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^ V

‘ i ’ -t.-it

fig h u n g for d o g s
■ Three Breeds Under FI
■ The Legislative Fray
■ C a n in | B r ^ ft | !m lilp T e s |

I'' ]
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ave M ore Fun W ith Your Dogs!
Dogs neea something to do to feel useful, and if your
show dog is faded and lackluster, turn him around.
Banish the doggy doldrums by teaching him some
tricks. It's sure to brighten your relationship w ith
D o it right by letting EXX j TR IC K S be your guide.
This expertly-w ritten fun bo<di, by Captain A rthur J.
H aggerty and Carol Lea Benjamin paves the w ay to a
new, high level o f togetherness between you and
your dog. His zest fo r the spotlight w ill return and
you'll enjoy him m ore at shows and at home as you
w ork and p b y together.
D O G TR IC K S features 86 terrific routines from
the frivolou s to the life-enhancing to make your dog a
better companion, a credit to the community and an
ideal example o f what dogs contribute to our lives.
D O G TR IC K S is a happy, friendly book that en­
courages creative dog owning and teaches as it

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UNE ’88

32 Plating for dÌ ^
Introducing a q ié c là l issue on canine l^ ls la tlo n . by M arlonLane

34 Breeds Under Fire

Profiles (rf': Th e Am erican StafTordshlre Terrier by Richard Pascoe,
M.D.; The Staffordshire Bun Terrier by Steve Eltlnge; andTheBuU ', >
Terrier b y Kate Less. Ì
■8j-- iijaa ll

49 Identity Crisis' "

Tw o Am Stafs, w oridng fo r Justice, were Injerqraitty. by MarUm Lane :

54 WhyDogsBite
Characteristics that cause b itin g problem s. b y C a p t A. J. Haggerty

60 Controlling Aggression
W hy dogs flgh t, and how to avoid It. by John Paul Scott, PhJ3.

66 The Legislative Fra^

A.D.O.A. figh ts breed-specific laws. by Audrey Pavia

72 Cnniwe» Cmnnuinrlft
A fancier wages w ar on u n fair canine le g l^ tlo n . by Jacqu elin e F raser

80 Effective Networking
Strides by AKC and clubs In battlin g unjust legislation, by Nancy Barr

84 Strict Liability
Im inications o f the term fw the fancy, by Murray Lortng, D.V.M .. J.D.

90 Loony Canine Laws

Here’s what yesterday's lawm akers came up w ith. by Robert Pettan

92 Getting Started: Canine Cidzenship Test

AKC’s new program to certify weD-behaved dogs. byM artonLane

98 Learning The Hard Way

An Irish W olfhoim d ow ner decides on training. by Wanda Caiveln

102 Star-Studded Bulldog

Obedience-trained B am aby stars In a cartoon series, by Peggy Krents
Official Publication of the


4 PointofVlew
T h e Fin a l fte se níÉiU m li Whose Problem ? DtadDfOlPtCioaicra WUMOCWESr
by S h liiee Kalstone ’ II by Kenneth. A. Marxien CwoSuBCiSot MMCMSlUNE
Swiarbaor JUDnHJ.)MnOP
18 B n e d o n F o m m ,,, .., 10 OnO nrCover je n E rtim
Hock. Line & Sinker i-''i.ljM ' Th e BuO-and-Terrlers
EdtoU/Mtanl M S B IA .G C S X
J byChilM W alkow icz . I by Steve EUlnge
■ . t-
MonglngEiaor LVW«nffli«INSCO(T
2 2 C on H n w in g B d n o t t o n ' 12 OnAUFrottts PtodudonMonaoH /«OWtGMOU
F ta m liig fo r Learning i: J ^ D o r i, Ed. Sa>*irnoo**adir SBWNE FfteSW
PraaSncSf 0CXe>5KMMS8O
^ Carol Stenkiew Icz.EcLD.
28 Veterinary News m MDkador IHOM UICM M e
24 b o g T r a in e r ’s D iu jr Connie Vanacore. Ed. i - 'i 'i M M n ck * nWBAW.PCMBS
^ R l^ t F lu fr ¡1'. ;J SthaAtmt JBUSSaGW
178 Spotlighting ■;ÿ'« ■' DONMcCOMAS
by Carol Lea Beiyam tn iM Camara XDtteiBMS
h ' I! : ! : fr
182 Seminars
26 J n n ia rS h o irm a n s li4 > ' Oraicaonnsctor miASPECKX
KKIb H ew ing Kids aubraeSm M 0N CAG U »
192 Classified Adwertising SiWMMOVKXÍ
byFitm ixm xiW elsser |: || qt^ adosam
195 Breeden’/Bnjets’ Aid I!| {
3 0 Ir ig iiln M o n a tT h e L e w " AdwrfWr^Mmosr AMTLCl>WK
W hat Cost B reeding? 200 Mailbag
by Janice M uUenStew art «OaMorihaSI.
MorioomBfy.AL 36104
WméC ogN 6830LoJola«wl
s d B 2 (a
107 Index la J o b CA 92037
108 Working Oronp
GA2ET1E artfclei OM HlBclad lor twir gm ani ir48i«l
131 TayGronp ondarMoinnMnlvdUBt.AtbSfi'vtowdonotnec-
e * ily wp*0* n l 1 » p d d w of f » Anwlciy) Kamsi
5 ABCUpdates 146 Non-Sporting Groiq> j:|ii Club nordoat tit^ pubIccAirt c orA ilB an «ndooB-
News from 51 M sdiaan martfbytwAHO.
rl' '•!s'•
160 HenUngGronp
8 AK CTdeftboaeD irectoiy o S S n j2 !? iï5 !v d ^ ^
174 Breed Cblomnlsts, r io « % (tf 51 Madnn AMrua. New YoiiL NY. loom
186 Seerataiy%Psge Education Coordinators USA by 9 « Amaricon Kemal Oub. Inc Yeartjf wb-
s3Mon PcSac US. Ona yaar $1&0QlNio yaoB $3400.
191 Dog ft Litter Regtstrstions A3Naoa:AJd$7X)OparveQrttNiimpaoraoukidaof
ffia US 9nc^ copy $300. Saoond doH pcdoga paid
Ql Nm Yo*. NY. <n j (9 oddBond m dÊr^ oMcat
NEXT ISSUE P**ed h t » USA) CopiiighI Ihe American Kamel
Chtilnc 1968. No porlon of t * mogcaha may be
lapHniKJ aBeuf parmiMion of Ihs pubWiar. POST*
Irish Wolfhound Longevity ■ M * Pleaw send ode** conedoni to Rge-êred
Do^â4me*xn Kennel CiaeltB. 51 Modbon Avanua.
Dominance in Dogs NawVoi4 NewYork loom
AMC main ntfnbar— {219 696-6200
Avoiding Hot Weather Disasters AdrarHng-(212)6966260
Subn4iiQnM212) 6966226
CERF—An ^ e Registry ill

JUNE 1968
Point of view
Whose Problem?

h e re c e n i w ave o f m e d ia l a t e r í a fo llo w in g d o g b itin g In c i­

T d en ts an d th e re s u ltm g ra sh o f h a s tily p assed b reed -sp eclñ c

d og le g is la tio n h a s served to h ig h lig h t th e u n d erly in g , an d
fa r b lflie r . p rob lem o f a n ti-d o g s e n tim e n t th a t p erva d es o u r cou n ­
try today.
A lm o st every d ay w e h ea r o f n ew o rd in a n ces w h ic h lim it th e
n u m b er o f d o gs o n e ca n ow n , re s tric t o r even e lim in a te h ob b y
k e n n d s. o r. In som e ca ses, d lm ln a te th e rig h t to k eep d o gs a lto ­
geth er. T h o s e o f u s Itv ln g In th e su b u rb a n a reas on ce th o u g h t
Id eal fo r ra is in g , b re e d in g a n d tra in in g d ogs a re fe e lin g th e p res­
su re fro m u n sym p a th etic m u n icip a l an d sta te le g is la tiv e b od ies.
T h e b la m e fo r th is n ^ A tlv e a ttitu d e o n th e p a rt o f th e p u b lic
rests sq u a rely o n o u r sh ou ld ers. Irre s p o n s ib le d o g ow n ers a re n ot
lim ite d to th e In n er d t y m ach o typ es w h o p rid e th em selves o n th e
v ic io u s d o gs th ey h ave d evelop ed . T h o se o f u s w h o p e rm it o u r
d o gs to d estro y h o td a n d m o tel room s, ru n loose, fo u l c ity s id e ­
w alk s o r o u r n e l^ ib o r 's m etlcu lou sty m a n icu red law n s, ch ase
ch ild ren o n b icycles, o r en co u ra ge a g g ressive b e h a v io r In o u r a n i­
m als. a re eq u a lly cu lp ab le.
E ven m ore d is c o u ra g in g Is th e a^iathy e x h ib ite d b y m an y p u re­
b red d o g o w n ers w h o th in k th a t b reed -s p e c ific o rd in a n ces a re
som eon e e lse's p rob lem . I f w e th in k d is c rim in a to ry v ic io u s d o g
le g is la tio n Is o n ly a b u ll b reed p rob lem , w e o n ly h ave to lo o k a t th e
com m u n ities w h ic h h a ve d ecla red as m an y as e ig h t b reed s In h er-
e n tly vic io u s . T h ese b reed s, o r d o g s w ith a n y p a rt o f th ese b reed s
in th e ir b a ck gro u n d , a re su b ject to severe re s tric tio n s . In c lu d in g
m u zzlin g w h ile o n lea d : c o n fin e m e n t to lock ed , esca p e-p ro o f k en ­
n els; ta tto o in g as v ic io u s d o g s; w h ile th e ir o w n ers are re q u ire d to
ca rry a s m u ch a s $ 5 0 0 .0 0 0 lia b ility In su ran ce.
A s p u re-b red d o g ow n ers, w e sim p ty m u st b ecom e m ore In ­
volved . E ach o f u s m u st b e a le rt to re s tric tiv e le g is la tio n . W h en a
p rob lem cro p s u p In y o u r area, re p o rt it to th e A m erica n K en n el
C lu b 80 th a t w e ca n h elp yo u m o b ilize o p p o s itio n before a n o rd i­
n an ce is p assed . C o n te s tin g b reed -sp eclñ c le g is la tio n in th e
co u rts a fte r th e fa c t Is a n ex p en sive u n d erta k in g. T o su p p o rt th is
e ffo rt, w e u rg e a ll d o g clu b s a n d In d ivid u a ls to c o n trib u te to th e
A m erica n D o g O w n ers A s s o c ia tio n 's C a n in e D efen se F u n d ; A K C
w ill m atch a ll c o n trib u tio n s , d o lla r fo r d ollar.
F in a lly, en co u ra g e y o u r clu b to p a rtic ip a te in A K C 's n ew ca n in e
go o d c itiz e n test p ro gra m . T h is p ro gra m h as th e p o te n tia l to a t­
tra ct th e o w n ers o f d o gs th ro u g h o u t th e co u n try, an d h elp th em
Please give
tra in n u isa n ce b e h a v io r o u t o f th e ir d ogs. T h is a lon e cou ld b e a us six weeks
m ajor fa c to r in ofE settln g th e n eg a tive a ttitu d e o f th e g en era l p u b ­ notice for a change
lic , w ith b e n e flts to d o g o w n ers an d n on -d o g ow n ers a lik e, to d ogs in address. It is
o f all k in d s, a n d to th e sp o rt. In th e ñ n al a n a lysis, w h a t Is g o o d fo r
d o gs, is g o o d fo r p u re-b red d o g s ___K e n n e th A . M a id e n
helpful if you send
your old label with
M r. M a rd en is p res id en t o f th e A m erica n K en n el C lub. the new address.

test case In Identification
FROM THE BOARD o f paternity In a single In­
stance. The results w ill be
HIghllghls from IIm M ay 10,1988 Mooting evaluated for possible use
in the future.
• A t the Board o f D iiec- in g contributions to date cation, the Board voted to • Finally, the Board ap­
tors M eeting held on May &om the AKC have totaled approve a grant to study proved a draft copy o f the
10, the President reported 637,000. copper toxicosis, as weO as AKC's position regarding
on th e C an in e D efen se • In the m atters o f canine perm it the use o f D.N,A. hum ane rig h ts fo r a n i­
Fund, noting that match- health research and edu- “fingerprint’' analysis as a mals. ■

this form o f basic obedi­ m oers Black Mood. He has

SPOTLIGHTING THE BOARD ence w ith th eir dogs.“ served as president o f the
Nolson Sills Looking toward the fu­ N a tion a l R etriever C lub
ture, Sins is also optim is­ and the Del Bay Retriever
A. Nelson Sills has been man o f the Com m ittee on tic about the new program Club, and Is currently the
a member o f the Board o f Perform ance Events. b ein g con sidered b y h is delegate for the Labrador
D irectors sin ce O ctob er “ I fe e l P erform a n ce com m ittee. "W e are cur­ R etriever Club. S ills has
1980. H e serves on th e Events Is the fastest grow ­ rently looking in to the pos­ Judged th ree N a tio n a l
B oard 's F in a n ce, P r iv i­ in g area in th e sp ort o f s ib ility o f ad d in g a g ility C ham pionships and had
leges and Judges R eview d ogs to d a y ." sa id S ills . tests, hire coursing, terrier the distinction in 1974 o f
Com m ittees and is chalr- "Field trials and obedience tests and herding tests to being voted “Judge o f the
StoMfiBanbaio trials are grow ing steadily the roster o f AKC perfor­ Year“ tqr the Professional
w hile grow th in hunting m ance even ts," he said. Retriever Tratners Associ­
tests and coon h u n ts Is “The addition o f Bob Mc- ation.
skyrocketin g. W hen you Kowen as vice-president o f lb support his avid dog
co n sid er th a t th ere are perform ance events, {rius habit, SiUs is a consulting
m illions o f hunters in the m ore field reps In 1987 w ill engineer in the construc­
cou n try, m ost o f w hom h d p us to Im plem ent all o f tion industry around the
own dogs, the potential for these program s in 1988 country. He and his w ife o f
grow th In p erfo rm a n ce andbeytm d.“ 32 years. Nancy, liv e in
events activities is alm ost Active in retrievers since Houston, Delaware. They
unlim ited. 1959, S ills tra in ed and have four grown children.
“The canine citizenship handled the 1964 National
program Is also catching Am ateur R etriever Cham­
on at a fast clip. W e're ex­ pion: the Labrador. Dutch-
cited about the potential o f
th is program because it
w ill en able a w h ole new Seller, a 14-year AKC field
group o f petarle to get In­ PROFILES representative who lives In
bi tuna wltti ttw growing volved in th e s p o rt. It John Seller Osceola, Indiana. “When I
InlarosUn patlomianca should en cou rage m any was ju dging, I took great
m ore pecóle to go through “It's called the sport o f p rid e In fin d in g you n g
dogs—but really, w e're in dogs at th eir first shows
the people business if you and having the privilege o f
stop to th in k abou t it ." g iv in g them th e ir fir s t
INDEX says AKC field rep John b reed w in s and g e ttin g
Seller. them started.
It's people. e^>eclally the “As for the people, there
SubsertpWon Bols Changas ......................................... 165 novices v ^ o have ju st be­ are m any n o vices ju s t
come c a u ^ t up in the fun s ta rtin g . T h ey h ave to
f crotQiysl*og>...........................................................1M and ex citem en t o f d og com pete a gain st p rofes­
shows, adio attract S eiler’s sional handlers. They get
DogondUNarBoglalraNon...........................................191 special interest. discouraged. You can sit
“Beginners are what this down w ith them and ex-
AKC Sdwdula of Po m .................................................. 199 s p o rt’s a ll a b o u t," says Conttnued

JUNE 1988
A kc updates

I He’s also been active in execu tive s ta ff. A b ou t a Judges testing, som e peo­
dog du bs, serving on the year later, he got the call. ple question w hether fld d
board o f governors o f the A s a fo rm er en gin eer, rep s a re k n ow led gea b le
' G erm an S h ep h erd D og Seiler keeps p ain stak in gs enough to be part o f it all.
C lub o f A m erica fo r 15 accurate records. He can But I like to think that af­
years and h olding the posi­ te ll you th a t in h is 14 te r w e s it arou n d d og
tio n o f th e c lu b 's vic e - years, he has represented shows that m any weeks—
p residen t He also served the AKC at a total o f 1,550 w e go to 100 sh ow s a
as p resid en t o f th e M i- events. year— a little kn ow ledge
chlanaK enndC lub. A ctive Th at’s the equivalent o f has to seep in ."
in o b ed ien ce. S e lle r goin g to a dog show every W ork in g o u t o f h is
founded the St. Joe Valley day. seven days a week, for n orth ern In dian a hom e.
Obedlenoe T rain in g Club fo u r yea rs an d th ree S e ile r h as covered d og
and tra in ed dogs fo r 20 m onths! events from Boston to Las
years. He helped organize S till, S e ile r in s is ts he Vegas, and from New Or­
and sd ect dogs for p d lce still looks forward to going leans to V irgin ia . W hen­
<llow lM inglnllw patl* work In h is native South to his next show. "Sty only ever the events are close
[os an AKC IM d Mp) Bend and Mishawaka, In­ regret," he ssys, “ is that I enough, he drives. He has
I »Iw Ip a n d a M W — poH> diana. V d id n ’t s ta rt d o in g th is put 65.000 m iles on h is
iflv Seller recaBs that when sooner. two-year-old car.
h e an d M ary w en t to a “B eing totally involved in He and M ary have three
< onUnued prom inent breeder in C hi­ the sport o f dogs is very re­ ch ild ren , s ix g ra n d ch il­
I lain, bqr, this is one dog cago to get th eir first Shep­ w arding," he says. "I enjoy d ren an d fo u r g re a t­
I lKMrandoneJudge'so|K)n- herd. "W e Just closed our m any fin e a sso cia tio n s grandchildren.
. .1 give'em a little pep eyes and d w s e ." It was a w ith AKC officials, club of­ But they no longer have
. restore th eir ctm fl- bitch , and they fin ish ed ficials. Judges, exhibitors a dog. “When we put our
dence. Som e com e back h er ch a m p io n sh ip v e ry and fanciers. I love being la s t G erm an S h ep h erd
Ipter and say. T h a n k you quickly, the first o f many. in the position to help and dow n — th e d o g w as 14
gettin g us started.' It’s A m on g th em w ere C h. a s s is t— p a rtic u la rly th e yea rs o ld — w e h ad th e
g o ^ feelin g." H eidi o f Grettam arc, CDX, beginners." hardest tim e lettin g go. I
John S eller is certainly and th e d o g, C h. H elsl He also notes w ith h is d on ’t w a n t to e v e r go
I o novice to the sport. Christy. soft H oosler drawl and w ry th rou gh th at a g a in ." he
H e's alw ays had dogs. He w as approved as a hrunor: “When it com es to says softly. ■
1 u t d id n ’t g e t in to th e Judge o f Germ an Shepherd
I u ie-bred sport u n til he Dogs in 1952 and Judged
1 set Mary, whom he refers the breed from coa st to
I J as “m y good w ife." S tfll. coast in th e con tin en tal HONORS
( beyVe had tim e to learn a
u in g o r tw o a b ou t th e
U .S., in H aw aii. Canada
and South Am erica.
R. A. Webster
I port: They've been mar- From 1935 u n til 1969, Elected
I led 53 years, and h ave he w m ked fo r B endix in to Beagling
I een devotees o f Germ an South Bend in various en-
! hephevda the entire tim e. g in e a ln g positions. Then Hall of Fame
I lairy s till rid e s a lo n g Bendix w ent th r o u ^ the
I omednaes to a Shepherd pain fu l process th at has On May 6 . 1988, at the
1 pectalty so she can renew becom e so com m onplace In te rn a tio n a l B ea g lin g
<Id friendships. in the '80s—a "reduction F ed era tio n b a n q u et in
Before Joining the AKC in force." S eller was free to P itts b u rg h , PA. R. A.
( secuttwe s ta ff in August th in k ab ou t w h at to do “W eb" W ebster w as hon­
973. S e lle r had m ore next. He ran a sm all ma­ ored w ith m em bership to BsogUngK rtlotFom »
ban 35 years o f experl- chine shop, and he Judged the Beaming H all o f Fame
noe as a breeder. c A lb l- for 1987.
or. train er and ju d ge o f It was at a show he was Since its establishm ent F lfty -e l^ t sportsm en w ere
ierm an Shepherds. H is Judging in Tu xedo Park in 1957, the Beagling Hall nom inated for 1987 tty a
ennei prefix. “H d s i." was that S eiler m entioned to o f Fame has honored 72 in ­ com m ittee o f 24 H all o f
;ranted b y th e A K C in AKC oin clals that he m ight dividuals for th eir achieve­ Fame m embers. O f the 58,
949. be Interested in Joining the m en ts in th e sp o rt. fou r in dividu als w ere se-

Hi94BC0Cultwftold oçsiilsof Ths AmsilcoH Mmwm I Club*8 Ihvw Wço Wohb cnMI kiip#cllofis unIliiMt bi NcwYotk
C ^ f on Moy 5 and é, IM S .
HNO^ao^iy o^Mo^pVnoa ^^^^o^vcnn^pa^pov^^v w n^9^p^povhv^P ^«v^pvW^kt
d c ^^ o^ponÉB nwl wWi AKC ofiloois to iwvibw and dtocosB 01008 of concom to Ww unda
P lo lm d 010 (soolodf loftloriQhl) Nonnon Sclicrtxol, AKC vlco-pf08ldont; Pouf FbOng» dboclorof InvosHyoHons
ond kMBScilon unit”D0I0108 MdOnnov mpoivt8Qfoloioficat88filf! MortvWoldonM*****8ii^ii#—118 iM tirfi»«
lBélorit^Donald>tai;Bobw tO.M ojnw irtl,AKC«Bnlof¥lcBi»iBBfclwit;ICBniiB lliA .llla w ln ,iM »p t»B ld n t; BoyH.
O qrtbw g,A K C B K «cu llw »BB C w *B ry;Iu 9n aO . l f n n a n ;B o b ilM .M B id h KBnnBWiUhl.

le c M for the fin al baDot to hom e dub, the Alam ance tor o f the Southern Feder­
be voted on by the beagling B eagle C lu b , an d w as ation o f Beagle Clubs. In ANNOUNCEMENTS
public. Each year, two liv­ elected its first secretaiy. the eaify 1960s, he ju d ^ d Delegate
in g beaglers and tw o de­ He was a m em ber o f the over 300 licensed trials.
ceased b ou n d s are P ied m on t, T ob accolan d Robert F. S lk e . Sr., pub­ Workshop
h on ored , p lu s on e d e­ and C a ro lin a B eagle lis h e r o f H ounds and Sessions
ceased b e a g le r w h o is Chibs: and served as [nesi- Hunting, sponama o f the
elected by the nom inating dent o f the North C arolina Beagling H ^ o f Fame, pre­ W orkshop session s for
com m ittee. A ssociation , secretary o f sen ted th e m em bersh ip delegates w ill be hekl prior
Mr. Wrtister, a p a rt o f the the N orth Carcdina State honors at this year’s ban­ to the June 14 Delegates
A m erican K en n el C lu b's Cham pionship, and direc­ quet. ■ M eeting in the Roosevelt
executive fiek l s ta ff since Hotel’s Madison Room on
1972, Is now d irector o f the m ezzanine level begin­
h ou n d even ts w ith in A n m io l It o p o r t
ning at 9:30 a.m. l i l i e s o f
A K C 's perform an ce d ivi- Ttm n$7/UBGJt/m ualÊaporttntam d iscu ssio n w ill b e:
sion. He has been involved bava boon 8M it to o l AMC O atooalM : mombar H ie Investigation Process,
In b e a g lin g sin c e 1946 C0II8M I ood soKclIoaad cbto p v m M w iI s and Change the Point Zones?
when he Joined the M id- ito8g AflC bold lopoî and ttiQiv sopoflntondanlt« tf V iciou s D og L e g isla tio n
State Beagle Chib In Ashe- onyonaoiia Is Intoiastod in focolvtod o copyi ptoa Update, and News R q w rt.
boro, NC. vdiere he served contact: Amoflcan Nsnnal Club, Communlcallons (A questicMi and answer pe­
as secieta iy and president. DMtton, f1 Modtoon Avomio, Now York, NY 10010. riod w ill be provided.) ■
He h elp ed o rg a n ize h is

JUNE 1868
A ] :C Telephone Directory 69M 363 Judging Information: If you would like details about
a dog show o r obedience trial judges application, this
is the num ber to call.

606-8232 Show Plana: Everything having to do with the pro­

cessing of paperwork for sanctioned and Icensed
shows and obedience trials.

666-6276 Obedience Department: C all for questions about

the obedtonce regulations O ld requirem ents for

68to8286 Field Trtal and Hunting Teat Plarw and Records:

Th is departm ent processes the paperwork for all
1 -4 0 IK A K C -T E L L (o r 1 -a 0 0 4 IM a 8 9 A K C V IC IO U S D O G sanctioned artd licensed field trials and hunting tests.
L E G IS L A T IO N 2 4 4 4 0 U R H O T L IN E is designed to It also processes arxl records aH field trial and hunt­
take calls from M M d kialB and d u b s on local vicious ing test results arto issues the field cham pionship and
dog legisiatlon. C a le rs should leave ttieir nam es and hunting test certificates.
num bers. Th o se « M l que aion s wW get a call back.
006-6306 Coonhourtd General Information (ACHA/AKC):
8 7 »l8 5 0 Registratio n In lo riiiH o n ; Th is departm ent Is re- If you want to know m ore about the Am erican Coon
sponsible for handk ig aN calls involving any type of Hunters Association/Am erican Kennel C lub, this is
registration question o r problam . W han you want any the rxim ber to call. Th is departm ent also processes
A K C registration form e o r answers to registration the paperwork for hunt events artd new Coottoound
questions this is the departm ent to c a l. If you are d u bs.
c a lln g a b o u ta roglsltBtto n ap p lc alto n .k e ^ ln m ln d
696-6206 By-Laws Inqulrtoa: If your d u b is approved to hold
that the norm al procossing time is approxim ately two
licensed or m em ber dog shows, obedience trials or
to three «reeks. If yo u «aaV to check the status of an
field trials, and you have a question about your d u b 's
application you subm M ad. you must be able to pro­
constitution o r by-law s call this num ber.
vide the custom er aeivice repreaentalNe with the
breedtog information on your dog or M ar. 696-6207 Now Clubs: A re you form ing a dog d u b or in toe
R egistrstlo n A p p tc a llo n ; breed, aeoc, Kttar number, process of becorning fully accredHed by A K C ? Th is is
nam e choice. the num ber to call.
TTanafar A ppE oatfon : breed, regtoterad nam e,
606-8332 Gazette, Editorial: Th is is the num ber to call for
registration number.
everything having to do with A K C ’s m onthly m aga­
LlO o r A p p N ca tio n : breed, date of birth, nam e and
zine, Pure-Bred Dogs/Am erican Kennel G azette
num ber of sire and dam .
E X C E P T subscription and advertising.
F o re ig n R a g M ia llo n : C a l this num ber for any 600-8260 Gazette, Advertising: If you wish to place an ad in
questionpertainingtolm porteddogs,forelgnregis- Breeders’ A id, Classiftod, show date ads arKi com -
tra lo ns or the regislralion of a dog registered with m erdal advertisirtg, call this number.
another dom estic re^Blration organization.
606-6226 Subscriptions— Magazins/Newstottars: Have a
tnveatigatlons and laap a cllo n a t T h e work of this question about your subscription? W ant to place an
u n i centers arourxi biveslgalions of serious viola­ order for an A K C m agazine or newsletter? Th is is the
tions of registration rules and the com m ercial traffick- num ber to call.
ing of dogs (breeders, brokers, pel outlels). M agaznies; Pure-Bmd Doga!American Kennel
Gazette, American Kennel Qub Awards, American
T h e A m erfcan C o o n H urN era Is a o rla tlo n ; Th is is Kennel Ckib Stud Book Register. Newsletters:
toe departm ent that proceasee aH Coonhound regis­ Hunter’s Whistle— AKC Pwe-Brad Dogs A M d .
trations, and hunt arid show results.
606-6302 Audlo/VIsual F u lfillm e n t: Th is is the num ber to call
69» 1281 S h o w R e co rd s: Th is is the departm ent that pro­ to order any of A K C ’s A V prograrra. All program s are
cesses and records the official ree u ls of ail licensed available in V H S or Beta form ats. Som e program s,
shows and obedtonce trials and issues certificates for are also available as sound/sNde shows o r 16m m
cham pionships aiKi obedtence M ies. Title certificates films.
are mailed approxim ately 4 weeks after the event at
6064245 Lto ra ry : C o n ta d A K C ’s library for specialized re­
which a dog has finished the requirem ents for the
search and bibliographic questions. Visiting hours are
tWe. If you are inquiring about a title certificate please
8:30 a m . to 4:00 p.m . daily except Saturday, Sunday
have the breed, nam e and rrumber of your dog avail­
and holidays.
able, as vreH as toe com plete nam e of the d u b and
the date of the event at which your dog com pleted the 606-8200 Main Swritchboard: U se this num ber if you are un­
requirsm enls for I s tWe. certain what departm ent or who to call.

NO rE : Outside N Y C , dial area coda 212. Th e A K C offices are open from 8:30 a m . to 4:15 p.m . Eastern tim e, except Satur-
da) s, Sundays and hoRdays. A K C offices wiN be closed Ju ly 4, Septem ber 2 arxl 5, N ovem bers, Novem ber 24-25, Decem ber
23 «1026,1968.
" U ê l

r e a i ^ c ü o r  & '. . . .

^ c c u i / t á e l i e o e 't Á e 'í ^ ^ r e n c e '

¿ n / a o T 'c o a ts ^ ”

“^ h e'Á a n clíer-toe'^ ^ ca /1 '’t 'ú e /ie o e 'it'

e ü Á e r-— A c s a ^ ¿ t / ’s 'O n £ 'o / ^ tA & ú es t'

coats/A cfA as/i

“^ d o n / ’ù i


retu m ed ^ 'o m ' Gcuiac&i t o t a ^

lu iii^^a ta la s/a /n a i/- GancuAan/ úAon^ltiofi/
a n d iti ra ted num^ef^ /O ^ e s tie in /tÁ e
y ù n en ca a / ú a n a d ia /i G A a /^bion
C o u n ty . Q i^ ^ fre tA e u s e o f 4Ê t ^ u fotd d
9 £ ôo er
n e o e r a o e 'c A e a m u A o / ^ ^ !> e c ia & f^
O w fu r^ : a m t.Æ i». ß tridojlbA er JÍÍcú a tcÁ ro n ,
tÁ ts ^ d ^ .
3 0 0 0 (9 ¿ t GoacÁ Ô îo o it
H kdS ^âaaC Û Ô
GBetÁ Æ cùutcÀeofi/

ilÉ lii
IfH ! 9tâm tler^.- jfir . & eru M ^ . ^Suota

m d ^ «A ¡t^ é íe > e ^ A á t^ {
a e ß o o itto -tÀ a r Catte
œ itiS fÿ O O tl/Ô rt en i)— ^^fi>r-do^ofa Ê»f ^ fe^ tÎÊ »or-6fe e d -

W ^ o rf iÀcMtçJôt^cteiaÊieti A ti^ rm a tio f—


Jùtam m & . 30 3 0 3 ît J '.A . - Ä Ä (A kt 4 0 3 ^ - Sâkoac('404J 3 3 3 -7 0 0 0

"Uhm iàtt,. t/3 7 7 î t J . ^ - 3 3 ^ 4 j¡¿ B ^ -m * tJ l - 3 ¡k o a o f7 f9 J 3 7 4 -4 3 3 0

the Bull-and-Terriers
t to k in g a p h o to g r a p h .

a U n g a g o o ^ p b o to g n q ih o fo n e temperam ent or m ore tolerant o f one

T dog can som etim es test a photo­

grapher’s patience. Takin g a
gfcod (4iotograi4i o f two dogs can be a
E IgbtnMre; and nobody takes a plc-
another. But there w ere other prob­
lems w ith this firs t photo session.
The Colored BuU T errier wanted a
ban. Th e Am erican Staffordshire
t ne o f three dogs— they m oke a pic- Terrier wanted its ow ner and the
t ne. And so It was w ith the three Staffordshire Bun T errier w anted to
t iiO-and-terTlers on d ie cower. T o go home. A n attem pt was made to
c th is nnalgninm t took no Im prove the chem istry at the ^K>ot
1 as than two scaalona a t dutee kxa- by using a differen t Staffordshire
t ana; fifteen roles o f film : one {4 k >- Bun Terrier, bu t by the tim e it ar­
t i g aph er, six aawlwtaiits; am i five rived the tem perature outside was
f m e iu t dogs d ia t had never m et be- apiproachlng 80 degrees. Pbotc^ra-
f ne. pher, handlers and h a te rs unani­
It was also a challenge to fin d good (tw ice, as it turned out). mously agreed to try for another day.
t ipr csentlvca o f each breed. T h is Picking dogs sigh t unseen is a llt- Th e second session was on the
1 taa ea p ed a ly true at d ie Colored de like ordering p izza ftom a restau­ grounds o f asedu ded estate in Pasa­
1 I I I Terrier and the St^ioedoh ire rant you've never tried— it sounds dena on a c o d , overcast Fdiru ary
I u l Terrier, since th eir num bers are good over the telei^ione but you m orning. A n hour to set up: a half-
I !W. Th e fin al sd ectlocg w ere dogs never know until it arrives. T h is tim e hour to re-soclallze the dogs; and a
i la t lived w ith in 200 m iles o f one an- I got h icl^ ; the first trio o f d c ^ few wen-planned, attention-getting
< thcr and were owned Iby som e very couldn’t have been m ore handsome. devices i»<oduced the photograph on
I Ice peofrie w ining to maim the drive Nor could they have been sweeter In this m onth's cover.— S teve B ltiiige

For t h * R «c o r I» m 7 B e o l« » f ilo n » a ls llc .

m ? Award
Dogi 247
CbompiorMhkx (CoiorecQ 26 (tanked 105 out ot 130)
I W # M W Q SPUNvIKr* Chompiorahlpt pAMle) Liltere 81
(ranked 96 out of 13CI)
ChampéoroNpi 96 Group 1 (Colcired) 16
Groupi 14 Groupi (WhHd 5
R slo tsd Rgdcflng
DedjnShow 2 Basi ki Show (Colorad) 2
Diewsi. Mortyn. Vtour Bu» Tattler.
Companion Dog (Ct^ 23 Companion Dog (CC$ 5 F o lr^ V A (703-631-1500),
Coreponlon Dog EKOsSsnt (COX)
iW / W P yiH lilUII «1019110« Baertxxd. Emeti. Jhe Cortìpiala Bu» Ter­
UWVDogtUD) rier. 2nd ed. H owel Book Ho u m . New
Otisdtoncs Tiiol Chompkxi (OTOi) Dogi 1.302 Yo*. NY, (212-966-4488), 1970. 256pp
(landed 64 out oM30) $16.96.
Hkbsd Scoring Dog
Ulten 405 Motley, WM. and Am o K. NIehoks. 57iS k
(ranked 62 out oM 30) Ibe SIbCtorakhireaitf reoAr. T.FH Publco-
flom, Neplune C ^, NJ, (201-968-8400 or
1M 7 80(W31-2188, ouMde NJ), 1982.192pp. !
SIMFPOBIMMK M IU 1 B « n $19.96.
Dogi 1X532
(ronlied 72 out oM3(^ 19«7AavaRl MoMsHcs
TTie StaObraW*» Bu» Terrier In /^nerica.
Champtomhlp* 31 EdSsd tjy Slwi<e BHnge. MP Piiaiéhing,
UHsn 315 Sar*a Bartxara CA. (805-969-9338t
(torAed 71 outoMSQ) 1986.140pp. $24.96.
Groupl 5
Beit in Show 1 WeL Martin. Bu» Terriets IfH . PuUbhea
Neplune CHy, NJ, (201-968-8400 or 800-
Companion Dog (Cl^ 3 631-2188, ouWde NJ), 1983. 128pp.
Companion Dog Excollont (CD50 1
UMItyDog(X)) 2

| ;fi II trxist more
Science IMet
J iü i-

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Give your pet the nutrition that’s scientih-
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They’re sold only th rou ^ veterinarians and
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they’re available for your pet to
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For free samples and an
information brochure on how
Science D iet* pet foods work, call

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!' ' iuairkM, please call l-BOO-445-3777.

1I-- i
CKC's 100th, Shur-Galn
CKCCentonnIal pet products has com m is­
sioned a 1988 “Dog D ^ ~
The Canadian Kennel calendar, featuring an art­

Chib Is cdebratln g Its ist's Illustration o f the 148
100th birthday. In 1888, breeds recognized CKC,
In Tecum seh House In In poster form at.

London. O ntario, a small For fu rther inform ation
group o f dog fanciers met about CKC Centennial ac­
to organize a d u b devoted tivities, contact Th e Cana­
to the welfare o f pure-bred dian Kennel Club, 2150
dogs. The Canadian Ken­ Bloor Street West, Toron-
nel Chib was bom . ton. O ntario M 6S 4V7,
On August 31 and Sep­ Canada; or call 416-763-
tember 1. the CKC Centen­ 4396. T o purchase a calen­
nial Dog Show w ill be held dar, contact D.J. M athle-
at the M etropolitan T o­ son. General A dvertising
ronto Convention Centre. and Sales Prom otion Man­
Also plaim ed for the end o f ager. Shur-Galn D ivision.
August In Toronto are fi­ Canada Packers Inc.,
nals for a num ber (rf events 202-2595-A Skymaric Ave­
and com petitions In cele­ nue, Mississauga. O ntario
bration o f the Centennial. L4W 4L5, Canada; or cnil
In com m em oration o f 416-766-431 ! . ■

Sapluoganortons ond octoysHOrioHSi who ho w dwolsd

oww Iwo cwilurias ol com blw d aandcs lo gl# ludging ol
1987 Ken-L Ration Dog Nero»
cliomploiwlilp dogS|ismw honoiwd byYh# lonw Coni- of thè Year Award
pony Senior OodlOfiiiQHoiiJiidQM A l loclulioii
(lCJÌA|olaiocopWon.**y8ondao— ft**onfobniaiY7, A Doberman Pinscher
IM S bi Now York CNy. Jota! MeCoMon (lofll, oostam ra­ from Sepulveda, C A was
glan M lM monogor fo rili» lomt Oompony and Lm n t- named the 34th Ken-L Ra­
Mdc (rl^if), OBCoculhratdc»43b»ald»nf lor loms tion Dog Hero o f the Year
commondod Iti» group for Itiolr YMN» of *'d»vollon, in a cerem ony on Capitol
honor, and bilegrlly.” poltto righi) DoraMiYNteklet, Hin in W ashington, D.C.
0»orglagulliam .Bdllhlloahfl»8 »fnian, M»lboiirn »T .L Jet, the six-year-old Do­
Dowiìlng, DoroHwa Paiil»g J»nMni, M naAdwrm an, berman. saved the life o f
CtioriM M flw . CHid Una Basountln her owner, Cantfy Sang-
ster. Last October, Ms. Condii S onoilar and Je#
Sangster slipped Into a d i­ 1M7 K»n-L Rollon Dog
abetic coma. J et left the N »ro o f«w Y »a r.
Sangster's hom e. (q>ened a
fence to enter a n e i^ b o r's Also on hand at the cere­
yard and barked until the m ony on C ^ lto l Hin In
neighbor realized that W ashington, D.C. was ac­
som ething was w rong and tor Jon Provost adio played
called for em er^ n cy assis­ “Tim m y" In the television
tance. series “ Lassie." Provost
The Ken-L R ation Dog awarded Jet w ith one o f
Hero cerem ony kicked o ff Lassie’s own collars. The
Natitmal Dog Hero Week collar was a g ift to Jet from
(the first week in M arch), Bob Weatherwax, Lassie’s
an (^fictal celebration cre­ owner and trainer.
ated to encourage dog “Lassie’s popularity is
owners to recognize every­ enduring because o f the
day feats o f dog heroism . special relationship she

Edited by JEffD O R L

chided. Bonus points are

1987 Purina Outstanding awarded to finalists and
the w lim er o f the national
F M d Iria l Retriever Awrard open. The award program
and its ^ leclfied point sys­
NAFC-FC Trum arc’s Zip who helps h is w ife train tem are adm inistered by
Code, w inner o i the Inau­ the dog and serves as Co­ an Independent conunlt-
gural Purina O utstanding dy’s resident veterinarian. tee o f experts in retriever
F ld d T rial R etriever Award Ms. Aycock has been fid d trial cranpetitlcxi.
three years ago, has re­ training dogs as a hobby Trum arc’s Z ip Code.
peated th is w in by taking since she got her first Lab­ “Cody," and Ids. Aycock
top honors In 1987. Th e rador Retriever In 1970. were honored at a banquet
nlne^?ear-okl. male black Com peting in 20 events qxmscMed b y Ralston
Labrador R etriever, the last year, Cody swept to six Purina and hosted by the
first two-tim e w inner o f first-fdace finishes and Oregon Retriever F ld d
this award, is owned and placed In five others. Cody T rial Chib on A pril 2,1988
handled by am ateur was also a fin alist at the Judy Aycock and Cody, in Hillsboro, O rtgon. As
trainer Jucfy Aycock o f national open cham pion­ 1987 Purina OuMondkig Cody’s owner, trainer and
Sanger. Teams. ships. haiKiler, Judy Aycock re­
Cody ccM vlnclngly cap­ The award is based on ceived a specially de­
tured the 1987 cro wn, ac­ perform ance in all open AKC-Hcensed open all age, signed. engraved Purina
cum ulating 46 Purina events for the fid d trial open lim ited all age, open award plaque, a gold neck­
points. “H is best year yet," season, from January 1 special lim ited an age. and lace w ith the Outstanding
esdalm ed Dr. Ed Ayróck. through Decem ber 31. AD the national open are In- Field T rial R etriever em­
blem, an original o il paint­
represents between man coach Don CoryeU, re­ jured In the woods; Katz, a in g o f her award-winning
and dog. By s a v li^ Candy ceived alm ost 30% o f a na­ Rottw eiler from Riverton. dog 1^ noted dog artist
S a n ^ te r’s life. Jet dem on­ tionw ide public vote from a WY, who pulled a three- John Donaldson, and
strated that dog heroes fid d o f five finalists. The year-dd g irl from a stream ; 81.500. ■
live on screen. . .and off,** other brave finalists, from and Bella, a Terrier/
stated Provost. more than 300 entries, Labrador m ix from Dan­ October 1 .1987.sendade-
Candy and G eorge Sang- were: Bo, a blind German ville, CA. who saved an talled description o f the
ster said that the award Shepherd D og from H l^ 18-month old baby from deed, along w ith your
made them even m ore Point, NC, who helped his drowning. name, address and tde-
thankful for th eir special owners escape from th eir Ken-L Ration is ixrw ac­ ptioae num ber to: Ken-L
relationship w ith Jet. burning house; Flicka. a cepting rKMnlnations for Ration Dog Hero o f the
J et, w hose r o is te re d Doberman Pinscher from next year’s award. I f you Year, 231 S. Green Street.
nam e is G rid iron ’s A ir Langley, WA. vriio ran to know o f a canine’s heroic P.O. Box PET, Chicago, IL
Coryell after form er NFL get h d p fo r her owner, in- deed that occurred after 60607. ■

JUNE 1988 13

Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

When vacation plans c a l alone In a parked car. The
for car travel—«n d the heat in an enclosed vehicle
fam ily pet is goin g a k n g — can becom e ovenlike in
here are some important m inutes du ring h ot days—
tips from Dr. Philip Foot at and leaving the w indow
New York C ity's Anim al cracked doesn't help at all.
Medical Center, that wlB • Make sure your pet has a
help ensure a healthy, oom fortable collar w ith a li­
happy and safe trip fo r ev­ cense and com plete Identl-
eryone: ficatfon, including phone
• Have your pet exam ined m m iber.
by a veterin arian before • D on't aOow a dog to Jump
your trip . Make sure th at around tn the car or hang M ita yaon of oga, KtlsHn HoN may hows basn fas
all vaccinations are up-to- its bead out o f the window. youngast parson to liova succassfuNy compisfad ona lag
date (th a t is, w ith in one Both activities are danger­ In novtea opon oharfranca compoNIton, On Nousmbar Sg
year). It is a good idea to ous to humans and ani­ 107,af>aM hpllllonM snnalC tobM iow lntaitbrsY,M D ,
have current health and mals aUke. KiM iilOHd twf lowiWy*f EnjHfh $ p fln jy ftcirtwHi
vaccination certificates If • Keep your pet w ith you at oseomoMMVa.
you 're crossin g state bor­ an not In a camper,
ders. trailer o r the back o f a pick­ lab and stole 13 pure-bred
• H dp your pet get used to up trudr. You Talkin’ to Me? Beagies vdio w ere being
the sounds and m otion o f Abo, a pamphlet entitled used to stutty the effects o f
your car by taking him on A ir Travel fo r Your Dog or H ie U niversity o f CJallf- a ir pollution and tra-
short trips around the C ot b awalUile for 25 cents «n ia -Irv ln e wants sympa­ cheotonty com plications.
neighborhood. a copy from the A ir Trans­ t ic from the dog fancy. It In a press-rdease d i­
• Ifyou 're brin gin g along a port Aasodatkm o i Am er­ seems that a group called rected to a num ber o f dog
carrier, make sure you r pet ica. 1709 New York Avenue. the Anim al Liberation publications. UC-Irvlne
is fam iliar w ith and com ­ N. W.. W i^ iln gtan . D. C. FYont broke into the quotes an Anim al Libera­
fortable in it. Th e carrier 2000&S20&a schooTs m edical research tion Front statem ent that
should be wcH-ventllated the dogs were taken “ to
and large enough fo r the protest UCI’s grow ing use
pet to turn around In. o f anim ab in fraudulent
• If your pet is a pom-trav- m edical research.” UC-
d er. consult your veteri­ Irvlnc claim s that the Bea­
narian about wfaetber a gles were "happy anim als,"
tranquilizer is advisabie. and w ill “suffer stress from
Never give an anim al over- being away from hom e and
the-counter human m edi­ each other.”
c a t i«] sdtbout a vet's p rior UC-Irvlne also reports
approval. that a photograph o f one o f
• B ring along food and the Beagles was sent to the
water. A U a n k e t« favorite press by the Anim al Liber­
toy may help lessen your ation Front, show ing the
pet's fear o f being taken dog w ith a tube called a ”di-
away from home. ode” protudlng from its
• Because pets are excit­ ShHsafo Kolstona tacstasd tha SuNoctona/ScratehSK head. Robert Phalen, head
able and can get m otion oisard fof JorvnoNatlc CxcaNanca In Dog Oiooming from o f the m edical research
sidm ess, don't feed your ClortifiisiibMoitesHngDIractortef tuWodono/SciqtetiOK team using the dogs, was
pet far six hours befiiae a pw<liicta.Ms.KQlstonoiacolyadaploqMk«w«l$900 quoted in UC-Irvlne's
trip. cffNKSKOf mV onniMi ixiQ wnipfs Aiiiocioiion oi a iik h c o press release as saying. “ I
• Stop often to let your pet auMKbdbmor In lacognltton of honwrlHng on IlM topics saw that anim al w ith the
exercise. A h ra ^ keep dogs ol pot ddn cora and grooming, the has wrlttona diode jtis t the other day.
onaleash. moidMir column, “Oreoming,” In Nw CMZI7I7, phn aril- and it was up and tuq>py
• Never leave your pet ^s fa - ,■ iagii mi l t * ff%aa^ m------- and w agging its tail. ” ■



r « ¡i
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' )( i i i iM le is iu n fta W What good Is
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GtaB ytm dog a daifb second best
' ilik y n r v e ie f in r f n for good-
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The Final Presentation

G ro o m in g c o n tro v e rs y m arks th e e n d o f a c o lu m n .

products that are tcq>lcally{4 9 lled to

a dog's hair. However, m any pecóle
do use preparations to m aintain
dogs’ coats. eqieclaU y those breeds
that are kn^-coated.
It's been a real dilem m a— tryin g to
observe the rule against the use o f
foreign substances on the one hand,
and on the other, answ ering ques­
tions from readers t ^ o ask about the
use o f groom ing products to strive
certain coat problem s. And. adren I
have occasionally m entioned a type
o f product— never a brand nam e— a
letter rem inding me o f the AKC 's rule
arrives. M ind you, this has occurred
Infrequently, but It has happened
nevertheless. Those w ho believe In
“natural" presentation and those
who do n ot are qu ite determ ined In
th eir opposition to the theories o f the

Presentation In th e O .K .
For m y last account In the Groom ­
in g colunm, I want to report on a
problem concerning “natural pre­
sentation“ that Is h ^qren ln g now In
Nancy Bonr
Ifs o d y lo r fliw rkiQ. the United Kingdom .
Early In 1987. the General Com­
fter years o f w ritin g "Groom ­ would be o f general Interest to a ma­ m ittee o f the Kermel Chib altered the

A in g ," th is wlB be the last jo rity o f readers, regardless o f

m onthly cohinm . I have cho­ whether t h ^ groom ed show dogs or
sen to give up w ritin g about groom ­ and not do too marty colum ns
in g on a regular basis for the about groom ing any particular
“F” regulations and harmed the use
o f p o w e re d chalk or talc at dog
shows. Then, last Decem ber, the
com m ittee decided to alter the r^ u -
GAZETTE. Over the past years that breed. I, along w ith the GAZETTE latlons again and no longer allow ex­
this column has appeared monthly. editorial staff, fd t that since the hibitors to use block chalk at shows.
I've dealt w ith num erous subjects groom ing o f specific breeds Is cov­ The section <ri'the regulation In ques­
that have related to groom ing— ered In the breed colum ns from tim e tion said that no substance w hich al­
brushing. M iaiiqxiolng. drying hair, to tim e, to do so In “G room ing” ters the natural ctrior. texture, or
ear care, eye care, dental care, foot would be repetitious and lim it its in­ body o f the coat m ay be used In the
care. Inform ation about anal glands, terest to a sm all group. Readers are preparation o f a dog for exh ibitin g
new equlpnoent for exhibitors and evidently n ot interested In basic either before or at a show. Any other
groom ers. Inform ation on settin g up groom ing inform ation because, ac­ substance m ust be rem oved from the
a groom ing room , plus answers to cording to the response from the coat.
specific questions, to nam e a few. readership survey puU lshed in last Dog World, the English newspa­
Before the change in the Septem ber's GAZETTE, som e o f per. com m ented on the decision: “ It
GAZETTE form at In January. I tried those who replied found the Groom­ Is understood that the General Com ­
to concentrate on inform ation that in g colunm to be o f little Interest. If m ittee view the use o f chalk or pow­
this is the case, I thought, the col­ der as a m inority activity sdilch
Ms. Kalstone Is the author o f eight unm should be discontinued. carm ot be Justified. They believe that
books and numerous articles on the The second reason why I'm givin g a dog should be Judged on Its quality
grooming and care o f dogs an d cats, up the colunm has to do w ith the use and not on the detail o f preparation,
and has received several awards o f groom ing products. In accordance and that the changes are In the inter­
from DWAA. She has been the au­ w ith the AKC's rule on foreign sub­ ests o f fa ir com petition. M ore and
thor o f this colum n Jor the pastfiv e stances In preparing dogs for show. more, says the Kermel Chib, the re­
years. I've tried not to dwell on the use o f quirem ent Is bein g stated for a dog In

Its natoiBE raat com peting against i **Dqg World understands and ap- th e‘detail o f presentation,* they go in
i :other dogs In t^ elr natural coats.** {nauds the K ennd Chib*s apparent to a sm ooth coated breed. They do
' ’ Shortly after the rule change, sev­ desire to make com petition at dog not choose a W ire Fox T errier or a
eral teiTlera had th eir coats tested at shows fairer. But w e find it im possi­ Poodle. If by tem peram ent they are
shows and w ere dlsquallfled when ble either to understand or applaud inclined to enjoy groom ing, t h ^ se­
tr a m o f <dialk were found. Both the th eir current attitude to the presen­ lect the breed w hich suits them—a
handler and ow ner o f one <rfthe dogs tation o f show dogs. Indeed w e sug­ lon ^ ialred breed, a trim m ed terrier,
(a W est Highland W hite T errier) said gest that they have fundam entally a dipped Poodle.
that the chalk had been used the day m isunderstood id ia t makes exhibi­ “Presentation is part o f all breeds
before the show, and rem oved as far tors t i ( ^ th e rd ^ lin in g them selves but o f som e much m ore than others.
as ixMSiUe. Thus It aiqieared that open to ridicule. Dog show ing is about far m ore than
any dog on sdilch chalk had been . **FVom tim e im m em orial chalk has ju st breeding a good dc^. H andling
used could be liable for disquallflca- been the traditional m ethod of and presentation, w hile not the par­
tion unless even m icroscopic traces diy-dean in g dogs, especially those amount consideration, are surely
were rem oved before it is shown. w ith hard w hite coats. A t tim es it has im portant too when dogs are *on
One prom inent W ire Fox Terrier been abused, resulting in venues be­ show.*
handler said, in a Dog World inter­ in g in an unacceptable dirty “We do not say that judges diou ld
view , w hile adm itting that som e ex­ state, and dogs issu ing a w h ite dou d always put a weD-presented anim al
h ibitors abused the use o f chalk, he If they shook them selves in the ring. over an otherw ise superior but less
fdtth egen eralcon u n ltteew erecom - Sensibfy, the K.C. clam ped down on weO put down dog. Far from it. But
pletefy out o f touch w ith terrier ways. this — powdered chalk or talc was undoubtedly a w ell-ixepared Poodle,
Th e chalk block was essential not banned at shows. No one really suf­ fo rex a m j^ , looks better than an im -
onfy for cleansing but for the trim ­ fered. dlpped one, and the show rin g is
m ing o f the coat. **But now. not to protect venues, about appearatKes. Providing there
*‘Sham poolng is a totally different but ‘in the interests o f fa ir conqieti- is no intent to deceive, why should a
thing and it does alter the coat*s tex­ tio n .* even block chalk has been high standard o f presentation not be
ture.** he added. **I would not be able banned at shows, and it is virtually encouraged?
(foysically tq trim a dog i f 1 had im possible to use chalk even at “Th e F regulation is still as ftill o f
bathed it today. Th e chalk helps home, eith er fo r cleaning or to h d p tid es as ever. Exhibitors should
harden the coat so w e can trim . W ire trlm acoat. w ithout riskingdisqu all- know, for exam ple, that *no act or op­
Pox Terriers w ere part and parcel o f fleation. eration w hich alters the natural for­
starting the K ennd Chib and these **The assum ption is d ear—tiiat m ation o f any part o f a dog m ay be
things used to be w ritten into the those vdio use chalk are perfmmed,* w ith a few perm itted ex­
standard. I f now they are goin g to say cheating—lt*s as sim ple as that. ceptions. But cu tting the hair is not
you can*t use block chalk, it is goin g How. w e ask. Chalk cannot make a excepted—so are all Poodle exhibi-
to be physical^ Im possible to trim . If colored coat vdilter, nor a soft coat tm s breaking the rules. . . .and
it is used, it takes tim e to grow out.** acceptable. Used sensibly.itdeansu p what about cu tting the nails?
A B u H Terrier breeder said that a coat in situations vdiere w ater is “Again, no substance w hich alters
chalk was essential to the breed, its not available or appropriate. And it the natural body o f the coat may be
use was p u r ^ cosm etic— m aking a makes hand-striptplng much easier. used. T o show how ridiculous th is is.
w hite Bun T errier m ore attrac­ That*s an. we s u r e s t the General Com m ittee
tive—and in no way disgu isin g any­ **The K.C .. we understand, w ish to compare the ‘body* o f th eir own hair
thing. AD Bun T errier exhibitors are see dogs in th eir natural coats com­ before and after they sham poo it. Are
doing is m aking th eir dogs look **Uke pete against others in th eir natural exhibitors forbidden to bathe their
a wom an looks who uses powder.** coats. They b dieve a dog should be dogs?
judged on its qu ality not on the detail “We suggest these r^ u la tio n s are
Oo0 World Speaks Out o f preparation. Th at they need to say Investigated qu icU y by someone
I*d like to reproduce in fun an edi­ so suggests that they bdieve th is is who (a ) understands show dogs and
torial ftt»n the same issue o f Dog not now the case. S u rdy then it is the dog owners and (b ) has a measure o f
World vdilch was entitled **Why D is­ Judging w hich ought to b e Improved. common sense. O therwise they may
courage Good Presentation?** Please not the standard o f presentation weO find that one day every single ex­
take tim e to read f t WhUe it pertains lowered. hibitor in certain breeds may de­
to the banning o f chalk, the com ­ “What the K.C. do not seem to un­ mand that th eir dogs* coats are
m ents that rd a te to presentation in derstand is that vdien peoj^e choose tested, and every single one w ill have
general should give o f us w ho ex­ to exhibit a particular breed, they ac­ to be disqu alified!“ ■
h ib it dogs or groom them for show cept the traditions that go w ith that
many points to think about. breed. If they are not interested in

JUNE 1986 17

ook, Line & Sinker

e d o w e p la c e o u r va lu e s a s b re e d e rs ?

' Itc Job description reads:

DOG BREEDER: Duties Include

soles, JanUoricd, booldceqitng,
conespimdence, midwifery,
chauffeurlng, groom ing, public
relations, office management.
Exhibiting and handling capa­
bilities areplusses. Must be able
to deal with criticism , occasional
heartbreak, and IRS inquisi­
tions. Supply own JacUitles,
equipment and travel expenses.
Strong back and JUst-ald skills
are required. Knowledge o f ge­
netics recommended. Long
hours, stiff com petition; no medi­
cal benefits, expense account or
vacation. Entire Income must be
re-Invested In dog-related actlui-
Ues. Only serious applicants
need apply.

So w tiy do hundreds o f newcomers

I nter the fray each year? N ot all, but
I he great m ajority o f dog breeders ap-
] ify for the jo b w ithout frilty realizing
' diere they're heading.
It begins Innocently e n o u ^ . We
♦u y cute face, a pet, a dog for the
I dds. A visit to a nearby dog show, PfsporaHons cnw incMlofOf onottM cwaopf néflhf basM alho wtiolpinQbosc.
I nroOment In a train in g class, or
. lunt Ruby w anting a pup ju st like ribbon In sub-novice. The kids say, spend a n igh t beside a w h dpin g
! ifuffln. These m ight be enough to T e a h , Dad, let's have puppies, one box? Th is phenom enon can onfy be
rip the trigger. We crave (m e o f those for Aunt Ruby and another fo r us.” explained by our creative urges and
rophies displayed at the show and Suddenfy w e c a n t w ait 'til Mufify Is the com petitive drive (o r eternal
riah to see heads turn in adm iration old enough to breed. hope) to win it a ll, as w ell as the love
It the sigh t o f our dog. a beauty we Before we know it, that one dog we feel for our pets and the need to
xeated. O r the trainer offers enc»ur- has bec»m e five or nine or 16. Th is have a part o f M uffin w ith us always:
igement to continue classes and tendency to over indulge seem s to be Rarely does our first show dog take
niggests a local m atch w here we veiy sim ilar to other addictions. home the w ins w e covet. O ften It's
»m e away w ith a green qualifying Some people can place a bet now and not the second or th ird either. There
then, p u ff an occasional cigarette or comes a tim e when w e feel w e can
; ifs. Walkowlcz has been a breeder sip an a p eritif w ithout losin g con­ breed as good as— or better
I >f German Shepherd Dogs and trol. Others think i f a little is good, a than—any d<^ w e are able to buy. So
. learded Collies Jor over 15 years. A lot m ust be better. we begin.
mffesskmal writer, her firs t book, Som etim es the seduction (xxu rs
Successful Dog Breeding, won the B reeding to W in because w e relish the com petition
1985 B est Book o f the the Year One pet dog doesn't always lure ev­ and the cam araderie o f a hobby the
iw ardfrom DWAA. Her most recent eryone into the fold either. So sdiat whole fam ily can enjoy. Before we
xx)k Is Th e C^otni^te Question and makes an otherw ise sane jjerson in­ know it. w e've ju st eased in to the avo­
tnsw erBook on Dogs. She has been vest the fam ily fortune in chain-link cation o f dog breeding.
1 frequent contributor o f feature ar- fencing and one-night stays at H oli­ No m atter vriiat the reason. M uffin
Icles to the G AZETTE: her latest day Inns? What makes som eone who is the best dog ever, so we believe she
VOS “Having Fun“ In the A pril 1988 believed raisin g babies and two a.m. can produce even better puppies. We
issue. feedings were a th in g o f the past. want others to enjoy a com panion

' : I I
H'HS I. - ; /■

w ith MufiOn’s special w {^ , h er w in­ A fter aU. what makes a w inner?

some appeal, b v e x tra o rd in a iy intel­ TrofUiies. cham pions. H ighs in • SCRATCHING!
ligence, a n d siq ier-d tq ier., , , Trial, national specialty coups. Bests
A fter m aking the solicitous choice in Show? O r the satisfaction o f hear­
o f a proper m ate, w e organize the in g a new buyer teU you, “ He's the • SHEDDING!
sd id ^in g facility, also selected w ith best dog weVe ever had. “ • DULL CDAT!
care. No rigorous birth in g under a So w e've becom e a nation o f dog
., caused by a lack of poly­
:j b a d tp w c h fo rth is g lrllO n ly tb e b e s t breeders—the good, the bad and the unsaturated tats in a pet's diet.
v r ti^ in g box win do fo r her and the ugly. Perhaps a better ad would be:
111 piqiik W eVe read the b o ( ^ and have
an ^ neceasaiy equipm ent ready.

We pace the fkxM- and wonder what­
ever possessed us to do such a crazy
thing. And then the first pup arrives
ERS. W illing to lose sleep with a
sldcdog. Keep ypon the latest In-
Jionnatlon. Handle anim als with
and suddenly w e know.
concern and love. Sell to caring
Ij r Occaskmally it ends here. A fter we
owners an d w illing to help them
keq> one fo r ourselves and another
when needed. Educate others in
for Aunt Rutty, w e place the others
responsible ow nership. Always
w ith good owners, throw away the
keep a ^rectal place in their
“Pups 4 Sale" sign and never feel that
heartsfo r one their own breed­
urge again.
ing and, if necessary, a place in
But som etim es—as is true o f m ost
titeir homes. Many frin g e bene­
o f the readers o f th is colum n—w e fall
fits .
in love w ith one fem ale and decide to
keq> her. I f others think she's as
great as we do, w e're on our way. If Anyone answ ering the above Job
not, we try again next year or per­ description knows the benefits. ■
haps buy another bitch—it's not that
M u % isn't the best, w e exjdaln, it's
Just that w e h aven t found the righ t
stud to b rin g out all her attributes. ewk
So w e h a f^ lly continue to breed not fcriUUocalsniiYinn^isiiMfSJjcujiii-
one. but tw o Utters a year u n til we nwnk on ptAMwef c o k im ta n (ood-
achieve our goals. O f course, by then
our goals are a b it h igher and m ore Clvk W oiWB te. C&9- Arrmriean , 5
C k ib .a V f]m tl
expensive to attain. Not ju st a tro­ vtxk W IODIO
phy. by gum, but Best o f Breed, no it s a fact— some pet tooos are low m
...G roup 1 .. .Best in Show. But vdiy ¿\:f^.;rs3tuf3ted fafs ButUNATONE*^ Fooo
stop there? T op dog in the country! ^ .pplement can mane up for the deficiency
Why** Because U N A TO N E is rich in po/y*
T h ew orid l,, jnsaforared fats— nutrients essential to the
Diabetes isa major con- proper functi^r..r.g of Skin glands
Breediiig fur Ebve' tributorto heart disease, Skin glands need pofyunsaturafed tars to
As w e awaken to reality and look •-^eip Curtail EXCESSIVE S HEDDIN G And to
down at the contented mom peace­ kidney diseaseand prexiuce soft, supple skin that discourages
^C R ATC H tN G due to DRYNESS and F l AK-
fully cleaning her eagerly nursing blbidness. So^^dienyau fNG Polyunsaturated fats are also important
♦c hair lubrication, a must for overcoming the
pups, none o f that seem s im portant.
Th is is vdiere it's at, righ t here, w ith
siyportthe Ainerican ory look and unpleasant feel of D U LL C O A TS
the best dog ever and her pups. Diabetes Association, Add just leaspoons-a-day of LINATONE to
your pet s food He II love the taste And we
W atching those babes grow into you someofthe G U A R A N TE E — after thirty days -you •love
biqilty. healthy adults. Th e fun o f the results O r we n REFUND YOUR PUR­
pbqdng tag w ith a Utter o f itUy-poly worst diseasesof CHASE PRICE
LINATONE IS sold in pet shops everywhere
pups and the Joy o f losing, roUlng to­ our time.
gether on the ground, being Ucked to
death by the w lim ers o f the game.
Or, perhaps, are you the winner,
even i f you never b rin g hom e any tro­
A Lambert Kay

JUNE 1968 19
Purina Professional Program s...
Si pporting Purebred Performance

Eecog nizing Excellence

An i nportant part o f promoting excellence is beagles, and coonhounds. Each competition
re ing achievement. For over 25 years, is administered and scored by individuals
R a l^ ion Purina Company has taken pride in experienced in the respective programs.
spoi'/json/^ programs wMch recognize
part bi'red performance. These prestigious awards recognize the best
performances during the past season. The
1Invkatioiial Dog 9 hiw. A true "dog show Award Programs’ g ( ^ is to stimulate interest
of sHowsT the Purina Invitational Dog Show in competition, and give credit to dogs,
has Inet with an enthusiastic reqxaise from tc^ owners, and handlers.
ocMii )etitc»s. The t(^ ten dogs in ead i of the
4-H Dog Care and Training Pit^ram . The next
AK<! breeds shown during the past year are
invh 3d to the con^)^ition. Nationallyi:ecognized generation of dog professionals deserves special
jiK^ » pick the top-ranking dog in each breed, attention. That attention comes through Ralston
Purina Company’s sponsorship of the 4-H Dog
in each group. One is chosen as Best
)w from the remaining dogs. Proceeds are Care and Training Program.
ibuted to the Dog Museum of America. Each year, 4-H youths are recognized for their
outstandiiig achievements in the Dog Care
Awwd Ptognans. In 1963, Ralston Purina
ly named its first wiimer in the Purina and Training Program. Winners are honored
with scholarships and prizes at the National
Trial Bird Dog competition. The Purina
4-H Congress.
PtO gram sh a ^ grown to include retrievers.
cipating m
1 " - ni i ' T . ; ■ ■ :! ■' ■: v ;.
Ralston: Purina believes active involvement is an Breeder Starter K h s . Professional breeders are
important 'part o f Purina Professional Programs. often asked for advice concerning the animals
they breed. Purina conveniently packages that
Purina Sliow Exhibits. Throughout the year, advice in its Puppy and Kitten Starter Kits.
excellence is evident at dog a t^ cat ^ o w s around The kits cover many aspects of a pet’s first year,
the country! Ralston Purina is prominendy including general care, proper nutrition, and
represented at many of these shows through an veterinary examinations. ^ ,
inftm natii^ display. | .
Purina Mobile Van. Animal care and nutrition
A variety of literature is one key way Purina information takes to the road in the Purina
participates in dog and cat shows. TTie Inside Mobile Van to attend field trial competition.
Story brochures feature nutritional requirements The van is equipped with a special computer
and feeding tips for canines and felines. On programmed to suf^ly nutritional data and feed
Making ^ u r Pet a G o ^ N ( ^ h ^ promotes cost comparisons. \-
r e ^ r iib ie pet ownership. T h eliis and outs of
animal competiticMi are explained in How to Fm further mftmnatioa, write PMG Professional
understand and enjoy an Obedience Trial and Programs—6RPL, Ralston Purina Company,
How to understifhdiiand enjoy a Dog Show. Checkerboard Scpiare, St. Louis, MO 63164.

Planning for Learning

.ast in a th re e -p a rt series o n p la n n in g e d u c a tio n a l p ro g ra m s .

n last m onth's cohunn. diagnos­ m altwip. For the sem inar w e assume Selectliig Learning Activities

I in g the k a m er’s needs was dis­

cussed as the first step in program
I fanning. The rem aining fou r steps
I re exam ined in th is colunm : For-
that m ost o f the participants do not
have expertise In evaluating M inia­
ture Schnauzers. T o know w hether
our objective is achieved, w e must
The focus o f the sem inar is the
M iniature Sebnauzer standard (See
In selecting activities w hich wlU
1 n itad iig Learning O bjectives; De- have observable results and other m ost effective^ s u f^ r t learning for
I I0 alng A ctivities; C onducting data indicating change in the partlc- an m embers o f the group, som e crite­
i ctM tles; Evaluating the Program . h>ant8' behavior because o f the edu- ria m ust be appUed. Tw o dlctum s
For illustrative purposes let us as- catlanal program . N otice that from Rousseau, w ho I suspect never
I ume we are planning a sem inar on objectives are w ritten In a way that owned a M iniature Schnauzer, help
I lln latu re Schnauzers. Th e sem inar describes what learners win be able make this point, "sim ple b ^ore com­
11 being given by two local breeders to do or demonstrate. plex, concrete before abstract ”
part o f th eir club's ongm ng breed Our ^sal is to have participants When selecting and sequencing
<ducatton program s. conqietently learn to assess botty learning activities rd y on Rous­
In breed sem inars, the overall goal faoportlons. Som e people w ill learn seau's advice.
11 to give a m ore com plete im der- to perform this task qu ite weU, oth­ Suppose 31DU com e up w ith the feri-
I landing and fuller appreciation o f a ers less so. The next step in planning low ing list o f possible activities.
] artlcularbreed.Thebreedstandard Is the selection o f learning activities. • Have three breeders eiq>laln how
I the base o f knowledge and focal An activities m ust relate to the learn­ to assess body proportion.
I oin t for such a p m ^ w n . In educa- in g objective and contribute to Its ac- • Read the ejqjert com m entary from
looal term s, the standard is the sub- compilahment. the illustrated standard.
. set m atter or the curriculum .
M iniatur» Schnauzer: Seminar Planning
The first and facem ost re^xm sibll-
i ly o f a program planner Is to decide
; our 9 Y o u cannot reaUatical^
m 1s .
whether your program has
I tasceeded, i f you are unclear about
; our aims. The first step is to w rite
( ow n your Instructional objectives.
' h ere is no optim al num ber o f goals
13T a program . The com plexity o f the
1optc, the learners' needs, and the
1ime available are amne o f the many
t aiiables w hich m ust be considered Leomeis length of the body (B) which Isthe
I s objectives are Identified. Be as v<»beabiek>(3Mess1hebcxlyprD- dblance from the chest bone (the
p ed fic as possible in describing portlore of the Mlnicrture SchnciuzBr. anterior erxl of the sternum) to the
; our objectives. Break down com plex stem bone or tuber ischil ( T ) (Hg. 2).
1 a m ia g goals such as "assessing Tha Standard Soys:
General Appearance Note that the length of the dog Is not
movement" into logical sub-goals. measured from the point of the wllh-
A learning goal or instructional ob- The Mlrtioture Schnauzer Is a ro­
bust, active dog of terrier type, re­ erstothetaH.
, ectlve describes one o f jrour educa-
ional Intents. In our hypothetical sembling his largef cousin, the
Slanclard Schrxiuzer, In gerieral In most breeds assessing body pro­
em lnar m e objective m ight be: portions Is of prime Importance to
earners win be aMe to assess the appearance, and of an alert, acltve
dbpositlon. He Is 5furaltyhult neorV evolucrilng the dog's basic makeup.
od y proportions o f the M iniature An Insliucflorxil otjeettve describes
ichnauxer. square In proportion of txxfy length
to he|0f>t ( i t a ^ colurTrilsQ with one of your program's educational
In most breeds, assessing body Intents. Objectlvos CMBwritten In a
voportlons Is o f prim e im portance plenty of bor*e, and without on/
suggestion of loylshness (Rg. 1). way that describes what learners wHI
evaluating the dog's basic beobletodoordem or)-
Ixpeirs Commentaty: The height ot s/tote as a result of your program's
1 >r. Stenkleivlcz is the AKC Judges' the withers Is almost equal Id the activities.
I ed ucation coordinator. She was a
I veed or an d exhibitor in cortforma-
lon and obedience O m ugh utility Frarnlhe »a*afadOixxs«br>orif)eAiirilatunaScf)riaurer5torx3brci 2rid eettioa pre-
pored and pubtahed by the Projeds CorTvnHtee,American MMohjre Schnouzar Club.
j or 15 years.


(A N D D A Y T IM E S , T O O ! ) . . . WITH


Stop Nuisance Barking. . . N O T Protective Barking
mlfiOOsq.fL it EasytoinstsU
• Using Fig. 1 a l the iUustiatlm is guarantee if One year warranty
have the Ic m e t » trace the draw­
in g and proportions.
• View the AKC video on the M inia­ .TR A S O N IC
ture Schnauzer.
• Measure a live dog. w hen your dog barks, the UKS
emits a very loud (but
• Show sUdea o i naxty dogs and
have participants assess th eir \erabfy below the pain
proportions. and co m p le te aafei
• Dem onstrate how to assess pro­ ultrasonic tone that stim­
portion on one correct dog. ulates your dog's sense o f hear-
Analyze each activity by asking these iiig Your dog's alert reqxm se
questions: How does the activity re­ from battety, AC (with AC A d iitfer
late to the objective? W hich o f the -. Onfy $16095.
five senses are engaged through the
activity? WhUdi are concrete? W hich
abstract? W hat m ight be the best se­ WATERJET
quencing o f the activities? W I ^
EPA recommended bark control
Conducting Activities method; water spray comes on
A d lm ate o f m utual respect m ust automaticalfy with barking. Power­
be created between the group leader
ful, novd stimulus that is audible,
and the learners. Th e leader m ust be
siq)porttve. not Judgmental. A n adult visual and tactile all at the same
leafn in g situation has to be fiien dty time! It controls all dogs within
and inform al, not aloof and form al. a 1,000 sq it. area, without pain,
The leader win often fin d it necessary shockii^ or punishment.'The Wall
to ^ )en d a considerable portion o f timing and is adapitable to any
tim e at the beginning o f the program Bark Pick-up Unit (doubling area
estaU lshing a supportive clim ate in
a d iid i participants are n ot anxious
T o order, o r fo r m ore inform ation, con tact
about th eir opinions bein g thought
“wrcmg” and “stupid.” Th e extent to
w hich the learners participate in the
program probabtydependsonestab-
llsh in g an atm osphere in w hich they P. O . Box $61 • Buda, Texas 78610-0361 • (512) 260-1604 • 800-451-0615
fe d free to question, interpret and MasterCirdAISA. C O D .
«m trlb u te.
A t every sem inar, ground rules
should be set w hich encourage open evaluation include: in an educational experience should
com m unication. No one h a » all the • Program pdanners’ own observa­ consider them selves a resource not
answers, and everyone has the r i ^ t tions o f what happiens: W hich ac­ ju st deliverers o f inform ation. The
to ask questions and make m istakes. tivities realty engaged the kind erf facilitator who win succeed at
From the view point o f the leader a learners? W h l^ stim ulated ques­ structuring an educational program
w rong answer is, educationally tion s? is one who has a sense o f caring
^leakin g, w m th its w eight in gd d . • Feedback from the p)articip>ants: about some piart o f the dog world,
Everyone should fe d free to make levd o f partlclpiation; attentive­ how it works, and wants to make it
mistakes. ness; questions. accessible to others. Sucti a person is
• W ritten feedback in the form o f fascinated by questions o f how to en­
Bvaluaaing the Program questionnaires: Include ques­ gage piec^de in th eir interests. More
When evaluating your program , tions cm program cuntent, pxoc- than anything else successful educa­
you need to Indude a variety o f per- ess and attitudes. tional program s about dogs reepuire
spccttves. Th e m ore data you obtain peoprle w ith an overwhelm ing com ­
about the {Mogram the better you w ill I^Minihig U a Social Acttvtty m itm ent to th eir breed and Uie de­
be able to iden tify strengths and 'The teach in ^ earn in g rdation- sire to find ways to get th eir interests
weaknesses. T o d s used in program shlp is a (»o p era tive one. Facilitators across. ■

JUNE 1988 23
'rhe Right Fluff
, \ fe w g o o d tricks c o n b e re w a rd in g .

you are determ ined to get your Clum­

ber. Sussex or Bulldog a CDX, jum p
he must. But If you are train in g him
to nuke him sm arter, funnier and
better able to entertain, you can go
for tricks that are easier fo r h is bocty
A fter you study and give thought to
your dog’s bocty type, w atch him at
I^ay. Does he lik e to ju m p over obsta­
cles or onto th in gs? Make note o f
this. Is your (tog a great hunk o f a
thing, suited to pull a little cart o r a
sled fu ll o f kids? Is your best friend
agile, able to turn around In m ld-alr,
U ^ t on h is feet, cjulck, always
ready? These are the things that w ill
help chie you In to the groups o f
tricks that m l^ t w ork w ell for your
dog. B u tth is is o n ty th e b ^ in n ln g .

Time and SJdD Required

Before you narrow down the field
and begin selecting tricks, forget
about your dog and think a little b it
ogs need aom eOdiv to do. benefit from the tim e and contact about yourself. Sure your Fox Terrier

D They want to J te l useful w ith you adilch Is required for the

Tricks can be a ita ^u l and teaching. He win revel In bein g able
I nteitaintng addition to your dog’
to show o ff a new skin, h is con fi­
<duoolfon. They w ill aat^fy his dence U oom lng as you go along. H ell
was b om to ju m p n ^ , but do you
have the tim e and skin to teach
this very difilcnilt trick ? I f not. m l^ t
you not do better teaching him a very
j eamlnosfo r attention and Intellec- grow sm arter each tim e you w ork flashy but e a ^ trick. Jumping
( io l aehteoemenL They w ill allow w ith him . The m ore you teach, the through a hoop? He could retrieve to
I itm to be o f real service to you and greater his ability to learn. hand, bark ycnir age, even, i f you've
I M l help him to s a ttfy hts un- Even m ore sign ifican t in th is age the patience o f a saint, roll over and
I pohen longing to woik. --D o t o f greed In sdiich w e live, once your
Teach in g T o o r D og to be dog knows a few good tricks, y o u ll be
Pun and B n leitalB in g. Hag- able to go into schools and nursing
I ertjr and Benjam in (H o n d l Book hom es to delight and educate. Y ou H
be able to be selfless and generous.
Finding the most appropriate No m atter the balance in your check­
I rtd a for jrour dog to peiCimi win re- book, youH fe d like a m inion. And so
I uH In more than person al gratlflca- wlB your dog. And If, along the way,
1 k » . O f course your trick-trained dog you teach your dog to w ink at the
I ould he a wonderiul adecitlaeinent breed judge, even fin d that
{ X your breed. In addftlbn. he win trick training, property done. wUl
give you rewards In other arenas.
( 'arol Beryamtn. a professional
I ulner. is the author q fjiv e books on Straetun First
< og behavior, including M other One way to select the best tricks for
] how s Best, Th e Natural Way to any dog is first to consider his struc-
' ridn Your Dog. She Is the recipient tu ra Seeing how your dog is made
( fO ie 1985 DWAA W riter the Year wlH help you choose w hat’s natural
i ward, the 1985 Caines Fido for him to do. O f course, all the
J w ard and the 1987 K al Kan Pedt- breeds can do obedience work. But
i ree Outstanding Pet Care Jour- t e lle r breeds m ight have an easier
I attst Award. She has been the au- tlin e w ith the jum ps than breeds
I ioroflk lscolu m n stn cel9 7 9 . w ith a really low center o f gravity. If

W hat is your dog lik e? Is he verbal i the dog's interest tq>. D on't let him
S ^ n e o f the cutest tricks take little about everything? Does he howl, have it righ t awjty, but let him s n iff it
thne and less skllL Yes, you can teach bark, w hine, “ talk ," make every little and then snatch it away. When he
your W h^ipet to walk on a rollin g baU w ish and desire known w ith his reaUy wants it. toss the object, lettin g
w b iu reL But fo r much less effort you voice? T h in k speaking tricks. Is h e a , him see where it lands.
can get him to w alk on htndquar- real slugabed? Th in k p la y dead. Now. encourage him to get it F in d
ters, sU up and beg, or do Jumping Or, i f you have the tinte. go against I t atta dog, Jind I t good dog. Now
tricks, s tick Jum ping or even Jump­ the grain. T rick train in g can h d p the he's got it. He's having a great tim e.
ing Ouough a hoop. slqt dog becom e m ore confident: it Call him to you. T ell him out. Praise
can h d p anim ate a "rd axed " dog. him and go through the routine sev­
G oing against personality and body eral tim es more. Now begin to play in
Suppose your Shepherd has the type win su rdy add to the hunK>r o f tall grass so the dog cannot readily
power, the structure, the m ental for­ your act. I f you have the tim e, th is is see the object. Now he win begin to
titude, the courage to scale a w all? an interesting wity to go. use his nose to fin d it, and here the
It's a great trick. Seeing it a lw t^ real fun begins. Encourage him as he
takes m y breath away. But i f your Ready, Set, Got searches, if necessary leading him in
purpose for teaching your dc^ tricks Now it's tune fo r the righ t flu ff. the righ t direction at first so that he
is to take her to a nursing hom e as a Here's a fin e b ^ irm ln g . good fo r aU succeeds every tim e. As you work, he
thenqiy dog. th is is not the righ t dogs. Enjoy! win becom e m ore confident and you
trid r for the job . Th e old folks win Firu ia LostO l^ect win be able to gradually make his
m ost Ukdy be indoors and even i f you Use som ething leather to begin, an finds more com plicated. Now you
have a p r o p e ^ constructed w all at edd glove or tye glass case. W ork out­ may add other “lost objects" as weU,
hom e for your dog to scale, the nurs­ side. tossing around the object to get keys, a wallet, a scarf. ■
in g hom e win n o t T h e worir you do
w ith your dog m ust not only su it the
structure o f your dog, dancing on
hind legs for the Ps^lDon, p ulling a D O -IT -Y O U R S E L F
cart for the Malamute, and so on,
and your own ab ility and tim e: it
m ust also su it your pm pose. If you
Retriever Puppy Training
want to give that Shepherd con fi­
dence, by aU means have a scaling
wan bu ilt In you r bacl^ard and get to The RigM Start far HMtkiv
work. But fo r school dem os and by Clarice Rutherford S Chsrylon Loveland
nursing hom es, you w on't want a i^
equipm ent that caiu iot be easily A behavioi/trairHng regimen just like the
hand-carried and used indoors. I pro's use— adaptable to suit the pup's per­
fin d that when doing dem o work, sonality, utilizing step-by-step instructions
(photos/diagrams induefed) which offers serv
partlcularty w ith kids or d d er folks, sible solutions to retriever training.
the best tricks and gam es are those $8.9e/Order«38-3
that involve the audience— sm ell it,
Jind It, w here the object is hidden in ITM a sA n M lK
som eone's pocket or on h is or her □ AS Bn td DfcMonary at Umauml Hamm ______________Total # of B o o ls
$9.9SA>RMr* 32-4 ______________Total Price
lt4> ;a ca rd trick ,w h ereth ed ogd ellv- □ Mo Qnalsr Low
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gin g his tall carm ot do wag your tail
on command. The shy and retirin g ORDER NOW!
S h d tle m i^ t be poor at a sm ell It
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I u n io r s h o w m a n s h i p

Kids Helping Kids

Juniors o s a px>sitive fo rc e in o th e r c h ild -d o g re la tio nship s.

kid m l^ t begin to have a little m ore

self-confldence around dogs.

Presenting Tour Case

The presentation Itself should be
fairly stra l^ tfo rw a rd . It breaks
down into tlu ee s lm f^ parts.
Education; T h is Is the tim e to
teach a little b it about basic d<^ be­
havior, prcqier hum an b d ia vlo r
aroim d dogs, w hat to do I f you are
bitten, and how to avoid gettin g b it­
ten at all. Th is Is also the tim e to taiif
to the kids vdio alreacfy have dogs
about the need to be responsible dog
owners. Encourage these kids to
train fo r the new AKC canine citizen ­
ship test.
Dem onstration: Now Is the tim e to
practice vdiat you preach. Show
good and bad behavior around dogs.
Put some d o ^ th r o u ^ form al obedi­
ence exercises and others through
citizenship exercises. It Is im portant
to use several differen t breeds, espe­
cially those who have gained an un­
icon help eeiMlog kIdB ihair ignorane# Gnd faor offdogs. deserved reputation as biters. Trade
o ff dogs to show th eir tractablllty
ost o f US are feunlllar w ith a other kids. Such presentations and your own fearlessness.
particular inm ge o f kids and would serve two purposes. Th e first Hands-On: T h is Is the biggie. Now
dogs; a happy p a ir o f natural Is to educate kids on how to behave It's tim e for the children In the audi­
«m pankm e doing ttdrtgs together, around dogs. Th e second Is to show ence to pet the dogs and. I f possible,
n reccat years, w e have had to be- kids who are afraid that other kids w oilr w ith them a b it. Patience Is the
xm e fam iliar w ith a new im age: a U vesa felya n d h ^ ^ ilyw ith d ogs. The key Ingredient here. Just to touch a
ligh ten ed child stw in klfig away best w ay to handle th is kind o f edu­ dog m ay be a m ajor accom plishm ent
irom a dog. M ost dog-bite victim s are cation would be for a ju n io r d u b to for som e o f these children, partlcu-
hlldrcm. M ost anti-dog legtalaticm have a r^ u la r presentation It could la iiy those vrtio have had severe
Irises from a child d q g b fte Incident. give whenever asked. If there Is no bites.
Many children, w hether or not they du b In your area, perhaps you
lave been bitten, are terrified o f should start one! These presenta­ Who Needs It?
logk Dog clubs are fig h tliig the leg- tions would give you the iqiportunlty Anyvdiere there Is a ch ild afraid o f
alatlco and are tryin g to educate t ^ to deal w ith child-dog rdationshlps a dog, there Is a child who needs to
lubbc so that bites can be prevented, before trouble starts, to deal w ith see that they don 't have to live In fear.
lunlor dog fanciers have a unique childrens' fear o f d < ^ before It be­ Where do you do these presenta­
ipportunity to do th eir part for the comes paralyzing, and to deal w ith tions? Everywhere! They can be done
log w orld. Juniors can h e ^ non-dog parental fear before it can be passed for all types o f youth groups. Ju st re­
dds overcom e th eir Igncmance and down to the child. member that the program should be
ear o f dogs. Th e reason that It is so Inqxntant adjusted to fit the ages and experi­
that Juniors do the {H esen tatim s is ences o f the group It's being shown
Propoaal to show that children can be in to. They can be done at scho<^ and
W hat I am proposing Is that ju n ior charge o f d o ^ . A child m ight n ot be­ malls; they should be a part o f every
lo g fiuK iers give presentations to lieve that he or she can be in charge If dog club's public education dlsi^ays.
an adult dem onstrates controL A fter You need these presentations, too.
Ifs. Welsser Is an award winning aD, the adult Is b ig and strong. But Th is Is a way fo r you to participate in
lunlor handler and a frequent let a 14-year-old see another the dog frmcy and Jor the dog fancy.
QAZETTE contributor articles on 14-year-oid con fid en t^ give com­ Sure, 310U show, but here Is an o ] ^ r -
Iunior showmanship. mands to, say. a R ottw eiler, and that tunlty for ju n iors to contribute to the

5'ï:i Í
a ü iili
EASY TO USE • N O ra fC m O M C
«EAIK or BETATIOWtl Oar yglg. i»«WaE fSISSMS^ 1 1 Yém.
TATU DOOSi from Éh o cfc-a iiy , Oun W iy , w tcl
• Lsasti a Ovw nmytp • 8K
• a m *n a • BMng • (iunShy « BuMng BMi
rMwMy Dooe Muwlifio POQA OOQE • StWf
~ — mcmmm • mmcmmm • tmummS
MlMMtar • m
• mtné—
an jsnaifc fr S iim
a- , • j y » * « ? » .•
a o M S fln o t s s s ia N ^ ! A s s l of u n s a oCQ-tBKKO na la re ttist condHIon does IncrodSty foot
S n n I. Usad from ttw palm o M ta hand. Now hypnotic control, oven a la dUUnco. No loW inaodad Noolcos
bocona exports. This now dbeovoty b a learning-sound c U S y it thanaachaa dkacno M d o g 's mind. Renders.,
bodily paM rahiing obsnMo. Safer. Kind. Yat more powerful! Dogs sknply don't ngM It Tunes d o « to, m sk « ^
them sn m to piraso you. Unoqualed loyaHytniidtog. Same insirum anb and sytoem (the Dr. MMar patonb) ’
dispensad by vatorlnarla« tor dog tahaidor. Now, thousands of satisfied customers wotMwida.
> ten n «d C m p iu v -b r^
i: KUte b e ÿ in g kkls Is a i^ace foryou in 5S!tg,?jiig.váT...
D O Q -M ASTER S Y S TEM S i— ,,— ¡BESHftM
aas«wiiwu. e « 12saAeounhbl CAdi301
tb ed ogw orid . i| I )'
Adult fim cleïB also ben efit firom
these jnesentatlons. W hat better
form o f public relations can there be
than a special interest s to iy In the
paper or on the local news featuring
111 take ’em both!
ktds and dogs? Here you have a
ready-made program fo r a public ed-
u catioa forum , one w hich w ill be
both popular and inform ative. These
program s are one m ore lin e o f resist­
ance to anti-dog sentim ent and
anti-dog legislation.

Looking Ahead
These p it^ram s are n ot goin g to
spring tq> overn igh t They are goin g
to take some organization, [denty o f
hard w ork, a b it o f p u U lcity and
som e honest dedication to the efibrt.
T h gr would w ork best I f they came
out o f Junior clubs, bu t cu rren t^
there aren’t a large enough num ber
o f s u d i clubs to be able to rely on
them akme. So. en list the aid and
support o f parents and adult fan d-
ers In specialty and all breed clubs.
Let them know you are serious about
your contribution to the future o f
pure-bted dogs. You can do It, and
the need fo r these program s grows
w ith every day and every b ite and ev-
eryan tl-doglaw . a
Ttás vyi be your reaction too when you see the«saHi di informalionour diiectoriescontain! Qualcr
ioryou. thedogownet s
Ml WsSwr is IriBiBSed In hearing ftom yourdog. theAU MfUrzaNfCdiMm of WhereIs Bnk Beart oflUn a Dog givesyouthe know-how! It
harraodsi* in m porss to thiscolumn or alsocontainsinfoiiTiatlonto heb you selectthe next dogtDryou and^ family. This80-page dúeclonr
vsNh suggetSom tar Mess columns. hasttal— livings of kennels, breed andobedienceclubs! nus: thereare tedeeniablecoupons. MWfl
Pleow oddrew cS consaxndsrx:« JTJ5 off quality Gaines and Ken-L Rationdog food products.
Ftoncssca WelMsr. eta Amartoon Ksnoal OurUTESraamOilfoftatageiNlikemr isessentialfordogownetsvvhoBtetotravelwiththeirdoQS.
Oub. P A S TIL 51 ModSonAisanue. New Thbhelptul.BO^agedirectotycontainsdowLfWistings ofhotels, nwtelsand10natiomnidechainsw<h
YolkMflOOIO. imm MawAAV foeatans where both you and yraurdog areutolconie AND It cardans J U f NUifti of
redeemable coupons on quality Gaines andKen-L Ration dog food products.
Sendtodayforoneorbothofthesediroctories. EachoneisSISasaoOforboth. Pleaseindicateyourchoice
AI Juntan and makecheck payable in proper amount to Prafossianal Services and mai to:
Pioiei i lonwl Swfvice»
A matter vvhich eonesms cS Junior hon- RO. Box AKCP877
dtars was pttiled In the 'Secfstay'» Hbung America, MN 55399
ta g s'o f the Febtutsy 1966 G A S TE O i
pagas 172 ta 174 of thof laue ora tie
« d e a d AegUbSaos tarJtntarjhournorv
sfdPL 'Stay become aOectKia on Asie
1, 1968. Plaaw tche noltce. FtonceieQ
Wilwer wWdbeuwlheia rwAScini In her
July 1968 SASTTEcotumn.

-Si ’ Èr: r 196a The Quaker Oats Company

JUNE19M 27

inivw sity of P n ntyl¥cmlq spond. Th e seizure may c o u i^ (rf dtys. Occasion­

last from a few seconds to a ally a dog does n ot com e
y n v x > s iu in few m inutes. Follow ing the out o f a seizure. T h is is a
seizure the dog m ay be m edical em ergency. I f a
The UnlversUy<^PennaylvaniaS<iuxdt^ Veterinary tem porarily blind, stagger­ seizure continues m ore
ItedlclM e presents an intereatUigsywposUun each Jan- ing, thirsty, hungry, bark­ than ten m inutes a veteri­
li Jiyfeahirtng tp e a k en from the school who present in g or disoriented. This narian should be called.
p ipers on a variety q f suijfects. This month Is the sec- stage usually passes in a Fhenobarblhd is the
a id part o f the report on the 1968Sympoelum. few m inutes b u t m ^ last drug m ost frequently used
as long as a day or two. to control seizures In dogs.
D uring the tim e the dog O ther drugs w hich are
other sym ptom s are pre­ is having a seizure, it is suitable for pecqile do not
B e t^ DcqrrdHIart. VMD. sent. Toodns and ezposure best to leave the dog alone seem to w ork as w ell, since
M ctuicr In Neurology, de- to insecticides m ay cause and rem ove aity objects drugs seem to pass much
a Tibed what seizures are seizures, and point up the adilch m ay cause it harm. faster through a dog's
a lid are not and gave aome ingxirtanoe o f observing T ty to get the dog on the body. Blood tests m ust be
a iggeatictis on how to your dogs carefully, so that ground or floor in an area done regulaity to see that
t lanage dogs w ith s d - an accurate history o f the adilch issafe. Once the sei­ the drug is m aintained at
zHires. event can be given. zure is past there is noth­ the proper level. Drugs
Many things hx>k like Mlnpalhlc e{rilqisy r a r ^ in g to be done for the dog rarely control seizures
Izurea but m ay not be. happens on onty one side o f other than to keep it qu iet c o m i^ ^ , bu t i f the drug
donvuM ve episodes m ay the body, whereas with so that it m ay recover. levels are proper fo r the
c x u r due to any num ber aymptnmatlc seizures aome- Som etim es seizures come dog. the seizures can be
c r reasons. Th e tenn ept- tim esh a lfo fth eb o d y lsln - In dusters, two or three at controlled for a period o f
1 pagr Is used to describe re- vtrived. Th e dog win appear atlm e, or over a period o f a years.
c orrent seizures. Bpilepay to be c o m p le te norm al
I i^ b e c a u s e d b ya va rlety upon an exam inations, Baopbggaal Diseases ciated w ith foreign bodies
c rthlntt. I f a cause can be other than the tim es dur­ stuck in the esophagus, or
f Hind ^ the seizure actlv- in g the seizures. Seizures Robert J. Washabau. inflam m ation .
1 y. It is term ed aym ptom- may begin in dogs as VMD, lecturer In M edicine,
£ Uc epilepsy. When no young as six m onths or as discussed diseases o f the Anorexia —caused b y pain
c luse is found, it is term ed old as three years. Idio­ esophagus. Although dis­ in swallowing or the re­
I Bnpathlrqillepsy. pathic epilepsy appears to eases w hich affect the verse, ravenous tqqietlte
Sym ptom atic epU ep^ be an inherited condition. esophagus are not fre­ followed by regurgitation.
be brought on meta- In that w hen two epileptic quently seen In dogs, they
t oUc disorders; bypqgltyoe- dogs are bred the offsprin g are always serious when
I lia. eq ied a lly m young win have a high incidence they occur. A physical examlnatkm,
{ upples o f sm all breeds; o f epilepsy. and an accurate histm y
C linical signs o f esopha­
t rain Inflam m ation due to Seizures are episodic, geal disease are: the onset o f the proUem and
1 lius or bacteria: faydro- m eaning they usually Its symptoms are essential
( sphahis in young dogs; or come in stages. Som e dogs Regurgitation — w hich is to accurately diagnose and
I rain tum ors. T h e last Is a give w arning signs such as different from vom iting. pinpoint the problem. Ra-
c im m on cause o f seizures staring, trem bling, run­ Regurgitation is a passive dlograp>hs. barium tests and
II older dogs, ^ n q ito m - n in g in circles, or salivat­ process in w hich the undl- sometimes endoscopy are
£ tic epilepsy can often be ing. O ther dogs give no gested food and saliva are Indicated.
( iagn oscdbyU ood. efaem- advance w arning. D uring brought up before being Esophageal foreign bod­
I n l and urine analysis. CT the seizure the dog may swallowed, w ithout abdom ­ ies are am ong the m ost
«E lapse, salivate, paddle, inal contractions. common disorders. The
« im is and electroencepha-
1 gram s are not generafly urinate, defecate and show dog may have swallowed a
I seful In diagnosing epl- other signs o f invcrfuntaiy Dysphagia — w hich stone, a bone, gristle, a ftsh
1 pay. Radiographs can m uscular contractions. means difficu lty in swal­ book or other u n d i^ stlb le
lic k up tum ors In the The dog appears uncon­ lowing. object that gets stuck.
I rain m id are indicated If scious and cannot re­ These are best evaluated by
H ypersallvatlon — exces­ endoscopy and can often be
1 Is. Vanacore has been the editor o f this department sive salivation or drooling rem oved w ith forceps. Oc­
i Ince 1982. She also Is a breeder, and afrequent con- is often present as a result casionally. surgery is
( Ibutor o f GAZETTE fea tu re artlctes. o f pain or discom fort asso- needed.

