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<strong>INTERNALLY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>EXTERNALLY</strong><br />


EXECUTIVES <strong>AND</strong> POLITICIANS<br />

EY<br />






<strong>INTERNALLY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>EXTERNALLY</strong><br />


EXECUTIVES <strong>AND</strong> POLITICIANS<br />

BY<br />


Unde rL...!Fino! or<br />

Di Nun Kldiqr.<br />

Pnt (R) D.Frrd6r of h4!olos,<br />

UtrlwBitt ot l(|nchi<br />

srbd.!.d ro BAstt urimfty ot Krn.ni<br />

br th. n|l6lmrr ot rn. N.rd ot ph.D, D.gE<br />




cEtnnclTr<br />

'nh i. to qlit O.r Ur. JMid rriys Muh.DDad Khar hs {or&.d<br />

rdd.b.ily &r il. .lquidb Fiod of dt@ '!d.. o, .lldririE Ttb i.<br />

ftrthe c.dilied thr tiis dert lio! @bodie, hi! om *o!k. To llc b6t of<br />

ry l@yt!ds. dd b.li.f I bv. tu'ld Mr. Jrnid F.t .Ktubt rditt q<br />

"ir.r! lld b&rhorliDg Frior Bto Fl.3u.d bi. objcctiE of.dEldn8 df<br />

td d!..| *i6 hffirt !d .tj!!t6 .rit b csiddld 6i .rd ! !tr!?d<br />

Fso &( tlE as/rd ofP[.D d.s!e<br />

Ah--W9<br />

Or.ltur Fxl.lb!.|<br />

D.?dMi d Btltolop,<br />






Fnst ol oll, I bos ny head b.foE Allah AlniShrt for Hi! Merc, &d Kindn ss lnrr has always<br />

ber eith D.. In th. rqr n!9., I wt! to .xp6 Dy gi'ritudc ro rref.s {RctiEd) D,.<br />

Na+Khdiqu, Depritrot of Psycholos/, Udv6i9 of ({ehi for his volu.d gdd&.e<br />

rsd @nrinuous d@uasmal wi0r r critic.l.y. in conpl€tior ofdis Sieddc la!k. rr spit<br />

of hn sictr6 ,.d @ndnu€d &0.riorarire hald, h€ h.d dmF b.cn .vaihbL for his citicd<br />

aalysi3of ihewrkdone&dDrovid.dtin qsdwb6IBtE,<br />

I m also rholiul ro all th. f4dry !|6bd of lb€ D.plridat of pttholosy, Unive6iry of<br />

Kdcbi fd llen qpBion of a!!onl, onr.nt e@uasmdr ard !clD. H.r., I woutd<br />

rauh be dish@.sl if don\ nm€ Aecificatty piofesr Dr. AnjM Aru Jahmgir, profGsor Dr.<br />

R.tlsbrnd. Talat Heb, PDf.g Dr_ AniL Anbq Mdit ad D.. Ard Z.h6 FaDui s<br />

d:.y w@ alwrs a 5o!e of i6Disrion for @,<br />

Tlb rcrk rcdd not hav. b.cn posibt witholr rh. $pport of alt rloe wno D.ni.ipaled in<br />

dir lwh. And a sb, I ow ! d.br of gElirurt io tm a vEl. I als !p!Ei!& rh.<br />

@pe6lion ofot stud.nr ofM.A., M,S.. pwios dd Final b.tch€s of2OO3, 2OO4 ed 2O0j<br />

who<br />

'm.ely helFd od emp.nicd oe i! cofl€lion of rh! d.ra for tni3 !!s@h.<br />

I ore ! lor lo my belov.d p.Mts od p€Err! j! las who @ no moE wirl 6. bur alwy3<br />

dEml of s.eing lhcir edson in law a! a ph,D doctor My brcoleB md sisten ed frid

Undoubt dly, rn cEdit for ny ilr.rst h lenirg ro this inpoidt ti.td which is sliu<br />

@tid.d g6 ro my mrlr la.lF d lh. gtldut ald post€ndulL l4ls tm.ly<br />

Prot V,B. Choh.tr Lat Pot O,P. Upldhyay, rbt Dr. Chtudc pdtash Shma<br />

Lr. Pret Dr. s.M. Haf@ zsidi Prei Dr. F@tn Z Aln 4 pDt Dr. Afzrt rod,<br />

Di Mwi.z Uddi! F@qui, Dr. sud.! Jalil lDd rref Dr. EE Hrle<br />

At $js noD@1, I wish to .ppeciaL Ue p.li.nce, loL@cc ed ihoughtfttn€$ of my wif.<br />

MB, F.Izu Paaq fdhving sFtd @ b @dptd. rbi. Fojer or tr@b6 of @si@ d<br />

pade4d.fcrEd.nddarcgs&dalebsofhdcl)miredt,adobtisalid.<br />

At last I silh to th&k l&. Zlbid Huin fo. hb suplon to r.solvc rtc iijnisticst bbce€.s,<br />

Mr. Abdul Majid Modi r.d Mr N.e. Muldtr d of R€eh r&ilit C6r!, F&rrry of<br />

Arls, Univ.siry of Kr@hi, l'1r. Kaio HBin dd Nt . Saln6 Bdt$ for havins tFed,<br />

