Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1945 January 10

he little man FP anedaces. s food. without which te
gS eae: y

Desire bosubles

if you will go to the tax records of the United States >
ment, you will find that the little man pays the tax
which our government could not operate.

In the over-all picture, the government could operate.
the taxes paid by the little - man, if the big man pes

yn the kh hands if the ever inn were dependent

n taxes paid by the big individual taxpayers, the gov-

ent could not operate on its present basis more than
two weeks i in the year. .

Here i in Atlanta, Georgia, you can go to the offices: of
reest bankers. You ean go to the: offices of the cap

in if industry. | .
You can 20 to the offices of our splendid doctors, hoe
oreachers and other professional men who are at the =
0 pie pene inine establishments,

ege professors or school tere:

V rever. you zo you will find the sons and daugh-
of the little man who lives on the farm. You will find |

nd women who, in their early years, learned to plow
plant the seed, cultivate and harvest the crops.

e can see today all the evidence of a great civiliga-
ur great cities as it pulsates with Tife. As we look
mn these reat evidences of American civilization, we are
our hearts to say as Nebuchadnezzar of old, Is -
the great city that I have built?? We are prone
orget that the civilization on which we look oar is a
ure of but afew short, fleeting years.

e ivilization of tomorrow must depend upon the
nd girls of today who are the sons and eee
tile man out onthe farms.

Should the little man leave his plow idle for one year
roasted: civilization would crumble to the earth like

of Jericho at the sounding of the trumpets.
hould the children of the little man cease to plant
_ the cotton and the wheat for one year, our great

would be as useless as the gold with which King -

was cursed.
he food and deine oe flie country, jike the ae
r the government, is produced by the little man.
ir on the radio and read in the newspapers about the
mechanized plantations i in the Mississippi Delta, on
Jains of the West and in lesser Sos throughout
try. ve oe
you will take ihe shount of Meike, her and corn,
and cattle, vegetables and fruits produced by. these
antations, you will find that the sum total of them
drop in ibe, Pucwets a will fa ea the Brent

You can go |

ahs man.

dependable quantity of our food and fiber erops are still
produced by the little man. ~ oe


We hear a lot of talk today about la fart
_ing. We. even hear men say that cotton and other crops
can be produced by machinery i in the Mississippi Delta so
cheap that it can be sold in oe with eotton i in the
_world markets.


; There is a limit to the economical use. of machine
The millions of families in American must either have e@
ployment or they must be put on a government dole.

The millions of families of the United States must

either have a part in the production, processing and dis-

tribution of our food and fiber crops or else they must be
furnished their food and Soe oe without a chance to. labo
for them.

The self- dependence ant self-respect that. belong is
men and women who honestly earn their living is just as
much a part of our economic value as 1s dolars i in \ the ba
or commodities i in store.

No man or woman can fone retain that self- -dependen e
-and self-respect, which goes "ait true Americanism, 4
they are reduced to the necessity of existing on. eharii -

| even: af i eae comes soe the national a

we have ne ae we mus st preserve. "he Jittle man.

There is a place in the American. scheme of danke ge
the big farmerfor the mechanized farm. There is a place
for all thing os, but lets not go to extremes. Extremes ha
always been the bane of humanity,


tional fade: otitintally Tu on the theme iP |
small cotton farmer was not an economie producer; th
the little man, must be-abolished as a cotton producer. x

The small farmer, whether he operates one or a doz n
a is ue, most economic ERs on ae

dasful fargler oe in ee to his own lee
meat for the city man; some bread for the city man; some
_ potatoes for the city man; some vegetables for the eit
gore small ae in the cotton i also icin

ae tia ei all eat peoduelbn fall qn us
the hands of a-few gigantie, mechanized. plantations? Vib

ca would be the result? Doe ee :

Immediately the few owners of these eat plants
would get together and form a monopoly. Immediate
_the workers on these big pve as ea be unioniz

vegetables, instead of eoing down, von go sky high.

In order for the millions of little rien, who were adr 1
off the farms, to escape starvation, it swould be necessar
to give them. large government pensions as. they nig

Ge (Continued on H Page wo),




: Address all items for publication and all requests to be put
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repeated only when request is accompanied by new copy of



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more than 30 words including name and address. :

Under Legisiative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does fot

aoe any responsibility for
Published Weekly at

any notite appearing in the

424-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.

By Dpartmient of Agriculture

Tom Lindet, Commissioner,

ecaative Office, State Capitol

Atlarita, Ga.
Publication Office

- 414-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
_ Editorial and Executive Offices

. State oe Atlanta. Ga.


_ Netify of FORM 3578Bureau 6

- Markets, 222 State Capitol
_ Atlanta, Ga.

_ Bptered as second class matter

August 1,
at Covington. Georgia, u

of June 6

of October #, Las

1937. at the Post Office
nder Act
1900. Aecsepted for
_ wailing at spcial rate oi postag

F pha for in Section 1103. Aet


(Continued from Page One)

2 boy a morsel of the high priced food produced on

big, mechanized plantations.


The agitation for mechanized cotton planta-
tions come principally. from two sources.
Avereat plantation in Mississippi, owned by

British. money and operated by Oscar Jolmson-

This British money is not interested in the
welfare of the American people. It is simply in-
terested in low prices for American cotton, so
dong as that cotton is produced by the little man

in America.

: _. Jf, on the other hand, that ebitan Was -pro-
acca by a monopoly of British and American

money, then they would be interested in high

prices for that eotton.

This agitation to Bimcaa te the little man

| comes from the great international cotton con-

cern of Anderson-Clayton, who have tremendous

world prices.

interests in South America. So long as millions
_ of bales of cotton are produced by the little man,
these imternationalists ic cheap cotton with M;

QOnee the little man was eliminated and ihe
American cotton mills were dependent upon a
monopoly for American cotton, these same inter-
- nationalists would be interested in high priced

American cotton.

_ So long as machinery ean be made the serv-
ant of man, then machinery represents progress

and civilization.

Beyond the point where the masses-of, the
people become slaves of machines, then machin-
ery becomes a force of evil and destruction.


control our machines instead of letting
our machines control us.

Lets keep the little man the most economic

: produce re ie

: Lets keep the little man, one of whose sons
or daughters constitutes a greater value than

many machines.



Commissioner of Agriculture.


Klonaike stiawhetry plants,
500, $1.75: $3.50 M. Mrs. Mell
~ Mashburn, Cumming, Rt. 1.

Mastodon strawkerry planis,

Abe C; $2.10, 500: $4.06 M; also

- apricot plum, 35 ea., 4 for $1;
Stone Mtn. watermelon seed.
shade drid, $1.50 per teacup-
Add postage. Mis. Lee
~ Hood, Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Imp. Eldorado eae
iby b pee size, $2.00

$95.00, ee
Sakon Tie

Kudzu crowns. $1.50 C; $10
Yonge Walker, Toccoa, Rt.



Norrell, Gainesville, Rt. 6.