! ■ r= i _________ _
Vascular rlrHg, ar*r^aV cs
are c w ¿ p -''frld 5= ^ al''r-'a-
tíoDS which^ affect the N E W O N C E ^ J Q iP I
escp’'. ,i¿u3 and can be sur-
gki^ny .co r^ rt!^ . Sonje.
such as ip rrsf'+ 'T it righ t
aortic arch, arc herpHnaiy.
M fgacrrpbag^s is an en­
larged Of dilated esepha-
giia.: It can b e]ccrigeriiia l
and Is seen in Great Danes,
German s^j-phprd Dogs,
Irish Sc-tcra, i M 'rcsc Tre
S rh r,ac---s and W ire Fox
Terriers. S;-r^ety dees ro t
help -and tlic ^ prog
nosls t w this i-dteerwe is
: poor. 1 Ar-mUred me-
gaes, .pi idgiis ran he caused
.. oy l^'pctlijr-rcrtc^ni, inyas
r therJa gravis, lead polson-

" ing, etc., arid h a« an e c - Jly
poor pregnosis.
E soprrtg'iis "s another
disnrdev may be
esasm Igr the ingestion of
foreign oi^ects or caustic
snbstar.cj^a. B tef perigda
o f fasting and adm'r.tstra-
. tlcn ofarts-rid sw iS ally
rc-sqhc this pr.-,hi<-fn. I f k ft
una ttended the dag m ^de*
8 atriri -re (rb.iipg or
^narrnwiT'.g of the pss-sage).
=: Two ■ es-phagea!
ii.fd-r- are cancers and
__Ticrnias. B«th rc-
s'j i^ujge.iy but the
. ..,sis for ear.cer o f the
■■.-e't-cisperr. ]
cx>su cn oif
The Am erican Anim al
H oq^tal Association
puUkmtlon. Planning
Your Veterinary Ca­
reer, was Incorrectly
listed in February 1988
"Veterinary N ew s" as
being, availidile free o f
charge. It is priced at
$10 per copy, phis
$2.50 for postage and SügSMMBVlB '
handling. It also is tem ­ OMiionOfMvefciCovina
porarily out-of-stock. RafNewMJ.USA07066-0912

JUNE1968 29

What Cost Breeding?

P ro te ctio n a g a in s t irre sp o n sib le b re e d in g p ra c tic e s .

the owner o f the stud responsible for

the bitch and pups? I am not aware
o f any case in w hich a stud owner
l^ a lly was held responsible fo r a
bitcb who died In labor or fo r the dis­
posal o f the pups, afisum lng that the
bitch and dog were bred (m purpose. -<
Until the day th at a fem ale can repro­
duce alone however, the stud owner
certainly Is ethically responsible for
the pups.
Would owners casually breed th eir
dogs i f they were apprised o f the risk
and eiq>ense o f breeding? E^iqierl-
ence teaches m e that the m ajority
would not.
The average cost o f a h ea ltl^ litter
o f six raised to the age o f three
m onths would include the follow ing
basic eiqienses:
Exam ination ofb ltch before breed­
ing, in du din g X-rays, worm check,
brucellosis test, etc.— avg. cost $65;
stud fee—avg. cost $350; transporta­
tion to stud—avg. cost $50; extra
food and vitam ins fo r dam after sixth
Would owiwn eoM M iyiM ad ttwir dogs VIlMy w m appilMd of tlw risk and week o f p r^ n a n cy^ ^ vg. cost $165;
ofbroodbigT norm al veterinary care for six pups
(to include tail docking, rem oval o f
t m ust be spring, because the calls dogs for about 20 years” and had dew claws, im m unization and

for stud service are com ing m ore
frequently. A fter m ore than 30
years In dogs, I still ermge at som e o f
the statem ents I hear.
"never been able to breed a bitch of­
ten e n o u ^ to keep up w ith all the
folks adio Just want a cute pet, priced
c h e ^ .” He cared nothing about the
worm ing)—avg. cost $405; and food
for six pups, age five weeks to three
months—avg. cost $75.
A ll th is means that a norm al,
A can this m orning was fairly typi­ proqiecttve stud oth er than that he healthy pup win cost an average o f
cal. “Mr. Sm ith” called In search o f a be fertile. When I declined to eith er $166 to raise to the age o f three
stud dog for his M iniature Dachs­ breed the bitch or refer him else­ months, assum ing absolutely no
hund bitch, who was In her n in th where, be asked about breeding her problem s arise. If, as he said, Mr.
day o f estrus. She was tw o years old. to "one o f those b ig Standard Dachs­ Sm ith seDs his pups fo r $150 each,
and be had tried unsuccessfully to hunds.” H is neighbor has a Stan­ he should realize an average toss o f
breed her at each o f ttiree beats. The dard, ready and w illing. I h ( ^ , for $36 per puppy.
b ltiA bad been pun±w sed w ithout the sake o f the bitch, that he ac­ Should a caesarean section o r any
any papers ”ju st as a little p e t " (The cepted m y argum ents against breed­ other veterinary intervention at
extra eost was deem ed unnecessary in g a M iniature bitch to a Standard birth be necessary, add $50-6400 to
by Mr. Sm ith.) Mr. Sm ith diaracter- male. the cost. (tom pUcatlons w ith pups,
Ized him self as having " . . .raised eye Infections or a m inor upset can
Breeding Expenses add another $2 or $300 to the cost.
Ms. M uUenSteiuart has been a lob­ Mr. Sm ith had no Idea o f the costs Basic equipm ent such as a w help­
byist in Sew Heunpshire since the In breeding and raisin g a litter. Ac­ in g box, fenced area for the pups
mteiseventtes, and is president «jf cording to him , they w ere m inim al when (rider, dishes, newspapers and
Ote Dog O tganization<;f the Granite since he usually kept h is own bedding, etc. aU cost, and add to the
State. She has been the colum nist "m an-dt^.” By his reckoning, the average loss.
fo r “Legtstatlon A the Law ” since stud fee and the cost o f newsptyier 1 purposely left advertising costs
December 1984, and hercolum n re­ advertising were the onhr expenses to out o f m y basic expenses, because
ceived the DWAAawcudJor best reg- be considered in selling a litter. thqr cm i be so varied. It Is very easy to
ular colum n in a canine newspaper Mr. Sm ith's c a lib r in e up som e In­ spend up to $500 in newspaper ads
in 1986 and 1986. teresting questions. For examine, is alone trying to sell a litter o f pet pup-

^S S Ì 5 e m Ùu^N-STEWAOT

^ fifp les. I also in ok led m entioning the

' ' problem (rf aettlag a value on the
^ tim e q ie n t caring t o the pups and
: I', m other, as w d l as the sleei^ess
nights, and tim e ^>ent Interview ing

B prospective buyers, and answ ering

‘ I;: th eh questions alter they take the
The first truly humane anti-bark collar . . .
O ther owners m ight w ish to recon-
sl<to th eir breeding plans after
; learning that in as m any as 70% o f aU
Utters, the bitch and/or som e o f the Employing Transdetinal Electronic The Bark Silencer uses the actual
p iq » do not survive the birth process Nerve StiinulatHMi (TENS) technology, TENS circuitry as that in over 300,000
or the first three weeks. the Bark SOeacer Collar actually rdaxes human applications in the U.S. today.
the barking dog, physically calming Nothing could be safer or more humane
Pups who survive till age three him by relieving thie tension and stress for dogs than circuitry designed to
m onths are m ost often sold as lam % that causes the barking in the first be harmless for human beings.
pets. It Is at th is tim e that a con­ place.
sum er protection law r^ u la tln g the The Bark Silencer CnOar is water­
The Bark Silasoar responds to bark­ proof and uses replaceable 9V transis­
dreum stanoes under adiich a pup or
ing with a pulse that lasts just three tor radio batteries. Alkaline batteries
kitten may be sold or given away can millionths of a second—precisely engi­ last about a month in continuous use,
ofiGer som e protection to the anim al, neered to reach through the dog’s coat
sip« while the newer lithium batteries last
: as w d l as to the new owner. and skin and stimulate only the nerves about three months. One battery comes
which control the voluntary muscles, with the Bark Silencer Collar.
not the pa in nerves. This pulse causes
M inim um standards wlU increase the voluntary muscles to spasm or Back Silanoer Gallar . . . $17*.9S
the cash expenditure and delay the twitch suddenly and then relax. Should PnaiBsy Gallar, BX0.1 .. S lU S
i« . tim e when pups can be add. the dog continue to bark, the Barit
Silencer produces an additional pulse The Bark Silancar Collar comes with
Bade In 1976 the New Ham pshire a 10-day money back guarantee and a
Legislature passed a b ill w hich be­ every ten seconds until he is oompletely
calm and quiet one-year replacement warranty.
came Revised Statutes Aim otated
(R S .A .) 443. ou r so-called “Breeder’s
Law ." T h is law requires that no ’To order, o r fo r m ore inform ation, contact:
puppy m ay be transferred to a new
owner before the age o f eigh t weeks;
that It be accom panied by a veteri­
narian’s health certificate dated
¡lè x M a r k i
w ith in 14 days o f the transfer date, P. O. Box 3S1 • Bada. Tbxas 7MM-B341 • (5 U ) 2aa-lM 4 • MO-aSl-tWlS
and p ro d that it had been Inoculated su n a O rd / V IS A . COJ>.
usbig a vaccine approved 1^ the New
Hampshire State Veterinarian. In
q>ite o f a concerted and continuing the provisions o f the “ Breeder’s Law“ subsequent offenses are very im por­
educational effort to Inform both as listed above. tant to the strength o f th is law. The
breeders and prospective dog owners When the Departm ent’s investiga­ low average price o f a p u | ^ sold p ri­
o f th is law, com pUaiKe was lru »m - tion shows that violations d id occur, v a t e (not through a pet store) Is
plete because o f a confusing enforce­ the Departm ent Is authorized to hold now up to $250. M ultiply this by the
m ent process. Finally, in the 1987 hearings and levy penalities. average litter size o f four surviving
session d the New Ham pshire L ^ is - “Any person violatin g any o f the puppies and you quickly see why
lature. w e w ere aU e to put some provisions o f th is section shall be lower fines would not deter those
teeth (pardon the pun} in to this law. fined not less than 8K X ) for the first who choose to cut expenses such as
offense. $200 for the second offense, basic veterinary care, low ering the
T b e**T M th ~ and $500 t o each succeeding of­ age at transfer to the detrim ent o f the
Th e D iqnrtm eht o f Agriculture, fense. Each violation shall be consid­ young anim al and the buyer.
and the New H anqishlre State Veteri­ ered a separate offense. Fines and Mr. Sm ith’s average loss per puppy
narian, are now em powered to inves­ penalities under this section shall be Is now up to $169. plus whatever he
tigate any com plaint relative to the delivered to the state treasiu y for de­ fie n d s on a d v e rtis i^ .
sale or transfer o f any dog or the sale posit in the general fund.“ Welcome to the real worM, Mr.
o f any cat adiich is alleged to vid a te The increased fines for second and Sm ith. ■

juNEisee 31
h e fe Is a paradox in th is co u n tiy today.The tles around the country. T h ere have been both

T q m rt o f d o ^ Is grow in g: registration s are

up, show s are In creasing, obedience is ex­
panding, h u n tin g tests are ta k in g off. O u tside th e
sport, th e statu re o f dogs seem s at an all-tim e
w in s and losses. New cases pop up eveiy dity. Ex­
cept fo r h eroic efforts b y som e Individuals, clubs
and grou ps o f d u b s, th e dog fancy as a w hole has
looked the oth er way. A nd w h ile the issue o f v i­
h l ^ : gu ide dogs, sign al dogs, therapy d ( ^ , dogs ciousness contin u es to claim m edia attentim i, the
d oin g search and rescue, dogs in the K-9 corps. A l­ insidious, persisten t creep o f anti-dog attitu de
m ost h a lf the hom es in the co u n tiy have a dog. goes on.
M an's best ñ len d is secure. T h is m onth’s G AZETTE paya special attention
N ot so. T h e oth er h a lf o f the hom es donY have a to the breed-specific law s th at threaten the v e iy ex­
dog, and d on 't w an t to. N ot onty that, t h ^ don 't istence o f som e o f ou r dogs. It is n ot only in divid­
w ant you to eith er. ual anim als, real people’s show d o ^ and pets, that
It's in sidiou s b u t persisten t, the an ti-dog a tti­ are at risk. A lso at risk is a p r in c i]^ , and that ex­
tude. Com pared to cou n tries in Europe, th e U.S. is tends the battlegrou nd to oth er breeds and u lti­
onty hike-w arm about dogs. T h in k o f all the places m a t e to an dogs. Do you th in k it couldn’t
t h ^ aren 't w elcom e. T h in k about all th e places h iqjpen? A re you su re?
you aren 't w elcom e i f you 've go t one w ith you. W e've included profiles o f ou r three breeds im d er
W e have gotten used to th e law s concern ing dogs fire: the Am erican S taffordsh ire T errier, the S taf­
in ou r ow n areas. W e fin d ou t w hich ones are en­ fordsh ire BuU T errier and the Bull T errier. None
forced and adiich aren ’t. W e've been lucky that are registered in large num bers, so readers do not
m ost are not. know them weU. T erriers aU, bu t bulty too, th ty ’re
U n til “p it bulls. ” a fascin atin g blend o f both ancestors. ” Identlty
In the past few years the pu blic has becom e con­ C risis” reveals th e Im portance o f im age in the
cerned, then alarm ed and fln alfy panicked the A m erican S taffordsh ire T errier, and the dan ger o f
b d le f th at a certain kin d o f d og has qu letty p rolif­ labds.
erated in th eir m id st and n ow represents a danger W e've included articles <m aggression. Som e be­
to an u n w aiy d tlz e n iy . In response— ^horrified re­ haviors m ake people th in k th e dog is a nuisance.
sponse follow in g an attack by a dog labelled a “ p it A ggression m akes petqile th in k the d<^ is a dan­
buO”— tow n, city and state legislators have pro­ ger-
posed. enacted and tried to en force new ord i­ O ther articles show how the battle is goin g. T oo
nances th at restrict o r p roh ib it w hat they defin e few fan ciers have taken up arm s, b u t those sdio
as a “ p it b u ll.” have, have m ade a differen ce. Exam ples Include
D eclaring an en tire popu lation viciou s w ould be one w om an leadin g the charge in Florida (“ Canine
problem atic enough. N ot kn ow in g w hat a ”p lt Com m ando” ), th e tireless w ork o f the Am erican
bu ll” is, m akes it w orse. In m any cases lawm akers D og O w ners A ssociation (“T h e Legislative FYay” ),
adio knew v e iy w ell w hat kind o f dog— in term s o f and the new ccdlaboratlon o f the AKC and regional
behavior— t h ^ w anted to restrict, unw isely stru g­ clubs (“ E ffective N etw orkin g”). “S trict L ia b ility”
gled to com e up w ith a physical description that looks at h ow cou rts have Interpreted ow ner lia b il­
w as all-inclusive. W hen th e in k had dried, three ity over the years, p o in tin g ou t som e im prove­
AK C -registrable breeds has been included in the m ents due to the efforts o f a dedicated few . “ Loony
d efin ition . Canine Law s” is fo r com ic relief.
T h e qu estion o f iden tity, how ever, w as as Intrac­ T h e m ost hopeful new s is in the “ G ettin g
table as th at o f d efin itio n : O nce you 've stated adiat S tarted” feature. It reports on the canine citizen ­
you th in k It is, h ow do you kn ow one w hen you see ship program , designed to im prove the im age o f
It? In som e localities a p it bu ll becam e anythin g dogs in ou r society by en ticin g ow ners eveiyvdiere
the law enforcem ent o fficer th ou gh t it was. C ou rt to train th eir dogs to behave. W hile ow ners do so.
challenges ensued: som e law s w ere overturned. th ty w ill b e learn in g th eir respon sib ility to society
H appily, in som e cases th is has led to viciou s dog to keep th eir dogs from becom ing a nuisance, o r a
rath er than viciou s breed ordinances. danger. C anine citizen sh ip w ill b rin g new recruits
A qu ick sum m ary does n ot do Justice to the to the fig h t fo r dogs.
stru ggle it has been to fig h t these l^ s la t lv e bat- — ^Marion Lane

JUNE19M 33
■ M I;

PlfT^jw ner shares ^ i ^ d ) o f his tre a s u re d

r r p m o ile s a rK t s n a p sh o ts o f s o m e v e ry
l < » r i t c a n l r i e fa m ily rn e m b e rs .,
tesW ifer..... . . is:™-!
IT .'>l)& ■ ii
- - , ij- , -s

1 E K 7 5 5 R E - -■ ;« - l i a - i m

l M.D.

;c ;l- -
I ^ 'i« \i\ ?

* # ' ' I» Î!É


m oK cyjoln M th e fam ily In 1966. A l­ gu st a t ju n q » n ear h is ow n h eiglit.

thou gh h is p ed igree w as filled w ith B ut despite all o f these virtu es.
som e o f th e m ost fam ous sh ow w in ­ Sm okey w as a d og th at few people could
ners o f th at tim e, Sm okey w as n o show have owned. Tru e, h e w as a natu ral co­
dog. i He w as beau tifu l. I thou ght— m edian w ho could m ake any dog lover
pow erfiil. extrem e^ ath letic, and a beau­ laugh, bu t he w as also Independent,
tifu l isilver-gr^ color. B u t he w as u nder­ stubborn and n eaity im perviou s to p t^ s-
sh ot and w ith h is large BuUdpg-llke head Ical punishm ent. A lth ou gh he n ever m is­
he w as d ea rfy a throw back to som e behaved In th e obedience rin g, h is
rough and forgotten ancestor. H owever. behavior elsew here ran ged from obstrep­
Sm okqr becam e an ou tstan din g obedl- erous to dangerous. W hen h e and B onnie
en ce dog. In St. Lou is in 1968, w e scored w ere playing, th eir firlendly w restlin g
a second in N ovice A w ith 64 en tries and m atches m ore resem bled an all ou t dog
f(dk>wed th at the n ext ds^ w ith a firs t f l ^ t even thou gh n eith er ever lost h is or m
{dace w ith 78 en tries. In Dallas, under h er tem per n o m atter h ow r o u ^ thin gs 1 '.f: i
the tu td a ge o f Jack D em p s^ , the pre­ becam e. O ne n igh t. In the m idst o f th eir
m ier tra in er In the area, w e scored above nlgh tty play. B on nie accidentally cut
195 in five consecu tive show ings In Sm okey’s ear m om ents before tw o cou­ 01
:. »t
O pen A . in d u d ln g a tie fo r H igh -ln -Trial, lees w ere due to a rrive fo r din ner. Blood
and contin u ed w ith several exceptional w as spu rtin g from a tin y artery and
scores and h igh placem ents in U tility In­ spraying a fin e m ist a fo ot ou t from h is
clu din g a 198-1/2 at a n ational specialty head. I m anaged to stop th e bleeding
adilch tied fo r h i ^ score in trial. w ith pressure, bu t w ith in seconds was
covered w ith blood, from nty p a sses to
Smokejr, Alwitys a Favorite nty feet. U nfortunatety, b y then, the
Alw ays aw are o f the audience, Sm okey gu ests had arrived and w ere w a itin g In
reacted to t^p lau se b y w aggin g h is taU the kitch en to m eet m e as I em erged from
and sh ow in g o ff. He loved everylxxty. In the bacltyard. W e n ever d id see m uch o f
U tility h e n ever failed to give th e Judge a those people a fter that.
b ig, sk^>py kiss as h e o r she ben t over to S m okty's idea o f fu n w ith people basi­
conduct th e stand fo r exam in ation exer­ cally took tw o equ ally unpleasant
cise. S m okty loved th e ju m p s and could courses. M ostly he liked to knock people,
so effortlessly clear them th at I w ould fre­ especialty m en, fla t on th eir backs. Once
qu ently woric h im at h eigh ts up to 48 w hen I w as in the Navy, m y n eighbor, a
inches. In practice, h e gave a look o f dis- m arin e w ho ran five m iles a day, lifted
w eigh ts on h is porch, and w e ld e d about
The author, a pathologist, has been 200 poim ds, ran g the bell to teD m e that
breeding, show ing, and. training A m eri­ Sm okey had knocked h im down. “T h at
can Ste^ord shire Terriers f o r 18 years. d (g m ust w eigh 100 pou nds!” h e ex­
He fs past president o f the Staffordshire claim ed. Sm okey actually w eigh ed 60
Terrier C lub (ff A m erica and has served pounds, bu t h is techniqu e, vriiich con­
on the board qfS TC A sin ce 1976. sisted o f ru n n in g 28 m .p.h. o r as fast as

le couid and h ittin g w ith h is shou lder In
he m iddle the chest, addom failed to
I >rlng h is q u a n y dom a. H e w ould then
•Idlghtedljr Jump on h is new “ firlend'* to
: Ick h is face. W ith wm nen h is ted in lq u e
ras m uch m ore gen tle b u t about as w ell
ecelved. Som ehow he had learned to
>lnch the “ fu n i^ b o o e " ju s t a t th e d h ow
n th h is Incisors. H e perform ed th is ma-
M uver very carefu lly and quickly. Th en
le w ould w htri beh in d h is hapless victim
o get th e oth er sid e and w ould dance
lack In fron t, ta ll w a g in g and head
xicked to one sid e to o m r h is b ig **BuD-
lo g "g rln .
Needless to s i^ . w hen visito rs carn et^,
Im okqr w as dlscreeti^ r d ^ t e d to h is
im . But. h e q ie d flc a lljr ergoyed tor-
n cn d n g m y w ife and kn ew she w ould
^ h im a good sh ot I f h e w asn't careful.
3o. h e w ould sidle iq> to h er casuaDjr. try­
ing to project an Im age o f goodw ill, and i f
ihe took h er eyes o it o f him fo r a
lecond— b in go!— h e w ould strik e, care- owned, bu t he w as th e b iggest character.
iil never to leave a m ark, because there Th ere w as n oth in g m ean In him , ju s t a Smokiy and Dolly
was no one h e loved m ore than Susan, lo t o f heart. Jack D em p s^ . the train er, wsiattwbMiof
rhen he w ou ld d a n ce away, g r in n in g . said that old Sm okey— Lancer’s S ilver
Onty W ith you ngsters d id & n o k ^ con­ Sm oke, UD. d id m ore fo r S tafs in th is
trol h is enorm ous enthusiasm and en­ part o f th e cou ntry than all the sh ow dogs
ergy. He could n ot have been m ore gentle com bined. S ixteen years later, I w as
ndth toddlers, sm all ch ildren , and pup­ sh ow in g you n g DoUy to h er N ovice B title
pies. Once I spotted h im In a n eigh bor’s In San A n ton io. I h ad n 't done m uch In
front yard, tyin g on h is back w ith six or obedience sin ce S m o k ^ and old D c ^ .
seven Poodle pu ppies craw lin g all over Several peoj^e ^ ^ ro a c h e d me. "W e re­
lilm , b itin g hts Ups and ears. A b ig g rin o f m em ber th at grty dog o f y o iu s ," they
Km tentm ent radiated from h is silty face, said. "H e su re w as a great w ork erl”
rh en . In the nearby bushes. 1 saw the
m other Poodle w here h e had chased her. Hello. DoQyl
Sm okey loved to figlht. He w ould stand CMd D(dty w as a sh ow dog. I rem em ber
shoulder-to-shoulder w ith h is Intended the ju d ge go in g back and forth betw een
adversary, h is ta ll w aggin g w ith a n tici­ Dolty and h er sister at a n ational spe­
pation. Fortunatety, thou gh Sm okey's cialty. A fter v^ ia t seem ed m inutes, h e fi­
m assive jaw s looked lik e th ey could b ite nally selected h er sister w ho then w ent
through aiqrthing, b e n ever drew a drop Best o f O pposite w ith D olty chosen Re­
o f blood. H e w ould w restle dogs m uch serve. Dolty w en t on to f i n l ^ h er cham ­
larger than he to th eir backs, get them by pion sh ip In sh ort order. H owever, h er
the throat, and then w ait. O nra the other star In obedience w as m uch b r i^ te r .
dog qu it, Sm okey, q u ite sa tisfied w ith She n ever had S m o k e 's fla ir bu t w as
the results, w ould tu rn h im loose. For ju st as qu ick and s t e a ^ and tu rned in
Sm okey It w as a gam e; i f the oth er dog som e w onderfu l perform ances, espe­
slm pty ley dow n and refused to figh t. cially in O pen and U tility. H er drop-
Sm oke w ould raise h is leg and w et him . on-recall in C^)en looked as thou gh she
Pertiaps he w asn 't the best dog I've ever had been shot, and seldom failed to b rin g

“ She was a self-oppolntod protector O f
children and the best camf^ng dog
, ri IVe ever known.“
. i i
14 ;

il'- I l l liliI
a smile to (nejudge's £ e u x . prom ise I w on 't spank you .”
D o S f loved toju m p . I u sed to train h er “ N ol” He pu t h is arm around Dcrity’s
a t a park w here th e D allas Schutzhund neck.
entInisiaBto w orked th eir dogs eve iy Sat- A fter a few m inutes, the boy fln alfy
urdagr m orning. T h ey had constru cted a agreed to leave. D olly accom panied the
permanent 48-lnch Jump, w hich all par- now ^rpeased you n g fellow to th e M agi-
tle k w illa In Schu tzhu nd have to cope n ot Lin e, castin g a fin a l th reaten in g
w ith r^ a n fle s s o f breed. M any o f the glare a t th e father.
dogs stru ggle w ith th is exercise, so D ol­
ly’s ab ility to easily d e a r th eir Jump as­ Then Tlieie Was Grover
tonished th e r^ u la rs , especially sin ce T h e kids w anted to nam e the puppy
she w as o n ly 17-1/2 Inches a t the shoul­ G rover Cleveland because h e w as th e fat­
der and w eigh ed less than 50 pounds. 1 test o f the litter, bu t w e n ^ t ia t e d and
could pu t h er on ly three o r foiu- feet In fln alfy nam ed h im W hite R ock G rover. I
h on t o f th e ju m p o r have h er retrieve her had sold h im as a p>et because h e w as too
dum bbell over It. S he ei^oyed sh ow in g b ig and too a d iite b u t go t h im back adren
o ff and, o f course, so d id I. h e w as about 12 m onths crid a fter h e had
W hile Sm okqr w as rou gh and b oister­ pulled h is ow n er’s teenage daughter
ous. D olly w as q u iet and gentle. D d ly across s ix lanes o f tra ffic orre afternoon.
d id n 't care fo r rou gh and tum ble play. G rover w as actually very calm and e a ^ -
U nlike Sm okey. she had no in terest in goln g. H e sim ply w anted to cross the
figh tin g, b u t w as m uch m ore deadly i f street, and a 90 pound g irl could n ot
pr essed. S he w as a self-appointed protec­ hcqre to stop h im . F o r tu n a te , no one
to r o f ch ildren and w as th e best ra m p in g w as h u rt, bu t h is ow ners decided th at he
dog I've ever known. w as m ore dog than they could cop>e w ith.
A s a cam ping dog. D olly w ould always W hat they n ^ e c te d to tell m e w as that
m ake a circle arou nd the cam psite vdiUe h e also could ju m p. H avin g gotten G rover
w e set iq ) the ten t. A fte r that, h er lin e. back. I settled h im In to a n ice sh in y n m ,
In discern ible to any hum an, becam e the and vd iile rr^ son and I w ere adm irin g
boundary she w ould defend again st m an him he lep t over th e gate— 76 inches
o r beast. O ne n l ^ t w e w ere sittin g h l^ i— astou n din g us. John and I spent
a rou ixl th e fire v ^ e n a sm all ch ild, about the rest o f th e aftern oon covering
six years old, cam e racin g In to th e cam p­
site and dived u nder the p icn ic table. He
w as ftdlowed. a second o r so later, h is
ffvv nw OTIOVIIM*,
fath er w ho w as o b vio u s^ angry. D olly
w as luqrpy to w elcom e th e little boy bu t
qu ick to m eet h is fath er at the In visible
lin e w ith a th reaten in g groad that
stopped th e poor fellow In h is tracks.
“W hat am I supposed to d o ?” he com ­
plained. “YouH ju s t have to stay on that
side o f h er lin e,” I replied. "W hat lin e? ”
he questioned. T o u H kn ow adiere It Is i f \
you cross I t ” I answered.
“ Joh n n ie.” h e pleaded, “ Please com e
on out. I w o n t h u rt you .”
^ th is tim e D olly had gon e im d er the
table to s it n ext to h er new little friend.
T h is k id w as n o fool and sized up th e sit­
u ation Im m ediately.
“ Not” he said d efia n t^ .
“Please,” th e fath er responded. “ I

JUNE 1968 37
of his Intelligence, tough-
and athletic abilities, the Staf re­
quires an owner ¥flth dedication.”

G raver’s run. A t th at tim e h e m easured ow ner looked a t m e sort o f in cred u lou s^

20-1/2 in ches a t th e shoulder and and gave m e th e th ird baU, w h ich G rover
w e l^ ie d 76 pounds. again destroyed in a m atter o f seconds.
I advertised G rover fo r sale fo r a few W hen I retu rned to the pet suppty store
w edm . A t th at sam e tim e, w e w ere su ffer­ fo r the fou rth tim e in one aftern oon , the
in g through a Texas rain storm , the kind ow ner had had enough.
that lasts fo r days on end and floods m y “ Look B u ster!” he blu rted, “ I don ’t
yard and pasture. T o m ake m atters know w hat you ’re d o in g w ith these damn
w orse, a d l ^ i had been du g the length thin gs, b u t th is is th e last one you g e t!”
th e pasture. 4 5 0 feet, fo r a new sew er lin e Early one m orn in g I w as clean in g ou t
and th is w as fiBed w ith w ater produ cin g the runs w h ile G rover w as ou t ru nn in g
a veritable river w hich ranged horn eigh t around the pasture. S u d d en ^ I becam e
to 12 feet In w idth . T h e dogs had n ot aw are o f h is absence and r u ^ e d ou t to
ibeen exercised fo r several d i ^ , and see G rover and vd ia t tqipeared, in the
ild ien I tu rned G rover ou t fo r a run, he taify m orn in g ligh t, to b e a G erm an
ill «Fas fu ll o f enthusiasm and began hap- Shepherd playin g alon g th e fence, run­
111■ a pity Jum ping back and fo rth across the n in g back and forth and h avin g a great
w ater. I w atched those effortless, m agnif­ tim e. B y the tim e I fin ish ed m y task the
i icen t ju m ps fo r a adiile and decided he ligh t w as b etter and I w as aston ish ed to
w as n o lon ger fo r sale. see th at G rover’s frien d w as certalnty^ n ot
G raver qu ickly learned to ju m p to the a Shepherd b u t a coyote. F or several
top o f h is n m , take tw o o r th ree steps m onths, th e coyote, w h ich w as Eqipar-
alon g the top. com pletely u pside down, ently livin g in an uncared fo r area beh in d
and then tu rn a som ersault as he fd l to m y property, w ould h ide n ear th e fence
th e gravel below , lan d in g surely and each m orn in g w a itin g fo r G rover. I f I
ligh tly on h is feet. He w ould Jump again tried to iqiproach, sh e w ou ld im m edl-
and again as lo n g as anyone w ould w atch a tefyru n o ff. W hen I tu rned G rover loose,
him . R ich ard Gray, a w ell know n breeder he w ould race to th e fen ce to greet h is
o f Am Stafib, told m e one tim e th at w e frien d and b ^ ln th e ir m orn in g play ses­
should X-ray G raver’s h ips a n d v^ iatever sion. S he d id n ’t appear one m orn in g and
th ey looked lik e w e should breed fo r that. du rin g the n ext w eek G rover m oped
Once, ou t o f th e blue, a m an called m e aroim d. Each m orn in g, fo r w eeks a ^ r -
from Corpus C h rist! and in qu ired. “ Do w ard. h e w ould race to the fen ce and look
you have th at b ig a d ilte dog th at ju m p s?” e^ iected ly fo r h is old friend.
“Yes,” I adm itted.
"C an I d rive up and w atch h im ? " he There Were Others
asked. ’There w as G rover’s sister Flash w ho
"S u re, com e o n ," I replied. S o one Sat- spent m uch o f h er life gu ard in g Mrs.
urdegr the visito r s h o v ^ up in Dallas, Reese’s turkeys. A n d there w as Bom ber,
h avin g driven the 650 m iles from Cor­ w ho Invented a gam e o f “ goosin g” Dolty
pu s. to w atch G rover ju m p. T h is he did w hen she w asn ’t lookin g, and then rac­
fo r alm ost tw o hours. Fin ally h e said. in g away w ith h er In pu rsuit. A n d there
“ T h a t’s really som eth in g," clim bed Into w ere others. . . .
h is car and headed back to Corpus Because o f h is In telligence, toughness,
C h rist!. I n ever saw h im again. and ath letic a b ilities, th e S ta f requ ires
G rover loved playin g w ith those rubber an ow ner w ith the ded ication and fa cili­
balls that are guaranteed indestru ctible. ties to property care fo r h im . H is trem en­
H aving bou gh t one, I gave it to G rover, dous character can easily w ork again st
and aSer a few m inu tes h e had b itten it the novice and, as w ith any dog, can be
In tw o, and so I retu rned it. It took him m isdirected b y the an tisocial owner. But
sh ou t the sam e am ount o f tim e to b ite given adequate care there is, fo r m y
the second b all in tw o. and once m m e I taste, no b etter dog than a propeity
returned It to the p et supply store. Th e trained A m erican S taffordsh ire T errier.

i p ! ¡1 Different dogs have different nutritional needs that no s i i ^ dog food can fiilly
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l | | p , W h e n your associates and customers ask about dog food, tell them about Cycle.
' You’ll be making a recommendation that’s good for life.

PfiN fU ttfoM liirm iies vaUllyiDoJfcr«M nlagt Heddi Ibod fc r o i« t e e l*l Fims fM< igr oUer
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G kcle
For each stage ofa dog’s Me and chai^ii^ nutritional needs.
R ir nnre nfoinratKxi and a lechnicd re po t on me conpM e (Veto t n o f spedoiV fornrutoted dog toods. M ite to
Professtonol SetviC8& Suite 23-1, Ttio Quaker Oats C o n p o iit RO. Boo(9001, ChtoOBO, IL 6O6O4.9OOI.
m w ... ■
O n c e c a lle d th e "c h ild re n 's n u rs e m a id / '
th e S tafford Is c o m p a c t , m u s c u la r, q u ic k
a rx J p o w e rfu l— b u t first a c o m p a n io n .


The Stafforddlire
Bull Tferrier
^ S ie V E & T I N G E

y parents never lik ed dogs. D e­ rectty betw een frien d and foe. I w anted

M b it e d lls sin gle character flaw ,

they w ere w onderfu l people, and I
h ave sin ce forg ive n them . In fact, grow ­
in g up w ith ou t a p et gave m e th e fu llest
one sized jvist rig h t; In oth er w ords, a dog
that could jiu n p in m y kq) b u t w as s till
b ig enough to take care o f itself. M ost im ­
portant. th is dog had to b e affection ate.
opportu n ity to b e certain th at adíen the In telligen t and gentle.
tim e cam e to bu y a dog, Iw o u ld m ake the Th ere’s also th at special, em otional el­
best o f d io ioes. em ent th at vdilspers Its in flu ence In all
Tw en ty years is a lon g tim e to th in k ou r m ajor decision s. In th e case o f pets.
about a d ectin g a dc^, bu t th e ch oosin g It’s a persuasive and u ndefin able attrac­
stOl w asn't easy. W ith 130 AKC recog­ tion each o f us has fo r a particu lar breed.
n ized breeds. I n eeded to careñiUy deter­ I believe these sen tim en ts are vd ia t cause
m ine adiat w as m ost Im portant to me. oth erw ise ration al people to b rin g a
First. I knew th at I had to have a real dog. S ain t Bernard puppy hom e to th eir tw o
a dog's dog—strik in g to look at. athletic. bedroom £q>artment o r pvuchase a Mal­
vltaL I w anted a dog w ith d ig n ity and tese as a gu ard dog. I w as certain ly no
confidence. T h en there w ere th e p racti­ exception, and lo gic alm ost gave w ay to
cal n ecessities: sh ort h air, little groom ­ desire— B oxers. Irish T erriers and G er­
in g. Inexpensive to feed, and lim ited m an Shepherd D ogs cam e very close to
b a iU n g . Alreacty m y lis t had shrunk to m aking th e fin a l cut. B u t in th e end
25 breeds and there w ere m ore requ ire­ there w ere on ly th ree: the B u ll T errier,
m ents. T h is fu tu re dog o f m in e had to b e the Am erican S taffordsh ire T errier and
vet free— sound from nose to ta ll and the S taffordsh ire B ull T errier.
w ith no seriou s g n ie tlc diseases and W hile I have great affection fo r the Bull
w ould love peofrie bu t could Judge cor- T errier and often th in k th at In m y next
life I m igh t ow n one. I fin d them a b it too
The author ts a professional photogra­ terrier In tem peram ent and, a t tim es,
ph er and a breeder o f S ta ffon ^ h ire B u ll d ifficu lt to read. T h e A m erican S tafford­
Terriers. He w rote T h e S taffordsh ire Bull sh ire T errier, a descendant o f the S ta f­
T errier In A m erica (M ulti-Im a ge Presen­ fordsh ire Bull T errier, Is a fin e exam ple
tations, Santa Barbara, CA). o f oirr preoccu pation w ith “b ig Is b etter.”

«M m
Once my fin a l decision was m ade, I set
about the d lfilcu lt task o f fin d in g a S taf­
fordshire B ull Terrier. In th e late *60s
there w ere few er than 300 registered
S taffords and the process o f application
for recogn ition th e AKC had Just be­
gun. A fter a few long-distance teíephone
calls, I learned that the closest S tafford
available fo r in spection w as a m ale Aus­
tralian Im port livin g w ith a w om an adio
ran a day care cen ter about 75 m iles from
hom e. It w as w orth every m ile o f the
d tíve. C inch w as h is nam e and he was
«le iy th ln g the photographs o f S taffords
had ted m e to believe. He w as the essence
o f uiM terstatem ent: com pact and muscu-
t e y e t cm ild sp rin t as fast as a W hippet:
16 Irrches a t the shoulder yet capable o f
Jum ping a fiv e -fo o t fence; qu ick as a Fox
T e n f^ ^ tü e te rm in e d as a B ulldog; pow-

JUNE19M 41
**To those who are considering owning
a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, do not be

e rfiil. yet gen tle enough to lie a t the foot ten that p it figh ters represented a very
o f a ch ild's cot. T h is w as th e dog fo r m e! sm all p opu lation o f unsavory characters
w ho represented hum an natu re a t its
The *Xhildicn’s Noxeemald*’ w orst. S taffordsh ire Bull T erriers w ere
C inch had com e from A u stralia b y we^ also used as ratters and verm in hunters.
o f England adiere the S taffordsh ire Bull But th eir m ost im p ortan t Job w as th at o f
T errier w as created. T h e S tafford w e see gu ardian and com panion W children. In
in the show rin g is sim ply a refin ed ver­ England, the S tafford is know n as the
sion o f num erm is bu ll and terrier crosses “ Nursem aid D og” o r “ C h ildren ’s Nurse­
that existed in large num bers as fa r back m aid. ” A ny E n glish m an w ho know s dogs
as the eighteen th century. Today, very w ould be proud to tell you th at n o oth er
few S taffords physically resem ble th eir dog exists th at is m ore toleran t o f ch il­
rugged, s c r a f^ ancestors. E ^ ly arch i­ dren o r m ore com panionable w ith peo­
tects o f the b r e ^ gave little regard to aes­ ple. It is fo r th is reason th at S taffords
thetics; t h ^ sought only to produce a rank am ong th e th ree m ost popu lar o f
dog w ith an a n a to n ^ o f fu n ction al per- E n ^ an d 's terriers in registration s.
fectfcHi. In addition they dem anded a dog In Am erica, the S tafford has its de­
o f great courage, a dog w hose responsive­ voted fans bu t has n ever achieved any­
ness and loyalty to hum ans w as consum ­ th in g close to large scale popu larity
m ate. F o r tu n a te , the m odem S tafford (few er than 400 S t^ o rd s h lr e B ull T er­
has lost none o f these virtu es in tem pera­ riers are registered an n u al^). S taffords
m ent. One o f the Iron ies im p licit in new have onty bm n recogn ized and adm itted
legislation directed tow ard the bull in to th e T errier G roup sin ce 1975 and
breeds is th at S taffords presen t a partic­ parent club status fo r th e breed has n ot
ular hazard to th e hum an population. yet been attained. Th ere is also w ide­
N oth in g could be fu rth er from the tm th . spread confu sion regardin g the nam es
Even dogs th at w ould fig h t to th e death and id en tity o f th e buU breeds. Th ose o f
in a p it 100 years ago w ould h alt in the us vdio breed S taffords frequ en tly re­
con b# Mode fiu y o f battle a t hum an com m and. spond to the qu estion , “ Is th is th e b ig
A great deal o f w hat is cu rren t^ b ein g one o r the little o n e?” In sp ite o f the fact
pieQt w ritten about the bu ll breeds speaks onty that our num bers are dow n, S tafford
o f a violen t h istory. It should also b e w rit­ breeders see th is as som eth in g o f a bless­
in g; especially a t a tim e w hen w e are
stru gglin g to keep ou r dogs from b ein g
legislated in to outlaw status.
So h ow d id the S taffordsh ire B ull T er­
rier get Itse lf in to th is m ess o f legality
and pu blic stigm a ? A fter aU. th is is a
breed fo r w hich there is n ot a s in ^ e doc­
um ented case o f an attack on a hum an
b ein g or a sin gle Instance o f dism issal
from a dog show fo r bad tem peram ent. I
guess the answ er is th at som e th in gs
never change. T h e sam e path etic souls
that n ou rished th eir egos on blood
sports 2 0 0 years ago have com e to h aim t
us again. T h is tim e, how ever, th e ir ex­
ploits and lack o f resp on sib ility have cast
a shadow over m any thousands o f lim o-
cent dogs. W hat m akes th is all the m ore
fru stratin g is th at w ith th e recklessness
o f the press, fact and fa n ta ^ have be­
com e Intertw in ed. Legislators, law en-
OTOnOra ViOlv 009*

forcem ent and anim al control agencies Its m other). You m igh t ftnd a litte r o f
have been le ft w ith th e Im possible task o f m ixed colors bu t chances are each litter
attem ptin g to defin e and then Id en tify an win be u niform In color: black brlndles,
Inherently dangerous breed o f dog adíen b iin d k s, reds, pled s o r vd ilte. Full
the fact Is, n o such breed exists. W hat grow n, a S taffordsh ire Bull T errier w ill
does exist Is Irrespon sible dog ow ner­ be about the sam e size as a large Cocker
ship. T h e E n ^ ls h said It best; “T h e v ir­ S paniel and ioay w eigh nearty 40
tues o f a dog are Its ow n, Its vices those o f pounds.
its m aster.” T h is Is such an Im portant Th rou gh ou t Its life, a S tafford needs
poin t th at It Is w orth sta tin g another rigorou s dally exercise and an abun­
way. A ll dogs can b e m ade viciou s and all dance o f hum an atten tion . S tafibrds left
dogs th at are m edium o r large in size can alone qu lckfy becom e sullen and even de­
be m ade viciou s and dangerous. Does It structive. T h is is n o t a kennel breed.
m atter to th e victim I f h e o r she Is at­ Because o f Its B u lldog lin eage, a S taf­
tacked b y a G erm an Shepherd Dog. aD o- ford can be a b it stu bborn at tim es bu t
berm an Pinscher, a G reat D ane o r an w ith patien ce and u nderstanding no
A m erican S taffordsh ire T errier? 1 th in k challenge Is too great. N ot onfy are there
not. W hat does m atter is th at th e leader­ m any obedience titled S taffords In Am er­
ship In ou r society n ot be conten t to su f­ ica. bu t a great m any m ore are train ed to
fer lia b illfy by n am in g a few breeds a t the give special exh ib ition s to school ch il­
expense o f overiookln g the poten tial dan­ dren and b rin g ch eer to eld eify patien ts
ger o f £uiy breed th at is m istreated. We w ho are in stitu tion alized. A bove all oth er
need enforceable law s about hum an ac- things, it w ill w ant to do adiat it feels you
coim ta b lllfy, and they m ust be such expect, and in th is sense there are m any
w ith ou t em otion o r p r^ u d lce tow ard any households w here S taffords live In com ­
anim al r^ a rd le s s o f a ^ t w e call it. plete harm ony w ith oth er anim als.
S taffordsh ire B ull T erriers take alm ost
A Wcmderfol Choice three years to m ature, and It Is n ot im -
T o those w ho are con siderin g ow n in g a com m on fo r one to live to be 15 o r m ore
S tiiffordsh lre Bull T errier, do n ot be de­ years o f age. O nce m ature, a well-bred
terred o r m isled. You have m ade a w on- S tafford is a m agn ificen t d og that should
d e iliil choice. give the appearance o f rugged, sculp­
1'oday, m ost S tafford breeders are on tured beau fy and m ove w ith a gility and
the W est C oast w h ich m akes it d ifficu lt drive. It should b e a paragon o f health
fo r m any p oten tial buyers to fin d a litter. and vita lity w ith keen, in telligen t eyes
But w hen you do locate one you w ill be that suggest it’s reading you r m ind.
am azed a t th e en ergy level and the T h ro u ^ o u t Its life you r S tafford w ill
am ount o f enthusiasm displayed by each have one prin cip al preoccupation: to be
pup. G ood S tafford puppies are never w ith you. O n you r lap. in fron t o f the ftre,
shy o r reclusive (as ea ify as three to fou r in the car, o r on you r bed a S tafford Is the
w eeks o f age, a S tafford puppy w ill often fin est o f com panions and best o f fiien d s.
prefer hum an com panionship to th at o f B y the way, even m y parents ow n one.

JUNE 1968 43
A B IG d o g in a m e d iu m -s iz e d p a c k a g e ,
t h e BT c a n n o n b a ll ha s b e c o m e a
g e n t le m a n .

The BuU Terrier

e d ie d vidien Bodger, in T h e In ­ becam e in crea sin g^ pc^u lar. T o m eet

W cred ible Journey, alm ost ckies

n ot m ake it hom e. W e la u ^ ied
and cried w ith W ild fire in It ’s a D og's
Lffe. W e rem em ber P atton 's fa ith fu l W ll-
the dem and o f such sports, the old Bull-
d ( ^ . tou gh b u t too slow , w ere crossed
w ith the old E n glish T errier, m ostty the
black and tan variety, fo r qu ickn ess and
be. A nd the B lack Sheep Squ adron’s Intelligence. T h is created dogs know n as
lleatbeO . Now . w e chuckle a t Spuds Bull and T erriers. T h ey w ere odd-looking
M a rifa izie . dogs th at w ere n ot q u ite bu ll, yet n ot
T h ey are all Bub Terriers. qu ite terrier. P rized fo r th eir strength
W ho is th is dog. th e B ull T errier? W ho and gam eness, th ey cam e in a va riety o f
is th is stran ge kxddn g beast once know n colors.
as th e W hite C avalier? Is he a “ p it buD'*? In B irm ingham , a dealer th e nam e
Is h e a fig h ter? W l^ are h is owners, o f Jam es H lnks ow ned a num ber o f the
breeders, fans so dedicated and devoted old Bull and T erriers. In th e late 1850s he
to the breed? began to eiqierlm en t w ith breed in g an aU
vd iite strain , crossin g th e B ull and T er­
B a rij D afs o f the BT rie r w ith the D alm atian and th e W hite
T o fin d ou t, w e firs t m u st^tep back in E n glish T errier (n ow extin ct). He re­
tim e to England, in th e early 1800s. sorted to close in breeding, savin g the
BuD-beltlng. once a popu lar sport, w as puppies w ith th e m ost w h ite. In th e end,
in d ed ln e. and the sp ortin g fratern ity b e ­ h is dogs becam e m ore refin ed, m ore ac­
gan to k x A dsendiere fo r excitem ent. tive, and less "bu lldoggy” than th eir an­
D og figh tin g, badger b a itin g, and ra ttin g cestors. H is new breed, w h ich h e called
the Bull T errier, w as a civilized version o f
K a te Less has been Involved w ith B u ll the old fig h tin g d<^. H e introduced h is
Terriers as a breeder and exhibitor, in strain to the pu blic at a sh ow in 1862.
txmfonruiUon and obedience, f o r the It w as a success. T h e breed retain ed its
past eight pears. S he serves on the B u ll fig h tin g blood, yet had becom e a true
Terrier C lub o f A m erica’s Obedierwe gentlem an, fig h tin g on ly w hen neces­
com m ittee and is also a m em ber o f the sary. T h e firs t Bull T errier Club w as
B u ll Terrier C lub o f New England. form ed in 1888 in E n ^ an d . Th eB u U Ter-
¿ i f r l e r Club o f Anir - Fra w as accepted tha is n 'ìt or=e. H ls resei- ' la n fe to th è ter-
AKC In 1895= riers !s m*^='r:al: hts rsserr" ■ --.'« to h ls I t o brM d hot on ob-
] T îie breed h ~ 'i tw o setbacks, one from ow n c c ::-‘ " s . thè Stattc-r-dshlre BuD T er­ sstsloii wWh Soyt|
—— »— -■— ■- ■— •»-
the ban on crop p in g in E ngland in 1895; rie r and thè A n isriran StiJTordsliire Ter- podony lonnit DQot-
r, Bss only aion g th è 'ri-=iy tr-nka and fh# hQvdtf Ih ty pta^fi
the oth er from the politica l battles c-ver
tH)PllHi|ilSi UlSKfflii
the réintrodu ction and acceptance o f the
^ lo r e d B "H T errier, and the “ impure
M lored-bi^ed w h ites (w h ite dogs w ith T odajl
th er one o r b eth parents cc ^ re d ). Th e T h e Beili T errier Is’f
du st iln oily settled in the 1950s on the ning, firn. h =lng nani,
colored Issue, b u t vestiges o f the w ar re­ a b o iith im , Itls h ls v£r»'e^ai-.jvi“ C-i,'a!cng j
m ain. in the U .S., coloreds and w hites v e 'h (h a i incTi^-'ih?* h.-=d, w nich Si t hiiJi
are stüî show n as separate varieties, : ap^. ’ iHf
m eeting onty fo r B est o f Breed a t spec lol-; In thè earlyyears s f thè breed, th s Bull
Ues e r d u rin g th e S llverw ood T r ^ h y ■T errier head w as s irc n g ^ f*!!cd bu t
vm m
” iinpetltfon, (S ee the sidebar, “T h e ! square, w lth a s lig h i stop. Th e inr=érm,
sw erpin g dow nf™*^ can he fraccd to o iic
~ ’ ' o f ^the B ull T errier lie in the d i^ . Lord G ladlatnr, b o m in 1913. Be-
M i flgh tln g, rattin g, attd cause o f h ls u n iqu e n^r^’ e. Lord Cladla- r-
as a terrier, yet hé m aic lin e soon or.ti* ' ^¿d th è scene.
ili* ., .
JUNE1 45
—» » C»'Q«
and today, eve iy ta ll m ale lin e (to p lin e o f boss, yet th eir zest fo r life m ust n ot be
pedigree) In existen ce can be traced sn u ffed out.
back to th is one dog and h is advanced In breedin g, tem peram ent Is all-
head. im portant. A nasty BuD T errier Is v e iy
Because Its h istory Is rooted In dangerous; “good ” show dogs have been
vltdence. It m ust be said th at th e BuD pu t dow n fo r tem peram ent problem s. It
, T errier Is n ot fo r evetyone. H e Is a b ig dog sim ply Is n ot tolerated In th e breed.
I In a m edium -sized package w ith the ac­ V ery carefu l screen in g o f prospective
tivity level o f a terrier, the destru ction puppy buyers Is also extrem ely Im por­
caliber o f a cannonball, the pain tcrfer- tant. O ften, It Is the ow n er adio m akes or
ance o f gran ite, and the w him per o f a b ig breaks that w on derfu l puppy.
I |aby. H e adD approach life w ith bound- G enetic health defects are n ot a m ajor
1 less eagerness and a w aggin g tall, and If Issue In th e breed, b u t th at Is n ot to say
j t draw s applause, then he betters h is that Bull T erriers are problem -free. B T
act, p k y ln g fo r h is audience. Y et I f left fan ciers are keepin g a carefu l eye on slip ­
alone, he w in m c ^ o r becom e destruc- p in g patellas, zin c deficien cy, and spin ­
S hve. He does n ot m ake a good kennel dog, ners (dogs w ho repeatedty chase th eir
^ r he Is fa r too people-oriented, bu t If tails, b itin g the end u n til It becom es
k en n ded, he tries to m ake th e best o f It. raw ) before th ty becom e ms^or, w ide­
T h e Bull T errier Is tou gh. He often spread problem s. T h e Bull T errier Club
shakes o ff sickness th at w ould have o f Am erica has been w ork in g to educate
oth er dogs dow n, so a B T w ho appears 111 the public on these h ealth Issues and
Is often very sick Indeed. how to elim in ate them .
; [H e Is a handful, th is dog, and he Is O w nin g a Bull T errier Is a u n iqu e eiqie-
gpod w ith som eone w ho can exert a con- rlence. He Is Im m edlatety n oticed Ity all:
h td lln g Influence. But. I f an ow ner Is too som e gracefu lly sidestep him , som e
cruel o r harsh, the Bull T errier w ill de­ grim ace In distaste, and oth ers cau­
clin e. and b e very unhappy. T h e stan­ tiou sly touch h im In disb elief.
dard m akes one statem ent about “ Is he fo r real?”
tem peram ent: “ Full o f fire, b u t am enable “W hat kin d o f dog Is th a t?”
to dlsclinine. “ T h ty need to know w h o Is “H e’s d ifferen t, anyw ay.”
hove a d o o -H e l( retired now , a n d irn o ze s quanHet. A poradOK w hich touches on the
I CM oy the d o / In hit fcMstfle b e d . K icked In
with h )i cherished tenrtls b a l. He It a n old
very nolure of th e breed. The stubbom nett of
the Bulldog co m b in e d with th e flesly Indep en­
b re e d ch am pion. He w o t a specialty winner. d e n ce of the terrier.
He a lto lays dah Ti to a co rnpo rilo n d o g d e ­ How to o b e d e rto e train o n e ? r s m atching
gree. wtt* a 50-pourtd co n cre te b rtd clt h a t no
m ates this d o g to special? He It a Bull ttveth old of pain. O cco sio rxS Iyltte e m sto
Terrier.'Tu8 ot fire, o m erxto ie to db cip ito e .' heve n o brain either.
That com es from the storKtorU a n d It a Psychology doesn't heto here. Physics does.
short,vreiYapfdescrfptlonofBi.tfTeirtertem - Physics?
f)eiam ent. A n d a nyo ne w h o coniem plafes N tw lo n 's first law of m otion:
toidng their BT Into o b e d ie n ce beef h am m er 'A b o d y re m o in e a tre s to r.lfa lie a d y ln m o -
that tio le m e n f Into their brolnt. ito a te m olnt In untform m ofton with constant
C o ith Ita w a m Irv O b e d to rK re is a b e d l- speed In a straight Irte, unless a c te d upon by
erxre. O b e d to n ce a Bull Terrier Is, w e l. a a n istoaton ced egderrtal force."
Journey Into a w h ole n e w realm of rule« a n d M a to that "b o d y" a Bui Tenter, a n d y o a of
re o n n s. course, b e co m e th e "u n b o la rc e d eocterTx:S
Consider the o b o ye stotem ent. Fun of fire, fo rce ."A fx ja te a ytre m e m b e rF u n .C 3 b e cS -
am errable to dlsciF>llne. Tw o very opposite e rc e Is ru n R epeat It often. You v d l n e e d to.
Aik, a n d yo u m ay receM e, som etim es. Yen,
ortd s u e , O K , in d o It this tim e. Rant a n d rove.
OK, OK, Tm c o m in g .. J m not deaf, y im o w ..
New ton h o t onotoer law.
'W te n e e e r o n e bo d y eterts a force o n a
second b o d y-th e seco nd b o d y eocerlt a force
o n th e flrs tb o d y.Th e fo rc e s a re o fe q u a lrTK ig -
m tude a n d opposito In dkeetton."
Heel. No. Heel. No. Heel, h e e l h e e l N o. no.
no. C o rnel Nowl Later, m aybe. Ju m p . jum p,
/u h p . Forget It.
To train a Bui Terrier In o b e d to rc e , you m utt
b e w a l learned In an arts arto sdences. I
rrever urtoetsSood physics in c o le g e . An that
stuff abo ut mass, arto m otion, a n d inertia.
Then I a p p lie d It to trolnirig B u i Tenters in o b e ­
dience, arto everything corrte to light.
I w o nd er If N e v Á x i e ver trained a Bull Ter­
Steep wen. Toby. You earn e d y o u letire-
m sn t.A n d I deserved It^— K I

as th ey m ay seem to som e, there sidebar, “ Full o f Fire, Am enable to D isci­

are few w ho are n ot w on over the w ag­ p lin e."
gin g tails, siu m y devilish grin s, and T h e breed, as a vidiole, loves toys and
happy rtanfldence. W illiam Koehler, vidio often has an obsession w ith certain toys,
train ed the Bull T erriers used in th e film . lik e ten n is balls. D u rin g the course o f
It ’s a D og’s U fe , relates h ow the dogs, play, they can be very destru ctive— ^to
adíen firs t brou gh t on th e set, received them selves! Noses get raw from rollin g or
m any com m ents on th eir looks. Y et tw o ch asing balls, faces scarred, toenails bro­
days later, the en tire com pany loved the ken, and feet cut, yet th e gam e goes on.
dO|^ possessively. T h eir antics caused T h e h arder the play, the h appier he Is.
m a i^ frow n s to dissolve In to sm iles. W hen he fin ally rests, nose tucked In
O bedience tra in in g b rin gs ou t th eir paws, h is favorite ball Is often nestled un­
best. C enter stage fo r th eir escapades, der h is chin.
BTs have a ctin g In th eir blood. It takes a Bull T erriers are fou nd all over the
tough con stitu tion and a good sense o f w orld. T h ey w ere once a favorite o f the
hum or to pu t a Bull T errier throu gh obe­ E n ^ lsh colon ists in A frica and India,
dience, yet It can be done, and done suc­ and they are very popu lar In South A f­
cessfully. I f you lik e m ore than Just a rica, A u stralia, the Netherlands and G er­
challenge, tra in a B u ll T errier. (S ee the m any. A ll lin es can b e traced back to

JUNE 1968 47
*‘Obecliono9 training brings out their
best. Oonler stage for their escapades,
BTs have acting In their blood.’I I

roots on E n glish soil. T erriers isn ’t b ein g the num ber one dog
W hite is m ost frequ en tly seen, b u t the in the cou n tiy; prestige is w in n in g a t a
dog can be tsin d le. black-brin dk, trlco- specialty u nder a breeder-judge, one adio
kx^. o r red. S ize varies, fo r there is no understands the breed. T h e u ltim ate w in
w eigh t (H* h e l^ t lim it in the standard. fo r a Bull T errier in th e U .S. Is th eS llver-
Th ere is even a m in iatu re version th at is w ood Trophy, d esign atin g th e w in n er as
becom ing m ore popular; it cu rren tly is in the best Bull T errier bred on the N orth
the M iscellaneous class. Am erican contin en t.
T h e cam araderie am ong breeders and Pet o r show , w in o r lose, th e B ull T er­
ow ners o f BuO T erriers h ere and around rie r is a u niqu e gargoyle In th e dog w orid.
the w o iid is u niqu e. In th e U .S ., m ost o f For som e o f us, h e is th e onfy dog. H is
the dogs are ow ner-handled, friend- roots are o f violen ce, yet h e is fa r rem oved
handted, o r breeder-handled in th e show from that dark past, and n ow is a civ i­
rin g. T h ere is frien d ly com petition a t the lized gentlem an. H e is a con trad iction at
show s, and it is n ot im u su al a t the large tim es: tough, yet ten der: stron g, bu t
q iecia ltles o r at th e S llverw ood to see soft; a hum orous grin , w ith d evilish eye.
h an d ers am iably ch attin g w ith each It is th is special elan th at m akes h im ttie
o th era d illew a itln g to be Judged. T h ere is Bull T errier. ^
a relaxed a ir in the rin g, fo r m any o f the
d o ^ are show n on a loose lead, b a itin g
far th eir fianrorlte goocty. Prestige in Bull


T T n ig u s to Bul Teniers m cy b e the ta ct IhoM he most
U p iB illg to u iih o w iln 1 h e U 5 .a n d E n g ta n d a ie n o fa 3 e -
ctolHei o r c h o m p to n ih o shows. The m ow Im potlont shows
ore the trophy shows.
to tn g la n d . In 1 9 3 0 ,0 r.G M .V sM B rso n iS fe d a tto p h yto
b e prevo ntod to th e best d o g O f bttchIVst shewn during
the preoedtog year— sort o f a y e o r-e rx l aw ard. It was
m o w n os the R egent Trophy. At first, this trophy was
aw arded from ringside a t a m otor show, but in 1 9 3 9 ltb e -
c a m e o ju d g e d event, a n d c om po tttari w ere Irwited by o
oom m ltteo .
Along with th e R egent Trophy, there is com petition tor
lh e O m a n c ty Ju g s .Th e s e w e re o fto re d b y R a y m o n d O p -
penhetm er of O n n o n d y tcermets w ho was a m uch -ieved
breeder a n d m otor toroe In BTs. It was Intended to ffil a
g a p cre a te d b y the Regent, a n d was for Icrie finishing
dogs # ia t m ay hcMB b e e n shown tw o years pxior fo the Re­
gent. The Jugs w ere separated b y sesi tor Raym oTKl o l-
ways txxiGtot that com petition betw een the seoces was not
Durtog the tote 1960s, BM oTKl H ope CoHeet, In A m e rica phy shew w as held, a n d a w hite d o g ca lle d C h . KMer Jo e
h od o dream of seeing a trophy com petition patterned b e c a m e the SNverwood Trophy vylrmer for the best North
alter the Regent, o n this side of the Atlantic. But Tenters, at A m e rica n -b re d Bui Is a w hite w o o d -ca rve d
Ihottlm e. w ore a con glom erallon of Im port Nnet. wtth tew m odel of a Bull Terrier.
soMd Am erican Itoes. It w as h o p e d th at such a com petttton Eighteen years after Kilter Jo e was a w a rd e d the first
w o iid spur bre e d e r Interest to strive for better dogs, rather Sllverwood, the trophy has b e c o m e the m ost Im portant
than Srnport them . Both Bill a n d H ope d ie d trogiccity In win of the ye a r for Bull Terriers. The SNvetwood Is held it
separate o ed dents shortty before the lrx »p llo n of their conjurxillon vylfh a rtorttortal specialty, a rid attracts tartclers
dream . In 1970, In G ie e rw ic h , C T, Ih e first SRverwood Tro- from o l over the world/— K L

C o lle c tin g In c o s tu m e o r e x e rc is in g in th e
c o u n try , N im u e w a s th e s o m e d o g . S h e
-4 » ,v

vi . : i L ' - | î •-! J'.:■!' . •: f.

t was, pecem ber. 1986. R u th T eéter

I had icen ti^ a b ooth to show h er art­

w ork at the S ou thern T ie r C lu ster In
Bingham ton, fle w Y o ik . “ N im u e,’' her
twQ^ear-old .Am erican S taffordsh ire
:• [I-Sa
Ten der bitch,.: w as up on the table as
USUCÜ, “ collectin g“ fo r the C anine De­
fense E^Llnd o f th e A m erican D og O wners
A ssociation . N im ue w asn’t m akin g a lot.
$30 over tw o days w as n ot a lot. Pas-
s e r  y cou ldn’t h elp bu t n otice the dark
brow n d og w ith th e sad eyes, bu t N im ue
did no trkdu to in gra tia te h erself and few
dropped m oney In h er bucket. N ot the
1. greatest salesdog, bu t she w a s one o f the
fl'J. b reêd slie in g nam ed In the “ p it buU” leg­
.1il- islation . You ’d th in k th at w ould m ake a
differen ce. A t a dog show , w here people
:i understood. . . .
^ j R iith had an Idea: It’s Christm as;
|; adqr n ot dress h er u p?
A qu ldc trip In to tow n to get a Santa
h at a n d beard, and N im ue w as trans­
form ed. M aybe she looked a b it rid icu ­
lous, bu t it w orked. O n the last day o f the
clu ster she m ade over $100. It w as h er
best w eekend to date.
FYom then on, N im ue always w ore cos­
tum es. In tim e sh e had a nice variety:
som e bu im y ears and a pow der-pu ff tall,
„,,overalzed sw eatsh irts In gen tle pastel
j|( c c ^ rs , a lace bonnet. Everyone loved her
now. N im ue w as the sam e dog. She Just
looked d ifferen t.

. . .Not Always What They Seem

Iri a land w here th ere is no h igh er value
than the rig h t to b e d ifferen t, you
w otilchi’t eiqiect the citizen s to have
J l
- Ms. L a n é v ith e executive ed itor o f the
CtiHdroni noppy lO poM iQr pnoios wim nminm.
JUNE19B8 49
“ Nbnue was stoic about her Job, but re­
ally cared less until she sow you had

; auch use fcM* gen eralization s: th e pre- each oth er than any Is lik e a barnyard
I um ptkHi o f b ein g ttie sam e. B u t gener- beast w ith h orns and cloven feet. (LsfQ Minus rsMsvss
i illzatlan is hard to fig h t because all o f us D espite the qu est fo r sam eness, no one her tint dummy.
ire am bivalent about It. W e resist b ein g
(Abovs) Abraham .. .
neaUy w ants an h is dogs to be iden tical. If Ch.S’N’SThsW yrld-
unq)ed togeth er w ith oth ers vdien the physical carbon copies w ould be b orin g mcriosr, bissdsrs and
esu lt Is u n flatterin g (people b o m under (im agin e a litte r o f 13 iden tical G reat fondsis corns to fhs
firgo are hum m less aiod critica l): bu t w e D anes), Iden tical personalities w ould pivoQ Of ifwir cnoic#
im lle tolerantljr a^ien It’s th e cqqxislte only m ean breeders w ould sw itch breeds fof footons known
people b o m u nder V irgo are in telligen t every oth er year. only fo momtoivo»«
ind conscien tiou s). In plain E n glish Th ere seem s little dan ger o f th is com ­
and harsh reality), gen eralization in g to pass. E very breeder know s how
neans Sou therners are rednecks. New hard it is to breed good dogs, consistent
foricers are arrogant, and blondes have dogs, con sisten tly good dogs. A nd except
nore fim . It m eans S iberian s puD sleds, fo r the grossest k in d o f selection , tem ­
ikiUles h erd sheep, and p it bu lls are v i­ peram ent Isn 't even a factor in p lan nin g
llous. a breedin g. T h u s m ost Utters have som e­
Th e art and science o f breedin g d < ^ , th in g fo r everyone: Happy, Grum py,
ron lcally. is striv in g fo r sam eness, for Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, D opey and D rc.
{enerallzatltm . T h e standard is th e bhie- W hen the biaislc d og (w h at he w as b o m
irln t tor a breed, w ith every arch itect w ith ) has been raised, the end product
breeder) tryin g to m atch it p r e c is ^ and w ill reflect h is en viron m en t as w ell: so­
then d o It again and again . M uch atten- cialization , train in g, treatm ent. A m ean­
U(m is paid to “ typ e,'' th e essence o f the in gfu l d efin itio n o f the dog becom es
standard, th at w hich d istin gu ish es an m ore specific, n ot m ore general. A m ad­
English C ocker S p a n ld from every oth er den in g and tra gic aspect o f breed-
creature on the face o f the earth. Thou gh specific l^ ls la tio n is th at it Ignores tw o
there are vast differen ces betw een the ou t o f three com ponents o f each in d ivid ­
best and th e w orst E n glish Cockers bred ual anim al. W hen m ixed breeds are In­
in a given year, a ll are m ore lik e each cluded as w ell, law en forcem en t becom es
oth er than they are u nlike, and (rin gsid e a gu essing gam e. A nd som e o f the
com m ents n otw ith stan din g), m ore like guesses have been sorry indeed. . . .


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B reèd eiv aind fan ciers ' com e to the

breed o f ^ e ir ch oice fo r reasons know n
onty to them selves. B e a u ^ fo r certain. Is
in thé ^ o f th eb eh old er. You know that
w orcb are in adequate w hen you hear.
**Whàt a g o rg eo m h ead!” p rod aim ed by
tw o d ifferen t p e o i^ about tw o d ifferen t
n<i I b r e e ^ : an A ^ ^ ia n H ound and a Bulldog.
Th e ideal m arriage o f form and fu n ction
i (even i f on ly lo n g ago) is p a rt o f it. Do the
ï| lin es ;and b ea rin g o f a W in te r have the
m sam e m ean in g w ith ou t a b ird field in the
tyc o f you r m in d ? D oes a ph oto o f a Sa­
ill lu ki y t I im d sid e trig ger the sam e re-
spontM ;as a ph oto o f one again st a
backdrcqi o f a d ilte san d? Is there any rea­
son a fan cier o f A m erican S taffoitteh lre
T e r r lm should n ot p rize in h is dog
today the stature and ch aracter it once
n eed to ' to fig h t fo r its life in a p it?

W ofidng F o r Cause
R u ^ T eeter w as In Dachshunds. She m onths o f age the puppy w as w ith h er at
i w as also a horse-w om an, and kept a Do- h er booth at show s. R u th did tattooin g
I berm an Pin sch er as a yard d<^ to w arn as weU as pastel and a c i^ c p a in tin g , Ing u p N M ir d o g s to
; p e o f^ aw ay from th e house. T h e Dobe and sh ow in g N im ue’s tattoo to th e h esi­ iiiuwp puww wipy
' w as e l^ t , and R u th w as th in k in g about tan t helped persuade them the proce­ VldOMSa
the iieed fo r a re{riacem ent soon. In 1984 dure w as safe. N im ue cam e to know h er
I at a h orse sh ow In Oklahom a. R u th w as place w as on th e table, and she stayed . ii .j 1
; w ork in g h er booth.; S he had w ith h er a there u n failin gly u n til ordered down. ■i
: litter' o f m in iatu re D achshund puppies. A year later Ruth chose a h igh -qu ality
î i M i l V
; Itw a sth e resh esa w h erflrstA m S ta ffs . "I in ^ e. Ifa ll w en t w ell, the brow n b itch and
th o u ^ t th ey w ere beau tifu l, ” she re­ the faw n-colored m ale w ould b e th e fou n­
m em bers. rem inded m e o f quar- dation o f R u th ’s A m S ta ff lin e.
tertiorses. B u t I w as a fraid they'd k ill m y T h e d ( ^ w ere great friends. Abraham ,
Dachshunds, because th e D achshim ds the better breed specim en, som etim es
are so aggressh ^ and have n o respect fo r
size. T h e w om an vd io ow ned th e S ta f
m ade m e a bet. S he took a couple o f m y
called “ Potato H ead” (A bie w as “ n o t'
qu ick”), fin ish ed w hen he w as 14'
m o n tl» old. H e w as a very sw eet ck^,
three-pound p u jq jles and pu t them in to conten t to follow N im u e's lead in every­
the pen w ith h er 80-pound m ale Am - thin g. W here she assaulted life w ith
S taff. *If he h urts one o f them . 111 pay sin gem in d ed purpose. A b le brou gh t up
double you r p rice,' sh e said. Th ose pup­ the rear in g o ^ nature. Ruth started to
pies b it th at d og everyw here th at could break h im in a t show s as a stand-in P .R
h iu t. It took h im a half-hou r to reach the dog fo r ADOA, and he w as to4he-soapbox
ground, h e w as so carefu l n ot to lay dow n bom . “H e loved people,” R u th said, “ and ■
on one o f them . M y D obe used to h iu t w ould shake hands a ll day long. Nlm ue
th eir backs w ith h er feet. 'I h ave to have w as stoic about h er Job, bu t realty cared
one o f those d o gs!' I sa id .” less u n til she saw you had liver.” L ike N l­
Nlm ue w as R u th ’s firs t A m S taff. She m ue, A b le w as dressed up in hats and
qu ickly learned h er m aim ers— oth er com ical props: a brat o f w iim ers
housebreaking and obedience— tmd ribbon in the m orning, a sailor's cap ■I ®
Ruth ^ I g 't i e r e ve iy v^ ere. A t fou r w ith h is ears p ok in g ou t a fter lunch.
iS il
JUNE 1968 51
his young btlch's show of “h e a rr w on over Ih e spectators a t on
ott-breed w eight putting contest held last fotlin BrooM lle, Nevy
York. The contest was offered os a special attraction a t the prestigious
W esftxjiy Kennel Association's d o g show a n d o b e d ie n ce trial on Sep­
tem ber 27. The 4 0 -p o u n d ftsmole, w hich h o d been abused a rx j
a b a n d o n e d , was puIHrtg for th e first tim e this d a y .— Morion loew

A H on seh oM W ord
1987 probably w as th e w orst year to
date fo r pu blic atten tion to the “ p it bull
problem .“ For w eeks on end the m edia
b litz continued. Iran/Contra h earin gs
shared the a ir w aves w ith b ite by b ite ac­
counts. A rticles appeared In m agazines,
cvciy talk sh ow covered th e subject,
new spapers w ere filled w ith stories o f at­
tacks, and th e term p it bu ll m oved In to
the com m on vernacu lar as a synonym fo r
ten acity I f n ot viciou sn ess. 'The p it bu ll
becam e a household w ord. W hen man-
In-the-street In terview s w ere conducted,
everyone had an opin ion . N o one seem ed
t o f i ^ he d id n ’t kn ow w h at one w as. or
w hether or n ot It should be banned In h is
R uth T eeter and h er dogs contin u ed to
w ork fo r the defense fu n d a t th e show s
they attended. In about 12 m onths they
earned $2,500.
A t one show In M aryland there w as a
lake w here som e W elm araners w ere re­
trievin g dum m ies to cool o ff at th e end o f
the day. For a lark, the durruny w as
tossed over an em bankm ent In to the lake
fo r the A m S tafis. “W ater en try” w as a
w hole new concept. N lm ue w asn 't the
first In the w ater bu t she w as th e firs t to
figu re ou t w hat to do w ith the dum m y.
N ot a st}dlsh retrieve, perhaps, bu t she
brou ght the odd object back. Th ere
w asn’t m uch she couldn’t do w ell. So
w hen R u th w en t to h er firs t stockdog
tria l and w as am azed by the w ork these
dogs did, she had the Idea o f tra in in g N l­
m ue to herd. R u th had ow ned sheep at
one tim e and th ou gh t sh e m igh t get
som e again som eday.
Th rou gh the sum m er the p it b u ll hys­
teria continued. W hen A K C ’s new p resi­
dent, Ken M arden, launched a cam paign
to coim ter breed-specific law s w ith en­
forceable viciou s dog law s, th e AKC b e­
gan to hear back fin m clubs aroim d the
coim try ju st h ow prevalen t the problem
was. Som e people called fo r gu idance on
w hat to do to f i ^ t an ordin ance In th eir
tow ns. O thers filled th e AKC In on w hat
th ty w ere d oin g In th eir areas to educate
the pu blic about pure-bred dogs and
ow ner respon sibility. O thers called to re-

“ I was afraid the pit bull stigma would
scare people.’I I

p ort wbat. h ad alreacty happened and

t h ^ w ere stu ck w ith . A t the sam e tim e,
oth er asm en o f Am StafTs go t the idea o f
dressin g up th e ir dogs to m ake the p oin t
t h ^ w eren’t vidous. A du lts and ch ildren
alike w anted flie ir ph otos taken w ith the
dogs in th eir costum es. W estbu iy Kennel
A ssociation on Lon g Island offered an all­
breed w e i^ t-p u llln g con test in Septem ­
ber 1987. O ne o f th e crow d p leasers w as
an A m erican P it B ull T errier nam ed
Rocky. A n oth er w as an im reglstered
“ rescued” b itch — by “ d efin itio n ,” a p it

Deadly Stigma
K illln gw orth , C on necticut, is far
enough ou t from N ew Y ork C ity to be ru­
ral, bu t close enough in fo r land values to
be h igh . In K illln gw orth lives a truck
d river nam ed M agnottl, adio kept one
ram and tw o R hode Island Red hens be­
h in d som e h alf-hearted fen cin g. M agnot-
tl’s “ farm ” is flve m inu tes b y car from
Ruth T eeter’s hom e. Lik e m any rural
hom eow ners, M agn ottl ow ned a sh ot­
One n igh t in late O ctober, R uth T ee­
ter’s dogs w en t o ver th e fen ce w hen they
w ere let ou t to exercise before bedtim e.
Ruth searched a ll n igh t fo r them w ith ou t
success. T h e next m orn in g she reported
them as lost to the local dog w arden. As
she described th e dogs to the w arden and T h irty-six hou rs a fter th e dogs had d is­
e ^ la ln e d th eir w ork fo r the C an ine De­ appeared. Ruth w as contacted the Postic ripftBulhT— ■
fense Fund, she con flded h er fea r th at in sam e dog w arden o f K illln gw orth , Con­ l9f Irains Anggli chnI
the cu rren t clim ate, som e h ysterical per­ necticu t. She m et him at M agn ottl’s boby os im oí
son w ould sh oot them fo r p it bulls. The farm , w here sh e w as asked to Id en tify the
w a «“oww |oyd" to
w arden looked a t ph otos o f the dogs, bodies o f “ tw o dead p it bu lls.” T h e dogs loamAKC wiM motcii
noted th eir call nam es, took R u th ’s ad­ had been dead 12hours. 'The dark brow n oMfund* donated to
dress and phone num ber and prom ised b itch w as sh ot in the sheep pen by the •lo Conino Dofomo
to b e in touch i f h e heard anything. farm er. T h e faw n-colored dog w as found Fund.
For 36 hours R uth T eeter d id all the tw o h oiu s later, crou ch in g in som e
frenzied, angu ished th in gs a dog ow ner n e a rly w eeds, and w as sh ot b y the dog
docs w hen h er dogs are lost. She drove w arden. R u th T eeter w as charged w ith
the roadw ays callin g th eir nam es, tw o counts o f roam in g dog and tw o
stopped to talk to everyone she m et. left counts o f nuisance dog. D am ages w ere
h er phone num ber w ith one and all, en­ set at $100 fo r one dead ram and tw o
listed the aid o f frien d s to help h er dead hens. R u th T eeter paid the fin e and
search. 'The one th in g she d id n ’t do was took Nim ue and Abraham hom e.
hang posters w ith pictu res o f the dogs. “ 1
w as a fraid the p it bu ll stigm a w ould
scare people,” sh e said.

JUNE lies S3
A lo o k a t a g g re s s io n a n d t e m p e r a m e n t
ch a ra cte ris tics th a t c a n c a u s e a d o g to
h a v e a b itin g p r o b le m .

Why Dogs Bite


“L et Mieeping dogs lie.” often see them ch asin g one another, and
— 140 i century proverb t h ^ win reach ou t and grab th eir play­
m ates. P red a toiy beh avior? No. B ut dogs
“D o n 't both er the dog w hen h e's have no hands so th ey grab w ith th eir
eating.” m ouths. A n argum ent can be m ade that
—my m other, H elen J . Haggerty th is play a ctin g a ctivity is a puppy's prep­
aration fo r go in g ou t and “ b rin gin g
hom e the bacon” as d id h is “ ancestor,”
n dogs
have th e p oten tial to b ite, the u biqu itou s w olf. Yes, w e have heard
bu t n ot aU dogs have the potential aU o f the stories about pack beh avior, the
to becom e viciou s. T h e press has Alpha w olf, how th e w o lf learns to hunt,
m ade us aw are o f dog bites, althou gh the etc. T h ey m ake grea t stories. B u t n o one
stories w ould have th e pu blic believe that has proven th at the dog descended from
onfy “p it bu lls” b ite. A ll dogs can b ite. But the w olf. M y educated guess Is th at the
why do dogs b ite? w o lf and the dog descended from a com ­
Som e m ^ t claim th at it is a “preda- m on ancestor a t least 13,000 genera­
to iy beh avior.” B u t th at is a slm id istlc tions (also read “yea rs" h ere) ago.
answ er to a com plex qu estion . “ Preda­ N ot all breeds should have the sam e
tory b diavlcx’” so iIn d s good, bu t w hat ex- tem peram ent. T h e charm and charism a
a c ^ Is it? W hen ch ildren are playin g w e o f each breed Is breed-specific tem pera­
m ent w hich m ust be preserved.
The author Is a trainer o f guard dogs Personality and tem peram ent should
and p o lice dogs, and currently deals be the prim ary reasons fo r selectin g a
w ith the correction o f problem behavior household com panion. I f dogs are all o f
in dogs. He has w ritten m ore than 200 the sam e cookie-cu tter tem peram ent,
articles on dogs and dog training, and is the need fo r d ifferen t breeds vanishes.
the author o f the dog training section in
the E m yck ^ ed la B rlttan lca. H e was the Looking at Aggression
fou n d er o f the N a tiona l Dog B ite F a ta l­ A ggression o r attack in g oth er anim als
ity Com m ittee and was the head o f that Is n ot the sam e as attack in g hum ans. It
com m itteejrom 1962 u n til 1978. Is true th at th e fig h tin g breeds are
The views erqjressed in this a rticle are bolder, and the dog th at attacks a hum an
Owse o f Captain Haggerty and repre­ Is generally a bolder (m ore aggressive)
sent observations arid categorizations dog, bu t th at does n ot m ean th at all
draw n fro m h is personal cases. bolder dogs w ill attack hum ans. Interest-
eaou gh , th e dom estic dog has a p ls t H ow ever, the reverse is tru e; these
* ^ ïe in h ib itin g fiMrtor” w hen It com es to breeds are less I l k ^ to b ite hum ans. In
hum ans. Fo^exa^^rie. I recen t^ ran in m o j ^ w m ds, the dc^ th at attadcs oth er
a case o f a M arem m a Sheepdog that go^ is bound to b e m ore aggressive
In to a f i ^ t w ith an oth er dog. T h eo w n e^ tow a rd hum ans. Ag-
stepped In to break up th e fig h t andj in l^ p r^ lo h tow ard oth er anim als does not
the confusion , the M arem m a b it t r iin ^ t e in to aggression tow ard
ow ner on the knee. R ea lizin g adiat it
done, the M arem m a im m e d ia te re­ < the oth er hand, w e have to ac-1|
leased h is h old and ai^ieared qu ite ^¿im dedge w here th e p it buU com es from
trite, yet M arem m as are certain ty I ^ i ^ ’ realize th at those p articip atin g in
dogs. In oth er la a es w hen th is has h « to “ sport” d id produce a dog
pened, the d og has reacted th e sam e w a Is u n iqu e physically as w ell as m en-
Its aq>resslon says, “O h, m y G od,” and It tally. D og figh ters requ ired a d og th qr
rd eases Its hold. T h e d og then asstunes a could handle and m anage In both the
subm issive postu re and w in attem pt to ken n d and in th e p its, so the d og that
“ a p ologize." w as aggressive tow ard pecqile w as unde- |:
I f w e w ere to equ ate attack in g a n im a l ~>le and w as elim inated. Th ere are a '|p
to attack in g hum ans. Beagles and iber o f oth er ch aracteristics th e p it
hounds w ould be h igh on the dog-I^M w as selected for, such as w restlin g
“All dogs hove the potential to bite, but
not all dogs have the potential to be­
come vicious.“

ability, audacity, courage, endurance, to tw o-and-a-half years o f age. O n a G er­

a gility in d o se areas, tenacity, a pu nish­ m an Shepherd's 18-m onth birth day, it
in g b ite, bddn eas, ath letic a b ility, h igh does n ot suddenly becom e protective.
threshold o f pain, gam eness. In telli­ Protectiveness is n ot a n ^ a tlv e factor, l y
gence (a ll the dum b p it bulls d ied In the the way. Shepherds are supposed to be
pita), coihbatlveness. and the drive fo r protective. TTie d og becom es increas­
craniiat. in gly p rotective u n til it levels o ff a t 18
m onths o f age. (Y et I have seen m ale dogs
Bat, Why Do D ogi Bite Humans? th at w ere p rotective a t fou r m onths o f
T h ey do so because th ey can. T h ey do age and always p red ict w h at th at ow ner
so b eo n ise t h ^ have no hands. T h ey do w ill have at m atu rity. . .a tig e r!) See the
so because th ey don ’t lik e anyone m ess­ ch arts In “V ariation s In A ggressive
in g w ith th eir food. T h ey do so because /Protective Levels,” w h ich show s the
they refuse to be corrected. T h ey do so curve in protectiveness (aggression ) as
because they are startled In th eir sleep. the d ifferen t breeds m ature. C h art A
T h ey do so because they an ticip ate som e­ show s a Fox T errier, a G olden R etriever
one w ill hu rt o r Irrita te a given area o f and a S ain t B ernard reach in g sexual m a­
th eir bodies. T h ey do so because they are tu rity, and m axim um levels o f aggres­
p rotectin g th eir puppies. T h ey do so be­ siveness, at 10. 18 and 30 m onths
cause som eone is p u ttin g th eir face in to respecttvety. C h art B show s th at a
the dog's face and m akin g k issin g 75-pound gu ard in g breed, th e G erm an
sounds. T h ^ do so because a ch ild is Shepherd, u ltim ately becom es m ore pro­
ru n nin g. 'They do so because som eone is tective than the Fox T errier, G olden Re­
on th eir tu rf. triever, o r S ain t depicted in C h art A . T h e
A s the above lis t in dicates, there is a oth er 75-pound dog in C h art B, o f an im -
in yrlad o f reasons fo r dogs to b ite. Th ere nam ed breed (to protect th e irm ocent), is
are as m any d ifferen t types o f b iters as a viciou s dog.
there arc reasons fo r dogs to bite. In th is chart, w e see th at each breed
Aggresskm Is a m ale ch aracteristic. I reaches its protective level a t a la ter date
know , 1 know , you had a b itch th at w as depending on th e age o f sexual/ag-
tou gher than any m ale in th e kennel. gressive m atu rity. T h e larger the dog,
W as she the exception th at proved the the later it m atures. T h ere is a steeper
ru le? Probably not. T h e b e ^ v lo r pat­ curve, w ith both dogs reach in g m atu rity
terns probabty have been m isin ter­ at the sam e tim e bu t w ith d ifferen t levels
preted. T h e vast nuyority o f pc^ce, o f aggression. T h e curve is the steepest
guard, and m ilita ry dogs (a t least 95% . in the viciou s dog.
now that's a m ajority) are m ale. M ost
gu ide dogs are fem ale. G uide dog Environment or Heredity?
train ers do n ot w ant a dog th at m ay be­ T h e battle o f eu genics vs. eu thenlcs
com e too protective o f the person th at it has Iseen ra gin g these m any years bu t I
is leadin g. A fem ale d t^ ’s bark is w orse w ould answ er the qu estion th is w ay; If
than h er b ite. A n in terestin g aside is that you bred the pup and sold it, any faulty
the shyer m ales are generally b itch y in tem peram ent is caused b y envlrom nent;
appearance; to a m uch lesser extent, the i f you bou gh t the puppy from a breeder
stand-up fem ales wlU look doggy. and raised an im stable pup, it is hered­
N ot only is aggression a m ale charac­ ity! S eriously, it is a com bin ation o f both
teristic bu t it is controlled b y the h or­ factors.
m ones. D ( ^ in the 75-pound range Th ere Is a third factor in volvin g aggres­
reach fu ll sexual m atu rity a t around 18 sion. . .horm ones. T h e am ount o f m ale
m onths o f age. SmaUer breeds, such as horm ones a dog receives is certain ly h e­
the Fox T errier, reach th is plateau at reditary bu t doesn’t n egate en viron ­
about 10 m onths to a year, and the true m ent’s effect. H orm ones can be
gian t breeds reach th is level at about tw o controlled chem ically o r th rou gh castra-

b u t th ls jto n o t the panacea fo r the crim in al and the oth er tiecMnes a p rie s t'
M t' |',ag greaskMi p rm e m . (Jam es C a g n ^ as R o c ^ and Pat O ’B rien
, ^ M anyp e^ d e w an t to kn ow w hat per- as th e p r le s t) ■ ■f J if
jtvl'l^^centage ofaggwumtnn is th e resu lt o f en-
vlraanient andvrtiat percentage is the Tempeiam eiitCliaiacterisHcs j t - ^
resultofheredity.Each d og is an in d ivid ­ C o ta ln tem peram ent ch aracteristics
ual w ithadlflerentcom bin ation , despite are m ore lik ely to cause the dog to have a
slinilar breedingandenvironm ent. We b itin g propensity.
aU haveseen thelate-n igh t m ovie on td e- Shy Dogs m ake good, i f undependable
vislon in which one son becom es a pets. M any ow ners p refer a d ogth at they

0 4 8 U 1 « a o a < » 3 2 36

1» "

1 <0 ‘.R.T.7
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Fmlwilw -■ cnlARTA Ihekagerihe Oog.lhelateritiBoclisK
ColdanB* ___ itsUaggresstire/protectvedeveloipment. Her
on>threebteeids.eachM iHhadtfeientgrowti
StlemoFd ...... einieachtigthesami»level.
Ags feiMonOis
0 12 U a0 a4 3» 112 M

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7S»>.CwmonSh«phtdDog •••••• CHARIB TheShspterd.bredk>beprotecttvs.hasasteeper

-cfc uk-iniKaati grcwlhraletiontieGolden,butrwtOSSleepOB1he>4ckxjs
dog. EachdoghasadtterenthlGtipointInaggression.Ihe
75b. GoidMiRetriever “ “ “ “ letfeingoirat18monteotagebnotneceaeort/llat.Some

JUNE 1988 57
**Wliy dogs bite is important, but our
major concom todoy Is the totalities
caused by dogs.’*

can pam per, and the shy dog Is very affec­ G u arding breeds have been developed
tion ate and Idealty su ited fo r th is type o f fo r protection o f livestock, and fo r use in
owner. Shy dogs w ill seldom t iy to b ite p to ce. m llita iy and gu ard w ork. G erm an
and I f cornered and u nder a great deal o f Shepherd D ogs, D oberm ans and A kltas,
stress, they wlD m erety grab a hiunan's In that order, are norm alty area-,
hand to exert a w arn in g pressvue rath er handler- and s ^ -p ro te c tlv e . U nder n or­
than really b ite. U nder extrem e pressure m al circum stances th is type o f protec­
th qr m ay b ite, how ever. S o rem em ber, tiveness m ust b e controlled.
you c a n t p redict «d ia t th e sh y d og w ill Aggressive Dogs generalty also are pro­
do. Y et the slqr dog Is n ot to b e confused tective. T h is is th e d<^ th at w ants h is
w ith the fea r biter. ow n way. He w ants to be k in g o f th e h ill,
The F ea r B ite r label has been Incor­ the leader o f th e pack, top dog, th e boss,
rectly attribu ted to m ore dc^s than a i^ the best o f everyth ing. In th e business
oth er type o f tem peram ent classifica­ w orid, he w ou ld b e chairm an o f the
tion . Som e “ experts” believe th at nearfy board. A s a dog, h e Is a lia b ility i f the
eveiy b itin g dog Is a fea r b iter. H ow do aggression is n ot controlled.
you tell a fea r b iter? A n y ten-year-old can L et’s take th e case o f an ow ner, Dan
tell. . .Ifh e 's had 2 0 years experience. It’s D om inant, vd io has property reared h is
In the dog's eyes. It Is the w ay the eyes are poten tially aggressive d<^. D an Is the
rolled and the am oim t o f vidilte th at you m aster o f th e house, fam ily and puppy.
see. H owever, vis ib ility o f the w h ites o f a A s “ K iller” reaches pu berty h e starts as­
dog's tyes doesn’t m ean th at It Is defl- sertin g h im self and throw s h is w eigh t
nltety a fear b iter; It Is a ch aracteristic around. T h e dog Is testin g D an D om i­
look. A fear b iter Is n ot predictable, and nant. H e groads w hen m em bers o f the
win bark defenslvety lon g before a hum an D om inant household approach h is dish
com ers It. T h e fea r b iter m ay m ake a sor­ w hen he Is eatin g. A correction Is given,
tie, ch argin g ou t to b ite. O ne never can ju s t as it Is given w hen K iller ju m p s up on
predict T^iat the fea r b iter wlU do, except the bed. Each In appropriate attem pt Is
that It w in b e unexpected. m et w ith a rebu ff, and fo r added control,
TbeD ogB U lng O ut o fF e a ria n ot auto­ the dog Is obedience train ed so it gets
m atically a fea r biter. A <k^ th at Is used to takin g orders.
caught In a tig h t area w ith n o m eans o f O n the oth er hand, W illy W im p, ow n­
eso q je (from the dog’s p o in t o f view ), in g the sam e dog, w ill n ot set up the
frigh ten ed because o f loud n oises, fearfu l proper relation sh ip w ith th e puppy.
o f b ein g hurt, o r in ju red m ay weU b ite out K iller w ill run w ild. T h e firs t tim e K iller
o f fear. A gain , It d oes n ot m ake th e dog a groads over h is food, the W im p fam ltyadll
fear biter. fearfu lly clear ou t o f the kitch en . I f K iller
Protective Dogs m ay b e area-pro­ jum ps up on th e bed and groads adien
tective, handler/ow ner-protective or the W im ps a a n t to go to sleep, t h ^ adll
self-protective, o r can be a com bin ation say, “He th in ks h e’s a person !” T h e
o f these types o f protectiveness. T h ey are W im ps adll then m ake u p th e couch and
n ot n ecesràrlly to d . cot. A s the pup m atures, it adll contin u e
A rea protection Is sdectivety bred fo r to test m em bers o f the W im p fam lty u n til
by hum ans w an tin g th eir dogs to protect the dog becom es top d og and th e W im ps
them and th eir property. W ild dogs w ill becom e the im derdogs. A s It m atures. It
take o ff rath er than protect th eir area. If adll n ot h esitate to control the situ ation
they are cornered t h ^ m ay w ell b ite, but th r o u ^ aggressive actions.
fligh t is b etter than figh t. T h e b itin g Is T h e Surly Dog falls In to th e aggressive
n ot a su stained aggressive attack b u t an dog c a t^ o iy . T h e su ity d og sim ply
attem pt to esciqie; they b ite as they tiy to refuses to do an yth in g th at it Is told. It is
leave the area. (W olves w ill do th e sam e extrem ety d ifficu lt to live adth and no
th in g as the w ild dog. W olf attacks on hu­ one, except a dog train er, should tiy to
m ans are unheard o f.) share a household adth th is type o f dog.
It win re b d again st d o in g som eth in g that behaviors are con sisten t and predict­
it w ants to d o s lm i^ because th e ow ner able. . .and dangerous. Incidentally. I
w ants it done. don 't lik e th e term viciou s because it is
T h e H yper-K inetic Dog has a trem en­ used too freety. V ery few d o ^ are viciou s.
dous am ount o f en ergy th at on ly can be T h is term has a certain legal sign ifican ce
controUed w ith a grea t deal o f force. It is w hen law yers talk about “viciou s propen­
n ot to b e confused w ith a l^ p era ctive sity. ” It m ay m ake fo r good legal argot bu t
dog. H yper-klnetlc dogs can b e d iag­ n ot good dog Jargon.
nosed as such w hen th e veterin arian
gives th e dog a tran qu ilizer. I f it speeds F a ta lities
up th e dog's activity, th e dog is W l^ d (^ s b ite is irhportant. b u t our
tayper-kinetlc. T ran q u ilizers w ould slow m ajor concern today is th e fa talities
dow n th e h yperactive dc^: “ Speed” Is the caused dogs, w h ich is the u ltim ate
dru g th at slow dow n a hyper-klnetlc dog attack. It is n ot enough to p oin t out
dog. T h is excess en ergy can cause prob­ that the fa ta lities are few and fa r betw een
lem s if th e d og is allow ed to control the and th at cars k ill m ore peoide than dogs,
situ ation . T h is situ a tion is alm ost exclu- and t h ^ both do good fo r society. O r that
stvefy seen in m ale dogs b u t is n ot seen there are m ore shark attacks than w o lf
toofirequently, sln ceth lsty p ed c^ isco m - attacks, and three tim es m ore people are
{d e t ^ u n su ltaU e as a pet. killed b y ligh ten in g than shark attacks.
Springer R age is a problem seen in the Th ere are those w ho are in favor o f get­
S prin ger S paniel as w ell as oth er breeds. tin g rid o f all dogs, and a death by dog
It is a fit-4ike action w h erein the dog flies bites presents a good argum ent. Th e
in to a rage and viciou sly b ites. It lasts a deaths are generally am ong ch ildren tm -
sh ort period o f tim e, and at the end o f the der eigh t years o f age vd iich m ake the
rage th e dog acts norm al and does n ot situ ation th at m uch sadder. T h is is a
seem to be aw are o f w h at w en t before. bio-m echanical situ ation in th at the dog
Shy-Sharp Dogs give all the appear­ m ust b e b ig enough, in relation to the
ance o f viciou s dogs adíen in reality they child, to Injure th e ch ild fatalty. and vital
w er e s l^ dogs that, over a period o f tim e, organs in a ch ild are closer to the surface
devrioped aggressive beh avior patterns than in an adult. A du lt hum an fatalities
to ñ i^ t e n p e c q ^ aw ay from them . Th ey are generally caused m ore than one
are so successful in th eir “play a ctin g” d<^; the “ w orryin g syndrom e” is w here a
th at th ty becom e w hat appears to be ex­ num ber o f dogs gan g up on the hopeless
t r e m é sharp ( k ^ . It is d ifficu lt to dis­ victim . T h is beh avior p attern is seen in
tin gu ish betw een th e slty-sharp d og and oth er anim als, b u t m any dog lovers
the aggressive o r viciou s dog. and it choose n ot to recogn ize it because it is a
serves no u sefu l purpose to do so except very “ im -d o ^ lk e” beh avior in our m ind’s
fo r academ ic reasons. eye. D ogs do it. and it is apparent in a
V icious Dogs do the m ost dam age grou p o f dogs once a fig h t starts. T h is
should th ty b ite. It is a su stained attack ga n gin g up beh avior is also seen in dogs
and th e victim w ill n ot be able to back the that pursue prey and catch it. It is a sus­
dog down. V ery few dogs fall in to th is cat­ tained com bined attack th at doesn 't stop
egory no m atter how w idely it is used. A im til the prey is incapacitated.
viciou s dog is the m ost aggressive o f H ere. then, are th e reasons dogs bite.
dogs, and the type o f dog th at m any feel is As fanciers—breeders, exh ibitors, and
m ost likety to becom e involved in a fatal­ train ers— it is ou r respon sib ility to edu­
ity. H owever, th at is probably n ot true. cate the n ovice and the m isinform ed that
T h e average ow n er o f a viciou s dog. no personality and tem peram ent m ust be
m atter h ow irrespon sible, m ust exercise the prim ary concern w hen selectin g a ca­
control over th e dog. I f he d id n 't, the nine. Ign orin g an opportu nity to share
courts, civ il o r crim in al, w ould step in knovdedge on tem peram ent is d oin g so­
before a fa ta lity occurs. T h e viciou s dog's ciety and the fancy a disservice. ^

JUNE 1968 59
A discussion o f w h y d o g s f ig h t h o w to
s to p fig h tin g , h o w th e y b e c o m e
d a n g e ro u s , a n d h o w t o m a in ta in c o n tro l.


ver Since the 1940s, I have devoted a in any situ ation o f co n flict betw een
large p a rt o f m y research to ana^rx- m em bers o f the sam e species. It is social
in g the causes and control o f hann- beh avior and n o seriou s harm is done to
fiil a g r e s s io n in a variety o f anim als the contestants, b u t it is always possible
In clu din g m ice, sheep, goats and dogs. that th is can and w ill happ>en.
O ur m ost Im portant fin d in g on all these T h is is p a rticu la rly im p orta n t In th e
anim als w as th e d lscoveiy o f the u niver­ d o g + hum an rela tio n sh ip becau se a
sal prlnc^de o f passive inh ib ition . By pu ppy th a t h as been so cia lized to hu­
n ot fig h tin g In a given situ ation an an i­ m ans w ill tra n sfer Its a g o n is tic beh av­
m al form s a h ab it o f n ot fig h tin g, and the io r to them , and attem p t to express it In
IcHiger It stays peaceful, th e stron ger the th e sam e w ays as It does w ith o th er
h ab it becom es. T h is is the key to control­ dogs. T h is ten den cy has to b e con ­
lin g harm ful aggression. trolled , becau se a b ite th a t w ou ld n ot
D ogs are descended from carn ivores h u rt a fu rry species-m ate cou ld easily
— m eat ea tin g anim als w ith sharp teeth pu n ctu re th e sk in o f a hum an. T h is Is a
and stron g ja w s th at can be used to problem In d ea lin g w ith an y d o g and is
catch, k ill, c a n y and eat th eir prey. As p art o f so cia liza tio n to hum ans.
any dog ow n er know s, dogs can use these D ogs som etim es, thou gh rarefy, seem
teeth to b ite th in gs oth er than food, in- to get th eir “w ires crossed,“ and attack
d u d ln g hum ans. M an's best frien d , in hum ans as thou gh th ey w ere prey an i­
q>lte o i 12,000 years o f association w ith m als. T h e sam e £ ln g can lum pen occa-
him . has the c ^ ia c lty to b e dangerous. sionalfy betw een dogs them selves. A t one
M ost o f th is dan ger arises In coim ec- tim e, the caretakers o f ou r dog colony
tlon w ith adiat w e call agon istic behav­ had the h ab it o f p lacin g a num ber o f dogs
ior. defin ed as beh avior th at is adaptive ou t In a large pen fo r exercise. Th ese a n i­
m als knew each oth er b u t lived apart,
Dr. Scott is a behavioral scientist, com ­ and at flrs t no trou ble occurred. B ut then
parative psychologist, author and edu­ one day the vd iole grou p attacked a fe­
cator. F o r m ore on the author, see the m ale Basenji, and before sh e could be
sid^M ir “G etting to Know D r. S cott” that rescued, she w as seriou sly in ju red and
appeared on p age 77 in May. died one-h alf h ou r later. S im ila r^ , dog
■uMk3n by Dc m Cuter
One should never tolerate biting, no

matter how harmless, and no matter

how young the puppy.”

packs have been know n to attack In dl- flgh t, o r th e dogs m ay suddenty break
Tkiual hum an bein gs, and especially dow n and start playin g w ith each other.
you ng ch ildren w ho becom e fearfu l, cry. M y colleague. D r. John M. S tew art, did
and try to run away. T h e m ost com m on one o f the m ost sig n ifica n t stu dies ever
problem is co n trollin g agon istic behav­ done on con trollin g fig h tin g in dogs. He
io r expressed as a fíg h tln g attack. system atically Introdu ced stran ge adult
dogs to each oth er In th e sam e room , and
Ek)w Do You Keep Dogs from Fighting? in h ib ited fig h tin g b y p u ttin g m uzzles on
T h is Is re la tive ^ easy I f you keep tw o them fo r variou s len gth s o f tim e, w atch­
In qiortan t prin cip les In m ind. First, in g fo r sign s o f fig h tin g and antagon istic
don’t let aggression get started. Second, behavior. W ith m u zzles on, the dogs
rem eniber th e theory o f passive In h lbl- could n ot b ite each oth er and d id n ot
tkm . By b ein g peaceful In a given situ a­ f l ^ t , and the lon ger h e kep t th e m uzzles
tion , a dog form s a h ab it o f b ein g on them , the less th e chance th at a fig h t
peaceful and the lon ger h e stays that w ould occur vdien h e took them off. T h is
way, the stron ger the h ab it becom es, and w as an experim en tal test o f the theory o f
the m ore dependable h is behavior. passive irih ib ltlon , th at dogs can form
O ur devdopm en tal stu dies show ed habits o f peaceful beh avior sim pty 1^ be­
that playful flighting in you n g puppies in g peaceful.
starts at a very earfy age, certainty as Alw ays rem em ber th at m uzzles w ill
soon as fou r w eeks. A hum an ow ner control b itin g and hence fig h tin g and
som etim es fin d s it am u sing and encour­ that they can be used In cases w here
ages th is playful fig h tin g b y h an dlin g there Is any dan ger o f an attack. T h ^ are
and roughlng-up th e puppy, thus m lm - n ot attractive to hum ans, bu t they do not
Id d n g the behaW or o f an oth er dog, and h u rt the dogs, and th e w earers soon
laug hing adíen the puppy attem pts to learn to tolerate them .
b ite h is hand. A few w eeks la ter the Physical pu nishm ent is a poor m ethod
puppy has all its teeth , is m uch qu icker, fo r in h ib itin g figh tin g. O ne o f the causes
and a b itten hand is no Joke. O ne should o f fig h tin g Is pain, as anyone know s w ho
never tcderate b itin g, no m atter how has accidentalty stepped on a dc^'s tall
harm less o r h ow you n g the puppy. I f It and had It tu rn and snap. It Is partlcu ­
does happen, a stem “ N o!” o r a qu ick larty In effective a fter a f l ^ t gets started;
slap w ill stop It. Train ed In th is fash ion If you h it a dog th at Is In the m idst o f a
the puppy w ill grow up to n ever b ite its dogfigh t, h e is llkety to react b y fig h tin g
m aster. that m uch harder.
But h ow about oth er people and d ogs? Th e best m ethod o f con trol is restrain t,
Peaceable b eh avior does n ot necessarily preferabty psych ological restrain t as
carry over from one relation sh ip In to an- learned through th e h ab its o f b ein g
othor. H ere again , the p rin cip le is n ot to peaceful from puppyhood. Physical re­
let aggression get started; th e firs t con­ strain t w ith a m u zzle o r leash is also u se­
tact o f th e puppy w ith a new person or ful.
stran ge dog Is very Im portant. T h is Is
partlcularty tm e w ith adult dogs. O ne o f What Else Do Dogs Fight About?
the situ ation s th at com m onty leads to O ne o f the m ost effective ways o f stim ­
fig h tin g betw een them is contacts be­ u latin g con flict is to give tw o dogs one
tw een strangers. O ne sees tw o dogs £q>- bone. I have even seen a two-week-old
proech each oth er s lo v ^ , very puppy w ith Its eyes barety open, grovd
stiff-legged, h oldin g th eir tails h igh and w hen given Its firs t bone.
w aggin g them very sligh tly back and T o cause a figh t, the food m ust be port­
forth , and n ever lik e the frien d ly ta il w ag able. Puppies do n ot fig h t over the
o f a you ng puppy. T h is goes on u n til thqr sem i-liquid food vom ited the m other,
touch each oth er's noses. T h e n ext few n or over soft m ash In a pan. Such food
seconds m ay determ in e th e outcom e as a caim ot be carried and so possessed.