i.lyp€d ald d€sis!.d the sipr aad Foof@d for rtte p.lp.rdion oflntu lhcai*<br />



fabl.! ol R.latio^ h4x.,.,.,.,.,. tot-122<br />

t4-tza<br />

C{APTERN<br />

leB olCodFot dnd P@dliry Th@ri6. ........,.,.,.,,.,..<br />

O FrExple 06ofconepl..<br />

E fetiv. Us. ofAnribrtion<br />

Arfiblniotr &d Olhcr P.6Bion Tacd6<br />

ttrru of Codaol 0d D.pBioD<br />

CIIAPTE.R.2<br />

RRid olMdrB otltrrm.lily.d E!..mrtiry fl _E).,.,.,,,..,.,.,.,.,.,<br />

uev.lophenr of Meduesof Cmemt Lsc otConht....,.,,.,.,,....,.,.<br />

t cE of CoDuol M6@ Dfttop€d for ChJdr.D &d adote*n1r.....,<br />

L(aof ConEol M6c DcwloFd torHeat$,.,,............,.,.,,....,,,<br />

wort Relared Locu ofcoruol M<br />

bcu of Coltbl Mqb D.vclop€d for Sp6ific pupos...............<br />

Misc.ll'Ms Us of rcu of C;hol M.ascs..._._.,...................<br />

CqAPIER-3<br />

Objetiv- ot.[. Study.....,...<br />

Als.ssMi of PcMDrlity TEils<br />

I<br />

3<br />

9<br />

l0<br />

t0<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

t2<br />

I4<br />

l9<br />

23<br />

?7<br />

28<br />

l0<br />

30<br />

32<br />

38<br />

65<br />

68<br />

68<br />

69<br />


CtIAPTER4<br />

D6qlDdor of M.uuE Ukd in rhe RqerBh.,--.... . ....................<br />

Itolt r's I aDality-Exrcr&liry S€l<br />

ArjM Khrliqu. tyF A Scal..<br />

Achi.vme^ MoriErion..,,...,<br />

Exi..6ior.N.mti.i!D......,.<br />

Work Va1G...,.,.....,.,.,.,.,...<br />

OBe@rrotul Co@ibqr.,.,<br />

ratLchip Srylc,.,........-..,...<br />

Snrddts. PDf.s$, Exedircs polidchs......---.....-____._--,.<br />

AdEiri r*io!olSclls<br />



Dilcus|o...,.....,..........,.,.,.,<br />

l .nalit 4.medu. of LocworConilot.-.---,_._----.--___<br />

Ex|dlitr a ! m6@ of ta6 of Conlot .,.,....... . .............,.,.,.,..<br />

(vi)<br />

15<br />

16<br />

8l<br />

83<br />

85<br />

89<br />

94<br />

99<br />

r29<br />

l3l<br />

D4<br />

t31<br />

t39<br />

t4t<br />

148<br />

r53<br />

t57<br />

160<br />

162<br />

165<br />


ABST& CT<br />

Lds of @!uol h6 ben E@gDiad s a feror lxptairing inpond dibsbB of<br />

b.luvior. Ii tG de b@ poslulabd io Efl4r tn mout ofils innucoe on @bu<br />

FMnalig udb (Ablmowien 969, Ardersort 9?7, Bd- 1966 Bioadct 971, !u,nld.<br />

1993, tifcoun-l982, Rona-1966, Spc.toFt988). t_os ofcoftol k on€ of!@y $cisl<br />

Dsrrbological cclrEi' It @ b. dclia.d s lh. qcnr lo s.hicn oc beties lhal his or<br />

ho b.hlvid ts a direcr impd on tlc mu.q*n4 of lbar belEvior lldividu.ti wjih<br />

s Intfral Locu of Co rol believe thar if they wort h.rd ihey will h. srcc6snt.<br />

lmvidcd they iaw *nowl.dgc, skills, lbilirics d othd p€Eonality chect€rtuiG. p6ple<br />

who brv. E\t dDl tec of CoftDl &.d ro $jsk lh.l ptal hippcos ro tbee is a nuction<br />

of faL d luct or orhd Folle i.e. foe b.yoDd lhen @ar.ol,<br />

Tn p!!st sfud, rc @ndw@d io 16r rle hDorh6.s tblr thc Conr&l of oul@86 @<br />

be pq@ived $ localed in o.es peMirlity ch@&risdel b.haviobt skius, or €xi.inal<br />

.nviomat l fadoB (outsidc the *lf). nis wc trE sll](ly of rclariouhips moog rh€<br />

prtrhologi.al rairs of borh withi! ed h.r$rcn tb€ @!t6 of i,cm.Iy md €xLbalty<br />

oiiqred st)ddr, pDfaters, d@uriv* dd potiricis of Dais ard f.@rj6, livilg in<br />

Xjruhi. b r&istd th. mjo.ity @dFi$ of Mulibs wno Davc a ltrcrg beli.f in<br />

poMrful olhd (cod) sd far (Muqsde or NNeeb). rr lpiie of $e fer mentioned,<br />

tujofty of6e sd..xhibir.d hdd5 rowlrds i!&nal l@6 of contrl, Si,e rh@<br />

he er beei ey pdor sludie i! p.tisr& it'r @utt ctNiry d dr'@rd@ lhe Mlio&t<br />

cdh4 a b.i!g h&nEl or qi.trsl, ihe cu@r srudy my susgsl. dtrElion for othe.<br />


Meh€6 to carryout tunhq inra{ultud or cos3-cultur.l s$dis wirh locu ofconrll<br />

the lindinge of rhis nudy irdi.ar $ai @jority of lhe cohbined ffiple i,e. 102<br />

(67.561/r') oo\ of 447 qbibii.d ren& bwads jntdulity agaiid t45 (i...32,44yr)<br />

dtmals. Ir tuuld b. rcnh be ioncd tnat ..t cu of Contol rclatiotuhips which rcE<br />

obcai*d ir Din6 [-J indi.{re inrmahy, wtc@, rtos ir p6niv€ indi@i. .xtcmatity,,.<br />

On dE @mbind @ple . signf@t bur *Et dd r.SariE Etatiorship<br />

ws foud b.rwh inrtul ras of ConEot {d tyF .A, Fe!.tit,<br />

(n=447,I - -0-081, p < O,O5). Ac[iwdol aotiwtion ald i €mtity P@ toud<br />

sierifiody riated G = -0.137, p < 0.Ol), Inlematity dd prcB<br />

found elal.d and siSnilicdt G = -0.l2t, p < O,Ol ). CatiDlic wo* vatues w& ds toud<br />

sisnifi@tly r.lated wilh iftehsury G - -0.97, p < O.Ot, Org&iatioml @mnnent viz<br />

a viz qte@l lec ofconrnl w.e foad rlll.d (. = 0. t 32, p < O,O1).<br />

On lhc coDbiDed sple of srudcoIl inie&liry, &hi€vm.nr hotivation, ed pe&lLlnr<br />

wo* vsru$ w@ fobd rcla1ed (r = -0.198, p < o.o5) and (r = -0.236, p < o.ol). h tute<br />

srud€n$ ryp. .A, dd &hiev@ot motjv.tion weE found rclated wirh inhaliry<br />

G - {.209, p < 0.0t od (r = -0.168, p < o.oj). Anong r.maj. sM.nrs i .natfty md<br />

