,".'.d(P: - Higher Education Commission

,".'.d(P: - Higher Education Commission

,".'.d(P: - Higher Education Commission


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.3ASR S4!id<br />

$bi..t<br />

Milot Rcri'iolr i! tht Pr' D indn of Mt Zrhnb |(rno<br />

, -i,--.^r"-r N. 04{8) dd'd Augu406 20 lO msor cvisions tl$t d sggcsted_bl<br />

ffi f iTf; ,liiil"i";1il'i':ruli'?''" 7"r'ia" **i" ;"'"'pora'ed in $e rhess<br />

""<br />

\r".4<br />

(Pot Dt Majid Munte)<br />

D@.inar<br />

of Chalisn!<br />



olctfrclDmlncoo*Tlltxrmlfl Dclxlocwarrn<br />

ot rlrLu otalm txmltaElltlD f,ltl,tf, rlsr<br />

Irt|r|lb{|.-dft.lh.ftfrhdofbttqofEdtut ibtF.<br />

d<br />

Ih*ofPuao*y<br />

ry<br />

taEDAll x a. llu<br />

n<br />

@d ofG.d{ty, thivdtftY of fstDhi<br />

Krdi' 75t0, Pddd<br />


&<br />

ExtcrDd Exrnind:<br />

Chrlrpcr3on:<br />

D.putn ni ofchembty<br />

Univ.rlily of K{ff.hi<br />

Dcd Flnrlty ofscicncc:<br />

Udv.Btty ofKrnchi<br />

fti! th€i! i3 l,lilt d b<br />


(Pr$, Dr. M.Ju llrtu )<br />

(Ptui,ID. zehtd' T. Mt$ood)<br />

(ProI. Drshdtan U.ooJ K.a i)

Dedicated to<br />

My Family

ACTf,OXI.sDEl|EtrIS<br />

Fn$ ed forendt, arl pnis ed glory to ALMIGIITY ALLAH. *ho giles oe sri.ngih<br />

in every dimcnh nom6t of my life sd whose blcasings * always with re.<br />

My hean-fel graiitude to ny Eedch supcFisr Prcfdor D., Mtjid Mtnlu for his<br />

$hol6dc guidme and 6@@senflt trcudout my l!.€eh- -Ite €xp€nence vhicb I<br />

gor und.. his snpenision is a valu.bl€ &t for m, a.addic md prcfe$iooal ccr<br />

I m Sntefrrl 1o Pmf.gr Dr, Z!!i.1. T, M.q!ood, ChaiDeM& D€prtne ol<br />

Ch.mnq. Univesiry of (!ahi for hd tr.m.ndos sutpon My sincft lhdks to<br />

Prcf.lror Di Simj lddir Niz.Di for providine i$trM€ntal facilides at lNtrur.nt.l<br />

Relourcc l$ontory, It prrtndl of Ch.Entry, UdveBity of (,r.chi, SFcial<br />

tnels to Alsiirlrt Profe$or Mr, Shcili Moniuddi! for giving me his plecio$ dne<br />

dd vdluble sus8€stio$, wheoeve.l n.eded.<br />

I wdt to trtnowledg€ the ilsimenrll feilides povid.d by EfJ R6qrch Inirirut oa<br />

Ch.nirtr!, U.iv€rity of Xrncbi ud PCSIR LrboRtori$ CoDpler Krdchi. I d<br />

hidtly obliSed lo Dr Friior Bi &d Mi ADlmt Ali fd rheir @{peradon dd suppon.<br />

I have lor of Especrs dd .dmiFtio6 lor Bshir Bh.i Ino al'ars i6piEs ed<br />

I als owe sFcial tho*s to Mr. Arh. Yr. Khu for his cr!@rion dd prcviding b.<br />

tullsuppofi duing working oD O6pbir. i@ac. Atomic Absrlrion Specrmhcl!.<br />

Mdy thdts ed appEciatio.s ro Trb. K.Ert for h€r itmeN suooon and<br />

co-op€larion duine ny eseech wolk<br />

I m Slad lo acknowledg. ny fri.nds for th.ir noiivalion dd norat suppon Esp.ciatly,<br />

I m indebt€d to Dr, Sun.yyr Sri.d for h.! 6sist&ce in editing ny thesis writjng.<br />

Frm the botlon ofny h.an ed soul, I wei io thanks my p.rctrts, brcrheB, silter md<br />

tulbr.d for th€n b!e, p6y€s ed dc.Fsr conccn in my spiraliotr and .cnievendrs.<br />

In the I$1. I oFer ny cgdd5 !o all tho* ehon I did not di$uss€d bul they suppon.d h.<br />

ir my FsF.t duins lhe compldiotr of my E*Nn wort.<br />


TIaT TCT<br />

Ih. qudity of eGr @duncd by rh. i.h!bit$$ of th. K@hi city w esd for<br />

d8ei. &d ircr$aic @ltamiMrs. otsrdc Mnbimts iftludc chlodDt d<br />

disinf*tion by-prcducB elE@ oo'8&ic otrmiMts @mpd$ of dififfil n.lals<br />

3Eh a Nict l (Ni), copFr (cu), chronim (cr). trld (Pb), cob.lt (co), Mmsare<br />

(M!) ed I&! C.). H.![b rist to lh.6idal! of Kehi d@ !o thc p|!sa. of lhe<br />

orgui. ud inorgui. @nllDiuls w dlo ilBlig.td,<br />

Tdhdom$lG (IHlls) i, rip eltq spl€s *@ lDlrz.d by LLE-C€-ECD n.rhod<br />

fh. @l@t!!io. of THM @hpoun& *@ obr.i*d ir t ordq<br />

cHclPCHClrBr>cHClBh. Bremfod (CHB$) B not d.t cad. Ite ov.6ll Eulrr of<br />

THM3 in tlt MLr sdtrpld of K,fuhi \N@ foud b.lo* rlr. WHO gui&linc valu6. Th.<br />

lifctitu 6er n* .d hurd ld.i of THM sD.cics wcE us€d ro 6rimtc th. h.drh<br />

rbt tln TIIM qposr ttNue! onl insestion .!d d.nnd .h.or?tion. Expo!@ !o<br />

.hl@fm (CHClt .irlH lhrcWh i!g6ri@ or d!@l @nra.r s fourd ro b. dE ndr<br />

ioFlianl pltlmy for c!|E rist! ton rHM!. ft M .l!o ..ublihcil rh.r lhc Bid.nts<br />

of (,fuhi t t! | bislq rilt of crrE tbrcush oFI iDgerid dD rrlllugh rlF dmar<br />

rh6orptior Thc lltd hr2lrd ildq v.l@ ofTobl niirlon.rh!rc3 GIHMS) dhos! oEt<br />

iiS6rion ard dcdnat .b$Uiotr qfr cdolir.d ro b. E.E4xlOi {d 4.39ilor<br />

ctndvdy. Th. culB of h.zd in&x wE obhin d lowr rh6 6iry, which did aot<br />

iidi€r. th. Ntr-*.d .fr.cls of THM3.<br />

Th. 6n orrlrion of rle turrls b wt r sd6 (elre mr.r B Etl s in nD {d<br />

goud*r&r) rw dd.mitud Nirg gnphirc fill)l@ .tonic &$rDrion 3FcEoncuy<br />

(GFAAS). Th. ErulE sc @mpaEd wirt rh. wHO wt* qudity g,jd;tiB. Th.<br />

Elialili.y of rh. d.rho4 c.liborid dgq r.c@y.nd pFi3id of rlt. edFb wF<br />

de esled. CoFl|tioB .nong rhc dir.mr rctd @m6ndioi! vw crtcut.l.d.<br />

Multivdid. slrdni.ll rcchniqre ircldins cllsrd &.ly3is (cA) &d FiNiFl<br />

@Dpondt edFb (PCA) wG .ls .ppli.d fd rh. b.nd iDrct?rcrlrid or t!. d.t!<br />

otrritud for th. e.ly3i3 of red.. Rb& !!sc.@nr s condBr.d for.xDosw !o tre<br />

mclab vi. &inting wlta ilgdtioi p.rhmy on rh. bdis of USEPA mod.t, H!2!rd

q6d.d 0|A) fflc c.lcub.d ro cvd'4 6. rcc{liEtFri, ri!!t dE to tE ord<br />

@rluptio! ofplt r @deiEted {ith E&. @r!ls. H!u.d quotic!6 of.ll thc m.lds<br />

94 ftld loE rDd oiry rb Flt Uy es tuI reclEcr drq!. h..llh.tr{n<br />

Gcochi..l E F of THM!.d i!!.c mdrlr i! dnrlin8 wlt r of K.ehi city qr!I!<br />

P!!&..d h.sd d g.oEqbicd hfoturioo rI!r@ (CIS) Lc.hnolo$,. Inacr!. d,l|I|e!<br />

ili|blr @nD w'Dd tu+drl hE?ddc

L ct,f -r. ( lr - LtrL,!,rt lvi I J4 /,1! L )t L +,)tt-t4 LpgL 4tr<br />

- LpL ,!s1 ivt / rj "l; -.-,t6 L L, tt<br />

4 -+11 \i a3sdd & * L L" ri +,i Lr. j s.f./,td. 't-' t t'*..) o {<br />

r +Ll .v' i) { -\o } ttt llf 6 - Sa I ,t -,.,! L/ (P L idq tlEatd<br />

-L Lt id et)t e)b/ J. LlHtt<br />

,y' / ,',a I a ( uL n, U(q6 Ere, i.p *rr.nd cmn*ztat {,u: 3 L i!9<br />

,J ,7L.t-t..itJu/l,o,J'r1.- ,r, ,' { { } +n L (tg -{ Qte 6n} f. tu/<br />

3 +{V d,r' ( t" &-"9 'th 't,( a} L -{ { ',v 'f -ru-<br />

-r. { \6 -:- 4. e a\L itt L0",<br />

. jb, Lt do ,t ,!t - ,:/ L.)tv, +,t Lpc ,t c Ji \JF j!,f Mu$"a,bre<br />

Jtu-L'h&I Lolb4-,/( 4L\)t

THMs<br />

LLE<br />

GC<br />

ECD<br />

wHo<br />

USEIA<br />

HQ<br />

OIs<br />

MDPE<br />

TCE<br />

MTBE<br />

DDI<br />

PCBs<br />

GAC<br />

UV<br />

vts<br />

HKs<br />

llANs<br />

DCAA<br />

TCAA<br />

CH<br />

DCAN<br />

DBAN<br />

DNA<br />

CBPs<br />

NOM<br />

ADCM<br />

DBCM<br />

TOC<br />

MF<br />

UF<br />

DOM<br />

NF<br />

RO<br />

TDS<br />

usT of rrBns$rnof,s<br />

El€cuon captu€ deledor<br />

Voild Health Oredianon<br />

GBphirc nDEe aronic .bslpt'oo sFcl$n'Ev<br />

PrinciDal @nDondl andt$s<br />

unirca Sble Envirom.niat Pbtarion A8'ncv<br />

CeogEphical bfomaion SYslen<br />

M.dim densit DolyethYlene<br />

DichloodiphmyldcNo@tI6.<br />

Polyc$onnaGd biPhdyls<br />

Gwuld acdvated wbon<br />

CnbriMdon by-FoducB<br />

Bromodi.Norcm€oEe<br />

Dibonochloomerhd<br />

Powd!!.d eriEt€d cdbon<br />

Diselved oreanic naua

BoD BioloSic.l oxy86 demdd<br />

COD Ch.dcal oxyga dmd<br />

TOX Tord orgdic halide<br />

THMFP Trihalomethseforurionpote.iial<br />

TLC Thin layq.hrcm&ognphy<br />

lR Inft_.rcd sFcttospy<br />

NMR Nuclur magnelic re$Mc. sFctlo$opy<br />

MIMS M€nbm€ inroduction is spe.rrcnety<br />

cc-Ms G6cltromloeaphy-ndssp€.nometry<br />

T-IIIM Toaltrindohethde<br />

P&T-CC-MS Purge-dd-trapgDchromatography-msssPecrometrv<br />

HS-CC-MS H$dspace-ga.ttromabgaPhy-mdssp{mn€q<br />

SPME Solid-phemico.nr.clio.<br />

ESI-MSMS El@bspnyioni24ion-&nd.btusp.ciromelry<br />

PACI Polyaluinm cblorid.<br />

vCHCs Vol.lilechlorin.ledhydrMbos<br />

PTI-CC-MS Puge-ad- Eap injetion ga chronatogFPhv-m$ sperom.tl<br />

DLLME DisF6iveliquidiiquidnj.@xtrfltion<br />

PLS P!.rirl le6t squdes<br />

.4-{S Atonic ab$rytion sp€droneq-<br />

ETAAS Elecrorhemal donic ab$prion sFcuon€E}<br />

CVAAS Cold vapor atonic lb6orplio. sperrem€E,<br />

!.ICAAS Hydride s€neration atomic db$rption sp€cromeuv<br />

IAAS FlMc atonic absorplion sp.ctronedy<br />

PAN Poly&ryldiFil.<br />

AIDC Amodmprmlidinedithi@db@le<br />

SQT-AT Slofted quanz tube alon trap<br />

DAT-IA-AS Detivaive atod tzpping nme atomic aberprion spectonetry<br />

ZDEC Zinc di€lhyl dithi(qb@t<br />

TCA Abgsten coil atonia<br />

DDTC Dielhyldilhiocdb@te<br />

HMDTC Hexm€thyleneaiddcdbmale<br />

IDAEC Ininodi&edc.cid.thylc.Uuloe<br />

PTIE Polticl,zflnoo.fiyld€<br />

MIBK M.thyl isobulyl kctone<br />

PGF Pyrolydc Erphite forked<br />

PCN Pyrcltli€ gEphilc

sA Skin{d*..@<br />

DO Dislv.d oxY36<br />

rc Pcm@bihy @mciot<br />

ET Eiposw dm.<br />

C! CooveBion factoi<br />

RID Rcfcmce dos<br />

FnR Fouid !@fm il8arcd tp.cuorcLy<br />

sRM Sl.rid.rd Ef.Mce Eal.i.l<br />

NIST Nadonal l6titutc ofst&dlrds &d T*hnologv<br />

Ec El.drical condrctivity<br />

HS Hmic slbcl'rcd<br />

DOC Dislv€d orytnic clrbon<br />

DBPs Dbinfetionby-pDducis<br />

EA Hmic acids<br />

FAr Fdvic &ids<br />

MCL Mainu @nttulitEt lsl<br />

MMT M.thylctclopdr.di6ylMng&dEicatolyl<br />

PCs Piin ipal compo!.lts<br />

SF Slope Ector<br />

IRIS Intcgrd€d tusk hfomadd S'gd<br />

ASTM Andi@ scicty foiTddng &d Mt .dd3<br />

IARC Int Mti@rl Ag.rcy fd Rdqach on Ce@<br />

PTFE PoltleLrlluoto.lhyl€n€<br />

IHSS Inr.mational HuBc Sub3nca Sai€tv<br />

KW&SB K,fuhi wat r ed S*o8. Boatd<br />

HI H@rd Ind.x<br />

cls C6Sraphic.l info@tion syslcD<br />

IDW Inv@ disree weieht d

tlsT oF TlgLgs<br />

The 6ults otrh. ptytic*h{icrl tudi6 on Kajhs L*e Epon'd duna dtt @nt }srr<br />

Elen.nlol conposnion of Hlmic acid isolttd frcm soil of Keenjhar L'ke and li6mbE vtlucs<br />

D.sfiipliv. stalistica for THM it tap r.cr<br />

lnDur plliMcd fd dFs@ 'ssncd of THMe tfioel o/l '4ts'id<br />

Inpur param.t s for exposuE .sssn nlof THMS tl]ouS! &maiu'Jl'@'<br />

Pot rcy fador (PD o. noF facbr (SF) olTfiMs for ftk calculari'n<br />

R.fdc. d@ GrD) for THM! rd /d/ s?6q'<br />

tadd Indcx of THMS though oEl rcure in tap wocr enpler of Krmchi<br />

H@rd lnd.r ofTHMs thrcugn demll conb' in [p *arer edpl's of K@hi<br />

D$ditrivc 36ri$cs fd n.6ls in Ep YtGr spl'3<br />

D.$npdt. sbthrios fo! s.lals in 8ou'dwrb sdpl's<br />

P.dsn'3 coreldions t.M..n dre coic'nbtids oi mebls in toundwtrtr<br />

P6Fnt c@lsd@ b.l}6 rh. co@ndio! of ndsls in op sdd<br />

Pnncipal Conpone analysis for m.&ls in tap r d enpre3<br />

Priocipd Comp.n nr An.l)6is l* f,els in Sioundw'Gr sNtl's<br />

Inps p:r.rd.6 lo .rFs@ asssn"r of m'bk drclgh ina'nto p6o*rv<br />

RErwnoe do* and sloDc l&!oN olootuh meB<br />

Stu.ry of $. hshh risk 4sm'nr {udv of m'lll'3 rhroush oal rour'<br />

OpiDum OFAAS op.6ting mndirids for rhe d'r'diMtio' or Ni<br />

Optidum CFAAS opcriling conditions lor fie dtt'minarion of ctr<br />

optitum GFAAS oFotins condnioN for the dd'minnion ofcr<br />

Opdmun GFAAS oFding andnions fq dE d'r'didiion or Pb<br />

Optinum GFAAS op@ing sndidons lor tie d't'minltion of co<br />

OFirum CFAAS oP.nting condirio* for th€ da'dintno' ot Mn<br />

Oprimum GFAAS o?.6litg ondiriotrs fd lh' ddmidion or F

4.2<br />

4.1<br />

4.5<br />

4.8<br />

4.t0<br />

4.1I<br />

4.t2<br />

4,tl<br />

4.t5<br />

4.t1<br />

4.18<br />

4.19<br />

4.20<br />

4.2'l<br />

4.22<br />

4.21<br />

4.24<br />

4.25<br />

4.26<br />

4.27<br />

4.28<br />

L@aliotr ofKeojhd Lake<br />


Sch€h. for the €xltrclion of soil hmic aubsidcs<br />

Lry pofil€ of hmic &ids<br />

FTIR sp.tu of hMic rcid<br />

Model siretue of hMic acid<br />

THM3 @pline l@.tioN<br />

CalibFion c@c for Trihalom.th@es<br />

cC-EcD chromioSrd of3t{dad 1 ppn THM<br />

cbrcmatoelds for thc detetuiMrior of THMS in l.p wa|tr @plc (!w-LQ)<br />

Cbrtulogtms fot the delemination of THMS in tap qdter smPle of (LW-La)<br />

Chrcmaroglus for fi. deteminadon of THMS in lap wsi€! sdple (LW_MOB)<br />

chrcn'rogllc for th€ delemidtion of fiMs in tap watd spL (Lw_cEJ)<br />

Tnhabnethdd @ncentraiio. (!pb) in tap water sdpl's of r@a'hi<br />

Corccntratiotr of TTHMS &coding to WHO guidelinc<br />

Corlladon bet9*n TTHMS &d cblorefod @n@tirior<br />

conc. ration of i6 chlorine Gsidual (tpn) in lap watc! smPles<br />

Pd.nl6gc of individul'rHM 3Fci6<br />

Efd of pH on TTHMS<br />

cdc{ nst froD THMS via oftl lode<br />

Cecd risk ftoo THMS via dcm.l €xPosw<br />

Av.mge cder risk for THMS in dif*d P.thuvs<br />

Comparisn of *at t qualitv of No najor e@4 of wat'r supplv to Kdchi<br />

Meral con@lration in rap 3nd Sroud*d€r spl's of K@hi cjlv<br />

CalibFrion cw. fot Ni<br />

calibhtion cdc io. Cr<br />

Calib6tion c@c for Pb<br />

CalibElion cN. for Co<br />

calibEtion cw. for Mn

fig.4,29<br />

Fig 4.10<br />

4ll<br />

4.32<br />

4.33<br />

4.14<br />

4.35<br />

4.17<br />

4.18<br />

4.19<br />

4.43<br />

4.45<br />

4.50<br />

4,<br />

Dcdrc8r@ esulring ftom $. hicrechic'l clunct Mlvsis for m€tals '' tap<br />

wsrd spl€s (SitrsL [.ras. CoGlarion Cefiici€nl Dislanc')<br />

DendrcEl@ $uldn8 fron the hierehical cluld ealvss ror nerar '!<br />

goudwr.r spl€s (SingL li*ag' Corclation C@Ificidt Disbcc)<br />

S.ce plol gnph for pnnopal conlo@ts wirh itl eie'nlt1u6 for lap w'ret spl's<br />

Sc€e plot gaph for principal coEpoienls with ns eigenvalu* for grou'dwatd sples<br />

HQ for didd netats in uP Mld $mugh inecsr'on p6lhwar<br />

HQ for diffr€ metah in greun l*ater lhrcugh ingesliof, 9a$wav<br />

Co6pdbon of Tobl HQ of netals<br />

IDw rup of chlorefom in t8P saLr<br />

IDW bap of blomodichlorcd€lhm in tap wai€r<br />

IDW map of dibonochloometh@ n nP wat€t<br />

lDw map of Ni h tap Et4<br />

lDw hap ofc! in l4P {at r<br />

IDWdaPofctint P wai"<br />

IDW nap of Pb in sP vaLr<br />

tDW map ofCo in taP watr<br />

IDW bap ofMr in t P wtlct<br />

IDW mp of F. in i!! Mrd<br />

IDW nap ofNi in $oudwatet<br />

IDw nap of Cu in grcudwter<br />

IDW rup of Cr in ground*arc'<br />

IDw iap of Pb in gloudwter<br />

IDW n P of Co in grcud€d<br />

IDW oaP ofMn in Itonndwad<br />

IDW nap of F€ in goud*aier

CIIA.PIDR:l<br />

1.2.1<br />

t.2.2<br />

|.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1,3.1<br />

1,1.3<br />

1,1.4<br />

L3,5<br />

1.t.6<br />

|.7.7<br />

l.4l<br />

1.4.2<br />

1,4-l<br />

Ll<br />

1,2<br />

1.3<br />

l5<br />

t,7<br />

l3<br />

1.9<br />

Il0<br />

i lI<br />

|,12<br />

|.13<br />

I14<br />

l.r5<br />

I l5.l<br />

L15.2<br />

Ll5.l<br />

1.15.4<br />



Driddng-waG. @ntatraNts<br />

Micobiologicat @ltanimrs<br />

R diolocicd cdl.niMll<br />

Water lEalrnat pbds.s<br />

Coasdltion .nd flo@hnon<br />

Cnbftltion By-Poducls<br />

TrihrlorclhtB (THM'<br />

Halosldehydcs, EalokeloEs tnd Halo&eronitril.s<br />

Othd cblodnalion by-PN.d@E<br />

F&toB atranins .hldir.rion hy'pNdwls f@tion<br />

PH<br />

Ten|FntN tnd scen<br />

Conc.nlralion ed popdlies ofNoM (Olgdic Pddsot<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

I<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

9<br />

IO<br />

l0<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

l5<br />

t1<br />

17<br />

t8<br />

t8<br />

l9<br />

l9<br />

20<br />

20<br />

20<br />


l I t.5 Conenlralion of chlorinc dd cidurl chbnn'<br />

I 15.6 Conentiaiion of Bmhide (lnotgadc precusor)<br />

Ll6 Mechdiso of lhc fomalion of THMS<br />

l.l7 H.5lth €flets of Trihatonetnds in dtinking wder<br />

I 18 smregi$ for THMS @ntrol<br />


2.1 Tihalohcthd€s in watet<br />

2.2 Tt@ det ls a&lysis bv FAAS ud ETAAS<br />

2.3 Ains &d obj6dlesoflhe pt€snl i'v€stigalion<br />


Lr S.htioh ot smllina elc!<br />

r'2 Sdpl€@ll*m;and PGePariob lorl@chlonmdd THM<br />

ealys,s<br />

l.l Physico{henical study oftap warer d'l grcu'dwarer sdPrs<br />

1.4 CNorine alalyds<br />

I \ Re.cenls nd shdardi for IHMS dalvsrr<br />

1.6 Seple Pepdaion lot THM datY$s<br />

3.? lstrMenl2lion md dtllricsl conditions lor THM Mlvsis<br />

3.8 Risk alssor of TI IMs in dii'king wtler<br />

3.a thjsi.o_cheftra prcpc('e'oitalewaler<br />

s.lo Fm"tioMl'on dd;hdEiatrcnof erlhmrc &id fom<br />

Kenjh& Lak€<br />

Lll Ree€ s dd stsldards for lr@ melak malvs's<br />

] l2 Supl€ ollston ed p@sdalion ror 1r@ mclar mrvsrs<br />

3 13 ltulmc ation md d.l!4ical eonditions for lne neials<br />

mlrs's<br />

3.lq Non;a@inosenh rist assesshcnt oftee met'h in dtiDlins<br />

3 I J OIS study oiTHMs md te n.tals in drinking watr<br />

2l<br />

2l<br />

2l<br />

22-2\<br />

24- 2S<br />

26-i6<br />

t6,41<br />

42 43<br />

4l-M<br />

.16<br />

47<br />


CHAPIER:4<br />

1.r.t<br />

4rL<br />

4.6.1<br />

4 6.2<br />

4.6.3<br />

4.6.5<br />

4.6.1<br />

4.9.2<br />

4.9.3<br />

4,1<br />

4.5<br />

4.7<br />

a.a<br />

49<br />

CSAPTER:5<br />


Physiochmic.l checLrisliG of Kenjhd r*e<br />

Fr;ctionalion md chdacreriatio. of$il bmic eid ton K€enjhe<br />

Physioch€hi.al study ot tap wet ! md $oundwaler sdples<br />

lrinabncthaB in ra! wder spl6 of Kmchi cnv<br />

rbdth dsk assessnent of THMS io drioling {ai.t<br />

Lif.rine @@r rtuts for THMS thrcqh diff€Ent expow<br />

\onca(mogdic nJls lot IHMS lhrough difTeFl erPorue<br />

TEce n€6ls in tap walel ed Coundwaler<br />

Mples of Kdachi citv<br />

Slatistrcsl data Mlysis for th€ trsfte of aace metals tap Mt'r<br />

'n<br />

a halh dsk assndt frcn expcN lo tme nelals vi! ing*lion<br />

oft p war.r s wll6 gloud{aicr<br />

G€oe&rbical infom!tron 3yskn (GlS) srudv of TEMS<br />

IDW oalrsis of uae nelds in 1aP wter<br />

IDw dalysis oftace dculs in grcudwa&!<br />

Concluions dd R.@tuendatoB<br />

TABLES<br />


49-51<br />

52 56<br />

56-57<br />

5741<br />

6a-70<br />

70-72<br />

1316<br />

16-19<br />

79 80<br />

80<br />

30-81<br />

3t-82<br />

82 8J<br />

83<br />

8l-84<br />

8493<br />

93,98<br />

99-\02<br />

103,109<br />

I t0,t l6<br />

l1?-l l9<br />


CIIAPTER: 1<br />


valer is mong the mosl bdic cquitenenrs for butM swivsl Adequre supplv of<br />

cled ed safc drinking sal€t is a lsduflulngllt ofall nman beings Hoqever' n<br />

is rlso a &cl that nillioN of Foplc all ovd th. *orld @ depnved of g'tting sarer<br />

whos. qulity h alpropnarc lor b!n@ uliliation dd for all dodestic ue' Imdequale<br />

suppty ofi6lorls ro the @ ofEw qater ol tor micrcbiologi@l quliq conhinarnB<br />

wirh v&ious ino€mic $d oigdic conlMinmls. dd possiblv contaihing signincet<br />

Sufacc *are. &d goulds €r @ 0E nxo mjor ssca of drinkins Mtd Sun&'<br />

warer i.cludcs rive6, lal6 md Esedois wh€Fd gound*ater is a esuce found under<br />

Gme.lwarer is pdp€d fron w€lls that @ ddll€d into aquife6, which ongimtc ir<br />

Binfall dd when srcw b.h.e dd pcrcol.ks doMwrdltough lhe eil from lhc lmd<br />

surfac. o! rh. bottoft of Mr* bodies to become 8toud wat ' lBovd' 2000l lr hales<br />

up 0.6% ofd. world s tolal *ater supply lB.lrd ttrd Cmr! 20051<br />

Surfa€e *a|c! &€ rcver @mPlelcly pw dhcr nor€.lsilv be@n' co d'oaEd<br />

becans. surfac. watet syst€ns re exposed to &id !sin, $om worer runotf, asticullural<br />