H owever, a d ì * d o ^ som etim es gu ard a sh lp does n ot carry over to 8tFahg|ei8 out-1
food dish. W e alw ays fed ou r dogs a little sid e th e hom e. A n oth er tech niqu e fo r
m a ^ In a d d ition to th eir staple d iet o f suppressing aggression is to b rin g the
d iy fo od partty to provide som e supple- stran ger In to th e house, w here th e dog Is
m en taiy food elem ents, and partty so generally peaceful, keepin g it under con-
th at tlM dogs w ould learn to associate trxd, lettin g the stran ger leave later, im -
hum ans w l& food rew ards. In one litter accom panled th e dog. Th u s a h ab it o f
o f B asei^is, a b ig m ale form ed a h ab it o f peaceful beh avior tow ard th e new in d i­
gu ard in g th e food dish es so th at th e rest vidu al Is started and reinforced.
could n ot eat. B u t eventually one o f the
oth ers discovered th at i f It dashed in and How Does a Dog Becom e Dangeroiis?
turned the dish over, the b ig m ale no A s dog train ers have know n fo r centu­
lon ger tried to gu ard th e food as It w as ries, a su re wsy to m ake a d og viciou s is
spilled on th e grou nd, and the rest could to ch ain It ou tside In an area adiere peo-
eatc T o cause a figh t, the food has to be fde pass b y frequently. A s som eone tqi-
capable o f b ein g carried. proaches. such a dog w ill bark w h ile
A s a i^ dog ow n er know s. It is best n ot ru sh in g tow ard th e person, then be
to try to take aw r^ food from a dog. espe- b r o u ^ t up sharply on th e chain, w hich
ciaO yabone. o f course is p a ln fiil. T h e d og learns to
A n oth er Im portant cause o f fig h tin g In associate p ain w ith perqrle, and i f t h ^
d o ^ Is defense o f hom e and th e space com e close enough, often try to b ite
aroiin d it. A s w e see it In dom estic dogs, a them . In m edieval tim es a large chained
dog w ill usualty m ark and defend a space dog, o r bandog, cou ld b e tied outside a
w ith in 100 yards o r perhaps a gate w ith a ch ain Just lo n g e n o u ^ so It
quarter-m ile radiu s around th e house could reach th e o A e r gate p ost and pre­
v ^ e r e It lives, and It w ill challenge a i^ ven t strangers from en terin g.
dog o r person th at en ters th is area. Th e Naturally, w e don 't w ant to develop v i­
usual sequence Is th at th e dc^ confronts cious dogs today. T h e best w ay to confine
th e person, b a ild n g from a sh ort dis­ a dog ou tside is in a pen o r run large
tance, and ru n n in g around h im as he en­ enough to perm it exercise. Ifa r u n is s id e
ters th e hom e area, and I f th e stran ger sid e another one, as m any kennels
p a s m on th r o u ^ , foUows beh in d him , are, dogs w ill often try to f i ^ t through
barid n g as he leaves. It Is at th is poin t the fence, chew on the w ire, bark and
that the dan ger o f b itin g is greatest. T o m ake all sorts o f oth er noises. A sim ple,
the d (^ , th e person appears to be run­ effective solu tion Is to constru ct a solid
n in g away, and the dog m ay follow and fence about fou r feet h igh w ith w ire
b ite from behind. above It. T h e resu lt Is n o m ore fig h tin g
T h is b eh avior is alarm in g to the hu­ and very little barking.
m an stran ger and p oten tially dangerous, O ne should n ot fo rget gen etic d iffer­
herice undeslratde. T h e answ er again is, ences, breed differen ces, sex differences,
don 't let it get started. Unless you can and differen ces am ong Individuals. O ne
keep track o f you r dog’s beh avior and o f the reasons fo r th e popu larity o f Bea­
adiereabouts, it should n ot be allow ed to l e s as house pets is th at it is alm ost im ­
ruri freely. I f you are su pervisin g, call the possible to get them to figh t, even i f the
dog, hedd It b y the collar, in troduce It to owners m ake an attem pt to control fig h t­
the stran ger, and preven t any aggres­ ing. T h e sam e th in g is tru e o f m any oth er
sion. T h is is e^ jecia lfy im portan t in the breeds, som e o f w hich are m uch larger.
case o f finequent visito rs, such as m all B ut rem em ber th at any large and pow er­
carriers and d elivery m en. fu l dog is poten tially dangerous. even i f it
k ia r^ dog ow ners th in k th at because b ites only accidentally. Fortunately,
th eir d o ^ are peaceful and frien d ly to­ m ost o f the gia n t breeds, som e o f adiich
w ard them th at they wlU act th e sam e w ere origin a lly used as w ar dogs, have. In
w i^ tow ard everyone. But the relatlon- m odem tim es, been selected fo r peaceful

JUNE 1 9 « 63
“Always remember that muzzles wvlll
control biting and hence tighting, and
that they can be used In cases where
there Is any danger of attack.*’

behavior. G reat D anes, fo r exam ple, now Using Dog Langnage

hove a w ell-deserved repu tation fo r It. A s w e ord in arily see It, d og com m uni­
T h is Is n ot tru e o f th e terrier breeds, cation consists o f vexal, fa c ^ and bexfy
a h lc h have been selected fo r th eir ab ility signals th at are usually com bined in
to attack and endu re pain , w heth er the som e way. Th ese can tell th e bbserver,
attack Is directed again st p r ^ anim als o r dog o r hum an, w h at the dog Intends to
again st oth er dogs. I once saw a W ire Fox do. T h e one tim e in years as a re­
T errier Jump ou t o f a secx>nd-stoiy w in ­ searcher th at I g o t b itten w as w hen I
dow and land fla t on a concrete fl<x>r. It tried to exam ine som e n ew born puppies
m e r ^ g o t up, shcx>k Itself, and w alked n u rsin g on th e ir m other. S he gave m e a
awiqr. a p p aren t^ u nh u rt b y th e fall. A s clear sign al o f a grow l and sn a ii, and
p iqiples, t h ^ w ou ld som etim es start a vdien I n evertheless pu t ou t m y hand fo r
gro iq ) attack and Injure a lltterm ate, as the puppies, she snapped a t It.
eaity as six o r seven weeks. O ne can sign al to oth er dogs in th eir
b igger th e terrier the greater the ow n language as w ell as receive these
potential fo r dan ger and th e need fo r con- signals. A s m ost d og ow ners know , con-
tn ^ W here a sm all terrier, such as a Fox tlnu ou sfy talk in g In a sooth in g ton e o f
T errier, m ay n ip on occasions, a large voice can calm an excited o r fearfu l dog.
one can d d lv e r a seriou s b ite w oim d. A nd rem em ber th e w ay m other bitch es
Large dogs o f any breed are p o ten tia l^ disciplin e th eir puppies. A lou d com ­
dangercxis adíen they ru n in packs. m and in a low ton e o f voice wlU o ften in ­
M any o f th e repeated cases o f seriou s at­ h ib it im deslrable beh avior, especialfy If
tacks and deaths in volve such w ild dog accom panied by a th reaten in g gesture.
pecks th at have attacked you n g ch il­ T h is Is the equ ivalen t o f a grovtd and
dren. M ost dogs have great respect fo r threatened attack, and can be very effec­
size, bu t a you n g and fearfu l ck lld is an tive.
easy m ark. A gain , such attacks m ay rep­ I had once w alked a h ouse a t n igh t
resent a case o f the dogs gettin g th eir w hen a large dog rushed ou t o f th e yard
w ires crossed and trea tin g hum ans as tow ard m e, b ark in g and threatenin g. A l­
prey, ju s t as th ey som etim es treat oth er m ost w ith ou t th in k in g I droppped In to a
dogs In the sam e fashion. crouch so th at I faced the dog, said In a
Fem ales are d ifferen t from m ales, n ot km d base voice, “ S top th a t!” T h e dog
because they arc p oor h unters and u n ­ stopped Im m edlatefy and w en t back Into
able to ñ gh t I f attacked, b u t because o f the yard. I w on ’t gu arantee th is w ill w ork
size differen ces. In the sam e breed, eveiy tim e on every dog, bu t I have used
m ales average about 20% h eavier than th is sign al effectlvefy on m any oth er oc­
fem ales and en joy an advantage w hen casions. (O f course, a person w ith a soft,
they contest eacdi oth er. A lso, fem ale h igh-pitched ton e o f voice is at a dlsad-
p itip ié s are m ore likely to settle th eir r i­ v a n ta ^ in th is sort o f m aneuver.)
valries by threats and vocalization s, in No rules o r general prin cip les w ill w ork
the sam e WEqrs th at th eir m others d isci­ in exactly the sam e w ay on eve iy dog. A
p lin e them . M ale puppies, how ever, are d o g -I-hum an relation sh ip Involves n ot
m ore llkety to get in to seriou s figh ts. only a dog, bu t also a hum an partner,
Th ere Is In divid u al varia tion in aggres­ and the com bin ation is always im iq u e to
siveness w ith in the sexes, even w ith in som e d ^ r e e . You have to stucfyyour dog,
litters, as aiqr d tg breeder know s. V ery ju st as It stu dies you, and w ork ou t the
peaceful in dividu als show up In breeds beh avior th at is m ost effective and satis­
that have a repu tation fo r aggressive­ factory to both partners.
ness, and an ocoaslonal aggressive a n i­ T h e m ost general th in g to rem em ber Is
m al show s up In a peaceful breed. T h is th at In such a relation sh ip, h ow ever It
m eans th at the ow n er has to m odify turns out, the hum an partn er m ust be
training m ethods to su it the breed, sex dom inant, o r m ore conservatlvefy. the
and th e in dividu al n atu re o f eve iy dog. dog m ust not be dom inant.
r' ^ - fiî- =:

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The Legislative Fray

3 Y A U D R ^P A \||A ^ ^

rom a iiyM B. three-person o ffice in a breeds m ost com m onfy m entlonlra in |;

F qu iet, INM rTork tow n, a w ar is b ein g

«a g e d . It la h ere th at the A m erican
D og O w ners A ssociation is b a ttlin g
b reed -^ ieclflc legislation , som eth in g the
these law s are th e A m erican S tafford- |i
sh ire T errier, the S taffordsh ire B ull T er- '
tier, the Bull T errier, and the Am erican
P it Bull T errier (a U nited Kennel Chib
organ ization has been d oin g fo r th e past recognized breed).
12 years. A t the h eart o f th e AD O A are president
H eadlines and television stories de­ G ordon CarvUl, o ffice secretary Jean
p ictin g “ m urderous p it bu lls“ have done Fletcher, and assistan t J an ls Claiire,
m ore than Just create b a d R R . fo r breeds adio m an the organ ization 's o ffice in
com m onfy th ou gh t o f 1^ th e pu blic as C astleton, a tin y Im m let across the Hud­
“p it buDs.“ Pu blic h ysteria has resulted son R iver fio m Albany. M uch o f th eir
in th e enactm ent o f legislation In variou s tim e and en ergy is spent ch allenging
tow ns across th e country, as w ell as in these ordinances and edu catin g the p u lv
som e states. Th ese laws, com m on ^ re­ 11c in an effort to protect the righ ts o f dog
ferred to as “ p it bu ll ordinances. “ restrict owners in the U nited States.
the ow n ership o f specific breeds. Th e T h e organ ization m ain tain s that all
breeds have equal p oten tial to be danger­
Audrey P a via is an assistant ed itor at ous. B asin g th eir stand on a variety o f
the G AZE TTE . This is her Jirst fe a tu re research and sta tistics, the grou p be­
a rticle fo r the p u b lica tion . lieves th at b ites and fata lities are n ot lim ­
ited to certain breeds. Th erefore, to be
tru ly effective and non-dlscrlm inatory,
viciou s dog law s should n ot be breed
T h e AD O A is m ade up o f a variety o f
dog clubs, in clu din g breed d u b s, ketm el
du bs, and obedience d u b s, as w ell as In­
dividual dog ow ners. M em bership dues
o f $25 per d u b and $15 per Individual
keep the organ ization goin g. In 1987,
the grou p’s annual bu dget (separate
from the C an ine D efense Ftm d) was
Iron lcalfy enough, th e AD O A firs t cam e
In to existence to address th e issue o f dc^
f i t t i n g . Established in D etroit. M ich i­
gan. In 1970. the A IX lA ^ ie n t Its firs t few
years cam paignin g again st the practice
o f p ittin g dogs again st one another fo r •oH a
“ sp ort.“ T h e A D O A w as instrum ental in
revisin g th e A nim al W elfareA ct o f 1976
w hich p roh ib its the tran sportation o f
dogs across state lin es fo r the purpose o f
f i t t in g . T h e grou p also turned its atten­
tion to the issue o f safe a ir tran sport fo r
anim als, and w orked fo r regu lations In­ ,1^! 1
volvin g anim al a ir tra n sp o rt O rdinances
w hich lim ited the num ber o f dogs an in ­
dividual can ow n w ere also u nder scru­
tin y by the ADOA. as w ere Inhum ane
con dition s at puppy m ills.
M ore recently, th e AD O A has been
n I
JUNE1968 67
“Any brend is liable to fall Into the cat­
egory of'lnherentlyvleloiis’ In the pub­
lic eye, at any time. I f

heavily Invcrived w ith the prom otion o f Fund, m ost o f th e con tribu tion s received
reqxm sib le d og ow nership. T h e organ i­ fo r it have been from AD O A m em bers so­
zation pu blishes pam phlets on puppy licited throu gh AD O A n ew sletters.)
purchasing, h ow to raise a puppy, h ow to
be a re^ xH isiU e d<^ ow ner, and, o f late, Breed-Specific Ordinances
how to reqm n d to an ti-dog enforcem ent. T h e conten t o f th e b reed-specific o rd i­
Sem inars are also sponsored b y the nances that w ere b ein g enacted around
groiq>; th e edu cation o f dog ow ners is an the cou ntry varied. W hile som e law s had
issue o f prim ary im portance to th e or­ only gon e so fa r as to requ ire lia b ility in ­
gan ization. surance fo r the ow ners o f certain breeds,
T h e ADOA becam e Involved w ith oth er ordinances called fo r th e confisca­
b reed -^ iecilic l^ ls la tlo n in 1976 vidien tion and destru ction o f all “ p it bu lls”
Holtywood, Florida, enacted a law sta tin g w ith in city lim its.
that ow ners o f "A m erican P it BuU dogs. Such w as the case w ith th e Tijeras,
P it Bull T errier dogs o r S taffordsh ire T er­ New M exico, ordinance, w h ich w as voted
rie r dogs” m ust r o is t e r th eir an im a ls in to law in M ay 1984, and still stands on
w ith the city, and m ain tain lia b ility in ­ the books today. T h e law states th at it is
surance. T h e AD O A w orked to defeat the Illegal to ow n an A m erican P it Bull T er­
case. rie r in the tow n o f Tijeras. “A n y such
In the eaity 1980s, p it bu ll h ysteria d og,” the law reads, “ m ay b e im pounded
gain ed m om entum . T h e num ber o f by the m ayor o r anim al control o fficer, to
breed-specific ordinances b ein g passed be destroyed as provided h erein .”
In m u n icipalities around the cou ntry be­ In Lynn. M assachusetts, the p it bull
gan to grow . In response to th is alarm ing ordinance s till in effect states th at Am er­
situ ation , the AD O A called a sum m it ican S tafibrdsh lre T erriers, B ull T er­
m eeting o f d og organ ization s to discuss riers. and “ S taffordsh ire P it Bull
th eim )blem . O n J u ty 7 ,1984, in A lb an y, T erriers,” and any m ixtu re thereof, w ill
New Yorit, representatives from th e AKC, be forever banned from th e city i f th ey are
UKC, S taffordsh ire T errier C hib o f A m er­ discovered on pu blic property, o r private
ica. N ational P it B ull T errier Club, and property oth er than th at o f the owner.
the ADOA. as w ell as legal advisors, m et Th ey m ust also b e m uzzled and leashed
in order to determ in e an approach to the fo r the purposes o f tran sportation in a
situ ation . It w as agreed b y all present veh icle.*
that a seriou s problem existed fo r the A ccordin g to C arvlll, one o f th e legal
breeds b ein g sin gled ou t in these ord i­ issues taken w ith p it bull ordinances is
nances. It w as also understood th at the that th ty fa ll to adequatety defin e a “ p it
situ ation could get a lo t w orse i f oth er bull. ” T h is b rin gs up the qu estion o f con­
breeds b ^ a n to com e u nder attack. stitu tion ality. as the Fourteenth Am end­
In an effort to com bat th e problem di- m ent requ ires th at states o r m im iclpall-
rectty, the grou ps in volved created the ties defin e standards o f g u ilt w ith in an
Canhie D efense F\md, d esign atin g the ordinance to protect again st arbitrary or
AD O A as adm in istrator because o f the discrim in atory law enforcem ent. S in ce
grou p’s p rio r experience In th e Holty- no d efin itio n o f a “ p it buU” is adequatety
w ood, Florida case. It w as determ ined given so th at any in dividu al can deter­
that the C anine D efense Fund’s sole pur­ m ine w hat exactly a “ p it bu ll” is, the ordi­
pose w ould b e to fin ance legal battles nances can be fou nd to be u ncon stitu ­
against b reed -sp ecific legislation . (A l­ tion al by reason o f vagueness.
though the AD O A w as n ot design ated as From the dog ow n er's perspective, the
the fund raiser fo r the C an ine D efense problem w ith these law s is obvious. Th ey
are restrictin g and, in som e cases, out­
* Both cases were challenged by the ADOA. In the
Tyeras case, the Judge ruled tn favor o f the munici­ law in g the ow n ership o f sp ecific breeds.
pality. The Lynn case resulted in only a partial vlc- “R igh t now , it is p rim arily directed at
tory. Both decisions are being appealed. A m erican P it B ull T erriers, Bull T erriers,

T erriers and A m eri­ T erriers and A m erican S taffordsh ire
can S tafford sh ire T erriers,” CarvlU Terriers, tw o dog train ers, and a repre­
pointed out. ” B u t a i^ breed Is liable to sen tative from the UKC. T h e individu als
fall in to th e ca tego iy o f ‘In h eren t^ v i­ w ho w ork directty w ith the breeds in
ciou s' in the pu blic eye, at any given qu estion testlfled th at these dogs are not
tim e.” inherentty viciou s, and are no m ore likely
T h e AD O A has en listed the h elp o f re­ to attack a hum an o r oth er anim al than
gion al dog clubs and in dividu al dog own­ any oth er breed. T h e representative from
ers in its h gh t again st breed-specific the UKC erqrlalned the n ear im p ossibility
ordinances. Fin an cial su pport is re: o f d istin gu ish in g a registered dog from
quested fo r the C an ine D efense Fund an u nregistered dog in a given situ ation .
from these parties, as w ell as tim e and T h e Judge ruled th at the ordinance was
en ergy in th e form o f assistance in cou rt im con stitu tionalty vagu e in th at it did
cases. In divid u al dog ow ners and re­ n ot g ive a su fficien t d efin itio n o f vd ia t a
gion al d og d u b s and organ ization s have “ p it bu ll” was. Th erefore, the average
worfced side-by-side w ith th e AD O A in person could n ot determ in e w heth er or
the (xm rtroom to oppose breed-specific n ot they w ere in viola tion o f the law.
legislation . H owever. H oltywood d id n ot give up.
A ccordin g to C arvill, som e o f th e w ordin g
n ofld a w as changed In th e b ill, and it was
Five o f th e six cases challenged and passed b y th e tow n legislatu re once
w on "With AD O A b ackin g w ere all In the again. T h e AD O A challenged the revised
state o f Fkndda. A ccord in g to C arvill, the version w ith th e sam e results.
success o f these cases helped solve the T h e n ext attem pt a t breed-specifle 1 ^-
problem o f breed-specific legislation in islation in Florida cam e in Brow ard
the state. “ B y w in n in g these cases, w e C ounty in 1985, ad iete a law restrictin g
w ere able to ¿ o w th e rest o f the m u n ici­ the ow n ership o f ” p lt bu lls” w as passed.
p alities in Florid a th at these types o f laws T h e ordinance requ ired ow ners o f p it
w ill n ot h old up w hen ch allenged,” Car- bulls to hold lia b ility Insurance fo r one
vU lsaid. m illion dollars, con fin e th e ir dogs w h ile
T h e firs t Florida ordin ance challenged on th eir ow n property, have them m uz­
by the AD O A w as the H olfyw ood law, zled w hen th ey are on pu blic property, o r
w hich w as also the firs t breed-specific or­ private property n ot th eir ow n, and regis­
dinance pu t in to effect in the country. ter them w ith the city. In an attem pt to
T h e {d a ln tlfr w as a residen t dog ow ner, avoid a ru lin g o f ‘^ragueness” should the
backed b y th e ADOA. Fin ancial support law be challenged, th e l^ is la to rs adio
cam e frcm a r ^ o n a l dog club, w ith drafted the b ill Included a d efin ition o f
m atch ing fu n ds donated b y th e AD O A adiat a “ p it bu ll” w as; th ey called upon
(p rior to the C an ine D efense Fund’s in ­ the breed standards fo r th e A m erican
ception ). S taffordsh ire T errier and S tafibrdsh lre
T h e ordin ance called fo r the registra­ Bull T errier as th ey appear in the A K C ’s
tion o f a r^ ” P lt Bull T errier dog, S tafford­ Com plete D og BcxAc, as w ell as the UKC's
sh ire T errier d og and A m erican P it Bull published standard fo r A m erican P it Bull
dog” h eld w ith in the city o f H ollyw ood. It Terriers.
also m andated th at $50,000 in lia b ility T h e R esponsible D og O w ners o f Flor­
insurance be h eld by th e ow ners o f any o f ida, In c., filed su it again st Brow ard
these breeds. County. T h e AD O A backed the group,
l ^ e n the ordin ance w as challenged in and the C anine D efense Fund paid the
court, the p resid ln gju d ge listen ed to the a tto m ^ ’s fees. A fter h earin g testim ony,
testlm bi?y o f a n um ber o f w itnesses w ho the presidin g ju d ge ruled th at the ordi­
w ere speaking on b eh a lf o f the p la in tiff. nance w as u n con stitu tionally vague, de­
Th e experts adio testlfled included a b iol­ spite the county's attem pt at defin ition .
ogist w ho w orked w ith A m erican P it Bull She m aintained th at the breed stan-

JU N E isee 69
“Ihero It a problem In this country with
Inesponslble dog owners, not with pit

dards used In the statu te as the l^ a l deft- cases w as Instru m ental in g ettin g the
n ltton o f a “ p it bu ll” w ere w ritten fo r dog state legislatu re to back o ff, ” said CarvlU.
show Judges, and are th e reto open fo r
Interpretation . T h ey do n ot m eet th e ba­ Vicious Dog Laws
sic requ irem ents o f legal defin ition . In every state and m u n icipality udiere
Brow ard C ounty legislators then the AD O A has been in stru m en tal In chal­
changed som e o f the w ord in g In the b ill, len gin g breed-specific dog law s, the or­
and passed It once again. T h e law w as gan ization has provided an alternative.
challenged, and w as once again foim d to V iciou s dog law s, vd iich are aim ed at
be u ncon stitutional. T h e cou nty w as con trollin g dogs th at have been show n to
then ordered to repay a p ortion o f th e le­ be dangerous to th e pu blic and to oth er
gal fees q ie n t hy the p la in tiff. anim als, are w hat th e A IX )A w ould lik e
By the tim e th is v lc to iy fo r dog owners to see in place o f p it bu ll ordinances.
w as w on, seven oth er Florida m u n icipali­ “T h ere is a problem in th is cou ntry
ties had enacted sim ilar law s. W hen the W ith Irrespon sible dog ow ners, n ot w ith
Brow ard ordinance w as foim d u ncon sti­ p it b u lls.” said C arvill. “V iciou s d og law s
tu tion ally vague, the oth er m u n icipali­ are directed a t th e ow ners o f all dogs, n ot
ties w ere contacted and told th at th elr at specific breeds. ”
law s w ould b e challenged as w ell. AH o f In a w ell-w ritten viciou s dog law . the
the m u n icipalities backed dow n w ith the d efin itio n o f a dangerous dog Is clea ify
ex cq itlo n o f cme: S ou th M iam i. understandable, and does n ot m ention
T h e Sou th M iam i ordinance requ ired arty breed by nam e. Th ese are th e types o f
“p it bull ow ners” to obtain a perm it to bills the AD O A is en cou ragin g regional
keep th eir dogs. It also ordered ow ners to dog clubs and in dividu al dog ow ners to
m aintain one m illion dollars In lia b ility support.
Insurance, and to keep th eir dogs m uz­ T h e organ ization has assisted several
zled at all tim es (except adíen held In a states In d raftin g viciou s dog b ills th at do
securety enclosed roofed stru ctu re on n ot in frin ge on the righ ts o f responsible
private property). “ P it bu lls” w ere de­ dog owners. R hode Island has enacted a
fin ed as “ aity A m erican S taffordsh ire viciou s dog law th a t Is non-breed spe­
T errier, S taffordsh ire Bull T errier, A m er­ cific. New York and New Jersey both have
ican P it BuO T errier. . .all m ixed breeds viciou s dog law s p en din g in th eir state
except any m ixed breed h avin g less than legislatures. (O h io alm ost had a non-
one-eighth. . .o f the breed o f A m erican breed-sp ecific viciou s dog law , u n til a
S taffordsh ire T errier, o r B ull T errier or sentence in clu din g the A m erican P it Bull
A m erican P it Bull T errier (In Its h eri­ T errier, A m erican S taffordsh ire T errier
tage).” and Bull T errier w as added a t th e last
O nce again , testim on y w as given as to m inute. Just b efore th e b ill w as signed
the character o f the breeds m entioned In in to law .)
the ordinance, as w ell as to the d ifficu lty D espite the successes o f the AD O A In
the general pu blic w ould face In attem pt­ the state o f Florida, there are m any m ore
in g to Id en tify any o f the breeds (partlcu - breed-specific law s b ein g enacted
la ify the m ixed breeds). throu ghou t th e country. T h e AD O A cur-
T h e p resid in g Judge fou nd th e ord i­ rentfy has eigh t cou rt cases pen din g, in ­
nance u n con stltu tlonalfy vague, and the clu din g one in Santa Clara, C aliforn ia,
city w as ordered to repay a p ortion o f the that m ay “ tu rn the state a roim d ” w hen It
cou rt costs to th e p la in tiff. com es to breed-specific ordinances, ac­
A t th is tim e (1986). the Florida state cordin g to C arvill. “ I f w e w in the Santa
legislatu re w as con siderin g a b ill to re­ Clara case,” he said, “w e w ill m ost likely
strict p it bu ll ow nership throu ghou t sec the end o f breed-specific ordinances
the state. T h e b ill w as p u ll^ w hen AD OA In the state o f C ^ ifo m la .”
m ounted pressure again st the l^ ls la - However, there are m any m ore ord i­
ture. “ O ur success w ith the m u nicipal nances th at the orga n ization cannot af-
ford to chianenge. TThese m u n icipalities Fletcher. “W e have law yers th at have n ot
know th at w e can’t fig h t each and every yet been paid, and w e are s till In cu rrin g
one o f these l a ^ . ” said CarvUl. “T h e Ca­ legal fees w ith the cases cu n en tfy b ein g
n in e Elefense E tin d ju st doesn’t have the w o iiied o n .” she said.
m oney.: ! J i i J : A n oth er w ay to solve the breed-specific
111 ta d , accordin g to CarvUl. the Ca­ ordinance problem on a n ational level
n in e D efense FHind is op eratin g in the w ould be to take th e problem to the Su­
red.{ "W e are h y in g ou t a m in im u m o f prem e Court. H owever, accordin g to Car-
$ l5 i0 0 0 to $25,000 per case, and w e vlll. th is is a d ifficu lt and fin an cially
don’t get all o f th at back w hen w e are proh ib itive approach to take. “T h e Su­
aw arded cou rt costs in w in n in g su its.” prem e C ou rt does n ot hear m ost o f the
he said. “ O ur con tribu tion s aren ’t keep­ cases requested o f It.” he n o te d ." ‘SufBc-
in g u p w ith adiat w e need to b attle all len t cause’ m ust be sh ow n .” : |
thcM ordinances, and w e therefore have CarvUl believes th at the onfy s tra t^ y
to lA a lo t o f them go. ” th at can w ork rig h t now is to challenge
T h e AD O A w ou ld ideally lik e to repeat one m u n icipality at a tim e, som eth ing
the ;:s tra t^ e s th rou gh ou t the cou ntry the AD O A is fin a n cia l^ unable to do.
th at w ere used In th e Florid a cases. “ Ifw e “T h e dog fancy has to get beh in d th is is­
canitake on a few m u n icipalities in each sue I f w e are go in g to succeed.” said Car-
o f the states w here these ordinances are vUl. “ O therw ise, the d og could end u pan
b e lr^ enacted, w e can get each state to endangered species In th is cou ntry.’" ^
back o ff in dividu ally. B u t th e cou rt costs
are h igh in t h i ^ su its, and w e Just can’t E d itor’s N ote: A t the M arch 1988 dele­
afford to do It.” : gates m eeting, the A m erican K ennel
S in ce th e Iriceptlon o f th e C an ine De­ Club annourw ed that It w ill m atch a ll .
fense Fhnd. a| total o f $163,943.99 has donations m ade to the C anine D ^ en se |j
been donated eventy across th e board by Fund. D eta ils o f the anrw uncem ent
a variety o f d ifferen t dog clubs and in di- were published on page 198 In the A p ril
v K h ^ d o g ow ners (as o f January 1988). GAZETITE.
Howevier, th ere has been an outlay o f
proxlm ately $225,000. in clu d in g still
im p aid a tto m ^ s ’ fees, accordin g to Jean

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leeping your weight at a moderate level may scale
down your risk of heart attack. So mainteun a healthy
diet and lighten up on your heart.

American Heart Association


JUNE 1968
A lo o k a t a d e d ic a t e d fa n c ie r w h o s in g le -
h a n d e d ly w a g e s w a r o n u n fa ir c a n in e
le gisla tio n .

Com m ando

handsom e, m iddle-aged co iq ile stress on th e husband than he could

A purchased a Florid a hom e in 1951.

D og lovers, t h ^ kept several pets
and w ere responslW e ow ners, w ell-liked
bear. He d ied o f a h eart attack d u rin g the
cou rt battle. B roken in sp irit, grievin g,
and destitu te from fin es and legal fees,
by th eir n eigbbras. A fter 23 years In th eir the w om an gave up. had a ll b u t three o f
hom e, disaster. In th e form o f a zon in g h er dogs pu t dow n and lived as a
board h earin g, struck. It seem s that sem l-recluse.
iriie n th eir n ext door n eigh bor d ied h is D u rin g th e late 1960s a dem ure, al­
house w as sold to a you n g m an vriio m ost shy la«ty retu rned to cen tral Florida
w anted It fo r investm ent property. He w ith h er husband and five Bulldogs, af­
feared th at It w ou ld be devalued because ter a year u p n orth . She discovered that
several dogs lived n ext door. A ll It took they couldn’t bu y a house in the sam e
w as a trip to th e courthouse to file a com - city w here th ty had previousty settled be­
fdalnt. T h e d og lovers, now eldeity, had cause a three-dog law had been enacted.
been in viola tion o f th e city zon in g ordi­ So the fam ily purchased a hom e in an
nances w ith ou t rea lizin g It ever sin ce unincorporated area nearby. T h e lad^
th ty bou ght th eir hom e. T h eir d o ^ had Joined the C entral Florid a Kennel Club
never bothered anyone so n o one re­ w here she sat in th e back o f the room and
ported them . T h e zon in g board h it the listened. She began to realize that Flor­
cM couple hard— $250 per dr^, per dog ida, w ith its fast grow th o f cities in areas
that w as over th e three-dog lim it adiich recentty agricu ltu ral, w as h avin g a seri­
th ty n ever knew existed. T h e old folks ous dog problem . A nim als ran loose,
h ired an attorn ey to save th eir "fa m ily.’’ m any com m unities had n o shelters, and
'The l^ a l fig h t apparently pu t m ore the roam ing d og problem w as often
solved w ith a .22 rifle. W hen law s w ere
The author. Staffordshire T errier Club eith er enacted o r enforced, they tended
o f A m erica’s D elegate to the AKC, is a to be u n fair to responsible dog owners
Jtequent con tribu tor qfjea tu re articles to such as the elderly couple, w h ile the irre­
the G AZETTE. H er last uxis “C lum ber sponsible ow ners disregarded them . Th e
T im e," w hich appeared in the August lacty m ade frien d s w ith h er fellow keim el
1987 issue. club m em bers, accepted jo b s on variou s
■uliaaan W Dom Cular
islation from b ein g enacted than it is to
Man* fei «csia ey af-
get it set aside once it becom es la w ."
I W w Uni beet In
Salty M oore, presiden t o f th e G reater
D aytona D og Fanciers and chairperson
o f the V olu sia C ounty A n im al C ontrol
Board, said o f D iane, “ S he’s dogm atic
(pardon the pu n ). She has enorm ous
con viction and th e a b ility to stand be­
h in d it. D iane has total recall o f facts.
She’s spellbinding. S he know s tim e,
dates, b ill num bers— all in h er head. She
can m obilize the vidiole state w ith in a
m atter o f hours. G od h elp you i f sh e’s n ot
in you r com er. I w an t h er on nty side al­
w ays."

Age-Old Motto: Be Prepared

D iane seem ed am used w hen told that
h er peers view h er as special and Insisted
th at anyone can m ake th in gs h s^pen if
he does h is hom ew ork. S he stresses the
Im portance o f b ein g prepared and be­
com m ittees, and gradually, as u n fair lieves th at m any p oten tial problem s
law s enraged and saddened her, b ^ a n to could be averted i f people m ovin g w ith
q je a k up. She discovered th at n ot onfy th eir dogs w ould do a little research. She
w as she able to talk on anim al issues, but says, “ M ost people don ’t ask. T h ^ com e
that w hen she spoke, people listened. in to an area, purchase a hom e and then
Today, D iane is presiden t and show fin d ou t th at they have problem s." She
chairm an o f the C entral Florida Kennel suggests th at all m u lti-dog ow ners, n ot
C hib as w ell as the club’s delegate to the Just those w ho are m oving, start prepar­
AKC, chairm an o f the S em in ole County in g now. “G o dow n to the c o u ^ o u s e
A nim al C on titd Board, presiden t o f the and ask i f there are any anim al control
Fk aid a A ssn, o f Kennel Clubs, an A dvi- laws in you r city o r county. Th en ask
s o iy Board M em ber o f the U niversity o f about zon in g laws. Take copies o f all
Fla. School o f V eterin ary M edicine, and a these laws hom e and stucty them . Know
w ife, m other and breeder/owner/handler w hat problem s could com e up. D on’t
o f BuOdogB. S he m igh t w ell b e called the th in k that you w on ’t b e affected because
’’M outh o f th e South. ” A ccordin g to W est you have toy dogs o r w hatever. It w ill fil­
V ohisia Kennel Club show chairm an, He­ ter dow n to eveiyon e eventually, eith er Ity
len Pell, ndio wcMks w ith D iane on clu ster zon in g regu lation s o r som eth in g else. Be
shows, D iane “ could be at least a U.S. especially carefu l about zon in g regula­
senator i f sh e w orked th at hard a t a prqr- tion s. Th ey m ay be th ere b u t are n ot be­
in g jo b . She has h er fin g er on the h eart­ in g enforced. Som e day th ey could be
beat o f everyth ing. I do b elieve every dog selectively enforced. "
club in Florida has called upon h er for G ood preparation includes kn ow in g as
h ^ o r in form ation at one tim e o r an­ m uch about you r p oten tial adversary as
o th er." possible. “ Find ou t vd io the govern in g
B etty Page, w ho w orks w ith D iane In body is in you r com m unity. W here do the
the F lorida A ssociation o f K eim el Clubs, councllm en o r com m issioners live, w hen
th in ks D iane’s greatest talent is that, w ere they elected, w hen are they up fo r
“ She sees sd ia t needs to be done and does reelection, vd ia t p olitica l party do they
it. She takes im m ediate action adiich is belong to, w hat clubs are ttiey m em bers
necessary as it’s easier to prevent bad Ifg - of, w hat are th eir hobbies, do th qr have

pets?” A cx xm lli^ to D iane, m uch o f th is
in form ation m ay be discovered sim ply CountM lngAnll-OogUglskitlon | :|||
talkin g to people such as you r ch ildren s’ There c «B other ftxxdere woridrtg tow ard talr orilrnal legW otlon. O n e '
teacEiers. you r beau ty shop operator, and of them is JudHh A B red ca a San Fronciico attorney w h o was ocNve In
the perscm beh in d you In the superm ar­ tb U K ln g the C om m ittee for Reqsorwftile D o g LegM oHon. A n CMwier of
ket check-out lin e. T h e n ext step is to LP, o b e d e rtce -tn ie d Am ertcan Stafforcbhire Tenters. JudHh Is currently
wortdng to de fe a t CoNfom ia House BM 1741, w hich Is breed-spedfle.
m eet the local p olitician s. D iane su g­
JudHh sent these suggestions, w hich w ere written by UrKfo Errwnert.
gests! go in g to th e cou rthou se and sittin g Linda Is a m em b e r of the TrI-State Kennel C lu b o f J o p la Mbsourt w hich
in on w orkshops. “ Becom e a fam iliar p u t together a n Inform ation pa ck e t to co m b a t th e ’’d o g hystericT of
face. G o to pu blic h earin gs and w atch the m om ent. It contains eoccetent Inform atloa indudfog outlines of
how each cou ncilm an operates so that i f program s for presentation In otom ontary schools, o rx ld e la ie d plans
you ever need to fig h t them you w ill know to counter a n ti-d o g proposals. If you r kennel d u b w ould Hoe a co p y,
a d ia itoea q iect.” write to Mrs. Linda Em m ert,Rt.1.Boo( 353, S e n e c a M O 64865. ..i. ,

j Tim K enndChu» Connection BffORE: ‘

J o in in g yoiu ' k x » ! kennel club is a fln e • M onitor p a p e r, rodfo a n d leleMsIon reports. Í
I w ay to accum ulate frien d s and p oten tial • Request d ty coun cil d e rk o r b o a rd o f supervisors d e rk to noW y you In
allies. Kennel clubs can help prepare all reg a rd to anim al regutallon o r banning.
: th e tf m em bers fo r u p-com ing problem s. • G e ty o u r speaker o n th e courxdl o r b o a rd o f supervisors m ootin g
: D laiw w arns that. “ S in ce re-zon in g often a g e n d a prior to th e m eeting.
' takes (dace w ith ou t a i^ n e b ein g aware
• D o your backgrou rxi work.
o f it. su dden ly you are livin g w here there
is a tw o-dog lim it. Th at's adiy a kennel • Serta Inform ation packets to e a c h couTKill m em bertor bo a rd o f su­
club ychm teer sh ou ld ch eck the new spa­ pervisors arta m ayor. ■
per ekch w eek fo r eveiyth in g th at is com - • O btain anim al bite statistics.
; In g up fo r pu blic h ea rin g.” T h e kennel • Rrta other bre e d d u b s o r owners w h o wM testily against
i club is also in a p osition to bu ild a good b re e d -sp e d fic legislation arta o n behalf of c* vidous d o g ICKMS.
rs^qmrt w ith the m edia. A pu blicity
• G e t petitions arta letter-writing ca m paig ns go ing.
chairm an should contact th e new spa­
pers. T V and radio station s about up­ • H nd responsible d o g owners to attend th e m eetings. (This m eans
d o g owners w h o a p p e a r w e*-dressed arta conservative arta wM not
com in g club activities, becom e part o f
g e t em otional. T-shirts a n d jeans d o no t g ive a g o o d im age.)
^th eir events calendar, give them a press
release th at explains w hat you r a n im a l
grou p does in the com m unity, and in vite
• Stay ca lm arta d o no t g e t erTK)llorK]l.
; ttiem to dog show s and oth er d u b events.
B ein g frien d s w ith th e press can be in ­ • D on't try to sell o r prom ote your dogs. Brperiences with tamHy pets d o
valuable w hen problem s arise. M edia not impress unless your d o g has sewed children from a burning b id d ­
petqde w ho already kn ow and accept you r ing o r som ething eq ually heroic.
club as the com m unity anim al e^qierts • O nly the m ost articulate arta professlorxil p e o p le In your gro u p
Mdll be m ore llkety to call on you r grou p should speak before the c o u n d l arta to th e m edta.
adíen th ey need h elp o r in form ation . • D o not shout, threaten, o r try to intim idate pe o p le .
T h is w as evidenced recen tly w hen F lori­
• Be brief, tactual arta Inform ative.
da’s Channel 6 T V d id a story derogatory
to “ p it b u lls.” M any people called and • Be rea dy to answ er questions.
w rote to protest bu t D iane w as the one • O ffer voNd. w orkable suggestions arta your h elp In drafting sensfole
th e} in vited to appear on th eir special be­ legistalion.
cause, as the n arrator said, “ S he’s been • D on't g ive w a y to overt o r Im p te d threats.
on th is show (N ew sw atch) a num ber o f
tim es w ith th e C entral Florida Kerm el AFTH?; Í
Club. ” 'Thus, a credible person w as given • If bre e d -sp e d fle legislatioa hire a law yer, try to obtain a n Irijunction.
the opportu n ity to presen t h er opin ion
• If a vldo us d o g o rd k x x x » is p o sse a write a note of appreciatio n to
because the m edia already recr^n lzed
th e council o r b o a rd of supervisors.— JP
h er as k n oad ^ eab le on d<^ issues.

JUNE 1986 75
'•Sometimes I hove to sit down, back
up, go around a different way,
approach that group or subject from
another angle.”

K en n d d u b s could also b efrien d local Ehincan W righ t, a past-presiden t o f the

anim al co n trd u n its and Hum ane S ocie­ Am erican D og O w ners A ssociation , w ith
ties. T h ere are m any ways to aid these teach in g h er som e o f th e tactics that
groiqps. D iane su ggests. “ G ive them a have proven so effective at pu blic hear­
Com piete D og Book, m eet the officers o f ings. W hen she w orked w ith h im in the
anim al con trol and ask about volu nteer 1970s, he tau ght h er h ow to prepare fo r a
program s, b rin g them a ch art o f dog h earin g and h ow to use m em bers o f the
breeds, ask i f th ey w ant som e o f you to audience to h er advantage.
p a rtld p a te a lon g w ith them in teach in g “ Som etim es th e w ay it has to be
school ch ildren to becom e responsible w orked Is alm ost a gam e,” adm its D iane.
dog owners. In these w ays you ca ii edu­ “ But it ’s a very Im portant gam e.”
cate the anim al control people at the
sam e tim e you are h d p ln g th em .” Per­
haps you w ill b e less lik ely to see a Working Through A Board
12-pound dog w ith floppy ears th at re- The Sem inole C o u n ly Anim al C ontrol Board,
seoitries a M in iatu re D achshund crossed
w hich D iane chairs, w as a d o p te d In 1974.
w ith a Schnau zer la b d ed “ pit-bu ll m ix,” Eight anim al-know le dgeable p e o p le sit on
as D iane d id on a recen t v is it to a n eigh ­ the bo a rd a n d hold vldo us d o g hearings. Af­
b orin g coim ty’s sh d ter. ter the b o a rd rules o n a cose, th e ruNng c a n
O ne o f D iane’s favorite projects fo r b e a p p e a le d to a circuit ju d g e . M ost coses
ken n d d u b s is an answ erin g service. It are not a p p e a le d so th e b o a rd efflcientty o rx i
offers another op p ortim ity to educate fa k ty g e tsm o sta rrlm a lp ro b le m s o u to fth e a l-
the pu blic and a place fo r th e m edia to teady o ve r-cro w d e d court dockets. Since the
can to receive th e im m ediate, educated bo a rd Is m a d e u p o f p e o p le from OH different
fields w ho have In co m m o n a k v e of anim als,
answers they occasion al^ need. A l­
e a ch case Is carefully studied.
though there w ill alw ays b e In qu iries A recent exam ple Involved com plaints
such as, “ I n eed to kn ow h ow to fin d abo ut a d o g w h o w ou ld scale his t e r x » w hen
aomecme w ith a cockerpoo to breed to n ^ school let out o rx i scare children by barking
peekapoo,” even th is is a chance to ex- orrd nipping a t thok feet until they w ere bud­
plam th at n ot a ll dogs should be bred, d e d In fear beh ltxl a neighbors b o o t troHer.
and h avin g pu ppies doesn’t give them Although there w e re several com plaints
m ore fu lfillin g lives. abo ut this d o g a n d h o w it w as g o in g to seri­
Som eone from th e k en n d d u b could ously hurt the town's children, rw t o n e child
be appointed to keep track o f policy h a d e ver suffered as m u ch as a scratch. N ow
changes in th e m ajor insurance com pan­ a hearing before rK x vd o g -k n o w le d g e a b le
p e o p le w ould p ro b a b ly h ave resulted In the
ies. It is a little know n fact th at som e o f
d o g be in g p u t do w n Ju ^ on the sheer num ber
th e larger com panies have up to 16 of parental protests. But th e b o a rd know dogs
breeds on th eir lis t o f those t h ^ w on ’t w ell eno ugh to feel that there h o d to b e m ore
s d l hom e-ow ners insurance to. Apa­ to this story. After speaking to several o f the
th etic dog ow ners w ho b d ieve th eir breed children a n d h e a ^ their descrtptions o f the
win never b e a ffected m ay fin d it alreacfy Incidents, the b o a rd realized that th e Austra­
listed. lian C attle D og bitch in question w as rx>t Vi-
dous. She was sim ply follow ing her Instincts
Utilise Maneuverability a n d herding the children. The ow ner built her
on e sca p e -p ro o f enclosure o rx i she has
A lthou gh th ere w ill b e tim es w hen ad­
never b e e n a problem since. The b o a rd also
vance preparation w on ’t prevent a hear­
cortvinced the d o g ow ner to Introduce his
ing, m edia b litz o r cou rt battle from bitch to the neighbors a rx l explain a n d d e m ­
occu rring, it w ill stlU prove usefu l du rin g onstrate her herding Instincts.
you r fig h t to m ake the com m issioners Urging your com m unity to a d o p t a n anim al
and the pu blic im derstan d that vd ia t is corrtrol bo a rd w ould b e a ftoe first step tow ard
needed is a law th at doesn’t h u rt respon­ n x id n g a diftererrce. The National Ankrxsl
sible dog ow ners b u t gets the irrespon si­ Control A g e n cy recom m ends Anim al Corrtrol
ble ow ners w here it h urts. D iane credits Boards/— J F

•ioB Ill»

. I "jip fl' iT n !', . ,

O n one o o c a r im m m a F lorid a county down. T t e com m issioners so led to de­
tried to pass a k m detrim en tal to respon­ feat the proposed ordinance and adc^t
sible dog OOTMn. D iane d id h er hom e­ the one D iane presented. N ot one w ord
w ork and fou nd th at a nuyorlty o f the w as u ttered about a ren derin g plant.
com m issioners w ere up fo r re-election Som etim es there is barety enough tim e
shortly. She also discovered th at all eu­ to do research o r hom eworir. In one com ­
than ized anim als In th at county, m unity, a zon in g r^ u la tlo n detrim ental
sdieth er they had been picked up o r to dog ow ners suddenty cam e up fo r
turned in , ended up a t a ren derin g plant. hearing. T h e local d (^ people discovered
Now D iane realized that, “ People don’t that th is r^ u la tio n had taken the com ­
w ant to kn ow th is. T h ^ w an t to th in k m ittee 18 m onths to draft and w as
that all th e unw anted anim als th at m ust w eO -w iitten and detailed. H ow could a
be pu t to sleep are bu rled nicety in a little handful o f local an iin al lovers defeat it on
flow ered grave ou t back. T h ey don ’t w ant alm ost no notlce^^j’1rst they contacted
to th in k about lots o f frozen anim al bod­ D iane. S he told them to start chain
ies dum ped in to a b ig tru ck to go to a phone calls. T h is am ounted to eveiyone
renderin g pla n t.” TTie com m issioners in the kennel d u b ca llin g eveiyon e they
knew th at the pu blic d id n ’t know about knew and askin g them to call every pet
the idan t and w anted to keep it th at ow ner they knew and get them all to ap­
way—c^ iecia lty d u rin g an election year. pear a t the courthouse fo r the hearing. B l- S :,.
D iane asked to be on th e ir agenda du rin g V eterinarian s w ere also contacted and i :! L^[i:.,
a closed session. S he told them th at she w ere w illin g to tell th eir clien ts about it ir '[V
knew aU about th e ren derin g plant. Th en because they also disapproved o f the reg­
she presented them w ith a ulation. Lu ckily D iane also knew the fi­ % 'M
w ell-thought-out ordinance th at w ould nancial d irector o f the local c o U ^ . He
acconqdlsh th e sam e purpose as th eir consented to call h is w ealthy profes­
proposed ordin ance w ith ou t h arm in g sional frien d s w ho owned horses, cats,
the responsible pet ow ners. T h e public siia tever. A ll these calls resu lted in a
h earin g w as scheduled fo r m orning. phenom enal num ber o f people in atten­
■■ ji 'lif-
’ h ‘:■Í i* *
D iane and som e frien d s arrived earlier dance a t the h earin g. M any w ere very 1,
than everyone else and placed eith er a professional look in g— the m en in pin ­
bar o f soap o r a lip stick (produ cts o f ren­ stripes and the ladles in bu sin ess suits. jtii-:
1I-- r
d erin g idan ts), each conunlssioners’ Since politician s do n ot usually consider I- J-'
m lcn ^ h on e on th e table. IT ie m edia filed anim als a vety seriou s issue, the
.in and set up th eir equipm ent. D iane over-crowded m eetin g room filled w ith
Iand h er frien d s had been so h elpfu l to the the opposition vd io w ere, o f course, vot­
press over the years th at w hen they called ers, su rprised them and t h ^ defeated jf'jív í):
and requ ested m edia coverage a t th is im ­ the proposed r^ u la tio n . Am azed that
portant m eeting, they go t the needed re- h er grou p w on w ith such a sh ort tim e to
q w n se. Th en th e pu blic b ^ a n to arrive. prepare, D iane com m ented, ” I b ^ g e d fo r . i; {
Th e all-im portant w arm bodies. Kerm el h d p . I had done it before and w ould
club m em bers brou gh t th eir m others, again i f it go t the sam e resu lt.” .|
brothers, cousins, frien d s and grandpar­
ents. B y the tim e the 'com m issioners Failures Are Temporaiy
took th eir places there w as standing O ne o f the m ost ch allen gin g tim es fo r
room onty. A fter several people voiced D iane and the Florida A ssociation o f
th eir opin ion s on the ordinance, D iane Kennel Clubs, w hich sh e serves as p resi­
raised h er hand and w as recognized. T lie dent, occurred d u rin g the earty 1980s
com m issioners visib ly tensed. 'They had w h ile the FAKC w as fryin g to ^ t the state
no idea if she w as go in g to m ention the l^ is la tu re to declare dog-figh tin g a fel­
ren derin g plant o r not. S he erq>lalned the ony. W hile they w ere lobbyin g fo r that,
faults in th e proposed ordinance, pre­ one congressm an introduced a
sented the altern ate ordinance, and sat breed-specific biO and another in tro-

“Oo dowm to the courthouse and ask If
there ore any animal control lows In
your d ty or county. I I

duced a b ill to ban all dogs w ith cropped speaking at pu blic hearin gs. So, after
ears. N ow th e PAKC has a large num ber p re s e n tli^ h er poin ts once, she opts to
o i In dividu al lobbyists ready to go to the let them be discussed fu rth er
state capital I f necessary. H owever, the softer-spoken S o u th e m -s ^ e w om en as
Job o f convin cin g th e state l^ is la to rs w d l as som e m en. D iane su ggests th at i f
th at d og-flgh tln g should b e a fe lo i^ , the som eone is recogn ized w ho is lou d and
b reed -q ieclflc blO w as u ncon stitutional, obnoxious bu t has good Ideas, w ait
th e ear cropp in g b ill w as a w fiil and w ould aw hile and let oth ers speak, then repeat
ru in the sprat o f dogs and th at ear crop­ the loud person’s good Ideas In a softer
ping- really had n oth in g to do w ith tone and give som e reasonable, w orkable
d og-flgh tln g proved a d lfllc u lt body o f In- altern atives to th e law in qu estion . I f a
fb tllIa tlo n to ilI^ }a rta lla to n c e . N everthe­ grou p o f w om en p o liticia n s are h avin g a
less, b y letter w ritin g cam paigns and m eeting o r w orkshop and you get you r
personal talks w ith every l^ s la t o r they proposltlon on th e ir agenda, send a
could get an appointm ent w ith , the good-lookin g m an to presen t th e pro­
PAKC m anaged to w in on all covm ts. posed policy to them . T h is Is w here
Both ban n in g b ills w ere defeated and kn ow in g som eth in g about you r local pol­
dog-flgh tln g w as declared a th ird degree itician s becom es especially hantty. D iane
fdon y. explains, ‘‘S om etim es you have to sm ack
A lthou gh D iane and the grou ps she them righ t In the heads w ith th e issue,
w raks w ith obvlousty w in th eir share, oth er tim es you have to do It In a m ore
th ey do su ffer failu res adiich D iane term s rotm dabout w ay and do It qu letfy. Th en
'‘tem pofary.” She believes that, “ Eventu- there are the tim es you have to kin d o f
alfy, it w in becom e righ t. Eventually, In filtrate and b rin g th eir a tto itio n to an
there w ill be dectk m s. Eventually, som e issue In any w ay you ca n ."
c^these com m issioners w ill go. lU s till be Th ese battles are n ever-ending since
here. I’m n ot go in g arqradiere. Ifla m a b le com m issioners and councllm en com e
to accom plish an yth in g tow ard savin g and go and each new p o liticia n needs to
anim als’ lives o r m akin g life a little better be educated on item s th at the dog fancy
fo r respraislU e anim al ow ners then I takes fo r granted. T h ey should be
haven't lost a th in g. Ju st a little b it o f taught, fo r exam ple, th at one person
tim e and a little b it o f en ergy and a lo t o f w ith one b itch can cause h is neighbors
sleq ). B u t,” she adds, ” I can get realfy m ore g rie f than a responsible kennel
depressed over losin g w hen It Involves owner. Use sta tistics from n eigh borin g
anim als’ lives. . .and I kn ow th at over a com m unities to sh ow th at law s lim itin g
period o f m onths m any anim als are go­ the num ber o f dogs per household did
in g to d ie because I w as n ot successful. n oth in g to affect the num ber o f un­
B ut as dow n as I get. . .even as deep and w anted anim als pu t dow n b y shelters. If
dark as I can get som etim es, I can also lim itin g doesn’t w ork In th at area, obvl-
crane ou t o f It. Th en I start d o in g som e ousty It’s tim e to try som eth in g else.
th in gs to m ake It r i ^ t . . . to m ake the D iane believes th at anyone vd io w ants
politician s s it up and take n otice. Srane- to can m ake a differen ce. "J u st b e pre­
tlm es I have to s it dow n, back up, go pared. Th en you don ’t have to scram ble
around a d ifferen t way, approach that around at the la st m inute. M ost o f the
g ro ig ) o r th at subject from another an­ tim e It’s ou t-foxln g the opposition . T ry to
gle.“ figu re ou t th eir w eakest spots and h ow to
U sin g people from the audience is a deal w ith th em ." She adds. " I don ’t know
tactic th at can som etim es sw ay the coun­ all the answers in anim al legislation . I
cil w hen research and reason appear to ju s t do it m y way. Som etim es I’m de­
b efa llin g. Ifth e tow n fathers seem to be a feated hard bu t I've dedicated a p ortion o f
ch au vinistic grou p, D iane feels th at t h ^ n y life to th e fact th at God gifted m e w ith
m ay n ot approve o f h er self-assured m an­ a b ig m outh and I use It. T h e animal.«»
ner, a 1^ -p rod u ct o f m uch practice can’t speak fo r them selves." ^

F o ry c a rs
now, includ- distributor ' |
ed in a H o u r inquiry |
w e lc o m e ip
advertising, our d ire c t-'
dizS toll free phone number
has appeared. It’s there for you
to caU us at absolutely no
charge or obligation to y o u ...
T h e shaded map? A n d if you need to speak to
to find out why w e claim Joy
our top dog, ask for Russ, the
O o g F o o d is. hands down, the
best value on the m arket.. .to W ell...this is the region where President. W e want to be
find out why our perfect blend Joy D og Food is most con ven ­ easily available to you anyway
is best for your dog; lowering iently available. w e can.
j consumption, maintaining
bow el activity, keeping your So please feel free to call our
d o g healthier than on nrK)st toll free number. Ask us
any other d find out questions on nutrition, value,
w here you can most easily quantity discounts or anything
buy J o y ,^ that’s what you
else on your mind where you
feel w e can help.
already rin gin g m ailed over 4,000 legisla tive packets and
I W illiam s w alked Into 1,700 press releases. T h e press releases
th e'h o u se late on a Friday after­ w ere m ailed to delegates, dog w riters,
noon w ith E^aphne and D a l^ , the C ol­ and new spapers In th e top 50 U.S. m ar­
ored Bull T erriers, tra ilin g close behind. kets. T h e packets w en t to the secretaries
Sandra listen ed In credu lou s^ as h er fd - o f all AKC clubs, as w ell as d e l^ a te s , su­
low kennel ch ib m em ber told h er about perintendents and field staff. T h e viciou s
the breed-specific i ordin ance fo r th eir dog cam paign w as o fficia lly im derw ay.
tow n th at w ould be heard on M onday eve­ M ailin g the packets w as onty a first
n ing. T h e frie iid h ad Just foim d ou t and step, how ever. From th e b ^ ln n in g . It
w as fran tically callin g oth er club m em ­ seem ed obvious th at the b attle to enact
bers seekin g h e ^ . Sandra shook h er strong, enforceable legislation w ould
head in dlsbelld^ n ot kn ow in g w here to have to be fou gh t a t th e grassroots level.
T h e A m erican K eim el Club m ay be akin
Sandra’s predicam ent could have to M ount Otym pus to the dog w orld, but
ta k ra place ar^adiere in the U nited no city cou ncilnian In Arkansas is goin g
S ta t e onfy a year ago. But today there to be terrib ly im pressed by the three
are ^ t e m s in place th at can h elp San­ letters—AKC. L ik e all good politician s,
dra and oth ers lik e h er to deal w ith th is local legislators are In terested onty in
situ ation qu ickly and effectively. w hat the local voters and taxpayers in
th eir tow n o r state have to say. So it w as
C am palgp O a th eis M om entum up to AKC to lead the w ay and len d sup­
A s th is Issue goes to press, w e are fast port to Its clubs In th eir efforts. Th e
sqjproaching th e one-year ann iversary o f packets w ere in tended as tools th at ken­
the lau n ch in g o f A K C ’s V iciou s D og Cam ­ nel clubs could u se to present good alter­
paign. Prom th e m om ent AKC Presiden t natives to th eir local l^ ls la to rs .
Keri M arden stepped In to o ffice last July, Now th at th ey had the packets, the
the enactm ent o f good viciou s dog laws next qu estion w as. w hat to do w ith them .
and the preven tion o f breed-sp ecific law s S ince procedures vary around th e coun­
becam e the num ber one p rio rity o f h is try and sin ce th ere Is stren gth and secu­
adrhlnlstratlon. rity in num bers, the obvious solu tion
“ Because o f the n ation w ide press and w as to netw ork w ith oth er local clubs.
television coverage o f b itin g In cidents by For exam ple. In M issou ri, J en n ifer
so-called ‘p it bu lls’ It w as obvious that w e Sm ith, secretary o f th e M oberty M issouri
had to qu ickly develop a strategy to coim - Kerm el Club (and a Chesapeake Bay Re­
teract : the w ave o f legislative h)rsteria triever breeder) called about breed-
sure to follow ,” states M arden. “ Im m edi­ specific ordinances in the tow ns o f
ate a ction w as called fo r . . . w e couldn’t M acon and KirksvUle. In addition to re­
afford; to w ait u n til proposed breed- ceivin g packets, sh e w as given the nam e
speblflc l^ ls la tlo n w as on the books. ” o f Sue Peterson o f the Sedalla Kerm el
W ith in tw o w eeks o f the tim e he took Club w ho w as actively w orkin g on l^ is la -
office, M arderi and h is s ta ff had prepared tlon there. A lthou gh the tw o clubs are
a packet o f m aterials th at w ould h elp ed­ 150 m iles away, both w om en attended
ucate ^ e dog ow n in g pu blic and th eir each oth er’s club m eetings so that th ty
legislators about the Issues involved could share experiences. T h e result: T h e
w hen con siderin g viciou s dog legisla­ K lrksville ordinance w as changed to a v i­
tion . S tm tln g on M onday, Ju ly 15, and cious d (^ ordin ance and althou gh the
corrtlriuing throu ghou t th e w eek, AKC M acon breed-specific ordinance w as n ot
repealed. It w as toned dow n som ewhat.
Thè author is AKC's m anager o f p u b lic J erm ifer com m ents, “T h e M acon o r­
affairs and has coordinated the A m eri­ din an ce is a th o rn in o u r sid e, bu t It
can K ennel C lub’s efforts relating to vi­ serves as a rem in d er fo r th e fu tu re. By
cious dog legislation sin ce last July. ta lk in g to S u e and h er clu b m em bers

JUNE 1988 81
“ d u b s are realizing that H they are go­
ing to be etfective In Influencing legis­
lation, they must band together.”

and fin d in g o u t h ow th ey averted breed-

NCMrTo 0 « t Involvwd sp eclflc ord in an ces In th e ir tow n , w e
learn ed som e valu able lesson s fo r
Here o ie som e helpful hints If you w a n t 1o K lrk svllle. A n d th e S ed a lia K en n el C lub
g e t involved: learn ed n ot to be com p lacen t.”
Continually monitor newspaper and radio (Texlay the M obeify K en n d d u b Is h yin g
reports for news on vicious d og laws. to set iq ) a statew ide coalition erf'(dubs and
tp o s s ib le .g e tto k n o w y o u rlo c a lle g is la - rdated oi;^u iizations to deal m (»e effec­
to n P elb re there is a n issue. t i v e w ith the state govern m en t)
O fla r your ossW onoe as a co rxrem ed d o g Som etim es geograph y does n ot p erm it
p e n o a Supply the leglslator(s] with written
the lyp e o f in-person n etw ork in g enj<qred
m otettali p o c lo li from A K C o n d A D C A will
da e th e Sedaba and M o b e e Kennel
K eep In touch with the legislator, m aking Clubs. Som etim es the n etw ork in g takes
s u e you krxDw w h a t steps the leglslalor Is tak­ place over the telephone. C h erie Graves,
ing. Help out with additional m aterials If an A m erican S taffordsh ire T errier
a rtB d breeder, has been active in fig h tin g
G e tte S o w d u b m e m b e rs o n d d o g ta n c i- breed-specific l^ is la tlo n sin ce th e late
e ii to write thek support O f lock of support of 1970s w hen sh e lived In C aliforn ia. Now
ttieleglslatton. C h erie lives In W ashington S tate, close to
Artend the p u b lic hearing. W hile large
the Idaho border, 13 m iles from th e <dos-
9 D u p s a re g o o d , b e sure to b e h a ve a n d
est tow n and 400 m iles from the offl<;es o f
dress civilly. O n ly o n e o r tw o p e o p le should
^ » c ( t for the gro u p . If m ore than o n e p er­
the law yers she w orks w ith in Tacom a.
son, b e sure e a c h orre presents a (Jfferent “ I (tocasionally m ake h ip s on b eh a lf o f
ongto. D o rxTt b e redurxtorrt. legislation ,” e:q>lains C h eiie, “bu t m ost
Beware of slaM Ics. They c a n turn against o f m y monQT goes to A T & T — ^to the tune
y o u Use fftem only if absolutely necessary. o f $345 to $ 7 0 0 a m onth. "W h o does Che­
CorMnue to stay in touch vvlth the legisla­ rie talk to ? “ Legislators, law yers, oth er
tor after the hearing. D o not b ecom e com- club m em bers, A KC , ADO A. w hoever it
p iocerf until toe legislation you want takes to get the Job don e.”
becomes lowz—M
If C herie is su pportin g Pacific N orth ­
w est Beil, Bell o f Pen n s^van ia Isn’t fa r be­
hind. Nan W eitzm an, w ho describes h er­
self as a concerned breeder w ho has been
Writ* for Mor* Information in dogs all h er life. Is the fou nder o f a
group called the Responsible D t^ Owners
A p a m p h le t containing pra ctical, ste p -b y- Association. “ I started the grou p last July
step a d vice o n m ounting a n d following
adíen m y frien d called up In a pan ic to say
Ihraugh a successful c a m p a ig n against
that h er dog w as go in g to be killed be­
b re e d ^p e cM c vicious d o g legislation is
C M O la b le fre e o fch a rg e fro m se ve ra lsu p e r- cause o f som e proposed l^ is la tlo n In New
IntervlerSs In d u c in g : M B-F, kx:.: Roy Jones Jersey,” says Nan. “ Now I've go t netw orks
D o g Shows, hicx; Jcx:fc O nofrio D o g Shows. In 26 states and w e’re still cou n tin g."
In c ; New pcxt D o g Shows; arto Jim Rau D og W henever anyone calls Nan she Im m e-
ShcMSkUd. dlatety ffn ds ou t w hat state they are call­
For ctetolted tntorrncriion <3n clecriirtg vvlth in g from and then she checks h er
legM olton a t th e state level, irx^luding stote- notebook to see I f there is a netw ork In
by-stote sources of Infcxmotton, see A K C s
place there. I f so, she pu ts the caUer In
l^gW aM reA cA on M a nu al written by Ja n
touch w ith th e head (xm tact. I f n ot she
M utovSteerart, a registered lobbyist In the
state of Ne w ttam pshke e n d outhcxcaf the
w orks w ith th e person u n til they can
GKETTEcOkmn Legislation and The Law. Jo w ork on th eir ow n, talk in g them through
order a co p y, contocri Ms. N a rc y Barr, M an­ the strategies, from vidiat (xm stltu tlon al
a g e r of Public Aftoks, Am erican Kennel Club. Issues are at stake to w hat (» lo r su it to
51 M (x ls c n A v e .,N e w Y o rk ,N y 10010/ “ w ear to the hearing.
“W e are w lU ing to h elp anyone w ho Is
<wUUng to h elp th em selves," says Nan, T h e Texas Federation o f D og Fanciers
; "b u t th ey have to u nderstand t ^ t it is is a case in poin t. F e d o a tlo n president
the constituents th at have the pull. Or- Lee Arm M ann describes th e system . "W e
gan lzatkm s are onfy effective in th eir dosely m on itor the state l^ ls la tu rc .
own states. S o I send them the AKC W henever legislation th at affects dog fan-
packet and the AD O A packet and the d e rs is Introduced, o r sdienever the fed­
RDOA packet w h ich has sam ple press re­ eration w ants som eth in g introduced,
leases and step-by-step in stru ction s, Charles W hitin g, ou r corresponding sec­
and then I send them ou t to do th eir retary, Inputs the In form ation in d u d ln g
th in g.” in stru ction s In to the com puter and then
m ails copies to all o f ou r m em ber clubs.
Fedentloa Provides Influence T h e club secretaries can then get the
Peiluqps the u ltim ate n etw ork is the w ord ou t to in dividu al m em bers. W e fin d
"federation . ” M ore and m ore clubs are re­ th is to b e a very effective w ay to get the
a lizin g th at i f t h ^ are go in g to be effec­ w ord ou t quickty."
tive in in flu en cin g legislation concern­ U nquestlonabty. th e <k^ fancy has
in g dogs they m ust band t<^ether. com e a lon g w ay in o rga n izin g to f l ^ t fo r
O ne o f the oldest contin u ou sly active good l^ ls la tio n , b u t th ere is stiU a lon g
federation s is th e P en n s^van ia Federa­ w ay to go. A s o f th is w ritin g there is a
tion o f E)og Clubs. It w as fotm ded over 12 need fo r a n ational com puter h otlin e
years ago to change a law in Philadelphia w ith up-to-the-m inute leg ld a tive up­
th at im d iib lted ow n in g a sh ow dog. A l­ dates and n etw ork in g in form ation . Such
though the law w as n ot b ein g enforced, a system is planned fo r AKC. In addition .
local d u b s realized the p oten tial danger. AKC w ill contin u e to lend su pport in the
Today, the represents 88 d u b s form o f packets, letters, w ritten testi­
and tw o hum ane societies across the m ony and educational m aterials.
state. D otsle K eith , legislative ch airper­ Th ere is also a need fo r m ore federa­
son fo r th e last seven years, tells w hy the tion s. AKC is w ork in g w ith Interested
federation is so effective. "W e’ve go t a lot clubs to form federation s m the hcqres
o f active du bs. M any o f them have al- that all states w ill have th eir ow n pcriitlcal
ready been Involved in th eir com m uni­ action com m ittees som eday.
ties w ith therapy dogs, fo r exam ple, so Finalty, there is s till a need to battle í'l^ík-í;'
t h ^ have m ade contacts and adíen they those ordinances th at are breed-specific
go to a l^ ls la to r , th ey are listen ed to. I and have already been passed. AKC 's ñíl'^ ■
encourage all ou r d u b s to p ick up the M atching Funds Policy, w hereby AKC
newi^M^ier and stay abreast o f w hat th eir m atches every dollar donated to the Ca­
l^ ls la to rs are d oin g so they can o ffer n ine D efense Fund (see "T h e L ^ ls la tlv e
praise o r assistance on oth er topics. T h is Fray.” th is issu e) is an attem pt to m eet
way. w hen a dog issue com es up, th e leg­ that need.
islators do n ot dism iss them as 'Just W hat does a ll o f th is m ean? It m eans
those crazy dog p eople.' ” th at now w hen th e m em bers o f a M aine
Dotsle also points out the Im portance o f kennel club fin d ou t on Friday th at there
education. T o u ca n t have l^ isla tio n w ill be a h earin g fo r a statew ide breed-
w ithout edu catlm . Just changing a law specific law on the follow in g W ednesday,
win not be effective if the puU lc is igno­ they can call RDO A on Saturday, vdiich
ra n t" in turn w ill contact AKC s ta ff on Sunday
Besides the obvious advantage o f large (believe it o r n o t!) so th at m aterials can
num bers in a federation , the a b ility to be "Federal Expressed” on M onday to ar­
ch an n d aU in form ation to a central rive in tim e fo r th e fed eration m eetin g on
source is usefu l w hen tryin g to keep Tuesday.
track o f the m any local ordinances and Now that's n etw orking. ^
p a rticu la r^ vdien dealin g w ith the state

JU N E IS n 83
A discussion o f th e te rm s fr ic t lia b ility a n d
its im p lic a tio n s fo r th e fa n c y in th e w a k e
o f c u rre n t c a n in e le gisla tio n .

ten t o f th e anim al ow ner, as th e loss and
dam age o f the party su ifeiin g. ” A lthou gh
Individual m orality rem ained a consider­
ation in som e form s o f action , the law
evolved tow ard broader con sideration s o f

Üity social w elfare. In the perspective o f the

com m on law , “ fa u lt” w as determ ined by
the Interests o f society in com pensating
Injury and In d eterrin g unacceptable
Y M lM R A fY L O R IN G , D .V M ., J.D . conduct; considerations o f in dividu al
blam e w ere n ^ e c te d . Based u pon the
prin ciples o f “ strict lia b ility ,” cotirts, in
those days, recognized th at certain activ­
ities (and anim als) w ere In h eren tly dan­
gerous. Th ese cou rts h eld th at society
w ould tolerate these a ctivities (anim als)
only i f the ow ners w ere strlctty accotm t-
able fo r dam ages they caused.
U nder the com m on law , strict lia b ility
was determ ined Ity th e general sense o f
society's eiq>ectations. In th is vein , the
ow ners o f certain anim als w ere requ ired
n past, blan ket accusatkHis to protect the pu blic from harm ; lia b ility

I w ere leveled again st the G erm an

Shepherd D og and th e D oberm an
P In a d ier Im ed s. Today, lik e accusations
w as Im posed regardless o f th e ow n er’s
d iligen t attem pts to avoid injury. T h is li­
ab ility w as n ot absolute, how ever; an
are poin ted a t the “p it bu ll.” Th ese accu­ ow ner’s knovdedge o f h is anim al’s dan­
sation s w ere and are hullabaloo scare gerous tendencies w as often required.
tK tlc s and unfounded. B ut results In the context o f the com m on law.
:Qgalnst all dogdom follow ed In sh ort or- Dean W. Prosser, an em inen t legal au­
ider. thority, w rote in h is scholarty text: “T h e
Legislators, w riters and ou r Judicial keeper o f an anim al o f a species danger­
i^stem took n otice o f these in crim in a­ ous by nature, o r o f any anim al adilch he
tion s and produced statutes (law s), w rit- knows, o r has reason to know , to have
In gs and cou rtroom decision s, m any dangerous propen sities (tra its) Is liable,
:anti-dog. T h e m ain topic— strict lia b ility w ith ou t w rongfu l in ten t o r n ^ ig e n c e on
o f dog o wners. h is part, fo r dam age to oth ers resu ltin g
A ccordin g to the la w dictionary, strict from such a propen sity.” A nd referrin g to
Uabtltty o r a ts o lu te lia b tlity Is “ lia b ility the dog in particu lar. D ean Prosser
fe r an Injury resu ltin g to another adiere w rote; “A know n tendency to attack oth ­
n o account is taken o f the standard o f ers, even In playftilness, as in the case o f
:care exerd aed; w holly lia b le.” A nd strict the overty ftlen dty large dc^ w ith a pro­
lia b ility precepts, as eruneshed in the pen sity fo r en th u siastic ju m p in g upon
commcm law , w ere resurrected. visitors, w ill be enough to m ake the de­
A s early as 1681, the com m on law held fendant (ow n er) liab le fo r dam ages re­
“ th e law doth n ot so m uch regard the in- su ltin g from such an a ct.”
M any state l^ ls la tu re s , p ayin g heed to
D r. Loring practiced, veterincuy m edi­ the vociferation s o f som e o f th eir con stit­
cin e In WtUtamsburg, VA f o r 25 years uents, passed statutes relative to strict
and law f o r 10 years b ^ o re rearing In lia b ility and particu larty n otin g th e ca­
1979. S in ce his retirem ent, he has been nine. Sam ples o f enacted statutes are:
w riting on the subfect q f “antm al la w .“ In A rizon a: “T h e ow n er o f a dog mdilch
a n d co ^ u ith o re d a b o o k b y th a ta tle . bites a person w hen the person Is in o r on
Y Y T IIh o u t a ry questkx^ d o g oMffiera d o to ce a probtom . Naf b e -
I cause of corefvi a n d dK gont d o g owners but os oresutt of Itiose
w ho d h ragon t the feeln gs of otheo. After aM. not evetyone o p prect-
o te sth e d o g .
Anything that offends the seraiitvNtes of those w h o a re not affection­
ate to dogs reflecis on cM ca n in e owners. \M tereoi m ost owners see to
It that their dogs d o rKif o ffe rx l som e OMtff^ers ore rx>t as careful. ^ K > o f such vlciou sness. A person Is law fiilfy
hasrtofkncM iofC M M iersviAxssedogsarealiC M vedloroam freee^erv upon the private property o f such ow ner
tu o iy be co m in g Irsrotved In a dbo greem ent with another leashed
w ith in the m ean in g o f th is section adien
d o g ? O r ovwrers a»oi»vlng dogs to “frolic," a t rnaflrig tirnes. with other
d o g i leuaHy underneath a neighbor's w indow ? he is on such property In th e perfor­
It Is true that the mofortty of d o g owners are ca re fU In not permlttlnQ m ance o f any du ty I m p o ^ upon h im Ity
their anim als to b e c o m e o nuisance o r m enace . But the w rongdoirtg the law s o f th is S tate o r Ity U ie law s o r
of the callous few reflecis on a « d o g owners. Let us rxjt forget that the postal regu lation s o f the U nited States,
canine has b e e n with hum ontty for huncteds of centuries. W e should or w hen he is on such property upon the
ofso nof forget that feral or a b a n d o n e d dogs, those that run loose and In vitation , express o r Im plied, o f the
woTTY low -obldlng ctttzeni b e co m e the problem of c i d o g owners. ow n er.”
The con cern to a* of us fcwortng the can in e Is Indeed worrisom e but, O ur halls o f Justice, in ren derin g th eir
th e re o iu n e a sIn e ssliw h e n th e p o llilcla n lsm a d e ciw a te o fa F xo rltcu - ru lings, a ^ re legally obligated to adhere
lor situalion. Hk role rem edy Is; control. A n d eiecessive control Is a focet
of let^stallon w e should cwoW a t o l costs.
to the enacted statutes. T h is aras m ani­
As fanciers of the d o g a n d de vo te d to our pet, w hat Is the rem edy?
fested by the cou rts’ en su in g decision s:
Better yet, w hat ca n w e d o ? In Florida: “ S tatu te on U t ilit y o f dog
There ore o num ber of “chores" w e, os IndM duals. co n perform . oam ers m akes ob ligation o f oam er o f dog
A m ong others, w e should d evote m ore lim e orxf energy to anim al virtu ally th at o f In su rer w ith r ^ a r d to
control efforts a n d to hum ane orgonlzallons. W e should g e t Involvod Inju ries caused Ity the d og adieth er by
In spay a n d neuter d n lc t. Untt o bettor m ethod Is evolved, spaying b itin g or otheradse.“
o n d neutering te n d to red u ce Ih e untold num bers of unw onted p u p r In C onnecticut: “ S tatu te relatin g to in ­
pies that are bom every year. ' flictio n o f dam age to person o r property
O rto e w e a re a w o re o fa n ln d M d u a lv^fo o d b re g a rd sca n ln e e H - fay a dog Is drastic and Its pu rport Is that
c^jelte or Is nof mIrKiful of the pro p e r conliD l o f the pet, w e should
a person w ho ow ns a dog does so a t h is
m o te persorxjl con tact wtth th e offender. N ot to berate the d o g
p eril."
OMSfor. but to em phatically p d rrt out how the onlnrfors m isdeed re­
flects o n o l dogs orxf m ay trigger o n tl-d o g ordinances In our locoU- In Pennsjdvania: “A statu te im posin g
net. lia b ility fo r dam ages caused a dog b ite
W o should keep abreast of an y legistaflon ih o t m ay b e deM m erttal upon the ow ner.regardless o f n ^ ig e n c e .
toco nlnesarfothelrow nefs.Tow ncom m ltteosarfo<atyadvl8orycour>- Is n ot violative o f the pu blic p o licy."
d s are boards o n w hich w e c a n servo. N o o n e Is better qualified to In Tennessee: “T h e statu te Is a n ew
spook for the d o g than w o are. plication o f th e com m on law prin cip le
W ho better than Interested a n d devote d d o g owners to a c t as p u b ­ that w here one o f tw o in nocen t persons
ic relations representatives for the wetfore of the d o g ? W ho knows m ust su ffer loss from the act done. It is
better than w e the esrhSaratlon of d o g com panionship? A fxl w ho has
ju st that loss should fa ll on the one caus­
m ore to loae If the ca n in e is oultaw ed. If a n e w law forbids ownership
of the d o g ? in g the loss.”
\M w never o problom k presented It Is u p to tosponstolo owners of But strin gen cy o f the com m on law had
canines to work for o soiutlorv N ot to sourxl otorm ed or pesslmlsllc, but Its com prom ises. D evoted owners, in ter­
w e h od belter g e t IrwoNed before It Is to o lo t e ,-l« I ested organ ization s and clubs and con­
cerned pu blications, all dedicated to the
w elfare o f dogdom , pressed th at m odera­
a pu blic place o r la w fu l^ in o r on a p ri­ tion s be absorbed In to the enacted stat­
vate place, in clu d in g the property o f the utes. A nd success and achievem ents, n ot
owner o f the dog. Is liable fo r dam ages In totality, follow ed.
auCfered I7 th e person b itten regardless M any states— M ichigan, Oklahom a,
o f th e form er vlciou sn ess o f the dog or M innesota. M ontana, Illin ois, to nam e a
the ow ner’s knoadedge o f its vlciou s- few —have the w ords “ w ith ou t provoca­
neas." tio n " In th eir statutes. T h e S tate o f Flor­
In C alifran la: “T h e ow n er o f any dog is ida statute, a fter its strict lia b ility clause,
lla U e fo r th e dam ages su ffered by any states: “ Provided, how ever, no ow ner o f
person w ho is b itten by the dog w h ile In a any dog shall be liab le fo r any dam ages to
pubUc place o r law fully in a private {dace, einy person o r h is property w hen such
In d u d ln g th e property o f the ow ner o f person shaU m lschlevlou sty o r carelessty
the dog, regardless o f the form er vlciou s- provoke or aggravate the dog In flictin g
I o f the dog o r the ow ner's knoadedge such dam age; n or sh all any such ow ner
» cntenc
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tfM AK-6Æ8
“ Many up-to-date statutes hove inter­
vening factors due to the untiring ef-
forls off dedicated dog people. I I

le so Ushte i f a t the tim e o f any such in- liable fo r liyu rles done b y it on all occa­
. u iy b e had d is j^ ^ e d in a prom inen t sions except adien in ju ry is incu rred by
íbice c b h is p rem ises a sign e a s % read- one w h ile coim n lttln g a trespass o r oth er
ible in ch idin g the w ords ‘Bad D ogs.' ” tort (w ron g) o r teasin g o r abu sin g dog.
\nd in O hio, a seettem o f the statute (Sta te o f C onnecticut)
«a d s : T h e ow ner o r keeper shall b e lia- Fact th at dog d id n ot have a licen se did
de fo r any dam age o r in ju ries caused by n ot render keeper o f dog responsible fo r
lis dog unless such dam age o r iiyu ries Inju ries caused b y dog \ ^ ic h w as n ot v i­
ras to the boefy o r proper^ o f a person cious, sin ce h avin g a licen se w ould n ot
b io . a t the tim e sucdi dam age o r ii^ u ries change dog's disp osition o r tra its o r a f­
rare sustained, w as com m ittin g a tres- fect reasonable an ticip ation o r causation
Mss on the property o f th e ow ner, o r w as essential to lia b ility. (S ta te o f W isconsin)
easin g, torm en ting, o r abu sin g such Courts have lon g been com m itted to
lo g on the ow n er’s property." the rule th at viola tion o f a p ositive stat­
T o com ply w ith th e addition s and ex- u te constitu tes strict lia b ility. B ut the
:q>tloiis added to th e statutes o r the rule has n ot been applied w ith relentless
itatutes b ein g rew ritten o r revised, in differen ce to actual fau lt. Th ere are
xxirts rendered th etr decision s accord- available defenses w h ich em phasize that
ngty. S itin g : strict lia b ility does n ot m ean th e ow ner
T h e ow ner is n ot liable fo r an iiy u iy to o r keeper o f a d og is an absolute Insurer
1person adio w as knocked dow n tty a dog In the sense th at h e o r sh e is liable re­
lo t attacking o r attem ptin g to b ite h im . gardless o f any fau lt on the part o f the
lu t m erely ch asing an oth er dog accom - Injured individu al.
la ity ii^ h lm . (S ta te o f lo u x i) It does n ot m ean th at ow ner o r keeper
T lie ow ner m ay exculpate h im self from is liable n otw ith stan din g an in terven ­
Rich strict lia b ility tty sh ow in g th at the ing, efficien t Independent fau lt w hich
larm w as caused tty the fau lt o f the vic- caused th e u nfortu n ate result. M any up-
Im , by the fau lt o f a th ird person fo r to-date statutes have such In terven in g
shorn h e is n ot responsible o r tty a fo rtu i­ factors due, as n oted, to the u n tirin g
tous happening. (S ta te o f Lou isia n a ) efforts o f dedicated dog people.
Under statute, the ow n er o f a dog is

Approaching Dog R— trictlons

V y o u o n d o tie n a n N c k ia le tb e e n a c Im e n to fd o g ie - your are a. List the num ber of youths Involved In d o g
stric^ionfc ttw re e ra g u k ie k ie s that rrxty b e of assistance. a rx i ofher anim al activities. H ave a n estim afe, falrty a c ­
Better yet, le o n a n d In co ip o ia le these gutdelne c before curate, of th e e co rx x n lc ImpcK* of d o g p e o p le In your
any hirTt of trouble. These m eaw res e ra n o t the only ones area.
to learn a n d have (M oRobte, but they w f offer som e c o rv ■ Ifb o fh s id e s a re a tlo g g e rh e a d s c o rx re m in g a p a rticu -
structlvs suggesttorrs: la rp o in t,m a l(e a s u g g e s tlo n th a ta c o iTX Tiitte e b e a p -
. Ifth e ie ls n a ta c a n ira o tg a n iz a ilo n in y o u ra re a tb rm pokrted, rxsturoBy a n Im partial com m ittee, to co m e u p
one. Officials d o reco g nize a n o rgan ized g ro u p m ore with o n equitable proposal.
than a lone IndM duaL • D o recognize the fa ct that a n ti-d o g foils have certain
• It a zoning o tcln a n ce Is b e in g proposed, you a n d your IrxiHerxible property rights.
rapreseritcitives m o u ld b e thoroughly tdrnlliar with the • D o assum e th at city officials a re reosorxible people.
ofdnarK re, In d u d k ig a l legal a rx i other untdmlHar
• Be fam iliar with state statutes (laws). O rdirxxxres a rx i
tow n regutattons must follow sp e e d e d procedures o c -
. irth e re lsa p ro vW o n th a tlso b |e ctlo rK t3 le .h a ve a n a l- cordtog to these statutes.
terrvste p re p a re d th atls tdir to ON parties.
• Naturally, there a re personal traits that a re to b e a d ­
• O btain eoromples of zoning regulaHons from other are a hered to. Be sirxrere, b e h o n e s t,b e a c c u ra le ,b e w e ll-
simBar to yours that hove b e e n equitable a rx i have inform ed of the problem s of d o g owners, a n ti-d o g toBa
perm itted the loseping o rx i ralsir^g o f dogs In residerv a rx i regulatory officials. A rxi a b o ve oB, b e poBte a rx i
tlo ls e cllo n i w eH -m annerad, a rx i observe m eeting p r(Á x x )l^ -a B L
• Prepare a n a ccu ra te p o pu lollon co u n t of canines for

New... protection against both
parvovirus and coronavirus
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Intrododng I>oraiBuiie* IK]:

No^ insted of ising a sin^ entity vaodne a^mst So^ if yoiB' racdnaticn schedule cafis far pmvovims
panovinB alone, ft’s juá as eag? tn get more com­ prcte^on, don’t go ju^ hdfway. birfead, indude the
plete enteric protection—against both panomjs and most proven dual prvtadion auafldde a^fflKt vial
cmissmis—in tiie sune oxiserDiat 1 ml dose. cfianhea in your dog’s progam of preventive
Wffli uraque, new IXiranuie'PC. medictoe. yorr vetarmar^ soon far
You know how bad parvo can be. But if the vacxme Duramune'PC, asadefaie exclusively
you use antids onfy fwvovirus—and doesn’t con- from Fbrt Dodge Laboratories.
bd the recently ident&d wiant parvo strain, or MMUthaSOBBI
coronavirus—yoii dogs can stffl have riral cfcarhea
profabns. Ani tf they have the irislbrtune to get a
(kal parvoviris/coronavirus tofection—not unooinnon- ’•V- ‘ .A, ''
t is often fttaL
Sets your mind at ease
Dutanuie*PC provides protection against that
\ariait sbain of parvovns, as well as the estab-
idred strain. And it w i carpr pinies from the
passive parvo inm uAy p ro v i^ by the mother to
thefr own active iinnuiity, without a in protec­
tion. R also cTQssixutects again^ m ttple strains of
coronavDus, im ruizm g q is ^ and sa i^ to help Duramune'PC
CiBiK oonnwvfHTKMnB laxiie.
keep pifipies healthy and active. nooBBo wit aouKan wn.

