pachorn~an ko~nonla - Alin Suciu

pachorn~an ko~nonla - Alin Suciu

pachorn~an ko~nonla - Alin Suciu


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<strong>pachorn~an</strong> <strong>ko~nonla</strong><br />

Volume th~ee<br />

Instnuctlons. Lettens, anb Othe~<br />

Wnmncjs<br />

of salnt pachomlus anb hls blsapL€s

the L~ves, Rules, anb Othen WRltlncis of<br />

Salnt pachomlus anb his b~sc~ples<br />


pachomran kornonra<br />

Volume Eh~ee<br />

Instauctlons, Lette~s, anb OtheR WRltlncis<br />

of Salnt pachomlus anb hls blsc~ples<br />

Translated, with an introduction,<br />

by<br />

Armand elleux<br />

Monk of Mistassini<br />

Cistercian Publications Inc.<br />

Kalamazoo, Michigan

@ Cistercian Publications. Inc., 1982<br />

Kalamarm, Michigan 49008<br />

Publication of this volvm.? was auktcd by a grant frmn the<br />

~~blicatianr Program of the National Endowment for the Humanitin<br />

an ind~pndcnt federal agency.<br />

Translation of the worh contaimcd in thii volume<br />

was made p ibk in pan by a translator's grant from the<br />

National Endowment for the Humanities.<br />

Washihigron, D.C.<br />

Available in Bdain and Europe<br />

through A. R. Mawbray 81 co Ltd<br />

st. ~hmnao How Becket Street<br />

Oxford OX1 1SJ<br />

Library 01 Congrem Cataloging in Publicadon Data<br />

Main entry under title:<br />

Instructions, letters, and ather writing.<br />

(Pachomian koinonia; v. 5)<br />

Bibliography: p. 299<br />

(Cistercian studies wries; 47)<br />

lndudn index 1. Christian literature. Early-Collected work.<br />

I. VciUcu.. Armand. 11. Series. 111. Serin: Cistercian srudier wries: 47.<br />

BRl72o.ps5E vol. 3 [BR60.A62] 271'.12s (271'81 81-10140<br />

ISBN (hardcover) 0-87907.847-2 (u. 5)<br />

(phprback) 0-87907-947-9<br />

To the memory of<br />

Father Basilius Steidle, OSB,<br />

(1903-1982),<br />

my dearly remembered professor,<br />

who first introduced me to monastic studies.

1<br />

1<br />

CntzcalEdzttons<br />



Instructions<br />

Letters<br />

Fragments<br />


Instructions<br />

Letters<br />

Fragments<br />



Instructions<br />

Letters<br />

Fragments<br />

Testament<br />

Analytic Index<br />

I Sources<br />

Sigh<br />

Index of Names of Persons<br />

Index of Names ofplaces<br />

Biblical Index<br />

Abbreviations<br />



of the texts translated in this volume<br />


Instructions: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres de s. Pachdme et deses dis-<br />

ciples, CSCO 159. Louvain, 1956, pp. 1-26.<br />

Letters: Coptic text: Hans Quecke, Die Briefe Pachoms.<br />

Griechischer Text der Handschrift W. 145<br />

der Chester Beatty Library eingeleitet und<br />

herawgegeben uon Hans Quecke. Anhang:<br />

Die koptischen Fragmente und Zitate der Pa-<br />

chombriefe. Textw Patristici et I.iturgici 11<br />

Regensburg, 1975, pp. 111-118. Letter llb<br />

has been translated from a photocopy of MS<br />

Bodmer P. XXXIX.<br />

Greek text: Ibidem, pp. 99-110.<br />

Latin text: A. Boon, Pachomiana latina. Rdgle<br />

et dpitres de s. Pachdme, dpttre de s. Thda-<br />

dore et 'Liber' de s. Orsiesiw. Texte latin de<br />

s. Jdrdme, Bibliothdque de la Reme d'histoire<br />

eccldsimtique 7. Louvain, 1932.<br />

Fragments: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres. . . , pp. 26-30 and 80.<br />


Instructions: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres, . . . , pp. 37-60.<br />

Letters: Latin: A. Boon, Pachomiana latina . . . ,<br />

pp. 105-106.<br />

Coptic: H. Quecke, 'Ein Brief von einem Nach-<br />

folger Pachoms, (Chester Beatty Library Ms<br />

Ac 1486)' OTientalia 44 (1975), pp. 430-432.<br />

Fragments: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres.. ., pp. 60-62<br />


Critical Editions<br />

Instructions: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres . . . pp. 66-79.<br />

Letters: I and 11: Ibidem, pp. 63-65.<br />

I11 and IV: MS Chester Beatty Library Ac 1494<br />

and 1495.<br />

Fragments: L.T. Lefort, Oeuvres.. ., pp. 81-82.<br />

Testament: A. Boon, Pachomiana latina.. . , pp. 109-147.

N THIS THIRD VOLUME of our Pachomiana in English we have<br />

1 collected all those writings of Pachomius, Theodore, and Horsiesios<br />

that were not parts of the Life and did not belong to the corpus<br />

of the Rules.<br />

Most of these documents were unknown until very recently, and<br />

they bring important new light on pachomian spirituality. All of<br />

them-with the exception of one, translated in 1913-are here<br />

translated into English for the first time.<br />

wnmncjs OF pachomlus<br />

A. Instructiorn<br />

The catechesis, instruction on the Holy Scriptures, was a very<br />

important feature of pachomian cenohitism. The housemaster de.<br />

livered it to the monks of his house twice a week, on the fast days,<br />

and the superior of the local monastery three times a week, on Sat-<br />

urday evening and twice on Sunday. Pacomius and his successors<br />

at the head of the Koinonia gave also other instructions, either<br />

when they were visiting the brothers of the various monasteries or<br />

on special occasions like the celebration of the Passover at Phbow<br />

or the second general gathering of all the brothers at the end of the<br />

year. Some of these instructions have been used by the biographers<br />

and can be found in the Life. The manuscript tradition has also

2 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

preserved some of them as separate documents. It is these that we<br />

translate here. Of Pachomius we have two, a long catechesis<br />

concerning a spiteful monk, and a shorter one about the six days of<br />

the Passover. We did not translate the several fragmentary instruc-<br />

tions which we find in the fragments of the Thzid Sahidic Life.<br />

They are accretions, the authenticity of which is too doubtful.<br />


The Coptic text of this instruction exists only in one manuscript,<br />

Bntwh Oraental 7024, fol. 181-49v. It was first published by<br />

E.A.W. Budge in 1913, with an English translation.' L.T. Lefort<br />

published a new edition of the Coptic text, with a French translation,<br />

in 1956.2<br />

There is no doubt that the original language of this text was<br />

cop ti^;^ but we have at least two manuscripts of an Arabic translation.<br />

One of them was used by L.T. Lefort in editing the Coptic<br />

text, and the other has been identified more recently by K. Samir.<br />

A complete analysis of all the Arabic collections of manuscripts<br />

will probably reveal yet a few more witnesses.'<br />

The instruction has integrated a large quotation from an homily<br />

by Athanasiu~.~ At the same time, from it comes an aphorism attributed<br />

to Evagrius Ponticu~.~ The manuscript tradition attributes<br />

this instruction to Pachomius. Budge did not question that attribution,<br />

and it has been defended by Crum and Lefort. In fact there is<br />

no doubt that it comes from a pachomian milieu and that it is,<br />

therefore, pachomian in character. But the fact that it contains a<br />

large quotation of Athanasius permits us to think that it could be a<br />

literary composition by a pachomian monk rather than an instruction<br />

actually given in that form by Pachomius himself. A few other<br />

elements of the instruction do not fit well into the context of pachomian<br />

cenobitism.'<br />

The instruction constitutes a good treatise on monastic ascesw,<br />

stressing the importance of all the monastic values: humility, detachment,<br />

simplicity, chastity. It insists especially on the need to<br />

Introduction 3<br />

forgive the brother who has offended us, and it is directed to 'a<br />

brother monk bearing a grudge against another'.<br />


All the brothers of the pachomian Koinonia met every year at<br />

Phhow to celebrate the Passover together in the Word of God and<br />

by fasting. The meeting concluded with the celebration of the Re-<br />

surrection during the Easter Vigil, when catechumen monks were<br />

baptized. The superiors of the Koinonia customarily gave instruc-<br />

tions during these days. One of these instructions given by Pacho-<br />

mius on the Passover has been preserved, although only fragmen-<br />

tarily. The text of this fragment was published first by E. Am&<br />

neau in 1895,8 and again by L.T. Lefort in 1956.9<br />

There is no positive reason to doubt the pachomian character of<br />

this document either, although the last pan of the text does not fit<br />

well in a pachomian context: 'Let the wealthy women lay down<br />

their ornaments during these days of orr row."^<br />

B. Letters<br />

The Pachomiana latina contain the text of eleven letters of Pachomius,<br />

most of them extremely difficult to interpret." Till very<br />

recently these letters were known only in the Latin version; but in<br />

recent years the Greek and Coptic text of many of them has been<br />

discovered and published.<br />

In 1968 the Coptic text of letters 8, 10, and lla was published<br />

and translated in German by A. Hermann (letter 8) and A. Kropp<br />

(letters 10 and lla) among a series of Demotic and Coptic documents<br />

from the Cologne c~llection.'~ These letters were found on<br />

two folios of parchment from the fifth-sixth century. Neither the<br />

editors nor the reviewers were able at that time to identify these<br />

texts as pachomian letters. The identification was made by Hans<br />

Quecke in a communication to the eighteenth Deutscher 07iental-

4 Pachomian Koinonia 111 Introductzon 5<br />

wtentag in Liibeck in October 1972, where he also announced the<br />

discovery in the Chester Beatty Library of a Greek parchment of<br />

the fourth century containing the Greek translation of letters 1, 2,<br />

3, 7, and 10.lS That communication was published only in 1974,<br />

but a new translation of letters 8 and 10 from the Coptic text of<br />

Cologne was published by Hans Quecke in 1973.14 In 1974 he<br />

published a new discovery: fragments of letters 9a, 9b, 10, and llb<br />

as well as a cryptogram, all from Coptic fragments from the same<br />

Chester Beatty Library.15<br />

In 1975 Hans Quecke published the Greek text from the Chester<br />

Beatty Library (Ms W. 145) with a long and very careful analysis of<br />

all the related problems. An appendix gives all the known Coptic<br />

fragments.'@ This book, therefore, gathers in a practical format all<br />

the documents discovered during the preceding years.<br />

Lately a new Coptic fragment has been discovered among the<br />

Bodmer Papyri (n. XXXIX), giving the full text of letter llb.<br />

That text is still unpublished, but Hans Quecke had the kindness to<br />

provide us with a photocopy of themanuscript, along with his tran-<br />

scription of the Coptic text and a German translation.<br />

In our translation we have kept the numbering assigned these<br />

letters by Jerome; but the Coptic manuscript tradition knows thir-<br />

teen letters instead of eleven, both Jerome's ninth and eleventh let-<br />

ters being divided in two distinct documents.<br />

Hans Quecke has dedicated a full chapter of his Die Briefe Pa-<br />

choms. Gnechzscher Text. . to the questionof the authenticity of<br />

these letters. They certainly existed in Coptic at a very early stage,<br />

for we have a Greek translation preserved on a parchment of the<br />

fourth century. From a comparison between Jerome's version and<br />

the Coptic and Greek texts, we can deduce that Jerome had before<br />

his eyes a Greek text very similar to the one preserved in the Chester<br />

Beatty Library, although he paraphrased it at times, as he often<br />

did in his other translations. Jerome attributed these letters explic-<br />

itly to Pachomius, and Hans Quecke does not find any positive rea-<br />

son to doubt that affirmation although none of the letters, either in<br />

Greek or Coptic, bears a title attributing it to Pachomius. Per-<br />

sonally we consider that one is left here with the same uncertainty<br />

as prevails regarding the Pachomiana latzna in general.<br />

A difficnlt aspect of these letten is the use that many of them<br />

make of a mysterious language, or rather, their mysterious use of the<br />

alphabet. All efforts made to decipher them remain unconvincing. l7<br />

Hans Quecke has made a very thorough study of all the aspects of<br />

this problem, but has been unable to find any clear answer.<br />

The nature of these letters still escapes us, but it is perhapsmuch<br />

less complicated than we think it is. It probably has something to<br />

do with the traditional love of the Egyptians for cryptograms, to<br />

which old Egyptian hieroglyphs lent themselves so well. The use of<br />

series of vowels and nonsense syllables is not rare either in the gnos-<br />

tic documents discovered in 1946 at Nag Hammadi, near the great<br />

basilica of St Pachomius at Phbow, and there could be some simi-<br />

larity or affinity between the two.LB<br />

In our translation of the letters, we have followed the Coptic text<br />

when it existed. When it did not, we have translated from the<br />

Greek for the letters existing in Greek. Otherwise we have followed<br />

the Latin version of Jerome.<br />

C. Fragments<br />

Two Coptic folios identified by Zoega (CLXXIV) were first published<br />

by E. Amelinea~.'~ L.T Lefort has made a newer edition.Po<br />

These folios belong to a series of miscellanea from an eleventh century<br />

manuscript. The third of the three fragments they contain is<br />

also found in the collection of Apophthegmata in Coptic, Greek,<br />

and Latin.2'<br />

To these three fragments we have added a fourth which has been<br />

attributed by L.T. Lefort to Horsiesios, but which must be<br />

restored to Pachomius.PP It is found on the recto of a folio on the<br />

verso of which we read the Prologue to the P~aecepta et Institutu<br />

that L.T. Lefort had also attributed to Horsiesios and that was<br />

identified by Heinrich Bacht as part of the pachomian Rule.P1

6 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

WRltlnCjS OF th€060~€<br />

A. Instructions<br />

As is the case with Pachomius, several instructions given by<br />

Theodore were preserved in the Life. Three instructions however<br />

were transmitted as separate documents in the Coptic manuscript<br />

tradition. The first two are extremely fragmentary, but we have a<br />

fairly large section of the third one. They were published by Lefort<br />

in 1956.24 Apart from one of the nineteen folios that still exist of<br />

the third instruction, nothing of this had been published before.PL<br />

Although very short, the fragment of the second instruction is<br />

important because it is one of the texts in which the life of the Koinonia<br />

is explicitly called 'the life of the apostles', and Pachomius is<br />

proclaimed the father of the Koinonia after God and the apostles.<br />

The third instruction deals mostly with the theme of the Koinonia<br />

itself and, along with the Testament of Horsiesios (Libe~ Orsiesiz),<br />

is one of the two most articulate and most beautiful expressions<br />

of pachomian spirituality.<br />

B. Letters<br />

Of Theodore we have two letters, one preserved in Latin and the<br />

other in Coptic. The latter belongs to the handful of pachomian<br />

documents found in the Chester Beatty Library in D~blin.~' It was<br />

published and analysed by Hans Quecke in 1975.27 A. de Vogii6<br />

published a French translation accompanied by long and very<br />

useful annotations.P8 There is another manuscript of the same letter<br />

soon to be published by M. Krause.<br />

The archbishops of Alexandria used to publish every year a pastoral<br />

letter indicating the dates of the fast of forty days and the fast<br />

of the Passover, and convoking believers to the Easter celebration.<br />

The superiors of the pachomian Koznonia adopted the same practice.<br />

The first letter of Theodore- the one translated into Latin by<br />

Jerome-is one of these Easter letters inviting the brothers to gath-<br />

Introduction 7<br />

er together at Phbow for the Passover and exhorting the superiors<br />

as well as the brothers.Zg<br />

The second letter comes certainly from a successor of Pacho-<br />

mius. H. Quecke found several good reasons to attribute it to Hor-<br />

siesios, although he did so with some hesitation. But a second<br />

manuscript of the same text was later discovered by Krause and it<br />

bears a title attributing the letter to Theodore: 'This is the letter<br />

from our father Theodore for the Remission'. This title expresses<br />

also the occasion of the letter. It is a letter of convocation to the sec-<br />

ond annual meeting of the pachomian monks, at the end of the<br />

year according to the egyptian calendar. It begins exactly like the<br />

seventh letter of Pachomius, which was also a letter of convocation<br />

to the general assembly of the end of the year.<br />

C. Fragments<br />

The manuscript containing the three first fragments from Pa-<br />

chomius mentioned above gives also a very short fragment from<br />

Theodore. It was published first by E. Amelinean in 1895" and<br />

again by L.T. Lefort in 1956.3L<br />

A. Instructions<br />

From three manuscripts, the folios of which have been spread in<br />

various libraries from Paris, London, Vienna, and Leyde to Cairo,<br />

L.T. Lefort has published a certain number of fragments which<br />

have some chance of being parts of instructions by EIorsie~ios.~P We<br />

have translated here all of them except the last one, which Lefort attributed<br />

to Horsiesios hut which must be restored to Pachomius. The<br />

first of these texts is an almost complete instruction and is quite in<br />

Horsiesios' style. The others are more fragmentary. The seventh,<br />

which is a strange diatribe against friendship, does not correspond

8 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

much to Horsiesios' usual line of thought. Its authenticity remains<br />

somewhat doubtful.<br />

B. Letters<br />

Two letters from Horsiesios are found in a manuscript published<br />

first by Amelinea~~~ and again by Lefo~t.~' Two more were discovered<br />

among the Coptic codices of the Chester Beatty Library.<br />

The last of these letters- all very rich in biblical quotations- is addressed<br />

to Theodore. Several of the quotations are found in more<br />

than one letter and again in the Testament of Horsiesios. The two<br />

letters from the Dublin collection are still unpublished, but they<br />

have been translated into French by A. de V~giie.~~ For our translation<br />

of these two letters, we have used a transcription of the<br />

manuscript made by Tito Orlandi, with his kind permission. We<br />

were also able to check the text of the manuscript itself at the<br />

Chester Beatty Library in Dublin.<br />

C. Fragments<br />

From Horsiesios, as in the case of Pachomius and Theodore, Le-<br />

fort has published some texts from an unclassified folio, under the<br />

title 'excerpta'. We have translated them under the title<br />

t fragment^'.^'<br />

D. Testament of Homesios<br />

The 'Book of our father Horsiesios' (Lzber Orszeszz], also called<br />

the 'Testament of Horsiesios', is certainly his most important<br />

writing. It is also one of the most beautiful pieces of pachomian<br />

literature, and a faithful and complete expression of pachomian<br />

spirituality. It presupposes a situation of crisis similar to the one<br />

caused by Apollonios that obliged Horsiesios to resign as superior<br />

of the Koznonia But the end of the text leads us to think that it was<br />

written towards the end of Horsiesios' life, and is really his spiritual<br />

testament." It is a long call to conversion, to a total renunciation<br />

of any form of personal property, in order to arrive at a perfect<br />

communion with the brothers.<br />

Introduction 9<br />

Although we know this text only through Jerome's translati~n,~~<br />

its authenticity was never put in doubt. A very good annotated<br />

German translation was published by H. Bacht," who had written<br />

another good study of the document several years ear lie^.'^ There<br />

is also a French and a Spanish translation available." A few<br />

chapters (7-18 and 39-40) have also been translated into German<br />

by 0. Schule~.~~ As a basis for our own translation, we have used an<br />

English version made by Philip Timko, with his kind permission.<br />

At the end of his Oeuvres de s. Pachdme . . . L.T. Lefort has<br />

published a kind of apocalyptic text from another disciple of Pachomius<br />

called Caro~r.'~ We did not translate tbat text, first because<br />

it is not representative of the pachomian spirit, and then because<br />

its language is so colloquial that both Lefort and Cmm (consulted<br />

by Lefort) were unable to find the meaning of a great<br />

number of passages.<br />

Neither did we translate the Monita Sancti Pachomiipublished<br />

by A. Boon in his Pachomiana latina, because although Holstenius'<br />

published them with the Rules, they are not from Jerome, and still<br />

less from Pachomius.*'<br />

This volume ends with a series of Indices that cover the three<br />

volumes.<br />

The Biblical Index, by far the most important, is arranged in<br />

such a way tbat by looking at it the reader can know immediately<br />

not only the volume and the page where a biblical quotation or<br />

allusion is to be found, but also the document. This system did not<br />

seem required for the other indices

10 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The indices of the names of persons and of places list only the<br />

names mentioned in the pachomian documents themselves, and<br />

not those mentioned in the introductions or in the notes.<br />

The analytic index isvery detailed. This is consistent with our in-<br />

tention of providing the reader not only with solid material for<br />

spiritual reading but also with a useful tool for further research.<br />

And we hope indeed that our contribution to the knowledge of pa-<br />

chomian sources among English-speaking readers will give rise to a<br />

new interest in spiritual and scientific research on this beautiful<br />

segment of the monastic tradition.<br />

NOTES<br />

' E.A.W. Budge, Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt, London<br />

1913. text, pp. 146-176; translation, pp. 352-382.<br />

x L.T. Lefort, Oeuvrer de r. Pnchdme, text, pp. 1-24; translation, pp. 1-26.<br />

See W.E. Crum in his review of Budge's Coptic Apocvypho . . . in Zeitrchrift<br />

de? deutschen mo~genlcindirch Geselkchnft 68 (1914) 176-184.<br />

' Concerning the Arabic manuscript8 of this instruction, see K. Samir, 'Temoins<br />

arabes dela catechsse de PachOme'A propos d'unmoine rancunier'. (CPG 2354.1)'.<br />

in OCP42 (1976) 494-508.<br />

8 This has been shown by L.T. Lefort in's. Athanaseecrivaincopre', inMurdon<br />

46 (1933, 1 53.<br />

6 See 1.1 I.efurr A propol d'un aphorlsmrd Evagriu~ Ponriru, in Huller;n cle<br />

1'AcadPmz~ Hqolr de flelfizqu; 1950. pp. 70-79<br />

' V.g. (Id. 'If you wkh to he among men . . . If you wrh lo live in lhe<br />

desert.. .'.<br />

In Mkmoirespublidspour ler membrer de lo misrion archdologipue fran~a*e<br />

ou Caire, t. IV, Paris 1895, pp. 612-614.<br />

10 ,"<br />

ILC 17.<br />

In Oeuvres de r. Pochdme, text, pp. 24-26; translation pp. 26-27.<br />

" A Boon. Pachamiana lotina. pp. 77-101.<br />

1P Demotirche und Koptirche Teste: Papyrologica Coloniemia 2 ( Wkenrchaftliche<br />

A bhondluneen de7 Arbeitsmmeinschafi fii~ Fwschune der Land#$ Nor-<br />

drhein enf fa leg)). Cologne and fiprala, 19 ,.-. ", l ."" C*.169<br />

" An author of the seventeenth century, Athanasius Kircher, dealt with these letters<br />

in several of his works; see references in H. Quecke, Die Bviefe Pachom.<br />

w<br />

Introduction 11<br />

Griechisher Text, pp. 33-34. More recendy: P.E. Testa, in I1 simbolirmo dei<br />

Giudeo-C~irtioni (Pubbiicuioni dello Studiwn Biblicum firancircanum - /I),<br />

Jerusalem 1962, pp. 78-79, 361, 363-4, 367-9, 375 and 395.<br />

See F. Wise, 'Language Mysticism in the Nag Hamrnadi Texts and in Eady<br />

Coptic Monasticism. I: Cryptography', in G6ttingev Orientfomchungen VI. Reihe<br />

Hellenbtica, Wiesbaden 1977: Idem. 'Gnosticism and Early Monasticism in<br />

Egypt', in Gnosir. (Fertschrijt fiir HamJonas), G6ttingen 1978, p. 438.<br />

"Mkmoi~es, pp. 616-619.<br />

Oekvres de s. Pachdme, text, pp. 26-30; translation, pp. 27-30.<br />

" See references given by L.T. Lefort in Oeuvres de s. Pochdme, CSCO - 159,<br />

0. VIII.<br />

' P' Oeuvres de s. Pachdme, text. p. 80; translation, p. 79. See H. Quecke, Die<br />

B~iefe Pachom. Gtiechrrher Text, pp. 44-46.<br />

'I H. Bacht, 'Ein verkanntes Fragment des koptischen Pachomiusregel', in<br />

Murkon 75 (1962) ~, 5-18.<br />

94 Oe~lwes de s. Pachdme, text, pp. 37-60; translation, pp. 38-61.<br />

sa .... MJ,,,,,irai ... " ..., n ,. SII<br />

.!<br />

?' On rhr pachoman mmu.cnpr3 in the Chcrwr Hearty Llbmry srell. Qucckr.<br />

'ttnr H.wJ\~oll Pachomianidwr 'lcxrr. %!MlC; Supp. Ill. 1 (1377) 221 22'1.<br />

'1'. Orlrudi 'Xuovi Twri rupri parumianl' in Cumntn,tdr,tr*orc du Sqnsur<br />

I.zt,.'nlrmn iirogPlzqut SA 70. Romr 1977. pp. 241.243.<br />

" Ein Brie1 \on ciuenr Sachfulger Pathom-' in Onr?t,ub~ 4.1 1%5, 426- $33.<br />

A dr Epimr :hfdrcer dllorrikc ec dc Theodore' m Cm,<br />

d m u n u 6 1 . I . \A 70 Rome 197:<br />

Text in A. Bao*,~Pochomiana latine, pp. 105-106<br />

Mdmoi~es, on. 620-621.<br />

Oeuwes deL< Pachdme, text, pp. 60-62; translation, pp. 61-62.<br />

Ip Ibid., text, pp. 66-79; translation. pp. 67-79.<br />

'' Mdmoik?~, pp. 622-627.<br />

" Oeuules de r. PachBme, text. pp. 63-66; translation, pp. 63-66.<br />

'Epltres inedites', pp. 245-254.<br />

PWe~we~ de r. Pachdme, text, pp. 81-82; translation, pp. 80-81.<br />

" See the quotation of 2 Trn 4:6-8 in 756.<br />

Latin text in A. Boon. Pachomiano lotino, pp. 109-147.<br />

H. Bacht, Dm Vemdchtnir der Ursprungs, Stvdien ram friihen M8n:nchtum I,<br />

Wiirzburg, 1972.<br />

H. Bacht, 'Studien zum "Liber Orsiesii"', in HJ 77 (1958) 98-124.<br />

*' P. Deseille, L'esprit du monachirrne pachdmien, suivi dr la traduction<br />

franqaire des Pachomiana latina par la moiner de Solermes, Spi+itualitC orr'entale<br />

2, Bellefontaine 1968; M. De Elizalde, 'Libro de nuestro Padre San Orsisio. IntroducciOn,<br />

traduccibn y notas de Martin de Elizalde', in Cvadenzor monmticos,<br />

Nos. 4-5 11967) 173-244.<br />

'P B. Sfeidleind 0. Schuler, 'Der "0bem.Spiegel.' in "Testament" des Abtes<br />

Horsiesi (nach 387)'. in EuA 43 (1967) 5-21.<br />

'' Oeuwer de s. Pachdme, text, pp. 100-104; translation, pp. 100-108.<br />

"See the explanations given by A. Boon in his Introduction, pp. L-LI.

on concemmc; a<br />

S~I~E$UL monk<br />

(pach. Insta. 1)<br />










AMEN.<br />

1. My son, listen and be wise,* accept the true<br />

doctrine,+ for there are two ways.'<br />

2. Be able to obey God like Abraham,' who<br />

abandoned his country,* went into exile, and with<br />

Isaac lived in a tent in the promised land as in a<br />

foreign country. He obeyed, humbled himself,<br />

and was given an inheritance; he was even put to<br />

the test over Isaac. He was courageous in trial<br />

and offered Isaac in sacrifice to God; and for that<br />

God called him his friend.2<br />


Jacob's humility<br />

Gn 35:9-10.<br />

Joseph's wisdom<br />

Gn41.<br />

Emulate the<br />

live of the minw<br />

*Cf. Heb 6:12.<br />

tCf. Pr6:9.<br />

Pr 63.<br />

Eph 5:14.<br />

Cf. 2 Co +:IS.<br />

Be patient<br />

Cf. Heb. 615<br />

1 P 5:4.<br />

Practise all<br />

the virtu-<br />

Cf. Mt 65:<br />

Lk 18:l<br />

In time of trial,<br />

trust in the Lord<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

cob, his submission and his steadfastness, through<br />

which he became a light seeing the Father of the<br />

universe and was called Israel.<br />

5. Take as an example also the wisdom of JO-<br />

seph and hissubmission. Do battle in chastity and<br />

service until you make yourself a king.'<br />

6. My son, emulate the lives of the saints* and<br />

practise their virtues. Wake up and do not be<br />

negligent.+ Rouse up your fellow citizen for whom<br />

you have pledged yoursel$' Get up, do not stay<br />

among the dead; and Christ will shine on you2 and<br />

grace will blossom within you.<br />

7. It is patience that reveals every grace to you,<br />

and it is through patience that the saints received<br />

all that was promised them. Patience is the pride<br />

of the saints. Be patient, to be admitted to the<br />

saints' legion, confident that you will be given a<br />

crown that will never rust.<br />

8. A thought? Come to terms with it in pa-<br />

tience, waitingfor God to give you calm. Fasting?<br />

Put up with it in perseverance. Prayer? Without<br />

letup, in your room between you and God. One<br />

single heart with your brother. Virginity in all<br />

your members: virginity in your thoughts, purity<br />

of body, and purity of heart. Head bowed, and a<br />

humble heart; gentleness in the hour of anger.<br />

9. When a thought oppresses you, do not be<br />

downhearted, but put up with it in courage, say-<br />

ing, They swarmed around me closer and closer,<br />

but I drove them back in the name of the Lord.<br />

Divine help will arrive at your side immediately,<br />

and you will drive them away from you, and cour-<br />

age will compass yon round about, and the glory<br />

of God will walk with you; and you will be filled<br />

to your soul's desire. For the ways of God are hu-<br />

The Imtructions of Saint Pachomius 15<br />

miiity of heart and gentleness. It is said indeed,<br />

Whom shall I conszder zf not the humble and<br />

the meek?' If you move ahead in the ways of the<br />

~ ~ he r will d watch over you, will give you<br />

strength, and will fill you with knowledge and<br />

wisdom. Your remembrance will remain before<br />

him at all times. He will deliver you from the<br />

devil, and in your dying day he will grant you his<br />

peace.<br />

10. My son, I ask you to be watchful and to be<br />

on your guard,' acquainted with those who lie in<br />

ambush against you. The spirit of cowardice and<br />

the spirit of distrust walk hand in hand; the spirit<br />

of lying and the spirit of deceit walk hand in<br />

hand; the spirits of greed and trafficking, of perjury<br />

and dishonesty, and that of jealousy walk<br />

hand in hand; the spirit of vanity and the spirit of<br />

gluttony walk hand in hand: the spirit of fornication<br />

and the spirit of impurity walk hand in<br />

hand: the spirit of enmity and the spirit of sadness<br />

walk hand in hand. Woe to the wretched<br />

soul in which they make their home and of which<br />

they make themselves masters. They hold such a<br />

soul far from God, because it is in their power. It<br />

sways from side to side till it ends in the abyss of<br />

hell.<br />

11. My son, obey me. Do not be negligent,<br />

gtve your eyes no sleep, your eyelzds no rest, so<br />

that you may break free bke a gazelle from the<br />

snares. For, 0 my son, all the spirits have attacked<br />

me often since my childhood. When I was<br />

in the desert they afflicted me to the point that I<br />

bout to lose heart and I thought I could not<br />

the threats of the dragon. He tormented me<br />

in every possible way. If I showed myself, he bat-<br />

Is 663.<br />

Cf. Ps 188(127):1.<br />

Cf. Is 11:2.<br />

Cf. Ps 112(113):6.<br />

Be watchful<br />

Cf. 1 P 4:7: 5:s.<br />

Cf. Rv 21:8.<br />

Affliction by<br />

evil spiriw<br />

Pr 6:4-5.

Never condemn<br />

anyone<br />

Cf. Mt 6:5.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn 4%-21<br />

Ga 6:3.<br />

En 9:14.<br />

Is 14:ll;<br />

Cf. Is 14:15.19.<br />

Rm 14:4.<br />

In your needs,<br />

count on God's<br />

help<br />

Si 13:24(30).<br />

Pachomian Koinonia I11<br />

tled me with flames; if I withdrew, he afflicted<br />

me with his insolence. Many a time my heart was<br />

in distress, and I turned from side to side and had<br />

no rest. When I fled to God with tears, humility,<br />

fasts, and vigils, then the enemy and all his spirits<br />

grew weak before me, God's courage came into<br />

me, and I experienced at once God's help. For in<br />

his mercy he makes his strength and goodness<br />

known to the sons of men.'<br />

12. My son, never condemn anyone. If you see<br />

someone being honored, do not say, 'He already<br />

has received his reward.' Guard yourself from<br />

such a thought, for it is very bad, and God detests<br />

the man who has praise only for himself, scorning<br />

his brother. The one whosays to himelfthat he is<br />

somebody, when he is nothing, is fooling him-<br />

self.' Who can help him in his pride? And when<br />

he presents himself after the manner of God, say-<br />

ing, There is no one like me, he wilt hear his cen-<br />

sure without delay, You willgo down to hell, you<br />

will be thrown in with the dead, rot will be spread<br />

over you, you will be covered with maggots. As<br />

for the man who has acquired humility, he has<br />

judged himself, saying that his sins are greater<br />

than those of any man. He judges no one and<br />

condemns no one. Who are you tojudge aservant<br />

that is not yours? The Lord can certainly raise up<br />

anyone who has fallen.P Keep watch over your-<br />

self, my son, condemn no one, taste all the vir-<br />

tues, and guard them.<br />

13. If you are a stranger, stay back, do not<br />

have recourse to the people, and do not meddle<br />

in their affairs. If you are poor, let nothing dis-<br />

courage you, lest it be said to you, Poverty is evil<br />

in the mouth of the godless. Nor should you ever<br />

The Instruc~ions of Samt Pachomiw<br />

hear, Sta~ving, you will become frenzied, and<br />

you will speak ill of the chief and the elders.<br />

watch, too, that no one foment battle with you<br />

something you lack, according to the flesh,<br />

in the matter of food. Do not become discouraged,<br />

be steadfast; surely God has already done<br />

something in secret. Think of Habakkuk in Judaea<br />

and of Daniel in Chaldea. Although a distance<br />

of forty-five stages separated them, andstill<br />

more-Daniel, put out as fodder for beasts,<br />

was at the bottom of the pit, Habakkuk brought<br />

him dinner.*' Think of Elijah in the desert?% and<br />

the widow at Zarephath. She was overcome by the<br />

pangs of famine and the anguish of hunger. In<br />

spite of such misery she was not at all fainthearted.<br />

On the contrary she fought, she conquered,<br />

and she got what God had promised: her<br />

house was in abundance during a time of famine.<br />

To give bread in a time of plenty is no generosity<br />

and to be discouraged at a time of need is not<br />

to be poor. Indeed, it is written of the saints that,<br />

they were destitute, afflicted, malt~eated,~ but<br />

they gloried in their afflictions. If you remain<br />

steadfast in the battle according to the Scriptures<br />

you will never undergo bondage; as it is written,<br />

No one should deceiue you in matters offood and<br />

drink or with regard to a festiual or a new moon<br />

or a sabbath. These are only a shadow of what is<br />

to come.<br />

14. Recite constantly the words of God. Put up<br />

with fatigue and be grateful for everything.'*<br />

Shun the praise of men and love the one who, in<br />

the fear of the Lord, reprimands you. Let every<br />

man be profitable to you so that you may be good<br />

to everyone. Persevere in your work, and in lan-<br />

Is 8:21.<br />

*Dn 14:33-39.<br />

tl K 19.<br />

1 K 17.<br />

Heb 1137.<br />

Cf. Rm 5:3.<br />

Col2:16-17.<br />

Serve God<br />

faithfully<br />

*I Th 5:18.<br />


18<br />

Cf. Mt 10:22.<br />

Avoid joking<br />

Dn 3:46-50.<br />

Cf. Pa 18 (17):<br />

26-27.<br />

Dn 6:14.<br />

Heb 1133.<br />

Humble<br />

yourself<br />

Cf. Ps 62(61):8.<br />

Heb 11:6.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

page be above reproach. Do not take one step<br />

forward, then a step backward, that Godmay not<br />

detest you; for the crown shall go to the one who<br />

per~everes.~ Be ever more obedient to God, and<br />

he will save you.<br />

15. When you are among brothers, do not indulge<br />

in jesting. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego<br />

disregarded the jeering of Nebuchadnezzar,<br />

and therefore he could not draw them off by the<br />

melodies of his instruments or seduce them with<br />

the meals at his table. So they put out the flame<br />

that climbed forty-nine cubits high.' They did<br />

not turn crooked with the crooked, but stayed upright<br />

with the upright one, that is to say, with<br />

God. For this reason, He made them masters of<br />

their enemies. Daniel, in his turn, did not obey<br />

the evil reasonings of the Chaldeans. So he was<br />

specially chosen and found vigilant and prudent,<br />

and he closed the gullet of savage lions.<br />

16. And now, my son, if you take God as your<br />

hope, he will be your help in the time of your anguish;<br />

for anyone who comes to God must believe<br />

that he exists and that he rewards those who<br />

search for him. These words were written for us,<br />

that we may believe in God and do battle, great<br />

and little, by fastings, prayers, and other religious<br />

practices. God will not forget even the<br />

saliva that has dried in your mouth as a result of<br />

fasting. On the contrary, everything will be returned<br />

to you at the moment of your anguish.<br />

Only humble yourself in all things, hold hack<br />

your word even if you understand the whole affair.<br />

Do not quietly acquire the habit of abusing;<br />

on the contrary, joyfully put up with every trial.<br />

For if you knew the honor that results from trials<br />

The Instructions of Saint Pachomius<br />

you would not pray to be delivered from them,<br />

because it is preferable for you to pray, to weep,<br />

and to sigh until you are saved, rather than to<br />

relax and be led off a captive. 0 man, what are<br />

you doing in Babylon? You have grown old in an<br />

alien land' because you did not submit to the test<br />

and because your relations with God are not<br />

proper. Therefore, brother, you must not relax.<br />

17. Maybe you are a bit forgetful. But your en-<br />

emies have not fallen asleep, and night and day<br />

they do not forget to set traps for you. Do not seek<br />

after honors, then, so you will not be humiliated<br />

to the great joy of your enemies. Seek rather hu-<br />

mility, for he who exalts himselfwill be humbled,<br />

and he who humbles himself will be exalted.' If<br />

you cannot get along alone, join another who is<br />

living according to the Gospel of Christ, and you<br />

will make progress with him. Either listen, or sub-<br />

mit to one who listens; either be strong and be<br />

called Elijah, or obey the strong and be called<br />

Elisha. For obeying Elijah, Elisha received a dou-<br />

ble share of Elijah's spirit.<br />

18. If you wish to live among men, imitate<br />

Abraham, Lot, Moses, and Samuel. If you wish<br />

to live in the desert, all the prophets have led the<br />

way there before you. Be like them, wandering in<br />

the deserts, valleys and caves of the earth,<br />

plunged in misery, trials, and affliction. It is said<br />

again, The shadow of the parched and the spirit<br />

of the maltreated will blessyou. And then, for the<br />

thief on the cross- the one who spoke a word-<br />

the Lord forgave his sins and received him into<br />

paradise.' See what honor will be yours if you<br />

have steadfastness in the face of trial or of the<br />

spirit of fornication, or the spirit of pride, or any<br />

Ba 3:10.<br />

Do not seek<br />

honors<br />

Cf. Lk 148-9.<br />

Cf. Ps 38(37):16.<br />

Mt 23:lZ.<br />

2 K 2:9,15.<br />

Imitate the<br />

examples of<br />

the saints<br />

Heb 11:38.<br />

Is 25:4.<br />

Lk 23:40-43.

20<br />

Flee<br />

concupiscence<br />

Tf. Si 5:2.<br />

tcf. Mt 13:11.<br />

Cf. Mt 1038;<br />

Lk 933;<br />

1427.<br />

Love God<br />

*Cf. Si 1735.<br />

Gn 49%<br />

Cf. Tb413.<br />

Mt 2446-47.<br />

Cf. Sg 7:11-13.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

other passion. Do battle against diabolic passions,<br />

not to follow them, and Jesus will grant you<br />

what he has promised. Keep from negligence; it is<br />

the mother of all the vices.P<br />

19. My son, flee concupiscence.* It beclouds<br />

the mind and prevents it from coming to know<br />

the mystery of ~0d.t It makes you alien to the laupage<br />

of the Spirit and prevents you from carrying<br />

the Cross of Christ.' It does not permit the<br />

heart to be attentive to honoring God. Keep from<br />

the belly's inclination, which makes you alien to<br />

the goods of paradise. Keep from impurity, which<br />

irritates God and his angels.<br />

20. My son, turn to God,* and love him. Flee<br />

the enemy and despise him. May the graces of<br />

God come your way and may you inherit the blessing<br />

of Judah, son of Jacob. It is said, Judah, your<br />

brothers shall praise you, your hands will be on<br />

the back ofyour enemies, and the sons ofyour<br />

father shall be your servants. Keep away from<br />

pride, for it is the beginning of every evil. And the<br />

beginning of pride is keeping your distance from<br />

God, and hardening the heart is what follows. If<br />

you guard against this, your resting place will be<br />

the heavenly Jerusalem. If the Lord loves you and<br />

gives you glory, keep from becoming proud: on<br />

the contrary, persevere in humility and you will<br />

abide in the glory that God has given you. Watch<br />

out, be vigilant, for blessed is the one who is<br />

found watching, became he will be set over the<br />

possessions of his master, and he will enter into<br />

the kingdom with gladness. The friends of the<br />

bridegroom will love him, because they have<br />

found him keeping watch over his vineyard.<br />

21. My son, be merciful in all things, for it is<br />

The Instructions of Saint Pachomim<br />

,,,,.itten, Strive to be presented to God as having<br />

come through trial, like a workman whofears no<br />

&me. Approach God as one who sows and<br />

reaps, and into your granary you will gather<br />

~ ~ dgoods. ' s Do not pray with much show, in the<br />

manner of hypocrites, but give up your whims<br />

and do what you do for God, acting thus for your<br />

own salvation. If a passion arouses you, whether<br />

it is love of money, jealousy, or hatred and the<br />

other passions, watch out, have the heart of a<br />

lion, a strong heart. Fight against them, make<br />

them disappear like Sibon, Og, and all the kings<br />

of the Amorites. May the beloved Son, the Onlybegotten,<br />

Jesus the king, fight for you, and may<br />

you inherit enemy towns. Still, toss all pride far<br />

from your side, and be valiant. Look: when Joshua<br />

[sou] of Nun was valiant,' God delivered his<br />

enemies into his hands. If you are fainthearted,<br />

you become a stranger to the law of God. Faintheartedness<br />

fills you with pretexts for laziness,<br />

mistrust, and negligence, until you are destroyed.<br />

Be lion-hearted and shout, you as well,<br />

Who can separate wfrom the love ofGodfP And<br />

say, Though my outer self may dissolve, still my<br />

inner selfis renewedfrom day to day.<br />

22. If you are in the desert, do battle with<br />

prayers, fasting, and mortification. If you are<br />

among men, be wise as serpents and simple as<br />

doves.' If someone curses you, put up with him<br />

cheerfully, hoping that God will bring about<br />

what is best for you. As for yourself, do not curse<br />

the image of God.P It is he himself who said, The<br />

one who honors me, I will honor, and the one<br />

who curses me, I will curse.J If on the other band<br />

someone praises you, do not he happy about it for<br />

Be ateadfast<br />

2 Tm 215.<br />

21<br />

Cf. Mt 13:24-30.<br />

Cf. Mt 6:5.<br />

2 S 17:lU.<br />

Dt 31:4;<br />

JOJ %lo.<br />

Jos 210-11.<br />

Rrn 8:35.<br />

2 Go 466.<br />

Be indifferent<br />

to curses or<br />

praise<br />

Mt 10:16.<br />

Cf. Rrn 12:14.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 11:7.<br />

1 S 2:30.

22<br />

Lk 626.<br />

Lk 6322.<br />

Ac 14:14.<br />

Ac 5:41.<br />

Shun the<br />

comforta of<br />

this time<br />

*Cf. Jb 10:21-22;<br />

Zp 1:14-15.<br />

tCf. Mt 5:11-12.<br />

Scorn vainglory<br />

Gn3:5.<br />

Cf. Jn l:14.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

it is written, Woe to you ifallpmise you. Further-<br />

more, Blessed are you when you are snapped at<br />

and hounded, ifyour very name ir cast out as evil.<br />

Behold, our fathers Barnabas and Paul, too,<br />

when praised, rent their garments and beat<br />

themselves, out of scorn for human glory. Peter<br />

and John, too, when cursed before the Sanhed-<br />

rin, came out rejoicing for having deserved to be<br />

cursed for the Lord's holy name. Their hope was<br />

in the glory of heaven.<br />

23. As for you, my son, shun the satisfactions<br />

of this age, so as to be happy in the age to come.<br />

Do not be negligent, letting the days pass by till<br />

unexpectedly they come looking for you and you<br />

arrive at the straits of your anguish and the 'hor-<br />

ror-faces" surround you and drag you off violent-<br />

ly to their dark place of terror and anguish.* Do<br />

not be sad when you are cursed by men;t4 be sad<br />

and sigh when you sin-this is the true curse-<br />

and when you go away bearing the sore of your<br />

sins.<br />

24. I urge you from my heart to scorn vain-<br />

glory. Vanity is the devil's own weapon. This was<br />

how Eve was fooled; he told her, Eat the fruit of<br />

the tree; your eyes will open and you will be like<br />

gods.' She listened, thinking it was the truth. She<br />

ran after the glory of divinity and her very hu-<br />

manity was taken away. If you, too, seek vain-<br />

glory it will make you a stranger to the glory of<br />

God. As for Eve, no one wrote her to warn her of<br />

this battle before she was tempted by the devil.<br />

This is why the Word of God came and took flesh<br />

of the Virgin Mary, to free the race of Eve. But<br />

you have been warned of this battle in the Holy<br />

Scriptures, by the saints who have gone ahead of<br />

The Instructions of Saint Pachomiw<br />

you. Therefore, my brother, do not say, I have<br />

never heard of all this, or, I was not told of this<br />

yesterday or the day before yesterday. For it is<br />

written, Their voice goes out through all the<br />

earth, their words reach the ends of the universe.<br />

Now then, if you are praised, control your heart<br />

and give glory to God; and if you are cursed, give<br />

glory to God and thank him that you have been<br />

worthy to share the lot of his Son and of his saints.<br />

If your Master was called 'imposter',* the proph-<br />

ets 'contemptible',t and others 'madmen',: all<br />

the more should we, earth and ashes,* not com-<br />

plain when cursed. This is the way to your 1ife.t If<br />

you are led by your negligence, then weep and<br />

groan, for Those who were reared in the purple<br />

have been covered with dung, for neglecting the<br />

law of God and following their own whims. Now<br />

then, my son, weep before the Lord at every hour,<br />

for it is written, Happy the man you have chosen<br />

and adopted! You have placed thoughts in hk<br />

heart in the ualley of weeping, the place you have<br />

prepared.<br />

25. Become guileless and be like the guileless<br />

sheep whose wool is sheared off without their say-<br />

ing a word. Do not go from one place to another<br />

saying, 'I will find God here or there.' God has<br />

said, Ifill the earth, Ifill the heavens;' and again,<br />

Ifyou cross over water, l am with you; and again,<br />

The waves will not swallow you up. My son, be<br />

aware that God is within you, so that you may<br />

dwell in his law and commandments. Behold, the<br />

thief was on the cross, and he entered paradise;<br />

but behold Judas was among the Apostles and he<br />

betrayed his Lord.* Behold, Rahab was in prosti-<br />

tution, and she was numbered among the saints;+<br />

Ps 84(83):6-7.<br />

Do not go<br />

from one place<br />

to another<br />

Cf. Is 53:7;<br />

Ac 8:32.<br />

Jr 23:24.<br />

Is 432.<br />


*2 K 2:n:<br />

Si 44:16: 48:9;<br />

Heb 11:5.<br />

+Ps 105(104):4.<br />

Jdt 13:l-10.<br />

How long<br />

will you<br />

be negligent<br />

Cf. Lm 3:41<br />

Rm 14:lO.lP:<br />

Cf. 2 Co 5:l.<br />

but behold, Eve was in paradise, and she was de- you on, 'DO not fall asleep there, because there<br />

cei~ed.~ Behold, Job was on the dungheap, and are ambushes', and if the devil for his part whishe<br />

was compared with his Lord; but behold, d to you the other time?' or<br />

Adam was in paradise, and he fell away from the is do not be sad', do not<br />

commandment. Behold, the angels were in heav- give in to his clever talk. [If you should,] the Spiren,<br />

and they were hurled into the abyss; but be- it of God would leave YOU, and you would become<br />

hold Elijah and Enoch who were raised into the<br />

weak and without strength, like Samson, and<br />

kingdom of heaven.*= In every place, then, seek strangers would put you in chains and lead you<br />

out God; at every moment seek out hisstrength.+<br />

Seek him out like Abraham, who obeyed God and<br />

off to the mill,* that is, to the grinding ofteeth.*<br />

You would be for them the object of their mock-<br />

*~p 16:21.<br />

+Mt 8:12.<br />

offered his son insacrifice to God, who called him ery, that is, they would laugh at you: you<br />

'my friend'. Seek him out like Joseph, who did bat- not know the way to your city because they would<br />

tle against impurity, so that he was made ruler<br />

over his enemies.' Seek him out like Moses, who<br />

have gouged out your eyes, for you have opened cf. jg 1 6 : ~ ~<br />

your heart to Delilah, that is, to the devil, who J~ 16:17.<br />

followed his Lord, and He made him lawgiver and has taken YOU by wile, because you have nelet<br />

him come to know His likeness. Daniel sought the Spirit. You have also<br />

him out, and He taught him great mysteries; He what befell a man as strong as ~ ~vid: for.<br />

saved him from the lions' gullet. The three saints ely he quickly repented concerning the wife<br />

sought him out, and found him in the fiery fur- riah.% It is also written, you have seen 2 s n-12,<br />

nace.gJob took refuge with him and he cured him ~b 621.<br />

of his sores. Susanna sought him out, and he<br />

saved her from the hands of the wicked.= Judith<br />

sought him out, and found him in the tent of Holearned<br />

that he spares<br />

atch out, then, keep your<br />

promises in mind, shun haughty airs, tear your.<br />

Tear yourself<br />

awa~from<br />

the devil<br />

lofernes.7 All these sought him out and he deliv- self away from him, lest he tear away the eyes of<br />

ered them; and he delivered others also.' your understanding and leave you blind, no long.<br />

26. YOU too, my son, how longwill you be neg- er to know the way to your city, to the place of<br />

ligent? What is the limit of your negligence? As it Your dwelling. Again, get to know the city of<br />

was last year, so is it this year: as it was yesterday, Christ; give him glory, for he died for you.<br />

so is it today. As long as you are negligent there<br />

will be no progress for you. Be watchful, lift up<br />

28. When a brother hurls his word at you, why<br />

do you get angry, why become a beast toward<br />

put up<br />

'7 with inrule<br />

your heart, because you will have to stand before him? Do you not remember, then, that christ<br />

the judgement seat of God and give an account- died for YOU? But when your enemy, the devil, cf. 5:s:<br />

ingfor what you haue done both in private and ' cock your ears in his direc. Co l5:3.<br />

~ublic.' if you EO where the battle-God's batt n filth; you ODen your heart

Cf. 1 P 5:s.<br />

Is 334.<br />

Cf. Eph4:SZ.<br />

Be confident<br />

Keep away from<br />

fornication<br />

*Cf. Tb 4:12:<br />

1 Th4:3.<br />

tl Co 6:15.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Instructions of Saint Pachomius<br />

0 wretch1 This is the time for you to become a 31. My son, flee to God, for it is he who<br />

beast, or to become a flame and consume all his ed you; it was for you that he underwent<br />

malice, to become nauseated and vomit up the sufferings. For he said, I gaue my back to<br />

stinking evil, lest the poison spread through and<br />

kill you1 0 man, you did not put up with a tiny<br />

word hurled at you by a brother, but when the<br />

enemy wants to devour your soul, what do you<br />

do? You show him patience1 No, beloved, we<br />

should not have to mourn for you because instead<br />

of weankg a golden headdress your head will be<br />

shaved on account of your works. But watch<br />

yourself, put up cheerfully with the one who insults<br />

you, be merciful to your brother, do not fear<br />

the suffering of the flesh.<br />

29. Pay attention, my son, to the words of the<br />

wise Paul when he says, There are chains and<br />

tnak awaiting me in Jerusalem, but I do not<br />

justify my soul by any word on how to accomplish<br />

my course, and, I am ready to die at Jerusalem<br />

for the name of my Lord Jesus the Christ.' Fo<br />

h@s and my cheek to the slaps; I did not<br />

turn my face away from the shame of spittle. 0<br />

man, What is thegood ofyourgoing toEgypt, to<br />

d&k the water of the Geon which is turbid?'<br />

What good is it for you to have these troublesome<br />

thoughts so that you undergo these sufferings?<br />

Rather convert and weep over your sins, for it is<br />

written, If you make an offering for your sins,<br />

your souls will see a long-liued posterity. %<br />

32. You have seen then, man, that transgression<br />

is evil, and that sin brings about suffering<br />

nd anguish. Quick, man, flee from sin, think at<br />

nce of death, for it is written, The prudent man<br />

treats sin harshly, and, The face of ascetics will<br />

ine like the sun. Remember too that Mosesprerred<br />

to suffer with the people of God rather<br />

neither suffering nor trial prevented the saints han enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.' If you<br />

from reaching the Lord. Confidence, then, and<br />

e the sufferings of the saints, they will be your<br />

courage1 No more devilish timidity1 Run instead,<br />

ends and intercessors before God. He will grant<br />

after the courage of the saints1 My son, why do your proper requests, because you carried<br />

you flee from Adonai, the Lord of Hosts, and run your cross and followed your Lord.'<br />

straight into Chaldeau captivity? Why do yo 33. Do not look for a throne of human glory,*<br />

give your heart to eat in the company of demons that God may shelter you against winds you do<br />

30. My son, keep away from fornication;* do not know and set you up in his metropolis, the<br />

not corrupt the members of Christ. Do not obey heavenly Jerusalem. T y everything and keep what<br />

demons. Do not make the members of Christ the isgood.' Likewise, do not be overbearing towards<br />

members of a prostitute.t Keep the anguish of the image of God. Watch also over your youth so<br />

punishments in mind; set the judgement of God hat you may be able to watch over your old age,<br />

before you. Flee every lust; put off the old man lest you have shame and regret in the valley of Joand<br />

his worb, dress yourself in the new man;' , where all the creatures of God will see you<br />

keep in mind the anguish of the moment in whic reproach you saying, 'We thought all along<br />

you will take leave of the body. u were a sheep, and here we see you are a wolflP<br />

Flee to God<br />

Is 53:lO.<br />

Flee from ain<br />

Heb 1125.<br />

Cf. Mt 10:38;<br />

Lk 9:PS; 1497.<br />

Ponder the day<br />

of judgement<br />

'Cf. Si 7:4.<br />

1 Th 521.<br />

Cf. Si 25%<br />

Cf.Jl4:lZ.<br />


28<br />

Is 14:15.<br />

Cf. 2 Co 5:s.<br />

Cf. Si 25:17:<br />

Rv 6:12.<br />

Cf. Pr 17:ll.<br />

Ps 9:17.<br />

Mt 25:41.<br />

Ps 101(100):3<br />

P$101(100):8<br />

Make careful uae<br />

of thii world<br />

*Cf. 1 Co 7%.<br />

Cf, Lk 6%<br />

1 K 1756.<br />

Keep away from<br />

farnieation<br />

Now, into thegulfof hell with you; nowfall into ame. Do not run after any flesh, because if stone cf. si 9:s<br />

the belly of the earth!' Oh what a terrible dis- 11s upon steel, flame blazes up and consumes<br />

grace1 In the world you went about praised as one ubstance. Run at all times to the Lord,<br />

of the elect, and when you arrive in the valley o hadow: for he who dwells in theprotec-<br />

Josaphat, the place of judgement, you are foun e Most-High will dwell in the shadow of<br />

naked,= and all see your sins and ugliness lai he God of heaven,* and willnot waverfor ever.+ *PS 91(90):1.<br />

hare to God and men. Woe to you at that mo hink of the Lord and the heavenly ~erus~lern;:' 2 g:(;i$;j:6,<br />

mentl Where will you turn your face? Will it comes to your mind, you will be under heav- fcf. HCI, i2:42.<br />

open yonr mouth? To say what? Your sins ng, and the glory of God will carry you<br />

etched into your soul which is as black as a hair-<br />

shirt. What will yon do at that moment? Weep? , Guard your body and your heart in all Seekpeace<br />

There will be no one to accept your tears. Pray?<br />

No one to accept your prayers, for those to whom<br />

tchfnlness: seek out the peace and purity*l<br />

t are knit together, and you will see God.2 Do<br />

and Purity<br />

*Heb 12:14.<br />

you are handed over are pitiless.' How awful the be at enmity with anyone, because he who is<br />

moment when you hear the terrible, cutting enmity with his brother is an enemy of God;<br />

voice, Sinners, go to hell, and, Depart from me, d he who is at peace with his brother is at peace<br />

you damned, to the eternal fire prepared for the<br />

devil and his angels, and again, Z have deteste<br />

those iuho I must wipe out of the ci<br />

b God. Have YOU not learned bv now that<br />

othing is preferable to peace, which makes each<br />

erson love his br~ther?~ Even if you are free of all<br />

of the Lord all who commit iniquities.<br />

34. Now then, my son, make careful use of th<br />

world;* go on counting ourself as nothing; follo<br />

the Lord in all things, to have confidence in the<br />

valley of Josaphat. Be considered in the world<br />

n, [yet] being your brother's enemy you are a<br />

ranger to God, for it is written, Seek out peace<br />

d purity, for they are knit together. It is also<br />

ittten, If I had the faith necessary to moue<br />

ountains, if I did not have charity of heart, it<br />

Heb 12:14.<br />

one of its rejected and discover yourself clothe<br />

with glory on the day of judgement1 Entrust your<br />

heart to no one for the gratification of your soul<br />

auld profit me nothing.' Charity is construc-<br />

"e.t What will be purified of foulness?: If you<br />

ave hatred or enmity in your heart, where is<br />

'1 co 13:s-s.<br />

2ig2,1.<br />

but thmw all your cares to the Lord, and he wil ur purity? The Lord says in Jeremiah, He talks<br />

feed you. 1 Consider Elijah who entrusted himse his neighbor with words of peace, and enmity<br />

to Him at the torrent of Cherith, and He fed in his heart; he speaks considerately with his<br />

by means of a raven. neighbor, and enmity is in his heart, or he thinks<br />

35. Keep well away from fornication,' for it h enmity; and shall Znot be angry with the likes of<br />

hurt and brought many low. Do not make fti hese, says the Lord; shall my soul not have its<br />

with a youth. Do not run after a woman.+<br />

bodily satisfactions, for friendship blazes up like a<br />

euenge on such a Gentile? It is as though he said,<br />

'The man who is an enemy of his brother is the<br />

Jr 9:s-9.