Ieeberg lettuce plants, frost+
proof, 40c C;. $3.00 Add
postage. Mrs. Thomas-H. Row-
land, Lula, er Rt.

Giant neve: 25e d6z; bear-
ing size Mtn. huckleberrfies,
dewberries, blackberries, 50
doz; spicewood, 7 Ibs., $1, 00.
Add postage. Stamps accepted.

: Tamar Teem, Talking Rock.

Sage plants, 20e ea; musca-

Idine grapevines, 20c ea: goose-

lberry bushes, $1.50 doz: sassa-
fras bushes. $1.00 doz: old-
fashioned peach trees, 25c ea.
All well rooted. Mrs. W. H.



M; Klondike strawberry plants
$1.75 M: Collard, 25e C; $1.45
50c : $3.60 .M. Del. Lee
Crow, Gainesville, ee Box
743, 3

Cabbage and pollard plants,
35c C: $1.75 M;, Klondike straw
berry, 50c C; $3.25 M._ Del.
Azzie Crow, Gainesville, Rit. 2.

Chas. W. frost- proof cabbage.
and Bermuda onion plants. 300

'150 orders
'| Alvaton.


| green,

4. 00: 500, $1.30; $2.30 M. del.
ed 52 Watson, Pitts, Rt. :

Strong. cabbage, rutabaga,
collard, kale, 50 C; $450 MM;
nest onions, white Bermuda
onion plants, 50e C: $5. 00 M;
Evergreen bunching onions,
Iceberg lettuce, parsley, 50 for
d0c.. All delivered. Mrs. H.

. Franklin, Register.

- Chas. W., cabbage plants,
500, $1.10: $2.00 M: 5 and 16
M. lots, $1.85 M; exp. col. Full
count, prompt shipment. Mrs.
Martha Waldrip, Flowery
Branch, Rt. 1, -

Sage plants, rooted, 2 for 25c
5; DOG; 2 $1,008 -doz:2 $5.50 :
ground sage, $1.50 1b: 25 and
filled. Keith,

Blackberry and raspberry
_|plants, var., McDonald, Dallas,
St. Regis, respectively, $1. 25
doz; Cumberland Black Cap,

large, strong, well rooted. Dr.
Js Me Nicholson, Blairsville.

Tested frest-proof cabbage
\plants, 30e C: 500, $1. 50; $2.50
iM. AW del. Prompt shipment.

[Mary M. Crosby, Baxley, Rt. 4,4

Box 53.

Lead. var., collard and cab-
lbage plants, 30c C. $1.85 M;
collard seed, 80c lb: red shal-
lots, $1.00 gal. L. A. Crow,
Gainesville, Rts 2.

Cabbage plants, E. J., Chas.
W., tested, frost-proof, oper
field grown, prompt shipment,
full count guar. All del. Jessie
-G, Lovell; Baxley, Rt. 4.

Chas. W. cabbage plants, 500
$1.10: $2.00 M. Del. 5 and 10

LM. lots, $1.85 M. Exp. col. Full

shipment. E.
Flewery Branch,

Rt. 4,

Chas. W., and Copenhagen
frost-proof cabbage and Ber-
muda onion plants, fresh and
300. $1.00; 500, $1.25:
$2.25 M: also Marglobe tomato
seed, $2. 25 Ib. New Stone, $2
Ib, Postaxe paid. Rk. Chanclor.


Hardy. healthy No. 1 El-


dorado blackberry, 2 yrs. old,

field plants, $1:50 C: 2 M. $20.
Prompt, careful service. good
count.. Mrs. C. M.- Robinson,

Long Island Wakefield eab-
bage plants, 500. $L15; $2.00
Ga. collard. 500, 90c: $1.60
M., postpaid. No chks. J. H.
ca Milledgeville, Rt. Box

Frest-proof Chas, W..,
bage plants, $2.25 M; 10 M.
lOtse 1$2,00 Me $1.75. VE to
truckers at my place at Bon-
aire. Reply to. W. F. White.
| Warner Robins, Box. 51.

White Bermuda onion plants
$1.75: M; Chas,: W)} cabbage,
$2.00 M. All del. a L. Steed-
ley; Baxley.

Frost-proof cabbage. plants,
Copenhagen, Flat Dutch, Early
ds 7and: Chas 2W.) S50 MM:
white. Bermuda onion plants,
$2.00 M: also Bis Green Cane
No. 29-116, $16.50 .M. stallcs. W.
W. Williams. Quitman. <

Cabbage plants, large, fresh,
extra early J. and~Chas. W.
500, $1.25: $2:00 M; white Ber-
muda onion, 500, $1.00: $1.50
M. All del. pos tpaid. . Prompt
shipment. ~Sat.- suar.. Fy F,
Stokes, Fitzgerald.

Nice size Ga. collard plants.
30c C: $1.25, 500: $2.00 M. All
postpaid. Exe. for onion plants
or dried fruit: also have col-
lard seed, 60c 1b. pp. Mrs. Fred
Atkinson, Valdesta, Rt. 4.

Missionary. strawberry. plants
75 C; peppermint, garlic, $1.00
doz; Limbertwig apple trees,
75e ea. 3 for $2.00: June pears,
50c ea. Miss Cecil McCurley,.
Hartwell, Rt. 2.

Everbearing strawberry
plants, $1.00 C; Tanzy, catnip.
peppermint, yellow root, 25c
doz. Mrs. J..B. Jones, Dah-
lonega, Rt. 1.

Missionary. strawberry
plants, 75c C; ..peppermint
plants, $1.00 doz. Add postage.
Miss Mattie McCurley, Hart-
well, Rt. 2.

Blueberry plants, 5c ee
hazelnut, 15c ea., $1.50 doz;
muscadine vines, 25c ea, Add
postage. No stamps. Mrs. G.
W. Bradley, Bowdon, Rt. 2.


C Wakfield cabbage, 35c Cy:

_1$1.50 M; del.

$2.50 doz. Prepaid. State insp.



Extra fine, large and fresh
be plants, Chas. W., and
, $2.00: M;: $1.25, 500; white
Hine onion plants, same
price: -Ga.- Heading collards,
in Ga. Prompt
filling of orders. E. L. Fitz-
gerald, Irwifville.

Extra nice, well rooted Big
Jumbo strawberry plants, $4
M. PP. paid on orders of a
thousand or more. Mrs. R. H.
Clark, Gainesville, Rt. 7.

E. J.; and Chas. W., cabbage
plants, $2.25 M; 500, $1.40; 200.
85: 8 to 10 M.,. $2.10 M, at
field. Good plants, promp*
shipment. Clay Evans, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 1.

Wonderbearer and Jewel
strawberry plants, 60 C; white
Icebergs blackberry, black rasp
berry, 6 for 60c; garden goose-
berry, horseradish, 4, 50c; gar-
den horsemint. peppermint,
garlic, 30cc. Add postage..No
chks. Mrs. Willis Grindle,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Frost-proot ..J.. Chas:.W..;
and Copenhagen Market cab-'
bage plants,
ready. Vernon
ley, Rt. 4

Good, strong, frost-proof E.
I.. Copenhagen M., and Chas.
W. cabbage plants, $2.00 M.
Now ready for shipping. Guar.

