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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 15

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


HO. It CA ROJt. MWttttttlM St. Charles To-BOg-hC WIWL'Z ACADEUT OFiimL atrost, tmportar of Fmo Wince, 8O0TbCS3f ATO TKXAS XXPaUISS COKPAJOKS. XXrSJtHm JTOBWA BliKBa.

Bawoaiaiw, ov.a.mB.w Uat of naVttvored paekaraa rsasalBlBa; ta thoomeo of tho Bontaera and Texaa Bspraao CiwasBasa far the wsak eaauac Hiiisaw ST. CIIA0LE3 TUEAT0C a Havana Clara. CLAKKTS sad Ia tbo Hew Orleaaa Pi iTBWIHBeVot artaaeeaad laaardsa. I Uoaa. for the Woa BHKKBITtH, mt Dv' Ussdssv Port Bpasat PORT WUfBB.

aaMMtoy. WlBit BSDAT amd BATTJBDAT BTATIHKBS There is, pert spa, bo light opera mw ea the Agserieaa aUge that baa retaiaed its last hold upon the public so long "The Mascot te." Not ia tbis to ba weadered at; Mar. November X3, 1SSX. Cramai dt Fat laslat. On arte i COONAOB.

ox VM. aadhetaatowaorrnsk. Coaslxnoee win C. Monkowdt Csl. Cocaoes CHAMPAOSB, Ctil EL Ftri C.3a3 aaaa wnaows nana vo.

uaaot reaaarniB. youow lamoary, wa sot bij ia it replete with anerry, jingling pteaaa sail fai eaisw. Uaatsaat oaseaad Jaefcasi la the Title Bole ot tho Latest aad Orsstsst troaaoasetj. hitwssa Xapta-1 slissls, aad astwssa UaaV hxy aod wsawaassw vramatie Panraaa Bandar, Mead Tni ids yea si LOvoo: CC3T8. SHOES.

"CAD, THE TOM BOY," sua Iretn begiuBinc to cad. bat the die-logae aparklce aH through vita flaahee af it and droll eariagsand tint eemioal stage BlOOaU Barst MM BesoMts WW LADIES LI8T-Aatoals mm Avery Lovtnia mra Biaeaat A mra Klssia Mary sister BanhsJOatre Kales ChrisUao ssre Saaer a mra care of I Phialaa 1 Romas Bell Baby mias Btahe Ulnars mam Haey May MrawB abbs mra Bronas sirs Carter Sarah atlas Clifford Ida a alas Bahao 9 Bachman's Shoe Emporium, srxrr rrMss aad eonBoraO CeaaheA (ee r-wttas BoaswtiyJCJ Faraair. Osvtnatoa, lAOaraottM. rM Vl.a.t I wisw assa Baaaapssaia lats arss Pas as Wow Oiim is iJjUfTaaAlJX KU1a-J H. IS business and ludicrous aitaationa are crowded oaa apoa another ao fast that the rapectator ia allowed eat little time to net Tbo Kew Orleaaa pablio seems now to have takea ia fully tbe excellent qaaEtiea of Mr.

Defoaaexa French oaora company, for the matinee attendance waa fall and the eveeinc perform aacd witnessed by a iargn aad sjaito select audience. "Lea Cloches da Comevflla" (Chimes of Normandy), Plaoo.natte's graceful operetta, was givea at the matinee and ro-eeired with ent'aaaiasm. Between tho pablie aad the writer it mnat ho admitted that the next parforaaaaoa will aadoabw edly display mora favorably tbo talents of tha troupe. Mbm. Alice Reico made a moat ehanniax SerpoUtU.

Tkat excellent artiste baa by her wiaaiag manners, pretty voioe, do-lightfnl singing and frank gayety captured tha public, aad everything she does is applauded. Mr, Tony Heine's interpretation of the rata of Gmtmar ia verv rood, and ahowa ia HarWslS Levy A BUM DA V. FBAJIK MOBV la Its alatb saaolb ia I isfiiab rauMtBt wTwmt ami it lotaodM wteeaj LamntaaBd toeh A MaaMhaasatMeeO Phlllrsoo Wnat Sherman A AaMmm ati lr WaiksrH P.Csaiharta Wssaa Car aoal Co SHXTBU Deso Vtaiotsamn Ioray Mhsa sstse aaasri Lonia sua tjua aTaaday. Bn laibaa O. BsUtKRALPA.1 uneusN HEE WORKS TimiTiiE de l'opeha EataaFBi T.

M.WBSCOAT, Agent. MM Grafter street. I alias Kane saise Cook Jane sua Dovta Mary mra lmvaapstt mra Dermaia Emily Dobmno Bweano Epso Lisate ml as Euersoa Mlttia airs FsdirAy asms Foueett Kabeeea mlas Oray jr MaUlda mlas OrserS A sun Genoa May mlas Gnnseswnh mra Hsahsr Bamh sare MADISON SQUARE A. Froland John sera Gaines Catherine sua AND Mra. B.

Winteraita haa a fall line of Cor-UosUi Spool Silk. ACMomEDGnnns Crea'af, UiUea Ike sara Gored Psaiaa LA FILLE DE BOB. AM GOT. entirely bow stock of hate at FLEE CEACKEES HaoKlaas A -Iter a hearty laugh before be ia eom-peUed to laogh agate. It wae 'with this opera that the Ford company first aiade ita reputation ia New Orleaaa, aad we bare so doubt thai production ef it tonight at the St.

Chariea Theatre will be enjoyable, Miaa Bockol aad Mr. Drew aaa aaid to reader the "Gobble-Gobble dnet with as neb effect. For Tuesday sight "Billea Taylor." wit He charity girla, "Alloa Aoeoaatef Elisa," te-, ia announced. Tbo prodoetioB of the new opera of -Manteaur XoirtT (Tee Black Cloaks), will take place on Tbare-siey. Tbe etary of tbia opera baa beew fonaded npon tbe oaee popular comedy known aa "Tbe Miller's Bride." by Benbe, aa anaowiafnHj played by John 8.

Clark, tbo comedian. Forty years ago tbe same 'plot waa need by Balfe, who wrote to it one (mt an best end most pomler ouecaa. "La HsUaad mra racnt, Mmee. Batae, Bhotio. at IS cents, at Cathui nsssTa Ixspetial Bye IsmilSi a Ban, BultocxtwtLoii aTlrbt.

Ia behalf of tae Madison Bonare Tbaaajei frfan reauino talent na a high comic ilia rendering of the miser scene ia tha second act was natural and realietie. xavw, aovsmocr X7, leea. usana mra llama Laer HarsoMarrlo HiU May I ailas UarieTshamro Jaa MaaMl saias Jscksan Hester mra Kasney Xellio miss Krassar OUvio asiae G. Praaebea retaila CortieelH Silk. snsgisisnijtao nndaraigaid boa lasve aw make daoactaswlasamaat ol tao aaan isa aa.

