nuhammad lsmall

nuhammad lsmall

nuhammad lsmall


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Irohtion rnd StructE!'e Elrcidrdotr of Bioxtive<br />

Metrbolites frofl li.rr$paz c.irpa<br />

.nd<br />

Applicraior ofNrcleophilic Cralblir to the AsyEmetric<br />

G€rerrdoD of Qu.tern ry Stercogedc CeDtersl<br />

Tow.rdr the Formrl Totrl Sytrth€d! of (+PiyroctigDire<br />

Tr..i ofti. D, |ffir h tlh|d.a6. R.{tffi!tu n IrqE<br />


(Ch.n|l.try)<br />

BY<br />

<strong>nuhammad</strong> <strong>lsmall</strong><br />

tlei!E tiirrrrl ls$ htrdof€ky,<br />

InEurioDl Ctu l|r ar@i..I ud Ek'loaicd S.i*.3,<br />

u.i6ry of K-chi l(rIii752?0,<br />

P.lift<br />


Ded,ir hd./tu ntlrd.oyeA,parc tt<br />

Broflwr& Stt&.rt<br />

aad,<br />

Tatlv,r*<br />


Th.si! C€dficate<br />

Ttir b to oltry |h.t ,! fB! .did.d, "b.t d.n ud sttlcn|D Elctd.tion of<br />

BLo.clD r-Do0.. tt6 rrr.po .rrf. .nd Alttioab. or riFbo9t$r.<br />

Crt lFL ro dr A.yt finc O.ftdnor or aqbridy Sbrosdh C.it *<br />

lonb o|. Fmd ldt aF!|-8 ot (-I+ty...dgntF-. h6 b.dt .ub.nitrld by<br />

Mr Muh.nmd ledt to th. 8@d ol AdrdE d Sn/dy .nd R4.Eh, Unis.it, ot<br />

rotrdri br nr md dl !r d.Co ot Doctd of phito..riy (Chdt!try). H. qr*,d out<br />

hb qd€r dr &p.tot*h. TrE<br />

'rydr<br />

dt nt otlhi th*b, htuIrInpdrt, h.s ior<br />

!.&r &brIlld lo -, ots tEn'tui. d uni6ity ld tlE .wd ot dy dlcE or diptoma<br />

Pirt Di Arr {.&hi.n *. r'. Hr. sr '<br />

tt^-*-<br />

ProL Ir.. f,uh. !||d lqb.lChoodhrt ar s,,rr *-t'?i' ^ . c<br />

It E t ta.{a Isad& of Chdttbt<br />

Iad.4 cel* Cad..l..a rbld.a S&4<br />

v,r,81' { ruehl rwra75274

Tln l. Evdu.tlon C..tlficrte<br />

Thi L ro arty rh.t nr ln{t ot Mr MdEms, ted qd.d. "robdon .d<br />

atr&tl. El!d.rd..r ot Eb..dti tffi ta thoaa ..t p. .i.l<br />

ADpllqild ol xEhorallk C.bty.h 6 ln. A.ytri.rt c.an!.. ot eun t<br />

$r.t rlc C-r.r lerb dr Fdrd Tod qinrd. or l.)+ir!..d!.a..,<br />

&p.ivl..d bt tu Dr A!r{-Rd'h.n (Fi8), r,ror. M. tqb.l choudh.ry.nd Dr, ch't J.<br />

RLrEr. ha b-. 6d!dd dh F.ii'. *Er. t' lh. trdrE ||dry rsnb.n oa<br />

tt.H.E J. R.-d! trdtnb ot ClEi.rv<br />

ro, Or. \/.rq.r lrdrln Alur.d xr_ !r<br />

P.oL Di B||t !. Aid.&d s_ rj<br />

Pr.t Ot KLmr.|(lln rr<br />

n Et raed k neqfcaer,<br />

Ie C.'et* Ca',.'l dtb&rr.JS.a.6.i<br />

tu."t 4 r--t! ttr.L7t24 htn.

ta-----i.at--*Lt*-tt-A<br />

rt-rcr-#a.ll*<br />

ar-F.,!b.-ir-a<br />


(0<br />

(iD<br />

(iir)<br />

(iv) x<br />

1.0 Gdr.l l!a!d!dio!<br />

l.l,l M.diciMl plals a a blE of n.w ph.lrueuriels<br />

1,1,2 Appliqtion of lhnt.dlcts in r,sr,rcnts<br />

LL3 Clobd baine ofortu l DlrdB<br />

LL4 RoL afndiciml.hemislry in drug d.v.loDnsrt<br />

Ll,5 Obj4liles ofth. ouftnr srrdy<br />

Irlr.dxlior ol thogDro .rirrd<br />

2.1,2 Trslition l dd ndicin l ss of em. plmb of g.n6 t ropdfu<br />

2.1.4 EtJ@blisy oa Tiwpda ctitpo<br />

S$ld.ry M.r.bo[... oa tlrNzm .rtrr!<br />

2.2.1 Cl.md,Ft?.fuasdiidFnoi.Ls<br />

2-2.2 Alkloiblonsitldtr<br />

2,2.3 PHtoB itudid on Ti@g)ta.ritq<br />

2,3,1 Bios'nlh6n of clqldoet !€ fmodi&D€noiG<br />

2.1.2 Bi6tnd6is of +orPni* ad qdin..lk loi&<br />

l1<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

17<br />

t1<br />

t1<br />

l3<br />

26<br />

30<br />


3.0.I.ibtior ud ChDclelation of Ssodrry M.l.bol,it6 fro6 ni6pt ehpa<br />

l.l,0 Rad! ud DLuiotr ll<br />

l.l.l Cfebdtrd$pe tudod'ceoroi& fton fa6ptt. obp-<br />

3.t.l.l N*@niudts<br />

3,1.1_l.t RuBphiol E O)<br />

3.1,1.1.2 2-Hyduybodp.bi& C (t)<br />

l.t,t.t-l Ti@isposid. A (l)<br />

3.l,l.l_4 Tin@isFside B (4)<br />

3.1_1.1.5 Tinqisposi& C (5)<br />

LLl.l5 Ti.gispGi&D(6)<br /> Tir6ide A (7)<br />

3.1.r_1,8 Bo€Cd6id. I(8)<br />

Lt.l_r.9 BGpd6id. r (r)<br />

3-l.l-2 |

3,13.1,1 Psdft(21)<br />

TabL oJcont rlt<br /> x-?}@&Dloyl 9Mirc (23)<br />

3,1J.1.3 MetiryH,,l-dihyd6xybqleie(24)<br />

3,lJ.l,a qridi@(29<br />

3.1.4 PnqE66.td tilapaE fru tbdporroirpt<br />

3.l.l|.l l

32313<br />

t.231.4<br />

3,23j5<br />

3,23.4,6<br />

3,23!.1<br />

3,23.4.3<br />

3.23A9<br />

r23JO<br />

323.5.1<br />

32l52<br />

323j3<br />

323.5,4<br />,5<br />

323.5,6<br />

323.5,1<br />

323.5.8<br />

,l"l IDdrlorodlLtoly Asy<br />

4.ll R.oltceddi!@io!<br />

d2, Isllr.oddigehd<br />

TaU. tcortqts<br />

it-Fomyl&Mru|ulirc(18)<br />

x-Fdy'noruirdiF(lt<br />

X-Dd.dry!ffdryLldj/dmuituic (tO)<br />

ir-D@.&oloyl it|nirc (23)<br />

Mdnyl3,4-dihyd6ryh.Mrto (21)<br />


at<br />

5J<br />

53<br />

5.6<br />

5l<br />

Selio! B<br />

t0 Appb.rriM or NlcLopbnic C.tr\trit ao O. AryoD.tric G.!.ntio! of QE.t nr4<br />

Sl.nog.ri. C.rt 6t Tos..d! tb. fotu.l loitl Syltleis of(-)FPbytdtlgnin€<br />

5,1,2 NucbphiliccMlysis<br />

5.1.1 Chiml nEloDhilie d/C-..y| r&lfcr c.ralyis<br />

5.1.4 Qu.tnury slrE8@ic et6 in ltm.tsic stdh6is<br />

s.2.1 SFlnsis ofohid 4-rminop"llin. nuolmDhilio @lysl sd sEps rowards rhe<br />

trthesis orclphrsoslismin<br />

5-3.1 Goeal cxp.rjMbl pre.dls<br />

5.3.2 Seps inde synlhdhof chnat rucl.ophilicDMAP@t lysl<br />

5.r.3 st.ps in tl'! fm.l toll srr nsis olclpbeslisnirc (99)<br />

t51<br />

153<br />

t6l<br />

163<br />

I65<br />

l7l<br />

t75<br />

185<br />


FiRt &d fom6l I oFq bJ' sim.6t Snd dc to lh. avolulion ty sicnrnt of P.losra4<br />

Ptul Dr. An{-Rthnd /.Rg N r, H L, s.I, r I t lt Ptuvidine excellcnl eientific facililiB<br />

at $c ICCBS. His vision and l.ldcBhip tud. Posible<br />

to ltsfom the H- E- I R6cmn<br />

hstituc of Cb€mttry inro & itrreblridd @rer of .xels... tt is a sl@ of<br />

notivation md symbol of hopc for lhe .nrie &,tid. I cmd thatk hin 4oud for<br />

allding re to h. . part of lh. gr.dtBs that hrs Gdh gtoup ba &hieved<br />

I would like to cxpress profomd ehdnd. to my @{!Pdis, Pbf Dr. Mlrl|@ad<br />

Iqt l Cloudh&y 64s,,r), for his invaluable supFr! encourageh.nt, supeFision ad<br />

uetul suSg6tions tleughort lhis 6@h wo& I will never forg€l his kind ed<br />

ocouRSing attitudc ed patienc. all fie timc. Ded Sii, this wort would ml hdve beo<br />

polsible withNl you suppon ad encou!8cm€nr<br />

I u dc.Dly indcbl.d to rny adviw i! finrl stagEs of thc {otL, Dr. Chti. J. Ricltd. al dE<br />

school of Chenical scimcd and ?hamcy, UniveEity of E6l AnSlia, UK, lor hG<br />

suidd.c ond l@hing in erpdime .l sytrlh.tic dgdic ch€mt[y. SPeial th4nic 8o to<br />

hin for .xbasdirary dd erdl6i 6wu to ss@ good polilim ir ny t.s€@h .di6.<br />

Ttis work wodd nor hav€ b€.n posible wilhout th. suppoa md d.owigen nl of Dy<br />

@tldgrcs dd Ai.nde. I m thn Stl to It Alb.d Alt . KIn for D@ dacsio ud<br />

guidecc s a soior collague. I m happy lo €xtend ny 8mlitud€<br />

lo Dt $md Youet<br />

Dr. AAtu B.grb, Dr. Ali A-pb Dr, S.t.d J&, M!. Snn Mdd, MB. sof. K.<br />

Arvi, M.. s.iird Ali Mr. AD& rwio, M!. Sb$'n rlleio" Mt s.jo r:r Slyula Mr.<br />

Acblt Adtiicti, Mr. z€lid ll|ein S@tu, M! Mdu Bibi, Dr. Ozld Dditlc.l4<br />

Mr. M. A- SrlE, It M.nnd Odda Mr. Li,iq.t Ali, S.ycd Agn Eldi Mutw( E.<br />

M(r*i ed Mr. Ghul,@ Att ! haw ale b*n aludrntly h€bnn, sd hlE sisl€d m<br />

in nul]@us vays. I .e't forgel lhe ssislar€e dd sflices of our l.b. atlqdet Mr.<br />

I would lit€ ro !r&* ny collcls@ &d ftiods al ilc IJEA, Dr. E!d. Bqsi!, Mr.<br />

J.Ir8n Aii4 Mr, Chri! S.b$dq Mr, Er0id C!r6f ed Mr. ,@.1 for nice compmy,<br />

suppon dd gui&rca I vml 1o cxrend Dy ghtitude lo Mt ftli6 E6e for naking<br />

sonc dclicious Fench dish6 dd prcvidins nice conpdy at l4Noddg€, UK.

I would 'bo lik€ ro dr.d( the B.nilh coE il and Eigh.r E&.|tid cooni$ior of<br />

P.tit! for lhc a{ard of th. Sbqr Tm Ph. D. RB.eh A!..tffil Felldship vhich<br />

hs suppoilcd De duing Dy six nonrhs of B@h in UK I would like !o thot nv<br />

suFdisr PF[. Dr. Mol@d tqb.l ch@dhy cgth to mhinde trd facililrte sd Dr.<br />

C. J, tuohr.di for guid&c. ed eceptdEq for this award. ln addition' I m slso indebted<br />

ro Mt . B.@ Ayub R..tib.!i l&. Lloz.b Xbn and Mr. F.bl II t@ fo f&ilit tinr ir<br />

g.ding Bntish visa, Eugercnls for ihe dwdd c*mny ed for timelv htufd of fiitls<br />

I rculd likc io ihel Dy d!.tis 6mide fd lheir inv.lublc tin€ dd advi@r Ptut Vhd<br />

!ddi! Alnr4 Plo[ Bid S. Sildiqri ed PEt xb.la l,t K!!- My uiomst lh@k al$<br />

sds to the f!4dty m.nbd ofICCBS, Prel r| Btltt, Prot,1" MdiL, Prot 8. r8izi. Dr.<br />

s B.a|to, Dr. s. Ali, Dt ls Sht ald Dr. l. Std.a for Ga.tina drtr.ml @llg I<br />

would ,lso &kmwl€dge dl the i@hnic.l .d not-t chnicsl llaff of the IccBs for ihc'r<br />

$!'pon in Fording NM& Me, UV tnd IR lpocla .d si.fi Mbds of libErv<br />

I ow! vcry nrch to ADf Dr. Nordin IL lin fd poviding pld extr&t from MaLvsid l<br />

d a1s thslfin b Di Mubmrd A- Md.ik for condetilg imulmodolalory Nav<br />

and Mr S.uid A, S.ta.t fd c'roroxicity ,sy, rpon d in Fv dbs.nalion<br />

would @r hrve b€cD a<br />

My dlys dd ridls in lab. ed at th! Gid.ncc ovd l6t fiY. v€d<br />

cnjotlble .!d 6 dt{r.t irirg withqt |b. haltty corqdly of all my collagud .nd<br />

fiiodr ar $e H. E. L Boy s Hdtel,<br />

tsr blt not l.!sl, thels to .ll mmb4 ofny family, esp€ci.llv to my nolid Withoul<br />

her coNrant, *Ifl*nN, ld. &d pdy€r\ I rqld rct b. hdf the Fttu th.t I m knay<br />

I hoDe that I have nadc hd preud, rnd thrnl hd for everything she ha donc fd m. I<br />

ljmt qd wilhoul tlarking ny f.th6 Ut Ali R.$b.r, nv bolh.6 Fid. Itudj4<br />

Mrfi.m', Ebrihru dd Ilaidd Ab6or &d siste6, Fdi,o. &d S.l.aB fot fien bve<br />

support @d p6y6 ir dc.y 3Lgc ofDy [f€.<br />

t( .0<br />

Ku.ti 2!0t

I.tFd&dor of Ph. D. R.6EL Sctlohr<br />

I B hon iD dhlricr Gilsil q 22 Auslsr, 1983. I lrrn d my<br />

.dEtd cr PiD,ry Sch6l HoF lo 109a, I mv.d b Hkh<br />

S.hdl N.8rr tm rh@ I @oplct d 6y SSC (S@&ry<br />

Sch@l C.fri6@t) in l9?. I *.r iltcBlcd ii brological<br />

&imrnidnod}tr.dn.bnt .rlDisi@irFHn dic{.11h.D.s*C.ncleGnrn<br />

tm c r !o!*d dy sssc (Hisid sqdq s.hool caiitdtd) i! 199. r B<br />

d.t mined to g.i hiliid.{nrqdonjut aft6 i.taE.dia!.. I Ph!..d ro Cict ay B*n lm<br />

d.e@ E@ th. hrrd.nr of P.!ir.A (!@hi t Ft<br />

d by &.&l@ itr s.i@ (s.sc)<br />

wnn Cn@isty s . rrjd i! 2002 tr@ UnndnY of xdli l.ttli.d fd artdiatoa i.<br />

lvtsrq! tbrugl' Didroare of F4{.dm Dtt'd Gilgit .g!dt 3Fid.d qDta sb it<br />

diftGr Univ6iri6 of Pr*j.t0. I I &l€n d tu .tui.i@ i. ih. Glful thittdtv,<br />

Dd l@il KIe I ajoyld tb. @ de vEy tan &d qFidc.d & o@lLd<br />

l!@irs dvibnr@t h 2(x)4, I $di6cd wilt M.S. h dgdic di@isry win uPP! l"<br />

divi.in od @a.I t'poririo.I w ludyro g.1{hisid in M.<br />

'l! -/I,L D FDlm.t<br />

.t Ir E. i. R.gt! Iriitrr. of CiEi*y, vts! I va .si! fc@L ro bc llc tdl 6r<br />

dEd.d R rch gdt ofPot Dr. Allsd-Rlhdd sd Pol It !! Iqbdl Ctddbdv i!<br />

April.2005.I u asrtLd SlaA (sbdt Tm PL D Rtrh atE hlMO &lloslhipbv<br />

tb. Briti,l Coeil erl HislE Edrni6 Cdrisit ofP.lino fd. drd.d .dt@<br />

t!3@h i! uK !r lh. Uni6it of Erd A4lir<br />

ln rhe tun&, I vodd lilc ro €diN ny Fsesn *irb al ..d dnui@ lo hrirs<br />

imowd@ in Choilty by utitzi4 rny tuh ap.iq* dd lo@Ldgc l wil! ro<br />

Fe ny l,6 i! rb nd& of rrddic drei ddift a *dl a rhrl F!.ti.t<br />

ch.oblry. r u vay 6.eE to l@ .d .xt d oy *iU! ..d 'd@ttdinS! it lh*<br />

ndd!, Rcs4n !ffi.ndi.txl *idE d6 t tt@ it ccte It Gqun6 pdilc &d<br />

oin@ dd I d Edy fd i!


-the disendion is divi&d into iwo s€tionst stioro A dd B. s.clion a de$ribs lhe<br />

ielation dd st!.tN clki.ladon of tw6ly nine s@trddy mc|alrolitd Aon liMlo.a<br />

..tupa. h ale dcsibd thc ctioloncig .!d im@onodulatory 4iivni6 of th. mjot<br />

netaboliies of lirorprra 'ir@. Salion B desibes th€ applicalion of nucl@philic<br />

daiysis (o liie 6'1fueric gd€rarion of qu|mry sl€Eogdic.{16 and fomal total<br />

synrh.sis of Cbhy$srismine.<br />

This pan coDpnss phtl@hdical invcsligdioN oD enal p.ns of Tinospqq ctitpa \L.)<br />

Mi€6. It inchrl€s ielation dd stnature .leidatiotr of dn€ nd r-9 Gi8. l-2) dd sir<br />

rtus l().l5 (Fi& 2-3) claldac-type iluodirdpenoi&, .long with a tr* apoDhi@<br />

alkdoi.ls 16 (Fig. 4). This sludy yi€lded fiv. trou aporphine a[.loids 17-21 (Fi8. 5) dd<br />

two lytuin€ dkaloiG t2 ed 23 Gie. t), Thc olnd krom co8tit@6, islarcd ftob<br />

Ti@sporc .ritpa, iftlude Delhyl3,4njhydrcxrbeierc @a), c}{rdDe (15), syrinsin<br />

(26),5,7-dihy(Lbxy-2-(4-hydDxyphcnyl)-41l-l-b€mp'm-4-onc (24. crcteucale.ol<br />

(28)md3-Cl-D-glucopFdosyl-r{itostemt(29)(Iis.5).<br />

TLe isolalion of pl&l sn.bry n€ratolit s &hdvd wirh rhc help of nomat dd e!@<br />

phe chomiognphic tcchniqucs by Ning silica gel, poly-mide, Diaion HP .20 resia<br />

ODS (RP-18), S€phadex LH-20,.1c. Prcpdrive H?LC (L-Eo, M-80 ad H-80, tH ed<br />

2H, CS.l20, elc) @ u.d for 6n l puifi€rion of @npoudr from builetic exF.cl of

Thc ct]@tedarior ad stu.nr! .luciddio! of pE onslihEt|rr ft8 TiMspM qisq<br />

w€re 6icd oul by Bing 6oded sp€trscopic l. hniqres 3wh a MS (El, HREI MS,<br />

FAB ('ve). lA! tve). HRFAB Ms, ercr, lD End 2D NMR llke<br />

rH.NlvtR, 0C-NMR,<br />

HMQC, HMBC. COSY, NOESY, ROESY snd TOCSY, ctc- Singlc{rysral x-ay<br />

dim'aclion alalysd of crFtalile co!.ditent!, d sdl a dedvatiz.tion oa som. of th.<br />

@mpouds, wE al$ @icd out fd lhc ftrrh4 @nfid.lior of then stretm std<br />

srlMc!€disit. Th. sf*nc of @ aid L@m satrdut r|aat6ltu9 noh.d fiom<br />

Tinosp!ru critpo, arc pGsn!,l.<br />

In addnion lo thc air@tual snldy, immonodulatory ed cyioloxic .ciiviti$ of Mjor<br />

@n$itl6lr, ielaEd Aom EIOAC ed,-hOH t!.tios of Lespola.rirpd, vw abo<br />

r) Nd ud Xrmr CLrodurtyD. tr!ruodla..D€n. L.cto"6 Itum Tl,6pM<br />

!<br />

aIR'<br />

P<br />

H<br />

oH F(tlal@tlreyD EH<br />

oH F{ADslrcopyrdosy{l-6){-D-xyl*) o-H<br />

{ X&t!S[,cot't0.ql) q-]l<br />

Fig l: New cl€b.Leryp€ nllMdi,arpcre l*w I1 fro6 Titusporo ctitpa.

ofi a-{ADgh.o?rrGrD Gn<br />

H F('.r}sl ,..sE ryr) FH<br />

d-(&Dsluc.ryruoql) crl<br />

()<br />

-#"<br />

tr'<br />

fi& 2: Ncw and tnom cl€rodrnetyp. firramdiLrp* leton r tl3 fto6 T. oispa.<br />


2) Klom Cl.dd.n6lt?. Funrodit r!.n. L.ctordr ftti liM?rro.tlt 4<br />

t4<br />

Fig. 3r Knom .leDdu.-t?c nlfudir.rpcre lactoE lcl5 from tl@P,/4 ..ltP4<br />

3) Nd ADoahin. Alcloid! freD riaolpfuc.sPe<br />

.".C.toS4-"y-.)<br />

*oir"r"<br />

U"<br />

l6<br />

Fr& 4i NaapoDhin alkaloid 16I6mnrcsporaoiw

4) Xldr ,{Frplbe dd TyhEi!. Atlrloih Alolg wiih OO.l Coutitr.lt<br />

lrca Tt 64rt crlspL<br />

{ {<br />

,,^c-"0^-ef-<br />

A 2l i"<br />

. 4-{'"<br />

*yYJr-J:-;<br />

I '6*<br />

to-l<br />

Fi& 5: KnoM alkdoi

S.ction-B<br />

A higbly dliv. ed sel4tile chnal4siFpttidb. nwlcoPhilic caLlvsl l0lt (Fig.6) s6<br />

synthcai&d in thF3tcF filn olreEidly aEihbl. h.xue-2jdim€ Caralvst r05<br />

B $.d in tL sleEli.h @rrangdcnt of c-eyLLd azb.lo6 (up to ?6vo e} Duitrs<br />

the pGdt s|udy @6tysr lO5 is .ppli€d b lle fomat st1met rc svnthesis of G]<br />

physoniSlnrc by irornhion of m all @bon qut rndv std@g.ni'. .entet vio o/c'evl<br />

tl1]fugm.nt A ket ptelNr r20 s6 also synltr*i2ld fm tlE 661 lim' apPli€d fo. th'<br />

svdhesis ofa wide dgc oi biologically impondt Mtunl prodrcls of indob tr€bbn The<br />

challenging st p ir tlt€ iot l syntlsi! of C)-phy$1iernire wd @mPleted in >95% 'e<br />

Htu th. eMliosl{tive fomal rol.l s}atbdis oI G)-phveliemin.<br />

h cidl steps sirh d ovcall yield of 56% (@Fini2.d).<br />

*-,ii*<br />

(99) E @npleted<br />

*U""_'n:*C+*J#Cry;<br />

'" ".*."."=;o*"*. I<br />

R= E! !x R=qoqFcrr!6x I<br />

| 2 sr'P{<br />

I<br />

*"*-r^j(-l,"<br />

G)-Phylonismire (9)<br />

'r.o_,zr.y\ -c<br />

IFo<br />

\-^N<br />

Fi& 5: Applicalion of csLlttic €Mlioelelivc O/C-&yl !E tugddt to the foml io1ar<br />

srnlh6is of Clphys3tisrie.

Cf &v,,t 'k L! -trt n o' -;ttp :,/2at -i\t2,+ 'P1ol vf/)<br />

L orl. / Lt, L G,r' "!t G z,r' -q l l,*- rnospoo dispa ? ?../oV<br />

'J - 2 e! {'! 'tV tf '!J( inmunorFdurrtorv ,r caioroxi .it 'G -V? iV?<br />

4t ry& [ phy.ostisnilJe +i L 'f { // at,( crtiBt - '' '! A f nocr€oPhiric<br />

-ltP<br />

-+,{,t<br />

-a a I L f,,t';,.ta i/l( &v { t. oispa,4d uatavs|aa.o<br />

"<br />

&l.t 16-17 z-",)?,darcdanclypo tuEnoditerpens,? (P 6't r-9 a- i -<br />

-z-''!v i -(t,' fj.-t * 1 r':V.It -Lt rf, aPolhine atkah,ns,t l'<br />

,i,fL F -'.1-n ,yL i n N, fr, 27, a, a ,J? tranine alkarokts,lt<br />

^<br />

.diaion HP-20 .silli6 06r d ci -{ q-f, +" L Jet L<br />

'q,,<br />

,tt 3 -P l-t rr<br />

/-tr. tf,,.f I vep.,at*uptc -O tJ6'/!'sephadqLH-20 ,oos (RP-18)<br />

-{t{JE?tt'}A& LuvA;<br />

.t )E /,)k.,'.e )J"L Ja -p di, t) J..'" Jy' 5 ={/ '}.r. F<br />

n/-va" -d?-wgL '! "t,t.r i.,zr,uuat,y'c/-v,J//.r tt -['! tt<br />

,,1, 2a 4 Jv Q tlrq L/,t!t .' pq f '-ti,,e.r,}tst Jg .,t d,/u, ,(zo run)<br />

rlt{i),Q}<br />

2- ,J ,tt .tt +" L &l iU? immunornodul.iory ,r cybtoxicltv ,& Z !,4<br />

-{{< ('!-{tt-,'<br />

naxaae-zsaone -. tu I ,) t'/ ns;5f 4{t € ," I e14.t)vo<br />

iv L,Jv(& 4.,y6 { eny.

GENER.AL<br />



1.1 Introduction<br />

Thc nljor pan of the cllmt study foclM oD lhe phttchdicd iN5:tigrtioa on a<br />

6c4icin?J plu\\ TitusPora uisPa (L.) Mi.u of Mtlavsis otiEin This ha l'd !o thc<br />

ieladon of evqd rew 4d t@M cb@ical @nsinmti *t!ic[ q@ walul.d for dci.<br />

imwnodularory etivity dd cy&tioxicity .lT€ct ag.insl both mq (PC-l) ed notul<br />

(lTl) cell tifts. FoUowitrs is a bri€f wit -up sbout lh. impollde ofn€dicinal pldts in<br />

do8 di!6vdy and d€v€lopn€ni, s w.ll s lh.it ot. in tadidonal hdbdl n dicind of<br />

l.l.l Medicinal Plarb s! , Sorrce of New Phrrniceuticlrs<br />

ft ha ben l@8nizd lhal th. pldt ldlg&n @ntsn & @moE dilc6ilv of *6i&rv<br />

m.1aboln6. Irdividual ptan sp.ci6 @.|!b tho@ds of EiqE bi@h.mic.l e iri.s<br />

.all.d enzymc. Tn * enzynB play a k y olc in lhe produclio! of thoMG ol<br />

conpouds in BpoN ro dy slimulN [Fmwodh, N R, et ai, 1985]. For etupl.'<br />

plets gbw ir hdsh clinali€ mnditio. ond hav€ a divds tugc of seco.dary<br />

m€iabolitcs shich h€lt ihen to ado ro .limatc coditions Th€* gldls &veloP d<br />

.xd@di@y @y of deGre b r.@ of cLnicab lblr Ptut*ll<br />

1hd ton vital dr*l*i<br />

nfgrl p.lho8Es, iIgts ad mli& pEdlioR This is eiv dcry lim. . PIdt is<br />

invdisr.4 tr* ad @€l *lEnEs !& disw|td ftis Nleular divc6itv 6 bc u$d<br />

for ln. ddetopnfrr of ph!rclri.ds for th. tslrtr. of hllm diws. L b.nit6Ld<br />

$at th.r. aE mus y 500,000 hi8ls flowiinS pl&t sFci6. @cupvi'8 $c lcftstial<br />

h.billts [FatrNonL<br />

N. R, ?r at, 1985]. out of th.m, ody a few have bd studi.d for<br />

th.ir medicinal con*inroB e'hil€ th€ Maiojng d€ u-es@h.d nysteries for ei.ntisis<br />

Only l% of $s s!ei6 bave be€t lhobughly inv6tigatd for their nolel lhcapcuiic

ag6ts [&on' 1992; VeL, D. J.H-,4 aL,lllg2;Mtlilltrl,c,et al, |98; Burld' M. s,<br />

2OOll. De$lopmqn in th. t.ld of.rtunl Poducl cldistrt ha bocl€d incrat itr llE<br />

nldy of norel plsr oebbolit s with polmtial rh.dFlric value [Fmaonb<br />

N R erar'<br />

l9S5l. h is mw rccoelizd thtllh. strutusl divdsi9 foud in F$ral PmdEts is a<br />

uiqrc res@e for tne di$ovcty of rcw ddgi dd othd biologic.l atiti6. UFlo dale<br />

aboul fifty peEdt oI all p6cdb.d dNgs d€ cithd ddjved fem natual ptoduls or based<br />

on nalural prducl sltuctws. Thc availablc sm* fm $ch mo nns includ. eitul<br />

pldts, {d nicro{rgdis oflarcstrial or ndin oiSin (Mahidol,c...tat,r99al<br />

t.l,l.t<br />

Modcm M.di.i.G frur Hid.r Pl.lrt<br />

Medion,l pldts play ! lcy rclc in |h. d.v.loPnc ofncs m'dicind fot the !E!h'nl of<br />

dis.g A nDb€r of plsnl b6s.d n4 &!gs d inuldu.cd in the drug @rt€r €very vd<br />

[vete D. J- H., e, ol, 1992], sNh s dsrpidim' Bit|t@i'e' 6e+rE, vinbhsrire<br />

Epdycin and vieislift e vdy Gffalivc nalual ddrr, available i! thc o'net Gig<br />

l.o.<br />

Pldt-bosd &ues bave 6a

In rlevcloping eourii4. medicilat pl.nts remin the main $UM ofDedicado$ lr Chini<br />

aloft, ?295 pl&r spoi€s m utilizd s ncdi.in l agcnis [Mslidol, c, et ai l99Sl Tlt<br />

Wotl Hcllh orgeizali@ (IVHO) ts dtimtd t!.t tlE medicidl plrnts s€ a ln'<br />

FitDrry ellc ofncdicic itr tL. dtElopiDg vo d Mtl ol, C , er dl , 1998; Buda' M<br />

S,,20011. Abour E8{/' of 6e wld's iihsbitads Gty minlv on ttditi@l ncdiciG for<br />

a s o|l d<br />

M ii o|l N<br />

o<br />


fic. 1.1 MediciBlly imPodrnt Mlural producis.<br />

Thft s€ r€porls tbal 6t lc6t ll9 6mpouds, daived lisn 90 Pl$ts sp€ci6, d€<br />

iDpotul drugs cwnlly ued in oe or noc duni.s [Malidol, c , er al, 1998; Bnd€r'

M. S., 20041. Ofth*, ?7% b.ing dcrircd 8om pl. ! of folk m.dicinal impon@ lt is a<br />

fet rh.t in 1991, ndly halfofth. b.n elling drugs wE cilh4 Enr.l prcdwt3 or $€n<br />

Duins l97l to l99O, n4 dru8s $ch s gi.k8olidcs, ai.nisinln, dbilore. A1<br />

ctdydMerabinol t !ipdid!, *,lop4tid!, E- &d Zgu€gul3tlloc, ald plrlnoiol (Fi8<br />

L | ) *ft dcrctoD.d tlrclgh . tsluidEy *o* i! mnltl Fldu.t ch@krlv all ow tb.<br />

srld. Abo 2% dols of Mtunt oiiSin gw ilrod$ld duing 90t' i*luding p.cili'*|,<br />

ropr@. smislin, irinotdD cr. (Fig. l.t).<br />

l.l.ll N.tunl Pr.d$lt u Adi4lcr A&!L<br />

Aps Am b.ing e de[@t el@ of eti-hLctios dDg!' Plnts & d$ go.d $ua<br />

of eti@crr !g.rts. Ntdond C!|E ltniu. (NCD, USA, ba hdLd u qLdirc<br />

togrm fd l[. dcvcloFmt of nrEll prcdo.$ fd lb. bhdt of vuiN fom of<br />

qtl6. Moy clinidlly efirl (|.ugr h.E ha di$dqld drdgh NCI .ffons 'I!a'<br />

iftlud. vinbf.niB r"l liMidirc tod Cdtua, s tes' &d tbc si!rynildic<br />

cloposidc, nrcl (Fig. l2), {d 0E misyntlFtic iaxot4 [M.hi!o[ c.'., aL' 198:<br />

Burta, M. S., 20o4t. Tel b oE of ln. b61 .nli...IE .s.nis thd ha bdr islatd liom<br />

llrcb.rkof rhc Peific or Andi@ tN t6,T@ bev{olia.'tt di$ovdv oft xol h4<br />

drr&r.d.t!!jor int Bl of q8@ic chdists i! PLnLdiv.d 6tic.|@&!8p<br />

1.1.2 Applicdioo of Phrt Ertrrcat in Tr€rtd.ntr<br />

h is aior.d by tla Vorld tt rlh org&ialid (WHO) tld ,$mxin t lv 75-E094 orit<br />

mrld's popul$ron lg Pta ncdicine€, citlt ( i! prn or otilllv lPatsadhlt'<br />

B., ,r dr'<br />

2oo4l. SiE 'hy p6plc camt.flod th. hish @5l! of nbdm d'rll@uticd d$gs'<br />

rh.y pElcr ro & pl&t cxEe!' A gtowbS ndbcr of Ahdi@ @n6Md 4 $rniD8 b<br />

Dldt nedi.incs for hey |!es, trch s low @si dd n.iutal ali.dEtiv* vith f.wr tide

cfcds. chin* tiditio!.I mdiciB milly bsd otr p|{t .xrr&ts e G.d by lqse<br />

chitE popuLtior ft. vlst Eljdily of plat *!i.t3 N.d it Cbri* ncdhiE h8 no*<br />

ben buld io tsv. llcdFutic .ff6r* Tt. tlditioDl syr|tu ofndici@ in ,.p{r k@M<br />

s "K,DF", i! u ldlplrliod of ChiH. ttdilioul mcdicirE. KeF fomuLiodr @<br />

multiqbpoMr nixl6 of dtul prcd@ts, p.iNily Plt dl.*rt lFffircdlq<br />

rgEEl.<br />

l.l3 Globrl Bu!i!63 ofN.torrl Pmdoctt<br />

N. R.<br />

Aboul 6iny Dd @!t of rh. bddvi& !.16 of drug! !E b6!.d d lal6al predu.t. TIF<br />

\r'Hq .nq @snizins 6c ib!o.i.D oft ditio!.1 m.diciD., hls b€r &iir in qa!.s<br />

sllLsics, gli&lic &d st&dnd. for th. Fot6lion of labd n dicic. Som of lhc<br />

FrEiffit pbrl{dird o.diciol .mpo@dx i@lud. @lchicob, @lchi.ie, b.iulinic<br />

*i4 @ioth.ci!, 9+iinocatntolheia A!p.toF, LF.iol, d@t r@1, pa.lir.r.l,<br />

tut@@i*, pildlrpirc, $.pobnin ,.t!<br />

(Fi8. 1.2, P!se4.<br />

TIE lotal stc of phytomcdiciB sl. E?on d i! thc E@per UD@ sll &our Us 3 6<br />

billion in l9l ard $ 4 billion in 196, of *iich rlm3t half lw rold in Gcmlly (l 3<br />

biluo.), with 5.16 i! Fd*c 3 1.6 bilio!, ILly t 06 billid ed h9.. I Lt bilion [veL,<br />

D. L H-,.r.1., l99t Mlhidol, C.,., d, l99El. Tlt F*ot glob.l !Et!t t eid io b. US<br />

250 billid. I! I,di.,tbc !.1. of bbl hdt l podul3 is.didLd to tr I I bllio {d dE<br />

.xDon of habd 6rd. dE cB i!.bod I 80 niuio4 of siich 5091i3 @.tibt ol by<br />

.ywcrric p@!cdi@ [vcal., D. !. H.,.t al., 1992i ANt., 1992]. Pl&t d6iv.d Md<br />

d gs @ ihpon.d by sw..l coqrdB fd Nlgc iu tn liriotul D.dicin l pl.FdtioN. Th.<br />

lisr of@utie iDponils hclbd druss is !|.scntcd in T$lcl.l (PascE).

In Pakjean $ee e hudFds of htlb.l fomulstoE. tuuf€oifd by ditremt<br />

pnrmnanicil 6mp6ni6- Tn fmoB hat.l fomulado6 inclutlcs, B.EGla (tf,ro<br />

oduda),2Afr6 (oM satiwt S||aJiEa (Fuwid tttdicz. F Nntlo4 F ofrcinrtsJ<br />

aad SM&A.mL l.Argx.ia spect6z), .rc. Tic mjo. suppliG for th* hedal nedicircs<br />

e Hddrd t lontoria, Q.6hi Hclbal L.boEIo'ies. Metata Natlnl R6emh<br />

Lbohloies, Hdbal PM€ss, .tavaid Uo.i ttbonioriq ed Herbal Life, e1c.<br />

X"<br />

"in<br />

i<br />

r\ lr-<br />

Fb, lJ: c(,m*ialry 'vrihbL Dodl Drcd@ in rh. ph4medic.l n&t{.<br />

Commially, the plan1{6ilrd m.diciB @ wrlh alo US S 14 bilion. y6 in tne<br />

Unied s1als and US $ ,r0 billion mrldwid.. US citizG hlvc Eid d .stimr.d US$ 2l .2<br />


iui@ for wic.s plsvid.d by rft@dirc n dicine pE.tiliom in l.tc 90's A 1997<br />

swey drinal.d fiar ovd l2v. of adutt! h6d lsd h.rb.l nedicie duing 196, a<br />

c@p6rEd ro 2.5% in 1990, @ltirg b r tsilB of US $ 5-l bili4 LiUy R4gth<br />

Libontod$ Mkcls w.El nillion dolls wrlt of viturttim dd vinblstirc.<br />

TrbL-l.1. tlclb.l dtugs idrpotr.d by dioB @udri6<br />

india<br />

SouthKc -<br />

-r;;l;d;d;<br />

-.--<br />

p.su8. of hs6.l drws hp.ncd<br />

10,5%<br />

!J%-<br />

L4%<br />

---- d.i% '<br />

Fig. 2.1: Clob.l ph.lrll:dd.d elc.<br />

Yar ei!. progrs<br />

s&6 tMs H.!|m. F.aM'r r00a /'ldeo,E.360 abD.r Frrdftdrdr Fwlpdr<br />

TIE US N.rio.rl CaMr l$litut (NCD b6 $rauish.d h4. inirsttuclG to een<br />

50,000 naftlll subs&nes for activity ag.iB1@€ @ll lird aid l[. AIDS viru lv€alc,

D. J. H., er dl., 19921. ScicntiiB in Chh4 GcmMy, India md Jopa4 mong oilt€N, ae<br />

ale s.ding wild pldt sFi6 fd fte dsg5. It Edt phtme.'tical $16 ir glob.l<br />

mr.|.t ple is ple*nt d in Fig. 2-3<br />

t.1.4 Role of Medicin|l Cheniltry ir D.ug Developnenl<br />

Tddirionally MnDl podwts have play.d e inpofldt rele i. dru8 disldy, bll in dlc<br />

l&l tqo dccad6 of 206 6tury, @jor ph@@uricd @npdi4 has .ftnd t.miml€d<br />

oi $alcd doM then d$g di$ov{y pbgmme bed t n natu6l e@6, d.spilc lhe<br />

rer $d top 35 rcrldwid. s.llqs dngs in 2000-2002 l* @mplcGly b4€d on narud<br />

pod@B. Ituing rh. yd 200G2003, 15 Ee Mtur.l predFH.dv.d dfl8s *E<br />

intodwd in the ms*ct, elil€ 15 naturl produ.iddived @mpouds w in ph.l. lll<br />

clinical t ials [Bull.r, M. S., 2004]. Reently, th€ ph@urictt .onpdi.s 4€ showitrs<br />

cft*cd ior4$ in Dtural proder !t*4h ds ro lh. f.nm of dLhative {,$s disorcry<br />

m.dod. to ptuvide lcad @mpouds, s wtl d lo coF wilh th. chdldgB of.herging<br />

dis.5s s@h s imue rcl6red disorders, vir.l di*es dd nct bolic di$rd6 [Burl.r,<br />

M. S,, 2004; latwedhd, 8., et 4r, 20041. To codpele wirh othd dng di$ovdr m€lho&,<br />

Mlur.l lrodud $icfu hs adopLd bigh 3p..d mii8, i$larion, od sfucrN<br />

el@idalion techniquB. ftk B o y po$iblc by iltodeins h}?hcrul.d teclniqes srch<br />

s LC-MS/MS, LC-DAD-MS/SPE-NM& LGMS-Nl\tr, CC-MS along with hiSh-<br />

thrcuSlpui bioey sc@ai!! t€chniqB.<br />

1.1.5 Objectiv6 of Curretrt Study<br />

Thc ain of the c@nt sludy *a to s.eh for ncw bioeriv. saonda.y mer.bolites ftom s<br />

ndicirGl pler Tinspotu oiqp of MalaFi4 o.igi!. 'Itjs plad ha @y folldoric lg<br />

in $c Mdlysi& tsLn of n dicie. rrir lirdy ha Gultcd in th. isolalion of rhiny

@nrodds, including el.ven n w aad aiGt .n ttuM sondey r€taboli16. Th. most<br />

inpon d clN of @nDoud! oblain d A@ rnis pl6l is thlt of cl?r.de-lyPe<br />

{uronoditeryd€ dd th.ir elycosids. nF n.jor @nslittdB of th. Plant ke t€st d for<br />

im@bodul.rory &tivity.nd cylobnciy. Idq6linglt tLcs cdpou!4s rw fourd<br />

to b. nor-crroto*ic aeainst both fibrebbsr (lT3) dd prestat cdar (PC-3) ceu lin6.<br />

Orh.r biological $ltdirg! wE Nt pdfoE€d dE to limir.d q@!iti* of mq<br />

@6rirv sof nwrytu.tirya,<br />

The qlalttc gpnddon of tun-t..dic qu.ldrdy sl.@gcDc @l!!s, .spocially the<br />

@nraining allerbo! sbsdrE !, t!@is . sig!fi@l chill€nee in aymm.bic syn0!.sis.<br />

A wi.ly of EtuBl prod@! wilh signifi@t biologi.ll .ciiviti.s, seb a (.!<br />

ptrsnignirc, ph@.ine, (-leddhdc .d tlhoBitrlie ont i! thb mrif. Duing<br />

th€ pre$nl study, . chiFl nel@philic @lalyn rc Edhcsize d s@sdully .nd .ppli.d io<br />

s*6tc 4 alkdbon sta@goic 6t r by O,{C{yl re!8@t h 95% c.