O ISM t a t Oo4ir Lafcantarics

H e re 's a lcx>k a t s e ve ra l c a n in e -re la te d
e d ic ts th a t y e s te rd a y 's la w m a k e rs c a m e
u p w ith.

nine L a ^

olice ofiBceis allow ed to b ite a dog in Stay aw ay from tin y W ilbur,

P order to stop it from b ark in g in

W est U nion. O h io? Illegal to try and
“educate” a d og in M ansfleld D epot, Con­
W ashington. T h is q u iet com m unity has
a strange law on the books w hich m akes
it illegal to b rin g an “ ug)ty” can ine in to
n ecticu t? No c liik l can “ tease o r torm en t” a i^ pu blic place, o r to w alk w ith it dow n
a dog in Nacogdoches. T exas? D og ou t at any pu blic thorou gh fare. AVho deter­
n igh t in KidderviDe. New H am pshire, m ines w hich dogs are u gly? T h e m ayor!
m ust always w ear a h eadligh t?C ats pro­ A re you a w om an w ho w ears shorts on
h ibited from ch asin g dogs up telephone those h ot sum m er days? Do you w eigh
p(4es in W ade M ills, N orth C arolin a? over 220 pou nds? I f so, then you can’t be
T h e ansarer to each o f the above ques- seen w alking you r dog anyw here w ith in
tkm s is an u n qu alified yes! Th ese are the lim its o f W heeler, M ississippi. It’s a
bu t a few o f th e odd canine-related laws violation o f the ordinance fo r fem ales o f
stifl found on the books In th is country. th is description to ever be seen w ith a
Som e w ere once passed by canine In pu blic places.
highly-educated lawm akers. O thers w ere L ike to supplem ent you r can ine train ­
txou gh t in to b ein g local voter referen- in g skills w ith a b it o f ice cream ? W ell,
dums. M aiqr are hum orous; m any are forget it! T ran qu ility, N ew Jersey, w on ’t
d ow iu lgh t ridicu lou s. L et’s take a trip allow you to eat o r ca n y an ice cream
in to the m urky land o f laughable l^ a l- cone w h ile tra in in g a dog! T h e law m en­
ese... tion s n oth in g about h avin g a dish o f ice
R esidents o f Roanoke, V irgin ia , aren 't cream d u rin g the tra in in g session.
allow ed to take th eir favorite can in e to It’s strictfy again st the law in M ayor
church. T h e law in M ayor Noel T im o r’s B em le Sanders’ B iu lln gton , Verm ont, to
city ^jeclflcaD y declares: “ N o dog, one m ake fun o f a dog. T h e law states: “A ny­
year old o r over, w ith ou t a leash, is to be one w ho shall p oin t a fin ger at and rid i­
brou ght in to a pu blic w orsh ip service." cule a d og” is subject to a $5 fin e and/or
three days in the tow n slam m er!
The author— tha nJ0 illy— has discov­ D on’t expect to get any good rop in g ex­
ered som ething to laugh about in ca­ perience in G allatin, Tennessee. T h is
nine legislation. hom e o f m any c o im tiy sin gers has an old
i PI rff
!í' r ■

law on th e b o o ^ a ^ c h m akes It ill^ a l to
lasso a dog w lth ji la i^ t !
You ’d L-:t"ér fiope n o one In Cochise,
Arlzonn, s i t d é s i f o bu ild a school,
eh u rcli ==r t^v rn clc--c to you r hom e. Co-
Í > 'is has c lín ín a c ccn ü is m atin g law In
cnfeef. i
Mo ‘ g 0£3 E :ite pu bllcfy w ith in
500 o f cuch a establishm ent. If a
dog r - id : to get togeth er w ith an-
ritrip th rrs’s a fin e o f $10 and a
s:v=day J: -1 t¿. ¡n. O ddly enough, th is or-
di r — d- ^ ^ Q,yiu 5¿ fin ed and
J?dr-3— -d:-e dog e-r the ow ner!
L-s-g p- . ^rn h — rrc w hen around little
IT. ,/• r. - m an Is allow ed to
blow h :r “ cr-~ fa pu blic I f a can ine is In
the vlcín iíy, W r.y? r it y fathers have al-
f -vd ‘ be frigh ten ed by
the so:---d, ■ lii.o 'p 'y enough, a w om an
can h rrp " ■ s ur. ' r the sam e clr-
cur.:..t- . Fcm aks aren 't m entioned
aa>™h:rc -a law. b lln g B oynton's tow n I f th e can ine tries
Dolr-C, Id h 's an odd a n tl-n eckln g to take a b ite o f you r b iu ger. It’s against
law or th : ' T h is ordinance In the law In J op lin fo r a dog to take even a
1-iz.yor a^: d T a i df y's c lly declares no one n ibble from a person's ham burger.
can ra.-^r -c k .a a w h ile ou t w alking And tea drinkers bew are w hen w ith in
h is -dog!A ’-:-:, a c o rp ' ? m ay n ot even hold the lim its o f H agerstow n. M aryland. A
h:ads while In pahllc w ith a can ine! city ordinance p roh ib its w aiters from
a*, v ’ : t V irgin ia , has outlaw ed servin g tea after 6 p.m . to aityone vd io Is
eir’ -.g a dpi? to ^ y o ff a gam blin g debt! accom panied by a dog.
And It’s rf :t th e law In Peewee to A nd n ot th at m ost canines w ould even
: d r to get “ frivolou s ' bu t W ellsboro, Pen n tylvanla, has
banned dan cing dogs. A ccordin g to th is
Deg k-vers rari^el w hen visitin g odd legislation , none m ay be seen danc­
Gr-eat’s Pr-r=. Or p r . . You are proh ibited in g w ith in the city lim its.
in tr t ; ---- l i r i i y from b rin gin g you r Th ese are bu t a few o f th e u n u siial situ ­
d o g : a s ’::a—•irdess you have first ation s covered by stran ge can ine laws
paid r d : •’ . li i: c r d : ; :i has no ad- from all over th e country. M ost were
i ;r--y You ’re ou t o f luck. No passed m any years ago. H opefiilty,
they've been forgotten in tod t^'s Jet age.
ify= p“-:a to ou t a fter dark In th e , : , S am u d Johnson once m ade a state­
gs Si Berea, Kentucky, j m ent about w hich you w ill n o doubt w on­
espeet to ° - r the unusual. Berea der a fter h avin g perused the above.
has b : ■■■d all n-ags from th e clfy streets Johnson declared: “T h e law is the last
ait-:r the .-or: ‘ .-^‘3g - d o w n . B ut the law result o f hum an w isdom actin g upon hu­
,-.-ri=!=-.= a io ,f hofei You are allow ed to m an e iq ie rla ic e fm* the b en efit o f the
walk your dog at r - g i i f you firs t pu t on j pu blic.“ ' 1^ ■ I k ’ '
Ita a -d ' i-yhi. I it do you t h h i k ? ^
D og l-rvere k : c-u g ■e_ U w h ile In J o p lih ;
M ’-i- urii T h k ik fodee before go in g out
for = d — ^- - - g r r v f d i you r dog In tow . Be
evena : : s evotfr-va In city m anager S trl- 'm
(if: I ■ JUNE 1968 91
ill "
d a c lu b hosts th e trial run o f A K C s
»e w p ro g ra m to ce rtify w e ll-b e h a v e d
tog s.

l' E rriN G STARTED: Angel-faced “ Fu fu ,“ a year-old Lhasa,

seem ed a little im certa ln about h avin g to
s it on the floor. “ S he’s sp oiled ,“ h er

you ng ow ner J en n ifer Vaccaro adm itted.
“You can say th at aga in ,“ J en n ifer’s hus­
band m uttered.
W hat these dogs and handlers had in

com m on, alon g w ith the dozen oth ers in
the room , w as th at th ey w ere new a t th is
business o f obedience. T h e few w eeks o f
b ^ in n e rs classes w ith the U pper Sun-

coast D c^ O bedience Club w ere Just
sta rtin g to pay off. S o t h ^ w ere sur­
prised in early M arch to get a call fix>m
USDOC p residen t S tella Larusen askin g
them to volim teer to be p art o f a new pro­
MfWONLANE gram b ein g tested b y th e A m erican Ken­
nel Club. USDOC w ill b e 25 years <dd in
1989 and has m any advanced train ers
w ith com petitive d ( ^ . Y et it w as the new
peofde. ju s t g ettin g started, vdiom Stella
“ I t(dd them it ’s because th ey are be­
gin n ers th at w e needed th em ,“ S tella ex­
plained. “ B ut I cou ldn 't g ive them m any
details. I don ’t kn ow any m ore about the
program than th e gu idelin es th at w ere
published in th e February GAZETTE.
W e’re aU h ere to learn togeth er.“
A t 7:15 p.m . J im D earln ger, secretary
, -I
o f the AKC , in troduced h im self to the
group. He is th e o fficer w ith responsibil­
ity fo r developing and prom otin g th e new
U lB O , an attorn ey from program . D earln ger w as d irector fo r obe­
Florida, w as one o f dience a t AKC fo r eig h t years before be­
' the firs t to arrive. H is yellow Lab­ com in g secretary in 1985. “T h is is the
rador. nam ed R obin, w ore a b ig Uacfc test o f the test,“ h e said, “ th e firs t o f its
bow on h er collar. “W e w ere tcdd to dress kind. W e w ant to fin d ou t adiat worlrs
iq> ton igh t.“ G ary explained. R obin, 17 and w hat doesn’t, and w e need you r in ­
m onths (dd n ew . cam e fin m the local pu t.“
SPCA. Th qrV e been in tra in in g fo r only
th ree weeks. A Program fo r A ll D o ^
In the row b d iin d Gary, A n ^ & n lth sat W hat w as b ein g tested w as th e A m eri­
w ith h er husband Jim . Betw een them can Kerm el Club’s “ can ine citizen sh ip
G olden R etriever “ Boca” (yes, there’s an­ test.“ T h is new program has as its prem ­
oth er at h n n e called “ R atón *! w riggled ise the b elie f th at all dogs should be
and grin n ed. Boca w as a g ift fin m a trained. N ot to break records o r w in rib ­
frien d sdiose b itch had a litter. H eU be bons o r earn titles, b u t jtis t to be u nder
th ree soon, and they've been train in g, contnd, a pleasure to th e ir ow ners and a
m ore o ff ttian on. fo r about fou r m onths. nuisance to nobotty.
'The program con sists o f ten separate
The author is executive ed itor o f the tests th at show a dog’s a b ility to behave
G AZETTE. in everyday situ ation s. A ll dogs th at pass
the test wlU receive a certificate. T lie th at has been on th e fiiontUnes o f th e bat­
hope is th at w ord o f the program w ill tle again st breed-specific ordinances and
q v e a d , and th e huge num bers o f dog fo r fa ir viciou s dog law s d u rin g th e past
o wners adio do n ot n ow tra in th eir dogs 12 years, pu t it m ore stro n g^ : “T h e dog
a t a ll wUl get involved. U ndertying the could end up as an endangered species In
A K C ’s decision to approve th is program th is country. ” (S ee “T h e Legislative
is concern about th e Increase in restric­ Fray.” th is issu e.)
tion s on dogs in A m o ic a n tow ns and cit­ G ary Urso, A m y S m ith and Jen n ifer
ies. Vaccaro knew n oth in g about any o f this.
“ I have th e feelin g,” D earin ger said, Like the oth er dog ow ners in the room ,
” th at the can ine citizen sh ip test w ill be­ the pets cam e first, m aybe a problem or
com e so popular around the U.S. th at it tw o ensued, and th e search fo r a solu tion
w ill c^foet m uch o f th e an ti-dog feelin g w e began. T h e sam e scenario plays its e lf out
have in m any com m unities. R oger Caras m onth a fter m onth in every tow n across
has stated th at som e day th e onty dogs the country. I f th e d og ow ners are lucky,
allow ed in ou r cities w ill b e dogs w ith there is a tra in in g school, pu blic o r p ri­
obedience title s ." vate, w ith in a reasonable distance. Here
O thers have taken sim ilar position s. in the com m unities th at surround D un­
G ordon C arvill, presiden t o f the A m eri­ edin on the w est coast Florida, help is
can D (^ O w ners A ssociation , a group close at hand in an active obedience club.
JUNE 1988 93
ners class rem ains pre-novice, as I f com ­
p etitive obedience w ere th e goal dow n
the road.
In m any cases n o harm is done. T h e
dog stlU learns udiat It needs to know .
2m d th e han dler does ga in control. D is­
advantages are th at tru ly practical be­
haviors are bypassed In favor o f udiat Is
requ ired In th e N ovice rin g, and th e In ­
ducem ent o f a certifica te Is absent.
Thou gh m any clubs h old a gradu ation
Like m ost o f the 200 m so obedience cerem o i^ a t th e end o f th e beginn ers
( tubs a iillla ted w ith th e AKC. th e U pper hiTast4, N to» class. In m ost cases It Is p ro fo rm a be­
• luncoast D og O bedience C hib offers be- IhreughaC nm d, cause everyone “gradu ates.” T h ere Is no
(In n e rs classes to th e gen eral pu U lc. thad^ondhondier stron g m essage th at som eth in g s ig n ifi­
I fere ow ners are tau gh t to train th eir must wcHk wound
cant has been achieved. T h e can in e c iti­
cmd possdosatoot
3k)gs In the basics. Th ese newcom ers are zenship test provides an o tje ctlve
Isost ttwas pwsons.
I tot s^ t to pu t It th is way. bu t adiat Hw dog should not standanl, m easured th e sam e w ay In
1h ^ ’re really a fter Is ccmtnd. T h ey aren 't show shyness w m - Boston as BUoxl. It Is an end In Itself.
1a ctin g fo r a new hobby. T h ey never
: leard o i an obedience tria l. T h eir dog shouM not sirain ol T h e D og N ex t D o or
nobably Isn’t registered and nuqdie Isn ’t Ihe leash. TMs Oray- “W hen w e evaluate these tests.”
!ven pure-bred. But they’re cra:!y about hound would hcwB D earlnger explained, “w h at w e w ill be
h e dog. and the d og Is d rivin g them lookin g fo r is the k in d o f dog you ’d lik e to
ra ^ . own. to let loose in you r livin g room , to
O bedience clubs typlcalty^ stru ctu re p li^ aroim d you r ch ildren . T h e kin d o f
h e ir basic classes as precu rsors to stan- dog you can w alk dow n the street, and
lard N ovice w ork. A lth ou gh experience take to the veterin arian . I f It’s you r
la s show n that few er than ten percent o f neigh bor's dog, then It’s th e kin d o f dog
h e new handlers w ho w alk In o ff the you 'd lik e to have n ext d oor.”
street w in go on to com pete In licensed A m ericans seem unable to be objective
ibedlence trials, th e th ru st o f th e begln- about eith er th eir ch ildren o r th eir pets.
T h ey w ill excuse beh avior in th eir ow n
dog that they w ould object to in anyone
. M C^JhnDsarlngsr else's. F or th is reason It's h elpfu l to th in k
I In cborgs of dsvsl-
about the can ine citizen sh ip test as a
ngttie “ good n eigh bor p olicy.” I f good fences
m ake good n eigh bors, so do w ell-
trained dogs.
B efore the test a ctu a l^ b ^ ln s , dogs
w ill be checked fo r all th e locally requ ired
licen se and rabies tags and oth er Inocu­
lation certificates. T h e dog then is In­
spected to be su re it Is clean and
^ n om ed , and th at It appears healthy,
alert and at correct w eigh t. Th ese re­
qu irem ents sh ow the ow n er's “ care, con­
cern and resp on sib ility.”
A fter h is in trod u ction , J im D earln ger
ran a test dog throu gh fiie ten separate
tests. O n hand fo r th is purpose w as
Libby S leber, one o f th e o rigin a l m em ­
bers o f USDOC adíen it w as founded in
II j['*Wh€rt newcomers really are after Is
"control. They're crazy about the dog,
and the dog Is driving them crazy.”

1964. ^ jd h e r you n g S h eltie Tw o have th eir d o ^ tested v d ilfie r e d anx­

evah iatois scored th e dog. and A c test iously to each oth er. ”A re you allow ed to
w as film ed on video. W hen n oth in g vin- talk to you r dog du rin g th e test? Can you
usual occurred, th e firs t o f th e b egin ­ ten h im to s it and stay before you greet
ners’ dogs w as called. the oth er person In th e test <m accepting
O ver th e n ext tw o hours. 14 dogs w ere a stran ger?” Even p e o {^ a h o had onfy
tested. T h e dogs w ere n ot scored, as t h ^ been tra in in g a sh ort tim e alreacfy had an
w ould b e on an actual t e s t (A ra tin g o f 0 obedience m indset. It w ould take a little
to 10 w in b e given in each o f th e 10 test u nlearnin g to get back to a h a t “ everyd^^
categories. A n overaU average o f n o less situ ation s” really m ean t
than 7. w ith n o less than 5 In a i^ sin gle
category, w in be requ ired to q u alify fo r a
certifica te.) In th e In terest o f in stru c­
tion . evaluators K arl W issler and John
Roberts occaslonalfy d id discuss vdiat
ratin g they w ould have given a dog In th is
o r th at category had th e test been an ac­
tual one.

Getting the Bogs Out

W hen it w as aU over. D earln ger an­
nounced he w as very wen pleased. In
spite o f the care th at had been taken in
w ritin g the prelim in ary gu idelines, th is
first actual dem onstration o f the test
pointed ou t som e areas fo r refinem ent.
He now felt three evaluators m igh t be
needed in stead o f tw o. and th at tim e
could be saved b y h avin g the Inspection
fo r syjpearance and groom in g (test 1 )
conducted ou tsid e the test area, perhaps
vrtiile another d og is b ein g evaluated in a
d ifferen t category.
T h e Ju xtiqxisitlon o f tests 1 and 2 In test 9 (reaction to d istraction s), one
raised a qu estion : I f the sam e person in ­ o f the five option s u sed w as a ch lk) pull­ OoMwiBaWarerba-
fle c te d th e dog fo r appearance and in g a toy w agon. O ne o f th e dogs barked feig tasted on TM t •,
and show ed aggressiveness tow ard the
BsoeWon toAnotear
grom ning, h e o r she could n ot then be
Dog. OuMaNnas
the ’’stran ger” in test 2. H avin g actual child, and th e evalu ator explained he
state,‘H w dogs
dogs to evaluate Illu strated th e scorin g w ould n ot have been able to qu alify the shouMUamonskote
process. H ow w ould a dc^ be scored that dog. T h e in ciden t caused D earln ger to no mora than casual
at firs t resisted b ein g brushed b u t then qu estion adieth er there m l^ t be a safety interast. NoHhor dog
settled dow n a fter a sh ort tim e? How factor in u sin g sm all ch ildren fo r th is should gotottw
lon g should an evaluator attem pt to test. otaardogorhand-
groom a d<^ b efore g o in g on to the next In th is sam e c a t^ o ry , the dog’s de­ ter.” In tha comor of
test? In th is case and oth ers, Elearlnger sired reaction w as listed : "sh ou ld ex­ tho ring Is ovaiuator
rem inded the spectators th at the test press natural Interest and cu riosity.” It KOrl WIsster. TMs dog
w as suggested th at the w ords "m ay star­ would hava posaod.
was Intended to be a practical one. Th e
reference alw ays w as to ” everyday situ a­ tle” be added. O bedience-trained d c ^ ,
tion s.” A veterin arian o r groom er m igh t on the oth er hand, m ay have been
w ell expect to have to give a dog a few proofed to Ignore all distraction s; should
m om ents to get acclim ated, and th is they b e n on qu alified fo r n ot reactin g at
w ould n ot be a n on qu alifyin g reaction. aU? Should the w ords "sh ou ld express”
A t the sam e tim e, train ers w a itin g to be changed to "m ay express”?

JUNE 1988 95
E v o k it lo n o f
t t f C l ttiBwnsh lp P r o g fo m
The (deo for a pfogrom ttiot would reoch
Kon hot surfaced and reiurtaced In cWtetont
guises over the pasM 5 years. ^ obedtence
acMsoty commHIee In the 1970s discussed It
as part of a sub-novice doss; Attons Ertelt, In­
volved early on with the American Tempera-
Jim D earln ger thanked the volu nteer therrl Test Sodety, odvocorted a poss/fol test
handlers w ho h ad given up th eir Friday for tempefomertt that would a p ^ to d l
breeds; Erich Klirtghammer, anim d behav-
evening, the l^ ip e r Suncoast D og O bedi­
lorlst and dkector of Woir Park In Indiana ex­
ence C hib ftK* p rovid in g th e excellent fa- pressed the need for studies to determine
cillties, th e evaluators. John Roberts the types of dogs best suited behovlorcHty for
and K a il m a sler. and N lra W lssler. adio Bfe In Arrrerican dtles. Meanwhile, Roger Co­
operated th e video cam era. D earlnger ras, author and columnist, warned of the
w ould take th e film back to New Y ork to rteed for training dogs to fit peaceably Irtfo
atuc^ In w edm ahead. He said he hoped dty Meslyles; while Vic MoniialeorWb Irairrer
ttie test w ould be "op eration al” b y Jtm e and Doberman Pinscher forx^ler, fostered a
1888. special merit roHrtg ^ Doberman Pinschers
W hen details o f the n ew program w ere which hcve tested positively for sound tem­
announced In Pebru aiy. one o f the ru­
Write the problem of dogs In urban Amer­
m ors th at b ^ a n to circu late w as th at the ica was on the minds of marry, no one has
canine d tlzen a h lp test w as sim ilar to the been os tireless In the pursuit of a soMton os
A m erican Ten^>erainent T est S ociety's Herm Oovia long-lfme writer for Dog Mforld
test and w as n ot som eth in g th at you magazine. PerlocSc arlldes by David over
train ed the d og for. T h is view com plete^ the post eight to ten years kept attention on
m isses the p o in t o f the program . D ogs the Issue. As long ago as 1983, David out­
are n ot b o m train ed n or are th eir ow ners lined a good corrlne citizenship program
bm n kn ow in g h ow to tra in them . T h e ca­ that would test dogs for practical purposes
n ine citizen sh ip test Is a step to encour­ OTKlcompanionabillty.arxjaclosederVa-
age ow ner re q x m s lb lllly fo r th e good tlve o< his concept has been operotlorxsl
over the post few years at Bloomsburg Uni­
standing o f dogs In conununltles across versity Pennsylvania) urrder the leadership
the nation. W hether th e program w orks of Sheny CorperTter, on educator and ani­
to th is ob|ectlve rem ains to be seen. Th e mal advocate. The fomxJt and actual tests
result o f u ntrain ed dogs and Irresponsi­ that nrohe up the AKCs ctUzenship program
ble owners, u nfortu nately, are seen eveiy ware developed by James Dearlnger, AKC
d a y .”H secretary and offlcar in charge of the new
Update: As this a rticle goes to press effort. Bob Self, dog trainer and editor of
we are advised tha t subsequent work­ firoTTfand Ahlsh, artd Wally Kodk, AKC field
representative for obedterce. Crectt for the
shops on the canine citizenship test concept Itself, however, goes with groltlude
have led to a change in the m ethod o f to Herm David, as we« as for the persistence
scoring. N um erical grades f o r each test that was needed to translate the Idea Into
have been replaced by a sim ple pass/ reom y^-M l
f a il system w herein the dog m ust “pass"
each o f the 10 tests in ord er to qu a iy y for
d ie certyicate.
(^ 1 .2 . A

_ ^ u »,

m Ä >
0 ^ ’n ^ ^ o ü (S '


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G ahes Keii'L
r a tio n .3 0 0 1^
OB8S The Q u i « O m Oiovaaqr-
/ n o w n e r realbies the necessity of troin-
I ig after her Irish W olfhound bites a
s ranger.

Leam ine
The Hard Way
EV \A «W V \C A W EIN •'

eadin g hcnne on a dark and rain y near h is car.

H n igh t, I im pulsively stopped at a

gou rm et food m arket to p ick u p a
few thmgB. Because I w as In a h u rry and
no one w as around in th e park in g lot. I
1tried to com fort h im sin ce I fe lt badty
because o f th e frig h t h e m ust have su f­
fered, and I in sisted th at h e see a d octor
and n otify m e o f th e results. I also felt a
left the back w in d ow o f m y car ndled deep sense o f gu ilt.
dow n m ost o f th e w ay Instead o f closin g it I had indeed le ft the w in dow open, bu t
as I usuaDjr do to protect Jason, m y Irish w orse than that, I had Ignored sign s th at
Wcdfhound. in h is back seat sanctuary. Jason, the dom in ant one o f m y tw o m ale
T en m inutes later, as I w as ch eckin g out, W olfhounds, had becom e too bossy'. He
a sligh t m iddle-aged bearded m an cam e probabfy had th ou gh t he w as p rotectin g
fu n n in g h ito th e m arket, clu tch in g h is m y old car w hen the m an backed in to
arm and dem andin g a t th e top o f h is grabbin g distance. H e d id have a ten­
voice to know adióse dog had b itten h im . dency to b e p rotective w h ich I’d dls-
K n ow in g th a t four-year-old Jason had m lssikl because, sin ce h is castration, he
never attacked anyone, bu t rea lizin g th at w ould som etim es grovd b u t had n ever
iiiy d og aras probabfy th e only dog n ear b itten anyone. N ow I pianlcked w hen I
the store th a t n igh t, 1 stepped forw ard thou gh t o f h is possibly en cou n terin g
and claim ed o wnersh ip o f the m ost l i k ^ sm all children.
dog. T h e m an's nearty h ysterical descrip­ Because o f th is one d istressin g event, I
tion o f h ow h e had been attacked ad iile learned w hat dog train ers know : that
p u ttin g groceries in to h is car paiiced ow ners have a resp on sib ility to teach the
next to m ine w as punctuated by accusa- dogs w e've created, Ity dom estication and
tk x is that m y dog w as a m enace to soci­ breedin g, how to get alon g in the w orld.
ety and to h is ch ildren , w ho w ere in and P rior to m y recen t m ove to tow n, w e
had lived In the cou ntry w here there w ere
The author is a fre e la n ce w riter and acres o f w oods and field s In w h ich to run.
Jund-raiser f o r Greenpecwe In tem a - Because o f th is, Jason had n ever been
OonaL S he has ow ned m any breeds trained, and th is w as a m istake. T h e
throughout her life, and has been rais­ m orn in g a fter th e b itin g in ciden t. I
ing Irish W oyhounds fo r eight years. called several frien d s and ou r Veterinär-
ian to get advice on d og tra in in g. T h ey all
recom m oid ed one particu lar tra in in g
schm il. Kty su bsequ ent phone conversa­
tion w ith th e sch ool's ow n er w as encour­
a gin g and reassu rin g. I learn ed th at n ot
an schools w in accept a d og th at has b it­
ten som eone, bu t th is sch ool did. Im m e-
dlaljd^f I oiroU ed us in th e school.

A Ralobaw o f Oiotees
L flira ry research tau gh t m e th at there
are m any tech n iqu es fo r tra in in g a dog.
O ne plain stresses avoid in g m istakes,
ra th er than h avin g to correct them , by
exercisin g such tig h t con trol over th e an­
im al th at th ere Is v irtu a l^ no room fo r
error. A v e iy sh ort tra in in g lead Is used
and It Is grasped n ear th e choke ch ain so
the d og has n o room In w h ich to m ake a
m istake as h e w alks w ith a m inim u m o f
ro mm anHs.
A second tech n iqu e places equ al em ­
phasis on tra in in g th e ow n er and the
dog, and advocates the use o f hand sig­
nals, th e choke collar correction Jerk,
and v d h a l com m ands. T h is m ethod u ti­
lizes u n iqu e behavlcHal ch aracteristics
o f each breed and teaches h ow to use
know ledge o f these tra its In train in g.
A n oth er m ethod recom m ends “ stim u ­
lus tea m in g," th e u se o f food to rew ard a
dog fo r correct beh avior. It also stresses
the use o f praise and p ettin g fo r rein ­ GwteJxnCcuiMqin
forcem ent. strated in w eekly classes to be foUowed by
It Is d ifficu lt fo r a n ovice to evaluate d a % practice. T h is m ethod, nam ed fo r Jqsoh Iso ^rs to
d ifferen t tra in in g ph ilosoph ies. A n y rep­ W illiam Koehler, tu rn ed ou t to be excel­ “stand” and “•tay"
utable schocd o r tra in er wlU be happy to len t fo r m y Irish W olfhound, sd io Is b ig­ In lha park during
MM of ttw training
let you observe tra in in g In progress. T alk ger, faster, and stron ger than I. A fter
te a s m any stu dents as you can as w ell as fou r years o f ru n n in g ftee, h e needed and
to th e In stm ctors, and choose th e school responded w ell to the firm pressure o f the
you feel th e m ost com fortable w ith . choke chain, applied In a va riety o f ways
Th ere probabty Is n o one m ethod that fo r h is gu idance and correction . Firm ,
w orks best w ith every dog (o r handler) “ sln ^ e-e^ ierlen ce lea rn in g," im equ lvo-
and th e m ore p rogressive schools w ill be cal gu idance w ith a m inim um o f spoken
m ore flexib le in th eir approach. com m ands, and Im m ediate firm correc­
tion s let Jason know th at I w as m
lin alfy. Learning Right From Wrong charge— fin ally. A n d lavish praise fo r
Bfy school uses the K oehler m ethod, correct responses le t Jason know that
sd ilch en qih asizes the use o f th e choke h is beh avior w as good. It is im portant. In
collar c o i^ le d w ith one-tim e reprim ands th is m ethod, to m ake su re th at the dog
that h u rt and thereby are rem em bered. understands exactfy w hat you w ant h im
T h e K oehler m ethod Is h igh fy structured to do. T h is Is som etim es done by gu id in g
and the steps are eiqilaln ed and dem on- h im m anually in to the correct position .

JUNE1988 99
“Jason and I worked with persever­
ance and a good *understanding
trainer to ensure his safety and my
peace of mind.”

In th is way, th ere Is n o m istaken as­ enced th eir en viroiu n en t and th eir

sum ption th at h e Is b ein g disobed ien t owners. T h e tra in in g m ethod selected
w hen he is sim ply confused. Th ese pre­ m ust su it th e dog and its ow ner, as w ell
c i s ^ stru ctu red lessons a llo v ^ m e to as serve the ow n er’s personal needs. For
hecmne th e ocm fident, dom in ant one. the nuyorlty o f dogs, w hose fu n ction is
Jason seem ed d e lis te d th at som eone that o f com panion and pet, the tra in in g
w ho knew id ia t w as rig h t w as fin a lly tell­ s tra t^ y selected sh ou ld b e geared to the
in g him , flrm fy and im equ ivocally, w hat personalities o f the d og and its ow ner.
to do. My d og thorou gh ly e n j q ^ the Th ere are so m any tech niqu es th at can
dasses and ou r tw ice cUilly practice ses­ be stu died and applied. W hat is m ost im ­
sion s in the park. H e learn ed qulckfy, portant, it seem s to m e, is th at you know
w anted m y ap fxoval, and looked forw ard you r dog as w ell as you can 1^ observa­
to th e recpilred play period th at follow ed tion and reading. K now you r ow n tem ­
eseiy session. W e w orked w ith persever­ peram ent and a b ility to tra in p a tien t^ .
ance and a good, u nderstan din g train er Resolve to give h im a fa ir am oim t o f tim e
to ensure h is safety and m y peace o f fo r m astery. H e w ants to please you.
m ind. It paid o ff. Jason has a new d ign ity Train ers say u n an im ou s^ th at th e m ost
th at show s In h is b earin g and in h is com m on cause o f tra in in g failu re Is n ot
pronqpt re^ xm se to m y com m ands. in the dog. T ra in in g involves a partn er­
D ogs have particu lar and u niqu e In- sh ip am ong th e train er, th e ow n er and
bred traits. T h eir person alities are In flu ­ the dog. "H,

Judy ^ hearing aid

Judy always knew her hear­ If you’re interested in more
ing aid wasn’t like most others. It information, or in making a tax
would paw her leg to alert her to deductible donation, write to us at
sound and wag its tail when it P.O .Box 278,Stow ,M A01775.
heard something it liked. Or call us at(617) 897-8343
Judy’s hearing aid is a hear­ VOICE/TTY. And if you hear a
ing dog from Red Acre Farm little barking in the background
Hearing D og Center. And like remember, it’s just someone’s
most o f our dogs, at least part of hearing aid R ed A a r Farm
his training was made possible
by outside contributions.

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ir iy ::
( ïb e d ie n c e -tra in e d B a m a b y h a m s it u p
Il » M a d D o g c a rto o n s

w orkin g fo r h im ?
In the sp rin g o f 1987,1 received a call
from B all and C hain V ideo ask in g i f I had
a B ulldog they m igh t in terview fo r a part

in a possible cable series produced in
association w ith N ational C ollege T ele­
vision . A s w e talked, I had som e reserva­
tion s about the assignm ent. I have al­
ways felt a stron g resp on sib ility in both
m y breedin g program and In u sin g m y

u lld c ^ dogs fo r ad vertisin g to see th at the breed

is represented h on estly and to its best
advantage. I w asn ’t certain th at th is
E D R E G G Y B. KRENTS w ould be th at kin d o f m edium . A s w e
continu ed the conversation how ever. It
seem ed clear th at the series form at had
n ot been fin alized , and th at one o f
B ulldogs w as n ot n ecessarity a “ sh oo-in”
fo r the part. A fter g iv in g all the reasons
adiy B ulldogs aren ’t n ecessarily th e easi­
est breed to deal w ith in fron t o f the
cam era— they n eed m ore breaks because
w w k fo r a four-year-old Bulldog, Ch. o f h ot ll^ t s , th ey don ’t act lik e

I DoUttle B am aby S in ger. CD. star o f w ell-trained G oldens, t h ^ m ay drool,

d ie M ad D og C artoons cable n etw ork and som etim es th q r don ’t “ act” a t all— I
aeries. W oridng fo r th is dog Is an un­ prom ised to b rin g B am aby fo r an au di­
usual, hum bling, som etim es aw e-ln- tion the follow in g w eek. Finally, w e
^ rirln g , b u t totalty w on derfu l eaqierl- agreed th at 1could pu ll B am aby i f f d id n ’t
ence; especially because before the tables like the fin al form at.
got turned. I bred and raised B am aby Because o f th eir tendency to overheat,
(M ad D og), and show ed h im to a breed a B u lldog requ ires preparation s fo r a
d ia n q ila a sh ^ ) and h is obedience title. I sim ple car rid e w h ich rqrproxlm ate those
know h is every foib le (vd ilch in d u d es necessary fo r ta k in g a van -fu ll o f dogs on
tu rn in g h is b e i^ to you r face w hen you a six-day show circu it! W herever w e go,
td i h im h e’s handsom e), and h is pen­ aside from the ordin ary tack box, I carry
chant fo r ice. cheese and peanu t bu tter. a huge cooler w ith a m inim um o f ten
A s a puppy, he started obedience pounds o f ice, several squ eeze lem ons,
clSBscB and la ter w en t on to breed han­ paper tow elin g, p lastic bags, spray bottle
d lin g classes; b oth are a m ust particu ­ filled w ith cold w ater, w ater bottles, etc.
larly fo r BulklpgB w hose every desire is Parking near the stu dio w as a problem .
n ot n ecessarily th at o f th e ow ner! H e has Bulldogs don ’t take kindty to a ten-block
done aU 1Ve ever asked h im to do In both w alk In w arm w eather, and I couldn’t
breed and obedien ce (h e fln lsh ed h is carry all th at s tu ff th at far, so th e crew
C.D. in fou r show s— a han dler error on said, “ H onk w hen you a rrive.” T h at I did,
m y p art caused h im an NQ fo r h is second and ou t cam e th e producer, th e director,
show ), w h ich I a ttribu te to a lo t o f hard and the assistant. T h q r aU anxlousty
weak early on and B am aby’s stron g de­ stood b y the tailgate w a itin g fo r th eir
sire to please. B u t h ow d id I get m yself first glim pse o f th e “ ta len t.” A s I un­
latched th e crate door, B am aby cam e
TheauO tor. a n ed u ca tion a l therapist, is ru sh in g out, sat at the edge o f the ta il­
also a breeder and exh ib itor in cortfor- gate and looked q u izzica lly in to those
m ation and. obedience as w ell as a three faces. A s i f on cue, all th ree o f them
fteeia n ce Witter. b iu st ou t lau gh ing. I knew B am aby had
's n ext h tirdle w as to see I f he
;ract w ith h is hum an co-star,
talented com edian, Tom
_____passed w ith fljdn g colors! T h e
credit h ere goes to Tom , w ho, thou gh h e
' had seen p h otogn 4>hs o f BuUdogs, n ever
had tlfe opportu n ity to w ork w ith one.
B a m a t^ m ade h im self a t hom e clim b­
in g back and forth over h is lap, w ashin g
h is face, and paw in g a t the ban jo as Tom
tried to play. T om learn ed th e proper
obedience com m ands w ith aplom b.
Bam aby, how ever, gave h im q u ite a few
d lily looks, then tu rned to m e as i f to say,
“ Hey, w h o’s ru n n in g th is sh ow anyw ay?"
B am aby w as offered the jo b and even-
- tually, th e form at w as fin alized . M ad D og
C artoons' op en in g 30 seconds is a m on­
tage o f O tis and M ad D og as t h ^ en joy a
day together. O tis rescues M ad D og from
the can ine con trol tm ek . A fter th at they
go fo r a beer, v is it a disco, shop fo r across the room h e stopped in h is tracks
groceries, go fish in g and sim -bath ln g and shouted, “T h a t's it; th at's w hat 1 lom aliy, gMIfeig hilo
w ith blkin l-clad lovelies on Lon g Island keep h earin g in m y ph on es.” Th ere, by M ( rolo, on hw M l of
Sound, and eat p izza together. the threshold, lay B am aby, sound asleep
Mod Doq cortoons.
Back In th e stu dio. M ad D og and O tis and sn orin g fo r all he w as w orth !
: are “ cartoon jo ck les.“ W hile on th e set, Once, back on set, h e rolled over on h is
B am aby and Tom s it side b y side and back and ju s t lay there refu sin g to m ove!
; introduce ^cartoons. T h ere are also Once w e all laughed a t h im , h e very
sketches w ritten in volvin g them . calm ly go t up smd took h is place beside
O ne sh ow opens w ith O tis tearfu lly Tom . B am aby know s th e score!
read in g a ransom note, “ . . . if you ever B am aby has taken all th is atten tion in
w ant to see you r beloved Bulldog, Mad stride. Perhaps it's in h is blood, as both
Dog, again , b rin g 25 pounds o f roast b eef h is sire and dam have had successful
bones to my favorite sp o t." H ere O tis re­ breed and obedience careers and have
alizes th at M ad D og w rote th e ransom had th eir days in prin t, too. W hen w e're
note h im self. T h e n ext scene show s O tis go in g to a shoot, B am aby seem s to know
ch a stizin g M ad D og fo r d oin g such an it and can 't w a it to get there. He leaps out
aw ful th in g. M ad Dog, o f course, has h is o f the car, v isits h is favorite tree, then
,back en d to th e cam era. (J u st before the rushes in to the stu dio w h ile I stru ggle
take, I said, “ O h, B an iaby, you 're so w ith the supplies. B y th e tim e 1get In the
handsom e!” ) But th in gs d id n 't always door, h e's on h is second round o f enthu­
run so sm oothly. siastic greetin gs from th e crew . I m ake
jR A t the b egin n in g o f th e ransom note entrance by trip p in g over a cable.
cene, the sound m an kept h earin g som e “ Oh, h i. Peg. Could you use a h an d ?"
in d o f in terferen ce w h ich w ould be som eone eventually asks.
Icked up on the tape. A fter about 20 B am aby gets a cred it a t the end o f each
iln u tes o f ch eckin g and recheckln g fo r show ; 1don't. H e gets paid; 1don't. I f the
tose w ires and feedback, tap in g and real tm th be know n. It ts a m ad, mad.
laying back, th e sound m an w a lk ^ in to M ad D og w orld, and I'm so proud
le n ext room once again on h is w ay to B am aby has decided to take me
nd the cause of the n oise. H alfw ay akm g-even i f ju s t to c a n y h is lu g g a g e !^
JUNE 1968 103
iehavior Problems
Jnderstanding a n d correcting behavior.

bdundor, and a host o f behavior cats. Because w e also have three

inoU em s from barking to bitin g, cats. I read It and learned qu ite a bit.
adf-m utllation to qm qm thy lam e­ Appiarently there Is a w ay to deal w ith
ness, and m any more. scratching behavior other than hav­
Mr, Cam pbell's basic prem ise Is in g the couch redone every other
that, as a rule, dogs don't su ffer from year. Even so, i f I had b o u ^ t this
b d ia vio r problem s: people do. His book as a cat owner, I would be
^iproacdi to m ending the dog/owner upset—out o f its 280 pages, 15 are
rdatlonahlp is causative, that is, in ­ devoted to cats.
stead o f treating the sym ptom , find “Owner's G u ide" is an Im portant
and treat the cause. W hat is m ost de- contribution. It Is enhanced 1^ the
b gfitiu l about Mr. (Campbell's ap- delightful cartoons and cartoon-style
p n e th Is the com ísete absence o f drawings by R M . M iller, DVM. ■
angrnegatlve or aversive training. For
rxam pir, the correction fo r a
“ m outhy" puppy is to “grab a paw
and praise the pup when it stops
m ou th in g.. . . “

As he points out In h is introduc-
thm, “ If you get the idea that I place a
lot o f faith In the dc^'s ab ility to live
In a human fam ily as a dependable,
KMwnnaBa *
wdM iehaved. loyal com panion,
w ithout needing to be shocked,
shaken, wrestled, shouted or stared
(» ,1 9 8 6 ,288pp., $10.96. at, bribed or beaten Into subm is­
sion. then I have made m y first im-
illiam Cam pbcfl's 1975 pM tant p oin t.“

W book. Behavior Problems in Part n also contains a section on

Dogs, becam e the text for Physical Ailm ents and Behavior, and
an to
1liaae advising dog o aruers how excellent chart ctf physical prob­
I otve behavior probleins. H is latest lem s and the behavior problem s w ith
I ook. Owner's G uide to Better Be- w hich they are associated. A ll too of­
I a vior In Dogs & Cats, is w ritten for ten the connection between a physi­
I» I 1I« !1 « »I «T» Tt ■II 1 i I Ii IfI
*. aatl

( be owner and Is mandatory reading cal problem and unacceptable

Í >r anyone adio has a dog. behavior is overlooked, leading to
The book consists o f three parts, discipline instead o f a trip to the vet­ Dog Tales: How to S d v the Mott
(b e lfirst two dealing w ith dogs. Part erinarian. Troublesome BehaelorProblemt e l
I Ur
Understanding Your Dog, contains In term s o f organization, the last Man's 8 m /M witf, by Roy MeSotoy,
1 ahiable background InÍOTmatlon five chapters o f Part I and the first Womar 8ooks, NawYoilc, NY 1988,
I bout Influences on the dog's behav- four chapters o f Part II are really a 192pp., $16.95.
<yr. It gives the reader a good over- separate part and should have been
^lew ofw h y dogs do w hat they do and presentcxl as such. It would have im ­ For the past 12 years Ray M eSoley
' diy the owner has to know this. It proved the transitions and provided has worked as a consulting dog ana­
I Iso contains a great deal o f inform a- a better overview o f the book. I also lyst. He came to It as a second career
I km on pu lu les, from ‘selection to would have liked to have seen m ore at the age o f 35 and has now shared
raining, which Is adiere Mr, Camp- detail In the descriptions o f several o f some o f his experiences In h is book
1icfl really shines. the solutions. Som e are needless^ Dog Tales.
Part n. C orrection Program s for brief, others vague, m aking it d iffi­ The book consists o f three sec­
i logs, addresses bousetralnlng, cult to visualize exactly adiat Mr. tions. Section I explains Mr. MeSo-
eedlng. puppy training, health and (Campbell wants the ow ner to do. ley's basic philosophy, how he
Since this book Is aim ed at the lay­ analyzes problem s, and h is ap­
1 fr. VoUtard Is the senior author o f person who com es to It w ith little, if proach to training. H is philosophy
1 raining Your Dog, the Step-by-Step any, background knowledge, preci­ includes the follow ing seven rules.
1 lanual and Teaching D ^ Obedl- sion and clarity are especially Im por­ 1) You m ust be responsible for
( oceClEMses, theB4anualforInstruc- tant. learning how to corrununlcate w ith
t ns. The last part o f the book deals w ith your dog.

I r r i"

iliy» M

2 ) You m ust be the leader and the m ention it at all. especially in a bode the m ajor causes o f destructive be­
dog m ust be the follow er—there's no for the layperson? havior.
room fo r equality in the dog’s m ind. Section n addresses the m ost com ­ Flnalty. Section in deals w ith pup­
; 3 ) I f you’re n ot teaching your dog m on problem s such as aggressive be­ pies. acquiring an d d er dog. and
the r i ^ t behavior, you're teaching havior. housesoiling. phobias, dogs and children. In the chapter on
him the w rong behavior— because destructive behavior, barking and puppies. Mr. M cSoley first reviews
you're always teaching him some­ disobedience. Solutions are pre­ W illiam Cam pbell’s com patibility
thing. sented In the form o f case histories test. U nfortunatdy he has reversed
4 ) You m ust be consistent In deal- and m ost try to tackle the problem Ity the order o f the restraint and social
In g w ith your dog. rew arding the correct behavior In­ dom inance tests, w hich makes the
5 ) D on't caqiect your dog to know stead o f punishing the incorrect be­ results to the latter m eaningless.
th e difference between righ t and havior. Th e ow ner's editions— Just as im portant as the tests them ­
w rong—he’s n ot a little person In a change the unacceptable behavior, selves. Is the order in w hich they are
fu rcoat. fin d another hom e for the dog. and done.
6 ) You m ust be certain your dog euthanasia—are explored, again In Mr. M eSoley's book is e a ^ to read
understands w hy he’s being cor­ the form o f case histories. Th e way and contains a good deal o f useful In-
rected. Mr. M eSdey presents and deals w ith formaticHi on how to deal w ith ]Mnb-
7) Reward your dog fo r the proper these options is exceptionally w d l lem behavior in a positive and
bdundor. done. structured way. Because it empha­
Mr. McStdey flrm ty believes in He also m akes It clear that m any sizes rew arding the r l ^ t bdiaW or
amne fm m o f basic training. T h e behavior problem s are dosety linked instead o f punishing the w rong be­
cm herstone o f a h a {^ and healthy to the am ount o f exercise a dog gets havior. I like It! ■
rrtotm nahlp" are m astering Just five and that boredom or frustration are
basic com m ands: sit. stay. down,
com ing when called, and proper
h edln g. A good foundation in these A G r e a t N ew B o o k A boctt G r e a t D a n e s
exercises w ill certainly go a long way T IE GREAT DAME
to b rin gin g dog and owner closer to­ By Anna Katherine f*icholas
gether. T o get there. Mr. M cSoley
TJ^Jt Style #PS-826
goes through three train in g phases: TH E
in itia l teaching, sim ple reinforce­ ISBM 0-86622-122-0
m ent. and finally, advanced rein ­ DANE
forcem ent. photos and many Mack and wMte photos »
D uring the teaching phase, he re­ Hard cower. 6 x 9 * ; 320 pages
lies alm ost exctustvety on induclve $16^5
m ethods. A notaU e exception is heel­ As household comfMnions. Great Danes. knoMn as
in g sdUcb he teaches w ith strict ‘Vie Apolo of dogs', hare ereiythtng to oSer. They are
com pulsion righ t from the begin­ dean. non-destmeUve. sweet torepered. great wUi
ning. Th e reaatm fo r th is fa r in g de­ chidren. and thek sheer ate hee^ unwelcome vialtots
parture from the way he teaches the at bqr. The Great Dane commands respect wherever he
other exercises is n ot exjdalned. goes.
Also, vdiereas h is techniques for Dimity, strength, and elegance, together wSh a
teaching the sit. down, com e and powerful, we l formed. amootMy-muscled
stay can readily be m astered by an body, make the Great Dene one of the most fenpreasilre
Inexperienced owner, his technique and popular of a l dog breeds avaiiihle todqr.
for heeling puts a prem ium on tim ­ In thb practical. beautHidly Bustraltd book with more
in g and athletic ability. than 200 ful-color photos, author Anna Katherine
For the sim ple reinforcem ent Ifcholas traces the developmert of the Great Dane bom Germary to other parts of the
I^iase. Idr. MdScHiey uses a sllp-on world; and through numerous kennel stories, she brtogs to We many of the important
chain cellar to teach the dog that it is Great Denes and their peoople who hare made thto breed so spedaL There is
his re^xtn slb illty to respond to a somethÉig far eveiyone In thb tasdnaling book.
command. For advanced reinforce­ Owtents; O rlj^ and Eariy Development; Great Danes In Greet Britain and on The
m ent he recom m ends an d ectric col­ Continent; Great Danes fa the United States; Great Danes in Canada; Great Danes fci
lar. but adm on ish es."! don 't want Aualnia; The Standard; The Harlequin Great Dane; The Great Dane As A Famly Doff
you u sing the d ectrlc collar w ithout Obedtence; Breedfag.
the assistance o f a qu alified profes­ T F H b the woriefs largest pubisher of pet books. Wrke far your te e catalog today.
sional. . . .’’ W ith such a caveat, why T P K PiMcattons Inc. 1 T F A Pboa. ftapteie O y. HI 07753

JUNE 1988 105

A jpictaiiB of jioiir d (^ publiahed here in Photos m ay he sent to the breed colum­
iJie bw ed column faction of flie n ists (addresses are published each
il GAZETTE beeamO now we're paying month), or to the GAZETTE directly. (If
$25.00 for any phoiograiA u a ^ sent to the GAZETTE, envelopes should be
The QAXBrtE looking f ir good pho­ m arked "Breed Column U se.") A ttach a
tographs <4 showHittaKty d ^ . T hat label to the back of each photo with the
m eans a h a ^ , d m pictures Odack & nam e and address of the photographer,
white or cojior) w ith good contrast, natu­ and the breed of the dog.
ral poses and undttttM ed badigroands. GAZETTE editors are responsible for
We cannot use win ahots or jdiotos with the choice of all photos appearing in the
people, rihhons or other identifying ele­ breed colvmms, and reserve the r i ^ t to
m ents. We w ant photogra^dia th at let the reject any photograph subm itted. Include
personality of the breed «hm « th r o u ^ a stam ped self-addressed envelope, or
A dults or puppies, and one or more dogs, your {dioto will not be returned. Payment
are aeoeptaible, b u t one breed per picture. for photos we publish will be issued during
pleaad N-- li- the month of publication.
11 ^f ■ i

131 IjMenpl Translolion and CornmenlaiV 155 Keeslionden Starxlard ReorgonlTalion

108 AkÉoe Puppies: To Show or Noi lo Show 118 Komofidoiok Coring tor the Coat
160 ib a M low O daé Dogi Training wHh ttie Heod-Leod 120 Huvonok 'Predator Control
161 leapdiKlOoMee ^ EvolualIngGalt 156 Uweaàpeoe 'Accentuate the PosHIve
162 M g ln nMwapdogs •HelpIulHWs 121 Mostins 'Health Watch tor Canines
1 ^ telglanieraeen Welcornlng Ihe New Orvner 137 MW giure Hnechew Standing Ears
109 lem ei•MoindalnDege ; FM Mole Berner Earns UX). 122 Newrleundlands NCA HeoHh and Longevity Study
1 4 d :B M »ib M m Intomatlonal Congress 167 OM Ingddi Iheepdogi Breed Standard Change
N « m i M n im tn 1 “
138 PopHone 'Obedtorx» and PopMons
164 loiiirlei» dee flo n d w ABOfOs 2Slh Annivetsaiy 140 PeM ngiii C-Sectfon Anesthesia Suvey, Pt. 1
148 M M oge ^ NewColumnbt’ 171 Pembroke W eW iOergii TrlBlas?
110 M h M l e W L ! :i ^Vdterans 141 Pomeranians AKCVIdeoAvalable
132 ■ lU iilli O lW obr""^ |{ ì i T m r i t m i Sspedoliy 157 Poodtae ShowTIme
170 Cardigan W eM iCeigle [ ' nu ^ WhyrDoWe Belong? 124 PerlugMeee Woler Doge Lethal Storage Disease Orercorne
133 C M m 'Story of Ihe Spidennan 142 Pugs *2lrx:PDbonlng
ISO aM w C ha iM ' ’ Ìji: jif i Survival In the Ring 168 Pidk Pul Potpourri
164 C o a « ,'Rewards HOVnlMMI« 'Obedtorx» or Inlirnidalion?
151 OahM Should You Spedai? 127 Sobdkenmtds A SaintAnthology
112 Dobee■MwWbtrtieH fili; 'Mythvs.ReoMy 128 Someyeds Are We HcA/ing Fun?
134 l l ^ tTe y a iie d ili | BreedtogYourBIteh 158 Sciìippeilcee 'How to Select a Veterirxbtan
153 IkMW When b a Fox Nota Fox? 170 Ibelinndnieepdogi 'Hotvs. Cold Oimates. Pt. 1
154 fmmdi§uedogs 'Ctovwi In Ihe PhIosopher's Cloak 143 SMiTbu 'Veterinary Update
166 CeMM»m e p lie w lD o g i CootColon 128 Sfcerianlluddei Less b More: The AKC Video
114 Okbd 'Growing Up Schnouier 130 M M dardtetM oiiieie Should You Export?
116 «re a l Fhst Independent National 158 flbelan Spaniels 'Summer Vocation with Your Dog
116 Oieal Take Nothing tor Gtorried 144 YerlohlreTenters : ¡¡ j; A Thou^itful Look at Judging
136 The Sbe ConÉoveRy 'General Intscest
; ■'<>"

Bwedcolurnf^gl» ora oppolnted by ecxJ<brae<f»noltongl breed club, (^lewbreedi do no*haweo~wollonalbraed cluU*|je.o club Iho*
belgtoletohold/WCe>ienlK 3nd1huidono«hcMeocolufnnli*jDuetoyoceie* lctont,eochbieedc<»<bewpraeen>ed onlyewaiv
other monih. e Choice of «ublecl molfer b M Mo Ihe ootumnlik, who »relcorne eqoedlnnt from reoden. M eMe( eMeeeee d o*
be reprirrled In noti-prallt breed pUb»collorii provided rio pot<ono>1he1eKll»charigedto Q*ert re meorilr<a and Ihetotowinqoed» Ine
b given: Reptlrrled from Pune-Aed DPgiMmeniocn/Verme/SI2F77E dole oriMue. name of coluninW. and breed.

JUME 1968 107


I i
:I rbe aoenarlo can take a variety o f
! ft rms, but in its sim plest o f cases,
1 q e has a prom ising Toung puppy.
!jT iepi.q]py has been sultaMjr trained
. el h er at handling dasaes o r by Infor-
: na )1 practices at home. Perhaps the
I p ippy has even been to som e fun
n »t^ e s . and now. it's tim e fo r the
I bi ; tim e: AKC shows. O r is it?
Ij Befbve you enter your psippy in an
A x : show, it's good advice to "size
, M >” your potential Best in S l^ w ln -
I n r. Th e standard is d ea r on mea-
' 81 lem ent: "DtaquaUficatloh: Dogs
If ;; u tder aS inches, b ltd ie s under 23
i i idles." There are no exceptions.
A n it even for puppies in puppy
: d laaes. Inevitably, the longer you
'i; i si aw Akltas. the m ore likely you are
i te see the "dreaded w ld cct." The
: a a e sigh t o f the srld w t has been
ow n to make grow n men cringe,
l^w Mnen cry, and weD-tratned dogs
:^! in rvouSk but used properly, the suppm ted entry o f Akltas. Th e Judge out. but not w ithou t som e ill fe e lin g
1^ V d iet can be a useful tool to keep dem onstrated her knoadedge o f the on all sides. Could th is have been
di r Akltas at or above the m inim um breed standard and her keen eye by avoided? Probably. Th e ju dge could
b l ^ t s called fo r by our standard. calling for a m easurem ent on fhw d if­ have made the m easurem ent. Any
[ reoentty attended a local k eim d ferent dogs (none o f adiom w ere in one o f the exhibitors in the rin g
d lb show w here m y d u b hosted a puppy classes). Som e exhibitors and could have asked fo r a m easurem ent
spectators were outraged as. one-by- prior to the ju d gin g o f the classes.
(ip B M K W T im n X one, all five o f the dogs w ere "m ea­ The owner could have sized up her
g jomUeOonaUBnerimf sured ou t." Th e criticism m ost often pujqty and w aited until the p u ] ^
heardw as, "I don 't think it's r i ^ t for m et the m inim um standard h e i^ t .
a ju dge to m easure at a sufqxnted en- The puppy in question was structur­
tiy ."B u t why n ot at a suiqm rted en­ ally sound, n l c ^ presented and win
try, or a specialty, or ju st a [daln, old very probably grow to be w ell over the
show ? Was the ju dge doin g the breed standard. So, vdiy not w ait?
ad isseivlce. or was she m e r ^ doing 1 think the best advice is to mea­
herjo b as dictated by our standard? sure your puppies and dogs you rself
HOUSE OF TREASURES Just last weekend, two puppies p rior to m aking entries. If they are
"A IO TA SO F O U A U IV ’ were shown U) puppy classes, both o f close, give them som e practice so
adiom appeared a b it sm all to m ost in that the dropping o f the w icket or the
a« Wio»»*naB» veorM*1« IV«Bn(ni«i» attendance. Yet. neither was mea­
fci, I..I fffnrWmnfntfci ifMlViWiiMiM standing on the board w ill not
sured by the ju dge or by eidilbitors. fr i^ te n them . Know adiere your
1** * * « » Wo* Most people felt that the puppies dog's w ithers are so that the w icket
Ck NOrtMMiOIMiel didn 't have a snowball's chance o f can be property placed. Cold, fear,
a Wr$WvE<MSad*l w inning, so w hy m easure them out heat and excitem ent can aU play a
Ck MOrtHwTvIWTHIwItWJWl) and break the m ajor? Surprlsel One part in a dog's m easured h e l^ t.
a wrskM
&BmSMQSMkMMftie o f the puppies won. Th e distraught Also, differen t judges have d ifferin g
MMWvMliHlrcIsiaaMnMM PMcWM owner o f the Reserve Dog posted $25 opinions on where to place the
SMwBiaefcU and asked that the pup be measured wicket. And, ify o u are m easured out.
P .O .S « lM
N .Y.U M S by the Bench Show Com m ittee. The rem em ber you have three strikes be­
MM puppy was subsequently measured fore being caUed out fo r good.

1968HATKHCA1. SPECIALIT Hampton. Las V ^ a s , NV; treasurer: clalty win be held, pending AKC
It that Just a few m onths Mr. Frank Thom as, Riverside, CA; approval. For inform ation, contact
ago.;we were m atong preparations to past president: Mrs. Bonnie Akma Robison at (206) 892-4593.
a t t a ^ the 1987 N ation ^ Specialty. Herrmarm. W hitewood, SD; Region On October 22. 1988, in Malibu,
W dl, It's 1988 and the plans fo r the 1: Pat M ucher, Perry, NY: Region 2: C alifornia, the Region 5 Specialty
1988 N ational are w ell tinderway. Catherine B dl, Knoxville, TN ; Re­ win be h dd. pending AKC approval.
i: ThC' specialty w ill be held at the gion 3: Stqrhla Kaluznlacki, DVM. For inform ation, contact Cam ille
HUton A irport Inn, at 1-70 and Peo­ Green Valley, AZ; Region 4: Carol Kam-Wong at (818) 446-2486. I |
ria, In Denver, Ccdorado. Th e entire F oil. W oodacre, CA; R ^ o n 5: Jean- i
h otels com plem ent o f rooms/suites nle W hitaker. Jam ul, CA; Parllam en- I THANK YOU i:||!ilji
i:Í|í (200) are ejqjected to sell out early, so tarian: Stan Pinel, Placentia, CA. | |ij| In closing, I would like to thank a
resenm tlons are suggested. (The red-beaded filen d o f m ine fo r her
nuniber is 8(X>-445-8667.) T h e ten- 1988 REGIONAL SPECIALTIES continued efforts on beh alf o f the
ta tlw dates for the event (pending For A kita lovers, there are several Akita, and for h er service to the ACA
AKG site/date/(udge approval) w ill be regional specialties taking place in for a period "officia lly’' o f four years,
Wednesday, August 31. Thursday. 1 ^ 8 . Generally speaking, the re- one as vice president, two as presi­
Sqrtem ber 1 and Friday, Septem ber gionals are sm aller in scale than the dent and one as past president. She
2. Th e Rocky M ountain A kita Chib is national specialty, bu t provide Akita has recently retired from the board,
hosUng the event under the chalr- breeders an opportunity to com pare but continues to serve on the Na­
m anship o f Ju<j^ Pillow , w ho can be notes, exhibitors a chance to show tional Show Com m ittee. She is one
read ied at (303) 795-9601. Further o ff th eir prom ising and h t ^ fu l w in­ o f the few who tem pers h er criticism
tn fo m ia tia i about all o f the sched­ ners, and spectators a tim e to view a w ith constructive suggestions, ad­
uled events can be obtained from large num ber o f Akitas in various vice and help. But m ore im portantly,
Juefy. cedors and ages. she keeps me on m y toes. Thanks.
On Juty 15, 1988. in Brush Prai­ Rusty Short, you are appreciated t y
BDDCATKMf: THE ETE8 HAVE IT rie, W ashington, the R ^ o n 4 Spe- an who know .—Sylvia Thomas ■
h i conjunction w ith the 1988 Na­
tional Specialty, Dr. Glenn Severin o f
Cc^irado State U niversity w ill pre­ that accom plished. B ill renewed his
sent an educational sem inar on Bemese Mountain Dogs plans to go on fin m the C.DJC. to
Thursday, Septem ber 1, a t the U.D. : ■ ! Í
HQhm A irp ort Iim , tim e to be an­ FIRST MALE BERNER Destry qualified on October 11,
nounced. Dr. Severin win discuss EARNSUJ). Novem ber 9 and 10, 1987, and re­
diSI fin d in gs o f h is three year re- It Is a great pleasure to report that ceived one second place and two
sea ith project on diseases o f the eyes Ch. Dallybeck’s Destry, U.D., is the third places in so doing. H is scores
in Akitas. Dr. Severin has m ain­ first male Bernese to earn the distin ­ were 191, 187, and 182. It took Just
tained a colony o f A kitas and has guished title o f U tility Dog. Destry, four trials for D estry and BUI. A t one,
studied the m ode o f inheritance o f owned by B ill Hammer, o f Ctdorado Destry becam e so excited over seeing
im giea stve retinal atix^h y in the Springs. Ctdorado, was bred by a Berner puiqpy (som ething that he
breed. As his research is draw ing to George C oulter and M arjorie Reho. hadn't seen in aw hile), that he didn't
an end. Dr. Severin w ill be available Destry’s sire is Ch. Vtyemede's Luron concentrate w d l. Yes, Berners do in ­
to discuss the disease, his results Bruce, and h is dam is Ch. Daily- deed rect^nlze th eir own kind, and
and findings, and m ethods fo r early beck's Andrea Bella, C.D. Destry has I sdien a Berner sees another, it is
diagnosis. a rich heritage in obedience on the I tim e for a reunion! Now. the best for
d ista ff side. D estry's grandm other 'last: th is is Bin's first dog and the
1988 ACA ANIfllAL MEETING A was a C.DJC., T.D . titleholder, w ith first he has ever trained. Hearty con­
her m other holding a C.D.X. Destry's gratulations to th is w in n in g duo
Th e AC A Annual M eeting was held grandslre had a C.D .. w ith his who have made breed history.
in (»n ju n cticm w ith the R ^ o n 2 m other also holding that title, and Why So Long?
A k i^ Specialty in Baltim ore, Mary­ her sire had a C.D.X. It probably seem s to have been an
land on S a tu id ^ . F ^ ru a iy 20. A t Destry earned h is U.D. at the age o f inordinately long tim e before the
that tim e, the results o f the annual three years, five m onths. It would first male U.D. However, it m ust be
deetkm were arm ounced. Th e ACA have been sooner, bu t D estry's mas­ remembered that until Jump heights
board and pfificers for 1988 are as ter, adro was w orking on a d ^ re e o f were lowered, it was extrem ety d iffi­
jfcAowS: I I'ijil his own, had to take tim e out firom cult for males, w ith greater height
(Resident: Mr. Ed Israel, Atco, NJ; train in g his Berner w hile he pre­ and w eight than fem ales, to endure
"vice-president: M s. D orothy W arren, pared for and successfully passed the the rigors o f continued Jumping.
^Saratoga, CA; secretary: Ms. Barbara C.P.A. exam on the first try. W ith Happity, Jump height has been re-

m (m iN G GROUP

Oogt d ie floor and cradle the dog's head in the edge o f the scraprer as you pull
(^nttnued your lap. Th is should be a fam iliar down against the plaque. Th e lower
c uoed. D estiy is 26 In d ies at the experience for your dog i f you are a m olars are som ewhat easier to do, as
s M ulder and w eighed a trim 90 typical B em er owner. Be patient and there often is less build-up on them.
[ ounds when he earned h is U.D. He calm, stroking the d t^ u n til it has We fin d that the use o f the spMiige is
li ives to Juii4 >. rdaxBd. G radual^, manlpnilate the m ost helpful.
dog's m outh w ith your hands so that Cleaning our own dogs' teeth has
4 m DCA OBBOIElfCE BKXMUW the dog knows what you are doing. worked extrem ely w ell for us and for
A t the tim e o f w ritin g, w e do not For cleaning the uppier teeth, place a several other B em er owners we
Have the BMDCA Records fo r 1987; one-inch thick, three-tay-nlne-lnch know. A t the tim e o f your Berner's
t owever, it is worthwhile to note the ^M nge. m oistened in w ater and yearly check-up, it would be advis­
f lOowing cum ulative titles in obedi- w rung out. between the uppier and able to ask your veterinarian i f your
e Me fm- 1937-’86; 291 C .O .s (123 lower Jaws so that part o f the spionge dog's teeth are sa tisfa ctoria clean.
I Mies. 168 fem ales); 36 C.D.X.S (10 extends to the outside o f the dog's What a pleasure it w ill be fo r the
EMks. 26 fem ales); 4 U.D.s (4 fe- mouth on the side that you are clean­ Judge to exam ine h is entry to dis­
ifa k s ). ing. As you scrape, the spxmge, not cover a dog ready to have his teeth
In 1986, 13 Berners, one o f which the dog's nMuth. win absorb the shown and that they are clean. It's all
^ a s D estiy, attained the title o f sbodc o f the stroke as weU as receive up to you !—J u lie Crawford ■
D.X. Hopefully, others o f that
r^umber w ill also achieve th e coveted
Bernese are receptive, rc^xxistve Bullmastfffs
obedience dogs. T h eir general w ill­
ingness to {drase m akes them good VBTBBAIIS
c indidates for the obedience ring. The p u {^ classes b rin g antics
and s u b s i^ e n t sm iles. Th e Best o f
C OIIFOUIATIOH AND CUSAN Breed receives cheers. But. pieibaps,
the m ost touching class is that o f the
In the Februaiy 1968 GAZETTE. Veterans; this group is m et w ith
li tform ation on p reap-nting clean teary eyes and applause.
t eth was prom ised. Fca-the sake o f a Unfortunately, w e m ust begin our
d ig's health, clean teeth are v e iy im- veteran com petition at age six. Our
p DTtant. As dogs m ature, tartar be- breed is not a long-lived one. Som e o f
g Ins to build. L eft alone, the m olars, us have been fortunate enough to
p irtlcu la ily the up>p>er, w ill collect have our older B ullm astiffs see th eir
p Aque. An dogs should have the ben- eaity teens. T oo m any are lost before
e It o f dean teeth, but those that are they can reach the veteran classifica­ down your older dogs w ith the help o f
b :ln g shown should e ^ jcd a lly have tion. your vet.
c ean, brigh t teeth. W hile the incl- The-older BullmaattfT needs m ore A veteran welcom es an especially
s >rs may apipiear clean, the molars attentive care. Often, eyesight, hear­ com fortable bed in a draft-ftee. qu iet
c m have qu ite an unsightly bulld- in g and organs begin to fall. Joints area. Exercise should be geared to
o p.AJudge discovering th is iqxm ex- are often arth ritic. D igestive pro­ each individual's abilities. Som e
a n in in g fo r fuU d en tition cannot cesses change, so the am ounts and may be very active; others need short
b dp but be pmt-ofif by such lack o f kinds o f food m ay need to change, and easy walks.
c ue. The veterinarian can scale the also. Many (dder Bullm astlfts ei^c^ the
ti eth, and m any owners have this Our breed does n ot com plain company o f a younger com panion. It
d m e routinely. It Is piosslUe to do it about discom fort, and agin g is a gra­ often helps to keep them active. Just
y >urself. dual process. Therefore, regular vet be sure the younger anim al does not
An o f our Bernese have responded checks are in order fo r the older ani­ constantly hassle the older. And be
V en to having th eir teeth cleaned at mal. Be aware o f changes in habits sure the veteran has h is own private
b ame. We use a German-made, ca- such as w ater consum ption, w e i^ t area to retreat to.
r Ine tartar scnq>er. It is curved w ith gain or loss, and the need for m ore My oldest veteran lived to be 14,
a s tr a l^ t edge. Several s ^ e s are frequent elim ination. These m ay sig­ and I have seen a num ber o f hearty
a 'allabic, but this has pMxnren best nal a physical problem . 11 to 13 year olds.
for us. T h e Dog O u tfltter,” 609 We tend to breed and show heavy- If you have anything to share
A com Street. Deer Park, NY 11729- bodied anim als. T h is m ay cause about veteran care, or p erh ^ js. your
3 591, oflers these in th eir catalog. grow th stress and. som etim es, heart favorite story about one, please
When cleaning teeth, s it down on problems. You m ay want to trim w rite.—J ,ln d a Right D ietrich ■


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A1M 1205 A1M 1905 7 S1AA9
__ A 109191S 4F 4 1 7 .4 9
LO W P R IC E S A 1091214 A 1091914 8M 4 1 2 .4 9
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ON C U P PER S 4 1 5 .1 9
— A1M 1919 9 4 1 2 .4 9
__ A 1091914 7F 4 1 2.59
AN D B LA D ES. A1M 12M AM 919M to 4 1 2 .7 5
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A1W 12M A1W 1903 15 4 1 2.75 BIAOE
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PAY A 109 12 01 A 109 19 01 40 4 1 2 .7 5 WIDCntEC)
S o n d M ail O r d e r s to : THE DOG’S OUTFITTER D e p t. a k G'O
609 A C O R N STREET DEER PARK, NEW Y O R K 11729-3691
'ít ím iN G GROUP

1 IT T H V B . R B A L H T
The im age o f the Am erican Dober-
I lan tends to be based m ore on myth
t lan on reality. Th e m yth started
1 ere w ith the ea ^ in ^ M irts from Eu-
I )pe. Typically, they amre filler grown
t nd had been raised as one-man
< ogB. In th is system , a man would
I Ick a Doberm an pup frm n a litter
{ od tea d i it to take food only from
1 Im and to allow only him to touch it.
y m ericans did not raise pupa that
1 'qr. They raised them as fam ily
c ogs. Interestingly, wdien Am ericans
I Used hom e-bred Doberm ans, m ost
( r them becam e uniquely satisfying
( ogs w ith m any virtues not found In
( ther breeds. Moat o f them showed
( anaikaM e Judgment: som e demon-
e trated d ea r Insight, sensing hu-
I lan needs and responding creative­
ly to th m .
W ithin a couple o f decades after
t ley came to th is country In sub-
t tantial num bers, the Am erican fan-
c lers bad a new tradition adilch InAm erica, the m yth affects the way The first was out fo r a w alk w ith
I lade the m ost o f th eir Doberm ans' Dobermans are perceived. her elderly m istress sdien the m is­
1 e mendoua m inds and devotion to Dobennan Heroes tress fell and could not get up. ThQr
i le lr human Camilles (and not ju st Recently, som e accounts have had walked Into an area w here no
( ne person). T h is reaU ^ o f the Do- come o f am azing heroics by Dober­ one was likely to fin d them adienever
1 erm antnAm erlcavlolatcd the myth mans. In the annual contest to find a search for them m l^ t b ^ in . The
i ^ t came w ith th eir ancestors. the d (^ hero o f the year, tw o Dober­ woman, realizin g she needed ambu­
But the m yth endured. It has Its mans appear In the fin al five. Just latory help soon, took one o f her
^ e renewed from tim e to tim e for a moment, consider the actions shoes and tied It to the Doberm an’s
t irou gh irreqxm slble treatm ent o f that prom pted the nom ination o f collar and sent h er hom e. T h is Is the
1Jdlvldua] Doberm ans and an occa- these two for th is special recogni­ am azing step In the heroism . Th in k
e lonal sick dog. A fter nearly 70 years tion. o f your dogs in the sam e situation.
Out on a walk, could you pretend to
fall and then tie som ething to your
dog's collar and send It for help?
77/f Such a gEune would take a great deal
o f practice. But, faced w ith a real
SUPERIOR need, th is Doberm an sensed help
DOG EXERCISER was essential and obeyed a com ­
mand she had no retison to know.
She had in sigh t enough to go hom e
^ MODEL J32 HB and to guide back help finm about a
3 PLY TROTTING BELT Th e second heroic act by a Dober­
TH E TR O TTE R man shows even m ore creativity.
6 FOOT TREAD. COMPLETE WITH SOERAIL P.O.Box 256 F W hile at hom e alone (except fo r her
AND GAITING POST MASSAPEQUA. N.Y. 11758 Doberm an), a w ell known Doberman
f1 FOR INFORMATION WRTTE OR C A U fancier. Candy Sangster, fell in to a
§ v-i I ^ ANY DAY TILL 10 PM
O T H E R M O D E LS AVAILABLE diabetic coma. H er Doberm an con­
3 ;,^ ! (516)798-5973 trived som e way to get out o f the

hóuaè, ànd then out o f a h illy be our Doberm ans o f the Year. W h a t' These are im taught. based on in­
ÿ e rd . Then, she set up a con- each did epitom izes the reasons so sights o f the dog in to interests
ruckus w hich flnaUy dls- many us put up w ith so much from and needs. The (rid European dream
a neightxH' tidio telephoned our beloved, but often m ischievous, o f an all-purpose dog that hts well
r to oompfadn about the Dober- special fam ify m embers, ou r Dober­ Into fam ily situations com es close to
W hen C aixty did n ot answer. mans. They sense real needs, and realization in the Am erican Dober­
I neighbor calted fo r em ergency when real needs arise, they try so man. They are not lim ited to certain
'h elp , w hich pronq itly arrived. The hard to help. t a ^ , but seem to fin d needs o f fam­
: technicians, however, refused to en- I Place the reality o f these actions by ily members w ith in th eir abilities.
; ter the Sangstrirhm ne because o f the these two Doberm ans against the In the mcmths ahead, m any o f our
Doberm an’s im sen ce. But the Do­ myth o f the breed. Consider these breed w ill su ffer from the m yths that
berm an w asn't givin g up at that dogs as w orking dogs. Truty, th eydld came w ith the origin al Eurt^iean im ­
s ta ^ . She insisted and [deaded and th eir w oik ; they even Invented it. In ports. Many prom ising pups w ill be
fln id ^ persuaded the technicians lesser ways, ou r Doberm ans do this ruined by ’’train in g” based on or re­
that she w anted them to go in to the r^ u la tly . One o f ours seem s to sense active to those myths. But the reality
h o iM , com m unicating as only a de- when I don’t hear sounds, and talks o f the deeds o f these two Dbberman
term lned Doberm an can do. Once In­ to m e about them. She has organized heroes is m ore representative o f
side. tb qr wene able to adm inister qu ite a vocabulary o f calls for certain sdiat a Doberman pup can and
gliMxise jneeded to end the com a sounds, w hich I notice after she tells should become.— FrankH , Groverm
w hich could have been fatal. me about them. Another rem inds me
These tw o w onderful dogs should o f anything burning on the stove.

One of the most successful kennel operators
in the country Oscar Calanca has strong
opitiioris about doing things right Aixl (xw
thing he irisists on is that every ( i ^ who
boards in his kennel first be vaociriated with
Intra Trac II to prevent canine cough.
*Before Intra Trac IIT says Calanca, *t had
serkxjs problems with Bordatela. It took
months to dear tt up, and it effected my
business. Ever since, I've relied on Intra Trac II
to keep my kennel Bordeteia-free. Arxl it
One shot of Intra Trac II wW immunize a
dog for a year. So safe, it cam be used on
2-week-old puppies. Intra Trac II acts fast
Protection starts as soon as 48 hours after
vacciriation. Maxirnum protection (xxnes
within 5-7 days. D on i let canine cough
torture the c k ^ you board— or their owners.
For rtwre iriftxrTiation (X) settirig ^ a
preventative program, write; Schering
Anim d Hedth, or ca l (201) 820-6217.

Schering Animal Health

...antf y o u im k i n g •d U ftn n c B 9 rm yd ë f

9 W Tiiniiinirmwiatwiin n niimnii nii-i-m


This m onth’s guest oahinm lst Is

1 ^year•aldC. E laine Robins.

Prom m y birth, Schnauzers have
b en m y eonqtanlons. A s a toddler, a
p q>pjr and I experienced slU in g rl-
V] by. W h en lw asaiaeach ooler, Ig o t
n f own p u {^ , ChaOen^jewlllow
B Hodlnula (quickly changed to
P ppi. In honor o f P lj^ l Longstock-
li g .n ^ role m odel at the tim e). When
P ppl was a puppy, she chewed eveiy-
tt Ing In s l^ t . It was a b ig relief
w Mn she stopped eatin g m y toys. 1
b ped never to go ttnough this
a( aln. W rong! A fter Plppl cam e m ore
m d m ore puppies, and. even now.
w ! still have a p u {p y —chew ing, o f
a ursel I loved all the piqiples. but
gi t tired o f td lln gd iab d leviQ g teach-
ei » that m y dog ate m y hom ewoi'k:.
Pippl and I have been best filen d s
si nee she was given to me w hen I was
ft e. O nly once have I w ished that she
w isn't my room m ate. On Christm as
di y. whoa. I was about e i^ t . Santa
C BUS brought me a bar at m y favor-
I t ; w hite chocolate. 1 carefully put that Pippl was the only dog in the bodies indiscrim inately. But h is fa­
tt e bar cm m y headboard, so I could house. Dogs w ere there before I was! vorite things w ere th eir little shoes.
Si vor it later. Th at evening. 1dlscov- There were Max, M aike, and Soucl, Maike gained her Game in m y eyes
ei ed that Pippl is Just as much a cbo- not to m endon the litters o f piqipies. l y chasing a b u rsa r out o f our hom e
ct boUc as I am. As I walked in to m y Max was m y m om ’s dpg, before I was one night. M aike used to take me
n om. 1 saw Pippi. lyin g cm m y bed, bom . He was really an Incredible swim m ing. I would Jump in the pcxrl
si irp in g down d ie last o f my cdicx^o* dog, w ith a lot o f exm m on sense. My w ith her. grab the scru ff o f h er neck,
la te bar! T h is scene was repeated mom tells the story o f how she and and o ff w e’d go.
n m y tim es until 1 finalty got sm art. Max were once rou ^ih ou sin g adíen 1 Now that I’m 17, I have so m any
N iw, when I buy cboccgate, I either was a tcxldler, and I crawled righ t stories to tell that I could talk fo r 100
b ly two bars o r split the only bar into the rowdiness and put m y arm years and probably s till have m ore to
w th Pliqil. It's su rprising how w ell in the m iddle o f Max’s b igjaw s. Max say about the wonders o f grow in g up
d is works. Onex she gets her emt, realized that it wasn’t m y m om ’s arm w ith dogs. I know that every n l^ t , I
w e n leave h a lf akme. O f course, that he was about to chew on. can sleep soim dly, depending on the
d e does have rel^ ises, and then I dre^ped m y arm lik e it had burnt dogs to protect me. And all m y
a id up as before, watcdiiqg m y choc- him , and slunk away. friends get a kick out o f cxrming to m y
cri ite goin g down her throat. Another dog that preceded me was house. My best friend and I often feel
1dem't m ean to give the im pression T o ly , our M lnl-Schnauzer. He and I w e’re tn a m edieval d in in g hall when
were always feuding. T o ly ate the we sit at the table and the dogs lie at
first tooth I lost! I was bouncing on our feet as i f w e w ere noble m edieval
QIAMT SCHNAUZER CLUB OF AMERICA the sofa, felt m y Icxise tooth slip, and
Ferimwmamtaboout ladies. G row ing up Schnauzer is
WHAT YOU SHOUU3 KNOW watched Toby snap it r i^ it out o f the great!
ABOUT THE GIANT air. I was reacly to kill him , but m y —C .E .R
SCHN AU 2EB-U M parents convinced me that the temth 1 thank Bfe. Robins fo r her
fairy would understand. Toby was con trlbu tlon .^D r. Catherine H.
also forever eatin g m y Barbie dolls. Robins B
He would chom p arm s, legs, and
I :

"Because w inning isn't

i ^ everything—
it's the OIMLY thing!"

'.„ „ i l l

T lie B E S T x lo « are conditioned with #1 ALL SYSTEMS. "

Professional Canine Hair Care Products. That's the kind of
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Com plete #1 ALL SYSTEMS Usage and Groom ing G uide­

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Cbaeictfc quality coat dresswgnwth super anti-static
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JUNE 1988 115


to w hether breederAJudges or aU- to see the beautiful puppies and dogs

i i M l Danes rounders should J u d ^ specialties. com ing up, the quaUty specials, the
There are points to be made for both, stud dogs and brood bitches, and the
r nSTNATIOIfAL but. I think It behooves us to rem em ­ high Intelligence o f ou r breeid that Is
CXir fln t In d qjcn d eiit N a tl(»a l ber that there are so m any Dane exhibited In the obedience classes. I
S «d a lty w ill be h M at York Shera- “ types" shown these days, that It is enjoy the com raderie that is present
tc a Inn, York, Pennsylvania. Sep­ dffBcult for any ju dge to com e up ringside and a t the various lim c-
ta inber 3-7 1988. T h is prom ises to w ith a W inners class aU o f sim ilar tlons.
bi a spectacular five fo r Dane- type. He or she can onty do th eir best Our national specialty should be a
d m . They win Include Awards o f w ith what Is presented, sortin g them must for a ll serious breeders, exh ibi­
M a it. Com petitive Veterans Class, out as "th eir eye” ffts each exh ibit to tors. and especially, for newcom ers
R radescfV eteransandC lu u iqilm is. th eir Interpretation o f the Dane to our breed. It is a valuable learning
hi turlty, Junior bandUng, obedience standard. Not an easy task adíen ]n>u experience, a once a year o j^ r t u -
d loses, and regular daases w ith pos- have 30-40 In a class, or 75-100 n lty to see and evaluate breeding
sl 12-15 m onths, 15-18 m onths, (diam plons In the ring. It takes guts, stock, to vis it w ith friends, and to
ai d puppy classes divided by o d o r and it takes a b ig charge o f the three m eet m any o f the nam es you have
([ ending AKC approva l), ptus. the “E’s": experience, ego and an eye, heard but not seen.
T p 20 Danes, educational pro- w ith m ost o f an, the latter. If you have n ot done so already,
gi ams, auction, ■ eJf « n h ig banquet We are not In a position to make your reservation at tbe S heri­
ai d farewell luncheon. D o not m iss out-judge the Judges from ringside, dan Inn now.
tl e opportunity to participate in espedally w hen the rlnsses are very Look forw ard to seeing you
tl ese Dve great Dane days. And. as la^ge. T o me, it Is ju s tv e iy gratifyin g there.—Mrs. Paddy Magnuson ■
If an the above was n ot enough, the
q ed a lty win be follow ed tty a week-
ei d o f fou r 5 point m ajors In the Im- few shows and she did n ot get the
n ediateaiea. Oreot Pyrenees attention I felt was her due. She has
Fbr m ore informaUcm. w rite to two m ajors under h er belt and sud­
C iio i Ann McKenna. 142 Precinct Now that our 1988 National Spe­ denly judges w ere totaify ignoring
O M iddleboro. MA 02347. cialty Is over and a adiole bunch o f us her. I'm not saying she should have
A wen suiqm rted national spe- didn 't w in, the ftdlowing reprint by won every show, but there should
0 ilty, such as the Northern National Q k n Hale from the P.F.N.E. PyrSay have been som e acknowledgem ent o f
R iglanal Specialty held last year m ight be appropriate. the fact that she existed. Many
(t Iso at Y o Á . Penns^vanla). offers thoughts w ent through m y m ind. Is
tl every best opportunity to view the TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED there a sudden prejudice against
ta p stock a breed has to offer at that I was extrem ely m iffed recently. I good sized bitch es? Am I h ittin g
p lint in tim e. had entered m y favorite Pyrenees in a Judges who don't lik e m arked Ifyren-
W hile show com m ittees mnke ev-
ei y effort to have the best possiU e
Ji dgingpands. Judges are really sec-
a d a iy at a national specialty. Sd-
d an do serious breeders and
e falbltoTB avoid a specialty becatise
o a particular Judge or Judging
p ind. B qierlen ced Judges, w ith
g od tin g presence, cool beads, and
al ilUtlca in fln dln g the best repre-
si ntatlwes from the m any large
d uses, are a bonus and a benefft to
a ty national specialty. However, If
tl eju d gln g Is m ediocre or even poor,
II Is a disappointm ent, bu t certainly
d les not ruin the event.
Most Judges win rise to the occa-
a on. as they consider It an honor to
b ! Invited to Judge a national spe-
c oltyand winput a lot o f forethought
a id pianning Into th eir assignm ent.
There Is always the controversy as

Another Bob McKee exclusive design. A
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write or phone lo r llluetreted catalog

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why settle lor Leas Than The Beat?
ees? fe t h m so m eth li^ drastically l_ — 10864 M AG N O LIA BLVD.
the naatter w ith th e way I am han­ DUES M C lX C C , Inc. NO. HOLLYWOOD. C A 91601
dling her?
T o answer that la^t question, I
asked m y husband If he would do a
practice session w ith her to see If she
would som ehow show better w ith
him than she did w ith me. A ll o f a
sudden, as he was m oving her to­
ward me, the reason for her hqise HandCrafted Jewelry
Into sudden anonym ity was made
startUngHy apparent. H er m ovem ent by
looked as sloppy as an Ice cream cone
on a particu laily hot July day!
Now, If there w as one th in g I was
Artistic’s in Miniature
a b s o lu te sure o f was that th is bitch
has an outstanding front. There are
other things to w o n y about, but one
o f the first thin gs ariybody ever says
is, **Wbat a beautiful fixm t she has. **I
was so sure o f i t I never paid any at­
tention to It. I forgot com pletely
about what lack o f m uscle tone w ill Prod Electroplated
do to the m ost perfect structure. Nat­ Code Item 1 4K G old Ific k d
urally, a ry sane dog is not goin g to
take the sam e sort o f exercise (at 10 Charm $22.00 $19.00
least, n ot vohm tarlly) in warm
w eather as be w ill when it is cool. I 20 Teardrop $26.00 $23.00
also forgot that a dog can go to pot Pendant
Just as easily as w e can. (Shown)
I hope I am not the only unobser­
vant dum m y in the w orld, bu t there 40 B roodi $24.00 $21.00
are marry changes that I fa ll to see in
m aturing puppies u n til weeks or
m onths after the changes occur. It
was n ot im til ou r latest male puppy
was standing next to his sire that I
realized that he was n ot a teeny, tiny
Actual Size
piqipy anym ore. I saw that he had
only a cou{rie o f Inches to go to reach 1**" X I***"
his sire's size w hen I was pictu ring
him as bein g the size he was when he
w as three m onths (M . It was a lot
easier to forgive him fo r his gaw ki­
ness and lack o f m aturity in other ar­
eas because, as a good friend o f m ine Call: 1-800-346-5284
says. “How m any ways can a puppy
grow at ance?”
... '
There are so m any things that can Add 5% Shipping & H andling ($2.00 M inim um )
be taken for granted. B ites are an ex- N . Y . Residents add sales tax.
anqrie. They can change from good to Mail to: Parker Distributing Company
bad or bad to good, and the change
can be overlooked fo r a goodly of North America, Inc.
am ount o f tim e ju st because the as- P .O .B ox 1417
sunqitlon is made that things like Schenectady, N Y 12301
that don 't (diange. But they do. F ora
long tim e. I was under the im pres­ Send for a free catalog o f all AKC breeds
sion th at our first Ityrenees grew per-

JUNE1988 117

could m aintain our present course crowd, at oiu- lelstue, w e can critiqu e
'^¡ntUuied so Goodyear rxtuld rent him as a ourselves as w ell as our dc^s. W ith
e c ^ qrmmetrlcanjr. Hla rear never standby. the ability to “ stop action " and “re­
It h ^ e r than his fix n t. etc. Iw as It is much easier fo r me to see both play,” adio knows how m any correct- ■
nUghtOMd when, several years ago, good and bad changes In m y friends’ able faults w e m ay detect? We may
started to sort his puppgr pictures dogs because I don’t live w ith them then understand adiy our was
□ran afcum. everyday. However, m y m idyear reso­ “overlooked” In the show ring. See­
O f course, th is delayed perception lution Is to try to stand bardt from oay in g our dog In com petition w ith oth­
pocks both ways. It n o «»««*!»«»« takes own dogs every cou^de o f w edrs and ers w ill help us have a greater
qu ite awhile to see th at a dog has really evaluate them . It m ight work. understanding and appreciation o f
ut^nown the gawks and could actu- It would be qu ite a glfl.toparaph rase the Judge’s decision to look beyond
iHy be taken Into th e show rin g the poet. B um s, If w e could see our our entry fo r the w inner.
pldiout fear o f the Judge and specta- dogs as others see them. On the p ositive side, w e m ay Just
ors rottn g on the ground In im con- —E.H. be lucky enough to record that spe­
roDafate laughter. Sudden^. I look at So m any o f us now have video cam­ cial “w in " w hen ou r shows like
mother dog and see that m y form er eras or have a friend adio owns one. we always knew he could .—Carolyn
away scrag w ill have to go to a Let’s put our show prospect or par­ H a rd y »
liTnmtBg spa I f I d o n t start cu tting ticipant on camera. A t hom e In com ­
lim doavn a b it or, o f course, we fort, away from the od tical ringside

I have been reading back issues o f straight to m y eye. and generalty feels
Comondoiok the Komondor Komments (otu* na­ less dense than it realty m ight be.
tional club’s new sletter) and other Brushing can be a good w ay to hide a
IAKH«« FOR THE COAT publications, and have noticed that faulty coat In a puppy, bu t the truth
Fen- a Kotnondor owner, e n o u ^ there are Indeed m any ways to man­ eventualty com es out when It is tim e
an’t be w ritten about groom ing. Al- age the corded coat— som e I agree to cord. W hich brin gs us to the next
hougb it all has been said before. It w ith, others I do not. I also tm eov- stage o f coat developm ent—the be­
inb ea n repeating: It isn 't difficu lt to ered some neat tricks w hich I’m anx­ gin n in g cords.
ord your Kom ondor. (Pm' the most ious to share w ith you. Th ick o r T h in
lort. it wlU h ^ p e n w ith o r w ithout First, let’s start at the beginning: When the coat begins to cord,
ou r b d ^ . But there is a im a H r to the puppy coat. Th e decision some some fu rther decisions need to be
x ep iq g the coat dean amdweOorga- petqrle face here Is adiether to brush made. These decisions fall in to a cat­
lized.) or not to brush. My preference here Is egory loosely term ed as “th ick or
easy—I do not. But others have of­ th in ?" Once again, there are decent
For breed Iniormalion
fered som e real reasons for vdiy they argum ents fo r eith er choice.
Send bnielAIEtO' like to brush pu{q>ies. First, I m ust qu alify the actual de­
A freshly washed and brushed-out cision by adm ittin g that m any coats
# M i d d l « A l t a t i c S ta te s
p u iq ^ coat can be beautlftil. It looks make the decision fo r you w ith in cer­
K o fflo m lo fC lM b , In c .
h u ^ , m akes the puppy look bigger, tain lim its. A puppy w ith a huge,
102 Russell Rd. and Is clean. It’s easy to look at, and heavy, dense coat Is goin g to end up
Princeton, N.J. 08540
$3.50 Kotnondor News$18yr
those judges who do n ot lik e the w ith a huge corded coat, no m atter
corded coat usually love the how you make the decision. A lter­
brushed-out look o f the p u ] ^ co a t nately. a puppy w ith a th lim er but
IW B lT ifffc T W K D W D W D O B Brushing helps to rem ove grass and correctly curly coat w ill have few er
ZSnrnmVHStàHoapepnducat/by tw ig bits from the coat, and the sepa­ cords and less coat no m atter what
Hoiiertfmni rated hairs reflect ligh t better and you do. Som e coats cord them selves
make the dog look cleaner, especially w ith little help from the owner, and
DogsiM d onlocaan to in those trouble spots lik e the face some coats need lots o f effort to look
USA anO a and the rear.
in Caadi. Hus. good. It Is at th is poin t that the deci­
Mes as congMe AKC Personally, I prefer the unbrushed, sions are made as to how the coat w ill
Sandad.Scripl tncWsd. c u i^ look. A good Kom ondor coat is be handled and eventualty how the
S17.00 postpao (U.S.) cu ily and a b it coarse— even before It coat w ill look.
Frnign SZZ.OO ly air
(atadly RM. or Saaam) Ordtrfrom actually cords. In fact, the cords form In general, th in cords are m ore
Chacto|iU.S.dalas{S). M .A.S.K.C., Inc. follow ing the pattern o f the curls. So work to develop. T h is stands to rea­
102 R u sse l Road as a breeder, vriien I’m Judging coats, son. as the ow ner w ill be separating
Piincalon, NJ I want to see curl and density. A the coat into thinner strands, w hich
oe&M brushed and blown coat looks too takes m ore tim e and requires m ore

announce its third fiction writing contest. Cash prizes will go to
the top three winners, with $500 awarded for first place, $250
for second place, and $150 for third place, and each will receive
a one-year subscription to the GAZETTE. The top three winning
stories will be published in the GAZETTE. In addition, up to nine
Honorable Mention stories will receive a Certificate of Merit and
a one-year subscription to the GAZETTE.


