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A M O R C F O L D E R 1929-1930

San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Thursday, January 3,1929
Page 1

A m o r e P a r ty -
L e a v e s F riday
For Pilgrim age
Like tho crusades of old, a little
pnrty will Icnvc Snn Joso tomorrow
night on n pUgrlmuuc to fnr lands.
B ut unlike tho old crusades, this
pilgrimage will travel in the luxury of
modern transportation to tho mystic
laud of Egypt.
It is a pilgrimago of members of the
Ancient and Mystic Order of Ro&uc
Cruel, headquarters for which In
North 'A m erica aro located In the
Amorc Temple on Naglco Avenue.
Tho long Journey will start from
Ban Joso tomorrow night a t 7:30
o'clock with a party of 12, which will
pick up additional groups cn route
until moro than 200 members of the
order will bo gathered from all parts
of America and Europo a t the end of
tho trip In Egypt.
Dr. 11. Spencer Lewis of San Jose,
Impcrator for North America of the
Rosicruclan order, will conduct the
pilgrimage. Tho Itinerary, as already
mapped out, Is: San Joso to Los An­
geles, where 50 members, representing
the Pacilic Coast, will board the
private car of tho Sunset Limited;
thenco through tho south to St.
Louis and Chicago, where 30 more will
join the party; and thenco to New
York, whero 20 moro will be picked up
for the voyage to Europe, In Europe,
moro than 100 arc expected to join
tho pilgrimage.
One of the features of tho long
pilgrimago will bo the ancient Initia­
tion ceremonies qmong tho ruins of
Kam ak Tcrnplo a t Tcl-el-Amurna,
“The Mystic Sun City.”
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Friday, Janu ary 4,1929
Page 22

12Rosicnucians to
Make Europe Tour
BAN J O S E . J a n . 4. — H e a d e d
by D r. H. S p e n c e r L e w is , lm p e r a lo r
fo r N o rth A m e ric a o f R o s lc ru -
clan o rd e r, 12 m e m b e rs o f th e t o ­
ploty will leave A m o r c T e m p le
h e r e to d a y ' f o r a to u r o f E u r o p e
an d E g y p t. A bout H)0 m o r e R o e l-
c r u c la n s w ill be p ick ed up a t v a r i ­
ou s points In th e U n ite d S ta te s ,
an d an a d d itio n a l 100- in E u r o p e .
T h e y will a ll Jo u rn e y to E g y p t,
w h e re D r. L e w ie will c o n d u c t a s e r ­
v ice In an a n c ie n t E g y p tia n te m p le .
Rosicrucians Going
To Egypt To Conduct
O ld I n i t a t i o n R i t e
San Jose, Cal.— (A P )—At.m id- lieved to have been devised and
night next February 28 in the carried on in the same room of
temple of Karnak, Egypt, 200 that temple by Amen-Hotep IV,
Americans, who will have traveled son-in-law of King Tutankhamen,
half way round the world, will en- 1350 years before the Christian
act a ceremony-dating back 3,000 era.
years into the mystic past. I The members of the Rosicrucian
The ritual which will be employ-. order, having headquarters here,
ed by a party of Rosicrucians is to , plan to embark from New York
be patterned on ancient forms b e -! January 10 on a four months’ tour
into the more inaccessible places
of the Orient They will be head­
ed by H. S. Lewis, imperator for
the United Stares of the Ancient
Order Rosae Crucis. The party
will assemble here January 4 from
many points along the Pacific
coast and from Canada and Mexi­
co. ><• ! * !
Farther along on the trip they
will be joined by others from
Rosicrucian centers in Europe and
The ritual, in the temple at Kar-
! nak will be part of an initiation
I ceremonial and is one of the prin-
I cipal objectives of the tour. The
order claims as Its founder Amen-
1 Hotep IV. The famous King Tut
is declared by the order’s histo­
rian t o have married into Amen-
Hotep’s family and got possession
of the throne. One of Amen-
Hotep’s teachings was a belief in
a single deity, whereas, it is set
forth against Tut, he was a back­
slider from th is faith and re­
The Gettysburg Times established the ancient priesthood.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania I n . conjunction with the Egyptian
exploration society of London, the
Saturday, January 5,1929 Rosicrucisn Order has provided
Page 2 costumes and equipment of consid­
erable antiquity fo r the temple
Accommodations for the Ameri­
can visitors have been arranged*1
for in monasteries in and near
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, January 13,1929
Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine
Page 29

It Can B e Done the
Rosicrucian W a y

New F R E E Book Tells

H ot» V ou May Do It

The Rosicrtieinns know how! For ages

they have demonstrated a greater knowl­
edge and a superior power over ail ob­
stacles in life.
Let them help you solve your problems.
Their guidance will reveal psyi-hic laws
;ind Mystic principles Which will mui.o
you mighty and successful in attaining
health, prosperity and self mastership,
The new free hook, "The Light of
Egypt," will tell you how to change the
whole course ot your life in a short time.
W rite a letter asking for it today.

Librarian L , T .
Rosicrucian Park.
S A N J O S E ............... C A L I F O R N I A
The Helena Daily Independent
Helena, Montana
Saturday, January 19, 1929
Page 4

By Fradarlo
The Haskin Letter J. H u K I l


Washington, D, C., Jan. 15.—T o Perhaps the strangest and certain­

southerner;, especially, the tale of ly the oldest body is the Ancient
present-tiav belief in witchcraft Order of Rosac Crucis N'o one is
comes as i > surprise, for southern­ aware how many members the order
has but sonic index may be obtained
ers were brought up in the knowl­
from the fact that 200 Americans are
edge that all about them their ne­ sailing this month for Egypt to en­
gro sersants ant] neighbors believed gage in a ritual said to be about
in witches and that some held secret 3,300 years old. It will be noted that
rites, • It is even staled that some they belong to an order reputed to
of the white illiterates of the moun- have been established centuries be­
tain regions set great store by an­ fore Clirisl, so they could hardly be
cient societies. deemed Christians.
There arc many types of witches 7 here is a material divergence in
and many types of strange worships the claims of the branches o» the
and practices which their devotees Itusicruciam. The original story
would be offended to hear called known in i/iodcrn limes is that 1>r-
witchcraft. Every one is based on iwecn 16M and 1610 three boo''s
the hope of mental peace or physical v/cre fit Ji\h*d at Cxjsel in Germany
cure of some ailment; the basic idea winch purported to tell the »lory of
always embodies the recognition of ? irrrti -o'lely’s formation m ihr
a higher power. It must he remem­ fourteenth century One
bered that Jesus Himself was put Roierlcreiil/ V..M *ai»| to llaVr I|»/|1
to death because lie practiced mira­ the founder. ’I he n t6 r r *o *e-
cles and instructed the people in a •ret, rt w.i*. .‘ laltd, *liat O'le number
doctrine inimical to the elder gods. was not knovn to another In tome
Witches were burned in European forme ihe talc r u n that a member
countries, notably in Germany, E n g ­ of oik k>dge knew no member of an­
land, and Scotland, and -put to death other lodge wai a Itoiicruciiii but
in Massach isctts, The York episode til members knew there v/ere many
is but an unfortunate incident in the lodge >
history of witchcraft. It is an old, l/irt Rrovfbt from k.f/pl.
old story and while there doubtless 7 be ctory ran •!:»• tbit Htn'ii
arc many believers in Pennsylvania, rreut/ luo been niMtiy year# among
the helievers living in the United
States today arc to be found in
every section.
The Helena Daily Independent
Helena. Montana
Saturday, January 19, 1929
Page 4

llic Arabians and Egyptians from

witchcraft as that section was to a
whom a great portion of the knowl­
considerable degree populated by
edge uhich Europe then Had c^mc,
especially in matters o( astronomy
It is a very notable fact that the
and mathematics. It was popularly symbolically inscribed tokens and
belies cd that Rosenkreutz had
charms which have come to public
brought back and transmitted to the
light as the result of the York trial
Rosicrucians the long-sought secrets
display queer characters having a
of the elixir of life and of the phil­
quite definite resemblance to Egyp­
osopher's stone which transmutes
tian and Arab' ancient writings and
base metals into gold.
carvings from that part of the
A great stir was caused and there world.
was much running to and fro and The American branch of the Rosi-
much furtivencss. No one could be cruciaus contends that their society
sure that his neighbor was not one and their ritual conic down from the
of the eastern maguians. Many per­ Pharaoh Amcn-Hotcp, who is de­
sons thought the whole work a sa­ clared the f muder. Amcn-Hotcp
tire and it has been attributed to was the son-in-law of Tul-Ankh-
a German writer, Johann Valentin Amcn, whose sumptuous burial pal­
Andrea. ace in the Valley of the Kings in
Finally some secret societies did Egypt has been excavated recently.
arise, calling themselves Rosicru-
The 200 Americans who will be
cians. These were almost all organ­
joined by Rosicrucians from other
ized in Germany and from the towns
parts of the orld, particularly E u ­
of Germany may be traced the Y o r k ;
rope, plan to hold a great ritual in
the Temple of Karnak at midnight
on Feb. 28. They claim that the rit­
ual will be the same as that gone
through with some 1,350 years be­
fore the Christian era. They have
induced the Egyptian Exploration
Society of London to assist them in
perfecting proper costumes for the
occasion and arrangements have
been made for lodging the Rosicru-
cians in monasteries near Karnak.
It is expected, as a part of the
ritual, that in-uy new members will
be initiated into the order.
The Helena Daily Independent
Helena, Montana
Saturday, January 19, 1929
Page 4

A e tirltie i of C ount C aglioatro. that the Prophets Elijah and Enoch

Probably the most interesting fig­ were die originators of Masonry.
ure who ever practiced Kosicrucian- From England the Count and
ism was Joseph Unlsamo, whom the Countess traveled In Russia where he
caustic Thomas Carlyle character­ again was received with honors and
ized as "the quack of quacks, t h e finally sen led in Str.isburg m Ger­
most perfect scoundrel tli t in these many. Ills fame in healing sprcal
latter ages has marked the world's all over Europe 'I’lie IV .ire Cardi­
history'-" Balsamo was born in ]743. nal dr Rohan, a great French prince
the son of a shopkeeper in a small of both rlinrrh and state, rilher be­
way at Palermo He is known to cause of some illness or because of
history . s Count Caghostro Even curiosity, sent word to Slrashtirg
his early life seems to have been that he would like to see the Count.
marked by dishonesty but lie did not Thr. Count immediately returned
set forth in full career until he mar­ word that If ihe Prince wm 111 lie
ried Lorcnza Feliciana, daughter of should come to him; if not hr did not
a Venetian girdle maker. Perhaps care 10 *rr him. This only increased
some of the glory and credit for his the Prince. Cardinal's rurioaity and
tremendously incredible rascalities lie went to Siraahiirf and from that
belong to her f« • they set out from time on completely fell under Cag-
Venice as Count and Countess Cag- liostro's domination. The Count and
liostro. Th :y were richly equipped, Countess returned to Paris with him.
traveling in r. coach and four for lint the Prince Cardinal fell into dis-
which doubtless thry owed. If they fa.o r at the court and both he and
did, then soon paid for them for as the Count were thrust into the bas-
they proceeded 'across Europe, no tilc where they languished foi nine
one questioned the title and the gold immtlis. Then tlicv were released.
was good. Tho Count was expelled from Franc j ,
The konnection is that the subtle nml never again did he find the old
count had revived • Rosicrucianism welcome from the courts of Europe.
and end cllishcr! it with consummate On visiting Rome he fell into the
art. He claimed he lad discovered hands of th * Holy Office which made
that it was the forerunner of Ma­ short work of the whole matter, or­
sonry and that he could work a s ­ dered Ihe Egyptian Masonry manu­
tounding cures. Whether or not he script burned by the common hang­
h...l some skill in medicine or traded man, cursed any who adhered to the
on the faith of his patients it ap­ belief, and sent the Count to prison
peared from contemporary docu­ for life where he died in a short time.
ments that hr did cure people of all The Countess, who had been impris­
the diseases in the almanac. Wealth oned in a convent, survived him for
shoivcrcd 01 him. In London his some time.
fame had arrived before him and he
was met with ovations. He claimed
through with some 1390 ytara before •
th* Christian Era. They hav* Induced .
th* Egyptian Exploration Society u f .
T h e E a u C laire L e a d e r London to arelit them In perfecting
proper costumes for the occashwi and
E au C laire, W isconsin arrangements have been made for
Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 2 2 , 1929 lodging the Roscfenietana In raon-
Mtene* near Karnak.
Page 15 It Is expected as a part of the ritual
that many new member*, will be
initiated into the order.

Present-Day Believers in AeUriUts et Count Cagllostr*

Probably the mo*t lnterestlnc fig­
ure who ever practiced Rodcrurian-

Witchcraft Trace Practice Um was Joseph BaUamo whom the

caustic Thomas Carlyle characterised
as "th* quack of quicks, th* moat

Back Through 33 Centuries perfect scoundrel that In three latter

agre has marked the world s history "
Salaam > was born In ITU, the son
of a shopkeeper In ft small sray at
Orders FoundedBefore Christ Still Persist in Palermo Re Is known to history ns
P arts of America, M em bers M a in ta in ; Be­ Count Cagltaatro. Even his early life
leans to have been marked by dis­
liefs Widespread in South. honesty but h* did not set forth In
full career unit! he married Lorenba
Mkrena, tegbltr of a VsiaUsn
(By Frederic J. Maskin' i
WASHINGTON. D. C .-T o South-1 not known to another In aome form* girdle maker. Perhaps some ot- the |
erner*. especially, the tale of present- I the tale run* tliat n member of on* glory and credit for his tremendously i
day belief In witchcraft comes a? no •edge knew no member of another incredible rascalities belong to her
surprise. for Southerners were lodge wa* a Roslcruslan but all mem­ for they set out from Venice as Count,
brought up In the knowledge that all bers knew there were many lodges and Countesa Cagllostro They were j
about them their negro servants and Ix>rr Brought From Egypt richly equipped traveling In a ccach j
neighbor* believed In witches and that The story ran that this Rosrn- and four for width doubtless' th»y 1
some held secret rite*. It » even kmita had been many year* among owed. If they did. they toon paid for 1
staled that some of the white Illiter­ the Arabians and Egyptians from them for as they proceeded across |
ates of the mountain region* set whom a great portion of the knowl­ Europe, no one questioned the title
great store by ancient sorceries edge which Europe then had come and the gold was good
especially in matters of astronomy The connection Is that the subtle j
There are many types of witches
and mathematics. It was popularly count had revived RoJlcntcta.iiam I
and many types of atrangs worship*
twlleved that Rorenkreutr had I and embellished It with consummate :
and practice* which their devn'ecs
brought hark amt transmitted to the : art. He claimed he had discovered j
would be ofTended to hear called,
Rod crucians the long-sought ser-els ; that It was the forerunner of Mason­
witchcraft Every one la based on the (
of th* elixir o f lift end of the phtl- j ry and that he could work astounding
hope of mental peace or physical!
oaopber’s stone which transmute* curse*. Whether or not he had *orae
cure of some ailment: the basic Idea base metals Into gold
always embodies the recognition of skill In medicine or traded on the
a higher power Jt must be reniem -: A great stir was caused and there faith of his patient* It appears from
tiered that Jesus Himself was put to was much running to and fro and contemporary documents that he did
death because he practiced miracles much furtIrene** No one could be cure people of all the diseases In the
and Instructed the people in a doc­ sure that his neighbor was not one of almanac Wealth showered on him
trine Inimical to the elder coda, j th* Eastern magicians Many nereom In London hi* fame had arrived be­
Witches were burned In European j thought the whole work a satire and , fore him and he was met with ova­
countries notably In Oermany. Eng­ it Isas been altrlbuted to a German I tions. He claimed that the Prophets
land and Scotland, and put to death writer. Johann Valentin Andrew. Elijah and Enoch were the origina­
:n Massachusetts. The York epltode Anally aome secret societies did i tors of Maaonry.
u but a unfortunate incident In the arias, calling themselves Roslcru- From England the Count and
history of witchcraft It la an old cisn*. These were almost all organ- j Counteaa traveled to Ruasla where
otd story and while thee* doubtless teed in Q«raany and from the towns I he again w u received with honors
art many believer* in Pennsylvania of Oermany may be traced the York ! and finally settled In Btrssburg In
the believers living In the United witchcraft as that section was to a • Oermany. HU fame in healing spread
State* today are to be round In even considerable degree populated by all over Europe The Prince Cardinal
section. Orrmani de Rohan, a great French prince of
It is a very potable fact that th* both church and state, etther became
Perhaps the strangest and certain- 1 symboWmlJy In scribed tokens and of aome lllnere or becauae of eurioalty
ly the oldest body la the Ancient Or- j charms which have come to publti sent word to fltrasburg that he would
der of Rosae Cruets No one la awnre j light at the result of the York trie! Ilk* to see the Count The Count Im­
how many membera the order haa but display queer, characters having a mediately returned word that If the
some Index may be obtained from th* quit* definite rfsemhl&nce to Egyptian Prince was 111 he should come to
fact that ZOO Americans are sailing and Arabic ancient writings and him: If not h* did not care to »ee
this month for Egypt to engage In a carvings from that part of the world. him. This only Increased the Prince
ritual said to be about 3300 years old T V American branch o ' *h" Ro*l- Cardinal! curiosity and he went to
It will be noted that they belong to i CTUdaiu contends that tneir society 8tra*burg and from that time on
an order reputed to have been estab­ and thetr ritual come down from the complete1* fell under Cagllostro’i
lished centuries befor Christ, so they Pharaoh-Amen-flDtep. who Is de­ domination The Count and Countesa the. Holy o o ice which made short
could hardly be dermed Christians. clared th* founder. Amrn-Hotep wa* relumed to ParU with him But the work of Hi* whole matter, ordered
There Is a material divergence In the son-in-law of Tut-Ankh-Amen. Prince Cardinal fell Into disfavor at the Egyptian Masonry manuscript
the claims of the branches of the whom sumptuous burial palace in the the court and both he and the Count burned by the common hangman, curs
Roslmiclans. Th» original story Valley of the Kings in Egypt haa were thrust into the Bsstlle where ed any who adhered to the belief,
known In modem times U that be­ bean excavated recently they languished for nine months. and sent the Count to prison for lire
tween 1914 and 1018 three books Th* 300 Americans who will be Then they were released. The Count where he died In a short time. The
were published at Caaasl in Qermsny Joined by Roatcrudana from othei was expelled from Franc*, and never Counte-i. who had been Imprisoned
which purported to tell the stnry of part* of the world, particularly Eu­ again did he find the old welcome In a convent, survived him for some
a aerre l society's formation In th* rope. plan to hold a great ritual In from the court* of Europe. On visit • time.
Fourteenth Century. One Christ Inn the Tempi* of Karnak at midnight In i Rome he fell Into the hands of
Rosenkrvuti was said to hav* been on February 3# They claim that the
the founder Ttie order was to cerret. ritual will be the same at that gone
It was stated, that one member * u '
R oslcrttctan

Los Angeles Evening Express

Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 2 6,1929
Page 5


how you m do rr

The R osicrucians k n o t *
Now I F o r ages they have
demonstrated a greater know l­
edge and a superior pow er
over ail obstacles in fife.
Let them help you salve
your problem s. Their g u id ­
ance will reveal psychic Jawe
and Mystic principles w hich
will make you mighty and
successful in attaining
health, p rosperity and s e if-
The new. fr»# book, “Tho
Light of E gypt," will tell you
how to ch an g e the whoto
ceurs* of y o u r life in a sh o rt
time. W rite a letter asking
for it to d a y .
Also see Page 182 of th e
New City D irectory.


VAndfk* 1Q33

* * + + •* * * *
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, Jan u ary 2 6 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5

Be Theme of Thom
l i t E # T hom as, m a s te r o f the lo cal
Boslcruclan Brotherhood will speak
t i t t h e service tom orrow morning in
Music Arts hall, 233 Booth B road-
w ay, when he will take for h k
tliojne “The im w of Orowth”
In announcing th is lecture Mr.
T h om as says:
“ Today mankind tn awaketjlny to th *
f a r t that wp a r e ffiirtK In a new im l
tran sitio n al « k« In wftlrh thin** are t a k ­
ing pla*e that fo rm er tv would have lw?n
c a lle d mlra<*k«. A e i o p l a n o p . wire!**?,
u m tinea and many oUm r eontm am jeu w ere
r a > i imtKisaibfc. not b ecau se the laws ssyy-
* ru in g tfttfvM* things w e r e 'n o t In
i m b ^ a u se we had not wmnm t*i a rettli**
lio n at the to w er w ith in us to apply th e
It* * . It in now to propel
M an rs Ibhroush th e a i r without fuel, h a t
impossible only heefttitM* m an hsu* not y»l
t»e law th a t w ill enable Him V* tlo
SI. The time, how ever. U ta«it am ataw h-
iiiff wh«» tJtla a ls o * h a li m longer be
c o n s id e r e d Im p o M lk U e .
’ ‘The mason th a t w e a ro not n«b»n<«h*4l
a n d aw»4 by the tr«nM #,m um on of th e
tu ttri) Into the oak »* •aim* « e have
[ i i f me fam iliar w ith th miracle. A*
$ r m farntllar wifh ,1f that Is un-
i iWHWt H eeitr** to tw* tpon mil. W hat in
*»m- a«e may be eftib-d tfiimcta* j» »n «
k lw s a m ~m \ t v a r r ^ it v o w » m s i« t. .flf h u t *
in different a *** we had. fnvt. mini-
JBHhr** *«*» 'JCIKme th e iwd*ephwrr th e
f m . W*| the H*- irb ol use. now we
« « invadhur the m a g n e t^ ae»> and tki# w ill
im fo iiftw e d by ifrffi a n o th e r u se v ery
m u ch a bovo the m b. r * * * * .“
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, January 28, 1929
Page 5, P art JI

Dr. E. E. Thomas, F.R.C., ad­

dressed Rosidrucian students at Mu­

sic Arts Hall yestcrdny on “The
Law of Growth." He said in part:
“Everything in the manifested
world is produced us a result of
vibratory motion. As long as there
is motion* which is vibration, we
cannot get away from God, for it
is in this God and by reason of
this God that we exist. As every
manifested thing grows in body,
mind and soul according to ihe law
of growth, so even the planet up­
on which we dwell Is constantly
progressing In its evolution. From
the electron of the atom, from the
atom to the molecule, the cell, to
the highest form of manifested
life, the law of motion, which Is
the law of vibration, reigns su­
Modesto News-Herald
Modesto, California
Tuesday, January 29, 1929
Page 16

i Q uestions And Answers

V n t r a n a r t a n n i » « t r in a a jr tr .c s t w a r off with «£e. Some
ijlifilln n of f a r t u r I n f v in ild n a have bet-n known to w ear down tr»
by iv rilln R £u Th*- IlD fiflflli R J I« the cairif- Another w ay is by the
lar, T b r N rU f -I U r r.ld '* U '« * h *
JS u rrn n , 1 3 2 2 \ c r f T u rk horns, hut this is not alw ays a ccu ­
A v r n t i r , W * * h l n R l # n . D, P>, e o » ra te . os they often grow m occ than
clivhlnc t w o c f n i i t n i l f l i o p t l o r one an tler a ycac.
rrp lf M * d J m t . It-pnl a n d o * a r l- '* Q. W hat is the address of the
rtil n d i l c p c a n n o t h r c K r r t n o r
ra n r j t r n i t r d r r v c a r c h ’ be c o d r r - lutthmal h eadquarters of Ihe £l<vd-
tulirrr^ AH n t t i r r <[U?M l"na t t i l l cnicLui Order tn the United S tates?
c r c c i r f n |irr*t»na) Un­
A . T h e n a tio n a l h e a d q u a rte rs o f
sig n ed r e q u e s t * r a n n o j lie a n *
tw rrrd . the Ancient, M ystical. O rder Hosac
All l n f r t » a r e w U M c d *
H a L — T l f R f !D I T U H . Cruels tAMOKC) a rc located o t
, K osicvm clan P a r k , S an Jose. Cali­
fornia. , I
Qr Huh* manv battleships has Q. How ntany m ore voles for
the* United SU U *? president did h a FolleStc pel in
A. Eighteen. 1024 than Nornmn Thom as received
Q. W United S tales paper In the lust e l e c t i o n ? __________
money contains the purl ra il of Sal-
The Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Iowa
Wednesday, January 30,1929
Page 4

Modern Methods
Dr. Spencer Lewis, who la lend­
ing a colony to the Nile, where they
will settle and live In the antique
manner, eschewing nil thiugs mod­
ern, said to a San Fran cisco re p o rte r:
"Modern methods weaken and nar­
row us. The manual laborer who did
beautiful work in the past is only a
machine minder today. And it’s the
sam e with education.
‘“ Our Mamie’s musical education is
unique.' n Nob Dill mother said.
*“ Teh?' said another mother.
*“ Ych. Give her the name of any
record, I don’t care what it is. and
she’ll tell you right off the bat w hat’s
on the other side.’ ”
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 2 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5

of Aquarius'
Is Theme of Lecture
*’T h * s f r n o f A m l a r l i i * " w ill ho j
ih o te rm re th o rn of P n K . K, j
Tfttm m ? hptm'v the Roftterucliin
Hrotherhond. .^ouih Broadway,
&timing morning. In announcing
lih lr»r»ltire P r TftnituiN m l& \
"Th'f* iXquurlu* t* 'fh» Plan of the
of Mon in h» iVM**8 ftaneft tr* flmf i
man dom inating *lte era***, Th!a i« rjo? !
the !nwar B*«*an of mum. III! th* ,mnn who •
wan flimtOiato, o»dr&w and irtuxamuie all
fh» lovr«*r prtfPti h'N Into hte l»l^rH<*r power*.
W> kpm\ thm (it* anim al man I* nndnwptf
with o rrfaln lim it*! lunvart*, hat when
thw*« n«nr»r* tiro m astered and tmrf««*Md
hv »vi a Mipv ptiwef Oil and on Iins? j
*10*1 Thu*, fhrtiisgh \*W «ry mr*»r the
low. r of iheoo animal Plans man !
m»»jKi -itInIn in the pinnmlr* r»f h!» dtevel- I
W *1mi ihl* high*#! ml stamen! \
ta f )4. , 4 • i a i i r y |o i* c « m m Ih e m a n . \ m ia r h j*
f* nfi^n rrm m m n im by an ntnr*l imtttitd
nC « m an th * Anail Oahrlel. whfrh I* n s - i
piMSlnt0d with the rttaHpfc* .U»hn cif th* |
fmir anxiwlH In th eir lUfstle ,
o r* hm B u n th u r Y *p rf**tttxili«m of th * ■
?H**d p w m and th * lo d laca! fticnn wtileh ?
m ark lt» four i ^ t n i n . " !
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, February 4,1929
Page 5, Part II

Discussing “The Sign Aquarius”
before the Roslcrucian Brotherhood
yesterday. Dr. E. E. Thomas, P.R.C.,
said that “the sign Aquarius means
the sign of ,the Son of Man in
“Talay we see the Spirit again
moving on the face of the troubled
waters of humanity,*' said Dr.
Thomas: “Again the water bearer
pours the waters of life upon our

earth. When we once realize how

fortunate we are to be entering this
wonderful age we will never again
feel despondent over mere objec­
tive conditions. When we slop to
consider what lies immediately be­
fore us we shall no longer feel dls.
couragcd, but know that there was
never a cloud that was not fol­
lowed by the sunshine, never a night
• that was not followed by the f*ay.‘
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, February 11,1929
Page 5, Part IT
The world as a living, conscious
being, mothering and guiding her
children, the sentient beings that
dwell upon her breast, was dis­
cussed yesterday by Dr. E. E. Thom­
as in his sermon to the Rosicruclan
Brotherhood at Music Arts Hall. Dr.
Thomas spoke in part as follows:
“More and more, mankind is com­
ing into the realization that man
is a microcosm of the macrocosm, a
little universe within the universe.
More and more is man seeking to
ferret out the inner secrets of na­
ture, and nearer and nearer is he
to the solution of the mighty secrets
that lie hidden within the bosom of
Mother Earth. In referring to
the earth as a living entity, we
should not get the idea that it is
a form shut up in this sphere of
energy at the center of the earth, or
that the varying forces of the
planet are confined to particular
zones, any more than it could be
said that the Soul of man is shut
up in his heart, muscles and nerves.
Man must learn to draw’ upon the
inexhaustible resources of Mother
Earth and to remember that the
creative forces poured out upon her*
in the beginning still vibrate
through all the kingdoms of ma­
ture and will go on and on vibrat­
ing and creating and re-creating as
long as the planet endures.”

Rosicrucians From Here Join

In Ceremony in 3000-Year-Old
Temple; Cable Gives Details
Seventy Amrrlrins. Including old -, Bunding in Uio deep shadows of
cer« of the Rnalerurlnn headquarters the many Hugo columns with burning
In San Jose, took port In a 3000-year- | torches as thoir only lights, and with
tha director of the cernmonles gnrbad
old Iniuotlnn ceremony In the ruined In symbolical costume, the Americans
temple of Xnmak. Egypt, at midnight | participated In the rttes of the ancient
Thumdoy. according to an account ceremony which mndc them honorary
cabled Tho Neva by Dr. H. Spencer members of the foreign section of
their organisation. It was by tho per­
Lewis, head of the order In the United mission af Butlcn-TScheite. represent­
Slates. i ing the supreme council af the Rosl-
Tho chants and ritual wire the eniclsns In Egypt, that tho strange
n m o iu thp society lcaches were first , symbolical ceremony representing tho
used In that same temple In the four­ earning of hnly Illumination Into tho
teenth century before the Christian iheaits nnd minds of the Initiates wai
era. Ionce again conducted In the anmo hall
Tlio party of nnslcruclans headed . where eminent philosopher* of anelent
by Dr. Lewis. Imprrator of the ordrr. I I limes stood and received their warrant
left San Joso In Jonunry. They were 1 tp go out Into the world nnd preach
joined by others from different tem-1 the flint doctrines of n monotheistic
pies in the United Riaira and Europe. . religion.
The lour party will spend several1 During the eeremony. each candi­
weeks visiting oilier shrines of their I date who Invested with a replica of
organization In Eavpt, Italy, France. ■ tlio ancient aymbolien! apron of tho
Switzerland, Germany and England, organization eonuinlng the Egyptian
nnd will return lo America during the emblems of life and wisdom. From
last week of Marrh. tho alcoves of tho great hall eamc the
Tho 70 members of the gmup who approbation end Oriental Intonations
took part In the ceremonies Thursday Iof the lllcliest members of the Rod-
thereby beenma trua initiate! of the Irnielan Brotherhood In foreign lands
original Egyptian order, according to I who witnessed tho ceremony and save
the account entiled by Dr. Lewis to It tho official support At Uie alnse
Tlio News. Ills description of the Of tho ceremony, eneh candidate was
ccrcmonlrs describes H as the climax I also given a parchment eertHleaie
of a scries of preparatory rllei. ! establishing till association with (he
After visiting Uio Ifoly Lnnd and organization through tills unique
viewing tho anrlrnt sites of the ceremony, nnd making each one of
branches of the order Uia nosieruclait the candidates a representative In
tourists journeyed to Cairo and then NorUi America o( the high eounell
to a special camp an tho edge of the ol tho order,
desert whero at moonlight, they pre­
pared themselves for tho first step
of the Initiation, whleh consisted of
going through the very old form of
plrdglng allcglnnco lo the ordrr at tho San Jose Evening News
holy altar In front of Uto Great San Jose, California
After this, cnch of the candidates Saturday, February 16, 1929
passed through the shadows of Uio Page 5
pyramid, another phase of tho Initia­
tion. Tho following dny. tno candi­
dates Journeyed to Lake Morris In tha
Fa yum of Egypt, and Uiorc In the
tittle known nnd secluded anils on a
grant desert, received the benedictions
from tho water where It Is'written
the first Christian bnpllsm was estab­
lished. and where tha Rosieruelnns
tench tho areal snlrltunl leader Kuot-
noomlo uvea nnaraugni tno principles
of tho purification by tha sacred
water In tho fourteenth century, B. O.l
After this ceremony, and a long
journey in primitive manner across
Uia sands of Egypt, the candidates'
wero brought lo the great Hall o f .
Illumination in Uio temple of Kamnk. I
This tcmplo has been the holy place1
af the Rostcruelan order for many!
centuries and records of the order
assert tho original Initiations were
performed here In 13S0 B. a ________
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 16,1929
Page 4

Rosicrucian Head to
Preach on 'Life W aves’
Dr, E. E, Thomas, m a ste r of tin?
|Rosicrucian Brotherhood, w i l l apeak
In M usic A rts Hall, 2 3 3 South
Broadw ay, Sunday m o rn in g ;, o n 1
"Life W a v e s.” In s p e a k in g of this
lecture D r, Thomas s a id :
“ Since m an la a miniature u n i v e r s e with­
in him self, we naturally find t h e forces
of hia bodies— pltyaleal* p s y c h i c , mesial
and s p ir itu a l— follow ins the s a m e law of
wave m o tio n -a* that or the u n i v e r s e itself,
and an understanding ^mi u t i l i s a t i o n of
this law is a n important step t o w a r d seif-
m a s te r y .
" I f w e find f)” f?f»!ves a t s o m e time
riding on tho crest of the w a v e o f pros­
perity cry in g . 'All hi well; t h e r e iis no such
thing m poverty, sickness a n d death,
what a disilluslofiment to s u d d e n ly find
ourselves middenly stricken d o w n by the
very fo rce# we are denying. T o deay a
thing Is to ti&tmnVw the e x i s t e n c e of that
thing. So * « ride on th® d o w n w a r d sweep
of the o e g a t' « ra v e t h a t hn m before
destroyed o th er ships In th e e a i n e sea of
failure, disappointment and s o r r o w . 1'
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, February 18,1929
Page 5, P art II


Dr. E. E. Thomas, F.R.C., ad­
dressed the Rosicrucian. Brother­
hood at Music Arts Hall yesterday
on the subject, “Life Waves." He
said in part:
“Tills planet and all other plan­
ets are constantly throwing out
wave-motions of force, which dash
uselessly upon the shores of life for
him who does not seek to use the
force. But to him who earnestly
seeks to unfold within himself the
powers that will enable him to use
what has been hitherto wasted en­
ergy, will come a power undreamed
of, a power that constantly .in­
creases in proportion to his unfold -
ment and progress. More and more
is humanity attaining that develop­
ment that enables man to harness
and use these grent waves of force.
If we permit storms of grief, anger,
strife or excitement to rush over us

while the life-wave is at Its height,

we will find upon the subsiding of
the wave much wreckage to be dis­
posed of. But with knowledge, wis­
dom and love, the bark of life will
be found to be sailing smoothly up­
on untroubled waters."
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 2 3,1929
Page 4

Dr: & II. T h o m a s master o f the

R{?si|ruH0 fi brotherhood. will sp«Blt
tomorrow room ing' in Music ^ r t i
Ila!l« tU South Broadway, op “T N
D a y o f J u d g m e n t s * la a n n o u n c i n g

this lecture he s a id ;
‘i f taken lite ra lly the parahJ# of
the barren fig tre e is a stumbling
block to many* fo r they can n o t
reconcile the th o u g h t ef the gentle
and! loving J e s u s cursing anything,
much less a fig tree, because, fo r­
sooth, He w as hungry for figs and
found none, esp ecially ag the p a r-
ahle tells us t h a t f,tHfe time for figs
wa« not yet,” Y e t H this sym bolic
incident is p ro p e rly interpreted It
becomes quite reasonable. T he fig
u m ig used to symbolize a cla ss of
persona who, heonusa of religious
training and a asocial; on, are e x ­
pected to be v e r y fruitful, yet when
the Lord of L»lfe comes seeking
their frails— t h e i r works—ha finds
nothing but le a v e s. If no fru it be
produced th en th e leaves anti even
th0 tree will w ith e r and die.”
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California jIH H v MASTER YOUR
Saturday, February 23 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5 LIFE!
It Can Be Dona

New FREE Book


The Rnstciuoan* know how!

For ages they hate demonstrated
a greater knowledge and • su­
NEW F R E E BOOK TELLS perior power aver all obstacle*
BOW YOB HAY D O IT in life.
Let them help you solve your
T hs Ro*>ftrutian* k n o w problems. Their guidance will
how! F or ages th e y have reveal psychic laws and Mystic
dem onstrated a g reater know!* principles which w3! make yen
Sdfia and a superior pow er mighty and successful in attain­
over all obstacles in H ie,
ing health, prosperity and sejf-
Let th em help y o u aolve
your problem*. T h e ir g u id ­
ance will reveal psy ch ic taw# T he new
and M ystic principles w hich
Light of Egypt." will tell you
anil m ake you m ig h ty and
s u c c e s s f u l in a t t a i n >f>9
bow to change the whole course
health, prosperity a n d self • of your life in « short time, Write
m aster-hip, a letter asking far it today.
The new. frs» book, “ The
Light of Ipvpt," w ilt t e l l you
how to change th e whole Librarian V. R.
course of your life in a abort
time. W rits a le tte r ask in g AMORC TEMPLE
for it today.
Alto a«o Pag# 102 o f the
Roiicruciia Park,
New City Directory, SAN JOSE . . CALIFORNIA
Broadcasting o v e r KNX
every F riday at 6 a. m .




