;ardiJl.Cf'-'
B.lvedet"t, MuIlingar. Lefin\le (l08. aq) 27 CuffMlrwt;
Lang (Mrs. A.) 10 EccZ,'Htret!l. and GIa_la.
!Jangley (Major) 47 I#w. M .... nt·". Lefroy (TholllP, esq) 12 z.-"
. Langley (Mrs E.) 22/". ClfIntle7&·1I Leigh (1' etq) 4 MorriOfl-ItJUOJVI.l.
Lang-lo8 (Mi~.A.) 94 Dail1slI'II,·8I. and RlJIt'fVlrdnl, Ttnllh_, c.~
I.anigan (RobeJt esq) 84 Harcol<rt- Wnfirrd.
." eel , and L,,;gh, Co. Kilkenny. Leigh (Mrs. S.) S gI. Genree·...". N.
Larner (Jos. esq) 23 .B1(gg,"-.tJ'<'I!!. L£inster (Duke of) Leinller-lunue.
-I.nscelles (ROW, esq) 1-5 El! Kildare-.'r. 4' Carton, 1I{n.1pIlHII.h.
1.atonche(Rt.Hon.D.)4S8Ieph-~ E. Leland (John, esq) 6 C"11HlM!1, No
Latouche (Mrs. D ) S~ 8teJ,h.-gr. N.l and Drumeondra.
Lalouche (1. "sq) 10 lI'ferr;on ''I' E.Lelalld (T. eaq)'6 FitzwilUam.J'1' JP
Latollche (S. D. "IV 41uw. Murm,.stiLenigan (T.e~q) 51 Dominick·ltreet
Latol1che (J. Digg<!s, esq) BelJidtl'l and t.'astl~fiY;(lrly. Co. Tli'l>erar!l'
near DOII>'yl".ool:. Lentnl~ne (Mrs. M.) 14 I. Dum.-sl.
Latouche (l' e.q) 9 Sw]>hrtr.·...grein, LeonanJ (Mn.J.)9 M/JRIpc/ier-MIr.
. N. and RellJi~w. L'Estr.lIIge (E. e.q) 9
La!oucho (Peter, jun. er.q) 2 Fiu:- Vl!strange(S e.. q) 40 ",i. Rutla"d..
tAJilli(Jt1f-$IJ1lare. NrY'th. Letahl~re (R~v. J.) 16 JilY'1Jioce.
Lalouc:he(Hubert, esq.) M. P. Lnan (Sur g.) 21 (';ltmherlatldolt. N.
1 SO rlobililyand Gtmlru.
Lev~ge 'Hea, eaq) J 2~ Louchs (,MiSs L.) " BW.i/~'
Levlnge (L~".E.) lI9 ,Merrion-,'1. Love (Geo. eaq) 4H(f'I>U'~_'~
N. and' H'l'HltJf'k, Co..Weslmllalh. Low (Nath.eeq) J 4 Ecde...-lrcet.
hwell.. n (!a.A.eftq) 49 ~p. RIIIland- i .owry (Mn.~) 56 /lutloU-.6f'''"
"reel, CIoJlIm;/'. L~by (W-w.~) J 5 M.t:G,.,,~.
Lewin (Mh. E.) 11 "l'. MoallMlr. aod Traltte, c-tyKerr9' .
JDd Tu.,., .c.,,"-,I 'G;J/WfoY; Lucaa (RebeJ;t~ eII!Q) 12 M:f1.~.
Lewis{Re:t", j.)·So. rork-,flfUl.· YDch (Hen.e~}8 ~~
· LilI"ord (Lord) I HuIk,.,'reel. LY,Rch (Jas. esq) ll·gt ~.
.Lind.ay (Mu. T.) :18 C"fIf-"'«t. Lynch (N. F. e-.I) 4 .v0ll~
..,LamOl'e {Lord) 4 HeIl,.iNltWlf'ee1 Lynch (P. c!\q) ()3 ~" D"'~
and 8~, CounJy TiJ'lJtrary. Lyne ( 21ow.·MIJUIII-iIr.
,.J.itton {Ed'f¥2rd; ~) J 4 HoUes-M. and GraiJln_nl. near DKfIIi:rrIw. I
~L~ttOD (T. qq) 50. low. MOtCtII·6/.r. YOIIS (M!",- J(> 16 S~ft'-oWU I
ilJtdebales (S.r. Edward. B. Barl.) . JOD8 (MIss S.) .tg. ¥.""!V~-MJ. 'f1{.
DuNin CCIIde, aad PIttr.. i~HJrk. LY!'Jght} 2.S Lei~
Live..y C... aq) 4 MO"fJljtty-rq. W. Lyster (Mrs.A.) 35 .lJew;ilIe___
,Liverstoae (Lord) 24; S. Fretlerkk- M.
.met, and '.PalhM, Ca..Galway. M'Alpine(O. ~q) 24 ~pI.
Lloyd (Bart. eaq) Fi,zwiUia_q. E.M'Cabe (Mrl.M.) 40 CIa."..,Ir.
Llo7d (Dr.) l'itZtDilli(jfll-oquare, .N. M'Cann (A esq) 12"1" ~
,.. Lil>yd P~eraJ) /Hggol-street. aD M'Cann (Mrs. M.) 48 ~
TII~hQzue. :8f11Orillo M'Cann (::'>1r8. James) 98 ~.
<LIoyd (Jno'CC!lq) 2 Merr;.n.,q. 'Wo M'Cartney (W esq)~O CJuariotiMt
Lloyd ~Mrs.A..)64, ld1#. Camtlen-&I.. M'C:1skey (1.~) 8 S. r... Jll6l!tlaN
Lloyd.€Mn.. ~.) 61 Swra.t:Il-Ailt M Cay-(} IQ ~
L10yd (Mn.J. G.) 12,S_ _kUl; M'Canllarut (0. esq) ll,~
,Lloyd (T,..eag) 1 ;MerriOR-IIJ;·E. & M'Cau6land(•.,
B«d"_Pl,Rsl.Alttllll,Co.Limeri M'Clean '(Col )- It; A.;DIC6U~
.• ~d (Wm. -esq) H8gt. lhilain-st M'Cle1land (Hon. Baron) is a.,..
L~d ~Wl1). es.q) 5 ;Mecklenburgh-It tURef""1Jl.. t ARqwrryy Co• .LMftI/t.
· Lodle .(Peter, 11$'1) 57 SNmmer-ltill, M'Ololle .(Mrs.). 1·$ M . ._ _IHr.
LoC'kwo.od (H. c-"!) S6Ii1'U'•.M ..It,.t~ M',Cre;\Pt- (Mr.. M.) .s8~
.Lockyl'l' (Wm. eB41 13 BrltlflWi.tJ~" M'Dermott {Mrs.E.)4'1H.......
· LQdge {Wm.oaq) 14Kildar04l.reet. M'DoDagh (W. P •.eeq) 11 .p. . . .
L~.n {Wm. eI</) 40 ·Meclthmb.-Ilr. diner-mm. .. .. 1:"
.and Wuodlawn. 'Donald (I.. esq) S9.-p• ..JJorwtf.-:tI
Logre{D.Wo'ejlq) Htrro!ds-cress.· M'Do1lGCH (Ja •. eeq).-48 P~.
Long (P. esq) oS. Ul" Gardir~r. M'DoDDeU (loll. eaq}.41. Pnu8t/.d
Lo.ug6111d (M. esq.) M P. Merri __ M'Donnell (Rau •.• q) 2$ rOJ........
11'1. and C~"8f1UlrIJlr, CII. CrIri. M'Da.agaH (H..etq) 13.~.
Longfidd (Lt. CoL) 17 Httruurll-". M'Dow4l1l(ke1l: B.}DD.5~""'"
LOJlgiord(Oountess of) lCJ Ra/lana,. M'Eniry (T"csq) JlhE~.
$Illture, E . .and Lonyrm/. M Eyoy (Jaa.-e&q) 2.~
Co. Anlrim. . . . M'Farland (W. ~}110.,,~
1,opdeU (Wm. et:q)IO F~derick-st •.. ·Gough (J.III4l} IS",,.; n..HIr.
3.& ANghanree, Co. GaltlJl1!1. 'o-au (lobe., 4I8f1} 9~.
• Lord (Mr••. A.) 7 Cllarlntmrl.,trel/ lWGowan {¥rs.J.} 37 i ~.",
1.orton (Lord Vi8.COl>flt) 14 'Henri- M'G.y.e,(J.tlIq) ~9 J'I-1o",.."~I71

et/_tit, Ik RocMn;;ha..,., -Jl<'I!Iie, M'Guire(Edwrp-"q) 6.~.
M."Kane (~.\1.)..83.,1II' ..i'.IeIa.-II
,Nobility, Qntt GenIry~ , lBt '
M'---('i'ha:-e.ct) 21 m.-",.....IMabgID (Mrs. S;? 7' ~~.8;
M-K,-y' (la......, 18 MrrritJRo4/{.· N)Manllel'1l (the Rt. Hctl]". LOrd)'uillf'
and MArine,' nelll' .DaJldM,.~ IChaneetloP-, 44 'BttltJ/uitt! £;.1Jfi..
~~de'(1& eiq) ISSf/PIOl-lllllell] Ff"OItfm, JlllamftJa.·Lt~,
M·:l!:ea_(Mn. F.) 50 g•• Geo...;N IMaRuing,(T. esq) 16·.up. GIiItM:,-1I.
M·Il:'eIlDT(l'.eIIIit)241.Fim.iUu._s:MuIlOe (Mta. M.) 13 up• .~
MfIl'er (Mn. Jane) 4 FiIqi6bo"'''''~Ma''lel!h(N· IIfl.·M""""." '.
MAJ..,,M..~!!Cltanotle-",.;IM8Mfield {M. eBiIU 19 ,B. . . . .
M'-Loughlin (Rev. W.) 28Hol4&-.IMa"ble'~Whl~~ 11 ~ Filtlrltr-
. "Mallon. (Mr.., B.) .... a,-ftll/>"..! llrett.. and a.,_i.;
M"Mahl)n (Mr •• 1'1.) SI AuagieMt.March·(Mr!t:R..).28'DeIattk..",..,.".
M'Mabon(P-. esq) S8 8/&ip4trM. :Mtrth .(p.-'es,,} ~ YonNtren. '
MMuUeD (J. clef) S5 ~st,Marlmid (Wm.. esq) 68 lied,..".,
M\MuUea' (Mn. S.) 40 I. MOImI·"'M~'(Alei'·'e8fI") C. .- . .
M":NeUl (GoraWl) 17-Spftot-pl«Ct'.~MaMihlll {John,escV 5 FiICIP.-sq-W•
.M'-NWltl >(T, ea,,) 1f8"". Do'tIel-stMinhall. (R6bt 'esq.): 1Z Ull. FitlJl.-Sl.
MlIcaH{Drf Ju.) SS ~·_.:MaJtin(Rh·:-E:) 24 f'Imt·,tl'<l/Jt,
~rtflOJ (A C. esq) 4'
Slep1len'...' Merein' (T: C. esq} 2·'&t,rplace.·
, "...~ E. a.dBloomfJiN,.Roehdl Martle7 (Mh.' &) 9gt. CIu~...
Matatney (Dr. Ja_) 6 L~.MasoB ('o•. 'esq) 67·Cl~/".
· ~d (H; elq) 111~pk-p.·W.MuoD'·(Mi&t H) -24'Kiltlc~
~'(W del) 86 816ph..,.£MaIOD (Mr. C.) 24 "p ,Mtirr.-lf>
Mllcby{A.esfllIlS'-. C~",Mison{
ldIckay-{CaptaiB) 19 M""Qr>cal"""'MuoIt'{W;~·esit} 18'.B'IW~
· Meckft-(Mia.,S.·I.) 64 0<-""
!Ma,JterlOn (Misl M.) 501<-.~
Madevailt (~L) $S'Dorsel-IINtI. :~hthef!l ( 10lIl. CtI1IIlIMo,r
'~lift(Ju:eeq}1 H"I'CO~t:~,.Mathew (Mil. E.) 29 C~.
· -aad'I8~ ·Mlthews(M:"~S.}48.Bdton-..,.e
Macldin (Mh,) S8 .,.. R.uln~.IMnDrin {ll-e•• 0.)37 TIIti--.rltlBel'· .
Mltkt{Mr•• S.) 10,Porle6t111o; lM'1lxwell (A~e&q) 25f1rid.'GaTd.,~;
Mac lmtghllo-(DI'.)6-A· Ga;.a;...... MallweU(H.:esq) 88 '/lW, Gard.;-.,..
MIdd-.(Misa E.) 50'1. q"rdi_".!Mttxweli' (Lady) 16 MW-M}, N,
_~·(RtI¥I'I,)51 BlnIiR§l-.rtrIMtIlCweU'(Loagh.esIf}54~'
· MatWock'(Mft: M~ 22 PnulilNtt', Itr. and· FeRR)ir_, CtJ.,lJfIrm.
- MlW4ock~& eRrl20 Kilda-a,.. MaxWell,(Ra'.l';!P.) lSup.SaCltv.-IIf'
Megalt (~ G.) 5'No RatlGnd..,.,. Ma_ell ( 18 S"mmer-hill,
.'Magratlr->(Cot.) 5 Iow. GIol'"WMI.. audStrabmte. Coutdy.:i!,r~:
,Magratlt(M•. elfl)21. FJ....ilti..."Ma~ll (M... W.) 4 BelrJefL're-p,
" Maher-(Mn. a.) 211 T_,1Ie",.,ecf, MilJerI (Miss F.) 49 ~""ref'f..
MlboD·(Mrt..,H~ e..,.Gard'__II.!\Iaylle (Pled. eSII) D,."",cm,,!,m..
•MaIaoay·(Col'ft.erq) 16C!i4l'l"". Mayne (H(lD_JUdge) 28 Steph-gr. N
,Mij6r.(Mrt. C.) 14<10..., Dlirltlf-ltr. MaYlt8,.'(Robert.:esq) NlIItirag"-
'Maj8r (W\ E. esq) -S4.BIariJlfUrt-d 1IfWl; Narlh ,SWaM. .
, MaIay,(H.: eaq) 7 up;llvllllf&ll-llf', ciere·(M. eSCJ} 59E~
. MaIa.n(CltpQin} I1 y.'R~ Mallirre (Mr•• k) 5 Ble.Nit&gU'll-#.
· MaliDa (R,ich. esq) 54 PruUG-st,.. M. . . {Mi'''~ 51 Ww.'Mtm.,..,.,...
MOIne (JillIHII;aq}17C.,.,n.wMeares (Jaeo"" esq) -4 Derrllifl.,.sI.
.. _ . Circular-rvllll. Meatla .(Earl 'Of) 4~'$lep/telt'I-g" E.
MaIony(-, eaq) i MeURfio!rIl/> 8. atId.BlrX1lflztillll, ROIIIIIlIk.
Mangin (AIeL elfl) 7 GtemNlle-«,.. Mfttlf{Lord~.Bitltofli of} .drll~lIc­
M&"'{Capt. lL) 6; Gardltte,.',-pL,.. can-bllle. NIIM'II.
Medlicot (Milll'lL) 7 Wm/tbOnh-pl. Moore (HolI. POD l'S,Grli1t~Dl&";(
Mercer (M" I.) J5.up. GwucelleNJ Moore (Iohn, esq) 1:;' Cclage T~..r
Meredith (Mn. E.) 6 ~l!fen-..ItJ. E. race, .CirCklar-rooi.. .
Meredyth (Ladr) 1 "p. Fitztllilliam- Moore (Miss A.) 2 Mok.-'k-u.;,~
M. and R4IIIfrilanil, Co' Dou'a, Maare (Miss E.) 61 EcclU-6I.reet,1
Meredyth (W.H.eaq) 12gt.Dcnm.-, Moore (Miss F.) 15 .low. Camd~.
""rrlck (Gen.) 21 MeM'ion-sq"are. Moore (Mrs. Luer) 1.1 CharloUe-lit.,:
Metge (John, esq) 16 Ecde"sl~I;,Moore.(Olv. esq} 20 Datl1IOn-slreet.
and A/lIlum""!!, County MeallL I. and l(i(l~na. . '.' . ,<
Metge (Rev. J.) 34 up. R.~nd-M'·IMOOle (..Ph.•1, e.q) 41 Iow•;,.,.
l\teyler (Dr.) S~ low. GartUner-llr• . ,and Ill.e (!f Man, ,/
Middleton (Sam. esq) 4Q. Frenck-fl•. Moore (Re'q) 10 up Fil=wiU4tm-st~;·
and EII11hiU, COltnJ!! Ti~"!I' ,Moore (Steph. esq- 38 N. I(t GtJa.~;.
Middleton (SamueL, eaq) Rathcoole.: .Ilr. and Ctml111e1I, Co. Til'l.e,·ary. "
Miller (10" elq) 4 Dawson-Ilreit. 'Moran (J n. csq.) 55 Ww. Dorset-IlT•..
MUler (Law. esq) 24lou1. Dor,eWt. Moreau (In. esq) 1 N. Culltberland-8
MUler (MR. M.) 50 up. Durse/..",., Moreley (John, esq) 64 Eccle,-strea.
Mill. (Captain) 29 Ship-streeJ, and Morgan (F. L. es'l) 13 Hardwi~.
Cl'ORcWane, County Wicklow. Morgan (L. e.q) 56 up. SaC/C"ilie-":
MilL. (Doctor) 41 Iow. Margan (Mrs. E.) 4~ u" no'SeJ·~r.
MiltowD (Countess Dowager of) 17 Morgan (:'vIrs. E.) 7 C;.orf!~·$-I'iar.e.
up. Moulll-lItr!ltl.· ,Mor,;an (Mrs. J.) 34 Hardwicke-st,.
Minc~in (Faulk. esq) 51. Mount-It Morgan (Mrs. M) 27 Kilclur,'-olr.' .
Minchin (Hwn. esq) 16 Leeson-Itr. Morgan (Mrs. S.) 23 I. Gamine,.-II.
aDd Roe6Mc/c:. Morgan (Sir Charles) 35 Kildare-$I.,
Minchin (John, esq.) 8 Fitwilliam- Moriaty (Ch~, esq) 7 m. Gal'dine"""
,~U4re. .' . Moriaty (Eug. esq) 4 Margaret-pl."
Minns (Mrs. E.) 28 Malesworlh..,tr':Morris (George. esq) 12 Jt,fuunfi.J!/"::
Miasett (Mr•• M.) 40 "p. Gtouc.-st.' . '9um-c, E. and. Waterford.. ...
Mitchell (Edw. esq) 15 Bclf!edere-pl Mountjoy (Lord) 8 HcnrieUo.-wen,
Mitchell (H. W. esq) 19 Baggot-lIr.! and ,Moun{j::y Forest, Oma"h ,.
Mitehell (Mis. M.) 31 DlI'11aiUe-Slr. Mount Morres (Lord) 2/. Aferr~sI.·.
Malone (Hen. esq) 13 ul" Glouc.-It.lVToyna (Mrs. C.) S Charinnolll-w.
Molton (Wm. esq) liS low. Gartt.-SI'/M. lllack Cl he Misses) .5 Eccie.·sIt'. ~
Molyneaux (Sir 'Capel, Bart.) 4 Mulock (Rob. esq) 53 Summt'T-hlll..
Westland-row. . , Murray (Doctor) I Hcn.iftla-sl~l.
Montk (Wm. esq) SUI" Pembroke-stjMurray (Ed. esq) 24 Bru.1lI1I1ick.Mr,:·.
MODCk (Lady A.) 28 "I"Merrjon-,llMurra y (Miss A.)' 22 Ill• .Gnrdi"~-~·
Monk (Mn. A.) 138 "1" Dorset-.,., \1urray (R~v. Dr.) 41 N. CII,"bcrl.-.
MonseU (Wm. esq) 7 Merrion-lq.S.Murray (Mrs. M. A.) 141 MWtI .•• ,
and TuMJOe, County Limerick. Murphy (Dr) ;9 Slel'ften'':'t.'''"A, S.
!.fontrort. (Jd. 15 Prmsia-st. Mwpny (Mi$$ E.) 30 Biedinglon-~.
Montgomery (A. esq) 23, Ml1Sgrave (Si. Rich.) 8 Ho'les.llr.,_
MODtgomery (A. esq) Blessil1f5ton-st Musgrive (In. esq) 65 Cha.rll!ho"'~.,
MontgoJDery ( Freder,SI. N. Myler (In. esq) 191cnu. MolMIN/r. r
Moaney CD. esq) IS up. Gardiner-st. . N. ).
Moore (Arth. eNJ) 7 Henriel.ta-Itr. Needham (T. esq) 9 Men-jon-1Il
and Lambert, Q_', County. Ndly (Moore, egq) 16 ClarNltree4.·
]i., .
Moor~ (George, esq) SI Kildare-~. dson (Mrs. E.) 24 HardwicU-lh.
Maare (Gl'<!' esq) 50 low. Mount-It. Nelson (Mrs. J.) 20 HvUa-llred,
Moore (G. P. eEq) !l3 HardU1icl-e.~. N<!s"n (Ri,~. ~'q). \(14 B,':;g~t."'rl!L
NelsO!i (~:eSq)56 loui. -Dmo.rl-ilr 'Conflell (DaD. esq) !IO M ......
Nesbltt CA. esq) 84 S'eJ"-·'-"';. 8. ltpIm'e, S. and TraIee, Co. ICM7y.
and K(Jlevjna'fl Cotia/l,e. O'Connor (H. esq) 1 MtjOY-IIJ. E~
Nesflitt (Ilev. MT.) 28 YtWk-1h'etf O'ConDor (R. elq) 6 up. CmtIIdetMt.
Nt!tterville (Lord l 1 Blackkall-"",et, O'Conoor (Richard, (sq) S BlacIdudl
·'and Dowell, f!ear Drogheda. . Parade: •
Nevill (Rich. esq) Sup. O'Donoghue (P. elq) 29 10111. GMd.-J
_ and FurnRce, Co"nl,y Kildare.' O'Donnel (Lady) 15 Me'rfjOfWIJ. N ..
N'7ville.cB. esq) 77 Marlborough-.,. and Newport, Co. Galwtl,y. .
Ne.iUe (B. esq) 2S !!p. Sackville-str. O'Dwyer (M. J elq") 8 low. Mormt-d •
Nerin (~rs. Isa) 6 Ctnre:.1lteoI O'Gol'lIIao (Mrs ) 6
Newlaod (Abr. esq) SS AUJtgU'f'oIt O'Grady '(C. esq) 17 low. Fitsw.-IIIY',-
Nikle (Chris. e$q) 1810fD. Gard.~st'I0'Gtady (E. esc:jJ 52 Skphm'/I"gr. E.
NixQn (W. esq) 12 low. Gardi_". O'Grady (Rt. Hon. Stanllish) Lord
Nolan (Dan. eSlJ) 10 Lee,QJt.smet·1 Chief 8aron, Ste/,lIen',-gi'een, and
N«:,lan (qeo. esq) .S7 gt. Geo.-str. N., MO!'nt-l11'O.tpcCI, Limerick. •
&: Jermrdtlown, NCWtfi&, Co. Meath.,O'Hara (Robert, esq' 15 Mount;oY'"
Nolan (Mich. esqh60 CAarlefnont-lI. SIJ"are, S. and 'Railee'fl, Gort,
NoHiary (Ilight Hon. Lord)'S gt,O'Moran (Madame) 4Sgl.Geo-II.N.

• Denmar/Ntreet, . and Cabra; Co. 'Neill (Mrs. Alice) 1SI E{y.plactt.·
O'Neill (John, esq) 8 LeiRlter-str.
NOrman (Mrs. Flo.) 14 m. Gcml.-8l. and Ctutle of Boden. Co. GalWay•
. -and Artiet, CouJlty Louth. . :O'Neill (Mrs M) 24 Den:dlle-IIIY'.
lforman (Luke, esq) 4 MtJOY-IIJ. 8.;O'Nei1l' (P. esq) S9 Hilrcourl-llred
Normal1ton (karl of)' 40 Stephen',..O'Reilly (Mrs. A.), 4 H,.millen'k".
·.green, E. arid LortllQJt. 10'Rdlly (Mrs. '1'\ )'64~. D",.~""·
NOrt.n (William, esq) X/mmtrge. O'Reilly (F. P. esq) 4 up Gard-.ttf'.
Nowlan (Mrl. M.) 68 Cap,-I-31recl 10'Reilly (Nat. esq) 19 S. Fredericko-
Noman (Pat. esq) 44 Clarmdon-str. 1 street,and Thtnllaltotbn. .
Nugent (Geo. esq) 58 Stt7,h .•gr. S. !O'Ryan(Mrs M.) 64 S¥e+a'lI-g. S.
Nugellt (Hen. esq) 16 Clldrlotte-strlOdlum (10. esq) 29 Stephert.',.g. No
Nageot (J. esq) 9 Merrlrm·lrjuare, 8.0gilby (Leo. esq) 14 up_ Gard.·ltr.
: and Edmnnd'.-bag, LUCRI' . jOlive (John, esq) S .llolell»orlll·llr.
Nugent (Sir H; Bart.) Igt. .Dertmllrk-;Oliver (Captain) 2J I"",. Filtlfll.-Ilr.
Itf'l:el, and Ballln4louglt, Cosntg Olton (P. esq) S2 l"!'l. Camdtn·lW.
. Weltmeatlt. Ormond (Co\Iotess of) RKl7Imd·,g.
_Nunn (Johl1,. e~q) 6 1J1It"'~n-"rcet E . and CtistleCOflter, Co. Killtetl"!I'
Nunn (R. e.q) S I No Cumberlund-st.Ormond (Doctor) 23 Kildare-Itreet
, ~ . 0. . Ormsby (C. esq) 10 "1" G{oucertllf'olf
_0 llefme' (L. esq) 25 8. Cum5er- Ormsby (M. e6q) MOIJ.fIljIIIlier Hill.
land-lire",. ()mtsby (Mrs.) 10Ul",..
~re (Surgeon) 5S J!ullantl-slJ. W. Ortnsby (.iir Charles) 11- Ely-l)/O,ce.
O'IMen.(A, esq) 8 "1' Gartiinlf'-it.Orpen (Dr.) IS S. FMlmck-ltreBt
O'BrieD (John. l'sq) 5 Mtjoy-.g.~. Orr (Mrs. A.) 76",..
O'Brien (Mrs. E., 19 Digltes-Itreel Osbome (Hon. Judge) 15 TllIIIpIil-
O'Brien (M. esq) 21 law. Cafllden·sl. Iti'ret, alia BroomJidd. .
. O'Drlen (T. esq) 97 Stcphen· W.085Ory (Lord Bimop oE)· 19 MtItJ.
O'Callag~an (C.. esq) IS;""-'IJ an4 Pi4at:t!, Co.. Kil~
O'CaHaghan (H. enry, esq) J.f 111' Ottley (Bt'ooke, eeq) 4 Ely.flUiN.
RIf,lmI.ctrm. . Otwliy V ay, ~sct) 27 Cluffllh,.tiilf;'U.
LU15J8 '
Nobility' and Genby
O\lltoo ~ flq) GIl Chn.m,.OItt-Ih'. Pepper (Jo. esq) 8 lIfDalllj"!f'sq. It.
OWt:D (Lieut. Col) S Moul/tjo.V'pl. Pepper (Mr•• Hen.) I I gl.Cllarle.-It
P. and Bal(lfgmlh, Co Aleal".
Pad (000. e.q) !l/"",. Mu""'·It~t Pelc:eval (Doctor) S Kildare-plact,
Page (Sanl. esq) 14 Let!30JI-Ilre,·t andDcn"'ybrook.
P:lge (Sam. e"q) ,69 Char/c.",.IIl-",.. Perdval (Doctor E.) 21 Da1l'SUII-". ~
Fagt:t (jamel, erq) 37'''1,.11.,."'-11 Perc:eval (Mr•.) 31 ltllv. M_nt_,..
Pain" (Mi.. Ca~h,) 9.s:1. ])""''''''*.... Perrin ,MI5. S ~ .5 Prtlss;a-Itr.·d.
"aine (Mr~. r.) 100 SI.1.iIClI·.••I{'·. W.Persse (Mn. E., .;5 Ec..It·~.
l'IalDl'!r (Henry, esq) 2!) L-erI<)H-Il'l"IPL'ter (Richard, esq) 27 FrmcJl.Jtr>
. Palm~r (Mrs. R.) 2 .Jt,[I1/c.u,</P/h-lI. PeytOR (:'tIn M A.) 8 "p. RUI4md.
l'alm.r (Hichard. "''1) 7 FN'III'h-Il., IIlreel, and Ln/tec.. , Co. Leitr .....
l'3tmer (paul, l'SCJ) lJrl4t11con,lrn. Phelpl (John, esq) 24 up. D(Jr8CI-d.
f>almfr (W H. e-q) IS 1,". Chnrln,}'hibbs (0. esq) 5 J{crrj~n-sqHa""lY
IIrr"I, alld Rnoh, C"'lnt!! Lnwll. IPMPPA (Mrs. H.) 33 D<'1";i!l<,-~,
Parker l Fn:d. csq) 53 l',.~sia-II~'" and Clontuif.
)'ill-ker (W. e-.qJ24 C.71Weri(l1!d slS.l'hillips (-, e&q) 53 SI""'_·~gr.E
Parkillson (Colonel) 4 S'IJIimer.Ml1.Pigott (Mro. W.) 51 llaggol-Itr«t.
l';1.r .. i."on (G, esq) 15 S. F,....,.,..jc.{~.:Pinl (Mrs. E.) 4 N. C"m6er/uJUl,.s1r.
",alkino;on (R9b: esq.) 52 Pru,..ia.s/. Pleasaots (T. esq.) 67 lau'. ,Ca.tinH
Parsl{·y (~liss A.) 18 DjJ!,"'f'Htrce' ;Pluokett (Misses C, Bc J.) 9 E1!l"Ji.
'Patmr.. (John cSIl) 48 Dawroll-slr. Plunkett (Jo. esq) 11gt. GM.-II.N.
Par~Oln (Tb.,. etq) 14 Ha1' Plunkett (W. e. esq) 16 SII'J1IIn&·.,
Parsons ~Wm. elq) Ca,oljllc-row. I 1!r. N. and Old Con"_gkl, 1Jray.
Partinltton (John, esq) 15 Turk-str. Pollock (Et!. Cfll) 14 Hardwia.w.
Fa·lq (Cha. <.>5g) 1~ Ganiinc'·· and CM'IIOO"". Hilbhorrntg/.,
"",\ey (~r ... ~} 32 .BI~~i"gluH-stJ<.'POUOlk (jn. esq) 11 .lIatml.i"!lSf/.~.
I'adey (J~n, esq) 2 Gcor-rle·..llill,r and .'\{ountaiJlSlowrt, C~. MeDlh. •
and Ratlullinc.. 'IPollock (WOl. esq) 8 J[OWfUjo!i-/IIa«
1'llterson ( g Mft'klellimrglHt.,Pomero7 (A. J. elq) 54 SaJflflln'-hil1
Patrick (In. e.q) ~7 RlI.tipnd-Aq. N.~.pomeroy (Hon. and Rev. J.) 27,
Patriekron (Jo. csq) 1 Men-iun",,!. MerriOllfollJnare, N. aDd Merriort.
, lr. aod BlMclthtJlI. Co. Xilrlare. Ponder (G. esq) 23 N.Cumbt'rlcmd-.
l';!ottcl'll<Ou,,(Rob. eaq) S LeiMu-strfPODtet(Madamoiselle) Sup.Fih:ID.'"
Piumier.c~ ~.} S 10. GIOllcester-ltjPoppll1:0n (T. W,esq) 16 G<'Of'J:e'
_Pay ne (tten.c'\V 49loiD. Cl1nuh'n-iJ ,Porter (In. esq) S Bleuiwgt_"...,
Payoe Uer. esq) 50 pnuna-#reet. /Porter Mn. I.) 15 M(JlI.,iQo!/""I' W.
Peehles CR,. ~_,_8 uJ,I. J)97lIilljrJ:,sl. ,Potts (J. D. csq) 11 Jlit%1''''''''''I'II':.
}\,el (110~,; bt ~on. Robert):P()w~ll (Mn. F.) 56 l. O"•
• • ~" . ,~fy of State,:Powell (R. csq) 24 [t), G/o~ ••
~'f!f:Z).IdIl.i'" <t Pupir Pl1r1•. ,Power -(Mis~) 74 lip, Dm-l«o4lr«l..
Peeples (hlhe" esq) 14 prUSSj","st.\Powcr (Richard, eaq) 7 Kildare-sir.
'Peilt (R. M. esq} -li r,""'-... eel. and Ki!fa1le, TII"",a.ll.·lIIl1.
'Pembertoo (Mrs. M.) 40 u]>. Dom'- Powerscourt (Dowager Lady) I r;t•
. f1icll-lllrclJl. Gco''l!e'..strert. N.
Penderga.t (S.l'SCJ) 10 Merr;on-Ilr. P9werscourt (V i$count) (i El,fl')J.
lenefather (J;:dw. esq) ilO low. Fitz- - and PowerS(XHlH, Brtl!/•
. IIJiJli.l!,.-.,reef, and .Del.g/Plll!!. ,Pratt ~CoL) 57 IQII). Dom;"ic!....strat.
J'enefath er (R. t!sq) 5 MerritnH/I'S, and Ca''fIlOC Castle. C", Cat...".
and DrrrliJlg-hill, Co. Ti/>perll"!/.,lP, r:itt (Rev. J.,) 7 MotIllVO~,
Pentland (Dr.) 461£nrlborough.Itt:. W. and_Clibra CMlle. ..
Pentlaqd (Gce. esq) S 10. M<i~nt II Pri:8ton (Rc? Duw) 32 HoUa~,-,
Nobililg and Gent1'Jl. 135
~eBtOQ (Hon. Mrs.) 14l..Glouccat.-.\R eilly ( esq) 9 Clarendtr(l-!C1'efI
oPI"e&ton lMrs.:A.) 11 gt. CljarleJ-11Reill y (Wm. esq) S3 Clurrh~lIont~.,.
!Creel, and Ncwbroak. . Reynett (Captain) 26 Den:ille-str•
.PJ:ice (Jo~, esq) 97 Baggot-atr/d. ;Reyuokls (Misses C. and E.) :42
Pringle (Mrt. M.) 48 low. Dam.·.st.l N F-muJ,·ic/..atr(·<t. ..
I'roctor (Oeo. esq) .7:3 Marlburo·-Il.;Reynolds (Miss) 10 Baggot-strect.
Proper (W. esq) 111 Molesu·orll....'-Repold. (Ricb. esq) 62/. Gardiner-
Purefoy (T. esq). 281olll. Gardine,...,t! st"cel, and TuJly, County Cava••.
Putcell (Mrs. J.) :3 UpCo>Rden-.IIr.'Riall ~Mrs. Cath.) 17 Tewple-rtreet •
. 1'AIrI:ell {\ym. esq) 2 ul'. Rutlarul-lt Ribton (Lady Jane) 5 low. GlJJ·d.....
.. Q. ,Rice (Ed. elq) 8 low Domilliclt-.
Quinn (Jas. e.q) .. Lemm.-Ilreel. iRicbards (J. esq) 10 MecJdcnburgh-.t
Quinn (Mr.; M.).42 Manor-met!. Richards (Surgeon, s.) 4!l1~ork-slr.
Quinn (Th. e"l) 89 St'!Phen·,..:;rCt!fl,\ .';: and Rut!/Jlu;/r. •
&. and lVinl!jieU, BN!!. ·Ricbardson (Alex. esq).58 Sumnocr-
Quiun (Tbo. l-.1q) 25 Le_Mr. &1 hiU, and RalreJU!!!.
FergTPVe, near IHlii./IOfU<IJtJ. .Rkbar.dson (B. IlIq; ~7 Oare-Ittwt
Quinan (Tho. esq) 18 LII4If1n.-IlTVJ<'. Riclurdson (Mrs. 0.) 'IS Hardw....
R. IRicbardSDn (Mrs.S.) 119 Baggot-st.
Radclilf'e (Jobn, esq) 1 H._~ree' .lilicllardson (R. esq) MOfl'l'clier-hil/
aDd Ro:efold. '. ;Rickard (Jas. e!q) 29 Kildare-strtlel
aalIerty ( Cht!s. esq) 10 Bleuiugton- Riddoc k (Wilcox, esq) 59 .l)aw__ .~
lireet, and LeirUp.Ridgeway (Wm. esq) 40 Hareau"_
Ralf'erty (J. eJq) N. Barl--.t-'eel. 1 1II.rct!I, Bc BaUal!/. near DtmdrufR.
Ralferty (MI'lI Mo) 10 Blelling/on-, Rigidoe (Miss E.) 34 Fre'RcA-Itreet
Raillsfurd {Mrs. E.) 16 Meckletib.-IlRiky (Benj. esq) 19 Rutlmid-It]. N.
Rah»h (And. esq) 45 Mafiborough-st: - and. NewtoWn, Tullow,. Co. Cari-.
Ramsay (Lieu. Col.) 16 lYentworth·l,zRiky (Samuel, esq) Rat/lmines.
Ramsay (Miss.E.) 5 up. Dominitk-".Ringland (Wm. esq) Drumcondrti. .
Rawllns (Jas. esq) 11 !larcour,-str.:Rive. (Surgeon) 26 Queen-street,;.gd
Rawlins (Mrt. A.) 9 E'j Crtml.Ofl!!,8word... :
RawlOn (Mrs. M.) 54 Dawon-llr.·Roacbe (Jor. esq) 22 Charlemont.,t.
ReacJ (ella. elq) 26 "P. Dtm1.m;ck...". Robertson (Doctor) 22 Gardi~-
. Read (Doctor R.) 16 Belvedere.ptj place.· . .
Read (In. esq) .. Blackhall.parade. Robinson (Dr.) 12 Bedel-SIred -'.
Itead (Mrs. J.) 42 "p. Rulland-llreet l!obinson {Mrs. M.} 21 PmobelJo..
Read (Mrs. M.) 16 B."-"1Ilace.~obinson (Rev. Mr.) 128 Baggot-st.
Read (Ricbard,eaq)-.7 Peter""'1>lace:Rob~nson (Rev. Mr.) 40 Cuffe-,tr.
Read (Wm. e"l) 19 N. C-r.erland-8 RoblDson (R. esq) 54 Mr.r:artney-br.
RC6l~e (Rich. eaq) 19 Gardiner's-pl.'RobilltOJl (Wm. elq) 11 Moun/ja!!-sI..
Ready (I.ieutenant Colonel) Ca$lle1aocbe (John, esq) 41 ·Harcourt-lir.
cif Dublin and plutmi;e Park. . Rocbe (Lady) 42 Eccles-street
Recorder of Dublin, 11 10tl1. Domi- Roe (Doctor) 90 .4ungier-streeJ ~
nici.:-"reet. . . Roe .(Peter; eeq) Fil:u:iUiam-'Ij. No.
Redq10nd (In. esq) 37 Charlenttmt-Il and Booter.IOWJl.,
~d(Captain) 11 Mounlfov-lIJUCIre, Rogen (Jobn, elq) 6Belvetkr8-fl/.
S. aDd .4yrjieltl. . . ogera (Jobn, esq) 8 Pmobello. -
Repn (Daniel, elq) 14 Trinily-pl Rogers (J. Cooke, e.q) 5· Henr;etfa-.
Reid (Juhn. est}) 11 C)a;"'..~.ret. Rogers (LIeut. Col.) SI "SIriJl-llreet

Reid (J08. esq) 26 up• .G10l,,~er-", Roge.. (Mrs. Eo) 56 Queen-1lreS I
Jl.eid l Wm. e.q) 25 Clare-stree'.., RoUeston (J; eaq) 55 ll>W. G~
Reilly (B. Cbq) 6 Macartnef/-brld, Rombaust (W. eaq) 731l1>• .Dorl/ll_

15.6 . Nohilit!J and Genl1Y.
IloPef (SuJ-) 47 DOJlU'flidt-llr tt lEd .... eoq) S J(M.ioII.IJ..:.
Roose (J. D. "'1) :! CIJpel-IIlffl!I. ott (Fre. eaq) 21 C~
Rorll.e (Mr>. Matg.) 5 MO""li"!t"I,z. ScoU (Geo. ~) 4- C~ ,11'"
Jib,oe (M~. Jane) IS CuJfe-#r«l Scote(J. eaq) 5 MerrimHq.. S ....
Iloae (Richard. esq) Sllbwer Ga.... 8a~gaJen.N.T.M""'" Ln&. . . .
di..... Bc Foznll, Co. Til'PtJ"IJry 'wtt (J esq) 45. MM:kJalJcrglt.-##.
Rosmonage (T. eeq) 10 MolMlfioll-pl· tt (Mrs.) !} t.w. MouMl-1trefII
Iloumore (Lady Dowager) sa "1" ott {Rev. J.) S lIIdrio.~.. S.
JIlerriDJHt.-eel· criven' (S. B. esq) ~ 2 Ha~•
.llOtton (J eaq) 49 10Vl. MoUflJo4Jreel 'cully (~ eaq)lS M~ ¥. I
I10wan (Arch. flam. eoq) 5 LeiMer- Segrave (Tho. eaq) 6 S. Frednidt-li.
· It. . ., .RGlhet#!i. Co. DIIhU'; and . and IJooUrIfllnlirJ. •
lCilltJeo, CDufIIy.DOUJn.' (Rey ],) 4S Ba~ I
llowe (Pat. eoq) S.up. P~lr. . aml., (Chris. eoq)2 G~;
· and Bridetpdl, Coullly WaJlWd. and Jiadill HiU,·~.1)w6l;a;·
llowley (Mr~. S.) 42 Iow. GanJ.-slr. aannoD (ChL eoq) 21 KiltJare-llr.
Aowley (ReY.·J.) SO Gardiner't-pl. Sharkey (Fr. e'q) 29l4uJ. C".."-"o
ILawley (Tho•. T. e.q) 11 gt Gto.- arkey (John, 88ft) 1 ~"
'" N. and Muy6m1h, Co. MeIJth. Shaw (Iohn, eaq) 16 C1UJ~
lbuaelI (John, esq) 1 Ruuell-pla~. w (Mr~. Mo, 24 H~ ::
kledge (Rob. esq) 12 Mt.jay-I<j. 8 Shaw (P. eoq) 7 up. FiJ.-m.......
: . and Holly".uaw, CfJUfIl!l MIll/o; haw (K.eaq) M.P. 51 ~
· ....u.on (Mrs. M ) 112 Steph.-gr. W. N. and Bulhtt P-an., t;o. .Dw/JIA
a,an (Surgeon J.)5 We.t.i.Orl(".,Sha.w(W.~ esq)I()gt..~
Jlyao (Gea. esq\ 52 Ha'caJU'"",r<WjSbawe (Mrs. M.) 4.Hira~
"JaD (John, ~q) 102 .Qn8got-lIr",,"Sb.a (M ... Ill. 8.) S6 Step/tM·...,. S.
llyan (MI'S- Cafb.) 6 RJowIWt.reel iSliea(Phil. esq) l8-~.­

. a,IId Bolil,g..U, Cou-nty Meath. '..