I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

FE t }Spe|li|a of fdv.1.6.!,dtad|otTm)qm qtpa<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />



z.l<br />

2.1.1<br />

Itrloduction of fuorpo.d cripu<br />

The Getru! tlnoqprro<br />

DE g.nB ri@rol. (1.) Mi6. b.loDsirs to fdily Mait!.@.., obpti$ ?5<br />

gcn@ wirh 520 speics lsiddiqi, M- A. et al,, 1914]. TirctPotu is d impoi.nt gds<br />

with abour 40 s!6i$, Mey of lh.e e widely cmployed medicinal pldts throudoul lhe<br />

ropicd a.d subtmpicd cgioG ofAAic4 Sorth-E€sl Asia and Au5talia h P.lisld, a<br />

mlur.l s!ci6 I tu/arqt a, .td a cultiEld spei6 I @r'/old c fou,ld PEvioG<br />

pnfo.h@ic.l sMics on i!rc @!stitu4$ of g.!s Ti6@/4 hwc Gsulted in ii. isl.lion<br />

oa . v&iely of compounds, ircluding fidno

ui!8 diffqd pans of Tin$poa oisp' in atwedic medicine tAltm.4 f. B. .!d<br />

Holdsord, D, K,, 20031,<br />

VdioE spei6 of ttMpo.d e ls€d in fEy vrlushlc drugF and cxlibi *v.d<br />

pbm@losi@l &ijvities, Ior .&mDle thcy e usd for the ftatnot s febritug.,<br />

siau!o{, dafdia, clDf@ {d s a $h6ritut fc qlinie lsiddiq\ M. 4., et at-, 1974;<br />

Pdry, L- M., l9E0i Eabal M€diciE R.s.eh Cb'4.. 20021.<br />

2,t2.<br />

Ti@pqa cttpa (Fa.2.0) i. *idely u$d in Thailm4 Mtl.ysia dd Indocia for lhe<br />

tr!.El€nl of j.bdie, fiematis, Eiury dierdc6 sd inGron f.E. I nislt is<br />

also usd d a r.mcdy for disb.tca nellihs in Th.iland drd Malaysi4 b.eue of its dn<br />

htFlsly(:dic cfl..t ThG kxi@logidl srl|di6 u the cndc cn@E ot T. oispa lat.<br />

shoM ninimal .ff4ts [siddiqi,<br />

M. A., e, at, 1974i P.rry, L. M., 1980r Hdbal Medicin.<br />

R6tuch creup' 20021. Fouowing e srlidt mcdj.i.al ws of vdios lt@t@r4<br />

> Ti8poru Mloberica Mi.e it a nch eu@ ofalksloid5, Th. aq@N.xlra€r of th.<br />

plant b uied lo ftlr liEr ed .y. dl,ndt , whik it i5 .1$ ftnoB a a dsu.<br />

builda sd cmetic lFmsort\<br />

N. R., 1988].<br />

> Titwpotu coaifolld l\llu ) Mid bG ba us.d for 0& ltalncol of veioa<br />

ailnenls i. rrlrvedic pFp@tioa for ccntud$ such<br />

ss&Bs, impotcncy, viol<br />

'3<br />

heparilb, jedie, .@ndlry sphilie, rnd uinary died6 [singh, s. s-, €r al..<br />

20031.<br />

Triditionrl cd ncdicimt u36 of sode plrnts of gerus<br />


Ti6pda baeigi F@ has b@ u$d 6 4 4ti-mal{ial .!tt 6ti-Pyr.tic<br />

plet for a long lim€ in Th.iland [Manin, T. s., sr d/.. 195].<br />

> zi@spqa snilrci@ Bcnt.. @lmo y tmh N $!rcvie',16 b@! N.d in.<br />

tadidoml Abotieinal m.dicires for thc r€otu€ ofa le@kably wid€ r&8. of<br />

disordcts [Bk*q N. G. ed Nwiq'! 1., 1983].<br />

> r@potu tiftBis Qlv., Mi€F. is ktom for ils et -intla'malory, feh{itugtl,<br />

sti-pdiodic ad dli-b&t rial prepdlid [Bisl<br />

N, O, .d N*aiMa J., 1983].<br />

> The bittd lub€rcu tua of nwporc tdgitld.loli!.\ ca$.p bw. lolg been<br />

u€d fq lhe tran&n of ough and oib{ thro{ .jlnots [Bisel, N. C dd<br />

NMi$tl, J., 19831.<br />

2-r.3 Tinawn c.isps (L.) Mie$.<br />

Chssificatiotr<br />

SubtirgdoDr T@hobiod&V@dr plsr.t<br />

S!p..divi.iotr: SFmatophyr! Sedpl&b<br />

Dlvbiou Magmliophtaa - Algiospqns<br />

Cb$: M.gnoliopsida - Di@iyledoos<br />

srh.Ls: RlMculidr.<br />

O.den R&uculal6<br />

ruit: MeisFDr.-€!.<br />

G.!u: ri,ospara (willd.) Hook. i & I1to6<br />

sp.chr: .,:'rd (L.) Mi6<br />


synoly@f IrE &aptcd $i@tific w it TttdPqo atspa lL ) Mi6 witt .u|ffia<br />

srynyff: M^kP.mM qitt@ LiN., Mdbpcm iM@ Bl!@' T-t@tlna<br />

cordilolio F.-vitt.. Coeuhs Mdilotiu w.tP, Co'cul6 'Ilrot6 DC, Ti@tpom *ispd<br />

(L.) MieB, d H@k. i & Tho^s. Ti@tpotu tuber&lala, Ti4oiwa runphii, C@.t16<br />

oispw, M.ni:Wntn trb2ranatwu\d M. w@.<br />

artbo.ilt: (L.) Mi.a, q !i@1, t & Thoru.<br />

Atb . Tinospod .rtspz is 6 .linbing irc€ wilh ll€ms @hirg a hcight of +10 deleB<br />

Th€ sr.6 e u/o I dlibctd lbi.l ,nd eon v!,r fl6hy ltd pojels od aom iG<br />

slmddines, 'Ih. l€v6 c tlja .gg $4c4 Gl2 cdliD.llrs in ldelh ard ?n2<br />

endn.las in fidth, willt pointed od lcngthcn or sorewhat h€.n{h!Fn ba*, s@0r<br />

ed shining. The flow* @ p6le gen &d shon sialk The tlil h 7_8 hillim.les lon8<br />

lLbirttt Tin pala ililpa ftrJnd in hopic.l dd sbtopicd India atd Dsirs ofihe Fe E$t.<br />

ed in Fnary dinfo6|5 or nixed sbld.d fo6:ts 0@ug[oul dE PhiliPpic; in trepic'l<br />

A5i! ar oltiru.l€s !p !o 1,000 metes. ni! troPiel tree wilh shiny grcd l€af is also widely<br />

dbrribul€d in hdon€ia Mabrsi! (ed Bo!@), Th.ilold atd vicljm<br />

Oe!m..: Diiribut d nGdy in ftPicsl .!d $!-topicil Anicr, Sourh-&st Asia, IndG<br />

Molaysia ,nd Auslolia lsiddiqi , M. A,, .t al., 1974t Psrv, L M., 1980; H.rbal Medicinc<br />

R.s@h crcup.,20021.<br />

Oc.m.. in P.Lith: h P*isl,4 ! dfftl sPcci6 T-orPota didb4tru is foud in<br />

RavElpitrdi division .rd slduding !6, .long eitb a cultistcd spei6' rloM a<br />

La.l N.nB or r. .tit r. MataboDi (T.g-, Bis., IIL); Hindi: dia, flridbuti' Tmil:<br />

klrruttodi, T.lus!: chip@-tig.; &atrlcii, Mrhyalto: d!g.di, MGtbi: f&idbel; jmnk<br />


.l. Ird@si!: bFtlvaq ed.{tli, putiqsli, d.u eade Thii:. boE!h.! qd knb hoi v.i'<br />

Mal.ysia.ktE p.tawali.<br />

2.1,4.1<br />

Etbtrobotrny of fitaryotd cr.il/d<br />

folllorc &d ar.dlrionrl u..<br />

In Intlocia, ilE mlin poducls oft"diiioml ncdicim, callcd "jdu', onc 6on difieFnt<br />

pans oI mor thd l2O sFci6 .nd fi,trpofd d/iitPa (brotow.li) is o* of lhGE. An €$ni.<br />

gDup in Sa!.i &d the M@l comuiy i! Malatsia @ ?iMlota ./nPa b tEal<br />

di.b.tes. ht?.ndeo. dd lmbogo fAlmcd. F. B. ed Holdson!, D K,, 2003]-<br />

A &*d@ of dlc adtrt leve .d.@B ot TrbsPom ctitpt tre.d 10 n fd.r,<br />

'5<br />

.holeE, diah€tcs, .heumtbn dd sEl.-bi16, An iniaion of lhe slem is |ato 6 d<br />

v@itu8., whilc daetion of th. stem is u.d for wshing e.. .y.s dd svphrliilc ercs<br />

lsiddiqi,<br />

M. A., ., al., 19741. It at$ EdlB tltr6! inlqDal inltamElion .d incrtag O.<br />

appelite. The drug fron sten is cgisteEd in th€ Thailed Phmacopoeia !o t'tal diab€l.s<br />

(P.dy, L. M., 19E0; Edu€rdo, Q.. 19781.<br />

Ir goeral folUoG, the slem d@ctior of Z cf&p, is cosidcrcd etjpyeiic, dli_maldial<br />

&d s a ssh for ski. d6. TF4loially e itrfusi@ b wd !o ftlr fev.r de to Dalsi."<br />

j.udie dd lgairst int sti!.| soffi. TIF elinalairl .tret is ale cF tld [Rdn & N<br />

N. N, A., .t al., 1991. The cMhed l€v* of 11 crbpa e apPlied on woudds and m.de<br />

inb poultie tu 't!'ta [Umi Kde@ Y ard Nd. H,, 1995.<br />

Th. Fopl. of Philippines dd Malaysia coro'dd the sten of I ctop4 6 d sieesl<br />

nedicie. lt b mosl Fpuld 6ons all the l(.l n dicinal pldr.. Il ie omonlv<br />

pteibed for h. trErmat of slol@h t oublc, indig.stlor &d didho.a lt is al$ e<br />

.ff.ctive medy in the Ee.tedl of trDpical uh6. A pFp.htion in @onut oil is claim.d<br />


to b. d cf&ctive c@ for rhdtilris aid {or fllhl6e ir childm [Uni K'lsn, Y dd<br />

Nmr,H.,19951.<br />

A .ldoction of thc &$h rcots, nixed with FpF ltd gosfs mill, is giv'n for<br />

rheBnlris, in . do* ofhalf! pint clery moDing [N.drdi, L M "d Ntdtdi, A K<br />

19991. It is als sed di€mally 6 a @ling and s@lhine applicsrion in ptuigo' e*m4<br />

i6Fri8o, clc- D4@ti@ of tt @is, in @obinali@ eith eirga.d $8d, n givo in<br />

@6 of biliow dysp.psa &.1 fcvc6 wiih oth.r bi!.F &d Nnarics R@Is rubb'd wirh<br />

bordF nuls in vlt r e siB i! !r.o.ch s.b., 6Fcidlv in c[ildd [Ndl@i' K M<br />

,nd Nrdkdi, A.K., | 991.<br />

Lt.12<br />

ridpord n,spa hs b€en !s.d fo! tlt€ tedncnt of d nMb€r of Phvsiological disdes<br />

Trbl+2,I I Mcdicinal tg of LdPota .fitla<br />

ar$-byp6glycr@ic efl6t<br />

ipFC-t'!ns<br />

lm@modulalory agdt<br />

anti{sdml Md lipophilic..tivity<br />

AnLin@'ceoriv. ud &ri.inn.@arorv<br />

N@,H.dd tubcrcn S.I.1998 .]<br />

EiF, s;d s*iR" Lind.. s.. l<br />

(m"r'hi!, N., er a/., 2002<br />

S'naidd, M. R., er al,,2008 l<br />


2,2.0 secondaryMet bolites of Tinosporu oispa<br />

A nmbq of sondrry n.laboliles have bco isl.tcd lom vdios parts of li@pol4<br />

crispa- Cldodoc-tt?. fuamdit€tpqE ladon s' s di!@ grcup of t.4Emids wil! mod<br />

lhd 8OO looM @opoNds [S.l.tino, S., €t dt, 2002, is one of ih. host inponel d6s<br />

of l€rFeidr of ndp,tu. A[rloitts, ttmil55 di|rFe le1on6, Itilspqcs'<br />

equt€rFnc slyosidca, flavoooi&, ligls, phdolics dd mis*lldHus dass of<br />

6mpornd! h.v. afe ben ohain d fr@TituspqouaPa<br />

2,2.1<br />

Clerod.lclypo Fur.noditerp.mld!<br />

This is the mosl abdddt and int.Niv€ly invcstigatcd cls of F@ndarv Eebbolilcs'<br />

folrd in lidrota sp@id cl6.

t23 Prwios 8hdi.. or fir.?rt cd9.<br />

h ih. bd fttr a"irao., *tt.l r.c.d&y tattoub. b|v. hc.6 ided .!d<br />

.h....rlr.d nc lb.4t! d4t (TiA2r! Ib..oet D.rddn tddt ro<br />

diE cle ot dnl F!dd. Sd of b..c .@td hY! ba sld tu<br />

wi@ Uob€i..I drid., 'fiL t@. !d. t .r u.ql . dci6 fr. drbd<br />

d|6ctni..ry.<br />


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23 Biogynth.ticPrthxay!<br />

> Iropre& R!1. rtrd T..!Eroid!<br />

Seondaly neubolites with i$prrc e thc b6ic uils md wiih m hpiical fmula<br />

(Cillji e boadly classificd 6 t rFnd or tdF@idg Moy natunt p@dwrs tub 6<br />

terFrcr steoids, ctc- @ e fod.d by difidt cmbimlion of iepEre uiis in he.d-<br />

T.rF@i& play a vital rcI. in thc lirs ofhmy orgaisG by cxertine hehbolic cont ol<br />

.d by m.diariq in int6- sld int r-!p.ci6 irardion!, such s poliDt@ ald d.fcG i,<br />

plets. Teipenoids re biosynthsized in i& difeMr pathwys, bded on th Min<br />

buildirg bl@ts, isp.nr.ryt diphosphar. Cpr) (sch€Dcz,t) &d din Oyt attyt<br />

diph6Dlt i t!. Dcrhyldrduirotphospba& (MEp) p{hwy or I n6xy-D-xytutc (DOX)<br />

?s<br />


Flhsy ir th. chloDpLst fo@ IPP for ooto- ed diGrpemrds, .nd ih. ncldotic &id<br />

OrvA) pd{rw.y in th€ cylosl, prdus I}P for sesquil€rpooid. Pu! A., .t 4/.,20011<br />

A-_^-\-\-<br />

E<br />

*.,1<br />

S.h@-2.r: Biost bsb ofr.rpcmids ir pt.&tr slowirg the maslodc &id (MVA) (A)<br />

dd lnoxy,Drrlul@ (DOX) (B) pothmys fo. rh. prcduclion of tpp.<br />

> Md.lo!.t Prthrry<br />

I<br />

""-l.z'." i.-;<br />

EI<br />

Th. qtac in pl€rts is oNat d io ..dyt{oA aad @nd65ed *ith mI[a uit of<br />

4.tyl-CoA 10 8.nerar€ a@toa.ctyl-CoA (Sch.m€-2.l). Th. addnion of. third ac4yl-CoA<br />

yiclds (,t!3,hyd.oxy-l-n.ibylstutdyt-CoA GrMccoA), *.rich is $t6.qEnily Gdu..d<br />

by dr. €.zyn HMc-CoA Eduq4sc io (n)-Devalonic acid (MvA) fDubey, v. S., ./ at.,<br />

20031. MvA fien uodcrgG . ei6 of ptssdoryrarioG, tN of CO, ed imry&i.<br />

tl<br />

a-r^_i_<br />

9"<br />

" ^..^"-l-;<br />


ldro.luction<br />

> Mwdonirclld.pdddrPrftrly<br />

Thjs parhwy w6 di*ordd in aly 1990'r $rcud meh on sve6l belerial strains<br />

IRohnd, M., a ar, 1991. MvA-indelcnd.nt prlhsy b.8iB wnn rlc @n@ion of<br />

glu.4 itr1o Slyce..ldcby.L-3-phcphlte (CAP) dd p,ruv.le, foUoved by {idi*,<br />

medial.d d€c&boxyl.tion of plnvat, CondeNtion wiih CAP g*BLs l-doxy-D-<br />

xylllo*s-phosphnlc (OXP), D)(P rhcn und.reo6 ! l@&gendt dd educlion lo yi€ld<br />


T<br />

I<br />

(3P4 c"i<br />

I<br />

l'+P4<br />

I<br />

l--<br />

]_".*"'<br />

Ak kk-i4PtE rdcdFets<br />

Fb. 2.r: Srrth6i! of veioN ctNs of ospetui& in !tdr!.<br />

Prayld.d Feia tuoid3<br />

Tlc noFMVA paihwry iB widely fibc[olal i! €uba.i.ri.! ad ptoG lRohnd. M., t999].<br />

In plals botl pst[Mts ol]a opasr! simut Musly. TtE MVA pd[qy nlEtio6 in th€<br />

c)loplsm and b GspoEiblc fo. thc.vdrul pmdEri@ ofihe slaots<br />

"rd *"Cuir.rp*,<br />

(Schcme-2,2), ehile rhc ioFMVA parhwy iniriar.s rh. ptuducton of clrorcn s, mom_<br />

arn dnaFm3 h lhe cbloo9ksas (fig. 2. | ) {rd dF lbiquim sid. chain in mn@hon&i.<br />


Intrcdu.tio, Ti,osporu *itpa<br />

lM. S.hsra M. ad Arisoni, L D., 1991. Codins of llP ard DMAP @y l.id ro rh.<br />

dif.Hl cla$ of lerFr.s, 6 shou h Fig, 2.1 ,<br />

2.3.1 Bi6ynth$is of Clemdarc-type Furaroditcrpenoids<br />

Mainly ctr-clmdd€s have b€o islal.d lon I .firp,, althoud both .ir ,rd tca<br />

i$ncE @u .bmdully in n!re. h hq bd disv€Ed th!1 i! cLed6c-1t?€<br />

ituodilerp.nc lelo6, C-1. C-2, C-3, C4 and C-6 hav. bea rhe mosl erive sitcs for<br />

oxid,rrio .poidarion &d h.toizatid Ir gtrrdl biGrdb€ric Ftbwy<br />

typc fui&odilcrpoes is shoM in !ohcndz,3,<br />

for cl@ddc-<br />

It ha ba prcld U.r C-2 of MVA eiv. ris ro C,l, C-7, C-t2, dd C-18 of dir€rFF,<br />

whil. C-3, C-5, C-9 sd C-14 di* frbo C-3 ofMVA lrd C-2, C{, C-t I ar|d Ct5 lion<br />

cJ ofMvA [Aknib A., a al., l9l].<br />

c&alebdac is fomcd fbd ccPP Oq yr4 rm ditr@ni reues. fi-na76)19 ltunk<br />

A, Schem-2,2) ed 76r81J82+83 (reuro B, Schem.-2.2). Sihildty, th. biosynrhesis<br />

or ,ra6{Lrode follo*s eilhd reuG A (?6-z-7EeE0, Scttu€-2.2) or reu. B<br />

(76rErr82r&1, Scbcn+2.3)<br />

In cyclt lion of 76, rwo intemcdid€s ?7, El w.rc prcposd. Ir @ prcde €ither q_<br />

n thyl al C'lo dd FH .l C-J (763t7) d cyctiz.rior nom 7cJ8l vill Fod@ &.ncthrt<br />

al C.lo dd d-H at C-5 d.p6ding upon lhe.lrack ofrhc doubl€ bond (C-tO/C_l D ai C.6<br />

of OGPP (76). Funtq l.smgd@t by l '2-hydrega siin fron C-9 to C.8, t2_crhyl<br />

shin froD C-10 b C-9, dd l,2-hydrcso shift tun CJ 10 Cno in ?? ed El,led !o<br />

intcmcdiar€r 7E &d a2, Esperircly [Arnib A,, .r dl! l99t; Birch, A. J., a al, 19591.<br />


A c'19 mehyl sltift to C-5 in ?E (roub !) od in E2 (oute a, ptudes r/4ro{lcbdue<br />

skelclon ?9 {d 84,6!@livcly' *d.t6 ! C'l8 bdltvl3hic to C'5 in t8 (re e b) cnd82<br />

GolE b,) produ clt{lerodde sk lelon 80 and 83, Gpdtivelv (Schdc-2.3).<br />

db,dh!$,hM-,t<br />

0e)<br />

(?<br />

i$\<br />

(16)<br />

Sch.nctS: Biosynthdh ol olercdoc-trp! dit a€noi&.<br />

(El)<br />


Intrcductioh<br />

2.32 Bidynrh6is of Aporphift !d Tyrrnioe Alhloid!<br />

TituWra 'nsPa<br />

An dim &i4 9rcsinc, is the min $uM of benztlislqrinolire dd tttdift .lkdoids,<br />

rhougl mdy dtemdre p6th$ys harc al$ bca popos€d for dre sFlh'sis or<br />

aporyhinc ed qrdinc dlaloids h natut [F4bini,<br />

P. .t and Biid, D. A' !98]. L-<br />

lyrosi@ (87) ir th. pt*@ of L-tysit JDOPA derboxvle GYDC) C Ed@d to<br />

t'I@iE (88). oxidatior or tlMift produB ,LhydsxtThdyle€bld€hvd€ (E9) which<br />

th€n @nbin.s wirh doPdine (E6) (eob Ldop. r) io F|odw (Slnot@laui* ($) $at<br />

.vsnlu:lly le!d5 10 difffil t}!es of b.nztliequinolin€ alktloids (Schehe2 a)<br />

Monovcr, lyluift (t8), in.ombimtiotr *ith @umyl-CoA or f.rulovl4oA, podrcs<br />

hydmxycituoylBrmims (91) dd Flai.d uid* (fth.ne2.4).<br />

{35)<br />

(36)<br />

4.Hydrdy!h.nyl,c.rd&htd.<br />

*-el^*<br />

I '"'<br />

raY'r<br />

(33)<br />

rd<br />

S.he!t2,{: Bidydhcsis of atoehlnc md ryruire nbbids,<br />

I ('o)<br />

I<br />

[.'t'tr,qrfu|h.^]ldoid!<br />

tlydloryd!uoylrinb6<br />


CHAPTER.3<br />

R.ESUIL]IS<br />

AND<br />


3.1.0<br />

3,1.1<br />


Clerod.ft -type FwoDoditfr peaoid. ft on Tino sPo rt ctispd<br />

Duif,g the pscnt ph}tohmical iN6tig.rio. on the ncthNlic dE&t of th. &rial pans<br />

of Ti@tporc ctispd M6l^ysie odsln), 6n4i cldo

Nays were also pdfom.d on najd coinnucnts of ritdrtotz tnpa duing lhh snldv<br />

> G.rcr.l Stdctlnl Falns olcLtud..etvpc Frmodit'rP'noidt<br />

Cleod&crrF tunroditerF oid! Gpl€sl ! fdou cls of orgsic 'onpouds Thev<br />

€xnibn .h4acrerislic sFclal fdlG (Ms, W, R, 'H' tld 'rc'NMR)<br />

. M.s FdgE.!!.ii@ Pfth<br />

In EI-MS of clddd.-t !e nrr! odileDdoi&, ceialn tagmetrl ions Prcdodnaie<br />

*nich @ be<br />

ln this<br />

dN of comF6& rhe pl€se@ of n@ mi.ly is infdtd tlrougl lhe peM of a<br />

rnsmenr ion ar /z 8l (liagment ion 'a ) which diss s a Esull of bond fision .r c_<br />

I r/C- 12. The cl6v.a. of C-9/Cn I bod led !o fsgnor ioN b' ord c' whrc[ lplco al<br />

,1/z 94 aad 95 in the EI-MS sFct!. of fr@noditerperci rcsp€cliv€lv The<br />

Deiloxydbonyl sr c4 givc ih. fragD€dt i@ !t ,'/z 59 (d) (Fis 3 1)<br />

csHro'<br />

,t-R<br />

()<br />

Y<br />

.)<br />

corko-<br />

o)<br />

Fi& 3,1. Ch@re.icic tlB fr.g@15 of cledde-q?. nnlmdiLrP€rcid..<br />

. Infirred 0R) .trd Ultnviolet (It9 Spet osopy<br />

Itc IR spetla (K3.) afrords strd.linc filqll@ie for GH (3551-3390 6'), c{<br />

0?45.r550 cmn), tuM rins (1504-143s cni) dd c-o.c 0090, l0l7-l04o,lol5 cmr).<br />

Th. Uv spetra aully shoq (l)E lb€olplior b.nds in ltE dgc of 225-200 tD<br />


. 'H- rd rrc.NMR SpeiM@py<br />

TIE rH- ard rt-NMR lpeh ot .Lrcddco?. fimDd;ierp..oidi show lhe Fega ol<br />

re egule methyl srouF, M€-19 (ru LoGl.66/4 19.+29.7) ard M.-20 (r{ 0-81_1.15/r.<br />

23.].29.9), a 61et n thoxy (rr 3.?5.3.8?/rc 52.2-53.4), two €std cdnonvl (dc l?12_<br />

180.5 ad 16?-6 175.2), &d a rl&to* (C4lCi or c4C-8) or 6_l&toE (c_8/c_12)<br />

'Dr ptts€@ ofa n@ rins i5 $pFrt d by lhc sigMls d & 125 8-125.E (C-13); 109 4'<br />

109.9 (dH 6.5G6.55, Gl4); l,!4.?-145.0 (rH 7.48-7.50, cl5) ed l4l ln4l-6 (& ? 58'<br />

7.60, C-lO. Irr s|c@chcmist y of D-glu@pytuosyl is deLrhincd on the b6is of<br />

@uplins @sla"t (4 fm thc mmic pblon ofl-tlglMpt@syl ("E 6 l _?.7 Hz, H_ | ).<br />

Thc tB-dngjucdon in @bpounds l-15 ws d.dued !o b. cis on rh. bsis of 'rC-NMR<br />

chcmicai shltu of Mcn9, which s@ found in lhe dlg. of J 194'29 ? qhile in ta6<br />

diiposnion. oEy a!F! bclwer d 1l-19 [Mmb€, s. &d Nishitro, C., 1986] Il)e ting<br />

tusion b.teq Bi/c dn8 B d\ttemiftd d lh. bsis ofrrC-NMR chdical sbitu of C_ l I<br />

(< 0 45.0 for ci-tu!.d riiss rnd > 615 0 for ta'r-tu$d tilgs) Ktt4,M. A,et ol , t9E9l<br />

3.l.l.l<br />

3.t.l.l.l<br />

New CoNtitu€Dts<br />

Rlopbiol E(l)<br />

IUPAC: Merhyl (2x,7t8s).8-[(2$2.(3,4-dihydrcxy-2,5{im.thoxycrr!hydrG]-fu@yl)_<br />

2.hydbxy€thyll-2,8{imedyl- lo{K- l l -oxa|JicyclolT.2.l -02rltlod*-34n€'3-@boxylale<br />

Dri.d .d elourd did Frls of linotpoo ctispi (16 Kd w cxi.!.Ld wit[ ftrbed<br />

ed panito!.d by $lMrslvat extredon into fou min dE&G (Expcrincdal,<br />

&dion-3-, Pag.'ll2). Conpoud r (1.2 x l0'% yi€ld) w6 obiained s a while<br />

elid fron the .tnyl elaL dtEl {69.43 d by sesiv. @lum chmbalosnphy on

CoDpound I ha rhe dol@ule fomuro ClHr.Oo s d.dw€d fiob HRES!_MS (+re) (M<br />

+ Hl' ^ D,/z 4n1.23r2 (cztcd 411.2225) (Sche6.l.l, Pasc-ao.<br />

Th. EI-MS,IR ard ljv sperE show.d chr&i.dnic fatuF of<br />

d.rd,ctyF fi@oditerDei6 (Fig. 3.1, P.g.-14). Tle 'H-<br />

NMR spocEd of r Gablc3.l, P.sc-41) slo*td sigMls .l ,<br />

4.23 OE, b$, s-14), 4.9 01I,4 4.{ &= 2.? Hz, H-15) .!d<br />

4.90 (1r{, s. E-16), dsisDed 1o Ltdydrctunn noicty. The lH-<br />

NMR st6rm ,1$ dlibil€d a rclaliv.ly doM6.ld oxymedine<br />

lisnal ar ,H s-57 (bid. F 6.0 Ha H-6) 8rd a El.tjvely lpfield<br />

:( \/n<br />

oxym.thinc sie!.I at ,H 3.84 (d, F 7.5 Hz, H- | 2). Ttr methyl si8tuls at , l.l2 (s, M.l9)<br />

!d l.16 (r M.-20) w@ dE ro &sdr n4hyl gouF !t C-5 ed c-9, dFcnvcly. lt<br />

fidhcr sho$d t@ n lhoxy pretor silgLB .1 ,s 3.47 &d l.4l .<br />

Th. BB (hosd&nd d.couplcd) DEPI uC-NMR !!.e'u (Lblel-|, Pasc4D slo*td<br />

siSn ls fo. 23 cirhoc, irctlding t*o nc0tll, fivc D€Oyloe, six Edtift, fre qualqna.y,<br />

rhp n thoxy ed tM 6&r dbdyl. T!. wbooyl caftoN at, 180.5 ed 156.? \l@<br />

.isig!.d to C-17 l&lorc and c-l8 m€fioxy 6td. Ts manoxy sigtrds at , 56,4 dd 54,8<br />

l@ tue ro C-]5 dd Cn6 meilbxy grcupr, sp..livcly, The sielal al , 5l .6 wd du€ lo<br />

c$.! melloxy aI Cl8. Two ncihyl<br />

signals rl ,2?.0 ed 19.9 wft dE 10<br />

&Sd& nctbyls at C-5 dd C-9,<br />

Gpedrely. Ile doqfcld sigirk d<br />

6 69.0, t2.o,762, lll.7, strd 109,5<br />

qe Nign€d to C-12, C-13, C-14 G<br />

l5 ed Cl6, EsrElirely.

T1€ 1H-rH cosY sp€IrM of lh€ @npound r cie. 3.2, Page36) snored viciml<br />

@u!lin8s ofc-l protoG (, l.% ed r-q) with C-2 (r 2.40 ard 2.30) ed C-10 (d l.4l)<br />

prcton6, The olcfi c prcron (H-3) showed cressFils with C-2 methyLne protons .l d<br />

2.40 (H-2a) dd 2.30 (H-2b). Sisrals d 6s 2.n Ql-Ta) dld 412.11 Qr-7b) sbo*ld vicin l<br />

colplings with C-6 (d 5.s?) &d C{ (rH 2.43) d€lhift poto6. IlrlhmoE. @uplings<br />

wrc ob6eNed b.twn the poto6 al& 1.69 @nla), 1.56 (H-llb) and rhc nethine<br />

sisdl .l r{ 1.84 (H-12). TLc crcs-pel b.t$€o rr 4.21 and 4.97 wa atr.ibutd ro<br />

couplinS b€treen Hn4 dd H'l5 of6. &trabydrctnd ring. At thh poirl, two fralrn.hts<br />

A ed B q@ d.dm.d (t6endb A ed B).<br />

'Ir'e ftagnem A &d B \|@ join d toeethd od<br />

ihc b8is of hct@oeld nulriplc bond<br />

@fthiion spectro$opy (tlMBC) (S€e slors.!y).<br />

'ftn is d inlte NMR lehniqw uscd to d.d@<br />

the long-@ge hci.onel€d inleretioD. TIE<br />

HMBC sperM showd frseFdr (Fig. 3.2, Pa8Fl6) b.twr H-6 (4 5.54, H-? (dts<br />

2.27 $d 2.18, Nd H-8 (6A 2.41) wilh c'l ? (& 180.5, C=O), indi@ijn8 th. pEen@ of o<br />

It&ion nnctionality betwn C{ &d C-8. The pI€sM of a r-leton rins w6 als<br />

supponcd by a Eldively do*nli.ld chdic.l shift ofth. C-17 ladon carbonyl (,180.5)<br />

due to g@l€r nng st din [Pavia, D. L., .r al., 1979]. O.c@nce of ielElydrcfur&<br />

nrcdoo.lity B infmd nob th. sisnab d, E2-0, 76.2, ltl.? md 109.5, stich wrc<br />

atlribui.d to the foor oxygdal€d cdb@s of C- 13, C-l4, C- 15 ed Cl6, asp€.tvely, Th.<br />

lons-@8. r.I @rclarions betwdn I{-12 (rr 3.E4) and C-9 (dc a9.D rd C-ll (rc 82.0),<br />

along wirh its COSY @ftlatiotrs with tI. C'll methylenc prclons (dtr 1.69 ed 1.59),<br />

indiet d the teo.dbon chain linled h.iw..n nlg B ed the t€I6hydrcfilm nohry-<br />

Bascd on od!€d$i *ith lhe data of tLe k&m 6npo6.b lMartitr, T. S., €r ar, 19961, n

s d.dE d rt r c.l3 (& 82.0) 5nd C-lt (4 ?5:) vq! bldroxtld.

'rni. cLs of .@Flrdt i! lnovd 6r cyt Ltdc divili6 .g.i.d hlD. dd .ptll.fud'<br />

f.d'ilr ldd c.l@ c.e ..ll li!€ [Sh.., X C., .r. d, 20051. Clqld@ttpe<br />

nJI@diFDls blE .bo Som irst &d$cdtd sdvity rcinE c,D. L,.L d ,2w21<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

Cit<br />

s.h.nr3.0! Eiogoaic relt i! t}!lh6i! ofclcmde diLrpdt &<br />


tr'\<br />

)<br />

c6Hi<br />

-8<br />

)a<br />

coHto"<br />

r|.. 3.4! PdpariE NoBsY iffiim h l.<br />

cuH,3oi cdrrros<br />

t63<br />

;l<br />

cllHlJor'<br />

x<br />

clHror'<br />

ir'zt E5 l\oe/")<br />

5i<br />

csHso*<br />

a<br />

S.h.oro.l: Ma Argndrarior prtt m of ompourd L<br />


T.U;3.r: rt'- |!d |H-NMR'chdicd rlifr d,i! of @Frod ri , i! PPo &d J in Hz<br />

c{<br />

ot2<br />

oll<br />

c-lt<br />

icnt<br />

c-t9<br />

t6J l.e6(GbI r.e.(wb)<br />

r3l.t<br />

tt.9'<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

ctl<br />

cx t..1 dd (4r 'r t+ JL h- 1l)<br />

39,7 l,6e dd (.r,. rr' l5J.4r d xt} l5 (oiit|.p<br />

lllJ<br />

21p<br />

CH<br />

c<br />

CH<br />

c<br />

c<br />

'Sisndr e id.db.n8!.tt .<br />

rR@rd.d d?5 MIIZ in cDctr.<br />

'R4dd!d .r 300 MrL in CDClr.