Cf. Eph 4:17-18.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn2:ll.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 11:7<br />

Love your<br />

brother<br />

Cf. Mt 5:44.<br />

Cf.Jn 15:5.<br />

Cf. 1 P 235:<br />

Jn 10:14.<br />

Cf Eph 5%<br />

Think of the<br />

Day of<br />

Reckoning<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

The Instructions of Saint Pachomizls<br />

Gentile,' because the Gentiles walk in darkness,<br />

not knowing the light. It is the same with a man ,, obscene language, your evil thoughts,<br />

who hates his brother. He walks in darkness and<br />

ur avarice, your evil actions. You will give an<br />

does not know God because, with the hatred th<br />

count of these at thejudgement seat of Christ2<br />

comes from enmity blocking his eyes, he does n<br />

e the whole of God's creation looks at you,<br />

see the image of ~od.'<br />

the whole army of angels is present with<br />

37. The Lord has ordered us to love our ene-<br />

rds unsheathed to force you to give an acmies,<br />

to bless those who curse us, and to do good<br />

unt and to confess your sins. Your clothing will<br />

to those who persecute us.' What danger we are<br />

e soiled, your mouth will be mute, you will be<br />

in then, when we hate one another, when we hate<br />

prostrate with not a word to say1 Wretched man,<br />

our co-members, one with us, sons of God, bran-<br />

of how many things will you have to give account?<br />

ches of the true vine, sheep of the spiritual flock<br />

Of many impurities which are gangrene to the<br />

gathered by the true shepherd,÷ the Only-Begot-<br />

soul, desires of the eyes, evil thoughts that are the<br />

ten son of God who offered hmself in sacrifice for<br />

distress of the Spirit and the sadness of the soul,<br />

us1 The Living Word underwent these sufferings<br />

slips of speech, the bragging tongue that fouls the<br />

for so great a work, and you, man, hate it through<br />

whole body, silliness, bad jokes, slander, jealjealousy<br />

and vainglory, or avarice, or contempt<br />

usy, hatred, mockery, insults to the image of<br />

-things for which the enemy has ensnared you,<br />

od, condemnations, desires of the belly that<br />

to make you a stranger to God. What defence wil<br />

cut you off from the goods of paradise, pasyou<br />

present before Christ? He will say to you, 'In-<br />

blasphemies too shameful to mention, evil<br />

asmuch as you hate your brother I am he whom<br />

oughts about the image of God, anger, disyou<br />

hate,'*9 and you willgo off toeternal torment*<br />

utes, impudence, arrogance of the eyes, wicked<br />

because you are inimical to your brother. As for<br />

lam, irreverence, vanity. All these will be deyour<br />

brother, he will enter into eternal life<br />

anded of you, because you had misunderstandbecause,<br />

for Jesus, he humbled himself before<br />

gs with your brother and did not, as you should<br />

you.<br />

have done, resolve them in the love of God. Have<br />

38. Before we die, then, let us seek out the<br />

you never heard it said, Charity covers a multiremedy<br />

for this evil. Beloved, let us turn to the<br />

tude of sins. and, This is the way your Father in<br />

Gospel of the true law of God the Christ, and we<br />

heauen willact towards you, ifyou do not pardon<br />

shall hear him say, Do not condemn to avoid con-<br />

one another in your hearts?a Your Father who is<br />

demnation; pardon, and you will be pardoned.'<br />

in heaven will not forgive your sins.<br />

If you do not forgive, neither will you be forgiven.<br />

39. Beloved, behold, you know that we have<br />

If you are at enmity with your brother, get ready<br />

t,*' who is good and the friend of<br />

to be chastised for your faults, your transgre<br />

not put him off through our evil<br />

sions, your fornications committed in secret, your<br />

g promised God purity, having<br />

promised the monastic life, let us carry out its<br />

Rm 14:lO-12:<br />

Cf. 2 Co 5:lO.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn 216.<br />

Cf. Jrn 36.<br />

1 P 4:s:<br />

Cf. Pr l0:lZ<br />

Let us be<br />

faithful to our<br />

pmmisea<br />

'Cf. Rm 13:14:<br />

Ga 3:27.

Let us mortify<br />

ourselves<br />

Heb 121.<br />

Cf. Mt 5:14.<br />

Cf. Rm 14:13.<br />

Let us not<br />

make demands<br />

on one another<br />

Cf. Mt 25:27.<br />

Cf. Mt22:ll-12.<br />

Cf. Mt 5:15-16.<br />

MI 1:6.<br />

Mt P2:13.<br />

Cf. Pr 17:11<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III he Instructions of Saint Pachomius<br />

deeds: fasting, unceasing prayer, purity of bod of fire for all eternity. You have not reand<br />

purity of heart. If we have promised Go my image, you have insulted me, you<br />

purity, may we never he found in fornication, o med me and dishonored me. Therefore,<br />

which there are several forms. It is said indeed hall have no concern for you in the depth of<br />

They prostituted themselues in a number of way ur anguish. You have not made peace with<br />

My brothers, may no one ever catch us in deeds o our brother in this world; I shall not be with you<br />

this kind, may no one ever find us fallen be1 the day of the great judgement. You insulted<br />

every [other] man. poor; it was I whom you insulted. You struck<br />

40. We have also promised ourselves to he dis- unfortunate; you are the accomplice of him<br />

ciples of Christ. Let us mortify ourselves becaus ho struck me in my humiliation on the Cross.<br />

mortification deals roughly with impurity. Her 42. 'Did I leave you in want when I came to<br />

we are in combat; let us not run off, lest w tay in the world? Did I not bless you with my<br />

become slaves of sin. We have been set up as a dy and blood as a food of life?*' Did I not taste<br />

light for the world:' let no one be scandalized be- ath because of y ~ ~ to , save + you? Did I not recause<br />

of us.P Let us put on silence, for to it many 1 to you the heavenly mystery,$ to make you<br />

owe their salvation. brother and my friend? Did I not give you the<br />

41. Watch over yourselves, brothers. Let er to tread underfoot serpents and scorpions<br />

not reckon with one another, lest we be reckon hole strength of the enemy?z Did I not<br />

with in the hour of chastisement. Whether you ve you several medicines of life, so that you<br />

are virgins, or renunciants' or anchorites, [God uld save yourself) My miracles, my prodigies,<br />

will still say to us: Give me back my goods with in- d my wonderworking, I put on here in the<br />

terest. He will reprimand us and say, 'Where is rld as my military armament: I have given<br />

the wedding garment, where is the light from the them to you as your equipment for knocking<br />

lamps? Ifyou are my son,

Charity, joy,<br />

prayer<br />

The example of<br />

our fathers<br />

'Cf. 2 Co N:27<br />

kf. Pr 2s:sl:<br />

Si 199;<br />

Eph 5:18.<br />

kf.~i 31:29-SO.<br />

Eph 4:30<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructions of Saint Pachomizls<br />

edge of being able to cast out unbelief. Then we<br />

were given prudence and wisdom, to be able t<br />

recognize the devil's thought so as to flee from<br />

and to hate it. We were preached fasting, prayer,<br />

and continence, which ought to give calm and red<br />

by sensuality. As it is said, The priest and<br />

straint to the body in the passions. We were given<br />

purity and watchfulness, through which God will<br />

dwell in us. We were given patience and mildness.<br />

If we observe all this we shall inherit the gloes<br />

on cups and goblets you<br />

ry of God. In fact, knowing the great amount of<br />

44. We were given charity and peace, which<br />

are powerful in battle; for the enemy cannot ap.<br />

proach the place they have occupied. In the matter<br />

of joy we have our orders to use it to fight<br />

caused by wine, our fathers abstained from<br />

sadness. We have also been taught generosity and<br />

goodness. We have been given holy prayer<br />

steadfastness, which fill the soul with light.<br />

rmities. But what shall I say to the man<br />

have been given candor and simplicity, to disa<br />

ions? I am afraid to tell him not to drink at<br />

wickedness. We have it in writing to abstain from<br />

for fear that some one, mindless of his salvajudging,<br />

so that we may conquer lying, that shab<br />

might murmur against me. For this lanby<br />

vice which is in man. For if we do not judge,<br />

ainful for many nowadays. Neverthewe<br />

shall not be judged on the day of judgeme<br />

d, it is good to be on your guard; and<br />

We have been given endurance in the face of suf-<br />

tification is useful. For the man who mortifering<br />

and injustice, not to be struck by weariness.<br />

himself will save his ship in the good and holy<br />

45. In fact, our fathers passed their lives in<br />

hunger, thirst, and great mortification, * by which<br />

ation, and will be filled with the good<br />

they acquired purity. Above all they fled the wine<br />

his, we have been given humilihabit,<br />

which is full of every evil.+ Troubles, tu y, which watches over all the virtues and is that<br />

mults, and disorders are caused in our membe<br />

with which God clothed himthrough<br />

the abuse of wine;$ this is a passion<br />

f when he came into the world. Humility is the<br />

of sin, it is sterility and the withering of fruit. F ues, the treasury of works, the<br />

sensuality in unquenchable thirst stupefies<br />

understanding, makes conscience overbold a<br />

e cure for every wound. When<br />

snaps the rein on the tongue. Total joy is when w<br />

do not grieve the Holy Spirit,' or become<br />

Tabernacle, they covered<br />

* Humility is least among<br />

Cf. Si 31:28.<br />

Pr 2351.<br />

Let us keep<br />

from wine<br />

Let ua praetiae<br />

humility<br />

Cf. Ph 2:8.<br />

Cf. Eph6:ll.<br />

'Ex 27:9-16;<br />


36<br />

Lk 10:19.<br />

IS 66%<br />

Let us give our<br />

heart no reat<br />

Mi 7:l-2.<br />

Mt 24:22.<br />

Cf. Jr 31(38):34<br />

'Cf. Mi 7:s.<br />

kf. Am 8:13.<br />

Cf. Lm 5:s.<br />

Cf. Am4:l.<br />

Cf. Am 2:7.<br />

cf. zp n:e.<br />

Cf. Pa 69(68):20<br />

Let wr struggle<br />

'Cf. 2 Tm 4:s;<br />

1 Co 935.<br />

kf. Lk 22:30.<br />

kf. h 263.<br />

Cf. Rv 2:17.<br />

Pochomian Koinonia III The Imtructiom of Saint Pachomius<br />

men, hut precious and glorious before God. If we nquered we shall have regrets and weep bitter<br />

acquire it we shall trample the whole force ofthe<br />

Let us do battle with ourselves while penenemy<br />

underfoot. It is said, Whom shall I con-<br />

e is within our grasp. Let us put on mortificasider,<br />

ifnot the humble and meek? ,, that we may be renewed in purity. Let Cf. Eph 433-24.<br />

48. Let us not give our hearts rest in time of<br />

us love men, that we may be friends of Jesus,<br />

famine. For boasting and self-conceit have increased,<br />

gluttony has also increased, fornication<br />

reigns through the gratification of the flesh, pride<br />

prevails. The juniors no longer obey the elders; the<br />

elders no longer care for the juniors, and everyone<br />

goes along according to his own whims.' Now is<br />

the time to cry with the prophet, Woe is me, 0 my<br />

soul, the pious man has disappeared from the<br />

earth, and he who is upnght among men does not<br />

exist according to Christ, that is, does not exist at<br />

all. Eueyone has crushed his neighb0r.P<br />

49. Struggle, my beloved, for the time is near<br />

and'the days have been shortened.' There i<br />

father who instructs his children, there is no c<br />

1. If we have promised God the monastic<br />

aet us carry out the works of monastic life,<br />

ch are fasting, purity, silence, humility, selfeffacement,)'<br />

love, virginity not only of body, but<br />

the virginity that is an armor against every sin. For<br />

in the Gospel some virgins were sent back because<br />

of their laziness, while those who kept courageous<br />

watch entered into the wedding chamher.2 May<br />

everyone then enter there for everts<br />

52. We are assailed by [the temptation of] the<br />

ove of money. If you wish to acquire riches-they<br />

bait on the fmher's hook1-by greed, by<br />

ng, by violence, by ruse, or by excessive<br />

anual work that deprives you of leisure for the<br />

Let us carry out<br />

what we have<br />

promised<br />

Cf. Mt25:l-13.<br />

Against the love<br />

of money<br />

that obeys its father;P* good virgins are no longer ~ cof e God-in a word by any other means-if<br />

the holy fathers have died on all sides; the mothe you have desired to pile up gold or silver, rememand<br />

the widows are no longer, and we have be- ber what the Gospel says, Fool! They will snatch<br />

come like orphans; the humble are crushed un- away your soul dunng the night! Who willget yow<br />

derfoot; and blows are showered upon the head hoard? Again, He piles up money without Lk meo.<br />

of the poor. Therefore there is little to hold back knowing to whom it willg~.~ Ps 39(38):6.<br />

the wrath of God from grieving us, with no one to<br />

console us. All this has befallen us because we have<br />

53. Struggle, my beloved, fight the passions<br />

and say, I will act like Abraham, I will raise

Greeting<br />

Cf. Ps 30(29):10.<br />

*Cf. Ez 8:l-18.<br />

tCf. Ba 425.<br />

:Cf. Eph 6:lZ.<br />

*Jos 5:13-14.<br />

tCf. Ex 15:4;<br />

Ps 135(134):15.<br />

'Cf. Ex 14:22;<br />

Ps 136(135):<br />

13-14.<br />

Another call ro<br />

watchfulness<br />

Cf. Ps 35 (34):8.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructiom of Saint Pachomius<br />

Stock up for almsgiving and for your needs. Re- ot pray in the way of hypocrites for fear your Cf. Mt 6:5.<br />

member what is written, Your granaries an ill be put with theirs.' Do not lose a single Cf. Mt 24:51<br />

all they contain shall be cursed. As to gold an f your existence, and be aware of what yon<br />

silver we have the words of James, Their rut wt give God each day. Sit alone by yourself like a<br />

be your witness; rust will devour yourflesh like a dent general: sift your thoughts whether you<br />

flame. And, First place goes to the just man who an. anchorite or live with others. In a word,<br />

has no idolsg and sees their foolishness. Cleanse ge yourself each day. For it is better for you to<br />

yourself from the curse before the Lord calls you, ive with a thousand people in all humility than<br />

for you have set your hope on God, as it is written, lone with pride in an hyena's den.% It is stated of<br />

May your hearts be pure and perfect before t that in the middle of Sodom he was a good,<br />

God. hful man, while we learn of Cain who was Cf. 2 P 27-8.<br />

54. Beloved, I greet yon in the Lord. Indeed, ne on the earth, with only three other human<br />

you have taken God as your support, yon have be- ngs, that he was a wicked man.s*<br />

come dear to him, you have set out with all your<br />

heart to walk according to God's orders.* May<br />

God bless you. May your springs become rivers,<br />

56. Now, then, here is the struggle that is prosed<br />

to yon.* Ponder daily whatever happens to<br />

ou,t to see whether you are on our side or on the<br />

Beware of the<br />

demons' attacks<br />

*Cf. Heb 12:1-2.<br />

kf. 1 Th 5:21.<br />

and your rivers a sea.* Indeed you are a chariot, e of those who fight against us. Only, demons<br />

yon are a charioteer: of continence, the lamp o you from the right, while to all other men<br />

God burns before yon who reflect the hid c early come from the left. Truly in fact, Cf. Pr 437.<br />

light of the Spirit, and you make careful use o attacked me from the right, too.They dragged<br />

language. God bless you with the endurance vil to me trussed up like a wild donkey. But<br />

the saints; may no idols be found in your town, ord helped me. I did not trust them and did Cf. Ps 54:5.<br />

may your foot rest on the neckt of the prince of t release my heart to them. Many a time was I<br />

darkness;: may you see the commander of the ed by the actions of the devil at my right, and<br />

Lord standing* at your right side; may you drown went ahead of me as I walked. He even dared<br />

Pharaoh and his troops;+ may you lead your pe<br />

plet through the salty sea, that is this life1 Am<br />

55. After this I urge you again not to re<br />

your heart, for the demons' pleasure is when m<br />

tempt the Lord, but He made him disappear,<br />

and his tricks. *'<br />

. Now, my son, put on humility.* Take<br />

r~st and his good Father as your counsellors.<br />

%Mt 41-17:<br />

Heb 218.<br />

Put on humility<br />

*Cf. Col 3:E.<br />

relaxes his heart and they can lead him off the friend of a man of God, having the law of<br />

wards ambush before he notices it. Do not b din his heart. Be like a poor man carrying his<br />

negligent, then, about learning the fear of th ss and loving tears. You too mourn,' with a<br />

Lord. Progress like young plants and you n your head. May your cell2 be a tomb<br />

please God, like a young bull thrusting horn<br />

hoof. * Be a man strong in action and words, too.<br />

11 God raises yon and gives you the crown

Take refuge<br />

in God<br />

Forgive your<br />

brother<br />

Mt 18:22.<br />

Cf. Mt 535.<br />

AE 5:41.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Instructions of Saint Pachomiw<br />

58. If you ever have a disagreement with a her, because I made you suffer'. Your tears<br />

brother who has caused you to suffer by a wo<br />

; a great joy comes from the tears, peace<br />

or if your heart wounds a brother by saying, '<br />

s into place between you, and the Spirit of<br />

does not deserve that', or if the enemy hints to you<br />

d for his part shouts with joy, Blessed the<br />

of someone that, 'He does not deserve that praise' cemakers,for they shall be calledsons of God. M~. 5:s.<br />

if you agree with this suggestion and thought o<br />

en the enemy hears the sound of this voice<br />

the devil, if the warfare of your thoughts in- ng out he is made ashamed, God is glorified,<br />

creases, if you are in dispute with your brother,<br />

and you are the object of a great blessing.<br />

knowing that, There is no balm in Gilead or doc- 60. Now then, my brother, let us do battle ament tat ion<br />

tor in your company, without delay take shelter against ourselves, for darkness falls on different<br />

in solitude with the conscience of God, weep<br />

sides. The churches are filled with quarrellers<br />

alone with Christ, and the Spirit of Jesus will<br />

and wrathful people; monastic communities have<br />

speak to you through your thoughts. He will con-<br />

become ambitious; pride reigns: there is no one<br />

vince you of the fullness of the commandment.<br />

left who is dedicated to his neighbor; on the con-<br />

For what need is there of your struggling alone, trary, Every man has crushed his neighbor. We ~i 7:~.<br />

making yourself like a beast, as if this venom were<br />

are plunged into suffering. There is neither prophin<br />

you?<br />

nor gnostic. No one wins over another, for<br />

59. Remember that you, too, have fallen of<br />

ardness of heart abounds. Those who underten.<br />

Have you not beard Christ say, Forgive your and keep silence, for the times are evil. Each cf. A~ 5:12.<br />

brother seventy times seven?' Have you not often<br />

one is his own lord. They are contemptuous men<br />

wept while praying, Forgive me thegreat numbe<br />

taking unseemly actions.<br />

of my sins?÷ Now then, if you insist on the little<br />

your brother owes you, the Spirit will immediate-<br />

61. Now then, my brother, be at peace with<br />

your brother. Pray for me, too, for I can do noth-<br />

Be at peace ~ith<br />

your brother<br />

ly set judgement and the fear of chastisement<br />

ing, but I am tormented by my desires. As for<br />

before your eyes. Remember also that the saints<br />

you, be watchful in everything, toil, do the work<br />

deserved to be mocked; remember that Chr of a preacher, be steadfast in trial. Stay in the cf. e ~m 4:5.<br />

was mocked, insulted, and crucified because<br />

combat of the monastic life right to the end, with<br />

you. Then he immediately fills your heart wi<br />

humility, mildness, and trepidation at the words<br />

mercy and fear, and you fall on your face weep-<br />

you will hear, keeping your virginity, avoiding<br />

ing and saying, 'Forgive me, my Lord, for I have<br />

lack of moderation, and those wretched strange<br />

made your image suffer'. Immediately in the con-<br />

words; abiding not without the writings of the<br />

solation of repentance you get right to your feet saints, but firm in faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. cf. I P 5 9.<br />

and run to your brother with an open heart, a<br />

happy face, a joyous mouth, radiating peace.<br />

And smiling at your brother you say, 'Forgive me,<br />

gh whom glory to him, to his good Father,<br />

d to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever1 Amenl

Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Instructions of Saint Pachomim 43<br />

1st~. 1-15 'There are several other references to the children in the fur-<br />

Notes to fhe Fi~sf Imfruction of Pachomizu. heod. Imtr. 3: 33; Horn. Letter 4: 4: and here below,<br />

(Pach. Instr. 1)<br />

nstr. 1-16 'This text is found also in Hors. Test. 1. Baruch is quoted<br />

path. IN~T. 1 ,The tide 'archimandrite' is not found in any early pachomi<br />

document either in Greek or in Coptic, except in late title-headings of a fe<br />

coptic documents. c he tide is given to Pachomius in H.L., in Draw . 1 'Mt 23:12 is quoted by Pachomius in SBa 97 in referring to<br />

F ~ I, and ~ in ~ the two ~ late . liturgical hpnns in Bohairic published b heodore after his great penance.<br />

~ ~ in the f appendix ~ to ~ the Bohairic t life (see VB, pp. 218, 24 and 221. 2<br />

DJ, chitty believed that the term comes from Syriac, where the monas Insti. 1-18 'The 'good thief on the cross is mentioned again below, (25.<br />

was frequently called phvSpa, a 'fold'; see The Deren a City, 'The Sahidic word cedt is a hapax (see Crum, Coptic Dic~iona~, p.<br />

41, note 68.<br />

829A). We understand 'vices' with E.A.W. Budge (p. 359) and L.-T. Lefort<br />

path, lnstr. 1-1 Ion the doctrine of the two ways, d. the Didache', c. 1-6;<br />

~pistk of aamabu, c. 18-20 and Hermas' Shepherd, n. 6.<br />

pa&. IN~I. 1-2<br />

h. Instr. 1-19 'The carrying of the cross is one of the central themes of pa.<br />

chomianspirituality: See, v.g.. SBo 201; G' 7, 74, 108; and here below. (32,<br />

>It seems that all the following examples are expressions of th etc. On this theme m Horsiesios, see H. Bacht, 'Vexillum crucis sequi., p.<br />

first of the two ways.<br />

'see the same reference below, 125.<br />

pa&, tnstr. 1-3 1~his shon section is found only in Arabic; we translate it fr<br />

the sahidic text restored by L.-T. Lefort.<br />

pa&. lnstr. 1-5 'The patriarch Joseph is often given as example to the brothe<br />

see G1 62-63 (his chastity and prudence); Pach. Letter 8: 2ff (his purity a<br />

. Instr. 1-21 'In our Coptic texwJoshua son of Nun ir always called Jesus son<br />

f Nave. The figure ofJoshua, Moses' assistant, is applied to Theodore in SBO<br />

8 and Hors. Letter 4: 5, and to Horsiesioa in SBo 132 (=SL 126).<br />

'In Theod. Imtr. 3: 6, we find the same recommendation to follow paul.~<br />

xample, and a more complete quotation of Rm. 835.<br />

his constancy in persecutiom).<br />

pa&. 1~t1. 1-6 IPr 63 is quated also in Pach. Letter 3: 13 and in Horn. Te<br />

q-his text is quoted also in GL 62 and in Theod. Instr. 339 and 37.<br />

Instr. 1-22 'This text is quoted also in Hors. Test. 19.<br />

'The 'image of God' means a fellow-man. See below. (36. and cf. SBo 106,<br />

'This text is quoted often; see SBo 150; G 99: Hors. Reg. 52.<br />

pa&. 1-u. 1-9 IIs 663 is quoted again below, 147. Instr. 1-23 'These 'horror-faces' are the servants of Abaddon, the angel of<br />

ath (Rv. 9:ll): they have the mission of making the soul of the dying man<br />

pa&. lnstr. 1-10 IThe allusion to 1 P 5:8 is frequent: see below. (28; G' 135 come out by frightening him with their terrifying aspect. (See L.-T. Lefort,<br />

Hors. Test. 6.<br />

Oewes, [CSCO - 1601, p. 7).<br />

'Mt 5:ll is quoted also in SBo 186 (= G1 142) and in Theod. Instr. 3: 32.<br />

path. Instr. 1-11 ISee examples of Pachomius' temptations in the Life: SBo<br />

(=G1 18, 19 and 22). h. Inatr. 1-24 'Quoted also in Pard. 37 (cf. 39).<br />

pa&. ?-tr. 1-12 >In G1 135 Theodore uses this text in his teaching about 610M.<br />

his tent is quoted also in Horn. Test. 24.<br />

pa&. 1mtr. 1-13 'There is also a reference to this tent in S' 6.<br />

2Elijah'~ being fed by a raven is mentioned below, (34.<br />

a~he vivid description of the sufferings of the saints taken from<br />

11:37-38 is quoted twice by Theodore (Imtr. 3: 5 and 30). We find it ala<br />

SBO 16 (=G' 13). Heb 11:38 is quoted below, (18.<br />

pa&. Instr. 1-14 '1 Th 5:18 is applied to Pachomius in SBo 98 and is a<br />

quoted by Theodore in SBo 180.<br />

'Hora. Test. 50 uses the same text in a similar context referring to fad<br />

h. htr. 1-25 'We find the same notion of the omnipresence of cad, and the<br />

same quotation, in Pach. Letter 3: 13 and in Theod. Imtr. 3: 34.<br />

=See above 124, n. 1.<br />

'About Enoch and Elijah, see SBo 55 (=GI 82) and pard. 37.<br />

'The patriarchJoseph 1s often given as an example of purity: see above, (5;<br />

G1 62-63 and Pach. Letter 8: 2ff.<br />

'See above. q15, n. 1.<br />

'The figure of the chaste Susanna is mentioned again in ~ ors. ~etter 1:i.<br />

'Judith is also given as example, along with Susanna, in ~orn. ~etter 1: I.<br />

"ee PP. Tamburrina. 'Les saints de I'Ancien Testament dam la 16re<br />

atechsse de saint Pachbme', in Meh 4 (1968): 33-44.<br />

h. htr. 1-26 'The same text is quoted is quoted below, (38; in HO~. RC~. 5;<br />

and trials.<br />

and Horn. Test. 10. See also Horn. Reg. 31 and Horn. ~est. 11 and 17.

44 Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructionr ofsaint Pachomiw 45<br />

'David's repentance and God's mercy toward him are mentioned also<br />

Hors. Reg. 12.<br />

Path. lnstr. 1-27 1It is not absolutely clear who it is who 'spares not the sai<br />

Pach. lnstr. 1-89 'Quoted also in Theod. INtr. 3: 6.<br />

Pach. Instr. 1-30 lQuoted ako in G' 65 and Theod. l ~tr. 3: 19.<br />

Pach. Instr. 1-31 'Gem, i.e. the Nile. 'A few words were omitted by haplography in the Sahidic text.<br />

'The same text is quoted by Theodore in SBo 142.<br />

'MI 1:6 is quoted also by Horsiesios in a similar context dealing with fraternal<br />

charity, in Hors. Test. 47.<br />

46 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

XWe find in Horsiesios several references to the wise and the foolish vir<br />

Hors. Reg. S; Hors. Letter S: 1 and 4: 4: Hors. Test. 20.<br />

SAthanasius' text ends here.<br />

Pach. Instr. 1-52 'With L.-T. Lefort (Oeuvres.. . p., 22, n. 55) w<br />

Epou8he instead of iiipk6ht.<br />

'Horsiesias &o quotes Lk 12:PO and Ps 59:6 together (but in the re<br />

order) and in a similar context; see Hon. Test. 27.<br />

nstRuCZIOn on the SIX<br />

or the PbSsOv~~<br />

(p~h. Inm. 2)<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1-58 'Word omitted in the Sahidic text.<br />

'The phrase 'from a thread to a shoe lace' is quoted twice by Homiesios<br />

different contexts: Hors. Reg. SO and Hors. Test. 21.<br />

;This is a quotation of the apocryphal Letter ofJeremiah v. 7s. We find<br />

again in Hors. Letter 4, 2, but with the right ending: ' . . . no idols; indee<br />

he will keep himself far from their [reproach]'.<br />



Pach. Instr. 1-55 'The same text is used also in Hors. Test. 14.<br />

'L.-T. Lefort has pointed out the similarity of this saying to a sente<br />

Evagrius in The Mirror of the Monk, ed. Gresman, p. 155, 79. See<br />

~efort, 'A propos d'un aphorisme d'~vagrius Ponticus', ~ull Acod.<br />

Belgipue, (1950) 70-79; Idem, Oeuurer, (CSCO - 160) p. ZS, n. 79.<br />

Wain's fratricide is mentioned also in Pard 37; 1 Jn 5:12 is quote<br />

in ~ors. ~est.<br />


1. Let us struggle, my beloved, during these<br />

ays of the Passover, for they are given to us<br />

55. year for the redemption of our souls, that we<br />

Pach. Instr. 1-56 'Mt 4:lff is quoted also in Theod. Instr. 3: 19; and Heb 2:l in the works of God. For it was<br />

SBo 191. ys, from the beginning of the crea-<br />

~ach. Imtr. 1-57 'With L.-T. Lefort (Oeuvres, [CSCO - 1601, p. 24, n. 90) eaven and earth, that God worked at his<br />

correct the Sahidic text, following the Arabic translation. as comp1eted.P And on the sew<br />

'The Coptic maGopj4ee means 'dwelling place' in general: but in our pac<br />

mian documents it is one of the technical names for the monastic cell.<br />

day he rested from all his works.>><br />

ted these days so that we, too,<br />

t the works of God during these six<br />

'The same quotation occurs in SBo 107 and G1 85. according to his way of life: si-<br />

,* manual labor,* manifold prayers,: guard<br />

e mouth,* purity of body and holiness of<br />

art;+ each one according to his work. And let<br />

us also rest on the seventh day, and celebrate the<br />

Sunday of the Holy Resurrection, carrying out<br />

carefully and with every diligence the holy synrendering<br />

homages to the Father of the<br />

ho has had mercy upon us. He sent to<br />

real Shepherd of the sheep* that were<br />

, to gather us back into his holy<br />

Pach. Instr. 1-59 'Mt 18:22 ir quoted inDraguet Fragm. 1: 5; and there is a cle<br />

reference to it also in Hors. Test. 54.<br />

47<br />

bays<br />

Tert: CSCO 159<br />

pp. 24-26<br />

These six days<br />

are given us for<br />

our redemption<br />

*Gn 2%<br />

Heb 4:4.<br />

That we mav<br />

labor at<br />

God's worh<br />

*Cf. e Th s:12.<br />

tcf. Pr s1:1s,<br />

16, 31.<br />

kf. 1 Th 5:17.<br />

'Cf. Ps S9(38):1;<br />

141(140):3.<br />

+~f. 1 Co 7%:<br />

Ps 24(25):4.

And give our-<br />

selves to arc-<br />

And to humility<br />

Wf. Jr4:28.<br />

Cf. Jr 10:9.<br />

Mt 2735.<br />

Cf. Jn 19:5<br />

The rest<br />

G mising<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructiom of Saint Pachomius 49<br />

3. Let us not lose heart at all during these holy<br />

Notes to the Second Inrtmction of Pachomiw<br />

days, hut let the one who gives himself to fasting (Pach. Instr. 2)<br />

with joy, silence, wisdom, and great tranquility,<br />

who keeps himself pure from a variety of foo<br />

&. instr. 2 'About the title 'archimandrite', see above Pach. instr. 1: title, n.<br />

1. The 'six days of the Passover' are what we now call the Holy Week. They<br />

who keeps from idle pleasures, who practis ended with the celebration of Easter Vigil, called 'the closing of the Passover',<br />

&ich led to 'the Day of the Resurrection'.<br />

genuflections and incessant prayers, who is giv XThe expresion used here (Fob eboq to express the completion of God's<br />

to lack of sleep and frequent watches, in short, 1<br />

,ark of creation after the six days is the same that is used to express the closing<br />

(or 'completion') of the six days of the Passover.<br />

everyone watch over his steadfastness, so th 'The image of the holy fold of the great Shepherd is not uncommon in<br />

what is written in Acts will happen to us, Some<br />

pachomian documents. Ez 34:2-5 is quoted in full in Hors. Test. 8.<br />

'In Pard 18 Pachomius having asked God to send him his mercy, has a viplanks,<br />

some on the gear of the ship, and thw<br />

sion ofJesus with a crown of thorn and an angel tells him: 'Since you have<br />

came safe to the shore.<br />

God to send you his mercy, behold, this is his mercy. . .'.<br />

,This text is quoted also in Hors. Instr. 5.<br />

4. May heaven and earth mourn* during these<br />

six days of the Passover. Indeed, when he who si<br />

at the nght hand of hir Father in heaven stands<br />

nevolent, let the king lay down in mourning<br />

diadem he wears and his royal crown; for a cro<br />

of thorns strewn with darts was prepared for t<br />

head of the King of peace.4 Let the wealthy 1<br />

down their varicolored robes, their violet a<br />

purple clothing, for the Lord was stripped of<br />

garments, which were up for lots by the soldi<br />

Let those who eat, drink, and make merry in t<br />

world remain quiet during these days of suffe<br />

ing, for the Lord of life was in the midst of tho<br />

who tormented him because of oursim. Let tho<br />

who practise ascesis labor all the more in th<br />

way of life, even to abstaining from drinking w<br />

ter, which the dogs enjoy; for he asked for a bit o<br />

water while he was hanging on the cross and h<br />

was given vinegar mixed with gall.6 Let wealth<br />

women lay down their ornaments during thes<br />

days of sorrow and great mourning: for the Kin<br />

of glory, in a shameful garment, stood . . .

the L€~~€Rs OF<br />

salnt pachom~us<br />

(pach. L€tt€~)<br />

Lette~ One (Greek)<br />








The God of wisdom, the unhesitating God,<br />

eproachable God, has given rest to your<br />

You must also give rest to your spirit, so<br />

ion may rejoice in the days of her nativity.<br />

o the work of the L, which was called o in<br />

ce 6 also before your eyes, so that it might<br />

ood for your soul.P<br />

has stretched out his hand to reach you;* this<br />

ich is the sepulcher, your resting place.'<br />

to the a , lest thew sing to y0u.l Let the<br />

ess age rejoice with you so that you do not<br />

ce with the shameless age.@<br />

mber the 11. Do not forget the new moons,<br />

e the days of the poverty of your resting<br />

I, which is from them, as h<br />

51<br />

Text: Qc<br />


Teat: Quecke.<br />

p. 100<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III he Letters of Saint Pachomiw<br />

yourself so as not to write 6 over cp,<br />

fed without rags. days grow old and your waters diminish.<br />

3. Return to the new moons, which is 6 rite 0 and p, so that the p be<br />

wagons of the tabernacle. With th<br />

they gave also the offerings ofthe tabernac<br />

joy. And you, as a wise man, know the Letter Three (Greek)<br />

head on the journey," so that grace may com<br />


E, which are the days of your child<br />

.r a new moon? 11 is the Passover. In all this do<br />


forget the c, which is called .Q This one is in c<br />

munion with the p. He has given him his porti onor God and you will be strong. Rememthat<br />

he may be made wealthy in it. ings of the saints gp,<br />

be according to its years. Let<br />

ten are S and 1.<br />

Greet the head, the feet, the hands, the e<br />

and all the rest of your spirit, which is a.<br />

e w, in order to be able to come before God<br />

tion safe from the reproach<br />

Letter Two (Greek)<br />



CORNELIOS. 1<br />

ter because of the T,* for it is written. Rememb<br />

also and write 11 because of the q, for it is writte of his God and did not miit the sick.8 There-<br />

2. Is not 6 o? u is K. In all these things, reme he became tossed about,' without bread, like<br />

ber and write n and t, so that the a be well writt pretentious* and the anogantt who did not<br />

in the grace of those who are above. d the house: E. 0 man, know their conscience;<br />

battle of the Lord is in their hands, and they<br />

wash your face,s so that your eyes see and y en charged with dominating their own<br />

read the characters well. be able to avoid the reproach of<br />

Text: Quecke.<br />


54 Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomiw 55<br />

*Dn 13:50-62. Daniel,* the ruin of ~sau,f the hardness<br />

9.49:s.<br />

*Is 166;<br />

Jr 4839.<br />

*Gn 21:10-16.<br />

tcol 32.<br />

QO l0:lO.<br />

Moab,: the dismissal of Ishmael* and the dec<br />

tion of a full belly, because their though<br />

on the things that are on the earth.t6<br />

4. Thegreat wealth ofman is wisdom. 0<br />

dom of the saintst<br />

ill of God, as people with whom<br />

say, 'God is in us'. At the end<br />

'ot 27:la.<br />

tPr 9:10.<br />

~r z3:lZ.<br />

Ez 11:5-6.<br />

apply your heart to discipline, do not<br />

the dead in your insolence and your negligen<br />

because of the deception of your heart.<br />

do not look at visible things. The hired man is<br />

was turned into mouming,lP because<br />

ot know the mystery of God and did not<br />

e s 19:s:<br />

Jm 4:9.<br />

*Jn lO:12<br />

f ~ 5:17-18. m<br />

+ ~ 33:29. t<br />

'~ph 6:14:<br />

the shepherd.6* The foxes dwell in<br />

p1aces.f Hold the sword ofyour triumph.: K<br />

the breastplate of righteousness* and do no<br />

ave knowledge in all these things. Pr 23:35.<br />

Ws kl8;<br />

1s 59:17.<br />

~k 12:33.<br />

.IS 113.<br />

t ~ 5:lS: ~ h<br />

Cf. Si 19%<br />

pr Z3:31.<br />

kf. Gn 921.<br />

spise the dwelling place of wisdom. Mak<br />

selfpurses that will not wear out, so that you<br />

be able to put your hand into the m$er's lair. *<br />

not drug yourselfwith strong wine,t7<br />

comes beggary and people w<br />

5. Remember that, concerning the menst<br />

sting woman, a commandment was<br />

t home did you build me?, because for forty 1s 66:~.<br />

.cf. L~ 15:19-80. pel her* because her ways are strewn with th<br />

tpr 15:19.<br />

:pr 10:4.<br />

Qo l0:lS.<br />

~ r 5:13. n<br />

Poverty humbles man: and the house groa<br />

the idleness of the hands. Do not co<br />

blows of sticks0 ~ p. The foolishness<br />

harder than all these.* The d<br />

is the defection of the wise. The dismissal<br />

wise is the desire of the flesh for the flesh,<br />

use you did not pause for the one who said,<br />

ding blood over blood. your heart become stub. PS 4%<br />

1 Co 3:9. 6. All youfellow workers with God, do not 10 he soil in order to bring a EX 7:13.<br />

2 co 9:s. the object of your boasting. Before all, know th<br />

'ce to God* and thenhe built a townf but he * ~ 4:~-s. n<br />

you are w. God, in whom yon are running, according to the knowl. tGn<br />

agree with yon, so that you may not become od." Noah and all his cf. Rm lo:%<br />

those who rejoice in any word whatever, 1 e were piloted on a boat,*I6 Abraham was a .Ws<br />

thought of your intelligence be turned into rich mad Isaac left his blessing to ~acoh.: tGn 13:z.<br />

cr, I col:Zo. ishness. A dmnken man does not help a<br />

obknew whom he shouldlove,*'l and he wrote izs:3,<br />

drunken man. The one who has got lost does n aw in his blessings.? Joseph helped his own +Gn49:~-27.

Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Letters of Saint Pachomius 57<br />

race* because he hated sin,+ He disclosed t . Before he ate, everything was brought to en 3:6.<br />

that God would vist them,: and he like that he would giye them thezi names and cn 2:20.<br />

vealed to them the care for discipline* and t<br />

'nto species. After he had eaten,<br />

mo?i;al of his wisd0m.f After that arose Mos from paradise, he tilled the soil en 3:~s.<br />

broke the deceit of life and despised wealth i begot Cain and Abel. They grew and cn4:1-2.<br />

der to show us the place of wealth and the dwe<br />

each as he had chosen. Abel's work pleased<br />

place of wisdom. Therefore Joshua was his m<br />

re than Cain's, because he made offerings<br />

ter because he knew the power of discipline,<br />

d from his choicest goods while Cain gave<br />

caleb joined him.'8 The stupid men did not e cheap things. They have become a sign en 4:4-5.<br />

these things. Therefore they called light dar<br />

whole mankind: whoever offers God his<br />

And He gave them directives by which they s est goods is likened to Abel's works while the<br />

walk. In all this they did not find their own he<br />

ho brings cheap things is likened to the works<br />

and did not return to walk by his direct<br />

in or to the one who laughed at his father<br />

Therefore each one attended to his own w<br />

went to tell his two b~others,~'or again to the cn 9:nz.<br />

and not to God's<br />

9. 0 man, how long will yon not hear the<br />

o decided to build a tower in the plain of<br />

, forgetting the one who had piloted him<br />

of him who tells you, Pause and know that ad saved him from the water of ws IO:~.<br />

Godp But they did not pause; instead each ood and blessed his fathers. Now he said,<br />

followed his own soul.* They did not visit th<br />

, 'Come, let us dress stones and cut sycawhy<br />

are you dying?TZ2 Do not go into the s and cedars, and let us build a tower for IS 9:s.<br />

These are the reminders given to the belie Ives', forgetting about the tower of Calno IS 10:g.<br />

that by walking in them and striving in th<br />

God had divided their language because<br />

mandments they will do the works worthy o<br />

ted to build the tower in order to abannal<br />

life. the Orient and to forget the law of God that jr zs:z7;<br />

10. The birds of heaven do not sow or<br />

d given into their hearts. Now be sober and<br />

~ ohas d allowed them to take of everythin<br />

to eat freely. Like an unjust and wicked ma<br />

stand the punishment of the tower, for they<br />

not reach heaven. Neithershall onestone be cf. en 11:~-9.<br />

looks unjustly at other people's things, t anding on another in the temple over which ~k 19:44.<br />

what does not belong to them. It has been<br />

disputed with Christ whether it would be<br />

to us to be attentive to them ourselves, in or<br />

d down. For this generation will not pass<br />

understand all the parables," to have k before this happens to it. Mk 13:SO.<br />

edge, and not ourselves to become thieves<br />

. Now is the time to act for the Lord, be-<br />

.cf,Jr 37:9;<br />

but to walk instead in the way of the just e our salvation is in a time of affliction.* If 33%<br />

early times who were pleasing to God. F se who love his salvationt can know his steps: i;; $z];!i,<br />

reproached Adam for eating what he was d say constantly: God isgreat;* and if they can *ps 70(69):5.

Cf. Ex 15:1<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomim<br />

say, MY hope shall be in you always, will they h e truth." If YOU listened to the word of GO^, he<br />

lieve only in time of joy and not believe heaven ahd earth,gz you shall not fear<br />

affliction?'6 It is written indeed, What came<br />

of mouth, do diligently, and again, if<br />

have made aprayer to the Lord, do not delay<br />

render [what you have promised], lest the Lo<br />

claim it from you and it be for you a If y<br />

ur God ?j both in heaven above and on<br />

en it shall not be said of you also, M~~<br />

h, why did you doubt? and you shall<br />

er, i/ the Lord had not been with us when<br />

rose against w they would have swallowed<br />

say, MY hope shall be in you always, ive. If they have often harnkd you since your<br />

found confident in time of affliction has did YOU not also choose to bear the<br />

salvation.<br />

yo~~yo~th?~' For I know that you did not<br />

12. Remember also that it was written your back away from the burden, in the<br />

yoU,z7 DO not be faint-hearted, observe my co r hands did not slave in bas.<br />

sel and my thought that your soul may live. you love the circumcision<br />

he who keeps the commandments is the keeper by human hand, realized in YOU<br />

his s~~l.Pa YOU have heard others confess,<br />

were cove~ed by the shadow of death and we h<br />

notforgotten the name of the LOT<br />

stretched out our hands to a foreign god. He s<br />

lvation of your soul. Dangerous is the<br />

again, The snares of death were Lette* Four (Latin)<br />

pen& of hell troubled me, I form<br />

anguish; in all this our hearts have not tur<br />

away but, he says, I invoked the name of<br />

~ord. Remember another noble-hearted<br />

who said, I will not fear the thousands<br />





suwounding me, because he cod~ded in Wc were at Your place but because we were<br />

13. My son, do not tarry, roure up your much of a hurry, we could not have a spiri.<br />

for whom you pledged yo~rself,~' knowing<br />

all the nations are like chaff on thefi?.e o<br />

Ik with You: therefore we talk to you now in<br />

&aff driven by the desert windso or like trive with all your strength to follow the<br />

driuen by a gale. Remember that it was w of the monastery and to do what is pre.<br />

for you: let not your heart be a Thus You will not prepare yourself for<br />

horse and horseman and a of the age to come, nor will you<br />

remember the Lord God e bonds Of sins, to be condemned and<br />

strength to act with power, and who nted to God because of your own negligence<br />

men to besaved and to com as the negligence of the brothers who are<br />

Teat: Boon,<br />

pp. 86-89

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Letters of Saint Pachomiw<br />

with you and co-operate with you, [and w tructed, Therefore understand the times in<br />

know that we have transmitted to them very fa1 ch error and seduction are found. Consider<br />

fully what we were given by God. hours as well as the moments and the periods<br />

3. Remember also the ministry and the 1 onths according to which man's life flows<br />

of the saints, you and your friends who ; by their number we know how much time<br />

learned God's will with you, so that they may man has lived and has been able to collect<br />

become co-heirs of the same promise and h fruits, to fill his granaries with them and pre-<br />

from God the immortal faith which was creat e for sowing future harvests. Then, at harvest<br />

by the spirit of the prophets and strengthene e, he will find the fruit of his zealous tilling, he<br />

the apostles who suffered straits and persecu 1 possess what is necessary before God and men<br />

for it. They believed indeed in his promises a e he has vanquished death, and he will not,<br />

therefore they prepared for themselves a g is world is done, celebrate the solemnities<br />

ct. n. co 2:1415. smelling fragrance.=<br />

4. Let us consider therefore those to wh<br />

God has granted power, to see if we may des<br />

to serve them and to cling to their doctrine,<br />

ting aside all pride and resisting with great co<br />

age the sin a, which fearlessly operates in bod'<br />

1 Co 15:54.<br />

Ir 10:15.<br />

2 Co 1:9.<br />

for death has been swallowed up by victory.<br />

the other hand, how weak we are in this<br />

knowing that the Church is to stand and to b<br />

toward what is good, as I have already told you<br />

You know that the axe does not boast withou<br />

man who wes it to cut and that the Scrip<br />

teach us that we have a warrant ofthe death t<br />

we must consume in order to save our soul.<br />

should not fear ruin in the place of our pilgn<br />

been made up for the sons of the field. We<br />

st therefore be vigilant and very carefully prethe<br />

future banquets so we shall not be<br />

shed when the time of rest comes, and shall<br />

ot be found subject to servitude, but shall be inad<br />

a new batch of bread, knowing that the<br />

uty of the field is with us.<br />

. The divine word says elsewhere, Do I eat the<br />

sh of bulk or drink goat2 blood? Therefore,<br />

age: but we must fight to be able to have w not be tossed about by every whd of doc-<br />

~t 16:26:<br />

Mk 856:<br />

with those who keep the commandments o<br />

9. What will be your gain if YOU win the w<br />

worlds and have enmity with God? We must t<br />

understand what we arc told, knowing that<br />

s,' because the time is coming when the saints<br />

I receive the kingdom. Zion stretches out her<br />

ds; no one is there to comfort her. The young<br />

~k 9:25.<br />

men are impaired withsticks, they will scatter the<br />

1 ~n 217. world, with all it cravesfor, is coming to an en I for their journey. For lack of food the ant-<br />

Be vigilant and mind how you walk. perishes. He who is the thief's accomplice<br />

5. We know that death occurs in those w tes his own soul.% Avoid profane and new doc-<br />

ci. Q. lo:ll(u)?<br />

Eph 4:14.

'Cf. 2 Tm 216.<br />

tcf. Ex 1248;<br />

Lv 1934:<br />

Ez 4732.<br />

sg2:n.<br />

Cf. Ph 4:7.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

trines.: Let the stranger be like the native-b<br />

The Letters of Saint Pachomius<br />

Letter Fiue (Latin)<br />

among He kills their uines with ha' E~TER OF OUR FATHER PACHOMIUS TO ALL<br />

their sycamore trees with frost.: A ckVer m E MONASTERIES CALLING ALL THE BROTH-<br />

enjoys the king's favor.* Eat to yow satirfac TO ASSEMBLE IN THE GREAT MONASTERY<br />

what honey you may find, but not to exc LLED PHBOW IN THE DAYS OF THE PASSyou<br />

will bring it up again. Remember the j ER AND TO SHARE ALL TOGETHER IN THE<br />

ment, mercy and faith: the judgement, by w ME CELEBRATION.<br />

regions are made habitable; mercy, by<br />

God is glorified; faith, which is the founda<br />

You must suffer the care [that we take] to<br />

the living and the dead, that through the<br />

semble Your Prudence, so that your door may<br />

may possess hope. Struggle and strive, you<br />

open before your departure from this world.<br />

the brothers who are with you. I have writte<br />

hen the poor eats, he does so according to the<br />

you with images and parables so that you wou<br />

asure of his poverty. I told you to know the<br />

search them with wisdom, following the foots<br />

urs and the moments of your childhood and<br />

of the saints, and that instructed in the wor<br />

to be worried about the house which is pre-<br />

God you will not fall under his judgement.<br />

ed [to be] your game.<br />

the winter of the present age not prevent us<br />

. When you come to us, take care to make the<br />

walking, but let us accomplish God's justi<br />

the sick and not to be short of bread, and<br />

ways and unceasingly, remembering His 0<br />

possible, to find a pillow or a head-cushtimony<br />

till winter is past and the rain is over<br />

, so that those who are weak may rest. This is<br />

gone. May God be our helper in the peace w<br />

to fulfil the warning left to us in writing,<br />

is without measure. May that peace be in a<br />

who does not look after his own relations,<br />

you till the evening time is over. I wrote yo<br />

cza ly if they are living with him, is worse<br />

these things so that, laboring now, you may<br />

n an unbeliever. Fennel is beaten with a stick<br />

rest in the future.<br />

cummin is eaten with bread. If you hold the<br />

of your head1 and find the ointment running<br />

n your beard to the collar ofyow robe9 you<br />

be able to accomplish all that has been writ.<br />

. We read in another place, Let not your eyes<br />

weeping; for there is a reward for your ac-<br />

s.* Let tears therefore run from your eyes;+<br />

and n%ht, unceasingly.:s<br />

u to be like those who did not know<br />

Text: Boon,<br />

pp. 89-92<br />

Cf. Gn 27:l-26.<br />

1 Tm 5:s.<br />

Is 28:27-28<br />


Cf. Jon 4:ll.<br />

Cf. Heb 2:l.<br />

Heb 12:16.<br />

Pachomian Koznonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomius<br />

their right hand from their left.' Be vigilant<br />

bend your bows, for your enemies have bent t<br />

divide their heritage among their sons, but<br />

ave everything to Jacob who dwelt in the<br />

bows-a bitter thing. Remember that the ith innocence and was subject to their oropen<br />

their door to anyone who passes by. W olomon also says about Esau, A disobedithe<br />

precept to enter our room and to shu<br />

door*s lest we be tossed about by euey wind.<br />

5. We must then be more attentive not t<br />

carried away in the time of kindness, but ra<br />

ongoes to ruin. Moses says likewise, Curse be<br />

him who curses father and mother.* Solosays<br />

again, Nothing good for the deceitful<br />

t He lost the blessings therefore, and was deto<br />

imitate those times that were before the fl d of his father's heritage.<br />

Each one of the just was pleasing to God, a What shall I say of Adam who, at the beginwith<br />

his whole house and his children, and n<br />

was found in them. Later on, however, ini<br />

increased and the whole earth gave itself to<br />

of mankind, gave the first example of disience<br />

and contempt? To him was given power<br />

all the beasts of the earth, just as everything<br />

of the flesh. They offended God, and at the be given twofold to the firstborn. But after<br />

of their condemnation, when the flood co<br />

the earth, only Noah with his house and h'<br />

dren was saved. While the world was peri<br />

God's order in contempt he did not only<br />

power but was cast out of the place he had<br />

ved for his dwelline-iust as the fornicator<br />

~ ~~~~~<br />

he held the helm of justice and he was not t of the Church and will be deprived of<br />

rpished by any storm of sins. But the o . Everything he endured, those who hold<br />

laughed at him and declared his nudity t ands in contempt will suffer, and<br />

brothers was cursed along with his descend h pride they will experience the word<br />

Then was accomplished what was written, He ture, He spoke, and the earth swallowed<br />

dishonors thejwt mansins, and, A curse b<br />

him who curses father and mother,*' like Let us imitate the example of the righteous<br />

who despised his Thus it was writ who watched over his house with wisdom<br />

him, Let no one be a fornicator and impio s saved by his humility while the giants'<br />

Esau. as perishing. It is not surprising that he,<br />

6. It was through Rebekah's cunnin all humankind, was saved with his children<br />

Esau received neither the blessing nor t eir wives, for even beasts and birds escaped<br />

born's garment. Because he had o and were saved through obedience. Noah<br />

parents, they paid him back, and provok dove out of the ark and, complying with<br />

pride to emulate the good action by 1 of the one who sent it, it went and re-<br />

cob in his clothes. Indeed he did not ning contemptuous men by<br />

use the clothes of those whom in his p bird listened to a righteous<br />

hardness he had neglected. Therefore t not listen to God. All the<br />

- >

Cf. 1 Th 3:12.<br />

Eph 6:4.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

beasts and all the living beings were saved<br />

obedience then; and because they we1<br />

[Noah] offered some of them as vi<br />

9. This narrative teaches us that the s<br />

are offered in sacrifice to God,'O and if they<br />

is command, they are saved fro<br />

The Letters of Saint Pachomius<br />

dese~ve.'~ All his saints will follow hirn; we<br />

to listen to their precepts.<br />

e spoken to you through my weakness.<br />

Letter Six (Latin)<br />

the devil and enjoy God's good<br />

cording to righteous actions oftheir own, US, FATHER OF THE MONASTERY CALLED<br />

Cording to His own mercy, by which we a<br />

access to Him." RE OF THE SAME MONASTERY.<br />

10. Having knowledge of the things to<br />

let us be united with one an&er in love t<br />

may be able to avoid God's imminent judge<br />

DO not drive anyone to anger,'P for fear he<br />

die and you be left bound. His s<br />

communicated to your soul and God wou<br />

out his anger on you, because you have<br />

own wrath on your brother. Let us<br />

get ~od's commandments lest it be said<br />

They have turned their backs to me, ?z<br />

faces; but when trouble co<br />

Save US!' He will Himself<br />

their enjoyment and I will not let them re<br />

Passover to which they are called.'<br />

11. Let us toil, carrying ea_ch@<br />

as Christ carried our diseases in h<br />

out flinching. If Christ is our maste ,<br />

imitate him and bear his injuries, lest In<br />

to come we be separated from our broth<br />

suffered afflictions. Such was also the<br />

others because they wanted t<br />

to virtues but rather to vices.<br />

12. God is our judge and our witnes<br />

heaven he looks down16 at everything an<br />

day of visitation He will re<br />

of the spiritual alphabet.<br />

rote to you so that you might understand<br />

ot write V above X, 0 and qt; but rather<br />

above X, and V above q and 0.<br />

s soon as I received the characten you<br />

I wrote back and to mysterious [words] I<br />

swered with sacred [words].<br />

iced indeed that the characters of your let.<br />

erefore I wrote to you S&L, lest perhaps<br />

ay: we can write xq, for you said<br />

Mt 16:27:<br />

Rm 2:6.<br />

Texr: Boon,<br />

pp. 9 2~

pachomian Koinonia 111 The Letters of Saint Pachomim<br />

5. NOW, therefore, 5Q0Khouuouuhth.<br />

~ ~ h ~ I wrote l d , to you also X, complete an<br />

your sitting and rising and about the<br />

of the exterior wall, which is outside the<br />

all around.<br />

6. YOU write x and Q, so that You can<br />

and v. ~ ~ h 0 ~ is written l d before them.<br />

ell of your wisdom has reached us<br />

has compelled us to write you these things.<br />

L~~ it be enough for you to take care of K s wise men, understand what I<br />

r, in case you are to go forth.<br />

7. we have written to you rll because of Y<br />

labor, so that you might show every solicitude<br />

nd prove yourselves to be such as<br />

ord has described.<br />

fore you depart.<br />

we have indeed the same care as You have, Letter Seven (Greek and Latin)<br />

we did not write K and 7.<br />

8, I wrote to YOU c. Therefore, whe<br />

and written, write 6 in answer; when<br />

and Q, write V; when you see 11 and 8. wri<br />

when you see h~h write X; when You see u<br />

write X.<br />

~ h ~ ~ do not ~ write f KP ~ in these ~ ~<br />

because we found S written. As for us, we<br />

,<br />


Text: Boon,<br />





LLED Mesore BY THE EGYP.<br />



5v.<br />

g, ~~k~ care of a. This is indeedwhat<br />

ten in these days; and be attentive to<br />

which are Egyptian characters calk<br />

thei.'<br />

we found z andfwritten, which<br />

The time is coming near for us to assemble<br />

ther, according to the custom of the remis.<br />

following the early prescriptions~ to convene -- __<br />

r to carry out the remission and<br />

on. Let then everyone pardon his brother ac.<br />

T ~ Quecke, ~ ~<br />

p. 107<br />

:<br />

characters called hare and thei. The ng to the commandment of God and in con.<br />

care of 111 and write a, because I gave it to iV with the laws which were written for us by<br />

q,: write also 5, because it is written<br />

that you be able to come to us.<br />

a Let everyone totally open his heart to his<br />

her. Let the brothers share their judgements<br />

x , 14:5:<br />

Cf. 11" 3:19.<br />

10. B~ careful not to forget to wri One another. Let their souls be cleansed in<br />

because it is written first, and p is written b tification and the fear of God. Let there not<br />

it; and lest YOU say that 8 is written nY enmity in their hearts. Let them rather<br />

X, Therefore the whole thing is written ct in truth with one another, for it<br />

say that y is written.<br />

eveq<br />

nt of the law of God to seek<br />

letter that I wrote to you the alk in it before God andmen, act. ps 34(39):14,

1 Tm 2:Y.<br />

Ga 5:13.<br />

Text: Boon,<br />

pp. 95-96<br />

Cf. Mt 18:35<br />

*Lk 637.<br />

t ~ 6:27. k<br />

Cf. Lk 18:3.<br />

Rm LS:l7:<br />

Pachomzhn Koinonia I11 The Letters of Sad Pachomius 71<br />

ing in truth in everything toward every man.<br />

them liue in peace4 in everything, sewing<br />

and each othe7i and not [serving) their vari<br />

desires, the deceit of their eyes,6 the decepti<br />

a turgid science, and the vices of the flesh<br />

these things arise divisions, contempt for God<br />

law, contention, and evil thoughts which, boilin<br />

on the fire of anger, like waters overflow a<br />

foam out into bodily pleasures.<br />

2. Therefore the law of God has been wri e<br />

so that the law and the rights of the bodies<br />

abolished and that those who walk after thei<br />

sires may be ashamed and return to God at<br />

last, and that, holding temporal things in co<br />

tempt, they may seek eternal ones. So will the<br />

>s,'O do good to those who hate you, pray<br />

o penecute you. * I1<br />

Consider. therefore, by how many witnesses<br />

ful man is compelled to avoid sin, if he<br />

hes to listen to the law of God, incline his ear<br />

is commands, open his eyes to them and di-<br />

,, his heart so as to keep their observance bere<br />

his eyes. There are many who wish to observe<br />

e commands and who seek God with tears,<br />

oaoing day and night, but because of the deceit<br />

heir eyes and the intemperance of their flesh<br />

died in their groaning and affliction of heart.<br />

y were unable, indeed, to control their own<br />

hand the desires of their hearts. They desired<br />

t, carried away to vanities, they were<br />

Text: QUPCL~,<br />

p. 108<br />

*Lk 6:27-28:<br />

~t 5:44.<br />

prepared to receive the heritage of the saints<br />

e to walk in it. They chose rather to walk in<br />

held the present life in contempt in order t<br />

er wicked things. Therefore, they groaned.<br />

ceive the life of the age to come. In place of<br />

ording to the word of the prophet. The unjust<br />

ice, they hoped for goodness; in place of disord all be tossed about until each one faints on his 1% s7:zo.<br />

and dissension, peace and harmony: in plac<br />

oad and each one dies in affliction, while<br />

carnal adoption, the service of God: so that v<br />

quishing the incentives of the flesh they mi<br />

st [will be] in happiness and joy.<br />

seek the things that are leasing to God's wil<br />

3. It is written, ifyouJorgiue men their sz<br />

Letter Eight (Coptic)<br />

your heavenly Father will forgiue you EnER OF OUR FATHER PACHOMIUS TO THE Text: Quecke,<br />

Again, Let each one farffue his brothers f BROTHERS WHO WERE IN THE DESERT FOR p. 112<br />

heart.' Also, Grant pardon, and you will<br />

d~ned.*~ Then, Dogood to those who hate Yo<br />

And elsewhere, Do not be conquered by evil.<br />

rather conquer evil with good.9 And this, Don<br />

say: auenge me on my enemies. Elsewhere,<br />



God seeks those who love him, as he found<br />

el We a cluster of grapes in the desert, and as<br />

~e9aying e d with evil. Again, Doing good<br />

all men.* And this, Not avenging yoursd~es, b<br />

1oued.t And this also, Be generous to 0<br />

other,: doing good to all.' And again, LoueY<br />

t fruit that has early grown .ripe on a fig tree.<br />

. So, truly, Jacob, that is Israel, who had been<br />

esert like the cluster of grapes, was<br />

opotamia. And Joseph, whom God<br />

HO 9:lo.

