1944 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1

Copyright 1944 How e Military School How e, Indiana

Engravings by Crescent Engraving Co. Kalamazoo, Mich.

Printed by Journal Pu.blishing Co. Sturgis, Mich.


....\ , w , th Clas , of 194-±, go forth into a world that is in iti-; third )Tear of war, we aT fa d with different prnhl ms than tho. e of prcviou la ses. It will be our job to h lp Het the world rig·ht side up again.

vV publi. h thi. book a a remembrance of tlie happr days sp .nt in the in. ·titution which ha::; given u .· the knowledge and the inspiration to do the joh b fore us.

We, the Class of 1944, dedicate this Tatler to one who through his interest in our problems, and his unfailing fairness and sincer-ity, has helped make our life at Howe both a pleasure and an inspiration-----Major James S. Merritt

Major James S. Merritt
Busin ess J OIIN A.. ELI.I SON tfssista11t Business Mana ge r } AME S B. WOOLEY Editor JmrN S. Cuppu:s, }R. Sports Editor D A\ ' ID S. l ; L EM I NG Facu l ty A d·viser THE RE V ROBERT }. MURPHY

l\L.A. (Nebraska)

B.S. (U.S.





M.R. (Illinois)









School Instriictors


M.A. (Iowa)

B. (GTinnell)

l\L .A. (Northwestern)


l\!IooRE, B.

B.A. (Grinnell)


;.lfo thematics l>o!'ALI> ( 1 • W1LSON,
( iAPTAIN Hcrnnr.PH,
Military· Acad.) \IJoLPH <1. i .,..EI.HON,
MAX n. \..B.
(Chicago) Ilow .\IW ,J. (JmcK,
8 aci({ l hyciP nee GmmoN B. NMITrr,
(North Dakota) CARI, .. L M .....\. (Illinois) GEOmrn NEWTON SLErnHT,
(Chicago) C onrnz e1·ce ILrnow M. RTAl\IBACH, B.A. (Illinois State Normal)
Ho ,we 193+, Ind.
G. Loner
Lorn KELLY (Illinois College) Mns. L-ucrLE SLATER ( ol'tlaud Normal) RONALD .iL YAN \RSDAI..E,


Director of Band and Orchestra

CAPTAIN OTirn LING Inf., Ind. N. G.

Choirmaster, Pia110 and Organ


I nstrnctress in Dancing



Professor of M ·ili.tary Science and Tactic,c;

LT-COLONEL w. s. MULLINS fofanlr)', U. S. A.

Cmrwia11d(wf of Cadets

MuoR JAMES S. MERRITT Howe 1916, fod. N. G.

Director of Band

CAPTAIN 0'1.'HO LING Inf., Ind. N. G

Tactical Officer, Gray Hall


Tactical Officer, White Hall

CAPTAIN DoN ALD B. STUCKEY Ho'l.ue 1934, Ind. N. (r.

Tactical Officer, 11 owe Hall


Assistants to the P. M. S. & T.


SERGEANT CRAWFORD, D. E. M. L., R 0. T. c., U. s. A.

THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT 8clwnl Physician \LFRI<:n ..: \1 m-nvoRTH WADE, M.D. Ho·WL' 190 3 Ffrhool De11fisf ,J MES r. DuFF, D.D.s. Superi11tendeuf of Infirmary MR .. AcrnEt; R1cH RD , R.N. Dietitian Mm:>. MARY C. BYRON OFFICES Secretliry to the Si1,per·i1ltendent MRS. EVELYN p ALMERLEE Secretary to the H earlmaster MRS. K .\'l 'HRYN F . PRESTON Clerks MRS. AM ANDA KRUM 1ccoitntant Mrns J1JLEANORE PAsin Qita'l"t e nnaste" °FJARL WEISS



( , 11 p.t11) "L" '35-'39; Corporal '36-'37; ·r t.rnt '37-'38; First Lieutenant '38-'39; Lo\\ 1·r School Football and Basketball '36' J'J; White Club '35-'39; McKenzie Litern Sorietv '35-'39; Conduct Honor Roll 1 j6-•39; l\liddle School '39-'40; Band '39'·H; Pfc '41 ; Corporal '41-'+2; Sergeant '+2-'+3; Second Lieutenant '43; Captain '++; ,t. Vincents Guild ':>7-'44; Arolyte '36-'H; Best Drilled adet '42; First ' ear Haherly '+2; Second Place Declarnatarn '+2; Commencement Dance Committee '+3; Varsity Tennis '43; Second Year Habrly l\1edal '+3; Summer School '43; Company "C" '43-'4+; Sword and Shield Club '+3-'++; St. Nicholas Guild '35-'39; O l d Guard '39-'4+; Commander Old G uard '+3-'H; Vires Society '+I -'43; Science Club '39-'40; Howe Union '36-'40; Midget Basketball '39-'40; Honor Card Group '+ J-'42; Glee CI ub '41 -'44.


Lower School '3 8-'40; Lo\Yer School Football, Basketball, Track '3 8-'40; McKe nzie Literary Society, Star List and W h ite Club, '3 8-'40; Pfc '3 8; Corpora l '3 9-'40; Company "B" '40-'43; Company "B" Football and Basketball '40-'+ 1 ; Varsity Footba ll '+ 1-'+3; Varsity H Club '4 1-'43; ec r etary Varity H Club '43-'44; Old Guard '42'++; Treasurer Sop h omore C l ass '4 1-'42; Conduct Ribbon Group '38-'40; Sp r ing Dance Committee '42; Pfc '42; Corporal '+l-'43; ompany "C" '43-'44; Ba t ta li on Staff '43; Master Sergeant '43-'4+; NCO Club '+3; Boxing a n d Wrestling Team '+3-'44; Varsity Te nn is Team '43; Vi r es Society '+l-'44; Seco nd Lieutena n t '44; President of the January Senior Class '44.

( 1. ! D BEHr\


"O<tul" Company «B» '42; Company «B" Bask ball '42; Company «A" '43; Compa r ":\" Basketball '+3; Corporal '43; Con pany Clerk '+3; Sergeant '+3; Supply Sr geant '+3; Football '+3; Battalion Stat '+3-'++; Conduct Ribbon '43; Sun1rnl 'c hool '+3; Table Tennis '+3; Tl'm · Doubles '+3.



Midget Football '41 ; Midget Basketbal '42; Intramural Football '42-'43; P.F.C '42; Intr am ural Bas eball '43; Compan. «.'\" '41 -'44; Conduct Ribbon Group '+I '+3; Sergeant '43-'44.



{' 0 mpany "A" '40-'44; Co mp a n y "A" roo tball '40; Co mpan y "A" :Basketba ll '+0-'4 I; Varsity Baseball '40-'+3; McKl'nzie Footba ll '+2; Todd Basketball '+2'+ 3; Captain of Varsity Ba se ball '43; Company ":\" Basketball '43-'44; Var s ity II Club '+3-'44; Treasurer ('lass '+ 1-'+3; Old Guard '43-'44; Captain l'rnnpany "A" '43-'44; Sword a nd S hi e h.I Club '+3-'+4; Summer Sc ho ol '43.

OLE PETERSON FIVE YEAR S "P ete" Lower School '39-'40; McK e nzie Lit e r::uy Society '39-'40; Star List '39-'40; Knick ('!ub ' 39- '40; Low e r School Football, Basketball, Base ball, Track, '39-'40; Sp e cia l Drill Platoon '3 9-'42; Golde n Glov es '39- '40; C h oir '3 9-'40; Low e r Tumblin g '39-'43; '39-'44; Varsity Basketball '40-'+3; L eg ion of Hon o r '39-'+0; Varsity Football '40-'44; Varsity Bas e ball '+0-' 43; Corpora l '42-'43; Sergea nt '+3'H; Battalion Staff '43-'44; Varsity H Club '41-'44; H ea d Danc e Committe e '42'H; Class Offi ce r '3 9-'4 2 ; Old Gu::u-J '43 '44; H erald Staff '43-'44; Capt. "B" Compa ny Football '44; Vires Soci e ty '43'+4; Summer School '43.


1% YEAR "Sleepy"

B:i.nd Companr '4-2-'43; Company Cler! '4 3; Pfc '4-2-'43; Rifl e Team '42-'4-3; Corporal '+3; Conduct Ribbon Group '4-2'43; Most Earnest Endeavor '43; Cmnpan) "C" '+3-'++; First ergeant '43-'44-; Co111pany ",'" Footh1ll '4-3; Sgt. at Arms Jap. uary Senior Class '44; Band, OrchcstrJ '+3-'++; NCO Club '43-'44.


"W /1eel/1orse" Company "B" '42-'43; Company "C" '+3'44; Summer S h ool '43; Intramu ral Basketball '+3; Boxing a nd Wrestling '43'+4; ornpany "C" Football '43; Intr a· mural Football '42; Honor Card Grou] '44; Non-Com. Officers Club '43; Wash ington's Birthday Exercises '43; Sergean '43-'4+; Suppl y Sergeant '43-'44.


Company "· " '+3-'44; Summer School '+3; pfr '+3; Corporal '43; 1s t Varsity Football '4 2 ; Varsity '+3-'44; Company "A" Football '42; Varsity H Club '43-'44; President \'ar itv H Club '43-'44; N.C.O. C lub '43'++; ,;Ele\'en Against the Sea" '43; Com us Clu b'++; Conduct Ribbon Group '42-'43; Outstandi ng First Year Company ":\» Medal '43; Best Postur e Company ". \ " Medal '43; Silver M e dal for Military Excellence.

.\L. N ZIMMER 2;/z YEARS "Zo-Zo"

Company "B» '41-'44; Honor Card Group '+l-'42; Conduct Ribbon Group '41-'42; P.F '43; Second Li e ut e nant '43-'44; Compa ny " B» Football '41 ; Compa ny "B" Varsity Football '43; Varsity Res erve Basketball '41 '4 2 ; Varsity Bask etball '+2'H; Varsity T e nnis '42-'44; Second Place Sc hool Singles T e nni s Tournam e nt '43; Fi rst Pla ce Schoo l Doubl es Tenni s Tournament '+3; Commencement Danc e Co mmittee '43; Founders' Day Danc e Comm itt ee '+3; Special Drill Platoon '4 2-'43; Ord er of t. Vincent '43-'44; Acolyt e '+J-'44; Head Acolyte '43-'44; Copy Editor, Howe H erald '42-'43; Editor of How e H erald ' +3-44; Charter M e mber, Vires Society '4 1 '++; Secretary a nd Tr eas ur er of Vi res Society '43-'44-; Sword and Shi eld Club '42'+3; Quill and Scroll '43-'44; Secretary and Treas ur er of January Graduation lass '44.





Band Co. '42-'43; "C" Company '43-'44; Rind '+2-'++; Drum Major '43-'44; Cha pd Orchestra. '42-'44; Concert Orchestra '+2-'44; Dance Band '44; Alpha Delta Tau '+2-'43; Pres. Alpha Delta T::iu '+3; Honor C:i rd gro up '42-'43; Conduct Ribbon group '+2-'44; Herald reporti:r '+2-'43; Glee Club '42-'43; Varsity Baseball '+3-'44; Varsity Rifle Team '42'+ 3; Intramural Basketball '43-'+4; Fall Tt·nnis '43; Bronze Herald Tribune Medal '+3; Bronze Haberly Medal '43; Best J)1·d::imation '43; Outstanding first year cadet (Ban d Co.) '43; Ranking cadet Fourth Form '43; P.F.C. '43; Sergeant '+3; Technical Sergeant '44; Non-Com1nissioncd Officer's Club '44.

MILNER S. BALLARD JR. 2 YEARS "Baby" Company "B" '42; Band Company '43; P.F'.C. '43; Captain Intramural Basketball Team '42-'43; Captain Intramural Softball Team '43; Commencement Dance Comm itt ee '43; Corporal '43; Sergeant '+3; Conduct Ribbon Group '+3-'44; Varsity Football '43; Varsity Bask e tball '43; Varsity "H" Club '43-'44; Non-Corn Club '+3-'+4; Company "C" '43; Varsity Bas eball '44; All Star Bask et ball Team '4 2'+3; Battalion Staff '44; Founders' Day Dance Committee '43; Hera ld Staff '44·.


