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mrsbewley starstarstar
OH United States
Member since 8/14/08
90 Reviews (patterns: 89)
Skill: Intermediate
Favored by 42 people

I hemmed the top at 5/8" instead of the recommended 1.5" - just personal preference. As you can see in the pics, it's a bit baggy all over. I think I will take the sides in on this one and go down a size on the next one. Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes and yes. Conclusion: Nice twist on the usual sweatshirt.

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Veggiedelite said...(2/3/21 9:36 PM ET)   
Very nice
SewLibra said...(2/3/21 2:47 AM ET)   
These sleeves are so cool and I like the colors you used. Many possibilites on this one so I'm bookmarking it. Well done and thank you for this review!
Deepika said...(2/2/21 4:00 PM ET)   
Very sharp! I love the color blocking. Lovely Teal on you.
claysue said...(2/2/21 2:50 PM ET)   
Nice sweatshirt. The top stitching on the colour blocking is a nice feature. Pattern sizing can be so hit and miss in my experience and I'm forever saying I'm going to size down next time. Every so often though I get caught out and should have sized up.
touran said...(2/2/21 12:59 PM ET)   
Cute style! It'd be great for all the remnants too nice to throw out.
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