:Ryder (C. D e.-q) 14 MIiTt'.-,,,_ N. ISbea (Win. esq) 14 HBlf!:ittlllHlMl
Jl-yder (William,· esq-) 25 Mal.l__ etl (Jal1lel, eaq) -9S
eridan (Dr) 16 hw,·Doraiaidt-fl.
Ryves (Mis;) i9 lato. Fitzio--s/r't!ct. SlowicbR (E. eaq) 11 S. Fr6lleric:1H4
. S,' " 'Sberidan (Mn.)'~ l!. C,__ .....
Sa:l.ller (Dr. F.) 6lDuJer M4Mwt...lrT idAn (MJ;S Aj 3-1'~ N;
and Killurin, King', CollJllg. '. iherIock (Colonel) S:u-.........
San4y. (Rn. Mr.) S9 vp. Sock".-., . . and S~_.. t». ~"
$ar.K<.y (Col.) 6 Rulland'$f- .E. and' Sb...fock· (l\ba. N-} lQJ~W'
: F-;rl Frederidt. Co. ('own. S"d9t!i{Mn. M.).$-N. S ••• , • .",
Sankey(Mat. esq) 9. Harcour~sti-. Sh~ri. (M,.. ¥.) s+.L ¥-Hc.-'
laund~ra{ A.e.q) 611fJ. '~wliam-$l Shields (&ichant-, etq) SS, a.....
.Saund".." (Gea. esq) 24 CJtwe.,*ei-/. .ort (Doctor') li FretIdHI ....
.6lundet.(Jas. escV 12 S. F~"- . - (Mrs.) ·2.Ji DMullNW.n
: str6et. . . Simes (M.... 1-.) i9 ~
Saunders (Lady Mar) 28 Gqre-pZ, $ing4IC (Jas. escV 9,:M~.1.
8a1H'dan (·FitswiUJam.,'1' N, and DftJRUJrIj". 'RO<'6ad& '.
·&aurin (Rt Han-. Wm;) 'A~eYIsm,.r (P, E. ~ ) T""~'"
, Qenenrt.' 2J 8tep1ttff~-gr_, k. S)'Dge (.lIfal:!. eMj) 8' ~ _
aad Kerrisfo.rd.' Pat/t. ' . ' . Glnarrwre CastJ6 ~~. •
, . .vage(P.aUl.;,.q)'1SRJula . . ~..,.,.S~. (~s.' A . }.) rqa.·G~"'1UI'"
., and rallry Par". . .. .. - . Slrr'(MaJor Char. H.) DtJMa
Savn~e (,!{.... H.).~ .Cl.arlI'fllOfli-ll. $i.ssoD{Mies S.) Hi wp. Aferrifllt.4,;
~. (Juhn, esq) 93 UlIMHlr, 5i55011 tMrs. A.) 2() C/IcI'IcIJl.~
;., • , • .- .... •• . ,. ," ." '0' ;' : i ' , _. .... .
NlJbilit!J and Gentry. i 3'7
.~".,... Po) 5 S~. _le ECapL) R. N••• ~"
statet (.oeorg., elll)' 25 L~__r. SplU1~ (T. "'1)-35 McrrHII-"'I'S,
1hIt_(Mev. Jas.) 27 TCIfl}/;e."rcd L Georl.Pe (1lev.l>I'.) 7 .llarwscnI. ••
·} P~'yie... aDdF~.
· Ili!Mter ~tqlh. ~sq.)
1Iratt.'1I. lhliiJ. • Geoq'C cr.
B. es<t) of Hor,."",..
(Mrs. A.j:rl· KiltJAre.6IIC11I. L Ge.lrge (I.eaq) 51! IUID.Alu.w-lf
Slow (Too. esq) 99 llildllnJ...tIW' Stables (Mis. M.) ~9CAa.l",,,"'jf.
· Small (Iohn, eSCi) 4G RKllaJUJ,..,.lI'. 'tackpoole (G. e.q) ·55 10. Ho.mM'
· S1ai&Il (A, ""'I) :I. -I" MttT;""'oJ/b". taftOrd (SlIgh, ..q) :n~.
: 8IDieb (Hen.Bamn, Sir Wm. B,\rt ) Stamel' (Sir W. BarL) SG lI,,_sl.
c " & IhrrU-II~;' aud llru/!Jarabmll, taunard l~ C.) 62 n--w.-¥Ir«:
CalMli!! DwIJIi.. . - StanLy (JoOO, esq) 5G Ji.c~
s-itb. (-E.!. e.q)41 i'l" Rlfllmtd-.<l'~'t~lilY (MiC. eaq) I J Ghtr~6·..plfIt:t!.
Sai. (J-. e"'l) 57 low. 6tmljlft'roosJ.r. 'tapleti (Re\'. Dr.) 1.q1 "p. DIR'«CO«.
Smith (J. eoq) SS/"",. C"JHfI"R-,'r. Stapi::s·[.i:·hu. esq) 48g'- G.:or;tI·~.
· SJnitft· (l. eaqJ 8 ap. F~i1iimK-lIIr'l N. and LiSSOll, C..... T~FOJIe.
,a.OUt tL3dy lllowagwr) 12 "l'JlC1'Sta~(Geo. esql) 1 -'IL~
.' llB_eItIwJl1fl.'Ct 1St.Pierre (M. e$q) 59 SleJ>
Bm". (tl.idl. ellCJJ' 4fi Ilnr~(r Stasaer CMnr. C.) 24 vp•.·RIIIlafIil-1lr
Smi~{T.JI). esq; IH~~ ISleele (/o!\.n,e"'l' 83' CII.Ifi:~
.·Smith (Will. eaq) 10 .Bn&"JuJcrk...v.jStoele (Sir Richard', :J3art.)S6 law.
· 8ftH11h..{Wm.jim.lIIqo) Guld,~...6ridge~ FI!r..lllilliOJu-sWed, and BIut:kr.odt.
· .smalee(Mrs_E.) 2~.Iolll~ CGIlIdM-sI.;Steelc (W. 37 MacaNllty ....
Smyth (Arch. cs"}).EO "1'.8nel1!ill""jStepltella!)D (G. esq) U m. Gsnt...;t.
· . __t,and .ifu"yfiepi, Do•.l.eiWim',StlHleJ, (RQb-. eaq) 5&t. C~.
· SID1'h(Cl!r. 4K}~ S!S'looi. u..umo&C.-Steveas (Pope, escr~ 39 PruIiot,tlr.
""'~~0tI'ft'. eaot) 2:i JIlaIlHtall-str.lstewart (W. Bj c~ SG..lJII"""":"
'. ..,.~~. eII<JI) 3. .Jt[m-iolJ>oSfo F.St_~ (MI\Io E.) 21 IrlfllYlwU:P4.,
...... CIIMIm, Otnt7ltg KiIIt",lIItg. Isre\\·..rt (N.n.G.) 291CP.M(~
• Smf.$Ia (J. es,,) 410111. FiJ.mlliam~··I,stQck. (H. }I,es'l),4 T~ ,
· &D.JGh·(Mis9 5;)026 UI' J},.Stoker (lilo.oto.). 18 ront~ .
s..,.a(I4ia..C.) 6 M:wtrio~~. S.. IStok-ea (Jobn. esCJ!) .1l5 CAarlnt~.
Smytb (Mrs. E.) It IrIoliI_rat. ~tokcs.(J. W.escU 13 z-.tnuI.
.~'(ol{jl"·D,..)'24'Mdts-"",.'.Stooey·(Mrs. A.) 51 Tork·"nW. .
Smyth {Rob. esq} 2' AEargru";'oplt'C8·IStott (Jilr.) S9 Ha.,J,wido:e..areet.
SIl6f8r-tDGCcor) 2i Pd.r1u6r1to. IStfIUIg.! (ltichar~lIaq) 00 Ji~•
• ~(MN. Jaue) 2'Dit:(JetHbTet and B~" • • e~ Dunlen.
heyd'(-NIL~ esq~ M. P. Sao'.<DiIl.....'LiStratford{J.• 88cV 42 "p. Gl(JIK~III!r~
-~iIlO&!General (Holl.) Qta. Ken..Sll'ClaMield (S)'dney, eMI) BrrWin
.' ~ .BIy-pl,l/;e. and- KIiM.m·!J'1 .Ctulle, .and·l'/ille,,;z Pcrrk.
COUIlI!f' KlYl.·ctlll!l' '. Sket;I ell (Mrs: So) 9 i'derritll&",f' 10'.
· ·SoJmll7{Mll1'k, eeq) 6 .P.Mlai"ofho., ISJ:rinpr (M!$. No),lO. DilJ8Qoo-'ft'''''
. . . . ·(l\fllt.~ 129 s..t~/ij!I.· !lwdduJ:t (Oa:o"esqj Dr."..____
• SDlItilweU' (MiIIs9 • .BtY'1'itJ08; Sturgeon (GeO. csq-) 6'''''' aloto«, -.'It
· Spariw·{M. esq) 68 CNm:!,.. St!nderlln (I.o{d~ SacklJiHe-ofI.n:eI,'&
· S..-- ("I. eiq) 14} 8. Frat~rid-st;1 . BaUiftClII·ig. .
Spe«.(Sol.e6'l} 25tcp. .P",,__""re~t'Sllperamollg (Mr•. E.) G-l C"an.~I.
~n'~M"; B:) 22 QI,een-st,.«t Supple (F.. e.q) 45·up. DO""~/ •
.8peMwHomua,eS'f}SS·law. Dam;· Supple (WID.caq) 1 WtUiR~_''''''-
Ri..../nM., IWld HJllwoake. Sutton (l' SIqtltm·..V"~'
~prinr tJas.eBq) 9' J.,uOIWtI'rrf • and EflllisCGr/j.g. .
• j' ,
138 Nobility and Gcnt~
lIrttory (Rn. Thot.) 59 • • l)wM.·TlaompsOI2 {In.eaq).1n. ~
-ffllIt and Cl_gilt. Co. Meath. UMlI.& DuR,g.._-. Ca. T!J"'IM.
Swan (John,;etq) 121 '&ggot-streel. ThomptOn (In,esq) 18 M. Ga~JI
Swaa (Mca. A.) 2S rap. DarfIlWl .... TltolliplOn (Mrs.) 5 B~.
Swan (W. B. ~Iq) 23 ,t. Geor,c'Hl. and RIlllllmut.U!I, Trim, C<!. N __""-
- N. and Rich,/WAd. ompton (Wm. eaq) 9 Cluwk.....
Sween), (Abr. esq) 10 H"_-lIlreef Thornhill (Rich. esq) 25 FrnIdI....
SWL'l:lly (In. esq) 12 Movll{ioy-&q.NThornton (Mrs. M) 10 GlJftiin--pl
Swcetman 0 .... ewq) 1 Fil%giblxnt-l' Thotpe (Aldu.) S MdtIljag-ag.,,&
Swedman (Mn. Eo) 4!l""/.N. Thorpe (Dr.) 28 m.. G..rdi~
8w~man (W. jun. esq) S TemplHThorpe(C.jun•. esq)15 .e~p..-.r
Swift (Den. esq) BrighlAm LodBfI Tighe (Mrs. 5.) SS Itn». ~
CloRIatf. . .lreel, and Ro_. Co. WicIdML
Swift (Deane,nq) 191OtD. Durld-•• Tilly (Robt • .eeq) i2 z--. aad
SwinDy.(Bla. esq) 9 Kild4re-llrul, ShaR""iU, near Bf'fI!I.
aud RGthtnines. illy (Thoa. eaq) 14 MI.jttg-«J• .N.
Swiny (5. uq) 54 HarC<1llTl-llreef. Tipckicr (14J'1. J.) £7Ch~
T.· TisdaU (-, esq) 85 HGrd1Dit:lctHlr.
Talbot (Jo. csq) 48 Tobins (Majorj 30 Slaip-«reet. _. '.'
Talbot 0. W.!'sq) SS Ship-stiYeI. Toler_(O. uq) 21 RuIlaJt.d-".ltI.,·,
nlbot ( Mra. Marg.) 4S EccleHlro oole (Law. eaq) SS "1'- DorIIlNIr.
Taylor (Major Alex) Me'l'il. and NetJIUnDN MOll'" K~
Taylor (M",. A. P.) 4 E. Jamu'Hl ottenham (N. L. F. aq) 99 St&oi
Taylor (Captain) SO 1011/. Ca p/aeo'I-t;reea,W.
Taylor (Chris. IIsq) 7 Fit~"'" Town.send (H. uq) 1,0 l. F~.
TaylOl' (Doctor) 27 Ba• •Mreef. Townsend (J. S. «;eq) 24 Mn7'..".
Taylor (Geo. esq} 14 Diggu-"reeI..8. and Rm.gw_..·B........
Taylor (John,esq) 20 Temple.., Townsend (1'. «11) 21_~'"
Taylor (JJt.csq) 8 Macarl7ley-bridg Trant (In esq) 10 M~ $.
Taylor (John, esq) H SMp-"""" Trav~rs ( St'P_'~' W.
Taylor (Jas. esq) IS N. Fredericlt Trayer (4bbott, esq) 26 HolIa.ll,r.
"raylor (J. 26 Macorblq-br. Trevor (Alderman) SS ~
Tayler (Rob. esq) 37 up. D8R& •• .".. and DIInleory. .
Ta,lor (Tho. esq) D.bli,. Castle. Tre90r (Mrs. Mer.) 4 ~.",..
Taylor (Thos .. esq) 60 PrII";G-Bt and Plcillbsbor""'Bla. .,
Taylor (fhos.~)591_.·DOI'.fcI..ItTrevor.(Dr.) 6 F,1zplJllao.1IrrItIt.I '.
Taylo, (Wm. esq) Dublin Castle, TrontoDV.D.etq)SMd, .....
Taylor (Wm. csq) 16 Digg,,.llreel. Trotter (Mrs. S.) 2 KiJd---.,·
Temple (Mrs. M.) 7 Lein~ltrul.. Tuam (His Grace, the AuhbUbop
- anJ Scarven. County Arm.<lgk. of) 68' SlqM'~. 8. ~
Tunpleton (N. esq) 59 Prwrifl>ooltr. T - . COUfl/gGal_!l. ,
Tenche (Ger. esq) 38 SIaiIW,met. Tucker (M. esq) 61_. GdrdirI.INI.
Tenche (John, esq) MIJOf'e-a/JHy, Tukc: (Dr.) 106 8tepll4fi'• .-.Ir.,
MOIla3M·I'IH!1I. ruke (Mn. lane) 41
Tennant (W m. esq) 21 Baggot-IIr«t Tuomy (Dr.) -SO 8. ~.
Terry (C, esq) 16 up. Pemb,oke-llr. Turner (Will. esq) 68 B~{J..
Therry (John, e.q) 48 S_mer-hill, Turton (Doctor) 'l 8/Up-II.nIL .
and Cove tf COl'k. 'furv~1 (John,esq) 10 8~
T~'.omas (L. If. esq.) 7 Hp, Gar.t..u Tutfield (G. esq) Fitzw~ A.
ThDmpson (F• .,sq) 16 .Mcrrion-III'S, Twigg (Mn. M. E.) 10 ~-
Thomp,OIl (Geq. esq) 14 Ely-plu.&e. sqfMJl'e, North. _ ,
. Tbompeon (In. csq) 9 ")'. CanldeJr.:. Twigg (Wm. es'il21 S!I'Riwi-plIJ/%.
Nobilit!/, and Genl1'!J. 189
·Tyne (Lady E) "19 MeriiIm-"I' N. WaUer (Mrs. E.) 2 up. G4rdi.,..",·
TyrreU ( 5 Rune/l-.trtd. Wailer (Mrs. M.) SI
Tyrrell (Wm. esq) S6 iDrII. Mw.nt-it 1hWf.··.·· . • . ' . '.
Mewr- .p.
,'" U.' Wailer (Rich.elq) 19 Mot..".,w
OptOD (Mrs. Marg.) 'I H~ and KimJItGge, RatAj'dmMm.·
l1shec (Man, .Iq) 15/_. Danttf.IIr,Wallia (Mrs. A.) 16 JLolallllW'llHlr.
Usher (Surgeon) 2 Di~ and St;llorgan. .
'.' - V. Wallis (W. V. esq).i! RlU#lI-place.
V.andeleur (Right Hon. J. 0.) IS Walsb (And. esq) 10.RuUell-l1reet.
; ·RaIfaruJ·8t[. & KilMUl, Co. Clare. Walah (C. esq) 13'Mecklcn~"""
Vaodeleur (T esq) 55.". Gtoru:at.. Walsh (John1esq) 24 BlnlinglOfWI.
V;nlghao (Mise A) BlesriXgtOH.6tr. Walsh (Joho,' aq) 12 PoriolJello.
Vaughan (Miss M.) 'I Granb.¥';"'" Walsh (Miss A.) 46 HtJrdll.tic.,*
~aYalOor (Dr.) 22 Killlnre-#rut. Walsh (Miss A.) 40 S-mer-!tiU, .
Vernon (Sir Charles) DtJJlin Ca6tle, Walsh (Mr.s. M.) 1 No SaJIIJN4N/r•
. and 1'11«11;" Park. ' Wabh ..(M. eIcj) 18 up. Rutlond.-6tr.
Verschoyle (Rich. esq) 27 Merri",,· Walsh·(T. e~q) 10 "I. Gtwdin~r.
",,,ore, S. and Mou'" M..l:rrion. 'Wabh (Wm. elq) 12 Digg• .,.,.
Vicars (ThOl. esq) 17 L_·"~eI. Walshe ( !l6N. Camh .•llr.
Vi.ckars (Thomp. esq) 24 L - . t . Walll (ChL esq) 42 Slcp/IerI·..".• .i.:
. aad N_lle, Co. Wicldalll. Ward (L. eaq) 5" Runell-llrea. .
Vigara ( 27 Hollt:I-6tTeeI. Ward (Mrs.C.) S9/0111.Do"dfticlt~
V,iUers (Mrs. E.) 43 8Iep/lflJl.· E. Wamell (Rich. esq) 24 Porto6elJo.
Vjncent (Mrs. Eo) 56 R,lIlaml.-It]!H' Warner (Gust. esq) .~O S_fU7'ohia;
Viridet (Mr.. A.) 24 Htm:I1IJrl."r. Warreo (1. 'Iq) 40 MeaklertJlurglwl.
. •. . W. . Warreo (R. esq) 17/111/1. MoUllt..",..
Wide (Dr. W.) 74 al'. Dorld-street Waterford (Marquis' of) Tyrou.
Wade (M .... S. A~) IS Garditter-". ho_,' Marl60rougk-6tTeeI, ancl'
Wade (Rich. esq) 48 low. Gard ...t... ,CltrrQghmore, COIlIlly WIIIer:ford.
Wude tRob. esq) 8S {It. Geo •..,. N. Watsbn (Mill M.A.) 26 Prent:IJ.,6tr.
'Wakel, (Jas. elq) 7·RIUItll.plaCA Watson'(Mrs. M.) 2tllOlll. MOUftt"',~
Wakel, (Rev. Mr.) 21 .BceleI·llreel. Webb (Joa. esq) 6 PnulitJ'Ilreet
. Wakes (C. eeq) 95 SIej1MtJ·,.gr.w. Webb (Mrs. A.) 52 DaWlrm-llIWl .
W-albr (Cham. esq) SO No Cum6.~'t Web" (Re... Doctot) '15 Preru:IwIr_,
Walker (c. W. eaq) 20 "1'. Mm'...... Webb (Wm. esq) 6 Praslia-lIrm' .
Walker (Hen. ecq), 'lit CAarlolte-61r. Webb',CWilIiam, esq) S P~
Walker (J; esq' 731o,D. Darrel-il... and KiI_cud. . ,
Walker CMrs. So) I6 ·CTtiJrlUuHtr. Week. (Mrs. J.) 57 SIepTter&·,•.
WallcPr (Peter. esq) 7 up- Dom..." Weir (Dav. eaq) 5 ~
. aad 8ea'MIII, Cftmlil7j; Weir (John, eIq) 14 Gardif!lfr·"pl•.
Walker (R. e.q) IS ul'.RutllJttd.-6tr. Weldoo (J. H. esq) 421CIUI.'
Walker (R. esq) 18 M,lCklenbrcrgh.1l and 'Gmlll!lmount, Nobbw, Cotmt9 .-
W.ilker (saiDuel,e.q) 89 Mecltleub~ Mcct1.. . '.
'Jtr«l.' Weld'(Edm"es~ 16·M.Je.lllOt'lli....
W;dker (T.s. esq) 69 Stephell·..g. S. Wel.h (Mn. Caih.) 4Ifa'I'fIuM.rt\;.
Walker(T. eaq) 69I1tephen·;..p.'S Welab'(Miss Mo) 22 Mdk/nt6•.",.•.
Wall (Stugeon) 181 up. DtWld·str. West (Alderman) 42 HarcmJl'l'6l ..~
'\Vallace (Jas. eaq) 3 No l'fYllerlclt·it. West (Jacob, e.q) 7 Gard4!zer'~_
W.Hace(Sul'geon, W.)5 N. Fmtk•.". Welt (Mrs. Ros,) 85 al" D~,.,"""
)'Violin (Joycelin,esq) 19 Frrllm.""IW'eatby (Edw. etql !16 rri·ltffet; .
aud CI,mUtU't- ! anu X,1t Par..~, Hotk.:-n_
. t,"


· Hi Ihfy r~~d.jjj. ~1I:.dtaiA8 TEJ.i.I, 1111,.4• .wllli tlie DATES '"
~ '. • 1 . ',..
I ,

l[NMMier unUreli". ...'i.j

- .
:iiPD.1:b,)ni•• iON .~ .i7,8,4 Rt. Hon. Iohn Foster.
. . M~; 'Liini .High l'4; 1784 ~t. Hon.,pat.Dui;enan.
_, ......QI..~,or 1rd.aad. M. 1786 Rt. Hon. Geo. PODtenb;.
M. IIJQ6 lRt.Mo!I.W'Gi. M·MahpD • 1789, ,EdmuJid Stanley,Elq.
,_ . Maatttr of thc,a.u., 1'; 1789 Edw;u:d Weatby, Eaq•.
,.k.l·792·&t. a-
wiP. bOtt-., .. 1789 Henry J. colli_, Eici,
.. ,;,L;C.~K;B; "" ,__ , .11~ ~obcrt JObDIOD,Eaq.
T. 1781llt.liOfi;.Li:itH \.iscQ!1l1t Mo 179<1 Thomas Walker, £Iq •
. , _ . Jlqrbll!'7.,L.C.J;C.P; A,i; .17.9SStw/len DicklCin,.g-aq.
·M. 1;9s.lU.Hot.,itaBd. O'OraA7, M.
1798 W!U~am Henn, Ban. . - _
... - .. ..c.a~. '.. / H. :1797 W.lIlam Walker, Bsq•
• ..}!. J786 ~ ~aa~."eP M•.17!18 ~t.HoD.Slrl;S~rt~it.
.~. Mo 1798 Rt.Ii(ia. WilliUi,
- T. 1189 'id,n~ ,BDbOtt ·Day. fZd . J\tterl\ey Qeaeral. '
". .~.1.K.",... M.1798.Jis/l¥l8.White,tt_~~.
\0£.01801 ·lt~.H06.,$l Geo.;DMy M.·J.i.OO~C. M¥~qy; Eaq.
· .. :UJat.IL '1'.1 802. Rt. ffaJI.l.Q~lt,!~eldtile
. E. 1801 Joloru ~ 110., :2d ). T. 1804 Rt. ijon.W"c;: . .PIllnket
.' - lCI.P. . . ' . M.l805~;;K •.B~hoi. ~-GeJi.
H. 1802 Hea. iir .Wm. C Smith M. J.8()5S~art,Jtin§~ ~;
. , krt, ·&elMI.E. • I.f!05 'Artb.Moore.Esq. htSerj.
t'. .H. t.1 'HoQ;' Ghll"Oslioi'De, \fth E. 1,814 W. JoRiistln..,Esq.J1d Serj.
~... , .'_' K.B. ., E. 1814 Henllj ,Joy, Esq. s.1 $erj,
.. M. 1803 Hon. J. M'ClelWld j «h ~. j81:4Sir C, -o.....tsy, ,]Wt.
· ' . B.E! . E. 18l-4HIIID'J ,D8ano GQdr, E.cJ.~
£. 1806 Hon ••.M ·:tdaYlle. Sol. J ...
· .' C.P, , . T _ _er, HOD.1J&r.n ,M'·CI.,lland.
· AlLI&06.H<ln. Wm. P.letcher•..4th UnderTre~"R.MaUOMl1,-&'\.
~ . .. " -J.c.P. , . . efl....Li/J. StepheD ni"S9D. J!:sq.
1". 1169 l\.t; lWn. HlIgh Lord Vis- ..... L.ib..u.eary ~D. Eiq.
•. ,c,UQt Cariete,n. Law Agrrit, Areh.-Ha.ikeJa.Ii¥l.
M.1770 Sir fre.leri£k FJoed, Jlt. ~..,.k,.t:d_d·Ferri., Esq•.
.M. 1777 Rt.~a..I ... F,itz,G,"ISQllkMler, R.,B. Mereier.
E. 1 '11.4 BerulotdBuraton,; Eaq .. SIatfHI1r. tlennett Dl!JJdide.
M. 1782ltt.liqD; lohn P. CUff;ln 0ffi~,Ki!'lr""'inn.,HenrieW.etreet.
[J8) 5). T
. " ..: -.,/ieI,. ADMlS~101'f.

NtUJ The Lttt«a H[HiIa,y] J! tBtuier)'T [Trinity) and M [Mi""-'-'

"""] shew the Terma, aDd the Figures. the years iD which they were
called to the Bar. K. C. denotes King's Council; and M. P. Mem':
beN of p",liameat. Where the tow. n;,idellce i, not mentrone4,
·the omission is oWiDr. in some _ , to' the want of unt.rJhatiori
wh ich .the practiain~ Barristers are entreated to 8upplJ. •
a;- Thus ·maJ'k.ed fwere tall'ed to th~ ,English Bar;
f,.<im1ssion. ~MmillsioQ'
M. lR06 Abbot (John) T. 1787 Barrington (Sir Jallh)
E. 1796 Adair (H.) 6, Mo",' . LC. Judge of: t~ Ad.
T. 1785 Alexander ( J - { . ) m i r a l t y .
H.l"194 Alien (C ..E.)3,Fitzwm.-6#'IE. 1'191 BaJory(JOs.) •
E. 18(2
H. 119~
Aflen (Hen.F.}SS
Alien' (Peter)
C..,... z:
M.Un Barry'"(O.s.} 6, Mw..IiI
H; 1800 BaFrJ ("1'.).,1. MerTi_st
11. 1790 A:llwdl (Sanmel}. M. nM Barty~W~N. ~.s~,GralO6y-r
M.1798 Anderson (Edw.) 3() • • • H. 1188 Banvick (W'UlUI)
. G~Rreef.· H. 1788 Ba_Ma (q&. Brook.) •
~. I7M AndersoD (R.)17 ,DfggeH H. 1780 JilrfeIll'lID 0.)49,. ~
T, 1770 A:nnesley (Rt. Hon'.. R. T. 1798 .BatterlbY{William)
. Earl}· • 1791 Battley (1'. ~acW)
H .. 1796 AR!iseIl(C..)61.-Gardill.,.....T. 1781 BanyO.E.)
H.1775 Apjoh'll (Mich.MarsballrH.1196"" (Emaa.) .: .'
T. IS00 A'rabin (Hen. Wm.)'
. M. 1799 §'Archdale (Richard)
IT 1788 Bayly(John)~·
E. 1802 Bbtty(Francis)6,M.....
E. 18f4 Archer (H.B.} 65,-BtetJlt.-g. jo!J-M/'MIre.,S.
M.18!4' ArdiUO.W'·)H.dllllgier-s T. 1810 Bean, (T.) loo;~
H. 17',.9 Armafrong (E.) T. 1788 BeaulmUl (Ch)
t. 1804 Arthure(J;)!JfMOIl~;' '1".17811· Betl(J.W.}l':a-u..-
Jt 18t4 .Arthai'e (P E.) H. 18II' Belt {Th08.} S4, rorNtr.
T. 1785
E. 1195
Ash..orth (K®ert}
AtkhuOQ Q;T.} H.,.....
Atkmsod (.h Wray) .
E. 1791 BeUew (R.obert)
T. 1791 BeUew (WiUiam} 1,0,,...
. . . Cha~. .:

. H. 1800 BabillgtOll(R..)28 Hanl.... E. 1800 Bennett (G.) Filswillia_

E. 11100 lktker (R.)105.SItntmer-h. ft.. t796 .Bennett(R..N.}23;Hart""""
. a.J191! Baker (W'iRiam) . iH. 1808 Bennett(R.) 26,MokWJ....
M~ 1788' Baker "(Wm. Jephson) \M.179s.Ben80n (C.) CommiS.:~
. H. 17!18 Ba\dwin.{Richard) , . Bankr. Baf!.!!.al-Mrcet.
M.178Q .Ball(Benj.) Merrion-."l' S'.M. 1797 Beresford (John) •.
H. 1'781 »,,11 (Chalt.) 26, Ten'J"e-st'iM. 1 R06 BessoDet (Jas.) Leeso".""
M.1174 Ball (James) ~'1776 Betty(W.) Assistant Bar-
H. 1795 B:lll (")"Cbl!'l. of Bankr. . . , rister Ionhe Co. C3..... n.;
! ", tll" Gtwdlner-slreet. . 32, RutlaRd--'lf'Iare, W.·
M.IS)4 BaU {Nichobs). E. 17!J4" BetheU (1. B.) 6!i,Sk7"1.-~
E. 1800 Ball (Thomas) Nla8terinj .1805 Blackbnrne(F)41;lGG7II-ot
. Chancery,IS,D"",j,,;ck-s. M. J785 Blaclter{M.)4&N.g.GeoA
K .i 775 Ball (Wm.) 7, Clarfloolln!et. E. 1779 Blake (A.) 10, M_lbti.-ll.
E. 1795 Barnes (George)" /E. 1801 Blake{E.)CclJl..of&nk.r.
E. 1787 Barrett(Rog.)MUlllague., 16, Sif'l'ht?ll·,-grf'CR.
K: ll!Ol' Blake (lcih,n) ' , ' M.1797 BYnie ('Patric1t)
H. 1794 8Ilakeney (R.) 2,.Hume-SI M. 1780 Cahill (Miehael)
E. 1795 Bland U. il.) ,. E. 1801 ,Calbec1c. (E.Jo.) RIllJaff4-11••
M. 179Q BlenneiIlasaet {Harm an) E.' 179~ Calcut (Riehard)
1.1.1781 Blood (Edm. ~llIghlin) E. 180~,Camac (John)
It .1800 Bodkin (John) . " M.1792 Campbell (B.) 11, rork-lt.
EL ;}BI3 Qoland (John M.) E. 1786 Campbc:ll(J.)41,£ccle.<-.r.
M. 1812 Bolger (Thomas). . . ~7!!4 Carleton (Ed~u,U
8.1809 Bolton(H4J32.Merrion~ M.1795 Can' (George) ,
, ,,' IIJV4t'11,S. . , ' M. 1802 Carr(Geo)t7,Mounlj~,,-s.
E. 1792 Bond (Janw;s, >;,.p~4 C.arrol(A.) 18,ll,[ounljuy-sq
Eo Ja06 JJoqkIl.}' ('W. ;r.)JLlt. Z.ein- E.' 1'780 CarroH CE ) , '
~ '. ~sJreee. ",' T. 18;10 C!ltroll(J.) l,l.Pe1llbroke-~.
R 1794 Bourb (In.) 4, DawlOlWl M'. 11!05.cart<)0 (F. Js )
lid. 1789 Bowen (Charlc~) ,M. 17118 Casey (Tho,) Commis •. Qf
M. 1770 Bowen (Thos.)' 4u"gier--, , ,Bankrupts, 20, .F.1!I-l1/aU.
M 1786 Boyd(A,)K.'C. 29,Glu .....u. M 1808 Cash (G•.) Tenple-slreet.
E. 1'776 Bayd (Charles) , T. 1802 Cnssap(Step.S.)16,Harc..,.
H. t'790 Boyd(J) 67,St~phen';S E 1809 {'a~tle. (George) ,
a-l80J'BradClell (Gebrge) ,: E, 1803 Castles ,(Jas. P.) Sl:ne$chal
M. 1'196 Bra'dstreet (B:) , of Thom;1S,cQurt and Do-.
T. 1811 ~re~n' (John) 60, Capel·$!. .', nore, 73, Slcl'h",,'s-green. .
'M, 1794 Brew (Art.) 8, g,urdi""".' E~ 1792 Cavendi.h (Holl. G.) ~.
M.l795.Jlride (lb.} ". . . M,rrrw'l-Iguqre, N-
"1'. IfS9 §Brooke (Sir l\ic. B. D; E. 1784. Chadwiek (Ric1!ard)
,9apel~ Bart.) ' . .' M.1'l98 Chaign;au (P.) 4, Fil%l»-6t
M. ]794 Browne (GeorgeT.):· T, 1798 Chamley (C)ll,TemJlINt.
M~ 17911 Browne (H~nry). H. 1792 Cheekley (Ri.:hard)
'E. 1802 Bryan CR B) 2O,E~ H. 1799 Chicheater.(Arthur) •.
H. 1752 Bryariton (Robert Cmwe) H.. 1774 Chritchley(Jawt's) .
20, N.CuIJlberland-IIrm. M.1794 Chur~ (T.) !to, Arran:..
. at 17!f2 Burdett (AIt.) Cem; . T. 1799 C!ancey (1 ,)..36,Merrion...
" ". . Appeals. . M.:l?9S, Cla'tke (}, D.) ofPor-
J!:; J80S Burke (Francis) ,.tarlington, 29,.Aungier-st•
. ,E:' 17.76' Burke (James.Henry) H. lS09 ~Ia~k (1.) 7,lljl.PrnwrokM
'M.1791 Burlte (Nich. A.) Ship.m, T. 18,07 Clinch (l. B.) S, Ecclel-str.
H. 1806 Burk:e (W. M.) . E. 1785 Clealentl (p,ohert),
T. 1188 Burlai,lh,(Wm. Dobbs) M 1'789 Coates(1.)lO,,M'olelWOrtIN.
2. 1784 Burne(~;) KC. 20, Mraq H. 1782 ColclQugh (Ca:sar),.
T. 1798'Burroughs (SirW.) E. 1795 Cbi .. (Henry) 18,Hardw.~Bl
T. 1795 B'!rtowea(A.) . F;. 1795 "olles {john}:I7,Ecclr..!-&
E. 1785 Burrowes(P.)KCS9,.uu.-~ H.I78S Colic, (R.) 1 19.5tLi'Mn's·,
ft. 1'168 Bllrston (B.) K. C. H 1785 Colles (W.)SCumhTlalld-6
M.1l92 Burton (B.)K C~4.FU.tIll,-1. E. 1803, ComertQrcl (R. f.).Ruuel-
''11. 1802 Button (R.) 9,HaraiUtm.r . J1/ace, McuntjoY-S'I'UQTe.
M.1793'Buslie. (C. 1t.) Sol~ Gen; H. 1789 Coneys (lohn) ~O, CU1/.6.-.
, 5, Ely-place. , . E. 1795,Coneys.(T.) 3, g. C/lIlriel-6t
If. ,1809 Bush£' (CerV. p.) Anistant Fr. 1805 Congreve Cf.; ,
IJar. for Co. KilkeoDY, T. 1792 :'onne11 (Anth.j Recorder
-ana Counsel to the Linen of Kinsale, and :. Commini"nel
Board, 16, Merritnl-''l' E. DC Bankrupts, Cork,
lU Rarr;Sler&..
M. 180 9 Connor (R.) S. N. E. 181S DaJy (J ohn J ames) 3S , S.
,M. 17 88 Conroy ( Ph , J •. J<'>3ep h) Fwlcrick.strcet.
Cajlt·/-slreel . H. . 1807 Daly (Malach y)
H. 1785 <;:ooke (Joh u )22,Ba,'lgot-str H. 1794 Daly (Michael)
'r. 1794 ooke ( Peter) H. 1793 Daly ~Rt. Hon . St. Geo.) Sd
T . 1785 CqOke (T /l .) 54, Castle· sIr J K. B. 15, CqwTI(/uh--
'r. 18 14 C"ook man (Edward) M. 1795 Dan iel ( G.R.)2,Moun{jo.!i-
H . 1796 'ooley (W.) Cumberl.·.tr. sqllClrc, E .
H. 180 6 Cooper (H.) 11, 7Lp. P emb.-.<M. 1777 Dai by (y )
H . l i7 6 CQo per( ~ .) ,!.g: Gco1"get;- E. 18 13 D'/\lton (john) 6. tll'. R Ml.
:t 1779 Coote ' (Charles H. ) I.ord . {aN/-SlTU I . .
J ' . " Cast lecoo te. .\'1 .1784 D'Arcy (Jas.) N . C
T. lV 93 Corbet ( q T. 1'196 Darcy ( j.F.) 41, H ard,,·.-sL
M .1795 Corneille (J. ) Sce. to Corn M. 1793 Da'{vson(Alcx.) '15 ,rork-1I,
, . of Beq uests, 3, D lltVSOn - rt. M. 1806 Dawson (R,) ~. H v,me- r.
T . 1782 Corry.( George) H. 1788 Dawson (Jas.) ASSist. BaN
't. 1796 Corry (Ja •. ) 9 , L wgan. ItT. ' ri,~er for the County N-
M. 180 9 Co'grave(T hos.) Il~g. Geo.- $1 roagh, M Ok.twQTLh·Sjrt>eI.
. M.17 92 Costetlo (E.) 15, Russel-sl M.I 777 Day (Hon. Ro bt.) 2dJ . J\.
• T . 1789 Cottirigham (J as, Henry) . . , B, 7, 'M~'rrio,i-squ~Te. lV.
E. li 6 8 Coulson (H.) Steph,m's-Ilr. T. 1802 Day (Robert) .... . ...
M. 17 95 Crampton (John) M . 179,9 D~ 4ne (Robert )
E. 1810 Crampton (P.) 6 College• . H. 1809 Deb.p (Hugh) I 10, (:apd-
M. 1804 Crawford (Andrew) VI. 1788 DeJ .pollr (Robe rt)
'M. 1794 Creagh (John) E. 1796 Deering (J .) 25 , TemplMl.f.
H . 1799 Creagh (Rirhard) T . 1785 Dennis (John)
~. 1814 Creathorne(G .)8 2,Slel" ,.·g VI. 1787 Dcnni. (Joseph }
. ' E. 181S ;Creighton (G. W.) 4, M. 1785 E ' ~st erre (Henry)
. M ."1"rio,,-sqll[,rr , W . T . 1810 D'E5terre ( Hell . Art h ur)
P. 1783 Croftori (M .) ~ 6. Leeson·st , 14, Mvle:rworlh.~reu.
k Is M Cfo1!. er (I n Wilson, M. P.) H. 1810 Dick (Q.) ,England.
E~ 1776 'Cr6n'1ie (J) Wilfim>l:./Teel. M. lROI Dickson (Jas. "fhos.) COIl1o
M . 1792 'Cfc, okshank (G eorge) of Banl\r. 71 \ Camdo&·str.
T . 17M Cr& b ie (:Willi"m) . -, E. 1759 DicksoD (St epben ) Sen ~r
M.181 ~ Cro>s :'( Gebrge W .) - Libr<\rian to the K inl{'!
E . 17 70 Crowe(R6b.)Jeillp!NtTcet. ~nns, aAd ~om . p{ )lankr.
Crowe (J as.)~, ~illiim'';Sf· 10, C()flf/jtw1io~-lUU.
J·T, 1810 Cruise · ~w. · P ) 2i1 101/1. E. 17 96Dickson( Stcphell Com .of
. '. G(JTdin<:""O/Tcel , . !;;" . ' Dank r. 17. 81L'phel&'s~,
:F.. 17!l1 C"lIen (Jam~) . f. 1794 ;Q ickson (S. P.) Coli>. of
M . 180l 'Cullen (M.) 3x,1I.C,rlllp.• st. · •. ' Ban kr. 9)!, q rajtlJ"..$Ire#JL
M. 1790 Cummins (John) . M. 1792 Dic l>son (Thos.) Willia, ...,
M. 1775 Curran (Rt. Hon J oh n P 11. 180.'1 Uiiby ( Robert) 8 I
H. 179G Curran (Richatd) . . ' Gk)lu;csl<"r.strt~t. ,. ,
~r. 173.? Cnrry (1 .) Ass ist . Barri., te'· E. 1796 Digby (Thom .. ~ Gear
. for th~ Co. L.-Derry, 8'1.1 ' !l9, U},. RIlII~IfIi-~re.·j.
N. C'"l1wrlaltd'slreet. M 1787 Di.ney !'Vm.) A . hunt
'1'. 1'1:'06 Curry (W.) 67,gI .B rilaill"" ' . Darristcr for t he Co. ",1
11.11100 ("ut hbcrt (Eccle.) · 26 , K ilJ,ijre , SQpj"r ..1,Blac[;-r'.
SII'Jd,e."" gr"f!ell, N. 1\1. 1794 Dob!>in ( \I' )
~,. J 7Q2 Dall' (Cuth. )
Barristers. '
M.I76'7 Frenrll (It) S6,L'Mzreo- M. 18a Haddoc;k cr.) 491 G....,.~
Eo 1788-PriuU (ChHrcl) H. 1793 Haire (~) J9, Sll~.-
T. 17!K Fod" (WiUiam) M. 17\13 Han (Jamcs){$. --
M.1791 PoUam Oohn) M. IBos H&!l(Jame5)<> -_
E. 1796 Fuller (Abr.) M. 179s Halliday (N_)
tL 1804 Furloog(J.s.)28~_""'; T. I B'4 Hamerton (Jtob. T"d"ddl).
to 1791 Gabbet (JOI.) I. MOUIIl... M.119J Hamilton (AI.) L. L. D_
If. 1800 Gabllet ('thomas) , '230 Jb,IItInJ-.,II.U
H. 1791 Gale (John) M. 179' Hami1eon (Arth.)L.L.D.
Mo 1788 Garde (John) 41. Tort-M , 7, S. Cllllikrlllft.d...trl. '
M. 1799 Geogbegao (I.) Accompt. H. '786 f,familton(B.)Advocate ill;
'_ Gen. to the Court o f " the Court of Prerog.&-·
El[chequer,8~. tive, IS, Stafertl-jlrNl• .'
E. -17'16 Geo!Xe (HOD. D.) 2d B. M. 1789 Hamiltoo(B.)1 7,MGIIOI"-s
, , It. 12, MerrioA-'2UaN, -So H. I80a Hamilton(F),lg,S.........-A..
tL 1795 Geran (Miles) , T. 179S Hamilt,on(J'i G•..-.II""'1'
M.17!K Genghty (J.) 51, Holla-•. H. 1711 Hamilton(S.PS.Mui.oo-.f.
1:1-1795 Gilf'ard, (A. H) Fis~ E. 181sflamilton (W. 0.)
, ' General at C"yI6n. H. 1809 Haona (w.) ~S, Bulu-ztr.
,..-1784 Gilman (Sir J. St. LegI!t) M.1798 Hare, (Mark) 1.0 L. D.·,
~ Mo IjlOO G9d1py (~.) SCDcschal to St. Sc:puI.
E. 1792 Going (R.) mre", and Com.:ol AI'"
T. 1764 Gold,sbury (f. Artbur) , peals, u, l'ar~ ~
-'1'. 1791 Goold(T)K920Merri.".,... E. 1770 Harnetl; (Robert)
Jt 178. Gordon (Waiter) . a. 179j HarrHj)q (JOqas)
E. 1787 Gore (Fran.) ls,Slepi.-gr. M. 1781 Hal'VCf (j.)'
M.1781 Gorman (W .)'87, SIeJ),~ E. 179:1 Maryey (Willialn)
~: 1'788 Grace (G.) 4, Mec.Wenb.·, M. IB06 HalTard (Franck Johtt) ,r
-H. 1'787 Grady(H.D.)K.C. Coon. M. 1.814 Haffal'd (Wm. HeD.)' .
, to Corn. Of Customs and H. 1809 HoltChell(J.):l6,&uNr.-...
, Excilie,Memo!l-sqwire,E E. 1,8, Hawkfilaw(~) ~
M. 1786 Grad){Tho.) BI:r/Ia.,. T. 1781 Uilwlhorn '(Cbarl,.)
M. 17~:I Gt3Dt(JoSl'ph)al, HoIk,.... M. 1']93 Hayei U,) Q""';',.',..jIl.
T. 1]1" Grattau (Rt-Hon.Henry) M.179" Hearn (Daniel)
" M. P. " T. 1784 Hearq(WiUiaat)
'M. IBlo' Grattan tHenry; JUD.) M.I,78 .Heady (COu.) , -
H.,IBoo GlaVe6 (John C.l Com. E. IBu Henn(j.)17.M'''''''!'.8
, . ofBank.I:I,F;t"''''·-'f·~ T. 17B4 Hcun(W>_RcrinChaft..
H. 1795 Graydon (Cha.) M ••",,., ceryj 17,61.....-1,.·.. '·
'H • • 30S Gra,.,n (Wm.) E. 1808 Henn(W.) 9> Clilrr.JJ-t.
M:'1789 Greeoe (F.W.) H. 1,.80 Herber~ .(It. To_DIe•• ,.
1-. J1~0 Clm:ne(Jonas):lC',Har,. H. 119.5 Jier,be~(T.) 8, uif...,J.
:E. 1814 Greenc("-W.):ao.Ha,..- M.d80B Hew4Oft(WiUiam) .'
T. 1781' Greu (Jouathan) 'H. 1800 HickfoJl (Rob*.>.a.....J•.
. T: 17,4 Grogan(J.po, a ..r_rt- M. 1779 Ifi~ (1,,),; \,:.' ,
'H: 1796 Grovel (j. K.) T. 1786 Hill(S'!FG. F.r)lM".~ .
'M.'178z' Guinucfs-(R ) 9.M"u~./l 'cord« of DcJrt.' -
M. 178.? IllTinnefs (S'.) 7,Mm".} E. 1795 Hillas(J\W, )us.llw:!~ ..
Mo 1174 GumbleLon (W,'{;onnor) T. 1.197 Hinchey (:Pc," F.) p...
'1'• .'794 Outhrie {In.-) 'GtUdiiur-JI. ofBaI)kr ~3,""""'--.ff:l.
-).%;1,7 89 Hac"<tfE T,) H. 178S l'Jindtl(W.l. '
. " . " ~. 4
lkzrrislerl. ;' ,l'"
~. r,gi HitGI'KoC'~.)~3,Btlggol-fl M. 1776 John"", (Robert) '~.
'E.' 1778 Hoale(B)K,C, J. !1tI.""'-fi • M","tj'r'f*':f"~ S~ ;:.
T. 1805 Jlobart (H.) H. ~7g4 (W.) ~d Serje~l).t.,
E~ 1178 Hobfoli (Sam.) A/lillanl ' '34, H,m;".r,·jl"il. '
Barr. for the Co; COI.k M.: 17'9"4 Johnfton (J ames)
To 1807 Robfon(SM)3j'HQmif. rrw M. 179~ fohnfion' (Rob;) Allifi!nt '
M,1777HodsOIi:(W')4,~lowNs~Ii' Bar, for .the. Co. Sligo,
H. 1785 Hodgkmfon (han,)S. . ,1.M""'.J.Y~r~lItirl,-E,
, , T. C. 0-, 'Trinit,"'Nk&'. E.. '17'9" ]oocs (Rd.) 17, BtJKl" j/,..
~. 17R1 Hogan-(Johr;) , ' ·r. 1780 Jones (WiIliam ToJd)
T. l'8ro H.olla:nd (Frcd.) T. 1188 Joy (H.) 3d Serjeant. 14.
H. 17')5 Holme.(R.) 6,lItn'tI.-fl, ''T,,,,plr-jfr,,t.·
M. 171i Holtlan (,f ..} T. 1805 lCean' (J',C.) 35. Mol'""",jl.
'T. I18S §Horte (J, T.) ~nl'a~- '1"., r188 Keating (M.) ~,"1 .. Fil ...-JI.
M. f783 ,Hobghton (E )'Com. of E. ,1199 Keating (T.} 34, I. Sa"I~-JI,;
BlIll'k •• "N. #r,i••jJr;!E;'t8r3 Keatinge (R.) 91, 'B"u,oI-j1
E. 180'; NoughtQn (ft. G.) lE. 1179 Keller (Jerm) Frttl,r.-jlr .. '
M.ln3- Huband C.).) CI"trl.-,";E.. 181" Kelh:tt(.RicJlatd)
-11. ' . T, r 79\4 Kelly (Denl~) Chalham.-fir
, &1. 1800 Hubami (W.) Corfl. e 5f. 1195 Kemml!; (H.) 'Aflill. Bar.
'. Banlt,r. '1,.J1"lgtJI-jlfWI.\ . for Q.!:!een's COUnty,
M. 1807 Hudfon(E.) l l ....-G'ud.-J. M,rri""4'1IhZ',;' ,
,T. '1785 HQmrre,.,(H'}"l.~.tlri-.ft..
E. 1809 Hu/fey.(A.S.) .
IH. 181.~. KennedY(W,p')I.~L';.!':I
, M.1188 K'Cogh (Michael),
H. 1803 Hu/fey (P: B.} " . t. 18b7' Keoo (~.) 60, .,.DlrJd-JI
"".179' Hutcbefon (Alex.WiHOD) M. 1795 Kcrr (Lewis) .
n, HarC#llrf-flrI,t.· T. 1809 Kieman (PatrickJ
M. 179' Hutchinf<,n (E~aol1"l) M~ 180s'Kernan(R.)17,8b,.%rgttlll-1
T. 179' Hutchinfon(ffort.CHely) M, t79~ -!(inchela (1.) L. L. D. '3.
. M. p.. .: S. Clltderi"nd.Jlr''',
M.178, Hurchinfon(HoJl'I.Hel'y) H. 1799 King (H.S.) Commir. or
. a, Henridla-,t".,. ' Cufloms, jItr"~. E.
E. 1812. Hutchia?on(J.)5J-,BtJrc,- M. 1795 King (In)
H. 1777 Hutchinfon (Rt. Hon. R. M. 1791 King (lohn Dawwo)
Hely) Earl Donough-.E. 1III'King (M:.)~. S. AII"to",.., Lord Trea(ure"s E. n8, King (Sfella1't> Mafier. ia
Remein. of the Cou " ChaD. PlliOl<t-riw. .,
of Exchequer;· T. 180' ICing ( T : ) : " ,
M. 179~ lkerry. (John) '. , M. 1805 Kiolley , (Cfem.· Arcfttr)
Eo .798 Irwan(jonesW.)Lu/...-ji. 41. N.CUIJrH"'lIIiJ-jl-,."t.,
M. d06 jackfon (JofD.)Lltlon-ft M. In8 Klrwan (])KC'l6. uifo"" .
T, 1806 Jackeon (Warren ftaa. ,.' firm; . ,. ...
. Rowland) ". • f179 Kirwan(Jas)AfliRantBar-
T. 177'''J-rot. (S.) , .' dflerfor theCo. G .. lwa)',
H. 1798 JalDe. (C.) 30,FJli,,_jI Domj..ul-jlhtt".
M. 1171 Jamrfon (J)KC.J6r.,'i-jI R. '790 Knott(W. )Co\l1miJli(mer
T. IRoS jaltlefOD (Jo'hn) l~.r",....." of Appeals. 36, u'.!...-jI
Mo',i7S jamefqn' (R.) .' T. -,,66 Knox (Charlel) ,
T. 1'739 Jet.IJ,(Rich,) K. C. 41, E. 119i K.nolt (Fran.) K.e'.
"lllltlnntl-{lJIIllff, . " 1813 Kl)ox (John) . .
M.1791 Jeni6($Ii 1· J. W., 'Bt.),M. 1788 Knox(Rt.Hon,O.)C.fI,1'
Barristers. 149
H. 1801 Mannln (John) M. 1191. Moore (John) .~aia. Bar•
. T. 1S13 ManferghlN.)1.IP"rl~jl•. B · for Co. TipperarY.
1\;1•.1791. Maquay(G.P.)14,M.r••r. H. 1795 Moor.: (John) .
E. ',804 Milrio:t (C. A.) T. 117' Moore (Ri~hard) Comm.
M.178, Marfden (Al.). Com, of . of Appeals, P",.·f-.fl;IIi~
, the Rev.St,jIbm"-gr. 8.E. 1'97 Moore(Stcphe!l)
M. 1770 Marfh (Franei.) M. 180S Moor~ lV'.)
E. 18J4 Martley U')9r6'.C6Gr/".jT. 1786 MOl'gan «(·harlcs)· . ,
li. r794 Martin (Oeor.) E. '769 MOUC5(Rt.HoD.Lod,e)·
T. J1Si MaHin (Rithard). Ld.Frankfo.t,Mu4i.8.
'1'. 1800 Mafoll (Hell. jllL) Lib. to M.I171l Morrii (Abrabam)
'. the King's.ions,.KiI/a,.,.., M. 17'75 Mulloy (Tobias)
T. 1803 Mafon (St•. John) _ Eo 17S9 Mulock (H. Aug.)
E. rSI3 Mauolel (Heory) H. 1711. Mulock (T.) 35, B#tI#I-.f.
.1. '774 M.ailDfell (Daniel) E. lBoO Murtiy (J.) 35. G,.,Ji.-/
1:'1. 1779 M!,unfell (Joho) • 1770 MufF~ve (Sir Ridl. Bt.)
T •• 813 MapnscU (Richard), 3', . 8. Q_lJn-jlr_. .
Rllt/tllfJ-'tpI!lr,,' W. . 1710 MuR'endeD (Oo1niel)
~. 1788 Maxwcll(Rob.)S,s-.-lI. ISOS Mufi"coden (William)
if• .118.. May (Stephen) , M. 1799 Napper (WilIiam)
E~ 1808 Mayoe (C.)J,,8'~'..., 1790 Nnm (Thomas) ._
~. 17S1 MaYoe (HOD. E.) 3rd J. H, '799 NewcomeD (C~arles)
. C.P.1.8.81tp/1f"·,-gr;'lfN. T. 1790 Neweoh~m (WiUiam)
T. 1799 M.ayne(S.)H"rtlv.i&i,·pf. M.1780 'Nc,.port (RightHOfI.Sit
T. 18.3 Mayne (Wm.) 69,Da""oJi . JohD) M.P.
T. 1780 Meade (Thomas) .. T, r8raNiX4)n(ADd.)II!,P"". .n.;
M. ,11'1 1 Mecrcdy(R,D )U,gD..r.~ tJ. 1785 NillOn (G. ) 33, s...".-&
n.1193 Mce (Joft"ph) M. 1813 N9lao (1 hom,as) .
"i'. 1197 14eredith(H,.)18r 2'",..-fr E. 1197 Norcott (W.)
M., 1811 MilIer(J; B.)' /'4. I.IONortb(J.H,).U...Iw'.tl.·J~
M. i796 MUlsl WiULtm) ~. 1800 Horton(R.).I.~/fIf"~
N.1795 l'40Ioo, (E.) W...n.rttIt. '1:. '773 N.u,cot.(LaW'. Coylie)
0'. 1783. MOIony(HG.)l',GIo.("", T. 179~ NIJIIII (Jobn NfcJtfOB) .
-t. 1797 MoloDY Us,)" E..,-aoe Nuon.(il.)3'~C-'rr/.~
T. 178\1. Monck (W. D. Stanle)' T. 1789' O'8eime (Charles)
M.1788 MoDfeU(T.)ASiRaDtBa E. 1788 O'Qricn (1).)107,6,..",.•,.
... . rifte! f~r the «0- Fer- M; 1803 O'~ry~lCeQ.)19;[{Jlu..jI
manaRh, 3,
.H.1177 Monfell (Wm. Tho.)
H",.••,.,.!; M, 1776 O·~ (Joho)
li, '79~ 'O'lJrico (Matthew) ,-
'M. IB04 Moofell (WIII.jUD.) E. 17980·Coonell(J).)M'r,i.....,.
If. 11\14 .Montgomery (R ) 31, ..,: T. 1804. O'l)ell (Chrifto,tler) .,
• _ ,RvIIo. .jlmt; . R. 1'04 O'oell (Thomas) Com.
H. 1799 Moody (Js.)S6.DM;"'-..' P.fCuftom.. . .
H. 1809 MooDey (FmJ.), H. 1814 D·OOpDcll'(J.).t.S.A.....jI
T. 1788 Moore(Arth.)K.C;Chai'- H. 1793 O'D."'Jcr(Morg.J.)Afsq..
'. . soID'of the SeRialls Co: . .tlJlt·....lster of the Co.
. .. Oublln~: 7. H...,.iR,.~,. Carlo", a"d & .C~mmif-
M.18oo·Moore'(G.lso.DMioo" siOllcr . of. Ballllrupll.
'I'. 17!19- MlIOre (HamUto\I).: 8. haI, 111."",./1,.",•
.T~ ·'t9S:~oore(~U".)9~.¥;·. 'd. 178J 9'Dwrel (Mor.), .
(1815J . U'"
H: 1806 O·PallooeJ.
W.133.",..-!.\H: 179sFe.~ather(R.}s,M",,\
M.178,1 Ogle (Hed. M.) M. P. M.I'179 ParCT (W. P.) KiUm-jt.
E. 180,1 Ogle (W. H.) H. 1806 Perrln(L.) 60. Ma,n..·ft
T. 1803 o Germm(NPI6.H.r••-ft E; I80S Phi»bt' (R:r S.F."I'.C.D.
& Iloa O'Orady (E.S.) Aui.rant 'Tritti,,·c.J.
Barfl5tcr for the County M. 1783 Intinps(R.133.N.C".-1
· W;aterford ;and COIII. or M.I?S9· PIIiilPS (Reajamin),Sttphtll·,.gr.E M. r793 Pij!Ott ( Alexander)
t. 1787 O'Gndy (Ilt. Hon. SUn" H. 171' Plrt (Gcorge)
C. B. E.
E. 1.796 O'H;anlon (P.)
1ft"""""'"'''''' E. 18r3 Piu., (S.J.)IO, 81.pi..?~
M.18oS Phmkeu (Luke) ,
H •. '770 O'H;ara (Ch•. ) G,tift",-jt H. 1787PJtUtk~tt(Rt.Hon.W.C.}
'r. 171:1 O'Rara (jamr.I) , M'.P. LC. r6,St.pIn.'"
M. 18u O'waghlin (Mithael) 41~ fN#1I. N. .
, . MlJrll."OIIl"·jIr"r. .• Mo r79~ Plunket(W·)sS....I.,ilk-.I.
M. r808 O'Leary .'. . H. 1809' Pallock(E.)r4.H..........,
;t. 1813 O'Meaghcr (Samacl} H. 1718 l>t>lIock (Jof.) Aftiftaet
T. 181S O'Mcagher (Willial!') Bacriller for the COllDtT
Jr'I.IS05 O·Regan(JI.)r.M......,...., DOwn.
B.17SS O'Reilly (Edmund) ,~. 171$ Pomeroy(Rt,Hon.Hcmry)
.. '1196 O'Renly(ES.) 39,EIXIII-j! lIifc:oont Harberton.'
.. dOl O''R'eilly (!d'W.) Anirtant E•.1791' POD"nby (Hem. GeorJfl
. .rnster for dlcCollDtJ M. 1780 Pon{~nby (Rt.HoD.Geo.I
'!..ollRford . M. P. '
t. 1S03 O'Rcilly (Hugh) , E. 17.97 Poole (Thoma.)
t. 1813·0·~ulli"'D (John) M. 1777 Powell (Geo.)
·itI•.1'18V Ormlby (SlrCh.... M.}KC. H. rso, Pralt lJohD)~
, , . 1 ( \ COlla', t. tlle €om. of W. 1181 P4'tnMI'gall (Tho.),Cm-
·- , Cu{\OI'D6 &Od ElIdtc;8, itt-Ol'i"n C/ftlt .ll/lrrri_f
· .~ IIIy-pIIlM.· • E. r719' Purc:etl (John)
U.1794 Orr (R.} 76. Marl! M. 17~ l'ltrcdl(J. jun) It. "11"
Mo '788 Olbarnc(Hon.Chas.)~ . Rut/QtI4·jlrm. '
J.ltB.fS.7'-Ik-jl,.,.,. M. 1801 p.,rcelJ;t·W.)
T. i783~wen.s (Thomas) . M. 1195 fl'urdbnfG ')-I'.lII.rritJll-ft
E.I8OOl'ltl!er (W.) U; 8. Q H. 1191 P.ldua (Robcrt) .
k,.ltIIfII..!irNf.·· . • 179'1. Purdvn (Si_D) .
I. liJS Par{on,(j,(;..134.,DrmJ__ H. 1791 Puxley (John)
. ,Jr,'.'" .k. C,. ,a. 1'185 Q!!iII{T.)K.c.16.r.,~J_
M. 179'1. Parfen, (n. Cle&1'etAf. jlN~... " ,
'. IiAant Bamllcr fo,·.h Mr I 789 R"dtlif!4,(J.) ~. HII_~.
, , . King's. Countf'. : E. 171,.lbodford(Samuel)-
, H. 1178 Pallel10n (Fran.l jlI"~ • l18s · Ija.) N. 1*1-"".
, . ' "Advoate General. . E. J 187 Redford (oAr.)
H. 1718 Patter{on (Mar.) M. 1110'8 .litcH(Sirj~Blart~)""&.ftti-)
M.1766 'atI1 (Robet't) £.1796 Rced 00ha)
E. 1'98 Paul (Wm •. E.) E. 1813·RDoU (Bea,,)
M. z79P Pe.rde (W,P,)' Eo'.tau'ReCl_(WM.)19,¥M~.-I
~. 1191 Pencll.etoc! (8.) Eo 1791,a.ePII (William)
~.178S Pendred CVogbe.n) H. 1804~jUYUallleS MUes)
~. 1195 Pell!lefathcl(E4w.rd) .to' M. 1790 hYllerd. {W_ Bawt"l
'itfl..,;m.,;,..!tl<-t'., ~ )194 ~•.(DI!GI.) D~J-"~.
Barrislers. 151
'T. 1181 Rite (S.Jt,)>>'r;.,,~r,.i H. 1726§ Scriven(J.:Bari:l.lY)I:S.
T. 179:l Rice (S. Henry) Amllan't Hfm:.ur'-jlwt. ,. ':
Barri(ler for the Co. cj" M. 1796 ~uJly (D,) 13.M"'.:f9;r.
\ Ketryt54,-E"dMf-'''''jI. T. 180.9 l)emple(Ant)s.~,Wi";a",-jl
E. '18n,Riohartls().)io.Me&k/I"" I79S Setun (A.) 3,Gr,~';'II/'-fi.
H.I~o.a·Richatcb (R.)A,IIift. Bar. H.18i4 Sbaaaholll (Frederick)
for- the Co. Wi:lCfOlcl, 14, M. 1788 Sharkey (R. F.)paymaft.
KildtJr..flI'Ht. ' of Corn BouDties.
. E. 1186 Richard~ (Thomas) no'
1198 SlIewcr (Alex.) Ba!.gQt-'p.
H . .1791 Ridlards (WilIlalSl) 'E.J8u &hdl(J5.) 15,..p. ~"',-JI.
'M. 1790. Ridzeway(W.)4o;S._J, H. 1814'Sheil(Rich.) 2.3. If.II,i1/1
.;H. 1814 Robinfun (Hartllonae> E. 1,61 ibcrlock (J.l31,""'II;'~f
T. 1789 RocbfortlG) M.119ISiDclair(Jamcs}'
T.'~/86 Recbfort, (JoItIfStaunton, r. 1176.fncYlr, CRobert) ,
, '6, "p; S".r.nJ.k.fir,,' r. 1196Singer (P . .lE:) T.",pl...p.
1'. 1189 (logers (Oeorge 'Pigot) M. 1796 Slacke. (John) .\flill. ~r.
'M., i78S lIlel1efi08(jokph)5J,I_ Caunty Munaghall, .,.
GttrrliM,_/ir..', I>.",u,w-jlrnt" •
_.IL1794 Roper (W.) Office, 2.5;- E, 1798 Smhh '(Amb.) ,Com,'of
!~ , ' "",. S"cl<vi/.l,-jlrNl. Bankr. "". Mur;""l'.!
M., 1190. Rowan (W/lliam) '\t. 1176 Smith (Geo.) Recorder:.f
,'M. ''199 Rowc(R.Rad.)14,Ltinji.-j' Limerick, ~3. E.P""j.jI.
-: -H:. '1787 Ro ... lcy(W) II,N.t.Gto-j H. "98 Smith (Jof.) '''p. Filav.op.
- T. 1788 Rudd (Pemberton) H. 119' Smith (M ... c"s)
M. 1799 Ratledge (Rkhard) H. 179" Smith t.M.) I,p, M'~RC.$l1
.-H. 1789 Rutledge (&bert) ' : £. I7,I.8l11ith, (Thomay , ;'
'H. 18o~·R.uxton (R.) Allill. B~f- r. 1788 Smith (Hon. ,Sir ,W",_~,
. riAer, for the Go. Meath. Bart. ) 3d' B, E, 8;HII_JI
H. r,89 Ruxton (W. P.) H. "90 Smyly (J.) 13, Borgol-jl-
T. 181'; Rya~D.F.)31""~ H. 1803 SlIlytb(C.) '3,/. M.u~fl
,T., 1199 Ryan (Ewer) Fnw"'jlr. H. 11,96 Smyth(J.)Com, dfBM.
'M. 178f Ryan (J.) Cem. of Banlt. 1,4. FJI"'UJiI/;a_fir'd~:
~7, B"go,-jlrlfl. 'Eo '7-95-S myth (J.~.j 'lo,J)"'''Illr-f
\','94Ryan (WiIliani) ,M. 11~ Smyth (~,) 10., ''I_plt·;1
T. 1196 Ryves (Wm.ill,LnJ-;-. H. r7.96 Smyth (Wm,) II, lfa~.-J.
n. 1'769 Ry¥Ci (William) H •• 814 South\wHI (R. jlln.) "
T. 1178 Sadleir (T~) ',I",t1.9o.S,eer{Sol,) '1t5~l>Drf.~flr
'E. 1790. Saint ,Lege' (Chithellen T. 1784 Spencer'(Jolh.) ))4111;"j,I./
,M. ('1")9 SaIkelcJ.(Thema$) . 17.94 Spread (Lbark~)' '
H. 11119 Sandes (H.l8, Alllfgi,,.-j/ . I 796 ~p1'cad(j.) 3,"1'- Rul/IIII/-fl
rH. 1800 Sandes,(WiUIaIl1) , T. 17iS Stanford ()o,)GI.P.-flr.
'T. 1780' Sauri" (Right Hon. WI)~. l1bStanlcy (SIP l:d;f K.C.~.
Att;·Gen. Sl"h'~' ••g, jullic<.: P. Wa)es IJIa,"~'
"M. 1791& Schole. (j.) 15,L..j-/i E. IBp,J S\annald(E.)S I.,ft'fth-jl•
. E. 1814 Scl)tt(R.) 60,,,,, Doifrt,jl li.18,,,:iBtapJC& \Th'¥.)4S, N:"t.
H,t8o.7' Srott (.Bdwa,d)' CII',••-fir.d.
, M. "1789 Scott(Henrr Owen) , T. 180-S St~plctOD (Ho,ellden} 33.
E. 180.4 Scott (J.Sl'IfYth) 3 , M i r - " E"J,.fl'ur-j/,t'tf.
-r;""-.{quflr" S. ' ;',: M. ':,,89 Stawell (Eufla.:c)
'H, 1779 Scott· (Th'ol'llai Pardon). 'M. 1795 Sta... e11 (Geo,g~)
,40.'~H."""'-Jmt. M. 17.95 iltr.wcl1 (},"a~)
152 Bq,rr:i$t~3.
E. 177011tll'{Rll (WiUillm) M. .1781 T~wJlfclfd (]..OOO Sett>
T. 1813 Steelc'(Walter) K!'C. ¥"";"'"'~'.1.
. M. 1794 Sterling (Edwar~) , H. 1197 TowD'fend (Tlios.JLLD.
T. 1114 Stc:velly (Rob. lones) 2.1, LeifM.}lrrH.
E. 'f717 Stewart (Aleunder) T. 1791 Trayers'(j.l\loon:)
H. 1795 Stewart(D.) 12. I, Brit'"I" M. J807Trayer CA.) ~6. HeIks-j
)4, 1773 Stewart(Hcn.)6,LtmfuI" M. 1174 Trench (l-"red.) p.n..~...
11. 1781 Stewart (In.) 1 E., 1793 Trench (Rt. Hon. Rd.
1=- 1781 Stewan (Rt; Hon. Sir, J. ,,~arl Clanurty.)
Bart.)M.P. IC.C.' M. 1802. Trotter(J.».)~o.W1cl1r.r
M. 1806 St.George(A.)l~G...,",.- T. J187 Turner (W.) 58. SrrJ>h ..•
M~ 1785 Stoke. (John Wh.) Co"!. Mo 1804 Tyrren(Tho.)3,M'N"u",.1
, 'of Bankr.13, L"IM-.J11'. . M. 1795 Upton (Wbi,t.ney)
E. ,1792. Stopford (WiUiam') . E. I78r Vandeleur (Boy le)
E. 17~0 StrinfFr(Ralph) , M. ISI4 V.lndeleur Un,' Scott)
T. i ;80 StlIdden (Jonas) M. 1790 Vandeleur(~f:. H~D. J.
M.IS06 Studden (Thomas) 9rmlby)
T .• ,64 Swan (Jame$ Chamney) T. 1799 Vandeleurrrhe. Bunoltj
, 14, MerriOll·jfJIfare. 35. 'fp. Olofiw-jl,.".
M.I776 Sweeney (J.) M.,mtjOJ-.k T.1792. Vanhon,irig~(P;~liecad-
Mo 1780 Swift (Deane) . er of Droglled.,
T. ,1803 Swift (E. L;) T. I'J75 Vaufour (W.) K"~
T. 1778 8wjft (Rob,) 6, Glojler:-jlr M. 1793 Vaughau (Job6)
T • • 806 Swindell (Wm. Cha.) :6, T. 1775 Verdon (In.) J_lIi<lI.
¥lIUIItj.,-jlmt . ' M. 178$ Vefey (Geo.) Fit...._.J
H. I~i Swiney (s.) HdTtII'!"'-fir. T. 1789 Vicars (G.).fl.ll"-jJmI.
T. nh Synge (Sir R.) H"rF..jIr' M. 1&00 Vicau(T.)Com.ofW.
T. 1814 Taggen (Samuel) • l7, Bal:oI·P,.",.
H. IS06 TalloD (1. W.) 3l, N~ H. r78S'li~k~s(T.), .7LHJ<rnt.
n-i"i,A.jInet~ " T. 1795 Waggett (Wm.) RccCXllcr
Ho 1794 Tandy (Thomas) of Cork.
T. 181.1 Tennant (Henry W., M • • 809 ~a1k~r (C. R.) 30? ~'.
1\01. [796 Theny (1.) Corn. of R.:r. ,'Cw..krlmrtl-jlred.
H. J788 Thomp1On .(F~ed.) pep. H. IS04 Walker (ChJJDberlen W)
, Chief ttememb. of the 20, Mtrritm.{lrtu.
Court of Ex ch. 16, Mtr· H. '1804 Walker (Dnid)
rmr-!'1wcI'" S. ' T. 1806 Walker(R.C)I8,M1Ci(.-{
Mo do, Thompfon(G.) , Sm,G",j T. 1780 Walker (ThofIWs) 69.
H. f78S Thomp(on (John Norri~) ,",b'1.rt,••
t:: H99 Thompfon (Richard) "S, T. J 779 W'Ilktr (Wm.) Record"
C6art&"y-la~', of Dublin. 11, D,n.i";d-j
T .• 790 Thorp (Roben) 1'4- 17911 Wallacc (T.) 32, N.,r.
E. i803 Tiddc(Ed.)6lM,rr;on-j/ " G'.rl.·J~f1rt1l.
H •• 796 Tighe(HenrY)36.Hdr<.. T. 1798 Wailer (Bolton)
E. 1794 Tifaall (Geor~e) • 1805 Wailer (R.) IS, 0-.1-
, M. 1110 Toler (Rt. HOt,. John, /t,."t.'
, Lord Norbury) C. J C. Walfh (And) 10, R.ffi·n.)
P. 3, I" Dm_rl.jl,.... ~I. J808 §Wal,1h (Hol"'ell) 13,
M. Ih4 'rombe (George) K;/da~'-Jtl'r.f.
M. r783 Tomki". (G.) R 180'6 Walfh(W.)2.6,N.C..I.-,1
lA· 11~8 TOfrCD5(Ro.)9,G""...jR.T. 1;88 War~(Ch')39• .D.~;'.-jI
.!CI. I794.W'arjl(Satn.)L,J...D.
- ~ ...,; B~ iJlli,.,../lIt.t.
. .J": •.. '17113 Wa~dlow (Wjlli~gl)
5~,~T. IBu Williams(C. W.)2,BeJ'III·
. "<N
.ploce .
,. 1793 Williams{SoI.) rala...JW.
M. 1806 Warren lR. B.) 17" ./...... M. 179'J" Wills (Anthony)
Mo""t./'t,tt'. f'H. 18<:>0 'Wilmott (Robert) ...
T. 1776 Warren (TI1oma.s) 1\1.1307 WilCon (H. B.) 57, DtJmj·
M. 1793 Webbfl1ln.) 1l'l!lilt11-JI. nidi1ml.
M. 119/ Webll(Wm. ~Jev'"llt)on)JI. 179'7. WI!(on(J.oC'),S'7,D•.wiNa-
H. 1188 Webl.>er (D. Wellb)K ~·I [J",t. .
E. 1 79,S Wel.l (Mart,') MO'ef",,'Ji1'J',' 180,.9Wins,tan1eV(GeOrgeFreri.)
M. 1188 Welfh(2.ob.)4,,,,.Y,71-j! .•{f. I~, H(mh"i&~.-ft,.,,,.
H. 1179 Wellhy (f.c1 ) z~. r",•.J1r H. I79'1. Winter (Ji,hn Pratt)
M. 179'1. Wcftc:nra (t'.) Mlr'ion'I!\~' 11~7. W?lfeOohn) Lord V.
ffllnr •. lV. . ~Ilwarden.
E. 1798 Wcftrop (Wm. Jnhnjj'n) H. 1897 Wolf., (1.)8,Mtrri_fq.JJ.
Bo!!g.t-:flred. \'1'. 1799 Wood (Atti",ell)
T. 1783 "'White (James) T. J784 Wood ('rhomas}
E 1784 White (John) 7, ,.,.,""-.11
M. 179'1. Wno<lward (8. B.) Mt ...s
T. 1811 White(T.S.).14.Glo"t.,P.-J1'.I': 1814 Woulte (S.) r1'1.,Do.~got,p
. M. 1711 Whitelock (Geor!!.e) IM. 11104 WI';Jy (T.) Wt"H_r.-fi.
M •. 11BJ, Whitetl.On,e (I.) K.
r. 18u WYbr,aflts, (R.jun.)Rlllla,,,j..f
1791 W,.ntle (W.) Comm. of
T. 1809 WhiteClonc (William). App~ls, Grm'llil/..II~I
H. 1762. Whitner (T!>omas ~.) H. 1737 YeLcrton (Hon. Ba"1)
E. 1 77,5 Wilkin(on (<ir H.) Re·I,E. Ins Ye!vcrton (Hun. W .. A.)
corder of Kilk",nny, Com. Bank. 36, Glofor-Jl.
E. 1778 Williams (C. s) .l{. C:. T. 1187 Youn, (Robel1)
65, 8t.pb",-fl,.,.i.. ,
,.; t