&bidmqt moriwrion ud inrco.tity ed kmdds re foud rlar.d<br />

(r = .0.213, p < 0.05) and (r = {.219 p

wirh etholic port valu.s G = -0.31, p < 0.05). F@le prefd$s display.d qlcrnality<br />

el.t d lo fiE din raddshjp sryr. G - 0.29, p < o_05).<br />

E\aculiv6 or th. coDbined tupl. showd inl€dEliry ssiar.d wi$ orgojanionl<br />

comilnol (. = -0.18, p < 0,0t. M{. exeni*s distby.d ilrmaliry cld.d lo high<br />

lchicvdcnt notivalior G = 4.219, p < 0O5) and prnicip.live tddEbhip siyl.<br />

(r - -0.183, p < 0.05). !.Dsle ilcnEl .x@tivd indicared Etativ.ty a w.d( Etarionship<br />

10 Pol€sla wlk values G = -0,064, p < 0.0t,<br />

Polilicia @ th. cdbincd wpte with inttui orioi.rion dislhyed Elariomhjp wiri<br />

lype A 6nd authditdi& lad.bhip style (r = _0.221, p < 0,05) and G = -0,217, p

orgdiudional @Imn|Mr ar 0,01 ld€l aod orholic qqk r€lu .r 0.05 tcvcl, Or $€<br />

stb{Dup of qecutiy.s &d politicim lh. diff@n@ M foud on ..hidement<br />

motivalioq otholic wd( vdc &d dgdjzldoMt @milnent .t 0.05 ltrl.

't'i.-",Jv*4J Vt tLocus ot convot) J, at,;!Gt),! - tuii .<br />

.Ilq- ),ltfi -tt L' rF\ ot'U, -.8 L c/ -tt L 6,Vt,i/.1+ cl t/<br />

y'-(n rt r - fi d t t r - )y, n rr-,t'/.t,B,r- ( t'<br />

o ), u /.t<br />

- )i t, n t - gi a t z z -,:;t, ,t<br />

+6 v d.z-', z,rc! /',! 6, p h ;r'- + c) lf r e"V q &.,nw L ce 6v 6,p b;<br />

J ; 0'- th !.Lb L' t.& * L,,n t-ttbLt, L'&& (t t qtJ-,/,.F.4J<br />

-!-" r qtL<br />

-v<br />

q,t +*, ca.,iJq t, ctr J! Jb L a? D 6!u -+ r/<br />

tt,J v L 6, tj; | ; ftJ.,r r Ji,,,-f" L,t' -,t J<br />

" r, L - v etz ! -,V, t.48,, -b- 7<br />

f &8 fu fi L/<br />

"A !?(t,,j ?a \,,rL ot.'tu (.{, ? S vL cttj4 + y+ r'ur r<br />

_- r r -, rp r L st z ?,j,-f4 J t<br />

fi] t&-,r,{, rw - z-,<br />

" s, t tJ, t?,, i.t J+,1 rr- / I + L J4! z,r<br />

"uv<br />

-<br />

* j-qJ-,/+u{at'Vtilxt-,v,!ou-rl{-}-,J',LvJyt'-'<br />

qt,rJ vL e?l ttJ,t? b;t6, tt,t<br />

6, q b ;:r'Jb it. -46: | lt 160 L b L n t',,<br />

- 7 O/.w t,lZ -r." 11r.t,g t L(i t j, D ti,a v,,r,f,, i vr,t y. Lh +, &.<br />

filuG- rt,! L Ate,f - r-,.":4,,{q,jr t.4, t,t e,2+.. I 6<br />

tL t *,a t)d,<br />

'f t-t,1 \)q. 7,,1'z t f," 4,J E d.t i- v' A ctvrl-f- t\cttt., tt ),t U 6J, v t,)<br />

"t',-,i {, t4 1Ap t,} AJ.,E q J b L 6, a, }r'&, Lt, +,,J od! f, {,t<br />

,r':1.:6 r)vrt " - Lq L A,A'j:tJ(-,tJt*, +t" o,!,ft-r, i_i, a i *<br />

,"- ,l tN -nn ) Ll Ffu? t lOt6,iV ,! -t,tt J1t E tt<br />

- Lf tv z l- i /Eq6)o/- Lt?L :.\ti t 14<br />

a t- l'-l,.ft.i V ( A p t';A!t,, ( i" r h ( /, 6 18 h i/&c I<br />

16 J v ( i 1<br />

z, 6t)<br />

)V| tvbi6. /E y'cw ( 4-6?t r,,Vr; v,!1y,y:t t,; $,y' k',rretation).:.-!!j<br />

( | o4"/ i,1. 4EA L 6,F b it|b.,' t J.v. L 60 Lh L n,f t"<br />

^',+<br />

- L l{-.-<br />

4 {\} 6'? b}A!b"J/Q,.L lt' ( tn-4a7. F-o.oa1, p

.-V 4 6 dV,' L 6, p b i A! b<br />

"t<br />

g 4 ep. r lF -o. I 37, p('1, tV' *v<br />

t r. 4 d?, L 6, t? t, )..f<br />

'!1,'t 6A Vi ut/. L./ t lr-o.121, p.o.o t 1 -(91,f<br />

4'<br />

-l z-r, >".r, - -7" g fi1,pt,ityr,taf (Fo.e7, p

Ltt4 6. -VLWLtAr6jr"L,t vbr,f d$,L f( 6.4,i'Dt<br />

-{*64t9"t5 @.cf'\,))ft 4,uL./Jto.@r 4'5,4t,tt4/AUaV"<br />

L ot ?r"b|-ttt U pVL UL lr|t(o.ooq A) f L r 4,A L,F"r,r!<br />

,t, I u -<br />

p.6, -(/L PL |)VWV"<br />

" d tl f \l' 1 tg L @.@1NA V,<br />

"t<br />

n gA €',tt4,ep's& LtiL"t't/l 4 t'n +t'.tft ;tt'il'tfuz f<br />

,)*L lvt to.ottJ i d' C o t eVa f& -'l&p.slQt- t-vL nf'<br />

aa,fr,U'fuAaO.6fi )c4-{U6e(E<br />


Uld€nr.ldhg tl. Co4ept<br />

CIIAPTER - I<br />


Frcb ihe time ilmmoria.l, il hs bq sn $ar pspt€ tzke cedn for $ei! llcccses {d<br />

atEibut€ Lilus ro extemd (avinil@ral) fa.to6. comor obsryaiioor h2vc shoM<br />

rblI ! eile is norc lit ly ro drributc his sU6 to bis pc&Ml qlatiri* i.e,<br />

howLd8., 3lill, .frorr, erc std4 . tos i! tuF titety ro bl@ his failw lo 0l[6<br />

i.c., t .chq, cxeiM, morhs\ ilnqs, lek, .rc. This ij oF as!6r of hll@ mrrc,<br />