Griffin, Bax-

ley, Rt. 4.

Nice Teeberge Jettuce plants,
60c C.,. $5.00 M. Del. in Ga. or,

50e C.. $4.50 M. FOB Buford.

W. D ag Buford

Chas -W.
collard: plants, $2. 00 M;: white
Bermuda onion plants, $2.50
M. All del.. and full count. E.
Bell, Arabi. Rt 15%

Chas.; W. frostproof cabbage |

and Bermuda onion plants, 500-
$1.20: $2.25 M: 5 M.-or more,
$2.00 M. del. Ovie Conner,
Pitts Rt hk.

Gabbage: plants,-Chas., B.2d:,
Wakefield, $1.25 M; .Copen-
hagen, $1.50 M. by exp., or
parcel post prepaid. 500, $1.00;
$1.75 M: onion plants, same
price. Sat. guar. W. C. Wil-
kins, Valdosta, Rt. 3.

Extra large, well rooted,
Chas. W., Wakefield cabbage
white Bermuda onion
plants, -500;..$1.25: $2.00. M.
postpaid: 5 M., for $7.50 exp.
eol. I. L. Stokes, Fitzgerald.


200 bu. Whatley cern, del. at
farm. H. W. Thurmond, Farm-
ington. Around 200 bu. very
fine yellow corn for sale. J.
C. Collier, Barnesville.

200 bu. corn for sale at my
barn. Jarhes Williford, War-
renton, Rt. 2.

2500 bu. corn, 500 bu. oats,
500. bu. wheat, for sale: Lo-
cated: on paved road. Sam
Freeman, Hoschton, Rt. 2.

1 ten ground corn, shuck,
cob and eorn ground fine: good

lb: bags,
Villa Riea.

W. W.. T4cPherson,



Mix. col, cornfield beans, 40c

Ib. Selected hand-shelled pop- |

cotn, 30c lb; pumpkin and
white okra, 25 cuptul; Jewel
and Red Gold strawberry
piants, 45e C. Add postage in
small orders. Miss L. M. White,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1, Box 35.

Heavy bearing black pole
bean seed, 50c large teacup-
ful and postage: also Klondike
strawberry plants. 60c C. $5.00
M. Mrs. W. V. Robps, Flowery
Branch, Rt. 1,

6 weeks or 2 crop Crowder
peas, produce green table peas
in 6 wks.. 15 lb, plus postage.
No stamps. Walker - Lackey.

Grandmothers old favorite
cornfield beans, heavy bearers.
bear until first frost, 25c tea-
cupful. Add postage. Mrs. J.
W. Dobbins, Hiram.

Northeast Georgia Fair

Imp. Gibson and the Great |

J seed, Ist yr.,

$2.00 M. Nowtly

full count. Ina Griffin, Bax- |

eabbage and Ga. :

DPL No. 14 cottonseed

ned on 1 var., gin, Ist yr
per hun, FOB. E, Hy

Lavonia, RFD 1.

Brooms Victory Super Br
cottonseed, ist yrs )

OF Seca Varcell Fe

DPL cottonseed, delinted,
improved Ceresan treated,
per cent lint, good staple, $6. Bt
per hun. FOB. Cash with
order. J. M. Johnson, &
PO Box 86. :

About 150 bu. heavy fruit
No. 5 cottonseed, -kept pure ai
gin, $1.25 bu. at my home, 5
mi. So. Gibson; come after a
bring sacks. C. C. Smith, M
chell. ee

20 tons DPL No. 14, cotto
from breeder
O. Mann, Conyers, REO da)
3921; nights, 2351.

Rueker s wilt-resistant

tonseed, 4214 per cent

1250 ibs. make a 500 lb bale
1% in. staple, $2.35 bu. -W
Rucker, Ashland. a

Brooms. 90- aay cottonseed,
$9,.00eper C. FOB. First year
7 bales to mule. J. J. Simmons.
Alto, Bt. 1.

Cokers 100 str., 7 cottonseed,
Ist yr., kept pure at gin, $6.00

| per C. FOB. W. Harold ee

Commerce, Rt. 3.

Stoneville 2b. wottonsioes: Is
yr., ginned 1 var. gin, culled,
cleaned and new improve
Ceresan treated, pure and
fect, $6.50 C. FOB. J. H. Bez
ley, Lavonia, RFD 2

also -Cokers 100, wilt-resi
Str. 3. 4 tons of each kind
kept pure at gin, Ist yr., ea
pr hun. 26 bales on 20 A. this
year. W. T. Allen. Dae


8 Ibs. fresh fore tout
weekly, for sale. Mrs. )
Ward, Bowden, Rt. 1.

2 lbs. butter ea. week, al
some dipper and gourd
10e ounce: and plum, red ai
vellow, trees, 25c ea. Mrs. -
M. Wooten, Camilla.

14 lbs., fresh Jersey butt
weekly. Sat. guar. Also whi
nest onions. $1:50 gal. $2.
peck, del. Mrs. B. Thorn
Bowdon, Rt. 1.


Dried peaches, 50c Ib; d
apples, 60c Ib; hot pepper dd,
10c tbls. Under $1.00 orde
add 15 extra for postage.
sephine Raiey. Mitchell.

Nice, sundried apples. fr
worms, core and. peeling,
Ib..del. in lots of 5 Ibs. or

LWire, D. Ti. Van. Zant, Dial.
cow feed, $2.00 ewt in good 160 |

Nice, sundried apples.
from peel and core, 50c Ib.
10 Yb. Jots, del. 1st and. 21
zone. Monev order. Mrs. R.
Woody, Dial. ~ : :


15 lbs. pecan meats, $1.00
Add postage. Mrs. Jani
mon, Luthersville, :

100 Ibs. Stewart and 75 I
Schley pecans for sale. :H.
Goodwin, Greensboro.

Large red peanuts, $1.
peck, $5.00 bu; Speckled Cro
der peas, 20 Ib. in 10 lb.
or more. postpaid in Ga. G
Brown, Ball Ground, Rt.

Stewart:and Frotscher vec
for sale. No order less 25
ee Gertrude Collins, W.


Few large size, thi
pecans and good averag
ris eke pecans for sale:
to hear from, party h
blocky type Cornish ch

eggs. H. M. Moorman, Lo

A Livestock Auction Sale will be held at. t

Grounds, Gainesville,

Friday, January 12, at 1 oclock. 2


tous peavine ha , no grass |
4 _ vine hay. M. C. Crumby, Tal-


- trash, ecured and baled
thout rain- on it for sale:
~ Copenhagen ~ cabnage
lants, $2.50 M; 5 M. $2.25 M;
y VE. wp, $2. 00 M: Ga. type
sHard, $2.00 M: 5 M. $1.75 M;
o M. $1.80 M. All FOR, 'P, L.
Vieadows, Vidalia. a

Pure Turf seed ane. ae ob-
yxious seed, $1.00 bu; pure
ae seed wheat, weevil-
fee, $1.90 bu; good, clean
forear. lespedeza seed, 10 Ib:

foneville 2B cottonseed, re--

leaned, $1.50 bu. Riley C:

ouch, "Eyarian.

