Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1944 March 1



ith Rationing

On ebraary 22 (Washington S birthday), I attended

meeting. at the City Auditorium in. Atlanta, a by The

N ar Food. Administration.

This meeting was called to discuss bing into effect

un order for the rationing of milk in Geotgia,, 1. vo
| Purpose of Rationing Milk

: Lie was stated at this meeting by Federal metic igibead

the purpose of rationing milk in large cities was to con-

erve more milk and dairy products for our Armed Forces.

and to be shipped by Lend Lease to our Allies overseas.

Mr. William C. Waldon, Assistant Director, who came
fits meeting from Washington, made the statement that

the majority of babies in the United States are now being

ed canned milk.
The cn was also made by one of we federal of-

icials that the best form of milk that could be pee .

to men overseas was powdered whole milk.

-There are no milk canneries in Georgia and there are -
O powdered milk manufacturers in Georgia. It naturally -

- follows that whatever canned milk and powdered milk the
government gets, must be purchased in states other than
Georgia and ean not be purchased in Georgia.

How Rationing Is Put Into Effect


Under the rules as laid down by federal officials, each |

milk distributor is to be given a quota of sales. That is,
each plant and each producer- distributor is to be given a

quota as to how much milk he can sell. This quota is to.

e the amount sold by the distributor in either June or
ecember 1943.

- Tealled the attention of the federal officials to the fact

S at the limiting.of sales of the individual producer would
automatically limit the production of that individual.
- If Bill Smith is given a quota to sell 100 gallons of
milk per day, then, of course, Bill Smith can only produce
0 gallons of milk per day because he cannot afford to
produce more milk than he ean sell.

Everyone Wishes To Cooperate With The War Effort

I called attention of the federal officials to the fact
at the State Department of Agriculture and all the dairy-

men were anxious to co-operate with the Federal Govern-

in any possible way in the war effort.
_I further called their attention to the fact that Georgia
as never been an exporter of milk and dairy products but
at she had always been an importer of these.
_-T also ealled their attention to the fact that when the
ar began many military camps were established in
Feorgia, and we had tried in every way possible to secure
adequate milk supplies for these camps.
Under Georgia Law, no fluid milk is permitted to be
gold direct to the consumer, except Grade A milk.
_ Attention was called to the fact that since the begin-
(Continued on Page Two)

_ Livestock Sales, Georgia Auction Markets

Reports received at this office show following average prices
paid for No. 1 Hogs at the Livestock Auction Markets named.

February 23, 1944 Per Cwi.:

: are 23 (Wednesday)Rome
F bruary 24 (Thursday)Vidalia

ary 23 (Wednesday)Rome Coes ea $ 9.50-$14.30

24 Sey es ee ee eS, ae

_ EDITORIALBy Tom Linder

: Tend is such an every- -day question, we are apt te fi r

get that food is a most vital item, both in war and in peace.
- Thave just returned from a trip to different points in

Georgia, where farm meetings were held. It is amazing the

: number of men who have gone from the farms to the armed.


forces and to war jobs, as well as to city jobs:
\ Phe rules of Selective. Service are becoming more rig

from time to time and more farmers are being called as the

weeks go by. es
The food that city duelers and suburban fanaihies pro
duce and preserve during the coming months will be a |
factor, and may be a vital factor i in our over- all food ae
tion. 3 ae

Canneries On ania Market, Macon Market and
Thomasville Market -

fe the importance of the home. canning pro. ~
gram as a vital factor in assuring an adequate food supply,
for the civilian population, I constructed a modern-cannil
plant at the State Farmers Market here in Atlanta.

The first few days-of operation revealed that the.
cilities would have to be increased to care for the immediate
demand. The facilities were doubled and later trebled te
accommodate the housewives that visited the cannin
plant daily to can fruits and vegetables for their families

The cannery on the State Farmers Market at Murphy

Avenue and Sylvan Road is being revamped and facilities :
enlarged so that the housewives: of Atlanta and vicinity
may can larger quantities of fruits and neg duri
1944 than was canned during 1943. |
The success of the community cannery oreued by t
State Department of Agriculture: on the State Farmer:
Market in Atlanta was phenomenal in 19453.
It proved to be one of the most popular, as well as st te
most profitable ventures ever made in Georgia for food!
preservation.. =
Thousands of housewives in and around Atlanta to kK
advantage of the Opportunity in 1943 and hundreds of
thousands of cans of fruits aa vegetables were put up fox
winter use. S
The idea of bringing a community canning ia city;
dwellers was an original and new idea. It had never been
tried before any where in the United States. Atlanta was
the first city in the country to have a eo canne
and the experiment proved most satisfactory. ~ be

Bs Canneries At Macon and Thomasville

Late in the season of 1943 we opened a community ca <
nery on the market at Macon. It was opened too late to
give the service that the Atlanta cannery did. :

We have enlarged the facilities of the Macon cann ry
We have enlarged tie building, as well as the equipment
and the Macon cannery will be pais: as soon as fruits a
vegetables are moving in volume on the market this spr ae

(Continued on Page Two)

Cech ruits and Vegetables

February 25. 1944 - Atlanta
$4.00- +4 25

Apples, boxes _
Cabbage Plants, erts. per 2000 plants oe ee
Collards, per doz. bunches
Mushrooms, 1-Ib. cartons
Mustard Greens, per bu. hprs.
Sweet Potatoes, per bu. baskets
Turnips (bunched) per doz. bunches
Turnip Salad, per bu. hampers

Se EN Re



7 _Wednesday, Maren I


: e ee Address all items for publication and. all requests to be put
@n the mailing list and for change of address ty STATE BUREAU

s Notices of fafm produce and appurtenances admissable
ander postage regulations inserted on time on each request and
epeated only when reguest is accompanied by new copy of.


_ Limited space Saul not permit insertion at nolites tontaining
more than 30 words including name and address.

Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not
= " @ssume any popensibey for any notice appearing in the
- Bulletin. =
Published Weekly at
il4- 122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.

By Department of Agriculture

] Yom Linder, Commissioner,

Executive Office, State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga.

* x

: Publication Office

a 14- 122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
_ Editorial and Executive Offices
ae Capitol, Base oe

etiry on FORM 3578Bureau of
_. Markets, 222 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga.

Entered as second class matter
August 1, 1937, at the Post Office
at Covington, Georgia, under Act
of June 6 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special rate of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Act
of October 8. 191:

Milk Rationing}

(Continued from Page One).

ning of this war, we have permitted large quantt-
ties of outside milk to be brought into. the state
of lower grades, because the Apmy needed this
milk and it was impossible to obtain a supply ot
Grade A milk.

Attention was called to the fact that no ne-
cessity existed in Georgia at this time to limit
sales of Georgia producers. What we need in
Georgia 3 is larger production by Georgia produc-
ors aad larger sales by Georgia producers.

J ealled attention to the obvious fact that
he way to conserve milk for the Government and
for overseas is to stop bringing so much milk into

Georgia from the outside and to produce more |

milk in Georgia.
Skim Milk

I notice in an Associated Press dispatch
Pott Washington, under date of February 21,
where the United States Senate passed a bill atid
sent it to the President, This bill provides that
it is no longer necessary under Federal Regula-
tions to brand the word oe on dried aime
med milk. :
This simply means, that dried skimmed
milk can be sold as dried milk so far as Federal
Regulations are concerned. The consumer buy-
ing dried milk would not know whether he was
getting whole milk or skimmed milk. Strange
as it may seem, there were only 3 votes against
this bill in the United States Senate.

_ets Cooperate With The Army and Navy
We want to eooperate with the Army and
Navy and will therefore permit such milk to con-
tinue to come into Georgia as the Army and Navy

desires, regardless of Brad, as the Army and |

Navy have their own inspectors and. look out for
the health of the men in military camps. J am
sure everyone will agree with this.
~ set's stop all outside milk that is not Grade
tA, except what is absolutely necessary to prevent

ae milk famine.
Only last week, one man from the War Food

(Administraton came around to see Georgia milk
producers, asking them to inerease their produc:
tion of milk in 1944. The same week, another
branch of the War Food Administration notified
Georgia producers that they could not sell any
nore milk than they sold in December or June of
Jast year. They ask them to inerease production
but told them they could not sell any more than
they sold last year.

_. Milk Rationing To Go Into Effect

-Lunderstand that this milk rationing is to go

into effect. at once.

os Notices are being sent to every plant in
Georgia that has a permit to bring in mk can-
eclling said permit.

statements showine that such milk is feecaey
for Army or Navy use or that-Georgia producers.
are unable to supply enough milk under the Gov-
ernment Rationing System.

I shall, of course, expect the Government
Rationing Authorities to give Georgia producers
ample quotas to enable the Georgia producers. to
sell all the milk that they ean produce. Certainly
no one ean object to this.

The Savings Will Add To iovericioat Supply

Cutting out the importation of so much milk
into Georgia from dairy states will add to the

to have more milk for babies, our men overseas
and for Lend Lease. This is what the govern-
ement says is needed. and we must work with
them. | ;

Commissioner of Acriculture.

FooD FOR 1944 - 1945,

(Continued from Page One)

successful as the Atlanta cannery. It will mean
that hundreds of thousands of cans will be Us up
in Macon for winter use.

We are just completing the erection of a an-
ery on the Thomasville market. and it will also be
open for business in the spring.

Victory Gardens

nt cannot too strongly urge everyone who can
do so profitably to have a carden this year. It is
not necessary to grow a wide variety of vegetables
in order to have a garden. If you can grow a
few rows of those vegetables which are most suit-
ed to your taste and to your cireumstances, it will
be a wonderful help.

The Victory Garden Club of Georgia will be
glad to assist you in every way possible. If you
are in need of advice, confer with your Victory
Garden Club, with your County Agent, with your
Vocational Teacher, and always feel free to call
on this department for ae m any way

Farmers Are Doing Magnificent J ob

The farmers of Georgia and of the nation
are doing the greatest job that has ever been
done in the history of the country

equipment and with a shortage of farm labor,
they have produced and harvested crops of all
kinds beyond what anyone thought was possible
a year ago.

We know that the fanart will continue to
do their best regardless of the tremendous handi-
caps under which they labor.

In spite of all that those who remain on the
farms can do, there is bound to be a food crisis
in this country and throughout the world as an
aftermath of this great war.

starvation in India, China and Russia than on
the battlefields in the most terrible war of

People are starving by the millions through-
ottt most of Europe and Asia. So far, we people
in America have been mercifully spared the hor-
rors of famine, just as we have escaped the hor-
rors of bombing of civilian population.

We should not, however, allow this fact to
make us careless of this truth. It has happened
thereit can happen here. Do not let us forget
these sad truths.

Let us work as we have never worked before
to produce food and to ean food.

Shortage of Milk

We are now faced with a national shortage
of milk. This shortage will become more a
in another year.

To some extent, fresh fruits and fresh vege-
tables area substitute for milk. We should make
it a point to consume as much fresh fruits and
vegetables as possible. We should can fruits and
vegetables for the winter months.

During the summer months, let us provide
for the months of winter to come. |



government-supply and enable the government! A

| nell, ee

I am sure that the Macon cannery will be just as}

head steel conveyor.

\With an acute shortage of machinery and)

It is probable that more people have died of |


Aas S

Garden pose plow
able, with 2 sets rak
self-address, stamped en
price and informatio
Adams, Sycamore,

McCormick reaper ;
er. needs f
vator, oy 00
. Hargrove,

New 8 frame hives, gla:
servation and supers rea
insert bees, $8.00 ea.
Manley, Atlanta, 166.
Vey %, ae

Tractor warn,
three and ane by . :
$100.00.. New Racine th
mounted. $100.00. Stov
ter. 4x12 in.
$20.00. FOB.
ledgeville, Rt. 1

Farmall F-20 tractor, in
cond. Rubber in front,
behind. Frank -T,

Bostrom farm terracin
with magnifying glass, it
fect condition. Hora

Ley "hac tblsp. P. Pe
sealer. FOB. Cc. Soe

Good Oliver planter N
(pulled by mule).

Case combine, 415
good cond., on ruler, $450.
Mrs. Mary Drew, Millen
Box 392.

-Lummus 4 70-saw. gin y
eomplete, 12 in. plain gins N
extractor feeder cleaners, 3
S. Reese, Di

equipment. W.

gis a
I. H. C. self dump hay ra

ready to use, in good

also some wagon wheel

-aeromotor~ wind mill,\ not

use but in good shape.
Edwards, Bethlehem. -

30H: PP. model AD
crawler tractor with 1942
completely overhauled
month. J. . Langdon, Wo

1 Plant setter: (GBD. P
Co. make). perfect cond., t1
tor hitch, $75.00: 2 row cot
duster, used 1. season, .$25
R. E. McCants, Butler, Rt

Set of Tobacco barn
used 1 season. in good s
$25.00. G. B. Daniel, 4
(4% mi. W. Jesup).

Turn plows, Chattanoo


and Syracuse 1H: roll o

spring tooth harrows. 7
guano: distr ibutors,

Mrs. Jessie S. Collier,

One 1938 Ford iractr
ley, 1 side plow, 1 trac
harrow, all A-1 cond.,
at my place. W. E. Par
las. Rt 4. Phone Dall

WieCormick-Deering Mc
machine No. 6, good

good rake (goes with m

needs tongue in it. $70.
my farm: K.'$. Price,
land, Rt. 4. :

J. B. Feed (mill - wi
screens. in good cond,
M. B. Brown, Richland
Box 545.

Allis Chalmers Combin
60 with 5 ft. blade, with
spreader, new containers
cylinder. perfect cond., on
ber. $500.00 for quick sal
E. English, Warrenton, R

B. 0. Model: J. D. 3
completly rebuilt,
and in A-1 cond.
B. Pearson, West Point

2 buggies for sale.
Sparks, Carnesville. _

dairy boiler, in good cond
ae pore Parker, Dera

Farmall F- 12 on od Ww.
8 disc harrow in exe. con
E. Robison, Jackson.

John pete combine, s
width. and hif ft.
Mears Best often ae
Mrs. Willa D. Evans, Wad.

John Deere hay baler,
power. in good cond..
Viva Sanders, D

Cultivator for -Far
tractor, good a new, |
$50.00, at my plac
Gaston, Wadley.

New wheat cradle
beer used), $7.00: a.
No. 1* shape.

over engine -hammer
mill; Model A Farmall
or, complete with power
ak o-of f; ~ eultivator
nts. with power lift, other
tt peaments. 14 disc harrow.
ery tiller, A-1 cond. B E
innon, Richland.

Niagara orchard duster,
del F-25, mounted on self-
acking steel wagon, powered,
y practically new Briggs-
tratton gas engine, $200.00.
Fred Benton, Monticello.

nt. No. 3 harow plow. 4 ft.
mule power hay baler,
- bean power takeoff spray-
miounted, on rubber. 6 mi.
_B. Gilbert, Elko.

ae LeRoi motor, 20
{ water. cooled, $75. 00. Ex-
2 cylinder air com-
sor, $30.00, Used for small
rn and Hammer Mill and
2 oe Exchange for
Vy ean ase, J. G.
Vio ae ae 2060 S. Pryor
Rad., Rt. 9, Ca 8246. :

Riding cottoh harrow and
ows, $45.00. Or will .exc.
or something can use. Hand
mn sheller, turned by hand.
- J. BR. Simonton, Da-

S. Price. Cleveland.

vow Seeder as wheat, oats.
ve, Biclet and other grains,
0 cond., 2 yrs. old, $40.00.
on Borden. Barnesville.
V fddlebrooks Bldg.)

1 walking cultivator (Nu
ng), good shape. $50.00: also
garnchburs, good shape,
avary L. Jordan, Ma-

planter with
uano attachment, No. 3, same

w, planted 6 acres cotton
oaks. $15.00 FOB. Jas F.
es, Swainsboro, Rt. :

ens 4 disc tiller, ice
for sale. -H. A. Jack-
a ts Rt. 2 (Central-

Allis-Chaimers 5 ft. Com-
~ needs some _ repairs,
90.00 or $400.00 recondition-
; Want to buy power cane
ill. State size, ve requir-
d to operate. Walker,
Macon, Box geo, "Pain St.

42, Letz feed mill, mounted,

ice as ata Price on = re-

vest. P. B. Massey. Colum- |
, Buena Vista Road.

\llis-Chalmers all-drop com-
ne, 5 ft. cut, rubber tires, in.
od condition. O. H. J ordan.
athber! Re

3 Riding ulbaators. 2 walk-

cultivators, complete. New
Covington and
with = all
Dyar, Greensboro,

better. planter

King planters.
parts. J. P.

o. 218 Oliver turner, good as
, with new point and land
ide, etc., $14.00; 2 No. 1 Oliver
urners, good cond., $12.00 ea.;

ea. Moline and Vulcan 1-H
ows, $5.00 ee. O. S. Edwards,
ville, Rt.

Cotton sues new, $15.00
: Arthur Owen, Barnes-
frain cradle, good as new.
so handstroke feed cutter.
orace Darnell, Winston.

uperior 9-row grain drill
vith fertilizer attachment.
elley Duplex feed mill No. 1,
perfect cond. Corn shredder.
a nus Etheridge, Jeffer-

ee crowth cutter, 36-in.
meter cylinder, 60 in. long,
00. Williams Hammermill
ounted countershaft. pulley
by 20, sufficiently long for
as $600.00. Bona Allen,

26 Doubie Dise Gliver tractor
low. See at my place. L. C.
! es, Acworth. :

ft. McCormick-Deering
ombine, in good condition. T.
Futch, Rochelle.

armall T-20 tractor in finst-
iss condition. Rubbe in
ent, steel behind. iank Ts
enham, Eatonton.

eeder, new, kept in dry
sy paint good, bought in
2: 2 turning plows, 1 No. 62
atnooga, 1 Syracuse 1477,
wing, 1 5-tooth geewhiz.
in for prices. J. A. Kell, :
an Nat. Ciiy Bank

uC Allis- Chalmers trac-.