A f* €xmpld @ given below sibply to iUulr e lhe above view poinlsl<br />

L A f@tb8lld wv6 his nedr in th. cir thc mohdt he sB a 8o.t,<br />

2. A 6ick.r pl.y.r mis hir b6r on @ephrion of bn enuy.<br />

3- A lmtu platd wv6 [k/hq hd& h rhc air, thc n{)Mr hdlhc sB a mrb<br />

4. A restld displays hn hads in rlE air, lhe nonot efeEc d4td€s hin a<br />

Arothd as?.d ofnur@ trlrw is higfnight d bcloq<br />

l. A f@tb.ll playa q@ls wiLrt th. Ef.@ th. nomdl rhe Ef.ec ddld$ a huh<br />

2. A studdl blm.s his &@n€r when h. is noi etisfied wiIh his .xsimtio. esulii.<br />

3. A cdir platd qrrhf y loot at hjs Eckel wh@ he lI)6 hi, em.

4. A resd6 bld* lh. cf@ tor rhe los in th. bour<br />

Tr!@ e s few ct)motr obsrdioB of IncrEl/Excnrl .rEibulios. Alt rlc .bove<br />

illutr.tions @ nol ruc lo all md d.l ehd. !o, Esos, ail mcn &d womr e nol<br />

disposilionally dd sirutionalty alik . A sl&ing .xdple is fomcr pali.ldi Cricket<br />

Captain Ja"ed MisDd.d who mt@d inlo tle ndl al a very diffi@I1 mooedr ofhjs ced<br />

it St{j.h Wo d Cnp. The sirualion dMd.d of hio to sc@ 3 lu on rh. Isr b.I of<br />

lnc sma, No soona the ball hl hiSh ed higter in rhe an dd fin lly laded jn tne<br />

crowd. He boqed nis hcad to drc Almi8niy cod, €njoyed his hislorical su.!s s hc nad<br />

scoEd a six on thar b.ll. ort6 atso lootcd ioE:ds rh€ eky i! joy of Midd4rt<br />

Frfol'@e. Meilg r[@by rbat 0B p@ple ate cr.dircd bjs s|e6s ro Almighry<br />

God i.e,, th€y ldehcd this $es 10 arerDt agercy_ Oth6 atEibuted rhis s!@s 10<br />

Miedad's perfoMc. ed skitt.<br />

Son of th6e obseFslios d. .xreh.Uy one,red eSdr.Iqs of rhejr lE@nal vdiabl*.<br />

P@plet dkruvinl€mal oricflationr ditrq in iem of 0En l'lits (i... consilr€nt<br />

b.hayionl chafurri5rict, EtG (i.c, prEfGfrd .nnu{k rosards r Fen, di4, idq<br />

c!c.) &d olhd peMnd der.midlg hcloE (i.c,, eeldcr, ag., cduati@l sl.rs,<br />

pbtassiotu,poliricatoricnr*ion,er.),<br />

Th. individud oriot rion ond rctcftd to s p.E iv.d ..t@s of mrrct'is cmtly<br />

thc dosl siudied vdiabl. in psycnobSy dd rhe oths social s,e@s, Th4c orienlarioro<br />

dc defircd a g.ndalized qpet ncy for irt @t a, oppo&d to €xtehal oonlol of<br />

E doe.n6a (I.f@un, 19?6), A@djrg (o Zidbsrdo (l9Sj) a tcN of anrol<br />

or'cDrltion is ! b.tief abolt wn ths d!. @r@b6 of ou erio6 @ @rtilgcnt on whal

we do (i ehnl ori@ra$on) or on evors ouisid€ oe Ftsonal co rol (qteml<br />

oriat tiotr). It d$ @phaizt rhc deCE {o $hich FeN €xp@r 1hat a Einfoeneil<br />

or ouicone of $en h.bavior b conlingdt on th.ir om behsrior or pdsoml<br />

cb@Grislie vcts th. degE !o $di.h . p6on dpec d'it d. Ei.foM€nr or<br />

outcon€ is a funcdon of che@, luck, is undcr Oe control of powotul olhes or is simply<br />

upr.dictauc. Su.h qlEllEi6 My b. 8a.nli4d along a gdisr b&ed o. $.<br />

dese of s@tic sinil&iti6 of thc sirDliotrd cn4 (Rotber. 1966). The pF$nt 0Bis<br />

att{pls lo 4wr ilc qlc'lioN a rh.r rlirs e assi.led with intehdty oriot.d<br />

r€aoN ofboth 8.nd6 ed vhar traik @ deciated w I en€n tty orienicd peMns of<br />

Eilro.t orl4or ofcolrtut Co.ap.<br />

''I havc no siat lifc, '@npt.ined a lo sncthing sinetc sh b studor<br />

th€Eltt Terry ?h@. Ar Ph@st ugins, ll)e pati.nt w.nr ro a dme,<br />

qhft $\aBl ema daed vftn him, ..t w jusr lrckn" lte hI.r<br />

Eportcd, "it would n va hapFn agair" wlrei phms Gported thjs lo<br />

his nciror, .tulie Rolr.r, n crtstauizd s ida hc had b€a f@in!. t<br />

tutr€ls .xpqinors and ii hj! clinicrl Pl!cti@, 3ome lcoplc fficd io<br />

p€Eillcndy "fel thar qhd hrpp€B to rhm is 8ov€n.d by €xlml<br />

foB of $he lind or eo0E, while 0lh6 fet rhat wh.r hlpFB io<br />

them is 8ov€tted ldg.ly by dr.n oM efroit! &d shlls.' (Iiul, 1993<br />


This @tl lte bcgiditrs of the La6 of Conuol a a @lcepr Hiio.ical, Ror!..<br />

(1954) @ the fi6l tlqchd b have pubrkh€d his vievloint (intenal-ern l<br />

odenlalio!) in his "S@irl Lchin8'neory" a book rhe 6eld ofp@oality e

allhal lime b FEud\ lsychomalysis (10061953), whi€h focwd on peoples. deeF.<br />

sdt d iNlircturl morjvs 4 dcteminors of b€lEvior. hdjviduals wd scd s b€ing<br />