!.1.1.12 2-lydnryhonP.i@l& c (2)<br />

IUPACT (21,5i,6i,Ei,9s,10s,12,5)'l5,lcEFxy-2'hydrqvq4D.glupv'@svl><br />

cl.od.-l,l3( l6),1+t!i6-l7,l2.li.l-l E{i. rid E lhyl6i6<br />

A ruFt&dd Fb3l (2.1 s) nm tl. bul&olic<br />

dt?ct (?2.61) a dbsolrd in ft.lhaFl to<br />

tEmv. D.ihel iMloblc cdFdrb ud<br />

tiltr.lion- Flnhd puif@liou of tlE tldl|@l<br />

$hblc fr..tion by 6ine Eyclilg HPIC (GS-320,<br />

l0 M.OH) yicldc<br />

irA<br />

2<br />

x..1,]<br />

TIE ml@ll fdnuhof mpouDd 2 s dcdlc.d c CrHxoron lhc b..! of IM<br />

+ Hf<br />

ar al 553.22t5 (6lcd 553.?2E0) i! HRESI-MS (+E). Tbc EIMS 3horEd cb.Fcnsdc<br />

tugndrnid of cl.redet F tuD.ditaPad Gis. 3.1, P!8d14, Scboe3.2, P.8e<br />

46). TL Uv lpoctu showld.teDlio! b.!ds at22l, 217, 201 M. TIE IR sp.c!@<br />

(KBr) lhow.d 3lr.r.hilg b.!d! fd CH G409 cEn), C{ 0709, !670 mi),.tontdc d.g<br />

050+143E 6i), ad c.o4 007E, rorT cD ) n!f,dooliri.3.<br />

Th. 'H-NMR sFcEM of@pourd , (I.Ue3.2, P.gca7) dbPLtld tilc ringld!, och<br />

ilt4tFli'g fd lhc p'otoE, sig!.d to Mcl9 (rH l.5s), Mc20 (rn 1.09) &d c-18 6lcr<br />

mthoxy (rx 3.7t). Tbc |H-NMR rFctu.!.o $o'rd 0r oxygdttd ot i[iF lisdt<br />

.r , a.49 (rd, Jr. l= 8-3 H4 Jr j= 3.8 H1H-2),1.53 (d, 4f 4.6 Hz, H{) .d 5.77 Otd,<br />

4:c r r= t2.4 Hz, H- 12). sisltb fd c-3 olcfilic prolor lppotEd a a doubl€l .l , 6.59 (4.<br />

r= 1.8 Uz). A doubL doubla ll , 2.13 (Jr tu- 6.5 Hz, 4. rr=<br />

| -5 Hz) s sisn.d lo {E C_<br />

E DdllE Fotor Thc c.lo oElhiF Ford.ppaEd ll , 2.55 Ord, io r' 6.0 Hz, H-10)

SiSn.ls at d 2,20 (dd,.4lArh= 14.6 Hz, J412;' 12 4 Hz,H-lra) &d 1.67 (dd' 4rqrr0=<br />

14.6 Hz, Jrq u'= 1.5 tlz H-llb) *rc 4sigmd io $e Cn I n€lhylede prcloro, vicin llv<br />

@uplcd wiln th€ c-12 oeihin<br />

troton. Th. plE$e of a nlfu<br />

ling 96 inGFd Aon 6.<br />

chdlcrc.igic signals al ,H 6.53<br />

(hs, tI-14), 7.48 (d4 45. l- l-5<br />

Hz,lJ.s= 1.0 Ha H-I5) and 7.60<br />

1.65<br />

6.51<br />

2.m E<br />

J".<br />

(bB, H-16). fte mdliplers at J 2.25 (H-la), 2.00 (H'lb) ed 3.20 (H_3) qee ale<br />

obwcd. The sign ls al,4.41 (d,J|a1!= ?,5 Hz, H-l').3 l7 (d4 J1r,i- 15 Hz, J,^Ji=<br />

7.9 H1 H-2'), 3.39 (di J1r,ta= 9.4 Hz, J.tlF 9,2llz A4\. 3.80 (dd, J6t 61= I 1.9 H4<br />

J6( &= 2.5 Ha H{h) od l.?0 (d4 J5!6n= I | .9 Ha J6a ft= 3.9 Ha n-6'b) wE NigDd<br />

ro ploioG ofp-Fgly@ptm6yl o@ity, subdrrur.d !t C{ of cldod@_9?. skderon<br />

Th. r3c-NMR spemm (ra!le1.2, PagG4?) of@mFurd 2 iDdic.r€d th. plls.M of2?<br />

@bo6, ieluding ore nethoxy, trc pndsty, fou !@nddy, fouter lerlidv, dd 3ix<br />

qurhary cdho6. Among th€n, two wft qut hrry.dho$ t 6 1717 (C)7) ed<br />

169.1 (c-18), eighl methins st d 64.9 (C'2), 78.4 (C-6), 71.3 (c_12), 105 8 (c_l), 75 4<br />

(c-2).78.0 (C-3),70.6 (c-4'),7?.2 (cJ ). on. nehylene ar,623 (c{'), d csro<br />

n tlbxy oi , 52,4, md olefnic nclhiE C- 15 lrd C-16 ar , 1,14,7 ed 141-3, rcsp..livclv.<br />

Thc 'H-'H COSY sFcEu of thc @mpoord 2 (Fi8. 3.5, Pa€e-44) €xlibit€d gcdin l<br />

@uplinss bct9d lte Cl trEllyl@ po&,s.r d{ 2.25 (tl-|.) .td 2.00 Gl_lb), vici!.lly<br />

coupled with clo (rH 2.5O a.d C-2 @0uft FoIos (& 439). Ille laltd showd<br />

corclarion wnh rhe c-3 c.rnitul n 1hitu sigril sl & 6.59. The @uplirgs of $€ C'?<br />

m€thylcnc poloB ar &2-67 Gr-?a) a4d 1.73 (H-7b) with H-6 (dH4.53) md H-8 (d{ 2.33)<br />

suppon d lhe @decuviiy ol C-6 to C-8, Th. C- l I medylene prctoN al ,H 2,20 (H- l lt),<br />


1.65 (H-l lb) sho*.d CosY creePct}l w h tlD C-12 Poton<br />

(,{ 5.?7). ThG cms'p€at(<br />

heiw€er n-14 (dH 6.53) sd H-15 (7.48) offud tins *.rc als obwcd in'ErH cosY<br />

sFclrM of conpoud 2, At this point f6gm.ni A w6 (ledued along wiln alditional<br />

sisnal tor oxygen-beding malhin . TlE rH.6d rrc-NMR dda, olong wilh cosY md<br />

HMBC corelatiotu, sugA.st d eoild fagnot C (P.8._43) and a 6_letone ring in 2<br />

n& t5: K.y COSY @frlai* in I<br />

In the HMBC spetflm (Fi& 3.6, P.8ea5), t* nlin @lariotu wrc obs td ttrqcn<br />

lle c-2 ca6on (rc 64.9) &d C-l malryL@ Foiod<br />

(& , 2 25, 2.00), c'l oLndc mcrbin€<br />

pbtor (& 6.59), ed c-lo Gtbinc preton (rH 2 33) Sidldlv thc sldhoxvl Ptu1otu al,!<br />

3.?5 shorcd @ftlaliotu *ilh th. qul. siy wbo6 at rc 139-7 (C_4), 42-0 (C-5), 169 I<br />

(c'18) dd with rhe ole6nic dbon at ,. l4l .? (c.3). 'fte he$irc ig!.ls !t & 4 51 (H_6)<br />

sho*ed cof.latioN wirh c-5, c-6, c-? ud c-10 (dc 42,0, 7a4,29.1 and 42.0<br />

€sporively). It€s @relatiots suPponld ihc pGsa.. of a hvdbxvl (oH) al C_2, a<br />

rrisubstitlted doublc bond h.twen C-3lC-4, dd d 6tcr cehonyl ai C4. K.v struclual<br />

infomaiion q@ ohancd fton th€ @oplings b€t*d th. mondic Prolon<br />

at rH 4 41 (H_<br />

l') with the c-6 (rc 78.4), od h.lhin Fltotu tl dH 2.33 (H-8) wirh c{, c_?, C_9 md c-<br />


ll, C-14 cl6 dd C-l? (r. 1269. 109 5, l4l-l tld u?-2, cpetiElv). Ar lhn nage n<br />

@ etablished tlrar c@poud 2 bld ! clcode-D?c llErodic.Frc h.tom skeltuA 6<br />

Ttle NOESY sperrM of<br />

@npoud 2 (Fi8. 3.7) sho*cd<br />

cbs-Falc b€tsd H-ZMe-<br />

20, H-8,/}l.-20, H-12lH-10, H-<br />

l0 1,1el9 od H-6,4t-10. Tnis<br />

indic.ied rbat E-2, Me20 ,nd<br />

H-8 e all on ore side of<br />

nole'nd pbtrc {/), eltil€ H{,<br />

H-10, tl-12 sd M+19 e on<br />

rhe odH si.le (a) or lh.<br />

FL. lt. K.y HMBC coftlatios in r-<br />

nold'rle. The st wor of contound 2 eu d.d$ d, !s shos i. Fig 3.6 lX. *w<br />

@mpoud M sivd dE lm. @X.5l,6rl,8X.9S,tos,l2t'15,16

f<br />

+<br />

I<br />

t<br />

ri \\<br />

Sc!@e3} MN tugncltitio! pslt h in ohpound 2,

T.b163.2. ric -.nd TH.NMR'ch.cic|l lliftdnt of c@loud 2;, in pptn &.|Ji! Hz<br />

CJ<br />

CH<br />

139,7 c<br />

c<br />

159<br />

CH<br />

'H-nrm(r) l<br />

2:t (mr. 2.00 (h) l<br />

2r7 d'ld(4r*- l{0,rh. t.5,4rf.l I<br />

l,t3 dd (Jrr. lar,-h r- 61)<br />

ctl 233 d'! ({ r- 6J, Jrf ll)<br />

ctl<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

c-t7 tn2 c<br />

c<br />

n2 CH<br />

-R@d.d d | 00 MHz i! CDTOD.<br />

heood.d .l 5m MIL i! CDjoD<br />

2:0 dd g|lr n.- r.,6, J,,. 'r- r2..),<br />

lJt dd (4'r nr- 1,r,6, J'<br />

't 'r- L5)<br />

ot<br />

clt 7I.ldg'1!-1,r,4'.1.0) i<br />

3.t ? da (4r 'r- 7.r, J:r n- ?.,<br />

3-9 'l,lg.t^- 9t,J\h- 921<br />

3.tod(J(t' ll,9,J.\n-2.5), 3.m,<br />

IUPAC: (2r,5r,6X,8S,9S,1 OS, 12.'). I 5, I GEpoxy-2-hydroxy{-{l_D_gl@pyMosvl'<br />

(136)-a-D-xrlopyrooe]-cl€rcd,13(l6),14-i.icD-l?,12- olid-18_oic &id ncihvl 4tcr<br />

Th. sub-fE ion Mr (781 n& 5% M.OH in<br />

CHCIj) *a nM!6 pum€d by @ycling<br />

HPLC (L-80, $l.r-net@l l:l) to obEin<br />

onpoud 3 (2.? ds, l.? x l0_?o l.ld) 6 a<br />

colorlBs gl|my slid (Expdin€nid, senon-<br />

I2.3.3,1,Pagc-ll4).<br />

The HRESI-MS (+v.) slDvrd tb€ [M + H]r.t r/r 665.2701, @Gspondi4 io th. fomula<br />

CrHro6 (calcd 685.2708). Ile EI-MS of @Fpoud 3 ch@craieic tuSmcndon<br />

panm for clc&d@trTe fu@odit rp@ils (Fi& 3.1, Pag!-14) The UV sd lR sF.tla of<br />

@hpood ! q@ ld8cly sibil& ro @mpourd 2, lugg.dirg sinild tuncliontiri.s<br />

nE |H-NMR s?edu Gabte33, rage52) of coDpoud 3 drsday€d sigtds for lwo<br />

ne$yl, orc nelhoxy, ad tum nng proloD, che&i.risiL of clftdd6tvpc<br />

tumodircD.niods (Pair.'34). Th. 'H-NMR sPetuo ale exhibit€d signak for thE<br />

oxyg.d.d n.thrncs ar , 4-5 r (td, J\ - 8.3 Ha Jzf 3.1 E ;H-2),4.57 (btd, J6.f 3 0 HL<br />

It{) &d 5.53 (dd, JD4 u!- 6-0 rL,4,( h= 5 2 Hz, Hl2) nE sigDl.1d 640 (Jr.,= l7<br />

Hz, H-l) wa sign€

cgion of ihe speE@ at d 2.29 (H- la), 1.9 (H-l b), 3 37 (H-3), 3 39 (H4), 3.44 (HJ),<br />

3.31 (H-l), 3.45 (H-4), ard 1.52 (ll-59.<br />

a.<br />

'ft. discleid€ miety, AD-sl@plmolyl-(lr5>a-D_xylopvmo*, E idstiEed bv<br />

iB! diff.tun ds of sigldr Th. fr* !a .1 , 4.42 (d. lb 2r= 7 1 lU E l), 3.n

al rc 140.7 ws due ro c-3 ol.finic<br />

cirhon. The oxy8.n-b..ring tqliary<br />

carbos .ppered 61 6 64-6 (c-2),<br />

80.8 (C-6),7r.9 (C-r2), ?5.5 (C-2),<br />

?8.1(C-l),7r.2 (C4), ?6.5 (C-5).<br />

15.6 (C-2"), 14.0 (C-3) ad ?1.6<br />

Eenatins at , 106.3 sd 100.8, wre Nign d io C{'(GIc.) ed c-1" (Xyl.), rcsP€cdvelv.<br />

Th. doMfdd sniR ot ihc oxrtuthyl* @bon of B-tlSlyopytuosyl<br />

to the .oM4tivily ofc-6' vih C- 1", ttril. c"5" oxybelhylene app€@d at d 63 I<br />

.1 , 67 ? v6 du€<br />

In rlF 'H-rH cosY sD@lrm of cmloud 3 (Fig. 3.8), ttc Cl nelh/@ Prel6 (r!<br />

2.29, 1.99) wd viciMlly .oupled *il[ rhe cno relhie (dH 3 45) dd c-2 @binol (4r<br />

4.51) pretoB. Th. hi.r sldwed . ftss-F3l *ii[ C-3 olcfbic proton (rs 6.40). Thc c-7<br />

nelhylene prcros (dH 2.2?, l.a?) shoqed vi.insl @uptinss wftn 1h€ c_6 (dH 4 51) ed c.8<br />

(rH 2.13) nethim ploroG. Th. Gll m.lhyLrc pretoG (ft 2.00,201) ed t. C'12<br />

nethinc proion (dh 5.53) mel.r.d wilh eeh othd. Th. c$s-Far betltq H-14 (rH<br />

6.51) ed H- | 5 (, ?.48) of s ntu ring vs .l$ ob&n€d. olr the b6is of EI_MS, HRESI<br />

Ms. lR, uv 'H, TTC.NMR ed COSY sp@tat d.ta, thd f€gndi5 A, B md c wft<br />

d.d!.!d s shoM a on page49.<br />

Tl€ HMBC s!@tun (Fi8. 3.9, ?.se5l) of conpoud 3 m id. ical Io obpoud 2,<br />

qcel for adaidonal orlaliou of th. Cl" dondic prclon (d 4.?8, H-1") ol<br />

xylopt'ee aith thc C-6 oxyncthyl€ne @bon of glucoptmsyl (d 67.7). At tIB stag€<br />

it m clcd tha @mpound 3 had clercds€rr!. nmodil.rFne lactorc, 6 shoM in Fig.<br />

3.9.<br />


Ir dE NOESY sp.drum (Fis. 3.1.0), cDs-p.tb wE ob€w.d betwd H-2lMc20 H_<br />

l2lH-10, H-81/Met 9, n-lo/Mcl9 .nd [I6IH{0, lllich $ggd.d l[e ridllIid of H-2,<br />

Mr20 &d n@ nne 6 9, ed that of H-6, H-8, tl-10, H-12 ed Mcn9 d c Th€<br />

3i.l4h.nistry of DxyloPrd@ s 6si8n d ba!.d on the @upling oNlanls (, of<br />

almdc probn (1.,F 3.6ltz). On tbc basi. of tle dala lhc arnrtw of @mpoutd 3<br />

dcduced 6 @r,5t,6R.8s,9.t,10s,12+l5,l6.poxv-2-hvdbtv'6_{l-D_<br />

slrpyd6/{l --6}a-D-xylopytuF}dc6d!-3,11( l6),l4rtr*l?,12{lid-l E{ic<br />

"tv<br />

FtrF r.9: (.y HMBC cmllri@ tlM h Flr*dw<br />

'"\<br />

dmqing oromFu|d 3-<br />

o{4DC'r6otrrari113}zoryld}<br />

fl& 3.1.0: Kcy NOESY int.di@ ir @mpound 3.<br />


T.brF3-3: '3C- &d 'H-NMR'ch@i.d sbin &n of mDound 3; , i! PPD !Dd., i! Hz<br />

c-t4<br />

c.20<br />

'R.curLd<br />

13J<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

7t.l CH<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

.t l25 MHz ir CDOD,<br />

h4ddld a.5m MHz io CDTOD.<br />

i:-(oEl'ellt{o€Lp,<br />

217 (oEl4 ), 1,47 I (4q D-<br />

I t r)<br />

2r, ( @Lp),2.01 (oELp)<br />

,J! dd qrL l'- 64 JL 'E- J:)<br />

r.8tdd(-/4n r r.3, Jq r- t,,3.67 &r g.r.-

3.l.l.r,a TitrNitp6id. B (l)<br />

IUPAC: (5r,6&8s,9&10l,12.!).l5,lcEpoxy-2{xo4(F}gl@ptt'syl}clmda-<br />

l,t l(16),14-ai4- l ?,12-olidl8-oic @id n thyl cst4<br />

A t!.tio! Fr63-2 fbn tLe b .mlic q!&r B nrrha<br />

hedooaied into thE suLnactioN (Fqla Fry-2b ald<br />

FrF3c) on Dolrmi& Bin by Glunon qith chloofod-<br />

m€$mol (100% CHCI3, 5% McorvcHch dd 100/0<br />

McOwCnd' cp.ctir€ly). Furlhd Frifi.ldon by<br />

sing a E lcling HPLC (L-80, mt r-n tsol 1:1),<br />

yielded rrc si-pun li&tio$ (f.p3tsl ard !rp3F2).<br />

"tro,<br />

tt4io "'|',<br />

' lrl tz<br />

r1E puific.tion of ii&tio! Irp3b-2 (13 Ds) by uins a dyclitrs HPIC (C$120 @lunr!<br />

l0ryo MeOH) atrord.d a trd codpowd 4 (3.2 Be,2.O x l0-rv. yi.ld) (ExFrin€nral,<br />

S*ion., Pagcl I5).<br />

ls HREst-Ms (+e€) show€d thc [M + tI]' .r r/r 551.2133, mponding !o tb€ fomda<br />

c'HxOD (calcd 551.2123). Thc EI-MS of 4 3horcd ch@knsdc pclts fof cl.odde<br />

trF tumodfuerFnoid! !t r/z 81, 94, 95 ed 59 Cig. 3.1, Pr€e-14). ln addilion to th6e,<br />

th. dluglter ioB !l Dt/z rl9 lC$1O\, 356 (CaHrOi), 371 (C!H!OJ) &d 388<br />

(crH!Oi-) w al$ ob€. !d (Schd€-3.3, P.se60). Th€ (Jv ed IR spelra wee<br />

disdrtdvcl, sinilu ro cdpouds 2 lrl 3 indi€tiDg tbe prlsme of siFild<br />

Tle |H-NMR dara (tablc-3.4, P!g.J8) sho*€d sig!.ls for rw n€ihyls, oN nethoxy dd<br />

frna .in8 prolo6, ch&&lerislic ofcleodeelyp. fimoditerDdDids. Thc do*rfield shiti<br />

orrh. c'l8 61er ncrnoxy prelm. in cmpoud a (r! 3-85), d 6np&.d 10 2 a r (rH<br />

1.75), ws duc lo th€ pt€se of 3 @bolyl gmup a1 C-2 &d scn@rion of e<br />

qtendcd q-

$-nMrumr.d dbonyl sysrstr. Thc 'H-NMR sFcttm .le etlibit d si8tr& for tm<br />

oxyeeBl.d n€lhind at d 4.39 (brd, J6.<br />

'= 2.6 Hz, H'6) &d 5 53 (dd'.^rq,tt= l l l Ha<br />

44n.-6.2 Hz, Hl2). A siDeld.ld6-26 (tl-3) % sign d b th. c-3 oleflic Foror<br />

fte neilin sisEk at, r.48 (dd, Jlalr= rr'1 Ha Jwi 2.2 ttz, H-8) dd 2 65 (tl.Ioc<br />

h= 6.5 Hz, tl-10) s@ dE to C-E ..d C-l O d.tbi@ Fold|s, lesp.cliElv Sign b of t!.<br />

cn l n thyl€ne prctoE appq..tl al r 2.l o (dd, ,Ir14 Ir= 14.0 Hz, i rq D!= 6.2 H2' H'l l a)<br />

and L95 (dd, Jl<br />

'r ir- 14.0 rL, J' li h= I l. I Ha H-l lb) ThG pffi of! fitu ing B<br />

iDf€ftd fiom sign'is at rts 6.50 (d,.r,a,r= 1.0 H2, H{4), ? 50 (! ft, u6= l 5 Ha H-15)<br />

ed ?.58 OR,II-16). Thc 'H-NMR sierdls !t r 444 (d, J'(f 7.6 Ha Hl)' 3 E0 (dl,<br />

Jia6f ll.9 Ha J6\!"- 23 l1z, H-6'a) ed 3 70 (d4 JdA 6.= I I .9 Hz' Jtt,5n= 4.2 Ht H^<br />

6b) ld sigled b r-D-gltcopyt@stl 3d.lit!t d !t C{ Tbe proloN .s*ilrcd wilh<br />

ttE suert mi€ty '@m&d ir thc oqtappin8 Fgr@ of ih. sFctud ^r<br />

H-2' ro H-5).<br />

D !.I<br />

J""<br />

\<br />

6 3.27'3 31 (41t,

Tn€ FC-NMR sF.lrm (Tabl.-3.4, Page58) idi€i.d th. ptEs.@ of27 csrhons, and<br />

w6 dhtinctiv.ly simild to thlt of @mpound<br />

200-1. The M.l9 ad Mc.20 apFlrd al ,<br />

@Eting.t,106.2 E Ni8tr d b tE<br />

oxym€thylm. rpFar.d al d 62,3.<br />

^ ,t<br />

S.[d]31: Ms brgmndion po@ of mp.ut a,<br />

i<br />

1<br />

fra|*'onla<br />

2, *.pt for sn ldditional C-2 sign.l at ,<br />

28,3 sd 21.3. etF.tiv.ly. The carbon<br />

'|ffiic csbon (cn), q'iiL dE c'6'<br />

Io derH-'H cosY !p@EM of .dpold a (Fi& 3.1.1, P.g+56), te C-| @thyl@<br />

pmioB (rB 2.93, 2.55) sho$rd vici@l corLtn n wilh lh€ C-10 n thire pretoo (& 2 65)<br />

Cos-pcats wr. ob*red bet{d lh. C-7 ncilylenc preloN (ru2.39, 1,56) with th. C-

6 (& 4.39) snd C-8 (dH 33E) nldhiE Fototr!. TlE Cl I dcthyl@. pret@s (& 2 lq 1.95)<br />

showd cosY @rcldioa eilb H-12 (rx 5.53). Ce&Fit! b.t$e! H-l4 (d 6.50) dd H_<br />

15 (d 7.50) of th. fud nng wrc .l$ obwcd io @nFutd a<br />

"t<br />

lk 3.1.1i COSY @frlalim of@nFu.d a-<br />

Thc lolg{{se 'H ro 'rc inc@tioc (HMBC) of @mFud 4 (Fi8 l 19 snow€d<br />

@frl.tios of rh. C-l n€lhyl6. protoB with C-2 dbonyl (, 200 3), *bch wd d$<br />

@uphd wilh the C-3 ohnnic pbton, IIF HMBC intd&tio6 ir oomPoutrd 4 ndher<br />

$ppon d it! siniloty *itL odpoud 2.<br />

ta<br />

I:. 3.rl: K.y HMBC @Glri6 in @nF0nd a

'nE !t ..ochdilny in .ompou.l .l wd d.duc€d on lh. bsb ofNoEsY @rclaliou (Fig<br />

3.1.3) b.tea HdMc-Ig, FE/H-lq H-tfi{, ElOMcl9 dd H"l2rI_10. Thrs<br />

hdic{&d lh, Mc2o, AD-slMPytuosyl d C{ srd frm dls !1 cn2 @ Foddt€d,<br />

stiL H-8, H-lo, H-12 &d Mclg e.[ o-o.i6l!d Brt d d th€ !!o@ di!.aio!. lh.<br />

@6uMd B id.ntfi.d s (5x,61,8s,9x,10&12+15,16€poxv-2{xcqp-}<br />

glucop)te5ytlcleroda.3,l3(16),t+lri6l7,l2-olid-l E-oic &id m.lltvl cater (4)-<br />

Fi& 3.l3: K€t NOESY ffiLli@ itr 4

T.bF!,a: I'c'- dd I<br />

H-NMR' ch.oical shii .bla ot conpoud r: d i! ppn .rd J d He<br />

125,3<br />

CH 6^t<br />

c<br />

2.9t dd(J'.i= tA,9, JhtF 6.5),7,5J d (,rr '.- ll9 I<br />

a.te d!gN,i r.r,,tn-; t2\ |.se dtQ\--<br />

CH l..l dd Lrr r= r r.7. Jr r. 2 2)<br />

,ro dd-(J,,,<br />

r- 1..6J,c= 6l)J:95 A o";;;i<br />

5.5] dd Vqn- l l.l, J'r b= 61)<br />

'<br />

c.l5<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

6.50d(Jl1r- r.0)<br />

I!s:v12_-l<br />

_._]<br />

23,1<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

'Rmrded at 125 MIlz in cDrOD,<br />

'Rcodld at 300 MHz in CDTOD.<br />

or!' I<br />

3llt dd (/.!,t- l1.e,J( r.- 23), 3.70 dd (Ja.r-<br />


3.r.1.15<br />

It,PAC:<br />

(1rR,4&5{,6s,8i,9s,10s,1?5}3 J,l<br />

cl€roda-3,13(16), | 4-irien-l?,r2{[d{ic -id<br />

herhyl 6l!r<br />

Ftulion F*2 (l.l g) fton S.phldd LH-20 @llm<br />

(warei nc0unol, 3: I ) wd subj€cted to evcrsc ph.s<br />

Ecyclilg HPLC (L-80, wter-@rhel, l:l) to<br />

afiod @npoud 5 (2.9 Ds, 1.8 x l0 5!6 i.ld) s.<br />

@lods glMy elid (ExFi|Mt l, Senon-<br />,Pagc.116).<br />

5, l6Diepoxyq&Dsl@ptMvl}<br />

The HRESI-MS (+v.) of conpoud 5 show.d the [M + E]+ d. n/2 55t2255'<br />

@ftspondins (J th€ fomula C??Hr6Ou (cltcd 553.2280). IrE EI_MS of@mpoud s 6<br />

dinin riEly sihi|d ro 6os of c@tDud! l'a (Fig l.l, P!gc3a), wbich slFNd FIs al<br />

,,/z 19 (c,Jj$'), 16? (GH,,Or), 341 (CIHrOr), 3?l (cnHsoi), .nd 188<br />

(c,,Hr.ofl (Sch.ne3.4 P!se{o). th. UV ed IR spdn" of mPo6d s w<br />

@Gistent with th€ new compouds g, ruggening limild tuncti@alitrcs in thcn,<br />

The |H-NMR sFchM Gable-1.5, Pa865l) sho*d tqo oclhylt otu mcthoxv and a<br />

nr& rirs. TrF TH.NMR de showd ieo oxygdt d mclhi@ sisnats .t d 4.58 (d4 J6a<br />

I12 Hz H_|2) Sismlsar,125<br />

'r-9.1H2,.r6ar=9.5 rz,H{)!d 5.50 Ord,4r&rt!=<br />

(ov.nap, H-3) \N@ Nienea b lhe C-3 pototr of ihc cpoxid€ ring. Signtls at , 2.60<br />

(ov. ap, H-8), ed 1.70 (bts, H-10) werc due to th. C-6 md c-10 neihinc Poros,<br />

6p@1ively. siSn k ai , 2.22 (d4 Jr rq r rr 14.8 rL, Jr r" ra= L8 Ha H'l la) ed 1.80 (dd,<br />

4 rtr I h= 14.8 Hz La ra= 11.8 Hz, H-l I b) B* aisn d ro the cl I ncutyld. poro6.<br />

Th. Fa@ of frle ti'8 E '".r!d A@ $gltls at r! 6-52 (4 na r= l 0 H2, H_ta),<br />

7.50 (t, jr.,tu= 1.5 sz, Hlt &d ?.59 OE, HnO. Th. siFals !r d 4.14 (4.4'(tr- ? 6<br />

5<br />


IL, ru), 3.80 (d4 .r6,a 6!= I 1.8 Ha J6q rt- 1.9 Ha H{'a) .nd 3 .70 (dA, Ja\.q,i= tt.8 ttz,<br />

J6rrb= 4.5 Ha HitJ) *ft NiSn d ro AD-gly@pylasyl mi.ty, sltadnt d d C{ of<br />

te.l'<br />

a\<br />

^ :1.' \^6i! O<br />

S.[.&J.a: MB 6lgn@|!tiu of @Dpound 5.<br />

I<br />


Tne ITCNMR sp.ctin of cmpoud 5 shosrd sr8lrls for 27 cirto6 (Tablcl.5, P.ge_<br />

63). trhich v@ 6lvcd inlo tuo m.6yl fw€ d€0tylde, ilit€en neilire, tdu<br />

qualemary, rwo *td dbonyl ald one m€tuxy 6bo$. Two methyl c&bos es@led ol<br />

, 19.4 Otel9) ard 29.9 (Me20), aloas wilh thc si8lrls for Pretoc of tb. 6rer nelloxv<br />

,t , 5l-4 (cqMel8). Thc Elarive douneld shin of lh. 6&r carionyl !t Cl8 vs dE ro<br />

.lcshi.lding @u&d by dns itrajn ofepoxidc, s wll a i[. .l@lronc8!tiv. oxvscn in cloF<br />

proxinity. The oxyg€n-b€eins C-2 ed C.3 of ePoxide app€acd al d 60 3 md 63 2,<br />

Espstively. Tne dton wmting ar d 104.9 w signed to $e mh.dc wbot (c_l )<br />

In rh. COSY 45'steEM (Fig. 3.1-4), ctBF& s@ obs!.d b€twn H'l/H_10, H-<br />

lm-2, H'2|HJ, H-7lH-6, H-8/H-? ald C-l I bcthyl@ ed c'12 (dc 71 3) pbtoN The<br />

NdDtic c-14 n thinc prcton showd @neLtion witl! iI€ cl5 m.thine prcton (Fi8<br />

3.1.4).<br />

The HMBC spdt'M of<br />

conFud 5 (Fie.3.1.5, Page-<br />

62) showed orelations ofC"l<br />

dd C-2 rerhyldc protoE (du<br />

1.5?,2.04, 1.90) wit[ llE<br />

.poxy $bsritul€d ndlrirc c-2<br />

(dc 60.3). Th. posiiion of th€<br />

4l.r n€lhoxy wa d.duccd on<br />

Fig.3.l,{: rcy COSY coftlations i.composds.<br />

rhc bsis of its 8.hitul prebn (& l.?E) cortlati@ wirh rhe c4 qucnE y @bon (lt<br />

61.2), c-J (rc 40.9), cn 8 (rc l ?2.2), ad orituc ring carbon c-3 (rc 60.1). nE net'iDe<br />

signals al ,H 4.58 (H-6) ,howed @rclalions wilh C-5, C{ od C-7 (dc 40.9, 78.5 dd 30.6,<br />

rcsF€tiv€ly). Thc.lmd&€-lr!e nModit€A.n larorc skelebn wa d.dwed with tn€<br />

help of sF.t l .vid@s .rd @b!o.ien with dat! of @npoudds r-4.

The st rcochedsrry in conpoud s B d.t mined on tn€ bdi! of NOESY (Fis 3.l 6),<br />

*hich sho*.d crcsF 13<br />

b.rGn ll-:t/Hi, l,{H-8, H-<br />

6/MF20 dd tl-8/M620, H-<br />

loA,L.l9, lI-12/H-10, lhB<br />

indi.lrirg llrr lh. H-3.<br />

ncihoxy@bonyl giow !t C4,<br />

Me-20, H{, H-8, atd thc tum<br />

nng rl C-12 de sll 9{riotcd,<br />

*til. rh! .Fnd. ii4 (c-l/c-<br />

4), Me-19, FD'gl@ptcNyl<br />

Ft, 3.1.5: Kcy HMBC @dlatioN in cdpoud 5,<br />

old H-12 @ sI a.dcntcd. B.$d d i[6c obcdaiioG, th. onpound @ id€nlifi.d a<br />

(3i,4r,5x,6s,8&9s,1 0S, l2+3,4,15,16{i@ry6(FD-sl@Pt1!NylFLr.d!-<br />

3,l3(l6),r+ri*l?,l2di+!E{ic &id m.rhyl csrd (t.<br />

Pis. J,1.6: Kry NOES Y oftlttoB ob$d€d for @mpound 5

T.bb!.s. !'c1ed'H-Nl,'rR'ohdical shinlbt of @mpoud 5; d h PPn adJin Hz<br />

c{<br />

lo''<br />

c.tz<br />

c.lt<br />

c.ll<br />

c-19<br />

ox<br />

ClI:<br />

cu<br />

3t.6 c<br />

tt22<br />

29.9<br />

r.m'ddLe)i I t(n) i<br />

2.04 (m), r.eo(n) |<br />

CH 4.53 dd (r{ rF 9.3, J,r r- 9.5)<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

n coiLd rI 125 MHz i! CDjOD.<br />

'Reqdd d 300 MBz i! CDjOD.<br />

212 dd (J'r ,r- l4E J,h b- IJI<br />

|.!0 dd (r"r 'r= la'q 4'r 'r- I l t)<br />

3.rodd(J(t' t1.3,.r,\n- lJ}<br />

3_mddcr.r-- lr.t4rn-.r)

a.r,l.l.6 Ti!@rnDoridc D (6)<br />

IUPAC: (5l,6{,8s,9r,105,12.t}15,16+?oiy-2{xc6-(&Dgl@py@ylFlsod&<br />

3,13(16),1+ai.n-l7,12{lid- 18- oic acid methyl €std<br />

A suttstction BE2 {3j d<br />

AoD ln. buramlic cxtr&l s<br />

pannioned b.iweo m.th6ol (Bw2b, 2.1 g) snd t'lt t<br />

solubl. (8rc2r 70 ns} Thc D.!'eol $lubl€ 6'acti@<br />

ehco subjcctd to siLica gel @lU@ .htunElognphy<br />

sflod€d fou sutstsacdoB (Expdim€dal, Sch@3.1.2,<br />

Pagc-l ll). SiEil,r ftutiN lioD ibe @ll|m q@<br />

combin.d on rh. bsis of TLc nd th. puiticltion of sub-<br />

ndi6 B@2t12 io 15 (ExFindal, S61i@313.36 P.gcl 17) by Gycling HPLC<br />

(CSJ2o, I o0% MeOH) yiclded a new compourd 6 (4.I Dg, 2.6 x l0'"% yield)<br />

The HRESI-MS (+ve) of onpourd 6 show€d tlc M + rll- tr ,1/, 55t.2t71.<br />

@Gpoodins !o rh. @l6'nr fodda crHlou (cilcd 551.2123). Th. EI-MS sltowEd<br />

najor fhsment io$ a! ''lz 119 (C.Hro). 356 (croHlo6). l7l (CnHrO6J, md 388<br />

(cnHlql h addiri@ to rh. s.!hl t|gEats che.ldi3tic or ddodestr"e<br />

fueodileDo6 (Fis.3.l, P!s.-34). fte W spdtlm sho$td ab$ation bsds at 225,<br />

216,205 M. TIrc R spdEu ((Br) stFsrd s.r.hin8 fr.qlmiG fo. O-H (3421 cn r),<br />

c=O (l7ts,1674 @r), rcna1i. dns(1505-143? cm l&d c'GC (1080, l0l9cnr).<br />

The lH- &d rrc.Nl'R sp@Fd (Tabl€-3.6 Page{6) displayed signsls for two nethyl<br />

greupsr a .s.r n rloxy &d a fud nrg, .n@irisric of nfrDditlFB. T!. rH- od<br />

IrC-NMR d!r4 cosY (Fig.3.1.?).nd HMBC cmlstioE show€d it ro b€ simile !o<br />

@npouid.l, qhich ii a fu@odit rt6. &h.toic, glwyl&l€d aI C{. Ho@8, thc C-2<br />

posidon h @npound 6 @ ondial s B d.dwd iom ile prcenc. oad.dditioMl

c&tonyl ar dc 200.3. The HMBC<br />

corclatioq of HJ (dH 2.60, H-10<br />

(rH 2-92) sd H'3 (rH 6.42) *it[ c-2<br />

funhd snpton.d th€ prceo@ of a<br />

kcro fwdoelny in conpound 6.<br />

Tlc rH, and rrc-NMR dara ol 5 wft<br />

sihild to thos of @mpoud ,1,<br />

.x@pr fo.lhe sli8hr difr.lw6 in ite<br />

Tl. NOESY st ctrum of @npound 6<br />

(r'is. 3.1.8) show.d oftlaioos b.rwa<br />

H.6/Me-19, H.6'H.8, Hlo/Mel9, H,<br />

VMc20 ad H-124l'10. I}e<br />

indicared tut rhe l-D8lu@pyre6yl<br />

moicA ar C{ rnd the nlE.irg rt C,12<br />

@ p{dote4 whilc H-6, H-8, H-lo, H-<br />

12 Me-19 ed M..20 & a{d.nlcd. At<br />

this poin! it a @ncludcd itEl<br />

,-+j6<br />

Flgl.l,?: Key COSY@mhlioB ofin6,<br />

chdEcrl shitu dd sllilting patLm. T!. mdr difrftrG we in C-8 (r{ 2.40, ,c 45.4),<br />

C-lI (& 2.20, Ll8,rc42.4)&dc-20(&0.98,rc2?-9) sisnab.In addirion ioth.c,H-12<br />

in @mpoEd 6.pFd.d lo bc m@ d€shi.ld.4 lsnlling.l dH 5.78. The ohsplrioN<br />

suSSesl€d some ditleMc.s in the n€EochmisLa ofconpouds 4 dd 6.<br />

ty<br />

Fk-J.l-8: K.y NOESY @Rl.uos in 6.<br />

conpoud 6 is a 9-cpiDa of4 (Fig.3.1.3, Pago-5?). On ihc b4is oflhe abovc di*usion,<br />

compound 6 *a ded@d ro h.E tbe sfucr@ (5i,61,&t 9X,ltrt,l2.tll5, tGc!oxy-2{xo-<br />


Trblr3J: 't^' ald 'H"NMR' chdic.l lhii dd! of coiipoud 6i , in ppm ed J h tlz<br />

c.tl<br />

'<br />

P@d.d a. 150 i,ftt; in CIIOD.<br />

'R@.dcd<br />

cll<br />

ar6OO l,fltz id CqOD<br />

2.t9 '! (r. 'r- 16.t,4^ 'i'6 612nr dd(.r'i r- ldl,<br />

2.30 dd (,,r n- '..3,4&=3.4),l.7edd(rar: la.r,<br />

2.a0.ld {Jk r- 6.4, J. r= 1.5)<br />

2.20 dd (4,( nr- 1.,3,r,,q,,= r.5),1.63dd(r,,r,h=<br />

CH 5.?3 dd g'r ' 'r- l2 l,rr".= | t<br />

CH 3. 13 dd (.4r r- 3r, 14 h= 7.7)<br />

3.ar dd (4r.f r r.3, J& $= l.e) , r.?0 dd (J.r&- | r.3, Tho6ld. A (7)<br />

IUPAC: 0 rt3.t 5{,8,t 9x,10t,1zt)-l t,l6-Epoxy,4.Cr-D-glu@ptmosyl>clmd.-<br />

2,I l( l6),14-rridc | 7( l2),I 8(ltsiollid.<br />

The puifidrior of fdctio$ BulL5 and BelM (951<br />

ng) by uine @y.ling H?LC 0/80, wlFtuthdol | : l)<br />

aforded conpoud 1 (4.3 n\a, 2.7 x loi% yi€ld)<br />

(ExDerin€nrd, S€ction-, Pagcl l8).<br />

-Ihe HRESI-MS (+*) of @!oud 7 sho*€d rbc [M<br />

+ r{'<br />

at ,/z 521.2043, corcapording to tb. fomuL Cr6HrO|<br />

(calcd 521.2017), Tlr. EI-MS sho\rcd p.aks rr r/z 81,94 and 95. Hower the liagnflt<br />

io, ar ,,/2 t9 (C,Htq), @nmon in @Dpoudr 1{, @ missing which indicrred th.<br />

ab*ne of tn. dd mcthoxy .t C4. The EI-MS ats showd fragndr ioc .r r/, I 19<br />

(c'H,o), t]4 (Crr.Lq"y G,tr,oo1, 16r (cDrJ,t 252 (c'|H&o), and 3t4<br />

(cFrirro.-) (sch.mc-3.5, Pase6q. n W sp€rm of.ompoud 7 rhowd absorprion<br />

beds ar 224, 2l l, 207 m, whil€ lle IR s!@tM (KBt showed sirclching fEqwncies for<br />

o-H (1420 cm), c=o 0751, 1716 chr), @mlric c{ (1505-1384 cni) ed c+c<br />

(lo75,lo23cnr).<br />

The 'I'-NMR spNtnm (Tsbl.-3.7, PageT l ) showcd rst .rr coupt d olcfinic polos at ,!<br />

6.61 (dd, t.f 7.2 H:.1 h.6= 4.6 Ha H-2) erd 6.81 (bi4 4. r= 7.2 Hz, H-3) d!€ b C-2 dd<br />

C-3 oiefitric proloE. A doMfield brod .roublcr at ,! 5.30 (.4c ,= 4.6 rL) ws Nign€d 10<br />

oxys@t d Cl mcrhin. prcro!_ nF rH-NMR .xnibit d a double .toubl.r .l , j_56 (J|rq<br />

ni= 12.2 Ha J&rt 4.1 Hz)L de ro rh€ Cn2 oryge.ar€d meurift polon. SigDals ar,<br />

2.57 (ov€ ap, H.8) &d l.8l 06, H{0) w@ dw ro rh€ c,8 dd c_10 nethi@ polos.<br />

Signals 6or.ti!g at , 2.39 (dd ha nt'= 14.7 t11Jn\E= 4.1 Hz, H.lh) ed 1.98<br />


(orqlrp, Hl lb) *a ai8tr.d to rh. C-l t<br />

C-7 ed C-8 appc.rcd at , 1,94 (n, H-6r)<br />

lo.l<br />

f"<br />

Tne signals dpp.&ing at & 6-55 (d 4{ B= LO H2,<br />

H-14), ?.50 Ol! Ha H-15) ed 7.59 (b6, Hn5)<br />

rw Nigned to thc NElric protoG of r Rtu<br />

dns. T<br />

\"\.1-<br />

h. 'H-NMR sigul5 et , 4.71 (d" JrL2'. 6,1<br />

tfa H-l),3.81 (dd, ./6,q 6r- l l .9 Hz, J6a,i= 2.1<br />

Hz, H"6'a) ed 3.65 (dd,.,f6!.6t= 1r.9r.,.J6r.!i<br />

1.49 (n, H-6b) 2.55<br />

'c<br />

o-= b<br />

SctdG3S: MG frgDc m@ p.tlsD ofo@pourd ?.<br />

I''BpooahP'<br />

Trc Nltyl@ ercu!6 at<br />

(ovdllp, H-?a) &d 2.08<br />

rx)<br />

v"^<br />


5.2 H2. H-6 b) lw bsiened to ,-tlglycoprddyl moi€ty, subsrilutcd at C4.<br />

TIE rrC-NlvR sp.crruD of @b!ou!d ?<br />

showed sigMls fo. 26 clrhds (I!b1a3.7,<br />

Pag€-71), itr luding tw 6sule @tbyl3<br />

(Mr19 md Me20), 6ns ring and pbloG<br />

oi ihc l"D-gly@pymosyl moicty<br />

chmclerisdc of a cLodaeg?e<br />

nmoditdp.rc gly@si.l€s. ThE<br />

belhyla. c{bon signais al ,27.1, 18.5<br />

olt<br />

Hg. 3.r.9: Key COSY corchtio.5 in 7.<br />

and 42.3 wrc Nigred ro C-6, C-7 drd C-tl,6p6tiv€ly. fte 'rC,NMR sigals ar,<br />

176.7 dd l?5,2 ww due to ile esrd C-17 {d C-18 Qrbonyl anbors, r.sFclively_ The<br />

doMfield shin of C- 18 6t.r @bolyl @bon w dE b 6,letom drg fomdod betw<br />

CIIC4. The olcfinic C-2 and C-3 .lpcstd d, 131_7 and 112.5, Esperirely. The<br />

oxys.n-b.&irg lcrri.ry c..boB ^'.4ks.d ^<br />

6 74.8 (c-1),72.7 (c-r2),75.1 (C-2'),1E.3 (C-<br />

3), 7l .2 {c-4 ) ed 78.0 (c't). Quienary cilbotu ar , 87.5, 40.0 dd 36.2 w.E bsisned<br />

lo C4, C.5 drd C-9, Gpecrively. The Ebon Esnrling ar d tol,5. wd 6sign€d to lhe<br />

oom.dc ca6on (C- l i), while th€ oxymeAyl@c C{'aplarcd a1 , 62.5.<br />

L dt t|rH COSY of 1[.ompoud ? (fi& 1,t.9), cGF.rs B@ sn b.twn C-l<br />

(& 5.10) ed c-10 (ru l.8l) nethirc prcroN &d rh. c-j ol€fdic polon (, 6.81). .nE<br />

olefinic proloft at c-2 (d 6.61) ed C-3 (d 6.8!) showed coftl.tioG w'rh ceh orhd. nr<br />

