There are a lot of consumer grade wireless devices that don't work with Enterprise wireless networks (such as what WSU uses). In order to get around this, we are now providing a service called ClearPass! With ClearPass you should be able to get almost any wireless enabled device connected to our network.

Things that you will need

  • A device already connected to the network with a web browser, such as a phone or computer.
  • The device that you wish to connect and its MAC address.

If you do not know what the MAC address is of your device is, visit: or contact your RTA or ASIS representive and they may assist you.

MAC stands for Media Access Control and is not to be confused with Apple's lineup of computers.

How To Connect

First, on your already connected device, navigate to

The page should prompt you to log in, use your standard WSU login information

That is your NID and Password (the same you use to login to your email and Wireless).

There should be two options available, "Create Device" and "Manage Devices".

Select Create Device to set up a device for MAC authentication.

    1. Enter the MAC Address of the device.
      1. Be sure you type it correctly, an incorrect number will not result in an error.
      2. When you input the MAC address of the device, replace the colons ( : ) in the MAC address to hyphens ( - )
    2. Please note, AirGroup and the sharing settings are no longer available.
    3. The device name is just so that you can recognize it. It is recommended to call it something descriptive.

      1. Adding a note is useful to keep track if you have a lot of devices.

    4. You must accept the Terms and Conditions.

    5. Finally, click create!

  2. You can later manage the devices by selecting "Manage Devices"
    1. Click on the row of the device you want to manage.
      1. Selecting "Remove" will remove the device and revoke its WiFi privileges.
      2. Selecting "Edit" will allow you to change settings about it.
      3. Selecting "Print" will allow you to print of an info sheet about your device.

Connect your device to either WSU Guest or WSU ResNet Guest Aruba.

  1. If this fails, or prompts you to login, Please contact your RTA or ASIS Representative for assistance.
  2. You should not see a page asking for your name and email.

*WSU Guest wireless services have guest network security in place and other wireless or wired network devices are prevented from initiating a connection to the connected IoT device.

*In the ‘WSU ResNet Guest Aruba’ networks student wired/wireless devices are allowed to communicate when both exist in the same Residence Hall network.