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FrankFrank85 star
Member since 6/9/14
8 Reviews (patterns: 8)
Skill: Intermediate
Favored by 4 people

Chemise: I omitted the ruffles. I also doubled the length of the sleeves and then hemmed them so they extended just beyond my bodice sleeves. Bum pad: No changes, except that I never got around to closing the opening where I inserted the stuffing. I will probably close this at some point but it is nice to be able to adjust the stuffing as I like. Corset: I followed American Duchess's tutorial for fully boning the stays. I used 3/8" heavy duty cord ties, so I increased the boning channels to 1/2...

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tinselizzi said...(10/22/16 1:05 AM ET)   
Oh, how very sweet! The fabric you chose for your stays is almost too pretty to cover up!
FrankFrank85 replied...(10/24/16 1:36 PM ET)
Thanks! It was my favorite part of the ensemble but is sadly hidden from view.
judypin said...(10/18/16 7:58 PM ET)   
This is a totally gorgeous dress!!!
msschiel said...(10/17/16 3:16 PM ET)   
jencsews said...(10/17/16 9:36 AM ET)   
Love the corset! I'm not sure I need a bum pad in my wardrobe but it did make me smile!
FrankFrank85 replied...(10/17/16 9:56 AM ET)
Lol it's definitely a silly accessory!
KamiSue2 said...(10/16/16 10:53 PM ET)   
Looks lovely!
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