Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1939 April 15


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SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1939. -


op Prospects and the Market Conditions

tlanta Produce Market

ment On Atlanta Farmers Market
tinues Brisk Under Heavy Supplies

uck receipts have been moderate to liberal
ig the past two weeks and movements have
fairly steady. CABBAGE offerings have been
light with a wide range in quality. The de-
for good quality cabbage has been good and
ales were around $2.50 bulk per 100 Ilbs.,

h poorer quality selling for $1.50 to $2.00.
-COLLARDS have been arriving in limited
ntity and selling mostly for 75 to 90c per
bunches. Poorer stock sold for mostly 50c
ozen bunches. The MUSTARD GREEN sup-
as been liberal with quality from fair to gen-
lly good. In lots, sales have been bringing 50c

Oc per bushel with very few holdovers.
REEN ONIONS have been arriving by truck
express with the demand fair, and _ selling
y for 30c to 40c per dozen bunches. At the
nt time the market is over supplied with
GLISH PEAS and prices have declined to the
t level of the season. Best quality peas are

1g for $1.25 to $1.40 per bushel hamper, and.

r quality as low as 75c.

"HE ASPARAGUS movement hasbeen slow,
ially on small sizes. Approximately 95% of
eceipts have been from South Carolina. :
PINACH receipts have been mostly Georgia

and prices are ranging from 50c to 75c per.

1, The TURNIP supply has been unusually
, but has moved out fairly steady at from 35c
0c per dozen bunches; with the best quality
g as high as 65c. The SALAD supply has
een heavy, with fair quality and steady outlet.

bee pee eee

-rices of Fresh Vegetables
ces of fresh vegetables prevailing on State
ners Market, Atlanta, today, April 12th: .
ns. Lima; Ford Hooks, bu. hamper -$2.75-$3.00
1s, Snap. round stringless, per bu. ha. 1-60--1.85
$, per dozen bunches 60- 65
yage. domestic round type, bulk, ewt, 2.00- 2.50
ards, per .dozen punches 50-
umbers, per bushel basket 2.50
plant, per bushel hamper 1.00
uistard Greens. per bushel hamper ---- . 60
Onions, green, per dozen bunshes - 3 40
Peas, Green, per bushel hamper 1.46
Pepper, per bushel hamper 2.25
otatoes, Cobblers, per 100 Ib. bag _-_ 2.00
Radishes, per dozen bunches 3 AG
Spinach, per bushel hamper ---------.. 65
quash, per bushel hamper 1.75
weet Potatoes, Porto Rican, bulk, cwt. 1.50
fomatoes, unwrapped, per crate _____- 3.50
rnips, bunched, per dozen bunches _ . 50


nip Salad, per bushei hamper : AB


3 s ey ay t es t
: *Eggs quoted below on the Atlanta Market are for eggs that have not been candled or graded for quality. Eggs that have been graded and are guaranteed
grade A quality are bringing 3c to 5c premium. U. S. Fancies are bringing 8c premiu

to be offered to the retail trade.

Atlanta: Augusta

16 .20
4 18

| Turkeys

Oats, per bushel
Wheat et
Sweet Potatoes, per 100 Ibs.
bbage (green, per 100 lbs.)
cabbage (white, per 100 lbs.)
Peavine Hay, No. 1, ton
Peanut Hay, No. 1, ton
panish peanuts, No. 1
0 , (prime)
vottonseed Meal, 7 per cent
yttonseed Meal, 8 per cent

Barnes-. |

Mr. Frank J. Merriam Dies

Mr. Frank J. Merriam, editor of the Market

Bulletin, died at his home near. Jonesboro, Friday,

April 7, and funeral services and burial were in

He was appointed editor early in 1937 by Hon.
Columbus Roberts, Commissioner, and he was well
known to the readers of the Bulletin through his
articles in each issue. :
~ Mr. Merriam was well known in Georgia, and
the South, having been a farmer and he was also
for a long time connected with the Southern Rural-
ist, a Georgia farm paper.

. Market Bulletin Editor Named

Columbus Roberts, Commissioner of Agricul-
ture, announces the appointment of Mr. Stiles A.
Martin, Statistician, of the Department of Agri-
culture, as Editor of the Market Bulletin, succeed-
ing Mr. Frank J. Merriam, who.died April 7th.
Mr. Martin will fill this post in addition to his
work as Satistician, thus saving the salary of a sep-
arate Editor of the Market Bulletin.

Commissioner Roberts states that Mr. Martin
is well qualified for filling this place on account of
his long experience in newspaper work, his back-
grourld as a farmer and following a close study of
the farmers needs, and his vital interest in improv-
ing market conditions. as.

~Glennville and Claxton Area.

The planting of tomatoes started in the Glenn-
ville-Claxton area:March 3rd and has continued up
until now. Cucumbers, snap beans, okra and other
acreace will be about the same as those of the past
two years.

The Thomasville Market

\ The Thomasville market is now. beginning to

load cabbage in carload lots, however, the loadings

are still scattered. The quality here is reported fair
to good. Movements of produce at other markets
in South Georgia is reported to begin about May 10.

Rural-Urban Conference

Plans have been completed for the Second Ru-
ral-Urban Conference to be held in Atlanta Friday
and Saturday, April 28-29, Mrs. Robin Wood, Di-
rector Womens Division of the State Department
of Agriculture, announces. ;

The purpose of the conference is to create a
better feeling between city and farm women,
whereby the problems of each may be discussed,
including education, temperance, training for the
young people, programs for family life, ete.

A wider use of products of the farmers and farm

Black- | Clarkes- | Dawson

ville | shear ville

women will be pushed and Taft Hall at the City ae

Auditorium, where the sesions will be held, will

be used as a market place where rural women ~

can display and sell their choicest jelly, jams,
preserves, pickles, needle-work, handicraft Bs

- Fifty rural women and men from every county

in Georgia are expected as delegates and all farm _
women and men are urged by Mrs. Wood to at-
tend. Rural delegates will be entertained free in

Atlanta homes.
The speakers

invited include Hon. J. Edgar

Hoover, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,

Washington; Judge Camille Kelly,. of Memphis;
Hon. Basil O Conner, of New York, former law
partner of President Roosevelt; Miss Dorothy Due=
ess, of New York; Senator Richard B. Russell; Gov-

ernor KE. PD: -Rivers, Chief - Justice. Charlie Reid;

Hon. Lawyence Camp; Hon. Columbus Roberts;

Mrs. Pauline Branyon, of the Atlanta Georgian; Be

Mr Lambdin Kay, of the Atlanta Journal; Mr.

Ralph McGill, of the Atlanta Constitution; Dr. M.

D. Collins; Dr. S. V. Sanford; Hon. Braswell Deen;
Miss Lurline Collier; Dr. Ellis A. Fuller; Hon. G,
V. Cunningham; Mrs. Frank A. Dennis; Hon. An-
drew Avery; Mrs. Thomas McAllister; Edith Moore

Rogers; Mrs. M. E. Curls; Miss Edwina Wood; Miss. > 4

Kathryn Lanier, Mrs. Lulie Mize; Mrs. J. A. Rol-
lison; idrs. A: B. Conger and others

Atlanta Wool Prices

Free Grease Wool 2T2c per ih.
Light Burry 24c per lb.
Medium Burry

Heavy Burry 17e per Ib. A

| Heavy Smooth Hogs, 240 lbs. up


vision Company and subject to change daily:
No: 41; Soft Hogs, 180. to; 240 lbs 2 2 $5.96 |
No. 2 Soft Hogs 150 to 180 lbs. 546 7
Mors3: -Solt Hoes 130500" 160 lbs = a
No. 4 Soft Hogs, 110 to 130 lbs. :
No. 5 Soft. Hogs, 60 to 110 Ibs.

Strictly Corn Fed Hogs
180 to 240 lbs. __6.90 150 to 175 lbs. __5,40
245 to 300 lbs. __6.65 135 to 145 lbs. _.6.15
300 Ibs. up ----6,40 down130 lbs. down __5.40
Albany soft hogs were quoted at 6.75 for
market top. ;

Cattle: Fat good quality fed steers and heifers, 4
$8 to $9; medium kinds, $6.50 to $7.50; fat native
yearlings $6 to $6.50; fleshy kinds $5 to $5.50. Fat |
cows, $5.50 to $6; common and medium $4.50 to
$5.50; canners mostly $3.75 to $4. Gcod bulls $5.50] ~
to $6; common, $4.50 to $5. Good calves $8 to $9; |
medium, 6 to $7; throwouts, $3.50 to $5.


m. Unclassified, current receipts and yard-run eggs are not permitted


Macon | Metter | Mt.

12%6-.15 J5

20| 17

.20 15


| aes AS


ATLANTA, April 12As quoted by White Pro- | _

4.65 |


20% per Ib |

Established by J. J. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture
March 1, 1917

Published Semi-Monthly by
Executive Office: State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia
Publishing Office Covington, Ga.

Notify on FORM 3578Burean

of Markets, 222 State Capitol.

Entered as second class matter August 1, 1937. at the Post
Office at Covington. Georgia under the Act of June 8. 1930 Ac-
cepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec-
tion 1103. Act of October 8, 1917.

Notices of farm produce and appurtenances admissable under
postage regulations inserted one time on each request and Te-
peated only when request is accompanied by new copy of notice

Limited space will not permit insertions of notice containing
more than 30 words including name and address.

Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not
assume any responsibility for any notice appearing in the Bul-



Dahlia tubers, dbl. bright red,
7 in. velvet, dark red, variegated,
white, 4 for 25c, 8 for 40c; blue
Iris 50 C; 20c doz. Add postage
on orders under $1. No stamps.
Miss Beulah Frye, Dallas Rt. 3.

Canterbury Bell, rooted, pink
Almond, 30c ea.; dbl. red geran-
jums, 1 yr. 50 ea ; pink Fairy lil-
jes, 30c doz.; watermelon Crepe
Myrtle, lilacs, 30c ea., daffodiis
$1.25 C. Ruth Head, Bremen.

American Beauty rose, rooted,
i5c ea.; Forsythia lilac, pink
Crepe Myrtle, Brides Wreath,
butterfly bush, January jasmine,
40c ea., $1 doz; cannas, biue
flags and lemon lilies, 75c doz.;
Inez Patterson. Waco, Rt. 2.

Tris, purple, 75c C, white nar-
gissi @60c C, postage paid. Exc.
. for white feed sacks, free from
letters and holes. Mrs. Seaborn
Gilstrap, Alto.

Cherokee roses, red and silver
maples, redbud, red dogwood.
erabapple, purple lilac. 3 for 25;
Japonieas. English dogwood. Ti-
ger lilies, 2 for 25c; galax Arbu-
tus. 10c per doz. Add postage.
Ruth Wilson, Loving.

Blue iris, purple violets, Pri-
yet hedge $1.00 C; eunonymous
$1.56 each; lemon lilies 25c a
dozen; white narcissus 75c doz-
en, Mrs. R. E. Stembridge. Ella

Larkspur, mix. cols. butter and
eges 25c doz.; shasta daisies,
whiie primroses; foxglove; pink

verbena; mix. cols. evergreen;
' hollyhocks, 30c doz. sweetpea
plants 5c ea.; cannas 10 clump.
Mrs. H. R. Tallant, Cumming,
Ri. 2

Pink almonds, Japonicas, Rose,
_.of Sharon, red roses, golden bells:

5c each, 6 for 25c; jonquils, pur-
ple iris day lilies, narcissus 50c
; crepe myrtles 2 for 25c. Add
postage. Lizzie Barnes, Oakman.

Small rooted boxwoods $1.90
dozen; jonquils, blue iris $4.00 M
delivered. Mrs. Dessie J. Pruitt,
R*. |. Box 67, Dahlonega.

Vellow white narcissus, orange
lies, snowdrops. $1.00 C: tiger
likes, azaleas, Mtn. laurel, rhc-
dodencrons red Japonicas, gola-
en bells, coralberry, dogwood,
guince $1.00 dozen. Jean Penland

White spider lilies, 75 dozen;
ixed mums, iris, hollyhocks;
white fairy lilies 15 dozen;
double cannas 25 dozen; King
Alfred daffodils, orange day lil-
des 50c C, All blooming size
bu'bs. Opal Gray, Rt. 2, Bremen.

White, red, pink Conch green
Jeaf, maple begonias, white pur-
ple, salmon, 3 shades of pink, 4
of red and American Beauty Ge-
raniums; pink rain lilies 10c ea.
Add postage. Miss Lucy Mae
Partain, Rt. 1, Royston.

Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurel.
azaleas $1.00 dozen; native ferns
30c dozen; $1.00 C; January Jas-
mine 40c each tame azaleas 50c
each; globe arborvitaes 2 for $1.
Mrs. W. M. Garren, Morganton.

Cape Jasmine, tall boxwood
euttings, reddish orange cannas,
purple iris. orange day lilies sa
eack; rooted boxwood. A. W. red
Spirea, Van H., Snowdrop, dbl.
spirea, 25 each. Eva Strickland,
Whitesburg. .

Junipers 4 ft. 6 for $5.00; ev-
erblooming sweet violets, purple
and sky blue iris le. ea. in lots
Of 25; jonquils, daffodils 20c doz.;
purple lilac 3 for 25c. Mrs. W.
Wiche, Rt. 3, Bx. 69, Ellijay.

12 arborvitaes about 5 ft. tail

$2.56 each; 8 smaller size 75c to

$1.25 each: 2 Jumipers 6 ft.. $2.50

each; 6 cypress 10-15 ft., $1.00-

$200. Write Mrs. F: L. Fricks,

Rt. i, Ta'king Rock, ~ ;
Yellow Jasmine, 5-6 in. box-

wood, yellow thornless rose 10

ach $100 dozen; Junipers 2-8

ft high 25 to $2.00; different
--eolors mums 15e dozen. dahlias |
40e dozen, 3 for $1.00. Mrs. John

_ Gilstrap. Alto.

-> ABs Pelme and

plants, 3 for $1.00, $3.00 dozen.
. Cc. D. Decker, Brunswick.


| 50 dozen;




evergreen. ever-
green oak, tea olives, red and
yellow honeysuckles, dogwood,

umbrella china,. yellow jasmine,
Sweet shrubs, red and pink crepe
myrtle 1 to 4 ft.. 10 to 35 each.
Add postage. Mrs. O. W. Colson,
Rt. 2, Toomsboro.

Foxglove, sweet Williams, 40c\

dozen; butter and eggs, Star ot
Bethlehem 25 dozen, azaleas
10 each, lavendar crape myrtle
25c each. Add postage. Mrs. Le-
tha N. Parks, RFD 3, Ellijay.

About 15 varieties chrysanthe-
mums, all double, mostly large
type, now ready for transplant-
ing 25c dozen, or 2 dozen 45c.
Mrs. Dock Denney, Rt. 2, Box
36, Calhoun.

May narcissus bulbs 75 C;
blue flags $1.00 C; Star of Beth-~
lehem bulbs 10 dozen, 75 C;
bridal wreath 10c each. 90c doz-
en; lemon plants 15c each. Add
postage. Mrs. Doyle Conner,

Blue iris lilies 20c dozen: lav-

-endar lilac bushes 10 each; oid
fashioned fall pinks 15. dozen; !

King Alfred daffodils 15 dozen.
All postpaid. Mrs. Carl B. Davis,
Rt. 1, Temple.

Purple lilac, well rooted 10c
each, several hundred privet
hedge. well rooted 10 dozen, 75<
C plus postage. Stanley Craw-
ford, RFD 2, Bowdon.

Hyacinth bulbs for sale. Write
Mrs. M. D. Waters, Plains.

Blue Butterfly, pink spirea, 3
for 25c; altheas,; white and pur-
ple, Mtn. ferns. red azaleas 31.00
dozen; boxwoods globe arborvi-
tae 2 for $1.00, rooted, silver Jun-
iper $1.00 each. Mrs. W. M. Gar-
ren, Morganton,

Lilies-Baby white Bethlehem
star, Fairy 10c dozen; dbl. varie-
gated, lemon, orange, Henryl,
Nerine blue star 10c each; but-
terfly, ginger 15 each, 2 for 25e;
exchg. for sacks. Grover Lewis,
Rt. 2, Toomsboro.

_Gladiola bulbs, large size, red,
Pink $1.00 dozen; King Alfred
bulbs, large size 75 C. No checks.

Mrs. Lora Shuemake, Rt. 4;
4-6 in. boxwood 60c dozen,

$3.50 C, 200 for $5.50; 1-2 it.
crepe myrtle $2.00 doz.; $1.00 C;
10-12 in. _Oriental arbor-vitaes
$1.25 dozen. All del. Maude Ham-
by, Greenville. . :

Cannas-King Humbert red
with bronze, Hugarian pink, City
Portland pink. President red,
Yellow King Humbert $2.00 Cc;
Eureka white and Cepper Giant
Ret C. Mrs. O, V. Camp, Cor-


Red, yellow azaleas, red, white
dogwoods, -redbuds 10c each;
Mtn. laurels, spruce pines, Jap-
onicas 15c each; 1 dozen assort-
ed roses $1.00. Add pastage. Mrs.
Grady Abercrombie, Loving.

Gold Eagle Glads 2c each, 18
dozen, mixed le each: water
lilies 25c; few select named dah-
lias $1.25 dozen. Orders over 60c
prepaid. Theodore Holt, Ep-

25 varieties large type chrysan-
themums, all colors, glodms 6-8
in. across. Won Ist prize last
year. Labeled plants 35 for $1.65.
65 for $2.75; smaller types 25 for
$1.15. Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Edi-

Petunia, phlox, pansies, lark-
spur plants 15 dozen, 2 doz. 25c:
lemon lilies and white iris 25c
dozen; pink and white climbing
roses, rooted, 25 each. Miss
Nellie Beeland, Rt. 1, Reynolds.

4 or 5 arborvitaes 2141-3 ft.
50c each, all for $2.00; red Jap-
onicas 25c each, red, white dog-
wood, 10 choice roses, flowering
$1.00 . dozen. Add
oe Mrs. Mae Wright, Lov-

$10.00; Eliza London Shepard
35 each; blue perennial phiox,
red Pyracantha or
five thorn 50c each; peonies.
$2.50 a dozen. Mrs. S. W. Sloan

Mrs. Warner dahlia bulbs!
Jarkspur, cream eolor





Boxwood, small leaf, dark

All colors dahlia bulbs 20c

green, slow growing var.; Javen-!| each; ail col. azaleas 35c dozen;

ger lilacs, Tiger and milk and
wine lily bulbs. Miss Irene Snell-
ings, Elberton, 131 College Ave.

Mixed colors larkspur plants 2,
| dozen 25c postpaid. For smaller

amounts add postage. Have other
flowers. Orene Sanders, Rt. 2,

Pansy plants, larkspur, scarlet,
lavendar and pink verbenas and
other plants. Mrs. C. E. Nash,
Lawrenceville Rd. 3% miles from

Red, white dogwoods. azaleas,
white pines 3 ft. high $1.00 doz-
en; Mt. fern. galax, daffodil 25c

| dozen, Add postage. G. M. Wil-

son, Hurst.
Dahlias-named, gold, rose, red,
mauve, pink, autumn, Jersey

Beauty, blooms 9 in. 15 each,
$1.00 dozen; Cape Jasmine. 3

years ald in pots 75c. Bessie Mar-|

tin, Rt. 5, Gainesviile.

Double chrysanthemums,
white, pink, yellow, large kinds.
white and yellow small 50c doz-
en; cushion mums, pink and
bronze 4 for 25c. Postpaid. Mrs.
H. L. Authony, Rt. 2, Columbus.

Large red or yellow dahlias
and red azaleamums $1.00 dozen
with 6 pink cushion mums free;
mixed unlabeled mums 20 for
$1.00. Mrs. H. A. Everson,. Rt.
A, Cordele.

dodendrons, hemlock. Mtn. ivy,
spruce, azaleas. white pine, root-
ed, moss packed, 20 in. $1.00 doz-
en; 3-3% ft., $2.00 dozen; mimo-
so. cedar, Scotch broom 50 each.
Prepaid. Gordon Hunnicutt, Tal-
lulah Fails.

Mixed colors larkspur, butter
and eggs, white primroses, Shas-
ta daisies, pink verbena, mixed
colors mums 30c dozen; pink pe-
rennial sweet pea, red and yel-
low cannas, honeysuckle 20c ea.
Mrs. M. G. Lummus, Rt. 2 Cum-

White rhododendrons, Min.
laurels, mixed colors, azaleas, red
dogwoods, white and black pines,
white dogwoods, crabapple, ma-
ple, pussywillows, 3 ft. high, root-
ed $100 dozen. Add postage. E.
G. Pickelsimer, Morganton.

Geraniums, begonias, ferns,
eaetus, sultanans, Jews, rainbow
moss. Granduke Jasmine, Jus-
tica, fuchsia 10c each. Exchg. for
honey, syrup, purebred chicken
or turkey eggs. Mrs. Laz Wiggins,
Buena Vista.

.Redbuds, azaleas, white, red
dogwood red, silver maples,
white pines, Cherokee roses, cor-
alberry, crabapple, pussy willows,
3 for 25c; jonquils, daffodils,
trailing arbutus, evergreen galax
15c dozen. Add postage. Bessie
Cochran, Leving.

Daffodil yellow gladiolus with
cherry blotch in throat; crimson
red, gladiola bulbs 10c dozen;
yellow King Humbert eannas
with red variations 2 roots 10c
Add postage. Miss Willora Stal-
vey, Dupont.

Large trumpet yellow daffo-
dils, April white narcissus, pur-
ple iris day lilies 25c dozen $1.00
C;. Queen of May (pink) Queen
of the Gypsies iris 6 for 25c. Mrs.
Emma Clayton, Roy.

Dahlias Warner, Jersey
Beauty, Alex. Waldie, Sylvia,
Dr. Levis, Queen Mary, Fort

Monmouth, Sagamore and oth-
ers, $1.25 dozen postpaid. Mrs.
John Bell, Rt. 2, Duluth.

Red, yellow azaleas, crabapple
pines, Mtn. laurels 15 each; 12
10 each; red Japonicas, spruce
choice roses $1.00; pink trailing
arbutus 25c dozen. Rooted. Add
postage. Mrs. Jessie Abercrom-
bie, Loving.