VAnd.ks KSS
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, February 25,1929
Page 7, Part II

"N o longer will intelligent men
accept th e medieval interpretations
of religion or be imposed upon with
dogmas and creeds based upon the
fear of hell-fire,” aaid Dr. E. &
Thom as in his address yesterday to
th e R osicrucian Brotherhood a t
Musio A rts Hall.
“Today men know th a t they can
create th eir own hell on earth
through ignorance o r neglect," said
D r. Thom as. "M en and women are
beginning to realize th a t the com ­
ing C h rist is to be found n ot only
in churches, grottos o r secret places,
but w ithin the bosom of M an him ­
self. th e real Tem ple of th e living
God, th e 'H om e not m ade with
hands, etern al in th e heavens/
T herefore, if any one should say to
you, 'Y ou will find th e C hrist only
in m y church, in m y society, to my i
organization,' do n o t believe him. |

The day of Judgment m eans n ot th e

end of th e world but th e end of
the old order of things, when m en
will be brought to judgm ent, n ot by
God but tor their own works.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 02,1929
Page 4

Rosicrucian Topic To
Be ‘A New Testament’
Dr. E, E . Thomaa, master of the
Rosicrucian Brotherhood, will apeak
In M usic-Art Hall, 233 Bmith
Broadway, Sunday morning on the
theme, ”A New Testament.” In an ­
nouncing this subject Dr, Thomas
"W henever » g re a t body of mankind
reaches a point where It has eith er out­
grown the sy m b o lic language used to In­
terpret an Inspired revelation given to a
past generation o r when previous in te r ­
pretation* o f the eternal verltfe* h a v e be­
come encruated with *o much that ks m is ­
conceived and f a ls e or have becom e eo
materialised and literal that they no
longer reveal th*» truths they were meant
to teach there Is given to the world a new
outpouring o f tru th . Inspired by the s a m e
divine source o f all truth, a New T***Tn-
ment for a new d isp en se tfon And In v a ri­
ably those g ivin g fo rth the New T ^tanicn t
are regarded hy those of the old d isp e n sa ­
tion as h e r e t i c s a n d disturbers of the peo­
ple** mind.**
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, M arch 10,1929
Sunday Magazine, page 28

Rosicrticians R eveal a N ew
W orld of Possibilities

Strange Book Loaned to

Those Seeking N ew Start

At last a new method of mastering our

lives and outline all the obstacles to success
and happiness In thetr proper place, has been
outlined by the Supreme Council of the Rosl-
And, by a special concession, copies of this
new plan and an explanation of what It will
do, will be loaned to those who wish to make
a new start In life and change the course of
their career.
The Rosicruclans have ever been known for
their rational, simple and thorough knowledge
of the arcane facts of life. Through all the
ages they have held the Light of Knowledge
us a sacred trust, and thousands of eminent
writers and historians have conceded the
highest tribute to them.
The new book, called the “Light of Egypt"
will be mailed to sincere lnaulrers without
obligation and postage prepaid. Write a
letter (not postcard) addressed tot
AMORC LIBRARY, San Jose. California
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 16,1929
Page 5

I t Can Be D one the

Rosxcrucian W ay

N e w FREE B o o k Tells
H o w You M a y Do It

T h e Rosicrucians know howl

F o r ages they have demonstrated
a greater knowledge and a su­
perior power over ail obstacles
in life.
L e t them help you solve your
problems. Their guidance will
reveal psychic laws and Mystic
principles which will make you
m ighty and successful in attain­
ing health, prosperity and self-
T h e new free book. "The
L ig h t of Egypt,M will tell you
h ow to change the whole course
of your life in a abort time. Write
a letter asking for it today.

librarian V . JR.
Roaicrucian Park,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, M arch 16,1929
Page 4

‘Thoughts Are Things’

Is Rosicrucian Topic
“Thoughts Arn Things’* w i l l be
the Sunday morning lectu re topic
of Dr. K. 7, Thomas b e fo re the
liosu rurhm Hrotherhuod in M usic
A rts hall. JISJ &»uth B ro ad w ay . In
announcing this leuturu Dr. T h o m a s
said ;
"Only f* oi-cult student and
mystic u :i folly comprehend the
IrcmunSdfcs importance and m u tu a l
nil vantages to be derived fr o m eo-
operative thought:.
"To the occult it seems d e p lo r­
able to see the almost u n iv e rs a l
waste of force shown in t h e face
and character at nearly e v e r y one
with whom he comes in c o n ta c t.
I f cannot pass persons o n the
i or s»‘K them in crow ds, even
in Urn mmt casual way, w ith o u t
!';»*living it, Successful b u sin e ss
m nu whose success blinds th e m to
th« realisation tlijso w a s te s ,
|often point to their HQ-called su e -
j <‘i«ss an evidence that the o p p o site
is true, forgetting that th ere w ere
* £n*!4di»r h»-i*rUts, a broader a u e -
ceaa which tii*y failed to reach .**
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, M arch 18,1929
Page 5, P art II

Dr. E. E. Thomas, FJR.C., lectured
to Rosicruclans at Music Arts Hall
yesterday on the topic, “Thoughts
Are Things/' He said in part:
“Only the occult student and mys­
tic can fully comprehend the tre­
mendous importance and mutual ad­
vantages to be derived from co-op­
erative thought. To the occult it
seems deplorable to see the almost
universal waste of force shown in
the face and character of nearly
every one with whom he comes in
contact. He cannot pass persons on
the street sor see them In crowds,
even In the most casual way, with­
out noticing it. Successful business
men, whose success blinds them to
the realization of these wastes, often
point to their so-called success as
evidence that the opposite is true,
forgetting that there are grander
heights, a broader success which
they failed to reach/'
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, M arch 25, 1929
Page 5, P art II

Dr. E. E. Thomas, F.R.C.. lec­
tured to Rosicruclans at Music Arts
Hall yesterday on “Co-operative
Thought." He spoke In part as fol­
“Thought has a high rate of vi­
bration which is capable. of dis­
solving or changing all lower rates.
Every solid- In the universe, being
only a rate of vibration, Is ready to
become fluid to any higher vibra­
tion. Your body Is already 94 per
cent fluid and. Is ready to become a
uttle ocean of harmony. If properly
acted upon by, your thought vibra­
tions, Your entire environment,
your friendships, your every sur­
rounding is your magnetism and
ever changing to the poles of your
thought. All space is Ailed with liv­
ing realities. The cross-vibrations
surrounding us continually affect us
for evil and are all the more dan­
gerous because insidious,'Subtle, un­
seen and unrecognized. Occultists
know and physicians will tell you
that bodily disease consists In cross­
vibrations and that health consists
In harmonious vibrations In our sur­
Pasadena Post
Pasadena, California
Friday, March 2 9 ,1 9 2 9
Page 11

Preacher an Imposter, Wife

Charges as Ill-Fated
Romance Ends
LOS ANGELES. March 29, (CHS) 1 } represented himself as a fully quail- >
—Alleging that she was a willing j ' ed and ordained minister of the i
bride but that the wedding ceremony “Ancient and Mystical Order o f ;
was performed by a “fake" minister.! Rosae Cruets." The woman didn’t
explain what sort of a sect this was.
Miss Lillian Goodfellow today had
R om ance Flies
filed suit for $21,200 dahfkges in the
j The couple %as then married last
superior court against John Edward |November 28, with Dr. Thomas as!
Clancy, to whom she thought she I the officiating minister, Mrs. Good-!
was married, and Dr. E, E. Thomas, j fellow asserted, but added that all l
whom she asserted represented him-1 romance soon departed because1
sell as a qualified clergyman, Clancy not only declined to support'
j her, but also refused to live with her
Christian Healer j more than one-sixth of the time, and
The woman declared in her com­ also declined to Inform his mother
plaint that she “met and fell in lore j of the wedding.
j with Clancy" while she was prac- | Mrs. Goodfellow declared she d is-;
covered the falsity of her marriage!
jtieing the "profession of Christian and sustained a severe nervous shock !
healing," earning about $200 a and since had been unable to do any j
month. healing. She recently appeared in i
Clancy, she alleged, also felt the j court and obtained an annullraentj
lure of romance and introduced her i of the marriage.
t to Dr. Thomas,* who is said to lave ij
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, M arch 3 0 ,1929
Page 9, Part II

Mock Marriage
Charge Made in
Damages Action
Charging she was made the victim
of a mock m arriage, Mrs. Lillian
Goodfellow yesterd ay filed suit in>
Superior Court for $51,000 damages
against D r. E . B* Thom as and John
Edward Clancy..
According to the complaint, Mrs.
Goodfellpw .yesterday filed suit in,
Superior C ourt fo r $51,000 damages
against D r. E . B . Thom as and John
Edward Clancy.
According to the complaint, Mrs.
Goodfellow m et Clancy last year
and fell in love w ith him . Clancy,
the com plaint continues, suggested
they be m arried Jjy D r. Thom as, who
la said to have stated he was. an
ordained m inister of the Ancient
and M ystical Order of Rosae;;G ru-
c is . • v ; . j
Mrs. Goodfellow declares C»n r .
Thomas performed the ceremony No­
vember 28, 1928, she then believing
sho was Clancy's wife only to' learn
later th a t D r. Thom as was not o r­
dained. She charges this caused,her
great shock and hum iliation. T he
com plaint was filed by A ttorney 8 .
S, H ahn.
The Zanesville Signal
Zanesville, Ohio R osicru cian
Monday, April 15,1929
Page 11 S e cre t Book
L oan ed to Y ou
Hj * ratdf Thftn*an«f« Marr*. ^n'rw.
fa!, z .i d M i;h lr *n the Central of
TVr* -«r *h « r r x bvnJ: r »*-.**“ -
-.b." a - i '■jllir*:*; io « « -o :r\
p • •••« C v i r r i i n r : h r R.“><t-cr’T : s r .i
« ■ v i'iri :<■> io.-n PR IV A T E C n P T 5.« '
•* *:::<■*re i r d *<->ribv ^ee r.r—. ^ b o
f .’» prnrr.5- :o ft-irtv u ,sr<; !:*■ ?
t :<* n r^ a r v .r z < n i n ro m o tt-.c
1 **--! h r P i f t sn '.if/- i* j« c a ’Irrt T - e
J I .*h: e l r ? - p : ‘ nr r t :s :rd b y t!*e
3 **•«.: rraM.f.1 ! fmt^rr.UT Jr. :* j*
■ .'..*•1 r r ile n r d %sv tb .a t
». .i rcarf a: yo'jr cf'r.’
T.Tnnmst w v. w.
(Not concert'd xvjth ''Rosicrucian

R o sicru cia n
S e c re t Book I
L o an ed to Y o u

H as m ad e T h ou san d H ap p y, S u ccessfu l,
and M igh ty in th e C o n tro l o f N a tu ra l L a w s

B ecause this new book is so remarkable and difficult to secure, the Supreme
Council o f the Rosicrucians has decided to loan P R IV A T E C O PIES o f it to sincere i
and worthy seekers who will prom ise to study it and help in the great work o f
promoting success and health in life. It is called "The Light o f Egypt" and is issued
by the oldest m ystical fraternity in the world. Just write and say that you will read it
at your convenience.
L IB R A R IA N V .W .
(N ot connected with "R osicrucian Fellow ship")
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, April 2 3,1929
Page 10

p gm M Lien
jm a d e a el s. K n k « kir Fringe
w as fil# rl f ^ f a y in the
, stij>fT ‘ o r r *nii | hr J c - i l p l ' E. n*m?
j*o tj| Or.. E . ll T t t m s m I n their re -
! p ly t o | | | f»r $ 5 0 * * 1 0 0 damages
A r r a f^w w^lvti a g « lig Mr&
H i ! i n n G o m lM im v .
Tii^ woman assort e a she w*n£
through th* rr^rri?s»err pwemsity
«iily later t« titan t i v & r thil Dr,
Thomas ftml no a u f t i r s r l i f lo per­
form Uil rim ,
I n th*\r ¥¥.m tits rntn
ItiWssi^*! Hr. Timms m xv > « fallg m*
I t i o r t o marry T***'T$nnm &j &
l*rlM *t n? ills P rin t I t i e c tia re h ef
Bog a© Crusls, sod t h i e f they eyes
^ | f#re *l lu have o..n*»t i i * » r ceremony
performed when tft« "taro ns an vaietd
I d o u b t* u lu the le g a lity sf t i e
* Initial marriage,
Pasadena Post
Pasadena, California
Tuesday, April 2 3,1929
Page 12

IIFake Marriage

Charge Denied:
Preacher Real

LOS ANGELES. April 23. (CNS)

Denial of charges she had been
made a victim of a fake m arriage
ceremony was filed today in the
superior court by John E. Clancy
and Dr. E, E. Thom as in their re -
j ply to the suit for $50,000 dam -
I ages entered a few weeks ago by
Mrs. Lillian Goodfellow.
The woman asserted th a t she
went through the m arriage cere­
mony, only to la te r discover th a t
Dr. Thom as had no authority to
perform the rites.
In their response, the two men
insisted Dr. Thom as was fully
authorized to m arry persons as a
priest of the Pristine Church of
Rosae Crusis, and that they even
offered to have another ceremony
i performed when th e woman voiced
! doubts as to the legality of the
! initial marriage.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, April 24,1929
Page 3, P art II

. :
The ecclesiastical authority of Or.
& EL Thomas, priest Pristine
G kursh of the Bosae Cruets, 4$ de
fm & ed is an answer filed to Mrs.
WiBan GoodfeUow'a $50,000 damage
m il g a in s t Or, Thomas and John
Clancy, Christian healer, in
asserts the defendants
conspired to deceive her with a mock
marriage ceremony .-;=\
Mrs. Good fellow, in her suit, de-
clarwl Or, Thomas had no author
tty to perform her marriage, which
Dr. Thomas replies that he Is-*
in full authority. He trrs
e w produce documentary eri-
at the trial of Mrs. Goodfri-
annulment suit, be said, be-
the bishop of hi* church was
ypt, ■ ■ ■
iso was stated that Clancy of.
to many her again in any
ciwo* ‘ * * M «
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Thursday, April 25,1929
Page 3, P art II

M arriage Fraud
Suit Dismissed
M rs .' Lillian Goodfellow, who
stated D r. £ , E . Thom as’s ordina­
tio n . a s a p riest of th e Pristine
C hurch of th e Rosae C ruris 'was de­
fective. lost h e r $50,000 su it for
fraudulent m arriage against D r,
Thom ai and h er bridegroom, Joh n
E f Clancy, when Superior Judge
MeComh yesterday threw th e action
out of cou rt.
B o th M rs. Goodfellow and her
husband a n divine healers. M rs.
Goodfellow h ad h er m arriage an ­
nulled on grounds of fraud, then
sued to collect.
Stockton Independent
Stockton, California
Saturday, April 2 7 ,1 9 2 9
Page 12

b in u icu i ib y c n o iu jiM iu

Lecture Sunday Evening

- — ...— ■
Hr, Cornelia 8. Jlaino, graduate
at th e University of Denver, and
an eminent psychologist and m e ta ­
physician, i r i n th is city and win
hold a free, public lecture a t the
Hotel Clark hall on Sunday eve­
ning at S o’clock. Dr. K aine is
cue of the national lecturers of ihn
Roslcrncian Order known ns
ASfOKC. iind comes with a. saea-
raffc t h a t la not, associated with any
form of commercialism. and is not
a solicitor far students of paid
classes or personal Instruction of
any form . She is aiding in th e
work ©t ferrying a message to
e v e r y p art of America, concerning
the time-honored activities a t th e
Hofncruclan Brotherhood, which
ha« maintained Its public lectures
end hum anitarian activities In
many parts of America since th e
year ISS4.
h r . R aise deals eloquently and
Interestingly with the n atural law s
which man can use fo r th e devel­
opment of h li own latent powers
and fncultics, for th e attainm ent
of personal, mental, psychological
farce In the contest with th e ob­
stacles of life, and tho attainm ent
i f health and happiness. H er Jec»
tares are always attended bv th o sf
who reck the Inst word in these
KtihlcmM, free from bias or s e c ta r­
ian Ism.
Stockton Independent
Stockton. California
Sunday, April 28,1929
Page 8-S
Free Lecture

Dr. Cornelia S. Raine

National Lecturer, the
Roirctucien Order ( AMORC)

Hr. Kaiuc i- a graduate of the Uni*

verMf of Colorado and an eminent
metaphysical authority. Her message
will help you develop your latent
tal and psychological powers.

Sunday 8 P. M.
Hotel Clark Hall
Modesto News-Herald
Modesto, California
Wednesday, May 1,1929
Page 18

International Lecturer
BosScnicbft Brotherhood, AMORC

Dr. Tlalr.o has a sfJrdng, fas­

cinating- message for those
seeking to develop their per*
sonalitlu and attain mental
| htA metaphysical mastership.
Dr. Kalne Hi & graduate of the
University of Denver and an
eminent authority.

MAY 2—8. P. M.
Knights Pythias Hall
N*o Paid daises
Free Literature
_ t
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 4,1929
Page 5

YOUR LIFE! The new, free book, **Th«
Light of Egypt,*' will tell you
U CAN BE DONE THE how to change the whole
course of your life in a abort
R0SICRUC1AN WAY time. Write a fetter asking
for it today itfi
Also «ee P*»o 192 of the
NEW FREE BOOK TELLS New City D irectory,
Broadcasting o v e r KN X
HOW YOU MAY DO I! every Friday at 8s 15 a, m.

The Rosierueians k n o w
howl For ages thay have Every Wednesday evening at
d e m o n s t r a t e d a greater 7 o'clock In Symphony hall,
knowledge and a superior S. Hill.
power over all ob stacles in
Let them help you solve
your problems, T heir guid­

ance will reveal psychic laws

and m yitis principles which h BROADWAY
will make you m ighty and
successful in a t t a i n i n g

I health, prosperity and seif-

Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, May 7 ,1 9 2 9
Page 12

Talks to Young People

Supt. W m . D. Landis addressed a
m eeting of the Y oung People’s so­
ciety of New B eth el ch u rch n ear
Misses Luella Fogelsanger and
Ruby Arneson spent th e week-end
in Philadelphia.
Leader of the Sunday evening
vesper service was E m ery Pry. The
topic for discussion was “ Giving and
the Law of Com pensation,” by Dr.
H. Spencer Lewis, was read by Edith
Oden welder. Miss D orothy Seltzer
read a paper on “Stew ards of Divine
Friends by Dr. H. Sp en cer Lewis.
A selection from E m erson ’s essay on
“Com pensation,” was read by M artin
Miller. Miss Lucy L a ch n o r played a
piano solo.
The Fresno Morning Republican
Fresno, California
Wednesday, May 8 ,1 9 2 9
Page 7


-b y ­

DR, C O R N E L IA S. R A I N !
International Lecturer
ftoetcrueian 8roth«rNeod. AMORC
l»r. Ha)n<* has a. stirring. fa s-
lin a iin g i r w « r fw those
spiking to their |«=f-
te,* and attain tnsntil
ami mstaiifiystfat t)lB*MTship.
Ljr. Ruins is g Srsduat* ot the
I'nlv^raliy <»r Denver and an
i mln>-n| authority, '

MAY 8TH—8 P. M.
Parlor Lecture Club
No Pmid Claeses
Fro* Literature
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 11,1929
Page 5
A n cien t M y t i e d O rd e r

C rm is

v-’ / Uctur* on

f il ii

r|:tg by
3® #

i t 7 P, M
E verybody W elc o m e
S*«d tor fro* book
*Th* ti«ht of EflypC

233 S. Broadway
m VAridiko 0033
mm m
Broodcaoting Ewory Friday
i t f{15 A M. Ov*p K N X
Santa M aria Times
Santa M aria, California
Saturday, M ay 1 8 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5

* # ♦

-B y ­
Dr, Cornelia S. Raine
National Lecturer for the
Rosicrucian Order
( Arnorc)
Dr. Raine is a graduate
of the University of Den­
ver and is an eminent
metaphysical a u t h oritv.
Her message will help you
to develop your talent,
mental and psychological
power and assist you in
overcoming the every-day
* a •

Sunday, 8 P. M.
* # *

* * *

No Paid Gasses
' Free Literature
The Californian
Salinas, California
Wednesday, M ay 2 2 ,1 9 2 9
Page 8
Santa Cruz News
Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, May 30,1929
Page 3

Free Lecture

Dr. Cornelia S. Raine

Int ermtt iomt t 1,<*<■ »urer
Ko*icnirinn itrolherhcMMl, IMORC
, . . . |
Dr, Haim* has a ,stirring;,!
fascinating message f o r
those* seeking to develop
their personalities and at
tain mental and metaphysi­
cal mastership. Dr. Knine
is a graduate of the I'niver
•> of Denver and an emi-
neiit authoritv.

8 P. M.
B e tw e e n L in c o ln an d l£ m

No Paid Classes
Free Literature
Santa Cruz Evening News
Santa Cruz, California
Friday, May 3 1 ,1 9 2 9
Page 7

Psychologist To Speak
A t Local H all Tonight

D r. C o rn e lia S. R a in e . g ra d u a te
of th e U n iv e rsity of D en v er, and
an e m in e n t p sy ch o lo g ist and m e ta ­
p h y sicia n . is in th is c ity and will
hold a f re e pu b lic le c tu r e a t th e
H nokley h all on C e n te r s tr e e t be
tw een L in c o ln an d E lm s tr e e ts
to n ig h t a t 8 o ’c lo c k . D r. R ain e
is on e o f th e n a tio n a l le c tu r ­
e rs of th e R o s ic r u c ia n o rd e r
know n ns A m o re , an d com es
w ith a m e ss a g e th a t Is not a sso c­
iated w ith an y fo rm o f co m m e r­
c ia lism , an d is n o t a s o lic ito r for
s tu d e n ts of paid c la s s e s o r p erson ­
al in s tru c tio n of a n y fo rm .
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 1 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

Dr Thomas to Give
Lecture on the Occult
Dr, IX E. Thomas will lecture to* I
morrow in Music*Arts Hail* a t 131
South Broadway, at 11:15 a. m .
Dr. T tso asai la well known a * a
lecturer and instructor in m eta-
pfertic* and la an authority cm o c­
cult m atters. B e Isas bean a school-
teacher and author and a lawyer.
The Ogden Standard-Examiner
Ogden, Utah
Sunday, June 2 ,1 9 2 9
Page 8 - B

PERSO N A L ••• . ^
AH sincere seekers for the. great
truth, and power known, to the An­
cients, write for the. free hook,
"Light..of E gyp t/’ m ailed .without ■
obligation to occult students.
. . .L ibrarian.Ill •
San Joser California-. .
•. * : 6na;
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, June 3 ,1 9 2 9
Page 3, P art II


Dr. E. E. Thomas addressed the
Rosicrucians at Music Art Hall yes­
terday on “The Battlefield of Life."
He said, in part: “If it were pos­
sible for every man to realize the
powers which are at his command,
he would find that he Is a great
general In charge o i a vast army,
always ready to go into action at
his order, ready to obey his slightest
wish. 31 man hut knew it, he has
millions of sololers ready to do his
p-cain*. Call these soldiers vibra­
tions. thougct-force, or by any oth­
er sam e; it decs not matter. I t Is
sufficient to know that he has these
great forces jo do with as he wish­
es. And with these forces under
proper control, nothing is impos­
sible to him. Obstacles are but
changed into additional forces, and
thus the great army is Increased in
efficiency and numbers.”
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 8 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5
L os A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , Ju n e 8 ,1 9 2 9
P age 5

The Topic for Ti

B « ie «



Every F rid .r «t 8:15 A. M.

Lt . W & S ss
Hall, » > S . M
— —
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 15,1929
Page 4

Dr. Thomas to Talk

In Music Arts Hall
I D r. 2» B . Thomas, recently elected
m prem a grand m aster of the Uni*
le rsa l Order of Ancient Mysteries*
lE o s k ru d a n ), will fiv e m Interest-
fog lecture on “Power* in M usk
Arts Hall, 233 South Broadway, at
U i U Sunday mornih'g,
Dr. Thomas has become well
(mown a s a lecturer In this city,
|ud has m large following. He says
* if a ll pow er be on ** A nd
In the universe, acting through
something or somebody. m we not
li»eov«r how it It acting* and there­
by leans the m u rm of m m u ' m
N&lie d to our lives? Possibly o u r;
falte rin g la largely unnecessary and
h canted by our own attitude.*

Los Angeles Evening Express Un>V*r**» 0-•!*<■

of Anient M
Los Angeles, California • ftM W H t'W !
Saturday, June 1 5 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

Will R«uwe HI*


Tomorrow atll:15a.m

2 3 3 South Broadway
T5k T opit (or T " m o r r o w
B ring

t h e p u b l ic is INVITED

E v e ry Friii*)r *1 S-.JS A , M,

E v ery E vening
a t 7 o 'C io rk in Syasphmsy
Hail, 232 5 . Hill

Send for Ere* Cnpy of

" T H E MVSTiC f i O S I “
T H ti wiM give yt>u an *d#a of
the nature and subject
sf s a t » 8ric
VAwjifce 9 0 3 3
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, June 17,1929
Page 3, Part II


"Power” is the subject of a ser­
mon preached yesterday by Dr. E. E.
Thomas before the Rosicrucian Bro­
therhood. Dr. Thomas said In part:
"No formula seems large enough
to cover all we know and feel.
There Is an element in experience
that always eludes us. Some expe­
riences can never be told. Thy are
a part of us. They are sacred and

one hesitates to speak of them. Yet

one can suggest them, or at least
let it be known that In these rarest
moments of existence one seemed
most truly to live. Only in this way
does the soul, or that part of the
which is most truly individual, find
partial expression in language, only
is this way does the unfettered soul
show Its freedom from prejudice
and dogma. Allegiance to a person
or theory limits one to the particu­
lar view of life represented by that
person or theory. To claim finality
for one's system of thought would
be equivalent to affirming that
progress shall end with that par­
ticular discussion. Our theories
serve us well as long as we remem­
ber that life itself is larger.”
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, June 19, 1929
Page 3

p ______________________

Order of Amorc Files

Incorporation Articles
Articles of Incorporation for a 50-
year period of the Supreme Grand
Lodge of Am ore In San Jose, to pro*
vide Instruction as given in universi­
ties, colleges and other educational
Institutions, have been filed with
County Clerk Henry “Rick" Pflster.
The organisation operates without
capital stock and on a non-profit
basis, according to the incorporation
papers. Trustees are named ns II
Bpcncer Lewis, R. M. Lewis, Martha
R. M. Lewis, Gladys Lewis and
Ofcaries D. Dean, ail of San Joao.
L os A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , Ju n e 2 2 ,1 9 2 9
P age 4
Q cealt

U hiver*#! Or liar
*t A fK ttu i M y iltf ii
tS M ic riK ia n )

DR. E. L
Tomorrow at 11:13 a, a . ia
“ C o-op erative
Music Arts Hail
a t 23 3 S. Broadway
Th. T<ntf* tor T..H...»r»w HUNT Thought
“ Co-operative 'ffcin iu n d ar Dr, Thomas will aft-
aiter fit** follow iatr i at port* at
Thought” gaesitaasi
VM « I tr. T l» n n *» wUI a f t, Cl n»i»<nffiaUon U a n sltim l tru th ,
»«rr tfi» f i .l i m t js * IsaftoM an t
y w ^ lw iii how <i«i f« n normint far the fa*
It «rlrt‘ nr>inf nm t> a luKawU ( r a t h ,
h a w < a t a n a r m * a , t W t b r In- e re *** lit
W hr
a* l
t b r an a) r r t a r n t * *-«rth
a lte r trn ta iiw a f
W hy dot lh» nisal re ta ra to ra rtlt
I n a t a r _4
i n . - n n - . , t l --- -
rW T W m a lW m
1 1 , M iv T [, n a a
*«» s■ ia rw»
,.r .n | t r 'H »
—, tH 5 J ,
n-_n a # tin n fier (m im ltioaf
W h m m t a t a la tta b nn r » r t h I*
ftnM tetl « h a t th r u t t n htrSunt Maw Ions1 d w i th«» iirorM i of r» -
ttrr Ktreftniflllitfi tiiu o f
S**« mi ad tti«l ai>ar! thr
f it * U Or f .'.*>>*I «‘H |*»l a TThea our evolution on earth la
t o . t> lki I l 4 b
fin. IS
fir, »•••• - •
i .m ta . is ■ •» . . w
b it
r.... •• Kraft. ami hohhrci, w hat then Ifot b rlor*
Done mind e*t*l •P*rt from the
Broadcast 0?er KNX b rain ?
E v*n i F r U u *1 i i l S A M. Saab Sunday Dr. Thoma* will ttv« « p0 r»
Dob st !*» Slitter Key Sr item, »m#h ha*
INTERESTING ben the mean* if ferins-Ri health urC
LECTURES ppBiSMlty_la ihauiaBil*
Evar? WedtMidiiy E bn aiot
•t ? cCorfc in Sympbnwy
He*t» 2 3 2 S. Hill

(Mr •< twf n>*tlf

M u t».i a•ni >M m * . n*i a
a , «rU « Ml n f i a W Mr n r t
VAadik* *033
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 22,1929
Page 4

Co-Operative Thought
To Be Sermon Subject
Dr. E. E . Thomas, Ph. D., win
speak on "Co-operative Thought,"
at 11: IS a, m., in Music A rts H all/
233 South Broadway.
"T h ou gh ts" says B r. Thomas,
with pure and high motives will
connect with the best in people
and will attract chiefly those of
ch aracter and m e n t a l power.
Thoughts of right and goodwill, be­
ing constructive, will inspire others
with the same spirit."
The following important ques­
tions will be discussed by Dr.
Thomas. If reincarnation is a tm«
ural truth, how do you account
for the Increase In population?
Why does the soul return to earth
again after transition? How long
does the process of reincarnation
continue? When our evolution on
earth Is fin‘shed, what then Uik be
for us? Does mind exist ap art from
the brain?
Everybody welcome.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, June 26,1929
Page 6

Dr. Thomas to Speak in believes it is very good tp hear

both Hides of the question she in
offering Dr. Thomas her platform
Evening Express Home and will bo very glad to have his
following and any others who are

Economics Department interested attend his lecture at

1:45 Thursday afternoon In the
Dos Angeles Evening E xp ress audi­
An interesting feature on the torium, 2116 South Hill street,
program for Thursday in the E ve- There will he no collection or
Ring Express Home Econom ics ch a rg e .______________________________
Department is a leteure by Dr. E. Following Dr, Thomas' lectura
E. Thomas of the Hosicruciun there will be another class in cake
Brotherhood. baking. L ast Tuesday afternoon a
Dr. Thomas ip a member of the capacity class baked cake, and
Ancient Drder of Mystics and gives there were so many more requests
an interesting talk over radio K N X for the lesson than L ora J . Conroy,
every Friday morning at 8:15 or» the teacher, could take care of it
vibration. He explains success and wan arranged to have an other class
lack of It by the fact that wo do on Thursday a t 2 o'clock,
not understand vibrations of light, A white or a gold cake (your
sound and color. choice) with the icing will be
Kate Brew Vaughn, in sponsor* taught, and the cakes will be taken
ing this program, says th at she is home by the makers. The E xp ress
not quite sure that she subscribes furnishes n part of the m aterials,
to these things, but because she and the only requirements are th at
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, June 2 6 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

i h m deriving to enter the class

phone MIS, ?«00 to make a reserva­
tion and find out wh *t they must
bring and then be here on tim e
with e desire to learn ail the "ina
! and outs” of cake baking. Any
woman who has not baked a cake
in the departm ent before is eli­
K ate Brew Vaughn, director of
the Evening E xp rese Home E c o ­
nomics D epartm ent, offers these
classes with the hope of extending
practical assistan ce without cost to
housewives who have been denied
this training.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Thursday, June 27,1929
Noted Expert
Page 3

On F orgery
Coming Here
A. R. Lewis, acknowledged as the
dean of the world's experts on forgery,
and his wife will arrive here Sunday
to spend the months of July and
August as the guests of their son, H.
Spencer Lewis, imp era tor of the
Roslcruclans. on Naglee Avenue.
For, over thirty years Mr. Lewis was
associated with Harvey Spencer, one
of the two famous Spencer brothers,
originators of the Spencerian penman­
ship sysytem used In all schools for
many years.
Zt was at this time that the science
of chemical and microscopic exami­
nation of writing, ink and paper was
developed In connection with the
study of suspeoted documents or ques­
tioned chtragraphy. In the develop­
ment of the science Mr. Lewis became
the associate of Daniel T. Ames,
America's foremost authority on un­
conscious habits and tendencies in
normal and abnormal writing. After
the death of Mr. Ames, Mr. Lewis be­
came the dean of the science and
profession and has held that attain ­
ment over since.
As an expert in criminal chlro-
graphy, Mr. Lewis has not only served
the United States Government for
many years in Federal and local
courts, but he has been the chief ex­
amining expert in such famous cases
Involving forgeries or questionable
writings as the Dr, Kennedy, the
Molineux, RIce-Fatriok and Harry
Thaw cases. Many of the most
prominent wills and legacies involv­
ing millions of dollars, but containing
some clement of doubt in the wrtlng
or signatures, .have passed through
Mr, Lewis' hands for final decision, as
have many important documents
bearing upon national and interna­
tional problems,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 2 9 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

Dr. Thom as to Talk On

How to Rule Kingdom
Dr. E. E . Thom as, grand m aster
of the Universal Order of Ancient
Mysteries ( Rosier u cian ;, will lec­
ture this week a t 11:15 in Music
Arts Hall, i33 South Broadway, his
theme being “How to Rule Your
“The power to think.” says Dr.
Thomas, “has evolved us from the
most lowly atom. T h at power is
the deathless principle wiihln, which
will never leave us until It makes
of us Gods In power and perfection.
That power Is within ourselves, but
we must m aintain a permanent
mood of calm determination to a c ­
complish a 3u»t purpose, hacked by
thought* of unwavering hope, faith
trust and good will,1*
Los Angeles Evening Express
U«iver*al O der
Los Angeles, California of Ancient jMfywttw#*
Saturday, June 2 9 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

Thu Top!* for Tomorrow Being

Tomorrow at 11:15 a, ra.

Hr. Thomas trill m in e r the fol* at 233 S. Broadway
Tfe* Topi* fur Tomorrow fe*in#
lowing Import out quwdiotm
|, Who are the KKAL Btiafei a-
8, Is It prrriwjiry to hrlirre In
Holm artist ion to betmia* m
Y O lIR K W O r
» r , Tftom*. «l»t iw itw th# fol*
tawing ImfKirliint «(Ur«(iofl»:
member? L Who j s j e H>« HKU,
8. A re t h e o th e r In h abit­ *. U A n re e M trj io b r fie r * ip
e d , a n d Itotv w ill \\t k n o w a, nation to heem m a
%, Are tiw oilier sitanel* lel»t»b-
M'* « L a ml huff will we know
4. What I* Him* M allet .Wfclto i . What h llffttk Mngle?
Mngh f *, .lu*t what K Karma?
fi. What 1* the raft*! of
0, .Tw*t what Karma? i- 111’* 10 .*
7. \Vt>! I* « j
6. What lit Hit* phbw of deforml* t»/«r» or
«rroa In
lira In proplo? Em* r*M « Or wilt »fw $
Why 1* ii that one who does an m e w «•*»» **» kWriB, oil Oh
taro I*. »*•«» H trls;i*t ii*
Injury nr an inlti*ili*« t« i t.
■ eema io prosper? THE PUBLIC IS INVf

Broadcasting Over
E**ry Friday *l S;tS A.

Every W«dno»<J*r
*i 7 o’Clock ta f
h.Hi m S.
U niversal O rd er
Los Angeles Evening Express of Mysteri#*
Los Angeles, California (Ro*»CPUCi*o)
Saturday, July 6,1 9 2 9
Page 4


at 233 S. Broadway
T h » T n n lr fo r T o m o rro w K rln *

»r. Thai*** wilt an«w*r the tat*

lowing Important
I, w » r Ihouia m «» Into Orrait
m atter*?
«. D o ra • k ito w lrd * # o f *»*rr Or**'nlt
Uflp In mat trial m atter*?
a What n td m m NnrtHa nr# *1#»
m « f from 0«:r»lt at m il**?
< Mow **» UtMw I.# worm?
*. twd »««’# #*Motion In* hrntt-


Broadcasting OverKNX
■ "■•■ . .■
Evary W«4ne«d*y Earning
at 7 o’Clock In Symphony
Hall, 232 S. Hill
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 6 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

Hr* U Thomas uf fh# U aU lnya

o f -Aimiest M m m e s will
BfUNStSt • f Oftisy. m o r ta if lit
;& H : H an * # | J Scekth m
- e? T h e P o w er
Within/* lift will &imm» the tot- In announcing ibis lecture Dr,
tb W tfi# Qw w les; - W f e f S h o u ld W e Th&mmmmt
. 9 * I n t o 0«ew lt - l l e t t e r # ? " D i« s a . **Tk« «t*ry .©£ every •*»*! If m ote o r
Knowledge mt th e Oeealt Help la l e w 'l l *t#ry of areatea opperttraUf**
Material Muttemf* “W hat Splritaal Thar* ««» f « r . tf any* P#nso»* »&■* !»*♦*
- pm n t ib*-r .1 ^ *&*! a i f t h e r t-mmn*
Benefits Are Derived from Occult p h y m * :¥ X . m m m i - m m e a e iU f
B t m m r "flow Can ?h*m m P m n t t s w a TTm i th *r
Proven T* “Can Om*a Evolution Be d« m*i W U * heller use or it nmf fHPdh
Hastened r ■f-mtvr lift* re ^ n t* i* w#f ' tin? te iiu of
- tb -s f o r d m tte r* h t t i v t a t a l i
to mmoanclng thie lecture f f e — If it t # * t a p * — * ? fc h tir
tc i - j * a ti€ m im
tH h e r. It I* • of w toherm t
. f a t a l * th a t fee#* u* to %4mt tmaint**
m 1 *e tf « iv * «f Itte w hkh. w h«*
; roff^wreff with ©oo*H f f i d W i are a s
n d k iilo tiite tei*tH<it»a m It w o « p h i is
wslfc m m m th* e m tte m t to O liv e r a
-m m m m t h a t m i * h t t*e s e e l b y

; ll i» ®f » r
!»«£* *s* t# w4»f»t M m m m
*»tf ; *«¥« «r life wWrtti wtm*
m tsm m 4 whir- iwcali methods. .■ a** «*
rldift9l0e*tv «• & wtml# to fa
«ratk w n w ife* i* tojtsff *
fa s t mtjitri t o *#&t by n # # . 5*
- s—
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, Ju ly 8,1 9 2 9
Page 5, Part II


"The Garden of Eden in Man*' is
the topic of a sermon preached yes­
terday by Dr. E . E. Thomas before
members of the U.OA.M. (Rosl-
cruclan) at Music Arts Building. Dr.
Thomas spoke in part as follows:
"All material things can be re­
duced to vibrations. The laws of
thought teach how to connect our
thought-wires with the interiors of
distant things and thus mold their
vibrations Into harmonious relations
with ourselves. The entire work is
a work within ourselves. It is ever
within ourselves that we must look
for that secret spring. Self-knowl­
edge is the narrow way to that se­
cret spring. When once understand­
ing^ reached, it places undreamed
of powers ever at our command. Our
brain and its thought powers is our
'Garden of Eden.’ We must wisely
and vigorously cultivate it. If we
would partake of the full fruit of
every tree and plant which life of­
fers. In the center of that garden
is the 'tree of life,* called the In­
tuitions, which has direct connec­
tion with the Infinite and exhaust­
less supply within.
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, July 13,1929
Page 7

It Can Be Done the

Rosicrucian Way
N ew F R E E Book T ells
How You May Do It

Tne Eoaicrudana know how!