C-2 olcfinic polon ws in lm rle @uplcd io thc C-t m€lhin Fo1o, (r 5.30). fte rH,rH<br />

COSY spatruh ale sho*€d @relarioN bct*a H{/H-?, H,81H-?, H-l l/H-t2 md H-<br />


Thc HMBC s!6um of cmpoud 7 supPoncd the basic sk ldon of thc clmddetvpc<br />

funtuditcrpd.i s s in @npounds l{. Thc key HMBC @clalio6 in t 9@<br />

b.tl|fu C-l ad H-2, H-3 .nd tl-l O. ftc Po.ilron of dtc ADglycoptreo$ *a d€d!@d<br />

oo th. b6's of @ftlsrioc ofth€ aomctic pDlon (H-l', dH 4 71) with the qulenDrv C4<br />

(dc 67.5). The posin@ of th. .a'tdyl al Cl ? M inli'r€d on rh. bat ol €ftLtioa or<br />

tlE C-8 D.lbite pdon (rx 2.57) witt c{, C-?, C-q c-l? (& 27 1, l E 5, 36: ad l ?6 ?,<br />

Gpetirely). nt obonyl cdbon. csatiog .l ,. I ?5r. displatld crcs-F*s tiih C'l<br />

(6.E1) and c-(rH 5.10) n€thine pre1ons. IIF cl.bdeetyF ireodit rFm leionc<br />

slcleron, s stom in Fig, L L9. 6 deduc.d nom this d,r!<br />

IIF ar.l@hdisry in.onpoud ? w d.tdnincd d dE bai! of NOESY inLtutios<br />

(Fi9.3.2.0). Ttu @rcLtios bet@n Hn/H-10, H-10/MFI9, H.8M.-20 and H-8/H-10,<br />

H-12lH-10 ildiclr.d thd H-1, H-10, Mc-19, H-8, Me20, H-12 .nd ,-D-ejMpFeosyl<br />

e rll a{d..r.4 vnil. fi! laroE .i!s.l Cl/C4 .Dd fitu ring .l C-12 e F{d@tcd.<br />

On lhe b6is ol UF $€ir l dila th. @dpoud w d€de€d to b.<br />

0x.4s,5n,8,t9n,10,t,12,5)15,16€poxy-4-(l-D-glucoprdosyl){ldoda-2,13(16),14<br />

rriw{7(12),18(l){iouid. (7).<br />

Flg. J-2.0: ]

T.bb3.7: '3cr- &d 'H-NlvtR'cuFiql lhin dd! of@qoudl 1 d in ppm &d J i! Hz<br />

'R".ord.d<br />

2t.l<br />

CH<br />

CE<br />

CH<br />

.t 150 l'fltz in CDTOD.<br />

'R.@rd.d .l100 l,4lz ir CD3OD,<br />

23e dd (4h !f 1..7,4( 'f a.lI<br />

r 56 dd (r,L 'a- r!.2 J,r,,= a. r)<br />

CH r.2e(dqre) l<br />

r.3 r dd (r46f | | 9, ./.r r!- 2. r),<br />

3,55 dd (Jq &- r 1.9, J.'n= 5.2)

J.l,l.l.8 Bonp.l6id. r (E)<br />

IUPAC: Methyl (2j,6s,6.i,9x,10a.t,10b5!2{3-nay}6f'De1@P}1dosyl_9_nydroxy-<br />

5a,l otsdiDelhyl4{xon.4,6,6r,9, l0,l0a,l0b4blydro-2lt-b@t ischromc?-<br />

A ferion nob th. bdelic dla.t, Ftp2.-2 (7 nsr,<br />

B puified by ui!8 Fy.lirg HPrr (GS-120,<br />

10e,6 MeOD 10 oblain ! Fw @mDoud E (3.7 F&<br />

2.3 x IoY. yield), s ! @lorld 8l|@y slid<br />

(ExFrinEt.l selim'3.2.3-3.E,Pagcll9).<br />

The HRESI-MS (+v.) showed tM+Nal'at ,/z<br />

573.1980, ocpooding to th€ fmula CrttlOD(calcd 573.1948). TlE glyGidic natw<br />

of 6 w6 infcf,ld fbm EI-MS filglMrali@ *tich s[o*€d a Dat lor the asly@n Doiery<br />

at ,/r 388 whjc[ 6 di$ by tte los of a', 162 firb [M + Hl',<br />

rte pltsee of<br />

'ndicllins<br />

a h€xose noiety. 'ftc frlgndrs "a", "b' dd "c", cbmct€risric of a i@ @iety,<br />

apl8ua ^ az El,l4 ad %, resFclrvcly (sch.b63-6, Pags?4). The IR sFcEm<br />

dbpbyed .berpti6 .1 1430, 1725 ald 1664 .n r for 4tl, .sta c.rboryl aid enr.ric<br />

nlg tumrioD.lili.E 6Fdivdy.<br />

ft- r.{, -N<br />

TI€ rH- &d 'rC-NMR lp.ctrz of @mpoud 8 (Tsbl€-1.8, Page?5) shoved the pEwe of<br />

ttu eg'ne nethyl goupq wbich tellr.d al & L45 0.t€-19, ,c 23,9) &d I.l2 (M€,20,<br />

4 27.4), beihyl 61a preioc ar & l-76 (CqMelE, ,c 52.3), rnd th Ei{u!6ri .d<br />

doubl. honis d Ar 6.40 (& 138-5, c-3;4 141.5, C4).nd 6.9a (r. 140.9, c,7; dc l3?.0,<br />

C-E). 11 also showd ilF ch@ctdislic siendk for pot6 ofa nutu dn&<br />

,IlE rH COSY spcctrum shoved @lptings bcle.cn de cl oxyrndhin sicral (d 4.52)<br />

c-2 olcfbi. prelon (r 6.94)- Ilc c.'!i@l D.rhir. a1G2 (d4.35) ald tl|e ol€flic<br />


oton al C-3 (t 6.40) disPbtld vicin l colpling Th. oftlatioB b.t*etr tlE c- l I<br />

hdhyl@edtt c- 12 G6i!e rrclos wG ds ob6srcd ir lbc COSY spatu<br />

Th. SMBC co@Ltiom b.t*.6 C-l2 orym€tl nc preton (rH 5 24) &d C-13 indidled lb.<br />

orcsce of a ilm hol.ty !l cn 2, *hile th. 'r'J c'rFp€ak of th. Cl2 nctline prelon<br />

with C- l? a'd c-q ddg *ith lhe r, @cLti@ of th. C-7 oldbic tulbi* protoa (4'<br />

6,9) wifi C-l? sugg6t.d th. prffic of a six- ndbqed lacloE bawd C-8 and C- | 2<br />

Th. sD.chl data of E ws in f&i clo* to that of a knoM @mpou4 bomFloside F<br />

lM.ni4 T. S., 9l al,, | 961, qc.pr fd e ldditioad hydroxyncuirc signal at dts 4-51 (&<br />

64.0), *ticb s signcd 10 th. dyg@l.d nEihiF C-2.<br />

The pt.e@ of a p-glu@pr@yl mi€ry wa inf€ned fiod thc NMR data (& 105.?, d,<br />

4.41, 4r zr= 7.6 Hz). Th. lintrg. of tbc gl@prl@ryl Doi.ty io E M del@i!.d to b.<br />

al C{, b.eed o! irs chdical shin(& 8l-l). In rt rtl-NMR s!@1ru Gable-1.8, P.ge<br />

85), tn couplins conel',r (.4,q,r= 7.6 Hz) of rhc doheic prctoo (& 4.41) indi@&d a /-<br />

Th. st @cbeni5Ly i! @pourd 8 B d.du..d @ lh. hasis of ROESY .xFimr Th.<br />

cbsFals indi@td rhrt H-10, Met9,H-12, Oll 4 C:2, at f-r}slucopymyl @icty<br />


.tC{e.I a{naterl wbjle M620. H-5. H-2. llh.truingalGl2@${ient d<br />

B$.d @ ihdc $61nl<br />

dala lh. orEtrc B d.duocd a boEpcioide I (8).<br />

scldFL6: M<br />

O<br />

Dr$ nrg@llllid in c@poud &

Rdtha'dDttMtd<br />

T.Dr.n* "C'- ed 'H-NlviR'cbmicd ltift dd ofcobpoud q d in lfd<br />

c-1.<br />

t ,5<br />

,!:<br />

11r2<br />

52.1<br />

?t.l<br />

CH<br />

'rH{fr(4<br />

t/o dd OL '.. 1.4 i( h_ 3.3) 2 oa dd (dtllP)<br />

CH Jla dd dr ,,i l l a, J,& ,,,- 3.n<br />

CH<br />

CH 7<br />

CH<br />

'Rccqrlcd at l0O MHz in CDTOD.<br />

'R6d.d<br />

.r 300 l"trlz in cDroD.<br />

l.l2r<br />

r.l7 d Q4 $- 7,5. Jal; 7 -9)<br />

3.19 dd (/4 rr- 91, J4 n- 9:)<br />

Thdt$tetsrd<br />

.nd J i! Hz<br />

J.r5 dd (J( 3f 124 4\ '.- 2.0) r-?0 dd (J46-<br />


t 1.1.1,9<br />

IUFACT Mlrhyl (21,6s.54x,10.s,10bs)'2{3'fr!yl){_FD_81@P}1@svl-6a,l0b-<br />

din thyl49doxo. I J,6,6a9,1 0J 0a, I obdt lydrG2H_ttMldishrcm.D._7-<br />

Th€ puiicaton of fd.riotr Frb-l (5.7 g) by @yclitrB<br />

rPLC (CS-320, lovl. MeoH) lfford€d dnponnd 9<br />

(l.l og,6.8 x l04ryield)sacolorles gmny $lid<br />

(EtFdncdd, Sedon-12.1,1,9, P.gel20),<br />

coftloud t hN ttt Dol*uld fomula CrTEr:or<br />

bos.d o! its sREsl-MS (+ve), which shoe.d th. [M +<br />

Hl' ^t "t/z s49.1916 (.o!.d 549.1967). The slycotidic<br />

natuG of 9 M infcd€d frod ElMs<br />

fasn€ adotr which sho*d a p.ar ,,/21E6 (c2tHdo1') rot ttu ^Elt o! dE b tne los<br />

of '/z 162 liom [M]', and iidiqrd a hex@ sued. The bsic l6s fdsn.nis ( t', "b '<br />

dd't"), chmcteristic of tutuodilerFnd, appes.n al,t/z 81, 94 &d 95, eFctivcly<br />

(Fis. 3.1, Page34). Tltc IR spe$h displsy.d abe+tion bonds al 3425,1123 6d t667<br />

cn ' for -OH, wbonyl dd Nddtic ing nft{on lili.s, rc3P€ctively,

compound 9 sho\ttd th. sLwlurll f€4tu6 sinild to conpoud 8, dc€pt thd 'rc-NMR<br />

sternm of 9 sho*€

T.btF!J| rrc'- &d 'H-1,\4R'chmiol 3hift dlrl of c@Doud 9: , in ppn .nd.r in H2<br />

c4<br />

rc-t<br />

cnt<br />

cn2<br />

olt<br />

c<br />

CB<br />

CH<br />

'Reo!d.d .l l0O MrL h CDTOD,<br />

'Rc@rdcd at 500 Mnz io cDrOD.<br />

6.31| i<br />

227 Viw- ta1,r&6=3.7),<br />

2 06 dd (J' r I4.r,, !. ,,= I L7)<br />

'A '.=<br />

5:l dd (J'! Lo- I L7,./in n"= ].7)<br />

1.35 dd (/ft.f I l.7,Jas= LII<br />

3.m.! (/.1r- I l.7,r.ar= .-0)

3.1.t,2<br /><br />

Kmwn Cotrstituert!<br />

Compobd l0 6 i$lared Aom ilE bulaDlic.xltr.t<br />

of Z .rispa (ErFrimedal, S€tioc3.2.1,4.0, P!gc-<br />

l2l) s a y.llowish gluMy $lid. ft. IM - Hf s.s<br />

ob@al at n/, 5s1.2129 in HRFAEMS CvO,<br />

whch ws ir agr€d€nt *ilh th€ @l@lq tomula<br />

CrHlOtr (colcd 551.2134). Its IR spcciiM show.d<br />

Y'r-+""<br />

ch@ckrisdc absoatons al3420 (oH) sd l?15 cn ' (c=o). Aberption bod dl210 m<br />

in $c Uv sF€trun i.di@i€d th. pGercc of ! @njrgal.d systeD in the nolsule,<br />

hc |H-NMR aetru<br />

of onFud l0 sho$td oxygad.d medirc sicEals at , 4.51 ( I H,<br />

rd. Jr-t\F= E-1 lta Jzi- 3.8 Hz H-2), 4.57 ( I H, b(d, Ja - 2.6 Ea Hi) ard 5.53 {<br />

Jri< r'r= ll.l gzJlark= 6.1 Ha H-12). Tlt C-2 Foton<br />

I H, dd,<br />

shoa€d vicinal @!9li.g eirh a<br />

doublet d d 6.40 ( ltl, 4 - 3.8 Hz, H-3). Th. C-12 prcton shovEd vicin l @'lplines wilh<br />

Ct I melhyl.ne potoN d i 2.08 (dd, 4 r( r rr 14.0 Hz J|,a ,b= 6.1 Ha Hl l a) dd 1.98<br />

(dd,rrr,Id= l4.o Hz, JlrA tr"= l l.l Hz, H-l lb), Th€ IH_NMR sFctrm ofcompoud l0<br />

also displayed sienals lor iwo angule D.thyls 6i C-5 (, 1.55, 3H, s, Mel9) dd c-9 (d<br />

0.96, lH, s, Me2o). The |H-NMR sicnal st d 3.?4 (3H, s, CO?Me) m Nigned 10 lhe C"<br />

l8 stcr eethoxy, The !rcse of a ir6 iinS I support d by rloetn€ld sienals at ,<br />

6.50 0 H, 4 41 6= l.l Hz, Hl4), 7.50 ( | H, r, ij. rl|.'<br />

| .6 trz, H,r 5) ed 7.58 (r H, s, H-<br />

16). A m.lhirc doublet ar d 4.41 qirh J v.l@ of ?.6 Hz s indiciliE of a 4o-<br />

gl@pyMyl miety, cithd a. C-2 or C{ [Fulnd!,<br />

N. d, ar, l9E6].<br />

Tli bMd-bqd decoupled &d 'rc-Nlvfi, sp..rM ofcompoud l0 showEd siSrals for 2?<br />

6boN, inchding si* qua&nEry, foun€. h.Uinc, fou nethyloe @d tn@ n.lhyl

.dboro. ft. do*nfi€ld signals a1 d | 26.0, 109.E, 145.04 ed l4l 0 wre aine.d to C- 13,<br />

C-l4, C.l5 .rd C- 16 of a firo ring, Bp@liv.ly, substiluted ar C_ 12. ft€ .st€r abonyls<br />

C-i 7 and c-I 8 app€&€d.r J l ?8 4 ord 169,4, Espdi\ely fh.'rc-NMR 3i8 l for $c<br />

oxy8d.Ld m.lhir€ arFied at,64,6 (C-2), 80.0t (C-6), ed 71 9 (C_12), *ltilc r sisnal<br />

st d 106.3 *s Nien d lo l!. a|@dic c,l!o! of&D-sluoptmsyl noicty. ConPoud<br />

loBth6id.nlifi.dsrt troM @poud booFld{d. B tFuhda"<br />

N. d, dl,, 19861 d<br />

ln. baiis of spdral data (Exrsihdll, S&lid-, Ptgel2l). Cobpou.d l0 ws<br />

se.n d for 6di.sl svoeing &tiviiy, .!d fouxl lo be inacliv. ,eriNl lh. DPPH<br />

ndicak lcalin, A., er ar, 19981.<br />

!.1,1,2.2 Bonp.r@idcc0t)<br />

Compound U M obtaii€d ftom te$@ FFl2 (3 g)<br />

of rh. buEnolic duet of Z dipo W rF'inv.<br />

@lum clrcMbenphy d sili@ g.l (ExFilEdrl,<br />

Scclion-3.2.1.a.2, Pac€-l2l} Th€ HRFAB-MS Crc)<br />

of coDpoud ll showed thc [M - Hf rt ,'/z<br />

535.21?9, consponding to rhe fomula CrHaOrl<br />

(slcd535.2185).<br />

Cohpoud U sbosrd tbe sp61al faturcs" idctrtical b to$ of boryetosidc C tlDodcd<br />

c.rlid lM.llia T. s., ,, at, 19961. Th. 'H-NMR sperun of (FxF.im .l, Sario!-<br />

3:.3.4.2, P.gcl23) showed distiBriv.ly sinild !p6td data to @bFurd 10, qc€pt for<br />

rh..pFrue ofs addi.ional sisDal .t, 2.38 (2H, m, H-2) @Eslondiis to th. C-2 (,<br />

24.8) hcilyloe carhon. fte dgule nahy! (M&19 ad Me-20) in compound ll<br />

appcd.d ar d l.4l (3H, s, Mel9), od Ll2 (3H, s, M€-20) Tle overallspdtral dd<br />

phydc.l .L1! of ompobd ll B @6ist!nt wirh th. d,ra Eported i! liLrat@ tor<br />


@pct6id. C lMdli!, T. S-, er d., l9%1, stic! B pdioNly iqr"d ton I .'t e<br />

Ir ha h4tr tclr.d fof irs efr61d ita DPPH ndicdr by ]{lqand! cavir dd @wrLE<br />

in 19998 lc.vitr, A., er a1,, 1998], It M found to bc mytobri. ag.'!51mmd (lT3)<br />

dd dq (PC-3) ell lircs (cbapter4, P6g.- 145).<br />

3.r.133 BonperGide G (r2)<br />

CMpourd 12 w i$lst d nm F$3b-l (97 Ed slE<br />

t?.rior of lh. b{t lolic srra.l by Bilg Ev.e Pbt$<br />

Ecycling HPLC (L-80, l:1 E O,^,€OID ar lhc 0ov 6r.<br />

of 4 hUnin (Exp.rindial, Sediodl., Poge125).<br />

fb tM + Hl' in HRFA&MS Gv€) apdtld ar n/z<br />

551.212q @GFnding to thc foroula CrHlO't (c.lcd<br />

55t_2123)<br />

'j%.<br />

TlE rrC-NMR sp.cEu of @EFund l, 3howd sienals for 27 c.rbo8 witb f@<br />

q@t n 'y csbor$ C4 (, 155.7), c-5 (43.4), C-9 (r 36.4), and cl3 (, 126.E); rhirre€n<br />

6.ihi!e wboB, C-r (d 134.2), c{ (d 77.9), C-8 (45.4), C-10 (6 40.7), C-r2 (6 70.1), C-<br />

14(t 109.5), c.r5 (r r,r4.8) c-16 (r r4l.3), Gf (d 105.8), c-2, (75.4), c-1' (617.4), C-4'<br />

(, ?1.t, ald C-5'(d 77.9): fNn thylcd, c-l (r 36.2), c-7 (r 29-0), cn I (r 45.J), ed<br />

ci (, 62.3)i tbE nctlyl c-rq (6 27.4\ C-20 (6 27J), alA cq!{g (, s3.2); ! rdo<br />

greup, c-2 (, 200.8); .'d re €srcr caio.ylr c-I7 (, 1763), ald c-I8 (, 158. | ).<br />

ComFund 12 shov.d a dislircrly simil& TH,NMR dgls (ExFrimnral, rlgcl2t ro rhat<br />

of coftpourd {, €xceF for the slidt va.iations in dtc chmical shins of thc dgul& neiiyl<br />

goups.r C{ {(, 1.66, 3H, s, Melg) &d (d t.65. 3Il s, M€,19), rcsFclivdy} ed C-9<br />

{(, 0.98, 3H, s, Mc-20) !d (d 0.83, 3H, s, Me20), Fsr€lwly). mis clEngc in cLnicil<br />

shin !du.s ofM.-20 w dE lo diffG.! dd@hoisry a. C{. Ans enpsison of ID<br />


and 2D spetFl .lrL with th€ Eporkd d.tr [Fulad4<br />

N., ,t d/., 1993"], conpoud 12 M<br />

id.dificd s bodpevEidc G, wlich 9s dlid ilolated &on I .rispa. ft 6 fourd to bc<br />

ina.tiv. agaist is DPPH adicil srcoging ey [crvin,<br />

3.1.r.2,4 Bor.p.torid. D (lr)<br />

Conpoud l3 w6 i$lded Aod<br />

extn l by sinS @ycliry HPLC<br />

(cyr20, tw. M.orq<br />

(Exp€riidt l, S*{ion-<br />

Paser26). Ill [M + H] in<br />

HRnM-MS Cvc) appelred at ,/z<br />

69?-2708, @rc3ponding lo tbe<br />

fomuh clHr6otr (calcd<br />

69721t3\.<br />

A., e|' zl., 19981.<br />

Buc2b-16 !o 20 {419 me) sutsia€lion of rh. bulanolic<br />

t7o-.rt<br />

The |H-NMR sFcrtun of mmpoud 13 showcd dowfietd sisn ls ar , 6.52 ( I H, d, .ft, $=<br />

L2 Ez, q- l4), 7.41 ( I H, t, ij. (= L7 Hz, H- l5) ed 7.59 ( lH. b6, H- | 6), chdeierisric of<br />

n@odir€rperc l!.lon.s, in addidd 10 a tulhitu Eiplel rriplet at 6 1.Ot (h,f 3.6ltzl of<br />

C-3 olefric prlton. Trc dgul& Dcthyls, .lldrainic of cldod@.iw. djrcrF6,<br />

appc&d al 61 1.30 (3H, s, Mel9) ad l.3 t {tH, r, M.-20). Trc do$t.rs al , 4.l9 0 H, d,<br />

J|,4,!= 7.4 Hz, H4ra l) dd 4.34 (lH, d, i"q,r= 7.7 rra clc t") wrc &!ign.d 10<br />

momeric C-l'ed C-l" prcb6 of disecb&id. hoicly, @sp{tiv€ty, The presn@ ofr<br />

lactone bctwen C-6 dd c,8 ws infeEd fiom rhe downiield sisnals ar rc 180.0 (c-t?)<br />

lMani[ T. S., a di,, i996]- Tl'e sper"l d.ra of@mpodd 13 (ExFi@rtal, p.Bel26-<br />

| 27) 6 fourd to b. idcnrical to $d of boErloside D tMadn, T. s., €r 4t, 19961, *iich<br />


ws pBiosty i$lalql fFn I oitP. Conpound 13 3lbqed lC$ valE of95 1410 30<br />

e.! >l OO pl\,Vnl againsl PC-l ad 3T3 ell liNs, BFctivelv (CnaPt'r4, Pag'-145)<br />

3.r.1I4 Aon!.lo.id. A (la)<br />

ThG fr!.rios non dE bulatolic.rF&li tFl2 (3 s) (ExF ine'r'l S'nm3 7, Ptgc_<br />

106), Ml (l?0 Dg) (E4einot.l, S@don-3.2 3.4 5, P.gel28) dd Bu2' (55 ns)<br />

(Experimt l, S.h€F1.1.2, Pdgelll), by uilg Fvclitrg IIPLC (L80 ad Gs'120)'<br />

aflorded conponnd 14. rr5 HRfAB-MS G!.) chowcd th€ IM ' r\ ^ t|/t 5312050'<br />

on€spondins b the fomda crHqotr (c.lcd 537 20s0)<br />

Th€ rH- and rrC-NMR sp@tra (Exp€dncni.l, PagG{28) of @npoud 14 ws id4lical !o<br />

borapebside A, which M p€viously holatd fom nid&dto /iva lFukuda. N. er dr.<br />

19861. A .leuiled maltsis ofth€ "C-llVl spettun of bo,up.roside A (r4) r€ved€d thal<br />

$e @nai! asg@dls w@ diff@t liom tho* EPod.d dlir, particuldly the .henical<br />

3hitu of Me-19 and M*20 tFutord4 N, 4 41., 1986l T[is su€g6tcd a difcEnl<br />

s:r.lwlEDjsEy.r rb. A/B drs j@tion. I! oda lo lglw lhis dbiCxitv,2D NMR<br />

rDcFa sw $died @6rlly. Tb. HMQC .nd HMBC sa@!a indic.r.d rhar dE .hdi.al<br />

shift Nigmalt of tb€ Me 19 aad Me20 ft.d io b. aviscd ln lhe HMQC s?euun, thc<br />

prolor s8IEl a1& 1.21 @@l.ted *iO ih. cdbon signal !l & 18.2, vhile in dt HMBC

speiru, th. preton sigtrd .t ,x l2l B @@lded eih itc qrtDr siSlab !t ,c 4?.1 (C-<br />

5), 81.6 (c4), 76.6 (ci) dd 180.0 (Cn8). Bed on tbis d!la, tn! Bklal .1tc 18.2 m<br />

ssigncd to Mol9. Corcspondingly, tn€ p.otor siSDl al ,H l.l0 (c@latilg with the<br />

carlon sisnal d dc 13,3 in dE HMQC tFcuuo) cmlol€d wit[ th. caftor sis!.ls at dc<br />

45. | (C-l i ), 36.1 (C-9) and 48.I (C-E) in dE HMBC sp€tnm, hdieting lhnl i.h. sigorl ar<br />

dc ll.3 @ dE ro M.-20 [Fultd4 N. e/ at., 1986]. Compound 14 dbprayed IC$ valu6 of<br />

>100 FWnL agaid borb PC-3 ed 3T3 ell lies (Ch!prd-4, Pagc-l4t).<br />

J. Bonp.torid. F (r5)<br />

conlourl 1l ws ielot€d liom Sub-Ardon 16-l (500 ng) of tI€ burdolic *tret by<br />

6ins @yclins HPLC, Ic-908 (L-80, r : I H2O/MeOH, 4 Er_/min) (E4din nhl, &dio-<br />

r. Pagcr29). Irs HRFAB-MS (,re) slDw.d lhc tM _ Hl- ar ^a/z s)7.zo2r |]hiqn<br />

B in!s@mc wirh the Dolcut& fodul! CrHlOr r (c.tcd s34_2021}<br />

l5<br />

The rH- ed rrC-NMR sFcl{a of 15 (Experimdtal, pa8.- 129) showed rhe peence of rwo<br />

aBlle hethyl s@ups or,H 1.42 (Mcl9, dc 25.3) tud l.lt (M._20, dc 2?.1), csrer<br />

rErhoxy dr r! 3.70 ({O!MclE, ,. 52.3), ard rM rd$bstitur.d double bo0G ar rH 6.65<br />

(r. 141.0, cJ; dc Il7.E, C4).ad 6.EO (rc 138.1, CZ, rc l4t.?, C-8). rh. p6.trc ora<br />

fi@ rins ws irlmd ftom liic siena]s a1& 125.4 (C-t3)i t09.7 (rH 6.5D (C.14.); 144.9

(rs ?.49) (c-15); dd 141.4 (rH ?.59) (Cl6). Thc o..utl!N of @ d,Fuen['lad<br />

wbo.yl and .6-le1on (C-8/Cl2) \r@ d.ded by the HBMC coftlaliom ofH-l (dH<br />

6.65) wilh C-lE (dc l?0.9) ed H'7 (dh 6.80) with c-17 (rc 172.0). 'It'e pl.sm. ofa &<br />

lelorc w6 de supgort d by ln. cbtiv€ly uplicld cbmical slift ofc-17 (r. l?2.0), dE<br />

10 lega ri.g size, s @mpard ro tlE t-j,.1orc rinS (Pavia" D. L-, .? ar-, t9791. Th. 'H,<br />

NMR sis.Ab .t t6.51 (H-14), 7.49 (Hl5) &d ?.s9 (Hl6) w lrdbured 10 lhe tur&<br />

rins proroB. the HMBC €orcbnoa oroxymdhine Hl2 (r! 5.22) with Cl3 indicared<br />

rhe suhriturion of a tum noi.ty .r C{2, qhitc the 'r.tms-p€.ks ofH-12 wirh C-t ? ald<br />

c-9, rlong eit! Ilre rr J or.latios of olefinic Delhift H-7 (rx 6.80, 4 4 6= l.? rjz) virh<br />

C-I7, suggest d rhe peme ofa six-oenb.ed l@lon€ bctwen C.8 dd C- t2 lManin, T.<br />

S.. s, al., l995r Martin, T. S., dr at, t961. Thc sp€rat ttab oflS *s in fd idenlical to<br />

$* of a tnoM onpowd, bodp.loside F lManir! T. s., er a/., 19961, *tich 96 @lie<br />

ielaild ton t d6pa.11 hrj beo !.e..d fo. irs amionds! wh.E it rc found b b€<br />

imctivc in DPPH r.dical $av.nging say lcalia A,, ar al, l99S].<br />

3.1.2 Aporphim Alkrloi& fron Tinotpon obpa<br />

Ore ncw 16 ed five kroh .porphinc dllaloids l7-2t hav. bM isotal@d fton Tinorwra<br />

crbpz. Th. imdododul.rory lrd cybroxic aclilirjca of conpou& l? sd t9 Mrc ale<br />

dermin d duins rhir study (Cbaptd 4, S€rions-4. t ed 4.2. pag6_ | 45_ r 5O).<br /><br />

3.ll.t.l<br />

IUPAC: l-Mcrhoxy-2-1/-D-glucopy@yt{t33)Ep,D-gt@pytuosyl}-t

-*v*L<br />

Puilicat on of ii&tion Bwl (5.6 s) by rccydbs HPLC (GS-320, 10070 MeOH' 5<br />

niunir) yielded conpoud 16 s ! *hite posd{ (Expqim.d,l, sdtiot-3.2 3 4.?, P.8e<br />

l3O) The Uv sFclrm show.d absorption bsds at 272 dd 2ll m, ohde&ristic of<br />

apo+ltnc atatoids [P&ha]r, P,,.t dl, 192; M.e.hdy, M D, e, ai, 1995; Nozt " T,<br />

d al., l9E7l. Ibe IR sp@irM 3howld srE&hing ftequaciF ar 3426 ed 1660 cd_r for<br />

hyduyl g.oup and ts& carbonyl Esp€dively. lis HRESI-MS (+v.) show.d dE lM +<br />

l{l' .t r,, 62o.2lt | , @Eslotrding b de fomub C{tlrNOD (calcd 620 2343)<br />

TlE rH-Nr,rR of @mpound 16 Oablel.l.o. P.se89) showcd a th&!-pm!or si!8let.t d<br />

3.?0, dsigned to th. C-l Delhoxy group, Tne multipleis i.lhe doMft ld rgion oathe<br />

sFcr@ (, 7.24-?.30) werc siencd 10 C-8. C-9 md C- l0 po!o6. Two si4lels ot d 7 07<br />

0l-3) 6d 8.24 (H- 12), .nd a

).92 Gn, Js.6f tz.l 14 J6a ft= 1.9 n ) &d 3.69 (otna9) '!d<br />

3hift sicrn s *@ md. d rhe b6c of llMQc, cosY ,d<br />

TIE bo..t-b€nd d@uplcd "C-NMR spetrM of onpomd 15 (IabL-3 1 0, Pt8eE9)<br />

sbo*ld dmrtc qulr.nE y.rtbols rr, t4?.3 (C-l), 12E.8 (c'ta)' 127 7 (c'lb), 151 ?<br />

(c-2), 130.8 (c-3.), l3?.4 (c-?s) dnd 132.5 (cn ld- Th. rrC_NMR.lso snovd sienals<br />

for fivc Nmaric carboN; C-3 (, I16.9), C-8 (,1293), c-9 (,129 0), C'10 (d l28 l). dd<br />

C-ll (,129.4). Ir@ m.thyldc @boG.r,42 2,50-8,62.1ald 62 5. w& Nisncd io<br />

C4, C-t, C{ ed C{", cpelircly- ft. F.lon<br />

of tlF mide fwliotrditv agF Ed a a<br />

siryla !r , 8.24 $tilc tF lisn l ar, 4.81 ws ,ssis!€d to H'54 Th! c&ton sistEls d<br />

'<br />

I02.0 (Cn), ?5-9 (C-2), E 1.4 (c -3'),7r.2 \C4'r,18 2

d6tu .n Th. h! Eoidi.. h lh. rt$.ddld. rns ftuld to b€ /-D-gh..ptrd0.yl on<br />

e br oacoq[4c.ddffE ((I.. rFl) td 50 E (cL" Fr') of rb<br />

'non..ic Fotd Coqound 16 ru tu cld.tabd .t l-te.r2.{AD<br />

shcqryrl(l-3)tDdqytsrl)6e@0erylltu<br />


T.01ts3.1.0! rtl'- ed Itc-NMR" chcmical $in dd! ofcotnpoud 15; J vdws i! tlz<br />

DcEo<br />

CH<br />

t30.3 c<br />

tJ2_t<br />

ifr/Fl<br />

CH ?,30(!)<br />

CH<br />

1f"1,5' *',:"'::::'" l' :_,1<br />

!.r5 dL (4. r' 12 5, Jr a 3 1{.- l ?t rre d<br />

g$$- l2J. Jr._ 13)<br />

.j(Ntc) |<br />

trl rid (.hr- 1r.7, Jr.- .:l 2,?3 d (J\ / rr.a /r<br />

rr<br />

CH<br />

ol<br />

l.l?ap) ._,_l<br />

7t2 CH<br />

62.1<br />

CH ].rtl dd (Jn4-,,t, Jr\ A. L7)<br />

3-9, (o€t p), 3rl (orsE)<br />

CH<br />

r.xcbngquc ir a.h @lud.<br />

'Raodcd al 100 MHz in CDTOD.<br />

h.@rd.d .t 500 Mflz ir CDTOD.<br />

a9<br />


3.12.2<br />

4.12,2.1<br />

Krown Col3liluera!<br />

N-ForuyL@mh.07)<br />

conpound 17 ws isolated ftun lietion FF5 (? d ofbc ernyl<br />

eeiate €xtr@t of rinxPota dlsPd by cFtinv€ @lum<br />

chmtutosBphy on silica g.l (5-lt% EloAc<br />

'n c6HD)<br />

(Expqin nral, sectionJ., Pasel3l). Its HREI-MS<br />

showed lhe M' at ,r/t 293.1047, @rcsPonding lo thc fomula<br />

c,rH,JNor (calcd 291.1052). nt Uv sp4trM showcd absrption bdds a1313,274 dd<br />

235 DrD, indcltiig a conjurd.d dtrdc q.tch. Th. lR sPelrun tnosd sffichinS<br />

nEqkmis .1 1565-1425 (mturic ri4), .nd 1655 hr (mi& @bo!vl)<br />

compoud l7 @ id.Dtified s . hi{e of t (ExFriborrl, sedon'1 2.1.4 8.1, Page<br />

112) ad Z (ExFnlMt l, S€1id-3:.3.4.E2, P!8*l3l)<br />

obp€rison with th. Eponql d.h lP&hrly,<br />

'soEd<br />

{<br />

l7<br />

of lv-fmt@Ei@ bv<br />

P., d dl, l92l (Fi8 3 2-2) In lhe |H_NMR<br />

sp€ru! rwo sin8l€b !r, 8.1? .nd 8.24 *G si8ftd to c-12 fodvl pbloft of lh. ,<br />

md Z isone6, Bpetively. Tw doubl.G at d 6,09 (IH, d, JF= 0 5 Hz), and 5.% 0H,4<br />

Js.= 1.5 Hz) w€e dtiSrl.d 1o O-CHrO mdnytne prcios of t isBq *hile 3igntls at d<br />

6.07 (lH, d,4.= 0.6 l{z), 5.95 (lH, d, Jrn= 0.6 Hz) w€t for z isomer' Th€ ov€rlap of<br />

the lore p6ir of dllogen Mdr thc fodyl goup (CHO) Esulted in m.quilibrim bixtE<br />

oftz,6 shoM in Fis. 3.2.2. Th. TTC.NMR sperum of @npoud u al$ shoued 1wo<br />

str of si$.ls du€ 10 d/Z ism{izliiolr which w in &@rdn€c ro Fported dala<br />

lPacnary, P., el dl. 19921. Ik DPPH radical $av.nging lctiviiy hd alr€ady ben eporied<br />

ii lhe lilennE [C!vin, A., ,. a/., 1998], ehilc ii wE foud lo b€ non{ylobnc agaiNl<br />

botn nomal (3T3) sd cdd (PC-3) &ll lincs duinB th. cffit sudy (Chaplr4, Psse<br />


t<br />

;y"<br />

FiS.3l,: tZ iffii.lion in @Fuin rt.<br />

t.t2,2,2 N-Fonyld.hydtudon.ln (lE)<br />

Conpoud 18 ws obtained iioh li4tion Fts5 (7 g) of the<br />

.lhyl Gtlte €xtad oI T,,o&ota .filpt by Epelilive collm<br />

ctrodDtosErhy on siti6 gel (5-1570 EiOAc in ,{ihd,<br />

dong with @npoud 17 (ExFri|@Ll, Seli@-1.2.1,4,9,<br />

PaeerlS)- fts EREI-MS slo*td tt ld tt n/.29L0a92"<br />

@RsFtrding to lbe fomult CuIltNOr (cdcd 291-089t Tne try s!6drum showed<br />

llorptio! b6nds ar 156, 330 ad 2E8 @, onglordiDs 10 @dueated mmaric rinct IE<br />

IR sp€trm showed ab$rption sl 16?4 cn_\CO}<br />

Tte rH-NNe speclrum of @mFoud lE (Expdime al, ?ag€'l3l) sbowed tloMfield<br />

sisrul ar , 7.22 (l H, s, H-7), insLad of signsk al , 4,58 (H-6a-. dd, Jtu r-=<br />

(<br />

14 5 Ha J6-,<br />

tut 4.2 rtz), 3.14 (H-7 s, d4, J1a1q= 14 5 H1 h\6= 14 5 llz)' 2.81 (H_7q, dd, Jaq r-=<br />

14.5 Hz; h4 tu- 4.2 ]jz) ir chpoud l7 doc to elidiMdon of rL noldule atd<br />

fomtiotr of a doubl. t@d b.r*@ C{. and C-?. ln tn. 'rc-Nl"R<br />

.pp6Fd ar , 126-8 ard l1 1.4 !d lw sigr.d io C{a !d C-7, repeliv.rv<br />

spelrtrb, tbc si8n 13<br />

Conpoud 18 rc idendncd d th. lnoM lr'-foDyldchy

J.IJ,2J rv-rodtbomucif.ri!.09)<br />

Compoud 19 w4 holat d froh fraLion Fr1 14 8) ot Lhe<br />

.I\!l zIf,att .xr!*r of Tlnotpqa ditr'o by cpctitive @llm<br />

clNnErography on silio s.l ll-t('6 &!rm ir GHu)<br />

rExFiD€nLl, Sdion.l2.J.t.0, Pagell4). Thc HREI MS<br />

showed the M' at r'lz 309. t 36 t, @mpondinS to 1hc fomda<br />

cDHl,Nor (c.lcd 109.1365). 'IrE W sFctun sho*ol bands at 3t0' 212 aA 222 nm,<br />

indi€ting a milert d mbatic sysltu. Thc lR sDeLn showcd absrPtio6 ar l59G<br />

l40O (mbdic ri!g) sd 1660 d ' (C=o).<br />

The 'H-NMR spdtm ofconpomd r9 (Expdimcnt l, Paeel35) showd tso si4lell al<br />

i 3.65 O-oM€) and 3.88 (24M€), @h ini.sFting fd tbc plolont, @ruponding !o lle<br />

mlloxy gblps, Tlr. sign ls ar , 4,49 (H{.r, dd. J,q rs= 14 0 Hz, J6. 7{= 'l-0 Hz), 3.1 I<br />

(H'7-, ttd, ,& ra= l4-0 Ha ./ra6= 14.0 ltz), 2.90 (H-?e, d4 J?4 ti= 14 0 Ha .Ita 6=<br />

4.0 Hz) ed 8.38 GOCHO, t, w€E Nigned b C_64, c-? dd C_12 prorotu, tespeclrv€lv<br />

of, i$ber ad d 4.92 (H-641, tll, Je( 7d= I 3.6 Hz, Joa ra= 4.2 Hz),218 (H'1-' d4 La<br />

k= tlt sa hae= 13.6 rtz), 3.ll (H-7e, dd, J'4'-- ll.6 Ha J4e= 4.2 Hz) $d<br />

8.24 ({CriO, s), aw Nig!.d to th. poroa of thc Z i$dn.<br />

Two ditredt scis of siSrils .lso .pF@d for .a.h 6bon of , ad z iem6 in th. rrc_<br />

NMR speclrM of onPoud l9 (Expeircnlal, Pagel34l36), ex@pi for two singlets<br />

Geh for trc cdnons) at , 60-0 O-oMe), t6.0 (2-OM€) fd th. two tuthoxv sreups.<br />