"Booz," Gray's Championship Intramural Footba team, '43; Acolyte, '43-'44; "Brothc Orchid", 143; Rifle team, '43- 144; C:lj tain Rifle team, '44; P.F C., '43; Sc gca nt, '43; Vice-President Vires Societ1 '43; Vice-President Comus Club, '43-'++ Sernncl Lieutenant, '44; First Lieutenan '+4; Sword and Shield Club, '44.


"Baron" Company "A'>, '41-'++; Corporal, '43-'H; Com us Club, '+2-'4+; Secrdary and Treas urer, '++; Company football, '41-'H; Varsity Track team '44; Wrestling Squat '43; Tumbling Squad '+2; Com us Clu play, "Mc ·t Uncle Sally" '+2; play, "With Rhythm it's H ea ven at Howe" '43; I-ll'rald staff '4 2; "Bugle" editor, '42'44; Military polic e, '43-'44; Sprin Dance committee, '42; D e clamation contest, '42-'44; Acolyte, '41-'42; Comu Cluh Dance committee, '43.



Lower Sehool '+O; McKenzie Literary So< id\" Basketball; Treasurer Freshman cia:s' '+I; P.F.C., Cpl., Sgt., '42; Tribune >kdal '+2; Honorable Mention "Most rrustworthy Cadet" '42; Staff Serge ant '+3; Vice-President, Junior Clas ; Tribune ;\kd:i.1 '+3; Honorable Mention «Christian Courtesy"; Honorable Mention, Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer; Second Lil'utcnant '+3; Captain Batta! ion Staff 'H; Company "C"; President Senior la ss; Presidl.!nt Science Club; Comus Club-in "Ele\'cn Men r\gainst the S a"; Intr am ural Sports, Basketball, Football, Softball, Track; Sword and Shield; Conduct Ribbon Group '+4.


"Shoulders" Company "B" '42-'43; Declamation Contest Medal '+3; Sergeant '43; uppl y Sergeant '43; Staff Sergeant '43; Second Lieutenant '44; Battalion St:i.ff '+3-'44; Non-Commissioned Officers Club '43-'44; Commissio n ed Adviser to N .. 0. Club, '++; word and Shield C lub '+4; Varsity Wrestling Team '43-'44; Co mp any "B" Varsity Footba ll '43; Special Drill Platoon '+3; Iritramural Softball '43-'44; "The Tramps o nv ention" '44; o ndu ct Ribbon G roup '42-'44.



Co. ":\." '+2-'+3; Intramural Intramural Basketball '42-'43; Intramur,1, Softball '+3; Conduct Ribbon Group '+.. '++; P.F.C. '43; Summer School '+i. Best Citizenship Medal (Silver) '+l Cornu Club '+3-'4+; Sergeant '+3-'++ Intra.mural Football Captain '+3; Varsit· Rcsl"l"YC Captain '+3-'+4; Varsity Baskrt. ball '+3-'++; Varsity «H" Club '+4; Firt St:rg-eant; Company «B» '43-'+4; Tra 1t; Team, Varsity '+4; Second Lieutenant '+.t.



Company «B'', '40-'43; Midget Football Captain, '40; Midget Basketball '40-'4 l; Choir, '41-'43; Corporal '41; Sergeant, '+ 1-'42; Intramural Football, '42-'4+; Band Company, '42; Swing Band, '42-'4+; Spceial Drill Platoon, '42; Spring Dance Committee, '+2; Second Lieutenant, '42'+3; Secretary Junior Class, '42-'43; Varsity Basketball, '42-'+3; Glee Club, '42-'43; Varsity Reseryc Tennis, '43; Commencernent Dance Committee, '43; Conduct Ribbon Group, '42; Secretary, Senior Class, '+3-'44; Sword and Shield Club, '42-'43; Secretary word and Shield Club, '43-'44; Vires Soci ty, '42-'44; Secretary Vires Society, '++; Herald Staff, '42-'43; Editor Hera lei, '+3-'44; Quill and Scroll Society, '+3-'44; Acolyte, '44; Old Guard, '4:4; Intramural Softball, '44; Captain Adj utant, '43-'44; Staff, '43-'44; Editor 1944 Tatler; Haberly Medal Winner, '43.

"Big John"

V·irsitv Reserve Rifle T ea m, '41; Varsity j{ ,en'.e Baseball Team, '41; P.F.C. Comp.iny ":\.", '+ 1 ; Company "A" Football Tl'alll, '+ 1-'43; Corporal Company "A" '+ t; Company "A" Basketball T ea m, '42; \':irsitv Rescn ·e Baseball T ea m, '42; Seri,:'l'ant .L'o lllp a ny "A", '42-'43; Blak e Bask;.thall Team, '+2; Honorable M e ntion ";\lost Tru tworthy Cadet" Fourth Form, '+2; Spring Dance Committee, '42; Com us Club, '+2-' ++; Sergeant Company "C", '+3; Se r gea nt-at-Arms, Com us Club, '43'+4; Seco nd Li e ut e nant Company "A", '+3; Excellent Conduct Ribbon Group, '+!-'++; Sword and Shield Club, '43-'44; Chair man Founders' Day Danc e Committee, '+3; First Li e ute na nt Company ". \", '+3-'++; Honorabl e M e ntion Patriotic Essay, '+2; Wr es tling T ea m, '43; Captain Compa ny "A", '44; Vir es Soci ety, '43-'44; Acolyte, '+3-'4+; Busin ess Manager "Tatler", '++; Company "A" Softball Team, 'H.


Var sity Football '41; "A" Company '41'+2; "A" Company Bask etball '4 1-'42; Band '+ 1-'+ 2 ; Varsit y Football '4 2 ; V.H.C. '+2- '43-'44; Band Company '42-'43; Corpora l '+ 2-'+3 ;S e r gea nt '43; Intramural Baske tball '+ 2-'43; Intramural Bas eball '43; "B" ompany '43-'44; Varsity Basketball '43-'44; Sec ond Li e ut e nant '43-'44; First Li eutenant '44; Dan ce Band '44; Sword and Shi eld '43-'44; Conduct Ribbon Group '41-'44.



"Glen" Co. "A" >+ 1-'++; Co "A" Football '+I; Mid get Basketball '41-'42; "Meet Unclr Sally" '42; Summer Session '43; Choir '42-'44; Glee Club '42-'44; Wrestling Squad '43-'44; Sergeant '43.

JOHN P. HPBBARD Two YEAR S "Jake" Company "B'', '42-'44; Gray Football Champions, '42; Intramural Basketball Champions, '42-'43; Corporal, '43-'44; Sergeant, '44; Play, "If Men Played Cards As Women Do", Cornus Club, '43-'44; Wrestling Team, '43-'44.




Comp:iny "B", >.4.1- 1 44; Conduct Ribbon (;roup, '+3; Company "B" Football, >43; Intramural Football, '42; Commencement Dance Committee, 14 2; Company "B" Basketball, 144; Intramural SoftbaJ l , >43; P.F.C., '+Z- 143; Sergeant, '43- 144; Isoh l'lub, 1++; Honor Card Group, 1 42- 143; .\lpha Ddta Tau, >43; Tennis, 144.

JOH ' G. JENSEN F rvE YEARS "l-1" Company "L" '39- 1 40; PFC 1 40; McKenzie Literary Society >3 9- 140; Star List '3 9140; Lower Varsity Football '3 9; Knick Football 1 3 9; Knick Baske tball >3 9-'40; Nourse Junior Track Medal '40; Low er Varsity Base ball '40; Company "B" '40'+2; PFC 140; Midget Football 1 40; Ser141- 142; Spring Dance comm ittee 1+2; Conduct Ribbon Group '3 9-'42; Second Li e utenant 142-'43; Battalion Staff 1+2- 143; Sword and S hield '42-'44; First Lieutenant '43-'44; Old Guard 1 43-'44; Company "C" '43-'44; Rifle t ea m '43>++; Secretary Old Guard '44.


Band Company '42-'43; Company ":\" '+3-'44; Champion Intramural Football '+2; Band Company '43-'44; Tumbling '+3; Company "A" Varsity Football '+3; Corporal '43; Founders' Day Dance Comrnitkc '43; Rifle Team '+3; Varsity Track '++.

OLAF l', KRO EMAN Two YEAR S "Oley',

"B" Company '43; "C" Company '43-'+4; Championship Softball team '43; Commencement "Iron Guard" '43; "C" Company Football '43; Corporal '43; Varsity Football '43; Varsity "H" Club '43-'44; Conduct Ribbon group '43-'44; Intramural hampionship Basketball team '43'44; Captain Cheer Leaders '43-'44; Dance Banc! '43-'44; ergeant '44; First Sergea.nt '44; Batt. N.C.O. Club '44; Presid e nt "C" Company N.C.O. Club '44; Varsity Baseball '44.



Company «A» '+2-'+3; Intramural Softball '+2-'+3; Intramural Football '43-'44; Wri.>stling '+3-'44; Conduct Ribb o n Group '+2-'+3; Summer School '+3; Varsity Track '++.



Company <<B» '40-'44-; Conduct Ribbon Group '+0-'44; Varsity Football '40-'4 2; Coach 1944 Champion Midget Football team; Varsity Bask et ball Manager '41; Varsity Tennis '43-'44; ''Meet Uncle Sally" '+2; Vires Society '40-'43; Varsity "H'' Cl ub '41-'44; 1<Brother Orchid'' '43 ; Declamation Contest '42; Spring Dan ce Committee Chairman '41 ; Commencement Ba nd Chairman '43; Privat First Cb.ss '+ 1; Sergeant '4 2; Hospital Sergeant '+2-'+3; Second Li e ut enant '43 ; Captain '+3-'H; Sword and Shield.



Rifle team '+I-'+2; P.F.C. '41; Corporal '+2; Intramural Softball '43; Varsity "H" Cl uh '+4; Football All Star '++; Corporal '++; Sergeant '44; Lieutenant '++; Conduct Ribbon Group '41-'+3; Special Drill Platoon '+:>'43; Company "B" '+ 1-'·H; Company "C" '44; Old Guard '4+; Swore! and Shield '+4.


Company "C"; Intramural football '43; Declamation contest '4-3; Camus Club; Intramural Basketball '4-3-'44-; PFC '43; Corporal '44; Intramural Baseball '44.



Midg-et Basketball, '41-'42; Midget Foot1-.ill, 1+I; Company Baseball, '42; Blake Football, 1+2; Varsity Basketball, '42-'43; \'ar itv Baseball, '43; Varsity Football, ,+J-'+4.; Company Basketball, '44; Varsin Baseball, '44; "A" Company, '4 l -'44; P:F.C., '42- 143; Sergeant, '43; Corporal, ,++; Glee Club, '42-'44; Varsity "H" l'lub, '42-'44; Choir, '41-'44; Haberly '43


l'ompa ny "A" '4-2-'43; Intramural Softball '42-'43; Varsity Rifl e Team '42-'43; Randolph Hearst Trophy '4 2 -'43; Varsity Letters '4 2-'43; Company "A" Varsity Football '+3; P.F.C. '43; Isoh Club '43'++; Scrgeant-at-Anns Isoh Club; Conduct Ribbon Group '42-'44; Sergeant '43; Hospit :t! Sergeant 1 43; First Sergeant '4+; N.C.O. Club '43-'44; Second Lieutenant '4+; Sword and Shield Club "44.

RICH. RD G. REINACKER Two YF.\R· cc vi· easel" Company "A" '43; Intramural Basketb,1] '+3; Intramural Softball '43; Conduit Ribbon Group '4-3; Herald Staff '+); Company "C" '+3-';44; Company dnk '+3-'4-4; Corporal '43; Intramural Football '4-3; Rifle Team '43-'44.


Conduct Ribbon Group '41-'43; St. Vincent's Guild '42-'44; P.F.C. '4 1-'43; Sergeant '4-3-'44; Vires Dance Committee '43; Commencement Dance Committee '43; Spring Dance Committee '43; Intramural Football '43; Intramural Basketball '41'44; Intramural Baseball '41- ' 43; Comp::iny "B" '41-'+3; Company "C" '41'44; Glee Club '+l-'42; Vires Society '+ l-'+3; N.C.A. lub '44.

