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How can i set CC1110 Register for 434 Mhz?


I have developed a TPMS system which is communicated on the 434 MHz band.

I use the NXP's FXTH87 device working for TPMS sensor.

It is also RF device operating on the 434 MHz band.

I need the receiver and buy the CC1110 which is sub-1GHz RF module.

The transmitter sending the data modulated by 2-FSK(f1 is 434 MHz and f2 is 433.9 MHz), 9.6 kbps and manchester coding.

In order to set the CC1110 register, I use the Smart RF studio 7.

I write that the base RF frequency is 434 MHz, deviation is 100 kHz, Xtal is 26 MHz, Mod. format is 2-FSK, and RX filter BW is 116 kHz.

I test the setting values in the Continuous RX tap, and I confirm the transmission signal by incresement of RSSI. (Fig 1.)

So, I try the experiment with same register value in Packet RX tap for receive the data transmitted by FXTH87.(Fig 2.)

But I don't received the RF packet.

How can i receive the RF data ?

My question is...

1. CC1110 can receive RF packet transmitted in 434 MHz band ?

2. Is it possible to receive the packet of the other vandor device in SmartRF studio ?

3. What is problem is my experiment in Packet RX tap ?

   -> RF parameter setting ? or other ?

(Fig 1.) RSSI value

(Fig 2.) Packet RX

  • 1. CC1110 can receive RF packet transmitted in 434 MHz band ?

    2. Is it possible to receive the packet of the other vandor device in SmartRF studio ?

    3. What is problem is my experiment in Packet RX tap ?
    I have not been able to download the datasheet for FXTH87 so I haven't been able to check a few details:
    - Does FXTH87 send preamble and sync? If it does you should set it in CC1110.
    - Do you know if the deviation is 100 kHz? From what you write it sounds more that the separation (2xdeviation) equals 100 kHz.
    - Datarate: Is it 9.6 kbps or 9.6 ksps? What is the rate over the air?