Net.. The I.ettt'r5 K. (King'l Be",h) C. {CO,.,,,,OIl Plo!'lJs] E. [E~'h;9';""1
and T. ['1'l.o(lel] denote the Couru to which rh!:y belong. -
Thus marked t admitted Solicitors l~ Chancery, purlilant IQ an Qrder
of that C~rt; the 1ft of Jall/IIJ,.J, 179 I.
Thus marked' are Membe" of t.!u: Law Cluh, a Society inClituted in
tbe year 1791, for the better rel\111arion of prallifing Sollcitoll.
<.}ub Hou(c, ..
LJ.''''~J1r t.
~tABBOTT (Ch.) ~{. C. E. 10,IAdam~{H~nry) K.C.E. 5, Mllrgo ...
N. gt. G_gb ft,tlt. p"u•• I
tAbbott (G.)~. C. Eo 4, HoPo'I-[t.,Ahmaty (].) C. 2.4, Sl,pbt.~/I"rt.
. Ahbott (Jas.) K .C ..8, P,.,.,.-!t,..! Ahmllty (R.E.) K.C E. 65, Capel./t
tAbbott (J.)'K: - .E. 6, I. MOUI':ft. tAickin (Sam.) I{'C.E.lnfj,etl:or of
tAhbott(j.)I{ C E. 104. r;"pt/~Hr.t t'tan'pg in the: Law C,,"rts, 5.
°tAbboti(W.)K.C.E.6,I.M.lintftr; HUIfr.-Jirrtt. . -
. tAcheron (AI~lI. Ber..) !l.C.1: "o,tAicHn and Mont~omery, K.C.E.
GO/d.,,·I,In•• · ' . I Office. s. Humr-jl".,.
tA&n (T.) K.C.E. 7i, St~~h",·s.g tAko.k (Alex.) K.C.E. 6, .p.P_-
tl\dams (Samuel) K. C. Eo 4J,1 6roi,·flml. . .
Eer!••-J4"t. l.~lex3n~el· (Aler.) E,IO, S.!.IfoIi-Jt
tAU ri Gnd Norman, X:C.E. oflice.tAullin(Sam.}K• •• B_..1I6a'*!i*!l~
. 117. ttji. SntA",;lIl-flr .. r. 'tAullin (W. T.) "~C.E.
1'Allrn (Chrin.) C.E. 7. Shi!-{tr,'-tBabiOgton and. 'r~ Ko C. E
.tll Alien (John) K.C.E.TOlNfl·c1crk ·Office. 30 • RIII/~.r9.-.r, W.
of Dublin. Sec. to the Pipe Water "*tJ3abington (D.)J'.C. E. Cbiroga-
Ellablifhmrnt. 8. Clar.-jlr. Officc, phcr, cultos BreyiulD and kcepet
117, ~~tlv;II••jl,...,. of ·thc King's &il .. ~r, Com_~
.AlIcn (Tim.) K C.E. Clerk of the PIcas, H, RuIIQJI~j,...r l . IV.
('-om. Council. 56, C....dt"-jlr...,,,tBaggs (Geo.) K.C.~.B4I'gKot-~
-tAller (Jer ) K.C.E. SI, BiJb.,-fJ !tBagot(Daniel) ~. SecretcouT to die
tAlley (j ) K.C.E. 47 • .tf~6t.rrlr'l Grand Canal CO•• 3~, D-f--.Ji.
tAH<yn (Sam) IC.C.E. 8, C"jtl..ji tBailic (W.) K.E. \18, G ..rtIia,,..,#.
tAlfop(T.Ray) K.C .E'46,SI'1,b",·jl.tBaker( Arth.){(
+Anderfon(A.)C.E.IO,Jlp.Rlltla__!.:"Bakcr{H.)K C ¥.. S""KI.G_~II~
. tAnder[on (Oeo) C E. JO, G~"':/lBakcr (Ifaac) E. 3'. AhMy-fl,..,.
Andc,fon (Henry) K.E. 5. Arra"'qfBaker(Waltc;,c) ~C.E,o 5,..F,...jI
Aaderfon (Jas.) K.C E: 58, ~''''~fBalfe (Edn).) K.q.E. ;Ji(.. rl6n..-:Jr
Andrew5 (F.) E. 3, P",,~/lr ..t. IBaU (Abr.) E. 43. """,;~",d'.
t .... rulrew.(W ..)KCE.6.Mm .•fq W. tBall (8. and H. WilfoD) K. c.15.
Angdl 0. W.)K. 7, Fo"WntJ'l'fl"~". 7. S. Frldtri,i-ft".t.
1 Archhold (Rd.)K C.E.49,Ma,.,-Ji tBall(Ben.jun.)K.C.E.~f .z-!.~
Archdall(Mer.) C 41, C'!ii./lmt. tBall (H"enry),lt. O. E. 6,.Ml!r~
Archer (.\,K.) K.C.E2.3.upOr ....q·,tn ..U(James) K.CE. 2.6, CLzr,.Ar.
tArcher and White. K.C.E. Office, fHaU (J. W.) K.C,2. Depa~y Ca.t
7, E.f!~".b,;t1g'. ~ of the Peace. Co. Dublin, 0 . ,
·tArc:hcr(Geo) K.C.E. 7, E./fo".hr.. 32., Dom;nick·flrrll.. ..,
Arther (Jas.) KE.. RJltla"d-jtrut. 8aI1.(Rob.) K~C~B. H. Ca./lk-.1,..
tArdill (J.) K.C.E. 74 • .tfllng;~"'JI Barber (C', K.) E, So, E~~
:Ardill (Jona) E 74, .tfuIIgl.,..jlrut4Barclay(O.)K.C &,13.8u_".'
.Afmllrong(E.) K. C,E..68,q.....dt":/i. Barker (James). E. 8rt#l~"'pr'_
tA.mltreng (Francis)C.2.. iiC&lu·fl tBarker (R., K. C. E. Wilt;...".
"fArmlhong(Js.)K.C.E. '1..}!"k••jI Barker (Tho.) E, 9, Gmli.•./lrwt•..
tArmfirongUames) K. C E. "5 •.·tBarlow(Js.)K:C.E...tP.gtG-~....1
. . niu"-Jlrut. , Barnes(Sam.Ed.) {('3, UjUr'...yJa4
Armllrong(J .)K.C.E.41,Da..:Jon-ji Barrett {E. D.)"K.C. 75,S/~"pr.
-tArmRrong(T.) K.C.E.8.Ufl,.,.·.·istBarrett (J)K C.t. 4,S.~
Armltrong (W.) E 42, C",.I'flrM. Barrett(Pat.)K.C.E.z8..,."S""Avj
Arnold (Thomas) E. 8, Rofi-I",... ~Ba,.rj,'gton (M.) K. c. E. 13,".
,Arthure&Vanghan,KCE7.8Irfford.s Filzwima".-jlr..r.
tArthnre (B.) K.C.E. 7. StniJonl.jI·, E. '1.S,Gr:<tl-!rm.
tAl thm (JI.) K.C.E. 35,/Ip.D.m.;ji Ban}, (M.) C.6. H •.,.,;/itwl.
tArthur (R. K.) K. C. E. 10, S. fBolrry (Sam.jl{.C.E. 38, C'lff...I~
·Cu1llb",.". tBarton(j. M.) K C.E.Ett.~,.,.,.
·tMhe (Wm.) K. 7, King-jlml. tBafbford(W.)K..C.E.J.01.L\!Pjil-fl
fAfbmore(D.)K E.~II; Lurgan-jl• . Bailable (Charlel) E. ~~;F~.!.
:i'l.tkin (Here:) E·9, Cal/J,·jimt. . tBate Oas.) K.C;E. \IO,r"'''~ltJt.
tAtkillfon(Jn. )K.<;.E.6,:.(Il.nta .•jI. ~Bath (J~s.H.) K.~.E. 46,JmM-j
A.tkin.fon (Mile.) 2.3; lJl'.JitI,lI1ti-.Jlr•.8at~~r{by(Fr.)E'l3.IAt~
tAtk,nfon (Rt.) K.E. 48.1t'I......v·f1r :~Biyly Bc Frcw~n,K,{,E.+8i~
Atldnfon (R.W.) E. r,.Rlllla"'{I. fBaylyOohn)K C.E'~"'lif/l''''''.
~inlec_k (A.) C.r I, Hardow;,u;.jlf;tSayfy (Jofcph) K..E.48,Q""..JIt.
Attornia. 155,
~}I.i fBayl, (Peter) It.C. E. Treafurer tBlake (Dom. )K. C. u, G..,J;",,',.
I'" and Seemary of the Circular· plau. '
j h; < -' roadi and'a Com. for Affidavits. tBlake (FI'an.) K. 4, A,r,,".,ltay., ~
;IIjI -fBa~ly(Kd.)K.C.~.u. AII,kfo,,-ft. tBlake (Rob) K.C.E. 8. T ••pl...'!.
w tBayl,(S:) Sol. KCl.83,N.King-j1, Blakely( M, )K.C E·41.S gl.G,• .'.-:f.
!!ill 1'&,ly (W.) ')tCE. 83. N.K;"g.jJr. t,Blakeney(J.)K C.E.14. Arra""f.
... 1'Bayly:(Wm. )K.C.E.3, Mm·i...·,. 81aney (Willianl) E. '7, Cia ....)'
011 lJeamilh (W.) K..C;40, Cla,mJ...-ft· Blenncrhafk:t( Arth.'.
'£1, 'tBeafie,(T..) K.C.1t. 64. Dawfon-j Blenerhall;'t(A.)K.E.13.gtL."gf.-.~
iJJ 1'Belluc:hamp( R. }KCE. I 18, n"g,'" Rlenerhafi'er (Hen.)K I. 4"g/~/'''·fi.
,~ tBcauman(W.)K.C.E.S3. 8atl",.-/l· *B1enerhafi'et CJn ) K.2.7.ItJ.Moullt-P
i~ Berkett(Jn.) C.E.2.9, .p. Or",.IId-,. BI"nerhafi'~t(T.A.) E.19.I.S••d", .•{
"Ji Bec:kford(T.F.)K.E.ll, Frttl..;'I:fI. "tBlood (T.) K.C.E., 17, Bifoo.·ftr•
•f' -tBeere(Dan )CE.Secol\dary toLnrd t Bloom6eld(W . Jle.E. T. a 7,Ch"n.-1
'JII Treafurer's Rememb. Ollice,and t80lger(W.) K.C.E. 30 , 81/",p./I...
Del" Purfuivaut ofthe Court of BoltonlR.F.}K..C.E. la, C.r;'·hill.
. ElK'. Office. Four·.ourll. tllomfold{L.R)KCE.Hard•.,;•.f.-ft
....Beere (Geo.) K. E. 59. C-mn-f. 'tBond and Littlc:. K. C. E. 30,.
+Becre('~"'7fl'. MollSw.rtb-fl,...t. ,
Bure (Wm.) E. 6. 4,t...•.. 'lIa'. Hooker (Rob.) K.E. 2., T,.pl.-j1.
tBelc:her(JW.} KCE'3a,N.C..oU.-:! BoQth (Jobn) E. 63. Will;a~rttl.
-tBeIl (John )K.C.E, 49, 8"",•.·/Jill. t Borrowe~ (Rob.) K. C.E. 50lkitor.
Bell (George) E. 23, r•.,.f..jltwl. to the Stam , Duries. and to tho
1'Ben(Js. T. }K.C.E,2.o,Bru"J'fIJitA-j. Govern....s of the Roya! Hospital, ,
all-u.. } KCE. I7,N.C..mwrltltul-jI Kilmainham, 13, Clar...fir,.,.
BeH (Nugent) K. E. a3, rO,rk."r.,t. tBourchier (Thomas) K.C.E. De.
Bellew (Pile.} ~.C.E. I3.AlIg1tjia-JI puty Clerk of the Crown anti
t Bennett(GM. )KC. E.4j. C.II'lt·l H.naper, 35. Batg.t -flr,.t.
Bennis (Thos.)K. 46,N. King.p. Bourke (Bait.) E. 8, Grafitll-ftr.d.
tBentley(W.) KCE. 17.8"plJlll-ji tBourne (John) K.. C. E. Clerk .,f
tBermmf(Wm.) KCE.2.6,4rra... g. the Peace for the Co. Lonth. and.
Berne (HughJ K. E. Da'Wj.".jlu.,. De.puty Clesk of the Crown (or
tBerry (Ch a.) K.C.E :13, ArrlJlf-'1' th~ COUll~ieS of Wicklow. Well."
·tBcrry(T.S.)K; 4, HII-~fi ford &:.Kilkenny, SS, Witliam-fl,
tBcsnard(j.C.) KCE. 74.Ma,I6.-ji tBourne (Peter) K. C. E. Joint De.
fBeytagb Us.) KeE. 5.i.RwJIlIid-fJ puty Clerk to the Crown K. n.
tBibby (Rich.) K, 34, q"jfl<-;{t. H""""rt-strttt. .
tBiddulph&:Eames,KCE,aJJ.G"rJ·$ tBourne (Waiter) K. C. E. CI(:rr.
tBiddulph(P.H.)K.C.£.Reg' of the of the Crown fQr the Proyin,o
CourtofElI.4;heq.l8,/.G"rJill,r-, of UJ~ter, Deputy.Clerk oftho
,Bigley (Henry) K. DawJ.n-j/red. Crown, K. B.16,H",c.~rt-ftrul.
BigneU (W.) E. gt. l1ritQin-}lrett. ~tBOwen( C. )K.C.E. 7"..i/.GarJ.•flr.
t'BillingUamcs G.) K.C.E~ 12, B,. tBowen lHen.) K.C. :201, ""iJ. G~,·.
, rtif"'''·pJnce. . . din.r-jlr.., . . .
tBiUiDg (Rob.) K.C.E. U. Amm-f· tBowers(llob. )KCE. 2.9,MD"'':lI.-jI
tBilling(W.)K C.E. 9. N. Cllm6..p. tBoyd (Rob) C.E. 28~IJ,u'!fw;,lj1r
*<fBircb(Rd.)K C.E. 36, C~Jt••jI al/yle (EeL) I{.1r.. 137,111, l1.rfll-}1
tBlrd (John) K.Eo S3, Willi_.JI, tDoyle(Hugh).K.c.E. 96, Cap.l-}l
tBirmingham{W)KeEHartourt.ji. loyle (John) C. ~,Cupol-j/wl." .
tBl:zclt (Matt.) C. E. 10, nr'-jl. tBoys(Philip)K"C.E. 48. E«!"-A·
tBla~Jr. (Tho) K C. 7, And'l'W-jI' loys lThomas} E I., N, Fnd<ri.j·jl,
. ~ . "
156 Attorniet.
BoyfC(J n.1 K.C.£.6.,,/, Or1!f~~d-'lIi. Burke (F. J.) E. 148. A&ky-s'rrtf.
-tBtadiOJ(j.&W, )KCE.17 •.E.y-I' Burkc (John) K.t. ~2.I:S_Uf.,d-j·
.tBradlllaw(B)KCE. 103 Baggot-fi· tnurkc (Mich.) C. '$7>,ParlNiifi-r_.
tBraulh.w (J 1K.C.E 81.D.rrljl Burke(Rld.A. )K.C.E. ( I ~~-).
.. Bradlhlw(Sam. )K. C. l-iohdtor for t Burkc:( R. W. )K.C E.60 ~er.-J;' .
. th~ King's Rcnts,6,MtrriOM-'''''', Blllke (1'ho.) K '. g, cft~"'./Ir«l.
Ollice, c..,,_J,OMJe. *tBu,ke (W.) K.C.E. &..; C""r~;r.
tBr.ldfbaw (W. H.) E. C. 4i, Hil'~ Burrowes (P. jun.) £. 3, Nelfo-jir
,"urt, firttl. • tBornet (R.) K.C. E. ~~, SzaL_J·/
Bradv(Wm.)C. 57.,E.,.,J,t9ut,-firtet. tBurroughs(W.) K.C.E 13.Peur-ft
tOrui1l cr.) ! { ( ."E, 72-. SI,plw.-f1 tBurtoll(Wing )K..F..17,D"_;lf;d'~/i
tl.lrcnall (Al~.) E.. Sixth Clcrk in t[,ury (John) K.C'E, 4&, .AUt7 fi.
Chancer}", Oliice, I,,~,-qItGJ' tBullcr (Geo.) K. 57. JcrWI ji_1
tBrerctoll (Wm 1K. C. Eo T. IS, tButler (Hen,) K.C.E.~j.I_8_Jt.r..j1
Bull·l,lI/e. tButler (J.) K.C.E. I2.. D'gga-ji
'"'tBretcll(G.)K.C.E. a,I.,:[o"nl-j. tSutlCi Un.) It.C.E. 8~ .J}'I:::rur-ji
Brett (joh .. ) K.E. 13. B.lt01l~flre" ~\Itlcr (J .. P.) K"C. 6. Weod-ji,n,
tR.",t (Matthew) K. 18, U,her"-9 ~utlcr(Theop.) K.C.E.~s.Frcll(b-jI
tBrewfier (Edw) KCE.18,Frtn"b'ji ,tButler (' 7.6, Arho.,..i
tH.ien (L.) KCE. 33. Btrtifortl-JI, JRyrne (Ant.) K CE: u, ~-4
fBrownlow(J )K.e.E.44, B,itlt-!t ttByrnc (James) K Co ~ CommiL
tElOoke (}Il.) E. 7.5, D"I__ ,o.". ' for taking.A:llidavit~ utd SPeC.W
Browne(Alcx.)C.E.19.op.G".Jn.-! Bail in the City and CG of Co,&,
tBrowoc (Anthony and Edward J, Dame-jirttl, & P"b«J...ji,,,,,
Darq') K. C. E; Office, 7.9, G",- Co,l..
diner',.p"'«. tByrne (In.) K. E: Coroner of tile
~Browne(Bra_)KCE·I15.Baggot-fi Co. Louth, 35, W,lling/ ___,'"
tBrowne (D.) K.C.E. 158.Caltl-fir, tBl'rne (Red.) K.C.E. 18,6"/1-1-
tBrowne (Henry) ~. Cbafbo.,-jI. C..dddi(Ed.)K.C.E.14B',,AUo.rji.
't>Browne{j.)KCE. 6, N.F,ttI.rid I. tC.hill (Edw.) K. E. 7, R"./fJl-j1.
tBrowne (T.A.) E.7.4,~HII-Jlrttt. tCahill (Jam"s) C.E. 5, r ...A-jl".,.
tB'uwoe(W.) K.C.E. 90,J""w's·jI. tCahilf{jn.) K.E.T. 7.,1Jf""liJt.JI'j_
tBlownriJ:g(j.)K.c;:.E·3,C~a batll-Jt. CahiII (P.) C,E., 67, S,gl.Gtorge'..;
*tBrowDr\gg (R.) K:C.E. and Corn. -tCalbeck(Wm) KCE'3,Ca...tI...;
. for tlking Atlidavits in EKc". Co. tCaldwell (Jas. )K.C E. 1., ~j.
Wexford, :1.8, N. gt. Georgt'.-fl tCa\1aghan (].)KCE.47J.GGnIiR.-;,f
tBrunton(R.)K.C.E.:l.8,Dolfllnhl-ji Camac (W.) K.!. 7.3, 801_fi...
tBrulh(C'rane)K.C.E. 84, Capel-Ji. tCampbell( Alelt)K.Clj:.u.G",........
tRrulh (r F.) E. 6, Cartl-HrliII. tC .. mphell(W.)K.C.E·3S,B~if.-1
tBrulh' (R.N.)K.C. £,3, Cba.-loltl-p. tCaoe(Bellfic:ldR.)I(E 6, T',iMlrI
. "'tBryan (W J.) K. E. 33,1·o,l-jlr. tCa"twell( JII)KCE. 17 "I.Do. ..,p,
tBryen (Jas.)KCE. Il,up.Sltfhen·fi tCard (F. J5.) K.C.E. ,1.l,r.,i.jl;..
'Bucharian (Alex.) E. 3, Col/,;:e-l~ Ciu!:y (Jobn) E. 7. Wmsa.-jJ,t!I:
tSuchanan (J~.) c B.'I8, Dorfit-.p.tCarey (jo£) K.C. i3"~~~
tBnck (A.) K.C.E .• ,up.1Jolltinid-jI Carey (T~s,) K.E. Il,l. 8, '~'..,
. tBuck (Sam.) K.C.E 40, !!!!!6tn-jl: Carleton{AnClrcw)C.Jo,N. ~
Buck (Rob.) E. I, "p. Dominicl-jll tCarmicbaeltA.)K.E.;:l!.~"~·'"
tBD.d1 (Rob.) C. E. . tCarRlicb~1( AB.)KCE.RqPr;tllc
'frSDrchcll (j ) K. C. E. 7,R"./foll-) C\,: ~ublllt Q.:. Se£. lt~,~.
fBurke (1.>r),d"') E. 49, gt.B·ilaill~1: ('ar~!c1iael (J.) KC! • .''Io,C~,.
tBarkll(E.)K.CE. 4,,,,1.CII",t.t-,fl Cal'mlchael (James)'!. 3.M:'~-ft
Allorn;c'S. 157
tearr (l!dward) K.C.E.17iP~rl.7P,..tClarc (Hag") K.C:E. 13, H_".ft
t<lLn'dn (An.) K.C.E. 8, MttlAI.-ftJtclarke (A..) KCB.IO, Do.Wd.-jl,.
t carroll (Edw.) K.C. 7; Fitsv••-fltClarke(Caldwell)KCE.I 6,BeIt.-j
.Carroll (Oco.) K:.C B.~3,UjMt-·'·f' tClarke tFran.. ) K.C.E. SI,']""i,:!
~IlUdbo)C. r3,/ov. Mo".'1"tClarkc (Jas,) K.C.E. is, I. Straflll-J
fCanoll (John Wm.) !i..C.E. 17. telarke (M.) K.<:.E. 47,C_ell·ft.
,..frralt-,""1' . . tClarke (Pat.) Le. E. U;S.AtuU-ft
t CarroII(R.J.o'.) K.C.E.IS,Mw",·-ft tClarke (R.) K.C.E. 113, Step".-z
. 'tCarroll (Henry) K. C. EJ 1\, Clarke (T.) K.~.E. 8, BladlJaJI-jl
Ga,.tIi.,.·,.pu.e. tClarlu: (T.) K.C.E. u, 'I••ple-JI
Colrihore (J.) Eo 18,C6,.,./diott,-jlr_ tcl.nke (W.) KCE.iS ,IJ/4jilfgt_ft
tCarl~r (AbtJ) E. B4<A-Itn,. linger (J. R.l..E. 3i, Ho~fI"""
Carter 0.) K.C.E. 30 , }rr_"-fo-. Clofe(Bunowcs)K;C.E.8,Mar,·,''''
fCarter (W.H.} KCE.45,DavJolt-jl Coales (AlIt.) E. 34, B,mforJ-jl,..
fCarty (AlclI:.) K.45 ,S.g,.G,,"g,',./i ~C08tel(Sam.}K.C.E. 4. Fr,'""-l".
~arty (Tho.) K.C.E;K;'g'.-Mt.!.-o.l tCodd ·(W.) KCE.i2,..,.D"";If;.A-jl
tCafemaD( Rag. )K. 3,N. AIIIf,·P,.Id. tCoddinBton( H lK..C.E'30,V.,.fi,·j.
Cafey (John) Eo 18, /. 0".-,-'1"'" Colbert (W.S.) K. 148, Ctlp./.jI,."t
Cafey (Thos.) C E. 64, ~-ft,.", tCo1gan (l.) K..C.E. u, JIjfo>r-ptIJ.
-tC;aih (J.S. And.)KCE.79.Marl.·JI ColhoLln(T.)K.C.E. "AtUlrew-jlr.
-tCaffidy(Tim.)K.C.E.a,U~r'~r. Collctt (5. M.) K.C.E 3"- Cap.I-1l

aftleS (John) liE 5, Hmdrid:/I tColli.nseJolb.)K.E.i6."p.Br+-JI..
Colthcart (R.N.) E 11 Ij C.pJ-/1 CoUip$ (T.) K.C.E. n,.vDo. -f'
CatbrlMlf (1.) K.C E. Secondary Collis (Tho.) K. E. 5, 'IriIIit,-pl4u.
to the ChiefRc:mem.ofthe Court tcollinfon (H.)K.C.E.J:l,UjH,.',.jl
of l!xchequer, 17, Ha,..o"rl.jI,. Comyn (George) E. /hM.jl,."t.
tCavanagh (J.) Ko.E. '1.S.WtJtJtI..jl,,,, Conllci (Wm.) K. E. Cla,U''''III/,'.
fChamb~rs (Dav.) C E. u, WIII.-} CORnor (Arthur) K, 5, ",,_jlrul.
tChambcrs (E.) K.E. 84, Ma,I&.-jl tCoDnor(Geo)K.C.E.48,S4<AfIiIh-/
"'tChambeu (j.)KCE.6,c....,,,,,iI'-" Connor (Jas.' k. !f:.18, Dav/••j1.
"'Chambers (j. FIE. Le1'OII-/I,.tI. Conolly (G. Hen.) K. 7, 8",,",,-jl.
tChambers(R.)K.C.E.61,S"pulI1"Conry (S. R.) E. 60, ~jlrl".
tChamley (J.) C.E. Is.up.G.,Ji".-jI tCopperlhwaite(Tho.) K C.E, 71,
Chapmalt (G.) K.C.E.gI.8,.itaie-/lr Ma,lho,.lIg"-jl,,,t. .
CharltoR (Wm.) K.f. 3, Cha".-'a•• Coppingcr (T. R.TE'3'1., HJk,.j1,.
Chatterton(J~.)K.66,,.rg.'.-f. tCooke!E.)KCEOftice,i7,Ca_If'/
fChiDnety (G.) K. C. E. Com. of Cooke (j.B.) K.C.E. 14'1., Au,,-11,.
Aflida.iu. Co. Cork, ] 4, D,,'e-j1 tCoopcr( ADfh. )C.~. '9.Bi4,AINI'J-ft
Chiouery (R.) E. Com. of Aflidav. tCoo~r (J.) C.E. SO, Bi/Mp-jlml.
City o~ Cork,' I 4, Dllk..jl,etl. Corbet (Rob.) E. 87; D--.f/,,,t•
. Cbrillian (C R) KCE. 48,Ab6ty-ft t:::orbet (W) K.t.E.15.NC.....jI
tChl illiall (Th.) K.C. i5,zt.Ship·ft Corcoran (John) B. '1.-, 'Tr;"ir,.jl'RI
Church (D.) K. 7. S,,_r-hiJl. ~CorcoraD(M.)K.CE.lj6,,'-Bril."J
tChurch (.John) E. 86, Capol-.PruI (Robert) E. Dtlrilrl,.,.,.
- Church (T.) K. Philb. ef K.B. :1.3, tCordner (W.) Eo 49, a,.itk:/i,,,,
Ar,a•• tC(~ick (M.) K.C.E, i, BltuU •..p
tChute (Fra; Bern.) K. SUpb••gr. Corry (John) K.<'.E. 48. Cal'l-j/,..
Qlaney (John) C. Dcp. Philizer lie ~tCofgra'le (W.) ~. C. E; Re" 10
EKigcnt~t of the Court of Com. the Hoo. Baron Oeorge, 1$, N.
r· Office, Ilm.·~t1QJ'
I" Grorgt's-j/llrr.