@*e ro oEn lMNioB irpul56, and M$qenrty iMhflr Eqnied tong_t d<br />

oalysis of childh@d .xFiiencc- Evcn l@ing ,p!o&hs sl ihal iinc w€e domieied<br />

by M@yt (1938) thcory, which h.ld ihai lEople e. motivared by pnysiologic.Iy<br />

basd inpuls tbar prBs rh. hdieidurt !o sdsry lb.m. Ia dcEtopiq .S@i.t t@irg<br />

'ftery' Rottcr deparred tom instircr.based psychooatysis dd dri!€,bq.d<br />

b.h.vionsn. He beli.ved th.r a pstrhologicat thcory shoutd hav. a Fsycholo8ical<br />

nodvldonal piitrcipt. Gorb, Chde ed phci 1972). Ttjc ra@.y hctp.d bddgc rh.<br />

gap bctree! tladiriotrd !6ycloto6r, tuic ctinical prud@ ed t@ing 6eory. Ii is a<br />

th@ry lhat explsis b.havior s a.joint plodwl or borh riiforcmot ed qpedancies.<br />

Poplc ch@F to b.have in lii. qy dry do h.csu. rh. b€havior chosd is qp€cled lo<br />

le.d 1o a go.l or orcmc of $mc v.t@,<br />

Tn min fanB ofRondt th.ory h his oM vords e giva b.los:<br />

2,<br />

L<br />

{h. uir of irlBrigarion for tE sfidy of lEeDliry is lle intericdon<br />

b.t@n 6e individual lrd hjthq dvircment' (RotcFl gs} p_5).<br />

''P6onalily cotutrucis @ iot d.pddcnl for dplMtion 6 cons@r<br />

i, ey orn€r fi€ld" (!, 6)_ That is, Fas.,liry conslrwr is s@o on<br />

th€n oM withoft bcirg speifi.

N.va{F16, RotEr €urio6 agaiDn sNh durl speificdioa b.€r n<br />

@ lcod io fruirl.ss snemtr. al rdrcin8 consr.ucts to th. loBi<br />

@mon daoni@lor (for ffiplc, .veft .r rhe @M.clio. b.tsen<br />

4. 'Not dll b€hsviors of & orguisn may be uFnnly d6oibe.l wirh<br />

F6on liy corsrrucrs_.. Tlis posolarc sihply rccogdA lhal ea.h<br />

@Nlruclro! 3tskr ha a plnicdd tu8. of onvenie@,, (!.7). Roftq<br />

.onunH, not all w.Dis @ b€ uefully dBcribed i! perjuHtry l€ms.<br />

Jusr a $n .@k e @r ea.bL lo descnpdon in chdjc.l r*s,<br />

s to do eh..@tl Bill phrsiotoejcd i lrpFt lion" (!. 7). Sinple<br />

ellex.s e exmll4 6 th€y e b€tler d*dib.d h physiological te@.<br />

It 6ay b€ noriccd thlr 0E tdguage us.d n@ is mr ofRotter.s oM but<br />

toft*ld Aom oE ofhis olesu.s, Oagc Kclly (Altca t94).<br />

5, "A pe6on's e&di.n@ or a ldenis int nction wiih his or h.f<br />

@in86il .nvircMe inlt*t@ .!ch o1nq. In oth.r tur4s,<br />

FMn lity ha uity'' O. 8). Ron r b.lidcd ihtg eith EiF.,cne n<br />

individul's !.Mmlity b.gins to dddop wirh Elalive srabiiiryr thdc is<br />

sn Sencdlizxion ofh€bavid afu sirualiors,<br />

6, 'Blhavior s dewiH by pcM.atiry dsl,ucls h4 a direrioD.l<br />

ap.ct" (p.8). h uy h. said io be goal didLd. He€ Ron6,s position<br />

oircidcs sm.&lDl wirh lblr of Matow, (t9j4) bur h. is Gtariv.ty<br />

@E b€bryiodstic, ad dowi's $ne !8,€4ot with Skim, ( I rD.<br />

''Th. p@.ding pdnciple is ba&d or th. mpirical Lw of efect,, (!. S),

Th*, Soals @ achicved by behavios that have b*n Ewardcd<br />

(FirfoEd) ir ihe p6t for leding !o sool aiaimot. Ttre circuldity<br />

iDheEal in ilis &cobt is woided by as5minS wirh good I!eo, rh.l<br />

soals M be spe.ific b.for. behavioi hN beo rcwdden by 8od<br />

7. Finally, '"rhc @curnc.r of a b€h8ior of . F son @ d.Lmin d not<br />

oDly by lhc nat@ or importaM ol gods or r.infoMmetrt, bd ajso bt<br />

tlc FFn s dticiporioa or sxp€-t.rcy |hrr ih* goats sil ()@. Swh<br />

4petltioD e d.nmin d by pEvious €xpcri4cc uo 6 Dc<br />

qudift d'G.10). A@rdiig 1o pon !, Fople d nor d.Ely pNh.d by<br />

p6.l e'&rs: lhcy e pulLd by thc ddcipatjon of nre go.l<br />

Tn. .rdurrio! of srch a 'Ssid leing Tlory' did ar tan re drings for th.<br />

developndt of behavior rh.6py, FiBt ii prcdsed a nMb* of cliiicim! (md<br />

infl@c€d oIhcF) do wF @dr to a@pr ftw beh.viool t@hriqu.s od we<br />

.q!ipp.d *idl a tlr€oretical poifl of view rhlr could faciljlal. rhc ftodificaljo of dose<br />

t .hniq@ alorS boE @enitiv. liles, S@ond, de lhary, being bolh @ginve od<br />

nolivalional, B qFble of bl.rdirg rbe otdo lFychodyMicdly daired ihcEpeulic<br />