4 or on rubber, 6 disc. John.
| till with seeder at-|
at. Dont write. Come. |
BFan Vidalia.
churn, practically |

rfect condition, $15.00.



: good condition.

| ated last season.


Practically new Turner pea-
nut shelling machine. Shells
both Spanish and. runner.
Cheap for cash. Charles C.
Walker, MarShallville. -

Ford Ferguson tractor, 2

1 bottom plows, Weeder, cultiva-

tor, in good condition. C. C.

Cook, Lumber City, Rt. 1.

John Deere No. 6 combine on
Exe. cond. Rebuilt,
$600.00. B. E. Yancey, Jr. Al-
bany. Rt, 32 Box. 5382. Tel

Allis-Chalmers combine No.
60. On rubber and in fair con-
dition, $350.00 FOB. J. V. Tin-
ley, Waynesboro. Phone 337-W.

Sev. 2-H plows, middie bust-
ers and guano spreaders, in
See Se farm.
2mi. W. Ila. Mrs. J. O. Smith,

Commerce, Rt. 4.

Farmall tractor with 5 disc
IHC tiller, with seeder attach-
ed, A-1 cond;, and on new rub-
ber. Also Dbl. disc IHC 6 ft.
harrow. Wray Smith, Sparta.

Farmall H tractor on steel;
disc harrow: disc tiller; mow-
ing machine, 7 ft. blade. Used
1 season. See, 4 mi. W. Wood-
land. Mrs. B. J. Hawkins,

1250 Cherry Burvell ehurn, 4
h. p. motor mounted, complete:
400 gal. pasteurizer with 2 hp.
motor. Cone set butter
fixtures. Mrs. J. R. McLana-
han, Elbexton, 251 N. Oliver St.

Oliver riding cultivator, used
very little, $40.00 at my farm.
J. D. Parks, Zebulon, Rt. 1

Second-hand 100-hp. steam
boiler; 60-hp. Cole steam en-
gine, to. be used with cotton
gin: RR. . Brown, hecust
Grove. /

Farmall F-14,
tires, exc. motor. condition,
$650.00. * Allis-Chalmers. B,
with l-row planter and culti-
vator, all in perfect cond. T.
R. Taylor, Davisboro.

John Deere 6 ft. binder, with
new sheets, $100.00 Farquar
pea huller, hand operated,
$15.00. W. A. Denham, Thom-
aston, Rt. 3.

Terrell scrape set for sale, or
exc. for SPC or OIC hog, wt.
100 Ibs. T. H. Elliott, Jones-


Allis-Chalmers R. C. sear toe
on rubber, with mowing at-
tachment. Used very little
and in perfect condition. R. B.

Robinson, Newnan, Ph. 888-J-1.

Cole No. 40 planter, with
gears and plates: used 1 sea-
son, A-1 cond., $20.00 FOB. Al-
fonza Sidwell Apalachee, Rt.

with good

Tractor Farmall F-20 com-
bine harrow, power mower,
and other farm equipment for
sale. Sell separately. L. M.
King, Redan.

Cole chain feed guano dis-
tributor, ,used very little,
$10.00. No. 4 Oliver turn plow,

good cond., same price. At
barn. Roy J. Moon, Lyons,
Rt. 4.

Fordson tractor, heavy cast-
iron front wheels, spike lugs
on rear wheels; J. D. No. il
and 12 2 disc plow; Case cut-
away harrow, A-1l cond.,
$450.00 on farm near Athens.
W. A. Thurmond, Atlanta, 258
Murray Hill Ave. Ph. De 7907.

. Second- hand 75 Oliver trac-
tor plow, 36 in. double disc..
$75.00. Also 2 mare mules, wt.

1400 lbs. ea., sound and will
work anywhere. L.. C. Haynes,

Jay Bee 12-in. Humdinger
hammer mill, $225.00. Ready
to grind your feed. W. R.
Howard, Stephens.

Case 6 disc tiller plow on
rubber. Good as new. Sid
Jarrett, Toccoa, Rt. 2.

No.3 1. H.C. 5-disc tiller on
steel, in good condition; has
not 26 in. discs, $175.00. H. E.
Jones, Colquitt.

3 80-saw gin, complete With
cleaners, seed elevator and
conveyer: Ginned 1,800 bales
cotton in 1943. P. D. Temples,

Model A John-Deere tractor
on rubber, power lift, with
cultivater equipment.
Bethea, Louisville.

370 Continental gin outfit
complete, less power. Oper-
Dbl. box steel
Continental press with Cam-
eron . tramper. Reasonable.
Make offer. O. S. Garrison,
Homer. _

Cole Cotton planter No. 3,
with guano attachment. Good
cond., $15.00 FOB. James ..

a Cedartown, Rt. 3.

Sones, Swainsboro, Rt. 3. {



|5-hp. or more



2H. aon. cutaway har-
row. Come and see. Mrs. W.
Ss. Lynch, Alto, Rt. 1.

Walking cultivator, lespe-
deza combine, 28 disc tractor-
awe 2-way cutaway harrow.

R. E. Aycock, Monroe.

2 No. 40 Fairbanks-Morse
hammer mills. C. S. Varner,

Niagara orchard duster,

Model F-25, mounted on self- |

tracking steel wagon, powered
by practically new- Briggs-
Stratton gas engine, $200.00.
J. Fred Benton, Monticello.

1-B Allis Chalmers tractor,
1 Harrow, Cultivator, planter
and mower, all in good cond.
Also1 stalk cutter. J. D. Mal-
com, Greensboro, Rt. 1

Roderick-Lean dbl. section
6% ft. tractor harrow, 20-16
in. discs, front gang new scal-
loped discs, good cond. See,
dont write. Wyman Waler,
Forsyth, Box 43.

1 Oliver 8 in. Middle Buster.
$10.00. J. L. Nelson, Ogtle-
thorpe, Rt: 2, Box 33:

International cream sSepara-
tor, No. 2. Perfeet cond. C.
Giles, Sr., Sandersville, Rt.

1 No. %2% horse and_ half
Chattanooga. turner, $10.00
FOB, also 1 Boyd Tobacco
spray (2 rows at time) in good
shape: used 2 seasons, $75.00,
Thor J. Boatright, Bristol.


_Want late model grain drill,
eight row. Advise what you
have. E. Y. Stokes, Macon,
Route 3.

Want 2-H. cutaway harrow,
good condition for cash. No

junk. W.: H. Cromer, Ideal,
Rt. 1. oe
Want 2 sets planting and

fertilzing attachments for H
Farmall tractor. E. M. Beck-
ham, Perry.

Want power lift for. Ve 3G;
Case tractor: also cultivating,
planting and distributor at-

peebmaeris for this tractor. E.

Want 2nd ,hand blacksmith
equipment.. Please write for
iper, Rt. 2, Box 102.

Want Dbl. Culti-packer, in
good cond. Give make, model,
when purchased. \ Also have
for sale McCormick-Deering
corn shredder, valued $100.00.
POR. . k. Breedlove, Mon-

Want buy 2. row Tobacco
transplanter and a 1-H. wagony
Must be good cond. A. 2:
Beasley, Glennville.

Want 1 No. 20 or No. 21
Cole guano distributor, in good
working mechanical cond.
State age, cond.. and lowest
sas price, C. B. Biggar, Had-

Want 2-H. riding cullieator
Consider any standard make,
with all attachments, no junk.
Price FOB your station, or del.
Tate. Delmer Duncan.
Marble Hill; Star Rt.

Want walking garden tractor,
for farming.
Must be reasonable in price,
in good condition: no junk ac-
cepted. oh alier Reeves, Aus-
tell, Rt.

Want Se with planting
and cultivating equipment.
Write what you have and low-
est cash price. E. G. Perry
man, Benevolence.

Want side-dressing attach->

ment to fit John Deere Model
A tractor. Write or phone.
Norman Stegall, Thomasville:
Ph. 368-W.

Want Farmall tractor or
Model B John Deere and har-
row at once. Must be in good

cond., and reasonable for cash.| chine that has feeder. T. P.
W .A. Moore, Haddock, Rt. 1. | Benditt, Washington.

Want 2-H walking cultiva-| Want power take-off for
tor. White what you have and| Allis Chalmers tractor, B
price. E. S. Swords, Norman! model. R. E. Fokes, Monte-
Park, zuma.

Want set 4 unit Florence

L.| Mayo runway oil curers for to-

bacco. C. T: Mashburn, Re-

becca, Rt. 1.

Want Athens side plow, com-
plete, for old model Fordson
tractor. Give best cash price.
J. N, Edge, Cedartown, Rt. 2

Want tractor harrew, single
section, suitable Allis-Chal-
mers B tractor,
in. disc, 9 in. spacing.
price, etc. D. L. Fountain, Li-
zella, Rt. 1.


All flower and see

; peer, Stohe Mountain,

TH. Collier, Jun-

Prefer 10 16-,

1Tallapoosa, Rt. 2

ery stock notices received through February 25th
- will be published. However, because of lack of
space, some of them will be held and published ie
in March 8th Issue. Those not appearing in this |
(March 1st) issue will be published March = a


d and Gaara nurs



Dahlias: Elite, glory, Warner,
best white, sweetheart, ava-
lon, Marshal pink, bashful
giant, Jersey beacon, Jane Co-
wal, Prince of Persia, treasure
island, California, and others,

S125 doz. Mrs: wee Ken-
drix, Suwanee, Rt. ~

Privet hedge, a rooted,
10c ea., 3 for 25c, 50 for $2.75,
$5.00 C. Exc. for white or
print feed sacks. Miss Lula
Gentry, Temple, Route. 1.

Verbena, oxalis, dwarf white
grass, lantanas, perennial
phlox, .shaste daisy, morning
bride, dbl. tube roses, large
dbl. zinnias, dbl. pompom zin-
nias.. 10c ea. Exe: for: sprint
sacks. Adc postage. Mrs. Wavy
Lewis, Toomsboro.

Larkspur, mixed col. sgl., 35c
C. No orders less than 1C;
hollyhock seed, sgl. red, 10c
tablespoon; African squash
seed, 24 seed, 102. Add post-
age. Mrs. O. 7 Bush, Doerun.


Want peanut weeder in good
shape, with all teeth. Write.
A, E. Pate, Grantville, Rt. 4,
Box 126.

Want for cash, gand oe
tric churn. State: make, size
and state if new or second-

hand. Mrs. T. S. Lacey, Al-|

bany, Box 529.

Want bush and bog harrow,
14-disce tiller plow. Mr Ay.
Renfroe, Byron.

Want tractor with plows in
fone shape and bargain.
T. Beasley, Bloomingdale.

Want 2-H. walking cultiva-.

tor, good cond: Prefer Avery
or Oliver. Give full particu-
lars. J. S. Davis, Bristol.

Want 1-H.- wagon in good
running shape, with or with-
out body, for cash. Write. A.
J. Willoughby, Waco, Box 132.

Want good corn and ation
planter with guano attach-
ment. Cole, Sears or John
Deere preferred. R. H
oe 1681 N. Emory Rd.,

Want cultivator for Allis-
Chalmers B tractor. Riley C.
Couch, Turin.

Want Int. riding cultivator,
good condition. Also 1 50-60
gal. syrup pan. Must be cheap
for cash: Ira E. Lamb, Sum-
mit. Rt 2

Want Pre-war pressure can-
ner, perfect cond., 7 qt. jars er
larger size. State price, etc.
H. C. Vaughn, Berryton.

Want 1 very light 1-H wagon

| for 600 Ib. pony. Must be rea-

sonable. Clayton Reed, Cal-
houn, 108 Oak St:

Wantia 4 dise tH.
Athens she also a 5% ft. I. i.
C. or Case harrow, dbl. sec-
tion for tractor. Leonard C.
Cae: Americus. 225 Taylor

Want 2 row Cultivator for J.
Deere H_ tractor. J. Lioyd
Blackwell, Marietta, Rt. 1.

Want 1 set of 2 Roller Cane
Mill boxes, 3 in. dia., 6 in.
length. Write. W. W. Wil-
liamson, Bristol, Rt. 1. ,

Want Feeder for Case, 29-28
Thrash, or will exe. for ma-

Wael on old eiaaet tractor
on_ steel, with disc harrow, 1

dbl. disc plow and a pulley:

also a 2-H. walking cultivator,

cheap for cash. Clifford
Smith, Baxley.


Want 1940 Cole planter in.
good shape, all parts furnished. |

Write. giving price. etc. ee)

ther Staton, Roswell, Rt. 1.
Want set blacksmith tools,

cheap for cash, suitable for, very
farm work. J. E. Chandler,) Clark eS e *Altania i449 Mate
: Vevard, or

W.| ment and socket for light bulb.

. Lee,:


Altheas, 3-4 yrs. old, dbl. a
color, 20c ea; privet hedge. '50e
GC. All orders PP PoMrs. Juan-

ita Driver, Rossville, Shae
Lawn Dairy, Route 4 a
Yellow ~and white ieee

| Jong trumpet daffodils, dbl. but<
ter and eggs, yellow narcissi,
$1.00 C: Chinese pinks, all col- ~
ors, $1.00 doz.: Johnnie Jump-<
ups $1.00 C. Miss Nora McCur-
ley,. Hartwell, Rt. 2.

Blue flag, spider. lilies, trail
ing arbutus, wild honeysuck-
les, blue, white violets, 35c doz:
fall pinks, red, white, yellow
25e doz. Add postage on smal
orders. Mrs. Elvie Waters
Dahlonega, Rt. I, Box 31. |

DahliasBest white,. Mar-
shall pink, Avalon, Margar-
et Wilson, Graf Zeppelin, Bash-
ful Giant, Mrs. Warner, Robt.
E. Lee, Prince of Persia, Ti i
ure Island, Pride of Call
others, $1.25 doz. Mrs.
Gilstrap, Suwanee. Rt. a


300-ege cap. electric incu-
bator, A-1 cond., good hatches.
Mrs. F, E. Tebeau, Guyton.

- Oakes electric canopy brood=
er, 250 chick cap. Good cond.
$15.00 FOB. R. D. Cunard, .
Monticello. =

Buckeye 600-egg, table mad
el, incubator, A-1 shape, $25.00
at my home. H C. Ledford, -

A by 4%., 9 4n: electric
brooder, table model. Home-

made 500 watt heating ele-

Wire floor,
floor, $12.00.
Butler, Rt. 1.

2 100-chick elec outdade:
brooders, heat control. Ne
house required, $19.95 ea., wit
runways, 2 without, $13. 95. ea.
2 zip fibre indoor elec. brood-
ers, $4.45 ea. S. M. Stou
Warm Springs. 8

- 150 Cap. electric brooder,
made last yr., used twice, $10
at my place. Come and see,
Mrs. E. W. Ogden, Odum. >

1 808-can. chick brooder, 1
10-gal sprayer: 1 small cern
sheller. S. Christian, Atlanta.,
ae Boulevard Dr., N. E. ae

Standard hot water incu-
bator, 240 egg cap. Used but
little, $15.00. Manuel Bailey. :
Washington, Rt. 3.

cardboard droop.
J. &. Locke,

Farm Master brooder, ak
burner, 400 cap.; in good cond.,
$12.00. R. M. "Blakely, Gri =

fin, 106 Meriwether St.

Elec. Incubator, 150 egg cap.
used 2 or 3 times, in perfect
cond., $25.00 at my yd. Alse
3 galv. flock feeders, 5 te
long, $3.50 ea.: 3 galv. metal
trapnests, $9.00 or $27.00 for
lot. Louis Holliman, McIntyre. zB

1 Shenandoah wood-burning
brooder, automatic thermate

pene: used only 6 SS
very part complete, $20.00. NS
chks. Mrs. Carl W. Powell,

Sylvania, Rt. 1.


Want Little Brown a
incubator, 50-egg cap. Cheap
fer cash. Let me hear at once.

oe Pearl Maynue, Cumming.

Want little Brown Hen pee

pummer ie te cap.
good con and instru :
Write me what you uetions

Mrs. A. L. Gordon, Macon, 361
Houston Ave. ae

Want small oil ongoubatons

Must be in good c J.
Evans, Atlanta, Rt. 9 >. Box 1 ,
{Ca 2820.