@ofr @ntainilg Fslicides, cblodnded hydtodbor *istd 6om cimical ind!$i's<br />

&1d heavy bei.l contaninatiotr jiom del6l pl6ting oPerations<br />

UMlly, gEu.dMer is $pposed lo be a comPmliv.lv pristine source of wars which i3<br />

cled.r and b.nr prcbcted thd surface ealer slppli$ lt is trorrct€d iom pollulion<br />

mosily by th. Ftml Puifting aclion oflh. soil and othd gslogical fomarions lhough<br />

which water Dun infilFar. b @h uddsrcund aquife6 lBovd' 200{l Howeler'<br />

exoundwarg in lmy aquifcts is contani@ted tlrcugh vdious secs also Sofr€<br />

erewd*qter Mtnally co !i6 dishtd dm€nrs such s @nic (A5), boo' (B)<br />

seloium (sO, o! ndon (Rn) Unpoces*d or inprcperlv fteated muicipal sewdge is a<br />

tuin $lE of surf&e sltd ed grcsdsate! poll ion' NitEle conbminalion of<br />

lloudwaler roy b. cawd bv cxcesite ue of f€nilim GrcwdMter b als<br />

susept'ble lo be conbninal.d by P.sticidcs, which @ mobile in lhe $il Othe! so@s

of grou.l*at€r conMin {on @ l.!tag. of sd.reloud sloEgc tanls ed Plpine<br />

improp.r disposal or storage oftrast€s md ch€mical spills<br />

12 Drirkilg-wrl.. conltDmrlr.<br />

The contaainalion of wat€! h ! direcl indication of the lclel of polludon of rhe<br />

envircnmoi Airbome pollutan$ after flushine fron dte skies, FiNalF ln'EIIY wshes<br />

ovei the *tolc hud lardsPc be lorc Iding i o $e aquifer' $rem, riv'6 dd laLt<br />

th2r d. the euces ol drinlog_qater supplies lMooiq 19951'<br />

Wa|ei ca b. conrMinated al nwb.r of plecs duitg iB disttibudon dd befot'<br />

@hi.g lo tE @Nm.t. In .Hnr.ing ml.i- $hc polmdallv haados chenicah e<br />

orisiMte.t fron eithq th. lr€atnent chenicals o! coGtdciion mat'riah used in warer<br />

supply systens. Pip.s s.d h waEr supplv sv$ems w be calegonzd either having high<br />

@rivily, swh d ulrin d iNs or low Fstivitv, for exdpL polwi'vl chloride (Pvc)<br />

or nedim-dcNiiy polyerityld. (MDPE) ITmdi!'tr d rL' 2008; Ii'll'n 'r d ' 20021<br />

Brcleria ed oreei. m.ner nav tls li.quendv coat lh€ iFide of pip's viihln lhc<br />

disEibution tsls. Tn E is also a posibilil-! of the otrdne of tun_pollble *at" frcn<br />

th€ suouding .nvionne itto th€ diiribution svnen lT'nnircr 'l !l' 2008;<br />

Gulli.k er tL, 20041 lttrough lealage poinls fauhv sals and joinb etc<br />

lTrDEiftn .t .t , zlxt8i Krn.l.r .r .1.' 20011<br />

Drinling saGr cof,tsni@ts the€foR, is d emersing b$xh thle.| dd fts d'mdds<br />

serios atefiion e.t c@tu1 aci

danag€. reprcducrive disorde6 md bifih defecls. Codmonlv delNcd volltlle orgdrc<br />

coqrudr in dnfing *atd include ti€hlocthvlcrc (C:HCL) dicNoDmcrbme<br />

(cHrcll), benzene (C6H6), MTBE etc Trichlorcelhvlene (TcE) k usdd nainlv in drv<br />

clding ed d a elre for Bint fail, qd6 oil rubbq. painl &d v&nsh6 fld *<br />

& innalation dalgesic and ersihelic. Dichloon€thde t usuallv found in in*ctici'les<br />

painre. dcgEsing anl cl@ine nuidx d.l oder Pntducls<br />

oredr compound hdt is cd s u addntre in Petol<br />

B'Mene h ale a voladl€<br />

ro incEM thc ocbe nnbs<br />

Amosph€ic dePosirion, sPills of p.troleM poducts sd ch€nical plant 'filu€n|s re the<br />

nojor &Lres oi beEenc i. watct. ContaniEtion of drinkinS qard rilh ivlTBE is atso a<br />

relativelv Ecent com€d. MTBE b ued 6 a 8a$line altdiive lcmhdn et ' 200t1'<br />

I roduclion of MTBE inlo sufM Mter $ou8! dischesFs o' frcm boals md oiher<br />

^Et<br />

wlddll &d into groundwater drcugh leaki'e ddereloud geline+lorage trn{s re<br />

a@utlble for do{Mmtol 6le dd o

studies also indicate thar PCBS d€ 6s@iared wilh cocs of the liver dd biliary<br />

i. hmN lN*nisni.rd snk.arrlu, l9ll.<br />

1.2.2 Inorgrnic.otrtrbirs.tt<br />

T@. oebls e tho* common polludts thal e g.rebllt distribul€d in the<br />

etrvnoment {ith souc6 nostly noh $. w.alheri.s of oioerals dd soih. It the past<br />

decades, humd iopu$ and aclivities lead lo i@ense incease in the lcvel of traoe netals<br />

in th. dvircmcnt. Heavy mdab cd otcr a water supply by i.dusti.l &d consmer<br />

s6L, malerials u€d d plmbing syst€h dd &om midic Bin bealdne dom soil ed<br />

elcasing healy melals ilto slreds, laLs, rivers dd groundwater Healy netrls tcnd to<br />

bio&cuula,Ie dd ale €u* s.io6 heahh etr€cL ilcluding r€duced 8m$1h &d<br />

development, orgd ddasq n.ruou systcm danase. cdcr dd in sere css dal<br />

caups dealh. Most oflhen.ho have a great affinny fot sultur ed attack sultur bolds in<br />

erzlmes, thd imnobilitng the.nz.mes. Polein ceboxylic acid GCO:rD od dino {_<br />

NH, sroups e ale chedicauy boud by heaia hetah. The m4jor isks to hume<br />

health fron heavy melals re linlcd wilh exposue to codmim (Cd), lead (Pb), m.rcury<br />

(Hs) dd senjc (At F!rup, 20031. cadmiu (cd), lead (Pb), @ppd (cu) md mercur,<br />

(Hd io6 bind lo ell nembdcs md hird.r tne l'dspon Foccas.s $rcugh tlE ell<br />

wall. Heavy n.lds my also pEcipiiat€ phosphate bioconpou.ds or cahlyzc ther<br />

Som. of the mcialloids d€ abo signifi@l walr polluldls lik€ d.nic (A9. slenim<br />

(Se) md etimony (Sb) As.lic b introduced inlo uler through lhe ahosFhenc<br />

d.posnion, dis$lurion of minerals dd oes &d non indutrid .muenb<br />

EpidcFiological $udies har. suggest€d that 6enic in dinking waicr poPs substlntial<br />

risksof l$g,bladdcr,skinedkidney cmcer{Bofieit.. Nyberg. 2003l.<br />

C-vdides (CN) e ocGiomlly foud in dri.thne wr.t bul its prc*nce is m indicaror of<br />

a s.rios pouulion pobl€n. which h plineily 6 a conscquence of indusdal<br />

Hi8n€r concmtrarioN of nuodde (F) e t€quddy @iat d with und.rgrcund<br />

surces. Fluondes may ?nso eot ! a dver 6 a rcsult of indusrial di$harges Fluoide is

Me$ary for protection againt d.nal c&i€s ed w.ak€ling of the bon*. Howev€r, at<br />

bish co.@i6rion it c& hqve d ldv€F .ffsl on hMd lEalrh lt is ale eYidat thal<br />

fluorid.tion increses thc inciden . ol cd€r, hip fiaciurcs ed joi poblem Fluoosh<br />

al$ dr@s€s both r.dh and bon s 0(.nfi!$, 21,051<br />

N."irEte (NOi) is used m.inly in inorgmic LttilizeB, which is Eken up bv pldls dunn8<br />

rn n grc$1b bur the exc.s dmt readilt noY€s wirh grcundwt€t Us of anincial<br />

fenilirG dd lhe disposol of st s de th.!.fo!€ the most inporla.l facio6 ecounlable<br />

for rhc iocss in nilrat levels in goundwatr suPplies Th. concenfation ol niftle in<br />

s!rf4. $ater cN incPes d a esult of Etu* dmp tu_on asricultu l run-ofr or<br />

conrmimtion wi$ hlmd or eind {6i.s Tn€ bxicilv of dtrate to hu@s is<br />

excluilcty du. b irs cdrcrion lo dmle Oq} *hich rhu involv€s in the oxidation of<br />

nomal hsnoglobin to m.lhemoblobin, which t not calabl. oftrtusPoldng oxvS€n lo<br />

th€ tisEs Motovd, e Miatior b.tw! .xpo!@ to niuaE ed risk of bladd€t<br />

cscer is biologically plausible IZegeB el d., 20061<br />

PflhloEre dion (Clo.) in wr* suppli6 ha bdn shoM ro distupr dvoid a€riviq<br />

1.23 Microbiologi.tl cont Di.rtrrs<br />

Hwe ed dinal w6te conlaiG difieFn loms oi viral dd proroz@ PalhoSens lf<br />

hmd fecal maLrial dtc6 Mt i, ihe dsk of die$e spead drough drinldng wller is<br />

sEstly increded IB.yd, 20001. Micrcbidl contanimtion or watn cives nse b<br />

easfo.nhins. drsrcry. fasl dianhd. tlPhoid f.vd or hepltiF Mico6Dl<br />

conroi.mts aho have cdcinogenic polential Thercfore, parhogcs e usuollv<br />

66id.Ed a highd belth dst thd chemicris lAlbbolf, 200ri DffiD .t .1.' l99l<br />

The nosl abud&t of $e f*al indicator beteria n lhe colifom gbup Colifon<br />

b&re.ia DTificd by trcrer,.rla .o/t fI: @Iil dd Lcd sli.flecci m excEicd in me<br />

fees of hme ed otbd Mft-blooded dimals. t coli h th€ most specific md<br />

appopnat€ bq.t.rioloeical indicalor of aecal pollntion The @curen€e of a doli in a<br />

dnding water supplt rcquiEs immediale renedialaclion. I1Edololerafi coliloms de<br />

cobparatively l€s Eliabl. indicators of f*al pollulio! $r' t "1i but $€it ulili? tioh

fo. *dr qlrlity .xaoidrion is de @nsid.Ed &c'P!able' vat't q!2liiv bed o' a<br />

st nddd of hs lhe on€ colifom ter loonl n *adstic'llv safe for hmd consuPdon<br />

l\uro,19961.<br />

AlSaI tosi6 @ 8*!allv caLgorized 6 lr@toxbs or hePatoloxins lhar d podlced<br />

flom dinoflogellates, diarom. or cvmobad'rja (blue sten alsde) IRicbddon' 20031<br />

Btm6 of cyeobscldia m gcn allv ioud h lalcs dd Esfloi6 6ed fo! potabl'<br />

w1d supply. Cydotdcr€dal loxis cD atfect hul1r6 dtrough drinldng wter<br />

1.2,.1 R.d iologic,l .ont Eimrr!<br />

Radioacive subsances c @lv foud in dritling aaler' NaluEl occudence or<br />

@!M (U) in grcundMrer n dsiar€d with saitic @ks 4d orhd oin'dl depdis<br />

It is a kidney toxin [r!*.[ . l Nieu'€trhuile!, 2003t Radon (Rr) is a ddioedve gd<br />

fom d. tsult of mhlal btcar.toh (dli@ctiv' &c6v) of BdiutrL rdich b ilself a<br />

d{ay prcducl ofurdium. Radon is @inog'nic &d rh'rc is a @nvincing 'vid"e thal<br />

ndon caues lug cscs The sociaton b€Neen ddon dd clildh@d dalisrdcies i3<br />

ale Eponed in svdal sludid lKohli .l {' 20001<br />

t3 Todc .tf.ci of D.ld3<br />

Mecls e most litel, rhe old.sl roxins knM b hMes Toxi'ilv is det'mi"d bt do*<br />

a! the celluld level as well as factos such 6 lalenc' state and ligmd binding' lor<br />

ermplq rhe lival€nr +ei$ of chromiM e 'sctrtbl @e 'len€nl wh€r@ tn'<br />

hdavaLnt cbrohiu h hiSl v toxic Ligdd birding is possiblv th€ mosr tuldmenbl<br />

prce$ in Bd.l roxi.iiv md in celLule dcfense against nelals' The diol lismds of<br />

deDllothio!.in avidlv biffl a nubd of !oxi' retals 6 p'rt of a d'fe6' svst'm k'd<br />

anaches lo thiol ligsds on edlm€s iNolvcd in hem' sv hesi3' ufuiu to pho$hat'<br />

groups on glncose tansponert md triwlsl @nic to lhe thiol goups of dlpha lipoic<br />

eit! .ll lh* nclal lieand inl@tios udcdving loxic &riotr lKl.sc'' 201'll Mos<br />

mebls af€ci nultiple olge svst ns al higho do*s but al the lowest dos' etch nelal<br />

t nd. to .ILcr a sFcific orAe or risw otlv'

The nosl important latual solft of chonim enlrv inb rh€ walei bdies is the<br />

l*hing fton topeil md @ks. ChrcniM d$ erne6 sutfe' Baln ftod drhrepog'ni'<br />

euces slch s .ltrtroplaling faclori€s. l.xtil' mmufetuing indudes ed learh"<br />

l.m{ies. In Lp wster d. concentadon of cbtodiw ddv incre du' !o plmbing<br />

@dials. chromi$ in trivalol ad h'ravol€ fod is ol biolosical signi6cdc'<br />

lnrematio$l Ag.n€v foi R.*eh on cDcd oARC) h6 dssift€d chtomiun (vl) in<br />

cioup I (carcinogenic to hrns) md chrEiw 0ll) in clouP I (not clt$inable as ro<br />

their cNinog.nicity b hmet ChtoniM (VI) conpouds ce be cdcinosenic foi ln'<br />

b@ Gpnabry uacr. An 's$iaiion be$dn dposw to chrcnim (vl) ed cmcd<br />

of the sinonssal cautv G ds r@oned in flw studies lFlon'<br />

chrcmim also l€a& to tubul4 detosis IW.d*! ! Qim' 1911<br />

l.!,t :tictcl (Nt<br />

2000l AcuL cxlosE lo<br />

DnnhnS *ater contais !.rv snall domts of nickel Co'ce'tatio' of Ni in dnnling<br />

watd ruy P6sibly b€ incc@d if aw wacF e pollutcd bt 6tur5l ot indusinal nickel<br />

d.posirs or if l@hing tom nicldthroniw Plarcd llps dd finiry ttt' PIa6 '{RC<br />

hs cldsiii.d nickel (lI) comPouds 6 hde dciloss (GrcuP 1) dd mehllic dck'l<br />

6 posibly cdcinogenic to hunms (GouP 28) ls'lnikor rnd zhitkdl'b' 2003l Toxic<br />

.fecls of nickel it tu e relarcd 1o de@al lug and ngl slns 6c€s<br />

lAbdunr[i d rl '20081-<br />

1.33 Cobt! (Co)<br />

Coball' in th€ fom of @baldia is e.senlial @nPon' of Yihin Btr r€quEd for<br />

the produdion of red bloo

l3.a copp.r (cu)<br />

Copp.r is a lulriliomlly csdtial elhdi lt is t djnor cotutiln nl ofmtudl qateE bur<br />

the con@ lation of copp.i in the wat€r dblribudon svsten nav €xceed due to fi€<br />

corcsion of coppq piFs. Intate of dritking water wi1h.l.vat d copFi conc'nrations<br />

@ induc. cpieatic pdin. MUse4 vonidng ed dish.a lPizrre 't il' l99l<br />

Epidemiologic sdies havc nol foud my Fhtior ben*en coPps exposw dd c&cer'<br />

rJ.5 Iron (Fe)<br />

k6 is a vnd .bndt it hum trutrition Cst ioq slel ard galv&iad ion PiPe e<br />

th€ princip.l so@6 of imn i. dinking ward diributid svst ms. Iron in drinling slEr<br />

promotcs lhe gov"Ih of ircn bactqia dd sulfatc_Edrcing b&lena. Concetuation of ircn<br />

in exc.ss of 0,2-0.3 ng L L my caue nuience, althousn tu Prc*nce do6 not affecr the<br />

try3iflic quatiry of mrer lM.ri.ri<br />

13.6zitrc(z!)<br />

.t rL, 2ll09l<br />

zinc is also & esential cl.nent involved io nerabolic tunctions in hm&s ln nannal<br />

sufe. w|e! n is foud in lace mous bul lhe concenlralio. ofzinc in tap Mter hay<br />

inc@s baase ot the l.4hing of tnc loh pipiry ad finings Zinc hd ben fomd b<br />

have low toxicny to mm but prolohced cotsuFPlion of lrge doses of zn cau's fstisue<br />

dizjnc$, dd !.ntroFnis IAbd hni et .1.' 2008i Atofolu .t .l ' 20051<br />

Lead conc.lt61ion in oaiural sud&e wats is gencrallv snall bul lhe conc.ntBtion @t<br />

inclles ar ln€ consm4\ lap Th* de nMber of fadore rcsFonsible lor the incresed<br />

oMtrario. of l€ad in raP war.r ituludiDa lachrng of lead ion PvC piFs wh@ il is<br />

e-it s st bilid or lttough the co@sion of Plmbing<br />

haienals ontaining lead<br />

ll-evin .t .1., 200S1. Lead loxicit hd a .ffcct on th€ henalologic. leEl md neuologic<br />

systems. Chrcnic, lo*-l.vel l*d expdue plodues glon'ruldr ad obuloi eulit'al<br />

chans* dat leads ro Clycosuio, ptureinuia, hvFiension 'nd<br />

chrcnic enal lailue The<br />

rmroxic .ffrc6 of lead e pelhtp6 itE h.si lnon dd studi.d lsatrbon d 'l ' 2002,'

The rARC h6 @ncludcd dat t[e evid.nc for th€ cldnoe'ocnv of lead dd dorgdic<br />

l.ad @mlouds in hMs is insumcid lcidld' 20041<br />

l 4 wrr.r trcddenl Proc.s3B<br />

Tbe application of watq teahrmt t chnoloSv is no1 a nodem idovation Th' u' oi<br />

cheool filtes, stliniug d*t qposw lo sotighl lo inPrcve rh' &srh€fcd quah' o'<br />

dn*ing *or€r ha ben p@dced for a vcry long dme lAnboft"' 20041<br />

TIE nhdaaenlsl obj.ctive of Mler tr€aft.nt is io nale w1e' efct 10 lhe @nsMetr bv<br />

remoins palhogcns dd inpuities that miSl b€ hmtul to the hwm healtb ln<br />

conleolioml waler teatnenl svst€ds coagulation, flocculation dd edimendion'<br />

foUo$rd by filffition e uFd fo. rn cmoval of color ad paniculale nand including<br />

pmro@ vills, bdlclia ard oihd mic@tga.ntu M6smse ion' 6t6 and odo6<br />

6ay als be enov.d Eon rhe vater bv lhs$ pffiess<br />

1.4-r Coagulrtion .td floc.ultlio.<br />

NaMl *atd co.hins sal ldticulat*, which de sspend'd in MEr fom'ne a<br />

colloirl. Th* pdicl.s catv the se chsg6, cotrsqE lv EPulsion pElo6 uBm<br />

froD mnbilirg i o ldg€. Particdates A .oagutel is ih'efoE 'ddcd b neu6ltc the<br />

ch&s€s on pdticles Alusinim sdiat (slun) is ! co@on @agulet which @cts *irh<br />

water to fom floca of alwi ud hvdrcxid. ton_b$ed coasulmts likc feric chlodde or<br />

fedc sulf.F nat al$ be used d coagulanh Coagulaion Poc'ss cd al$ b€ Nd lo<br />

@nol dtuat orgeic @ner (NOM) in w e' Fedic oaertdts e'oeallv pdomd<br />

bcner tbd dM .t low.r PE for ihe EFoval of disinfdtion bv'ptod@t preu@B<br />

luy* 'ld loo4 20071<br />

In 1he flocculadon prccess Patticl.s fo@ed dunng the coaguladon stlge dc<br />

sgelon rated into ldger padicl€s lo foft enlable ed /or nlt.Eble fla patlicles<br />

Flodulols ft ehPlov.d 10 inc€e lh. si2c, strengrn md setl€abilirv ol flocs SEch<br />

&d o'nriply chlgc

S€fil€able locs @ allowed 10<br />

dr. concentation of sNP€nd.d<br />

be depositd during th€ edinentation pro@s' lt edoc's<br />

solids th3i nusr b. r€norcd by fillN lwHO' 19961<br />

Sed nltaton b ue

v) Ir should nor c@e the water to becoDe toxic or upalalabl'<br />

vi) A disini*tanl should tunction within $e t nperatue dngc of lbe wat€r<br />

vn) lt should b€ 6y b detemin. iB concentr.ton 'n oe waEr<br />

vni) A disinJacrdt shodd Prcvid. Esidual Pdt'dior aeninsl teontdt@lon<br />

Th. disinl€r.nt mosr @@onlv ud is chbnne Albhariv' disin'dla s re $e<br />

chflicar subsifc.s cllorine dioxide, chlo@ite &d oDne sd lhe 'on_chenicar<br />

disinf{tion qith Uv i@diatio.<br />

1.5 Cblo.in. dioiid. (Clo1)<br />

in gdm6 fom lof bactenal<br />

Chlorire dioxidc is d etr€ctive disinf.cta.t" @d<br />

dm ani$don lMd.ghil er rl,2008l clq @ be ge@€cd by th€ @dion of<br />

chlorile s6 sith elid edi@ hwG otjt o'Iaclq)<br />

!r is hishly watd eluble ClOr is a $ong oxidindg asent Th' oxidizing md<br />

disinfslio6 pbFnis of ClOr G k Pl *ithin a wide pH mse (4 to l0) lM'!'ghh el<br />

.L 20081. h is 6.d aor lhe ontrol of ion neeane ed llavor dd odor cNins<br />

@mpouds lM.n.gbb.t rL,2008; vsh.tli €t.l' 2005l ClO: is also Eed lbt<br />

@ovd of biolilms in pi!€ sysrem (Lcsionclla Pobl@) IB'rsh'rn '!d Koptnlr<br />

2005t.<br />

clo, is about th..quivddt of fte chloijn in ttc h}?ochlooc did (HoCl) fon bui<br />

nuch noa .mcian thd $e bypochlorit. fod of 6ee cnbrinc lAth d rL 19821<br />

owine t') thc gFdter oxidadve capenv ofclG th,! chlonoe (cl:), it is a noE etretive<br />

oxiddl in lowr conenlnlioG ClO: also mainlai4 fl &tive Esid@l in Potable *Eter<br />

looeer 0M chloriG do* lchercbiti.oft<br />

p@UMrs ro foft lrihalomethdes<br />

lNoClOr + Clr - 2ClOr + 2NaCl<br />

2002l h ale doe' nor Eacr wid orcar:c<br />

D€@nposidon of CIO: tak€s place ud* ultlaviolel lidl ClO: eho iods ilorgm'c bv-<br />

Diod@s (chloEte dd cNonte) upon i|s Gaction with $ah coNtnknts lvolk 'r rl'

20o2i 8.omr d rL, l99rl. ctonre (Clql is fom.d a .<br />

reduction podud ir oxirlrtive l@tioE in {hich CIO: lake pdns<br />

ClOt + e'* CIO!<br />

lcoun dd.i l9E!1.<br />

CltoFr. (Clorl fodltioi occE minly by. dhproponiomdon @ctio! ofclo: $at is<br />

cablyzed by uliravioLt light, thN Srving tie one nol€cule ofclor-@d one nol*ule of<br />

CIO' p.rlwo 6oleul6 ofCIQ lcolri.l ,19621.<br />

So@ contu bave b.a Bis.d ov{ po$ibl. h€lth ef[4c of th* Djn d.gtadtnon<br />

by-pod@r. chlorile (ClO,) dd chloFt (clorl io4. IrE bxicological cf!.cis iiom<br />

exposw to ClOi ftr. linl.d with th. hmopoietic sysl.n. Low leveh of ClOi mv<br />

c.@ ha.nollaic a@nia ileug! oxid.tiv€ ddugc to tne €d bl@d ell n.mb!@. A1<br />

hietrd ldcli ft @ ee d inc@ in b.lhmoSlobin ClOi c& al$ ind@ .ffecis u<br />

lhe nflo6 syslems in inldls add youg children [v6.t.tti .t .L, 2005l fot lhe<br />

elinihatio. of CIO? thc ue of sdn!-b6.d r.ducing ae.nts, gr&uld acdvat.d cdbon<br />

(cAc). ed fe@u ioos rc invesrisatd. Howvd, f€tuus iotr hav. b

Mo@hloFnin. dd dichlot@ine & gencdllv poduc'd in the pH m8e of 4 5 to 8 i'<br />

Mon6hlodin Eually disrt alorc, al pH above 85 Howver' belov pH 4d<br />

uichlordine is gmdted Nittose. trichloridc 6av be deltidcnlal to bum&s 4d rt nav<br />

also inpan . disagreeahle lastc 6d odor to the water'<br />

Cnbdi.6 e fieqEnrly uted s $ondary disinlect2ds lor dnnking wat'r beas<br />

dEy providc ! residul fd porccrion of thc distriblrion svsEm Thcv eliminal€<br />

unplesdt t&nes sd odor condftions ass@iatd *i1h chlorine Tle halflife of<br />

c orein s in water is 8r..te! thm thal of chlorin€ b'cau3e fEe chlori'e b hidlv<br />

dimBibL lP.E-Gtrcn dd Rodirsud'B.nlte, r99l ll ttlo rcdues rn' fomation or<br />

o€aic chlorinaBl onpourds suc! 6 urhatonethG lP'Ecarcir 'd Rodnqla-<br />

Bcnila,19991.<br />

CI ()@in6 tak€ longcr lime thfr chlorin. for eff*dve dtinfrclion lt is ale less<br />

efre.tive rhd chlorine in d.4rilaring viNs bacreria ad Oiardia<br />

Ozone (Ot is e unsrable 8s, which h fom.d bv passing dry air ttrongh 6 svsten oI<br />

hieh votra8. cletrod€. h is paniatlv eluble in waier- Th' 6lie$ s of Or ws D<br />

Fruce, in 1866, when dc Mdiem @nllmtrl tbat dilut' ozonized sir could sl'riliz<br />

pollut€d wder. 'fte fist ddnring walet lt.ahenl plel to use Or qs constndea n<br />

Oudshom, Holtmd in l89l lch.noitinoc 20{21 or was 6ed for dtinfeclio' bul<br />

tab it' appli€atios hnvc ctp4ded ro induc' Movd of bstc odor alstc color and<br />

or ds as. powe!tul oxidizins agdt ed disinf€ctins asent lBo{'cquttl2006l or is<br />

very effcctive i! inacti!6ting dtltospoiidia {Boucqlilri' 20061 Or is caPdble of<br />

rducitrg $e odor ird@d fron *tuclluld ptudsls contajning in algae htdmg€n<br />

sulnde, sd aldehyd€s ed phenols in dri.king wter' Th' bdcLn€idal 4rion olor is<br />

Elatively wllerd by chdgcs in PH while chbnne efiicacv is stonglv dePend"t on tne<br />

pH of the war€t [Che..6i!i.oll, 20021. lt hG ben SeGtsllv &d for th' co'uol of<br />

EilDlon thrles dd orhd disidetiotr bv_Prc

T!. c6t of o@Gtion is compdativ.lv highr ths chlorinadon The disinf'dion Pow'r<br />

ofo3 b,lso limit.d by il3 rlstiv.ly lo* solubinv in eat.r [M'n'bt!' l93l O] dpidlv<br />

d.srads to oxygo &d Mlr ii tEat d ddiling wal( dd tnw povides oo ldtog<br />

dBinfect&t rcsidugl lB.k r.t .1, 20021, thdeioe po$chbnnaion hav bc equ'rcd<br />