1 I'\ \l'IS J. SHEA Two YEA lU

"F r ank"

l'iimp:u1y "B" Conduct Ribion Group '42-'+3; Co mm e n ce me nt Dance l' 11 mmittl'l' '+3; Founders' Day l'o:n mitt ·e '43; Intr a mural Softball '+ 2'+3-'++; Compa ny "B" Football '+3-'++; l 't.mpany "B» Basketball '43-'++; R ese JT t' Rifle Team '+2-'+3; Varsity Wrestling· '+'l-'++; Company Clerk '43-'++; P.F.C. '+2-'+3; Corpora l '+3-'+4; Sergea nt '43'H; i\l'O Club '43-'+4.


"Smitt y"

Lowe r Sc hool >J 8-'40; Whit e C lub 'J 8-' 40; l hoir 1 39-'4 I ; McKenzie Litera ry Society '38-'4-0; P.F Low er 140; Cadet L owe r '40 ; B es t Marksman Low er '+O; Best Improv e m e nt Low er '40; Christmas Play Low er '39; Whit e Football, Basketball, Softball; Conduct Ribbon Gro up '39-'40; St. Nicholas Guild '39-'40; Compa n y "B" '40-'43; Mid ge t Football '+ll; Dance Committees '40- 143; Plays, "A N ig ht at an Inn", "Du st of th e Road,'' property manager "Brother Orchid"; B:i.nd Gui don 14 2; Vires Society '4 l -'44; Corn us Club'+ 1-'44; Rifl e T ea m '4 l -'44; Acolyte '+ 1-'44; Vice-President Vir es Soci ety '41'+3; St. Vinc e nt' s Guild '4 2.- '44; Special Drill Pl atoo n '4 2- '43; Co mpan y ccA" 143'+4; Corporal '43; Sergea nt '43-'44; Staff Sergeant '44; Seco nd Li e ut e n na nt '4·+; First Li eute nant '44; Pres id e nt Vires Soc iety 143-'44; Pr es id e nt om us Club 143-'44; Vic e Commander of th e Old Guard '43; Commander of th e Old Gua rd 144; Sword and Shi e ld Club '44.


Company "B" '4-2-'4+; Intramural Fout hall '+2; Science Club '+2; Intramur.i! Basketball '+2-'43; Conduct Ribbon gnnq '42-'+3; : \11-Star Football and Baskctha!I '+2-'+3; Intramural Softball '+3; Corporal '+3; Varsity Football '43; Sergeant '+3; Supply Sergeant '+3; Captain Varsit\ B:i.sketball '+3-'+4; Staff Sergeant '+3-'H·, Secrl't:try Science Club '-l-3-'++; Secretar:Treasurer Varsity "H" Club '+3-'++; Vir"President Senior Class '+3-'++; First SngL•ant '++; Secretary Non-Com Club »++; Battalion Staff '44; Conduct Ribbon grour '·B-'++; Intramural Base ball '44.



Lower School '39-'40; Lower Varsity Football, Basketball, Baseball '40; Low e r Honor Society '3 9-'40; Tumbling Team '39'40; Star List, '39-'40; P.F.C. Lower '40; Good Posture Meda l '+O; Company "A 1 '+0-'+3; Var si ty Footba ll '40-'44; Conduct Ribbon group '39-'44; Intramural Bas k etba ll '40-'44; Vars:ty Base ball '41'44; Vires Society 141-'44; Varsity "H,, Club '41-'44; P.F.C. Company "A" '41; Corpora l '41 ; Sergeant '41-'42; Honor Card group '41-'44; Spring Danc e Committee '41; St. Vince nt' s Guild '42-'H; Staff Sergeant '42; Second Lieute nant '42-'43; Battalion Staff '4 1-'44; Sec S :x icty '42-'+3; Founders' Day Committee '42; Old Guard '43-'44; Wr est lin g squad '44; Vic e- Pr es ident Var sity "H" C lub '43; President Varsity "H,, Club '44; All-Star Football '44; Sword an d S h ie ld Club '42-'44; "Brot h er Orch '.d" '43; Outstanding Military Ac hi evcmc'lt Medal '44-; President Sword and S hi eld C lub '43-'44; Cadet Major '43-'44.

J\ '\lES B WOOLEY ONE YEAR "Jim" l' 11 mp:rny ccA" ; '43-'44; Company cc A" l'oothall Tea m '+3; Rifl e T ea m '43-'44; Jl:ind '+3-'+ +; Or c h es tra '+3-'44; Dan ce H.tihl '+3-'4+; Aco l y te '43-'44; I so h Club '+ 3-'++; Co mp a ny cc A" Softba ll '44; As,0ciatt: Business Ma na ge r of th e Tat1e r '44 •\LBERT M. WORTH ON E Y EA R "Al" Com pa ny "C"; Intramur a l Football '43; :\11 Star Footba ll T ea m '43; Varsity ccH" '+3-'44; Ch ee r Lead e r '43-'+4; tion contest '43; Intramu ra l Bask e tball '43'+4 ; PFC '43; Corporal '44; Sergea nt '++; Boxing '43; Varsity Bas e ball '44





932 Lakeside Drive, E. Grand

s, Mich.

1832 Losantiuille Ave., Cincinnati 16, Ohio Milner

5 140 Hamilton, D etroit, Mieh.

620 W. 5th St., Marion, Indi

268 Fairfax, Birmingham, Mich.


Road, Grand Rapids, Mich.







171 Hi g hland, Highland Park, Mich.

E. Jackson, Muncie, Indiana Brurt•

1408 L i nco

way East, Mishawaka, Indi

I 0 13 Carlton Blvd., Jackson, Mich.

173 7 Sh e ridan Ave., Whiting, Ind.

17390 Woodingham, Detroit 3, Mi





68 Public Square, Medina, Ohio

3 13 I Wisconsin Ave., Berwyn, Ill. Fredcri\k

8336 Woodward Ave., Detroit 3, Mich.

Audubon Ave., Detroit 24, Mich

CLASS 1944
1.:n Homer Adams, Jr
Slwlhy Ballard, Jr
L:rnrent"' r\ornnn Boosey
:\nthnny Bo stock
ana Claud \Villiam Behn, Jr
ce Wicksall Byh:-nga .................... 2
W. Leonard
Chin Mandarin
Goodao1'1 Coleman...........
William Colver
Edward Corley
Stewart Cuppl es , Jr
Anthony Elli son .... .. . ......................
Dunham Evans
Marvin Greenwood, J r
Fra nk Glen ....•.. I
Philip Hubbard, III. .4691
c ha rd Clayton J ac kson ....... . ..... .. ............... Old Joy, R.R. No. 2, Holly, Mich . John Gordon J ense n ........ .. .. .... ............ 1701 Breton Rd., E. Grand Rapids, Mich. Pete r Andrew Kandi s, Jr 205 Harrison St., LaPorte, Indiana Olaf Coron Kron e man, Jr 10303 Orangclawn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Frederico Antonio Manhartsberger Apart 679, San Jose, Costa Ric a Jo se ph A lexa nd er Mayers 4 2 1 Columbia Rd., Bay Village, Ohio William Ir vi ne Millar, J r.. I 440 By ron St. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich J ames Herbert Nay l or ..... , ........ ... .... ..... ..... ... 7950 Normile, Dearborn, Mich . Ole H enry Peterson, Jr 14-10 P ec k St., Muskegon, Mich. Willi a m Quade P ete r so n 5 12 S P a rkvi ew , Los Angeles 5, Californi a Gene Allen R eed 1508 Mound Ave., Jackson, Mich. Richard Gordon R e inackcr 2529 Drexe l Ave., D etroit, Mich. Maurice Sa muel R ar ick ......... . .............. .... . ....... .. . Clinic, Wolcottville, Ind. J ohn Whaling R ose ........ . ...... . ..... . .. ... .. . 2 027 W. Bo ston Blvd., D e troit, Mich. Francis J o hn Shea 28 0 2 N. Anthony, Ft. Wayn e, Ind Howa rd Malcom Smith, Jr 223 1 E. 67th St., 12A, Chicago, Ill Wilden Low e ll Sn yde r I 0 I Chi cago, Gosh e n, Ind Ja c kso n Be nn e t Strange ........ . ...... ..... .. ........ 780 E. Broadway, Logansport, Ind. Jo se ph L eland Utley , Jr Olmsted Falls, Ohio Rob ert Shcrrcl Whiting 167 51 Evan ston, D e troit, Mich. Jam es B erton Wool ey 353 W es t Main, Elsie, Mich Albert M e lvin Worth ........................ 7559 Morrow Circle, East D ea rborn, Mich. Alan Edward Zimmer, Jr 3499 Clark Ave , Cleveland, Ohio


It wa. in 1936 that Howe was blessed with its' first member of the Class of 1944. This morsel of humanity was "Bud" Behn. "Bangoff" made all the preparations for the coming of the rest of this mighty dass. He bad plenty of time as the next member was Bruce Bylenga who arrived in 1938. At this time he was in high spirits and in no time at all, he became an outstanding athlete.

"Smitty" Smith was next to put his "John Henry" on the dotted line. He became interested in the Church and is now the head server and president of the Vires Society.

The same year ''Jake'' Jenson entered the institution. He started as a quiet, model young lad. But time changes everything; ''Jake'' is now ''one of the boys. ' '

Howe got its biggest break when '' 0. C. S. '' Whiting decided that Howe would be a good place to honor with his presence. "R. B." runs the works now and is doing a swell job.

Along with the "Dog·" came Ole Peterson, Howe's contribution to the "Lady Killers Association of America." In his stay at Howe, Pete gave many a girl a not-so-slight case of heart flutter.

''One-Eye'' Chin, originator of chop suey with garlic, arrived at Howe in 1939. "Charles" had a hard time breaking himself of the habit of swearing at the teachers in Chinese, but he was gradually brought up to be a model cadet . The climax of his Howe career was his short and sweet partnership with Capt. "Mac".

Next to join the hands of the Class of '44 was "Jake" Cupples After rather an exciting first three years, "Jake" finally settled down to become the chief "Puppy" in the battalion "Litter" of the class of '44. He also became the editor of the publication which you now have the questionable honor of reading.

Along with ''Jake'' came '' Grooper'' Greenwood, the pride of Medina, Ohio. The origin of his nickname will not be mentioned here, but take it from me, it "suited" him.

In January of 1941, a nose floated in and a minute later ''Big John" Ellison followed it. He started at once to build his "empire", but didn't get control until 1944. (Kind of a poor man's Adolph ·Hitler.)

"Happy" Millar was admitted in January of '41 also. "Happy" worked hard during his stay and worked up to be a Lieutenant. Twice, in fact, he earned buttons.

following year a few memhers were added to the roster or our <·lasR. '[1hp,· irn·ludPrl ,J olmnY Ho He, Bill Peterson, "Lex" Mavers Diek .J a<'k:-;on. ,·, BuhhlPH" Glen, "B.,leming, "Chew-it-up" Zi1;m1e1'. and" .. \ir Corps" these hoys made their various contributions to the pffort ·with great enthuHia, m and they all added to tht· gT<n,·ing- su1wriority of our <'lass. Zimmer especially was helpful af; lie "prirnteH rPpresu1tative" at 11 important conferences.

PPterson bt•t·anw famous for his beautiful renditions of the popular of' the da». l\fayerR, known to his intimate friends aH "<)ya l ", lw<·n11w a Rtar athlete, and one of the schools b'iggest leaders.

rl'lw <·I mis got m10t her rnoh iu 1n4:2 including the modest .Jack Htraug-P, (fostincd to hel'onw one of the most admired Seniors of the <·la.'s. '' .J akr'' took his time getting into the limelight. Now he's in it all over the place. ''Ht ff'' was captain of the Howe baskcthall tPnm this year also.

I11 ra nk Hhea another one to give Howe the onceornr in Ile has sprnt a good portion of hi, two years winning hC'h; from the military tlepartment, on "what the hook says."

''Baby'' Bal lard walked 011 the campus with the Scott cheerlNlder iu one hand and a two-headed coin in the other. "Baby" became rnlunhle on rnanucvcffR heeanse of his deftness at making a night l'Cl'011 na lHRanee.

Pete Kan<liH also earn in 1-Dveryone always looked forward 1o pmades when ''Pete" played in the band, because they all knew lie 'cl sneak in a couple of rim shots here and there.

Reuhen \clams and his super-brain aiTiveci and the Howe course of stud>' proved to he no match for the thinking powers of Reuben. Reuben also led the hand around at parades.

'' ·wheel home" Snrdcr, author of 'arhe :B1 actory Man", proudly am1omwed his presence in th same year. Snyder got his chance under ''Capt. Mac's'' regime and he proved to be a good man.