On th€ hosis of this sletat dala @mpoud 19 *6 id€dtified a lbc tmm ll/_<br />

fotuylnonwifqine, p'€viosty ierat€d iion I c/,rpa P&haly.<br />

P., er ar', l92l l$ eri-<br />

oxid&t md lip.philic etivili$ have b@n r.poned in th€ lit ElN icavin, A, ?r al,

l99Sl, wn @ iG clyotoricny ald itmbmoduldory etiviriG d cFn€d bv B for lhe<br />

nElirc (ChE 4-4, P!gel4s)<br />

t.122.4 N-Deu.drvt'N-lonvld.bvdtulomucd'rue(t0)<br />

Conpound 20 ws i$lar.d filn tt!.tion FFt 17 8r of thc<br />

elhyl elai. drr&t of ltost ts rlqa bv tp.fiiv' @l!m<br />

chnnarogdpby on silio gel t3-loq. .lstr ii Cdri.,<br />

(ExFdn6tal, Setion-3 2-3 5.1, Pagel36) The HREI'MS<br />

sho*d ih. Ili at ttlz 30? 1205. coraPondits to dt fodula<br />

CdlrNOt (calcd 3o?.l2os) T!. Uv sP.din showd bands at 167 348 and 317 n'b'<br />

i.di€rins ! mjueat d enaric svs&n The IR spdmn sho*€d sEebhi'8 band at l6E0<br />

cn ' (c=o).<br />

Th. |H-NMR sp@d@ of @npouid 20 (E)(Fincdd, Pagc'l36) slFwed lle doMfi'ld<br />

siglal.td ?,12 (lH,s, H-?) instadof sigsLal'4'19(H{t'"<br />

rq- 4.0 nz), 3.1 I (H_7-' d4 '/'a ta= 14 0 Ha J?a<br />

dd' Jdtt= 140 H4J6r<br />

''= | 4'o Hz)' and 2'90 (H'7q' dd' Jta<br />

rr= 14 0 Hz Jt.q 6.= 4-o gz) h omFud t9' due 10 rh' pret'ne of ! doublc hond<br />

betw€cn C-6a and C_7 Th. C- I I ptoton appeded 6 donhle doublet al<br />

' ' 9'59 (l H' Jr I<br />

D= s 9 Ha Jrl,e= 3J rL) A o@ proion sinel't at<br />

' 8 88 B ssigned to 1hc C-12 prclon<br />

of lhe fomyl group. PretoN of ib! tso n thoxv goup6 app€lcd sl 3 91 dd 4 03'<br />

EsFcriv.ly- h th. rrc_NMR spetrM, th' sigD'b apFting al<br />

NigD.d !o C{! ed C'?, ttsT@livclY<br />

Cobpoed 20 *d identifi.d<br />

fomyld€hydrorcmuciferine, dli.r<br />

198?1.<br />

'<br />

'<br />

1283 and I 12 l w're<br />

s th. krom conpoud, ivdenelhyhv-<br />

i$lat d frem S,,ot r, .ari,r [Nozka T '<br />

a ar'',5 M.s!ododrc(21)<br />

compound 2l w ohained lron Bua2c (230 ms) of fie bulMlic<br />

exFer of thc pl6i by uing Gyclilg HPLC (L'80' l:r<br />

HroM.O$ (ExFihent l, S@iioo-1.2.35,2, Pasc-137) hs<br />

HRFAB-MS (-v€) show.d rh. [M - Hf at "1/z 34t t6t9'<br />

@ft3poDdirsb tbc fomL C,ltxNO. (6lcd 14t.1622). Th. W<br />

sp6trum shosEd absorplioN at 330, 276 ed 270 M, indiolinS rhe<br />

pllsm. of a @njusd.d enalic aYslm.<br />

Th€ |H-NMR sp@trD ofanDoud 2l (Exp{ime a1, PEgc'llD snowd fou sin3lels at<br />

6 3.E0,3.79,3.31 utd2.E2. @h ilt8lalitrg fot thd prclo6 vnicL w. asiSled !o dt<br />

lwo m.thoxy (c-2 &d cno) ed th. ts! tuthyk (2-\M.: 4d l-NM.)' Esledvdv<br />

'IrE c-s &

150.2 indicslcd lhe pt*n@ of Otl srcuF, Gp.ciiv€lv. Conpoud:r wd foud !o be<br />

idmrical to rhe rcponcd tBgDflorine, sli.r i$lded non Ckfunpelot Alabnino<br />

lBarbo*-Filho. J. M, €, di., l97l ll m Epqt d to be norcvtotoxic rgdn$ a wid€ tuee<br />

of ell tin6 [Mi!,<br />

Y. D., el. a1., 2006].<br />

3.lJ Tyra'nire atrd Othcr Afk ldd.froa Tinoqoft cft?a<br />

A nubd of ty@irc.ll loi& hlvc.le b€n ielaLd frod tieqo.. ctdPa, duin3 tn€<br />

pEsl '.v*deatioo,<br />

3.13.1<br />

3.13.t.1<br />

Thce includ. tw tt?dirc all loi& 22-t3 dd a nuclosidc 2l'<br />

Knoivn Con{ilr.tra<br />

Crnpoud 22 !d obtained ftom ihe edYl<br />

@lale exlr&t ot I ct sra (ExFrnndtll,<br />

setionJ.2,l.5.3, P.gc'138). lts Uv sretm<br />

show€d lh. aberption ndim .r 30s, 29 snd 225 d, indi@tive of a conjugated<br />

dna{c nDcdonality, The IR speltum showcd btoad.bstptiotr bon& ar 3620 ed 1640<br />

cmr de io the Otl ed qFmetulted di

signars for rwo doubr€ doubters ar 6 6 67 (J!R ,2te 8 6Hz) u41 2? (.I* :r- &6 Hz)' d*<br />

to ,r,ro{@plbg of C-3'/C-5' eirh C-21C4,' t .l ofc-2rc{' virh C-3rc-5', E3p@tiYelv-<br />

Thc bndd-bald "c-tlt "petra<br />

(ExpniE)dLl, se.lionl-2 5 7, PagelSl) thoqed<br />

sigrals fd l7 6tds, iftludiig fou quorqD.ry (Cn, C4, C_ l md C'4 )' ten dcthirc (C'<br />

2, CJ, c-5, C{, c-2', C-l', cJ', c'6, C-7' ad C'8), two mcthvl€& (C-7 ad C_8) ad d<br />

dide carbonyl c&r,on (rc 169 2)<br />

Cohpould 22 shov&d sinild sFctlrt darr s rh@ of p.p@iie, Epon d .!lid fm<br />

FMtua indi.a l{tltw-Rttutu, et dl . t942]'.<br />

3.lj.l: ,V-I,@-t rnroyl.Yroilc (2!)<br />

Cmpound 23 s isbr.d tom lh. dhYl<br />

dciaL.xtz.t of t .ttuPa by uilg silica g€l<br />

@llM chrcDdogBphy (ErFrindt l,<br />

section- Pa8.-138) Ihe Uv sP€dtm showed .bealion msina 't 317' 293<br />

dd 2S5 nn, irdi.aling th. Dllsc of d arenDtic fitudoDtlitv- ThG IR s!6LuD slbsed<br />

brcad absoptio! bdds .t 32oo 6tl 1655 cn-r,de lo OH ed d'Fwtdat'd mid€<br />

clrbonyt 6etio$liti.3, BFctivcly fts HR.EI_MS showd Nf ai ttlz ll3ll09'<br />

corcspontlins !o lhe fo@d! CtrHreNOa (calcd 3l3l3l4)' wiih ten double bo'd<br />

.quivale . in lle noleule.<br />

TrErH- andriC-NMR sp€FM of@6Fu 23 (Expdimctrt l S.ction'3 2 1 5 4' Pas''<br />

Il9) sho*e{t stu rat f.ai@ s clos b lhoe of @mpolnd 22,.xePi 1har onc me$oxv<br />

sroup rppeacd al dH 3.s9 (& 55.6) s a singlct, ad ! qoddDart ebon @MLd at<br />

'c<br />

147.8 insi€ad of one emlti. sienll ai ,H 6.67 (rc l3O 7) in conPowd 12 Thc posilion of<br />

lhc m.lhoxy 8rcup E ddmincd o! lb. bsis of th. @@latiotr of th' relhoxv potons<br />

esonaiing at,3.89 withC-l (147 8).<br />


-Irie conDouid 23 I idendlicd s rh. tnoM ,V_l.da-fetulovl tv@inc bv €onpeien of<br />

$@l''l dara wiih lh. €pon d data lFltuda N '<br />

.t a/, l9$] Ir {a rcponcd to bc<br />

rcncfobri..sA!s a wid.6nge ofc€ll lid [MiA Y D,'t 2006l lts 6ti4xidanl<br />

'l '<br />

md lipopnilc piolertid re rcpon€d in ttE lit Btft lcsvia A ' ,r a/ , 1998]<br /> M.lbyl-3,4-dibydrctybeMd.(24)<br />

ws islated froD th. .thyl &.1a& qtlct of I crqu<br />

S6tion-, Pagc-ll9). l$ EI-MS tnd ERFAEMS<br />

rbe M| ar d,4 168.04l?, @n sponding lo th. fomul.<br />

168.0423), vifi five doubl. bo equivalmts il the<br />

rtu rH-NMR spetiuh of @nFud 24 (Expaihetr.l, Paeel4o) shoqld t*e dowtr'ld<br />

doublds al d ?.53 0H,.46= 1.9 Hz) ald 6 90 (4.6= 8i rL) wE d* to H_2<br />

'nd H_5'<br />

FsFcriv€ly, A rloublc doubl.t ai 67 63 (rH, J6,- 81HaJar= I 9 Hz) wd 4sierEd 10<br />

th. C'6 prelo.- A sinslet .t , 3 91 orD *6 d@ b in prctoc of n'lhoxv 6rr' Two<br />

hyrdmxy FotoN ale apFad a,l , 5 2 @d 3 5 in @nPo6d 24 Thc TTC-NMR (BB<br />

&@upled 4d DEIT) sFclrud of.ompound 24 lhov.d siSnats for 8 carboN Tke'<br />

qulcnary csboru lPp.atd.i, I2l.l (C-l), 146.4 (C-3) @d 1492 (c4) Signals<br />

tsnrilg al , I 12.4 I t4-0 dd l24 l, 9w sig&d !o the @Mtic tuthic @tos (C-<br />

2, C-3 &d C-6, esp4rivety). SiC ls at , 55 6 &d 168 2 {.re 6$8red lo l!€ esrcr<br />

merhoxy 4d 6Er cdbonyl, t!6p€clicly,<br />

Conpoud 24 showed sinitr sp@tal data qilh thn of E€dyfl,4-dihydmxvbcmal'.<br />

@li.r Eponc Cylidi!.(25)<br />

Conpoutrd 25 M lelar.d freF rhe but mlic Gtlr&! of lh. Pldtt (ExFri|md' S€tion_<br /> P.86r40). Its IiRFAB-MS C!c) ihowd rhc IM ' lrt- ^ n/t 242085E<br />

cor$odins lo |he fomula CrgEN3Oi (c5lcd 242 0855), indiotins 5 doubl. bond<br />

cquivalars in dE @lede.<br />

Thc |H-NMR sFctun of @tnpoud x (Expqimental, Pagen 4l)<br />

slFwd sisnsb cb!rurqisric of a qtGine b.s {D.rebo, A, er<br />

ai., 200I. lt showd tso doubl.te al r 5.6E (lH,4.6= 6.0 Hz, tt-<br />

t. and ?.98 (lH, J6 5= 6.0 H2. H{) due to C_5 dd c-6 Pbba<br />

Th. |H-NMR speEub shoecd sierbls for tlt dcoxFho* sug&<br />

with cht@t rislic./valEs.<br />

Ttc frGNrlR siglds sho*td 3igtttb { 6 622,863,7l.l' 75.? !trd 90 7. whrch 94<br />

6sis!.d ro 6boE deciar.d b tb€ doxltibo6e sugd (C-5', C4" C'3', C'2' ad C't''<br />

rs!€.tively). TIE ']C-NMR sp@tru .l$ slDwd si8$ls for C{' C'5, C4 d\n C:2<br />

^ 6<br />

142.7. 192.6,1(6,l ald t52.4, Espeliv.lt, Cobpoud 25 6 idenliflcd I crtidine'<br />

i.eorr.d tom $c ldvcs of Mct peppt (Capshum atut@r ID*.bo, A., et al ' 2007 J<br />

3.1,4<br /><br />

3.l.a.l.l<br />

Ph.lonc rd Triterpen..<br />

KDown Comtituents<br />

SF"s" (2.6)<br />

']on<br />

n"oqotu oirye<br />

conioud 26 ws i$lai.d nom th. blilelic.xn! t ofth. pldt (ExFircnt l setion-<br />

1.2.3-5.?, Paecl4l). lts flREI-MS shostd !|. rrf ar,,4 l?4 1J62, @Blottdiig b $c<br />

nol.culd fonula c nHrO-H! (calcd 174.157).<br />


th. IH-NMR sFciim of @npound 2? shovld ! doMfield brcad singlet at d 674<br />

odlsronding lo th. C-2 add C{' Nmlic Ptolos. A d,oubLr of dplct .l , 6 30 0 H Jr'<br />

,= 15.9 Hz,J2.,= 5.5 Hz) &d a doubler at 6.50 (J:.r= 15 9<br />

Hz) vw d@ to C-2 ed C-l proto.t BFcliv.ly The C'l<br />

mdhyle.c prcloN apFatd 3 a doublel at , 4 22 (J',,- 6J<br />

nz} A 5H sinstet at r 3-E4 M Nigred b CJ' aId C-5<br />

codpould 26 m i&ntiEed s s kloM @EPould sttioeilq PEvioulv<br />

Compould 2? 6 isold.d &om th. bqtamlic .ft&r of th.<br />

plad (Expdin€ntal, Setion-, Pa8._142) Ir5<br />

HREI-MS sbo$cd dE lvl' ar r/z 2?0.0522, @clondirg<br />

10 thc c6HrcoJ (cdcd 270.052E).<br />

i$lal€d fbn<br />

Sk ea.hMi6n,.atlEt,tnsof @npdi$nof AeEatdatawihthdof l[cEpolrcd<br />

dala [Jin,<br />

c., .l ur, 1999].<br /> 1?-Dt[tdrc!y-2-(4-nydmryPboylF.r_bcMDtr.n'4oft (27)<br />

The |H-NMR sFcriM of @nFurd 2? dbpl.ycd rio doubLts itr de mntric Egion at d<br />

6.44 (lH, J6. s= 2.0 Hz) md 6.1 (lH,.rr6=20Hz)du.toth€c4and c_8 Ploto6'<br />

Esp€criv.ly. A singLt a1 , 6.58 (l H) @ NigEd to th€ C'2 proton T*o 2H donblas at ,<br />

?.E3 (2H, J1'61<br />

'D= E.? Hz) &d 6.9 t (2H, $r ?d) *ft Nisncd to H_2 /H6' and H'1111_5''<br />

Ihc siructue of compoud 2? e $.Efo€ deduced N 5,7-dihvdtoxv_21+<br />

hyihoxt?hoyry4tt-l-beMFru4-@, E?ort d in lhe lir.Ftw [apoldini' M.' .r ar,<br />

20041.<br />


J.l.a.l3 Cy.h.!€L!ol(2t)<br />

Conlound 28 @ isotaLd fbn tlE ,-he*e a|la.t of I .fltPa bv 6ing sili€ s€l<br />

@llN clNmtogapby (ErFi@lal, Satio!-3.2 3-5,9' Pagel43)- l13 HRg-Ms<br />

shor€d ih. M' !t ,,4 426.3863, oBPoding 1o rhc fodul! crollso (cdcd 426 3E62).<br />

T1'" 'H- ed "C-NMR sF.ta of ompood 28 (ExFdndtal' r.s€143) slDrtd<br />

ch@teiisric sisals for cyclosl@type of trit DeB An orv!.sr€d C-3 nclhine<br />

siSnal app.dcd at rH 3,19 (dc 76.5), 5loh8 {ith 3iSnals for six dethvl eloups al , l7 ?,<br />

18.3, 22,0, 2f-8, l9,l .!td 14.3 dre ro C.lE, C'21, C'26' C21. c-2a ad C'29<br />

E$drircly. IrE C-19 mthyl* Prctoot of cycloprcpon. lpPatld it lhc doMficld<br />

Egion of thc sp€trM d doubleb ar dx 0.36 ed 0 12 (ieq ra- 3.0 Hz' 6c27 2). TIE C'30<br />

olefinic prctos, dis"teycd a doubl.t al r{ 4.64 (40@- I5.0 Hz) (dc 105.D on rh. b6ir<br />

of ths. ddr, S. slructN of .@poud 2a vg dcdw.d to h. th. tmM cvcl€F3lml'<br />

pEviouly ielaled nom fi'orpotd .riP' lKotrgklthip, N., er at, 2002]. ft h knom for iLs<br />

wdia€ ooti&tilrty, md hep.iopolectiv€.<br />

!.1.4.r.,1 !-GlDct!..pyn!6yv{il@l@1(29)<br />

conpoud 2t ws isotdted frcm th€ r-h€Mc €xt&i off,dPota.tsPo bv !sin8 silica<br />

s.l6tffi ctmoatogBptt(ExPdiDe .l,S€liotr-,P.ge|4l).Th€rH-lrd rrc-<br />


NMR?.d. of ..ryt d 29 noEd cl@itdc {gob tu 34&Drhlnr'vavl'<br />

,dcd{it tt- ld-d.diafio r.vt .l!ld w.XE & D' t9621.<br />


CHAP:TER. 3<br />


3.2.0<br />

3,2.1<br />

l,2.t,l<br />

3,2,1,2.1<br />


Gemrcl Erperinentrl Co[dlforg<br />

Anabticsl, HPLC or laboratory srade $lv.nts ed chcnicals w.e puchAed &om E.<br />

Merck, Fish6 Scicntifi. or Sip! Aldrich.<br />

Meltin8 poi s q.rc dclcroined on a Y.@o MP-S3 .p!.6r8. Oplical oialio$ l'*<br />

n6Ed on a diSibl poldin &l JASCO DIP-360 in D.rh"ml or chloofom<br />

!.2.12.2 Spdltu(opkTdhriqu6<br />

uv sFclla wrc @ordcd o. a ShisEd^ UV240 sFclrophotonet r in McOH solutions<br />

dd ptEst€d d L-, M (los .), ard IR s!6t! v@ eorded s KBr die3 or a JASCo<br />

A-102 {.6ophotomct r ad pMr.d h c'n-'. lD 'H-NMR spccrii wd @rd€d on<br />

Brula AG3oo, AM4oo !!d Al,|o<br />

Collm chnbltogbpny vs Frfom.d on silio 8el (E MercL 'O40 ed 200400 Fn<br />

mesh). Puity of the smpl€s w che.k€d on prco.1':d sili€ g€l TLc (GF 254). Diaion<br />

HP-20 (Milsubbhi Che6- lnd., Totyo,.lape), ODS C-18 (61-212 Fm. Wai

fou @jor n&don\ Fh€lo. (60.31 s), el[yl @r.r. (69.43 g), ,-buta.ol (?2.61 s) .nd<br />

*dtd (81 .65 e)<br />

(SchmF3.?, P$.'106)-<br />

J.2J.l LoLlion orP!rc Coudrrds IEE tn. Elbyl aetrt Elttut<br />

Ilrc eihyl MllL .xtta.t ws subjc.t d 10 @luDn cl&natography (silid gel, 200400 pm<br />

ftsh) a.d eluL.d vil[ sradida of Fh.e.: @rorc (95:5) .nd Fbermr dnyl &.1a1.<br />

(90:10, 80:20. 70130) od fitr lly sasbed wih eftyl @tat! (l00er). A tord or find<br />

netio$ (FFl lo Frl5) \rw colLcted (Sch.c3.?, P.gc-106). orr aurlhd rep.litiv.<br />

@llm chMEroslpLy of fi!.rior IF5 (7 8), {!E krou lporphift .lkdoids, /v-<br />

fomyleomim (17).,V.fomyLlehydro@ldft (18) rid lr'.d.n€lhyrlr'-<br />


Lol.rio! ol Pon constit!.llt fmd t-But{trol Ertr.cl<br />

Th. bd@lic dt a.l (72.61 g) of th. pl&t w l@d€d on a D1.id HP _20 6in @ll|m<br />

dd clur.d *irh | ory. $!i.r, RElq: n tbeol (3:l), $dq: neitt@l (2: l), u.r€. turhsol<br />

(lrl), mlec m.thml (l:2), ad 6n ly with 100v. m.rhdol to vicld six ftncions.<br />

TIE 2d (Frb-2, ?.3 s) ed 46 (F$4, ll.l g) Aedos ton gP-20 @ltm w* @mb,ned<br />

dd funid ieiioalcd by oDs itrb sn iub-ftaclioN (Bu-l to Bur6) DE $b-fi@liois<br />

Bu-2 to Bu-6 wre p.ssd thrcugh sephad.x LH-20 @lum again 10 obt in 3_5 sub'<br />

t'&tios. The @irina fE lios 6m HP-20 @lu@ (Frh-3, Fd5 ald !rM) lw .ls<br />

subjet d to lhe almtivc qGF Dh4 @ll|m cbbnbiosnthy or oDs (RP-t8)<br />

follow.d by Sephader LH-20 10 get li&tios fot fttthd puifi..1ion by uing @ycling<br />

HPLC (Sc[oc].8, P.€!-107).<br />

All suFFa.dos lhs obLi!.d w@ puificd by Bing @ycling HPt C, LC-908 oo ennd<br />

!-80 ot Gs-320 colMns eirh wrer-methaol (l:l) dd n€lhoola clual lo obt in $e<br />

hos compour&, booFtoside F (rt, crridire (25), bohFrosid. C (ll) (S.heme-1.E,<br />

P4el0?), srrinsi! (26), boEFrosid. D (13), tr stuflonft el), b@p.tosi& B (10)<br />

(Schmc3.9, Pace-l0E), boDFtoside c 02) (S.h.@3.1.0, P.gFl09) dd honp.tosidc<br />

A (la) (s.hd*-3.?, 3.1 .1 dd 3- 1.2, Pag€s 106, l l0 dd l l l). All thc re* @mpou& 2-<br />

9 .nd 16 re isohbd Aom th. bl^@li. .xg*r of Ti6pora .tlsq,.xc€p1 for rhe Gw<br />

@npo@d l, dich a obranEd fiob thc.lhyl @t t qlr&r ofrhc pbnt.<br />


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S.[cne!.|rr Isolation of compounds 6, 13 and l{ from ltdPora t/irPz<br />

!JJ3 tsbrio. ofPon Coudr{..o fid tr-Bdu. Enn t of I .dry!<br />

The h.xrne €ltE i (60.3 I d of th. pldr vs lielion t€d into fiftv fi*rioB Gu<br />

ro H'50)<br />

by col@ cb@loSr.phy on 3ili.a, e{tin8 ftoo I007o hcxm with tlE gEdicnt<br />

in.tle orcNoofom (l-10,6) Cycl@uc.l@l (21) vs obt incd lion fr..tio4 H_13 ro<br />

H-17 (60 cEcL in ,46HD) 3 a whit elid (Schcc3.1.3)<br />

t-tT<br />

s.LdF3J3; Isolttior of cyclocu@lcnol (2t) from thc hde qtld of r mbpd<br />


3.FJ.r tuDpblolE (l)<br />

IUPAC: Metnyl (2x,?S,8.tj.8-(2s)-2{3jdihvdroxv'2.5_din thoxvictlhvtlG3_<br />

nlm/!2-hydex'€thyll-2jdinethyl- lo{xel l{blncvclol? 2. t.0r'ldod4_3_.c3'<br />

The .thyl celalc qt@t (69,43 g) ol TitusPora .rispo v6 subj@Ld 10 @lum<br />

chrtmtosraphy on 3ilics 8€l by Bins &ctoff/r-hcx.de (510'lo) &d cilvl &elai'/ h<br />

htu (15{0v") to .flottl nnm fi!.tios (Frl to FFl5) FtudoN Fr8 @d IF9 on<br />

frllls @llm chrendognpny d silio scl ( 1094 .a[vl 4ela&) vi.ldcd @mpoud I d a<br />

whi& slid (2.0 ng, 1.2 x lor% yi.ld), {hich 6 cb@reii.d 4 Mphiol E (l)<br />

{Schene3.7,<br />

P.M!t ge ti.ld:<br />

Pdg& 106).<br />

1.2 x l0'r<br />

Sirft: rvhrre cr'6t!k frcE .rhyl !.elde-hc;4<br />

M, o,t 206-207 'c<br />

IdlD':<br />

+2?.5'(a 0.04, CHCb)<br />

rR 0(Er) v- m_r: l55l, 1505, 3l9l (olD; | 745, l70l (c{)<br />

UV (McOH) r.* M (lo8 s): 242 (2.32); r,,h m 0og €): 23a (1.23), 349 ( 1.26)<br />

flREStMS (+vc) t/t: 471 .23 12

t-Hydotybonpct6irlG c o)<br />

IUPAC, (2x,5n,6x,8x,9s,10S,l2t_15,15'E!oxv'2-hv&oxv{l 5, l6€roxv-2-hvdrxv{'(/-r'-glMpvl@3vlFleroda-<br />

3,11( l6),14-ttiol ?,12-olid-18'oic eid nethvl €ster (2)<br />

P.ft.lrts. yicld: 2.4 x l0_'<br />

sr.rc Colorls sumy elid frem mtbml<br />

IdlD":<br />

-22.7' (c 0.I ?, CErOH)<br />

IR (lG.) vd c'n:': l4o9 (o'H); l?09, l6?0 (C=o)i 150+1438 (tum tins)<br />

(rv (McoH) L- nin (loe r): 223 0 94), 2l? (5.17); Lft rn (los 0): 218 (3-05)' 212<br />

(4-99r, t92 (446)<br />

SR.ESIMS (*.) ,/,r 553 2215 (C,H!Oo+H' calcd 551-2280)<br />


FA&MSGE) t /r:551[M - 4f<br />

EI-MS (?O ev) '/' (%): 389 (13),373 l3T),351 (20), i4r (27),296 (8), 235 6), 205 (31),<br />

2Or {20), 14? (25), r 19 (70), 115 0 5), lO? (24), 103 Ol), 97 (29J,9s (66),94 (64J,93<br />

(21),9r {68),8l 000),6l<br />

(53),60(60),55 (62).<br />

rE- .nd TTGNMR: se TabL-1.2 (s@rlon-1. L l I 2, h8.-42)<br />

3r3J3 lbsrbpdld. A (3)<br />

IUPAC, (2X,51?,6X,8S,9S,IOS,l2,t!15,i 6-E!o*y_2-hydrcxv'6" {pDglucopvreosvl_<br />

(l -6){-D-xylopr@@}{Lroda-3,t3(lO,l4.l'i@U,12-olid-lE{ic4idb.thvl 6Lr'<br />

'ft. but&blic €xtet (?2.61 g) M lo6ded onio ! Diaion tlP -20 Bin @lu@ ud €lltcd<br />

wnh walq ed dclhdol in gzdi.nl hgM (2il00e/0 to @llal six sub'f6.tios (Frb'l<br />

!o 6). lm or tlEm (F.ts2= ?-3 8 ed rr* l3.l s) l@ onbin.d .!d tutlEr<br />

f@tioBld by oDS @lum inro six sub-nedoE (Bu'l to 6) ne sub-f@rioN (Bu"l<br />

&d B!4) (2.1 I ed 3,5 g, tr94tircly) wF @dbincd rog.lh€r dd pe$.d lhrcuSlt a<br />

Sephlda\ Ltr-20 @lmn .gein 10 obrlh th€ $h-n&ioN (Bwla, Blcl dd Bslc)<br />

'nF rhid fraction (Bel c, L2 s). €lut d with 10P,6 M!oH, B th.n p€nition d aeai. ino<br />

6r $ts&erioB (M-l !o M-3) otr sili€ s.l<br />

by uins ed'@l i! c mfm (5'15%)<br />

(schd.-3.1.1, Pag.-llo). F@don M.l (781 ns,5% M€oH in CHCIs) wd fudn€r<br />


ldlD'r -35-d (c 0.056, cHroH)<br />

IR (KBr) '* d ': 3420 (o-rDi 1717, | 63? (C-o); 150?'l4'l0 (furu nna)<br />

w (MeoD r* m (los s): 22a (1.t5), 214 (5.16)' 209 (s l6)i xd m (log<br />

(2-54), 216 (4.{0), 210 (4. | 2), 205 (1 84)<br />

HRESI-MS (+r) r/z: 685.2?01 (qrH{O|6+H, calcd 685 2708)<br />

FAIMS Crc) ,'r: 683 lM _ Hf<br />

')i 350<br />

Er-MS (?0 ev),,/, (%)r 3?l (3), l4l (3), 125 (l),261 (2),205 (6)' 147 02)' 133 (64)'<br />

1le ( lo0), 95 09), 94 (24), 9l (5S), s I (29), ?l (61), 6l 06), 60 (15)' 59 (9), 55 (30)'<br />

'lI-.od ''oNMR: see Tablej.3 (s.ciion"3 I l.l I' Paga48)<br />

3J33.4 Tbc]lDo.ide a(0<br />

llJPAC. (5i,51,8s,9{,loi,l2.t}l5,lcE oxv-2{xc6d-D-gl@ptre'gvl){l'rod!-<br />

l,l3(16),1+k cnl7,12_olid- l8_oic &id n€rhvl esl€r'<br />

A fracion Frb-3 (5 7 g) too (h. bursmlic dit&lts loT t'd onto s oDS s'6c ph$'<br />

sllM and.lut d w h lO0% ncthaol, *t r_nethlnol (l:l) md l00e/o watet to @nec1<br />

lhc sub't@liod (F.b3-l to Frb3_l) Fftl'2 s tunh* r'actionated ino |hF sub_<br />

&acrioB (Fql. FlF2b &d F+3c) @ polvdide @lum bv uing ncii@l iD<br />

c|noofod s .led (lOO94 CHClr, 5% M.OH od 1096 MGOH' 6peliv'lv) Tw si-<br />

p@ t&tio6 (Faltsl .ttd FD3F2) s@ obr'i!'d fi@ dv'liry tlPt'c (LE0' l:l<br />

Hro/MeOH, 4 5 nvnin) sub-nedon FrPlb-2 (ll mg) *her tubjdEd ro @vcliog<br />

HPLC (CS-320, loe/o MeOH) sfiord..t a mw @npoud<br />

' (3 2 ms' 2 0 x loi% vicld'<br />

TR= 44 min) (s.h.me3 l 0, P.gelo9), whicn wd i&din?d d (5x'6x'8s'9x'l0i'l2t)-<br />

t5,16€poxy-2{xo6'fPDglu@ptrmsvt){l'oda-3,11(16)'14_lticn_17'l2did_18{ic<br />


Perc.nlig. tield:<br />

2.0 r l0'r<br />

Sttt.: Colorless gll@y solid fom meth4ol<br />

Idloz': '33.l'(.0.18, CHrorD<br />

IR (KBt v.- cD-': 3a26 (GrD; I ?25, 16?3 (C{); 1504.1 439 (dmatic ritg)<br />

trv NeoH) l-- n (los '): 216 (4.55), 2ll (455); Lh m (loe s); 2!l (3 49)' 208<br />

(r.8D,199(3.83)<br />

rnEsrMs (+ve) ,r/2: 5512113 (Crll!Or+H, @lcd 55r '2123)<br />

FAFMS C!c) n/, 549 {M ' Hf<br />

EI-MS (70 cv) i/2 (%): 550 (2), 388 (9), 371 (2D, 356 02) 139 16)'291<br />

(4)'222 (t2)<br />

203 (16), 167 (21), 133 (39), 119 (2?), ll5 (16), l0? (22), 103 (12)' 97 (2E)' e5 (60)' e4<br />

000), 9r (21), 9l (55), Sl (S3), ?3 (5S)' 6l (36), 60 (58), 59 (31)' 55 (56)-<br />

!u- dd'tc-NMR, se T!blF3.4 (sel,oFl.l.l I d Page_s3)<br />

!:JJi TilaniPotidc c (t<br />

IUPACT (3x,4l.5l,6,tEi,gs,les l25)3.4,t5,lGDicpoxv5(,+lglMprtuosvr)'<br />

cl€oda-3,I3(l O,l +timr ?,l2did{ic &id ncrhvl 6Lr'<br />

!@tior FF2 (l.l s) aon a Scphartd Ls-20 ollm (tl,O/lvleoH(3:l) or dE but'nolrc<br />

qtr&t*s loadcdo o a L40 @lum of dvcling HPI'C (l: I rLOA,leOtl' 4 muni!) !o<br />

afrord a n w @mpoed 5 (2.9 m& l-s x loj% viql4 TR= 37 nin) (sch€@18' Pagc_<br />

l0?), (3,R.4&5x,6S,8X,9.t,l0s,l25l3j,l5,l6diepoxv-6-(&D-gleopvtsosvl){l€oda-<br />

3,13(16),14-uien- 17,12{lid-18{ic mid methvl este. (O<br />

P.rcctrlrg.yicld: I 8 x l0_r<br />

Sl.tc Colorlds gl!@y $lid ftoD mclhaDl<br />


tdlD I'r +135.1./ (. 0.0?a, Cs3otD<br />

IR (KB.) r* d ': 3aa? (O-rD; l?l4, 1635 (C{); I508n 423 (@maric ri's)<br />

Uv @eorD xd. m (log.): 222 (4.35) 203 (5 55)i Lb m (los '): 2l? (4 34)' 199<br />

(4.52), l90 (4.56)<br />

ERESIMS (+vO t/z: 551-2255 (CrHroriH ctlcd 553 2280)<br />

FAEMS (-ve) r'lzi 551 [M<br />

- Hf<br />

Er]"1rs (10 eV /z (v,):3T o)34t Qr'323 Q)'2s5 Q''205 (6)' le4 000)' 16? 02)'<br />

lle06),l0? 0l),105 05), 97 (4)' 95 (1r, 94 09),93 (7) el (28)' El O9)' ?l (24) 6t<br />

00).60 08),59<br />

(9), 55 (13).<br />

'H- rnd'!GNMR. s@ T.bL'l 5 (s.ctio!-3 l l l'5, Pag'J9)<br /> li.ocd.Polide D (6)<br />

IUPAC: (5x,6x,8s,9x,10$,121)-l5,l64Doxv-2{xo{{''}etucopr@svl){l'oda_<br />

3,1l(16),14-tieo-l ?,12_olid_18_ oic &id melhvl esrcr'<br />

sutsfr..iion Buc2 (1.3 g) &on tlF b aetic 'xtlct s ponitiotd i o ne$'nol (B{c2b'<br />

2.1 s) dnd laid soluble (B@2a,70 Fs) fi&hos Med6ol sluble fi*tion @<br />

subjdcd ro siliq gcl @llM cbreodognph, to l$od fou suFftdtios bv uine 5-20%<br />

(MeoH in CHCI3) 6 Gl@t simild tu'nots (BE2b_12 to 15) rcE @inbincd on ft'<br />

bsis of TLC beh6viou dd subj€cted to Fcvcli4 HPLC (GS-320' loo'/' M'OH' 3<br />

mumitr) (Schc@3 1-2, ?asel l l) 1o obi'i a tuw @mFud 6 (4 1 n8' 2 6 x l0 !%<br />

yicld, TR= 54 mio), (5,1.6x,8s,9x,10s.12'tn5,l6{Poxv_2{rGqF}gl@pvMosvr)'<br />

cl€odal,l3(16),14_rien-17,12-olid'18{ic acid nefivl esi'r (6)<br />

Pddt g. Yi.ld:<br />

2.6 r l0 )<br />

Shlc crlorlds gllmy $lid fion melhdol<br />


lalD':<br />

+260.Eo (. 0.0a6, CH3OH)<br />

tR (KBt '- m r: 3421 (o'H! I718, l6?4 (c=O); l50t 1437 (enatic riry)<br />

UV (M.OD r.-. @ (los €): 225 (3.80), 215 (4 38), 205 (5.26)i rd' m (los t): 218<br />

(3.86),215 (3.85), 204 (4.3t, 196 (4.5D<br />

SRESI-MS (+re) t/z: 551-21?l (c'H!odH, cdcd 5512123)<br />

FAFMS Cvc) n/z: 549 (M - Ef<br />

tH-.od'3C-NMR: se Table-3.6 (setion-3 1.| 1.6, Pa8e'64)<br />

3J33.7 ThotidcA(7)<br />

IUPAC: 0,l,4,t,tr,ss,9l,l0s,l2D'l5,leEPoxv-4{r-}slucop}1@3vl>clddt_<br />

2,t3(16),l4rric!.1?(12),18(I)niollicl@d.'2,13( 16),14-tfl'nc_ 17(12)' 18(l )diollide<br />

PcraLg. yi.ld:2 ?x |0'r<br />

strL: Cotdlds gllmy $lid &om D.lh!tuI<br />

tclo':<br />

-Er.ocf (c 0 o+0, CH:Otl)<br />

rR (KBr) '- o ': l42O (o_Hl l75r , I ? 16 (C{)i l50tl lE4 (nr@ ntrg)<br />

Uv (M.OID I^ M {loe s); 220 (3 46)' 2r2 \482)' 208 (4E2); r'h m (loe c): 216<br />

(4-08), 209 (4.09), 20J (4.00), 200 (3.86)<br />

I|RESI-MS (+ve) t'lz: 521-20t3 (Cdlson+ll cdcd 5212017)<br />


FA&MS Cvc) ,,/r: 519 [M - tt]-<br />

EFMS (70 cV) r/t (%): 3 14 (r q,2a1 Q),252 Q\,zm (\,206 (39), | 6l (3 | ), 134 (41)'<br />

r2l (88), 119 06), 1ls O3), 108 (98), rO7 (39), l0l 02),I (21),95 (50), I (56),93<br />

(10), 9t (66), 8l 0 00), 73 (86), 6l (60), 60 (12), 5J (46).<br />

'H- -d "c-NM& se Tallc-1.? (senonJ.l .l.l.7, P.s.t)<br />

3.2.1J.E Bodp.rorid.I(E)<br />

IUPACT M.Uyl (2s,6s,6aX,9i,l0as,l0bs)_2{_luryl){-, }slncolvr4osvl_9_hvdroxv'<br />

64 | oHi6.Oy!4.xo1,4,6,6a,9,t0,10a,10b{lahy&c2tt_bc@tllistmn.@?-<br />

Trc $d-p@ tacdoB (!A2Gl ald f.p2e2) s!!E obl!i!.d ton @vcliry HPLC (L'<br />

80, l:l wl.FoerhaoD. rD2c-2 {? ns) yi.ldcd a pw ontoud 8 (3 ? E& 2l x l0_r%<br />

yi.ld, TR= 12 nin). wst ohain€d by $i4 ectlli4 ttPLC (GS_320 l0(P/0 MeOE' 4<br />

hunin). conpound s {s trivially 'ded s boBFloside I (Schde3 l 0, ?age_ 109)<br />

P.ttdt!8. yhld: 2.3 x l0 r<br />

Sr.i€: Coldtd gl)my slid ton m.lheol<br />

lolD 1': +l0.90 (c 0.06a, MeoH)<br />

tR(KBr)vdcsf rr 3430(GH) 1725, 1664(C=o)<br />

W(M.OH)l-m(los.):208(3.82Ildm(1o86): 198(166)<br />

rnEsLMs (+v.) ,/z: 5?3- l98o (CrnqOD+Na, c.lcd 573 1948)<br />

FAFMS {+s) ": 551 M + rll', 573 lM+Nrl', 3E9 IM' 1621" 3? I M- l80l'<br />

rrl-.nd DC-NMR: sE TabL-3.8 (sedion-] I I1.8'Pagc?2)<br />


323j.9 Bonp.r6ld. J (9)<br />

IUIAC! Mclbql (2s,6q6.&l0.S,l0hsl2

313.,1.0<br />

sub-6*tion Fry2 (900 ms) ftom polymidc colufu chrcmrogBphy (5% M.oH in<br />

CHCL) of thc buirslic drrd B nodly pufi.d by Byding HPLC (L-80, l:l<br />

H,O/MeOH, 3 ml,/min), Ih€ puifi€d conpoud l0 (834 dg TR= 38 nitr), M<br />

ch.futdizd s a kmM @mFuld bo6Fro6ide B, *lich B de obt{n d ndr<br />

fnction frpc2'2 (56 Ds) by s.l Fm.ation cluotulogBphy ot Myclirs HPLC (GsJ20)<br />

(Scb@6 3.9 ad 3. | .0, Pag*108-109). Th. @obio.d yicld of bq.gerci{b B (lo) fion<br />

$etmt ctiosM5t.2x lo'%yierd(883m8).<br />

Pe..c rg.ti.ld:55,2 x loa<br />

$.r.: Y.llowish gllmy $lid ton m.rhml<br />

lalD t. 15.?p (c 0. I OO, McOrD (Lit -lo./ {. 0.102, M.OH))<br />

IR (KBO r* m ': l42O (Or0; | 716 (C{)<br />

Uv (MeOH) ,qE m (log e): 210 (3.44, 197 (5.s9)<br />

HRFAB-MS Cre) ,/,i 5s l.2129 GrHraOD.H, calcd 551.2134)<br />

F^a-Ms tv.) n/r: 551 [M -H]-<br />

Er'Ms (70 cv),/z (%)r389 (5),373 (17),35? 0D,341 (14),296 (3),205 0s),203 (13),<br />

145(2r), l3l{30), I9(39),91 (56), 81 (80),60(r00),55(6D_<br />

'I|-NMR (cDroD,300 MHz)dr2.2l (lH, orcda!. sna),2.02 (lH, ov.rlaA Hnb),4.51<br />

( I H, td, Jr r= 8.3 Ha .4 t- 3.E Ha H-2), 6.40 (l H, 4 Jr.1= 3.8 H4 H-3), 4.5? ( I H, bd, Jq<br />

F 2.6 rlz, H4),2.24 (lH, N.drp, tl-?a), 1,46 ( I H, l, Jrr rft= 13,0 Ez H-7bJ,2.21 OH,<br />

ovdla!, H-8),3.42 (lH, bi4 ia r= 9.6 nz, Hno),2.0E 0H,4'a 'r!= 14.0 Hz,4lah=<br />

6.1 Hz, H-l la), 1,98 0H, rlC, J|rr, rr= I4.0 Hz,..4rA Dq= ll.l H2, H-llb),5.53 (lH, dd,<br />

Jri4 r rr l l.l Hz, 4,a rk= 6.1 Hz, H- 12), 5.50 ( lH, 4 4{ tr= l.l liz, H-14), 7.50 ( l H, r<br />


ft.!x6= 1.6Hz, H-l5),?.58(ltls,H-I6), I 55(3t1,sMa|9),096(3H s,Mc20),l ?4<br />

(3H, s, co,Me), Oru: 4.4r (r H , d, Aa,n= 7.6 lt1 H'r),3 18 (l H, dd, J6 c 6't= I I 7 H2'<br />