M6y ino4di. sd oi8&ic ozomtion by'poducls have tko b€en idcntified ozon'<br />

ela&d by-poducts conskt ofcdbodv 4ids .poxid$, pdoxid6, aldehvd6' kdon*'<br />

qlinon, ph.nols dd bonimt d otgdics IH{.l.1., 1999i J!r!'lo 'r 'l' l'891<br />

Oadrion of brcmid.{onbining watds c& oxidi& rha bronid' ion (Bi) lo bonat'<br />

G'o5) Foor.q !ti, 200.6l Bfor' is clsitied 6 a srcuP 28 Pobable hme<br />

cdircsd lRo.bl .l .1.,1)021. Und.r hiSncr pH @ndidon o@6tion Podu@s high*<br />

Brq- @ncocarioB. It lh. pEeicc of Bi 6d mhdt o4r.ic mtd (NOM), ozo@tion<br />

@ lad to $. fodnnion of bomofom (CHBrt) ed oth.. btuninal.d bv'Prcduts<br />

Icr.rrsh d .1., 19921. lod.t 0orl is s inPondt bv-produci fom'd duog<br />

o&dion of iodid*onilinin8 *ar6 lodarc is lresfomed bact( to iodidc 0)<br />

.ndostricdly. th.€fot n is ao1 odidctld Preblcnaic<br />

duins @natios pbcs Chlod. it onlv fodcd if a P@xidrltion<br />

cnbrine diorid€ hB bcd cdi.d oul lG!...!, 20031.<br />

2 Or+ CIO -<br />

2 O:+ ClOr<br />

Chlodd€ clNt bt oxidiz'd<br />

b, chbnne d(yo!<br />

Ultaviotet (W) disinfeion is n@h moE clEctiv. thd chbnnarion ror $me<br />

Flhogc6 (CryprcPoddim, .nt ovi@t lA.Lboltr t4; Mog.nd Gcrbr' 19951<br />

A faidy lov do* of Uv lirh @ kill 99 p€cnr of $e colifom md fdal<br />

'€l<br />

sn.pr@dcs lch.rEililofi, 200?1. ll L efl,.4v to w, sd fte ofch'hi@ls ll also<br />

das nor orcdue t ste tnd odor. UV dilinf.clioo does noi pFd@ disinfelion bv'<br />

Drodkls. Simultad@G lFdhcnt of w{er *ith Uv md oane $ulls in higber<br />

micoorssftm ldus tho in&Fn.t nl traimmt wit bo$ uv dd oane A @mbinaion<br />

of ulraviolct lighl md ozon d.strcys DOT, fr.lathio! dd oih.. pesticidcs

The main disadvdt.ge ofUV u.aheni h lh.ldk ofresidualdisinfectio! lt us@llv hd<br />

lo be used in.osbinotion with a econtt&v disinfedmt, eg chbnne' or<br />

monochlordine, in ord.! to prcl! t lhe dishibution svsten dd to prcved ECrcqd of<br />

nicoorgdisN. The eilicidcy of UV trearhe.t cs aho b. educed in the pEsence of<br />

hish levels of suspended solids, tu$idny, color, ot solublc olgeic naner n *are!<br />

The chlorimdon ofdlinldng watc! hs b.en cff*tiv.lv used lor the conl.{l of walerbom€<br />

infeciios dise* for n.&ly a c.otury lBull .l r[' r95l Thc introd@don of Mter<br />

chlorimtion s a standard ftah.nr @hniqu€ hd undoubEdlv contibured ro lhe<br />

Educton of ttphoid fever nonalily lscho.n.& 2002l Chlorind is the mosr conEon<br />

disi.iectanl becaue it is lhc ledt .xFtuive of all th. .nemical disinf(unt! chbnne<br />

ued for &rer dbinf.cdon B available in thE€ lod3 i.., s a liqrcfi€d compcsed 86a<br />

c,lciu hr!@bbnt in e6uld dd bbl.l foms aod 6 chlo.ic bl@h eluljon<br />

Sodiu hrochbnt€ it comonly Ef.dcd !o 3 liquid chbnre bbch<br />

Who chloiin€ is added lo wrd. il Epidly hydtolvz.s ecotding io lhe r€actron<br />

H}?ochloNN dd (HOCI),<br />

CI?+ 2H:O- HrO +Cl + HOCI<br />

lh. hydblt5is prcduct of chonne,<br />

HOCI +HrOr HrO' +OCr'<br />

'Irr€* two ch.mical sPeci6 fom.d by chlonn.<br />

s free available chlorine lMm.hn, 19931.<br />

(!ii)<br />

(,iii)<br />

The addition of sodiM hrTochbnle $lution to wtd r.sults in thc fomorion ol HOCI,<br />

NaOCI + H,O + HOCI + Na'+ OH'<br />

The addition ofcalcim hypo.hlorit€ to wal.I also le.ds to the fomation ofHOCl<br />


Ca(OCl! conlaiG aPPrcxinatel! ?O percd available chlonne wh'l6 NaOCI contains<br />

5 per6r ro l s Frceot .vailable chbnne (Ch.rebhitoft' 20021'<br />

chloriE is ! tu4 oxidizins ag.ni trd U.€foF t @d h tb' Emoval of iro' md<br />

nsSoesc fron wat€! h is also uerl for the deslruclion of usle dd odoFca6in3<br />

Th. mount of chlodn added to the svs.h is Elted t'l"i" dose Tn' momt of<br />

cblou€ vhich is cosumed in lh. pocess of oxidizinS inPuiti$ in the *at€r is rfeftd<br />

n 6 chto/itu denlnd Chlorire r4il,al is rhe mosl of chlorin' Eminiog af'd lh'<br />

demdd is sadsi€d Ispe[n'r,2007] world E€ahh orgeiation (wHo) scl the fre<br />

chlor$ Biduat in ddnlDs vald should b. Nund 0 2{ l n&rl ior l0 ninules conEcl<br />

dde lslrb.tly .d Kritnmi.n, 2n07l Conbitud tutid&t i $e onbin'lion of irce<br />

chlorine with.itroe€n compounds Conbi..d esiduals e also called chlordines The<br />

matheoaricdl combinadon of fte and @ftbin€d esiduars is leoed I totol chlorin'<br />

/ddral [SP.flba!, 200?f Bredlqoin chlorinatioi is rh' ren applied 10 lhe pMess in<br />

vhich ooug! chbnne nust be ldded to lh. qtld !o prcdrc' t point at sbrch n'e<br />

conplete oxidalion of otogen codFutrds is Fs'hed i'e dv r€sidwl b€vond<br />

brcakpoint is g€netally fiee chlorine !.*.hlorine h$ the hidtst disinfectiog poe'!<br />

Hovever, high does ofchloiine aPplied during disinfection mav esult in esidMls $al<br />

e .stheically objstionabt.. Thccfoc io mi niz' th€ eff@ts of frce ldd conbincd<br />

chlorine rsiduals. lt.rlri.dto, is perfoded' It dav be @ied our bv th' Eacdon of<br />

Fsiduat chbnne witn a duing agent or bv the ad$4rion on od reeioh willl<br />

erivated cdbon CohPouds seh d .di! diondc (SOt)' ediun hsulfil€ (Na[SOr)<br />

and sodium ihiosulfare NarSzOt e cohmodv us'd for dechlolination Puaose For<br />

.ranple wh.n SOr is added to w.ler, sulfms a€id h fomea shich disiales to fod<br />

hydrcg€n $lfi1e (HSOrl, viticn in nm Eets wilh ft4 od ohbined chlorine 6idul<br />

to fom chlonde ald sulfa& io6. Sq ed also remov's non@hlordinq dichlomine<br />

ed otrog.n liicbbndc<br />

cdocl), + 2ilro r 2Hocl+ ca:'+ zoH

FE. chlorif €d @ct *ith NOM to gendl. toxic halogdaEd drsinfdllon bv_pmducrs<br />

lvolt.r tL, t0o2i Rook, r9?Tl Thde chloi'at\ed dbinfection bv_Piodrcls iDduce<br />

geroroxic / Futreenic eileds lcNtavino et .L 2005; M'ler et al' 1986i Agafld 'nd<br />

N.ro!, 1989i woo.trrf .r !L, 20011. The se ol chbn@t€d dnnkiry water is tbund ro<br />

b. Fsialed wilh in@ed risk of tne @cer of th€ uitsv md sdlrci csrinal Flc<br />

IMonrrc! cl rl.,2004; ctblor' 1997i Koiv6tlo et 199?l Th' rclddon belwn<br />

'l'<br />

dBinfKtion by-Poducts in dnnlinC mlfr dd spo $eou abonion &d olhn<br />

Fpoduclive dd developn€ al edes is 'le irresliS'@d in fc$ eDideniologi$l<br />

studi.s lNi€uwenhuijs.n et rl ' 20001<br />

l.l0 Cblori!.rioo Ey-Produca (CBP!)<br />

Disinfeclion wi$ chlonne is co$idedd inpondl o prvent micmbiological pathog'6<br />

fron .dendg .lrinLing warc! However, in l9?4 R@k r'poned the fomltion of a wide<br />

mg. of po€mially h.allh 3ig.ifi@l disi.f.ction bv-Podncb s a Gslh of cl onBtion<br />

of drinti4 Pdle. ltuct.tdon' 2003; Roolq 19?4l ldentificalion of c orimted<br />

disinfation by-Foducts md pot€ ial h.al$ h@ds ss@ided {irh th'm raied a major<br />

con d or the bsldcinS of th. bxicodvnmi6 of lh' chenical sP'ci's 4d risk lom<br />

padogenic microbes in the dlinling ster supplies lcop't et tl '<br />

z00Tl Trihalonelhles<br />

(THM' dd haloac€tic acids (nAAs) N rhe two najr clases o' disidection bv_<br />

pod@s Guatly fourd in sares disinf4t€d with cNonne Oth'r cliesonca of<br />

chlonMrion by_Podlcis @ haloaldchvdcs, halok€tones {HKt halo4etonnrihs<br />

(HAN', ciloopicin, chlorcPh.nols dd MX<br />

l lI Tri!,loD.lh$$ (ltlMt<br />

THMS weE th. ii6t category ofdisinfection bv_poducts identified in waler lNikol'ou €l<br />

rl., 20021 THMS e halogcn{nbsdturcd sinsl€

omide concentradon od consiitutes aPProxi@relv 90e, of lhe THM conc'nrarion<br />

Isrdiq.l .1,,2()l,21. HoEv€t, wft ebatcd bronide concenlation, tbe brchinared<br />

tihalon.thdes roy be fmcd .r lels conFEble |o or excedinS thlt of chlorcfom'<br />

1.12 E.lo.celic ocldr (EAA!)<br />

nAAr b€lorg to lhc non-vol.tilc fractioN of chlorimtion bv-prcducls dd de g'nedllv<br />

rhe seconl pcdoninst grouP of disinfdtion bv_prcducls in chlonnat'd drinling waler<br />

HAA posss nron8 eidic od hydrophilic ch@rer' Tne conc' raion of HAAr in<br />

dnnbng wld nay enetinet dcad tho* ofTHMs. de!€ndine on PH, dd al$ on the<br />

Mt@ of oieoic mattc! oflh. watet. Monochloroac€tic acid (MCAA) otacks skin eves<br />

&d Espirltory syscn lNikol.ou .i rL, lg99l Dichloro&etic ocid (DCAA) &d<br />

ricbloroeetic ocid (TCAA), thc doniml n.mbes ot HAAi @ nepa$minogenic in<br />

rcdents lNchoo d.1., 20011.<br />

1.13 g.lo.ldelryd6, Erlok io!.t (EKt). t gtlosetoritrilg (HANt<br />

Haloaldehydes. haloketores ed haloeetonilriles de groups of volalil' chlodnatcd bv_<br />


acids IE y4 er .L 1986l DCAN h6 bfrn Gvealed to be nuils€nic in bact'rial dsavs<br />

wh.r.6 rrichloro.cetoniitile athcks ev6 Md skin lNikol$u tt l99l HANS ha!€<br />

'l '<br />

ale ben found lo d.trEgc DNA ofiice lNikolrou.t.l.' r99'<br />

r.14 Orb€rcltlorinrtioo by-produc$<br />

Otha cblorin iion bt_prodwls irclld. b,loniirob.th'n* haloniuiles, h'lophflols dd<br />

halofudo@s. chloropicrin oi $ichloNnittnethde b€longiog lo halonilrohetlanes' is<br />

dothd cohpoud belongine lo voldilc CBPS *bich is sudlv d'ie'r€d in chloMidted<br />

qtc6, bu als e\sE 'n chlomatd $ats Like haloaldehvdes hdloi'bnet ad<br />

haloaceronih.es, chloopdns k tl$ Ep:db iomed 6 son aq $' Lar'r is<br />

ctdori@t rt. then eilher dqv tluc to hvdmlvsh dd caclioG with Gsidul chbnne' or<br />

th€v co6isl int @edialc @npou& $at de finallv conven€d b THMS or HAAS<br />

tl,okk$,2(x)31. Chlorcpicin anacl$ rsPnatory sysid,ldgs, tves and skin lNikolror<br />

.t rL, 19991. The haloniuil6 cydoscn cbloridc ed bremide w€E obsfl'd b fom wnh<br />

a great .xtenl in chlormioated waler supPlies 1nd chlorinaled wateN Fom<br />

chlorooh.noh, 2,4-dichlooph.nol ed 2,4,6-iichlotoPbdol re th' mosl ondon<br />

sFci6 n cblodEd dt'nln8 was llerb$ 2lDJl Tlc hvdorlfwotr' compoud<br />

rchlorc-4.(dlchloomebvllthvdroxv'2_(5H)-n'4one colled "MX" h foud in<br />

chloii@led drinlhg *ald with much loffi conenFatioN thD othct bv-Pnnuds of<br />

poi.ndal co@h. Tbe ftjor pecuMd of MX se hmic acids ed dino acids pcsdt<br />

in nrtuEl waler lAldu.j.t.ki ud NMrucki' 2003l MX is classilied as s diecl ectDg<br />

n agd lN.trji6. .r .1.,20051<br />

1.15 F.ctor afi.cri4 chlorin.liotr bv-pmduc& fomttiotr<br />

Thc fotudon of THlvts, HAAS &d ofid.lisinfdnon bv'prcduds (DBPt i! drinrihg<br />

wter supplier de aff.c'ed b' s.veral febb ududing PH conk time warer<br />

renpeBturc bd sc&n conc.nuanon dd ProFnres ofrhe orgd( pr'eMr nakndls<br />

(NOM), @n@tadon or €hlodne &d etidld cblotire' dnd conenfation ol bomide<br />

tNlloho! .t 'L r999l

l.l5.l pH<br />

THMS fomarion inc@s wilh irciEainS PH.<br />

mqinized at low wat€! pH. At hien pF valn€s,<br />

hydlolysis lNikol.ou<br />

€t a[' 19991<br />

whscs &€ lonadon of HA-{s is<br />

HANS sd ltKs decal s a rcsult of<br />

<strong>Higher</strong> conce raiion of THMS dd tldAs occu with m increasing Eaclion nne'<br />

Motov4, HANS dd HKs hav. b*n found lo ddav virh @tion tim' 6 a Esuh or<br />

htdolytis ed rcrciio6 qith rctidual chbnn' Nikolro{ 't 'L r99l'<br />

1.15.3 T.nperrtur. dd lesotr<br />

Tlr @ncdtEdon of chloDmGd disinfe'tio! bv'pmducs (CDBPS) d 'tpeteo ro @<br />

bghn in ,Um.r thd ir winb betw *hen MPedF 'uo's cacrcn5 m f6h<br />

ed a hisld cbloin€ dose is requircd {NiLoltou €t d l999l Ho*ever' erevacd<br />

tenpedrw also resulb in fder deconposition of Eibrcmoeelic aci4 HANS and HKs<br />

Th@ n de a s@nsn vDation in $c THM fomadon ln sumner and fall du' ro noE<br />

oErnic Mffi ie g l.*6 dd oth'r veeehon) m surfee wtEr $eR Gn'15 o be moR<br />

rsittu.l olgsic Mncr in the drinldng sar'! wni'h'when r€dct wilh clnoti'e'lcads to tne<br />

fomaLion of THvs For lhe sme rcs'on chlorination ol8rcud uat'r prcdue! verv<br />

lor or u

1.15.5 Concntntiotr ol cblotir. .rd didrd cbloo..<br />

IncdinS r!€ cblonre d@ and bi8! asidul chlorire in sater' ince$s the<br />

'omauon<br />

of THM3 ad HAAS lltr€fo!., tE fottDlion of DBP dav ale Gdu€e bv lorenng lhe<br />

cl orine dosag.. Horeve!, limi€d fonation of som€ olhd DBPS cootinues du€ lo<br />

hydolysis E*tiof lNikol.ou<br />

Cl rl.,19991<br />

l.15.6 Cohetrimtior olBtuoid. (Irorg.ni. prc'u6or)<br />

Bohide is @6idered b be a 6Dd.oe al inorgoic pecusor for DBPS MoE<br />

brcnidar.d dd nix€d chloo'bDno d.riluives e io@e

io lom kero dboxvtic eids. dearboxiation cl oridri'n 6f tbe 'nol lbd of tne<br />

rsulling ketone ed beqt'lvz'd hvdretvsis of th€ tricttlotoncthvl keton' Th' lai<br />

two s€Ps ofrlE s.qence @ Ffdcd to alhe halofofr rc'cdon The nechm'sF or<br />

rh€ @tion k complicared dd nuhipL chlorofom path*avs de posible lobon et 'L'<br />

20011. Howd, 6uhs ol rrc labeling snldi$ hav' showed rhar sll of $e halofom<br />

@bon oligrnat€s frod ihe etilaled C2 cdbon of th' l'lditvdsxvben2ene lolsoo 'r<br />

!l- 2001i Boyce .nd Eor!'9,19831<br />

c! , 2H1O+ llocl +Hro- + c ()<br />

tncr,coccr :orccrtco,x _:!9+<br />

ixcrpoccr:cucncq<br />

cr,:coccr :cucHch<br />

incrrcoccr :ctlccttcota<br />

1.1? I|.!tb .fiecG of TrihtloDetitnts in drirkiry w'lel<br />

;;';.;;,;;" -. **t.*'ar studies have supPoncd th' hvtoihesis oi ! Pos'lve<br />

.1"*"i"L,""." t"t' t"*u in ddnling wdcr dd @ccr ocu@ne lcttro '!d<br />

*",,rt. ,rao, "-*.<br />

ixct,coco :ctcuc"<br />

o" t i".r, c:HcHc:ccrto:<br />

t tnt bla

sMies lcritor €t .1., 199; cmto. et rl., l98i llild4b.in ei il., 19981. It<br />

's<br />

preFnred n\at lherc may be d aPproximai.ly 10 to 40% .xcess rist oflhe cahc€u olthe<br />

bladdd dd color€clm due to the hieh€t cxposud to THMS in dtinkins qaler lDovle et<br />

d., r997i Morris .t .1.! 19921.<br />

ExposuE to THMS is al$ found !o b. assciated wnh adv.lse reproductrve ourcon€s<br />

IBieloeier d al.,20041. Waller el al. epon.d lbat incrca.d sponbn€ous abonio. rates<br />

e rlated wilh high THMS level e75 Ag L') and daily consumption ofat leasl five<br />

glds* ofcold lap water lBieln.ier c(.1.,200.1; Wrller et tl., l99a]. Neutal lube<br />

defects. lo{ tem bir.hweish, uterine groMh r.bdation, ed alleration ih me.stual<br />

crcl€ e also fosd to hale a linl wilh THMS lBi.lh.ier.l.L,2004i Aschergmu el<br />

.L r93i Bov..t rl,,1995i Dodd!.nd King,200l; Grlkgher et.l,,1998i looe cDd<br />

Py..h, l99i Knn.r .r .1., 1992; WidhrE .t .1,, 20031. Vdou stdics have al$<br />

sugecsied d ssi ion bcts.6 THM expGw md thc risr of birtn d€f6rs including<br />

lhe nsk of uiuta t.cl, EspiBro.y synco, &d major qdiac dei46 lHwrg .t .1.,<br />

2002; tu.nmgnu .t .L, 1993i aov..r.l,1995; Kloe tld PyNh,199; M.9u3.l<br />

.L, 1991. Magns et al sudi.d $c ElatioNhip betw... wter chloiinarion dd ad!.N<br />

pEgmcy oubomes in NoNay and found & ,ssiarion b€rwe.n THM qPosure dd<br />

rcural tube dd uinary tr&t def.d5 in ftwbons lHwtrS.l .t,2002; Mqrut .. rL,<br />

19991.<br />

On the bsis of sumci.nr didencc of cd€imgc.iciry in .xpe.imenlal simals bul linited<br />

didence of cdcinogmicny in hmes, CHCIr G cl&sin.d 6 possibly cminog.nic lo<br />

nme (Grcup 82} Most of the .pid.miological studies slgg6led thar long erposue ro<br />

CHCIr lo@ed in dri .ing watq s a esuh of chlodetion, nay case a sligh .isk of<br />

bladde!, .olon, ed Ecral cacer lEbbortrE/,<br />

$e heallh of fie f.tus becase tr&spls.nt l migdtion h6 ben shown (o occu in<br />

als<br />

20031. cHclr may ale hale m efed on<br />

hulMs lwright et d., 20031. Srcnodhhlorom.thme (BDCM) is also cldsified 6 a<br />

possible hme cdcinogen (82) INok6, 20031 Dibrcm@hlorch€tbee (DBCM) dd<br />

brcmofom (CHBrr) @ careeoiized in group 3 due to tbe inconclusive senoioxicny<br />

Ivirna .t .1., 20091, Receni sludi$ have proposed 1hat exposue ro bionimt€d<br />

fiihalomethu€s poses ! greate! health risl thh .xposuc to CHCb lcetef €t rl,, 20041

Mutagenic acrivrry h6 also be. idc ificd wih brominaled THMS loolfinopoulos,<br />

20031.<br />

l.l8 Stnt gi6 for Tril.lon lb!6 .olttol<br />

TlE ccuM of tinalom.lbG i! $!t!r 6 b. cortroled by eilhq Emoving ilc<br />

THMS prcUN6 or by rcoovilg tlc THMS oN. they e fom€d.<br />

Erneced @agdation leadr ro both tudidity ad NOM FDoval. Enhtucd coaguhtio!<br />

involv.s Fl..lion of the nosl appropliaa @gulf(r, niehd dosg6 of lhe coagulM$,<br />

dd pH adjusll.ot [ChildRr .r .l,t 199; KNrmusb, 1978i Ed*.r& r<br />

A6ifinrnjrL 1985; R.!dtt., 1988; Ch.rg.irl,, l95i CIrB.r.1,, 1995; D.nn.n<br />

.i.1.,l95i Kncmr.d ADy,1995i VrUcnho.k.t.l., t9981. Tnvabnr ions such as<br />

aludinium {lII) ad ircn (lll) &d a vdi.ty of orsanic polyelecrol},tes &e used in<br />

coqulation. conc€niralion of toirl orgdic cdbon (TOc) md altdinit} of waFr dffecl<br />

the eiI€rive!€s of this r€chniqrc lNikol.o! .t rL, 1991. Eydophobic olgeic cdbon<br />

h noE swplible lo oagulation tid hrdophilic orsuic cafton lNilol.ou .t .1.,<br />

1991. Peipit lion of netal,hhic @bpl.x.r is fie donin rn mh&isB !r loEr<br />

coSuldr dos ard lower pH condirioc [childB .. tL r999j- Ar hid.r c@gul&l<br />

dos dd hiehs pH 6nditio6 adeQrion of hhics onto meiol hydroide Faipitit s is<br />

donimt [ChildN ct.L, l99i f,dw&dr ud AFirtnrnjrbrrgEi; Ch.og.i rt,,<br />

1995; Kr.!n.r ..d Any, 1995; D..!.tt .r .1.,19961. E.hdced coaguladon<br />

considetabl] Gduces NOM at conpaativ.ly snall .dditiooal cosr dd @y even obliate<br />

d. need for noE exp€Bive ed sophislicdled treatmdt pMesses [Frc6€ d d,, 20011,<br />

Acliwred cdbon is a wdlknoM nethod for rbc renoval ofNOM. Actilaled cobon is<br />

nosl comnonly wd in a powdered (PAC) or in . smul& lom (CAc). Use of GAc in<br />

fix.d-bed dderb€B is foud much nor.fncient tha PAC dosed inlo.lhe N er<br />

Gmlld dctivat€d cebon (CAC) hls & lbility to edove odor md .olor qsing<br />

conFmdt NOM, THMS dd othd roxic @mpoed5 [adi .t rL, 20031. In GAC<br />

ad.orFion dd[od @npouds ft adeocd inio rh. pors ofthe €rbon srNctE_ Ir is !<br />

dl.tively dF6iv€ po6s. The aderpion €peity of CAC deEss due b rh.

adsption of conpounds into th€ porca oftbe caibon s$uctw. GAC theEfoe must be<br />

r.pl&ad or reprocesed to rdloe ils adsoibdt capeily.<br />

Mnbr&e filtnlion l*bnology owing ro ii5 small size, .Bir minle.dce, loRd en €y<br />

conswplion, .nviommtal fti.dliic$ ed sup.dor warq qualiry prcduc4d, h.v.<br />

d6q morc atotion in the @dt y.6 lzul.rLrD et , 20116l. Mmb@€ fili.ation<br />

p@s inrclving niftfilnation (MF) rd ulrdfilration (UF) e &d ro move<br />

p.nicle, turbidity, nicmrg&is dd dis$lv.d oreatuc mtrtr (DOM) in w.rcr<br />

lzlLri!.o .r.1, 2rx,6; K'b'c[-\aort!rdi.z, 20051. Nmfitmion (NF) dd cvc6c<br />

orndis (RO) e .lso appli€d !o rDovc b&tdia, vitls, nllidity, @lor, ror.l dis$lrcd<br />

solids (TDS). salinity, hddres, cydidca, fl@rid.s, nitrdes, dsedicj heavy m.tab,<br />

biologicol oxygen d€md (BOD), chehical oxyge. demmd (COD). tokl orgeh cdbon<br />

(TOC), tolal ore&ic bdlide (TOX) ed THMS ftom surfee s well 6 grcudwalet<br />

lM'llf d.1.,20071. How€ver. fouling is the dajor obstacle in membrme filiration<br />

cfficiercy. ft cases e inclle in hydlsulic rcsislances. op@tional ed naintendc.<br />

cost!, d.t€rioEtion of prc

gH&PTfl&z 2<br />

tITERATU&E<br />


2.1 T.ihrloD.lb.a6 ir *rt .<br />

THMS e th. DBPS thar e fomcd duine th. cbbndtion of *arer. Tney sE 65t<br />

id€infied by R@k ll97.ll. Aner $e disov.ry of THMS in wat€r. extensive E*mh nas<br />

ben mad€ abour the m€chdish ofTHM fom.tion. lacto6 innuencing $e lomttion of<br />

THMS ed n€lhodr for th. Gooval ofTHMs et.<br />

Rook 119761 dbcu$ed the esh&isft of halofom fomlio. dd theit renoval by<br />

flion exchdge affs coagulaion, sdinenlaiion, &d fillratio., by air slripping, and by<br />

edve cdbon, ed th€ renoval of precuFo! tulvic mid (FA) by ozone (ot. Hams dd<br />

Looyenga [19?71 found thal CHCI3 fomcd in high cohcenllations at the point ol<br />

chbnnadon ed line addnion, It w6 also Gponcd $al the mecheism of ClICll<br />

fomadon is srongly pH dependent. An .valudon of GACS md s)nlhelic resitr fol<br />

led@ing th€ contenl of THM5 in drinting warci *6 madc by Snnn et al. 119??1. fte<br />

IHM plecls$ w@ enoved by d incr6.d dosagc of alm silholt p@hldi@lion<br />

by Lose ad Kawczynslii llr78l. Bh.n sd Ttusell U9761 di*us*d that lhe THM<br />

a be controlled b! NHr ed &tivEkd c&bon fikdtion dd lhc THM pEcmos dd $e<br />

TOC @ be Enov€d bv ozonialio.. TIE fomation of THM od its moval fron<br />

mui€ipel *ar6 l|@ ale inv€stbard by McBrid. IlE78l. Il *6 foud thar the<br />

p6!e( of rHM M hMic &id (HA) d oth.r mt@l orgsic mneG (NoMs), and<br />

TtlM *a fo@ed by chlolilation. Th. fomtion ofCHCb ii dv* warer bt ctndinarion<br />

wa studied by Tomit et al. Il9?91. It w6 als di$Nsd thlt th€ CHCIr com.nlration in<br />

{zter incrc*d vilb |he incE& of chanical oxy8.n delMd (COD), th€ addition of<br />

cblorirc, increde of leacion tihe, &d th. ris of tempmtw. Itowever, it d*Fsd<br />

with th€ incE$e of NHIN. b

dniring wal.i Ch&8ine lhe disinfso fom chlorine (Clr) lo chlorinc dioxide (ClO,<br />

or polassium p€l]rms@te (lCVnO, Ed@d rh. fiM concenttations bt 59_90%<br />

Adsorption by OAC c& Fd@ th. THM conccnltalions bv 2l{07o &d.pp.6 to be<br />

etrmlilc for a lonser Fnod. Pctes ct .1. U9E0l d6cnbed the Ea.don of humic md<br />

tulvic fdcdoG exlrad€d iof, the River Thmes with chlorue under contolled<br />

co.ditioN olpH ed t€npedtuie. The nol*uld weighl dtliibutioN oITHM prccuMs<br />

rse dcremined ursfiem ed dowlred of a r€seNon bt Veenslla dd Schnoor<br />

U9801. The ndjor 6-actioo had mol.culd wisht 700J000 (tulvic rid) Duing lare<br />

sulmd ed .dly falt, a sdl€r Aacion of moLclld wicl*

md *tding Dd fiItrldon tdecd THM .nd tcminal THM concentations Texas water<br />

suppli.s s@ sufreyed by Balchelor et al 1196ll lo deGmin€ then Fndeocv b fom<br />

fiM w!.n chbn@Ed. Bath ud con nuoE now sysrens 6ing aliMtsl tlminiun<br />

oxid€ (Alroj) adsrption siel|iflcddy Enolcd oternics. Uv-aberbame, dd<br />

rihalomefiae fomation Dokntial OHMFP) fron tlrinling w.tet According lo Kib md<br />