For ages they have demon*
strated a greater knowledge
and a superior power over ail
obstacles in We.
ta t them help you solve your
problems. Their guidance will
reveal psychic laws and Mystic
principles which will make you
mighty and successful in attain­
ing health, prosperity and self
mastership. • '-
The new free book, *Tfc«
Light of Egypt/’ will tell you
how to change the whrle course
b ?

librarian C. K , S.
A 'Att #■%I S A #*•*/*•* A J T 1T%
L os A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , Ju ly 1 3 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4
O c c u lt

Ufiiver**! Ot*d*r
of Ase»*M
( & o » te r« ci* n )

Tomorrow at 11:15 t. m. ia

Music Arts
at 233 S. Broadway
T*w To&c tor B r. Thomas will the f«I-
lew b is latportant i|Ue«(iofl«n
ALADDIN'S t . W fc*i It the opisia of f**ewH*
Ism ? *
Or. * 0 1 ttm o r t IUr faJ-
! . W h at It there to eryatal t i s *
S, Ia what way should th# Occult
J, W fes«,U tfc* w !*1b M « * i»tt* Bludrst Iraro f
S, to r r r .U I t w I* What la the value of crem ailos
a r ^ r d iit i to Ocistilff#ifi¥
S« W hat Is I ho punishment or
a lte r eaperieQe© of the till*
rid e?
*m Bw*■*»*»'
*****it? <fW rtd 'MWt *i*i
Emit Sunday Or. Thomai wifi |Hra a per­
ils n t< rft* it after Kay SyftcfR. which hsf
THE PUBLIC I5 INV1TED Pam I Ha m aasi sf b r i R a ta l hea lth and
prttparify to flsacRftds
Erarr FrU tf *t t i l t A. M ;
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 13,1929
Page 5

Dr. Thomas to Speak

On ‘Alladin’s Lamp'
Dr. E . EL Thom as will *I*afc f»
M usic-A rts Hall* 231 South Broad -
way, tomorrow m orning oa the
theme, "Alladln’s L a m p /’ when fit
will answ er the following queries:
"W h at is the origin of occultism ?”
"W h at Is there to crystal gasing?"
‘i n w hat w ay should the occult
student learn ?" "W h a t is the value
of creation according to occultism ?"
and "W h at is the punishment or
a fte r experience of the suicide?’*
In announcing his lecture Dr.
Thom as said: ,
" T h e fairy atony o f MA l!«d!n'a Lam p.**
which accomplished such wonderful thins*
for him, only m u s tr a te s the tru e nrin-
n p ia th at m an h a s w ithin a power, which
t understood, would enable him to g ra tify
hi* evry deal re th rough the m agic of a
Wish and c»ntir*ly w ithout e ffo rt or s tr a in .
■ *If our world does not entirely satisfy
th e d eep c-t lon gin g* o f ou r n atu re, it is
tim e we learned how to m a n u fa ctu re g
m»rl<l th a t w i n / *
L os Angeles T im es Sunday M agazine
L o s A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Su nday, Ju ly 1 4 ,1 9 2 9
P age 28

Y m May AW AKEN yonr hidden, doraaat
poware that lit ileeptag W ITHIN YOU.
Jart th* iiyfal k right m m tf
coawaatralwo or an ip p ttl to the k u t m II
—»ad the iSh m power within you rite* to
Rneicnciant, i Mart illartnont fraternity of
H ilt, hare pw n w ej A t great tayatic knerwi-
adga at all *au. They ofer to YOU a
■aaat of fulklliag yoar heart*! deeire for
PROSPERITY - yon W ANT fe*e —
pea CAN have theca.
To thn eiacere Maker, a copy of the
"LIGHT OF EG Y PT" will be m t FREE.
without obligation. Merely eddreie a letter,
M*t M nocenly, atkiag lor thia copy.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, Ju ly 15,1929
Page 5, P art II


Dr. E. E. Thomas addressed Rosi-
crucians at Music-Art Building yes­
terday on “Aladdin's Lamp.” Dr.
'niomas said in part:
'Man’s desire for and hope of Im­
mortality is for this reason almost
unanswerable proof that he is im­
mortal. Man’s principle of Immor­
tality or soul is his power to think,
and its counterpart is truth, or God.
which is the irresistible magnet that
will keep the soul alive as long as
truth exists, which is forever. Man's
indestructible power to think im­
plies constant growth until he has
acquired the complete experience
which will enable him to demon­
strate the complete mastery and co­
existing immortality t-l himself and
his source. Knowledge is power
God's method of r^anifestation is
through man. Every instinct in man
is a thought, and, as such, contains
within within itself the indestructi­
ble power to gradually satisfy its
wants. Painful experiences in the
early stages of evolution only awak­
en that sympathy which will never
rest satisfied until it is able to min­
ister to and relieve the wants of al]
other sufferers.”

Udivert*! Order
Los Angeles Evening Express ef Ancient Mytlorie*
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 20,1929
Page 5
DR. L E.
VEILED Tomorrow at 11:15 a. m. is

Music Arts Hall

TREASURES at 233 S. Broadway
The Soot* lor Tomorrow Brine

D r, T hom as w ill an sw er Hie fo l­

low ing Im portant, qu estloiw ;
1. How Is matter and Its constitu­
tion defined by Occultists?
2. W b f are o ctu ll stu d ies s e c re t?
3 . W h a t Iuilinens to one who en-
tir . Sltomao *U( a newer the tot-
ilr s iu r s to use unseen fo rm s Imitertnot ■ inrolloini
to th e d e trim e n t o f M o th e r ? 1, How U M t t r r anil It* n iw tlto -
ttee tore by l>rnlliy*t,?
4. Do animals think? I. Oil err Bit Itll ktutlln WWlI
3 . 11 h a t la th e g re a t d ifferen ce b e­ ». Whot hmHwfwto oB, who m.
Uo»u>r* la iiw n w i (—, •
tw een m an and m em bers o f to the iM rlm riit fit nnotlwr '?
*. Do a mi* l , think?
th e o th er k in g d o m s? A, H it l# l i , i m U M m w , be
n o , omn nn<t mi nb,n of
Cash Sands? Or, Tfesmai will »i*a a lb* other kioartem ,?
portlaa et the Muter Key System, which bch t*«ii»y 0,. TM-»> out >•••• •
t —IIM ,1 th» tt*»tw K*> Siikm. « fM
has been the mesne at bringing health Mi *mo ts» ««*» s) WMWMhailth
and proiperlty to thooiande. Kiss, Dr, »«* »(*,»«ttr t* tteSMM*. *1,... Or.
Tlto-it, »1tt »i*» a n rtfM at "Til* Lim
Thomas will give a portion ef "Tha U m Ml* «t me VoKrl ft IB, »li
aad Teaching* sf (St Mail nr* tf tfts Far ■E » f »*t«i h« Mini «*** to • m
It nil
East/* which has Mped many to a new
viewpoint ef life. | THE PUBLIC IS INVITED

T H E P U B L IC I S I N V I T E D ; Broadcasting OverKNX
Every Friday a t SiIS A. M.

E v e ry W e d n e td a y E v e n in g
at 7 o’Cloek in Symphony
Hall, 232 S, Hill
too* hr free Coo, «t "TMt nrerie
noei ” Tun *m ii„ ,•* •• i«,a *
Ihi oiiwi it* *b' ft tar m i
VAadiko 9033
Univeraai Order

DR. E. E.
L os Angeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , Ju ly 2 0 ,1 9 2 9
P age 5

Tomorrow at 11:15 a. m, in

at 233 S. Broadway
T h e Topic fo r Tom orrow B rin e

Dr, Thowa* will anawer flip fol­

lowing Important httWtiona;
1, How 1* matter nn«l He eonftttta-
tlos defined b y Oeeiittiata?
S. Why are occult htudle* Hecret i
3. W hat happen* to one who en­
deavor# to u*e ttw nm for re*
to the th-frlmetrt of another?
4. Do animal* thlnh?
8. W hat h* the a rent difference be­
tween man and im-iuber* of
the other kingdom*?
taeh Sunday Dr. Th«ma* wHI |l*» a
a*rtl«« 8l th* Warier K»y 8y»hm. whleb
ha> bun the mean* at 6nn|iM Health
end yrwaerlty t» theaiawH. Al«e, Dr,
Theme* wilt slve a jerttmi ef "Th* Ll*w
end Teaehln** ef » * Marim »f th* Per
.............. many to a niw


Broadcasting Over KNX

Every Wednesday Evening
at 7 o’Clock in Symphony
Hell, 232 S. Hilt

' This will air* yen aft 14*1

attar* and tSjeet ef *«r w k
VAndike 9033
L o s A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L o s A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , Ju ly 2 0 ,1 9 2 9
P ag e 5

Occult Lecture Will

Be Delivered Sunday
" V e i l e l T re a s u r e s " will be th e
S u n d a y m o rn in g them e o f D r, E .
E . T h o m a s in Mush -A r ts H a il, 233
S o u th B ro a d w a y . In th is le c tu r e
he w ill a n s w e r the follow ing q u e s ­
tio n s : "H o w is m a tte r an d U s c o n ­
s titu tio n defined by o c c u lt is t s ;
w h y a r c o c c u lt stud ies s e c r e t; w h a t
h ap p en s to one who e n d e a v o rs to
u se u n se e n fo rce s to the d e trim e n t
of a n o th e r ; do an im als th in k ?
W h a t Is th e g r e a t d iffe re n ce b e ­
tw een m en and th e m e m b e rs of
th e o th e r k in gd om s.’*
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, July 22,1929
Page 5, P art II


The sermon theme at the Univer­
sal Order of Ancient Mysteries, 432
Music Arts Building, yesterday
morning was woven about the laws
of thought and vibration. Speak­
ing of man’s mastership, Dr. Thom­
as said, in part:
"Man’s position in the world
should be that of master and not

slave. Hla power to think will en­

able him in time, not only to sub­
due the earth, but to control every
living thing, and to overcome even
death itself. True mastery may be
called a science, because it is gov­
erned by fixed principles of mathe­
matics and the universe."
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 2 7 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

‘Soul Memory' Will

Be Pulpit Subject
HBo«! Memory** will he th e B u n -
day m orning th e m e of D r, E . D.
T hom as o f th e U n iv e rsa l O rd er of
O ccu lt S c ie n c e a t th e se rv ice in
Muato A rts H all* 233 S o u th B ro ad *
Dr* T h o m a s w ill an sw er th e fo l­
lowing onerles: ,5H qw m an y tim es
la a soul horn * Info an e a rth ly
body? D ow c a n th e soul co n scio u s­
n e s s be d ev elo p ed f W hy do we
sometimes receive symbols without
th e ir in te rp re ta tio n ? dust w hat is
th© n a tu re of e v i l ! How does th e
soul se le ct th e body Into w hich it
Is to b© born!”
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 27,1929
Page 4


Univer*#! Order
6f Occult Science

Tomorrow at 11:15 a. m, in
“Soul Memory”
J>r. T iiom ai will answer th» M *
Music Arts Hall ItiwMig im portant nuewtlon*:
“ H ow mttns tlinr* la u N iiif reborn
at 233 S. Broadway
into » » fttrlh li ho«h T*
51s* IN pm* f m llrstt*
n ti) tli<» "•ottl <
“Soul Memory”
Hf, liuritja# will th e
l»fP O n ^ t o p r i l ? "
wW h v flo iv♦» wwnftlnw!<t r*ov>H n
itjm b o b w ithout thtftr in tcrp rr*
**tf**w w an ? tfot** la 3 rt f a t b»n ? “
ijiStw **» rstfllsfef frotf> *‘4
*"«■<* iUt *M «M w h ftt flip n a t u r e « f * v i l ? M
hr fi*n*'ti>*»*«!?** in
***S$Wf «■?* mftiHtm**
faihm? *
wiiJiifSjt Uo?ir “B o w dot** the ‘'•uni wrlrrf the
**Jht*i $f$mt ** ttoff eatarr *»f *%ir. body into which it i* to to
^ifo5** ^00! its* horn?**
hwiv iftUk ^hlt N If i« *0 hr-
i« e h Su n d ay Of, Thoma* w ill give a
swfcr *#r *iH f?** a
«f r?iJ? H pert ion of th« Master Key Sv»t*m f witish
hs* few»r vnp &«**» #t ^rtapip-s fcrsmt
smpPf*!* L« ?«.$«**.*£*, 4h* XU
■ Ttymm «40 #lt%-s ptiftd&S' # -r?#& has M*>n the means at hringtnQ health
*## 'tszmliw sf ffe* «S fh« f-v and prosperity to tinooand* A l « , Or
£a*t.*5 wfclrfc many Is? * «**
. if?* Thom as mill giv** a portion of MTh* Lives
THE PUBLIC IS INVITED and Tearhing* of the Matters of the F ir
East," which hat helped many Is a new
BroadcastingOver KNX viewpoint of Hie
Every Friday *t 8:15 A. M.

E f t r y W e d n e irfiT E v en in g
■I t o’CIock in Symphony
Hull, 232 S. Hill
. Hr t i m Cm » «!
t-“ »**« *•<> Jin T«£ ftts rtftv
if® ** -!•* sf
m **fsrt US* rtwf 0 saf >«>
V A n d ik e 6 8 1 1

Universal rt»cr
L o s A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress •f Occult Sdenca
Los A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , A ugust 3 ,1 9 2 9
P ag e 4

f fe i Tan Id for Tomorrow B etas

“MENTAL Tnaenow at 11:15 a. m. h

if Music Arts Hall

a t 233 S. Broadway
A t I Wt» ( « W b h t m M a t
D r. Thomee will a s t e r lh« fel*
i s w i a Important ottaattaeas
I. W h r a n «• hers u d why do
we reincarnate and what Ls the A T T R A C T IO N ”
purpose of llfef Dr. T kom m «W hixt tlw SM-
t . Xe the atom perfect? lowinc la tM rta a t iM b lo eo i
S. OecultUis have explained th at I. Why a n « k «n t* 4 » l u «■
m» nad »h»l 'm (hr
wo o n here to perfect our- PflrtWMot Ilf**
oolvoo* dart what U meant hy I. Ih. tl«« WfHlf
I. OrcultlMi hc»t noUlnod Umi t
|We? ^ w* n km H perfoet <mr-
M tiM . im C M b carnal hi
How eon anythiof become mere iMaf
per feet If It la already perfect f I. Ho. roa Mltkiol bmaan awe
■ CCfllNIf II ll ilmrlj ivrrfrrl t
I . fa th e n a mom perfect m anh I. I. | mot* wrfirl mnnl-
festation of man than hlo pret> frbnnaa if man than hlo am-
*M »hr»lr»i Mart
oi i ph: deal body? «. »h> 'boM 1 Milt «• email
C. it hy hould 1 take uo occult
Cash I t i i u Dr. TImmh wilt |Hm a JU O M rZ
CsrtlM ef Ilia Mutar K«y feniM, whlsh Sab."iaaWofl »* th« Mirim « SM fir
irtlrt toa Mart m »«») ' tm
as bam Ihi • « « tf brfaflaa hwlth mrllNrl if lift. ug k
•ad PN prlb ta thaasiads. Alas, Dr.
ThtAM will five a artlai it *'TM Lhei th e rua u c is invited
aai Teaehii * «t tba Maitsra af the Par
East.” whim h a halted b i in
riewyaltt af tils. Broadcasting Oyer KNX
E n i ; Friday at S i!8 A. M.

Every Wadnaaday tnsiai
a t f e’Ciock is Symphony
Hall, 232 8. Hill
SaMm tm Ommb "tas MVtTtcy
ha#S. TM«tn Mb raa at itn <<
let win aat bibb if tm ib.
VAadSba S«!t
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 3 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

i Dr. B. E. Thomas will apt ale In
| Music Arts Hall, 233 Fouth Rroad-
w a y , Sunday morning, on "M eals!
In the cou rse of hi* address he
will answer the folim ing queries;
"W h y are we here and who do we
reincarnate, and what is the purpose
of life! Is th e atom p erfect? Oc­
cu ltist! have explained th a t we are
h ere to p erfect ourselves. Ju s t what
is meant by th at? How can an y­
th in ! become more perfect If It Is
already p erfect? Is there a more
perfect manifestation of man than
hie present physical body? Why
should 1 tak e tip occult studies?*’
Dr, T h am es is to give several in­
spirational lectures in Spanish,
which will be broadcast over KN'X.
Dr, Them e» has been actively en­
gaged in psychological, m etaphys­
ical and*oecult work for some years,
and his talk s will he along these
lines. «
He is an honorary member of La
Liga Cultural Mexicunn.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, August 5 ,1929
Page 9, P art II

Dr. E . E . Thomas spoke to m em *
bers of the Universal Order of A n­
cient M ysteries a t Music A rt Studlp
Building yesterday on th e subject,
‘‘M ental Attraction.** D r. Thom as
said, in p a rt:
"N early the whole question of oc­
cultism is to wisely deal w ith those
spiritual forces within ourselves
which spring from the law of a t ­
traction. I t Is by dealing w ith such
simple things as our thoughts, de­
sires, hopes, aspirations, e tc., th a t
we get a t th e very root of th e whole
question. All desirable things are
governed by the law of attractio n .
They will come to us to th e exten t
th a t we earn them . W e can earn
them only by putting into operation
the law of attractio n w ithin .our­
selves. There is no oth er m ethod
by which they can be obtained."
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 10,1929
Page 5

Dr. Thomas to Answer

Pertinent Queries
D r. E . E . T h o m a s w ill speak t o ­
m orro w m orning: in M u sic A r t s
H all, 233 South B r o a d w a y on “ S e lf
H elp T h ro u g h th e I * a w of A t t r a c ­
In t h e co u rse o f h is lectu re h e
will a n s w e r the fo llo w in g q u e rie s:
"Is it tr u e th a t t h e r e is a B la c k
B r o th e r h o o d ? W h a t Is the W h ite
B r o th e r h o o d ? W h a t are su p er­
n a tu ra l f o rc e s ? A r e th ere such
th in g s as e a r th -b o u n d e n title s ?
W h o o r w h a t r e a lly is the d e v il?
W h y d o th ey say t h e devil in th e
ru le r o f h ell? If e v il m e a n s ig n o r ­
a n c e . w h y do in te llig e n t people B u f­
D r. T h o m a s will b r o a d c a s t an a d ­
d re ss In Spanish e v e r K N X M o n ­
day m o r n in g a t 8 ; IS o ’c lo ck find w ill
sp « a k in E n g lish o v e r th e s a m e
rad io o n F rid a y m o rn in g .
L os A ngeles E vening E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , A ugust 1 0 ,1 9 2 9
P age 5

O ccult

Universal O rd.r
•f Occult Science


LEC T U R ES the Law of Attraction”
Tomorrow at 11:15 «. ns. in D r. Thenuui w ill f t & f lw the f o l­
lo w in g Lnux>r ia n t quest Ion* i
1. " i s St tree th at there i« a Black
Brotherhood ? ”
at 233 $. Broadway g. “ Wh a t is “th e W h ite B ro th e r­
Ttw Tonic tor Tomorrow M w
hood?” A .
“SELF HELP Through 8. "W h a t are 1 1* p e r a a t o m l
fo rc e s ? "
the Law of Attraction” 4. "A re there aueh things as
tsr. TtunMO wtU MiM tlr the W -
lovvlo* tM P c fttn t uttCktloncs earth-bound entities?"
I. ' 2 * W *ro» th n t U m i t m S tack f i . "W ho or w hat really >• the
t. l*' *•>* WMt* B«o»h»r. r d erll?”
8. "« n » ttM»>« • n i i c r i t l oral t . "W hy do thea ray the derll Si
'■ S b i t t .A“ t h e ru ler o f H e l l ? "
I** do'll?”°r ”*115' ** **• 7. " I f B r il m eans Ignorance, w h y
«• : £ * * & l#w® “ d o Intelligent neoole suffer ? "
1. •'»< K*ll m<*o»» i*W«oc*. whir East Sundsy Dr. fltaiJtia will lira •
ertfse «f the Muter Key Syitea, which
Rsi lien till tnaaai i f hrlniias health
and pruperlty ts thsuissdi. Alia, Dr.
Thesia* all! five a parties ff “ Thi Llvsi
antf TsB«hfs«i ef tbs Matters if tbs fa r
taitfc” whloh tisi helped M an y la a aso
vtewpafat if life,
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 10,1929
Page 9, Part II

"A re th ere such things as e a rth -
bound entities? W h at are superna­
tu ral forces? Is there a devil and
is he th e ruler of hell? If evil
m eans ignorance, why do intelli­
gent persons suffer?” These are
am ong questions to be discussed
by D r. E . E . Thom as, head of th e
Universal O rder of O ccult Science,
a t 11 a.m . tom orrow a t M usic A rts
HalL The public Is Invited.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, August 12,1929
Page 10, Part II

“Self Help Through th e Law ol
A ttractio n " is the su b ject of a ser­
mon preached yesterday by D r. R
E. Thom as, head of th e Universal
O rder of O ccult Science, D r. Thom*
as spoke in p art, as follow s:
“Things occur in th e spiritual
world before they are seen in out­
ward a c t or event. B y th e simple
process of governing ou j spiritual
thought forces of today we help
create the events w hich will come
into our individual lives in the fu­
ture, perhaps tom orrow. Aspiration
and educated desire are species of
devotion which m ay be used os po­
ten t m eans of bringing Into action
the law of attractio n , So fa r as pos­
sible we should rule ou t fear, anger,
disbelief and doubt, because of their
counteracting and w ithering effects
upon the action of th e Interior law
of attractio n . Wo need n ot hesi­
ta te to aspire to the highest a tta in ­
m ents. I f through false teaching
we have been led to believe in th e
Tali of man* or in his 'n atu ral de­
p ravity/ we should a t once recon­
stru ct our beliefs so th a t they will
be In accordance w ith those tru e ba­
sic principles which teach the divin­
ity and omnipotence of th a t interior
law of attractio n w hich is m a n /'
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 17,1929
Page 4

Woman's Occult Forces,

Subject of Discussion
Dr. JO, E . T h om as w ll speak to ­
morrow morning in Mualo A rts
H a ll 2SI loath B roadw ay on
"W om an*! O ccult F o rce s."
J U will answer the following
questions! "W h a t Is the T ru e N a ­
ture of C h rist? W ho Really A re
Buddafc, Mohammed and K rlshnav
W h at Is M eant by the Cosmic nr
U niversal ISInd? Is H ypnotism
Wrong? Is T h ere a Physiological
Proof that Man Wee Not Made to
Bat Meat? Ie Not Animal Flesh
of a Higher Rate of Vibration
Than Vegetable Matter ?•*
Dr. Thomaa wll apeak over KNX
Friday morning at 1:11 o'clock.
L os A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , A ugust 1 7 ,1 9 2 9
P age 4


Univ.nat Ordtr

.E.E. The Tonic for Tomorrow Being

T«m»rrow *1 11:1$ *. m. in
Dr. Thom m will n e w t r the fol­
Music Arts Hall lowing Important quefttions:
•t 233 S. Broadway 1* W hat Ik the true nature ®f the
Tk* *>»*> for Jtoaonaw M m
WOMAN’S l« Who really are ft mid ha. Mo­
OCCULT FORCES hammed and Kristina?
immnm S. W hat it meant h r the - Cosmic
, tkX
M tt* IM twmmmimrmHIbft
mk« rnUlr «r* IMdtu. Na-
or Uolvenal Mind?
*o4 ltrW»M»r
Wkmi la m t* brr tbm.Cmm*
I uliankoil Mtftdr
4. Is hypnotism wrong?
«. l> hnutvibm * i * « f
ft, la (kM« a >i»da>ink«i Mai
Ihal MM «M M
5. In flier* a phyiioliglrsl proof
«, l« mM pmtmU tUOi f t ft ftlcfte*
th at man was not made to eat
«■## m mr*nm Umm »«••- m eat?
ft iMftl ft» 'f
it#» •* *• latfii
w ** mo* £l s 6. Xa not animal flesh of a higher
5-? rate of vibration th an vege­
Hftfft table matter?
rue ruiuc is invited
Each Snitday Dr. Thsmas will give a
Broadcasting Over KNX psetlsn «d tbs Master Key System, wMefi
E m , Fria», .1 S i l l A ML has Ned Ida assss sf bringing bsftitb
and prosperity Is tbsuiaads. AIn, Dr.
INTERESTING Thiaai will give a pertlon af **Thi Una
L E C T U R ES and Taasiilnii ef tbs Misters ef the far
K ..T w,a»»«8«, £,•>(*(
■K1 aVtuk hi iyaphw East,** whfsh lias helped naey ts a tu*
H.U, *33 I . Hill vtawaeiat •! Mis,
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Monday, August 19,1929
Page 4

Rosicrucians Hold %

Annual Convention
BAN J O S E , A uk , 1 9 .— C o m in g
from th e p rin cip a l c itie s of thn
U n ited S ta te s , C a n a d a , Meirtoo am i
C entral A m e ric a , d elegatu s to th e
annual c o n v e n tio n of th e A m lent
and Mysttonal O rd e r of H n ltirru ciaiis
w e re g a t h e r in g h ero to d a y .
The convention meets to n ig h t fo r
the first tim e a t A m ore C o lle g e , on
Naglee s tr e e t. Home of th e pen­
sions will take place In th e C a l­
vary M ethodist church. A ddretisee
by som e of ihe lenders of th e order
from all parts of th e w orld will
featu re th e co n v e n tio n , w h ich will
c lim a x S a tu r d a y f v c n lm tin a m e e t­
ing which will fe a tu re th e sh o w in g
of m o tio n p ictu re s tnknn d u rin g
the r e c e n t R o g icru elan p ilg rim a g e
to P a le s tin e .
D r. H , S p e n c e r Lew is. Im p e ru to r
of the o rd e r, will h ave c h a r g e of
se ssio n s.
L os Angeles E vening E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , A ugust 2 4 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5
O c c u lt

n l v t r t a l O rd e r
of Occult Science

DR. E. E.
THOMAS n i f f| 1 « f« l I fl * a*
Self Help Through Positive
InMfftw at 11:15 a. n. in and Negative Thought
0r. T h o m a i will a o i n v r H i* fo l*
mt 2 3 3 S. B r o a d w a y lo o tug Ito nor to o t cm p it lotto:
I t o Toplr for n o w m * Mains

Seif Bel* Tinagb Positive la t» tho enaclouifttst non-existent wrhtl*

and Negative Tboigfel wo sloop*
D r. n a m i » l l l « « * « «lu> h l>
lovhaO U oiw rtaut u a ra tln n a ;
2, If not, wtifiro d m tha coimc tousnoot go
I, t« tW H talM M H M K llh r l m ill
<M atoa»f
whllt wo »feopf
a, If M t Dkara i n tta W K t n w * t *
«♦!!• at atoa»» 8. If th* oonselootnfto «oo» ooftiowfcoro
? If <W >m rln m ii i « i w w U f i
■Oil* art " . . . «t| m n Ml M -
(Mmh at *M*a H tot
wbllo wo sleep, why aro «ro not eon-
0. WBal to Iht fil™“ B.t»a*a Stoat
M a rtia n a il I toto iraafiarAaMt
wieus of whoro M ll?
S. II atrttol di Mt *«l ■ « ' . »*» it*
Hta. at* mwl lid Oalif
». la u ld •• fraaaA i n (.anal to to**?
4 W hit to tho difforotce bttwoen Block
a m U tl Ifafletano uid Block Brotherhood?
faa» t a r i i i Or. Tttotota *M |to* a
arrua « tow a«i*r Mn »/***». •*«*
nna M
aaaa m
i n t■a .!*
w »lBl MlaOto*
tiler", taai.r.
i l l .m a t* 1to to IhiBBaaVa. Ala*. Or.
8» If myitiai do not oat moat, why did
H a t * Will (IM a HilMa af '-T*e L lm
m i Ten aft** al I t* M ila n d ta f m iootti oat m m t and fith?
s m t." •tola* tat W n C M W to a MB
■----- *-i al ilia
4 Should wt proaeh the Gospel to ivory
Broadcasting Over KNX Fish Sunday Dr, Thomas will |!vo «
Every Pride? M l i l t A- M. portion «f Ihi Miittr Roy Sjrotoro. which
hat beets the moans of brtoflnn htpiih
INTERESTING iid prosperity to thousand*. Also, Dr.
LECTURES Thomas will olvi a portion of “ Tho L N i
Ever? Wednesday t m i > |
at 1 o’Cloek la Srmpkon? and Teochlnfi of tho Waiter* of tho For
Hi.1. I3 S I . Hill Boot/* whloh h«i helped many to « now
v ta s'sa iG X z .'W r viewpoint if Iffo,
" klS M A P l-m
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 24,1929
Page 5

Many Questions to Be
Discussed at Meeting
Dr. K. E . Thom as will speak
tom orrow morning In M usic A rts
H all, 233 Sm ith B ro a d w a y on “S e lf
Help Through Positive and Mega-
liv e Thmjcrjht.”
In connection with this lecture Ip-
will a n s w e r the follow ing q u e s tio n s :
•Is th e co n scio u sn e ss n o u -e x la ta n i
when we sleep? If no, where doe*
th e co n scio u sn e ss go w h ile we
s le e p ? If the c o n s c io u sn e ss goe>M
s o m e w h e re while we sle e p , w h y a r e
w e n o t co n scio u s o f w h e re It is ?
W h a t is th e d iffe re n ce b e tw e e n
b lack m a g icia n s and b la ck b r o th e r ­
h o od ? If m y s tic s do h o t e a t m e a t,
w h y did J e s u s eat meat a n d f is h ?
Sh ou ld w e te a ch G m p e l to e v e r y
c re a tu r e ? "
Dr. Thom as will also give public
lectures on W ednesdny e n d T h u r s ­
d a y fretting® and will speak o v e r
K N X Friday morning.* at 8: 1 5 .
Los Angeles Evening Express U niversal 0rft**»
of Occult Science
Los Angeles, California

Saturday, August 31,1929
Page 4

T h e T o p ic fo r T om orrow Ifetn * LECTU R ES
“The Diffusion Tomorrow at 11:15 a. m, in

of Force” Music Arts Hall

at 233 S. Broadway
D r. T lionm a w ill an sw er t h r fo l­ THn to p ic te r Tomorrow B rin *
lowing Im p o rta n t q u estio n *:
1, "Can ana preach feo much?"
“ The Diffusion
2. MWhll Is meant fey the statement. 'Not
my will but Thim be dent?**
of Force”
Dr. T im m ** fc'flt •IMW'PT lire fo l­
S. "What It the iraaiatt obitarte ft low tow tW M rtam uuetiiont:
•piritual nafeldmeirt?" I. “C«" »»* * « * < * t « »ueHl,f
*. ~wkJNii rot* te tte ittiwoMt. Ntt
4. "Hew way w« *r«v« Is ether* that •1 otil tel Tkln te Stur*
tivlna the Mystic life (« a practical t. "W tet U u» «wsi«« ttartifl* tt
poMlfelflty?" t*lrltw» ••t«ltw«otr*
*, *•«*# *nr m *«w» #f tttert Mm
8. “ What it tha Occult definition »f Mi« Hh 1* * JWttttttl
Nature?" a "Witt! if Ik* 0<iall If
Cacti Sunday Or* Thema* will ilea a ftrlt SanSity Or. T l i t n will *i«* i
portion ef the Matter Key System, which MMIt* tf IlMMttNf Ktjr *»«*««. Midi
kit teto fht t u n tl rwlniint hutth
hat been the « « « #f briailne health ?«# irttftrilr ft llw*M*<lt Or.
and preeptfliy t« iheutaadi. Alts, Dr. htwM will (tv# ■ pt'tlto <f "Tkt Ltm
•"it Tttrhlmt tf Mi* MmIoti tf th. In
Thema* will ffly* a pertieis ef "The Live* tun,” whirl! »** b»l*rd »tt»y «t • KM
• (I Hit.
and Teachinn a* tha Martin ef the Far
8 m I. m which ha* helped many t* a new T H E PUBLIC IS IN V IT E D
viewpoint el Ufa.
Broadcasting Over KNX
E v e rt F riday el 8 :1 5 A . M.

Every W w jseaday Evening
e l 7 o’Cloefc la S m e h e s y
H al!, 232 S. Hill

'r ? .-c'S a ".,-a Kara,'

m m " ** i
L o s Angeles E vening E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , A ugust 3 1 ,1 9 2 9
P age 5

Be Minister's Subject
D r. E . E . T h o m a s will sp eak to -
ioktow m o rn in g in M u sic A rts H a ll,
t i S o u th B r o a d w a y , on “T h e D il­
ation of Force** a n d w ill afisw er
tr« follow ing' q u e r ie s ;
nne p r e a c h to o m u c h ? W h a t
meant b y th e s ta te m e n t, " N o t M y
kill b a t T h in e be d o n e ? " W h a t Is
She g r e a te s t o b s t a c l e to s p iritu a l
n foldm ent ? H o w m a y w e p ro v e
o th e r* th a t liv in g th e m y s tic life
a p r a c tic a l p o s s ib ility ? W h a t is
Occuft d efin itio n of n a tu r e ?
i Dr. T h o m a s w ill sp eak e a c h
Bjfadnesday e v e n in g in S ym p h on y
p a l l, 332 S o u th H ill s tre e t, a n d
EXknnday a f te r n o o n s !n th e h e a d -
I Harters, M u sic A r t s Bu ild ing. H e
peaks over K N X each F rid a y
g io rn in g a t 8 : 1 5 o 'c lo ck .
L o s A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , Sep tem b er 7 ,1 9 2 9
P age 4

Dr. Thomas to Preach

On Subject, ‘ Harmony’
"Harmony** will fe® the Sunday
morning them e of Dr. E . E . Thomas
in Music A rts Hall, 283 South
Broadway, when he will answ er the
following queries: "Do occultists
believe in enforcing legal rights?
Are We responsible for our wrong
acts if we are unconscious of them?
W hat is the difference in the
monad, ego and personality? W hat
is the process of the group soul de­
velopment in relation to the uni­
verse? Can we really be absolutely
In announcing his subject Dr.
ThotnaB said : "M an’s Innermost be­
ing is eternally harmonious. Dis­
cord is of his external vibrations
only. I t is an illusion from the
standpoint of absolute being. That
which is real is eternal and per­
fect. Man's work is to bring these
Interior and eternal realities into
his external being or consciousness.
Hence the im portance of keeping
ever in touch with the interior
•kingdom of heaven.' or harmony.'*

Los Angeles Evening Express

Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 7,1929
Page 5

The Topic fov Tomorrow Being

Dr, Thom as w it! answer th e fol­
lowing Im portant questions t
1, “ Do occultist* believe In enforc­
ing legal rig h ts ? ”
I, “A re we responsible for onr
wrong nets It we are uncon­
scious of th e m ? ”
8. “W h at is tli« difference In »he
Monad, E g o and Personality ? "
4, “ W hat Is fhe process of th e
group sou! development la re ­
lation to th e U niverse**•
8. “ Can we really be absolutely
Eteti Scsdsy Dr, Thsmsi will live s
Rartitfl«f tbs Msater Ksy System, which
•i bass the sitsnt sf brlsilsi httltft
•ad prsepcrlty 1s thauiasds. Alls, Dr.
ThsmiB will «lvs s ssiilas if "Th* Live*
■ nd Yssehlnfli sf ths M«Kt«r» sf thi Far
gait,” whieh hss helped m*ny ts • sew
vlewpelnt if lift.
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, September 7,1929
Page 5

It Can Be Done the
Rosicrucian W ay
New FREE Book Tells
How You May Do It
Th'* R oficruciana know how l
For ages they have dem onstrated
a greater knowledge and » *u-
p^rior power over all obstacles
in life.
t-et th em help you solve. your
problem*. T heir guidance will
reveal psychic Jaws and Mystic
principles w hich will mak* you
mighty and fiucccr.aful In a tta in ­
ing h ea lth , prosperity and solf-
m aM ership.
T he new free book. “T he
Fight ot Egypt.’* win tell you
how to change th e whole course
of vour life in a sh o rt tlm**
Write, a le tte r asking for It
L ib ra ria n V. B.

R osicrucian Park,
SAN J O S E ------- C A L I F O R N I A
T h e S a n F ra n cisco E x a m in e r
S a n F ra n cisco , C alifo rn ia
S a tu rd a y , Sep tem b er 7 ,1 9 2 9
P ag e 9

Reveal Astounding
Inner____ Powers
How much have you used your sub­
jective partner? There are TWO of you
—ona the PHYSICAL m aterial side—
the other, the IN N ER. PSYCHIC
S E L F . I f you are one of the thousands
who ara searching for a way and a
means of attaining P R O SP E R IT Y ,
HEALTH and H A PPIN ESS, why not
release that great force within, use
that dormant self?
Tha Rosicrucian Brotherhood. a
n >rld*wids movement, has taught thou­
sands of men and women bow to use
tha simple, dignified occult principles
in developing their latent powers. A
few minutes • day devoted to the read­
ing of th e n principles will reveal
startling facta to YOU. I f you are sin­
cere in your desire to M ASTER L IF E ,
this la the key.
Free Book Tells Story
An Interesting book called “ TH E
LIGHT O F EGYPT’' will be sent free,
without obligation, to those who are
errking to become a success in life.
This book will be mailed, postpaid, to
those who write a letter (not a post­
card) requesting It. Address:
San Jose, CalJf.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California R o ticru cia n
Saturday, September 14,1929
Page 4

veal Astounding
Inner Powers
H a lf rnuetl h a v e you uae<l r o u r
je c tiv e p a r tn e r ? Tin are t w o <r
yow—on e the PHYSICAL. m &?**•%»]
aide— th e other* the IX N K It, } w y .
CHIC SELF. 1# you rsro one 0/ th-
th o u s a n d # w ho a re M a r c h in g fo r a
W »f a n d * m ean* o f a t t a i n s * P'HOA*
FlfRlTT* HEALTH and HAPP in iu m .
Why wot r e lta ie that g rea t force
W ithin, use th a t dorm ant
The R o s lc r u d a n B ro th e r h o o d a
W «tW -w k Je m ovem en t, ha* taw gn t
t hotiaande o f m m am ! w om en ho tv to
u«e t h e sim ple, dignified o c c u lt p ria*
ojjplea I n developing th e ir la t e n t n o w «
■ mk A f e w m i h t l l ' f i a a d a y d e v o t e d to
th e readin tr of thee© p rin cip le * win
re v a a l a ta rtlin g fa cta in \ O V . K you
■mtti aln eere In r o a r to M A S­
T E R L I F E * th is I# tin. k ey .
Free Book TelU Story
An In terest in * hook c a lle d "T H IS
L ia H T OF IJO T P r wdl! be iri t f
W ith o u t ob ligation , to th oae vs he i «
awaking to h e ro ic# a a u c e « a t in 111*%
T M a book will t e m ailed , p o alP aid .
t « th o s e who w rit* « l e t te r 'n o t a
p o a tc a rd i roooeetltig *L A d d re ss:

.J * XV. ALi : •.•;.•

R IA N K. S.