Bireh sprouts, azaleas, hem-
lock, coralberry, rhododendrons,
laurel red and silver maples, red
and white dogwood, Cherokee
roses, Mtn. tea berry 3 for 25c.
Add postage. S. H. Abercrombie,
Mineral Bluff.

Red dogwood, azaleas, 6 for
25c; white pines 4 for-25c; ever-
green galax 5c dozen; Mtn. lau-
rel 5 for 25c. Add postage. Vin-
son Abercrombie, Mineral Bluff.

Azateas, redbud, pink Chero-
kee roses, Min. laurel, rhododen-
dron, pink red, yellow dogwocd,
white pines, holly bush, crabap-
ple pussy willows 3 ft. high, root-
ed postpaid $1.00 dozen. Miss
Sada Wilson, Morganton.

About 25 mixed colors dahlias
50c dozen; mixed gladiolus 35c
dozen; mixed colors phiox,
mums, blue and white violets
day lilies, bluegrass snowdrops.
March flowers 24 for 25c. Mrs.
Willis Grindle, Rt. 1, Dahlonega.

Larkspur plants 20c C; red,
white and pink geranium cut-
tings, Xmas. cactus, red, white,
pink waxleaf begonia, striped
grass atl cuttings 6 for 25c; Ada
postage. Mrs. Mollie Gable, Tal-
lapoosa, Rt. 2.

Foxgloves, fall pinks,
rose bush cuttings 15cdoz. red
crepe myrtle, red Japonicas 20c
each. Add. postage. Exchg. for
anything can use. Mrs. Jobn All-

| yed,. RFD 2, Tallapoosa. ,

Evergreens, Mtn. laurels, rho-,|


hop vine 25 each: dwarf arbor-
vitae boxwood 25c each. Add

| postage. Mrs. R. P. Smith, Rt.

1, Ellijay.

Mtn. laurels, spruce,
pines $1.00 dozen; all colors az-
aleas 40c dozen; boxwoods 18-20
in. high rooted, 25c each; dbl.
yellow Japonicas, 20c each. Add
postage. J. R. Hicks, Rt. 2, Elii-

Privet hedge 6-8 in. 1c each;
American Beauty Rambler roses
25c each. Not mailable. No check
or stamps. Emma Tomlin, Rt. 1,
Mt. Airy. _ a

Arborvitaes, 2 ft. 40c; ponpon
2-3 ft. 6 for $1.00; Mtn. laurel,
azaleas, red and white dogwood:
redbud, pink Cherokee _ roses,

crabapple 2 yrs. 15 for, $1.00. Jean

Dickey, Morganton
Lge. type pink chrysanthemums
red and gold physostegia, golden

rod. Exchg. for other flowers at. colors 35 dozen;

the same value. Mrs. J. V. Kerce.!

Rt. 2, Cartersville.

.~Cherokee roses, red buds, pus-
sy willows, red and white dog-
wood. red and silver maples, 3
for 25c; perennial phlox, sweet
scented violets, trailing arbutus
15e dozen; white jonquils 75 C.
Add postage. Susie Wilkins, Mor-

Chrysanthemums extra large
type, red, yellow, variegated.
deep yellow (incurved) big pur-
Ple flate petals, 18 plants 25c
plus 10 postage. No stamps.
Harold Pass, Point Peter.

seed 1938 crop 40 per Jb. plus
postage; 3 cedar trees (Arbor-
vitae) average 9 ft. tall 50c each
at home. Mrs. Alice Garner. Pal-

Large type dahlia tubers 6
colors, 50c dozen; golden yellow
and white violets, trailing arbu-
tus, evergreen galax, 15 dozen;
dwarf azaleas, 75c dozen. Miss
Dot Wilson, Culberson, N. C.
(Res. of Ga.)

Snowball cedar, white and
spruce pines, azaleas. rhododen-
drons. lily bushes, white, pink
and bjue lilacs any size 2-4 ft..

13 for 25c. Add postage. Mrs. J.

T. Grindle, Rt. 1 Murrayville.

Amur River hedge plants 15-
18 in. high, rooted. $1.00 C del.;
perennial phlox pink. lavendar
and white. rooted, 25 dozen;
mixed double dahlias 50c dozen.
Mrs. A. C, Gladden, Rt. 2, Tal-

Mtn. laurels, white pine, hem-
lock rhododendron 90c dozen;
crabapple, sweet shrubs, dog-
woods 50c dozen; blooming all
colors azaleas 40c dozen; red
Japonicas 20c each. Add postage.
Leatha Adams, Rt. 2, Ellijay.

Pink almonds 25c each; purple
iris, purple violets 35 dozen; az-
aleas 50c dozen; rhododendrons,
Mtn: laurels 2 for 25c. Exchange
for white feed sacks or seed. Add
postage. Mattie Clayton, Rt. 2,
Ellijay. ~

10 different labeled German
iris $1.15 for 59; Japanese $1.10
dozen; Siberian, 25 for 60c; fine
dahlias 8 for $1.10; speckled lil-
ies 25 for 60c;.zinnia seeds mixed
6c large pkt. Mrs. J. M. Hall, Rt.
1 Calhoun. d

purple lilac bushes 3 ft. tall 20c
each. Exchange for Sweet Will-
iam plants, dahlia bulbs or ger-
anium cuttings. Mrs. J. C. Owen,

Pink almond, red Cydonia Ja-.
ponica 50 each; red, pink cab--

bage head roses, azaleas, altheas,
bridal wreath 30c each 5for $1;
foxglove, violets, daffodils 25c
dozen. Lillian Silvers, Rt. 2
Talking Rock.

Pink weigelias, red Jap quince.

red myrtle, purple lilac, pink al-!


red Jap barberry, al-
spireas, dogwood, forsy-
weepink Mary. jasmine,3

for 25. Ovey Silver,
Rock. :
Big purple morning glory,

Mothers puff vine seeds 15 per

leska. ee

40 mums rooted all colors 25c;.
yellow narcissus 25c C; 50 Daisy,
rooted -ver-\
bena all colors 15 bunehes 25c; |
red cannas 40c C. Add Postage. 3, Ellijay. : :

Miller, rooted 25c;


American Beauty sultanas, red,
pink begonias, deer tongue. June,
Oct., Mae, Dec. eactus cuttings
5c each, rooted 10 each; Boston.
fern 10c each; white
Gozen. Add postage. Mrs. James
R. Phillips, Rt. 1, Royston.

Daffodils narcissus, blue, pur-
ple. lavendar iris, butter and
eggs $1.00 C; azaleas, yellow and
red Japonicas 10 each; jon-
quils 20c dozen. Add _ postage.
Mrs. Mollie Eller, Ella Gap.

Junipers 75c each. cuttings 10c
each; -lilacs, almonds, bridal
wreath 25c each, 3 for 50c:; daf-
fodils; jonquils, foxgloves. black-
berry lilies, gladiolus. evergreen

Marion Holland; Rt.


10 lbs. Grandiflora Magnolia:

ee ! dozen; boxwood, forsythia,
Sweet pea plants 15c dozen; 4:

Saturday, April 15,

Farmers Golden

Scripture: (Pro. 3, 5

Trust in the Lord wit
thine heart; ena lea
unto thine own unde
ing In all thy ways ackn
edge Him and He shall
thy. paths.

ue ene


Red azaleas, Mtn. fe:
ple altheas $1.00 dozen;
15 dozen; white jonquil,
C; globe arborvitaes 2 for
Gladys Garren, Morganton

Bridal wreath, azalea
white dogwood, redbud,
laurel, crabapple, white
$1.00 dozen; jonquil, a;
evergreen galax 2 doz. 25e
evie Dillard, Morganton.

Dahlias, most all co
each; pink perennial p
ple iris 25c dozen; aza
and ivy 40c dozen. Rooted
postage. Mrs. T. M. Loc
2, Ellijay. :

Roses monthly red, pi
yr. 25-30c each; purple lilac
on, pink crape myrtle 25
pink flowering almond 2.
25-30 ea., 75c dozen. Mrs.
League, Rt. 2, Waco.

Junipers2-10 ft. high and
ft. around; also 2-8 ft. high
10 ft. around; 1-5 ft. high
10 ft. around. Write. M
Moss, Rt. 2, Talking Rock.

Double bright red, pink, |
white, red, maple begon
lilies 3 for 25c; August lili
a bulb. All del. Ida Wrig
1, Alto. ae

Portland Pink, Hugaria
Rosea Gigantae Pink, Pr
red, King Humbert red
leaves, yellow King Hum
green leaves $2.00 C;
bearded iris $1.00 C. Mrs.
Camp, Cordele.

Mtn. laurels, azaleas, |
dendrons, red, white d
crabapple sprouts, sweet
red maple 3 ft. high $1.00.
Exchg. for white feed s
D. Abercrombie, Mineral B

scented pinks;
pinks; pink thrift;
Siberian jiilies; orange lili
for $1.00; Star of Bethlehe
bunch. Postpaid. Mrs. Dick
ell. Rt. 2, College Park.

Large prize winning chi
themums-Silver wedding
golden glow yeliow, Mah o
pink, Lavendar cream, var
ed tan, Black Hawk red, ba
low, flesh 20 plants $1.00.
R. L. Silver. Rt..5, Cuth

Mixed colors gladiol
nial phlox 25c dozen; big
type poppy seed, red and |
dar 10c pkg.; golden glow
asters 10c a bunch. Add p
Mrs. D. C. Sims, Robertsto

Assorted colors verbena
Shasta daisies, all 25c |
well rooted. Add postage. }
C. Malphins, Tusculum.

Dahlias; Warner, Wilso
ossal, Roosevelt, Queen of
den, etc.; red and white p
$1.20 dozen; lavendar iri

bergia, Anthony Waterer
ligustrum 10c each. Add po
Mrs. J. C. Mize, Ashland.

Red, white dogwood 3 ft
18 for $1.00; azaleas 3 ft., 12

.; phant ears 10c a root, 3 fo
Talking: Mrs. R. W. Wingo. Newn

| Douglasville.
dozen. Andrew Jones, Rt. 1, Wa-,

iris 25c:

vines, honeysuckle 20c dozen.
Add. prstage. Miss Louise Easley,
Rt. 3, Ellijay. e

$1.00; Mt. Laurels; sweet
Thunbergi $1.00 dozen; tr
arbutus, evergreen galax
drop: 50 C. Mrs. Elsie H
Mineral Bluff.
Jonquil and narcissus bul
per C. J. Joiley, Rt. 7, Atl
Double Pompon Zinnia
all colers, one dime cupft
postage. Mrs. E. E. Watson,
Temple. oe

Tube rose bulbs 40c dozen

Double Tube rose bulbs for
dozen. -Mrs. C. H.:, Wail

Azaleas, 40c dozen; pink
gelias, red Japonicas 15c
spruce pines 25c each;
shrubs 6 for $1.00; mixe
violets, iris, blue spider lil
C. Well rooted. Thelma

All col. dogwoods, azale
dodendrons, pink Cheroke
es, redbud. crabapple, la
ft. $1.00 dozen; silver arb
Junipers 5 for $1.00; |
pink perennial phlox $1.00
cie Wilson, Morganton.

Pot geraniums 10c_ cutt
amaryllis 25c each; s
bridal wreath, -golden b
lacs, flowering almond,
boxwood, Junipers, rooted
each; Privet hedge 3c each, |
C. FOB. Mrs. C. L. Willis,
Talking Rock.

Broad green leaf Okum
border plants 40c dozen,
$1.00; white Japanese w
sago palms, white dwarf h;
geas, red flowering ouine
lish evergreen palms 25
FOB. Mrs. Geo. Sampso
407 N. Madison St., Thon




ge or exchg. for large type
. Mrs. Emory F. Robert,

rge double dahlias 25 differ-

age. Mrs Carl Benfield. Rt.


weet May pinks, field daisies,
$s 20c dozen; red, blue,

yle verbenas 10c each; Big 4

reath, lace oakleaf fern

_ Mrs.
doz. thrift plants, one or
red crape myrtle, all colors
lias wanted in exchange for
Jasmine, lilacs, bridal
brides bouquet, flower-
nee, almond. Mrs. Perry
Rt. 2, Jasper.
med dahlias, 50c with I
nt and 3 mums free. Pre-
Labeled but my selection.
- Pritchett, Carrollton, 304

Dewey W. Fair-

n Maples and Mimosas
sale or exchg. for pigeons or
s; two large boxwoods for
ceys. James Hobson, Jasper.
Dahlia Bulbs, large red, 2 for

bronze chrysanthemums 10c
Kine Humbert cannas
dozen; Blankets flowers 25c
: purple lilacs $1.00 dozen;
he. for box flowers. Add post-
Mrs. Rena Mae Tippens, Rt.
tlking Rock.

Geraniums, pegonias, ferns,
, cactus, fuschia, jew, rain-
moss grand-duke Jasmine,
Oc ea. 7 or 8 dif. sulanas, 50 or
e cutting. Exc. for 100 lb. cap.
eed sacks or purebred eggs.
ia Wiggins, Buena Vista.

Sweet shrubs, red ma. .. crab-
apple, red and white dog wood,
zaleas; rhododendrons, Mtn.
urels 3 ft. high, rooted $1.00
m; exchge. for white feed
cks. W. G. Abercrombie, Min-
r var. water lilies 25 each;
rooted wisteria 20c each;

or ers under 60c. Mrs. Lillie

1d dogwood, azaleas 10c ea.;
green wax plants 25 doz-
Doe peach tre_s, snow-

<a type ee oe yel-
pink, lavendar, cream,
ze, red ball pink, 20 for
J; all color button type, white
red daisy type, 25c plants
Mrs. Mirmie Bell, Rt. 5,


Note: The flower ond flower
notices appearing in this is-
were received and written for
special issue of April Ist, but
account of lack of space had
be carricd over. Notices of
type received later than
2ist will not be published
urther notice.

t blooming pansy plants,
04.; $2.25 C-. Del. Ist and
zones. Cash with order. Mrs.
i. Krise, Sautee.

kspur and petunia plants,
doz.; winter pinks, 20c doz.;

"Allred, Tallapoosa, Rt.

Pink, red, yellow eb gbied
S, pink Cherokee rose,
pine. crabapple, rhodeden-
is, 3 ft., $1.00 doz.; junipers,
micas, pink spirea, arborvi-
6 for $1.00. Glen Wilson,
. Ridge, Aaron Camp.

lia slips, mixed colors, 40
; hardy phlex, Mums or Fall

3 ea. Xmas cactus, ger., ear-
aren oxalis, pot lily cuttings,
Oc. Add postage. Mary Grindle,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1.- Box 58.
Corrections: 10 seed from
beautiful, ornamental, 20 ft.
across from tip of limb. weeping
ledge tree, 10c plus postage.
Mrs. M. M. Lacy, Stone Moun-

weet deep purple violets, 25c
z:; butterfly lilies, red King
bert cannas, 3 for 25c. All
postpaid. Mrs. A. A. DeLoach.
_ Townsend, Rt. 1, Box 60.

t arge type Mums, asst. colors,
curved and ball type, 50c doz.
ostpaid; King Humbert carmna
(or ge, red, yellow) bulbs, 3 for
Mrs. W. Taylor Gordon. Ri.

200 hedge plants, Armur privet,
to 20 in. tall, rooted, one cent
h or 200 for $1.80 FOB; root-
ed Himalaya blackberry plants,
ea., 6 for 25; Truckers Fa-
rite seed corn, 15 pint, 2 pts.
e- Add postage. Mrs. Mary Hol-
mb; Rt. 1, Bremen.

New Cushions mums, red, yel-
OW, pink, 4 for 25c; rose, sal-
non pink sultanas, 2 for 25;
himene plants, 2 doz. 25c. Mrs.
- M. Vickers, Siloam.

_ Valentine cactus, rooted 15
; dark red zinnia seed, 15
piul. Add postage. Mrs. H. W.
y. Cumming Rt. 2.

Dahlias, Jersey Beauty. Jane
wl, Treasure Island, Warner,
ntennial. Robert. Treet. Fran-
eis: Whitfield, others, true to
name, $1.00 doz. Mrs. D: M. Wor-
ley: Ball Ground. Rt. 4

llow dahlias 50c dozen and|

"varieties $1.00 dozen plus}

each; white geraniums 5c}

ed glads 1c each. Add postage|

ove, 15e doz. Not }2

25e doz.; goldenglow. 6 for; -

Boxwood 10c each: Dwarts 1-
2% ft. high 25 to $1.00 each;
tree size $1.00 to $4.00 each. Mrs.
A. J. Gregg, Clarkesville.

Well rooted pink crepe myrtle

6 for $1.00. Mrs. A. P. York, Rt.
2, Greenville.
50 bu. St. Augustine lawn

grass (grow anywhere, shade or
sun) $1.15 bu. del. Mrs. W. D.
Barefield, Fort Gaines, Rt. 1. |
Geraniums, dbl. pink, red, be-
gonias, pink, and pink. rose, sal-
mon sultanas, 5c cutting. Add

postage. Mrs. W. H. Brock, Dem-


Nice mixed dahlias, all dbl.,
75e doz. postpaid. Cash with or-
rele Essie Bacon, Atlanta,
Ret: -

Red and yellow dahlias, 50c}

doz. bulbs. Add postage. Miss
oo Rincon, Rt. 1, Box

Mixed colored snapdragons
pink, red, yellow, white, 20 doz.
postpaid. Guar. live del. Mrs. J.
L. Jackson, Ivey.

Water lilies, Escarboucle red,
Marliac yellow, Aurora two-tone,
White (arge), and large Pink;
water lotus pink, 3 for $1.00 post-
pai~. Mrs. P. E. Blackmon, East
Point. 306 W- Washington St-

Hastines daffodil bulbs, large
blooming size, 2c ea., also snow
white iris, same price. Add post-
age. Mrs. J. W. Ford, Lithonia,
Re 1.


Exe. yellow daisy mums, blue
salvia, physostegia, for snapdra-
gons, large size pansy, white rose
or pink cannas, hardy phlox,
button mums or pot plants. Mrs.
W. P. Estes, Canon.

Want Copper Giant, Frau Dr.
Klein, Wyoming, Mme. Vicror
Cayeux, Pema rye and Am-
bassador cannhas.. Quote best
price or will exc. other named
camnas. Fannie B. Moore, Su-

Want some hardy phiox, any
color except pink or lavender.
State prices. Mrs. S. D. Smith,
Baxley, Pine St.

Exc. collection of fine dahlias
for gladioli, rooted red crepe
myrtle and tube-rose. Mrs. W. L.
vate Rome. 106 Fast 3rd

Exe. rooted Dorothy Perkins
roses for pink dogwood. or pink
weigelias. Both well rooted. Mrs.
Mike Burch, Eastman.

Want Gypsophila (Bristol
Fairy), hardy phlox and_ other
perennial plants. Must be priced
reasonable. E. D.
Marietta. .

Interested in buying 150 to 250
young, healthy plants of even
size (about 3ft.) of Lagustram
Japonicas. State size,
and. prices. Wm. M. Nixon, At-
lanta, 581 Stewart Ave.

Exc. yellow and. white jonquils
at 25c doz. and chrysanthemums
at 35c doz. for snapdragons, ver-

' bena, gladioli and other a

Zena Reynolds, Gainesville,

Want rose and ivy geranium,
plhambagos, maple begonia, I ea.
Jersey Beauty, Fort Mamoth,
Snowdrift dahlias and 6 tube-
roses. Exe. mixed hardy phlox,
ferns, mums and red spider lil-
jes. Mrs. J. E. Stone, Adairs-
ville, Rt. 2.


Ciiron, recleaned, from mature
melons, 3 lbs. for $1, any amt.
prepaid. Exc. for anything can
use. Lewis Thompson, Swains-

Cantaloup, Hales Best, sound,
select. seed. 3 Ibs. for $1, 5 Ibs. for

$1.60, 10 lbs., $3, postpaid. J. A.
Ward, Cordele. :
Okra, Perkins leng green,

clean and sound, 7c lb. FOB.
Mrs. Paul Sandifer, Cartersville.

Sunflower. Mammoth Russian.
50c Qt.. Mrs. G. Collins, Cobb-
town, Rt. 2.

Beer seed, Calif. multiplying.
10e start, or 3 starts for :25c, add
3c postage. Kathleen Nolen,
Rockmart, Rt. 2.

Okra; 1938 crop Perkins long
green pod, good, sound, 20 Ib.
Add postage- Pe H. H. Allman,
Bremen, Rt.

sboriac BN 30 Ibs. Dixie
Belle, hand selected from good
melons, 35c Ib. George Elliston,

Collard, heading,. 10c for 2
large spns-; bean, white hull,
Kentucky pole, 15e large spn.;
sage plants, 10c ea. Mrs. N. E.
Hattaway, East Point, 301 Wad-
I-- Ave.

Mustard, large curled 20c Ib.
6 lbs. $1; grape muscadine, scup-
pernong o 90c doz. FOB
vineyard. L. E. Harrison, Dublin,
FE. &:

Artichokes, Jerusalem, 5c Ib.

ce per Ib in 100 lb. lots; honey-
ig cane seed 3c lb: Special
price on large lots; Matthews
soybeans.. + bu. R. E. SEARO,
Lithonia, Rt. I


OrOn SEED for SALE |

| yr.
| 40c; rice peas i2c lb. Henderson

Underwood, |


Gourd, Bushel or soap gourd,
10e doz. also 200 dif. sized
gourds, 5 ea. in lots of 25 or
more. Mrs. Ben McBryant, Pitts,
Rt. 2.

Okra, Perkins Mammoth, Ist
% Ik. 15; % 26e; 5 it

buneh lima, 25c. Ib-; yellow
crookneck squash, & tbisp. 10c.
Mrs. Lula Wilbanks, Commerce,

| Rte 5.

Watermelon, pure
Georgia, $1 Ib. postpaid. J. H.
Smith, Chipley, Rt. 2.

Crotolaria Spectabilis,
cleaned and high germ. 10c Ib.
in 100 Ib. lots. E. B. Detrick,
Fitzgerald, Rt. 3, Box 234.

Cane, Texas seeded, for syrup,
grows 10-14 ft. 5 lb. FOB Eaton-
ton. Mrs. M. G. Phillips, Eaton-

Okra, 1938 crop, 25 Ib. squash,
10e spn. cash. Exc. for white feed
sacks, 100 lb. cap. Mrs. J. E. Sor-
rlls, Royston, Rt. 1.