0. tens lespedeza hay, and
00 bu. bright Victor grain
ts, 90e bu. Charles H. Mur-
sw, Farmington.

Meine kudzu hay, $40. 00 ton }

lel vl W. Middlebrooks, Bar-

Harper. Osicrtichd.
bout 75-214 bu. bags No.
ee op ecm rye,
aye: Ss vee FOB subject to.
E, Pridgon, Car-


200 gal. A- 1 Ga. sugar can |

rup a 1 gal. pails, $1.10 gal.
OB, J. S. Hudson,



000 fa. cert. PR. EIEN

Tb. at farm. John B
zgerald, Rt. 4.

Pt strained honey, gail-
rry and tupelo, packed in 5
b. jars, 6 per case, $5.50 FOB.
ash money order. No chks.
. B. Bryan, Hortense.

: Bor 6 bu. black
: $1.00 bu. not. post-
eek: Taylor, Quitman,

B. Pepe,

ae horseradsih,
oo spearmint,

sa ge,
1 Oc

0 speckled bunch
a Add postage. Write
first. ene. Kh 1 Williams,

shade eured sage, 44)

Reo or $1.50 lb. post-

Mrs. Nathan Weatherby.

Ba Ground, Rt. 4.

10 lbs., new, all white goose
feathers, $1.00 lb. Not del.
Miss Beulah Grier, Clermont.

500 gourds, large, small of all
shapes and size, all to one ad-
ress at 5c ea.-or in small

Ny a 8c ea. Add postage. N,
N. McLeod, Cuthbert.

hice, white downy

Rothers. 50c Ib. or 25 Ibs. $12 |-

del. Sample on request. Mrs.
Mary Collins, Cordele, Rt. 4.

Catnip, balm, hoarhound, 3
for. 25c; dbl. tansy,-25e doz;
peppermint plants, 50 C; mus-

adine and scuppernong grape

ines, $1.50 doz; everbearing
xem strawberry. Red Gold,
25 doz. M. L. Eaton, Dahion-
ega, Rt. 1. :

Walnut meats, $1.00 Ib: dried
poles, 35e lb: good chewing
obacco. 10c twist: sage plants.
2 for 25c: gooseberry. 10c ea:
truckers favorite early. seed
corn, 25c pt. sunflower seed,
5e cup. Exe. for printed sacks.

good seed.


eE cockerel,

Mrs. R. C. Stever. Pisgah.


Want 1 peek of cream or
lack-eyed Crowder peas. W.
at Conley.

S: Send sample aoe
. H. Clough, Black-


Want some genuine Black
ant eggs or baby chicks, Mrs.
. Q. Raburn, Ideal.


Want carload No. 1, bright |.

hay, shipped subject to inspec-
ae soy bean, alfalfa free of
Johngrass grass and Bermude
grass. Send best price. J. J
-Aderhold, Winston, Rt. 1.
Want same good hay. H. O.
Wi Hams, Concord.

-\lsired by

Want some peanut ene pea-


Want 8 or 10: frame hives
and extracting supers, honey
extracter, uncapping , knife,
bees in hives or gums free of
disease. C, E. Hodson, Atlanta,
1166 Woodland Ave. SE.


Want about 10 print
sacks, 100 Ib. cap., clean and
free of holes, et 25c <a. and

\|postage. Mrs. Allen W. Holder,

Hiawkinsville, Rt. 3.

Want-30 printed chicken feed
sacks, free from holes and

mildew, washed or unwashed,

3 of a color. Georgie Owenby,
Blairsville, Rt. 3 .

pee me WANTED: ~

Quote price on about 2 doz.
shell or. shagback ~hickory
sprouts, well rooted, 3 to 4 t..
also blaek, sweet cherry
sprouts. Eric E. Montgomery,

-Marietta, 101 Seminole Or.


Want sev. gal. Sorghum

: }syrup, clean and mild, also few

u. peanuts. M. C. _ Harris,
Martin, c/o Mrs. Cora Brown.


bull, Normal Mayor 2Dx
2062041. wt. approximateiy
1,500 lbs., 4 yrs. old. Miss Josie

Hamilton, Baxley; Rt. 2.

Cream col. Jersey cow,
freshen Jan. 1. Heavy milker
and good qualities every way,

75.00. Also purebred White

| Crested, black Polish hens and
$10.00. Will not |

ship. Mrs. H. M.

Palmetto, ARE. 1.

pound butter day. on "good feed,
$60.00; alsc 12 yrsx old mare

$65. 00. Trade both for 4-A
grade RI. Red: or BR. or both,
1944 laying pullets at $1.25 ea.
Come after. C. A. White, Co!-
lege Park, Rt. 2.

Purebred Guernsey bull,
ever 2 yrs, old, thin in flesh,
eight cents pound, or exc. for
smaHer bull or heifers, same

- | breeds lke to buy small Guer-

nsey, heifers.

Reg. Horned Guernsey buli,
10 months old, weight 350 Ibs.,
$100.60. Miss _Pearl Cheek.
Lawrenceville, Rt. 2

10 heavy svringers, Jersev
and Guernsey heifers, $50.00 to
$75.00 ea. S. W. Smith, Haw-
kinsville, Rt. 3.

A 4 Star bull reg. No. 453634
and heifer, Standard Betty
Beauty No. 1385389. Quiles
Cole, Dallas, Rt. 2.


Y. M. Anderson,

OIC. crossed: with Big Bone
Black, African guinea, 10 wks.
cid, life treated and crated, $8
ea. J. H. Tribble; Decatur, 903
E. College.

Several nice White Faced
Herston males, 4 mos. old.
$15.00 ea; also 60 Parmenter
Red 2 yrs.old cocks, haif oi
them ROP. direct stock. Rea-
sonable. J. E. Gunby, Atlanta.
1130 Mt. Param Rd., Ch 3343.

Thoroughbred Hereford pigs
and shoats, $15.00 ea. up; boars
and gilts, ready for service and
breeding. $35.00 to i $45.00;
large, bred sows, $65.00- boars.
$125:00. Application for reg.
furnished. G. R. Bennett, Ros-
well, Rt. 1, phone No. 3107.

Reg. Berkshire bred _ gilts,
Lynnwood Eveniua-
tion Pride 4th. an outstanding
son of Lynnwood Embiem.
Bred to Wehima. Bomber
Flash 2nd. $75.00 ea. FOB
ioe E. H. Blount, Waynes-

SPC. boars, 6 mos. old, $40
ea., reg. buyers name; "Reg.
Ibs., $75. 00 with papers, *reat-
ed, crated, FOB. Fred C. Sedge
Pinehurst, etch

Few extra fine, thorough-
bred OIC gilts, latest type, for
breeding purposes, 4 mos. old,
reg. buyers name, oe 00 ea.
Ship anywhere. W. Bh
Alpharetta. Rt. 3.