Rosicrucian Order
_ lA M O H O I
nh Ja tt v llifi
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 14,1929
Page 4

O c c u lt
~ ~ .JJLA

Universal O rder o , f !

Occult Science
F l f ?
MdmJ •
lilt •
j S u n d ay L ectures .(#t f port
I iM'h Kunduj Ur. Thomas will (the a
top of the M aster Key System,
which has hern the m eans of bring-
Tomorrow at 11; 15 a. m, in io*j heal Hi ami prosperity to thou*
solids. Also. Ur. ThfiKin* will give a
i portion of “ 'Hie fiv e s ultd Teaching*
M u sic A rts H all [ ’ of th e Masters of the f U f East.** j
! which has helped m any to a new
t view point of life,
at 233 S. Broadway THE PUBLIC IS IN V ITED
The Topic for Tomorrow Beim
B roadcasting O v er K N X
“ INSIGHT OR INTERIOR t j Every Friday a t 8 : 1 5 A , M.


The following questions will b
answered by Dr. T hom as; | Every W adneaday Evening at ,
t . "W h at 1* personal waabethun an i 1 7 o’Clock in Sym phony
j Hon run it hr obtained*/’* Hall, 2 3 2 S, Hill
2 . ‘ What in Pmnft a* It 1* railed !>y i ................................ .....
Ui«* Kind Indian M ythic*?"
j 3 . “ VUiat is fowl la Its relation to <h ilMihlte meeting every Thursday a fte r-
touts ?*' noon at % a'eloeh « i 43® Muwfc-Art
4. “Wtint 1* astral probation and « t \j #h*nd for Free (Hiiihling,
a h a ! ta in # 1* i t ?” opr of “THE MYSTIf
5 . “I* it possible for alt to p*\ebh*nl „ Kfi-e." This will g h e you on idea of
tv project —th a t K tease the t»ij>» 1 th e nature and object of our work. I
i,ftl hods and return at u it tf * J VAndikc 6 6 1 1 J
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 14,1929
Page 4

Occult Head Will

Answer Questions
Dr. E. K. Thomas*, heat? of this
Dni versa! Order o*' Occult Science#
w ill speak In M usic-Arts Hall, 233
South Broadway. Sunday morning'
on “Insight or Interior Sagacity/*
He will answer the following ques­
tions: W hat Is personal m agnet*
\f m and how can it be obtained?
What is prana, as It is ended by the ■
East Indian m ystic*? W hat is food
in its relation to the body? W hat
is astral projection and of w hat
value Is it? Is it possible for all
to psychically project—that is—
leave the physical body and return
at will?
Dr, Thomas will also speak
Wednesday evening and Thursday
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 14,1929
Page 9, Part II

V T A Dr. E . E . Thomae, of th e Unlvertaf Order of Occult

I I IB IB V Science, will lecture on "IN SIG H T •OR INTERIOR
I I 1f 1 f tKvJ SAGACITY* a t 11:15 A.M., Sunday a t Mtiilc A rt* Hall,
233 South Broadway. * A number of queitlena of g reat
Importance will be answered by Dr. Thomaa. All are welcome. VAndlks M il.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, September 16,1929
Page 6, Part II

A lecture on "Insight, o r- In terior
Sagacity7* ’was given a t M usic A rts
Hall yesterday by Dr, E . EL Thom as
of the Universal Order of Occult
Science. Dr. Thomas spoke In p a rt
as follows:
. "In terior sagacity or th a t which
m ay be discerned by the.use of the
'Inner eye,* ca n best be cultivated
in the silence, which with the
proper associations, will enable us
to do fa r more and better work
thiui we could hope to do by merely
drifting along the lines of least re*
sistancc. In the silence we become
receptive. Our associations are our
magnetisms, the fruits of our per­
m an en t thoughts or character.*’
Dayton Daily News
Dayton, Ohio
Saturday, September 2 1 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

Sunday at 7:45 p, nt. in rooms
263 and 265 Fourth Street Arcade,
the master will deliver a short talk
on the subject “The Sins of the
L o s A ngeles E v en in g E x p re s s
L o s A n geles, C alifo rn ia
S a tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 2 9
Page 5

Dr.E.E.Thomas E a ch ?on<t*T Or. Thnmaa will a te # a

Sunday Lectures iwrtttM* of th e Mentor Key ji*at.e«,
»t»trl« ha* haw* th* mean* n< hrtiwr-
Inc health *»>i m m vm m t« thou,
Tomorrow at t l;1 5 a. m, in wind*. Alan. Or. Th«m»* will t l r a a
portion » t "The f . U r * *u»! T rarh tn r*
nf th * «a»ter* «< the F a r K art."
Music Arts Hall w hich ha* helped m ao* to » new
vtoWiWJ*** of tile.
at 233 S. Broadway THE PUBLIC IS INVITED
Th* Topic for Tomorrow Sting
Broadcasting Over K N X
u SPIRITUAL Ev«ry Friday at 8 sIS A. ML
The following will be
answered by Or* Thomas: Every Wednesday Evening at
7 o'Clock in Symphony
annw iU inc **«*?"
Hall* 232 S. Hill
-H h u f l» ffea »»** et MtlUm
th e b e tn e n i
N>i)ata» «»«l •rJaewaf* FtiM fe m a rtin * «***» Th«r*i«*. afte r*
"*« wtnrt »»* <»'«*« m t.
nim the « » » !*» «* * haw***# Oman at * »VI«ek mi 18
Hut Minx.
iHsr?* ■%fMi f« r T ree r*«»r a t T H K * t« W )
*■*» it ***#*#•*» 0*.h#b*w« ip «« £*»}. fta**.** Tl.s* will civ a y«n m We« nf
cn n tfaO o a In wr«1rsr i t th* ; the. n a tu r e a n d o b le rt a t o u r ***rh.
■**%• * SiW*t he •war* I VAndiha m U

H E A L I N G ’’
The following questions will be
answered by Or, Thomas*.
**lf Ori tiltLm pflmrthltiK urn?*’
"W hat Ip t h e n il U ndo o f Ori*t»ltl*m
tWfgHI tlm runt radfrijon helwrrii
rrltglnn and noh»n*><*?’’
"In n hut way doo* Ownttlsm rt*<*«* *
nlF^ t|u> e x is te n c e o f » Nttpreme
lining ?*'
" I t It a r r M s a r y i n b e lo n g to a n O r-
itanifatton in order to attain the
height* ?**
"Can ** Soul ho lo a tf "
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 21,1929
Page 4

'Spiritual Healing’
Dr. Thom as’ Topic
Dr, E . E . Thom as will speak to ­
morrow morning in Music A rts
Hall, 233 South Broadway on
topic, “Spiritual H ealing”
Dr. Thom as will answer a series
of questions, a s follows; “Is O c­
cultism something new? W h at is
the attitude of occultism toward
Hie contradiction between religion
and science? In what way does
occultism recognize*? the existence
of a Supreme Being? Is In neces­
sary to belong to an organization
in order to a ttain the heights? Can
a soul be lost?”
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 21,1929
Page 8, P art II

D R. E . £ . THOMAS
'’Spiritual Healing” is the sub­
j e c t of a lecture to be given by Dr,
& E. Thomas at 11:15 a.m. to*
morrow at Music Arts Hall. Free
installments of "Fragments of the
Past,” a story on the subject of re­
incarnation, will be presented to
members of the audience.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, September 2 3 ,1929
Page 5, Part II

Dr, E. E , Thomas lectured on
“Spiritual Healing” yesterday at
Music Arts Hall. He said, in part:
“Health is harmony, the equili­
brium of the vibratory forces. The
law of vibration is' the spirit* Its
manifestating organism, or power
to think, is capable, through
thought concentration, of attaching
itself more closely to th at law,
thereby becoming infused more and
more with its higher vibratory har­
monies. To produce this result
within the self is the first and
main step In healing others.”
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 28,1929
Page 6, Part II

D R . E . E .T H O M A S w ilt le c tu re th l* w e e k on " D E S I R E . C O N T IN U IT Y a n d
FREEDOM ** a t 11:15 A .M . S u n d a y , In M u s tt A rt* H all, 233 S o u th B roadvray.
D r. T h o m e * will a n s w e r a n u m o o r of im p o r ta n t q u estio n * . F re e p ™**!*;'**
le c tu r e s e v e ry a fte rn o o n e x c e p t S u n d a y a t 2:00 P .M . In th e T e m i ^ ^
A r t . 8 ; d g . L e c tu re e v e ry W e d n e s d a y ev n ln :, a t 7:C0 P.M . in S y m p h o n y H a ll,
232 S o u th H ill S tr e e t.. All w e lc c m a . V A n d ik e 6511.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 28,1929
Page 7

O ecdr

I) R . E . E . T H O M A !
Sunday Morning a t 1 1 : 1 S

»Insic Arb Hall... Sooth Broadway 2 3 3


The following questions will he answ ered:

1. W H A T T W O K I N 0 8 O F D R E A M S A R E T H E R E ?
2. 18 C L A IR V O Y A N C E A N A T U R A L G I F T ?
3. IS IT R E A L L Y N E C E S S A R Y T O D IE 7
4. DO A N IM A L S S U R V IV E B O D IL Y D E A T H ?
5. W H A T B E C O M E S O F T H E S O U L O F A N IN S A N E P E R S O N ?

B ro a d c a a tin g a v a r y F r id a y a t 8s15 o v e r K N X .
L e c tu re a v a r y W a d n e a d a y a t 7 P. M . In S y m p h o n y H a ll, $

233 S o u th HiU S tr a a t.
F r a a p ro a p a r ity la c tu r a a a v a ry a f te r n o o n a t 2 o’elo ek In
th a T E M P L E , 432 M u a io -A rt B u ild in g . V A n d .k a « t i .
Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, October 6,1929
Page 29
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Tuesday, October 8,1929
Page 1

Knowing Mind Is
C a lle d S e c r e t
Of Advertising
That the dfccret of success In adver­
tising was In knowing the human
mind, was the statement last night
of John H. Rice, president of the Rice-
Orelsen Company. San Francisco. In
his talk last night before members
of the Advertising Club.
“Today there is no power like that
wielded by advertisers," Mr. Rice
said. They create and destroy business
over night. In one form or another,
each of us Is a slave, striving and
working to satisfy the desires adver­
tising has created.
“Advertising is one of the greatest
forces in the United States* today. If
you would take the millions of dollars
they are spending today to enforce
prohibition and put it into the hands
of 50 good advertisers and cartoonists
it would do more to dry up this coun­
try than all of the prohibition forces.
The power of advertising would make
liquor unfashionable and its use would
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, lmpcrator of
the Roslcrucian Order of North
America, spoke briefly on: “What are
Roslcrucians?" Mae Howell, singer at
KQW, presented three vocal numbers,
accompanied by Lena May Leland.
President J . Elmer Morrish, pre­
The Helena Daily Independent
Helena, Montana
Friday, October 11,1929
Page 4

to America, in a large following in

1694, and established buildings,
EDITORIALS schools and laboratories in what is
•y OUR READERS flow .the city of Philadelphia.
Since that time the work of this
INFORMATION WANTED. unusudl organization has been car­

Editor The Independent: ried on quietly in America, and the

So much is being published these increasing reference to them in
days regarding the Rosicrucians as American literature would indicate
a famous fraternity of mystics ant that the Ancient, Mythical Order
metaphysicians of the ‘middle ages, Roiac Crucis— usually referred to in
that I wonder whether you or the a veiled way through the use of the
readers of your valuable paper can abbreviation of their name in the
throw some light on the history or form of AMORC— is still very active
the origin and present activities of in various parts of the world, and
these workers in the fields of science especially in America. As it is a non­
and metaphysics. commercial and non-sectar'an organ­
So far as I have betn able to trace ization, it does not enter into the
it, the organization started in the limelight as do so many other organ­
mystery schools of Egypt, where it izations .
reached a high degree of evolution, There appears to be a national
with the Rosicrucian principles high­ headquarters of the AM ORC in San
ly developed. It spread its teachings Jose, Cal., but I understand from
and activities throughout the wot Id, some occasional public references
and then seemed to have been a that there are branches in every large
period of silence, but later burst forth city of America, and I would like to
in a strange way in Germany in the know more about them and their
seventeenth century. ideals, purposes, and activities in be­
Although some encyclopedias inti­ half of humanity. Any information
mate that the organization finally in this regard will be greatly appre­
died out in Germany, I have seen ciated.
some records which show that they Vdry truly yours,
continued their activities in'various FR A T R O ,
parts of Europe, and actually came ____________ Care The Independent
Fitchburg Sentinel Extra
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Friday, October 11,1929
Page 9


New Secret Book Loaned To You
H u Made Thousand* Happy, Successful, and M ighty m the
Control of Natural Laws.
>uncJl o f t h 5 j U * l e n i e l * « * b u d ,c to « d to loon 8K*L«ED C O FIB 8 of It to
aisoerw a o d w o ffh y M akers w ho will prom t** to *tud> ft a n d help in th e r r e a l
* * * o f p rc jn u ttn r eucM M an d h e a lth In life. I t la called the m o at S S n a rk sM *
* * ■ . « oeenH re re ia tlo o . a n d Imrued by th e oldeet m im ical f r a te rn ity In the
w orld. J a s t w rite t » v *b»| j n a « U i — t4 a n d ,n r * y ihg- m a t a a M
twws,' W ieroie rwo c e n t, f o r a c tp a j po ,ta* e. end It w ill ba m ailed, A d d r e u :

New Secret Book Loaned to You
Has made Thousand Happy, Successful, and Mighty in the
Control of Natural Laws

Because this new book is so remarkable and difficult to secure, the Supreme
Council of the Rosicrncians has decided to loan SEALED COPIES of it to
sincere and worthy seekers who will promise to study it and help in the great
work of promoting success and health in life. It is called the most remarkable
book of occult revelation, and issued by the oldest mystical fraternity in the
world. Just write and say that you will read it and study the wonderful laws.
| Enclose two cents for actual postage, and it will be mailed. Address:
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, October 12,1929
Page 6

You may use the simple laws

AT LAST of nature in mastering your life.

Within you lie DORMANT FA ­
CULTIES awaiting the right
thought, the right moment of
concentration to C R E A T E
And now practical principles
will aid you in using this reserve
knowledge in overcoming your
dally problems.


Today thousands !n A m erica, and
FOR T H E M ASTERY m any ttiouwmrn in other iand», h ave
dem onstrated th e ir psychic pow er* u n ­
der H osicrucian direction, and huva
O F L IF E b rou th t
th em seive*
P E A C E and J O Y .
m arvelo u s
F IN A N C E S .
Yoa m ay do the
sam e th in #! C h a n g * the com a* of yuur
life. .now. by w ritin g for the fre* copy
of “ T H E L IG H T O F EOT F T ." M a k e
your request by l e tt e r — not poet c a rd .


Rosicrucian Order
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, October 12,1929
Page 6

A ncient BtyRtfeni O rd e r R o sa e C ru el*


Free Public Lectures

Sunday Eve., 8 o'clock
S u b je c t S u n d a y . O c t. 13

The St. Louis Star
St. Louis, Missouri
Tuesday, October 15,1929
Page 14

T he R osicrucian B rotherhood.
Editor The St. Louts Star: Much is being 1
written and published nowadays regarding a
brotherhood of mystics and metaphysicians
known as the Rosicrucians. From what I have
been able to gather through my reading of nu­
Records further indicate that since the year
merous articles on the subject. I understand 1694 the work of this strange organization has
that this strange brotherhood had its origin In been constantly, though quietly, earned on fn
ages long past—even several hundred years be- • America. The Ancient Mystical Order R sae
fore Christ. I am wondering If. perhaps, some Cruets or AMORCV as h is sometimes abbreviat­
of the readers of your valuable paper can throw I
some light on the history, origin and present ed. seems, to. nil intents and purposes, a very
activities of this brotherhood. active organization with branches in many parts
of the world and with chapters In virtually
It appears th at the organization known as the
every large cify of the United Stares in spite of
Rosicrucian Brotherhood was started in the mys­ its widespread activities, however, there are
tery schools of Egypt, from where its teachings many who do not know of Its f-xtstenre: this
vere gradually diffused and disseminated being due, r.o doubt, to it< being a non-commer­
throughout the world. After a period of silence j cial and non-secretai :an organza'ion which
of many years' duration, we read of the organ- I does not come into th* limelight as do many
ization's sudden revival in Germany along about other organizations
the seventeenth century Contrary to the im­ In San Jose. Calif min there i« said to be a
pression which seme encyclopedias give, that national headquarters of the Rosicrucians which
, the brotherhood passed out of existence a short maintains contact with and Jurisdiction over,
time following the advent of its revival m G er­ the numerous branches throughout the United
many. there are some records which Indicate States and Canada ar.d in fact *hr entire
that members of the organization continued world. Perhaps some or. ear. tell me more
to carry on their work in various parts of | about this organization. 1'. ideal purposes ar.d
Europe for an Indefinite length of time. Also, activities m behalf of mankind Any information
that m 1694 a large number of Rosicrucians which m ay b* volunteered on the subject will b**
came to America, establishing certain buildings, | greatly appreciated.
schools and laboratories in what is now known '
as the city of Philadelphia.
The D etroit F ree Press
Detroit, Michigan
Saturday, O ctober, 1 9 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

Voice of the People j

T o th e E d ito r ; As a stud ent of
ancient philosophy and m ysticism I
find m u ch Is being published th ese
days re g a rd in g th e R o s k r u d a n
B rotherhood, a f ra te rn ity of m ystics
and m etap h y sician s of the middle
ages, th a t I w o n d er w h eth er you lished a colony with buildings,
or th e re a d e rs of your valuable schools and lab oratories in what is
paper c a n th ro w som e light on the now the c ity o f Philadelphia. Since
true h isto ry o r th e origin and p res­ then th e w ork o f this stran g e o r­
ent activ ities o f th ese w ork ers In ganisation seem s to have been c a r ­
th e fields o f scie n ce and m e ta ­ ried on quietly In A m erica, and the
physics. in creasing referen ces to them in
F ro m v ario u s books I have rsa d A m erican lite ra tu re would indicate
It would a p p e a r th a t th e o rgan isa­ th a t the A ncient, M ystical O rder
tion had its orig in In the m y stery R osae C rucis, usually referred to by
schools of E g y p t and flourished du r­ tb« abbreviation of AMORC, is still
ing the period w h en th a t land w aa very activ e in variou s p a rts of th e
held a s th e foun tain head o f a d ­ world, and especially go in A m erica
vanced know ledge an d wisdom , and a t this tim e, but due to Its non-com­
to which P y th a g o ra s and o th e r fa ­ m ercial and n o n -sectarian natu re it
mous philosophers traveled to be docs not e n te r into the lim elight
Initiated in to th e brotherhood, as do m a n y o th e r organ isation s.
which, a f te r sp read in g its teach in gs T h ere ap p ears to be a national
and activ itie s th ro u g h o u t th e civil­ head qu arters in San Jo se, Calif.,
ized w orld o f th a t tim e, seemed to but occasional public reference*
lapse in to a lon g period of silence would in d icate th a t there a re also
only to m ysteriou sly break forth branches In every large city of
sgain in G erm an y in th e seven­ A m erica, and I would like to know
teenth cen tu ry . En cyclop ed ias I m ore about them and th eir activi­
have consulted in tim ate th a t the or­ ties in behalf of hum anity Any in­
ganization finally died out In O r - ! form ation in this regard will be
m any, but 1 h ave seen evidence to greatly ap p reciated .
the effect th a t th e y continued their
activities in v ario u s p a rts of Eu rope JO H N H R E I S D O R R
and a ctu ally ca m e to A m erica in a R og ers C ity. Mich.
large follow ing in 1694 and estab ­ O ct, 12. 1929
The Binghamton Press
Binghamton, New Y ork
Wednesday, O ctober 2 3 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6

O ct. 82, *828,

fe «»»HMM *T Tn* Bina!uro!s« t o m .
Dear Siri
In r. recent l*s«e of your valued
paper a correspondent for
some information regarding the
Uosieritcians. The Inquiry specifically
asked for some facts regarding1 the
Ancient Mystical Order Eosae €ru t is.
This is the correct name in English
of the abbreviated form ©f the Latin
name of the organisation throughout titMm operating under
the above name does not dest! with
the world which is Antiquae Ar©*me.« magic of any kind, nor with fortune
Ordlnla Rosae I it* bene at Aur»ae telling, crystal gaging. nor any farm
Crtmis. The Sosleracian organisation of commercialised superstlUoti, The
throughout the world, is today on«- organisation daes not h is* it* teach­
ings to sell nr courses ©# reading that
i international body divided only in a ’ are sold on * h - open m arket, a t any
‘ political »**n«Ms into various Jurisdic­ Sprice. A* in the days of old, the
tions. The North American Jurisdic­ Itosicmi tans offer to all men and
tion Is a very old one. for the first women who are jerking to advance
official establishment of the organisa­ their a * a perswwt&i efficiency qnusa-
tion in this couihtry was »n 1894 when
buildings were constructed by th*» or­ ally lottfr«Ktlng instructions leading
ganization on its own property which to the development ef personal,
now constitutes a part of Falrmount latent or darmant abilities. Th* Bosi-
Park, Philadelphia. Reeent docu­ cru- ians hn*e been famous for many
ments In the Ehlladelpbfa museum oenturh Mfor this valued contribution
and the Congressional library have to humanity, but not often been
cast much light on the wonderful falsely a<*-«iatrd with several uHof-
rontrlhuttoii t© science and learning fif Wl Rnshruttan movements that tic*
rnsiih* by the early Rosyerutiann In i d«*ai with subjects that m iw to -the
this m m itm * The present headquar­ ' fancy of l lie *up?r»titiosi and m l-
ters for lb*’ $ m m American jurisdic­ »llble.
tion of the a . as. u . it. c. i which is | I a*tt srl:*d to be able to. aid your
an abbreviation *<£ the initials of the 1reader* In 8 i**i»g»fe*hing l*etm**>m the
English name} to at San Jose, Call* ■tr«. orgmtautiion and tin* commercial
fomfa. 1 im itations,
P incew ly,
I'erhaps your eorroipoidcs® and
readers do not know that the real ? SAHA JA N E m CKfSNK
l — • .....
The Evening Reporter-Star
Orlando, Florida
Wednesday, October 23,1929
Page 4

October 19, 11*9,

T o the E d ito r off the Evening
Reporter S tar:
So much is being pubilebtd these
day* regarding the ftoeirrucians a*
a r«mou« fraternity of mystics and
metaphysicians of the Middle Ages
that I wonder whether you or the
reader* of your pager can throw
some light on the Watery or origin
and the present activities, If any,
of theae workers in the field* of
science and metaphysics.
So far as I h ate been abl* to
tract It the organisation atarttd Is (hat the Ancient Mystical Order
the mystery school* of Egypt and, Soane Cruel*, which l find la the
after spreading it* teaching* and true name of the organiaetlon, hut
activities throughout the world, ueualiy referred to in e veiled way
seamed to have a period of alienee through the use of the abbrevia­
and then appeared again in (Itr- tion of their name in the form of
many in the 17th century. How­ “AMORC/* I* atilt very active in
ever, the Encyclopedia Britannic* various part* of the world, and es­
and certain other encyclopedia* in- pecially In America, but because
dicate that the orianlaatlon w»* of the fact that it I* non-commer­
founded in the 17th century by one cial and non sectarian, it doe* not
Chriatian Roeeukrenx and then aft­ enter Into the limelight * * do
er a abort period of existence died many other organisation*.
out In Oermeny; | have teen, how­ There appears to bo a national
ever, tome record* which show that headquarter* of the organisation
they continued their |ctlvitie« in at San Jose, California, but 1 under­
various part* of Europe and actu­ stand from some occasional public
ally invaded America with a large references that there are branches
„ following in HIM, establishing aome throughout the United States and
building*, school* and laboratories I would like to know more about
in what I* now the city of Phlladel- them and their Ideas, purpose* snd
phi*, From whet I can learn, alnc* activities in behalf of humanity.
that time the work of thla unuauai Any information in Oil eregard will
organisation has been carried on be greatly appreciated.
Quietly in ihi« country and the in­ Very truly your*,
creasing reference* to them In INQUIRER.
American literature Rouid Indicate
The St. Louis Star
St. Louis, Missouri
Thursday, October 2 4,1929
Page 14

•Edittfr LxmSr Star: HKS&S

ft CQklCO|MIMCtl* «■ ' i
Haired for same Information regarding the Hoei-
erucians The Inquirer specifically asked im
some facta regarding the Ancient Mystical Or­
der correct name In
the Latin
name of the organization throughout the world
which Is Antique Arcanae Ordlnis Roes Rubtae
at Aureae Omcia. The Rosicruelan organisation
throughout the world fe today one International
body divided only m ft political sense Into vari-
North America
Is a very old one, for the first
establishment ol the organisation In this
s u In 1694 when buildings were
the (pganizatkm m its own properly which now
constitutes • part of the Fairmont ISark. Phila­
delphia. Recent documents In the Philadelphia
museum and the £or.greadunal library have cast
much light cm the wonderful contribution to
science and learning made by the early Koei-
cructans In lids r <mtir Tim p w a ? haadgaar-
ters of tire North Amrricftn Jurisdiction of the
aMGRG (which Is an aDbrevlation of the timhus
of the English name; is at San Je w s . Gal.
Ferhaps your corre^porideKfe and reader* m
not know that the real BaefcrrudUua .order cpssr -
sting unde** the above name does not deaf with
magic of any kind, nor with fortune telling, crys-
nor any form of commercialized su-
The cegunlaatlon does not have
teachings to sell or courses of reading that are
sold on open market at any price. As in the
days of old. the RoatcnicSsns offer to all men
and women who are seeking to advance their
own personal efficiency unusually interesting In­
structions feaduia to the development off per-
wusaJ. laterr ©r dormant abilities. The Ifefci-
cruciam have been famous for many centuries
for this valued contra tkm to humanity, but
have often been falsely associated with several
unofficial Rasicrudan movements that do -deal
subjects that cater the fancy of the
superstitious and gullible. ■

m. RAMA.
T h e M ia m i News
M ia m i, F lo rid a
T h u rs d a y , O c to b e r 2 4 ,1 9 2 9
Page 6


R O S I C B I 'C I A X S
Ta PC<V'nr « f th # M inin' I ) a It \» w »:

M uch in being published th ese d ay s in re g a rd to

th e R o aicru cian s an a w onderful b roth erh ood of
m ynticn and m etap h y sicia n s of the 15th . 16th and
17th ce n tu rie s, and I w onder w h e th e r you or som e
of th e re a d e rs o f y o u r valu ab le p ap er can throw'
som e ligh t on the h isto ry o r a n tiq u ity of thin f r a ­
te rn ity . also th e p resen t a c tiv itie s of th ese w o rk ers
in th e fields of scien ce and m e ta p h y sics.
So f a r a s I have been able to tr a c e it. th is b ro th ­
erhood o rig in a te d in th e m y s te ry sch ools of E g y p t,
and. a f te r sp read in g its te a ch in g s th ro u g h o u t the
w orld, seem ed to h ave a period of silence and »hen
suddenly b u rst fo rth in a s tra n g e w ay in G erm an y
in th e 17th c e n tu ry H ow ever, som e en cyclo p ed ias
claim th at th e o rg a n iz a tio n fin ally died out in G e r­
m any in th e 17th c e n tu r y ; but I h ave seen reco rd s
w hich show th a t th ey con tin u ed th e ir a c tiv itie s
in m an y p a rts o f E u ro p e , and a c tu a lly ca m e to the
shores of A m e rica in 1694, and estab lish ed som e
buildings, schools and la b o ra to rie s in w h at is now
P h ilad elp h ia. Since th a t tim e th e w ork of this
seem in gly m y sterio u s o rd e r h a* been c a rrie d on
q u ietly in A m erica , and the in cre a sin g referen ce
to th e R o aicru cian s in A m e rica n p ap ers and m a g a ­
zines in d ica te th at th e Ancient M y stica l O rder
R o sae C ru cis, u sually re fe rre d to in a veiled w ay a s
A m orc is still v ery a c tiv e in variou s p a rts of the
world, and esp ecially A m e rica . I also u n d erstan d
it is a n o n -se cta ria n o rg a n iz a t ion, and th e re fo re
does not e n te r Into th e lim elight a s do m an y o th er
w ell-know n o rg a n is a tio n s.
T h ey seem to h ave a n ation al h e a d q u a rte rs of
the o rd er in S an Jo s e , C a l., and I un d erstan d from
som e o ccasio n al re fe re n ce , th a t th e re a r e b ran ch ea
in e v e rv la rg e c ity ia the U n ited S ta te s .
P a lm B e a c h . F la .. O ct. 15,. 1929.
Santa Ana Register
Santa Ana, California
Thursday, October 31,1929
Page 9

7 to S P. M.
KMTR—F 1 yiat.
K F I '—L . A. Philharm onic C re ta n
tra at 7 ‘80 ,
KFWB—-if 4 C Quintet: recorded
program at 7 :10 ; aporta talks at
KNX—Bill Hat~h*a orchestra; Wal*
tar Farnar at 7 :80.
K H J — S ierra Symphonlata.
I to t P. M.
ICMTlt—•*Famaua MHodlra."
KFWB—Lyric Kntertainars; Bart
KFI—Phllharmonlc. N. B. C. i t
KQFJ—Playa: Paatel Trio.
K H J —Continuity.
K S X — Pahroadraatlng KFWB;
AHORf CYiUagn at 8 :10.
KTM-Rarl*l playlet, "The Cobra;**
S M. Band at * 10.
KFSO- Banttemal aeretcea.
• to 10 P. M.
KH J—Rymnhony.
KFWB—‘ Who K tiled! tha Car*-
ta*r*r*'* Ray Martinet’ Orchaatra at
KTM—Concert orchaatra and tolo-
The Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
Saturday, November 2,1929
Page 6

G I V E S I N F O R M A T I O N 1
To th e Editor* In a recent is­
sue of your valued paper a cor-
resp o n d en t Inquired tor pom# in
clans. The Inquirer specifically
asked fu r Home fact* regarding
the A ncient Mystical Order Rosae
Cruets Thw is the correct name
in English of the abbreviated
form of the Latin name of the
organisation wh»'.n i« Antique Ar-
-*e Kubrse Et
The Roaicructait * - -i m
throughout the world, is today m t
Internationa! body divided only fn
a y e h M M M fe ta M M * Jim s*
dl , • leant
•J «
for the first offiuat * j»!i tton does not have teachings to
of the or, i m lists coun­
try was in X64k when building* sell or courses of reading that are
sold In the open m ark et, a t any
were constructed by th*» urg&r.iza-
tum o n its own property, which piica As in the days of old, the
tm w
Rosieruclan# offer to all men and
women who are seekin g to ad­
m ent P ark . Philadelphia 1
■I m h !
vance their own personal efficiency
: : . 55? ? ' ; i ■ ,?
the M f f lM b n a to set- The Roelerucians have been fa­
”, *t*c* a? mous for many centuries for this
iifcriy Ro^trr valued contribution to humanity,
. but have often been falsely asso*
•the N crtn American jtirtsdieUon elated with several unofficial Rosl-
of the A,.
H u i’ i'-n of the MMds of the emcian movements that do deal
with subjects that ester to the
l lM f f of the superstitious and
'read er# do not kt*~w that the fumble. I am glad to be able to
teal k -.sicxw lilf Or .fix <|pfrti»t aid your readers Sn distinguishing
fin d e r ■ t*tw**n the true organization and

'with: f- ur e 'eCliasg, * r*« a i p r HENRY J , F0O D SIER

, - ; a, M ick ,
fhii m-r a ry i l ® i t <• tnrj.ct. ikfi
lix d Toe ' oct » tm
The Vancouver Sun
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Friday, November 8,1929
Page6 Gives Information in Regard to
Rosicmcian Order on Continent
Editor, Vancouver Sun: Sir,— In a recent issue of
your valued paper a correspondent inquired for some
Information regarding the Rostcruclans.
The inquirer specifically asked for some facie
regarding the Ancient Mystical Order R o w e Cruets,
This la the correct uarnn in English of the nbbn -
vta**d form id the Latin name of the organization
throughout the world, which is AnUquue Arcanae
Ordints Rwue ttuheae rt Aureac Cruets
The Resicrucian organization throughout the
world is today cn« International body divided only
in t political sense into various Jurisdictions. The
North Am erican jurisdiction is % very old one, for
the first official establishment of the organization in
this country was in 1694, when buildings were con­
structed by the organisation on its own property
which now constitutes a p art of the Fairm ont Park,
Philadelphia. Recent documents in the Philadelphia
museum and the congressional library have cast
much light on the wonderful contribution to science
and learning made by the early Rosicrucians in this
The present headquarters for the North American
jurisdiction of the AMORC <which is an abbrevia­
tion of the initials of the English name) is at San
Jose, California.
Perhaps your correspondent and readers do not
know th a t the real Rosicruclan Order operating
under the above name does not deal with magic of
any kind, nor with fortune telling, crystal gazing,
nor any form of commercialized superstition. The
organization does not have teachings to sell or
courses of reading that are sold in the open market,
at any price.
As in th e d a n of old. the RoslcrucSam offer to
all m en and women who are seeking to advance
their own personal efficiency unusually interesting
instructions leading to the development of personal,
latent or dorm ant abilities.
The Rosicrucians have been famous for many
centuries for this valued contribution to humanity,
but have often been falsely associated with several
unofficial Rosicruclan movements that do deal with
subjects th a t cater to the fancy of the superstitious
and gullible. I am glad to be able to aid your
readers in distinguishing between the true organiza­
tion and the commercial Imitations.
854 B eatty street.
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, November 9,1929
Page 6

H ave y o u fou n d y o u r s e lf d r if t
ing d ow n th e s tr e a m of life ? A re
v a lu a b le y e a r * g o in g b y ? Life is
a s y s te m of w e ll-e s ta b lis h e d law #
and p rin c ip le s , e a i h a r t d e c re e s
a c e r t a in r e s u lt, Th***>* la w s of
life a r e fu n d a m e n ta l, p e rm a n e n t.
L e a rn to u n d e r s ta n d th e m , and
vou fin d y o u r s e lf, ilao s u c ce s s
and th e f u lf illm e n t of your
d re a m s. T h e s e sim p le m e ta p h y s ­
ica l p r in c ip le s h a v e been used hy
the B o s lc r u c la n f r a t e r n i t y fo r
c e n tu rie s . T h o u s a n d s of m en and
w om en h a v e k n o w n s u r c # s s and
; h a p p in e ss th ro u g h th « use o f
th e s e principles.