Want in incubator, 300 of
400 egg cap. good cond.. cheap
for cash. Mrs. Pe T,

e -! =

Want elec. Inc., 50- eR

pink glads, 50c doz: gar-
bulbs, 25c daz. Add postage.
I 8. Lynch, Alto, R. 1,

Native White. dogwood, 223:
At, S, $1.00: 3-4 it..: 6, 5$1 00:
Eng. dogwood, . pink almond.
Py ink-eyed_ blue butterfly bush,

ae Baggett,
Rt I

eae paew lode, snowballs,
Be ea; Bonita arborvitaes, Be-
anias Bushes, 40c ea: red
uince, 20c ea; large boxwood,
1.00 ea; tiger lily, 50c doz:
rown and lt. blue iris, 40
doz; orange lilies. 20c doz: daf-.
fodils, 10c doz. Exc: for glads.
Miss ie a Silver, ee

ok, Rt

) ised. col., Jorge $1.10
| named and labeled, $1.25
doz.; mixed col. hardy phlox,
A eS col. hibiscus,
ea. glads, blue hya-
s "ieee lilies, red hot
oker, Span. iris, large cream,
lue, white purple iris, 75c.
Add postage. Mrs. John Black-
well, Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Chrysanthemums, large, Gar-
et King, Hinson, Rose Geary,
Enchantress pink, Shannon,
Gladys Pearson, Spider yellow,
anemone, 75 doz: Med. Legal
Tender bronze, Tallahassee.
Do white, yellow: yellow
om, 50c doz. Mrs. eee
Snider, Cordele, Rt.

Per. phiox, Pilsen. 30c
oe collection 6 white, 6 yel-
ow narcissus, 3 Span. iris,- 2
tulips, 6 hardy phlox, $1.10;
exc. for white or print. sacks.
ach pay postage. Mary a
ens, Dahlonera, Rt. 1.

Glads mixed, dbi. day lilies,
$1.75 -C* bronze pinks, blue.
yellow iris, 35c doz; Leopard
age yellow, red cannas, 45c
brides bouquet, golden.
chain, forsythia, 30c ea: Add
ostage. Mrs. Pearl Garrett,

Pink crape myrtle, iydran-
geas, purple lilac, ever bloom-
ing rose bushes, 25c ea: large,
ellow chrysanthemums, grass
ink, 20c C. Docia Harris, Lula.
Dusty Miller, yellow fox-
2, large bronze, yellow and
1all yellow mums; petunias,
ellow es cosmos, 25c
- Sellars, Cairo,

Dahilias, fireball, Little Ne-
10 red and white, $1.25 doz.;
ladiolus, orange, 35c doz. PP.
eo aniel Sapinsor, Waco, |

eee Box 39

-ompon: dahlias, 85c doz;
le iris, 35. doz: tiger lil-
s, purple lilac pushes, root-
d, 12-18 in., 25c ea; Shasta
sies, 20c doz: Apr. bloom:
white narcissus, sgl., dbl.
ellow _jenquils, "5e@.c. Wits,
G. Whitfield, Jasper, Rt. 3.

20. cuttings pot plants, 10
At ngs fine geraniums,

pe . 20 iris,
mums, 20 hardy
plants, no two alike, eacl as-
sortment, $1.00 PP. All for
00. Mrs. Jack Waters, Chats:

20 chrysanthe-

tra large dahlias, ne
rol. $1.10 doz., named and la-
beled, $1.25 doz: med. type}
nixed col, 60c doz; mixed col.
ardy phiox, fall pinks, pink
ri oy lS ae doz:
US, oakleaf hydrangeas, 3,
oe Mrs. Willis Grindle. Dah-
Jonega, Rt. 1.
Asst. cok verbenas, 35c doz.
Minnie Malphins. Tus-

. pens. daffodils, Butter and
Star Bethlehem, orange

+ pink almond,

Dwarf ee 6 pee
ground, bunchy green top $3. 00
oz: watermelon red ecrape
yrtle 2-3 ft., White American
Beauty wese, yr. old, $2.00 doz;
tuberoses, blooming size 2 doz.
$1.00 del. in Ga. Mrs. E. A.
Smith, Greenville, Rt: 9:

Evergrens, arbutus, azaleas,
hemlock, acer asycarpum, acer
icatum, white pines, spruce,
lver maples, galax, laurel,
ico bushes, cedar, ferns, ivy,
gwood, holly, other. Wet moss
acked. Spec. Quan, lot offer.
+ : Hunnicutt. Talluah |

nak | pices lilies, sold chry-
emyms, gajllardias (mix-
garlic bulbs 25c doz; jon-

ffodils 50c C; everbear-
rawberries 30c C: $1.00
et an packed. Mrs.

yr. lilac bushes, bridal}
reath, 8, $1.00. Del. Mrs.

galas, arbutus, per. -phlox $1.25
C; spruce, white pine, pink, yel-

dogwood, bridal wreath, red-
bud, Mtn. laurel, rhododendron
$1.25 doz. PP. Addie Leather-
wood, Blue Ridge.

Star Bethichem bulbs 45e C:

doz* crane myrtle pink 25c =
garlic bulbs 15c doz, $1.00.
Mrs. B. H. Osborn Roy.

Swiss Giant pansies 25c doz,
55 plants $1.00: red, blue, pink
mammoth verbenas 25c doz,
del; dill plants 25c doz. Miss
Nannie Sue Miller, Acworth,
Hie o2

Some 75 boxwoods, 15-25 yrs.
old, $10.-$20. each; few Desmo-
diums India 1-3 ft. 80c ea. Mrs.
Stella Hobson, Jasper.

Four oclock seed, all colors,
/15e snuffbox full; dishrag seed
15 tablespoonful. Add postage.
No stamps. Miss Ruby Thorn-
ton; 3292 Batchelor Ave), Egan,

Well reoted arbor-vitaes 2235
4 ft. high $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 ea.
Have truck load. Mrs. Birt. Mill-
hollan, Morganton. ;

Ten labeled iris 50, $1. Oe
mixed $1.20 C: Oriental mixed
50, 60c; $1.10 C; Hemerocallis 3
mixed 25. 60c; new varieties 4
labeled 60c; Oriental roses 3,
35c; cultivated azaleas 40c ea.
Mrs. J. M. Hall, Rt. 1, Calhoun.

Boxwocd 10-15c ea; dahlias,
large dbl., pink, white, lavend-
cies orange, yellow 10c ea. Add
postage for less than 5 of either.
Mrs. R. H. Whelchel, Dawson-~-
ville, Rt. 3.

Extra nice, well packed pink
thrift 60e-C. Mrs. Lawson Gar-
ner, Warthen.

Rhod odendron, hemlock,
white pine, laurel $1.00 doz; all
colors azaleas, iris, spider. lilies
50c doz:; dbl. yellow Japonicas,
lilac, pink almond, dogwood 20c
oe fa Cc. W. Plumley, Ellijay,

-All col. dogwood, saiese. red-
bud, Mtn. laurel, butterfly, pink
Cherokee rose, coralberry. rho-
|dodendron, red maple, crabap-
ple, 4 ft. well rooted $1.00 doz;

Jonquils, narcissus, daffodils
$1.00 C. Sadie Wilson, Blue

Jonquil bulbs T5e:-daz; plus
postage. Rosie Crowe, Cum-
ming, Rt. 1. -

Jumbo pansies $1.75 C; giant
dahlias mixed col. $1. 25 doz;
snapdragons, carnations, Impr.
Shasta and elder daisies, thrift.
blue, white petunias 35c doz:
rosin pink violets 50c doz.
Will Wise, Wadley.

Snowballs, yelow Japonicas,
blackgum, maples, swamp wil-
low, Easter bulbs, bridal wreath
|25 ~ea; azaleas 50c doz; Mt.
laurel, ivy, white pines, hem-
locks $1.00 doz.
May Belle Wright, Talona.

Azaleas, ferns, horsemint,;
ground ivy 20c doz; Mt. laurets,
ivy, white pines, spruce pines,
crabapple $1.00 doz: snowballs,
yellow _ Japonicas, poplars 25c
ea. Add postage. So Evans,

Privet hedge blue ibigh 50c
C: golden glow, day liles, white
daisies, mixed co. iris 40c doz;
r weeping willow, yellow Japoni-
cas 15c ea., 2 for 25c; mixed col.
glads 20c doz. Del. Exch. for
printed sacks. Mrs: W. D. Rals-
ton: Ella Gap.

DbL red cannas 35c doz; deep
pink verbenas, dbl. yellow chry-
santhemums 25c doz; dbl. zin-
nias 10c pkt: brides wreath 75c

a; pink oleanders 15c ea. Mrs.
V. E. Bennett, Cordele, Rt. 2.

Blue hyacinths, red spider
lilies 35c doz; snowdrop bush,
winter honeysuckle 15, 25e'a-
running vinca 3 for 25e: white
iris 4:-for 25c. Add postage. Mrs.

_| Henry Jarrell, Butler, Rt. 2.

Pansies-Roggli Swiss Giants,
long* stems, large blossoms 3
doz. $1.00 PP: Ranunculus %
doz:75c. 3c stamps accepted. A.
C. Minter, Atlanta, 7 Roanoke

Ave,, NE., Phone CH 2418.

Boxwoods, dwarf arbor-vit-
aes, other shrubbery, . different
sizes and prices} all nice, well
shaped and rooted. Write J. M.
Davis Ellijay Rt. 2 Box 110.

Large blooming size gladio-
Jus 5 ea; mixed col. bulblets
10c doz; mixed col. large dahlia
roots red, white, yellow, two
tone. red. 10c ea. Bertie Lewal-
len, Baldwin, Riek.

Althea cuttings not rooted of
double red and pink, single red,
lavender, white with red center,
white with self center. Doubles
at 30e per 15;'singles at 25c per
18. PP. F E. Grubbs, Demo-
oe ee

low orange, red azaleas, white

$4.00 M; golden rod cuttings 25c |

Add postage.

-kee . roses,

doz., 3 doz. $1.00. Few double.
Ophiopogon same price, Over
100 var.-fine iris 20 labelea
$1.00, 30 not labeled $1.00;
Queen of May and mixed iris
30c doz.
for March del. Mrs. J. G. Rob-
ertson. Carroliton:

Blue, pink : i eae. abl.
pink and white, also dbl. pur-
ple altheas 20c ea; white yel-
low throated Regal. lily bulbs
15ec ea: 3. kinds spirea; forsy-
thias, single altheas 10c ea. Add
postage under $1.00. Mrs. Car]
Kimsey, Hiawassee.

Nursery grown crape myrtle
all col. 1-2 ft $1.00 doz; old Eng.
Semperviren boxwood. compact

var. 8-10 above ground $2. 00].

doz; $10.00 C; dbl. white Ker-
ria Japonica Easter _ bloomer
$2.00 doz; 2-3 ft. gardenias 75c
ea. Mrs. B. L. Robinson, saree

~ Yellow, purple, fall wiles 25c
doz: snowdrift 20c doz; blue
daisies, blue, grass, golden glow,
foxgloves 25 doz Mrs. Martha
White, es Rt. 1, Box
BE. :

Sultana , red geranium cut-
Gace 5e ea: larkspur, phlox,
Dianthus pinks. mixed col. 25c
C: Johnny jump-ups, ~ sweet

bena 15c doz: cactus, ferns .10c
ea; red everbloc: ming begonias
10c rooted. Mrs. Lester Phil-
lips, Royston, Rt. 1.

Rhododendron, Mountain
Laurel, azaleas, red and white
dogwood, 2-3 ft. high, $1.00 doz;
red maple, white pine, sweet
shrubs, 2-3 ft, 10c ea. Add post-
age. Exchange for any thing can
use. Mrs. H. W. Wilkins, Min-
eral Bluff, c/o Deharts Box.

Extra large Gladioli bulbs,
25c doz. Mrs. J. W. _ Hopper,
Blue Ridge.

lilies, 30c doz;
Mtn. Laurel,.

Blue irish, Day
azaleas, spruce

Exc. for feed sacks. Mrs. Charlie
Waters, Dahlonega, Route 1

Birds of Paradise seed, 2 doz.
25c: yellow jonquils, butter egg
bulbs, le ea: sage plants, well
rooted, 20c ea., 6 for $1.00. Add
postage. Miss Lena Crump,
Hartwell, Route 1.

-Large blooming ~ gladiolus
bulbs, mixed colors, 5c ea,
bulblets, mixed colors, 10c doz;
few large blooming size dahlia
roots, red, white, yellow, and
two tone red and white, 10c ea.
Bertie Lewallen, Baldwin, Rt. 1.

Boxwoods, dwarf aborvitas,
and other shrubbery,, different
sizes, prices. All nice, well
shaped, and rooted. Mrs. J. M.

Davis, Ellijay, Route 2, Box 110.

Single tube rose bulbs, big
bunch, 65c: Fairy~ or Surprise
lily bulbs, 5 for 60c, $1.00 doz.
Clifford Williams, _ pcr

Cannas, President red. 100 i:
$300. Ps Pistia Ee "Cousins,
Greenville, Route 3.

Altheas: dbl. red, pink, single

white, 40c ea: single pink, 35c|

ea. Butterfly bush, deep pur-
ple, pink, 50 ea: Nandinas, 50c,
75c and $1.00. Postage extra:
Ligustrum, 35 ea; golden bells,
25c. Mrs. E. J. Forrester, Sparta.

Alba Plena Camelia, dbl.
white, 6-7 ft. high: stock plant

and free from all disease, $1.00..

Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, Valdosta,
704. Oak Street.

All kinds begonias, geraniums,
cuttings 15c ea; ferns 25c ea;
rooted geraniums, begonias 30c;
yellow and red variegated Jan-
tanas $1.00-ea: other shrub-

Almon, Luthersville.:

Imp. dbl. red Touch-me-not
seed 25c tablespoonful. No
stamps. Mrs. Wallace Wilson,
Martin, Rt..2."

Fine milk and wine lily bulbs
25, $3.00: 50, $5.00, $9.00 C. Now
is time to order. No order for
less than 25 shipped. Express
collect. Mrs. Ralph Williams,

Dbl. yellow Japonicas 6 yr.
old, white bridal wreath, purple
lilac, snowball 3 yr. old, 50c ea;
Tiger, lemon. blue lilies 20c ea.
Add postage. Vera Silvers, Eli-
jay, Rt. 3, Box 88.

Rhododendrons, Min. laurels,
red, yellow azaleas, pink Chero-
crabapples, straw-
berry bush, redbud, dogwood,
hemlock, Easter bells, white
pines, tulip poplars 2-3 ft. $1.00
doz. Narcissus, daffodils, $2.00
C. Mrs. Bonnie Abercrombie,
Minerai Bluff.

Blooming size tube rose 30c
doz; bulblets 15c doz. Mrs. F. T.

Hopkins, Decatur, 814 Church
eect J a ie

About 30 var. mums

violets 10c doz; pink, red ver- |

pines, $1.00 doz. Add postage. }
Halls apricots, native persim-

}china 3 ft. 20c, 5 ft. 4c,

beries. Add postage. Mrs. Janie |.

postage. Allie Mullwood, Cum-
ming, Rt. 1.

Spirea $5.00 C: 5 col. a aleee
3 col. altheas, Japonicas, yellow
thornless roses, arbutus, ginger
viant, hardy ferns 50c doz; box-
wood, arbor-vitaes 10c ea; sum-

mer. lilac, bronze mums, jon-

quils 20c doz. Mrs. J. H. Pen-
land, Ellijay.

Hhododendrons. Mtn. eae
pink Cherokee roses, pink crab-

apples, red, yellow azaleas, dog-.

woods, strav-berry bush, Easter

bells, tulip poplars, hemlocks.
redbuds, white pines 2-3 ft..
$1.00 \doz. Gladys Robinson,

Mineral Bluff.

_ White Pines, -hemlocks, dog-

woods, blacksum, crabapple,
$1.00 doz; snowballs, lilac, Eng.
dogwood, Easter bells. 25 ea;
boxwood cuttings 75c doz; ar-

butus, azaleas 50c doz. Add
eee Mrs: L. F. Evans, Ta-

Field grown roses 25c, 35c,
50c ea: sgt. blue hyacinths $5.00
C:; rosemary 10-25c bunch. Add
postage. Miss Mary C. Florence,

- Extra nice pint thrift plants
60c. Mrs. J.

Well rooted pink thrift Vena

606 Mise DS Walker, War-|


pie Brilliant new rosy red
thrift 45 doz; $2.75 C;, Sweet
Williams, per. white candytuft,
sweet peas, pink for-get-me-
nots 45c doz; annual phlox, gail-
lardia, Queen-Anns lace 25c
doz, $1.50 C. Mrs. F. M. Combs.

Chrysanthemums field grown
reds, wine, pink, purple, laven-
dar, rose, cream, bronze, yellow,
white, maroon, apricot, large

incurved, reflexed daisies, pom-_

pons, buttons, assortments of 50.

$1.00. Mrs. W. Z. Rooks, Ar-
Pink fidwerina crabapples,

mon, hawthorn, hazelnuts, fil-
berts, red, yellow. grey goose
plums, $1.25 doz; Tansy, balm,
mint, ground ivy 25c. clump.
Others. PP. Mrs. Elsie Heaton, ;
Mineral Bluff.

Snowballs, pink almond, pinks
weigelia, golden bells 2 for 250%

jonquils 50c C: Iris, white, lav- |

endar, King purple $1.00 C.
Add postage. Miss Euline Du-
vall, Ellijay, Rt. 3.

: 38 varieties dahlias, Huelove
Glory: Grace Moore, Cherokee
Brave, others, in collections or
separate, true to name: azaleas-
mums Cameo pink, bronze, red,
yellow $1.00 doz; 3 col. iris mix-
ed $1:25 C. Mrs. R. O. Miller,
Acworth, Rt. 2. -

Wild Easter Hiv: bulbs 15
doz;. $1.00 C; gallberry, sweet
bay, dogwood, long straw pine,
red holly, spirea,

postage. Mrs. T. K. Womack.
Dublin, Rt. Bore
Approx. 2,000 apricot glow

canna bulbs: $10.00 M, $15.00.
for lot; approx. 300 Presidents
$3.00 C. Money orders. FOB
Bere CA. Stone: Sylvania, Rt.