158 Atfornies.
Cotle~lo (l'hilip)C. S8', D-iM1i-fo Crowe (Chr.) JC'. C. Eo n. e~,.
·tcotter (Edw.) K. E. 3, B",I-I4",. Crowe (Geo.) K.C.E. 27. Gr«t.-JI
tCotter (Tho.)KC.E.2 I,l.M".."t:.R Crowe (Samnel) E. 32. A-K.'-./lr'
lCo'"rtenay (D.) K.C.E. Keeper of "Cra&iet(G.) K.E.,3, Do.;,,;&l-}lr.
the Seals of his )\lajeRy'i Court Crozier er.) K. 3, »-;";&l-./J,'''''
of ElIChcquer, 56, a_.",·hill. Crezier (W.) K.C.E. EDIJI. to the
COllrtenay (W. rH. 7, S'.:P'-~/l· Hon. B.. M'Cleland, ,3. D_-P.
tCourtnay (Rob.) K. KilJu ....j1,. Crlllfc( F.)C 1I8.St~/>he"'s-;r....,,., W •.
tCouz..ns(John)E. '9, Hnl'l.u ..t-jl. tCutTe (Jos. In.) Ko lo,IFWr-j1,~
Cowan(D~"id) ~~. 17. ",. D_i"H.ji Cunilli: (Bf}"jn) K. C. £. R",r"".,.},.
Cowan (J~.) K. E. 64, !lJ,"",.jlr'~'. Cu.tis (Wtn,) I(.C.E 34.Wil/m_p..
teo",:n (R-.)K.C.Jo~; T5, Capd·ftr«1 c.:ut1!bcrt CR.) K.C.E.60.(.'.....nI.)~.
tCo'" ltorU-m.) K.C.Jo~. 7, Glojltr·fl tCuthhert (W.) C.E.4,3. 8.C"...._ji
tCowlcy (Ja~. jUI!.) K. c.: E. 7, IOTAo·.1Dal y rfllnriJ} K.E.6r.Il«l--I.._.
G/ofttr·flrwt. - , Daly [Jas.) K. C. 3. M ..,pjl,.l.
tCor1e (n.-)K.c.E.,J.~,gt.B'it"i,,-:ftltDaly (O,.cn) K.C.E. 5I,Hnrry-.l.
tCraig (John) K. C.X. SoIidtor t('IOaly (1'.) K.('.E. 19,Ww'-"Kh-jl,
the l\dmiralty of irelAnd. anti tIllaly (W.) C. E. i4. Turl-:ftrt'd•.
Clerk of 11..: Peace for the (0. oflt~lton (H. F.) K.C.E. Law Agent
Down, H, ,,/'. I)omi"itl-jlrwl. to the ~raner and Wb.r6nger'r
t~Cran(ton (W.);KCE. 9. Gtorg_'J· Oflh:e, Cultom-boule,.and Agent
,, ·r....",.. ,lrnt. f?r E,aft Incli.,. A~..~. 1-
tCrolwford cc ) K.E. r 42, Ca/HI-fi .~"d",Ik-jlrr",,' -'. '." -" -.. ~
~ tCrawford(Cooper)K. 6, Halll.-jI. tDalton CJ It. }It.a8.N.r:..... r...,,,
fCr3wfurd (j.)K.C.E 206,Bmsf:/l Dalton (Jas.) E. 44tN.C_'-'-J.(
tCrawford (J~.)K.C.E 6,MMlg';'.f. "'tDantc ("..)~C.F.. S_n>nnifter,
tCra\9ford (R.) K.i:.ll, N. G"--JI &c. and 'CI'erk 'of,dte EIl\~
fCr.. wforcl(R.H.)K.CE3,Willialll-J .47, r.,.I·jlred. ',",'" ) fJI A''''r;
tCrawford (T.) K. :&}, St.;§'lJrtl:f/r t-Darcus (Sol.) K.C.'E; $4, 1»fti~
terawford( IfII m. )C.E.,32, at,p[,tn~i to'Arcr(E.Gr.)K.C.E.6,H..,,,",.~
fCrawford (Wm. Henry) K.C. F. ~D·Arcy (E.) K. E. :&4.B/.Jliagto..~
- 14, C.",I_jlr.". ·tOarley(W.) K. C.E. Treafurer 01
fCragh (John) K.E., 8,8• .If_~.II. the Public Money, 38'; r"..I.,f.o .
c.rcaeh (Martin) E. 18. S . .fur-jl, tDa9cnport(Wm.)E.63,,,,.Dorf'1
"tCreagb (R.) K.C.E. 4, Pilt·llm D3gett (Felix BJ K.E. :&8. FiJI-'a"
Creed (Jo111t) C.E. ~7, CI",.,~".".jj, Davidfon{Sam.)K.C.B·SS.B,,,h.-.,I.
'*tCreed (RolA)ll.C.E.I4.Fftnr.b:ft -D.lVis (Jam~s) I(.E. RegiRer to the
Crofton (M. L.) C. Eo Jo,Jlloort-{l,. Hon. Baron Smitb .. u,.II£~i",,"*
·fCrofts (W.) K. 8,gt. Sbi,,-fi'~.'. ~Davi~(Jn.J.)K.C.E. G,..",',-pl_
tCI'ODe (CllIt.) K. 5 t, E",h'iu~'-fi Oavis (M. J. )E. 16. Buk.-jlt'UI,
"fCroker (C.) K.C·E.5 i Giou«jl"-Ji O;fVis (R.) 49, BritI..j/,U.
CrDkcr (Tho.) KCE. I:I.l, Cape/·jlr ~Da.js (Rub.) E. :&3. I,ONllOtlrl-,
·"'tCl'Oker. (Wm.) It.e.E. Exam. to tOa,is (Wm.) K.CH. Uo,AUtrJl.
HOD. BaronG<Drge, 116,BaUot-;) Oa"oren (B.L.) KCR.43,A""gk,...,.
Crolcer (Wm. R.) C. 5,G/•• c•.Jl~r-jl tOawk>n {Abr.) K.C. E. 7. Grtd-,I:
·tCrooke(N-ich. Gordon) KC.E. 6, tDaw(on(I.G.)KCE.4,G ..r,Hwn-'1-f/
C/HIrl_"'~-fI"d. ~Oaw(on (W.) K.C.E.ro7,o.,/tl-J
tCrooklhank (A.)C.E.14,E"jl",,.-jl. ,.Day (T.) Jt.C.E.,J; Fit,,'WIII.-p.N.
Crolb!e (Jas.) K.C.E. */,.D...i".-j1r. tDay (Wm.) K.C.E.:&s.s~,h""'''I'
Crolble (Wm.)·B. 5. T.-pl,·jlr. tDeaDe (Coli.) KCE.28 ...,.J.,...,h:1
b(W.)KCE.6,Sc..~ ,Dca'fy.(William.>-E. 's,',F'~
I _ ._ .• ~ ~.'
·t~\lnley{J.) C.I!. n, .o-..j1Dudgeoll(And.)KCE. 22.Blm;ng.~1l
tDecachYCH.)K.C.E.8",S,rt.G'e...ji Duggan(Danid)K.E·3'l,.'j'.ph~n'.-g ..
."Dccy(W.) K.C.£. 16. Ang,,;....) tDulhunty (M.) K(,E·4"M"r'b.~!1
1 Delany(P)K.CE.ManerExtraord. Dumas (T.) C.E. I, S. gt.G_g.'.-ji
in Cha.l. 23. Or.D~f"a!l' . ~DulDoulil1(P.G .. KCE.36.S'.ph.-g.
tDelmage (Chr.)KCE.5O,S""""""N Dunn (Dryan) E. 8. GlDji"-,nr,,'.
tDcnis (J.) KC.E. 3,o.h-jl,.". tOunn (James.J E. 1-'7. ClIl'd-jlr ..
DCDlllcad (A.~ J{.C.E. ,8, c..JlII-jl, DURn (John) E. 3. ]J.. c/ulor's-wall
fDcnQis(Ja.}K.C,E.230F_ricl-jl; ~Dllnn (Jofias) K.C.E. Exam. te
tDcnroche (E.)K.(~.'E. 11 .. c"jlu-fi the C"urt of K. B. and Sol. to
DcrcnllY (Henry) C. 40,LHJ--jlrut Comm. of Accounts, 8, Ki/tl"rt-fi
D'ERcrre (A.H.) K.c.E. tDuon (Rob.) K.C..E. 2[.£':1"'1'<1'"
tDcvenilh(Tho.)1t.liI.B,ilairjl,.." tDurdin(AJ~x.)K.C.E.86, norftr-jI
-tDeyenish(T.)1tc.E.I40/;'.Brilai,,- tOwycr (Fran.cis) Sixth Clerk in.
DeYcreux(Harvey) E. 10, Caf'J-j Chan. Office, 1nl/l-p"y,
t, (J. R.) C. 5, Digg,..fir. tDwyer (J.) K.C.E. 6, Arta".,uII.].
·tDkkfen (A.) KC~. 11, N. Co~jI!.J ~Owyer (John )K. 13, H"",.-jlr•.,
-tJ>ickfon( S.)K CE•• ,Mn ,.iOll·ff.lVIDw)'er (T. )E. 24, 8t. 4t1t1mt>-J,.•.
tDillon (C.)CE.6,Fi,s'UliU"'-j,.W Eager (E.S.) K.C.E. 4, BijNp-.ft,.~
tDilloo(Jn.)KCE'lt',J,.,._q_.1' tEagle (Edw.)K.C. F." 58, I.SaeA".-/
tDillon(Mich.) K.E. 46, A"",ier-jl Eamc. (Fairfas) I$:.C.1-~. 91, N.
tDiHon (W.).K.C.E. 2",Ufo"'·".!. Ki.g-JI,...t. . .
1.Dillon (W.J.)K.C.E. 4:" Cllpol.p,. tEames (Rich.) K.C.E. Dcp. Fila-
tDixo(W.) KCE.I""p.Gn;'tIi"".-jI zcr of the Equity Excheq. ,,2,
Dbi:oa (Rich.) E. 33. II'Nifertl-Jr 10.". Gart/ill.,.-jin." .
i'Dohbin (L.}KCE.17,N.C_".,jIr tBatlwood (S.) ~.C.E. Office, S,
.Dodd (Onic!) E. 6. "'"--ptIJo M ...,,.q'h·fI"~', .
tDobcrty(Ed.) K. E. I4.lJd,.ji,.. lftEafoa(WM"x.}KCE.l",FrL'll~~..t
Dohcrty (Leonard) E. 4, T",j..JIr." Eat()n (F. C.) E. ~. M(J/ejwo-'h;jJ"-
Doherty (W.) CE. ~3;-,o"-"-f.ltEeclea(D.) K. C.E.4!J.up.DDllliII...,Il
tDoIPhin(H.J.)KCE.3,l.G.,.,.,..fil'tEetles (Wm.) IC.C.E. 8~, E~tl4S-j1
tDom,ille (John) C.E. Rea. to the tEchUu(D.Moo(e)K.C.E.Fils'W.~q
S. Gcneraf, 51, Dawf-"''', tEchJia(FH.)K.C.E.44,11pS"d'll.-Ji
tDonnel1(C.}K.C.E. 8S..,.Dwjd-ft tEchlln (Philip) K. 16, FaJ..ji".
tOoaneUy{J.>KCE.8SrfI,.D.,./,I-j1jEChlil1 (llobert) E •. u, Claw,I.,.,.."
tOoIlO,al1 ~adWaJkei.&:;;c.B •. 63 Edgan (Oeurge) E. 8" Grllfl""~~
. St,"""',.,,·...
Edains (Ceolge)j{. C. 9, c"./Ile:-fl
(In.)C.E.13.8t•..Iat1r_fl. tEdwards(He.ory,j.K.C.E.IJ, C>1fo-jI
tDonoyan (R.) KC£. 174, ..I660:7-ft,·tJi:dwuds (1.) E. S""ic.itor fOJ.the
. :tOonoftn(Rob.)K.C.E.'l4.P.t,r- Revenue ia the. ililand Depart-
tDooJaa (William) C. 5, C'!fi-fo- meot, 50, .N. gt. G.orge'.-jlrul•
. tDoran (£dnl.) K.C.B. 6,N".I-ft tEdwards(It.)K.C.E.,Commifli.onet
Dowd (John) K. 9, .E.jllI... jJ,.,,, Jor taking. Affidavits in the co.
J)owd (W.) K.C.B. 8, PIWJ..j1,..". Wexford, 19. W.rhurgh-jlrttl.
Dowdall (6_) C. bo, C"lt/-ft,.,". Edwards (Wm.), Er i, Cat.tltII.jir •.
DowdaU (John) E. 10, Gt.jI_fi,.. tEdwards (T.) K.c.E. 2, N.CDpewf
tDowliag(T.)KCE.19,..O"___9 Egao (Pat.) E. 37, C"jll.... n....' ..
tDoyle (Wm.) .K.C.B.!4. l.[,h-.-; tEgan cr·) K.C.E. 'lS. Bmsjilrtl-,P
tDtou.&ht CR.) K.C.E, 49.A""l;"-1 tElgee (C.) K. C. £.3. ].'if",,-lir.
Dome (BryaD) E. 8, GI_•./lu-jl, [Iliott (Tho •• ) C. 4. WiJlialll-fl,.nt.
·Duckett(W.)KCE.19,W~_I.-ft tElJis (H.) E E<Hts-fo..,· .
nukcU(ll.M.)K.C.ELS,LMM.-t. -tEllis(N, )KCE. HIl~du';,lt-J>!""
160 Altormes. -
" .
tEmerfon IrSwilt,Jt·c.E'''s,w..·fi tFitzgerald (John)C.E.37,P"......A
· tEmerfoD(lS.) K. C. E. Exam. in Fit~gerald(P.) E. 64, C.."I-:/I,.UI..'
Exchequtr, ,+> W"",",,,,iJ..j>llIlt. Fitzgerald( Rich) C.E.l4,KiIJa,,-jl.
En&lilb(Ed.M,x.)E.31,P.t,,.;.ftrttt. tFil'zgerald (R.lKCE.4.1,gl.Brn.-A
tEng~ilb(W·T'r.)l{.C.~. s,Frrtlt.·fl tPitz~~d (R~be~tB.) K.C.E 3'.
tEr!ktne( Mo. )K.C.E. 19, Arra,,-,.I Bifoo/·firttt.· ,
tEfpina/Tc aod Frco('h, K.C.E. ly,.tFitJgerald(W.)IS:.E.S6,,.,f
Ball,'-flrt", . ;Fittgibboo·(Jn.) KCE.41,F"""!i
·tEoRace (Rob.) K.C.E. Solicitor Fitlmaurke (Js.) E- I Ji. Mlrn.-j..
(or Minors ~.f.."Unati,s, M""f.8,Fitimaurice (Nith;) E. 3, BMJI-fl
Evan5 (Geo.) C. 8, F._'~"flmt.;Fitzmaurice (R.) K.E. 64'~-.fI.
t Fairtlough (i.'.) c. £. 60; 1" C1;,-:/IiFitzpatJ;ick(E. )KE. [O,S .gt.G...-:Pi.
Fairtlough(W.O.) CE.u,IIf'.D,;".fI tFik~patrict (Peter). K. C. E. 64.
tFalkioer(Fred.)K.C.E. 38;Fr"'.-:/I. -Copi/-jiruf.. . .'
tFalkiuer (T. Crowder) K.C.E. ~, tFit,patrick. (P.) K.C.E. 46.J~
· Pitt1!r"', .". . ftru,:" " . , " .
tFaUs (J~) K.C.E. ~, N. KiIrg-Jl. tFitzpatrick (Sa.) K.]Z.u, ~t~-JI
tFarming(Tho!)1{.'E.49,Clar......."-fI tFitzpatritlt (Tbo;) K. C. Eo 16:
tFarange(H.)KCE. S. -'/'§"Z'OI,..jl. Caj>;l..jJ,.,t." "" "
·fFa"s (T.) K.C.E ..\,Gao'dm'''',''fI. tFleetwoOd (Ch.) Eo' [with Sir
i1'arley (Jas.)'KC.E. 31,1I""t;/l.S Charles Vernon,) Joint ·Ullact
tFarqahar(J.)K.C.E.IS,Httir;tI.-./1 and' ~lbal of thc" Court sf
1'arquhar (T. M,)ko IS. H.",;t"'tt-Jl Exchequer, "p. /J4gg1ll..flr_
-tParraD(john)K.C.E.,5o. T.,I-ft tFleetwood at Darley. K.C.E. La.
o!ttFarfa~ (Jofep~)E.Regiac,ohhe Agents to the Gove(n6r and eo:
Pleas 'Sidc of the Ex. 40, r",k-Ji ohhe Bank of Irelaod038,r.,A-"f
fFarran (W.) K. C. E; 76, 8«1.-./1 tFle~g(T,.S.)K.U',Lar,.'p""fowI.
faulkncr (Rogli) K. IO;4"llifea..fI. tPlembig(P.)K.C.E. '9. BoIt.:Jl.·
fFawcett(Js) ItCE.I.5'.B....d6.lI:11 tFiood (Chas.) K.C.E 1&3. BoII"'~
·tFallfTet (ChL)K..Cf!..~,N.Jf""..fl tFlooc1 CF.) K.C.J!.·~S,BnnrI_J."f
tFay (J.) t. c. E. S, &_/ord-}lr. t Flood(Francis}K.c.E.I3,F!,6or',..1
tFcaron (Geo.) KCE. 4~,C."',,,.JI" IItFlood(Jn)It.C.E.;#
J'el\ner (W.) C. E. 84, ,D."fit-fl,."" Fogarty Has.) F,." 8,. Ca.fI.U-.1r.".
~tFelgofon{J.)KCE.~,5,Gl...jhr-Jl tF'o1ey(M.).K.C.E4~..tla""'w.
. tfewttc~(Sa'.m.)K.C;E.i4J,Au.,~ tFont (H. mId., E. ai,
s. Frtl.-,A
Fillth (DuI;) Ke',57. I; M.tI1Itofl.-.. B!Xde fR.).JZ. ,o~D"'fll-fl;td.. ".
.tFifher (Edw~) j{.C. E.Law"&geot Forreficr(T.)KCE-4~,G'-'Jl""fI

. 'A"drnJ...jlrm • •. : ' . ,
· to the'Corpor,aiion of Dublin, and tFo~'( Char. S.) ~.E. 43,
to the I'ipe-water Com~" S,' s,~ CrmderlllJlll-jlntl ". .
Forfu!r(Fr. H.)'K.C.E.19. BJlM.ft

~tFjfl!er (Laun.) K.C.E'3I,T.,i-/1 Font., 0.) KCE.6~G.r"'')I',

Fittotl"'(~.," K.C.E. 4, "'''ilijt.-jlr I-Forller(WMuot)K.E 43,Jle..w.j ,
tFitton (Nich:) K.C.E. n, !!+Jl tFoQer (Ed... )~.C.E·9;B~
t Fltzgeraid( 4.1 K.C. E. I I, HIn. tFowler(fie~i )It.C.E.S ;s.x.,."
tFilzgerald (t:' A.) R.C.E. 11, tFowler (jafptr V~ie(5)' K. (;.-£
.'•. G.-ajtwo-flrlld' ' ". '10, Miulumn.rl/Jr./lnd.·. .
,/,Fittgeralcl,(C)KCE. I,Mm&nrl,'..'1 "tFox(Mich )..J{CE.Rtg.totheHOII.
Fitzierald (Da~Id)E; 6; 'M.r",,,_ .. Jultia: Fo..:8ri&.,h'.....,,.,.,&
fFitzgerald (~dW,) Kc.E'. 34, "p. tF.,II(w'm.) K C.E. 21(, 8_~"
Da;,;"icl-jl,iW." : ." tF{lUIklin{j. )JfCE~ 66, Willi-flr
t:~jtrgerald (Ed.1 K.C. E. 7. ,E.If..,-6~. ·tr~ks (Cbarlc:5 lE. 79,Ghji-ft
1it~lleraJd (pcrald) 1.'.$8, S"'~C1.~jlll'raoka'(G.)
. .
F.o 31, ,,/
.. ' ',' , .
. .o..ittid:JItl,.
..4 tiarnies. un'
!"'tFrank. (Mat.)K.C.E. Reg. u; tbeltGlaseo.t!t ud nla('k~ K. C. E. Ill,
". Hon. Judge Day, 17. YDr~jll'W'. York'-str«t. . .
;t Franks(R. )K.C.E.I I.St.Amlr.......,Glascock (Talbot)E. Joint Rememb.
li"rayne (J.) KCE. J6.W,.t.uortIJ-t' and Receiver of firat Fluits.
TFrazel-(W.M.)K.C.E.59.BoIIDII·fl aq.d 20 Parts,' 82, BOgJi.ot.,/rerl.
t Freenlan(W.) K. C.E. 5; H ••,Jr;-j tGiascot'k (Talbot, aod Ed. Mayoe)
1" Frcko: (J.) K:C·E. 16. Bk.lfillgtilll.... H..eE Register. to HQn. Judge
tFrenah(A.)K.E.6I,M.~A/4'III.Ioj/. Mayoe, and Clerks and Exaor.
1"Frcnch (jaf.) K,C.B. 4Zo J".,j,./I to Wm. Henn, esq. Master illt
*tFrencb (!tob.) K.C.E. and Dep. Cbancery, 52. B_g.,"Dt.81reet.
Ulher Coilrt of' ChaDc:cry. 17. tGlliacock (Wait.) K.C.E. Remem.
&tpJ-ftri:et. aod Receiver of first Fruits. and
'tFrench (T.) K.E. 'l.9-.Mokj••,qt'll..jI 20 Pans, and Estreator of LeiJt.
tFrewen .(Wm.) G. E. 48, ~-flr ster. 10. York.$lf'eet. •
Fullam (1'.) R_ 63. ~""-Jlnd. Olase (.Jobn) C. 117, Ctlpcl·llrm••
tFulle.rton (In. J.l K.C;t:. ItGlenny(Jos.)K.C.E.15,N.Cumb.-It.
~tFurlong(W.)K.C.E.60A""g;'r-jl,tGI08ter (Edw.) K. eE. 7. Cf&1/J/e-II,
~tFurlong(W.Sen.)K.C.E. Exam.i~tGlover(Jn.)K.E.l. WenIWfjrlh-p.
COllrt of Exch. 60, AUlIgi....jlr. ,tGoddardtW.)K.C.E,.15,m.GIlra,..,A.
tFynn and Ransford, K. C. E. 3, tGolI' (Geo.) K. C. E. 16, G'I'et!k-4.
l" Char/....jlrm. IGoill (Hen.)·K. 36, FnllCh-IlM:t.
Fynn (John) C. 40, l)a....flr«t. IOoodwin (W.) K. E. lI, Ang"·lea-d.
tpabbett (Da.)K.C.E.34 .KiU,m·jI.,fGoold(W.)K. C. E. 45,gI.Slrand-1f
'+Gahan (T. W.) E. 90, C",JJ-jlm'ifGordon and Hamilton, K. C. B-.
fGahagan (J.) K. C.E.N CUflIb.""'; Crown Sol. for N. E.Circuit. So&..
Dalan (P.) K.C.E. '1.0, BatM/",'_ for the Board of In. Nav. and
Galbraith (Ji.) K.C.)£. Solicitor to the Policelnatitutioa,
tOalbraith(Sir Js.-&rt.) K. C. E, 88, up. SacJwme-ur«l. .
: J>atenteecterkof.theerrorlof~he fGordon (Jos. Wataon) K.. C. E.
. C"artof Exch. Chamber, Crown 6, N. gl. Geof'l{6·. . .re..1•.
. ~ol. for the N. W. Ciru'it Reg. GerdoD (Sam )C.E.59.I.GCH'!lHter-n.
of the piocefcofDerry,'and Trea- fGon! .(Ralph) K. E. 7; Yw.Ncr•.
forel of'l'yrone. 42., N. gt. G.o.·ft tOOI"D;laU (P.) K.C.E. Dep. Marlb.
toalbraith,Shaw&~te~.¥.CE. of the Higb Court of Admiralt,.
51, IJorrqmclHtred. '.' of Ireland. 9. low. MtIf'ri..-",*".
- fGalway(J.) K.C.E. 11,S..-l. G~an (T.) K,C.E. SI,8ta.fford-lt.
9alway·{Wm.) E. I, ,.P.erabroIre-qu. Oough (Artbur) E. IS, AI"1'GR-ftUJ1.
-tGarde (HeRry 1".) K. 41, t:'ork·ll. Golllding (John) C. 26. S. AJlne-#r
tPard~ (VI.) K. c. Eo 6, SIqJIum·...,. tGouldlbury(R.C)KC.E.16,Pru.-tl.
Gardiner (8.) K • .I;:. Ill. JG_.'.-u". tGower(Hen.}K.C.E.44.up SlIcIt..".
GanJoer (W.) K. CE.~S, N.AJlMo#. tGowtr(John) K. C.E.2S, R __larw. .
(}aveli'(Jobn} C. E '6S, Ihw.~IttWI. tGrai:ll(Hen.War.)K.CEI2,r&.F....
Geary {Richard) E. 48; ~ell ~Graceaohn) ~.C.E.S2,I.MIlIIIII."
tGeaie(Piera) K, C.E.I0.1.G~. tOrady (Hen;) K. .
tGe1liog(J.)K.C.E.S4, N.w-_w. f'On;ham (Fra) K.C.E52.Plfl-lI"•
.toeragjlty(Tho.)K.E.2S; S.E Grabam (Jo.eph) E. C"~.
Gibbons CL fl.) E. 98, QaRIHtrtet. Grant (Jas.) K. C. E. S4....~ .
tGlbba (Qeor) Ko C. E. Dep1~ elk. Grasett (Jamea) E. 1'7, ~rnr¥."f'.
CroWD, Co. Longford. S5,r.".,.... tOrat1a1l(Cotley)E.50. Ezc'l~
"'tOilIlWl:(Je.)K.C. E. 7S, ~OfIoofI. fOray (In.) K.CZ. 26, Wiltia_IIr
jJlaaco (Jotin)~. 5.«t. ·~Gray (R.) K. C. E. 16. P~t,.,.-"r.
~laico (Wm.) E. 7. N:KiliJ:-.,t,.'tlI. tGreen tGeorge} E. ~5, Holb-Slr.
A ltorJl;es~
6fteIl (Geo.)1t. C. E. 26. #- Sltip- ~HamUton(Bened.)e.J'o.s.__,;,. .l:
tGreene and Saanders, It. C; Eo 5, tHainilto~{FW)KCE·38,
SI. A~_t. amilton(J.P.)C.E. 8,BI.uiMIJ~
fGreene (H.) K. C. E. 18, Dttk-'. ·tHalDibeo{Rob.)K. Deputy ~
'fOreene ·(Molesw.) K:. C. E. Town thottotary, Keeper of the Writs, .
i Cl8tk,8ec.toPlpe...water establish. Clerk of the Entries aIId Euan
IS, F;pu!;Uia~t. of the K. B. ~5. G.,di~".·~
tGleene (Too.) It. C. E.I!,£ amiltpo(R.AC".)KCE.Cllf!rkuf
~Oreene (Thomas Eo) K.C.E. Joint the Securlt. of his Ma;' CutlOllldt I
r-....gentto the Corporation 0 Bscifc, Crown lio!. for N .E. cir... I
Dublin, 'and I'i~... water Estab. cuit. Sel. to the. Police 1:nab. and
5, Bt. AHrevJ..strm.SoL for the Board of In. Nay_ 31,
tQreen {TboI.)C.E.19,$.~. tip. SMkiJk-II.Of.fic.e, 3.M.,-e-l, I:
Greene(Wm.)K. C.E.18, DIlke-&t *tHamUtoa (W.) K. C. E'S4.
Greensnieltla (WiIIi.1m) K. C., De.ilmlt..jlr«t.
MottJague-$l'"eel. tHanly(Ste.,. )K..C.E·9 J .c.,.l-jlr- !
toreer (H.) K. C. 16S,g. Britorill....ttltHmnan(]. )K.C.E. so,B""'f_~. 'I
tGreu(Jas.,"K. C.E.17,',tHarden{j.W.}K.C.E. 30,&,....,
Gregg(Thoroton)C. E. 44,2u_'''I''Harding (Henry) K.E. 43.7"....,1
tG1egg(W. )K.C.E. 29, Alldretl>-SlltHnd~an (Js.)E. 36, Wem.,t-J
,.Gregory(P.) K.C. E. I, BlatkhaW-"1 tHaldmlOl(W .M. )KCE.46IW."
Gregory (T.) Le. 10, s. 8'· Geo....",tHafl;ly (James) C. 19,C6t~
·tGre..on(Hen)C.E.4..,Synn~ct.:"'tHare (John) K. E. '1.6.,B~.J
tGibboa (Thos.)K;C.E.2,N.Ki_g...#Harnett (Edw.) S, ¥- 0,.....,.
fGribbon(T.)KCE. 25,BIenm&lcm.Sl'Hvridts (John rc.E. 6" ~4
toner (J.) K. c. E. 15, 'HIfI.ry~S4r'll'tHIiITiS {Mich.) K. Eo 33. T--Jr
Grief (Thos.) C. 15, HfM'TY-street.- Harris CR. W.) C. 11. FIHI...p...,..
fGritlith(Art .....)E C.29, (Hcllry) K;E. 6I.~_fJr
i'GrovH(AJJd.)K..C.E.52,, ~HarriCon(JSte.)KC£.~5~ft
tGubbins (Jos.) K.C. 81, Dame-s:t.IHarrifon (Mie.) E. 11-1, P_jlre.I.
Guest (F. F..)E 92, Da_~. tHanifon(R.}K.C.E.S6,4"".P't'-J.
Gunning(Ju.)K.Cl::. 4, N.~. Harri'-1I (Tho.).K.C.E.44tC"!l'~Jr
.... HaclCett{M.)K:C.E.17SoIll·BriL·" Hm(W.S) ~CE.Ofljce 15.F_.-I
Hackett(P.) K.C.E. ~8. Pnrlinm.- tHart (W. F.) CE.,H, ~~
Ha6deck(lohn) K. F_ SI, Hart (Nichola6) E. 37, Kn».""/N1.
tHaire(Hamilton)C.E.lOI,Capel-JtHariford(Tb.)K.C.E. 30.~'
tHaire (;fames) K.E. lOS, Capd tHartley(flum.)K.E.88,8t.,w,,',.,
tHalfpenny(P.)K.C.E.Cik.ofth *tHa"cy (Am) K.C.E.
Enon in Chan. 12, Anglr4ea...sIr Harvey (D.) E. 5, SltI./forJ....fl'.,.
tHall(R.F.)K.C.E.!"'7 ~tHarvcy {W.) K.C.E ..
tHall (Whitmore) E. 48, D _ ' Mdlam On.) CE.4'1, A""g;'''fo-
+Hdl CWm,)K.C.E.12,Alld,.,.attHaftardC/afon)KCE.16,,,,.Gerd.:!
"'t Hall(W.)-K.C.E. 17, Gl6ucester- Hatton (Robett) E. "') MoIII",,-f.
Haly (Thomas) Eo 5, Anllerllm',... cotHawkins(A.. )K,C.E.9,HtllriDl.'"
"~HaJnilton and Ball, K. C. E. 32 4ItHawkin6(J.)K.C.E.6,F_l,.,
Dominiet...ltretl.· , . tHilw!ey(E.T.} K.C.E. R.~""""
'tHamllton(A.)K.c.E.LawAg€n Ollire, 6~ 8~,.ttt.
and Sol. to the KinR's Inn., an Hayrs (Ben.) E. 1·3, 8. A_ftnd.
Infpeflor of Stamp. in the Court tHal'cs(Jo:d.)K.C.E.M.... t.",.!uI.
of Chan. and EccleliaClical COUlt, (-byes (HeDlY) E. 6.F•.".,·,.ji,ui
2510 DOl1linict.-ftIW. Uey_es (Jas.)K. C. Eo 79. ~II.
fHeard (ff.G~)KE'''9,N.C_kH...J1 HigghH(Hen.)ltc.Eoto,l.:C"ri.-ft.
tHeat1y (j.G.) K.C.E. ~ B'''I,. tHps (T.) K.C.E.36.E.rr.......jI
Neatly (J. vI.) K.C.E. 5, FItn-j1r.HigglolOo (J.) E. "9.8. FnW,'i-jl,.
'tHelfernan(F.}KCEI 74,gt.B,iIftr-.y Higgiofoo (T. E.}E.6I, C"/~
i"HemphiIJ(Ric.)KCE.-69.E_,.·jlHiggtofoD (TIi.) B. 440 Bolt_ftr.·
tHemfworth (Barth.) K. C. E .. 2" tHilI(AbJ.Y.)K.C.E.48.Wuu-,P
W.· An-a".j1r..', tRill (DudJey) K.E .. 5.II,ra_.,..,
tHendt:rfon( G. )J(..c.E. 5 I. MM.]'. "tHill (Gevrge)Dep. ProthoootUJ'
-tHendle.y (~I.) K.C.E. .lod Examme, of the Court 01
Headrick (Jofeph) It..E. I, Mad-fi Common·pleal, BruI;"p.-lIr.
fHeon·(Thn.)LC.& 3.WtjJaIltl-,. Hill (John}K.E.64. B..-,__ft.
HenDelfy (Thomas) E. 7, H_.1-)1. *Hlll (Rich.) C. Deputy Prothoo o
Henry 8tGerard,K.E.I 8.Ha,..••-jI. IIi the Court of Common Pia.,
fHeory (J.) K. C. E. 6fJt'AU.rllr. 7., M'.-'.frr11tZu.
tHenry (H.R.) KCB.9.M...... &.,.. tHill(Stcpbco) K~:Eo< 31,8",1'...11.
Hcozel(Hudfon)KCE.45.8uJl-jl tHilI (W.) C. Eo "3." Frlfkr.i-jl
Herbelt (Wm.) K. E. E'""'_p-jl. tHilIas(Geo.)K.CE.I4$,MtdI6••-jI
fHerforcl (JotIo) K.E. 17, A"r""", Hinds (G.T.) KCE. 6~, I.GIIJ'6ur.J
fHeron (Ed",.) K.C.E. 2.3,.'''''''./1 Hindt (Joho) It. C. E. 7, P....jlr
. Heron (GuO.)E. 67,/ftD~Dorld. tHlnd.(Tho~)K.C.E.16, &IIu-ft
HeroD (Sam.) K.C.E. 6,. CoIkr"gr. tHines (Gco. )&.C .E. n.l'.r/iot•..p
tHetheringtOo a: BetDolld.It,C.£. tHitc.llC:ock(~)It.C.E. J,8.FNd.-ft
M:egiftcrs 10 Judge Fletclter, a6-, HoIU"e (, ato) C.E.. 8, Bt":§fwtl-oflm.
Arra""f"aJl. H.rt (Gen.)- E. J6,,,p.(),..,..J.p.
tHelherihgton(R)l[CE.7.6, A..,..,., ~tHobart (W.)K.c.E. 39.· C-foft
tHetheriogton (W.)Jt. C. ~ •. T."oft Hobbs(W.) K.C.~.8,AnguJ_/l
K-.J,·rl••,. tHobfon(o.W.)E.n,L,y",-jIrut.
fHewitt(Fra. Plerp.)C.E. Tipfta/f Hodges (Terence) Er 11. Bi/wI-jlr
Common Pleas" aod Cledt of the tHodfoo (MaIIr.) It. E. AJIMr,/l.
Wanantland Ellreiltl, 19. CI",,,.- lIoHogan (Ant.) K.£. ,8. XilJ.r",/1
._-jl",t. Hogan (Pabkk) K.E. 9, B«6-v.
oIIfHewlon (Gce.) E.. 4t C"""_jl. tHopa (W.C.) 1t£.E. 44> Twl-jl

Hewfoo (J.M.)CE.9 3.S,,,.",.,...,.8.

tRcri>n (j.) ItCE. 93.81"".• HoT!aud(N.C.)K.C.£>.t9.W41..ft
-tlJolland( P.W)It.c.E.,,,,..w,.,,f
tHewfon (Llmcelot) It. C. Eo ao, Uolmes,Geo.) It~C.E. ap, a..-tI.
. E. Pari.fir.". . . *tHolmCl(R.)K..C;£'.1 J,S,,-N.
'tHcylolnd fRich.) K. C. E.,or tHo)IIICt(Robt.)K.C.E.S8,8Mf,.-jf
Gen. of Lands. 8tc. 18. De.did- ~olmes (Stclftfd)It.E. 4, _. C""'$•
.Jtwl, OIIice.
Bir"';..,""""'_, tHolton (Tho.) K. C. E. Corn. of
Aftidavitl. AtUo.,.
*tHeylalld (Rawlcy) K.C.E. Dep. tHoopcr(Garrct-)K.C. J2.t Ca./l"..jl
• Proth. Kceper of the Writs, Hope(Williain~jon.) K.C.E. 5.
£lerk of the Eotrib aad £non C""""."'iIJi"fs. .
of the Bench, 18. IJw..1I tHope(Wm.)K.C.E.So.D-!ro.~.
Hickty (M.)K.C.E. 30. B"uflr4--jl tHopkioI(A.)K..C.E.u,H,,..{riu-:,1l
•tHkkllWl (E. S.) It. C. Z. Crown tHoran (Thomas) Eo' '5 • .II_jl.
Solicitor fot Ceonaught.17, ..ill Houghtoll (Wm.}£. CIk.a: Signe~
G~rii}. , of WFiu of Attachments ill the-
HickfOn O.J.) lteE. U,Wi/l;_ Ple...ollice of the Euheq. 16.
tHJggina aDd l'ennedr, It. C. E. N.Fn*,idoojlrR'.. _
10, b. GlR'litttl'-jlmt. . ~HO'A·anI(Tho.)K.C .E.4S ,Ca)1PI~."
Howes (RlJliett}!. 41; C,iJft:ofi'NI. ~James{Godfl·.)K;e.i:CTc:rfl or !~!
fOtHowlin(Jal11tI.)CE.3S,KUJa,.t:o!'. Rules K. B.u, W~sl_.-lal.d...fl;
"'Hudfon (Ed.) E. 14l, C"pJ-Jlrrd. IJame{on (W.) K.C.E. :t.3. r.,i~1I
Hog~d(0er.lK.C;E.164,g'; B,ir-fi. Hennin~(Johll')C.E. t6.KiUz,..ft
HagheS CH•• )~. 44., WU/ilhll.jI. '"tJohlflOn(B.B'.)KCE.19MII"/u..£
tHogbcs (Jas.)KCE. IOO.Cn/ll-f1, ~Job1lfon (T.) K. C. Eo Clerk to
t~he. (J.) e.l!. 971 fl"I,I-fi"" Serjeant .I0hnu,n, 6, Eccln-.I""
tH0gbes(Wm.)K;C.E,u,F,.,,,tb-fi I'John'fOn (Win;) K.!;:.' ~4. ~UII .. f
tHQmfrt!y(Al.)C.E.:l8,,r-ji tJobnfion (James) K.CE. 11, N.
tHumfrey(John )K.EI 1'1.,Filnv,-j C""u"I.nJ41",1.
Humphreyi' (T.) E. C+'/~CO"". jofrnffon (James)·K.E. 46, B.II_J·
!foOt (I. E~) K. E. 7, P"'1!l,,-jlm,. ~Johnfton( J.)I<.C.E.21yp.D..i-j.
Hnnt(John) K. C. F... Eltch.frld-fi JODes (Nrth.) E. '1.S/".f(.GII.rg.·..j/
"tHunter(jA)KCE.7,BI!UillgUJtll ones (Dall.} C. 4r, /U""y ...,rtd.
~untedRob.) C.R. HO, Cdl'I-jl, tJonel(John) K.CoE.l.U DorJd~jt
-f-Harley (Tho~,) K.E. 14. D"I,-jI tJones(RIc.)K.C.E.S ,A._gier-jl
fie.n (N"th.) E. S. C••lkrl4"d-jlllfJlmes(Rob.YK..C~E. '1.1.PIt'~/.
• j-HlJtchinlOrI(G )E.19",/>GltIlJwr~ JOIles(Tho~)KCE.4:l,G/ou'IIJ1d.jJr;
HutchinfOn (Rob., E. '19,IJDrfl/~. j-Kearney(B )K.CE. 10 r ,Stlj>!-·11.
tHutchifon (R. M.) K. Eo· 53,Ke&ting(N.)CE.1.,.,,,.FiI~...,iII;""
HIJrc_t.jlrNI. ' fir_I, Office, 13. r"t/,.jlrtll.
Hutton (R.) E. S'. K;"g-flml, N.IQ"eU(Jephfon)K.C.E.76.AIUl.(it,.j
fIeyers (H.N.)K.C.E .ls6,Caj>lr.:/l tKellett (John) K. '0,; B!foff.
)cyers (Rich.) E. ~8, 8t,/,,,.,..jlrm Kelly (D.) C. E. :lO, (t. Sbit-:llrwt,
1ngham On.) K.C.E 14,Staffortl.jl. tKellt(Ed.8iG.)E.cE.IUMm.-k
Ireland (Wm.) C. E. 7. Ch,,"m-y-la. Kelly,(Jgnathfs) Eo- 17, F.ztk-jlnil
'"ioe (Oerart,l) C.E.,IO;.,. Gard.-jI tKellY(j&s.)K. C.E·S'1.,Do.U.iJ•.J'
l"ine(J.I~) K. E. 91. Sl'/'/n"· "'tKeIly(]}K.CEo-Clerk of tln:Pcact
tl"llle (W.)K.C. E. Deputy Clk for Co. Galway, 14; B./w-"'1'-
CroWD, for the Countie~ Cuan. tK-elly(Jobn)&~C.E.14.M""f"·.)
FCI'IfI". .gfr. Tyrone. Donegal, I'Kelly (John) K.C.EoI9,G"••-j
"DdLoDdondcrry, SI, M"'rn,.litf-KeUY(Jn,) K.C.E.77.,Gra~J'
"tlrwin (Ar.)K.C.E,1 J,G"II.n/lt-jl thlly (Luke) E. 17, FaJlI-jIr,,,.
t1rwin(OeoTge)K.C.E. 67,B,U..jl, elly (Riclt.) E. 7,"-. GIU"tIiM,..)
"'ttrwm (John Kiog) K.C.E. Keg. ~lIy(T.}K.CE,Com,ff)rWc.inJA6f.
of Ci,il13itl Court,jo,R",ftJtitI-.fv for Co. &n4 City of Kilkcn'ny,;21.
iltlrwin (Thos,) K.C.E'. InfPecto G,,,k-lit'til. .
, of Stamp Duties, u, RlIll4at1jlr j-Kelly (Tho.) K.C.E~ 1 I; F,Di<6-)
4!(vers ("~bQma6) E. 14,' Ca}d.jlr"'Kclly(~.F.)~-cE.15,:;,rli..,.r"1.·
Mc (Geo.)K.CE. 49. CaJllt4lmt. ~tK'Cmml5 ("1 ha.) K.C.E. Cro'trIi
-tlvie (Henry} K.C,E.77,c".tI,, SOlicitor, 40,. KiIJ(J,..;trett~
t Jackfon (G ) K.C.E. u, G'IIMy-r ~Kcmmis(Wm. )K.C.E. 4u,1O/;I.·)
t+J&CkfOn(H.v.)K.C.E.14'1..Mtci-.f/ Kennlln (Gcorge) K. 5, n"'oP.4·
J.ckfoo(JW.)K.C.E.S6.S"d .....jl tKenDan(W.) K:c.E. 5. B"llflloo/lr
Jackfon (Peter) K.CoE. Reg. to Kcnncdy (8.) ~E. onc of the Co'
. 'the R~Hoa.LordNorbllry, Clerk ronel.ot the Co. Tipperary, I
er the Rule, and Entries, Seal- Cam. for toiIIkill1l Allidnits. and
keeper SI; Eum. Co P. 64,/_. Not. Pllb. S, M,n,,-./1r.d.
Gt.,tli'''''-J_. Office, I""'''I/II lteooed,(Dav.)K,.C.E.37.;r..i-}