The Roslcruelan fraternity s i l l send
without obligation to you a book.
“ LIGHT OF EGYPT.** explaining how
you may learn to apply thews dignified
metaphysical principles in overcoming
your daily problems. Merely address a
request to:

Ras Jews California
1 — —« S 1 — i so —sa w - aw- —— . piss - pa
The Evening News
H arrisburg, Pennsylvania
Thursday, November 1 4 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

w hether any of your readers know

the real meaning of the word AMORC
and what the real principles of the
Rosicrucians are ihat has held them
in such high esteem and given them
(THE EV E N IN G N EW S will be jt'id to
print letter* from It* rea d e r* on them e* as an organization such an unusual
of nubile intererit. It a sk * only that th e
w riter* sign till coniniunk’fitiun* a* an length of life through many centu ­
evidence of «m»d faith , if not for publica­ ries.
tion! that onl.v one side o f th e paper be Not being a religious cult (fo r it is
used: thnt reueonuble len g th be observed
mui tlmt s n h je r t* of reliarlnu* difference* found th at they aro highly regarded
bo a .tied. N aturally T H E EVENING by w riters of various denominations
NEWS will p rin t n o th in * o f a seandnloun,
crim inal or profane n a tu re , and reserve« and religious beliefs) there m ust be
th e right to r e je c t all manavoripts. U n- some g reat purpose beck of their
milt due le tte r * *111 be returned If post* work th at ca rrie s them on, and since
u se I* included.)
the organization does not appear to
ASKS FO R INFORMATION ' be com m ercial, political, or religious,
Editor, THE EVENING NEWS: it is evident they possess something
Dear S ir: A threat m ultitude of peo­ of value to hum anity.
ple have th e ir curiosity aroused now- Any facts th at can be added to
I ndays about press accounts and
i magazine a rticle s concerning the an- those already learned will he appro
j eient R osicrucian brotherhood es- d a te d .
; peciallv because so little can be
learned ab ou t them. V ery sincerely,
It is gath ered from Lord Bulw cr R. A. M.
Lytton’s referen ce to th e Rosicru-
cians in his unique novel “Zanoni”
th at this body of m ystics and philoso­
phers have alw ays had tv hale of glory
and honor around them and many of
the w riters today re fe r to the Rosicru-
cians with g re a t respect and high es­
teem notwithstanding th e fact th a t
some encyclopedias assum e the a t t i ­
tude that th e organization was only
a emporary one and o f an awesome
In seeking to learn more about
them, it lias been found th at the o r­
ganization is established in all lands,
operating u n d er the strer.g e name of
AMORC end th at there are branches
in the print pal d u e s of the United
States, and an Egyptian temple of
g re a t wealth and power in San Jo se ,
It has occurred to the w riter
"A M O R C ."
The Courier-Journal T o T h e Editor of C o u rier-Jo u rn al:
Louisville, Kentucky O f late I have noticed th a t a great
Monday, November 18,1929 deal Is being said regarding th e age-
Page 4 old R osicru cians, the Instructors of
th e old m asters. M agazines and even
popular writers refer to them with
According to Bulwer L ytton in his
wonderful book "Z a n o n i" the philos­
ophers and m ystics connected with
this groat body have always a t­
tracted a halo of glory around them .)
despite th e fact th a t many encyclo­
pedias erroneously depict them as a n !
organization as being only of tem po- j
rary origin and of a weird nature.
I was attracted to them by their
sim plicity in th e way they make an
effo rt to a ttra c t only those whom they
consider worthv of atten tion . They
are well established In ail lands, bear­
ing ih e insignia of ■ 'AM ORC” One
will find bran ch es in all of the p rin ­
ciple cities of the United States.
If one should by ch an ce sojourn I
in C alifornia near San Jo se for a
winter's vacation it will be worth
m any tim es ihe trouble it will take
w inter’s vacation it will be worth
m any times the trouble it will take
. to view the beautiful reproduction
li t an Egyptian temple which is th flr
headquarters home.
Perhaps one will wonder th e exact
m eaning of “A M O RC." T h is can be
found out by writing for inform ation!
to th eir supreme secretary. Here i
can also be found out th eir p rin ci­
ples and why th® R osicrucians are
held in such high esteem and why
they are many thousand years old. I
■ Not manv know th a t the greatest
|m an who has ever trod th® parth was
educated in th is organization begin­
ning from babyhood. They are not
affilia trd with any cult or religious
body in any way, for on? will find'
th a t manv m inisters of all denom m a- ■
tions are clcse adherents. However.,
they seem to know whom to address
regarding this organization and it is
not given out h elter-skelter to the
Since the organization does not
appear com m ercial, political or relig­
ious they must have :om e great com -]
mer.dable purpose and have .some­
thing of worth which is worth making
an extraordinary effort to com pre­
hend. A m )R C .
The Elwood Call-Leader
Elwood, Indiana
Monday, November 18,1929
Page 7


BOBICRUCIAN Mylt«rl«s—All iln-

cere seekers of the great truth
and power known to the Ancients,
write for the free' Book * “Lights of
Kgypt'* nailed without obligation
to occult students. Librarian ill,
Amorc Temple, San Jose, Califor­
nia. 1813
Hamilton Evening Journal
Hamilton, Ohio
Saturday, November 23,1929
Page 2

WM Abvul- Tie Bo«icrucUai7

ilfioilton, Nov. £2, 19*29.
Kdiidrythie Journal:"
There la /*o much Wing, said , re­
cently, and writlen.iii various, news­
papers.. nod -/magaiipo.. ft c c o u tt t a,
Abijut v the»'\.lliMijkrufiiaim ''that it
Arouses* omr* curiosity, - especially !
*jnev so-' ftir' fhotii nan he learned
Hbout Ljitup i i l understand from
I whether asjr of the o iiif, te » W l
Ijortl'rBujwer .Jjyftoit** frefcrt'iitM fa lo t/ Ibf* H«miUi>Wlfii^Bing Journal
the Jltkiicriicifliis ju hi* novel, called:
] know tbo w l ; f i t thf Vrcrd
tills body of phli- Ao«ni tmd wbii'the r«il.prPiei|Hes ■
asppbors /itird mystic® hav« always j t tho . Rosie? ue&i ns are that have
httilja. hulu of : glory; and" hohiit bald tbcm.ih.such bi/pb ii*le*iri, tod
around tbfiin,. aipl many- modern given \ * organiaitioa «ueh
wriUis* refer toptlic' ttbeieriiidacB nnuseat leng’ti. of lit® Ibrougb
With const Jerald* respect- and high niauy flieiitu'He* .
esteem, despite the fact’ that some y.I.-kobw that taey are not a relb
encyclopedias .take |he attitude that jfious cult, for 'X find them-highly
i tlio- orgaAizfiliou was only a kiu* regarded by writer*. o t various'de­
|por&ry one and of a weird Mature/ nomination*. and religious' belief!
)n seeking..,to learn', nibrlr about There, must be sonic great piiriX>4c
this organisation, I have feuhd that back o f'th eir work, IbaUearriw
it is established' in.all Uuul^'opera­ them oil, ami since.the Organisation.
ting under, the'.- strango hsmef- of rtH’.appear to be 'COlumy/cial,
Aiupre,. and that tjifco are branches political or religious, vit
in the principal titles of ihe United something worth Wiowing-.about, •/
StiteSj'.flKcl ijouia bor£ d£ EgyplUd ’ I will thunk adyone who can add
temple oC gr«Rh wealth ami power to the fact* that have'.learned.
somewhere ill or nenr Sail Jw<?, Very •iuce'rriy'i
California. I • Imve been wondering • •: * c. & j
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, November 24,1929
Page 29 (Sunday Magazine)


For centuries the Rosicrucian Brotherhood has
helped men and women to raise themselves out
of the crowd of unhappy, discontented, or unsuc­
cessful workers in this world. Knowledge alone
will not do it, and the best trades and profes­
sions and all of the help of friends will not bring
you the success that your own personal Influence
and inner abilities will bring to you if you know
bow to use them.


Regardless of what your position In life may
be, or what your dreams and hopes may be; you
can better your physical, mental and financial
standing and rise' above the commonplace In life
by the simple methods and friendly help offertd
to you by the Hoslcnician Brotherhood. Bet us
send you a freo book that tells what the Rosl-
crucisns have dono for others, and are ready to
do for you. Yon are the biggest power In your
own life, and you alone can make It a great
success. We will tell you bow and why. Write
a letter (not a postcard) and ask for tbo free
book today, it may be the beginning of a new
life for you and your family.

Roslcruclan Park San Jose, California
W ilkes-Barre Times Leader
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Monday, November 25, 1929
Page 5


l« reader* on topic* of tha
(Editor's Not*: Tbs Eol> wing com-
mMloetion is la u a w v is sootnmu-
niosUon published is tbs Readers In every civilized land, the •( r a t e r !
Column last week signed by *‘J. F."). nlty Is in op eratio n , u sin g the mn’b*nt
November 21, 1929. L atin nam e, A n tiq u u m Arcunuum R u­
J. F., ben** E t A u re a e C ru cis, or the a b ­
Cars of Times-Leeder, breviated E n g lish form . Ancient and
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. M ystical O rd e r Rosa** Cruchi
Dear Sir; Having been a member (A M O R C ).
of the Rosicrudon Order for some T heir g e n e ra l te a ch in g s and a c tiv ­
yeara, 1 am vsry.glsd. Indeed, to an­ ities aro devoted to overcom ing the
swer some of yaur inquiries regard - ob stacles in life w h ich keep p rog res­
inrr this order. sive men and w om en from a tta in in g
The seeker is always puss led by the Individual hd lgh ts. th erefo re th eir
apparently contradictory statements teachings in clude th e se cre t fa c ts of
made by hiatoriana in encyclopedia nature, about h ealth , th e prevention
and reference booka. of disease and th e developm ent of the
Some otate that the fraternity cam e laten t pow ers w ith in m an.
to life in the seventeenth century, T l\e’ R o o icru cia n s of today a re
others say that it Misted for ages, p ra ctica l m en and women, of every
and still others Insist that it Iioh no religious den om in ation and creed.
existence today and never had a T h eir ra n k s in clu d e clergym en, th eo ­
tangible form. Tst juat recently was logical lead ers, Judged, law yers, bank-
held the Forty-third In ternation al •srs, scientists, musksiaas, artists, LWfl
Congress of Roaicruclons in Europe,
the Sixty-flrat Rosicrucian convention people In every walk of Ilfs, who aQ
in Toulduse, and the F o rty -se co n d a g ree that the knowledge gained in
Supreme Council Conclave In S w itz­ th eir studies and through their con­
erland, with delegatee from ovary nection with the Fraternity has
part of the'world representing seven­
teen complete jurisdictions, eleven
supreme lodges and th irty -n in e grand
lodges, with powers derived from two
hundred other R o s ic ru c ia n lodges
throughout the world.
The Amarillo Globe
Amarillo, Texas
Tuesday, November 26, 1929
Page 13

y u u like ‘-.j know w h y you ato wh«t

OFFERS INFORMATION you ur* Hnd to find out what your

D<fur T a ck :— I uwn special existence mnana to the
I noto the ruIalive to i comMo schejDij bf th e universe* as
A* M. 0 . ft. C. or the Roalcrucinn! they r*lst today? Would it Interest
Order, or ill* work done by Lha Order | f you I d know that you hnva a aprclAl
Koffle Cruai* nf Ran Jose, California.*1 ) purpoio in .tho ghout plan of lift*. *nd
The order is widespread with Us I jy *t whnt that purpose in T 1 know
headquiirters there, uud tho offfcielb
lal*, that my whole Ufa |* bring
will be glad to answer an / fend all
uhungrd and that instead of being
questions which tho person wishes to
j n»ic, bat I t it ij peraona] jidvlro that required to for .tome orfanlra-
tiun It is ii pleasure for mo t<> lend
i Hia hereon wishes, 1 am fro triad t-o
: render my service?. ! b«]|evo that J others in a MORC, I am finding out
. Jjava investigated almost nrcry kind nf
tho .truth of things. Tf you ora sin­

r a M f t o u s .l c a c J i i n y i , p h ilo s o p h ie s . p * Y -j
chology I n c lu d in g C h r i s t l*li S c i e n c e , I cere and loyal Lu your church work
N a w T h o u g h t a ad U n i t y , a n d I h a v e i you will find t h e AMOUC CKveOdinr-
f o u n d them a l l g o o d an d w o & d a rfu l | ly bmicfirla’. IiOi * umj It tiocn not wuik
f o r the truth s e e k e r , b e c a u s e e a c h vii* •gainst any church or tiers otniTullon,
contains a ^attain amount o f truth. but its apppcrls them. Christ aiyn.
I r e f e r t o t o u i e lb i n g t h a t h a s berm "Beheld I »Uiml at tho door ami
trie d , p ro v en and th e r e m i t * a h o - n knock." fe to r wanted to .forbid u «or-
In ( b e a d v a n c e m e n t o f t h e In d iv id u a l. tain one frfero preaching hresnso he
My a tte n tio n w »* d ra w n to ih t tr»'H GhrJst be was not enn or them.
A M O K C th ro u g h c r s i lc la m o f th e Christ paid, " I ’crMd them not fur 1m
O rd er b y p e r s o u s w h o m I a f t e r w a r d s that In for tuc is ni>l against mo.*’ i
io u u d o u t h a d n e v e r b oon c o n n e c t e d c x p « l Peter U*vn anw that ro one
w ith t h * o r d e r e i t h e r in a n e f r i c l a l h a s a corner an the Im lh. I t Is oYory-
c a p a c i t y o r an a s t u d e n t . A n d 1 th a n k whore to l»o ullllted when wr at a
th e m f o r a ro u s in g e n o u g h c u rio s ity wllllrg to accept. Tho Bible wan writ*
w ith in jko t o J n v e a t i g a t v t h e a c t i v l - tan for our Inspiration ond learning,
t i t s o f t h e T r u o Q f f io ia l H is to r i c a l and I dt no prlvnlo interpretation,
K o a l e c r a c l a n O rd e r, T h « M a s t e r p a id : Chilnt says, "1 tho Way, tha truth
MT e s h a ll k n ow th s tru th an d th « unii tho light." lie spake to Urn point]
t r u t h s h a t ! cnaka p o d f r e e . 11 T r o t h n f and If ho had said All If la come
w h a tT 1 h a v e fo u n d t h a t t h e A , M - O . through ronm rpccisl i har.h a t d a -1
Ft, G, an d I t s a tu d y h a s h e lp e d re a t o nomination hn tyrnild b*vn undoubted-
a n s w e r s u c h q u e s t io n * t o m y c o m ­ ly said an. Christ says tho ‘'Kingdom
p le te sa l I t r a c t i o n , and th a t tho 1 of Heaven cosisth not by obnorvatlnn;
a n s w e r * n r a do L o b ta in e d f r o m th o but within ourselves. So It la the
re a d ie s ; o f Bom oono eIsO ’s x ie v .'p c Jn L AMORC Is nnl a rcllginur organiza­
B a y c h o lo s y s a > * n r « vkhore w o u ro tion hut It is one of those universal
b e c a u s e w« » » * h o ,t w e a r e . W e u ln 't
The Amarillo Globe
Amarillo, Texas
Tuesday, November 2 6 ,1 9 2 9
Page 13

brotherhood* -which haj branches in

•Mry land, inM<j-*lnf within It* mem­
bership iDdiriduai* from ovory clr-
tion, uenotainaUoi) and raw. IL Is
ljivir.|f it* servlet* to mankind In th e j
way of jbftirliijr earb member bow to I
find Ihaniee'.vea. It quilifiuv curb
member to jivItc for himself not only
i*'Tbe Kiddle of thr> Sphinx," but Lho
rJudlm of Zifo which they <0u;u into
contact with daily. The ttaaonr nre­
read quitkly "withifi your own homo
requiring1 about and hour ouch week;
for the reading and a prlrflpfa I» net/
forth which you are inulnicted to ob-j
i>Bhv doling the fallowing week or
week*. It will not Interfere with your i
church dutlti, daily aclU flJes. hot i t '
will w a in you in church. affoirn,
makt plainer many hundred of every­
day problem*, and by Hvlnic up to the
principle* taught you wlH a radon lly
' Ri l e perfect pola»i health, am bition,
and rank mentally, spiritually. and
materially. Yapra itv truth and tin* i
•Lor JiUl, Arlington. Text*.
O sh k osh D aily N o rth w estern
O sh k o sh , W isco n sin
T u esd ay, N ovem b er 2 6 ,1 9 2 9
Page 4

'T o tiie E d ito r . >
O sh k o sh — I h a v e f r e q u e n tl y f o u n d
ire fe re n ce s to th e R o s ic r u c ia n s . in i
i n e w s p a p e r s a n d i n m a g a z in e a r t i c l e s , j ,
: a n d m y c u rio s ity h a s b e e n a r o u s e d i n ;
r e g a r d t o t h e m , e s p e c ia lly , s in c e s o j
: few f a c t s c a n b e l e a r n e d c o n c e r n i n g ;
j th e m . ,
1 B u l c e r L y ttc n m ak es re fe re n ce t o ;
. t h e H o s ic ru c ia n s . in £u s n o v e l ~ Z a - j
rio n i" a n d I g a t h e r f r o m t h i s t h a t ;
t i n s b od y o f p h ilo s o p h e r s a n d m y s - i
t i c s h a v e a lw a y s h a d a h a l o o f g lo r y 1
a n d h o n o r aro u n d th e m . M a n y m o d -j
' e m w r ite r s a l s o r e f e r t o t h e R c s i c r u - i
1 c i a n s . w ith c o n s id e r a b le r e s p e c t a n d •
: i u g h e s te e m , in s p i t e o f t h e f a c t t h a t j
;s o m e e n c y c lo p e d ia s l a k e t h e a t t i t u d e ;
; t h a t t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n w a s o n ly a *
te m p o ra ry one, a n d o f a v e ir d n a - •
; tu re . \
i I n se e k in g to l e a m s o m e t h in g a b o u t j
' t h e m , I h a v e fo u n d t h a t t h e o r g a n - ' | ( E d i t o r 's f to te : T h e d ic t io n a r y s a y s
l i z a t i o n is e s ta b lis h e d in a l l l a n d s . 1 ' t h a t t h e n a m e " R o s i c r u c i a n is p r o b -
■ o p e ra tin g u n d e r th e s tr a n g e n a m e ! ia b ly d u e to a G e rm a n th e o lo g ia n ,
j o f " A m o r c ." a n d t h a t th e re a re I J o h a n n V a le n tin A n d r e a , w h o in a n -
■ b r a n c h e s in t h e p r i n c i p a l c i t i e s c f t h e ! n o n y m o u s p a m p h le ts c a lle d h im s e lf
U n ite d S t a t e s , a n d so m e so rt of j j a k n ig h t o f t h e r o s e c r o s s <G . R o s e n -
•E g y p t i a n te m p le o f g r e a t w e a lth a n d ■ k r e u z i , u sin g a s e a l w it h a S t . A n ­
p o w e r, so m e w h e re i n o r n e a r San d r e w 's c r o s s a n d f o u r r o s e s , a R o s i ­
•J o s e . C a h f . c ru c ia n w as o n e w ho. in th e S ev en ­
' I a m w o n d e rin g w h e t h e r a n y c f , te e n th ce n tu ry a n d th e e a rly p a r t o f 1
.y o u r re a d e rs know t h e re a l m e a n - i t h e E i g h t e e n t h , c l a i m e d t o b e lo n g
•m g c f t h e w o rd " A m o r c ." a n d w h a t j to a s e c r e t so cie ty o f p h ilo s o p h e rs
j t h e r e a l p rin c ip le s o f t h e R o s i c r u - * d e e p ly v e rs e d in t h e s e c r e t s o f n a t u r e ,
■ c i a n s a r e . t h a t h a s h e ld t h e m in s u c h i t h e s o c ie ty h a v i n g e x i s t e d , i t w a s
i h ig h e s te e m , a n d g iv e n t h e m , a s a n | s ta te d , sev eral h u n d re d y e a rs. The
j o r g a n i z a ti o n , s u c h a n u n u s u a l l e n g t h j R o sicn s cia n s w e re a lso c a lle d B r o th ­
•o f life , tirro u g h t h e c e n t u r i e s . e rs of th e R o sy C ro ss. R o sy -cro ss
j I u n d e r s ta n d t h e y a r e n o t a r e l i g - i K n i g h t s . R o s y - c r o s s p h ilo s o p h e r s a n d
, io u s c u l t , f o r I fin d t h e m h ig h ly r e - j s o f o r t h . A m o n g m a n y p r e te n tio n s ,
1 g a r d e d b y w r ite r s c f v a r io u s d e n o m - j j t h e y c la im e d t o b e a b le t o t r a n s m u t e j
j i n a t i o n s a n d re lig io u s b e lie fs . T h e r e ! } m e t a ls , t o p r o lo n g life , t o k n o w w i i a t !
; m u s t b e s o m e g r e a t p u rp o s e b a c k o f ; is p a s s in g in d i s t a n t p la c e s , a n d to |
i t h e i r w o rk , t h a t c a r r i e s t h e m o n . a n d d is c o v e r t h e m o s t h id d e n th in g s b y •
! s i n c e t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n d o e s n o t a p - t h e a p p lic a tio n o f t h e C a b a la a n a j
! p e a r t o b e c o m m e r c i a l , p o l i ti c a l o r s c i e n c e o f n u m b e r s ." W h e t h e r p r e s - i
! re lig io u s . It m u s t b e s o m e t h in g w o r th e n t - d a y R o s i c r u c ia n a c t i v i t i e s h a v e a j
! k n o w in g a b o u t. d i f f e r e n t a s p e c t, w e a r e n o t a b le t o j
I w ill t h a n k a n y o n e . w h o c a n r.dd s a y . h a v in g n o d e f i n i t e i n f o r m a t i o n
|t o th e f a c ts th a t I h ave le a r n e d . a t h a n d o n th e s u b j e c t .)

• V ery s in c e r e ly — A S e e k e r .
Tha R o iic ru c ia n *. to Imitate the Roslcruclan organiza­
to T im zm to e of thm arg ru x *. tion and have misapplied the word
Denr Sir— An Inquirer w riting In Roslcruclan to cover their activities
along lines of superstitions and fads
your column!! e x p r e s s the wish to snd fancies In religious and spiritual
know something more about the matters,
Roslcrticlans end their present day I hope that this Information will
be helpful and that those seeking
activities. I have made the proper
more Information will write to the
contact with the true Roslcruclan or­
Headquarters for authentic sta te ­
ganization and find Ita real history
ments. Very sincerely.
and purpose entirely different from
J. J ’l.ICK.
those commonly explained by persons
Cincinnati, November 27.
who have never made the contact e x ­
cept through rnrelessly written refer­
ences concerning thin ancient o rgan ­
ization. I find, much to my surprise,
and pleasure, th at the Itoalcrucians
do not deal with fortune telling,
crystal gazing, black magic, or any
other of the ancient or modern super­
stitions. Nor are the R oslcrlclans a
religious cult or cult of any kind. The
organisation operates as a fratern al
body conducting a number of col­
leges, academies, and schools In
which various courses dealing with
the sciences snd fine a rts are taught,
without any fanaticism o r Sectarian­
ism. politics or commercialism. The
strange word. "Amorc/* referred to
by your Inquirer, la composed m erely
of the Initiate of tha full name of
the organisation, which la. Ancient
Mystical Order Rosae Cruets. The
organization first came to A m erica In
KM , and Is the oldest hum anltarlap,
educational movement in America,
and In foreign lands It Is the oldest
form of advanced education known to
civilization. The National Headquar­
ters for North America Is located In
Roslcruclan Park, San Jose. Calif.,
and there are hundreds of branches
throughout this continent and many
hundreds of branches In foreign
The AMORC la an International
body, therefore, devoted to aiding
men and women to Improve them ­
selves and attain the highest degree
of success snd happiness In this
earthly life; the work Is supported
by leaders In every professional wslk
of life, regardless of their business T h e C in c in n a ti E n q u ir e r
or religious associations. Many of
C in c in n a ti, O h io
the erroneous statem ents made about
the Roalcruclans that appear In some M onday, D ecem b er 2 , 1 9 2 9
books or newspaper articles are Page 6
slthcr a blind to bids the roal o rg a n ­
isation or refer to a number of small
American groups that are attem pting
M o d esto N ew s-H erald
M o d e sto , C a lifo rn ia
T u esd ay, D ecem b er 3 ,1 9 2 9
P age 14

J To *.Lc T Z U '.v r of 7 : r 2»:ws-
I Z t : ild :
S i r :— Irv.s .* if. ar.*-*,*:- tu

your cc rres;v.-; urr.'. 51-; L*** /•.**


i'-klr. s fo r SddtlHi>£ i i it?*!> :> ^ i i

izg The r.'ji.c r g ,::a . n Or i j • A M

O. IK C nteas-j A:: ^rl<-3.n • r*.:c2J
Order- L c t-te C rue si. It vi 0 1
claim s an older * r M qa: TV -• i «•
:I frerniai-^nafv. Frim an F;. C. :uii:-
j s i ' . z * of January,. IXv. u: u . y
• hand:) I quote the follow mg. "T r:t
* nosaeruclen philosophy i s trachlt g
I rhf why and tvi:*r»>fos* of life, «•
: plaining whai. man tr, and his r?ls-
I tion to the Coernfs. as understood
|and taught. by the ar.cieut Kiryp-
: t!inA. I*. r.ubrtoM the culture cl
J the whole man, hath physical a-tf
{ spiritual
: ‘'RosaciMcifeDism leaches :h e
. r " ^ ’; •• * • —» 4 • ►••— 4 y,
*• 4 * y » k. • t . 1 1 „
I ^ » «* » l i t a a . . i *.

explains life and i ' s pher.oriienn; it

j makes p!air. biorogy and cnio!o^>",
i it rt\'?al? life mid death in a dif*
| Jerent light front that generally
■ nndoratwjd. The Ro:ae Cruets
I Order has no creeds or dogmas ro
. which the rseophi'e must pi escribe.
I hut it, requests each candidate to
l recognize the existence of n Su­
preme Power—!he principle of the
unify of Spirit l:i all inanlfezia-
J'ons cf life and the universal
brotherhood of men.**
The recognition of unlve/zal
brotherhood and equal rights and
privllegcfi :s one of the first laws
rhst are tauphi. Therefore, women
ha\e always been members or. urt
••qua! fcotififc with
J Modesto. Cal.
Hamilton Evening Journal
Hamilton, Ohio
Tuesday, December 3 ,1 9 2 9
Page 10

JOURNAL' lo America in J0D4, and i* the old­

MAIL-BOX est liummitnriun, eduentiunai movc-
me:if. iu Amcrirrr, and in foreign
lands i* is tho oldest form of ad­
More Information Concerning
The Roaicrudana vanced education known lo civilir.ii-
tioi. Tho National lloadrpuirtern
ISrtilor Hie Journal: for North America is located in
1 tinvti nolirwil mi iuriuivy in o»o Kuwinuciaii Park, Snn J use, Cali­
of ydiu* recent issues Tov further fornia, ar.d (hero aro hundreds of
information regarding llic liosiuru- Inqr.ojjca throughout this continent
cluns mid their present ilny uulivU and many liiindred of branches in
|ies. 1 Kiri in touch with tho Inio foreign Innrhi.
Hittie.riicimi organ !>«( ion mid find Thu Aiuorc is an international
its renl history aini inuqmsoB iiuila body, therefore, devoted to aiding
different 1'i'onx those euiumonly al- men and women to ■ improve them­
iribulorf in il liy pov6on* who ui'u selves ami nKnin the highest de­
not really in loiurli wilb iiio organ­ gree of eiiccws •nad happiness in
ization iiticli* lull iiuvo merely rood this earthly life; tho work is
PHVclrsslj* written acliclw concern­ ported by lenders in every profe.s-
ing ilii-s ancient organ i/.ntion. sioiuil' walk of life, regardless of
I ant pleated 1« luform llio iu- their business or religious Assocm
tpiircr Unit llio Kosicrncinins do uul Liona. Many of tlio errotiiuus state­
doal with fort turn lolling, crystal ments n\tld« about the Ho-sioruciniis
gazing, blndt magic, or nay other t»C that appciir in some books or nous-
•ho ancient or modoi'it fiupcrslitu- on per urliclcfl iil’e either a blind In
lions. Tlio Hiv*icrt:i:injia nro not a hide file real organisation or refer
religions cult or cult of any hind, to a ninnbor of small American
Tlio oi'gRi^/.nlinn operates an a l'rn- groups that are attempting do im-
Icrunl body conduoliug u number of iinto Iho R.u»iorucian orgnftiznlion
cotiogw-, m::i demies, nn<l mtIiooIb in mid Imvo misapplied the word,
which vanillin courtin'dealing with **‘ ]lo5ierueiniij,r M cover their «c-
tho sciences and fine, nrls ato taught tiviliw along lines of super*tl(n-
wilhonl any fanaticism or scctiir- tions mill fmls nnd fancies in religi­
iiiuiMii, puli lies, <ir rminuercinli.Hm. ous and dpirilual matters.
The si range word " A more’* rcL'iu- I hope that IIm information will
imhJ (o bv your inquirer is composed ho Jiolfjful mill that tho?o Acckjng
of uicroiy the initials of fliu full nioro iiifonmilion will write to tlm
namo of llio orpani/.ulioi», which is Headquarters for nuthenlirt atalo-
Ancient- Myslienl Order Hosao Cru­ mciii.
ris. Tho organization first, onmo Very sincerely,
M. K. K.
The Oshkosh Northwestern
Oshkosh, W isconsin
W ednesday, December 4,1 9 2 9
Page 6

(To the Editor.)
Oshkosh—Noting In a recent U&ue
the Inquiry about the Roeicruciiti
i order, 1 believe I can throw some
light on the subject as I have been
ja student of that order for the last
three years.
The Roricrucian order Us a prac- I
tical, scientific, mystical* occult order,
probably the oldest order of the kind
in the world tit existed centuries
before O. Roeenkrantz.)
It teaches natural laws and how
Ito me them constructively ; both in
the physical and occult world or
condition. Its object Is the practical
demonstration of humanitarian prin­ jit as you may “Columbia.*' but not
ciples and mutual cooperation in Columbia university. So It is with
! the evolution of the races of men. the oruer; there is but one *Romcru­
Bulwer-Lytton and Sir Francis cian order* throughout the world.
Bacon belonged to this order; also These words are restricted and re­
many past and present great people. corded with their symbols, etc., in
“Amorc” is the abbreviation of our case, a t Washington,
the term “Ancient and Mystical i The order is a school, a college, a
Order, Ro&ae Cruel*” (Rosy Cross). fraternity. The members are students
The symbol used for this is a cross and workers.
with one. only one, red rose in the Its graduates are unselfish servants
center. In foreign countries, the Iof Ood to mankind. Efficiently edu­
Latin name or an equivalent is oft­ cated. attuned with the mighty
en used. forces of the cosmic or divine mind.
The Amorc of North America They are masters of matter, space,
(headquarters) is located at Roaicru- and time.
cian park, San Jose, Calif., where I have a manual and considerable
they have recently erected*a beauti­ literature and If the interested party
ful temple of Egyptian style. The or parties will call at 159 Algoma
Emperator for North America. H. boulevard, I will be glad to give all
Spencer Lewis, now lives a San Jose. the help I can. Sincerely—Bertha V.
There is no restriction on the Thomson, M. D.
word “Rosieruelan.* Anyone may use
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
St. Louis, Missouri
Saturday, December 7,1929
Page 9

It Can Be Done the
Rosicrucian Way
N e w FREE Book Tells
H ow You May Do It
T h e R o s ic ru c ia n s know h o w !
F o r a g e s th e y h av e d e m o n stra te d
a g r e a te r kn ow led ge a n d a s u ­
p e rio r p o w e r o v e r all o b sta cle s
in life.
L e t them help you lo ir e y o u r
p ro b lem *. T h e ir g u id a n ce will
rev eal p s y c h ic law * an d M ystic
p rin cip le* w h ich will m ak e you
m ig h ty a n d t u c u o f u l in a t ta i n ­
in g h e a lth , p ro s p e rity , an d te ll
m a ste rsh ip .
T h e new fre e b o o k . “ T h e
L ig h t o f E g y p t ," will tell yo u
h ow to c h a n g e th e w h ole c o u rs e
of y o u r .life in a s h o rt tim e.
W rite a le tte r ask in g for it to d a y .

R O S 1C R U C IA N O R D E R '
San Jose California
The Oshkosh Northwestern
Oshkosh, W isconsin
Tuesday, December 10,1929
Page 6

<To the Editor)
(Hhkoiih—An Inquirer, writing la
your columns, expressed the desire to
know lomethinc about the Roskru-
clans, and their activities at the
present time.
I have made the proper contact
with the true Roslcrucian order, and
find Its history and purpose quite
different from those commonly ex­
plained by persons who have never
made the contact, except, perhaps,
through carelessly written references,
concerning this ancient order.
I find that the Rosicrucians do
not deal with fortune telling, crystal
gazing, blade magic, or any of the
other ancient or modem, socalled The am orc is an international
superstitions. Nor are the Roalcru- body, devoted to aiding men and
clans a religious cult, or cult of any women to improve themselves, and
kind. The organization operates as attain the highest degree of success
a fraternal body, conducting a num- and happiness in this earthly lilt.
|ber of colleges, academies and The work la supported by leaders in
schools, in which various courses every professional walk of life, re­
dealing with the sciences end fine gardless of their business or religious
arts art taught, without any fanat­ associations.
icism or sectarianism, politics or Many of the erroneous statements
commercialism. made about the Roeicrudsns that
The word AMORC, referred to by appear in soma books or newspaper
the inquirer. Is composed of the articles am either a blind to bids
Initials of the full name of the or­ tbs real organization, or safer to a
ganization, Ancient Mystical Order number of smell American groups
Rosae Crucis. The organization first that am attempting to imitate the
came to America In 1694, and la the ltoslcrucian order, and ham misap­
oldest humanitarian, educational plied the word "Roslenidan," to
"movement in America; and In for­ cover their activities along lines of
eign lands it U the oldest form of superstitions and fads and fancies
advanced education known to civiliza­ In religious and spiritual matters. *
tion. X hope this information will bo
National headquarters, for North helpful and that any one seeking
America, is located In Rosicmcian mom information will writs to the
park. San Jose. Calif., and there am Headquarters for authentic state­
hundreds of branches throughout ments. Vary sincerely—An Enthu­
this continent and many hundreds siast,
of branches in foreign lands.
The Decatur Herald
Decatur, Illinois
Saturday, December 21,1929
Page 6

of the word "AMORC1' and what the!

Rosicrucians Seek real principles of the Rosicrucians
Universal Brotherhood are. I know that Rosicrucians arc!
not a religious cult for I find them,
To The Editor of The Herald highly regarded by writers of various,
Sir: Having read and heard s o ! denominations and religious beliefs.j
much about the Rosicrucians in mag-1 "There must be some -purpose
azines and newspapers, my curiosity, back of their work that carries them|
is aroused. It seems impossible toi on. Since the organization docs not
learn many facts a£»out them. appear to be comraerical. political'
I understand fron i Lord Bulwer! or religious it must be something j
Lytton’s reference to the Rosicru­ worth knowing about. I will thank;
cians in his novel. "Zanoni." that this anyone who can add to the facts I,
body of philosophers and mystics have learned.’’
have always had a halo of glory and E. A.
honor around them. Many modern Decatur. Dec. 18.
writers also refer to the Rosicrusians
with considerable respect and esteem! Editor's note: According loathe his­
despite the fact that some cncyclo-1tory published by the Rosicruci&n
pedias Lake the attitude that the or-J order of San Jose, Cal. recently
ganiz&tion was only a temporary one placed on the shelves of the Public
and of weird nature. library’, the first grand council was
In seeking to know more about held in 1489 B. C. The name means
them, I have found that the organi­ "rosy cross.”
zation is established in all lands, Egyptian philosophers and scholars
operating under the strange name of attended the “clafis” which Thut-
"Amorc.” I also find that Lhere arc mosc suggested should become a
branches in all the principal cities closed and secret order. Solomon is
of the United States and some sort said to have imitated the plan later.
of Egyptian temple of great wealth The principles and teachings of the
and power somewhere in or near San order never have been published in
Jose, Cal. book form. This fact allcws for
I am wondering whether any of greater flexibility. National and in­
your readers know the real meaning ternational conventions discuss the

problems of the order and suggest

additions to the lectures and teach­
Truth, the Rosicrucians say, never
becomes obsolete and a law never
changes Us nature but only its form
of application; it is the application
which interests them.
•'Amorc** leaders claim that other
organizations suggest the desirability
of universal brotherhood without of­
fering a practical plan.________
Edmonton Journal
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Saturday, February 1,1930
Page 27

A M . 0 . R . C.
R o slc ru ria n B ro th e rh o o d

Public Lecture
Sunday, Feb. 2, 1930, 7:30 p.m.
Reed and Robinson Block
9533 Jasp er Avenue E.
The Elwood Call-Leader
Elwood, Indiana
Tuesday, February 4 ,1 9 3 0
Page 7


ilacim N i t m fdr tW freot i n t i
u 4 poorr I m v b to th« A ictiitl
writ* (dr t o M o book "L te * of
KUdt" M lM vtthoot obit e l loo to
occolt tteoftU . U l m t u 111, A *arc
Toaiilr, 8» b t e , ColNorakd. 4tl
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, February 16,1930
Page 29 (Sunday M agazine)

Are You Drifting?

Do you seem to be unable to reach the
goal of your Ambi ti on s ? Docs life seem
like an endless sea with no light to
guide you? Are yon unable to
steer your career to success, pros­
perity, and happiness?

F r e e B ook Points th e W a y
L e t uh send you a copy of a new book
that tells how men and women. In all
walks of llfo may bo helped to bring
their dreams into realization. A hand
of fellowship and good will is extended to
every man and woman drifting on life's
sea by the Itontcrudans. A large group
of men and women, who have found the
secrets to success and happiness, health
and prosperity, unite in offering to share
their knowledge with others. Not a sec­
tarian or religious plan; not a commer­
cial scheme. Ju s t a friendly system for
bringing new life, new knowledge, new
power into the lives of everyone. W rite
fo r a copy of the free book today and
address your letter to:

IT n e Internationa! Rosicrucian Order)
Edmonton Journal
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Saturday, February 22,1930
Page 24

A. M# 0. R* C.
Roiicrucian Brotherhood

Public Lecture
‘■Bible Myiticism”
Sunday, February 23rd
At 7:30 p.m.
Reed A Robinson Merit
9533 Jasper Avenue E.
Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, M arch 4, 1930
Page 1


SA N JO S E . C al.. M a r c h 3 UP).— A
piece o f ato n e on w h ich M o ses is
rep u ted to h a v e sto o d as h e a sk ed
p ro tectio n fo r th e tr ib e s o f Is r a e l
h as b een sto len fro m th e R o elcru cla n
ord er's m useum h ir e . T h e m issin g
sto n e, believed to h a v e been ta k e n
la st S a tu rd a y , is o f a d ra b g ra y
color ab o u t th e sise o f a d in n e r p la te
and m ark ed w ith red h iero g ly p h ics.
D r. S p e n c e r Lew is, c a r e ta k e r o f
th e R o slc ru cia n tem p le, w ho rep o rted
loss o f th e r e lic to th e police, sa id
today th e t h ie f risk ed a n a n c ie n t
E g y p tia n cun*?, p laced upon a n y one
who should buy o r s te a l th e ir a n c ie n t
Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, M arch 4,1930
Page 1

S A N J O S E . C a l ., M a r c h 8 (/»»>.— A
p ie ce o f s t o n e cm w h i c h M o s e s is
r e p u te d to h a v e s to o d a s h e a s k e d
p r o te c tio n f o r t h e t r i b e s o f I s r a e l
h a s b e e n s to le n f r o m t h e R a s te ru c i& n
o r d e r ’s m u s e u m lic it:. T h e m is s in g
s to n e , b e lie v e d t o h a v e b een t a k e n
la s t S a t u r d a y , Is o f a d r a b g r a y
c o lo r a b o u t t h e siz e o f a d in n e r p l a t e
a n d m a r k e d w i t h r e d h ie r o g ly p h ic s .
D r . S p e n o e r L e w is , c a r e t a k e r o f
th e R o s ic r u c ia ii te m p le , w h o r e p o r t e d
loss o f th e r e l i c t o t h e p o lic e , s a i d
to d a y t h e t h i e f r is k e d a n a n c i e n t
E g y p tia n c u r s e , p la c e d u p o n a n y o n e
w ho s h o u ld b u y o r steed t h e i r a n c i e n t
re lic s .
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Tuesday, March 4,1930
Page 20 D

" Lodge Temple

Robbed of Rugs,
Valued Stone i
C A N JOSE, March 4.—A stone ©is
^ which Moses is reputed to
have stood as he sought protecting
for the tribes of Israel, was stolen
from the Rosierftcian Temple, Dr.
H. Spencer Lewis, imperator ©f
the „organization, reported to the
police today.
With the stone were stolen two
Oriental rugs of camel's h air val*
ued a t 1100 each. Thieve* had
broken into the temple, which
serves as headquarters and office
fo r the Rosier ucian o rd er, tome-
time last night,
The stone, about die sire of a
dinner plate, was marked with
sieroglyphics and is held in high
esteem by the Hosicrtieians.
San Bernardino Daily Sun
San Bernardino, California
Tuesday, M arch 4 ,1 9 3 0
Page 17

Ancient Curse in Taking Stone

SAN JO S E , March 3.—Police to-
day sought a thief who risked an
ancient Egyptian curse probably
some tim e Saturday by stealing
from th e Roaecrucian order’s mu­
seum here an Irreplacable relic—a
piece of the stone which D r. Spen­
cer Lewis, caretaker of th e Rose-
crucian temple here, says Moses is
reputed to have stood upon as he
asked protection for the tribes of
Two Persian hand-embroidered
camels* hair table throws, worth
about $100 each, also were taken.
D r. Lewis said the Egyptians had
placed a curse upon whomsoever
should buy or steal their relics, but
explained the curse had not been
operative against him self and the
Rosecrucians because th ey took
the relics for exhibition and educa­
tional purposes.
The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Wednesday, March 5,1930
Page 10

Stone On Which
Moses Stood Is
Reported Stolen
-------- o--------
SAN JO SE. CaiH., M arch 4. — —
A piece of stone .on w hich Moses is
rep u ted to have stood a s h e asked
p ro tection for th e tribes o f Irsael
h as been stolen from th e R osecru -
cla n Order's m useum here.
Dr. Spencer Lewis, ca re ta k e r of
th e R osecru cian tem ple, who r e ­
ported loss of the relic to th e police. ,'
said the thief risked - an a n c ie n t,
E gyp tian curse. .. ' !
He said the Egyptians had placed j
a cu rse upon anyone who should |
buy o r steal th eir a n cien t relics b u t!
exp lain ed *h a t th e curse had n ot
been operative again st him self and j
o th e r Rosecrucians because th e y j
' took th e stone for exhibition and |
ed u catio n al purposes. * j
T h e m issing sto n e, believed t o ;
have been taken last S atu rd ay . Is of j
a d rab gray color a b o u t th e size of •
a d in n er plate and m arked with red J
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Thursday, March 6,1930
Page 21 D

inre I * f art *
T met, Fearing
Curse of Death,
Returns Stone

R osicracian Tem ple R elic of

Moses’ Day Mailed Back
With an Apology.