Text: Quecke,<br />

p. 117; Boon,<br />

pp. 97-98<br />

Cf. Heb 13.15.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomiuc<br />

had known before his brothers, in order to<br />

him a kingdom at the end of his<br />

desert, was found like a first fruit that untains have heard the joy of the<br />

grown ripe on a fig tree.'<br />

3. Consider Uoseph], who was such<br />

to vanquish the sin that fought against hi<br />

order to keep his soul pure for God, SO as t They cried on account of my eyes till eve.<br />

come a temple of the Spirit and to earn the<br />

of adoring God, he did not follow the<br />

eyes and the satisfaction of the belly.<br />

4. Now, then, consider that God<br />

They drank hidden in joy,<br />

get any of those who fear him. He acts with<br />

teousness, as [he did] when he en<br />

afflictions. God did not forget him.<br />

blood, which is q;<br />

5. Let us then also draw courage from<br />

things, knowing that God is with us in the d<br />

Unfathomed depths were made in the<br />

as he was with Joseph in the desert. Let<br />

row of the heart, which is 6;<br />

US<br />

put them in our hearts as a mem<br />

Those who were hidden fled without fear,<br />

Joseph himself, let us keep our flesh and<br />

pure in the desert, so that God will rem<br />

and be with us forever.<br />

Letter Nine B (Coptic and Latin)L<br />

Letter Nine A (Coptic and Latin)<br />




and earth rejoice: 8;<br />

aw: The generations have effervesced wit<br />

which is 6;<br />

for God's salvation: 0;<br />

Byr: The fruit has been accomplish from Nazareth: Br;z<br />

1%:<br />

lips,P which is r:<br />

God caused me to forget the paver<br />

house, from the beginning of the<br />

Blessed be God, for he Provides food<br />

for those who fear him: PK;<br />

hefruit of my mouth is<br />

tains to their summit, which is P: sweet on my lips: r;<br />

Text: Quecke,<br />

p. 118; Boon,<br />

p. 98<br />

Jon 3:9.<br />

Cf. Sg 2:s:<br />

Heb 13:15.

Text: Quecke,<br />

pp. 113-114<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomius<br />

: The hung~y he has filled with good t They came to a man who had a saw in his<br />

which is 11;' . He said, 'Are you going to cut some wood?'<br />

ep: Ishall not die, but I shall live answered, 'No, but we want to examine our<br />

and recite the deeds of the Lord: n e if we find some leaven and throw it in<br />

x: Anyone who enters through me which does not rise and does not inwill<br />

be safe: I; perishes through hunger.' The man<br />

KO: For the Lord's judgement with his friends. They skinned their feet and the<br />

his people Damascus. . . : o ;~ their hands, that is their fingers, which fell<br />

kc: For God takes pity on Israel and he corn ground. The young raven came and col-<br />

the humiliated among his people: il; them. They built a nest. The hinds brought<br />

~ v Cold : water is good to a thirsty soul in their places.' With these, the earth beand<br />

so is a good news from afar: ep Letter Ten (Coptic) Letter Eleven A (Coptic)<br />











1. The stewardsP have committed a<br />

1 in everything is ~ od, who says: cp;<br />

orrents go into the sea K;P<br />

rd looks down from heaven* a;<br />

is no longer any wisdom in* Thaiman ur;<br />

ord takes pleasure in those who fear him<br />

their basket. So they had the sword oft<br />

stmction under their breast, which is the gar<br />

and, at the doors of hell4 they pursued the<br />

up, God! Why are you asleep? T;<br />

eyes of the wise are in their heads.2<br />

patience of the poor is a pledge qeap;<br />

dance of the earth, or the goods that G<br />

.given to men. They said, 'Come, let u e<br />

e righteous men it is ajoy to execute judge-<br />

OUT paths. and see if we find some le<br />

throw it in the dough which does not rise an<br />

not increase but perishes through hunge<br />

e son is his father's joy p ~ ; ~<br />

of the senseless man is the one who lacks<br />

have prepared a snare for their feet, a<br />

their hands, and an axe for their shoulder<br />

garment! For he tbar become contemp-<br />

Twt: Quecke,<br />

pp. 115-116

Hab 1:13.<br />

Ps 119(118):<br />

(From the<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Letters of Saint Pachomius<br />

Indeed, he insults the others 5X;<br />

~h~~~ will be a precious treasure in the<br />

Letter Eleven B (Coptic)'<br />

123.<br />

man's mouth KP;<br />

long will you look at the contemPtuow<br />

and keep silent? 5Ph;<br />

have heard that Zion has clothed<br />

th her first glory2, therefore w<br />

MY eyes are worn out looking for YouT sah 50;<br />

~h~ heart of the wise man will reflect onpa<br />

not made white in the characters vy.<br />

Y<br />

lock of Characters<br />

~ h ~ ~ Fragment ~ ~ of the ~ Coptic . ~ Letters ~ of ~ Pa& t t ~<br />

far it has been written like these, while 6<br />

S q I v S o P '<br />

q 1 v S o P r ~<br />

I v S O P T S ~ p . . . ; write h and X.<br />

v t o p r S q 1<br />

~<br />

O<br />

O<br />

~ T<br />

P<br />

S I<br />

T<br />

I<br />

S<br />

L V<br />

~<br />

S<br />

I V<br />

ber 5. that it returned on the first of the<br />

ths, which 5 is from o.<br />

p T S q L v S 0<br />

r S q t v S O P<br />

t me who says it to you, but I am confident<br />

you have heard [it] before this day.<br />

omised not to forget the first of the<br />

that yon have written in [x?], an.<br />

Text: P. Bodmer<br />


78 Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Letters of Saint Pachomiw 79<br />

~t 10:16.<br />

Mt 24:41.<br />

I am sending you like sheep among wolv<br />

have heard again about E in that two areg<br />

ing at the same mill; one is taken, one left.<br />

Notes to the Letters ojPachomius<br />

Notes to the Fiut Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 1)<br />

Notes to the Thivd Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 3)<br />

Path. Letter 1 ,This title exisw only in Jerome's Latin translation.<br />

z ~ hidentical i ~ sentence is found in Letter I lb, where it is extant in<br />

q-his sentence is also found in Letter 9b, although in a slightly d<br />

etter 3 'This title is found only in Latin.<br />

'We find the same combination of Mt. 24:45 and 49 in Hors. ~est. 14.<br />

he phrase 'Wv rporphv 6v K ~ P @ ahrsls" (in tempore suo) is a translation<br />

from the Sahidic New Testament; the pronoun ahxi5 is absent from the text<br />

in the Greek New Testament. See H. Qnecke, Die, Bn'ge 2efeachom.<br />

Nates to the Second Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 2)<br />

"This text is quoted above, 17, and also in HOTS. ~est. 33.<br />

"Hers. Test. 33 also uses Ez 1831 in connection with PS 46(45):10, as pa.<br />

homius does here.<br />

"The same quotation occurs at the end of Letter Ila.<br />

"The same incident is mentioned in Letter 5: 5.<br />

''In the Latin edition (Boon, 84, 9) we should read 'dqidit', ~ ith<br />

rer 1 and Letter 2 form one continuous text. o[I ~10~~60~01~) instead of 'defd, with MS BWX.<br />

M~ M (~f.

80 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Letters of Saint Pachomiw 81<br />

the htin (Boon. 84, 12) we should read 'sit tibi Pe<br />

MS B (~f. EOTOL 001 &pupria), instead of >it tibiinpeccatum:<br />

MEWX.<br />

the htin edition (Boon, 84, 15) we should read 'pod mi9<br />

with MS M (~f. iyphqq) instead of Pvod scn$tum sit: with ~ sEB s<br />

alp, 19:16 is quoted also in Hors. Letter 1: 4.<br />

ssp, 6:s is quoted also in Pach. Instr. 1: 6 and in Hors. Test. 9.<br />

>yr 13:34 is quoted by the bishop to the sinful brot<br />

Fragm. 2: 9.<br />

s l ~ faith h ~ in the universality of God's desigm of salvation is exp<br />

with the same quotation in G' 132.<br />

sq-he notion of ~od's omnipresence and the same quotation<br />

pa&. Instr. 1: 25 and Theod. Instr. 3: 34.<br />

3qn ti^ edition (BOO", 85, 14) we should read hb adolescen Note to the Sixth Letter<br />

MS M (Ef. &K Y E ~ T T 00"). ~ ~ G instead of 'ab ndolercentia: wit (Pach. Letter 6)<br />

EBWX.<br />

8 4 ~ ~<br />

3:27 is quoted also in Am. Letter 3 and Hors. Test. 52.<br />

Notes to the Fourth Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 4) Notes to the Seventh Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 7)<br />

Nates to the Fqth Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 5)<br />

asame quotation in Inst. 18. There is another reference<br />

Abiram in Pard. 3.<br />

qn s1 25 pachomim is said to have followed that example of No<br />

ing victims from his flock to God who smelled their fragrance.<br />

Notes to the Eighth Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 8)

82 Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Saint Pachomiw 83<br />

Notes to the Ninth Letter, A Notes to the Eleventh Lette~, A<br />

(Pach. Letter 9A) (Pach. Letter 11A)<br />

he same text is quoted in Letter 9b.<br />

Notes to the Ninth Letter, B<br />

(Pach. Letter 9B)<br />

Notes to the Tenth Letter<br />

(Pach. Letter 10)<br />

'In the Latin edition (Boon, 100, 3), we should read 'cew'.<br />

MSS (~f.<br />

oi BAalpm), instead of 'co7uE (Boon's correction).<br />

'This title, like all the other ones, is proper to the ~~~i~<br />

Notes to the Eleventh Letter. B<br />

(Pach. Letter 11B)<br />

r llB 'This letter has no title in Latin, as it forms a continuous text<br />

masculine in Coptic. It is<br />

e pronoun 'it' refers to 1: but in Coptic we have a masculine

of the flesh, in order to harvest fruit in<br />

pure hearts and in their excellent words.<br />

. The second operation of the devil is this: he<br />

the man with whom he is battling when he<br />

im inhabited by the Holy Spirit1 and blazlike<br />

a flame, just as a serpent or a scorpion<br />

uld not sting blazine iron without renderine it<br />

- - -<br />

- - ~<br />

n more elowine. But when he sees him some- ~<br />

at idle or completely negligent, he prowls<br />

und him and hides until he sees him asleep:<br />

he leaps out at him at once and deceives<br />

Apa Pachomius [the archimandrite]<br />

I1<br />

Again from the same.<br />

1. Flee these men who follow their whims. Who<br />

11 be able to help you? For no man can be of any<br />

se to his neighbor in such times. But hasten to ac-<br />

uire mourning and silence which will be for you a<br />

ide to the fear of God. Shut your ears against the<br />

omination which most of those who bear our<br />

abit now take as a law, I mean to say, slander.<br />

85<br />

Text: CSCO 159<br />

pp. 26-50<br />

Cf. 1 Co 5:16.<br />

Cf. 1 P 5:s.

Cf. Ex 21:16.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 1033<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Fragments from Saint Pachomiw<br />

2. You, too, say with the prophet,<br />

jected the man who furtively slanders<br />

bar.% For he also slanders who deliberat<br />

to slanderous talk; the condemnation is<br />

except that he will see a place he shoul<br />

eing judged. Upon seeing him, his<br />

ayed and said to him, 'How is it,<br />

u, too, are here to be judged?<br />

words you said to me, "I wish to<br />

I"?' He blushed at these words put to<br />

Let him therefore go to the place where<br />

mother; then he himself went to the<br />

go and avoid the curse of the legislato<br />

nt reserved for him."<br />

3. Let your words be measured an he awoke from his dream, and when<br />

by yourself,* knowing that you shall re ad left him somewhat, he thought to<br />

account to God of what comes out of your m '~f my mother has given me this reproof,<br />

including a pleasantry or even a word t 1 I do when I am led to the tribunal of the<br />

not edify. Be on your guard, monk, do n judge* who has no fauontest?" So he<br />

your wealth along with your ascesis. And t his salvation with great zeal and bebecome<br />

a stranger to such promises.<br />

you think and whatever you love, es<br />

renowned that others were saved because<br />

firmly in the Lord. And keep in mind you<br />

ture from the body to go to God who will<br />

each one according to his<br />

Apa Pachomius, the archimandrite<br />

Apa Pachomlus, the archi IV<br />

111<br />

Again from the same.'<br />

Again from the same.'<br />

hort you, brother monks, who love the<br />

allow no such thought as this to enter<br />

1. An elder has recounted this: A<br />

wanted to become a monk and his mot<br />

vented him. He kept to his own mind<br />

dared, 'I want to save my soul'. She kept<br />

ding him, yet could not make him yield. Fi<br />

she let him go, and he left. He went and be<br />

monk, but walked negligently and spent<br />

unw~rthily.~<br />

2. His mother died, and after a wh'<br />

gravely ill and had a dream. He was car<br />

the judgement and found his mother wit<br />

ds: 'Why, the patriarchs and the prophparticipated<br />

in the married life and were<br />

to Godl' No, have no such thought, but<br />

one think for himself. Look in what a<br />

d what a smoky prison were confined the<br />

ating angels, in a great darkness. If you<br />

om this great darkness where they are<br />

, you are responsiblel Indeed, it is ime<br />

that he who has vowed himself to God<br />

rn back again to worldly toils and the<br />

ows of those in the world.8 As regards<br />

Jude 6: 2 P 2:4.<br />

Cf. 2 Tm 2:4.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 728

Cf. Ps 24(23):5.<br />

Text: CSCO 159<br />

p. 80<br />

Hos 11:4.<br />

Heb 3:14.<br />

Heb 10:23.<br />

Heb 6:11.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Fragmentsfrom Saint Pachomius<br />

secular life, once someone has begotten in the joy of his grace and the content-<br />

and is afflicted by poverty, it would no his peace, until the end of all the ages<br />

go away and leave th<br />

monastic life.<br />

Notes to the Fragments of Pachorniw<br />

He who puts them into<br />

(Pach. Fragm.)<br />

them and will receive a blessing from Je '1 Co 3:16-17 is quoted often; see Theod. Instr. 3: 41: Hors. Letter<br />

o 3:17-18): Hors. Test. 19. There is an allusion to the same text in G'<br />

1. . . . the Lord.* It is said again in t<br />

Prophets, I will draw t<br />

my love. Paul also has<br />

Ch~iSt. Therefore, my brothers, rejoice,<br />

pared and hold to the confession of ho<br />

firm pride until the end.<br />

2. As for the man whose conscience<br />

him anew, the first form of temperan<br />

the worst of all;'O the<br />

and finds such things in a man, he beco<br />

well that has been filled in, a spri<br />

river run empty: he becomes like a<br />

ace, an orchard already picke<br />

fallen down. The last sentence of dea<br />

soul is the soul's unbelief.<br />

3. You, therefore, the beloved of t<br />

the Son of the Living God, be a<br />

the body of Christ, covered wi<br />

his text is quoted also in Hors. Test. 43.<br />

This theme of the reward according to each one's work, with reference to

(theob. in st^.)<br />

Instruction One Text: CSCO 159,<br />

p. 37<br />

will not impute the sin to him. It is this<br />

~appiness of man that will be ours to- Cf. Rm 4:6.<br />

all the saints. True is the word of our<br />

en he said, Happy are those who have<br />

and yet have believed. Jn 20:29,<br />

Instruction of apa Theodore.<br />

"<br />

rteadfast with him in hzs tnh1s.t and<br />

him in the death ~ of ~ the ~-~~ cross:$ - ~ after ~ ,<br />

they deserved to be seated on the twelve

Lk 22:SO.<br />

13 liner are<br />

mutilnted<br />

About 20 lines<br />

are missing<br />

About 12 lines<br />

om missing<br />

Text: CSCO 159,<br />

pp. 40-60<br />

God trains those<br />

whom he loves<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructions of Theodore<br />

thrones of glory and to judge the twelve ~mly, those whom the Lord loves he<br />

Israel. . . . as the Scripture says, either by a tribula-<br />

2. My beloved, let us manifest a fait<br />

honest according to God, and let us keep<br />

mandments . . . . ation of the habit we wear. However, he<br />

let us be crushed by those whom we help<br />

3. . . . that we do not forsake the law nowing therefore, my beloved, that such<br />

commandments of our fathers; that we<br />

their presence in a sound doctrine; tha<br />

cate in the brothers the law of the K us thank him for these slight corrections<br />

and. . . witness to us.. . a task. . . let us come upon us for our advantage.<br />

it . . . from a novice up to a senior. Let<br />

his commandments, from the least to t<br />

important, so that mercy may be shown to<br />

Indeed, apa Pachomins, the man of G<br />

strenuously; those who are without shame<br />

before such a man.÷ Let us be mindful of<br />

that he [spent thirty-] eight years without t<br />

respite, day or night, according to what ere, tossing at them hateful words far re-<br />

heard.* Let us then practise his from all that is pious.<br />

according to the whole law which<br />

on us. Let us love the life of our father in<br />

share with him the glory which God re man as he had recourse to seculars for<br />

him in the other world and unto etemi<br />

ilified by the great ones among<br />

'You are murdering the chil-<br />

Instruction Three hunger.'P And for long God kept<br />

so he might not speak, so that he<br />

1. . . . mercy. . . for us in him for who deigned to give his body to<br />

vation, and confidence on the day of h and be eatenS because of his boundless di-<br />

1 Jn 2:28.<br />

Heb l2:6;<br />

Pr 3:12.<br />

Cf. 1 Tm 4:2<br />

Let ua consider<br />

how God trained<br />

the saintr<br />

Heb 19:6:<br />

Pr 3:12.

94 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

he Instructions of Theodore 95<br />

vine love. For want of bread, not once i<br />

dour distress in the fragrance of obe- cf. z co i:s-4.<br />

days was the signal given for a meal.<br />

th the firmness of a firm faith in the<br />

Let us be 3. Then, 0 beloved, if we have been<br />

confident y and true Koinonia. That [Koinoadmire<br />

that man, let us not be disco<br />

ts author after the Apostles Apa Pacf.<br />

~ p 3:13. h tribulation, for what we endure to<br />

x the man whose God-given promises we<br />

small part of what those men endur<br />

to inherit if only we observe his com-<br />

IS 333 tion [comes] in time of tribulation,' accor<br />

ts, washing ooff every defilement of<br />

~m 53. Scripture; and Tribulation brings patien<br />

irit, and perfectly practising purity in<br />

By the manner in which we have all s<br />

God;$ if in every way we are free from z co 7:1.<br />

put on the acts of the habit we wear, oft<br />

candal to our neighbors,' whether in word cf. R~ 14:13.<br />

spoken over us, and of the law that we ha<br />

if we are a fragrance5 for those from cf. z co 2 : ~ .<br />

ised before God and men faithfully to keep,<br />

, that seeing our good works they may *c014:15;<br />

greatly glorified the Lord who turned our<br />

alie to our father in heaven,6t so that fiTkt;!z.<br />

toward himself. Let us have confidence in<br />

en those who scorn our fair conduct,: may *cf. 1 P 3:16.<br />

as he in his mercy has awakened us from<br />

that we follow no trumped-up discourse or<br />

*cf. PS 107 of death,* so he will also in his kindness<br />

(lo6):14. wisdom,* but that the Lord ir our father,* *i co z:is.<br />

to inherit the promisest he made to his sa'<br />

iHeb 6:lZ. rd is our chief, the Lord is our king; it is the 'Is 64:7(8).<br />

Let us be 4. For that reason let us be watchful an<br />

watchful will gzue w life.' Let us be glad in the 1s 33:s~.<br />

guard the grace fallen to our lot far hey<br />

persecution and say, In eveything that<br />

deserts of our works. Let us keep the 1<br />

ns to w we have not forgotten you nor haue<br />

cf. ~m 15% ing a subject of edification to his nei<br />

n disloyal to your covenant, neither has our<br />

way [for him] to enter into the joy oft<br />

rned away in retreat. Ps 44(43):17-18.<br />

cf. z P i:n. of heaven. Let us therefore put our whole<br />

us be mindful that we haue beengranted the<br />

walking in accordance with the whole la<br />

e not only of beliemng in Chvit but moreover<br />

Koinonia. Let us smother the flame, detra<br />

nngfor him.8 Let us reckon that all anxie- ~h 1:zg.<br />

complaint by the power of the Holy Spirit<br />

ribulation is as nothing through the grace cf. R, 8:18.<br />

to say by reciting the words of God night<br />

e One who giues strength, Christ Jesus our ~h 4:13.<br />

-as well as all the burning arrows of . Let us remember the ills and SOTTOWS brought<br />

'~ph 6:16. One.'* Let us be strong in the shield of ou<br />

t~bid. at man and on all the saints who went dressed<br />

so that when the time comes and when Go<br />

kcloth and in the skins of goats, poor, anxus<br />

we may be found so far ready as to sa afflicted; of whom the world was not worjoiced<br />

when they said to me: let wgo to th<br />

' They went with great joy,+ knowing that *H& 11:37-38.<br />

PS 122(121):1. of God.<br />

Let us be n [comes] zh times of tribulation,: firm 5. We give thanks to God, the Father iF3&5:41.<br />

in the law of<br />

werings of the present moment are<br />

Lord Jesw Chnit, for enabling w to forge<br />

the Koinonia<br />

hing beside thegloy that will beshown to w.10 ~m 8:18.

96 Pachomian Koinonia III he ~nst~uctions of Theodore 97<br />

Let us agree<br />

to be<br />

%e%:6;<br />

~r 3:12.<br />

6. For, he whom the Lord loves he t<br />

chastises every child that he will take to<br />

If at present evey lesson is not a pl<br />

rather a pain, later it brings forth a qu<br />

ember the disgrace of widowhood,<br />

d with all the other blessings that are<br />

that book By persevering to the end<br />

rtitude of Christ, glad to be in the<br />

is 544.<br />

~ e IZ:II. b justice to those who are trained by it. D 'ties, insults, anxieties, persecuhow<br />

how animals are trained, what t ist, we shall indeed inthey<br />

get while being taught the exer blessings of the Scriptures, the breath<br />

master takes pleasure in? well as the promises that were made to<br />

Being then acquainted with the<br />

knowledge of Holy Scripture and the<br />

,* Not only we, but whoever has loved<br />

.fe of the Koinonia, has endured the dis-<br />

*Cf. Heb 6:12.<br />

tcf. "m k'.<br />

which God trained the saints and the fat was Christ's and put up with sufferings Heb 11%.<br />

Koinonia, let us not lose heart but let avering; as the Apostle says, Whoever<br />

before God both inwardly and with our e in devotion to Christjesw will likewise<br />

May we not only be put in chains but ma 2 Tm 3:12.<br />

die in every place for the name of ou that reason let us give encouragement Let us enmurage<br />

Ac 21:13. Christ.' In the distress of our bodily n her with these words and let w edify eu- ~ $ ~<br />

we face the taunts of those who reproa ot merely by word but by good deeds 1 Th 5:ll; 418.<br />

cause of poverty and affliction, let us s e of scandal, while renewing our-<br />

canseparate wfrom the love of God? T uits of the Holy Spirit so that we Ga 5:22.<br />

or distress orpersecution or hunger or r in the world like thoseshining lights. ~h 215.<br />

Rm 8:35. or danger, or the sword? and so see us will know that we are the seed<br />

actly the way in which the Apostle be as blessed,' as they see our faith, our 1s 61:9.<br />

elect of God, who told us, Be like me as ge, our gravity in all things, our humili-<br />

1 co 11:1. Ch~ist.~ So also was the way all the saints our speech seasoned with salt in the cf. Co14:6.<br />

and the fathers of the Koinonia who hav ge of the Scriptures and the love of God.<br />

cf. e ~m 4:7. ended their struggle and found respite fr ender to each what is his due: tribute to<br />

cf. ~ e 410. b<br />

sufferings by entering the place of their<br />

ing rest .'<br />

hasa right to tribute, tax to whom it bespect<br />

to whom respect is due, honor to<br />

Let ua be 7. As for us now, least of beings and nor should go, as the Apostle says, [Let Rm 13:7.<br />

steadfast in<br />

every trial<br />

for scorn than all others, we truly believe<br />

confident that this must also mercifully<br />

hout human concern or love of vain glo-<br />

'sy, but as if it were a matter of an<br />

to us in accord with the words of Isaiah,<br />

be afraid becawe you are covered with s<br />

od: being watchful and greatly fearnot<br />

be dismayed became you are disg<br />

ers of honors in this age we<br />

you will forget everlasting shame an<br />

the record of the debt that

98<br />

Cf Col 214.<br />

Cf. 2 Co 5:s.<br />

Is 26:ll(LXX);<br />

Heb 1097.<br />

Heb 11%<br />

The joy of<br />

approaching the<br />

Lord with a<br />

pure heart<br />

Cf. Lm 4:8.<br />

Cf. Ps 13(12):S.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

rhe ~nstructions of Theodore<br />

stands against us, and the shame of our his heart, Save me, for the waters are<br />

acts and thoughts at Christ's tribunal<br />

angels and all the saints, when we shall<br />

and shall not have the means o fore, my beloved, who with the sole<br />

ur own will love the disgrace of the<br />

shame in any way. On the othe<br />

g that it is a dreadful thing to fall into<br />

moment we place before ourselves our w of the limng God.' Let us remember<br />

and our evil thoughts, if we are sorry fo nfferings of a bodily illness drive from<br />

this age, we shall escape everlasting sh<br />

all things that pertain to this age and<br />

g for death to be set free from pain.<br />

son, beloved, let us look on the insults<br />

pleasure is but shortlived, like mist or<br />

shadow.*<br />

9. Who indeed does not know how s<br />

ty is and how confident before God<br />

when one comes near the holy altar, t<br />

body and blood? Shall anyone seek to<br />

the fear that one feels at the Lord's<br />

so that with all the saints we<br />

e joy of the kingdom of heaven.<br />

to him who has organized us, without<br />

g or any evil design or . . . but let us not<br />

his glorious body? Or again, who is there<br />

urselves to neglect our affairs. Let us not<br />

nt to say: 'It is just a question of obeditasted<br />

of the simplicity of a pure heart, t goes wrong, no matter to us; if it goes<br />

flung himself on the Lord's bosom' in the<br />

matter to us either." Surely we know<br />

heart free from faults and unclea<br />

a thought grows out of the stump of<br />

darkening of the face, dulling hi<br />

thoughts and gloating over the<br />

dmnk with the sleep of death, lik<br />

thoughts because he neglected<br />

ing that his seed would not<br />

spill it on the ground. That<br />

Ps 69(68):1-2.<br />

Let us be sober<br />

and watchful<br />

Heb 10:31,<br />

Cf. Is 66%:<br />

Mk 9:44.<br />

Cf. Rm 14:lO:<br />

2 Co 5:lO.<br />

Let ua listen to<br />

Pachomius' rec-<br />

ommendationa<br />

About 8 words<br />

am missing

100<br />

Cf. Ex 18:14-26.<br />

Let us fulfil our<br />

taaka with great<br />

dilligence<br />

Let us avoid<br />

grumbling<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Imtructiom of Theodore<br />

succeeds, hides it quietly, not car hose who deserved it, why then will not he<br />

known because it does not conce to give his neighbor rest?<br />

take for a model the kindness of th are sent to work at one of the brothroP<br />

who suggested the organizatio om, let us toil away at the work to<br />

sixty myriads and brought satis we have been sent, even if we are struck,<br />

people and to Moses, who walked at the he d, imprisoned, even if we come back to the<br />

the people. tery spattered with blood from the blows.<br />

12. Knowing, then, that we toil neit look for compensation for what we have<br />

someone nor for something, but that it subjected to, either some solace or some<br />

who has provided us with a place to work, t of praise from human lips-'You toiled<br />

may realize that which is to y, we thank you for enduring these great<br />

-whether we are the superior of the co ions for us'-such a man makes it plain<br />

or the one in charge of the not really know the Lord. For if he<br />

holding any office or even a<br />

would know that by being congratu-<br />

been ordered to perform some work or othe on his toils by human lips he has deprived<br />

each of us attend to it seven If of the joy that comes from the voice of the<br />

diligence and with all courageous activity d who says, You who have stood by me in my<br />

and day. It is indeed a testP that is now you shall have from me a kingdom like the<br />

lished among us so we may show what we ar Father has confered on me so that you<br />

no one perchance say, 'I told him once or eat and drink with me at my table in my<br />

what he must do and he did not listen; fo om.' Know then, that as you have now dealt<br />

reason I will keep still'. he one who is in your midst to try you-was<br />

13. We must know this: when the Lord pu e?-so you will deal with him. Certainly the<br />

to the test at the time we freely chose to b gs of God at times divide us in body but not in<br />

sons, we were not indolent in caring for h<br />

cerns-indeed, we are sons. Let us not gru 5. As for the brothers who are sick, let us not<br />

within ourselves while we obey, after he who ormented on their behalf, and let them not be<br />

mands us has refuted our explanations. No, couraged. The merciful God knows what is ad-<br />

not grumble, let us not be disobedient, let us tageous for each one of us and he dispenses<br />

no grudge; if we get rough treatment while edies as he likes, fashioning men for himself<br />

forming some work, the Lord will grant us at they may inherit the riches of the Saviour's<br />

fect tranquility, he will prepare for us in se gdom. Let no one among us say, 'no doubt it is<br />

our inheritance as sons, he will oblige hi icked man that these tribu-<br />

commands us to eive us rest once again. him? He who will sav that<br />

Ps 66(65):12.<br />

101<br />

Let ua accom-<br />

plish our task<br />

even when a m&<br />

or insulted<br />

Lk 2229-30.<br />

To be com-<br />

passionate for<br />

the sick

Lk 6:36.<br />

About a relative<br />

in the<br />

mmmunity<br />

The instruction<br />

of novices<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III ~h~ ~nstructionr of Theodore<br />

himself. And let no one rejoice to h his parents, his brothers, his people<br />

another greatly suffer, or be glad<br />

has fallen sick. That is a great wick fore, if his father comes and asks<br />

enemy. Truly deserving of pity is rge to bring him in, they shall inform<br />

finds a-place in his heart fo he novice's] reply and even the en-<br />

h him has already been made, unless<br />

o commands those in charge [decides<br />

your father is compassionate.' uch a case, the one in charge<br />

16. When anyone whose brother is in e one who commands], the<br />

astery comes to the gatehonse desiring to b will declare to him, and the novice will<br />

a monk, he shall spend a month at the gate to his father: 'There is neither affection<br />

His brother shall not go out to him excep<br />

he Saviour's saying, You are<br />

e are saying this and we are insisting on<br />

lest after some days it fall into the snare<br />

ness.P And he will be careful as well no may be steadfast and strong against the<br />

scandal in the vocation of the Koinonia, b nd squalls of the enemy's wickedness, for<br />

fection according to the flesh but con learned that the Saviour defeats that enstead<br />

the Saviour's words, Who is my troys the deceitful snares he<br />

Who are my brothers? The men. He grants us repentance after our<br />

of my father who is in heav olace when we consider cermy<br />

sister and my mother; He shall cons' as such things happen,<br />

the blessing that Moses spoke over Levi, to human failings, and whom God restored<br />

who says to his father and his mother, 7 h eir high rank for the sake of the fear they had<br />

seen them, ' and to his brothers that he d m-such great men as David and Peter and<br />

know them, and who has abandoned h e who are like them. As for sinners, in his<br />

dwn, he has kept your war s he wipes out at once the multitude of<br />

covenant. Thus behaved the fathers<br />

Koinonia, Apa and Apa Horsiesios.<br />

ults by the fear they have for him; such<br />

17. accord in^ - to the love of the One who gave!<br />

him the vocation, the porter shall look a<br />

ars, and also those who are like them.<br />

o then, my beloved, we are confident<br />

novice] with all the salt required. He WI nks to the surpassing love of God for us,<br />

quaint him with the laws of eternal life. tempests that now rage against us will not be<br />

Mt 23:s.<br />

About<br />

repentance<br />

Lk 18:13-14.<br />

Lk 7:44.<br />

Temptations are<br />

only for a time

104<br />

Cf. 1 Co 7322.<br />

Cf. Col 5:4.<br />

Cf. Mt 41-11<br />

Is 533.<br />

Heb 12:6:<br />

Pr 5:12.<br />

2 Co 4:.<br />

2 Co 75.<br />

2 Co 12:7.<br />

Rm 7:22-24.<br />

Rm 7:19.<br />

Cf. Ph 55.<br />

2 Co 520.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Instructions of Theodore<br />

longlived, I mean either the storms a<br />

e should not give ourselves up to those<br />

the passion of fleshly desires or f<br />

d devour us, when we answer and say,<br />

cause. He will give us the means o<br />

been cast away, and we shall no longer<br />

rest of the flesh which we will<br />

f any use to God.' This is not what the<br />

the moment of our anguish. If the oc<br />

S, the breath of God, tell us.<br />

harsh words from those who govern us, d<br />

ow, we see that some among us, both<br />

occur to us that in making ourselves sew small, feel a certain resentment after<br />

Christ' we are going to feel great conf<br />

omised God to walk by his law, after<br />

his presence and pardon for our sins<br />

ed all they had for this vocation, 1<br />

comes in his glory? If the occasion is a st<br />

cording to his strength under the urging<br />

illness and a prognosis trying our patie<br />

ly Spirit, after making it plain to all who<br />

as yet we see nothing happen that we ex<br />

[that] 'We are sons of the holy vocation<br />

do we get any relief from what is attac<br />

oin~nia',~ after announcing to others,<br />

secretly or openly-do we not rememb<br />

no obstacle on the path we have taken',<br />

God the Father even allowed the devil<br />

cting others who wish to become<br />

our Saviour,P and that it is written about<br />

ome stay with us, share with us in the<br />

is a man wounded all over and knowing<br />

mandments God gave to Apa'.= Well,<br />

bear infirmities?<br />

at they have tried to turn back, giving<br />

We know for certain therefore that t<br />

those who had come to them and to<br />

whom God loves he trains; and we give<br />

ho through them had come near God.<br />

the Apostle's words, We are sunk in tn'b<br />

nt to put God's gift to scorn and they beeuey<br />

way but we are not distre~sed;~ an<br />

nmindful of the fear of him: as it is writrek<br />

outside, fears inside, and, I wasgiven<br />

a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of<br />

in my flesh, Satan's angel, to beat m<br />

g God.' They turn their wisdom into foldearly<br />

love God's law according to my<br />

out reflecting that our existence is like a<br />

but in my members I see another law th<br />

t appearsfor a little while. They find exbattle<br />

against what is in my heart and m<br />

fleshly thoughts and passions; for when<br />

captive to the law of sin which is in my m<br />

bout satisfying our desires and when we<br />

What a wretched man I am; and, Thee<br />

d's grace, who knows if we shall live or if<br />

I do not wish, I do. Though according<br />

avoid some grievous illness? At all events,<br />

tice that is in the law he is faultless, in w<br />

g it about that what is thrown up in our<br />

he without reproach? By being Christ s<br />

s excluded from the glory of the cross in acger.'<br />

Now what he has experienced<br />

ith the Gospel of God.<br />

about the failings of those of our kind<br />

is therefore why we cannot hold back<br />

faith, he did to the end that w<br />

ken in this way so that the warn-<br />

Cf. 1 P 5:s<br />

Some of ua<br />

nouriah<br />

resentment<br />

Heb 10:51.<br />

Jm 4:14.<br />

Ct Gal 6:l4.<br />

A warning for<br />

all of us<br />

I Of,

106 Pachomian Koinonia he instructions of Theodore 107<br />

ing from God's side should be for a1 d off my sackcloth<br />

general. Should there be anyone wh ness.' May he cause each PS so(z9):n.<br />

ck to the beginnings of his vocation,<br />

on of the promises .<br />

....... God<br />

father Apa, to him whose commandestablished,<br />

from a s d [to observe], walking<br />

ifour superiors 22. If it is our<br />

law, that is to say, being<br />

heart,% toiling for one another, pmctis- AC 4%.<br />

give ~andal edy love, compassion and humility, ac- 1 P s:8.<br />

underfoot' any rule established by our to the apostle Peter's words; following<br />

Only let each of us, great or smalL2 be<br />

present a defence to God. He who shall<br />

alone, and with the conviction of faith<br />

PS 95. universe with justice through his only<br />

Christ, will give us his sentence. For<br />

promised [to fulfil] God's law, and till e Gospels, This is my<br />

have not done so. On the contrary we h ed son; he enjoys my favors. Listen to ~t 17:5:<br />

Lk 935.<br />

point of being resentful and of not e 'ng then, my beloved, that we have Let us be<br />

*cf. R~ 14:19:<br />

Th 5:11.<br />

tcf. Mt 5:ZZ.<br />

neighbors according to God's comma<br />

Let us recall the Gospel oatht so as no<br />

re the Lord our God,<br />

us for an accounting<br />

at one proportionate to his<br />

z;$;L<br />

transgression. little one proportionate to his low-<br />

God haa given 23. Let w giue th<br />

US some<br />

appeasement<br />

.cf. z co ~ :s,<br />

our Lord Jesw Ch7is<br />

worthy to receive fr<br />

the overflow of our ch give his heart to the other, carrying<br />

comes to our dejected hearts, thanks to of Christ; let us tmly be his followers,' cf. ~t lo:ss;<br />

Lk 9:23: 14:",<br />

of our humility and the steadfastness of rmity with what we promised him of our<br />

We pray earnestly and with tears that e will and without constraint.<br />

cf. ~m 14:12: grant pity and pardon to all of us, tha 11 those who keep their af- Let us keep<br />

I p4:5. not reckon up our account; that on the to themselves did not spread it abroad rz,"fz:p"<br />

cf. PS 51(50):9. he may pay no atte the tongue's fire which infects the whole<br />

Cf. Rm 6:4;<br />

Eph 493-24.<br />

hut that renewal may come to us t e evil of pride growing in ~m s:6.<br />

help, that he may purify us of the evil<br />

the soul and of the body, that he may<br />

~ -

Mt 18:4.<br />

Our love for<br />

our neighbor<br />

'Cf. Ph 128.<br />

1~f. Eph 6:ll.<br />

*Cf. Ps 16(15):11,<br />

Ps 71(70):11.<br />

The custody<br />

of our lip<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III he ~nstructions of Theodore<br />

them, steering clear of this age's gloryw the custody of our lzps when there is<br />

sists in admiring ourselves in what we table to say, in order to be a cause of<br />

the appreciation of men, as hardwo r one another and a wholesome ex-<br />

managers, under pretext of a bootles e novices who have come to us in an-<br />

On the contrary let us keep watch on Lord's call. We have surrounded our-<br />

lest we hear the reproachful voice of the a saving rampart which is love for<br />

ing, They have already had their and for the vocation of the Koinonia,<br />

again, as Paul says, You bring God into c<br />

by disobeying the law. As for us, therefo and of the life of the august<br />

rejoice, we who have he o that all those who see our good works<br />

hearts to be followers of God, h glory to God and may know that we are<br />

power of the word spoken by the of Christ, so as to love one another with-<br />

one who humbles himself like this<br />

greatest in the kingdom of heaven.<br />

26. We see as well the fervor of the lov<br />

of us by the calm speech, the ma deal with w according to our sins nor<br />

each justifies his neighbor more than o OUT iniquities.' On the<br />

God's love for men brings it about e multitude of his mercy<br />

tion and fervor come to us in proportl r mourning into joy, he has stripped<br />

rapped w in gladness. P<br />

e might not be cast away<br />

in proportion to the heat of the flame o<br />

tinuous recitation night and day.<br />

mies* grow weak, they who set snares oots by our negligences<br />

throw us off the way of eternal life,: the<br />

ommended to Apa, the father of the Koino<br />

the God of Abraham, Isaac, and<br />

the power of God we begin to bring shame<br />

who set up ambushes<br />

wicked forces who are saying in secret, G dam's progeny. On the contrary, be has in<br />

there is no one to rescue them.<br />

ghts. And to his angels, mighty<br />

who do not know its sweetness t t what he says, he has given<br />

Pr 13:s.<br />

Cf. 2 Tm 5214.<br />

Cf. Rm 14:19.<br />

God'a mercy<br />

for u a<br />

Ps 108(102):10.<br />

Cf. Ps 51(50):3.<br />

He is calling<br />

us to life<br />

Cf. Ps 25(24):2.<br />

Eph 5:14:<br />

Cf. Eph 2 5<br />

Cf. Ps 103(102):<br />


Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Instructions of Theodore 111<br />

orders to set us free from the shackles of<br />

It was thus that of old he called to Laza<br />

was dead and putrid, Anse, come out; a<br />

dead man arose and came o<br />

bound with bands and his head<br />

shroud. The Lord gave the order:<br />

jn 11:43-44. let him go. Would that we migh<br />

maudments to the very end and that we<br />

Jn 12:2. found seated at dinner with him, like [<br />

in the joy of the kingdom of heaved<br />

JA US strengthen 90. Let us pray that when the glory of<br />

our brothera<br />

cf, of God shall be manifested, no accusation<br />

Rm 5:2; 8:19,<br />

leveled against any of us, and that none of<br />

be cut off from the joy of the promises [m<br />

our fathers, for turning back because of<br />

coming from him who shoots his wicke<br />

cf. E P 6:16. ~ into our hearts.'<br />

cf. Col1:23. As for us who rely on faith, as we were<br />

by our fathers since we were entrusted tot<br />

cr. ~k m32. the Lord, it is our duty to strengthen the b<br />

who have loved the regulations of the<br />

with all their heart. Night and day, if<br />

er it; but in the face of wickedness let<br />

old on youth and let us, in the name of<br />

sts, strike that which embitters<br />

others, with the courage of faith<br />

ty. Let us reply without wrath.'<br />

ip the mask off those who spout words<br />

harm and disaster to souls. Let us also<br />

e ramparts of the crowds with gentleet<br />

us chasten the wicked thoughts of our<br />

even keeping silence and having before<br />

md's eye the struggle of those who have finheir<br />

battle with distinction.<br />

it is that Paul, who endured in his body<br />

rings of Christ, has taught each and everyus<br />

how to live: They were tnkd by taunts<br />

ws, and as well by chains and prisons;<br />

e stoned, they were sawn in two, and so<br />

imself he says, I am content to be in the<br />

infirmities, insults, destitution, persicutressfor<br />

Christ. For, the last end of every<br />

nd of every father of the Koinonia has<br />

us all clearly that they were Ch~ist's mescf.<br />

1 s 17:s~.<br />

cf. 1 s 17~3, 49.<br />

cf. s co 1:5:<br />

Col '24.<br />

~ e il:s6-87. b<br />

z co 12:lo.<br />

cf. ~n 10:Il.<br />

cf. 1 S 17:lO.<br />

done without scandal, let us not fail to enc<br />

them with the wholesome teachings of ou<br />

and with holy knowledge. Let us fear gre<br />

for negligence a soul which could have been<br />

be brought to de~truction.~ Let us al<br />

mind the Good Shepherd laying down<br />

his sheep.* Even if we should happen to<br />

treated by someone greater than ourselves<br />

those who have been monks before us, let<br />

turn back to avoid striking the stranger who s<br />

at the multitude of Israel. Let us control<br />

in the face of insults as did the mighty D<br />

us refuse Saul's sword and hi<br />

Therefore, let none of us be fainthearted<br />

say, 'Elsewhere away goes a true quietness',<br />

it not true that quietness of thoughts profrom<br />

a sound faith? Indeed, who will ever<br />

able to incline man's heart toward an excellent<br />

and a thought that belongs to heaven, exim<br />

who brings men his Christ? Or what<br />

man will ever be able to say, 'It is Paul, or<br />

, or Cephas who is saving me'? Or has<br />

failed to hear the Lord saying to his<br />

disciples, If you loved me you would ree<br />

in my going to my father, for my father is<br />

2 Co 5:20.<br />

Let not be<br />

cf. 1 co s:4.

112 Pachomian Koinonia III The Instructions of Theodore 113<br />

I" 14:28. greater than I; and again, If Igo away, t er womb and not take pity on them,<br />

jn 163 forter will come to you. We are saying t 1 I not forget you, Jerusalem, says the<br />

out trying to compare our worthless wor w, Jerusalem is every soul that has be- 1%49:15.<br />

those that carry so much weight, an elling place of the Spirit of God. We cf. Eph z:22.<br />

Cf. Ga 6:s. means reckon ourselves now to be ard the great prophet Elijah com-<br />

I P 5:9. But let us be strong in faith, and let us ma g against Israel, and God did not act acby<br />

our obedience the law's interior rampart o Elijah's thoughtlessness. Jonah God re- ~m 11:2-4.<br />

2 ~ r 219; n is the way the Lord knows his own, and h , for God had not acted in accord with<br />

cf. Nb 16:5,26. trusted them to the grace of his Holy Sp st over his people's wickedness. [He jon4.<br />

.Mt 9:17; one puts new wine into old wineskins. * T ed] also the disciples who said, Let fire<br />

~k 5:~7. deed whom he knows he haspredestined own from heaven and bum up those who<br />

~ r 8:29. n<br />

Let us not be<br />

afraid of men's<br />

reproaches<br />

cf. I ~m 2:6,<br />

share in the likeness of the image of his<br />

32. Then we know that no [mere]<br />

giYen such a gift, but that it is indeed t<br />

who has given himself up to save all men,<br />

it is he who has said, I am with you alw<br />

welcome you. Let us, therefore, learn<br />

his that all flesh is earth and ashes, as we<br />

ssured by Abraham, friend of God; only<br />

bounty endures. Therefore let us lean upon<br />

rd: he will grant his bounty to the men who<br />

~k 9:54.<br />

cn mz7.<br />

~t 28:PO. to the end of time.' Therefore let us no<br />

fainthearted, neither let us be afraid of<br />

preaches. Let us not lose heart if they ins<br />

for the Lord has just encouraged us, Ha<br />

come his dwelling-place.<br />

When we exchange the glory of imperishd<br />

for the images of perishable men, truly<br />

m that if the weaknesses of each and every<br />

Let us not look<br />

k;t";" dolory<br />

you when people abuse you, when they<br />

, which are known to God, were revealed,<br />

you all kinds of wicked and lying words a<br />

uld be hard put indeed to answer each<br />

on my account; rejoice and be glad, for<br />

t is for that reason that we urge you not to<br />

Mr 5:11.<br />

~n 1530.<br />

ward will be great in heaven. And agai<br />

persecuted me, they will persecute you.<br />

of one another as different from what we<br />

lthough in point of fact the full reality of<br />

again, Ifthe world hates you, know that it<br />

eakness is not mutually apparent. Indeed,<br />

J" 15:18.<br />

Let us put our<br />

trust in God<br />

me before you.8<br />

33. We know then for certain that his<br />

will dwell in us and will give us power.<br />

therefore not become discouraged, neithe<br />

conceals us from one another in time of<br />

ness, while at the time of glory-which is<br />

's glory-he clothes us with it. Now, therewho<br />

but He alone can know the measure of<br />

think that any human image will provide us<br />

's kindness? Let us therefore acknowledge<br />

consolation and advancement. In fact, we<br />

weakness and praise God to whom glory is<br />

just heard Paul say, What is a Paul, what<br />

and say, even we, Ifwe climb into heaven,<br />

I co 8:5. Apollos, what is a Cephas? We have learn<br />

well, Even $a woman exists who can forg<br />

are there; go down to the depths of hell, you<br />

e there with me; $1 take the wings of the mom-

114<br />

Ps 139(138):8-10.<br />

Jr 23:24.<br />

2 Co 6:16, 18:<br />

Lv 26:ll-12.<br />

Let us be<br />

imitators of<br />

Pachomiua<br />

Cf. Ps 25(24):2.<br />

Ac 20:32.<br />

Let us chwse<br />

the vocation of<br />

the Koinonin<br />

Cf. Tt 3:5.<br />

Let us repent,<br />

be watchful,<br />

and give thanks<br />

Cf. Ps 35(34):19.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111 he Instructions of Theodore<br />

ing, and ifI abide at the sea'horizon,<br />

lshine on you. Knowing the great grace<br />

hand is there. For we have just heard<br />

nherited-for he ha not dealt with w<br />

fill heaven, I fill earth.' And again, I<br />

o OUT sins, and he has not punished w<br />

there, I will walk there, I will be their<br />

r iniquities-let us repent, let us<br />

they shall be my people, says the Lor<br />

let us give thanks to Him saying,<br />

mighty.<br />

6e you, Lord, for having taken me as<br />

35. So then, having u~derstood and not hawinggladdened my enemies<br />

meaning of all this according to the t<br />

ark and let us repeatJeremiah's words,<br />

edge of the Scriptures, the breath of<br />

nd of my captivity I repented, then I<br />

be imitators of Apa Pachomius' life.<br />

er the day of my shame. For we know,<br />

quire his confidence in this age and t<br />

has taught us, that Ifwe return and if<br />

Let us put our trust in the Lord, for<br />

we shall be saued and we shall know<br />

comforts us and encourages us. He it<br />

stand in times of trwt in what are but<br />

ways gives us strength, to him [it is] a<br />

and in wicked thoughts that are not<br />

word of his grace [that] we have giuen o<br />

over. [He it is] who hmpower to build<br />

to give w an heritage among all the<br />

t us search our ways and examine OUT<br />

s; let us return to the Lord our God; let<br />

36. Let us choose the part of the voc<br />

the holy Koinonia and mutual love wit<br />

our hearts on our hands before God who<br />

n. ' And when our heart is minded to go<br />

one, seeing the attitude of the Fathers of<br />

the Lord, let us turn back and seek<br />

nonia the great desire that shone in a<br />

times over. The Holy Spirit has taught<br />

hearts for the love of the Koinonia, an<br />

~n the Scriptures, the breath of God, to<br />

which had previously been rooted in the<br />

out with our whole heart, saying to us<br />

love] has now by Christ's grace come to lig<br />

Isaiah, Seek God, and if you find him,<br />

we ourselves had shrouded it with the vei<br />

im while he tistillnear you. Let the wicknegligence,<br />

while through our lack of fe<br />

abandon his way and the lawless man<br />

quenched the warmth of the Holy S<br />

his designs; let him return to the Lord<br />

dwells within us through mercy and not b<br />

I 1 take pity on him; for he will gmnt you<br />

of our works.'<br />

37. God, who is merciful, has not forg<br />

Knowing what God's mercy is, therefore,<br />

to the point that the wicked one might r<br />

forgiveness, we must not spoil days and<br />

our loss. On the contrary, in his love he<br />

n end, we must not be negligent through<br />

from the sleep of death, and in his mer<br />

fear, becoming slack and quenching the<br />

on prodding us day by day, saying to ou<br />

the Holy Spirit and the love of the law of<br />

Wake up, you who sleep, rise from the dead<br />

om which he has called forth in us, on the<br />

Eph 5:14.<br />

Ps 103(102):1<br />

Ps 30(29):2.<br />

Jr 31:19.<br />

Is 30:15.<br />

Let us seek<br />

God<br />

Lm 3:40-41.<br />

Is 55:6-7.<br />

Let us not<br />

be negligent

Is 32:2.<br />

2 Co 4:s.<br />

Rm 55.<br />

Lk 21:19.<br />

Let ua cultivate<br />

the fruite of the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

'Cf. Ga 429.<br />

Cf. Ps 18(17):28.<br />

Heb l2:6;<br />

Pr 3:12.<br />

Dt 8%<br />

Ga 532.<br />

Let us encour-<br />

age one another<br />

C0l 1:lO.<br />

Cf. 1 P 5:7.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 3:16-17.<br />

Cf. 1 P 4:13.<br />

Heb 1057-38<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

~h~ ~nstructions of Theodore<br />

excuse of lacking the means of b<br />

the grace granted to us by God, not<br />

By this our Creator teaches us for our<br />

tion, as it is written, Our salvation<br />

our works, but in consequence of a<br />

way but we are not distressed; and, T<br />

brzngs patience. Through steadfastn<br />

ot to let him speak words to his<br />

40. Because of this, let us not allow<br />

th calm and with grace seasoned with<br />

cording to the flesh to persecute wha<br />

he Scriptures, to the point that the<br />

ing to the spirit;* neither let u<br />

speaker is still farther away because<br />

pretext, quench the lamp that has be<br />

ame of his faintheartedness, which is<br />

We must therefore not contradict to<br />

ith the haughtiness of him he is addresthinking<br />

or of speaking contrary to<br />

his latter they call forth indifference<br />

the Holy Scriptures. But those whom<br />

uragement toward the gifts of the divine<br />

God chastises; he afflicts and puts them<br />

in every thing to see whether they wil<br />

Saviour persuaded him to scorn all this<br />

commandments or not. Yet, what God<br />

for in us are the fruits of the Holy Spint;<br />

not be negligent concerning them, for it<br />

e why we give our lives for one anthem<br />

that we shall be questioned. also bring forth] the other fruits of<br />

41. Let us keep it in mind to stir u which he has brought into being<br />

other, so that we may bring forth all our esis in all things including the<br />

f the flesh. After we have involved ourconcerned<br />

with us, to the end that we all these desires, then, by negligence in<br />

dence, on the day of the manifestation<br />

Lord's glory. A little while, indeed and<br />

one who is coming will have come; he wz<br />

lay; my nghteow one will live<br />

not be that because of faintheartedne<br />

other within the vocation to which we are<br />

Eph 2:8-9.<br />

18 pager ofthe<br />

menwcn$f are<br />

mirsin~<br />

To give our live<br />

for one another<br />

Cf. Col4:6.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn 4:18.<br />

Let us not<br />

scandalize one<br />


Cf. Eph 431.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 3:l-2.<br />

Cf. Is 54:13;<br />

Jn 6:45.<br />

22 pages are<br />

misring<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Let us then pay heed to what<br />

Holy Scriptures; let us know the t<br />

Christ the true Doctor: and let us rece<br />

the doctrine which flows from his<br />

The Instructions of Theodore 119<br />

y did not outwit him at the time cf. PS 89(88):2~.<br />

during the time we were little one that arose when the powerful<br />

the food of little ones;' and when we b<br />

grow up in the rebirth, he want<br />

with the food of truth. In his great love beloved, since we have deserved to be<br />

neither put us to the test nor overburde<br />

&are in the formers' inheritance, let us<br />

hut he wanted to make it know r own their behavior that we may be<br />

~upils<br />

Test me, Lord, put me to the test, clea mirnkg<br />

fz+e my loins and my heart, see whether<br />

ists in me a fienicious path.<br />

Notes to the Instnrctions of Theodore<br />

44. Truly, we shall be most<br />

Noter to the Second Imtmction<br />

igence in knowing his mercy.<br />

(Theod. Inrtr. 2)<br />

were little ones, that is, when<br />

to wage the war of the cross, he has wa<br />

up.. . .'<br />

and that we are sons of those who be sons of our fathers . . . . The red Fc<br />

45. . . . of thesaints, which<br />

and taught to the brothers acc<br />

rules. Those who obeyed him reproduce<br />

man's behavior in the end of times.<br />

CSCO-159, p. 39, n. 13 and CSCO-160, p. 39, n. 12). corresponds closely<br />

nough to the chronology given by the author of the Coptic Life which gives<br />

hiny-nine years for thelength of Pachomius' life as amonk. But it is verydifcult<br />

to accept that figure as accurate. See SBo 123. n. 4.<br />

46. Now hear a case of this kind in our<br />

Jonas of ThmouE;ons, a man w<br />

as of great fame, a man who<br />

Notes to the Third Inrtruction<br />

(Theod. Irutr. 3)<br />

regard for his ascetical practice Instr. 3: 1 'This quotation will be repeated throughout this Instruction as<br />

leitmotiv; see ((2, 6, 19, and40.<br />

age. .. .