Jackklrt SI; Warbarton,14'1.,M• .u-jlltenoedy(Geo )K.C.E. 14,A.......'
tJick[on (Will;) K. E. C.,..-11. tKennedY:(HeQ.)KC.E.7.II/.D..... 9.
Attornlll•. .165
iteliiledy(JIoP.) KCE. 5,Mtr__JI .. ~tLedwich(W.)K.C:2. r,iip.p,,,,r,,-jI
tKenn~dy (Macar. John) K. C. E..tLedwith (Oco.) C.E.S3.S'''foli.;i
10, IrIII. GIlr,tIitt,....jI,,,,. ItLel: (Edward) K.C.E. .
.tKcnnedy (M.) K.C. t. m;Il,1-I,. fLee (James) LC.L ,..",.M."l-jl
tKennedy(Q!!intin)E.I~ ';:lr6.-ftr:ltLee(Rob ~cldon)K,58. A"",.-/l.
tKcnncdy (T.)K.C.E. sISC.",r,.-],tI.egge (~Ich.) K.C.E.S6,B.g.~
tKennedy(W. )K.C.E'7-1'1.Dotrt.-jl. *tielindtT. )itCE.6,Fil• .".,iI.-;[."
Kenny (John) C. 17. 4/I"·~911~.·IL Maitre (Hen. P. WeUh Bc: Hen.)
Kenny (Lau.)K.C.E.16.Bllld6aU-./I1 C. E. 65, G,.fioii-jlntt.
+Keogh (W.M.) ItC.t. 4sJu"';.~f tLeonard (Denis) K. 8Iepheit-II.
keoghoe(Ri.B.)K.E.195,gI.Br;I~-JlltLeYlnge (J.)~C.E.4J,g.fJ.'i,~;.-jl
tKeough (J.) K.C.L u ...g.G....~·tLeyW!.y(1lich.)lC.c.E.lleg:L'.:ttO
tKeown (Rkh.) k.$.I. IJ...;,;;,jojl. theHon.JilfU5aly,4,M.....t ,.'q.uo
tKernan(Gco.)C. E. SO'N.A"""jI~tLCWis(aenry)KC'B'I' ClJah ...-jI
Kerron (Nich.) K. ~3. Gre,l-j/nd. tL~is(l'.Iich. K.C.E.Z3.Dotrtin.-~
tKC. ttleweU(W.) K.E. SI, Dor{lt-jJ Lewis(Wm.) ~.C.E.'1.0,Gr/.fJi/k-ft·
.KeY$ (Fr.) K.C.F.. 19. Btr.ifortl-/I Lewi. (Thomas) K. C.L
Kierilari{F.)KCEII,n'Wn.",i.icjojl Lldwill (Mark) C. J7, NaJ/'llll-jl...
tKlerna~ (Fran.) K. C. E. u. BIli: Lighton (Sam.) E. 4t IIp.O,,,,;Ni-p.
#.'tKift (J'lh.)KCE.7.J".""jlr,., tLittle (G.) KCE. SI. "/. J.rfJ;s-jl
Kildahl(.1s.)K.C.E'36,gt.Brit"i...jI. Lloyd (Geo.) ~.
tKlldahlcJ.V ~)K.C.E. i 4.11uJ1ll.,..jI Lloyd (Edw. )K.E.16.SMftJilk-,II....
tKildahl (5.) K.C.E. 18,N.Ellrl-jl tLodge(Wm.)K.C.Eo III'.Kild.u-jI
·tKillikel1y(OM)KCE38ND- Lnftie (}cIhn) E. 8. Mary's-~
Kilkelly (JOhD) C. 4.' 8Jill/Ur-rKII. "'tLopdeU (C.) C.E.8,Glojlt....plM.
tKindelan(Ptanclr)K.E.3,NAn",. tLopdell (W.) E. 10.8. F ....,.-./I
tlting (Arthut) K. as, Clart-jl• . tLntd (10hn) K. 45, Mllrllloro'.jI
tKing(C.crok.)K~E.1. 'Tntlll..ji.,. tLo\ftr (Rich.) E. 53. B",J,t'l~.fI...
-tKing(Edw.) K.C.E. 50, B,itllin-jl. Ladlow (Henry) Eo C"'rmJoa~II"'"
tKing (Wm;) It. C. E Bla,I6aII-jl. tLynch(C.)K.C.E.KUig's-;"'s-g..,.
""tKitby (Edward) K.E.?, 'Tlmph-jl tLyftch(Pran.)K.C.E.38,C"/.i-jl.....
tkirwan (l'II') K,C.E. 1'l.0~.1': tLynch(Geo.L.) K.C.E.I 3.Bffi....,
-tKJiiJ1e{G.M.)1t.C.B."'I,Hllid.- tL,nch{Mar.)KCE.13 8.v.rftl-,/I·
Knott (1IIllc.)K.E;.I.z-.MtIlIlrI- Lynott (JOhD)K.E.'1.S.FiJMr',.,I....
t Knox Mal1.) K.C.E. 4;H.tJf':rjl. tLyons (In ..C.) KCE.~ 1.-1"""'-f';•
. ·fKnoS(8atnael)lt.E.74,Io.Dorf.-jI ~yoDs(Jofepb) It.& SO. B,.ry-JI.
·tLucke, (RL.) KCE. la. 8'!ffo1J..jI tLyon' (llo\iert) K. C•. E. 10",
-tLater (J.) !t.C.E. I ISj 8tJllol-jlr. SlIphe"',"It.',,,. .
Laler (J.) It.C.E. 4. Philtfoortllg6. Lyfaght (AuC) E. 7, MJ"""'JL
'Lalor (Martin) K.E. 1%6, ArtlUl"f. L~aght Uotin) C.B.IS. C....·IH'.
Lambert (H. P.) C. 19,AII"gltt-j, fa t(Rklt.)KCE.5,Mwri_
Lalle (Tim.) E. '1.3, ,4.g1'./tIl-jl,.,. ytahi (Tbci.)K.C.E.Reg. Col.
i Laldner(WO'B)CE.I 4.R'!9i"'P. ~6or ilndLaw-agent to the
Lathnm (P.) C.E. 60, j-i,lI,." Dublin Satiety, .7. ut/M-jlrftl
tLawder (Robert) ·E. 3. Harr,../I tL7Rer(M.A.)KCE.ClerkBc:EuDI.
tLawlefs(BarryEd.)KC;3t,Fr_ to S. King, E(q. M. ill C~ Office,
'l.aw1efs (John) E. 9, Wi/J;.,_jlr. Kj"K'..inas,andAgenftoCom.of
tLea (Wm.) K.C. E..Dep. aerk 0 ~ide Streets~ Pa,J..jI,.,.,. .
the Pipe. '33. Gr-,ji"..,jIr.,. ' t"yRer(Tbo.M.)C.E.I6,Sy••oI-pl•
.,l..eadon (Gcorge)E. 33.81;_.........,. tt-fc. Alpin (\VP. )KCE.6.Ufo"'s-.I'.
tLedtam (G.) K.C.B. 19, Fldl-;/i. ~c.CiIDn (John) B, 11. F__,,.,,,.
(1815) ' l .
tMc.Carty(A.)K.C.E~5,F!fo-.-fl.:McNci1J(John)K.C.E,; '9~C"fHl.,Ji.
Mc.Carthy(1'ho. lE. 7, AjI''''-f.~ tr.lcNc~:n(D.)KC.ll.13 ...J>. P..,;n-!'
-tMt.Caufland (W.James)K.C.E. tMcPeak,,(N.)K.C.E_54.~rftl:-6
37,." M."i••-jl,.,. McReYo<·lds (In.) C.l./it.B,i,.,i".jI
McClatchy(J. )K.C.E;6 J,IVi//ia-fl. McSwiACy·(E.)K. E. 9,gt.(h.'~·~-Jl
fIc.Cleland(H.)E.Reg.toHon.Bar. Mc. Vcr (J;... ) K.E.,-i,.-fl
Mc. Clelalrd, G,mJinw·s-pItm. tMilcale(L.) K C.E. S6,gt.Brila... ..J1
Mc.Clenachan (C.)E. 1.o.F.1rpltlu. Milcartney (c.) KC£. 67,lItT.,rlJ,.-jI
tMCCombe( AlcL)KCE. 74,CIZI"/" ... Macartney(Fox) B.14.MoiertD.-4
Mc.Conaell (R.) K.t: •.~o, Cllp.f-jl. -tMacartney(F)K.E.6.BII".lingh.-JI
tM'Corm!ck (JaQle,) K. C. E. 4'I14tMacaTtney (Jof.) T{. C. E. Ck. It
BltU'6tlII..jI,,,r. ... or Report., 6" MiI,·If,."mgh-/lr.
Mc. Cready(J.) K_C.E. 3. Bifo./'jI tMacartney (Ri.)CE.I34,N.K;"z-ft
IIi'Crcady( WH.)KCE. (1.ol,·lhor:-j/ tMaddcn (J n. F. )KCE.1.8,.d6he"...,P
tdc.Creight(A.)K.C.E.s.Ma..,·, ...,.4. IMaddocks (J05.) K. Deputy Clerk
M'Dermnlt (J.) Eo 45, Clllr""'•• cllj of the Crown for the Connaujht
M'Dermott(P.)KCB.1.9,W'i/lia...-jl. Cireoit. OJliCI, I"";",,,,,,..
M·Derrnott(T.)KCE.u.CoIltg,'tr.Maddock.(Rob jKCB·:ls.KiUIIr":J
M'DermoU(Temlcc)E.1 J, Cap.l-fl tMagennis(J·1K.E·31. •.f,.r... -,IUIII•
• tM'DerlllCltt(W)KCE37'prm.h-!.MaRIatn (~nea5) E. C. 1., 4/;&y:ll.
tMeDqnagh (P.).KCE. 46,Eeeltl'fl fMal:ra~h(L.)KC.E.~II..../lr'"
... tM'Donogh(A.)KCE.1 :l3,C"/'tl1.tMa~th(W )K.CE~ fOI,NKi"l".!
M'Donogh(Jn.) C. E. 11.3, Cdlp,l-jl,tMag1llIe(B.)K.C.B.1',W./J;'zr_J
M'Donogh(J.jon.} K. 150. AU.,..fitMahon (John)C .. 1.8, MarllNw.'-J
fMcDonogh (Wm.) K. C. E. IJ tMahon (N.) K ..C.E.16.0raootti-f'
"". Gllt"llilur-jlmt • tMahOD1 (P.)K.C.E.I,S~t.G....-J
tMcDonnell(A)K.c.E.UI;CtzfeI1 tMangan (Jas.) K.C.E. 7.4,H.a7J.
tMc:Dow~l (W. P.}K. C. Eo 3,
a.rdi__ft ....'
u,. Manifold (W.) K. 1~, DiggtI-,Prtd.
tMar.L (J~r.) K. C. E. M4"yjlr.
i'McGrath (Nich. )KCE.6.lHrfot-/I Mata (5alll.) K. E. 1..•• Aaz1ifNJ-jI.
tMcGuckin (Jas )!E. 1., N. Kiltg-fl tMar,hbank(Rob.)KCE30,A.r.cI.~
.tMcGufly(G1K:t.I.1.4 ....C_6- Marfh (Peter) E. 47. CtzIIIlitII-ft,ttI•
. l\IIc.1Uree (Hen.) K. 17,gI.Brillli.-jI Marlba'll (H.)C.E. 1.lit.Brit";"""
tMc:.Kane (W.) K..C. 58, 8"idt-jI Marlball(John)C.E.~6,L.d.,..,,...1
tMe.Kay (Daniel) K. C. Eo. 13. Malrett (W11I.) C.E. ,
, 81.J11-·,.,gr..... N. Martin (Antb0lt'f ) C. 11 ,M..r~./Ir.
tMcKeor,h( Denis)KCE6.",~(I -tMartin(C.) K.C.E. 71 ,fJNljt";"J.
tMc.Keogb("L.)'KC.E.40,~""7f Martin (Js. C.)K.C.L~,
tMcKcogh (P.) K.C.E.39, CQpeljl. Martin (J.) K.c.E. 14,Biflor.Jl,.
tMcKey (Hugh)·E. 6,Cal"-flr..~. ·tMartin (R.) K.C.E. Solicitor f¥
McKinllry (Lee) l. 57. Ca"z-jlr. the! CMusl Revenue. and to ~c
fMcKinllrrfR. )K.C.E.u,Gar"',.}' IIilrrack BOlrd. 37, Glojl.r-jl.
tMcMahon(C.tJI.)K.C.E~.l1Atu1#! ttdartin (Sam.) It. E. 19. BoIt_jl.
McMabon (Pat, C.E.4. La.6-4k;. tMartin (T.) K.e.Eo 44. W'tI/i,,_
'. McMullen (In.) C.IS. N.lU"t-}i Martin (Tho.) C. 44, Willi__ft,.
·.,McNaghtan{R)ltCE41..3M.... r-' tMartin (W.) K.C.l-:. MII..,..fI.·
tMcNalIy(Leo.}K.F~'&S.CQ......".jI tMafon (W.S.)M. RJ.A. E. Jnint
McNarnara (Dillon) Le.E. 31.,·N. Remcm. &ad Re,-,=inr of Firi
C• .""rt....d-j1rnt. Fruiti alld;o J1artt. aDd S<C.COIII.
Mc~aman (J) KCE.r '1, ~.rinily./, Pub .. R~c:. oifice. R«.rll To",·,r,
McNa.nara.(T.):r.. ~;h C<lIIIJtn-JJ." I.UI. (:asrl~';)tr"&lh ..'
AIIQrnies. 167
a&ilttuirs (JoI'cpb) E. 47, S",'--ji Milward (Hen.) KE. 64, !t"....jI
MathCl'S (~lIIas) E. 47. S~p6nt-j tMinchin (Jus.) K.C. E. Dcp. ~n.
Hatbcrs(WilIialll)C.E.83.D.if<t7fl. Suj. at Arms of C. of Cbancery,
Offic:e, IlIIII-fIIIIJ. 8. Fit"'UJill~s,.ar'. W.
MathewI (Eelw.) C. C.... Pk-JVu tMi.ot (A.) ~C.E. IS. H#1Irklt"".fl.
tMaunseII(Cha... )KCE.~s.HoIk..j/ °tMitchell(B.O.)K.<':E.S,n,.;••·jI
Maunfell (Rich.) K. 7. ~· tMitchell(Foaer)KCE.5,D";_i~ft
~tMax\Vel1 (Alb.) K.E. 43. r.rj· tMitchell(G.)K.C.E.l6, N."'.IU-:!I
·tMaxwell(A.) K.C.E.~6.G.rd.-:/I fMitcl,c11(JOM)KCE81,rtf.DorllI4
Ma.xwell (Jobn) Eo GoItIt.-I_ Mitc:beU (T.) K.C.E.~. Rllt/,.trd.jl
tMaltwel1(Jof.) C.J!;.3.M.,.;"r_. Mo__clt (4.) KCE. 34.M.ttj'UJ.-ft
-tMaxweU. (Sam.) ~. 16,F"III''-ft Moll'ett (Jas.) Jt 16,,worC,'I-,#
tl\qayberry(D.)KC·E.'4,.41111n_ft t Moilcs(/u.)K.C.2. d.rt , v""."fo
tMIlIJ).e (Ed.) ~.C.J!;. lleg. to the Moland (Law.)K.E. 17.Ejfo"'QIl",.
nOD.]. ldaync, ud Clcr~ and *"tMolcfworth(Hickll'lanB )K.C.~
Exam. ~o W, lienn, Efq. Mall. Eum. 10 Thomas EIlis, Efer
. in ChaDecry. KiIIg·,.i_. aDd Maller inChan. ,6,8"",,,,.,.·/liIl.
3', BtJuw-jlrNt. tMolloy (J.S.)K C.E.lo,. Cflpt/-.!.
tMaYDe (Js.) K.C.E. A,f,.llt.&.-j/r Molony (1-1.) C.E. .1'1,,,P'O,,,,-'.,.
tMaync(j.A.)K.C.E.3.Hardiv;-fI Molony (]s.) C.E. 83, BI1Jingt.-lI•
• tMayne (J.) K,c.E. 35. F,.....h-.fl. tl!4olony (Timothy) 1\.. C. E.
·tMaync (R..) K.C.~. 'is. ']t,..,;.-/I It. Btilai_-jlrut.
tMazicre(W.)K.C.E'53,Ma~.-Jl Moltou (W.) ~CE.53,1. GtJrli__ft
-tMcagller {W.)KCE.3 I,S . .dnn"j l'"tMontiomery(Alex.)K.C.E.Sec:.
tMcarcs (Clla.) K,C.E'J3.Dqif.-Ji to Grand Juries. and Sub-Iberilf
Mcares (C. H) l,. O/icc, Iu.-".. City of Dublin, 14, Fr,dcril.i...
tMeares (P. G.)KCE. 17,8ttlll...". j'tel, Officc. Mafi·/f'II'.
Meare'(T.C.)K.CE.S ..',Rllfl....ji ·tMontgomcry(AT)I\.CR~.1L,.r~
tMccrcdy(Wti)KE.'~.r.o-rj. tMo~tli'mcry (G.) K. n, GmJ;#
tMedlicolt(j.)K,C.E. S7, A&krji tMontgomcry(Nath. ~ p"ich.)
tMee(W.M.)KCE.IO,..,,,,Do.w.-:/Ir 9. JJIa.UaI/-j,.~.
tM.elvin (G,) K. 33.1. BaA-:f/,.", Monlgomcl'Y (Philips) E. A"lts-.flc
tMcnzle'(J~ K,CE. 7, N. }jtJrl-J1 tMontgomery(R.)K.C~.6J,"at,J-1.
tMcredith(Chas.)KC.E.4S,J.,..,;,. tMoonty (Edm.) ~.C.E. 6, Capt/·.J
tMerc.lilh(J. )JC.CE. '1.4,.,,,,T ...,k-jI Mnoney(Thos. )K.C.E. '1.0,~~U1'-ft
tMeredilh( w,) KCE.1.I. T"",I.-ji tMoore(CG.)KC~.'1.3,.ff"r.<'icl'·fl
Merren (Thos.) LE. ~. N. King-jl, /\loole (Chrj(l.) F..33,4I1glej.a-jl",,1
tMetcalf(Geo.)K.C.E.lOO.C''P.J-P Moore (J. Fi'llay)~·E,51.Fran\;.- j
JI.1eyler (Jas.) K.C.E. 64, DflflUllr tMoore(Oliv,)K.C.E.:&o.D,,~fon·A
tMiddleto.(s.)·ji.i~loore (Philip) E, 61, nll-jlr",.
i Middleton(l' 8.)KC.E'4,Bijbof""SitMoore (Richard) K. 14. H.",.y.ji
iMiddleton. (Wm.) It. G. E.,) K.C,E.4 1 • Up.Rut,.
Hard.,,;':k-!l.·ttl. lunJ./I,,,,.· .
Mile~ (rho.) E. 5. "'trd"jon',,,,,,,,rl tMnore(W.J.)K.C.E.9S.C"p*'.
Miller (John) C. E. 38.lIt"'firJ.l; ~lor~n (J. W.) KCE·3 ;,Bmf"",/- 'J
tMiII~r (Jos.) KCE. 4. Da'WJ"on-fi Moran(Mau.)K.C.E.6,W.rI,urKh:/i
fMilkr(R.)l(CE.31,t,p.V-inick-jl. M"riarty (Chr.) RCE. 7,m.G.'rd ~t1
tMilt. (J., K. ( • Eo 133. C.p,I.-jl. tM"nis(Rkh.) K.E. 69, M..rID.cli
• tMiIIs(johnlKCE.ll,GIDIIClji,,-./, \lorrh(Tho~. )K.C.E.5 ,JSa, ••,III...jI
t)1ilT•• (Mich.) E Si¥th Clerk i .. tMorton (Wm.) ~.l'.E. 16, Ma. /~
Chan. OjJi••• It";1-9u~.Jo Io'••gb·lr,,',
, I
161 .A.tt91'mcs. I
tMolfe (A.8.) It.C~. Coroner Co.' N.UJlB (Jolbua) K.C.E. 6. D_J",
Dublin, '137. ~rp.J"'t. j1,nI, Depot, Lorel Tra1iarCJ~1 : I
tMowlcb(GP.)KCE.s,M.., .., - Ilemembrancer. eel 'ODC of tU
fMowlc1a(J.)C.E.'4.Cb4Iwr,.'-', Seconduiel, Ollicc. I-.-.1'
tMulbera (ll.) LC.E. '5. M ..,.I.-jI fO'Bcirne (E.) LC'&'47 rJ,rwiPJ
·...Mullioa (Stewart) K.5, Fflie.jI. to'8eirne(F.) KCE.4a.GIa£.jI".-/
)!urph, (Bern.}E. 7,8t. AIfti,.",,-:fI to'BrieD (Ch.) E.I. N.C..IwI.-J
Morph, (D.) LC.E. s6.if.Kittc-j1 O'Brien(Fit~.)C.E.'3"I'.O~
p!urphyUas.)E.C.ri, B",."..." O'Brien (Gel) ) C. 8, H ..,.,Ja,Up·H.
tMurph, (j. C.) E. 49. D-UU,j to'8Jieo Un.) K.C.E.aS. er,.,t.-I
Idurphy (John) E. 33. Bmff",d-: O~Bt:illn(JtJ.) C.1-:.n..... O.--.J.,.
tMorra, Cll.r) K. 3'0 8t~ to'Brien(M.) ~. Eo 6, B~
Muna, (w.) K. E. s, 8"';fl~.......... tO·Brien (P.) E. ~t. Br;uia-j1Nff.
tNagbtm (M.)1t.C~E. 8, S"""rI~ O'Brien (Ter.)
+Nalb (Edm.) K.C.E.4,IiI,B,-it.- O'Brien (W.) K.E. SS, B.lfldIeftt.,.-J
lINafh (John) K. E. 3~, &uP to'BrleD (Wm.) LC.E. COIItmis.
NaJh(R.) E. EnrolUngC1erk tp th for Allidayits, ~d • M.acr
High Cour.t ~ Cbaac:cry. 14. Jb:tr~,
Jfalb (Rub.) KCE. JI8,B"If!I1Intlj,to'Ca11aghan (E.) K.C.E '9."'"
tNalb (Wm.) E. u. C"j1Je.j1rtn. 0....-"9• ..,.
Neligao lW J.) L 56, Bit""''''} to'CaUagban (Hezekiah HollaDtI)
fNelfon lR.]. )KCE.I04,Bp,,.,.;f\ It. C. E. 47. Gnft-ftml.
tNelbitt( AIL)K.C.E. 84,8ttjlh•.,S.!t0'Clllighan(J ) C. E.44. A,."",.,
tNeibitt(Hugh)KCE"4.DI"';II'·'ito~Conn~1l (C.) C. E.... C..pJIr
tNeibitt (Jas.) K. u~ Pb~b'ltO'C~nncll (D.) I(..C,i;.
tNcviUe (Jacob) K~E.17.PtI_j1,.tQ'CODnor (C.) ~ C. Eo S3. k
tNerille(Wm.) K.C.J., 44,N.C- Or-.t..J·ptll,.
6w1"nd-j1,.",. to·Cqllnor(R.)KCE.4.-.Gn/.·J.
tNeweU(ll.) KCE.74,M",Ij".'. O'Conpor (8i~e) ~E.4o,W;m...(t
tNewme(G.) K. SI, F"",,/rjl. Odlqm (JQhn) E. CtlljlIPIIHd.
Ncw~ (John) K. E. s9,P.tir-!. to'Dcll (R. Deane) K.
~ewtoD(And.) L 6" C~tI'''-rl-:fl to'D!)pnel!(Cba ) E.Matler exl ....
tNewtOll (George) K.64, St". ordinary f!lf Chancery.
)lewtoa(G.H.)~. ~~Sf.,J.,,,..j1, to'Donpell (Chas.) K.C.£. Cam.
Jrzu (Mat.) E. ss, Cherg,o,-jI of Atlidav. in the Co. of Ant.itn.
tNiun(Henry)K.CE.s.Cltl,J,rt#~' to'DonneU(H.)t;E.lo6",.Brilaht-} I
tNo1aD (Dan.)K.C.E.S3,l!/kr""98 to'Donnell (John) ~ C. Eo S7,
tNb1an(G)J{~S7~.".G-"'I.J1 D.,..r".p,.d', .
tNo1aD (KeU,) C. 139. fI. Brit.-.fI. fO'Ferrall(J.)KCE. s4.-p.&&i9.-,ft
Nau (Pat.) B. s6, Grwj..jlr~· O'Plaberty (T. R.) E. 9, E.-.J-J.
fNormln(Ja)KCE.s7"".8_i".-jl. tOgilby (Wm.) K. ~5, D.,.jll.jI.
tNorman(Luke }'K.E.4.M,ojo".f. s. tOgle (G.) Le.Eo s,'_.
Norri. (T~) lC.C.E. 3s/.0'-"""9 togle (John) K.C E. 7', C""t-jl
tNorth (Emor) K.:e-. '1.O,N.Ku.x-jl. O'Hal1aran (T.) C. '9, ,,,.,.-j,.,,,.
lforth (Joho R.)C.E.9,.B"""",""J>I'IO~Hara (Con.) K.C.E 6, A,r_,'!'
i-Norton(Theo.)K.C.E'39'1If>.IJ..-slto'Hara (Robert) K. C.B. Purfl\l"
tNowllu(Tho.)KCE.3'oG'-.-jI vlnt of the Exchequer, 13,
tNngent (A.l K.c.E. 1,.8t':ffb,.tl-fi M.""tjtI.1'"!f/lll,."
tNupt(Jo.) Le. Eo 9, M""';-ltO'Keeirc (Alexander G.) JL C.S•
. . I~~, 8. . 1. <I_I,..jI,I".
Altorni£l. 169
"'O~Kcei!e(Ch •• )Joill.Qep. Rcg. in~Peed (Edw.) K. C.E.• ·
Chancery •.15. Marllxlr'/lgb-ftrtll. tPemberton (Charles) K.C.E. 2\1,
Oldh:;.m(M.Wm.)K.E.14,.Arra~-q. S. A",..-jlr~t1..
o'Mara (Con.) E. 35, BriJ~jlr«t. tPenncfather(T) F..115M~<II"'''.-8
,o'Mara (Ja. Davenpol't)K.E. 4.2, tlentJand (G.) K. C. E. Sec. an"
.B,,<bt9"tr-jlr~<I. .' Sol. to the Rev. in the illland Dc_
O'Mara(Tho.)KCE.5,,,,·1l1llIoNi-jI!1,cnts.39, Rulla';,J-s'Iua,,,W".
to'NeiU (Jas.) K.C.,E. S1,Q,,,,,,-ji tJ?epper(G.)f.{.C.E.3I,N.Fr.dtr.-SI
O'Neill (S;,muel) K . .E. 49,Cap'/..jI. t Peittr( Dav.) K.C.E.2,Sltplun's-gr
.O'Neill (Tho.) E. 81, s. gl.-G•.•. -ft tPetcr(J. J.) ~.C.E. 67, £",b•• -jl.
O'Neill(Wm.)E. 1,Anglq.o-jlmt.,tPe.ter (ll.) K.C.E. 27, Frlltch-jlr
.O~Reilly(Denis)KE.1,1.Gtou"fler~/t.ltPetry (Edw.) K.E. Nrrv-jJrul.
to'Reilly (Flemil)g Pinkltan) K.l'itPettigrew(R.)J{.C. 33, BmsforJ.,jI
5, ",.GartliMr-flrut. iPheldn(G.) K.C. E. 47. M"rv-/I.
to'Reilly( Mile..)K.C.E'5 Marg.-p tPhclan (Jo(.) KCF.. 60, H'OT:r/l
O'Reilly(Patr.ick) K. Bu<lingbam-jJ tPhdan(Wm.) E. 5, Gt.rg.s-bi/I.;.
to'Reilly(ThQ )KCE..4,S,,<Aville-:/l Phillips (My!') c. E. 8, 'T."1Rpl.-.".
O'Reilly (Ter.)KCE. I 28,' Phillip' (5.) K. C. E. 10,1'",,1'
,O'Rourlte(Teirn.)C.E.u.Brultf-fi.Philpot (John) E. 63. E1<cheqllt(-jI
tOrmsb)·BcReeve~KCiI9,uJ>M""-J.tPie .. lEd.) KCE. I I, G/o""tl.,-jI
·Ormlby.<C.)K.C.E.J9,..pM<rion-j/ Piers (G.) K. E. 1.0, u/, Ormo~J-'1'
tOrmlby (W.) K. '9,"P' M<rion-fl tPilkingtoD (John) K. 1.9.AU.]jI
tOlpen(E.H )KCE.13,..s·FnJ.,.-ji tPi!kington (Wm.) K. C'!If<-.II.
tOrpen (R.].) KCE.J3,S,FuJer.-ji tPineau (D.) K.C.E. Regifler of
tOrr (James)K.E. JI7,Cap.,-jlrw; his Majefiy's High COGrt of Ad-
Oiborne (~intin) E. 4, Cia'.'..... ) miralty in Ireland, I, St,ph.-gr..
Oulley (Jup.) C. MarlHrtHIgh-ji. /tPlunket (J.J. )K.C.E. 4,'jtNH.-jI.
fOwen(G.T.)K.C.E. S9,,B,,,h,q.-jltPoe (Js.) K. C. E. 1, Ptter-jlml.
Owens (John) E. Gr.d-ftrut. ItP~ Us. jun.) KC-E. 72,Gr"ft-jI
Palmer (Henry)K.C.l!.29,Lufo....jlPoe (R. W.) E. A6roarl.
J>aimcr(Paul) Co RegHler of the. tPolIock (John) K.C.E.RegiRerto
Stamp-office, Willia_jlrett. the Hon. Jnflice Downes, Clerk
tParker(J.)K.C.E.191"gt.Brit.-:/l of the Crown for the
tParkin(on(G.)KCE.15,S.FreJ.-jJo£ LeinRer, Dep.uty Clerk of
tParr (John) K. C. E. Coroner of, the Pleas of the Excl!. and
and Corn. for Affidavits in Co. Crown Sol. 11, A1lJUnlj"'·~h. E.
Kildare Bc Wjcklow, 6.Mmtr-f/ ~PolIock(J.)K.C.E·5.1,gt.Jrit'i,...j?
.tParrlT.H.)K;C.E. 20, Willia_jI tPope and Befnard, K. C. E. 74.
Palley (John) K. C. E. Common Ma,IIxl,."gh~l1r"t.
Pleas, Office, Inlfs-fUIIY, Coron(. tl'ope{T.) KCf.'74,M"r'Qor.,,~h-jl
Co. Dublin, Rlllb",;ntl-roQJ. Popham (Ben.) K. E. B,mdon
Patten (Henry M.) E. 44, Moort-/t tPotter (;.W.)KC£' Lontf.-ft
~Patten (Rich.)E.2.o, Harthl1-flrM ;>otter (Jam.s) K· Grtek-Jrrttt.
Office, Law Exch~qucr. ~Pott.rtol1(J0f.)K.C.E.3S,Arr,.w-'1
Patter(on (Ja.) E. Digg...-jI"d. tPowcll (R.) K. C. E. 76, B,·l(}t-jJ.
fatter(on (5am) E. 63,8.g.Gto.-jI t'ower (John) K. E. 6f, H""·:,,.,/I.
fayne (J.D )K.C.E. 78,Britk-jlrret. tPower (aoh.) (;E 28, .T!r",;,~.llr.
tI'edcock (MP.)KCE'44,Graji'''''' "'tPower (\V.) K.C.E.19.·~.·1nlt""fl
Peatd (Wm.) K. 7,' 'T••,It-jlrttl. tPratt' Ji1~ ) K.C. E. (dnd Rohe'4:
tPearfoll and Jackk>n, K. C. E. 1:1, '5impfon) Dep. Serj. at Alms for
Gr""by-rlltil. _ COiJrt _of E"chr~ 38, ufo S~I<'II.-II
fPearfon (W.) K.C. Eo 31, Pe/er-jl Olfu:c,-J, Moo"./uIIr.
no AUornies.
tPren.lergafttFrallt.)~. Pep. Reg. tRich.ud{on(C.)KCE.r5,H..r_~
_ in Chancery. and Men: to the Rirhardfon (Hen.) K. COJ¥-.ftrwt.
CD"'. of Bank.!I~D~jlu.., tRichardfon tH.) KE'JI,~,I-~
. Office, l1C11....4<}. t],lichardfoll(W.) KCJ:;.,Proctorof
Prendergaft (In.) CE. 18. Dltu-) Admir~lty,~.l. Pl1Olkx-jl,.,d. .
tPrendeJgafl(W.)K.E.II,I.,.86iH fRichardfonl W)It.C.E.llKiIJtu_f 1\

Price (jolcph) E. 44, Da",,!_jf. Richardfon (W.) K.E. 64. Mull..,.

tt>urcell (l.F. )K.C'-'f-.~o,N.Frlll.-J. tRhry (Ben.) K,C.~ Deputy Clak.
tl'urcell (John) E,' J05.AUt,../Ir.., of the Crown for the Home Ci.....
fPurccll !Nich.) C.E. B, C......jI cult,and for the City and County
l Purcell (Thorn..) E. 6" CII....) Df Du"Un, and Parfuivant of tlac:
Purdon (j.B. )KCE, IB,J."/'''~s.-;# Co. of Pnblin It. B. 19, J>«/~-r.
tPurdue(Ed )K.C.E.6J,8..~iIIt-J tRoberts{W.D )K.C.E.Kq,g·s_n....
·tQ!!iDan(T.)K.C.E.6rtlExam.o MafterElttr. in Chan.
theCo.of Chan. 8, S. FrnJ.r;.t-!l. Robcrts (John)(1':.14"gl.Bril.. i~
tRamuy (T. and T. Garrett) KoCE. tRobert. (SamDcl)CE.I, Cbal},a_-ft
DOlUgdl.jlrul, Btljajl, anll 3', tRobinfon (A.) ·K.C E'40, t~-jI
N.t" G,.rg"l-/lr(d, Dllblin.· tRobinloD(james)KCE.50,B!/hoj!-:f
-Ransford (B.H.) KCE.5~.Ch4lr/~s-s tRlllbinfon (John) K.C.E. R'8,ficlo
'tlbwlins (JoC.) KCL 11, H",. ...JI of ~ppeals, 3, A"tlr.--strut.
-taawCon (rholllas)K. c. E. Robi.fon (Rob.) C.E. 7. Luhflr
tRawfon (Wm.) K.C. E. Com. for oche (.I.) f:.. 2.9, SIIphm-jln:d.
taking Altid, Co, Wicklov<, 6J, Roche (Rob.) E, 81. lJa",,-f/..uf.
WiHi".jl,,,,. - tRock 0·) KC.E. 5", Bolto_Jlrcll
9.aymond (G.) E. 7., 1_. G~II"...ji Roe ( E. 9, S,.ph._ji... c'.
Ilea (GcOI,e) E. u, GUijU,-Jr"', tRee (Pt:ter) K, IJIa.kbaJl-jlrut.
tUedmond(U.T.)KCE.2.M.I.".. .•• Rogers (Rob.) C. 3T. ~~ttI-flrY~.
tRecvel(Boies) K,C.P.., 8~.Au.,..I. Jlogeu (Rnbert)E. 30,'!,,,,,,;,.jlreel.
~eve. (D. Hen.) C. " M4Ir/"~1 , ers(W'.F.)E.Oftice, IO,P"U'I-f'. . IJ On.) K.C.E. 10, CIa,.-jl. tRooke (W. D.) K.E. 45,D4IG1,.-I· 1
*tRccves( Rob.)K.C.E.~\k:itor for tHose (S.) KCE. I, "P.O....w..f'"'J
forfeited eLlates, I9,.,.·M.,..,.j tR!)fe(Rich.A) K.E.IO,B"l~.,(f'
etReid (ADdrew and Jofeph) C.E. tRof. (Illlbert) E. 5, Clare-jlnd.
ClerkloftheErrors,CIc.-ksof the ofs (WilIiam) E. 19,Willi_Jlr.
juries, and Clelks of the Elfoins, tRowley(F.H,)KC.E17 1,,'8rit.-fl,
GI.... /1.r-)r'''. . Rulfell (JA.) E. '97, A!JH,}.jlru"
lteid (Joseph) C. 7.6, G/petll,,-jlr. Ru/l'd (Mich.) C.E. "7. A..,;..-}1-.
tReid (S.) K. C. E· ~7. up. StuktJ.-;#. tRutherford (A.) ~. C. ~. IS, HeI..
tlileilly (Mat.) K C.E, 6~, !l?!:tm-jl. ,.;,11,,-;#,.11. -
t Reilly (P.) K. C. E. 7. 8".",.,.b. Rutledge (Peter) E. 11, C"""""'~/I
tRe.,ell & M-Permol, Ko.C.E·J7. l<tRuston(Allcn)K.C.E.64,A_I-./'!
F",,,b.jirttf. tRullton{Tho )K.C.E.64,A""';u~1
tReynell(p.)Jt C.E "8,G,,..iIIt-/l. tRyall ()n.) C. E. 3~. A"",.),. S,
tReynold$ (J.) J.·3 r,ChIl_,-/"1U!. Ryan(D.B.)K C.E.J0"..C"""-I.·ft
tReynolds (R. Y.)·K.C.E 6s, t.v. tRyaa (Oco.) KCE.51.,H.rullrl'f.
Gllr&,,-jlrlll. fl\{Godfrey lltC E 116, E,uh.f·-fI
"'tRice (Dcn.) K.C E. 8,P..Jniei-jI Ryalt(Hen.) C, E. 8,W,P",.,,14tu1-/I
:Rice (T.) K.E. b!lice,1.6,CJ.rr'•• ..JIrtRyan (Jas.) K.E. 10, M_....Prtf'.
4'tRichards(J.N)KCE.lo'Met....~N,Rran (John) E. :1..4, E"dNtplu-jl,."
R,icltards (Tho.) K.C.E. 5~, r.,.J-ji Ryan (John) E. 1.3, P""IMC-flrt",·
tRi.dratdfon {A.) E. 10, G,"'~", tRyaa (Micb.) K.C.B. :3, ~"""-II
Attotnlti~ 111
tRyan (Ph.) :t;. c. It. 6,
H._l1r. Simplon (G.) E. 36, Jla,lej'tJ-jlr;
-taya. (Sam.) Simpfon (Rob.) CE. (&J..s. Pratt,)
-tSadlcir(N.)KCl?.. 4I.M.. rlht.....p. Dep. Serj. at Arms tG COIt.t of
8almOR-(Sam.) It.E. 3 • .tf"gltji,,-jtr Excheqller, ,8, .J>. SIl,j"iU'''jI,.
·fSampfon(DcD)K.C.E.3,St<p.6"gr. o&ice. 3. M_,-Ia".. -
tSandys(D.)K.C.E. ~O,_ D_·jI impwn (W.)C.E. I, PiU1-","'.
Saa4ys(R.) K.C .E.67,gt.llrittJin-jlr tSimmonds (I). )KCE.J,/.Merioll-p
St. Jdbn (P.) K. C. E. 53, J.,."i,..,. tSinclair(Rd.)K.C.E.4:1.,XildtJr,-jl
, -tSt. Jobn(W.)K.CE..30, Frllt".jI tSitce(Hen.)K.C.E.4,GI.u,.for-j1.
St. Le&er (Warham) E. Grll"gt-ltI. ·tSm..U(John) K.E. 4. D."'I.,,·jl.
1"Saunders(T.)KCE ..5.St •.tfnd,......jI tsmith and Cruife, K.C.E. :1.9.
Sa'f~e (Henry) It.C.E. PiII·I_. . Harawi,••-j1rtd.
'tSavate(Tho.)K.C.E·4f BltJ,4btJ.jI. tSmith(C.R.) KC.E. 3' ,M.,fJ..·ji..
tSc~lloD(R..W)K.C.E.:I.,,,'.Shil·ft tSmith(Edw.)lt.C.E.I8,EII./Ia<t.jlr
Soott (B.) C. 33. S. I.t. G....,.',·jl. *tSmith·(EJ)KCE ..41 •.p.Rutl"nJ.,
1"Scott (In.) K. C. E.:I., C14r..jlr,,' tSmith (Ihn.) K.C.E.6,CbaJl&err1.
1"Scott (Rich.) K.C.E. Slt,ben-jlr.., tSmith (J.) C. Ii, Frtn,h·jlmt.
Scott(WIIl.)C•.E. 14. ,,/. lJG1IIink4-jI Smith (Jas.) K.C.E.14,gt.B,ilau.-Jl:
tScllravc(Tho.)KCE6.S .F"deri,;'-jI t5mith (JoC.) It.C.E. IS ,N.Fr.a.",
tsegrne (W.) K. E. :1.7. G".~-jI. tSmith (M.). K.C.E. 71. CII~/-jI"
"tScwald (T.) Le.E. 9.I.I.Sbil·jI Smith (Pbilip) E. 34. GI.jl.,.-jimt
tSexton CA.) K.C.E. 8. GHrg.',-ji tSmith(R.)KCE. 31. H.,-dwi,ki-jlr;
tSeymeur(E.W.)KCE·45,B"u.-. tSmith (S.H.)K.C.E. :l.1,.tf~zkfid
tshadwell (Jo)KCE'4s,..".Jer"i.-,'1. Smyth (Elfw.) E. 1:1., 8. Kitif.·fir.
Sh&nnoa( Charlcs)KCE.20J,KiI.......,. .SInyth (J.) C. 35. B,·.,-jlrtel.
Shannon(Geo.)E.20. CbtJrlemMl-m"IJ tSmyth (Wm. Hen.) K. C. E. ::6,
tSbannen (Jo.) K.C.E.s,MIN"y',-jI IfI'W. Gtlrtlin,r·jlrtd.
Shall non (T.) E. 7. D,rj"e/·p,.,t. SmythJck (F.G.) E . .5. Clartttil.,;-ji,
tShapley (J.) K. 10, C,ler.i/J·jI,.,., (1'.) K.CE. 31, M.lefw.-jf
Sliarplao tA.) K.E. :1.3. J"''IJ;..jl,. Southwcll (H.) K.C.E. 9, D;'gtl-jl.
1"Sbaw (B.) Sec. to Eagle Inillr.lDte Spccr (Joho) K.C.E. 31, C"leJ-jI,..
Co. K. C. E. 2o.J, D""'e-:jlr*l. Spencer (Geo.) K. 3, N.Fr,rJeri"'~P
tSb",w (Ber.) K,C.E. 1"D. .iny.k-jl. tSpiller (John) K. E. 31, C.. pcl-;lr
fShaw (Geo.) K.C.E. 46, S1,pIJ..-ji Spillcr (P") E. J, Tri"i':rJ>"'''.
tShaw (John) K.E. 10, Stephf..jlr Spillcr (S.) E. 58, Bride-fired.
Shea CR. S.)KCf...37,Mok/_rlh-fl. 'potiwood (C.) C. E. 18, M_-I!r
tShca(Thos.)KC. t:.S6.St.pb...·,.g Spligg (Sam.) E. 6, Werlurgb-jlr.
tShee (Oeo.) K. C. E, 2. 7, 1)o,.JtI-j/. tSptmncf (Tho.) K. C.E. Six <.:l~. k
Shegog (In.) K.C.F.. :I.,. BoIJ...·Rr. in ChaR. Offite, llU1...,.oy, .
tShegog (In.) K.C.E. tStacpoc (W.) rc.CR. :1.1, AHg '._ji
Shcgog (Rd.) K. llB, Ca/II.jlr"" tStaines(HeA.)K.C .E.151 •.tfb.,..jI
fSheil(M)K.C.E.IJ7, Dorfo,-Jir Stamea (W.) K.C.E. 33, H,,,·c./l
Shephald (Will.) E. 49, DijMp-jl,. StaDler (Ja.) K.(l.E. u, R.f.-I",,~.
Sb,.cridan (Dan. R.)C. 13. C"pel-jiSteel (Tbo.) K.C.E:'29, Pelt.-}/'.
·.5herlock (Edwolrd) E. ed/t/-fin,', Stc:clc: (HeIl.H.)K.C.Ez3 11,." r-d
tShort(Jona.)K.C·E.3,~"'I·Or-""f/t. tSteele (W. R.) K. C.!,;. Exalllj",·.
Short (Wm.) E. &9/ SI,a.a-.ft"~/. of Witnefses to D",plltrCldd- He.
Simco~lr.cs(Geotgc) E. 8. Fov"'OI"'j m~m. and CI~lk of the C",,;;'.
*fSimcockes (T. M) K.C.E. as· Equity in Ex':. "p. Bagr" -j/'J( .•
N. C"",~.,lanJ-)lr"', ICI,hen, (B. Nun.) I~ ..l0. 11;./,,",.
S"lIUco~kc, (w.) j;~ ~6. Gilid.-jlr,'. StuB.; (Henrr; (;..;i1~ S '~:.' ~-;!.

Attornie8. 173
\-~nDcent ('!'bOo) x.CoP.. 6, c./I"jI tWard(Petet)K.C.E. 9, No g;",.fl
:,;.Nade (Bart.) C.E. 53, 8Ufj/Ha-jl. tWard(Tyrrdl)K.. as,C6",,/_r-:/l.
c~,.wadc: (Hen.) X.C.E. 17, '/'.,.1-/1,. tWatcl(W .R.)K.C.E.146.".B'''~
.!~tW.dc (].) K;C.E. M ..Il.uIl'H tWarc (Bart.) K.C. E.
:~Waldron(ThOo) E. WOIringlR.)K.CE.13S.Ctlf4l-JI'lit..
"Walker(F.S.)K...C.E.6.~_ Warner (Gult. M.) K.C.E. so,
>L"tWalket (Hebry) C.E. 7,r.d-jlruI i_r-IJill. . .
.,,,,,alker(Jn.)K.C.E.44,H'iUi.,_/l. *tWarren (J.) K.C.E. Reg. It Ss:c.
~1'W~dker(J.H.)Jt.C.E.hH"..,"".-pl. to Co. of Appeals, ')7, G,lof'.,..jI
.~ .,.Walker( W.A.) K.C.R .• 8,aar~ tW.u'l'Cn(Rob.jlln.)KCE.19,Jt"'u.s .
~. tW",lkcr (Wm. Lewi.) K. C. E.\Watkin. (Tho.) E. 3. .,.g.',-6I11_ o.•
~ 31t. S/ajforJ-jI,...,. -tWatters (Johnl,K.E.JS. M .."..."
~; +Wall~(e (james) It.E. 64. C"~/-fttWatter.(W)K.C;EI•.rt.G_g.·.-#
,.). Wallace(JOhn)K.C.E. 57. Cap"-jIr. tWebb(ChGordon)KE.I').po-~r
:.J >lftWallue (W. B.) Ko C. Eo 33, Weekeso.a. Step.} K.j8,Willi-./1
:~ . -8;._,..-6;/1. tW~r(10hn)KCF~14,Ga..Jinlr·"'1>1
~ fWal1er (Edw. Aag.) K.C.E. Reg· tWelf (T. Edm.) K.C.E. Law-
'I iRer to tbe Hon. Junite Oiborne agent to the Ray d College of St,
~ ·15, Da."joll-jlrt.,. Patrick, 11, .~. 'T""pt,.Il ••II.
)J ·tWaller(R)K.C E.Solicltorto the tWell (Rich.) K. 13, EJf"t"f'IlI.1'
... 'CommiffioncnoftheRe.ocnae(ortW,,1l (Tho.) E. SOl",. Bri'aiJr-jf
1 the ~uaom', Deputy fecond Re- tWharton (0.) KoC.E. 49, r,IlI
.~ mem.brancer alld Law Agent to Whc:lan (John) E. 6, P,t".·...._.
III Trimty College, IS; DIHllIOII"Itr!tWheeler(F.)K.C_E'')9,MH!!.".-ft
14 Waller (8.) KoC.E. J. H."."..jlrurltWheder(Js.),D",•
" tWa1pole(Fra.)K.C E.3,B~I/:II'Whelan (John) E. 6,
Ji Wdlh(CW.)KCE..lCh.,,'),Arra."jll<twhilller (G.brie!) K.C.E. '4,

'l' Wallb CE.) It.C.E. 57. D __jl,w, S. P..,"'·
", It;~.E. tip. Do.wMi&¥f'White (J.) C. 60, C_tktr-jlmt.

~ Wallh(E.)K..C·1t')5.CNrI~.. tWhitc (Rob.) E 115 M .. t."""-JIt

,\ w.tI1. (H. P. It Hen. L~ Maitll:) ·tlY,hitc(T.j.)KCR 4, /.Gt..jk,.-jt
~ Co B. 65, Grll/l...-j,.",. ,WJIlte (Wm.) K. C. E. Office, 1,
• tWatla{JaI) KCE. U,II/,. 0,...., Jrff•.-britJ.~I.
, tWahli(~bD) K.C.E. 8.~b__ ,tWbitc(W)K.C.E.37,'WiI/ia_flnrt.
i WaHb lj~r.) K••, Pijhaabl.jlrNl. Whitber (W.)E.d,8.g.G,org,',-/1
tWa11h (Mat.) K.CE 6.·/Q_/l" tWhltla(F.) K,C'~9G.or,,·,-pl.
tWaUb(R~.(t )K.C.E.3,c14ru'N'. Whitty (Tho.) E. SO, E>t.MJ.....1l
tWalfb(Rob.)ttE 10...Ga ...r"'....ji Whitton and Smyth, It. C. E. 26,
tWalfb (Tho.),KE. 31, BIIi/ h . Ga,.t!illlr-j1rnt. .
tWalfb (Thos.) It.C.E .•• a..,di..,... tWb1tton(C.) It.C.E. 26. I. Gartl...1
+Walfb (W.) K C. E. 69, Cap,I-)/,' tWhitthorn(W.)K.C ..B4,N.Cop,..jI
Walfb(W.W.) K E.8J~Ia.1'_U.j tWiber tJ.)K.C.E.13,S Caak,.-jI
Warbllr:onl.w.)K.E ~putl'K. ~CPcrftWitdlidgt(Jn')E {(:, S g,.G_g.,-jI
of the ~~cordl In Birlninsham Wildridg~ (W.) KCE I'4,J.,,,,.p
'. Tower I ·.lerk and Keeper of tht tWilkins (c:".lKCE.15i"1)'O....""",.
EDlolmcnts in !'!ankruptcy, 36, Wilkln{on (T.) E. I, M ...«r-/lr.r
MII,Jb",OIl,:-.!Irut. tWillcock. (Ad.) K.C. 56, Captt..jl
iWarburton & J.• ckkln, K.C.E. 36]fWiIlCOCk,U. S) K.C.R. Commis-
M""""'_,.i-jtnd. ,ion er for -taking }\ffiJavitl for
Ward (Fr. Pow.} E.4, Dilflr-JI... Co~"- K'. B. ')4, ,ft. A"~r,
El8lS] . . z -' ,
17 4 .A florni6S, J1.dV(Jtlltes tt Proctors.
W'iI\cO(.ks(Rd. ) K.F.. l1.,C/am'c/."-" jt Wolfe (1on n)K Ct. 44, t)tnDJert-;.f.
t\\ ·illct( H.j.) C.E. l ,gl.Gtorgt's-fi,tWood (Ed,"ard) K . ~ix Clerk ia
Williams (8al l )K .C.E.J 7 ,Mary-j1 . Chancery, Offi ce, 1""1-iUi!ty.
·p'lilliams (j.) K C.E 8,Cb,,·ncer}-I. t WdOd(John)K.C.t::.uo,AM.o,-"Ir.
Wi 'lbm s (John) E. 90, /i riilt-fir ••1 :r Woodky( H ~D. )K.c .E . 69 , E~.­
t \\'illiams(M. )K .C. 'E B.<iinglJam-J t-Woudrolfe .(.JoT. )KCE.? 3, Copd
Williams (R.) C. 2, ~u11lmrr·],ill. tWomIroofe (W.) KC. E . C O .
\(' iJliamfon (Hu;;h) E. Captl-fir" , fOr Affi<favits-, Q!;!eeh' s C ount,. ·
+W iLliamfon (Joh n) K . ~9, Pilt-ID. 19, El)'"fllace.
•tWilliamfoll (\'1.) It. C. E. 41, Woods (Blen. )1£.C.t. 'l.B.D__ . ItT.
MQ(I,..-fir<.t· t Woods (] .) E. <I, HrI""~/irt"l.
"tW illoe (H .) K.C. E. 12,Ma'y·,.a "tWorrali(W. )'KCE( I,P4 riiu"ulft.J
Wilfol1 ( A nd c(: w) E. 48, Brid".fir . YW,·ar (J.N.~ C.E. J41 ,g1.B,.i£o·
t\\ il fon(D;avi rl )KCE.·s,l· Brilarn' jl Wlen (Tho.l E. ~, Da"u-JIruI •
. t Wilfon ( Hin.) K.C.B.7, S .FnJ.-s!. t\\·right.<Jn.) KCE. 44. Gmfi
t W i; !,,,, (joe ) K.C.E . . 78,Abbty-st J-Wright Oo£) K.C.E.S'l..Gra_&,r,.
\\"; 1(.'11 j H.) E. , 48, N . K inC"llr. ~Wrjgh t (Nat. ) K.C.E. ~41He_?-"
tWi l(.lI1 ( Th .) KCE. 48, B ,.ide·fir tWright (t'Hch.)C. E. ,-" AU"I.i..---'
' t W ilfon (Th.) KCL II4 ,Cap. l-jlr. "Vcate~(Rob.) E.40,".d
t \Vil(on (Tho.)KC.1.J, Willimn'JI, Yea (Henrv) Clerk to the R
Wilfon (w.) "IeC E. I I, gl. Ship-SI· In the Pleas side of Ex.. "
l-Wil foh (W . ) K.C.L '1.9. Sltplm,-s Summtr·hill.
\\' ilfi, n(Wm) K .('.E . J 34, N .King-fi "'tYoUI1I!( AI.)KCE.l8.S.G""tt'...
W i (GO~ ' (Cha .) Scc. Term. c a.Jury l YOl1ng( An.}ItCE. 'l. , ,B~reif.,J-j.
Co. Duhlin·, '), ",id. GarJiM,-sl. Young (In.) K. 9, G.,.Ji,..,,.' s.fI-
i \\·"i.O"(j01ll1)K.C.E 1o ,gl .Ship-sl tYoun~(J()hn}K.C.E. ll .Sta.ffi'- •
; \\' (Juhl1,jun.)E · 7 . Pill ~/i r M. Younll (Thoma~) E . 11 7. C"" .1-iL
" p Vogal1 (R ub. ) E. Dep. Kcepe' ltYoung( Walt~r} K. E .IlO. Ber.if."
of the Rol,,". 29. Pdlir-jlrul. tY"ul1g (Willi~lll) E. Sl. G r.jI_
t \1/olfe (jn.)KCE,15.'Trinity-fI",,..1 st,tet.
. ; '1
ADVOCATES ad' PB.OCTORS " Ik· C",m .., »-UUtl,..,
PA2ir.O~IA.t..ftS. ADIIill/t:ALTY, ..,J·C().nn-ou·,

~nirl~ntstr !on.) LL.D. Juc1geI~~cron (1ot) t.L. D. 36, r.,l,I.

ofth~ Admi~alty.· Johnllon (WUlIaJn)L. L. D. . '
lletty(W.) L .L. De Ruila""-.J;ua".Kinchelol (1. )LL.D.SC...;wrr........
BuRte (Chas. Ken.) Ll ..n. 5" .E.t, •.-;M'Corroick(Se,.-ave}LJ.D.A__.J1.t LL.D. :Mahaff'y (Ninioln) L.L.D. n.E",1-jI.
Duigenan (Rt ROD.1>at.) L.L. D.: Moredith{Ren.) L.L.t).18,T"~!i:
. Judge of tllc Prerogative, andPhlpp.rRob)L.L.D·3;T.,.i_uJ
VicPJ''''Ieneral cif Dublin, King·'.R~ddille(JoitQ) L.L.D. I, H ....;f.
Ad •. (1; '11.. ,;'ltll-.flnd. C.l<lgcwa).
(Wm..) L.L.D. 40, 1ur-
EIIi.(W.H)1..I_D 148.i1. 'Bril.;,,·fi.. tfI"'1.j!~,i1.
H ..,,: ill"n (AI~K.) LL.l>. Go,J.-r. mitb( Hoo.Sir"W ~C.Bart)L.L.D.
tbmil~on (R.) L.L. D. 'l5.SI,!/!,mJ-fl.,Turner(W.) L.L.D. 58.SIII_'..)
Hare (M.rk) L.L.D. r",k-jlrtt,.E Vava(uHr {Wm.) L.L.D. 'KI1J.rt-j/.
1Iod"gk intoD· (FraJL.L.D"'1',j"il;:tol. jW:rrd(Satnue1) L.L.D.S l,zI.BI'II.-)
Proct(J1'1 ~ Public NOli/Tics. 175
Pl\ocrORS -J' IIM P"ngMw" """ E.(X''1",jlU4J CQurt,.
I JI:arJow (Will. T.) 6, PBli.-.t-jJ,. I Rogcrs(1obnCookc) s. H,.,iltu.-jI
--.u"~I~~~-~fHcn. f.)4. ,..."" ../lU".
o.ior 0 -• •5, 1I~"'" ~''l'ilI.Y and S.... i{t. 4.:. ~JJi&A-fi"d.
"'-"-ft.) ~3o s. C,........p, WaJ,kor (Wilw} J.""gito-jl,!',. .
Ha"''' f""'l?, 1l-riM/~. Worthinaton
• fu. i'i~~S') U."","",*, . G.ajilll.- flr.t(.
113 •

•. T~ 4f. ~u, ,f tile Law Club. P_t-$Irttl.