Contest Rules
1. T h e co n te st is o p e n to a n y w rite r, a m a te u r o r p ro fe s­ b e r o n th e u p p e r rig h t-h a n d c o m e r o f all s u c c e ssiv e
sio n a l, e xce p t fo r e m p lo y e s o f T h e A m e rica n K e nnel p a g e s. E n trie s th at d o n o t c o m p ly w ill n o t be read.
C lu b , th e ir im m e diate fa m ilie s, a n d m o n th ly d e p art-
5. A ll acce ptab le e n trie s w ill be read b y a panel o f
m e n y c o lu m n ists (b re e d c o lu m n ists excepted).
ju d g e s, w h o se d e c isio n s w ill be fin al.
O n ly o n e sto ry p e r a u ^ o r w ill be accepted.
6 . T h e G A ZETTE c a n n o t a c k n o w le d g e receipt o f m a n u ­
2. E n trie s m u st be o rig in a l, u n p u b lish e d s to rie s that
sc rip ts, an d a s s u m e s n o re sp o n sib ility fo r m an u ­
h ave n o t been acce p te d o r offered to a n y o th e r p u b ­
s c rip ts th at are lo st.
lish e r at th e tim e o f su b m is sio n . T h e G A ZETTE re­
ta in s first se ria l rig h ts to p u b lish th e th re e virinning 7. M a n u sc rip ts w ill n ot be returned , an d a u th o rs are
e n trie s a n d u p to n in e a d d itio n a l H o n o ra b le M e n tio n a d vise d to keep th e ir o rig in a ls.
e n trie s at th e d isc re tio n o f th e e d ito rs.
8 . E n trie s m u st be p o stm a rk e d b y m id n igh t, Se p te m b e r
3 . E n trie s m a y be o n a n y su b je ct th at re late s to 3 0 , 1 9 8 8 . N o n e w ill be a c c e p t s th at are p o stm a rk e d
p u re -b re d d o g s an d w ill be ju d ge d o n o rig in a lity, after that date.
style , an d co n te n t. M a x im u m le n g th is 2 0 0 0 w o rd s. 9. W in n in g e n trie s o n ly w ill be n o tified b y m ail o n o r
T h e e xa c t w o rd c o u n t is to be typed o n th e first p a ge a b o u t D e ce m b e r 3 0 , 1 9 8 8 . C o n te st re su lts w ill n o t
an d e n trie s e x ce e d in g 2 0 0 0 w o rd s w ill n o t be c o n s id ­ be d isc lo se d b y tele p h o n e . W in n in g s to rie s w ill be
ered. p u b lish e d in su c c e s s iv e is s u e s o f th e G AZETTE be­
4. E a ch m tr y m u st be type w ritte n o n o n e sid e o f 8 V 2 x g in n in g in th e M a rc h 1 9 8 9 issu e .
11 w h ite paper, d o u b le sp a c e d . S h a rp p h o to c o p ie s
S e n d m a n u sc rip ts to:
a n d e n trie s p rin te d o n c o rre sp o n d e n c e q u a lity dot
m atrix p rin te rs a re a lso acce ptab le . N o p o o r qu a lity P u re -B re d D o g s/ A m e ric a n K e n n e l G azette
o r fad e d c o p ie s ca n be c o n sid e re d . T h e a u t h o r's R c tio n W ritin g C o n te st
n am e, a d d re ss, a n d d a ytim e te le p h o n e n u m b e r m u st T h e A m e rica n K e n n e l C lu b
be typ e d in th e u p p e r rig h t-h a n d c o m e r o f the first 51 M a d is o n A ve n u e
pa ge , w ith th e a u t h o r's la st n am e a n d th e p a ge n u m ­ N e w Y o rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 0

type o f skin problem . eter. For thick cords, the base should
Tontbtued A m ore thickly corded coat stays on be about the size o f a quarter, or
ffbrt. A fully m ature coat o f thinner the dog better, bu t has Its ow n set o f maybe even a half-dollar. 1personally
(xdB has advantages: It's easier to problem s: It's harder to get clean use the cjuarter size fo r m y coats.
lean (d irt ca n t blcfe In ttie m iddle o f (d irt hides in the m iddle o f the cords But m any prefer the larger, heavier
ith ln cord). It's easier to d iy (it takes and is im possible to rem ove), it takes half-dollar size for th eir d o ^ . It's all
MS tim e for a thin card to dry), and longer to dry (adilch is harder cm the a m atter o f taste and adiat pleases
be thin cords m ove better on an dog), and does not m ove as gracefully your eye.
du lt Kom ondor (th e th in cords when the dog Is m oving at a trot. The Next m onth. 111cover m anagem ent
DOve m ore In consort when the dog worst o f these problem s Is that o f o f the corded coat and gitram lng tips
s trotting). drying, especially fo r those o f you for the corded dog.
The disadvantage is th at the thin adío live in a m ore hum id clim ate. A
ofd s can be separated firom the dog damp coat sm ells bad, picks up d irt SPBCIALT7
DCfe easily. A bitch w ith th in cords m ore easily, m ildews, and cstn cause The Kom ondor Chib o f Am erica
rho has puppies Is m ore likely to skin problem s. The best advice I can w ill be hosting its Second Indepen­
lave coat damage (over the ahoul- oCfer anyone is to make sure the dog dent N ational Specialty in Atlanta,
lera and on the rum p) than one w ith is absolutely dry before it goes out­ Georgia, on October 14, 1988. De­
b lA c r cords. D uring pregnancy, a side. A large ccmimerclal type dog tails can be obtained from Laura
»itch's system is busy m aking babies dryer is a m ust, as Is a large w ire Manor, 3379 S p r in ^ lll Road.
in d n oth alr.T h ecoatb ecom esth in - c a ^ , and a few b ig floor fans to help Smjnna, GA 30080. Flans for the
ler during this tim e, and a thin cord circulate air. weekend are shaping up nicety, and
vlilcfa has ju st becom e th in n er at a So once the decision is made, how if past perform ance is any Indica­
ertala spot (th e ^x>t c f grow th do w e go about actualty determ ining tion, it looks to be educational and
rhlcfa coincides w ith th e tim e o f the size o f the cords? Wen, n y rule o f lots o f fun. Flease do plan to
v a lia n c y ) is easy to p u l c^ . A thinly thumb Is the nlckel/quarter m ethod attend .—Nancy Hand Llebes ■
xaded dog w ho gets a flea can de­ o f cord-spllttlng. For thin cords, the
lude a large section o f coat In no base o f the developing p u ] ^ dum p
Im e at aU, as can a h ot-q x it or any should be the size o f a n lck d In diam ­

N either can she protect them If. at

the lig h te s t provocation, she at­
tacks them and Injures or k ills them.
Th is m onth's guest colum nist Is Sheep, especially ewes, can be very
I ala E tn ^ b u iy. Lala and L an y threatened l^ a dog. Ewes are often
1(In gd iu iy own S pinning Wheel much m ore aggressive towards the
( >heq> Fbrm In PrankftMt, Maine, dog because o f th eir own fear and In
' h e y use Kuvasz fo r ptedator con- defense o f th eir lam bs. Ram s are
t ml w ith great success. m ore confident and do not need to
protect th eir young, so are often
1'B B D k rM tC G M fT K O I. m ore at ease w ith the dog as th elr
The Kuvasz's natural Instinct for companlon.
I u aidm gllvestocfc is alive and doing The Kuvasz m ust convince the
1 a y w e ll In choosing a Kuvasz for sheep that she Is the dom inant ani­
I led ator control, tenqieram ent is mal, using a m anner that does not
t lie m ost Inqiortant tralL Th e dog hurt them. Th e Kuvasz seem s to
<annot protect her d ia ig e s If she Is sense vdien a sheep is about to
I fla id d them and runs from them. charge and w ill stand alert, looking
at the anim al. If the sheep charges
anyway, the dog makes a ferocious
g ro viln g noise. If the grossin g is not
KOM ONDOR BREED enough to stop the sheep, the dog
For information on the puts both fron t feet on the sheep's Th is behavior has been observed
— Th e National Club — shoulders, still grow ling, w ith her not only In those Kuvaszok raised
12340 Indian T ra i Rd. m uzzle burled In the wocd o f the w ith sheep, but also In a Kuvasz who
Los Gatos. C A 95030 sheep's shoulders. However, the Ku­ was a city dog u n til she was three
(408)8 67-563 0 vasz does not b ite or pull even one years old. 'This dog had never been
KOMONDOR CLUB OF AMERICA. INC piece o f wool firom the sheep. trained in aity way on how to react to

a b e ^ . b u t relied on her basic in- sheep on a sm all farm , adth pastures Next tim e, Lala w ill share w ith
stíncts. dose to the house, can protect the us her methcxl o f raisin g Kuvasz
Th e stable tenqieiam ent Is a must. anim als and still be bonded to the p u i^ les to be predator control dogs
A dqg Is nesvous and constantly people. She m ay run to the pasture as wen as farm dogs, show dogs, and
h a s ^ dudlenge to protect h erself Is gate, barking In happy greeting com panions.—P a u la Wilson ■
too threatened and unstable to be adien her m aster com es, but she adll
safe w ith sheep. D on't make the m is­ return to her sheep and protect
take o f th in kin g the n atu ral^ qu iet them. __ l .K.
and wdl-m annered Kuvasz is afraid.
Just the opposite Is true. The
setf-isssured. confident Kuvasz. like
other mammals (inclu din g hu­ Ing or lum p that lasts or Increases In
m ans), does n ot have to constantly Mastiffs size. Such lumps are usually finm d
test. However, even at a young age, on the skin, reproductive organs,
the Sdf-confident pup w ill not react HEALTH WATCH FOR CANINES mammary areas, lymph glands and
w ith fear to new experiences, bu t w ill Cancer In dogs is an all-t<x>- mouth. Such tum ors are m ore apt to
eiqikHe and be curious. frecpient problem . A t present, there ocxur as the dog ages, esp)eclally after
There is a real need fo r a dog to Is considerable research devoted to its 10th birthday. Although many
protect the sm all flock. Many o f these various form s o f carcinom a. A t the skin tiunors are not m alignant, they
(xm slst o f rare breeds and pure-bred 1987 Arm ual M eeting o f the M orris should be tested. Chem otherapy can
anim als, and are handspinning Anim al Foim datlon, Dr. Ralph C. R i­ be used fo r the treatm ent o f lymph
flocks, where the Investm ent m aybe chardson, head o f the Onccriogy De­ glands dym ihom a) sucxessfully in
^ccmsiderable even though the num- partm ent at Purdue University, some cases.
:bers w ith in the (locks are small. presented a report on canine caiKcr. Mammary tum ors in unspayed
Th e Kuvasz wants to protect all o f It's estim ated th at one dog out o f bitches m ay be concerous. bu t the
its m aster's possessions, including 25 devdoped som e kind o f cancer In problem is m uch less likely to ocour
the sheep. She exh ibits a natural in ­ '87. Dr. Richardson listed some In s p ^ e d bitches—another excellent
stin ct to stay in the pasture even symptoms fo r owners to watch for. reason for having a pet neutered!
though she can easily get out. The Am ong these are any unusual sweD- O ther sym ptom s to note arc sud-
(rider Kuvasz Introduced to a pasture
haa:the in stin ct to patrol the fence SiaonKoener
line, mark the territory, and be alert
for predators or intruders o f any
kind enterin g the pasture. Th e fe­
male Kuvasz marks her territory In
the sam e m anner used the male.
She w ants a Jcri> and. even though
she Is bonded to the humans, she
win stay w ith the sheep and protect
them a ^ en she understands that Is
what Is wanted.
Th e old Instincts are strong, and
the! Kuvasz w ill respond to them.
B onding to the sheep as such does
not appear to be necessary fo r the
K u w ^ to do her Job successful^.
T o o 'o fte n , w e hum ans underesti­
m ate the intelligencx o f these mar­
velous anim als. They are happiest
adíen they are w orking fo r us.
Th e sman flock operation adth at­
tention from the oamers is probabty.
In m any ways, close to the Old W orld
m ethod used in Europe. Th e Europe­
ans had a sh eep h od er w ho lived
w ith the sheep, and there was bond­
in g between the shepherd and his
dogs. T h e Kuvasz w ho protects his

JUNE 1968 121

■■ih. 0£I

circulated, bu t cannot be stressed be gradual. Stress, such as trip s to

Continued, c' ¡1 ' too often, or b r o u ^ t to your atten­ th evet, to shows, or to boarding k en -1 '
den, o r uneacplalned loM (rf w eigh t or tion too hequently. Th ey are as fol­ neis, m ay be a factor. it*
tqipetlte: sores that do n o tliea l: d iffi­ lows: It m ust be em phasized that, at pre­
culty In breathing; and p rnbfe«™« in Large dogs should be fed two or sent, the cause, or causes (it’s con­
urinating or defecating. AH could be three tim es a day. Instead o f one sidered m ultifactorial In origin ), o f
danger signs, and should be large meal dally. this often fatal ailm ent is, or are, not
ptxxnptfy cdiecked >nur veterinar­ Th e d eg should be watched after it as yet known. Treatm ent, I f prom pt,
ian. has eaten. m ay be successful, bu t dogs that
Canine cancer is treated 1^ the T o quote from the report, symp­ have had an attack o f bloat are prone
same raetboda as hum an m alignan­ tom s o f the onset o f bloat are “ab­ to recurrence o f the disease.
cies: w ith radlaticHi, diem otben qiy, dom inal fullness, wh in in g, pacing, The M orris Anim al Foundation Is
and surgery. Thanks to advances in gettin g up and tying down, stretch­ currently funding extensive studies
diagnosis and treatm en t your dog ing, looking at the abdom en, anxiety on the problem ofb loat. I f you w ish to
stands a m u d i better d u io ce o f sur­ and unproductive attem pts to help, your contribution m ay be sent
viving this dreaded disease today vom it.” to the fotm datlon, m arked speclft-
than it would have m the past, and Th e panel’s recom m endations calty “For Bloat R esearch." Th e ad­
further Im provem ents m ay be ex­ were to lim it w ater (In excessive dress Is: M orrrls Anim al Found­
pected as research continues In vari­ am ounts) after the m eal, bu t other­ ation, 45 Inverness D rive East,
ous areas. w ise w ater should be available at aU Englewood, CO 80112.
B k iat an other ong oing problem , is tim es. All the inform ation in th is cedurrm
alsobeliiglnvestlgB ted. A p a n d d^cx- Avoid vigorous exercise an hour is courtesy o f the foundation, and is
perts. also at the M orris Anim al before feeding, and tw o hours after gratefully acknowledged. A dditional
Foundation m eeting, issued some the meal. inform ation m ay be obtained ftom
veryla gw ita n tgu ld d ln esa sp reca u - Abrupt changes in d iet have occa­ your colum nist or from the
U onaiy m easures to h d p avoid b lo a t sionally been known to trigger bloat, MAF.—Patricia Bennett Hoffman ■
These suggestions have been w idely so any alteratlcms in feeding should


The Wearfoundland d u b o f Am er­
ica has undertaken a lon g term , com-
prdienatvc study o f health and
disease factors and relative longevity
In our breed, w ith the form ation and
Initial ftin d ln go f the WCA Health anri
Longevity Com m ittee.
Co-chtdrmen Judy M iller and Be-
clqr Stanevicb began In 1987 by
designing a Prevalence Study ques-
tkm nslre form to be m ailed thrciugh-
out the NCA m em bership, and to
members o f the 26 regional New-
foundUnd du bs affiliated w ith the
NCA. A survey planned fo r 1989 w ill
Btwty d ie health o f Newfoundlands
surviving past th eir lO O i birthday.
The accum ulated data w ill be proc­
essed and banked by Becky
Stanevlch, w ho hop)cs to use the ma­
terial as part o f her thesis to com­
plete her Ph.D. in epidem idogy.
For the present, at least, surveys
win stress anonym ity, w ith the hope

: o f attractiiig as large a response as breeding stock elsewhere. Their pur­ Mrs. Navln's Shipmates Kermels
p o s ^ le . Pet owners and breeders poseful and nuyor contribution to [Hxxluced black and Landseer New­
it alike win be asked to describe onfy- breeding programs that came after­ foundlands and West Hi^iland
i^. tboM d o ^ that are presently alive ward was thoughtful, continuous White Terriers. The best known New-
[!, and'on their own home property. linebreedlng coufded with detailed, foundland to carry her prefix In
; Physiological problems recognized statistical fcdlow-throu^. American pedigrees is Cb. Sclplo o f
as prevalent in the Newfoundland or The Hartzes were forced to reor­ Shqnnates.
as peculiar to our breed Include aller­ ganize twice, once wdien a variant Mrs. Navln’s 35 years o f contribu­
gic dermatitis, hip and elbow c^pla- distemper virus killed 22 o f their tion to the world o f Newfoundlands
sia. eyelid malformation and heart Newfoimdlands. and later wdien an included her major role in the forma­
defects. Other problems seen in the interstate freeway absorbed much of tion o f the Newfoimdland Dog Chib
breed Include many seen in their property. But they were able to o f Canada in 1963, and the many ar­
pure-bred dogs as a whole or in larger draw succes^uOy from the programs ticles she wrote for its newsletter.
pure-breds. These may include hypo­ o f later breeders’ descendants o f Neu^News. Her research on the de-
thyroidism, undescended testldes, their early stock, and they were velr^ment o f the Newfoimdland dog
deft palate and dental malocdusion, th erd ^ able to produce quality New­ in Canada forms the bulk o f that
umbilical hernia, and developmental foundlands wen into the 1970s. chapter in TTifs Is The Newfound­
problems of the ^ eleta l system. land, the Newfoundland Chib o f
Other breed dubs Interested in a NONANAVIN America handbook.—Anne Paine
stu(fy o f their own breed may wish to Nona Navln o f IXmdas. Ontario, WlUtamsU
fdlow the NCA study. Copies o f the passed away in October, 1987,atthe
Prevalence Study form are available ageofSS.
Iqt writing to J u ^ Miller, Route One.
Bok 11, Dresser. W I54009.

The modem worid o f Newfound­
land dogs lost one o f its most presti­
gious and respected developers and
W H A T???
stqsporters with the death o f Clifford
H u tz on January?. 1988. COPY OF THE NEW
cuff Hartz and his w ife Ted J-B WHOLESALE
(Theodora) b^fan to breed New-
fouridlands about 1940, tmder the CATALOG/HANDBOOK?
kennd prefix Oquaga. the name o f a
lake near their home in Windsor, We have the most complete selection of professional dog
New York. Their Initial foundation products and equipment avaiable anywhere—at low, low prices!!
stock came from two established □ □□
breeders in Ontario, Canada: Edric AND OUR SALE FLYERS ARE TERRUIC
Emmet at Laurd Brae Kermels and □□ □
R D . Oliver at Shelton Kennels, We have in stock everything from vaccines and crates to the most
whose breeding programs involved comprehensive selection of supplements, from combs and
descendants of the famous English brushes to shampoos and grooming products and equipment and
sire “Sikl.’* The significance o f this the best book section you’il see in any catalog.
Canadlan-Oquaga cormection is
that it occurredJust before European W RITE FOR A FREE COPY O F OUR NEW
breeding pragrams were severe^ de­ CATALOG/HANDBOOK NOW!
pleted or lost altogether during
Wtsld War n. The valuable genetic
material preserved in Slkl’s sons and J-B WHOLESALE PET SUPPLIES, he.
daughters in Canada and at Oquaga 289 Wagaraw Road, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 □ (201) 423-2222
is present today in nearly all North Pleate RUSH me a cop)/vournew catrittg.
American Newfoundland breeding
programs. N A M E ____
The Hartzes were not prominent ADDRESS.
ediibltors, preferring Instead to
watch their breeding products grow
up ^ d become worthy show and

JUNE 1968 123


Portuguese W ater Dogs

This m onth’s cohim n Is so im por­
tant and a real jo y to w rttel It is uery
rare for a i^ breed to bawe Its fanciers
Identify, attack, and solve a m ajor ge­
netic problem . 'This has been accom­
plished th is past year by an
open-minded and far-seeing Portu­
guese W ater D og Club o f Am erica.
What Is Storage Dissass?
Th e icdlonring is a statem ent from
Karen M iller, the 1967 R esid en t o f
If w e are to preserve and further
the breed, the tim e has com e to look
more closely at the critical issues still
Eeudng us as a result o f ou r sm all gene
pool. One m ust rem em ber that In
1968, there w ere fewer than 20
PWDs known in the w orid. We m ust
p ^ tribute to the fiounding m embers
who bred individuals o f good tyx>e,
disposition, and physical soundness
from an extrem efy ■urmW gene pool.
Now it is our respon siU lify, and we responsible fo r breaking down and What Is An Bnayme Assay?
must redouUe our efforts to breed clearing out toxic m atter from nerve T h e gene for GM-1 produces an
dogs that conform to ou r standard cells. The disorder in the pup is enzyme needed for norm al bodily
and vdK> carry a m inim um o f inher­ called ’storage disease’ because the functions. A n assay is a sophistica­
ited disorders. As Dr. F. B. H utt has nerve cells swell w ith accum ulated or ted chem ical test perform ed on a
said, ’Any breed can ca n y genetic stored toxic m atter and can no blood or tissue sam ple to determ ine
|unk.’ That is no reflectkm on the longer function norm ally. the am ount o f activity o f an enzym e.
tneed, but it could becom e so i f the The Stonge Disease Test When a norm al GM-1 gene is inher­
breeders do not take steps to elim i­ “W ith thanks to Dr. Jeitdd S. Bell, ited from both parents, an assay wlU
nate i t project coordinator and ch ief re­ show a h l ^ level o f GM-1 eiu ym e ac­
T h e follow ing is a nontechnical searcher, the PWDCA Health and Ed­ tivity in the blood. When only one
explanation o f storage disease: ucation Com m ittee on M etabolic parent passes on a norm al gene, the
"A t about five m onths o f age, a D isorders is proud to arm ounce that enzym e activity w ill be approxi­
puppy w ill develop a genetically the Pilot Study on Storage Disease m ately h a lf the norm al level. W hen
caused, progressive, neurological has been com pleted w ith excellent no norm al genes are passed, en ^ m e
disorder that makes him prance, results. An enzyme assay fo r GM-1 activity level win be n ^ ig lb le ."
sway, or stum ble as ifb e w ere drunk. storage disease w ill now be availa­ — K.M.
He is alert, not in pain, but contin­ ble to a ll owners o f PWDs. However, Storage Disease Status Test
ues to lose coordlnatkm and control it must be clearly understood that Designations
o f bodily functions. By the tim e he is this screening procedure is not an E^ch dog w ill receive a GM-1 Assay
seven or eigh t mcHittis o f age he w ill absolute test o f the genetic status o f Rating indicating h is Storage Sta­
die, or m ust be put to sleep. There is the dog. No enzym e assay, human or tus. By the tim e you read th is article,
no cure for th is disease. canine, ever is. It is a reasonable ap­ all puppies and breeding stock win
”What ha(^>ened is that a dam and proxim ation o f the blood enzym e ac­ have had the o f^ r tu n lty to be tested
sire who appear and behave norm ally tivity o f the dog on a partlinilar day. and receive a storage status designa­
have passed on an abnorm al gene. “W ith the unanim ous consent o f tion. As a prospective owner, ask fo r
Given that gene, the pup has inher­ the Board o f Directors, PWDCA Inc. the rating fo r any puppy you plan to
ited a deficiency o f the enzym e win sponsor the testin g program . buy or any dog you p lan to use to
beta-galactosidase, hereafter refer­ The results wUl be available to own­ breed! A reputable breeder win be M -
red to as GM-1. Th e GM-1 e n ^ m e is ers w ith in two weeks o f testing. low lng the w ishes o f the PWDCA and

G ive your dog the 18R6R advantage today!
S£X§B*s exclusive form ula of pure, fresh brew er's
yeast with vitam ins A, C . D and E w ill:
• develop better coot condition j
testing all puppies and adults used • promote healthier sldn : |
for breeding. T h e follow ing are the • stim ulate appetite
term s in w hich the status win be re­ • improve digestive efficiency
ported, plus an o fficia l num ber from • increase vitality and stam ina ’■
the FWDCA. (If there are any ques­
• produce the "bloom ” of overall nutritional health
tions about these ratings or th elr
num bers. {riease contact Carolyn • reduce the effects of stress !. ' i
M eisel. president o f PWDCA. Inc.,
N95 or N99 m eans the dog is nor-
or C99 m eans the d (^ is a car­
rie r o f the GM -1 enzym e deficiency.
BDL m eans borderline or grey
zone. T h e assay was n ot able to sta­ Brewer’s Yeast Makes The D ifference
tistically estaU lsh the dog as norm al
or a carrier. C all ToU F ree; 1-800-441-EDGE fo r the
means the puppy is Irrevers- d ealer nearest you. In (N tio, c a ll (5 1 3 ) 721-5808, c o lle c t
Vtdyxiffecied w ith GM-1 gangliosido­ E m m eit G rains, D e)>t SW , 2007 Dunlap S treet, Cincinnati, OH 45214
sis (stCMage disease). A ll puppies
and adults that you wish to pur­
chase should have a rating plus a
number given to it by the PWDCA,
much like an OFA number.
F o rtu n a te , storage disease is a
sim ple recessive gene, so w ith this
test, and by controlled, knovdedge-
aWe breeding, the PWD fancy eventu­
ally h<q>es to attain aU N95 or N99
d c ^ Storage disease win n ot only be
cantrxded, bu t it win be eradicated 3-5 runs witti dog houses...
froin th is breed.
Once again , I m ust say th at th is is
at very q>eckd prices
the m ost rew ardin g colum n th at I
have ever w ritten .— Sue Ann Pie-
trosm Safe.
Because there are m ore people • Choose from 3 to
5 runs, in the most
w ith m ore leisure tim e, and because popular sizes,
there are m ore dogs and m ore dog com plete with all-
shows, w e see m ore people com pet­ w ood d o g houses.
in g in obedienoe trials. You can’t ap­ • Wire m esh hand-laced to fram es. No voids to trap paw s. Super-taut
preciate the sense o f accom- fabric con1 b e ”woriced" by strong Jaws.
idlshm ent derived from obedience
• Never-foil latch shuts autom atically for security an d convenience.
until you recognize that obedience ti­
tles are n o t‘^von": they are earned. • Fram es ore heavy p ^ with w alls 74% thicker than comjpetitors.
The Am erican Kennel Club’s • Sc^id. all-wood d o g house attaches to back panel. No sharp m etal
“ Stim dard o f Perfection” (Obedience ed g es or com ers to worry about.
Regulations, chapter 2, section 2) ccdl o r w rite fo r fre e c a ta lo g a n d fxioes: THE
calls for a perform ance w hich com­
bines the “utm ost in w illingness, en­
T h e M ason C cxnpany
260 D epot Street • Dept. PB
joym ent and precision on the part o f Leesburg. C »iio 45135 • (5 1 3 ) 780-2321 a&JCXDMRVNY
Modulai Kennel Systems Since 1892.
the dog.” It also stipulates that “lack \flsa a n d M asterC ard a c ce p ted
o f w illingness or enjoym ent on the V
JUNE19B8 125

The dog's change o f attitude Is re­ that were so, aU force-trained dogs
UmUnued markable. It has never received a cor- would never foil to retrieve, and we an
] art o f the dog must be penalized.” reetkm from the robot, so it h ^iplly know that a frit so. When I fondle my
^L3« , there's the rub. It must be ex- prances much closer than to Its hu­ dog's ear or adjust Its collar. 1 want
1re m ^ difficult for the dog to per- man counterpart, cocking its ears that dog to lean Into me rather than
3rm the required exercises “JoyftiHy” when the robot says “good dog.“ Get puU away because It anticipates
' rfaen frequently, in training. It h ^ the picture? pain.
made alibom e by means of a Obedience is a marvelous sport It is an established foct that a dog
chain collar and leash In the and. If you are a conqietitlve type, learns at the same speed wdiether
o f an Insensitive trainer. The you want your dog to score to the best force or Induclvety trained, but the
training the dqg to down o f Its ability. You may have your dog that has been In d u d v ^ trained
stomping h e a ^ on Ita leash heart set on a High In Trial or a q>e- retains the knowledge longer and
: mist be singular^ larfHag in enjqy- dal tn^by—but where is the dog's certainly enjctys Its work more. Try
oent fmr the ''dow nee.' Dogs that motivation? No matter how devoted training a dog to do building
unre been demonstrating wiUlng- it Is. repetition is boring but neces­ searches or sn iff out narcotics by us­
leas 1^ “ftMglng” in their eaify traln- sary to achieve reliability. There is a ing pain. It doesn't work. Having
Dg q n id ly become unwilling lim it, however, and the caring worked with trainers o f elephants
Uggers" In response to having their trainer knows when it Is ap­ and bears, I can assure you that/ofce
tecks co n s ta n t jerked. It Is unbe- proached. I once watched a young Is not aiqilled; Indeed, such action
ierabfe to me that many people are woman training an Irish Setter. Ten could be hazardous to the trainer's
earhlng their dogs to retrieve times she sent It over a 36 inch h i^ health. Indudve methods Involving
neans o i force—that is, they pinch jump on concrete. I suggested per- food and affection are the order o f the
be dog's ear (one o f Its most sensl- hsqjs the dog had had eiMnigh. To day. How else would you get a killer
Ive parts) until the dog screams, or demonstrate her dominance over the adíale to jtunp th ro u ^ a burning
hey “gag" It with a chcAe collar until dog and her “superior ability“ she hoop?
t g/asps for breath. When the mouth made the d (^ jump 15 more times! The sad fact Is pieople do terrible
B(qien, the object Is “popped” In. Motivation can not be su {^lled tty things to dogs because they can—the
It may shock you to learn that such fear, pain or exhaustion. animal's very natiuc allows it to tol­
m ital steps are employed under the I use food in train in g —not as a erate abuse and look at the dispenser
(ulae o f training by owners who love bribe, not as a reward, but as a o f same with adoring eyes. An even
heir dogk There may be some motivator. Long after the food Indu- sadder fact Is that unkind training Is
weeds who rise above this kind of dve has been removed, the dog is stm done tty people adio like dogs. People
reatment and perform in a happy hrqiplly working and hoping. It cer- who dislike dogs avoid them.
aahlon. Generally «qwniHTig the ta ir^ keeps a dog eager. AU too many No, I don’t use pain and fear in
tottweller Is not one o f those. Force trainers will wag their heads at this training—not with my Rottweilers or
niQr be a necessary evil in dlsdplin- and say “Well, that's all very nice, but any other dog. I hope you don't use it
ng a dog that refuses to obey a If you want a rdiable retriever you with yours.—Jean Forster m
earned command, or one that is be- haw to force-train.“ Nonsense. If
ravtng In an unacceptable manner
trying to fight or U te). However,
bree, with Its resultant emotional
itreas. usually makes it mcae dlffl-
nilt for the dog to learn the objective
wu have In mind. What really bog­
ie s the mind is that the pain Is sp­
illed while the dog is to you.
Vonder what kind o f message this
xmveys to the dog?
One o f the truly great trainers has
> video tape o f a beautifully trained
Shetland Sheepdog beeUng on leash
n th tts handler. Facial expressiem
md body posture exhibit a subtle,
l anxiety, although the head and

e are up. The next part o f the tape

ihowa the little Shettle (many of
them not the most courageous of
dogs) heeling on leash with a robot)

¿y Sö! f i l i l í

l% i'"I '

AcoDectkKi o f thoughts and ques-
ticHis about the St. Bernard.
— How do people com e to be so
passionate about th is breed? Feel­
ings run deep. Adult hum an beings
give tq> a i^ sem blance o f a norm al
life to care for them , breed them and
show them. But Saints give back a
large measure m ore than they ever
get from us. Perhaps it is th eir pure
devotion. W ithout foil, each tim e the
“ m aster" ai^roach es, there is a Joy­
ous greeting. There is no question
about th eir love fo r us. N either
should there be a question about our
love for them . A lter having a Saint for that we w ill be talking about in June com ers to the Saint fancy. T h eir en­
even a short tim e, it is all bu t im pos­ 2008? thusiasm is contagious. They
sible to im agine life w ithou t them. — Ekhicatlonl Im provem ent o f the breathe new energy into our organi­
— “Every dog has his day,” is S t Bernard w in be in direct propor­ zations. An too frequently, they are
dearly evidenced by follow ing the tion to the qu ality o f education pro­ left out. We m ust change that.
S ain t results a t dog shows. It is d iffi­ vided to the fancy and to the ju dges o f — Win the tim e ever come when
cult to understand how a dog can be our breed. Th e basis fo r th is educa­ the loss o f one o f it^ Saints doesn't
Best o f Breed (over specials) on Sat­ tion m ust be the breed standard. The tear apart rr^ bein g? For those o f you
urday, w hile cm Sunday, it is fifth in responsibility fo r seeing that this w ith m ore erqrerlence. does it get eas-
a class fou r w ith the sam e handler, h ^ipen s is aU o f otus. ier?W in it always cause the tears, the
on the sam e grounds, against the — Th e term “ selective b reed in g" beautiful m em ories and the doubt to
same conqietltlan and in the same indicates that som e thought goes rush ou t? Th e beauty o f these beasts
condition. Even g ivin g w ay to some into the process o f determ ining is. to a great extent, a result o f the
degree o f personal preference and ex­ which dog and bitch o u ^ t to be bred m iraculous bond that form s between
perience, a qu ality St. Bernard together to produce puppies. We can a Saint and its owner. When this
should not m ove m ore than a place­ only h<4>e that at least som e o f this Ixm d is broken, w hetherearly or late,
m ent or tw o in the selections. It is m y th o u ^ t involves m atching the qual­ the depth o f that loss is palnfulty
contention that, given enough tim e, ities that give th is breed its nobility oven^ieltnlng. Should the tim e ever
m oney and persistence, any r o is ­ and'lm posing presence, and not ju st come vdien it doesn’t hurt, it win be
tered St. Bernard could gain enough thoughts about convenience and because the part o f us that makes us
points to be called a cham pion. Is the cost. human has died .—Doug Ralston ■
real problem “cheap” cham pions or — Thank goodness for the new­
“unworthy” cham pions?
— W hatever happened to all the
Fsstu nd In this
36-inch, 407 pound Saints that I
keq> bearing about from prospective
YOUR FRUSTRATIONS ARE month’s ‘‘Bookshelf” .
Order yours Uxlsy!
puppy biqn rs?
— When Saint fanciers talk about
great dogs, they seem to im m ediately ‘j Do you have a dog that berks conatanty ? Bert«-*.»
Is overly shy? Bites? Digs up your yard? Bchav»'
harken back 20 years ago. How m any William E. Campbell, a wsll-rrapected
superb St. Bernards have there been behavior specialist, w il help you solve your
since? Do w e recognize greatness pet problems and develop a EmOer
sdien it stares us in the face, o r do we understanding of animal behavior. Owner's
GuWa to Bettor Befiavtor in D o g s 4 Cato
allow factors n ot rdated to quality to is a bargain o f a book, which emphasfres
U irx l us to what is before us? Per­ consideration and respect for pets, (rather
haps. as a species, w e are so slow than violence) when correcting a problem
that it takes 20 years to recognize behavior. _ _ _______
quality. I f so, sdu) are the two or Add $2 .00 postage and la n d in g . AlpiM hM catiBM , he. Only $10.98
three St. Bernards th rivin g today 2456 E. M il Street U e e h iii. Ce 80537 303/667-2017

JUNE 1988 127


km oyeds
iKB w * H A vn fo r o ir ?
When you bought your firs t Samo-
«d . what were you loo ld iig fo r? Had
iDU ever been to a dog ahoir or had
o u any Ideas o f com peting in dog
ihowB? I'd guess that at least 90 per-
¡ent o f us ydK> now legu la i:^ enter
ind con fíete in sbowa b o u ^ t our
h at dog as a pet/orjiin a n d to /
liter gettin g the all Im portant first
log. w e m et other peofde w ho had
lam oyods and learned about shows
ind du bs and all the other fun
hlQ 0 i that perfile do w ith thelr
The first show was a teal learning
apertencc, w atching the handlers
«orle w ith the dogs outside and in-
dde the ring. Who hasn't said "W hy.
that looks like fim . and m y dog is as
xetW a s the d (^ that w on .” 1110 first and the good dogs, but rather about If everyone w ill try a sm ile and a
a itiy was made and w e w ere hooked, the handlers’ exhibitions in the ring. kind w ord at the next show, the day
rb eie are so m a i^ new th in ^ in ­ Luckily, the nice people far out­ w ill be made b righ ter and easier for
volved w ith show ing dogs; training, num ber the n a u ^ ty in our breed, so all the filen d s and com petition. We
{room ing, traveling, and, nicest o f the poor sports are usualty easy to all go to the show to w in, bu t we also
in. the people. There are so m any ignore. But are w e doin g the righ t go to have a good tim e. If it’s n ot fun
people who share th eir knowledge thing by ign orin g som e o f the antics anymore, analyze and change what
m d help novices get started. pulled in and around the rin g? Are you’re doing. M iyb e w e can show
What goes wrong between that en­ we doing the righ t th in g tqr lettin g fewer d ( ^ . or cut out som e shows
thusiastic novice and the experl- someone act like a spoiled, two- and relax i f the shows are too tense.
enced show person who is so bitter year-old child in the m idst o f a tem ­ Maybe a change In traveling com pan­
and s u d i a poor sport? per tantrum ? (A very w ise handler ions would help. Let's each st<^,
Both the n u ^ r Sam oyed publica­ t<nd me that she always congratu­ think and try to get back to
tions had articles about poor sports­ lates the w inner and then goes to her the original purpose o f goin g to
manship in the w in ter issue. The car before com plaining.) Should shows— to have fu n .—Judy E.
talk after the national apedalty last AKC rules on sportsm anship be Meats B
bn was not about the beautiful show strictly enforced?

leased AKC video program on the

Siberian Husides breed. Not onfy is it beautifully edited
S IB E R IA N H U S iO E S for maxim um visual delight and in ­
By now, m any o f you have seen the form ational clarity, it em phasizes
p ip p ie s ocxxisionally AKC video on the breed. I thought It m oderation and a gility in a way
a va ila b le appropriate to ask M ichael Jennings that’s sure to please purists o f the
for a critique. Mr. Jennings co­ breed.
J O H N & V IC K Y authored the d efin itive book on the My only r ^ r e t, in th is respect, is
breed. The Complete Stberlan that so few o f the w oridng sled dogs
LE O NAR D Husky, w ith Mrs. Lom a Dem idoff. are shown in th eir characteristic lop­
ing gait, and none arc shown at the
LESS IS MORE: THE AKC VIDEO t n ^ fast speeds the breed is capable
6516 Austinburg Rd. As an avid proponent o f a some- of. T h is is unfortunate, in m y opin­
vfiiat l i f t e r , quicker, m ore nim ble ion. not because the breed is a
Ashtabula, O H 44004 Siberian H u sl^ than is fiiequentfy sprint-breed per se. but because Is­
(216) 992-3172 exhibited in the show rin g, I am ut- sues o f flexibility, tuck up and loin
teriy delighted hy the recently re­ m uscling—especially those powerful
.l i i '' ía

i f W -ÍS ÍB E A C H A M P !
.jdir'; : ;:|';¿1H '‘fe : .
■ ..........................

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Covering the
round on all
. . . the magazine for you, whether you are involved in the fancy
or are interested in acquiring your first dog. The G A Z E T T E is a
colorful, exciting and informative magazine you should have.
Remember, w hen w e speak, the dog world listens.

P U R E-B R ED D O G S / A M E R IC A N KENN EL G A Z E T T E is the

fM ga zin e o f the American Kennel C lub, published every month

ince January, 1889.
Join ostina
trip to
f '
back míMcies o m the lo in —become, grass, one o f the specim ens used
I beúevé;, m ore m ticial at uiqier-end qu ite frequently as a positive exam­
^ »eéds ." Ttnd I th in k Judges should
undientand that, a lth o u ^ w e em-
ple o f overall balance appears a b it
short on 1 ^ , w h ile the anim al used to
phaaiae endurance a great deal Midien exhibit correct rear angulation IN 1988!
we apeak o f the breed, the best run­ seems, to n ^ eye. qu ite clearly over-
n in g aiilm als tn iljr are qu ite, qu ite angulated. M oreover, the anim al
fiEMtl ;l|: used fo r correct rear m ovement,
Neverthdesa. ! the poin t is made though clearly correct, m ight be de­ THE BERMUDA FALL »
throughout the program that, td ien scribed as bein g on the narrow er end C IR C U IT
it cmnea to function, less is often o f correctness. W e m igh t have proflt- November 1-7, 1988 !
mace: less chest, less bulk, less skull, ted from seeing several well-m oving
leaaj bm ie. Additionally, great care dogs com ing and goin g, ju st to Im i^ Seven days, six nights in the nx>st
has been taken to em phasize the ex­ a range o f correctness. beautiful island in the Americas.
ten d on o f the head and neck adíen Also sadly absent, along w ith a Compete for Bermuda Champi­
gaitin g, the tqipropriateness o f a truly superior w hite specim en, is a onship and/or Obedience tide.
loose lead, and the necessity o f a b it good head study o f w hat is fondty re­ From only $689.
m ore length leg than depth o f ferred to as a “dirty-foced dog,'*an old
bo(fy. look that should certainly be hon­
Bone shape and foot shape are also ored. CRUFTS Y O U R W AY
given excellent coverage, as w ell as But these are sm all points com­ February 7 -1 3 , 1989
those s e le c ts o f type so dear to m ost pared to the overall success o f the en­ Enjoy the most prestigious dog
o f us—qpes, ears, tall carriage and deavor, a success that I have no show in the w orld, your way. Your
coat. doubt win p rofit the breed now and choice o f budget, standard or
C ertain anim als that 1happened to for m any years to com e. 1 think the deluxe. From $789.
recognize looked som ewhat differen t production does great credit to the
than they do in the flesh, but the is­ breed, to the national chib and to the
sue for the com m ittee was quite com m ittee that made it happen. Thinking o f a fund raising for
dearly, and qu ite r l^ t ly . the cam­ —M .J. your dub? O r just an oppor­
era’s M k U n fo rtu n a te , I think I thank Mr. Jennings f « - his tunity to get together? Why
there 1M0B aeaend s li^ t o v e rs l^ ts com m ents.—Sarah E. M elzllk ■ iK>t talk to us about a group
in thisipflO M t» In the somevidiat tall trip? W e can make it a fun,
meaningful, educational ad­
ven tu re. N o-on e knows
m ore about fo re ig n d o g
shows than w e d o . . .and
w e'd love to work with you.

For further information,

without obligation, of course,
call or write.
in vesh p O M tTiuiM el
oF N rtcick

C h ve rle a f Marketplace
Speen S tJR t. 9
Natick, Mass 01760

P h o n e To llFre e
w ithin Massachusetts:
outside Massachusetts:

JUNE1988 129

are relatlvelv slm ole. You m ust have

NandoKl Sehnauiers a health certificate, and often a pedi­
gree is a good idea, along w ith a copy
o f the registration certificate, as
For m any years, it was the “ in " some coim trles need th is for cus­
thing to Im port Standard Schnau- tom s clearance. Be very careful In ar­
K n , o r for that m atter, m oat breeds. ranging fligh t tim es and connec­
Sutnow, the tables have turned, and tions. You m ust take In to account
nany dogs are being exported from tim e zones, custom ’s hours, h<di-
the United States to otha-countries, days, etc. I f the anim al m ust travel
rtiere are Am ertcan-bred Standards through a large airport like JFK in
seing shown and bred in Australia New York, make sure there Is am ple
m d Sweden, and they are doing very tim e for any change that m ay be nec­
aeU. essary. You m ust question and le -
When a breeder is apinostdied question the airiin e em ployees on
Eibouteiqx>rting. there are a m unber the arrival tim es, custom ’s clear­
of things to consider (e ^ je d a lly in ance, and transfers. Be sure the per­
the case o f a puppy). First o f all. the son receiving the anim al knows the
txiyer w ill be putting out a large sum exact plans from begin n in g to end,
ofm oney for airfare, an d p erh iqisfor in case a tracer is necessary.
a lengthy qpiarantlne. I f the puppy Qnanuitine
grows up to have m ajor faults or, per­ If the dog m ust go Into quarantine,
haps, never produces progeny, m ore m ore careftil {danning yet Is needed.
than the usual am ount ctfm oney has The quarantine fa cility in H aw aii is
been lost. There is alao th e question quite nice and the an im als receive
o i sending one your best anim als C oiieffn e H. iFOMn excellent care. In Korea, the facility Is
eracaa and losin g it fo r breeding or send our very best to other countries. qu ite sm all and dally visits to the dc^
for show ing In the United States. Also, w e m ust rem em ber the trem en­ are m ore necessary. In England,
Peihaps for this reason, there is a dous expense that can be involved in there are sm all private quarantine
fed in g am ong marry people who the im porting process. Yes, you may facilities available that do a wonder­
want to get a dog from the United lose an Am erican cham pion, bu t you ful jo b o f keeping the dogs.
States that m ost Am erfoans w ill not w in have an opportunity to really af­ Most Im portant Is a thorough
send th eir best stock ou t o f the coun­ fect the breed elsewhere. search fo r Inform ation on w hat facil­
try. I would like to think that this is In a num ber o f European coun­ ities are available, w hat vet care w ill
not a true statem en t I f w e are goin g tries. quarantine laws have made it be provided, and adiat groom ing win
to convince the w orld that indeed ex­ very dtSlcult to im port new stock. be provided (especially fo r a breed
cellent dogs are bein g bred in Am er­ The same is true o f Australia, and o f such as ours), ff you are sending a
ica. then we m ust maloe an effort to course Hawaii. I w rote several young puppy to a quarantine, I rec­
m onths ago about traveling by a ir ommend w aitin g u n til it is about six
w ith in the United States w ith your m onths o f age and has learned (day,
!S e a VETERI pet, and w ant to give som e pointers
this m onth on traveling outside the
house training, and has been tho-
roughty socialized. We have had very
A S S IS T A N T . U.S. and on u sing quarantine facilit­ good luck w ith dogs that are pnqierly

mIiA ZoobMMit ies should any o f you decide to ex­ prepared fo r the experience.
^ SiMf if KmhnI Omnt port. When T oxl was In quarantine in
Shipping Korea, everyone came to see the “d i^
MEN IW OMEN! Train at
Hobm in Spate Tine...Rush International a ir fares fo r shipping w ith the beard,” and she had excel­
free facts on how lean train at an anim al can be qu ite h i ^ and, lent care. In H awaii, the same was
twoie to be an animal care therefore. If you can travel w ith the true. Th e anim als w e have sent
oalist! No obl^atkin. No anim al, you can save m oney. T liere through England have em erged
man vrill visit
are a few airlines and a few countries happy, norm al anim als. Do n ot let
that win n ot accept an anim al for fear o f quarantine keep you from ex­
travel as excess baggage, but these porting!
are the exception. A smaU puppy can Next m onth, I w ill report on the
( also usually be carried Into the cabin national specialty. I h ( ^ to see all
iMtas m m i n Man if its crate w ill fit im der the seat. o f you there th is ycaacl—Janice L.
MS Chk8Mt.SGnfaon, M liSOS If you are shipping an anim al to a Woodm
country w ithout quarantine, things
pUimrtE fop PETS

It only would have made sense, any­

way, If the G riffon had m ore deslr-
aU e characteristics than the
OH A m |: Affenpinscher. A first rate G riffon, YouondyourpetwiHenjoyhoursofsumnier-
'AMY whose coat, head and conform ation Hme lun wNh Wiis extra durable 9% 'dkanatBr
The last translation surpassed the characteristics o f the Rykig Dlte. #223 $4.96
:!m arie W agner has com pleted comes Affenpinschers, certainty would not
from Hundesport und Jagd. This have been obtainable as easily and
l^parUcular article from the m agazine cheaply as the latter, a b o se good
'"i.was published In 1913. O nly h a lf o f qualities only lay hidden.
:'tte! article is being presented here “ In W uerttem berg. the A ffenpin­
since part o f It refers to pictures scher never disappeared from the
puhllsbed w ith the origin al article. dog show scene. W henever w e were
How 1w l ^ 1had a copy o f that Issue ju d gin g In the area, w e always found
rather than Just a photocopy! The healthy, typty specim ens am ong the
com m ents o f a proud ow ner coupled wealth o f other dogs. W e also d id not
w ith photographs would have added m iscalculate last year when w e were
to the enjoym ent o f the m aterial. in the area around Stuttgart. Herr
Himdeaport nnd Jagd Relchert had what we w ere looking $16.95
‘W h at hasn't been w ritten about for: healthy, energetic, typey A ffen­
the precious little society o f Affenpln- pinschers.“ Keep your dog entertained tor hous wi2i Ihe
schers? Th ey had to w ait a long w hile C om m en tary brighHy colored 10* indeskudible polyeltiyl-
until th eir tim e arrived. W hen, about ene BoomeitMlI. #427 $16.95
There truty are a lim ited num ber o f
two years ago. th eir hour o f salvation Affenpinschers out there In the
came, the breed was so m ixed up and world. M ixing In other breeds has
degenerated that the origin al type not onty been suggested, but also has
could hardly be established, and only been done. Th e charges o f breeders
lived in the m em ory o f a few Individu­ m ixing In Brussels G riffons was
als, W ork was started carefulty, and made here In the '60s. W hether or
at first, establishing a certain goal not th is actually happened or was a
was avoided. In reality, the practical carry over from these th o u ^ ts o f the
breeding o f dogs would fin d the righ t past, is unknown.
way, one presum ed. And so It hap­ Herr HöHer, the late president o f
pened. As soon as the breeders had the Pinscher-Schnauzer Khib In Ger­
found w hich direction to go In, they many, had advocated the breeding o f
progressed rapidly. In 1911 in Mu­ Affenpinschers to select black M inia­
nich, 25 Affenpinschers w ere com­ ture Schnauzers as a way to preserve
peting In the ring, Affenpinschers o f the breed. In Germany, breeding o f
a clear type and conform ation as the M ini Schnauzers is strictty lim ­
there had never been shown before. ited to blacks bein g bred to other
“ It would be foolish to exam ine blacks onty. Since the A ffens and the
how and w ith vidiat kind o f m ethod M ini Schnauzer came from the same $12.95
th e interbreed in g took place— root stock. H err H ä ler felt that Idlni Vbur pete own special cotton Ikny iMiNl tor
m ethods w hich the serious breeder, Schnauzers w ith A ffen-like charac­ v*atersparts.stnrapoasandcarsealpretoc-
as a rule o f principle, does n ot have to teristics could be used to rebuild the lioa Block& gold, 27* X 50*. #904 $12.96
avoid. But one can assum e that the gene pool. Fräulein Bergm tyer, a SUMMER SPECIAL: All 3 PRODUCra JUST
best lines w ere developed w ithou t In­ breeder o f Affenpinschers and M ini $2ft95 MONEY-BACK eUARANTK
terbreeding w ith other breeds, as the Schnauzers, strongty disagreed. She C o l or «Ilia tor our free cotaloo. O d er by
com plete black ccdor and som eadiat felt that you would end up w ith a dog m ol uKng check or money order. A l Hems
dongated stu^ie o f skull show no having an Affenpinscher head and poatage poid. (NT leddenls odd aolea kx.)
traces (ff the Belgian G riffon , the only M ini Schnauzer body, lacking in the f» 1, t - ------- «-------------------tee-
O r o W D f p iK ifW w lin CViy mC^Or ClVOn OORL
b reM In question. endearing traits o f the A ffenpin­ 1-800-852-PETS
“We also question very m uch that scher. She felt that the breeds had
the G riffon was easier to obtain in gone th eir own ways o f developm ent
Baden and W uerttem berg than a
good Affenpinscher. In our (p in io n ,
for too long o f a tim e to be able to
successfully cross them together
O U P b B ifP IE n K
there seem s to be no reason at all adiy again.
TtA M rtioe Am , Mbertna. NY I1S07
the dogs should have been interbred. In E n^and. The Keim el Club ap-
JUNE 1968 131

three generations. Th e effects o f this English, Canadian, and Interna­

Continued cross on the breed have been m ini­ tional standards fo r the breed. I f we
] roved a cross breeding o f an A ifen- m al so far, as the offsprin g have only can align our new standard to com ­
I Insctier bitch to a M in Pin stud been bred to other Affenpinschers plem ent the others, w e m aybe able to
) bcut 11 years ago. T h e population and never to each other. In fact, IVe avoid the need fo r any fu rth er con­
( f the breed at that tim e Iras danger- been told that som e fin e show dogs siderations o f crossing experim ents
I ualy low. T h is breeding vrasperm it- have come down from th is line. because w e w ill have a larger and
( ed im der the Developm ent Register By the way. it’s not the first tim e a m ore diverse gene pool fo r breeding.
a means to preserve the breed. M in Pin cross has been added to the
I Ireedeis m ust apply In advance o f breed. Th e Germ ans perm itted such GUEST COLUMNS
I uch a special breetUng and present a cross In the late '30s. T h is is docu­ I’ve Invited two club m em bers to do
I ufBdent and sign ifican t reasons for m ented in th eir stud book as a spe­ upcom ing guest colum ns th is year.
I lakln g the cross. The D evdcpm ent cial registration. Another view point on the breed Is al­
I tegister is very r a r ^ used and Is I feel strongly that the future o f the ways Interesting .—Sharon Irons
I enera^r discouraged. In the case o f breed is in our hands. A s w e w ork on Strempskim
Affen/Mln Pin cross, the progeny the standard revision, w e should
considered pure-bred after take into consideration the German,

Brussels Otfffons
Our specialty show fo r 1988 was
I idd Sunday, M arch 6th, under the
I usplces Bexar County Kennel
I 3ub. In c.’s all-breed show in San
i intcnlo. Texas. I was unaMe to at-
1end. and sun grateful to Peggy Nichol
^dK> sent the results.
O fficiating at this specialty was
] frs. W illiam Lehnig, a very knovd-
dgeable Judge o f Brussels Griffons.
Infortunately, the en try was small,
dth a total o f seven, including four
lass dogs, two class bitches and one
pedaL According to Peggy, one
ireeder told her the W estm inster cat-
dog said the specialty was to be m
day 1B68, so she rushed hom e to
itr^ her dogs out only to find it
icbeduled for March, tn reality. from the Open bitch class.bred and fons: m any people w e talk to a t the
owned by Peggy Nlchol. shows, and those w ho w rite fo r Infor­
Best o f Breed was H catherm oor’s Entare Flans m ation on our charm ing breed, are
liny Jack, bred by Jean Rice, owned I have not discussed th is w ith any im der the im pression that the way
ty Jean Rice and Em m a W est and club members, but In view o f this they look in the show rin g and in pic­
diown by Dora L. W ilson. BOS was sm all entry, and because the Brus­ tures depicts a natural length coat. I
h e bitch entered In Open. Star- sels G riffon in rough coat m ust be am sure m ost breeders explain the
hist’s Piper, bred by Mrs. Gerald Sl- prepiared to be shown between two to work involved In strippin g out a coat,
non and coKiwned Mrs. Gerald three m onths in advance, I feel we but I want adm irers o f our breed to
Simon and Peggy P lsd ier. BW went need to set up our r ^ o n a l special­ know that hand strippin g is a m ust
■oj Stardust’s Ph ilip Who. w inner o f ties w ell ahead o f tim e. I win igrprecl- for show dogs to m aintain texture as
h e Open class. He was bred by Mrs. ate any suggestions from you on w ell as color. C llpperlng should only
3erald Sim on and co-owned Mrs. this. We w ill discuss It at our annual be used on pets and retired G riffons.
Simon and W illiam H enry Odum, III. m eeting in Septem ber 1988. More on th is In a future colum n.—
RWD was the 9-12 m onth puppy, To- Margaret G. Inm an m
(%-Har-No In Comanche C ^ bred G R IF F O N G R O O M IN G
and owned by M onte Worley. RWB In lin e w ith the above p a ra g r^ h
iras NichoTs U nforgetable Unrsula regarding strippin g out rough G rlf-
iji^ S
i ..ri
R u f f w a r e .
Offers D em o Packages
for only *20“ li
Chihuahuas * C O N FO R M A TIO N S H O W S Y S TEM |v .
Our modular approach ^lows you to select al' [iji;;''
a n x c rc w T H E s p id e r m a n
Leon was a product o f our first ma­
base system and add other sy^ems to grow.;
jo r breeding arrangement. At consid­
erable effort and ejq)ense. we had • E atyT oU ae • Powerful Pedigrae Research ; S'il
shipped his dam cross-country to be • SavtsT h n e • Better Breading Results
bre^ Atadielplngtim e, Leon was de- • Savas Money • ju d gaig Analysis ÍS î-
liveiedflrsL Sister Impy followed sev­ • Flexible Reporting • Show Entry F orm s!
eral hours later. While it was not our ^.
first litter, 1 was quite a novice at as­ • Genetic Traits • Much H ors ,
sisting eaqiectant mothers. Unfortu­
n a te , Leon arrived Just as the world J U D G E F O R Y O U R S E L F — B E A W IN N E R
was about to discover “who shot
J.H.” on the “Dallas" television se­ Order Vour Demo Today and Get FREE j |i!
rie s As Car as my w ife Hilda was con­ Telephone Support (*20 is applied to system purchase.)
cerned, whelping puppies somehow
dldnot compare in Importance with Wiite; Advanced Computer Systems Inc.
thei drama o f “big oil." But, with N. 3509 Audubon, Spokane, 99205
Hilda's rductant assistance, Leon
arrived safe and healthy. Call; (509)326-4364 S
1 learned a lesson about longcoat
and smootticoat puppies from 1^ lit­
ter. Leon was bw n with a close, slick
coat. Sister Impy was bom with a O N V ID E O
fuO: bushy coat. I assumed, there-
fon, that Leon ; would be a
smootbcoat and Impy a long. Leon's
sbligr black coat, however, grew T h e W in n in g E d g e
kmger and longer adille Impy's bushy Learn the winning edge from the best:
blue coat remained short.
T te two puppies developed well, M a ix w e ll R id d le M i c h e l e B i lli n g s
but With very different personalities. Toni Th o m p so n M ig n o n M u r r a y
Inq|y was alert, aggressive, and con-
S a m u e l G a rd n e r J o h n E . B a u e r .o v »
stantbr challenging her brother to do
battle. Leon was docile, even lethar­
gic. He would lie on his back. nap. • W hat ju d g e s look for • R in g m ovem ent
and Ignore his nasty sister. As his • Sh o w rin g etiquette <S strategy
face grew hairier, we began calling > E sse n tial conform ation ' Nutrition, conditioning
him “Chewbacca" because o f his re- sh o w training & groom ing
semUance to the “Star Wars” movie
All 7 A K C g ro u p s re p re s e n te d , SSQss
creature with the same name. Actu­
ally, the name "Leon” would come
AKC approved Judges give professional
later and was not one adiich he got winning tips and advice.
frxmi either Hilda or I.
Every pup we raised In those early As Seen on National TV — Order Yours Today!
years was our "baby. "T h is was espe­
cially true since our own son Winiam ***
was not bom until 1985. On the
other hand, the financial demands of àâéew
law schools and paying for a farm at CM m ______BN. n*e Tlmi— tl|i
ttKWune time dictated that most of □ rqn H iB K iMU DMCAba#
• » . K m . _______________
Lhe little ones had to be sold. This $2.00
bp. BMi
|was to be Leon's fate as well. Stin, it
^was with a degree o f sadness that in □ VHS D IE T A
_____ CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-843-3476
January 1981 we strid the young iw K f smmmmmp , r.o. bm m ________ leTeaseem: 1-800-654-9269
black and tan to Samud “Riley”
JUNE leee lee

fiu lts o f that first mdeavor. Marion cise pen with the rungs spaced far
<Continued had placed a bitch in season next to apart to prevent any climbing.
' Wilttafcer. Jr. and Marlon Mond- Leon’s run. When she returned, “The Hardly had I returned to the house
I hlne. Spidennan“ had scaled the fence and when the uproar o f barking dogs
If we had searched the world over, gotten to the bitch. About nine sent me back to the kermel Just in
' re woaU not have found two better wedts later, “Leona” was bom. time to see Leon balanced like a
: ndMduals to become Leon’s new Leon never realized it, but his abil­ tlght-rope walker on the exercise pen
I iwnen. Riley owned “Fannie ity to climb sheer walls and escape with a broad smile across his old gray
] larUe,’* the great Best tn Show win- from any type o f enclosure known to face revealing his one remaining
I ting wirehaired Dachahund. Marlon man may have worked to his distinct snaggled front tooth. I chuckled,
¡ tad a history o f breeding and show- detriment. He so reinforced the atti­ then half-heartedly admonished
ng nice Beagles and (anhuahuas. tude o f “keeping Leon confined" and him. and put him back into his pen. I
I She Is also now Judging those away from bitches in season, that returned to the house and. immedi­
1 «eeda .1 marry females who m l^ t have other­ ately. another uproar ensued. This
Marlon, with a little h e^ from her wise been bred to him were. Instead, time, I arrived to see Leon leap from
I angtlme friend. Hand Arnold. rdlgiously protectedfrom him. the top o f his exercise pen onto the
I [uh&ly finished Leon’s diamplon- The climbing became an obses­ chain link o f the kermel nm and be­
I hip requirements. But, this is not sion. Six foot chain link soon failed gin to climb. His smile was now rau­
he story of a great show dog (al- to present a challenge. No females cous la u ^ te r held deep inside.
bough with his penonaUty, move- were safe while Leon was on the Suddenly, I began to laugh with him.
I aent and style, Lcrm could have {»vm lses. It became impossible for It was like two old acquaintances re­
' crtamiy been a t«^ ^lecial). Neither anyone with more than one dog (o f alizing for the first time what good
s this the story o f a great sire (al- any breed) to keep him. One time, he friends they realfy are.
hough given more and better was found atop a stack o f crates, I quickly gathered up two bitches
»itches, Leon could hare certainly clinging for dear life, trying to breed not intended as part o f Leon’s harem
rrltten a duqiter or two In Ineed his- a B e a ^ who had been crated on that and locked them secure^ in the ken-
Ofy. He has produced diainplon off­ lofly ]>erch specifically to keep her nd. Leon now has run o f the yard. I
p r in t including spedatty winners out o f Leon’s reach. In rapid succes­ could not bear the th o u ^ t o f this
ran bis few breedlnga to nonde- sion, Leon went from one kermel to gentle crid spirit being laid to his final
CTlpt females). Nor, is this a story another until, suddenfy, he had rest without ever having realized the
ibout lost opportunity, o f what changed hands nine or ten times. freedom he has sought for so long.
might have been” if Leon had been At A e moment, Leon is “visiting” Among the lessons I mentioned Leon
¡Iven more opporttuittles as a show again here at our kermel. Having having ta u ^ t me. or reminded me
log and sire. This is a story about purchased a half interest In him sev­ of, is this most important one: we
low a dog with a free q itrlt hdped to eral years ago, I felt he deserved a should be keepers o f otir canine
cmind me o f w i^ I entered the d<^ “second chance" with some o f the firiends, not onty for the Joy th ^
game to begin with. nice bitches tn our kermel. I was cer­ bring to us. but also for the J<^ that
Leon’s career as a professional fiee tain that age had dimmed his wan­ we can share with them. For the hap­
ipfrlt began early. Somewhere dering eye and ended his apc-llke piness th ^ bring to us, they deserve
■round four to six months o f age, a acrobatics. Just in case, however. I a little Mqiplness o f their own.—
netaasorphosls took place. That le- immediately placed him in an exer­ JackPhariss*
faargic puppy took on die world with
i “never say die” attitude. I suppose
he next time I saw Leon (after we openly or tell the stud owner the
■old Mm) was at the Houston Spe- English Toy Spaniels qualities you are seeking in a stud
ialty. He went Reserve Winners Dog, (good head, dark eye. good firmt,
iHfaou^ he was stin a baby. I was BREEDING TOUR BITCH etc.). Naturalfy, If you have seen the
ihodced at the take-diarge attitude, You should start considering vari­ stud, or the stud owner knows your
he “[»esence“ o f this young dog. ous studs well In advance so when bitch, you can skip this part.
>cm has taught me many lessons, your bitch comes in season, it is Most stud owners haw some idea
ind the importance o f "personality" merety a matter o f notifying the c f what their stud produces. You
In a show dog was one o f the first. owner o f the stud. You should let the should not be insulted or hurt if the
At about seven months, the stud owner know on the first day of stud owner suggests another stud or
'climbing thing" started. It was this her season. If she has to be shipped, thinks your bitch should not be bred
liablt, developed at such a temter age make the arrangements at the same to his dog. No stud owner wants poor
and never abandoned, that became time. qualify puppies produced Ify his dog.
Leon's trademark and bis “problem. “ Look at your bitch realistically and He may eillier tell you exactly why, or
Perhaps he held on to It due to the be prepared either to state her faults simply say that he feds the resulting

j S E N S A T IO N A L ID E A !

Vitamin^ M in e ra l Trace Minerals
: Amino A cid s-L iv e Yeast Culture
■lltttf would not be the quality litter keep the good body and Improve her Delicious Flavor:
, youw aht head. Sometimes, it takes more than B E E F ST EW F O R D O G S
ij It Is also h ^ M to know If the stud one generation to correct head
' in iguestk»^ h i» been bred to any faults.
bitdies (rf sim ilar pedigree or type as A lth o u ^ I like small "in size" dogs O N LY sags
your bitch, and. If so, what the prog- (10 to 13 pounds), I never hesitate to For Up to 6 M o s Supply
eiqr were like. I also like to know what breed to very large d o^ , as a great E C O N O M IC A L SP IC E R A C K S H A K E R
size Utters the stud has produced number o f these large dogs produce
(even though I know the bitch con- very small offspring. Correct size is
Sorry — Checks are
trolB the Utter size), and what kind of nice, but overall type and soundness
N o COO A cceptable-
a survival rate there was In the Ut- are more Important to me. or C redit W e Trust
teis. ' : Wamlng Cards Pet People
Toy ^MUilds. as a breed, have a i I recently had a Utter by c-secOon.
very low survival rate at birth and My regular vet wasn't on caU. and 1
shrartly after. Ifeveiy pup in the Utter used a vet highly recommended by a To Order Post Paid: Specify Cat or Dog
Is bom dead or dies soon after birth, Yorkle breeder. After the surgery was GRANDPA M'S
you should go to a stud o f dliferent over, he Informed me that, unfortu­ SPECIAL BLEND
breeding the next time. Iw ouldgtvea nately. the entire Utter was "grossly” DeptG-6
b itd i three chances to three different deformed and there was only one liv­ Golden Gate, IL 62843
studs (pedigree wise), and if eveiy ing pup (v ^ c h later died). I looked at (618) 842-3415
iweedingwas a disaster. Iwouldhave the three dead pups and found that
the bitch spayed. Breeding to a one had a cleft palate and the other
straight outcross stud (none o f the two were normal for our breed. The
same dogs in the pedigree) w ill usu­ vet felt that the two dead pups and

ally correct, or at least help lower, the one living pup were hydroce-
piqipy mcHtaUty. ¡riiaUc because o f the sluq>e o f their
I would never breed to a dog who skulls.
onfy has a great head. My fee& ig is I fed that the vet. who had never
that if my bitch has a very poor head seenanE:TS, made no effort to revive
anda^xidlxxfy. I would have Just as the newborn pups or warm the one
much chance getting the stud's poor living, as he thought they were de­
body and her poor head as getting
his great head and the bitch's good
body. I would rather breed to a dog
formed. It never occurred to me to ex-
idain to the vet that big domed heads
were normal for ETS. This is the first
with a reasonably good body and a thing I w ill teU any emergency vet in
good (if not great) head, hoping to the future.—Pauline Patterson ■
your dog
in our new
68 page full-]
color 1988

Master Animal Care

P.O. BOX 7. DEPT .AKC888

I w m t ID SAVE 25% to 50% on a l my dog sun stf

rm ta H Pteaaa «and mo vour FREE Sprino CatolOQ

JUNE1968 135

It Is easier to breed a good, sound Although In the 7 0 s I had vehe­

HBilan Orayhounds IG at the larger end o f the scale; but, m ently cam paigned fo r a d isqu alifi­
haifcen back to a tim e when the ge­ cation, m ost o f us eventutJly
neric dog w eighed about 30 to 50 outgrow the “vd iite charger" syn­
In the earty 1970s, when In- pounds, and stood 18 inches to 22 drome. W hatever liandw agon at­
vc Ivcment w ith the IG began to turn In d ies at the shoulder. Dogs tend to tracts us adien everything is b r l^ t ,
In to fun com m itm ent, a grou p offa n - reproduce an eighth to half-an-inch shiny and new u ltim atdy w ears thin
d TS, concerned about the Increas- taller w ith each generation, unless as we com e o f age or our attitu de to ­
It ^ large dogs that w ere being careful attention Is paid to the breed­ ward whatever elicited the activist
si own and were w inning. In itiated a in g program . response m atures and w e b ^ ln to
pi tltlan to u ig e the Italian Grey- Another factor Is the im posslbllily see things In a differen t, m ore
h und Chib ofA m eiica to am end the o f m easuring a dog w ithou t the practical--and, therefore, m ore
bi eed standard to Include a size dls- proper device—a w icket. Few breed­ subdued—l i ^ t . T h is tim e, w ith
qi lahflcattnn. A t that tim e. I thought ers own or have access to one, and nearly 15 m ore years o f experience, I
It was a wonderful Idea and became m easuring w ith a yardstick or tape voted against I t
a e those v^io circulated the petl- measure alm ost Invariably results In A lth o u ^ I stm fe d strongly about
tl n . SpeclflcaUy, the change would error. H eight Is d ifficu lt to “eyeball.’’ the size issue, I have changed
di squaltfy dogs th at w ere over 16 especially since m ost see exactly m ind about an actual disqu alifica­
li or under 12 Inches. id ia tth ^ w a n tto s e e . in all honesty, tion for several reasons, in d u d in g
The reaction was varied—but view ing th eir 16-lnch d c ^ as “R ight the fact that the IG has a rem arkable
n refy w ithout passion. Som e o f the in the m iddle o f the standard— 14 Va ability to low er its shoulder height
o| ponents made statem ents ranging In d ie s !" Once again breeders—and when touched b y som ething he
6 an. “h would be a w fiil to have a ju d g e s ~ b ^ a n fa ilin g to heed the wishes to avoid. M easurem ents in
w Chet In our rin g.’* to ” I don 't care size recom m endation In the stan­ the rin g could easily be erroneous.
h iw b ig they get as long as tb q r w in .” dard. In som e parts o f the country, a More Im portantly, a disqu alification
L ke an good zealots. I didn 't under- cursm y glance at the rin g m ight not would d im in ate fie m the rin g and
st a ix l how anyone could disagree Im m ediately reveal adiether the com ­ from breeding m any sound and ty-
w ith what I fd t lyas an Ingxirtant petition Is In IGs or in W hippets. A pey dogs. T o com e up w ith sbowable
n ove to preserve the breed as It num ber o f breeders, especially those specim ens, breeders would be forced
sln u ld b e. whose bloodlines produce larger to use only th eir sm allest stock, re­
The proposed standard change dogs, b ^ a n to argue toward a m ove gardless o f quality; and generations
w IS voted down, but the officers and away fiom Toys and m to the Hound o f w oik to d im in ate faults and ge­
b lard o f the IGCA discussed altem a- G roiqi. netic problem s would, in many
tl les that m ight help In holding Late In 1986, som e o f those vdio cases, go down the drain, settin g our
d iwn size. T oo m any 16-inch and were concerned about the trend up­ breed back n eaify to w here it was
e en 17-inch dogs w ere fin ish in g, ward in heigh t and the accompany­ when it becam e alm ost extin ct dur­
t) kin g breed and even w i n n i n g in g Increase In bone size, in itiated a in g and im m ediately after W orld W ar
g cups, especially under oth er than new petition toward adoption o f a n.
I lyJudges. IGs at the IS-lncfa end o f size disqualification. Th e IGCA Som ething m ust be done to pre­
t] e 13-incb- to-15-incb-at-tbe-w lth- form ed a size com m ittee, headed by vent loss o f the dainty charm o f the
e 8 ideal called for In the standard C arde Plesur, to determ ine the d i­ IG, but It would be far better to re­
a ere virtually non-existent; and If rection o f the m em bership’s feelin g ward diligence In keeping down size
a qrh ^ifien edtobesh ow n , tbeyw ere on this issue. Th e resulting poll was rather than to unequivocally dis­
p actlcany invisible. A letter was Indecisive, w ith 47 out o f 100 votin g qualify failu re to do so. Judges
d sited and sent to aU approved IG to s u i^ r t a size disqualification whose preference is fo r larger breeds
Ji dges p oin tin g out the size prob- and ^ (^ p o sin g it. A num ber o f should be discouraged from the
k m. and fo r a short tim e, it seemed other suggestions ranged fixim divid­ tem ptation to apply th is predisposi­
ti worh. Then, once m m e, size b ^ a n in g the breed Into two classes, w ith tion to larger specim ens o f a sm all
II 1creep upward. one (12Va Inches to 14Va inches) in breed; and breeders as w ell as judges
the Toy Group and one (14 Va Inches must learn to visually determ ine
to 16*/a inches) to be shown In the m ore accurately the heigh t o f a spe­
rb e M agazm e o f the T oy Group... Hound Group, to changing the size cific dog t h ^ are evaluating .—LtHari
TOP NOTCH TOYS criteria to w eight (10 pounds or im - S. Barberm
der), rather than height. Several rec­
om m endations w ere to spell out in
the standard that anything over or
• M * BMartir M b Rd.,
L S irb lld. R . 3 M M . T rl; im der the Ideal should be considered
ns a fault.

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You’ll find your grooming activity a
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IS T A ro n iG B A R S 'i f to take along every thing you need.
Eak’ cropping, or t r i m m i n g , as it is
Like all Airborne products, the
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matic experience for both dog and fabricated from .040” aircraft 2024-
owner. More and more veterinarians T3 aluminum alloy, and prime-quality
are elim inating ear-cropping surgery rustproof hardware, just like the
fimn tbelr {nactices. stating it isn't modem jet airlinera Available in 3
wtxtb the effort monetarity, or that it sizes. Write or call for free illustrated
is crud to the animals. Many propo­ circular on this unique new grooming
nents o f that thoitght would stand in aid ta
line to agree. Witness the total prohi- JOYCE McKEE
bltkxi (ff cropping in certain foreign
Neverthdess, in this country, Box 90111, L.A. Airport Station
cropping Mln-Pins is standard pro- Los Angeles, CA 90009
ceifaire, and is eqtected in the show P ho ne:(213)649-3630
ring, although uncropped Mln-Plns
may be shown, providing their ears
It is Impmtant to find the r i^ t vet­
erinarian who w ill do the best crop
poadUe ftn’ the enhancement o f
head and expression. Oftentimes,
the quality o f the crop can make or FREE! Wholesale Dog
break the effect a dt^'s headpiece
has on the Judge. Supply Catalog.
Therefore, number one on the
agenda must be to choose your veter­
inarian carefully. Seek out examjdes
o f his/her w oik before proceeding.
This person must also be cognizant
o f the fact that Mln-Ptns are very sen­
Order directly from R.C. Steele
sitive to anesthesia, and it should be
administered with great caution. wholesale warehouse catalog and
Aftercare is the other half o f the eXJT YO UR COSTS!
equation. Without good aftercare, Sinoe 1956, R.C. Steele has catered to the
the ears win not stand, no matter pix^t-cooscious professional. We n^otiate
how good the crop. Many veterinar­
volume prices on huge quantities o f (xefeired
ians choose not to provide aftercare.
'^supplies and pass the savings along. If you’re currently
It is slm i^t not cost-effective for
them to do so. buying from an ordinary mail order catalog or local distributor,
Consequently, it bdiooves the we can save you b ig money. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
breeder to learn aftercare. It is not ■Send for Free I Icatalog.-
that difBcult; information is the key.
Aftercare consists o f allowing the cut R.C. STEELE KENNEL SUPPUES
edges to heal. and. once totalfy I Box14O,CA114,Sp0nc8rport,NY14S59
I I want to cut j i; ' fi
healed, w nq^in g them with tape un­ I costs! Send Nam e
til they stand. Information on how to I me your FREE
do this is available from different ! w holesale price c»,
sources', including word-of-mouth. j catalog o f
H ^hfy recommended is the book. I professionally
The New Dobennan Pinscher, I preferred C ity
I supplies.
Joanna Walker and other authori­
ties. The chapter T a il Docking and I-------------------- Or phone 716-3S2-323a
Ear Taping,” is a superior dlsserta-

JUNE1988 137
In the form o f n u trition is Thus, a correct crop, phis good
avallahle. Yes. m agic. P o s s ll^ the aftercare, {rius supiriem entation,
m ost im portant part o f the sdiole equals success/
ixocess Is nutrition.
Here is a sim plistic eaqilanation o f ODDS AND ENDS
the effect o f n u trition on ears: Attention, M in-Pln fancy: Patricia
E^ars are essentially cartfrage. Car­ Lehm an Is seeking photographs o f
tilage depends on collagen, and colla­ M iniature Pinschers fo r a book she is
gen is the ghie that holds bodily w orking on. She would also lik e to
tiasues together. Certain nutrients, hear from individuals w ho would be
w ith vitam in C in particular, en­ w illin g to answer a questionnaire on
hance the m anufacture o f ccdlagen. the differen t aspects o f ow ning and
Erect ears are a consequence o f caring for the M ln-Pin. She w ill have
strong collagen/cartilage. Soft, flap­ a breed profile In Dog Fancy m aga­
pin g ears s l^ ilfy the opposite. zine (tentatively scheduled fo r June,
M ln-Plns should be given 100 mg. 1988). W rite to Patricia Lehm an,
to 500 mg. o f vitam in C dally. In ad­ 2508 Teal Road, Brookm eade, W il­
d ition to a good m ultiple vitam in and m ington, DE 19805.
C m O nuad m ineral supfdem ent. Perform ance 1am happy to report there is a new
tj XI on the s u b ^ t, and Includes 11- Plus Is a quality product vriilch pro­ book out on the M iniature Pinscher
h Btratlofis. S im ilar procedures may vides the necessary nutrients. In- entitled The New M iniature F ln -
b : used cm the M ln-Pln. d u d ln g vitam in C. In the correct scher, by Sari Tletjen. It Is available
Not Infrequ ent^, conscientious ammmts. (The ordinary m ultqile win from Howell Book House, Inc., 230
b eeders w ill do everything righ t not provide adequate vitam in C .) Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169.
a id. stm . the ears w ill n ot stand. Perform ance Phis Is sold at dog Add It to your library.—S h friey G il-
T ils Is e x tr e m e frustrating, but shows and som e health food stores. loglym

owner's intelligence. My own experi­ first dog could n ot seem to im der-

lopM ons ences have been varied. Th e task o f stand what I w anted him to do in
tearhlng retrieve, or scent discrim i­ scent discrim ination. He refused to
C BEDM IC» AND PAPHLON8 nation, Is difficu lt to say the least. use his nose, except at the w rong
N othing Is m ore enjoyable than But when your dog is sm arter than tim e. (T h irty years ago, the show su­
p rttln g a PapUon th r o u ^ obedi- you are. It's next to im possible, kfy pers had cloth type m ats w hich were
e MX. flM y are hafipy, eager workers,
b It they aretdso a chaOrage. as they
a e not a lw r ^ easy to train. By that I
D ea n you asah arid lern eed toleam a
n llUon differen t techniques. Each
F q> Is very different.
F o rtu n a te , m y first Pap was a to-
t I fk y In obedience clano. One th in g
tl lat ruined her was the instructor
ii slatin g 1 drag her acroas the sUp-
p ay gym floor (n o m ats in those
d y s ). That fresdeed her out totaUyl
F nr the rest o f her life, she hesitated
e en crossing the kitchen vinyl.. 1
s Lid ‘Tm-tunately’'because 1Instantly
b scame aware o f the fact that you do
0 ytfo rce a dog to do som ething. In-
s fe i^ coax, tease or bribe, but do not
; force. So w ith m y second Pap, I
s able to work him easily in Nov-
it '
1 ricks for Teaching
You should never call a dc^ "stu-
p d."becau se the dog onlyreflects Its

used In either breed or obedience walked In cold. He took High Scoring said to no one In particular, "My
r in ^ So bitches In heat sometimes Toy and first in Novice B. It dawned gosh. I called the wmng dog!” I bad
left spots for obedience males to on me that he resented the two obedience dogs and was running
snlfr. Many conqrialnts to the AKC warm-ups. He knew the exercises back and forth between the two
soon corrected this.) and didn't need it. So I entered him rings. And, o f course, in my training
I M ed every means to get him to in a three show weekend. He gained at home, I did recalls with aU the dogs
use his nose, from bitch's scent to his C.D. in the ribbons each day. The lined up and they were to stay imtU 1
Uvw. but he would not scent for i t first day was a real challenge: rain­ called them. So, adio was the stupid
Instead, he would grab the nearest storm and huge puddles to do the tme?
ardde, which generally was wrong. If sits and down In, but he did Itl Lesson learned: concentrate on
I said “no,” he would drop it and Then I decided to get his Canadian one at a time if you have a pro-
hide. That was that! Then Milo Pear­ C.D. I entered him In four shows In pensify to pull dumb stunts like that.
sall suggested 1 nail the articles on a two weekends. In the first two By the way. the dog did finish the
board, leaving the one with the scent shows, be qualified with first places, next day, again in first place.
free. When the dog tries to pick up H i^ Tcy, etc. In the third show, be I h(^)C you win find a few helpful
the wrong one, he can't and realizes goofed the recall. He stared at me hints In these stories. Every dog Is
he better scent far the right one. when I called him and Just sat there! different and needs different tech­
W dl. my dog was funny about step­ “You stupid dog,” 1said to him. For­ niques. I try to put a C.D. on every
ping tq> on a board. He even tu n a te , we had another show the one o f tny champions. I h < ^ I can
hlgh-Junqxd a rain puddle. So, after next day. continue this.—Arlene Czech ■
m udi thmiglht I came upon the solu­ In the middle o f the n l^ t, I woke
tio n I sewed the articles to the living iq> with a start, sat up in bed. and
room rug, vdilch was adiere we
w orted these exercises. I am sure I
ani the only one vdio ever had scent
artidea as their living room decorI At
any rate, after his initial mistake, he
looked at me with a sheepish, side­
ways glance and began to sniff. He
neper made a mistake on articles af­
^ Treasures
ta^ that, even at demonstrations.
But he bad one veiy bad fouit: If, dur­
ing a trial, anytme claiqied sdien he
" of Time V
The Beimis Watch.. Ç "iSinHeni
An American Brand Name Since W22 V srs(hHis>
succeasfully retrieved over the Jump,
H A“ >our pet elegantly inscribed...
he would ham It up by reftimplng BenruN Quartz Precision .Acoiracv
and giving the crowd a thrill, and of f-wi'jr I t m t h 'ii W a r r a K t v . \U m * 'u H i i i k i> u a ru n tt-
cotirse. disqualifying himself. Cift-gMng I l f ifs I'cry Ih'st!
Who’S8tiq|dd? X ra iU th U ’
Bade to calling a dog "stupid.” I ■t iflti’r hnrii' j : urirfMe on nWM'■ '
had a son o f the U.D. dog vdio was I Z2-K<His) \ i.M1..' 111.rj«
prfrned and ready to show. I fd t he \

would be a tc^ scorer. I entered him (> 2Ibh t 1- !• ll -N-.i: 1«' f!. I M
in Itspo diows. Both times, adíen I H ' I s|i.pill III V'jhji \-rk'‘ n. IdMlI jlP
l4br.kli'r K liMk •««■>"!■•* In
sn^iped o ff the lead for free heeling, Itiithct fund-- 1liuw lri'‘l’ >»iitt ritf »in.» iMin ! 2sS3iH*rü'
ha^hecame a devil. On the first “for­ • iirihlnt KilfhriT SibiTUUHlJ'Kv ,
ward,” we both took off. I, following
the Judge's pattern, and he, s tra l^ t
to the Judge at perfect hed position. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ □
He then watched me from there with WaCHwrmYOUR SPECIALMESSAGE. Hadb Qip KBDNAME POSONAUZm MESSAaoSeb.» AMOUNT
(Up Id IS letim mduding spaoH. punctuahon.)
the Judge and the spectators la u d ­ AiDNEYMCK C IM JtW rE m k^ be ralim d ig>to 15
ing like c ra ^ as I performed the 15% tee, WfcUhwaM be in

ofi^ead exercise. No second com­ O RD ER FO R M ^

mand would budge him. I was so fu­
rious with this “stupid dog,” I quit
showing him. M in Sift lot
f t t O O l D O G , IN i:.
A year later, at an obedience it n in ii— un Riii n%
DM. C Dm Msfoni lA9BÍ» 1^- IT t r - “ ^ r n 1 eifti
matiÀ, I threw him in Just to pad the •MipÉlli BIN IT T ?
Homs tMtanieMipmftiy U IMenftedd «% Sdn «K
' No piactloe, no brush-up. Just

JUNE 1968 139

f : ___

O* » » » 5» OiOt


MOMCtiMto A viM > l« ft M t f «H Vm t Phglo
$2t.00 «rat onlv. m m <940 W r n r n m t.
1-3ie-37»OQ20 likely be only th ro u ^ adequate su­
pervision and beginning a caesar­
ian early enough that puprpy deaths
C-Wmcm/AlfBSTHBSlA could be reduced.
■UKVCr—PART n “Be very careful In interpreting
As promised In my April column. I your results—^no two situations are
win start this second part with some the same, and we aU use different
quotations from veterinarians who drugsVprotocols.”- ^ .C . Buckrell,
answered the survey questions. DVM, MS. assistant professor. Ve­
—^C-sectlons are to u ^ . Many terinary Teaching Hospital, Ontario
DVMs and owners wait too long. AU Veterinary College, Untverstb/ qf
DVMs should use adiat they are most Guelph.
famlHar with, hlstorlcalty. We rarety Breeders'Responses
use spinal and local anesthetic, but In answer to the lack c i milk pro­
It Is very useful In toxic blttdies. ^ 1- duction after a c-section, four breed­
nal anesthetic needs to be practic­ ers answered “yes," and nine, “no.”
ed.”—Wm. F. Jackson, DVM, Lake- O f the four vdio said “yes.” two bottle
land, FL (fanner president Ameri­ fed. and two supplemented tn the be­
le low est can Veterinary Association).
—^ “ Puppies adilch die following
ginning onty, finding Just a delay In
the dam's milk. The answer from one
wholesale c-seebon die for a number o f rea-
stms. They may be Inadequate^ de-
o f these was most helpful:
“Milk production can be ddayed
veloped. possess developmental de­ following a section, but getting the
ices on formity. may have suffered from In­
adequate oxygen during labor, and
bitch to eat and drink helps greatly. I
offer ‘goodies' for a few days, and lots
[uality some lack v i^ r for unknown rea­
sons. Combinations o f the above are
prefer to be hand fed. Goat's milk,
beef or chicken broth also hety. The
often referred to as the ‘fading puppy
' veterinary syndrome.'which is perplexing. Our
best help is to be sure the bitch was
on I.V. fluids during the section.
general therapy is warmth, humid­ This is a must forgotten by many
(u p p lies in ity, fluid and nutrition supptemen-
tation.”—R.A. Henderson, DVM.
vets. It guards against shock, gives
an avenue for emergency drugs,
m e country! MS, pn^essor A c h i^ Small Animal
Surgery, Auburn University.
should a crisis arise, and helps to re­
place fluids lost chiring the panHug
ccUl us toll free for our catalogi —^”We careiulty pre-oo^genate the and stress she experienced prior to
b ltd i before induction with the section. Out o f kilter eleettrotyte
1-800-4 51-41 62 Innovar-Vet and nitrous oxide. We balanœ affects milk production and
N on -A rea 7 1 5 -3 6 9 -5 5 9 1 feel that hypoxemia during the In­ ai^ietlte. ”—Pat MuUendore.
writs P.O. Box 11»1 Mblocqua.WI54S48 duction period may lead to weak or La answer to the pre-anesthetic
neurologicaOy Incompetent pups at cpiestion, two had used Innovar, two
ddlveiy.”—Ì..V. GaUagher. DVM. Ronpim 20. two gave no answer, one
MS, McCoy H ill, Washington State had used morphine, two used noth­
PET University.
—“Puppy deaths occur most com­
ing. two pentathol. one blotal by IV
push, one oiymorphone, and one.
TAGSA monly due to prolonged or stressful
labor, causing premature separation
intramuscnilar meperidine, a mor­
phine derlvaUve. The breeder affio
SsxnsDsyl |____ o f the friacenta and asphyxiation o f had used morphine as a preanes­
4fctl]ns OnsnntMl the pups. Usually the last delivered Is thetic noted that it was used with a
tty o y M aw«* the greatest at risk. loc:al injectable novacaine type anes­
I hnnWwniiw l- Just < 4 .9 6 « » ..fla o t flr « « C A »
”A caesarian section, if used as a thetic for the surgery. The bitch had
1 lu d R S H ia ilP u r a B r a a i - J ia t « T S e Ss. result o f difficult birth, win have a bad reaction after this treatment,
I these same p u i^ fatalities. In addi­ remaining In an almost comatose
tion. duration and choice q f anes­ state for 15 hours.
thetic w llljurdier depress pups. In answer to the type o f anesthesia
lA loose ”I realty do not believe the Peke suf­ used for the surgery, seven had used
- (flbowio,_______ fers feom unique proUems. Many halathane at one or more o f their sec­
wArtPWi CBN« Id OoBarX T a i» Gtesto smaU, especially pug-nosed, breeds
----------- tfM i---------- tions. O f those, five said it was ad­
have similar difficulties. It would ministered t y gas mask or tube, and
two did not answer. One used Qj^gen mixed with Ronpun; and one felt the and coma.
and nitrous oxide, but did not an­ pups died from stress and depres­ O f the breeders who reported pups
swer as to bow It was administered. sion due to the anesthetic or the w ^ that had died, seven had used hala- if:
Two used a type o f novacalne In- in which it was administered. thane at the time o f losses. Some
Jectlofi. Two used isofiourlne (an in - In answer to the question on the breeders had changed to other vets
balm t), and two used a local block loss o f bitches following a section, and other anesthesias after these ex­
wlthbdocalne. Inhaling oxygen. One seven breeders had never lost a periences. O f the vets with reports of
used iqdocalne 2 percent by iigec- bitch, but six had. They attributed dead pups, four had used halathane.
tlon. the losses as fc^tows: O f the breeders who reported bitches
Elgbt breedÔB had lost pups fcd- ’ One had kidney failure fiom anes­ that died, three had used halathane.
lowlng a section and five had not. thetic overdose; two had cardiac ar­ No losses o f either pups or bitches
Th ^attribu ted the losses as follows: rest fiom over-use o f anesthetic; was reported where isoQourtne was
One stated the pup was not ftiUy three had respiratory complications used. I don't know if we can draw a
deydoped: one statrà the pup had fiom anesthetic; one had a weak scientific conclusion from this or
deft palate and h^and membrane heart; and one bitch never came out not. but I fed it is worth reporting.
disease; one said pups had pjdorlc of the anesthetic. I have some very interesting state­
stenosis; <me fd t the section was de­ The symptoms described in the ments from breeders In answer to
layed too long and bitch was pups that were lost included weak­ the last question on the su rv^, but
over-anesthetized; one fd t the pups ness. lethargy, a lack o f a desire to will have to use these in a future col­
had poor respiration due to the anes­ ea t lung congestion, vomiting, poor umn. Again, thank you to all adío
thetic and had no swallow reflex; one respiration, no swallow reflex. In­ responded.—Mrs. Howard Eden
stated that pups died fiom ability to nurse, diarrhea, gasping Schultz ■
over-sedation when ketamine was fin- air, lack o f vitality, v^iimperlng.