Tomato, Vigorvine, the most
prolific grown, grows 12 ft. 300
Ibs. to vine, 400 seed for 25c; 5i0
per C with 25 vine peach seed
with each order. Will Cc. Smith,

Okra, lone green, 25 Ib. PP;
Cantaloupe, 15 cup; lace ferns.
2 for 25c; Zennia, 5c ea. Also 1
2-horse wagon, fair shape, $25.
R. F. Pace, Temple, Rt. I.

Corn, 5 qt.. 1938 well ripened
broom, $1.25 per lot, not prepaid.
1 Brown Leghorn rooster, 4 hens,
1-2 yrs. lot for $3 not shipped.
come after them. Mrs. I. G.
Smith, Tallapoosa, Rt. 1.

Crotolaria Spectabilis avail-

fable in small or large quantities,

10c lb. FOB. L. V. Cawley. Coun-
ty Agent, Quitman.

Guinea beans, 2-3 ft. Garbanzo
beans, chestnut . flavor, giant
butterbeans, yard-long beans,
snake cucumber, Jap. radish,
Luffa gourds, 25 per pkt. 3 for
50c. Money order. A. B. Taylor,

Pumpkin seed 10c cup; striped
half-runner bean, 25c large cup-
ful. Add postage, money order.
Mrs. C. E. B. Roberts, Carroll-
ton, Rt. 2.

Scallion buttons, 40c gal.; hon-
eydrip syrup ane seed, 5 Ib.;

50e pk.; 150 bu. rooted white
scuppernong vines, 6 for 75c. Add
postage. Mrs. E. L. Harrison.

Triple Crop tomatoes, 2 bu.,
ripe to vine at once. 25 seed for
15e; 100 for 35c. 3 vines enough
for ordinary size familys use.
Reed F. Fowler, Roy.

halons aaa Jones old-fash-
joned, 1% Wb. 25c. John F. Cofer.

Crotolaria Spectabilis 5000 se
in 100 Ib. bags, 6c per lb F.
Royal, Unadilla, Rt. 1. .

Okra, Jong green pod, 1938
crop, 25c lb. 10e cupful. Mrs.
= Bennett, Flowery Branch,

Collard seed, 3@c lb. postpaid;
$12 100 lbs; also hams 20c Ib;
shoulders or sides 15 per Ib.
Oakwood smoked. Malvyin Col-
fins, Whitham. :

Chufas, first qual. $3.50 bu.
(44 lbs). FOB. Frank Eldridge,
Waycross, Rt. 1.

Dill seed, % pt. 20c postpaid.
Mrs. B. S. Davis, Atlenta, 2715
Piedmont Road, NE.

Watermelon, Black Spanish
(fine melon for home use), 25c

cupful postpaid. Walter Dobson, |

Calhoun, Rt. 2.

Watermelon, yellow meat, wt.
up to 30 lbs., 3 thlsp. 10c, plus 3c
postage; 10 tblisp. 25c postpaid.
_ B. M. Miller, Nashville, Rt.

* Peace old-fashioned, white
and yellow English, lc ea. or
$7.50 per M. T. M. Harris, Mil-

Watermelon, pure Lifsey, also
Kleckley, ea. 75c Ib. Mrs. J.
Bennett, Flowery Branch, Rt. 1.

Citron, Cuban Queen, hand
picked, prolific, tender and sweet
35c per lb. Geo. P. Scruggs, Ro-
berta, Rt. 2.

Watermelon, Cuban Queen, 50c
per lb. FOB. J. E. Peavy, Unadil-

Crotolaria, recleaned, Specta-
bilis var. direct from grower, 15
per Ib. 25 Ibs. and up I2'c. A.
S. Johnson, Pelham, Rt. 1.

Watermelon, genuine White
Dixie (White Stone Mt.) 1938
crop, 40c per lb. postpaid. Cal-
houn Hogan, Dexter.

Beer seed, Calif. multiplying.
10c per start..3 starts 25. Mrs.

Etta Mae Sanders, Rockmart.
Rt. 2.

Farm Relief cottonseed, re-
cleaned, 60c per bu. J. L. Beall,

DPL No. 11-A, ginned at one-
variety gin. pure, 90c bu.; brown
top millet, 10e Ib. W. O. Hudson.
Elberton, Rt. 1.

Cokers strain, 7, wilt-resist-
ant, privately ginned, pure,
sound, cleai, $1 bu. B. F. Fagan,

Farm Relief, select, inch
staple, T5c bu-; also POU cane
seed, 75c C. Robert S. Harris, Rt.
2, Cuthbert. :

Pride of|


Sea Island, few bushels, pure,
cleaned, $2.50 bu. fob; (bu. will
plant 4 acres) also Brooks coun-
ty hickory smoked hams and
link sausage, any quan. William
Walker, Quitman.

50 bu. Stoneville No. 2, 1937

crop, 75c bu. Eugene Brown,

Half and Half, cottonseed,
Tolls cleaned. very few black
seed, $250 C. E. N. Eslinger,
Ringgold. :

Cokers Clevewilt, No. 6, 1938
crop, 75c bu. fob. Alwyne O,

Hutchings, Carrs Station.

Wannamaker-Cleveland, wilt.
resistant, $1 bu. Exc. for peas or
beans or Spanish peanuts. L. EB.
Adams, Hartwell, Rt. 2.

Sea Island cottonseed, plinted
here one yr. $1 bu. Lee A. Taylor,

| Rebecea, Rt. 1, Box 109.

Cook, pure Rhine, wilt-resist-
ant, good staple, $2.25 per C lbs.
Also pure Vandivere heavy fruit-
er, sound. P. W. Harrison. Hai-
cyon Dale.

L.L (250 bu. )No. 11, ginned
on regular DPL gin, 40-43% lint,
75c bu. Ernest O. Sayer, Win-

Cokers No. 100 1 1-16th-inch
staple (13 bales from 8 acres: in
1937) 1-2 yr. old, $1 bu. FOB. W
F. Cox, Roswell.

Cokers big boll, 1144 staple,
kept pure at gin, $3 per C Ibs.
FOB Freight office. W. R. Prit-
chett, Hagipton, Rt. 2, Box 114.

Cokers Clevewilt,
kept pure at gin, 75c bu. Exc. for
Brab peas and O-Too-Tan beans.
Cc. A. Wilbanks, Commerce, Rt. 5.

Stoneville No. 2 B, graded.
tested, $2.50 per 100 Ibs. in new
pees, FOB. W. C. Maddox, Grif-
in. |

Dixie Triumph cottonseed, 75
bu. PO order only. C. R. Horne,
Grovetown. 3

DPL No. 11-A Ist yr. 50e bu.
(closing out). Exe. for peas and
beans. G. C. Edmondson, Tem-
ple, Rt. 1.

Stoneville (1000 bu.) 2-B, 50c
bu. FOB my barn in bulk. John
M. Goldin, Draketown.

Sea Island cottonseed,
FOB Screven. Annie B.
Screven, Rt. 1.

DPL 11-A, carefully ginned,
pure, 2nd yr. 60c bu. at my farm.
A. M. Jordan, Carrollton, Rt. 1.


$1 bu.


Blue Mexican June, not mixed
with white, $2 per bu. FOB.
ee L. Jordan, Carrollton, Rt.

Seotts improved Marlboro
prolific seed, big eared; 30 yrs.
breeding, 15 pk. prepaid; not
yoo, % bu. $1.25; bu. $2. Z.

L. Seott, Concord.

Slip shucked corn, 700 bu. good
sound, 60c bu. at my barn. B- E
Garner, Warthen.

Hastings seed corn, 30 bu.
good, sound, 60 bu. at my barn.
a Le McBrayer, Temple. Rt.

Popeorn, imp. (will dbl. your
corn yield, 1 gal. plants acre) 50
gal. $3.00 bu. FOB. J. R. Mullis,

Slipped shuck corn, 1000 bu.
sound. 50c per bu. FOB. F. L.
Beasley, Reidsville.

1000 Ibs. Golden Queen poe
corn, 4c Ib. in lots of 100 Ibs. and
up, FOB. J. F. Lindsey, Tifton,
Rt. 6. :

Poor land corn, will make 3-4
ears to stalk, 4% lb.; 50c pk. not
prepaid. Nubbed, selected,

| shelled; yellow corn same price;

seded ribbon carie sed, 10c Ib.

E. E. Watson, Temple.

Whatleys Prolific, selected,
nubbed, and shelled, sound, wee-
vil free, 55 pk., $1.90 bu.; also
Piedmont Cleveland cottonseed,
1st yr. clean and bright. $1 bu.

$3. C, here. J. B. Hickman,
Whatleys red cob prolific

seed, 1st yr. $2 bu. 5 bu. or more,
$1.50 per bu. R. W. Parks,
Gainesville, Box 333.

Seed corn, grows 2-3 ears to
stalk; also Whatleys Prolific, all
hand-nubbed, shelled, 75c pk.
postpaid, J. S. Adams, Lawrence-
ville, Rt. 3.

Corn, 20 bu. 60c bu. at my
barn. Ben Smith, Zebulon, Rt. 1.

50 bu. So. American pop corn
for sale. J. M. Godwin, Washing-

Velvet beans 90-Day, best
qual. 85c bu. FOB. Bob Davis.

Popeorn, South Amer. shelied
and clean, 4c lb. FOB, no order
less than 50 Ibs. also seed Ist yr.
from Hastings, 6c lb. Tom Fields,
Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Bean, white Half-runner;
white and mixed cornfield bean
seed, 25c cupful. Postpaid. No
stamps. Mrs. R. W. Densmore
Jasper, Rt. 2.

White, 500 bu. sound, in shuck.
no weevils, at my home; 65 per

| bu. J. M. Pitner, Washington.

| M. Turner, Royston.

1937 crop,|

Rt 2.

~-; without rain, $1.10 bu;


Iron =. 7 bu. $2.25 bu.: 25
bu. Brabham $2.50 ou. D. L. Da-
vidson, Boraire.

Peas, browneye, 8 bu. sound
and clean, $2.50 bu. H. L. ~
ton, Ellaville.

Velvet beans, good, sound 1938 :
crop, for seed, 80c bu. in lots of |
2% bus. or more. FOB. J.
Rowland, Wrightsville. ;

Peas, brown, 2-crop field. $2.26
bu. FOB. W. F. S. Griffin, Egypt. _

Velvet beans, 90-day, $1 bu.
Mrs. E. T. May, Warthen. A

Peas, red speckled Crowder for

seed, 8c Ib. ase postage. No
. Smith, Bu-

stamps. Mrs. C.
ford, Rt. 1.

Butterbeans, 40 Ibs. weds 4 or :
col. 10 lb. FOB, 12%4 per lb.

Goma 1 bu. red skin Spanish

neh seed peanuts, hand picked _
$2 or 10c per Ib. postpaid; few
bu. honeydrip cane seed $1.50 pu.
FOB or 5c per Ib. postpaid. C. G.
Oliver, Barnesville, Rt. 2.

Soybeans, genuine O-too-tan,
recleaned and graded, $3.50 bu. : :
Whatleys prolific seed corn, ses
lected. nubbed and shelled, $1.75
bu.; cane seed, $1.25 per bu. R.

Lima beans, Hendersons
bunch, 25c lb.; white rice peas,
12c Ib. 3 Ibs. 30; Perkins Mam-
moth okra, 2nd yr. % Ib. 12. 1
lb. 40e; ever-blooming Cape Jas-
mines, well rooted, 1938, 25c, 1937
40c. Del. Mrs. Charlie Wilbanks,
Commerce, Rt. 5.

Velvet beans, 90- -Day, 95%
germ. $1 bu. in 10 bu. lots, =

$1.15 bu. FOB Chester. H.
Bryan, Chester, Box 61.
Velvet beans, 100 bu. 90-Day

running, 95% sound, $1 bu. FOB.
W. O. Cummings, Warthen.

Bean. striped half-runner;
white bunch garden beans, ten~
der hull and sound, 35c pint,
postpaid. Send coin, no stamps. _
ey Clayton Overby, Oakwood, a8

Soybeans; % bu. Wo. 1 OvKo
Tan, $3 bu. FOB Locust Grove,

S. H. Gardner, Locust Grove.

Garden beans, extra early,
brown striped
white, tender, sound.

postpaid. Coin. No stamps. Mrs,

Soybeans. 6 bu. Laredo, well
cleaned and sound, $3 bu. FOB.
i M. M.- Kelley, Lithonia, Rt. a

Velvet beans, 15 bu. t $1.75 :
bu. C. B. Cook, Buena aes

Velvet beans, 12 bu. O-Teo-
Tan. $3 bu. J. B. Shaw, Royston, _

Butterbeans, 15 Ibs. nice, clean. _
12 Ib. or exe. for dried fruit. lb.
for Ib. Ea. pay postage. Mrs. An-

E.} drew Carnegie, Wrightsville.

Soybeans. U. S. No. 1 O-Too.
Tan, $2.75 hu. FOB. Jim Palmer.

Clay peas, 200 bu. $2 bu-; 25

bu. Whips, $2 bu., FOB. No or-_

der accepted less than 2%% bu. C.
W. Coleman, Devereaux.

Butterbeans, speckled beneks, ce
15e Ib. Add postage. Send cont

or MO. Mrs. J. H. Dailey, Millex.
Rt. 3 ae
Velvet. bears, 90-day, gathered

in lots
of 5 bu. or more 90 bu. FOB. ae
T. Tanner. Sandersville.

Peas. 100 bu. sound, 95% pure
Clay, $1.85 bu. FOB. R. R. Har-
rison, Dearing.

Soybeans, Doxia, oriwiniedied by
State Exp. Sta. Griffin, will pro~
duce 7-10 bushels per acre plarit-
ed in corn on good land. $4.25 bu. _
FOB. Zebulon. W-. M. Caldweil, |
Zebuion. :

Velvet beans. 90-Day. sound,
aga 214 bu. bags, 85c bu.
FOB. R. E- Fulford, Wrightsville.

ae beans, 30 bu. 90-Day
speckled. $1.25 bu. 95% sound. W.
J. Carr, Hawkinsville, Rt. 1.

Peas. speckled and whit
Crowder, 10c lb. 5-10 lb. lots or
more; old-fashioned white and
speckled half-runner
beans, tender hulls, 25c large
cupful, postpaid. Mrs. B. L
Brown, Ball Ground, Rt. 1.

Truckers Favorite seed, Ist

yr. from Hastings, 5 lbs. 50c, 10

Tbs. $1 plus postage. H. J. Mc~
Collum, Canon, Rt. 2-

Velvets, genuine, bunch, $2.25
bu. in small orders; $2 bu. in 50=
100 bu. lots, all FOB. R. P. Mc=
Corkle, Buena Vista.

Garden beans, MHalf-runner,
15e cupful; few cupfuls old-fash-
ioned mixed half-runner beans)
10c per cupful. not postpaid. Ne
stamps. Mrs. F. L. Hunt, Greens-
boro, Rt. 2.

Hastings pure seed corte
planted 1 year, $1.65 bu. FOB
Exc. for feed oats. or young gui-
nea hens; Honey Drip came seed,
$1.35 bu. FOB. Nelson Pope, Tal-

grown, 20 large cupful. 35 pt.

. Barron, Gainesville. Rt. lL.



Peas, 75 bu. Clays, $1.75 bu.
FOB. J. C. Henton, Thomson.

Soybeans, 125 bu. O-Too-Tam,
3.50 bu. FOB. V- B. Rosser, Lo-
cust Grove.

oe tender cornfield,
- ereasebacks, cutshorts, mixed
beans, white pole cream bunch.
25 cupful, postpaid. No stamps.
Mrs. George Poole, Jasper, Rt.
oe, Box 2h

a Velvet, 15 bu. bunch, $2 bu.; 50
bu: pure Toole and Coker 4 cot-
tonseed, mixed. 75c bu. FOB. M.
-L. Moore, Richland, Rt. 1.

Beans, white and striped half-
Runner tender garden, no wee-
vils 30c lb: Send postage. No
stamps. C. H. Beaty, Alto.

Soybeans, 15-20 bu. (Charlees

ellow, far superior to O-Too-

an) both ney and beans, $3.50
bu. FOB. J. C. Godfrey, Davis-

-wacup, plus postage. Mrs. G. V-
Schubert, Clermont, Rt. 1.
Velvet beans, bunch, $2 bu. W.
. Johnson, Bronwood, Rt. 2.

Velvet beans, 90-Day, re-
cleaned seed, $1.bu.; Brab peas
$2.45 bu.; O-Too-Tan soy, $2.95
bu., all good clean seed. C. H.

looke, Sandersville, Rt. 2-

Velvet beans, 400 bu. A-1 90-
Day running, recleaned for seed,
$1 bu. 10-25 bu- 95c bu.; 25 bu.

nd up, 90c bu. J- Frank Tanner.

nndersville, Rt. *-

Soybeans, hay seed, recleaned,
$2. 75 bu. FOB Marshallville; al-
so Crotolaria Spectabilis, 8c lb.
'M. F. Hatcher, Jr. Ft. Valley.

Butterbeans, white bunch, 15c
lb. or 4 lbs. 50c; brown striped
hhalf-runner garden bean seed.
25c large teacup, del. also Klon-

white bunch, 10c

dyke and Lady T= strawberry}

plants, 30c C $2 M. del. Mrs. Belle
Crowe, Gainesville.

Velvet beans, 100 bu. 90-Day
runners, 95% sound, grown on
ny farm, 90c bu. FOB Tennille.
F. W. Tanner, Sandersville, Rt.



mnfield, 25c cupful;
: alf-runner, black pole, same
price; blue bunch pea, 35 Qt.
PP. Mrs. W. V. Robbs, Flowery

ranch, Rt. 1.

Peas, 100 bu. Brabs, $2.25 bu.;
bu. Irons, $2.15 bu.; 50 bu.
speckled $2.10 bu.; 100 bu. mixed
2 bu. all No. 1 peas; will take
$2 per bu. at farm for entire lot;
200 bu. velvet beans, clean,. $1

u- 10 bu. or more, 90c bu. Gi

illiams, Oglethorpe. :

Peas, yard-long, fine for

naps; tender bunch beans.

rhite ie runners, white and mix.

ender cornfield beans, 70c cup,

repaid to 3rd zone; mix. turnip

boca 15c large pkg. and postage
. Mrs. S. G. Clayton, Roy. -
felvet beans, 150 bu. speckled

mmners, $1 bu. On: J- W.
Watts, Shellman.

Velvet. beans, genuine bunch,

bu. FOB. C. G. Yarbrough.
Cuthbert. ;

Peas, pure Conch. 1 Ib. 25c, 2

s. 35, postpaid. Earl Ss. Red-

1e, Madras.

Peas, 25 bu. Brabs, $2.50 bu.;
25 bu. Clays $2 bu. 10 bu. New
Eras $2 bu. 5 bu. red H. Speckles
$2. 50 bu. W. F. McAfee, Tennille.

Peas, Brabham, sound and
free from weevils, $2.50 bu. FOB.
_ John ee Moseley. Soperton, Rt.
- 2.

Peas, 150 bu. New Era, slight-
ly mixed, $2 bu. FOB. E. R.
Vaughn, Bogart.

Peas. 15 bu. New Era, $2.25 bu.
cash or money order. Postage not
paid. Ira L. Goodwin, _ Pallapoo-


genuine bunch,

Mlvet beans,
E. E. Gilbert,

Peas, 75 Ibs. speckled Crowder,
6c in 25 Ib. lots FOB, 5c Ib. in
75 lb. lots. W. T. Wright, Ellijay.

Velvet beans, 250 bu. A-1, 90-
Day, recleaned, sacked in even
wt. 2% bu bags. $1 bu.; 5 bu. or
more, 90c bu.; 30 bu. $2.25 bu.
Lawton Parkerson, Chauncey,

Peas, 10 bu. red hulls, gathered
without rain, $2.25 bu.; 20 bu.
Wannamaker cottonseed, 75c pu.
Asa McCoy, Gibson, Rt. 2.

Peas, early cream table, $2.50
pu.; Hastings tender green okra
seed 15c pt-; Hastings white
push Lima beans, 15 Ib. fOr
Willard Gable, Tallapoosa, Rt.

Velvet beans, bunch, seed, =
per bu. G. L. Hinson, Hazlehurst.

Velvet beans, good, bunch, in
new 2% bu. bags, $2 per bu. $2.25
for single bus. C. L. Cook, Buena
Vista, Rt. 3- .

_ Soybeans, gen. O-Too-Tan, $3
per bu. J. B. Leverctt, Luthers-

ane with order, no personal
checks. sills Averett, Swains-
boro, Rie:
0: ge a ue O-Too- Tan,
per bu. a arn. Janes ae
Ge lin, Lumpkin. i




30c C. Postpaid.


: Cash with order.

| prompt shipment.

Clay peas, 12 bu. $2 per bu. at
Buford; nest onions 40c per gal.;
1 ib. Stone Mtn. watermelon
seed, 50c. cash with order, no
re ies M. B. Crowe, Buford, Rt.

Beans, extra early garden. 10c
large cupful; 12 9 mos. old cape
Jasmine, well rooted. 25c ea..
plus postage. money with order.
Mrs. A. W. Sewell, Cumming, Rt.
2, Box 110.

Clay peas, 25 bu. $1.75 per bu.
W. N. Arnold, Devereux.

Velvet beans, 100 bu. 90- sar
running, 95% sound, 90c per bu.
FOB Tennille, grown on my
farm. F. W. Tanner, Sandersville,

Iron peas, 50 bu. No. 1, $2 per
bu. FOB Byron, pure, sound,
gathered without rain, put up in
good 2% bu burlap bags. I. T.
Garvin, Byron.

Velvet beans, 40 bu. bunch,
$2.50 per bu. not prepaid. J. L.
Goodman, Leary. Rt. A.

Butterbeans. 40 Ibs. white
buneh, 15c per lb. del. J. L. Hol-
ley, Matthews.

Velvet beans, 90-day running.
$1 per bu.; if ordered in lots 5
bu. or more, 90c per bu. FOB
Doerun. Mrs. O. L. Bush, Doe-

Soybeans, 3 bu. Matthews imp.
sound, clean, satis. guar. $3 per
bu. 85c per pk. here. R. L. Al-
bea, Metasville.

Peas, Iron and Unknown, $2.50
per bu. W. W. Lang, Lizella.

Beans. half runner garden,
brown striped tender hui! 2c
cupful,. 2 for 35c plus postage.
Mrs. Henry Jones, Lula, Rt. 1.