Poc.dws wiih Lir n.m b.havionl e

6.<br />

l. Psychothmpy is io b. @sidered a lehins sirEiion, ed lhe rote<br />

2.<br />

L<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

tE llcGpisl is ro embl. the clat ro acN.vc plm.d c[ds6<br />

obsdable behavior ad lhinkin&<br />

A probld - elving t!D*o* is a ustul way of viewing $.<br />

difrcddB ofnosr ofth. clidts.<br />

Mosl olid th€ rol€ of th. theEpiri is lo suid€ th. ledi,s pr@ss so<br />

thai not only imd.quaL b€h.vio .d .nituds @ vqto6 or norc<br />

sd!ryins ed .onsErctiv. b€havioB e leu.d,<br />

Ii is on.n nec.sry 1o ctug. uoF.ltric exleI.mist jn e doing on.<br />

nd E lk hov rt lB thar cenai. b.haviou and qpfrr.ncis @s.<br />

ad how pno! *pqiae rc oispplied or oE-g@edliz.d by thc<br />

In Ihqrrrr lh. clicir mun l@ b b. 6n.d.d wirh rhc<br />

exFctanoN, notiEs ed ncds of oihcn.<br />

Ncw .rpdios of difctur .li61s/p@ple in dt life 6<br />

nuch moc ef€clive rh{ ihos rhat oca only duine fie<br />

7, In gen 6l. rhwpy isakindof$ciat i eraciion.<br />

Rous (1954) choe thc .Enpirical Law ofElfdf o hk Dodv.rins fdor, The lav<br />

of ef@i sl!l6 ilEt .p@plc re Doriv.icd to sk o posirive stimdadon or<br />

Einforc.men! dd to avoid uplcast srinulation,. Rotl6 @mbjned behavio.isd dd<br />

tt sludy of peemlity, wiihon relrug on lhysiotogicnl Euncts or driB a a

PeBoD.litt & Ir.!. of Collnl<br />

Tbc nah id.a in Julie Rond,r (1954) .Social LrdjrS ft@ry, is thar p6ron tiry<br />

EpE&nb e intedcdon of the individuat wirn his or her qvituM€nl. olie ceot<br />

sFst of a FMMtity, iftdsl to $e individud ihar b ind€FDdnr of ihe<br />

avtrohenl, ncrher, c4 on€ focu on b.havior 6 b.ine e aubmatic response to d<br />

objetiv. sel of oviFMdlal stinuli. Ratd, ro ud61dd bchavior, orc nusl ralc<br />

bor\ the individud i-e. thoe slimuli th.t ih. peen is al,@ of dd Espoodirg io ioro<br />

amowt, Roft.. (l960) dsciibes pcrsoDrtity s .a rclarively sr.ble sel ofporenliats for<br />

spordins b rit@tios ir a porticule wy..<br />

Rottlr (1960) sq pe6o!.rliry, &d Ib*foF betavio,, s atwys ch,ngabi€. Chdg.<br />

lhe w6y p@! llints, or chmg6lhe enviom€Dr rhe pdson is Bponding to, ed<br />

rhs b.havid will ct&g.. Ee did mr beti.rc rhat rh@ is a criricd peiod aft6 snicn<br />

peBotulity is *t. Bui, $e nor life qDqi@* one ha buitding up ceiain s.is of<br />