Hasehaw Beatna mra HiUaass mUa Hiakley Mary mra HU1 Uosmrs HatTmaa Uattiomiaa Jack mib mra Joseph Charlss sirs Kanaedy alts mra PETIT 3DTTOI Gounod aust waa perform ea in tho Opera Bawfta to three acta. Lscssa. nTmaa, evening with fair aaoteaa. Mme. Haaaell- STORE MORRIS McGRAW'S.

auos uaiaa, Sboila, Balia. Bartao. KraUa. oxria-sr BEIXUTO lABainaT mra ami atra dr.MoTaalaer as, 1M3, MME. RAPHO 1,1 va mias xowia aiary mra Lauis Alemsatla tarenso A dele Larrilh aara has yoot arrtvod from Iraaeo with a alee assert- capuoa aecstdtd tho pavfecoaanoao of Professor" Company at tbo Acailemy oi aiw ia thA.

eaty. dnrtag paat wee a. letao tawo of anch very strong sessaiag attrartlaas ss tatv French Opera smsaay. Pard a Oparo Caas pear, tao glai sraBwaoa Compear aad a i lal Circna aryanisaUT-Tha Prwfssisr'aoaMSao-meat has rsaaltad in a amtonag peewajory gsAo to all saoiataaJ. tbo sostnany appaailag oorb Bight to insreawed boajaeaa.

Tbaao are tacla that will aroah saoto eat boss. uraad Opera ta roar acta. Verdi. Mme. Haa- Moaee Alex mra array Maawiemlaa it at an Made at Laeo, Tmbroldsrlaa; la aD 1 aeisasas.

MM. Tobtbio Dolrat, mm Bats d'Anioar," afterward played in London with Knr tish words aa "Geraldioe." Adolph Adam oaed nearly tho earns libretto for bis "Giselle." It mast bo in arphy Aaae mra Vow. 29, 1383, styles aad attempts Lettara. alae a large aa- Mouiager Bltaymre alitcheil asra Mariaoo Seeaiaare Mathay aara MM ey ame mre Msrsaau uoaa A suss Martar Looise CHIMES OF X0BXA5DT, aortment of ChlMroa's Drssana. NcEmit Zaikwmlsa Opera BoaJfa ta three acta.

PlaneBotto. Relao, essua, rngres. Mot'ana A mra Ma'arana a mra Marua t'ra buss 0Kriea Msggie mlas astleslly than tho actlaf manisgemens may be WASfflSGTOH ABTILLERT HALL, AicKacuraa aaty MertalB A at ssfas Olrva A Ilea misa I'liaee May mra ferred that s. plot oataaatiag from awn akiUfal bands and need by eueh excellent composers ia an amusing one. Academy of Mosle.

i After a most anoeessful week the "Profea mana aaag tue "Air oo uuaaa oniio correctly and showed that her register contains some excellent notes. Tournie aaag tbo part of Juatat with hia nana! taste and mamoal aoamea. Tho two feature of tho evening, were hia exquisite singing of "Salut demeare chaste et pare," la which he was admirably aastained by Mr. Joabert. the first violin, and tbe drinking aongof the Valpurgis night, which waa aaac aaTeoruio only knows bow to do, bin laat sustained note bringing down tho house with its eloqnence.

Tho soldiers' chores waa well sung, but the work of the orchestra will hear eri Ileum. The great draw-back to tho performance of "Faust" ia Siebd. We niigfara well bo enadid about it. It ia ridiculooa thBoogboat. aad if Mr.

Defoeses besitatea about doing away with that performer who otherwise may be an excellent person, we would suggest that be haa excellent eaaae against her aa poesesoing, accordiag to slavery time legal parlance, a redhib- pactaood to Induigo la. OUR HERCllAST J1AROE. AT 75 CEITTS, T8VAL PBICK CBAKOKO IX (LATK KXPOBITIOB HALL.) Tho powalarlty of the Uadlson Scnaro havias; nerta iidamBit Perkins EJ am rarriove rsluiaa lattla tnataaco been warmly ratiaea, it bo Bt, Chariea sstwot, bsiwssa alia aad Oiroi. rngh mrs care or l-bilups May mra Fap Uat Uaaar Batkel Next emttty. K.lia Jani Aaa aoaTas tho signers ol this card lo rropot Unity This maawi treat HalL bow the property of Dm? FaM ta Exiauaa these Hats.

A fine Seamen's Concert haa been arranaeel mtraeltaai trean the the Washing! ao ArtlUsry. la tha taraoat la Ibjor" aad "Daiaey" leave na, and wo nanat confess it is with regret we part with them. 'The delicate bits of artistie acting, tbo si-oaisitely tinted pictures fall of poetie Perkins Jenaie mra RaywMH KKty misa Kadaer atrs Kiellv Johs mrs Baxter the maaafeaeot of the steamship Psav no. Bare Theatre will baUaset Kiike a Booth, beat veaUlated aad BMotcoavealeatia tho aity, and tho only large hail Boath aams air. Aiieraea.

eater easrissuc. wiu net aa Irmaa. Mr. Bier aaa. lata of tbo Britiah wTsttoetortboMsdiisa Beamro bw Swoer Eleathamtas Qaina Maaia mra VeBBe mrs Raosraoa Masiarmra Ril'ys Mas fetaaltb mrs tor Mr Bar- vey Buter mra Bmith Carrie alias Kauth Koaa mra Bander aiw tha Bavy.

will be aided bv a was a fine talent from i i. Mrs. Ftaneoa Hsdison Boraott and Mr. W. bliielaa Opbeila mrs Fine Trlasmed Hate aad Bonaeta at ELECTRIC LIGHT.

other vessels. Blmo eentribauoe. tnoagOt, me tree ua huhuiu uma mw the genaine good humor they presented to BnlUraa Suaaa mua Staart CUra aslas CiUotto ianthor ot The rralusr audeav titled It oaa be rested oo reasonable terms for. GBEAT SLaVRGrXCTS. teuUiran Julia balls, concerts, fairs aad other entertainments.

us closed npon a last night, and their Se ns Virginia tti WSRXSJXNT X3LAT.T. BXBjSFXT of the Btaw for concerto sua be fnratahed wbea rs- iea only remain. Mar success at Thamssan Caas TrawBha mam ESMERALDA." quired. JSa B. JUCHABDBON.

TeUia Maxxla asiaa Trior Mar a. mrs tend them. Te-eizut we will hare Lt, CoL B. W. A.

Tallmaa Nellie mhm To bo piodnced at the Whltaafal misa novelty here ia the handsome yoaag actress, Mint Carrie Swim, who ia to giro na "Cad, LELAND, PnitestaitEpiscopalOrjWHass REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF COKE I wniiamaJ A mre Wutwa Mary Aaa Walter mrs Wartoa Jaisa auaS Wataon iuma buss WaodaoB Milled mra ST. CHARLES THEATRE, the Tom-Hoy." in which abe assumes the title role. The press thus speak of tbia Wafthinctoa mra THURSDAY AND FlltAV EVEBiNCS MOH11AT. IX. OPPMB BBW OBLBArS SAB LIOWT CosirAaT.

