INTRODUCING PIERRE CH. MARCEL: A REFORMED PASTOR & WRITER Bassam Michael Madany 10 June 2023 In 1952, The Christian Graduate, a British Magazine for Christian graduates, referred to the publication of “La Revue Réformée” edited by Pierre Ch. Marcel, a pastor of Églises Reformée de France. Pierre-Charles Marcel (1910–1992) was a leading French Reformed Christian pastor and philosopher who studied under France's leading evangelical-confessional mind, M. Auguste LeCerf (1873–1943). Marcel studied in the Netherlands Christian philosophy under Herman Dooyeweerd. Having received most of my education during the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon, French was my cultural language. In God’s Providence, Pasteur Marcel became my mentor by providing me with theological articles that appeared in the Journal. Over the years, I benefited greatly from his books. A L' Ecole de Dieu (In God’s School) Le Baptême : Sacrement de L’Alliance de Grace The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism ii.The authoritative treatment of a subject frequently discussed without a full understanding of its Biblical background. Marcel treats baptism within the broad context of the theology of justification and grace without losing sight of the Biblical evidence. Pierre-Charles Marcel, Philip Edgcumbe Hughes (Translator) L’Actualité de la Predication - The Relevance of Preaching, Edited By: William Robinson, Translated By: Rob Roy McGregor Another title for the book was The Timeliness of Preaching! In 1954, La Revue Reformée published the proceedings of the International Society for Reformed Faith & Action: “Sécularisation du Monde Moderne: La Réponse Reformée.” “The Secularization of the Moden Life and the Reformed Answer” The lectures were given in English or in French.