Excited and appreciative Pomera­
nian people have now had the oppor­
tunity to view the “hot-off-the-press”
AKC Pom video. Special complimen­
tary copies for all the video partici­
pants are being distributed by AKC.
and you can order yours now. Pur­
chase price o f the video Is $35.
We are hearing lovely comments
about the c]uallty o f the video pro-
ductkm, the excdlent commentary,
and the spectacular c»lor shots o f
Pomeranians o f every type, s ^ e ,
ccdra'. and conformation. We must
stand scmievdiat in awe o f our terrific
aifcantage: the techncdogy and “state
o i the art“ (adiatever that means)
that has allowed us to prepare a video SHOW LOCATION While I personally adore our trips
trqie that shows everything one We aimually encounter severe dif­ to New York every February for all the
needs to know about our breed. In ficulties In obtaining facilities for Pom doings and the Westminster
the past. Judges and interested peo­ specialty shows in New York (as do show, we are frequently annoyed by
ple r^ e d on word o f mouth, older most all-breed dubs). When suitable the pat comment on prices, whether
il books, special articles, printed stan­
dards, etc., for gaining the eiqrertise
facilities are located, the committees
find prices totally impossible to pay.
It be for a huge hotd show hall, or a
krady sandwich and cup o f coffee.
needed to become a tnity knc^edg- and alternate sites for hotels and But you must understand: this Is
ablePDmjudge or lover. Now there is rooms must be used to avoid huge New York! Every year, Pom visitors
a beautiiU, 20 minute tape provid­ losses on shows. It is the bane of complain (and rlghtty so) that they
ing everything in a neat. compreben- dubs hddlng specialties in New get minimal lodging and services, yet
slvepectoget York. must pay premium and sometimes

JUNE 1988 141


Tbs Southfork Ranch? Wrong! We Just paid $2,000Just for a

C ynUntied I must share this with you. A dar­ room in the hotel to have our show.
e ari>ltaat [Mices. Thus, the parent ling, well-known Pom lady fixun Mis­ This did not include the hospitality
c lib has been bombarded with re- souri, Mrs. Nina Epps, sent us the room (extra), snacks (extra), cash
q tests to move our annual specialty neatest brochure on this subject. It bar (extra obviously), and special ser­
opt o f New York. (Note: 1think this Is la totally {qipn^riate to the issue at vices (extra), meeting rooms (extra),
tadgr” idea, but yet vety sensible.) handl Are all o f you acqpialnted with etc.
The parent club memhersb^ ad- the absurdly licdi Texans in the T.V. So, not meaning to speak dispar­
dtessed this subject at the annual aeries, “Dafias"? How about those agingly about our nice hotel in New
n eedng. and a ballot Is to be sent out conniving J .R Ewing “Tiad guy" York where we had the show. 1must
ti an. asking (pinions on several lypes and those rich folks on the tele­ admit that Nina Epps'veiy well made
tfx is. adilch are: vision series who dwell laWshty on point was that, yes, places do exist
1) Stay in New Yorit and suffer fl- the giant “Southfork Ranch" in for dog shows, and probably for even
n^mclalpaln. Texas? less money!
2) Move to an outlying area around Well, guess what? This brochure While I sort o f personally oppose
^few York City scsnqilace. away from describes the real Southfork Ranch moving from New York (it's my
tfanbattan. (it does exist), along with all the chance to visit the big city at least
3) Move national specialties out of amenities such as a new convention once a year), I must agree that at­
Mew Yoik compdet^, and select vari- center, a 183-foot oil rig, complete tending a Pomeranian specially
0 w locations across the c»untry for with a party deck, a world-class ro­ show at a place like Southfork (and
ti le Februaiy show. deo arena, two softball fields, twoved- using J. R Ewing's personal l»th -
It is pretty definite that nothing Icyball courts and a full-sized soccer room) does have a little bit o f ostenta­
c ^ be done by the next show (1989). field, a gorgeous huge house, and tious appeal! (I wonder if they have
b itw em ayeiqiectapossibiechange goodness knows how many Texas Indoor plumbing at the Southfork.)
A r subsequent ones if the member- acres to enje^. And it's all for only Till next time, smile a lot and mean
s lip vote so (Hefeis. 82,500per full day. Sound like a lot? nt—Olga M. Baker m

If you have any such s h iftin g aspiects o f breeding Pugs, a portion

Fugs crates, we urge that you replace the o f which concerned selecting the
hanhvare with nuts and bolts o f any right date for breeding. Since then,
Z RC POISONING material but zinc. Happily, the newer we have received a letter from Mrs.
In the past several months, anum- airline shipping crates have harm­ Walter L. Fleisher, Jr. o f New City,
b r o f articles have ^ipeared in vari- less plastic fasteners to hold them to- New York, adilch we found instruc­
o< IS dog publications warning about getbCT. And on this subject, you tive. It reads:
tl edan^rsofzincpm sonlng. I'd like should check any other kennel “1 have used an anal thermometer
tc mention it here for those sdio may equqxnent or household items for starting about the fourth day o f spot­
h [ve missed earlier warnings. hanhvare with zinc content that ting and in the early morning when
hny item made wholly or pertly o f your dogs could possibly get at. and the bitch is basal. Either she is
zl 1C win, if ingested by your dog. remove it. crated with the thermometer ready
Cl use hemolytic anemia arhich, if If you have reason to suspect your at bedside, or she is in an otherwise
n it propeiiy diagnosed and treated, dog may have Ingested a zinc prod­ quiet area. Her temperature w ill run
a uld be a klUer. Until vety recent^, uct (adilch wUl begin to dissolve as along at about the same reading,
on 3st airline shipping crates have soon as his gastric Juices touch it), generally 100 d^rees, then drop to
b en held together with zinc nuts have your vet check him immedi­ 99.6 or as low as 99.0 degrees. The
ai d bolts. We have a half-dozen of ately. Symptoms o f zinc poisoning next morning, the reading w ill also
tl ese stored adilch we have used can include blood in his m ine, possl- be somewhat lower than the first few
b sn time to time. It seems that eveiy taty vomiting and/or dlanhea, leth­ days o f the readings. She will also
tl He we get one out to use. there are argy. weakness and depression. show the usual signs o f being reaefy.
s< veral nuts missing. This was, in Unless the object Is surgically re­ The thermometer was started on vi­
oi ir minds, a minor inconvenience, moved at the earliest Ume. and the siting bitches who were o ff base
n cessitatlng a visit to the toen shed dog treated to counteract the poison­ (away from home) and not happy af­
fo r a new one. We never stopped to ing and the internal seconda^ infec­ ter a plane ride. I like the anal tem­
w mder what happened to the mlss- tions, death could follow quickly. perature because it isn’t Invasive
li g ones, and little did we realize the Don't delay. and it does not subject the bitch to a
di te consequences if one o f them visit to a strange veterlmiry hospital,
a ded iq i in one o f our Pug's stom- A FURTHER AID TO BREBDINO where . . . they have had some bad
Last October, we discussed some parvo scares.
“K B M a KO U frORT 000 HUTS
“ I have had j m t success w ith the 1thank Mrs. Flelsher for th is h ^>- • hcreosed dog heoHlv s o M y ft com fort
additlod o f the tem perature as a ful suggestion. • K am al mokrtenonca reduced by 50%
guide, and maiqr litters have been I offer apologies to readers fo r the • Turns kenneis Into d n w plo ces
bmiji that w ere bred but one tim e. brevity o f th is m onth’s colum n, but • k islo ls eosky over dbt, d a y concrete,
W hy n ot tiy It? I start w ith bitches no excuses. In August, I hope to have o sp M te tc .
h e fo e they are 18 m onths to get an the latest Inform ation on th is year’s • Secure natural tooting [\
Idea about them so when w e do want national specialty, and also a lovely • M odekiU SA on doRordable r r|
tobéeed them , w e know If they are 14 little story about a rescued Pug. • Tlw best warranty offered— K ) years.
day Jadíes or 7 d t^ ladies, or any- Edw ards. K. Patterson ■ • A volabie in wide range of sizes to tit
Î-.- m ostopplcations.
th ld g In betw een."
i(¡' • Custom sizes avolabie on request

Involved w ith C ardlopet also teach at /bk oboul our special mats designed
tor crates, n m ft dog houses.
SMhTzu rii
the veterinary colleges and do re­
search, so th ty have the latest in for­ CAU TOU FMII-ftOO-SM-4040
;í if;, i W IB B IR A R r UPDATE m ation on hum an cardiac drugs that (inWl Cd Colect414852-3912)
iT ie general practition er In sm all can be adapted for use In pets. 'The
Cardlopct service also evaluates
tine« RuHier Products, bw.
anim al m edicine som etim es needs to 552S-19lh Ave. KenostM, Wl 53140
can (m the experUae o f a specialist. If chest radiographs that referrin g vets
he or she Is located close to a vet­ send in. T h e service can be used to
erinary c o U ^ cn*specialty d in lc. It Is screen the cardiac functions o f sur-
rd a tlvd y e a ^ for the veterinarian
Sí-ii and the clien t to sed t additional
h ^ . I f they are n ot close-by. It m ay
,aj .. he d ifficu lt fo r everyone concerned
and. Indeed, It can be llfe-
thrm ten ln g fo r the patient to have to
traad long distances.
One very critical area o f m edicine ltch>Ex for dogs and cate Is proven offoctivo roliof from
Is cardloloi^, and w e are fortunate to dry, itcliy, flaky skin. Fast-acting and economical, Itch-Ex
have the ab ility to call In experts w ith
Idramatically improves skin and coat conditions in 3 to 6 weeks.
the ease ofm akln g a telephone can. A
grotq> o f cardiologists across the I In addition to scratchy, scaly skki; Itch-Ex roliaves a
country has organized a trans- i wida rang# of health and skin problanis all ralatad to a
tdephonic cardiac referral system
called “Cardlopct. " T h e referrin g vet
i daficiancy of the asaantial B-vitamin • biotin. Itch-Ex
obtains a conqilete history, physical corrects this deficiency and clears up agonizing conditions like
exam and blood tests, as weU as eczema, dermatitis, hindquarter weakness, tender pads and loss of
x-rays, if needed, then corm ects the appetite. If your pet suffers any of these, he needs Itch-Ex. And for
anim al to a transm itter that sends less than 10 cents a day, how could you let him suffer?
the pet’s dectrocauxUogram over the
td e ^ x m e to the C ardlopet office in Order Itch-Ex in a tasty powder directly or request the name of
New York. If the patient's condition your nearest Itch-Ex dealer by calling 1 (800) NICKERS. In NY, call
Is critical, the E C ^ results win be re­ collect (718) 448-6283.
ported back "s ta t" or w ith in one
hour. Otherwise, the ECG can be run □ FOR SMALL DOGS AND CATS (6 Mos. supply): 19.95 + 1.95 UPS
routine and w in be ready before noon □ FOR MEDIUM TO LARGE DOGS (6 Mos. supply): 39.95 + 2.95 UPS
the follow ing day. □ KENNEL-ECONOMY SIZE oocim c
Th e cardiologist on duty reviews (10 Small dogs/ats or 4 medium/laige dogs (3 Mos. supply): 5 5 .0 0 + ¿ .9 5 U r b
the history and physical fin din gs □ FREE BOOKLET ON ITCH-EX AND BIOTIN
and studies the ECG fo r abnorm alit­
ies. He then discusses diagnosis, COD: Add 1.50
prognosis and h is recom m endations VISA/MC
as to the preyer course o f drugs and
dosages to be used and the schedule Mail Orders: Nickers International
to follow fm reevahiatlan o f the heart 12 Schubert Street, Staten Island, NY 10305
condition. Dept. DF6.
Blarqr o f the cardiologists vdio are
JUNE 1968 143

)M in u
( '■onHmiexi
I ety candidates. It also evaluates the
< Ktent (rf damage to the hearts o f
( ogs w ith heartworm disease that
^ about to undergo treatm ent.
The C ardlopet service allows any
deterlnaiy subscriber the ability to
( ffer the highest qu ality state-
< f-the-art m edldne to aO h is clients.

Reoendy. friends m ade m e aware

( r a veteiin a iy practice ttiat special-
1 « S In acupuncture. T h is etin ir sent
t STlflc inform ation and mn>ie me
1 onder i f som e o f iny oldies could
I enefit from th is therapy fo r arthri-
t s. Musculoskeletal conditions (ar-
t iritis, h ip dysplasia. Intervertebral
( lac disease) reqxm d to aciqiunc-
I ire, as do neurologic comUtkms
I nd gastrointestinal conditions such
t s coUtlB. Acupuncture tber^n^ is
1 iltia lly perform ed once a week for
e lx to eigh t weeks. Tlreatinents are
t len tapered o ff to w hatevo: Is neces-
t u y to m aintain the anim als' Im-
1 rovem ent. Norm ally, patients are
t len seen (m ce every tw o to six ian. He or she m ay know som eone In available, and thanks to Dr. C hris­
I iontha fo r exmtinued treatm en t An your area, or m ay feel your dog would tine Dresser, also o f .^ ip le H1H, fo r
i cupuBCture treatm ent la about $30 not b o ie flt from th is type o f treat­ her help w ith th is ctriumn.
( D d ie average. ment. I am looking forw ard to seeing ev­
For inform ation on veterinarians rd love to hear firom anyone who eryone at the outdoor shows. Call or
cÉieciallzing in acupcm ctuie. please found acupuncture helpful for th eir w rite If you have suggestions, would
c intact the International Veterinary dog. like to w rite a colum n, or ju st w ant to
/ cupuncture Society. R D . #1, Thanks to Dr. Robert B u lge, DVM, talk Shlh T zu .—Bonnie L. Guggen­
( beater S pringi. PA 19425. In addi- o f .^ ^ le H ill Anim al Hospital, for heim m
t on, check w ith your own veteiln ar- having the trans-telephonlc service

Uon o f the ideal specim en o f the represents. W ithout type, your

Vorkshire Twrtors breed. It encom passes the w hole dog Yorkle would look like a S l ^ Terrier,
and describes the various aq iects o f a Silky T errier or even an Australian
i THODGHTFULUXMKAT the breed. Th e Am erican Kennel Terrier. Type Is the em bodim ent o f
JUDGING Chib has rules pertain in g to all dogs the breed's essentials.
Judges arc often asked how they regarding soundness o f body and Balance is the proportion o f the
c eterm liie the adnnlng dogs. O f tenqionm ent, as w ell as the chang­ whole In rriation to Its separate
c lurae, each Judge is expected to in g o f a dog's appearance by artificial pieces. It is the sym m etrical outline
1 DOW the standard fo r each breed he means. Dogs m ust be excused or dis­ and ffttln g together o f each part. It Is
1 »judging. P rior to the ju dgin g, m ost qualified as the rules dictate. o f Im portance that the vdiole dog
I evdew each and every standard for Once an exh ibit has been deter­ present a pleasing outline and tq>-
11C breeds they w ill be goin g over. m ined to fall w ith in the lim its o f the pearance, and th is Is largely due to
1 h is is usualfy done eith er during standard, then other qu alifications the relation o f each part to the whole.
t lie awek preceding the show, adiile com e into play: type, balance, qual­ The head m ust be In balance to the
I ying to the show, or, if tim e per- ity, condition, showm anship, and body, neither too large nor too small.
t lits. after arrival at the hotel the groom ing. The m uzzle m ust be in balance to the
] irevious aftem otm . Type Is the essential qu ality w hich skull, neither too long n or too short.
The standard is a basic descrlp- makes the anim al look the breed it The body m ust be in proportion to

the \egf^ not too long nor too short. This is the intangible which puts be trained to free-stack while baiting
And thé neck must be in proportion m ary dogs in the ca t^ o iy o f "show for a tidbit, and they should also use
to tlie head, body and legs. It must be dog. ~ It is that essential adiich seems thetr ears to show o ff their best ex­
o f p fo p ^ length in order to cany the to draw your attention to a particular pression.
hold [xnudty without appearing dog. It can be seen In certain puppies Grooming is also an Inqxirtant
swan-Uke. It can't be so short that at a very early age. And while an pup­ consideration. Again, the coat must
the head a|q>earà to be stuck right on pies in a litter m i^ t epitomize the be free o f any tangles and must be
the shouldera. Even the feet must be standard, it is this attribute which wen brushed. It must be clean. The
in propmrtkm to the legs. Too large sets one puppy apart from its sib­ part must be as straight as possible
feet gives the a[^>earance o f snow- lings. down the center beck, and the
shoes; too small gives the appear- Showmanship and grooming are topknot must not be teased, and
ancè o f no foundation to stand on! the final attributes, and are closely must look like an ice-bag set atop the
It is conceivaUe to have a typey aligned. Were it not for showman­ head.
Yotide that ñts the standard but yet ship. there would be no need for dog The color o f the ribbon should
is cmiqpletefyout o f balance! Balance “shows. ” Dogs could be Judged in an­ comiriiment the g(M o f the head, and
is almost Important attribute in con­ other fashion, pertiaps t y simiriy it should be clean and fresh, and not
H; tributing to make any ordinary picking them up, or by placing them apjjcar to have been worn In the past
Ymkie into a show dog! on a box. English s t ^ . Showman­ 20 shows. Brighter colors usually
Condition reflects the state o f ship is Important, as it shows a kxA best on the Yortle. Stay away
hesïth the dog. An underweight or h a ;^ . m eny dog gaiting sprite^ from busy designs and “doo-dads”
overweight dog is certainly not in around the ring. He is happy to be on the bows, as these serve to detract
condltiofi. and neither is a bitch there with his handler or owner. from an otherwise pleasing appear­
shown in an advaiKed state o f preg- Our Yorkles must also be trained ance. Feet should be neatly trimmed
nahcyl (Why anyone would stress out to stand four-square on a table vdiUe to give them a rounded appearance.
a b ltd i by taking her on a dog show the Judge checks bites, fronts, rears Nails should always be cut short.
tr ^ is beyond n y comprehension. A and topUnes. Eyes are also checked Ears should be neatly trimmed, and
great riak is lixleed present. This for color, vdiile eye rims are exam­ never, never tied into the top-
bltidi might pick up something at ined for completeness, head struc­ knot.—Betty R. DuUlnger ■
the dog show, thereby risking her life ture Is looked at. etc. Yorkles should
as well as the lives o f unborn pup­
An animal adióse coat is not of
proper leqgth for its age is also not in
condition; ditto an animal whose
coat is dry. brittle, flaky or dirty and
oUÿ. The coat o f the Yorkshire Terrier
stMuld be fine, s illy and glossy.
This gloss comes from the texture
(which is inherited), as well as the :£i
1 'i'
overall h ealtly condition o f the anl-
mal. This gloss is also associated
with a dean, freshly-bathed Yorkle
who has not been treated with any
artificial grooming aids. I have seen
pmnades. sprays, greases, and any
number o f other preparations being
put on Yorkles direct^ before enter­
ing the ring. A clean, shiny coat is a
Joy to hdmld, and there is little or no
need to put anything on it to alter or
change the appearance and color in Íj
any Cashlon. The dog should be in
good. firm weight, with a nicely
rourxled-out body. The coat should
be shiny and glos^ , and the musdes
should be firm and hard, which re­
sults from proper exercise and food.
Q u aliy is the refinement o f type.

JUNE 1968 145

R Lum m nw t
5 5 íS **.S í'í?8 *^

SÌ55S Tl£Si2fi5KSP*''12iì«"*
Mt M tti pPMMlin a<M k HOI MM A M M l áMÉIÉF

tw w aw cjnii.flrtÉtndBa^OiW itltlÉIlfciwibM»
0CCMM%aiMOÍMid«IHlipMÍI ' ~ -
•ri moníion^ of a

Hounds, Chihuahuas and Tibetan

BIchons Frisos Spaniels, and chairman o f the Bl­
chon Frlse Specialty held on Sunday,
The guest cohunnlst this month Is
February 7th; Rudy Van Voorst (Aus­
Gertrude Fournier, charter member
tralia). breeder, exhibitor o f Azara
c i BFCA. past-president o f BFCA,
Blchon Frise; Richard Beauchamp
and the lady that Introduced the Bl-
(U.S.), editor ofKennel Review mag­
(h on toth eU .S.
azine and breeder, exhibitor o f Beau
n n S B H A lK N IA L CONOKB88 Monde Blchon Frise, Bull Terriers,
The first International Blchon American Cockers and Pembroke
FMae Congress was held Fd>ruaiy 7- Welsh Corgis.
T k ijm 0 <ri>i<cri>— iuni tilirii « m 14,1988 In London. England. It was The session that fcdkywed the after­
attended l y a large contingent o f noon break was devoted to having
■É<n i riiHiiai ri»iB |i l « nMri in iiiiii. " —
m cmmmmm.hiU.sTciMsMiMa%1ol487 American breeders from all over the three differentjudgesjudge the same
ám racaMai tte iM i r%m rrWbim criMa^Rsof States and Canada, asw dlasbyrep- five dogs independently, and discuss
CUSÍ lesentatlves from Mexico, South
dmg » w by • eailia « < • el a l a w i í the reasons for their placements, fol­
I. Smyóm
• m
I ISPO U TO f_______ í^ Wales. New Zealand, Australia, Fin­ lowed by questions from ringside.
■ UtonlDna.liie.MS3117 land, Sweden, Denmark and Nor- The judges were Fereleth Hamilton
w ^ . The main purpose for this (U.K.): Dr. Harry Splra (Australia);
meeting was to establish an Interna­ and Dr. Sam D r^ier (U.S.).
tional consensus as to sh a t consti­ A cocktail party and banquet were
tutes the “essence" o f the breed. hdd that evening, during sdiich Mr.
To this end, speakers from various Beauchamp asked me to say a few
countries were invited to express words. I received a very warm stand­
A LIB R A R Y their views. These speakers were Dr. ing ovation for the part I {dayed in
OF COMPLETE Harry Splra, DVM (Australia), who Introducing the Blchon Frise to the
^xike on artiflclal Insemination. We U.S. After a few words exp la in in g
DOG CARE learned that although frozen semen how I acquired the Blchon, I indi­
rouCAN HAVE IT ALL may be exported to countries
without quarantines, the reverse Is
cated that Barbara Stubbs should be
recognized as well as Richard Beau­
Ml the Knowledge true for the U.K., Australia and New champ. It was our combined efforts
Benefit Zeahrai, These countries maintain that played a large part in the recog­
Enjoyment the belief that rabies m l^ t be fotmd nition o f the breed by the AKC.
kNWMta in videotivies avaiiabto tM In semen. On Wednesday, three different
:a n M M d e o Ubraiy at SUPER SPE- Jane Corrigan. DVM (U.S.). spoke groomers, Lee Beayon (Australia).
<:iAL PRICES. Profesaionaily haiKMa &
RMin your showdog iwith inatnxtiion by
on a veterinary overview o f canine Lois Morrow (U.S.), and Den Thomas
^rolaaaioo al M U m m K am p.. . disease we should be aware of. This (U.K.), demonstrated their tech­
was on the first day after Richard niques. The afternoon was devoted
‘ iS mins, of Basle Tsohlniqiios Beauchamp had opened the Con­
I to the wTEq>-up discussions and reso­
IS mins, of Advancsd gress with an In-depth slide and lec­ lutions. Since some countries do not
' 'schnlquss $39 ture presentation. The fcdlowlng day. allow scissoring o f their Bichons, It
Hrs. Airedale A Similar Tsrrler Dr. B. Eskdand (Sweden) spoke on was reconunended that exhibitors of
irooming $39.95 nutritkm o f the Bichon, followed bya Bichons be allowed to show their
! Hrs. BMran Frisa
Fr Grooming questkm-and-answer session by the dogs either trimmed or untrlimned
39.95 three doctors. In any country In the world.
: ! Hrs. Giant Schnauzsr The afternoon was devoted to an It was recommended that the Bl­
I iroomlng $39.95 International breeders' panel, in
I AN rsgularty pricod at $00 soch) chon should be judged within the
which the breeders were asked to range o f size dictated by the stan­
' WiaSwr you want to train them. . . discuss their achievements and fail­ dard for the breed within a particular
11mthem.. . . ures. Breeders participating were
I r enjoy a moiHe about toem coimtry, no preference to be given for
Lars Adheimer (Sweden), breeder, the smaller dog o f equal quality.
exhibitor and international Judge o f It was the unanimous consensus
I taatoroaidAlisa VHS/Bsla terriers and Blchon Frlse; Ismond o f those present that we not breed
Surmja (U.K.). breeder, exhibitor o f Beagle- nor Poodle-type BIchons.
I hA , me., P.O. Box 816312 world record holder OzmlUion
l>sA GAZ, Dallas, TX 7S381- —G.F.
1312 Yoricles and breeder U.K. T<^ Dog I thank Gertrude for her report—
! land $2J0 ter compista catalog 1987; Mrs. Pauline Block (U.K.), Rolande T. Lloyd ■
breeder, exhibitor, judge o f Pharaoh
The Blue
Ribbon Cages
with the Bright
Blue Tag
dispositions into our dogs as in
Bdtion Terriers breeding a certain color, tall length,
goodorbadtofrilnes, etc. Having had
BOSItMITBHPBRAMENT ! several breeds over the many years
I have long described the Boston as (but always a Boston in the house), 1
“a small, easy to keep, shorthaiied made it a firm rule not to breed to
dog. never meant to bring in the cat­ arty dog with a poor disposition,
tle or retrieve game, but meant pri­ whether it be a cringing one (these
marily as a h a f^ , healthy, pla^hil can easily turn into fear biters) or
household pet. being extremely onewhichsnapsorgrowlsatthepeo-
peot^e-oriented.” In the 50 years p e trying to handle it. Many times tn
since my first Boston Terrier, 1have discussions o f temperament and dis­
found them to be almost universally position with other breeders, 1 have
happy and outgoing, and have met heard the many reasons vidiy a cer­
only one that 1 would describe as ag­ tain dog had a problem, ranging
g re s s iv e vicious. fix>m ”He was raised in a kermel and
Because o f this universality of never socialized,” to “His first owner
good tenqienunent. there does not ^mlled him rotten.” But think: tty Send for the new
seem to be a problem in this area to the time the d<^ is grown and
be conconed about. Therefore, most breedable, you cannot know “Dog-a-log”— largest
breeders do not (gace temperament sdiether the cause o f his disposition selection of models
high on their list o f qualities to look problem was hereditary or environ­
for in a ]>edigree for their breeding mental. and cages anywhere.
IMOgram. We have all seen a variety o f tem­
But:with the maity laws being dis­ peraments in our dogs tty the time we ICentral Metal
cussed around the country regard­ have been at it a trille. Some are IProducta, Inc.
ing ‘Vicious dogs.” 1 think it quiet and a little reticent about new P.O.Box 396
bdMOves us to think further on this, things, while others are into every­ Windfall, IN 46076
especially since some have expressed thing and have to be constantly re­ (317)945-7677
concein about some tenqreraments minded o f the rules. These are both
they have encountered. We must, as within the norm. But too much o f ei­
breeders, be aware that the same ther extreme can turn into “shy and
{Hocess is invtrived in breeding bad cringing” and “aggressive and
f -

r u
I? B



Si 1
s 'o

JUNE 1968 147


grees to a h igh o i 75 d ^ ie e s . Per­ Intendent. By givin g all the pertinent

( lonOnued centage o f sunshine m .^ tril Is 89 inform ation to som eone over the
T »W 3 r ' percent. Therefore, the only w ord o f phone (not the show secretary or su­
B jrb eln gsu re(tfth esta b ied i^ xisl- w arning necessary fo r those bring­ perintendent) id io can get it in on
Aons o f the dogs w e b n e d to. w e can in g their Bostons to Ih o e n ix in A pril tim e, you have the entry made. 'This
I ettETtneu reth eteiiy era in en to fth e is “D o not leave them in a parked procedure, o f course. Is onfy fo r the
< og who ends up g o in g to a hom e car." And w e all observe that rule occasional problem w ith a very ^>e-
1 hereheisexpectedtoataylM qppyno anyway, do we n ot? Also, a U ^ t wrap clal show and one m ust immetUately
I latter how m any ttm e s Uttle Susie is usually needed outside In the eve­ refund the entry fee on arrival at the
I ants to dress him iy> In doll’s n in g at that tim e o f year. show to the kind pierson adio made
( loth esL W e as breeders m ust n ot be the entry. Som e areas even have local
I ap on sM e for som eone being In- (Mf LAST MIIfirrB BIfTRIBS pick up spots at piet shops, etc. where
J lied by our dogs. M ost o f us have run Into the pirob- a friend could take your entry fo r last
lem o f gettin g too close to the entry m inute d ellveiy. hand carried to the
^(XXTOLOSim d osing date and m issing an Inqxir- superintendent’s office .—Barbeira
Th e 1988 N ational ^ le c la lty Is tant show because o f m all delay. Keeler Jordan ■
I ow over and sights are set cm There are m any w ho could make
£ cottsdale, Arizona, w here the spe- these entries on tim e at the last m in- C orrection :
c alty win be In 1989—a two day ute i f t h ^ would but call a frien d in The photograph that tqipeared in the
s how o n ^ irU 1 and 2. Th e Valley o f the area o f the show and see If there A pril Boston T erriers colunm was
t le Sun BTC win hold th eir q ie d a lty is som eone vdio can hand-cany th eir taken by Joan Ludwig.
a lo w on M arch 31 cm the same entry to the show secretary or super-
( rounds. The Safari Inn Is a grand
f d u ty and crflen hosts national spe-
c altles ctf various breeds. T h eir spa- from the sale go to the Bulldog Chib
c ous convention haB should BuNdogs o f Am erica.)
a soommodate the BTCA extrava- I want to use the GAZETTE breed
j m ss very weD, and d iose w ho have HKWCOLDlDflST colum n as a vehicle to present Infor­
a * n the facility are m ost enttim iiai«- I feel like R ip Van W inkle. It has m ation to the 2000-plus m em bers o f
t c a b o u tlt b een lS yea rssin celm a d ea su b m is- BCA and the marry p roqiectlve new
Although w e do n ot have qu ite as siem to the G AZETTE’Sbreed cedumn bulldoggers w ho m ay read the col­
I luch o f a {»loblem here In A rizona on Bulldogs. But here I am again, umn. I rq^ireciate the opportunity to
V 1th the attitu de that ’’there is noth- sucxeecUngAzm H ier, adio did a won­ w rite th is colunm again, w hich was
t ig between the M lsslaalppi R iver derfulJob the last fou r years. extended to m e by BCA president.
a id C alifornia” as w e used to. it is Som e o f you m ay not know me. I Dennis Entholt. In addition to m y
a m d ifficu lt to explain to maiqr the have been active m BuOdogs for al­ com m ents, I m tend to In vite guest
p ea sa n t relaxed livin g tn th is part o f m ost 30 years as a breeder, exh ibi­ colum nists whose thoughts other­
t lecoim tiy. and the glortous clim ate tor, and, later, as a judge. I have been w ise m l^ t n ot be heard. Each d iffer­
V e ei^qy for alm ost the en tire year. an active m em ber o f the BCA Guide­ ent w riter’s ajqiroach and style
S m icbow , no m atter w hat w e say to lines and Education Com m ittees, should make fo r inform ative and In­
tl n se m the East, they cannot shake the Bulldog Standard Form at Revi­ teresting reading.
t le feeling that w e apend vast sión Com m ittee, and the Colorado There are m any ways fo r ou r read­
a nounts o f tlin e h yin g e ^ s cm the Judges* Workshop. Jdy nu^or m ter- ers to learn about the Bulldog. Per­
s dew ak. There Is no wiqrone c »n be­ est In Bulldogs Is In the o f edu- sonal expierience is the m ost
ll !ve that any tempierature over 79 catlcm. I deligh t in the cqrportunlty to common way. T h is m ethod is lim ited
d igreea can be ccmifortaMe. and af- lecture on the breed. to the am ount o f dogs In the kermel,
ti r 23 years m Chicago, I know this Last year, Iw asp irtvileged tob eth e the develr^m ent o f these d < ^ . the
p roMeos. Over the last 30 years, the BCA Education Com m ittee project advice o f fd lo w bulldoggers and the
n m a l tem peratures fo r early A pril director o f the hlghfy successful veterinarian Involved. Hopefully,
r inged from a low o f about 45 de- BuUdogger D igest T h is 366-i>age this is n ot lim ited. In som e in ­
botdt is a com pilation o f Inform ative stances. Ity the blind leading the
AiMric«« SMfonWiini Tgfrttn
articles originally subm itted
m any BuUdoggers to the BuUdogger
E *iu ih ely AKC regWgred
^ honigg psibUcatlon. adilch was edited I^ R l- BCABDDCATION
CHSkxJSaniee d ia rd Maze from 1972-1986. (Copies We m the Bulldog Chib o f Am erica
Chart» QraMS are still available fo r $11.00 each. It are fortunate. W e have our form al ed-
Rt3.B0Kl132 Is a book that everyone interested In ucaUon program s offered at the BCA
the breed should own. A ll proceeds National show weekend. Th e Educa-

Jun e Special
ttoiL;: Cmnini^fBe, d ia lied Mis. You may eventually learn 1^ your­ F t Dodge Nolvacide
MarteAndiee, btw assembled a mass self from the school o f experience Flea & Tick Mist II
o f fipw material that is available upon and hard knocks. Why not try to 16 oz. $6.79
reqiM t. the Bulldog standard, Bull- avoid whatever pitfalls you can? BEECHAM. VET-KEM.
do^andBulldoggers, etc. There are Take advantage o f the material that NORDEN. FORT DODGE
slide and tape programs, such as BCA has to offer. Not only was most ADAMS and others
* Vaccines
"Why BCA” which explains the BCA (ff It written by buUdoggers who have (4B-Hour Deiivervf'»
otganisatton; "The History and Evo­ been active In the breed for a long * Nutritionsl Supplements
lution o f the Bulldog"; and "The Gal­ time, but It also offers opinions from a Flea Control
lery o f National W iim eis," a an over the country under many var­ . * Much, Much Morel
compilation ofphotographs o f the oil ied conditiCHis.
p a in tin g o f our BCA National BB We frequently bear, "The Bulldog
and BOS winners. Then, we have the is differen t" If you study the differ­
escePent semi-annual publication o f ent breed standards, you win learn FREE CATALOG
the puUdogger. This is second to that every breed is different. You win 1-800-458-7656
none In oonqxiattton and tnforma- find, however, that the Bulldog has O M sco n sin ) 1-800-451-8220
doiL We also have the biennial book. even greater differences than the 655 Washington. Dept A
Eadh o f the Bulldog clubs offers a others. P O Box 1168
monthly program. They piubUsh club I know you love your Bulldogs. Why ^ Rhinelander. Wl 54501
or dtvlalon newspapers. The paper is not give them every c^ ^ rtu n ity for ‘ LET'S GET ACQUAINTED!
usually exchanged with Bulldog maximum care and love by learning
dubs around the nation, so that it as much as possible about this won­
becomes available to anyone inter­ derful breed? You owe this to your-
ested. This material is free to BCA self. You owe this to your
B u lkk ^.—Dr. Saul D. Seftor ■
members. It is f w } « » and your local
dub to have, and use to learn. Here’s the


F i n ^ » a poop scoop that’s con­

venient and really M>ofks! Pocket-
sized. Disposable. Picks up from
grass or cement and self-seals for
odor-free, sanitary disposal A bso­
lutely guaranteed to be the easiest,
most «M ivenient way to clean-up
after your pet or your money back.

i Trial Pack: 48 Scoopers, $10.

Add S2 iNi|i|HB^ 100% Mtirfkcdoa gssnalecd.
K-» KT
PjOJm 6tmO.t0«Aw»»ifcCAWeS7

JUNE 1908 148

Chows L;p
_______ I si t
Su r v iv a l m THE K iifo ^
T tH scoh in m lsw iIttaiattbecan -
dtuskn o f two n u ^ q ia ctli^ events,
I le Wbiter (Xymplcs and Westmin-
( terDqgSbow. (ProlMl4]ranfya‘‘dog
I enan” would see the oodnectlan,
I ut If you are reading this, you
1 nderstand). In both Instances, the
I iqxeaslon was one crfbcauty, grace
in d “oase" o f 'performance. While
<rowdsdieered and cameras turned,
I lie partldpents made It all look
I onooth and almost efib rtle^ Cloae-
I p shots revealed the p erq rlra tk »
i nd tenskm in the human athletes,
I ut the fact Is that the ‘ good ones"
1lake their efforts look e o ^ .
Anyone sdK) has attempted to mas-
Ihr tte aklHs o f skiing. «iraHtig or
( ther spcats has dlsccwered how
I lucfa hard work and effort Is In-
1ohed before achieving any level o f ■ f S
ftoflclcm y. The common denomlna-
between these sports and the
4 >ort o f dogs Is that handling a dog,
1 rben It Is dime wen, also kxAs In-
<redll^easy. I canpetatmally vouch i l t .
I ir the fiK t that It Is not easy. In fact,
t ome people, even those odio are oth-
<twlae wen coordinated, can never
piaster it.
|i^ I certainly would not presume to
1each anyone bow to handle a Chow aspiring owncr/handler seek out natlon, be imnerved by the blare of
i 1 the im g. There are books written, these people for their h ^ and guid­ the loudspeaker or decide to play
lasses given, and video hpesavalla- ance. “dead dog” or "scratch my turrm^” at
~Ile firom gifted, eaqicrlenced han- The point o f this discussion Is to the sqiproach o f the ju c!^ ? What if
emphasize that an successful hu­ the judge calls for a “T ” pattern o f
man and canine athletes have some­ galtlng or, worse yet, an “L”? What If
thing m common: conditioning and the person behind you runs their dog
training that add up to preparation. up on yours? How win your dog re­
The Group competitors at Westmin­ act? If the dog ahead o f you In line
ster were not only m the peak o f
SThanasnyouveknow nior
physical condition, they were also
“spooks” at the judge, w ill your dog
do the same? Suppose the <k>g at the
‘ “ 1 ¡(:( : i ow r2 7 y«a ia trained to perfection. Both dogs and head o f the line starts to rtm when
j Ffaal WholasSa cnMog ot handlers were ready to win, and the the Judge says, "Take them around,
¡' dog& cattuppko»— most outstanding were obviously en­ please.” Win your d<^ then consider
. VyW ng torgroonien, handtera joying the experience!
bisedwB al v*toleeeto prices
himself a Derby cludlenger and leave
This attitude is m considerable you gasping m the dust? Ah. theJoys
contrast to what Is frequently seen at o f handling dogs!
local dog shows and puppy matches. I must confess w ^ t you have prob­
An too often, the handler Is a nervous ably already stispected: that these
wreck, wondering what form o f men­ and many other even worse experi­
tal torture or downright humiliation ences are drawn from my own past
his dog’s behavior w ill force him to efforts. Having the normal aversion
endure. Win the dog stand for examl- to making a fool o f m ysdfm public, I
try to avoid making the same mls- show days. The opportunities arc
take'twlœ. I haw even learned to h y Dalmatians still there. For the person limited to
to m tlclpate potential problems In the number o f Dais he/sbe may own
an rffcMt to avoid making every possi­ This month’s g u e t columnist m show, either by personal choice or
I S ' ble mistake once!
Sandl Ling. e|j(5| by zoning codes, now is the time to
i For exanqde, the past articles on step and evaltiate your options and
“table training" and “socialization'’ SHOULD YOU SPECIAL? your dog once again. But having
were based on Just such learning ex­ After the show is over earned that “Cb." should prove bis
perien ce. I want to haveJun In my After your last point is won worth, you aay. Not necessarity so.
bobby/qxHt, and humiliation and After the show is over Just as you once evaluated your
[■;K>(' embarrassment are not Jim l So, Has a special career begun? young dog by testing the waters at
•i;i:ll' learning as I go, I would like to share No matter how many dogs one may puppy matches and classes, so you
some methods that are increasing finish, the thrill o f winning that final must once again evaluate your dog
both my su ccès and my enjciyment point Is never forgotten. After com­ and the present situation. [
i : in showing my dogs. ing down that long campaign trail The specials ring is not for every-
F tat. practice—dally. If at all pos- and taking home many, many re­ aoe. If it were, every dog that had a
sltde, even If only fcH* 20 minutes. I serve wlrmers ribbons, the thrlH o f Ch. would be out there every week­
' have found that even the pu ppiebe- victory is sweet. But, then adiat? A end; but, take alookat the number o f
ocHne "rin g w ise" in onty a lew les- try in the specials class? The whelp­ dogs competing in that class. Spe­
scms and can anticipate the ing box If your new champion is a cials are just that: “special." Now. If
command to “Stand. Stay." This bitch? An obedience title, or two or your new champion finished that ti­
lea ve me locriclng stupid as I march three? The final champion point tle m a month's time, going BB over
forw ardalonewbllethedoglsstand- need not spdl the end o f your dog p e d a ls consistently, w dl, then you
IngUke a rocdc at the usual spot, with
a smug look that says, "Well this Is
bow we alwsys do it!" My dogs are
also a cjulck stucfy on turns. After a
few “down and backs," the dog
g a u ge the distance and turns on his
own, reaidy or not! The show ring Is
not; the place for your dog to do his
lndq)enclent thinking!
My solution has been to change the
order o f the routine as weD as the dis­
ta n ce invedved. The dog has to pay
attcmtlcm so as not to get stepped on.
Baiting with things other than femd
/also helps to keep the dog alert and
i^avold tte "robot look." Change the
'p ra n ce area frecjuently to ^ t the
|cfog used to Ignoring distractions, or
to avoid his becoming a complacent
"baedgnud wonder, Miow monster."
Practice swltcdiing the le d to your
right hand for cUfierent gaitlng pat­
terns. Knowing you can control the
situation is a real comfort.
Etave found that if I focus totally
on my dog, he tends to do the same
with me. Talk SQ^lp to him to let him
know you are “with” him. Make eye
ccmtact when you need special c»n-
troL Finally, if the dog goofs, don't
blame him. C h ance are the fault is
yours. CcMTecit your m istake! To
j look like a winner, [Hepare like a wln-
\ner. and ihave fun !—Joan M. Dun-
!'sire" j '! if .
JUNE1S88 151

Earning points are very important, champion. Again, look around you at
C jnttnmed but the specials ring sends its win­ the number o f litters In your area.
n ajr have something there. You ner on Into the group competition With the Increased pcqrularlty o f the
s »u ld d cfliiltd y give serious consid- and hopefully on Into the Best In Dal In advertising, the niunber o f lit­
c atkn to moving on Into the spe- ^x>w ring. Does your dog measure ters Is on the rise. So even though
c als class for a tline. up to that level o f competition, both you won’t be having a Utter o f pups (ff
But most (rf us are not so fortu- In quality and showmanship? Be se­ your own to sell, your dog could be
iifte. Most o f us spend more week- rious when you ask yourself that responsible for an increase In Dal
I than we’d like to admit question. Not every dog is meant for “pupulation“ if you hold him at pub-
^n cU ng around In seaidh (tf points. su di a career. Uc stud.
V eqiend many hours away Ifum our Tracking Is another area where
fa m es only to bring home a reserve (%ay, you admit, nu^be yoiu- Dal Dal owners are finding a great sport
rfibon once more. This is even made is not meant for a specials career. with their dogs. The Dal certainly
le if the dog yoii are showing is a Now adiat? If you baven’t alreacty does know how to use his nose I While
c4own. and you have to ^>irlt the started, may I suggest an obedience formalized classes for tracking are
a dmal aws^ from his ’’bm lly” for dasa (or two or three) and competi- definitely more lim ited In number
a edtend after weekend. Co-owners tkm in that arena? Don't shake your than obedience classes, your local
a e patient, but after saddle their bead in disbelief; Dais are quite intd- obedience club should be able to put
11 nits may be testcdl ligent and cpilck to learn. Take this you Into contact with an instructor.
So before handing out more o f one step at a time. Go after your C.D. Tracking affords your dog the abUlty
y u r hard earned money for a spe- title and then consider wdiether to go to do what he does natural^—
O atsenhy.lookatyourdpgcrltically. on or not. Most Dais are very capable sniff—only he will be taught to local­
E|d he consistent^ win or lose to the o f earning a C.D. with little effort. ize that ablUty and work for a reward
e dogs, time after time, to finish The more advanced classes offer a va­ at the end o f a good tracking run. No
o ^ when th ^ moved out o f the riety o f challenges wdiich you may or formal heeling here; your Dal will be
•es? Are the same dpgs that de­ nuqrnot choose to tackle. But do give able to work at the end o f a long line,
bated your dog earlier now compet- the novice class a try. You may find just as he always wanted to dol Even
li g In the specials classes? Can you yoursdf bitten by the “obedience If you don't go on to enter a formal
d ¡feat them now that your dog has bug,” and you w ill find your fellow tracking test, “teaching” your dc^ to
tl lat magical title o f Ch.?Or is your exhibitors very encouraging and track gives you both another c^por-
d )g realfyjust the same dog as be was aiqiportlve. tim lty to work together and share
ii Ithe classes? The specials dass is a Your new chanq>ion a bitch? Your companionship. So, look at your op­
d fEerent ball game all together; the plans were to breed her as soon as tions closely when your dc^ finishes
o inqxtltlon Is stlffer, the quality the she finished? Again, give some his Ch. While congratulations are In
b nt there can be, and ttiebdundoris thought to this. Ask yourself Just order, a career In the specials ring
e Dcdlent. Stuntsyourdogused to try wfay]mu want to breed her. Not every may not be in the future. But don’t
tl Ipull in the classes and sometimes champion bitch Is meant to retire to despair, there are more opportiml-
g ^ away with will not be tolerated tbewhdplngbox. Question your mo­ ties available If you have the time and
, You may notice that there are tives carefulfy. Are you planning on desire.
idore “pro" handlers In the specials k e y in g a puppy for yoursdf? Or are — S.L.
r og than In the regular classes. you doing this mainly to fulfill a
breeding contract with the party you D A L L Y IN G A R O U N D
purchased the bitch from ? Look Don't forget to meet us in S t Louis
L IA B IL IT Y around you. Is there a great deal o f on August 7-12 for the Dalmatian
breeding going on In your area? Do Chib o f America National Specialty.
IN S U R A N C E you have a market for the pups? Are Headquarters will be the Henry VID
Slate of CaHfomia: you prepared to handle a litter o f six Hotel and Conference Center. Geor­
month old, half-grown Dais If you gia Nichols is show chairwoman and
AN inquiries or renewal don't {dace them? All too often, new has planned good times for all. In­
b ltd i champions are delegated to the cluding a rtverboat dinner cruise
Sportsman's Insurance Plan
must be directed to: whdplng box when they really could and show. We will also have the op­
be earning some nice scores In the portunity to visit the Dog Museum at
Harold E. Herrick. Jr. obedience ring. Jarvine House in Queeny Park. Spe­
Plan Manager Wdl, no problem, my new cham­ cialty judge is Mr. William
P.O. Box W pion is a male. But, again, ask your­ Fetner.^Betty Gcuvtn ■
Clayton, NY 13624 self what you are going to do in
(315) 654-2068 relation to stud calls. You are bound
to ^ t some inquiries with your new

p iii': :

ill f I # ; lii

IS A F O Z IfO T A F O X ?
When you see one In the show ring!
Westminster weekend's Dog
judges Aasoclatlaa o f America semi-
nar.mrn Judge, kxddng at a “generic
^ tlts" ouihne, asked what it is that
i ,^Y_ ^ distinguishes the Finnish Spitz
fixxn other, sim ilar breeds. After all,
his color is basicalfy that o f a Chow
Chow or Pomeranian; he is close in
■■i ^r size to the Keeshond or Norwegian
Elkhound. Although he shares many
diaracterlstics with the rest o f the
Northern breeds, only the Finnish
Spite dlcits Instant recognition o f a
universal oonqiarlaon: he'sfoxy!
This faz-Uke appearance, then, is
the esaenoe o f the Finnish Spitz.'The
most obvious common trait is the
medUum-length coat o f rich, golden
red. A closer look draws your atten­
tion to the bead where, if the dog's
proportloiis and expression are ct»'-
rect, the resemblance is particularly
striking. Completing the look is the
dense, bushy tail.
The parallel goes beyond the mere
plqr^cal. though, as those adjectives
vrtmdi are commonly used to de­
scribe the fax's temperament can be
attributed to the Finnish ^ i t z as is conslderabty greater than that loosely curled over the thigh. Both
w dl: be is keenfy alert, unusual^ called for in our standard. His ears ears and tall are very mobile and may
sensitive, crafty and dever, and yes. are quite large and his tall does not not be carried fully erect throughout
“sly as la fox.“ For purposes o f Illus­ curl at an. He ^ w rts a good deal o i the judging. This is perfecttyaccept-
trations s e dredge up, from our black and white in his coat. He is. aUe as long as they are “up“ at some
., :!• long-tenn memory banks, the high appnprlatety for his species, shy point so that carriage may be evalu­
schocJ typing class exercise about and fearful o f pecple. ated. Since the Finnish Spite is nei­
^‘ r'r the quick brown fox jum ping over To breed newcomers and casual ther shy nor aggressive, you should
the lazy dog—if we were to cast the observers, we ofifer a guide to ring­ see an amiable dog. Intensely aware
Flim lsh ^ I t z in one o f these nries, it side judging o f the Finnish Spitz. o f his handler, comfortable in his
would not be that o f the dogi While the foxlness may come to mind surroundings and perfectly willing
In our enthusiasm over the like­ at once, the contrasts should also be to socialize with pet^de and other
ness o f our breed to one o f nature's immediatety visible. We stress again dogs.
most beautiful animals, however, we that the Finnish Spitz is square and Now a word o f caution: association
must take special care that we don't well-balanced, neither fine nor heavy with this breed can be a humbling
find ourselves breeding foxes Instead in bone. You should see no exaggera­ experience! Just when you fed confi-
o f Finnish Spitz. While the sim ilari­ tion in features or movement. His dm t enough to drop a few pearls of
ties are most certainty there, the dif­ coat is scdld red-gedd with lighter wladMn at ringside, you'll turn to
ferences are and should be even more shading (a miniscule amount o f your neighbor and say with great
apparent We state emphatically that white maybe present on chest or tips om vlction. “Oh look, a Spinach
theFlnnish ^ I t e is square in body o f toes). Keeplnm lndthathlsshoul- F its r -^ rs . Bette F. Isacqffm
with medium bone, yet the fox tends der la^>ack is 30 degrees to the verti­
to be rather long-backed, relativety cal, with rear angulation in balance
less substantial, and somewhat to that o f the front assembly. Ears
rangy in impearance. His angulation are small and pointed; the tall is

JUNE 1988 153

N o n - spc « t in g g r o u p

Is It a pig? A real fot cat? Or half pig
Those comments are often heard
about one o f the most unusual
household pets: bulldouge Fran­
çaise, the FVendi BuBdpg. Although
they have been called flie perfect pet
due to their good natuied spirit and
ease o f care, they are very rare among
the world’s 138 leoagDized dog
Why have these exotic, weird look­
ing, small beasts captured the hearts
o f so many humans? PerluqM it’s be­
cause they are so buman-like them-
sdves. Thqr are pkyftiL kind,
stubborn, urqptedlctable. and gen­
tle, but yet rearfy to defend htnne and
owner &mn outslderB. Tliq r have diversion o f bull baiting. English Bulldog would have ever naturally
been known to babysit abandoned BuOdogs were too slow and weak to evolved to the unique creatures they
duckUngs for monthw, and to attack survive the massacre, so these sour- are. The Prenchle is the total <q>po-
dogs ten times their sise If the mas­ mugs were crossbred with terriers slte o f the most untouched canine in
ter's home is threatened. (An owner adio had far more gruesome abilities. the world, the Australian Dingo
in Bannockbum reported that her Breeding led to dogs ever smaller in (with its long, pointed nose, slender
Prenchle was seen d ia tg ii^ up and size who still retained the well de­ body, fast legs, long hair and pro­
down the family vegetable patch, de­ fined and desired buDdog behavior. nounced tall). Yet man’s breeding o f
fending his empire with a cucumber A new breed resulted, the toy bull­ the French Bulldog has resulted In
hanging from dre side o f his mouth. dog. Workers in English lace factor­ an exceptional animal and family
He had the face and detennlnatkm o f ies adopted the dogs as on-the-job companion. Ask any owner whether
a Winston Churchill leas than 16 companions, and their survival was or not that little bun will live in his or
inchea in h eigh t) assured. her heart forever.
The tHeetfs history began in Eng­ By the 1890s. these petite pets had From Paris coquettes walking the
land about 1850 with the torturous crossed the English Chaimel to the Champs-Elysees. to men and women
Brittany r ^ o n o f France. Ladles of along Chicago’s Michigan Avenue or
the night became enamored with California’s Rodeo Drive, Prenchle
these gaigq^e-faced little clowns, owners find their dogs happlfy Inde­
FOR ALL CASES OF LOW and the dogs ^>ent more time with pendent in their attitude and mis­
BODY TEMPERATURE! their mistresses than did the best chievous actions.
Safe Heat with customers. They were also fre­ But watch ouL for pour heart may
WATER-LINED WARMERS quently used by the u{q>er classes as also be captured one o f these mys­
with Optional TEN/CARE Covers and 1^ dogs to attract fleas away from terious little gremlins, the clowns In
New Nebulizer Systems
their owners, since the parasites pre­ the philosophers’ cloaks.
I^ P am p srw J Pats,
fer canine flesh to that o f humans. It Is Indeed an honor to serve as the
iCXX3S.CATS With their fame in the nation well GAZETTE'S French BuUd(^ colum­
REPTILES. established, they became known as nist. In upcoming issues, I w ill ex­
BIRDS French Bulldogs. American breed­ plore in detail the special concerns
ers, however, produced the famous and exceptional enjoyment associ­
“bat cars” found In no other ated with the breeding, showing and
SAPS HEAT pure-bred dog. This trait is now a care o f FTenchles. Until next time,
fo rT 9 ^ C A R E world-wide mandatory requirement best beaksl—ArlieAybrd McCoy ■
if a dog is to be considered “a real
Indin« VÌHA0«. NtvnCa aS450 (702) S3M201 Prenchle.”
It Is unlikely that today's French

persuasion « latent in the breed to- is a Keeshond because o f his body
dtqr. akmg with several peofrie who shape, bead properties, coat, cokna-
are weM-y ounded in what was tlon and wiqrtrfgoing. i
»KEORGAIflZATIOR meant and Intended yesteryear. Although you are free to sr^, "I I»e -
'Tlw re seems to be some prdim l- The AKC's intentions are to [ m o - fer the type o f Kees that Suzle Cln-
n a^ Air and feathers flying over the vide an outline o f each standard into derdla breeds to the type o f Kees that
I Kennel Club’s request for some form o f uniformity. The con­ Horace Hasaelbladder breeds." you
:'tara^<3ufai to reorganize their breed tent or individualities o f the breed win be perpetuating a niytb to say
to conform to a uniform traits are to remain the same. In that Letitla Luscious breeds Kees-
outline. There are many mumblings other words, AKC would m erdy like bonden that are “typqr but not . i l :
1 imrttnmili from the Keeshond to provide breeders andJudges with a sound,"because i f Letltla's Kees are
*nuika about tdiat should and consistent skeleton on which to not built so that they are sound, they %
ahouldnt be inootporated Into the hang the flesh and blood o f the are atypical. Keeshonden that look
unique characteristics o f vdiat sepa­ like Pomeranians or Chow Chows or
rates one breed o f the canine qiecles coyotes be loved their owners
Lieth set th ln ^ s tra l^ t: there win from another. These unique features for their m ai^ individual character-:
be no “new” standard and no sweep­ o f a breed are one o f the definitions of istics. but they are atypical if you '
ing d i a q A The board o f the Kees- adiat is known as ‘hreed type." merely think that they look like an­
bood C h £ o f America has very wlsefy What Is Breed Type? other breed or precies o f canine.
appointed Hazel Arnold to act as the 'Type*'isacanlneterm thatiswDe- This standard committee does not
chairman o f this important commlt- fiilly misunderstood by d (^ people in intend to muck around with redefin­
teei Hazd and board members se­ most breeds, and significantly mis­ ing what COTiect breed type is. We
le c t^ a broad-based, relatively large used and abused by Keeshond fanci­ have trouUe enough making our
panel o f committee members adilch ers. Essentially, there is no such own breeders understand that it's a
Is a representative cross section thing as “ii^ type" and ”your type." good idea to breed and exhibit typical
o f Opetlenoed aMd successful breed­ There is onty one correct type, and ^leclmens. Because o f that, Kees-
ers. These pacgAi know the seiious- that is an animal who is an embodi­ iKmden are extremely difficult to sort
neas o f their task and represent ment o f the standard o f the breed. tbrou yi when judging and even ap­
virtually dMqr n i^ r bloodline and One glance and you can td l that dog pear remotely as th o u ^ you are a
consistent judge. If there is no con­
sistency in the ring as exhibits, how
can tb ^ be evaluated consistently?
Wbat AKC Has Suggested
AKC’s request to the breed dubs to
have standards confmm to a certain
format is a reascmable one: they fed
it w ill be beneficial to judges and
breeders alike to use proper canine
term lndogy as the language in
which standards are written. Tliey
1 asked us to cut-and-paste our pre­
sent standard into the following
li Í 1 headings: General Appearance; Size,
-I Proportion, Substance; Head (Ex­
i i ' . ■■ ^I 'i I f pression, Byes, Ears, Skull, Muzzle.
Mouth. Teeth); Neck. Tofdlne and
‘ iif i f Bexly; Forequarters; Hindcpiarters;
' 1 Coat; Color and M arkin gs; Galt.
yi ^ They've asked us to include a short
paragraph on the breed’s most won-
derftil attribute: its wonderñil tem­
•ijL ' ; perament.
•"i'11 11f That’s about it. fdksi No. we won't

!1 be adding dlscpiallflcations. Yes. the
1 ' (ximbersome and sddom-consldered
Scale o f Points wdll be ddeted. Yes,
!' i|
n if
the contradictory and Implausible
j I i;3'
IK * ' ! 1 II sentence which Imprcqierly suggests

JUNE 1968 156

1 i l
N on-spc« ting group

ber o f that committee that there wlO mighty oak; having faces with muz­
Conttmied be fur flying in the committee meet­ zles more smushed In than a Pug; or
measurliig a “aliMt-coapied'’ dog to ings If someone suggests radical al- sporting front ends rivaling a Chip­
confarm to the approximate dlmen- teratians, additions, deletions, dis­ pendale chair. Proponents o f these
s k »s o f a sknr-movtDg freight train qualifications. etc., to what has at­ kinds o f “revisions” wiU be sadly
winbe recomputed. (Werather think tempted to valiant^ serve our breed d lsa i^ ln ted .
our standard authors were measur­ since the *308. A Keeshond should remain adiat It
ing 22 Dachshunds afl In a row to Earthshaking changes to our was intended to be: a medium-sized,
come with that big boo^Mo). Pos- standard are not under considera­ compact, alert, intelligent, expres­
slbfy a sentence or two might be sug­ tion. I am terribly sorry to break this sive, happy, handsome, healthy,
gested to more dearly deftne proper news to those who think Kees- well-balanced, soundly built, de-
movement honden should be '*21 inches at the gantly etdored, hixuriousty-coated,
Can It Be Hose Cndmtendalile? withers because they were intended frmiily companion. Nothing more,
Yes and no. For yeara. people have topuU barges down fire canals o f Hol- nothing less.
complained that our standard Is not land"(Wherc’d th ^ get that drivel?!); Now, shouldn't that be what we
clear enough for aartaea to under­ *‘ 14 inches at the withers because should be breeding and showing?
stand. Novices need to understand they make precious lap dags” (Cute, And, shouldn't that be adiat judges
that they must first learn to walk be­ but no way correcti); laden down should be putting up?—RobOiStarkm
fore they can run. A standard is a with bone and substance to rival the
Uueprlnt o f a breed to present an
Ideal specimen as a guide to breeders
and Judges. It is not poasiUe or commenting about the intdllgence
advisable to have a standard that Lhasa Apsos (and, consequently, stubbomess) o f
is crystal-clear to Mr. and Mrs. their little an im a ls. These are the
Every-Tmn-Dlck-or-Iiany, and no ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE Lhasas adio refuse to come when
more so than Frank Uayá Wright's Generally speaking. If you are called, adio think walking on a lead is
blueprints o f a d vlc center should be reading the Lhasa Apso column in absurd, who pretty much go merrily
easily interpreted by a nine year old the GAZETTE, you are well aware o f on their way, doing pretty much the
child who’s buildliig a tree housel the character traits o f the Lhasa opposite o f what Is asked.
Standards, however, need not be am­ ^)80. My husband and I have had Lhasa
biguous or confusing to people Rarely do Lhasa ^>so owners get Apsos for 20 years and have met our
armed with a proper glossary o f together to compare notes without share o f brilliant (stubborn) little
doggy termlrudogy, su di as is sug­
gested by AKC.
Bveiybody Unlaxl
Let the committee work on this be­
fore you start wringing your hands
and acfeaming,‘T h e algr is falling 1~
Naihmg Is set In cesoent. and I win
personally guarantee you as a mem­

A Shampoo
for All Seasons!
«ntf aloa vara. Rich M h et quiefc rinaa.
fp a c lic ity tormuiBlaJ id maich lha pH tor
aaahjnriMrtiiaiya SihiarOoiidctoaiyiadto
«d u c a toa aching of “lachnauaer bumpa”.
Otoitoa 7 to 1. Ptototopad by %oQood OVM

to Shampoo - 2 «eaha to 12 moniha

1 0 ^ - 1 y o a rto 7 ya a n
• 8 yaors and oldar
• For SchnauBara
• For - you guaaaad a
16 ea. - SAJO (Shipping toctudad)
Can M00-343-PE1S or Write
PETS a US - 279 &W. 4W SI.
Renton, WA 9 8 0»

However, this character After only a few feedings, she began' ^ As we continued to “accentuate
t had never been a serious prob- enjeying all the attentiem and de­ the positive.” she became the best
"lem until about two years ago. cided to investigate the pups. Since mother we have ever had. She loved
; co-own a bitch who had deliv­ shejust looked and did not snap, we and cared for the pups willingly for
ered a healthy litter of puppies with praised her some more. Next, she nearly six months. She dlsclpillncd
veiy little difficulty. But she just had sniffed them and we rejoiced. The themby rewarding their good behav­
no maternal Instincts whatsoever. first lick brought many hugs for our ior and ignoring their nau^ty
FVulhennoie, given the slightest op­ girl. deeds. The pups have consequently
portunity, she would try to bite the The positive af>proach began matured Into wonderful, social
piqM, adilch. 1 guess our “genius" working so wdl that we decided to adults, full of self-confidence. ;
had stmnlsed. were the source of stress everything the bitch did vdilch Remember, you must stress pre­
herdfsoomfort was preferred behavior. We were not ferred behavior. You must not give in
Since this was the first litter we'd confident enou^ to leave her totalty to the d(^, but rather, set positive
had In four years, we were desperate alone with her babies for the first boimdarles ofbehavlor. A dog’s basic
fm- these pups to survive. But 1 de­ week. During that week, however, nature is to please his master. By us­
cided to remain calm. 1 b^an my with our he^ and the patience of the ing the positive approach to train­
mldwlfeiy by gently holding the pups, there was a most amazing ing, you will nurture that trait And
bitch In a prone position adille the transformation. Our winfiil, stub­ the reward for you and the dog Is a
p iq » were held to nurse. We praised born bitch became the most dell^t- happy. loving relationship. Try it
Mother fm “allowing” us to do this. ful creature! and see!— C o n n ie C . T om p k in s ■

Things to Do
On Wednesday evening, June
15th, the Affiliate Club Council
SHOW' meeting at the Brandywine Motel in
It’s PCA National time again! Some Downingtown Is open to everyone. Cat Mews
800 esdilbiiors will convene at The speaker will be Mr. George Gov-
Ludwig's Cmner. Pennsjdvanla, on ette. His topic win be “Stud Dog Man­ The Newrietter For People
June IStb, 16th, and 17th to pre­ agement.” Who Toke Cote Serioody 9
sent the results of their breeding pro- The PCA armual dlrmer meeting Is Every issue designed to meet the
granato the rest of the Poodle world. at the Brandywine on Friday. J m e needs of cat owners like yourself.
Our qiedalty has the reputation of 16th. This, too. Is open to everyone. To keq> you informed on the
being one of the best run shows, as In order to find out about aU the ac­ latest fetine research, treatments
i wdl as one of the most beautiful tivities. or to have your questions an­ and producu. All without a single
shows In the country. People from all swered. you may contact the show advertisement to distract you.
parts of the fancy attend this show chairman. Gene Cozart. 17 CMd Vital, anhiaaed information in
every year. In short. It's a heck of a Worcester Rd., Oxford. MA 01540. every issue so you can take really
good care of your cat. Expert, in-
dog show. Every Poodle breeder owes There are lots of reasons for you to d q ^ artides on sudi subjects as:
It to hlmsdfas wdl as to his breeding join us In Pennsylvania. Nice dogs, • Fdine Disease • Nwritioo
program to attend this show. No­ nice per^e, nice place, and nice • Preveniioo • Fefine Medicnie
where win }K>u see so many blood­ things to do. You maygo home with a • Behaviar...,and much more!
lines represented In one place. It’s a new breeding program, or you may - «■»<««««■«» Ousnawwi •
true breeder's showcase. go home very happy with the pro­ BtaooUdjr
No matter vdiat breeding you are gram you have. TO: Cat Mews, Suite S
doing—Une Imeedliig, inbreeding, or If you're new In the breed and don't 57 Whitdian Blvd.
outcrossing—your attendance at the know many people, look me up and Garden City, NY 11530
Poodle C3ub of America's Specialty 111try to find you some petq^ to talk YesI I take cats serwusly.
Show and Its attendant functions to whose Interests are similar to your Please enter my subscription to
should be a must for jrou. own. Cat Mews.
You can meet breeders from all I want to thank all the many people
Endoswl is my dieck for;
over the world at this show. You who have called and written me □ S K fo rly c a r □ $32fo r 2 years
might learn something from them about this ccriurtm. I appreciate your (In Canada: $24 and $44)
and they might learn something reading It and I more thw appreciate
your many kind letters.— B e tse y A . Name* -■
from you. It Is only with the fiee give
and take of/acts, not rumors, that ¡^eedym I Address:
we win ever ctxiquer some of our her- Cky/State/Zip:
ItaUe defects.
AJNE1988 157
N o n -s p c k t in g g r o u p

píete tour of the clinic, preferably narlan, and state who referred you.
ScMpperlws during slack hours. Chedr for order­ Yes, these professionals appreciate
liness, deanllness, latest technical knowing adien their colleagues have
This month's guest columnist is equipment and madUneiy. and well confidence and recommend them.
Doris Hearing. stocked medicines and suiqiUes. 9) Request several business
4) Talk with the staffvets and ad­ cards from your vet so you may carry
HOW TO SE LE C T A vise them of the number of a n im a l« one in your wallet, ha^ one by the
V E T E K IN A R IA N youH bring to the clinic and ask If house and or kennel phone, phis a
Most Schlppcxke iHecdera will ex­ theygive keimel rates. Some vets will few extra cards for you to use foryour
perience a local or kng distance chmge an extra fee to give annual referrals.
move In their lifetime and will need shots and routine exams to all of 10) Arrange for emergency needs
to sdect a new vet and vet clinic. In ]n>urdogs at your kennd if notlffed in for after hours, weekends, hcdldays,
Ueu of using a “hit or mlae" method advance. Thte will save a great deal of etc. Some veterinarians will give you
of making this switch, my method time and repeat trips, so the extra their home numbers If they are cer­
should prove valuable to those about charge Is well worth It tain you will call on them onfy in a
to Incur such changes. Here's adiat 5) Choose a vet who Is personally true emergency. Others will su^ily
to do: dean, methodical, gentle with young you with only an answering service
1) Can theAmerl«»n Animal Hos­ and older dogs, has a friendly yet number. Be certain these numbers
pital Association in Golden. Ccrio- business-like approach to his profes­ are Included on the veterinarian's 279-2500 to see adiich sion, and one ^ o keeps current on business cards which you keep, as
hospitals are mendjets of their or- animal health, medical research, you won't want to waste any time
jnnlattnn in your new nelghbor- and medicines. looking up these numbers In case of
hood. AAHA members must comply 6) Stick with your selection and an emergency. Most large cities have
with strict cleanliness rules, their avoid •>et hopping." Give your new an animal emeigency center availa­
equipment must be Icept updated, vet a chance to know you and your ble to take care ofemergencies, so be­
and the vets must be current on dogs so you will gain confidence in come familiar with the (»iter's
an topics of animal health and medi­ him and his technique, and he in location and phone number, which
cines. you. you may wish to list on your veteri­
2) Check with the nMre success­ 7) Ask questions when you visit narian's card. Remember, minutes
ful dog breeders in your new area your new vet so that you win further are often very precious In these emer­
and ask for their recommendations your knowledge In health matters. gencies, and your animal’s life will be
in selecting a vet. Ask vrtqr they use a The informal chats will also keep at risk.
particular vet or clinic and evaluate your vet on his toes and It will allow Now that you are all set up with
their answers. Take note of the him to "showyou what he knows." your new home, kennel, clinic, and
health ctmdltimi of these breeders’ 8) Arrangeforanaltemateveterl- veterinarian, may I extend to all of
It can indicate proper vet narlan to coveryour needs during va­ yoiu- animals my best wishes fcM- a
care. cations, seminars, illness, etc. long and healthy lifetime.
3) Visit these vet fiadUtles and Usuaify, your regular veterinarian —D.H.
observe the handling of clients and will recommend an alternate, so get I thank Doris for her contribu­
anlmsls. Fed free to request a com- Introduced to this substitute veterl- tion.— A n n W h ite ■

chains that welcxime guests with

Chibo* America
Tlbetan SpanM s pets at 4,500 kx»tlons. As in the
O u V S u lO n g w «»
past, I have always found the M o b il
convMMSdwU S U M M E R V A C A T IO N W IT H T O U R Gutdes useful. They are readily avail­
nvwnUSA DOG able In many stores, are printed for
For Mtannakon wnIB;
Macs K. Batov Wdl, here we are, ready to set offon various sections of the cxnmtry. and
Rous Ho. 1. Bn ^ our summer vacations again. Those contain detailed information on
ffWWi.PIW of us traveling with our dogs will be eacdi motel and hotel. It Is wise to
armed with Gaines' T ou rin g w ith phone ahead on any accommcxlatlon
USONG T ow ser, the 1987/8 edition. This to check that dogs are stin welcome.
TIBETAN TERRIERS and subsequent editions are availa­ Some of the places listed are slow to
On* of the lop «anSna and lop ble for $1.50 from Gaines TWT, P.O. update changes, especially vdien
producing namas ki Ihs nakn box 877, Young America, MN 5^99. they decided to restrict dogs from
corobMng aoma o( ttia «n tr a
SwMbloodhiaa. The latest edition includes 2,500 In­ their facilities.
»msirn FS>ii.7wain«rtonaua. dependently owned hotels and mo­ ANewWotk
CAMa47(41Si aa7-7an n tels, as well as nine nationwide This year, a new worii appeared.
Ilí íi üi i í i :

J'-S- ' ■

and I ámluqipy to add it to our list (rf
tiOn. ItisThweUng w U h M a n ’s B e s t
F rie n d ; A S e le c tiv e G u id e to N e w
E n g la n d ’s B e d a n d B rea i^ a sts,
In n s. H o tels, a n d Kesorts th a t W el­
c o m e Y o u a n d Y o u r D o g . It was writ­
ten by Robert and Dawn Hapgood,
and is available from Dawbert Press,
Inc., P.O. Box 2758. Dindruiy, MA
02331. The Hs^igoods. addle travel­
ing with their two Golden Retrievers
and when living in California, often
encountered a number of difficulties
adíen looking for accommodations. I
was fortunate in discovering this
book through a small notice addch
appeared in the travd section of the
N e w York T im es. The Hsqigood's
first book covered California. More
recent^ (1987), they continued their
travds in New England, and the cul­
mination of these Intensive efforts Is
the New England version. The price
is$10.95, phis81.05 for postage and bad reputation tbrou^ their abuse rear o f your car. Of course. I have
packing, for a wdl-oigaxdzed, paper­ of faculties where they stay with omitted a very useful function of the
back edition. They personalty visited their dc^. This is partlculaity true sunshldd—it keeps your car cooler
400 accommodations throu^iout c i those who piartlclpate in dog and you do not have to bum your
the area, and selected the finest each shows. There is not sufficient qtace hands on the steering wheel! The
state had to after. It is arranged by here to list the numerous abusesi sunshldds were $5 to members last
state arlth a dear m ^ of each state But because of these abuses, fewer year, phis postage. As for their avail­
Indicating the towns where accom­ and fewer motels, hotds, and inns ability this year, contact API, P.O.
modations are located. now accept d<^. We can only hope Box 22505, Sacramento, CA 95822.
Entries in this book are quite de­ that a l a ^ sector of the farii^ put The response from API was slow
tailed, with some covering two pages their support behind measures that when I ordered mine, so you m sy
of text An Illustration is sometimes will eventually correct many of the have to order one for use on next
Induded. Prices are always given, {Mesent abuses. year's vacation.
food services are always clarified, lo­ A Doggy SnnshkM Finalty A Good Tibbie Pigoilnel
cal activities are listed, and all other While you are packing for that trip, I have been complaining for
essential information is provided. you m i^ t also give some considera­ sometime now about the lack of an
The tdepbone number is important tion to Including an auto sunshldd acceptable Ttbetan Spanid figurine
to ensure that there has not been a among the necessary items to take In this country. Well, we finally have
change in policy for accepting dogs along. About two years ago. I noticed a modd that looks like a Tibetan
and that an accommodation is avall- them for the first time on the wind­ ^nnid, and it is ofiered at a reason­
ahle at the last minute. There are shields of cars in parking lots or able {Hice. Some (tfyou adío attended
also two useful ai^icndlces. One lists parited along the street. The nuyorlty Westminster this year may have no­
addltkmal bed and breakfast inns; of these shields are manufacture by ticed this Tibetan Spanid modd by
the other is “Additional New En^and Auto Sunscreens. Inc. of Los Angel­ Miranda Smith on display at one of
Aocommodatfcms Accepting Dogs.“ es. California. Last year I bought a the ventkir's booths. Miranda Smith
Many of these are the hotd-motel number of them throu^ my mem­ is an English artisan adio has
diaiiis. This work is a much wel­ bership in the Animal Protection In­ worked with the late Basil Matthew.
comed addition to the canine travel stitute (API), and was fortunate to Her modd stands about two-and-
literature, and the authors are to be stlU have one left this year! The API one-half Inches, and is available In
commended for a quality publication model is printed on both sides. One whatever choice ofcdor or colors you
at a very reasonaUe price. side says in large letters. “Don't Park may choose. Her figurines are mar­
Many of us have been distressed the DogWhenYou Park the Car."The keted in this country by Dog Ink, 46
over the years about the attitudes of other side says in very large red let­ Cockier Lane, Larchmont. NY 10538.
certain individuals in the dog fancy ters. “Need Assistance Please Hdp.” The total cost is $30.—Don R oys
w h o conque to give dog owners a The latter sign can be attached to the
JUNE 1988 158
H e r d in g GROUP

; i ij-
ii: ■'■

!| •
• ■H i'
¡5 m

around one of the limbs and finally ner to the dog, thus making both of
brought the dog up short. The lead ourJobs easier.
was fine, the dog was uninjured. The Flexl-lead is especially useful
The reason the dog was imlnjured in teaching a dog to go into a stall or
n m -L B A D was due to the fact that the Flexl-lead chute and bring stock out, because
Picture your dog fljdi^ after a continued to let out and take up the ]n>u can keep the dc^ near you going
young calf. You give die “out." slack as various things occurred, in and still have a free hand to work
■’ca^," or “return” command, and thus allowing the dog to maneuver the vdilp or staff. When the dog
nodilng happens. Loot In the thrill of Itself out of harm's way. I was Im­ starts to move the stock out, you can
the moment, your young (or Just pressed. as I had seen dogs dragged let him get up to 20 feet in front of
startod) Australian Cattle Dog has under cows and stomped on by simi­ you, which should get the cows clear
Called to respond. After a few desper­ lar accidents using the conventional of the area, before calling It back. In
ate minutes, you ftna^ get the lead long line. the past, this has been an especially
back on and start trying to figure out It Is ftUriy easy to {day the line In difficult Job If you are trying to man­
what went wrong. All of the on-lead and out as the young dog or any age 10to 20 feet oflong line, the whip
wmk has been successful and. to starting adult dog works in and or staff, and the dog at the same
date, ttie off-lead woric has pro­ about the cows. The lead flows out time, sdiile m anaging to not get
cessed with no hltdies. But here very easily, and most dogs are so In­ permed In 1^ the cows yoursdf.
you are. woiklng done and free, and tense on theJob that they do not real­ Several trainers use whips, cane
havliig difficulties. ize that the lead Is even on. So when poles, and various other “control ex­
Throw chains are out because you you give a command and they are tenders" to keep the dogs off the
do not want the dog each time slow to obey, you can give a quick stock. However, my experience has
you Issue a command. The long line JeA and release ftom up to 20 feet been that If you strike the dog, and it
Is too dangerous when you let the and still give the dog the needed sees this as punishment. It learns
dog get close enouCi to the cow to slack to not get cau^t in the wrong that you do not ever want It to make
make contact. So. where to now? place. contact with the animals. If started
There is a new {dece o f equipm ent I am particularly pleased with this yoiuig enough, or If the dog were a
called the Flexi-lead that is used process when working new dogs little soft to begin with, you could
mostly for taking your dog for walks. around young stock. It gives me a concelvabty ruin an Australian Cat­
It extends about 20 feet <ma retrac- feeling of confidence that is probably tle Dog, udiich Is primarily a contact
tor so that there Is never any slack relayed In my voice and overall man­ herder who relies heavify upon Its
unless you put the kxk on. Since the
lock is released or tqiplied (depend­
ing on the model) a atnifde thumb
movement on a key. It Is extremely
quick to work.
We started using these as walking
leads when on trips and found them
to be super. Later, I used them to
cure several jumping problems. So,
it naturally fdlowed that when I
started having proUems with off-
lead work around the cattle, I
thought of the Flexl4ead.
The ftrst time I used It cm an Aus­
tralian Cattle Dog. the little speed-
ball ran under a cow before I could
stop her. The cow kfeked. missed the
dog and cormected with the line. In­
stead of tangling as the regular long
line usually does, the ncod-lead han­
dle wasjeiked out of my hand. It flew
through the air trying to take up the
slack as It went. Itcai^tasectionof
the electric fence, broke It and con­
tinued on. There was an old tree fy-
Ing m the middle of the pasture. As
the lead handle went by, it wrapped

Audio-Visual Program s

A ll p r o g r a m s a re Each p ro g ra m
in c lu d e s :
a v a ila b l'e o n
v id e o c a s s jp t t e f o r * A v id e o c a s s e tte
easy h o m e use in f u l l c o l o r
f o r o n l y $ 3 5 .0 0 * A n a t t r a c t iv e
p o s t p a id .! s to ra g e b o x

(S ee reverse sid e fo r list o f available program s.)


I w ou ld IHte to o rd e r th e fo llo w in g sh ow s: I

□ VMS □ Beta □ S lide □ Film

□ VMS □ Beta □ S lide □ Film

□ VMS □ Beta □ S lide □ Film

□ VMS □ Beta □ S lide □ Film

Enclosed is $ . o r ch a rge: □ A m erican Express D M asterC ard D Visa

(A d d $5.00 p ostage p er v id e o fo r ord ers o u tsid e th e U .S .)

A c c o u n t# . ____________________ E xp ires----------------- S ign a tu re-----------

Return this form to :
Am erican Kennel C lu b
Nam e.
51 M adison Avenue
Streiet A d d re s s . N e w Y o rk , N Y 10010
A ttn: Videos
aty----------- - . State -Z ip . Ph on e.
Charge It! O rd e r by phone.
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e G e rm a n S h o rth a ire d P o in te r
• C h e sa p e a k e B a y R e trie ve r
e G o rd o n Setter
e Irish Setter**
• Brittany • Great Pyronoea • V izsia
• MaatHT • Be a gle
• Gokton IM riavaf* Saint Barnard* • B lo o d h o u n d
• Labradof Sawoyed • A la sk a n M alam ute
• dum lM i Spaniel Standard Schnauzer* e B ullm astiff
• C o cta r Bordar Terrier* e D o b e rm a n Pinscher**
• EngNah >)eiiarSpanM * Kerry Blue Terrier e G ia n t S c h n a u z e r
• Afghan I kNjnd Scottish Terrier • Kom ondor
Soft-Coerted Wheaten Terrier* • P o rtu g u e s e W a te r D o g
tound* West Highland White Terrier* e R ottw eiler
• Borzoi Italian Greyhound* e S ib e ria n H u s k y
• Daehah«)nd* Pug e A ire d a le T e rrie r
• Qrayhoi nd Buldog* e B u ll T e rrie r
lEHdioiind Dalmatian* e L a ke la nd T e rrie r
iRidgebaek* Australian Cattle Dog* • M iniature S c h n a u z e r
• Saluki Belgian Tervuren* e N orfolk T e rrie r
• Scottish Deerh ound CoMe e N o rw ic h T e rrie r
• German Shepherd Dog* • S e a ly h a m T e rrie r
• Bernese Mountain Dog* Old English Sheepdog* • S m o o th F o x T e rrie r
• Boxar* Pull* e W e ls h T e rrie r
• G re a t M i e ' Pembroke W elsh Corgi* e W ire F o x T e rrie r
e Papillon
• Po m e ra nia n
• Y o rk s h ire T e rrie r
e Chow Chow
e Lhasa A p so
e P o odle
• B o u v ie r d e s F la n d re s
• C a rd ig a n W e ls h C o rg i
• Sh e tla nd Sheepdog**

Obediehice General Interest

• 200?** • In The Ring With Mr, Wrong**
I In W ie d .. . Day with an Obedience Judge* • AK C And The Sport O f Dog»**
• The Quest For A Quality D og Show**
Field T fais • Galt: Observing Dogs In Motion**
• CW iylng he U r w .. Look at Beagle Field Trials**
• w ith A id . . .Th e Field Trial Rettiever**
AKC Profile Series
Hunting Teats e Muriel Freeman
• L o v e tm , ‘hm f'S ni, Te s t’Em____ e Bill Tralnor
Th e A K C hmUng Teats for Rsirlevers
• TTw P o M Is .. .Th e A K C Hunting Tests for Pointing Breeds

* Also avail^le-soundlsiide show-$15 to rent, $60 to purchase. **Also available - 16mm film ■$15 to rent.

W atch for announcements of other programs soon to be available.

; ability to bring roiigb stock under bred to do.) smal for that dog that needs only the
conti^ tbrougb biting of the heels There are several sizes of Flezl- slightest reminder of Its obligations.
and. In scMnecases, the bead. (This Is lead, and you must decide which Is On another sub)ect: Join us
my personal ob|ectlon to training best for you based on the size, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in August
young ACDs on ducks. If they bite, strength and degree of resistance for more adventures at the ACDCA
they sdn hurt the duck. If they don't your particular dc^ Is likely to give. National. See these wonderful dogs
bite, or you make them stop biting, The extra large one is not as good &nr perform on stock and In the breed
you could Imprint them In such a cattle herding as the medium and and obedience ring.— M a ry B e lle
manner as to later Interfere In their small. My preference Is the medium A d eU n a n m
performing their Job as they were weight for most dogs and the super

Peoided Collies
To property evaluate gait, you need
to train your eyes to “stop action.“
That Is, to look for Just one element
at a time. This takes practice, but it
can be learned.
Let's start with side gait Watch for
the moment vrtien all four feet are
doaest to the ground. The 1 ^ will
make two upside-down Vs. If the gait
Is balanced, the Vs will be the same
size and the inner ends will seem to
touch, making an upside-down W. If
the stride Is too short, the Vs win be
separated from each other. If the legs
of tbe V cross each other, the dog is
Reach and EMve
These Vs also reveal reach and
drive. If tbe open ends of the Vs are trlcl^, as the flying hair can create you. or front faults as he moves away.
narrow, even If tcmchlng. the gait an Illusion. Practice ignoring the In either dlrechon, thelegsshcmldbe
laths reach and drive. IfthefrontVis hair and try to Imagine what the un­ In the same plane. If the dog Is com­
wider than the rear erne, the dog has derlying struchue looks like. Wateh ing In straight, tbe front I^s should
mme reach than drive. If the rear Is tbe movement of a lot of dogs, both hide tbe rear ones. Going awt^. the
wider, there Is more drive than reach long and short haired. If possible, go hind 1 ^ should bide tbe front ones.
and you can look for other signs of over the dc^ to compare vrtiat you Ftom the rear Is the best way to spot
avoidance action. sec with vrtiat you feel. out-at-elbow or swinging of the legs
The Vs also reveal another kind of As the d<^ comes toward you. look to the outside.
ImhalaiKe, One or both of the Vs at the front feet as they touch the There Is no magic to evaluating
nugr appear to be tilted with only the ground. Imagine a line running be­ gait You sim i^ need to know what
Inner ends touching the ground and tween them. At a gocxl trot, the Inner to kxdcfor and how to kxdcfor it. Ai^-
tbe outer ends stin in the air. If this Is edges of tbe feet should Just touch one can do it with {»actlcx.
the fremt V. tbe dog Is lifting bis feet this line. You do not want to see them
too high and delaying contact with crossing over the line or moving wide PHOTOS OF BBAROIE8 WAITTBO
the ground, again indicating more of it Lcxdtto see If the legs maintain a The G A Z E T T E is asking for more
drive than reacdi. Also, the dog may strai^t line from shoulder to paw. photographs of Beardles for its flies.
be moving with his topline sloping to As the dog moves away, the same As Incentive, they are now paying
the rear. If It Is the rear V. tbe dc>g is technlciue will triply. The feet should $25 for each photo published. ThQr
kicking tq>. Ifboth, either both faults touch the Im aginary line and tbe ask that the pictures be sent to me
are present or the gait is simply not straight line should run from hip to and I win send them cm. Please be
synchronized. paw. sure your name and address are on
Oak Cotning and Going Surprisingly, you can often see tbe back so you win get your $25 if
Galt coining and going can be rear faults as ttie dog moves toward tbe picture Is used.—Jo Porker ■

JUNE lie s 161

.1 1
H e r d in g g r o u p

Belgian Sheepdogs
The time has come ftc pests of all
kinds to Invade our yards aoaln. AU
(A us enjoy the warm wea& r. but
the side effects are anydilng but en­
joyable. You read many articles on
spra3rtng your yard and the sleeping
quarters of your dogs. That Is flne,
but If your neighbota don't do the
same. It win not be very effective for
any length of time. It is an endless
battle, and I have found that prod­
ucts I have used for awhile are not
doing thejob and I've had to change.
Along with fleas and ticks comes
skin firoblcins. Many dogs are aller­
gic to fleas, and constant scratching
and biting starts hot spots. Some
dogs are mcMe destructive to their
own bodies than others. Some win
continue to chew themwcKea until
they have bloody areas. They seem
insensitive to pain. 'This Is a real
problem and requires constant ob­ spot before applying. “Maalax,” the most important In the summer
servation and medication. I ahvays antacid, works well on Irritated skin. months, ff you can catch a problem
advise peo(4e to consult their veteri­ During the shedding period, you before it gets too for ahead of you, it
narian and take his or her advice. mayAnd some dry. s c ^ dandruffon win be easier to cqpe with. I have
Medication that win work on one dog the skin, especially around the croup been told that medicated shampoo
maynot work on another. and tall. After a good brushing, you that Is used for dandruff on peofrie
There are a few home remedies can apply "Aloe Vera 100 Percent works very well on dogs with dry skin
that I have used that have worked Pure Gel." This is a soothing lotion In summer.
wdl in an emergency. "Unguentlne” and wlU relieve the Itching. It will I’m smv there are many more
spray seems to relieve minor skin ir­ moisturize without oity film, and is home remedies that have worked for
ritations very well. "Deaenex" anti- quickly absorbed and will not stain. I pecóle. Articles on various remedies
fungal spray powder on a spot that Is have had excellent results with this such as vin^ar In the dog's drinking
weepy wlU have a drying defect. It is product for dry skin. water, and the feeding of brewers
best to cut the hair back around the Dallygrooming, Ifat all possible, is yeast to d<^ to discourage fleas
don't seem to work. I wish I could
give you a trled-and-true remetfy for
* m N N Y T O T B ^ « « • dream coim tfiMl
aU these problems, but I'm fighting
•VUNNYTO Y «* * are ttie cflgintf l*Nh the same battle as you are. If anyone
loya for you and your paPk a l othora are has some good Ideas that will work, I
For Y O U -
win be glad to pass them on.
Machine waah and dry Don't forget that this time of year,
Nonaiorganic arfo norfoamraabla. you have to be extra careful when you
FO rY O U R D O Q "
No buttona, ayaa, or noaaa to awalow
take your dog in the car with you.
No stuffing to pul out The tonperature in a car builds up in
Long laoUno, t H « beino aaaured of havtng
two oU friarfoa to play wlti, you arfo lha
a matter of minutes, and the dog can
“FUNNY TOY-". suffocate. People have been warned
about this over and over but tbqr still
A' BAif.
COMPANIES.INC do It. If you see a d<%in distress, get
( ’ A , .Ut„ T , -
pt a . " .4.-10 help. Ifyou cant find the owner, then
dFaUiToi» call the police. No animal should
have to suffer because of someone’s
ignorance.— M a rg e T u m q u ist ■
^■1.^<11;j Ü
P :. i

line, we attended a dog show and

were bitten by the bug. Some of us
were fortunate to have friends and
mentors to help ease the transition.
Many words have been written Some o i us persisted de^lte the
about the attitude of those estab- rudeness and unwelcoming atti­
Uabed in the dog world towards the tudes we may have met. We arc those
Dovloe. I probab^ wont add any- vdio were fortunate enough to have
thhig new. but I fed that It is an im­ survived the initiation rites of "the
portant,subject. and we who have fancy." I'm sure we all know people
been aroiind for awhile can stand a aho have not
remliulef.' i It's so ea^. If you have been
íí'-ii‘, I have recent^ had a series of en­ around for awhile, to Ignore the nov­
counters with individuals who own ice and to concentrate on the "real
and love dogs, but sdio want nothing competition" or the pcditlcally impor­
i-.- tant This can only harm our breed,
to do with the world of shows or com-
petttlons of any kind. The reason however.
gisen In every case is the attitude of At a recent show. I met a novice
exhibitors. Terms used indude “cut- handler who had taken a nice older
thinat.’' ‘'badc-stabblng." "politics,’' dog v^o needed some socialization.
and "sixibbeiy." Most of these indi­ He was passed over both days, and
viduals slmpfy retired to the ra n k « of the new owner seemed a bit discour­
the pd owner. One. however, chose aged. A short time after Judging,
to breed her two dogs (not Tervs). one however, I saw her smiling hai^lly. It
of sdildi she described to me as be­ h«lynM .8haftr
seems a very prominent and widely
ing unsafe around small children. scene, unfortunately Invcriving om respected breeder, well-known for
She was upset at a pufqy return and breed. In adilch an owner-mdilbitor being strai^tforward and never giv-
came to me for advice alMut whether opaaty sneered at the pedigree of a ing undeserved praise, had taken the
(VBot to refund the purchase price. pet dog as It was being described by time to ten this young woman that
She frankly had no room for another the proud novice owner. The owner her dog had potential and to say
dog and said that, adíen the puppies had come to the show to see some; some words of praise.
left she felt her responsibility was Tervs and decide whether or not be Our reaction to new people can
over. She offered no health guaran­ wanted to be invtdved in the sport of make the difference In determining
tees and no contracts, but she sold dogs. what their future role in the dog
her pups for top dollar — after all, A well-knownTerv breeder recently world win be. We are the representa­
one of the parents was an Import! 1 referred to our children as the future tives of the world of dogs and dog ac­
told her that most breeders have of our breed. The same can be said of tivities. and we really must keep this
these things spelled out In a con­ novices. Most ofusb^an as novices, In mind.—D r. P a tU a C . E ldrtdgem
tract "I'm not a breeder," said she. with a pet-quallty or even a mixed-
This woman could certainly have breed dog. Somewhere along the
{matted from the educational bene­
fits ofAKC Involvement, and associa-
tton with thoughtful, responsible
breeders. However, she had bad an
unfortunate experience with shows
and exhibitors earty in her dog own-
ershfr). and was turned off on all fu­
new»Shade-a-PuR lEMMEL SHADE COfER
ture contact.
A couide I have known for years vis­ PBOTECR ones FROM THE BOT SOIL Bloeki ont
78% nm 'i mft but k ii ok ciiciikilt. Too)^ block
ited me at a dog show recently. They cyntbcUc U kie with bens gromnwtt tmey two ictl hr
are Interested in owning a dog and •oiT kotaüiig to knn d iramu. Nointtnaiict-bM,
eiyoyed the show so much they will not ml It mildew. Custom ston owdloblc to HI
stayed for groups, long after I had tiiigh kauwl or mnltipto m as.
left. However, the ringside com­ Coll <r wiito far in s brochnn.
ments they overheard made them THE M ASON CXDMRVNY
sure they will never be involved with
Dqil. PB, P .a B n 385 • Lnsbarg, Ohio 45135
showing. 513/780-2321
A few years ago, I witnessed a
JUNE 1968 163
.E R D I N G G R O U P fi n

turnhas set the course for the future. Hill Road, Utchfield. CT 06759, for i
This course has set an agerida for ed­ more information.
ucation and friendship, and is stabi­ ■i i i l '1
lized throu^ a commitment to FAKEWELL8 ' jiTi.*; ;
4 B M C 8 2STH A m nV B S S A R T reqxmsibillty and accountability. I have just enough space here to 'i
ü a p fV2Sth Annlvenaiy. Amerl- We are comt^tlng the task of de- say goodbye. For the past five years, I -
Bouvler Oes Flandres Club. vdoping new interests for the Bou­ have tried to bring you information '
The fcOowing brief excerpt from vier fancier. This year, we are which would educate, provoke and
Majr's work provides us with a woridng on an Instincts Test, Herd­ entertain. I'm not sure that I sue-
I UoqMe of those days of Camdot. ing Testing, Judges Education, a ceeded in any of those areas. I hope I ^
^ iien Individuals set aside their dlf- Bouvier video, a better Bouvier mag­ did. The time has come to bring on ^’j j
1xenoes aixl proceeded to develop a azine, and a national specialty with fresh ideas and a name that is
( 9minan Interest In a breed they the “father” of our breed. There is a well-known In the Bouvier world.
Ipved: lot to do and a lot to be <k>ne. We want Marge Hoenig of Washington state
In the fan o í 1962, a letter went you to share in this enrichment: we win do just that in her coming col­
<^t to the fanciers of the Bouvier for must continue to devdc^ in the umns. Please welcome her wtumly,
i n mganlzatlonal meeting at the same spirit that got us going. Be- as this column is for you.
I jennd Chib of Philadelphia's De- come Involved. There is room Last, I have to saygoodbye to a dear
( ember show. This showwas chosen enough for aU. friend who we all knew and loved,
I ecauaeofthe large entryc^Bouviers Coming events Include the 25th and adio passed away much too
11drew. Seventeen people showed up Annlversaiy and National Specialty, soon: devoted Bouvier owner-breed­
1yr the meeting. AHwere ve^ enthu- with Justin Chastd Judging, to be er-judge, keeper of the flame. Bill
I lastlc and anxious to proceed.” hdd Columbus holidayweekend, Oc­ Hayes. We will all miss him. BUI was
During the past 25 years, the tober 8th and 9th, 1988 at the Nor­ our AKC delegate. In following in his
4niencan Bouvier Des Fbmdres Chib folk County Agricultural H l^ footsteps, I hope I can live up to his
grown and prospered Into a na- Scbod, 460 Main Street, Walpole. legacy. Because of him, the flaune
al dub. Yes, the dub has had hlc- MA02081. bums bright amd the club lives -
( iqw like most other chibs, but it Please contact the ABDFC secre­ on— J o h n L . S u U tva n m
<vercame them, and a new momen- tary. Brenda Newell, East Chestnut