Pink thrift $1.00 C; Cannas.
President red, Indiana orange 2,
25e, $1.00 doz: dbl. orange day
lilies, Monks head 30c doz. del.
to and zone. Mrs. Annie Pat-
tillo, LaGrange, Rt. 4, Box 79.

White cluster, sweet scentea
April blooming nareissus 75c
prepaid: Big lot shrubbery,
cheap or exch. Cannot ship.
Make offer. Miss Alice Stokes.
Jasper, Rt. 3, Box 5.

50 rooted cedar bushes, 1-2 te
20c ea: lots of 2 or more. V.
Keith, Alvaton. :

Rhododendrons, Mtn. Laurels,
maples, red buds, crabapples,
azaleas. white dogwood, straw-
berry bushes, black pines, holly

-bushes. Well rooted. All $1.00

doz. Johnson Chastain,

Rooted boxwood, nice little
plants, $1.00 per 25: 2 ft. crape
myrtle, red and white $1.00 doz:
3 ft gardenia perfect specimens,
$2. 00 ea. Mrs. ae F. Terrell,
Greenville. Rt.

Purple Wisteria 25 ea; Doro-
thy Perkins rose 20c ea; yellow
button mums, 25c doz. ante:
Red spider lilies 5c doz: bird-
foot violets, 25c doz. Mrs. O. D.
Woodruff, Greenville.

Purple flags, orange lilies,
white, cream, narcissus, daffod-
ils, $1.00 C pridalwreath, ale
monds, Pe quince, crepe myrtle
white, pink peonies, 25c ea:
large snowball. 50c ea; 5: roses


different $1.00. Silver maple,

75e: ea. A. E. Hughey.

mount, Rt. I

+ Blue and bronze

- Murphy, Mill- |
-| son, Blairsville. Rt. 4.

onica. Forsythia. 6 for $1
Mrs. R- Gable. Haralson.

| erabapple, sweetshrub. 5c d

plants, euonymus, all - strong. 2

Add |

Yucea 50c;

pansy plants, 50 di

FOR SAL OR ! ee ee
varge eae abl Aiatilias 50c. : Shasta, : daisies, Teudcop. Sev. bu. tuberose bulbs 35c| Jonquil bulbs 15c doz. plus Pussy Willows, 3- 6 tt 60

Asiatie Burr Oaks, 10-12 in
shade and fall planting, 75
Mrs. Stella Hobson, J aspe

25 slow growing hoe cy
2 ft, $2.00 ea. in lots of five
more. 10 boxwood, av. 2
$2.50 ea. Miss Mary R. Bu
Atlanta, 882 Euclid Ave; ;
Ja 2619- as =

urple Wisteria,
American Arbor Vitae, la
yr, size, 50c ea. A few crow
of Star of Bethlehem, n
blooming, 25@ ea. Mrs.
Albertson, Lawrenceville, =e

150 Boxwbods, all sizes p
3 1-2 ft. diameter, 25c to. 10.
ea., at my place, 9 mi.
Jasper. L.A. Grizzle, Tal
Rock, Route 4, Box.44, =

Prize, -winning | Chry
mums; large.. Pompon,
button, single, Korean,
types. 4 doz. labeled, Vv
ties $2.00: 5 doz. unlabeled.
sorted. $2.00. PP. Mrs H
Woods, Donaldsonville, Rt.

Yellow narcissus. Jong
iris 20
Red and pink hibiscus 25c ez
or 3 for 50c. Add postage. (A
cent stamps) Mrs. G. B, I

300 Peachtree Rose; Sno
balls. 25c ea; Tame Hon
suckles, Butterfly Bush. all
rooted. Sweet shrubs. dogw
spruce pine. 10c ea. Mrs. W.
Carroll, Ellijay. Rt. 1. ~

Boswood plants. well re ot
about 8 in. high, 12 1-2 ea
postage. M. M. Cochran, P

Red Heart Cedar Tree, 1.
in., 6 for 25c; 50 for $2.00.
rooted. Add postage.
H. Rowlards, Lula, Sta

5 different, 2 yr. ros
thea. single pink, white

red spirea; 2 kinds pink,
white, Buddleia, Cydoni

Blue Roman hyacinth b bs

40c doz: Sir Watkin daffo
Jonquils, little yellow cluste
narcissi, false Dragon Hea

25c doz: blue Grape Hyacint
bulhs, 50 C. Wena Brown,


Al cols. slso anes Si
azalc 50c doz: Boxwood,
bor Vitae, snowball, pink
mond, dbl. Japonica, 3 cls.. Al-
theas, Lilac, 25c ea; dogwod,

Add nostage. Mrs. Linda Evans
Ellijay. Rt. oO

Cape jasmine abelia, pink
mond. deep nink althea, cen

yr, 25c ea. PP in Ga.
Jennie De Loach. Townser

all eee Tie to sell Fi
in small lots. Mrs. J an)


bronze mums,
violets. grass pinks 35 4
Lilacs 15-25c good _ size We
rooted old fashion May blooi

10c ea. Mrs.
Stone Mountain, Rt.

Will send ee Ze
of Blackberry Lily, a uni
and beautiful growing flo
for 10c coin, or stamps.
Grace Thorne. Rising Fawn
2 -


Pink canias, salmon ro
Victor, rose queen, 10c ea
and lavender double D
medium size 6 for 50c; 3
white ca 4
doz., 50c orders. PP.
Harslev, Waco, Rt. 2, Box

Royal purple grass blac
bluish green, deep purple fl
ers, fine for rock garden
ea. bunch; Pink Fairy lilies
ea., add postage for less th
50. Mrs. R. H. Whelchel i
sonville, Route 3. foe

-Century plants well to6!
$1. 50 each, PP. Mrs, iH G.
tin, Uvelda.

Chry dantitetue s
Enchantress, Maroon, Ax
Shannon, Bessie Clark,
Pearson, Silver Wedding,
mone, white and yellow sp.
yellow, 75 doz; medium va:
ties 50c; daisy types, 1
large and small. Mrs.
Everson, Cordele, Route

Perennial plants, new
red Thrift, white candytu
feverfew, blue phlox, red
temon, $1.00 doz; Ores

a 5

Mrs. Grace Dobbs, |

: laurel, eveleas ba

2. white dogwood, Cher-
ee roses, ivy, 2-3 ft... $1.00
oz; trailing arbutus, galax,
eartease, 25c doz., exc. for
white feed sa-ks. Mrs. W. D:
vis. Mineral Bluff.

Sweet, blue violets, 6 doz.
0; large iris (sev. colors),
doz., blue and white flag,
1.00; orange: lilies,
+ 600 white nafcissi,
jd postage. Mrs.
"homas, Adairsville.

AL col. azaleas, red maple,
weet. shrub, dogwood, crab-
pple, 65e doz: rhododendrons,
Peny. holly. Indian ar-
rood, white pine, 75c doz;
2 low Japonicas, weigelias,
pirea, 25c ea. Mrs. Lemma
jlliams, Ellijay, Rt. 22

All col. azaleas, ae dog-
od, sweet shrub, 75c doz;
_ rhododendrons, ~weige-
, buddelia, sweet William,
ar Bethlehem, purple lotus,
ec ea; glads, 35 doz:; box-
od 1-2 ft.. 30c ea. Mrs. J. B.
jams, Ellijay. Rises

= gnolia, sweet shrub. cedar
red anc white dogwood, tea-
live, crape myrtle, red holly,
ellow Jasmine, gallberry.
rabapple, 1 i., 10c to 5 fi..
45c; exc. for sacks. Add post-
age Mrs. Dee Colson, By es



Want some single blue and
wile white hyacinths. Mrs.

Johnston, Atlanta. 392.

est Wesley Rd.

Wani _white single Roman

acinths, Give price per doz.

nd by hundred, assorted or in

natural clumps: also fragrant
J aC violets. Mrs. M. F. Kirk-

Hollyhocks, dbl,
ants, also some goose feath-
ers. Mrs. F. E. Newton, Au-

sta, 23 Green St.

Want azaleas, Dwarf box-

700d, Dbl.,.5 or 6 ft. Japon--

oe scuppernong vine, pecan |
rees. Exc. feed sacks, unwash-
d, at 12c ea. At once. Mrs.
tti tis Thompson, Blackshear.

Want mixed col. Larkspur,
nnual Phlox, Periwinkles,
f. Poppies, and Marigolds.
vegetable seed for same.

D. Dene, Cuthbert, Rt.

: Wont pink flowering honey-
ckle, very fragrant, _ bush
pe, but not the wild ones

rom _woods, also pink flower-

ng dogwood,- Bermuda Easter.

lilies. State price. Mrs. C. L.
: rrett. Perry.

Want one of each, pe:
ndron, Mt. laurel, galax, cal-
0 bush, white pine, trailing
rbutus, nandina. Exc. purple
tterfly bushes, also fine
mpkin seed, and okra seed.

cS. Rucker Tribble, Alto, Rt.

Want 6 or 8 doz. dbl. hya-
cinths, assorted colors. Mrs.
M. ror Adairsville, Rt.

Want ee ee sun
honey dew, justicia, and
golden October. Dahlias, large,
1 of Hill Crest, pom pom,
rertrude. Write first.
den Cox, Crandall.

Want to exc. orange Glad-

Ss, blooming size bulbs, for
me size of other colors and
ellow. Dbl; dahlia for pink
md white canna roots. Mrs.
anuel Foster. Waco, Rt. 1.

Vant exc. giant dahlia slips
or: gladioli, giant mums, tur-
Vy eggs, or things of equal
alue. Both parties pay post-
ge. Consider some giant ever-
bearing strawberry plants.
Mrs. Nola Whaley, Rock
Spring. :
xe. Opniopogen Cavender
om, green all winter) and
eautiful striped lily bulbs
bloom all summer -indoors,
h lily blooms every day)
xr Sweet Williams, snapdrag-
ons, and red carnation plants
oe t will bloom this summer.
Bo E. _Thomas, Blakely,


rant all cols. blooming size

rileas, two weeping willows
ice size), two japonicas,
looming size. For cash, or
. milk, and wine lily bulbs

for same at $1.50 doz. Mrs.
pecnenlas oe Rt. L


*| tomato seed,


| kin seed, 18,

half Ib., 50c: 90e

Want doe? dbl tube foes
bulbs. Will buy or exc. for

any flowers I have. Mrs. W.

on ie see MallPaney ie,


Citron seed, $1. 00. lb. Ba-
ana mushmelon Seed, -35c. cup.
Blue Damson plum trees, 2 ft..
25c ea. Add postage. Rosie
Crowe, Cumming, Rt. 1.

One-half cup watermelon
-seed, Cannonball: long, yellow
meat, or round Irish Grey: 12
cup okra seed: spoonful June
35ce cash... del.
Spoonful cucumber seed free
with ea. order. Mrs.
Kelly, Colbert, Rt. 1.

Citron and Jones water-
melon seed, ea., $1.00 lb. Green
cucumber seed, 35c teacupful.
Add postage. Allie Milwood.
Cumming, Rte

Green pod okra seed, 30c pt.
Cucumber, hot pepper, parsnip,
15e pkg.: Pumpkin seed, 25e
cup. Also pop corn, 25c _ pt.
a J. ; MeDaris, Canton:


Pigeon (tree) . pea seed.
Finest fruiting, foliage, flower-
ing feed food, front yard plant.
Sow 2to.hill: 8 tt apart. at:
green or dry, grows 15 ft:
high, 5c pke. P: P>- Limited
amount. J oseph H. Poses
Sandy Springs. ~

Yellow crookneck ot
and pumpkin seed, 15c nice
sized pkt. Exc. for 1 lb. white
purple hull peas for seed.
Le O. D. Woodruff, Green-


pepper, mammoth sunflower,
Egyptian wheat seed, 15c pkt.
ea. White nest onions, 25c at.
Add postage. Mrs. B. Brady.
Cairo, Rt. 1 :

-. Pure Imp. Pride. of Ga.
melon seed, $2.00 Ib.: Quarter
Thi; BOC? Ps I Ne Carson,
Griffin, Rt. C. <

Old fashioned green pod ok-
ra seed, 10c cupful. Add post-
age. Mrs. E. A. Garrison, Cor-
nelia, Rid: ose

5 lbs. oe running Biter:
beans: Glazed collard seed
slightiv mixed Ga. Collard
seed, 35c lb. Mrs. G. B. Jones,
Whigham, Rt. 2, Box 11.

Wonderful, new edible soy-
bean, drought, bean beetle.
weevil resistant. Okra seed,
without sharp spines. Add
postage. Mrs. Clara Prince,
Demorest; Rt. Box 14. -.,,

15 lbs. Hales Imp. canta-
jones = wilt-resistant, $1.50
loeP Mrs. Ola Jones, Gray-
son. aes

Masons Imp. white
chokes, for seed, 5c Ib..,
Ib. lots, or 6c lb. for less.
- Ss B. E. J. Mason, Decatur,

Clemson spineless okra seed,
1943 crop. recleaned, 60c Ib.:
5 Ibs., $2.50. Prices on larger
quantities. on request. J. P.
Cash, Flowery Branch.

2 Gals. good, sound butter-
bean seed. Gal ea. running

in 100

and 2nd zones. Satis. guaran-
teed. R. L. Albea, Metasville.

Old-fashioned white and col.
mixed butterbeans, 35c lb. P.
R = G. Seymour. Bowman,


- Bunch butterbean seed, 35c
db. Running butterbeans, same
price, P. P. Mrs. Fred Yelton,
Appling. fe

Yellow pumpkin seed: Mar-
tin gourd seed, 10c tbls. Add
postage. Loyd Henderson, _EI-
HiaveRt 32

White multiplying onions,
40c at., $1.50 gal. Add _ post-
age.. Mrs. G. L. Pirkle, Flow-
ery Branch, Rt. 1. ;

Stone Mt. watermelon. ba-
nana muskmelon; limited amt.
Dixie Queen watermelon, ea.
40c cupful. Vine peach seed,
20c thblisp:; hand shelled white
pop corn, 15 Ib. Lge. pump-
15c. del. No
stamps or checks. Mrs. Ida
oe Sullivan, Whitesburg, Rt.

~ Green rind Stone Mt. water~
melon seed. Selected from
fine melons, quarter lb., 25c:

ib, oP Pp:

Prompt. attention. No COD or-
ders filled. Mrs. M. B. Morris,

50 Ibs. Stone Mtn. water-
melon seed, $2.00 Ib. Out. of

Cannonball. C. B. Hicks, Rey-
nolds. :
Pt, long gren pod okra seed.

$1.00 P.oPe GG. M. Moseley,
Menlo... - : en

| structions.

free, 25c Ib.,

Thomas melon, collard, hot].

field, Jasper, Rt.


and bunch, 45c lb. del. in Ist.


awetae piae Ridge |
Glimbing tomato, grows up to
HD te 3 bu. tO ville up to: o.
lbs a.: 5 vines enough for
ordinary family: av. wt. 12 0z.
200 seed, 25c with culture in-
Will- C. Smith,

Pike, e Qe ee

Early Queen watermriy
seed, ripened 60 days from
planting. Pkg. seed, 25c: acre
bag, $2:00. Also Jumbo. Tri-
umph, grow to wt. 150 Ibs.,
pkg. seed; 25c. W.
ton, Jesup. Rt. 2.

Little. sound, white kalf-
Seg bean seed. 35c -eupful.

O, accepted. Mrs.
Teague, Lawrenceville, 544 W.

Citron seed, $1.00 Ib. A. L.
Thompson, Cadwell.

300- Ibs. imtterbean. bunch,
white and col. seed, 25c lb.
Also young black mare mule.
wt. 1150 Ibs.. $200.00 cash. M.
W. Gunn, Zebulon,

90 day velvet beans, a oe
bunch beans. Want 12 bu.)
Spanish peanuts. J. M. Fair-
cloth. Swainsboro. Rt. 2. f

Sericea lespedeza seed, com-
bine run, well cleaned. Large
percent scarified, 20c Ib., FOB.
Leo Green, Suwanee, Rt. 2.

100 Ibs. Hendersons bush
Lima Beans, 15c. lb. Polecat
crowder peas. 12c lb., sound
and clean: All FOB,;: Je E.
Chandler, Tallapoosa, Rt. 2:

Sericea lespedeza seed, scar- |-

ified and _recleaned, dodder-

in 50 and 100 Jb.

lots FOB; want buy 50 bu. vel-
vet beans for planting. Claude
A Smith, Stockbridge.

Cannonball watermelon seed,
$1.60 lb.: Stone Mtn, three-
fourths ib., $1.20 ea. P. P.
Southern Field pumpkin, Per-
kins mammoth okra, 10 oz.;
gourd seed, mixed, half cup,
10e ea. PP Po] Miss allan
Hardin, White, Rt. 1, Box 62.

Dark brown 6 wks. beans for
sale, or will exc. for white or
printed feed sacks,.1 lb. beans
for 2 sacks, ea. pay postage, or
sell at 20c lb. and postage. Mrs.
Manuel Foster, Waco, Rt. 1.

-Few hundred Ibs. sericea les-
pedeza. Also 50 gals. sorghum
oes te AG Caldwell, Gay,

. Hendersons bush white but-
terbeans, Perkins mammoth
greenpod okra, English peas,
yellow crookneck squesh. col.
half-runner garden beans. ea.
25c cupful. Mrs. oo Whit-

Hawksberry | watermelon
seed, $1.00 Ib..
melons, Starling Yawn, Vien-

na, Rt. 2.