'' Pinoch'' Corley put hi nose into everyone's business as soon as he hit the campus, but no one minded it and Bruce got to be pretty popular. He spent his last half-year slaving under the "Dog", but he smvived th ordeal and graduated one of the choice few of the January s ction of the cla .· of 1944.


'' Sleepr'' R ed wa · awakened long enough to enroll in school, but he immediately went back into his coma for the remainder of his two years. "Sleepy" was one of the boys to take a crack at the Air Corps after his graduation.

Lee Utley came in time to hecome a football star in 1942, and wn:-. here long enough to receive a special citation for his fine work. Lee went into the Navy Air Corps following his January graduation.

Jack Hubbard started to get entang l ed vv-ith Sturgis as soon as he got se ttled at Howe. He also found time to do a good job for the but his main objective was not Sturgis.

Bruce Coleman was another one who started his Howe career a perfect cadet. However the influence of the Staff broug·ht him nround to his right state and he is now going crazy with the best of us.

Rarick M. came in this year and he made a fine record during his He was active on the rifle team and he was one of the few cadets in his year of military to receive a commission.

Tony Bostock, fresh from good old Britain, registered at Howe the sa me year. Tony estab li shed the ''.A'' Company Bugl and was a r tiv e in many sc hool functions. ·

Norman "I'll agree about anything" Boosey was another of the hoy to cross the threshold in '4:2. He was one of ''Mac's'' staff and he {lidn 't suffer anything by it.

"Bashful Bob" Co lv er came to Howe to learn the technique of getting women. He succeeded in getting the one h e wanted so now Bob i s really g lad that he came .

"Freddy" Manhartsburger, the Costa Rican man-mountain, was among the new class and considering the time he has spent in the eountry he has done a swell job and really de erYes a lot of credit .

''Ole'' Kroneman, or ''Harry James, sixty years from now'', came as a musician. We can forgive him for soni e notes in the "Two-'0Clock" .

Dick Reinacker, alia s ''The Weasel'' came at the semester of that 5·ear. He immediately became the cla ss clown and ha . r emained so r''er , rnce.

This ye ar's crop brought hut three additions, Jim Wooley, Jim Naylor and Al Worth.

\f\TOoley was one of the sax players in the swing band and was outstanding in the academic department. Naylor and W oTth were 0. K. cadets in the first year military, both rating the stripes of sergeant .

So ends our look at the members of th e class of 1944. They hope that their record will be good enough to make a l asting impr ession with their Alma Mater.

'l'he Sehool mourns the loss of ([amphdl 'ffi. Beloved Bisho1 > of Northern Indiana PreHident of the Board of Trustees ®orhnu Head of the Social Science Department O.htb£± Jlff il£s Jtforntrook Loyal Member of the Fourth 11-,orm Corporal of Company'' C''


Boys, a great catastrophe has come about, but purely coincidental. Ten years have passed since the Class of '44 graduated, of which a great percentage either enlisted or were drafted into the armed forces. During the month of August, 1954, eight months following the Armistice, I was attending an American Legion Convention at Si-Head Center. As I strolled into the convention hall, a loud, deep voice bellowed out "Friends !" By George! It was none other than "Ole." Ycs, Olaf Kroneman, National Chairman of the American Legion.

As I gazed around the room, I saw someone who looked familiar. Wait, now-yes, it is! "Glamour" Glen wearing a white apron, bringing in the water for the speaker .

It looked as though I had arrived a little late as the convention was about to adjourn. As I strolled out into the street, waiting to see if there was anybody else around that I might know, a truck drove up. And-no, no, it couldn't be-But it was! It was Chin in his flying suit. As the truck pulled up to the curb, a gang of soldiers and sailors piled out of the back end . And believe it or not, it was the rest of the Class of '44. You all remember that Charlie was pretty good at keeping track of our class. Charlie received his commission through Circus, Inc., and now he operates a "Loopo-plane" at Gabonia Park. He flew around and picked up the whole class and decided to drop around.

The reason they were late is because Charlie used ''Bang-Off'' as his navigator and" Tuffy" Evans as his radioman. Oh! They forgot someo ne out of the park at Sliding Center. They forgot "Sleepy" Reed in the lower gun turret, who, as usual, was sound asleep.

\Vell, after we all got thrnugh shaking hands, and blocking traffic, we filed into the hotel for dinner, after which we heard from our old school mates.

We were letting "Jake" Cupples speak first because his wife wanted him home at a respectable hour. "Jake" is pounding the kins at the Gem and is active as "Ramona's" right hand man.

Along the same line we heard from another ''Jake'' ,-Jackson B. Strange reported that he had completed his V-12 program, had returned to Logansport and is a manufacturer of radio controlled basketballs.

We regret that Hap Millar could not be with us, but it was reported that he was acting as a secret service man in the G-2 division of the undergrnund in France.


HPuhen ,.\dams has lmnwd ont a dozen sun lamps trying to <leYPlop hiH 1iifrhing arm to join up with .Joe Louis' "Brown Bomhers."

•'()le'' Petf'rson was stationed in Siheria and married one of the ]oc·al thPre. "Peh.i ", waiter that he was, was sorry that lie <·ould11 't <·ome dowu from tSiheria for the reunion, but he lo t his birth <'t•rtifi<·ate and eouldu 't g(lt a passport. He :aid, "I couldn't make them helip\·e that I was horn."

Nt.ixt \Ye hPanl from Coleman. "\Vell, I'm tough see 0? I'm attPmli11g M usc•les College i11 Ripling County. I'm taking up the arts of wrPstling nnd am playing around with law as a sideline . I'm planniug011 heing tough Pnough so that when I hecome a lawyer I can run tlw show, s11e ''

"Pete" vV. reported that he joined the navy only to marry a WAC. Cau 't yon imagine "Pete" walking down the street whistling "A wolf in 'ships' <'lothing'' Traitor!

ended up hy being a conscientious objector . He reported that he waH trying to pull strings so that he cou l d become President of the Detroit .Alumni \ssociation.

Bruce Bylenga went to Hanard and graduated . He returned to I lowe and re-volutionized the gnglish Department . His p l an of ''the lesH a ('adet does, the higher his grade'' was put into effect . Bruce was voted most popular master last week.

Dave F1 leming reported that he had received his commission in the Merchant Marine, only to he put in command of a leaky rowboat on the Pigeon rnver. Dave expects a new command soon.

''Mildew'' Ballard reported that he was drafted, and one day he pieked up a WAC and he ended up marrying her. You all know that "hahy" was fond of "pick-ups" anyway .

<'Banana Nose'' Mayers reported that he is the chief bar tender at the "run-ov-er bar". Lex received his handle when he got in an argument with one of his cuHtomers and got his mug right back in his face.

''Smitty'' reported that he l eft Howe and attended a school for missionaries On becoming 18 years of age, he registered as a conscientious objector . During the war, he served as a morale builder to the South Hricans. .He got along fine as he was a l ways active in race riots in Detroit.

"Grooper" left Howe with the .January class and was drafted shortly afterwards. Six months after the D .O.W . he returned to his little village square and settled down on a sma11 farm. Fred couldn't

hr. preHent as his wife has taken away his privileges until his chores haYe been completed.

"Luchiff" stated that he had been spending his time trying to deYelop a "Luchiff-stein theory" which he could dedicate to the school. Good Luck Luchiff ! We will probably be hearing from you in another ten years .

Colver joined up with the paratroopers and found his jumps enjoyable . He said that they were wrong at school when they said that one had to work his way up the ladder.

Hubbard received his degree in medicine and reported tl1at in his practice at "Sliding Center", the death rate has decreased. Only Hix people died of'' small pox.'' The other five weren't even bothered.

"Big Al" Zimmer took the first train back to Cleveland after the war. By the way, while in the Army, he from P.F.C. to Second Lieutenant. In the old home town, he started the business of building a collapsible saber to be used by Howe cadets on vacation.

"Wheel-horse" Snyder found his way back to Goshen. He bought an estate outside the metropolis with the money earned by publishing a book entitled "How to Influence a Tactical Officer". He is now working on his greatest effort, ''The Life and Loves of a Howe Cadet.'' He's writing from actual experience.

John Rose said that he was leading the life of a contented married man. Now all John has to do is explain just how a married man can be contented .

''Al'' Worth went through the war as an instructor in the manly art of self-defense . Now Al is in the ring going under the name of "The Flexible No e ." More boxers have been surprised by that flexible nose than the number of stripes Al got his first year at Howe.

''The Weasel'' Reinacker has spent most of his time since graduation trying to find a cure for a new disease called ''Cow Fever.'' He has tried putting her to pasture, but she always returns. Riny just doesn't know how to "Fluff 'Em Off".

"Big J." Ellison confided that he is selling his .nose by the acre to plastic surgeons . The only complaint that John has is that the noise of the Diesels on the hoists keeps him awake at night.

Frances -Shea proved to be an expert in thinking up original ideas to make money. He built up a thriving concern which manufactures chevrons with talon zippers. With each set of chevrons comes a pamphlet on the advantages of a zipper chevron. Of course, Frank was the author of the pamphlet.


I >ic·k .l aeksou, after receiving his discharge from the Army, went home to find a way to work trig on an adding machine. After nearly amputating his arms in his routraption, he gave it up for a bad job mHl honght an answer book. Much simpler that way!

,J al'k ,Jen sou was discharged from the Army after straining his haek hecause of strenuous activities. He returned to Grand Rapid. a:-i a c·ontortioni t in a freak show. Jack gave a demonstration of hi: abilities during the dinner. II ha improved since he was a staff memher at II owe.

'l1o11r Bostock has spent much of his time trying to find some to g<>t his fingcn; into politics so that be might bring some influenf•<• to hear on the lend l asc situation.

}"reddy Manhart. burger went back to Costa Rica after the war nud married the " lligator Pear Queen" of 1952. He reported that he has four hoys.

"Binie" Whiting, the poor man's J:i...,rank Sinatra, is now the inging salesman at Sam's Cut Rate in Detroit.

''Pete" Kandis reported that he has been on the road since he left Howe trying to point out the highlights on that new se l f-served breakfast food. Don't get discouraged, "Pete", as we see your point of Yiew,' but we wonder if you do.

''Doc'' Rarick has become Kendallville 's leading physician . He has just perfected a six months cure for seven year itch . He is now working on a four day tTeatment for the three day measles .

"Uncle Jim" Naylor has the "Fun for Children" show every night over . tation R-U-N-G-E . A lot of the kiddies and a lot of the grown folks enjoy dialing in R-U-N-G-E when "Uncle Jim" is on.

Here cndeth the report on the class of 1944.



President Thomas W. Knowlson Vicc-Presiuent. Everett T. Calbeck Secretary Treasurer Harold ]. Robinson Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas ]. Petee
Alexander Kennedy Pete Baxter Kersten Pott er Cal beck Knowlson Rerick, A. Clernett Levinthal R e rick, D . Cornwell Lieberman Ro sati Dinnis Maddox, R. Ro se , L . Evans, E. Manning Robinson Ever on McLeod Ross Fader Mowery Sablain, R. Gorham, A. Nee ly Sa.mis Gorham, c. l\'orb erry Schultz Gregory Page, H. Smith, R. W. Grundy Parmenter Stoffels Hart Partalis Tucker Johnston


President Rob ert L. R. Miller Vice-President Donald Parr Secretary-Treasurer

Myron W. Verwys Sergeant-at-Arms Richard F. Stroud


Albers Hevesi Preston Andersen, W. Hinkley Quinnell Anderson, J. Horak Ravim: t Andrew Hughes Reno Barlow Hugo Ros se lot Breitmeyer Jay e Ruud Brown, R. G. J enkin s Schaubcl Callahan Kalkanian Seybert Campbell Kochler, F. Shillin g Clifford Larimore J. E. Co n e Maddox Smit h, R. P. Creeden Meader Stroud Crumb Miller, R. B. S utcliff e Cunn in g ham Miller, R. L. T:irnutzer Dexter Montie Thomas Down er Myers, R. C. Thornberry, W. Eccles Opperman Trinkle Evans, J. Palmer Verwys Ferris Parr Viviano Fox, D. Partalis Weinrichter Gross, C. Phelps Wilk Guild




]. L.

