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Girl Scout Troop 21724 visits nation’s capital


Girl Scout Troop 21724 visited Washington, D.C., this fall to learn about government and earn the Cadette Democracy badge.

On the first day, the troop woke up and drove from New Hope to Washington. At 9 a.m., they checked into the White House and while there, learned about the nation’s presidents, rooms in the White House and historical events.

At 1 p.m., the troop visited the Capitol, where they learned about the paintings and the statues, and they went looking for female statues to see if females are getting the acknowledgment that they deserve, unfortunately, the ratio of historical male figures was more significant than the amount of historical female statues. From 3-4 p.m., the troop visited National Archives and viewed such important documents as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Next, they went to the Air and Space Museum and on Sunday they visited the Ford Theater.

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