25 lbs. pure Lifsey water-
melon seed, 75c lb. Mrs. J. F.
Bennett, Cumming, Rt. 4 i

About 7 Ibs. pure Cox melon
seed, $1.00 Ib. PP. 400 lbs. Also
Stoneville cottonseed, 2d yr.,;
clean, sound and kept pure at
gin, $5.00 cewt. Allen Speight,
Buchanan, Rt. 2.

Col. bunch butterbean seed,
20c Ib. Add bostage. Mrs. Ola
Bell, Dallas, Rt. 1.

20 lbs. okra seed, 8 Ibs. Tenn.
broad beans: 5 lbs. stringless
greenpod beans, all 30c lb. PP...
or-will exc., for white peas. D.'
L. Patrick, Griffin, Rt. C.

Okra, 20c cupful. Nice, clean
pumpkin seed, 25c cupful. Sun-
flower seed, 20c cupful, or will
exc. for colored feed sacks. Add
postage. Mrs. B. A. Weeks,
Dial. Ga

10 lbs. Imp. white lightning
okra, grows tender pods up to
8 in. Spineless, $1.00 Ib. M. R.
Sudderth, Buford, Rt. 1.

Gourds, 4-5 gals. 12 seed, 10c;
50, 25c; 100, 40c. Stamps . ac-
cepted. PP. H. H, Huckeba,
Roopville, Rt. 1.

Big yellow Dompkit seed,
long green pod okra; tbsp. 15c.
tender long red radish
seed, 10c tbsp. Add _ postage.
Pee Henderson, Ellijay,

Col. bunch butterbeans, 35c
lb. or 3 lbs. $1.00. Add post-
age. Mrs. William Borum, Jr.,
Lavonia, Rt. 1.

Long handled or dipper goure
seed, - 15e doz. Bushel gourd
seed, 15e doz. P. Harrison T.
Brown, Toecoa, Rt. 2.

- Citron seed. $1.00 lb. A. L.
Thompson, Caldwell, Rt. 1.

1943 Crop Jackson Wonder
bush butter nent seed, 40c lb.
del. D. T. Gates, Chipley. ;

Cushaw seed, 10c cup. Mar-

iin gourd, collard, hot pepper. {|

Also white. bachelor button,
Mexican sunflower, 10c tbsp.

M. Thorn- | >

from choice}

Hendersons bunch Lima beans,
white, 40c lb. Yellow squash,
pepper seed, 15c tbsp. or 2, 25c.
Banana ~ muskmelon, 15 thsp.
Or 2. 25e. =Mirs. Je AY Wilson,

Yellow, crookneck
seed, $1.00 Ib. Mrs. Fred =
kinson, Valdosta, Rt. 4. -

BEANS Sup pes

15 Ths. mush peas, clean, 2c
lb: 25 Ibs. blackeye, 15c lb. for

lish peanuts, 10c lb. M. O. and
postage. 6 miles E. Roberta,
ae 22. KES. TG SeY Tazetl,
R.; *

nee white able pea seed,
25e lb. Mrs. Charlie McCrimon,

Soperton, Rt. 2.
15 Bu. 1943 crop Lady peas,

-12 percent discolored from being

weather beaten. 8c lb. Exp.
and freight pd. E. Thompson,
Jr., Cataula.

30 Bu. velvet Ree bright
and sound, 1943 crop, $4.00 bu.
in 2 and half. bu: bags. FOB,
also. Bright sugarcane syrup,

-| $1.50. gal. at my Dae. 7 Mi. E

Wrightsville. T, J. Pullen, Kite.

About 80 bu. Ogden soybeans;
300 bu. Mamiexi soybeans. Ke-
cleaned and in even wt. 2 ana
half bu. bags, $3.75 bu. O M.
Ware, Marshallville. 4

White and col. bunch butter-
bean, 35c lb. Add postage. Also
imp. Spanish peanuts. Mrs. C.
H. Rhodes, Canon, Rt.-1.

' 6 Bu. brown eyed Crowders,
20c lb. FOB. Mrs. J. H. Find-
ley, Stephens.

200. Lbs. jong green Boston
crowder peas, $40:00 for lot.

peas, prefer unknown. E.

Carter, Berlin, Box 40.

Colored bush lima beans, Bbc
pio. PP. Mrs. F. L- Martm,
Menlo. .


90-day wiit-resistant collton-
seed, privately ginned, $4.75
per hundred at my home, $80.
per ton, 8 mi, So. Tennille, -&
mi. No. Wrightsville. Geo.
Young, Tennille. ~*~ .

Wannaniaker Dixie Pica
cottonseed, pure, sound, Ist yr.
Extra long bolls Wilt- resistant.
Made 5 he, les on 4 a., $6.00 cwt.
FOB. E. . Todd, Valdosta.

Cokers 100 cottonseed, 1 in.
to one-sixteenth in. staple.
Kept pure at. gin. Picked with-
out rain. $5.00 ewt. FOB. Roel:
Brantley, Harrison. :

3 tons Stoneville 2-B ne

$5.50 cwt. sacked FOB. Ist yr.
WN. Rogers, Calhoun, Rt. 2.

DPL cottonseed, ginned on
private gin and kent pure, 4c lb.
FOB. Leo Green, Suwanee, Rt.
2s :

Wannamaker L
boll cottonseed, wilt-resistant,
strain No. 4: kept pure at gin,


Stoneville 2-B cottonseed, Ist
yr. ginned l-var. gin, graded,
cleaned, treated with new Imp.
Ceresan, $6.50 cwt. in new bags,
FOB. Ton lots cheaper. J. H.
Beasley, Lavonia.

pure at-gin, 5c lb. FOB. fee M.
Jones, Suwanee, Rt. 2.

Genuine Stoneville 2-B cot-
| tonseed, Ist yr., privately gin-:
|ned, recleaned, big bolls, eas-
ily picked, $1.4@ bu. Riley C.
Couch. Turin. :

Cokers pedigreed 100 strain
6 cottonseed, $6.00 cwt. FO.
D. M. Roberts, Austell, Rt. 2, in
acre of Jake Jones.

5000 Lbs. Cokers 100 strain
6 cottonseed, 1st yr. from breed-
er, $6.00 ewt. FOB. J. W. Rich-
ardson, Austell, Rt. 2. i

Wannamaker Stonevilt, wilt-
resistant. cottonseed. $5.50 cwt.
FOB. T.. W. Kemp, Lyons, Rt,

100 Bu, DPL No. 14 cotion=
seed, Ist yr. privately ginned,
recleaned, Ceresan treated; in 3
bu. sacks. $2.00 bu. FOB. Also
No. 1 hayseed soybeans, $4.00
bu. W. L. Houser, Fort Valley.

Summerours Hi-bred halt
and half cottonseed, Ist yr., a
pure at gin; $5.00 ewt. FOB. L

. Strange, Cobbtown. 5

350 Bu. DPL cottonseed, $5.00

IPP. Josephine Raley, Mitchell.


ee Lima eans, col. 35 Ib. ona

squash e

seed or table use. 175 lbs. Span- |

| seed.

FOB. ~ Also want to buy Dae 4

seed, $90.00 ton in bulk at barn, |

Cleveland big

$5.00 ewt. E. J. se On: Sum-~ j}

DPL cottonseed, jst yr.., kept :

wt. FOB. C, We god, Bow-
don. Hi ahi |

i in a ke

Se Teenie.

yr. kept. pure, 1 var, gin.

germination, r cleaned,

-l'san treated, $6.00 cwt. FOB,

O. only. Roy, Hays Fayet

15 Bu. Wokers setiennee:

in 1, wilt-resistant, $1.25

Also 2 bu. brown Crowder pea
Make best offer. eee Re Se
Bairdstown, :

Ruckers Fences a
Imp. 47 percent lint, $1.50
$5.00 cwt.

Farmville. O. me Goss. ee
ville, Rt. 2. :

- Coker s wilt- resistant 100

-ea., $15.00 pr, K. D. Sandets


Will ship large orders CoD

~wanted. Prompt shipment.

lie Tanner, Flippen, B
65: j

DPL cottonseed, 1st yr

ned on strictly private

screened. I inch staple: or
ter, turnout 44 percent
good even weight. bags.
ewt. FOB. J. L. Thomas, M
son hick

Limited quantity DPL. cot
seed, No. 14, Ist yr. 43 Laas
lint. $6.00 cwt. DPL Nov :
$5.00: ewt. -H:. H. Alexande
Carrollton, ade :

DPL no. 12 cottonseed,
ned out 44 percent. cleaned
gin, $5.00 cwt. FOB. M.
Crowe, Jr., Gainesville, Rt 2B

~Summerours Hi-bred cott

ist yr. Produced bale a re;
$6.00 ewt. 400 lbs. or more. $5

Stoneville 2- B cotbones

vr. kept pure on 1-var
$5.00 cwt. FOB. Orchar :
Marvin. Grubbs, Griffin, Rt.

50 Bu. Cokers NOLS =
seed. kept sure. $1.50 bu. Fi
H. W. Coats. Lilburn, Rt

Stoneville 2-B, wilt-
ant, Ist yr. Priva Biss

iety. Charles
Flowery Branch, Rt. at

400 Bu, _DPL- cottonseed.

bier es 100 wiltreniat
cottonseed. No black seed, $4
ewt. Also John Deere
markers, left and right. $
Wo Be Ouzts, Tennille, Rt. 2

400 bu, mem cottonseed. ker
pure, $1.50 bu. C.D. W
Rowan c


50 Bu. corn. Mises about

'Ibs. small Beads peanuts,

et Rt. oO.

Whatieys. ceca corn,
selected, $3.00 bu., FOB
8 to 400 stalks striped or
cane for seed. O. Ee

Marlboro prolific, ~
prolific seed corn. Buckbee
low. field selected, 1
hand-shelled, $1.50 peck
Tbs). Also Spanish peant
hand-picked, 31 Ibs. 60c; 61 Ib:
$1. 00 PP. T. E. Eason, Austel

Hastings new velloue pr :
seed corn, field selected, nu ie
and shelled, $1.00 pk. $3. 00 bu
FOB. H. H. OS, 4
rollton, Rt. 1. os

Pure Whatleys Be ?
lb. $1.00 pk... PP. G. J. Be
Gainesville, Rt. 3.

300 Bu. white corn, 31 75 br
at my barn. J. Be
Quitman, Rt. 4.

Hastings yellow proliti
ist. yr. Hastings white, |
to stalk, $1.00 pk. Also
half runner beans, 30
weevil: treated, Decis I

Corn for sale at my
$2.00: bu. Lester Hood,. Cleve
land, Ri. 4, ie

- Yellow Dent, long ented wn,
20c pt. Mexican June cor g
pt. Also coffee beans, 30

Mrs. C. R. Sorrells, Monroe


Boncenn: On ibs. ive
proved, 10c Ib. Cash wit
der. Write or see, LL D.
Danville, Rt. 2. sce

Truckers Parsee, ere
and yellow, jong. ears, oe
Also sunflower seed, 1

ae R, s. Rin eh Be

ie Bal in. Bhs cans,

op t at bed. No checks. W.

ersey, Cochran.

urge, longs, green came, No.
116, $16.50 for 1000 stalks.
Williams, Quitman.

seleys Sagrain seed, pro-
luces 100 bu. acre; 5 tons for-
er acre, 40 bu. grain acre.
or hogs, poultry, cows,
or: 12.50 ewt., COD.
saeae Clarkston, Ph.


raspberry plants, 75c
yz. del. Exc. for large dah-

large oe ee or

. Wil-

pe myrtles. Mrs. J. L
L ,/ Box

Blue Ridge, Rt.

age plants, Chas.
0 crate, $4.50 exp. col,
ng, Omega.

- heavy, Q-vr

bs 00. Carefully "pack-
pt service, food count.
Robinson, . Green-


well Footed sage plants,
Jewel and Gibson,

y strawberry
35c C; 300, $1.00. Cash

Mary Stephens, see
; a Ley,

one plants now
$2.60 M., P.P. Also DPL
seed, Ist yr. and Ist yr:
d, $6.00 cwt. FOB.
kworth, Rt. 2.

odon strawberry plants,
500, $1.90.
Il rooted plants. -


00 dan.

miento pepper seed,
_ 25e and 50c orders
. Keith, Alvaton.

ya and Eldora black-.

ts, $1.50 Cc. Also
nut and plum_ trees,
_vars., 57. 50

rs. apauidine aed
scadine grapes, 35-6 yr.

ng size vines, T5c ea.)
Ss youngberry, Thorn. |
Cameron |

zr. mg Pye Le rasp-
ag <P.

ibson, Jewel, Wonder-

35c C: 300, $1.00. Well |

d sage plants, $1.15 doz.
or money order.
Dahlonega, RFD, Box

and red. nest onion

abbage, beet, lettuce, |

dive, carrort, collard,

parsnip, broccoli, 50c |

00 M, Parsley, celery.
OZ. Extra postage out of
ren. Vs eg oar

arch 6th. Also Mam-

old tobacco plants,
FOB. |
orders for less than 1 M'
rol 7

10th, $3.50 M.

J. C. Hinson, Pelham.

at Giant New Gem straw-
teas now, pick berries |
r June to Dec. next yr.

il to Dec. 50, $1.00; 100,
0, $4.00. Add postage

exe. on checks. C. A.

bs Gainesv ille.
,0re and Marglobe tom-
, April 15th and 1st of

$3.00 M, 500, $1.75, ;

OB. Ls Ge Pierce, Bax-

e and

ion plants, 500,
Grown on new ground,
a IL _ Stokes,

Biickietey |
50 Garlic, pepper-.

ga len horsemint, yarrow,

25 doz. Rooted .

d postage. Exc. o
sacks. Nirs.

e, , Dahlonega, Ri. 1.

enhagen cabbage ania
/ aa of $1.00 per M

.. Immediate ship=)

Searey, Thomas=

gage plants, 2, 25e; 5
3 cups, 25,

| accented

blackberry |


Nie. | 02: 10, $1.00. Del. P.
Steinheimer, Brooks

1%-lb. catnip |
75: 10c teaspoonful.

stock, ape rooted, 1

Ance ;


onion plants, |
and J ersey, white ber- |
$4.25, |)


s Del. John A.

Also broom corn.
Vitype. laying strain Black Mi-
ee Bennett, vs

RS. A:

Frost-proof Chas. Ww. na dy
W. Flat Dutch cabbage plants,
$3.00 M, 500, $1.60, 200, 70c
Del. Prompt shipment. J. P.
Mullis, Baxley, Rt. 4..

Cabbage plants, now ready,

$2.00 M. Can load. trucks at}

right price. Booking orders for
early tomato plants. No orders
for less than 1000
plants. Guaranteed. O. F. Bak-
er, Sycamore.

plants, $3.25 M, 500, $1.80, 40c
CG. PP; In Ga: No checks. Mrs.

| Tom Buttrum, Adairsville, Rt. 14.

Ceilane pian. now ~ pees
$2.50 M. Goed count guaran-

a tae ay place. Also iS teed. W. W. Coffey, nieces,

strawberry |

Early J. frost-proof cabbage.

plants, 300, $1.00;
same price. PP. Prompt ship-
ment. A. B. Watson, Pitts, Rt. f.

100,000 certified Copenhagan
cabbage plants, $2/50 M. FOS.
ce Matthews, Moultrie, Rt.

Master Marglobe

ous and well rooted. Packed in
moss. Ready March 15th. G: W.

| Thornton, Patterson, Rt. 1.

E. J. and Chas. W. frost-proof

cabbage plants, fresh and green,

300, $1.00; 500. $1.40: $2.50 mM,
PP: White Bermuda onion
vo same price. R. Chanclor,


State insp., seed. var. apple
2- 3 tt, toc eas 2
20c ea; grape vines, Con-

ford Ni iagara, Lutie,

500, $1.35, }.
$2.40 M. Bermuda onion plants

ae tomato
plants, 50e C; $3.50 M. Vigor-

rooted, |

15c ea; scuppernong vines, 25.

ea. Postpaid. W.
der, Cleveland.

Goose plum trees, 3, 35:


ip, Cash
or stamps. Also Cokers Wilt-
resistant cottonseed, 100 Ib.
bags, $6.00 ea. Not + - ie
Brown turkey fig sprouts,
30c ea. Postage pd. Henry
Ogletree, Bishop.

Lead var. peach 4Arees, grape

| vines, $2.00 doz. $10.00 c. $95.+
00 M.

Black walnut trees, $4.<
00 doz. $25.00 C.

00 M. Mrs.

4 erdale.

Hazelnut bushes, $1.15 doz. |:

115, or $2.15 for 30. Cartons to

6 be returned. Checks or COD. |

Seedling |
peach, $1.00 doz., $4.00 C, $35.-
EB. Travis, Riv-

Blueberry, 35c doz. Muscadine |

vines, 15c ea; also white nar-
cissi, 25c doz. No stamps
please. Mrs. G. W. Bradberry,
Jr., Bowdon, Rt. 2.

Sweet pomegranates,
yr. old

cuttings, 5 $1.00. No less sold.

Del. A. J. Stanton, Newborn.