Wharton ana I vivacious artiste roKEiox. 187 Canal otreet. it tho toemleal a- rk'M near mat air. iwwwca ttnm vwc ns falcon in tbo place of Mme. Fanchiom, Mile Fouquet, formerly connected with tha Grand Opera ot Pana.

She is expected to start from Europe on Saturday next. Fame speaks well ol her, and it is aaeared bv all who hare heard her that ahe will give fall satisfaction. To-night, "La tile da Madame Angot;" Monday, "Le Petit Due;" Tuesday, "La Travuta." LK CKRCL.K 8T. 1X3I3. SATURDAY ATIMEC, DEC 7.

MI0 I88t. COMMENTS Of THE BOSTOH PBEM. Oa smdafter Meoday, Kovembar at, tbo price Hirsiaa Ana mra Washington mra Williaius Amelia mra sapwrbscwaery with ahiao tao baotttilaA yutf will bo presented for tha rat time la this city. She was applauded to the echo last evea- under the anspiceo and with tho approval at GENTLtXKKS LIST. COKE WILL BE REDUCED waa presented st the Madison Square Tbeatro forover tM coasc-ntivo "ighta.

ho cJhTt alar braciag the eeleoraird cinliao, nsnusauf bsui rAimiaa: SILKS! SILKS! Arraate Jna Andersoa JoHv ABdvraaa Aline Marshad Mra. B. r. Bablomaa. Mra, W.

W. Howe. Hng. as she deserved to be. Mr.

Grove haa provided the bright and talented little Jlady with a part that exactly suiu her, Una she piers it admirably. Bastom IlernUL Her vivacious stjle of acting readers her Mra. Chaa. Conrad. Allen Chaa for AlexaaMter WUilO Mre.

C. B. Fvanrr. Mrs. W.

E. Lawrence, TO SO CEHTS FCB BARREL. mlM Lttie Adama Aikea Chaa Mr. John E. Owcr, atra.

r. I 3. AraoM Ban Mra. Kent. Mots, Mrs.

C. Fanner, Mra. K. U. Waa'pev.

Mia. J. A. Brsseiami Mrs. Jaa.

Pbrtm. Tha time Is bow favorable for consumers te opeeially adapted to the part, ana auite (From Kew York Cnstom-Hoase Sal a) labia graphic poruaim. "Old Mr. Bof ra." lay in thetr winter tteek. walla the streets are Some of tbe choicest spirits of Kew Orleans have combined and conspired to organise a select club under the above name.

Mrs. W. U. Plavaoa. Mrs.

Sarah Phelps. la good condition. Mre J. P. Bavbhrna.

ra T. T. Whits, Mrs. U. NeaJ, Mra.

C. B. Amory, Mra A. Mavwoad. CHARLBi MaruBACHY.

Maaaswr. rs. job. epeanac. JAMES JACKSON, President.

FKASK FAHKELL. BaatBaos MaaageT. -AT- For several rears these eentlemen, all of Mrs. A. Britten.

Mrs, Mrv KandaO, Mrs. Jaa. MoCoanalL Madlsoa Square Prufeaawr Campeay. PROCTER GAMBLE'S Mia. Coiioa.

si r. jona a.iier. Bt, Charlaa Hotel. Saw OrWooa. 2tav.

tt, iBL. whom are prominent either in commerce or politics, have met informally every even earaptnree toe aauienoe oy ner cnanuiuy, receenng of the aong. "Sweetest Oee, which she introduced. Boston Globe. It is light, bright.

bre-xy. frothy and ia Yfull of tbe nsaal interlarded specialties, (Which go to make an this style of play. Uiotwilustandiug this it has positive merita, laad Miss Swain brought Uieai oat in full. She ia an exceedingly clever aoub-ette and Sees who has the material in bar to amply snotsia her. Bottom Star.

Mra. W. Q. t'ovlo, Mrs. W.T.

Claverina. Mra. Josenh P. Honor. Mrs.

Alden Mel' FELLMAN GRAND OPEIU-UOUSi: Blair WH Blair Riley Betifria Beilvae Klphege Byraey Brutoe Chaa Bourgeois Louis 1 Joseph UU1 Barns It Bra a a Clarke Robt hapman Wm Cox Coebura CharcbiU baring Ve Pres Defter 'ha Bepras Lanreat Xm flainval Louia Brand Will raiiy Philip Ulaquet Bill Wm Geo Bntuua Brooks Jno Boner PhU BusMay NODt Burton Mssaia Brows A taaapbell Bobt Campbell Parker CawpeiiuVar Cocks Ltoa Cook A lairii A Davia Albert le la Crax Derry Be liray GeoV see boxes aicbtha Btar Caadlss la store and te airs. niara. mra. ainert mmwus, Mrs. H.

tihreoablre, Mra. Procter. ing, and spent the honrs in pleasant intercourse, discussing literature, musio aad the arrive. For sale by Mrs. B.T.Walaho, Mrs.

Fred Bsmsst, Breaks A Sertoa. Mrs. A. U. LobdOll.

Mlas n. llaeklay. A. FRENCH, Mias Leew. Mrs.

J. K. rjennett. 129 Canal Street. 49 royal ra Mlas PlttBeM, Mrs.

K. U. Adama, more important topics of the day. Yesterday these gentlemen inaugurated at their dob room on St. Louis street, with pate trvffes and champagne, a new era, and formally organized a club in Mrs.

A. fiat Barton, aire. L. u. Arar.

Grand Opera-Hooee. Mrs. J- A. Plakart, Tbo MtaseaOraaobora, Grail 15111 Ofl.11 fcj, To-night Hess' Acme English Opera Com- (tot: HO BCILDIXOS-) RROCTER I GABBLE'S EXTRA WINTER LARD OIL. Tho aaw aad original Operetta mt BLONDE AND BRUIN.

which the lighter order of philosophy will aw pieces bilks ana satins at fl per be docaascd, masic spoken 01 and luueed Ivusar Jos ueimaaj with the acumen of dilettanti, nud pleasant Boherty Toay, for Mrs Donahue Joba as barrels in store aad for sale by yard, worth tl at aad tl n. tar the tnspeeUoB ta three acta and two taideaax. founded anon AT FOP LAB PBlCBaV For a briaf sossoa, bagtnaina; vuir EteaiBT, SeYeabr SS. 1SS2. Most poslttvoly tho larreet F.agllsh epsraev-gaalsallen botore tho pwblio.

1 GRAini CHORUS CFFITTTTul WillU Here lord Doffau Get-rce hoars sneut in a reneral way as behooves maay opens at tbe Grand Opera-liojiee. finis company was here last season aad left ft delightful rnipiossion behind it. fcinoe iben it seems to have been materially Weagthened. Miss Kendall baa left it, bat her ptaee is filled by Miss Abbie Car- tha aursery tale ef "LI IT La. UOLDkN HAIB of oar enstomers, are diaplayad oa oar esatro C.