Several pigs, wt. 50 to 70
lbs.,. 1 reg. male, about 650
lbs., for sale or trade. Wani
reg., Broke-nose -Berkshire
gilt. Buy if reasonable oi

trade %4 Duroc pigs. J.
Smith, Fort Valley, Rt. 1.


Reg. -Poll_ type ee bi

Young cow, 3 gal., and over |

mule, no plug. wt. 1,100 Ibs.,

SPC boar, 2 yrs. old, 375- 400 |.

spc cae Gace aseue | |
- | ship. breeding, bred and poet

. Overtstreet, Sylvania.

150 SPC thoroughbred pigs,,
2-3 mos. old, $7.50 to $8. 00" ea;
en farm at Penfield and /om-
merce; also a 4-yr.-old horse,
perfeet quality, work any~
where, wagon or plow, wt.
000 lbs., Ga, raised, $125.00.
M. T. Sanders, Commeree.

7 wks. old pigs,
and. PC. cross. Nice,
Ferdue, Decatur, Rt. 1.

10 reg. OIC. pigs. short-nose
type, 6 wks. old January 6th
$10.00 ea., without papers, or
papers wanted, will get then:
and party pay cost. 8 males
end 2 females. See.
Cheek, Lawrenceville, Rt. 2

Few purebred Blue Guinea
male pigs, $10.00 and $15.00
Gbl. treated; largest size soon


be ready for service. No chks

L.<D. James. Manor, Rt. 1.

2 nice Hereford male pigs
about 2% mos. old, $15.00 ea.
Will reg. in buyers aame.
Would exe. for sow pigs, same
age, of reg. stock. Glen -
Montgomery, LaFayette, Rt.

Black Guinea gilts, 5% mos.
old, $18.50 ea: 7 mos. old, 32)
ea also 1 Ga. raised mare aute
eolt, 3 yrs. old, ready for work.
At bargain. See, dont write.

-|Q. P. Sinquefield. Harrisen.

Nice, reg. SPC. shoats, both
SEX, wt. about 125 Ilbs., Reg. in
uyers name.
= A. Brown, Thomaston, Kt.
: /

Reg. Black PC. pigs

shoats, all ages, both sex.
3 Smith, Elberton.



Mare colt. about 11 mos. old,
$50.00. Exc. for corn or nice
Guernsey heifer; also for sale,
Duroc pig, purebred, about 5
mos. old, blocky type, treated,
$20.00. Furnish papers. Hu-

bert Davis, Warrenton, Re 2,

Box 39.

2 nice, young bay mares,
7 yrs. old, work good; 1 bay
about 900 to 1,000 Ibs., about
horse, 10-11 yrs. old. ' good
wor ker, $350.00 for the 3 he:
W. P. Smith, Waycross, 520
Lott. Street.

2 mares, 7 yrs: old, about
$00 to 1,090 lbs., work gocd

fanywhere: bay horse,10-11 vrs.

eld. Cheap for cash. Haroid
Smith, Baxley, Rt. 4.

Dark mare mule, about 800

Ibs. fair cond., $39.00, also med.

2-h. wagon, no bed, $35.00, or
both for $55.00 at my barn, i1%4
mi. So.

4 yr. old mare Ste $200.0;
1 Tennessee walking horse, for
sale. Mrs. W. F. McLendon,
e301 Peach Cis Reed, De

Reg, 2 yrs. suis Goikae oe se

) fe NS Dailas,

now being trained, for sale.:

Earl Flovd, Atlanta, 2725 Che-
shire Bridge Road-

Good mare mule, about 6
yrs. old, wt. about 1,200 lbs..
no blemishes, for sale at my

Black mare. about 1,000 lbs.,
good eyes, gentle, work any-
where, $50.00 at my home. Ida
M. Loper, Bristol.

2% yrs. old horse mule, wt.
750 Ibs, $100.00; 1 Black Afri-
can Guinea boar hog. 1 yr. old,
$25.00. Mrs. C. H. Culberton.

Mare mule, wt. 1,000 Ibs.
$175.00 eash my barn. Work
anywhere, healthy, 10 yrs. old,
easily kept. J, ue Terry, Dan-

1 farm mule, $60. OG.eE.
Simmons, Douglasville, Rt. 3.

Good, young black, 1,006 Ib:
mare mule, $175.00. Fast step-
per, gentle worker. Worth
more. F. R. Kennedy, Stone
Mountain, Rt. 2.>

Pr..of Tenn. iron grey, 3 and
4 yr. old mare mules, wt. 1,000
to 1,104 Ibs.. broke, reday to
work. $475.00, or $250.00 ea: 7
yrs old 900 Ib. bay mare mule,

{$185.00: bay horse, 8 yrs. old

1100 lbs. $200.00. 7 mi. East
Sandersville. M. M. Newsome.

Mules and horses, some corn,
also farm equipment, for sale.
W. C. Fowler, Thomaston, Rt.

Reg. 13 yrs. old walking
mare, bred to grandson of Old

.} Wilson Atien, Seordon Ket-
Hee, Dalton a !

: peace to plow single and dbl.,


: Clark, Lawrenceville,

Giles |

At my home, |

Dallas, out by SAL}

O. L. Swiney. College
Park, 1107 Main Sti, Ca 1013. |


Black horse ieee 4 yrs. eat

and will ride, $125; 1 bay mare
about 12 yrs. old, plenty pep
to plow single or dbl., also
good saddler, $75.00. All my.

place, 7 mi. No. Alamo on old{

Scotland Rd., in Laurens Co;
- J. (Dee) Walker, Alamo, Ri.


1 red mare horse, work any-
where or ride, 8 yrs. old, about
,000: lb. wt. for sale. R. M.

Rt. 2,
phone Clarkston 2102.

A 9-yr. old blind mule, wt. |

1,300 Ibs., $35.00 for ae sale.
CE. Pharr. Winder, Rt. 2

1 good work mule for | at. H

my barn, 5 mi. Hogansville. Do
not write, but see. Farm on
Grantville-Corinth Rea..- and
known as Old Mobley Place.
Cullen B. Gosnell, Emory om:

3 good smooth mouth - mare
mules, at veasonale prices. M.
L. Shealy, | Oglethorpe. :

1 sorrel horse, coming 7 yrs.

old, about -,000 lbs., work sin- |
ible and dbi. for sale, or exc.

\for geod, young mileh cow,
fresh or soon to freshen. D. W.
oe Glenwood, Rt. 1, Box:

' i/mare mule, 4% yrs. old,
wt. 1,050 Ibs., chepa or trade
for cattle. Thomas May,
ton, Rt. 5.