SA N J O S E , M » v n f . — P ro b a b ly
fe a r in g th e " e u r s s o r d e a t h " w h ic h
h a d b e e n p la ce d on I t , a t h i e f w ho
to o k a a to n e o n w h ic h M o se s w as
re p u te d to h a v e sto o d w h en c a ll-
i n * f o r p r o te c tio n f o r t h e t r ib e s o f
I s r a e l fro m t h e R o s t c r u c ia n t e m ­
p le h e r e had r e tu r n e d it to d a y to
D r. H . S p e n c e r L e w is , Im p e r a to r
o f th e o rd e r,
D r, D e n is re c e iv e d a laffge p a c k ­
a g e . O p e n in g it, h e fo u n d i t c o n ­
ta in e d th e s to n e . W ith t h e r e lic
w as t h e fo llo w in g n o t e ; “S o rr y ,

b u t T did not re a liz e th e v a lu e o f

th e s to n e a n d th o u g h t It a
T h * v a lu e o f th e a to n e is g r e a te r
to you t h a n to m e. X only w a n te d
a s o u v e n ir ," T h e n ote w as u n ­
sig n e d . In a p o s ts crip t th e w r it e r
d en ied h a v in g t a k e s tw o a n tiq u e
P e r s ia n ru g s of a a m e ls ’ h a ir w h ich
h ad d isa p p e a re d fr o m th a te m p le
a t th e s a m e tim e th e sto n e w a s
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, March 8,1930
Page 13

HAN JO S E , M arch p c . H.
Spender Jm peralor o f the
B esieru olan O rder and head of it*
tem ple here, will he the speaker a t
T uesday'* meeting o f the. San Jose
Hound Table * t Hotel Ha into Claire.
Hi* eu b lect will he $*Th« Mysteries
of th e P y ram id * . o f Kgypt-M Dr.
mnsiducd An &Hi^gx&yjm
E gy p tian lore, - 1 : t
■ . ......♦ .. ...~
The San Francisco Exam iner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, M arch 15,1930
Page 10 AT LAST!
f m m*y «*# tha cimpl*
U *» of dator# to miKteriDf
your lift*
Within you lit DOftMAKT
FACULTIES Awaiting l i l t
right thought, the right mo­
ment of coaetatfition to
And now prlnH*
will *ld you Id w h ig th h
rtm rv* knowledge In nver-
coming your daily problems.
Today thousands is Amer­
it*. And tr«aay in
©♦ her U n it, h art E m m i m *
*4 theIr payc&fc power* b s ~
drr Roafcrneiit* directum. *»d
have brought to
m a r v A l i o u * changes is
Tea may do the *at»a i hint I
Cfcaage the courat of ro a r life
l o t , by writing (or tha free
EGYPT." Malta your requeat
by Utter—not post card.
<A M O RC i
J<~ Cdif.. U. S. A.
St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat
St. Louis, Missouri
Saturday, March 15,1930
Page 4

B r tn « m ir a c le s In to y a o r life — h a p p i­
n e ss, h e a lth an d freed o m fro m w o rry.
D o n 't w en t# j r t t n W A IT IN G fo r
th e e # th in e * C R E A T E TH EM
A key to y o o r p ro b le m s Is o ffe re d
Astounding Results
H s m e s s y ou r v e s t m ind pow er to
y ou r p ro b lem s— th e n w a tc h r e s u lts —
le e m to d ire c t th e c r e a tiv e fo r c e s o f
y o u r m ind.
T h o u sh ta o re m a t e r ia ! lik e b r ic k s
lu m b er and s te e l. T o build w ith .hem
you m u st hows a d e fin ite plan— o r
th e y a r e w a ste d . In s p ir a tio n s , id sa s.
o rig in a te in y o u r m ind , b u t th ey muwt
be co n tro lled m a s te re d . If you w ish to
m a k e th em se rv e you . A few r o ’eo.
sim p le aaad p r a c tic a l, w ill be th e m e a n s
o f sb o w tn c you how to C H A N G E T H E
C O U R T * O T T O U R L I F E to one o f
A re so u w tllin n to u nlock th e t __
u ree o f y ou r tnlnd— or r a m b le w ith
lu ck and c h a n c e ’

F m Book Explains
In A m e ric a to d a y , an d S i
la n d s, h a v e d em o n stra te d
la h e a lth ,
i r M IR
i to d a y f o r a f r e e
t. “ L IG H T O F B O Y V T .
one rue e< y ou r U fa. A

(A M O R C )
The Los Angeles Times %A t |
| L ast! |
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 15, 1930
Page 23

j Simple Rules |
j for the Mastery §
| of Life |
= You may use the simple laws of §§
EE nature in mastering your life-
1 Within you lie DORMANT f
H F a c u l t i e s awaiting the right =
E thought, the * right moment of ||
=E concentration to C R EA TE MI- EE
| RACLES for YO U .
If And now practical principles j§
=§ will aid you in using this re* £
§ serve knowledge in overcoming =
= your daily problems.

E Today thousands In A m erica, and S
£ m any thousands In oth er lands, ss
~ have dem onstrated th eir psychic sc
j= powers under R osicru clan direction, £
=s nnd have brought hr th e ir lives £
= marvelous changes In HEALTH. £
S PEACE nnd JO Y . You m ay do the £
= ' sam e thinirl Change th e course £
s c f your life. now. by w riting for £
£ the fre e copy of 'TH E L IG H T O P £
£ . E O Y P T ." Address le tte r (n ot post £
r= c a r d ): , §§

| ^ LIB R A R IA N Z. N. |
Rosicruclan Brotherhood
(Amorc) SS
San Jo s e , Calif,
= (Pirpaiu«tln» the-Orlolnsl Fraternity) £

Edmonton Journal
Edmonton. Alberta, Canada
Saturday, M arch 22,1930
Page 26

Other Denominations

A. M. 0. R. c.
Rosicrucian Brotherhood

Free Literature
Also Books

“ The Mystical Life of Jesus”

by H. Spencer Lewis, P h D ., F.R.C., and
o th ers a t reasonable prices, Na­
tional work* the sam e th e world over,
Call Phone 3819 or write 10757 Jas­
per A re,. Edm onton,
The Reading Eagle
Eagle, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, M arch 26,1930
Page 2


Somebody has stolen the sacred stone
on which Moses is said to have stood
while he prayed for the Israelites. The
stone was in the temple of a religious
order known as the Rosicrucians at San
Jose, Cal., who had brought it to this
country from Egypt. Dr. Spencer Lewis,
caretaker of the temple, says the Egyp­
tians had laid a curse on anyone wno
should buy or steal this ancient relic
and the thief, whoever he is, is now
subject to this curse. The curse evi­
dently was not functioning while the
stone was in the hands of the Rosicru­
cians.—Capper's Weekly.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 29,1930
Page 4

Dr. E. E. Thomas Will

Give Sunday Lecture
Dr. E. E . Thomas of “Our B r o t h ­
erhood" will speak Sunday morning
at 11:15 o’clock in Music Aria Hall,
233 South Broadway, on “ Breathing
and the Mysterious Kundnllni and
How to Awaken Jt for S u c c e s s and
In announcing this lecture Dr.
Thomas sai d: “ ‘God breathed into
man the breath of life* was not an
idle st at e m e nt hut contains one of
llie most important laws governing
the universe."
In addition to the Sunday m o r n­
ing lecture other services will be ns
follows: Sunday evening, 432 Music j
Arts Building: Tuesday, 8 p. m., j
Odd Fellows’ Mall, 728 Elm street, j
Ixmg Be nc h : 'Wednesday, 7 p. nv.
Music Arts Building: Friday, S p . !
m,, Nelson Evans Studio, ti030 Hoi - j
; lywood boulevard. j

V n d en o m in a tio n a t

v io n il
fu rt, H irm tlitn ir * * n ! th e m i-W fto n n H iin tU liftt, fo r
SHASTA *»«■ '! P e w e r Im f
PU.J t h a t JOU ran «. ( t i n I I R i n i l f IIIIOOD. 11:13 A. M . * > > ' • * •
H C B lC -A B r BALL, IS* South
The Burlington Free Press
Burlington, Vermont
Thursday, April 3 ,1 9 3 0 Many Strange Cdlts
Page 3
Have Headquarters
In California
LO S A N G ELES, April 2.— R ecen t
y e a r s have witnessed a g reat burg?on-
ing of outlandish religious cults in
California. In such tim es as thes*
with organized religion perceptibly I
slipping, religious novelties and new ‘
fashions in faith are inevitable.
FlOwery, ^ u n -d re n ch ?d California,
j where N ature exhibits herself in m ys- {
i tical opulence, where plenty of people
have plenty of money, where th ere l
a re m any invalids contem plating e te r- \
n ity. is p articularly propitlons for
th e ir flourishing.
“Tim e, th e Newsmagazine** publishes
in its cu rren t issue a list of the" more j
popular o f there cu lts which have '
shot up on th e W est C oast:
• • •

| T h e R osicru cian B roth erh ood to 8 a n

l J o s e / directed bv <H . S p en cer L e w is.«
<Im p erato r fo r N orth A m erica, one­
tim e Jew ish aslesm an. Is joined ty an
In tern ation al brotherhood con d ucted ,
like Freem ason ry, on th e lodge sys-
I t extols good
triutlaro. scien tific an d cu ltu ral aelf-
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 5 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Mt. Shasta Brotherhood

iPr E E* T h o m a i , head of t h e
M t Bbftata B r o t h e r h o o d , will ap**ak
Sunday m o rn in g a t 11 o'clock it*
Music Arts H a ll, 2 3 3 South B r o a d -
way, on “H o w to Awaken t h e
G rtateSt F o r c e In Man." M is *
Alice Peterson w i l l g iv e violin s o lo s
and Miss E v e S o u t h e r n , c o n tra lto ,
will sing.
The schedule o f tftber le c tu re s
for the week Is m s follows;
s u i t s i l l Muelc-Arta
BuYdlnaT'SIl^SoSis Lt roadway.
Tu«*»'Uy, I P . *n». O d d Fellow* H a lh
grventh uM Elm. L o n * ffM p*.*. t,
w*drw*<J*y, 1 P* **»** J4uiic«Arti H a ll,
2181 Moth Broadw aw y '
Fridity it t> oi-. 02 plaoii-Efana Studio,
w r
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 5,1930
Page 5

FR EE LEMMON In AW A K E N IN G tlie G R E A T E S T FO R * K IN M AN. fh u * g h l n r
t**!"*"*1 «n<* «*xtern»l en v iro n m en t Thl« power, properly uned,
l ' 11' 1- *« rig h tfu l u n d e rta k in g . \H mK - S W T M A L L .
M«iit|» B r tm .I ttB j. Wunlcal p ro * ru m by E V E KOI T U R K S nnd %I4C*E P E T E R S O N
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 12,1930
Page 4

Miss Alice Peterson, well known
L o s Angeles violinist, will play for
"Our Brotherhood” in a *)te<:iai pro­
gram Sunday in Music-Arts Hall,
ttt South Broadway. Miss Peter*
• o n Is well known throughout the
W est Coast. M iss Lvr* {Southern,
contralto* will sing.
#,Tou Can Kemember Before You
Wsrg Bom,** example and meth­
ods, will bo the Sunday morning
Uiems of p r. L\ & Thomas,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 19,1930
Page 4

Tw o Intem ting Tapia O n

1Out Brotherhood* Program
“ffon Mun W h o H aw His M o t h e r
m * r" h i ttl ‘'I s |i p o s s i b l e to H a® * in
iireurrenci* Hi A n «ih fr P a rt f»C t h e
Wforkl In AitVrinco of that O c c u r -
will M U *. m. M. T h y m a s '
t f o r Ills S u n d ay morning t a l k
urnirr th e au sp ices “u « r
Hroriinrhona,” Tin service w ill bn
in M u s i c -A n * Hall, m S o u t h
ij Urumhvrty* at I t ; 13 a. m.
Q u it Just N o w ? El Paso Evening Post
TH IN K IN G OUT LO U D : El Paso, Texas
Monday, April 21,1930
In closing these columns to re­ Page 4
ligious discussion just a t this
time, would it not look as if it
m ight be to shield us if we have
nothing to say to Mr. H utchins’ Asked to study the trunk of the
assertion about th e story of tree, they answer what is the use,
ChriSt? W hy not defer the clos­ diversity only exists here then
ing until, say, the first of M ay? why try to prove th at unity runs
I recall reading in the Post of through th e whole by -another
two men who contem plated sui­ science?
cide. one of whom desisted a fte r As for the story of Christ be­
talking to M other W arren. W h at ing a m yth, if what h a j been said
did she tell him a t this tim e? of him is proof th a t he never liv­
W as he willing to listen to the ed because the sam e thing was
sam e old “ lies he learned a t his said of a dozen more avators,
m o th er’s knee,” to quote words then the same thing can be said
from this column? A t a tim e of the one proceeding him , and
like this we throw away our in ­ so on down the line to the first
dividual creeds, and a re able to one of whom the story was told.
see th e tru th th a t they blurred. Does it not seem stran ge th a t
God, im m ortality and Christ are the sam e falsehood, alike in de­
not m yths, but we have to go tails should come on down th e
deeper th an surface ripples to centuries, and spring up m such a
find proof of them . Mr. H u tch ­ diversity of surroundings? W h at
ins sees no proof of God — has was it about this certain false­
never looked for any! hood so attractiv e, u n truth is
Bugs m ay crawl on the leaves innum erable—why stick to this
of the tree, and talk of a doctrine one? Looks like there m ight be
of “U nity” of which they have a vein of tru th here. T h e An­
heard. T h a t is easy—one can see cient and M ythical Order of R o -
th a t the leaves are all alike. B u t sae Crucis have In their records
in tim e a wise one sees th a t the positive proof th a t such a being
leaves are not alike. Microscopes as Jesus Christ did live. T h e
are made, and in all this study of Im p erator of th a t order a t San
diversity, no tra ce of unity is Jose. Calif., has w ritten a book
found. T he proof is com plete—no explaining this strange tru th th a t
two leaves are alike, no two Mr. Hutchins speaks of.
grains of sand, no two snow M A RG A RET P O W ELL,
flakes. The proof is complete. Canutillo, T ex.
Reno Evening Gazette
Reno, Nevada
Tuesday, April 29,1930
Page 2

Imprisonment of May Otis Blackburn
(“Heel of God”). From one Clifford
Dabney it is claimed she stole S40.000,
having promised to reveal universal
secrets. Mr. Dabney declared that

she told him he was the Christ, but
could not prove it.
The Roslcrucian Brotherhood In
San Jose, directed by H. Spencer
Lewis, lmperator for North America,
one time Jewish salesman, is joined
Recent yean hare wltneaaed a great to an International brotherhood con­
burgeoning of outlandish religious ducted like Freemasonry, on the lodge
cults In California. In such tim es as system. I t extols good cltlsenshlp.
these with organised religion percep­ patriotism, scientific and cultural
tibly slipping, religious novelties and self-improvement.
new fashions in faith are Inevitable. At Point Loma Is the International
Flowery, sun-drenched California, Headquarters of the vast Universal
where nature exhibits herself In mys­ Brotherhood and Theosophical Soci­
tical opulence, where plenty of peo­ ety, founded In Manhattan In 1875
ple have plenty of money, where by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavat-
there are many Invalids contemplat­ sky, long led by the late Katherine
ing eternity, is particularly propitiousTingley. The cult attempts to har­
for their flourishing. monize with all faiths, but Is deeply
Times publishes In Its current Issue colored In Its observances and specific
it list o f the more popular of these modes of thought by Eastern philos­
cults which have shot up on the West ophers and prophets.
Coast: The Order of the Star in th e East
First there Is the International recently established a one thousand-
Bible Students* Association, whose acre colony, one of Jour world cent­
creed holds th at Biblical prophecies ers, in Kortona. OJal valley. It Is
govern all earthly events. Recently the United States headquarters of
their leader, Judge Joseph F. Ruther­ elghty-two-year-old Dr. Annie Bes-
ford of San Diego, deeded a house,
two-car garage and two automobiles
to King David, Gedeon, Barak. 8am- . ant's Theosophical Society, a schis­
son. Jephthae, Samuel and sundry matic offshoot o f the Blavatsky-Tlng-
other m lghtles of ancient Palestine. [ ley cult. Constant Is the conflict be-
Positive is he that they are shortly , tween the two, each Is anxious not
to reappear on earth. ' to be confused w ith the other.
In Oceanside there is the Roslcru- -------------x ------------
d a n Fellowship founded by one Max
Relndel, who wrote a book called
uCoemo-Conceptlon" while living in
a Manhattan boarding house on a diet
of m ilk and shredded wheat. Object
of h is cult: to distribute literature on
Western learning, to practice spiritual
healing through agents known as
**Eder Brothers” and "Invisible Help­
The Apostle Faith Movement has a
branch in Los Angeles, claims to heal
by correspondence, disperses blessed
The Holy City In th e Santa Crux
mountains is for m en only. Its In­
habitants wear long hair, sell barbe­
cued pork and gasoline to travelers,
broadcast from their own radio e ta - ,
tlon, post signs reminding the coun-j
tryslde o f the likelihood of d eath .1
Their hillside retreat Includes a dance
hall from which feminine shouting
frequently echoes down th e moun­
The Great S e v e n lapsed after the
The Elwood Call-Leader
Elwood, Indiana
Wednesday, May 7,1930
Page 7

jre w BOOK loaned to sincere seek­

ers. The Rosicruciats weft the
Hester Mystics Is all ages and today
they are organised in ledges, groups
**d colleges is all parte of the world.
The Roaicmclaa teaching* containing
the tree knowledge of the mystics
gre never sold is keeks. But, you
m t b e n t a book called “The tig h t
ef Mgypt" in which the Strangs story
of the Rosicrucians Is told aad an
eapia&ation of how yon may hare
the private teachings of the Rqplcru-
cian Prater ally in America. Address
Secretary 111, Amorc Library,‘Rosi-
cmcala Park, fan Jeee, Calif.
The Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
Saturday, May 10,1930
Page 8
For a Definite Duty?
F r e e R o s ie r n a a n

Book Explains
You t i iv t often wnntftruH whj
some ore d o t t o u , lawyer*, Hank*
«r«, clerk*, b u i t w i v r i , and *tt
forth. W hy iw n i ere prospermi*.
other* in dire need. Why we are
railed *quil whew *uch inequaH-
tir* n i i t . These questions the
churches, universities, and selencr
in genera! attem p t to *n*w«r, and
there ia much about them that
cause* the average person to pon­

Questions Answered
The R oskructana have ever
Keen known for their rational and
simple knowledge of these arcane
facta of Hie. They ha * i been able
to put Into practice certain fun­
damental Jaws, to aapiatit a w a y
these mysteries.
They will gladly send In you
wiibUMl any «it*HgailOM, free, p o et•
paid, the honk "llUtl OF
f.ltYPT " It will eaplam to you
the purpose* »i the Rosier m ians
and how, if you are sincere, you
may also team there principle*.
W rite a leltet I not a postcard*
addressed I oj

L IB R A R IA N E, C, h

l O U
$s*o J o i e C a lif o r n ia
iV ’ f f i l * r f>»?,*•<.»f l ;*•
Los Angeles E vening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, M ay 1 7,1930
Page 4

Dr. Thomas Will Talk

For 'Our Brotherhood’
U r. E . E . Thom as will con tin u e
hiit talk on “C h a k ra * T hrough
W h ich the S erp en t T ow er W o rk e "
to m o rro w m orning a t the serv ice o f
“ O u r B ro th erh o o d ” in M usic A rte
U n i t 233 South B ro a d w a y .
T h r eervlce w ill open at 11:15
o ’clock , and a sp e cia l musical pro­
gram will he ren d ered .
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, M ay 17,1930
Page 11, Part II

“Pictures of the centers, or chak­

ras, through which the serpent pow­
er, or Kundalini force works,” will
be shown on the screen at the meet­
ing of Our Brotherhood at Music
Arts Hall at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow,
according to Dr. E. E, Thomas, who
will be in charge of the services.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 17,1930
Page 4

S U N D A Y 3E R W C ffffC O N D U C T E D B 'DR^ E, E. THOMAS
A W O N D F R F i If R O n K T ■ •'»*»» mm ay a b s o lu t e ly f r e e to the iiu b P r -,i
A D U U K tho Of m u liitim n im n c iD ri
A u n a ijr , B e a u tifu lly colored p ld it r s * o n th e screen n f th«- Ilf** r e n te r s In th e |
t h r o u g h w h ic h th e Serpent P ow er w o r k s . M usic-A rt H u l l . 2i Hi H, Ilroarlvm v, d
11 rift a . m .
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 2 4 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

A t the Sunday service*, under the
auwpicee of our Brotherhood, Dr. J3. E .
Thome* will ***• ik on "W hy We Have
and Hev«- Not an Individual Subjective
Memory and Maw it Work*.” The d»f-
reran*# between n^\rui projection and pen.
e tratln * the fourth dimension will l*e
diecufteed. I* hj pnotinn a destructive
‘ft.*,1* '“ t'e'ion that will l»e en-
E w 2 ? * * - . , h t l **rvi<*» Will be held in
. *,*?, £ tW h “h- 2r,3 South Broadway.
HI llild a , in,
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 31,1930
Page 7 [Part II]

“Why T Know the Dead are Alive" j

l* the theme of an address to br |
given by Dr. E. F, Thomas at ai
meeting of Our Brotherhood to- j
morrow morning at Music Arts Hail. {


a * e q u e ! t o w n y W # C a n N e v e r L e e e T h o » e W hem W e C n e e L o v e d , w il l b e
t h e c h i e f t o f l e o f Or. E . £ , T h o m a s , O U R B R O T H E R H O O D . S u n d a y * t 1 : 15
| a.m . Algo, m u i t t h e s t u d e n t o f h i g h e r l a w * do t o p e n e t r j u e t e -
of the evil*" Mu#tC A rts H all, 233 So. Broadway ----- -------------
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 31,1930
Page 4

rm . K , K, THOMAS
In Addition to t h e usual Sunday Iniflon,
D r, E, K, T h o m a s , under the 'c * of
Our Brotherhood, will explain " W h y 1
Know the Head A r e Alive, *’ as m s e q u e l
to **Why W© *Jsn Never Lose T h o s e
Whom w> Ifa v o O ne# Loved.** T h e f o l ­
lowing queerlona w i l l also be A n s w e r e d :
Ciin an evil p e r s o n conceal h\% m o tiv e s
from a developed b e in ir? Are all d e s t r u c t i v e
forces known t o stu d e n ts ot the h i u h e r
law s? Whv a r e student* of the h i g h e r
laws eomfUmo# m i s l e d by ©vjl p e r s o n s ?
W hat mum a s t u d e n t of the h te h e r l a w s
do to penetrate* tJ i# motive* of evil? Hun*
4*y s t ll'ift * m . . In Music-Arts H a i l .
203 Boutb B r o a d w a y .
The Helena Daily Independent
Helena, Montana
Sunday, June 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 2

Rare Rosicracian (AMORC)

'The Mystical Life of Jesus'*
and "Self Mastery and Fate
With the Cycles of Life,” at

Hie Montana Book &

Stationery Co. I
The W innipeg Tribune
W innipeg, M anitoba, Canada
Saturday, June 28,1930
Page 6

All s i n c e r e .seekera fo r t h e g r e a t
t r u t h a n d p o w er k n o w n to the
Anci ents , write fo r t he free book,
“ L i g h t o f Egypt,** m a l l e i w i t h -
mp o b l i g a t i o n t o o cc ul t s t u d en t s ,
Librarian 111

San Jose, California
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 7,1930
Page 10, Part II

"W e Shall Meet Our Departed

Loved Ones" la the subject of a lec­
ture to be given by Dr E. E.
Thom as tomorrow morning a t Music
Arts Hall.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 7,1930
Page 4

Dr. Thomas Will Speak

To Our Brotherhood
Dr. E. E. T h o m a s , under the a u s ­
pices of Our B r o t h e r h o o d , will talk
on “We Shall M e e t Our Departed
Jvovedi Ones” In addition to th e
regular Sunday lesso n tomorrow. A
free book e n title d , " W h y W e Can
Never Lose T h o s e W h o m W e H a v e
Once Loved,’* will be griven to every
member of tb& a u d ie n c e . A splen­
did musical p r o g r a m will he fu r­
nished by A n t o n e C h ris and Miss
Alice Peterson. T h e address will
be given at 1 1 : 0 5 a. m. in M usic-
Arts Hall, 2315 B o o t h Broadw ay.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 14,1930
Page 6 [Part 11]

Dr, E. E. Thomas will speak on

We Can Seo Beyond I he Myste-
■ nous Veil That Separates Us From
! Our Departed Loved Ones'* tomor-
1row m oiling at Music Arts Hall.
(The meeting will be under the aus­
pices of Our Brotherhood.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 21,1930
Page 5

Dr. Thomas to Talk At

Brotherhood Church
Dr. Yl. E. Thomas, tinder the !
auspices of "Our Brotherhood*'
Church, will talk on **fs God Sop- j
arftte f r o m the Sou! of M a n ? Who I
or W h a t Is God and W h a t the
Sou!?'* In advance of his scrm'on
l>r, T h o m a s sa y s: "G o d is not a f a r
off in s p a c e separate from our- i
selves, but l]« eternally e x i s t s wi t h­
in our o wn hearts and minds.” I
M a n y v i t a l questions will he a n - 1
awe red.
T h e s e r v i c e ^ will he held in Music
Arts Hall. 2,13 South B r o a d w a y a t i
I 11; 1,> Sunday.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 2 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 9, P a rt II

Under the auspices of Our Broth-

e r h - i Church. Dr. E. E. Thomas
will speak at Music Arts Hail to­
morrow morning on "Is God Sepa­
rate From the Soul of Man?”
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 2 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 9 [Part II]

r Is G o d S e p a ra te fro m the Soul o f M a n ?

■ Who of What I t God? Whi* .tf'fl SevwfT By Or, E. £. Thom**. OU»
] BROTHERHOOD, Tomorrow at tlrlS a.m. Music Art* Hall, 2S3 So. Bread -
i way. Broadcast every Menday st S *.m. ©y** k NX,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 2 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5


MAN? Who or What

I h
What the Soul?
I Dr. Thomas to Talk At
Brotherhood Church
DR. E. E. Dr. K. E. Thomas, under the
auspices of “Our Brotherhood"

THOMAS i Church, will talk on '*t- God Hep*

j arate from the Soul of M a n ? Who
or W hat la God and W h a t the
Soul?" Tn advance of his sermon
OUR BROTHERKOOD i>r. Thom as says: "God is not^afar
off in space separate from our­
T o m o r ro w , a t 1 1 :1 5 m. m . selves, but He eternally ex ists with
| in our own hearts and minds."
MUSIC-ART HALL Many vital questions will bo a n ­
233 South Broadway swered.
* The services will he held Sri Music
ftrowicint Arts 1frail, 283 South Broadway at
Beery Monday at H A. M .
0 »» r KMX 11:15 Sunday. _ _ _ _ _
O ak lan d T rib u n e
O a k la n d , C alifo rn ia
T h u rs d a y , J u n e 2 6 , 1 9 3 0
P a g e 10

liK T U R N F R O M E U R O P E .
S A N J O B E , J u n e 2 6 ,— R a l p h M .
L e w is , n a tio n a l s e c r e ta r y o f A m ore,
'R o e i c r u c i a n o r d e r , r e t u r n e d y e s t e r ­
d a y w i t h M r s , L e w i s f r o m ftn e x ­
te n d e d E u ro p e o n to u r. T hey a t­
t e n d e d s e v e r a l R o sie r u c J a n c o n f e r ­
e n c e s In E n g l a n d , H o l l a n d , G e r ­
m a n y , Ita ly , F ra n c© an d C z e c h o ­
s lo v a k ia , S ev eral a r t tre a s u re s an d
r e l i c s w e r e b r o u g h t to t h e A m o r c
te m p le h er© b y th e r e t u r n i n g t r a v ­
e le rs .
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 2 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5
Dr. Thomas to Talk CAPITAL
On Law Subject PUNISHMENT?
Dr. E . E. Thomas, under the
a u sp ices of Our Brotherhood, will KILLING IN W A R ?
d iscu ss should we disobey a law
th a t is wrong? Capital punishment?
K illin g in War? E in stein ’s theory
o f relativity ? W hat is space? THEORY O F
T im e ? and many other vital ques­
tio n s will be answered. Re l a t iv it y ?
P refa cin g his discourse, Dr.
T h o m a s said: "No law Is wrong W HAT IS S P A C E ?
u ntil it i« discarded, and a better
one put in its place,*’ A musical TIME?
program precedes the service, 11:15
a . m., 223 South Broadway.

D R .E .E .
A T 11:15 A. M .

M O M M V K , B A. M .
V n d mn ts m i fK ii t o n a l
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 5 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Dr. Thomas to Speak

At Music Arts Hall
Dr E. E. Tftotnas. ur«!»>r th* au s­
pices ©f Our Brotherhood. will dis­
cuss as hia ch ief topic, “Man Hath
Been Greater Than Ye Know Him
a t Present.'* How ran one's de-
•sirurtlve thoughts disturb the rest
I hi the universe? Whs? Is the d if-
f frrence between renunciation, purl-
fkauan, transm utation and regen-
\era? Ion? Other v ital questions win
he answered and di*f u*sed In addi­
tion in the regular lesson and serv­
ice. The services will be held la
MusJe-Arta Hall, 233 South Broad­
way, at 11:15 a. m. Be the
Topic Discussed

E. Thomas
the Auspices o f
Services at
ix l , in
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, J u ly 5 ,1930
Page 7 [Part II]

“ MA N H A T H B E E N G R E A T E R T H A N YE SEE H I M A T P R E S E N T ! ”
will be th e c h i e f t o p i c d i s c u s s e d by Dr, E, E. T h o m a s u n d e r th e a u s p i c e s
of O U R B R O T H E R H O O D a t t h e r e g u l a r S u n d a y s e r v i c e s a t 1 1: 15 a m .
in M usic A rts HaH, 233 So. B ro a d w a y . O th e r v ita l q u e s tio n s will be an sw e re d .
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 1 2 ,1 9 3 0
Page 8 [Part II]

C O N T A C T IN G T H E S U P E R C O N S C IO U S . F R E E C O P Y O F A V A L U A B L E *
F O R M U L A W I L L B E G IV E N A W A Y . H A S T H O U G H T P O W E R TO C O N . j
T R O L D IS A S T E R ? W H A T W I L L T H E S U P E R M A N B E L I K E ? DR. E , E .
T H O M A S . U N D E R T H E A U S P I C E S O F O UR B R O T H E R H O O D . IN M USIC f
A R T S H A L L , 233 S. B R O A D W A Y . S U N D A Y AT 11*15- BR O A D C A STIN G
O V E R K N X E V E R Y M O N D AY A T 8 A M ,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 1 2 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

■* T •*

t t



233 S O U T H B R O A D W A Y
SUNDAY AT ?! :15


AT 3 A. M.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 1 9 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Under the auspices of “O u r

Brotherhood,** Br, E. E, T hom as
will discuss “Can the Breath B e all?
Be Controlled, ns get Forth i*y
Metaphysician*7‘* Banday wmralni?.
“Ood breathed into his n o strils
the breath of life" has a d eep er
significance than has been h e re to ­
fore supposed. “He that r u le th
his own spirit Is greater than lie
who ruleth a kingdom” m e a n s
that he who Is master of h im self
Is master over the natural forces o f
the universe, and hence Is *imble>d
to use them to his own advance­
ment and that of others," says X>r,
Thomas. The services will be
conducted In Music Arts Hall, 233
South Broadway, at 11s18 a. m.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, July 23,1930
Page 2

On Tonight
The national convention of the
Itoslcruclans being held at Amorc
Temple on Nflglpe Avenue, opens with
the first session tills evening and will
continue throughout the week and the
greater part of next week. Delegates
and visiting members from every has come from Germany and other
large city and section of the United countries. Twenty-six foreign coun­
StAtes, Canada and Mexico will of­ tries will be represented through
ficially participate In the conclave. legates from the international Rosi­
Legates representing the order In crucian council and the tost sessions
many foreign lands will be present to of the present convention will be In
act m an advisory committee to as­ the form of an International conclave,
sist in the formation of new plans the first to be held In America since
whereby the North American juris­ 3801.
diction of the Rnsicruelnn fraternity This evening’s session will bo opened
will co-operate with foreign jurisdic­ by Supreme Secretary Ralph M.
tions. Lewis, who will Introduce the imper­
Statistics just revealed by the for­ iitor for North America, Dr. H.
eign delegates show that at the recent Spencer Lewis. He In turn will call
convention held In Europe, the records upon the various delegates and foreign
Indicated that the organisation in legates to present their greetings,
North America represents the largest while Dr. Arthur Bell of San Jose,
jurisdiction In the world, although the representing the national welfare
foundation here was laid in 36P4, bureau of the Rosicrucian fraternity,
whereas In other countries the order will read the hundreds of telegrams
has existed for a thousand years or th at have been received from all parts
more. of America and from many foreign
GERMAN AID cities.
One of the Important matters to The sessions will continue each aft­
be discussed a t this convention Is ways ernoon and evening until the middle
and means of assisting the Austrian of next week. On Saturday evening,
and German jurisdictions to re­ the convention will meet In the Cham­
hab Ilia to the organization after the ber of Commerce Hall to see the mov­
great loss of membership through the ing pictures of the recent Rosicrucian
World War. The North American pilgrimage to Egypt and the Holy
members have been assisting France Land. Next Tuesday night there will
and England in the enlargement Of be the official banquet.
their memberships and now the appeal j
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Thursday, July 24, 1930
Page 2

Delegates Gather fo r AMORC Convention H ere

Drlcgiilet Iivm oier llie cniue world are centering here (or national eonienttun ol tlie Ituolcruclan Biom «ii»»d {
In Nort|i America. In the above photo ere (left to fljtn l ; Mlu Jeunno tiuedson of Parts, who came Ib ir j
ll.iirnan Mn. E. Al. Sawyer, Auckland, New Zealand, and I, U. Johnson of British IVnl Africa,— I

Over 200 delegates from over the will bo considered at cnmtng sessions. The same group convene i •> 6«n
entire gjobe attended the opening oca* Supreme Secretary Ralph Lewis Jaia last year and were so •< »•
alon of the national convention of the
opened the meeting and turned tt over with San Jose that they wei-
Raslcruclan Brotherhood of North
America In tho temple on Nagleo to Imperuior Or. K. Spencer Lewis. to return.
Street last night. Those In attend­ WORLD VISITORS Alisa Jeanne Oucsdon. wlu • * 1J
ance represent 20 nations. This after­ Speakers at last nights meeting return to her homo Sn Pans -
noon's session started at 3 30. were from Africa, India, Australia. concPtve. staled this mormnt * •*
Delcfiates voted last night to glvo New Zealand, Mexico, SwIUcrland, would Ilk* to live in San J
U l

assistance to Roalcruclan members In Prance, Canada and Porto Rico. came hero after living fo
Germany and Australia who suffered The session tonight starts at 8 years In Havana. Cubs Shy * ■»
as a result o( the war. Amendments o'clock Sign'.-seeing nipt are planned stay In Franca upon her u
to tho (North American coasututioa for Saturday afternoon and Sunday, that country.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Friday, July 2 5 ,1 9 3 0
Page 3

Amorc De l e g a t e s
Hold Forum Today
Aforum session for questions and
answers on social settlement work oc­
cupied the attention of delegates to
the Amorc convention here this after*
noon. Social service bureaus are main­
tained in a number of cities by the
order, Several scientific lectures are
scheduled for tonight.
Dr. Arthur Bell of this city, welfare
department director for the organisa­
tion, lectured on "Prevention of Dis-
ease1* last night. Delegates gave a
vote favoring the anti-tuberculosis
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 2 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