Hazelnut bushes. $1.15 doz.
Blueberrv bushes, 35c doz. Also
white narcissi, 25c doz. Swet-
shrubs, 50c doz. No stamps.
rs Dena Bradley, Bowdon,

Hazelnut bushes, Brown tur-
key figs, old-fashioned red

and yellow plums, 10c ea. or

$1.00 doz. Add postage. Miss
H. M. Patterson, Waco, Rt. 2.
Box 87.

Lead vars. avple and peach

trees, grape vines at low prices. |

State we Write for list of
varieties. T. M. Webb, Ellijay.

Sane red and yel-
low plums, Brown turkey figs,
Hazelnut bushes, 10c ea. $1.00
doz. Miss Wilma E. Patterson,
Waco, Rt. 2, Box ST:


500 gals. Cane Syrup in 10
lb. cans. Make best offer. W.
R. Hobbs, Milan.

_ 500 Gals. syrup. 2 mi. S. W.
oe W. C. Douglas, Alma,

2 Barrels 1943 Ga. Cane syr-
up. Make best offer. B.
Morgan, Clyo.

Pur Ga, cane syrup in 1/5
in, Adairsville, Rt. 3.

7 lbs. pecan meats, 75c 1b.
| Add postage.

and % gal. cans, $1.25 gal.
Can ship in 3 and.6 gal. lots.
M. F. Cole, Nicholls, Rt. 1.


Ringlet B. R. bred to lay, U.

S. Pullorum tested hatching |
| eggs, $1.50 nee 15; 30 for $2.75.
Wilson, Martin. :

Eggs from breeding giant |
| tons good aoaaul hay,

norcas, limited no. $3.00 for |
L. B. aa, Newnan.


Jextra choice stock

145. P, P. Extra fine: rae Se

|turkey egps

Wk, 1, Cr 3081,

Eggs from Parks

Rock trap-nest stock, hens

headed by pedigreed males,
1 $2.50 per 15, $1000

Larger lots ch Mrs.@ d.;
g oe | $28.00 ton at my barn. D: C

t Nail, Baxley, Rt. 3.
Pure Grist Grady eggs for }
| sale, prize winners, $2.00 per

B. Scroggs, Alto.

15. Also several Grady stags.
W. G. Jones, Blakely.

Eggs from AAAA Light
Brahmas, $3.00 pr 15. No
shipments. Mrs. John T. Hern-
don, Atlanta, 431 Clifton Rd.,
N. E., De 4258.

Blue Andalusian eS9S, $2.00 |

per 15, 3-A. New Hampshire
Red eggs, $1.75 er 15, 4A.
Mrs. W. L. Treadaway, Adairs-
ville, Rt. 1.

Parmenter eggs from 2 yr.
old hens, Pullorum. controlled
flocks with R. O. P. roosters,
$250 per 15. Charges paid.
Special prices on large lots.
Madison Blount, Decatur, P.
O. Box 488.

Purebred Buff . Orpington
eggs. $1.00 per 15, P.P. Crates
to be returned. Miss Ronie
Johrison, Shellman.

Rees fronyv bloodtested Den-
aldson R. I. Reds, $1.50 per
15 Del. Mirs J. . King, a-%
vonia, Rta; :

Eggs from Jersey White

*| Giant, selected, $2.00 per 15.

Prompt del. Moline Landrum,
Adairsville, Rt. 3.

Purebred dark Cornish game |

eggs, hens weigh 5-7 Ibs.

| roosters. 9 Tbs. unrelated, $1.50

per 15. P. P. Mrs. Fred John-
son, Dawson, Rt 2.

AAA R. TI. eggs,
or 32, $3.00. M, O.
Rebecca Russell,

Dark Cornish ess, $1.25 per

16, $1.70,
Only. Mrs.

Miss Cora B. Patterson, TyTy,
Rt. 3. Box 74.

Parmenter Red Weeks, RAS,
P. mates, direct stock, $1.00
for 15: also few nice 1 yr. old
a All stock pullorum test-

E. Gunby, Atlanta, 1130
Mt. aor Rd. Ch 3343.

Purebred eggs from
laying Park~ strain Barred

Rocks, $1.00 for 15, P. P. Also.

fine 10 Ib. N. H. rooster, $3.00
here, Will ship. William Jesse,
Gainesville, Rt. 4..

Everlay strain, Brown Leg--
horn eggs, bred to lay, pure
oo $150 for 15, P. P.

H. A- Wilson, Martin, Rt, 2.

Light Brahma a eg os

same breed, 8 mos. old, $3.00

FOR. Rev. J. R. Baxter, iAr-


Booking gate for M.
Booking . for Barred Rock
chick>n eggs. R. S.
Decatur, 476 Melville


Eggs from big boned, pure
dark Mammoth Bronze turk-
eys., $4.50 doz. del., Buff Co-
chin bantam, $1.50 doz. Tou-
louse geese, 50c ea: $2.50 for

15; Brown duck, $1.50 doz. Also

ducks. rs. Boyd Bageett,
ithia- Sonne, Re. i

Large. type Black Cornish
hatching eggs, thoroughbred,
$1.25 setting. Mrs. W. I. Brew-

er, College Park, 522 No. Main



200 Ibs.
pecans, large size, 30c I
Station. No chks
gan, Clyo, Rt. 2.

. Mor-

Big and small peanuts, Imp. |

mixed, $1.50 bu. or lots for

$1.25 bu. Come see if inter-'
j ested. Lester Holman, Gaines-

Walle. Rt. 2;

About 6 bu. Spanish peanuts,
10c tb. or $2.25 bu. Will not
ship. Come after. Judson Hard-

Mrs. Janie Al-
mon, Luthersville.

50 Ibs. seedling pecans, 20c

| Ib. 50 Ibs. fine, imp. seedlings, |
1}25c Ib. 40 Tbs.

35c Ib. No checks. All FOB.
: 5 P. Nunn, Crawfordville,

650 lbs.

good, sound, 1, 9c Ib.

ton. J. Ah. Neilson, Og
Rt. 2, Box 83.


del. |



Mech. dl. |
Williford, |

Ave., Maysville, RFD.

Frocher ee

good Stuarts, |


j s

Middlebrooks, Barnesville.
4 tons bright peanut hay,

25 tons A-1 ,.peavine

, $40.00. ton. E. ives Fagan,

Fort Valley.

20 tons peanut hay, $18.00
ton at barn. Also 350 bu. corn,
$1.50 bu. at barn. No letters
ans. EH. D. Wiggins,

200 tons extra fine peanut
hay. C. S. Jones, Sylvester.


Artichokes, 5c Ib; 100 Ibs.
and up, 5%c Ib. Less on 100
lbs. FOB. No orders less than
50 Ibs. No COD orders. M. O.
oo order. E. F. Mason, More-

New 100 lb. white feed sacks,
100 to 1000, 10c ea. Mark
ee Flowery Branch, Rt.

ab red Porto Rican potat-
oes for planting, $2.00.bu. or
$1.75 in 5. bu. lots.. FOB. L.
>: Morga ,* Ludowici.

Wish to contract for sale of.
38 A. Elbertas, (fancy and
regular); 12 A. Hileys del.
FOB. orchard, Orchard in

prime and well kept, in Upson |

County, C. F. Greene, Carrs


Small urds, lim. no. sizes
ranging from 5 in. to 15in in
cir. Thoroughly dry. Write for
prices. No stamps please. Mrs.
T. B. Thomas, Thomasboro.

Printed feed sacks, washed |
25c e@a. not 4 oy ema
Glenn Cox, Canton, Rt.'3. '


Black - walnuts, untied.

. Sorrells, Sr.. Royston, Rt. 1.
Bearfoo ,

Meadow, sassafras, red spice-

wood, wild cherry. witehhaz- |
30c Ib. Comfrey, 40c > Ib. :
Ford streaked apple trees, 10


ea. Vernie Stover, Pisgah.

Garlic, $1.00 doz. Miss Cecil.

McCurley. Hartwell, Rt.

mint, 25, 25c: catnip, baim,

25e;3 garlic bulbs, 12, 25c; ae
den gooseberries, red and
black Tepper. 12; $125,
Others. Mrs. M. L
lonega, Ree 4.


Want few bu. field peas suit-
able for hay, Bob | os pasion

Want Clay anid Uniwown
field peas for hay: Send sam-

ple. G. Hamp Martin, Com-


Want some pigeon peas and
white crowders.

Want 5 bu. Brabham peas, |
6 bu. orange or forage cane.
cash price.

seed. Give best
Ben Fagan, Martin.

Want 25 bu.
peas. Would consider iron
clad or other good pea. Must
be clean and sound. - Quote
best cash price. G. T. McDon-
ald, Oak- -ood.

Want White laced Red Corn-

eggs. Carl Taylor.


Want to buy up to 8 or 10.
C.] mi.-E. Danville. Joe B.. Gre .

Christian, er. 1414 Lanier |

lbs. dried apples. Mrs.

Place, N.

Want dr ied apples or pach-
Mrs. O. T.:
| ville, Box 172.

es. Give price.
Thomas, Culberson, N. Cy, Rt.
d. (resident of Ga.) i

Want some honey for person- |.
al use, or advise amount you | Steed, Sr.,
| have and price. Geo. W. Jack-.

jreg. sire and dam, 8 mos. ole

son, Fayetteville, Rt. 2.
Want bees,

you have and lowest rice, H,.
B. Ellis, Decatur, 1031

| Lake Drive.

Spanish tee age
| near
= 80
@ lorpe, | C

Want severel hives
LaGrange. Qvuate
- a letter. Also type at hive,



| no.
j ton, 204 Ala. St.

1000 Ibs. ohe


colts foot yellow
dock, yellow root, Queen of.

' Eaton, Dah-_
| Simonton, Dacula, Rt; 1.

Quote best |
eae Cliff Douglas, Alma, Rt.

: 1ville, Rt. 3.
ish Bhd Jersey Blapike iGiant |

moder hives.
or old-style gums. Write what |

Fas |

Drice |
1 W.
Lewis, LaGrange, Box |



Choice kudzu hay. B. W.


Want to buy some Vv
bean hulls for Own pYsen
use on farm. i. M. Mason

; gusta..


Want 200 or 400 Imp. |
Spanish veanut seed. Also eak
bage and onin plants and PO
Cane seed. W. C. Burns
Ellabelle. se

Want some
peas, Imp. pink skin Spe

| ground-pea for planting. Quot

kind and price. Mrs. M
Pittme-; Lumber City.


Want from neighborhoo
Statesbore. Metter or Cla:
2 or more bu. yellow
Porto Ricans for seed.
price and how find your pl
BE. P. Harrison, Groveland

Want 100 bu. state insp. Port
Rican seed potatoes. Quote
price. Also for sale 130 _
90-day running velvet bea
$5.50 bu. here. aarger If
cheaper. Bob Neal, Eastman.


Want printed, nct viNite .
sacks for cash. Give price an
Mamie Pritchett, Car

Want to buy print chick
feed sacks (2 alike). Mrs.
L. Abbott, Valdosta, Rt. 1
Box 190- A. ae


Want to buy 200 Ibs.
Duteh and Hop - clover;
lespedeza. Also for sale, 10
bu. red ~. R. sweet potato
seed, $2.00 bu. R. Bartell, De
catur, 165 Wpodlawn Ave.

Want 5 lbs. Garrison.
melon seed; few bu. O-To
soybeans. Make price. JOR

$1.75 bu. Red and white pea- | Harrison, Alma, Rt. 4

-nuts, $2.75 bu. Add postage. |
reo checks or stamps. Mrs.

Want apple, cherry
peach tre>3 of good var.
box flowers in choice
Mrs. J. Ellis, Maxeys.


2 Jersey milch cows,
en in next 6 mos., $7!

Dbl. tansy. 12, Doe: ree | also 50 laying hens. Par yee

er Reds and W. Rocks,
mixed, $2.00 ea. Priced
home. B. E. -Barrett,
1266 Campbellton Rd.,

Anh 800 Ib. bull, $65.00. LR
Fine Jersey cow, freshen bi
fore middle March, milk

j ceptionally rich in putt

. | For sale at my barn. Mrs. E. |
Hathcock, Red Oak, Roosev

| Hwy. *phone Ca 1373.

1 reg. Angus bull, almo:
yrs. old, 1 reg., S. P. C..
hog, 1 yr. old, for sal 4
farm in Jones County. Wallac
Miller, Macon.

Black Jrsey cow, fest
April, White Face bw :

about 250 lbs., also 1 H.

on, good cond., and. m le,
about 700 lbs. wt. good work
order. See Giles Cheek, Lat

renceville, Rt. 2. i

15 Black Angus steers

ready for market. Also

Ga. raised mules and _ he

d. Robert S. At
Red Ripper: working g0o Se

derson, Hawkinsville.

Jersey cow, to freshen Feb.
26th, second calf. Also OIC

prood sow, crossed with
\to farrow Feb. 24th. Bri

litter 12 pigs: Want lespedez L
seed. L. H. Cousins, Greer

9 young reg. Polled Hi

\ford cows and heifers, 4 '

calves at side, other pred. Fin
individuals. Come and s


Res. Jersey Wall. Also jae
and stallion and some
Claude G. Craig, Lawre

| heifer, 23 mos. old, wt.

very gentle,

Fine, young Jersey bul

550 Ibs.,

Sell or trade for sheep. t
Pendrgrast, Atlanta, Rt.
Ve 1919.

= dandy cow, vat. Cuong

(5 yrs. old, due to fr
10 days, 4th calf, $10

or $125.00 after =
B. Jonson, W:
(at. Kansas Store, 6 fai.

don) -

2 ie oe

Rice, 2 yr eld, muley heif-

er, fresh in, $50.00 at my home

also lot of Sarsaparilla, 50c

oe Clyde Garrison, Cornelia,




No, 585543.

_Howards King,
on ea. at my barn.
sn, Hoschton.

hey Guernsey males, 1 mo.
to 19 mos. old. Best of breed-
img. H. Loyd Parker, Decatur,
"Phone De 6442.

6 yr. old, Guernsey cow,
freshen on Feb. 15th, 3rd calf.
for sale at mv barn. Mrs. W.
M. Fritts, College Park, Rt. 2.,
Box 127. ;

ford horn-type yearling bulls,

practically purebred

tons baled mixed meado
R. E. Cotton, Milled
207 North Columbia St

r hay.

nu. lots, FOB. ._ L. Wilson,

ednesday, Mareh 1, 1944

ealves, about 6 mos. old, full
looded but not reg. Sired by |.

3 fine White Faced Here-.

sired by fine reg. bull: from
$75.00 ea. at my farm 8
Milledgeville. Also 304

Nee. Jersey cow, bred to
White Faced Hereford; will
reshen March 20th with 2nd
alf, $65.00. Also running vel-
et bean seed, -. 65 bu. in 4-


- 5 good black and S.P.C.
shoats, 3 mos. old, $10.00 ea.

ville, Rt. 2.
eae black P.. . hogs:

hay. 3 mi. Locust Grove. J.C.
S Anderson, Locust Grove. :

Jack African Guinea

pigs. Wt. about 50 Ibs. ea.

; ae phus, Tusculum.

) 4 young S: P. .
: as _ Diamond

se breeding. Dbl.

cholera, $25.00 ea. Reg.
- buyers name. Junior McFath-
er, Morgan.

5 sows, 30 shoats and male:
all big boned Guineas.
Gilstrap, Suwanee, Rt. 1.

Big bone black Guineas:
sows, 4 boars, pigs, ready Mar.
Qnd, $25.00 for sows,
$10. 00 ea. Also want
Seed corn, bluegoose

_ bertson, Colbert.

mos. old, $10.00 to $25.00 ea.
Shipped FOB. H. C. Brewer,
. Danielsville, Rieke

Outstanding young SP. C.

- 4ng. Dbl. treated for cholera,
_ $50.00, reg. in buyers name.
7 iL. M. Isler, Morgan.

Duroc- Jersey pigs, 4 mos.

checks. Also- some younger
pigs for sale.

- Davisboro, Rt. 2, Box 2.

=e. DS. BC. sows; .8: yra. old.
wt. 500 Ibs. $65.00; other 1
yr. old, wt. 250-300 Ibs.,
% pigs, male and female, 3 mos.
old, $20.00 ea. Also Hastings
yellow prolifie seed corn, $3.50
bu. or % bu., $2:00, W. D.
~ Wilbanks, Chatsworth, Rt. 2.

: 91 Purebred black and $.P.
. crossed shoats, 100 | Ibs.
down, life treated, prices right:
> pigs, 7 wks. old $4.00 ea.
Also purebred Jersey. cow,
Has 3rd calf, 3 wks. old, $85.-
. E. Johnson, Concord, Rt.

eras a

<2 3 SOWS:
$40. 00. Blocky
$35.00; big boned Guinea, $20.-
00. Crated for shipment. Also
sorrel mare, wt. 1100 Ibs. 8
yrs. old, $150.00. Frank J.

_ Watkins, East Elitiay. ~

Reg. Hereford hogs, bred
iis and sows for spring far-
- row. 2 extra good boars. All
' from as good bloodlines as can
be had, Julian Furstenburg,
Fairacres Farm, Atlanta, Rt. 1.

-. 12 Blocky type Duroc shoats,
life treated; entitled to reg, 3
male pigs, ready for light serv-
ice. $12.00 to $15.00 ea. or
$115.00 for lot. W. A. Moore.
_ Haddock, Rt. 1.
5 purebred big type Duroc
Tas $15.00 ea.. wt. 60-75 Ibs.
OB. Gene Joyner, Cairo.
pecuuted O. I. C. shoats, 10
; id, $12.50 ea. at my farm.
ee, College Park, Rt: 1.
ff Roosevelt Hwy).