Toggenburg goat to freshen.
around February Ist. Sacrifice
for quick sale. Mrs. M. H. Pat-
'tillo, Red Oak: tee

Reg. Toggenburg buck, 20
mos. old,. tertile, from high
production -dam and grand-
dams, easy to handle, reason-
able, C. N.

Milk goat, color white, na-
turaNy hornless, fresh in
spring. $10.00 or exc. for good
male hog, wt. 100 lbs. A. L.
Moss, Lula.

At stud, reg., purebred Nu-

| bian buck, Chief Sequois N-}

4932.> horniess, red with black;
also kids for sale soon. Book
orders now. Fred E, Grubbs,
Demorest, Rt. 1,

Fresh -goat, dbl. cross. Tog,
and Saanan, 6 mos, old, horn-.
less (Hermaphodite) 2 in one
buck and doe: cheap for cash.
Come get. Robert, Hogue,
Hapeville, 557 Central Ave.,
Ca 4907,

At Stud, 20 lb. 11 oz. produc-
tion bred Saanan_buck. Fee,
$4.00: reg. Saanan buck, ready
for service: also bred does or
sale. Exe. bueks or does for
does now milking, Saanan pre-
ferred. Edwin Simpson, At-
lanta, 605 Oliver St., NW.

1 fine mule head Saanan
buck of fine milk stock, $25.00.
|Gentle: child can handle: 1
buck, 10 mos. old, cheap, Mrs.
Julia Varnedoe, Atlanta, 130 |
So. Candler Road.


2 pr. NZ. White rabbits, Ped.
stock, 6 mos, old, $6.00 pr. Exo.
col., also white feed sacks, 100
lb. cap., free of holes, 15 ea;
Elberta and Ga. Belle, peach
seed, mixed, 20c doz. Add
postage, Mrs. a Mashburn,
Cumming, Rt.

NZ. Reds, mos. old. from |
Ji lb. parent stock... W. L,
Winn, Fitzgerald, Box 571.

Grown guinea pigs, $3. 00 pr;
1 pr. Belgian Hare rabbits and
6 young 8 wks. old, $8.00:
Chinchilla doe, large size, and
8 young, 6 wks. old, $6.00. C.
H. Overby, ~ Columbus, 3609
14th Ave.

4 rabbits, 2 mos. old, mixture
of Chinchilla and NZ White,
does, $1.25: bucks, $1.00 ea;
also 2 ped. Giant Chinchillas.
Howard Massell, Atlanta, 1125
St. Charles Place, He 0742. :

28 NZW rabbits, $1.00 cach
$2.00 pr; 1 buck, 7 mos. old, $3.
All from reg. stock. William

wks. old, 4 for. $5.00.

.|African Guinea gilts,

Long, Crawford- |

Bradshaw, Edison. Box 113.

Mix. os rabbis adults.
to $5.00 pr; young, 10 e

and shipped. Exp. col.
Money order. L. C.
Marshallville. :

Excellent type NZ
doe, 3% mos, old, wt. 5
200d type and bone, $1.25
col. Sonny Weeks, Edison.

3 male Chinchillas, $1.50
also some feed sacks, 10c ea,
Come and get them.
Hachtel, Atlanta, 2603 B

1 pr. real nice Pelses
rabbits and 6 young abow
wks. old, $8.00; guinea
(cavies), grown, $3.00 Dake
. Overby, Columbus,
14th Ave.

2 reg. Chinchilla doce 2 N
white does, 4 young Chins:

mos. old Hwt. Chin. buck,
Chins. 7 mos. old, 6 NZW

mos. old. All priced very r
sonable. _Must sell at once
Carlton Miller. Atlanta,

1 St. Charles Ave., NE.


Want good, young milk cor

2nd or 3rd calf, giving arou
4 gal.,
Tit- |

fea. or exe. for turkey eg
Mrs. Hattie Hollomon, ae

_day, fresh ine also _

ville, PO Box 362.


Want 2or 3 big bone Blacl
wks, old. Willie Shep e}
Meansville, Rt. 1.

Want bred Hampshire sew
also fine milch cow, fresh or
to freshen soon, not less 4 ga
daily. J. A. Land, Claytn.


Want mare or_ horse, wt.

about 1,000 lbs., 8 yrs. old, o1

which will work to anythi

and ee not ride rough

saddle, H. C. Sumner, Adria


' Baby chicks, New ~ Ham
shires, best chicks from | pl
lorum tested flocks. $15.00
Place order now. D. B. Du
hart, Decatur, P. O. Box 48

Bantams: 1 speckled
75ce; 2 hens and 2 roosters,
ea.: 1. Butt Cochin _ Toes
$1.00; Black Tail Jap = .
$1.00: also 1 dr ake, $1.00. Billy
Greene, Cuthbert, Rt. 303

2 Use

5 purebred B. Ply. Re

April cockerels, $2.00 ea. FO]

No chks. Mrs. Bo. L. As

Bishop. oe

2 fine March Butt
cockerels, $2.25 ea.:
March hatch Buff Orp.


lerel, $2.25; trios, $6.00; war

or 3 young Buff Minorca.
ing hens. Mrs, C. R. Sorr
Monroe, Rts die. 2.

18 Carters Champion B.
pullets, $2.00 ea.: and 2 roo:
ers, $2.50 ea. Mrs. H. B. Fc
Lavonia, Rt. 1. :

50 B. R. hens, $75. 00, or Ss
ea.; also 1 nice: Bronze
and sev, turkey hens, 7
hatch. MrseH. L: Ray, U U1
Poing, Rt Wd: ve


1 White Cornish 2 TBE aS
rooster, wt. 8 Ibs., $3.00 Fi
4Trs. A. Cie Sailers, Me

3 extra.fine real Dark
nish roosters, April hatch. 6%
7 lb. wt., $8.00 or $3.00 ea.: -
rooster, same stock, 1 yr,
814-9 lIbs., $3.00. Johnnie:
ger, Reidsville.

1 Blue game raesien ine
full Ancona rooster, black an
white spotted, all 1944 ha
$2.50 en. Jas:-C. ras
luth, P. O, Box 161.

3 pit game_hens, $6.00,

prepaid. C, H. Baldwin,
lanta, Rt. 8, Box 589.

Collards, per doz.

January 5, 1945

Turnips (Bunched), per doz.

Mustard. Greens, per bu. baskets __
Sweet Potatoes, per bu. baskeis

toate ae

Turnip Salad, per bu. nS So a

anes 1 on 64) Ib. 2
Id cock, 8 only 5-5 | lb.

ae old; 10 ee 8)

bate ored Wie Te pul
mos. old, laying, and |

ay Order. cs Philmon.


L. hens and cockerel,
~at my home, or exc.
Red-hens. Roy Boyce,
Rt. 2, Box 68.

Big Eng. W. L. 1943 hatch
: about through rane:



es pay: express.
derson, Warrenton,


ni ced. hens
laying: $3.00 for lot.
: rris= Marietta, Fete 4.