Js,, s,= 2,t Hz, H"6a), 3.12 llll, dd, J6\6i= ll 7 Hz, Jq sn= 4 6 tlz' H_6'b). 3 20_1 34<br />

(aH, ov.rl.ppiry !ielEl).<br />

'rc-Nia (cDioD, roo r'trrz) 6:29.3 (c-lr, 64.6 lc"2), 140.1 (c-3), 140.1 (c_4), 42 8<br />

(c-5),80.05 (C{),2?.6 (C-n, 5r.5 (Ca). 38.2 (C-9),42.2 (Clo),46.2 (C_ll), ?19 (C-<br />

12), 126.0 (C-11), 109.8 (C-14), 145.04 (C-15), r4l.0 (C- 16), 178.4 (C-lr, 169-4 (C- ! 8),<br />

29j (C-r9),2J.1 (c-20lb s2-3 (COd4d, 106.3 (c-l ), 75.5 (C-2), n .1 (C-3\,1t.3 (C4),<br />

78.r (C-r), 62_4 (C-6).<br /> BonpotorideD p. re.lt (lo-Ac)<br />

Acciylaiion of 6 (100 mg) with Mic a$yd d€ (5 eL) in Pvidift<br />

(10 nL) al mn<br />

ieDpenlur vs @ied ou1 tly ov*-nighi Eetion to yicld boap.loside B P€da..lde (10-<br />

A., 9l n8), a a @lorl.s stite pow&r,<br />

St .: Colorls n..dle lik cryst b frm @lotrehci4<br />

M. p..251252'C<br />

Ialo t': +15.5r (c 0-024, MeoH)<br />

IR(KBr) r*m-r: l?53 (c{)<br />

w (MeoH) Lr, M (los e): 242 (2-E9)<br />

EnXI-MS ,,r/z 551.2715 (C,H{OD-H, €lcd 551.2735)<br />

El-Ms 110 eV tu/t (%): 752 (20), 415 (59), 331 (29). 169 (100), 109 (4t), 83 (4t.<br />


'&Nre<br />

(cDclr, 300 MH2) ,, 2.21 (lH, orcilap, H-r a), L48 (l H. m, H- lb). 5.55 (lH, td<br />

Jr, F 82 Ha 43= a2 Ha llq,6.38 (lH, 4 .rt.,= 4.2 Ha H-l), 4.54 (1H, bt4 J6 - 4.t<br />

Hz, H6), 2.09 (l H, ovdlap, H-?., | .22 (t H, h, H-ft), 2.l9 (lE, ovdlap, H-8), 3.27 (l H,<br />

bd, JG,= 9.8 tlz H'10),2.01 (tH, E, H-l lr), 1.9 (lH, b, E-l lb), 5.16 OH, d4 ir4<br />

rf lo.8 H.,Jtaft= 6.2rVH-12),6.35 (lH, d,Ia. B= 1.0 Hz, H-14),7 34 0H, r,.,rr<br />

wr= 1.6Iq Hnt,7.40 0H, bli, H'16), 145 (3H,5, M.l9),0.90 (3H, s, Mc20),3.71<br />

(3H, s, oMe), | .29 (3H, s, ocOMcC-l), Glur 4.s7 ( I -H, .1, j! ,r= 8.0 H2, H-l'). 3.61<br />

(tH, oldLp. H"2'),5.ll (lrl ! Jt,,!ar= 9.5 H1H-l),4.96 (lH,l..l.:J!ar= 9.5 H?. H-<br />

4'), 5.04 (rH, ov€dap sisrar, H-5'),4.04 (2H, d, J6,!i 4.0 Ha H-6), 1.95 (lH, s,<br />

ocoi,le-c-2), 1.9 (3H, s, oCOM6c-l), 1.97 (3H, s, ocoM.{-4), 1.92 (3H, s,<br />

oCOMec{ ).<br />

'"c.Ni,a (cDcri, | 00 l{rz) ,r 25.9 (c-D, 66.6 (c-2), r i5.8 (c-3), 140.9 (c4), 4 r .0 (c-<br />

5), 80.1 (c6), 29.8 (C-7),499 (C-8), 37.r (C-9),4r.2 (C-r0),45.1 (C-lr), ?0.r (C-r2),<br />

124.3 (C-13), 108.5 (C-14), 143.5 (Cnt, 139.9 (C-16), 174.5 (C-17), 166.9 (C-18),28.7<br />

(c.19),23.? (c-20),52-0 (-cooMc), 169.6 (OCoMc{-l),20-5 (OCoM.-C-l) 102-l (C-<br />

l'), 72.0 (c-2), 72.5 (c-l), 68.5 (c4),71.5 (c-5), 62.0 (c-6), l6e-6 (oeoM.{-2),<br />

170-l (ogoM.{-3), 170-5 (ocOM.{4), 170.7 (oqOM.{{), 20, (OCOM€4,2),<br />

20.6 (OCOM.-C-I), 20.6 (OcoMcc4), 20.4 (OcOM+c-6).<br />

4,23,12 Bonp.to.i& C (1I)<br />

A n'&don non dhyl et.r., Fi-12 (3 d B $bjeld io sili6 gcl @lum<br />

chrcmtogmphy by Bing FhqN-cilyl .cdlte (7010) a lhe nobile phrs! lo obrain<br />

@nPourd (305 bd, vhic! w charrraird 6 boFFtosidc C (Sch.ft,3.?, PaSe<br />

r06).<br />


sub'izctiotu, F64 (1.4 d (Schcme3.8, P.gelo?) dd Bp-6 (l.l s) of th. bui.nolic<br />

cxdlcr (s.:hche3.9, P!selo8).1$ afrodcd bon!.t6id. C (6ll ms md 212 me,<br />

HFcriv.ly) by Nins @ycling HPLC (L-8q l:l HrO/MoOH,4 rnUnn! Ti= 72 mir).<br />

Th. cmbin d yield for borlDetolid. C OI) &om rhe th'* difr@nt iactiM m 71.? r<br />

ro{%0.t5s).<br />

Ph6t $/dd:71.7x lO'<br />

tht : Colorl.s 8ll@y solid fen heth@l<br />

ldln'.<br />

+2?.7 (c 0.022, M&rt<br />

lR ((lt rtu crr: 3406 (Gro; |TOE (C=o)<br />

UV (Meol0 Lq m 0og .): 213 p.a9)<br />

ERTA&MS Cv.) ,/z: 53521?9 (CrH'6ot rH, cdcd 535.2185)<br />

FAEMS Cvc) z/. 535 tM " Hf<br />

EI-MS (?0 cU r/z (%): 373 0 0),3s1 (12),341 Q\,325 l7),279 (2), 205 (34). l8J (lr,<br />

159 (46), l l9 (4 D, 105 (48), 94 (80), 8r (73), 73 000), 7 t (38), 69 (t0), 60 (95), 55 (70).<br />

'If-NMR (CD!OD, 300 MlIz) d: 1.82 (rH,44J|*A= 15.2 Ea Jt( != 8,2 Ha H-l a), 2. | 0<br />

(lH, n, d'lb),2.38 (2H, n, H-2),5.80 0H, !4.-3.6 Hz, H-3).4.54 (lH. bd, J6cF 4.5<br />

Hr, H{), 2.65 (f Il d4 J'! 1!- I 4.6 Hl J'.S- 32 rla H-1d), r.75 (l H, J,c7r= 13.9 tta<br />

.r4 !r= 6.5 Hz, H-%), 2.31 ( lil, ov.dap, H-8), 2.44 0 H, brd, joq ,0= 6.5 Hz, H- t 0), 2.25<br />

(fH,{l('l- 14.6 tia 4lq E= 1.4 H2, H-ttb), 1.62 0H..l,n,i- 14_6n1J$6- t2.1<br />

Hz, HrIa),5.79 (rE dd, JDq r tt r2.3 Hz Jt\nc= |.4 HzIj,-12), 6.s2 0H, bB, H-t4),<br />

7.46 0H, I 4J. w,6= 1.6 H4 H-I5), 7.59 On, brs, H-16), t.4t OrL s, Mdl9), l.t 2 (3I', s,<br />

Mo20), 3.7r (3H,s, OM€),4-41 (H, 4 j4,!= ?.6H2, H-l), 3.r7 (tH, \ J,h) o; 1.8<br />

ll2, H-2'), 3.40 ( l H, ! J4 r4t= 9,2 ltz. H4 ), t.?0 (l It, dd, J6tr ft= I | .9 ltz, J.r, tu= 4.0<br />


sa Hib), 3.80 0 H, dd J6! trr= I l-9 Hz, J.c $= 2.4, H-6o'), 32c1j0 (211. ost P, H-<br />

3"H.5).<br />

'3c-Nr,R (cDroD, l0o MH') d: r?a (c-t), 24.8 (c-2), 1t2.8 (c-l), 137.2 (c4), 4r-2<br />

(c-5), ?8.8 (C-6), 29.5 (C-?), 47.0 (C-8), 36.4 (C-9), 37.8 (C-10), 43.4 (C'lr), ?1.4 (C.<br />

r2), 127.0 (c.13), 109.6 (c-l.t), 144.7 (c,lt, t41.2 (c-16), l7?.4 (Cnr, 169.0 (C-lE),<br />

27.1 (c-19),27.8 (c-2o), 52.0 l.cooM!), 105.8 (c-l), 75.4 (c-2'),11 .2 (c-3), 70.6 (c.<br />

4), ?8.0 (C-5),62.3 (c-6).<br />

313.13 E nD.rdi&G 02)<br />

Recycling HPLC (L-80, 1:l HiO,^'.OH,4 numin) *a ued for th€ plrif!.ation of<br />

FD3tsl (97 ns) fiotu FrL3 (5.7 & 25% M@H i! Hro), which 6rlt d in thc ielation of<br />

a kmM conpound boFperosid. G (12) (3.l E& I -9 x lo rTo yield, TR= 16 min) (schm.-<br />

l.l .0, Paeel09).<br />

P.r.. .g.yi.rd: 1.9 x 10'<br />

Si.L: \vLir. loqdcr fiom ftrl,ool<br />

ldlD': -12-40 (a 0.060, M€OH); {Lit<br />

-17.90 (d 0.058, MeOH))<br />

IR (KBr) DIs cn_r: 3418 (GH), l?lq | 670 (C=O)<br />

Uv (MeoH) ld m oos €): 208 (3.62)<br />

IfifAeMs CE) ,t/z: 551.2129 (CrHqo,rH, c.lcd 551-2123)<br />

FAEMS Cv.)r/zr 551 tM<br />

- Hl-<br />

Er-Ms (70 evl,/z (vt: 388 (18r,37t (44),119 (t7),293 (9),265 A,24518),203 (28),<br />

r73 (31), 167 (39), 145 (50),ll3 (36),123 (32), I 19 (39), r05 (44),103 04),9? (48),95<br />

(81),9r (6r) 85 60),8r (9), ?3 (7r),69 (70),60 (67),5? (100).<br />


'H-NMR (CDOD, 500 Ml.rz) r: 2-92 (lE, dd,4q r0= 16.4 H2, iq 16= 6.6 Hz,lt-ta),<br />

2.63 (llt d, J,a n= 16.4 H4 H-lb), 6-42 OH, bB, E-3), 4.42 orl ov€d4, H{), 2.81 (lE<br />

4d hr1,. 14 4 Ha k,tu= 3 2, H_7a), l.E0 ( lE, d4 4q ta= 14 4 Ez, h4h= 6A rtz H'<br />

1b),2-39 (rH, dd, Jtc.a= 6.2, Jtc r.= L4 Ha H-8), 2.?8 (l H, n, H-i0), 2 21 0 H, dd, i,c<br />

fi- 14.7 E1 hLtu= | A Ez ll- l l!), l6? (l H, |H, J' lA n.= 14 7 tl1 hltu= 12 r [tz-<br />

H-l l b), 5.79 ( l H, dd, 4rc I0" l2.l Hz, JDq r h= 1.4 Hz, H- 12), 6.54 (l H, b'!, H- ! 4), ?.48<br />

(lH,trs,H-|5), ?.59(ln,q H-16),1.66(3H, r, M€-19), 0.98 (39, s, MF20),3.85 (3H, s,<br />

oMc), cru: 4.42 (r -tl 4 4q 2r= 12 rU H-t), J.r8 (rrt\ .t4 Jln.r'c 9-2 tE J2nb= t 2<br />

Hz, H-2), 3.39 O H, ! J.r, r!ft= 9.2 Hz, H4), 3.82 0 H, dd, J6,q 6 p= t L8 Hz' J6.q ,r= 2.3<br />

H2, H{'a), 3.71 (l tl d4 J6B 6!= I 1.8 tla J6r J!= 4.2 Ha H-6'b), 322-1,31 (2H, ovqr,9'<br />

H-l'&d H-5).<br />

"c-M'(cDoD, | o0 MHz) ,: i6.2 (c- l), 200.8 (c-2), 134 .2 lc-3), rss.1 (c4), 43.4<br />

(c,t, 7?.9 (c-6),29.0 (c-?),45.4 (C-8), 16.4 (C,9),40.7 (C-ro),45.5 (C.l l), 70_7 (C-<br />

l2), 126.8 (C-[), 109.5 (C-t4), t44.8 (C-lt, 141.3 (C-16), r76.4 (C-17), 168.r (C-18),<br />

27 -4 lc-tg),27 -9 (c-20), 53.2 (-COO!{e), 105.E (c-t'), ?5.4 (c-2), 77 A lc-1\, 1t.t (c-<br />

4 ), ?7.9 (c-5), 62.3 (C{).<br /> BonPero,ftl. D (15)<br />

Thc puidcltio. of $tsiacdon Bp4 (.100 Dd on dyclins HPLC (L80, 1: I H:O/}ieOH,<br />

5 nUnin) (schcne"3.9, Pas.-108) aforded conpoud 13. It wa also obliio.d Aon<br />

rtn tioB Buc2b.l6 to 20 (419 ns) by uins 6rrling ttrLC (OS-320, 100% McoE)<br />

(S.hm.-3.Lo, P.8.lO9). Thc @mhined l.ld of 13 Es 14.0 x 10{,6 (125 ng, Ta= ,14<br />

mi!). lt rd idoiified 6 a knoh conpound, bod!€loaile D 03).<br />


P€rcenb8. yl.ld: l4,Ox l0'<br />

Strr.: ColorlN elid nln mlblml<br />

IalD'r -45./ (. 0.042, McOrDi {Lir -42.80 (. 0.(x2, M.OID)<br />

IR (KB') y- .n:': 3418 (O-H); | ?08, I ?67 (C-O)<br />

Uv (M.Oro L-. m (lo8 .): 214 0.5a)<br />

HRFAB-MS Gve) ,/zr 697.2708 (CrlLOr -H, c.lcd 697.2713)<br />

FAB-MS Cve) z/z: 697 tM - Hl-<br />

Er-Ms (10 .v) ,t/z (vrtt 771 (t 00), 156 (E2l 142 (?0), 325 (26), 264 0 6), 231 0 8), 205<br />

(64), 185 (20), r 59 (43), 12l (54), 9l (67), 8l (,O).<br />

rH-NMR (CD3OD, 300 MHz) ,: 1.98 (lH, bd, .lr D= 12.4 Hz, Hna), I -94 ( lH, brd, ,I|r<br />

r- 12.4 Ha H-lb),2.€ (lH, d! H-2a) 2.33 (lH, D, H-2b), ?.01 0H, r,J3.-3.6 Hz, H-<br />

3), 5.40 Od, Jd,- 6.0 Ha H-6), 2rt (lH, n, tt-AI 1.96 (lH, ov6hp, H-7b), 1.5? 0H,<br />

M..4,'= 13.4 Hz, H-8), l.3E (lH, m, H-10),2.95 (lH, brd, rrr rb= 5.4 Hz, H-l la),2.22<br />

(lE, d, H.ll'b),5.12 (lH, bd,41I- 8.0 Ha Hl2),6.52 (lH, d, r.. tr= 1.2 Hz, H-14),<br />

7.4r 0H,!4r.'{l- r-7ttz,H-r5),?_590H,bF,H-lO, l.l0(3H,s,Mel9), t.lt (3lls.<br />

M€-20),3.71 (3H, s, OM.),4.19 (lE 4.4'qr!= 7.4 H4 H€lc l ),3.85 (1H, dd, Jd.q dp=<br />

12.3 Ha J6q fu= 1.6 Ha H{'a) ,3.70 0H, dq J6r,6,i= 12.3 H?, Jr! rb= 5.0 Ha H{'b),<br />

4.34 (lH, d, Jl-q f ?.7 Ha Glc l"), 4.I3 ( lHd4 J5.a c!- I 1.6 Hz, Jn4 jt= I.6 Hz, H-<br />

6 a) , l.7l ( I H, d4 J6-r..!- I 1.6 tlz Js! rd' 5.0 I{2, Hi"b), 3.14-3.39 (8H- o!dl.p. H-<br />

2!H-5' ed H-2'-H-5').<br />

"C-NMR (cD3oD, loo Mrk) ,, lz4 (c-t), 25.1 (C,2), 143.7 (Gt), 135.5 (C-4), 10.6<br />

(c,5), 84.5 (C{), l0.l (C-7),47.9 (C-8), 40.4<br />

l2), 127.9 (C-13), 110.3 (C-14), 1.14.3 (c-t5),<br />

(c-9),4?.3 (C-10),48.r (C-ll), 59.6 (C-<br />

141.7 (c-r6), r80.0 (cnD, 168.4 (c-18),<br />


21.6 (C-t9),2t.4 (C-20r,52.1 (CHTCOO-), 100.6 (C'l ), 75.2 (C'2)' 78.0 (C_3), 71.8 (C-<br />

4), ?6-9 (C-5), ?0.5 (C-6), lO5- l (C'l ), ?5.1 (C-2), 78- l (C']' ), 72.1 (C-4)' 78.0 (C_t)'<br />

62.9lC-6\.<br />

12J35 Bonp.tdid€ A (la)<br />

a ftaction Frl2 (3 d ton th. cthyl dlai. .xtr&t w subjeled lo silica 8el €olm!<br />

chremlogaphy by si.g ^hciedhyl eltL 00:30) a tt @bil. phe R.D.ritivc<br />

CC o. sub-to&lion Frl2-M Gilio 8et) wilh 5-15% &elon. in h€Me (Sch.n€J.?, Page<br />

I 06) aford.d s ktuM @nFund, boEp€losid. C O{)<br />

(71? md.<br />

Bonp.tosid. C (l{) @ al$ obtain€d fron lhe sub-ft&rioro; M-3 (170 ng) (s.hde_<br />

3.l. t, Prsrl lo) &d Buc2a (55 md (Sch@'3.1.2, Pascl I I ) of th€ blt nolic €xlret bv<br />

Eing @ycliog HPLC (cs-320. | oov. M€oH. 5 DUnia Tr= 38 mir) (99 ng and 46 m&<br />

r€sp.crively). IF @mbined icld of b@pcrdidc A (la) M 53.8 x l0{% (862 mc).<br />

Percsrl.gc yi.ldr 53,E x l0l<br />

St l.! Colorls gdny did nom nEthml<br />

M.D.t l7l-112'C<br />

IdlD': +5.9P {c 0.086, M€orDi {ur. +2.f (. 0.084 M.oH)}<br />

rR G3, v* m r; 3420 (GHri \766, 1729 \C4)<br />

w (M.OH) 1"-. M (los €): 20E (1.16)<br />

ERrA&Ms Cv€) z'r: 517.2050 (Cr6Hao,, 'H,c.lcd 53?.2050)<br />

FA&MS Gve) ''lz: 537 0t - Bf<br />

EI-MS (70 €v),tr/z (c/o):405 (271,376 Q8),359 \14),247 (13),203 (10), l9l O2), 159<br />

00), t2t (2?),119 08), 105 (22),95 (91),9t (20,8l O00),73<br />

(41).<br />

(5D,69 (14),60 (45),5J<br />


'H-NMR (CDrOD, l0O MH') t: 1.73 (lH, n\ H.l.), t.6l (lH, n, E-lb)' 2.10 (lH, m' H'<br />

2a), r.?o (r H, n, H-2b), 4.01 (r H. bs, H-3), t.o2 ( I H, dd, J4, ? s= tt.a Hz J6il1i= 4 4 H2,<br />

H-6),2.3r (rH, ovdp, n-?a),2.22 (lH, d, H-7b),2.?4 (lH, dtl. hnr"= t2A trz' ./r..1r=<br />

5,6 Hz, H-8), 1.87 (lH, m, H-lO), 1.98 (lH. dd, J|rr, rr= 12.9 Hz JrrA E= t l 5 Ha H_<br />

I lb),2-17 (tH, dd,J'lauF 12.9 Hz, ilq 6- 4-5 Hz rU lt),5.86 (1H, dd J|k,,t= I l 5<br />

Ha 4l4,h= 4.5 Ha Hl2),6.52 0H, d, ft,6' l.o Hz, tl-14),7 50 OrI, ! 4'. '{r= 1.6<br />

rb H-15), 7.52 0H, b6, Hlq, l lo (3H, q Mel9), l.2l (3l! s, Me20)' 430 (lH' d,<br />

ia,!= ?,7 Ha rl-mnqio).3,67 (1H, d4 Jdt5t= tl9 Ha "/6t,Jt= 5 l Hz g6u)' l3l<br />

( I H, dd, J6 a 6,ri= I I 9 Ha J6'q ,!= 2.0 H2, H'6a )<br />

'rc-NMR<br />

(cDpD, l00 rdtz) r: 19.5 (c-l),2E.3 (c-2),80.0 (c-l).816 (c4),473 (c-<br />

5), ?6.6 (C-6), 26.3 (C-?).48.1 (C-8). 36.1 (C-9),48.1 (C'10),45.1 (c.ll), ?2 3 (c'12)'<br />

126.1 (c-13), 109.5 (c-r4), r45.1 (c-lt, t41.5 (c-16), 175-9 (C-14, 180.0 (C'18)' lE 2<br />

(c- | 9), rr.l (c-20), 105-0 (c'1), 15.r (c-2),77.1 (c-3 \? t.4 (C-4), 78.0 (C-5), 62.0 (C_<br />

d).<br />

32,3.4,6 Bonpet'oride F (lt<br />

suFnetion Fs-l (500 ns) frotu sePhld.x LH-20 6lMn (1009'" mre4 ofthe butanolic<br />

exir6ct, sho subjected to dycline HPLC (L-80, lrl HrO/MeOH, 4 nunin), afiotded<br />


Uv (MeoH) ln- M (log €): 212 Q t4),2o2 Q 65J<br />

HRFA&MS tF) '/z: 533.2021 (C,ItsO'r- H, olcd 533 2023)<br />

FAEMS tv.) ,/t: 531 [tt ' H!<br />

Er-Ms (10.v),r'2 Cqt 3'r2 (12), 355 (ll), 321 (8)' 278 (44r' 26r Q8).246<br />

(52), 202 (46), r45 (24), r2r Q2), 94 O00), 8l (6s)<br />

(t6\' 220<br />

rH-NMR (cDroD, 500 l'elz) d: 1.79 (lH, n' H_la).2 09 (lH, n, Hnb).2 37 (lH, m' H_<br />

2.),2.33 (tri, m, H'2b),6 65 (lH, ! J].1= 1.7 Hz n-3),4 81 (IH'btLJ6 i 31HaH4)<br />

6-so {lE,4 4.d= l ? Ha n'D,228 0r! 't H-lo),2-30 0H' d4il', Ih= |46 HaJ''0<br />

rr.= I1.6 rL, H-llb),2 ol 0H, ddilc tr0= 146 Ha "rrrq o.= 3 7 Hz' H-lla)' 5 22 (1H'<br />

atrord @mDoDd 16 (1.4 6& 2.1 x l0r% yi.l4 Tr= 42 bin) (schers l-l' Paeel l0)<br />

Compoud 16 s4 .n.elqized s rtuthoxv'2-{p_Dstwp}rdosvl{l-3)'p-D_<br />

slwopymGyl)-6-fmylrDmporyhi!. (16).<br />

P...6t.i! yi.ld: 2.1 x l0 r<br />

st 16 wlile poqdcr etd nm ndhdl<br />

M. p.: l5t160t<br />

ldlD ''<br />

-98.ao (. 0.066, M.OH)<br />

IR (KB, 's m r:3426 (o'r0; 1660 (c=O)<br />

I'v (M.oH) L! m 0os €): 272 (3 69), 2l I (4 10); lhb m: 244, 193<br />

nRF.SI-MS (+v.) n/z: 620.23 51 (Cr0I!rNOu+H, .tlcd 6202343)<br />

F^EMS (-vc) r/z: 618 IM - Hf<br />

fAFMS (+rc) ,n4: 620 M<br />

+ 14'<br />

Er-Ms (70.\r, /, (o \.295ltyr,28t (r7r,250 (2r), 231 (37 ), 223 (41), 194 0l)' 165<br />

(14), t52 (20), 127 (6), 85 (29), ?r (54),69 (3E),60 (69), 58 (100),57 (66),55 (4t 51<br />

06).<br />

rlt- ..d !c-NM& sa Table3.1.0 (seton-3,1,2.1.l, P.gc-89)<br />

3lj.,L8 ./V-Fodyl[omi!.(rn<br />

our of fina nciios (FFl to Fr-15) toD rbc clhyl aer'r. o(llst bv CC<br />

chmn.to8raphy, fr@iiotr Fr'5 (7 s) wls srbj@td 10 EFaled @lum cbhmarogtPhv oD<br />

silic6 8cl (5-15% EloAc in c6ED (sch.m.-3.?, P!8c-106) Io oblain whjre squ@ shaFd<br />

crysrals of.ompoud l7 (97 ng,6.l x lO{% yicld). Cohpoud 17 M chsmtcri4d s<br />


P.*.nt g.yi€ld:6.I x loa<br />

St t : Trmpardt squft dEp€d .ryials, &cionc.hcxde<br />

Nl, p,t 244-245'c<br />

IclD': -335.3' (. l.o, CHCI3): {Ln. -3460 (d 1.0, CHcl,)}<br />

rR GBr) Dd m-r: 1655 (C{); 1565-1425 (Nmdc n4} 1075, | 040 (Co{)<br />

w (EtOD rn m 0og 6): 3 | I (3.@),274 14.22r,2J5 (4.15)<br />

HR'EI-MS ,r/t: 291.104? (coHsNor cdcd 293.1052)<br />

['I-MS \10 .v) n/z \%r. 291 114r, 248 ll2),235 (100),204 (9), l?8 0t,<br />

l r7(7), E3 (13), t7 (25).<br />

3r3.{.&l (E!v-romyl,rodb.(17-E)<br />

149 (21)'<br />

ra-NMR (cDclr, roo Ml&) a 6.59 (1l{, s, H'3),2.&2.?0 (14 n, E-4J,2.E-2.70 0H.<br />

ir H-4df, 3.07 (r tL dd4 4q Jq= 12.9 g^ J*.a- rl.l tU Jb\rn 3.6 rL, H'5.J, 4-55<br />

( lH. ddd, 4q. r-= 12.9 H2, 4q, e= 4.5 Ht 4q. &{= 1.3 Hz, n-54), 4-58 (tH, dd, J6q t-'<br />

14.5 Hz, J.*, a{= 4.2 Hz, H-6a"J, L l4 ( I H, dd, Jta, *q= 14.5 Hz, Jt* tu= 14 5 Ha H_?J'<br />

2.83 ( I H, .rd, ,q. ,-= r4.5 Hz, Jrq e= 4.2 Hz,H-?,1,1 3'7.2 (tH, n. H'8). ? ].7 2 ( I H,<br />

n, H.9), 7.3-7.2 (rtl b, H-lo),8.09 (lH, dd4 4r. != 7.8 Ha Jn.t= 09 tVh.f, 075<br />

nz, g- | l), 6,09 O tl d, JF= 0.5 Hz, l{Cg:-O), 5.96 OlI, 4 JF= 1.5 Ha 2OCHiO),<br />

8.37 ( | H, !, OC[IO)-<br />

"C-NMR (cDcl',loo l"flt ) 6: 142.9 (c-D, 117.5 (c-h), 124.7 (cnb), 147.1 (c-2),<br />

l0?.4 (CJ), l2?.4 (c-la), 31.0 (c4), 42.1 (C-5),49.4 (c.6a), 13.6 (C-7), 135.1 (C-?.),<br />

128.8 (C-8), l2?.9 (c-9), 127.1 (c-10), 127.1 (C-ll), 130.4 (c'lla), 162.1 (C-12), l0l 0<br />

({rr)<br />


323.4$.2<br />

(zlN-FomyL0on.b. (U-z)<br />

'H-NMR (CDCrr, IOO Mlz) ': 6.55 (l H, 4 *..= O 6 Hz' HJ)' 2.84 (lH. 'L H_4J' 2 69<br />

(lH. (l(td, Jr4&= 15.5 rL, Jaq b- 3 0 H2,./.4,q= 1.9 H2' H4q)' l 17 0H'<br />

ddd' Jtu.<br />

tq- 12-6 H1J^\e= 126 r*}Jia.a= 3,0 Ha H{J, l ?9 OII ddq 44tu= 12 6 }lz'<br />

Jsq. o= 4.5 lla .t:are= 1.9 Hz, H-5a), 5 02 (tH, d4 J6a ?'= | 4.0 rr'z. Je\14= 4 5 rj2"<br />

H-6€J,2.79 0E d4 4-. '*= t4o E1&e= 14 0 n\ H-7)' 3 21 0r! {l.l' 4q r-=<br />

t4.O n2, h4e= 4.s E2;n-7 A,7 25 (lH, d\ H_E), ?.20 (lH, tldd' "b f 1 5 Hz" Je ti= 6 9<br />

Hz, Jr. l= L2 Ha H-9), 7.30 (lH, m, H{O), 8.08 (lH, ddd, i, . n=7.8 rr1 h.i= 0 9 H'z.<br />

'<br />

Jrl,r= 0.7 rL H_l 1), 6:07 (lri, d, JF.= o 6 Ha l-OCHro)' 5 95 0H. d' Jr= 0 6 tlz' 2_<br />

ocH,o), 8.24 (lt , s, OCHo).<br />

'rc-NMR (cDcL, 1oo rrlr) rr l4l.l (c-l), llr.0 (c-la), 1240 (c_lb), 1474 (c'2)'<br />

t01 .8 (C-3), t21.4 (c3^), 29, (C4), 17.? (C-5), 53 1 (C{a), 16.2 (C'7 )' t14 4 lc-1^)'<br />

12s.4 (C-E),128.0 (c-9),I2?.5 (C-10),127.3 (C-ll),110.6 (Gll!) 1620(C-12)' l0l l<br />

GcHr)<br />

3.2.3,4.9 N-roruyld.tyd@!o!.b.(lE)<br />

conpound 18 (1.9 nc; 1.2 x I0'9'. yi.ld) wB obta,ncd a i66p€sr squ@ slBp.d<br />

dyslals fron fr&tion FFs (7 g) by $liq 8cl cdl@ chronatoSmphy (5-l5olo EtOAc in<br />

C6HD) &d chd&lerired 6 lhc ltloM compoud. ,v_fomyl.lehv

E pqibtuol ftta|otd dsPa<br />

Uv (M€oq r- M Cog 6): 156 (3.36), 130 (3.10), 2E8 (3-79), 286 (4 2?)<br />

HRII-MS rre 291-089 (cdtDl.lo! elcd 291.0E95)<br />

Er-Ms Qo e\) "/. (v,\: 29r (loo), 276 (6), 252 (El), 24s O3r,zJs<br />

(25), | 5 r O D, 102 O 8), 88 0 2), 55 (4).<br />

'H-NMR<br />

(CDClr 300 IW'z)<br />

(23),2M (40), 116<br />

', 8.89 ( l H, s, .NCEO), 8.9 ( I H, n! H-l l), 7.54 (lH, m, H_<br />

lo),7.57(lH. n, H-9), ?.77(lH,m, H-8),7.22 (tH, s,tl_7),70a(lH, s,H-3),625 (2H,<br />

s, OCE o), 4.12 (2H, ! JJ,4= 5.9 Hz, H.5). 3.19 (2H. i. J. r- 5 9 Hz It4)-<br />

'3C-NMR (cDcrr, roo MHz) r: 145.5 (c-l), 125.6 (c-ra), 121.2 (c-lb), 143.0 (c-2),<br />

lo9.o (C-3), l25i (c-3o),29.? (c4),38.7 (c.5), 126.6 (c-64). I ll 4 (C-?), ll2 6 (c-?a),<br />

r21 .r (c-8), r27.4 lC-9), r21-3 (C- l0), 125.9 (C-l I ), t33-4 (c- I I a), 160.7 (C_12), l0l 4<br />

{4Hr)<br />

!.2J50 iY-Fooylrone.itdi!.(rt)<br />

Ftudon Fr-7 (4 g) fon dE .thyl a..t t cxrrsr B subjeted to tulhq @ll@<br />

chre@togEphy on sili€ gel (3-10e4 .etoe in C.tld to obldin co@oud r9 (904 me,<br />

56.5 x I0r./. yi€ld) 6 a w e posdd !ftd !@siv. dlum chrcmalosnlhy on siliq<br />

gel. Compould 19 M ch@t€riad s i!. knoM @Fpound, iv-fomylnomkifenne<br />

(scbcne3.7, Pagcro6). if-Fomybomwifairc (213 m& ll.3 x lO*/' yi.ld) ws also<br />

ohaioai from A-6 (a g) ofihe €ihyl ectat €xirdct (SchemF3.7, Pag€n06).<br />

P.rc.nr.!. yield: 69.8 x lol<br />

S.tt : Whir. povda Aom *roG<br />

lalD': 419.4'(. 1.0, ct{ctr); {Lit 4l3.f (. l.q CHCL,<br />

rR Grr) r^ m ': 1660 (c{); l59Gl4O0 (ebliic tug); l t l0, 1040 (c-Gc)<br />


Elryana<br />

W @eorD r-. m (log r): 310 0.m,212 (2.Er),222 (3 \6),2@ lJ tEl<br />

EREI-MS ,,/z: 309. | 361 (CDHDNOT, c€lcd 309,t165)<br />

EI-MS (?o ev) "/, (70: 309 (62), 276 (2r,25r O00), 271 (t 0). 20? (?), 178 0 0) 165<br />

(19),152(6),58 (7).<br />

3r35.0.r {tfN-Fonyhom&ia.rioc(t}r)<br />

'H-NMR (cDcr3,3oo MHz,) d: 6.66 (lH, r, H-3), 2.91-2.?5 (lH, m, H_4!,), 291'2 75<br />

( I H. m, Had, 3.l5 (l H, ddd * a e1- 12.4 Hl Jt-,.n= 10 4 H1 J5s.a1= 4.0 H1H's-),<br />

4.4r (rH, dd4 44 b= f 2.4 H2, J'.-k- 4.4 H\ Jsa]q= 3 6rU H'54),4-49 (lH. dd<br />

J6\tu= r4.o na J&.la= 4.0 tV H{d.,), 3. I I (l H, d4 4& rq- l4-0 Hz, Jt& 6=<br />

Hz, H-7J, 2.90 (1H, dd, ,It.q.<br />

'-= r4.0 Ha Ja,6-= 4.0 rtz H-1d.1 3Gi 23 (tH, n,H'8),<br />

7 .36-7 .23 (rH, m, H4r,7.36-7.23 (lE, b. H- l0), 8-42 (l H, d4 4,. ,o= 8 0 H4 L. e= 0.3<br />

H?- H'l l), 3-65 (lH, !, l4Mc), 3.88 (lH, s, 24Mc), 8.38 04 s, ocso)<br />

rrc-Nie (cDcrr. 100 Mltz) r: 145.8 (c-l), 127.4 (c-la), 129.5 (c-lb), 152.6 (c-2),<br />

lll.8 (C-3), 124.8 (cld),29.6 (c4),36.1 (C.5),53.5 (c{s),37.9 (C-7), l35 s (c_%),<br />

r28.a) (C-8). r21.9 (c-9J, t27-5 (c-10), 128.? (C-ll), 131.6 (c-lla), 161.9 (C-12), 60.0<br />

(l OM.), 56-0 (24M.).<br />

3.235.01 (zlN-Fomtlnommir..i!.(lra<br />

IH-NMR (cDcL,!00 MHz) r: 6.64 (lH, s, H-3),2.9r (lH. ddd, J$,hf r5.2 Hz, J.-.<br />

'"r r2.4 Ez Juo s= 4.4 H1 H4J, 2.?5 (l H. dd4 Jl4 k= 15.2 H1 J.4 ss= 2.8 H1<br />

"rr4 Jq= 1.6 Ha H-4d, l.ao (rH, ddd, J&ri= 12.4 llz, Laba 12,4 Hz Jtqbt= 2 3<br />

Hz, H-5,), 3.?9 (r H, ddd, 4q != 12.4 H1Jja].F 4A LU Jsa(a= 1.6 Hz, H{q), 4.92<br />

(rH, dd, Jtu. r-= rl.6 H2,.,f6. ?q= 4.2 Hz, H{a!), 2.78 (lH, dd, Jtu.tf t3.7 Hz, h-,<br />

6-= l]_6 rrz, H-7J, L l l 0 H, dd, hqu= t!.6 Hz hq a= 4.2 H1\ H-1d,7 _26 \tH, n.<br />

| 4 0<br />


Eaetidtl<br />

TinaPddubry<br />

H-E), ?.23 (rH, ddd,.te.s- 7.8 tL, Je.ti= 6-EH1Jt.n= r.2 HL'j-9). 7.30 (lH, m H'10).<br />

8-,lO (lH. d4 Jr', 8.0 Hz, rL- 1.2 H"- Hnl). 3.65 (3H, 3, rOMe), 1.88 GH, s, 2-<br />

'0=<br />

ocHt. 8.24 (ln, s, ocEo).<br />

"C-NMR (cDcl,. 100 MBz) d: 146.1 (c-l), 127.9 (c-ld), 128.6 (c-lb), 1524 (c_2),<br />

Ill.5 (C-3), 125.3 (C-la), 3l.o (c4), 42-o (C-5), 49.4 (c4a), 34 1 (c'n 136l (C_7a)<br />

128-6 (c-8), l2?.8 (c-9), 127.1 (c-lo), 12E4 (c-ll), l3l-5 (c'l1a), 162 l (c-12), 600<br />

ooMe),<br />

s6.0 (2-oM.)-<br />

3.2.3,5.1 N-D.ndnyll-aonytLbydMom!.lf.rine(20)<br />

conpoud 20 (4.3 o8, 2.6 x lo'Vo yi.ld) ws obi.in.d by fl8h cc of fEciion FF5 (7 g)<br />

eom the elllyl &€iar. ext*t by 6in8 Sllt &.lotu in here, ard chlE ldi2ed a fE<br />

€poncd @b!oud, rr'{e@lhyl-,v-fomyld.ltydbrch@ifqitu (20) (S.hm._3.?, P.8.'<br />

r06).<br />

P.rtdlrg. yicld: 2,6 x lo_5<br />

St t r whir. F*dd frod s.toE<br />

IR(KBr) v* cn r: 1680 (C=O)<br />

UV (MCOH) l$\ m: 367, 348, 3 r7, 252, 205<br />

IIREI-MS ,/r: 30?.1206 (ClrHrrNOr crlcd 307.1208)<br />

Er-Ms O0 cD,/r (%); 307 (100t 292 (34\264 (26),220 (49), l9l 09), 165 (4E), 105<br />

(22),71Q1),5r l1OJ.<br />

'I'-NMR (CDClr,300 lvorz,) d: 7.25 (lH. s, H,3), 3.23 (2H, i,./i. f 5.8llz, H4), 4.15<br />

(2H,4, JrF 5.8 tra H-5),7.r2 OH, q E r,7.78 0tI, ovshp, n-q, 7.58 {2H, h, H-9<br />

dd H-10), 9.59 ( lH, dd, 4 r. o= 8.9 tlz, JlL,= 3.3 s4 Hn l), 8.88 (l H, 5' H- r2), {.01 (lH,<br />

s, 24Me), 1.93 (3H, s, l -OM.).<br />


Itc.Nlm (cDct3, l m mL,) d: t 46.0 (c-r ), l5l.E (G2), I 12.9 (cl), 128.2 (c-la), 30.5<br />

(C-a), 38.5 (C-5), 128.a (C-6s), rr2.r (C-']. rr2.4

].2J5J P.pdilc 02)<br />

F@tioD Fr-8 to Frll ion th. edyl @t!lc Gxlra4l wrc funno plnfi.d bv @lunn<br />

chrcmiocBpht on silica gcl (lGl5% Eolc i! Fc.Hl, to yi.rd .dpoud 13 (2.0 ng'<br />

1.2 x loi% yi.ld) 6 a wlit powdd $lid (ScheF3.7, Pag.l06) Compoud 23 s6<br />

chdcrriad d , rcpoded tymirc a[.loid, p6p@ift.<br />

f.rulhge yi.ld. 2.8 x l0'r<br />

SLt t Vhire povd.r $lid tm chlorefom<br />

IR (KB4 vn d-'r 3620 (o'rDi 1648 (c=o)<br />

rry (MGOH) lj M 0o3 r): 308 (4.11),792 (4.t2\225 (4.t21<br />

HRf,I-MS r/z: 2E3. | 205 (c trH, rNor, calci 283.I208)<br />

Er'MS Q0 ev) tu/. (%r:2a3 Qt, 16,r (70), la7 0 o0), 120 (54), 107 (2?), 9l (38), 65 (24).<br />