A. FRENCH, geatlemen aeeking to make the beat Use of aau lua, rnnas okakb," wnnsa a. prsssly for aaB dedicatvd to the 4 aojdlrs their leisure time. Major P. S.

Boany is. by consent, and P. K. VHlLDBJUrS HOHa, This Is an KNTBAOBD1SABT BALE, aad bv Mra. J.

B. Boors. Bapef urand Ot heePa Badar the i without formal election, recognised as ear lady trtanda shonid not asiae this BABE TO THE EMPLOYERS OF THE RETAIL It will bo produced with tbo greatest care aa to dotaHo in HeeoJo aad Meehaairal Effecta, President. Major J. Xuma AuifUatin aa Sec OPPOBTTJJflTT.

rington and Miss St, Quintin. Tbe former, who aaeg with Gerstcr last season, ia well known hire. Tbe latter, aa English etrees, hat received rery flattering notices retary, and Mr. Delord Burthe aa Treas Klaborato stare feettlBara, correct caota 0RY GOODS STORES OF NEW ORLEANS. urer.

Bopieta with Muatcal C.ina. bparalmg dueta. Superb Orcheal raUoa and a pertected chornaot et froc w. a. tax luh.

aargaToiBB fob tub wttb: "wnday Bvoaing and Mienosday Mat CHtMkJs OP MltalKOV. MoshIbv MAHI ANA. TnaMiay WadBMMday-M A BT A. Thnrsdav-OLI KTTBJ. Prisiay BOHEMIAN UIBL.

Batnrday Mstiaeo-KOSB FBIQCET. trail over Um country. The troupe still enn- Call and Be Convinced In tbe flow of animal spirits last evening, aad tho effervescence of champagne, in 0 FKESH TOCSO VOICES. The OHo Iatrodactions wlU be novel, bright Durand A Edwards Bead lOUaoa Jaa Kuntia Hal tie Faane has ration Marti Ptnka Howard Flonreoy A ord Deanla Gallalier Wm Gaiaann tt Goal Chaa Geyton Johnnie Hewea Bill HoteftkissChaa Hols Hnan Warren Uatchlaaoa bliss Jaahaiaoa Jaekaen Johnson chaa Johaaon Wm Daffy eSaoiael Duleant Bartraad Everard Geo Ellatroth John Kly Wilmer Frswtey False Keaner Peter FneiKlling Chaa foaieliea Alpna Ciraae GEL Gablar Wm Ueita Ueury Gundlack HardiaTG HeuiieraoB Thee Hijrbee UwrsB Mathew lloige Bobert abbs Jhn Huber Heary Jackson ti MT Jack At Janes John A Jotaaun Billy for Ben which truth resides, many acknowledge-uiaata were made to Mr. Delord Burthe for tuu miss iuiuma uarK fcuiiiu ana tbe Peakee brothers, all great favorites here.

The repertory of the company ia ex-trasire. They opea to-nitht with "The and pretty. Gentlemen At a roeoBt maotina; of the Retail his efficient handling of tho asseta of tbe ABO atytn snrwsi laoiewwa mn THE LAMPS OF HEAVEN. Fellman urv uooua vieraa' rrutoau ve sue el tao eitr. MaiBraay Kvening raLA piavoua MATIN blC PKICKM Oreheetra.

tot club, and to hia energy waa credited much Chimes of Xormandy," one of their beat will be arraaged with every regard aa to detail a series of reaolatioaa wore passed, to tbo et-leet that contB. Admbmtaai to all ether aartaad tbe bonao, saee.ta; child rea. reals. preaeutaUoa of tho difloraat galstlew por- 01 tbe club a preaperoae condition. At a lata hoar tho festivities incident to the 120 Caail Street 129 travad.

-OB aad after Docoasbar 1. ISW. aa aabr of the oraaaiiaatiua hU ho permitted to work oa Christaiaalisy.Mew Year's Dev. aor the Fourth The whole to eoaclodo with. etitlBal Tbo ptreoa.

Both the matinee and evening perform- reorganisation and new departure ended with the beat and moat cordial nnder- blomstiral Tableaa an lit led of July, nor mors than all days ia the week, nor later than o'clock la the eveniuar thronirhoat a lSatcbeller Deris' Great Inter SHOE TRADE. XiOISTE, atanding. NOBLE WOltK WELL DONE, est anew were largely attended. By toe year, nor mter exauea on mtnraay nor. Ids; tho months of Jaly, August aud oeptem- Respectfuiry dedicated to tbo Siatorhood of the request a motiaee will be givea to Jh.

JnffU A BOAT RIDE CM LATD. Ti! Grctsst issssA is Clilira Tkt Latest Novelty ua 6rajsa liwiiMja. ABIDE FOR CTJXTOw CARD TO mETAIL-SHCF. IVEALERS. rents A euiu.dy Dennis Commit tee of Arrangewisets Jssepa I.

Her- In nolfymaf yon or aatd resolntiona at 2 o'clock, and the performance to Keuo or. B. T. Walsho. B.

F. Ksbolamaa. J. A. Bvao.

During the prevalence of tbe scourge at Penaacola, tbe religious order known aa thi.uarht it aa well to Inform ywo thai, wttb few exceptions, tho araannatloa ia ouanpoHed of tha Laua A eiiasu. jonn n. Mssaeii. jiausi Levy deco Leveaay John Long night will be a farewell one. This eirous has made a great hit here, and this ia the laat opportuaity to ese it.

wBoieenecavo loros or in. retail arv srooni OenersI clerks of the city, mea who are boond by KveaiBaT Performaacaa oommenco at TJ0 a. tbe Sisters of Mercy, having a iorce of ten Sietera as well as six at Warrington, enter- Cortsla shea aaaaafaotarora of Hew Orleans bavin complained te their enstomers lhat they were unable to theirt oeilera an acooant of the strike asaona" tbe ahae-asakera of llils city, tbia is to notiiy all sack or any others havias; ordera to til that they can be aetsMnsaMlaued hs applying- to tho Uaioa Bhoo Factory, 9 Er meet sacrea ouiisauona to respect ana earrv alatiiisoatisaa. B. J.

