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Andrzej Malinowski

CEOBeeline Uzbekistan


Member Since September 2022


Team Leadership
Business Strategy


I build strong, high-performing teams. I never hire smart people to tell them what to do. I care about my teams a lot - so they can focus on serving customers. My teammates and I created one of the most successful online venture in Ukraine. My teammates and I executed full turnaround of challenger mobile telecom operator in Georgia.

Published content


If we in telecommunications can create the supply, people will find a way to utilize whatever knowledge they have gained and quench their thirst for digital access.

Company details

Beeline Uzbekistan

Company bio

Beeline Uzbekistan is the biggest mobile operator in the country and was the first to launch a 4G network in 2014. The company has made large investments in telecommunications infrastructure in recent years, including the roll-out of more than 2000 base stations. Beeline Uzbekistan values the natural environment and sees its protection as a key part of the business’ philosophy. Since 2011 they have run an ‘eco-office’ project which looks to optimise the use of natural resources to limit the company’s impact on the environment. This supports VEON’s drive to be environmentally efficient and sustainable across all its business divisions.



Area of focus

Mobile Applications

Company size

1,001 - 5,000

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