beli.fs, the noE etrons dd ifiw€ndo$ d. rlquiEd for chage to @cu.<br />

Rond (1960) @n@ivcd p@pte in d oprinistic wy. He sw t@ s being dnh<br />

fosed by fi.ir goals, !*kjn8 io minize rh€ir reinfocmdt, Erhq tlb jlst

CoEDoldi' otsod.l Labn|gThdy<br />

Rotllr 0954) hai tou h.in cdpo@$ ro his eci.l l.uing ih6ry nodel<br />

F.dicliig b.iai@. -rte e<br />

l. Bchavior Polatid<br />

2. Exp€t.lcy<br />

I R.irfo@t V.tE &d<br />

4. Prychologic.l Shudd<br />

L B.hwlor Potqtirl Ttrc likelihood of o8rging b a paniculs h€h,vio,<br />

2.<br />

in . rpeific silualid ir qll€d B.bviold pot 6tirl. Ir al.c i!.<br />

prot bility rhrr a palon wil ex]ibir . Ftiottd t hwio. i! cqtain<br />

situltion, In dy giva 3ituatiot! rh€E .rt mulripl. b.hiv'6 olc M<br />

.!s.gc i[ ror @h posrible b.brvioi r[6 is s beb|viq rolediiat.<br />

Wlich.E hcblvid ha l[. nighen poc.ri.l wilt h. .$ibircd tt th.<br />

Etpeb!.y. Tlc $ljaniE lob6bili9 tu kioM s qpel.Dcy i_c. a<br />

giv6 b.hlvid wiU lad ro r lsrti.ull @ime or EisfoE6. Wlat i!<br />

thc lik lihood thlr . particuts bebwio. will lead to a sp.linc ouicoDe?<br />

Htung "bigh" or ttlng" qFr@ic! nr@ th. iadividultr' t*t ot<br />

6.fd.m., lhlt a b.h!vio. witl Eu[ in e o!tcoh.. On rh€ @nruy<br />

havin8 lo! qlecIlocia n@ dEt tn indivi.tuat hq . beti€f it is<br />


L<br />

unlikdy that his or hq b.hrvio. will result in reinfon m€ni. rf $c<br />

outcda @ cqully d€i6bt. w wil €ngrgc in th€ b€tavid rbar t5<br />

lhe 8raaien lkelihood of payinS on (i,e. h6 th. heh6t cxps@cy/<br />

@nf&nt d\c b.lavior wilt Bull in the o!tco@, Hsvi4 toe<br />

expqlrej* dE fom€d, based on plsl expdioce. The moe offen a<br />

b.bwior ha led io Eidoremor in rie prn rhc sfolgd itrc Fetrt<br />

*Fclarcy thlr th. b€havior vil achi4e thrr oui6m€ @w,<br />

It b importait to nole that exp€crancy is not objeclive but subj@tivc<br />

ptubalility, b@e of porlDlog e irrarioEl<br />

qpeidcies Thqe nay be no rcl.rionshjp whai e d.r berNcn<br />

Fe.'s $bj€.tiE .s@nc of how lit ly a Ei.follddr wj[ he<br />

&d ilE aclu,l objecdve pmbabitiry of th€ Ejnfoer oeuning, ?apl.<br />

m d0h oq oi urder 6dnate l[i, lik.tih@d .d borh disrodios 6<br />

poi.ltidly b. pDbt@ric.<br />

Relnforc.n.nt Vrhe ReinfoMoeni is dother nMe lor ihe ourcome<br />

or ou b.hlvioi ReinfoMdt v.te Efes ro $c {tesjhbiliry of lrr<br />

ou1c.hc. fting! k @r lo h.ppa, have a hjgh reinfo@Dqt vatu..<br />

TIiles w don\ wor io h.pp€!, lti.ls re vieh ro Mid, havc a tow<br />

rdnfolrmfri vdu., r thc likelih@d of @bieving rcbfo@mer B sc<br />

sq E will .xhibit d. b.hlvior with d. 8@rcst Einfo@hdt vatuc<br />

(i.e., tnc ore .lircci.d tow.d. rt o!r@h. w. pefcr dost).<br />


As eith.x!6tarcy, reinfoicendt v.he i! $bj.ciire, nerine thar rh.<br />

se.vot of .xFri@ 6 v4riy difd jr dcliFbility d.padjne on<br />

fie indjvidual's lifc dp€.idce. puishhenl nod a pent wodd bc<br />

negadv.ly einforing ro nod cbildE. &d em.diDg ro bc ahid.d.<br />

Hoev€r, chn&cn vho g.t lifl. positiv€ lnention fton p@nls have a<br />

hich einfol@r lElE lh& Bct€L<br />

4. Prycnobdsl Sit!.tioN Atrlbugh rhc p6yctoto8i.d sinl lio, dc ml<br />

fig@ dirctly inio Ron€ls fomula for predicring behavior, Ron ,<br />

belicve$ ir h alhyr imporr.at ro IGp ir nind td diffffii p@pk<br />

inte'lel $e sme linudon difeEnlly. Aeain, it is p@pt.!s subjalivc<br />

interprchrion of th. @virenlml ntha lbar & obj*rirc @y of<br />

rtnuli rhli is htujlgful 10 rhd srd thlt dernies hov oEy b€bavc.<br />

Prodictiv. Fomuh: B.havior potendat (Bp), Exp€darcy (E) ard Reiiforcmenr<br />

valrc (RD @ b. @nbired inb . pr.dictiv! fomuta ofb€Euor<br />

BP_'(E & R9<br />

This fomula 6 b€ Eld os BeluvioEl ?or.nrial is a tunclion of Exp.{tasy atrd<br />

R.irfo@dl Valu., or i! otha hrdr, th. lik€lihood of a Fen *hjbiring a<br />

r€niculd bcb.vior is a turction ofo. pobabitily Ih .X' bebavior win kld ro a giv.i<br />

out@me dd desi6bility of rhal ourcome. If .xr6rlncy ed einfoEdcnr v.tue @<br />

borh hi3h rho be!,vior por.nrial wil be hjgh, if .ilh.r aFclarcy o. einfot@ol<br />

value is low thcn b.havior poten(at will be tow.r.<br />


'nE fomula siv.n by Ron€r, h on $e sde pan€m which wa giv.n by Kun Llwin<br />

(1916) while de$ibing $e tdm sidtjfic inquiry, rh.r h€ o6id.6 bolh dE bdic<br />

lbeoEtical tmwLdg€ ed id.nrifies soluriotu !o significdt sociat poblens.<br />

ftc inl.bdio.nD fomul. polDs.d by Kln tryjn, js:<br />

B -r{P & E)<br />

whee.eh peson's behavior is (B). lhe nedion is bed on hjr,hr psMl qulities<br />

i.e. (P) ed (E) Ef.F ro rle wiat qvi.omr! rhis is wbar tb€ int Erior of th*<br />

pmnd q!.lities with hctoB prcert i! siat sftir8. Rord re hiehly i.nucned by<br />

Lewin a he nld bcd his studdr al ihe gndule lqet.<br />

Edly wo* on ihc bpic of .lxpeciafions aboul Co lol of Rcinfo&menf, w6<br />

perfodFd by Ju6 0954 !d ph.6 095D wno }uk d for then darEl<br />

disna$on at Ohio Srar€ UnivsiE, which w suFejsed by Rotter. Ilt@ in<br />

an€npll hav€ be, mrdc to re rh€ oigin ofde @!@ lo ll. wort ofdtu Adter<br />

(197), Llis happen.d bMe Roner sms ro be quir. iriuenced by $e philosophy<br />

and @o*pG of AlfiEd Adld 4 he os€d ro atrcnd his tanB a.l A.quertly ltldrt€d<br />

th€ tsychologic.l m.elinss h.ld ar Adl.ts eidd€e. How€v.r, itl iMadiare<br />

b&Lg6ud ha bec. fom€d in th. wt of RorEr studqq such s Wilie H. Jds<br />

0957) who sludicd rm $rs ofqpdsrcy shins:<br />

. Typical qp@recy snitr b.liedry thd a sJ..s or fan@ would b€ fouo*d<br />


. Atypical expectdcy snitu believing rh.t a succc$ or failw @uld be followcd<br />

by a disinild outcom€.<br />

r.c!s of Cotrrol ud P.Eordty Tb@ri6<br />

Orc ofthe out3tanding hlpt@ilgs oftn 20s e.rry in rhe fi.ld ofpsychotogy wd thc<br />

study of 'P€6on iity lh.ory' Iim 1h. vdios dimid.d Ep@h.s (Bb.hof 1964). Ir<br />

ha b@ a rich sd vuied htrory in p6ychoto$,, wiu e obwdle of ihaeticlt<br />

uadnioB. Sorc psydologisls harc r.kq a hidly sidlific apprcactl wh.M olii.B<br />

hav. fcued ihcn atlenrion o. rh@ry derclopmenr Th* is at& ! suh,l! irl mlhaj!<br />

on th. appli.d fiel.l ofpsycboloSical tcsring, Crc eh (1956) l.bcl.d psychologisr, s<br />

.ith*'Splinc6'- rbo$ who sk b es&. fe delisiotu uong psrchotogic.l @nept<br />

by splining thd into €onstitMt .t.hcnrs, or.LMpers' - rhose who lek io a8gEgaie<br />

@nepts by onbiniog t|@w 6@pts jnro bmd oB. Ar inreeradon of rhce<br />

appo&h* vi* individuat ditr@nes hiemlnqly in the abiliri.s md tr p.@haliiy<br />

lildr@. P@naliry p.ycholos/ lE ban @ deption io rhe sEuggte of bNd vess<br />

speific felos. Re*mhe in p€sonality psy.holog/ h.ve invesied ilm.e eforrs in<br />

sking lo id.ntify rhous&rt ofsFcific rzir, (Attpon a Odb.!r-|966). & Wsljor.nd<br />

Cldk (1984) @@red:<br />

"...distinct ed *Ee8nl.d lii.otu&s hav€ devcloped @wd a nmbe<br />

of Frnality r.jL thar daAite di$initd le6 et nh.ts iold<br />

co@lale 5o higNy lnat ulcy ost be 66idaed h6@s of th€ we<br />

el'r.wts." C'_465)