120 Pachomian Koznonza III The Inst7uctions of Theodore 121<br />

~heod. ~nstr. 3: 3 'The same text is quoted again below, (5, and<br />

Test. 42.<br />

z~his quotation also recurs below, 139.<br />

put on himrev: in 6' 65 Theodore is said to have re-<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 4 'Note that the two members of Eph 6:16 quot 1 'Cf. Hors. Test. 9: 'Let him do what he wishes, it does not<br />

given in inverted order. Eph 6:16-17 is quoted also in Hon.<br />

there is a clear allusion to it in SBo 14 and here below, 130.<br />

,. 3:lZ 'With Lefort (CSCO-159, p. 45. n. 70; CSCO-160, p. 46, n.<br />

read nobre instead of nobe.<br />

imuia: see Didachd, c. 16.5: rdra f&&1 fi rrio~g r6v bviJp6awv rlc,<br />

ljpo~tv ric, &axtwaoiac,.<br />

a~he same text is quoted in Am. Letter 3, and we find an all tr. 3:14 'Lk 2230 is quoted in Theod. Instr. 2: 1.<br />

G1 49.<br />

4wc find the same preoccupation with not scandalizing th rr. 3:15 'The same quotation comes in SBo 142.<br />

God'.<br />

"The same quotation occur. in Hors. Test. 50.<br />

Thead. Instr. 3: 6 1The same quotation occurs in Pach. Instr. 1: 2<br />

'A similar recommendation, with the rame quotation, com<br />

Instr. 1: PI.<br />

'This text is quoted about Pachomiur, in S' 3.<br />

4This text is quoted in Hors. Fragm. 1: 2.<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 7 '2 Tm 3:12 is quoted in Paral. 17, in the descript<br />

vision Pachomiu. had about the future of the Koinonia.<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 8 'The same quotation occurs in Hon. Test. 48.<br />

'Cf. Pach. Instr. 1: 33: 'In the world you went about praised as<br />

elect and when you arrive in the valley ofJoraphat, place of judge<br />

are found naked'. Cf. also ibidem, 138.<br />

'The same quotation occun in Hon. Test. 41.<br />

,tr. 3:16 'Cf. Pr. 49.<br />

re this with the manner in which Theodore received his brother (SBO 38;<br />

also with the manner in which Pachomius received his sirccr(SBo 27: G'

122 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Wf. Hors. Test. 25: 'Brothers, let m be equal from th<br />

greatest'.<br />

Theod. Instr. 323 IThe same quotation occurs in Am. Letter<br />

42, and below, 128.<br />

PAC 432 if fully quoted in S1 11 as the model for the way<br />

Koinonia. See also SBo 194; Hors. Reg. 51 and Hors. Test. 50.<br />

Theod. lnstr. 3:24 'On the importance of the theme of carrying the<br />

chomian spirituality, see Pach. lnstr. 1: 19, n. 1.<br />

Theod. Instr. 338 'The same quotation occun again below, (37<br />

'This text is quoted also in Am. Letter 28 and Hon. Test.<br />

Theod. lnstr. 399 'This text ir again applied to the resurrection fr<br />

of sin, below, 137 and in Pach. lnstr. 1: 6. See also G' 62.<br />

Or OUR bth€~<br />

th€Ob0~€<br />

ALL the rnonasmaes<br />

smut the p%sovcR<br />

(theob. Letten 1)<br />

Thead. Imtr. 350 'See above, 14, n. 1.<br />

'Cf. Hors. Test. 14: 'Let no one perish through your fault.<br />

description of Pachomius' care for the brothers, in S' 25: 'He als<br />

as well as he could, each soul individually and he strove hard so that<br />

Text: Boon,<br />

pp. 105-106<br />

did turn away from him, no one else would be better able to bring<br />

to the work of God. He acted in this way lest he lose someone he<br />

save while another person could.. . '.<br />

'Hors. Test. 17 also gives the Good Shepherd as an exa<br />

superiors; and G' 54 describes Pachomiur as the servant of<br />

Shepherd visiting the monastery day and night.<br />

T ~ C O ~ Insrr. . Z:SS '~t. 2830 is quoted, with various interpretat<br />

~lic~tions, in SBo 189, G1 135 and twice in Pard 18.<br />

se at hand is the solemnity of the Un-<br />

Bread, when it is time to celebrate the<br />

about which Moses gave this precept to<br />

coming out of Egypt: You shall eat it<br />

y. The righteous king Josiah also celehe<br />

Passover with great care in his days,<br />

The Passover<br />

hand<br />

Ex 12:1i.<br />

ZMt 5:11 is quoted also in SBo 186 (= G' 142). and there is an<br />

in ~ ach Instr. 1: 23.<br />

he same quotation occurs in Hors. Test. 41.<br />

account of his zeal has come down to us.<br />

ostle also has this to say about it: Christ,<br />

2 ch %:I-19.<br />

~heod. Instr. $34 'Note the same notion of the omnipresence of G<br />

over, has been sacrificed. In Him theresame<br />

quotation in Pach. Letter 3: 13 and Pach. Instr. 1: 25. celebrate the feast, as we have been 1 co 5:7.<br />

Theod. lmtr. 3:35 'The same quotation occurs in Hors. Test. 56.<br />

~h~od. ~nstr. 3:36 '~ach. Letter 5: 9 speaks likewise of the reward<br />

saints receive 'not according to righteous actions of their own, but a<br />

to His own mercy.'<br />

Theod. lnstr. 3:38 !The same text is quoted entirely in Hors. Test. 4<br />

tially in path. ~etter 10: 1; Hors. Reg. 11; Hors. Test.<br />

Instr. 1: 26.<br />

~heod. lmrr. 3:41 '1 Co 3:16-17 is often quoted: see Pach. Fragm. 1:<br />

t a girdle around your waist and the santhe<br />

Gospelon yourfeet, hauzng yourstaues<br />

hands with your lamps &,'so that wemay<br />

e to eat the Passover hastily. Let us go up to<br />

lem*'six days before the Passouer,t and let<br />

ctify ourselves in order to celehrate the holy<br />

Let us go up<br />

~ x J ~ ~ ~ ~ l e m<br />

LIC m35:<br />

Eph ':15.<br />

*~n 1i:55.<br />

5" 12:'.<br />

~h~od. lnstr. 3:42 'Because of the defective beginning of the text, the holiness, in pu.rity and truth, ha* got<br />

of this whole ( remains obscure.<br />

euil and wickedness.' This is the command- I co 5:8.<br />

Theod. 1mtr 3:43 CO 3:l-2 is quoted in S1 11 where Pachomius '<br />

as establishing step by step a farm of common life.<br />

Theod. Instr. 3:44 'This text of Saint Paul is applied to Pdchomius<br />

count of his death (SBO 118). See also SBO 58.<br />

e have received from the Apostle and from<br />

ther who founded the life of the Koinonia.<br />

Let us all assemble together in peace, in<br />

pliance with rules which should not he for-<br />

Let ua all<br />


Exhortation w<br />

the superiors<br />

Ps 107(106):<br />

41-49.<br />

Exhortation to<br />

all the brothers<br />

The cate~humens<br />

Our Father's<br />

preapta<br />

saken. Let no one of us desire to stay<br />

The Letters of Theodore<br />

bly except by order eet you with all the brothers<br />

4. As for us who are seen to be t<br />

let us not allow them to stay home<br />

necessity, lest the assembly of the<br />

saken by our fault and we be fo<br />

truth, and glorify God who made his fa<br />

flocks, at the sight of which the righteo<br />

the rules of our Father. Likewise, let t<br />

of the monasteries, the housemasters<br />

6. As for the catechumens6 in them<br />

who are expecting the awesome remiss1<br />

and the grace of the spiritual mystery, le<br />

taught by you that they must weep an<br />

their past sins and prepare themselves<br />

sanctification of their souls and bodies,<br />

they may bear the rece<br />

blood and body, the v<br />

some.'<br />

7. You know very well the other t<br />

have to do to prepare yourselves at tb<br />


(theob. ketten 2)<br />

The time has come' for Judah to celebrate<br />

that the Lord's ~a z:i(1:15).<br />

thirst in the desert. ~t mrr-lo.<br />

who serve me will exult with gladness, but<br />

Cf. Jn 2:15.<br />

e me.8 After this they too will say, If the jr s1:s7(ss:s5).<br />

turns back our captivity, we will be like per-<br />

en our mouth willfillitselfwith<br />

dness; as it is also writ- PS 126(125):1-2.<br />

ill not disappear from<br />


I28 Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Theodore<br />

the rock, nor the snow from Lebanon, ion because of buying and selling. Rather<br />

water will not withdraw itself, driven vio declaration you proffer be sincere in<br />

p 18:14. the wind. And again, Heaven and earth nce before God; it is the seal of sin-<br />

~t 2435;<br />

Mk 13:31:<br />

away, but my words will not pass away. en our Father in the other age will be<br />

Lk 21:33.<br />

flect on this and scrutinize it three times; witness for us, 'This is how I have com-<br />

Ps 62(61):12. belongs to God, and his is the mercy. them'. For it is written, He is our media-<br />

3. Therefore let us now also put into re God, so that we may besaved from all<br />

the commandments of our Father, as we by the truth . . . we and our seed . . . for cf. 1 Jn 2:l-2.<br />

precepts and his ordinances, which he dre<br />

from the tradition of the saints9 Let<br />

commanded us, take care of the reml Notes to the Letters of Theodore<br />

which acting as a mystery causes forgivene<br />

ification, and a healthy conscience. So 1<br />

make an effort in this way to gather in a<br />

Notes to the Fimt Letter<br />

(Theod. Letter 1)<br />

place according to the custom of all the<br />

lished [rules]," and to come to a single pl<br />

Phbow on the first of Me~ore,'~ SO that we<br />

Letter 1 'This is a very interesting combination of texts: the mention of<br />

egirdle around thewaist, thesandals and the staff comes from Ex 12: 11, but<br />

emention of the lamps comes from the parallel text of Lk 1235. Moreover,<br />

sandals mentioned in Ex 12:11 become here the 'sandals of the Gospel'<br />

lciamentir eunngelicir) under the influence of Eph 6:15. Lk 1255-37 is<br />

in this way to spendla in.. . that which i ted twice by Horsiesios: see Hors. Test 19 (Lk 1235-37) and Hors. Letter<br />

scribed to us, after you have finished '<br />

'Horsiesioa uses this text in the same manner in Hors. Letter 4: 2.<br />

of Mesore in all things, either the bu ,This text also is used by Horsiesios in Hors. Letter 4: 3. Horsieaios may have<br />

selling. In order to begin . . . the first o<br />

ad thii Letter of Theodore in front ofhim, since he writes (Hors. Letter 4: 5):<br />

et us remember our father Theodore . . . who wrote to us some [ . . . 1'.<br />

for the new year." *Pate7 noster o quo coenobianrm uita fundatn est is very similar to Hors.<br />

st. 12: Pater norter quipniu inrtituit coenobia. In both case we translate<br />

4. And so, make some effort, that n<br />

gence take place: fulfil all your customs 1<br />

usual manner. But let us take care of this<br />

word from Moses: Be watchful, do not a1<br />

hidden word to come to your heart, that is t<br />

an evil word, so that you may say: the year<br />

responds always to the Koinonia of the parallel Coptic texts, and means either<br />

thewholepachomiancongregation(aeeHalkin, pp. 11.21: 23,17; 25,9: 36.19:<br />

54,ll: 66.36: 74.1; 78,13: 81,4)oritawayoflife(seeHalkin, pp. 15,15: 17.2;<br />

77.52; 78.28). Itnevermeansacoenobiumorlocalmonastery. Thewordisabsent<br />

from Am. Letter. In Paral. it is used as in GL (see Halkin, pp. 126.20:<br />

132.10) except for one instance where it is used in the plural, and with the<br />

Dt 15:9.<br />

Dt 15:7.<br />

mission is near.15 If therefore, it is n<br />

also, Do not prevent your hand from<br />

your poor brother or to the needy,'= we will<br />

turn be told, May your buying and your<br />

. . .just before God and men." Then,<br />

meaning'the Koinonio'(HaUrin, p. 141.21). asin thePachomianalatina. The<br />

plural coenobia, in Jerome's translation, here and in Hors. Test. 12, must be<br />

considered a stylistic variant. Theodore himself uses the singular in a very<br />

similar passage that has been preserved in Coptic: ' . . . the holy and true<br />

ors. Test. 13.<br />

were a number of catechumens in the pachomianmonasteries. Each<br />

will be asked of us, we can swear without e who had been 'catechized' received baptism during the Easter<br />

that we may not incur judgement on the day o

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Theodore 131<br />

'The same attitude of 'holy fear' in the presence of the Euch<br />

pressed in Hors. Reg. 14: 'About the mystery of our salvation<br />

summoned to it, let us prepare in great fear'. On that attitude<br />

tian spirituality, see J. Quasten, 'Mysterium tremendum.<br />

Fr6mmigkeits-auffassung des viertenJahrhunderts', in Vom ch<br />

rd in missing in Coptic. 'Ruled seems the hehvious restoration.<br />

of Mesore correspond^ to the 25th ofJuly on our calendar. The<br />

ion would he 'Till the first of Merove'.<br />

latian'tospend'is conjectural, because of the lomnn. We could<br />

'to sow'. See H. Quecke, 'Ein Brief "on einem Nachfolger<br />

terium (Diisseldorf, 1951) 66-75.<br />

Notes to the Second Letter<br />

e will he less obscure if we remember that<br />

the last monthof the year by the Egyptiancalendar. According to<br />

nw of Egyptian administration, there were at the end of the year<br />

(Theod. Letter 2)<br />

,d. Letter 2 'This beginning repeats the beginning of Pachomi<br />

letter, ~hich is also a letter of convocation to the general assemb<br />

meetings, rendering of accounts, appointments to offices, etc. (See F.<br />

t, DU pochomianirche M6nchtum, pp. 523.325). Therefore in this<br />

chomius adopts the customs of his culture and his time.<br />

initial conjunction (eEe) which we have translated 'if could also<br />

brothers at the end of the year, in the month of Mesore. About that %if m 'indeed'. See H. Queckc, 'Ein Brie, p. 429.<br />

see SBo 71, n. 2 and 3. re is a clear allusion to this same teat in Hors. Test. 23.<br />

'Na 2:1(1:15) is quoted also by Horsiesios in a letter which unidentified quotation.<br />

convocation to the general assembly of the month of Mesore: see homiu is called 'mediator' also in Hon. Teat. 30. The word is ap-<br />

3: 2. .christ in 1 Tm2:5: Heh 9:15 and 12:24: and toMoresinGa3:lg-20.<br />

'We follow Quecke's translation: ' . . . damit der Teil des ehomius' role ar mediator, see F. Ruppert, Das pochomianirche<br />

seinem Volke . . . ' (H. Quecke, 'Ein Brief yon einem Nachfolger m, pp. 188-201, and H. Bacht, Das Vermiichtnir des Ursprungs,<br />

p. 432). De Vogiie's translation is also possible: ' . . . la porti<br />

hetitage isra@l'. The exact meaning of the Coptic sentence re the same teat, applying it to Theodore ~ h o<br />

tain, because of the absence of a conjunction before 'his sh n ambassador for us in the presence of a ad<br />

Qnecke. loc cil., p. 429.<br />

'Dt 323 is quoted also in Hors. Test. 48. ever' or 'till the end'.<br />

'The same text is quoted in a slightly abbreviated form in<br />

where Horsiesios threatens damnation to those whoviolate the<br />

ciation of personal material ossessions.<br />

'The expression ia ouoe$ nim could also be translated h<br />

time' or 'at a certain time'. There is in this Letter a particular<br />

preposition :a. Its normal meaning, which is 'till' does not seems<br />

here. H. Quecke ('Ein Brief "on. . . ', p. 428, with note 6) sugges<br />

meaning could he 'at'. See also H. Quecke, 'Eine Handvoll pach<br />

Texte: pp. 223-224.<br />

'Jn 2:15 is also quoted by Horsiesios in an appeal to personal<br />

Hors. Test. 28.<br />

'Hors. Test. 37 uses this text to give the brothers confidence<br />

mercy.<br />

*Path. Letter 7: 1 also refers to 'custom' and to 'the early prea<br />

LDA~~ording to the few mentions of it found in the Lives (see SBo<br />

2 and 3; SBo 144, note 3). the general assembly of the month of Mes<br />

purely administrative character. In La liturgie, pp. 366-370,<br />

understood the Coptic word oudt in the materialsenseof render'<br />

and we considered the mention of remission of sins that we find '<br />

and Pr. 27 as well as in the title of Pach. Letter 7, as Jerome's a<br />

the use of oudt in the present context obliges us to admit tha<br />

some period in the evolution of pachomian practicespa form off<br />

of sins was an important part of the assembly ofMesore. Further in t<br />

the word otrdt appears in a quotation of Dt 15:9, where it correspon<br />

Greek hlpaotg (= Latin remirsio). See H. Quecke, 'Eia Handv<br />

224-225: A, de Vogiie, 'EpItres inedites d'Horsi&e et de Theodore'.<br />

n. 14.

(theob. f~hcjrn.)<br />

to wish your souls to be pure and so to<br />

rs of yourselves as not to speak evil of<br />

that your efforts be sound before God,<br />

Lord knows that this is an abomination<br />

God: thus, he quickly withdraws from<br />

effort of his mouth.'<br />

uly, if a man guards his mouth* and ac-<br />

s humility, the angels will be his friends here<br />

; his soul will be a perfume poured-out; the<br />

will carry his remembrance before God<br />

night, whether he is a monk or a secular.<br />

many a man in the world is watchful on<br />

t. As for me, I know many who have ac-<br />

a great humility and have watched them-<br />

t to speak evil of anyone; on the con-<br />

nderestimate themselves constantly<br />

raise the others, saying, 'It is within the<br />

of God that we should find a little place in<br />

Apa Theodore, the archimandrite<br />

Teat: CSCO 159<br />

pp. 60-62<br />

Speak evil<br />

of no one<br />

cf. jm 4:n<br />

Cf. Ps 101(100):5.<br />

Guard one's<br />

mouth with<br />

humility<br />

Tf. Qo 5:l;<br />

Jm l:26.

134 Pachomian Koinonia ZIZ<br />

From the same<br />

Be aware of 3. Yes, truly, if a man knew of ev<br />

God's gifts thing that is hidden from him, he would<br />

so much as two words nntil evening, but<br />

make himself blind, deaf, and dumh<br />

Listen again to this wise observation:<br />

wise man, one who really fears God, sees<br />

(~ORS. I~s~R.)<br />

man, or a lame or dumb man, or one poss Instruction One Text: CSCO<br />

a demon, will his heart not react, at least i<br />

sensible man? 'Who am I, that God shou RUCTION OF OUR HOLY FATHER APA<br />

pp. 66-70<br />

left me my body in a good state of health<br />


these men not have produced many t<br />


Lave your 4. The precept Love your neighbor<br />

neighbor and<br />

hold your tongue<br />

'LV 19:18:<br />

~t 1919<br />

.Lv 19:18;<br />

Mt 19:19.<br />

1J, 1:W<br />

Cf. 1 P 3:lo.<br />

kf. Nb 10:33.<br />

Example of a<br />

loving,<br />

brother<br />

Cf. Mt 5:15.<br />

The vest ix<br />

mising<br />

self'x surpasses all the commandments,<br />

owe it to the Lord to fulfill it. Truly, th<br />

commandments, Love your neighbor as yo<br />

and Hold you7 tongue+ will march with h<br />

the head of your people,: until [your<br />

reach the kingdom of God, monks as well<br />

lars.<br />

5. As for me, I know someone in the<br />

nity who has never said an evil word agal<br />

one; on the contrary, he loves every one<br />

does] his own body. Whenwer a thought<br />

imposed upon his mind by men, he say<br />

weighs all things; it is he who will sunder m<br />

from my body at any time'. Now, therefo<br />

must quietly at every moment place the 1<br />

his soul upon the lamp-stand. . . .<br />

od invites us by [the mouth of] the holy<br />

, Come, my sons, listen to me; Z<br />

ruct you in the fear of the Lord. Let us PS s4(ss):n<br />

y brothers, fix our attention on God's love<br />

et us hasten to love him, not by word of<br />

merely, but in word and deed. It is said 1 jn 3:~s.<br />

y, He who wzjhes to love life and see beautis,<br />

let him keep his tongue and lips from<br />

order to avoid deceitful conversations; let<br />

andfarfrom evil andpractise what is nght;<br />

seek peace and pursue it, for the eyes of<br />

rd are turned toward the righteous, and his<br />

e inclined to their prayers.<br />

Ps 34(33):12<br />

Of what life is he speaking, my beloved?<br />

are the beautiful days, if not the life that<br />

ndure eternally in heaven and the days of rein<br />

the rest to come; As are the days of the<br />

Noter to the Fmgmentr from Theodore so will be the days of the people, ac- 1s 65:~~.<br />

,For lack of itr beginning, this 1 is as obscure in Coptic as it is in our tr<br />

'we find the same quotation in SBO 48 (= G1 53); G1 38 and Pard. 3<br />

the voice of the great Isaiah. Surely<br />

11 a seventh-day rest for God's people;<br />

e who has entered into his place of repose<br />

he too, rested from his labors, just as God<br />


136<br />

Heb 4:9-11<br />

Cf. 2 Co 214-15.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 7:29.<br />

Cf. Ps 27(26):13.<br />

A section ii<br />

missing here<br />

Pachomian Koinonia ZZZ The Instructions of Horsiesios<br />

rested from His.' Let us also, brothers, e care of our souls with all diligence, for<br />

enter into this place of rest. With good s asked . . . the other helps<br />

us wage every battle, and let us n<br />

mon to make us strangers to the ki<br />

by deeds that are incompatible wi<br />

Christianity and especially those in no<br />

formable to our holy habit. Indeed, theli ious than [our soul's] salvation. Let us<br />

holy fathers is an angelic life, perfu<br />

whole world.2 We must therefore allow<br />

tomb and a prey to worms, and while<br />

an object of concern, is not dissolved<br />

to come; a pleasure quickly-spent must<br />

us strangers to the great blessings of the<br />

shameless age rejoice with us, [and] let<br />

joice with the shameless age',8<br />

injunction of our holy Father, apa P<br />

who says, indeed. . . .<br />

to us, 'Did Eve of old gain anything for<br />

3. . . . throwing them in the hole of id, Zt is the serpent that deceived me'?<br />

each one being thrown to the p<br />

deserved according to his evil deeds, over our little soul; no doubt it will be<br />

righteous are received in the enjoyment<br />

d will find a bit of rest. . . .<br />

fort of good things, in the mea<br />

toil. This being so, what should we do? he doctrine? Where are purity and hulow<br />

a spring of tears to flow every day,<br />

night. Let us, too, say with the weepingJ<br />

the great prophet, 'Who will giue some<br />

and my mother's instructions? Where<br />

my head, and a spring of tears to my rs, to put them as a crown<br />

would weep for my sins day and night.'<br />

the faithful, the righteous<br />

first of all confess our sins before this . . . them come and spit in my<br />

full of terror and trembling tears. Le not followed their teachings.<br />

the goodness and mercy of our hets and apostles? Let them<br />

e with shame, because I have<br />

eyed their words of life, till I am upon the<br />

A section is<br />

mirsing<br />

Pr 1:s.<br />

Pr 1:9<br />

Cf. Dt 25:9.

138 Pachomian Koinonia ~h~ ~nstructions ofHorsiesios 139<br />

cf. PI 17:ll. final day and given over to the pitil Instncction Two Text: csco 159,<br />

cr. PS 55(54):4. to death's terror. Oh, that there we<br />

now1 Oh, that I may do penance ev<br />

of shedding my blood1<br />

6. Where is my body, this body<br />

ithful Abraham, Do my will<br />

cf. 1 Co 3:9. be without sin, and Iwill make a cove-<br />

dered it sterile. I have heaped up in<br />

ties and sins for which I shall be del<br />

punishments. Woe to me, for I have<br />

us, my brothers, if we accomplish God's<br />

now delivered to tribulations, sorrow<br />

ment in hunger and thirst1<br />

7. I assure you, whoever lives, ma 2 pages ore<br />

great or small, rich or poor, if we a eep the foundation of the faith of all the m'sing<br />

and fail to repent, we shall suffer all Cf. Heb 11:4.<br />

ones than these. We shall weep miser<br />

one will listen to us. Therefore, let us<br />

implore our Lord and God, Jesus Chr~s<br />

Instruction Three Text: CSCO 159,<br />

p. 70-71<br />

night, while we are in this pla<br />

ceit, crying out and saying, Have me<br />



WHICH<br />

The Holy Spirit said in an exhortation, My<br />

correction for the future, teach us a w<br />

pleasing to you, grant we may<br />

sire of your heart1 We shall fi<br />

when we present ourselves to you. For you<br />

pity, mercy and glory, which belong to the<br />

and Holy Spirit from the beginning unto et<br />

Amen.<br />

In what sense does he refer to granaries and<br />

NO doubt he speaks of the granaries and<br />

of the soul, those that the farmers of righ-<br />

Pr 3:9-10.<br />

eat, accepted as the price of the fruits<br />

e holy Apostle will indeed persuade us

Cf. Dt 22:9.<br />

Tf. Qo 25.<br />

A fern wordr<br />

ore rnissifl~<br />

Ba 4:4.<br />

Dt 33:29.<br />

Cf. Pr 6:20.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

God's farm. For us, too, it is a matter o<br />

take care of the vineyard of ours<br />

the good pleasure of God, not pla<br />

verse plants, that is to say, not a<br />

mixed with the good that is in us. Rath<br />

much as we are part of the true vine, Ch<br />

The Imtructiom of Horsiesios<br />

love and of their holy manner of life' in<br />

that we too may walk with great joy by<br />

Instruction Four<br />

according to the voice of our Saviour<br />

clares, I am the true vine, and my Fat<br />


farmer. And again, Solomon has a vineyar<br />

place called Baal-hamon. '<br />


wine with the fragrance of Chri~t,~ than<br />

ng as your hand has the means of doing so.<br />

teachings of our blesse<br />

se words the Holy<br />

es us not to put things off<br />

are springs of the water of life watering the'<br />

to day, but to do to our soul all the<br />

plantation,* that is to s<br />

is possible, so as to adorn it with every<br />

ing the vineyard of our souls<br />

ue worthy of heaven, so as to clothe it with<br />

worthy of heaven and sayings that<br />

sweetness. For, they leap on the mo<br />

ccording to this agreeable<br />

trample in the valleys, tha<br />

the prophets. And to us als<br />

ride, put on it a diadem as<br />

run; do as the gazelle and the young sta<br />

a bridegroom, and we too, say, by the voice<br />

are on the perfumed mountains.<br />

exult with holy Isaiah,<br />

4. Happy are we also to have a share he Lord, for he has clothed<br />

grace of our holy fathers, according to the<br />

of salvation' and a cloak ofjo3r;P<br />

voice of Baruch, Blessed are we, Israel, for<br />

ir pleasing to God has been reuea<br />

h ornaments like those of<br />

again, Happy are you, Israel! What other<br />

can compare with you and is saued by the<br />

y brothers, it is a great hap-<br />

As for us, my brothers, let us abide by th<br />

the blessing of our fathers. Now,<br />

ing of our fathers. Let us not forsake i<br />

two types of want: the one of the<br />

keep it all our lives. Let us follow<br />

of the soul. If it is a lack of piety<br />

Text: CSCO<br />

pp. ?:<br />

Is 61:lO.<br />

Cf. 1P 3:9.

Text: CSCO 159<br />

pp. 73-74<br />

Cf. 2 Ch 3.3.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

to neglect those who are in want of<br />

ing are necessities of the body, b<br />

quires spiritual nourishment and<br />

ment, that is to say, purity, the pride o<br />

gels, which each person must provide for<br />

Indeed, the Spirit of truth did not only<br />

visible want, but also of that of the sou<br />

must not be overlooked. On the contraly,<br />

person be more zealous to gather<br />

itnal nourishment and spiritual clothing<br />

abides by the recommendation of<br />

God shall say with an exulting voic<br />

will giue its fruit; our God, bless us; bles<br />

God. And then we shall say with con<br />

struggles will hear this sweet voice<br />

the Lord, Well done, excellent and fait<br />

uant, since you have been faithful in<br />

thing, I will establish you over much; e<br />

your master's happine~s.~<br />

The Instructions of Horsiesios<br />

e house together with pieces of<br />

ration of the finishing of the house. Thus<br />

e Spirit of God, signifying to all of us that<br />

ne must build up the house of his soul with<br />

ration that is not earthly, but with one that<br />

was giuen wine mixed [with<br />

stroy him who hadpower overdeath that<br />

Instruction Fiue Instruction Szjc<br />


drew from Adam. . . ; he who<br />

SO that . . . the hope of the<br />

HORSIESIOS. SUNDAY EVENING. 1. ' . . . in your heart.' If the sun, the moon<br />

ample and solid foundation. For this is<br />

man, when he has decided to build a<br />

home for himself, begins, by preparing al<br />

think about you, who are the creator,<br />

xist, how you are in reality? Or what<br />

outh will be able to bless you as you are blessed)'<br />

Cf. Dt 275.<br />

A few word3<br />

are missing<br />

*Cf. 1 P 1:19.<br />

About 15 liner<br />

are mkkg here<br />

+~ol 2:14.<br />

Ga 534.<br />

MI 2734<br />

Heb 2:9.<br />

Heb 214.<br />

Cf. Rm 6:4.<br />

The rest ic<br />

mining<br />

Text: CSCO 159,<br />

pp. 74, 22-75,30<br />

The beginning<br />

G mlrring

Lk 6:lZ.<br />

Heb 11:27.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

2. When you have thought about all t<br />

marvels and about the great things which<br />

created by his word2 and, on the other<br />

about your littleness-for he c<br />

you did not exist, he the Almi<br />

that you might be and if he had not<br />

then even your remembrance would no<br />

ing, 'May you be blessed, Lord, who fash<br />

me from earth when I did not<br />

the godless thought that th<br />

thrust into your heart has completely van'<br />

from it; and you will bless the Lord in this<br />

promptly and joyously. Don<br />

ever these impure thoughts cross your mind;<br />

the devil, who tries you, will quit and say, 'I<br />

portune him with these evil thoughts in orde<br />

punish, him, and behold, he progress<br />

blessing God instead of cursing him.' This<br />

way in which the adversary has been<br />

ingness into existence.<br />

night, act according to your strength. We are<br />

unmindful of what is written about the Lord,<br />

spent the night

Pachomian Koinonia III The Imt~uctiom of Horsiesios<br />

and say, 'You are thereby teaching me en-<br />

No, indeed; hut on the contrary, be at<br />

weep over your little children who<br />

ered their virginity and over you<br />

watch until you have found<br />

nt, then you give him what is<br />

your great men, one<br />

'n an inner hem of your garment, so<br />

your habit: but beho<br />

startling death because of the beauty oft<br />

them1<br />

Iso and his Christ will pour out their<br />

s for you to go this way and<br />

is no shame in your<br />

u ashamed and afraid to<br />

3. 0 man, move away from those littl 0 evil friendship1 0 gall without sweetness1<br />

rable illness1 I mean him who loves someler<br />

than himself. 0 what a father- the one<br />

yond. All perversity, all evil, all sin, all sha endures someone telling him, 'This is my<br />

ness, all blindness are the lot of him who se ' and plays with his own death1 I mean him<br />

littler than himself. On the other hand, ishes to deflower his virginity. 0 what a<br />

thing true, everythingfitting, everything I- the one who does not come to the aid of<br />

~ighteow, every blessing, every whom he says, 'This is my brother', when<br />

in the Spirit, all charity and every merc way to the feet of death,<br />

whole will of God and Jesus, Son of God ach him, but laughs and<br />

these be upon the head of him who moves t shall I say or what shall<br />

from the one who hankers after him. o this pestilentiai love? I<br />

4. 0 evil friendship, detested by God a those who yesterday were proud and were<br />

angels1 0 wicked laughter, whose taste is th cting others, and who presently are stiffgall1<br />

0 cursed may you be, friendship of wh~ ike sheep in this most wicked scab. Or shall<br />

speak and which will be pursued by the wrat ak of those who are not yet deformed by this<br />

Godl 0 evil friendship, whose laughter has ed scab and this itch?<br />

the ruin not only of great ones, priests, supe Perhaps you think, my brothers, that the<br />

of men, superiors of women,<br />

is easy. Let him who igtheir<br />

brilliant habit and the word of their m<br />

5. I adjure you before God, my brother,<br />

away from evil friendship. But perhaps yo<br />

this plight realize that it is the plight of hell<br />


Cf. Q07:ll.<br />

A whole section<br />

ti missing<br />

Cf. Lm 3:Z.<br />

Cf. Jn H:11<br />

Cf. Lrn 4:5<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

their shameless carriage, the changing<br />

their evil eyes, the lustre of their face, t<br />

of their feet, their customary glutton<br />

contrary, pay no attention to their<br />

0 brother, remember that this dec<br />

will pass and perish in the ground: as<br />

great affliction will befall you because y<br />

tasted that honey whose bitterness is grea<br />

anything.<br />

8. Let us think, my brothers of the tim<br />

rapidly passing us by. Let us not squand<br />

these deceptive pleasures. Let us on the c<br />

recall our fathers, who were steadfast throu<br />

their existence without yielding to these e<br />

sures. Let us think, my brothers, that in a<br />

judgement will he passed. If, on the one<br />

man dies in youth, I believe he will note<br />

following reproach, 'If at such an<br />

lived in these sins, what would your ahomi<br />

have been had you lived a long time?' An<br />

other hand, if we die in old age withou<br />

renounced sin, the following reproach<br />

made to us, 'After such a long time you<br />

renounced sinl' What shame will he ou<br />

have not renounced sin, this pestilential an<br />

spicahle affection. . . .<br />

9. . . . know that you have gone astray I<br />

humanity. Do not then impute your stra<br />

him who invites you to life; do not imp<br />

negligence to him who leads you to the lig<br />

who awakens you from slumber; do not im<br />

him your negligence; to him who scolds<br />

not impute your own fall. Him who pul<br />

out of the dung hole, do not stick in the<br />

The Instructzons of Horszeszos<br />

ourself. By making him like yourself, you<br />

over him your own rotten friendship. Rathen<br />

to me. I will create hostility and a harriyour<br />

friendship and his.<br />

e from the circle of your friendship go<br />

ith a made-up face: they wear a bandeau<br />

nd their face: they put this black thing over<br />

eyes under pretext of illness; they have numless<br />

rings attached to their handkerchief, and<br />

their belt, fringes that flap behind them, like<br />

es frisking about in an enclosure. Often they<br />

he quite naked without necessity;" they wear<br />

ftshoes on their feet-she went out takingpride<br />

he deszies of hersoul- they mince along in the<br />

mhly; they accost their friend with a boisterlaugh,<br />

like the noise of thorny twigs cracking<br />

er a cooking pot.% They build themselves alves;<br />

they adopt the customs of the crows and<br />

ures out in the world, making themselves<br />

mparahle to them in their food: dead meat and<br />

ten venison. They fill their alcoves with every<br />

of transgression. The word of the prophet<br />

11 he realized in them, Death has climbed at<br />

UT alcoues. At times also, the word is spread<br />

at the superior will come to inspect the alcoves<br />

on which are found Israel's abominations; they<br />

in disorder to take them away from the ales<br />

and bury them in the ground or throw them<br />

ewhere, and they invite men to enter and ree<br />

homage. Who will rejoice at this moment?<br />

se who live a life of renunciation. Who will<br />

hat him? Those who will he seized with fear<br />

se of the transgressions he has committed or<br />

scovered to be his doing. Who [will he]<br />

mong those who are laughing at you? Those who<br />

Cf. Qo 7:6(7)<br />

Cf. Zp 2:14.<br />

Cf. Ez 8:9.<br />

Jr 9520.<br />

Cf. Ez 8:l-18.<br />

Cf. Is 2:lO.

150<br />

Cf. Phm 8.<br />

Heb 12:14.<br />

p q ,<br />

Pr 15.<br />

JT 9:7.<br />

Cf. Is 64:5.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

keep the precepts of their fathers, who a<br />

together in the faith and who walk, b<br />

the confidence of Christ.<br />

11. Such, then, is the nature of<br />

ship. Now learn what the<br />

heaven is like. First of all<br />

The Instructions ofHorsiesios<br />

07 like him who awakens someone asleep at<br />

in deepslumber. Watch out that you be not si 229.<br />

Notes to the Instnrctiom of Horsierios<br />

The rest ir<br />

mising<br />

to men who control their belly, who mtr. 1 'Heb. 4:10 is partly quoted also in Theod. Instr. 3:6.<br />

PCf. S' 25 where Pachomius is said to offer the brothers to the Lord a<br />

knowledge, who have learned prudenc<br />

~~crifices, the fragrance of which God smells: and Theod. Inm. 3: 5 where the<br />

perfect, who are lovable, who are brothers are called to be a sweet odor for thore from outside.<br />

attentively, who are firm i<br />

nonia, who seek peace an<br />

one, who do not rejoice over anyo<br />

not alienate anyone's feelings towards<br />

panions, and who do not temporize in<br />

avoid the trials of tribu<br />

doing what is agreeable to God.<br />

12. And now, negligent man, retu<br />

depths of the divinity, walk in t<br />

walk in these; shackle ourself with the b<br />

life, that your soul may retur<br />

hating the righteous and arou 'Ba 4:l-5 is largely used by Honicsios. It is fully quoted in Hon. Test. 50;<br />

43.4-5 is quoted both in Hors. Letter 3: 2 and 4: 2; and Ba 4:4 in Hors.<br />

the respectable people from wh ~tr. 3. Note that Ba 43 u also quoted in Pad. 39.<br />

separated by these words, There is no<br />

"manner of life': tivaorpotpf,; this word is used only once in GI (7106,<br />

Halkin, p. 69, 27). In Coptic politeia is more currently rwed.<br />

the assembly of the righteous. If youlearn<br />

ble speech, you will he courteous to your rs. Instr. 4 "Garment of salvation': Horsiesior quotes the same text in a slightly<br />

different version in Hors. Test. 27: 'iutitiae uestimentum'.<br />

ers; if you reject the rudeness of your dis<br />

'Is 61:10 is quoted also in Hon. Test. 48.<br />

ence, those in charge of you will be please<br />

'The same vene is quoted by Pachomius in Am. ~ ette~ 14.<br />

'Thesame text is used again by Honiesios in the samemannerinHors. Test.<br />

you. Stop striking [your brothers with the<br />

14: it is quoted about Pachomius in SBo 114.<br />

of your] tongue; turn away from you the<br />

said in Jeremiah, Their tongue is a dar<br />

wounds, the words of the<br />

Whenever you are negligent, y<br />

because you lack direction.<br />

13. And now, renounce sin. Pe<br />

structing you, we are like him wh

Pachomian Koinonia IZI<br />

;. IN^^. 7 1The attribution of this text to Honiesiosis doubtful: see 1<br />

tian.<br />

5ame quotation in S' 2.<br />

z ~ ~ ~ his h word a ~ is ~ never ~ wed : a title for a superia<br />

mian source, if we except the three instances in the present 1<br />

the title is common in Schenoute's wiitings. See F. Ruppert<br />

onirche Menchtum, pp. 288-290. L~EERS or ho~s~es~os<br />

+Cf. Pr. 92.<br />

aQo 7:6(7) is quoted also in Am. Letter 2%<br />

s ~ 12:14 ~ is b quoted by Hors. in Hers. Letter 3: 4 and twice by Pac<br />

in Pach. Instr. 1: 36.<br />

(~ORS. k ~ )<br />

Letter One Text: CSCO 159.<br />

pp. 63-65<br />

The beginning<br />

ir missing<br />

. . . [Man did not come from woman; no, womenof<br />

an came from] man; for man was not cre- the Bible<br />

for the sake of woman, but woman for the<br />

of man. Solomon likewise said, Many 1 co11:8-9.<br />

en haue acquired riches, many have done<br />

iable things, like Judith who in her wisdom pr s1:29(z9:47).<br />

away the head of Holofernes: and also Su- ~dt 1s:s-lo.<br />

ho for God's sake killed the desire of her<br />

t and repulsed the elders.' Again, Solomon Dn IS:]-2s.<br />

, But you have surpassed them all. Indeed, pr 31:29(29:47).<br />

gave Solomon a wisdom and understanding<br />

bundant as the sand that lies on the seashores. 1 K 5:9(4:29).<br />

ain, he said, He who rejects an excellent womrejects<br />

good things. And again, Good things pr 18:22.<br />

befall the nghteow. And again, Because of pr IS:ZI.<br />

rsinshehas.. .. 12 lines ore<br />

mining<br />

2. . . . to the Lord, indeed, she has said this. Thepious<br />

d again, ifit is a dkgrace for a woman to have r:ps<br />

hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a<br />

for Solomon said, For all those who are with 1 co n:6.<br />

e covered. And again, Thepiow woman will pr 31:21(29:39).<br />

ised. And again, Wisdom is praised in the PI 31:30(29:48).<br />

eets, she speaks boldly in the publicsquares, she<br />


I54 Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Letters of Horsiesios 155<br />

is preached at the comers of the w life in the good land. And again, He EX eo:12.<br />

PI 1:20-21. with confidence at the city gates. And a ill of his father and mother shall die. EX 21:15.<br />

fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; The eye that moch his father, and<br />

Pr 1:7. is a good thing for him who will pract ns the old age of his mother shall be<br />

again, The fear of the Lord worh for life the raven in the valleys and eaten<br />

as he who has no fear will dwell in plac Pr 50:17(24:52).<br />

pr 19:25(20). eternity will not visit him. all honor yourfather and To carry Christ's<br />

TO live accord- 3. Let no one say, Ishall walk accordr Son of God has come and 'I-<br />

ing t~ God'$<br />

* ~ 29:18. t<br />

desire of my heart, and purity will be min<br />

curses which Moses pronounced against<br />

, He who comes to me without hating his<br />

brothers, wife, children and his<br />

*EX 20:12.<br />

~t 27315-26. man are too numerous to be quoted, bu ul, who does not carry his cross and come<br />

who said that his will lay in [God's] corn e, cannot be my disciple. And Paul said, I ~k 1426-27.<br />

'cf. Ps 12:<br />

Ps n9(n8):<br />

47-48.<br />

bn 9:2%<br />

10:11,19.<br />

*IS 6234.<br />

~m 12:2.<br />

cr. IS 62.4. ?<br />

merits.* Again, Daniel, A man worthy<br />

1oved.t~ Again, You shall be called illy D<br />

and your land, 'The inhabited:: Paul<br />

that you may know the will of God, which<br />

agreeable to him and perfect, so that you<br />

for me a land that I love. And again,<br />

made the families likeflocks, so that th<br />

y, I swear to it by the pde I take in you;<br />

y learn that man dies daily, but<br />

r in order to show that he spoke of the Cross<br />

Son of God. And again, According to the<br />

ant I made with you at the time ofyour esoom<br />

the land of Egypt, my Spirit stood among<br />

take courage, for once again I will shake the<br />

I co l5:sl.<br />

PS 107(106):<br />

41-42,<br />

are nghteow may see and rejoice and all<br />

ness mwt hold its tongue.'<br />

en and the earth, the sea and the d7y land,<br />

I will shake all the nations; all the treasures of<br />

TO do God's 4. The Gospel says again, T nations shallflow in and fill my home with<br />

whole .rill fvinges one of these lesser command e gold, mine the silver! says the<br />

called the least in the kingdom of ty; and I will pire peace in this<br />

whereas the man who keeps them and auingpeace to all who will<br />

Mr 5:19.<br />

them to men will be called great in the kz<br />

of the heavens; for it is said, He<br />

r the erection of this temple.5<br />

d again, Those who work at the temples get-<br />

H~ 2:4-g.<br />

Pr 15:SS. commandment is safe; he who keeps t i food from the temple.6 1 co 9:lS.<br />

Qo 8:5. mandment will not know an evil wo . It is said again in the Gospel according to Resurrection<br />

again, He who keeps the commandment k, Destroy this temple made by hands, and I<br />

Pr 19:16. soul;' the commandment of the erect in this place a temple not made by<br />

PS 19(18):9. that enlightens the eyes ofthe little ones; the ds.'John also said, Destroy this temple and I ~k 14:58.<br />

Pr 635. commandment is a lamp. Moses too said, ree days. The ignorant Jews jn z:19.<br />

shall honor your father and your moth to him, It has taken forty-stjc years to build<br />

good things may befall you, and that temple, how could you raise it up in three

156 Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters ofHorsiesios<br />

days? They did not realize that he was ; he will crwh all the chieftains ofMoab<br />

~n 2:20-21. them of the temple of his own body.<br />

May we understand what is written<br />

one of us; The end of the discourse, list<br />

11 the sons of Sheth2 for Paul has said, The<br />

who acts in us is God. And again, It is Iwho<br />

llos who waters, but God who gives the<br />

~b z4:17.<br />

~h PIS.<br />

it; fear God, keep his commandm ; thw it is not the work of him who sows<br />

will came euey creature to appear o waters, but the work of God who gives the<br />

Q. 12:13.14.<br />

order tojudge itfor every act in which it<br />

forget@, eitherforgood orfor evil.*I<br />

ease: And again, You want to put Chnit to<br />

test, who speaks within me. David also said,<br />

1 co $:6-7.<br />

e co 13:s.<br />

you, and pray that you may be safe in e harbors ofthe rivershall be thejoy ofthe city<br />

God; the Most High has purified his dwelling;<br />

is within her and [shell shall not be shaken. PS 46(45):4-5.<br />

Text: CSCO 159<br />

pp. 65-66<br />

Letter Two<br />




again, There is a harbor of nghteowness for<br />

sum total of the efforts of OUT fathers. And<br />

, Draw water with pleasure at the springs of<br />

m ion. The prophet says again, The mountains<br />

whforth sweetness, the hills milk, and all the<br />

cf. Jr 50:7(27:7).<br />

IS 12:s.<br />

First of all, I greet your piety and d<br />

which are perfect in every good<br />

when I remember your filial attitude<br />

ofJudah water; there is one spkg. . . . p4:ls.<br />

The rest ir<br />

mlrsing<br />

fraternal love, I am filled with joy. I ha Letter Three<br />

pr io:~; i5:zo.<br />

is my duty towrite and greet your wisd<br />

is written, A wise son is his father)<br />

again, Give the wise man an occasion and<br />

to the brothers . . . Theodore . . . to-<br />

. . . father Theodore sick. . . . We have<br />

A<br />

fulnem<br />

n, watch-<br />

Pr 9:9.<br />

become wiser; teach the righteous ma<br />

will bwy himelfto learn even more. An<br />

wn the thing that he . . . to you. . . . Cone<br />

one another.. . one another.. . . We beg<br />

p. 119(118):165.<br />

Great peace to those who love your name,<br />

stumbling blockfor them.÷ For it is said, I<br />

in the name ofChrist to be reconciled to God.<br />

ne another and may no disorder take place<br />

cf. I ~h 5:11;<br />

"O 5:20.<br />

who builds up Jerusalem; he bnngs back<br />

exi1es;S he heals all their ills, dresses a<br />

wounds, counts all the myriad stars, an<br />

isorder. What has happened is, in fact, not<br />

. . . as David [said] . . . all the earth.' Now<br />

ther . . . nets [?] and of. . . I will give you<br />

cf. I K 22.<br />

ps 147(146):2-4. each of them a name. And again, When those who stand upright. It is difficult to<br />

ioned the stars all the angels blessed me a faithful man who walks saintly in righ-<br />

~b 38:7. loud voice. And again, The stars 70s ness. And, A nghteow father gives good pr20:6-7.<br />

~g 5:Zo. heaven and fought with the Sisara. And a .P Now then, may your loins be girded, your pr zs:n4.<br />

star will appear inJacob, and a man will ar s lit, and may you be like servants waiting

1 Co 7:22.<br />

Invitation m<br />

the feast<br />

*Na 2:1(1:15)<br />

Na 2:1(1:15 ):<br />

Is 5231: Cf.<br />

Ac 10:4: 11:8.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Letters of Horsiesios<br />

for their master to returnfrom the wedd<br />

as it is written in the Gospel, In the mid<br />

night there was a cy: the bridegroom has<br />

Five wise virgins who were ready entered<br />

bridegroom; those who were not read<br />

behind the] door,*' so that we too m<br />

for the Apostle has [said], Lest they come<br />

and Ifind you not ready:Z6 hut [let us ta<br />

to he ready, for David has said, God, my<br />

ready, my heart is ready. You were called<br />

erty; yet let not OUT liberty, my brothers, be<br />

an occasionfor theflesh; but by the love<br />

spin? beservants of one another,'for the w<br />

the law isfulflled in a single word, in th<br />

love your neighbor as yourself For he has s<br />

do not seek my own advantage, but that of o<br />

For, a slave, when called in the Lord, is<br />

man ofthe Lord. Similarly, afreeman, whe<br />

called, is a slave of Christ.<br />

2. . . . [the prophet] has said, [celehra<br />

greatfeast, Judah, and [carry out] your<br />

for no one defiled or impure will begin to<br />

through you again. And. . . that our fa<br />

said, he who is Apa, since we know . . . c<br />

with him, as Moses says in Leviticus, My cow<br />

Jacob, my covenant Isaac, my covenant A<br />

ham. And let us remember also what our f<br />

has ordered us not to change, hut more and<br />

we write to you to comfort one another, fo<br />

hones sustain the flesh, for he said, All my<br />

will say, God, who can be your equal?'<br />

again, The good fame rejoices the bones.<br />

written again in Baruch, Walk in the pe<br />

. Take courage, therefore, people of God,<br />

remembers Ismel." And let us rememher<br />

d of the prophet, The covenant I made at<br />

e of your exodwfrom the land of Egypt.<br />

spirit stood among you. Take courage, for<br />

again I will shake the heaven and the earth,<br />

a and dry land, and I will shake all the naall<br />

the treas~res'~ of the nations shallflow<br />

fill my house with glory. Mine is the gold,<br />

e he silver, says the Lord, the Almighty.<br />

ce thefinal glory ofthe hove will be greater<br />

an thefirst, says the Lord Almighty. I willgive<br />

ace in this place, I will giue peace of soulfor<br />

tion to whoever work, to whoever assembles<br />

ect this temple." As the Apostle says, Those<br />

work at the temples get theirfoodfrom the<br />

ples; those serving at the altar receiue their<br />

ion from the altar." So that we may know<br />

emple of which he has said, Destroy this<br />

le made by hands; I will erect in thzjplace a<br />

le that is not made by hands;'5 and, After he<br />

aised from the dead, his disciples remem.<br />

red that he was speaking ofthe temple of his<br />

ody.I6 The temple of God is holy, and you are<br />

hat temple; let no one be deceived." But boiling<br />

spirit, being servants ofthe Lord, zealow witht<br />

hesitation, sharing with the saints in their<br />

edc, persevering in prayer, bless those who perute<br />

you, bless and do not curse them. Rejoice<br />

hose who rejoice, weep with those who weep.<br />

single thought towards one another,<br />

toward haughty things, but walking<br />

18<br />

wisdom in theface ofits light. Blessed are<br />

rael, for what is pleasing to God has been revea<br />

they had crossed the Red Sea,<br />

arahlS and could not drink the<br />

Rm 12:Il-16.<br />

Symbolism of<br />

the wmd

160<br />

Ex 15:23-25.<br />

2 K 6:4-6.<br />

Ps 96(95):10.<br />

Qo n:3.<br />

Confidence<br />

in God<br />

Eph 1:13.<br />

3 liner aye<br />

miwing<br />

Web 12:14.<br />

Web 10:35.<br />

Ct Heb 10:19.<br />

Heb 4:16.<br />

To comfort<br />

each other<br />

*I Th 5:14.<br />

1 Co 55.<br />

Jn 1335.<br />

Greetings<br />

Wf. 2 Co 13:7-9<br />

kf. Rm 16:24:<br />

Ga 6:18;<br />

Ph 423; etc<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters of Horsiesios<br />

water of Marah, for it was bitter. But th Letter Four<br />

pointed out some wood to Moses; he th<br />

the water and the water became sweet Persevering in prayer, as it is written,<br />

people drank. Likewise others cut wood with the saints in their needs, bless those<br />

bank of theJordan and apiece of iron fell secute you, hesaid, bless them and do not<br />

river, and the man of God took the piece . Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep<br />

and threw it into the water, and the piece h those who weep. Think a single thought one<br />

floated. Likewise David said, Say among t rds another, not looking toward haughty<br />

tions, the Lord has reigned by the wood. , but walking with the humble.'<br />

er the wood falls to the south or to the Fulfilling also what is written, Before the<br />

where the wood falls, there it will lie. Ag ver a crowd went up to Jerusalem to purify<br />

the blood of the wood I will be purified.P let us also be in purity at our meet-<br />

4. Because of this, therefore, may w , walking in the perfume of wisdom in the face<br />

place] of Christ in ourselves, for it has been ts light, as it is written in Baruch; and, Blessed<br />

You have been stamped with the seal of the we, Israel, for what is pleasing to God has been<br />

SpiTit of the promise, and. . . because o ealed to us. Take courage, thgrefore, people of<br />

place.. . was found.. . . Because of thi for he remembers I~rael;~ and again, Better<br />

Apostle has said, Pursue peace and purity,<br />

out which no one will see God;2' do not,<br />

hteous man who has no idols; indeed, he will<br />

p himself far from their [reproach]. . . .'<br />

fore, lose your confidence which possesses a 3. The night is almost over, it will be [dayreward.<br />

Having therefore some confi ] soon. Let us [therefore take offl the works<br />

ward that which is holy, let us therefore<br />

with confidence the throne of . grace, in or ~<br />

find mercy, when we are in need of help<br />

arkness and put on the armour of the light.=<br />

e servant. . . . Let us celebrate. not with old<br />

east, nor with the yeast of ed and [wickedness,<br />

5. [We are] writing to you, therefore, leavened bread ofpurity and truth.=<br />

brothers, so that you may comfort the w<br />

we are not near you in body, we are howev<br />

you in spid, and, moreover, remember th<br />

e one who will fail to go up to celethe<br />

feast of the Tabernacle. . . that I have<br />

ed . . . of the Lord. And again, You.. . go<br />

hic chis written, ifyou love one another, eu<br />

will know by this that you are truly my d<br />

to this feast; [as for myself], my time has not yet<br />

to go up to this feast. . . . On the great day of<br />

6. We greet you and all those who [went up to] the temple and cnkd<br />

you; all those who are with us greet you. ] Ifa man is thirsty, let him come to<br />

that you may be saved in the Lord,* de nnk. As] Scripturesays, Torrents of liinng<br />

ers. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ke<br />

all. i men.^<br />

Iflowfrom him* . . . for us; and again,<br />

t . . . child loves you. . . of ointment.<br />

I61<br />

Brotherly spirit<br />

Rm 12:12-16.<br />

Going up to<br />

Jerusalem<br />

Jn 11:55.<br />

Ba 4:2.<br />

Ba 4:4-5.<br />

The time of<br />

celebration ia<br />

at hand<br />

Rm 13:12.<br />

9 lanes are<br />

mutrlated<br />

1 Co 5:s.<br />

Zc 1418 or 19.<br />

Jn 7:s.<br />

*jn 737.38.<br />

7 hnes m e<br />


162 Pachomian Koinonh III The Letters of Horsiesios 163<br />

We mwt not anoint. . . . Let w not thz hecies] with contempt . . . " the Spirit from 1 Th 5:lg-20.<br />

Ct col8:2. earthly things. . . . ' [ThereforeJ let t let us acquire for ourselves . . . who pre-<br />

judgement on one another, but let w their lamps . . . l4 if there comes the voice cf. ~t 25:7.<br />

up our minds not to be the came ofyour hich was in the beginning until . . . and let<br />

~m 14:13. tripping [or falling. If] because of an t neglect . . . themselves . . . being ready . . .<br />

your brother suffers, you are no longer wa anaan . . . as, The man who digs a pit for his<br />

according to [love. By] your ailment do n hbor will fall into it; the man who throws a<br />

~m 14:15. someone for whom Christ died. And no e, it will fall on him. The man who cuts wood pr 26:27.<br />

only for us, for he has said, Woe to thos<br />

[wise] only for themselves and intelligen<br />

be in danger from it; the man who tears down<br />

all, the serpent will bite him. . . .'The Chal-<br />

QO<br />

QO<br />

IO:~.<br />

10:s.<br />

Is 531. themsel~es.~ Likewise, Wisdom which eans lit the furnace, but theirgarments had no cf. ~n s:46.<br />

Pr 10:17. correction deceives; whoever does not he ell of burning about them, and the fire did not<br />

self all alone in his affairs is brother to t torch them; but the fi7.e came out and burned DD 3:27(94).<br />

Pr l&9. who ruins himself all alone. They are bitt ose who lit it; and the word was fulfilled for Dn 3:48.22.<br />

Pr 9:7. corrections of the impious, but the lips oft em, that he who lights evil will pensh in it; he PI 1%6.<br />

*Pr 12:s. heal.* The wise man is a sensitive [throne], o is the accomplice of a thief hates his own<br />

+PT 12:23.<br />

3pr 11:16.<br />

woman who hates truth is a throne of de7isio he who shakes hands with a man guilty of pr 29:24.<br />

not say to your brother, Take out the d icide willjlee, but will not be in safety. Pr 28:17.<br />

[rour] eye, while not seeing the plan , Let us therefore pay attention to God's Remember the<br />

~t 7:4-5.<br />

Pr 4:25.<br />

TO be watchful<br />

2 lines ore<br />

missing<br />

*Mt 13:27.<br />

is in your own eye. Hypocrite1 hut, he said<br />

your eyes and look at the uprightness;<br />

low the [Evil One]. . . .<br />

4. . . . let us remember. . . dmnkennes<br />

it not good seed that you sowed in your<br />

Where does this darnel come from?'<br />

rd to Moses, The place on which you stand is a mz"p,boM<br />

y ground, * as, The place where you are has its and Thdom<br />

*EX undations in purity, peace and fear; knowing<br />

3:5.<br />

hat our Father who assembled us through God<br />

s righteous and pleasing to God; he it was who<br />

ght us the God we did not know. And he taught<br />

[again], Tmly I have planted a vine co also to take care of one another, when we did<br />

fruitf~l; how is it [rou have turned to b t know the word which is [said] for him, Ifa<br />

~ r 2:21. .<br />

vine] foreign?'0 So that we may know t<br />

David says, He loved cursing; may it<br />

hteous man teaches.. . . If a rzghteow man<br />

ks, his] hope does not waver.16 Let us remem- cf, ws 4:7.<br />

him1 [He did not love] blessing; may it his commandments and his laws, which he es-<br />

PS 109(108):<br />

17-18,<br />

He wrapped curses around him like [a<br />

and as a . . . and, It has entered into<br />

lished for us so that we may observe them in<br />

ir tmth. And let us also remember our father<br />

Ibid.<br />

ps 119(118):131.<br />

water; and again, [I have opened] my<br />

taken my breath . . . outside of me.<br />

s, who passed his short time with us acto<br />

the [custom?]. And let us remember<br />

And, Do not quench the Spirit, do not trea Theodore . . . who wrote to us some . . .