English Berkshire,
type Duroc,

: Stay fat kind. Dbl. treated, 4
mos. old, $20.00 FOB. Charhe

at my farm 7 mi. N. E. Adairs- |
wille. Mrs. Ed Stone, Adairs-

good Jersey cow and lespedeza

_ .& Purebred. bred, big boned
B boar

and Hero
treated for}



Ceme and get. Mrs. C. H. Cul-

a Big boned African Guinea |
pigs and shoats, 6 wks. to 6}

service boar, 65 percent white,
blocky type. Advancer breed- |

old, $15.00 ea. Reg. in buyers
name. F. O. B. No: personal

W. D. Askew,



Reg. Black P. C. male No.
reg. black PC. males, No.
218055. and 218053, 11 mos. old,
$35.00 ea.: 3 raales, 1 gilt, sell
when 8 wks. old, $25. 00 ea., reg.
im buyers name. James
Hadden, Stapleton.

sows, boar and [16 pigs,
$120 00 for lot. FOB. W. P.
Franklin, Harlem.

Male Berkshire, about 6 mos.
old. dbi. treated for cholera.
Reg. prize winning stock, about
| 150 Ibs., $25.00, crated, FOB.
Bek Mauldin, Lavonia, te oe

S. P. . pigs; 3 mos. old, wt.
50-60 ibs., $15.00.
buyer's name. SP. Cc. gilts,
bred, 10 mos. old, $35.00 ea.
Treated and erated, FOB. Fred
C. Seago, Pinehurst, RFD.

Purebred Hampshire pigs, 6
wks. old, $10.00 ea.:
fra for registering. Gilt, 5 mos.
old, entitled to reg., $25. 00 ea.
TB. Smith, Toecoa, P. O. Box

11 Dives gilts, farrowed Apr.
20, 1943, heed with reg. boar,
$25.00 ea. here. 18 gilts, far-
rowed Sept. 10, 1943, $12.50
= P L. Thornton, Dewvrose.

Reg. .-5.e boar 14 mos.
old, sacrifice for $50.00. Big
boned, lofig body, short nose
and _ legs. Best bloodlines.
| Used very little. Life treated.
Will ship. D. B. Dukehart, De-
catur, P. O. Box 488.

Blocky type Duroe pigs. 60
oe old, wt. 35-40 Tbs., $15. 00
Life treated. Reg. im,
bivert S name; some unrelated.
Crated F.O.B. H. L. Williams,

Reg. S. P. C. pigs, from
Seuths blocky type sire and
dams, 2 gilts, $20.00 ea. 12
| pigs, boars and gilts, $18.00 ea.
reg. in buyers name,
Walter B. Leverette, Tifton.

Regs,S. P. C.. pigs,- treated,
farrowed Oct. 15th, wt. 70-100
Ibs., $17.50 ea., or $15.00 ea. not

reg. Crating, $2.00 extra. L.
oo Waynesboro, Phone

6 purebred black Poland-
China sows; Reg. boar: 30. pigs

and shoats, for sale. Apply at
once. Mrs. J. L. Hunt, Deca-
tur, Rete 1.


2 gentle work mules, about
10 yrs. old; mare mule, $135.-
00, horse mule, $130.00 at my
barn. W. J. Barnett, Riverdale.

Mare colt, about 3 yrs. old,
$75.00. Also want to buy 10
bu. runner velvet beans. Quote
price. W. F. Smith, Glenn-

Real good plow mule, work
sanywhere, gentle. Also 5 bu.
seed peanuts. Dan T. Andys,
is Park. Rts 25 Box 33. 6

i. S. Valdosta on US Rte. 41).

2 good mules, reasonably
priced. Mrs. J. M. Harrison,
Thomson, Rt. 1.

Black mare, wt. 950 Ibs.,
$125.00. Work good anywhere.
G G. Cason, Culbertson, Rt.

Black mare mule, 6 yrs. old,
wt. 1000 to 1100 lbs. In A-1
condition; work anywhere. See
at my parn. J. B. Jones, Dah-
lonega, Rt. 1.

2 mare mules, wt. 1400 Ibs.
Gentle, work anywhere. See
at my barn. L. C. Haynes, Ac-

Gentle mare. work to any
implement or wagon, single or
double. Mrs. J. C. Goolsby.
Alma, Rt. 2.

Fine mare, 6 yrs. old; work
good to plow and wagon, wt.
1000 lbs. Essie Kinzey, Cor-

Horse mule, 10 yrs. old, wt.
1050 Ibs., $185.00. Good Cond.
Mare mule, wt. 1150, older,
$85.00. No plug. Extra good
work mule, good eyes. W. W.
McPherso~. Villa Riea.

Several horse colts, old
onount to work; 5 colts about

1% yrs. old, and 1 young stal-
lion. Mrs Willa D. Evans,

Mare mule, $50.00 FOB. Exc.
for pullets, cow or for mow-
ing machine. All letters ans-
Berets L. A. Powers, Griffin,

1 pr. dark bay mare horses,
4 yrs. old, 950 Ibs. ea; 1 solid
white Spanish horse, 5 yrs.
old, 950 Ibs., 1 red horse mule,
11. yrs. old, wt. 900 Ibs. All 4
ride, gentle, well broke, good


workers. Ivon Overby, Buford,

166264, 1% yrs. old, $45.00; 2)

$1.25: ex:

FOB. |

W. L, Winn, Fitzgerald, _



Black mare mule, about 900


$95.00 for quick sale. See M.

x Ruff, Rockmart, Rt. 2. U
_ Lester's Store).


N. Z. White bucks, 7 mos.
old, $2.00, 2 are 4 mos. old,
$1. 50 ea., from pedigreed
stock. Exp. col, * Mas- -- Otis
Mashburn, Cumming, Rt. 5.

4 Chinchilla does, 6 wks.
Old. 2% Ths; $1.25 eac NZ.
W. buck, 54% mos. old, 64%
Ibs., ~ $1.50. 15. Chinchillas
ready in Mch., $1.00 oa Order
now. Pedigreed stock. Carlton
Miller, Atlanta, 832 St. Charles
Ave., N. E. Ve DATO.

N. Z. W. p-digreed does,
bred, $4.00 ea; 8-10 wks. old
does, $1.50 ea. Mixed does,
$1. 25 ea. L. G.. Spain, Atlan-
ta, 482 Washington St. S.

20 Guinea pigs (cavies),
$18. 00 or $4.00 ea. All sizes
and colors. All orders COD.
J. C. Vinimeg, Stockton.

5 NZ. White does, selected |
for breeding, 4 mos. old, wt.
542-6 Ibs. from reg. stock,
$5.50 ea. Ped. on_request. W.
E. Marshall, Jr., Perry.

2 N. Z. White bucks, 1 over
1 yr. old, $2.50; other, 11 wks.
old, $1. 50. Ivon G. Addington,
Blue Ridge, Star Rt.

20 N. Z. Reds,
bucks and dos, $1.50 ea: 4-3
mos. old does, $2.50 ea; 2 4-
mos. old does, $3.00 ea. Pure-
bred but not reg, C. S. Sar-
rets, Atlanta, 84 Rockyford
_N. W., De 5825.


Milk goat, part Saanen, with
nannie kid, 2 wks. old. 3rd
kidding gives about 2% ats.
day, easily milked, $15.00. C.
H. Wilson, Oxford.

At Stud: Sir Randolph 1st,
T-4159: best bfood - lines, best
milk producing lines, from
long line of high producing
Toggenburgs. Fee: $5.00. W.
R. Mills, Decatur, 123 4th Ave.
De 5892.

100 percent foreign pure
Saanen 3 yr. old buck, reg. in
American Goat Soc. No. S-
3456, large. natural horniess,
white, producer of high pro-
ducing dtrs. $35.00. Wont ohie
W. J. Sumlin, Atlanta, 730
Grand Ave., N. W.

Sev. good milk goats, some
purebred, some not. Most of
them freshen soon. Purebred
Toggenburg buck. Come and
it ene Cochran, White,

6 sheep, 3 lambs, all young
and in good shape, $60.00 for
ae a L.. Duvall, Greensboro,

2 Toggenburg grade does, 1
fresh with first kids (does),
$20.00 for doe $5.00. ea: for
kids; other, 3rd freshening
soon (3 qts.) $35.00: My place.
No shipping. Mrs. J. C. Smith,
eo 1007 Curran St., N.

At Stud: Sir Roderick,
most vutstanding Toggenburg
of the South, naturally horn-
less, proven sire of high pro-
ducers and female, hornless
kids. Limited service. Fee,
$10.00. John Hynds, Atlanta,
938 Warren St., De 5140.

16 head fom on goats, $1.50
ea. 7 mi. in on Blakely
Rd J. BE. Evans. Jakin.

3 Toggenburg goats, one to
freshen soon Ist time, other
2, 2nd time. At Stud: half Saa-
nen, half Toggenburg, from
high producing stock. Come
and see. . T. Humphries, De-
catur, 313 5th Ave. De 5880.

Milk goat, with 2 kids, $45.-
00, FOB. Chas. B: Hargrove,



Want hear from party hav-
ing a small pony or donkey
for sale cheap, or trade for
pigs. Pe C. Mayhue, Cumming,


Want full-grown N. Z. Red
does. Give wt. price and age.

or.more, 9 or 10 yrs. old, }

2 mos. old.

{00 and $4.00 ea: Eggs,

|! McConnell,




doe. Ross Miller. Woodland.

Want doe rabbits any breed
ror eolor, 6-12 wks. old... .. D.
Cumbas. Columbus, 2404 14th,
| Ave. f

Want white Angora rabbits
and black and white. Dutch.


Want French Alpine Buck
service in or near Atlanta.
Joe J. Wilson, Decatur, 828
3rd Ave. De 0354.


Want - good milk goat.
State what you have and the
price. I. L. Hooks, Augusta,
Rt. 1. Box 154.



New Hampshire Red and S.
C. W. baby chicks, $12.00 C.
Mixed chicks, $10.00 at my
home. Troy Douglas, Lenox.

uu &. RK. oO. P. sired New
Hampshire chicks, $5.00 per
25: $9.00 per 50: $18.00 per
100. Eggs, $2.00 per 15. Lim-
ited no. chicks from special
matings, 50c ea. U. S. Pullo-
rum tested. T. B. Clarkson,
Leon Ave. De 5427.

Baby chicks, dark Donald-
son strain, blood-tested, $16.-
00 C., del. Eggs. $1.50 per 16,
del. Mrs. W. D Latham, Stone
Mountain, Rt. 1.

Cornish Bantams, Clark str.,

and beautifully feathered, $10.-
00 trio; guara.teed to please.
Want some Muscovey or In-
dian Runner ducks for breed-
ing. W. S. Carlos, Macon, Ret:
2, Bloomfield Rd.

3 Jap Silkie hens and fod:
er, $8.00: 2 Sebright hens and
rooster, $6. 00. Fred Ayash, At-
lanta, 687 Delmar Ave., S. E.

2,000 AAA and 4-A_ baby
chicks for sale or trade for
wheat, rye, oats, corn seed.
Rob. = Bickford, Atlanta, 156
Holliday Ave., Wa 8351.

10 mixed bantam pullets,
1943 hatch, now laying, $1.00
ea. at mv home. Mrs. Milan
Stefak, Atlanta, 6070 Peach-
tree Rd.

Baby chicks, N. H. Reds,
Rooks W.L.,. sired by R. O.
P. males and sons. High pro-

tion on request. J. ans


2 bantam roosters, L white,
other red, 1943 hatch, $1.50
ea. or both tor: $2.50: Ro @:
eae Manchester, 16 North

Jersey Black or White Giant,
$14.00 C: Buff Orp., R. I. Reds,
BR and White Rocks, $13.00
C. All incubator hatched. Or-
dcr 2 or 3 weeks in advance.
H. F. Redfern, Mitchell, P, O.
Box 47.


Rock, New Hampshire, White
Rock, Cornish White, Leg-
horn, mixed hens,
production, SIL. 00 cash. Will
not -sell separately. J. B.

pene Valdosta, Rt. 3., Box

40 Mixed bred hens, most-
ly Barred Rock, now faving,
$1.50 ea. at my place. Mrs, K
A. Taylor, College
by Rd.

20 B. R. hens, $2.50 ea. Also
pr. turkeys, last yrs. hatch,
40e Jb. or $9.00 for pr. at my
home. Cannot ship. Mrs. W.
H. Ellis, Hepzibah.

10: Fine S. C. White. Rock
o= 5 Rocks: and & S>-6. Ri
Reds, last spring hatehed pull-

ets, inoculated, healthy, and
laying, $2.00 ea., or $18.00 for
lot, FOB. Mrs. T. W. Hagood,

Atlanta, 1210 DeKalb Ave., N.

EB; De 6101,
19 Purebred White Rock
hens, 1 rooster, $2.00 ea. In-

quire at Nuberg Store. Will
not deliver. Mrs. Joe B. Hig-
ginbotham, Dewey Rose, Rt. 1.

12 Barred Rock and Buff
Orpington Grade A hens,
mos. old, now laying, $2.00
6a. Mrs. C. R> Hall, -Atlanta,
14 Rockyford Rd., N. E.

2 Parks direct roosters, $5.-
per 15 by mail or $1.00 per
15 at home. 3. days notice re-
quired on orders. Enclose
stamp : for seul Mrs..E. J.
Demorest, Rt. a:

Want bred grey Chinchilla BS

| roosters,

John Dodd, Adairsville, Rt. 3. |

B. "H. Osborn, Roy.

5485 Memorial Dr.

-hens for a 6 Ib., 2 brs old ga

921 East Ponce de}

Bull Dog type, round bodied | er

duction. Prices and informa- | Raulerson, Alma.

250 March hatched Barred|B

in good} 1.

Me- |

ark, God- lay ng, healthy 4- A big

13 |

Trio Spring 1943 hatch
Cornish game, lge. type.
4 lge. type Dark Cornish ga
2, $6.00. Eggs -
same strain, $1.50 per 15. L
horn and game crossed egg:
$1.00 per 15. No checks
Sikes, Sylvester. =

10 Cornish game Spull
4%-6 mos. old, some Jayin
Coch cockerel, 5 mos. *
wt. about 7 Ibs. $17. 00 for
Reed F. Fowler, Roy. :
Nice half-grown Cornish
dian game pullet. Cocke
came strain. nice half- -gro
pullets, half Barred Rock

indian, Game, black, all
$6.50 for lot, FOB. a

3 Pullets, 1 rooster, Pit sam
and bantam, Ige. size. iD
laying, $5.00 pr. Bourbon 1
turkeys, I yr.. old. Good
breeding, wt. 45 Ibs.
Or $21.00 for lot. Mrs. -
E. Young, Stone Mount


2 young Cornish roos
ready for service, $5.00 or $:
ea. Mrs. Minnie Malphus,,

A 6 Ib. Blinker brood cor
$2.00: 1 light wt. cock, reac
for pit, $4.00: Exc. 2 fine p

nad Dor

2 oun. $5. 00.

Grist Gradys, pure game

1 trio of 3. hens, 2 yrs.

trio of. 3 pullets, J

mos. old, $15.00. Lloyd Hatch
. Albany. ;


Dube pit game bei
kens, $2.00 and $2.50 ea.
Bass, Sane. 692 Kirk
Ave., S. E ae 6941, a

Sniders Bacon Warhors
cock and 5 hens, $25.00
sredy. 1 eyed cocks 2 >

Gravs, Binge: $10.00 ea.
Weaver, Canon; Rt: 2.


5 pullets and 1 unrela
cockerel, Silver Spang
Hamburg, $7.50 for lot. del
Ray Lewis, Atlanta,
Spring St. N, Wide 0231,

4 W. L. deceeats aun
stock laying 250-341 eggs.
yr. direct, ready for ser.
$2.75 ea., $5.00 for 2.

100 AAAA W. ee hens,
mos. old, now laying, $1.25
at my home. My: W. A. Hea
Atlant: Rt 6. Bee

28 pure Brown L. hens a
roosters, Everlay str.,
hatch, hens: now laying, |
00, or $2.00 ea., or 10 hens
rooster, $20. 00. Mrs. We
Righey, Lavonia, Rk, is

100-125 AAAA W. De
1943 hatch pullets, laying,
culls, $1.50: ea., or $1.35-
my farm: also. 75 AAA m
hens, Reds, Golden. Minor
Ba laying, $105.00.
coops if want shipped. Mr
Carl W. Powell, Sylvania, R

300 pig W. L. ame Whi
Rock hens, 4-A grade, all
oculated, $2.00 ea. at my yare
Louis Holliman, McIntyr

35 W. L. hens, 1 yr. old, 4
pullets, 7 mos. old, ready

$1.10 ea. for lot, or $1.25 ea,
less than 50. Mrs. Edgar. Bel
Tallapoosa, Lipham St. .

10 Leghorn hens, y yr.
$1.25 2. FOB. J. D. We
Soperton, Box 142.

AAA Brown Leghorns, hi
12 to 18 mos. old, healthy
ing. Lots of 12 and 1 roos
$15.00 crated and shipped 3
Bennett, Sereven, Rt.