R. 0.




H. M.


President. Russell T. Morgan Vice-President. Walter A. Myers Secretary-Treasurer .................................. George W. Rice Sergeant-at-Arms Charles N. Yost MEMBERS Akers Gould Quandt Bird, D. Hadden Rae burn Brown, P. B. Haller Radel Buckel Hammond Rice Byington Hanna Sablain,
Bylenga Hudson Smith,
Clipsham Joss Smith,
Connell Kotson is Sguier Cooper, R. He. Lantis Stanley,
Corbin Logan,
W. Telisky Cronenwett Maddox, H. Thompson Dailey Mason Vandervort Davis Matthews Watts Dickey McBride Weisner Ford Morgan Westfall Frick Myers,
Whitaker Gavrila, J. Page,
Wilson Geh lert Parker Yost,


MEMBERS Arno ld Fox, H. Milholland Baker Harvey Myers, D. Beresford Ho beck Schultz, H. Berns How, J. St umpf Boe rem Keeney Swisher Booh er Kilgore Townsend Caldwell Knowles Wareham Carstensen Lo ga n, R. F. Wareing Coffman Lorant Wiles Conway Maple Yglesias Finch


r oss,




Allan, C. Barns Bonne\vitz Bouton, L. Buell Bu h ler Burbank Corrado Crigler Davidson Deahl Ganila, N.
J . I hll, J. Herring Hickson Howe, H. L eason Leonard McWilliams Meyer, E. Meyers, Wi. P o l jak S h ook Simmons Sta
Step h enson Torrey Wa lm strom \iVattles Werte n be r ger W h ittaker,
Ye r kes


Cooper, R. Ha. D e Kuyper Dillon
h am Kirazian Ko ehl er, G. Komi sarow
e Vequ e Richards Setzer Spi llm a n Templ eto n T hornb er ry Winsor
FIFTH GRADE AND UNDER Allan, R. Baggott Beardsley Bird, W. Bouton, N. Freedman
MEMBERS Gray Old berg Rorres T h omas, E. W hi te Wi l son, R.
i •' a I _ r MILITARY STAFF CoLONFL BuRRETT B. BouToN, I. N .G. Superintendent L I EUTENANT-COLONEL WILL I AM F. MULL I NS, In fantry, U.S.A. Professor of Military Science a/](l Tactics MAJOR J AMf:S S. MERR I TT, J. N.G. Commandant of Cadets CAPTAIN }AME S M. RUDOLPH, l. N.G Tactical Officer, "B" & "C" Compan i es CAPTAIN E. PowF.u., I. N.G. Tactical Officer, Co m panr "A " CAPTA I N DONALl1 B. STUCKEY, I. N.G. Ta ct ii-al Of /her, Company "L" CAPTA I N OTHO L I NC Bandmaster TECHN I CAL SERGEANT FREDER I CK F I NLEY, D.E.M. L ., U S.A. SERGEANT LLOYD R. CRAWFORD, D .E.M.L., U .S.A. Assistallls to tltl' P.M S & T.
BATTALION STAFF Cadet Major Robert S Whitin g Cadet Captain Adj ut ant John S. Cuppl es Jr. Cadet Seco nd Li e ut e n ant Bruce G. Co l e man Ca d et 'eco nd Li e ut e n a nt Rob e rt W. John sto n Cadet First Sergea nt Jack so n B Strange Ca d et Corporal Milner , . Ballard C:t d et Pri vate Ru sse ll T. Morgan
COMPANY 11 811 Captain J. Al ex May ers First Li e ut e nant Da v id S. Fl eming Second Li eute nant. ... . .... .. . . ..................... Rob ert W. Colver First Sergeant E verett Tucker Calbeck STAFF SERGEANTS: H eves i, Mill e r, R. L., P et ee SERGEANT S: Evan s, E., Gross, C., Hubbard, Ja ck so n, Rosati, Sablain, R., Shea, Shilling, Stoffe l s, Hinckley . CORPORALS: Evans, J., Hart, R av in et. PRI VATES FIRST CLASS: K erste n, Myers, Wa., Partali s, Quandt, Rice, Smith, J. E., Smith, J. L., Thornbeny. PRIV ATES : Andrew, Bird, Buck el, Byl e n ga, Callahan, Campbell, Clifford, Clipsham, Cornwell, Creeden, Cronenwett, Dail ey , Gehlert, Hadd e n, Hammond, Hu g hes, Hu go , K a lkani a n, Ko ehl e r, G., M a ddox, H., Norberry, R e no, Smith, R. P., Squier, Vi via no, W es tfall, Whitt ac k e r, P a rm ente r. Honor Company Third Qu a rter
COMPANY "C 11 Captain , hades Chin First Li e ut e nant Lawr e nc e N. Boosey Second Li e ut cn.rnt. Wi1liam I. Millar First Sergeant ... . . ................................ Olaf C. Kron e man T r:c H NICAL SERGEANTS: Adams, Clcmmett. STAPP SERGEANT: Fackr, Pres t o n, J e nse n, Sey ber t. SERGEANTS: Naylor, \Vorth, Ro se , J. CORPORALS: P age, H., R e ri c k, D., ab lain, B. PRIV ATES FIR ST C LASS: Baxter, Corbin, Gregory, Samis. PRIVAT ES: A nd e r so n, W., Brown, P. B., Cone, D ex t e r, Dickey, Ev e rson, Fox, Frick, Gorham, A., Gould, A., Horak, Jaye, J e nkins, Joss, Kotsonis, Lantis, Logan, R W., McBride, Maddox, R., Manning, Mill e r, R. B., Opp e rman, Pa ge , H M., Rad e l, Reinack e r, Ross, Schaubel, Schultz, W., Smith, R. O., Speller, T ar nut zer , Tucker, W e isn e r, Wil so n, W., Yost, R. Honor Company First Quart e r




J., Brown, R. G Byin gton,


es, Ford, Gavrila, J., Glen,

Kandis, L evi nthal, Manharts



Myers, R., Parker, Palm er, Ph

A., Rosselott, Ruud, Smith, R. W ., Sutcliffe, Thomas,

Trinkle, Vand ervort, Watts, Wool ey, Yost, C.

COMPANY "A" Captain John A. Ellison Li e ut e nant s How ar d M. Smith, Jr. a nd Maurice S. Rari ck F irst Sergeant . . . ......... . ..... .... ..... . . . ... .. .... Hurdlon L. Ros e SERGEANTS: Ferris, K enn ed y, McLeod, Neely, Robinson, Stroud, Venvys. CORPORALS: Bostock, Bri etm yer, Dinn is, Kno w lso n, Larimor e, Li eb erman, Parr, P et er so n, W. , Potter, Weinrichte r. PRIV ATES FIRST Cr.ASS: Ba rlo w , Cooper,
H e ., Gorham,
Telisky, Wilk.
ATES: Akers, A lb ers, Alexander, Anderson,
Connell, Crumb, Cunningham, Da vis, Down er , Eccl
Grundy, Guild, Hall er, Hann a , Hudson,
be r ger,
n, Matthews, Montie,
e r y ,
elp s, Quinn ell, Ra eb urn, R erick ,
D., Thompson,
Honor Company Second Quarter

Harold R. Caldwell

John B. Beresford, Gordon W. Wiles

John S. Gross

Bouton L., Torrey, Wattles.

Milholland, Grn\'es, Finch, Ga\'rila, N. 1 Yglesias, Stanley, N., Rems, Corrado.

Lorant, Shook, Fox, II., Beardsley, Hickson, Thornberry.

isher, Leonard, Hall, J., Stephenson, Davidson, Y crkes, Meyer, E.

PRIVATFS: Allan, C., Allan, R., Arnold, Baggott, Baker, Barns, Bi ggs, Bird, \V., Boerl'm, Bonnewitz, Booher, Bouton, N., Buell, Buhler, Burbank, Carstensen, Coffman, Conway, Cooper, R. Ha., Crigler, Deahl, D e Kuyper, Dillon, Freedman, Graham, Gray, Harvey, Herring, Hob ec k, How, J., Howe, H., Keeney, Kilgore, Kirazian, Knowles, Koehler, G., Kornisarow, L eason, LeVeque, Logan, R. F., McWilliams, Maple, Myers, D., Meyers, Wi., Oldberg, Richards, Rones, Schultz, H., Setzer, Simmons, Spillman, Stumpf, Templeton, Thomas, E., Townsend, Wareing, Wertenberger, Whit e , Whitt a ker, H., Wilson, R., Winsor.

COMPANY "L" ( Cornpany C(ltnmandL·r J ••••••••••••••••••
Sernnd ..................
Fint Sergl'ant
STAI·!· Poljak,
THE BAND How e Military choo l is always proud of its b a nd, a nd this year i s no exception to the rule. lT nd er th e ab l e direction of Captain Otho Lin g, a sple ndid organization has been developed which not only is capable of a n exce ll e nt performance at military functions but is eq u a ll y at hom e in concert ivork. LARI NET ORN ET Pvt Wooley Pvt. Horak S g t. Ferris Pvt. Cunningham Pvt. Byington Sgt Sa blain R. Pfc. Gregory Pvt. Watts T /Sgt. Adams TROMBONE P\'t. Davi s Pvt. D exter !st. Li e ut. Fl e min g 2 nd Lieut. Caldwell Pvt. Lanti s Corp. Li e berman P v t. Ruud Pvt. Albers Pvt. G rund y Pvt. Hammond BARITON E DRUM GurnoN Pvt. Sutcliffe p, t. Fox Pvt R e no S/Sgt. Pres ton Pfc. Partali s FLUTE P\'t. Kandi s DRUM MAJOR S/Sgt Mill e r T/Sg-t. Adams
THE HONOR SOCIETIES Two honor soc1et 1es ex ist on the campus,-Alpha Delta Tau, for memb e rs of the high sc hool department, and Beta Lambda Sigma, for Low er choolers. Both societies stress c iti ze nship as well as academic grades and admission to either r ecog nized by all cadets as a di st inct honor. ALPHA DELTA TAU President. Herman Page Secretary ......... . ................................... Glen W. Rad el Treasurer William C. Preston Corbin MEMBERS Stanley, T. HONORARY MEMBERS Colonel Burrett B. Bouton Cadet Miles K. Forncrook BETA LAMBDA SIGMA Wilk Mr. Edward P. Droste President Gross, J. Vice-President Milholland Secretary-Treasurer Finch Faculty Adviser Mr. Howard W. Downs MEMBERS Bouton, L. Lorant Beardsley


The Sword and Shield Club is made up of the co mmi ss ion ed officers of the Battalion and 1n cets eac h week wit h the Superintendent to discuss the affairs of th e sc hool, and to suggest impro\' crne nt s. Cadet Major Rob ert S. Whiting President Cad e t Captain Adjutant John S. Cupples, Jr Secretary Colonel Bouton Adviser Cadet Captain Chin Cadet Captain Mayers Cadet Captain Ellison Cadet First Li eut enant Flemin g Cadet First Li e ut enant Boosey MEMBERS Cadet Li e ut e nant Smith H. Cadet Li eut e nant Coleman Cadet Lieut e nant Rarick M. Cadet Lieute nant Millar
THE HOWE HERALD The Howe Herald is more important now than ever before. It i s se nt to all the Howe alumni in the Armed Services, and it helps to keep them in touch with their friends. The Herald is proud to be the connecting link betw ee n the school and its alumni in all parts of the wo rld. STAFF Managing Editor ......................... .. .. ... . John S. Cupples, Jr. Sports Editor Robert L. R. Mill e r Assistant Sports Editor Milner S. Ballard Copy Editor .......................................... Rob ert Hughes Art Editor Robert Smith Faculty Adviser The Rever e nd Robert J. Murphy Parmenter Lieberman Tarnutzer REPORTERS Morgan Larimore Koehler


The choir is one of the oldest organizations on the Campus, and plays a vital part in the chapel services. The soprano section, made up entirely of Lower School cadets, is composed mostly of veterans of last year who were seaso ned to produce a fine, smooth tone, so vital in church music.

The Upper School part of the choir, including the altos, the tenors, and the basses, is, for the most part, new this year. All have done a fine job, however, and their anthems have been enjoyed by the congregation all year.

J. Joseph Schilling



Bouton, N. Hudson


Barns Yost, R. Mc Williams Radel Peterson, w. Bird, W. Frick Larimore Bouton, L. B1·own, P. B. Smith, R. W.