BBOWJtB JJtago TBrocto Martin Movers Thos fid the field aa active workers at an early The Paranetto will bo floored, aad a Mel rea chaaao alloy; ASattsa Broa Z7 HM-avi lie street; O. M. Anderson, a Bienville street: U. Poker. Danaaata after each evening Benoraaaaco wlU be givea.

ont its rulinira. aad who. with una accord, ore determined to do so. Ws have burae oar irksome burdens tor years ta aileace, waiting; paileally. ia the hofsj that the eomplo set you by those of your ealiioe; In other eitlea micrht indaeo yon ia time to follow, thouarb with lasrsrard their fwotslopa.

aod finding; such consummation aa renioto lu OPEIfrxo BATCBDAT. November ti, at Laat night that sterling organization, VMechanies' Fire Company No. 6, gave a krand fancy dress, msaeraade and calico kail at Odd Fellows' Hall, and the event ney. St. Charles street i P.

bamotinl, Boyal o'doeg p. m. airoet; an tae aoova aasaarscwrars aariaK Lyons 1-uve Cheeterneld Locrano Marun Lnndy for mrs Belly Meg-la Merces Bvroa Miller Chaa rlier A Miller Moo mas Moi-rtaWG Morgan oh an Mmuurhan Fat Molr Joe Ml McC'ov McCormick McCoiDuiek WH Mcclaraa Kash MeBrv Nit holaoB mmtmmmmm NEW ADVE11T1SEME34TS. eonaenioti to pay tne nmua pneee. FIEST 8R15D FANCY ERES3 LSD VIS the present aa it haa been in the oast, wa have SILKS A CAID.

at laat determined an aaerrUas; oar claims to the considerationa which have Ions since been so arenetwnaly extended to oar brethren in Ta. electlona are over, aaiet reteBs. sad. after those cttiea. drew to the hall a large and select company.

The ball was a most enjoyable affair. The music was fine, tbe programme judiciously arranged, and the dancing was kept up until aa early hour tbia morning. The committees, to whom the anccess of Mead Philip Mills BobtB Mitchell John Moelter Mores Guiaepno Mantgomery Wa Maorius: r.tlj MnnUl A McC'oiub MoC'abe John McCloarina; Ztewsom SamT Oh ne mns Anton eborn FA Patis Kd Panose Frank Pel haul Frer-sc-olt Willia Pol lid Charley all the vituporatlana poitreo oat inraagn me It a great Injustice and asttamaapoa the ace aa are so remarkable for its philanthropic SILKS! SILKS pubiie press oy one conteeiaat far om aerainas another, it must be grattfyin to our cli isana to aad humanitarian tenueaeio-. wherein cvea tho Bioat stringent laws have broa enacted for the know that wo still have some honorable gen. day.

Their co-laborers here learning they were overtaxed, aeat in three dinerent detatektnenta, 25 of their number, wbo fearlessly braved the perils and night and day tenderly cared for the sick and the dying. In all their exposure a merciful God overshadowed them with protecting love only two were attacked with the fever and tbey recovered, so that recently the unbroken band of devoted Sisters were enabled to return to their convent on St. Andrew street, near Constance. They brought with them tokens of appreciation aad gratitude from numbers of the citizens of Pcnsaeola. who were eye-witnesaes of their nnselfixh devotion.

As a further trial of their faith and fortitude, tbe convent building at Warrington was entirely destroyed by fire during the absence of the Siters at the post of duty. On next 8unday, December 3, ct7 o'clock a. a solemn high mass will be celebrated Eight thoaaand dollars' worth of Bilks and tiasaea aoMtaa aosstiwas of traat ia ear my. protection of ine aumo animal from ovor.worfc and ill naasro lhat we, a body of mea. fair-re p- Prominent aioont them ta Mi.

Oi.uaaaiaaea Satins will be sacrificed this week by Cnited atatso barveyor General. Ofhcar Judge resemaiives me reside taoiiiir ana lnteai- Ol er Frank O'Neil mr I'Uncliard 8 l'armns Kichard Foale Mareo Fevrelle Fickerinar Gilbert I'mniiai Wn J. A. Ola a man ho preserves Bis lal emir of i-hjracter wlthont idorninsto coanl tho coat. Vhe ball is due, were composed of the fol-lowing named members of tbe company I Committee of Arrangements J.

If. Far-I rell, chairman II. Tharp, K. J. Shearmaa, Win.

Keliion, J. E. Koyes, M. Kav. S.

Timlin, P. J. Sheridan, J. Gibson," J. J.

I Dear, V. G. Clann, O. F. Breido, J.

J. R.V.. renco of tlie comiuunlty, should have to slave oar Uvea away in sn aimleoa, miserable exist-ea -a. day and night behind your counters, wiihont aveo the poor e.ssaolatian of It-oima sad who by hia l.ilhfa! alteotlnn to ble duties aa United states surveyor ueaerm ass was tae F. CASPAR 163 Canal Street.

HavlnK rrorfved a vary larare invoice i route isarney that there waa tho sUa-bloat Dec easily lot so good oplaioa of nose wae nave aaa namaeaa rrlatluBs with him. Ills reatlemaniV aad die Front Willie for Mra Psmnier doii a. TO BB atvu BV Crescent Benevolent Assccistlca AT TTashlnrtoa Irtllltry HaII, BATVBBAT BTEXIXas. sboo. SB.

conarrma ow ABBABoaMaxta. W. B. SMITH. Chalrmaav nenry Itwpre.

J. B. May ear, BT. SoaOy. Ooa.Martia.

J.O'Conaa. Pealod proposala for bar ran as. rsataaraat and) hat nam will be received until October 1Z. bail Address Boom 5a Odd Molt A TESTIMONIAL CONCERT WILL BK OITKB TO LITTLE JOSET TaTAEES, At Worloio Hall, aa tha Ersa ji of Dec. SO, taaz, Taaderod her by tbo Borko I4ht Una rats.

Rev. Father ithorspoon. and bar friend, ae-der tbo direct 9 of Miaa Minis Mlgwinax Mnmeal Direr treee ef the Cppev bet net. Admissaaa IQeaate. tme aotioa will be atvm.

Bitted conduct durinar the axetloaienta of tho The laborev and the mechanic hare their re sneciive 'tours for labor and for rest and eniov- eauipatgB jut closed was highly apakeo ef by Floor Managers M. McLaughlin, chair Blbsy W. Boy John, for mra SI LKt and feATlXB, and finding the same all a ao cam. la ceutoct with him. and wee eon aider him worthy the highest prasaa.

man; W. J. McCall, 111. Johnson, J. C.

Seaoerg larare to iiunass of as tue rearuiar pneea. ment; but. whi.O Uod's sualight tm shlniug for them, we are as ceutp.etely debarred Irons the enjoyment of homo aud family Ilea, nn.l the arphy, A. 8. Badger, Ij.

J. Sooer, J. Pur- have leduced the above to the followina; prices, vis Mahala alimbaU Rayiuoad Ajul Kui iie Geo Kouth Kwa lieo eand-rs Jaa tbaolaa Jerry feruin A Street Shearer bchinlnfce simuIbs falntBMuit af aortal abllaatioas- aa if oll. L. Lsmothe.

J. V. Fairfax. It. Barrr. A CA1U. uuder the auspices of the St. Vincent de we were immured within tho fonr walla ot a Ml pieces Colonial Brocaded Satina, reduced 1'aul Society as a thanksgiving for the BobiUM.n has Mtark Spaaldins; Brreatlne Hteaart Bimpaoe Smily Frflw from 1 1 to sn cents. nnaon.