9 W. L. 4-A Feb. 1943 nat
ed pullets. rooster, $15.00
lot. Mrs. Oscar Heath, Sop
ten, Rt: 2. :

English type wi Te pall
7 mos. old, 4-A, now layin
$1.15 ea. Buyer to pay sh
ping charges. Write at
Mins. (Eo VE. Cains Alma, E

8 W. L. cockerels, 7
old, English strain, big
o a ea. Rever Wade,


2 3-4 English ctrain W.
roosters, 1942 hatch, $2.00
or $3.50 for both. Also. of
mare mule. wt. about 90
6 yrs. old, Rie Can ae 2

my _ barn. W. Price

tow, Rt, 2. .



pablshed March 29th:





Our Special Farm. Land Supplement will be -] |

Rent, Wanting. to Rent and Buy, and In Exchange -
_ MARKETS not later than Thursday,
| All notices received after this date (March 23rd)
will necessarily have to be. omitted from publi- -
cation. SPACE IS VERY LIMITED; therefore,
all notices for this Land Issue must not exceed
fifty (50) words, including name and address.
Notices will be cut to a the rodairetiens if

STATE PROPERTY notices will be published -

If you have submitted a Land Notice with-
in the past few months, do not send in another,
-as all such type notices on hand will be duly


-Farms. For Sale, For.

March 23rd.



50 4-A large type White
eghor.. hens, now laying. 60
percent extra large eggs, $200.-
0 for tot. sA. AR. Williams,
Franklin, Rt. 2.

S55 BL own Leghorn roosters,
ver-lay strain, 10 mos. old,
$2.00, ea. FOF. F. L.. Evans,
tlant, aA Clay eS ke, ~

36. White Leghorn AAA
er , $1.40 ea., FOB my
pines, Mrs. Dp. N. Clifton, Sum-

50 mix. heavy breed hens,
ying, $70.00; - 15 roosters,
eavy mixed Akced: $15.00.
Te 1943, hatch. $83 00 for lot.

fc Mis ON.

oe March, faith hens, now

halt Games and half

5 Sale; bs. Ve Pettis,
eae Ue "ts

* 500, chicicens, 6 wks. old,
45c ea..or lot, or 50c ea. less
lots. 4 breeds. All purebred.
o~ shipments. R.. 0. White,
Jonesboro. Gos


Golden | Buf Orp., hens, ioy-
ing (3 setting hens), also 4
Tomkins Red hens, wt. over
6 1bs. (Ca; and..3 Buff Orp.
cockerels, for sale Mis. J. 5.
Wilkins, Atlanta, 836 North
ae hy

250 N. #H. Red friers, 3lc hy
at my home, or 33c lb. shipped.
Exp. Col. Vc less 50 lbs. ship-
ped. Mrs. Gennie Brown, Ball



; White, 1 pr. 4 yrs. old,-$45.-
00; hen or cock, % price: few
Black Shouldered breeders,
(hens only), $25.00 ea; 1943
hatch Black | Shouldered cocks,
$20.00 ea. Thos. A. Hughes,
Buford, Rt. e

6 pr. Blue pigeons. D. L.
Bone, Dallas, Rt. 3.

3 Utility White King, fast pro-

ducers, from exc. foundation
ock, Limited no. $5.00 pr.
Satis) tuar. Pe S: hee

Atlanta, 49 Werren St., N.


5 dark AAA N. H. Red hens,
now laying, $2.00 ea. $9.00 for

; Mrs. Charlie
Peacock, Eastman.

: 40 jurebred super 3-A grade

-N. H. Red hens, 10 mos. old,
- Parmenter str. Pullorum test-

ed, nearly all laying, $2.25 ea.
Send crate or aon after.
Money orde.. Mrs. R, L. Fears,
lovilla, Be i.

45 ON. +f Red AAA pullets,

wks. old, 60c ea. FOB;
cockerels, same breed and age,
75 ea. Homer L. pe enel -Mo-

. Red roost-
ers, direct Donaldson, $3.00 ea.
AW Kemp, _ Lyons, Rt. 1.

14 N. H. Red hens, March
1943 hateh, all laying fine,
est egg grade. $42.50. Send

ites. Mrs. Lessis Fox, Vi-

405 Church St

ns, 1942 hatch and. roost-.
hatch, R. I. Reds, $12.- |

r lot; 3 hens and rooster,
ds, 0. Part


>| 11 mos.



35 Ro Hed (10 was. old

pullets, 75c ea. Mrs. Lilla B. |

Smith, Cochran, Rt. 2.

March hatch N. H. Red roost-
ers, $1-50-ea.- Mrs. 3.0. Mc-
Gough, Lilly.

10 AAA Bane ter Reds,

pure strain, 9 mos. old pullets,

laying daily, 1 rooster, $1.75
ea. $19.00 for lot. Must sell at
once. H. B. Lowery, eae
Rt. 1

2 N. H Red hens. 4B. R

s hens, 19 Parmenter Reds, se-
lect, young, Jaying ~1 fine Par-

me r rooster, $50.00; also 50
Buff Orp. pullets and 2 roost-

ers. 6 mos. old, $50.00 for lot..

Here. Mrs. iss B Clases,


3 Donaldson dark red roost-

$2.00 ea. Mrs. Geo. M.

Hes Atlanta, 2821 Alston
DiS, Ph, De-6457.

3-A N. H. Red pullets, 12
wks. old: in lots 20 or more,
$125 6a, 200 (No HER. fryers,
2-3 lbs. in 100 lb. lots or more,
35c Ib. Exp. col. P. B. Brown,
Ball Ground, Rt. 1. aa

mos. old, from blood-tested
stock, $1.25 ea. Mrs. Frank
Thomas, LaFayette, Rt. 4.

50 3-A N. H. Red hens, $2.00
ea. (100 head to choose from),
at yard. Elmer Clifton, Sum-
Mite Rice |BOx-s.

5 very dark red Donaldson |

Cc. R. 1 Red: roosters,
old. Healthy, thrifty.
A real bargain, $2.50 ea. (See


at 556 Memorial Dr. near St.

Mtn.) Mrs. Chester S. Haynie,
Stone Mountain, Rt. 1, Box

N. H. Red ea cock-

erels at reasonable prices. Gen-
uine Hampshirs>s, wt. 8 to 10
lbs. ea. and in excellent con-
dition. Harry Poole, Warwick.

13 nic. Red roosters, Feb.
1943 hatch, $1.50 ea. Red -hens
for market, 28e lb. Will ship
if crates furnished. not pre-
paid. Mrs. G. ee Clifton, Mil-
len. ?


Speckled Sussex rooster, 300
eggs, $1.00 per 15, $1.75 for
2 settings. J. C. Daves, Elli-
jay, Rt 3. Box 719.



2 Bronze Aes toms, Mar.
hatch, tir for breeding stock,
or will exc. for 2 turkey hens,
same age. Mrs. G. A. Kent,

Moran, Rts 1.

4 large Bronze turkeys, Apr.
1943 hatch, 1 tom, wt. around
20 Ibs. 3 hens, wt. around 14
Iba $25.00 for lot. Also 10
to 15 gocd laying hens, $1.50
ea. Mrs. Mary E. Thompson,
East Point, 1218 N. Main St.

3 Muscovy Ducks, 1 drake,
all grown $4.50 for lot, or will
exe. for a pig. M. C. Tanner,
Gainesville, Rt. 3.

la ae white Pekin dr ne
$1. os eas Also Pekin duck
eggs, $1.25 for 12. Wilson Car-
son, Griffin, Rt. C.

Bronze turkey gobbler and
1 hen, wt. approximately 30
Ibs., $10.00 for pair. T. G.. O-
Kelley, Maysville, Rt. 1.

13. large white Muscovy

ducks: ay 1 drake, about 6
ie _old $15.00 or $1.25 ea. | _

| ville, 207 Main St.

tf. Red cockerels, 10.

| children. Want


ae Blue Speckied guineas, 6
are: and rooster, $7. nee FOB.:
Crating extra. Mrs. Cc. T
jams, Dailas, Rt. 2.

2 ducks, $2.75. or $1.00:ea; 1
pr. White Pekins,-$4.00 for pr.
FOB; 2 large Ny Z,. White buck

|} rabbits, 14 mos. old, $5.50, or
| $3.00-ea; want a turkey hen;

about 10 lbs. nee Hodges,
Bogart. . =:




1 Want 200 AAA W. Li: baby

chicks. to raise on. halves to
18 wks. old. I furnish feed: you
pay xpress o me. P. B. San-
ders, Mitchell, Rt. 1.

Want 2 Sussex baby chicks.
E. Lovvorn, Carrollton, 39
No. Cliff St.

Will pay $11. 50 for 100 ban-
tams or any small breed or
mixed small breed
postpaid, between April 15th

Reese, Pittsburg.

Want 500 Cornish baby
chicks. Henry King, Barnes-


~ Want first class pit game
cockerels, wt, 5% Ibs. and up.
R. H. Cre wford, Tiger.


Want 3 to 400 young 18 in
hens on halves. Both pay oe
and share profit. Have good
house and give good care. Mrs.
Jody Sims, Roswell, Rt. 1.


Want Speckled guineas. Ad-
vise number and price. G. Ay
Coward, Savannah, 220 West
Bay St.

Want some fumnens for
breeding purposes. Pat Kesler,
Clarkesville. (On the McMill-
an: Hail). 2


Want 12 R. C. Silver Lace
Wyandotte hens, March. or
April hatch. J. 'R. Anderson,
Elberton, Ret. 3.

Man, white: 67 years old: in
good heclth, wants work as
yardman and other light work
on farm. Room, board and
small pay. Frederick Bianzano,
care of Mrs. Wm. Duckworth,
East Point, 974 Ben Hill RAS
*phone Ca 1360. :

Want job on truck farm on
50-50 basis near good market,
or will take job- as superin-
tendent. Well exp. in general
ee ae Earl Herring, Ma-

- Want get in touch with par-
ty who has good light 1-H.
crop. Raise chickens on 50-50
basis. Have general farming
exp. Write what you have in
first Jetter. Am 39 yrs. old,
with wife, 6 children. Frank
F,. Fulghum, Canton, Rt. 2.

Want 1 H. farm on halves.
Born and raised on farm, op-
erate any type tractor and
truck. Exp. hog and _ cattle
raising. 38 yrs. old, wife, 2
good _ house,
near school or school. bus:
wood, water, lights. Have be
moved and furnished. Robert
Daton McDaniel, Jr., Macon,
Rt. 6, eare Holleman Dairy.

Want 1-H crop on shares:
wife and self, ages 44 and 48
yrs. old. Must be furnished
transportation. Will refund la-
tere. Ready. anytime. . 15
Yancy. Hapeville.


Want man to work 6 to 8000
turpentine faces. Will furnish
good house withxelec. lights:
Mrs. J.. . Goosldby, Alma, Rt.

Want family, 2 plow hands,
for farm N. Monroe, between
paved roads, school bus and
mail routes. Lge. 3-R. house,
elec, well at door, handy barn,
woo , pasture, good land and
young: nules, Carl-Perry, Mon-
roe, Rt. 3. .

Want farm family of 2 to 4
workers, good house on Bank-
head Hwy. farm 2 mi. E. Co.
Seat tao. Mandeville, Car-
rollton, Box 268, Tel. 127.

2 Tant nan to. help suporvise
. Write at once. Mrs. Jeff.


. Will-
3 Puddle ducks, drake and:

and May 15th. Accept 4 ship- |
}ments. Pay % now. Will W.

-5-R. house with


it is necessary that we

: preciated.


. Beginning with our: April Flower and
_ Supplement to the Bulletin, we will only. publ
NURSERY. STOCK notices that reach this of
ue (222 State. Capitol) between the dates of t
10th and 25th ofthe month. Any such ty
| tices: received before the. 10th or later th

cin to

| and because of. receiving So. great a are one 0

make eae

Your sincere cooperation will be deep!


_ Editor - Bulletin. 3

, chicks, | See

i ss - . ; $
Want farmer, white or col.

for 1 or 2-H crop. Fine land,

asture, out buildings,
city cony.
(Sereened and wired). 5 me


S. Hapeville, No. 41 Hwy.) H
; Brock, Bey eS

Want 1 hand to help with
farm work, also. Has 1 cow.
Salary and board. J. V. Ma-
lear, Palmetto. Rt. c

Want farmer for 2-H crop
in Hall County. House furnish-
ed. Good chance. Boscomb Os-
borne, Clermont, Rt.

Want col. woman for farm
work, $7.50 wk. and _ board.
Mrs. M. Johnson, Atlanta,
3101 Mowelk Mill Rd., N.

for farm work, drive. car, help
with garden and chickens. Pay
reas. wages. Mrs. Hs Cox,
DuP dnt.

Want white man and wife
for smail farm on halves. Ref.
exch. Also want young, gentle
wagon and plow horse. Must
be reasonable. B. C. Langley,
Atlanta, 815 Angier Spring Ra.
Ve 27 88.

Want wage hand at once,
white or colored. E.J. Rob-
ertson, Summit.

Want man with family for
2 or 3-". crop, third and four-
th, or standing rent; 2 good
houses, barn, good pasture, on
school . bus route, near good
church. 9 mi. from Monroe.
Walton County. Miss Vennie
Lee Bulloch, Atlanta, 269 Su-
therland Terrace, Westie

Want white or ccl. farm
hand on 50-50 basis, or wages,

-1, 44room and 1, 2-room house.

Tractor and plenty stock, good
land, 4 miles, Thomaston, on
good roads, near churches. J.
7. Hlarris, Thomaston, Rt... 3:

Want man with small fam-
ily to work crop on 50-50 bas- |
is; good Jand and stock, lot
of manure. A. J. Sims, Flow-
ery Branch, fb.

Want farmer ot, 63 Aopen

Jand, 4-R. house, barn, pas- |

ture, wood, on thirds and
fourths, rT standing rent. 1-H.
crop or more. Mail
bus routes by door. W. W. Mc-
Pherson, Villa Rice
Want farmer for. 2:11. river
fruit farm, 5-R. ceiled house,
barns. pasture, on school bus

and mail routes. Plenty: wood.
Standing rent. Also man for

1-H... trait one erop on 50-50

basis. Mr. S. Storer, Doug- |

lasville, RE ae

Want whiic woman, not over
45 yrs., to live in home and do
farm work, $25.00 mo., room
and board. Mrs. B. E, Tharpe,
Decatur, 204 4th Ave. Phone
after 6:00. P. M., Cr 2750. ;

Want white man and wife to
look after small dairy and
farm. Pay satisfactory salary
and furnish house. Apply. F.
H:. Hattrich. core Lanier Hotel,

| Macon.

Want abic bodied woman to
live in hone with aged couple
and do small amount of farm
work. State salary expected.
Mrs. John Rhodes, Demorest,
Reda Box 15: :

Want settled couple live in
home and do farm work.
Have John Deere tractor. Good
salary to right people. T. H.
Kiker. Fairmount, Rt. J.

Want good plow hand (mar-
ried or single), for wages at
once. .. W. A. Moore, Haddock,
Rt. eae S

Want parts for Sia 1-H, crop,

-bale*coiton to a., good. bottom
jand, building and pasture, on 4

thir ds. and fourths. R. J. ee

Want settled white woman ,

oe : : : ze eer

- Want col. family for
work, 50-50 basis,. by
share crop or any wa

8 mi. W. Macon, on
hwy., 5-R. ceiled eS V
immediately. D. ._ Fou
Lizella. Reek =

Want unincumber ed,

|) wk., room and board.


A. Middlebrooks, Riverds
Want large family on
Will pay top wages. -Yo
have some land for half

Good house, wood, and ga
equipment furnished.

. Hart, Thomasville, Rt.

Want exp. reliable ma
small dairy farm in De
county. Permanent place
round, for straight -m Ly
wages. H. D. Florence., At

| lanta, P. O. Box 942.

Farm-of 504a., about
clutivation; 3 room house
-ture, running water, good bai
on. third- fourth, or standi
rent. &. M. go E)
wood Rts)

Want man and wit
small, nice, healthy family,
work patches, corn crop,
1-H. crop, and look after th
around farm, near good t
paved hwy. E. mea
Yatesville, Rt. 1.

Want eol. couple, abou
yrs. old. Have. 2- Ag
garden and hog lot.
lights, aaet deseo $12.0

~ Jonesboro)

Want man or Hoe fo
work, One who can ri
horse. Reasonable wages, ro
and: board. <2Ne Rey

Want exp. farmer to oe
land,- good pasture, ba

wood, water. 3-R.h
condition, Use
farm implements can be
ranged. Standing rent.
Brown, College Parke: Re
(Fairburn Rd. i

Want a farm ian man
wife, white or colored, to wo
on 50-50 basis or salary.
by day or month.
Cheek, Lawrenceville. |

Want farmers for 4-H. -
good land, houses, water
pastures, plenty wood
school and mail routes
farmer for 40-A. farm
land, houses, etc. 7 mi.
son. Standing rent.
-MeGill. Dawson.

Want 1 or 2 men for L-
2 1-H: erops on: 50=50 -
Good land, houses, on ma
school bus routes. B. O. Cle
land. Locust Grove. Rive

good 4-R. house: well o
water in yd.; good land,

Good tools and mules.
Keown. Adairsville, Rt. ob

Want good farmer for 2
farms on 50-50- basis,
straight salary. Charles
Queen, Newnan. Rt. oa

Want _ couple


Rt 3. Box 388.

Want farmer tor 1-H.
5 mi. S. Franklin, known
B. Cooley place: 100 a
good houseand pasture.
Barber, Hast Point.