Jos 147<br />

Cf. Ps 19(18):7-8.<br />

Pa 119(118):162.<br />

Ps 119(118):165<br />

4 liner am<br />

mutilated<br />

Ps 112(111):4.<br />

2 lines are<br />

mutilated<br />

'Ps 18(17):28.<br />

+PS 139(138):12.<br />

Ps 107(106):<br />

41-43.<br />

Brotherly<br />

love<br />

Pr 18:l.<br />

Detachment<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters ofHorsiesios<br />

that there might he fulfilled the word of will happen to us if we correct and ad-<br />

son of Nun who says, Moses, the servan ch other for our salvation, as it is written,<br />

Lord has sent me;'= as, YOU have reweale en reproaches than hidden friendship; prz7:5.<br />

dr from friends than kisses<br />

more than the one who hasfound a m t<br />

Pr 275.<br />

tr to pass that the love of the Conclusion<br />

and again, Your companions. . e said to his disciples in this<br />

ginnings were powerful.. .;'%and again, yone will know that you are tmly<br />

peace for those who love your name; no<br />

bling block for theml. . It is good.. . t<br />

Lord. . . hope in God, and again, Th<br />

shone in the darkness for the<br />

Lord lights up my lamp,<br />

ness;* and, As is his darkness, so also is his lz<br />

and, He made families likeflocks, so that<br />

Notes to the Letters ofHomiesios<br />

Notes to the First Letter<br />

(Iron. Letter 1)<br />

man who does not observe these things 1 'The eramples of Judith and Susanna are mentioned together as<br />

Pach. Imu. 1: 25.<br />

not know the mercies ofthe LordP<br />

zIn Hon. Test. 52 we find the same quotation, but Jerome's translation is dif-<br />

6. For this reason, therefore, it is fittin ferent: 'a man of d&res'.<br />

him in any case to go to his brothers and fo<br />

'This text is quoted twice again by Honiesim: Hon. Letter4 5 and Hon. Test.<br />

13, and aka once by Theodore in Thwd. Letter 2: 4.<br />

be wise and good to one another. For hatre 'Pr 19:16 is quoted by Pachomius in Pach. Letter 3: 12.<br />

'Hg2:4-9 is quoted again by Honiesim, with thesameomissiom, inHon. Letter<br />

3:2. Vem 9 is quoted also by Thwdore in Am. Letter 32.<br />

the impious man on the contray makes i OIn Hon. Letter 3: 2 we fmd also this same quotation of 1 co 913 following ~g<br />

24-9 and being followed by<br />

The man who wants to separate camp<br />

Mk 14:58.<br />

'The same quotation occurs in Hon. Letter $2. Honienim probably usd his<br />

seeks some pretext; such a man will alwa Fint Letter wh& writing Letter Three (or z k vemz).<br />

'This text, which is the mncluion of the Book of Qohelet, is used by Honiesioe<br />

prone to quarrels.<br />

to end this letter and also to end his Tetament (Hon. Tet. 56). It is ah used in<br />

7. Let no one say, therefore, 'I want to re on. ~est. lo.<br />

tablished and c~mmanded.~~ May no one, t<br />

Notes to the Second Letter<br />

(HO~. ~etter 2)<br />

HOB. Letter 2 'The same quotation occurs in Pach. Letter 11A.<br />

PHonierios used this teat again in HOB. Letter 4: 5.<br />

'Ps 147:2 is quoted again by Honiesios in Hon. Test. 49.<br />

our fathers may make us worthy also of 'This text is quoted again in ~ors. TE~. 48.<br />

5The Coptic text has: 'he shall not' (nfnakim an), which is obviously a mistake.<br />

sembly which will take place in th

166 Pachomian Koinonia III The Letters ofHorsiesios 167<br />

Notes to the Third Letter<br />

(Hon. Letter 3)<br />

Hors. Letter 3 'Pachomius uses this text twice (SBo 118 and 121) to ex<br />

conviction that the time for his death has come. Petronios does the s<br />

130). Cf. also Vit. Ant. 91: 'I am going the way of my fathers, as<br />

,*We find the same quotation at the beginning of the next letter (HOD.<br />

tter 41) but without the inversion we find here. In both cases, Rm 12:lSb<br />

w should make hospitality your special care') is omitted.<br />

sln the Sahidic teat, the spelling is Mym. This is the first of a long series of<br />

tations, each one containing the word 'wood' (=the Cros).<br />

o~lthough it is introduced as a scriptural quotation. this text is not found<br />

says'.<br />

PIn SL 12 this text is applied to Pachomius' nourishing his first<br />

Here, it is undoubtedly to Pachomius and Theodore that Horsiesi<br />

this same text as well as the preceding one.<br />

'The same text is quoted in Hors. Test. 19, where it opens the exh<br />

to all the brothers without any special responsibility, those who<br />

sidered ar 'free servants'. See also Theod. Letter 1: 2: 'with your la<br />

4Horaiesios makes reference more than once to the parable o<br />

virgins. See Hors. Reg. 3; Hors. Letter 4: 4 and Hors. Test. 20 wher<br />

dudes an exhortation to chastity.<br />

,See other references to the same parable in SBo 118 and Pac<br />

1: 51.<br />

the Bible. But a similar text is dted in the letter of Barnabas, 12.1 as a<br />

notation from a prophet: "Owolog n6kv nEpi ran oraupoir 6ptC~t hv<br />

&.?@ npovflrn Wovri "Kai z6rs raika ouvrako8rja~ra~: Uyat ~ 6~~05.<br />

rav 56hov rMj xai Srav hr SbXau aiwa o.r&&."'<br />

"Same quotation in Hors. Ins-. 7: 11 and in Pach. Instr. 1: 36(bis).<br />

"1 Th 5:14 is used in S' 25 to describe Pachomius' pastoral solicitude, and<br />

Hors. Test. 15 where it is addressed to the housemasters.<br />

X'Jn 13:S5 is qvoted again, and with the same inversion, in Hors. Test. 23<br />

where the context is about the perfect equality that must reign among the<br />

brothers, thanks to a total renunciation. The same quotation-but with the<br />

inversion-occurs in Hors. Letter 4: 8.<br />

*In the New Testament text the second verb is in the third person pl<br />

like the Erst one.<br />

'Ga 5:13 is quoted in Hors. Test. 26, where 'the occasion fort<br />

seems to be the practice of entrusting an object or a deposit to a<br />

something aimed at the renunciation of material possessions. See also<br />

to liberty' mentioned in Hors. Test. 47. In SBa 105 and 107 there is<br />

teresting combination of Ga 5:13 and Eph 42. Furthermore, in the<br />

tion of Ga 5:13, bath here and in SBo 105, 'in works of love' (N.T.) h<br />

replaced by 'by the love of the spirit'. See also Pach. Letter 7: 1 (mut<br />

Noler lo the Fou~th Letter<br />

(Hors. Letter 4)<br />

rs. Letter 4 'See above. Hors. Letter 3: 2, n. 10.<br />

'Theodore used the same text in a letter of convocation to the celebration<br />

of the Passover.<br />

*See above, Horr. Letter 3, 2, n. 3.<br />

'This text is from the apocryphal Letter of Jeremiah, v. 73. It is quoted<br />

vice).<br />

'The same text is used again by Honierias in recommendations<br />

housemastera (Hors. Test. 15) and to the superiors of the monasteries<br />

Iso by Pachomius in Pach. Instr. 1: 53 (see ibid. n. 3).<br />

%me quotation in Hon. Test. 38 and in jud. Prol. See also Hors. Reg.<br />

Test. 40). See also Hors. Test. 31.<br />

*The same tent is quoted by Theodore at the beginning of a 1<br />

moning the brotherr to the assembly of the month of Merore (Theod.<br />

2: 1).<br />

6The same text is used by Theodore in a convocation to the Passover<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 2).<br />

'Text quoted in SBo 70 (=GI 78) in a praise of Theodore. See also Pach.<br />

10This text is quoted by Theodore inSBo 155 as an example of a tex<br />

in the literal sense does not edify and must therefore be understood<br />

allegorical sense.<br />

"This text is often quoted by Horsiesios: see Hors. Instr. 3: 4, n. 1.<br />

that in the present quotation verse 49 is different from the text of th<br />

t~agint, which reads: St6Ssuoav xpbg rflv k&pyrw ~aT6vavri TOO v<br />

a6rig.<br />

"'treasures' or 'elect'. The Coptic ~uhstanrivc sotp means 'choren,<br />

person or thing' (Crum, A Coptic Dictionary, p. S65B). The Hebrew he<br />

doth has the same ambivalence. The Septuagint understood 'the chas<br />

thingr' (ih irkexrh), but the Vulgate understood 'the chosen pe<br />

(desideratw cunctlr gentibw, i.e. the Messiah).<br />

'5ee above, Hors. Letter 1: 5, n. 1.<br />

"See above, Hors. Letter 1: 5, n. 2.<br />

"This text is also quoted inHors. Letter 1: 6, where it is explicitly asc<br />

to Mark.<br />

Wf. Hors. Letter 1: 6 quoting Jn 219-21.<br />

"The image of God's temple is used in Pach Letter 8: 3: Theod. Let<br />

1: 5; Theod. Instr. 3: 41; and Hors. Test. 19 and 28. See also G' 135<br />

Pach. Fragm. 1%<br />

'Thk belongs to a series of curses from Is 5:s-23 which Hors. Test. 47 says<br />

the monk should try to avoid by his way of life.<br />

'The image of the darnel, taken from the parable of the darnel sown in a<br />

field of good wheat (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43), is often used, e.g. in SBo 6: 106:<br />

142 and in G1 58.<br />

I0The end of the quotation is obscure in Coptic: and the translation is approximative.<br />

See Hors. Instr. 3: 2, n. 1.<br />

"Same quotation in Hors. Test. 53.<br />

"See also Hors. Letter 3: 1, n. 4.<br />

"Theodore, in his first instruction to the brothers as father of the Koinonti<br />

after Horsiedos' resignation (see SBo 141). uses this text to lament that the<br />

brothers have nullified Pachomius' rules.<br />

"The same quotation occurs in Pach. Letter 4: 6.<br />

"Although this text is introduced as a biblical quotation and has some<br />

imilarity with Ws 4:7, it cannot be considered a direct quotation.<br />

"The same image ofJoshua as Moses' helper is applied to Theodore in SBa<br />

78 and to Horsiesios in SBo 132 (=SE 126).<br />

"Verses 7 and 8 of PJ 19(18) are quoted (in inverted order) in Hors. Test.

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

'=The same quotation occurs in Hors. Tert. 43.<br />

'Wnidentified quotation. Cf. Ps 19(18):8-9.<br />

"Same quotation in Hors. Letter 2.<br />

"This text is quoted also in Hors. Letter 1:s; Hon. Test<br />

Letter 2: 4<br />

"The appointment of the superiors was changed at the tw<br />

assemblies of the Passover and of the month of Mesore. This was the<br />

of Pachomius (6' 83). of Theodore (SBo 196). and of Horsiesios (GI<br />

Jer. Pref. 7. (hops. F~hcjm.)<br />

'aAbout the assembly of the brothen in the age to come, see Hon<br />

and 50. See also A. Veilleux, La liturgie, pp. 377-378.<br />

"See Hors. Letter 3: 5, n. 2.<br />

%f. Hors. Test. 10: 'ueritas erudiuit ueritatem'.<br />

we were not able to go to the city to receive<br />

everend man, because of the dangers we had<br />

onk, we have all taken the habit, thinking<br />

the habit would be our recommendation to<br />

, But when we break the laws of the habit, we<br />

. And the foolish man says, 'I<br />



It is also good that he who truly repents be on<br />

e time a man begins to repent, [the<br />

ithin him the guileful thought of<br />

od a rigorous ascesis when he has the<br />

has promised never to sin against<br />

169<br />

Text: CSCO 159,<br />

pp. 81-82<br />

On purity<br />

Cf. Heb 1222

With discretion<br />

Cf. Ps 46(45):<br />

2(LXX).<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

him. The astute one acts this way<br />

knows that, if someone once expe<br />

much weariness, or especially if he b<br />

will relax his ascesis, and will<br />

fear of God. Now for man to lose the<br />

or to fall hack into his former WHICH HE GAVE TO HIS BROTHERS AS A TEST<br />

beginning of a false vow. WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE.<br />

Hence, it is better for a man, when h<br />

to make a covenant with God, not to s (hons. test.)<br />

ascetical practices, but rather to say, 'Lor<br />

ever I can do, short of illness or exce<br />

I mean to do, knowing that it is you<br />

me the strength.' And if he sta<br />

fear of the Lord will keep him<br />

the Lord, to his ascetical practices,<br />

erate corporal mortification; the<br />

Lord, which dwells in a pure heart,<br />

This fear is indeed unlimited; so that<br />

will receive the light to walk confident1<br />

the judgements of God, at the moment<br />

appears before the tribunal of God, and<br />

is judged on whatever he has do<br />

when he first heard God's law.<br />

An old man and one who is impotent<br />

they can[not] afflict themselves. . . .<br />

1. Hear, Israel, the commandments of life.<br />

in an alien land.' You haue been defiled with<br />

dead and accounted with those in hell. You<br />

aruch spoke this on account of those carried<br />

into captivity to the land of Babylon, [the<br />

'AMENT<br />

Prologue<br />

Baruch's leaaoo<br />

Bar 3:9-15

1 72 Pachomian Koinonia III The Testament of Horsiesios 1 73<br />

Paul's kscm 2. Therefore we, too, ought to rem sed too] the one who does not complain<br />

words of the Apostle, who said, If G sin. Lm 339.<br />

spare the natural branches, neither w refore, let us examine our paths* and Call m self-<br />

~m 11:21. us, who have neglected to keep his co<br />

ments. All these things happened to the<br />

er our own steps. Let w return to the Lord<br />

stretch out our hands up toward heaven,'<br />

~ ~<br />

~ r 3:40-41. n<br />

~ ~<br />

warning; they were written down to be a a he may be our helper on the day of judge-<br />

I co 10:11; for us,' upon whom the end of time has nt, and that we may not be confounded, when I jn 4:17.<br />

cf. 105.<br />

They, indeed, were transferred from th eak to our enemies at the gate, but may we PS 127(126):5.<br />

Judah to the city of the Chaldaeans, c<br />

places on earth. As for us, if God sees us<br />

r be worthy to hear, Open thegates!Let the<br />

p e who keeps justice and truth enter. The 1sn6:z.<br />

gent, we shall lose our city in the world to<br />

an who has truth at heart and possesses peace<br />

Forsaking joy, we shall be handed over to n say, We have put OUT hope in you forever,<br />

tivity of punishments and shall lose the et rd. * Let us remember the Lord, and mayJeru- *PS sl(so):~;<br />

happiness which our fathers and bro<br />

through their unstinting toil.<br />

lem well up in our heart,? lest we forget about<br />

man of whom this was written? Blessed is the<br />

" 52(51):9.<br />

r 51:50.<br />

Beware of 3. May forgetfulness not overcome n who puts his trwt in the Lord, whose hope is<br />

forgettulness fore. Let us not look upon God's patienc im. He will be like a fruitful tree by the watercf.<br />

2 P 3:9; norance. He holds back and delays sot that thrwts its roots down to the moisture.<br />

3:15. we have been converted to a better stat ill not be afraid when hot weather comes.<br />

not be handed over to torments. When we will have leafy branches, and, in a dy spell,<br />

us not think God consents to our sins be will be green, bearing unfailing fruit.=<br />

does not take immediate vengeance. Le ublesome above all is the heart, and so is<br />

er reflect on this: passing soon from this w .' Who can understand him? I, the Lord,<br />

the world to come we shall be separated fr arch the heartsandprobe the loins, togive each<br />

fathers and brothers who are already in an according to his ways. Jr 17:7-lo.<br />

cf. riev ?,:a<br />

cf. 1 P 221.<br />

sion of the place of victory. We, too, shall<br />

it, if we are willing to walk in their foots<br />

to attend to what the Apostle Paul did e<br />

5. Let us examine ourselves and not treat lightthe<br />

faults we have committed. Let us study<br />

th an anxious heart each command of our Fastudy<br />

of<br />

:ozi,"E's<br />

cf. I co 5:l-1s. below, separating saints from sinners,' I' and of those who have taught us. We should<br />

ing the offenders over to the destructio only believe in Christ, but ako suffer for his<br />

1 co 5:5. flesh,P that [their] spirit may be saved. ,P and understand the mystery of which it is ~h 1:zg.<br />

PS IIZ(~II):I. Happy the man who fears the Lord, The breath of ourface is Christ the Lord. ~m 420.<br />

whom the Lord corrects to improve him,<br />

sewhere, Your law is a lamp to my feet and<br />

'Ps 94(93):12. to whom He teaches His law,* thai he m<br />

+PS 119(118):32.<br />

on my path. And again, The Lord's word PS 119(118):105.<br />

63. in his commandmentst all the days ofhis ave me life. And, The law of the Lord zjpure, PS 119(118):50,

Pr 24:16.<br />

Call to<br />

repentance<br />

'Cf. 2 P s:9.<br />

Cf. Rm 1S:ll.<br />

Cf. Ps 126(125)<br />

2 Tm S:10.<br />

Heb 12:Z.<br />

Cf. Lk 21:22.<br />

Admonition to<br />

the superiors<br />

in general<br />

Cf. Tt 2:lS.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Testament of hlorsiesios<br />

bringing souls to conversion: the co<br />

efresh them in their bodily needs without<br />

of the Lord is bkght, giving light<br />

And the Apostle says, The law is ho<br />

cept is holy, just and good.<br />

If we anderstand all these things,<br />

spiritual nourishment. Or again, do<br />

worthy to hear, When the just ma<br />

ortunity for neglisuffer<br />

no harm, for the Lord ho<br />

tice of ours, that we opagain,<br />

The jwt man falls seven times<br />

ork while we enjoy leiagain.<br />

6. Now then, brothers, since God is<br />

with us and urges us to repentance, * let<br />

up from deep sleep,' because our adver3<br />

or that we impose on them a yoke which we<br />

devil, like a roaring lion, is looking for<br />

to devour. He mwt be resisted steadfast<br />

shment, and let us not consider our disciples<br />

[you] must realize that the sum<br />

es and allow their distress to he our joy, lest<br />

lot of our forefather^.^ Let us not grow<br />

se us along with the<br />

laboring and sowing the seeds of vi<br />

ou, doctors of the law, who<br />

may be able to harvest joy in the futur<br />

hear Paul teaching, But you who haue p<br />

to my doctrine, instruction, zeal, patience,<br />

unbearable burdens and place them on<br />

'r shoulders, while you dare not touch them<br />

cutions.. . . And, following the example<br />

There are some who consider themselves as<br />

saints,$ having Jesus to lead w an<br />

perfection, let us persevere in wha<br />

g by God's law,' and say to themselves, 'What<br />

gun. Let us understand the hair of our hea<br />

fulfill his commandments. What others do<br />

the way,' that there may be ointment in<br />

not concern me.' These does Ezechiel admonbeard<br />

toflow to the collar of the robe, th<br />

, saying, Shepherds of Israel, do shepherds feed<br />

may be able to fulfill the whole of what has<br />

written.<br />

7. Therefore, leaden of monasteries and h<br />

masters,' to whom men are entrusted and<br />

whom are found K or I or E or A, [or] - to say<br />

emelves? Do they not feed the sheep? See, you<br />

rink milk, . - you are clothed with wooLP You have<br />

killed the fat sheep. You have not strengthened<br />

the weak ones. The cripple you have not bound<br />

up. The stray you have not brought back. You<br />

in plain language- to whom individual men a<br />

have not looked for the lost. You have worn out<br />

committed, each along with their groups P<br />

them await the coming of the Saviour and fu<br />

an army arrayed with arms for his inspection.<br />

the strong with work. You have scattered my<br />

, because they had no shephe~ds.~ There-<br />

, the Lord will call in judgement his elders<br />

Cf. Ac 15:lO

176<br />

Is 3:14.<br />

Cf. Is 3:12.<br />

The same care<br />

for all<br />

Cf. 1 Th 3:s<br />

Pachomian Koinonia he Testament of Horsiesios<br />

and his leaders. Then this will be<br />

Your creditors are despoiling<br />

manding restitution lead you<br />

more should we be hearing,<br />

land, whose king is nobly born.<br />

at the proper time to gain stre<br />

not be overcome.<br />

mend and to teach the things that<br />

to the last soul entrusted to you, an<br />

yourselfas an example ofgood works.z<br />

pecially careful not to love one and ha<br />

Show an equal attitud<br />

ustrike him with the rod, he shall not die.<br />

]so Moses who says, You shall reprove your<br />

or severely, lest you incur the sin in his<br />

himelffrom perditon shall be swiftly de-<br />

sent to anyone who is going<br />

.Let all to whom care of the brothers has<br />

committed prepare themselves for the comone<br />

down and raise another<br />

r and for his f6arsome tribunal.'<br />

own labor.<br />

where our father has strict<br />

an account for oneself is fraught<br />

apprehension, how much more<br />

sit,% they must take care 1<br />

cause an injury to a s<br />

lling into the hands of the living GodP We<br />

t plead ignorance, for it is written, God will<br />

verdict and say, 'what bus<br />

every deed to judgement, in everything<br />

temptuous man? Let him do what he<br />

ted, whether good or eds And<br />

does not concern me. I shall not warn<br />

ead in the Apostle, We must all be laid bare<br />

him, if he goes astray. W<br />

re the tribunal of Christ, and each one shall<br />

does not concern me.'3<br />

e rewarded for what he has done, whether good<br />

0 man, you who say these things, unde<br />

07 evil.' Isaiah, too, indicates the appointed day<br />

that you are overcome by anger and hatred<br />

taken hold of your heart<br />

more through your fault than through his<br />

Sin. YOU ought to forgive him and receive<br />

on which God shalljudge the world in righteowss,<br />

saying, Behold, the day ofthe Lord is comg-a<br />

day of rage and anger, for which there is<br />

no remedy-to make the earth a desert and to<br />

when he repents, that you may be able t<br />

passage from the Gospel, Forgive us our<br />

or we know that we have to keep in mind evweforgiue<br />

those who are<br />

erything written in the law, foretold us by the<br />

Cf. Pr 63<br />

Pr 23:13.<br />

Responsibility of<br />

the superiors<br />

before God's<br />

tribunal<br />

Cf. Heb 10:31.<br />

Qo 12:14.<br />

Ac 1731;<br />

Cf. Ps 10(9):8;<br />

96(95):13;<br />


178<br />

Cf. Rm 15:4.<br />

Cf. Jn 5%<br />

Jn 5:45-46.<br />

Everyone must<br />

atand before<br />

Christ's tribuaill<br />

*Rm 14:lO;<br />

2 Co 5 :l.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

prophets, and taught us by our holy<br />

must we hear this: we must also underthat<br />

we shall have to render an accou<br />

ipores [this] will be ignored.<br />

er place it is written, Because you<br />

knowledge, I too will reject you<br />

wm entrusted by the<br />

Ho 45.<br />

has taught the truth: Do<br />

going to accuse you before the<br />

whom you hope is the one who<br />

so, dearest brothers, you who follow<br />

d precepts of the Koinonia, remain<br />

your resolution once made and fulfill the<br />

Make Pachomius<br />

proud<br />

of his aona<br />

you believed Moses, you wou God,' that our Father, who was the first<br />

lish the Ko~nonia,~ may say with joy to the<br />

'According to what I have<br />

before the tribunal of Christ*' an on to them, so they live.' The Apostle,<br />

till alive, said as much, Ipmise youfor rerything,<br />

and maintaining<br />

raditiowjust as I have handed them on to<br />

those who were entrusted to us. And n<br />

1 Co 11:2.<br />

, Therefore, superiors of the monasteries,<br />

licitous and with justice and the fear of God<br />

every concern for the brothers. Do not misour]<br />

authority arrogantly, but ofjeryourselj'<br />

Admonition to<br />

the superiors in<br />

general<br />

fulfill the law of Chri~t.~ Let<br />

d to the flock under Cf. Tt 2:7.<br />

tle writing to Timothy, Timothy, guar<br />

himself as an exam- Cf. 1 P 5:s<br />

entrusted to you, avoiding profane no in everything,* and made his families like<br />

speech and the profession ofwhat isfalse<br />

cks.tl Have compassion on the flock entrusted<br />

knowledge. u, and be mindful of that statement of the<br />

God has also entrusted<br />

tle, I have witheld nothing2 that I might anbrothers'<br />

way of life.' will of God. And again, I Cf. Ae 20:20.27.<br />

behalf, we look forward to future rewar<br />

e not ceased imploring each ofyou and teachthis<br />

be said to us as well, L you p~blicly.~ See how much love and how Cf. Ac 20:31.20.<br />

lest, if we forsake the traditions of our fath<br />

ch mercy there was in the man of God, who<br />

be hurled at us: Those who have my law<br />

s not only solicitousfor all the churches but is<br />

know me; the shepherh have rebelled<br />

me. Then he rebukes others, sa<br />

eak with those who are weak*' and carries the<br />

heritage into your hand, but you hauesh<br />

t us be on our guard that no one be scandalmercy;<br />

you have oppressed the old with<br />

d and ruined through our negligence, and that

Mi 73.<br />

Ga 5:15.<br />

Cf. Pr 16:17.<br />

Admonition to<br />

the 'seconds' of<br />

the monasteries<br />

Mt 24:45.49-51.<br />

Ac 330.<br />

Mt 2531, 23.<br />

Admonition to<br />

the housemastera<br />

1 P 3:15.<br />

1 Th 5:14.<br />

Pachomian KO&<br />

he ~ ~~tarnent of Horsiesios<br />

we do not forget the words of our ,,,ing, Fathers, do not drive your<br />

iour, who says in the Gospel,<br />

9 but b.ring them up on the disthose<br />

you gaue me have I lost.<br />

any soul, lest anyone<br />

ired from the man who has reof<br />

heart. For, if anyone dies on ou<br />

more will be exacted from the<br />

soul will be held guilty for<br />

has been entrusted with more. And do<br />

impress this on us continually a<br />

only what is useful to yourself, but alwarn<br />

us,'so that this sayin<br />

your neighbors,' lest the Scripin<br />

us, Each man oppresses his<br />

which says, Because each of<br />

again, if you are biting and deuou<br />

other, watch out that you be not co<br />

one another.<br />

of his own house, heaven<br />

old its dew and earth shall not yield its<br />

your talk harsh against<br />

From this it is clear that the man<br />

it is said, Becaure you did not<br />

the soul of another is<br />

14. And you also,<br />

of these, you did not do<br />

monastery, show yoursel<br />

one perish through your<br />

ome and hate others,' to<br />

same reproach as the man who a<br />

with drunkards and who did not<br />

ct that one, lest your<br />

fellow sewants at the proper time.<br />

come on a day he does n<br />

he does not know. He will cut him<br />

world, you may think<br />

him to the same fate<br />

there is weeping and<br />

like sentence not befall any of YOU. BU~,<br />

it shall be meatime<br />

of cowolation comes, may we d<br />

hear, Well done, good and faithfuls<br />

ameful has been committed in the houses<br />

You have been faithful in a small thing, I<br />

ough the negligence of the housemasters,'<br />

You in charge over much; enter into your<br />

happkess.<br />

15. And you, the housemasters of the<br />

er the offenders are punished, the housemasual<br />

houses, be ready to<br />

an account ofthe faith , FOI this reason, let each one guard the<br />

who are unruly . Console the fainthe<br />

Port the weak. Be pa<br />

de. ~~t them imitate the shepherds of the Gas-<br />

Eph 6:4.<br />

Lk 12:48.<br />

Cf. 1 co 10:SS.<br />

Hg l:9-10.<br />

Cf. MI %IS.<br />

Mt 25:45.<br />

Impartiality<br />

Pamral care

182<br />

Cf. Lk 2:s-14.<br />

Cf. Ph2:12.<br />

Cf. 2 M 1435.<br />

Cf. 2 Co 5:10.<br />

the angel of God cam<br />

flock and rum aw<br />

Pachomian Koinonia<br />

flock. And the angel of the Lord cam<br />

and the glory of God shone around<br />

~h~ Testament of Horsiesios<br />

lambs. He asked him a second<br />

n, do you love me? He<br />

know I love you. He<br />

hi& Feed my sheep. And he ordered him<br />

his sheep a third time, and in Peter he enthis<br />

office on all of us,' diligently to feed<br />

ep of the Lord, that on the day of his visie<br />

may, for our toil and watchfulness, rein<br />

the Gospel, saying,<br />

am, these may be with<br />

nd again [he says], Where I am, there also<br />

s look to the promises<br />

the rewards; then in an attitude of faith we<br />

more easily stand all our pains, walking as<br />

ho is the one promis-<br />

nds of the individual<br />

lying in a manger. and modesty, and<br />

Surely these were not the only men at th<br />

who were grazing their sheep and following<br />

wolves, they deserved to be the first to hear<br />

theman who said:<br />

May the son glo?.i-<br />

hold, he who gua7ds Ismel will not sleep.<br />

And so, you too must keep watch with feu<br />

19. But also all of you, my brothers, who, each<br />

t~embling,~ working out your salvation in<br />

knowledge that the Lord of the universe<br />

shall reward all flesh for whatever it doe<br />

rt and burning lamps in<br />

waiting for their master<br />

ing feast, so that, when<br />

Cf. 1 P 52.<br />

Is 10:3.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn 26.<br />

Admonition m<br />

the 'aeeonds' of<br />

the hourrr<br />

Cf. Jr 48:6.<br />

Ps 119(118):109<br />

Cf. MI 1:6.<br />

Jrn 294.<br />

Cf. Rm 8:17.<br />

Admonition m<br />

all the broth-<br />

era: obedience

184<br />

Lk 1235-37.<br />

Cf. Mt 4:ll.<br />

Cf. Ph 2:14-15.<br />

Cf. Rm 8:23;<br />

Ga 4:5.<br />

Eph 6:16-17.<br />

Mt 10:16.<br />

Col 330.<br />

Heb 13:17<br />

Eph<br />

2 Th 1:5.<br />

Chastity<br />

Pachomian KoziLonia he Testament of Horsiesios<br />

on~e.~Happy the seruants whom th ,ite to you, young men, because you are<br />

awake when he comes. It shall be nd ~od's word abides in you, and you<br />

ness. You shall be called to the he<br />

ve them from hell and<br />

promised in return for keeping the eath, where is your<br />

ments of God, and these are the rew Death, where is your sting? If we swallow<br />

life to come. we shall overcome it, and we shall hear:<br />

Rejoice in the Lord. I repeat, rejo ion over them, for<br />

ject to [the] fathers in all obedience, th by which we died to sin once for all has<br />

murmuring or wavering thoughts,4 brin<br />

a man dies in the<br />

made worthy of his adoption. Take up t ording to human desires, but let us spend the<br />

of faith, upon which you can our life according to the will of God.:<br />

burning arrows of the devil. Take up thes who fear the Lord,, arm yourselves with<br />

the Spint, which is the word of God.6 Be y, that you may deserve to hear, You are<br />

things are given to the perfect, and that<br />

things are given to the useless, according<br />

written, Obey your superiors and be su , and he shall have in abundance. But the<br />

them for they are ke n who has not, even what he seems to have<br />

and give an account foryou.<br />

awe of what the same Paul says, You are e virgins who were worthy to enter the bridal<br />

temple, and the Spirit of God dwells in you.<br />

if anybody should<br />

God will destroy him. And<br />

the Holy Spirit of God with<br />

sealed for the day of redemption7 [by]<br />

judgement of God.B<br />

20. Preserve the chastity of your body '<br />

you may be like a garden enclosed and a fo<br />

~ealed.~ For he who is born of God does n who said, My son, if<br />

because His seed abides in him.= This same J your heart is wise, you shall gladden my own<br />

Ho 13:14.<br />

1 co 15:55.<br />

Cf. 1 Co 15:55.<br />

Rm 6:9.<br />

Cf. Rm 63.<br />

*Cf. Rrn 5%<br />

66-11:<br />

1 Co 1522.<br />

tRm 6:7:<br />

Cf. 1 P 4:l.<br />

kf. 1 P 4:2.<br />

Ps 135(134):20:<br />

Si 2:s.<br />

Cf. Rm 8:9.<br />

Cf. Mt 25:4-12.<br />

1 Co 10:ll.

186<br />

Pr 23:15-16.<br />

Pr 23:17.<br />

Nb 3:7.<br />

Detachment<br />

Gn 14:23.<br />

1 Co 2:s:<br />

Cf. Tb 13:6;<br />

Eph 6:5.<br />

Pr 26:ll =<br />

e P z:m.<br />

Eph 2:20.<br />

Never turn a<br />

ministry to per-<br />

sonal advantage<br />

Pachomian Koinonia The Testament ofHorsiesios<br />

heart; and my lips shall linger on yo heaven. Do not long for the things you<br />

only they be upright. And again, DO pled underfoot. It is enough for us to<br />

heart be envious of sinners, buts ufficient for any man: two tunics<br />

God all day long6 and continual1 ne which is worn out, a linen man-<br />

worship. ds, a linen belt, shoes, a [goat]-skin<br />

21. Let us he even more vigilant, in<br />

ledge that God has granted us, thro person to whom a ministry or the admin-<br />

ther Pachomius, the great grace to of the monastery is entrusted makes a<br />

world' and consider as nothing a1 out of it-that is, lays hold of something<br />

the world and the cares of worldly affai ms it to his personal comfort- this must be<br />

opportunity has been left to us to have red a crime and a sacrilege. For by doing<br />

as our own, from a thread to a shoe stm despises those who do not havex but are<br />

we have masters who vlth fear and tremb blessed poverty. Not only is he lost, but he<br />

so solicitous on our behalf both for food a s the rest to he lost.<br />

ing and during ill health,= if it should oc ely God has been pleased with those who<br />

we need not worry about anything and t bent their neck and, with all humility and<br />

lose the soul's benefits for the sake of th n, weep and mourn in this 1ife.J When<br />

We are free: we have cast from our necks th eave the body, they shall be taken to recline<br />

of enslavement to the world. Why do we w our holy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Ja-<br />

go hack to our vomit, to have something to he prophets and the apostles. They shall en-<br />

about and to be afraid of losing? For wh e consolation they deserve, just as Lazarus<br />

would an extra cloak serve, or fancier foo the bosom of Abraham.<br />

better bed, when everything is provided ' t woe to those who lived in the Koinonia4<br />

mon,' and when nothing is harder than t urned something from common to their own<br />

of Christ? It is by living according to this When they leave this body, they shall hear,<br />

that our fathers erected us on the foundat ember that you received good things during<br />

the apostles andprophets and on the discip life,% while your brothers were toiling in<br />

the Gospels, which is held fast by the corners s, and in abstinence, and sweating from un-<br />

our LordJesus Christ. Following him we desc g effort. Then look at those who, happy<br />

to life-giving humility, away from the pride t cheerful, have forsaken the present life to ob-<br />

causes death, exchanging wealth for poverty a the life to come, while you are put in filth<br />

delicacies for simple food. d torments and misery because you did not<br />

22. I beseech you not to forget the resolu ' t to hear the word of the Gospel, and because<br />

you once took. And let us think of the tradit spurned the words of Isaiah, who said, Be-<br />

Cf. Gn 28:lP.<br />

Cf. 1 Co n:ez<br />

Cf. Is k9.17;<br />

Rm 11:lO<br />

Cf. Mt 8:ll.<br />

Cf. Lk 16%.<br />

Lk 1625.<br />

187<br />

Cf. Mt 19:21:<br />

Lk 1233: 18:22.

Cf. Jr 5:s.<br />

Uniformity in<br />

life-style<br />

Cf. 2 Co 8:l5 =<br />

Ex 16:18.<br />

Cf. 1 Jn 3:17:<br />

Dt 153.<br />

Do not defend<br />

a brother<br />

Pachomian Koinonia The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

,deceived with evil persuasion theman who<br />

serve me shall rejoice, while you c<br />

count of the anguish<br />

account of the p ef r a violent upheaval to drink<br />

heard all the beatitudes of the Script kes him drunk. Woe to the man who leads<br />

yon have been unwilling to accept the d man astray on the road.P It is better for<br />

23. Therefore, brothers, let us bee n who scandalizes any of those who believe<br />

the least to the greatest, whether ric to have a millstone hung around his neck<br />

perfect in harmony and humility, that ' be cast into the sea. As we were saying, this<br />

cause he tripped a man who was rising; he<br />

had nothing over; th ed over to pride someone who was obeying,<br />

did not go short. Le turned to bitterness a brother who was able<br />

pleasure when he sees a brother living alk in the sweetness of charity: he corrupted<br />

and hardship:' let evil advice someone subject to the laws of the<br />

told him, Did one God not create [all astery and he brought him to hate and to be<br />

Have you not all one fat he^? Why has ea who was teaching him<br />

abandoned his brother, thus profaning t .$ He has sown strife and dis-<br />

nant of your fathers? Judah has been fo hers,' and did not fear what<br />

and abomination has been committed in<br />

r falls for his own master.<br />

precept, I give you a new commandme he willstand because theLord has thepower<br />

one another, as I have lowedyou. By this ake him stand again. Consider what [Paul]<br />

truly be known as my disciple^.^ It is the Lord who has the power to make<br />

fore, love one another and sh and, not the man who disregards the Lord's<br />

the servants of our Lord Jesus Christ and<br />

Pachomius and disciples of the Koinonia<br />

24. If a housemaster rep erring the mind of anyone against his teacher<br />

brothers subject to him, i admonisher. Let us recall [the passage of]<br />

fear of God and desiring to correct his e says, Free your heart from wick-<br />

if another wishes to speak may be saved. Let us not sow<br />

omess in the place of obedience<br />

astray the person who co<br />

he threw to the ground the man who was 1<br />

Cf. 2 Tm3:lS.<br />

Hab 2:15 (LXX).<br />

Dt 27:18.<br />

Do not under-<br />

mine the auperi-<br />

or's authority

Pr 24:12(LXX):<br />

Lk 16:15:<br />

Ac 15%<br />

Jude 23.<br />

Eph 6:ll-12.<br />

Do not diapoae<br />

of anything aa<br />

your own<br />

Cf. Ex 12:43.<br />

Is 8:14 =<br />

1 P 2:s<br />

*Jr 50%<br />

Pachomian Koinonia The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

holy and point out to him t st to another or wish to have at your own dis-<br />

vancing with all chastity and t hich you seem to have as your<br />

may carry out the saying of nst the discipline of the mon-<br />

those being led away to death; o understand Paul, who says to<br />

ed to liberty. Only do not<br />

that liberty as an opportunity for theflesh,<br />

knows the hearts of all. And Jude says & one another in love.5 And again, The<br />

ter, Snatching them from the fite and<br />

soiled garment of theflesh.' Let us bewar<br />

kind of garment and put on instead God on consignment from another, thinking that<br />

so as to be able to resist the devil's snares. doing a good deed and helping his brother,<br />

fight zi not against flesh and blood but m know that he sins against his own soul,<br />

principalities and powers, against the of the monastery. Foolish<br />

darkness, and against the sp , your soul is entrusted to your [house]master:<br />

the heavens. the one who guards your soul and body be<br />

26. Special precaution must be taken ng perishable things?<br />

one consign anything in another house or we may be justified. For we<br />

other's cell. This is against the disciplin Mercy comes to meet those who live by the<br />

monastery.' The man who does this is no<br />

the number of the brothers, but is a hire1 , This must also be noted. Let no one, de-<br />

a stranger. He is not to ea a or, rather, netted in the<br />

Lord with the holy ones,P because he has in his heart, 'when I die, I<br />

a stumbling-stone in the monastery. And t give what I have to my brothers'. Most foolish<br />

u found this written? Did<br />

with us until evening when we wash them wn the whole load of the world at once? In the<br />

are still wet-but we give them to the cts of the Apostles, did they not bring every-<br />

master who has charge over us or to the pers t of the apostles? Or<br />

charge of the storeroom, that he may carry ton thegarment ofjw-<br />

to the place where everyon u did not earn it while<br />

gether, and in the morni u were alive? Why have you forgotten what is<br />

spread out in the sun and, when they a shall reap what he sows? And,<br />

not keep them in our possession, but ret hall receive according to his deedsP And,<br />

to be kept in common, according to the 1 reward each one according to his works.<br />

And again, I, the Lord, search the hearts and<br />

Cf. Ps 85(84):11.<br />

Not to retain<br />

ownership until<br />

death<br />

Cf. Eph 6:ll;<br />

1Tm 3:7:<br />

1Tm 6:9;<br />

2Tm 2:26.<br />

Cf. Ac 434-35.<br />

Ga 6:7.<br />

Eph 6:s.<br />

Mt 1637;<br />

Rm 26.

Cf. Mt 19:21.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111 he Testament of Horsiesios<br />

into the world, and we can take nothing<br />

, ~ eus t be satisfied if we have food and<br />

o wish to become rich fallindo<br />

you not listen to David sa e snare, into many frivolous<br />

treasure and does not know for 1 desires that plunge men into ruin<br />

. Avarice is the root of all evil.<br />

ah admonishes Israel, sayu<br />

go limping along? If God<br />

him. And we are told: If<br />

are the commandments of God, which he<br />

why are you unwilling to heart d down to us through our father, and, if by<br />

e able to come to the kinget<br />

us fulfill these same comith<br />

our whole will. But if we are foling<br />

our own thoughts and our will reaches out<br />

unable to put down the heavy 1 omething else, then why do we not simply ad-<br />

He had the desire for a perfect li e and show ourselves to be what we<br />

testifies, and he was attracted by hamed to seem, lest perhaps we tdo may be<br />

tues in order to be praised, but wealth ve you defiled my holy place? And,<br />

back in his course. And he was unable to ill drive them out of my house.*' For the mo-<br />

Saviour's teaching because he w $tic communitiesP are indeed the house of God<br />

about the delights of the world. Thus, th rd of the saints;' as we read, Soliour<br />

says, It z i diffult for those who have on had a vineyard in the place called Baalto<br />

enter the kingdom of heaven. And agai rusted it to overseers and each one<br />

one can serve two masters. He will either ha it a thousand pieces of silver. My<br />

and love the other, or he will obey one an eyard is before me, one thowand pieces of silspise<br />

the other. You cannot serve God and m er for Solomon and two hundred for those who<br />

man. Thephaniees, however, ersee its fruit.' Let us not be cast out for defilancious,<br />

heard these t g it, as we read in the Gospel they were who sold<br />

attle and sheep in the temple. Coming in, the<br />

challenge us. Let us renounce the world that, ~ord and Saviour made himelfa whip of cords<br />

perfect men, we may follow Jesus, who is perfe oney-changers out of the temple.<br />

TO those whose soul is possessed by avaric ey and the tables ofthe merty<br />

for Christ's sake seems foolish. But devo to the pigeon sellers, Take all<br />

a sufficienq is a great profit. For, we bro here, and stop turning my Fa-<br />

1 Tm 63-10.<br />

The monastery<br />

is God's<br />

vineyard<br />

1 K 18:21.<br />

Cf. Nb 1533.<br />

Cf. L" 21:lZ;<br />

Ez 25:38.<br />

-Ho 9:15.<br />

Ci. Ps 80(79):9,<br />

15: Is 5:7.<br />

Sg 8:11-12.

*Mk 11:17;<br />

Is 56:7; Jr 7:11<br />

krn 234:<br />

cf. 1s 52:5.<br />

Warning against<br />

irregularity<br />

1 Co 11:20-22<br />

1 Co ll:34.<br />

Ez 20:s.<br />

Ez20:13.<br />

Lm 3:42.<br />

*Ez 20:25.<br />

+HO 10:13.<br />

*IS 2:s.<br />

Is 2:6.<br />

Fidelity to<br />

our vocation<br />

Ho 12:s.<br />

Ho 12:s.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

ther's house into a house of bwiness<br />

in theflesh. Have you endured such things for<br />

written, My house will be called a jng? And may this sentence not be uttered Ga 3:3-4.<br />

for all the nations; but you have t us, The law has passed f?om the priest<br />

robbers' den.* And in another place, B<br />

counselfrom the elders, and the hands of the<br />

you, my name is blasphemed among th<br />

are unnerved. The elders have deserted Ez 736.27.<br />

29. I beseech you, brothers, may e, and the chosen ones have given up their<br />

said of us as well, One person goes hung . And again, Because of you, my name is Lm 5:14.<br />

another is drunk. Do you not have houses<br />

ingand dnnking in? Or do YOU despise the<br />

phemed among the gentiless Let it not be<br />

atwe despise the institutions of our Father, that<br />

Rm 2%:<br />

cf. Is 525.<br />

of God and put to shame those wh rgetfulness creep in, and that, through our own<br />

nothing?' And they are told, Ifanyone is h<br />

It, we neglect the mediator of God4 and of his<br />

he should eat at home, and then your a<br />

will not bnng you condemnation. Do not<br />

house [receive] an alien name, lest this sta<br />

. For what fruit or what sign of the precepts<br />

od is found in us? How do we show we are liv-<br />

Warning against<br />

decadence<br />

be aptly applied to us, They did not give ng up to our profession?' Have we not left everyworks<br />

of Egypt. And again, They did not<br />

hing, and are we not still subject to avarice? And Mk l0:28.<br />

cording to my commandments; they d e are asked, Whence these wars and battles? Are Jrn 4:l.<br />

sabbaths. Therefore, when they call up<br />

the result of avarice? Because each man<br />

will not listen to them. Let w not persist<br />

2 his own advantage and not that of his neighness<br />

of heart and provoke God to anger, r, Ezekiel, alive to this day, reprimands us Cf. 1 Co 10:24.<br />

become our enemy and say, I will give t<br />

th his prophetic word, saying, Barterers were<br />

cepts that are not good and observances<br />

they cannot live,* for they ate the fruit<br />

ng you.* Son dishonors father,*' and father<br />

s son. What shall we answer on judge-<br />

*Cf. Ez 27%.<br />

+Mi 73.<br />

and adored the works of their own hands.$<br />

ment day? Or what excuse shall we be able to ofthe<br />

beginning their land was filled with soo in our defence on the last day? All these things<br />

ing, just like the land of the pagans.<br />

ppened to us, because the priests clapped their<br />

30. And, after we have renounced the nds and the people loved it. For, like people, Jr 531.<br />

and have undertaken to follow the banner o<br />

Cross, let us not return to the things - behind<br />

seek temporal repose,' imitating Ephraim<br />

says,= I became ~ich and found rest for mys<br />

May we not hear what he deserved to hear, All<br />

works shall be lost, because of the iniquiti<br />

like priest. Therefore, He says, I will repay him<br />

according to his ways and pay him off for his de-<br />

32. I do not say these things about all of you<br />

about those who despise the precepts of the<br />

. It was much better for them not to have<br />

Ho4:9.<br />

Thia warning<br />

not for<br />

which he sinned. And may this not be fulfill<br />

the way of justice than, knowing it, to<br />

us, You began in the Spirit, and you are now en<br />

have turned aside from the holy commandment

Ps 147(146):10.<br />

Call ta<br />

repentance<br />

*Ho 6:l.<br />

kf. Ps 20(19):9.<br />

kf. Ps46(45):<br />

10.<br />

MI 3:7.<br />

Jr 3:l4;<br />

cf. 332.<br />

Ez 18:31<br />

*Mt 11:28-29;<br />

cf. Jr 6:16.<br />

t ~ m 2:4.<br />

Ps 95(94):8 =<br />

Heb 3:8.15;4:7.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

that was handed down to them. Of this ng to the words of Moses, who reminds us, Ifyou<br />

men, Jeremiah laments and writes, My to the Lord with your whole heart, he will<br />

wasted away with weeping, my stomach your heart and the heart of your descen-<br />

bled, my gloy is spilled on the ground be<br />

the ruin of the daughter of my people; 34, Let us labor like good soldiers of Christ,*<br />

child and the suckling have fainted in thes let us be mindful of what is written, No sol-<br />

of the City.' They asked their mothers, ' of God gets himselfinvolved in the affaai7.s of<br />

wheat and wine?' as they fainted like wou ts life, that he may please Him under whom he<br />

men in the squares of the City, as theypoure Even someone contending in an athletic<br />

their souls on their mother's breast. We k twggle is not crowned unless he has fought ac-<br />

that God has no interest in thestrength of a h ording to the rules.2 The farmer who does the<br />

nor does he take pleasure in a man's legs. ark should get the filst share of the produce. It<br />

33. Therefore, let us return to the Lor written, All the nations shall walk, each in its<br />

God,* and whenever we pray,t He, who own way. We, however, shallglory in the name of<br />

urgesus to pause andget to know him,X1will h he Lord our God. These became ensnared and<br />

us. And in another place he says, Return t 11. We have got up and stand erect.<br />

and I will return to you. And again, Retu 35. Whoever walks in daytime does not stum-<br />

me, my backslidingsons, and I will rule over yo le, but whoever walks at nighttime does, be-<br />

Ezechiel likewise calls upon us, saying, Why awe there is no light in him. But we, as the Apos-<br />

you die, 0 howe of Israel?' I want not the d le said, are not the sons of the transgression<br />

of the sinner, only that he turn from his evil w hich leads to damnation, but of faith, for the<br />

and The most merciful Lord and source alvation of our souls. And in another place he<br />

all goodness cries out to us in the Gospel a said, You are all sons of light and sons of the day;<br />

clares, Come to me all you who labor an we are not sons of night or darkness. Now if we<br />

overburdened, and I willgive you rest.' Car are the sons of light, we ought to know what be-<br />

yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am g longs to light, and bear the fruits of light in every<br />

and humble of heart,5 and you will find res good work. What is revealed is light.<br />

your souls.* Let us consider that the goodness If we return to the Lord with our whole heart,<br />

God calls w to repentance,t6 and holy men e and turn ourselves with simplicity of heart to the<br />

courage us to salvation. Let w not harden o precepts of his saints and of our Father, we shall<br />

hearts and collect against ourselves a store of abound in every good work. But, if we are over-<br />

vine anger for the day of wrath; then shall be come by the pleasures of the flesh, we shall grope<br />

vealed thejwtjudgement of God who will rep the wall in broad daylight, as ifit were the<br />

each one according to his deeds.' But let us r of night, and we shall not find the way to<br />

turn to the Lord with our whole heart;t7 accord the city of our dwelling; of which it is said, Out of<br />

Dt 30:2.6.<br />

Labor like<br />

good soldiers<br />

'2 Tm 2:s.<br />

Ps 20(19):7-8.<br />

Walk in the<br />

light<br />

Jn 11:9.<br />

Heb 10:39.<br />

Eph 5:9.<br />

Eph 5:14.<br />

Cf. Dt 303.<br />

1 P 132.

*Cf. Ps 107(106):<br />

11.<br />

%eb 3:18-19.<br />

Be watchful<br />

Ho 13:4 (LXX)<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

hunger and thirst, their soul fainted within 1 disperse them through all the<br />

because they despised the law given to the<br />

God and did not listen to the voice of e hear these things, let us wake up<br />

em.* Because of this they were unabl sleep, and let us prove that we are<br />

the promised rest.* Lord's service, that he may take<br />

36. Let us keep watch and be on our<br />

us and say to us, Call upon me and I will<br />

he did not spare the natural branche ,<br />

will he spare you.' I am not talking about<br />

body but about the negligent. This lame<br />

rightly be applied to them, Woe to tho<br />

so desert Ephraim as to blot<br />

have strayed from me. It has been made ma<br />

out. And again, I will not punish you forthat<br />

they have acted impiously against me.<br />

nor will I always be angry with you. For the<br />

shallgo forth from me, and everything that<br />

spires I have made. And in the same place<br />

adds, I have given them true comfort, peace<br />

cannot hold water. And, because they hav<br />

onpeace, to those who were near and to those<br />

listened to his judges, let them hear God sayi<br />

have set watchmen on<br />

m. That we may understand his mercy fully,<br />

word of Jeremiah teaches us, saying, Even if<br />

uen is raised on high, and the foundation of<br />

because they got familiar with I will not reject the race of<br />

1 for all that they have done.'<br />

earth, whose hands formed all the he<br />

I did not show you these thingsso you could to wake up from sleep.' Night has passed<br />

after them. And he gave the same admon Let w thereforegive up the<br />

through Moses, saying, When you look up and put on the armor of light.z<br />

heaven and see the sun and the moon and let w conduct ourselves honorably, as in the<br />

stars and all the array of heaven, do not let y n, first let us love God with<br />

self be misled into adoring them. For I am<br />

who led you out of Egypt; and you k eep in mind the precepts of our God and Sav-<br />

ays, My peace Igiue to you, my<br />

me. I am the one who fed you in the wilder I leave you. I do not @we you peace as the<br />

in an uninhabitable land. And they were fille oes. Now, on these two commandments<br />

satiety, and their heartsgrew proud. SO they fo the prophets depend.<br />

*Ho 13:4-6.<br />

QrS4:17.<br />

Trust in<br />

God's mercy<br />

Jr Sl:37(3&35).<br />

Love of God and<br />

of neighbor<br />

Wt 30:P.

Do not receive<br />

personal gift8<br />

Responsibility of<br />

the superiors to<br />

provide for all<br />

the brothers'<br />

needs<br />

1 Co 10:33.<br />

Beware of<br />

scandals<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

39. If anyone living under a [house-] m , children of this age put their confidence in<br />

a house of the monastery, and lacki<br />

things he is allowed to have in the m<br />

since they are from the world, and the<br />

has a father and brother and a close fr<br />

not to receive anything at all from<br />

e world hates you, know that it hated me<br />

tunic nor mantle nor anything else. But<br />

d again, Whoever wants to be a friend of<br />

proved that he has less than what is presc orl'd, becomes an enemy of God. And again,<br />

the entire fault and punishment s<br />

will have tribulations but be brave; I have<br />

[house-] master.<br />

the world. And again, Happy those who<br />

40. Therefore, you who are the fathe m, for they shall be comforted.P Happy those<br />

monasteries, if you see that any [brothers<br />

hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they<br />

something and are hard pressed,<br />

them,' knowing that you shall render a<br />

for all theflock over which the Holy<br />

tisfied. Happy those who suffer persecuplaced<br />

you, to watch over and t about the sons of night? Is it not this? Woe to<br />

Church of God, which he bought with who are rich, for you have received your contion.<br />

Woe to you who are full now, for you<br />

. Woe to'you who laugh now, for<br />

hall mourn and weep."<br />

the sake of his good and edqicatti Fo 2. Let us, therefore, avoid the friendship of<br />

did not please himself, but, as it is writte t we may deserve to hear, Weeptaunts<br />

of those who insulted yovfell on m rough the evening, and joy<br />

kgain, I do not seek my own advantage b e morning. The Lord heard and<br />

of all, that they may be saved.P<br />

41. Now, if our Lord and Saviour so orda'<br />

and if the saints so lived, and if our fathe<br />

on me. You have stripped off my sacktaught<br />

us, then, let w arise fr<br />

mourning and sadness? Jeremiah said, I did<br />

what has been prescribed for us. For, every<br />

that was written was written for OUT instru<br />

that through patience and the consolation<br />

ot sit in scoffers' company but trembled before<br />

Scriptures we might have hope.<br />

gand sorrowful, so was I brought low. Walking<br />

their footsteps, we [shall] understand that our<br />

those who prosper in their w<br />

e of tribulation.4 and that the<br />

of the prophet is fulfilled, who said,<br />

ose who are in distress for a time shall not be<br />

Cf. Jn 15:19<br />

Lk 634.25.<br />

Separation from<br />

the world<br />

'Cf. Jrn 44.