Brabham peas. 40 bu. sound,
$250 per bu. W. A. Smith, An-
dersonville, Rt. 1, Box 37.

Beans, tender bunch, 1938
crop, 20c pt., slightly weevil eat-
en, 10c per pt. tender cornfield
beans, 20c pt. oldest turnip
known, standard winter, 20c per
cupful. Dolly Eller, Titus.

Velvet beans, pure, bunch
$2.25 per bu. Write for price on
Jots. George W. McCorkle. Buena.

Peas, pure brown Crowder,
$2.50 per bu. Mrs. J. W. L. Brown.

Peas, red ripper, sound: un-
mixed, $2.50 per bu. add del.
charges. Mrs. J. B. Hudgins,
Flowery Branch.

Soybeans, pure hay seed beans,
recleaned and in good even wt.
21% bu. bags. $3 per bu. FOB
Marshallville. O. M. Ware, Mar-

Collard seed, tender bunch
garden beans, blackeye Crowder
peas, 25c per pt. red peas, 15c
te. Ida Pee Ellijay. Rt.


Certified potato and tomato
plants, from best quality seed,
$1.00 M. R. J. Fossett, Baxley.

Genuine P. R. plants, $1.00 M,
exp. col.; $1.35 M, postpaid. John
Daniel, Ocilla.

Imp. potato plants, not mixed,

Merelabe and G. Baltimore to-

mato plants, $:.00 M; Ruby King
pepper plants, $1.25 M; white
Bermuda onion plants, 75 M. W.
F. Miles, Baxley,

Govt. insp. and treated P. R.
plants, $1.25 M; tomato plants,
G. Ww: Owen,

Certified red and pink skin

-P. R. plants; sweet peppers, Ru-

by King, Calif. Wonder and Bull
Nose, $1.15 M; Baltimore, Mar-
globe and Bonnie Best tomatoes,
$1.00 M FOB. N. W. Daniel, Ty

Gov't insp. P. R. and Boone
potato plants, $1.25 M _ del.
Prompt shipment. C. D. Crow,
Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Govt insp. P. R. potato piers
now ready, $1.25 M. G.
Thompson, Scott.

Cert. Marglobe tomato ad
Imp. P- RR: potato. plants, Ma-
$1.00 M. Ready. Prompt ship-
ment. P. T. Herndon, Surrency.

Good P. R. potato plants,
Gov. insp., $1.00 M. del. in Ga.
Grady Tyre,

Baxley, Rt. 4.

Red and Pink Skin P. R. pota-
to plants, Goy. insp., and treated,

$1.25 M. del. Any quantity. R. R.

Smith, Screven.

Genuine, Gov. insp., treated
pink skin P. R. plants, ready, full
eount, seed from vine cuttings,
$1.15 M; 2 M up, $1.10 M; Mar-
Elche tomato. 90c M. All del. L.

D. Lightsey. Screven.

Red and Yellow skin P. R. po-
tato plants, $1.10 M. Now ready.
Tom Byrd Atkinson, Broxton.

P. R. potato plants, true to

| Name, improved, clean and pure;

$1.10 M. FOB. Full count and
1 W. M. Her-
rington, Baxley, Rt. 3.

Master Marglobe, wilt-resist-
ant tomato plants, 500, 50; 75c
M. Moss packed, full count, sat.

Ga. E. L. Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald.

Rt. 2, Box 86.




P. R. potato plants, $1.00 M; 5
M. 90c M; 10 M, 85c M; 25 M.
70c M. Paul Beck. Valdosta, Rt-

Mastodon strawberry plants,
300, $1.00; 500, $1.20; $2.00 M. T.
G. OKelley, Maysville.

Plants, Marglobe tomato and
Gov. insp. P. R. potato, ea. $1.50
es Del. F. M. Crosby, Baxley, Rt-

Genuine imp. red skin P. R.
potato plants, $1.00 M; 5 M. lots
90c M; Marglobe tomato, 90c M.
5 M lots, 75c M. Guar. prompt
shipment. Mrs. Renna Chancy.

Genuine red skin P. R. potato
plants, Gov. insp., $1.10 M. FOB.
Sat. guar. C. J. Jones, Coffee.

Yellow and White Bermuda
onion, Wakefield cabbage, $1-00
M.- del.; 75c M. Express collect;
yellow pop corn, shelled and
clean, 10c lb. or 100: Ib. lots, 7c
lb. O. M. Crow, Gainesville.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
insp. and treated, $1.25 M del;
5M $5, collect. Lee Crow, Gaines-
ville. Rt. 2, Box 148.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican, $1.10
M, 5M $5, prompt shipment and
sti ng, healthy plants. J. P.
Morris, Baxley-

Sweet potato, red skin Porto
Rican, Govt. insp- and treated,
$1.15 M del in Ga or $1 FOB.
W. A. Pearce, Baxley, Rt. 4.

Tomato plants, cert. Marglobe,
Barly Stone, $1 M, over 5M lots,
90c M; 65c for 5C; Bermuda On-
ion plants, 715 M all del.. moss
packed, prompt siipment: Mrs.
O. L. Deal, Baxley, Rt. :

Tomato, Marglobe, Greater
Baltimore, New Stone, $1.25 M
del; sweet peppers, $1.25 M del.
Mrs. Snodell Mobley, Baxley,
Rt. 4.

Sweet potato, Imp. Porto Ri-
can, Govt. Insp. $1.15 M del;
prompt shipment. J. E. Arnold,
Baxley, Rt. 4.

Sweet potato, Imp. Porto Ri-
can, $1.25 M <del: Marglobe,
New Stone, Greater Baltimore
tomato plants. $1.25 M _. del.
Sweet pepper plants, $1.25 M,
25c C. O. L. Mobley, Baxley,
Rt. 4, Box 45.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. and treated, $1.25
M del, cash with order. A. B.
Lewis, Alma, Rt. 4.

Sweet potato, selected red skin
Porto Rican, $1 M, cash or M. O.
W.A. Brantley, Douglas, Rt. 3.

Cokers Golden pedigreed Por-
ti Rican, $1.40 M FOB. $1.75
M del.; in lots of 10M or more
$1.00 FOB, now ready. for ship-
ment. Mrs. H. G. Smith, Odum.

Sweet potato, pink and red
skin Porto Rican, $1.25 M; Early
Triumph, $150 M. Cash with
order. Govt. Insp. guar. prompt
shipment. -F. A. Coleman, Bax-
ley, Rt. 3._

Tomato, Marglobe, now ready,
15c M. del. prompt shipment,
moss packed, satis. guar. Mrs.
Nolie Lightsey, Surrency, Rt. 2.

Sweet potato, Govt. Insp. and
treated Porto Ricans, $1.25 M;
hot pepper plants, 25e C, $1 M.
del. in Ga. April, May, June del.
MO only. L. W. Griffis, Odum,
Rt. A. :

- Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. $1.25 M. del. Gordon
Darsey, Surrency, Rt. 2.

skin Porto Rican, Govt. Insp.
treated, ready, $1.15 M del. Thel-
ma Sheffield, Surrency.

Sweet potato,
Govt. Insp. $1.25 M del. Good.
strong, prompt shipment. Cash
with order. C. B. -Tomberlin, Sur-
rency, Rt.

Sweet ett Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. yellow or pink skin,

prepaid by mail or exp. Now
ready. Sat. guar. J. a. Eason,

Tomato, Break O Day, Mar-
globe, Early Stone, Baltimore 75c
M. Del. Ruby King pepper plants
$1.50 del. Moss packed, full
count, now ready. J. G. Mullis,
Baxley, Rt. 4. ;

Tomato, cert.- Marelobe. New
Stone, Greater Baltimore, 65 5
C, $1 M; in 5 M lots 80c M, all
del. Guar. prompt shipment.
Melvin Deal, Baxley, Rt. 4.

Tomato plants, Mareglobe, now
ready, 500 45c 1 M 5c, moss
packed, good count, prompt ship-
ens. Herman Kesler, Surrency,

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
pure and Goyt. Insp. treated, $1
M, $1.25 M del. prompt ship-
ment, full count. H. C. Rowe,
Ocilla, Rt. 1.

Sweet potato, red or pink skin
Porto Rican, $1. 25 M del. or $1
at the house. guar. good count.
T. P. Musselwhite, Arabi, Rt. 1.

Porto Rican, gen. cert. Govt.
Insp. treated, red or yellowskin,
not mixed, $1:25 M. del.; gen.
imp. early Triumph, $1-50 M. del.
guar. good plants, full count. J.
P. Beck, Baxley, Rt. 3.

Sweet potato, pure red skin
Porto Rican, Govt. Insp. ready,
$1. 10 M. del. full count. from
vine ma E PF. aoe Sur-
\rency, Rt.

Sweet potato, red and yellow}

Porto Rican.| 2

$1.25 M, 5 M, $6, 10 M $11.50,/

Tomato, Marglobe, $1 M. FOB;
hot pepper plant, $1.50 M. FOB.
S. D. Graham, Surrency.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. and treated, $1.20 M.
del, or $1 FOB; Marglobe, New
Stone, Earliana tomato plants.
moss packed, now ready. 90c M.
del. 75 M FOB. T. L. Dukes,
Surrency, Rt. 2.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. $1.15 del. in 5 M lots.
or $1.25 M. less. good, strong,
full count. B. F. Aycock, Surren-
Cy; Rte 2.

Tomato plants, Vigorvine,
ready, 50c C, postage extra. M.
D. Futch, Coffee.

Tomato, Mareglobe, oes stout
plants, 7-8 in. high, $1 M; Porto
Rican sweet potato plants, good,
sound, $1.25 M. All postpaid. Le-
roy Lightsey, Screven, Rt. 2.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican. now
ready, $1.25 M; plus postage or
exp. 5 M del by exp. prepaid. M.
M. Yarbrough, Guyton.

Sweet potato, Nancy Hall,
Porto Rican, $1.50 M FOB. H. F.
Sh Valdosta, 610 E. College

Sweet potato, red and yellow
skin Porto Rican, $1.25 M. Govt.
Insp. and treated. J. B. McCall,
Alma, RFD.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp. $1.25 M. Del. now
ready. W. L. Herndon, Surrency,

Tomato, Marglobe, Baltimore,
Bonny Best, 75c 5 C, $1.10 M.;
Ruby King California Wonder
pepper plants, 75c 5 C, $1.25 M.
egeplants, hot pepper, same price
as sweet pepper; Porto Rican po-
tato, $1.25 M, all postage paid.
R,. Chanclor, Pitts.

Dewberry, heavily rooted, true
to name Lucretia, Eldorado
blackberry, 1-2 ft. $1 per C, $1.50
per 2 C. Mrs. C. M. Robinson,

Cabbage, large, fresh, extra
early, Jersey and Chas. W., 500,
40c; 75c M; Bermuda onions,
white and yellow, same price, all
del. postpaid, Sat. guar. F. F.
Stokes, Fitzgerald.

Strawberry, Klondyke, 25c C,
80c per 5 C, $1.45 M, nice young,
well rooted; white multiplying
onions, 40c gal. del. Mrs. Guy.
Crowe, Cumming, Rt. 1,

Sweet potato, Porto Rican,
Govt. Insp., treated, red skin,
$1.50 M. del. Apr. and May del.
Also white bunch butterbeans,
ldc lb. prompt shipment. Guy
Crowe, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Artichokes, 10c doz. or 50 C.
Mrs. Bettie Roberts, Tallapoosa,
Rit. 22

Sweet potato,


red and pink
skin Porto Rican, $1.20 M.
mailed, 80c M. exp. col. lead.
vars. cabbage, tomato and. col-
lard plants, 85c M mailed; Vigor-
vine tomato. plants, 25c C. L. A.
Crow, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Sweet, povato, red and. pink
skin Porto Rican, ready Apr. 15,
65c per 5 C, $1.20 M; sweet and
hot pepper, 25c for 50, 35c C.
all del. Amos Garrett, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 7.

Blackberry plants, Himalaya,
everbearing; red thornless rasp-
berry, oldfashioned _ clearseed
peach trees, sage plants, 50c doz.
oxheart carrot seed 40c pt. Mrs.
/W. B. Allan, Alto, Rt. 2.

Sweet potato, Porto Rican, red
skin, Govt. Insp. good count,
$1.15 M. del. Marglobe tomato,
moss packed, good count, 90c M
del. Dood Holland, ae Rt.

Sweet potato, gen. Tea skin
Porto Rican, Govt. Insp., treat-
ed, unmixed, full count, $1. 25 M
del. or $1 FOB.. Milton Arnold,

Strawberry, Klondike and
Lady T, $2 per M del. brown
Striped half runner bean seed,
25c large teacup, del. White
| bunch butterbean seed, 4 Ibs. 50c.
No orders less than 4 lbs. prompt
Shipment. Mrs. Belle Crowe,

P. R. potato, yellow or. pink
skin, govt. insp. $1.25 M prepaid
by mail or express. Now ready.
Satisfaction guaranted. I. B.
Thornton, Screven.

Early J. and Chas. Wakefield
cabbage and Bermuda onion
plants 75c M; Marglobe and Gr.
Baltimore tomato $1.25 M.' All
del. Mrs. C. G. Williams, Baxiey.

Govt. insp. red skin P. R. po-
tato plants now ready $1.15 M
del. Satisfaction guaranteed. L.
L. Lightsey, Rt. 2, Surreney.

Gov. Insp. potato plants P
R early improved red skin, also
yellow P R potato plants, $1.00
M FOB. Now ready to ship. G.
W. Shannon, Lenox.

Potato plants P R red skin
$1.25 M, 5 M lots or more $1.00
M; Marglobes and Gr. Baltimore
$1. 25 M, 5 M lots or more $1.00
y All FOB. Tyle Boatright, Cof-

-P. R. Potato plants, field insp.
Pull 100 M at pulling, $1.00 M,
here at my place. E. D. Loper,

Pink skin P R_ potato, govt.
insp. and treated $1.25 M del.
' Ready April 15th. B = O Quinn,



Pe April 15,

Cert: P. RB. potato . p
grown from 200 bu. A. st
$1.15 M. del. in 5 M lots or
by Express, or $1.20 M- by 1
Ready now. Sat. guar.
Jones, Screven. =

Gen. Gov. insp., and tre
pink skin P. R. potato pla:
ready, full count. Seed from
cuttings, $1.15 M; 2 M up.
M; Marglobe tomato, tru
name. 90c M. All del. L. D. Li
sey, Screven.

P. R. potato plants, 500,
$1.00 M; tomato plants, 500.
75c M; Onions, 500, 35c, 60
cabbage. 75c M. A. Cameron

Marglobe and Gr. Balti
tomato plants, $1.00 M. del.
packed. H. G. Nichols, B
Rt. 4, Box 154.

Godbys Early Prolific
yellow skin P. R. potato 1
$1.00 M, FOB. O. K. Herrin

P. R. potato plants, Insp
ready to ship, $1.35 M. pr
by mail; $1.00 M. by expre
prepaid. Cash with order. |
Crow, Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Strawberry Mastodon 30
500 $1.25, $2.25 M; Lady T.
C; $1.00 for 500; $1. 95
blackberry $1.00 dozen. M
L: Whitmire, Rt. 1, Gainesv

Klondike strawberry 20
85c for 500; $1.50 M; Cali
seed 10c start; also nice
butter, 25c a lb. (cow

Yellow skin PR potas
vine grown strain seed $1
del. to 3rd zone April an

; Marglobe tomato rea
ril ist $1.00 M del. moss p
J, Gruber, Odum.

Govt. insp. pink skin P-
tato, ready in April $1.25
Marglobe tomato read
good plants 85c M del.;
Wonder Sweet pepper
del. W. D. Lightsey, Screv

Certified Marglobe and
liana tomato, iceberg.
beets, collards, Wakefield

Can furnish 4 te 6
Mrs. ee Crow

en; 50c C. All del. in $1.0
more lots. Mrs. H. V. Fran.

Open grown Super- -Ma
wilt-resistant tomato, now
30c C. Mrs. J: ge Paul

Genuine red clei Poke
plants, govt. insp- $1.15
Marglobe tomato 85c M
ril and May om W. G. _
Screven. |

P. A. red or pink skis
plants, govt. aa ah: 25
Ready April 20th.
ton, Screven. |

Spring and Summer p
for 50c, 75c M; tomat:
early varieties and Mar

for 60c, $1.0@ M. Postpai

Stokes, Rt. 1, Fitzgerald.
Govt. insp. red skin :
tato $1.25 M del. Now read
OBerry, Rt. 2, Surrency.
Genuine Impr. red and

skin P. R. potato $1-00_
lots 90c M; Marglobe ar
more tomato 90c M, 5000 lo
M. All govt. insp. Prompt
ment. Sam Crosby, Coffe

Impr. red. skin P.
$1.25 per M; Ruby King
Pimento and Marglobe ton
$1.25 M; Calif. Won er
strong Red long $150 M
Sellers, Rt. 4, Baxley. _

Impr- Gettys P. R
govt. insp-, now ready $
Good count. Prompt
L. C. Mullis, Rt. 2, Sur

P. R. and Early Triu
tato, now ready, $1.50 M
Kennedy, Rt. 4, Baxley.

Old time heading cabbage
lard plants 300 for 25c;.
plants 10c for small,
large; mixed phlox 25
now ready to set out. Add
age. Jow W.. eet

Well rooted Kudzu crown
C. $5.00 M; also purple
7c dozen postpaid. Mai
Patterson, Rt. 2, Waco. |

Marglobe tomato plant
in April and May, also pu
potato $1.25 M. B. A. Madd
2, Fitzgerald.

Genuine P. R. potato
Over 5 M, 90c M. Now re
Satisfaction guaranteed. -
Allen, Coffee.

Genuine red skin P. R.
$1.00 M. All orders over oe
M. FOB. Now ready, Sat
tion guaranteed. H. D: Boat:

P. R. potato $1.00 M, gov
ery) Goff, Rt. 1, Fitzge

Pure pink skin P. R. po
govt. insp. $1:10 M FOB
Garrisons impr. red cob
leys seed corn $2.00 bu.;
FOB here. D. O. Garneg:


Guaranteed big stron
Marglobe tomato plants
ready $1.00 Mg also strong
potato plants $1.25 M-= de
Tone Begone: Rt. 4, Bo

aah x

> R. ai plants $1. 25 M. B.
Crumley. Fender.

Klondike and Mastodon ever-
bearing strawberry plants 25 C,
00 M. Add postage. No stamps
checks. Melvin Frey, Rt. 3.

Genuine Early Triumph pota-
$1.50 per M; Impr. P. R. po-

. Holton, Rt. 1, Baxley.
ading varieties cabbage, to-
and collard plants 20c C;
c M; white butter beans for
15 a lbs -okra= 20c= a Ih:
ge yellow pumpkin seed 3
rge spoons full 10c. All mailed.
row. Rt. 2, Gainesville.

ae strawberry
M. P. B. Reynolds,

Ri 2;

orders over 2 M 90c per M.
tisfaction guaranteed. Quit-

es 80. $12.00 M postpaid in
- horseradish plants 20c doz-
n plus postage. Mrs. W. A.
hnson, Alto.

1.25; $2.00 M; catnip, peppermint
spearmint, hoarhound plants 35c
wen, 4 dozen $1.00; yellow meat

ratermelon seed 20c cupful; but-
er and egg bulbs $1.00 C. Mrs.
Thornton McCurley, Hartwell.

Cardinal thornless red rasp-
rry; sage, asparagus crowns,
d gold strawberry, Himalaya
erbearing blackberry 50c doz-
en; Lady T. strawberry $3.50 M;
carrot seed 40c pint; eooseberry
0c dozen. Mrs. W. B. Allan, Rt.

SS awberry plants. Giant New
em real everbearing 75c C, 250
for $1.50 prepaid; 500 for $2. 50
oe C. A. Dobbs, Gaines-

Govt. insp. pink and red skin
P_R. plants, $1.20 M; Super Mar-
globe and Imp. New "Stone toma-
0 $1.00 M prepaid. Prompt ship-
ment. Paul Lightsey, Screven.

P. R. potato plants, govt. insp.
treated $1.25 M. L. M. Weth-
rford, Rt. 2, Gainesville.

Pink and red skin P. R. potato
plants, grown from vine potato
eed. insp. and treated, full
count. good plants. Now ready.
pened: Hovis Lightsey, Scre-

a he sosion strawberry plants
Oc C, $1.50 M; Dixie Bell Mel-
on seed 25c; Watsons 25c. Grown
xclusively for planting. J. H.
Anderson, Nashville.

Govt. insp. red and pink pota-
to plants $1.25 M del.;
1.00 M_ collect. April a
so collard seed 40c a lb. E.

etherford, RFD 2, Gameanie

Strong henihy. Kudzu crowns
4.00 M. Clyde Lanier, Graymont.

Certified Marglobe and New
one tomato and Ruby King

pepper plants, moss packed $1.50
M del. Ready to ship; crystal wax
Bermuda onion plants, good size
Govt. insp. potato
J. D. Mullis,

mion plants now ready. Tomato
25 C. $2.25 M; Onions 15c C, T5c
Good, healthy plants

Ashburn, Rt. 2.

Certified red skin P. R. potato
ready April 20th $1.20 M_ del.
Prompt attention to orders. C. J-
Gordon, Warwick.
Red skin P. R. potato plants
1.15 M; certified Marglobe to-
mato $1.00 M. Ready April and
May. W. T. Carter, Rockingham.
White and yellow Bermuda on-
ion plants 60c M, 5 M lots or
more 50c M; Ruby King pepper
$i. 50 M. All del. Ready. Frome
is R

_ Cabbage plants 20c C, $1.00 M;
Govt. insy. potato plants, April
delivery. $1.50 M del. Lee Crow,
Rt. 2, Gainesville.

Cabbage plants $1.00 M; govt.
insp. red and pink P. R. potato,
April del. $1.40 M del; 10 M
2.50 collect; Baltimore tomato
seed 75c a Ib.: Vigorvine. seed,
206.6. . W. Smith, Rt. 2
- Gainesville.

Genuine Imp. P. R. potato, red
and yellow skin, guaranteed good! A
plants, full count, genuine Early
Triumph potato $1.50 M; P. R.
tato $1.25 M. del. J. P. Beck,
Rt. 3, Baxley.