20 pieces Black atlns. rodueed from 11 to sne. BXW OBLgAXS. ItOV. 23.

tssi. Yet it requires very little demonstratioa to prove that tbe eloaiusr ol your store latent niftbt la aa hurtful to your own Interests as it 2 pieces cHoreii bsuss, reauceu iron co to happy return ot these pious liuiiee. Doubt-leas there will be a large attendance ot the order, aa well of their numerous friends. Van. Mason, A.

r. cayuro, ti. Hamilton. I Becrption Committee E. J.

Shearman, (chairman J. J. Bardin, A. J. Dooobue, (W.

B. T. Caasun, J. A.

Douglas, U. llilbrrt, J. G. Freisa, J. Glenn.

J. Leon-lard. J. Kelly, D. O'Learr.

C. H. Marks, V. 40c, Tho nnderslgned certifies that ho hold) for Slurer F. for mr Brand Svkes Wm la an) sat tenuis.

sat ana w.uoer is, anas yoo. eoUeettoo. for aceonat af Josephine Millar, Ko. 60 pieces Black Silk, redneed from tl 25 to 75c SO pieces Japanese Silk, reduced from te3ac. yoorselvaa.

uavo not urns since eras the ben- lit East Fifty Second street, Sew Tort City, Hnuth Waa Smith Smith Dan Snnin A Hmith A co Ktone Will pieces asaorted Brocaue and Moire, ra- A SAD OCCASIOX. efliathat would necessarily accrue to your boat. oBO-tfth ef ticket Bo. txua. aiagla Bomber.Cbwa aas la navinc ina wnoie oi yonrstan ot em mi dnced trom 8a toasv.

Aad a full assortment of Bnttona, iaeea, Ktone mr, cotton broker 8pervat John Sjkea, J. J. Thomas. J. Stigle.

Me- ia the Louisiana State Lottory. watch drew Yesterday afternoon, at the funeral of hbonedea Harry ployee present during tho busiest portion of tha day. As it ia no your for jo is at lie max-imam atrergtb iu tha moraine and eveaisa 'heaney, Wm. Allen. P.

J. Sullivan. J. S. the Brat capital prtso of tlsly-Sts Tbeo- TM 8nii FaSsT Dres ill IviCTJ Faseemenione inninnng to suit lbs above half prior a- Mturres Thoa Terrebonne Paul TUhcr A ithbexe, d.

W. Uonofaue and L. Jamison. aaadl Bellarw. on Tacadsy, Sorsmbsrjt, ltXJ, wbea least r-euirea, sun si lis minimum be the sen of our late Mayor, Joeeph A.

SHhkMpeare, there waa an immense attendance ot sympathizing friends. A touching Tielson aaid ticket having cost the sam of gt. tween tho henr. of ma I to e'rio, a. p.

READY MADE GOODS! the verv time the salesmen are meat needed. Thompson for tho amonnt waa promptly paid by a chock oa C. Cavaroe A Son, PAT.T. TO BB CITgW BT TBB Ia the North aud West aad in Baropeaa cities. the oldest of New Orleans' liquor mer tbo Haw Orleans Katie.

aJ Baaa. oa presentation of the tickst at tbo office of tbe company. READY MADE GOODS! adies' ready-made Colored Satin Dresses re areMerally sneaking, tli. dry goode atoras ctose at eVIock. tbe salesuten having a half hour chants, established 1I, have removed fur ma daring tha day Instead of the long am the old stand.

No. 33 Decatur street. Minerra Benerolent l.tMflatlJia duced from oit tools. dinner boor, which plan has been ton ad la T. M.

WESCOAT. Agsat Southern Express Company. Kew Orleaaa. La. Also ssna worth af Beinana.

Cloaks. Pelisses. In Carondelet, next to Cotton Exchange. feature of this solemn ceremony was tbe presence of a large number of tbe aged, wbo, at tbe benevolent hands of Mr. Shaks-pearr, had received benefits so delicately given the receiver seemed to be granttug rather than receiving assistance.

The occasion was a aad one indeed. work as well that you aanot had one emptorer v. or KODi Therrrl B. for Rebecca Suewar.t 3 Tyler, Ktrattoa dccs Turner Jaa Toole John 2 Trnnible Thos Tiliuun Yauntin Waliuer, llershbera; co Warner Waters Ps Wt-tsner Kaynioud ilaou Thos WinlrcerG Whilmore A Wylie Wm Young Benry Dr risters. Jersey Jackets and Chiidioa's Dreasea.

F0I TIE BEMEftT OF TOHg FUlft, Hcamldt TstSlll Moses Tieltteld Jersey, cot Venneecrholti atwn Buck Wnle Thos 2 Wa laoe Fat Watts Harry Wilson It Wiaton Wilt Aniliouy WllisniH Tins wen anown retain istiuieot is the etor of tbo celebrated Cavaroe Ex- a who has adopted it, willing to go back into the eln rata. Ml h4t wo demand is to be placed oa a similar footiag. and in so we oec ta aaare yon A WA8HIXOTOS ABFIIXZRT BAtL Dry Champagne, which has had the T. Bavtarday aTvwtatxtc; Ooesmbsr IBW OBUtAXB, M. tssr.

(sat year such aa extensive sale, having 1 1 Y. -1 1 I mat we eave tue uuuuaiioeo approval aasi The nndersigBed certifies that no was tbo COKKESPOJtDENCE. voviua nuiuuiuni among ucairra BUU oaanmers as tha equal, if not aaiierior, to ABBABOgBBXT COMNtTTta. J. H.

Ben-sra. Caalrmia. heartfelt syBipathy ol both the press aad paolie. 1b enelusleo, we wish to say that the spirit Won! kstb'1 for Lonlsa sy brand ol champagne wine now manu- Walker w. ich actuates ns in thus aasertinc wast wa C.

"either. H. ti. i.roas. Hy.

W. itlavma, Fred VoareL Jr. J. P. HMppo.

J. tieeL Wae. O. W. Waters, a.

Wostara, Fraoa X. Yoot, over JWKl cases having been sold cou-l ler b. our just rights, is aeiili.r Look at the re actions lo Ladirs I'iaiers rrdnced from tS50tet2tt. ino lAdles' Cloaks rluced rrMM 7 to St. li.

Kxtra Heavy U'hita Blankets teduced from 7 to $3 50. 2-iU Heavy Gray Blankets reduced trom $3 to tl 2V. Well madeComforters. only tl. KM Kxtra size, home made, reduced from (S te We have alsoaa over-stock of Matting.