S Glen


Choirmaster .............. . ............................. . ..... Mr.
Graves Biggs Partalis Wareing Whit
B \SSES Walmstrom ALTO S
Wattles TENOR
Everson Deahl Eccles



ca l chapt






Bird, D.

Evans, J.

er of the Ord er of St. Vin ce nt ha s carri ed on its work splendidly during the past yea r. Although a number of its m e mb er s were lo st by g raduation in
e, and
in J a nu a r y, no diffi culty ha s bee n ex p eri en ce d in kee pi11g th e ranks filled with cadets who are eager to serve . Head Server .. . ......................... ... ...... Cadet Howard Smith Directo r Father Murph y Pri es t Assoc iate , Fath er Jennings MEMBERS Cupples Smith,
Campbell Boosey Ros e, J Morgan K enn edy Gross,
D exte r
Vand ervort Ellison Wool ey
Smith, J. E.
THE COMUS CLUB The Comus Club is mad e up of cadets who are interested in and who have taken part in dramatics and who hav e be en e lect ed by the active members of the club. The organization has already put on one play this yea r, and plans three more before the term is over. President. ........ . ........................... Howard M. Smith, Jr. Vice-President Lawrence N. Boosey Secretary Hurdlon L. Rose Faculty A d viser ......... . ...................... .. ....... Mr. Tucker MEMBERS Bostock Haller Chin Knowlson Colver Naylor Ellison Phelps Everson Potter Fox, D.


The Old Guard is one of the most respected groups on the Howe Campus. It is composed of cadets who ha ve been at Howe at l eas t four years Its purpose is to develop a good "Espirit de Corps." Cadet Howard M. Smith Jr Commander Cadet John G. Jensen Secretary Captain Preston ............................................. Adviser Chin Cupples Eccles Fox D. Gould A. Gross Hudson MEMBERS Kennedy Morgan Neely Parr Rosati Rose L. Whiting


The Var ity "H» Club has been active thi year maintaining good sportsmanship throughout the corps. The organization i composed of lettermen who have been duly elected. Robert S. Whiting President Everett Cal beck ......... .............. ................ Vice President Jackson B. Strange Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Don E. Wilson Adviser MEMBERS Fleming Smith J.E. Rosati Mayers Pctee Greenwood Peterson W. Rose L. Peterson 0. Ballard Rerick A. · 13ylcnga B. Kroneman Yost C. Guin Gregory Millar Gt Icy Worth Know Ison


This organization is composed of cadets who are vitally interested in science and its advance ment. Th ey work on, and discuss various sc ie ntific problems, and have arrived at some very interesting conclusions. Pres id ent. Charles Chin Vice Pres id ent .. . .......... . .......... . ......... . Creighton J. Gorham Secretary and Treasurer Jackson B. Strange Faculty Adviser Mr. McGill Akers Brown, P. B. Clipsham Cunningham Dick ey Evans, E. Gould, D. Hanna Horak Hudson Ko ehl e r MEMBERS Larimore Matth ews McL eod Mor g an Potter Quandt Rarick, M. Smith, J. L. Thornb erry Wooley Westfall


The Vires Society's main objective is to promote better Christian living on t he campus. The ca<let 'vho make up the group are all vitally interested in social problems, both on the school campus as well as in the world. The ociety again sponsored an informal dance last winter. Pre ident .................................... Howard M. Smith, Jr. Vice-President. Lawrence N. Boosey Secretary and Treasurer John S. Cupples, Jr. Faculty Ad \' iser ...................................... Colonel Bouton MEMBERS Kennedy W h iting Larimore Morgan Dinnis Campbell Ellison Myers, Wa. Rose, L. Tucker Dexter Everson
THE ORCHESTRA The sc hool orchestra furnishes th e mu sic for most of the important school function s In past years it ha s a l ways played a n a nnu a l co n ce rt .' It is hop ed t11 a t it will give one this year sometime before Commencement. Director ..... . . ...... ....... .. ........... ... ..... Captain Otho Lin g MEMBERS VIOLINS TROMBON E Adams F l e ming Li eberman Horak FLUTES Miller, R. L. CLARINETS Grundy Wool ey Cunningham PI ANO Gregory Mr. J. Jo se ph Schilling






leader hip of Cadet Gregory, a Cadet Dance Band was
this year which has entertained the members of the adet Corps on various occasions. The playing
the band at the Varity "H» Informal \Vas especially enjoyed by a ll. onsidering
limited time avai lable for rehear als, the group has consistent l y made a splendid showin g . Leader Ross Gregory axop hon es Gregory, Wool ey Clarinets .. . ....................... ..... ..... . ... .. Norberry, Stoffels Violins Horak, Lieberman Trumpets Hammond, Kroneman, l ern met, Ferris Trombones Fleming, Alexander G·uitar Ada1ns Dru1ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cupples Piano Knowlson


The Chess Club was organized on the campus just this year. It has not had much time to get a real start, but it has excellent possibilities of becoming a popular organization.

Allan Hanna Vice President. Frank Barlow Faculty Adviser Mr. Guy Potter Matthews Evans, E.

Morgan Gavrila, J.

President ..............................................
THE NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS CLUB The N.C.O. Club is a new organization on the campus. It is composed of the ranking non-commissioned officers of the battalion. It's function is to establis h a closer relationship between the privates and the non-coms and the commissioned officers. President ........................ Cadet First Sergeant H urdlon L. Rose SL'cretary Cadet First Sergeant Jackson B. Strange Cadet First ergeant Kroneman C:.ulet Sergeant Rose, J. Ca d et Sergeant Clemmett Cadet Sergeant Miller, R. L. MEMBERS Ca det Sergeant Kennedy Cadet Sergeant Shea Cadet Sergeant Robinson Sword and Shield Club Representative .... Cadet Second Lieutenant Coleman


Due to wartime restridionR on the use of gasoline, Howe was nuahle to have a Varsity football squad this yeaT. rro take ittS place, an Iutraumral program was set up ·w-hich worked out very sati.sfactorily. Tile eadets from each of the three companies were placed in either thP ''A'' group, the '' B '' gToup or the '' C '' group, according to thefr height and weight and tean1s were formed from each of these groups. rrhe '' C '' teams competed against the Lower School.

On October 2, CompanieR A and B's '' ...A . '' teams met in the first ela:-ih of the year. This was a hard fought game all the way and when the final whistle blew, A Company led 18-13.

On October 9, the '' '' teams of C and B Companies met and fought it out to a finish. It was a thriller all the way and again B ,ompany suffered defeat by a score of 12-6.

On October 13, Company A and Company sent their ''A'' teams to battle. In this gall1:e, ompany A won 19-7.

On October 16, Company A and Company B matched their ''A'' teams for the second time. This game wa one of the best of the en tire season and was bitterly fought all the way through. The end was a deadlock, 6-6.

On October 20, the ''A'' teams of A and B Companies met. This game proved to be an upset for C Company for A made up for its ear lier defeat by winning 19-6.

On October 23, the cadets saw another great tangle on the gridiron when Companies A and C met for the second time. This game was also a thriller that ended in a deadlock, 0-0.

The last game of the season between Companie A and B was p layed October 30. B Company was generally conceded by campus dopsters to be the favorjte . However, the final score saw A Company leading 20-6 .

On November 6, Companies B and C met for the last time. Company B won its last game of the season, 6-0.

November 11 brought the sea on to a close with a mighty battle between Companies A and C. A finally overpowered C with a 6-0 score.

At the end of the season, when results were tallied, it was discovered that A Company 1ed the league with B Company second 'and C Company third.

In the '' B '' league, ( 1 om pany A's team led all the wa:v.

On Oetoher G, H and C (_ \nnpauies met and C Company wou 7-0.

On October D, in a one-sided game .A defeated B, 20-0.

On Oct . h r 16, .i\ again defeated B, 7 0.

On Odober B defeated C, 18-0. Company A ha<l ih; toughest game of the season on October 27 when it finally defeated B, -7.

On Oetoher _, \ had fourth ·onHecutive victory- when it won from C, l 9-0 .

B was badly heat n hy U Company on November 3. The final ..·core was 18 0.

The final game in the B l eague was played November 6 when Compau r .A defeated ( io mpany B, Final tabulation showed the undefeat d A team in first place, ( ompany C sec ond and Company B third.

The " " team, better known a "The Midgets" had a highly succes ful cason und T the leadel'Ship of adets Mayers and Utley. The only defeat of th eason was suffer d in their last game. To the C team, therefore, went th Lower-Midget Trophy for the current year.


This year's Varsity baskethall team was coached by Mr. Quirk who made a fine record. In the course of the Reason, the team won eight out of 17 games.

\..s most of last year's lettermen graduated, there were on1y three who returned, Mayers, Calbeck and Of these three returnin g letter men, one graduated in .T anuary.

To make up his team Coach Quick drew upon the outstanding intramural players of last year who were ineligible at that time.

On December 1, the VaTSity made its first trip to Brighton to Htart off the Howe season. It was a very good game up to the final horn but the cadets were defeated by a strong Brighton five. The final score was 33-21. The Reserves lost to the score of 22-15.

One week later, on December 8, the cadets took another trip, this time to LaGrange. This game was also a good game but the cadets bowed again. Howe was defeated by a score of 40-30. The Reserves won their first game by a score of 24-19.

For the last game before Christmas Vacation the cadets went to Orland and captured their first victory on December 13. This win

g'H\'P the team a lift ill Hpirit. rrJie < 1 adets eame home with the 8C01'P of :3!1-:28 in tlH)ir favor. rr1w RPsCr\'eS al:-;o won theiT game to the SCOl'P of :27-:2G.

rrhe t'in:it game after < 1 hristmas Yaration was on .January 11, with ( 1euterYilll\, on the c•adet '::-1 own floor. rl1his was the first appearm1re before tlip ( 1adet ( \H']>K. rrhis game was Howe's all the way ,, imliu g up with llowe in t1w lead hr a score of 30-:28. The Reserves lost their game, . ..\gaiu 011 .Tanuar.\· rn, the team took to the road and went down tu battle it out witl1 Lima, a perpnnial rival. Here again the cadets }rd throughont tlw \Yho\p game. rp\ie lI<Y"We team walked off the floor with a :m - :2(). rrhe Ht1 8Pl'\'< 1 S won hr the Rcore of :28-lG.

On .Tmnmn· :21, LnG-rangP visited the team on our floor. rrlw team eame out at the hegiuning to revenge their previous d efeat . This t ltey neeomplislwd hy n of rrhe Reserves also won, 33-19.

On .J :2:2 the team pla.ved the be:·t and most thrilling game of the season when Routh Bend Catholic invaded Howe. The South Bend hoyH were tough but the Howe men were just a little better. It was a nip and tuck game all the way through. The South Bend boys went hack home with the small end of the 37-35 score . The Howe Reserves did not play.

Anot h er thri1ler eame on .January 25, when Brighton paid Howe a Teturn visit. rI'he Howe team wanted to get revenge for the beating they suffered the last time these two teams met. Howe lost in an overtime with the score of 38-37 . Again the Reserves did not play.

The Howe team took to the road again on January 28 to play Shipshewana. The Howe men were over-powered by the strong Ships hewana team. The score between the two teams was 46-22. The Howe Reserves won by the score of 23-20.

Again on February :2, Lima invaded Howe to play a return game. The Howe team had a littl e trouble with their old rivals but kept the lead most of the game and finally came out on top. This was the second time Howe had won from their old rivals and this time the score was 39-36 . The Reserves also repeated their win by the score of 18-11.

February 3, th e cadets visited Scott in the first of a two game series. In thi s game, the cadets lost in an over time, trailing all the way up to the closing seconds when "the game was tied up. Scott stepped out to take a two point lead in the over time to win to the score of 41-39. The Howe Reserves were also beaten by Scott by a score of 23-19 ..

On February 5, the cadets s uffered the worst disaster of the season. The mighty Middlebury team swamped the cadets. The final

: ·on· \Yas 70-17. Howe Resc1Tf'H wrre ah.;o swampcc..1 hy a seo1·e of l :L

Ou F1 ehrnary 9, the cadets fought baek arnl aye11ged the defeat tl1P\' had suffered in an arlier game. ':l1 he eaclets swamp cl Ormaking a 0 Teat come back with the final seor<-> n•ading TliP HeserYes repeated their previ01.1R winning- :24-1G. The cadPts Yi.sited Rome Uit)· on F'chruary 11, to come home \\'i mwTs. It wa::; a rough game all the 'J'he II owe men won by a ;-:.1• 1rr of :15-::30. The Re:-4e1TeH were beaten lnull)r, the final score being :ll-1:2.