,,::ecea w._. .... ( _ ;, i •

:~ '"
Pe"ftU (Dall.) Slt!*a',vr_
Richard~ (Henry) 6, Cf/'4-ilI'tlI ..
Riduudfcoa (W.) '30 hvlMJ-Jirlcl.
WhiICway (R.A.) '3.
s ..
'1 '6 Linen-}tall ~(JClors '" PatIm-brokcrs.
! ArmltrOng (O.R.) 8.BlMiflglOlWl KDe& (Wm.) 25, .,.. Do.. ~ IIrIiII
DutiYille (Richard) 54.Boa-ltreeI Maguire(AJltCo.)Office,58.,B"

Begp, j~ and Co.OIiee, 4, M'Dennott (G.) 51, Li~""
Meade (Mat..) s.~
Bracl,(Jametl) Ollice, 12'7, L{~. M'Kil:mao(Cbarlca) 8.~
Cbamben, Todd, and Co. Ollice, en- Morri. (Is.) 14j.lJerefford-Rnd.
traace olf No FmJ.-IIIr«:t. Nolan and Taatte,· L~ -
<:Iarke (Jamea) 4, Gnl1Iby-row. a:
Ogil'by (lames Son) 18, ~
tlibborn (Edward) 42, r~stnd. Ogilby (Leonard) 14, y. GtwdifttN
CoartIIey (John) OIice. Linen-AoIL Plm (Tobiu) 67, ~-g¥r""Uf.
{;ourtIIeJ (WilIiam) 1, "-arA-hGll-.ur Ri~hud5Oll (ll. T;) 56, B . . .__.,
OriIe(Jtemard8ICo.) 10. Li_-llaU-. Salmon 8t Chriltie; 0t1i~.~1
eGo"'- (John) Linft-ltoU. Sha'" and Carroll, IS, ~..... ~
Dick, (Sam, & Co.) '19. Liwn-hall-lll Smith and Hawthorn, 5. LM~'"
.pn (Pat.) Li_-Aall. . . 8tol;t (Jonas) 20, DOfIli~ .
Gordon (Samuel) ~8, Ihr.-street. Wade (N. M.) 63, BoIt~
HIIU (Ab""'r) Linm-Iwll. William8UobnD.)L2,Merc4aaI'I1-'
Harltneu (W.) 22. D"",mick-llreet. Wolfenden (Eelw. and WJD.) 2, .,.
khnston and Boyle, 69. L Do,nekIf,' D~. •

.. ~:'."

~ (Tho") 7....~,.,.' M'Namara (lohn) 5, Jer'fU.--.

Andenon (JOhD) 16.ft· .f.ongford-lt Murpby (Thomas) 96, C-'e.
.lIun.ier (W.II&.IIl) 12', SteplJetwlreet. E)'Hara (Mathias) 52, King-m-. $.
Bcll{Archibald) IO,.,~Itdpr'· Parker-{Thomas) SlS, JhR_~.
aonham (Eclw.) J99,gt. Brit Perrier (JOhD) 14, Mory'#oltute.,
lHIotb (Hetlly) 4f}.·B;~rt:et. Read (Ri~bard) 24, M~. ,
:a,.,.e (JohD) .Sllt, l'atri~. RichardlOn (Robat) 96. A~.r.
CliflOrd (Daa.). ~6, Nk:lwI4NIred. Sherwin (Wm.) Plate, Watches..,-
CliDtoD (Pi:~er) 19, N. Bow-,street. . Jewels only,6,' Wi!i~
Dilloo{lamllJ) SI~:N..Kiwg.!lreeI. SilDmonl (Roil.) 2. p~.

_ _iD (Tholll'~ 41. rork-#7Wt.

DoIJglue (Richo) SS, MeatA-rt-net Iator (R.odolphas) lOo Jt-.-u.
l)anA (WilliaJ!l) IS, PAtmiz Spencer (Samuel) 4, C_p«/IIk.
prinr (llic:hard) 75, FlCICciNtrtltl.
l'euto&{JAteph) 8,' '/1. StephenSOD (John) It, AadmNttWt.
P~-lJoho) J.O. .QG~. Tracy (Tbomaa)-',,Kemwdy'HIM.
1iIHT~(T~) !l9, ~-lIreee.: Venables (Peter) 4, U""'MI/atd.
flell4er.on(l!:dw.) ~5• ...M,.,..
HlUlter. (J. . .) &,~•.. :
~all (Luke} A M~N""
and 27 Bolton...... ..
Hples (~"'D) 11. 7;"rg~', Wlilsb (E1babeth) 127. F"'1IciI1b'.
M'Corm"t (HelD.h) 5,-8••~. Wa!sh (Peter) I. T~ E.
M'Gregor (Gt'OJ'ge) 89, Bride...,._ Ward- (AD.e) S, H_hru'~"'"
IiI' (JlNepb) 61, SkittnlM'Olll. Whitcraf&(JobD) 18, T""p/foI.Inl/.
IMorporated by RoVAr;CB&aTU, December IS, 169a.
. . . . - ~

a.)IJ..~' C F E i. LOW S. LJnnl&TlI. .

Wi* PUIJDaNT.· • . Dr. o.nie18ry8O,lI, A...".,....J,..
t(G.}!/i Dr. Wm. Hancy, (PhyftCian Ceae- Dr. Thomai Bell" I •• T.,.II-jlr.
1t.1J,li ftll 3, N.". "-,l,.jlrm. r. J_I Marrar, CN,'-t-jlr.
I~ Dr. &tw. HiU,(Repas ,ro~e(fQl'.o Dr. Bart. DiIIoa, IS. /(Ji~.
ui~ Phyfic, T. C. D.) 8,1I~".."·,fi,. tOr. W. . Dreoaao,
F.u. Hopkiu., 130, /hu--,fi tOr. In. Pcn..... -t6-. M_,~~'
.1. &"•
.1lr:1 Dr. Area. PeUilicr, M_,,-h. Or. Wm. Brookc,lli.N. C...«rI..jI
.r;K, Dr. Jas. Clegborn,(SlIw Phy.jeian) Dr. Whitley Stokc~ S. P.T. C.I).
11,,,, si, .RrJl""ffu,,n, N. . u, c.II" ..
,!1:' f'Dr. A.tbony Gilholy. 1lH.J. Dr. A. Jlckion. 16" G."""i-f/..
ItI,j .. Dr. D. MUll Kinz, R"t/Jr_. Dr. Wm. Stoker, .8, r~l;ft.
jJ,:I.' Dt. Tbo•• Hcrbcrt OlpCn. 13,S. Dr. Dnid .Ledwith. 11',"./...4.
iloe,~ F,..JrrW.jlNd. Dr. Tho. Mills, 4I,Dt.IIJil.jI,.~
,r. Or. JII. C"n,a. Trea{brc:r to thc tOr. Hua!\ Ferlofoa. 6z,8«1W1k,f
~JJiIi Fands of Sir Patrkk Daan,6J. Dr. Ja.Jo': Bark.. ..,•.RMtIaI-/,....
,E""'IIf'UI'-J1,.,,'. .
Dr. Js.J.Leaby,c-Jw, ss,Mar/l.:l, Hfliit J , · ·
1>&aI. Bell Llbatt. ~ia,.;,.
. . .
Dr. G. Clarke. 47, B,itJ..;1,.,'.Dr. Graat Dayid YeaIIe•••..,.",.
Dr. Peter Edward Mac Loughlin, Dr. ADd. Armftroa. ,.",.,.~".
.o':'"--"b"""'Ir;-1I;· MiIIrIlI t'hIrdlMr-jJ. t)r~ Hcarr B~·!IJ.....
MI/II"'jor«Jfl./J"" S.,hoiJU.jlrwl.
-Cr. Geo. FnDk. Toddclkk. r;" Dr. James MacaIIe, SS.Ma....~"
P"fult",-' C.,y.I', 'J.3.S":ffoll.jl Dr •. Eel. Perccnl, 'al. ~,_.
Dr. R~b. BrecIia, C,'II", 3 2.1'NIiP tOr. J. c. DOIIJ\aU. S9t,... BriI.,."
JI~.: Dr. Pal. Slwker. c.....
pr. Too. Tay)or, a../o" ~7, B4g- r. Tbo. BarD6dc. I,. N. S"""./1r
• jot-jlrwl. ." Dr. Root. R.eUl, 16, ~..,....
Dr. Sam. Litton, R-tijl"4IftlC.'nfo,.. tOr; J. Gahagaa, 11, lA GtI,~ft
and Lltt.,,, OII·N•• PUJ9ophy;tOr. 0cD. Maa~II, 3. G,,~ft •
. .. tit, DaMi. hjJilllliIIII, 9. YorAfj Dr. Nichola, Archer, KiIft,~.
'.' .. HOlfOa&U FaLLOW" Dr.'Chrin.TecHul,66,~.f
Dr. Cha•• W. Q!!in, FitO:'UliIIiut-{f. Dr. John Cbey.c. F. L S. Eo ~J,
··Dr. Rob. Pe~tcyal, .KiI"""'·/I"", . .EJ,.,.u.,. .' .' ,
. Dr. JnW.Boytoll.16,b...wcl.ji,Dr. Richard Rr.D, s. Cl_fir.
· Dr. JolIn (''rampton. [King', Prof. r. Patritk Harkao, 40, s.tmIIt-{t
01 Matcrla ~Iftlicall: Pharmacy,] Or. Fllna. Duanf, .""'IIof'1WI.
: I 'a, G",tIi_', ' . John Boal kc. 36, C-I......,.
Dr. Th. EPIl. F.LS. 10, 8.&;"'••-./1. • JoIa.O'llc:.udon.
· tOr. Ja..Cbrke<, 4 ... RwtI""""I'I. Dr.}olIn O'8ria, 8. Gr'ff_,t,.,
Dr. '·Arthar SaDnders, L"",m". tDr. John "n,Ca__W-.
·lk.Waltcr·Wad<>, F. R."S. 740 ",. Dr. ltobt. Lloyd, 1, FilfIIIiII"-}f.N.
Dorfo·J"". .' Dr. Hear, Ed_ 'Jt1If. IS. T,,,.ojIr.
··,nr..-Martja Tuomy, .1'-',. 8, FmI..jI Or. Aa. Nlcholl.. N_..
Dt.·FraL Barker, u;·IttcU. B4,,.,' Dr.llichard Ora".., &3. F"ntJ,..J.
· tor. Wm. AllmaD, :&7 • • "+'" r. JIII1C1 Clarkc, ..I1rotMI.
fDt. Tbo. r::,urr, 2, Rrt,Itmt/-ff' R. Dr,JII. a,'me. 57, S",h..·.."e..
Dent;3tl ~ Siirgeons. 1'f9
Da.Tis'r'5. '
JotC'J?h Barralet, '8, Dn/:ilh-Jlrtd.\Wm.Ha4lbIl. MP;~3,
Robert Il, lake, M.I). 19. Wi/li",.ojIr J. F. Keli" T.e.D. 35. W(/I_rl.-jI
J. Rvtt• .r9,lJa;"".jlrt,t. J_hll Mc. Cle&ll, Ior,:Cfllltl-llrcer.
Ed. H'udfun, M.D. 40. Grq/t.";'ji Edward mitky, 2.1, lI"MfI,t..jl,.
- - - - , . . . ; . . . - - . : . . .-'-" - ... " ' , • 'I' "
" ' OcClnoJST. "
J. "R.taU, Med.

Dirte. oft1ie NatiODaIEye-infirma,.,.,:t. "'i~/.
'.. er' (.
180 SurgeotU.
Ho.aa,UT MEM.~*.
Her. Wit.... F~L S. ~ElilkJiitI.
LIC • • TJATZI. ',(
ArmftralJf, Robert Y. Dl-itiid· I.ittlc. ThOl. ~.D. ~""rln-i~
.4~in .. lfJng.oIc MJJow. Mulvey, Fetrall. '
Bulks, Pcrciul BMU. tMaginnis. John M.D. La-« • "~
tBcU, WiUiam 81i".. Macadam. Gcorge MD. ~"""'I'
.rgefs, Richanl Q,1IGrln-,. M·,a, a. r.A-}lr6d. .
.~cl. fIoL O'C0!loell. Maxwell, :lach. ' .
Byron, Luke M.D. K,lh. rmIDy, Pet.(StaIf'SlIrg,) SI;z...
1Io~.eU, Alllb rofe, W ...fonL Ovenden, Char!.:s E."!fAiII... .
Browae. John. O'OonneJ. John !t.""rtw,. ,
lIarJo-. Robert M,d.,.... to'Hara. Henry R";I.' I'!fi,...".
~tcs. Tbol\l&$. _ O'Malley, Jame. Jl!!!-".
~rulllp, WWiam 1~!~ Tr"lN.
eaRIc, A.drew •. ,
'Beirne. Jame, a·...".
rarkinfo'n, aa~ , ~..r1_
c;:lukc, John Free!. a-I"", Patttrf.. n, John Al,~
~I •• Joho tJlIIIIIoJJ.. PAck, ThOmas ~'''''
~rmichad, Hugh !t1lQr~", Porter, Wm. Hen ll.S.FrttkrU¥
CHlI"onl, Henry Q,,,,,rt,,,.'. Robinkm, Richard C........
Dubnrdicu.. Sherd L""Ifo'~ Ro~"'n, Frmcis 8traMJ"•.
l>uggan, Jama .IIu"lf.r-II,.". }toner, 1'bom<ls K;II,',II1.'~ .
!)aunt. Henry, Graj'loitNlr",. _' tllyan. William MO• .IIr_f.6. '
DanieU; Michacl RaggPI-fi,ut. . Ilcccl, Tholllas Q,,,,,,",.,.,.
Freeman, DinpeU BI(Jr.. _ ,Rohinf'on, John N"" ___"·~.
Icrgut"oll. JObD Thomas SIi,.. 'SCOCt" Francis ~.r1n"i.
Graham. JameJ M. ~~,t.,.. , 'Smith, Thomas M.n. FrcIJ,w
Grattall, Copeland C."H. (/,IItzrt,,1o tSimpfOD, Ch&rlc:l R./___
Heath,Nk. Wm •.'ljr"!f.rd..-811ZM1 Taylor, James ~UlZrt'''.
HClDphill, )o1)n ~IJ. ;Thwaitcs, Juhn S. L;"'~
tHopkinl. Frands B,a, :Towen, James &1ft 1.... .
tHattwell, Jas. Ih'UJlfllltri&1. iWhitefione, Luke White !ft...,.",.,.,
HaU, Samael Au.g;.r-JIred.Woodroofe, John loll D. CerA.
Halahan. S. Handy .t.1I4rt".. _:Wall, Chriftophe .. Ed.alll.
Jacob, Arthur,M.D. ' jWhite, Francis S. AIUll-lIfWI.
Keanicy, WiIliam•. , , , :Wilfon William. .

EeriD, Jame.S. ,I. c-z,o,-1/rwI.

KaDe, Henry B. M.D. C.j1lthr. ,Wallace, WilIiau: No Awkrld-jlr.
,Young, Jame. M. DMtpf. , :


Under the ~ of the Coat of Balllinert o£ the toy:.1 CoIJe&e
, , of SurgHal' in l!"elan".' "
Anatomy 4" PA!}si., RiehUd DbSe~ M. D. and A. CoUe., M. ~
17Ie0'1l Gild PrGclia of s,,~ .R" Dnse, M D. and A. Cou's, M.D.
, , Practice of PA!llic, J. Cbeyne, M,D. F.R.S.l!:- .
, SlI.t"gicDJ PiuJmt.Gcg,te- A. l.ohnston. Etq.
. ' Midruffery, lohoCrelgfiton, X.q.
IIfJtarjY. Wa~t W~ M.. D, ,. R., S.
Surgeon$, ,.Apotl1ecaries, ~'l'. IS 1
'the Annual COI,lr8t& of Ledul'es commence 011 the last Monda;
in October, at the Theatre, Stepnen'.-green, and all, except Botany,
t'et"min~te in the first Week of May.

Practical Anatomy, under the diredion of the ProCessOrs of Anatomy

and PhyslOlogy,an4 Mr. Todd j by whom Denomination. are deli:>
.. ered'daily; during the Setalon.
The Medical Offiteu of the Army ahd NaVf are prlYileged to"
attend ihe Coii~se. of Ucllnei. Grati" .

¥ ..

Mmfirong (RG.) is,.p. Do,.;"lcl-fi flreland (It. 8.) Mem. of the R. C.
_le (TltOmis)M,O, 68, at,plm.- Sur,; London, 41, .tal/,f-III,.,t'
jI,.". ' '. , M'Ca.tney (JUleI)MD. FLS. FR~.
tBoyle (Phillp) 70, M'III/,-fI,.,,', MRIA. Pr.feaitr of Anatomy'
BfrJle{Wm,) ,,~, PrvJI"-firHt. aDd Surgery, TCO. 6 Lu/..-jlr.
tChartres (Geo.) 57. Jtruil-firtt', tMorrifon (Thomas) ~. EIIjIII,,-jIr.
Clarlte (Sir A.) M. of the R. C. O'Briert (Wm.) 31, Britlzrfool-jlr.
8I,lrgfl)na, London, and to Nan tO'Reilly I(Mkhael DeJe) .MoD.
DepartmeDt Dublin, 44, N. 1.'. IS5; Cal.,...""tI. ' _
, G••rg.'l.jir«t. . " Poett (J.) M. of)he R.. C. SnrgeorsSt
Doylo'(Jolhn} 14. Ujbtr "if1-l.
j ' London, 49, Char/n.I1tfI·fir",.
-Drury (Fredel'ick) 3; Sllll.bop.-firllflltedmoiul (Dents) i6, .;IjlfIII·,"f*I'1.
+Er(kine (Thomas) 3, r.rl-J'r...,. RobertfoD (James) 3, Mar"-firttl. .
+Crillitb(Malthew) 91 EuRizt»jlr;", Rourke (Richard) 73. C.J>.I-flrttl.
Healy (J05.) MD. 140, A6fN,-fin". Ulller (Thomas) ~,D~~gll-fi,.Nt. '
tHiad. (jaJ.r) 7. Wa,..r,-biU; Wright (T;) zt' 8blJ>-fl,.",.


THE Subfcribers to wbich \fere Ineorponted by All otParJlament
tn 119', for t,he Purpofe Of' regnlatlng the Ptofellion of Pharmacy ill
l,etand,. IIttl1 ellllblilliing a Hall in t>ubtili Cor the Sale 01 .imple and,
compound Medieines, witich Ire chofen 'rid ptepared Dllder the Infpee"
tlOft*'~n cOIt.t-or,Dlretlor., arrflually ele6e1l OD the 1ft Au&-

GfJ'IJ".bt. .,' tailia,=9'aftt,

Jo~ ttotme~, ,_ _" ., ' ~ Ccorge Kiernan, HNlf.rjlrttl•
.~ ,1>'I'*fj Gti'I'trnlJf". . Dan. Moore. 8. Illlit ••j1red. '
Nafh. Craven, D"~ll"'-firtt', ':John Wm. Moote, Si A __fl,tel.
, " , J}J~.t;'>rl. Anbut Savage, M~allJ.jlrut.
W~. AtlllAron" Ma'rjl"II •.. l'homu St~ker. gt. Britai_-jl'HI.
WiIliam CaflagtJaa. . , . Cb.rJ~, Willial!ls. Cbarb.",-jbwt.
JoIil& M'Alpine.:., ; . ; John ,Ullier, BII}fJl-jlu'l.
Johl: Giffard, Ffl~",iJJlil_finn.', <]',,II·,,,
atrd 8,,,,-.,,,,.,.
1jh n Hal\iQ~'• Wm. 'CaUallhan, 31, MO"Tjlrltt,
. [II1J.~J ?A -
182. Jj('an dmi Cltopfer 0/' Cltrist-C1Uffdl., ~""C.
• . DIGNfTA'lIts. , ~
1',,,,. nt. Hon. & Rt. Rev.C_ Lindfay,Ld. BiOlop of Kildare, Gl.•..-.
f:6.",.r, Rev. John Rohinfon, A. M. ,
f6all"ll.t, ltev.Mi'. BrO.wnngg, A. M.> •
""Qfu~lr, key. Dt:rn Itlchal'd Allot, D,D. Rtipfj~~.
,A"htltll'Gn of Dt.61i", Rev. James- Snlitin, I). D.
SI. Mhha.I, Re ... Richard 6,ave&:D. D. S. ·F. T .. i:. D. Ct>/I~~.
Sr. 1\-I;'6a,,'., Rev. John Rowle)'; k. M. 30, Ga;din.r's-,"'. e.
St. 7.6", Re •. Thomai'Smyth, L.L. D. 50, Sa,J.",iI!e-j1r~~I.
fte ... Charles G. Olborne, Dean's Vicar,sg; S. A""c-jlren.

John Parlr.iMod, Mar. D.

nev. John Bayley, Dean of Killaloe, Baggot-{lrr,l.
NIr. Thomas Mathrw,. Mr. juhll Spray. '
Si, ,ldllll A.. Stcplleilr..n, Mu!. ..,.
. _allA-IrIlVe, Mr. William Warren, Grufl.njlred.

~:unpron t: ..rtl!~, ~t1'f. D, '

~r. Ro!*rt 'HooptY.
8]'1'1'£1'.' Atuw:sJo
Mr. H,umpllry
Ml'. Dnid Wcyman.
Mr .. EIjW\ltd Mbtray. Mr. Rublllt J.,ti'.
).n·. WUtill. Malet_
, 1I10NIt'ARltS•
.Jkh.. RrY. John W~ ,Ke:lting,D.D. IJetnf~'1 K..,i,,-f/ml.
€hatrl.,., Hon;and Rcv:. Rithar~ PC!>nfonby, A.M. GdfdittR-.!Irttt•
.CbolueU.r, Re ... Hofea ObillltefS; f..L.D. B"lgol-jlrltl.
<J'rltljflr,,.., Re ... Thoma, 5.nyttt, I .. L. D.·so, Sad'UiJlt-jlrtd.
Ar,hJ..II&01t of ~Mi.., )tet.. James Saurin, D. D. Filtwfllia-flJUil"".
Arelllhc. of GlaltrJ./agh, R·e ... Jame. Langlillle,. A. M. N.w,aft",
C.UUIII, His Crace Eufeby•. L,rd Archbilli.0p.of' nl/blil!'
SI. AlldOl", Re ... ·Tltotbas Cl'adock, L.L. B. Mrnfo'. lifrary.
~"""'4I, ft:e ... Heflry Letllax Wallb" L.L D: ,
UF;'Ho'W,llet. R'oll'ert Baylis' DealtrYr L.L. D. Widf..,,; .
<.Ti1Mlboll. ·Re... Lath~\TI CGddiogfon. A. M. St.plm"-inm, R.
61't1trtzau~ Rev. John G:raftt, A •. NI. !f1fu,t1-bridz!.
Ra,.tfIi&I;tlI!. Noft. and Re •. ltdmund K.Jlo~, A. B.
Mallahi/hart, Rev. R'obe.rtTruell, n.D; Cl;'..."",."", W;'k/oU'.
<J'ipp,,. .. Re •• ThOlnH Tacki:~, ·A. I'<l. BltjJiirg.._.
<J'".ffat.""d, Re.,.. 'CHrills; A. M. M,nio"·J9uar,.
CaJllm••It, Rev. Gtorge COIlDOr, A. M. Cafll",,'"
DII,,!6fJ;", Re'.., Monte M'orgaa, A. M. N./.fo.·fl,,'"
, MaY"",6, ~ev. Tnol'ns Tifdan, At, M. Da'W,.-jlnl'f.
H_I", Rc.... John Lewis, A. M.1".r4-]l,.".
6/."",ak".d, Hon. and Re ... John Pometoy, A. M. Mtriolr-"J'*I'" N.
CI"'III</6un, Rev., Thomas Rndcliff'e, A. M. S"pb",',-grtIfJ. .
'.17l1i "Aro""., Rev. John I'1radlba\\J. A. M._lJ~io,*.··t*.".
IJ."'g'-ore, R~v. E<!ward Ryan, D. D~
Stag.,jil, Rev. Michael Sandy., A. M. If"allr;"'. Bra,.
1...,"', RC\'. \Vm. H. l~ville. A. M. n""fi">gi!ilh
.'Chapter Q[ St. Pstric7., ~·c. 183
Roger Ford, A.M. C",,,,(in. I

Rc"a·!4ndcoclJ, DDja,Ma,lb...,' Rcv. G. W.

Hon. jl1i~ Rev. Mlurice Mahon.
Cott~m, Willi4111-jl,tI!.
Rev•. Thps.R. Cra<lock, L..L.S. A. M; Qcap's ¥jCilr', JrIa,jh', Lih..,,'Y'
R~ ... RobleFt Halldcock. D.D.ChaPtor·s Vicjlr, sa, Madh.,outh-j1".,.
Hon. lU'Id Rev; lIa;wrice lJ!ahol\., Chancellor', Vicar, 703. B4ggDl·flmJ.
aev. John Fitzgerljld. A"M.·s ;Vicar.
Rev. Cf"jgus,irwin, A. M. Ar.chdclIcoti of Duhlin·s1'{icar.
Mr. Robelt Hoopcr,·,ArchdCilCon of Glalll!ela&h's Vic~r.
Sir JQ"'n A. StephenlOn, MIlc'J!I. Prebendjl!y of fi~Qrds's Vi.:ar.
John Parltinfon, MuC, D. Prebendary of Wicklow's Vicar. .'
1\I1r. Tho. Matho~IIS,Pleb4:ndaries of Vagoe and Mailahithart's :Vklr.
,Il.e... C. G. O~ne.A.l\4. lInd Mr. H'lInpbn:y J!l~van, Vicars ef.lhe
.- Prebendilrie. of fJo~th and CloDnlt:thljl).
J.'Jr. John Spray.,Vicar of the Prebep~ics of n.tlllavin and MaYllOQth.
SampfunCarter, Mur. D. and Mr. Dallid Wc,man, 'Vicars of,t~c
Prebendaril:s of CaateDOI:k and ~thmj~iIfI).
hGI~TIUl,W~ .1). l.l.oo~, 3, H~·.A,.,.t.
PUBJ.IC LlaaNt~ ft-" V P"-!, B ..... OlUI/S· MAR_R... .
Li6,.IUUzII, Re ... Tho.Crar!ock, L.L.B.· } L~
Lil,.t:,iall AJlijJa".I, Rev. Tho. R. CradQCk, 4. M. I ''1'1'
8pcn fr.em 11 to 3 o'.QIock .~h J)a.y,Sullda7s and l:lpJida.y$ ..~~ted.

Ml)lISTERS • .cU~AT~S au.cNPRCH- W AR-DENS if 'hI ,..,,"~

Ch",.h., and Chap,I,.
P ...ilh of S,. • .A.N·DREW, AlJd,..",-jl,.i.#• . Vicar, Re... WiIliam
~rne, A. M •."...C!lratc:s-affillant, l1,ev. James Nc:.ins, A. M. ;.4.'
"".""_.II,.",.and Rc.... GeMge Blacker, A. ·M. C"'f.g.-",....._Churcb.,
wardens, 'Edw. B"tler, l;,.p.,,·jI,.,u, Jas. -Kelly,W#~t••TlllnJ-jlT. an.,.
John Keeno, Da.i-jUIe,...,..,.-Clerk, Lanr. Fowler, 45, ~""-"'.I'I.
ST. ANN~, ZJI''UI,tJI-jI"". Vicar, Hon. IUld Re ... John B OIIl el4f'.
, ,.~ M. MukJn-''1I11W'l N.--Cnrates-affillallt, l1ev. Wmiam Annellef,
Mokfw.,.tl.p".t,and Re ... G.· Wm. CottPn, Wi/J;IUII-j1,ttt.-Churc,""
wudens, I Ridlard Cane, "a.v/_jlrm, and Qeorge Eagle, Gr'l/""-
jt,.,' .....,Vellry and Parilh Clerk, Robert Ce.ldwcll.
ST. AUI;>OEN, A"J.."·I-/,,,h, Prebendary, Rev. T.. 'cradodl, LLB.
},(a,jI" Li6,.a,-" B,iJ,-jl,,,, ~u~t,e-aJft.llant, Rev. T. Cradock, ill'"', Li6,-a,.,.-Churclt-:wattlens1 William P.r~s, Ujl>tr',-f!J,Jlld, and
Richar~ Haye•• 3<i., 19~"'· 'B,.iJg"~P".'. Clerk, JafeJlb pm,
Sr. BRlpGEl', Bride-,P,,,t. Curate, Rev.-Peter Lefat»l, 4. M. I r,
·CbDrk....t-jlrttl,-Curates-affiAaot • .tlev. R. Dlury; A: B; p,·/.,-j1r"J,
and Itcv. T. Klngibury, A.~. IS, E~,.plact,.,....Chprch-ward"p.•. Gep.
ir... in, B.iJ,-jlr. and Simon BoiJe.iu, Brid...ft.,.. CLerk, Mr. Bramble.
S'!".CATHEUINE, 'l"h...a,-.fl. Vicar, Rev. Arthur Knox, A. M.
-Corates.allillaru, Re,.. J. Stubbs, A. B. B!fo'/,''p,,,,, and Rev.
W. Whitela,w, 'JQ,..,·,-jlret' •...,.....churcl1.warde~s,James North, N"v-
, ....., and R. Starr, EQrJ-jl''''.-C1erk. J, Spalrow. ,
~r. G·EORGE, HarJ..·ide.pltlet. R'el\or, Rev. Wm. 8IJBte, A. M.
-Chlltw-warolen5, N. Donovan, Efq. M.""tj0rA"a", and CO"" •.
),4aync, fiar,JiwiC/;:, pltJCI. Cierk) l'~trick Jord~n .704, D~'f'-jlrut ..
.18{. ~/;ni/lers~ Curates and Church-lVardenr.
Chapel of 81'. GEORGE, '1"-II'-jIrwI. Chaplain. Rev. J. Barker.
A. a. C~Jr", N.,,6.
ParUh of 81'. JAMES.1-,,·,../I~. Vtcar, an. James Watcn,
,_. '_',.",m. Church-warden I. Joho CoIlio. 119• ..,. ,,7_,,',.
/I,NI, and Samud Duob.... DJt!>i"·..t.,,,. Clerk. Thomas Hooper-.
s.... JOHN. S~k-Jr,'" Prebeoury, RCT. Tbomas Bmy''',
LLD. jO. 'MWN"'~.-Curate and Lc:tbIrcr, Re.. Mattbew
ileaccr. A. M. F~fi,.-Churc:h·w.lI'd~n'. Jamel MoIiocuKo 6.
$.I'nr-IriI". and Robert Fletcher. Ji./fnt.lritl,.. Clerk. Geo. Har"CT.
ST.l.UKE, C"". VIcar.RCT. W. O'Connor, A .... Wim-.jlr_
Curat.alJjn~t A: Valcan Lctlurer. Rev. J. RobinWn. AM. Cufj,..jl.-

4--1"", Clerk. John 6. H._. .)"".

Church-wardens. ~obert AtkioCon, 110. c....H. aod J. M'Cormict,

ST. NARlt. M~i-ji,.,. Vicar. lie". Clinus Irwill, A. Mo

Grofl--.I""- Carate. Rn. WUliam Barber. A. B. W.jlt".., ...-
Charcb-"udco., John Lamprey. W.j/_,Ithul-H,uI, and Wm. SOlidi.
'I~,m. Clerk. Thomu Edmoodl.,,",
ST. MARY. M"",.j1rul. Reaor, Rey. Wil1Um Dobbia. D D.
r;'"lIji-CuratCl-allillaot, Rey. WilllamWalker. A. B. 40. M.".
,/hwI, aDd R." WillWn Gregory. M"'rfi,.,d.-Cburch-wardc:ns,
,Jo4b_ Kamey. 49, H,.,,,.fi,,'" and James Sutton. D.o;.il1i:-jl,UI.
Clerk, lames Peace.
ST. MAR¥, BMt.;I>reeI. Rc". Ar~hdcacon Jas. 8.wria.
D. D. Carat_IliRaut. Re ... Gcorge Wogao. A. M. DOII,?brot.l.
Chape) of ST. MATTIiEW, RI"l,ftIi. ehaplaiu. Rev. Robcrt
JlaU, A. B-
ST. MICHAEL, Higll-JI,wt. Prebendary. Ret'. Richard Graus,
D. D. S. F. T.e. Rev. Henry Savllge. A. B.'I,
. M"-,l",--'.-Charch·,.rdcn.. 1ames Saul, 4, lIig6-jirul. iPd
WiUiam Dilloa, 17. N.p.jtm,. . '.
'81'. MICHAN. ClntrJJ-jlrm. Prebendary, Rc ... John
A. M. S~.-Curate5-a1IiRant. Rc ... Piers Gamble, and RcT.
Mr. Herbert, Y'!Pry.-Chan:h ...'ardens, Samuel Smitb, tJr.0IIIi"f1U],
and.joCeph White. A"""l.,,·t-mlrt. Clerk. W. Lockycr.
ST. NICHOLAS WITHIN, NulHlilll·firtd. liceto., Rc,". JOOm
Bradfhaw, 6. s.u...r-_.-Curate Re•. lames WiUOn. T,;';t, WI"tf,
.....chaplain, Rev. Wm. Hamilton. A. M. SS.
WlII'Uas, JohD Lee and Rkh. Enois, SA"""'",.,.-Glerk. In. Pcdlcy.
Sr.NICHOLAS WITHOUT. P",rid-flr_', Curate. an. Latham
C.ddington. A. B.-Curatc-alIiClant. Re.. JQhn Lcsablerc. A. M•
. '3• .6l,."..,......Church.wMdebs. D""id Mullen, aod JoCcph CblI.
FI'~ji'"t:-Cler", ChriRopher Alien.
Chapel of ST. PATRICK.-Frencb·chun:h, P.,r.ilP.-dop. Cb.p'
lain Ind Preacher. Rn. John Lctablerc. 13, EJ,-p/4u.
FRENCJ{ CALVINIST Church. PIl_jiurt. Rcv. lCue Subre.
~ont. 66. ~·fi"".
DANISH and GERMAW Lutheran Chllreb, p..u.,-jl,Nt. Bcf.
Ocorp Fr._rick &chuln. . ,
ST. PAUL. Xbtz-firwl. Rellor, S;II,.,ael MlIrray, D. D. I. H..
n.1I.-fin«,-Curate-a1l'iaant. Rc... 'Henry Campbdl. A. B. 116. /'h.lfi...
,.I,....-Cburc:b.wal'4en., Gcorge Whitakcr. 40 S..,rllclt-,jIau4 W•
• '''ft,IJ~U.II.,.rtMl" Clcrk, WillUm ldaf,Cc,
Min!Jlers, Curatel and Church-Wardens,8;)c. 185
. ST. PETER and KEVIN, A,II'li.....jl,..'. VICar, Rev. Ja&. Saurin'
D. D. An:hdeac:on of Dublin, Filzwi!Ji••. ,'fU'1"" Curates-i&IIi,tant.
'Rn. C. Robert Maturln, A. M. and Rc •• John I.e,.,is, A.1t. 'Y'D,I.-jlr.
-.Church-wardens, JOI. Ridgeway, Har, .. ,,-jltwI.
aDd J. Farrcn,
rDTt.-j1"". Clerk, l'rancisRobinfon, L,,_lIred. .
ST. THOMAS, Marl""'-gIJ-.!Imt.
. Rel\or, Rcv. Arthur Mc. Gwire, A.M. 44, M.clltJI6.,gt.-IIrut._
,Curate-afliftant, Rev. J. Fea, A. B. 19, S _.....hill.~Re..d~r, Rc •• 1.
A. Coghlan, IDVI. Ga,tIi..,...str,".-Cliurch-wardens, John Norman, ~7,
.6..uwU,-,'reel, and M. Smith, M«IIntft,,"-lIruI. l)arllh Clerk,
Charle, llooper, ;)4, M.,~h-,trut. VcRry Clerk, and Clcd, of
Uie Registry, W. Harricks, 6.1. Ma,II"JrtJUgh,,,,.,,,.
ST. W ERBURGH, W"bu,h-jlrut. ' '
Curate, Rev. HoCea GuinneCs, L.L. D. R~lland~911tlrt.-Curate..
• /!i(lanr, R.ef. Rob. G. WhiRler, Ca,/I,-.!I,ttt, and R.ev. John Whitley,
'(;oIleg,.-Srernc', Catcehetical Lcllurcr, Rev. Mr. Lloyd, Cell.,..
_SouthweU's Le&rer, Re.. Gro. Miller, F. T. C. D.-Chnrch-war.
dc:ns, S. HefheringtDn, C_jill.jJll,', I6JId Rkhald GcoghegaD, Cq/lWr.
Clerk, Jame, FoIier ~elItJe

LOaO-MAYOa, 4LDEa~.N, SUERIFFS, and SHElurr.-pl:l:a ••

Ill. H.". LortJ,MtilJ'D', 10HN CLAUDIUS BuurollD, MtiI~,a/~~•

.dlil,.""", I. rOOllJ of ~f"J.rally. , EkaJ.
lirW.Alexanderj3t. R. French, KlI1g, 7".. '9, '779
John Exlbaw F, fethtr(loD, narragh, .11-[a,. 2.6, J78J.
l4enry Howifon, G. WrightCyn, Grerne, Nov. 19, 178S
Hen. Gote San~. Edw~rd S~nkcy, Greene April" Its.
John Carlctoll, Sir Anth\>ny Kiflg, Alcock, S.p'. ' '4,17'7
Samuel Reed, Patrkk Boyd, [,lI.lbdW, ,~., J, 1790:>
. Thomaa Andrews, William DUlln, Howifon Se",. '2.8,179"
. Chatle. Thbrpc, R. Smith, Sanker, Sep,. Ill\. 11911
ltichuJ M~nder5, Nath. Warren, \Vorthington, 1an. 29, '796
Meredith Jcnki.O, T. Emerfon, Worthington, 81'" II.~, J 791';
JoCeph Pe91llertoD, Thomas Truclock, Andrews, 00. 30,' 793
" Hugh Trevor, Thomas Greene, Andrews, F,b. 4, '79'
AI~x. KiTkpatrick, Jofcph Lynam, Anclrew$, )1,1", '5,1799
Frt:derick Darky, John Sutton, Eidhaw, 1I1a,. 7, ISOO
Sir W. Stamer, Bt. Henry BeYan, Exlh .. w, ju,:! 1, 1800
Nathanid Hone, W. Liehtburne, Hutton, N_. "5, J Sal
\V. Henry Archer, Jacob 'Pool", Hutton, i'<I",. 16, J 804
Abr. Brad. King, 1.lIndy Foot, Jenkill, "'fc". 30, .805
Jobn ('alh, William lames, Pcmh,rton, '1... 'J, ,807
J. C. Berelford, H"nry HuttoD. Trevor, F,6. 26, 1808
Robcrt Shaw, Jas. Vancc, D... ley, D'(e 11, ,808
N .... Bloll.hill11, Thomas Fleming, Darley, A_:. 11, '180?
John Alley, HUllh Crothers, Stam~r, A;ge '0, ,8&..
Thns. )t'Kenn", John RoC", Hone., 1-1 ,811
"l",h!:w Wea, lfirW "\VorthingtoD.Bet~""rd. 0.,. 110,
~l, 18q
166 Sheriffs·Peers tmd Common~Council.
SUIl..... Francis Hamilton. Efq. ClljIk-fl"tt.
~U'd Smylh, Efq. D"....jJ,...,. Wm. 1.01% i:kj. M.ry~fI"ul.
]a. S. Flc;ming, Efq. FiI",,·;/liQ.~r, James Blacker. Efq. CfIII4f(,-g .._.
SU&UFlS..J'UI.S. John Tudor, Efq. Dtmu-jfrut.
Rt.Hon.D.Latoliche, 8htJ1•••••g.E. Hen. C Sirr, Efq. DIIiM»:-C4j1I,.
John Sankey, Efq. Bag&ot-jl,.• .,. Richard Mander•• Efq. 7""'I!$"'s/"
\Y8I. Humfrey. :li-fq. C.lllftry. Edmund Nugent, Eiq. CtilU~F''''
l'Rllt NeviU, Efq. MM'IItorOflgb-jI JcOma Dixon, Efq' Jliln,.ilU--/,.
Jeremiah D'Olicr. Efq.
William Copc'. Efq. H"",.-jl.
Co..,,,.' Leonard Ogilby, Efq."1' c;..,.Ju..r-/l
AI.,Montgomer"EJq. Bl1/i,.g,."•.J.
Ikp~mil\ Gault, Efq. D"",,,..jI,,,,. Hkkman Kearney, Efq. Ab6r:f-.fI,..
jehn Gilrard, Efq. D""tlrlllll. Thomas Abbott, Efq. St. 'A"bevJ-)l
Hoqq>hrey Minchin,Efq, L •.r.".jI, John Gtorge, Elq.!d.
Wm. Lindf~y, Efq. Parlialll,,,,·jlr, Sir Bdw. Sranle,., R •.'IIIlllarrDds.
John Scmple, Efq. MarllH1.rougb-fl. ~ir Jame<; Rid,lall, Rhb",."tI.
Jcolfrey Foot, EIq. Ejf,,,.hritlg'. Brent. Nevill, jun. Efq. Sad-"';Ot ~
Jonas p~iney, Efq. 60, SII...,,-hill. Rob. Harty, ECg. Wtjlrno, laM ft.en
F.ancis fO¥, ECq. CouNtrJ. . J. K, .lame., Elq. N, FreJericll-jl,.
Sir John Ferns, Knt. Kilm,,,~d. Geol'ge Studde,t, Efq. Gro/, •••jJ,·,do
)ilalhanid Craven, Efq. Dawjo"..jI I .. Morgan, Efq. 8",i'Vi/lt.jlru"
DIary jOIlCS, Elq. Slt/ht.'S-tr. N. George Warner, Esq. Coll'ge-gr"••
Mount.John Hay, ECq. BI'./,,-1f Jacoh "(Vest, Esq. Gardit,u's..pJ,w.
Ce .... Thorpe. Efq. M.u!'tjoy-!quart.
,.i. '0
C 0 M 1\,1 0 N·C '0 U N C f L,
Fur tfmt T •.,., ."" ,..sU.;If!. tJ,. ~41b Do] if D,,,,IIIhq-, 18~a.
Thus marked t il'oerc nJ)t in the la!! C,;uncil.
I.' TRIl'lITV .GUILD. ,tFrancis Thornc, N,!fOlJ.jJrut.
,",uk M~gralh, ItWilli~rn Nuge~t, Dtn,.a",-jirttf.
Simron 13oileau, Brid.-jJrut. ItWm:am Dixon, D'fI." MOMnl-.Jlr'lt.
John 13. AlIoway, H",.,ourt.jh·«t. C. A. Fitzger.lcI, D_..j1r,,'"
tP. T. Brad)', Dam,-ftr"t. ItCharles Pentlalld,li'~.,f•• 'S·f""J.
William M'Auley, G .. org.',-,INJ,. IT E. Th",],e, Ho,i",la-pl"., •
.lames Sulton, D.",iJ,icl-/ind. Geo~ ·Wheeler. /l"",,-j/rCl!t.
J;jA)es King, CoI"aine-j1rHf. J. N. D'Encrre. BlI,b"or',-.,·allt~
'A'illiarn WaUb" IJig!." jir..t. , !Thornas Jameton, ])"''j',,,l.jlrtel.
tSamllcl W. Tylldall, J,·,,,,i.•-jlrttf. 2. TAILORS.
Henry ~rG\\lne, lo·l('. GlojJtr-11T~e'. IWtll. Lct"t, Ml'TclJ'llf!'J-'1JJoy.
tlohll !l;unket, QuftJl-j/,ttl. \Thomas M'Gill, t:1.",".,rr/~M.
Ceorgc Carletol'l, Euj/act.jir.tI. tWillia.m Smith, Sli1ln'1'-, ••r,
John Rogerfon, WiII;'tu,,:(trttl. J..h.... M'Laint', flame·H.m.
tJohn ::;,ephens, 8. E",I-jlr"'·.1 3. SMrrHS.
tWUliam Glenton, Ma.y.jlrtet. IGeor~e P"l'ne,y.'''It'''c(l,,,f.
tStephen O"joncourt, S,,;QII<-j/rt.f.l.uke SibthOlI', l'aldZt ,/Ir,,,.
John Todd, A,bo.,-hill. ~ ItJohn I... ngfl.ol). I••". Or",0'''·1.''''
.la •. w. ".tzgctald, Da • .,fon-j/rt<l. l'Richard Lambert. CDI',I-fl,M.
t·V. CarUlichacl, C..'pI..jlrlll.
tFraucis Lodge,·lllllt. ,
Charles Sim., u/,. Or...nJ-q • .,.
tJa •• ArmO .."ng, Parr"''''-III·jlrf'', t J~mn, Le"')', {)"k..·!une.
·lobE! ,Pim. Jllnit$'$ jl"tI. i
'CiJmmdn.:.Council, ~;c. 181
. 'J. 'BAKERS. "1 16. GO'LDSMITHS. .
ifaac Manders, fen. Pfo.r",,'-"ouj•. tJohn L1oyd,CajIIe-jirm.
,ilobert Manden, 'Ja""'s-firllt. ItGeorge Connal>, F...Vf,"'s-jl, ...
John Seale, S",.,'.atley. tlahn Keene~ame-fir<d.
tAlexaoder.M'Mullen, Dorjit·flr. t Waiter Pelt'.. Grilfton.Rrt«.
'Joh'n Swe~ney. Palrid·find... JOM Hill, J"."II·firm.
Edward Burnett, BriJ.-firul.1Robert YfhCI, jan. AU'rP""*..
tRidlanl Warmtll, P.rlol"lI.. J8. FELT-MAKERS_
7. CARPENTERS.. fRobcl't Norris, Sacl'PitJe-jlrdt_
Daniel Hutton, llfarfrfir..t. Samuel Stephena,81;"/Ur-r,,•• '
:Benjamio Eaton, B/adha/l.t.ta". 19. CUTLERS.
tArthur Batterfby, Pfhr-fIi"NI, Wi!I;'m Potter, Grafl.,,·jlrMI.
8. SHOEM AKERS. t J:.mes, Graji./f-jlred.
George Hollnes., C,,/,/-P'l't,tl. tllichard Yeates, l'drlia_-jl,.."
Rich. Ellis, 3,8",,,I-o[k,. 20. BRICKLAYERS. '
tAndrew Hayes, A"'-"II-"''''' Ch as. Thorpe,jun. '5, Bt..!''''l'--'
Jonalban'Bagnall, W'./1t1Hr/""'-jlr. fJames Le"eityn, 'Rut/uil·flr"
tJohn Hamilton, Cojll,.jitw/. ~. Stephen~, Ca/ut-jlr"',
Hehty Cooper, Mary-jl,.,,,. tThomas Fairbrothcr, CIJj7k-jlw.#;.
Thomas M'Cceady, Britk-jJmt. u. CURRIERS.
10.' COOK.s. Will. Bell, N. A __jlrm_
fArthllr MorrUfoo, D".",j""·fir,tt., Thomas Halton, Mifl-}ir;rt.
tAltx3ader Craig, .lilCi...,./1CIt.·ruJ. ~3. BIU~WERS.
I I . T ANNBRS. i WilUam Pool, JJl.d.pIt).