~ Good, strong, govt. insp. P. R.
potato. Early Triumph potato.
$1.50 M; Gr. Baltimore and N.
Stone tomato $1.00 M (grown
from vine cuttings). All del. in
Ga. Now ready. G. A. Lewis, Rt.
4, Baxley.

_ Pink skin and red skin potato,
govt. insp. ready now $1.25 M del.
Ruby King pepper $1.25 M del.;
Marglobe tomato 90c M, 25c C.
Good plants and count.


- Potato plants PR _ white
Triumphs; Tomatoes
Pritchard, Baltimore.
Break o Day $1.00 M:; Nigger
Killers potatoes $2.00 M; Sweet
nd hot pepper, egeplants, 30c
3 $1.50 M; Sree 15 M. Dew-}

bu. bunch velvet beans.
what you have. R. E. Keith, RFD)

fissionary strawberry 500 for| W'

10 M lots}.


Lady 7. vue wane: $1.00
M del.; Kentucky pole and old
fashioned bunch garden bean
seed, Ea. 25 a lb., 2 lbs. 45c. Mrs.
M. B. Scroggs, Alto.

Klondike strawberry 20c C; 85c
for 500, $1.50 M; old fashioned
blue plums sprouts 20c each or 7
for $1.00; also nice fresh country

.| butter 25 a lb, 3 to 5 lbs. each

week (Cow TB tested). Miss
Grace Crowe, Rt. 1, Cumming.
Himalaya blackberry plants.
well rooted, 2 years old $1.00 C.
$3.50 for 500, $5.50 M postpaid in
ist and 2nd zones; Exchg. some
for 1 bu o-too- tans and one-half

5, Gainesville.
Potato plants now ready $1.10

M del. E. D. Sullivan, RFD, Scre-
Govt. insp. and treated red

skin and yellow skin P. R. pota-
to plants, good plants, full count.

$1.25 M del. No checks. George

Griffis, Screven.

Tomato plants, Marelobe,
Stone, Baltimore, straight, stocky
well rooted plants 500, 50c; 85c
M; postpaid; 5 M for $3.00 col-
lect. W. W. Coffee, Fitzgerald.

Red skin P. R. potato plants,
$1.00 M, not prepaid. J. R. Mc-
Cook, Fitzgerald, Rt. 2.

Pure P. R. potato plants, Gov.
insp., treated, $1.25 M. del. ane
M. FOB. Ready April 15th. R. J.
Shiver, Quitman.

Genuine P. R. potato planks:
$1.00 M. 5 M or more, 90c M.
FOB. Sat. guar. H. D. Boatright.

Govt insp. Red Skin P. R.
plants, ready Apr. 20th, $1.15 M;
Marglobe tomatoes. now ready,
90c M; hot and sweet pepper,
$1.25 M del. Count Guar. W. E.
Nobles, Baxley, Rt. 4, Box 125.

Pure P. R. plants, govt insp-
and treated, $1.25 M; $1.15 M in
5 M lots. Postpaid. L. J. Sinyard.
Hawkinsville, Rt. 1.

Marglobe tomato plants, 20c J;
$1.50 M fob. John M. Doss, Gray-

Pink Marglobe wilt-resistant
tomato plants for sale. L. H. At-
kins, Soperton.*

Marglobe tomatoes, 30c C; 509.
65c; $2.10 M; Charleston and
Dutch: cabbage; white Bermuda
onions 300, 50; $1.00 M; 75c M
in 5M lots. O. M. Crow, Gaines-
ville. :

Govt insp. Red and Yellow
Skin P. R. plants, $1.00 M del.
Full Count. George Griffis, Scre-

Hot and sweet pepper plants,
$1.50 M; Red Skin P. R. plants,
$1.25 M: $1.0 M in 5 M lots;
also old flue cured -tobacco,
Ibs., $1.00. Postpaid. Mrs. Christ-
jan Harper, Surrency-

Insp. P. R- and Nancy Hall
Sieme, $1.00 M; $4.50 5 M; Mar-
globe, Gr. Baltimore, Earlenia
tomatoes, $1.00 24; $3.75, 5 M.

Pcked in moss. Prompt ship-|:

rent. Robert Carter, Baxley.

Insp. and treated J 1p P. R.,
Gadis, and Triumph ~lants, $1. 00
M; 10Mi- 9c M; Mareglobe,
Break- O-Day tomatoes, certi-
fied, $1.00 M; 5 M up, 90c M; Gr.
Baltimore, New Stone, not cer-
tified, 75 M. Ready : ow. B. J.
Morris, Baxlev.

Treated and insp. P. R-. and
Gadis plants, now ready, $1.25
M; 5 M $5.00; Gr. Baltimore,
Marglobe and Break- 9-Day to-
matoes, 500, 60c; $1.00 M; 5 M,
$3.75. Packed in damp moss and
ventilated crates. Miles

Marglobe, New Stone, Break-
O-day tomato plants, 500, 50c;
75c M; Ruby King pepper plants,
$1.25 M del. Prompt shipment.
Full count. J: P. Mullis Baxley,
Rt, 4.2.2

Pure Red Skin P. R. plants.
$1.25 M postpaid; $1.00 M not
postpaid. Exchange some for hay
peas. Frank Harris, Baxley.

Gov't. insp., treated Pink Skin
P. R. and Early Triumph pota-
to plants, $1.00 M del. Prompt
Shipment. Rev. Earl P. Paulk,
Surrency, Rt. 2.

Gov't insp., treated Pink Skin
P. R. afd Early Triumph plants,
> M. Guar. Prompt shipment.

. Z. Jackson, Surrency, Rt- 2.

New Stone, Marglobe and Gr.
Baltimore tomato plants, Now
ready, 75c M del. Good count. R.
W. Tomberlin, Surrency.

Gov't imsp. Imp. P. R. and
Nancy Hall potato plants, $1.25
M. C. R. Redmond, Pelham.

P .R. and ee Hall potato
plants, $1.25 M. 4. R. Jones, Pel-

New Stone, Mazglobe tomatoes
$1.00 M; also flue cured tobacco,
12 lbs.. $1-00 del. Mrs. Mary E.
Tomberlin, Surrency.

Young Berry plants, $1.50 C;
500, $6.50; $12.00 M; horse rad-
ish plants, 20c doz-; dill seed,
13c large packet. Add postage on
horse radish plants. Mrs. W. A.
Johnson, Alto, Rt. 1.

Large rooted Kudzu, treated to
prevent fungus, $1.00. C; $7.90

M. Carefully packed and. del. _J.)

W. Toole, Rt. 2, Macon.






~ Iceberg -or White Piackbrry.
red thornless raspberry. 50c doz.
John B. Nix, Alto, Rt. 2.

Lady T. strawberry plants 30c
C; $2.40 M; Imp. Gibson and
Wonderberries, 40c C; $3.20 M;
also peppermint, garden horse-
mint, 24 for 25c; horse radish. 4
25c. Exchange for white
100 Ib. feed sacks. Mrs. Lona
Blackwel!, Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Super Marglobe wilt resistant
tomato, 40c C; $1.50 M. Mrs. J.
B. Paul, Leesburg.

2,500 crates leading varieties
cabbage plants, strong, healthy,
$1.25 crate fob cars. Send check.
J. W. Lang, Omega.

Lady . strawberry plants, 30c
C; $240 M; Imp. Gibson and
Wonderberries, 40c C; $3.20 M;
also peppermint. garden horse-
mint, 24 for 25c. Exchange for
100 lb. white feed sacks. Mrs. Sa-
rah Grindle, Dahlonega Rt. 1.

Certified Marglobe and Gr.
Baltimore tomato pl.nts, 200.
50c; 500, $1.00; $1.50 M del.
Quick del-. Vio. Smith, Eldoren-
do. :

Lucretia dewberry and Eldora-
do blackberry plants, hardy and
heavily rooted, 75c C; $5.00 M.
Mrs. C. M. Robinson, Greenville.

Govt insp. P. R. plants, $1.00
M in 5 M lots. FOB. Satis. guar.
P. H. Davis, Surrency, Rt. 2,
Care Lilla Campbell Farm.

Pure P. BR. plants, $1-00 M in
10. M lots. M. O. or cash with

order. Exchanges. .illa Camp-
bell, Surrency.
Klondike strawberry plants,

25c C; $1.00 M, add postage; also
4 Ibs. sundried peaches, free from
worms, 50c pose: No stamps
or checks. Mrs. L. 23. Fry, Dal-
las Rt. 3.

Govt insp.
M; New Stone and Gr. Balti-
more tomato, $1.25 M. del. J. C.
Allen, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Charleston and Copenhagen
cabbage plants, 500, 40c; 75c M;
up to 5 M, 60c M; P. R. potato
plants, 500, 80c; $1. 5) M; lead-
ing variety tomato plants. 609.
$1.00; $1.75 M. Prompt shipment.
Mrs. Eural Carter, Lake Park.

Jerusalem artichoke plants, 30c
C. Exchange for 100 lb. feed
sacks or potato plants. Ea. pay
postage. Mrs. N. B. Burden, Sr.,
Elberton, Rt. 6, Box 89. :

Cert. P. R. potato and Mar-
globe and Baltimore tomate
plants, ea. $1.00 M-. Ready to
ship. Quick service. W. V- Car-
ter, Alma.

Gov. insp., P. R. potato plants,
$1.25 M. FOB. Mrs. Jessie Dykes,
Baxley, Rt. 2.

Gov. insp. and treated pink
skin P. R. and Early Triumpn
plants, seed grown from vine
cuttings, $1.25 M-. Del. A. Z.
Jackson. Surrency, Rt. 2.

Gov. insp., red and yellow skin

T. R. plants, $1.50

Pp. R. potato plants, $1.25 M. del.

Ready April 25th. Good plants,
full count. M. C. Crow, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 2.

50 M. insp. P. R. potato plants
for April 15th del. $1.00 M. FOB.
James Holt, Hazlehurst, RFD 1.

Garden assortment plants, 500
red skin potato, 100 ea. tomato,
cabbage, onion, Ruby King pep-
per. 50 Hot pepper, 100 collard.
all. for $2.00. Del. epee price
on larger lots. G. L. Steedley,

State Cert: 2: potato plants,
$1.35 M Prepaid in Ga. $1.00 M.
not prepaid. Prompt shipment.
T. T. Lineberger. Valdosta, Rt 3:

Red or Pink skin P. R. potato|
plants, Gov. insp., $1.25 M. FOB.
Ready April 15th. Sat. guar.
John Oliver, Sylvester.

Potato plants, state inspected
imp- Porto Rican, made from
vines, $1.10 M for April; $1 M

| for May and June. W. G. Hart-

ley, Alamo.

Potato.plants, Porto Rican, red
and yellow skin, ceftified, ready
April 15th $1.35 M. del. 2n- zone;
not del. $1.5 M. F. E. Shannon,
PO Box 102.

Strawberry plants, Lady T,.30c
C $2.25 M; Imp. Jungs Gibson
and Youngs wonderberry. 40c
C, $3.50 M. Mrs. Lona Blackwell,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Gov. insp. treated pink skin P.
R. and Early Triuntph- potato.
Good plants and full count. $1.25
M. del. Rev. Earl P. Paulk, Sur-
rency, Rt. 2.

Red Skin P. R- plants from| 79

vine cuttings, ready by April
10th. $1.40 M. del. J. W. Haman,
Ocilla. Rt. 2.

State insp., P. R. plants, $1.25
M. for April, May, June del. Exc.
for peas, N. C. peanuts, dried
fruit and seed chufas, free of
nut grass. J. W. Hinson, Hazle-

Sweet potato, cert. imp. purple
skin Porto Rican, $1.25 M. del. $1
FOB. Earliana tomato, $1 M del.
25c per C, ready Apr. 15-20. Apr.
May and June del. Mrs. D. J.
Johnson, Tarrytown, Rt. 2.

Sweet potato, purple skin Por-
to Rican, Early Trimuph, $1.50
M, postpaid. $1.20 FOB. now
ready, or exc. what have you?
Cash with orders only. Mrs. B.
B. Medders, Alma. Rt. 4...


tec tomato,: potato, sweet
pepper plants, $1.25 M; Hot pep-
per plants, 30e C; collard, 15 M.
Eugene Darsey, Baxley, Rt. 4.

P. R. potato plants, insp. and
treated, $1.25 M; tomato, $1.00
M. FOB. Now ready. S. B. Cros-
by. Baxley, Rt. 4.

Sweet potato, pink skin Porto
Rican and Early Triumph, Govt.
Insp. $1.25 M. Del. J. M. Tom-
berlin. Surrency, Rt. 2

Tomato plants, $1.00 M; sweet
pepper plants, $1.50 M; potato
plants. $1.25 M. Vernon Griffis,
Baxley. Rt. 4, Box 68.


Want early, wilt-proof field
grown, stocky tomato, early po-
tato, and other plants. Will exc.
purebred B. L. eggs, or sell eggs
for 50c per 15. Write first. Mrs.
Frank Thomas. Lyerly, Rt. 1.

* Want prices on 10 M. inspect-
ed yellow skin P. R. potato plants
del. by April 25th, by parcel post
to Austell. T. W. Mitchell, Atlan-
ta. Rt. 5, Box 415.

Want 10 M. pink skin P. R.
sweet potato spe by April 10th.
State price. a . Cobb, Brooks.

Want several .-hives of bees
within 10 mi. Decatur. State
number and _ price. George S.
Obear. 111, Atlanta 627 se.
crest Road, N. E.

SEED? 3%

runner bean seed. State price,
etc. Mrs. Maggie Hodneple, Gab-

Want some pron corn seed,
also some early Flat Dutch cab-
bage plants. J. E.. Meeks, Gay,

Want small white soup (or
navy) bean, bunch var. No half-
runners wanted. Mrs. S. S. Sayer,

Want 1 doz. small Dasheens.
Write price. J. Burnett, Dahlon-
ega. Rt. 5.

Exe. Crotalaria Spectabilis
seed for any good winter legume
seed; value for value. I will ship
now, you ship this fall. Write.
J. A. Calhoun, Julia.

Want some old fashioned Blue
Stem collard seed. Write. Oliver
Hicks, Stockbridge, Rt. 2.

Want white multiplying onions
also white cornfield bean seed,
Bermuda onion and tomato
plants. Exc. Henderson baby li-
ma bean seed. A. R. Shadden,
College Park, Rt. 2.

Grain and Hay For Sale

Hastings 100 Bu. oats, 50c bu;
pure Stoneville cottonseed, pri-
vately ginned, recleaned, 70c bu.
Biloxi soy beans, 4c lb. R. C.
Couch, Turin. 7

15 tons first class Bermuda
and clover hay, baled, no rain
on it, $10.00 ton at my place on
State Highway No. 41, between
Gray and Eatonton. E. W. Little.
Haddock, Rt. 1.

Pretty, bright peanut hay and
slipped shuck corn, in good cond.,
4s sale. W. A. Fitzgerald, Oma-


2 M bundles 4-hand bottom
land fodder, $1.50 per C. bundles
at barn. Ode Wilson, -Murray-
Ville, Rt. 1.

Pecan and Other Fruit
Trees for Sale

~ May Cherry, 3 for 25c; privet
hedge. 25c doz-; white Niagara
grape cuttings, 10c doz.; crab-
apple 10c ea. or $1 doz.; oak hy-
drangea, 3 for 25c. Exc. for sage
ee Royal Eller, Ellijay, Rt.

Blue and Red Goose plums,
brown figs, Lumbertwig and
Horse apple, muscadine, scup-
pernong vines, 10c ea., $1 doz. al-
so Kudzu crowns, 75 C; or $5
per M. Inez Patterson, Waco.

Strawberry plants, Klondike,
20c C 85c per 5 C; $1.50 M; goose
plum sprouts, 35c ea. 4 for $1;
fresh country butter, 4-6 lbs. wk.
25c lb. cows T B tested. Mrs. Ef-
fie Crowe. Cumming, Rt. 1.

Large Himalaya black berry
vines. 10c doz-; 20 or more if
postage is sent. Mrs. Italy Hem-
perly, College Park, Rt. 2, Box

-10 black walnut trees for sale.
S. S. Elder, Mayfield, Rt. 2.


Fresh Ext. honey in 10 Ib.
pails, cases of 4 for $2.50; 6 in
Cs. $3.50, FOB. W. G. Chambless

Good honey for sale in large
and small orders. Ed Bradley,

New bee gums, new style with
glass observation and supers, new
device to catch swarms as they
come out of gum. $3.00 ea. I. A.

Want some White Ice half-

Delta. 200 oS pure. -recl
$_ per bu. FOB. V. B. Rosse
cust Grove. Bee

Cokers, selected, unmixed:
$2.25 per C, also Duroc bo:
yr. $17.50 with papers fol
boars, exc. purebred, 7 mo:
reg $10. S. L. Thornton, Dew
TOSG Risk,

Wannamaker, 10 bin for pl
ing, sound, treated with 2
cent Ceresan, $1 per bu. or
exc. for seed peanuts or so
seed. O. S. Duggan, Chester

Cook's Imp. 100 bu. wilt-re:
ant, guar. sound, 2nd yr. $1
bu. T. O. Whitchard, Blakely

Ruckers Early Pride, 1 in. st
+ ple, 48 per cent lint, 1200 lbs
makes 500 lb. bale, $1 per bi
Thomas Rucker, Ashland.

Stoneville 2-B bu ee ginn
75 per bu. FOB or exc. for pea
T. W. Simiaons, Douglasville,
3, Box 42.

Todd's long staple cottons
$1 per bu. also fine ue a
chickens. $3 per pr. . Mo
Canton, Rt. 3. oS

Wanna. naker Wonder, Di:
Triumph, strain 2-A-20; Coke:
100; Stoneville 2-A, 1st yr. g
kept pure, $1 per bu. also Cok
33-47 oats. 40c per bu. large heay
ear corn, $20 per ton. J. Haro
Goolsby, Monticello.

Rucker, 35 bu. No. 1, 2nd
kept pure at gin, 75c per bt
barn, 85c FOB Adairsville. Cr
sa L. Stone, Adairsville, Rt.

Todds 1 5-16th in. staple,
pure at gin, $- ve bu. FOB |
office here. 2. ee Se

Half and Half, 50 bu. imp. $]
per bu. FOB; also 25 bu. old-
fashioned seed field corn, 1 ear
to stalk. large ears, fine for poo:
land, $1.25 p:- bu. FOB: ao
Andrews, Haddock.


White bunch and running but=
ter beans, 1938 crop, 20c lb-; 3 II
up 15c lb-: Half Runner stri
beans, 20c big cupful. Mrs. J. E.
Sikes, Cochran, Rt. 2. :

White and colored bunch 1
butterbeans, 25c lb.; cashaw see
10c for 2 doz.; white velvet. o
seed, hot pepper, 10c tsp. Pos
paid. No checks. Josephine
ley, Mitchell.

Long green pod okra seed 19.
crop; 15c lb. Bradford Alli
Cassidy Rd. Thomasville. _

Long handle gourd seed;
low meat watermelon seed
package. Postpaid. Ella Wilk
ner, Warthen.

Marglobe tomato seed
lb.; New Stone, 70c lb. de
O. Waldrip, Flowery Brane

Long green pod okra. seed,
10c cupful; 25c Jb. Post-
paid. Mrs. Berry Bennett, Fl
ery Branch, Rt. 1,

Mammoth Russian ansee
seed, large heading kind, 5
start; whit- egg turnip seed, 5!
a Mrs. G. Collins, Cobbtaw

Several l5s. bunch butter bean
seed, white 15e lb.; 2 for
colored, 10c Ib. Add Soe
= Mrs. Sterling Evans, Ogee
chee. =

White African cane seed: 1
yr. from grower, 10c Ib. Se
Higgins, Dahlonega, Rt. 4.

Nice white nset onions,
gal. Add postage. Curtis wri
Rt. 1, Buchanan. =

Nice white nest onions, 2
25 gal. Add postage. Exchang
for dried fruit. Mrs. Gussie Con-
ner Buchanan, Poi.

15 Ibs. Heart of Gold cant:
loupe seed, true to name, $1.00
Ib. $12.00 lot. C. B. Jones, Tho
son, Rt. 2.

Calif. multipiying beer see

10 start. Add postage. Mrs. Sa
lie Floyd. Rockmart, Rt. 2.

oo multiplying beer seed
Star td 3c pose CB tds
Fayetteville, Rt. x
Nice, clean oe ea. $3.00
bu. Mrs. Ida Prince, Douglas


Good aged tobacco,
and chewing, no trash, 12 Ib

$1.00. postpaid. Prompt Ship:
ment. Mrs. Grady B. Sellers, Al-
_ Good mellow flue cured chew
ing tobacco, 12 Ibs., $1.00; smo
ing, 12 Ibs., 5c. Postpaid. a
Lillie Lightsey, Screven, Rt.

Tobaceo, bright leaf, aoe
11 Ibs., $1.00; smoking, 13 Ibs.
$1.00. T. M. Roland, Coffee.

Good home-raised tobacco,
chewing, 11 lbs. $1.00; smoking,
6 Ibs. $1.00; 6 lbs. of either for
'50c. Postpaid. M: B. Swain. vee
cfoss, Rt.


Want pure- -bred black Minors
hatching eggs or some young pul-
lets. Write. T. M. Whitworth,



Manley. Deca re 222 Lockwood
| Terrace. =

736 Elbert St. S. W., See



50 Ancona pullets, and 25
Brown Leghorns, almost grown
(3% mos. old), 75c ea. B. R.
Woodlift, Flowery Branch. Rt. 1.

nice, pure Ancona hens, $1.25
..; mixed pullets, 75c ea. All
eady to lay. Add trans. chgs.;
me Super Bee foundation, 60c
Add postage. Wm. Middleton,
ford, Rt. 2.

6 or 8 mixed bantam hens and
ooster, clean legged. Good
ers. 25 ea. a Carl Currie,

mos. old oun White
tie rooster, for sale or swap
-2 White Leghorn or 3 mixed
antam hens, good layers. Not
21. Come see after 3 P. M- J. C.

lace, S. E., Ma 8814,

Trio pure Golden Sebrights,

or exc. for 30 Buff Orp. or
ral purple Black Giant baby
ks. Mrs. J- L. Paugh, Barnes-

stock, $3.00 pr.; 2 game

Few Shee type bantams. Spec-
price on Dark Cornish and
f Cochins, bantam. W. K.
rmdon, Augusta, 1109 Adrian

| 15th, blue legged, rose
bs. 75c ea. Crated. FOB. C.
Milam, Dawson.

foung. mixed bantam hens,
ing. J. C. Thomas, Atlanta,
3, Box 146. je

3aby chicks from trap nest
hens, 200 eggs and up, 15 ea.
aoa Macon, Rt. 3.