Ou 16, Howe tauglecl with Seott for tlie soeoml of a two g'clllH:' sC:>rie, . The llowe men di<ln 't sliow up so well that night. Hrott led the game all the way from the begim1ing and tho game ended in N<'ntt ':-:; f'ayor ·with the score 5:2-:28. The llowe Hc8el'\'es also loRt, :24-H>.

The team paid a return Yisit to Centervi ll e on }11 ebruan· 18, a11cl was nosed out in the last few minutes. rrhe waH tied nearlr tile who l e but in the laHt fe-w minute::; the Howe team was beaten hr two points. The final score was -±:i--1-1. rrlw I Iowe .E eserYes wou h)· a Hcore of 37 -26.

:B1 or the la st game before Howe went to the tournament, Bristo1 \·isited Howe on Howe's own floor. The Howe men weTe again beaten quite ·everely. The final score was 78-43. The Howe ReserYes won their game by the score of 22-15.

The Howe team then went to the Sectionals on February and vlayed Kendallville, losing 44-28.

This wound up the basketball season for the cadets

On the who l e, it was a successful season and an enjoyable one.

The Varsity Lettermen were Strange, Rerick D., Rosati, Mayers, l11 leming, Calbeck, ZimmeT, Colver, Utley and Robinson.


The remaining cadets who didn't go out foT either Varsity Basketball, Wrestling, or the Rifle team were divided into three groups to represent their companies . There were the ''A'' teams, '' B'' teams, and '' C'' teams . The two '' C'' teams competed only against the Lower School. The masters also organized a team and entered into the compa ny competition.

The results in the ''A'' league found '' C '' Company first, '' B '' Compa ny second and ''A'' Company third. In the '' B '' league, ''A'' Company was first, ''B '' Company second and '' C '' Company third. The Lower School and the two '' 0'' teams serieg resulted in the Lower Schooler 's favor.


rr hi s year's

:hould hav

hut wit h the fine

good seas on.


it h eing displayed

team is somew hat handicapp e d h) ' ha ' ' ing no

Varsity tenui8
returning lettermen,
Barlow Ca ll a h an Campbell Cooper, R. H e. Corbin Davi s Everson Gross, C. Hammond Ja ckso n J ensen McBride May ers Mad do x, H.
M ille r, R. B. Parm e nt e r Ph elp s R ei n acker Ri ce Smith, R. P. Squi e r Stoffels Tarnutzer Thomas Thornb e rry, W. Viviano Westfall Wilk


The Varsity baseball team has ju t started training and has not t participated in any o'ame . A the Tatl r o'oes to pre , the team i: comino· along nicely. Returning lettermen are: Peterson, Knowlson, Petee, Robinson and ·whiting. Adam Ballard Hadden Hevesi ,Johnston Knqwlson Kroneman Petee ROSTER Peterson, W. Robinson Rosati Ros Speller, Mgr. Stroud Verwys \Vhiting


Considerable more attention i being devoted to Track, this year, than in y ars past and con iderable surprisingly good material has b en uncovered. Althou()'h only th results of one dual meet are available at thi. · tim , Howe, with but one day of practice, lo t to Shipshewana by the narrow core of 46-35.

As the season progresses and more experience is gained, the squad should show some real results.

This year's squad is being coached by Mr. Quick and Mr. Nelson.


Andrew Gregory Neely Baxter Jaye

Parr Bostock Kennedy

Rarick, M. Buckel Kersten Reno Chin Lantis

Rerick, D. Colver McLeod

Sablain, B. Cone Maddox, R. Sablain, R. Dickey Man h artsber ger Schaubel Evans, J. Matthews Yost, R. Glen Morgan VVeinrichter


The rifle team, agam this year, was under the able direction of Staff Sergeant Herczeg.

Due to many of the wartime conditions, the team wa · not as active this year as in former years. The team did, however, fire in the annual Hear t Trophy Match and placed third.

Sergeant Finley has assumed the direction of the group srnce Sergeant Herczeg's departure.



Smith, H.

Cl emett McLeod Boosey Pe tee Breitmeyer Rarick,
Dinnis Ravi net Hugo Reinacker Jensen Seybert Johnston
Kandis Wooley Knowlson
OLO WHfT\N&- C7RA.Nt>So 1 WA'I lN \C\ltl\ !

6 :00 :first call.

6 :01 % Capt. McLaughlin treats "C" Company to a lecture.

6 :02 skips lecture and goes hack to hed.

6 :02 1/4 Hubbard hits the coffin nails.

6 :05 Peterson, 0., hums a drag off Huhbard and takes half the weed.

6 :10 Mayers gets up.

6 :i5 F1leming gets up, looks at the clock and goes back to bed.

6 Coleman wakes up the dog.

6 :20% Coleman gets a pillow in his face.

6 :21 Dog goes hack to sleep.

6 :25 Jensen gets up to hear the last part of the lecture.

6 :30 Capt. "Mac" finishes lecture.

6 :35 Staff gets up.

6 :40 ''One-ere'' goes down to wash.

6 :45 Mess call blows and Behn gets up.

6 :50 Mess.

6 :55 Behn strolls into the Mess Hall.

7 :00 Jackson starts out to the kitchen to get sorne food.

7 :05 Glen staggers to his table, trying to support a tray.

7 :10 Reed tells the Swede about the finer points of being a first

sergeant. "Weasel" serenades Bylenga with "Brucie Boy." Jackson strolls back to the table with a pitcher of water. Sparks gets a report for excessive talking. "Dogface" calls us up. Cupples gi. ves us the officially incorrect tirne. "Lord Jim" gives us his time. ''Bunny'' gives us his time. The dog and his Battalion Mongrels march out. Greenwood forces ''A'' Company out.

Mayers pleads with '' B '' Company to march out. Behn and the '' C '' Company Staff march out. \Vhat's l eft of "0" Company marches out. '' L'' Company runs out.


Cupples tells Corley about love. Corley decides to be a bachelor. The nicotine fiends decide to make their beds.

to Bunnydom. "Ace" tells the Business class about last Saturday's footlmll game.

Wooley disagrees with "Ace".

7:25 7:30 7:30 7:40 7:40% 7:41 7:42 7:43 7:44 7:45 7:46 7:47 7:50 7:55 7:56 7:59 8:00 8:15
8 :20
1: I

" Ac "r minds Wooley that n xt week is the end of a marking period.

changes hi s opinion.

wakes up Gre nwoocl Greenwood goes back to sle p.

..: \c '' if:l in th : cond half of the football game.

a. ks a qu stion al>ont Millar expe ll ed from c la s · Gr Cff'ivood wak s up to h ar the last miuute of thE foot!Jal I game

Clas i .· di mi s cl.

o file into the pigeon <'Oop to get the Smithso11iau Yersio11 of U. S. Hi tory.

r start. to talk.

Peterson int nupt. · Zimmer Pet r on tarts to talk.

Nnyder intenu1 >t. · Petenmn. start to talk.

Zimmer interrnpts 8nyde1-. Zimmer ta1't to talk.

"Do " Smith int nupt Zimm r "Do " Smith :tar t : to talk. Whole class .·tarts to talk.

''Doc'' mi th t ll s cla . s to qui t down. Who] las .· g t · _s oaked.

\Ne now lea·rn Doctor 8mith to his trnuble .· and stro ll i1ext clooT to Mr. Guy's Busines: Li:wli:h l la . s.

9 :::30 :F1 l ming, Pet rson -w., JiJlli , on, Smith, Boo, 'e y, th "Doo·" and the '' w ea. l'' al' haYing a o·ood ol' beef . s , ion.

D:31 Mr. Guy tells the ''Dog'' to hold th lass down.

9 :3:2 rrhe '' Doo·'' tens Ellison to hoJd the class do vn. tells F l ming to hold the cla ss down. ].,leming t e ns Bom;;ey to lwld the cl ass down. Boosey te11: Rmith to hold the c1as down. Smith t ll s Petenmn to hold th la , .· clown. Petenwn t 11. ''Wea el '' to , hut up.

H:-1-5 Glen li ghts up a i garettc in ' ' \ce 's'' Boolcke ping Ula :.

q :+G " " Yoi e his di s ap proYal.

!) :-l-7 G1en dou s butt.

D:+8 " immediat lr lightR up one of hi s own, .-mokes half of it, and , hoY s we d in v st pocket -as h e hear .· footsteps in hall.

:50 ''Ace'' a toni .·h , Mayen; with] 'rhe mornino· drags on, and Second M . find u. di n ·mo· the ontent of the 1 tters we haY e just r eived .

I ::21 . ::28 s ::2() ,· ::m ::-3;) S S:-1-!J !l :00 !) :01 !) :0.) \): 15 !J:H> ::20 9 ::21 n::2:2 D::2:1 9 ::2.+ 9 ::2() 9 ::27 D::28
* * * *


1:2 :20 Rose, J., emerges from his daze long enough to tell us about 1 the letter he just got from Donna.

1:2 gvans, A., decides to read the latest from the little woman while carrying tray to Mr. Droste 's table.

12 ::26 After giving'' Bunny'' a milk bath, Evans decides that he better 'vait until after Mess to read the rest of his letter.

12 :30 Cupples chews up the announcements.

1:2 :±5 Back at barracks, "Bone .. " Bostock shows "Muscles" ManhartRhergeT a new , nestling hold.

1:2 :-1:5% "Bones" scrapes hims lf up off the floor and decides he had better read that chapter again.

1 :2 :50 School call moans throuO'hout barracks.

1 :2 :58 Rarick shakes the butts out of his pockets and stagger, up to formation.

1 :15 "Pi, to] Packin' " Wilson tells us why we should take part in athletics,-Acfrvely.

1 ::20 Shea and Kandis decide to sign up for the pool team.

1 :30 The Seniors are on their food raid in both barracks.

2 :00 The bell rings for the seventh period to begin.

2 :15 Mr. Haley's English class meanders in.

2 :20 Ballard, under the influence of a hot letter from Joan, tries to pa1·se a noun.

2 :21 ,Jeremiah looks upon ''Baby'' with disgust. ''Baby'' executes that military maneuver which is technically known as getting the heck out of there. Colver attempts to parse the impossible.

::2 :30 gets a lecture on straight thinking.

2 5 \Ve hobble over to Military.

;3 :00 ifter falling on his face three times, Strange decides he will never be able to carry the water can and ammunition case.

:-3 :J 5 ''Colonel'' 1'-,inley tens us about MG marksmanship and advises us to take notes because "dat 's very impawtint."

:30 Rack to the Buttroom.

:3 5 A dams sticks his head in the door of the Buttroom to see if the dog is there, takes one breath and co 11aps es

3 :45 Ca li sthenics (one hour and a half of bone breaking muscle busting exercises).

5 :15 Boosey breaks a leg in the rush to the Buttroom.

5 :30 vVe wade 1nto the showers.

5 :45 The bugle tells us it is time to get our religion.

6 :00 Cupp l es reads off the Special Orders. Shea gets busted for the fifth time in two months . Yes, sir, '' 24 hour Shea'' we call him.

ti :05 We truck into chapel to the rhythm of ".Jive Adams aud hi s Four Repeats'' featurfog '' Softshoe '' Schilling at what's left of the organ.

Ii :10 Worth and Naylor fall over earh other in the rush to get to 1heir seats. _. \nother Mess.

fi ::m Ro,·e forces everyone at his table to look at his picture of Donna, which everyone has seen at least twice a day.

():-l-5 The "Dog"drives UR out of the Mess Hall.

7 :00 Free-for-all in the Buttroom.

7 :10 Wooley catches an illegal weed out of hiH window.

7 Shea tells us how to get busted in hours.

7 ::m Coach Stamhach, and Captain Powell decide to write a book: ''The lA Kids''.

7 :-t-0 Htudy Hall begins for Freshmen, Sophomo1·cR, and .Tuniors. The Seniors make a dr sser drawer inspection. :00 rf1hc Senior s waddle into their rooms after a delicious meaL

8 :15 "C" Company Staff has a free-for-all in the office.

R::m \fter dressing their wounds, the Staff gets to work. Chin reads Esquire, Kroneman turns on the radio, Millar does nothing, Boosey instructs us on the fundamentals of getting a blind date, and ''Weasel'' tells us about the Air Corps between swigs of carrot juice.