Pachomian Koinonia III The Testament of Horsiesios 203<br />

abandoned. If tribulation is for a while ts were the theme of my song in the<br />

not last forever, let us sow in tears, tha m. And in another place hesaid, PS ng(118)54.<br />

reap injoy, not growing weak, for we wicked thing before my eyes,<br />

the ~ ord rescues his worshippers from t who did ed4And, Theperverse PS ~o~(~oo):s.<br />

43. The Lord is our father. * The Lo did not stay close to me, and Igave no recogjudge.<br />

The Lord is our ruler. Th to the wicked, as they parted company with<br />

king. The Lwd himself shall saue us. . I persecuted the man who secretly slandered<br />

glect his precepts, we shall remain in dist neighbor.' I did not eat with the man of<br />

he himself says, Those who folbw mesha ughty eye and insatiable heart. My eyes wereset<br />

the land and inherit my holy mountain. n the faithful of the land, to have them sit with<br />

shall possess this mountain, if we fulfill<br />

PS IOI(IOO):~-6.<br />

and listen to what is said, Make your wa 44. Let us imitate the example of all these men, show love<br />

before him.* And again, Remove the that there may be peace and n'ghteousnes in OUT<br />

from the way of my people.+ And in anOt ~ m Y ~ i ~ ~ g h<br />

days,* and that what we read in another place *cf. PS 85(84):10:<br />

Expel the corrupt one from the council to us: Thorns and briars shall Rrn 14:17.<br />

shall go out with him. The man who of my people. Rather, let us IS se:18.<br />

man unjust, and the man who declares und for ourselves and not sow<br />

manjust, both are unclean in the sigh ~r 4:s:<br />

Let us be on our guard that this is not s nd, once we have kept the commandments cf. H0<br />

us too: Their sons hue been estranged from hich were given to us, it will be manifest that we<br />

And this, The daughters of Zion were ve God, as divine Scripture testifies in another<br />

and walked with an outstretche rs my commandments and<br />

eyes, their dresses trailing at the eeps them is the one who loves me. And he who<br />

unison with their feet. And again the word 0 ves me is loved by my Father, and I shall love<br />

prophet serves for our correction, saying, im. And my Father and I shall come and make<br />

has Zion, the faithful city that was full of@ OUT dwelling with him, and Ishall show myselfto<br />

merit, become a harlot? Where justice is him.' And, You are my friends, ifyou do what I Jn 14:el.zs.<br />

there are now thieves. And, The people, s take many words with us jn 1514.<br />

knew [the truth], had commerce rd OUT God and say to him,<br />

and you Israel, shall not go unnoticed. e [our] sins, that we may re-<br />

~f we recite the divine [words], we will t us offerhim the fruit of our *HO 14:s.<br />

to say what David did, I will 7 r soul will rejoice within us.+ +Ps 35(34):9.<br />

,~ Pa 119(118):165. words, like someone onfinding a vast t7ea.s . Would that we might repent of our error Another call to<br />

And, ffow sweet to my palate are your w and, brought back to our former con""ion<br />

pS ii9(118):103. sweeter than honey and honeycomb to [ways], might say, Assur will not save us. We will<br />


Cf. Jn 15:5.<br />

For Paehomius'<br />

sake<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

not nze horses, and we will not say a<br />

o~rgods are the works of our hands. Go<br />

within you, shall take pity 0% the peop<br />

restore their dwellings. Then, he shall s<br />

us once again, I will love them openly a<br />

my anger from them. I will be like dew.<br />

shall bloom like the lily and thrust Out his<br />

like Lebanon. His branches will spread o<br />

he will be like a fruitful olive tree, and<br />

gmnce like incense. They will come back a<br />

each one in his tent. They will live and be stre<br />

ened with wheat. Their fame shallflourish<br />

vine; Ephmim, like the fragrance of inc<br />

what has he to do with idols? I have<br />

low, I will comfort him. I am like<br />

juniper, his fruit was produced from me.<br />

wise and understands these things, who un<br />

cience, being despoiled of the garments in<br />

h he clothed us. He led us into the contest to<br />

according to the rules, let us not be overe<br />

by our enemie~.~ And once we have reached<br />

time for us to leave the body, let us not bee<br />

enemies of our Father for serving [earthly]<br />

ures in such a way that we who ought to at.<br />

freedom of soul through fasting and afflicof<br />

the body would dedicate ourselves to the<br />

h and to pleasures, to fancier clothing and<br />

er bedding.* Then not only would we ourves<br />

be lost; we would lead to ruin others who<br />

Id have profited from our example. hi^ was<br />

tten about them, You have not received the<br />

+it of sedtude again in fear, but the<br />

of<br />

rtitude and love and purity. Again, pood does<br />

ot make w pleasing to God; for, neither if we<br />

, shall we gain more; nor if we do not eat, shall<br />

Cf. 2 Tm 2:s<br />

Rm 8:15.<br />

2 Tm 1:7.<br />

Cf. 2 Tm I:?.<br />

and knows them? And would that lose something. Because the kingdom of ~ o d<br />

might be able to bear fruit from him, for not food and drink but righteousness, peace<br />

him no good work is possible. nd joy in the Holy Spint. The man who serves<br />

46. ~ eus t return to the Lord, that he nit in this way pleases God and is approved by<br />

ofus too, I will no longer remember their<br />

n. Isaiah also says, Those who wait for the Lord<br />

iniquity. ~ eus t not abandon the law of<br />

which our father received from Him a<br />

down to US.' And let us not value his<br />

ment~ cheaply, lest this lamentation be<br />

over us: HOW has gold become tarnished<br />

good silver changed; how have sacred stones<br />

scattered at the comer of every street? Afte<br />

many labors our Father undertook for our s<br />

tion, offering himself as a model of virtue, b<br />

ing over us among the saints with these war<br />

'These are my sons and my people; they ar<br />

sons and they will not deny me'-after such<br />

timony, let us not lose the confidence of a go<br />

all renew thebstrength. They shallput on wings<br />

like eagles. They shall run without growing weary.<br />

They shall walk without getting hungry. Therefore,<br />

he shall raise up a sip for the nations and as.<br />

semble the fugitives of Israel. Know this: They<br />

shall come swiftly; they shall not grow hungry 07<br />

sleepy. They shall not sleep, nor shall they remove<br />

the belts from their waists or undo the straps of-<br />

' sandak. Their arrows are sharp and the+<br />

s bent. Their feet are like the firmest rock; the<br />

Of their chariots, like a whirlwind. ~h~~<br />

tack like lions; they shall stand ready like<br />

Cf. Heb 13:18.<br />


Pachomius'<br />

example<br />

Cf. Lk 8:16.<br />

Cf. Rm 8:16.<br />

Cf. Mt 25:S5.<br />

Cf. Is 5:s-23<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

47. Therefore, let us be imitators oft<br />

the one people of God-as it is written, I<br />

and not forget the formation that our<br />

us while he was still alive. Let us not<br />

ake them, one man from a people, and two<br />

mib, and I will bring you to Zion, and I<br />

the burning lamp he placed above<br />

you shepherds after my own heart who<br />

Walking [in] this world by the light of ed you with discipline-after ;hat, let us<br />

let us remember that it is through his<br />

ak the bonds of charity, lest it be said of<br />

God has received us into his household. son honors his father, and a servant his<br />

hospice to wayfarers, he showed a harbor er. If1 am a father, where is my honor? IfI<br />

to those on a stom-tossed sea. [He p a master, where is my fear?"<br />

bread in hunger,* shade in heat,+ clot<br />

nakedness.$ He instructed the ignorant<br />

itual precepts. He encircled with chasti<br />

enslaved by vices and joined to himse<br />

afar.<br />

48. Therefore, let our heart cry out to the<br />

And now, after his death, let us not forge<br />

great kindness and everlasting benefits, and<br />

not turn judgement into rage and<br />

r heart like water before<br />

Lord. Stretch out your hands to him for the<br />

righteousness into bitterness, so that<br />

against us, Judge between me and my zn<br />

expected it to yield fruit, hut it yielded zm<br />

May this not be uttered<br />

not n'ghteousness but a shout.' T<br />

which follows in the prophetic text wil<br />

ned because of its inhabitants. For they abanus.<br />

8 It is a cune we should flee<br />

ter zeal, by following the way o<br />

re, a curse shall conhave<br />

gone before us in the Lord, our fath<br />

sume the land because its inhabitants sinned and<br />

brothers alike, who renounced the wor<br />

few men shall be left.= May our wine and our<br />

made their way to the Lord at an uninter<br />

vines not mourn too. And may those who earlier<br />

pace and are now in possession of his inheri<br />

rejoiced with their whole heart not sigh. And this<br />

which I am afraid we may lose through our<br />

could be said of us, They invented madness in the<br />

fulness. And so to us would th<br />

corrupted as [on] the<br />

sage be applied, which says of Ephraim, He<br />

his, The booty comes from<br />

ries on an oil trade with Egypt. They ming<br />

aid it: you have made a covwith<br />

the pagam and learned their<br />

After we had receivd our call to free<br />

ds, we believe instead that in<br />

we have been gathered from separ<br />

rise from Jacob and a man<br />

Cf. Jr 29:14.<br />

MI 16<br />

Salutary grief<br />


Zc 1:5-6.<br />

Rm 2.4.<br />

Jr 8:4-5.<br />

Ps 147(146):2.<br />

A community<br />

of love<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

The Testament ofHorsiesios<br />

shall spnng up from Israel who will st7<br />

er, springs from God, when he said, Do<br />

princes ofMoab and destroy the sons<br />

rget good works and communion, for God<br />

Let there not be an infuriating sting<br />

in such sacrifices.' We read the<br />

ful thorn in the house of Israel: fo<br />

in the Acts of the Apostles: For the<br />

made the Lord'sportion, and Israel, t<br />

rs had one heart and soul,<br />

ing line of his inheritan~e.~ Je<br />

d anything his own. They held<br />

where, if this law passes away from. my<br />

m ~ n And . ~ the apostles gave<br />

then the race of Israel could pass a<br />

ss to the resurrection ofthe LordJesus with<br />

again, I will give thefruit of their to<br />

psalmist is in agreement with<br />

and I will establish with theman euerlastz<br />

when he says, Behold, how good and<br />

nant. Their seed and descendants will be<br />

delightful it isfor bmthers to live together.<br />

among the nations. Eueyone who s<br />

let us who live together in the Koinonia,'<br />

know that they are a seed<br />

who are united to one another in mutual<br />

they thoroughly enjoy the g<br />

apply ourselves that, just as we de-<br />

49. Let us then examine ourpaths*' and p<br />

ship with the holy fathers in this life,<br />

der our own steps. Let us follow thefragran<br />

ay also be their companions in the life to<br />

knowledge,+ ever concealing His words<br />

e cross pf our life is also<br />

our hearts,: that we may be blame<br />

doctrine,' and that we<br />

and walk in the law ofthe Lord<br />

share Chrzit's sufferings, and we must realof<br />

body and prolonged effort n<br />

at without trials and difficulties no man ataway.<br />

Ourfathers and the prophets, wher<br />

ns victory. Happy the man who endures trial,S<br />

they? Shall they, as it is written, live for<br />

s proved himelf, he shall receive<br />

Receiue my words and my ordinances, wh<br />

crown of life. And again, He toiled in the<br />

commanded through my Spirit t Id, he shall liveforever-provided we share<br />

theprophets, who were with you<br />

as to share hisgloy. For, [Paul]<br />

experience the unspeakable kindness ofour<br />

the suffeerings of the present not<br />

who, to this day, urges us to ~epentance,~ sa<br />

worth comparing to the glory that shall be re-<br />

Shall the man whofalls not stand up again, or t<br />

uealed in us.6 And elsewhere it is written, Iconman<br />

who strays not return? Why have my peop<br />

sidered how I might understand this, hard though<br />

turned away in stubborn revolt? They clung<br />

it isfor me. And again, Following you was no<br />

their pleasures and they refused to come bac<br />

toil for me, and I did not consider the day of<br />

If we come back to him, he shall build us<br />

men. And in another place, Many are the trials of<br />

with his Spirit, as it is written, The Lord but<br />

the .righteous, but the Lord will rescue themfrom<br />

up Jerusalem, gathenkg Israel's exile^.^<br />

all ofthem. And our Lord says in the Gospel, The<br />

50. The Apostle taught us that our<br />

ne who perseueres to the end will be saved. And<br />

nity, the communion by which we are j<br />

elsewhere, This is the book of the command-<br />

Heb 13:16.<br />

Ac 432-33.<br />

Ps 133(132):1<br />

Rm 8:17.<br />

Cf. Ac 14:PP.<br />

Jm 1:lZ.<br />

Ps 49(48):8.<br />

Rm 8:17-18.<br />

Ps 73(72):16.<br />

Jr 17:16.<br />

Ps 34(33):19.<br />

Mt 10:22.

Is 66:lO-11.<br />

Recite God's<br />

Scriptures<br />

Dt 11:18-20.<br />

Dt 4:lO.<br />

P* 3:s.<br />

Admonition m<br />

the young<br />

Pachomian Koinonia The Testament of Horsiesios<br />

ments and the law wnttenforeuer. ~l<br />

cause he shall lift the yoke<br />

and the things that befit you to afo<br />

We are happy, 0 Israel, that w<br />

God has been reuealed to us. Have trust,<br />

ple, 0 memonal of Ismel. And agai<br />

mercy ofyowyouih. And<br />

Young man, rejoice in your youth. Let<br />

speaks, Rejoice, 0 make a feas<br />

who love him. Rejoice, you who trust in<br />

you may be suckled and befilled<br />

of his consolation.<br />

51. Let us devote ourselves to rea<br />

of your eyes. And know<br />

reator in the days of<br />

youth, before evil days come and the years<br />

the fruit of his own mouth, an ouch when you will say: They do not please<br />

the price of his labors. These are the before the sun and the light, the moon and<br />

which lead us to eternal life, the [words] tars grow dark, and clouds return after the<br />

ther handed down to us and commanded in the day when the guards of the house<br />

tinually to recite,' that what was written m<br />

ble and men of courage are overthrown;<br />

fulfilled in us: The words which I comma<br />

n the women ceasegrinding, because they are<br />

today shall be in your heart and in your so<br />

shall teach them to your sons. You sh<br />

about them, whether sitting at home or wa<br />

abroad, lying down or rising.<br />

them as a sign on your hand,<br />

permanently before your ey<br />

write them on the doorposts and thresholds<br />

your houses, that you may learn to fear the Lor<br />

ed to afew; when women who look through<br />

indows are kept in darkness and the street<br />

e of the woman who<br />

ding becomes weak; and men jump at the<br />

of the sparrow, and all the daughters of<br />

are brought low. They shall look from a<br />

t and see terror on the way. The almond<br />

all the days of your life. And Solomon, indica<br />

e mourners go about in the<br />

ing the same, says, Write them across your he<br />

r cord hassnapped, and the<br />

52. Consider by how many testimonies en, and the pitcher is shatword<br />

of the Lord urges us to recite the holy Scr or the pulley stopped at the<br />

tures that we may possess through faith what ust returns to the ea~th as it was, and<br />

have repeated with our mouth.' the spirit goes back to the Lord who gave it.

*Lk 252;<br />

Cf. 1 S 2:26.<br />

$EX 33:ll.<br />

Cf. Gn 37%<br />

3.14.<br />

Final recom-<br />

mendations.<br />

The example of<br />

the saints<br />

*Eph 4:14.<br />

Eph 430.<br />

1 Th 5:19-20.<br />

Cf. Ps 18(17):25.<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

It is likewise written in the Gospel,<br />

have you any food? Cast to the right<br />

and you will find some. And again,<br />

and little child who today does not<br />

from evil shall enter the good la<br />

Every male that opens the wom<br />

holy. And in the Gospel, And the boy<br />

growing and he made p<br />

man. * Joshua also, the servant<br />

youth, and did not leave the tent of<br />

read also what is written about David,<br />

fair color, with fine eyes. Timot<br />

a boy and a young man, was ta<br />

tures that he might come by way of their p<br />

faith in the Lord and Saviour.* And, beca<br />

was instructed? we read of<br />

called a man of desires.t5 Joseph was the<br />

beloved of his father,=<br />

mands, and, when he was only seventee<br />

old, he considered his father's orders the 1<br />

his life.<br />

53. I have unfolded all these things that<br />

sidering the lives of holy men, we may n<br />

tossed about by every wind of doctrine," bu<br />

we might struggle on and set their way of li<br />

the model for our own life, so as to be God'<br />

cia1 people. And let w<br />

with whom we have been se<br />

demption.2 Let w not qu<br />

nor treat the prophecies<br />

fail to provide a place for<br />

dwell in us.* Let us fear no one but ~ od,+<br />

the avenger and judge of every deed. He<br />

with the holy, and inno<br />

man. And he says, I love t<br />

The Testament ofHorsiesios<br />

look for me shall findjoy. And he says else-<br />

fore sunset.1 Let us<br />

an who sins against<br />

2 and to leave our oflenng before the altar,?<br />

r it will never be received unless it is made ac-<br />

one has a complaint against someone, let<br />

ve w. Let us be<br />

py thegentle, for they shallpossess the earth.<br />

loung sons. And Be perfectjwt as your heavenly<br />

Father who is in heaven is perfect. And elsewhere,<br />

Be holy becawe Iam holy, says the Lord.<br />

55. Reading these testimonies, let us sow jusrice<br />

for ourselves, that we may reap the fruit of<br />

d the day ofsalvation.' And truly, according to<br />

what is written, Love is the fulness of the 1aw.P<br />

Lv 26:23-24.<br />

Mutual<br />

forgivene$S<br />

and meekneaa<br />

*Cf.Qo 7:9.<br />

+~f. Ps45.<br />

kf. Eph 426.<br />

Cf. Nb l2:3<br />

Pr27:ll.<br />

Eph 5:l.<br />

Mt 5:48.<br />

Lv 11:44: 19:2.<br />

Brotherly love<br />

Cf. Pr 11:18.

Pachomian Koinonia The Testament of Horsiesios 215<br />

John joins in agreement with this, because he will bring evey deed to judgeceiued<br />

this commandment from the thing which was neglected, whether<br />

we love one another. And, The man<br />

God, loves his brother. Not like Ca<br />

Qo 12:13-14.<br />

from the evil one and killed his brother<br />

did he kill him? Because his works were<br />

his brother's were good. Let us not be s<br />

Notes to the Testament of Horsiesios<br />

(Hon. Test.)<br />

brothers, ifthe world hates us. We know , Test. 1 'This sentence is quoted by Pachomiua in Pach. Instr. 1: 16.<br />

have passed from death to life, because<br />

the brothers. * Therefore, let us love one an<br />

, ~est. 2 'This sentence is quoted again below, 120.<br />

ZThe same expression: 'fathers and brothen' k found again below. 113 and<br />

56. I will tell you something more da<br />

my dearest sons, since God has entrusted<br />

the flock following your way of life, the hol<br />

,. Test. 3 'This is an allusion to Paul's handling of a case of incest at Corinrh.<br />

'According to Draguet Fragm. 1: 6, Pachomius established the rule that a<br />

sinner should not be expelled from the monastery, lest he 'be abandoned into<br />

the hands of the devil'.<br />

nonia. I have not ceased to admonish and<br />

each ofyou with tears,' that you might<br />

~est. 4 'The same quotation from Lm 3:40-41 is found wtth dight<br />

arian nu) in Pach. Letter 10: 1; Theod. Imtr. 3: 38: and below, 449.<br />

ing to God. And I have not held back fro 'The text is applied to Pachomius.<br />

anything I considered useful for you.2 An<br />

commend you to God and to the wo<br />

grace; [to God] who has power to bud<br />

and to give you an inheritance among the s<br />

Be vigilant. Strive with all your might a<br />

''. . . poma sollicita genninanr'does not correspond either to the v~lgate<br />

(non elit sollicdum, nec aliquando desinet facem fructum) or to the Septuagint<br />

( O W . Cqpav8fioaro~; obv 74, p6kp dvarokfi5 abii~<br />

CqpavOrjouraO. It must be a mistake by either Honieaios or Jerome.<br />

'The Latin teat: 'Graue cov in omnibus, et homo est' hardly makes any<br />

sense. H. Bacht (Das Vermrichtnti, p. 65)notes that the copisu hadsome problems<br />

with this text, a. we can see from the variant 'hominir' instead of 'in omnibw'.<br />

Jerome's (or Horsiesios') misinterpretation is found also in the Seption,<br />

that you not forget your resolution,<br />

fill what you know you have promised. I<br />

tuagint and Symmachus, as well as in the Itala and in the Syriac versions. On<br />

the bask of a fake vocalization they all read enasch (man) instead of anorch<br />

(perverse). The meaning of the Hebrew text is: 'The heart is more devious than<br />

be offered up, and the time for my dissolut<br />

at hand.' I haue, for [my] part fought the<br />

fight, I haue finished the course. I haue<br />

any thmg, pervene too.'<br />

7er. l7:lO is quoted again below, 727.<br />

Hon. Test. 5 'The expression 'our father' obviously means Pachomius, as does<br />

APn or 'AN% in the Coptic or Greek textr when used without any penon's<br />

faith. AS for the rest, the crown of right<br />

has been reserved for me, which the Lord,<br />

PWe find the same recommendation in Theod. Instr. 3: 5. See aho Am. Letn'ghteousJudge,<br />

willgive to me on that d<br />

'Ps 19(18):7-8 k quoted also in Hon. Letter 4: 5.<br />

only to me, but to all those who haue 20ue Hon. Test. 6 'The same text from Rm 13: 11 is quoted again below, 1138-41 and<br />

righteousness%nd have carried out all the c<br />

mandments of [our] father. The end of th<br />

course; listen to all of it. Fear God and ke<br />

commandments, for this is [the duty of] en<br />

by Pachomius in the Roemium of Jud.<br />

'Horsieaios quotes 1 P 5:s-9 veryfreely. 1 P 5:s is also quotedin anIwtitrucion<br />

by Theodoie in G' 135, and there arc clear allusions to it in Pach Instr. 1:<br />

10 and 28; Pach. Fragm. 1: 2; and Theod. INW. 3: 19.<br />

;This theme of the imitation of the saints k important in pachomian<br />

spirituality. See P. Tamburrino, 'Les aainude l'Aneien Testament dam la @re<br />

catCchhe de saint PachOmc'. in Melto 4 (1968) 33-44.

216 Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Testament of Horsiesios 217<br />

+The curious expression: 'Let us understand the hair of our<br />

way' is a direct quotation of Pach. Letter 1: 3.<br />

6' . . . that there may be.. . written' is a quotation from<br />

his tear is quoted again below, (54 and in Draguet Fragm. 1: 5.<br />

The same text is quoted twice by Pachomius, in Pach. Imtr. 1: 6 and<br />

pa&. Letter 3: 13.<br />

Actually, in his sentence'Let ur understand . . . written', H<br />

a quotation from Pach. Letter 1: 3 ('And you, as a wise son,<br />

your head on the journey.. .') with one from Pach. Letter 5: 2 ('I<br />

the hair of your head and find the ointment running down your be<br />

collar of your robes you will be able to accomplish all that has bee<br />

'We find the same erchatological perspective in Pachomi~; see<br />

r. 1: 49-60 and his third. fourth and fifth letters.<br />

uses this text three times: see G1 132 and Theod. Instr. 3: 10<br />

s text, which is the conclusion of the Book of Qohelet, is used by Hor-<br />

Hors. Test. 7 'In the expression 'ducer et pvoepositimonosteriorum ac<br />

the word monmteriomm relates to dvces and the word dom<br />

raepositi. The meaning is: 'ducer monasten'orum et praepositi d<br />

$77-18 are directed to various groups of superiors. See B. Stei<br />

"Obern-Spiegel" im "Testament" des Abtes Horsiesi'.<br />

'We have here an indirect witness to the use of a secret alphabet<br />

to end his Testament (see below, 156) and to end one of his letters (see<br />

, Letter 1: 6). The expression: 'in omnibus quae neglecta sunt'thar we<br />

ve here inJerome's translation corresponds to the Coptic text in Hors. Letter<br />

1: 6: etbehdb nim eauoEou eroau.<br />

,2 Co 5:10 and the very similar text of Rm14:lO are used or alluded tovery<br />

~ften; see below, ((17 and 21 and Hon. Reg. 5 and 31; see also Pach. Instr.<br />

language among the Pachomians. As H. Queccke has noted (<br />

Pachom. Gviechiescher Text, pp. 28-29) if the characters we have<br />

ref. Inst. 13 and 17.<br />

ly mean groups of monks, Horsiesios' use of the characters is closer to<br />

the Hktonh Lausioca than to that of Pachomiur' letter$. R. Weijenb<br />

his review of H. Bacht's Dm Vemirchtnk (Antonianum 49 (1974)<br />

quoted by H. Quecke, Die Bviefe, p. 28, n. 4) thinks that the characte<br />

to be understood as figures: 'twenty, ten or five or one'. This seems t<br />

probable since the expression 'to say it in plain language' (ut in co<br />

dicam) obviously refers to a mysterious mode of speaking.<br />

lThe same quotation is found again below. (16, as well as in Sx 7<br />

18.<br />

n. Test. 11 'See above, 110, n. 4. We have here a combination of Rm 14:10<br />

(' We must all appear before the tribunal of Christ') and 2 Co 5:10 ('We shall<br />

all have to stand before the tribunal of Christ'). We find the same combination<br />

in Hon. Reg. 5.<br />

*This seems to us to be an accurate-if not the most literal-translation of<br />

atribus qui reputantlrr in plebe&.<br />

'Gal 6:2 is quoted also in Am. Letter 3 and in Pach. Letter 5: 11.<br />

"Et nos hobemus depositum a Deo traditum, canuemationem fratrum'.<br />

e expression conuerrotio, so important in the Rule of S. Benedict (v.g. in<br />

Hors. Test. 8 'This seems to us to be the meaning of: Sunt aliq<br />

semetipros ut &enter ivsta mndatum Dei. . . ; but the text i<br />

clear and H. Bacht finds a different meaning: 'Manche [0<br />

ihre eigene Person darauf bedacht, nach Gottes Gebat<br />

(Dm Vernziichtnir, p. 75).<br />

'With H. Bacht (Dm Vermichtnir, p. 75, n. 27), we read lank operi<br />

pter 58) is often found in the Pochomiana latino: Pr., title; Inst. 18; Leg.<br />

12 and 14; Theod. Letter 1; and below in Hors. Test. 1747, 55 and 56 (see<br />

Boon, pp. 133; 60.5: 75,lO; 74.5: 105,20; 140.17: 145,25 and 147.10. It is<br />

difficult to say what was the Greek or Coptic word used in the original text.<br />

Only in one of the cases mentioned do we have the Coptic parallel, where we<br />

read room (knowledge).<br />

instead of lank operemini (Boon, p. 113, 10). So did Benedict of Ania<br />

Codes Regulamm, PL 103: 455D.<br />

&We find clear allusions to this text of Ezechiel in S' 25 and in Pach. Ins<br />

1: 2.<br />

.The original meaning of Is 3:lZ in the Hebrew Bible is quite dif<br />

'Your rulers mislead you and destroy the road you walk on'.<br />

I'. . . et principes tui in tempore comedunt in fortitudine': the mea<br />

nor entirely clear.<br />

Hors. Test. 9 'This tent is quoted again below, 115.<br />

"Sedentes in locir humilioribus, in quibus pate norter praecepit pe<br />

non sedendum, caueont praeporiti donorum, ne . . .' We translate lice<br />

although the meaning of the sentence remains obscure. It is not clear<br />

the loci humiliorer are. 0. Schuler (in B. Sreidle and 0. Schuler,<br />

"Obem-Spiegel" im "Testament" des Abter Horriesi, p. 32) understan<br />

this expression the storeroom or cellar, and refers to Inst. 18 (Boon p. 58<br />

but his translation ('Die Vorstehere der Haiiser sollen sich hiiten, in<br />

ratsraum ru sitzen . . . ) does not respect the structure of the Latin sentenc<br />

'Cf. same idea in Theod. Instr. 3: 11.<br />

on. Test. 12 'The expression opus Dei means monastic life in general, or the<br />

whole of the ascetic effort of the monk, asin all theearly monasricwritings. It<br />

does not yet have the meaning of 'Divine Office' it will have in the Rule of S.<br />

Benedict. See I. Hausher*. 'Opus Dei'in Mkcellanea Gudlaume de Jerphanion<br />

I, OCP-15 (1947) 195-218.<br />

"Pater norter quiprimus inrtittrit coenobio': About Pachomiur considered<br />

the founder of the Koinonia, and for a justification of our translation of<br />

coenobia by Koinonia, see Theod. Letter 1: 2, n. 4.<br />

'The assimilation of Pachomius to s. Paul is found also in Theod. Letter<br />

Hors. Test. 13 'Ps 107:41 is quoted again by Horsiesios in Hors. Letter 1: 5 and<br />

4: 5. See also Theod. Letter 1: 4.<br />

'Same quotation below, (56.<br />

'The same text is guoted in different words below, (56.<br />

'The same exprerslon of s. Paul ('weak with those who are we&) is found<br />

n Am. Letter, 21).<br />

'Cf. above, (10 and Inst. 13: 'When a sin is committed among the men in

218 Pachomian Koinonia 111 The Testament ofHorsiesios 219<br />

one of the houses, if the housemaster, seeing the fault does +'. , sine mumuratione et cogitationibur "ad. These cogitotiones unrrbe<br />

. . . 6ta?.oyop6v; Vulgate: she.. . haeritationibur)<br />

xeward, it shall be done to him according to their canon'.<br />

cf. Ph 214: ~ o p i ~<br />

Hors. Test. 14 *Cf. Theod. Instr. 3: 30: 'Let us fear greatly lest for n<br />

soul be brought to destruction which could have been saved.' See a<br />

layed an important role in the ascetic psychology of the early monks. See H.<br />

.chr, 'Die friihmonastischen Grundlagen Ignatianiseher Fr6mmigkeit. Zu<br />

gen Grundbegriffen der Exerzitien', in F. WuK, Ignntiur won Loyola.<br />

n. 2.<br />

'We find the same combination of Mt 24:45 and 49 quot<br />

context in Pach. Letter 3: 3. There is also an allusion to Mt<br />

e gelcthche Gestalt und rein Vermdchtnis, (Wiirrburg, 1956) pp. 239-<br />

J.-C. Guy. 'Un dialogue monastique inedit %&pi Aoy~opWv'. in RAM 33<br />

Instr. 1: 55.<br />

~Horaiesios ends one of his Instructions (Hors. Instr. 4: 2) wi<br />

tion, med in the same manner. See ako SBo 114, where this t<br />

Pachomiu.<br />

e find the two members of this quotation in an inverted order in Theod.<br />

an allusion to the same teat, ibidem, (30. There is another<br />

mention of the 'arrows of the devil' in SBo 14.<br />

%am quotation in Pach. Instr. 1: 22.<br />

~ors. Test. 15 lHonieaios replaces 'hope' by 'faith' in the text of 1<br />

'1 Th 5:14 is quoted also in S1 25; the expresion 'comfort<br />

'The same text occurs below, 153. We find a similar recommendation not<br />

to grieve the Spirit, in Pach. Instr. 1: 45. See also SBo 101 and Am. Letter<br />

found also in Horr. Letter 3: 5.<br />

''DO not drive your children to anger' is used by Pachomi.u in P<br />

'Same expression from 1 Th 1:4 in SBo 107.<br />

5: 10.<br />

41 Co 10:33 is quoted again below, (40, and in Hors. Letter 3<br />

Hors. Tesr. 16 'Cf. above, 19.<br />

'This text was quoted above, 17.<br />

*We find another allusion to 1 P 1:17 in Pach. Fragm. 3: 3<br />

,' . . . anything mortal or shameful' probably refers to sexua<br />

which the pachomian monks were warned.<br />

Tf. Inst. 13 and 17. See also above. ((10 and 13.<br />

.m. Test. 20 'Note the depth of this doctrine on chastity, baaed on a belief in<br />

God's presence in our bodies.<br />

÷The same quotation occurs in Am. Letter 3.<br />

'The same quotation occurs in SP 7.<br />

'The same quotation occurs in SBo 194.<br />

'Horsiesios makes reference more than once to this parable; see Hon. Reg.<br />

3; Hors. Letter 3: 1; 4: 4: Hors. Test. 20. There is also a reference to it in SBo<br />

118 and another in Pach. Instr. 1: 51.<br />

'This text is used by Theodore in SBo 187.<br />

Hors. Test. 17 'The Good Shepherd is given as a model to superiors<br />

Instr. 3: 30. In G1 54 Pachomiua is said to visit the monasteries da<br />

'as a servant of the Good Shepherd'.<br />

'This verse is quoted by Pachomiur in Pach. Letter 3: 4.<br />

'Same expresion in SBo 26 and Pard. 41.<br />

.we find the same application of Jn 21:15-16 made by Thead<br />

135. It is interesting to see how Horsiesior relates the role and the au<br />

the superior of a monastic community to the mission given to Pet<br />

risen Lord; see P. Tamburrino, 'Kozhoniii, pp. 13-18 and A. de Vo<br />

Momstere', p. 34.<br />

Hars. Test. 18 I' . . . pmecepta moiomm': it can mean either 'the precep<br />

elders' or 'the precepts of the superiors'. We often find this ambiguous<br />

ing of maiores in the Pochomia~ htim.<br />

'The same quotation occurs below, 147.<br />

,This expression from Rm 8:17 is by Theodore in SBo 186 (<br />

om. Test. 21 'On the importance of renunciation in pachomianspirituality, see<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 41, n. 1.<br />

'This expression from Gn 1493 is used with the same meaning in Pach.<br />

Instr. 1: 53. It is used also, but with a different meaning (nothing should be<br />

neglected) in Hors. Reg. SO.<br />

lSee Pr. 38; 40; 41; 42; 43; 53; 81; 105. The expression languor corpurculi<br />

is found also in Pr. 5 and Inst. 12. On the care for the sick brothers, see Pr.<br />

40-47; 92; 105 and 129; Pach. Letter 5: 2 and Horr. Reg. 24. See also B. Sreidle,<br />

'"Ich war krank, und ihr habt mich besucht" (Mt 25.26)'. in E d 40<br />

(1964) 443-468; 41 (1965) 36-46; 99-113; 189-206.<br />

'Cf. P. 87-88; Imt. 18. See also below. (46 ('let us not.. . dedicate<br />

ourselves . . . to fancier clothing and softer bedding').<br />

Hors. Test. 22 'Cf. Pr. 81.<br />

'1 Co ll:22 is quoted below, f29.<br />

'Cf. Pach. Insrr. 1: 59; Hors. Instr. 1: 3.<br />

142).<br />

Hors. Test. 19 1The rank (ordo) in the community was important, and th<br />

often streses its respect; see Pr 13, PO, 63, 65, 131, 136, 137. See als<br />

"In coenobio': see above, fl2, n. 2 and Theod. Letter 1: 2, n. 4.<br />

IThe same example of the rich man is given as a warning by Pachomius in<br />

'Pan of this text is quoted in a different context in Theod. Letter 2: 1.<br />

Beneden, 'Ordo. Uber dem Ursprung einer kirchlicher Terminolo<br />

Vigirine Christkzme 22 (1969) 161-179.<br />

'The expression 'libera rem'tur' is probably inspired by 1 Co 7322 w<br />

quoted in Hon. Letter 3: 1 and in Thead. Instr. 3: 19.<br />

,The same text is quoted again by Horsiesios in Hora. Letter 3: 1. S<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 2 with n. 1.<br />

Hors. Test. 23 'Dt 15:s is quoted also by Theodore in Theod. Letter 2: 4.<br />

'Horsierias often assimilates the community to the chosen people of Israel.<br />

;We follow the punctuation proposed by H. Bacht (Dm Venndchtnis, p.<br />

1, n. 112): in Boon's text, a comma should replace the period after 'estii<br />

'quapmper' of line six begim a sentence that is finished by

220 Pachomian Koinonia III The Testament of Ho~siesios 221<br />

'nor invicem amre debemw . . . '. Jn 1355 is quoted again in<br />

5 and 4: 8. ,, Test. 28 'Same quotation in SBo 108.<br />

2'conciliabulo monachonrm': the expression is somewhat surprising. But<br />

rome makes great use of diminutive forms of wards. See examples in H.<br />

.~ht,Das Vermichtnis, p. 117, n. 105.<br />

,The pachomian Koinonia is called the vineyard of the Lord also in SBO<br />

104 and in Pach. Instr. 1: 37. See also below, (47 and Hors. Reg. 4.<br />

+Sg 8:11 is quoted again by Honiesios in Hors. lnstr. 3: 2.<br />

There is a clear reference to Jn 2:15 in Theod. Letter 2: 1.<br />

The same quotation occurs below. (30.<br />

. Test. 29 'Another clear allusion to this text above, (22.<br />

rs. Test. 30 "Re/ngerirrm': concerning the use of this word (also above, 114).<br />

see Jer. Pref. 1, n. 6.<br />

*Read 'imitantes Ephraim dicentem'and not 'docentem'which is a laps-<br />

made by Boon (and copied by Bacht). MS M has dicentem (for this informa-<br />

'Cf. Leg. 14. tion we are indebted to A. de Va@)<br />

'Cf. Jud. 10. ,See above (28, n. 6.<br />

IRm 14:4 is also partly quoted in Pach. Imtr. 1: 12. 'On Pachomiui as 'mediator', see Theod. Letter 2: 4, n. 4.<br />

G1 110 where Pachomius himself is described following these re<br />

faithfully is also a paragraph without any parallel in SBo and inspir<br />

Rule.<br />

'See Pr. 113.<br />

%a 5:13 is quoted again by Honiesios in Hors. Letter 3: 1, and the<br />

call to liberty is expressed here below, (47. See also SBo 105 and 107,<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 1.<br />

Hors. Test. 27 'Cf. Hors. Instr. 4: 1, n. 1.<br />

'This theme of the reward according to each one's work is frequent;<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 12, n. 2.<br />

eWith H. Bacht (Dm Vemichtnlr, p. 135, n. 136) we read 'contentis<br />

instead of 'contenti sumw'. Hon. Test. 39 'See above. 722.<br />

÷See Pr. 81.<br />

ors, Test. 31 'We follow the French translation of the monks of Salesmes.<br />

which seems to be the best approximation of a Latin phrase that hardly<br />

makes any sense: ' . . alrt in qua profesione impleamw avreptam,'<br />

"Nom quia unusqulrque quawit.. . ': The word qunerit should be added<br />

to Boon's printed text.<br />

'1 Co 1034 is quoted again by Honiesios in Hon. Letter 3: 1.<br />

'Same complaint in Pach. Inatr. 1: 49.<br />

rs. Test. 32 'We correct 'qui defecit poruulus . . . ' to 'quia defecit<br />

pa7rrulw.. . ' as H. Bacht (Dm Venntichtnis, p. 142) did.<br />

rs. Test. 33 'The same quotation occurs in Pach. Letter 3: 7 and 9.<br />

'The same quotation is in Pach. Letter 3: 9.<br />

'Ez 33:ll is quoted also in G1 85 and Pard 11.<br />

'This verse is quoted in G1 25 and 99.<br />

&This verse is quoted in G1 9.<br />

'The same quotation occun below, (49.<br />

"Let us return to the Lord with our whole heart' is a kind of leitmotiv of<br />

the whole book. See below, (135 and 38.<br />

Hora. Test. 34 'The same quotation is in Pach. Fragm. 4: 1.<br />

'2 Tm 2:5 is quoted by Theodore in 6' 132: see also below, 146.<br />

Hon. Test. 36 'The same idea, with same quotation, is found above, (2.<br />

Hors. Test. 37 'The same quotation occurs in Theod. Letter 2: 2.<br />

st. 38 'The same quotation occurs above, 76 and below, (41.<br />

orsiesios quotes the same verse in Hors. Letter 4: 3.<br />

e the same Johannine recommendation below, 155.

222 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

The Testament of Horsiesios 223<br />

Hon. Test. 40 'Cf. above, (13. See Pr. 41-42.<br />

'See above. 115, n. 4.<br />

aThir sentence is quoted in Theod. Instr. 3: 8.<br />

rSee a more literal quotation of Is 61:lO in Hon. Instr. 4: 1.<br />

Hon. Test. 41 IThis text is quoted by Theodore in Thead.<br />

'This text is quoted by Theodore in Theod. Instr. 3: 8.<br />

'Lk 6:25 is quoted in Am. Letter 25.<br />

49 'See above, 14, n. 1.<br />

.see the same quotation above, 135.<br />

l~he same quotation is in Hon. Letter 2.<br />

Hon. Test. 42 'An allusion toJm 4:4, quoted above, 141.<br />

'The same quotation occurs in Am. Letter 28 and Theod. Inst<br />

st. 50 'The same quotation of Heb 13:16, in connection with Ac<br />

-53 (as here) is found also in S' 11 (according to the recension of S'). See<br />

8This text is quoted also in Am. Letter 25.<br />

4The same quotation occurs in Theod. Instr. 5: 5 and 5.<br />

his text of Ac 432, so important for the theology of cenobitic life, is<br />

quoted in S1 11; Theod. Instr. 5: 25 and Hors. Reg. 51. See also SBo 194.<br />

HOB. Test. 45 IThe same text is quoted also in Thead. Instr. 3: 5 an<br />

101. In Theod. lnstr. S:5 the text from Is 55:22 is preceded, just like he<br />

'The Lord is our father', which is from Is 64:s. In SBo 101 it starts<br />

Lord is our God, which actually is not in is 55:22.<br />

'There is a reference to Pr 17:15 in Inst. 18.<br />

,'in the Koinonio' translates 'in coenobirc'; see Theod. Letter 1: 2. n. 4.<br />

he text should read: 'scienter quod crwr uitne nartme doctrinae quoque<br />

principium sit . . . '. This is the text of MS M, as A. de Vogiie has confirmed to<br />

~oon has written ' . . . uitae nostra doctrinae . . . ' by mistake. Hoste, in<br />

PL 105: 47SB, has reproduced nortme correctly, but has arbitrarily corrected<br />

;The same quotation is in Hors. Letter 4: 5.<br />

*The same quotation is in Pach. Instr. 1: 55.<br />

SThis sentence from Ps lOl(100) is quoted in Pach. Fragm. 2: 2.<br />

usion to this text in G' 11s.<br />

'The same quotation is in Theod. Instr. 5: 5: see also above, in this 1.<br />

'Horsiesioa uses this text from Baruch very often. See Hon. Letter 5: 2,<br />

Hon. Test. 44 >The same ~romise is quoted in SBo 185. G' 112 and Sg<br />

'In Isaiah we read 'Jewelem' instead of 'Inad.<br />

Hon. Test. 46 'See above. 128: 'If these are the commandments of God. w<br />

Tesr. 51 'See Pr. 5: 6: 11; 28: 56; 59; 60; etc.<br />

he handed down to us through our father. . . '.<br />

'2 Tm 2:5 is quoted above, (34 and by Theodore in 6' 152; withH<br />

(Dm Vermiichmis, p, 162). we read 'non ruperemur ab inimicis no<br />

stead of 'non ruperemus . . . '.<br />

'See above (21; Pr. 81; and lnst. 18.<br />

orr. Test. 52 'Against Boon, we prefer the reading of MS M (uoluimus [read<br />

volvimur rather than voluimus]) to that of MI E (uolumw).<br />

*The same quotation occurs in Pach. Letter 5: 15.<br />

'The same quotation of Lm 537-28.30 (without v. 29) occun in Am. Let-<br />

Hors. Test. 47 lit is difficult to make sense our of 'Ad cuius lumen huiw roe<br />

+The sentence 'before., . the pitcher is shattered at the fountain' (Qo<br />

incedentes'. We follow H. Bacht (Dm Vermiichtnir, p. 167, n. 209)<br />

1236) is quoted also in Inst. 18.<br />

understands ' . . .ad cujus [lucernae] lumen huius roeculi incedentes<br />

%ir desideviomm' (= Jerome's Vulgate) corresponds to the &w)p<br />

'See above, 128, note S.<br />

Bnklu&tc5v of the Septuagint. The same text is quoted in Hon. Letter 1: 3.<br />

'One of these curses is quoted by Hors. in Hors. Letter 4: 3.<br />

according to the Sahidic Bible: w5me Zioudf: h man worthy to be loved'.<br />

4 . . . way of life (= conuersotionem)'. On the meaning of conuersnt<br />

Tachomius mentions Jacob's special love for Joseph in Pach. Letter 3: 8.<br />

above 111, n. 4.<br />

%On the importance of renunciation in pachomian spirituality, see ab<br />

Hors. Test. 53 'The same warning is quoted by Pachomius in two different let-<br />

(21, n. 1 and Pach. Instr. 1: 41, n. 1.<br />

ten: Pach. Letter 4: 6 and 5: 5.<br />

6The same quotation occun above, (26.<br />

?The same quotation occun above, 119; SBo 101; and Am Letter 23. See<br />

'The beginning of this text is quoted above, 118; the rest is quoted in P also a similar exhortation not to grieve the Holy Spirit, in Pach. Insu. 1: 45.<br />

Instr. 1: 41. 'The same quotation occun in Ham. Letter 4: 4.<br />

Hors. Test. 48 'Lm 2:18 is quoted also in Pach. Letter 5: 5.<br />

'At the end of the quotation: 'in copite uniuerromm grerruum'is obs<br />

Jerome robably wrote egmsruum, which would correspond to the An' 6p<br />

naoc5v%~66wv of the Septuagint.<br />

J'et dereliguemnt hominespouci', at the end of the quotation, is pro<br />

a copist's mistake for 'el derelinquentur hominer pauci: which would c<br />

pond to the rorahq8joovra~ hv8ponot 6kiyot of the Septuagint a<br />

the 'relinquentuv' of the Vulgate.<br />

The same quotation occun in Hors. Letter 2.<br />

'The same quotation occurs in Theod. Letter 2: 1.<br />

Hon. Test. 54 'The text should read: ' . . .so& occubitum paenitentin pmeue-<br />

nienler'. Contrarily to Boon's apparattu, MS M has pendentia and not<br />

'Mf 18:21 is quotedinDraguet Fragm. 1: 5: Mt 18:22 in Pach. Instr. 1: 59.<br />

*This text is quoted above. (9 and in Draguet Fragm. 1: 5.<br />

on. Test. 55 'The same quotation occurs in Paral. 9.<br />

'The Prologue of the Proecepta atque Judicio begins with this text.<br />

lThe same quotation occurs above, 138.

224<br />

Hon<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

i. Test. 56 'The same text is quoted differently above, (13.<br />

'Cf. ibidem.<br />



purity 111 29, 169, 183-4:<br />

beware impurity 11 20, 26, 28, 37:<br />

I11 176:<br />

brother expelled because of<br />

impurity I 150-7:<br />

Pachomius teaching about-<br />

167, 146-50. 328-9<br />

their good example 1 385; CHILDREN<br />

some protest Theodore's first spiritual care of I 331:<br />

instruction 1 91, 350; 11 19 their formation 1 451<br />

ER I42ff. 307, 397-9, 428<br />

CHURCH<br />

ro~rc LIFE I 159: I11 91. 95<br />

of the village and of the monastery<br />

147, 316;<br />

built with the permission of the<br />


in general 11 82:<br />

of Pachomius 1375:<br />

eading people to fervor I 24, of Theodore I1 82, 90ff<br />

CUSSES OF MONU 11 126<br />

a-ask Pachomius to make a CLOTB~NC (pieces of) 11 126, 142, 183<br />

foundation in his diocese 1 73, CONFDENCE IN WD 1 62, 180; 111 16,<br />

26, 40, 94, 112, 160, 199<br />

Pachomius' respect for- I 318;<br />

a-is opposed to the foundation<br />

of Phnoum 178:<br />

some-convoke Pachomius to the<br />

see REPENTANCE<br />

ca*m I1 129, 143<br />

CRoEs<br />

sign of 11 199;<br />

to carry Christ's I11 155, 159<br />

synod of Latopolis I 375 DEMONS<br />

their wiles I 89, 347;<br />

given to the community 173-4; afflictions from III 15-6;<br />

too many in the community 1253, twptations by 125-6, 44ff. 308ff.<br />

438: 11 33, 35, 50, 117: I11 14:<br />

rules about 11 163-4 who suggest extra fasting or<br />

00- 11 149, 162, 170 psalmody 184ff. 344ff:<br />

TecnuMeNs 1 104: I11 124 passession by I $7, 303-4;<br />

beware the attacks of the- 111 35;<br />

appear to Pachomius and<br />

Theodore 11 48ff:<br />

modesty at the rynnxir 11 204: powerless against the brothers<br />

ruler of prudence It 161; I1 48-9:<br />


do not know the future 126, 299;<br />

I1 49<br />


from honors 1202, 205-6 (see<br />

HUMIUTY):<br />

from material passessionr 1217-8<br />

(see ~VERTY);<br />

indifference to curse or praise<br />

Ill 21; alro 111 164, 186<br />


of spirits 1552-3, 444-5;<br />

of vocations 145. 157, 312<br />

EUCHA- 147, 265, 314, 516; 11 147,<br />

201-2<br />

PAMlLY<br />

renunciation of (see REGUNCIATION);<br />

visits of family at the monastery<br />

I1 116, 155-6;<br />

gifts from 11 155<br />

FARMING 11 zl7ff<br />


Pachomius' 1 SO, 81, 301, 541;<br />

angels of Wednesday and Friday<br />

I1 157<br />

not to fast beyond one's strength<br />

11 89ff:<br />

see olro I1 37-8. 143<br />


to write about our- 1425:<br />

example of our- 111 54<br />

FEAR OF MD I1 35-4. 197-8<br />

FOKGIYENESS. mutual 111 40, 213<br />


Phbow l 71, 554-5;<br />

$neset I 72. 554-5;<br />

Thmodons 172, 334-5;<br />

Tae 175. 554:<br />

bin 175, 352;<br />

Thbew 177, 552;<br />

Tsmine 177, 554;<br />

Phnoum 178. 554:<br />

annexion of Pmampstrrpasen I 7%<br />

Kaior, Oui (Naui) and Bechne<br />

1392-3<br />


evil- 111 145-50<br />

H A B I1 ~ 153 (see CLOTHING)<br />

HARYEST 11 209<br />

c Koinonia ZIZ Analytic< 61 Index<br />

of I 238;<br />

by Pachomiu. 164.5, 6<br />

periority over eremitic life 1 60,<br />

526-8, 447; 148, 184, 382-3:<br />

attitude of Pachomius God's vineyard 111 195<br />

168-9, 529<br />

spiritual l 69, 329; f ~ o 111 d 20, 199;<br />

Pachomius' exhortation<br />

whom he healed I 44<br />

HE-NGS d~aniages<br />

was not healed I<br />

405;<br />


reception of visiting mon<br />

I1 142<br />

HUMILITY I1 150-1. 208-9; I11 1<br />

22, 25, 55, 59, 48, 97, 115,<br />

IDDLATRY 169, 530; 11 Slff, 60<br />

reflection on I 358; I1 148, 16<br />

by Pachomius 1509; I1 4lff;<br />

daily-by Pachomius 11 19:<br />

first-of Theodore 191. 350; I1<br />

JOURNEYS 11 152. 157<br />


organisation and rules of th<br />

1145, 358:<br />

trials of the-after Pachomius'<br />

death I 87, 346;<br />

example of the- 139, 505:<br />

brather who desired to become<br />

a- I355ff: I1 29ff<br />

how to prepare 11 205-6;<br />

see olro I1 121, 126, 127-8, 145,<br />

205, 354, 385; 111 69. 128. 143<br />

TH, guard of 111 86. 108-9,<br />

~uar~c 186, 123, 545-7, 567;<br />

NEGLIGENCE I 140, 226, 265, 581;<br />

11 170-1, 207: 111 115, 128, 172<br />

first monastery of 149, 319:<br />

rules about I1 166-7<br />

See nlro section of H.L. I1 129ff<br />

superior to fasting and psalmody<br />

to the rule of silence 197, 145,<br />

OXIIGENISM 1 317-8; I1 28-9<br />


childhood 125, 299;<br />

conversion 127, 500;<br />

period at Seneset 128, 501, 455;<br />

stay with Palamon I29ff. SOlff:<br />

at Tabennesi 134ff. 505ff. 427;<br />

comng of John 1 41, 306, 428;<br />

first disciples 145, 512. 450;<br />

coming of his sister 149, 318;<br />

foundations I ?Iff, 534ff. 554ff:<br />

establishes headquarters at Phbow<br />

192, 351;<br />

council of Latopolis I 375;<br />

last illnes, 1 172, 578;<br />

appoints Petronios as his successor<br />

1176. 579:<br />

last recommendationr I 177,<br />

579-80;<br />

death 1178, 580;<br />

his Ltje being written 1 237, 243<br />

pmovra 1 53, 176, 205, 243, 252,<br />

502. 378. 402; I1 145: I11 47, 62ff<br />

1ZSff. 158, 161<br />

PHlLOSOPHERS 174, 355<br />


of the brothers 162. 324;<br />

decline in the Koinonia I 244,<br />

405:<br />

against private ownership 1 358-9;<br />

I1 159;<br />

aasinst . love of money I1 44ff:<br />

111 57<br />

PMYEII<br />

canons of- 150-1, 501; 11 198.<br />

210;<br />

the Office of Six Prayers 1 338;<br />

I1 164, 171, 182;<br />

perseverance in I11 144;<br />

idle thoughts during I 122, 375;<br />

out of pride 184. 544:<br />

Pachomius'-for everyone I 158ff<br />

mme 155.6, 84, 344; 11 20, 42,<br />

57-8; (see H~MIL~~Y)<br />


147. 51, 314,<br />

317;<br />

PEOMISE~ I11 31, 57. 107

PROPHET5<br />

as forerunners of monasticism<br />

123-4, 297-8:<br />

see individual names of prophets<br />


on Sundays I1 146-7;<br />

-refused a dead brother I 123,<br />

368: I1 25<br />

mar- OF HURT 111 98<br />

RECI~ION or NOVICES I1 152-3<br />




of family I 60, 62, 82-3, 323<br />

343-4 (see FAMILY);<br />

of private po~~essions I 338-9<br />

iree POV~.~)<br />

REPENTANCE 169, 212, 225, 330, 398:<br />

I11 109, 114, 174, 203, 207; free<br />


RESENTMENT 111 105<br />

RESURRECTION I 337: 11 95<br />

RULES<br />

Pachomiw-for his first group of<br />

disciples 146, 50, 319, 436:<br />

-of the first monastery I 71, 334;<br />

transmitted to the foundations<br />

172, 335;<br />

to remember and to study our<br />

father's commands I11 124-8,<br />

173:<br />

-of the Koinonia I 145. 338:<br />

Pachomius' obedience to common<br />

- I 374:<br />

Rule of the Angel I1 125:<br />

contempt for I1 177<br />

SAINTS<br />

their example 11 14, 19, 212:<br />

their trials I11 92-3<br />


canons of the- 1230;<br />

learning the- I 38, 75, 304, 353;<br />

I1 166. . 202: .<br />

to pray heed to the teaching of the<br />

111 118;<br />

literal meanine " of I 215:<br />

observance of all the- 183-4.<br />

343-4:<br />

Pachomian Koinonia IIZ Analytii :al Index<br />

SELF SCRUTlNY 111 173<br />

111 201<br />


Pachomius being serve<br />

SlNS<br />

Pachomius promising t<br />

will of God and man<br />

Pachomius serving the p<br />

weekly service in the ma<br />

I1 149<br />

forgiveness of I1 97ff, 11<br />

confession of 11 51;<br />

penance for I1 33:<br />

punishment for I1 171.<br />

instruction to the brothers<br />

ward of Tabennesi 192, 351;<br />

istance to Pachomius at Phbow<br />

trip to Alexandria I 133;<br />

rehabilitation (?) I 134, 374;<br />

other trip to Alexandria 1 179,<br />

SLEEP<br />

on reclining seats I1 160<br />

Pachomius does without<br />

SOUL fate of the-after death<br />

first instruction as father of the<br />

SPIRIT, fmie of the I1 202: 111 1<br />

Koinonia 1 199ff. 390ff;<br />

foundation of Kaiar. Oui (N~ui)<br />

Bachne I 392-3:<br />

tells Li/e of Pachomius 1237. 243;<br />

brings Horsiesios back to Phbow<br />

1253, 402-3;<br />

SUPER~ORS death 1258, 404-5<br />

from God, who wants to train us<br />

admonition to the secon<br />

111 92, 96, 104;<br />

mona~teries I11 180;<br />

to be steadfast in time of- I11 14,<br />

to the housemasters 111 1<br />

to the seconds of the hou<br />

111 183; UNIFORMITY, Pachomiw refusing<br />

responsibility of-before<br />

tribunal I11 177;<br />

responsibility of-to provide f<br />

wut I 30-3, 79-80, 301-2, 339.40<br />

the brothers' needs 111 PO0<br />

su~~xrs (assembly): I1 145ff. 169f<br />

Theodore desires-of God 1 58;<br />

181<br />

Pachomius attitude towards 1330;<br />

Pachomius discernment of 1 165-6:<br />

356:<br />

Pachomius' teaching about<br />

1393-4:<br />

Pachomius firrt-: 128-9, 301:<br />

Pachomiur-at Tabennesi 134,<br />

39, 305, 427-8;<br />

Theodore's-of the Trinity I1 79;<br />

Pachomius and Theodore's various<br />

other- 186-7, 94-7, 99, 104,<br />

105, 110-1, 113, 129ff. 142,<br />

219, 846, 357-8, 360-1, 367,<br />

372ff<br />

WATCHFULNESS 1224, 398; I1 15, 38,<br />

94, 99, 114, 157, 162, 198, 208<br />

WORK<br />

for the poor 133, 59, 302:<br />

rules about- 11 156ff


This Index contains only the names<br />

~h~rnian texts, not those foundin th<br />

References are to the uolurnes and the pages where th 47, 74, 75, 80, 122, 175, 313,<br />

amo~ I1 63<br />

~nos (heresiarch) I 317<br />

339, 340, 351, 353, 370, 371,<br />

asrorr~co 111 18<br />

ABEI. 111 57<br />


1221, 395, 396<br />

ABEAIL I262 I1 100<br />

ASLWM I1 23<br />

ABRAHAM (Patriarch)<br />


151, 117, 118, 133, 134, 1<br />

123. 64, 89, 204, 207, 233, 239,<br />

241, 297, 308, 326, 336, 387,<br />

425, 441<br />

11 62, 65, 79, 208. 209, 217<br />

192, 223, 230, 231, 232,<br />

252, 253, 254, 264, 298,<br />

361, 366, 377, 382, 383,<br />

396, 400, 406<br />

111 17, 18, 24, 54, 154, 212<br />

111 13, 19, 24, 37, 55, 108, 113,<br />

139, 158, 187<br />

ABSALOM 1 341<br />

ADAM<br />

176, 152, 353<br />

I1 61, 63<br />

ATHENIANS 11 64<br />

WHENOWRO~ 11 60<br />

uso om us (the Great)<br />

I 123, 362<br />

I1 76, 77. 82. 83<br />

430, 437, 439, 451<br />

I1 63, 174, 201, 214, 217<br />

111 25, 93, 110. 135, 157. 158, 160<br />

162, 182, 192, 201, 202, 212,<br />

111 24. 56, 65, 109, 143<br />

AUSONIUS (2) I 123, 362<br />

nsuus I 210, 211<br />

ALEXANDER (Archbishop) I1 80<br />


I 123. 158, 243, 361, 362<br />

11 80<br />

AMAEIS I1 84<br />

AMMON 11 71, 99, 105. 121<br />

AMMONIOI I1 100, 103, 104<br />

SAKN*SAS 111 22<br />

BARUCH<br />

I1 63<br />

111 140, 158, 161, 171<br />

BATHSHEB.4 11 201<br />

BUIARION 11 99<br />

BLEMMVUI 11 30, $1, 128<br />

orome.run 124, 298<br />

o~was 163. 64, 65, 323, 326<br />

osca~os 11 102<br />

AMNON 1341 c~ma I1 76<br />


124, 298, 11 174<br />

11 100, 104<br />

ANANIAS I1 115<br />

ANTONY<br />

124, 182, 183. 185, 186, 191, 192,<br />

193, 298, 311, 366, 382, 383,<br />

111 55, 57<br />

CALEB<br />

11 66<br />

111 56<br />

395 CANAANITES I1 174<br />

11 98, 99, 103 CAROUR I1 94, 95 124. 202, 298<br />

norm 1 383<br />

APHTKON~OS I1 128<br />

a~~or~ovros 178, 195, 254, 387, 391<br />

APOLWS I11 111, 112, 157<br />

ARLANS<br />

1 134, 223, 377, 395, 396<br />

11 75. 79, 86, 100, 101, 102<br />

amos (bishop of h n ) I 73, 352<br />

CEPKM 111 111. 112 (see e ~ m n<br />

CH-EANS I11 18, 163, 172<br />

CH<br />

1300. 320<br />

11 64, 66, 71<br />

CHRYWCONOS 11 102<br />

cons~~~~rrre 128, 300, 301<br />

111 17, 19, 24, 28, 113, 193<br />

124, 214, 298, 330<br />

I1 75. 77. 82, 87, 98, 100, 104<br />

230<br />

Index of Persons i<br />

ENOCH<br />

176, 353<br />

11 61<br />

I11 24<br />

EPHMIM I11 194, 199, 204, 206<br />

EPONYCHUI 1 393<br />

ERON 1256, @7, 404<br />

ESAU 111 54, 64, 65<br />

EUSTOCH~UM 11, 142<br />

EYE<br />

I1 66<br />

111 22, 24, 57, 137<br />


1153, 439<br />

11 199<br />

I11 175, 195, 196

ISAAC<br />

1241. 336, 386, 441<br />

I1 62. 65. 78. 102, 209, 217<br />

1108, 201, 336, 337, 425<br />

I1 174<br />

I11 115, 135, 210<br />

OHMAEL 111 54<br />

moose I1 87, 90, 93, 102, 104<br />

JACOB<br />

1178. 203. 241, 247. 387, 441<br />

11 62, 65, 78, 209, 217<br />

I11 13, 20, 55, 64, 65, 71, 108,<br />

127, 156, 158, 187, 207, 208,<br />

210<br />

JAMB<br />

1430<br />

111 38<br />


1238, 332, 341<br />

11 92, 174<br />

I11 29, 115. 150, 196, 199, 201,<br />

208<br />

JLSE I1 82<br />

J m S fic2"'m<br />

prHao I11 100<br />

JEWS<br />

11 63, 64, 65, 66, 78<br />

111 155<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

JOHN (Pachomius' brother)<br />

141, 42, 43, 306. 307<br />

JOHN (another mok)<br />

147, 313, 351, 385<br />

JOHN OF PHNOUM (same a3<br />

I11 59, 67<br />

JONADAB 1238<br />

JONAH (pl~phef) 111 113<br />

JONAS (monk)<br />

172, 335. 351, 385<br />

I1 53<br />

I11 118<br />

1178, 203, 241, 247, 341,<br />

11 62, 217<br />

I11 24, 55, 71, 72, 93, 212<br />

JOSHUA (ran of Nun)<br />

I 102, 189<br />

11 65<br />

111 21, 56, 164, 212.<br />

JOEIAH 1140<br />

JUDAH<br />

11 63<br />

JUDAS 1 226, 229, 398, 399<br />

JUDE 111 190<br />

JUDITH 111 24, 153<br />

punn 11 102, 103, 104<br />

LA-rrm I1 141<br />

LAZARU~ 111 187<br />

LEorrnus I1 141<br />

LEV1 1 61, 323<br />

LEYITES 1314<br />

LOT<br />

1233, 241, 353<br />

111 19, 39<br />

~~cnx_los (of Alexandria)<br />

I1 104, 123, 124, 125,<br />

MOAB I11 54, 157, 208<br />

Index<br />

345, 357, 365, 386<br />

11 62, 63, 66, 208, 214<br />

I11 19, 24, 27, 56, 65, 123, 128,<br />

144, 154, 155, 158, 160, 163,<br />

171, 177, 178, 197, 198, 219,<br />

srs (of Magdolon) I 375<br />

AMAN THE SYRIAN 11 83<br />

APHERSAES I 405<br />


see JOSHUA, son of Nun<br />

'Persons<br />

PACHOMIUS $aim<br />

PACHOMIUS (junior) 147, 260, 313,351<br />

PAISIOS 11 104<br />


130, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,<br />

38, 40, 79, 301, 302, 305, 359<br />

I1 80<br />

PALUOIUS 11 123<br />

PAMBO 11 100, 101. 104<br />

PAMMON It 103, 104<br />

~mrw<br />

1 143<br />

PAPHNOUTI (Theodox's brother)<br />

160, 62, 80, 93, 174, 175, 179,<br />

342, 351, 371, 378<br />

PAPHNOUII (another monk) I 217<br />

PAPHNOUTI (another monk) I 385<br />

PATCHELPHIOS 11 95, 96<br />

PATLOLE (Patelloli)<br />

I112<br />

11 73<br />

PAUL (pachomian monk)<br />

147, 136, 313, 351, 385<br />

PAUL (priest of Scethis) I1 104<br />

PAULA 11 141<br />

?=COY<br />

147. 54, 55, 57, 313, 322, 351<br />

396<br />

11 77, 82, 87, 89<br />

I73<br />

PETER (apostle)<br />

1181, 338, 394<br />

11 83, 201<br />

I11 22, 107, 182<br />

PETER (patriarch of Alexandria)<br />

123. 297<br />

PATER (pachomian monk)<br />

150, 51, 319, 320, 393

189, 190. 191, 192, 352, 370.<br />

379, 380, 383, 386, 388<br />

11 22, 24<br />

I11 163<br />


1207<br />

I11 38<br />


I337<br />

111 175<br />

PHILO (bishop) 1 375<br />

PIOR 11 100, 101, 104<br />

PITBROUM I1 131, 132<br />

-~ -<br />

145, 259, 260, 312, 351, 371, 385<br />

I1 87, 89, 93<br />

~ENTHBO I 77. 352<br />

dor 145, 312, 351<br />

SAMSON<br />

1311<br />

I11 25<br />

SAMUEL<br />

157, 76, 172, 331, 353, 384<br />

I1 82<br />

111 19<br />

SAPPHIRA 11 115<br />

SARAH I425<br />


151, 316, 438<br />

I1 118, 119<br />

SAUL<br />

11 82<br />

111 110<br />

ses*sn*rr I1 100<br />

SHADEACH 111 18<br />

SHETH 111 157. 208<br />

SlHON 111 21<br />

c Koinonia 111<br />

SrLVANOs (monk)<br />

srwa~us (priest) 11 141 INDEX OF PLACES<br />

SIMON (son of John) 111 183 Thtj Index contains only the names of placer found in the pa-<br />