, la Beaune April 1938
teh roosters. $1.50 ea. Mrs. C.
Thompson, White Plains.

ight Brahma 10 mos. old ca-
ms, carrying chicks, $2.00 ea.;
B. R. and L. B. erossed, 5 mos.
00 ea. $5.50 for lot. FOB.


thoroughbred White Rock
and rooster, $1.00 ea. FOB.
firs. Alma Oliver, Roy.

50 or more purebred Barred
outh and White Rock, and
- Reds, Feb. 15th hatched, 40c
Del. Ga.; purebred big White
oth Pekin ducks (now lay-
$1.25 ea. Eggs, also. Mrs.

large fine Holtermans
a B. R. roosters, AAA
:. =: 1 geen |

yours B. R. hens, now lay-
$1.00 ea. or exc. for 2 billy
3 2 mos. old. Ea. pay express.
ere, Ellijay, Rt. 3, Box

Nice B. R. rooster, $1.50 plus
p: chgs.; also citron seed. 10
is. and postage. John A. Oli-
Lula. Rt. 1.

olterman str. B. R. 10 mos
pullets now laying, $1.25 ea ;
ers, same age and sir., non-
uted, $3.00 ea.; eggs, $1.50 for
+P. P. Few Iceburg or white
ekberry and thornless rasp-

ao ine Park's roosters, 2 Yr. ola
ind: other 16 mos., $1.75 ea.; Eggs

Ip. hens, 75c per 15. Prepaid
Cartons ret. Mrs. G. C. Clifton,

3 pure White Rock roosters,
Yr. old, T5e ea. not del. Mrs. A.
Dozier, Norwood.

White Rocks, 244 mos. old,
bout 4 of them pullets, $25.00.
Ss Ava May, Norman Park, Rt.

M. B. R. pullets, 6 wks. old
23. Sell all or part at. bar-
- Come see, 5 mi. West Cor-
oa. good road on Cleveland
Rt. or write. E. L. Colston,

10 Parks B. R. hens and 28
lonaldsons R. I. Red hens, last.
Spring hatch, now laying, $1.00
z. I. M. Webb, Ellijay.

AAA B. R. hens and rooster,
yrs. old, $5.00 for lot. Money
rder. Mrs. Jas. J. Williams, Bos-
Rt. 2, Box 215.

urebred Tennessee str. B. R.
mos. old rooster and 3 pure-
New Hampshire Red 10
old roosters, $1.25 ea., not
Bid. Mrs. J. T. Gay, Sum-
Rt. 2

R. hens and unre-
rooster, February 1938

or) syrup, in new cypress
chexp: Exe. either for big
. black Guinea hogs or

Mrs. AN &. _ Lorde

rown, Atlanta, 253 Cher Hubert E: Hill Maysville. Rt. 1.

Cochins, |

. $2.00: Eggs, 10c ea. A.|
Haley Atlanta, 1946 Howell]

|Red Hull Speckled table peas,

, Golden Sebright hens, Yr. old}

"O. only. Fred Lovell, Tignall,|

| per 15, del. Mrs. R. Q. Miller, Ae-

: 50 doz. John B. Nix, Alte}

-T lb. hens, 85 setting: from}

i now laying,

atch, $10.00; good heavy (mild)



2 purebred Cornish roosters
$3:00 or $1.50 ea.; 40 purebred
Thomas str. pullets and 6 roost-
ers, February 1939 hatch; want a
Bull Dog str. Cornish rooster.
Money order. Mrs. Annie B.
King, Quitman. Rt. 2, Box 56.

Large type purebred Cornish
hens, $1.00 ea., FOB; eggs, $1.00
per 15, $1.50 for 30. Crates ret-
Mrs. A. G. Clarke, Abbeville. Rt.

10 pure Dark Cornish hens,
pullets and 1 cockerel, $15.00
FOB; pure Hastings Golden
Jarvis prolific seed corn, nubbed
and hand shelled, 75c pk. $2.50
bu. H. W. Thurmond, Greens-
boro, Rt. 1, Box 131.

12 purebred Yr. old pullets,
laying and rooster. All healthy,

30 Jarge blocky type, pure Cor-

(nish chicks, 8 wks. old, 25c ea.

Mrs. Jewell Dominy, Eastman.

Dark Cornish cockerels, 11
mos. old, ready for service, $1.50
ea. J. B. Oglesby, Atlanta, 1042
W. Marietta St. N. W. He 4546. |

About 25 purebred Cornish
hens, $1.25 ea., 5 for $5.00; also

10e Ib. Not less 5 Ibs. sold. Pre-|
paid. Mrs. Frank Kirkland,
| Douglas, Rt. 3.


1 black-eyed Cuban game yr.)

old _coekerel. Guar. pure.
Trimmed. Jas. Bnock, Carrollton,
RFD 4.

Fine Warhorse game rooster,

$2.50; young hens, $2.00 ea. B.}
|. Fussell Brunswick, Blythe


S. S. Hambergs, $1.00 ea. or
exc. for game bant-1s or wood

ducks. D. T. Jennings, Americus,}

Pp. O. Box 84.

Limited number fine Black
Minorea cocks, $3.00;
$2.00 ea. From prize winners.
S. Austin, Atlanta, Rt. 68.

1@ large black Mimorea hens,
Jaying, and rooster. 16 White


Rock ger and rooster, 6 mos.|

old. Ss.


30 heavy breed mixed hens, at
my yard, 60c ea. for lot. Mrs.
Larucker Davidson, Molena.


5 Golden Buff Orp., new lay-
ing, Yr. old, $1.25 ea. Very fine.
Mrs. J. E. Lott, Broxton.

Pure Golden Buff Orp. pullets
6 to 8 wks. old, 60c ea. Eggs, $1.00

All $1.00 a. L. Hodges,

worth, Rt. 2.


6 AAA S. C. W. L. fah, 1938
hatch roosters, ready for. service,
$4.00 or $1.25 ea, FOB. Mrs. &. G.
Bleckley. Rabun Gap.

1 rooster, $10.00: Mrs. Ethel F.
Ave., S. W., Ra 2722.

Choice S. C. W. L. 8 wks. old
eockerels, Johnsons trap-nested
Imperial Matings, 5 or more, 75

ea. FOB. U. V. Whipple Jr.,
20 B. L. hens, .

Everlay str.,
$15.00, money order. Mrs. R, i:
Allison, Cleveland, Rt. 3.

Correction: Will contract to
furnish 200 AA grade, Eng. str.
W. L. 10 wks. old, nice, fully de-
veloped pullets for $130.00 FOB
my shipping point,
Mrs. T. M. McNeeley, Turnerville.

. 150 Booth AAA str. Yr. old,
$1.00 each. P. G.
Austria, Waycross.

35 extra nice, AAA Hanson str.
W. L. 8 wks. old pullets for sale.
Jack Davis, Temple.

100 W. L. AAA str., laying 70
per cent now, March 1938 hatch,
Tic ea. FOB. A. H. Marquardt,
Conyers. RFD 3.

8 W. L. pullets, 5 mes. old,
$6.00; Black Cochin bantam
roosters, $1.00 ea. T. M. Whit-
Ages Atlanta, 736 Elbert St. S.

100 W. L. April 1938 hatch pul-
lets, 85c ea.; 120 April 1937 hens,
15e ea. All Hollywood str. Also 12
S. C. Black Minorcas, April 1938
hatch, 85 ea. or entire lot at my
yard, 0c, ea. F. P. Prather, Mon-
roe. Rt.

25 W. L. 9 mos. old rfullets,
large type, good layers, $1.00 ea.
= J. W. Wooten, Broxton, Rt.

15 purebred select. Everlay str.
B. L. hens (and unrelated roos-
ter given with each 10 hens), 70c
ea. or $50.00 for lot. G. W. Paulk
Willacoochee: Rt. 2.

3 full blooded B. L. 5 mos. old
cockerels, 75e ea. not postpaid.

t vigorous, $15.00. Mrs.-}
oan , | Red 11 mos. old cockerels,

| Miers,

cockerels, |

Atlanta, 980 Cascade|.

Del. in June.|

Mrs. M. E. poe Jasper,


Golden pheasants, $7.00 pr.;
Ringneck ves, $2.00 pr. J. R.

Owens, Atlanta, 1946 Howell Mill


4 beautiful blue peacocks, 2 yrs.
old, $15.00 ea. FOB. W. C. Day,
Thomaston, RFD 1.


White Crest Black Polish. $5.00
pair. R. L. Carter, Brewton.


About 15 prs. Ga. Bob Whites,
pen raised and perfectly tame.
Ed Willink Atlanta, 1563 Jones-
boro Road.


Purebred Hubbard str. Aer ee
ea. Mrs. L. M. Kermedy, Collins,

Rt- 2.
90 N. H. Red pullets and 12

| eockerels, all 6 mos. old, $1.00 ea.

Junie Crane, Buford Rt. 2.

2 S. C. New Hampshire Red]

yr. old cockerels, bloodtested,
$1.25 ea, Money order. Mrs. John
G. Hudson, Cairo, Rt. 1.


3 Tompkins Red cockerels, Il
mos. old, $1.00 ea. FOB. Money

| order. Mrs. W. B. Shirley. Alto,

Rt, I.

3 Donaldson S. C. R. IL Red
March 1938 roosters, $1-00 ea. at

| yard, or postage added; Hatch-/|
' ing eggs, $1.00 per 16. Mrs. W. A.

Watson, Woodstock. Rt, 2.

Donaldson Reds (very dark)
and Japanese Silkies very reas-
onable prices. (Selling flock on

| account iH health). Mrs. C. =

Stone Mountain, Rt.
Box 229.

4 hens and rooster, 12 and 18
mos. old, laying, Donaldson AA
Reds $5.00; New Hampshire Red
eggs from AA pen of 12 hens and
cockerel, $1.00 for 15, del. B. ~
don, Monticello.

10 thoroughbred AAA Red pul-
lets and large cockerel, April
hatch, $12.50 plus express.
Charles Young. Toccoa.

16 A grade April hatch av. 4
lb. hens, now laying. 50-50 S. C.
BE. Reds and Buff Orpingtons,
9$0c ea. or $12.50 for lot, my sta-
tion. Hardy McSaba, Jasper.

10 each S. C. and R. C. R. I.

Red hens, purebred, healthy and

laying, $10.00 each lot, with
rooster free with ea. lot. Mrs. A.

|B. Crow, Flowery Branch, Rt. 2.

3 R. I. Red roosters, Tompkins
str. 11 mos. old, $1.60 ea. FOB.

| Mrs. W. B. Shirley. Alto, Rt. 1.

2 Mallard and 1 White drakes.
and 1 Speckled Guinea rooster,
7c ea. Exc. for young guinea
hens; Buff Orp. and Mallard
duck eggs, 75c per 15. Roberta
McCollum, Grantville, Rt. 2.

Young Mammoth Long Island

| White Pekin ducks, $1.00 ea.
B. L., 9 pullets, now laying and}

FOB here. Any number. Hatehed
J ry 26th, now wt. about 5
te A. L. Miligan, Blooming-

1 Muscovey drake, white and
green feathers, quackless type,
$1.25 FOB; Eggs, $1.00 per 12
postpaid. No personal . checks.
s T. Chatham, Adairsville,

Black and White Muscovey
ducks, $1.00 ea., drakes, $1.50 ea.
Eggs, $1.00 per 15. Jas. Fletcher,

Purebred Bourbon Red tom,
wt. 25 lbs, 1 brown Bronze hen.
$4.50 FOB for both. Mrs. Cecil
Dominy, Eastman.

2 M. B. toms, April hateh,
around 20 Ibs., $3.50 ea. Trade

1 for pr. geese. Mrs. H. A. Mar-|

tin, Conyers, 142 McDonough St.

Trio of crossed Muscovey and
White Pekins (hens now laying)
$2.25 for lot; baby ducks about

| May Ist (some in April), l5c ea.

at 1 week old. M. O. only. Mrs.
W. T. Bryan, Turin, Rt. 1,

2 White African guinea recat
ers, $1.00 ea. Wesley C. Hodnette,
Gabbettville, Rt. 2, Box 33.

- 2 gobblers, Yr. old, 20 Ib. at
my farm. Will not ship. Exc. for
turkey hens or pigs. M. L. Shea-
ly, Oglethorpe.

Naked neck turkens, $1.50 ea.
$4.00 trio. Roy Holcombe, Adairs-
ville, Rt. 2.

10 geese, $1.00 ea. at my house,
or by freight, FOB Walthour-
ville. No ehks. Money order. Lee
Joyner, ee

10 R. C. Silver Wyandotte
cocks and hens $1.00 ea, All pure-
bred 1938 hatch, unrelated stock.
Mrs. Van Harris, Lula.

50 R. C. W. Wyandotte a
lets, 65 ea. or 60c ea. for lot.
wks. old March. 17th. a ds Ww.

4 Copeland, Bowden, Ro. 1

| White Leghorn baby




6 hens now laying and 2 cock-
erels, breeding age, pure Rose

$8.00 for the 8, FOB. Mrs. Maude
Fleming, Hartwell, Rt. 1

AAA 8. C. Wyandotte roost-
ers, Yr. old, $2.00 ea. 2 for $3.00
FOB; also selected eggs, 75c per
15; $1. 25 for 30, del. Mrs. Douglas
McLendo:, Dawson. Rt. 4.

10 purebred W. Wyandotte
pullets, laying, $1.00 ea.; 2 young
roosters, $2.00 for both; 5 pure-
bred Partridge Rock hens and
rooster, $12.00; 5 mixed hens. 80c
ea. All FOB. Mattie B. McPher-
son, Rabun Gap, Rt. I.



Want several hundred W. L.
baby, also started, chicks, and
some laying hens.
ete. Louise Harrell, Eastman, Rt.

Exe. genuine Red Skin P. R.
potato plants for any large
breed baby chicks. T. L. Dukes,

Want 100 B. R. chicks to raise
on halves to 2 mos. old. Party
pay postage both ways. Write
first. Mrs. L. C. Harris. Dallas,
Rte 1.

Want in April to raise baby
chicks on halves 150 ea., White
and Brown Leghorns, 250 W.
Wyandottes or Brahmas. 12 yrs.
exp. Party pay trans. chgs. both
ways. Frank Sewell, Jr. Abbe-

ville. Rt. 1, c-o Jim Miller.

Exc. extra fine, well rooted
Boysenberry plants for good str.
consider other chicks. Mrs. J. R.
Sloan, Pelham, Rt. 1.

Want raise broilers by the
pound or by the chicken, the
year round at standard prices.
Write if interested. Mrs. Otis M.-
Mashburn, Cumming, Rt. 5.


Want 6 or more purebred
Golden Laee Sebright bantam
hens. Quote best price. H. G-
Stewart, Shellman.


Want few purebred, frying size
Buff Leghorn pullets, now or in
early summer, at. reasonable
price. Mrs. J: D. Barnes, Sylves-
ter, Rt 3.


Want 10 to 25 hens and 2 or
3 roosters,
halves. J. FP. Adair, Wrightsville,
Rt. f. =

Bob White hens, or what have
you in the line of Pheasants or
Quail? Also Bob White coeks to
trade. Mrs. R. J. Wrinn, Atlanta,
Ret. 3. Se

Turkeys; Guineas, Geese

Ducks; Etc. Wanted

Want 50 or 100 little turkey
poults te raise on shares or will
take the eggs and set and raise
fer half 1 raise. Abie N. Cook,
Blairsville. Rt. 1..

Want buy 1 Black Muscovy

age and description. Write. Mrs.
J. T. Byrd, Lumpkin, Rt. 2-B.

Want some purebred Wood
ducks. M. C. Horton, Chamblee.

Want 10 White guineas, 9 hens
and rooster, at 50c ea. J. G. Mor-
ris, Jonesboro.

Want 6 guinea hens at once at
50c ea. H. L. Leverett, Columbus,
Reese Road.

Want 1 young Mammoth
Bronze hen; and have 1 M. B.
pure strain tom, $3.50 FOB Ex-
press. Mrs. R. R. Stevenson, Me-
Rae. Rt. 2.

Exe. duck and drake large
White Pekins, $3.00 value, for 3
Guinea hens and rooster, prefer
White; also want good, cow and
heifer calf, fresh or freshen soon
at reasonable price. Mrs. Geo.
M. Normandy, Dunwoody. Rt. 1.

Want 8 hens and 2 cocks about
yr. or 15 mos. old, at 50c ea., or
will exc. 5 Dark B. L. Everlay
str. yr. old hens; for sale 7 AAA
B. R. pullets, laying, nearly yr.
old, purebred, unrelated rooster,
$1.50 ea. Mrs. Ruth Chapman,
Butler, Rt. 1.


Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs;
setting of 14 $2.00 postpaid. C.
A. Dunean, Rt. 2, Bx. 114, Col-
lege Park.

Red Leghorn hatching eggs
Tsc setting. H. K. Ward, tucer.
trial City Gardens, Savannah.

Quail eges after April 15th.

Write os pelece A. C. Salter, SE.

Comb Columbian Wyandottes,

State prices,|

| Donaldson, Decatur, 726 S.
to raise from on}
Will swap Golden cocks tor|
to plants $1. 00 M. Charles M. El~

} eggs now ready $6.25 dozen pre-

drake for breeding. State price,|

Saturday, April 15, 193

Buff Orpington egg. Tec for
15; Exchange 4 dozen for 10 tur-

key poults, no culls. Mrs. Opal
Devenport, Andersonville. .

Selected eggs for hatching
from New Hampshire Red chicks
direct from Atz Mammoth
hatchery 75c 15, $4.50 100. and
Lup. Mrs. W. C. Rahn, Lakeland.

Purebred R. C. Brahma eggs,
carefully selected and packed
$1.00 15 postpaid; 2 cockerels,
March, 1938 hatch $150 each.
FOB. 15 Ibs. okra seed, 1.938 S
clean, dry 25c Ib. postpaid. L. J.
Brown, RFD 2, Colbert.

High quality eggs from thor-
oughbred blood tested R. I. reds,
Donaldson strain $:50 15; two
l-year old R. I. red roosters $2.00
each. Mrs. D. F. Walker, War-

Big bone Mammoth Bronze
turkey eggs 15 for $3.00 postpaid,
you return carton. Wynelle Sea- x
go, Pinehurst.

Large type pure breed dark
Cornish eggs $1.00 for 15, crates
to be returned. No checks. Miss
Florence Horne, Grovetown.

Ancona. Sheppard strain 3A
grade and Black Minorca eggs
Ea. 18 eggs for 85c postage paid.
Lea Willa Elliott, Rt. 1. Lavonia.

Pure bred buff rock setting
eges $1.00 15 plus postage; also
Buff Rock roosters $1.00 each at
my place. Mrs. Clyde Barber,
Rt. 1, Hiram.

Pure white Pekin duck eggs
for hatching 75c 15 postpaid. No
stamps. Mrs. L. K. ls Tal-

M. B. turkey eges from same j
strain $1.25 a dozen April and
May delivery; will exchange 15
turkey eggs for 25 day-old chick:
anv large breed pure or. mixed.
Write what you have. Mrs. W.
A. Howell, Greensboro.

Booth AAA S. Cc. W. Leghorn
eges 75c 15; $3.00 100; also
Hastings Hales Best cantaloupe
seed, 60c Ib.; P. R. potato plants
$1. 25 M. All prepaid. Bo 3
Chandler, Rt. 4, Tifton.

Purebred Rose comb silver
laced Wyandotte hatching egg
Te setting of 15 postpaid. Mr.
Lonnie McMicken, Rt. 3, Dallas.

Pure M. B. turkey eggs now
ready $2.25 dozen del. Mrs. E. A.
Adams. Rt. 3, Bowdon.

Rhode Island Red eggs $1.00
15, $5.00, 100; baby chicks priced
on request. Four months old
cockerels $1.00 each. Mrs. Donald

ler St., Dea. 2405.

Big Ene. W. L. eggs ne
Roselawns AAA and Ped. stock
65c 15 postpaid. Mrs. C. P. Plun~
kett, Rt? A, Summerville: uf

Purebred Brown Leghorn egg.
15 for 60c, 30 for $1.00; also Tx
baeco for smoking or echewi
18 Ibs. $1.00; Pink skin PR pota-

son, Gen! Del. Gainesville.
Big Bone Giant Bronze turkey.

paid. These birds are the largest
of the whole turkey family and
best. layers. a your order. L.
J. Ellis, Rt. 5, Cumming. See

Dark Cornish Indian game
eggs from blood tested 2 yr. old
stock 15 for $1.00 postpaid. No
personal checks. Mrs. Laura B-
Cox, 27 Floyd St., Sandersvil >.

S$. C. R. Red hatching |
$1.25 15 delivered in Ga. x
paid. Mahood and Dovalanak
strains crossed. Miss Belle Tim-
merman, Box 83, Bronwood. :

M. B. turkey eggs $2.25 a doce
en. crate to be retd. Mrs. R. L.
Henson, RFD 2, Carnesville. ee

Selected hatching eges from
Roselawns Big Type Eng. stv.
W. Leghorns, pen ped. matings.
Sell or exchg. for potato plants.
Mrs. Lester DeFoor, Rt. 2, 1

S. C. Blue Andalusian jae
Parks B. R. AAA grade eggs. ea.
$1.00 setting plus postage. Mrs.
W. L. Treadaway, Adairsville.

Giant Strain Light Brahma
eggs 15 for $1.00; also 4 Giant
Strain Lt. Brahma young roost-
ers $1.00 each; hens of same
breed $1.50, or 6 for $7.50. All
FOB here. Mrs. Mamie Stone,
Rt. 2, Adairsville.

Turkey eggs April $2.40 dozen
postpaid. Mrs. J. A. Milford, Rt.
2, Ball Ground. =

Pure Mammoth Bronze Tur-
key eggs from blood tested stock
$2.50 dozen prepaid. Jack Mc=-
Daniel, Rt. 2, Pitts.

Incubators & Brooders |

Want Little Brown Hen ine
cubator, prefer 100 egg cap
cheap, in perfect condition. M

Homer L. Jackson, Rt. 2, Hees

Want medium or lar
incubator, in good condition foe


cash. W. S. Towns, To %





~ x

and harrow,
eond., cheap. William G. Tuck.