8 :+5 Th e Seniors finally get to work.

9 :00 The Seniors are in the Buttroom and are finishing their second weed.

9 :15 'J1attoo is well under way and we are very interested in a lecture on good posture. Kandis walks into a door coming from the Canteen and swears off Pepsi -C ola for life.

:-t-5 C.Q., which doesn't mean anything, blows.

9 :55 'I1lrn Seniors leave the Canteen and head for their rooms.

lO :00 Taps, and another typical day at Howe i. over. It is at this hour that our night life hegins, but we don't talk about that.

Best Wishes to the Class of 1944 Phone Temple 1-1164 GRACE HARPER FLORISTS Between the Hospitals "Everything in Flowers" 3948 John R Detroit, Mich. Fred Kourmadas THE KINGSBURY HOUSE Howe, l.ndiona CLEAN COMFORTABLE HOMELIKE Over 50 Years of Service C. E. Schaeffer, Prop . Congratulations to THE GRADUATING CLASS Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalkanian

Congratulation s to the CLASS OF 1944 from Company "C"


Capt. Chin

1st. Lt. Boosey

2nd. Lt. Millar

1st Sgt. Kroneman T / Sgt. Adams Corp. Page , H.


Sgt. Rose, J. S / Sgt. Fader Corp. Rerick Pvt. Ross Corp. Sablain Pfc. Gregory Pvt. Fox Pvt. Cone Pfc. Corbin Pvt. Everson Pvt. Gorham, A. Pvt. Jaye Pvt. Lantis

Pvt. Logan, R W. Pvt. McBride Pvt. Maddox, R. Pvt. Manning

Pvt. Miller, R. B. Pvt. Page, H. M. Pvt. Radel

Pfc. Samis

Pvt. Schaubel Pvt. Schultz, W. Pvt. Speller

Pvt. Tarn u tzer

Pvt. Yost, R.


T/Sgt. Clemett S/Sgt. Preston S / Sgt. Jensen S/Sgt. Seybert Sgt. Worth Sgt. Naylor Pfc. Baxter

Pvt. Wilson

Pvt. Anderson, W . Pvt. Brown, P. B. Pvt. Dexter Pvt. Dickey Pvt. Frick

Pvt. Gould Pvt. Horak

Pvt. Jen kins Pvt. Joss

Pvt. Kotsonis Pvt. Opperman Pvt. Reinacker

Pvt. Smith, R. 0. Pvt. Tucker Pvt. Weisner

Congratulations, success and more To the Class of Nineteen Forty-four. Could we the choice of gifts endow, We'd choose for a 11 manhood ''HOWE'' * Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Coleman, Sr.
Congratulatio ns to THE SENIOR CLASS * Dr.
and Mrs. T. P. Clifford and family



Akers Haller Quinnell Albers Hanna Rae burn Alexander Hudson Rarick, M. Anderson J. Kandis Rerick, A. Barlow Kennedy Robinson Bostock Knowlson Rose, L. Breitmeyer Larimore Rosselott Brown, R. G. Levinthal Ruud Byington Lieberman Smith, H. . Connell McLeod Smith, R. W. Cooper, R. H. Manhartsberger Stanley, T. Crumb Mason Stroud Cunningham Matthews Sutcliffe Davis Meader Telisky Dinnis Montie Thomas Downer Mowery Thompson Eccles Myers, R. C. Trinkle Ellison Neely Vandervort Ferris Palmer Verwys Ford Parker Watts Gavrila, J. Parr Weinrichter Glen Peterson, W. Wilk Gorham Phelps Wooley Grundy Potter Yost, C.

ENJOY PURITAN ICE CREA M * PURITAN ICE CREAM CO. Kendol lvil le, Indiona COMPLIMENTS OF Clinton W oOlen Manufacturing Company CLINTON, MICHIGAN Makers* of Fine Uniform Goods Since 1866
* COMPLIMENTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Reinacker * FORD - ALLEN COMP ANY Distributors TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS 14401 Ford Rood DEARBORN, MICHIGAN Phone ORegon 8400
Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Wooley TO THE SENIOR CL.ASS OF 1944 Congratulations and Good Luck to the CLASS OF 1944 Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nicholson 5414 Burns Ave . Detroit, Michigan HOWELL ELECTRIC MOTORS COMPANY HOWELL, MICHIGAN l

Harrie M.

Reed Plumbing and Heating Contractor Jockson, Michigan * MAJESTIC TOOL & MFG. COMP ANY )ORN W. PARKER, Pres. 2950 E. WOODBRIDGE ST. • pETROIT 7, MICHIGAN

to the CLASS OF 1944

Dr. and Mrs. W. Kersten

we're all for more • ice cream

Perhaps you read the story. How one of our submarines recent1y docked on the west coast wilh eight tiny flags painted on her conning tower symbo lic of her prowess ..• and the first thing the crew asked for was ice cream

We have a special interest in submarines for Holly piston pin retaining rings are used in their big diesels. The forming operation is very difficult and exact ing hut we have been told that our rings do an outstanding job in maintaining operating efficiency.

Can we help in your war effort? We'd like to have more boys asking for ice cream. Write, wire or better still ... phone

us! AffiERICfln SPRln(j OF HOLLY inc., HOLLY, m1rn1GAn

W. Walter Crandell

Congratulations to The Class of 1944 CANTEEN
Years of Service to the Members of Howe Military School
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Forncrook

Company BUGLE

The only company paper on the campus


J. A. Bostock F. H. Barlow W. P. Cunningham

J. B. Davis

J. P. Mason R. N. Quinnell R. W. Smith T. H. Stanley

J. R. Telisky Advisor, Capt. R. E. Powell


When the war is over, and one is free to travel as he wishes, he will probably go to ENGLAND for a while.

If any of you cadets are ever over there, drop in on me for a few days and enjoy a traditional spot-of-tea.

If, during the war, some of you have a furlough, and are in ENGLAND, you will be very welcome at my home.

The address is: Drays, Wolsey rd., Moor Park, Herts.

Your friend and for .. . J. A. 11 Baron" Bostock .

Congratu lations to the SEN IORS OF 1944 * Ray Sablain Lansing, Michigan Phone 2-07 34


0. Whiting
5784 Cho tsworth Detroit,


* Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Utley
A SIN CERE WISH for THE BEST OF EVE RYTHING to The Class of '44 * Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Clemett Compliments of Fruit Distributors, Inc. 440 E. Brackenridge St . FORT WAYNE 2, INDIANA WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS of FRUITS and VEGETABLES Affi Iiated Companies : CLARK FRUIT CO ., Inc . and COSENTINO & CO ., Inc . HERMAN KOMISAROW, Pres . JOSEPH COSENTINO, Secy-Treas .
* Compliments of United Construction Company1222
Burton St., S. E.

N. \Noshtenaw Ave., Chicago,

Best Wishes to the Members of the Senior Closs of 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Mallars 4845
Illinois To the Graduates of 1944the Hope and Pride of our Country, our Sincere Congratulations Becharas Coffee Co. of Chicago and Detroit


* Mr. and Mrs. Drayton Mayers
Comp li ments o f JACK MAN'S Dependab le Dr u gs STURG I S, MI C HIGAN Co ng ratul atio n s to th e Clo ss of '44 * Complim en t s of JOEY'S STABLES 88 00 W J e ff e rson Detroit, Michigan Only Merchandise with o Notional Reputation for Quality SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES Arrow Shirts Dobbs Hats Florsheim Shoes Phoenix Hose Jantzen Swim Suits Rugby Sweaters Swank Jewelry Pioneer Belts Carl Rehm Clothing Company Sturgis, Michigan

and Best Wishes to the CLASS OF 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ellison and family
Dr .,
Detroit, Michigan


J. P.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the CLASS OF 1944 * Dr.
Hubbard Congratulations and Best Wishes to You the Future Defenders of Our Country-Class of 1944 * COLVER'S PHARMACY 1406 Lincoln Way East Mishawaka, Indiana
* COMPLIMENTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lieberman * * COMPLIMENTS OF · Dr.
H. B.
Meader *
Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cajiafas Detroit, Michigan Greetings and Best Wishes to the Senior Class Marcus Jameson, S. N. New York Life Insurance Company Codi Ilac 2 108 2340 Notiona I Bonk Bldg . DETROIT 26, MICH. BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1944 * Mr . .and Mrs. William J. Shea I • •


Congratulations and Best Wishes to
CLASS OF 1944 * Mr. and Mrs. John I. House
* Comp Iiment s of - SHOUP FUNERAL HOME Howe, Indiono * Militar11 7:rai11iHff . . . is a molJer of high and uncompromising standards of character and conduct. of educated gentlemen, thoroughly indoctrinated w i tl1 honor, uprightness an J loyalty ... of l1eal thy minds in healthy bodies, capable of upl1olding personal anJ national l1onor whenever and wherever it ·may be nece55ary. CONGRATULATIO NS AND BEST WISH ES to the CLASS OF 1944 * Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Boosey N. s. MBTBR, INC. NEW YORK Manufaclurers and Desiqners of Military Insignia and Uniform Equipment for over 70 Years

Congratulations to the SENIOR CLASS OF 1944 from the Officers and Men of Company -"B"

"Andy" Andrew "Giggles" Bird

" Bones" Buckel "Smokey" Bylenga "Kelly" Calbeck

" Father" Callahan "Cue-ball" Campbell "Basie" Clifford "English" Clipsham "Cuvver" Colver "Cornhall" Cornwell "Sixteen second" Creeden "Muscles" Cronenwett "Buglar" Daily "Sandy" Evans E. "Letters" Evans J. "Klepto" Fleming "Coonskin" Gehlert "Stinky" Gross C. "Butch" Hadden "Maj or" Hammond "Sleepy" Hart "Shorty" Hevesi

"Butts" Hubbard

" '50' Kid" Hughes

" Victor" Hugo "G-2" Jackson "Face" Kalkanian "Red Cross" Kersten

"Friedie " Koehler "Hills" Maddox "J. Alex" Mayers "Horror" Miller R. L. "Records" Myers Wa "Simp" Norberry "Nose" Partalis "H. Ford" Parmenter "Pete" Petee "Buzz" Quandt "Fefe" Ravinet "Bubbles" Reno "Geo. Wash." Rice "Rosie" Rosa ti "Sabe" Sablain R. "4 hr. Kid" Shea "Ski Snoot" Shilling "Act. Gen." Smith J. E. "Carrots" Smith J. L. "Mouth" Smith R. P. "Esky" Squier "Snafu" Stoffels "Smilin' Jack" Strange "Texas" Thornberry "Salomey" Vivano "Flattop" Westfall "Dream boy" Whi ttacker "Big Deal" Hinckley

Comp I iments of * Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kandis, Sr. Compliments of * Frank Germach 1346 E. Vernor Hy. DETROIT, MICHIGAN
I i STATE BANK OF LIMA Howe, Indiana Depos i ts I nsured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000 .00 Maximum I nsuronce for Each Depositor Dr. Allred A. Wade "1903" Establ is hed 1875 MERLIN S. WILSON & COMP ANY INSURANCE AND SURETY BOND S S. W . Cor . Berry & Clinton Sts . Fort Wayne , Ind . Telephone A- 2 101

Confucius say : "The ability to speak several languages is an a sset'° but to be able to hold your tongue in one language is priceless."



* Liberty Tool
Engineering Corp. Detroit, Michigan OLAF C. KRONEMAN, President
* Congratulations and Good Wishes to the Compliments of Senior Class of 1944 T. L. Cassidy * * Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Trinkle, Sr. Congratulations to the CLASS OF 1944 the future defenders of World Democracy * General Store Fixture Co. 2106 E. Lafayette Ave ., Detroit, Michigan I I : I L



1869 Kalamazoo, Michigan
* Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Jensen

Congrat_ulations to the members of the graduating class on your fine showing this post year.

I wish each and every one of you a 11 the best Iuck in the world and the some to the graduating classes of the future.

* Lt. Darrell W. Lutz, Class of '42 513th Prcht. Inf.
* * * * \\7e dedicat e this space to THE GALLANT AND TRUE YOUNG AMERICANS * * * * who have died for us yesterday who are dying for us today who will die for us tomorrow We feel unworthy of their supreme sacrifice * * * * JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. STURGIS, MICHIGAN
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