Kondo lr98rl lhe roral otgsic C l.v.l is diEctly poponioMl lo THM produdio. Cech<br />

.r al. Ir982l stldred fie spalial sd seenal spets of vEiadon oI THIVG in drinline<br />

watcr. The difrftnces in THM content of chloritut€d ed uchlorimted @let, d!.<br />

dilfeences in concentrations betwd sude. ed stuundwater suPpli€s, md tlarions of<br />

THM.oncenkation lo wat€r source ciMddisiics snch 6lhe dose of chlorine dpplied<br />

foi disihfection. o.gdic contenr, concenhlio. of B!r, water t€mpe61ure and pH was also<br />

ihvesrigaied. P€st ll982l Gport.d lhat th. THM fomatioo duing waler puifrcaron is<br />

ca@d by chlorimtion of orgeic subst&c.s in d. raw wsler dd vdies gEally wilh<br />

*&n. h w6 al$ suggesl€d thal postchloination subsdtially reduces THM fomalion<br />

Klronchenlo er al [19821 foud rhai ih. pH of rhe inirirl mtual Mler had a gMtcr<br />

cfcct on cHclr fomtion duing .lrioking w.t.r r€tJneni Ih& lhe cbbnne doe o.<br />

COD or @lor of ihe iniri.l rivd wt r. Miyrza*i ct al, Il9Ezl studied th€ efecl of ndtls<br />

on the fomation of THM ir wld. Th. ctrccl of Cu on CHCIr fomadon wa<br />

iNcsdealed by chlorine coNmption. h s @ncluded thnt Cu pronol€d Ttllvl<br />

prcdution bu1 rhe etret c& b. i.hibitcd by tne addilion of EDTA at :i I EDTA / Cu<br />

mole Etio. A c4 conlrol study ofdrinking walr lr.atn€ praclices md fenale cmcer<br />

monality wN Frfoned by K$rek sd Yolng ll982l. lt wd concluded tnal colo!<br />

cdc{ apped€d to be relared considerably to chlorinalion. The halosemton Facio! of<br />

I ,l-dihydrcxyarcnaiic conpouhds ed siFpk dethyl keton* in dilute aqueous solution<br />

Rele invesdcated by Boyce ed Homig 119831, in ods 10 eluci.iate lhe hgchmism of<br />

@loso6 toc**s involvinS @tuEU! occudins hmic 6ateri.l. The l,ldihydrcxyenatic<br />

nodel onpouds w.E nosr @tiv. *i$ mdinu yi€lds of cHclt<br />

4d cl,IB! n pH 8-10 with $bsFat @n@n@tions of lo-rM md ndoger co.cqtaions<br />

of loj ro lo'M The exp€ridn6l dara wft gcnerally co6isle *nh a doni@l<br />

h.lofom-tlF rcac.ion mohnim, bur em. d.t ib oflhe Esnts slrolsly suggc{cd

th.r edal @mp.ritivc paduys @ at$ invo!.d tE dd Chu lt983l i.v6ti8.t d<br />

th. .fr*ts of chloriraiioD tenpeia G, pH, COD of Fw *€t€r, and eoet of chlorine<br />

on ih. fodation ol cNinosenic THM in chbnngled driiking m1er' Th. adeQtion of<br />

THM by CAC Ms al$ exmined.<br />

The chlodnation ol lenlachlonEercirol (l) was studied bv De La! &d Eilcletr<br />

ll9E5l, in view of ils Fstllated ole s d int ln€diate in the chlonddo. of csorcinol<br />

ill). Chlodtutiod of I dd Il produc.d vdioE iddtical prcdrcts. but the la.e. diffcmc.s<br />

b @tion dtc, CHch podudio., ed Foducts fome4 point !o a milor ol. of I Mc<br />

v.igh cr al, Il985j suee.sled clo,, a pr€tduncnr oxidmi/disinfeunt for dhEibution<br />

w!|er {hich .ff$tively Moved I1iM ptctmB beforc chloridtion dd rh$ lowcEd<br />

THM lomadon in the di$ribdion sysl.m. Low capiBl @sr and eae of opmtion ndd€<br />

CIO: d attractive alrmative 10 oLtt r THM Gmoval technologies such s Or ed GAC-<br />

Bishop cr al. 119851 corcluded that THM fofrEtion in water h contoll.d hoE<br />

elficiently &d moE cost cffe.tiv.ly by air dripping lttd by OAC or by ozotulion ltou<br />

er !1. 11986l dbcsed rhai the Uv absorbdce m a noE .railabl. ildicatot fo. THM<br />

prcBo6 in solnd dd dva wG6 thm COD or color. My6 .t al. ll9E6l '.porred<br />

thar pr@xid.tion with Clq md posi{ijnfstion with clq i. @mbnadon with Cl or<br />

chlo@in6 povided er€rive ra{...d o

cl orination l@tion ws id€nriti.d bv g6 cbrcmatogapht-mss spectoneq' Foui(<br />

tufomlR md Fouier trdsfom-NMR It ws also food thsl coagulation *ilh alm<br />

w6 oor .frtrtive l!& aderptio. wnh &dvalcd C for th. rcmoval ol ltA Alekseva<br />

dd (nrcochenko ll9E8l found t t i! purincadon or dnikins warr bv coaguraron'<br />

tocculatioq th€ tlTe @d doe of th. flodulant afccled de fomalio' ofCgcli during<br />

chbnnad.n. h *d also noted thal monium 0jHi salt3 o'hish noleculd *ei8ht<br />

Dolyeleclrolyte, etrectively innibitd CHCI3 fomation when lsed in chlonnat'oo<br />

Coonbs ed Recklow Il9S9l elaluo!€d a rapid THMFP lest A metbod for the Fsling ol<br />

THMFP in waler is based on high chlorine dose ed elelated reaclion lenperanE to<br />

sp€ed up the fomarion of THMs. Th. THM3 produccd ar€ quntilied Rlh a prctot'"e<br />

pqgeable orgdic halid€/ halofom ealtar' Ten aqualic hufric &d tulic acjds were<br />

islar€d md stndied *i$ G5p€ci to lheL Elction wnn chloane. bv R4ldow el al'<br />

llqq0l a swrsicrl me$od w4 proposcd for act'lar.d mmarrc conr€nr osd o0 rac<br />

NMR od be tiFaioo dab. Thd val@s .sEblilhcd frcn this model *ere seU corelar€d<br />

*ith cbrorire cocmptio.. Sp.ci6c by.ptldkt lod.lion wd rclated to Lv aberbece'<br />

N mtrrenr ot lhe &:ivated @@ric contcnt a conPche6iv. studv K uden'ka bv<br />

Tal€uhld al. U99ll !o c|&iry tu m.$od of Fdu.ing THM 4d irs Fe'UNB hon<br />

rivd ud Lk wt€r it d.i.Iing waler pDficarion. Adin cl al ll9ll etort€d tEl<br />

aquaric hmic ed turvic {ids e thc mosr inponat THM pecsos Th€ plor ofTHM<br />

concmFdlion agaid HS lelels b . conv.x 13hap., Pc*ntinC<br />

thal a nulti_nep FelDn<br />

o,cb. Orcdo!hlome rntem.diat.s e Poduced in lhe liBt slep *h''h e lon red<br />

ro THM in lhe second slep. Urd.t contrcll.d PH dd tenp€Flm condidoN, a<br />

nsheblic nodel rhat was baed on thc c&tion of C with model compouds is Nd lo<br />

denve kin€tic €qutions fo! THM fodadon 4 a tuncdon of rhe pr.c6o! dd chbnft<br />

concenkations. P.lnstrcn €t al. Ir992l sugscsred rhat waledhed resource prcterion dav<br />

provide e additiooal n€ds of @ntrolling thc Dte of eutrcphication, ed bence th€<br />

fomaiion of THM ov* lhe lo.e lem A series of dthticallv_based models ws<br />

developed by Choqdhury el al 119921, fot pEdicring the fodation of individual THM<br />

sp*ies uder vdious Rddon conditions H.lftich €t al l1992l conPded the<br />

efectilcnes of feoc chbnde (t.Ch) ed alM coaguladon lot sulface $arer smple' It

s6 ioud ihll Feclr coasulation cosis|entlv poduc€d vater with lorer TOC md THM<br />


tlA by adding chbnn an€t tlF Or dd rctivat d cdbon 6b€t tFalDetB ltA *d<br />

desraded by Or ro pold ed &idic orgDic comPodds bv l,rtc addnion of b}locbbtue<br />

Tle mour of CHCIr Dlodu.d d*rc6.d wi$ irc@in8 ozonizarion dne &d<br />

incFa.d wnh iacrcsing F€tN Lmp€tauG The addidon of&rivated csboo nhe6<br />

ane! ozonizalion also low.t d tle fodition ol CHCls Singd lr99l tlared lhe<br />

fomarion ol DBPS s@h $ THMS ed HAA5, to the eomatic carbn conlent of the<br />

water. HS in wald t€nd 10 h5!c high.t Nmatic cebon cont€ md a hiel$ sp6ific UV<br />

absorbalce thm non-hudic substeccs, th.lefolc th€y Podlced greater levels of DBPS<br />

Pedom$ce of powdered actilat d c.rbon (PAC) dd potassiun pemdcenate in<br />

Educing THM concenuadoB w studi.d by Q.isi a.d Alzoubi [2000l Menbtue<br />

introduclion mss spectron.ty {MIMS) wds used fot the studv of CHCIr fomation<br />

duing the cbloinadon ofsioplc ory4ic nolcculcs nodcling HS, such s phehol ed di<br />

dd trihiroxyb€E€res, by Ri6.i al. 120001. Ar ualtliol nethod bsed on mmbl"m<br />

intodetion and fan gd chto@iognphy-tus sp.clron trv (CC_MS} rc dryeloped bv<br />

Chdg and Hd 120{,01 for lh. oD-lirc nonnorirg of THMS in chlorimted &inking wter'<br />

Difedt PAC d(M in the Da*@ &d ab*n@ of KMIO. reE sMied PAc<br />

€ffecrjvely nininiz.d THM *hcn lhc do* wa >10 ppm rnd ihar KMnO4 had<br />

dod€€r€ €ffeci in Eduing prcl@6 ud€t dp.rim.nrat @ndilioc. TIE Plwne of<br />

atse in a drinkjng signincmdy imP&I ueah.nt of that ear.r'<br />

Monitoring of THMFP ol ur.. of . wll nv€t it . @l agricultuttr cabhm€nl @a ws<br />

cMied ou by Meyam cr al. 120{11. ro 4ccnai. th€ chadcirisrics ed *sonal<br />

€hmg€s in TH,\,IIP. A study ws conduct d by Ozbclee l200rl in shich re$rcinol * a<br />

nod€l ttA, is cblorinar€d with ediw hypochloriG in aqums nediun. Tn€ etrecl of<br />

idial corcebdaLions ofrc$rinoldd chlorin., as s.ll a $cn rat os. r.mp€Ek titr<br />

dd rH on CHclr fomation e also studied. Th. rcle of bromide ih the fonation ed<br />

spsiation of DBPS dui.g chlorinatioo vas invcsiigat.d by chang et al l2001l Ihe<br />

nols ratio of applied chlotjnc io btomide is an impodml factor in the fomdon md<br />

sDeciation of halogemedc lcids &d THMS lt was sugsested bv Sulci dd Eroglu<br />

[20011 that by d*Esing ihc post-chloriMtion dos.s the lev.l of lotal THM (TTHM)<br />

@uld be ontlolled. Atc! th. iniliaiion of pG-ozoniatio. p@ess. Pre{hlorimtion re

lmiM|.d .nd a id&n fltl in THM val6 in rh. emod of th' drinking wtt'r plolt<br />

w6 obeN.d. A @ninuoE flos Pur8c'.nd_lJaP gd chreMlogFph)_<br />

''N<br />

sD..mm.Ey (P&T4C-MS) 3vst4 w d.vcloFd bv ch'n sd Hd [20011 ror rh' onlrc<br />

Fmiroring ofTHMs in qr6. Ol$n.t.l l2lDll Pc*ntd th' ttrucbdl fdtu6 of<br />

NOM d[l @ tlDusht to 8iv. rie ro THMS. Bv cocid.ring lh' $udi'd<br />

'xt'Niv'tv<br />

hdoscEri@ n4h.dsd fot I no

fodd thar rhe tli$ane Aom rratncnl tldi had @GlatioD ei$ fomation of THM,<br />

howcrcr oihd i&tos such s tubidity, lcmF atue. @onia dd 6idud chlorine hd<br />

no coftladon wiLh THM folmtion. An el*rosplav ioniatioh-tddem m6s<br />

s!.domelly (ESl-MsMs) nethod was usd bv zhans er al {20041 for idcttifvils<br />

cn.onnakd dnnlins *ater DBPS fh. a:scialion berw..r fHM' e\posuE ftr)ugh<br />

multiple paurways dd lifetime ceer risks was e!.luat€d bv Lee er al . 120041 h ws<br />

fosd that peopl€ had a hig!€r dsk of cancer thrcudr 06l ing$tion Noncarcinogent<br />

risk esm..r ror THMS w6 also conducrcd by thm. Ria et al l2lx,5l eqlut d the<br />

.fratirctu$ of the polyalminim chlond. (PAC!) @np'r€d to Al sulrd' (dm) ed<br />

Feclr to c6ovc II{M p6w6 ed rducc THM fo@tion lot€ntial PACI qa tound<br />

ro b. tne mdi cff4dve coa€ulmt ro removc lubidilt, however. n did not Ed@ NOM<br />

$ .flecdvely s Feclr d{t alun. Uyar dd Torcz t20051 6sessed the coaSulation<br />

perfomances of iwo diifdenl coagulds, aluddm sd non salil at diferent pH<br />

valu.s. Th. .ff€cdlen.ss of €nnaced cosgulation for the renoval of DBPS ssogate<br />

pamci.rs of TOC, UV aberb.nce (Uv,4 m), dd THM fomtion potdrial wgs also<br />

detmin€d. Puryrddrra! inj€clion systn couPled to 8$ chrcn'toeEphv wnh mds<br />

sDcfiometic derfrrion Cn CC_MS) ws opriFi*d bv zoccolillo et al' 120{51 rot t'e<br />

or.lvsis ot volarile chloriMr€.! hvdrcdbotu (vcHct dd nIMs in *ater' Modined<br />

PTI-GC-MS ov@e the LLECC.ECD\ lidibrions dd als lo*etd ibe d'tcction<br />

lioiis of clssic PTI.GC-MS. The pDpos.d ncdpd allosed dalvsis of 3dples *ithin a<br />

concftkEtion r6ge of J4 Lr to ng Li. Th. developn€nl ed compds. of sone<br />

anal)4icol nethods for the qumlitation of THMS io dtinlins water was dad' bv<br />

culca .r al. 120051. The t(hriqu€s lsed to, $c ddemination or DBPS in drinlins {ard<br />

includc wald exi&tion pcedu€ such s LLE, P&T or headrpac€. fouowed b) GC<br />

Fodrion ud Ms det{rion. Uy.k 12006l ,*s*d the lifedne @cer risk od rhe<br />

haa.d indcx of THMS tbrlr! dif4nt dposw PathMvs in l$anbul d'i'king qra<br />

suppli.s &tt foud that 6idml5 had a hi8tr r ceer tisk rhmusl oal ing'sion $4<br />

thrclgh demal aberPtion md inlalation Dbpe6ive liqud- liquid mico'xract'on<br />

(DLLME) @hnique ws sd for the pleconc.nltadon ofTHMs in drink'ng waler bv<br />

Kozmi.t al. 120071. sedso md Galleso [20071 p!€sert€d a merhod fo! th. Gpid

detemin tion of TTHM9 iidex in dri.ki.g wate! bv us'ne a h€adspacc_mlss<br />

sp.ctrcn€uy (HS-MS) sFteft dd panial l.d sq@s (PLS) nuhiv&iate regFssion<br />

appoach. The liferine cecer lisk of th. fou THvl speci* fon difr@nl o!t's of<br />

expor@ *@ ale esrima&

Ddemimtioi of Face metals in Mter ehplcs bv IAAS md ETAAS afler usins<br />

diff@t pE@ncenuarior tdh'iqc @ rn€ n.i' objativc of rhis lir€dure Evit*<br />

Solid phN ext@!io. hs ben .xleNivelv appli€d for tbe dekdinadon of melars in<br />

ruluEl !ate! smples includine ddhhing wale6 lsovhk et 'l t 2002; Qui i' €t al'<br />

l00ll ln slid phe exMion analtle iotu e adsol5Pd on 4 dMft'nr surh 4<br />

acri\€ted carhoq siti€ eel, s.Phiotrr€ dd Atbctlire XAD csic etc ed dFn dsrbed<br />

witb a suihbl. eluenl solid_phde exmdiotr rccnniq@ n incedinglv ecoS zed<br />

b{aue of ils hish edicbnenl faclor. hpid phtse sepeation' Ios cost high ftcorery'<br />

lov @sMotio. of orsdic $lvdts dd $' abilitv of combination {nh dilt'r€nl<br />

.leredion tcchniqud in thc fom ol of_lin or odine nod' lt-iu "d Li'ng 2008!'<br />

Bss er al. U9991 detemined Cu, cd dd Zn in *!rer bv FAAS atier pieconcentdr'on Dv<br />

the adstbot sacch@nvc.s ceEvisie inmobili4d o' FPioliE Hu d al l1999t<br />

.t Elop3l r m.thod lor $e f AAS ddediDsrion of mce coPPt' ion rn dlnomflul<br />

waler smplq aier pre@nc. r.tio. sing PAN tixed sili'a 8cl colunn Cu Co- Cd Mn'<br />

Ni. Pb ed Cr in wat€r smples were $rbcd s pvrocalechol violel complexes on<br />

riiva!.d cdbon colum bv Nen et al [2000l<br />

And elution nerals vee analv&d bt<br />

FAAS- T@. douts of Cu c @md[al'd noo wt* bv Ju el sl<br />

'nvircmental<br />

120001 6i.8 dfthirne $pPon.d on silic. 8cl FAAS F tlbd @ lhen s'd fot lhe<br />

d€tedilaion of elded Cu Solid_ph$ extraclion procedurc basd on lhe d'|emtmnon<br />

of lead (lt) in Mte wat€t bv A-As 6ing edve cdbon load€d wi$ p-aNgallol Ed is<br />

sudled by Ensof! €r al l20o:1. Tal.bi ed s'fsloli 1200?l dcvelo!'d rhe<br />

Dreconcentalion method bed on soli{i Ph6' extracdon tot the delemimlion of @e<br />

mort of Pb D<br />

bJ |AAS ln ln6 me$od Po trr' teekd vith<br />

amodd pJdolidBedrrhidabam€ TAPDCT' Th' compl'r $d' fom'd @ $o<br />

p@oncemEtcd in a collm P@ked *ilh a suflcMl{@led alumina EMli.ed Shiro<br />

l200sl ued activatd cdbon loaded {ilh xvlenol otu8c fo! the highl} slective<br />

$petion dd prsoncedntion of lad (II), which s rhen d€t€nined bv IAAS A<br />

spdrio/pFotusrradon pocdE uine elid phs cxtution *s us'd bv Tuen er<br />

al. l2o09l lor itc FAAS d.ldnimlion of Cu sd Ni ai h' lerel in wlf ed food<br />

mples PcEz'Quinranilla d al [2009] peifomed Peconcentadon of zh {ll) in up &d

niheral war.! @ples uine a n.w hybrid SBA_Is-bsd mareial prior ro ils<br />

MenblMe nlmion is ale s iaporrlnt edichhent t chnique for iJrce beaq mcral ions<br />

A ndhod ror *pantion'p@ncentration oacr (Ill), Pb 0D, Ni (ll), Cu (lI). dd Cd (ll)<br />

iod by n mbtue filhation w6 ddeloped by Dirikli €t al l2(x)?l Th€ melhod ws<br />

bed on th. coustio. of &al}te bclal ions on a c.llulo$ nirare n.mbde lih€r ud<br />

Aton- frppine atonic aberPtiot sFctlom.tr! allows the detsiion of dal)tt al the ng<br />

L r Lvcl. Sloned quanz tub. aton rap {sQT- AT) ed quanz or n€rdr |fals ee mo$rv<br />

uled with IAAS in order ro.onae th. ssitivitv lAtrdtr, 10{81' Watling i lduccd<br />

ue sloned quse tub. isQT) in 197? dd then appli.d it for d. d€t€dioalion of se sb<br />

Hg. ZG Pb. Cd, co, Bi, M., Ag 6d As [19?7; 1977; l9?8l sM ei al lt997l<br />

m\.srigakd l.ad dees rn w.rer and lqueut mpl.s 6dg denarve abh @pping<br />

flde alomic absoQlion sp.drom.lry (DAT-FAAS) with & improved waleFcool'd<br />

sbinle$ nel uappine equiphe in d an-dtvltr fl@e<br />

Jin dd Chen lr99?l rcPorted the del.mimlion of Pb in wtes .lier online no* injecrion<br />

cop@ipitation win 2irc di.thi di$i@dbanare (ZDECI T}c P@rP'ta|es $de<br />

collected io a lnotkd Hcror, elued od the! saltzed bv FAAS Chen d al 11971<br />

appti.d FAAS sith cvce now injation atiaclion svsten 16r rne d€t'mimtion of M€<br />

Fe. cu. Pb md Mn in wts Amoniu pvEolidinvl dithi@trbahate and<br />

dierhyldnhi@dbanarc {DDTC) 1r@ Ls€d d ch€la,tins .sert ald n'thvl isbutvl kebn'<br />

(MIBK) 4 exlledng agent<br />

EIAAS is a tdhdqE rb,r is di@tlv .pPli.d for lhe d'r€miMrion ol debls al pg L r<br />

leveh,Il G th.lefore no€ sensitire l.chnique s comPared to coh!€nlional FAAS Since<br />

1961. .xrensiv. lls.sh hs b€e. co.ddcd lo d€vclop €frcicnr backgrcund.€orelon<br />

dev($ Lke Zeman bs.Lgromd condrcn. deLtcnum bac\8rodd coftcuon ad<br />

Snith-Hiefrje b&kgoud cortclion, drd ro prcmotc lutomlion in all slePs of lhe<br />

mlysis jion s@ple prepsaiion io dita nr@eene Xu ed Lieg 119981 dereloped a<br />

me$od tor the drrct deiemrMtion of @. Pb In late 4d dlin|ng sakr bv bine<br />

ETAAS *ilh platfom atomizlion dd a cohbined nodin'r ofNi NthH'PO4 md

NaOH. How€ver, @iou $pdadon 4d preco.c€ talion stnteids lor both on dd of-<br />

linc pdessing of envnom€nlal @telials for ulFatree dalvsh {'re aho pEs'nled<br />

including tiqui+liqrid ext@tiot! cloud poid .xrraction elid_phse erhcion'<br />

cop@ipitliion dd electchmical deposition vds et al [1993! ued flo$_'nFcton<br />

$ni odine pdconc..tration nedod for the deledination 'f ultratee oodt of Cd<br />

and cu in s{arer bv ETAAS cT colmn loldcd with Nt didhvldiftiddbMBte<br />

{sodiun-DDq ws ed lo stdcl Cu and Cd 6od ea*tret 6 DDC ch'lar6 Aliei<br />

mpl€ ple-treaitnent, Brulu el al tr96l atplied ETA_AS technique vilb u!8slen @r<br />

atoniz* (TCA) for the del@'nalion oflo{ levek of Cd, Ct Co Ni MnsdPbin<br />

drini.ing wat E. ETAAS with a tungslen iub' atomid ws aho us'd for tn€<br />

detedin.tion ofNi in river waler aft€r Peconcentatioo on a lug$€n ioil bt Oht! et al<br />

I199S1, Ite tung$en foil preco.co[ation m'thod Ms ioud sensitiv€ sinpl' md<br />

Ion flotation with diph€nvl €dbeid€ Bd Fopoed bv Li e1al ll99?l for tiE ETAAS<br />

deremiMtion of cr (Ul) and Cr (vl) in Btudl watei Kaddjova 119991 detmined r&e<br />

md lhtl4e dounls of diff@m nebls in nt@l wal6 bv ETAAS<br />

'ner<br />

pdoncentration by colmD slid_phd extredon using silica gcl oodified witn sod'm<br />

dierhyldirhiddbmate (Na_DDTC) &d mdoniud hemerhllene_dilhrocdbmale<br />

{HMDTC)- T@s of hcd!'v mculs in sawater s@ FPdred dd pFonenmted<br />

el(Eo.henicallv al a co tolLd Potedial on lhe gFphir' rids' prob' bv Kotuk an'l<br />

Holy t19991. Aner lhe elecblvsis, deposiled nelal {as atonized bv insn'ne m<br />

.lecs.de'prcbc in lh€ crphit€ tumace. Bei](n€dda 'l al l2o0ol<br />

utilized a nos itrj{lion<br />

stslen *ilh on-line pr€concentralion bv ion_Pajr a&oQlio' in a koon'd a&tor' ior the<br />

det€din.tion of Co in biological &d Ftural watcs bv ETAAS An onloe<br />

p@onc.ltration stst.n coupled 10 ETAAS E als dcvelop'd bv Zih-P'6vi 't al<br />

I2000t for th€ detdi@tion of Co, v dd Pb in nediciml ninedl {at" sdpl6 4d Ni<br />

in sea walq s@pl*. A niniatue colLro pack€d with ininodimetic acid E cellulo*<br />

(IDAEC) $d sed for this purpoe' A novel method for lhe sepmrion ed<br />

p@ncoGtion of Cr (vl) / c' (lll) bv el'ctiv' 'bsorPtion on L'mo ninot dd<br />

Mlysis by slunv atoBiation ETAAS ss ddcloped bv Zhu dd Li I2001l The

tcchsqE w6 spplicd for $e d€tcFniMtion of Cr sFcies in wt" spls A *qu€n|]al<br />

inj.ction onlin. pEconcentElion svsten wd desisncd bv wdg dd Hmsi l200ll lor<br />

Lhe rudy of Ni in inddtnal qat. sakr'ample b] rrng a R'e*ohl' mtrrc'olnn<br />

load€d wilh SP S@h.dex C-25 sdon.xchange Rsin beads Tne elui€d dal!1e $s<br />

tNponed ino the gtaphit lub€ for the delection bv E iAAS Anlhemidis et al' 120021<br />

used Doheaafluorcerhylen (PTIE) tMines as stbent nalaial for rhc deteftimtion or<br />

co ir *alf. The sple @ mixql oFline sith AIDC &d the neutal Co (ll)-PDc<br />

codDl€x elained on rhe hvdroPhobic PTFE luni'$ werc wilh MIBK The eluenl<br />

'luied<br />

wN inuoduced into lhe ctaPhile tube for the ETAAS analvsn Son'Aum d al l20o2l<br />

ulrlized a paclcd colmn Ftur ombrned qih EI AAS lor the peonccn'mhon Md<br />

ddeminadon oi cr (vl) at ns Lr in mtMl wa€rs Tbe conptx romed ber*en<br />

Crrvl,and APDC wa'$rb+d onb lhe parl'd P'l I E beads lh'elLled( rtra'malvzed<br />

b\ EIAAS Cflnr.t al l2003ld.veloP€d s online pGconc'nFatron metd 6ifg a<br />

minicolumn rscked with .cdvated csbon for the ETAAS detminaion of Co in<br />

odnhrn! *ar.r An .M-hn.rr lactor oi loo_fold uith d ocre'r'on l|oit or 5 rg I we-e<br />

obrdned b-v th. merho.l Pb in *asatd w6 detemined bv Nakajioa et al [20031bv<br />

flo{-inj€clion odift p@onccnFadon'cl*ttolhemtl atonic absorption 3p€dron€r-v<br />

sier coDrccipit6tiod with ion (lll) hvdroxid' The me$od uas fodd applicable for the<br />

d.lysis of l.ad ar lh€ ng Kg' lev'l bv EIAAS CiI d al [2006]<br />

ePon'd rnc<br />

deminario. of Ct (lll) t Ct (vr) in drinkins wlter @pl's bv coupling of on_line<br />

sorplioo on activaled cdbon lo ETAAS vere{ta el al 12006l inuoduced a dethod for $e<br />

on-lire pt.concentJalion of Pb bv using seltrtile solid ptl€ exrr4lion A ch'lalina 6r<br />

comisdng ol fl,tbis(2-pvridvl!]_sdPhoph€trvt methvl*l thisdboooh'vdrsd€<br />

immobilied on minopropvl-coorolled tnr 8l6s ws usd For lhe ETAAS<br />

ddeminalio. of Pb i. edMler, ihe pdoncedraled Pb (tl) was elu€d and direcdv<br />

dcpo"n.d rn a locit n Rh cded snphir' Nb'<br />

Moftno el al (20011 ealvrcd Cr in Mter spl's bv ETAAS 6ing two atomrzatun<br />

rechniques i.e. plrol)tic graphit forked (PGF) Platfoft ed Pvolvlic graPhne_coaied<br />

noEhed Detilion CCII) tub€s. N@m'ter rihiw dioxid' imobilized on silica 3'l w6<br />

ued bJ Lid md Lidg 120081 tor the preconcens'ton oftre Pb m $akr sples Pnor

to ill d.teminadon by ETAAS. This proposed solid pne exlraclion n€thod bnsed<br />

i@obiliz.d neon€Li TiO, showd €nough Fnsitivilv fo. th€ ItG Pb del€minaton<br />

vdious i]!es of smples, The accuacy dd Pecision werc al$ foud salnfaclory'<br />

2.3 AiE .!d objdrivc o, th. prdtrl inv6tig.lioD<br />

Tihalonerhdcs @ L\c Dajor cit€8ory of disinf{tron bv_poducrs lowd in chlori'ared<br />

dlinling vder Th€rc is grcsing @ncem over $e efIdts ofTHMs on hund h'alth' Blt<br />

de !o lact of aw,rtGs fi@ciat @stBi s dd lek of qulilied md tFinot humd<br />

resource, lhere is no sYs14 dvailable fot the moniloring of THMS in drinting sater of<br />

