Leveraging the National Adaptation Plan Process for Adaptation Communications

Adaptation communications (AdComs) present a means for communicating a clear and up-to-date overview of adaptation. As one of several reporting instruments under the UNFCCC, climate change decision-makers are carefully considering how an AdCom fits into their national approach to adaptation planning and implementation. In preparing an AdCom, countries should leverage the outputs and results of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process—and experience shows this can be equally true whether a country is in the early stages of the NAP process or several years into implementing its NAP.

The purpose of this report is to highlight opportunities for countries to leverage the results of NAP processes for preparing AdComs, making strategic use of an AdCom for boosting the profile and visibility of adaptation progress and needs without creating undue additional reporting burden. It draws on experiences from the NAP Global Network’s support to 22 countries to build on their NAP processes to prepare their first AdComs.


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Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development