'H-NMR (cDcrr, 300 MH,) ,, 2.6s (2H, t, J1,,- 7 .o Hz, H-?r,3.45 l2H,<br />

r, Js.r 7 .0 Hz,<br />

H{), 6.r t (rH, d,,I7. - r55 Ha H-7r, 1.39 lr'I, 4 J.. r- 15.6 rta H-8), 6 67 (2H, 4<br />

J!6./s- 8-6 na H-3', s\,7.27 QH, 4 Jr'6.rf, 8.6 Hz H-2',6\, 6.96 (2H, 4 .,r*, s= 8.6<br />

HaH-2,6),6.67 (2U, d' h,r6= 8.6 rVH-3,5).<br />

"C-NMR (cDct' t00 MItz) dr l27J (c-l), I 16.2 (G2), 130.5 (c-3), | 55.9 (c4) , 130.s<br />

(c-5), 116.2 (c-6),35.8 (C-7),42.5 (C-8), 131.3 (C,l), 116.7 (C-2), 130.? (C-3), 156.92<br />

(c4') , l10.? (c-5), r 16.7 (c-6), r | 8.4 (c-7), 14 r.? (c-8), 169.2 (c{).<br />

3,1.!,5.,1 N-tEFlcruloylttnbbp(23)<br />

Fn rioB F.-8 to Fr-ll fiu tlE.rtyl actr. dttut g@ @mbined srd sbjcd.d to<br />

FF*.n @lle chmnalogrlphy o! silio g.l (lGlsyo EtoAC in ,-C6HD) io oblain<br />

@mpoud 23 (401 os, 25.1 x 10{,6 yield) s ! colorlN 8llmy solid (Sch.m.-1.?, PasF<br />


106). InErpidation of spetd .rd physiol d.r! epporr.d @npound 23 a,V-td_<br />

fcroloyf grrnid slrich B Prcriovly Eponrd frcn Ti@Por4 @ldilolia<br />

P.rc.nr.ge ti.ldr 25.1x lor<br />

strt : Colo.ld Srhny slid ion clrltufod<br />

rR (KBr) v^ ci-r: 32oo (GH); 1655 (c=O)<br />

Uv (MeoF)<br />

^.-<br />

M: 3l?,293,285<br />

IIREI-MS n/r: 313.1309 (Cr*lDNO. calcd 3 | 3. | 314)<br />

EI-MS (?0.V),/z (%)r3rl (13),248 (2), r92 63),177 000),145<br />

(30). 120(43), s5 (8).<br />

f<br />

rf-Ni,lR (cDctti€DoD, 400 !^olz) 6.2.62 QH, \ h.- 6.8 tI\ H-7), l-5E (2H, t, ./r t=<br />

6.8 Ha H-8),5.5 (!hdotcoH),3.89 (31i, s, OM€),6.14 (lH, d,4 s- 156 Ha H'7'),<br />

1.06 (xr,d-Jz\s= 8-3 EzH-2,6),6.77 (2P,,d,J*.2 =E.3tt H'3,5),7 02 (4H, d4J6.<br />

3- E.2H2" J6.,- r.5 H1H4), 6.95 (1H,d.J/.6= l.5 rb H_2), 6 87 (1H, d,./t,i- 8.2 tL.<br />

H-5'), ?.50 (lH, d, Jr, r- 15.6 H?. H-8').<br />

''C-NMR (DMso, r25 r'4rz) ,: 128.3 (c- | ), r l J.l (c-3, c-5), 129.5 (c-2, c-6),34.4 (c.<br />

7), 40.7 (C-8), 119.0 (C-2), 147.8 (C- 3'), 148.3 (C4), 115.7 (C-5). 121.6 (C-6), I10.8<br />

(c-7), 139.0 (c-8), | 65.a (c=O), 55.6 (oMe).<br />

!.2J.5.5 M.thyl-3,4-dibydrc!ybdod.(24)<br />

Fr&rioN Fr-8 ro Fr-l I 8on $. .$yl etst GXln t 94 losd.d d a siliq g.l @lNl<br />

md .luted wilh l0n5% e$yl er.r€ in ,-h.xee to alford fre y€llowish cryslals ot<br />

conpoud 2a (?,2 6e, 4.5 x loivo yietd) (Sch@.-3.?, P.gen06), Conpoud 2,r B<br />

ErystdliEd h chlorefom dd ch.nderiz.d a mcthyl-3,,|-dihydbrybc@aic.<br />


P.|ga.g. tLld: 4.5 x IOr<br />

St.a.r tirc tdlowish<br />

crystals ffob chlNfod<br />

rlRf,LMS r/,: 158.0417 (CsHrO., c.lcd 168.0423)<br />

rAEMs (.v.) ,4: 16? tM'll<br />

Er-Ms O0 .\4 n/z (%): l$ tMl'(2.04).<br />

'E-NttR (cDclr. 300 rvlllz) ,: ?.63 (llt, d4 4 - &3 tlz. J6,= 1.9 Hz, H{), 6.90 0E 4<br />

J5.F 8.1rL, lt-5),7.53 ([r,44F 1.9 Ht, H-2),3.91 €H, s,4otttc),5.20 (lE t,3'<br />

or0, !.5 (l H, s, 4-OH).<br />

''C-NMR (cDcL, 100 lvflld ,r l2l.l (c-t ), I 12.4 (c-2), 1,16.4 (c3), 149.2 (c-4), I 14.0<br />

(c-5), l2a.I (c{), 1682 (H), 55.6 (oM.).<br />

3JJ!.6 cyfri!.&t<br />

re.tion Ft'.l (?00 og) tDh Scphldcx LH-20 collm (q!ld{.lbrnot, 2:l) of lhc<br />

burrnolic dir.cl M ponncd !y Bing Ecrling HPLC (GS-320, 100,6 MCOH,5<br />

nlJnin) to oblai! @mpoDnd 25 (5.3 dg 3.3 x loi% yi.ld, TR- 4l nin) (Sdmc3 E,<br />

Paclo7). Physi.d a.d s!.ctd ddr ill.I(dliott i€d r. ilE cndd.rizrlid of<br />

@Dpoqd a &. boM Elaid., crddi* (rt.<br />

P.ru!r.t!yt ld: 3.3 x l0_J<br />

Strlcr Colodcar 8umy $lid tom Eethalol<br />

lalDn. {29.t'(. | 2,Hro)i \rit- +26.f (. 12, It1o)}<br />

IInr EMS Grc) ,,r4: CeHNtOr-E Z2.0t5E (crlcd 242.0855)<br />


AIMS Cvc) a'zi 242 tM- Hl<br />

EI-MS r'l, (%): lal (4). l3l (l4), I 13 (52), % (9), ?3 (100).<br />

trl+'r,tr. (cD,oD,100 MHz) rr t8l (lH, d4 4q r!= 12.2 Ha 4,".= 2.65 Ha H-5'a)<br />

X.1t (lH, dd, Jtn!;= 12.2 H1 Jtr a- 3.0 Hz, H-5'b), 4 00 Ofl,<br />

dd4 Jajf 3.0 Hz Ja,],i-<br />

2.6rlz. J1.t= 3.O H1H4').4.r4 (ltL d4 Jl11- 1.0 Hz Il f 3.0, H'31, 4 17 0 H, d4 r,.<br />

3- 1.0 Ha Jt, F 3,O \ta H'2), 5 88 (l H, d, J|1 ,- l-0 Ea H-l ), 5 68 (1H' d' Jj,6= 6.0 H4<br />

H,t, 7.98 OH, d, J6 r= 6-0 H2. H.6)-<br />

!c-Ni'lR(cDoD, r00Mrfz)r:62.7 (c-sJ, .3 (c4),1t.3 (c-3),1s.1 \c-2),90.1<br />

(c,l ), 142.7 (c-6), 102.6 (C-5), r 66.r (C4), 152.4 (C-2).<br />

!.231.7 Syti!8ir (26)<br />

Tle puificsion of ft&ti@ Bur5 (300 ms) on ODS colum (RP.l8, sttlFmdhanol, 3:1)<br />

by sing @yding HPLC (L-80, l:l H,oM.OH, 3.5 nUni!) (schc3 9, PagcroE)<br />


ov.rlappins signal, hydrcxyh), 6.10 (lrl d! Jr. r= 15 9 tla Jr, r= 5 5 Hz, H-2)' 6 50 0Il' d'<br />

4. r= 15.9 Hz, H-3) &d 6.74 (2t1, bB, H-2', H.o)<br />

$C-NMR (cDroD, loo Norz) ,r 5?.0a (2 x oMc), 62.6 (c{"), 63 5 (c'l), ? I 3 (c-4)'<br />

15.7 (C-1"),77.8 (C-2"),78.1 (C.5), lo5.l (Cl ), 105.5 {C-2 , G6')' 131.2 (CJ), 135 2<br />

(C-l', c4), 130.0 (c'2) and 154.0 (C-3, c-5).<br /> 5,7-Dlhydrcry-2"(+[tdmryPboyttsL_r_b.Mp.no_4{.c(2?)<br />

FEdon 16 (4 s) fron ta .lbyl @a1. ctt!&r wd $bj@t d to FPclt€d 6lUM<br />

chrcolloslnphy on silie 8.1<br />

(l-lo% @ioe h CdID. conpound 27 (8.3 n8' 5-2 x l0<br />

r% yi€ld) ws thus oblaircd s y€llow necdl. lilc fystils (scheme_3 ?, Paeel06)<br />

conpould 27 {s ch,ruicizd 6 a lmM @mFud, 5'Tiihvdmxv_2-(+<br />

hy.lroxrlhayl)F4l'n-b.@parrn4{8.<br />

P.M!t g. yi.ld: 5.2 x l0_r<br />

srrt.: Yelloe nedl. lite cryslak fton &etoF<br />

HREI-MS n/z: 270.0522 (Cstlror, calcd 2?0.0528)<br />

Er-MS (?O .v) ,'/z (%): 2?O ( l0O),742 lt6), 152lJo), r2r (23r,91 0 5), 69 (28)' 55 (2?)<br />

rH-NMR (CDClr,100 MHz,) d: 6.58 0H, s, H"2),6.'!4 (lH, d,./6- 2.0 tl2' H{),6.1<br />

(l H, d, 4.6= 2.0 Hz, H-8), 7 Er (2H, d, h6.!B= E 1 n2,8 2',H4'),6.9t l2H' d' J!6 *'<br />

8,7 H2, H-3 , H-5)-<br /> Cy.lodeLnol(2E)<br />

fte heMe .xlt&t (60.31 s) M fi".tioEt d inb fint n&tioN (H'l to rl 50) bv €lllm<br />

chrcmarogEpht on norn l phs sili@ g.l, €lutid witn FIEMe along with thc gradidt<br />

of chlorcfom (t-loe/"). Repelitiv€ CC of fr4tions H-33 to H-37 (6% CHCIr in,-C6Hi,<br />


prcduced conpobd 2E (13.6 h8,8.5<br />

cnd.t.dad s crcl@c{rcnot.<br />

Pcr.mt g€ ylcldr 8.5 x lO r<br />

Sr!r.: Y.lloq o..dlc lik<br />

HREI-MS n/z CroH$O,<br />

426.3863 lcat 4 a263862).<br />

(Schcnc3.1-1, Page-lll),<br />

EI-MS (?0 .v) ,/z (%): 426 [Mf e2), 408 (4), ]93 (60), 381 (9), 124 0 0), 309 ( l5), 300<br />

(21),285 \14r,213 (9\,256

Ea'hdd<br />

T'BPq'ottPt<br />

6,4 yi€ld) s a etit€ pordd (s.h.F3.?, Prscl06) co6pdis ofsleual and prvsi'al<br />

dlb irdic!&d the conpou'd ro b€ l-@r-Dsl@ptrtusvlr{ilo€tcrcl (29)

CFIAPTER. 4<br />


4.0<br />

4.1<br />

Biologt.cl Alsay!<br />

lmmrDoDodol.aorf &3.y<br />

4.1.1 Inaroduction<br />

Chrpt€r4<br />

IM@ is drc body's defd. sysrd .gliost th€ tuf-tios or8ntris li Pmte.ts lh.<br />

orgdis fiom diFs6 by killing pathosd6 dd tmou cclh Now $e nodulaion of<br />

imw fDmrio6 dd rh€ tE6.!t of rh. di!.4 Elrlat io tmw sysrd @ rcry<br />

@mon by uine lh. n dicilrl ptots. t ha bc@ E68!l2.d that imwhoduLation is<br />

d.lt mtiE ro @nvdti@d ch.mihenly for a vdiety of dise3s For €xmpL djw,<br />

srch 6 phag@yrosis, Espirilory to6r ad orge uasplmLlrion 6 lBt *ith thc help of<br />

inmunotuodulatoioo. In c& of iFpd&d iMue sysen, th. @tiv€ oxygd sFci€s e<br />

scMtal, Btich l.ad kr FDnddve du"ge to olha tiss6.<br />

h h well uddtood rhat rhe mNt oI nodf, drug th@py mby l€ad to a nub{ of sid.<br />

cffeli iD Fniclj.r im@sopcsion lDd c'loldicity. Th.G @ etuin dngs qhjch<br />

c.e we*rry eti€iion of i@ue syslen &d tlui @y 6ue hyp€li4iti!.<br />

Bpo& or ltr. im@ syst m tfttli.b, A. A., .r al, 19871. TlFt fore,<br />

inDuonodDlsling lgdts @ 8i6<br />

sysr.D in baldce [Stiles D. ?., ,r ar, 1982].<br />

to prd.nts witb siiiv. imuc s'scn ro kep llF<br />

U,mpora plan|s e mong lh. nosr r€lubl. hdbs in ryd.da<br />


2002; Yotodq 'r., .t al, 2OOlt Csvin, A" .r al, 19981 dd imuohodulalo'v<br />

lMdjcke, P. N,. , ar, 2OO0; Malhd, S. and G. Kuttat, G, I99i Chinlal*&' O '.' ar'<br />

199; N.ia P. K. P., .t al, 20O4l &tivitict w. lh@roF d.cid.d ro *tlud'<br />

imuonodutlbry &tjvrty on djor @nstinmts ilolatqd fbn litotP,ta c.it d<br />

Thjr dgy w 6i.d oot by D.. M, Anncd Mdit .1 th. It Pejsru cdtd for<br />

Mot6dr Mcdicirc ad DNg R.grch (PCMD), Intc@tiodl cdt . for ch.mi..l .td<br />

Biolosrcd Sci@ 0qcBS), Univdity of K|dhi<br />

4.1: R.'ult! .nd Di!.u!.ior<br />

Cohpo@d! lcll, 13-1,1, l7 ad 19, i$Lr.d frc6 ltt$pota./6Pu, \@ l6tcd for<br />

iml|lModuhtory.ctivity by Nirs lmi!d-b6!.d chdiluiDAd@ 'sv [H.lfd4 s<br />

L., ., dl,, l9E2l. Hoqlg lh. !sl!t slow s lo* d iNi8Difi..tl ..tivitv ow a widc rgc<br />

or @n6nitio6 ( l-l oo F8/nL) in th. {nob blood (f.blc4 l, Fi8. 4 l .d 42)<br />

4.r3 Methodologt<br />

Th. im@nodultiory !.livity of dE cohpouds *$ 4dut d in 96wll flll_bottoDcd<br />

ni@pfar6 by si4 tbc st n&rd c.lEhiluiBs..@ !$y [H.lfdd, S L , 4 at-, t9a2)<br />

To r€sl th. cft.l of lh. cmpoud o! tlE phlg@trsis (O,{daliv. t{tn), lhe lmiml<br />

deFnd&tddilmnle$a. s$say B dplot!4 s deribcd by H.rud et al.6'<br />

Bdclty, rcutophil! (l x 107), spad.d in HlDlt bld@ !.ll elution eit! cdciu.nd<br />

hasEsim (tlBss*), wE iMblr.d wilh 50 tL of @hpounds @ngt.lioa (l l0O<br />

!s/DL) for l0 nimt6. To.!.h wll,50 ltl (20 nSrrl) 4mos<br />

(Sigtu chdical Co<br />

UsA), folloqld by 50 pL (7 x lO5 M) luinol (G-93E2 sigtu Chcnictl Co.) wo.dd.d,<br />

ed nFn HBss* @ a

T.blc:Ll: IrMulonodulatory ativiti4 of@mPounds l0'U' l3-la, lE dd 20-<br />

tce si.h vhol. bl6d $8/mL)<br />

lEDuoroddltort ..dvity thn thol. bkDd {Co!c P8/dL)<br />

E0<br />

P6<br />

iE .<br />

:<br />

E<br />

!o<br />

atoo ato 0'l<br />

Fi& 4.1: Efl€ct of@mpounds l0-l l6d l3l.l on oid.tiv. b6t im $tDle blood

I oourobodubrorr rctivir' dilb rhol. blood (Cooc. re/DL)<br />

fig. 42: Eff€ct of conpounds I ? dd 19 on oxidalive bs1 fbm whole blood<br />

4.2 Cytoto{c Asssy<br />

4.2.1 hlroducfor<br />

Cybroxicity is lh. a! ny of . suh6lde agaidr difi@l t}?€s oi ell hu!ftI !o living<br />

organjsm. The drue dev€lopn nl is verv €xp€dive &d im€ consMi'g p@ess ll is<br />

idponmt lo lesl dy suple fot its cvlotoxicig befot€ flv ifihcr screengs R€s.Nhes<br />

l@k lor ctloloxic @mpou& .ither lo ldll u@r.d dca *lls or to know unwled<br />

crrobxic etlel b.foF furrha ntdi6 in dsg dierdv ed this hclp to cho@ lhc optmal<br />

L nodem malicine" @q is curd by Eilg clloroic dtues A nmba of clctod'ne<br />

tlp€ fu4oditeqcnoids blre ben eporlld to Fss.s<br />

pol.nt etivirv agaiNl hut@ oBl<br />

epideftoid, medulla od @lon @et cell li.6 lst€visrv, C. €t a/ ' 2005i Shen, Y C tl<br />

ol.,2OO4i Shen, Y. C..,r 41,2OO5l A nwber of eGcscer aporphihe fld ivrmine lvt's

of oryourde nd wioE nw?o.a sPcics hd. .ltldv ben Eloned h fte lnolft<br />

tMiI, Y. D., .r al., 2006l. Ihlnjg thc pl!91sn|dv Dljor @pounds w rd'd as'inst<br />

borh rhe mml anrl ca|g @[ lis. TItu ssy m Frfomed<br />

san r a1 rhe PCMD, ICCBS, Uni@ity of K'fuhi<br />

4.1.2 Re€ulb ad Disculsior<br />

t'v M3 Smim AMul<br />

Conpomds 10-11, 13-14, l?, 19 &d 23 werc tescd fot cttotoxic aclilitv Gable4 2) Tn€<br />

IC$aeainilthc nomal now cmbryo c fiboblst (3T3) @ll lin€ rc>100 F8/mL' shile<br />

lhe ICs against caMr @ll lie3 (Pc']) ws >85 * 0.20, >72 23 + l '10, >95 14 + 010<br />

pe/nl- for @Fpod.b 10, 6d l3, Esperivclv lac ICt vdu6 'g!i'sl hu@ prest'te<br />

callq (Pc-3) e[ lind fd odPounds ra, 17, l9 $d 23 B@ t00 !r/bl, Oable-4 2)'<br />

Tlw 6rnts & in !Md@ ro lh. EpdLd clrotoxic *tivilv of ctud' dichlooE rhoe<br />

e\ttt of Ttaospo.a tpeies, shcE . ninimd cfr6t @ ob$dEd '!rr'tno lbe<br />

ompound! *w fou/ lo bc tun-lonc b b.lh mtml oT3) a wu a pres[are @@r<br />

(Pc'3) @U lir*.<br />

4.23 Methodolog/<br />

Cytoloxicig or 6mpou& m cv.lulcd in %-*ll flat-bononed micb'Plat6 bv Ning<br />

1he srald.rd MTT (3.14j{inclhylthi.bt62_vll-2,5'diph€nvl_reu@lim brnide)<br />

cotoineb,c a*y [MosM, T., l9E3]. ro. this purpos., 3T3 @lls (Mo@ FibrebldB)<br />

d wcll s Pc-3 clls (Ptusrate C.Mr) qqc cultured in Ddbe@\ Modifi.d Easlet<br />

Mediu, supplm€ edwiih5%of f@t l bovin erM (FBS), 100 ru/ml of Frcilin ed<br />

loo pslnr of slreplonycin in 25 .d flst, atd k pl in 57o Co? imbdlor ar 3?'c<br />

Expo@rialy grcwjng elts \|ft h.fun d, coutcd wilh hM@,loDerer ed diluled<br />

wi6 a parliculu medim. CcU .ultuF *nh ihc @Mrntion of 3 x lO' etlJnl- ws<br />

pEpar.d o

q@ us€d s d.ndards for II3 rd !C'l @ll lir*s' Epelivdv Aid ovmight<br />

incubqlron, ft. mediM w4 Movcd ed 200 pL of ftesn n'diu wiih difid'nl<br />

d6tdi@ of c@pou& (l-100 P$ And 72 h 50 PL MTT (2 Dg/nL) E add€d<br />

10 @h wU dd incubaled flnhd for 4 bs subseqMdv' 100 |l! ofDMSO w6 addcrt lo<br />

@h udl. Th. qt of MTT Ed@lid to f@'a tibjn c'U! ws cdcutat'd bv<br />

lll€€silg th. ah6ornanc..r t4O n4 bv uing I BicrepL e ELISA rcadq (Speln Md<br />

olus. Moldld Ddi@s, CA, USA). TlE claotoxicrty w E@lded 6 @ncs ration<br />

csins 5094 sto*'lh inhibilim 0c!) for bot[ 3T3 and rc-3 @[s (T$lc-4 2)'<br />

T.bldl: Ctloloxi.ily ofomPoods 1G11, lll4 l?' 19 6nd 23-<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

T-- l l'<br />

l---l<br />

'st dnd ddi.rioo* !Sr.!&td dtur'<br />

rcs(|M)+(s.o.)' ]<br />

12.2t 1t.40<br />

lfi)<br />

i 't i I roo<br />

f =- 1 'roo<br />

re i >roo llSq<br />

-f<br />


4.3 References<br />

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CHAPTER 5<br />

O-ia.*.t4.tt'-'. .tqDL<br />

= =---: i i=<br />

= =<br />


Chrpt r 5<br />

Applic.tion of NucLophilic clt lysl, to the Asymmetric Generltiotr oI<br />

Qusternary Ster€ogeric C€rt€ru: Towsr& th€ Form{l Tot l SvDthsis of<br />

C)-Physos.istniDe (9e).<br />

5.1 Cat lysis<br />

5.r.1 IrtroductioD<br />

IlE g*61i6 of dkarbon quaiffy sicr.ogcnic qi.ts prcets t chdlogp for<br />

srdnclic Edlb6is dE to slctic Epulsion bc$a th. c!6o. subdlrM|s Wl€n rb.<br />

fou sbslitEnts difer, lhc gd@tion of qud.Mry std@@G6 beolm a sincular<br />

chalLng. for asymclnc ayltlEg lctubloffd, ,. & Mlti|, A", 2001; CoEv, E J &<br />

G@m+@aA.,1981.<br />

'ItE derlopEd of dlb,llc n€:tltd! for 6ym.Eic sltth6b is oft or tbe fomsr<br />

activiti6 in org@talysi. Pio@i.g w* in Ub fi.ld sG Micd our b, K!owl6,<br />

Noyori dd Sba+t.s, .sFcially in rh. dcvclopD.nt of €ial)'tic dyormlric<br />

hyd&gdation &d on&dor Howv.r, @l.tylic 8'M.lric berhods for lhe gd€r.1ion of<br />

c4C bondr sttl rced 10 be lrudi.d atrd d€!.loFd .xh$v.ly to &hicve the etredive<br />

syntn€sis of biologically &dv. orlrnic conpoudr [.t&oben,<br />

E. N,. el a/., | 99].<br />

Duing ll1e pEsd shdy, thc chinl cob.lt .a1.lFt wa 3ynihesizd d14 .pPlied in O/C@y<br />

Fddg.m€nl b genenle the rcquir€d .ll-cdbon qutem.ry sleHgenic etler. A key<br />

inlem.diat€ for the syndtesis of biologicrlly etiv. pyrcloi oline class of natural<br />

produc8 wa also synthai@d sladvcly in 99lo .e,

5-l.2 Nucl€ophilicCrtrlFi!<br />

Nu.lophilic €lallds fwiion by d@ling ,! cl@1rcn pair lo<br />

nEl6philic @rrlys$ tlo not .b.tt .t a potoa ilon 0F $bstat<br />

20061.<br />

'I!e n@l@phjlic mtlr€ of pttidiE in eddlitrg &yl.don @ijoN m dis@v€Fd in<br />

l8d cnruy lvdLy, A. ed Bnbing, F. l90l]. Gold &d @-worke6 in 1953 dis@ve€d<br />

that plridine cm cataly* $e hydslysb of a.eic lrly.ltidc 30,000 tin6 Iaslcr thd<br />

{€ta1e dion, .vd though tyiidirc and @r.l'' hivc aimilq pKd vdws [Bafn4 S L dd<br />

Gol( V. 19531. In .dditiotl il ws disrcdd thlt lh. hot bai. 2_pi6lire dd 2,G<br />

lutidi* e bolh cal,blietly id.dvc.'Irr* obw.lios Ld to lhc dcdldion of tb€<br />

Nl@philic .at@ of ptridi!. b.scd crt ly{* I! llc *yl.tion r.slioD a nulophic<br />

carlbsi 6sr displG e @|rL elo {.tic .th}drid. io fom lh. e.tylp}ridini@<br />

db& (92), folow€d by hydelrsis of Ob inadcdirr. !o fom edic &id and<br />

EsclMdon oflh! pFdir. 6r.ly3t (SchdF5. D.<br />

tl<br />

g<br />

l"?-""^-<br />

92<br />

sct.ne5.r: Msheis ofhydolrsi! ol@tic dhy&idc c.t lyad by pyridire.<br />

5<br />

t .5 equvi EtrN<br />

-\<br />

Hro<br />

c dy.t pyridiF >5%<br />

DMAP(4EDI7' 86%<br />


MuuSe in 2o0l md steSlich in 1969 Eponcd the ability of DMAP 10 cataltz difil.ult<br />

ryladoB IMmgBn, R., gl a/., 2003 and Scglich, w, et al, 1969l nildqEd t niarv<br />

al@hoh ruh 6 I'o.th/cyclohtul G mt acylared wilh @tic ohy&id. in th.<br />

p6cne of stoichion Eic pliidift. h @trst, iq[Iar of n thylcyclohml *ith jlst<br />

4 mol./o of DMAP dd I .quv.lol of bic0ryldie 6died in 86% acyation 6ia 16 h<br />

(.qudioa l). The dialkyl@irc greup of DMAP is thN EsFlsible for the cddcld<br />

drltric *livrty of DM-{P ovd pyndift [Ho0c, G., ., al., 1978], 'Itji m@ potdtial<br />

of DMAP ircr€66 tle nu.Lophilicity of the plridire nicogen ed lhe.efoE fi. mle of k,<br />

rd ddirioD th. lgll,e stalilia th. ilam.dia& ior p.n 93, Thc m@ siabl€ ion pan<br />

93 is 16r @dw thm intcmedia& 92, s lhc in.Ile in lhc aladve de of DMAP ovcr<br />

pyridin h dE to the inc|le in cotucntratiotr of the inicm€diate t3 (-5-10/.) d<br />

@bFr.d b the reelisiblc @!'@tBlio. of<br />

't<br />

in m'tdd elvdrs. Irie w[ for n@<br />

@rirc pFdi6 ba dcded only a f.* $ructu6 *ith higlar cairltlic &tivily 'I'd<br />

DMAP. These pFidines contain 4dim substii@tr with idcl!*d cs@a@ donadon<br />

into d. plridiE dns (Schd.'5.2). It is kms tht @nfomariomlly rcsticted plridircs I<br />

dd ll (S.hd.'5.3) uc doE rdiv. rhe lhc DMAP, baae ila dino tubst rql<br />

holds $eh in a @nfomtion which is flvou.ble for EsMa sth the prridinc dng<br />

(TablF5.l, oEi€s 2 and 3) lHeidich, M. R., ,? al., 200]1.<br />

o--'"'"-*l*"f.."'. *f<br />

sct.b..s,2: Hydrelysis of e.llc dtldnd. crulyzed bJ dimehr luimDridine.<br />

,3<br />


0<br />

&rN<br />

ScD.DoSJr Acyl&otr @tion by dif.r.nt +djmpyridine cloltd dendives.<br />

Th. mrw of &rl donor aie afiers dF r!r. of DMA}{,lalfrrd &yLlion @doN<br />

[Hofle, C., €r aa, l9?8]. Acayl chloddc dd DMAP qMrirarivcly fom d ion paii,<br />

ealogos to 92 in nonpolq $lvab, wheM @tic ditydrid€ dd DMAP only rom 5-<br />

loelo of the ion pair 92, Ho\lffi, tbi5 ift'le i! odqrlation dcs ml l@d to a<br />

@nBponding ilrcl!4 i! t!. raL of !cyhri6, Depir. rn€ |dac dircH6 in thc<br />

colenrtnrior of th. Fn t, ihc DMAP oralyEd @yladon of cthynylcy.lolq@l<br />

'on<br />

wilh AcrO is th@-fold fslq tne with AcCl, ft. incrcNed Eactivily with Ac,o is due lo<br />

th. dion of lhe ion pd! duing the d.nd.mining &.omp$ition st€p lo fom lh.<br />

&ylarcd podet (Fie. 5.1).<br />

T.blcs.l: Rcladvc dles of@ylalion *iii +minoplddim dalysl ddivatiy6.<br />

DMAP I<br />

2 2<br />

l Il<br />

Fig. 5.1: An inEmai.re in DM^t{ulr&d eylarion tudoN.<br />


5.13 Cbirrl Nucleophilic Acyl Trrfffcr Cat bs.!<br />

'nE hi8hly c@li@ldtive &yl E6fd @lios M initiallv studi.d bv Vcd.js ed<br />

chq wcd.js, E. ed Cne4 x., 19961- .4 nubd of chiml DMAP ddivtrivcs q@<br />

synrhesi*d ud wd in the dtlm€hic &yladon dujng lare 1900's ln 1998 Fu ddcrib€d<br />

&e fi61 emtioelectile v&idt of fte O/C.csrboxyl G]lfugmenl *ilh @la.toncs bv<br />

EinS ple& chnal DMAP c{.lyst 96 lRubl., J. C. ald Fu, C- C , 19981<br />

Bwy| ml cutD!i16 9,1@a.lo C€boxyhr.d a?,ltcron 95 in high vicus ed<br />

good sl.cdvity fsl.gtich, v.; Hoae, G., 19691 (Sch.@5.4|<br />

I<br />

95<br />

93-95Vo<br />

EE-92Y.a<br />

scLbF5,4: Resndgemdt ofazl&tode.d.ivcd mlcdbomrA vifi chiral caLlvst %<br />

Reentt, Ri.h.ds goup [Nsuye4 H. V,, .r cl., 2006] also sodi.d O/C{dboxvl<br />

tlafug@nt with 6z.l&toB bt 6inB mFpl.M .liral DMAP stdyn 105 (Sch€b€-<br />

5.5). In l9E?, Bla.k €pon d dc crldEion of t}is lyF of O/C altoryoltotrvl<br />

@s.n nr '@tion !o b€@fumoft r,.cns [Blek,<br />

96<br />

T. H., er al., l9E7], sinild lo $e<br />

adteton€ scri.s. Ir w repoaed 1hat th€ ir&tndt of the o-€boxylai.d b4@fudone<br />

(97) with DMAP (-lo hol "/t caed a 'aPid @n6ion (2 min) 10 th. c{dboxvlaled<br />

b€mnmon 9E.t m6 rdFr.rw (S!h.m-5.6).<br />

DuiDs tbc pr*nl study, 3,,kj$bnn(.d chidl DMAP st lyst lO5 (Fig. 5.2) wG<br />

stntheeied cMtios.letiv.ly i! 4 st p3 &m h.x!e2,5d@e (106). rhc c6Llyn 105

B applied |o de gcrcrdrio. of dlqtd q@t tuty<br />

9{<br />

107<br />

x=.'-€<br />

*..P*<br />

l0s<br />

F+ sl: Chi6l DMAP c'r,lyd llxt.<br />

ai'-**<br />

F/-@<br />

--p*<br />

/5rdtutic $4th.tit<br />

3r.6gdic ent r rr c-l of<br />

T-\<br />

t0l ri1<br />

Sctd655: Sldich tamgc|qt of 4&yl.Ld @la.roB wilh clolyst r05-<br />

n<br />

R = Mc, Er, Bn, Ph<br />

DCM, I min<br />

8G%<br />

S.bd65.6: Nucl@phile cat lyzd O/C.&yt edmg€mdt wifi DMAP caratyst,<br />


'nr€ chihl vc$ion of DMAP catalysl, synlh.liz.d by Fuji &d cowo*fis [Fuji, K., sr 4l<br />

19971, wa modified by Spiv.y, wh.r. tughthyl Srup wa idrodu.d a..hiral<br />

auilis.y [Spi!c, A. C., d/ rt, 20001. fticlt 3Mi!d ,rv41p]tidinvl{_!t dtvl prolin. cl6s<br />

of chi6i.alary61! for srl|Ntric Orlc-eylrc{r48.66t [Prid! G.,.t at. 2I03l.<br />

'nErc @ sitr.l rcpotu dffiibns @C-i.yl tlirug.dt nt in ildoliHkeldon dd<br />

&alo8oN b.@flmonc d4v.rirc! 1o gcndt C-l t.gt'rmtric @nr!r [Hills, I D arld<br />

Fq C. C. 2O0l; Shlq S, A., .t .1,, 2003; SIue, S. A., .r 4I , 2006; As*.vi, K , €, 4/<br />

2oo8; Aslinoi, A., €r zr., | 981. Duing 199&2007, moE thd t00 publi.atioc dd o@v<br />

ni€s in syt|Wtic &yt lrdsfd @tiod h.vc bei Publishcd lComon,<br />

wuraRPC.2004.<br />

S. J 2006;<br />

ln this onrcrr tt. ptlgt nudy B 6icd out io filxl DoE &livc ad hiCv eLcliv.<br />

@b.I et l'sB. OplitM @nditioc for good Bdls by wi3tio. i! !ub6:taL sEudrc,<br />

elEt &d anFihc re rle 3ndicd.<br />

5.1.4 Qurhrmry Stclrogcric C..ten iD Asymn€aric Sytrlhetk<br />

Moy .lt loidr @ sin r qurffiy C-3 in indolc or oxindol. skclcloq a c{@plilicd by<br />

(-IpeudophrrDdiml, (-! nuslrdie B, (-lphystistue (99), (-lphcMirc (100)<br />

tHMs, A., ., or., 20041, C!*@rhob (r0r), C)FhoBifilim (102) po3r&s, ,{., et ar'<br />

l99ll, m.l.srsheift (10!) tc!n4 M. R &d RMivo, P., l995l,.d di@ide a<br />

(r00 [Li, J., ., 41, 20011 (Fis. 5.3). Th. inLFsdng suuctunl mtifs ald psnhiry<br />

biologic.l &tiviti6 of th* .lt loi& b.v. motiv.r.d $iddn! to &v.loF syEnctic<br />

Dqt6 to such qlrtcmliyebon bo.ins oxir.lol* srd idol6. Only f.v neidqi'lys.d<br />

q{rh.es h.vc be.n Eponed for th. 3,3{bubstitutd oxin.lolca i! litcntuF [Pou!$4 r<br />

8., ,/ ,/., 2007; Ashino , A., ,r ,/., 1998; Do@y, A. 8,, .r al, 2003i Le, s. dd<br />

Hdwig, J. r., 2001; Trcsi, B. M. ed Fcddikso, M. U., 2005i Tbsl, B. M. &d Zhms,<br />

Y., 2006; TD6q B. M., ., al., 2007; TMt, B. M. dd zho8, Y.. 2007; Co*cy, B. K. od<br />


Tostc, F. D., 20071. ftc chi6l trwl@philc{a|.lyed ttllfugm.nis in O_eryl oxindolc-<br />

d.rived cnolales to C-@iyl oxindolca N odidcrd ro b. a Powitul rcule to thc<br />

sl@Flerivc syoihcais of (h* quL@!y c&hoo @loinins slkiloids (.qution 2).<br />

*ff,,1*<br />

R - CONHM., Clphy$dismir. {99)<br />

R = CONH?I C>ph.enn. (lq,)<br />

R - Mc, Clem.thol. (r0r)<br />

Fi& 5J: Nllud drdoids coni.iniDg e .llsbon qud.m.ry sl.@86'c 6t r.<br />

"4.4.-"<br />

Th. tl.rusd.nte ir oxitrdol.ndiEd @l {boE14 d. tuch slow a @npar.d to<br />

th. @Gpoodio! aal&ton.- dd bdafqtu*ndivcd.nol crboal6. ftb diff@n@<br />

@ be expbiEd by th. difr@nc. h thc silbiliry of0E cortspondinS ion pai6 duins $.<br />

Ea@8.o.nl3 [BordB.U,<br />

F. G,; Fri.d, H. E,l99l!,<br />

:l<br />

a."#"** (2)

Tl@tuE, ii E NuD.d thal a gcrad 6Pid syntBis off* 3j{isubstituttd otjldold<br />

by Nins a redity av.ilau. chinl nuloPhilic drlyst rcmiD.d ! prcbld to b. elk4<br />

.rd e appopriarc $b6far., o&lysl !d @c1ion @ndiiod n €d to bc i

inknediatc 6on rl? ed b€izyl chtorefoml€, fte $bslitulcd ptoduct U8. vA<br />

p'ods€d by ihe €linietion ofCO, and HCI (cqution 3)<br />

@<br />

aH 9lr.<br />

..--,,.< ". ,-,,-_<<br />

,0, 6" ro! o,t fr:i'-<br />

d<br />

I^<br />

@''<br />

m-Ea'<br />

".J-<br />

Ar".<br />

l"<br />

er'.-l-n<br />

Sc[.nc5.?: Sleps ir sy.ih6is of chiFl nElophilic etalysr 105.<br />

Raclior ondltion.: (a) Ba!.rt y.as! sG|@,Hro, rtj (b) E!N/DCM, Mscl, HCl, -20<br />

'c; (c) NBSMCCN, NaOH(q, G (d) DCM/EIOH, (M€CqrHg, LiCl. 4 (€) I"DCM,<br />

Nars?so.; (0 NaH/THF; (s) ,-BuLi/THF, znCL DIBAL. ?dch(PPlbr, -78'c.<br />


11! R- h.ix, (-R-qqjrcct$r<br />

!1&R'p qcrB.$x lirdRr3i3*.<br />

S.h.Des.E: coNdion oflv'nelijyl-4-hethoxyemliF (l ls) inro c-&ylated oxindols<br />

Addirion of5 Eol% ofcaralysr 105 to IlE in lolud.r'dichlosnerhaN (lh.l.tter slvot<br />

E r.qritld lo elub ize lhc sbs6.lc) 6dr.d itr a cld lt!fugetrmt io I19. in 4E%<br />

e (T!blc-5.2, mFy 1). R.pedtion of rt t*riotr .r 0 "C tieldcd no Fodel {dt , 2),<br />

whil. tlE e of diblmbetttu .loE Bultqd .n * of 48% (dtry l). 'nF c wa<br />

incr€ed to 57% in THF eirh s sigrif!.drly longd Eaction tine ed lo@ yield (enry<br />

4) nte rcpleed€ of rhe phoyl wboBl! ll& wirh dE Anilrophoyl Md benzyl<br />

@ng6ers, llSc and U8d, led to tu €@rioslectivity (€nties 9 ed l0), lo conirsl i1|<br />

lrichlob-rer/-butyl a&loe@ rrSb yicl&d ! 50% .c in blwre (wirh 10 molvo rftt, enlry<br />

t, hul nEh loM .@liosl@tivitis wE oh.incd il nqaDddichl@m€th4 or THF<br />

(cntriG 6 dd 8). fte polar $lv.d r-oyl al@hol I found to b. wilabb fo. th.<br />

@rion (.ntr 7). By ui's lilhjM hydend. bcdill.d l!/dmlFis of cMdlruicM<br />

.std 1l9r ed rt9b, dc csulring &ids 120 lNfr found to @trtain th. sfu mjor<br />

.natioDq by chirrl iIPLC tuElysis. Th. alsolute confisution 13 tenrariv€ly Ni8red<br />

lo b. S in compdrien to de mjor c@riom Gulting frcn tbe Eamg€mdt ol O-<br />

I<br />


!4yfat d ,zal&to6 Pith calalylt 105 lNsuyd, H. v , ., 41, J or8. L.tt 2@61. Otbd<br />

dab{rr $to u*

Recr)6t llialio! of r19. (4E% ec) non IFxedl'P'oH vicldcd eqnio 119. ed !<br />

tulhcr liqsr @Eisring dmst crclBivcly of llF @jor cMtiohd (Sch.F5.l 0)<br />

The N of prcfcMtial crysLlistiod io sprr.t ilF .na iffi &ob ! @nic<br />

@dpourd (s @pos.d lo I @hi. hixr@ thrr fom. @n8lm.d.) ha ffidv b*n<br />

dcEosdal4 &d qui6 lh! w of & clrttiMich.d mixtur. of .Mlim.6 [LoEna<br />

H., ., al., 2006; Polastw. D. 20071. Alo$lgh th. ..ttriioeleiiviv of th. O/c_&vl<br />

tElfuga@r is EtaliEly ood.d, t!i! ctyn llislid P@.dut Prolid.s . higNv<br />


53.1<br />

53.1.1<br />

Erpcrimerril<br />

Gcneral Erp.f ncn.rl Proc.durc<br />

Pnor ro dE N of orerdic slrcds lh.y 96 &icd bv drshl.tion i! lb. ptE*@ of<br />

vdiou dryinc asmts THF w dri.d oq sodiM wia in the p!!ge of b@4Ph€nonc<br />

CaHr 6 !s.d lo dry dict orem.thsc (DCM) aid DMF, while rolMe ed EtrN w.E<br />

disriU€d ov€r nolter sodid- All oitEi slv.n$ ed chmicals wre ued a @eived fbn<br />

rhe suppli€b (Si8!ia ALtrich) wi$out funlM puilicadon. The com@iallv available<br />