1944 Baigh


pr. Ringneck doves, $1. 00
my home, or $1.25 pr.
pped. No less than 2 pr.
ped. Exc. for -black-eye

, pecans, peanuts of dried
ruit. Mrs. C. Allen, Atlanta,
Bes! Place, N. W.. phone

) Red quosters,

20 N. H. hens, some

all healthy and fine.
eroy White, Temple.

ine dark R. I. Red rooster,
ae from select eggs,
Donaldson, $2.00 on
et, Austell,

$3.00 ea.: Eggs, $2.00 5 or
De 2405.

I Id, first class in every
pect, no culls, $1.00 ea. J.
i. Atlanta, 929 Ar-

Pay aieke oe
$1.50 ea.; also N.: Z.
1 prown virgin

and intermediate, $3.50
5.00 ea.: Bulldog Cornish |
1m. chickens, $2.00 and
: _ Carlos, oe

; also 10 choice

- White Rock pullets,
0.00. FOB. Mrs. =
aliahan, Blackshear, Rt:

ral of beef type, es
breasted Bronze turkeys: toms,

30 Ibs., $12. 00 ea.: hens,

32-1:82 1bs:, 50 Ib. All 6 mos.

Eggs and poults for sale

ining February. . Grady
ford, Maysville. #

om and. hen, big bone
ze turkeys, April soe

18.00 for the PES

nd 2 hens, $24. 00: oie
I. 'C. purebred pigs, 2 mos.
m. le and female, $12.00,

; G, Bryan, |


; Helena, Rik

Rob- }

-|key hens. .
}and price.


fl | large,

Mrs. Don Donaid-}1
Yee Dr J lots of day work also.
= DE,

+ Want

| bouses,

.|2 hens, 12 Ibs. ea. June, 1944,
| hatch. $20.00 for the 3. Crate
to be ret. Mrs, ae L. Daniel,
Dawson. Rie


Want 4 White Leghorn
roosters, not over 2 yrs. old,
State price. J. R. Hindman,


Want 2R.1. Red March 1944
hatch cocks. State price. Mrs.
J..W. Johnson, Cuthbert, Rt. 4.


- Want-young, 1944 hatch M.
B. broadbreasted turkey. gob-
bler, 10 to 12 lbs., ready for
service. Advise lowest cash
price. C, D. Biggar, Haddock.

Want 6 or more young Cae

nea hens, at reasonable price.
PW: E. Ee Canoe? Rt.


Want some saond eanve tur-
State age and wt..
R. H. Earnest, East
Point, Box 283. Ra 7245,


Want reliable woman i to we
in home on farm, with 2 aged
people and help. with. farm
work, milk 1 cow, drive a car

|good salary. Consider woman
with 1 child of school age. B.
Parrish, Pavo.

Want couple for fons bovis
House and salary. Good home
for right parties. J. B. Mos:
ley, Austell.

Want man, white or. col.,
work 9,000 yearling ifoentine.
boxes on halves, for 1945, at
aor: Bill Steedley, Alma; Rt.

Want calbed eroppers toy
well equipped farm.,
|Good houses, plenty wood, ali
and cut with tractors, liberal

J. H. Douglas, Albany.

Want middleaged, white wo-
man, unencumbered, to. live
with family on small farm and
help with farm work. E. T.
Boynton, Arlington. -

sober, reliable exp.
farmers to operate tractor, pre-
pare, plant, cultviate and. har-
vest about 150 acres each to
the farm on shares. Also want
deserving young man with

agricultural training (prefer
Martha Berry) with family,
able and Willing to operate a

- jfarm along the Callaway Plan.
.|George Howard,

Decatur, Box

Want farmer *
jfarm near Clermont. (2-5 R
good cotton section.
Will give right party good
chance. Write if interested.
mi T. Osborn, seeDonona

Want 2 col. families for gen.
iarm.. work: men capable run-
ning tractor, Live on place, 10
mi. Atlanta near school ana
bus, Year round employment.
C. C. Cavender, College Park.
Rt. 1, phone Ra 5238.

Want young married mat,
white or col. to take 1-H. crop

at once for.

(on 50-50 basis. John B. Pope,
gece Hil:

i} i gobbler, wt. approx. 20 Ibs.,|

-|50-50 basis.
good cond., on school bus and |.

and uplands for crops.


Janta ~on ear

preferred, Room, board and.

Want healthy, reliable, in- |
dustrious man to work on
poultry farm: wife to help
isome. .Good house furnished. .
"| #lc, available. On paved road:
Answer in own handwriting.
H. J. Hardin, Culloden. .

Want energetic, honest, farm

|thand, small family, in. Clayton.

Co., Riverdale. 4-R. house, run-
ning water, lights. Wages, Rel.
M. Ww. Stallings, Atlanta, 618
Lee St., Ra 9747. :

- Want wage hands and share
croppers for 1 and 2-H. crop,
3 and 4 R. houses,

s00d bottoms

mail rt. Plenty

= S. Storer, Se

Want young married man to
drive 1 row tractor to cultivate.
cotton, peanuts: and corn, and.
look after -hog. farm. Good
house and good wages. Ke
Cverstreet, Sylvania. pees

Want nice woman, reliable
Christian preferred, to live in
home and help with farm
work. Consider 1 child. State
wages expected.
Wie C.Marris, .: Martin, care:
Mrs. Cora Broome.

Want middle aged white wo-
man. of good char, acter, to hel,
with chickens, patches an
other work on farm, 12 mi, At-
line, for . good
home and reasonable salary.
Must have satisfactory ref. Ad-
dress. William A. Thomas, at-
ty-at-law, Atlanta, 421 Con-
nally Bldg. Ma 0866.

Want farmer on 2-H. farm,
Good house, g00a
acreage, |

share basis.
land, good mules, etc.
peanut and tobacco

|Qn School bus and mail rt..A.

S. Hicks, Adel.

fe Want 2-H. farmer on nalees
Have cleaning to do. Give

5 eee contract. or pay weekly

for "job: must be reliable, .J.ard
workers and give ref. Near At-
lanta. White or col. No strag-
lers. L. R. Wade, Hapeville,
3136 Springdale Ra., Cae 28.

Want. good farmer for 245 A.
good farm land, in f00d cond.,
for = traetor: work, free at
stumps. Mrs. R. L. or- Lee
Fussell, Osieriield.

Want good farmer, white or
col. for 2-H. farm,.50-50 basis..
4-R. house,.On mail and schoo!
bus rt. 5 A. tobacco allotment:
, R. Jordan, Alma, Rt.-3.

Want good farmer for Lor 2
H. crop on shares. Good to-
bacco allotment. Would let
just tobacco if party does not
care to work feed crop. On bus
and rural rte. 2 mi. Alma. All
correspondence ans. Mrs. Clay-
ton Douglas, Alma, Rt. ne

Want good 2 H. tenant farm-
er. Good farm, good. mules,
tools and. everything to farm
with. Good, hard- working No.
Ga. White ~ farmer preferred,
but .col.. accepted. Fertilizer
and necessary money. furnish-
ed. Reference exchanged. J,
hee Americus, a Box

Want share cr oppers fer 4 H,
farm or wage hand. .2 tenant
houses, on school pus: rt. Will
finance and move. 7-mi. Ne.
Climax. Write at once.. R: T:
Parker. Climax, Rt. 2.