Kmchi c't) fnis slud) F $dlor. desrsned b aalvz fHMs in kp wdr sMplcs ol<br />

K@c!i cny by liquid-liquid dlriction gd cltrotslogra$v. to ohPe lhe lqcl of<br />

THMS with lhe WHO guidelino v.lud md lo sludv the faclos inilu€ncing Lhe fonation<br />

ofTHMs. H€alth nsk ftom THMS w6 ale €Etuled bv ctlculating $e life lin' cdcer<br />

risk ed ih€ haad indcx ofTHMs tjtrough difiercnt €xposu€ pslhwavs<br />

Ano&er obieclile of rhe p&scnl study k to invdligat€ lhe @nenttaioD of tace Delals<br />

(Ni, Cu, cr, Pb, Co, Mn dd Fe) in t p $!ter dd soodsaLr mpl's @llded fon<br />

difiqent tocations of lh€ cily by gdphite fume alosic absorplion spectrchetrv Th€<br />

Dsdrs ** @DDoEd with lhe WHO wtl€I qu.litv guidelines ttealth risk ss@iared<br />

with the pGd.e of lh.s d.ce ne(lls in drinkin8 wal6 wd atso iw*tigaled'

CIH&PTfl&:8<br />


3.1 S.l*tion oa 3tdpling 3il.s<br />

Ra* walei fton Ke.njhe |:ke ed Hub dd e rdt€d at lhe trealmdl pldts on<br />

"flocculadon-s.nd filtrarion

populaled d6 in oider to .valnale which Pan of ihe cilv is suficring moE fon<br />

@nsmin8 wtq @nraoim|.d wilh THMS Deterioaiion in thc qualitv ol wrer t,als<br />

place s ii leav6 lhc wate! he6itrent plmr due lo the decrcse in the con@hhlion ol<br />

eiduat chlorire or @1ion of chlorift with piF walls and NOM rmaini4 ali*<br />

r@lnol etc. W.i€t sples ww th€t€for colledcd Aon vdious l@alions away fom<br />

the healrn.nl pldtl to check &e $ality of lap water dd to srudv th€ influnce of<br />

Gidual chlodne on THM fomtion.<br />

lnorgmic conlasiffils thal &c focusql in the study de tee molals including Nickcl<br />

(Ni), coppd (cu), chrcnim (cr), r@d (Pb), cobdt (co), Mosd* (Mn) Md ro'<br />

(Fe). ftsc nelals dc $l€cled b€cauF loDS't€m, Iow levcl cxposues lo th'e detls<br />

via drinling sat r may cNe h@dous h.alih elf€cls |o rhe ucB walet mpl's fron<br />

K€njhe Lrke ed Hub .l,n w.rc maly&d for Eoe merals o anidion b€@B bot)<br />

$c edces @ cxpected 10 b. poll ed wnh kace nelals frod ldious mtunl an'l<br />

dthepo8dic eurct In lhe {.t r lteal,hot ploG @agultlion dd tllration pltrl* is<br />

cnployed !o remolc ih. rEce netals Ho{ever, duing suPplv lo the consmq's lap n<br />

n.y b. conraninal.d du 10 inl.Ml @ft3ion or le.kage of lh. pipelit6 'tc Tap {at'r<br />

fom dillcdl l@tions of tlte crty e th.cfoe splcd to checl the quohv orwtd al<br />

the @nsunefs €nd dd to siudy the h4llh rist sssociated with lhe ingestion ofth'se<br />

ftGls T.p waler spl6 liom sidential 6 vell s indurrial d6 wcr €llscd to<br />

cval@te the possiblc sourd of @htasi.atio. of |aP wdtei GosdMlcr smples w'rc<br />

also colleded nom difiqent e5 of th. cnv ro 4ses rhc l'vel of coitamimtion<br />

pEEili.s in ihce da sdPling sites onsist of esidcdial indutial a *ll d highlv<br />

polluted &e$ of Ae c'ly.<br />

3,2 S.npl. @llecriotr tod pft!.rtoor for fE chloritr. dd THM ttrlvsis<br />

Ambei glss bottl.s, exFacdon vials drl Poittetrafluorcethvl'ne (PTfE) se!15 wqe<br />

wrsh€d with detcrgdt,.i.ed with t p td.r,

Thc bonl.s wi6 Tenon @atcd rubbs *pra ww lhd sal€d and sroEd al 4 "C belorc<br />

oalysis Acoording to the rNohDendarios of EPA Mclhod 5OI 2 for the mlvsh of<br />

THMS in drinling water, all atlet€d sepls ue a&lvz€d vilbin 14 davs alt'r<br />

3J Pltrichcdh.l.tdy of t p r.t r.trd gtoudi.r.r 3t6prd<br />

ftc ph/si@-chmical pa@dcE such s pH md el4Eical conductivnv of the oualcd<br />

wab. smples w€rc m€dwd by Bing C 200 Mulrip&dete! Ion Specinc Met'r bv<br />

FE chtorine 6nl6t of raP wotd wplcs w6 delemined @lotim'tricallv 6irg a C 200<br />

MlldpeMeter B€nch Photonet4 by HANNA insimenl According lo the adaptation<br />

oi EPA DPD metho

shrl€n for I dnut Aid having ben len udisruhed lor 2 mirutes l lrl of the erhcr<br />

phse ws inject€d into lh€ ss ctlonaloglaph<br />

3,7 INtruD. tiion .!d . lvtlc.l cord ioc for TIIM rndvtir<br />

A P€lkin Elner Clds 500 C$ Cho6atograph equiPped wilh & eledton captule<br />

&lebr (EcD) and aulo@Pld m @d for fie d'l€dimlion of THM' The gd<br />

chromalographic sepadlion ws &hieled on<br />

' capillary colllm (10 m lenst i 0 51 nn<br />

LD. dd 1.5 !n film 6ictnes, The dalvtical ondniod for LLE_cc-EcD nerhod<br />

Y@: Nirogd dd HeliM gs (99 99//' PW) we ed with con$4r flo$ of 14 Fr<br />

Th€ o!€n lempeBlu@ ws kePl ai 80 r ior 6 ninutes The rempqatuE of th' injector<br />

md dercctor *eE sd.r:00.c sd 2ro'c GsF.rrelv sdpre blsnl tradnalJ'edon<br />

dlilv bssis bv sins orgalc_frc. *ol€t 6 a sple<br />

3J Rilk .,3$rmt of lgMs i. d.ilkiog w'r'r<br />

The cecct risks thrcugh ingestion mutc dd demtl co'dl e<br />

ll-e .l d, 2004i W$g er al.' 20071:<br />

Cd@ nsk for THMS of Olal rcule = CDI oml x PF onl<br />

cDl odl (chronic dailv inbke) = (cw x IR x EF r ED) / (Bw x Ar)<br />

Cee! rist for THM! lbrough dcd!.j conbct = CDI de@al x PF demal<br />

CDI d.rul= (CW x SAxF xPC xETxEF xEDxCF)/(BWx AT)<br />

Foi tne .oNNinogenic risk Gesneni the hdnt<br />

exposur. roules N also calcul ed Tn€ h@d indexca<br />

alerPrio. @ elculaEd d follows ILc 'r 'l ' 20041:<br />

(xvii)<br />

(xviii)<br />

inddes of THVS in difierenl<br />

for ing*tion oule dd demal<br />

Hdzrd ild€x for THMS oforal ro(e - CDI oral / RlDfr* (xx'l<br />

Ha"rrd indq fot THMS of&nnar ou|e = cDI demal / RfD rrM. (aii)

Cfler pd ycd is calculaled 6 [R@. .r .L' l95l:<br />

c{@6 / yr = popul'rion (million) x (No. ofc:lrrs/ l06)x(l /70Ydsag4 (xxiii)<br />

3.9 Phyticcch€nictl pmp.iiB of LtL. w.ter<br />

Itue spling b@rjoN we seleted !o @vq rhe Iwimu Lake ag posiblc wald<br />

smpl6 uere olle.Ld fion the Nodi slaliol! b@ting spol &d tlsling spol<br />

Tenpenture of the Mter spls ws nc6Lrred with a mercury demonelet pH oflbe<br />

Ml€r smples wo €h€ck.d al the sPlirg sil€s bt using C 200 Multipdmeler Ion<br />

Speific Mcrer by HANNA iNt rh€nt Dislvql oxtScn cotrdtration io wal6 sples<br />

w6 aialyz.d by m @id. modifi€d Winkld nednod, 6 ddaplaliotr of the Slandad<br />

Me$ods fo. th€ Exdinaiion of wat r dd wosleqalq (l8d edilioh) ftc @ciioh<br />

b€tw€cn diselved oxyScn dd the di$olved oxvs€n reagenl (A B md C) cauqt a<br />

yeuos tinl i! rh€ mpl. Dislved oxtg.n @ndtrstion wd lhcn dct'dined bv a<br />

C 2OO Muliipm€ld Bcnch ?hoton ter bv HANNA immmenl al 470 m<br />

Conductility of lhe smple wa delemined M$ a Multip@etet lon Specific Meter bv<br />

3.10 idctlomtio. tbd ch.ncrerizrtion olloil blbic t'id lrcm Kebjhrt L*'<br />

The p@.due Ned for thc sepdation of hmic acid wd bt*d od th€ detbod deetibed<br />

by lhe tnt@ational Hsic SubsrarcB socierv (lHsS) U'not' 20{3l Ext&lion schemc<br />

is gircn i! Fisurc 41 20 8td of Kenjhe Like $il sPle @ tr dricd dd siev€d<br />

smpl€ ws ftate,l wilh o l M HCI (tton RiedelneHaeD) io Enole calcium Md odrer<br />

polrral.nt cauons dd lo .nndce lhc .xr@rion efnciencv of oreeic natler wrh<br />

attslin. EagdG. 40 hL of 0 l M NaOU ls d!6 art(l€d inlo lh' mple ed arbw€d to<br />

sirnd for 24 hoN on a shaking ucr bdh al 30 "C' Sdpl' wd enlritugcd 10 *tdale<br />

lhe hmin ftetion. Tn sup@t nl w$ the. &idified lo pH I wilh HCI a'd kcpt for 48<br />

hous. BoM colored FEipilales of nmic dcid lhu ob|6i'ed were fic'zt dried ed

Thc @bon, hydrcso, dliogen ed s Phs codtent of lhe hudic acid frdtion w€e<br />

d.t mincd with a CHN anallzr, Cdlo Erb4 Mo{tel I106 al the HEJ R€s.4h Institur'<br />

of Chemistry, Univ€lsitt of Kdacli Tbe oxygen co enl wa cahulaled bt diiIftn@<br />

Ulraviolel &d yisibl. (UVTVIS) sFcuospic d.lysis M p€rfoded bv disslving<br />

abour 4 Dg of tlE hhic rcid fftcrio. in 100 nL of0.05 M NaHCor shion. Uv/vls<br />

$srplion sp@lru was E@rded on s shimdzu UV{60A sFcttoPhobnei.!. Infra(d<br />

sFctrm s n4u.d in fi. tug. of ,100G500 cd' on a Shimda mR Pesriee-2!<br />

specrrophotodeter by uing KBr disc melhod.<br />

3,ll Rqge r ..d 3t !d$& for tmcc n.ttb.mlytit<br />

Slanded solurio$ of urde6nldy denst! vee pEPded bv de dilulion<br />

cenified slddad $lulios of @Glondin3 neld ioN that wE<br />

MERCK.<br />

A standnl cfeh@ mardi.l (SRD l643d GEce El@ats in vatet fbm Nadon.l<br />

Insiitule of Sundards md T4brology 0!lST), Csilhdbug, MDi ws 6€d to evalude<br />

$e ed&y of m6urenot by SIaPhiG fm&. Elonic ab$tptron speclromdry<br />

(GFAAS).<br />

!.l2 Srbpl. @ldlioo .nd p|wr.tior for rna d.t.L .uvtit<br />

For th€ deledinalion of belals, tipliqtc waler sdpl.s wee @llccled botveo Julv<br />

200? sd May, 2l]O8 fton q€h sdplins location in pollTopvl.le boftlcs To ptevcnt<br />

th. smplc conlanimtion *irh lrM melats, $. smPlc bonls ad aU rhe od.r gl6we<br />

wcF treated {ith dilur. .itric acid md ritucd with ulra_pu€ water' The s.mples wN<br />

filrerd droug! 045 Fh nflbtm fillq. T!. pH of tnc filtratc wd s.l al I wirh lh.<br />

addilion ofa few drcps of65% nitric &id supra pw Fot Ue deLmimdon of dissolv€d<br />

m.ral @ enL, wat€r smpl6 *e Mlrzcd diEcdy ,ithoul ev pf.ireahenr<br />

3.13 lftrnm.ltrrioo $d .mlytiol co itioni fo. tr.ce nctllr .n.lv!it<br />

A^nalysr ?00 PdkiFElnd aromic ab$rytion sp.ctrodet€r equipted $ith gaphilc<br />

tuna* dd deuterim b&ksouod odeotor wd sed for tlle deteminarjoD of tee

tul'k in mr.r {epLs Sdpl€. Nrc injetd i o lbe st thile fitu sirg Pe*in<br />

Elnd AS-EoO dro€eplq. Pdt .M s n .tu!d 3 & aloric .berption 5i8nd<br />

3.la Rll ur..E.lr of !8. D.a.lt ln driddrg w.ld<br />

No@inogcnic iisk assiat d {ith th. iDgcstron of sota mnLining fl& tn lals ws<br />

als 6tnnd.n by c.lculating tho hdzlrd qrcticnts for .ath net '<br />

3.15 G.og.pDhd irlom.io!.trt D (GIS) rhdy oITHM..nd ln.. rd.!<br />

spdirl .DrlFi! w @i.d ol{ witb a G€orrtphi..l infmation systaD (GIS) GIS v6<br />

N.d il lhtu inrdy lo lo.aie lh. lmpling l@rioE in tLe snrdy lM tnl io g.@tc<br />

gochqnic{ Erys sho$dng @IMlnlion of THMS ed t e€ n t b in scr spl*<br />

@llet d ftom diff.u smplins l@.liod of th. city. Invese disttne wighling (lDw)<br />

is a spaiidl int aolaho!t€chniqn p.domed by ui!8 ArcGIs 91.

CITAPTER:4<br />



.l.l Phrlidcndh.l .b.n Lddq ol X.dir.. r.k<br />

Kdjhr Irle n ore of thc lsgcll p.mial lst t in P.ti$4. Hbtorictlly, il w<br />

fom.d by Ftrvidiry t [.r b.rcn r& dlml l.te _KdjW dd "Suhcri"<br />

rsjh.r i|d Sdhai E! tm $ala d.?Bio.., ehich 16 joincd in 1958 bv<br />

dynmiring th. eFnting hillr ro n.te onc lat.. rhe 'Kalri ldc" lKor.i'<br />

et' .L' 2mq<br />

In 192, it B cd.d s "Kdjhsr L*e-. ft. hre @4' 54'N .nd 6E 04'E) is<br />

3itiddd.dilriEof.holt 19 rn tuih ed rdlh-6$ of fie TlM Thb Lt i5<br />

2?.35 kn lois. lnld $l@ of Kdjh@ kke k . cdd c.ll.d "Kti Bhtgga l€€d./'<br />

odsindins tm Gndu Molt@nd B!"e., RiE Indu! IKonl'.i .l- 20001. Its<br />

|einu d.Fn i. 26 fta od r}e t ail !r. of tt l.t. is 4rqird.l,9842 L& |ln<br />

locaLd dnod 120 lr tob K|shi city (Fig, dI). K@ih,r b&c b t!. @ir $Fc of<br />

rda flryly io (,ehi ud Fr$ of Tha!. disni.t.<br />

F.tT 4t r,6it rof |(aibrlrr.<br />

wdd od6 @ll6cr.d nw Kajtd L.L. dui.8 6c .ntiE tsdl qqt M!<br />

rn lyz.d b.lh fo. plttlic.l .trd ci@i€l F!El4 Fcw F dc6 iEllning<br />

t.tupdnll€, ps, ilielrcd oxygd (Do) dd eieltiql codl.tivily (Ec) 9@ r.ab.zd

in lh. field in order io avoid sv ch&ge in rhe pdmctcr during Prc*ry'lion md<br />

TenFralw in1lEner pbvsical. ch.nical, dd biologi€l pioeses in mtlal aqutic<br />

sy$ans. As the rqlpede inc@s lhc oxvgd $lubililv det€4s Chenical<br />

conpouds als l€nd io b@re moE slubl. al higher lmpdat6' Tehperarue is<br />

cootollsd primeily by climlic @ddilio.s, bul hmm acliviiv cm olso innuene<br />

cmF a|ue. In lhe prs..t studv, 6 h. spling w6 nostlv donc in thc monlh or<br />

Ddnbd thftlorc, tcmp.BtrE of th! suf@ wter li€ in thc @ge of l9_22'C<br />

The pH of lake ealq it a significdt indiqlor of wt4 quditv ChaBe in PH d be<br />

eued by ataosphcric deposilion, acid di!, Mouding rcct weathcrinS' d'1<br />

reEwter dishdgcs Veialion in pH ce alIol $' solubililv of mov nelal<br />

compouds. pH of th. l.L qrer vG lound in th€ tuB€ of ?-? 6 shich * e@rdi4 10<br />

lhe Prldsu! water Qualily guidelin6 sd VHo sknd{ds'<br />

Th. @icedEtion ot dis$lved oxvgen in nanlal w'let rosouces depends upon lbe<br />

phrsical, ch€mical od biologicrl activhi.s prcvailing in lh' vster bodv Disolved<br />

ory8.n @l)mtrdion of wllet fl@r@t s wilh hF alu' Il nav also tary with lhe<br />

depth or d€ lake. Dislved oxtgd @n@nt tion of lhe surf@ wter of K*njhd r4e<br />

v6 r@ile

t<br />

6<br />

21.<br />

6E<br />

;IE<br />

:t<br />

E<br />

8E<br />

^!<br />

EE<br />

j<br />

:E<br />

.:<br />

I .?<br />

;g Et<br />

I<br />

3<br />

+ 3<br />


t.2 Fn aioudoD rld .t d.&riztioo of.oil [urh ..id fEe Ketrjt'r Ldc<br />

Hmic slbsGnG (Hs) @ tomcd 6 a 6ul1 or chdiql ed biolosical dcsFd'tion of<br />

pldt dd eiml Bidm. Il .onsritut* l,tre najor ft&tion of sil orgeic mtq<br />

lJrdo.,2ol,!t f@sportal'on of erl Hs lo taw mld nav klc plae t[rcugh a nmbd<br />

ofpaihways in luding soil surfM MoIl, htetal leaching clc ll,i .l rl ' 20031<br />

HS @ be f@1ioMl€d on lhe bsis of thcir solobilirv i o HA' FA3 and hunin HAs<br />

@nprise high nolduld @s orysnc subsrN6 thar d isolublc ar Pq < 2 bul solublc<br />

in akalinc oedia. fAs re noddaie nolecule nds substo€s Lh.t re slubl' at all pll<br />

@ndirions whe@ h@in is i@luble ar ev pH rul@-<br />

In lhe brscnt r€sedch work e atieipt ha! ben made io ielate thc lIS from lhe soil ol<br />

K@njhe Lake. Il may prcvid€ infomation about rhc .nvireM€nt ol K@tjhd Ltle ed<br />

th€ potdiial of foming THMS duils $. disif@tion of latc w'ter' Clsicd alkali-<br />

extrslion pro@dlrc w6 ued fo! tE isolaiion of HS Schme for the extetion of soil<br />

HS is pF$DLd in Fig. a2-<br />

Soil<br />

Soil<br />

0.lMN.OH<br />

M HCI<br />

Fig 4: Scn6. fot th. errrdior of $il tudi. rrb3l:!'6

S$dy oI FA taction n€eds .dditiolal pudfication of the sup.mldt b, xAD esin,<br />

rh@foE HA i!.ti@ s only ed fo. th. tunha s1!dv of irt.ldcnb! dd fdcrioMl<br />

@nDosnion 6 well 4 ils slenal prcpeni.s tla w obbin d a a boM pdipiute<br />

from alk litu .xsat of soil on rcidiryidg it<br />

Th. €l€mdd mpositior of HA is dolg th. lan mbieuoN avedge pFperti6, sd<br />

8ives d .simre of lh. min sttutldl &atws of HA lY.Druchi .i .1, 200'll The<br />

cirbo!, hydbe€& nitlo8€tr, sul6r a.d oxt8c! cdtdi5 of rh' sil tlA a foud it dE<br />

!r.el study wer 47.95, 3.45, 2.98, l.l3 and 44 49 c/o Esp.cdrelv.<br />

I!. p@ntag. of c, H, N, S and o e foud *ilhin the tug' tvpical lor rrA of eil<br />

odsin l^nd.ltdic .t .t , 20011, s n€trtion d in l.bL 4.2<br />

rrbb 42: Eldor.l oEpqilio! ol hdh rid ioLt d froo lil o( K4!jnr' Ltk'<br />

.rd lbe lir.r.turc v.lr.!<br />

c 41.95 17.16{4.10<br />

H 3.45 L64-E.00<br />

N 2_9E 0.5G?.00<br />

s Ltl 0.14.EE<br />

o<br /><br />

' p.l6lrec .f o,ygo it dm&d N lh. drfr.Etuc tsm<br />

Th. Uv prefilc of HAs lik€ rh. pEvios 3nrdics sho\r€d 0E .xporentit! .tu|€4 of<br />

.bsotbm. at d.cEaing Mlel.iguts with d saU platcau mund 250 nn 6 shown in<br />


I<br />

h -il<br />

-11 rt<br />

'.t I<br />

il<br />

4\<br />

"l i<br />

I<br />

*l* I<br />

-:r.r|r-+.p-<br />

rnr}s-<br />

n!. {t WInd..f rEbd<br />

TL .!.o@lid a 250 m cod.4ollt lo tu.s.idd of cL'd!! Ioa Fi! uudlv<br />

owt.l (o-r') !d dtF b altrd. c{ cdd !.cl||.. of.-"'tdtldol! $t'th&d<br />

bG@ d Dolyphdb Llddrd..i d, !l)li tuuott " tl' 20061<br />

FT-IR r!..nun ln lhc rcgioi of 4000 to t00 6nn obid!€d !v KBr lcll't i! shown in<br />

'l!l.t.<br />

Poqp | 5a

It<br />

I<br />

I<br />

fig.4.4<br />

ITIR s!.clroE of buoic..id<br />

Th. Fr-lR sleEu wG tuinlv dmitutcd bv ab$Ptio! beds drc !o en'lic<br />

ahoharir, dboxyl'c dd hydoxvlr grcuP A $onC bsrt @ud 1400_lb0o m is a<br />

The absoation bands d<br />

chddte.islic of oH-grcrps of alcohol, ph€nols &d N_H 8tolps<br />

2923 mn dd 2854 cm I d caus.d bv c'H slr.lching of aliphatic hrdbg'tr dd abolc<br />

1000 cnr showd lhe pt t ncc of dondtic C_E sr€tching Beds thlt d showd al<br />

l?25 od 1652 c6r d€ d@ to the s[etchiiS frcq@cics of C=O bo'd5 ofcebonvl and<br />

atrd o{ing lo C{ vibrdion of mtulic dd aliphdic molauld sils<br />

cdtoxyl srups<br />

conjueatd wirh c{ lArd.lkovic<br />

d .l.t 20011<br />

Fuctioml goups thal e appe@d in the FT'IR spectrun of the HA ti&ion isolatcd<br />

tom lhe $il of Kdjhd L.r. e in ecorde@ vith th'<br />

srouPs uat e<br />

^Dcriotul<br />

EDrenled in th. ht"ofteticsl sEutlr of rL\ lslw.osotr' 19821, 6 shom ir Fig 4 5

fk.,l5<br />

cocH cco]<br />

ta-o<br />

Mod.l 3tn t!.. ol hudi. lcid<br />

c@l<br />

cooN<br />

Ths. tw sd Fr-lR spectro$oPic ealvsn of the i$l'led HA fraciion nlve confhed<br />

ths p6nc€ of phdolic, dboxvlic md @bonvl ibctiohal sroups A rcviev of $s<br />

lir.Etw ildi.ares lhal a vdi.rv of hudc frnctionnt grcuF' includitrs phflols' enc<br />

kelones dd cdboxvlic dids hav€ aho been coNid'ted 4 precues of THMS on<br />

chlorina$on of lhe* hmic cohPounds lFrirDcl '!d J'brel' 2003i Obot 't 'l'<br />

200rt.<br />

The pesenc. of cdboxylic aid ard carbontl hrcdontl Souts in the slrucluE ol HA d€<br />

(he Nntial biffline siks for n ill io6 lor d@pl€ iren' copper' anc sd ndgde<br />

aJ Pbysio(h.Biel ltudv ot r.D trte. .!d Smrodi 't'r s'4p16<br />

DH is d. nosl imFnbt pameter for rcsti.g th€ *alcr quatitv h also hd e efecl o'<br />

the deerce ofcoEosion ofnelak in th€ wt r dttribution svstem' It is reconncn'led that<br />

dr edd shluld be pcfealtv at!.lir in otd'r to prcGd the waE drslnbdion p'pes dd<br />

nerall.( nurngq liod conosEn lRortvolllor ei 'l' 20081 lh' PH of hP wrFr dd<br />

grcDdwatd mplca !* found fton n utal to sligndv alkslioe Howct'L il *a<br />

qithln thc \\tlo comended vat@s of 6 t'8 5<br />

I<br />

d<br />

i*<br />

EC h o indiEcl ncaut ollol.l disslv.d solid concentdion lhe EC lalEs were<br />

gdenlly fourl !o b. hieler th& wHO p€misibl' l€v'l (400 ls cn r) wtich ell{13<br />


the pE*nce ofhiCl nineEl contc in raP wat€r md groudMtc! samples Th€ lngh$t<br />

EC rdlk (13020 lr3 cn:5 s fomd in dE la9 waEr spl' fton Lvari A ldge<br />

!&iadon in the electlical conduclivili€s of$e eround<br />

waier smples tuv rcnect tbe loctl<br />

hyddgeolorical condition which rhu leadi to th. diselution of ninerals in tnd<br />

4,4 TrinrbE.tntmr i! trp wtr.r ltBpld of Kt.t.hi cilv<br />

(echi n o!€ of6c most E9idlv grcwins megacidc it rhe devcloping qo d lRrhi'!<br />

and Lce, 199?1. Rapid ubmizslion has lriggeEd e!'ral problems io a cnv Shonage ol<br />

var.r $pPly that is fit aor hlllM coMplion is ale ! najor iss!' (dachi wabr dd<br />

Sew.Egc bodd (KW&SB) is th. chief olgmization esponsible for $c cnv's *acr<br />

supply. Cblodne is ued $ a drioLing {ater disinte't&t ih dilieEhr w 'r lr€ament<br />

pl&rs b rcdu€e $e checes oa ni.rcbial cont mimtion dd to imPrcv€ fie qdnv of<br />

uarer supPli.d fton tiver Inds ed ltub d@ Basic pdmele6 ofwah qualit) aft al$<br />

mooitorcd rccordiry ro lhe UltO guideliG ad srantt"& for qualitv dritling Etet in<br />

