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Vogue Patterns MISSES' DRESS Data

5 Reviews  
Recommended for: Everyone (5 reviews)
Fabrics: Cotton (4 reviews), Cotton Blend (1)
Useful Tips: "Don't measure yourself, measure what fits"

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Member Reviews for Vogue Patterns MISSES' DRESS V8494

Queen of Pens rates it for All sewists a
okay so, I started in the paperwork with yanky FBA, other length mods on all the bodice pieces and about two inches added to the side peice. The last.....more
myraminx rates it for All sewists a
12-18 (in my envelope), the pattern is Out OF Print Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes.....more
Auntie Susan rates it for All sewists a
I made my usual FBA, and took a small tuch on the pattern tissue at the V-neckline to prevent gaping, as well as a small tuch at the front and back a.....more
josie e rates it for All sewists a
Don't you hate it how you fix one fitting issue and another one rears it's ugly head? In addition to my usual fba (4cm total), sway back alteration (.....more
Blooms rates it for All sewists a
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?Now that I have a muslin, I may as well make more of these! I think this style could easily .....more

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