Rats sod eclair Carps la. which we also sell at reduced pr.ces. F. CASPAR 86 163 Canal street. grearlre nor dictatorial, but sa yon evince no tiring this short period.

holder of one-nfth of ticket Ss tXllt. single number. Class ia tho Louisiana btato Lottery, which drew the first capital prise af VtfslygtrTtsaissd tbollora. ou Tuesday. Kovember it, t2, said ticket having coat the sum ef fl.

and that tho amonnt waa promptly paid, by acheeb en tho Kew Orleans desire to keep pace with the broad liberal roa Tirmarra Miner lla sola. A cent Borlston lee Co Cook 1M Houth st our Home Journal roaxiGH. rc Cavaroa 6t bon do a general whole- eeeaioae which so characterise tb. LadieW lavtiettooa apply to abort) eeam. tie and retail business in auperior wines mittee or any of the mamliova.

ol ouior citieo in tae nailer ot eariy ciosisc. we are obitzed to mak this detcrmiaed sfaad- td liouors at Ko. 30 Carondelet street. Banrra Ante Wh-n we have learned that soine portion of id ask tbe consideration and patronage of Nstlonal Bank, oa piweeutatioB of ths ticket at dealers and consumers in their line. the emCe of tho eompaay.

Ibe 34 soars can lie aevoana ia otaer pt tlaaa si net tadaeaarat to place, of bi A rex Viacentl lionunia Frauceaco CralilwJ C'aiera Jose Chnt-ht Krlre Cobert Francois Hiss Fwi's Iwki Ita. sag the most prominent of their agen- J. M. DIXON. Eanla, Tex.

and beil-rooaui. UmI a little mora aaashtno and sliould be mentioned the liar lev fresh air bars been admitted into aur lives, yoa A CA1CI. Tbe following correspondence explains itself: New Orleans Nov. 25, 11 Chaa. R.

Ford. F.a., Manager Ford's English opera Company Dear Sir Appreciating the many courtesies show a us iu your native city "of Baltimore during tbe celebration of the order of tbe Orioles, on September 1'A 13 and 1 4 last, tbe undersigned, members of the New Orleans delegation to tbe Oriole, desire to show you our appreciation ot your courtesy by tendering you a complimentary benefit any evening you may be pleased to name. Very resectfully. Oca. A.

Br a 11. M. F. W. Bakkk, Amks'v litito, H.


Emuk Hkkmans. Blaib aiix, Bsston cognac brandy, an article that Job. MuLUta, a. JOBS MLXLXB. will Bad Tonriaiemtlsntnch beltsrstteuded to, for tha old saylug that "all work aad no play MIXERVA HALL.

been popular ia New Orleaus for 40 Itaw ORLisKa. iSav. isrt maseajacsa nun r. is very forcibly ap- Lars, and to-day stands at tha bead of pm-nhie ia the eaae of those a na beg to sub The nndoraignad certlhea that ba betd for Wo are happy to saaoa are to owr petrsaa east is of its kind. coilection for aocoaot ot Agent Boathora Ex.

the pnblle ws hsva racmvasl las avlast aad scribe very reai-iiuuv yours, TUB BET A 1 1, DRY IM CLCHKs OF KW ORLEANS oral new lasaioaaaio oaoeee, eta? ana i.eatnnn. Iei ks Musle John Iritc Johannes Grce Chas Ciatory Mons Hei uantlez Hoinies 4 Hon kiss Hombenrer BellT Joba 2 Ko. blar Francis I a Kiisaa Mi Dn rail Bvs Oalop, Military Leaver, aad otbera. lnast and cheapest hats at Adams'. prose Compaay.

Lynehbarg. Vo. eaa-Stlh of ticket No. 3.Tl. single a umber.

Class L. Is ths Leatetasa btato Lot levy, wbteh drew the Third Caman Geo Cavalier Fietro A arj. Kiaxa Couxhlia lebea FUiipo Fran, Abr Fredo' Jacob Grar Kab (iai ruit unito A Bro Uurel Pierre lor Bernard Pierre Kennedy Basved Kol.n lt I.oyd James urat Jean Fadosti Fietro FrneileJa.i Kyan Fat (-iiw I enndo Tavlar4Hi Koltt WhraUry bichaid i na auitory aasers is aa arraag-mewt ny r.lasaer Mmrv tjsss aast a.w taaaht bv (Vlulier S2 MAGAZINE STltEET, aoskt roa COSHAD'S 6ELKBR A TEP latherwnnd's Imperial Cabinet Wliinir at GEM SALOON, the tear tag prats sanrs ia the Navtb aad VtL I ke La Raw laeaa the asoet beaa.Ufaiaf tha laaothe's More, ot.t hS'les. Capital Prise of Tost Tbawsoasl atollaro. ea Tnaoday.

Boeombcv IA. lata, said ticket bav eood dooaeo. At arsaaat the el eases arofalL Xaweaaaasm ing coat tho sum of tL and that tho as swat Mr. Leon I smothr, will ba formed on January X. idU.

has for msny rears been tbe most ass promptly paid, by a cheek oo tho Bew Orleans National Bank, oa piomatatiaa of tbo J. C. AKMikws. Baoua IXwskll, H. ll'rX)CK, ineut of kew Orleans restaurateurs.

W. B. Wisdom, K. ISl.KAkLtT, Brktraxd Beek, K. TkKTBOl', ticket at tha of the eompaay.

recently purchased the popular saloon Tajaio Thos Ueury Fi.hle konipeliien M(un Wa- A Algiers DANC1NGjACADUY. der tbe St. Charles Hotel, when he is II. Jones, J. K.

Bbes. T. M. WESCOAT, Agent southern Express Company. New Orleans.

I -a. Baiweiser Bottled Beer, H3SS ROSE BOURDON Station. I Mr. Stsiafs teii Ojeizi A. S.

Smith, Wm. IW.kl, J. J. Ikbt, A. W.

Nicholas, and others. NOTICE OYSTER BAT ASP STAURANT. Best of Winss and Liauora reuaiantlyou hand. Isrticnlar attention is called to ths OUKQf ALED Ll'SfH bctwMB the hoars ot 10:30 s. m.

sr.d I p. m. Arrangemenia haro been uale for a constant supply of BAYOU COOXv OYSTERS, and the most sal Wioos are assured satiafae. tioa. Aa accompilsbed cook has been secured win take placo at Gnitvid Bail ea October MRS.

A. F. OOODWYS, widow of Philo XXD I A. Having Jaa rabsrasd frees Bow Tora. LADIES' FTwsrds mrs Ha'ni lara Ia-oiis Ur Mrt.

mains Kelt herson F'l'S lUtbertMia Luzia Thomas ate liK.NTLESE.VS LIST. Prawa Fddie 1 Bra.ty James! Couruel lias Davia (Jus tlsvls Geedwya. givea aotloe to the pontic that tha haaineM of maBtifaalarina BC'KCbA ska In prepared te taaa the now donees with St. Theatre, s) Stw Ouleaks, Nov. li.

Messrs. G. A. Breaax, H. M.

Iaacmn. alniKley, 11. N. Martin, F. W.

Baker, Lleakley and othera: tho latest styt. ta Canto wa-ta. Will also tetre. EAST PnWDKR. latotv rooduoted br bar faring the moat celebrated whiskies at le lowest iHHMiible rates.