'M a n , a Secret Casket , 1

To Be Pastor’s Subject
At t h e S u n d a y morning s e r v i c e s
of O ur B ro th erh o od Dr, E, E,
T h o m a s will ta lk on “Man, a S e c r e t
C ask et: H is Mind th e S u b lim e
Jew el" an d “W h a t Is Psycho-
analysis ? '
In his d is c o u r s e Dr. T h o m a s will
e n d e a v o r t o b rin g out som e of t h e
c a u s e s of fear, w o rry and a n x i e t y ,
j and to p r o v e t h a t In most c a s e s
1 such e m o tio n s a r e brought on by
1 n e g a tiv e th i n k in g and not a s t h e
result of r e a litie s. Methods will be
given for th e elimination of t h e s e
nndesirables. T h e services will he
held In M u s i c - A r t s Hail, 233 S o u th
B r o a d w a y , a t I t : 15 a. m.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 2 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4
- W H A T IS
under the AUSPICES of


T H U R S D A Y , € A, M., OVER

ru n he o &p h tino

f* M AHI I < i l MI ' l I. TRIl. f l i c
m »i - t
m m * i i n «« h i v i t. \
T tn\ m •.«> c w ,i K»» m i v r i i
%.«*» BRMlRin W tK fi t «»*
r>C w( >11.1 N U ,T< M M3H
Tl K io*i Nixr, l)AR .
Rosicrucians S a n Jo s e E vening News
San Jo s e , C alifo rn ia
W ednesday, Ju ly 3 0 ,1 9 3 0
P lan to Erect Pages 1 and 4

$100,000 Bldg.
Plans for the construction of a new
unit to the Amorc College on Nagles
Avenue a t a cost approximating
$100,000, with work; to start shortly [ RO SICRU CIAN S j
after January 1, 1931, were announced
today by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, im* (Continued From Page 1}
perator of the order. The first unit
will contain a lecture hall or audi­ At the banquet In the Ifetel sstnle
torium, five small classrooms, a com­ Claire last night seme three hundred
plete laboratory for electrical, chemi­ American and foreign delegates un­
cal, physical and other research, and animously voted to hold the 1831 con­
dormitories, The building will house
about one hundred resident students. vention in this eity*
According to Dr. Lewis, It is planned Local organizations were represented
to add more classrooms later. The fcy Fred Oilman of the Chamber of
new structure will bo next to the Commerce, Virgil Rankin of the Can
present temple. The order owns three Jose Advertising Club and Better
acres on Naglee Avenue and has Business Bureau and Fred Oehler of
options on other property, The Amorc Hie American Trust Company. They
College now has between 300 and 400 expressed the warm feeling of the city
students, 150 of which have come from toward Hie Rosieruolan order In brief
other cities. I t Is expected th at the address es.
college will have about one thousand Songs by Mine. Beatrice Beauman,
students when ijew structures are former Metropolitan Opera singer, and
erected. Miss Emily Hardy, coloratura soprano,
The 1830 annual Rosfcruclan con­ and violin solos by Miss Grace Blmes
vention was to end today with the provided musical entertainment. Miss
concluding address presented by Dr, Beatrice Clifford of Ban Francisco ac­
Lewis, North American lmperator of companied on the piano.
the order. The convention lasted a Henry Shell. Denver delegate, gave
week, held mainly a t the Amorc Col­ an address of appreciation, and Wll-
lege on Naglee Avenue. I Ham Wagner, Pennsylvania delegate,
1931 CONCLAVE HERE replied to the welcoming address by
The sessions of this afternoon and Dr. Lewis, The history of the organi­
this evening are being devoted to dis­ zation in San Jo so was reviewed by
cussions of business principles of the Dr. Lewis In tho concluding address,
order and rules and regulations. Plans to send lecturers throughout
Plans are being laid for the extensions the country, the erection of a resident
of work and field representatives are college on Naglee Avenue and amend­
being appointed. ments to tho constitution were dis­
cussed a t the business meeting yester­
(Continued on Page 4.} day afternoon.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 2 ,1 9 3 0
Page 3

Dr. Thomas to Talk On

Who Is Real Creator?
" ' W h o I s t h e H o s i C r e a t o r of t he
U n i v e r s e , G o d o r M a n ? ” w i ll he the
c h ie f to p ic of D r. E . E . T h o m a s ,
u n d e r th © a u s p i c e s o f O u r B r o t h e r ­
h o o d , S u n d a y , at 1 1 : 1 5 h . m . Many
v i t a l q u e s t i o n ! * Will ho a ns wer ed,
a m o n g th em being ‘ T h e u ltim a te
d e s t i ny of m a n , should he conti nue
t o a d v a n c e in t h e f i e l d s o f Invention
and d isco v e ry ,”
The services will he held in
M u s i c - A r i a H all, 283 Bt n th B r o a d ­
w a y , a t 11:1.5 a. m . B ro ad en .slin g
T h u r s d a y s nf S a . m . o v e r K S X
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 9, 1930
Part II, page 9


Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 9 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Each Person Has Power,

Declares Dr. Thomas
“A nyone mny us* tho power that
Je s u s used.** will be the chief topic
of iho Sunday serv ices of Our
B roth erh ood tomorrow. In advance
of lectu re. Dr. E. E . Thom as
; said, “ E v e ry person has within him*
| self an In visible dynam ic power
! which I* th e sam e power with which
|Je s u s sta g g ere d the nations of his
time, arid everyone who properly
; u n d erstan d s the B ible may bring
th is pow er into operation for the
benefit « f m an," thereby assuring
* h i 4 own su ccess and happiness.”
T h e se rv ice s will he held in Mu*
sic A rts H ail, 233 South Broadway
at I I ; 15 a. m. *
The Winnipeg Tribune
Winnipeg, M anitoba, Canada
Saturday, August 9 ,1 9 3 0
Page 15

A .M .O .R .C
* ' R o **ci U U M n M ,® ter«e» *
Write for Free Booklet.
to L iberian Suprem e T em p le,

A .M .O .R .C
San Jote, California
Ijocal Phone 35 ><20
i -- ----- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - -
The Sacram ento Bee
Sacram ento, California
Friday, August 1 5 ,1 9 3 0
Page 22

Sacramento Woman
Back From Convention
Sybil M. Preston, Sacramento
resident, has just returned from
San Jose, where she attended the
international convention of the
RosJcrucian Brotherhood as an of­
ficial delegate from this city.
At the convention it was decided
to build a college with curricular
work to start some £ime neat Fall.
The college, which would accom­
modate between 400 and 500 stu­
dents, would be a boarding institu­
tion, specializing in the sciences,
art, comparative religions, philoso­
phy and metaphysics.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, Augustl6,1930
Page 9 [Part II]

* Under the auspices of Our Broth­

erhood, Dr. E. E. Thomas will speak
on “The Teachings of Jesus” to­
morrow morning at Musks Art* HaU.
The Fresno M orning Republican
Fresno, California
Saturday, August 1 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 8

Plan For New College

Building Announced At
Plant* for the construction of a
college building by ihr Rosdcrtnlan
Brotherhood, to be started in th**
fall of J831, wore outlined at the ?t>-
temfiilofisl liosb ritclan egfnmtfbu*.
which ju st closed In Ban Jose, Ar­
mas Widgren, 258 E ffi* street, rep­
resented the Roffieruelans of F res­
no a t the convention.
The college would accommodate
between 100 and S0O students, who
would reside in the building, and
who would be instructed In the
sciences, arts, comparative religion**.,
philosophy and mtatphysics, ac ♦
cording to the method of instrur-
lion adopted by the nostcnicfan
The Roshruclan Brotherhood is t
believed to date from about the iff- {
teenih century, s i which time Its j
members studied alchemy, and the j
sciences and occult philosophy. It .
was originally a secret society of
occult philosophers.
One of the sessions of the cotiyeo*
lion w'as devoted to a demonstra­
tion of the principles of Ttosicru - I
clan physics. Professor Roberts.
HoBierucaln, an eminent ecientist
and an early perfactor of liquid air.
devoted one session to a demonstra­
tion of th« result accomplished wi»h
liquid air and its practical applica­
tion to cppmiescyi j
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 1 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5


Jesus Ahead of Time,

Topic Fof Minister
t i n d e r * t h e atapieei of “Our
B r o t h e r h o o d /’ Ur, E . $». T h o m as
will s r w m k on “# l i f W a s Jeaus
T h o u s a n d s of Year# A h ead o f HI#
Time? A r e Hi# Teachings Under­
stood N o w ? Is the Tim e B l i w for
Another Chance? W h a t W i l l the
Change B e ? When?'* M a n y other
i m p o r t a n t question# will be dis­
cussed i n detail.
Ur, Thomas prefaced his lecture
hy sft yinfg th at "We i r e sm t h e verge
of a n e w era, and o v e r n i g h t a
change wilt take pl&o# which will
shake th e very foundations of
phlloimpliy and religion/’ The serv­
ices will tafce place in Music Arts
Halt, 233 South Broadway at 11:15
a. tu„ Sunday. Br. Thomas broad­
casts every* Thursday at i a, m.
over K X X ,
Provo Evening Herald
Provo, Utah
Monday, August 1 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5
C .rtirg e D P e t r i non. a i c t i d i a t o f
th is c ity , him Just r e t u r n e d f r o m
* S a n J u . f , C a li f o r n ia , w h e r e h *
te n d e d the* tm c i n a tio n a l R ( n r t u *
ctu n ro ll vent ion.
A t thin an n u sL co n v e n tio n of th a
K o fic iiu ian b ro th erh o o d m a n y pro*
, pomuIb of p a r tic u la r Im poit& nav
i w e re m a d e , lu ad d itio n to a uniqua
plan of e x te n d in g th e a c tiv itie s o f
th e or g a tiia a tio n , it w a* p r o p o s a l
•a n d a c c e p te d th a t ot ganl&aUoti
c o n s t r u c t a co lleg e building, w o rn
to a ta r i so m e tim e d u rin g tin full
o f 1931. w h ich c o l l e g e would ac*
c o m m o d a te b etw een foul a n d fiv a
h u n d red stu d e n ts. T h e s tu d e n t!
J would reuide th e n : an d be In s tru c t-
■ .‘d in <h** sc ie n c e s , a r t * . co u rp a ia e ,
; tlv c re lig io u s, p h ilosop h y, an d
m e ta p h y s ic s , a c c o r d in g to th *
m eth o d o f In stru ctio n a d o p te d top
t h e R o a ic r u c la n b ro th e rh o o d .
O ne o f th e se ssio n s w m d v oted
to u d e m o n stn iU o n of th e p rin c i­
ples of K otd cru eiu n p h y sics. P ro ­
fe s s o r A r th u r H R o b e r t* , R o a icru - j
c ia n . e m in e n t s c ie n tis t an d u»
e a r ly p e if e c to r of liquid a ir w ho
I n s tra v e le d th ro u g h o u t th e c o u n ­
t r y d e m o n s tr a tin g it to u n lv arsl*
Elen an d co lle g e s, d e v o ted ona a f - ;
tor tioua j| n » o n to sh o w in g tU a
m a rv e lo u s r e s u lts a cco m p lish e d by
liquid a ir. an d P r o f e s s o r R o b e r ta
f u r th e r explrdned th e a p p lic a tio n
of th is p h en o m en a to c o m m e r c ia l
u ses.
A re p lica o f one of th e u n n e n t
I E g y p tia n m y s tic a l ce re m o n ie s to o k
p lace a t tin* clo sin g of the co n v e n - !
lion , w hen u h u n d re d p e rso n s p ar* 1
tic lp a te d in I he in itia tio n
M e m b e rs and d e le g a te s fro m j
tw e n ty -six c o u n tr ie s w a rs p re s e n t
a t th e se ss io n s and e v e ry s t a t s in I
th e union wun repi i-sented. U e o rg a
D. P a ie ra o n u f P r o v o re p re s e n te d !
th e R o sie r lielan m e m b e rs of th is (
co u n ty nt th e co n v e n tio n .
Mill Valley Record
Mill Valley, California
Friday, August 22,1930
Page 3

Meet A t San Jose
Mill Valley Sends a Delegate To
International Convention

Mrs. Wanda Warden of Mill Valley

recently attended the International Con­
vention of the Roeicrucian Brotherhood,
held a t the National Headquarters of the
Order a t San Jose.
Twenty-six countries and every state
in the Union were represented by mem­
bers and delegates.
Among many proposals for modes of
extension, was the adoption of a plan to
construct a College for the instruction
of students in the sciences, arts, com­
parative religions, philosophies and met­
Professor Roberts, Rosicrucian ahd
eminent scientist, demonstrated the mar­
vels of liquid air.
One hundred persons participated in
as initiation, which was a replica of one
of the ancient Egyptian mystical cere­
The teaching o f this order is, at once,
ancient and ultra-modern; Its followers
are given salient points of truth th at
assists them to naturally come upon a
fundamental a rt of living.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 3 0 ,1 9 3 0
P art II, page 8

; »Srxal:fnP under tin? auspices of -

Our Brotherhood; D r. E. E . T hom as ;
d l s w ; "T h e Relation of t h e ;
Law o£ A ttraction to tornor*
row morning a t Music A rts Hail. •
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 3 0 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

'Fragments From Past'

Subject for Sermon
“Fragm ents From the Fait," by-
Eugene E . Thom as of “Our Brother-
hood/* a book of 420 pages, has ju st
been Issued and Is expected to prove
very popular.
An official of the brotherhood h a a
issued the following statement re ­
garding the book:
“It gives to those who hold to th e
belief in a future life, and a future
coming back to earth, much th a t
will help to convince the thinker
along these iines, th at it may n o t
be a m ere belief, It presents th e
successive incarnations of & man
and woman from earliest times
down to the present life, In such i t
startlingly logical manner that th e
interest of the reader is increased
until the store in ended in a color­
ful climax.
“Although ihe story deals with th e
rom antic adventures* of ths princi­
pal characters, th ere is interwoven
so much of science and philosophy
in such an interesting way that tho
read er finds himself receiving a n
education regarding the hidden
principles of life and the destiny ot
m an in language th at is singularly
fre e from the fcediousness and dry­
ness of the ordinary philosophical
o r scientific book.**
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 3 0 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Dr. Thomas Will Speak

To ‘Our Brotherhood'
Dr. E. E. T h o m as, tinder the au s­
pices of "Our Brotherhood,'* will
discuss as his c h i e f topic Sunday,
" W h a t Is the R e la tio n of the Raw
o f Attraction to G o d ? Do Science
a n d Religion C o n f l i c t ? What W as
t h e Power That J e s u s Used?
Dr. Thomas sa id th a t the power
t h a t Jesus used la a divine power
| *tncl that every m a n h as t h a t power
t o attract to h im s e lf the things he
desires, if he will blit do as Jesu s
it I d , The services w ill be held In
M usic Arts Hail, 233 Houth B ro ad -
| w a y , at 11:15 ft. m ., Sunday,
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 9, P a rt II

Under the auspices of Our B ro th ­

erhood. D r. E . E . T hom as •will speak
nt M usic A rts Hall tomorrow m orn ­
ing- on ’‘Adam and Eve Found T h a t
They W ere Naked.”
U n d m n o m t n a t io n a l

Los Angeles Evening Express

Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5

Adam and Eve to Be

Discussed on Sunday
Dr, E. E. T h o m a s , under the a u ­
spices of O ur Brotherhood, will
i?peak Sunday on ‘‘Adam ami E v e
Found They W e r e Naked;* and
what was m e a n t b y that statement*
The Garden of E d e n and the serpent
wIH also be d iscu ssed . A free book
will be distributed to the members?
of the audience, th e title of which is
“Why Jesus W a s a Thousand Y ea rs
Ahead of the P e o p le of Ills Timed*
Services will he held in Music A rts
Hall, 22d E o li t h B r o a d w a y , a t 11:13
a. m' T h o in aa broadcasts every
O f,
Thursday a t 8 ft. in. over KXX.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 6, 1930
Page 9, P a rt II

A re You Drifting?
Do you soera to be unable to reach
the goal of your am bitions? Does
life seem like an endless se a with
no light to guide you? A re you
unable to ste e r your c a re e r to
P e a ce , H ealth and H appiness?
f r e e b o o k p o in t s t h e w a y
L et us send you a ropy ot a n w book that telt«
Iptiv men and women In nil walks of life may be
helped to brine their W iliAM S INTO R EA LIZA ­
TION*. A hand of fellowship and pood will li « •
temlivl to c»ory nun nhd woman drifting on llfc*<
Ben by Ui« ltoderurlaw . A largo croup of mm
and woman, who have fotind tho eccretj to A T ­
In ottering to »haro their fcriowlcdgo with others.
Not ft sectarian nr religion* plan, not a eoimiwr.
cinl arheme. Ju st n friendly system for bringinc
new L I F E , new KNOW I.EnflK, new POW litt
INTO the L IV E S of EVKUVONB. W rite for a
ropy of the fteo hook today nod learn how you
mny study these helpful principles. Address your
letter in;

Rosicrucian Brotherhood
(A M O R C )
(Porpeluatirtff tho Original Fraternity)
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 6, 1930
Page 9 [Part II]


What do«i this m u n i Wlmt was Kden? Tb« Strptni? h free book given »w»y. I
Dr. t. F.. 01 K UROTIO8Bntm, Sand** »* H ^ 8* %rlB H»“ C
23<S Bo. Pr«ad»*r. ThunuUr* B --------r
R c g f c r t ’r'i- n

Los Angeles Evening Express

Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 1 3 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5

Step Out of the Shadows ;

Into the L i g h t of
S u c c e s s , P r o s p e r ity a n d
H ip p ir te s s
In tho »h.n«i<»us lurk «ll»wfi!Wh suffer­
ing. supnrslll !«»n !tn<l tHi; despondent*v
that leads us tin tit? w roni path to
failure ami mboty. Nothing is real
In tho nhadiiwa. am! onU In the l.hrht.
n in yutt find ire* dotn from the Ihnuf-t
that ftiRltr « you and hold you back
in your ambitlona and desires.
The tin*!: s j <t Llwhi of mind
power pointed out (!i»- path to per­
son,!] victory. Th*'«ukh el! th' a>.«“*
Ihbi Great Light b,i** enabled a f< w
to lt&'njn the y re a tod height* and to
bo fnnmtorH of their destiny. The
fto* '• in- -n r<rodent brotherhood j
devotes] to he!,vine of hern nlonft UtC
Path. ha vo urroaroii ;t
railed tho *Gl.;ht «vf Flkypi ' and th f
will (fladly tnaii you a ropv wit hum |
nbilgatitm if you want to step out of
th>« idiad « • Into Hjo Ltsrnt m I*ifo |
and in ,i Th« 1 noli will foil vost ;
how you tjtny cattily chnnfie the unfa
vora&io yours* of your Hfo to one
that, bring:- you joy, a to! it fr}!« yon
how humir< It* of oth- fb a r wHUnx
to help you Hlonr the w J u s !
wrM« a initf-r n*kiti» rot tm- hook,
and nAdrys* v-iur h ' t r r to
Thf* UosU r n c t a n O r d e r ( A M O K O
<F#*rp#*tǤfini: f b e O t i g uni K r a t a r n l t y )

—- —.~ _ . v
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 1 3 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5
Dr. Thomas to Give HOW DO WE RECONCILE A
A lecture will be delivered by Dr. FREE BOOKLET, “WHAT IS
E , C, T h o m a s, tinder the auspices TH E HIDDEN WAY,” GIVEN
of *'Our Brotherhood,0 Sunday, TO TH E AUDIENCE.
when the chief topic will be, “What
was man's existence before he en­
tered the realm of m atter?
do we reconcile a phephytical ex-
isu n ce with the evolution of the OUR BROTHERHOOD
atom ?” Other vital questions will SUNDAY AT 11:15 A. M.
also he answered.
A free booklet entitled, “W hat Is MUSIC-ART HALL
the Hidden W a y ?1" will he dls- 233 SOUTH BROADWAY
, tribuied am ong the members of the
audience. The services will be con­ BROADCAST
ducted in Music A rts Hall, 233 South THURSDAYS OVER
Broadw ay at 11:15 a. m.
KNX, 8 A. M.

Wa will make announcemant

soon regarding the showing of
our Motion Picture.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 1 3 ,1 9 3 0
Page 9 [Part II]

**What was Man's Existence B e­

fore He Entered the Realm of Mat­
ter?’4 Is the question to be discussed
by Dr. E. E. Thomas, speaking un­
der the auspices of Our Brother­
hood, tomorrow morning at Music
Arts Hall.
Modesto News-Herald
Modesto, California
Thursday, September 18, 1930
Page 16 A t th e sam e tim e, th ere were
o th er th in k ers who looked upon
S C IE N C E AND B E L IG IO K these phenom ena a s the resu lt of
an inloMf^ence of deity, a powvr
H E L D R E C O N C IL A B L E jrreater th an them selves, Y,-hIchj
had. som etim e o r other, proclaimed •
To *:;** JsTdiVr-r Af Th*> N>vvs-H#r- th a t these phenom ena should exist
v d : S*ri—M sy f liespisa- upon ihe . Tgr m an’s p a rtic u la r benefit. They
v<i5o*b!* of ycu.- !«-ner c^i-- caw In them the ditecllon of a per­
uu.ri ro Aiprfris r.iv h-»3Lef rr. z mar. sonalized ged and a t th a t point we
i.cT c l r<<:-0L.C!3^nic..*; b -‘v.r<?n Arrive a t the conflict between
! *ri< an d rehgin**? J read ar*» science and religion.
c-ccjlctonally m your parser Science, however, r e p r i n t e d by
by em m eut n:en j n txnh the**? fluids the o'jmtnnfHhg scientific figures
and they stem s^> f a r a p a rt in view- j of tj>riA.y, docs not d*ny the exist­
as so I^avf ;h* re id v r ar.d ence ,<?f God, but m erely exponiKlb
th e laym an vu?pf:td<ri h i duuht end ■ a different ccnccptinr. c f HLn.
bt-iiiaiu-y J Scien ce recognizes an Intelligence
Mdeli of th e dlzcord v r find In.! not ap art from nature, but existent
w i e t y to-day, re m itte e tn « « rs in nature.
and factions, is d j£ in if»«* evident j T o science. God did n o t som e­
ccnfliet b f t w / f r religion a n d 1 tim e in Lh$ fa r d ista n t past, create
i-iettce. rIh e re ha« a k .a v s tef-r* l a c I the w orld and ev ery th m r th a t iy
\i heaters for n tar/s m enial activity. In ft ahd then cease, but He created
‘ At tUucs tkfsij various a c tiv itie s: and Ls {.tilt creatin g all cant is and
have been fo fa r ap a rt £ t ro U* In | all th a t sbult b r. To science th ere
absolute conflict with each o!lier. Is an intelligence ever present un­
At o th er time* they have been so
d o rriy associated as to overlap and derlying everything.
he in harm ony w ith r a th other. There is only ona thirty th a t cau
No m a tte r how fa r we delve harmonUft thews two schools, rc~
th* h isto ry of m ankind, we find [ Jlsrlon and science, am i that Is m ys­
iheec two th eaters, religion. s s d ! ticism . Aiysticfxm blends the two.
eclenee. T m e, ancient teieoce c a n - ! th e e n te r ic and th e oxotBrlc, and
* * T?2u:.‘d in :hr. nzr:n clzi~ tti . th e 3?osicrucian B rotherhood spe­
cation as th e learned an d highly cifically states, a s an example of
developed science we. know to-day, m ysticism , it is wrong fo r m<m
hut th e re w ere m en in th e early to a tte m p t to personalize his God.
eirlJIrnUoit who w ere not so p a r­ 'k )d is an intelligence th a t per­
ticularly Interested in w hy certain m eates m a tte r as well as man. In
n a tu ra l phenom ena existed, T hat this sense. It gives m an a higher
is, IhBv w ere not interested in why consciousness. w hich m ay be in the
lt and why it snowed, h u t form we kno w of as soul, b u t’ in
fa th e r In w hat w ere th* a n te c e d e n t; n a tu re God js evident in th e unl-
causes of these condition*. They f o m regu larity In w hirh nature
desired to c h a rt these causes so as m anifests, according to certain cs-
to he able to determ ine Just when tablishod definite lawn.
these phenom ena would ta k e place. Hoylcruclan mygticlhm of AMOKC
Modesto News-Herald
Modesto, California
Thursday, September 1 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 16

Roslcrucian mysticism of AMOHC

recognises no beginning anti no «nd
to creation. I t docs *10! accept a
God th a t would create ail th at is,
and then atop creating. I t rath er
admits of a o ra tio n Chat perpet­
uates lU elf though continuously
creating. Mysticism expounds find
not ap art from men, but resident
within man.
A thorough study of mysticism
by any saident, 'whether of the
Rnslcnieian aehool or not, perm its
him to blend the pristine elHiiieiite
of religion icJtli the vJrLucs of acad­
emic Huleuce. Whan this is done,
these Lwo g reat fields of m an’s en­
deavor can work hand in hand, in­
stead •of opposing each other to the
detriment, of both and to the ccm-
fuak>n of the mass.
T want to thank you Idndly for
the space that you ha'.'c parmltted
me to use, and hope that other
readai’s will let us have their view­
points on this popular subject.
J . F . D AX-
Mnriryio, Cal.
4 -= -±
Prescott Evening Courier
Prescott, Arizona
Thursday, September 18, 1930
Page 8

phenomena would take place.

At the same time, there were
other thinkers <\viio looked upon this
r FORUM f phenomena as- tho result of an
> ------ ---------- ------- . .. ------- intelligence, a dicty, a power great­
er than themselves which had,
Editor of tho Evening Courier. sometime or other, proclaimed that
Dear Sir: this phenomena should exist for
May I trespass upon the valuablo man’s exclusive benefit. They saw
space of your lottor column to in it the direction of a personalized
express my belief in -a manner God and a t that point we arrive
of reconciliation between science at tho conflictlon between science
and religion? 2 read articles occa­ and religion.
sionally in your paper by eminent
men in both theso fields and they Science, however, represented by
seem so far apart in viewpoint as tho outstanding scientific figures
to leave the reader and layman of today, does not deny the cxis- j
suspended in doubt and hesitancy. tcnce of a God, but merely ex- j
Religion and Science pounds a different conception of
Much of tho discord wo find in God. Science recognizes an intclli- I
society today, resulting in sects gcnco not apart from nature nor ■
and factions, is due to the evident separate nature, but existent in
conflict between religion and, nature. To science, God did not, I
science. There has always been, sometime in tho far past, create i
two theaters for man’s mental ac- l tho world and everything th at is •
tivity. A t times these various ac- { in it and then cease, but He ere- i
tivitics havo been so fa r apart ated then and is still creating all
as to bo in absolute conflictlon that is and all that shall be. To
with each other. At other times, science tnere is an intelligence
they havo been so closely associa­ ever present underlying every­
ted as to overlap and bo in har­ thing.
mony with each other. There ia only one thing that
No m atter how far we delve can harmonize these two schools,
into tho history of mankind, wo religion and science, and th at i s .
find these two theaters, religion mysticism. Mysticism blends t h e 1
and science. True, ancient science two, the esoteric and exoteric, and I
cannot be placed into the same as the Rosicrucian Brotherhood |
classification as tho learned and specifically states, as an example.
highly developed schools of science of mysticism, it is wrong to at-1
we know today, but there were tempt to personalize his God. God 1
men in the early civilization who is an intelligence th at permatea
were not so particularly interested matter as well as man. In th is !
in why tcertain ntaural phenomena» sense, it gives man a higher con- |
existed.' That is, they were not Bciousncss, which may bo in the
interested in why it rained and form we know of as soul, but in j
why it snowed, but what were the nature God is evident in tho u n i-'
antecedent causes of these condi­ form regularity in which n a tu re '
tions, what certain conditions re­ manifests, according to certain de­
sulted in rain and in snow and they finite established laws.
desired to chart, map out the cy­ Rosicrucian mysticism of Araorc
cles of theso causes, so as to bo recognizes no beginning and no
ablo to determino just when this end to creation. It does not ac­
cept a God that would create all
Prescott Evening C ourier
Prescott, Arizona
Thursday, September 1 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 8

Rosicrucian mysticism of Aroorc

recognizes no beginning and no
end to creation. It does not ac­
cept a God that would create all
that is and then stop creating. It
rather^ admits of a creation that
perpetuates itself through continu­
ously creating. Mysticism expounds
God not apart from man, but resi­
dent within man. A thorough study
of mysticism by any Btudent,
whether of tho Rosicrucian school
or not, permits him to blend the
pristine elements of religion with
the virtues of academic science.
When this is done, these two great
fields of man’s endeavor can work
hand In hand, instead of opposing
each other to the detriment of both
and to the confusion of the mass.
I want to thank you kindly for
the space you have permitted mo
to use, and hope that other read-
era will let us have their view­
points and reactions on this pop­
ular subject.
B A Rosicrucian (Amorc).
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday, September 20,1930
Page 10 M o d e r n M y s tic is m
Editor Brooklyn Daily E agle:
M u c h of the discord we find in
society today, resulting in sects ,
and faction s, is due to the evident
conflict between religion and
T o science Ood did not. some
time in the fa r past, create the
world and everything th at is in
it and then cease, but He created
them and is still creating all th a t
is and all th a t shall be. To science
there Is an intelligence ever p res- !
ent underlying everything
T h ere is only one thing th a t
can harm onise the two schools,
religion and science, and th a t is
m ysticism , which blends the two,
As the Ftosicrucian brotherhood
specifically stutes, it is wrong for
a m an to attem p t to personalize
his God. Ood is an intelligence
that perm eates m atter as well as
man. RoMcrueisn m ysticism
recognizes no beginning and no
end to creation It does not a c ­
cept a God th at would create all j
th a t is and then stop creatin g.
Mysticism expounds God not a p a rt
from m an. A thorough study of i
m ysticism by an y student, w hether
of the R osierucian school or not,
perm its him to b h nd the pristine
elements of religion with the v ir­
tues of academ ic science. W h en j
this is done, these two g re a t fields
of man « endeavor can work h an d
in baud J E S S I E FIN D LA Y .
Brooklyn, Sept, 1L j
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 2 0 ,1 9 3 0
TO T I L L T H E G R O U N D !

SUNDAY AT H its A M. .

233 SOU TH B R O A D W A Y


TH U R S D A Y S , S A. f t .

Next week we expect to *n«eti«*i

the opening date of eur wonder­
ful Metiers Picture, Watch fa r it!
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, Septem ber 2 0 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Lecturer to Talk On
Chapters in Genesis
Dr. |S, 15, Thomas of Our Broth,
erhood, w ill speak Sunday on ’'The
InconsSatraoiOis of the F irs t and
Second Chapter of Genesis.”
Dr. Thom as will endeavor to
prove th a t there is no Inconsist­
ency, as many seem to think, but
that here Is a very vital truth if
the reader is able to properly in-
terpret the meaning veiled In the
printed word. Many other impor­
tant questions will be answered and
discussed, The services will take
plar*n |n Music Arts Hall. 233 South
Broadway a t Hu IS a. m,
I he Independent Record
Helena. Montana
Tuesday, September 23.1930 the same time, there were other
Page 4
thinkers who looked upon this phe­
nomena as the result of an intelli­
gence, a dlety, a power greater
To the Editor: than themselves which had, some­
May I trespass upon the valu time or other, proclaimed that this
able space of your letter colum phenomena should exist for man's
to express my belief in a manne exclusive benefit. They saw in it
of reconciliation between scienc the direction of a personalized God,
and religion. I read articles occa and at that point we arrive at the
slonally In your paper by emlnen conflictlon between science and re­
men in both of these fields an ligion.
they seem so far apart in viewpoln Science, however, represented by
as to leave the reader and layma tbe outstanding scientific figures of
suspended In doubt and hesitancy today, doas not deny tbe existence'
Much of the discord we find ii of a. God, but merely expounds a
society today, resulting in sects an different concepelon of God. Sci­
factions, is due to the evident con ence recognizes an Intelligence not
filet between religion and science apart from nature nor separate
There has always been two thea from nature, but existent In na­
tern for man's mental activity. A ture. To science, God did not,
times these various activities hav sometime in tbe far past, create
been so far apart as to be In abac the world and everything that is
lute conflictlon with each other. A in It and then cease, but He cre­
other times, they have been s ated then and is still creating all
closely associated as to overlap an. that is and all that shall be. To
be in harmony with each other. science there Is an intelligence ever
No matter how far we delve Into present underlying everything.
the history of mankind, we find There Ib only one thing that can
these two theaters, religion and harmonize these two schools, relig­
science. True, ancient science can­ ion and science, and that is mys-
not be placed In the same classi­ I tlcism. Mysticism blonds the two,
fication as the learned and highly the esoteric and exoteric, and as the
developed schools of* science we Rosicrucian Brotherhood specific­
know today, but there were men ally states, sb an example of mys­
in the early civilisations who were ticism, it is wrong for man to at­
not so particularly Interested in tempt to personalize his God. God
WHY certain natural phenomena is an Intelligence that permeates
existed. That is, they were not In­ matter as well as man. In this
terested in WHY it rained and sense it gives man a higher con­
WHY It snowed, but what were sciousness, which may he in the
the antecedent causes of these con­ form we know of as Soul, but in
ditions, what certain conditions re­ nature, God Is evident in the uni­
sulted in rain and in snow, and form regularity In which nature
they desired to chart, map out the manifests, according to certain
cycles of these causes, so as to he definite established laws.
able to determine just when this
phenomena would take place. At
R o s t c r u c i a n mysticism of
AMORC recognizes no beginning
and no end to creation. It does not
accept s God that would create all
that Is, and then stop creating. It
rather admits of a creation that
perpetuates itself through continu­
ously creating. Mysticism expounds
God not apart from man, but res­
ident within man. A thorough
study of mysticism by any student,
whether of the Roslcruclan school
or not, permits him to blend the
pristine elements of religion with
the virtues of academic science.
When this Is done, these two great
fields of man's endeavor can work
hand In hand, instead of opposing
each other to the detriment of both
and to the confusion of the mass.
I want to thank you kindly for
the space that you have permitted
me to use. and hope that other
readers will let us have their view­
points and reactions on this pop­
ular subject.
fill Madison Avenue,
A Roslcruclan (AMORC)
Helena, Sept. 22, 1930.

The Independent Record

Helena, Montana
Tuesday, September 23,1930
Page 4
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 2 7 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

lecturer Will Discuss

'What Is Atonement?’
tit* K, nil*ni jjjfc, tt ruler life **»*.**-
|4ji r 0 fin r n m ilm iio o d , w ilt d b -
W H A T IS T H E ■ . ■ -i fjc- i lii**r 1'ipif, H* ally
U N P A R D O N A B LE SIN? N ; \ i * t r H D i d t he T e rm
OTHER V IT A L « trtitluntvV Is If of CliriaUftn
Q U E S T IO N S A N S W E R E D 0TIvin f* »0;ajr very l*n-
p e ^ i .i t i t *|tif ■ m n n w ill l»ii a n s w e r e d
;*iu t i **d. Tkw a« T V -fees S 'I I I
!*<» f*'d In MtisMe-AHa H a il,
I f r o i i s i %\ j « f 1 f : 15 n . m .
l e , T in n i! tr* w i 1' I *?«»;i •1<*. * r*i ftt 8 a . in ,
OUR BROTHERHOOD . . h T h t v .1 n o* i* K N X .
S U N D A Y AT 11:15 A. M.



TH U R S D A YS , 8 A. M.

W a tc h fo r ih« opening dato of

o u r wonderful Mellon P ietur*,
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 4, 1930
Part II, page 6

the innocent suffer for sins they did not commit? Is .the child the lather of the man?
DR. E. E. Thomas. O U R B R O T H E R H O O D , Sunday 11:15 a.m.
H all. 23 3 S o u th B r o a d w a y . B r o a d c a s t K N X T h u rs d a y s , 8 a .m .
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, October 4,1930
Page 10

y<Mit r i f t to
y tiv r profclrm —th r o w ilrfc
dirm i Uw c r * * t l * * f o r t* * of
jo u r m m i
ih * Kc> <ruct**» fraeh in * * w tlt
***** yr»i| hr,*- to «*e w r IDflMtl
i*** in w ilttn fc ty « t* f
jo«ir«M»if tf t affair* e l life,
F K E C BOOK E X f L A I K *
I f \r.« t» « t ilt i r t r t i* » k « f l o t f r o
fwiM *nd Mdptef k M tr M n *M ♦Hi*
Iff *tud» # M « e * lrf 4*11*. TM to o t
N*< lO I'E , »a o*pt«iMt«rjr ti*4 W r
fwl book y e i tu f f e r r p aid W r ite «
|rf»fr **.♦ * tv*» *H I *#lr1**r fo r H.
iM rtttio iw n m iM tito o fi
lA u r r l
I N > to t. MM
■ (rw fiifin n f vw • n f ip ii •«
y l i i i f f i r i i i F r*l*relt*)
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, October 4,1930
Page 10

o r g a n is a t io n o f t h e a n c i e n t
F R E E i T B L ir L E tT C M S ®
i M i t ’ r T e m p le . IB M F o lk . M * r C U T
1 M NDAf EVKMNU. Ortwbtr *. * o'clock

“ T h e H is to r y o f A itio r c ”
((in u a 4 M « itir )
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, O ctober 4 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

An umjMtfij li-.'Uim v II! bn t1< iiv- !

r'tw! l»r. R R. TlwmrtS Sunday i
morning uu. p|<■ ».« Our s
P*mi Church, t h e c h i e f t o t t f r •
r ?**:* s lijg n t |fj#» ft* t g h tll ]
h0 t i p ^ n U?f. c h i l d r e n a n t e 1
! [ lf f i m ‘ K o n c ru liu m W hat
|la i» m e a n ? b th e c h ild th e f a t h e r {
j a f iho ila w enn th y frwogym -
|lifii ramie to Aiiffcr h *r ai na they tlicj
hot no ram ft y*
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 11,1930
Part II, page 9

Dr. E. E. Thomas, speaking under

the auspices of Our Brotherhood,
will discuss “The New Cults” to­
morrow morning at Music Arts Hall.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, O ctober 1 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

j 'Our Brotherhood' Will PO SSE SSE D BY THESE


| Hear Fine Lecture THE AVERAGE LAYMAN?