PEkisl'n Chlorine is usd 10 dbinfdt the water suPPlics b'ca6' hish nsl of nicobial<br />

co minadon ofdtinking walc is expect d 6 a €suh of lo* chlonne doege On t]le<br />

ods IErd, if high do* ofchloDre is appli.d in wald $PPlics NOMnav@rw n<br />

chlolne lo fom DBPS mainlY THMS.<br />

Ditre€nr techrqEi e .mplov.d for $. 'letmiMtior of THMS in dtinting $otef<br />

including edple Pdteatm.nl with hea&pG liquid'liquid dtudon (LLE) dosd<br />

loop strippihS appdarus or puge ed r.p follow€d bY gd chrodatographic sepdahon<br />

uins eithd el.cron capr@ .let crot (ECD) or .6s sp€ctr'nd" detdor' ECD 'le1e or<br />

h gendally coNideFd ro be noe setuidve for lhe d'iemimtion ol halogenated organic<br />

comFsds tle Ils sp€tromctic .ladion tNiiol'ou el ' 10021 LLE ne$od fot<br />

lhe 96 chi@rogdphic @lttis of lllMs ulilied t-p'nlanc. '-hexe o' diethvl'hld<br />

Il is Epon d tbat LLE with MTBE is tn onlv atoclion n€thod with aPpoxinai'lv<br />

| 00e/" dovcry [Lod, 20{,]t.<br />

lo the pF*nl research work, gas clnodabgaphic sudv of THM in dnnkine Mter was<br />

p€rfomed wilh LLE uing MIBE Fig 4.6 Pcsnls<br />

cny Gom *hde the rap $ster @pl€s d collst'd for THMS dolvsis<br />

lh' locdion of diflerent ded of the<br />

Poge | 5/

n8.4.6 tlM! mdra h.rl'trt<br />

ft. trdias.f f.it ddt d ldE a t b6.lb &r ro ikt* @i(a dd .i* rn md<br />

$on ll. bmri6 of THM! . . crh of clrorildir .d b disiBl re,llg in gffii<br />

Flblic.ho!rt idFd ofbls iaE.4c!r lo TIOi{ vi i.gtdion rl!n4! &bfidg rdE<br />

Th. Fbtidtip t iw6lh. olmtrti@ of TIIM! !d p-l ag 6Fe w ffii..d bv<br />

th. c.librdm om Ddnod. Th. c.libndd c|& ru ot ttid tt tlorhg rb 16 @&i tio<br />

rdb of@h !6d!rd TqM $tutin.gridt th.ir coic.dli@ (Ft 4.7)<br />


: e<br />

na,a.t<br />

CffidnLltl.bf,h.<br />

Tb .ortldi.o codd..n (t) r.h.. s! lb r.d b d'd b litrb tdra t'<br />

cdio ot'InMr od 6.it Ft |r lqda !c 'd idivild TqM ?'ci' I i$'8<br />

b.!rrridbt-Ftd(rdtffi 6.cocdid!dFrGnrc lh'ttb'of<br />

r in s of .tlo.!&.! t . o 9t' b t'@di'5lo6o& r' 0'99t' br<br />

di.6.dlo.!o.ltr.5 O9rt .d tt t|loo.ft.d _ O9t6<br />

cc-rcDdlde,r[of 'trdrdLrt d.i$o i!r9"<br />

fta.a, GGtOt.lt -ar-r.a..5lr*tlf,<br />

rt lt9

THMS h 1aD wat t sepl.s w ex$ad.d bv . nodiicaiion of EPA ndhod 551'l<br />

lNikohor .t rl., 20021. chrcnaiocrms for de detemination of THMs in tap wle!<br />

spl6of t1EdifT.rcnt{.sof lhecitvaaPrc3€nlcd inFig {9to4 12<br />

Fi&4,9 Clrcs.to8nn for tn d.i.ruin.tior ofTlIM! id t.p t'i'r nbPl'<br />

(Lw'LQ)<br />

Fig.4r0 Clrcr.tolnd for t!. d.a.oir.lior olTBM! i! t p r't't 3'rple<br />


i!,(lt: CrFotr.tr.. errld&abt.li.fTfltl L a.p tdt..4L<br />

(LW.ff E)<br />

Ltl<br />

IL;{ljt Ctlutoarulttlt d.nrfi{oo otrSMt i r.p r ..-4r.<br />

c,v4E )<br />

CoNl.diid oridiiirlrt rHM rp.ci6 i! !p y,e tql6 it d.pictd i! fti (l3.<br />

Pola | 6l

Fk.4r3<br />

E<br />

Trble 43 shos th. de$riplive stitislics<br />

sFci6 6 wsll 6 cotumF.tion of TTHMS in<br />

(ppb) i! lrp r...1 r.Epl6 of K.nchi<br />

lt*riptiv. tr.atrri6 aor THM ir bp rrrd<br />

fo. the @nmtation of individal THM<br />

SD RSD<br />

CHCIr 16950 10.40 15.02 Lt5<br />

BrCl,CH 5.50 L68 l.6l<br />

Br'ctcH 0.00 0.09 0.17 l.3l<br />

CHBrt 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

rUIM 0.64 170.l0 31.54 J4.62 l.l0<br />

The Esulls of th€ sludy @nnm€d lhe p@tue of r HMs in all wtcr sd€s However.<br />

th€ c@cent{ion ws vei€d fiom @ io d4 fhe nain@ c@timinltl level (MCL)<br />

ofTHMs in dri.Iirs *ar€r s $t by the USEPA is 80 pp!. WHO 8ud€lin v.lB for<br />

cNotufom bodo

I00 ard 100 trg L' EFcrivcly lNlkolto! .l .1, zx)21. wHO eri&liF. on THMS<br />

stalcs $at su ofth€ ntio oflhe concedrition ofTHM to ils Bp€dre guftlelire vsle<br />

should rct ex@ed unity- In the prelent slldy th. 3M of tb€ ratio of tle .oMtrstion of<br />

4h THM to its rcsFctire suidelitu v.lw *B fos.d below I, 6 pmted in Fi& 4.14.<br />

,=<br />

ll,,l,<br />

I<br />

,ll<br />

Fi& 4.14 coedb.tid olTTHMr.@rdhg ro wEo guidolim<br />

ChloDf@ B lt€ only s.ci6 li.l w fourd ir . @ai&!ble a@udl in dl lt en t<br />

spLs. Tt sods {xrelalio t t*g rh. colf,dE tid of chlorefm .xl<br />

ffiFdid of TTHMS is reFsrad i! Fic. art<br />

,<br />

ca.ddd.lTrllMr (r{6)<br />

fh. 415 Combrior hv-! TTHM. .!d cilorefom o4@antior

Ilns behalior qs !o b€ sp€cled d .hlorotbrm msk6 up hosl of tne TTHM lelel<br />

The cml.rions b€twn BDCM and DBCM with TTHM *w de caimcd IrE<br />

6ulls ot U. @rel.du a&lysis ildi€r.d s vrl drdarion bet@n TTHM &d<br />

DBCM bul no indicar'on oforelltio b.Nd TTHM ed BDCM.<br />

Vdildon in lh. @@nlrati6 oI THM is h.inly drc io thc difrwrce in llc.hloretirm<br />

lev€I. Concdtr.lion of chloofom is moe lil€ly 10 be infl@@d by lh. @idence line<br />

ed chlorioe $idual in 1n€ disiribution systr lwbit ker .t .1., 2lx)3l. Moe fie<br />

6id€ne dm of *ater in the disuibution 3ysr€r! th€ posibility of th. fo@tnon oI<br />

cblmfom d@ ro uE @1i@ of 6id!d dlorirc with NoM ale irc|!.s. Coealy<br />

lov mrdion of THM in ia' wrd mples my b. dE io rh. lor lcvcl of chloriE<br />

6idu.l. h i! 4essy ro 16re ad.{uc cblorim Bidual in .!.ry pon or the<br />

disEibution stscm e s |o mjn|ain lh. c,lEnical .nd microbial qudity of rhe dislribded<br />

wate! IT.oDir.tr .t .1., 2008i veco!.dd .t rl, 1997i Mun.v.l[ .!d Kur.'<br />

20031. WHO let rhe IiE chlorine residud in a dishibotiod retuort should b€ eoud<br />

0-2 - 0.3 na L' lsirtrdy !d Krinr.i.l, 2007i Tunho .r .1, 20001.<br />

The m€naido. of te ctlqift in llp sr.r spld 6[.cr.d nm dififfil ld.liti6<br />

of rlE Klrhi cny is dc?ici.d in Fi!: al6,<br />

l'lJL-LLIll.t'1,.r<br />

SDDlina r..<br />

ll,hr,rtl<br />

Fig- 416 Cotre.rndor of lG .tlori!. Eidrtl (pprl ir ||p r.r.r {dpLr

The concedrarion ot fPc chloine esidul in alhosi aU th. wat€t smples is dete€ted<br />

Con*nlradon of chlorine i. *aler di$libution systcn d.cEa*s wiih line because of ils<br />

consmption IAI-Jas€., 200?l Reaction of chlorine wilh Nater constiiuens including<br />

corcsio. by.products lAl-Jsr.r, 2007i zbrng .r .1., l92i Kiere et .1., 1998i<br />

Dicirno .nd Zhrng,2005l, nicroorSanisns lw.bl..l.l, l99ll, orgdic ibpurities<br />

monia compomds, ion dd ndrdes iohs lead to ils cohsumption Fc chloflne ca<br />

al$ be ued up by leadioft with bionhs fom.d on lhe Pipe walls ed reacrion of<br />

100?i wtbl. .t .1.' 1991; zh.og<br />

chlorine wirn the pip€ qall mariial ik.ll IAI-Jt$.n<br />

€t rl,. 1992i Kiene et rl., 1998i l.bEin.n .l rL,200Ei Ft.t or.r rl, 19991 The mh<br />

caue for thc lo$ of lie chlori@ asidul within di$ributio! netwo*s t a e&tion of<br />

c onne on rhe scal.s c@dng thc im€t piF surf&cs lDicir.o .trd zb.!& 200s1<br />

Maul et al. tt985l di*6ed th* thc conccnttadon ofbo6 ft4 ed bral chbnne esidnal<br />

darcos in tbc dbtribulion srsLh s lh. 6id4..1ih. incrcdcs whil. frvelling ftoo<br />

lhe wrd tr.atnenr Dldr. Th. fr€. ctlorin. co.c.nhlion of *!ts aho tduces vheh<br />

evmEliotr of ct orine incEes al . lgn0.6@ ol eund 25J5 'C l$.b.tlv r.d<br />

(rnb..i.t, 20.0?j. Th. sllbilrtt of hypchloEt€ ale d*rcses bv phobrlegBdanon<br />

p@s in fie pr€ffic of sEong tulight ls.rbrlly .!d Klnhtrir!,2lxti Nowell.rd<br />

I|otr., t991. h h th.EfoEjustificd thar f@ chbnne co.tcd orthe tnarol ut ! when<br />

n l€v€s thc disribufon sysLh high bc withi! the WHO tu8c, but duing its<br />

dislribudon lo rhe l(mhi city thbugh . n $ort of prinary disr.ibutio. miN, pMping<br />

sraioro, 6efloi6 dd *ondary dhttibution pipelirc, thc concenhtion of ftee chlorin€<br />

Esidul endually d€crcsd. This in nh lcads !o .ith.t v.ry low or no chlonn€ Esidutrs<br />

h lhe fanhest pans oi tre distribution systcm which nay also tssulls in high n* of<br />

bacrdial cont nidtioo ofdnil(ih8 warer.<br />

The pr€sence of indilidul sp{i.r of THMS is<br />

CHCIr>CHClrBr>CHClBr:, 6 shoM in Fi!, 4. | ?.

Fl& 4.17<br />


P.rc.trt i. oli.dlvtlu.l THM ipeid<br />

Shih in th€ fomlion ftom chloFlon lo bbnodidnobn€ihmc io<br />

dibom@nlomnetne. b bmDofom tat6 Dlrce du€ 10 rhe inclte ir the oon drFdon<br />

of b&nid. ion in th€ chloriM&d srd lwhla.k r .a .1., 2(x)3i Kruo.. .r .1, l99al,<br />

tbmtio. of brcmiMr€d trihloh.lhrn. b sbjclcd to the pte*@ of bonid. ion in<br />

Mt r. Bmmofom is rheEfore" the domiMl THM srei6 dwing chldifdon of hign<br />

bonidc wte6. In rhe pjlgt s$dy m bomofon va fou ir th.l,! *ald splcs.<br />

Thb is preb{bly de to dF pffi of v.ry low @n@tdion of brobjdc im in *.1d.<br />

Howd. fomation of broDodichloDdrrDde w found me th& t8l of<br />

pH i! .l$ a vdiable rhai innren@s in fomltion of THMS, t is Fported that th.<br />

corcorration of THMS ircFses 6r hiehcr pH lwbibker .t rl., 200!i cn.D .nd<br />

W.b.l, l98l b rhft is also $De indiclrioo rhd ih€ dsrJibulion of THM sFci€s is<br />

alnosl ind.Ftrd€nl of pH {Nokq, 200!; I.hlb$bl .t .1, t991. pH of aU th. Mtd<br />

spl€s l4ft t@rd€d h tbe drs! of 6.?.8,2, No 3igfica inlllre. of pH on THM<br />

l.rcl s ob*ded (Fig. 4. rD.

plI<br />

As @ vs.ion in 9E .i

4.5 lt€.lrh rist.rse$n. offiblloD.tt.tr6 (IlIMt i. dnnkingw!r.r<br />

Th. heahh dsk dsialed wilh THMS .xpos &om ra! *aiq in tr.3fuhi m 6timaled.<br />

on the b6h of lhe THM5 d.ta collected duiiS the studv. TaP w$r is nol onlv coNm'd<br />

for ddnking purpos bur tl$ for bathing, clceins md orhc &tjliris th6 tso dposE<br />

path@ys wer€ t6td into co6idendon. The lifetinc cec.r rist md th. ha2.d index of<br />

THMS troush onl i.gesdon dd demal abeQtion w'r' usd ro esim't fic<br />

@ims.nic and nonceinog.nic etrccl of THMS- C&q of rh. bladds. stoMh lag.<br />

inrestine. sd eclM d€ 6sdiaied {irh t\. cdcinogenic eltecls of TgMs. Non_cscer<br />

eds include jludice, subjedv. centnl newou svtlern efr.d, ftwbehavioml<br />

er'f*l5. ad eddSed liv.r lvin. dt .1., 2009; USEPA' 20061.<br />

Th. chronic dlily inlal€ md cmcr stope fado! were s.d lo detemine lh' lifetin'<br />

cal@ rtk. Th. inpul p6@.t€u &d then latu€s for .ltculating the CDI thrcu8h oral<br />

ingestion &d demal absoDion re mentioncd in T.ble 4.4 !!d 4.5 rcsp4ttvelv<br />

l.pnt FnE.t B fot .!Po!!r. ssD.nt ol TqMs ttolgh o..,<br />

inz6tion<br />

ll€e.r rr.,20041<br />

2 lustPA, 199?l<br />

E\posuG &equcn(y (EF) t65 ll,e.t rl., 20041<br />

?0<br />

K8 70 lL(.r rL 2ll04l<br />

lr,c.ftL 20041

Trbl€ 4.5i llput ptdneler! fo. cxpdurc .s!€!sn.!l of TUM! tbrouSh l4adl<br />

tbtumti44<br />

(PC)<br />

Fdcion ofskin in conlact<br />

rdL<br />

00089(cHcl3)<br />

0.0058(cHc12Br)<br />

0.0019(CHCIBr2)<br />

0.0026 (clrBrr)<br />

OE<br />

lusEPA, r97l<br />

lRArs,2005l<br />

18.9 lLG. €i d.'20021<br />

Erposuc frequncYGF) IL..etrl,t2002t<br />

19 [L€. d d.,20021<br />

l0'<br />

Kg ?0 lL.. d .1.. 20041<br />

Tne porcncy or sloF frctor of tE fou THM codpouds tal is assiald wiln lifelinc<br />

cmcer rbk is shoM io T.ble{.6.<br />

r.bb 4.6: Por.ncv &cror Gn or tlop. 6.to. (sn orTgM! ro' ntk ohttltor<br />

----3iiFrrfi t toga,Eo.Yl'<br />

Onl<br />

IUSEPAJ99T Le .r .1, I lw.rt .. tL' 20071<br />

2004i wr4 et !1., 200?l<br />

6.10*lo"<br />

tos'lo'<br />

BbmodichloloneLhde (CHCI:Br) orlol 6.33x10-'<br />

DibDlMhlorcm.thd (CHClBr:) 8.40x10'<br />

-90*lo"<br />

I l2rl0/

of t clitu do* {RJD' lbr ibc liN IHM 6bFurd3 c lisred in<br />

&t''lt,|:@ d* (RlD) fo TllMr lor o..l apaw<br />

B.omodichlooo€th@ tCHCl,Br)<br />

DbDnK om$ae(CHctBr,)<br />

RrD ths/t g/d.U I<br />

2xl0-_<br />

2il0<br />

45.1 Lia.tiDe .u..r ri!k! for TtlM. rhDrab ditliut .4ourc p.rbw.y.<br />

ThG lif.ri@ cM ri* 6rinEtion dE b r!. .rDGs ro THM! is b6€d @ USEPA<br />

slid.lind lvi.u<br />

et .l- 2009i I- .. l|- l00al. The 6dts of @c{ tul dmugh t*o<br />

ditreml qpGW parhwys e Dl€sled in fig a.l9 srd 420<br />

ll<br />

Iil<br />

trl[ lLL, lLll<br />

L,<br />

F+ 4.r9 C.|6 ill tod TIIMt vi. ord nrr.

I | .l<br />

t ti ,lill<br />

lll, ttrl. lllL<br />

Ft rlo Cocr rbl rom THM. ti. ddD|l dDcrn<br />

;,<br />

gl<br />

TIE aveEg. litdinc c.j@ dsts ton CHClr. BDCM .d DBCM lhFugh ing6lion<br />

ronle wm calculated s 5.29xlo'. l.85xl0{ ard 2.24x10" cFctively. As bDmofon<br />

m .oi toud in th€ drinling qder md6 lhmfot val@s for th. brcmofom llft nol<br />

crlcular.d. Il 9s rcval€d tnd rb. .rc€s. lif€tim. caM filn CHCIr adt BDCM via<br />

Ingdior bule is e\c*ded tbn lhe genedt guid&ce n* vdc ol I 0oxl06 l$ug.r<br />

.1, tllnl. The !v€6se c.Mr n* tor blal trjhd@eib!ft tbrcud 06l ingstioi *a<br />

7,37x l0a, which vs de hjghd rbe lhe EPA &aplau. risk by about 7,37<br />

The pcnctratio of fiMs '.lo th. body my &te ple *bd skin cm6 i o @t!ci<br />

with @nkBiot€d *d6 dui.g showins" bathin& siming ad wr$irg luy.rq<br />

2006i l*.r d., zma; W.iol.trd Jo, 19961. TIF avrlg€ lifeline 6@ rbk Aom<br />

CHClr, BDCM .trd DBCM rhbug! d€rDl @i.cr w ftud to b. l.33xlo{, 6.3oxl0{<br />

&d 8.34x10'€sFciively. The av.ngE lif.line @cq dsk &on

cnlEr $tuustr ine6do! or dedEl coniacr it th€ dost inpotul plrhwv lor caEr risLs<br />

fion THM! follo{td by BDCM &d DBCM. Ft 4ll dbplayed the s.tr<br />

r.00tu6<br />

3.00Ei6<br />

1o0Ei6<br />

l0oEi6<br />

(ll(1. BDCM DBCM (HB$<br />

r CLal<br />

Fic.,Lll ar.rs. oe. roL lor TUM' i! dill.rul p.dt.t.<br />

If it is assm.d thlr rol.l 18 millid p@ple in K'dhi hav. a ?0_y@ lifcstan drd all e<br />

exposed !o THMs th@ug! or.l tuui€ dd d€m.l conL.! th.t ovcr a ?Gy.d p€rio

{.51 Nobc.rciuogdic rillt! for TEMs dttuugh difi.r.lt .!PGor. p.lnsrvs<br />

Nor@inog.nic risk sssmdt for THMS rc ale cond@td Tne h3ad index's e<br />

c.lculared for oral ine.stion &d dmal abelprion bv taling the ratio of rh' CDI ro th'<br />

RID fot e individu.l THM sPecies.<br />

Tne Hl of THMS thJough oral roule is depicted in Table t1.8. The r of CHCI3 lhrcush<br />

ool oute rugerl frcn l E4xloj lo 484xl0r wh.Es, for BDCM ad DBCM il *a<br />

foud in bctwan o to ?.86xlo_r and 0 ro lxlor 6}.ctivelv- This it in &conbnce ro<br />

then concentratjon foud in the iap wld spl€s Th. brono_THMs weG pr€eff in<br />

low( concenhations the CHCL CHB!] {s hol tlet€cled The ave!5ge ofrhe lobl HI<br />

for ttr fou THMS lhrcueh oral ingestion Ms 8.84x I o r.<br />

'nt HI of TllMs itroush dmal absotplion is GpE*med in Ttbl' 4 9 The Hl of<br />

CHCL Uroush dc@,1 conraci v&ied iioo gxlor b 2 42xloi For BDCM &dDBCM'<br />

the EI ws foud in the @g. of 0 to 2.6x LO! dd 0 to 2 2x 10" respetiv'lv<br />

The .ve!ag. of the lolal HI for the THMs in cse of d.nal tbso'flion w6 fomd lo be<br />

4.l9rlo ' lt qb noticed rhat fie Hl ol tHVs tlrough d'mal qa: lowcr Lhe<br />


Trbl..l* gord t!d.!ofTItM'ihrelshorn o ' iI bP s'hr e!,16 olxrnchi<br />

cscl BDCM DBCM CHBrr TTIIMs<br />

I 0.t6l4l 0.000t4 0 ND 0.16158<br />

2 0 0 ND 0.rN457<br />

l 0.05.286 0.00041 0.00041 ND 0.0s172<br />

4 017657 0.00041 0.00028 ND<br />

5 0.02114 0 ND<br />

0.04057 0 ND 004057<br />

'I 0.14829 0 000.28 0.00014 \D 01.1872<br />

0.l09l,l 0.00014 ND 0.10928<br />

0.02E29 0 0 ND 0.02829<br />

l0 0.06914 0.00014 0.00014 ND<br />

0.0?886 0.00014 0 ND 0.0?900<br />

t2 0.10114 0.00057 000014 ND 0.10185<br />

ll 0.ll?7t 0.00085 0.00043 ND 0.tlE99<br />

0.1)829 0 ND 0.128:9<br />

It 012686 0.00043 0.00023 ND 0.t2151<br />

l6 0 L7ll4 0.00028 0 ND 0.t1]42<br />

t7 I 0.0!@ 0 ND 0.01600<br />

ta 0.21629 0.000?.2 0.00057 ND 0 27151<br />

0.0lll4 0 ND 00Dl4<br />

20 0.22019 0.00100 0.00072 ND 0.22200<br />

2l 0.,'E429 0.00057 0.00028 IND<br />

22 0 00897 0.00216<br />

.21 002.2t7 0.00786 0 ND<br />

24 0.00457 000100 ND 0.00557<br />

25 0.0tl4l 0.00586 O IND 0.01928<br />

26 0.04849 0.00026 O LND 0.04875<br />

27 0.001E4 0 0 ND 0 00t E4<br />

0.01529 0006?r 0 ND 0.02100<br />

29 0.02300 0.00626 0 ND 0.02928<br />

l0 0.02400 0 00586 ND 0.02985<br />

ll 0.01829 0.005:8 ND 0.021t7<br />

l2 0.00886 0 00028 ND 0.00914<br />

ll 0.024 0.00228 0 ND 0.02628

Tlble ,t 9, g@.d ld.r olTHMr lhblgh d.rErl .oDl.l lr tap '!r.r linpld of Krnchi<br />

cHcb BDCM DBCM CHBn TfHMr<br />

0.00807 4.7E-06 0 ND 0.00807<br />

2 0.0022J 0 ND 0.00223<br />

3 0.@264 0.0000t5 0.0000t ND 0.00267<br />

0.00881 0.000015 0.000006 ND 0.00885<br />

5 0.00116 0 ND 0.001t6<br />

6 0.00201 0 ND 0 00201<br />

1 0.007,1I 0.00001 t.10E-06 ND 0-007,12<br />

0.00546 4.7E-06 ND 0.00546<br />

9 0_00141 0 ND 0.00t4t<br />

l0 0.00]46 4.7E-06 0 000001t ND 0.00147<br />

0.0039,1 4.7t-06 ND 0.00J94<br />

t2 0.00516 0.00002 0.000001I ND 0.00518<br />

l3 0.00689 0.00001 0.00001 ND 0.00691<br />

l4 0.00641 ND 0.0064 |<br />

It 0.00614 0 00002 0.0000062 ND 0.006i6<br />

l5 0.00866 0.0000t 0 ND 0 0086?<br />

t7 0.00t 80 0 ND 00018<br />

IE 0.0138t 0.0000.2 0.000012 ND 001185<br />

l9 0.00166 0 N'D 0.00166<br />

20 0.0ll0l 0.00004 0.000016 ND 0,01106<br />

2l 0.02421 0-00002 0.0000062 ND 0.02424<br />

22 0.00045 0.00008 0 ND 0.00052<br />

2t 0.00113 0.00025 0 ND 0_00|]8<br />

24 0.000.21 0 0.000022 ND 0,00025<br />

25 0_00067 0 00020 0 ND 0.00086<br />

0.00242 0 00001 N'D 0.00241<br />

71 0.00009 0 ND 0 00009<br />

28 0.0008r 0.00022 0 ND 0.00103<br />

29 0.001t5 0.00020 0 ND 000l.lt<br />

l0 0.00t20 0.00019 0 ND 0_00l]9<br />

3l 0.00091 0.00017 0 ND 0,00108<br />

.]2 0 00044 0.00001 0 ND 0.000,15<br />

tl 0.00120 0.000075 0 ND 0.00128

TlE greater the vrlue of CDVPJD above unitt. the gi€srer ih. lelel of concm<br />

Ulry. d .[, 19951. Bur in lhc ped study, 0E brll t'll for rhe THM ampoudr<br />

trcustr onl loule wd aboul t n rimcs low€r the uity, thich did @t indicat non-<br />

The asull5 of lh. health rist as..M..i liln expot@ ro THMS e fomd in agddml<br />

wirh the plevios studi.s. On lhe bdis of th€ study aboul cecer risks ad HI of THM<br />

rbrcu$ diff.F *pos@ Dul6 fot laP water in Hone Kohg, Lce el tl l200'll<br />

@tuludcd tlEr *pos lbeusb ohl in86tio. h.d hirlq dsk thd $rcu8)t d.mal<br />

aberption. To*mak et al. [20041 ale conc]ud€d in a study r,\at ntc high€sfuisl {6 fom<br />

the .xDosw to chlorcfom tbrcu$ obl ins.stio. Iwros .t rL' 20071.<br />

4.6 Tnce neiolc in l.p q.rer .d grounds.ts ltEpl.t of Krnchi citv<br />

Ttuc havy ncl,ls ft viial nicro-nulri.nls which e involv€d in a vdielv of<br />

biGhcnical fiDctioN it aI liling orerniss [T@n .t .1.' 20{9l Detemiiation of<br />

netlh by FA-AS b a !.lativ€ly simple ed connonlv available technique, bul lhe<br />

convennon l delemimrios of ctmcnts.r |lg L-r mg. bv FAAS liequenn! d nol<br />

Dosibl.. Horevet. GFAAS ir a l€ hniqe thar plovid.s exc.llal *snivitv for dE<br />

dekmrnarion olMce mehls rn \ &ioB envircmental mtuices<br />

In th. pe*d study, ihc dsslv.d n t l @lterf in thc *ard mpl6 ton difiFrt<br />

ew6 of *aLr supply lo K@hi cily 6 sll s tap war.r sd 8roudmtd stl.s c<br />

.n lyzed. Th. min objdive of this !tudy is to *aluG the po$iblc sowcs of qrer<br />