This morning, as I vacuumed the
r ig inside the back door and wiped
i p the qx>ts cm the kitchen floor
a round die dog's water crock (for the
i oqiteenth time this week), 1got to
t linking about all the countless
c Mres that evolve from having a dog.
Kbile a Collie would be hard pressed
t >matdi the amount of fuzz shed by
c ur Persian cat. Priscilla, they do
I lanage to lose a few hairs here and
t lere and some larger clumps at
e tiedding time. There Is a constant^
I ppearlng dingy area on thè wall be-
t Ide our bed adiere bouse dog, Dixie.
1kes to sleep at night. And I’m sure
I le floors would go longer between
I ETubbliigBif the CoDle feet that tour
i Myard didn't bring in so mud) dirt.
But as much work as oiir Collies
I lay cause us. they return so much
live and unstinting devotion that
f tiere Is no question they are worth
the effort. I can't Imagine coming the yard with 'a litter of puppies,
home, turning the key in the lock. bru^iing them, loving them, having
. opening the door and not being them untie your sneaker laces. Just fflinloreod a p t. « I d No. 21
greeted by a CoOle. They are so un- watching them play—^that's iny Idea N fita art piMad « a r y «w o .
arpa art ■ )% actual Nada. -
fidllngHy ddlghted to see you, of relaxation. It's hard to match the kiiana.
irtaetber youVe been gone 10 min­ feeling of accomjfllahment that a can ba ordtMd in 80% or S2% -
utes o r aU day. And adíen you're comes with planning a breeding, a c M l Niada. W ria for prica quota.
. A8owr4M8waaksfarda8wary.
down In the dumps, sitting ponder­ birthing and raising a puppy and ’ POLY ROPE. S n r * « 7 « p « foot. Coracina "
ing your problems, a warm Collie seeing your creation do well In the ' arpaiofwnaa.)
nose Is sure to come nudging your show ring. TCTMS : f^apaymard aNppod
■ C O i). indbdfla Nipping and C.0X>. Nargaa -

dhow to give you some sympathyand Our children have been married MaNwndaa may ba raaenad ordywidi p * r -
a llft and away from home for mai^ years. qgimiN RN eradi « a fa id wN oriy
I marebandaa hat not boat ua
Becausewe have a number ofdogs, And until recently, all our grandefaU- uead. a paniN o e d i or lafcaid may ba b e
F.O.B. Svaaota. Roridi.
the simple chores like feeding, exer­ dren lived out of town. So we were M eat aubiact to changa widiout nMico.
cising and grooming are multiplied somewhat concerned when a new SEND ORDERS TO:
Into hour consuming tasks. And granddau^ter came to stay with us E D 'S S H A D E
leaving home for longer t h a n an af- each d«y adille her mom and dad P.O. BOX 1093
temoon or evening becomes a major were at work. Our house dog is 11, a O S P I^ ,
{Hoposltlon Invcdvlng dog sitters and very dominant personalityadio abso­ H on
lists of Instructlofis and schedules. lu te bosses every Collie on the
Weekend dog show planning has be­ place, even those who outweigh her
come somewhat routine, but leaving by 25 pounds. They all back down
for a vacation Is a major planning cp- adíen Dixie stands still and lifts her
eratton. head. A raised Up Is seldom neces­
We house our dogs in an unheated sary. although she doesn't hesitate
keiuiel and feed them the best food to light Into an offender If she feels
and supplements so they win grow she must.
that glorious dense coat that is the So bow, we wondered, would this
croamlng glory of a show Collie. smiled, domineering old lady take to
Come warm weather, we know we a baby? Not to worry. In typical CtflUe
win have to ^tend hours stripping fashion, Dixie is the flrst to run
out an that undercoat And well when the baby wakes up from her
sweep It off the floor, brush It off our nap. Before I can get to her. she has
clothes, finempty deg food ba^ with pushed (^len the bedroom door and
It, and watch the birds fly off with stuck a comforting nose between the
wisps of It—so we can turn around bars of the crib. She stands patientty
and do the same thing next year. On for countless pats and tugs.
the days when a sickly puppy cries Normally. I have a battle to trim her
and you know It's goliig to die in feet, as she hates to have them
qilteofyour best efforts, oryoubave touched. She shakes hands by tap­
to rush off to the emergency clinic at ping her foot in your hand—you are
3 a.m. or. lowest of aU times, when not supposed to hold It. But the baby
the “old one” adío has been your con­ can crawl across the floor, pick up a
stant companion for 12 or 13 years foot and examine it, pull on her toe­ á sU c fIs
leaves you, you really do begin to nails. c^ien Dixie’s mouth and stick
wonder adiy you do It. her hand in It. while Dixie quietty
But tor every dlfflcult time, there and happilybeams at her. This Is her
are a 100 that are rewarding. And If baity. Isn't this adiat It's all
having more Collies makes more about?—Afórela K. K e lle r m
work, the ifluses are multiplied too. If • PERSONALIZED COLLARS
It’s aJoy to romp in the yard with one
Collie, think of having a dozen PIPPIKS • CUSTOM DOG HOMES
bounding energetically in all direc­ b* f.dfoS ^ ' ndW s • DOG HAND PUPPETS
tions, one leading the pack for a cou­ sntl CftRE MHl.SIBSTAMF. • CALL OR WRITE

ple of clrdes then doubling behind Show Po u n tiAl Av ilAblt
some shrubbery and dashing over to JardQKaiwmI« Aig. P .a BOX 2525-A • HARMONY, CA 93435
Tm m Rd. ( i ^ ) Bo i 30fr“l
say “hi” and get a quick pat before
going back to the races. Sitting in
O W B ffdS o.N J.O B r^
201-^-B63S 805-927-3647

JUNE 1998 16S

H e r d in g g r o u p

O ilm an Stiephefd Dogs

Sbeny WaUs Is this month's guest

The most rqiresentattve color for
Sermaa Shepherds todqr Is most ac-
a irat^ called “saddle-marked.’' but
wmmnnlycaned "bladeand tan."In
pure form, the dog has points of tan,
md guard hairs of b is ^ In actual­
ity, tte black Is often diluted so that
tt has a "salt and pqiper" look. The
Ugbter ctdor may be silver and/or
lielge. ahich Is found at the tip tn
themiddle of the black guard hair, so
that the individual tmir is banded,
Mack-Ugbt-black or bladc-Ught.
Commoity. this "graying" is heavi-
Estjust bdilnd the withers, and Is a
atrtydown the back of the dog. When
it extends fairly eventy throughout
the saddle, the dog may be superfl-
dally Indlatlngiilahahle from a sable.
Recognizing sables la often easier
describing them. Essentially, Bl-colors are easy to recognize. muzzle. White dogs are of course dis­
guard hairs of the sable are not a This Is the onfy m ark in g pattern for qualified ty the breed standard. Kue
' color; rather, eadi hair Is com- the Rottweiler and Dobmnan. Black and liver genes modify onfy the black
of bands of three cedora. The covers almost an the body, but the pigment on the dog, so pigment
base colors may be varying dog may have tan eyebrows, tan dots formed by brown melanin is unaf­
ihades (rf gray and/or tan, but the at the cheek and tan at the chest. fected. If you look at a “red” Dober­
end of the hair Is tipped with black. They always have tan on the feet and man, you will see the rust points are
Ihus, the overall color of the sable is to some degree, this may extend up still present. Likewise, a non-sMld
determined by the combination of the leg. Below the tall, tan surrounds blue Shepherd will have tan points.
the colors comprising the bands, the anus. Dogs adilch cany the But those portions of hair which
their reflective depths or the indi­ genes for both bl-celor and saddle would have been black, the eye rims,
vidual balls, and the degree to which marking wUl have black extending nose, and pads, will be just off
they oontrast with each other. And, over more of their bo<ty than is com­ enough to be noticeable, especially If
more so than with the saddle- monly seen In a dog purely the dog Is In natural ll^ t or stand­
marked dog, the undercoat influ­ saddle-marked and may be difficult ing next to very bkick dogs.
ences the overaDappearance, since It to distinguish from a true bl-cblor. Since the sable has less black on
Isa solid odor. SoUd black dogs arejust that; they the hair than a saddle-marked dog,
Thus, a dog with guard hairs gray are black an over, except that th ^ the blue color will be less noticeable.
It the base, charcoal at the center, mry have white on the chest and/or In the case of the dog with very little
ind black on the Up, w ilfipearveiy feet varying from a spot to just a few black tipping, the pads, nose and eye
dark. If the black Up comprises the white hairs. Also, th ^ may have a rims will be better Indicators. Ch.
mforlty of the hair, he win appear few tan hairs sprinkled on the feet Hooblns Gray Boy finished before
almost black. Likewise, adogwltha and legs. > the standard was changed to make
hair white at the base, cream at the Slnffiarfy, white dogs are white, al­ blue an undesirable color. And, ac­
middle, and Mackjust at the Ups win though they may have biscuit mark­ cording to his picture, he was a bl-
appear almost buff. Without an in­ ings of varying degrees on those color. A black with blue genes would
flection of the individual guard portions of the body adiere black pig­ be a solid blue dog.
lialrs, a dog with a cream undercoat ment Is most heavily concentrated —S.W.
winbe very difficult to distinguish on a dog of color. Thus, you might
ftom a very faded saddle-marked see a biscuit strip down the back and U P C O M IN G S P E C IA L T Y
dog. biscuit around the ears and on the Our 75th Aimlversaiy National
J o 100% Natural Am erican Raw tiide

100% unbleached ^
dom estic b eeftiid e.
H eat cu red,
no preservatives.
T re a t y o u rs e lf to
j W H O L E S A L E P R IC E S .
Long Run Kennels
sbow Is coming up in America is here to serve you. We wel­ P.O . B ox 1 4 7 5 C . Chariestow n, R l 02813
8 0 0-E N X >r-E M
November 16-20. Please come your comments and sugges­
C a l today for OUT FRE E catalog.
1 to attend. We will be extending tions for future cedumns. If you
I an^nvltatlon to all who are Ucensed would like to become a member of the
I to Judge our breed, and those who GSDCA and subscribe to our excel­
I'are provisional^ approved the lent breed magazine, please send a
AKC. ^lecial guest seating and pro­ self-addressed, stamped envdope to FLEAS GO N E
-am s win be planned. We are also me. Iify address can be found in tbe T iebetettiif
hying to plan a Judges’ seminar. If section fcdlowlng the breed Why Is It that some < f c » seem to have a natural
immunity to flea infestation whfle others seem to at*
you are Interested, contact Betty ctriumns.— H e le n G le a s o n F a y ■ tract fleas l%e a magnet? The tact is, aH dogs have a
natural inhom flea lesMency. However, due to the
Hamilton. 117 E. Geneva Dr.. lack o f adeauafe quantities o f orta in vitamins and
other nutrients ki the diet, this natural protection
Tenqie. AZ 85282. may not be active.
The German Shepherd Dog Club of A ll RataMral Plea'A M is a nutritional supple­
m ent specifically form ulated to activate and
stimulate this natural Aea lesWency. Hea-Akt works
aatarally. In harmony your d o g s natural body
chemistry • and wtthaaft h arm ful u a la a a w a rlte
aectictoei. If you are not com pieti^ deSghted by
nervousness m unprovoked aggres­ the dramatic M th r a l reduction m fleas, return in 30
Old English Sheepdogs sion. d ^rsfor a fuR refund.
SOimi ATlAimC
H e a d & S k u ll—^In proportion to mteM PCTCAucosroBATion
BSBBD STAN D ARD CH ANG E tbesizeoftheboefy. Skull capacious, riC A llM I ^o.BOKB63iverr.Mm
In the near future, the Old English rather square. Well arched above IO O cJ«isules-$ 9 ^ 5 / 2 5 0 capsu les-#31
Sbeqxkig Club ofAmerica, as well as eyes, stop well defined. Muzzle Dealer inqidfiea Welcome
other parent clubs, will be asked 1^ strong, square and truncated, mea­
AKC to take a hard look at their breed suring approximately half the total
standards with the Intent of improv­ head length. Nose large and black.
ing and/or clarifying them. To bring Nostrils wide.
about a unifonnily of format, some Eyes—Set wen apart. Darle or wall
standards m ^ simply require a rear­ eyes. Two blue eyes acceptable. L l^ t
rangement of details. Others will undesirable. Pigmentation on
need a major overhaul. the eye rims preferred.
Chang» In standards are not to be Ears—Small and carried flat to
taken ligbtfy. Ours has been the side of head.
same for the past 35 years, sdiile the ^ Mouth—Teeth strong, large, and
OES standard that was used in Great evenfy placed. Scissor bite—Jaws
Britain had remained basically unal­
tered horn the time that it was writ­
ten around the tum-of-the-century
strong with a perfect, r^ular and
comísete scissor bite, l.e. ufqrer
teeth closely overlapping the lower
until It was revised and eq^roved teeth and set square to theJaws. Pin-
the Kennel Club m 1986. The com­ cer tolerated but undesirable.
plete text of the British revision fol­ N eck —Falrfy long, strong, arched
lows: gracefully.
G e n e ra l A p p e a ra n c e — Strong, Forequ a rters —Forelegs perfectly
A U T O SUN SH AD ES. W hat a relief
square looking dog of great symme­ straight, with plenty of bone, bedd­ .ustom made, durable aluminum auto
try and overall soundness. Abso­ ing body wen from ground, elbows ..“•ades block out the sun's rays w ithout
lutely free of legginess, profusely fitting close to brisket. Shoulders ibstructing vision Easily installed & in
coated all over. A thick-set, muscu­ should be well laid back, being nar­ stantly rem oveable Increase air condì
lar, able-bodied dog with a most In- rower at the point of withers than at ;.jn e r efficiency Save passengers, pets
tdUgent expression. The natural tbe point of shoulder. Loaded shoul­ .ind contents from the ravages o f a biaz
outline should not be artificially ders imdesirable. D<^ standing mg sun For free info, send make o f car.
cdianged scissoring or cliiqilng. lower at withers than loin. year, series, m odel (sedan, station
vvagon. coupe, etc ) and style (2 or 4
Characteristics—Of great stam­ Bodp-^tather short, and com­ .foor), your name and address to SIDLES
ina. exhibiting a gently rising top­ pact, with wdl-sprung ribs, and VFG C O , INC . Box 3537G , Temple
line, and a pear-shaped body when deep, capacious brisket. TX 76501 For questions or same day
viewed from above. The gait has a H in d qu a rters —Loin very sturdy, shipment on VISA/MC/UPS COD. call
fyplcal rtdlsiien ambling or walking. broad and gently arched, quarters TOLL FREE I-800-433-3I01
Bark has a distinctive toned quality. well covered, round and muscular,
T em p era m en t —A biddable dog of tbe second th l^ is long and well de- .^The o r ig in a l custom
even disposition. Bold, falthfril and vdcqred, the stifle well turned, and ) a u to sun sh ad es!
trustworthy, with no suggestion of the hocks set low. Prom the rear, the

JUNET968 167

Coot—Profuse, of good harsh tex­

ture, not straight but shaggy and Pullk
free from curl. Undercoat of water­
proof pile. Head and skull well cov­ PU LI PO TPO U RR I
ered with hair, ears moderately I'm certain that all the Pull fanciers
coated, neck well coated, forelegs out there (including myself) have
well coated all round, hindquarters missed the Pull columns over die last
more heavily coated than rest of several months. Wdl, I am the new
body. Quality, texture, and profu­ columnist, and I welcome Input from
sion to be considered above mere any Puli fancier out there vdio
length. wishes to act as my guest cohinmlst,
Color—Any shade of grey, grizzle or supply some input on a given topic
or blue. B o^ and hindquarters of thty would like to see In print. I’m all
solid color with or without adilte eyes and ears to yotu-help! We have a
socks. White patches In the solid wonderfully unique breed; let's talk
area to be discouraged. Head, neck, about It.
forequarters and underbeUy to be I also welcome Pull photographs to
wiilte with or without m a rk in gs. Atty be sent dlrectty to me for possible use
shade of brown undesirable. In the G A Z E T T E . Get your cameras
Size—24 Inches and upwards for out and start shooting sharp photos
dogs, 22 Inches and upwards for of your star. Remember to keep an
Mcft bitches. Type and symmetry of great­ tmchittered background. The photo
*d Engllih Sheepdogs est importance. and on no account to must be of good contrast so it will
Continued be sacrlflced to size alone. reproduce well. Be sure to list name
should be quite straight, with FauIts-^Any departme from the and address of the photogrtqiher on
èet turning neither In nor out. foi^oing points should be consid­ the back for proper credit and a pay­
F e e t —Small, round and tight, toes ered a fault and the seriousness with ment of $25 If the shot Is used. No
*dl arched, pads thick and hard. which the fault should be r^arded show poses or dogs In costume
Dewdanreshmild be removed. In exact proportion to its degree. please!
G a W M o vem e n t —When walking IVote—Male animals should have
achlhlts a bear^lke roll from the rear. two sqiparently normal testicles fully P C A E L E C T IO N S
When trotting, shows effortless cx- descended into the scrotum. The Puli Chib of America has bad
and strong driving rear ac- Should OEISCA consider adoption some changes with a new slate ofoffi­
wlth legs moving straight along of the 1986 U.K, revision? How do cers as follows:
of travel. Veiy elastic at the gal- you feel about eye pigmentation, John Tebbs, president; Kathleen
1 , At slow speeds, some dogs may scissors bites, white patches Ellis. Brst vice-president; Ann Bow-
tend to pace. When moving, the head (splashes), and scissoring? A line Ity ley, second vice-president; Cartdyn
eanla^ may atk^t a natural^ lower line comparison with our current Nusbickel, secretary; John McNeill,
position. standard makes an interesting exer­ treasurer.
Toll—Customarily ccMiqdet^ cise. We would like to hear your The board of directors Is Judith
docked. opinions.— E d J o h a n s e n ■ Becker, Patricia Coleman, Jane
McLane, Barbara Stelz, Nancy
Rh nestone & Mirror Foil Deawated T-S H IR TS ! Schempp, and Margaret Whltwer.
IN S T O C K F O R IM M E D IA T E S H IP M E N T ! PCA delegate to the AKC Is Susan M.
Something new and desperatety
needed was tried this year—a second
PCA board meeting hdd at the home
of Carolyn Nusblckel’s In Malvern,
Penns^vanla, away from the ele­
ment of other dog activities. In the
two days of session, much more was
accomplished than through corre­
Show o f your favorite m a stunning R H IN E S TO N E Specify design quantity and sizes Avail^iie without
S T U D D E D Tee Red F O IL glasses or collar shme rhmesKines If requested Send S2000per shir! (m- spondence sent back and forth
like rmrfof’ Stones are prong set Fashion quality eludes postage! wflh - name, address, zip phone across the country. It Incurred alot of
# & check or MO to:GALERIE*Dept AKGe
smooth heavyweight aH cotton white Tee - S.M .L.X L
12629N Tatum Bivd • 605• Phoenix AZ 65032 responsibility and eiqiense for those
- sizes run true 100°o guaranteed In office but was worth It in the out­
LOTS O F G R EAT DESIGNS! - W RITE FOR CATALOC! COO ORDERS CALL (602) 463-6553 come for the club's business at hand.

i^!:;:ií!:|. :

Moorva. bred and owned by Terry

and Stephanie Horan.
The Stud Dog class was won ttyCh.
Szedcr’s Lokoto Lacko, bred tty Mary
Wakeman, owned by BiU and Llim
Hiett, and the Brood Bitch class was
won^theHiett’sCh. SUvenmCslUa
CsiUag. bred by Mike and Pat Cru-
Plans are weU on the way for the
1988 P C A specialty on September
3rd, to be hdd in conjunction with
the Lexington KC show at the Ken­
tucky Horae Paric in Lexington. Ken­
tucky. The Judges scheduled are as
fcUlowB: JoseiUi Gr^ory. breed;
Nancy McGarvey, sweepstakes; and
1967 PCA 8PBCIALTT Stdz and Llzm Hiett. Jearmie Ohmaim and David Mauer,
The 1987 Pull Club ofAmerica sev- I Robert Forsyth took over the regu­ obedience. The Mid Kentucky and
enUi independent specialty was held lar classes of 87. Ch. WaUbanger Ker- Louisville KC shows wiU be the two
in the beautiful “City of Roses." Port- mit J. Boimce, owned tty John and supported shows to follow.^Ann J.
la i^ Ot^on. on October 3rd at the Mildred McNeill and Arm Bovriey, B o w ie y •
Holiday Inn Portland Airport Con­ was the Best of Breed winner for the
vention Center. Those who made the second year in a row. Best of Oppo­
^ledalty a reality and so enjttyable site Sex was also a consecutive win
w m show chairman BinHlett, show for Ch. WaUbanger Kedves Szuka.
secretary Kathleen Corbett, and as­ owned by Carotyn Nusblckel. Both
sistants Linn Hiett, Victor and De- winners are Uttermates bred ttyArm
lorcs Bleys, DeAnna Darrow, Dick Bowiey. Winners Dog was awarded to
and Denise ; Johnson, Lorraine Trumpkln A1Dente, bred and owned
© i Wabaven. Pam Lehto, Ken and by Denise and Richard Johnson.
Dorothy: Darrow, Joy and Ed Wlimers Bitch, Best of Wiimers was
Woodard. Barbara Stelz, MaryWirtz. won tty Bokar HaUelujah, a daughter
and Richard Bredtenrlc^. of the BOS wiimer, owned and bred
Business was at band with Fri­ tty CartUyn Nusblckel. Reserve Win­
day’s board meeting, but then the ners dog was Widbey’s Ace of Spades,
fim began with the cocktail party, owned tty Gerard and Tonunle Ko­
awards banquet and a raffle. A sou- zak, bred ttyRuth Boarti^t and Bar­
v e ^ booUet was given as the table bara Edvrards. Reserve Wlruiers
£n^. V' Bitch was the Best in Senior Sweeps Ideas collected from dog breeders
Satuidity came eaity for the 16obe- winner, bred and owned by Barbara all over the United States. A must for
dienoe entries. The Open B winner Stdz and BIDand Llim Hiett lem odeling and first-time builders.
was High In Trial: Ch. Prydaln Janl. For the second year. Awards of
C.DJC., owned by Denise Johnson Merit were awarded, this time to the T o g e t you r softbound
and Barbara Edwards, with a 198 BB. BOS. and Best of Wlimers dogs. c o p y please send
score. In addition to Ch. Prydaln Noah, ch eck and cou pon to:
I Judge Robert Fortyth presided owned Ity Don and Ruth Boatright, V.VWebb
over theJunloé handling entry of six. and bred by Barbara Edwards, and Rt. 2 B ox 201
II and sdected Barbara Stelz, adio did to Ch. Csai^dekl Cigany, bred tty Dept. G
an exceptional Job with her Ch. Mt. Istvan Bako. and owned by Mary
M ocksville, N C 27028
Hood's Gtanboc ofTordor to win Best Wakeman.
Jri Handler. Of the three veteran entries. Ch. E nclose $20.00 ppd. per order.
Margaret Braun took charge of the Prydaln Henwen, C.D., eight years
34 sweepstakes entries. Best Junior old. bred tty Connie Peterson and N a m e __________________________
was Netta’s Calypso of Prydaln, Barbara Edwards, and owned by Ro­ A ddress-------------------------------
owned ttyInna and Walter Fertl; Best bert Smith and Barbara Eklwaids. C ity------------------------------------
In Sr. Sareeps was Tordor Mt. Hood’s won Veteran Dogs. wfaUe Veteran S tate_________ .Z ip .
Kls Angyalom, owned by Barbara Bitch was 14-year-cUd Ch. Immerzu
JUNE 1988 188

at once, it can be quite painful, per- any time of year.

I haWand Shoopdogt haps even deadly. Every climate has advantages or
With our fairly constant tempera­ disadvantages, but often livellhcxxls
I O T V S . C O L D C L IM A T B 8 tures, our dogs'coats will never be as depend on living where careers dic­
--PARTn abundant as those of the dogs in the tate. But with time and experimenta­
Giardiasis and coccidiosis are c»lder climates. But we have found tion, one can usually find a way to
{ robleins we deal with in the hot that our Sheltles do not go through deal with the disadvantages and
! Buthem climate where we live. We the drastic shedding that dogs who make the best use of the advantages
i ave fotind flagjd quite effective in put on the huge ‘ snow cxiats” do. so of a partlcnilar cdlmate.
c mtroUng this problem, and we use we are able to show our dogs almost Next month, our guest c»lumnist
i quaternary ammonium com- year round. will be Tom Coen, who will desenibe
{ Dund. such as Quatracide, as it is Another definite advantage of our what it is like raising dogs in the cold
s iippoaed to be effective in destroy- milder temperature is being able to winters of upstate New York.—
i ig glardlal cysts and should reduce work puppies or road-work adults at T h elm a M a u ld in ■
t le possibility of reinfec^tion.
Bug lights help control our
i U-too-abundant mosciuitos, and
t lere are qpecial bug lights to control
f les and other f^drig Insects. We
1ave fouid the‘ Big Stinky Fty Jars"
t >be veiy effective in trapping flies.
J s they are glass Jars, be sure to put
t lem where they can't get broken,
i nd of course, to put them where the
<ogBcan’t get into them.
Fleas and ticks require constant
control, and keeping the dogs on
c oncrete and checking them rou-
1neiy for any evidence of Infestation
1ek>s a lot If I find even one flea, all
t Be dogs in the kennel are bathed
1 1th flea shampcm.
Fire ants are aiwther problem we
1ave had to deal with for the past few
] ears, as they migrate further and
I jrther north. We have not fotmd
j iqrthlng which is safe to use in the
I raas runs where there are mounds,
I owe use the pressure ofthe water to
1 rash down the mounds, hearing to
chase the ants scanewfaere dse so
yiat ant ccmtrol powder can be used.
an animal is stung by a lot of ants

portion of these groups. Mind you. in Do you attend the meeting and min­
( km Ugan W9M i Coigis this woricday-world, many people gle with the flcxdc; or do you stay at
cannot handle more duties or pres­ home and criticize and knock?
1IHTDOWEBBLOIfG? sure, so they are cjuletJoiners. Yet, a Do )iou take an active part to help the
This (juestlon has been asked so bu^ person always can and will find work along; or are you satisfied to be
I lany times by all of us, yet the an- the time to do one more thing. Busy the kind thatJust belongs?
t srers are never the same. For some, peoide get Jobs done with the least Do you ever go to visit a member that
I ekwiglngtoaclublsjustamatterof effort, while others bitch and stew. is sick; or leave the work toJust a few
1ecfdng up with the news, for others, So, to quote the wdl-wom poem: and talk about the dlque?
t rhat the chib can do for them (Inter- Are you an active member, the kind Think this over, member, you know
( sting idea). Those adio join out of that would be missed; or are youJust right from wrong; are you an active
cevotlcm to their breed and with a contented that your name is on the member or do youJust belong?
t Urstforkncniledgemakeupasmall list? In a similar vein, here are some
i: i -ij iéÉílhi: 'I'ilrl'ii! i -i - '■

Wonder ahy I've written these

things? Wen, it comes to mind that
we are an guilty of eiqiecting a few to
do an the work and then watching
and criticizing. Yet ifan would pitch
In. the load would be lighter and the
Jobscompleted faster. When a wlUlng
woricer is downed often enough, he
or she win stay down and no longer
work. Yet wouldn't it be better to let
a wining person work and enjoy the
labors of their love?
Chib work is a vedunteer basisjob,
not usually a paid position or one
with a high value, in most drdes. If
you want or need to see your name in
lights, rent a neon sign or a bin-
board. Qub work, at best is time
consuming, necessary and usually
costty, so do not knock those adro en­
o tl^ thoughts on how to kin a dub: Then, the best ways to kill a willing joy tbe tasks. Better to s«^ “wdl
1} Do not attend or participate In chib member's enthusiasm are: done," and let them enjoy the labors
meetings. 1) Get sore if they volunteer, and (rf'their love.
2) Do not ccmtrlbute to the chib criticize what they do. I realty stin bdleve that we devote
pubUcatlon. 2) Always tdl others bow things our time and efforts because we want
3) If tbe Judge doesn't suit you. should have been done, or how you to do for our breed and our breed
don't go, and let everyone know why. would do them. dubs, and not because of adiat they
4) If you attend. And fault with the 3) Do no more than necessary, but can do for us. Mr^be Tm dd fash­
(^ cxn . judges and members. howi “clique." when other members ioned in 11^ w ay of thinking, but I
5) Never accept an office, because use their abUltles. find everyone is important in his or
it is easier to criticize than to do i 4) Hdd back on donations (large or her way in m ak in g a club work. And
thfiogs. small). that's why we bekmg.— P a tS a n U ■

And I sort of forgot tbe tri question. I been in 13 shows this fall. She bad
Pwnbroto Welsh Corgis remember hearing a well-known been In tbe ribbons 11 times, and
T B IB IA S ? Corgi exhibitor com pla in in g about bad taken 4 reserves. At least three
Chice I entered the Corgi show ads that stressed “pure for red," as if times, I had beaten her with a red
worid in tbe United States. I began to tris were something you wanted to bitch of nty own. M? bitch is not as
bear a rumor about tri-cdors. They get away ftom. But that realty didn't nice a mover (but sure kx>ks typey
are harder to win with. ” “Judges will bother me. Until recently. standing!).
put a red first “ T oo bad he's a trl, This past &n, I was showing a trl Is there an unspoken and unac­
he would be a good special other­ male, and placed well at almost eveiy knowledged bias against tris? Do
wise." At first when you lose with show, but didn't quite take the they somehow just not look “r l^ t”
your much beloved trl, you eagerly points. I seemed to be the one others because of their cedor? In no wayam I
endene all such rumors. You know wanted to beat (and they did), but I suggesting that judges are discrimi­
that tbe only reason you could have never quite seemed to get my turn at nating against ffiem deliberately (If
poaeil ^ lost had to be that your dog beating them. However, 1 am emo- indeed ai^ discrimination exists). I
was not a red dog. But as time goes tlonalty involved with ^ dog and would like to hear from you other
by, your knowledge, your eye. your wdl aware that 1 have a hard time breeders and exhibitors of tris. What
ablllty to appreciate other dogs being objective about him. So I has your eiqierlence been? Am I just
grows. And you are aware that you hadn't realty thou^t much about imagining things? Or are our
and your tii lost today because that his cdor. Until, suddenly, I realized tri-colors second class citizens?
red dog was a better dog. that in the bitch ring, a lovety trl was
A handler finished my first trl consistently taking reserve to a va­ C O M M E N TS F R O M T H E H E LP
changfton. I finished the second one riety of red dogs. So I talked to her lity kennel help fivquentty has
(under a breederjudge). Then, I had owner to ask how many shows and comments to make about dogs, dog
a spell of showing reds and sables. tbe results. Turns out this bitch had shows, and dog people in particular.
JUNE 1968 171
tKMiOiMSpB "Come!" works. Lesson learned:
Tontinmed adien a Corgi salivates, its ears stop
Sincebe Mcstbtn^Bfixxn a distinctly working. BREED COLUMN
lUfciBUt peiapecUre than those of us Something of the same phenom­ ADVERTISING RATES
toat are d e e ^ Invoiced in d o ^ . I ena affects dog people as w ^ It may
Listings in this section are 1”, 2”
Ifaougbt It m l^ t be fun to let him be tied in with the salivary ^ands,
tunre b k say in this catanm. So you but I haven't observed that I have and 3" in format. A n y ad exceed­ .ii;
ing specific measurement will be ¿IF
w i eayect to have a paragnqih or discovered, thou^, that dog people
two from him In moat of these ccrf- are all somewhat strange. That dis­ billed next ad size (i.e. 1” and
Mmia. Here is tfala montti'a: covery should surprise absolutely no measuring 1Va" pays 2” rate.
one at all because when IVe men­ Rates are as follows:
rm amaaed at die “selecttve bear- tioned this to a few of than, they 1x 6x I2x
atg" Hwt afiecta dogs and^dog peo­ have aUagreed! “Sdectlve hearhig“ is 1” $40 $35 $30
ple.' P a r a definition «rf'^adectlve noticed, thou^, due to the fact that 2" $70 $65 $60
sarmg.'* ask aiqr parenti) ix> one ever thinks that you're talk­ 3” $100 $90 $85
Magfte all d o p have it. but cer- ing about themi
alnly Corgis have “selective hear- Parents, take heart. This’ sdectlve l x insertions must have payment
ng" doim to a science. Whl^ier “dog hearing” is one thing that your chil­ included with order.
Jlacultr anywhere In the county and dren will not grow out of—
Me what happens. Then, take your partlculaity if they own dogkl
nhrdknce-tralneddcgontooarural —Hie Help
When It has picked up “some­ p p tii
thing’ (not quite r^je enough to roll I thank niy assistant for his I
i). <teck out how wdl the word comments.—Jeon Yotic m
l - i f 't i i M
TEN TH A N N U A L ; ■n : ^
The A m erican Kennel Club Is sponscxing ionngiis
Hs Tenth Annual ture must fea tu re a pu re-bred d o g to b e elig ib le fo r th e
P h otograph y C ontest. The th em e; DOGS AT W ORK OR contest. W inning entries will b e published in th e spring o f
P IA T . There will b e tw o ca tego ries: co lo r a n d b lock an d 1989 as s p a c e allow s an d exh ibited in th e library an d
white. The to p prize in e a c h c a te g o ry will b e $250.00. o ffices o f The Am eric a n Kenrrel C lub a t 51 M adison A ve­
S econ d prize in e a c h c a te g o ry will b e $150.00 a n d third nue. W e h o p e all GASTTE read ers with on irrterest in p h o ­
prize, $100.00. AdditiOTKilly. th e ju d ges will aw ard Certtfi- tograph y, as v/ell os p h otograph ers w h o a re n ot d o g
ccrtes o f Merit. fdrrders, tak e up th e c h a lle n g e o f this contest.
D i M m may be submitted betwreen May 1, 1988 and R em em ber, th e absolu te d e a d lin e is D ecem b er 31,1988.
D eo sm b a r 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Those w h o subm itted winning e n ­ Be certain to put your rKim e, address, p h o n e num ber an d
tries o n ly will b e n otified a fter January 1. 1989. Prize b re e d o f d o g (s ) on every entry, as w ell os th e p h o togra ­
m on ey an d C ertificates a re a w a rd ed to th e p h o to gra ­ pher's n am e, address a n d p h o n e num ber, should the
p h er a n d rrof th e subrrritter o f th e p h otograp h . The p ic­ p h otograp h b e taken by so m eo n e oth er than yourself.
1. The (» n t M B o p e n ro a r y p fio to g ro p rier. net be relumed. Ph otographers o re a d ­ & /d entries rrxjst b e re c e iv e d b y Pure-Bred
«c s p r e r r o k iy e e s o r T h e A r n e iic a n K erxiel vised to loeep a print o f e r x h entry. AKC wR Dogs/Am erican Kennel G a zette on o r b e
O u b a n d Iheir inrvnedkite fam ilies. n ot b e responstole fo r lost o r d a m a g e d e rv fb re D ec em b e r31,1968.
tries ir id e r an y circum stances.
6. The winners wR b e ch osen b y a com m it­
2. ‘O nly piet^iously unpublished pictures m ay te e s e le c te d b y The A m erican Kennel O u b.
bB en tered . Each p h oto gra p h er m ay subm it 4. Entries rtxjst b e prints only, from S " x 7" Decisions o f ih e ju d ges o re final.
o n e entry in e a c h o f th e tw o c a teg o ries (minirTxxn] u p to 1 1 "x 1 4 " (m odm u m }. Every S erto rR en itiesto ;
(co lo r and/or b io ck ortd whltr^. entry must h o v e th e n am e, address a n d
p h on e num ber o f th e p h oto gra p h er an d PuTR-lradOog«/
3. The /Vnerican Kennel C lu b cxxiuires first c a te g o ry taped ta the bock of Vie enby. American KmhwI Ooxetta
tim e rights to p u b l^ ex h b lt a n d use all en ­ P lease sp ecify b re e d o f d o g (s ) on th e b a ck raOTOM M PNT C O N R SI
tries In a n y m cxiner It so ch ooses; h ow ever, o f e o c h entry. Any entry re c e iv e d w ithout this
Inform olion will b e dIsqtxTilfled. (P h oto­
HieAmerican Kennel Club
entries w ill n ot b e sold o r used fo r prom o­
tional purposes. Ph otographers retain ow n­ graphs o f d o g s in costum es w ill n ot b e c o n ­ M liodtecMtAvwiim
ership o f on photos. P h oto s subm itte d wW sidered.) . ^ ;i Ij. New Yoifc Ctly, NY 10010
lotlonal Bfsed Clubs

11 the foDoarliigllst, breed cohunnlsts are designated (be) and club education coordinators are designated
( ic). Readers m£Qr contact breed cohimnista regarding the bimonthly columns, and education coordlna-
1IIS for educational materials. (Pleaae enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope w ith m aterials re-
( [uest.)

M OUPI O oldaal Cocker Spaalds TBsalas

j porting Mrs. Gertrude Flacher (be) Dr. Bert Homan (be) Mrs. Msty Carpenter (be)
Box 197 179 Wells Road Box 22461
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Orange Park, FL 32073 Carmel. 0 9 3 9 2 1
Mrs. LautteDouinaux(ec) Mrs. Louise M ilner (ec) Marge Mebaglan (ec)
I egerParklbc)
7447CUfloB Road 6205 N W 63rd Bhrd. 7043 N. Central Avenue
S 104 N .H ldcoiy Road
aiA o n . V A 22024 Gainesville, FL 32601 Phoenix. AZ 85020
1 lunde. IN 47303
1 ire. Catherine M uiphylec) KngWah C aeker
: 965 Valley Road Ms. Jessie Dike (be)
Janet O n irc b a (be) Elena Sm ith (be)
E Bakmg Ridge. NJ 07920 4041 Allen’s HIU Road
Spenrock 1500 Heron Avenue
Holcocnb. NY 14469 M t Pleasant. SC 29464
Cbeaapeake C ity , MD 21 91 5
Hrten W. Otauiel (ec) Mrs. Kate D. Romanskl (ec) Mrs. 19orothyDerr(ec)
i athleen Parta (be) P.O .Box 223 P.O. Box 2452
493 Bedfccd Center Road
Í B6 Parkway Dr. Bedford HOa. NY 10507 Sunderland, MA 03175 Fargo. ND 58108
I Ittab iU ]^ PA 15228
BagUsh 8|wlrtger ^ M n id s Wtrehalred F oistin g OrilTons
1 homaa Bradley (ec)
I . Gotham Road Kathy Lorentzen (be)
Mrs. Sarah IL Shuman (be) (indlglble for colum nist)
Uatertown. NY 13601 6660 Swan Creek Rciad
R t 1. Box 1376 Saginaw. MI 48603 Dr. Carol Slenldewlc^ (ec)
O ologah .(X 74053 Judges Education D ept
Mrs. AUcx Berd (ec)
JuctyOraef(ec) American Kennel Chib
67 Old Stafford Rorul
4 Old Farm Road 51 MadlsonAvenue
Tolland. CT 06084
1 etiy Sandberg (be) North CakhveS. NJ 07007 NewYcwk. NY 10010
1 S60 Yankee DoixfleRd. F Id d S p aaid s
E a ^ .M N 55121
W inifred McCann (be)
vl Im Bums (ec) litaiy Jane Sdle (be) 7017 Parma Park Blvd.
E R # l.B a x ll3
C udddMckvUle. NY 12729
149 Laiaen Circle Parma Heights. OH 44230 GROUP II
Vallefo.C A94589 Beckl Jo Wolkenhelm (ec)
Anita Luatenbeiger (ec) P.O. Box 187 Hound
86 Fargo Lane 343 Wakefield Downs
J L id y Cheshire
(bc/ec) IrTtngtoo-oii-Hudson. NY Wales, W I53183 A ^h anH oon ds
4 SSouthrldge Drive 10533
C len Cove. NY 11542 Irish W ater Spaniels Geotglana Guthrie (be)
43077 Teruya Road
IiiahRattM S Mrs. Patricia Brenner (be)
Murrieta, CA 92362
R t 3, LakedeNeveu
M arlS fl«eia(b c) Herman Fellton (ec)
1 1rs. Janet Horn (be) Fcmd du Lac, WI 54935
10061 West StogadlU Rd. 219 Johnson Ferry Road
I D l. Bax 357 Bkxxnlngtoii. IN 47401 Janet Krougb (ec)
Marietta. GA 30067
I penciltown. NJ 06825 P.O. Box 9-2324
Connie Vanacme (ec)
[ yaneM. Baldwin (ec) Anchorage, AK 99509
R D . 2. RoodUcuaRoad
f .D. 2.Box287AP(m dHoIlaw Mendham. NJ 07945 Baaertlls
E ewport. PA 17074 Damara Bolte (be)
Bruce Wolk (be) R t 3. Box 318
438 E. 89th S t Leesburg, VA22075
(inellglbie for columnist) New York, NY 10128
) ira. M arSlynCaldwdl(bc) TomCHsen(ec) Mary Jenkins (ec)
Linda Legare (ec) 5809 S toi^ ord
S 326 HucUrtreny Butte R t 4. Box 231
( Ttrflno, ID 83544 4488 280th S t E. Sacramento, CA 95842
MUaca. M N56353 Randolph. MN 55065
V anean Marti (ec)
It.2 .B a zl3 1 W W dah SpdBger Spaitiels Basset Hounds
(ad ott.W I 54727 Sheila M ller (be) Mrs. Mary Jo Meyers (be) Mrs. Finn Berglahagen (be)
878 Rock SprlngB Road Aheka Farms, RD 2 2345 Lociiavcn
I lat-Taatad Ratriare ia San Maroos, C A 92069 Wapwallopen, PA 18660 Union Lake, MI 48085
£ aI)yJ.TciToux(bc/ec) Mrs. Betty Young (ec) Patricia Ramsey (ec) Mrs. James Ckxik (ec)
11601 West 72nd Avenue 12121 P l^ M lU Road 13203 Stagg S t 125 Shadow Lane
/ rvada. 0080006 Los Altos. CA 94022 North Hollywood. CA 91605 Arte. TX 76020
Ste|dien Berman (ec)
Ihlsaa Honnds GROUP III R t 2. Box 248
Susan Sprout (be) Eric Lld ies (be)
6869 OaUnn Avenue. N.E. 40392 E. Arizona Avenue
Working Whitewater. WI 53190
Alliance. OH 44601 Beim ett. CO 80102
Dr. Judith Mualadln (ec) Nan Little (ec) NaiKy Hand-Liebes (be)
23245 Hutchinson Road R t 2. Box 349 Syhia Thomas (be)
2155 Hackamore Drive 40392 E. Arlzim a Avenue
Los Gatos. CA 95030 Rusd>uig.VA 24588 Bennett CO 80102
Rtverslde. CA 92506
blah Wolfhounds Debbie Stewart (ec) Therese Heaney (ec)
17945 Jo Ann W ^ P.O. Box 849
Jim Corbett (be) Mrs. Janeen Herring (be)
Perris. C A92370 Magnolia. TX 77355
20665 SW Johnson Street 726PerclvalS t.S.W .
Aloha, OR 97006 Olympia. WA 98502 Kuraasok
Geraldine Kline (ec) Mrs. William Planer (ec) Mrs. Paula Wilson (be)
8855U .S.R te.40 V lcl^ Jones (be)
18436 N. 42nd Street i| 542 San Carlos
New Carlisle, OH 45344 9485 Hidden Branch Drive
Phoenix. AZ 85032- Vanelo. C A 94590
Jonesborgo. G A30236
Norwegian Blkhounds lime M. Zdler (ec) Robin Abramowlcz (ec)
8565 Hin Road 217 Stafford S t Extension
Or. Nina Ross (be) Pittsburgh. PA 15204
Mrs. Susan Roue (be) Pickerlngton. OH 43147
P.O. Box 34155
2200 Mueller Lane
Memphis. TN 38184-0155
S t Louis. MO 63131
Mrs. Leslie C. Forrest (be) Mrs. Frederick Hoffman (be)
Anne Scbettlg (ec) Julia M. Crawford (be)
21738 Hampton (fourt R t3 .6 2 1 0 N .7 0 0 E .
17Falrw ^Lan e
KUdeer. IL 60047 R t 2. Box 110 Laf^ette. IN 47905
Cresson. PA 16630 May TwlUey Road
Mrs. Betty Claus (ec) Mrs. Joan Storm (ec)
1262 Detrarah Drive DHmar. MD 19940
Wurtryhnner Farm
TusUn.CA 92680 Linda Graham (ec) 46 Wurtemburg Rd.
Mrs. Mary B .\ ^ (be) 1865 Titus S t. #A
15218 Hqrmarket Drive Rhlnttieck. NY 12572
Otter Bounds San Diego. CA 92110
Hqrm aiket. VA22069-
Louise C. DeSbon (be)
Aljroe Whitman (ec) Valley View Farm, R t 1 Mrs. Anne Williams (be)
17 Pine Trad S t Joseidi.M O64507 Mrs. Frances Abercrombie 5020 London Road
Avoa.CT06001 ! (befoe)
Cindy Chrlsos (ec) Duluth. MN 55804
16306 Cotllns Road 3267Vlchaia Way Mrs. JoArm Riley (ec)
Woodstock. IL 60098 Duluth. GA 30136 6315 N.E. 196th Street
Arm Gordon (be) Seattle. WA 98155
119 Tbom berry Drive u mII— ■tier«
Pharaoh Hounds
Pittabur]gb. PA15237 Linda H. Kight-Dletrlch (be) Portuguese Water Dogs
Rita LaventhaO Sacks (bc/ec)
Hannekne Heller (ec) R t 209. Box 285 R t 2. Box 240 Sue Arm Pietros (be)
P.O .B ox 254 Stone Ridge. NY 12484 Marshall. VA 22115 P.O. Box 898
Lake Vma. IL 60046 Mrs. Martha Robbins (ec) Sparr.FL 32690
190 Chelsea C ou rt NW Karen A. M iller (ec)
Susan P. King (be) Port Charlotte. F L 33952 North Salem Road
Mrs. R oberto. Sm lä>(bc) 249 Clinton Street Katonah. NY 1053
P.O .Box 309 Saratoga Springs, NY 12 8 6 6
Brandon. MS 39204 Rottweilera
John Fairweather (ec) Frank H. Graver (be)
Dr. Theodore IQellstroai (ec) P.O. Box 12 Mrs. Jean Forster (be)
W. 55 N. 737 Cedar Ridge Rd.
P.O. Box 1 Cedarburg. W I53012 Hek>tes,TX 78023 P.O. Box 5269
NapervlUe. IL 60566 Central Point, OR 97502
Adelaide Combe (ec)
Salukis 6302 Memorial Highway Jan Marshall (ec)
Ttunpa, FL 33615 CoOegeHin
Mrs. Marjorie Seitz (b c ^ )
(Inellglbte for columnist) Woodstock. VT 05091
18 M orris Ave.. Box 323
Dr. Carol Sloiklevrlcx (ec) Cold Spring. NY 10516 Saint Benaids
Judges Education Dept. Dr. Catherine Robins (be) Douglas E. Ralston (be)
American Kennel Club Scottish Oeerhounds 9190 SW 61st Court 5420 S. Custer
51 MadlaonAvenue Miranda Olshansky (be) Miami, FL33156
Monroe. MI 48161
NewYork. NY 10010 13 Pleasant Street Mrs. Martha Gahisdca (ec) Mrs. Joan Zielinski (ec)
Sherbom . MA01770 324 OakwDod Avenue 29625 144th Avenue. S.E.
Catherine Arm Doyle (ec) West Hartford. C T06110 K en t W A98031
Patricia Gall Burnham (be) 6(XX) Northland Avenue. N.E.
5305 Illinois Avenue Albuquerque. NM 87107 Great Danes Samoyeds
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Mrs. Paddy Magnustm (be) JudyM ears(bc)
Dr. Elsie S. Neustadt (ec) Wh^pets Box 292 5360Gladlola
334 King Street Mary Beth Arthur (be) Ddhl. NY 13753 Arvada. CO 80002
P.O. Bait 1185 12035W. Brawn Deer Road Nancy CarroD D rqier (ec) Joan Luna (ec)
Hanover. M A02239 Milwaukee. WI 53224 120 Old Stagecoach Road 28571 Harvey Avenue
Dr. Barbara Henderson (ec) Ridgefield. CT 06877 Hayward, C A 94545
16200 Burton Lane
(Ineligible far columnist) Laurd.M D 20702 Great Pyrenees Siberian Huskies
Jon F. Hoilengreen (ec) Dr. James G r ^ (ec) Mrs. Carolyn G. Hardy (be) Sarah M elzlik (be)
Bo k L 4344 Five Foiks-Trlckum Rd. 1245 Old Trail Road 405 St. Lawrence Drive
Oirtanna. PA 17353 Lllbum . G A30247 Etters. PA 17319 Silver Spring, MD 20901

JUNE 1968 175

Jean Foum ler (ec) Mrs. Karen C. Wilson (ec) Mrs. Baiixua MlUer (ec) Mary Wasson (ec)
12 E. W iggins Faiin Drive ¡ 7110 Dovla Ford Road 455 Glen Cove Road P.O. Box 301
SUnabuiy, CT 06070 Manassas. VA 22 1 1 1 EastHlOs NeedvDle.TX 77461
Mrs. Lydia C. Hutchinson (ec) Roalyn. NY 11576
8036 park Lane Brasaels Grigoris
Mrs. Janice Wood (be) Bethesda, MD 20814 Seottlsh Tenters Mrs. M aigiuet Inman (be)
571 Yowl Drive P.O. Box 2253
IVri^t-Patterson AFB, Mrs. Evetyn Kirk (be)
R t 4, Box 42 Homosassa b rin g s , FL
15433 32647
BettyrAnne Stenmark (be) Roandee. VA 24018
Carol R lcliie (ec) 75 Elmira SL Iris De La Trare Bueno (ec)
P.O.B0K311 Mrs. Neatha Robinson (ec)
San Flandaco, CA 94 1 24 279 Sudden Valley Drive 400 Pelham Road
Oalrton.VA 22134 New Rochelle, NY 10805
Mrs. R. Edward Isner (ec) Bellingham. WA 98226
151 Junahiaka Drive
Woodstock. GA 30188 Seatyham T en iers
Jack Pharlss (be)
Mrs. Thelma M iller (be) P.O. Box 1011
Smoett Fox Teniers
»BOUPIV R t 1. Box 254 Bryan. TX 77806
Mrs. Virginia Ashlock (be) Decatur, IL 62526
Mrs. Janet M. Mohr (ec)
229 E . M ^ Street Henry SutU ffm (ec) 3290 Rentz Road
Ontario, CA 91761 P.O. Box 1070 Arm Arbor, MI 48103
Madison M. Weeks (ec) Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Ira. Lynn Novaco (be)
4853 JuUngtoo Creek Road *w|BshTnya|i«'.»»l.
180 HopeweD Road
Jackaoivlle. FL 32223 Pauline Patterson (be)
Joamlngtovm, PA 19335 Skye Teniers
41061 17th S treet W.
Charles J. Foley (ec) Wire Fox Ten táis LyimeKuczynskl (be) Palmdale. C A 93550
£2Laurie Lane 1215 Pennqdvanla Avenue
ledham. MA 02023 Mrs. Aim Brown (t>c) Sue Jackson (ec)
Emmaus, PA 18049
6841 Maurer Road 21123 Shore Acira Road
Shawnee. KS 66217 Drama Dale (ec)
CassopoUs. MI 49031
Madison M. Weeks (ec) 8217 Warfield Road
Galtherbuig, MD 20879 Italian Greyhounds
frs. Karen Steffens (be) , 4853 JuUnglon Creek Road
181 Certonl Street JadtsonvlBe, FL 32223 Lillian S. Barber (be)
SoA-Coated Box 743
Jüœ Zurldi.IL 60047
IrlakTenien Wheatea Terrien Morraigo Valley, C A92256
ira. R C. (Jan e)R ebeO o(tll
Em sW est(bcfoc) Mrs. Jackie Gottlieb (bc/ec)
1213 Avocado Crest Rd. Raymond V. FUbum, Jr. (ec)
887W .41st 330 Camlno del CabaDo
JiHabia.CA90631 1002 B rou ^trai Avenue
Houston. TX 77018 Sedona, AZ 86336
Beveity, MA01915
irs. M ilton Fox (be) Keiiy Bbie Teniers JqianeseCliin
1411 Dorsett Dodc Road Mrs. Edith M. Izant (bc/ec) Ball Terriera Ms. Jarl BoblDot (be)
■olnt Pleasant. N J06742 1021N. Sterra Vista Drive Lucille Perry (be) 7875 S.E. 13th
da EUen Welnstock (ec) La Habra. CA 90631 2724 CUnton Terrace Portland. OR 97202
LD. 3. Box 101 Santa IBaibara. CA 93105 Michael Benson (ec)
)uakertown. PA 18951 LakdandTenien Robert Logan (ec) 1821 Bunker Street
Patricia Peters (be) 3412 West Clark Avenue Anchorage. AK 99503
RD1.BOX152 Burbank. CA91505
fartha McVay (be) Honey Brook. PA 19344
12544 Palero Road Barbara Swlgart (ec) Welsh Teniers Mrs. Arm Gleim (be)
>an Diego. CA 92128 16070 Rancho Vityo Drive 10175 Reese Road
Mrs. Bardi McLennan (be)
irs. Aqulna Meyer (tc) Riverside, CA 92506 66 Lords Highway Claikston, MI 48016
'206 Chef Menteur! _ Weston. CT 06880 Barbara Berqulst (ec)
lew Orleans, LA 70126 rTenleis 21311 Middle Bcdt Road
SueW eiae(ec)
Mrs. Susanne Moodle (be) New Boston. MI 48164
losderTerrien 1 25 Lotus Street
Rt. 2. Box 161 Cedaihurst NY 11516
ilaijoty L. Van derVeer|bd Lawatm. MO 64062 Manchester Teniers (Toy)
<R l,B aa276 (S ee M an. T erriers—
JoeDyn Probst (ec) West OgUand
forth Wmdham. CTOQUO Standard— TbrrlerGroup)
RD 2, Box 2572
lean Clark (ec)
WUteTenteis IHnIatnre Pinscheis
Lebanon. PA 17042
<FD#3.Bax572 Mrs. Anne C. Sanders (be) Idrs. Shirley GlHog)y (be)
Feaie.!«103281| 3106 Bandera Drive 5 3 3 8 Solcdad M o u n ta in Road
Palo Alto. CA 94304 San Diego, CA 92109
Mrs. Gloria Lewis (be) Karen U ndbeig (ec) Mrs. Marcia Tucker (ec)
4arilyn Drewes (be) 130 Cedar Court 3124 Blackman Avenue R t 6. Box 389
O. Box 1073 O oster.N J 07624 Duluth. MN 55811 Leesburg, FL 32748
Vest Brookfield. M A O ISM Mrs. Jane J. Gilbert (ec)
Jetty Desm oid (ec) 5 Salt Meadow Way Papillons
LD.2.BOX315 Marshfield. M A02050 OROUPV Arlene Czech (be)
^aysvaie. PA 15323 Toy 778-99th Avenue. North
NorColk ft RdnvlA Naples, FL 33963
Tenters Rosearm FuciOo (ec)
4mne S. Nabors (be) MargarettaWood (be) Sharon Irons Strempskl (be) 2600 Kermedy B)vd.
>.0. Box 7063 PenDyn Cottage, Box 707 TucktawayLane Jersey City, NJ 07306
JL Louis. MO 63177 PboenlxvDIe. PA 19460 Danbury, C T 06810
Edna Sw ift (ec) Tlbcttti Sputels
9275 S.W. 130tb Street Donald Roy (be) Diane McLeroth (bc/ec)
Mra. Howai^d S d iiiltt (be)
Beaverton. OR 97005 35 DlRubbo Drive 3604 Chambcrlayne Court
Rt. 1. Box 321
Bergton. VA 22811 Peekskm. NY 10566 Virginia Beach. VA 23452
BoUdogs Louis Hofbnan (ec)
Hetty O n iiiger (ec) Comes
3CÚt^Terrace Dr. Saul Sebor (be) P.O.Box 291
9700 E. Powers Ave. Dewey. AZ 86327 Mrs. Marcia Keller (be)
Southborougb. M A0Í772 4840 Upper Mountain Road
Englewood. CO 80110
TibetaaTenleia Lockpoft. NY 14094
Marie Andree(ec)
204 W. Beach Drive Mrs. George A. R elfgic) Mrs. Dorotlqr Welsh (ec)
Olga Baker (be) MonUccDo, IN 47960 6Ydk>wPlne RL 2. Box 501
207 Shlrieen Drive Middletown. C T 08467 NelltevlIle.W I 54456
Seabrook. TX 77586
Chow Chows Eileen WUk(ecl
Sally Bauginet (ec) 15000West Auburn
11224 Co. Hwy.B Joan Dunsire (be) Hden Gleaaon-F^ (bc/ec)
1345W. Paseo Dorado Accokeek, MD90607
Mlahlcot, W154228 RL l.B o x 7
San Dimas. CA91773 Georgetown. IN 47122
Jinstlllw en(ec)
Paedlea(Tpy) RL3.BOX306-B CMdBagUsh Sheepdogs
(see BoocDea—Standard— Dallas, NC 28034 Ed Johansen (bc/ec)
Noo-Sportlng Group) Shearer Road
Washington. C T 06794
Betty Garvin (be) OROUPVII James R Murdock. Jr. (ec)
Dr. Edward 4516 Mink Street. S.W.
Bob 1044.606 C lrde Pataskala, OH 43062
Hwdlng 410 The Portage
Tlconderoga. NY 12883
Destln. FL 32541 Cindy IngaUs (ec) AnstraUaa CMBe Dogs
Mrs. Ann R White (ec) 3206 Hustead Road Mary Belle Adehnan (be)
Rt. 13.B o k 4SA SprlngHekl. OH 45502 R D .2 .B ox5 4 B Arm Bowley (be)
Llneoln. HE 68637 Hand. K Y 42049 R D . #2. Coventiyvin Rd.
Flm iteli Pottstown. PA 19464
Kathleen Bowser (ec)
Bette P. Isacoff (bc/ec) 15810 ML Everest Lane Barbara Pesatila (ec)
4000 Houcks Road Silver Springs. MD 20906 632 PeeksklD Hollow Rd.
(be) Monkttm. MD 21111 Putnam Valley. NY 10579
5 7 B 4 ta
Medina. C»144256
French BoUdogs Ms. Jo Parker (be)
Elaine Meitxer (ee) 10491 N. 49tb Mrs. Thelma Mauldin (be)
Arile Alford McCoy (be)
NewaritRoad Longmont. CO 80501 8621 FM 359
P.O .Box 26100
Ibugbkenam on. m 19374 Ridim ond. TX 77469
S t Paul. MN 55126 Rosemary Sefaroeder (ec)
Mrs. Janls E. Hanqiton (od 885 D. Gray's Lane Stanley Saltzman (ec)
1912 Contra Coata Avenue New Richmond, OH 45154 130 Easton Road
Santa Rosa. C A96405 Westport. CT 06880
DonO. ThompaonCbc)
7945 Rodeo Drive Cardtgan Wdah Cosgla
Las Vegas. NV 89123 (indlgftde for colum nist)
Ms. Pat Santl (be)
Florenee A. Males (ee) Mrs. Robin Stark (be) Dr. Carol Sierdtlewicx (ec) RD 6. Union Road
11 Swansea Lane 1405 Vina Real Judges Education D qtL CoatsvUle. PA 19320
Pleasant Hm. C A 94523 Gilroy. C A 95020 American Kennel Chib
51 Idadlaon Avenue Mrs. Jean Clifford (ec)
Mrs. Patricia Yagecic(ec) 7851 Oatka Trail
4726 B. Grant Avenue New Ymk. NY 10010
Ldloy. NY 144S2
Fhlladdidila. PA 19114
Mrs. Betty R DuUnger (be) Peadwoke Wdah Coegla
RFD2.BOZ104 Lhasa ^M os Mrs. tteigeT u m qu istlb c)
Kezar Falls, ME 04047 Rt. 8. Box 408 Jean York (be)
Connie Tom pkins (be) Tulsa. CHC74106 RR2.BOX130A
Mia. LeaUe Gordon. Jr. (ec) 354 South 4th SL Hereford. AZ 85615
1651 Ridgewood Lane Fulton. NY 13069 Marcy ^ lald ln g (ec)
(Henvlew. IL 60025 253 Bryn Mawr C lid e Donald E. Christie (ec)
Mr. Norman Herbel (ec) Houston. TX 77024 Route 4. Box 35
RL 1.BOX50 Bloomington. IL 61701
OROUPVI Putnam. OK 73659 nalgtawTarnmna
Dr. Paula Ekfaldge (be)
n o iH sp o fn n g Poodles (Standard dt 11 Cote Road
Miniatnie) Deny. NH 03038
B ets^ Leetÿ (be) Mrs. Eddtraud Laurln (ec)
Mia. Rolande Lloyd (be)
9815 E. 51st Street 230 Zalcek Road
68 Providence Road
Tulsa. OK 74145 Ashford. CT 06278
Mendon. MA01756
Mrs. Richard Kiezde (ec)
Mrs. Rosemarie Blood (ec)
lO SlE lSurW iqr
Frances Town. NH 03043 J d m L. Sullivan (be)
Sacramento. C A96825
1334 North Street
iTantaa Schlpperkes Walpole. M A02081
Barbara Jordan (be) Mrs. Arm W hite (bc/ec) Patricia Spradley (ec)
3009 East Charter O A R d . RL13.BOX45A 7919 Chitler Avenue. N.E.
Phoenix. AZ 85032 Lincoln. NE 68527 Albuquerque. NM 87110

JUNE1968 177
S potughting


coM PAifT Q ovm am on fo o t SOCTHBASTBRIf IOW A K B lfllB L CLUB

1888: JudfcVlrglnâa Hardin g N e B B award to flU A W ) ATH LE TIC A880C^>-^ebruaiy 21. FrtM iiaiy 21, 1968: Judge Robert J. Moore
( b. Treceoer’s Al
That Jazs (Damr). owners, 1968: Judge Mrs. Robert P. Tongren gives B B gives BIS award to Ch. Brawxidge TN T o f Kris
TB Tl ft Mark Hairtaon. MD m d A tm Harr. aoM d to Q i. Tidew ater's M aster Goul (C alm (Gordon Setter); owners, Charles Mann ft R L .
CotÊD aigle T e rito il; owner. Charles P. M errldt. ID: ban- Christianson. KuUander
Linda More.

___ KBiniBL CUW FdmjBiy 27. M D flfB TO lIK A E B m iB L CLUB— M n flfB A PO LIS K B IfN B L CLUB—February
1188: J u cte Egon M. FTese d v es K S a w v d to Fiefaruaiy27,1968: Judge LesKodner gives BIS 28.1988: Ju J u c^ Betty Munden gives B B asrard
C It. Staihwck Silken Stor a l f c (E n sacto G rlf- award to Ch. Sonlit Daring Escalt (French Bull> to Ch. Great Elms Pride ft Joy (Pom eranian):
ft nh owners, Edward B. Jenner and M adorie dog): owners, Carol ft MUre Haafte; handler.
S n o n : handiler, M kAad Ketop. Pegin l Stan Flowers. CNson

\' Vv «•
I -t» A
o •

f braarx2B , 1988: Judge Thom as H. Bradley. March 4. 1988: Judge Thehna R Brown gives 1988: Judge Edd E m t^ B lvin gives BIS award
I [ gives B B award to Ch. T n lo iig * s W inter BB award to Ch. Ashante’s Too Hip Gotta Go; to Ch. K & ik 's Th e Front Runner (Afghan
f T3St (Cocker Spaniel); owners, Ftanifc Devito ft owner. Susan H. Vroom . " oh
K * *ler Hound): owners. Mr. ft Mrs.Wllllam A Clot arai
J w eSenano; haiwBer. BOIson S. Pike. Tatham C h rlsT errdI: handler. C hris Terreo. kttssy

, c u m —March 7. 1968: ROCKLAND CODITTT KEHIfBI. cu m —March LUWG V lgW-KELSO KEHHBL CUm -Febzuary
Judge Anthony Hodgea 0VCS BIS award to Ch. 12, 1988; Judge Kenneth E. MUMr gives BIS 14. 1988: J u te F.R .Ste)hens gives Best J u ^
Holiday Gold Jubilee R:hlhuahual; owners. awiaid to Ch. Great Elm s Prince C h a rm i^ n TianiSer award to E ilc Stieltcn wtdi Elite Dobeh
S M Ia & Marc W dam an: handler. Joe (Pom eranian); owners. Skip Piazza A Olga W ltdiea Rites. CD (Doberman Ptnsdier). C olica
Watcnnan. u M issy Baker; handler. Skip Piazza. Ashbey

JUNE 1988 179

^ P C m iG H U N G



I Ebrasiy 14. 1968: J u c ^ H en l Y. Antuld gives qnAB D A T H IX n C a s s o c . Febm aiy 21. October 13. 1987: Judge Ruth Tabaka gives
] set J io t e HsncBer awsid to «te a la i Wtwl wtth 1968: Judge Anne EUlxabeth Greene gives Best — - — '--O o ga w a rd to M ortcm 'sChdsca
( tLGfSfEhIc Echo ( S a u K l B r d t a d i ^ F i a r & Coole Jim iar Handler award to Stephanie Lynn Eller (Latnador Retriever): owner.
w ith MafesesOne Man Band (Standard Poodle). Lin d em aier

KB N N ftL CLUB—February T O W M IT E KENNEL CLUB Novem ber 20.

Judge Prances G. Caster gives Beat Ju 28. 1966: Judge FVank E. Oberstar givea Best 1987: Judge V irgin ia M iller mves H l^ iest
d ior Handler award to Wendy w lthC h. Junior Handler award to Ifarttaret I t e t w ith SccMlng Dog award to OTCh. Srandlw yne's
i sahnefee Centennial Zehe, CD (Am erican Ch. Pramada's Bert (Darhahuna).
( Olscm Snooky Bear (B elgian T ervuren); owners. G lo­
I nahnimcD. CaUea ria ft Lan y McGrath. F osftC oo lc

. ____ 5. SAW BAaO STATB K B lflfB L CLUB—March 6. BATOU KENNEL CLUB February 7. 1968:
I: Judge Anna B. Roberts gtu n Beat Junior 1968: Judge V irginia A. DevanQr gives Best Judge W illiam A. Oxandale gives H l^ iest Scor­
_ Ser award to Dawn Ifa rte StandlBh w ith Junior Handler award to Jennifer CJose* w ith ing Dog award to Glnge V irgin ia Reel (Golden
t tan dlth 'aS liortPB ae(B orderTcn ler). K oh ler Ch. W ildfire's Summer Sundance (W hippet). ~
Retriever): ---- ------
owner. Bonnie^er.
E C arter
M issy

Ch. SoM n Crast L okI m C o r a l i also won
BIS award at C aw Cod Kennel d u b under
Judge D. Roy Hofloway.

Junior ShOKwnanshlp
ja n ifB r C ta e also m n Best Junior Han­
d e r award at Kachlna Kennel Chj/b under
Judge Richard Fetzer.
EEHHBL CLUB—^ ‘d m ia iy 27, 8BATTLB KH1HBL CLUB F ebroaiy 27-28.
1988; Ju40e Wayne B. Feaeendcn gives Highest 1968: Judge Julius H trtnsiyaves H lg h ^ S c o r-
rv^g — tn S pifj fw d * » C Kfyatlg o f Ing Dog award to C hantrrie^iannafloah’s Dr.
T d M ^ e U e o R e trteve r); owner/handier. Pam (Golden Retriever): owner/hancDer, Maureen i
Pegtnl Adrews. CoUea S

iw tcincA noiit
P h ologra p tvtorS p oM gh M n ga rea c-
c a p to d fro m o ffld o ltfK J w p h o to g ro -
p h m a n d d rew «a creteaies only. P toa te
b * M je to k36clfy d o t* o f dxM t, n am e
o f c U x )u d o k ouiner. h on d a r, an d
d o c M iic lu d to g b re ed . Ih ii Intonnallon
m ie l b e In ctoded tor pubtooH on. an d
p h otograp h * th at d o n o l p rovid e II wM
n ot b e co n d d ered . W e d o n ot a c c e p i
rea p on d b a y tor Intom iallon iu bm in ed
vdlh photogrcgjhs. Thk «e cd o n I* b n ltod
to BK BB or NoHonal SpectoW ek HIT, an d
B eilJ r.H a n d ta r.P h o to a ra p h ia reie-
le c te d a n d p u b W ied o l Ih e ddereHon
_ _____ k OBBDIBNCB CXDB— rA lT H C ir rm im L CLUB—M arch e. 1988;
r 38. 1968: Judge Hariowe C. Jahdka Judge Velma Janek gives Highest Scoring Dog or Ih e e d to tv a n d o o rv x jt b e latom ed .
award to B rlar^ en s raion (Labrador Re- P to o w Inclu de Ih e w ord "S p o M d illn g '
td ercrl: owner. Laura Hdas. PetniUs o n o lm a le n .

JUNE 1908 181


115 petltlan divided by sex; ptqiples 3 to NT J n > e2 6 k 2 7

DwlBgtwn.PA 6 mcmths. 6 to 9 months. 9 - 1 2 Annodale, NT
mraiths; Juniors 12 - 18 months,
asdReprodnctlnii bred-by-eichlbltor, open blade, open Dr. Ooaathi LaHom
Geiage Corvette, FhJX w 5 l a p c ^ m lawn, champion o t record asset einl- Topics: diQr 1 Involves a lecture,
“Stud Dog Ihiiag—BBt ma Repro­ uatltma; $3.00 entry fee; Pug Dog slides and use o i a dog’s skdeton to
ductive DiaiaBe'': adnoBtlaBal event Chib o f Greater New York. Inc.; Alice analyze and understand structure
la part o f the Poodle CW> o f America Austen Museum, 2 H^an Boulevard, and its effect on movement; day 2 In­
National Specialty Sbair; Brandy­ Staten Island, NY: 84 donation per volves hands-on exam ination o f 25
wine Hotel and R esort route 30, person; educatlimal programs 9;30 pre-selected dogs w ith an ezplana-
Downingtown. PA: 8:00 pijB.; &ee: a.m. to 12K)0 p.m .; Judging tlcm o t movement; Mid-Hudson Ken-
contact Mrs. E.M. BolKipp. P.O. Box promptly at 12:30 p.m .. entries n d Q ub; Bard College, Annadale,
1443. Manchester. M A01944; (617) taken from 10K)0a.m. to 12K)0p.m.; NY; 8K)0 a.m .to 5KX) p.m .; 855 per
536-1990. crmtact BID Sutera. 227 W. 10th St. person both days. 840 per person
#7J. New York. NY 10014; (212) Sunday only, includes 2 coffee
Jana 18 620-0919. breaks and catered hinch, deadline
Raw T alk . N T for reservations May 20, 1988; om -
n, J oa eS S k S e tact Joan Storm, 46 Wurtemburg
V m a P a ik ,n . Rd.. Rhinebeck. NY 12572; (914)
Piesenters: Iris De La. T on e Bueno, Koehler Seaslnar 876-4577.
Judge. breederandodlAltairofB rus- Two day seminar; D.O.G. Obedience
sela Grlfions and Sharon Strempskl. Group; 9K)0 a.m. to 4 K )0 p jn .; ctm- (2A J n ly3
breeder and eahtiW nr o f Affenpln- tact Ruth Kubacha. 851 N. Addison Snwam ie.OA
scfaers; discussion of breed stan­ Ave.. ram hurst 0.60126; (312)541- Scadnar w ith Dr. CazasoB BattagUa
dards and wanpar laon o f tweeds; 5183. T op ic:'H ow to produce better dogs';
Edison HoteL 228 West 47th St. breeding better dogs without a ge­
New York City; 8K)0 pjB.; fiee; con­ R J J s »e 8 8 fe 2 e neticist, selecting sires and dams,
tact Eugene M. Nordqiulat 455 Som erville, NJ evaluating Utters, selecting the best
WhttewDod Rd.. Bndeweod. NJ puppy, managing a show and obedi­
07631; (201) 568-2380. Featuring Terri Arnold; Prlncetcm ence dog; Bearded CoOle Club o f
Dog Training O ub; contact Sandy America, In conjunction with the an­
J a a e l7 (609) 921-7321 (even in g). nual national specialty show; 1;30
Nasthbcook.IL p.m. to 5:(X> p.m .; 86; Hcdlday Irm,
SoaMaanJobl MO June 25 A 26 Suwarmee, GA (1-85 and exit 44, 28
Topic; Stud dog Bridgeton, MO miles from downtown Atlanta); con­
piqipy atutude taatlng. nutrlUon tact Cart A. W iddl, 4604 Tomahawk
Two Seadaais: Canhie B d iovlar
and behavior probfaBO; annasi sym- Topics: Canine aggression; preven­ TraU. S.E.. Decatur. AL. 35603;
postum. Airedale Tattler C U b o f mi- tion and treatment o f bitin g (Satur- (205)353-4240.
nols: AU gqer's Hold and Fireside day) Off-leash puppy training
Restaurant 2855 M jaiailii Ave.. CN J n ly 3 ,S * 4
(Sundqr); Center f(W Applied Animal
Northbrook. IL 60083:6:30p.m .; $5 Behavior; Henry Vm Motor Irm & OtaagevOle, Ontario
at the door; contact Linda Lovett Lodge. 4690 Llntfiieroth Blvd.. Tolhsrd Ifin i Caaqi
1121 Sandpiper. Napervlfc. IL Bridgeton. MO 63044 (S t Louis Motivational method o f training led
60540; (312)983-9481. area): 9KX) a.m. to 5K)0 p.m .; 835 fay Jack and Wencly Volhard. fee In­
oneday, 860both days; am tact Judy cludes seminar, workbcxdc, 3 nights
Jane 28 Strickland (314) 429-2125. lodging for you and your dog and all
Staten lalaad, NT meals; 8300 visa; Taoist Tal Chi
Bvaloatlaa'SS: The PRg Dog Centre. 1 hour drive north o f To­
All day educational program on the H N J a iie 8 8 ft3 6
ronto near Orangeville. Ontario;
Pug: presenters, tfea. Shtrlqr Tho­ contact Jucty Arm Emmert. R R 2.
mas on T h e Pug Standard.' Mr. W orking Obedience CBnle
Campbellvllle, Ontario, Canada,
Tom Okum on ~Oroamlng for the Presenters: Barbara Goodman and
LOP IBO; (416) 659-3955.
show," Mr. Dan Flecbettl on "Ring PaüUne Czarneckl offer a two-dr^
procedure.' Mr. Tooi Okum on working clinic, novice through util­
TN July 1 6 ft 17
“Show handling .' Ifc . & Mrs. Jod ity covered both d r ^ , bring your
M eaqdils.TN
Hdhier and Mrs. Reba Weltz oa dogs; dlscuasitm o f new rules and
Obedleace Seadnar
“Obedlenoe train in g,' Ms. C. Geary r^ ila tlo n s ; Winona Kennel Chib;
Two-day working seminar w ith Ju-
on “Otlsenetity tcatk ^' and Ms. $55 per person for 2 days, 845 for
dle Howard and Lori Drouln; State
MaiyeSen Caatim ore on "Care and additional fam ily member; 835 per
Technlcsd Institute o f Memphis, TN;
memtenance." Invttatlonal judging person for 1 d ^ ; contact Ben & Sa-
8:00 a.m .; 855 both days, 1 day,
ofthe entry.Judges: Mr. Anthony Eie- ron Baratto. Rt. 3 Box 262B.
fam lly840both days. 8301 day; con­
Mania, Mrs. Eleanar L. Rotman. Winona. MN 55987; (507) 452-8456
tact Lyrm Weinberg, 6680 Salem
Mr.Louis Utberman; Dogs w ith ma­ or Chris Larson, Rt. 4 Box 208,
Winona. MN 55987; (507) 454-1233. Rd.. Arlington. T N 38002; (901) 829-
jor potntsimqr be afaowit class com- 3033.

TX J i ^ 16ft 17

Ibptos: Canine aggreaslon: preven-

tk n and treatment o f blUng (Satur-
d ^ ). off-Ieaah puppy tra in in g
(Sundagr); Center for ^ i^ ie d Animal
Bebavlor: Tbe Hotel LeBaron, 1055
Kegel Row. D a te . TX 75247; $35
one day. $60 both days: contact
Lam a t e n . Center for Applied Anl-
mid BdMndor. 2140 Shattuck Are. #
2406. Beiiceley. CA 94704; (415)
OB Ja^ 2 2

Mrs. Julie Fulkerson.

Mr. David HUtz and Dr. Judy Musla-
dln; hands-on judging workshop:
National Beagle Club In conjuncttcm
w ith the national specialty show;
West Lake Holiday lim . llOOCrocker
Rd.. West Lake. OH 44145; 8<X>
p.m .; $10 before July 8. $15 after
July 8; ctmtact BUI NMand. 7092
Kennoie Lane. Stantcm. CA 90680;
TX Ja|y33
Topics: “Hereditary Canine Eye Dis­
orders' presented by M.K. Herr­ If your Chib, Association or G roup is hosting an educational event of any type,
mann. D.V.M.. Dlploniate to publish this information in “S e m i n s .'’ R i out the form below and send it to us
AC .V .O .: “Canine Skin Problems at least 4 months before the date of the event.
and Canine Allergies: Hereditary and
EnvIronmentaT presented by J.R.
Sm ith, D.V.M.. Member o f the Acad- W E N EED T O KNOW
aay o f Veterinary Dermatology: “Ge­
netic Orthopedic Problems In tbe
Canine—From Hip Dysplasia to E V E N T T IT U E fT O P IC :
Slipped Stifles“ presented by Charlie
Quick. D.V.M.. Board CerUfled, V et­
erinary Radiologist; Austin Kermel
Chib; The Double Tree Hotel, 65051-
35 North, Austin. TX; 835 per per­
son. includes lunch; r^ lstratlon
deadline. J u ^ 15, 1988; crmtact
Anne Reese, seminar chairman
7303 Rhett Place. Austin. TX 78744;
(512) 282-7193 or Gina Proctor
D A TEl .TIM E :. -C O S T :.
NT July 23 A 24

Topics: Behavior temperament
laobleins In dogs (S atu rd^), Canine
aggieaslcm: prevention and treat­
ment o f biting (Sundry) Center for
Applied Animal Behavior; The White
Irm, Includes coflee and danlsh,
sandwich hinch; 52 East Main
Street. Fredonia, NY 14063; 835 one
day. 860 both d ^ ; Contact Lee Ann
Cogdin; (7 1 6 ) 792-9929.
TX Aagiwte S e n d To : j
Houston. IX Dr. Carol Sienkiewicz
Judging as a Breedet/Jndge A K C Ju dges Education Department
Topic: Breed qieclflcs- judging as a 51 Madison Avenue
breederi]udge presented ^ Rose­
marie Blood: Blchon Ftlse Chib o f New York, New York 10010 .rj f S / w J il «
Greater Houston; Astroworld series
o f dog shows, Astrohall, Houston.

JUNE 1968 163

TX: free, refreshmenta; contact Tucker (rf Australia presented by the geratown Fairgrounds; 9rf)0 a.m .;
Darlene Maloer.BFCQH. 10702 Bur- CoUle Rescue League o f Maaaathu- $65: cmitact Vic & Sue Guilmlno,
gajne. Houston. TX 77042; (713) setts; 9KX) a.m. to 5K)0 p.m .; $65 per 561 Scrabble Road. Martfruburg.
7234865. person for both days, hinth and re­ WV 25401; (301) 733-7774 (day)
freshments Included: contact Mary (304) 274-3384 (eve).
Lenertz. P.O. Boot 45. Harvard. MA
01451: (617) 456-8473.
i AogMt?
■Meraboig.llD WI September 25
Seadesr OBtte OoMb
CalUe Club c f MarylaiK] 18th Annual PA September 10 It 11 Seariaar; Canine Brtiavior
Seminar; Bobbee Root on T h e Col­ Hanlsbiiig,PA T t^ lc: Canine aggressim -preven-
lie and ShdUe Heads" w ith actual OroomBspo 1088 Uon and treatm ent o f biting; C en ta
skulls as part o f the demonstration; Grooming seminar and trade show; for Applied Animal Behavior: Ho­
Jan Shields on obedience training Instructlcn and demonstrations on ward Johnam ’s Plaza H old, 611
and conformation training, demon­ various aspects o f gromnlng; terrier West Wisconsin Ave.. Milwaukee. WI
stration and work In probleBi areas; presentation: Harrtsburg M arriott 52303; 9KI0 a.m. to 5K)0 p.m .; $35
Catherine Settle, D,V,1I. "Reproduc­ Harrlsbuig, PA; $55 both d ^ ; con­ Includes coffee and danlsh; contact
tion genetics and gen en l health tact Connie Enaor. Groom E iq », 107 Laura Enos. Center for Applied Ani­
proMems "; Elderabuig Conumintty N. Market S t, M edianlcsbuig, PA mal Behavior. 2140 Shattuck Ave.
Canter. Route 32. Ekteraburg, I4D; 17055; (717)691-3388. #2406. Berkdey. CA 94704; (415)
10K)0 a.m, to 6KX) pum.; $20 p e - 6588588.
reglBtratlon, $25 at door, registra­
tion deadllnr July 29. Includes
lunch and coflee and donuts; con­
MR September 17 fr 18
MtaaeapeHs.MR TL September 29.30 fr Oct. 30
tact Loretta Bats. 830 Sidsttblan Orlando, FL
Rd.. Relstertown. MD 21136; (301)
Toplca: Canine a^reashai-preven-
Ddta Soidety Maetfrig
833-7048. Topic: People, animals and the
tlon and treatm ent o f biting (Satur-
environment- exploring our interde­
d iy ) Off-leash puppy training (Sun-
(b y ): C arter for ^ ip lle d Ap|hed pendence; The D dta Society. Stouf-
I )fr A * ^ ia a t i4 f a Orlando Resort. Orlando, FL;
Animal Behavior: Radlssixi Hotel
C *IM e.PA South, 7800Normandale Blvd.. Min­ contact Roberta LoUer. The D dta So­
NADOI lastmcto neapolis. MN 55435: 8K)0 a.m. to ciety. P.O. Box 1080, Rentm , WA
Topics: Canine bdMtrtor. appllca- 98057-1080; (206) 226-7357.
5KX) p.m.; $35 m e àay, $60 both
tlon o f learning principles, teaching days: cm tact Laura Enos, Center for
basic exercises , hoar to design a ^ipU ed Animal Bdiavlar, 2140
training sequence, teaching ad­ Shattuck Ave. #2406. Berkdcy. CA WA October 7 tlnoagh 10
vanced exerclaea. Instructing skills. 94704; (415) 6588588. Bmiamlaw.WA
deaBng with problem dogs and stu­ Diane Banmaii fr Rath Rosboch
dents, taHtructor-tnUnliig pro- Obedience Caa^
grams; Carlisle Dog Chib; Embers A four-day Intensive working and
Convention Center. CariM e. PA; $50 M l September 23
proUem-soivlng obedience camp
per person; 9KX) a.m. to 4HX> p.m .; Pastlaashig.M I with hands-on. Individual attention
contact Unda S. CoMleah. 1450 from the instructors. Participants
Kuhn Road. Boiling ^ x tn g s. PA w ill learn and practice the Bauman/
17007: (717) 258-6833. Topic: Training obedience classes Rosbach techniques and methods:
presented by Glen Johnson; Obedi­ King County Fairgrounds, Enum-
ence Training Club o f Greater Lan­ daw, WA (about 40 m iles southeast
23 through 27 sing; 9K)0 a.m .; $30; contact Mark c f Seattle): 8:30 a.m .to 5:30 p.m .;
Ceater.RH Stinson. 627Sunset Lane, East Lan­ $400 per person Includes 3 dogs/
sing. MI 48823; (517) 337-1485. persm ; cm tact Kathy J. Lang, 6S47
Twelfth annual Jack and Wendy
24th Ave. N.E. Seattle. WA 9S115:
Voibard Instructor ScbooiTralnlng
(206) 523-3677.
Camp; novice tbrough utlUty. worit-
ahops on retrieving, obedlenoe han- XL September 24
dllE^ and problem-aoMng. lectures Hmvey.IL
on behavior, how people and dogs CR OctoberSfrS
learn, making canine Instincts work Topic: Off-leash puppy training;
Center for Applied Animal Behavior: Tonnto.CR
fo r ynu evahiiiHTig a n d «r a tn ln g p » p -
Holiday Inn Chicago-South Harvey, People, Pooches and Problems
ples and related topics; advanced T w o-d ^ seminar to Identify, evalu­
course August 30 through Septem­ 17100 South Halsted S treet Harvey.
IL 60426: 9K)0 a.m. to 5K)0 p.m.; ate, correct and eradicate problem
ber 3; sponsored by the Top Dog behavior in your dog; new seminar
Training School; $ 4 ^ frir six n l^ ts $35 Includes coffee and danlsh: con­
tact Laura Enos. Center for Applied byJobM ichad Evans; 10:00 a.m. to
& five dagn, includes aocommoda- 5:(X> p.m .; $80 vlaa; cm tact Judy
Uons. an meals, comprehensive Animal Behavior. 2140 ^lattu ck
Ave.. #2406. Berkeley. CA 94704; Ann Emmert. R R 2. Campbdivllle,
workbook and certificate o f atten­ Ontario. Canada, LOP IBO; (416)
dance. entries lim ited; contact Top (415)6588588.
Dog Training School. R D . 1. Box
51 8 Phoenix. NY 13135; (315) 593-
6115. MD S^tem ber2 4 fr28
Hagerstowa.MD CT O etoberlSfrlS
HaadUag Seminar: OeoageAlston Windsor Locks, CT
r S f r 4 Two-day handling seminar con­ StnictnTe and Mn—wiMMif
ntehboig,IIA ducted by George Alston, classes for Tw o-diy seminar featuring Dr.
20 beginners and 20 advarxxd: Ma­ Quentin l.aHam on movement, ca­
Obedience seminar with Michael son A Dixon Ketmel Club, Itk:; Ha- nine anatomy, and hands-on evahia-

o f Bve do0i: South Windsor
iK en n d Chib; Polish National Home,
r Lodes, CT; lim ited to 100
people and 20 dogs; $50 for both
d ig », includes hot lunch, reserva-
tk n s by September 1 or when lim it
has been reached; am tact Kate
Boufbu, 18 Nutmeg Ave., Enildd, N S IiC E
CT 00082; (203) 745-5540.

GA October 23 Mimngh 27
Effective with the Juiy, 1988 issues,
EdiiesWfwisi seminars and open-
fc jiw " discussions on various topics subscription rates wiil be:
ftum a n im al health to business and
financial management; hqiics in­
clude “Environmental con tid In the
kennel“. “Dog obedience school on a
1 Year G A Z E H E ....................... $24.00
grand scale; speakers mchide Dr.
Bruoe Baldwin, psychologtst and
Single C o p y ........................................... 4.00
bead o f Direction Dy»a™iC8- Dr-
Jane Bicks. D.V.M.. author and au­
thority on animal nutrition. Dr. 1 Year A K C AW ARDS........................... 24.00
Ralph Fogefanan. D.V.M.. lecturer
and consultant In toxlocology. and
Single C o p y ........................................... 4.00
Eh-. James McFarlane. FI1.D., expert
on the design and management o f
environmental control systems In 1 Year C om bined Subscription......... 36.00
a n im a l acoom odatlons; contact
ABKA Headquaiters. 4575 Galleiy (1 Year Each - GAZEHE and A K C AWARDS)
Rd., Suite 400-A. Colorado firin g s .
CO 80915; (719)301-1113.

TL Octobar2 9 *3 0 1 Year STUD BO O K REGISTER............. 40.00

OrtMdn.W, Single C o p y .......................................... 5.00
T » o 8aailnai
Topics; Dog behavior highlighting
eaity aodallzatioa, the canine social
structure, aggressive behavior and
fighting (Saturday) Puppy training
and how to integrate it into everyday
life (Sunday) featuring Ian Dunbar.
D.V.M.. Ph.D.; Center for ^ ip lied
A n im al Behavior; Gold Key tan Ho­
tel, 7100 South Orange Blossom
Trail; Orlando, FL; 9K)0 a.m. to 5K)0 Postage for subscriptions
p.m .; $60 for both days. $35 one day;
contact Center for Ai^pUed Animal
Behavior. GAAB. 2140 Shattuck
outside of the U.S.,
Ave. #2406. Berkeley, CA 94704. per year, per pubiication:
CA Oetebar2 9 kSO
Walaa»v3fo.CA GAZEHE $ 8.00
n a A lt of Baadlag Tour Dog
Obedience seminar with Gloria Mc­
Grath. covers novice through utility
training, corrective and proofing
methods and problem solving; lim ­
k C A W A R D S............... 8.00
ited to 45 dogs; Monterey Bey Dog
Training Chib, Inc; National Guard It
Armory, Watsonville, CA; 8:00 a.m.
(coffee) 9:00 a.m .to 5:00 p.m. (sem i­ STUD BO O K REGiSTER... 10.00
nar): $65 per person fmr both days,
$50 per person for one day, an a c ­
tional $15 for each dog, includes
lunch, parking for self-contained [ 1,'
R irs $10: banquet on Saturday eve­
ning: contact Ann Smart. 766 San
Simeon Dr.. SaUnas, CA 93901;

m il JUNE1968 185
Dog and Litter Registrattons
Iha following llguras represent the rxjmber o f dogs and Itteis registered during Apt«. 1068. os oornpored wHh April. 1987.
1988 1987 1988 1987 BRSD 1988 1987 1988 1987
Brinanti............................... 925 1,066 315 357 Dedngton Terrien....................... 19 35 12 5
Pointen............................... 24 35 6 6 Border Terrien............................. 43 37 21 12
PoIntBii {Sermon Shorthaired) . 613 573 174 173 Bil Terrien.................................. 128 80 32 36
Poirrien {German Wkeholredt.. 77 86 22 30 Coim Terrien............... .............. 584 599 308 331
Rctrieven (Chesapecfe Boy)... 343 344 73 95 DondteDInmor« Terrien............... 8 5 6
ReMevenfCutVCodtsd)........ 6 8 3 1 Fok Terrien.................................. 0 0 0
RsMeyen (Flat-Coated)......... 25 23 7 7 Fee Terrien (Smooth).................... 86 36 38
DeMnwan (Golden)........... . 4939 5255 1.161 1.120 Fck Terrien (Win^........................ 266 112 133
RaMewanCLabradoi)......... 6438 6879 1540 1.790 tlsh Terrien................................ 22 19 7 9
Selten ^ i(«n h ]...................... 65 97 14 15 Kerry Blue Terrien........................ 40 39 10 11
Saltan (Gotdon).................... 116 109 23 17 Lakeland Terrien........................ 25 25 7 IS
9OTiera|iuii| « •••«••« ••p» «»»«« 207 292 49 77 Morxriiester Terrien..................... 27 25 16 16
Spameii (American Water)...... 14 36 9 6 MktialureSchnaurea.................. .. 3206 3.434 1590 1484
Spanleb (Ckaitear)................ 6 7 2 2 Nortel Terrien........................... 30 8 7
Sponlab (Codear)................... 3973 9.176 3915 3866 Norwich Terrien . . . ; ........ ........... 25 10 13
SpanW KEngtriiCod«)........ 100 119 43 36 ScoHkh Terrien...............|........... 611 273 252
Spor«eb(Englsh Springer)...... 1890 1865 520 478 SeaMx]m Terrien....................... 7 5 2
Sporteb (Field)...................... 9 8 1 1 SkyeTerrien.................... '........... 15 10 9 8
Spanieb(kbhWata4.............. 7 9 0 3 Sott-Cooted \Mteoten Tertian...... 72 114 38 31
Sponlab (Suneij.................... 0 6 1 1 Steftetdihire BUI Terrien............... 26 21 8 3
Spanleb (WaWiSpringad........ 28 17 9 5 Welsh Terrien............................. 64 21 24
\Aolas.................................. 107 109 35 32 WeslHlgNar>dV^rile1enien......... 864 928 521 473
285 271 76 80 Total Terrier............................. ,.. 3700 7,100 3000 3100
Wkehalied Polnling Grffia«| -i.. 3 10 2 2
Total Spoiling........ 24800 26800 8800 8800 GROUP NO. S -T O V —Ulten-
BREED 1988 1987 1968 1987
N O .S -N O U N D -O ogi- —Ulten— Aftenpirnchen............................... 10 8 3 2
1988 1987 1988 1987 BrustebGrinoie............................. 27 30 8 7
Chtruohuai......................... 1.978 1.904 1220 1.163
AKÿronHounOk.............................. 185 235 . 49 49 EnghhToySponieb......................... 23 7 5 1
Baserps.............. .......... 4 .......... 228 249 19 26 ItaianGietriiounds......................... 66 68 35 35
Beoefes............... ........ .V............
Joponoao CWn.............................. 50 so 37 26
Moltesa............... 1.166 1.169 841 772
Blackand Tan Cocxihoundf.'............ 8 26 5 2 MtelaturePIrechen......................... 449 379 249 195
Bloodhoundl, , .......... 99 117 43 36 PapiOfB............. 98 96 75 53
Borzob........ U .......... ................... 102 104 30 26 Peklngote.......... v........................ 1881 1.766 966 895
Doctehited s.................................. ai0 9 3436 1561 1843 Pomeroniara................................. 2897 2582 1.733 1868
Fcatioundi (American).................... 6 1 2 2 Pugs................... 851 979 485 465
Fcidioundi (EngMh)......................... 4 4 0 0 SNhTzu................ 3224 3801 1826 1819
Greyhounds...................... 19 13 3 1 S«kyTertian.................................... 274 253 120 123
Hoirlen......................................... 0 0 0 0 VbriahlreTonten............................. Z907 3208 1.797 1886
btaonHowdl......... ....................... 6 11 2 0
IrimWoMxxteds............................. 70 78 23 26 TololToy.......... L........................ 15800 15500 9200 3700
Norwegian Bihoundi...................... 258 355 106 125
O lte rH o «n b ........;..L ......... 2 4 0 0 GROUP NOd6NON-tPOBWMG —0 —Ulten—
PhoaohHounib........................ 11 4 2 2 1988 1987 1968 1987
Rhodesian ladgeboda.................... 114 138 24 27
Sokirb.......................................... 39 63 12 15 Bichore Frises............... .............. 778 783 400 319
ScolHi Deerhounds....................... 23 29 2 6 Boston Terrien...... .......................... 1.180 1.162 602 520
VWiippeb....................................... 117 130 37 ___ 34 BUkfogs........................................ 758 731 263 263
ChowChows...... ......... 1 ............... 4211 4467 1541 1.778
TotdHound................................ 9800 10800 3500 3700 Doknotlons................................... 965 839 247 214
HnnbhSpItz................................... 4 0 4 0
—Ulten— French B U dogs............................ 27 38 18 15
Keeshonden.................................. 652 623 255 251
1988 1987 1988 1987 ITiosaApsot.......j ........ ............. 2590 Z907 1.131 1229
572 635 174 132 Poodtes............. .{........ ................ &900 7800 4200 4600
Atabnn Malamutai. . . . . 479 610 133 165 Schpperies...... ........................ 170 266 126 92
Bernese Mountain Dogs. 63 67 21 23 IbetonSponieb............................. 23 19 2 7
1827 1880 472 511 Ttseton Terrien............................... 42 65 11 ___ 12
BdkmriMb................. 93 90 24 24 Total Non-Sporting....................... 18i800 19500 9.1X 9800
Doberman Rrechen.... 1.922 2562 614 722
aortSchnouisn......... 75 81 37 15
GrernOonei................ 698 815 211 220 GROUP NO. 7 -
Great Pyier)«w J........ 207 222 78 66 1988 1987 1988 1987
Komondorok.. . 4 ..... 11 17 1 4 Austrafan Collie (TogL.. 81 102 43 25
K u iraB ok ;;,....,i.......... 30 19 6 11 Bearded C o le s., r...... 57 S3 18 18
165 173 46 52 Belgian Mofetob........... 9 11 0 2
Newribundtalx*........... 234 270 63 59 Belgian Sheepdogs...... 33 59 13 14
Porhiguasa Water D ogs. 21 53 4 3 Belgian Teivuen......... 43 S3 9 11
3432 3297 1.134 892 BourlendesRondes ... 156 181 57 35
St.Barnadi.................. 324 334 117 114 Briords....................... 25 35 1 2
Somq tecb. . . ___ « ........ 739 762 274 284 C o le i....................... 1510 1.700 571 554
SbericnHiddet........... . 1571 1.957 676 690 Gerrrxvt Shepherd Dogs 4819 3116 1544 1578
StandardSchrxiuzers.... 37 36 15 14 Old Engkh Sheepdogs.. 351 428 113 123
TotalWoiMng...... 12800 13.700 4100 4000 P u le.................. 1 ......... 27 26 5 6
I- ShellarKJ Sheepdogs___ 3234 3122 1814 1824
•B O U P M a t —unen— Welsh Coigb (CardKian) 45 36 11 11
Welsh Corgb (Pambroke) 311 278 101 97
BOS) 1988 1987 1968 1967
TotalHenJng........... 10500 11200 3900 3900
Airedale Taman.................... 379 433 106 119
AmarioanStalforcbhlra Terrien . 75 133 19 39
AuMÊonTaitmt............. 45 71 24 33 TotaltorMonttt............................ 97800 103800 41800 40.700

JUNE 1988 191

C lassified advertising


Area Location). Very active gtoomino busi­ NEW commercial kervtel, attractively remod­
NEWP0UNDLAND6—Fdr MormaHon and ness atvl boarding kervtel on BUSY highway. eled 3 bedroom farmhouse, 2 extra separate
bookM “The Nearfbundtand and Vbu' «wtte Includes 3 bedroom Cape-style home, 2.14 buildings. PLUS pole barn, low taxes, TEN
Neiefoundland Club of America, Mrs. Joan acres and gross of $70,000. Al with COM­ ACRES, an ASSUMABLE MORTGAGEI
Bandura 6765 W. PWz FU. Fahview, PA MERCIAL zoning in superb, affluent loca­ Bargain priced at $145,900. “CALL PHY­
16415(814)474-1059. tion. . .$325,000. “CALL PHYLLIS" at LLIS” atTODAYS REALTY (617) 429-4822.
TODAYS REALTY (617) 4294822.