(Mr. Lainothe ia sole agent for Imperial abiaet Whisky, which, from itsexoel-nce. has for ao long been selling at 'JOc st Lis bar, aud is offering it at 16e a drink, saidee tbe attraction of pure drinks at aooaable prieee. tberewill be art before every day at II o'clock, the test lunch to be had ia the city. Mr.

La-tbe ia alao proprietor of the establiah-ont, Ko. St. Charles street, where the ods above spoken of can be had at whole-la or i haahaod. will be still tarried ao at ITtCitred street- Assets on band amount la tslaa lo dote aaw estrclaaa for the Bbystret tsvitsp meat, carriage aad grace of he swptlav Paw urass, eto, apply for wreniars at wnsaewaU'e (emleiurn 1 lie alight sttention too re more taaa news laoeoMKae mi nweiiisi will ba aettied iu dn. eouraa ef admlBMisraaoo, ceived at my hands during your short atnj Maaia btoro, Caaal atreot.

or at Malt. Bsruaas stTaoLfromltotB.m- BIRDS 1 BIRDS! in lUltiuiorc, certainly docs not merit tl.e acknowledgment you now make of it; however, 1 beg to accept your more than for ths Be. anranl. oho wid aerva all ordera la tho moat approved stylo. TT.

A. O- 3D. Inn rsrans. via Torn. OS GQYESCE'S CEOICE RIE WHISKIES.

IMPORTERS OP Crouae Flls Fre-os" LA It KT-Medoe Cbst-eau La Uraage, Cbatoan Iillon aaa ot. Ba- KRB1 of T. O. Oornon. Jeres de la Krontera.

sSm PORT Wl.N Ks. BB INK WIN tb from Matnti aad Wetsenheim A- rC Banielleaa File' COOBAC, from aad Barbri ra. Fraace. Full assortment Kelly Island Bweet aad ImCiTlWBlHUHt PORT WliO.S. CAIIFOR.MA WINKS, such aa UutedcL KiesltEg.

Hne aad llerrtea. A isa, rial WHlablba ol aU Uada. Will sad at tha lowest possible prices. JTL. oaa tbao-ad OEbOlMi Jones has enkins 8am Johnson iSeiser Flnllip Povhe A Lewis Carrollton Station.

I.ADIE3' LIST. Allain MoUie etia Hn-i Loaise mias Kxmoud L) ansa Jaokaoa Karlx-l ura Leutal Mathilda Bait-y Mary uK.MTLSHKN'8 I.I.ST. Care Antoina Harris I olHirii Koiile Mormoa t.rsst McDoneilJolia Zm nine Nor nert W. L. MCMILLKN.

Fmtcuastor. -HAK1. HulMAI.1 CAM A FESTIVAL. A'D BAIX 17 lloyal Street. kiud ofier.

and to name next hnroaav evening for the benefit, the opera to be the tim production here of "Lee klanteaux Moire." KespcctfbUy, Chas, E. Fohd. la 1 1 Bits' i a infiBo of tbo tweaty-finh aaatvec. RIE." Beat soogatara. gnsrtslsss.

aad sti aeiecsed by nsvaeif. I have also brongbtwlib oa, er forrtam asrda. aaseb sa AIER1CAH mim VMWEl icrhnngaiea. Ptav Isva, CbatlBrsaa, sad a a. .2 heat talkina Parvoia and Paaev aary too aaisidt-Bsaeas at tao GRAND GROVE OF L0U1SIACA Witt be rtvoo at QRTTTj3W JU towU.

Also some geaaiae MALTbaK CATa. F. I). Kntb. 184 Canal street, is the place to get all shades of Florence Stitchiag Silk.

Zephyr Worsted and Germaatown Varna. acaaai, oBtaanaa so. soon. TantPaoUem baajiasatap. tho aeUtrmsBJb Tbia ia a valaablo matmataat tot aU bnsb fine at uck of Corticclli I Mailer Brothers.

Vhls Bra tauodaeed tha Rad-ilaer Beer ia this city, ss wall aa tl.rauchout eatire Soath and ttaathwaat. aad bow da a (oMsdwi buaiaeas ta this moat excel it erase The Badwotsar is new one the Las popular drinks ia New Orleans, aad it eps ibis entei pnamc arm very boay hUiRg Lers tor Ibis alone Their eeUhhali-ot Is aiot kad with tha oaeat brnda at noted bettors of all kmrte, aa well as with I II seat brands ot home maantaetared aere. Mr. Jeha Mailer aad his brethor. Mr.

Bailer. Jr, the two aot asaen eampoamg trav have aaawa much panh aad eeler-a la their baa.Beas, aad are wal kaoara ialsThlr reapertrd by tal oammaalty. svw far their boaiaeaa capacity bat tee Ibaar klal aad pleanaat wtSBxera. The reader mt paper who take la liaoars will de well to 8ol. Levy baa a Spool Silk.

Oe.t ratters el tbe world. I coruiai'T mriao tbo pwbUo to eoM aad ei amiao my stack bctota pairchssisg atasvkoro. JOtTS W-IBXEB. PreBrteWC, Kew York Bird Store. uii uuci-Akv.

CaaaaatMoo at Arveeawaaeota-P. M. ts. A. W.

MULLEIi BBOS noao honsaa. baing qaatke aad roca rsliablo than tho poo. tatters aopy hotter, very asefal atatatisw Tm A. nr. rsey, r.

a a. r. lmnmr Black and Colored CasHanerea. The well-kBOWB dry roU house of 8 vme A IS i anal atreet, aia jast ia receipt of a raise aaMM-tataal of Laaiu's te.eoraUxl luack and colored raahaierna. baaMlea a fine asaort-ssaat ol heanetta cwth.

Udtea' elolk. Jersey rJash ad jacaeta, aad other aruclea which are SOMI ta ba abates aad ana. bee aoveruaeaaeat T- Leo Hat fAtere, cor. Caaal and Boorbeo. Yea that bat at No.

13 Ch artres strsot. noarCoatt. S. A. taaV eenaaaeer.

ea amcaa. Ko. MAOAZIVX 8TBXKT. P. ft per empty Bndw slsor Pints we pay BY cent a per damn Far ti4T badwaiaer Qoarta wo pay caw la per dezea.

tamkies wi.l oatfy ao bv posdal card; Sesiel.a mdiao bneMBBMSie roic II EXT. flrossaamtl Bevvbeavatl la tcachir-g children to conpvses rapidly sad sped aervectly. Lt BEDDE5. Iffytrt. Ears and arttstM piseao ef brie a-brae, at ovtaiBabtaetaowswro, are shows at uaawha'a.

sttos wul aasoa. it sa ils tor aanr. laaiaanwl nasT Baa boa at tueir advoruaosaoa si tad same oatcet ItyMat wo wui tape asaa ear wagea lev ta eemss. MCLLRB BBOA, ts aagasiae ruaet. Spool room will ba looeieod at Be.

hWC eoasna 11 rn 1 i madtl yaygajbat hfaB) Bt bV 1. K. liorphj lara. F. A.

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