Want good man for 1 or 2 H:
farm, 50-50 basis. Furnish 3
ae house, lights, good well of.
water, plenty wood. Have good
stock and tools: on school bus
lines, 3 mi. town and church,

H. Cummings, Byron.


{| house. .

for farm near Monroe, between



Splendid house, 4%4 A. tobacco

Ea. Hahira. wd

jlanta, 1130 Mt. Paran Hid Ch


Good ~ new house,

Want Soule man qe 1 or
2-H. farm, share basis. Good
land and stock. Or would like
party to raise poultry and live-
stock on shares. I. Li Weight,
Yatesville, Rt. 1.

Want white man with family.
interested in raising 50,000
broilers per year for salary
and share of profits. Must be
exp., and family smart, honest.
and willing. to work hard. 4 R.
If cant qualify and
give- yet. Dont answer. oe
Webster, Augusta, OLE Merry

Want man, white or oe to
work 5,000 virgin tur. boxes.
Good wagse; aiso want man
for 1-H. crop on halves, and.
give work when not in crop.
Good house with lights, and
good well of water in yard.
N. Willis Green, Jacksonville,

Want family, 2 plow. ote.

paved roads: school bus and
amail- rtsy Large 3-R. house,
elec. Well at door. Handy
barn, wood, pasture. Good
land and young mules. Carl
Perry, Monroe, Rt. a

A 1-H. farm and-15 bbl. tur-
on 50-50 basis, to
party witn own stock. On,
school bus and mail rt. 2-6/10
tobacco ~allotment. Rent
separately if necessary. M. C.
Anderson, Baxley, Rt. 2.

Want at once, man to farm
25 A., farm and live as one of
family. Give 1 acre tobacco
free and wages or share crop.
Live 4 mi. No. Ludowici. All
cor respondence ans. or come at
once. John JI. Long, Ludowici,
EP dts =.

Want share cropper, white
or col. for big 1-H. farm. Good |E
jland, near church and school
bus- by. -house, on main hwy.
oe or write. Mrs. E. M. ee

, Stuckey. ns

pa man for. good 2. H. 50-
A. farm, 50-50 basis. 2 good
mules and riding cultivator.

allotment, as much cotton. as
wanted, 2 A. tomatoes. 3 mi.
J. Fiveash, Ha-

Want man or couple, white
or col., reliable and honest, for
small poultry and: hog farm
near Atlanta. New house and
good salary. J. E. Gunby, At-


Want od? farmer or kas
ers for 1, 2 or 3 H. farm on 3ds]1
and 4th, "standing rent or 50-50
and school bus by door. Smooth
land. WW. McPherson, Villa |

Corr Sue Want. farmer for
standing rent. Good house and.
land, good water, School bus
near. 5 mi, West of Pomona,
Ga. Mrs. iG Underwood,
Atlanta, 1163 Astor Ave., SW.

Want man and wife, or wo-
man with son large enough to
operate walking eultivator for
1945. \H. C. Howard, Fort Val-
ley, Rt. 1.

Want man with cdmacty. We
work a 2-H. crop, 50-50- basis.
good land}
stock; on school and ae rte.
Tom. Weaver, Carden. Rt.

Want man and wife, Site
or col., to work 1-H. crop on
halves: truck and~ corn. House
and wood furnished. B. F.

|Metter, Rt. 1,

|George N.

Good 4 R. house. Mai)!

een on. Sonor dare
churches. 3 Re house,
land, plenty wood and w
1 mi: Temple on good dirt

fin. sight of paved h

RR. Good pasture, Tom
ney, Temple. :

Want wage hand to. hel
farming. Good house,
garden, close to school
church and RFD Rt. Or 5
use single manto live in h

.| with board, as one of

Wire or write. M. F. Jone

phone No. = :
Want single man or coups

for Bent, work on farm, =

etc. near Dees

salary and part cro
house, lights and water, Ci
at once. J. H. Tribble, Decatu
903 East College Ave.

Want man with. ane
1945, to work for wage
farm, close to town.
and water... George.
houn, Cordele, 1009 F

Want farmer on. hal e
age 6. "Tobacco, corn, |

| beans and potatoes, 6

Dar mules and riding p
i. NW. Alma. ae
Alma; Rt. ie i ee

Want at once a_ sinal of
or job overseeing a large far:
Life time exp., farming.
Rel Si 7. uTayer, Ri:


Want EAL oH:
eae house, for 1945, og

lrent, prefer 6 to 10 mi. So. | I

catur. State what you
. D.. Thompson, Tallapoos

~ Want small place. for poul
raising, good 5-R. house? elec.
etc., to keep_up for retrt, Wii
Mrs. Ada C. Walters, B
wick, 2015 Garden Street

Man and wife, educated and
rexp, in general farming, fa m
accounting, ; executive. io
secretary ability wants
place. Only first class
proposition considered:
. Woodall, Mari tt


Want good 2-H. farm ot

and 4ths. 2 good houses,

and water; on school and
routes. 2 and 5 in familie a
sober and honest. Want ea
from good reliable party.
once. Near Cartersville
2 een ee Parent i

Man, 43,. "with 4 in te
want place, convenient
school, rural So. Ga., wher
plenty day work may

Lee Irvin, Brunswick,
Emanuel Home. s

Want job on small corm fo
1945. Can also do any /
carpenter work, tend to sto
or poultry, prefer aroun
Janta or Marietta. Can do
kinds~ truck _ farming, a,
Rutledge, Austell, Rt.

Want to supervise
vegetable and-stock fa
Atlanta or Macon. Bes -
given. N. C. coh ner,

World War
wants job. as caretaker
work on farm.: ~Canno mil
and cant drive ear or-t
but good handy man. |
wages paid and other pe
culars. W. M.. nea d

-| McGee, Austell, Rt. me phone
Austell ate :


PO: Box: 1192.



a Apnusty

* 180/240
- 945/270



E to Choice



Soft -


Nashville ea
SRG os
Soft Hard
Per Cwt
, 12.39-

Per Cwt
12.25-13.75 |
ab Qe
10.75-12.75 |

. Sylvester Sylvester

i 1st 7S LAth:

Soft Hard Soft

Per Cwt

Hard Soft

Ocilla Beinbridee .

ee 7th
~ Hard Per Cwt


Valdost :
Nov. 30th

Hard Soft E i :
Per Cwt

Pelham n K

Lee 20-






Strs. & Heifers
- Strs. & Heifers
_ Strs. & Heifers
Strs. & Heifers

7-00- 9.00
7.00- 9.00
4.50- 6.00
5.00- 6.50
- 5.00
6.59- 9.00

~ 10.00-11.50.