- cond. FOB. Boyce Garner. Lux-

_ 41 Cole cotton planter, Ledbet-

Yetesville, Rt. 1.

tor, new bearings, ete. $35.00 FOB
; cond., $15.00 cash. Mrs.

ton planter,
. Arnold, Washincton.

eultivator, used 1 year, $75.00
cash at my home. Mrs. C. M.
English, Andersonville. Rt. 1,

Box 242 A.

_ Groover, Glennville, Rt. 1-

_ Garrett, Washington, Rt. 3-

43 Oliver plow


ator, for sale. Apply . E. T. Bos-
well, Jr., Siloam.

-. 30 in, Meadows corn mill, 2

Ee el] on 4 steet wheels with spade
: Wy, Oglethorpe.

gond. $125.00 FOB. Exc. for cow

; eond., $4.00. Exc. for 1 h- turner

: Do aville.

. Pewuer Springs.

$25.00 ea. or exc. for cow, pigs
or sweet potato plants, W. P.
- -Monigomery, Jr. | Macon, 364
Second St.


_ fresh in or freshen. soon heifer or

| | : Second-Hand Machinery Incubators & Brooders
1 - Twenty Caterpillar tractor) John Deere walking cultivator.| go pel churn with eile 1,000 chick cap. brooder, used Fiaitels Greece: 1

used little A-1


Avery 27 plow (2 h.) $4.00; 1h.
Oliver plow, $3.00. Both good

All steel roller 2 h. wagon. No.

ter combination planter, Fowler
cultivator. No. 10 Oliver ? h. tura
plow and other equipment. good
cond. Cheap or trade for cows
and yearlings. W. A. Harp,

Large Primrose cream separa-

my place, Mrs. S. A. Wright, Ce-
-de~ Springs. -

Sharpless good
F. L,


Moye, Hamilton, Rt. 1.

2h. Avery turn ploy, Chatta-
nooga middle buster Aver cot-
and other equip-
ment. Cheap for cash. Mrs. C.

David Bradley 2 row tractor

Box 45.

A Grist mill for $65.00 Mrs.
Marie Mantovani, Atlanta, Rt. 4,

15 H. P. Fairbanks Morse eng.
mever used, for sale. See. W. E.

Tom Houston side plow for
Fordson tractor, also Peerless 12
h. p. engine and boiler. G. T.

Friend Orchard power spray
machine, 100 gal. cap.. good cond.
$100.00 at farm. L. P. Single-
ton, Ft, Valley Rt. 3.

15 h. p- Case eng. and boiler,
good cond., $15.00. Suitable for
ginning, etc. M, G. Phillips, Ea-

1 rake and 1 mower, also a No.
and 1. subsoil
plow, good cond. for sale. EB. S.
Reach, Buford, Rt. 1.

International riding cultivator,
$10.00; Oliver riding cultivator,
$12.00; No. 41 Cole eotton and
eorn planter, $17.50. R. S. Ar-
-derson, Hawkinsville.

1 Swing hammer feed mill and
1 No. 16 DeLaval eream separ-

hole sheller and 600 ib. platform
scales, goud cond. $100.00 FOB,
_G. M. Williams, Conyers. Rt. 3.

- John Deere tractor, G. P. mad-

Jugs on rear wheels, re-built, in
good eond., $150.00. M. L. Shea-

A 1936 MecCormick-Deering 8
ft. tractor hitch binder, perfect,

at market value. A. M. Aiken,
16 H. P. gas. eng. needs some

repairs, large cut-off saw, $50.00. |-

W. D. Mays, Stockbridge.

' Ccvington hill dropper ectton-
seed plantey, $7.50. R. P. Bomar,

No. 10 Oliver turn plow, good
er what have you? Chas. Rey-
yolds, Forest Park.

2h. New Deer walking cul-
tivator fairly - good working
eond., $10.00 cash or exc. for any-
thing can use. W. N. Poole, Lil-

Fordson tractor-motor, re-
pored, in perfect cond., $100.00.
B. W. Middlebrooks, Barnesville.

Hammer mill for grinding ear

corn and beans, with 2 sereens
eomplete. $77.50. W. P- Franklin,
Augusta, Rt. 4.
- DeLaval Separator No. 12,
shipped $40.00, or $35.00 at my
heme, 2 mi. No Augusta on Mar-
tin town Rd. Miss Genie Ham-
mone, Augusta, Rt. 3.

20 in Meadows mill, used
abcsut o of 6 yrs., fair cond., I.
H.C. 2 hole corn sheller and 1%
h. p. Fairbanks-Morse eng. Sell
all or part or trade for corn or
fresh milch cow. W. T. Pelfrey,

Electric churn upright style.
uses aasher with old style churn.
$1506 FOB. James Franklin.

Brewn Manley 2 h. walking
ulicvators (ike new, used 1 wk.)

26 h. p. engine, 1 International |
riding cultivator, 2 dbl. aise,
P.ows, 2-2h. wagons, sev. 2 h.
turning plows and other farm-
ing equipment at my place, 3%
mi. N. W. Douglasville. All good;
Cheap. W. I. Dorris,


i 2 row mule power cotton
@uster, A-1 cond. Sell or exe, for

ow. Brine cow and get duster. 7

- $4.00 cash. W. A. Maxham, Aus:

2 h. wagon and a cut off saw.
good cond. Cheap for cash or
trade for livestock . Herbert Kel-
ly, Austell, Rt. 1.

- 1 Good cultivator, good cond.,|

$10.00 at my place. Jamie Causey
Temple, Rt. 1.

Fordson tractor, all worn parts
replaced and motor rebuilt.
$125.00; a Piedmont 2 h. wagon
(with flat bed), $26.90. FOB. Nea!
Whitworth, Lavonia, Rt. 1.

6 ft. McCormick-Deering reap-
er and binder with canvasses,
$50.00; Case threshing machine,
good shape. $200.00; 5 ft. McCor-
mick-Deering Big Six mowing
machine, $30.00 James.B. Bartch.
Augusta, Milledgeville Road.

A well drilling outfit, good
cond., $200.00 here, or trade tor
large size hammer feed mill or
a good, large size brood mare,
at the right price. J. E. Hadden,

4 gal. Daisy churn, used little,
$3.00, also 3 h. motor for sale..
Robt Niles, Commerce, 117 N.
Broad St.

- One McCormick reaper and
binder, $50.00 at my place. H- L.
Kessler, Rincon.

1937 McCormick-Deering reap-
er and binder, 8 ft. blade, used
two seasons, has not cut over 75
aeres, can operate with mules or

tractor. $200.00 FOB. J. W.
Lampp. Scott.
Fordson tractor with or

without plow and harrow. Reas-
onable price. Consider garden
tractor as part pay. Luther F.
Johnston, Tecatur, Rt. 2.

No. 40 Cole corn and cotton
dropper with all seed rings, in
good condition, $10.00 FOB; al-
so Stoneville No. 2 cotton seed,
0c bu. FOB. C. N. Adams, Social

One two horse general electric
motor 220 volts, used for coin
mi, for sale, J. L. Magill, 18
Randolph St-., Atlanta. -

One 1934 McCormick Deering
separator, in good condition,
$450; also one McCormick Deer-
ing binder, 6 ft., $125. Both for
$550 cash. R. P. Burson, Monroe
Ri. 3: :

Oliver walking cultivator, $10.-
00. Odie Bennett, Fairmount, Rt.

i Fordson tractor, and other
equipment for farm use for sale.
-E. C. Hixon, Greensboro-

1 Meadows grist mill, 30 in
rock, wood frame, good condi-
tien, $150.00; also 1 Farguhar
boiler and engine and other farm
equipment for sale. FOB. John
Clark, Grayson.

One Fordson tractor and har-
row, in good condition, $135 both;
-one riding cultivator. and riding
3 H. P. reversible disc plow. $7.56
ea.; also other equipment cheap.
Come see. T. G. Richardson,
Palmetto. ft. case binders and
one 10 ft. power binder, good
condition. Mrs. J. E. Wright,
Monroe. .

Good 2 h. wagon, $25.00; also
Little Brewn Hen _ incubator,

tell, Rt. 1.

Small hammer mill with 2
sereens, 5 hp, $77.50. W. P.
Franklin, Rt. 4, Augusta.

Chattanooga Reversible disc
turner, three hitch, for sale or
exe. for two horse wagon or hogs
W. G. Owenby, Marietta.

I. H. C. riding cultivator with
cultivating equipment, $40.00
cash at my barn. B. F. Vinson,
Rt. 3, Macon.

One 7 h. p. gas engine, three
speeds, in good shape, wt. 1,400
Ibs, $35.00. Geo. A. Kelly, Holly

One Fordson Tractor with fen-
ders (has no coils and steering
wheel needs repairing) will run, |
$75.00 cash at my farm. J. P. An-
derson, 423 Atlanta Ave. SE, At-
Janta, Ma 4246.

One pair wagon and livestock
seales. in good condition, cheap.
G. W. Jordan, Hawkinsville.

One Avery planter. 6 plate out-
fit complete. single and duplex
hopper, slightly used. Sell or
exchange for good breed heifer.
J. R. Brown, Waycross. Rt. 1.

2H. Wheat drill and 2 H. we-
gon for sale. Exchange for cow,
if good, young, and all right in
every way. Geo. G. Osborn. Cler-
mont, Rt. 1.

One tractor in good condition,
$100. Exchange for cattle. W. S.

motor $45.00; 3 h. Deere riding
plow, little used, $13.00; other
farm equipment. W. J. Brennan,

Fordson tractor in good condi-
tion with turn plow and harrow.
Exchange for good farm horse or
mule. Also cut off saw. 315.00. M.
E. Segraves, Rt. 1, Milner.

New Prima No. 2 cream separ-
ator. about 200 lbs. per hour ca-
pacity, used 3 months, good con-
dition, $8.00. Eugene Reese, Ja-

14 ft. water wheel for sale or
exchange for brood sow or any-
thing can use. Johnson Charles,
Ellijay, Rt. 5. Box 1.

1 dbl. hopper corn planter, $4.-
50 my farm, or exc. for Marglobe
tomato plants, or for 2 bu. peas.
Mrs. Theson F. Hicks, Adel, Rt. 1.

2 h. iron beam Vulsaa turn
plow, size No, 10. $8.50; 1 h. cot-
tonseed planter, $2.50; 2 h. Mc-
Cormick hay mower, 5 ft. cut.,

All good cond. FOB. Mrs. Mary
Holeomb, Bremen. Rt. 1

Second Hand Machinery

Want 1 tractor turning plow.
State disc or turner, cond. and
price. C. C. Carter, Atlanta, 51
Alamo Ave., N. W.

Want single section, 24 in. or
larger. disc harrow, suitadle for
tractor, prefer 8 disc. State cash
price FOB. E. R. Budden, Col-
lege Park, Rt. 2, Box 365.

Want good Pea and Bean
huller, cheap'for eash. L. B. Bur-
ton, Bainbridge, Rt. 1:

Want a Corn dropper (one
that will drop beans as well as
corn). State what you have and
price. W. D. Bradley, Greensboro.

Want 3 or 4 stand late model
Ginnery, M. A. Odom, Valdosta,
Box 324.

Want 3 in. or larger shaft, with
flanges to build overshot water
wheel, State just what you have
anc price. E. L. Arnold, Maxeys,

Want a Gravely garden trac-
ter. Will buy if reasonable or
trade a 5 h. Twin Standard trac-

dosta, Box 347.

Want buy 1 set cottonseed
scales, 1 automatic tramper and
3 Extracting feeders for 70 saw
ieetiagaas gins. E. L. Vance, Tif-

Want some _ cultivators for
Farmall F 12 tractor, cheap for
cash. T. E, Ferrell, Buckhead.

Want a 6 or 8 ft. Binder, good)
cond., reasonable. W. C. Dailey,

Want a good used 6 ft. cut dbl.
cuttaway harrow, 18 in. dises in
good cond., for cash. W. F. Cox.

Want garden tractor cheap.
Beeman preferred, but any good
make acceptable.

Exec. 2 - 2 dise - 12 plows for

| 2-6 disc John Deere Tiller plows;

exc. 1 T20 Internatioral tractor
for 1 U. C. Chalmers tractor, in
No. 1 shape. Write. W. M. Clem-
ones, Rome, Rt, 3.

Want good, used peanut thrash
cheap for cash or trade for grist
mill. T. Joe Gleaton, Stockbridge,
Rt. 1.

Want 1 h. or 2 h. Oliver turn
plow. Must be good plows. State
best cash price. Y-. N-. Bruce,

Want a cheap, second-hand or
junked Papec Ensilage cutter Ne.
F, or just a frame for this cutter.
F, M. Williams, Newborn.

Want 1 Covington cotton
planter, in good shape. H. W.
Darden, Hogansville, Rt. 3.

Want a Roller Mill for making
corn meal. State size and price.
E. G. Brooks, Savannah, 39 St.
and Ogeechee Road.

Want walking wheel cultivat-
or in good cond. Buy or trade
binder for same. S. F. Bohanan,

Want 1 grain binder slightly
used at a bargain for eash. B.
W. Treadaway. Temple.

Want 8 or 16 h. p. gas engine
in good running condition. Give
best price in first letter. W. I.
Roper. New Holland.

Want one set cotton seed
seales, one automatic tramper,
three extracting feeders for 70
saw Lumnus gins. E. L. Vane.

Smith, Lula, Rt. 2.

One 60 H. return tubular boil-.
er, first class condition; ne 4)
H. side crank steam engine, $100,
both. Suitable for ginning and
other farm uses. A. J. Rica,

1 two horse Oliver riding cul-,
tivator complete; John Deere
mule power hay press. Sell or
exchange for Athens side plow
for Fordson or half H. P. gas en-

mi. W. Jonesboro. C. W. Cox.

gine. J. B. Bryant, Jasper.

Want ome good used farm
tractor. State what you have and
price. Joe Davis, Ellijay.


Seed corn, good and sound,
hand-nubbed and shelled, 5c
per pk. 2-3 ears to stalk, post-
paid. Mrs. Lillie Mae Johnson

$29.50; 2 h. potato digger. $7.00.

tor. Write. Jas. W. Moore, Val-| ta

John Crone,} 3

Lawrenceville, Rt. 3.

one season, $500. . Mrs. Thos.

Bagwell, Fairburn, Rt. 2.

One super hatch incubator, 250
egg cap. $15:00 del. anywhere in
Ga. Mrs. W. D. Bryant, Coffee.

Ore Super Hatch incubator,
250 ego cap.. $16.00 del. in Ga.
Also 4 big White Mammoth Pe-
kin ducks and 1 drake. now lay-
ing. 1 yr. old, $1-25 ea. Aleph Dix-
on, Coffee.

Coal burning brooder, 100
chick cap., in good condition, $6.
Ellie Durden, Soperton, Rt. 1.

Putnam brooder heater. in
good condition. $2.00 cash or M.
O. Mrs. Claude T. Williams, Rt.
2, Dallas.

Good Buckeye incubator, 220
egg cap., in good condition, $8.00.
Exchange for 2 pigs. 8 wks. old,
ae stock. Annie Brown, Ma-

1 Super Hatch incubator, 175
egg cap., practically new, $8.00.
Mrs. Myrtle Peacock, Eastman.
Rt. 4. -

Super Hatch incubator, 250 egg
cap. in goou condition, $8.00
cash. Mrs. H. E. Redding, Fair-
burn; Ri. 2,

One Bive Flame oil burning
brooder, 1,000 egg cap., complete.
in good condition, $6.50. Check or
M. O. Mrs. Matthew Miles, Met-
ter, Rt. 1, Box 27.

One 250 egg cap. incubator, al-
most new, in good condition, $15.
FOB. Mrs. S. A. Rahn, Rincon.

600 egg cap. oil burning Millers
Ideal incubator. copper water
pipes; also Buckeye oil burner
brooder. Cheap for cash. Ex-

ehange for laying pullets, rab-/|

bits, Guernsey bull. J. H. Wo-
mack, Greensboro.

500 ees cap. Super Hateh incu-
bator; 4 B. L. hens and_ rooster
for sale. Exchange for good cow
with 2nd or 3rd calf with 30
miles. S. O. Landrum, Rt. 3,

Several hundred batteries for
laying hens. Cheap, George Has-
es Macon, Rt. 4, Phone 1955

Sanitary outdoor brooders.
Electric or hot water heat. Write
for information. C. R. Hancock,
Byron. :

35 sure trip trapnest fronts,
12%c ea. W. J. Sumlin, 69 S.
Grand Ave., Center Hill, Atlan-

350 egg cap. Buckeye incubat-
or, oil burner, automatic egg
turner; 500 egg cap. coal Queen
brooder, $30.00 both at my place.
James Brown, Helena.

Miscellaneous WANTED


Want 10-20 bu. peas, Whippor-
will, Clays, Irons or Brabs. Quote
del. price. A. R. Sheddan, College
Park, Rt. 2.


Want 5 bu. Triumph sweet po-
tatoes, small size. for seed. Quote
prices. L. E. Newsome, Pavo, Rt.


Want bu. or iess peanuts,
cream sugar crowder peas, So.
American pop corn shelled, and
golden honey. Buddelias, syringa.
eleagnus pungens, ligustrum, pri-
vet or mimosa. W.,R. Hatchell,
Petes Park, 206 W. Walker


Swap 25 bu. seed potatoes for
15 bu. seed Spanish peanuts. R-
J. Tate, Hamilton.


Want 30 gal. bbl. syrup, sugar
cane or POJ cane. Have velvet
beans in pod, $15.00 ton; few
bu. Red Hull speckled peas, $3.00
bu. At barn, E. W. Hood. Bartow,
RE i.


Want 1 or 2 settings of turkey
eggs at reasonable price. Mrs. F.
R. Rabun, Lyons, Rt. 4.

Want all goose or all duek and
mixed feathers. Quote. Mrs. Lou
Carlisle, Marietta. Rt. 4.


Want 35,000 lbs. oats, rye
white or Rice straw baled, within
140 mi. Savannah. Quote best

price your place. Geo. S. Quar-
terman. McIntosh.


Cured hams, 100 Ibs. 15-30 Ibs.
a. 23c lb. C. F. Cooper, Hamp-
ton, Rt. 1.

Hams, 3 hickory smoked, wt.)
14-15 and 26 Ibs. ea. 22%2e per tb.'
rico John G. Veach, Trion, Rt.

Sugar cured, shoulders and
hams, wt. 20-25 lbs. ea.. shoul#-
ers I5c, hams 25c Ib. del. in Ga.
T. B. Thomas, Thomasboro.

Smoked ham. wt. 23 lbs. 22 Ib.

Duroc-Jerseys, 1 male, 3
12 wks. old, $10. ea. pure
can be reg. in buyers n
mere for swine plague
cholera. Reuben Stricklanc
hunta, Rt: 2, oe

Black Guinea, 1 pr. little
$9 ea. or $16 for pr. MO on!
C. Hargroves., Marlow, Rt. 1.

Duroc-Jersey, 18 pigs,
$3.50 ea.: $54 for the: lot
reg. Jersey bull calves,
prices depending on age
beeen: C. J. Atkinson, M:

Poland-China oars, reg.
sale and will exc. spring |
pigs for field peas, any kind,
amt. or potato plants. J.
Martin, Carrollton, RFD, |

Spotted Poland-China
bone. 1 female. 2 males
life immuned, $10 ea.: $25
lot. Frank Lawrence, Mille
ville, Rt. 2. 2

Blue Guinea. big bone,
and boars. $7.50 to $10 ea.
treated; also 1 grey fillie, 3
old. Sell or exc. for COWS.
Sumner, Adrian.

Spotted Poland-China
| thrifty, dbl. treated, reg. in |
ers name (herd boars by wo
champion brood sows of.
breeding). Sat. cuar. 10 wks..
ea FOB. W. A. Taliaferro, |

Poland-China pigs, slig
crossed with Durocs, $4 ea. at
ties Edd Alred, Tallapoos

Duroc boars, sows and
reg. also Hampshire bred g
reg. and unreg. some with
John Mondelli, Valdosta, 105
Toombs St. oe

Spotted Poland - China
wt. 45 Ibs. $10 ea. furnished
dbl. treatment, reg. papers.
crated. W. E. Sickel, Sava
1130 East 50th St. AS

Poland-China, big bone, b
18 mos. Hamp Jennings stock |
vgn J. L. Banner, Americus,

Black Poland-Chinas, 1 so
farrow about April 1st; 1 so
pigs, 10 days, 1st litter; sev.
% 8. P: CLand % B. PG, 2
ready to breed, reas. priced
cash. Exc. for Guernsey |
good heifers, laying pullets. J
Womack, Greensboro.

Duroc-Jersey spring. pigs, re
either sex, young serv. boars,
of breeding, cholera imm
Write for prices and descripti
Aubrey Stallirsg Carrollton.

Spotted Poland-China _ sh
purebred; male and female,
ea. or the two for $15. wt. ab
75 Ibs. ea. J. R. Gable, Rayme

O. I. C. 1 reg. blackey t:
big bone male, 1 yr. wt. 15
$25. L. P. Reece, Cartecay.

Duroc-Jersey, reg. pigs, re
for del. from Apr. 15th to
Ist, $10 ea. including papers.
W. Doolittle, Sandersville. .

Miscellaneous For Sal

Rhubarb plants and horser
ish, 10c bunch, 3 for 25c. Exc,
white feed sacks, 2 bunches fe
3 sacks. Mrs. F. H: Wright, E
lijay. Rt. 2, Box 57. =

Large quantities of nice gen:
ing roots for sale. E. Henderso
Smith, Fitzgerald. j

40 bu. black walnuts, dry,
1938 crop, 35c bu. or 33 1-
cents bu. for lot, or $10.00
called for. J. B. Langford, S:
Maysville, Rt. 3. oe

Yellow and sassafras root, 20c
in. garlic bulbs, 25c doz.; wil
cherry bark, 20c lb.; catnip
hoar hound, 20c doz. bunci
Mrs. Martha White, Dahlonez:
Rt. :

5 lbs. clean white chicken
feathers, 25c lb. or exc. for tu
key eggs, also exc. white 100 I
cap. feed sacks for turkey egs
and dried apples. Mrs. J. W. A}
man, Alma. :

New, white, downy feather
50c lb. del. Lot of 25 Ibs.; $11.
del. Sample free. Mrs. Mary Co
lins, Cordele. Rt. 4. ;

Black walnut meats, nic
clean, 30c Ib. also dried apple
12%c Ib. All FOB. M. M: Coch
ran, Rolston. es

Scott Kelley, Shannon.