~ A R A<br />

111 156 homian texts, not those found in the notes 07 the introductions.<br />

SOLOMON References are to the volumes and the pages where they occur.<br />

1139, 153, 208, 229, 451<br />

11 83, 92<br />

ECYrr<br />

124. 46. 73, 178, 192, 214, 240.<br />

sournus 295, 341, 395<br />

145, 78, 175, 312, 351, 37 189. 191, 192, 193, 230, 249. I1 45, 62, 100, 141<br />

I1 144 253, 254, 264, 297, 317, 361, 111 27, 123, 155, 159, 194, 198,<br />

111 52, 59, 67 374, 377, 382, 393<br />


STEPHEN I 109, 446<br />

SUSANNA 111 24<br />

svwNos 11 100<br />


206<br />

TLAEARCHIA I1 103<br />

CEON 111 27<br />

clreu, 111 40<br />

184, 182<br />

11 71, 81, 85, 103, 116, 117,<br />


1393<br />

123, 124, 125<br />

r-w 1354<br />

THEBANS 11 71 AL-HAMON 111 140, 193<br />

I1 45<br />

HERMOPOUS 1 392. 395, 401<br />

HEBMOPoLls PARVA I1 102<br />

THEOWRE (Pachomius' mistant HERMOPOUS NDME 1 400<br />

pasrim HORZB 1236<br />


JERlCHO 197<br />


1252, 253, 402<br />

THEODORE OF NITRU I 24, 298<br />

THEOWRE (bkhop) I1 100<br />

THEOPH~LOS 11 72, 98, 99, 105<br />

THO- 1 337<br />

CANUN 111 163<br />

CHAU)EA 111 17<br />

111 29, 113, 156, 161, 173<br />

JORDAN I11 160<br />

juo~e.4 I11 17<br />

nMomY I11 35, 178, 212<br />

mou~ 151, 127, 351, 355, 385<br />


1301, 335, 372, 379, 380, 381,<br />

M(H)IOR 1 251, 392, 395<br />

KOS I 73<br />


I1 201 1321, 354, 375, 377, 378<br />

111 25 I1 77 (see sue)<br />

LEBANON 111 128, 204<br />

ZACCKAEUS LVC~A 11 96<br />

1133, 134, 183, 191, 374, 382 LYCOPOLlS 11 79<br />

I1 47 LYSTRA I1 83<br />

UNOS 11 115

NAZARETH 111 73<br />

NE I 27 (see THEBES)<br />


151, 63, 64, 316, 317, 325<br />

I1 81<br />


I1 100, 101, 102, 104, 123<br />

~ouot (Oui) I 251, 392<br />

penmu I1 72, 74<br />

PERNOUE I 24 (see N ~ T R ~ )<br />

PERWA 11 102, 104<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

YENBET<br />

125, 28, 72, 129, 1<br />

(see CHENOBOSKIO<br />

SENNAAX 111 57<br />


SMA1 (MOUNT) 1200, 357<br />

&IN 137, 73, 75, 77 (see<br />

houri 1221, 224, 249, 250<br />

s m 125, 52, 60, 78 (see u<br />

SOOOM<br />

I241<br />

111 39<br />

he present Index contaiw all the biblical references found in<br />

the pachomian documents trnwhted in our three volumes, but<br />

not other biblical references that may occur in the Introductions<br />

or in the Notes. The entnis in dalics indicate a simple allmion<br />

to a biblical text; all the other entries indicate either a literal<br />

quotation of a biblicalparsage or an explicit reference to it. The<br />

Indes shows first the document in which the veference ij found,<br />

TABENNESI with the number of the paraffuph of that document, then the<br />

139, 41, 49, 52, 58, 64, volume and the page of our tramlation.<br />

92, 93. 94. 99, 100, 10 ,<br />

159, 169, 185, 199, 305,<br />

317, 322, 325, 334, 343, S' 16 1494<br />

356, 357, 358, 362, 393,<br />

427, 456<br />

I1 123, 125, 131, 137<br />

111 47<br />

THAIMAN 111 75<br />

THBAUT I 47<br />


124, 223, 249, 298, 299,<br />

317, 361, 400<br />

I1 72, 94, 102, 104, 121, 1<br />

125, 141<br />

THEBES 1500 (see NE)<br />

THBEW 177, 78, 80, 352, 354<br />


172, 78, 79, 80, 104, 108, 1<br />

129, 132, 175, 195, 254, 3<br />

372, 378, 387, 402<br />

I1 53<br />

I11 51, 53, 74, 118<br />

rnoE 1 I82<br />

.r".AH&.m 173, 111<br />

*E 173, 354<br />

TSMINE 177, 176, 354, 379, 393<br />

ZAREPHATH 111 17<br />

ZION<br />

176<br />

111 51, 61, 76, 206<br />

Paral. 39<br />

G1 144<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 7<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 2: 1<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Paral. 37, 39<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 24<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Hors. Imtr. 1: 4<br />

Paral. 39<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 25<br />

6' 98<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Pad. 37<br />

Pach. Instv. 1: 15<br />

Inrt. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

An. Letter 9<br />

SBo 55<br />

G' 82<br />

Paral. 37

238 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Paral. 37<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

Psch. Letter 5: 8<br />

S' 25<br />

~ach. Letter 5: 8<br />

SBo 114<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Pad. 37<br />

Pach. Letter 3: I0<br />

SBo 55, 194<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

SBo 144<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 53<br />

Hon. Reg. 30<br />

Hors. Teat. 21<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Hors. Instr. 2<br />

G' 17. 108<br />

SBo 40<br />

G1 40<br />

Thwd. Instr. 3: 33<br />

SBo 55<br />

G1 82<br />

SBo 190. 194<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 2<br />

Pach. Inm. 1: 25<br />

G1 56<br />

SBo 1<br />

G' 1<br />

SBo 67<br />

G' 75<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

SBo 194 (bib)<br />

G' 19<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 1<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Hon Test. 22<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 4<br />

Hors Test. 52<br />

SBo 199<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

HOTS. Test. 52<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 11<br />

G' 63<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

G' 63<br />

Pach. Letter 8: 3<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 5<br />

G' 63<br />

G1 63<br />

Pach. Letter 8: 2<br />

G' 62<br />

6' 62<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

GL 62<br />

SBo I23<br />

G1 62<br />

SBa 199<br />

SBa 194<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Pach. lnstr. 1: 20<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

G' 62<br />

SBo I42<br />

Pach. Letter 3:s<br />

SBo 194<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 5<br />

G' 21<br />

G' 126<br />

G' 126<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Hon. Test. 11<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 12<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 2<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 26<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Paral. 38 (bis)<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Path Imtr. I: 54<br />

Biblical Index

Pachomian Koino nia III<br />

SBo 64<br />

G1 69<br />

Pach. Lettef 3: I3<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 14<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pad. 38<br />

Hers. Test. 23<br />

Paral. 41<br />

Theod. Inn. 3: 11<br />

SBo 184<br />

G1 99<br />

G1 88<br />

Pad 38<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 2<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 4<br />

Ho~J. Letter 1: 5<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

Hors. Rag. 30<br />

G1 88<br />

HOTS. Letter 1: 4<br />

Pach. Fmgm. 2: 2<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6 (bk)<br />

SBo 9, 105<br />

How. Reg. 30<br />

Hors. Reg. 30<br />

Hen. Reg. 30<br />

Inn. 18<br />

G' 135<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 47<br />

Pad. 38<br />

SBo 192<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

SBo 37<br />

G1 37<br />

SBo 108<br />

SBo 102<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Hon. Test. 58<br />

Inrt. 18<br />

HOTS. Reg 30<br />

HOTS Reg. 30<br />

Hors. Test. 54<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

186<br />

I345<br />

111 58<br />

III 38<br />

111 160<br />

I1 62<br />

1II I88<br />

11 65<br />

III 100<br />

I220<br />

1365<br />

I357<br />

I1 62<br />

I11 53<br />

111 155<br />

111 155<br />

I1 173<br />

111 55<br />

111 208<br />

1357<br />

I11 155<br />

111 86<br />

111 64<br />

I11 65<br />

129. 146<br />

11 208<br />

I1 208<br />

11 208<br />

I1 1%<br />

I 393<br />

I11 35<br />

I1 62<br />

I236<br />

I1 78<br />

I1 78<br />

1 61<br />

I 323<br />

I160<br />

1141<br />

111 24<br />

111 212<br />

11 174<br />

11 208<br />

II 208<br />

111 213<br />

III 24<br />

G' 38<br />

G' 5s<br />

Paral. 39<br />

Theod. Fragm. 4 (bis)<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Hon. Test. 28<br />

SBo 9, 105<br />

Pr 8<br />

Theod. Imt. 3: 34<br />

Hors. Test. 53<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 2<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

Pach. Letter 1: 3<br />

Theod. Fmgm. 4<br />

Paral. 41<br />

Pad 38<br />

G1 31<br />

Hom Ten. 54<br />

Paral. 41<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

HOTS. Test. 28<br />

Theod. Inrt~. 3: 31<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 31<br />

Pard 3<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 7<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

HOIS. Test. 48<br />

SBo I32<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

SBo 90<br />

G' 9j<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Hors. Test. 51<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Hors. Teat. 36<br />

Biblical 'In dex

SBo 29<br />

G1 34<br />

Paral. 39<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 2<br />

Pad. 1<br />

Hon. Test. 3<br />

Pad 33<br />

rmt. 18<br />

Hors. Test. 53<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 40<br />

Hon. Reg. 15<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Poral. 39<br />

G' 119<br />

Hon. Test. 16<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 53<br />

Pad. 3<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 7<br />

G' 110<br />

Hors. Test. 51<br />

Pard 39<br />

Hon. Test. 53<br />

Hon Test. 23<br />

Thwd. Letter 2: 4<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 4<br />

HOTS. Instr. 3:2<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

HOTS. Insty. I: 5<br />

Horn. Test. 53<br />

Hors. Imtr 5<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 3<br />

Inst. I8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Hors. Teat. 24<br />

Hors. Reg. 53<br />

Pach. Inst*. 1: 53<br />

Am. Letter 17<br />

SBo I02<br />

Han. Letter 1: 3<br />

HOTS. Test. 33 (bir)<br />

Hom. Tert. 35, 38<br />

Hors. Tert. 33<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 21<br />

Hon. Instr. 6: 2<br />

Thwd. Letter 2: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 48<br />

18-19 SBo 107<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

I11 55<br />

I11 189<br />

11 217<br />

111 38<br />

I1 84<br />

I142<br />

111 154<br />

I11 196, 197<br />

III 197, 199<br />

III I97<br />

I11 21<br />

I11 144<br />

111 127<br />

I11 208<br />

I 153<br />

Biblical Index<br />

SBo 96<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 16<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Hon. Instr. 3: 4<br />

SBo 123<br />

SBo 78<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 21<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 21<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 54<br />

SBo 74<br />

G' 89<br />

G' 89<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Horr. Letter 4: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 102<br />

Hars. Letter 2<br />

SBo 95<br />

G' 23<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 26<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 26 (bi)<br />

G1 5<br />

G' 49<br />

G' 49<br />

Hon Tert. 52<br />

SBo 150<br />

G' 99<br />

Hors. Reg. 52<br />

Pach. lnstr. 1: 22<br />

Imt. 18<br />

HOTS. Test. 33<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

SBo 132<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Hon. Test. 52<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 30<br />

Poch. Instr. 1: 42<br />

SBo 208<br />

Hon. Reg. 48<br />

III 110, 111<br />

I11 33<br />

1263<br />

I1 214

244 Pachomian ! Koinonia 111<br />

13%-29 Gg 63<br />

17:lO Pach. Instr. 1: 21<br />

18:14-15 6' 6%<br />

1 KINGS<br />

2:2 SBo 118, 121, 130<br />

Horr. Letter 3: 1<br />

15 SBo 132<br />

3:13 Hon. Reg. 54<br />

5 3 (4:29) Hon. Letter 1: 1<br />

7:48-49 SBo 199<br />

G1 119<br />

8:61 Pach. Instr. 1: 53<br />

17: Pach. Instr. 1: 13<br />

5-6 Pach. Imrr. 1: 34<br />

1831 Hors. Test. 28<br />

41 Am. Letter 6<br />

19: Pach. Instr. 1: 13<br />

I3 Am. Letter 21<br />

Pard 33<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 17<br />

Pad. 37<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 25<br />

Puch. Inrtr. 1: 54<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 17<br />

G' 48<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Draguet I1 2<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pach Inrtr. 1: 54<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Hors. Instr. 5<br />

Theod. Letter 1:I<br />

Pach. Imt7 1: 30<br />

Pach. Instr 1: 20, 35<br />

Am. Letter 19<br />

Hors. Test 21<br />

I 172, 177<br />

III 157<br />

1189<br />

I1 217<br />

111 153<br />

1 248<br />

I382<br />

111 38<br />

111 17<br />

I11 28<br />

I1 56<br />

I11 19<br />

11 61<br />

111 24<br />

I11 38<br />

111 19<br />

1330<br />

11 82<br />

I1 83<br />

11 115<br />

I11 160<br />

III 38<br />

C<br />

I11 35<br />

I11 24<br />

I11 153<br />

1200<br />

111 57<br />

I11 202<br />

III 182<br />

I1 87<br />

1207, 218<br />

I359<br />

I142<br />

1354<br />

111 24<br />

111 61<br />

111 197<br />

I236<br />

I11 25<br />

I392<br />

I 429<br />

III 22<br />

11 33<br />

I259<br />

1405<br />

1240<br />

111 58<br />

I1 93<br />

I207<br />

1377<br />

11 92<br />

1244<br />

I11 145<br />

I 207<br />

111 156<br />

I1 24, 50<br />

I11 24<br />

I265<br />

I406<br />

111 154

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Hon. Test. 41<br />

S' 9<br />

G' 54<br />

Hors. Test. 5<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 57<br />

Pach. Inrfr. I: I7<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

Pach. Inrfl. 2: 2<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 52<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

SBo 145<br />

Theod. In~tr. 3: 5<br />

SBo 69<br />

G1 77<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

Pach. Letter 11%<br />

SB0 2<br />

G' 2<br />

SBo 21<br />

G' 19<br />

Hors. Fragm.<br />

Hon. Letter 2<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7, 9<br />

HOTS. Test. 33<br />

Hors. Test. 50<br />

SBo 186<br />

G1 142<br />

SBo 47<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hors. Reg. 11<br />

Paral. 3, 14<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 28<br />

Paral. 10<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 23<br />

Hors. Reg. 9<br />

G' 85<br />

S1 25<br />

Imf. 18<br />

Draguet I1 9<br />

Hon. Test. 4<br />

G' 48<br />

Pach. Inrfr. 1: 56<br />

Hon. Instr. 1: 5<br />

SBo 192<br />

I11 200<br />

1430<br />

1334<br />

111 174<br />

111 39<br />

111 19<br />

I1 92<br />

I11 47<br />

III 37<br />

111 192<br />

I1 73<br />

I208<br />

111 95<br />

I 92<br />

1350<br />

111 58<br />

111 58<br />

111 75<br />

I24<br />

Biblical Index<br />

Pa& Instr. 1: 34<br />

SBo 187<br />

G' 140<br />

Inst.. Prol.<br />

Pach. Letter 10: 1<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 1<br />

G' 56<br />

SBo 198<br />

Pach. Inrfr. 1: 16<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 2<br />

SBo 142<br />

6' 42<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 4<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 24<br />

SB0 2<br />

G' 2, 98<br />

SBo 186<br />

G' 141<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 13<br />

Hors. Instr. 4: 2<br />

S1 18<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 9<br />

Hors. Test. 40<br />

Pach. Inrfr. 1: 49<br />

SBo 198<br />

SBo 108<br />

Poch. Inrfr. I: 55<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11 (bis)<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

Thead. Instr. 3: 26<br />

Pach. Lerter 3: 11<br />

G' 17<br />

SBo 194<br />

SBo 186<br />

G' 141<br />

Hors. Test. 50<br />

G1 113<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

SB0 47<br />

SBo 31<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

6' 17<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hws. Test. 28<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Horn Te~f. 28<br />

III 28<br />

I228<br />

1397<br />

I1 169<br />

1226<br />

1398<br />

111 209<br />

1 378<br />

I1 173<br />

11 101<br />

1 70<br />

157<br />

I11 57<br />

I308<br />

III 192<br />

111 62<br />

111 193<br />

11 73<br />

Ill 193

Pachomian I( :oinonia III<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 24<br />

6' 62<br />

Hon. Test. 44<br />

Hws. Test. 26<br />

SBo 198<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 46<br />

Hors. Reg. 35<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 35<br />

Hors. Test. 3<br />

Hors. Reg. 8<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

Hon. Tert. 10<br />

Paral. 41<br />

Hors. Test. 10<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 33<br />

Hors. Test. 43<br />

Hors. Test. 43<br />

Pach. Fragm. 2: 2<br />

Theod. Fragm. 2<br />

Pach. INtr. 1: 33<br />

Pad 3<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 28, 37<br />

Paral. 11<br />

Pard 19<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 29<br />

SBo 142<br />

S1 . 16 -~<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

SBa 70<br />

G' 78, 123<br />

SBo 208<br />

Paral. 3<br />

Insr. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 7<br />

Hors. Test. 47<br />

Hors. Test. 35<br />

Am. Letter 28<br />

Pach. IN~I. 1: 46<br />

Hors. Test. 35<br />

Theod. Inst?. 3: 3<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 5<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 4<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 3<br />

Hon. Tea. 13<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 1<br />

Iil 59<br />

111 23<br />

I341<br />

111 203<br />

III 191<br />

1245<br />

III 119<br />

I1 209<br />

I11 29<br />

I11 172<br />

I1 199<br />

111 196<br />

I11 160<br />

I11 73<br />

III 177<br />

I1 66<br />

111 177<br />

111 28<br />

111 203<br />

I11 203<br />

I11 86<br />

III 133<br />

I11 28<br />

11 23<br />

I11 109, 115<br />

I1 33<br />

I1 42<br />

~ ~<br />

I11 206<br />

111 197. 198<br />

I1 97<br />

111 35<br />

III 198<br />

III 94<br />

111 164<br />

I11 124<br />

Biblical<br />

How. Letter 4: 4 (bir)<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

G' 150<br />

Hon. Tert. 3<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 5<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 9, 35<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

G1 49<br />

Hora. Instr. 7: 12<br />

SBo 185<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 9<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

SBo 82<br />

GL 135<br />

HOTS. Tert. 49<br />

SBo 31<br />

SBo 31<br />

HOTS. Tert 49<br />

Hon. Test. 3<br />

Pach. Inrt7. 1: 5+<br />

SBo 89<br />

H075. Lette? I: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 5<br />

Hon. Test. 43<br />

SBo 35<br />

G' 18<br />

SBo 101 (bis)<br />

SBo 35<br />

Hors. Test. 43<br />

Hors. Test. 5<br />

Hors. Test. 18<br />

Pach. Letter lla<br />

Horr. Letter 4: 4<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 5<br />

Hon. Tert. 43<br />

Hon. Letter 2<br />

Horn. Letter 4: 5<br />

G' 57<br />

Hors. Test. 17<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 4<br />

Hors. Reg. 6<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Pach. 1nstr. 1: 35<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 2<br />

Horr. Test. 42<br />

Hors. Test. 6<br />

Ho*~ Test. 4<br />

111 162<br />

I11 73<br />

1406<br />

I11 172<br />

I11 164<br />

I11 15, 29<br />

I11 58<br />

111 58<br />

I331<br />

111 150<br />

I224<br />

I11 14<br />

I11 74<br />

1108<br />

I894<br />

1II 208<br />

157<br />

157<br />

111 208<br />

I11 172<br />

III 38<br />

1118<br />

III 154<br />

I11 173<br />

111 203<br />

159<br />

I309<br />

I139<br />

159<br />

111 202<br />

111 173<br />

111 183<br />

I11 76<br />

111 162<br />

111 164<br />

111 202<br />

111 156<br />

I11 164<br />

1337<br />

I11 182<br />

I11 94<br />

11 199<br />

111 59<br />

I11 29<br />

I11 127<br />

I11 202<br />

111 174<br />

I11 173

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

G1 99<br />

Pach. 1mtr. 1: 9<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Pard 39 (bL)<br />

SBo 55<br />

Hon. Test. 54<br />

SBo 210<br />

G' 150<br />

Hon. Test. 50<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 2<br />

Hon. Test. 6<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 54<br />

Hers. Test. 20<br />

136:13-14 Pach Imtr. 1: 54<br />

G' 144<br />

SBo 203<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 34<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 5<br />

G' 146<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 43<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 2: 2<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

Horn Imt?. 6: 4<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

G' 112<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 8 111 98<br />

SBo 136 1193<br />

SBo 189 1230<br />

Hors. Reg. 49 11 215<br />

SBo 136 I193<br />

SBo 198 I246<br />

Hon. Test. 27 111 192<br />

S' 16 I434<br />

SBo 101 I139<br />

Hon. Letter 2 I11 156<br />

Hon. Test. 49 I11 208<br />

Pach. Letter 10: 2 111 75<br />

Hors. Test. 32 111 196<br />

Pach. Letter lla I11 75<br />

SBo 82 1107<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10 111 56<br />

Pach. Letter Ila 111 76<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 2 I11 154<br />

Hon. Instr. 1: 5 111 137<br />

20-21 Horn. Letter 1: 2 111 154<br />

2:19 SBo 198 111 245<br />

Biblical Index<br />

Hors. Tert. 51<br />

Hon. Instr. 3: 1<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 1,2,6,19.<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

Hon. Insrr. 4. 1<br />

G' 9<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 3<br />

Pach. Imb. 1: 56<br />

Hon. Reg. 10<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12. 13<br />

Hors. Test. 9<br />

Path. 11utr. 1: 11<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 6<br />

Hors. Reg. 17<br />

Hors. Imtr. 3: 4<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 4<br />

SBo 14<br />

6' 8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 53<br />

SBo 101<br />

Horr. Tert. 53<br />

SBa 145<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

Hon. Letter 2<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Pach. Letter lla<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

~ach Inrtr. 1: 38<br />

Hers. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 55<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 3<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Hon. Test. 51<br />

Theod. Imfr. 3: 27<br />

HOTS. Letter 1: 1<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 4<br />

SBo 129<br />

Pard 7<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Paral. 1<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 6<br />

Horr. Letter 4: 6<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

Pach. Letter lla<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 2<br />

SBo 82<br />

Paral. 1<br />

HOTS. Tert. 13<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 24<br />

G' 130<br />

Pach. in st^. I: 33, 41<br />

HOTS. Imt~. I: 5<br />

Inst. 18 (bir)<br />

Hon. Test. 43<br />

Pack. Fwm. 2: 3<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 3<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 1<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 12<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 4<br />

Horr. Letter 1: 2<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 45<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 1<br />

SBo 14<br />

G1 8<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Pach. Letter Ila<br />

Pach. Letter lla<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Hon. Test. 43<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Horr. Test. 9<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

SBo 187<br />

Hon. Test. 20<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 1<br />

S' 12<br />

Hen. Letter 3: 1<br />

Imt. 18 (bir)<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 45 (bir)<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4, 7<br />

~ ~<br />

Ill 64<br />

I11 54<br />

111 75<br />

111 156<br />

111 158<br />

1109<br />

I1 20<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Hors. Test. 25<br />

Pach. Fragm. 2: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 25<br />

Hors. Test. 5<br />

Hon. Test. 9<br />

Am. Letter 24<br />

G' 49<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

SBo 69<br />

G' 77<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

H075 Test. 21<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 7<br />

SBo 13<br />

Hon. Test. 54<br />

Pach. Letter Ila (bis)<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

SBo 142<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 4<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 32<br />

S" 2<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Horn. Reg. 10<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 4<br />

Pach. Imtr 2: 2<br />

Pock. Instr. 2: 2<br />

SBo 35<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 2<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 1 (bis)<br />

Hon. Letrer 1: 2<br />

Pach. Imt~. 2: 2<br />

Pach. Letter Ila<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

H075. in st^. 3: 3<br />

Pach. Letter lla<br />

Tkeod. F7agm. 2<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

Hors. Instr. 7: 10<br />

Horr. Test. 54<br />

Hon. Instr. 7: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

SBo 6, 107 (ter)<br />

Biblical Index<br />

IS5<br />

111 213<br />

I11 75, 76<br />

11 83<br />

I202<br />

I11 163<br />

111 27<br />

I451<br />

111 61<br />

111 163<br />

11 200<br />

I11 155<br />

III 47<br />

III 47<br />

160<br />

111 153<br />

111 153<br />

I11 153<br />

I11 47<br />

I11 75<br />

11 92<br />

III I40<br />

I11 75<br />

111 133


2:s<br />

8<br />

11<br />

3:2<br />

4:12<br />

WISDOM<br />

1:7<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

G' 3<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 4<br />

SBo 82<br />

Hors. Instr. 4: 1<br />

SBo 141<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 5<br />

Hors. Test. 8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

Hors. Reg. 40<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Irut, 18<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 6<br />

Hors. Test. 56<br />

Hers. Test. 10<br />

Pach Letter 96<br />

Hors. Instr. 3: 3<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

SB0 94<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

Pa& Inst7. 1: 20<br />

Hors. Test. 28<br />

HOIS. Instr. 3: 2<br />

Hors. Instr. 3: 3<br />

Am. Letter I8<br />

SBo 107<br />

HOTS Letter 4: 5<br />

SBo 186<br />

6' 140<br />

Paral. 19<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Horn. Reg. 33<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8. 10<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Horr. Test. 51<br />

Pad 39<br />

Biblical Index<br />

SBo 67 188<br />

Hors. Test. 20 111 185<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

I11 56<br />

Pach. Letter lla 111 76<br />

Imt. 18 11 173<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 19<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 9<br />

Pach. Inrt?. 1: 42<br />

Pach. Imtr. I: I<br />

Pach. Imtr. I: 33<br />

SBo 96<br />

G' 113<br />

Path Inrtf. 1: 35<br />

Pard 19<br />

Pach. Inst?. 1: 24<br />

Pam( I<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 13<br />

Path. Inrtl. 1: 2<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 20<br />

S' . .. 16<br />

Poch. Inst?. 1: 24<br />

III 23<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 53 111.38<br />

Imt. 18 (bis) N172, 174<br />

Path. Inst,. 1: 45 III 34<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4, 7<br />

111 55<br />

G' 31<br />

Pach. Fragm. 2: 3<br />

Horr. Reg. 17<br />

Horr. Instr. 7: 13<br />

Pnch. Imtr. 1: 33<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 45<br />

Pach. Inrtv. I: 4I<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 36<br />

SB0 I10<br />

SBo 88<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Pnch. Imt~. 1: 35<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Pard 41<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Hora. Tert. 43<br />

Hors. Test. 29<br />

How Tert. 22

Pachomian<br />

Hors Imtr. 7: I0<br />

HOTS. Tert. 22<br />

Hors Test. 8<br />

Hon. Test. 8<br />

Hors. Test. 43<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 28<br />

Hon. Test. 47<br />

SBo 104<br />

Horn. Test. 28, 47<br />

Horr. Tert. 47<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 8<br />

Hms. Letter 4: 3<br />

Imt. 18 (bis)<br />

Hors. Test. 46<br />

S' 16<br />

Hors. Test. 26<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 13<br />

Hon. Test. 42<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Hors. Test. 17<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 4<br />

Pach. Imtr. I: 9<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Hors. Test. 46<br />

Ham. Letter 2<br />

Hms. Test. 10<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 12<br />

Paral. 1<br />

Path. Imt7. I: 12, 33<br />

Pach. Imt~. 1: 12<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 48<br />

Hors. Tert. 48<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 18<br />

HOTS. Tert. 47<br />

SBo 82<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: I0<br />

Hon. Test. 4<br />

Paral. 19<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 8<br />

Pach. Irutr. 1: 45<br />

Hers Test. 48<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 2<br />

Hors. Reg. 27<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 37<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 39<br />

Hon. Test. 44<br />

Theod. 1mtr. 3: 3, 5<br />

Horr. Tert. 42<br />

G' 17<br />

SLO 4<br />

Biblical Index<br />

SBo 101<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 5<br />

Hors. Tert. 43<br />

SBo 2<br />

G' 2<br />

Paral. 10<br />

Pard. 39<br />

SBo I42<br />

Hon. Test. 46<br />

path. lnsrr. 1: 25 (his)<br />

Hors. Test. 46<br />

Hon. Test. 11<br />

pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

pach. Imtr 1: 54<br />

pach. Letter 4: 5<br />

pach. Letter 9b<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 33<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 31<br />

SBo 2<br />

G' 2<br />

S1 2<br />

HOIS. Letter 3: 2<br />

HOTS. Test. 28, 30<br />

Pad. 39, 40<br />

head. Imtr: 3: 19<br />

SBo I42<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 11<br />

HOTS. Tert. 13<br />

Pach. Imtr. 2: 4<br />

poch. Imtr. 1: 25<br />

SBo 142<br />

G' 56<br />

~ach. 1nstr. 1: 31<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 7<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 43<br />

G1 113<br />

~heod. INW. 3: 38<br />

Hors. Test. 28<br />

Hon. Test. 43<br />

Hors. Test. 43<br />

SBo 67<br />

G1 72<br />

Hors. Test. 37


1:lff<br />

16<br />

17<br />

211-12<br />

18-19<br />

18<br />

3:2<br />

27-28<br />

Hon. Test. 37<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

Hors. Test. 36<br />

SBo 194<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 11<br />

Hors. Test. 48<br />

Horn Test. 18<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

Pacil. Letter 3: 3<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Ho~s. Test. 26<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Hon. Test. 4<br />

G' 62<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 3<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hors. Test. 32<br />

Hors. Test. 48<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 3<br />

H075. Inrtr. 7: 9<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Hon. Test. 52<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Hars. Test. 52<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Hon. Test. 3<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 38<br />

Hms. Test. 4<br />

Pach. Letter 10:l<br />

Hon. Teat. 4. 49<br />

Hon. Reg. 11<br />

Pach Instr. 1: 26<br />

Hors. Test. 29<br />

Hors. Test. 46<br />

G1 17<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 24<br />

Horr. Inrtr. 7: 9<br />

HO~. 1nm. 3: 9<br />

Hors. Test. 5<br />

Pach Instr. 1: 49<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Hon. Test. 30<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Koinonia 111<br />

Biblical Index<br />

111 171<br />

HOB. Letter 3: 2<br />

I11 158<br />

on. Letter 42 I11 161<br />

11 63<br />

I11 159<br />

111 140<br />

1225<br />

7:26.27<br />

g:1.18<br />

Hon. Test. 30<br />

~ach. Inrtr. I: 54<br />

Ho75. 1Nt1. 7: 10<br />

Horr. Instr. 7: 10<br />

1220<br />

111 195<br />

m 38<br />

111 149<br />

111 149<br />

I1 199<br />

11:5.6 Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

16:26 Pach. he. 1: 39<br />

18:10.14,17 SBo 107<br />

111 54<br />

111 32<br />

1153<br />

I337<br />

1355<br />

31 Pach. Letter 3: 9<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

32 G' 85<br />

20:8,13,25 HOTS Test. 29<br />

pg,gg Hora. Test. 58<br />

24:16 SBo 184<br />

27:36 Hors. Test. 31<br />

2&24 HOTS. Test. 48<br />

33:11 G' 85<br />

Pad 11<br />

111 56<br />

I11 196<br />

1355<br />

111 194<br />

111 193<br />

1220<br />

I11 19j<br />

I11 208<br />

1355<br />

11 33<br />

31<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

I11 196<br />

111 55<br />

1439<br />

2-5<br />

4732<br />

Hors. Test. 8<br />

path. Iwtr 2: 2<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

111 175<br />

111 47<br />

111 44<br />

17<br />

HOTS. Test. 52<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 25<br />

111 212<br />

111 24<br />

11 21<br />

49 SBo 125<br />


264 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

3:<br />

14<br />

H075. Reg. 50<br />

SBo 125<br />

22 Hon. Letter 4: 4<br />

27 Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

28 SBo 125<br />

46-50 Pach. Imtr. 1: 15<br />

46 Hors Letter 4: 4<br />

48 Hon. Letter 4: 4<br />

50 Pach. lnstr. 1: 25<br />

55 S' 16<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

4:15 C' 61<br />

52 SBo 142<br />

6:14 Pach. Imtr. 1: 15<br />

23 Pach. lnstr. 1: 25<br />

95 SBo 198<br />

23 Hors. Letter 1: 3<br />

HOTS. Test. 52<br />

1O:ll Hon. Letter 1: 3<br />

Hon. Test. 52<br />

19 Hon. Letter 1: 3<br />

HOTS. Test. 52<br />

1124 Am. Letter 5<br />

12:s Pach. Instr. 1: 32<br />

13:l-63 Pach. Imtr. 1: 25<br />

1-23 Hors. Letter 1: 1<br />

46 SBo I07<br />

Pal.01. 7<br />

50-62 Pach. Letter 3: 3<br />

55.59 Pad. 25<br />

14:33-39 Pach. Instr. 1: 13<br />

34.35 S' 6<br />

HOSEA<br />

2:16 (14)<br />

4:6<br />

9<br />

Am. Letter 9<br />

Hen. Test. 11<br />

Hors. Test. 31<br />

Hara. Test. 43<br />

Hon. Test. 33<br />

Hors. Test. 36<br />

Hors. Test. 48<br />

Pad. 19<br />

Pach. Letter 8: 1<br />

SBo 108<br />

Harr. Test. 28<br />

Hon. Test. 44<br />

Hon. Test. 29<br />

Pach. Fragm. 5: 1<br />

Hon. Test. 37<br />

Hon. Test. 47<br />

Hon. Test. 30<br />

Hon. Test. 36<br />

Hors. Test. 36<br />

Hars. Test. 20<br />

Hora. Test. 44<br />

Hors. Test. 45<br />

Hors. Test. 45<br />

Draguet 2: 9<br />

Am. Letter 10<br />

Horr. Instr. 3: 3<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 33<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Pach. h tr 1: 49<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 1: 49<br />

Poch. Instr. 1: 60<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 49<br />

SBo 94<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 33<br />

6' 40<br />

Paral. 1<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 4<br />

SBo 155<br />

Hon. Test. 34<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

SBo 142<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 48<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 60<br />

Hors. Test. 13<br />

Path. Inrtr. 1: 49<br />

Hors. Test. 31<br />

Paral. I1<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 1<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 2<br />

:a1 Index


1:14-15<br />

2:2<br />

14<br />


156<br />

7:5<br />

14312<br />

18-19<br />


3:6<br />

8<br />

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Paral. 6<br />

Pach. Letter Ila<br />

Am. Letter 5, 34<br />

Horn. Test. 24<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 23<br />

Pnch. Inrtr. 1: 49<br />

HOTS. Inrtr. 7: I0<br />

Hors. Test. 15<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 5<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 2<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Hers. Tet. 49<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

Hms. Reg. 1<br />

Hen. Letter 4: 3<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 41<br />

Hou Test 18, 47<br />

H0r6. Test. 23<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

13 HOPS. Test. I5<br />

4:2 @:PO) Hors. Instr. 7: 10<br />

Paral. 14<br />

SBa 101, 142<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 56<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 19<br />

Ham. Reg. 15<br />

How. Test. I9<br />

Paral. 19<br />

Horn. Test. 54<br />

Hon. Test. 41<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 8<br />

SBo 33, 82<br />

G' 18, 22<br />

SLO 4<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 59<br />

Hon. Test. 41<br />

I1 27<br />

111 76<br />

I1 75, 104<br />

111 189<br />

111 22<br />

111 36<br />

I11 149<br />

I11 181<br />

I1 101<br />

111 155<br />

I11 159<br />

11 101<br />

111 208<br />

I11 55<br />

11 197<br />

I11 161<br />

111 32<br />

I11 183, 20;<br />

111 188<br />

I11 196<br />

I11 181<br />

I11 149<br />

I1 35<br />

I 139, 201<br />

111 39<br />

III I04<br />

I1 202<br />

I11 184<br />

I1 41<br />

I11 213<br />

111 201<br />

I11 98<br />

158, 107<br />

1309, 311<br />

1453<br />

I11 41<br />

111 201<br />

Biblical Index<br />

Poch Inrtr I 23 111 22<br />

SBo 186 1227<br />

6' 142 I400<br />

Theod. Insfr. 3: 32 111 112<br />

SBo 55<br />

. ...<br />

G' 120 I382<br />

Pach. Imtr. I: 40 111 32<br />

Poch. Instr. I: 41 I11 32<br />

Theod. Fnzgm. 5 III 134<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 5, 27 111 95, 109<br />

Hors. Reg. 4<br />

Hors. Letter 1: 4<br />

SBo 195<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 22<br />

Hers. Test. 54<br />

Path Imtr. 1: 59<br />

SBo 25, 89<br />

S' 24<br />

SBo 186<br />

6' 142<br />

Path Inrtr. 1: 97<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

SBo 142<br />

Hors. Test. 27, 54<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 25<br />

Pard 33<br />

PXh. Instr. 1: 12, 21, 55<br />

Poch. Inst?. 1: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 5:4<br />

G1 57<br />

Hors. Reg. 6<br />

SBo 14<br />

G1 8<br />

SBo 7, 12, 17, 45<br />

G' 45<br />

Draguet 1: 5<br />

Horn. Test. 9, 54<br />

SBo 184<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

SBo 42<br />

6' 42<br />

Hars. Test. 27<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

SBo 183<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 44<br />

SP 7<br />

I11 106<br />

I11 213<br />

III 40<br />

147, 118<br />

1 459<br />

I227<br />

1400<br />

III 30<br />

I11 71<br />


Pachomian Koin onia IIl<br />

Imr. 18<br />

Hor~ Test. 7. 16<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

9' 9<br />

- -<br />

SBo 105, 129<br />

23 Pach. Instr. 1: 41<br />

24-25 SBo 68<br />

8:11 Horr. Tert. 22<br />

12 Paral. 7<br />

Hors. Reg. 53<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 26<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 10<br />

17 Pach. Letter 5: 11<br />

29 SBo 111<br />

9:6 Draguet 1: 5<br />

17 Thead. Imtr. 3: 31<br />

24 SBo 210<br />

G1 150<br />

36 SBo 121<br />

10:8 Pard 37<br />

16 Pach. Instr. 1: 22<br />

Pach. Letter llb<br />

Hors. Test. 19<br />

22 Pach Inst?. 1: I4<br />

Hors. Test. 50<br />

28 inst. 18<br />

33 S'O 7<br />

37 G1 37<br />

38 SBo 90, 201<br />

G' 7, 74, 95, 108, 144<br />

Pach Inst?. 1: 19, 32<br />

Theod. h tr. 3: 24<br />

40 SBo 189<br />

G1 41<br />

42 Hors. Reg. 30<br />

11:28-29 Hors. Test. 33<br />

28 G' 25, 99<br />

29 G1 9, 110<br />

30 6' 146<br />

1236 G' 58<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Poch. Flagm. 2: 3<br />

48.50 Theod. Instr. 3: 16<br />

13:11 Pach. Iwtr. 1:19<br />

24-30 Pnch. Instr. 1: 21<br />

27 SBo 142<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 4<br />

Biblical Indea<br />

SBo 103<br />

SBo 106<br />

SBo 149<br />

pa& lmtr. 1: 32<br />

SBo 189<br />

~ m Letter . 18<br />

pxh. Letter 3: 13<br />

Paral. 18<br />

G' 94<br />

G' 57<br />

SBo 19<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

SBO 112<br />

pach. Letter 4: 4<br />

~ors. Instr. 1: 4<br />

path. Letter 5: 12<br />

Pach Fragm. 2: 3<br />

Hon. Test. 27<br />

~heod. Instr. 3: 23<br />

S' 6<br />

SLO 2<br />

~heod. Instr. 3: 25<br />

SBo 69<br />

G' 77<br />

SLO 2<br />

SBo 40<br />

G' 40<br />

Hors. Test. 24<br />

SBo 103, I05<br />

Draguet 1: 5<br />

SBo 184<br />

G' 94<br />

Hors. Reg. 2<br />

Hors. Test. 54<br />

Draguet 1: 5<br />

Drayet 1: 5<br />

path. Imtr. 1: 59<br />

pa& Letter 7: 3<br />

pach. Imtr. I: 38<br />

Hors. Reg. 48<br />

s1 ‹ 2<br />

SBo 48<br />

G1 38, 53<br />

Paral. 39<br />

~heod. Fragm. 4<br />

~heod. Instr. 3: 42<br />

HWS. Tert. 22, 27 Pis)<br />

Hors. Tert. 27<br />

1144<br />

1150<br />

1213<br />

111 27<br />

I232<br />

11 86<br />

111 59<br />

I1 40<br />

1361<br />

IS38<br />

I42<br />

111 192<br />

1164<br />

Ill 60<br />

111 137<br />

111 67<br />

111 86<br />

I11 191<br />

111 107<br />

1 446<br />

1 451<br />

111 108<br />

192<br />

1350<br />

1451<br />

164<br />

1325. 386<br />

I11 189<br />

1144, 148<br />

I1 112<br />

1220<br />

1361<br />

11 197<br />

111 213<br />

11 112<br />

I1 112<br />

111 40

1937 Theod. Instr. 2: 1<br />

20:s SBo 145<br />

11-12 Hon. Reg. 48<br />

15 Hon. Reg. 48<br />

26,28 SBo 98<br />

~:SS SBo 104<br />

22-15 Hon. Reg. 2<br />

4 SBo 145<br />

n-12 Pack. Imtr. 1: 41<br />

13 Hon. Reg. 2<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 41<br />

57-39 S" 2<br />

Horr. Test. 38<br />

37 SBo 70. 204<br />

G' 78<br />

40 Hors. Test. 38<br />

25:4 Hors. Test. 7<br />

8 Theod. I ~tr. 3: 17<br />

9 6' 108<br />

S1 2<br />

12 SBo 97<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 17<br />

16 G1 57<br />

25 Inst. 18<br />

26 Hon. Reg. 54<br />

27 G1 57<br />

24:s Am. Letter 6 (bis)<br />

22 Pach. Instr. 1: 49<br />

55 Theod. Letter 2: 2<br />

41 Pach. Letter llb<br />

44 Hors. Letter 3: 1<br />

45 Pach. Letter 3: S<br />

Hors. Test. 14<br />

46-47 Pach. Instr. 1: 20<br />

49-51 Hors. Test. 14<br />

49 Pach. Letter 3: 5<br />

51 Pack. Imtr 1: 55<br />

25:l-13 Hors. Reg. 5<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 51<br />

4-12 HOTS. Test. 20<br />

6 Has. Letter 5: 1<br />

7 HOTS. Letter 4: 4<br />

10-12 Hors. Letter 3: 1<br />

12 HO~S. ~eg. 3<br />

13 SBo 118<br />

15 Hws. Reg. 56<br />

20 Am. Letter 14<br />

Hon. Instr. 4: 2<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

111 19<br />

1538<br />

I1 174<br />

11 217<br />

1558<br />

I1 75<br />

I11 56<br />

111 128<br />

111 78<br />

111 158<br />

111 5s<br />

111 180<br />

111 20<br />

I11 180<br />

111 55<br />

III 39<br />

I1 197<br />

III 37<br />

III 185<br />

111 158<br />

III 163<br />

111 158<br />

I1 197<br />

I173<br />

11 218<br />

11 81<br />

111 142<br />

Biblical Index<br />

2531 SBo 114<br />

Hors. Instr. 4: 2<br />

Hors. Test. 14<br />

22 Am. Letter 14<br />

23 SBo 114<br />

Hon. Instr. 4: 2<br />

Hon. Test. 14<br />

25 pard. 41<br />

27 Pach. Imt7. 1: 41<br />

2g Hors. Tea. 20<br />

55 ~ors. Test. 47 (bis)<br />

56 Herr Test. 47<br />

40 SBo 40<br />

GI 40, 125<br />

Pad. 41<br />

41 Pach. IN~T. 1: 35, 37<br />

45 Pach. Letter 5: 3, 9<br />

46 .- ~ach. Instr. 1: 37<br />

Hen. Test. 15<br />

."<br />

2697 Imt. 18<br />

41 SBo r.1 L 10 (bis), 55<br />

LUKE<br />

1:48<br />

53<br />

72<br />

80<br />

2:8-14<br />

8-12<br />

19<br />

23.52<br />

3:7<br />

5:17<br />

37<br />

6:lZ<br />

22<br />

24-25<br />

25<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III Biblicai<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5, 6<br />

SBo 112<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 4<br />

Hors. Instr. 1: 4<br />

SBo 199<br />

SBo 107<br />

G' 96<br />

Thead. Instr. 3: 10<br />

Hon. Test. 27<br />

Hon. Test. 31<br />

Hon. Test. 28<br />

Pard 31<br />

Hon. Test. 38<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 10<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 2<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 6<br />

HOIS. Letter 3: 2<br />

G1 5<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

Am. Letter 25<br />

SBo 55<br />

Hors. Test. I7<br />

Hors. Test. 17<br />

Am. Letter 7<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Pad. 39<br />

S' 8<br />

Theod. Insfr. 3: 31<br />

Hon. Instr. 6: 3<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 22. 3+<br />

Hors. Test. 41<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 22<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

SBo 142<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 15<br />

Draper 1: 5<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 38<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

S' 7<br />

Inst. 18<br />

Hon. Test. 7. 16<br />

6' 31<br />

Am. Letter 32<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 18<br />

Horr. Test. 47<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

SBa 201<br />

G' 7, 74, 108, 144<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 1: 19, 32<br />

Theod. Imt7. 3: 24<br />

SBo 112<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 4<br />

Hors. Instr. 1: 4<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 23<br />

Thead. Instr. 3: 33<br />

G1 21<br />

Pard 12, 24<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 42, 47<br />

SLO 2<br />

Hors. Instr. 6: 4<br />

Hora. Test. 38<br />

Pach. Letter 3:2<br />

Hon. Reg. 54<br />

Hors. Test. 7<br />

G1 20<br />

Pard 20<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 52<br />

Hars. Test. 27<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 4<br />

Ho75 Test. 22<br />

Hon. Test. 19<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 1<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 2<br />

SBo 118<br />

HOTS. Letter 3: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 15<br />

Hers Reg. 3<br />

Pach. Imtl. 1: 17<br />

Imt. 18<br />

Pad 1<br />

SBo 23<br />

G' 24<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 5<br />

SBo 37, 63<br />

G1 68<br />

S' 2<br />

G' 7, 108, 144<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 19, 32<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 24<br />

I11 53<br />

I1 217<br />

111 175<br />

1310<br />

11 44<br />

I11 37<br />

111 192<br />

I11 54<br />

111 187<br />

I11 184<br />

111 158<br />

111 123<br />

1173<br />

111 158<br />

I11 181<br />

I1 198<br />

111 19<br />

I1 172<br />

11 20<br />

I45<br />

I312<br />

111 155<br />

160, 83<br />

1343<br />

I426<br />

1251<br />

1302, 348,<br />

111 20, 27<br />

III 107<br />

I312<br />

1 456

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Pad. 36<br />

Hors. Reg. 12<br />

Paral. 10, 56<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 3<br />

Hon. Test. 27<br />

Hen. Test. 25<br />

G' 91<br />

HOTS. Test. 22<br />

Hon. Test. 22<br />

Hors Test. 54<br />

Sg 6<br />

SBo 107<br />

Pmh. Inrtr. I: 8<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

SBo 96<br />

G' 113<br />

Hon. Reg. 56<br />

Hon. Reg. 12<br />

Thcod. Instr. 3: 18<br />

para1 10<br />

G' - 126 --~<br />

Hon. Test. 22, 27<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

G' 21<br />

SBo 142<br />

SBo 114<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 10<br />

Hon. Reg. 50<br />

Theod. Instr. 5: 59<br />

~dch. Letter 5: 2<br />

Hon Test. 6<br />

SBo 180<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 2<br />

G' 5<br />

SBo 208<br />

Thead. Instr. 2: I (bis)<br />

Theod. lnstr. 5: 14<br />

Poch. Imtr 1: 50<br />

Theod. lost*. 2: 1<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 30<br />

Paral. 8<br />

G1 45<br />

Paeh. lwtr. 1: 25<br />

Pach. lnstr. 1: 18<br />

Am. Letter 19<br />

Paeh. lnstr. 1: 25<br />

SBo 155<br />

Paral. 40<br />

G' 56 ~ ~<br />

Pad. 23<br />

Biblical Index<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 1: 24<br />

s* - . 7<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

SBo 125, 1% lSS(bis), 201<br />

G' 120<br />

Hors. Test. 28<br />

Thead. Letter 2: 1<br />

Hars. Letter 1: 6<br />

Hon. Letter 1: 6<br />

Hers. ~~ Letter 5: 2<br />

SBo 52<br />

G' 56<br />

G1 94<br />

Am. Letter 52<br />

S' I1<br />

Ham Test. 10<br />

G' 56<br />

G1 125<br />

Pard 40<br />

Hon. Test. 10<br />

SBo 64<br />

G' 69<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 43<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 2<br />

Hon. Reg. 14<br />

Pech Inrtr. 1: 42<br />

G' 57<br />

SBo 69<br />

G' 77<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 5<br />

G' 57<br />

G' 27<br />

HOTS. Letter 4: S<br />

Dragvet 2: 3<br />

SBo 127<br />

Pach. Letter 9b<br />

Hon. Test. 17<br />

G' 54<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 30<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 4<br />

6' 155<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 37<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 2: 2<br />