@nhination, lo chak $e complioa of tta .l.menrs lw.l in *aE qith lhe l@al<br />

dd inrermrioml sidldtds for dniling wal.r od lo s.$ Lh. b,ads a$ciaEd wilh<br />

fi6e me6ls via thcir oral int ke. Tde nc@ls elv&d bv GFAAS wde Nickel (Ni)'<br />

copp.r (cu), chtumim (Cr), L.!d (Pb), cobqlt (co), Md8alF (Mn) 4d lon (F.)<br />

tuv€r Ind6 is lhe soNe of bdt mler supply to K@.ni citv The tuver Indu prcvides<br />

wld io the Ksjhs L.lG lbhueh Kah Basnd (KA) Feeder' 'I1te sou'ce of lDdD wale'<br />

siich oigiMt€s ftom lhe tjr. Mds.IM &d cndr !t IndB dclla P6ss lhrcu8)l a<br />

sdies of ch.!g€s. The i o&lion belwM IndN water dd dre rocks 6d eil of vevidg<br />

conposition &cone a eFc of addins inolg4ic conslitu€nts into the *aler Th€

popuhdon &o indutiB dcteiopqi on ei$q sidc oi dF nlct tuiher pou elhmpogd,c<br />

dd inddnar @16 inlo the nver.<br />

iiub dm is a l.rg€ wrer sbEac lwNot {inch is Gr by |he ilub tuvd ad nou@n<br />

spnngs. Hub Rivd g@gnphic.lly li€s in dF provinc of &ldhislar. Ih. mthmdt<br />

e! of the nvd @nprisd oi veeds oi $dircnEv rccks, oPbiohs dd @leses<br />

D@ lo $. vcry fiin populdio. i. rhe @t!6me @ md .o inddriainldon oi dv<br />

signitic€M, n is expoded thar lhe quaiity of srer muld be dilicmr ii@ K*njhtr<br />

wal€r sples lon both th€ $wd w@ dalyzld ior delemining lhe con4nrltion ot<br />

m€Els. Thc m€4 @nenrranon of m€bls in woter spt6 n$n bolh fi€ sou@s N<br />

Cr ?b Co !,6 a.<br />

|l::ffi*<br />

!t&.L22 comprn , of *.&r qu.liry oafto ujoi mrE olw.Lt 'upplv io lkdnl<br />

h ws foud thrr rhe @nqtrlrion ofNi, Cu. Cr, Pb' Mn ad f'e *@ wilhin the \vtlo<br />

I1rc qudity of wd€r uonltbm coNid@bly fton solre to ihe hosehold l,g Allholgh<br />

0E qurlig of el@ watcr tind! sdisl&iory. n m.v ddeno* in rhe *zt€r disribunon<br />

s'sLn. I1E ratdnls onPrising pipes, pmpe, srdlgc llenoB .rc nav @l!w

$tough cotrllcl*ift walq or say l€&h @nsti[enis in walet or"t tinc Cr Zn [' ed<br />

Pb e the metals thal ce b. intlodnced in to the wat€! tom the cooosion of tnes'<br />

Duc lo lhe sceity of nuicipal *atd supPlt gloudwar€r is aho ulilized fot drinking<br />

ad oiner dom.sic Purpos in 6iou pdrs oftn citv. In a iltml s|ale, Cround*a16 s<br />

lEe &om pa$ogeB b&ten. md tn*s Ir hd 8fldarl\ ld lo"er lon\cnrnhnr ot<br />

orlanic Mner also. Tte pesence of netal ios in Sroudwler depends on lhe local<br />

geology. geocbenical cbm.l.risrics ofde aquif€t mlclials ed bvdrolog Apan flon<br />

th. natuttl pceseq dnthrcpogmic euces also havc ! t'nddo6 ionE ce oo ihe<br />

grcud{ater gdh.nisll} ln 8effia] han1 mebls di*h&g'd o soil c ch@ldized<br />

by lone tBidcne tins lt.br .t .l., t009l M.lals ce b' &cunula|d in th' uppd laver<br />

of rhe eit or oen.tale i! diffeEnl loms iito suface sater llrhr €t |L' 2009i Keller<br />

rtrd DoD€rguc r96i Cned .l rl, 2003i L.p.ne 200t1 Metal mobilialion<br />

'l 'l '<br />

e.nerally dependr on th. conceniolion of6' pd' ndal in rbe eil $lurion which in<br />

M d.Fnds on rh€ eoiion dd cEntion of the sme n€lal in soil llr!' et tL' 2009i<br />

Ster.k on .l .1.,200{1. PH, tetp€Br@ $il tt?e. vtdo* dd plneaic enes fe &d<br />

Mn oxides md hvdroxides. nelat cdbona&3 vdios bioloeical and chemical p@c€s*s<br />

l'le biodesEdar'on Rdox Racnon sd d{1} LLrns pl&e 'n 'o I oo g-o 'nd*dter al$<br />

mdirulat€ th€ gtouf,dwatc! ctenisq lJ.lgronk'4<br />

2008; Irh er tl' 2009i<br />

Bndl,2004; v.$ et.1,20061 U!8.\ 200s1 wald disFed oltoida! P'niclcs<br />

tivcllins tholgh eil nampoffi dd 6dl$ @ als co6itlc6blv enh@ hetal<br />

hobility, €usins r.Mkable incede in tdsport'd n't'l load dd nigdlion dBl'm's<br />

lKrrarhMsis, 199; Milb cr rl,l99l; Puk td Po*'ll,1992; Ouvtns ei 3l' 196;<br />

Ryr! .nd Elincl.ch, t996l Soil PoPeni's dd conposition usuallv changcs Nith<br />

deDth. th.!€fore rhe chd4ctnslics of subeil could be diffRir hon those of the 3urfac'<br />

lay.r. The subsoil layer hd b€.! Eveal.d b b' e inpoianl 8€Ghemical bdaier asansl<br />

th. misralion of m€tals in $e soil svstem includine Pe@ttolion into the groudMler<br />

Llrb. et !1..2000: Elliott el rl l986i Hoodr rnd Allosrvr lqqEr St'r'k'D!tr 'r rl '<br />

20001 Tm:por of soudwarer corhrndl s much nore conpq Phmomenon r\d<br />

surf4. @ier Groundwatet flos, g.ologic.l beckgto@d, lhe processs of dat@El

mspon atu oe dcgradaton dc the f&los lJEt driucnce rhe nss ttanspon 'n<br />

ercundwEr IJ.lrro!1,1, 200E1.<br />

t@ ncrds 'n up rer dd greudwd.r @Prcs d<br />

!ig, a.23 M.t l or.otntion ir r4 od gnu it.tct !Dpl6 ol ioEcnl cttv<br />

'lhe md cd@ nrion ol Ni in *ar€l sple tun Kdjhu Like a.d Hub {'dm e<br />

rbud ei$in th€ p€missible lihils of ue w Ho stsnd.rds Id wto qu.lirv i-e 20 pg L<br />

"<br />

tlowva. the @ncdltllion of Ni in rap w|er spl6 @U@l€d fDo dirTd l@tios<br />

of f.,@hi ciy e fou in lhe tugeolI J-l57 Fs L'" A oNid@bl' wiallon in llc<br />

coft.ntrstio oi Ni is dp4led 6qn rap !o Lp lrd de loh rire !o tm' lb<br />

@.@nllsid in wold my imr€M d@ to l@hing li6n nickelchrcmiM Plgldl raps<br />

dd fitlinss, Wat r lei sr{dine for. lons dn in sucb Plmbing dsings mav ds shos<br />

incFs€d colMtalion of Ni in wEls. Ir!. nieh6l c@8fiation of N' wa obdlcd<br />

'n<br />

Et eale. @pl. lM K(fuer reidentral !@ As th. .@ li4 in clN Fotidtv !o llE<br />

Kotugi Industri.l .M th6fot. $d.r suppli€s @v sdilr liom indNlrial eltlEds std<br />

missiod 6nt ining loxic merals

Colc.nEriion of Ni in the grculdwt r sstnpl.s tuscs b.twm 4.40 !o 81.01 llg Li<br />

Tlis @iarid i! .oft.nfrdon d.D.nd! on lhe tuE of soil' PH dd de h of th.<br />

smpling. Emulnt3 .nd imprepd elid wic disPdd fioD Ponti pilm.nq<br />

.tcEop&'titr& tri.k kldhiM b.ndics, .ulodotivc Frts, @atings &d.ldtricr! {idng<br />

aid .ltoys Muf@nring itdEti6 my de bdns @ntamisliotr to tlE un

er€epdonal 6suli from Ledhi industial !r€.. Contanination of Mt.r rlPplics ftoD<br />

indultial .mu.rtt o aining Cr ed its !.lts citha fom lcatho Lming industris,<br />

r€xlilc neufacrwirg indEFi.s, Pdtu !d Pi8mcnE,..@ic ed 8l6s indsry, chrcDe<br />

alloy &d cbrcn. plariry indslri.s nighl bc GpoGibl. for this .lming sndion<br />

ps.ilils i! lhir @4 wct &d drr dcpolition of C. F.$t 6 @bsl in th. atncPh.t<br />

tuy livc rie to i@@ing Cr cor.orFtion up io I 13,2 trg L r.<br />

Cmudutd @nt$iEtioo by Cr is a major Plobl.d in ind6Eial4a. Tte ind61ri.s<br />

di.po$ thcir wl6 .id!.r inlo th. $w!9. systcm or e dmp€d inlo Mdlir ot Lydi<br />

tuvcr dir..dy fto6 the lg pL4 $iich ultih.tcly dmps i o th. ec AlthouSl $eE<br />

& lcw smdl a..io@t pl&rs for itrduitrial wld. but $., e lbelut€ly inad.qute<br />

lH.q .t .1, 2l)l)91. Con@larion of Cr i. goutdwtq of KoMsi indGrri.l d. .lso<br />

enccls rhc @nLdictio. ol grcudwrcr $ppli.s *ith chremim, Cr c@enidriotr in<br />

gre@dwater of Non! Neimbad ale folrds @ci&Ebly ligh.r. lt my bc dw !o ihc<br />

fet dEr NonI Nei@bad k l[. '@ dtst li6 oq a pluSing synclirc, b thc pas! in<br />

cat h pans of thc aF sreud*ltd E .@uta!d .r d.Pths loe $tn 2t or 30<br />

n t E- Most of this wlld @ bElish &dE rct @Eid.rd r f6ibL elc of ABh<br />

ut r, but mw the wt r rrble i$ gcently.ncouard .t lcs thm 2 or 3 mdas d.pth<br />

!.d rhc wltq qudity is "s*r.I". Th. ptldoniMt ee6 of th. Fchagc consirl ofln.<br />

sMsc tom dE swds. slbd.ll 4d ldr!3c filn thc wrq liffi |nrnmtr .t tL,<br />

\9911.<br />

Diselution of Pb Aom @nual $|cs a3!lt! in thc pEs.nc. of Pb in e@ @cr, Pb is<br />

ale d.p6it d &on th. .ttrcph.F diFdy .ithd by dry or w.r Path*ay3 or ro th. ur.r<br />

s!rf&6. Md Pb @monltio! in wr.r mpl. of Kddhe Ll|(. ed Hub .!.n e<br />

found !o be 1.664 dd 0.84? fg r! FsFctiv.ly, Concdttarion of Pb in tap war.r<br />

splcs @ found hiehd the it! @ncdunior in $w. w.t6. lt indic.t s dut *alel in<br />

the disaibudon syncm mirhr b. coftmiMi.d filF Pb .ith.r tteueh k&hiig of Pb<br />

conpouldi ftom PvC pipcs or lioh diselulion of Pb frod the hou*hold pllnbing<br />

sFt m. Iltc disolutior of Pb ftom thc plumbinS syst.i d.pcnds on scvcdl facloB,

icludins the pFsrce of chbnde. DO, tcFF atu€, pH, st1er hardms ed emding<br />

rine ofvatd Son ad acidic waEr being $e dd hiSltlv plmboelved' Th€ age of Pb<br />

pip6 is ale crilical in tefts of lhe moul of Pb leehed. In oos of the ma of<br />

(mhi, concent'adon ol Pb in tlp walq sMpl.s e foud within tne \[HO p'mnsible<br />

level of ?b i.e., lO Fg LI Waler sdple ftoh Kee@i is foud lo be highlv<br />

Analysis of Pb in gitoMdwate! sples Ev.al.d $at h some of fie goundtr?ler sdples<br />

?b mncentdlion w6 exceeding th. WHO guidelin€ value for drinkins vaier'<br />

Conlalinalion of Pb in Cioudweter otigiMtes fiom the dissoludon of Pb ftoh soil md<br />

eafth cNst. Due to the mobility of Pb i. soil, il ulimalel) moles doqnward into rhe<br />

etoudwa€r<br />

Th€ hisl Pb cohtenr in Mt r mav be ahospheric in odein owing ro tne<br />

bming of leaded edolin lRrhd.n .t .1., 19971 or eni$ioh ofPb paniculate ftod lead<br />

trlErs md bariery pldls €tc lnpopftdisposal ofsolid *6le cohtainins sd batteri€s<br />

dd other bdardous chenic.ls oay .le b. thc c.se ol Pb conunination of<br />

gtuudwabr O*ing 10 th. Iong tcaidcnc. dnc of grcudw.t r in $e invisible slbGutfrc€<br />

.nyiromenq theetrecB ofpollution @ *n onlv Ltr ofves lad U.tC,o tr,20061<br />

I$pi!€ ofsne pdtic rEeGof Pb @ntmi@tion of g.udw!l6 n is efrctivelv<br />

imob zed in rhe bP laye6 of eil dd hcB. linle witl b€ cded doM into tn€<br />

Co 6 nol deEcred in the saler sdplcs from Kccnjhe Lake od Hub dae' In cp walq<br />

mples als Co sd eithd fou.d .b3cnt or prcse.l at a lo$ concentralion up to<br />

5.95 tg LL. co Ms also found undn4ted in nost of$e grcundwaler smples wdn u<br />

exception of Nonn Naidabad md Kordgi indusfial ea lt eveah lhat *ald smples<br />

ee geneEllr nol conlmimted wilh co o! ifco is Pesent,lheh irs conce ration is belov<br />

tne delection limib ofGFAAS. Co h a relativ€ly mobil. m€ul in sih conpared ro mosl<br />

netals lHuihor, r99.ll thsefor, peeohtio. of indctrial eftluents i o SDudwar*<br />

souces roy be the rc6on of contmioalion of goundwater of Koregi indutial ea<br />

Co is Ned 6 a piCm.nt in PainE, ccrmi€s, 8lds, s a caLlvst for tE petolem industrv

dd in bandies. It is als used in *veml g?cs of.llovs including nagnelrc alo)s. hiel_<br />

llnler,rE slcl atloys ad ab6ioni.sii4t h8d-a!.ing aUots lHtnillo4 199'll-<br />

Mn is natuuy fobd in both sufa@ dd grcundwai.. sources, owing to ftathering md<br />

solubilizalion of Mn from soil dd b.d6k ll-juig .nd Vrht.n 2007l The $lubilnv of<br />

Mn in sil is €xlr€nely snsirive to changcs in soil redox colditions lcreen d .1,' 20031<br />

Mn oxides ae nlneEble lo reduclive dissolution u..ler sliehl to moderate soil rcduction<br />

Icr€er<br />

et a1,,20031 Mn oxid6 aho .&o!b tlace hetals including Zn, Pb, Ni, ed Cu<br />

by n€ms of specilic surfme adsrptio., TEc€ hclals e aho knoM to be dsocialed<br />

with Mn oxides by substitution ed co-pFcipit tioi lcre6 .t .1, 20031 ed lhetfd€<br />

give rise o thet in€Eded solubility in $il M. .d al$ b€ Fleed 10 wter or tui bv<br />

dischage lion alloy- steel md ion production indsin.s dry{ell baft€nes electical<br />

coils, {€lding mds, malch6, gl6s, c@ics. dyes, Pai s &d drving industries. Mn ce<br />

b. Ele6ed into lh. ahosphee b.c.u* of the u* of org@meElli. conFmd VMT<br />

(m€thylcycloFnEdimyl inn8&.k lric&bo.yl) 6 d dtiln6h addnive in uleaded<br />

CotretrFation of Mn detftkd in lh. wl* spl.s fron K.enjhdr Lale md Hub daft e<br />

33.42 anl4l.3l pg L' 6petiv.ly, wHO prsni.d a h€ald!_bsd 8lideline<br />

vtlue of<br />

,tO0 pg L' of Mn in &inldts qlci in lhe yce 2006 ll-julg .rd vdt.r' 2007]<br />

Conentratioo of Mn in tap utcr sspl.e @ found wilhin the WHO guidcline value<br />

The major conc€6 due lo Mt in d.inling Mi.r @ ils abilirv to $aln plmbing dd<br />

laudry 6 qell d poducilg objecdombl. l3$e Mn @v fom a moling on piFs in rhe<br />

distribdion system qen at conc.nlraiion of 6 low 6 200 Fg Lr ed thu case<br />

d.s.olontion of$e qarer at Lhe lap<br />

Fe h e obj€cdonable costituent of a drinlins wat€! IMlrj'ni et rl.' 2009l Ie<br />

oncennation of 0.2{.3 ng L-r do.s nol have d .ff.cl on lhe nveienic dd aesthetic<br />

quality ofwater, but 0.3-LO ms LLm.y case ainiry dd obFctionable tdt€ Excessiv€<br />

concerFadon of!€ inparls a bin ! chdctcnstic, m.lallic ta5l€ dd sle caE oxidizd<br />

Poge I 83

precipilate in eatq lMdj$l .l .1, 2009l Conc. tation of Fe i. rhc wat ! sples<br />

llon Kecnjbd L.le dd Hub dm aF found ro b€ 53 6 sd 54 13 l1g L ' Bpecliv.lv<br />

TIE Fe conc.ntration in rap w.t r spl.s e found lowd lhd th. WHO guid€lire value<br />

of 0.3 mg L'1 (i..., 300 tg L r). The vdiation in coM.tuarion of F. nav be dua 10<br />

difer.nt Ea!o6. Fc may cnlft into th. wtlr wh.rcv.. cst iton, stal and galvdized<br />

ircn pip6 a ued for qard dtuibutiot.<br />

F. is on€ of th. m61 lbundat minc6l! in fic .qtht car th.tfoG it is comnonlv<br />

fow.l id gowdwal.r. Conc.ntr.tion of Fe in goudwt r sdPlca also loud withi! the<br />

The rt*nc. ol F. is a vdy @mhon w .t qulity preblcm h.rce. edtion or ch€ni'al<br />

oxidadon followcd by 6pid sd lilt!"rion is s.ndllv u..d for rhc Gmotal of Fc Fc in<br />

f.tuc 6e'?) narc b elubl. in wr4. th@foE s.latinoB fl@s e podu'd qhd ire!<br />

cherps to f.nic (F.r) slatc. Th. 0@3 ths fom.d @ mov.d bv p.ssirs rbc ur'r<br />

,{? sr.rirtic.l d.b r!.lF! fo. rh. p|e!4 oa tda D.t b h np '!br .id aFudrrhr<br />

Thc cGnt of li@ity bcr*.n Fk @ ed |r8 L-r@n6rrarion of merals @<br />

@nd.d by th. value of @fllcicnr of dd.mi. ion (l) ed 6 ate &pict'd in Fi&<br />

4,24ro 4.24.<br />

a<br />

Fi& 4.24<br />

C.llbnriotr c!n. fo. Nl

l. a.r5<br />

a<br />

0.4<br />

0.al<br />

0.3<br />

05<br />

02<br />

0.ai<br />

0-l<br />

0.6<br />

?lD'jX<br />

Cd.ddo6r/l-)<br />

n& {27 C.Ibdlo. oru tr 6<br />

0-:('<br />

OJ<br />

o5<br />

:!J<br />

-t na<br />

30"<br />

-0t5<br />

!.1<br />

06 0<br />

6A<br />

ll9 4:t C.Ubntlo! cuw. tor Mr<br />

r:0.@7r-o.qt<br />

Ff.0.9tr<br />

y=0.0@( +O@<br />

'It e@.r d Frcni@ of |n. o..s@td tt CFAAS E .s.d b ultzint<br />

|li SRM !d.ryilg tr ttEl tld coo.ddo vd€ of lt dlt rilb qd6.d<br />

Pog€ | 86

valres ofthc sRM l64ld. IrE 6dt5 @ found o be in good.ge.n.nr wiih rhe<br />

certined values, wiih the percenl ec@cy of 96'98% {d a p€rcent elative s€nddd<br />

'IlE dMipriv. d€r.diMnon of rhe n.ral @nc.ntilios in tlp mrcr dd srcurdQa|s<br />

@pls of Kifuhi ciry e gi@ in T.bl. ,l l0 atrd a.l I Especriv.lv.<br />

Tablc 4.10: D6.ripriv. st tirtict tor o.trl! i! trp wtt r !.Epld<br />

SD RSD<br />

Ni t_49 157. t0 t7.tl 36.32 0.97<br />

46.90 l0l_79 11.70 64.20 0.51<br />

Cr 2.94 Il].20 tl.93 t9.11 |.66<br />

Pb 0.00 44.12 5.05 8.14 1.34<br />

0,00 2.24 2.21 0.99<br />

Mn 23.19 140.t0 8l.00 57.90 0 7l<br />

55 53 )26.50 106.38 t8.14 0,16<br />

D*irrirc rhrliid lot D.t lt h 3Eudnl.r {dPr6<br />

Ni 81.01 20.16 t9.15<br />

SD RSD<br />

Cu 54.65 u7.80 80.81 18.58 0.t3<br />

Cr 0.00 50.54 7_62 12_14 t.62<br />

0.00 20.n 1,24 6.51 0_89<br />

000 4.73 0.96 2.64 2.76<br />

Mn 25.t4 180,40 76,40 41.80 0.57<br />

37.80 178.60 87.t0 43,30 0.50

Pe6on s corcl.tion @efiicient for Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, Co. Mn dd Fe in grouDdwater dd<br />

taD wde' d m.ntioned in Trbl.,l.l2 ed,l l3 rspedively<br />

T.b|.,1.12: PaFr'! oFlrdolt b.!trd! lL co..e!rndo!! oa ndL i! 8ou.ds...r<br />

Ni Cr<br />

Cu 0.119<br />

Cr 0.159 0.094<br />

Pb 0.581 0.497 0.)54<br />

0.371 0,071 0.722 0.191<br />

0.214 0.03i 0.]]3 -0.072 0 l4l<br />

0_682 0.698 O.3EE 0.52t 0.123 0_192<br />

Trbls a,l3: P..@.'t.orEl.ilou bers*n lh. ole.tEriod of Eetalr ir LF *ol.r<br />

Ni Cr<br />

C! 0.t01<br />

Cr -0.068 -0,104<br />

Pb .0082 0.094 4.069<br />

Co 0 017 0.12t -0.160 -0.19<br />

0.065 0.198 0.0t9 -0.065 .0.354<br />

r. 0.194 0.280 -0.220 0t08 -0,082 0.469<br />

Ttt @Rlation @fficientr of Ni wnh Cr. Ni with Pb, Ni wilh Fe C! wirh Pb Cu with<br />

F., C! with Co md Pb witn Fc in eromdwd* mpl6 h.v. shou signific&t positivc<br />

coftlatioc. A 3ignificdt positivc coftlation w6 als fo@d betwen Mn ed Fe i! laP<br />

Multivside 6dt!h of n hl concedFtion in drinking watr of Karebi c'l-v M<br />

conduted drcuSh cluler &alysis (CA) &d Pincipal comPonent dalvsis (PCA) Tbe<br />

CA ed PcA e capsbl€ of idcDbryins Stoups od sets of vdiabl. with sinild<br />

pdpenis lLi .t tl., 200?1.<br />

Th. obiectivc of CA is to grcup obje€ls inb cl$i.re such fiai objets within oe clultr<br />

shde noc in codnon with on. eoth€r thd lh€v do with th. objsts of othq dnste6<br />

lYcrirosh .nd EE!, 20081. tn bjc@hicat clGrqins n€do4 th. obj*ts e<br />

Poqe | 88

.geFgatd ecolding to then distdce of similadtv in Nc€nding otder' For CA' si'gle<br />

lidoge n.lhod wd usd. Singl. linklg! is ln. lggE8nion nedod used for comb'n'ns rxe<br />

cluse6. ln $G m.thod dE shdd di$ne tdvm d'e cl@6 is complEn lx'llt" 'I rl'<br />

2m.{.<br />

D€nddgm dulting fi!6 th€ hterehi€l clur.. tdlvsG fd the 7 m'bk in tp *trd shos<br />

dd conc.nMrion (ps L r) drcr, co, Ni md c!, Dd coneDhrion oi P\ Mn 'nd Fe !R 8rouped<br />

50 s5<br />

67 30<br />

8l65<br />

100 00<br />

h(dL<br />

Fi&4.29 D..drcgnm Brliirg frcD lh. hi.rtrchicrl ctulcr rdlYrb<br />

ir l.p rrt r r.EDls (Siogl. li!log., Con.ltlio. Co.Ili.idt<br />

In ca of grudwtlc! in ondFalton<br />

G srcuped r.p66t ly (Fi& 4J0)<br />

ofN', Cr ed Co, Cu 4d Fe. ed Pb ed Mn<br />


89 59<br />

n73<br />

89 86<br />

1m.00<br />

Fi&4J0<br />

D..dqEm Euldbe tren rb. hi.nrhictl cl6r.r rn.lvth lor 6't'h It<br />

treud;.?r sphr lSl4l. ll!Lrg.. CorFl'rio! CGmcl'!r Dilbde)<br />

The ?c is a ordiddor tecbriqw rhrt cat€s lilr @nbinarions of vdiabl* ro<br />

onsfld Ndlald velos (PCs) dut d.$nb€ thc dobindr pat!'d of wiae in<br />

the dala lcood.ll, l95.li Ginrd€l dtl L.h toor; Li .t tl,10{?l Thn nelhod is valid<br />

for idertiryiog which vdiables explain th. nolt veioce, md thcforc' conlan the dost<br />

infomio\ esp.cislly fot dala s€ts winh a l&sc nubtt of vdiabl's lTb€B' d rL'<br />

2001j sidorov. .t .1., 2003; sDiab ..d W.cbob' 2006i Li .t .l ' 200?l'<br />

IE BdG of th. PCA ba..d on .ietulFis of th. oElarion tuFix for melals in itp<br />

wrer dd greudw.lr @pl6 e Penr.d<br />

in T.ble 4.14 ed 4 15 Esp4livelv'

T.bl.4.14: PrinclD.l Cobpor.or A!.lyri! for b.t b t pr.l.tlrrpl5<br />

PCI PC2 PCJ PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7<br />

Ni 4,291 0.J77 -0.319 {.J71 0.fl6 -0 207 0.180<br />

4.417 0.168 { l.ll 4ll5 -0..t41 0.58,1 4.t51<br />

C. 0.t92 .0.189 4-425 4_597 -0.t?5 .0.160<br />

.0.249 4. t9l 0.705 0 00E -0.051 O.4IE<br />

0.202 0658 0.075 0.0E6 -0.,145 0.150<br />

-0.489 -0.I7 -0.359 0.172 4.201 -0.014 0.593<br />

-0.603 -0 002 0165 0.145 4.ll2 -051s -0.539<br />

r.E92l |.,1136 I l5l7 0.9091 0.7525 0.5950 02858<br />

0.210 0 202 0.165 0,130 0.107 0.085 0.041<br />

0.2r0 0.472 0.637 0.161 0.414 0.919 1.000<br />

T.ble4.1s: Prtnclp.l Cobpo.€trr Advtk for b€rth itr groundw,rer $npl.!<br />

PCt PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7<br />

Ni {.4E9 0.0,14 4.07E 0.422 -0.415<br />

4-t28 {.5)0 0_029 .0.60! -0.106 -0.497 4 001<br />

Cr -0.428 0.'160 .0.10E 0.121 -0. t6l -0.121 0.671<br />

Pb -0.180 -0,298 .0_362 0.115 0.732 0.004 0.025<br />

-0.291 0.5r1 -0 298 .0 t86 0.175 0.105 -a 297<br />

.0.195 0.256 0.816 0.014 0407 -0,191 -0.166<br />

-0.451 -0.301 0.]t0 .0.021 -0.204 0.?06 0.t61<br />

1.1046 t.485t t.0654 0.5512 0.1662 0.14t8 0.0798<br />

0.412 0.212 0.15.2 0.080 0.052 0.010 0.011<br />

0472 0.68,r 0.816 0.916 0.968 0.989 l 000<br />

ft. €ig6valE-o.e cnterion t ba*d on $e fact that tne avedgc cigclvalre of aulo<br />

slcd dlta ir iut on - Only eiClnvdc 8;ttEr 0@ I e cocid@d inportar '<br />

ac@rding ro tnis ditdion the eigortlG oflhc ta! wt r dd lroudwaer srcal l<br />

significor Fincipal @hpondls i.e., Ni, Cu, Cr The fisi ihFe codPonen6 accout for<br />

6vei 63.7 md 83.68 % of ihe vriec€ in the &ta *t. for tlp .nd goudvnd

Bperivciy. The S@ Diols g.ph lbr pdicipol c@Fmt3 eilir il5 ei8.nwi6 ior |'p<br />

*!t€r ud soudwEr sdpl.s (Fis. ajt ..d a32) wtc rh.Efoe ued to idoiry tbe<br />

nub.r of PCa ro be Etain d lo udd€rsrldd th. unddlyine dala stutue<br />

fl. ajr<br />

c.4.dNllfr<br />

Stc plot to. rlp rri.r oDr..<br />

fl&412 S.e plot ao. smundt.Er mpl6<br />

A @M lint b.rv6 tb. r{e@ of E-! metals lik Ni, Ctr Cr, Pb dd Fc in llt<br />

wat€r h the @@sion ir qths lne wte. disFibuton syst€n or in fie plwbile sysi@<br />

