Adam Taylor
Published © GPL3+

Big. LITTLE (ish) with DesignStart FPGA and Zynq at the Edge

How to integrate DesignStart Arm Cortex-M1 and M3 processors with the Xilinx Zynq.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours3,972
Big. LITTLE (ish) with DesignStart FPGA and Zynq at the Edge

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arty Z7-20
Digilent Arty Z7-20
Pmod NAV
Digilent Pmod NAV
Digilent Pmod HYGRO

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite
Arm Keil


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Adam Taylor

Adam Taylor

122 projects • 2118 followers
Adam Taylor is an expert in design and development of embedded systems and FPGA’s for several end applications (Space, Defense, Automotive)