Thoi1lu Ord, Cori-fir.r. Richard Gulnntf., M,pur-jJrtJII.

HeIlIY Piele, C_ry. Robelt Sutter, U.fow'l"'l"""
u. TALLOW.CHANDLERS. tSamucl Madder, "II_'·~.
!tJohn Fl.1IIagan, Mf"Y'!lnd. ~4. l(}INERS.
Edward Stfphell,S, Bfflk·flytet. tPrancis Kiroholl"er, H""",Jrwt.
John, Davis, I'ut-tant. liS. APOTHECARIES.
JeIlb- Willis, TriMt".fbwl. Wm. C.llaghan, Mrr/lrwl.
I",. WR'AVf,IlS. tlOOn tHher, &l.ff.ll-fln#l
)tohett Alkins:>n, Coot.I.t.
t Jonalhan Deverell, .M",'h.jl~tll. Clerks of the Commons, R.icbal1l
Thos.£hcad; PfI11/i>D. ~ilttotJ, 1;:f"1' C;Ij' A.I_",....,..
IS.SHEER.MEN Bc: DYERS. Wil/ia ..4l1W1, T. AJ!cn; ERr.
tWUliam Jamef&b, DM-f.l·fimt. CIJ""""-firNf, and John Lambert.
tRobert Riky, Brown-flmt. Efq. CIJ"I{:,a"..}1>-m.


GuiLkl if Corpora!I."" 'U·il/' ,D.;r Halls, MI·,aring Jrofl, f!f.. -
,. MERCHA'NTS, or. HnlyTtinity Goild-Hall, £,,-w,itiM'_'
.M•• cIa, afttr M;cbaAI1'Cls. Maflers. AbrahamB. King, an~ Gcorge
Sutton, Esq",.-Wardcns, AlcII.nder l\ln nlgomery, and G. Studdart.,
:Efqrs.-Ctetk, Timetlo), Alien, S6, CamJ.:n-jlml.
188 1rtllsfers and Warddts.
So 'tAILORS, or Goildor St. John the Baptift:-Mall, B.zd.-I",t,
, _ '14. MaRer, W1Uiam .sln~kton, 1J4m~-ftr.-'-Wo\f'dens. Fraud.
R.ner. 8.iJi''''~,.!It Thomols Baker, Dawfoll-jlr",.--'~k. WU}um
J..JMITHS, or GailJ of /tt. Lay.-'llall~ 81. II.Joi,,'l-IZrelJ. rtrft
'lJerf~ ill AI/I'IfI. M.Oer, R. F"irc.-Ioth, R.iJ;.jI,.ttf.--WiArdcn5,
\VillialD Tnc!od", 10, lil; ]hi,"i"../h'mi and Bc:njamin Langfton,
Ntv-fi'rm.......ctcrk. Williaaa l.cadbetterj DIZ'ftoJ"6,...jJ,..,. '
.. BARBEJ'.S, ot Guild of St. Mary Magdalen,-HaU, B.,~l-I-.
,.1.1,. ~'J. Maner, Edlll"1lrd Verdon. GobIIrt-lllnr.-Warden'J Daniel F.
Il,..., .RlIIlMJ.jJ,.",. IHId Thom". Boulaer, C".fft~fflt.-Clerk, J.
ltoMme, 55. ",iJllII...... ,, '
S. BA~EllS, Gr 'Gai&cI Gf St. Anne. . Han, AllIfJt1l,.tJrc6. .."ty ~6t..
)daRn, Richard ~ "'.,,"11,-,11. Wardens, 10hn Se'!le, 8.od-
#lH.r, "Dd Alcuntier M'Mnllcllj, Twl-JIr..I.
1_. Dvrut-:/Ir"t.-Clcrk,F.-:a:ncis
6.: BUTCHERS, Of Gaild at the Vtrgfn M;fr)'. Half, AWorIf"-
."'- S-IItI FrU" i" lku"",". M.fier. Richard Fitzgerald, FYI'f.-
.....lrt.-W"rden5. Edward Thoming!on, F. Baeltler, andWilliaJ1l
Hodpnt..-Uerk Jamu Knott. Cb"rk_l-jlrHt. .
.' .,. CARPENTERS, &c. or Fraternity of the BlelT'ed V'lrgtn. HaJt
.ill........,..... A"f(UjJ 16th. Maner, lufhua Keamet, H,,,..,..jf...m.~
\Vardens, Jame. Charles, P~ttt-jJrt*', and Bd.ard C;arolin. ltfoJ..J-
,Inrt-.-clctt; Edward Filbcr, $4, Willi_oft,rtti. '
1\ SHOEMAKERS, or Guild of,'he BJelled Yitgin Mai'y. HaD,
..tJ.J"a,'~-".' FirjJ M"".,.jtw MlJjll_n. Mall"rs, John Morph,.,
N~/I"n, aad Pat. White, B«I.""".--Wanlens, Batry Willi<1ms,
Dwftt-fiwt, Rlut R.ob," Earl, C.u'll-jlrNI-Clelk, John DOOk,.,
M~• ...".,J,-fl"'#I· "
,. SADDLERS, or Cuild at the' JsleUed Virgift MlIfl" ' HaD.
s.d-/""r. M"rell 2.41b. MaRet, G. Fake, Graj'tOfl-jlr..,.-Wsrdens,
T. B~nn~t. A'"'Ii"...fltHt, and M. Griftith, 1...". S/lf1J."iJJ,-f1rnl_
CJerJt. J. Daltoll, 44, N. a.~-JlH".
·10. COOKS. or Guild of St. Apoflle. HaH. Eat1~•
.ElljI,W-jJ,. July 51£. MaRer. A, MorrilT'on, DII.,,!IIII.jI,.-WardeDf.
-s. Bades, GolJm-lant, and John 10aes. Pin-jl,.'.--Clerk, JolIn W"Jbe<r;;
, IS. S. CII",k,JIlIHI-jJ,ut. .

" I , f . TANNERS. or Goild rJf St. }.Iithol." HaU, g-~. Pi,~

'IwjtJa, a/ttr All Saint.. Mafier. Tltos. Orde, Ceri-jlrul.-War&fnl,
j4)baPtilerWtft .....lalld-ftr..'. anll J. H, Cullaft. MiJl..jlr,,,..-clerk.
l.awrence Fowler. Mmt"-f1o.,. .
I:J. TALLOW-CHANDl,ERS, Ot Oaild or St_ George, Hall.
··,on'$-areb. April ~3. Mafier, Janles Lcedom" U ..r,.jhwt.-
Via,de,,', John Shcrid:m, F,.ancis }In,'. and JoCepli Banlier, 8't#t.,
Jiutt ._Clerk.,
, '3..' CJ .OVERS aDd SKINNERS, or GaUd of the BIcKed Virzin
'l\!Lry. Hall, B"cloh"l. MtlTC6 ~Sl/'. Mallcr, John Jones. N......
f'rlD. S.-Wardens. Junath"n, Mafon, Rjf.,,-britfgl, and William B.
T.ylor, Mtlcart/l,,-lriJg«.-CI«k, Ball1lOIomcw Hatton, jnn. MiI/-
Ilru,. '
MaitefS and Wartkns. 189
i4. WEAvERli, or Onilil of the Blell"ed Virgin M'iy.-'Hall;
,It-oom3c, 'May ,I. Mmer, WiUialti ~io"n. W'erburgh"'''',-W"",
den" John Scan. N,.,.",.., _,nd WilIiam Browldow, 115, DaM .....
Cleric, George Jr.-in, 67, Brids-llPfIIJI;
, 15. BHEERMEM, a:~ cif Guild of St. Nitholal,-H.U, C_be•
.Dec.""her 6. Mall~ WiIliam JemifOiI,jun. M_fiot/·___W.....
dens, Mic:hllcl CarMgIIlI, Mary'.. ~. and RoI!ert Donbar; DolpAifl·...
6a..II.-Clerk, Oeorgc Parkin"'"; IS; S; F~.
16. GOLDSMITHS, or GuUd of AD Saiots-HalI; ~Mf
'Mallar, Ocorge W.rncr; aolle~g7MI~Wardcnl, William Oonne.
t'M_street, M." SaclcllillHlt'eeI.llnd Wiiliam Oiborne, ~
.trcn..-'"Clerk. Thomas Wllfon, 511 W'iUiII""..rr:III. "
17. COOPERS, Ire. or Guild of St. Patrick.--Hall• .u, S~
tIred. ,August 8. M~er. George Hill, SlKki""""~WardeD"
Gcorge Hill, and John Pasley-Clerk. John Pa4cr. ~
'lffiCl!. , , '
18. FEL T -r.lAKERS~an, 4ri.tltJft&·...cA.· J'"."." S. Mafter,
Davis Tatc. TeJII~r.-WardCDs, Henry lJelalld, jan. aad'WUliada
Stephcns.--Clcrk; Armllrong Fitzgerald, 11,
8t. Luce.-H.U, C4peW1re1l. CkloIJer 18. Mafl:er, R. LMen:ier.
AlIgle_trBd.---Wardens, M.tsrI. Supple; .nd Read, jaa.-'Clerlr.
k. Marchbank, SO, .4~rrtJI. '
20. BIllCKLAY£RSt or Gnild 01 St. Bartholcimew_HaU.
Aud.ocr&·loOrch;. A1&gut 114. Malier, Alderm;an Clnlt~, Tborpe.-o.
W.rdenl, William Carpenter. CarI!.hill, aDd Duic) Bowlel; .4. .;_
.reet..-.clerk; T • .J)owliog; Fia/.IlM!C., .
. 21. HO,SlERi. or Guildpf St. George,~Kill. CotwttIIe. .Jpril S.
Maller, Thdmal DisonJ P4t'k."_'.....Warden.. WiIliam Smith,
flflf"Ntrf'et. and Tholll.. Fairbrotber. C~ CIcrt. John
Alell. Birdi.", 8, tip. Or.and-qIltJ!I., ,
22. Ct1RR~S. or ,Guild of St. Nich31a__Han. B~.
Firll Monday 6fter' ilfU StJiftU, Maller, l/aac Dickillfoa, P~.
-Warden-. Thomal WiIllams. RtJUlagll. aDd WiIIiam Ledwitch.
Frellch-llrttt.......Clerk, William L~dwitGh.
• liS. BREWERS. Or Guild of St. ADdn:w. Hall, HDe!J'fi.c6wt ..,..
NtrVefItber go. M.ller, Aldelman Alley, TOWIWIIIWIrrtJI,-WarcleIl5.
Chatle. DMIey. aad William Roblnfoa.-Clcrk, S. Aickeb.~. H _
. 24. JOINERS. Bee.-Hall, c'""-meL Fi,." MOIItlag ".flIt' .4n
Sainl', M.llcr. I. R. Morgan, CalJd.J1IW1.-W;ardenl, 1. Dailley.
juu. L{ffey-u_', and Joa. SouthweU.--Clerk. Philip Le ~tR, 95.
~'MI1fIU.. .
25. APO'fHECARIES. or Guild of St. l.ukr_Hall. M~
October ll. Mafier, Thomu litroker, 5t, gt. Bri'aill-#rwt-W,a,..
den •• WilIiam DiIlon, Higlt-alM'ft .nd William M'Auley, 24.
TUWfIIe,ul-slretf..-{i:lerk. 1. WiIliama, 4, BitMp4lrrd.
t1815J 2 ft
tto all' QIicers,' ft· ,
WillialR W'&ker, I.rca. I.ecorllet, Wm. SilatGn &: A, Mitchell.l!Cqrr.
· -, U,~l'ff- .. Water BailiIfs, 60, Sa~ft.WJi,-~
!'rdid. of the Court oC Confcien O ••rOl~·ne, Cent. High COIla.ble•
..ldtr_. Jell. Ca,h. Jokn 8upplt, 111. H. Finlay, aodD.
Alder_ William Hen..., Arch_, Heflernan, Genu. Clerks _ tbe
City Tre.f.rcr. Mal'kl!l.. otiice,lo;(h_.___I.,.
John Alien, &: Mcrief.OheDe.Efqn. Am.urR. :NevilllUons,E.fqn. Cit,
· T_II Cleik.. OIIice, ScIliODS ,Ladd-{u\·ycyors. 50, w-te-fo.
Houfe,O,.,.·jirtld. Thomas,.P.eed, E{q. Ut)' Plumber.
LF..... and T.E,Orcen:, Elqrs il5, Dav{o_-jlr<el.·
Law Agents. Ol6ce.s,St,JaIr.-fi OeorrFaulkncr, Efq, City Print.,.
0e0I. Arther. Eit· Sec. to tilt 98, GraftOll-ji,...,.
QI'III' l • ..." . d to the "ight Itn. Pier!> Gamble, Infpc:l\Of cd
" H\ta. \lac L~ Mayor, .l!.fi~1<ooIw Gaols in ,Du~lDr. . .
A. Montgomery, Efq. SUb.JheliJr'IH. A. Ba\<er, Efq. Architect to Cit?
N.lrIJiriclt-;f. Ojicel Maft·lMrI. 'PrilOns, 1:&, N.mI.1Ihw,Ti-/trnl_
~j., Carbn.n, AJdcrGIU Bloxham, Alex. M'CnHOII£b, K.ecpcr of tile
aDd Alderman Jenltinl. City Marlilalfca, GIw_/fred.
'.~. Wm. Walker, City Chajll;&i.·, P. G. Dournas, GlOlct or Newpte.
H.,."..jIrtd. Patrick Dunlt, Keeper of tiK She-
.Jlw.Ms.Qa\illJ•• a.piam ~Mhe ri~ Prltonj (&~
New Pri{on, Wel/i"gtOll-:f/rHl. Daalel Hlltton.lnfpector of GraM
. •1eU.,Eiq. CttySurg.8t.,He""-g. Juy Preji,or,tmenttanclAccobntJ.
Wm. Hart" M.D. Phyfidan to the Collectors of l'ublic Moncy, If. ~
, Pritim", 9~ o-.jIrr•...". :"1
Grev1Iie, .W. Hartlck •. J. 0-
Nathaniel Craven, Efq. Apcithecaryj Sliaushntiffy; )or.1rwin, a. EIH..
10 the Prifon.. 4l, Dr".I1J-Jln4l~ W. Or.gory. W. ThompiQn,and:
Samuel Micldletoo, Sword Bearer, Thomas H"ttea.
, . CII..."-I-hri• • . ' • '. WHliam n,.rky, I.fq. Trellfinoeto to
Ild. Quinton, Oent. Mace-bearer' City of Dablin Gran'" larle..
, ~, WiItIftt~,.ut. "
Ofice.. 311,
"'' ',11-,*,.
. M I · - , f •
· J?O.LICE Eln" ABL1SH!'dE~T.
No.!;CaMel>iviaoft.R~.c6.m""cD._ AJdetmlll snWJIi. Maliltt,Bt. 38.
Alderman Darley, 60, WiIJi--flr. »->J.".jI,.... .
,~nfellM j. Smytlt.... Pits ....1 COlln~Hbr Tumer,'SIt, ItlJJt-·"'f
Major Ch. Hen, Sin', DuM1,,·ctJjllt. lames Btaelter, ColIege-,rtl!lt.
'. l'tD. t, 'LiMit) J)irifto~ otIiCe, No:S, MountjoY-fq\lve'Divificll••
2.3, UlbtJr'~ItJ" . Office, J. 1VIarl'--tb-Jfr.
, A.lderllloMl·Exsbaw, 1°3, G1-'!ftOll-jl. A'tdttlnaftCalh, R"""""JI/lI4r••
CoonfellorWalker,2.o,up.M<r';OII-:f/ C. Babbington, E!q. 80., l!«I"-jI,,.
Will Lladfay, EICt. S'4, ParlitJtlf,lII-j1 W'l1)Qm [On8, 'Elq. IS, Mar,.jI ••

O/lice, 90, 'a_.·.

Mo. '3, 8rec0n4 Liherty Divilion, No. 6, MerrioD-fquarc Di~i.lioDt
jlrttt. Office, IS, /lttll-./httt •
.Alderman Archer, Gartli""··,,,/,_. Arldl'l'man Hone, MDI" ..·""th-jlrftl.
~oDnfel1or MitCord, CIMI.../o CewafellOr Guinnefs. Mm;,,·jlrm.
JQIhl'la Dixon, ECcj. Fit", ..·i1/;l1l1f-!f. Mark Magrath, Efq. N./lfm.jI,.".
JO.4. King's Inal mvifion. Ollicc'jAgents and Solkitor5. Ha~'i1tOll
30. Uf. O""';:~. ' and Gord.m,- 38,fI/,.-S",lfJIUI-jtr.
SlocfcEzcJH'lftge Company, ~'C. ,tl
ASbenhllrst (J. Talbot) S3, Dame- Frank (Tho. Thorp) SuffoU.·-rtrtll!t.
ItrMt. . Gibbons 0; auel ... 18,
Barber (John) Ill, 1>IJ-.m1!t. .~. . ,
ltardin (John Ales.) 8, up. 01'lllOtld- Ham.rt•• (lWward) M,cldertInn-!h-
. f!'l'Y. ...-en..
Bayly (Wm.) 32, A..g~reI!t. Hali'kins'(lofnl) 6, P""",e.'8-1ft'ttit.
&:!cher (V. L) 8, St. J ___ r. HaT" (,Pat.) IS, West1Nll1'lrmtl-.-ir.
Browne (laMea) 36, ColIege<.8fWA, H~ {Art bar) DttWin Cnllle.
and 11, Cepel-lIraet. Labertoaclt.e (Abe4 Commen:slil-
~rowne (John) 5, CItJI~l-Ilrwt. IN.iUi,,,,.
Bruce (Samuel) 97, Dame-IlMII. Pa~ (1l.1n.) 2, Elu'eu·sl""et.·
CampbeU (Joon) 40,~. Pci:ee (!tomand) D;rbli,. Vastle.',
Cuming (H. aDd W. Low) 34,Riebmt-(Henry) 6,8.
~_-"f'eIIt. roll.... (Wm,) Sf', , ....~.
Deey (W. and T. D. Atkia_) 58, Traven (Boyle) FMlcll"mwt.
1)a1ll6-ltrW6I. 1'1lrllv ('ri.ethy) 6.~_t..
:J)iekimon (I.) 165,~red- Webb (Robert) Dtt",r.-"""".
YyullaY(jallMS)S,F_i..mwt.,) 19,~.

- i..:rdflry, T: llanie1l, &,. Comm~di.Jlllildingi. .

1ac0l'flClllllC0i ~ Ror.6L C.AU'Ea. ~e •• .., Ja-.ry, 179* ••

I.eland CrofthWlil'te, 61, ,n.tI.,.,.~(I'Barlholoiri. Muicfe,,~, 1I£v:,·s-4.

Nathamel RanCl, :17, Mole! .......~6-ft.IVal. O'CoDoor, 6, D.,.,in;'l:;Jt..~.
'o)hn Lindsay, "l" SII<kflilJ...,ftr.. ~ohG P".tfiA:k, :1, i.Rutia"""('JlI"fI,tr.
Richard Litton, 10""'. Oi"",mI-fUjl.IJolliga Pim, '5.UIl>,T,.ij/4nJ.
Wm. P. LUllen, 49, N.zI.GHTil"-Sjlticllard YC,rfch,!}le, M,"i.n-f'P'.ilf'I
RllDdal M'bol!lnetl, AI['"·....II,,.,. Richard Darlini, T ...·"IenJ-flr~t.
J. L. Ma.lluay, up. Mo..W-flr.tll. 4rch.lj:..wk,lley, Sa<I.",;JI.-jlItII.\
6""""'1 T"os. Danl.ll, FJq.--oece, C_...c;"l.:/lldJ4h,~ • . Open from
to two tYCry Saturday i ftOnt two to three enr)' other lW:ek '.tar.
ArdJit.d, Edward Parke, H, B,.,,"' ..ic...~".
Keeper of C-....ei,,/ C&rFE~-1I0I1U add Ho'l'&", tin; O"floor.
HI"tll'o~tt;-, Williem . . .g.. ' , : '
N.t", All'l~e rOJ GClltlctnenJ04lgiag ill tbe }lQJd•.mWl . . . . .
,.eycd in at the <ION in Cope-tltcet. .'

COM.MER£!AL rutOlUBtS. in the Court, Mr. Charles 1. Ora7don, Mr. A. Praakftu. Mr.
WilIiam I-lonc, aDd Mr. Henry Kyle.
·Ouzel G4lIey.

ltob.41eUlldcr, 8/ICn,ill,.J/r,rr. P. Diggcs La T~ebe. L'I.f»r-,Jr/~.

Sir W!\). Alcnndcr, Bt. SacA.ill..jI
Begs, G,.".,..,....,.
Wm. I.unell, M""III.i?-J>Iot:6.
Gcorge Maquay, {j/"","·.-~re_.
lames Chambers, GISI'tIiII,r'H'ftII.
Randal M'Donne1l, Alkn·s-&.....t.
Wm. Colvnle, C"w.Jlj6-,..... Wm. Snell Map, SacJ..oilk-/i,.,t.
Lclmd Croftbwaite, PIm-flrld.· John LelJnd_M.lq~y, S'?,,,,,.'s-,r.
Thomas Croftbwaitc, PUtt;)r,,,, obn Plltrick, RUI/oMI-hllDre.
Oeo. Dr~r, AJH:1-P,MI. JoG:ph Pim, U.Jb<r·.-!JW-
Jofepb Golf, M.".t.io1-hUlJrl. Jo/buaPiDI; l!/IM,·,·ffoinJ.
Aithur GuinneU, T60.,..-jl,,,t. Robcrt Shaw, MUr.',...N, N.
Wm. Harkncfs, :O-iffid-,J,.-t. Wm. AicL Shaw, Bacbe/",·• ..."GU.
Arch. Hawlr.lley, M-.p,-/,wm. ~athahiel Sncyd, SrulviU,-f#rut.
4\ldcnnaa N. Hone, 1l"IftJI-JltWI. Arthur Stanley, Da'UJ_-Jl'~d.
Nat. Hone, HtW(:WIr't-jlrMl. Hllndcodt StaJlley, Br__jlna.
Henry HoMfon, S• •ilk-jir,'" John Stewart, AAh",-jI,.et.
AicL Jalrray, EI.J-Ihu'. Johu Todhunter, R.,...,.,,·t-fJU!Jo
!ehD LiDd&y, &.cMtilk-/lrql. Petcr Wilkinfon, H..,.",.rI-.jIrlf'.
1Lkh. Lltton, w.o" O"""'fJIIII7' Tbomas W'llfon, M,,"tfr.1-tr-re.
Wm. Cosgravc, jgn. l\cgiatcr ,11d S~crct;u-y, I·S. N, It. G.Q,,,'f-./lr,4


• • .. . , • ..1 ...
Tt i. the duty of ·all the Members of the Galley to lit ~ arbitrators
Jii Ibe {e~t1cmelft of any matter in difpllte to them referl'e!l. plcnidc4
-all the arbitrators j:hofen are Members of the Galley.
Parties are not to make ally petf90al application .hatfoc"er t.
Members of die Galley, either,ir ,ppointmeat as arbi-
trators .. or the (!lbjcct ·of the -mf;tter in difpptc.....:...Refpcctin& the apo
peintmentltbe parties, after the), havc ~hpfclI ar,bitratou. arc to tiC-
quaint the ~egiller. whore duty it is to infurm tbe Members chofcn i
and rcfpccting the matter in difpute. it mull bcfpok.eaof bC;(Qre l/le ar-
bittators only in prefj:nce of tbe polrtie~ or their ageatw-or w~re
cafe. or e.ideol:'s in writing ;Ire fubmittcd, they mpa !>e tJiluf~ttc:d,
jCa).,d up, througb the haud. of the Regiller.
- Tbe 4ut, of the RegiLler is alfo to take chalge of papet$ 10dgedwitla
him, and lay the fame before the arbitratorli; to ilfuc Boliees in writing
to the arbitrators of all meetings, and fummQn(eli to the parties
witDi:fI"es to at~nd; tp draw lip the submi),lons and awareis, and !C-
liller the fame; aod t.!' deli'fer the aw~dsto the .,arties or their ag.nU.
- -The partie,s referripg matters to arbitration are to dfpolit ,.itb the
R~fter a (IIm of money to infure the payment of the Galley fees,
..-bleb are Ippr~tcd, after paymcDt of the coal of the award, to"
dwitabic fUDd.
Parties to hne the cbolcc of their arbitrators; bUt the arbit~.
i.I Nl_.~ JlIJ'f~ UlflJ>~tm~t IiIf _~ 1!II\,Pile, iJaecelfa.,r,
Insurance Offices.
LOIId•• , and No. 40, Da",,-jlred. DuIJ/it"
COD5iIHng of the following Gentlemen, (cxdQJive of a numerous Pro.
J prietary in, of Ihe lirll Properties and Consequcncc:.)-·

~t. Hon. Da.i.d.La Touj;he SI: cO.I'J. Ex/haw, Esq. Alderman, Dubli...

Bankers, Dublin, Renjamin Ball,E'q.H.lnkcr,Dubliu.
.sir W. Alexander, Bllrl. Eanker,John Anderson, £5(,. Bankcr~
Dublin. Fermoy.
Robert Alexander, Esq. Thomas Prm~or, Esq. Dnblin. --
Robert Sh",w, E ... M. P. Banker Executors of Samuel M'Call, Eaq.
Dublin. Cork. .
Enabli.h,ec1 for the Insurance of Houses, J3uildinl!8' Manuf.ClOIU:l.
Goods and Merchandise, "hips, Velfels, BArges, aDd olher CrAft, _
their Cargoes, in Port, or used in navigable Can.:s, I'<lrmin,: SI"';', aDd
.. n·other Property, in any part oJ Great' Britain and hdaod, from Iou
and FIRJ!.
Printed Proposab and Conditions of Insurance, and a List of the
J>irelhlts, Tranees, Bee. m1y be had gratis.lS Abov". and of their
Agenli, in all the Cities an<j principal TOWIIS in the Kingdom.
J:.r A Fire Engine .uways in readiness. .
John Colmpbell, Secrctaly for the lrilh Department, DahUn.
r _ ,
J,ondfJ7l, tl7ld 40; Dame-street, Dublin.
Cha;r."", 51r J. C. Hipphley, Bt. Simcon Droz, Erq.
J)'/,ulrCbair.olt,T. P.,Harup{o/l~f'l Lor.1 ~iJ1naird.
William Agnew, Efq. Ril1pb Ldce~ter, jon. Er'!.
JanKs Pet~1 Auriol, Erq, \\ illiam Morland, -Erq.
Sir Charlea Blicke, Kn:. Isaae Sage, Efq.
Stllmp Broeksbank, ECg. fSweny Toon.:. Eftl.
Joha elements, Efq. funcis Wilso", E·q.
This Offiee was enablilbed in 1791, anJ inlilrcs the l.ivc~ "f pe'(.JQS
'e/irous of fecuring independel1cy 10 their Familk" or to ",ndd.. fur
them in ... ny way agreeable to theil wiihe,; to effect whkh, ;In o-\",uI<I1
Premium will be r~ei\'ed for the payment of a g'''(s (un1,or of an .\11-
.lIuity. to I ecome due, and payable at the d.,ceafe of ;i Per(on ;"(u...,<I, 10
his \Vido,." Children, or other repr\-senl<ltivc~, a~ he fi'J)' ai'po;·:t.
Infurolnces may be made fllr ~ 'Yarietv of other pt1rpnfes : --to prov'<fe
for t~e Re,lewaJ of Leafes; to fecure S,ims paid rM PJ..ces or Empluy_
m~ot', or for the Purcha(c of Life EIl.tes; or in nitJ of ArtJn:.;~meIlH
ltetwet!n Debtor and ('reditor, &:c. &c. which Is ~xp'a:ned fUlther in rhe
print<d Rates and Conditions of Infuran~e, which 013y (". h"d ;l,r.tli.;
.. ith the Lift of Dir<ctOls, as above, or ofThe Aj;t'nts oflhe Brifi.,4 aod
/ri.,h United Fire Office in the Countr,., who ar'e appoint~d Age..t~
{er thia Office.
IQlill C••nuLL, Agenl t. tIJ, CIIIII/nn;r fur Ireland, Dllblin.
::9, DtJfI&e-lIrt1et, Du/Jlin, and Cdr'Rhill, LofttWn..
C"l'lTAL T\v\> MU,LIQ N S BltlTI~,H,

Sir WU.J.u .. RA_UNS, ChairrQIUI.
lir JU. PnKIllo. ;part•.M. P. Depyty'Cbairman.
'Iflilliol.m BarDes, Er'!. ~homas Greei1away, Er..
Sa/lluel Birch, Efq. aod ALJcrmlll. C~arles J&hn,son;."uq• -,
jMMs Brewer, Ef,. 'Richard Langford, El'!.
jobn Clevgh, Efq. amu~l Nash, F.(q.
John Dixon, Erq. Philip P~lIing, E(q.
John DlleR'dl, Efq. foeorgeTurner, ~fq.
Christopher Fryer. Ef". ,Richard Whit,eaycs. Efq.
W illi.l. ""lhanJ. Efq, Secretary.
The .boYe Board sits twice a Wock ill London, for the dirc«ioD 01
tlae CampaDy"s Concerns in Great Britain and lrebod.
C)' No .AlIidavit reClair. OD di:r:ting LlIe laSIU'aIJU.
The Rent of Prcllli£es renlkr:ed unterianuble by Fire, will be pai.
- _til reltored. without inc:reafe oi Premium, and no (;harge maliC" I«
;»Ollciei or Sunoey" Doran" Feu for endene'IMllta er aI kI'.u...
FA.MING STOCIt infuted widwJpt the AVCf!lge Clauk..
-Lors or Damage by Lil\htniag, pail. ,uitAoUl aft!! deductilllll.
In cafe of Fire, ,eyery J,eafoDab~ Char.&e paid for I'emorai oi
80008 -IDlIlr~. , .
Has a claim to the1It~.ntion of eYery rank in SO(iIIt,~ bat it h.s a
pre·eminent nne UpOII all ..,hoC" Incomesc:eafe with life., Upon ,erren,
holding Leol.fes determinable upon' she 4ebt.or «elirOllS ~
. Plaking ulti~ate rellitutiou to his Creditor-upon the Cre4irer wHbin,
"Iop¥ovide again(\lbeclRJtinge.n~,,{ .oe.Jh, tbiJ desu)j)tiQD,of Iot\l,anc:e
js of intllimable importance, ,-,
No F.ntr.ance-moncy OI Admifti.-.liae required-DO "targe fOIl
Policies Of Certificates of ReDCwal-bOl' any Regillry ef Transfers.
If the lnluter (hall nand in need of that alU{l:LlltC iutended for a
'ruHning Family, tbe Company will the Pol:cy al a fair Price.
For the accommodaticm ,dE Pet~ iD the hi,her claa~s of Socict),.
li'olicies Rlay be ,bad to the amount of £5000 IIpon QllC l..i(e, on the
/.ii.ti.fa£lory Proof of the Good fiealtb of the Party.
A Jibeul Commillion is allqw.ed to SoliciloU, Brot.ers, ~ other.
/:!ringing ~ife lufuranees to thi6 Ollice.. ,
Printed Propofals and Con41tioAS lI1;1y be h.llll ,rati, as above, and
-.r chcir Agents iJ:I all t~ Cities and Principal Towlil$ in tile K.iDgMm.
SUJr"'&D Ss .. w, .1gf!tilfor the Ir;'" 'De~" J)1IiJII..
1nsurlmCeQjfiCet.. IU
'Ne", 6ritl.&lHlreet, LonrloB, /J1ld W8stmorUllul-ltreef. Dublia,
EmllotDereb lIl! act of parliament,
Fol' InslJ1'lInce from Fire and on Lives, and for the grant and'ln&I'&'"
'of Annnities, on Terms of pecllli.r IIdvantage to the Pllblic.
Capital QNE MILLTON Briti.h, Sterling.

The PropofWs, tet be had at the Office, will shew the RAtes anil"
-Conditions on which the Company's llUsinefs is con<lucted. It will be
found that in the arraogenlcnts fotmell, the convenience and ad-
'Wantage of tho{e "'lto become Infured by the Company, have in all
refpects been confahed, as far as the n.ature of {uch undertakiogs would
allow; and HI some material points, the Public derive Cl'om tl\Ls
Innitution much additional accommodation.
Per{ons lofured by this Company, arid who {utfel' lofs~ will receive
a full Indemnity for fIlCh lIP, to the amount of tbelnfutance. with-
out Deduction or Difcount. No charge made for Policies, or Altera-
dons by Endot{ement,; lones ocea,iolled by Ligbtning ~re made gO<ild;
cxpenlCs attending the removal of Goods Infured, in time of d.a.uger.
are re pHI. , - '
TM atlnntage. of Life lnflll'anre arc numerous, and oC the higheA
IlllflOttance to eye"y Cl.a{s of Society. Sy the Yearly payment. of' ..
lDoderate Premium, Ped·ons may fecur., to their W;yes. their Childre ...
their hdplefs Relations, or to any Individual ..,hom they may be d~
.irous t<> aid, an adequate Pro\'i,iou againll the dillrcf, which might
be produced by their death, ~irher from t!le ceSliation of Income coil-
tln~nt on Life, or from any other cau(e-
No Entrance Money, Dor Fine of Admifsion, other tba" tbat ee";'
«(Siry in cafe -0( Non·a\>;mcc, is chatged.
Thls Compa"y do not require the regiCletin'g of any Transfer, _
.dire any communkatjo" on the {uhject, until a claim be made; Lo(-
res life paid tJ1ithin Thirly DllYs after fatisfdctory Proof has been mwe.
and eyery facility atforded, by which the intereil an.! tOMcBieD« IJ6
'the 'Pultlic may be promoted.
JAMES PATTliOlI, Efq. Chairman .
.JOhll TOWQooo, ~. Deputy Chairmalto
'WARNE& PHI pps, Efq. Secretary.

1"l1n ~;n~!lon James, Efq. Agent 10 the C·,mpany for J~hnlt.
Tbomas Mills. MD, Phyfidan t,} the Life D"l'a r tment, D"mhlicJ.·.tr.
Bcnja~in Keatney, ECq. iolicitor, 1 01, St{'t,'u1t'~-~rcot.
Ch.arlC\ F. D""l)iil;. :ic~ctalY to the II Hll A~cncy.
19& i,uurflnce OjJkeGI
Su 8-"0£)lTI.
AlhiI, Mr r.. Riky, Pro-Collector ~illrenn!l' Mr John Mac.1rtne.1
Jk(fa>i. Mr. Wm. B. Hull - LUI'Wm, Mr. ThOmas Flail
Bi." M,. H. B. Lcgge Mo"aslerven, Mr. R. Ennis
CI.,,-«. Mr. Thomas Ootman NI Travers'Roman
CIIf'/o, 1\lr. Sames Calhn1Jn TTIllee"Mr. ~o. w. Buneed
DNg/.edtl, Mr. W _ H. Brabaion TlIllamore, Mr. Richard \Vilf,lA
£II11ifCurll'!J. I\'r. Abr. Golf waterford, 'Mr. John BDII.
LUtIIIn'e. Mer.r.. s. K.en~h· ~ eo..
Age,,' 10 ,lie CB"'Ji4tt!l .for IrdttIuI.
Appt)' to the Engineer at the R~ar of the Office.

For InsttraTtce on Lives, and Granting Annuities;
Th~ Office was establlihed in the Year 1797. by a numel'8llS aM
respect«ble proprietary; and tbe OOlm! of Dir(cJ.r8, with COil fidence,
arisiDg, from the increa.ed prospelity and permanel\cy of the est~blish­
__"lit, as wcH as from the experience of iis IIsefulness and beDEfit to the
pu!>li'c, thinl. it due to those who may be still uD'acquainted with t~e
importance and advant.ges of Life Insurance, briefly to sugge~t somt
ef 'its leading and peculiar recommendations, to almost every degree aD•
.."kin Society. '
Life- InslII'artce is of manifest con'sequl!!nce to all who hold estates (or
Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional; t/l
Olriccl'S in the Army and Navy, &c. as, by payment of an Annuol
Premium, the party insured is enabled to provide for Wife, Childrea,
Or others, whose fmure welfare he mJY wish in vain, by other mean~
to promote. It afl"ards a permanent ttltimolte security to those who
advance Money upon Annuities or othertdse. It renders Leases, deter-
minable on one or more Lives, nearly equal in valae to Freehold Estoltes,
as 3n Insurance to the Amount of the Fine, payable IIn the Demiseat"
a Party nomInated in such u;LSes, will produce the: Sum required for
Renewal. It is ~ dleering refuge to Parties engaged in extensive an.t
speculative Undertakings; it all'ordsto Perwns in Trade the eertaill
M~a.,. of IlIdenwification against a bad or doubtfDI Debt; in short, Life
Insurance, establi~hed in Policy, sanctioned by Government, and cog.
Jirmed by the test of Expelience, is become, to almmt e'Very Situation
01 Hltll1an Life, a Measure equally impOlf .. nt, useful, and bene6cial.
Anaui!ics are granted upon the most equitable Terms', uncler a Specnl
,.act oi Parliament, granr.,d to this Oflice. _
~o¥r'\Nr·. ACU!ST at Dublin; WiIliam Farran, 76, ~ck,IIIc-ltreet.
,, Gllmcr of _,\llbey.5tt~t.
liisu~atlce Offices. 191
l::fiablilhed by Charter,in the Reign of KINO GEOKOB the ILl, anel
. confirmed by Act of Parliament,
Thts Cotporation,' cBablilhed now almol1 a Century; -infun: al1
kialds of Manufactoriet, Building!, and Stock, from lofs or tlamage
by Fire...... AffuraDce on Live9 etlec~ed with the grcateU facility and
Privacy. to tbe age of 75 years-no Medical Certifi,~te Or oe.-clkf•
..eferen" re.quired. ",hen the Life u; be affured appurs at thi. Uffice.
-ne eaua ~harge now made for Militia or Volllhteer Service. ferving
withia the Iimil~ of the United Kingdom.-No charge made 101"
Stamps either on Life or Fire Policies. l'crfons atfured by 'this
Corporali,m <\0 not depend on an uncertain Fund or Conuihution,_no('
are they fubjectto any (o.,enants or calls to' goorl loffts that
may happen to tbemfelves or others. the Capital Stock of this Corp,,""
ration being an unquellionable Security to the Atfured in cafe: Qf Lofs.
t:r Fire Eflgines in conllant readinef~
(blSlilllJed ifl the. Reign qj Queen All"", A; D. 1714,)
. FOI" Fire, Lives, and Anmdtiel, .
And No. 20, COLL£GE-.'''UEN, DaHLIN.
The Directors of this Inflitution, with confidence, deri.ed trom ill.
Cf'Oinellt faceefs, invite public attention to the important beoefit,.
which it is calc;ula!cd to produce.
Even on the ordinary plan of Affurance Companies. the utility of
. Life. AJfurancc iJ manifell; but how much more aduntageou. i$- it OD
the plan of the UNIQN LIFE OUICk l In the common mode tho'
(pecific fum atfured is reco.,ered,. but nothing more. ID that of ~he
. Ul(IOII', while equally fcenre of the fpecific fum affured. the Member
is ontitled to !bare the furplus profits; and this, it has been ko:.n, will
_freq uendy d.uble the Sum Llated in the Policy, and tbis alfo wirhollt
any addttion~' charge of Premium, or being liable for the .lol1es of .
_othcr~! : Military Men arc not charged Ifith an estra Premlnm,
unlefs callcdInto actual fervice. Atfurances are extended to any part ..
of the World. . ,
.... l'erfQJIs infuring Property againll Fire, for feven yean, ar" allowed
a proportion of the r rolit.; according t. their refpcctive contributions
-il,", C(J#' "'"'" occum:cl tJJI.erei71 fUlarly the Vlhole Premiu711 depolital
has ,retKTned tt) ti,e !'arlie••
·'The Company ha. now completed One Hundred. Tears finee' its;
ell~bli(hment. during which period tile fupport which it has received.
i, the beft proof of the ,reat adur.tagcl accrwing to the PQb~ from
we pccuiUr and equitable fyftem on which it is formed.
Agel1t-H. LA)lAUZE,Jotl. Co\le~~-g,ecn, l .
SIl'geOIl-C. H. Todcl, Royal College Surgeon., Dublin.

Solicitor-Jo\lZIe5 S. MolIoy, C.pel.fircet, "

11~15J 2C
-~8 Society Q{ PrMtising Notaries, ~-e.
·Thus ma~ed - atC E:taQliuen.
PallarNT. Wm. Deer :lIDd Tho. D. Atku....
-I. T, ~liI!t.SS• .Dnse-8 58,~.
Sap.&;I'.ul'. _ph Dick.inJOn, 165.C~
-lama F"..atay, !t, F_'HI:r«I- Gibbo~1 aDd ~hard WilIiama.
-John Barber, SI, D~ sa, IJa.e..~
John A)u.~D.8...p. . ' Bd. ~,6. Mc/tIenbtrrg....
WiIliam Bayty. S2, 4.~*!d. Pa~ Uaye$, 18, WnIfrUIrIlJIIII...Ir
- VaeEascs~lchel'. 9,81. . AlJel~be, 59. A66ey-1hed.
.-SuI" Bruee. 97. D. ___rt!el. Sallluel Page, . 2, JituIlu:e,.IIred
tfJiach Cumiag and F~cia ~w, WlllialD ~ker, 911 S~.
ss, 4."'kll:4..... Timothy-Turner, J. 8~olIMtrwL­
PerIoDS eligible for admiPIon into this Society -inu&t be of ap~
iDtqrity, an blemished rq,utation, haTe ~ regular apptell~
IbipI of 8eftD years to regularly bced practisIng Pabli£ Notarres, ani
haft aadergoae a proper eumiQatioQ of tlltee M_ben priYioaa to
tJ.eir oIItaiDing a FacUlty. . . . '


. Jlfl,S~, -C;"CIIIIr-rood,- NIJI't4.
This I'IoIIk wu eftCkd in 1810, for the a'~mmoUtioa of a
_ber ol.~d"tpPt ..ea.acm: fi1tlYYcars old. o(-pd duracter, aD•
...... -wae ona: reCpcctable. I" it, luch are comfortably luf'portCill.
1Ior acatnc:fs aad gco.: order, it has Dof been cKCcllcd. Tbe Trullca
iaritc the b...,.ae and .BCnt tu rifit the Afylam, and enter a
, Jleport ia the Book .hlch lies ie' the Hall. &y .BcaefKlioDs . .
Sabkrlptioos it ... bceu bltb ..rto 6Jpportc:d.' Tcn GuInea!; conllitllfC
a oOorernor for Life ~ or onc Guinea annully. Go~CIDOR OD)' han
die pli-rilcge to ~ommcnd CandIdates. .
• Benef.KtioDs ale rccci.ed by the llizbt HOD. D. La ToucJte and Co.
.·Tnafllftn; the "Rc •• W. BuJhe; AliIJur GWnneU. iJQ• .JoIut D ....
.TOIIChc, Efq. ~lins .A. E. Sin~. Efq. Alderman M'Keaay; A.
:Iotasicre. EIq. Thomu PatQCU,Efq. Mr. WilIiam HaIl,PilJ..taae,StIII-
uQ(arcr~ 'and Mr. J. Joocs, Secretary, 40, S. Glut GeoqF..ftNet,
't' 0-.

·Debtor'. Srrtrnb ·~odetv.

Pot the relief of of "err Religiom n-.,.i.......u imprisilaed
. for sm;dl Debts.
Onc G.1J.i~ ~_j~ aD AnQllal SuMcriller; 'Fe G~ a
SubKnDer Cor Life. Meetin&of Subscribers tbe~ P,iday III
J ' .
;r~. ~ ""iu SirAW, MoP. ~~•
.8ecRcary. JOB. !tore'TolI lAME" F~ RaII~,.",
Donatioatl .aII!d SulMcriptioM![or this mOst ~J Clwity are receiWIII
"1·the Colllmitt,ee aBet Sec:I1!t;Iry. aud -at -the.BIak of &obert SIpw
a.,d Co. .Esqn. S~'.
'liiberninnSdcielg lJf Artis.ts, c%'c. 199
~t. ~et~t's' I'a:rotbf.~l <Ztbadttible )Loan,
. ~. -' 'R~tiJhii$hid 6th May, I R13, . -.
F~ lellding tG the mdustrioul Poor of this very extea~ive Parish
-.SlIms not le.. than. 1L and ftOt exceeding 51. free of Inurest, to be
repaid at 5d. iD the pound weekl,.. - . .
The Committee of M~.gen meet in at. Peter's Vestry Room.
the fir~t Fr~d~)' in·e'I'~ 14!)~" at O"e:o'Clo'l:k, ·for-'tlle pflrpose of
*taaidering applic:;r.tiOll' fp.r Loans, IIDd eelecting th~ proper Objects. .
Treamrer'l The Right Hon. Paltid La Touche and Ca.
. Re{illcr, Mr. ThQm~. HarriHlD. . .
··SubactiptlctD.. ·.nd-·D9IlatioDBare niemed at ~he Bank of the Right
•.• J;Ion •.,l~avid,:Latouebe and Co. by any Member of the Committee, or
'l?ft/lP R.egistef.
.: I
200 Gratui a"d Royal CaMU, ~~.
• aaAIfGEIII:IfT 01' TDlI ....... UI: IIO&.T"
Two PafTage Boats depart from Dublin e ..ery Day.
1ft for Atby anll TullamOft - .. at
7 iD the Mllmiac'
sd for Sh.DDOD Harbour' at a in the Afteruoon.
Two PafTage Boau arri..e iD DubUn every Day•
• ft frcnn ShanDoo Harbour - • ao Dt. aft. I I iu the Mon!.
ad from Tull.more k Athy • . Iq 100 aft. 8 in the ~
Siraate u the Terllrinationof the Grand C.nal .t the River Lift"c,,.
DCar Riagfend, contai" Accommodation for 600 S,il.C Vegeu. with £6
Feet depth of Water-Dock M~er, Mr. Hogh Pollen, R;~_
"ated ID tbe DinI:ton General of InIMId .N.IoiptioD ., tile Aet ol tile 5t!cl of die KB.c.
Jf~ of I'tJ#IJ&c BlIIIU fr- hi N~lo hi Marck. ?

A Boat Iene. the CaDd Harbour. Broad.Rone, at {e..eD o'CloCi,

and alri .." at Mu\lingu at feten .in the evening. .
A Boat leaves MIlUingar every momiDg at tix o'Clock, aad arri..u
at the Caaal Harbour, Brcradllooe, u lilt iD the E.t'etlinl-
F_ tire IIIW Marelllo eM I,. nf N - ' - .
A Boat Ia..el the Caual Harbour. Broad-/lone, for MlIlliDgar, aocl
another leans MDlflngar for the Broad-Rone every morning, at Ii.
o·Clock. both of which ani ... at lilt o'Clock, P. M. at their refpcethe
deftination.. There is a (p.leiou anelwell appointed Hotel at
Mo,...~Jly. a.t mila from Dablia.

- THE HJBERNIAN SBllVANTS' REGISTRY. i 9, Po"nes'..Street.