C' 94<br />

I1 65<br />

I556<br />

11 49<br />

III 22<br />

1 447<br />

IS25<br />

192<br />

1550<br />

111 161<br />

1557<br />

1514<br />

Ill 161<br />

I1 111<br />

I184<br />

111 74<br />

111 182

Pachomian Koinonia 111 Biblical Index<br />

11:9<br />

11<br />

91 ""<br />

HOIS. Test. 35<br />

Hors. Inrtr. 7: 9<br />

C.2 - ". 97<br />

111 197<br />

111 148<br />

1 - PS?<br />

43-44 Theod. Imtr. 3: 29 111 110<br />

55 Theod. Letter 1: 2 III 123<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 2 111 161<br />

l2:l Theod. Letter 1: 2 111 123<br />

2 Theod. lnstr. 3: 29<br />

6 SBo 186<br />

G1 141<br />

26 Hors. Test. 17<br />

43 Paral. 34<br />

13:l G1 148<br />

14-15 Pr. 51<br />

15 Hon. Test. 13<br />

34-35 Hon. Test. 23<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 5<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 8<br />

SBo 208<br />

S' 26<br />

S1 16<br />

.-. ... -~ ~<br />

SBo 183 1219<br />

Hors. Test. 44 I11 203<br />

G1 112 I377<br />

Sz 7 1447<br />

Hors. Test. 44 I11 203<br />

Hon. Test. 38 111 199<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 31 111 212<br />

Hon. Instr. 3: 2<br />

111 140<br />

Path. Inrtr. 1: 37<br />

III 30<br />

Horr. Test. 45<br />

III 204<br />

Hors. Reg. 4 (bis)<br />

I1 198<br />

Ham Test. 44<br />

111 203<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 32 111 112<br />

Hors. Test. 41<br />

I11 201<br />

Horr. Test. 41<br />

111 201<br />

Theod. 1nstr. 3: 32 I11 112<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 31 111 112<br />

SBo I41<br />

I199<br />

SBa 190<br />

1232<br />

SBo 180<br />

. .-<br />

1216<br />

Hors Test. 41 111 201<br />

G' 5, 47 1300, 330<br />

SBo 208 1262<br />

Hors. Test. 17 111 183<br />

G' 141<br />

Hon. Test. 13<br />

Pach. Inrtr 1 4<br />

G' 56<br />

Theod. lmtr. 1: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 52<br />

Hors. Test. 17<br />

G' 135<br />

Theod. 1nstr. 1: 2<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 9<br />

SP 5<br />

SBo I98 I245<br />

Am. Letter 18 (bis) 11 86<br />

Hon. Test. 14 111 180<br />

Hon. Test. 50 I11 209<br />

SBo 194. 1237<br />

S' 11 1431<br />

Hors. Reg. 51 11 216<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 23 111 107<br />

Hors. Tert. 27 111 191<br />

Drarmet 2: 2 11 115<br />

-<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 22. 59 111 22. 40<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 7<br />

Am. Letter 9, 12<br />

Pach. Instr. 2: 4<br />

S' 5<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Poch. Inrtr. 1: 21<br />

G' 123<br />

Am. Letter 9<br />

Am. Letter 27<br />

HOTS. Lette~ 3: 2<br />

Pard 18<br />

SBo 198<br />

HOTS. Lette~ 3: 2<br />

SBo 184<br />

An Letter 14<br />

Am. Letter 16<br />

Pach. Inrtr 1 22<br />

SB0 101<br />

Hon Tert I0<br />

III 95<br />

1387<br />

I193<br />

III 38<br />

11 62<br />

111 55<br />

11 77, 80<br />

111 48<br />

I446<br />

11 83<br />

III 23<br />

I385<br />

11 77<br />

I1 97<br />

III 158<br />

II 40<br />

I245<br />

III 118<br />

111 219<br />

I1 81<br />

I1 83<br />

I11 22<br />

1139<br />

111 209

280 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

12:ll-16 Hon. Letter 3: 2 I11 159<br />

-- 12-16 -- HOIS. Letter 4: 1 I11 161<br />

14 Pach. Inrfr. I: 22<br />

15<br />

17<br />

G' 62<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3 (bis)<br />

18 SBo 125<br />

19 Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

21 G' 42<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

13:l Inrt. 18<br />

7 Theod. Instr. 3: 8<br />

10-12 J"d. Prol.<br />

10 SBO 29<br />

6' 34, 119<br />

Hors. Test. 55<br />

11-15 Hon. Test. 38<br />

11 Horr Test. 6, 41<br />

12 Horr. Reg. 19<br />

HOIS. Letter 4: 3<br />

14 Am. Letter 6<br />

Pach. Inrtr. I: 39<br />

14:4 Pach. Instr. 1: 12<br />

HOIS. Tert. 24<br />

5 Pach. Letter 7: 1<br />

10-12 Pach. Instr. 1: I8<br />

10 Hors. Reg. 5<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 26<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 10<br />

Hers. Test. 11<br />

12 Horn. Reg. 31<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 26<br />

Thead. Imtr. 3: 23<br />

13 Pach. Imtv. 1: 40<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 5<br />

Hors. Letter 4: 3<br />

15 Horr. Letter 4: 3<br />

17-18 Hon. Test. 46<br />

17<br />

19<br />

Hon. Test. 44<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 22, 27<br />

15:l-3 Hors. Test. 40<br />

2 Theod. Inrtr. 3: 4<br />

4 Horr. Test. 10. 41<br />

15 Hon. Test. 56<br />

16:16 SBa 204<br />

18 Imt. 18<br />

24 HOTS. Letter 3: 6<br />

111 213<br />

I11 199<br />

III 174, 200<br />

I1 204<br />

I11 161<br />

I11 205<br />

111 203<br />

111 106, 109<br />

111 200<br />

111 94<br />

111 178, ZOO<br />

I11 214<br />

1254<br />

I1 172<br />

III I60<br />


1:20<br />

23<br />

24<br />

23<br />

8<br />

9<br />

Pach. Letter 3-6<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 24<br />

G' 112<br />

Horn. Test. 21<br />

Paral. 18<br />

SBo 114<br />

Hon. Reg. 5. 53<br />

Thead. Instr. 3: 5<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 43<br />

Am. Letter 20, 34<br />

S' 11<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3:31<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 33<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Hors. Inrtr. 1: 6<br />

Hon. Instr. 3: 2<br />

G' 122<br />

G' 94<br />

Thaod. Inrtr. 3: 41<br />

Hon. Test. 19<br />

SBo 194<br />

G1 135<br />

SIO 2<br />

Pach. Fragm. 1: 2<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 2<br />

SBa 95<br />

Hon. Letter 34: 1<br />

S1 . 2 .<br />

G' 99<br />

S' 25<br />

Horr. Test. 3<br />

Hm. Letter 3: 5<br />

Droguet 1: 6<br />

Hors. Test. 3<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 5<br />

Theod. Letter 1: 1<br />

Thead. Letter 1: 2<br />

Hon. Letter 4: 3<br />

Apoph. 2<br />

SBo 88<br />

G' 55<br />

Paral. 38<br />

Pach. Imb. 1: 43<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 30<br />

SBo 194<br />

S' 18<br />

Biblical Index<br />

III 33<br />

111 26<br />

I240<br />



1:s-9<br />

210<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 19, 30<br />

HOTS. Lette~ 3: 1<br />

Pad. 9<br />

Hors. Test. 55<br />

SBo I94<br />

G1 n2, I35<br />

Paral. 20 (his)<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 34<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 34<br />

6' 49<br />

Am. Letter 3. 32<br />

Theod. I ~tr. 3: 5<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 19<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 13<br />

Hors. Test. 23<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 1<br />

Horr. Tert 33<br />

G' 119<br />

SX 1<br />

SZ 1<br />

SBo 141<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 45<br />

Hw5. Test. I3<br />

SBo 145<br />

Am. Letter 21<br />

SBo 88<br />

SBo 114<br />

Sg 6<br />

SBo 114<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 19<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 30<br />

S' I4<br />

Jud. Pral.<br />

Hors. Letter 2<br />

Hon. Letter 3: 6<br />

S' 3<br />

SBo 10<br />

G' 6<br />

Am. Letter 13<br />

SBo 198<br />

S1 3<br />

Am. Letter 4, 23<br />

Hors. Test. 30<br />

Am. Letter 6<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 39<br />

111 104, 111<br />

111 157<br />

If 31<br />

I11 213<br />

1239<br />

1377, 393<br />

11 44<br />

111 114<br />

I11 114<br />

I331<br />

I1 74, 101<br />

111 95<br />

111 104<br />

111 59<br />

111 188<br />

111 54<br />

I11 158<br />

III 197<br />

I382<br />

1 444<br />

I 444<br />

1198<br />

III 34<br />

111 179<br />

1 206<br />

11 90<br />

I113<br />

1167<br />

I446<br />

1 167<br />

111 104<br />

111 111<br />

1449<br />

I1 175<br />

I11 157<br />

I11 160<br />

1445<br />

I 31<br />

I so2<br />

11 81<br />

I246<br />

I 426<br />

11 74, 91<br />

111 195<br />

I1 75<br />

I11 31<br />


1:s<br />

Biblical Index<br />

3:28 SBo 103 1 144<br />

4:5 HOTS. Test. 19 111 184<br />

29 Theod. Inrtr. 3: 40 ttt 116<br />

- . .. - .-<br />

7 Am. Letter 23 I1 92<br />

11 Theod. Imtr. 3: 10 I11 99<br />

13-14 Hors. Letter 3: 1 I11 158<br />

13 SBo 103, I07 1149, 135<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 1 111 70<br />

Hors. Test. 26. 47 I11 191, 206<br />

Hors. Test. 13<br />

Inst 18<br />

S' 14<br />

Jud. Pr01.<br />

SBo 67, 73<br />

G1 75<br />

SBo 135<br />

Hors. Reg. 19<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 8. 26<br />

Theod. Ilwtr. 3: 40, 42<br />

Hm. Imtr. 6: 4<br />

SBo 89, 123<br />

Hon. Instr. 5<br />

SBo 106<br />

SBa 105<br />

Am. Letter 3<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 11<br />

Hors. Test. 11<br />

G' 135<br />

Pach. 1mtr. 1: 12<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 31<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

Paral. 19<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

Thead. Inrt,. 3: 20<br />

How Letter 3: 6<br />

SB0 2. lo8<br />

G' 2<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 4<br />

S' 16<br />

Theod. Instl.. 3: 29<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 41<br />

Inst. PI.<br />

Hors. Test. 21<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 33<br />

I11 180<br />

11 172<br />

1449<br />

I1 175<br />

189, 95<br />

1348<br />

I192<br />

I1 203<br />

111 97, 108<br />

I11 116, 117<br />

111 145<br />

1120, 179<br />

I11 143<br />

1 150<br />

1149<br />

I1 73<br />

111 66<br />

111 178<br />

1394<br />

I11 16<br />

111 112<br />

111 191<br />

11 42<br />

111 70<br />

III 10s<br />

III 160

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Horr. Test. 27<br />

SBo 29<br />

G' 34<br />

S'O 4<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 1<br />

Pad 19<br />

SBo 89<br />

SBo 69<br />

6' 77<br />

Horr. Reg. 52<br />

Paeh. Letter 5: 2<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 8<br />

Paral. 4. 7<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 46<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

Hors. Test. 27<br />

SBo 23<br />

G' 24<br />

SBo 67<br />

G1 75<br />

S' 7<br />

HOTS. Test. 11<br />

Hors. Test. 46 (bis)<br />

Hers. Test. 34<br />

HOTS. Test. 34<br />

Pach. Fragm. 4: 1<br />

GL 132<br />

HOTS. Test. 46<br />

Theod. Imlr. 3: 27<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 21<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 6<br />

Theod. 1mtr. 3: 31<br />

C.1 . 96 ~~<br />

S' 13<br />

SBo 182<br />

S1 25<br />

Hors Test. 27<br />

Hors. Test. 6<br />

Pard. 17<br />

Thcod. Instr. 3: 7<br />

Hors Test. 24<br />

HOTS. Test. 52<br />

Ham Reg. 52<br />

Hors. Imtr. 2: 3<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 61<br />

Hon. Test. 56<br />

III 191<br />

153<br />

I322<br />

1454<br />

111 93<br />

11 42<br />

1119<br />

I 92<br />

I350<br />

11 216<br />

11 63<br />

111 97<br />

I1 23, 29<br />

111 35<br />

111 193<br />

III 191<br />

I 46<br />

1312<br />

189<br />

I349<br />

1447<br />

111 178<br />

I11 205<br />

I11 197<br />

I11 197<br />

111 87<br />

1391<br />

I11 205<br />

III I09<br />

111 21<br />

III 62<br />

I11 I12<br />

1363<br />

1432<br />

I Zl7<br />

1440<br />

111 191<br />

111 174<br />

11 39<br />

111 97<br />

IN 189<br />

111 212<br />

I1 216<br />

111 92<br />

III 41<br />

I11 214<br />

Tmus<br />

4:7 ~heod. Imtr. 3: 6<br />

8 SBo 82<br />

G' 49<br />

pah. Imtv. I: 50<br />

Pach. Fragm. 3: 3<br />

~heod. Imtr. 3: 7<br />

17 G' 135<br />

Biblical Index<br />

III 96<br />

1108<br />

I331<br />

111 36<br />

111 87<br />

I11 97<br />

I394<br />

1:9<br />

15<br />

~heod. Instr. 2: 3<br />

SBo 48<br />

I11 92<br />

171<br />

2:l<br />

7<br />

13<br />

3:4<br />

5<br />

G1 53<br />

~heod. I~tr. 2: 3<br />

Hors. Test. 9, 13<br />

HOTS. Test 7<br />

G1 131<br />

~rn. Letter 2<br />

pach. Letter 5: 9<br />

T~CO~. Imtr. 3: 36<br />

1334<br />

111 92<br />

I11 176, 179<br />

111 174<br />

I391<br />

11 71<br />

111 66<br />

111 114<br />

pach. Inrtr. 1: 42<br />

~ors. I~tr. 5<br />

Hors. Imtr. 5<br />

SBo 191<br />

pach. Instr. 1: 56<br />

Pad 25<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

III 33<br />

111 143<br />

111 143<br />

I234<br />

111 39<br />

14<br />

15<br />

la.19 ." --<br />

Pach. Fragm. 5: 1<br />

Hors. Test. 33<br />

Hors. Test. 35 -~<br />

I11 81<br />

I11 l!<br />

111 1'<br />

4:4 path. Instr. 2: 1<br />

7<br />

9-11<br />

Hen. Test. 33<br />

H0rs. 1nstr. 1: 2<br />

10 ~heod. Inrtr. 3: 6<br />

13 Horr. Reg. 30<br />

15 Paral. 39<br />

16 Hors. Letter 3: 4<br />

SBo 132

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 3, 7 111 94, 97<br />

Poch. Imt~. 1: 7 III I4<br />

SP 7 1 447<br />

SBo 29 I53<br />

G1 34 I 321<br />

G1 112 1376<br />

G' 49, 98 1331, 365<br />

Hors. Letter 3: 4 III 160<br />

S'O 4 I 454<br />

Pach. Fragm. 5: 1 111 88<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 8 111 98<br />

G' - 132 ~<br />

1391<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 10, 20 111 99, 105<br />

Horr. Test. I0 III I77<br />

Hors. Instr. 3: 4 111 160<br />

36 Am. Letter 3 11 73<br />

37-38 Theod. Instr. 3: 41 111 116<br />

39 Hors. Test. 35 111 197<br />

11:4 Hors. Inrtr. 2<br />

Am. Letter 9<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

G' 144<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 16<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 2<br />

SBo 145<br />

SBo 145<br />

Pach. lnstr. 1: 32<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 7, 8<br />

6' 22, 48<br />

Hon. Instr. 6: 3<br />

SBo 16<br />

G' 13<br />

SBo I01<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 15<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 30<br />

SBo 1<br />

G' 1<br />

Theod. fnstr. 3: 5<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 13<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 18<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 56<br />

Paral. 40<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 40<br />

Hon. Test. 6<br />

G' 129<br />

G' 84<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 1, 2.<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 6<br />

111 139<br />

Biblical Index<br />

12:14 Pach. Instr. 1: 36 (bis) I11 29<br />

Hori. Instr. 7: 5, 11 III 147, 150<br />

Hon. Lerter 3: 4 I11 160<br />

16<br />

19<br />

Pach. Letter 5: 5<br />

S1 2<br />

I11 64<br />

1426<br />

22 Pach. Iwt~ 1: 35 111 29<br />

Horr. Flagm. 111 169<br />

29 SBo 29 I53<br />

G1 34 I321<br />

13:7 G' 99 1365<br />

Hors Reg. 54 I1217<br />

8<br />

15<br />

G1 17<br />

Poch. Letter 9a (bir)<br />

130R - ..-<br />

III 72, 73<br />

16 S' 11<br />

Hors. Tesr. 50<br />

1691<br />

17 Hon. Teat. 19<br />

18 G' 120, 128<br />

Hom Tst. 46<br />

20 Pach. Instr. 2: 2<br />

21 G' 108<br />

Hon. Test. 50<br />

S' ~ 9 ~<br />

Theod. Frogm. 2, 4<br />

SBo 9<br />

Pach. Inst?. I: 41<br />

SBo 19<br />

G' 15<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 2, 25<br />

Hors. Test. 18<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

SBo 68<br />

G' 76<br />

Pach Inrtr. 1: 38<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 25<br />

Hors. Tesr. 55<br />

Horr. Test. 31<br />

Hors. Test. 41, 42<br />

Am. Letter 23<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 6<br />

Theod. Fragm. I<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 8, 20<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 53 ~ ~<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

SBa 10<br />

SBo 142<br />

SBo 107, 142<br />

1307<br />

I11 13, 24<br />

111 183<br />

111 23<br />

190<br />

1349<br />

III 31<br />

111 107<br />

I11 213<br />

Ill 195<br />

III 201<br />

11 92<br />

I11 55<br />


294 Pachomian Koinonia III Biblical Index<br />

1 PETER<br />

1:13 Am. Letter 14<br />

17 Pach. &gm. 3: 3<br />

Hon. Test. 16<br />

19 Hors. Imtr. 5<br />

22 Hon. Test. 35<br />

2:l S' 14<br />

5 S1 1<br />

R Hon. Test. 26<br />

9 SBo 3 125<br />

GL 2 1299<br />

Pach. Letter 3: 2 I11 53<br />

SBo 125 I181<br />

Pach. 1mtr. 1: 59 111 40<br />

S1 8 I429<br />

HOTS. Ten. 3<br />

G' 57 (ter)<br />

S' 8<br />

Pach. Instr. 2: 4<br />

Pach. Imtr. 1: 37<br />

Pr 52. 119<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 23<br />

Pach. Letter 7: 3<br />

H075 1mtr. 4: 2<br />

Theod. Fragm. 4<br />

Hon. Test. 15<br />

Theod. 1 ~11. 3: 5<br />

Horr. Tert. 20<br />

Hors. Tert. 20<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: 23<br />

Path Imtr. I: I0<br />

Pach. Insrr. I: 38<br />

Theod. Imt?. 2: 1<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 41<br />

HOTS. Test. 17<br />

Horr. Test. 13<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 7<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 41<br />

Hon. Test. 6<br />

111 172<br />

Poch. Fragn. 1: 2<br />

Theod. Inrtr. 3: I9<br />

Pach. Inrtr. 1: 61<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 31<br />

2 PETER<br />

1:11<br />

2:4<br />

7-8<br />

9<br />

17<br />

21<br />

1 JOHN<br />

1:7<br />

2-2<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3:4<br />

Pach. Instr. 1: 25<br />

Pach. Fragm. 4: 1<br />

Poch. Imt7. 1: 55<br />

HOTS. Test. 42<br />

Draguet 2: 9<br />

SBo 20<br />

Hors. Test. 32<br />

Han. Test. 21<br />

HOTS. Test. 1, 3, 6<br />

Hers. Test. 3<br />

G' 98<br />

SBo 208<br />

Theod. Letter 2: 4<br />

Horr. Test. 17<br />

Poch. Imtr. 1: 36<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

SBo 186<br />

G' 140<br />

Pach. Insrr. 1: 38<br />

Pach. Letter 4: 4<br />

Theod. Instr. 3: 1<br />

Am. Letter 17<br />

SBo 127<br />

S' 7<br />

Hors. Test. 20<br />

Hors. Test. 55<br />

Poch. in st^. 1: 55<br />

Theod. Imtr. 3: 42<br />

Hors. Tert. 23<br />

Hors. Instr. 1: 1<br />

Poch. Letter 7: I<br />

sz - 1 -<br />

SBo 29<br />

G1 34<br />

HOTS. Test. 38<br />

Hors. Test. 55<br />

Paral. 18<br />

SBo 29<br />

G' 34<br />

S' 7<br />

Han. Test. 4<br />

Theod. Imtv. 3: 42<br />

Pach. Inst,. 1: 12<br />

Han. Test. 55<br />

I11 185<br />

1225<br />

1398<br />

I11 31<br />

I11 60<br />

111 93<br />

I1 84<br />

1 184<br />

1446<br />

I11 184<br />

I11 214<br />

I11 39<br />

III 117<br />

111 188<br />

I11 135<br />

111 69<br />

1444<br />

I53<br />

I322<br />

111 199<br />

111 214<br />

I1 40<br />

I53<br />

I 322<br />

1447<br />

I11 173<br />

111 117<br />

111 16<br />

I11 214

2 JOHN<br />

JUDE<br />

Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

5:14 S' 9 I430<br />

15 Pard 33 11 56<br />

16-17 HOTS. Test 16 111 181<br />

4<br />

6<br />

12<br />

23<br />


1:5<br />

2:17<br />

3:ll<br />

21<br />

43<br />

6:12<br />

179<br />

21:s<br />

4-! i Hors. Test. 55 111 214<br />

G' 120 1383<br />

Paral. 9 I1 31<br />

Paral. 20 I1 43<br />

Pach. Fragm. 4: 1 111 87<br />

Draguet 2: 9 I1 118<br />

Hors. Test. 25 I11 190<br />

G1 56 1337<br />

Pach. Inrtr. I: 50 I11 36<br />

SBo 10 I 30<br />

H075. Test. 3 111 172<br />

SBo 186 122.5<br />

6' 140 I 398<br />

Poch. Imtr. 1: 33 111 28<br />

SBo 94 1125<br />

Pach. Instr. I: 10 111 15<br />

ADMG<br />

AnBoll<br />

BKV<br />

BM<br />

ChE<br />

csco<br />

D ACL<br />

EuA<br />

GuL<br />

HJ<br />

JEH<br />

LTK<br />

LuM<br />

Museon<br />

NGG<br />

OCP<br />

OGL<br />

Orientalia<br />

OstKSt<br />

PG<br />


of names of periodicals and series<br />

Annales du Mwde Guimet, Paris.<br />

Analecta Bollandiana, Brussels.<br />

Bibliothek der Kirchenuater, Kempten.<br />

Benediktinische Monatschnift (later: Erbe und<br />

Auftrag), Beuron.<br />

Chronique d'Egypte, Brussels.<br />

Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium,<br />

Louvain.<br />

Dictionnuire d'archdologie chrdtienne et de<br />

liturgie, Paris.<br />

Erbe und Auftrag (formerly Benediktinische<br />

Monatschrift), Beuron.<br />

Geist und Leben. Zeitschqt fur Aszese und<br />

Mystik, Wurzburg.<br />

Historisches Jahrbuch, Munich-Freiburg.<br />

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, London.<br />

Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche, Freiburg.<br />

Liturgie und Monchtum. Laacher Hefte,<br />

Maria Laach.<br />

Le Musdon, Louvain.<br />

Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf-<br />

ten zu Gottingen, Gottingen.<br />

Orientalia Christians Periodica, Rome.<br />

Ons geestelijk leuen.<br />

Orientalia. Commentani' Periodici Pontificii<br />

Instituti Biblici, Rome.<br />

Ostkirchliche Studien, Wurzburg.<br />

Patrologia Graeca of Migne, Paris.

Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Arheitstagung zur Ausstellung 'koptische Kunst'). Rec<br />

linghause>, 1964. Pp. 142-157.~<br />

. 'Vom Umeang mit der Bihel im altesten Moncht<br />

Theologie und ~hzoso2hie 41 (1966) 557-566.<br />

. ' . . . Vexillum cmcis sequi (Horsiesius). Monchtu<br />

Kreuzesnachfolge,' Martyria.-Leiturgia-Diakonia.<br />

schrift fur H. Volk, Bischof won Mainz, zum 65. Gebur s a<br />

Mainz. 1968. PD. 149-162.<br />

, Das Vermachtnis des Ursprungs (Studien zum Friihen<br />

M6nchtum I). Wiirzhurg, 1972.<br />

. 'Agrypnia. Die Motive des Schlafentzugs im fNhen<br />

MBnchtum,' Bibliothek-Buch-Geschichte (Kurt Koster zum<br />

65. Geburtstag; herawgegeben won Gunther Pflzg, Brzta Ec<br />

ert und Heinz Friesenhahn). Frankfurt am Main, 1977. Pp.<br />

353-369.<br />

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. 'A Note on the Chronology of Pachomian Fou<br />

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. 'Some Notes, mainly Lexical on the Sources for the<br />

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. Der Papyruscodex saec. VZ- VZZ der Phillipsbibliothek<br />

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Beitrag won A. Ehrhard. Schriften der Wissemchaftlich<br />

Pachomian Bibliography 301<br />

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Draguet, R. 'Le chapitre de HL sur les Tabennesiotes derive-t-il<br />

d'une source copte?' Mwdon 57 (1944) 53-145; 58 (1945) 15-95.<br />

Ehrhard, A. 'Zur literarhistorischen und theologischen Wiirdigung<br />

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Gindele, C. 'Die Schriftlesung im Pachomiuskloster,' EuA, 41<br />

(1965) 114-122.<br />

Gnolfo, P. 'Pedagogia Pacomiana,' Sal 10 (1948) 569-596.<br />

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1331.<br />

GNtzmacher, 0. Pachomios und das alteste Klosterleben. Freiburg,<br />

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Halkin, F. 'Les Vies grecques de S. Pacbme.' AnBoll 47 (1929)<br />

376-388.<br />

. 'L'Histoire Lausiaque et les Vies grecques de S. Pacbme,'AnBoll48<br />

(1930) 257-301.<br />

Hedrick, C.W., 'Gnostic Proclivities in the Greek Life of Pachomius<br />

and the Sitz im Leben of the Nag Hammadi Library,'<br />

Namm Testamentum 22 (1980) 78-94.<br />

Hengstenherg, W. 'Pachomiana (mit einem Anhang iiher die Liturgie<br />

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Geschichte des christlichen Altertums und der Byzantinischen<br />

Literatur. Festgabe Albert Ehrhard. Bonn and Leipzig, 1922.<br />

Pp. 228-252.<br />

Heussi, K. 'Pachomios,' in Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyklopadie der<br />

classischen Altertumswissenschaft, 18 (1942) Col. 2070 ff.<br />

Ladeuze, P. 'Les diverses recensions de la vie de S. Pakhbme et<br />

leurs dependances mutuelles,' Muston (1897) 148-171: (1898)<br />

145-168; 269-286; 378-395.<br />

. Etude sur le ctnobitisme pakhBmien pendant le IVe

siecle et la nremiere moiti6 du Ve. Louvain and Paris, 189<br />

rpt. 1962.<br />

Leclercq, H. 'Pachbme, in DACL XIII/l (1937) Col. 499-510.<br />

Lefort, L.T. 'ThCodore de Tabenntsi et la lettre pascale de<br />

Athanase sur le canon de la Bible,' Musdon 29 (1910) 205-21<br />

. 'Un texte original de la rPgle de saint Pac<br />

ComQtes rendw de 1'Acaddmie des Inscriptions et<br />

~etties, 1919. Pp. 341-348.<br />

. 'La RSgle de S. Pachbme (Ctude d'approche),' M<br />

sdon 34 (1921) 61-70.<br />

."~a ~t?~le de S. Pachbme (2' etude d'approche),' Musdon<br />

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. 'La Regle de S. Pachbme (Nouveaux documents),'<br />

Mwdon 40 (1927) 31-64.<br />

, S . Pachbme et Amen-em-ope,' Mzlsdon 49 (1927)<br />

65-74.<br />

. 'Litterature bohairique,' Mwdon 44 (1931) 115-135.<br />

. 'S. Athanase ecrivain copte,' Mwdon 46 (1933) 1-33.<br />

. 'La Regle de S. Pachbme (nouveaux fragments<br />

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. 'Les premiers monasteres pachbmiens. Exploratio<br />

topographique,' Musdon 52 (1939) 379-408.<br />

. 'Les sources coptes pachbmiennes,' Musdon 67 (1954)<br />

217-229.<br />

Lehmann, K. 'Die Entstehung der Freiheitsstrafe in den Klost<br />

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Kan. Abt. 37 (1951). Pp. 1-94.<br />

Leipoldt, J. 'Pachom,' Bulletin de la Socidtd de I'Archdologie<br />

Copte 16 (1961-62) 191-229.<br />

. 'Pachom,' Koptologische Studien in der DDR. Wissenschaftliche<br />

Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther-Uniuersitat Halle-<br />

Wittenberg. - Sonderheft 1965. 236-249.<br />

Levis, A. 'Koinonia e comunidade no monacato pacomiano,'<br />

Claretianum 15 (1975) 269-327.<br />

Lozano, J.M. 'La comuniti pacomiana: dalla comunione all'istituzione,'<br />

Claretianum 15 (1975) 237-267.<br />

Monachino. V. 'Pacomio,' Enciclopedia Cattolica 9 (1952) C<br />

Pachomian Bibliography 303<br />

Morson, J. 'The sixteenth Centenary of St. Pachomius.' Pax 38<br />

(1948) 65-74<br />

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241-243.<br />

Peeters, P. 'A propos de la Vie sahidique de S. Pacbme.' AnBoll<br />

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. 'L'edition critique des Vies coptes de S. Pacbme par<br />

le Prof. Lefort,' Mwdon 59 (1946) 17-34.<br />

. 'Le dossier copte de S. Pacbme et ses rapports avec la<br />

tradition grecque,' AnBoll64 (1946) 258-277.<br />

. 'Un feuillet d'une Vie arabe de saint Pacbme,' Mu-<br />

sdon 59 (1946) 399-412.<br />

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~bersetzun~ des Osterfestbriefs des Athanasius vom Jahre 367,;<br />

NGG (1889) I, 87-104.<br />

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Wittenberg. 1968. Pp. 155-171.<br />

. 'Briefe Pachoms in koptischer Sprache. Neue deutsche<br />

Ubersetzung,' Zetesis (Festschrift E. de Stycker). Antwerp and<br />

Utrecht, 1973. Pp. 655-664.<br />

. 'Ein neues Fragment der Pachombriefe in koptischer<br />

Sprache,' Orientalia 43 (1974) 66-82.<br />

. 'Die Briefe Pachoms,'ZDMG, Supp. I1 (1974) 96-108.<br />

. 'Die griechische Ubersetzung der Pachombriefe,'<br />

Studia Papyrologica 15 (1976) 153-159.<br />

. 'Eine Handvoll Pachomianischer Texte,' ZDMG,<br />

Supp. 111, 1 (1977) 221-229.<br />

Revillout, E. 'FunCrailles des moines Cgyptiens au temps de Saint<br />

Antoine et de Saint Pacome,' Acaddmie Delphinale, Bull. s.<br />

2.1 (1856-60) 374-386.<br />

%zit, I. 'De forma unionis monasteriorum Sancti Pachomii,'<br />

OCP 23 (1957) 381-414.

304 Pachomian Koinonia 111<br />

Ruppert, F. Das Pachomianische Monchtum und die A<br />

kl3sterlichen Gehorsams. Miimte~schwarzacher Studi<br />

Miinsterschwarzach, 1971.<br />

. 'Arbeit und geistliches Leben im pachomi<br />

Monchtum,' OstKSt 24 (1975) 3-14.<br />

Samir, K. 'TCmoins arabes de la catechese de Pachbme "A prop<br />

d'un moine rancunier". (CPG 2354.1),' OCP 42 (197<br />

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recht 81 (1901) 461-490; 630-649.<br />

Steidle, B. "'Der Zweite" im Pachomiuskloster,' BM 24 (1948<br />

97-104; 174-179.<br />

, and 0. Schuler, 'Der "Obern-Spiegel" im "Test<br />

ment" des Abtes Horsiesi (t nach 387); EuA 43 (1967) 22-3<br />

Steidle, B. 'Der ~sterbrief u&eres ~aters~heodor an alle ~liist<br />

Zur 1600. Wiederkehr des Todesjahres (368-1968),' EuA<br />

(1968) 104-119.<br />

, 'Der heilige Abt. Theodor von Tabennesi. Zur 1600<br />

Wiederkehr des Todesjahres (368-1968),' E d 44 (1968) 91-10<br />

Tamburrino, P. 'Koinonia. Die Beziehung "Monasterium<br />

"Kirche" im friihen pachomianischen Monchtum,' EuA 4<br />

(1967) 5-21.<br />

. 'Bibbia e vita spirituale negli scritti di Orsiesi,' in<br />

Vagaggini, ed., Bibbia e spiritualitd, Biblioteca di cultu<br />

religiosa 79. Rome, 1967. Pp. 85-119.<br />

. 'Les saints de l'Ancien Testament dans la Ere cat&<br />

chese de saint PachBme.' Melto 4 (1968) 33-44.<br />

. 'Die Heiligen des Alten Testaments in der 1. Katechese<br />

des heiligen ~achokius,' EuA 45 (1969) 50-56.<br />

Van Cranenburgb, H. 'La "Regula Angel? dans la Vie latine de<br />

saint Pacbbme,' MwQon 76 (1963) 165.194.<br />

. 'Nieuw licht op de oudste kloostercongregatie van de<br />

christenheid: de instelling van Sint-Pachomius,' TGL 19 (1963)<br />

581-605: 665-690: and 20 (1964) 41-54.<br />

, 'Actualiteitswaarde van her pachomiaans<br />

leven,' TGL 24 (1968) 233-257.<br />

. 'Valeur actuelle de la vie religieuse pachbmienne,' VS<br />

Pachomian Bibliography 305<br />

. 'Etude comparative des recits anciens de la vocation<br />

de saint PachBme,' RBdn 82 (1972) 280-308.<br />

. 'Les noms de Dieu dans la pritre de Pachbme et de ses<br />

freres,' RHS 52 (1976) 193-212.<br />

Van Molle, M.M. 'Essai de classement chronolo~que des pre-<br />

mieres regles de vie commune en chretientk,' i%'Suppldkent<br />

84 (1968) 108-127.<br />

. "Confrontation entre les Regles et la litterature pa-<br />

chBmienne posterieure,' VS Su@ldment 86 (1968) 394-424.<br />

. 'Aux origines de la vie communautaire chretienne,<br />

quelques equivoques determinantes pour l'avenir,' VS Suppld-<br />

ment 88 (1969) 101-121.<br />

. 'Vie commune et obeissance d'apres les intuitions<br />

premieres de Pachbme et Basile,' VS Suppl6ment 93 (1970)<br />

196-225.<br />

Van Rijen, A. 'Een regel van Pachomius,' Ons geestelijk leuen 48<br />

(1971) 334-344.<br />

Veilleux, A. 'Le probleme des Vies de Saint Pachbme,' RAM 42<br />

(1966) 287-305.<br />

. La liturgie dam le cdnobitismepachdmien au quatri-<br />

;me siacle, SA 57. Rome, 1968.<br />

. 'San Pacomio, abate di Tabennesi,' Bibliotheca Sanc-<br />

torum, Vol. X (1968) Col. 10-20.<br />

. 'Pacomio il Giovane,' Ibidem, Col. 9-10.<br />

. 'Teodoro di Tabennesi,' Ibidem Vol. XI1 (1969) Col.<br />

270-272.<br />

. 'Holy Scripture in the Pachomian Koinonia,' Monas-<br />

tic Studies 10 (1974) 143-153.<br />

Vergote, J. 'L'oeuvre de L.T. Lefort,' MwQon 59 (1946) 41-62.<br />

. 'En lisant "Les Vies de saint Pakhbme",' ChE 22<br />

(1947) 389-415.<br />

. 'La valeur des Vies grecques et coptes de S. PakhBme,'<br />

Orientalia Louaniensia Periodica 8 (1977) 175.186,<br />

Vogii.5, A. de. 'Points de contact du chapitre XXXII de l'Histoire<br />

Lausiaque avec les Ccrits d'Horsiese,' StMon 13 (1971) 291.294,<br />

. 'Les pieces latines du dossier pachBrken,' RHE 67<br />

(1972) 26-67.<br />

. 'L'Anecdote pachbmienne du "Vaticanus graecus"<br />

2091. Son origine et ses sources,' RSH 49 (1973) 401-419.

Pachomian Koinonia I11<br />

. 'Le nom du Superieur de monastere dans la<br />

pachbmienne. A propos d'un ouvrage recent,' StMon 15 (<br />

17-22.<br />

. 'La vie arabe de saint Pachbme et ses deux sour<br />

prCsumees,' AnBoll 91 (1973) 379-390.<br />

. 'Saint Pachbme et son oeuvre d'apres plusieurs etude<br />

recentes,' RHE 69 (1974) 425-453.<br />

. 'Sur la terminologie de la penitence dans la Regle de<br />

saint Pachbme', StMon 17 (1975) 7-12,<br />

. 'Les noms de la porte et du portier dans la Regle d<br />

Pachbme,' StMon 17 (1975) 233-235.<br />

Wirszycka, E. 'Les terres de la congregation pachbmienne dam<br />

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littdrature, histoire, documents. Hommage d Claire Prdaux.<br />

Brussels, 1975. Pp. 625-636.<br />

Zananiri, G. 'Saint Pacbme et le monachisme.' Rewue Confdr.<br />

Franc. Or. Cairo, 1948, 178-185.<br />

* * * Pachomiana. Commdmoration du XV12me Centenaire de<br />

St PacBme Egyptien (348-1948). (Publications du Centre<br />

d'Etudes Onentales de la Cwtodie Franciscaine de Terre-<br />

Saliite, Coptica 3). Cairo, 1955.<br />


Editions and Translations<br />


coptic<br />

Lefort, L.T. S. Pachomii vita bohairice scripta, CSCO 89.<br />

Louvain, 1925; rpt. 1953.<br />

. S. Pachomiivitae sahidice scn$tae, CSCO 99/100.<br />

Louvain, 1933/34; rpt. 1952.<br />

. 'Glanures pachdmiennes,' Musdon 54 (1941) 111-<br />

138. [Sg, SZ0, and fragments of SS, SS', and S+].<br />

. 'Vies de S. Pachbme (Nouveaux fragments),' Musdon<br />

49 (1936) 219-230. [Fragments of Sz].<br />

. Oeuvres de s. Pachbme et de ses disciples, CSCO<br />

159. Louvain, 1956.<br />

Quecke, Hans. Die Brzife Pachoms. Griechischer Text der<br />

Handschrift W. 145 der Chester Beatty Libmry eingeleitet<br />

und herawgegeben von Hans Quecke. Anhang: Die koptischen<br />

Fragmente und Zitate der Pachombriefe. Textw Pat7.istici et<br />

Liturgici 11. Regensburg, 1975. [Coptic texts: pp. 111-1181.<br />

. 'Ein Brief von einem Nachfolger Pachoms,' Orien-<br />

talia 44 (1975) 426-433.<br />

Greek<br />

Halkin, F. Sancti Pachomii Vitae Gmecae, Subsidia hagio-<br />

graphica 19. Brussels, 1932.<br />

. 'La vie abregee de saint Pachbme dans le menologe<br />

imperial (BHG 1401b),' AnBoll96 (1978) 367.381,<br />

. 'Une vie inedite de saint PachBme,' AnBoll 97<br />

(1979) 5-55; 241-287.<br />

Bousquet, J., and F. Nau. Histoire de saint Pacdme (Une rd-<br />

daction inddite des Ascetica) Texte grec des manwcrits Paris<br />

881 et Chartres 1754 auec une tmduction de la uersion sy-<br />

riaque et une analyse du manwcrit de Pani Suppl. grec.<br />

480, PO IV, 5. Paris, 1907.<br />

Lefort, L.T. 'La Regle de S. PachBme (2' etude d'approche),'<br />

Mwdon 37 (1924) 1-28. [Text of the Greek Excerpta of the<br />

Rule of Pachomius. Rpt. in A. Boon, Pachomiana latina. . . ,<br />

p. 169-1821.

Draguet, R. 'Un morceau grec inCdit des Vies de Pachbme apparie<br />

B un texte d'Evagre en partie inconnu,' Musdon 70<br />

(1957) 267-306.<br />

. 'Un Paralipomenon pachbmien inconnu<br />

Karakallou 251,' Mdlanges EugBne Tisserant, Vol.<br />

232. Vatican City, 1964. Pp. 55-61.<br />

Quecke, Hans. Die Briefe Pachoms. Griechischer Text der<br />

Handschnjt W. 145 der Chester Beatty Library eingeleitet<br />

und herawgegeben uon Hans Quecke. Anhang: Die koptirchen<br />

Fragmente und Zitate der Pachombriefe, Textw Patrirtici<br />

et Litu~gici 11. Regensburg, 1975.<br />

Latin<br />

Boon, A. Pachomiana latina. Rdgle et dpitres de s. PachBme,<br />

dpitre de s. Thdodore et 'Liber'de s. O~siesius. Texte latin de<br />

s. Jdrdme, BibliothBque de la Revue d'histoire eccldsiastique<br />

7. Louvain, 1932.<br />

Van Cranenburg, H. La vie latine de saint Pachbme traduite<br />

du grec par Denys le Petit, ddition critique, Subsidia hagiographica<br />

46. Brussels, 1969.<br />

Arabic<br />

AmClineau, E. Monuments pour serUil. d i'histoire de IEgypte<br />

chrdtienne au IP sie'cle. Histoire de Saint Pakhbme et de<br />

ses communautds. Documents coptes et arabe inddits, publids<br />

et traduits par E. Amdlineau, ADMG 17, 2 Vol. Paris<br />

1889. [Arabic text: Vol. 11, pp. 337-7111,<br />

Syrzac<br />

Budge, E.A.W. The Book of Paradzse. London, 1904. [Syriac<br />

version of the Paralzpomena, which Budge erroneously calls<br />

the Rule of Pachomius].<br />

Ethiopic<br />

Dillmann, A. Chrestomatia Aethiopica. Leipzig, 1866; 1941P,<br />

pp. 57-69. [Ethiopic version of the Rules of Pachomius].<br />

Lofgren, 0. 'Zur Textkritik der Xthiopischen Pachomiu<br />

regeln I, 11,' LeMonde Oriental 30 (1936) 171-187. [Critic<br />

apparatw to be added to Dillman's edition].<br />

Sources 309<br />

Arras, V. Collectzo Monastics, CSCO 238. Louvain, 1963. Pp.<br />

141-143. [Ethiopic translation of the Greek Excerpta of the<br />

Rule of Pachomius].<br />


From Coptic<br />

~efori, L.T. Sancti Pachomii vita bohairice scripta, CSCO<br />

107. Louvain, 1936. [Latin translation].<br />

. Les Vies coptes de Saint Pachdme et de sespemiers<br />

successeurs, BibliothBque du Musdon 16. Louvain 1943; rpt.<br />

1966. ~~~~<br />

. Oeumes de s. Pachdme et de ses disciples, CSCO<br />

160. Louvain 1956.<br />

Draguet, R. Les PBres du ddsert. Paris, 1949. Pp. 87-126.<br />

[French translation of a Life of Pachomius reconstructed<br />

from the Coptic fragments].<br />

Gribomont, J. and F. Moscatelli. Vita copta di S. Pacomio. A<br />

cura diJean Gribomont. Traduzione, introduzione e note di<br />

Francesca Moscatellz. Praglia 1981.<br />

Quecke, H. 'Briefe Pachoms in koptischer Sprache. Neue<br />

deutsche Ubersetzung,' Zetesis. Festschrift E. de Strycker.<br />

Antwerp/Utrecht. 1973. Pp. 655-664.<br />

Vogue, A. de. 'Epitres inedites d'Horsi&se et de ThCodore,'<br />

Commandements du Seigneur et Libdration dvangdique, SA<br />

70. Rome, 1977. Pp. 244-257.<br />

From Greek<br />

Athanassakis, A.N. The Life of Pachomius (Vita P7ima Grae-<br />

ca). Translated by Apostolos N. Athanassakis. Introduction<br />

by Birger A. Pearson. Missoula, MT, 1975.<br />

Festugi*re, A:J. Les Moines d'Onent, T. IV/2: La premiBre<br />

Vie grecque de saint Pachdme. Introduction critique et tra-<br />

duction. Paris, 1965.<br />

Mertel, H. Leben des hl. Pachomiw, BKV 31. Kempten, 1917.<br />

[German translation of the second Greek Life and of a few<br />

fragments of the fourth Greek Life].

31 0 Pachomian Koinonia III<br />

From Latin<br />

D'Andilly, A. Les Vies des Saints Pdres des Diserts, Lyon, 1663.<br />

Pp. 175-276. [French translation of the Latin Life].<br />

Bacht, H. Das Vermachtnis des Urspmngs, Studien zum Friihen<br />

Monchturn I. Wiirzburg, 1972. [German translation of the<br />

Liber Orsiesiz].<br />

De Elizalde, M. Libra de nuestro Padre Sun Orsisio. Introduccibn,<br />

tmducci6n y notas de Martin de Elizalde. Cuademos<br />

monbsticos, Nos. 4-5 (1967) 173-244.<br />

Deseille, P. L'esprit du monachismepachdmien, suicide la trad~ctionfran~aise<br />

des Pachomiana latina par les moines de<br />

Solesmes, Spiritualitb orientale 2. Bellefontaine 1968.<br />

Starowieyski, M. 'Regula 3w Pachomiusza', in Starozytne Reg<br />

uty Zakonne. (Pzsma Starochrzescijanskich Pisarzy, Tom.<br />

XXVI.) Warsaw, 1980 (A Polish translation of the Rule of<br />

Pachomius, from the Pachomiana Latina).<br />

Steidle, B. and 0. Schuler. 'Der "Obern-Spiegel" im "Testament"<br />

des Abtes Horsiesi (t nach 387); Ed 43 (1967) 5-21.<br />

[German translation of the chapters 7-18 and 39-40 of<br />

the Liber Orsiesiz].<br />

From Arabic<br />

Amelinean, E. Monuments pour semi?. . . . [French translation<br />

under the Arabic text].<br />

From Synac<br />

Budge, E.A.W. The Book ofParadise. London, 1904. [English<br />

translation of the Syriac version of the Paralipomena]. Rpt.<br />

in The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers. London,<br />

1907, Vol. 1, pp. 283.315: and again in Stories ofthe Holy<br />

Fathers, Oxford, 1934, pp. 373-416.<br />

Nan, F., in Bonsquet J. and F. Nau, Histoire de saint PacBme<br />

(Cited above). [A French translation of the Syriac version of<br />

the Paralipomena is given in front of the text of the sixth<br />

Greek Life].<br />

Sources 311<br />

From Ethiopic<br />

Arras, V. Collectlb Monastica, CSCO 239. Louvain, 1963.<br />

Pp. 104-105. [Latin translation of the Ethiopic version of the<br />

Greek Excerpta of the Rule.].<br />

Basset, R. Les apocryphes ithiopiens traduits enfrangais, fasc.<br />

8. Paris, 1896. Pp. 28-40. [Translation of the Ethiopic Rules].<br />

Partly reprinted in Rdgles des moines, Edit. Jean-Pie Lapierre,<br />

Paris, 1982.<br />

Konig, E. 'Die Regeln des Pachomius', TSK 51 (1878) 328-332.<br />

Lofgren, 0. 'Pakomius2~tiopiska klosterregler. I svensk tokning.'<br />

Kyrkohistorisk Arsskrift 48 (1948) 163-184. [Swedish<br />

translation].<br />

Schodde, G.H. 'The Rules of Pachomius translated from the<br />

Ethiopic,' Presbyterian Resew 6 (1885) 678-689.

Ag<br />

Am<br />

Am. Letter<br />

Apoph.<br />

Av<br />

Bo<br />

Den.<br />

Draguet Fragm.<br />

GI, Gz, etc.<br />

H.L.<br />

H.M.A.<br />

Hors. Fragm.<br />

Hors. Instr.<br />

Hors. Letter<br />

Hors. Reg.<br />

Hors. Test.<br />

Inst.<br />

Jer. Pref.<br />

Jud.<br />

Leg.<br />

Pach. Fragm.<br />

Pach. Instr.<br />

Pach. Letter<br />

Paral.<br />

SIGLA<br />

Arabic Life in Gottingen Ms.116.<br />

Arabic Life published by E. Amelineau.<br />

Letter of Bishop Ammon (Epirtula Ammonis).<br />

Apophthegmata Patrum.<br />

Arabic Life in Vatican Ms. 172.<br />

Bohairic Life.<br />

Latin Life translated by Denys (Dionysius Ex-<br />

iguus).<br />

Fragment published by R. Draguet.<br />

First Greek Life, Second Greek Life, etc.<br />

Lausiac History of Palladius (Historia Lausi-<br />

aca).<br />

History of the Monks in Egypt (Historia<br />

monacho.rum in Aegypto).<br />

Fragments from Horsiesios.<br />

Instruction of Horsiesios.<br />

Letter of Horsiesios.<br />

Regulations of Horsiesios.<br />

Testament of Horsiesios (Liber Orsiesii)<br />

Institutes (Praecepta et Instituta).<br />

Jerome's Preface to the Pachomiana Latina.<br />

Judgements (Praecepta atque Judicia).<br />

Laws (Praecepta ac Leges).<br />

Fragments from Pachomius.<br />

Instruction of Pachomins.<br />

Letter of Pachomius.<br />

Paralipomena<br />

PI.<br />

S', SP, etc.<br />

SBo<br />

Theod. Fragm.<br />

Theod. Instr.<br />

Theod. Letter<br />

VB<br />

VC<br />

Vit. Ant.<br />

VS<br />

Precepts (Praecepta).<br />

First Sahidic Life, Second Sahidic Life, etc.<br />

Recension of the Life represented by the group<br />

Bo, Av, S4, SS, S6, S7, etc.<br />

Fragments from Theodore.<br />

Instruction of Theodore.<br />

Letter of Theodore.<br />

L:T. Lefort, S. Pachomiivita bohairkesc7ip-<br />

ta.<br />

L:T. Lefort, Les vies coptes de saint Pachdme<br />

et de ses premiers successeurs.<br />

Life of Antony by Athanasius (Vita Antonit).<br />

L:T. Lefort, S. Pachomii due sahidice scrip-<br />







Treacises I: Apologia to Abbot William,<br />

On Precept and Dispenratmn .... CF 1<br />

OntheSongofSongr I-IV. .CF4,7,31,40<br />

The Life and Death oi Saint Malachy<br />

the Irishman ................ CP 10<br />

Treatises 11: The Steps oi Humiliw,<br />

On Loving God ........... CF 13<br />

Magnificat: Homilies in Praise of the<br />

Blessed Virgin Mary [with Amadeus<br />

of Lausanne] .............. CF 18<br />

Treacises 111: On Grace and Free Choice,<br />

In Praise of the New Knighthood CF 19<br />

Seimons on Conversion: A Sermon to<br />

Clerics, Lenren Sermons on<br />

Psalm 91 ................. cp 25<br />

Five Books on Consideration:<br />

Advice to A Pope ............ CF 37<br />



On Contemplating God, Prayer,<br />

and Meditations .............. CF 3<br />

Exposition on rhe Song of Songs . c~ 6<br />

The Enigma of Fairh ............ CF 9<br />

The Golden Episrle ........... CP 12<br />

The Mirror of Faith ........... CF 15<br />

Exposition on the Episrle to the<br />

Romans . ................ CF27<br />

The Nature and Dignity oi Love . . CF 30<br />


Treatises I: On Jesus at rhe Age of<br />

Twelve, Rule for a Reduse,<br />

The Pasroral Prayer ......... CP 2<br />

Spiritual Friendship ........... CP 5<br />

The Mirror of Charity ......... CF 17t<br />

Dialogue on the Soul ........... CP 22<br />



Sermons on the Song of Songs<br />

1-111 ................ CF 14,20,26<br />

Treatises, Sermons, and Epirrles . . CF 34<br />


The Lertersoi Adam of Perseipne,I . CF 21<br />

Alan oi Lille: The Art of Preaching. . CP 23<br />

John of Ford. Sermons on the Final<br />

Verses oi the Song of Songs,<br />

I-IV ............. CP 29,39,43,44<br />

Idung of Prdfening. Cistercians and<br />

Cluniacs: The Case for Cireaux. CF 33<br />

TheWayofLove .............. c ~ 1 6<br />

Guerric of Igny Lituigical Sermons<br />

1-11 ..................... cr8,32<br />

Three Treatises on Man: A Cistercian<br />

. -.<br />


Anthroaolom .............. CF 24<br />

Isaac of Stella. Sermons on the<br />

Christian Year, I ........... CF 11<br />

Stephen of Lexington. Letrers from<br />

Ireland ................... CP 28<br />

MONASTIC TEXTS Pachomian Koinona 1-111:<br />

Evagrius Ponticus. Praktikos and<br />

Chapters on Prayer .......... cs 4<br />

The Rule of the Master.. . ........ cs 6<br />

TheLives of rhe Deseir Farheis ... cs 34<br />

Dororheos of Gala. Discourses and<br />

Sayings ................... cs 33<br />

The Lives .................. cs 45<br />

The Chionicles and Rules . . . Cs 46<br />

The Instrucrions, Letters and Other<br />

Wrirings of Sr Pachomius and<br />

His Disciples ............ cs 47<br />

* Timporarily out ofprinf tPortbhconing<br />

S~meon the New Theologian. Theo~<br />

logical and Practical Treatises and<br />

Three Theological Discourser. . cs 41<br />

Guigo 11 rhe Carthusian. The Ladder<br />

of Monks andTweIve Meditations. cs48<br />

The Monastic Rule oi<br />

losii Volotsky ............. cs 36<br />


The Spiiituality of Western<br />

Chiistendom ............... cs 30<br />

Rurrian Mysriis (Sergius Bolrhakoff) cs 26<br />

In Quesr of the Absaluce: The Life and<br />

Works of Jules Monchanin<br />

(1. G. Weber) ........... cs 51<br />

The Name of Jesus<br />

(Irenee Hausheir) ........... cs 44<br />

Entirely for God: A Life of Cyprian<br />

Tansi (Elizabeth Isichei). . .... cs 41<br />

Abba: Guides co Wholeness and<br />

Holiness East and West ...... cs 38<br />


The Abbot in Monastic Tradition<br />

(Pierre Salmonj ........... CS 14<br />

Why Monks? (Francois<br />

Vandenbroucke) ............ cs 17<br />

Silence in the Rule of St Benedin<br />

(Ambiose Wathen) . ........ cs 22<br />

One Yet Two: Monasric Tradition<br />

East and West .............. cs 29<br />

Communiry and Abbot in the Rule oi St<br />

Benedicr I (Adalbert de VogdC) cs 5/1<br />

Consider Your Call: A Theology of the<br />

MonaaricLiie (DanielRees et al) cs 20<br />

Households of God (David Parry). cs 39<br />


The Cistercian Spirit<br />

(M. Basil Penningion, ed.) ...... cs 3<br />

The Elevenrh-Century Background oi<br />

Citeaur (Bede K. Lacknerj . cs 8<br />

Conremplarive Community ....... cs 21<br />

Cistercian Sign Language<br />

(Roberr Barakat) ........... cs 11<br />

The Cistercians in Denmark<br />

(Brian P. McGuire) . . . . . . . cs 15 ~ ~<br />

Sainr Bernard oi Clairvaux: Essays<br />

Commemorating the Eighth<br />

Centenary of His Canonization. . cs 28<br />

Bernard of Clairvaux: Studies Presented<br />

to Dom Jean Leciercq ....... cs 23<br />

Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian<br />

Spirit (Jean Leclercq) . . . cs 16<br />

William oi St Thieiry: The Man and<br />

His Work iJ. M. DCchanet) . cs 10<br />

Aelred of Rievaulx: A Smdy<br />

(Aeired Squire) . ........... cs 50<br />

Christ rhe Way: The Chrisiology of<br />

Guerric of Igny (John Morson). . cs 2 5<br />

The Anthropology Golden Chain: of Isaac The Theological of Stella<br />

(Bernard McGinn) ......... cs 15<br />

Studies in ~irtercian~rt and Architecrure,<br />

I (Meredith Lillich, ed). .cs 66<br />

Srudiei in Medieval Cirtercian<br />

Hiitary rub-ieriei<br />

Srudies I .................... cs 13<br />

Studies I1 ..................... cs 24<br />

Cistercian Ideals and Reality<br />

(Studies 111) ................ cs 60<br />

Simplicity and Ordinariness<br />

(Studies IV) ................ cs 61<br />

The Chimera of His Age: Studies on<br />

St Bernard ismdies V) ........ cs 63<br />

Cistercians in the Lare Middle Ages<br />

(Studies<br />

........<br />

VI) ............... cs 64<br />

Noble Piety and Reformed Monasticism<br />

(Studies VII) ......... cs 65<br />

li.<br />


The Climate of Monascic Prayer . . . cs 1<br />

Thomas Merton on St Bernard ..... cs 9<br />

Thomas Merron'r Shared Coniemplation:<br />

A Protesranr Perspecrive<br />

(Daniel J. Adams) ......... cs 62<br />

Solitude in rhe Wrirings of Thomas Merron<br />

(Richard Anthony Cashen). . . . cs 40<br />

The Message of Thomas Meiton<br />

(Brother Pacrick Hart, ed.) . . . cs 42<br />


The Wisdom oi the Desert Fathers<br />

The Letters of Sr Antony rhe Grear<br />

The Letters of Ammonas, Successor of<br />

St Anrony<br />

A Srudy of Wisdom. Three Tracts by rhe<br />

aurhor of The Cloud of Uoknowins<br />

The Power of the Name. The Jesus<br />

Prayer in Orthodox Spirituality<br />

fKaliisros Ware)<br />

Solirude and Communion<br />

Contemporary Monasticism<br />

A Pilgrim's Book of Prayers<br />

(Gilbeii Shaw)<br />

Theology and Spirituality (Andrew Louth)

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