A lecture o f unusual In terest will OUTCOME?
sh»* plven S u n d a y morning by Dr. IS
K. Thom as u n d e r the au sp ices of
"Uur B ro th e rh o o d .” The chief topic
will he, "W h y a re so m any a ttra c te d
to (he new c u l ts ? Are th e re aecreta
i p ressed b y th ese which a re not
; Riven to th e av erag e laym an? W h a t
■in the u ltim a te outcome ?” The MUSIC-ART HALL
; hcrvice w ill be held in M u sic-A rts
; Ball, 233 S o u th Broadway, a t 11:15 233 S O U T H BROADW AY
la- in. Dr, T h o m as will sp eak over A T 11:15 A. M. S U N D A Y
I KNX T h u rs d a y a t 8 a- m.
. ».. ..................... ......... ....... .

O C T O B E R 14TH, AT 8 P, M,

Our wonderful Motion Picture Is

completed. Next Saturday w i
will announce the date of tha
Grand Opening. Watch for itII
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 1 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 21

of the
B y special permission of the
Supreme Council of the world­
wide Rosicruclan Fraternity, the
new awl si ranee .book, "TH K
-LIGHT O F KGYI'T,'* will he sent
"free, to nil who arc anxious to
learn how to use the secret
■ methods of the Rnsl< rucians for the
.development of 11mlr spiritual and
psychic powers ami forces, lyinR
dormant within them.

.Tust write a lettrr and sav that
you wish lo itmsirr yourself and
the laws of life, ami this honk will
sent to you without any oblica-
•tlrin. It will explain how you tuny
receive tiichc wonderful principles.
L I B R A R I A N L. F. L.
„ fT erurtusliav the Oricinal and
• n l r R n l r r n ' l m F ratrrnllrl
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 1 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

“ ih o u s h a l t

SUNDAY A T 11:15 A, M.


Dr. E. E. Thomas To T H U R S D A Y S , 8 A, M.

Give Sermon in L A. IC N X
"T h o u Shalt S u re ly Dio" and
"T h o u Shalt E a rn T h y D read by the Th* opening d a t e oi our Motion
S w e a t of Thy B ro w " will be the
Picture will b o announced a little
topic of tom orrow ’s serm on by
D r. £3. E . Thom aa, u n d er the a u s ­ la ter
pices of "Our B ro th e rh o o d .”
In ad van ce of h is serm on Dr.
T h o m as stated t h a t if man could be held In M u s i c - A r t s Hall, 233
properly Interpret th e H oly S crip ­ South Broadway, a t 11:15 a. m.,
tu res he would find n eith er in con ­ Sunday. Ur. T h o m a s broadcasts
sisten cies in hia re a d in g nor d if­ ev e ry Thursday x n o r n i n g at 8
ficulties in hia life. T h e je rv tc c will o’clock over KNX.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 18, 1930
Part II, page 7

Dr. E. E. Thomas, speaking und?r

the auspices of Our Brotherhood,
will give a lecture on the subject
“Thou Shalt Surely DieM tomorrow
morning at Music Arts Hall.
The Pittsburgh Press
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Saturday, October 18,1930
Page 4

R eligion an d Science
R econcilable
MA Yn erI expofressremcoyself In a m a n ­
n cilia tio n b e­
tw een scien ce and religion. I o c ­
casio n ally read a rticle s in your
p ap er bv e m in e n t m en In both of
these fields and th ey seem to d if­
fer so m u ch in view point as to
leave th e re a d e r an d laym en su s­
pended in doubt an d h e sita n cy .
M u ch of th e discord wc find In
j so ciety to d a y .’ resu ltin g In sects
j an d factio n s, is due to th e evid en t
conflict betw een religion a n d s c i­
en ce. T h e re h as alw ays been two
th e a te rs for m a n s m e n ta l a c tiv ­
ity. A t tim es th ese v ario u s a c ­
tivities have been so f a r a p a r t as
to be in absolute c o n flict w ith
e a ch o th e r. A t o th e r tim es th e y
h av e been so closely asso cia te d as Q od is in telligen ce th a t p erm eates
m a tte r as well as m an. In th is
to o v erlap an d be In h a rm o n y sense it gives m an a h igh er c o n ­
w ith e a ch o th e r. No m a tte r how sciou sn ess w hich m ay be in w h a t
f a r we delve In to th e h isto ry of we know a s soul, but in n a tu re
m an k in d we find th e se tw o th e a ­ G od Is ev id en t in th e uniform re g ­
ters, religion and scien ce. u la rity in w hich n a tu re m a n ifests,
S cien ce rep resen ted by th e o u t­ a cco rd in g to c e rta in definite e s ­
stan d in g scien tific figures of to ­ tab lish ed law s.
d ay does n o t deny th e e x iste n ce R o s ic m e ia n m ysticism reco gn ises
of a God. but m erely expoun ds a no b eginnin g an d no end to c r e a ­
d iffe re n t co n cep tio n of G od. S c i ­ tion . I t does n ot a cce p t a God
ence recogn izes an in tellig en ce n o t th a t would c r e a te all th a t is. and
a p a r t from n a tu re n o r se p a ra te th en stop cre a tin g . It r a th e r a d ­
from n a tu re , but e x is te n t in n a ­ m its o f a cre a tio n th a t p erp etu ­
tu re . T o scien ce. G od did n o t a te s itself th ro u g h continuously
so m etim e in th e p ast, c r e a te th e cre a tin g . M ysticism expounds G od
world an d e v ery th in g t h a t la in n o t a p a r t from m a n , but resid en t
It an d th e n ce a se , but He c re a te d w ith in m a n . A lthou gh study of
th en and ls still c re a tin g , all t h a t m y sticism by an y stu d en t w h eth er
Is an d all t h a t sh a ll be. T o s c i­ of th e R o sie ru cia n school or not,
en ce th e re is an in telligen ce e v e r i p e rm its h im to blend th e p ris­
p resen t u n d erly in g ev ery th in g. tin e e le m e n t of religion w ith th e
T h e re Is only one th in g th a t ca n ! v irtu es of a ca d e m ic scien ce. W h en
h a rm o n ise th ese two schools, r e ­ th is is done, these tw o g re a t fields
ligion an d scien ce, and th a t is of m an s enripavor ca n work h an d
m y sticism . M ysticism blends th e in h a n d , in stead of opposing each
two. th e e so teric sn d e x o te ric, an d J o th e r to th e rietirim ent of bo»h
as th e /to s ic r u c ia n B ro th erh o o d an d to th e co n fu sio n of the m ass.
sp ecifically s ta te s , ns a n exam p le LO R EN ZO LA TTA.
of m y sticism , it is wrong for m an
to a tte m p t t o pers o n a lize his G od.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 25, 1930
Part II, page 7

Speaking under the auspices - of

Ouv Brotherhood. Dr. E, E. Thomas
will discuss "The New Conscious­
ness" tomorrow morning at Music-
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, C alifornia
Saturday, O ctober 2 5 ,1 9 3 0
Dr. Thomas to Defend
Orthodoxy In Sermon
"T he Hew C o n scio u sn ess" will bo ONLY BEGOTTENSON?
the chief to p ic in th e discourse of
Dr, K. E . T h o m a s, under the IS IT INEVITABLE THAT
auspices o f O u r Brotherhood on ORTHODOXY MUST ACCEPT
tfumlay, H e w ill en d eavor to ex­
plain the e so te ric m ean in g of "The
Only Begotten Son," Xs it In­ RELIGIOUS THOUGHT?
evitable th a t o rth o d o x y must ac­ THESE AND OTHER VITAL
cep t th e new trend o f religious GUEBTIONS ARE TO BE
thought? O ther v ita l questions will DISCUSSED BY
be discussed.
T h e service* will b e held In
M usic Aria H all, 23$ South Broad­
w ay, a t 11 :1 5 a . m . D r. Thomas
broad casts e v e ry T h u rsd ay at 8
a. m. over K N X .
8 U N D A Y AT 11:15 A. M.
233 8 0 U T H BROADWAY


The showing ef our wonderful
notion picture, entitled “The Lit.
tie Mother,” will be announced a
little later. Watoh for It!
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, October 25, 1930
Page 7

Rosicrucian Mysteries
A ll sincere seek er for ihe great truth and power known
to the A ncients, w rite 'fo r the free book. “ Light o f
Egypt.** mailed without obligation to students o f
Higher T hought and Mysticism.
L I B R A R I A N 1 1 1. A M O R C T E M P I ^ E
San Jose, California
Simpson's Leader-Times
Kittaning, Pennsyl vania
Saturday, October 2 5 ,1930
Page 6

R o iicru cia n iim

P l e a s e tell so m eth in g ; o f {lie R o sl-
c r u c l a n O rd e r.
W h a t w a s k n o w n In t h e e a r l y 1 7 th
c e n t u r y a s t h e R o s i c r u c l a n O rd e r a p ­
p e a r s re a lly to h a v e c o n s is te d of a
n u m b e r o f iso la te d in d iv id u a ls w ho
e m p lo y ed a s o m e w h a t m y s tic a l to n e
a n d th e te rm in o lo g y o f s c ie n c e to
.p o p u lari?.e c e r t a i n m o ra l a n d re lig ­
io u s . r e f o r m s held by th e m m o re o r
le s s in co m m o n , b u t w ith o u t a n y defi­
n ite o rg a n iz a tio n . T h e su p p o se d s o ­
c i e t y w a s re p re s e n te d a s h a v in g 1 been
n a m e d a t t c r C h r is tia n R o s e n k re u z .
w h o se e m s, h o w e v e r, to h a v e been nt
m o s t a le g e n d a ry c h a r a c t e r .
Fitchburg Sentinel
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Thursday, October 30,1930
Page 2


Rosicrucian Teachings
G in Key To Secrets *

Rote-Croix Myitlcisrti fai Modern From

New Book Loaned To Sincere Seekers
Th* Rostcruclana * » r » the M uter Mystic* In all ages and tody Ihev are In
lodge*, group* iFvd college* In all part* of the world In their Teaching* they
secretly prvaerva the ancient wtedom that mtda the Pyramid In Egypt tha _
mareel erf today With tha higher occult law* and aecrcta of mystical power 8
you tan change the courae of your life and attract aucceea. health happtoe*.
and development of mental foraalght that will aitound you and iurprt*e your
trim ha The I W in u lt w f t a O h o remaining tha Uua koowladj* ol tha
myrtle* are never sold In hooka B u t you may borrow a book called THE
LIGHT OP EGYPT* In which th* rtiang* story of the Rostcrudana la told and
am explanation of how you may hava the private teaching* of tha Roelcrucian
fraternity in America
Addrem: Secretary riT. AMORC LIBRARY
Roalmician Park. San Joe* California
Per oaountmlcatlan with local accretaty, eddrtaa Mr John d . HalbcdeL P i
Main s t m t Fitchburg. Man
(Tha ROSICRUCIAN ORDER ha* no connection with organisation* «Mng 18*
te rm "C am **' m Society a t fellowship ).
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 1,1930
Part II, page 9

Speaking under the auspices of

Our Brotherhood, Dr. E. E. Thomas
will lecture on “You are Your Own
Savior" tomorrow morning a t Music-
lArts Hall,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

U n d e n o m in a tio n a l



SUNDAY AT It; 15 A. M.
B r o a d c a s tin g
T h u r s d a y s , 8 A. M.


4TH, AT 7:00, 9 00 AND
11:00 P. M , AT THE
“T H EU ilLEiV O n O " !
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, November 1,1930
Page 8

ro sic r u c ia n :
s— =--- —

j . Rosicrucian Mysteries
A ll sincere seekers for the great truth and power known
to the Ancients, write for the free book, “ Light of
E g y p t/* mailed without obligation to students of
Higher Thought and Mysticism.
L I B R A R I A N 1 11. A M O R C TEMPLE
San Jose, California
Los Angeles Evening Express Dr. Thomasto Speak on
Los Angeles, C alifornia
Saturday, November 1 ,1 9 3 0 ‘You Are Y o u r ’
Page 5 nr, E E, Thomas, under the mi-
e p ic* ** o f 'O u r B c o t h w i w h d * " w in i
sp eak o n ; “ V ou a r e y o u r ow n Bn-
vim\ Am we some day destined
to 1use m*r individuality? What is
the worhl of relativity?**
fh piHi'dog his ieettire, Dr, Thomas
" D i r individual t« tik e o n to <m* a f s
**tiw i « f e im - t v lt lin k !# 5 irm * s n r t m t r i r .
Wirr \V|».*h *tm h u h ! la tu rn e d o f f , ih r
*u«h wbit h < auK«‘«l |H» i.*rM
ta v tn H w ith tb « o t h e r e M r i d h t
W Wire t t m u «r lilt'll it turn - t e e s m s -
•rated- **
, A rmtsl ttl 5’f a i m m Wfl! p reced e th e w o v
•**“<*». Th** seivi<**M» will N* tn ld in MimSr
A H * I I * t ■*a$ S m tH at 1 1 tf»
»- m, D r, T tm m n * 1*m ufeum n*
'A er K N X T b » f * $ # y a t S a , m

Dr. Thomas to Speak on ‘You Are Your Savior’

Dr. E . E . Thomas, under the auspices of “Our Brotherhood,” will

speak on: “You are your own Savior. Are we some day destined to
lose our individuality? What is the world of relativity?”

Premising his lecture, Dr. Thomas said:

“The individual is like unto one of a series of electric lights along
an electric wire. When the light is turned off, the electricity which
causes the light become merged with the other electricity along the
wire from which it has been separated.”
A musical program will precede the services. The services will be
held in Music Arts Hall, 233 South Broadway, at 11:15 a. m.
tomorrow. Dr. Thomas broadcasts over KNX Thursday at 8 a. m.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 1 ,1 9 3 0
Page 9 [Part II]

Speaking under the auspices of

Our Brotherhood, Dr E. E Thomas
will lecture on "You are Your Own
! Savior’* tomorrow morning at Mu&ic-
I Arts Hall. **Z1^T *

A preview of ‘ The Little Mother"
will be given Tuesday night s i s
|downtown theater. The plctur* I s :
j & short sub feet vnd the theme c e n - !
ter* irourtd the subject of reincar­
Florence Lawrence. Joseph 8 wick*
ard. M arguerite K rause, Harry
C arter Monte M ontague, Richard
Jone* and Je a n Adair are In the
cast The story ’« from the pen o f .
E. E Thomas, William B^rtlan d i-
: reeled.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, C alifornia
Saturday, November 4 ,1 9 3 0
Page 16

Plan Studio Preview

For ‘Little Mother *
A studio preview of “Tim Little
Mother*' will he given this eve* |
ning at the Rialto Theater. The
preview will start with the 6:S0
o'clock show and continue through
the evening along with the current
feature, Members of Our Brother­
hood will attend In large numbers.
The picture Is a short subject
whose theme deals with mysteries
of life. Florence Lawrence, one
of the early screen stars; Joseph
Swickard, Harry Carter, Monte
Montague, Richard Jones and Jean
Adair, players In the picture, will
make a personal appearance. The
story Is from the pen of IS. E.
Thomas, a lecturer, who also pro*
dueed the picture, and William B e r­
tram directed. It Is a dialogue
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 8,1930
Part II, page 9

Speaking1 under the auspices of

Our Brotherhood, Dr. EL JE. Thomas
will discuss “Creation” tomorrow
morning at Music Arts Hall.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 8 [P art II]

H o w was it th a t A d a m a n d E ve w e re th e o n ly tw o p e o p le
ther# tw& ( 'nation*? Tije** and other e«ntl«n*
III tn « B e g i n n i n g , wilt j1JS from ,m esoteric viewpoint hr
Dr, E . E. Thomas of OUR BROTHERHOOD, Sunday & t 1 1 ; 1 5 a.m.,
A r t * H a lt, *31 So. O r n a d ^ ^ y Br ^ad* * * t T h u *'*-, S a m , , K N X ,
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Dr, Thomas to Speak

On Topic of Creation
mO v tr Brotherhood* announces
t t e t Dr, E. E, T hom ai will speak
tom orrow on the topic of •C rea­
tion,** How was it th a t there w *!e
only tw o people In th e beginning?
W * ro th ere two great Iona? How
la It th a t its one place the Bible
ff*Atn that man w as created bo*
fora th e arfm ais and th at In an ­
o th er place it ta elated th at the
ftslm&la were created f ir s t? '
D r. Thomas will end#'or or t o
•to#* up these apparent ineonsis-
tsn cle s from an eso teric viewpoint
tom orrow in Mil He A ria Hail, 233
South Broadw ay, at 11: 15 a. m. Dr,
33sora&s broadcasts ev ery Thure-
4 * y i t 8 a. m. over K N X
L os Angeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os Angeles, C alifo rn ia
Satu rd ay , N ovem ber 8 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, November 15,1930
Page 9

--T?-igs= s a g g t ir

Rosicrucian Mysteries
A ll sincere seekers f o r the great truth and pow er known
to the A ncients, write for the free book, "L ight of
E gypt," mailed without obligation to students of
H igher T hought and M ysticism.
San Jose, California
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 15,1930
Part II, page 9

Speaking under the auspices of

Our Brotherhood, Dr. E. E. Thomas
will give a lecture on “In My F a ­
ther's House Are Many Mansions**
tomorrow morning at Music Arts
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Thursday, November 2 0 ,1 9 3 0
Page 19

Superior Judge Sprotil yesterday
postponed until January 5, next, the
injunction suit brought by H. S.
Ler,is. head of the local Roslcru-
cinu order against EL R. Thomas,
former high priest. Lewis, repre­
sented by Attorney Welboni May-
ock, .'lied to enjoin Thomas from
u«iing Rosicrucian ritual, parapher-
n3lln or church property.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 22,1930
Part 11, page 9

Under the auspices of Our Broth­

erhood Dr. E. E. Thomas will speak
a t Music Arts Hall In the morning
on “Mysticism and Its Dangers."
T h e Los A ngeles T im es
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 2 2 , 1930
Page 20

! Sim ple Rules
vFor T he M astery
j ; of L ife
I ‘ You may use the simple laws
of nature in mastering your life.
Do. you realize that within vou
1ie" ~DO R M A NT F A C U L T I E S
^ tnv&iting the right thought, the
right m o m e n t of concentfa-
I lion to C R E A T E MIR. I
A C L E S for Y O U ?
1 ' tJThe proper com m and or su c-
i restlon will pul you. In attu n e- with
^HDlucilrd Cosm ic power. The Ilosl-
^orccia-ns will show you p ra ctica l
.Dtioclplcs th a t ‘will aid you In
,»uslns: your reserve Inner power In
A ttain in g self-m astery . T h ere are
no lim itation s but th a t.' of your
u n d erstan d ln c. Ab you understand
■ aifd' use the knowledge of n atu ral
and sp iritu al laws a g re a te r and
m ore bountiful lif e 1tmfolds for you.
.F ree B o o k T ells Sto ry
Today thousands In A m erica and
J o y c )’ thousands in o th e r lands
(a re dem onstrated th e ir psychic
■ gow^r under R oslcru cian direction
«3Pd h a v e . brought to them selves
^nnrrelnus ch an ces In B E A l/H f.
^ N A N C E S . PEACE and JO Y . Yon
'Jn a y do th e sam e th in g ! C hance
ithc rourse of vonr * life now by
W ritin g for a free copy o r “ The
•jWcht of E g y p t/* .I f yop are truly
.g jjirrre. Riske your renuesl by let-
j Z ^ r ^ n o t a post card ) to
i ^ IX ib raria n M. A . Z.
i ** .Rosierucian Brotherhood
’ * “ (AAIOKC)
| San Jo se . . C a lifo rn ia . . U.S.A.
i (Ptrpttuillno the ordinal RtalerufUn !
f :**»*- Fraternity.) j
Santa Ana Register
Santa Ana, California
Sunday, November 2 3 ,1 9 3 0
Page 5
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 1 5 ,1 9 3 0
Page 4

Dr, Thomas
On 'My Father’s House9
Dr, E. E . Thomas will speak on
"In My Fath er's House Are Many
Mansions" at the service of Our
Brotherhood tomorrow morning at
II:IS o'clock in Music A rts Halt,
233 South Broadway,
Dr, Thomas will answer t h e ques­
tion, "W hat Is the Difference Be­
tween an Entity and an E go?" A
free pamphlet will be given to those
In attendance.
Colusa Herald
Colusa, California
Monday, November 24,1930
Page 2


We received a letter and a booklet Saturday from the |
headquarters of the RosScrucian Society, In the letter the j
H erald was asked to make a comment on the R osicrucian;
fdea. New, ordinarily w e allow anybody their beliefs without i
fcmmcnt, either favorable or unfavorable, but, since we have ; *

been asked to say something, we willi "Nonsense.*’

Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 22, 1930
Page 4

U n d r * o rru n a tio n a l


MiaH A nd T r u th in or one not w i t h th e m I»r. K.
flinm a-o, u n d e r th e umpire* of CM f t ItR O T lH 'ttliO O O * ~ X t Wo«Hh la
H u ll* H an d sit t»t l i l t n . m ,
Wilmington Daily Press Lomita Broadcast
Wilmington, California
Tuesday, November 25,1930
Page 1

[yesterday i ator. who gives us the dum­

ber, and yet our telephone
bills at the end of the month

[today and! really pay for the services in

waiting on us. We say “Thank
You" to the postman who hands
TOMORROW I us our mail, even though our
taxes pay him for bringing the
t. r.fc... C»;ri5*fd lij letters to us. We say Thank
t »' K Jlihr. IS You" to the grocer, butcher,
halier, when they hand us the
"Why should man have ever little parcels even though in
conceived the idea of setting the next instant we band him
aside one day out of three coin to cover his services as
hundred and sixty-five to be well as his materials. We say
thankful for the things he en ­ "Thank You" to the usher­
joys every day in the year1’ " ette who escorts us to our seat
This question appears in an in the theatre, and we say
international magazine pub­ "Thank You" to the conductor
lished and written by H. Spen­ on the train or street car to
cer Lewis of San Jose. And open the door to let us step
the writer continues, 'It is out. In fact we say "Thank
merely another attempt to You when we are not thank­
regulate all of his personal ful at all and do not mean it
and impersonal aflairs. tie has The real reason why wc say
taken the good old calendar "Thank You’ is because we
and tangled il up into months, do not want to appear to be
weeks, and years, until it is d if­ too mean to say something
ficult to trace exact dates that we should mean
through antiquity, and now "B u i think of the blessings,
man again is trying to create gifts, home comforts, fine
other changes in the calendar foods, clothing, money, pleas­
ures. friends, and thousands or
"Man really has so many other benedictions th at are
things to be thankfn! for that
given us hourly, and every
if he took just one impor­ minute of our conscious ex ­
tan t item a day to meditate '
istence by God a n d t h e
and give thanks to God be
Heavenly Hosts. Do we ever
would need at least three hun­ stop during (he day and say
dred and sixtv-five days a year “Thank You" for these bless­
to cover the important bless­ ings that are flooding our
ings. How man expects to re­ personalities? All of ( h e s r
duce all of his prayful a tti­ gifts for which we have paid
tude and ail of his thankful­ nothing and really give noth­
ness into one day or part of a ing for, and therefore, wc
day is something th a t we can ­ should be more ambitious and
not understand. anaiouv to express apprecia­
“We have become quite a po­ tion and say thanks for them,
lite nation in the Western than wr are to say thanks for
world despite the fact that we the things given us by those
are stili so young th at s c do who are being paid for their
not realize what real culture services and their materials.
and politeness mean But at "The great gift of life it­
least we have put on the outer self and the consciousness and
robe of politeness and find it a power to think and do—these
regulation of the business are worth at feast a Thank
world to say, "Thank You" for You ”
the things we receive, even
“Only when we look upon
when we have earned them and
the lifeless body, do wc realize
paid for them We say "Thank oui helplessness."
You." to the telephone oper­
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, November 26,1930
Page 12

Dr, M ars Baumgnrdt o f f e r s an­

other o f h i s talk* on popular sci­
ence, presented *o the layman can
understand and appreciate It, from
KXX a t 7:15. He will be followed
at 7:30 b y the AMORO Symphony
in a h a l f - h o u r of daggles and light
chumles, a n d that organisation will
be followed In turn by Bert Butter-
worth an d hi* Airdale*. sunburnt
Jim and Maury Amsterdam, in uke-
Me numbers, song, and chatter.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 29, 1930
Part II, page 15

Speaking under th e auspices of I

O ur B roth erh ood , D r. E . E , T h om as
will discuss th e question “H ave I
Lived B efore and Shall I Live
A g a in ?" tom orrow m orning a t M usic
A rts H all.
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, November 29, 1930
Page 8


Rosicrucian Mysteries
A ll sincere seekers for the great truth and power known
to the A ncients, write for the free book. “ Light o f
E gyp t." mailed without obligation to students o f
H igh er T hought and M ysticism .
San Jose, California
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 6,1930
Part II, page 16

Speaking under the auspice* , ,

Our Brotherhood, Dr. f;
Thomas will discuss the StlDjCC-C
“ Important Changes at Hand" tO*
morrow morning at Music Arts Hall
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 6,1930
Page 22 L

The real treasures in life lie deeply
locked WJTlII.V yourself.
The REAI. YOU. your ch aracter,
I your inner erlf. aw aits your command,
an o p p o r tu n ity to function for- you.
T he stray ideas, the rasual Inspira­
tions you receive, are proof th a t some
knowledge is locked within your mind
th a t needs just be released to open to
your consciousness a NEW WORLD OF
Tbs Boalerucians, a body of men
and women, studying the fundamental
principle* of life, have revealed certain
* fascinating m ystic principles th at have
made men and women outstanding fig­
ures. These astounding helpful law*
constitute a new* psychology th a t YOU
31A Y USE.

FREE Book Tells Story
The Rosierurians, workers for per-
j sonal development in d abundant life.
Invite you to share their unusual
knowlrdgp and also BECOME A MAS­
TER Ol YOUR LIFE. They will give
.vou a fascinating book, without oblita-
tlon. railed • THE LIGHT OF E G Y P T ."
It tells how you may use these simple
Uws in commanding the realisation of
your desires. If thousands have been
helped, you also may ftnd a NEW
PATH to follow.
Address a letter (not a p o itearf) to
lh - address bcloxr and receive your

! San Jose, Calif.
( r r r p r t u n n is t ’lr O r:e t>r.'\ O rJy
R o n c tu c ia r i h'r<t:r , r. •*» )

The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 6 ,1 9 3 0
Page 8, P a rt II
c^ C H O ^ q

<> w C l

1k « re*I tre a su re * In l i f t lia I t t P l r
U ckrtf W ITH IN ro u r.rlf.
T he KCAt. V O I'. y a w r h a r a c Utt.
m r In n e r w lf , fa w n m t.
a n • p p o rtiin U r la f u n r tle n U r y aa.
Ytaa i l r i t r M m , th « ra » « a t fru n lra-
t»»n« >«« ra e e tra . a r r p ro o f t b i t » « a e
h n a a le d a * l» I w k n l v l l h l n T»«r • ( » !
t h a t # m < i l a s t b* r » lr * w t 4* u t n I*
jroar r* n « ri« tiB tM a NRW WORLD OF
rt-L F IL L M C N T .
T ha R e o irra rU n * . a N b »f m en
a n d w om en. %»udHn» tk « ta n d a m e a la J
principle* a t U/e. b n n m M c e rta in
I m l R i l l B I M n t i i principle* O i l h a r t
m ad# m en a n d women a a ttU n d ln * fit*
a rt* . T h i n a t l i r o n i l a i b e lp fa l l i v i
M D itilit* a w v p i n b l n r t h a t TOC

FREE Book Tells Story

T k t R w lr m r ia a * . w orker* fa r p e r-
• M i l d e r t i e p a i t n t a n d a b u n d a n t Ufa.
la r lta jo b to obara th e ir a n a ia a l
k n a v le d * * a n d a im I t CO ME A MAS-
TKR OF V O I S LIFT.. T hey vlU f le a
y a a a U ie fn a fln * baak. w l l b i l a b lf ta -
• Ian. ra ile d " T 'H t L IG H T O F I O m . »
I t leiU h aw y a a m ay «»a t b r a r tlm p la
law* la e n tn m a n d ln r th e ra a liM tia n a t
y a a r d r a in * . I f tJbaoaando h a * a baa*
helped, raw a k a m a r R ad a R 'lW
TATH la fan aw .
Addraaa a te tte r (n o t a ***t«a«|> l a
th e a d d rr* a below a n d ra c e lrp y e a r
c a p r.

(A M O R C )
S in Jote, Cilif,
t it OrifiM i and
f m f ’ i i i j .1
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 6,1930
Page 16 [Part II]

Speaking under the auspices of

Our Brotherhood Dr. F K
Thomas will discuss the Mtbjcrt j
' Imiwntant Ohancio at Hand ’ ;
morrow-momma at Mn . u Art- Hull |
The San Francisco E xam iner
San Francisco, California
Sunday, December 7 ,1 9 3 0
Page 20 (In: The Am erican Weekly)

W hatever may be your dream * for

the future, or your obstacles a t present,
the practical Rosierucian teachings of
Psychology will give you M astership
over your self and your conditions. In
every land thousands have proven this.
Through these helpful principles a new
world and a better life may be opened
up to you.
Free Book Tell* Story
I f you are a sincere seeker for a
better life and W ILLIN G TO S T l ’ DY
and evolve daily, you may have a F R E E
copy of the private book. " T H E LIGH T
O F E G Y P T ," postage prepaid. Write
a letter, not a postcard, asking for It.
L os Angeles E vening E xp ress
Los A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
W ednesday, D ecem ber 1 0 ,1 9 3 0
P age 20

W . A. Coughlin and Ilal Reed will

p resen t Dr. E. E . Thomas’ story,
“T h e Little M other," which they
h av e recently produced and the
showing will be a world premiere.
T he policy of the Figueroa Pity*
house will be two shows nights#
7 and 0 p. m. M atinees will be seen
S atu rd ay s and Sundays.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 13,1930
Page 4

Trend o f Times
Or. E, E. T h o m a s will sp eak a t
the Brotherhood, £33 Booth Broad*
\Vfiy, Sunday m orn in g1, on *T>is.v*lv-
itig of the T h i n Curtain Between
Two Worlds”
Or, Thomas s a y s “Tearhers nnd
preachers are springing up every**
where, and s tu d e n ts are watching
with hmdhlogg expeetam v the
trend of th e tim es/' says Or,
Thomas in announcing hi* address.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 13, 1930
Part II, page 9

Speaking under the auspices of

O ur Brotherhood. Dr. E . E . Thom as
will discuss “T he Dissolving of the
T hin C urtain Betw een Two Worlds*'
a t Music A rts Hall tom orrow m orn­
ing, ______________________
T h e L os A ngeles T im es
L o s A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , D ecem b er 1 3 ,1 9 3 0
P age 9 , P a r t I I

Simple Rule*
For The Mastery
of Life
Von x»«y uit the simple lews
of future in oustering your life.
Do you res Iire that within you
twiiting the right thought, the
right moment of concentre*
lion to CREATE MIR-
The proper command *r see*
csatioa wilt pet m is attnoi with
enllmited Cosmic power. The ftesi.
•ructao* will shew te e practical
principles th e! win s f i yep tn
n i s i your r u i r n Inntr powsr fa
stu nting self-mastery. There era
no timIUUons hot that e l year
understanding, As ye« understand
end ns* th» hnewledfe ef s a t s n l
end spiritual laws a fraster end
mere heentlfel life enfolds for yep,
F r e e B o o k TmlU S to ry
Teddy thousands fa America end
•euey thousands tn ether lends
here demonstrated their Psychic
■ewer seder S w k r w iw direction
end here hreaaht to ihemssdree
mt ration* chans** In HEALTH.
rvHAHtet, PEACE end JOT. Tap
may t e the same thins 1 Chance
the course ef year life new by
wrfttns for a free espy ef "The
Ltfht of Egypt/* If yeu i t s truly
sincere, make year reeeesl by 1st*
ter (net * post earl) te
Librarian M. A* Z.
flosicruetsn Brotherhood
idItO H m
le a 2mm . « CsUferatn • . 1M.A.
(Psrpstuetlse UN «Hsisal Psslsruilsa
L os A ngeles T im es
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , D ecem ber 1 3 ,1 9 3 0
P age 9 [P a rt II]

Speaking under the auspices of

will 5discuss
l he Dr F - E- Thomas
Dissolving of the
Thin Curtain Between Two Worlds'
Music Arf$ Hall Tomorrow morn­
in g .
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 13,1930
Page 9, P art II
Simple Rules
For TT>e Mastery
of Life
You may ait the simple lews
of oeture in mastering your life.
Do y o u realise that within you
•waiting the right thought, the
right moment of concentra­
tion to CREATE MIR­
T bs proper comm and ar atir-
le itlo B w ill o a t ran (« attu n e w ith
aallaaltad Cosmic power. Th» Bast*
•ru claas w ill thaw i n practlaal
principle* th a t w ill a l i vaa Is
asln r roar resonro Innor power In
attatata* setf-asastory. Thor* arc
ska llm lta tia a s bat th a t a t rear
eadorw iandlns. As r o e understand
and ns# th e Snow tod t o at nataral
and sp lrltaal law s a ersater and
v a r a h a a n tlfa l Ufa nnfolds for r o e.
From Book Tolls Story
Today thousands in A n t r ic i and !
w s a y thou san ds in otDsr lands
have d oM oastfatid Ibolr parable
power under Baric root an direction
and hero bronsbt ta tfesMsaivos
M a n a tees ehanves in HEALTH.
Mar i a th e sam e th in s 1 Chans*
th e een rte at rear life now hr
w ritlas far a i n s eep* af MTfi«
L lth t at t « y p t.M It run ar* tralr
ainsore. m ake yavr rson ssi b* let*
t*r t a e l a post card) la
Librarian M. A. Z.
Roetcrueian Brotherhood
<t e o f t o
San las* , • CaUforala • . l i t .
<PorpotaatlM tM oriftaal PwhrwlM j
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 20,1930
Part II, page 8

Under the auspices of Our Broth -

hood. Dr. E, E. Thomas will speak
a t Music Arts Hall tomorrow morn­
ing on “The Emerging of Humanity
from the Chrysalis.”
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 20,1930

Undenom inational


l»R . T H O M A S nf 0 1 H I t K O T H K I t H O O n , at llitfr a. m,
Masle«An HaU. * U South Roadway

Dr. E. K. Thomas of Our brotherhood

will apeak tnnmrruw ttmitiing; in Mush;
At is Halt, t ‘t3 Suitth Jitnahvay. on the
theme. "The Emeriti ns of Humanity from
the Clirywtlte." In Una mi-Jnea Dr.
Thomas will outline tlm holier uf thia or­
g a n is a tio n .
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 27, 1930
Part II, page 9

Dr. E. E. Thomas of Our Broth­

erhood w ill. discuss “Time, Space
and Human Progress” tomorrow
morning a t Music Arts Hall.
L os A ngeles T im es
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , D ecem ber 2 7 ,1 9 3 0
P age 9 [P a rt II]


S u n d a y a t H i t s A .M .— T I M E A N D S P A C E A N D H U M A N P R O G R E S S
W ed n esd ay a t 7 P .M .— H A S COM M U N ISM H U R T OR H E L P E D H U M A N ITY 7
M U S I C A R T S H A L L . » 3 So. B r o a d w a y
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 2 7 ,1930
Page 4

U n d en o m in a tio n a l

ill H i I S 11, IH
mu \ n i » *»*•vi e in' ii in \ i i \ I'lmi.itK****
11 I'iiltfKilit,* S*i , }» lit,
■‘III* im iH * vhm in «i mi in i m > in r
'I*i»i« Mali, fil.S Si»lHli ll r ii.ii lu o i
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 27,1930
Page 5

Dr. Thom as to Speak

I)r. E. K . T h o m a s , of Our B r o t h e r ­
hood, will app n k Sunday at 5 1 : 1 0
on "Time a n d Space and H u m a n
Prepress.** H e will endeavor t o
shew that t i m e and apace exist o n l y
in Ihft f i n i t e world, and hn« boon
advocated nm a relative proposition
by the m a s t e r s of all neea.
On W e d n e s d a y a uniqiiA t o r t u r e
will b« g i v e n roRardlnpcommunism.
The s e r v i c e s will be heid In M u s ic
Arts Hall. 2 3 3 Smith Proadway.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 28,1930
Page 14 [Part III]

fr a g m en ts pro m th e p a st .
. By E. E. Thomas. I m Angeles,
Out o f the maelstrom of books
dealing with "the whichnc&s of the I
why not./’ another volume, !
?"Fragments from the P ail, or
Glimpses of the Long A no," which
I probably will prove laminating to \
many person* who re\el In psychic !
experiences and psychological lit­
Although Uu Morv deals with the
romantic aC en iu n ^ of the princi­
pal charm*:* f> interwoven In Us
page^ is much philosophy. H pre­
sents the *u«<c*>sjve ineamafiom of
a man and a woman of carl* times
down to the pieaeut and the authoj
informs his «ad*T* tint •u,n* n x.w i-
} cnees herein described are those of
real persona-, the principal charge- j
1t t n being r to the author hi
ilhc present life.**
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Tuesday, December 30, 1930
Page B 9

p la n s w o rk ed o u t by III* R a s t a r g .
Roaicructana c la n o rd e r, w hich h as its h e a d q u a r­
t e r s « t A m ore te m p le on M aglee
A id for Unem ployed a v e n u e h e re . T ick e ts will be d is­
SAN J O S E , D ec. 3 0 .— S e v e n ty - trib u te d from th e R o a fc ru ch m
five h o m e le ss m en w ill be given P r e s s p rin t sh op of th e o rd e r, 161
W e st J u lia n s tre e t, b etw een 10 a .m .
w arm b eds in lo c a l lod gin g h ou ses an d noon daily. Men d e sirin g tic k ­
d u rin g c u r r e n t w eek th ro u g h e ts m u n ob tain th e m d ally .
L os A ngeles E ven in g E xp ress
L os A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 2 2 , 1930
P age 4

U n d r * o r r u n a tio n a l


MiaH And T ru th in or one not w i t h them I»r. K.
flinma-o, u n d e r the umpire* of CM f t ItR O TlH 'ttliO O O * ~ X t Wo«Hh la
H u ll* H an d sit t»t l i l t n . m ,

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