NEW JERSEY—Ideal famly sNuadon. Com- PENNSYLVANIA (Prestigious Montgomery
KENNB. PROPERTY.. ,C M ix locations plelsly rerrxxleled farmhouse, modem thirty- County). Large antiquecolonial home, unlim­
. an prica ranges. Biperiencad kersial bfo- two indoor-outdoor run kennel, well ited kennel license, several buildings with po­
kar offers prampi, protoaUcmal service to established business, twoacrae— al only 15 tential for huge commercial kennel business
buyers and sel ers. . .atiMriiara inthe United miles from Philadelphia! A solid buy at PLUS TWENTY ACRES O f privttte and l i ^
States. “CALL PH Y U IT at TOOArS RE­ $230,000. “CALL PHYLLIS" at TODAYS industriat-zorted land. Great value in real es­
ALTY HoRston, MA 01746. (617) 429-4822. REALTY. (617) 429-4822. tate alone.. .superb commercial kennel
site.. .or ideal hobby/breeder set-up. This
CONNECncuT-Mteor kennel complex ap- property is tmly lovelyl $500’s. “CALL PHY­
praleed at $2,500,000 «vNh annual gross ex­ NEW JERSEY—This listing offm rare com­ LLIS" atTODAYS REALTY. (617) 429-4822.
ceeding $450,000. Owrter wiH consider bination of charming home and modem 58
sariouB offers from Ifctanciaffy quaMed buy­ runkennel withexcellent reputation in rapidly
ers. “CALL PHYLU8" atTODAY’S REALTY growing arxJ affluent South Central New Jer­
sey community. A quality Hsetyle plus in- Mrxlern 74 run commercial kennel, large
ground pool affordably priced at $3^,000. great rorxn, attractive3 bedroom home, all in
FAiRRELOCOUNTYItl “CALL PHYLLIS” at TODAYS REALTY rapidly growing area. Complete owner fi­
Impressive rarwh-style home and modem 5 (617)4294822. nancing with only $50,000 down payment.
PO nin hobby kanrtel on 2 acrae in private Asking $200,000. “CALL PHYLLIS” at TO­
wooded setting. Located bi ai$]efb affluent DAYS REALTY (617) 4294822.
area of higher-priced homes. Asking NEW YORK (Dutchess County) - Commer­
$329,900. “CALL PHYLUr* at TODAY’S cial kennel with active grooming business,
REALTY (617) 429-4822. charming 3 bedroom Ariflque home and 5.7
acres in prime IBM executive loca- FLORIDA, WEST COAST. 70 lO run kennel,
tion...$350,000. “CALL PHYLLIS” at all concrete. Gross Income well above
FLOWOA well estabMted, well main­ $100,000. 10 acres, ranch home with in-
tained boenlng • grooming kennel in superb TODAYS REALTY. (617) 4294822.
ground pool. $615,000. H. William Griffith,
northeast coast location. Annual gross ex­ Realtors. (201) 385-8500.
ceeds $150,000. Owner help flnance
quaMtod buyer . . . $495,000. “CALL NORTH CAROLINA (Prime Coastal Area).
P H Y U »“ at TODAY'S REALTY (617) 429- Stunttkig, totally modern boarding kenrtel
4822. with UNLIMITED EXPANSION. Lovely MARYLAND, ACCOKEEK. 18 wooded pri­
colonial-style living area, active grooming vate acres ingood location. 40 I/Orun kennel
business, PLUS 3Va valuable acres and (needs work) and ranch home with full
HOBBY K BM BA-M any choice localions
currently available. NORTH FLORIDA... gross of $51,000. A beautiful buy at basement—could be full living quarters. No
$240,000. “CALL PHYLLIS” at TODAYS business. Offered at $245,000. H. WHkam
$125,000. NORTH (MROLBIA.. 4156,000.
WISCONSIN.. 4186JX». Al lealura lovely REALTY (617) 429-4822. Griffith, Realtors. (201) 385-8500.
homes PLUS hobby (non-ccmmeicial) show
kennel facilities. “CALL PHYLUS" at
Super 50 I/O run kennel, $100,000 gross, NEW JERSEY, NEAR MANHATTAN. Beau­
charming3 bedroom, 2 bathhome, 3wooded tiful home and beautiful kennel with 60 I/O
HARM—Beautiful contemporary home, acres. Excellent location. Only $275,000. runs. Great potential. Offered at $700,000
amai, modem commercial kernel, plus sep­ “CALL PHYLUS” at TODAYS REALTY with seller first mortgage. H. William Griffith,
arateArt Qalery. . a l Inwooffhy coastal har- (617)429-4822. Realtors. (201) 385-8500.
bor assai. 4210JX». “C A U PHYLUS“ at
TODAYS REALTY. (617) 429-4822. i————'j; ■ J. ■'—
(SlBSBlffBd A dvBcBffIng fW B s :
nel grossing $172,00011^.. .very presti­ $1-60 par wont ($40.00 minimum payment) or 75« per word for six or more conseeulhie
gious South Shore communffyonly 17 miee fewarilonL($30parlnaaflBmBWof«489duekrBctyandenToneconlractyoeaAIICIaaai-
n Boston. Owner wMconakfer serious of­ flsAA^tettlelgMA W b le In ateteaesL The American Kennel Ckto-reserves the right to
fers fromlinenciely<|uaMed buyers. “CALL reftWsny advertleino submitted, or to cane« any advertising accepted on refimete of
PHYLLM" at TODAYS REALTY (617) 429- aavMHWngWnnrannepeiirfÉi.i ri—te.. i«hr. fcvretriift

NEW YORK, RNOER LAKES REGHON. TEXAS: iHness requires sale or lease of old
BraaderrKennel wHh50 dog breeding stock. established complete kennel business. Reve ANTIQUES A COLLECTIBLES
Qiom kiccinie$130,000. Seller second mort­ Kennels in N. Sai Antonio, Texas. 50 Breed HAPPINESS IS “YOUR BREED” NYLON
gage available. Offered at $150,000. H. Wil- Dogs, all registered Toy Poodles, large TOTE BAG.. .Plus.. ."*SALE~*ANTI-
KatfSrtffllh, Realtors. (201)385-8500. grooming budness, boarding kennel for over QUES FOR DOG LOVERS. Dog paintings,
100dogs & 18cats infive large buildings plus prints, statues, postcards, cigarette cards,
:■___ r ^ ^ ■ ' '________________
tTKidsmthree-bedroom, 2Vs bath brick honw jewelry. SPECIFY BREED. Self-Addressed
PENNSYLVANIA,; NORTHEAST NEAR and 2 large rrxibile homes for employees on Stamped Envelope. 5,000 items. Reasorv
ROUTE #8. 12' hlMop acres. Colonial four valuable acres for only $450,000. May able prices. VISA/MC. Kathie Comerford,
fwme—4 bednxxns, in-grouTKl pool with ca­ lease, terms flexible. For additional informa­ KanineCollectibles, Box 271 G, Stony Brook,
bana. Ulira Modem new kennel—must be tioncall (512) 342-8973.
seen. Training room 30 x 30. Offered at NY 11790. To reserve Hems, (516) 751-2805.
$500,000. NOW at $430,000 for quick sale.
H.WIMam Griffith, Realtors. (201)385-8500. BE THE RRST to hear about our very latest
kennel Istingsl Flegister rxMv wHh our new __________ ART___________
and exclusive KENNEL “HOT UNE” SER­
WASh m OTON, D.C. VICIMTY— Handler’s VICE. “CALL PHYLLIS” at TODAY’S RE­ 16” X20” PORTRAIT inoHof yourpure-bred
DeBghL Rent with option. Only one blockto I- ALTY (617)429-4822. dog from your photo. Hoad study or full body
95. Kennel with 5 I/Oruns and 35 cages. Ex­ wHhbackgrourxl ofyourchoice Satisfac­
pandable rights. Two-bedroom home on Vs tion guaranteed. For more infofmation send
acre. Rent $1,500. Call H. William Griffith, to F l^ Sherman, 3940 So. Washington St,
Realtors. (201)385-8500. PET CARE Englewood. CO 80110.
GROOMERS! Increase busmess with excit­
SERVICE. PRIME LOCATION. In affluent GROOMER newslettofs. Rerrrinder, Sympa­
Hi-Tech area. Excellent reputation, comfort­ thy, KHp Kards, Pel Birthday, Valeritine emd BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
able house, unlimited kennel license. Room Chrisimas postcards keep your grooming cti- GET PAID for reading books! Write; Ace-
for expanafon (6 acres). Ideal for breeder, or ents comfog back. FREE SAMPLES to XD3, 161 Uncolnway, North Aurora, N.
owner operated business. Askktg $400,000. Groomers O ^ . Barideigh, 341 N. 19lh St 60542.
Cal owner, (617) 366-4779. Ministan Ken­ (AKG), Ctxnp HW, PA 17011.
nels, WeatbOTO, MA 01581.
Ï BELL O f the National Dog Regis-
Iry (914) 679-BELL for information about the __________ EDUCATION__________
COLORADO, GUNMSON— to K ) run finest recovery system available for lost or
boardkig kennel, grooming room, work room, stolan pets. NDR gets the dogs home! The NASH ACADEMY OF ANWAL
storage. Spacious home, basement: 1500 ARTS—Educates students in aH phases of
square fool veterinarydinic buMing (or other dog and cat grooming. Students team on a
use), bothbrickveneer, withgarages. County PUBLICATIONS variety of popular arxl rare breeds, arxl are
Akpott near. Greet view. 3 acres. $247,000. exposed to extensive curriculum in pel care.
Call 303-641-0460. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE DOG,Fine collec­ Day arxl evening courses—AccredHed merry
ber NATTS, approved NJ Department of Ed.,
tionof rare and out-of-print dog books avafla-
bie. State wants. P.O. Box 118, Churubusco, VA approved, DVR Finan. aid, placement
M ASSACH USETTS— WESTERN arxl housirrg assHarx». Clilfside Park, NJ.
WORCESTER COUNTY— ESTABUSHEO NY 12923. (514) 827-2717.
Just twenty mkxjtes from midtown Manhat­
AND GROWING. Boarding arxl Grooming tan. 595 Anderson Ave., Cfiffskto, NJ 07010.
business with living quarters, 2 I/O rurts plus -+- Phone 1-80O622-NASH (in NJ, 201-945-
callsiy. All supptes stay. Set on 12 acres. COMPANION ANIMAL BEHAVIOR
NEWSLETTER—Coversallaspectsoftrain- 2710).
Call ‘Peggy’, Sawidd Realty, Inc. (413) 436-
7049. ing and behavior. A ’’must” pubNcalionfor the
trainer or behavorist Assessment arrd treat­
ment of behavioral problems, aggression,
NEW JERSEY— WASHINGTON TOWN­ current research on dog behavior, etc. Serxl _________ TRAVEL_________
SHIP— Licansed Hobby Kennel with twelve $1.75 for sample to; ABCS, 2288 Manning FORT LAUDERDALE — APT MOTEL Pets
room, 5 1/2 both fieidstorte Colonial of ap- Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90064. OK. Charming Mediterranean style villa on
praximalely 3,600 square feet on a private 5 picturesque waterway near beach. Clean,
plusacre lot, surrounded by almost 150 acres quieL reasonable rates, pool, A/Cheat cable
of green bett. Three zone heat four fire- DOG BOOKS AND STUD REGISTERS!
OLD. RARE & OUT-OF-PRINT. CATA­ TV, maid service in season. Free brochure.
plaoes. $805,000. Turpin Real Estate, Inc. ADMIRAL’S COURT, 21 Hendricks Isle. FL
LOGUE $1.00. Specify mterests. Free search
service. Carol Butcher Books. 3955 New Lauderdale, FL 33301. Tel; 1-800-248-6669.
Road. Youngstown, OH 44515.
NEW MEXICO — Dog Kennels with 16 out­
door runs. 2455 square feet three bedroom
house, 22 X 35 FOoot-Ktdney Shaped Pod, G f iS S NOVELTIES _________ HELP WANTED_________
2400 square feel feet s to r^ buikJmg. 10 BE A FREE AND INDEPENOENT AGENT
acres. Pistachio Trees. Much More! PETS IN NEEDLEPOINT. Custom hand- WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS AND COSTLY
$219,000. CALL YVONNE BOYLE (505) painted canvas. We do pets from photos.
Serxl 44e stamps for brochure. AUNT FRANCHISES. Tattoo pels for registralion
434-0800 C O L L ^ . i MARY’S HOBBY. 20 SW 27 Ave., Pompano
and keep tattoo fee, plus NDR commission
Beach, FL 33069-9919.
after you quaUfy. Cornplete information arxl
NORTHERN, NEW JERSEY— The Best of cooperation at no chaige to tattooers. Join
Both WorldsI! Popular Commerical boarding WEATHERVANES, HOME & KENNEL NDR — the firsL finest and largest national
kerxtel ina rapidly growing corrwTMjnitywith a SIGNS—All breeds are available for recovery system for lost or stolen pets skxte
beautiful country setting. Excellent focome wealhervanes, rrxist major breeds available 1966.0^5,000 tattooers nationwide. Serxl
wMh2+ acres of grounds arxl a newly remo­ for signs. Quality arxl satisfaction guaran­ forourTattooer Package”. NATIONAL DOG
delled 9 room 3 baths home. Asking teed; Brochure—Dept D, Westwinds, 3540 REGISTRY. Box 116, Woodstock, NY
$475,000. (201) 764-4691. 76th Calendonia. Ml 493161-800-635-6262. 12496.914-679-BELL.

JUNE 1968 193

ato o -A ^ “World's Laigaar since 1972
aads addWonal people toesm exfeaincoiTW BRMS—Breeder Information Management 79 CENTS ROSETTES — 100 FLATS FOR
itSi our "Exclusive DoetatiWp“. Easy— System. ALL-IN-ONE breeder-deaigrted sys­ $15.95. Trophies from $2.95. Serxf for free
Wntoee Ws supply all meteilale and corn- tem for every aspect of breeding activity in- catalog. B A J, 7010 San FeHpe Road, Dept
eny aeppoit Details wrila: Tatoo-A-Pet dudfog show, breeding, medical, financial G, San Joae, CA 95135, or 1-800-638-
IspL KH, 162S Emmons Awt^ Brooklyn, NY and much more. Provides many decision­ SHOW.
1236. 1-600-TATTOO'S. NY, (718) 646- making reports. PEOPRO—Breed and All-
# 200. Breed Club production system. Maintains
informatfonfor show awards. Provides listsof
title holders with 3-generatfon pedigrees and
dam, ake, breeder, and owner lists. Includes LO SSm iEFT PROTECTION
nr>etttoefshlp module. SHOWSTAT—Show
FROZEN Statistics System for IBM compatfoles. Sta­ NATK)NAL DOG REGISTRY c «i save the
tistics for breed and group compelilfon. For life of your dogi We have been reunifing lost
informatfon contact; Synergetic Inc., 1634 and stolen dogs with their NOR-registered
ouKled by Dr. S.WJ. SasQer, MOducsr of
M frozen semen canine Mar. Freeslng, in­ Kent Place, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) owners for 22 years. Register your d ^ ’s tat­
373-3923. too with NOR — the finest recovery system
cool semen kMe. For brochure,
available for lost or stolen pels. NDR gets the
contact Carol Schubea 329 dogs homel NATIONAL DOG REGISTRY,
SoiK. Park Forsat, N. 60466. Ph. (312) 748- COMPUPEO—FAST AND EASY. D ata-
Management on IBM-PC's. Five generation Box 116, Woodstock, NY 12498. 914-679-
pedigraes displayed/printsd. User defined
searches on ancesters/descandents. Track
medfoal, show, breeding historias. Free sam­
ple printouts. Working demos $4.95. FuNpro­
MOTOR HOMES gram $79.95. RCI-AG, 1117 Redwood Drive,
OF HOTELS A NO DOGS Loveland, CO, 80538, (303) 669-8580. THIS TATTOO MEANS *T LOVE YOU” ”
RUFFWARE — “PowerfuT' and "Easy to
WlHBt Hofiday on Whaeli. bw. has been TATTOO'S "World's Largest Finesf since
Use” systems designed for Breed Manage­ 1972. Ail numbers accepted—A dealer near
Mingtiefineetnamesinmotorcoachesfor ment Systems address mating resoarch and
]var two decades. We also do custom show you. A pet tattooed but not REGISTERED is
pedigreas, kerwiel management conforma­
aWs to your spedficattons. Cal us today for tion show participatfon aixf jud^ analysis. UNPROTECTED. Protection includes; Toil
kiformatton. Auttortaed dealer for Free 24 hr. "Hotline'', 'Warning" tags, de­
Modular approach allows system to be con­
3hw Bird Wandertodge, Champion, Exacu- figured or expanded to meet Individual cals, crate signs. Info; TATTOO-A-PET Dept
Iwe, Pace Anow, Limited, Tranavea HoWay KG, 1625 Emmons Ave., Brooklyn, NY
needs. Demo versions available. For infor- 11235, (718)646-8200.
Dn Wheats, Ina, Robin HM Oorporate Park, mdton: A.C.E., too, N. 3509 Audubon, Spo­
Route22, Patterson, NY (914) 878-0400. kane, WA 99205 (509) 326-4364.


108 OirBestfttencl!....... 131

.1,87 Patagón.................... . .14«?
.9 Parker Distrtîutois. . . , ..............117
123 P e t/»g................... .CVii
........... 166 PefEnterprttes . 111
iïï JcvDciofood ■ 79 Pelpro Products. . 149
n IjLii iiu i 140 PefeAndUs, ......... ..............156
........... 115 D ^
^v.>i . . ..............137
: S im M IS o t ite it. . . . RoimjnPurtoa , ..
143 .CVV. 20-21
; flBffiborlltoy.; _„19
Scherlno Pkxjgh Corp i*.i
JoAn A y f e d ^ L s e r T O R f ; .-.128 StotasMfg.Co..........
Soi4h Allanfte Poicare .16/
MaioiiFeoee^afTiéárv'^-i-.IÍSilóS . SpGflsmcn's IrBUFortce Pkan .152
MoslerAininnai.Ça« . . .. .135 T F H PubfieaftorB 105
BobMcMse( . . • - ■ i à ■ TexMoik.......... 23,31
izo Meteo WHI- -jciT' 'viVJ.-■ .. 154
.89 ; ■, Merck A Song Tibelor Tenters 158
TrOii|A.>. ...% i129i4-lMerton9lallorii:^'.-‘^ 112
■ 162-y ifilckér'sIrrlwTicrttofxJÎ? ' .150
....... .27.39AS.97\f^-,NofaenLdDorarórios,i’ '5 ^Vef Express
’’« » a n d l p a Blend ^totchDog.lnc
Counlry Kerwrs .169

1:1J i

BarBi. JolM K (p .d a.) Swan Laha. a % Q M io i; Buoan A Faal ip yd A ) *iaiodon- P a ila M i. MOBiiaid ftu i i ) R A 3 Bor 286,
nmtag, EMNy P. |pidA) AfMQn’t, 5686 Bor 182. Piidaa^B a. M l S3864. 808-428- maod” 10 Edan Or., B n d liiwwi, N Y 11767. Bart B id Rood, M M a to a i. N Y 10645 814-
A A w i IM . m a n m , 'PA 18064. 215- 3176. 5137244871. 6 0 3 6 0 «3
7 8 »< »ia Bovaa, Oavl |p.da.) O m lafca. R 1, B or M oalan , J on leoA R A rla Om Lo .) Jando
M M p tM . m . P k t m ú ^ u U .) TückaN«y 242. Plain8oid. W l 54886.715-336 888<. Kraa.. P. O. Bor 880. Lipoor. Ml 46446.313
Lant. D m iH M f, C T 06810.203-746-7803. 6643113 Budai; Mayraa <p 4 a ) "Raenmyn" 3212
S ebm ldoi; J. W o lw d ( p 4 a .) 820 E 7 3id JonwaBL, Son Diooo. C A 92103 613223
A U S n U U M i CATTLE0 0 0 6 8L, M -2 -T . N an \brk. N Y 10021.213873 3043
b JO M pli lp.d.4.) BoMiara. RO M t a , Boto 0 v m ip .d a .) RL 1. Clawn 8261. Eb r iR BMpbaRla lo d A j 2514 BboaMr
10. n iw jnoton. NJ 08822. 201- don. TX 79226.806-874-2060. S Iw w w L J an ae A DMnn (p 4 n .) ApcndM, M n u a , S oid t B M ona, C A 81733 8 1 3
M aaioc; Ib n y 0 Batty I p M * .) Bor 06. 3lSH ohaO TCalyM iRond.Lo8anw Ba.Q A 4431434.
• Kata. Q. n. Sctm artz, Bok Slonaw itt. OK 74871. 406-205-8202 ar 30240.40436317B6. l Fanlen. OandM (p d A .) B on yh i, 8 N on
424. TksaadO P u ft. N Y 10887. 814-361- C ad e Rd.. W aa»ort. C T 08860.203255
2404. : 2242a2033644143
• a tfi^ U la (p A a .) Sabm. M # 1 . Bor 274. M o e li, Ib b y (p A .) Bor 3 3 Laka O on a. NY
AU 8TIIALIAN1 DatCcid.BaBy A R abarM Tamarack,
McLaan OiNo, Rock ’nwam . m 12S75. 11753516387-7513
Bw noa. Dr. K. F .lA d a .) S p riaLaa, 11406 31670 W. Sanan M8a R d.. Uvonin, Ml
QoM nan, t a n (p A .) CamoloL 18 Camalot
N. Burtinolon Rd., Rtchmond. 8. 60071. 46153313477-0477.
D t. Uwinodon, NJ07036.201-8623283
8154737262. R M M PorL N a a y A Normnn BuLa.) SMr-
O a n lp k , B ia (pjdA .) “Q ln Bbad”, 41
ta ,N o 8 R < p 4 A .) 1411 O onoe Dock Rd.. caala. 25 D oiam ra TM L DamBa. NJ. 201-
I J . (p .d .) 10760 Eaat Auttny A a .. BmonL N Y 11003 515681-
P t naaaanf. NJ 06742.201-6984667. 6252067.
M a n . 8 or«ar. C A 83887.208-281-0762. t o fa la , D aanna A B la p ia a (p u ta .)
HBm i ; jM d 8 i U (p jd M .) PoM F o a P.O.
CNRMib U ada D. (p .d .) P.O. Bor 1154. ! : ■! Nhnblaby; 315 BMchan 8L. I
Bor 313 Quakartoan, NJ 08803 201-735
Naeport, TN 37821.6156234130. Pam. NY 11763 515441-a01&
Coa, Jon 8 Buoan (p .iU .) 788 Union H i 8782.
M i a J o a iiA C a iel (p ^ U .) P. O . Bor 144.
O akdlla. N Y11788.5163634836. Rd.. Nantonn. PA 18846 2154654264. KeBaraan, E a lü a A W ondy (p d A .) W nd-
D a n lili, Doria <p43.) 516 Cramor Awn.. m r . 8610 2S881 SbnaL Ftord Parle. NY
n tiQ iiiiil. Cindy A Jonapb (p d A .) 141 11001.7153433333515381-2843
c Í12. W. Marapion. NY Poka Plaaaart Bonch. NJ 06742.201-683
Munaon Rd.. Qpolon, N Y 13073. 007-533 KoMaL EwaIynF. OkdA.) R m í » 1081885
11877.5164884077.3836. 0615
4787. loa Rd., N. Jackaon. OH 44451. 21 5 6 3 3
K anian-llarateano, B voon (p.<La.) 061
H aaoftti, Oonno (p d A .) P.O. B or 1815, m- 3033
AKRAB i Maaarick Rd.. WoodMock. N Y 12486.813
dto, C A 92203 6136643780. K o n li, C arol A Doman B u la .) 46 M n >
A M ia a n ra , Lanny (p 4 .a .) R d. # 3 6784603 o r212-8284083.
RoanOto (p .d A ) Oamara BoBa, RL 3. Bor dda Dl . Com aoach. N Y 11723 51 5 7 3 3
O nlrtiattidayi Rond Kalonah. N aa Matk.
315 LaaabuTB. VA 22075.703777-7288. 2380.
Waknaaln, M ailyn 8 M arfoBn. O aorga Bralnao. Ml L A Or E (pJLa.) Bor 170, M a ra a , VWarta (p d A .) 3437 M op d iiid
Baa, O a tta a P . 6 TaB iailaa (p d a ) 2203
KoBtt Bm d Rd. KnomBa. TN 37822.815- at.
(fijá J A ) 174 W aal 7581 N on York. NY HBbMr R A . Libanon, NJ 08833.201-735 NJ07713 201-681-2783
10023.213787-8224. 8813 M yar3 M a n a n B. CpdA.) 3064 MU PInaa
8004023or 8667.
B u aeh aan , H ddaoard ( p 4 a .) 5 Cown Drlm. D üaa. IX 75223 214-6568641 a
Bonattann^ Bav 8 Ita a (p .d a .) Toba Kra.
Plaoa, Moumam U kaa. NJ07043 201-335 2034552242.
RD 3. Bor 1. OranetwBa, NJ 07826. 201- BAB8ETH 0UN06 5443 Oh Den A S a id y (p d A .) San Don Btehon,
B ovoliard . Sm anna A Jbn TyanaAnp EMe, Ifc A Itte . R oear ^ d A .) Loden. 187 1723 Kandngtan Dr.. Bdbm ok. OH 46303
iC .(p U a .)3 l Eddy a t. (P 4 a .) 77 ArgylaAM H Baldan. N Y 11784. M apM owar Rd.. O M naeofn, PA 10343 5138454713
/M n. C T 08001.2034764254. 5137364511. 2154423803 R o d a ia i, B a a d ra (p d A .) Sandy B aifa.
O va iia , Prad (p .d .a .) RR 1. Bor 114. CliaMln, B ob A PraiB . Patti (p .d A ) 3336 Joyn, B a b a <p4A .) 6<*33 W. SaginaMr. 1242 nnoaam kPlaa.Fdriaw n.N J 07413
Thompaon. PA 18406.717-727-2158. MyniB Rd.. Madkia 1\wp.. OH 44256. 2 1 3 Landno. Ml 48817.517-3238103 201-7868003
M B b a Bafbara A BM Plaiaon Rd..
N oftttaU . M A01380.4134064681. La3n a.B ia id a A J o a itM 3 d A )4 7 1 J a d i-
Jaraon , Honry A Ann (p 4 U .) 067 Sandra aon’i M R QaorgM Pd.« Fmabold. NJ 07723
M .. W ool M p . N Y 11796.516461-0378. 201-7851563 Arana. P. L . (p d A .) 12736 Ozarfc T M
W880, D orodiy A R a y io fid (p .d A ) 1862 M oOonalA Elaanor 3 (p d A .)n a a a o o d . North. S B w a a . MN 56003 612-436-2643
I (P4 a ) 801 Eaat at. UteMWd Tpka.. WoodbridBa. CT 06525. 18 M i Pond Lana. Co8a Nack, NJ 07723 rta ia n ,B n li ■ M lF la ii,P a B (p d A .)3 3 3 S
M anaiold. M A02046.617 3384242. 203-387-3738. 201-4624343 M yaaR d..M B dkia.ldp.. OH 44256.215
MaaE Batty J. |p4.s.) Rwquaat Kannala, W Indaniolir (p.d.a.) J. Mohr, R t 1. B or 725-3643
SoMarBi Bam ara Bm Lo.) Bdbmida, P.O.
31757 M a n O ttt Rd.. M o n . C A 83510. 1012. HBabOfOugh. NC 27278. 8 1 3 7 3 3 L a fia ,A n n a (p d A .)R L 4 .B 0 R 4 3 A .M IIn -
Bor 523 Mtr^dMa. N Y 12884. 814433
8064M -6021. Gfwold; VR 22601. (703) 667-2837.
M t t i Ppod 8 Rula 4 8 (p .d A ) RFD 1 . B or tc h io ic tia .L o ia A lih ttir (p rt ■ )P .O .B qr IM o r y K a a a la (p A .) Rav. A M . a E
50F. 8 M h B . C T 06377.2036644644. Sinkinaon. Jr.. RO 1. P arm k igla i. ME
2827, S ilau k it. N Y 11733 515751-1504.
n w tn n WaiiOb Bam adatta (p U a .) P.O. 04803207-7752223
C ord, A rlaan (p .d A .) LondondorriL 86
Bor 675. Roaamaad, CA 91770.813360- S etaM R Anna | »d A ) 17 rdrany la a .
1506. Drondnny A an u a, O ayyia. N.Y. 11783
Cmaoon. PA 10633 (8 1 ^ 8052371.
Baawd T d iiw fli <1a 18 t ip d A ) Sandyhi. 8814
•M M . b a a A . (p d A ) Tha Harm O igi. sg
O itton, Chnrtae F. gp A a.) Sandttv; 52 Mo- Vbttnar Ln.. Qodkay; 3 62033 81 3 4 8 5
aoottcas; M O21043.301-4854426. Mam SL. Fundan. NJ 07833 201-684-
hegan Rd.. Larchmom. N Y 10638.814-834- 3777. 6864.
T la a o B , K . R. (p d A .) Rainbow V ia g a ,
rom doano, J A C (p.d.a.) OprIngOald. RL
MOUNTAMOOQB Cm rd M U . W V 29683.304-2757867.
128. Bor 243, YoiMown, N Y 10680. 913
, Baa (p 4 A ) 1731 Old Forty Fool (pidA.) P a rk a H oiow
RiL. l larta>M M . P A 18436.2154637960. Rd.. BameweU. Ñ Y 13304.3158863483
Hoartrina, ton d ra <pAA.) RL 3 Bor 120 K l. N a a i, Robart A RnM (pudA) RFD No. 11.
KaomaynwBa, W V 2S433 304-7253013 Bor 2 B . M dnpoc. N Y 10641. 91 4 8 2 5
BaOay, WWeam A Cham al (p .cU .) Chn- O ila ra n ia r. LlW an (p u ta .) Rd. 1, Bor 3068.
raam. 771 SW 121 A m 4 )ovla. FL 33325. 3024, Ffonchlonn. NJ 08825. 201-885 Qninn, P a trld n (pdA.) P.O. Bor 546.
3063724633. 2573 SM rhB . A L 30673 2 0 5 8252273

0 8 M 8 (p d .a .) 1501 Singar Rd.. f t iuniahy John A T trry (p.<U .) 418 a F. (p .d .a .) Shadduck Rd..
R l^;Q lnlly(p.(U .)R FX >.1.B aK SO O .O o^ Joppa, MD 21066.301-6763333. BurgMay A va., Vantnor, NJ 06406. MkfdMbury. C T 08786 2 0 6 7562031.
líE (MOM. 207-379^151. WRNa, a A A . (p.<U .) RD 4, Box 147. eo6822-26aa
m r R M «. (p .d ^ .) K a n n Staudh W am aloian. NJ 06094. 609-6266020 a DOBERMAN PW 8CHER8
C iftabon a. Box 150. Lotus T o riM o , 6067264145. CHOWCHOWB Adam son. P eggy A B ob (p d d .) Oamaayn,
M ood. NJ 07877.201•aSMBBBw d ftaon , B. A B . (p d a .) 60 Oranga Ara., CartoM o, Ataa A baña (p a .) 3680 Plorar 157 Pokw ay Or., Roalyn Hta., L X . NY
it , B oon lt (p .d t.) 1084 BtftanoBi SM an Wand. N Y 10302.7162763257. Placa, Saaiord, N Y 11703.5166263051. 11577.516821-0358.
^ Rd.. n ilo iiitii. OH 48015. 814J88- I aWnittn, Doadnlc A P arry ^ d d .)2 S 7 D
1 81. H ooper A ra .. Brick. NJ 08723.
ra w iilan at, (p a .) Harry BryanL I g it a . VA AnaabnL Edna T. (p d a .) Union Valay Rd., 201477-1528.
23083.703-967-0016 Mahopoc, N Y 10641.914-6266816. RagM a, Adala ^ d .a .) 99 Naw FriandOtp
<p.dA) 61837 LaP aola. ftanaiBia A IW n (p d a .) Blazin' C aatM op (p d a .) Zoa A Ttea Bumatt, P.O. Rd.. HowalL NJ 07731.201-367-3126
Mi 48031.616-446-3174. BulmasttfN. 604 M ahot Rd.. Waalharad Box 740, Pleasan t VaNay, N Y 12569. TbdaR Knia. (p d A ) Thao & LMek. 4840 W.
OJL6ZhMMrfMn. HJ.CMMr Oaka Farm . CtNirchvlIla. MD 21028.
9144362133. B a n ooft S t., Toledo, OH 43615.
O ld .«.} 1982 W o M t M m .. PA Ernal, D ay (p d a .) 102 MUdto H ^nray. P- 4194367581.
1 Q2a 2166166464. L ip aen . P au l (p .a .) 2A Blanca R d.. O. Box 24. East Hampton. N Y 11037. ilD od a. Nancy H. (p d A ) Zanodoba. Cresa
Paichogua. N Y 1177^ 516-475-5130 A 516324-2464 A 516-637-3366. R iver Farm , Boothbay. ME 04537.
516-231-0660. Kaiortiouoa, MurW A Kannodi (p d a .) 1 207-6364510.
■lenrailh. JadM i (p d a .) North Haran. CT Ravine Park N orti, R 4. Bon 9C, Onaonta,
a t C. F. 6 B. X 00473.203-2362721.
(lid A ) du Ctat dM Carbtrat. Batoo F M r . NY 13820.607-432-6404. B iO U SH COCKER 8PAM ELS
O abom a, DavM (p d .) Dluaalona. Rd 1, Kuhniy; F. W. (p d a .) 148 Briggs Ara., Abracadabra (p d .a.) Mrs. A. a da Grafs.
1 8 Laval HX,Oo6eoevBe. PA 19426.216 Box 123. Naw MHford. PA 16834.
----- 11. 717-4653515.
\M rara. NY 10701.9144763201. RM. 6 Box 100, H ade Rd.. M ftxook. NY
Q U V M ( 9 .d .t.) C ol. C tw riaa 6 C M f Piandas, Barbara (p d a .) 10650 Slatar 12546.914477-3836.
n audaBwiba , Q aorga A Barbara (p d a .) Ava. NE, Kirkland. W A 96033.
k X oan. Ona C a d v D fiva. D aala. MD . Foathra; RandMI K . (p d d .) 6209 Afdmora
RL 1. Box 758. U nw ood. NC 27290. 206422-6004. Avenue, W yndm oor. PA 19116.
2 ^ 1 .3 0 1 •087-2066. 704 056 6623.
Ira. M. <p.dA) P.O. B at 489. 2162364174.
I^rw ood. C A 96462.707-633-60061 COLLIES
^ Morid KondMMtr. B arna, Jha A Mag gia (p .d a .) 352 E. irra B a CaMaa (p d a .) bb. A Mrs. J. H. B tQ U SH FOXHOUNDS
3 214 Qoaaa PraMa RcL. Im b o ig . FL H odg. 72 FMgg SL. Woroaalaf. MA 01602. R odi, Rtehard A Ann (p d e .) Hounds o f
la n d o i Qrora Rd.. W aal Qrova. R A 19300.
3f786.004-483-2006 617-791-5376. Harnatt. 5205 W rightsvill# A va..
■ M l (p4L) Ardocri Farm, 4816 ANan, VJCarravan, L. (p d a .) Royal Rock. WMmMglon. NC 2B403.916791-3950.
Ladd, Torn A baaa (p d a .) 568 Dupont
AàtocriCh. Rd..MM8ia«ra. NC 28106.704- Straat, PhHadalphia. PA 19128. 225 ShsapPasluraRd.. Port Jaffaraon, U ..
8463130. 215-483-0760. NY 11777.5164734609. ENGLISH SETTERS
_ . IM t. Om U .) RR 6 B at 6 2 A Buargar. P a l (p d a .) Caralan, P.O. Box Oaacia, R ogar (p d .a .) 8 Ooviaon Lana
M oM u a.«H ftraaA .(p .) iS T IM a o n A ra ..
^laraon. PA 19626 2153660747. 304. ChaMonL PA 18914.2163464454.
ndt 6 (p-dJi) Eaal G M M d
NorthMarrtck.NY11S61.5164a6104^ DabhH Kanrrala (p d a .) Mra. W. T. K aiogg.
WasL W est Wlp. N Y 11796 516861-4826
Raaior, Jay A M a y (p d .) 811 Nawlown Howo, Mb. A Mra. a a (p d d .) Oraffto, R J t
H I Road. UkMW d. C T 06789. 203667- 910 Waatport Rd., Easton, C T 06612. 6 F a t C lw aa Rd.. Chaatar. NJ 07930.
Rd.. VBanova. PA 19086.215-5362220 o r
O 52. 201-8798864.
• « . Jana B. (p.<La.) J «a x L*EnjQlaar I (p d a .) NapMr Ferma. Me., Murphy; Sarah A . (p4La.) P.O. Box 246
Raaa, Den A BnBy (p d a .) Swayza MB
9 33R4360. Rtahmoid. TX 77480. 7 1 6 P.O . Box 32. W aatkiil, N Y 12492. Mantoloking. NJ 06736 201-602-1139.
Rd.. RD 1. B at 184A. BWralown. NJ07B2S.
201-4664019. 2 1 24367896a(516) 9698645. S ftio ^ Mrs. S u an n a (p d d .) 30 Andovar
T alar Kaanala 6 -a .) Loryca M. HoMiL KMmoiar, P a i (p .d a .) Akjran fb . 4, Box 33, SbaaL PMafWd. M A01201.4164990329.
9 49 WaaW aw Or., Oriando. FL ttO IO . Buck Rd.. Bmar. NJ 06316 6094662455.
RayiraWa, Larry (p d a .) W W ng. 3630 W.
A M arilyn (p .d .) 302 ENQU8H SPfBNGER 8 PA N E L8
_ lat, Ma8 |p.d.i.)n M iou.R d .2 .B a t 163rd ft ., Hom awood, IL 00430.
7 . r fanchMwn.NJ 086252010064 0
. - a fli O cean Avenue. Northport. N Y 11768.
Bard Pambrek a, AH ea (p .d 3 .) 87 Old
S tafford R oad. ToNand, C T 06084.
n in tiO i B. 0» A ) 3tona N oI db RuaaaB, L omMì K. A Tkiff, M arjorla A .
Oaavara. Kart A Rudi (p d a .) 47 Eara 63rd 203-872-2006
F rm .RD #3,Bat378.H anovar.PA17331 (p d a .) RO 3, Box 266. RL 537, Fraahold.
SbaaL Naw NY 10021.212-6361868. MarTfaran, Mr. A Mra. A . a (p .) WBowbank
7 7-632-6402or632-2716 NJ 07726.201-7890946
DaVbraant, Urn. Laura (p d a .) B at 366. Farm. RR # 6 Box 27. Foatar. Rl 02826
8 itA Jamaa * Suaan ip jó A .) Daa Wa- VbnCmbdan, Laura (p d a .) 1007 Cadar
Mül R oad. W M la H ouse. NJ 06868. 401-307-7100.
d lana Fanaa. 209 MapM Ara.. MartayaaBa. SL. MBvBa, NJ 08332.6094264856.
201-4363062. Th oaaa, K. R (p d d .) RaMbow VEapa,
P k19438.2162566642.
Hatton, Haney (p d a .) B oxes. Floyd Ackart EvarattvBe. W V 26533.3044767657.
Rd.. W aal Parte. N Y 12403.201-2555654. DACH8HUNOS (LO N Q H AftED )
O^Mara, Mr. A M rs. Richard X (p .d a .) FE LO SPAM E LS
C M M 1 p L«.a.)0 M M iaH olow R {L.LIa8 d A lgaiat Kannala, 2061 Taylor Road. FM d SpanM B oclaty o f km ariea (p d 4 .)
NY 11743.5164260361. CARCMOAN « B J H C O R O » Tatahaasaa. FL 32306.904-877-9480. B at 276 Randolph. OH 44266 21 6 3 2 6
Arlaaa (p .d A ) 886 Naw Dorar R I. Ba a rg a , Pat (p d a .) Caralan, P.O. B at
^M on . NJ 00820.201- 5466191. 304. ChaBord. PA 10014.215-3464464. DACHSHUNDS (SM OOTH)
G rto a . Tharaaa fr A a .) Bowa CM ia. B at McCord, ib a . Raymond L . (p d a .) a a 6
1 066.0M M ianaC I^O K 73116406641- C NBM PCAKE BAY RETREVERS Box 161, W inchaatar. IN 47394.
M ooofl, RIehofd A BaNa (p d A ) 4000
8621. Andtraan, OarW A Jon (p d a .) Caroway. 317-564-5623 (MMiMura). •
Houcks Road, M aM on. MD 21111. 301-
t, Lanl (p.d.a.) 370 H i SiraaL H oa­ 373 S tafford. Laka Forast. tL 60045. W aaaila, M Bs (p d a .) WSa-Tackal Knia.. 557-9032.
x e r 06514. 2062863600. 316234-8055. 9638 Karrw ood. H ouston, TX 77080.
W Oftar. Tom T . (p d 8 .) FMkkMa, 70 P a ter
P raira, R u lli <p.tLa.) Oonandru B on ra. Andaraon. Mr. A Mra. Ronald (p d a .) 3064 719461-7426. (MMMura).
Road Baakop, TX 78606 512-321-2626
1 4 Q m n h ft .. DaiUng Rldoa. NJ 201- Farm Lana. M onrovia. MD 21770.
6 7-7741. 301-831-0743 DACHSHUNDS (W BtEH AftED )
R m m , A w M ala H. (p .d a.) l6 6 P i^ fta BaM obi. W. Ghaaa A Dyana (p d a .) Rd 2. Bee on, CaroBna (p d .) 10717 B u b oik Dr.. FLAT-COATED RETREVER8
L m C to n o q m , B M a d L C T 06407.206 Box 287A. Pond HoNow, New port. PA Potomac, MD 20854.301-290-2736 DaBraa, P a l (p d d .) 117 S chnoa Rd.. K l-
3t63873. 17074.717-6024007. C a atoral, Frank A M sry (p .a .) 2705 Ingnonh. C T 06417. 2066662761 ara-
. M ahard ftX a .) 30 Paramua Rd.. H ern , M ra. D enia l (p .d .a .) "E aatarn Norw ood L a.. Vanica. FL 33595. nMgs.
Pframua. NJ 07062.201-8463006. warara”, Rd 1. B at 367A Frenchtown, NJ 8134866165. knpay, Qtkfan (p d .a.) 679 Prospect Ara..
(H M ft), Larry A Carolyn ^ .d a .) 06825.201-0084022. unto SRvar, NJ 07730.201-6390737.
h iM w n B aiam .87ieaH B ran.Lat¥igB B , Ham . Nat (p d a .) "Easlsrn Walara MD” DALMATIANS Jonas, Qaran yth (pdd.)B laekQaminFami.
h <89123.702-361-0273. HWdand. MD 20777.301-854-2456. Manning, Dr. Miehaal (p .d a .) CavaHar SouM Bigelow Rd.. Hampton. C T 06247.
Kaufm an, M ark (p .d .a .) Owr A . W aal Dab. 1324 Vfetwy BNd., Staten W a d . NY 206466-0421.
BreoklWd. MA01S86.617-867-8404. 10301.7167294616 Tarroux, S a iy X (p d .a .) 14601 W . T ftxi
Barnard (p d 3 .) 489 Mapla BBaaL Lmwy; Branda (p d a .) 20 Boardnran SL. M aadar, Jean H . (p .d .a .) A dvocate Ara., Arvada. CO 80006 303-424-7706
i^rm inaM r. P A 18074.2156762678. N o lo lt. M A02088.817-5264173. Daknatiana. 107 Tam O 'Shantar Dr.. Vagal, V an icn W .(pdd.)B oin gbrolra Kan-
Ray 6 Jaeqaa OuLa.) Tkaiacaaa MiiacaraWa, AnBw ny A Mauraan (p a .) Mahwah. NJ 07430.201-5294479. nato. B at 24. EdM boo. P A 16416814-734-
) ^ . R L 1.B 8K 234A.C 00M M .O H 467». Tarmara Nack La.. Box 112. W. Hampton. Parfeai; O oloraa (p ^ ) Driowood. Rd. 4,
4-667-6166 NY 11977.5162660077.3536. Box 1499. H onaadala, P A 16431.
JM i A Ann (p 4 la .) 8644 Balaraan SehmMt, Dr. John (p d a .) P.O. Box 235. 717-2534014. FOX TE R R E R 8 (SMOOTH)
FÉad. C hollan. OH44024.2162860006. Pdfarahlra Road, Eaattord. C T 06242. P rona v itz , A laaan dra (p ) H eavenly Foatdan Kannala (p d x ) Mra. Jamas A.
2060762541. DoMradona. 125 DartmouM Dr., HkJtsvBe, Fraral. Jr.. P.O . Box 1111, Darien, CT
NY 11801.5164367594.516931-2189. 06820.2068560791 a206264-8221.
F. H abbod. CHMUAHUA8 Reoan, Qorl (p d .a .) H aegaa Kennaia. 5 MMiln iii, D orothy (p d A ) B at 401, Cook-
1. B ot 116 A. Qoodaprino. TN Ba rgoa. RahiaW o A V iola (p d a .) 150 Beach S treet. Ctenbury, C T 06810. •town. NJ 06511.6097567873.
69863002. MMrol S t.. Port Jaffaraon Station. N Y 2067461736 Sacha, U aa (p d .a.) 1068 Park Ava., Hurv
L. í p j L m . ) P.O. B ot 103. Uxra- 11776. (516)0264312o r716037-2096. Vanrtarb eek. R e d A O ladya (p.<La.) High •nglon, N Y 11746 5 168761976
Rd.. R ad in g. C T 06875. 206 0 6 6 D evla, Halan T. (p d a .) 349 YMa Ara.. MountaM. RD 7, Box 388, Sussex, NJ Swanson, Jana (p d .a .) Fdxkot Fann.
3 26 HBaidt. N J07206.201-6866863. 07481.201-8768880. 10290 HE Road. Erie. IL 61250. 309 8 6 9
L b o. Ruth (p .tU .) 230 Hoiyn ood Craae- D alan go. Edna (p d a .) K ipw «. Box 53. W M Iaiiaiian KnIa. (p d 4 .) R t 31. R.D. 1, 2186.
Lonranoa. LX . N Y 11516 516 2 0 6 Long Eddy, NY 12760.914487-5639. Lebanon. NJ 06836 201-7367069.
S|19. Q aglin n o. lo rra ln e (p .d .a .) C irela L FOXTERRER8(1M RE)
O ady X (P4U.J 2006 Joyoa Larra, Chihuahuas. 62 Upper H ibernia Rd., DANDEDW M ONTTEnm ERS D sW tt. Jack P 4 p d d .) 26 HoW ey Dr..
lí^rrieli. N Y 11566.516 8267033. nod raway; NJ 07866.201 -9669655. Wa la on , C ath y and John (p .d .a .) N aw W t.C T08861.2068493346
n, U nda <pU a.) Burlón Larra. Ibradnga. E ftio r I . (p d a .) 13 Daria Di:, Pannyw iaa. 12109 PM ay Q ian Lana. MMdnan, D a ra iiy (p d .a .) B at 401. Cook-
H V 11516 5166862233. P a W *eep a ie, N Y 12803.914462-3652. Polonrae. MD 20064.301-2992330. Mown, NJ 08511.8097597876

O 0W M N M VM RD O Louwabiay, Dr. J. (p.d.a.) J oiy Kennala, m 8 Btoon P.O. B ok
Illu n i, M o« U (p ^ ) Bok 503, BMnge. NY 12618 914-677-5002. , John 8 Barbara ( 148 W. Lebanon. NY 12108 5187948208
Q ooM )og, P ^ . Bdk 60037. L n A ngtlM , Pluaeb, A . M. 8 H. A . (p .d 8 ) T a rviaw " torra, 5912 Spaora. Pincknay. Mi 40189. KnoM oab, Q oorga 8 U H rai (p jU .) RD
CA 90000. (213) 677-0066. P X > . Bok 688 WM^Sal0wrv PA 18040 or 313-8798753. No. 8 704 Madm S o u iw d Rd.. Howal. MI
■ w H iiiie llM to .d «.) Mm. Radrfe A. Monboaa. PA 18801.215-0682006or 717- 07731.201-370-0668
B ttn r. P.O . Bok 236, RomaM. Q A 30077. 2783601. ir ALIAN GREYHOUNDS M cCorraloli. E velyn (p.<U .) RL 1. Bok 420,
404-B26B636. V ogel, Carol T . (p.d.a.) X al-V o.~ 3801 Baa Pkikua, tuaan (p.8 a .) 100 Qragory Ava.. Wraraloid. V A22190.703882-3368
JoM pA (p.<U .) 6 B M Or.. M onwy. Braara PL T rai. M igM a Baaoh. VA 23462. W ool Orraiga. NJ 07062.201-7388079. R obb a nhaar, LorrM na (p .d .a .) K l-
N Y 10062.914-367-0268. 804-4883742. kngworth. Low er C h u ch H ill R d.,
B o e e M I^ Q lorto (p .) 30 Breadnvy, SMr- Wrahington OopoL CT 06794. 203868-
lay. NY 11967.5 1 6 -a0 »«X )S . 2328
B ranalei8 Mary L. (p 8 a.) 4736 N. 8an- W niH aw n, ChratoOa (p u la.) 7 rakwalar
■ n M M i, 8 - ( P ^ ) 87$ W oodm aia Or.. BadMrd, Laura Karr » .d A ) Halcyon. 400 aC8W teh0a.KS 67204.3198388891. Ara.. H eaaB p n iii. N Y 11758 510-709-
No. W o o M ra , N Y 11581.516-701-8638. Sand B ra* RiL. Wraartown. C T06708 208
OwwÉia, C 8 JaNan D. (p.d.a.) 1684 4077.
Caftan Aamua, SM an Wond. N Y 10300. Haberaran, Mrs. NolaMa D. (p u le.) 8 am-
718-084-4424. , U Mae, PH A (^ x U .) 220 Grande
aona' Knia.. 42 Edmunde Rd.. W alaalay. VM ay Rd.. Raadtog. P A 10806. 216-779-
O ifieoaaob Jana 8 Hanry (p .d a .) Janry MA 02181.617-237-3027. Capron, Barbara (p ji.% .) Foxnm Laka-
Kannali.Rt173.R.D .1.BaK534.Slawarta- 1230.
MneaMar Kannala M-d-*-) Tom 8 Dob landa. 106 (3lanwood Rd.. Qlanwood Land­
vNa. H i 08886.201-4704132. Kaaahorrd Club o f N etttiarn Mara Jaraay
Olaon, RR #3. Box 81. Sioux Fala. SO ing. NY 11547.519871-1880.
HataH. B a n (p.a.) 1466 Pomtac Rd.. An­ (p .8 8 ) 0 PeWington St.. Wanaqua, NJ
571086083380300. Laraliua. A l 8 bane M A ) 162 Broohaida
gola. NY 14006.7186400066. 07466.201-6397309 or (203) 3648306.
W N bw y. Mra. D erodiy P age (p A a .) Oak- Drive. BaOofd, NJ07718 201-787-7437.
MUIar, Jean O . (p .d .) W kiiargraan, o lf
M n, ^ <08.4-) 32 E. Holand R&.
wood U .. Orraiga. C T 06477. 208708
Hoiand. P A 16066.215-B.7-3563. Douglaa Rd.. Souihranplon. MA 01078
413-562-1791. LHASA A PS 06
Jardo M a . (p Ä t.)T a ica a Rd.. R A 1. Boa Haddan, MM. J oyce fp A a .) TrM Knla.,
306-1. O d Bridga. NJ 06867. 201-257- W agatalf. Jean C . (p .d .a .) 10411 Dea
QREATDANE 8 Moinaa Aranua, Nordwidga. C A 91320. P.O. Boh K Stonkxdvtta. N Y 12581.914-
CyncB Kannala (p.d.a.) M. W . Taylor. Jr.. 816-363-5074. 8792400o r8097868
I. B i (P 4 4 .) 106 Loaryt Lynn (p A a .) Marion P.O. Bor 5204.
BrooUyn, NY11207.718477-2256. RD. 8 4 3 Umpawaug Rd.,W . Raddbig. C T
06808203-0383158 BavarfyH tta.CA90218 2198698030.
Mao. VWarfa a <p.a.) 10 Ram inoo Dr.. Pattb, J oa n 8 B u rt(p A a .)1 2 1 Longworto
Srnm own. NY 11787.516- 7244574. P a n a li (a .) Nancy-Carrol Draper. 106 Q allinga, P. J. (pxLa.) B oiu baL 306 Bay-
Old S l^acoach Rd.. fld ga la ld , C T 06877. Ara.. Wbodmraa. U . NY 11508 519374-
O H am , Mr. 8 IB s. R W w d 4. (p 4 4 .) AI- view Ave.. Stolon laland. NY 10309. 718-
203-436-2428 2008
gaial Kannali. 2061 Taylor Rood. TNtahaa- 984-0881.
K M nrlcbO ft Jay (p.d.a.) JD Kom ola. 3066 VMradIne, C rad A (p A s .) 8 Andrew Ara..
aaa. R . 32308.004-877-0488 Pootta)^ Mra. Brooba (p4Ls.) 63 Hunting
Pandora Avraara, Boylon Beach, PL 33438 M pTarraca. LL N Y 11752.519277-1087.
PiinANI. Abrahaw (p .d s.) 10 W . 3 la l Rtoge Rd.. (Sraanwich. C T 06831.209861-
Sksal. Naw Y oiK N Y 10001. 212-270- 3087383880. 0400.
4017. Ray, C. John 8 M rago (p .d s.) Courray Santo, ABoon 8 M ebard (p .8 a .) Psaon. MALTESE
Oarra. Bok 278, Lynchburg, TN 37352.618 Bok 2082, Edge Rd.. Muttonlown. U , NY A agatyn n (p .d A ) A W agm ann, 28
SedMM, Hobelt P. 8 UM(pAs.) 17Sao^
bniah La.. Ktaga P m k , N Y 11754.518266- 067-7567. 11791. $193648366. Broohdala R d . Qian C ove, LX . N Y 11542.
0718 Sraidquiat. Fran (p 4l.a.) W edgwood. Oak UndorhM, Joan 8 Edwin W. (p 8 a .) aF .D . 5198797108
rnam m , K L. |p.d.s.) 286 Broadway. Band, Uawalyn Parie, W . Orange. NJ 2 , Ria. 100. Kraonoh. NY 10636. 914889 Di Giacom o, K alhy (p A a .) 3940 Northern
G fsartaan. Hwdlnokin. U N Y 11743.518 07052.201-731-5075. 8631. Dc. FaMown. NJ 07410.201-707-4631.
757-4747. Dorgan. UM on M -Aa.) 7 Katay Dr. N..
NorihporL NY 11731.516-2093528
A n aabsng, Gala B. (p .d s.) (Salaawey. n oeb ra;B yaa A jjp A a .) 1481 W bgnorSL.
Q B M M N aNORIM AM BD P O M T B » Landto, John (p.d.a.) 1801 Waaaergaoa
P X > . Bck 2. Kannady Rd.. (3raanda8 M I
Wraaagh, L L . NY 11708 5197897864.
BaM oBi. Nancy 8 Cbarias. D .VJL (p.d.a.) Road. HaOertown. PA 18065. 215-839
07838201-363-8580. HaahL Btoon (p A s .) 20 Wootoriy Lana.
Boa436,RM . 87 onOiaQraan, Lebanon, CT 9088
BaaM, Sharon (p .d .)R R # 1 .Paanaa Rock, Thomwood, NY 10594. 2090791962 Or
06240.208642-8411. Levy; Marion J. J l . (p.(La.) 102 Ruaaal
KS 67567.318862-4667. (014)7890170.
Bym aa. T airy (p.d.a.) Xhanoaa A is Short- Rd.. Princeton. NJ00640.009-024-0109.
Buralow. W M am 8 Branda (p.a.) 29736 Hareutoen, M. (p A a .) 2272 Babylon Tkjm-
holn'*. 203 Q rania Springe Rd.. Yoridown Sorkfn. Or. A . 8 Dc. 8 O. 8mNh (p .d A )
Kannady Guleh Rd.. Conniar. CO 80438 pira, Merrick. N Y 11588 5192292425 or
HN.. N Y 10608.014-2487232. 12340 Indian TraH Rd.. Loa Gatoa. C A
3038388304. 519401-4328
C anoa. JuBa (p u U .) RD 3543. Mobnlon. 95030.409667-6030.
DannayC orab 8 Tarry (p jú * . ) FurkaBala K aiy,K ad (y(p A a.)2 9 N ortraood R d ..Jof-
PA 10648 2188587840. loraon Ttoahip., NJ 07840.201-0690008
PawariBb, Karan M d.a.) Paladan, P.O. 14755 Yucca SbaeL HaaparB. CA 02348
KUVASZOK Marfln, M at|orli (p A a .) MraOn'a 733 A
Boa 818 A irs Loara. C A 01752.714-368 (610)0400318
rarkaa, Ann (p .) 5319H8 Ara.. Totodc. OH Uvingoton Aaanua Columbua, OH 43208
Jania. Birany (p .) 440 C naiay Rd.. Vaatai.
43618419-5390000. 614-4444002.
a 8 Joal (p .(U .) 10 Norman Rd.. NY 13850.007-7488861.
Kabay, Or. Slava 8 Bobbla (p U ) RR 11.
NJ 07048 201-7486088 K a ro M ra (p .) Ríck 8 C rad KarSopp.
14520 Peacock M L <3ig Harbor. W A 88338
Bok 138 Kingaport. TN 37868 619323-
208851-4844. O anaburgar, M i» 8 D oe (p .d .a .) 700
KovaL Edward 8 M ^r (p .d a .) P.O. Bck
IM M nn, Mary (p.d 8 ) RL 8 Box 151. Skttmrai ÜL. Potoiuma. CA 94062. 707-
I (p^La.) Laurayn, 54 ML 508 HopawaM JcL. N Y 12533. 914-221-
Rocky Ford, CX>81067.3038548248 7698448
I Rd., Nawtown. C T 06470. 2 0 8 2068
O uBUalown Kaniral (p .) Lanaway Farm, W M oailadga Form (p x ) Mra. A C. Olean
Lobance, Prank 8 Darla (p.a.) RR 8 A c­
Taunton. MA 02780.817- 823-3158 Ftahar. H ayw ood. VA 22722. 7 0 9
ton. Ontraio (naar Tcronlo) L7J 2L8 CAN­
IM (i|ii(inrl.AftnB M a(er(p .) V aviau x.B ig 0294538
ADA. 5198338093.
Oak Farm, 520 W aal Routo 22. Bafrington. SUndamohc; tp A a .) X Mohr RL 1. Bor
MarS utohna (p d i)H ra b 8 J u n a 0waany.
ly. Band ia id (p.a.) 400 Mapla SL 88 0 0 1 8 312-381-1352. 1018 HBbbOfOugh. NC 27278 019732-
PA 18074.215-674-2678 Tarban, Herb 8 Olana (p.d.a.) P.O . Bok
575 Springtown Rd., New Pallx. NY 12561.
Laod8 IB . 8 Mra. Jairy T. M d.a.) SM ar 884, Toiand. C T 06064.2038728728
WWd. Turado Park. NY 10067. 014-351- McOulra, N ancy (p.d.a.) 7300 Oak Htt.
W W Iaiiiiuii, S a iy (p .) P.O . Bok 30. Hwy. 2.
dratoton. Ml 48018 3198292807.
4678 New M ala, MO 63365. (314) 8288238 Sravaa. Paul X (p A a .) 00 River R d . Un-
Ob ydto. U ndo (p.<U .) Yon T N 14 Eaat Slain, Fred 8 Qudnra 9>.d.) RL 1. Box 82.
W ooda, K erry Kam (p.d.a.) Whiakay Kraak ionvtta. (n *00008 2096792758
Gradan Plaoa. PomplDn P M « . M l 07444. Catawba. NC 28609.704-241-2280.
Farm. RL 4. 1206 W . Bandar, Btonaburg,
201-8387717. W A96028 5098258330.
Abracadabra (puLa.) Mra. A B. da (àaria. BaNaa, Ok. 8 Mra. Cart (p A s .) 29 Ormond
GREYHOUNDS Park R ood Orooievtta. N Y 11548 5 19829
a (p .d a j P.O . Bok AA. Say- Rto. 8 Box 108 HOBda Rd.. Mttbwolt. NY
a T . (p 3 .) 174Monhagan Ava­ 0384.
lorMurg. PA 18358 215-361-3650 or 2 1 8 12548014877-3838
ra York 10940. (914) Oofowan Knla. (p A s .) Ivan D. A DoroOiy L
Agbar Kannala |p.d.s.) RD 8 Bor 308
381-2584. 3438297 Mayberry; 2740 Hafa SbaaL Spring Vtttoy;
Jadraon, NJ 00627.201-867-8968
CWBBdagK Mary W . (p.d 8 .) P.O . Bo k 212, Pattar, Stoniay D „ Jr. (p.d 8 .) Hawly Kan­ CA 02077.6108690807.
IM braok Rd.. ttB w a lir. NJ 07875. 201- Baugb, Mra. Carol A (p.d.a.) 50 Fiddtora
nala. Hurricane Ha8 P.O . Bok 11220, Lrai- O oatoi, A C (p A a .) P.O. Bok 3632 Abi-
(Sraan, Lraraing. NY 14882. 807-533-7201
ington. K Y 40574.606-2558707. tone. TX 79004.019677-0444.
, Dradoa (p.a.) 10 Hranaing or 4318
Pobar, Btacy (p.cU .) 250 Ebn Dr.. R oalyn, Ph9M arKannato (p.)M raguarito A W o ia .
OrNeML H oly. NJ 06008 (800) 281-4098 B aachcroR (p.d.a.) Mary A W iaaL 515
NY11S78519821-1148 VMndtoy Rood, W lmington. O E 19008 300- P.O. Bok 08808 F t Myars, FL 33008
Rabar. K . (p A ) WMarmark. 346 Hopa Rd.. Sratto, A iaan A Rfebard (p A a .) Pauon,
Lairawood. NJ 08701.201-367-4682. 4790017.
Btoonie. Eidd P. (p A s .) W ntorieL 5 W dw Bok 2002, Edga Rd.. MuOontown. U NY
R b ia, Mra. Q earge K , Jr. ip A a .) HgaOioe. Ira 8 A llan a (p.d.a.) Corcaigh. 11701.516-3648308
772 Norih OksaL Qraanwich, CT 06830. Robin Rd.. Morwafc. C T 06861. 203-649
n o 8 Bok 898 Newton. NJ 07880. 201- 0458 Ib fa , Mra. Hanrtotta (p A s .) SO Hul Ava.,
2 0 3 «8 S a 6 8 8 203-661-6667. Freehold NJ 07728 201-431-2442.
579-1478 Butvanoakl, Lao 8 SM rlay (p A a .) 202
G nbB ilM I,llaa8n)O okO eaaaa.S645R i»- 8naa.C attiarbw J.T.|p8.)44832449tSL. Crane Holow Rd., OalWaham. CT 06751.
araida Ava.. RM Io. C A 02378 714828 Douglaaton.N Y113e8 718-2290003.
4514. 203-2097210. NEWFOUNDLANDS
DardaL Ann R. (p.8 8 ) Vtta-Oan Knie.. Chueldabrook Kannala (p .d .a ) Diana W. Barber, David A Donna (p A a .) 1380 Piad-
H anla, B ra (p .d s.) 207 Oaoalela Road. 4729 Shaphrad Rd.. Battwla, OH 45108 Pitoin, 128 Johnnycaka Mountain Rd., mont Oliva. Downington. PA 193K . 219
n m giO ill.C T 08840.208431-8657
513-752-1792. Burlington, e rr00013.2038848088 200-5158
io b a ie a . R. Ann (p .d s.) Qold-Ruah. 1040
Morcar R 8 , Prinoalon. M I 06640.600821- Cook, Ib a . Martrawra (p A s .) 263 Souto Bacbar, Linda (p A a .) Zambuca, 44 Ri­
SL. M anorvtte.NY11940.5198788838 chard SL, Paraippany. NJ 07064. (201) 309
Buttarraorth, C arol J. (pJLa.) 416 Phiadal- H an *lek s, R obort 8 G ladya (p.d.0.) 1534 1101 o r8697731.
Laak, Jrarat a (p.d 8 .) Scandta Baytrany.
46 Eaal ahora Dr.. IM aaarariira. LU NY pNa BNd. Sea G irt M l 00758 201-448- Qrak SL. N. Mrarich. L L . NY 11588 519 Bryaon, Jaraina Bralelard M X a .) PD 8
2707. 6297808 Bor 227. Muncy, PA 17758 717-5498688

JUNE 1968 197

I. OL Monr (p jL d ) 200 M m OMd I A tn M tp A a .) P.O. Boa
Htnora. D «n dM , N Y 14837. 0 0 ^ $ » A d ttM . O oto o o (p.A a.) 58 C m i Ho Lana, R d , AaMoad C T 08278 203420.2110. SOa’atoddon.'NJ 08666.2014084024.
a Polchoguo. U . NY 11772.515288-0682. «M fem R obait • Matg h ttin fr u id ) 11
■ M B É .k «N »8 .< p 4 la .)1 _____ C M , Joñ y 5 LooBo Om U .) FW. 8 Boa Unoiam R d , tW m lind MA 0177a 617- SEALYMAMTERRKHO
4. C3M ok, HJ 08868. S ) M M M 2752. A M o t e N J08601.8052857579. 360.7044. W nkm toaa fr u id ) R t 1. Boa 254. Paca-
w m citfs. (p .tfA ) On 8 lira , a & it e * Horte, WaBwyn 319 A ntonia A n . ka; 4 8 2 5 2 4 217-877-0244
IT. Jr.. 10 B M w p fw ., S W te n w , VT T M o n . NJ08828 8 058951048 RHOOEOUNMOQEBACKO
Kalino, JaBoanno L <p.d.o.) Bon 234, FW Panalag, Da 4 U n . Jm w a J. fr u id ) 842
_ Mk: 8 I t e . OavW (p A M .) P oad i #1. AOnttowi. PA 10104.2153054801. HM* St. Boa 552, Bavarty Farm t, MA A a to M Kannala (p u ld ) Conataaca B.
<tei^M)«,CMdCftiianni.lliMl8ala8Mi 010146174274423. Hubbard. R d 1. Aatofrt R d . E flo rt PA
201-788-4063. p n n n i r t p w w m in n Pu— aaw fr u id ) Ñ am a O. e m o n , 5030 15334 717-6200364
, fM fe ip A M .) c m » R l. B k 21. row p aw iB i. M w W M 4 .) 33-07 57 S t, N. AUnglan R d , Djcaon, AZ 86743. 802. Chany fran K i * (p u ld ) (X R. S fraaiL
I M npilon Manor. N Y 12758. 914*818* W ted teo, N Y 11377.718-4258425. 743-7570. 440 Canal R d , P I JaBaraon SWkm. NY
M a M , M mM (p .d 4 .) 201 a 18 8L. A pt R ooann, P A fr jd d ) Sam ira. P.O. Boa 11774 516431-4346 A 518473-7184
K w T y 8 Joo8 Ld a.) 196 f ! « * * 2818 PModOlpMo. PA 19103. 2 1 5 7 3 5 214, Moadmara. N Y 11504 (516) 20S- rrin h ata, Mre. lou tO a M. (p u ld ) 214 4
I n m ..O M Ii.N Y 1 1 7 8 8 .5 1 8 4 6 7 4 3 6 a 437Bor717-005«183.
t e 8 8t e r t (p .d a .) 18 8 2 n r HBMda Am .. Suomauran. NJ 07874 201-
H orteon . ABeo (p.0.) 34 HMoido D rte.
I H o t C annon. W teon . C T 08863. »3 > te te r a . N Y lOTOa 914-4759010.
{ 274488
Ito terW , Hr. 5 I t e a a (p.d.0.) 19QA H anan On p haa .P liD .fr .) 1220 Haniton S eea eo d RD 4 B o* 254 Route 537, Free­
■M o. MlO .«.) m . O^h— m u oi JadcaoniW i IW .. Jochaon. NJ 08627.201- frn n u d Sao Lam coy; UT 84104 801406- hold NJ 07724 201-7840842.
I a . P a n w .vr0 6 7 8 1 .802-3254005. 9253108 3784 Vfroton, M o g o (p d a .) 9 wathbiglon S t.
118 8 I t e NonaM f p j » * . ) O n Morfcon lt i, J o m (5 8 0 .) 7636 Am boy m n n a iy Rolhm Oan , R ag. (p u la.) Joan Franchkmn, NJ 08824 201-998-4814
92. n t 4 4 ,/M M te C T 08278 8 X H » * FW08 S teen Wand. N Y 10307. 715845
298 M w n r Grima. 3207D Hkm TrML M aM m d VHahnear, B aln a (p .) 2361 E. 1 7 «i 81,
7188 HBd OH 44022.216431-1054 BaxiMyn, NY 11229.718881-3451.
Anna 8 ■arnay (p.8 a .) 206 Ite k TBo Wonnila ^ ^ U .) 8 Udon Brich FW.. l l Mt y o D ia Km n ili (p u U .) Mra. John w .
U ndanhm t. NY 11757. S164B7- BWrotown. NJ 07B28 201-3628750. Moora, J i. 10080 Rogare C M d Duhah, (3A SH H TZU
30134 404478-2624.
PBOco ld Ruth (p u ld ) 040 V frohkigton
POOOLE8(81*NDAie| Orna, S ol fr A d ) Vom Sovon, P.O. B a
^ r, 8 ok 300 rm oaM onn. NH 03048 8B5 A re., Ho Ho Kud NJ 07424 201-4483430.
Brand. I t e W M L. (p.d.0.) 90 S lo p M o 194, HopkMon, M A01744 61 74364441.
^ •2 7 2 9 . O * Lou fr A W m da (p a .) 105 Shoridm
L m , Ateno. C A 94507.4158450078 B riso K an . (p u la.) FMkUa Luhurich, 1045
9 M U .) 97 Layton M ., Am ., C B on, NJ 07011.201-3881040.
CroW . J ey (p 3 .) Dom or P o o te e . 46 Burr R 1 14 EatlBnam rick. NJ 00814 201-257-
NY 12881.9 t 4 « W B8 0174 K n tt, K athy fr .d a .) 8101 W hNahtll
Fload Eaot N ortM . L L . N Y 11731.615
S te a l Fak Lean, NJ 07414 201-707-3447.
400.3726. B tB y (p u ld ) 87 Blydanlaag R d.
omen, Jam A . (p id d ) 477 IN oolay And,
Hierin, MortMU • Bnnar a (imU.) 00 Camareach, NY 11720.5164874882.
Stafrn W and N Y 10314.7188084044
( «1 , I t e Jorom a L. |pjd.a.) 80 \ FounWn Rd., I m Mo m i, PA 1 0OSa (Suburt)
noe R 8 . BMhMhem. C T 06751. Rtgahaan, JbAnn (p td d ) R agal 837 Au­
dl PM OIliOM o). 215.040.2038.
7308 burn Are.. fOdgaaood NJ 07450.201-448
K önig, ln * M. g>.i.) 340 G nm M tw M n .. Driaan, Mre. J a m P. (p u ld ) 326 RNardMa
^ ii;8aitera88uoBoMoy|pdd8) 48i CnMdK NY 12414. S1884332SS. Am ., VytMTlreon F an , NJ07724.201444-
( lonConR8.a H M U | R .N Y 1160a M m W , B m (p jU .) 201 O m noo Or.. 0636. Behactar, Otam n (p u ld ) 310 Cortalyou
• 15828-3844. Road Brooldyn, N Y 11216 718072-7400.
P O ftJillm an , NV11777.518028.7771. Thoain , K. R. (p u la.) RM nbm VWma.
I M 4 J e a n a i8 a e .)4 | B o r r y H iR > 9 8 ■ ta ip li. Laurie A . (p u ld ) KM Shki. 501
Bodgnr» , Connln (p .d .*.) OnNnvMMM, E tarelM Id W V 26534 304-278-7867.
C y M o rB a ^ N Y lIT T I.--------- ------- Shtim an Am .. B tAnd. NJ07714201-408
4312 Laigdan Dr„ ML AkK MO 21771.301. Ti ppt l i , Coretalo B Choryl (p u la.) 1043
831 «1 0 2 . S. 140, SaaM d WA 88104 206-242-7480.
V riih d JoAnn (p u ld ) 45 Sandlord St.,
Tuckarion. NJ 08087 800408-0154
^ m U o le M. ip b iU ) Skyecol N te . P O O o L E trro r) SALMOB
F D. No. 1 MM Lane, NY Onreha, Dr. Kannath t M ary B lan (pu la.)
C m n ra n o , Jom ph • Lin * P. (d d ..) B o
1 H 22.515827-4344. I 80. I M n oillin d NH 03041. 003382«031 Kanmtr KnoO, 270 Oranga Acrea O ., Ana- SKERIAN HUSKIES
F Y 8 A n n a Wellard » k ) P.O. B oa4 0 8 A l * Pm iata (p u ld ) 5674 Rock Ladga
0.003302.7175. hMm. CA 02807.714496-1467.
FiddtooRid2o.croBMÌQ3«8a4aaBr M M «; Mnri* ftu U .) 424 300l SB4t. Lin- SohaiM L Dhda L m (p u ld ) 3640 Brakan DriVd Elio, PA 16511.814-8804454.
_ Joan a
(P .(U .) 48 Berry HH F IM dnnhuilL L.I., N V 11757.510457.7015. A n n * Oriva, Payton, C O 00631. 710483- B lb d . A l A E rie (p u ld ) P.O. B o*588, R t 2,
C mtor Bay. NY 11771 516-022-4557. 2780. Hfrhiond Ridoo R oad LotreO, OH 45744.
P O fm n u a e «M TE R 0 0 0 2 O K fra, T. C. (p d a .) Vtrim, Barton landtog
<ii) BIQUaHSMSPOOOB F irn ilon , Rng. (p jU .) com act HnndMr. BAMOVEDB R oad Moormkmm. NJ 08057. 5 0 8 2 3 8
i.a B 8 P h y «a (p .a .)i. MMton J. IM nor, LovMI R d . (M o n i. MA M a ga L B o h a n (p u ja.) B aitiiooa Colo­ 8437.
1 1Tanner Wd..Qfoat Node. N Y 110 0154d 0174874110. nial Dr. al Haidkig. MoaMoam, NJ 07080.
4 7-8838 K im lar, LL & A M fd (p u ld ) Ireifrkm . Boa
Ornnnln, O u b o n M • M nik (p .d s .) 54 201-788-7704. 474 Ryan R d . (3m *au gay; N Y 12920.
C loon, Caryl Ix d o .) FtoMno Qa8 Phoao* Longvlnw R d , PBft «M M iinglon, NY 11050. Cohan, Stm ren L . (p .d .d ) 400 S. Ba- 5184254600.
'iF ton Form, R ouNNUOo. N Y 12570.0M - 5184838178. vannyck R d , Paraippany, NJ 07064. 201-
7 H «4 4 . Kam om nda K afr, (p d a .) J. M. R u a o *
Hm dkig, J m m (p jU .) 20 OrMwny Lm n, 8074024.
10361 (2aik R d , D avM u g. Ml 48010.318
DiriM I. C T 08820 203.855.7250.
O B »«; l Onnn d Jn (d d n .) 150 Norm an, Marohm ano, Mr. A M id JL fr d a .) *la -
_ C .w .8 a i,» a a .)M n it e ir t i. n a Am , nM n ldn. RI 02015. 401433. IJ A J (p u ld ) Camplaian, Boa mariC, 613 W. iodi SL, WoMaoo, TX 78804
2 23 a n n a m ied B t e . a B M a te C A 2507,4331. 300, Norih O m ar. O ta rio, KOA 2T0 Cm - 5180881724
733.8154488718 Plnran, EJoannr D m (p id s .) RD #2 , Bon add 6134804214 a h a * D a* (p d a .) M kaaktnd P.O. Boa
163B, BMhM, PA 10507.7174334012 K o o h d J. 0 Kata C m * , J i (p u ld ) 3016 5 4 Adelanto, 0 0 2 3 0 1 .8 1 8 2 4 8 0 0 6 4
« e lini i i r. Mr. 8 Mra. Jon Cp4 4 .) 58 Q «- nuOarPl ia,Coaaholiocl«atiPA 10424215-
H won ,Joloi 8 l iilo » d . o.)F U ).1.B eK e8- n « Land B tyM u id NY 11700. 516485. 834-1014.
n WMgMMOnn.NJ 08662.8O M 0B 882I. 9082 SK JC YTB W nS
Maraohaai, Darla H. (pm .) 02 Burr SL,
a o n ,M e k 8 0 orttioo(p .d A )IM efe‘ •O n i; IB . 8 M n AB m (p j.) 36 IM M Ilir D ilM n, K rim (p d .) 18 Pondaay, r akmonl
B am agal NJ08004 6004004457.
8^ Konnol8 105A WWon D rte 008800 Land M ihm h. NJ 07430. 201429-1132 ■olaraH , D Iaa* A Ih rem (p A d ) RO #1. AddHon. Ahon, 482002.6184824774
9 dten. TX 77840.408 896 6484. 2014204870. M a c m re * A ng o le t C. fr d a .) 23 Maritai
B m a a R1 524 VWghlaln ail. NJ 08582.
V lokd A lm and N on a g u ld ) 1086 Cian. 800-7584634 D i, S yom al NY 11701.518881-1474
bnok Ori¥d em m an d. OH 44143. 216. 8 lk y 1 h n to rC lH b o lN d C tB lo n *(p d a .)
D n r m YM 8 le a n n o le 8 iiilr n tifH )T ii 446.1718. 4841 Gordon R d . C a tto VUtoK O 04644
K ». 988 Morrfcfc A n .. N. Morrlcfc. N Y 418637-2360.
PIyan, JudNh JL (a) 153 Eaat 570i S tra ti
"1 5 1 6 483 2430.
N m V e * NY 10024 212-751-0824
Midiin , IW nW ed M; (p jU .) 64 R U g* R d, Qa iflaim id (p A d ) Mre. G aylt Bonltcou. SOFT-COAÍTBIW H E A T B IT E R H 0 IS
E B C L lN C O m tt N on Rnrhaln. NY 1 0804.0 1 4 4 3 4 4 8 2 0 « (akaon C orn tld N Y 12514.014-888-1075. C o h * D i A «b d J. 0 . (p d a .) Erinnnid
I a (p .d A ) Bor 2141. 5184400661. H B d J an it (p u ld ) The G raam ood 401 190 Buh Cap R d , Ib la n d C T 00004.2 0 8
OfaCioy; MA 02331.617-9350110ar93l- S p « Rock R d , SyoaiaL N Y 11701. 516- 8754127.
PU LK 0224424 Go im a ig . Sua A H an ay fr d a .) Wfraal-
. M < p a o .) CarMan, P.O. Bon D ian a ip A s . )1 i ) Hfrhatond Oardnar anaoiShandatod lO SkyliiaO rim , Wtoren.
3 4. C h eten t PA 18914.2154454464. Avanue. NJ 00075 605935 H o lm R ead Roughquag, NY 12570.014- NJ 07054 201-647-3007 o r 201-6380604
724-3204 G o a l* A A Vngolo, O n dy (p d a .) An-
■aOare, N on m A . (p u ld ) 1501 W. Shaa- d o m 330 (frm tto dM C o b o * Sodoim . AZ
H M t, B818 Lynn (p u U .) 34901 SE Skoont
biag R d , W lltchl l l t l . P A 10384 215482- 86334002-252415301303 8884794
k VM5Ed 6P.80.) loaBW^teiiag/te. R d , Sandy, O R 07055.5034584204.
m . PA
18848 7178651580. P * * I Mrm KOnnnl (p jL d ) O m RummM. 7174 KnootoiehMe (pda.) M. Amiond HFD 4
eU lp y d a .) P ita ra W annte W . PX). B n 1088, P m Won. CA 03427. 80S. Sodom R d , B rem m , NY 10600.014-278
800.1370. 4061.
2É8 Blono Wd0O. N Y 12484. 9148B7-
9 OO. PanM nd B M m (p jU .) Moonahaikm. Lan gen d WMIa iii J. (p .d a.)L yric 3602
A n aya; Lala F. fr .) 245 Eaat 24th S k oal Joahua BaBon, San Antonio, TX 7B217.
632 Paahildi H alm Rand Putnam VMMv, A p i 17 K, N m Volk. N Y 10014 212-481-
NY 10870.814420438a 5124634217.
Sortdn, Dr. A . 0 Dt. B. n a m ih (p jL d ) Pap M ip le i. A to * w . fr d a .) D ultoiglm ,
i»(p 4 L A )F «> 8 B n 2 l5 B artan y Knaan K i * (p u ld ) 4 Kkiga- 3331 N. Waton, Tkioan. A Z 86710. 002-
Jodoon, NJ 00627.201-9258808 12340 kMOan T M R d . L o t G alod CA laay; R.D. 1, Boa 460. Sky Top R d . Cmw-
, (M 4 .) Mortorio M m M B w 31 05030.406487483a danafr, PA 18324 717405-3304
T iy lw , ItnBorM D. (p .d j.) 001 Ponut S oA C oalad Whm ian T m ta r C lub o l
R iborlo Flood, EnteM ow n. NJ0 7 7 ». 801- n y a o , JadBA A . (a ) 153 E a « 5 7 «i Straal M ilra Naar Volk (p d a .) 122 Pona R o *
4 52315. R U od N m Canmn. CT 00040. 203472- N m Y t * N Y 10022.212-751-0020.
111d ScandM d N Y 10684 914-472-1414

I K (p A a .) I I B. M a ) SB Hopotoono » A B a iB « M A )
Rd.. M fley tk B 3 »i,J iy 1188a 51M 61- Knob FraiM n. TN 37064.615-7004202. Or.. LanranoavMa, NJ 06545 000463- RL 1. Bor 755 Unwood. NC 27295 704-
LaPoea, BaMa M a ) 3600 So. H rator 7432.
B M h #113. Omard, C A 03035. 605464- Oieboraen, M an afat A M a ) DM8. RL
5006. 3. Bor 205 MnaiM. V A 23117. 804-656-
S taiofi, Lam ina M a ) 033 W aal S M ar 3402. I M - ) UndonhoB 1060
IM . (p A ) ¥ ortK . M Toplind 2lnk Rd.. FaM om . OH 46324. 513420-
8 L. Eoo Harbor. NJ 06215.0004654622. PiaaieR , B W iard I . B B aB y M a ) 220
fU .. W Nto PW n t. N Y 10606. 914-MO- 0131.
WIiMa, B. R. M a ) Rauta 2, Bor 645, H M yah Lana. Ban Martan. CA 96045
7500. M aitoi, M ona ip A a .) 8aMm R 5 5 B or 04.
RodwBe, VR 23144 604-7404235
marni A. t . O KruwlBfc. L H. (p.ds.) OouarPWna. NY 12525 9144324711.
O N onpd. S4 S u n ti HHt Or.. Branford. CT UMaaBiatf, P. * W. M a ) 2222 S iM o r .
Vanioa. CA 90201.213-307-1611 .
I P. ^ ) HapNate 523
VB SLAS nugowood Avanua. Qian RUoa. NJ 07025 C tiondbia M - ) Claira A Uaa PodNzar.
(p .(U .) B artart HaneM i. 106 Shafflald
BoaBa, P a l 6 Jobn M a ) 16 Bbcbbrook 201-744-3732. Qraal Maadowa. NJ 07835 201-637-6325
Rood. C M m o l. OH 46940. 516-771-
Di:, V a M a . N Y 10606.0144454252. W oloa. Ouo M a ) Bor 277, CadartturaL Dorgan, U H an M a ) 7 Kalay Or. N..
B ern a l Kannala M a ) D rA ba. B. E. NY 11515 5154654015 Noitopart. N Y 11731.5154664625
M cO lvarn, Jr.. W . Entry R d. C iry. Ct. H am itoon, M. M a ) 2272 BMyton Tbm-
^ounda. SMion M and, N Y 10304. 716- pRa. Manick. N Y 11565 5154234425 or
__ p i.(p A 9 .)O rto w o o a .R t1 . 970-1010or 715447-1251. 515461-4325
Bok 187. ReodlMOo. TN 3714a 615400- Inalnoar, Wandy (p A ) Sugarfool Farm, Mealtntbana Kannala (p d .a .) HaokaOi,
300 Balvala Rd., Wbrwicfc. N Y 10000.014- B6|uiililuo Kennel M a ) PdcaT anora. Beryl. R.D. # 1 . Box 014. Gardkwr, NY
460-7464. Bor 5654. Bactonwt Rd^ Maarngia. PA 125250144054725
PoaibaL O avU 5 BaBy M a ) OMdand 18065215-006-2635 Kenton Biiaan M a ) 210 M v iy Rd. FOf
Farm. P.O. Bor 1266. Oranoa. VR 22900 C liaaipnen OaBa 6 CM hi M a ) Umweod. mingrBa. NY 11735 5154054025
JiR W l l Oten 6 C arola 4627 R t N
703 664 4540. 44176 A m ia Rd., Byria. OH 44035 216- I ■ ■ tiirt, Ann M a ) Bor 505 E. Hamp­
M i Rd., FioderfCk. MD 21701. 301-602-
323-7207. ton. NY 11937.5154244215
D taam ; Oaam P. M a ) Panda>yck, 16 M o «B L J .A N n riH id it.5 M A )4 S S R 6 tl-
Roaa«> M y A N m M M a ) 11404
Spfuoa Rd.. Taunton Lakaa. MadtoM, NJ laatood Read, Englonood, NJ 07631.201-
U o a e Lena. LaOeenMo. MD 21008. 301- rO u b M A ) 060656050634135
566 Grani Ara.. CoBnQanood, NJ 06107. • lerara. Ann M a ) 413 Cupaawr Dr..
FaM R Fanny M - ) RL 1. Bor 15 Archoi;
6054644336. Rtognood. NJ07465 201-0624267.
N E 6M 15 306-0454400.
G aldón B lata W okaaranor O u b M a ) 30 Horautoan. M. M a ) 2272 BMyton Tlen- W oM irt A a d A Marola M a ) 601 ktol-
■aM . M A llt t liX R L 1 Bor Ava. D. LodL NJ 07644.201-773-1724. pRa. Monfcfc. N Y 11605 5154254425 or tm ra Rd.. Mtoram, PA 10355 215444-
72-Ea Daytona fioocn, R a 32014. 004- 515401-4325 2634.
767-1043. U m , Qau ndoly« B. M a ) Roaolynda, B totoirt M a ) Royal Una, 7
C ai^ Q ary 6 Suaan M a ) p .O. Bor 726. C taM la. Conatanea M a ) KBbq^ Cro- 8248 RMara Di: Sauam. MD 21144. 301- P A 10063. 215-
ItaiDnd. 0703084.203-8 7 2 4 2 ia dor. (Rtohmond), VR 23030.804-7844304. S61-4440.


iiO»irfteg«rBllon,**ch...........4 1 1 ^ One year sutochplion (moolhly) .30.00 n«n«rtratinn nfrinn, i,- '

ln<*^DooRegi«»raton. y e W - Singte ccyry .. . 1 op registry organizaton

each......................................... 5.00 O r» year subscr^^on (hwiorithly).e.OO
One or More DupUcaie Individual QazeOe, AKC A w a ^ SbJd Book _ .
negiitretlon Appleattorrs o> RegirtBreubecrIbera, ptoaoo addihe copms a ttn toaowin^ ptibms- ^
OnJljUg. 5 QQ p o M ^ cheque svaHabfe at no extra c h a r^ art
OupicaienagntraltonCartificais 5.00 ComOinafcw subacribera, pieaee add rnrtvrdua/ 'aqixsl Charga. tor qitanttty
CtungeofOwnerthip. each......... 5.00 doublet» postage charge. ormrs are as IfKiicaled
Certified Pedigwwi (3 generatiofis) 15.00 Ruses Ajjp^kng to Rogtsiraaon
WSh Colors of D ogs................ 20.00 Postage for subso^Jtioos outside and Dog Sttoies 25* each
Cenffied Pedigree (4 generatiof») 25.00 o f t » U.S, par y e s ........... 7 00 Obedience Regulations 25«&acr
WWrCetorsofDogs ................. 32.00 Beagle R e « Tnai Rules 25« each
The CempMe Dog Book............ 15 95 DupHcste Champiooship Basset Hound Pwkl Trial Rules 25« e«to
(Pkm 0 .0 0 for po^agearxi handling. Cartfioete............................. 300 Dachshurxi Pieki Trial Rules 25«each
PoronisfsaofsktooffheUS., addiS.OO Dito*caleBe*edersCertificale. 2.00 Poinhng Breed Reid Trial Rutes25« each
postage par book.) DupScafe CD, CDX, UD, TD. TDX Refnever FwW Trial Rites 25« eacf
Pure-Bred Oot^Ainetican Kannei and OT Ch. Certificate 200 Spaniels F»ldTnai Rules 25aeac.r
Qtaette-Singlecopy .. 3.00 Misceltaneous Breed Pamphlei ‘ iW BeguIatKSis tor Hunting Tests
One year jtibsuMiuntTnornniy) 18 00 Judges Directory i 00 tor PointinQ Breeds . 25« eac*
tKC Awards •Sing» copy............. .3.00 Dog Record Book Regulations for Hunting Tests
One year subscription (monthly;.18 00 Regular Size (36 ogs i 3 00 'or Refnevers.......................25« aac*-
Large Size (100 pgs ) ___ 5 oOk Tests
.SM O Registration of imported 25« eacr
. . . S.O!* ■■ '■- -

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JU N E 1908 190
' I- i T ' " 'I

T fi'
M ailbag

I rif
I: ^ ^


I ryjpreciate Mrs. Vhnacore's c»n- It is precisely because "television In several issues there have been
Tn (April Mailbag) about the dog In has made illiterates o f us all” ("Sec­ artlcries about therai^ dogs. Could
' Ttalnlag a Backyard Champion” ond Fiction Contest." March 1988) 3POU ask your readers for addresses
( March). I consider temperament a that I commend your fiction contest. and information on these organiza­
I luK. but unlike some fisuHs. I be- The short story has been taking a tions? I am Interested in this activity
I eve it can be improved or corrected beating in recent years, and needs all and know o f none in my area.
1n ow ln g the background o f this the help it can get to popularize It Elizabeth White
I uppy. I considered his condition en- again. Your printing o f excellent dog 95185 Elk River Road
\iromnental. not hereditary, so my flctlon may awaken dormant appre­ Port Orford. OR 97465
f raining brought out the"rolliddng" ciation In your readers, many o f
] em msUty hiding inside. Readers wfacHn don’t know what they’re miss­ MIS-LISTED
TPin be glad to know this dog spent ing in the world o f the g(x>d short After reading your "Lists" editorial
I is retirement relaxing by his own- story. (April) I must write you this note.
<r's desk, greeting her (ritents in typl- The short story Is thefirst feature I I personalty idled out the re(]uired
qal “Irish" fashion. turn to in my AKC G A Z E T T E I Even form In January 1988 listing all our
Randy Schepper before my breed column) club’s officers for 1988. The person
M^lrie Valley. WA Stefriuinle Horan listed in the GAZETTTB as secretary
Cochrane. Alberta. CAN has not held this position for two
fSCD SBIIB? pears/If there is anything you (am do
Ever since the "new form at" came to set this record straight, our (dub
Ifito existence I have not received an would greatty appreciate It. If ours is
le on time. Why did we change 8CHNADZER PHOTO inffairect, how many others are t(x>?
dometblng that was getting the job Arc you sure that the Schnauzer Ph3ilis L. Schneider, Cfor. Se(y.
< m e so weU? Don't get the wrong [riM toon page 160 o f the March GA­ Kennel Club o f Palm Springs
i ies: I do like the new form at but I ZETTE belongs with the Miniature 26604 Green Avenue
1 iould like it much better the first Schnauzer (»lu m n ? I believe it Is o f Hemet. CA 92343
\eek o f each month rather than the one o f the Stone Pine K’s Standard
1ist Please let's bring the G A Z E TTE Schnauzers, e.g.. Ch. Stone Pine
The October 1987 Mailbag dealt
1 ack to its (rid form—the one that ar- Nickel, whose owner (M/M Aron-
with the subject o f updating lists ( f
qlvedm tiine. stam) t(x>k the picture. If so. you'll
club officers. This Information
Kathy McFall doubtless hear from the Standard
should not be sent to the GAZETTE
Bradley. CA Schnauzer people, too. (though we dutifully pass It on).
Catherine H. Brown
Lists of member club (Officers should
besenttotheSecretary'sOffice, and
I read "Hands-On la stin g Work- lists of licensed or sanctioned club
Aiops" CAprll) with a h l^ d ^ ree of officers should be sent to the Club
1itereat. Then I came to the sidebar. You're right; It was a Standard Relations Department Believe It or
Judging the Apcrilo o f Dogs." Schnauzer. And you're right again; not the GAZETTE editorial staff
Nowhere does it say that they are our mailbag brought additional firs t sees the geographical lists
I otfa dogs (males) or bttcbes! goodies (seeJollowing).—Ed. when you do—when Oiey're printed
This knowledge is imperative for In the magazine!
to try this test further, with
le differen t angle o f the photo- Whomever (sic) picked the photo o f BRITTANY POINTERS
used it is virtu al^ impossible the Miniature Schnauzer should I’m sure we’d hear about the fact
measure the closeness o f the learn their (sic) dogs) The dog used that on page 55 o f the A pril G A ­
on dog "B~: for that matter, to illustrate the cxilumn Is Charies Z E T T E we identify two Brittanys as
side {rianes o f the head cannot be AixHistam’s Ch. Standard Schnau­ Pointers.
at all on either dog. zer, "Stone Pine Nickel." And, to get picky, we should try to
H. Anthoi^ Hodges Muriel Anthony refer to ’’h on orin g” rath er than
Pittsburgh. PA Anaheim. CA "backing” when we show pointing
dogs In that slttiation.
Ths (SMETTE wetcomot IsMsn from ths fancy, and putrikh only flxae lensn of a Kenneth A. Marden
I oonrtufriKwand rriofmerik«*noki» InIhkdepcximont.A* (spWenbecome 1h« propertyof President
Pom Mod DogH^tnsrican Kennel GAZETTE. The edtor neteivet the right toedtlotpur-
ipotei <riCiorityond>ormcoe.AddrewQl tenera for pobkcotlon to: The American Kermel Club
\Dogt, American Kennel GAm TE Si Modkon/tiponue. New York Now Yodc 10010 and
' Include yocrfuf name. addM « ortdtelephone number.

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