1 h. wagon, No. 114, used par
of 2 seasons, No. 1 shape f
sale, also D&PL cottonseed, |
11, pure, 50c bu. E. L. Upchureh
Locust Grove, Rt. 2. : :

White feed sacks, 100 lb. cap.
good cond., 7c ea. postpaid to
2nd zone. D. G. Caldwell, Kings
land. : =
Stone Root, 50c lb. postpai
Money order. Will T. Marti.
Dalton, P. O. Box 143, Rees

1 shoulder wt. 16 lbs. 20 Ib. 2,
middlings wt. 18 Ibs.. ea. 1%e Ib.
$13.50 for the lot. Add postage.'
Tabs ie Ballenger. Temple, Rt.

} FOB. J. R. Killian, Columbus.


sd potatoes, small

25 bu. P. R. seed potatoes, s
Lut geed : seedlings. $1.50-

Sat pure Ga. cane syrup
gal. bbis.. heavy, $10.50 per
* fas Ambrows, Marlow. Rt.

ote ek syrup. in gal: cans,
ee gal.: also pure Coker's
onseed 100. delinted and
red. C. 'S. Floyd. Loganville.


ns, large,- 1938 cron tor
xe some for 10 turkey eggs
lbs. for 16 Buff Orpington
white Jersey Giant cggs
ee Mrs. Fuller Joiner,

Bepnich No. 1 seed pea-
0 bu. free of pops, 1 bu.
ton Beal. Louisville,

- peanut seed, sound
ib. FOB. R. P. Mikell,

FOB Edison; seedling
19 lb.; also purebred
ei Fared Rocks, roost-

-C lbs. W. M. Hooks, Una-

35 Ibs. for

rt sher pecans,
N Mrs. R. L.

Make offer.
ne, Cuthbert.


ant 3 Jersey heifer ealves, 2
Wks. old. State rrice del. or
o after them within 60
& Groover, Glennville,

int best cow for $25.00 and a
lectric 260 cap. incubator.
Bass, Atlanta, Rt. 1 Box

nt bred Jersey heifer that
freshen April or May, at
for cash, and near Ma-
P. C. Lord, Macon. Rt. 2. -
or cash 5 or 6 very
nd thin Hereford year-
also have for sale 10 bu.
peas, $2.25 bu. FOB.
den, Harlem, Rt. 2.

. 2 to 6 small yearlings,
id oe to raise on

sond., ea is Se
Benevolence, Rt: 1.
Vant milk goat. now fresh,
ilker, gentle. good cond.,
ht price. R. L. Thompson,
allville. b

bee Fant vapdee e a e r

d Black eis bulls,
also. selected white
and Ga. Runner seed
for sale. All raised on
. S- Anderson Haw-

kes good work oxen, 2 sped
orses for sale, 2 M. P.O.J.
ane at le per stalk. J. H.
gh, Waynesville.

ealf. few weeks old; a 7 yr.
Holstein and Jersey mixed
, 4 quarts. $40.00 ea. or
0 for the 3, FOB my place.

alter: B- Allen, Folkston,
Box 21 A. 1
ersey cow, grand-daugh-

Fairy Prince Raleigh.
hen in April by a son of
YouH Do: E. W. Hen-
Marictta. Rt- 2.

ts for sale chen E. W.
tts. Atiante, 805 Kirkwood

lectric incubator and
trees (not sprouts)
not less than 5 ft.
ple trees. E. B. Gund-
| Oak.

Angora buck rabbit,
mixed Bantam chi ks
o 15 a-; no ae also

pinkish white, small

nthmums 10c doz. J,

) Atlanta. 253 Cherokee

E. Ma 8814.

ng New Zealand. red and
ae , 00c a.; 1 Bel-
red, $2.50;

Peed S204 pre Care
mer, White King Pig-
ted and lene $l

old 3 gal. Jersey cow with}


Good plug mule. $40 or exc. for

heiters. A. J. McMichen, Car-
tersville, Rt. 2.
7 yr. iron grey brood mare.

sound, wt. 1050 ibs. $135.00. Ho-
mer G Parker, Juliette. Rt. i,
Forsyth-Juliette Rd. -

1 Bay mare, 8 yrs. for Sala or
trade for mule. B. J. Outen. Ma-
nassas, Rt. 2.

1 Pr. mouse col. mare mules.
exc. con. 7 and 8 yrs. old, wt.
850-900 lbs. $275.00 cash. Mrs. C.

S. Arnold, Washington, RFD.
Box 57.
Good, smooth mouth mule at

Cooks Crossing rd. 4 mi. S. Cooks
Crossing. J. A. Godby. Riverdale.

1 Mule, $30; also 2-horse wa-
gon. $45; young game roosters,
$2 ea. come see them at my
barn. Mrs. W. A. Martin, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 4, Box 81.

Yellow mare mules, good con,
tough, work anywhere. gentle,
good eyes and limbs; wt. about

900 lbs. at my barn: reas. for

cash. Mrs. Sallie Floyd, Rock-

mart, Rt. 2. ;
Stallion, 18 mos. old, works

and rides good. 3 yr. old mars,
broke and gentle. blocky type,
cheap. E. H. Jones, Waycross, 611
Reynolds St.

1 Mare mule, wt. 900-950 Ibs.
good con., sound, and 1 good
brood hog, wt. 200 lbs. Bargains.
Exec. for yearling; Homer Alli-
son, Bairdstown.

Fine five-gaited mare, of the
race type, 8 yrs. old, thorough-
bred, foal in Oct.. bred to fine
large saddle type horse; at stud
fine large combination work and
drive horse, wt. 1200 lbs. fee .$10
at time of service. Emery
Stratton. Atlanta, 400 Peachtree
St. NE :

1 nice 2 yr. old brood mare,
$125 at my home, 4 miles of Da-
visboro, near New Hope church,
Walter Phillips, Davisboro.

3 fine jacks and young stal-
lion for service at my barn, any
day except Sunday, $10, $5 down,
$5 when colt comes. C. G. Mor-
ris, Bowdon, Veal Route.


Extra nice pure blooded Tog-
genburg buck kid, about 5 wks.
old, naturally hornless, fine
markins for a herd sire, from 6
qt. milk strain. Cheap, consist-
ent with qual., if taken at once.
John Hynds Atlanta, 93 Warren
St., N. E., De 5140.

Toggenburg, Saanan mixed. 3
bucks, 5 mos. old $3.50 and $4
ea. Rufus Christian, Lakewood
Heights, Atlanta, 16 Schoen St.
Ma 3136.

Toggenburg buck at stud, large
hornless, vigorous, fertile, blood-
ed milk stock, serv. fee $2 and
does boarded reas. Mrs. Zaida R.
McElroy, Atlanta. 205 Norwood
Avenue, NE, De 3710. :

Nubian buck, best producing
in Ga- sure sire, fee $2;. Sell or
trade reg. Saanan doe, fresh
buck and doe kids; also 4 hens,
i eockerel, 1 sock; B. B. red
game bantams, eggs, $1.50 for
15. Edwin Simpson, . pteiia 695
Paynes Ave. N. W. Z

Nuvbian, finely bred bk kids
from purebred, reg. stock doe
that never goes dry, half Tog..
half Saanen, $3 ea. 1 mo. Apr.
10. bottle. fed. no checks. F. E,
Grubbs. Demorest, Rt. A:


to 4 Abs best table butter,
fresh weekly in pound brick
molds, from T. B. and Bangs
tested Jersey cow, 25c lb.: blue
Damson plum. 3 for 30c. Mrs.
IS: Crowe, Cumming, Rt. 1.

2 or 3 Ibs.. fresh country but-
ter ea. week. 25c lb: postpaid.
Mrs. W. C. League, Waco, Rt. 2.


lb. Freebon Willis, Talking Rock,
Nice sundried apples. 13'4c ib.

del. in white bags. W. P. Davet-
port, Dial.

Positions Wanted

4g yr. old woman, | unencum-

field work for good home as one
of nice, resp:ctable family and
small salary. Dont write. come

see. Mrs. Lula Douglas, Vidalia. .

Rt. 1, c-o H. B. Fester.

1 young;
bred $1.50; 1 large

Want crop or work for wages.
Farmed all my life. 5 in family.
Have to be moved. C. W. Smith.
Atlanta, 424 4th St. N. W. >

39 yr. old white man wants
job on farn day labor. 5 to work.
Born and raised on farm. So. Ga.
preferred. *7ill help gather -crop
ae fall. J. M. parieh Elberton.


47 yr- old Aiored man wants
job on farm for wages. Johny Hui
Buford. West Church St.

Want job on dairy. Have had
long e rience. PGs Turner,
Atlanta, Echo Sts Be :

6 lbs. nice fresh butter each |
week. Guar. fresh and firm. 30c,

bered, want light farm work, no

Positions Wanted

Want general farm or poultry
work. Harry Johnston, Atlanta,
1430 Lakewood Ave. .. E. Ma

Middleaged couple wants suit-
SMOO MO] Kynod IOT sovid siqe
a..d hogs, with tools furnished
also, close to good market. Must
be with good people. Best of ref.
G. A. Jones, Dublin. 305 Wolfe

Want jok of gen. *srm_. work.
with reliable pecple, $15.00 mo.
board and laundry. Can give ref.
W. T. Shierling, Milner.

Man and wife want job. 14 yrs.

| exp. in farming, gardening tree

surgery, etc. Answer at once. M.
Taylor. Daiton, 50 Crawford St.

Want job as Miller and Mill
Yyieht. 20 yrs. evp. Married.
Perfectly sober. Moderate salary.
Ref. W. A. Covgill. Bowersville.
Box 124.

Want job gen. or trucl: farm-
ing near Atlanta. Lifetime exp.
Am 16 yrs. old. Everett Readis.
Atlanta, 1070 Wiley St.S. BE. -

Want job as Miller. 0 yrs. exp.
both Wheat and Corn. Can keep
up all machinery. Unencum-
bered. J. W. West, Atlanta, 29-
10th St. N. W.

Colored man wants job on
farm. 38 yrs. old. Well exp. Un-
encumbered. John Williams, At-
lanta, 186 Clifford St.

Want job on farm for reason-
able salary. Exp. truck driver:
Vernon Lewis, Atlanta, 606 Gas-
kill St. S. E.

Energetic respectable, middle-
aged country woman wants place
doing light farm work, no fieid
work. for home and small salary.
Mrs. Grace Autry, Doyle.

26 yr. old widow wants light
farm work, no field work, with
nice. reliable people for home and
small salary. .Unencumbered,
white. Mrs. Blanche Cothran,
Toccoa, Rt. 1, c-o S. M. Segers.
Want job on farm for salary
or on shares. Can do any kind
work. College diploma in farm-
ing, dairying and agriculture. Al-
bert Jacobus, Atlanta, 450 Pul-
man St. Ma 4031.

Want light farm work, no field

Stella Gore,
son St. S. W.
Want job with Home Nursery
or Florist. 4 yrs. exp. raiding
field grown chrysanthemums
gladioli and know how to handle
them, also a life time farm exy.
Write offer. C. G. Garrett Bre-
men. ;

2 farm boys, 16 and 19 yrs. ola
respectively, want jobs on farms,
for home and wages, together cr
separately. Everett and Douglas
Reaves, Atlanta, 995 Mauldin St.
S: EB.

Young couple, no children.
wants job on farm and home
with reliable people. Can drive
car and have drivers license. L.
Everett Burney, Atlanta, 339
Luckie St. Ja 2627.

Single man, aged 30, wants job
as caretaker of large poultry
farm. Temporary or permanent.
A. A. Nash, Atlanta, 339 Luckie

23 yr. old white man with
wife and 1 child, willine worker,

Atlanta, 164 Raw-

crop. No bad habits. Well exp.
tobacco grower. Come see. Oliver
L. Mille, West Green.

Man and wife, 2 small chil-
dren, 11 and 6 yrs. want job
raising poultry. feedin~ stock or
yard work, the year round.
Raised on farm, know how to
work. Heve be moved. ready any
time. J. T-. Moses, Atlanta, 482
Whitehall St. S. W.

Exp. farmer, milker, yard and
stock man, white, wants job on
farm. Julius Waller, Atlanta, 359
Fornwalt St., SW.

Good colored man wants farm
work, gardening, all around farm
hand. Apply. /.. Kendricks, At-
Janta, 428 Vine St.

Middleaged couple wants job
on farm near city. Perfectly
healthy, honest dependable,
raised on farm. Expert truck
farmer, can handle labor. fully
understand poultry business. etc.
Strictly sober. no bad _ habits.
Write at once. J. H. Smith, At-
lanta, c-o Ge Del.

Want job on farm running
corn mill or keeping up tractors.
My trade is Diesel mechanic and
corn mill operator. J. F. Shep-
vard, Atlanta, 681 Cooper St.
S. W.M . 8574.

Want job as Miller, both corn
and wheat or either. Can fur-
r--1 ref. T. F. McDonald, lfacon,
123 Ft. Hill St.

Want job looking aiter farm or
poultry farm. State wares and
particulars. W. D. _ Smith, Ten-

Nice, country raised woman,
white, with 2 children wants a
place with good Christian people.
doing light farm work, no fieid
work, for home and little spend-
ing money. Stamp fce> reply. Mrs.
Annie Blankenship, Douglas, Rt


Want small farm on 50-50 ba-
a 1 or 2 h. crop. Have to be
Pieniatred: Have wife and child
Rarl HW. Blanchard, oe 450 |


St. S. We

work, for board and salary. Mrs.


wants crop for wages or part of}


Positions Wanted

Young man with wife and 3
children wants job on Vegetable
farm. 2 yrs. exp erowing and
packing vegetables in Southern
Florida. Prefer near Atlanta. E.
Nicholson. Habersh'm. c-o Miss
Hetty iNicholson. E

Want job in dairy. Good dry-
hand and electric machine milk-
er. No field work. For $35.00 or
$40.00 mo. and board. E. C.
Goodson, Alto.

Christian woman, wants light
farm work. no field work, prefer
with elderly woman. $2.50 week
and board Mrs. W. E. Presnell.
Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Married man, 35, wants poul-
try. hog and. truck farm on
shares. Exp. and ref. Not over
25 mi. from Atlanta. See at once.
Paul T: Pritchett, Conley.

18 yr. old white boy wants job
on farm. Very little exp. in farm-
ing but willing to learn. G. Rob-
erts Lakeland.

Want job light farm work no
field work, for $3.00 week and
board. Elizabeth Buice, Doraville,
Rt. 1, Box 209.

Middle aged woman wants
light farm work. no field work.
with good people. $2.50 to $3.00
week and home. RR or Bus fare
paid back. Mrs. T. E. Roberts.
Columbus, 507-35th St.

Man wants job for 4 to work
on farm, with house and wood
furnished. Will work for moving.
State wages. Exp. Ref. if desired.
John Patterson, Jasper, Rt. 1.

Want job in dairy, 3 yrs. exp.,
also truck and tractor driving.
Can furnish ref. 21 yrs. of age.
white. Joel Greenway, Elberton,
Rt.3 Box 115.

Want 1h crop on 50-50 basis.
Well exp. in all lines farming
and tobacco growing. Answer

Rt. 1.

19 yr. old married man wants
a job, Fairly good education, fin-
ished 10th grade at Commercial
High School, and have talent for
farming. Good ref. Need Jeb.
Norman Danger, Atlanta, 724
Echo St. N. W:

Want crop or job on farm.
Lived on farm all lifetime. 3 in
family, only child. Can partly
furnish self. H. O. Little. Atlanta,
335 Windsor St. Wa 5410.

Farm Help Wanted

Want woman, white or colored
to do ligkt farm work, no field
work. $2.00 week. O. R. Styles.
Waco, Rt. 2.

Want neat appearing colored
girl or woman with good habits
for light farm work, no field
work. Make home on place and
reasonable wages. Mrs. J. H.
Harbin, Atlanta, -.FD 4, see
dress Drive). oes

Want white man, single or
wit: small family, not over 40
yrs. old, to start work on farm
as wage hand now. Good wages
to right party. Give particulars
about self or see at once. Ehed
Bank, Summit.

Want nice

colored woman
for light arm. work, no field
work. Home and cmall salary.
Mrs. J. O. Gresham, Decatur. L.
ASR Rte 2.

Nant reliable white woman,
20-35 yrs. of age for light farm
work, no field work. $6.00 first
month. $7.00 the second and
$8.00 mo. thereafter if satisfac-
tory. with board and laundry.
Must have ref. Write particulars.
Mrs. B. W. Duncan, _ Columbus.
404 llth St.

Want si.all waite. fanuity to
work on farm for wages. B. CG.
Hepes Smithville. Rt. 1, Box


Want negro woman for light
farm work. Reasonable salary. ae
= Blasengame, McDonough, RFD

stands operating cultivator and
other farm work. Sober. depend-
able. willing worker. $12.00 mo.
board and laundry. W. J. Subey.
Coolidge, Rt. 1: |
Want middlzaged,
bered woman for light farm
work, one who. needs
Small salary. Mrs. F. E. Lyons.
ane 1029 Avondale _Ave.,
. Ma 3772.

ee mar or woman, xp: 74
canning fruits and vegetables in
No. 2 or 2% and No. 10 cans.
Give full particulars concernin2
training and exp. O. C. Skinner.
Mount Berry. :

Want good white man or boy.
18 to 40 yrs. old, single, to work
on farm. $11:00 mo. board and
laundry. Must know how to farm.
be sober, willing worker. Come
at once. Bonnie O. \ Roberts
Flowery Branch.

Wart exp. white man to help
make crop. Ablebodied, honest.
willing worker 18-35 yrs. old and
good worker, $13.50 month. Board
and laundry. Come at ee BoB;
McClesky, Alpharetta Rt.

Want colored help. or io
and small patch and milk cow
for helo, B. O. Fussell, Bruns-
wick, Blythe Isle.




fetter to: John J. Jones. Hosch-

ton, Rt 1, Box 186.

soon. W. E. H. Herring, Forsyth

Want wage hand who under-!

ihelp with work. W. M. Run

hom:. |


vannah, Rt. 4.

Want good Dairyman. Address

Saturday, April 15, 198
Farm Help Wanted

Want woman, 25 to 45 yrs. old
to live in family and help with
lisht farm work, no field work.
Small salary. Viola Baker. i
ferson. Rt. I.

Want young or middleaged wo-
man for home with middleaged
couple, do light farm work, no
field work. Give full details
about self. A. L. Milligan, Bloom=_

Want good, honest, willing.
working man or boy for wages
for farm work. $10.00 mo. and
board. Must have no bad _ habits.
R, C. Smith, Danville Rt. 3
Box 32.

Want good, reliable woman, 25
to 40 yrs. old for light farm work
Must know how to milk, $2.00
week and good home. Mrs, N. E.
Godfrey, Davisboro. f

Want honest. strictly
with life time exp. in farming,
20-40 yrs. old, white, reliable,
ablebodied. $12.00 mo. board and
laundry. Come at once. EB. A
Nix, Alpharetta. Rt. 3.

Want boy to help on 1 h. farm
$5.00 mo. board and laundry and
2.A. market peanuts, seed and
etc. furnished. J. L. Troupe
Osierfield, Rt. 1, c-o J. BE. Har


strong, healthy

$12.00 mo. room
Steady work. State age, ete. W.
A. Dougherty, Americus, Rt. 1

Want woman, 50 to 65 yrs.
age to live with elderly coup!
in the country and do light farr
work, no field work. for hom
and $1.00 week. R. H. Herndon
Woodstock, Rt. 2.

Want man and wife, witho "
children, to help on farm, Prefe
of good character.
State wages wanted. H. T. Jef.
fords, Waycross. Rass :

Want woman, 32 to 45 yrs. 0
age to live in country home wit
my parents and do light far
work, no field work. Small sal.
ary- Miss Bonnie Brown, Ate
ta, 169 Moreland Ave., S. EB.

Want small family for 1 hh.
crop, good house pasture, wood
water. Prefer to Jurnish owr
stock. 5 A. cotton allotment
Creek bottcm corn land. See
a J. E. Vaughn, Toccoa, Rt

Want good reliable harty to
2 or 3 h. farm near. DeSota i
Sumter County.
and water. Shares or other pa.

sis. Write. J. A. Cason, Barne

Want white, strong, healthy.
single farm hand, good work
$10.00 mo. and board: State a
etc. Must be honest and withou
ee eels Will James,

Want young boy, 15-18 yrs
age for light farm work.
in home as one of family. S
salary, board and laundry.
soon as possible. Mrs: Lela Whi
in, Powder Springs, Rt. 2.

Want work at once 50-50 ba
in So. Ga., Good house and
liable party. Farm or turpenti
work. S. T.. Jefferson, ae
Ply 2:

Want farm hand at once
plow and do gen. farm work. Or
that does not drink. Honest and
has no bad habits. $15.00
Dont write, come. J. B. La
ford, Sr., Maysville, Rt3.

Want at once, exp. white man
not over 40 yrs. old to work
farm, $10.00 mo. board and laun-
_ H. G. Long, Stone Min,

Want healthy, ' midal
white woman to assist th
chickens, garden and other work

No field work. CoB: Hueth

Want at once farm hart
work on farm and help mi
cows. Reliable, honest, no booz
middleaged preferred. $12.09 eae
board and laundry. oO. & Mo
Talking Rock, Rt. 2. : -

Want orphan boy who know:
how to farm, 13 to 18 yrs
age. to Jive as one of family,

Cedartown. Rt. 2.

H. Holand
Banks St.

Want man able furnish
and own stock, for 1 or 2 h
crop. Live with old couple. Go
land, handy to church, on mat
highway. Come sce or write.
R. L. Doller, Kennesaw.

Want clean, healthy. youn:
girl preferably orphan. not ove
18, who wants good home,
light farm work, no field wor
Reasonable salary: Mrs.
Williams, Columbus, R.
Columbus Dairy.

Want elderly woman to.
with aged couple and do |
farm work. Must be hones
dustrious, clean, etc.
reliable. At once.
Hayes, Austell.

Want nice, sober, young
to live in home and help wit
farm work. Give him a 500
bale of lint cotton for service
Write at once. J. A. Patt SO!
Decatur, nee Ae :