Tn ios fomFd s a mult of otusion of n tr! pipd roy be el€as.d into lhe drinking<br />

wd.t e a @r6on podEl. BtN fiflinsr rnd @ on6 .od.d *ilt ! clmom-nicr€l<br />

Pose | 92

conpouds e al$ the majo! euces ofcu. Zn, Pb, Ni md Cr in the t2p ul€r. Th€<br />

phenon€non of corosion md thus the conc.ntEdon of netals ih the dtinling Raler<br />

d€pend on ndy feto* suh d pip€ dnteiial, PH.<br />

preence of chloiidc .nd slfales.<br />

cotuefiraiior of DO. lenp@n@ dd the Bideme rim€ of w.t r i. the watd<br />

disoibntion piFlincs dd in d. plubing .y$etu<br />

A sienjficdt cl.don b€n{een difreMt m.bls i. grcund*atr nav be dG lo dE<br />

qealherins od lcaching of the €lcmenb ftom soil dd b.drock ot due 10 the<br />

conaoinalion of goudwater fron ethDpogenic souEs EmuenB fron veious<br />

i.dun'is fulrc involved in el*topladng dd Mufactuing allov3, pain6, pigmenls,<br />

baftn€s, elecuiQl wirings €rc., p€rcolat6 ilto the eil dd uhimal.lv give ri* ro th€<br />

@nMii,tion of ercudw.d el|c wilh Ni, C!, Cu, Pb dd orhq hetals<br />

;1.8 A be.tth rirk urdsD.nt tnD erto!!r. to h.ce mel.k vio ing6tion of lap {trer<br />

.s v.ll s groud{ .r<br />

Ceitain elemens like Co, C! III, Cu, Fe, Mn .nd Zn @ nuirilionallv .ss.ntial for hmms<br />

at specific concertEtions. Hoever, vhm concdFarion imEss sone loaic etre.is<br />

@y also obwc. log6rio! of drinldne wald containing @sidedbl. mounts o{ metals<br />

My sw adv* h.ali! etrets trging fom shortnes of bcarh to Fv@! i}"es of<br />

cdcs lKrvc.r .l .1., 20091. Shon-tcm, hiSh lcvel €xposue lo m.tals bv hsestion<br />

palhway ney giv. ris to acule loxi.iiy syndrcdes. generally involving the<br />

gdtroi esinal tracl initially dd possibly, seco.rkilt involving $e cddiov4dlrd,<br />

Enal, ffioE or h.ndrop@tic sy$dns lF.irlmlb.r .t .L, 2007l Longrm, loB lerel<br />

qtclE fmm inSesion of ne.,rs in food od valer ev.nnElly o6c d acmulalion<br />

in krger orgds lFri.bott.r .t .l-, 20071.<br />

I{u.d risk ssessment hs been employ.d !o dercmine if exposw to a cheoical, al mv<br />

dose, nieht carse o inclee id tbe incid.nce of sdve$e ef|ects to hunan healfi ll-ce<br />

.d Puli, 20021. Rbk 4*sneol wd compri*s of calcnlalions of carcioogehic md<br />

nor{&inogmic nsk lor ineestion of @ld, D€mal oure of dposu€ wd nor ulen inlo<br />

6Nide6tion b..as a possibility of netal .bsoPtion tlrolgn tn€ stin is lioit d. As a

naner of l6ct that hmd sl(il is mt very pemcabl., it Polides a gmd ba'i.r against<br />

dmalabsorldon of nctal dd bel,l @mpou&.<br />

cecd risk rlated with in8$tion exposw wd calculaLd uing the followiog .quation:<br />

tusl= CDI xSF<br />

wheE "Risk" is a uitles pobabihy of d.velopine cdcs ove! a life dme, SF h the<br />

sloF f&to! (n8/K8ld)-r dd is Bd to d*s d upDe.boud probabilitv ofm individual<br />

developing scer b.ae of a lifeifte .xpos@ io a pdicul& level of a potcntal<br />

6cinog.n. The values of ih. slope lactoN nay b. obEined fon rhe USEPA IRIS<br />

(lntesated Risk bfofrEdon Sy$en) data b8e. chtonic daily inrare (ms/K8/d) is<br />

calcutat d sing ihe folloMng cql,ljon [L.. .t rL, 2005].<br />

CDll,@-r_ C. x IR x tD x Ef / BW x AT x l6t<br />

where Cr is the concmt.lion of &inking watcr conlanimt (m8 Lr) lR is lh. ingesrion<br />

nte Fr uit titr, ED is thc .xpc@ dddon (y.m), EF is lhc dposG fEq!.!ry<br />

(days/ y.u), Bw is th. dy Reis}t of r|tc ec.plor (kg), od AT is th€ aledging time<br />

(y.dt..qual to th€ lif. expecldcy, md 36t is the convesion faclor ftom v.d to davs<br />

'DEse pincipal exposu€ faclos ae th.n sed 10 carry out the n* ascasenl<br />

€rcularions (Lbl. 4.16).<br />

Trble4.l5t hput p!.rd.l.B for .xpotur rs63n.nt of n.ttk tbrough ln8.stiotr<br />

Prlhw.y<br />

IR 2Ud^!<br />

ED<br />

EF<br />

BW<br />


H.zrd qutist (HQ) is N€d to ass non@cinosenic hedth .tr(rs HQ is €lculated<br />

by uing the lollowing .qutiot:<br />

HQ=CDr/ tuD<br />

wh.E RID is lhe cf.rcnc. do$ (ng/Kg/d). Th. RID is dtc daily doe8. that allons lhc<br />

.xmsd individul ro susLin l[is lev.l of.xpo3@ over 4 cxtend.d timc Fiod<br />

Ttbl. a.8: SoDo..r of A. [dlrl .hL r!gD..( xldt ol n nb lhrugn o..l rert<br />

CDI rIQ CDI HQ<br />

Ni 0.000.14 0.02204 0.00024 0.0|l96<br />

0.00007 0.05073 0.00008 0.06107<br />

0.@r6? 0.04492 0 00095 0,025t8<br />

0_00001 0.00001<br />

Cr 0.00014 0.0t671 0.00009 0.02984<br />

Mn 0.00092 0.04590 0.00084 0.04222<br />

0.00125 0.00416 0.00102 0.00141<br />

sith no<br />

hmtut €fects ll-c .t.l-, 20051- TIE RID valu.s wte adoptcd ftom USIPA IRIS dd<br />

N oentioned in T.bl. {.u lwu €t tl., 2009i L.. er rl., 20051.<br />

tbL 4.l7: Rcf.rm. d6..trd SloD. SloF L.roB of...&i! E.ltk<br />

Rllt Onl ..rer !loD. f.clot<br />

Cr 0 001<br />

Cu 0.0171<br />

0.1<br />

0.00t4<br />

0.o2<br />

Ni 0.02<br />

'nE n@ CDI ed HQ values bed on the onl consuflion of mp sats add<br />

grcudwalr by lhe eideots of Kaehi @ lumndized in T.bl€ ,1 18.

IIE cDt !alu6 of net l in @ of {trr'lsMins tlp wLr fd drinling Purpos c found<br />

in tne od.r of Cu>Fc>Mn>NDCr>Pb>co. Fot greundwI€r, th. orda of m.bl in ce<br />

of mnsid.ring their CDI vrlB @ foud 6 CD Mr>N> leC.>PFCo Thc qcd<br />

nsk dE to th. cxpGE to th€e m€tals thbugh ingeslion pafiway wN nol cvarule'j<br />

b€csu€ valu* oflh€ slope feloB werc not found in lhe lirc€tw or liom th. lRlS data<br />

bos. h my b. due lo lhe flct rhat th* mclah re eithd not clNified 6 hm&<br />

cNimsm or |he dab abo den @im8.nicity lo hum e not $mcicit Som. of<br />

ihe mei.ts lil. cd cr (vl), As, Be e|d Ni c onsidered hum mimss io on tdm<br />

d Nrhc d in poniculd oute of expos@ lr.irboln.l .t tl- 2007t. Th. M-@er<br />

.ist fm Ni. Pb, Cq Cr. Mn and Fe in tap std and greu.dw&r wf .s!m!L4 6<br />

shoM in Fit" r$ od 414.<br />

o.o3<br />

00:<br />

INi<br />

ll<br />

Fig.:133 HQ tordiF@r r.r.L i! trp r.ls ahbrgl ir!66on p.lht.y<br />


z<br />

0.07<br />

0.06<br />

o05<br />

0.0a<br />

0.03<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

8lr. a3l HQ tor .ttftr.ot n i.& b trolndr.tF tLbrgb irrrtht Frhr.y<br />

HQ 6r co 'r! dt olod.cd bcqe of rL fr.. rta RID rdE of @hlr ir trt<br />

.nlblisH by us EP " TtE iolrl IIQ for ltl llG ddr vi. dd inSc.riod ofbp w.ta<br />

&d ercundwer e obi.icd io b. 02145 rld 0.174t BpetiEly (rt, 435)<br />

0.25<br />

0.2<br />

0_15<br />

o.l<br />

0_05<br />

0<br />

ll& lJ5 cobp&ld otTor.l EQ otD.t b<br />


As th. oveEu HQ values i! both tbe ces @ foud lesc rnm I whi'h indicol6 m<br />

ulik.ly potential for ddv.e heatth €frdl5 d6 ro the pe*n* o'these oerals Howv*<br />

r w ob*nd tlEl tlF med HQ or Pb u lound b be highd tte all $e ofis n'rals<br />

Tne mes HQ for .ll ihe derals it c& oi olal insestion of tap walq de fomd in th€<br />

ord4 of Pb>CFMn>CDN>Fe r het€6 n.o HQ valud of metols in cse of odi<br />

i at. of e'oudwst€t could b€ a]mged 6 P$ MPCi> cDNi>Fe<br />

Pb is a ndli-|atgdetl toxi@! mcing ctr@s in th' henalopoietc sFr6<br />

g6lroi.lc$iml tl4t. clrdiovNul& svstcs @tal 4d FripheEl nfloa s'scns'<br />

kidrcF, reprcdlclive sy$.n anl imu. svsrcn lctutic tod Ch'riui' 200El Mn<br />

s produce a lsi€ty of elious toxic esPonses o! prolong exposue io el'v'ted<br />

corcenlralioN. Ite c.nual .wous svst.h is the plimsv tlrge! whiie dre initial<br />

symptohs @ hcadach., di.iv, letbtgv, iMmnis" dird'nradon &d n€borv ro$<br />

The symptoms prcgrcs wiih onst&l .xtosre sd ulli@tlv include dolor<br />

dislurb@s. difiicultv in walkins dd tr.no$. svnproms thal trc sidild to lhos' wirh<br />

Pdhnsonis Lcndic .nd Chari..l, 20081 \r' Pb md Cr comPo@ds ue enrrenched<br />

cosrad alle4ru lf.i.btulb.r €t .1 , 200?l Olher neuls such a Cu ed co shs @<br />

al$ cil€d 6 coDr!6 aucr8tu<br />

On th. bdis of th. study of fie a* m€rals b drinling $a14 ed lhen ds@iated hcalth<br />

rbk !o lhe rcsideds of Kadchi crtv, il ws found th't netals P<br />

rhar ro! be dr rleb !o prodlce do\e6e heahh elTeis Hoqeler' In some locariotu lh'R<br />

night be eo. speilic Ren for lhe pasc. ol artain metals at a high co'Entntio'<br />

Th.E is a @d to d.rcloP s!!tcei$ to conuol ed nodtor rh' @ncenFation of nctials ir<br />

.lrjnld.s *a€r becaG. Prclooe.d .xPos@ to .ven lo{ cdncnlrllion ol n't'ls vio<br />

ing.stion Eay ca6e d accudalion in ldgel org$s dd rhus cduld be hmdous for the<br />

hcalth ofthe innabilants o|Kdachi

4.9 Ceoghpti..l ibformdion svlt.n (GIS) ltudv of THMr trd tnce nelrls<br />

cogirathical itfomaion svsr€d (OIs) is ' svst€n capable of m'nagins ndipularjng'<br />

Mltzing md displating e.ogE hicallv Eltt'd i'fomatio! i e &u id€nliii'd 4@!ding<br />

10 (hcn l@ioc [Li .t tl.' 2mal OIS Prs' s hfomarion in iDovanv' ald dqe<br />

wals for d€cision-motinS Becas. ofnigh cosl dd limiGd r€$uNes dak collecdon is<br />

gcrcEll}' condwl€d o.lv in . limiEd !wb'r oi sleclcd poi ldarioB th'reforc CIS<br />

nak. se of sPaiial inleQolalion to esdmarc values at the unlnom poins Tte esnlB ol<br />

th. id€ryolation dalysis cd d'n b' w'l for dalvses Lh't cover the wiole dea dd for<br />

modcUing. Inv@ tlisl ne EiSliine oD\v) is a t'chni$€ in *hich ihc poD$ d<br />

wiSlted dui!8 i e+olalion such thlt the in0uence of one Doint Fladve lo solner N a<br />

turction of inv* disrsG. i-e., ne&!v poi ! ee morc qloelv relatd to d' valE at lhe<br />

inteqolal€ locaion 6 coEpdred to t\e dl$anl Poids lNtoun 'nd Tdnb' 20041'<br />

Thc luin puPose ofth. GIS studv of I1lMs dd sa' neds in lhe waler smples liom<br />

v&ios l4arioE of rh. r@chi citv is lo uilirc IDW s d i'GQolalim tcchrq* ro<br />

drmate vatu.s d1 fie uknoM points and lo Pioduce<br />

geoch€mical maps of the diferent<br />

fiM sF.i.s dd tr&. rctds in od" to idertit the hot'spob of eler't'd<br />

coDce.trations ofTHM spccid dd tr&e n'tals<br />

4.9.1 lDW.!rlysi! of TllMs<br />

IDW nsps of chlorcfor!! bomo'lichloronethde ed dibronocNolonedee e<br />

pE*trted EsF.dvetv in r'gsr. 4J6 to 43t'

!F<br />

]l1'. IDW r.r d.L.taofr - b? t.r,<br />

q.$ra Fvak 6a d. bt!.e @{id orcddlliE E ob.arEd in tL sddi .E<br />

Fde odE hol-€rolr ll/!l! obrnEd in Lrdbi TovD, M.0nood!br4 Litq!.trbid.!d<br />

"*'<br />

N<br />

Poge I l@

F'e.3l<br />

Fig. ,137 d.picB vcry low @EnF.rion<br />

IDw D.D of tIrcM b b! e.Lr<br />

../._<br />

oI BDCM !6 lbund ir wh spld of mn<br />


l@E'*<br />

l6*...-<br />

-.-.r.r<br />

fu..Jt<br />

IDW up of DICM h trp nte<br />

tt r DBCM N .irh6 tornd .bdt n s D|E!a i! . wry low<br />

.lnod.ll ofrh. n4r.i sd6 @[ed ad difraan lo.di6 of6.<br />


49.2 lDw ulyli! ol lne DCt b in r.Dr.t r<br />

TIE IDV m@s of Ni. Cq c( Pb, Co. Mn dd f. in lap w16 sspl6 e sboM ir lir.<br />

I3ffi jolorr<br />

I,5@'6'666"<br />

I'6@2.{!$s3<br />

IsssG'.r?6d?<br />

!116466f'rDd<br />

I6rri^6.1cdD,<br />

IGon?.1ze8s<br />

Etz64r€se<br />

I€s@.i$a,5<br />

ll.. tL!9 IDW rD ol I\r D s i.r.<br />

'Iltc hisl61@IME rid of Ni E indicr|d il l(omsi cidcDtid a@ HMvr ir<br />

moel orrhe ,@ ol ilr. cig @n entalion of Ni in tap mrs Mpl* v6 roud wilhin<br />

ih. WHO ali.leline !.lks.<br />

Poge I lO3

I$r'dr,,sa6<br />

I'53'e'1s'6n<br />

f6n6@'d@'<br />

I-'sr.(4cc<br />

I..F-ee'<br />

IrFE,aa<br />

Iqa-Dtuo.<br />

n& 4:10<br />

||rW[DofcrDlrDnt t<br />

Oomlrdi@ of Crr iD Dod oI rb. Ep !t.E !@Dlca w<br />

roideliE dE. tlowE qccgliEly nir! M!li@<br />

(d@i Gn&di.l laad X!*.<br />

"+'<br />


i l,96@3.Gr*r<br />

Is,**,,a,85<br />

36.'4n'<br />

-" Is!!,as.56,G3<br />

I's5&.smmr<br />

Is,,,ca 6ad$<br />

IGr6r<br />

ooE@!<br />

ll.rw DrD ol Cr h t pr ..<br />

li is Ev€aled by l.i& 4.al dLt onc..tnlion or chDnim in nost of th. tap *ar€r<br />

smpl6 lE tbud qrrem€ly low. lin hiddi dcsE of Cr @ntani@ti@ *a ob6€Fed<br />

in b *€16r smde ol tedhi itn6dal @4,

-!!i!d3,rE!-3<br />

I,,ifu.+,<br />

iq*sr?<br />

I3?s,s:.!6de<br />

Ia?&r6,.$De6.5<br />

"o<br />

I D\l dro of Pb In tilt .8td<br />

lf-'<br />

vdvin,r cucenuano. ol l'h in taD *dd ent'15 coll{tcd ltom dtlc(nr Nas ot rhc<br />

cny is rcp.c$nrc! in r'i!.:1.42 (.!mri F lhe dea in which 60 krd is round b h{<br />

hishb contdinat.d snh lcad. ( onccnrdrdn ofPb in laD $dcr ol sdddar is als bund<br />

hiFh.rrhd$cwll()rudclincv'lucor l0tttl.

tgem<br />

o61aa'a - oa'a9,6tr<br />

- I o@e92617 - 16srmo5<br />

116$3606-2.4t6't€92<br />

L l247r67se$-3365263<br />

iJ 33o35?s8i 4<br />

'?,s?353<br />

fI ! r2s6B6s -! e562fl056<br />

5 I!95s21ror 7sro5.7r3<br />

- l5]31c5aTaa-6.6643a3r<br />

Fb a.4!<br />

6.60SS4C - 7rQ7a2i 19<br />

It<br />

IDW DD of Co r .D tri.t<br />

Fk a.1it dbs rh.l Co I cithd nol P'wnt or my bc<br />

c.)Ixbtiidon in tap $dcr sd6 of (mhi city.<br />

',-t-E<br />

s<br />

I r07

I o!o!!.!. rn*rar<br />

I37 mr5.r. tl5str.s<br />

I a5a7gta. lrtjaea<br />

I11x3au}r6.106,'<br />

I1a.10@-rrto11<br />

I rrorofir- 2a3|,ar<br />

I:r.!.r!5.2r|.|c<br />

I r.rr0. larar.<br />

ldrsa.racr|'<br />

na,a{ IDWr-d r bnprh'<br />

Vrrios Mdd of rrh x,! olsvld i! n9 trc t@pL. or Xe:rhi oitv.<br />

HNE,.oo..dd of lth i!.U tb qL E f rd wi6iD ([ |lau'.<br />

**'<br />

Pog€ | 108

hgand<br />

-:l56d'3?a.'Ls'e<br />

E l ar"de,r .oa?r<br />

-^3t?',.a12m<br />

Ii1,.1m,,n.m|5<br />

It'ao6,'{an!.<br />

Ii4ixciam<br />

Iri.e.'o.l.e<br />

r1'.i.@-?6111l,l<br />

Ie.4r'r-Ean.<br />

8l9 a.a5 IDW up ot f. |! l|p srbt<br />

*$.<br />

s<br />

It Mr obw€d in Fig. a,l(l lh.l llF vlrlirg c4at ti@ of F€ @ p!!$t in t p eEtq<br />

3dde ol€cted di&Ea ,|w of U. city.

ar3 IW r.ti dr.c....l b lrEtu<br />

Ib [!lf rydN! Ot,C., PbCa Mnd r. hgodq'G..AL.r! d.pld.d i!<br />

[p+{b/Lt<br />

l,l}4.,.<br />

IDWrydl[bttr*d<br />

s@d h{6ofE iBoddd oaM i.!od'eG i.Ld!.d h lltliL.<br />

8l8i.d @i6 of N vnr obelrcd ln ft. tmordee of lldo NoiEd.d ,E<br />

Cnouldurd!. of r,{!& Kdrboctl Onido. J!lh. L$li ed sd& !! d|o b|bd<br />

ro h..odd qi& Ni.<br />

**'<br />

N<br />

6<br />

Pogp I rr0

t4+47<br />

IDw Dp d Co b rfld!'.r.r<br />

c*-,-$F of ot h godsra of<br />

btld hisld a oryed lo dE EiL r!h.lh, U..ld*.d dd S.lnb GoO g(rl<br />

d Or i! g|uDdedla .tr.lilFcln ftG of lll<br />

**'<br />

N<br />

Pog. I III

.**:i:<br />

,i.dlj<br />

Fb. {48 IDW uD of Cr itr rnr!@.t .<br />

ctrnmlrlrion of Cr in ereundw.t r splc3 M g€nenlly foud low Eoqevd,<br />

oMtarim of Cr in greud*.rq of Nonh N@inrb.d .d Kotugi hdusrrial sE kr<br />

foDd exeFionatly hieh.

l. {.9 lDw rT ol It h rdr.lrd.r<br />

Li{udD.4 Norlh N@idt 4 S.dd.r .d Gdid.F ,hdE e tt .|4 ir rlijd<br />

hitlt coicc!|lniE of Pt i! gotrdw'l.i 6 otcnEd.<br />

Poge I ll3

g. 4$ IDll D.pof Co b !reD.lr.t r<br />

co s g*6lly not foud ir thc groundw.t rof K@hi, wit[ D daplion of KoMgi<br />

indudrial .M ed s.dd.r.

t, 4.51 IltW !.! of Mr ir ltfirdrrtd<br />

a l.r8€ wi.tid in rb codc@lnti@ of M! i! tlc<br />


Ft aJ2 IDW !.D of F. E trluotrE<br />

"*' s<br />

A lfr. Ei.li@ i! rbe co.g|dt o of F. i! grod mla of Xn ii city i! ds<br />

rdi..d, a Fs.fi.d h Fr. 4,52.<br />

Pog€ | | 16

Co!cb!io... ReoDDcodrtiod<br />

THM8 wcrc detec&d in atl lap warcr sdples Th€ olerall rcsulb fot Oc THMS<br />

@n@okation in ta! m1er smplcs w.!€ foud below the wHO Suid.lin values<br />

Chlooform w6 the doninml THM species, followed bv BDCM md DBCM<br />

Brohofom ws @1foEd in dy suPle. Thc fDdings of the studv ds su83€srcd a<br />

slong aftlation b€l|@ the TTHM5 cotc@Lation {ith lhe conc.nuation of<br />

TIE rist( ecia&d witb fi. tong-tem qposw to THM lbmu8! ing6tion of tal watet<br />

m lhrougl d@.1 onrlcl *s ,l5o inwstiSald lt @ mncluded thd |n. didd$ or<br />

K@chi h.ve a highd nsk of ss thtoud 06l ilgestior of THMS ltt& tltrougl the<br />

denal @ acl. The lifetine acn rbk lhrcu8l otol ineeslion of cHclr ed BDCM<br />

we@ higha $d rhe ge.eral guidd@ rist value of l0 6. The lifeime @n@r risk fioo<br />

dcrmal exposurc to CHCIr alrc exceeded lrom loi bul BDCM md DBCM showed le'st<br />

cmcer !isk. Thc tolal mcer risk als indi€l.d lhat @h yd aPprcxinatclv 2 oul of llt<br />

miuion Kd&hi lesid€nb @uld gcl cdcd tom &e dailv i ake of urt Non-<br />

c@inoSdic nsk alsmol for fiMs sho$ld that tbe calcdat d h@d ildex.s<br />

lhrcugh both th€ sposw rcut6 rcrc foud low tbd uilv, *hjch did nol indiote lhe<br />

Con@nilalion of Fu n€t ls (Ni, Cu, Ct, Pb, Co, Mn dd Fe) in sourc. w.let lap wler<br />

&d goedwaler smpl6 EI€cls difleicni level of coltamimtion On ti. bash of thr<br />

study ofr@ metals i. &inliing *ater md theh dsocialed h€llLh tisk to ft residcDls of<br />

Km€hi .ity, il m i.v€aled that lh. nclals Pesot<br />

unlikdly to prcduce adv€re h.dtn el|cts,<br />

in a concentration thal ha, b€<br />

As a na|lcr of facl, polotrC€d €xpos@ 1o cv.n low con@nlration ot THMS ed ldcc<br />

mlrlr nay ca@ hedou hcald clI@G b lhc sidcnts of K4&hi Th. findines of<br />

diis srudy thcEfoE denmd s iDncdiac .ndrion of lhe @Illmed auuonries o<br />

dcv.lop siralegid in orda b oonnor ed o.rol ihde @nlaniME in drinting qaler<br />

slpplics. TheE h a usot ned lo pDvide ndiem prol4tion against nicrcbial<br />

contamimtio. while nininizing the fomation ol THMS md other DBPS Slraleges

shoul.l dt$ b€ desiStrcd lo Ebov€ THtr. lnd olhd DBPS ai.r th.v @ foded during

GHAPTER:5<br />


T.bL 5.l: OpriDun GFAAS op.r iry @ndition! for tne d€rerDiMtion of Nl<br />

2J2_0<br />

Sh(M) 0.2<br />

Arflowd.(n[nb l) 250 (stopFd duing arooarne)<br />

20<br />

100'C (R$p t s, Hold 2051<br />

1400.C(RmD l0 s. Hold 20 t<br />

2500.C (Raop 0 s, Hold 5 s)<br />

2600.C (RmD I s, Hold ls)<br />

T.bI.5.2. OptinuD GFAAS op.nlirg conditio$ for the dcleaimtiotr ofCu<br />

l0<br />

124,4<br />

0.?<br />

Arflow6E(bLmb_l) 250 (stopFd dEine alomirng)<br />

20<br />

100.C (Rmp t s, Hold -'0 t<br />

1000 "C (Rrnp l0r Hold 20t<br />

2300.crRrnp0tHoldjs)<br />

2600 .C (R np I s. Hold ls)<br />

TobL 5.3: OpliEun GFAAS ope..tili cotrdiiion! for tne det€miMtiotr ol Cr<br />

.t0<br />

!51.9<br />

0.1<br />

Ar flow EE (mL hin-l) 250 (sropped duinB .iomizin3)<br />

20<br />

100.C (R mp5 r Hold 20 t<br />

1650 .C( Rmp l0 s, Hold 20 s)<br />

2500 .C tRdD 0 s, Hold 5 t<br />

2600.C tR4mD I s, Hold ls)

TrbL 5.l: ODiiBuD GFA S op.nling Mdirio.i lor lh. detemi lto! ol Pb<br />

l0<br />

2E1.3<br />

Sln(m) 0.7<br />

2t0 Gtopped duing aronizins)<br />

20<br />

Dryinc I00 .C {IlamD 5 s. Hold 20 t<br />

700 'CtRmp l0tHold20s)<br />

I E00 4 (Pffp 0 s, Hold 5 s)<br />

2000 { (Rmp I s, Hold It<br />

TrbL 5,5: ODtlnuE GFA-aS op.daila @ldiaioa loi tL. d.r.mir io! ofco<br />

Ai nov .are (nL min- I )<br />

30<br />

244.7<br />

0.2<br />

250 (stopp.d duine dtohizing)<br />

N<br />

100 { (Rep 5 s, Eold 20 t<br />

1400.C(&mp l0 i Hold 20 t<br />

2500.C{R4nD0'.Hold5s)<br />

2600 'C lR.mp I s, Hold ls)<br />

Tobl.5.6: Opdnuo GFAAS oDehtil8 coodltio!! for rb€ dctemidtion olMn<br />

l0<br />

219.5<br />

0.2<br />

Ar now 'ate (dI dir- l) 250 (sropped duing alodrng)<br />

20<br />

I00.C (RMp 5 s, Hold 20 d<br />

1400.C(Rmp l0s, Hold 20t<br />

2200 .C (Rmp 0 s, Eold 5 t<br />

2600.C aRmp I s, Hold ls)

f.bL 5.7: OpliDrE GFA S opoailt coadl.loE ior tb. &a.ri!.dotr olF.<br />

3o<br />

24E.1<br />

sh(@) 0.2<br />

Ar now 6t (mL nirl) 2t0 (sropped dubS domizins)<br />

20<br />

100.C (RdD 5 s, Hold 20 t<br />

1400 .C (Rmp l0 3, Hold 20 t<br />

2400 .C (Rap 0 s, Hold 5 sl<br />

2600 'C (Rdo I l Hold 3t


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