(sisno Aldrich) sllniotr ofbutyllilhih (2.5 M h h.Me) dd DIBAL (1.0 M in h€xme)<br />

*s !s€d. Analrtical Crad. elvdt! v@ u$d for th! puifietiotr of 0E ctrion nixtw<br />

by Bing sili@ gel @llm clmn.rognphy, HPLC grade $lvdts wE u..d for tlE<br />

aElysis ot @tiom.ric sc* by chiEl HPLC. All E!.tios wa Fdoncd uda<br />

arnosph@ of tri[rgs or agoo io ovd{rid gl8s9@.<br />

5J.1.11 Cbrun ognpny<br />

Thin hrq chrcmaloellphy (Ur) E c{i.d olt {ith Ki*lsd 60 F254 (Mcrct)<br />

alminiM shers and @ alElyztd und.r UV hnp 254465 m. A solution ofvuilli. (9<br />

g vdilli4 150 bL EtoH, 5 mL H,sOi ed 40 mL Hro) s us€d 10 stain TLC lal€s.<br />

collm ctuo@rosmphy w6 perfoB.d on silica 8el 60 (40-60 and 230400 Fn n4h<br />

AS IM) cbinl HPLC m Frfomcd on . ChiEl@l OD colum.<br />

5j.l.l3 SD..rMpi.Tabiiqu6<br />

lnfi&€d specba qeE @o.dcd on a Shin da F'[R-E300 intur€d sp€ctrophobneiet d a<br />

n t liqud on Nacl dis &d p@r.d i. cn_'. Alt NMR sF.lra wE mrd€d on<br />

vsie NMR (V@) sp@t Doad (loo for rH- ad 100 for rrc-NMR) a! dbidt<br />

khFBnrrc. The cl@i.al shins lalB @ gih in t (ppn), Efm.d with 6ret lo

|he cidut elvc sisral (CDCL), whil. @uPlin8 coN!.nrt (4 wcrc m€sur'd in Hz<br />

M6s s@ra !w reorded at EPSRC ns sp.cto6.ry sflie (svaN., UK)<br />

5.3,1.1.,1 Phy.i.rlcoltldtt<br />

Melling poinis wE d.tomincd on GaU€nlMP (El.ctronic) delling po'nt lppaatu<br />

Oprical tulliios w€E r@td.d by using a Opdcal Activrty AA-1000 poldim.&r i<br />

c omfommd @n@oirarion(c) wa$r€n in g/100 nL ( v)<br /><br />

5J,l2.l<br />

St Ds i! tneSy h.rb olchinl Nucl@philtc DMAP C.ltlvlt<br />

Sy l6bof 2s,5s-A.r!diol004<br />

A nixrw ofB'rcr's yeasr (60.01 d !d lsGa $lltioo (100-20<br />

s in 520 sL pard) 94 lakd in 2 L dicsl llak- Thc mixrw<br />

w sh,rd wU for on. hou fouosed by ih. addino! of hcr,F<br />

2jJim Go6) O.o hl. 25.57 !@l) ed snild for 24 tours'<br />

befoE th€ ldcilion of seoe slutio! (?5.6? g sos in 130 nL walq) Amlld Frriotr<br />

of hc@2,5-

53,t,22<br />

Slattdb of2SiS-H.n dlol dld.O.tr4lromt (108)<br />

A eludon of 2s,5.t'hextncdiol (roD (0.7 s, 5 93 mol) m<br />

F.p4.d in dichl@rh&c (10 nL), fotlov.d bv lddiion or<br />

EtlN (1,?E FI" 1.3 g). TL $ldion B 3ritld wll {d cel.d 10<br />

-20 eC b.forc rh. addiion of oct[ykulf@yl .Udid. (092 Dl-<br />

ll.8E t!ml) in drcpwi* f.shio. oE e hour with contimu s:tfiing TIE D h@ rc<br />

dloqcd io @l for % e hou.nd HCI (5 D|,, I M) M !4ted. fte orsdic lavq v6<br />

rcnoved on a s@@tns fiDnel ed w.sh.d {ith dichlorenethm (3 i 20 nL) Iltc<br />

@mbine{t ory$ic ponioN w€E wash.d with NaHCO, (5 DL, I M) and dried ovd Msso..<br />

fouowd by dapoEtion ofsolvot ir velo 10 vi.ld llls 0.59 g, 98'lo vi.ld) rIl_NMf,<br />

(400 MHz cDcl3),: 4-84 (2H, tL 2 x CH), 3 ol (6H,s,2xoMe)' 1.79 (4H, '! 2 x cHr'<br />

r.43 (6H,4 h6r = 5 68a2 r cHt)<br />

5J.IJJ Sylltdit ol +Anlncj-boDoDy.idlr. (l l0)<br />

ln s tqoaFl murd bonod nsk (500 ttl.), r $lulio! of +dimplddine<br />

(109) (4.00 g. 42.45 mol) in @lonihil. (250 nL) B pleP@d. The<br />

brcmiMrins €aa.nl 1r'-brenoskcitmidc (5.66 s, 31.88 mol) @<br />

Attnn nlc St tlh.tit<br />

slowly added and @tion flsk w wapFd in alminiu foil The Emtion nixtw w3s<br />

kept at @n lempdtu {or 48 hoB wiUr @ntinuou stining The sollent wa<br />

e!,.podcd in e@ &d i[e caidu wd stshcd with Naot(a (50 nL) Ir'e aq@u<br />

hixl@ M qtEr€d vilh dichlomdhe (3 x 70 mL) and l}€ @mbi'.d o4djc<br />

eft&ls wa diLd qs MgSO. b.fG .v.po6ri6 in l{'@ io .frord a yelow elid vfiich<br />

I puifi.d br 6ing sili€ s.l @llm chr@Dlognp[y (3% n {hevdicllombdlE )<br />

lo afoirl @npound Ir0 (2.33 s, 32v" yicld). |H-NMR (,OO MHz, CDCL) A 8.19 (lH, s,<br />

Pry-H), ?.E? (1H, d,.,4.6 = 5.1 Ha Pty-rD, 5.51 0H, 4 4 i = 5 l Ilz Prv_H), 5 09 (2H h(<br />

s.NHr.<br />

NH'<br />

.\-.*<br />

tl<br />


i3.r.2,4<br />

At wEi. Srnth.s6<br />

Sy I6i. of lBnrca{2I'5ldln.thylprmlidinyl)Dvridltu 0rr)<br />

4-Amim'3'bomopyridin€ (ll0) (0.90 s, 5.25 mol) !6 bken to !<br />

t@mk rcurd botoD fiask (100 nL) ! dislvcd i!THF (15 nL)<br />

folloved by 0E ponio.-wis adcnion of N.B (6S,4 dispeed in<br />

ninent oil, 0.605 g. 15.?2 mol). The nixtw M stiftd for thra<br />

"cJ-<br />

#"<br />

ho$ ai Dbient tcmpdatw. 2s,5s-h€Mcdiol dim.lh&esutfoDL (108) (l 14 g' 4'26<br />

mol) M artdetl s a $lulioo in THF (15 nL) Anq rnaile for 24 hous' th€ rdtioh<br />

mixnE s @L4 qu@led win *ard ard dt'*Ld Mth drchlodnctbae (3 x 50 bL)<br />

Th. ombired orgdic mixhE I dricd os MgSOG saloELd in v&@ ald pufied<br />

by sili@ gel collm chtomatoShphy (lclo n.thdoudichloretuethN) ro vield @mPound<br />

lll (0.40 e,30% yield) s. yenow oil. |H-NMR (400 MHz cDcL)dr8.36{lH s, Prv_<br />

H).8.09 (rH, d, J., r = 5 3 rL, Pry-II),5 56 (lH, d,Jt6 = 5 3 Hz Prr-A),4 27 (2H'n,2\<br />

crD, 2-07 (2H, n, CHt, 1.43 (2s, o, CHr), 0.86 (6H, br s, 2 x cHt<br /> Syltbair of (fcycloP..trdidylnercuri.<br />

rcrnph.nyLtclob .di.!c).ob.!(113)<br />

of (r'

@ dislv.d aeait in dicuotonab!ft lxt dticd (M MgSO. Ad$aplion 6ll@<br />

chsmtography M cdi€d oul dd on elution sth 100% heMe aflord'd lnc ataning<br />


coniimB stirins bcf@ t!'@ling tl -78 'C and ld

dopwis over tN ho6. Thc nix1E M suowd b @l for half d hou at which poini<br />

E|OH (15 d[) sd add.d to dilur€ th€ @rioo Ein@ follow'd bv the addidon of 2inc<br />

chlorid. (22.00 & 161 2 mol) Th. nirae .nd hanilg for dE hoB ar I l0 qC' *a<br />

qudch.d ir i@{ld *stq (l5o nL) The dixt@ vs qdacted wilh dichl@m'ths' (2<br />

x 300 nL} Tn€ dichlorcncthe. exrrs.t w lilta€d ald diicd ov" elvdrcu MsSOt<br />

fouowcd by luoval of th. elvat m a rci.ry 4'poElol For th' PuF* ofpuifidtiot'.<br />

@llm chrcMrogBphy *s ceied oln on sili@ gel bv stsrling with DCM/hqa* (l:l)<br />

d .luent. conpoud U6 (5 38, 84% vield) duied !l soe/" (DCM/hc@) rH-NMR (400<br />

MHa cDclr) d: 7 06 (rH. 4 r.6 = 8 8 Hz' Ar_lt) 5 91 0H' 4 I 6 = 2 4 Hl At-H)' 5 19<br />

(l H, dd, J67= 8.s Ha./d. = 2-4 r4 Ar'H),l ?l (3H' s, oMe),3 58 OH' s' NMc)' 2 20<br />

(lH, s, M.).<br />

53.13.2 Synlbdi!otgM.rnory'ljnb.Ovlildolh_2{nt(lr7)<br />

ln . rF@k

To a $lurion of KHMDS in THF (1.2 €q, -l 0 M) ar -?E 'C, s6 adtlcd a 3olulion or<br />

oxindol. (105) in THF (o.l M) This slldon s dlo$ld ro $n ar -7E rc' $cn<br />

u@fened o a $lution of chlorofomte in THF (l 2 €q, o 6 M) al -?8 "c This solution<br />

E allowcd to w to r! fi.n cx[&lld tud 0 l M tlcl bv Elro- Tt' @bin'd orgeic<br />

ponion M wash€.lwiih bnnc, dticd ovd MISO filtdEd and on@trared (rcl! v'pou)<br />

'IrE Eside M puified by 0s!h chmalogaPhv<br />

s3.13,4<br />

13.1.3,5<br />

R.pMa.iiv. Prt at.n oa $. 3!Dih6it tM'rhorv-Llai!3tlv|orindoldolorto!<br />

6<br />

Sy n6ir of 5-M.tloxyJJdir.lhvl-l/{-lndol'2-vl ph'nvl "rbotdc<br />

0r3r)<br />

A elulion of in€rhoty-l inine$vlindolin_24rc<br />

(rrD (0.592 s,3.10 mol) in THF (4 tiL) wa added<br />

slowly 1o ! $lution of KIIMDS (0-743 g, 3.72 ttml,<br />

Altrich) in TH! (4 mL) 6l -?8 "c The soMion @<br />

snrr.d at -?8 oC for l0 min ed 6d tnlsf.d.rl 'la a cdult to a eluion of Ph€dvl<br />

dn@fom.le (0.4? DL, 3.?4 mol, Aldrich) in mF (5 rnl-) tl -78 "C Th' durion 96<br />

aUo$ed !o w@ to i! lh.n pourcd i o 0 l M HCI' drd 'xllaclld *ilh Et?O The @nbired<br />

orydic layes w€E wdhed with bdrc, dried ovd MgSOa, fil|ed ed @ncotrded (rola<br />

va!oo). Th. cid@ ws Puiticd bv flsh chromtoenPhv (sili6 g'l' 2G60 Fh) witj<br />

EtOAc^rM (5D5) s dF dEn! thu vi.lding thc pw U8' 6 a *tit€ cr)sullirc $lid<br />

(0.61 e, 6370). Analylical TLC, EloAcrEme (3/?)' R- 0 'i5<br />

Moleulu ion dlcula&d for CtrHDNOa:3ll-ll5q [M + H]" EI_MS foud "/' =<br />

2r2.1234i M. p 59il "ci IR (NaCl die, mn) l?81, c=oi ll8?, c-o; lo3?, c4; tll-<br />

NMR (400 MHa CDcll) dr7.4'l_719 (2H, n. Ph'H),7-33-7 25 (lH' m' Ph-H)' 7ll (lH'<br />

4r.! - ?.r Hz. Ar_H),5 9? 0H' 4 J..6 = 1.5 H4 Ar-tr),5-86 ( llt' u- Jir = 7 t wJ6 '<br />

N<br />

I<br />


= 1.5 Hz, Ar'H), 3.84 (3fl, s, OM.), 3.60 (3H, s, NM.)' 2.20 (3n'<br />

MHz, CDCIr) r: 2 x 1546, l5l l, 139.4,2 r 130.0, 128 0' 125 8, 2 x 120.8, lll.8, I10,1,<br />

10t.5, 95.6, 55.3,28.8, ?-7.<br />

5.t.1J,6<br />

,lstnd.tric Syith.tit<br />

s, Me). rrc-NMR 0oo<br />

Syolhdb of l,r,r-Trt{blop}Dcrbvlprep.F2'vl 5-EOo!vn;'<br />

didelbyull-indol-2-yl.nbo!.t (UEb)<br />

By lling Uc 8Eft,al PrEed@ oudnd.borc for<br />

th. syoihGis of@mpoud U8h, I,l,l'Eichloo2-<br />

m.ihylpoFo-2-yt 5-nethoxy{,3{ineihyl_lt{'<br />

indol2-yl @bonale (0.6? s, 55% yicld) wa<br />

*€r"f,*'i",<br />

syoth.sircd flon @dlomd ll? (0 59 g, 3 lO md) s a ianinS nstdial in lhe ps'rce<br />

of 22,2ticblob_t,lnimehylethyl chloofotdatc (0893 A l72 lmol' Aldrich)<br />

Molcculd ion calculai!.d for c,6lirclrNol + H: 394 0379; [M + H]" C,dHrtclrNot + Na:<br />

415.Ol96i [M + N.]' EI-MS found st n = 394 01?9; rE-NMR (',Oo MHz, CDCIr)<br />

',:<br />

7.09 0l! d, Jr.6 - 82llz, At-lt,5 9? (ltl, d,1.6 = I J tI"- Ai_H),5 86 0H, d4 Jq? =<br />

E.2 H2, J6.. = l5 Hz, Ar-rD, 3.E4 (3H, s, OM.), 1.58 OH, s, NMe), 2 16 (3H' s' Mc)' l 9E<br />

(6H, s,2 x Me). tic-NMR 000 MHz, cDcl!) rr 2 x 154.4, 150.3, 1399. 128-0' 127 3'<br />

122,3, 120.6, IIl9, 95.4, 91.8, 55 2,2a 8,2 x2l 0"1 5.<br />

5.3,1.!.7 sy.th4B ol 5-M.lhoty-lJ-dio.thvl-ll1-indol-2-vl +.iimPh€lvl<br />

By siog gocnl proed@ fd llF iynthest of<br />

cnol c{todr6 (sedoc5l-1.33),034 s ot<br />

KHMDS (1.?3 mol) M added to 0.2E 8 of<br />

1l? (1.46 mol) in Tm (4 nL). Futh.t<br />

additior of+nitrophdyl clrloofomtlc (0 34 8, 170<br />

consi.nt llining tor % d hou atroded conDoltrd llEc (0.19 g,<br />

I<br />

*@"f,o't"-*^*"<br />

I<br />


yeuow sorid. |E-NMR (400 MIIZ, CDCb) r: 8.14 (2U, 4 4612r'=<br />

8 8 Hz' Ph'H)' ? 48<br />

(2H, d, Jrzr rr.= E.8 H2, Ph-rD, ?.0s (lH,4J'.6 = E 2 Ha Ar-H)' 5 98 (|H'd'i 6 = I2<br />

Ha Ar-H), 5.E6 (rH, d4 J6 ? = 8 2H1J6.1- t.2ll\ At'rI),3 84 (lH' s' oMc)' 3 59 (3H'<br />

s, NMe), 2. l9 (lH, s, Me)<br /> Sy h.rb of B.itvl_tretbotv_1J{iEetlvl_1fl-irdol2-vl c'rboo'l€<br />

Usiry rhe ScFal<br />

(106!t) .nd $.ozvL9tuftolv-lJ.dtb'tnvtudolin-2{!' (1 lE )<br />

nsthod for the sFth4tb of I lEt<br />

and lrEb fron 5-n.tboxr1,3{ittrdhvlin&lin-2-<br />

one (0.592 g, 3.10 mol) in IIIF (4 mL) in th'<br />

pBn@ of KHMDS (0 743 g,3 ?2 mol, Aldrich)<br />

in Tgr (4 mL) at -7s 'C ronoeEd bv sddition or b'lzvl chtorcfomat' (0 632 s' 3-?0<br />

mot), onpound 1r& (0.38 & 43"/o) sar oboin'

fittdL B @@nlritc

visoE liquid. wde obhined. fte cry3rlls wrc wdhed with hdtue fist dd lhfl wilh<br />

Tbe mLC on ChiElel OD afo.ded dr$sls whjch v@ Frf61 r&m.L of I l9r (vi€ld:<br />

,r4./t, stiL tn. mrhd liqbr @cisred of>gt% e I l9r (}1eld: 56%).<br />

HPIr d.b for ll9.r HPLC (chiBl@l OD,0.46 @ x 25 co. 95;05 hctudisoPrcpaml'<br />

lo munin) TR - t9.6 hin (nimt, Tr = 23.5 nin (@joo- An lylicll TlC, 35%<br />

EtoAc/hqd., fu= 0,31. Mddutd id.slcul.trC fc CrtHrrNOi 3ll ll58; [M<br />

+ El',<br />

Er-Ms found tl ',, = I t2.1230; n. p I lrt-l 16 .q rR (Nacl dis, dn) 176l, C{; I ?17,<br />

c{; I i 90, co; fH-NMR (400 Nfrla cl]Elt) 6:1.21-7 -21 \2H. n, Ph-H), 7.lr|'7.l0 OH,<br />

h, Ar-rD, (3H, n, Ph-I{),5.82 (lH, dd, J6.' = 7 8 H2,4. = l 5 H2' ArH),5 75<br />

(lH, d, Jx6 = 7.8 Hz, ArH), 3.75 (3tI, s, oM.), 3.21 (3H, s, NMc), 1.69 0H, s, Mc)'3c'<br />

NMR(l00MrACDCL)r: 1746, 168.6, 155.5, 1506, 13?.4, llr't,2x l295 t2s t 2x<br />

r21.4, 1t3.7, 1r0.5, 109.3, 55.1,25.9, 20.3.<br />

5J.1.4.0 S}!tl6!' ol (.l}l,r,1-Trt hloF2-ndnybtu9.!-t-yl $D.ato!v-l'l<br />

dinclhyl-2{toiodolitrcl{..horylrte (l l9b)<br />

A $lution of catdyst 105 (4.01 me, 0.0061 mol) in<br />

tolMe (5.0 nL) 6 adtled b u8b (23 ms, 0.061<br />

ml) in a bund botion fl6t (10 mL) onlAiniig a<br />

magnetic b&. And 24 h, lhc elutiotr M @@ntrded in<br />

)aru. Th€ crud. r.sidE w disolred in dicltloDm€lhoe dd puilied by flah .ol@<br />

chrcoarognphy by uine mixnre of DCM/hdtr (95/05) io yi.ld I r9b (14 ng, 6% vi€ld,<br />

50'l. e)- By cluging th. el@t sys&D, diff@nr e FdG 9e obllin d (Redtt T.bL_<br />

5.2,Pasel6E).<br />

1i "i.[.t'"<br />

; ccrr<br />


HPLC drl. aor llgb: HPLC (Chiralel oD, 0 46 cm i 25 cn, 98:02 hqm./ieopopdol.<br />

Lo nvmin) TR = 19.6 bin (mjd), Tr = 221 mh (mbor) Analrlicil dc' lov"<br />

EtoAc/hex$., R- 0.54- Mot4uls ion calculaLd for cr6ritrClrNol + g: 394 03?9; M +<br />

Hl', c,;H,rclrNo4 + Na: 415 ol96: M + Naf EI-MS foud !t n/z = 194 03?9; |H'NMR<br />

(am rvcq CDCL) r: J.66 (1H,4.4.6 = s: H,, Ar-I{),5 84 0H,4Ja.6= I l Hz At-to'<br />

512 (l:'l, d4, Jfi = 8.2 tra J6,r = I t Ha Ar-r0, l.?2 (3H, s, OM€),3 10 (lH' s, NMe)'<br />

l.?9 (3H, s" M.), 1.64 (3H,5. Mc), 1.58 (3H,3, Me) rrc-NMR (100 MHa cDclr)<br />

':<br />

t72.4, 765-t, 157 .2, 125.4, 115.6, I15.3, loEJ, 1082, 107 4' E7 9' 55 6' 55 4,2A2' 25A'<br />

20.5,18.5.<br />

5J.1,4.1 Sylrf,6tof(J!+Nirbpb.rtltE.lholvl,fiildnv!2{:oirdolilt3_<br />

c.rboryl.b O r9c)<br />

A soluriod of dalyst r05 (4.5? m& 0.007 nnol) in<br />

totueJDCM (4/1, 5-0 mL) wc addcd lo ll& (50<br />

Dg, 0.14 mnol) in a roud botlom flask (10 nL)<br />

conidd4 ! mgnetic b{. Altq 48 b. rbe $lvdt s6<br />

ealrdred in @@. 'nte crudc GidE s dr$h€d in dichtodrclhe !'d Purified bv<br />

flsh collm chrtnatogmPby by uing t slv..( nixtN of DCMAe@ (95/05) io vi€ld<br />

llgc (15 m8, ?ry. yi.ld,5% e) IB-NMR (4001,fl12 cDclr) r:8-14 (2H' d' Jry16 =<br />

9.2 Hz, Ph'H), ?-06 (2H, d, J,{1!r - 92 Ha Ph-E),5 62 (lH, d, J'.6 - 8 4 Ha A''H)'<br />

t.?6(lH.d,.1.6= l 8H2, AFH),?84(lH,dd,./d,t=E4 HaJ6a= l 8 Hz'Ar_H),375<br />

(lH, s, oMc). 3.12 (3H, s, NMc), 1.20 (3H, q M.)<br /><br />

tIFo<br />

Sy tBit oa (,tlBozyl lrdhoryJ,3diDcthtl-2-oroirdolire!'

A elution of €ialyst 93 (1.5 ns, 0.0023 md) ir<br />

tolu€ne (4.0 oL) *6 add.d to 106d (15 ng, 0.046 t'ml)<br />

in a ound bot@ Aak (10 DL) mt jrng I oagle[c<br />

bd. Ait r 36 h, lhc elutid B @n€nlnldl n wo<br />

Th€ crude 6idue {a di$lv.n in dichlorcme$ee<br />

[o^*<br />

and puili.d by flah @lllm<br />

chrc.ralo8npiy by uins a elv€ nixlllr€ of DCM/hcre (90/10) to vieb lrgd (ll7<br />

ms, ?8% yi.t, svo 4). rI|-NMR (4OO MHa CDCIr) d: t28 (3H n' Ph-H)' ?-16 (2H, m'<br />

Ph-FI), 5.76 (lH, 4 Jr.6 = E4 Ha At-H), 5 81 0H, 4 i.6 = 2.8 Hz' Ar_H)' ? 08 0H, d4<br />

J6t = s.4 rrz Jr,t- 2.8 rtz Ar-tI), 5.09 (2H, s, CH),3.?2 €H' s' oMc), 1.20 Otl, s,<br />

NMe). 1.65 (3H, !, Mc}<br />

53.r.4.1 Sy.lhdlt or (5)-tM.lbo:y-ri{iD.ttyl_2{toi!dolln}3q$o!vlic<br />

.cid (120)<br />

ln a 25 nL mund bonom flaslq 4 mL eludon ofl-ior!d(0.25<br />

r'0 b added to !5 n8 or 119. (0.048 nml) disslvcd m 4<br />

mL THL Thc hixlE M k@t a1'\m &nP.nlw ot€n$r<br />

wilh cotut.nr sdEing. The p6ace of a bi-layq light v.uow<br />

""o--"{\'\o*<br />

t Fo<br />

nixr@ s @roid.i.d 6 ildicdion of &id fdrurid lt @ pouEd inio 20 eL 01 M<br />

HCl, and .xtd.d towi@ Biib dcbl@ndhe 'It .mbin d o4pnic latq w *lshed<br />

eith brire, dried ovd M8SO4 filh.d trd @n@Far.d (rcta vaPou} '['c 6id@ wa<br />

puifi€d by flsh chrcoatogBphy Gili6 s.1,20{0 Fn) wilh EIOAC/DCM (10,90)'<br />

yieldinS r20 (? m8, 63% yieltl)- Analtlical TLC, EtOAo/DCM (l/7), Rr= 0.36 'II'NMR<br />

(aoo MHa cDclr) ,; ?.02 (lH, d, Jr.. - 1.2 Hz, Ar'H), 5.84 (2H, oecrlaP, Ar-E). 179<br />

OH, i oM.), 3.14 (3H, s, NM.), | -19 OH, s, Mc).

5.4 Conclusion<br />

The prcsc.t $udy w.^eA r\* TitusPotu .tkpa i! a nch euce of mMrtoloxic<br />

cl€odldc-tyle frtuoditerp.@iG ed aporyhie alkdoids ltil studv led io th€ i$l.tion<br />

of twnty{im *@!dary betslolilB iob I .f&Pd *hch 6 be clasifi.d 6 b.ld;<br />

Cl.mdxctyF dft.1Fr6<br />

> Nie new cLtod,tFttF fi@odit rycmrds 1-9<br />

> Six *nou clao

5.6 GLOSSARY<br />

. 'I|-NMR SlstrD: A on ni|rr@ional sFcEu poton NMR which povides<br />

infomdion.bod rb. clelronic mviDd4l ofthe pretons pcent in . nolaule.<br />

Th. sp@L.l tuge for 'E-NMR sIElrM i! r-12 pptrr.<br />

. Artibrcr.ri.l A chdical or dDg with a Imvd ability 10 kill b€.rcna io a<br />

. And{..er: A ch€ni.al subslad led !o i.Iibit the 6pid 8o*th of @cd ells<br />

th,r Nll i! h.ltira tbe fo@tion of d.lig@r nDoG<br />

. Aoli-furgd: A dtug or chedicd $.d io lElr lhe infeiio6 qed bv a nrgu<br />

. Adi{rld. : A sub6r.ne used lo pEv6t or slow doM thc oxidaiion pm6 in<br />

o4ehns !o svoid or ninimire ag.irg &d oxi.latlv. slr.s.<br />

. Arli{pldodis A dng or ch€hicsl suklee Nd io ll4l involut rv<br />

@nr&rio8 ofBBLs ald ebLd disord.B.<br />

. A$ry: The idtirg or m@ing lhc a.liviy of a drug d ! brdhcnical in d<br />

. B.frc/, Y..rt. Batr's ye61 is SMhqodttes cetevisiae, snain of ycdn ued for<br />

bsling &d brcwin,a. ln th. fi.ld of oiguic synth6is, it hs ben us.d for the<br />

*leliv. redcrior olorbonyl @mpourds,<br />

. D* Pqt/p.rclt pak: A Fir<br />

wnh I00%i s$ity in ihe ns sp6[tm whicn<br />

ei*s du. 10 rhe nosl rhbl. ion fom.d by th. Iiagltroladon of pell mol4ul€ in<br />

e ioniatiod chrmbcr. The intensitis of oth€t Fals in lhc mss speclrm e€<br />

delmircd Glrtiv€ to the b.* ped(<br />

. Bioey: D.l.minariod of llc pocrcy of a mpl. by ils .fi.d ot living<br />

. Bi6ytrlb6ir: The Dule oftE fon tion ofor8qnc molecules ftoD b6ic building<br />

bldks in living mltd.

. Bn.d-B.rd (BB) '!C-NMR sp.carun: Pre1on (H) d@uPlcd !3C-NMR<br />

sp*dM. sdich pdvi&s inlotution a,lDu! the Een&@s of .il iltc @bons<br />

pEsl i! ! nol@le wilhoul ay @upling inr.adod.<br />

r Crlrlyrt: A @npoud lhl1 trldces th€ dte of. chemical E&tion while<br />

enaininS inracl at rh. .nd of Elction ll @ b. Eov.Gd anq lh. compl.tron of<br />

tb. chcbi.d @ction.<br />

. Ch.dlc.l Shift: In NMR, chmical shin Ef€6 to lbe difleM.. belwed the<br />

p@$ion frcqu.ncy ol s p6rticdd n@1.6 dd thc sigtal fo. a EfftNa I is<br />

d!65.d in pDn (FrB F mini@) .nd i5 EPenLd bv a slmbol a<br />

. CbrcDrtogr.nr 11 is a plot or detecto. signal oulput vcBs tin€ or clution volme<br />

duinS th. chrcmatogr.phic prcm.<br />

. Coluo! .nrco.lo8npby: A olum is tubltr stude 6nt ining $lid<br />

slalioiaty stbsl tce which is us.d for th. s.pmdon &d puification of chenical<br />

dtitie tom conPld mi,$@.<br />

. CosY-d spettur A hom@wl.{ tqoiin$ional NMR sFcLd shoMDg<br />

'Hl H couplincs @@lal,otu of scdinal and vicinal pbions in a nokcuL'<br />

. colplilg coBLlt S.dq oupliDg ! ! ltsugb-bord int tslion b'te@ nutld<br />

spiB- OE Mifd.rion of th. JouPling is rhe sPlitti!8 of |sM@ liB Th'<br />

mag.itudc ofthe splining is knoM d drc couplins @cBnr ''J' dd is lxPesed in<br />

ct let*cond or Hz It is ind.poddt ot lhe slrength of the.pplied hagtEtic fleld<br />

bur d.Fnds on |he ooleuld $ash@isrrv and dihdral 4elc b.t@n th'<br />

6upt.d poio6. The J vtl@ My b. .itha positivc or rc8rtiv€ in sign.<br />

. Crlololl.ity: C,'totoxicity i! tl| .bilily of d subtance to be loxic lo panicul&<br />

. DirtortiorLs Elb.trc@.tri by Pohrlz.dor Tr.!t(.. (DEPI)I 'nF muli_Pul*<br />

|3C-NMR.xp€im. at the &g16 ofF 45", 9o'. dd 135'to dif€r.no.t betko<br />

pdm.iy, s@idaty ed t tlitrycdboG.

Elcrntr lDp.ct Ma Spetnu (EI-MS): A plot of ,/z vdu itt nsitie<br />

@nt ilirg infonDdion abod lhe sttltfftl fdn6 thrcueh tigncnlation p$ten<br />

ollhe @bpouds by alplicalion of. hi8ll c!..gt elemn b.s<br />

. Elo.c: Tn€ dnbioaiion of mobile phe ard elure €nting fom a colMn,<br />

. Eludt Mobit. phe ed to elur. [F smpt. Gon a cdlm in order 10 achid'<br />

. El io!: The pDes ofpasbg a mobilc PtN tlsu€l lhe colum 1o s€pt ur. $c<br />

. rrt AroD BoDb.ldrdr Ms sp€fio (FABMS)| The eft ionianon<br />

ralniq@ Gcd in l|rN {eeooctry !o l@le rh€ tuldlrt ion pet for thc<br />

.letermiBlion of hotddd fodul&<br />

. Flo* r.ler Th€ volmebic tlow of mobile ph4e Fr uii tiDe threud s LC<br />

. Gndi. .luiiolr Ah.thodofchotulogEpbics.pistionbyqhichrhepol&ilv<br />

ofthe nobile phe idltas gEdully to dc.@ lhe Fpdho! tme<br />

. H.temrrcl€or Mlhiple Bood Coo!.ctivity (HMBC): 11 is e inv€N<br />

h.r€rclet@ t*o{in€aioMl NMR t{hliqw Itr th4. €xp.rin€fis' $e<br />

Msr.rizdon of'iC relei is d.t4r.d thtuugh lhe 'H n@Li i! ordd lo ill.lle<br />

sitiiitt of sigD,ts. Iris lehniqE is t!.d lo iMsiiert th. l6g-tu9c,<br />

hetcmucteE inlcFclioN bcts@ qbo6 dd Fotom<br />

(up 1o fou-bonds).<br />

. Il€trcNcL.r Multipl€ Qortlo Coh.relc. (HMQC): lt is e int.s<br />

hcrronucla twcdim4ional NMR l6hDqrc dploy.d b anallish lhe didl<br />

Iw'rc oFbond shrn mla|jN. ln lhs cxFindr th. rrc nwlc' ffi d.kted<br />

orcudr th€t .lTols on |lr Nlei.<br />

. gtgb-solutior ELclrcn Impr.t Met SpetruD (HRf,I'MS). A melhod of<br />

crer |rc m4wbcnts for diet d.Lminalion of cl.m€ al @mposirio.. A<br />

doude f@cing<br />

'6 Sdlob.r.. is !@tlly r€qlired io ldd tle HREI-MS.

. gPlcr Liquid €brcmlogEphic t4hriq* u$d for the *pdslion of sdple<br />

mixtuF uder lhe infle@ of hid pF$G ai coNlar* floq 6&<br />

. IDDlloDodnLton A sub3la&. thsr i.nllEIB de im@ svst@ or d<br />

. Infnr.rt spatm.opy 0R): Th. tehniqE usd ro determinc th. fucri@aliri€s<br />

F6e in a nol€cd.- Infrted sFcln d. prod@€d by de absrpdon of inrni.d<br />

ndialions (350"4200 cn r) by orBdic not6ul.s<br />

. r,-vitu: T}G dFri|rrfu do.. outsid. dc bod, of I'qng orSrnistu<br />

. rrriD: Th. dFibdts dom within d. body ol Lug orgaisd<br />

. I'dnti.: A @nsldr @nposidon of mobile Ph4 u.d in liqlid chDaiogmPhv<br />

. Mobile phs.t 'Ite solvmvea th.t mov6 ihe solutes tlmuS! 3 @lue<br />

. MolerLr lob (Lf): TIE ion forn d fren lt nolculc by lo$ of onlv one<br />

€lelron. Thc ,t/2 6tio of dE mleuld ior gi6 thc mleule wigl of the<br />

. Nmler Ovcrhrrrr E rmen.nl Difrer.ns Spetrrn (NOE): Ir tu a lD<br />

NMR .xFrin .t ued to tletemine ilE steFchoistry of oigmic holtrules wilb<br />

th€ help of signal cnlrn dent @Ed by ditDld couplins of nul.i iD Ptuxinitv.<br />

. N!.ldr ov.rh.Br E!l!.ad Spetrcpt (NoFAD. Th.2D v6ion or<br />

NOE us{d lo d.ldnirc tb€ st t@bdisEy of mled€ wilh thc hclp of i etuting<br />

. N{cl@pbile A Eage thal foms ach@ical bood by donaling a pair of.Lctroro<br />

|o o el€crrophile duing chmical G&tion.<br />

. ocbddylrl.!. {ODS): Modificd rili€ e.l by anehrdt of @1ad@vl dton_<br />

chain lo silio It ir trs.d a .derbcnr i. HPLC.<br />

. Optlql Rotrti.n: h is th€ phyricd pbP.lg ofth€ ontoud 10 olale th€ plde of<br />

polri-d light, €ilhd cl@kwis or @@krcl6kwise.

Org.non.t Uic: Orgdic ohpoo!& onlainine @bonG) diBdv lintcd lo<br />

R..mE.D.!i. A clN of oe.nic Eetios qt@ th. clton fm. wo*<br />

udergod skelctd ch.ags wilhoul 8!in<br />

or lca ofdy aid'/Srottp<br />

R.rado! Ti[. (Td: Irr tid. ditrtu b.tv6 th. iljdtion dd pe*<br />

hdin@ of r enain sple, It cFenls lh€ linc rako bv dLin Dol6'ne b<br />

pN lhmugh tlE whoL l6gln of th. 6lum.<br />

Rw€red-ph.t. Cbrcrotogn y: A liquid .hromtogaPhh iechniqrc thal us.s<br />

a mn-Dola( sLtion ry phc sd . pold nobile phse lt is th. mosl onmon<br />

n lhod of $p..lliotr in HPLC.<br />

S..|Mh.uhri : Il Ff6 ro a tbrc dincGio."l sfuEcDots of alomggmup6 in<br />

St rugeEi. C.!L./.hir.l.ot n Any poini in a moland. b.ebg gmups swh<br />

lh,r e inierchonS. of dy tm erc|4s ehich ldd to sr.@ison6<br />

Tli!-Lryer ChrcorogEpny GLC): A qualit tiflq@litdive m'lhod of<br />

smple eaiysis u*d 10 seps4t mixtuts Ttunlarti ctuonabgralhv cd Dc<br />

enplord on aluninM Ioil, Clds plar. or platic shel with a @aled adsotb'fi'<br />

TLC @ be dev.lop.d i! a lank @ rining a $|vdr nilt4. Th. ompon€nr3 in a<br />

spL dovc vilh dif.mr llo* 6tc (&) by ltt €pi[ai, .cton agttsl gaviq<br />

Ultdiol.l Sp4thE (u9r It is a ptot of mv€ lengih of ulraviolet ndiatios vr<br />

abetb&@. TIF absorption spetfliD (Uv sFctru) of u o€dic compoud s<br />

prcet d in a gnph of e or log ..gtiBt *av.Lnstbs .xpEsd in nmn'lct<br />


5.7 List of Abbreviations<br />

rtoNMR-_<br />

ID<br />

rtjNnR<br />

,D-<br />

^;i-<br />

c<br />

;-<br />

-cts<br />

cc<br />

ait6D<br />

Fradot pll,s. (cbre;doSF phv @llm !6cki'8)<br />

=1<br />

cDcl, -l<br />

cosY<br />

dl<br />

DBE<br />

DCM<br />

DEPT<br />

DIBAI-<br />

DMSO<br />

dd$l.t I<br />

double bond .quivalo!!<br />

di{orrionl*r ..hecdcnl by pordz.non |rdsM<br />

dii$bdyl.l6irim hy.Li&<br />


EI<br />

Er-i,{s-<br />

Ert|r<br />

FAB<br />

Fis.<br />

H<br />

HMBC<br />

cl6mn imp&t ioiarion<br />

€l{fon i6pal nB lpet nE Y<br />

h.r.M$ld m lipl. bonl @cLlion lp€clrwopy<br />

HMG-CoA ]-hldoxy-l-m.thylglut ryl4oA<br />

HMQC heltund@ miiplc q@n!n @lE|!@<br />

HPT,c<br />

HR<br />

HREI-MS<br />

high Frfomn .r'Fg3e l4oil.h@dogEphy<br />

bigh lgnrid d.dton inF.r ds sP..turdy<br />

t{Ts hiC dmlghed*|Eo'g<br />

llz<br />

tc<br />

Ics IElf Mind irhibitory @Mcntltion<br />

INADEQUATE iM€dible natunl aludr@ doublc quitn FeNf€r .rpdimdl<br />

IR<br />

KBr<br />

L<br />

It<br />

LC.MS fquid cirmlog4hy EBi 3p.crroo.ry<br />

taMs-Ms liquid clrnolrogr9hy t ttdd 'a sFctbo.t_y<br />

LC.NMR liquid chmdogryhy nulo ffglctic E3)@<br />

l<br />


M.OH<br />

Mtlz<br />

MS<br />

N!.So.<br />

milliliGr<br />

NAD rilrituiL o&rir. di lolid.<br />

NBS<br />

rBuLi<br />

rBUOH<br />

n8<br />

NMR nEI... n gndic @mcc<br />

NOE nuhe Ovcrttr|g effecl<br />

NOESY nul.a Ov€rhlM arl|lMncnt sp.

N<br />

ROESY<br />

RP<br />

RT<br />

SN<br />

-siE<br />

rot fng t@ Otqrblg ccIIrE q6t6spY<br />

ffi-<br />

$*tu"-Gffi<br />

6itd pt"- "txr"6;<br />

Tlc<br />

Tta lhin Lrys chrEeSr4hY<br />

tocsY br.t @ftbrid lpccr@Py<br />

vLc }!r'M lhuid .lmalog4hy<br />

ZnCt2<br />

;-<br />

bct<br />

t d.lti, ctmicd dnn b Fi! Dq dni@ (!!d)<br />

--l<br />


5.7 List of Publications<br />

l.<br />

,kt"flttctic qatly.ttt { otttt&b.t catclntta c qdsw, tt r.og.re @&. tt<br />

dA& o/Ce44 l@'otqt,a ltrr.d l!.4 gsv v. Nsrylt'<br />

C@iEy lt d.*o, li.Liid Xedt !d frid?tr I Rldrd+ Ltdndn<br />

ltt'',!i,r,5463X2434.<br />

qr4nter.gp. @.tP.de !1''' nowra qiPa M lqt'l<br />

Chrtuy, Xrr..r.d lE4 Khnt|L Stlti' Ah.d Attd-' Soir A<br />

s,er.No.dirE lji.d Art}s{&d, J rh ltad' ($ttoin d}<br />

Ittd@ c.'ttda/.,tt tod n'l,sp

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