Design of LQG Controller for Active Suspension without Considering Road Input Signals

Citation metadata

Date: Annual 2017
From: Shock and Vibration(Vol. 2017)
Publisher: Hindawi Limited
Document Type: Technical report
Length: 4,468 words
Lexile Measure: 1760L

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Abstract :

As the road conditions are completely unknown in the design of a suspension controller, an improved linear quadratic and Gaussian distributed (LQG) controller is proposed for active suspension system without considering road input signals. The main purpose is to optimize the vehicle body acceleration, pitching angular acceleration, displacement of suspension system, and tire dynamic deflection comprehensively. Meanwhile, it will extend the applicability of the LQG controller. Firstly, the half-vehicle and road input mathematical models of an active suspension system are established, with the weight coefficients of each evaluating indicator optimized by using genetic algorithm (GA). Then, a simulation model is built in Matlab/Simulink environment. Finally, a comparison of simulation is conducted to illustrate that the proposed LQG controller can obtain the better comprehensive performance of vehicle suspension system and improve riding comfort and handling safety compared to the conventional one.
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A548562171