Taoll":. MAllEI'. Proprietor.
The only Licenced R.epository for Sernnts in Ireland, inslitllted
1799. under the Patronaae oC the Right Hon. tha. Lord Mayor,
AWcrmen. are ke. of Dllhlin. .
Supported by' Sabecription, an Annual Charity Sermon 00 Lo", Sundar,
aDd tbe Industry of the Penitents. . '
Thi~ Inflitutioa, 10 honoraWe to the feelings oHh"fhmen~ and w6ic:h
has reR"red to Society Co many uferol and nen edif}'ing. Member,.
who otherwise mipt ha..e.fallcn .ictims to the, offended fa"" of thd
country, was opMed in r80I, for' the reeeption 01 unfortunate
females, .ho, anldoas to quit the paIbI of proRitrrtioD, prefer retire-
. mcnt, mu, prifttions, aad three years laborious probation, to all the
{en(aalpll!afureI which aecompanf a life of infamy and guilt.
, This iD'luaable lrrllitation in gOftmed by • Prefident, Vice.
pre6dent. and Committee' of Twcnty-one. chafen aannalJ, from
• amo.ngft tbe Subfcribers. toptber with the refpectable Ladies who
bage chli'ltatllyconclefcended to ftiperintenil1tsiDtcrDai aJfain.
TheGcMl'lleae., anmoultbatall work (entto the ACylllmlbaaldbe
executcd in the neateft maDDer, reqDeft if· aay complaint ocean; tliat
UIIJC Ill',. bo made bylcttcr, acJclrdr.d to the I*. B9w-llrcet Afrl....
A. D.' 140.--D.tJ.BLIN, anciendy ealled' Afchl~d. ac(ord<ng tti l't<)-
leluy, built. , ' , -.'
IIS5.-ToK itl prefe(lt na,me from A·ll'htus, ""hore daug~tel", Auli.
na, being drowlled in the ..J:.urey, he changed t!le name of Afchled to
Anliaua, ' bf Ptoklnr catled l?~laria \, af'terwardlccrrupted into Dubl~.
ua) that Ib, might be had in .rememl>r~nce ..
448.-Alpil! Mc Eachard. ·K. o.'tDublin, and hi, fubje6h, cenvertc.!
by Se. Pairic:kto tbe Chriftial'l faith. ' . . .
-4<4A1.-St. Patriok'. Church·built by St. I'atrick.
A9~.-St. ~atri~k, t·he irft Irilb bilbop, died, aged U1. Y~n.
498.-0nD1cn or Dane., entered the Liffey, with alleetof to fail;
polfelfed themfelves of Du~H!" ,Fingal, .&.c·..and· foon after cnvironed
tl\e city"",gh walls. Befote the harinuT beraftle navigable for Ibips of
burden~ .. their car~oe. we~e landed 'near Dalkey, ',a!ld' for fecnrity
lQdged ID 'he (ellen caftle.. .' , - ' ,
~1.,-A partr or-Danes, with a largeileet, overthrown by thl! r;tizan ••
• 916,-oRSller. o{ Dublin invaded the ifland of Anglefea; and 'Yat1eJ
It with fire and {word. '
945 ,-:-~Il: M3ry's-ah~ey lIoilt, by .the Dants, For, Benedi~ine ~onks.
956.-Battk betweer: the Danes alld people of Lei.nfter, 11\ which the
latter wrre defeated. . .
ICI4.-,FlImOUI· .It,attte U('·€loittarf, near. Dublin, between the Danes
and the natives, wherein the former wero vanquifl?td. '
IC'3-8.-ChriO:-ehoreh, Dublin, built by litricll8, lI;ing'of the Oilmen.
St .. Michael·..chapel built, by Danat> ACtCl'wWS CORftrtcd into a
l'uCKhial cburch,.by ardtbWllop ·Talbot. '. - .
lc84.-:-~ublic erel!ied into a bilbap~ic. .
, I '-SS ,:-Sr •'e "bureb'lJIIilt;
1,14·6.-Fir!l: n~nnfry erefted, a,nu e,ntitled. su.t:ary or ~Glge.; •
• illage without tht wellern.gate. ',-
IISz.-Dubliu ereded into an arthliilbopl'ie. .
1.166.-D~rmot K. of Leinfier, f6unded the priory of All-hallow.
where Trinity·collel!:e now ftaud.. '
1.1 71.,-Dermot Fitzmurchard, "rMac. Murrough, Prince of Leintler,
being ,put to flight by other Prio!=elt, induced funle Englilb adventurers
to affill him, in recoverinl' his d'lm!l!i~n,s; when the citf-llras belicjI'ed,
and taken by Raymond le G r o s . ' ,
!I7~.-:-H~nry 11. 'Ia,ndedat Wa~erfard, '{oon after obtained Crom
Richard Earl Strongbow (who marr:loo the dal!ghter of Mac·Murrough,
and to compad, fucceeded to hi. dominionA) a (orrender of
Dublin;' where he buJlt a pavilion of wicker work, near 'St Andrew'.
church, then &toa~ed where C~nIe-marbt lately Lleod, and entertain-
ed feverat"lriih Princes, who formed a voluntuy compaCl: witb him,
nn condition of being governed by ~e ,fanle laws, civil and ecdeliafti-
-ca.!. I.!Id enjoying the fame libertie. and immunitie., as tbe people of
England. '
117 J -SameKiog granted its'prtl charter to Pl1bUn; and by diver.
privilege. eRcCluraged a colony from BriLl.)\ to fc!,t1e in it. '.
lI74.-Richard E. of Strongbow, erel!ied a convent o£ Knights T~.
plars, at Kilmainhaul, where the Royal Hofpital DO'# (lands. Died of
a mortili,*ioD in hi, foot,lAd lVa. boried in Chrill·,hurch.
11,,-Half)' U. founded the c.uon~ of St. Yi4or. iD DuhUa.
Samr ~ crcaed bia younger fon. John, n year. old, KiDg I\r
l.ur.! olllclaDd. wbo IRDtcd chanut to the city 'of Dublin and other
~.. ';.'
J I I&.-.\Iacd de Palmtt' {oundtd the priory of St. John. 1'11_ fL
•• to.-GIUt Fm of the city confnmtd by fire. . •
.a.ri4.d1ada rebuilt by ArchbHhop Comyn.
Ot. Patr,"', chlll'ch rebuilt by the fame archbilhop, on the lire of a
raredUaJ ch.rch fouuded by St. Paft'ick. Afterwards crcc!led into ,.
CIIlKdr.u, by Hcary de LoUDdret. hi. fucccfl"or; who appointed Wilham
FIU-GMY the &ra duD. . .
-nQ.. -Cil, wiiled bJ. placue. -
110$. Foeodllboa of DebliD-caale laid by Henry de LcnandrcI.
~ J DabIId. Completed. J:U3L .
IIC9_Eatler-Mceday. $00 citizens, brinr: a colony from Briftof.
_ I "' diwcrt tJacmfelwes at CIIUco·...wOClCl. and were Oaugbttred by
t.~ lriib: Wherefore tht!Uy was arter.-ards diftinguUhed by the Dame
of Black-MoncWY. ~ .•
nao -ItiDr JohD-, in Dubllil. upwards of 20 IrHh- PrinCeS, who
r--e aUqWIcc to him; and he there tamed them to eftablith the
Eurlilla law. and aaioau. eI J1IIdicatvefirft erc4ed fer the adminillration of Ju{lice •
. Is,6.-N--," .a. MAGNA CSA.T .... or put maner of libertiea.
,ranted to the INIa. " HCSlry III an CDtry of whkh was lillee fowul
ill tlae llcd- book. or cbe Exdaeper. Dublin-
1211.-Hcmy tII. poced the city. to the citizena., in fee-farm. at
se.> mat\s trr --.
11.14'-Cdoms ~id iD the aty, were 311. for every lack of wool i
61. fOl ewry lad of bides; uacI ti. (or nery hUTel of WUJ.L. _
lu~.-Hellr,. Ill. ordained that the daartergrallted to the lrilh, ht.
Kill, JobD. UDder hi, feal, [lllOllhould be kept iDviol.bly.
up.-New l.oiu3CC in Dublin.
,.6J.-Grcat _ _ tinQ between the prior oC Cbrill-church ancllhe
C_ ""JIlaltr. u- the tithe fith of the Litrey.
I ~66. CitiftRa ac:;)IamUDicated. by bell. book, and candle, for
c~1 CIitthe cburdl. ~
n83.-Fart ofth\! city. and Chrifi-cllurcb, barnt.
Pm e1dae famc. and St. Werbuqth', church. burnt. '
I ; ... 8 - JohD ~r Dec.", appointed fira provoll; aac! Richarcl de St.
C1.a~ anj Jobli Stakebo:d, firft bailitr. of Dublin.
'JlOo-SUrn draWu <ID hurdles, through the tlrerts, tied at borCq
wl., for UUIIC Idee weights. • .' .
I.II.-Ri-Jlard La.... Icf. ferred the office oC provof!. or dl1~r macif.
vat~ Jor tIar« ru~cclli'e y"an.
1".:._SucpleolCh,ifi-dlurch demolilbed by a Ilorm. _
,.po -r~ :oll~ge eredet.! in St. P.trick's church by Alennd(r de
1 i<"ucr ......-h~ ,lbop of DubllJl.
I.Ul.-'-Wl:nt fold .t 6/. a bufbe1. .
J,;;>i!. -1.ijJ"1Irozcll' ayer. Crom :':oYembcr I, to Febr. 10, 1339·

~ . '.
1348.-14,00. ,cClflc tarried off' by a remukable pellil~c:eo:
13S9.-SeconJ JulUcc app'ointed. Sall'J 4omarlr... . .,
JJ6a.":"'St. Patrick's cathedral burnt.
1364 - S~me r, bllilt by archhifhop Millot. .
137o.-Foundl.uim flone of Se. P.\tI'iclr.·.. ftecpH 10I~ by the f&IDe
archbilhop. . .
1385.-Dublin-bridge. linee caUed the OlJ-Itridge, felt.
1494.-Statut<lof KilkenllY ';'dDublin confirmed, iD a parlialMlIt
held in the latterunckr the B of Ormond.
J40j.~Citisen' 5:t?dout & fleet, in aid or Hemry IV. imded ~COf­
land. and Wales; Lz 'lughc' from thAatter the fhfioe of 8t. Cubiul, and
placed it iD Chritl-church. , .

.e 14C7.-Hcul'Y IV. gr&ll~d'tiC chief'mag,llratc:l"Agadodfword, ta

hor.... before them~,
'1409.-'Tbonl'!s. Cufack,,';';,' "'ed firft m~yor..
'. 1411.- ltr.ning\ tow~r finl ki!:.
14130,'" I -Landed a', I.lontarl" ~ ,. John St3llller, Lord·Lleu
tenant of L· ,I..lld, under King Henry '.'
1416 ":"l'arlia:1,·,,,t removed from Dllblio to Trim.
141.8.-Duhllil bridge .. d".ilt . , '
14~6.-rrial by ,"om"::..\. "i'i).Jint<.d in sniithliaa; bChreeo tbeprior
.r Kilmain""'ll arid .tlle li. of I hmou,I. t;,c f"~nl,<r ha~g impeache:!
the latter oC h;.oh t:"'~f)\j; Int the ql141reJ. b~iu&ta:'q.up by. the kin,.
WAa d",hled without r ghtin~. . ..' .
John Dl.,i·,J. armr,,"rcr, .llkewife impeached Wji~alll Calur, bi~nI311er.
of !reafon. Cawr, when he came to fight, bdng intoucated w,th wine,
wal Rain, ,without any Cufp;cion of g"'!t ;-_1\.1 D.lVid, not long after.
was haDgl'd for fdol,Y.
145?-:'ofial erecled in the caflle, where mverand hnC. money was
coined. I , .

J46a -Groats, two-pences, pence, balfptDcc and r.nhingl coined.

City vifitcd by a plague. , •
14611- '.n order 01 Knights of tlie Garter was inllituted iD lrelancl
. liy Edward IV. butabolilhcd by P.rliadlent in 14\14.
J41o.-City ag~in .,ilited by tbe plague.
, t417·-Fire·anrus 6rll illtroduc~ ioto Dublin, being a preCent to the
~rl of Kildare. then chief govemor. .
'490.- ']11111.. 11, Pirtl importation of Claret.
IS(lo.-(':ty bclieged b,the fon of the Earl oE Kildare. lord ~eput.,..
15 I a.-Mayor oblige.\ to walk barefooted, annually, through tho
c:ty. by way' of penance for quarrelling in St. Patriclr.'s church. ..
151j.-Citf again vilited by a plague. .
Jj18.-Play. aCted berore the E. of Oli'ory. on HOUin. now ~ol.
Jegr-grnn. ,
IS3'5·-Georg. Brown, archbilbDp of DlIbnn, th. ArAprelate in Ire-
e 1aod whb enibraced the reformation:
1J38.-HenrJ VIII. granted to the citizens the dill'olved monailcry
.r Ab-hMlows. with alJ the eibtei ,hereunto belonging. at the alllluai
rent or 41. 41. "id. .
1541.-Priory and cooveatof Chrift-church converted into a dea1l err·
aDd chapter br l{~nry VIII.
:..... Ct'<'6 ..1 iD IM f_.
" u -Tlfte rrtWN; .iz. 51 Mithae\"s, St. Michu's, and St.
by liI'dIIli/hot' B'to.. n.
': :,. P.c~ '"1:1. pu.w l1:c tcrrit(.ry of the: a\bCj ot St. Thomu
le "''':::UIl Bnm •• UI<lfiottot}:c E.dof Mearh.
:.d-Uwr..r- \"1. c.'l6ng<d h o ..mtofba,!,ffsinto!heriJT.-!oha
. , ..... r-i rl:("!r.' c...ryD :&FP' m~ed fait Ih"ri"~
.!~ -fr~'i1b Lt .. rcJ fira ca I ID Chrill-church.-.\ftd-ward.
ir--..<C .) h:'nh~r Pow~ I, hint: !!;e firfl booli priotcd in Dublin.

... 1~.':. !'.~t.!~ c:f v.;'c.u ("",~irg Ile-r I"ur Englilh lufbd., fold
J::!.-Rn.! of.uu which ilIrplies the dly b.o!on cnclafcd by Pat.
~~~ ~ayc~. .
, ! .'? ErgEA. ~Id pbecd iD Chrill·chl:l'ch and St.. p"triek's, fGl'
r·::~ :!~.
1.'",:- ~=: EEn~cl eaufed the: 'rfl .
public clods to be crcSed
.,~ o!li,. 1 L<':f<!, ~d Ct.urch of St. f>.:ric\::.
';~.;-Ta ;u·:(J en ..:I bGufdtcpch ahf.:nung thcmCdvc:sfroaa
cl.:.:....lI ... ~:::.:..:!. '-
•.~6: -Job H~'" ~"" from Santa H, in New Spain, ('rigina1lr in-
tn--~<":1f f«1!0C'! ~:o lrd;.;.c.~_ t!.. .... fi::!l !:rcugt.t to Lurope.
,: <:,. ••~ ~ b:.bk .. bcia';'! .he lirll .mper:.:!l. this rnr fold ill
': -!;:-Pr.lL!t~ in.~ chuwaa. mUo.Ouc:tJ I.y Ni.holas WalA,
coL •_;.a Or:>L F rn.;.l;. So

·'--3·-:.~~c:uricdcff byayt.~,,~..... ):i,h so dq>epuulf41

r.-." ~ . . t!.3t J:r...n. ~rcw in the firetU - ih cOilt!au~"el the
s.'!<"<r ,.Do! .<T"..J; t <Od Iter ro... :. .lot Gla1Tmanc'f,ue .
• ,.~ -K:.!&~ =~ w;h by Sir HCllry liida~,..
l.'h.-J .. L"lt,CI'. anhb o! ArtDaJ:h, Mnl iu lhW\ia--:-Drew up
':-4 lItDs of Rdipoe f ... lRlad, 161j; whKh wac dlabWllcd and
m<i",d I6.\S-IlIt':!\bnla So. 1656 .
I ••;.-Rrir.ui.Uk a.a~ r~ht 4l Dublllt-c.:.nk..... feec the: lord.
~",,"(S aa..I ("... nciI. _~ft'Il C _ Ma..-Corm;,c O'Coonilr and
T~, ~~'·C"·f ... :;j.k O"COIICOI' ; iII".hich tIac: fo>nlltJ Iwl his bead (lit
. ., a:J p~"d to the 1crdsjuniceo.
J5&6·-K~'. "':l~• • itlaOllr Dam~·..gatc, by "
u~: ~.-TIk fi!" now1:n.> .. n I>J <he name oTExc:brquafllcct.
l.t'9C""-M~ of AJl.t.a1Io.~ &~ted b,. the UUkIlS, for tlu:
aitt 001 ~ l'siwri:,.. .
I.,Y' - Tricity co'kJC formJcd by <t..1KCII. E~-()pc:De"
J~9.;-163;, .-cttl.ed i new chArta, and fel of bOllcs. .
J~o~-CXy ,:fitce I.,.
a plague:.
1~""9 -C1a:uttt of tI>c City renewed by 1 - I.
16:-I--CQ«IQtioa hdd in Duhlin, wnidi dlabIill~d'tbc -59 articles
Id rdici-.
lh'i -llodlift 'n-''-'-c maed in Back-luc:, iD oppoIltioD to Tri.
U!-«:~.-:iMt, '(HSo ;
1~4<'-"\thCrt>JG, bilMp 01' Waterford, huged at DatJiD for bdliaJity.
I 6.l1.-citi%CD$ brou~hl ill th~ir platc:-tO lie coiac:d.
CO &be "JIlCIIInt vi
•• acd. c.lwppIr cbe ~ of die llacc.
1644..-lDhabitalitl of DuhliR numbered ~,54$ me.Ia, alllf a.986 we•.
ftlen, t'rotellaDu.-1 ,~o:r. mm,. and 1,4l'16 WomCR, ROIlUIa Cath ...
li,•. --Tota:. 8,159'
t649.-<':romwell arrivtd in Dublm, with 9000 {eot. and4Clo horfe.
16So.-City vilited by a plaglle.
16S8.-Dublill.caIHe furpi-ifed, hy a numbel of geMral officers.
i nc htled to the reftoration of Ch31"lt. 11.'
1660.-Ch.rlee 11. gave a collar of ss. and' a ,CQot compaay to lIao
nl~yors oE Dablin.
l!:lev~1l bilbops confecrated together iD St. PatriLlt', church.
1661.-Theatre erected in Orange.Greet, now SDIOct-alIIlY.
1663.-Court oC daim8 held at the King' ..inDL
166.5 .-Chief magi1rate hon\lored wjth the rir\e Ilf lord mayor, Ity
Charles 11. who granted 5001. i'" 1111"".... in lieu of che foot compao,...
-Sir DaDiel Bellingbem the /irLllfU'd maJor.
r661.--Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrkk's, bGta ill Hoer'..c.&ll'l't,
November 3o-Died Odober 19, 1745, alled 1~
167o.-Spire of St. Audoen', church relluilt .
. Free.Cehool of Charle. 11. commonly called the Blue.coat.hofpitaJ.
Q.!.!eeD.tlreet. creeed-Rebui It '773 Expenc:e ~4.ood~
·rrees planted rOlllld the walk, of St. Stepbell'~reeD, and treJl(hd.
cut to carry off the WiLer. .
Witer.courfe of the city baron cut, ana pi;iel. Jaid th_gh the (it)',.
'Fouud.tioD of Se; Andrew's church laid.
}:iIrht belli hung in the fteep!e of St. PatriU's,.!ix ill Chrill.~hurch.
and five in St. C~therilie'.. . •
,67/.- \\'ooden· bri?li,e built onr t1l1l.Ldf~y. Fro~ lInatt.mpt nlado
to break it down, in which Cour perrous _ue killed. aftawarda Litlc:d
.Uloody. ~ridl!e. but I1l1!=c calktl Banackrbri"g.-.
16i:O. - New rules, for beltcr gOftSDlDCllt of the Cit" &c. iDflodue-
cd by A1" t ur, E,rl.o{ F.lfcx. .
t6]6.-F.lL:x~hrid~ h-.ill by Sir H, Jecv •••• calktl after Arthur.
Earl of Elf. x. .
1681 ...... 'July " Oliver PluDiet, titlllar uchbiJlaop of Dl&bIill. ha.upcl
,at fyburn. .
.168,.-Ormond ~ar~et 9FDCd.
,G8J -Ci,y l"holltl built.-l'art takeD down in "ClI.
F,6.·, 9 ,.... I(oya I Ho{pital, Kilmaiaham,. b¥ilt at th•• harge of the
army •. by JamC\!l l)Jlke 01 Ormond, on a fi~c: of 64&4r..., p;il't oC t~
PJltZDIX park. Total.expeuce ~J;J'91. 16•• lI!d.
Ormond.bridge built. ,
Auan-b,i4ge, uaee call.ed ~een's bridt;e, bllilt.
.688.- .mts 11. at'Ilill'<d in Dublin.
MiIlt eftablilhe4 W· coiniug -mOO'Cy ilf brals; old , .••. aad the
refufe of metal, mdted do\YG tQgethe~, ·i/lto Grown .. half crOWDS and
1hl11ill'1. to the _an, QC .,i4lb. 3toz. Valued at 1~96,'99L
... 6d , . .,. . . '
1689''''''' 3<100$ .ttsinted bya 1'"diimlent IIcll in DlIblia.
IInder James 11, . .~ . . .
i'riaitf College cenvllfGctdo:. ba,r.clr., for Popitll foklicn.
. ' > SD 3 ' ..
'6ge-1"" I, AItet hi. oid'eat at the Bclyne. James 'H. !cd te .,
!>sblm, ...... IIcpt that Dieh« iD the carue; frolD wheDce he deputed
earl, the IICU morning. OD his RtW"I co Frmce.·
CaIDe ei DubliD (fiJ:ed It)" R. F.ea Gcralcl. for Wi1Ii~m abd Mary:

the Prot.c!laDt go"c~nt alld JUaCillrKJ of cbe citJ reft.ored.

E.vthClaakc le .. ..,,· DubliD. .
I 69s.-1>«-_ .IS l Kin, and Q..acca'. Col. of Pb,.ficiaDI incor-
panted by dla~ur .
• 695.-£...... CoIU"t. (1£ Juftiee, Chrill.·chuda-laae. rebai't. .
16<}6. - ."'. illdlD ~cket· boat, with two mw and 80 pafl'eJlKCh,l:al
away iD D1Iblin b.f -
169" -P...iAI of St. Midwt diyidc.d into three; m. Se. Uidaail
St. p~ .. :'" .Hld St. Mary·.. •
W"u!t..m Ill. gaye 30001. to enlarge the aoiyerfity. -
T'hA !onna collu of ss. beine loft, B. Vaa iIoiamp. J.rd ilia:"
eIJtai..t • De . . oac:. valu 10001. . - •
Aa l"'i'cd for .creliaac lamp' iD Oublia,
~o a,-. \ n EcpeftriaD ScatIlC efWiJliam Ill. crecbd iD 't:0Uege-
",ceII. ._ . «_ I . . __ • •

FOWldatiOO of the Fo~e·h"rpital and Wor~ ICcI

I'oud.tioa of Banaili at Dublin .-d.
1707.-.\1",,, IIj locerefl of IIIOn")' reduce.! from to to 8 ~
l'otlftdill.>oo of the 014 curlom.hoUt:, Ef'es-4lrect, laid.
CO"llw·;. .... mbcr. treafury. aud ruoCt of tbe reeercb burnt.
.iw.-Fouudalicau oi atfpllcaa·...ttofpieaJ. Jamea·...llrcct bid. inCOl:'
porat..1 17 le",
SUtUC 'of "MCc t. nc8ed 011 U<Mriligc. Taken clown :1753.
rc-cre. cd 17,s. na.ron-ftftCt•.
17"'5,-M.",;' a5. hnn-eCter moor.,. rc4ua:4t&o. 8to ~ 1"-'·houfc:, TItOma... CtK«. built. . .
17:1.8.-l.lI1cl1.haU op.Dcd. . . .
17s9.-Parliaatelll rac .. the Blae-coat Wp ul, Q..ftCD-'rcct, wlane:
Ut attclIll-l w>.uwlc 10 Obiain tile fupp. in iG, ~I yea.. This attempt
.Ideated It,. a ma;t rilf orON &. . . ' -,
l"oun(at;'o of . he, ParliameDt·lanfe. CoIlege·rD, laid -Filii'"
In tell T<an.-I Sp<'llCC 4\1,oool.~N_· E. and W', fr_ts bllilc'1791"
North-.. all btailt. .
. FOUDcbtion of St. MJrk·~'im.It. Towntelld-ftrect, laid.
'Itac end-briclrc bidJ·.-felt. 178:a..-Rcbuilt, 17~.
li 311.-Linc.u ftuf. Iir4 Uli:cl at fuoc:rW .. _
The: College hbruy fia:Hh.d.
1733.-11...., I. -1Dtc:r~ft of motley rc.luccd rr- 7 to , ,..-"",-'
'734 -BUrr;D~ 'in woollen fhrood. firll iatrodlKecl.
Merccr·a-hofpital. built OD the 6re of &t Stcpbca'..dnarch. finiW
'73S.-1\bgozioc, l'bamiz..park. built. - •
J-7J9--I\n iotenre (.oll began JlIeI. 'IH t_inucd till Feb. I-
1740; ... heo the Lil'cy .... froseD ....... -1Dd iIte cilia". . .~I_d uad
rc:i:rc:a:~d themf'el_ apou the ice. 'tbis WIS ru~eecdcd bT fuDiDea
••cflilence. ,,·hich. m~dc: gnl3t h.,.ock . . . the J*K'•
• 74j· • St. I'..". Ja.o{pital fo~.,,-.n bWift. Orcaei.17$1.
'7~-CjUII'll(crCllCe f1i D.uWia, 7.1.,ijh IIIib.
, ) 14(i.-,fooL I" .,,- granted to the Dublin Sodety fI,. Gcor:e It.
1147·-10. ntafbk pillu 30 feet high, with a Phoenix en the top.
en:.5led in the Puk by Phi ip Earl oC Chenerfield•.
1748 -BI;II~ hUllg m St, Werburgh's Qeeple, • '
South-wall, a pier cxtend!lIg ·one mile ant..! au balr eallwatd or Rin,r-
cnd, begun. Finilhed in IH. than feven years.
J149.-Dublin Society incorporated by cbarteC'. ~ April 2. •
. ' ~plre. eorctled on St. Patrick's fieel!le.
D~n..6" 18, A man. named Collin. died i. the Earl oC Meath'
Libc;rty. ;aged I 37 yeu.. . .
17 S I._Foundation oC tbe L)'in,'in-hofpital,Brit~n-nreet. laid.
Opened· 11S7. .' , , '
1 752..- Old {\Yle changed; the I fl of lIcpteDlW bel/1g reckoued the/

nth. .
53.-4,('<» honCes ereQe4 ill dae citr &Dd fuburll. of Dublin, 'nce
17 I 1 ; allowilig 8 fouls to aa houfc, the iaueafe of illhabitanu p,ooo.
Hofpital Cor Incurable., now called che Lock HoCpiul. Towofcn4.
!lC'cd, opened.
Alril.-..:;t. NichDW'..hofpltal, ill Ynncil-fireet, opened,
Foundation EB'a-hridge laid.--Finilacd. 17S6.--Expence.
&0.6611. I I&. 4d.. . .
I ~4-St. Werbvgh'..charch, a fecelld time, burnt.
, 1 758.-Stltue of GeM,e 11. eret!led in St.Stephce'''green. ,
Foundation of St. Thoma.· ..chw:ch. Marlboroogh-llrect, laid.-
Pinilhed. 1161. - '
Theatre in Crow~llrett opefted.
J 759. St. Werburj;h's-church rebuilt.
New Cront or finilhed.
Ad ,alfed for regulating the corr,aratioJi ~C Dllhlin. whercb, tile
junior guild. acquired additio!,al pri ~deges. _ . •
1,60. Foundation of St. Catherlnc·. church, Thoma.. ~rcct. ~ald.
iillilhed, 1769. .
1161.-Polltldation of the Ligflt·houfe, Poolbrg,laid. Finilhcd, 1163,.
J764.-Foundation oCtbc Q!een's bridge laid. Finifbcd, 1768. '
1765 -Statue of William Ill. Colfege-Oreen, repaired and dU.1tcd •.
Gran,\ Canal. adjoining che city-baCon, lIe@un. Subfmben ineor-·
. porated br, Aa: of Parliament, 177'1. Palf"g •• bo,it Crom Dublia
to Sallin~ begall plring 1783. To'MonafterevcD, 1786. To .At"',.
• '91. Capital ftock r zoo,oool. ., ,
I iG'S.-F.6. 16, Lord Townfend gave -the Roya\ deDt to an aa lor~-
limidng the duratioD of parliament to eight year.. '.
, J 769.-Pouedation ol Hibcmian-hofpital.··I'hoeni~.park. laiel.
Opcned, 1770 .
lipirc creeled on St. W~~burgh·. ft~cple .... t"ken down 1810.
FOUlldatioD of the Royal Euhange, Cork-hill, laid. Opc:JJcd 1779.
I 71o.--Foundatioll4)f Meath'. hofpital, Coombc • .laid. -
.' FountiatioJl of t~ HiberniJUl ~~e Durfery. Ro~erf.a.'s-'lua,.. laid
Opened 1 7 7 3 . ' •, "
1171.-No'V...h" S, Cn. . . . .IlCIlI. M. n. diLd.
1773.-i:ol1JJdation oC the.tJle~ ·1I1't1~"oat-l1,ofit~al. lai"., ~
Fouudatlon or che·~w ....I. Oreen·drcee. lald.-Opcnecf 17.'

A;"'all~ . . .~ .
'jj3.-St. John" church, ~buUt.
~ 8. -Hoafe of 'ndull.,., DfIIDrwic:k-!l,eet, l:'p.ened.
1773.-MClth-hofpital, inst:~utt'c! the C"unty ID6rm;uoy.
,. a pal'cd for a new ~neral paycmcDt of the Ilreets of DI,blin.
Pellny poft-o:f.ce opened, for tbe city and fl4burb. of Dublin, 3lId
within four miles tl-..crcof . .
.775.-BianinghaJ1l-towl'r rebuilt.
PI'andaunn of, cw four-couru Marlhalfea, Inand-ftrcct. I~d.
1776 _Foandation of King's 'nn, ·laid. Opened liS4.
April.,. Firet omquerade-b,,1l at !be Mulic-hall, Pilbamblc-ftmt.
1'77.-~7,IS' JtovC... in the and fqburbl of Dublin_ Allowg
I foub to an heafe, ~he Iluruber of illhabitant. then 1~7 ,ICl8.
1778.-Ch...itable Ma6cal.Soc:iety incorporated.
OIl., u. The. filft regiment, or Dublin voluDccers, formed ~
tile COBlmaaJ of hi. Orace the D1!ke of Leinftl'r. .
1 779.-08okr n, Both houfes oC Parliament unanimoaflr a!1drcfcd
the Kinr;, for a free trade, which was grante.!.
1780 -Firft IriJh State. Lotter~,1l It Ihe ,Mnfic:-haU.
Simpfon'..,hofpital, Gt. Britam"ftreet, opened 178.. Rebuilt r7B.s.
r.,.Sr._FouDlUtioa,o( tIft: New Cuftom<houfe, North-wall. l&id.-
Opened 1791- . ,
.7h.-Pd. 6, Grove-room, at the Mu~c-hall, Fifhamble·fl:. felL
:J.III 14.' IriJh State Lottery tirft drawn at the Opera-houfe, C~-ft.
AI! pafl'ed for the Rcftoration of the Conftitutlon of Jrehlndo
1783 -~d. 5, Order oCSt. Patrick jnftituted.
., 17 First inftalment of. Koighto Cqmp~nionl to the i1hlftriolll
, Order of St. Patrick, held L. th~ 'cathe.dral of St Patrick; his E~dJcncy
Ea,rt Temple (the th-:n Lord,Lieutena~t).I~rand mafter.
New CIofUe-marltet, South Great Ceorge'l-ftreet, opened.
. Afril 17. IllJependc.ote of the Infh COllr~s of JuCtice decbred by
• Bmifh Aa of Parlian,tJlt.· '
:Jwlle"s 3ank of Ireland, eftablifhed by aa ofP.arl,iamcot, opened
in Mary'8-abbey Removed to College-green, 1ft MJY, r SpS.
De«","', "5. CClJ11menccd a fcvere froit which lafted tUI the luft of
Fcbruuy following. . .
1784 - Thlee add.itionaJ. jucgeuppointed. ,
, "July '7 Foundation of alfetnbly' room., Cavencillh-row, laid by fli.
Once ":harles late Duke of Rutland.·
• . Habea~ Corpul ..loa paffed. - .
The general poft-ofike of Ireland eftabllfhed by aa of .F,arliammt.
Foupd~t~on oC Bcthefda Chal·el laid. Opened ~.Ith of June 1786- .
r78.~. j." •. 19.-Firft".lir Balloon afcendecHrom RaDl'I!gh-gardenl.
J 786. j.. 'J8.-Thc ~oyallrifh ..AudclJlT jllcorporatdl by patcae.
J 786, MI1r<h 13 - FoutulatioD {toDe l,.id of the pew Four-Courts and
PublIC Offices, lit King' •• lnno, by hi. Grace the Duke of Rutlaod. in the
pr<f<!llce oCthe Lord Chancellor, the Judges lUId King 8 Counc:il_
'78~, nSoIJer 24-'Di~d his Grace the'Duke of Rutland. Lord Li~
tenallt of Irdxnd November n, Graq"d funeral Focel1ion iD Dublin,
New Theatre -of-Trinity.(on.,ge ~peilec1' for tbe public examinadoDI
ur fellowlbip., ornamc:nted with a 'fine monumeDt oC the lAte Prowl
n.IJwin, Cllft 10,0001. .
1787 ._t·o·!OIlat Ion of the Soldier~ Infirmary Phrelliic"park, laid.
l7 HR. Act of I'arliament passed for regulatlllg the Theatre·Ropl
III Dublin.
Revenue return of 1lOil,e. ill the ,li8trictof th~ metropolis, 14.3Z1
lubabitant, ill (rdand, '" l'oUlputed by G. P. Bushe, ES'I'
4,040.000 GOuls; 650,000 hOllsc..;.
17e9, JanlHl,'Y 15, A,tley's Royal Amphit~catrc, Petcr·street.
ol'ened by I('Uers patent. for 7 years. paased the 25th Mareh, 178~.
Feb, 25, D"p"ties sent tu England'by both bouses of Parliament
to pre,ent al\addrcJS to the Princ~ of Wales. to accept thc regeucy.
lI-Ertl'cl. 26, The Abeeedarian Society formed.
Octpher I, Royal Canal iOL'Orporated by chartPr, for the purpose
<If opelling: a Canal from Dublin ~ the river Shannon. Capital
Stock, 200;OOO\. \
1790. Foundation of Westmoreland lock and bridg&.. 011 the.
Royal Canal, Il'id by the Earl of Westmorland, Lord Lieutenan\).
1791. Parliament grallt 45,8001. tor making docks 011 the N, anu
S. sidel>Df' the entrance of the port of Dublin.
An Apothecaries Hall establisbed by act o{ Parliament, 22. Foundation of Sarah's-bridge laid, by 801rab, late
(;OUllt65 of Wesworhmd.
September 19. Foundation of the New House of Industry laid
by the Right Hon. Thomas Cono\ly. .-
Fouudation' of Carli.le-Qridge laid by tbe- Right Hon. J. Beresfori,
1"il'&t Steam Engine erected in Dublin by Henry Jacksoll. .
1792. JantUWy 24. An inundation' .of the.sea, through se"eral
brcache~ in the South Wall, laid all tbe luw gTOund under \~ater.
Feb. 21. The Hou&e of CommouA destroyed by an accideutnl
fire. .
J,,"~ 1"l. Foun.lation of the Female Orphan·hoUlle-laid by Mrs.
Elizabeth La Touche. '
Jllne 14. Foundation of a Session·boU68, lakl' by He$')' Gor&-·
Saukey, then Lord Mayor.
Apn19. A bill for the relief of the Roman Catholics of lrehmd
received the royal assent.
1794. An Act passed for a partiC'ipation or the JROIIopolyof the- -
Ea.t I udia t r a d e . ' , -
1795. Stamps on Bills or Exchange, Promissory NotesllJld Re- "
ceipu, established by Act of Parliament.
1796, A~iI 23. Being St. George's Day,- tbe·Gntnd Canal ftoa~­
ing and graving doeks, opened before his Excellency, Juhn Jetfries,
Earl CamdIJll. _
.lu(V 29. Foundation laid of the Commercial Buildillgw. E. Parka,
• Esq. Architeet. Incorporated by Royal Charter, January 1198.
Oct. First meeting of the City Armed A.sodation.
Not·. 3 •. The New Four Courta on the Kings Inn',-qnay opened.·..
as ES90ign day for the Judge.. .
1798, Feb. Public soup 8hops opened by order of Government,
u.ndet the direction of t.he Governors of tbe Houses of,llldustry.
May 19, Lord Edward Fttzgerald arrested on a charge of High
Treason, diecl4th June following of wOIIDde he re<:ehed on that QC-
,asion. "E
• 1798. Moy.-2'J. A Rebellion broke out in thiskiugdl'IP, wl:.idl
.11'. not totally subdued till the year f"Uo"m~.
& 15. I'oulldation laid of Sir Patrick DuDn's H"",,,ita!
on tbe Arti(boke-l'Oad, by the Rev. Dr.lieIlIDey, Provost of 'rrillity
Collere• .
) 800, ]'.farcll 21. The House Ilf Lords and Comtnons waited OD
the Lvnl i..ieutenallt, ,,"ube {;astle of Dublin, lIitb I.he articles uC
Union. .' , •
/kc. 1. A seleL-t:an of the Irish members chosen tu siL in the
Imperial Parliament. " "
HIOI. Jun. I. Tbe Imperial United Standard was firstdisl'la~'M
upun Beclford Tower, lJllhlilJ Cutie, ill, consequence of the Act of
14191ative Umon becolUi~ IlJI operative law. ,
April. Fever HO&pitaJ in Brown-street,Smitb6eld, opened hy
..rder of GuveTmnent, ullder-the direction of the'GowulIOl'S of u.e
House of Indus! ry.. ,
Oetober. Penitentiary Hon,e ot Reform For young Crhninals
opened by order oi C""VernVleBt, UDder the directiou olthe GO\ Cl'-
1101'S of the Hom:e of ludu.try. . , -
'18112. An Actor Parliament;pas$ed to sell and convey the
l'arlialDeot House to the Governoni aod Directors, of the Ban!.. .f
April 2-1. 'The fiNt Stone CIf t8eHo.n~e of Recovery in Cork-
Itrt!et, ",'as laid by his E"cellellCY the Earl of Hanhricke. It was
epened for the reCllptiOllof Patients on the 14tb of May, 1804.
The Kiug·s lqns New Square. Library-and extensive BlJildiDgs,
·wert. erected ill' Heurietta-street. .
" Great 'Improvements wer\! made in' the Dublin Society House.
Hawkiu's-street, this year. uuder the direction of Gen. ValI.allce,.
V. Pt. 'Ibis Bnildiug'now:co~tains tbefir.t Museum of the l\tine-
hl Kmgdom ill Europe, purchased ia 179:':, of the Widow of tue
lIIte Baron.. Leake ;' a6\ is .the l\'IuSElUUl of the RegtJum Aui-
Dlale,' containiug a fine collection of SJ,,,lls, insects and· Bird.. ; iu
:t:be'G$lteryof Uljs'Museulll, tLe Mjuerals of lretand are tUTa~
by Countil's. On the saIDe floor is a large'room w.. the exhibi~
_ '"f·pa.iutin~., anllla Library, flDriohed with a filie colte<.-tWn or
Buo....s lu Arts and" Sciences; aud adjoining is the G;illery of Bust,..
.."tbe .ml: of' which'are,·for drawing ill HglU'e, lAwd-
acape, OrDlt1I\.ent and Arcrutectll1C. 'On the gruul.ld fluor is the Re-
,,00I1tdry of ~cb1nest8Jid 'Iltb\!1" WOl'k5181lt ill. by the Afaken· for
EJ,bibhien, " , , ,- -
Dec. 3. In' Consequence of a tremendous'fall of rain, wbi~b.ClOn­
tU'Iued w:ithottt i'Qttl!ftl~:{rolll Wednesday night to the morning
of thiS' day (Ft:illay), 'the' Ll~y, fo&e ,'to 'an, hei~bt ullprecOO8llteU ill
the memory of the oldest i.BbIa¥tant,' itBd ~wept ~way OrlllOlld-
h'itlt:e. !l'be cit~"'8I-jUQ"t!!d iD. "ariWis places, parti~nlarly, III
the neigbbourhood of Patrick-street" where. boats "Were l'l~iug the
... /iole of this' day. RHtg$.md-britige aud sever"r'oth~s iu the vi-
.,mity of bublin, IItte likewjge destroyed.
, U0'3, JIIJg 2J. Latl' i~,tbe e.>:.,.iug pf thi~ 'da"v a sudden insut-
I'et"tWn uroke,Oilut ilII th~ .Ilei!l;hJ,ourho.Qd of '~TL<!OlRs-~t~et. At
the head of "hieh was Mr. Il,oQert Ell/met, r"mllrl.ab.Ic tor
abilities Dud resolution, who, "ith the principal conspIrators aUtI
.everai others deeply JDlpllcate<l, was ."terwards tried, cUlldemued
awl exc:cuted. _
1804. March I. 'His EKc"lIeney Earl of Har<lWicke, ta'id thf fir' t
stolle of the Natiou,llliank, at thl' Parliameut ·House, ...
]tIt;y 14.-TheFe\ er HtJllpital, ill Cork-street, opened for the'
reception of patieflts~ .
18(15, June. By a Stati,tical Survey of this City, laid before his
Ex('ellellcy the E,rl of Hardwicke, hy the Rev. Jame8 Whitela-w,
Vicar of St. Cathcrinc'",tai<.en inI79~, it appeared·tbat the l'opu-
lati:". of Dublin allluul,tCt]to 1i2;094, and that its total area was
12a4-percht's. .'
The several ~i~tirlg laws, ~nbLl";. till; Baking T, of Dlfb-
lill, weft'repeltied, <tt,d'a new Act 1"'_1. directing the Assize of
.Bread to he .rtatiOlij\ry as in London, and the price /lnly to vary with
that of flour.
The'Office for registerin~,];)eed,., COlJvcyanctlS, &c. was remove,~
from the Lower Ca.t.le-yw:d to the Inns-quay, where spacious 8ud.,
• cOlllmodious offi<:'es wercerecteH'or thesafe-kceping of the 'Records
and Books.
00"1. IS.-His Excellency the Earl of Hardwieke laid the first
Ston~ of a ·Penitentiary at Sml'.bfield.
1866,jfl[r.rcl. 17, Jioundation of the Hall -& Anatomical Lecture
Rooms of the Royal College ot Surgeons, I..i,[ iu Stel'heu's~greell;
• NDtoitntbel' 28. ,(o'uundation of tile Bedford AsylUln, for the re-
ception of olle t.boWlllud poor cllildrcn of· every rel~ons. perAuasioll,
.lairl by bis Grace·John llu«euf 8edforrl, ill Hrunswi~"5tFeet.
) 807, lieb, tS. Foundation Stalle of the new Castle Chapel ill
the lower Castle 'Yard, laid by hi5Gr.tL'{:'the Vl\ke of H.!dfurd, LUlU
. Lieutenant of Irdan..l. '
·St. Ahdrew's Cbul'Ch te'-hlHlt';_t>~;08UI,-JohD TalbotAsh·
'CDblltst, JIl\tn'Reatl,·and Ge\Jrge Wa'rnllr,,·E,;qrs.·< Wardens~
Nb,·. HI. The Priilee of Wales·Parkgate l'aeket, Capt:Edward .. ,
and the RuchJale, a large Tran"purt, frum this city, ,yith ahuot
. 300 passengers, mostly mUitary, wrecked at :DunlearY'PoiDt, Rud
eVCl'V il'ldlyidl1allost, 'ellC6lpt the CaptaiIlRud·Cre'w of tbe- Paeket.
11;0<1, Feb. Foundation Stone of Nelsou's Monument in Sack-
.....1ote c5t<reet, laid' by 'Ms Gracetbe '!Mke "f' Rich:11I0Bd, Lord, 6ieu-
'teIlllnt itf :lreIalld. ,
Jut!! 1. l'irst Communication frOI'D. the Royal-Callal to the River
lLift"q, by J. 'mlles, "Es'lr.'R Boat,' call",1 the .Le;,,!i!, .11'011 Worl<s.'
[80'9, Ott,'2S. 'Beiflg-the t'UTlETH anDiYel'sary of the !Wee&-
'~ion of bis mort s:\cred Me,iesty, K;"g' George'the ~'nirtl.wru; dis-
~in14uished in Dllbtin byaGKA!'fDJu6W!:t:, "tn/·h lasted three dll)'s.
'fbe in,provementsof ~~bridgp. completed. 'under the diret-
flot! 'or the c<l'1"'ratiun fOT itllpto~iflg' the ptrrt of lJublin.
']\//11' • . 13. The' Lord ~hy"r, H4gh Sb\!ritfs, Ailderm"",-&e.
waitrrl on nt. (;r~/;c the ,J)uke uf Riebm"."I, at»"bl",
'Castle, witb a c'fm;,rtltmatl)ry ad/lress to his M,\)e.!ty on the
'a'n<pi:'iotlS" e,-cllt er Iris eUtering' mt-u the ·50th year of· h~s r<?ign.
llis f'.ace ~Hl.S vh~t\.ed ·to 'CUl.fer -the boo!)ur of Kmghthood
'ou the Hio'h Sheriff., Etiward8tanley IInd JRl1IeS RiddnH, &qrs.
anrl prolll~edto tran.<llIit the Addres~ to t~.e. King, ~itb. 1i
rccommentlation oftlle Lortl Ma)~lf. (Alderman Stamer) to tile dlg:-
nitv of a llarull..t-wilich his Majesty was graciously plei\ied to
"ol;rer on his Lc.>r<.lship and his heirs.
Annals:. .
1SII, .Ym·. 16. A Floating Li~ht Ship (the Ricbmond) was
,.,labli.loed ut the Kish Bauk, $. E. of Dublin Bay, ulI<ler the di-
r"ctit111 of the Corporation for llllj'fOVir.g the Port of l)"hlio.
I'L'i, ~pt. 12. Th~ Rid,molld, situe! .. near Portnt'eUn,
('pen.d for lupplying the South lido: of the City with "'ater.
I•.,(ore the Right Hou. the Lord !\fayor, Robert Harty and
.lohn Ki~ston James. Es'lrs. High Sheriffs, ani the Geutlewell
et' the Pire-waler(;ommillee.
1813, Feh. The Right Ifon. Abraha.m n. Kin:.Lonl Mayor. "isil,
Loud.m. and m.mands, in his Magisterial capacity; to pres(>nt the
Petition of the Protestants a,t the Bar of tbe Hou~e of ComUl~ ;
thereby establilh~ the right of the Gty of Dublin to the pth·ileg ...
in common with tbe Metropoli5 of Ellgland,. of pre.entinr; Peti-
tious, throu,b its Chief Mat;istrate, to tbe Huusei of the IlDperidl
JIIZy 1, Tbe city illummated with peculiar splendor in honor
of the great viet...ry atchie.. ed over the French, by that lllw-
trious IriShman, Field-lfarsbal ttlarquis Wellington, to whose ge-
IliuI and persuerRnce m"f be ascribed the delivenmce of Europe_
Aagu8t 9, Fouodation Stoce of Ricbmood-bridge laid by her
-GnK'C Charlotte Duchess of Rif'llwond.
N",;. 8, 9, IUumillations two successi..,e nights, in celebra-
tion 01 the m~morable and decisi1'e. battle fought at Leipsic on tlte
19th October, in which the Allied "SIwereigus .of Europe signally
detMted Boneparte. ,
18101.-,/0... 18. A gmd f.n of SOO", wbicb rendered tbe streets
nearly iml'8ssable for three w('eks,· aDd ocl'8llioned nlUeh di.trc,.s
amUllg the Four; ill ('ODIIeqUeIlCC \\ hereof a general alld Paro...hial
Rublc:ription \\as set 011 foot ",. 'the Right HOll. John (;ash, Lord
Mayor, \I hich produced upwards of 10,0001. and relieved more tb:m
Cl;; ,o{Jo persou••
AJII'il I M. ('«'neral illuminatiolls for the capture oC Pans by tbe
Allies, and Cor tbe restoration of the' BourooD Family to tue F.\'t!och
JIlI" 27. Peace proclaimed witb great magnmcen~brilliaDt
illuminatioDs iD I • or of the eVlmt, !lud for the boppy termination
ef b05tilitiea ill Eu mpe. '
AUff"" li. 13, 15, 16.-GraBd celebration of the Cen1.en'ary of
tBe House of IlauoW'r 011 the Thl'68e of Great Bntaio, wbieh, com-
bining the remarkable coiucidence of tbe Birth-day of HIS Royal
Highness the Prince Rl'geDt, "u 8C.:uiou of gn'at r('joiting.-
Splendid Fireworks ill SL Stepheu's gl'ftll, in presence of the Lord
Lieuteuant and upwards of IUl hundred thousand p"rsous.-t'oun·
.ation a&one of Ihe New General Post Office, Sack..ille-street laid,
iu commemoration of tbe Feati~ity, by biB ~. atlellded by
the Po.t-MOIltero General. tbe Ri,ht Hon. the Earl {)CNeiU, tile
.RiJbt Hon. the Earl "f Roill, Edward S. Lees, EIIq. SeeI't'tlUy, aud
the principal NnLility and Gcnlry.-Procession of tbe CorJ"l'ation
to tbe l'a&lle'of Dublin, With all Addrelll of Conptulation to the
Priuce l{eg"!lt, &c. &c.

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