In 2001 s@h of Psy'NFO dldab.sc (188?-200t) B.dr lnat in spjte of nmy of $e<br />

prest days' pGychologists' ltw.tio6 Ron r ie @tlowledged s a peeortiry rheo,hl<br />

(allan-l99?). How €vq, BiscIoI (1964) is of rh. opinion lltar Rortd My b. @nsidcEd<br />

6 ! l.ming lh.orisr or . 0!@!isr d @, bc ! rh@nsl who shos hn cs14 srggrhs<br />

on lhe individual lwjoS raller $d ddelopm€nl. Coltine€r (1996) b€lid€s tlw ine<br />

puuiqrion of RotEr's (1954) .S@i.t Ltrin8 and clinic.l !sychoto$,,is nor jun a<br />

social leming $eory but a *ri6 of enroU.n srudies dEl p,ovid.d d dpidql<br />

fouldatio! for th! lh@ry. R*cdchd o! rh. thdry impli€rjons for als.$dl ed<br />

th@py bav€ b.o wid€ly .!hDwl.dg.d. Ihe w* Fovided a $lid foudalior b€r*@n<br />

h.blvionl outcome ard self

followins bcll FpFeois Rog.r's poi ofvi.w thar in sy scienrific endeavo! whelh€r<br />

'pw or applicd si.ne', rh@ is . Fior Fmnal $bjfd€ chojc of pupos or th.<br />

vahe which that science wrb h peqiv.d 6 sid8. Each chaag€ of s@ in a<br />

$i.ntific t!s.eh, *h inrrpFr.lio of rh. mmbg of 0E scidlific fildinB ad qch<br />

d@kion s b now rI). tndinS shrll bc oppti.d e$s upon a p*so4l, slbjecdv. choice,<br />

K.lly(1963)inhisbook'"ThepsycholosyofPcsoralCon.acll"dglesthisconepts<br />

"I bcinS a psychotogisl .nd th€Etorc ! eidtisl m pofodira thii<br />

qFrim.d in ordd ro ibprore lhc !ftdidioN of conrtol of csnain<br />

hu@ phtumoon; bul ny rubjet, bcing necty a hul@ org&is, ir<br />

obvioNly p@cupi€d by inc@ble d.siEs d*cllins up withiD hin o,<br />

ncr is i. gluttomE DlNir of susrci&e .nd 3tetldr (pp.25-26).<br />

'ftu th€ rcrk dore cxuiB th. wietica ud d.vi.tiore exp.ncnced by vdiety of<br />

$bj6ti leopl. grcw in dilI€Ent dvircm. s dd .&h ha hivhq oq style of<br />

lbeibing €v.nt! ed hapFnirss ths psc.iving rhe difl.q6 belw6 lhe@lvs od<br />

olh6. The pr€ot re*&h ft.er on ildivid@ts' p€rc.Fion of.otrtrol, wherher lhay<br />

@ 'r olrol ofden oM fare within lioir or @pe th. clEll6g6 ouiside li).n. wc s<br />

individuals @ noE inr.ct d in ou om !.Mmliri6, my F

novins bMds Fople rcflecls ncwric Eds for a pann6 dd for afr4rion; ir de<br />

idolv* @dlllsive nDdsty. wlr.Rar noving lgriEt p@ptc, js .lsiaicd to Ef4r<br />

compulsive cx.gge.ar€d covings for powr od presriSc s welt 6 pesonol @bitions.<br />

Movirg aEy toD Flplc E0ea r p@n,s @nffi witl $lf,sariqing-necd fo.<br />

adnir.tion &d perf@donisn, AUpon (193?) in nis psychologic.l i erpr.urioo shr.!<br />

Ihal "rh@ is m pmbl@ in r6:,rtDtosi moE diffiotr lo hmdt th.n rh. !ebl@ of<br />

norivation. MoliBtion dr@ry q.n inoludin8 Allpod's tn6ry b in@mpl.re, Allporr<br />

0%0) in'P@nality and Sciat EMur€r" ds6 th.r "Alt lh.ori6 of tulivation f.jl<br />

lo polidc a tul $lurion". Atlport (196t) in ..pah€ns &d crc,lrl in r@!atiy. tunho<br />

esEd 1hat 'tE tebl.m of nodvarjon t enrat to th. ,sychotogic.t study of<br />

FMMliq/'. lic nfihd .mplaizqt l€milg s e inport&r f&1o. i! rhc dewl@tunt<br />

ofpc&naliq/ th.t is hi8)rly inyolv.d s a Eod. ofnodElion and coenirion,<br />

Cog.irioir h€nr.l er dd F@plio *eb lo fi1 inro dajor rhdc of lmitrg. Ilu<br />

Fenality q be iared s & ildividu.t,! siqe wy of p€Mivj,a nb dviD@c<br />

To d.si6. this impondr conept Bun (l9jD @iFd r[e l@ C@tor pccption<br />

Ddeidcy (CCPD). H. b.lid6 rhal we att @ cgrors ofou d$tiry: lb.t $m€ lhine<br />

w @nhol, bul oilEs e b€yo ou @nlrol ed tb,1ioo duy Fopte aE defci€nt in<br />

fi.i. pcE?tio!. i... too tuy Fopl. beli* dEt rhcy e ompt.rcly in @ntiol or ih.r<br />

my signitoml conhot is b.yond lh.if Each.<br />

Pdin dd Joh (2001) @ ofthc opinio! thlr p€somlity Epmsnts tnse cDeackn$ics<br />

of th. individud rhar eour for @sjl&!t panqn of thinkjn& fetilg, ad adon,<br />


He$doae, Finchme dd Fond e005) edphEiz mm on individu.l dif@nq in<br />

unddbrdirg pceialily,<br />

de-, Cham (l%8) ls thc Ahriburionat I€ms "On8i!,'ed "paM" in a 3inil& way 10<br />

Rou.r's (1966), 'Anribuional T€@s. inienal &d €xrehal. de. Ch.ms (1968) disu$q<br />

li'e l.m digi! rd paM and b lin<br />

''An origin is a peMn who peE€ived his bebvior s dctctuined by<br />

his oM choosing, a pah is a p6on Btro !.rceiB his b.havior a<br />

detdircd by acd.l Io@ beyond his @nlrol".<br />

Rolt r 0975) caltion€d thar jnt quliry ud exlemliy rcprc*rls rwo cod. of !<br />

@nrinum nor e eithd/or gFloSy. lnlc,Dls t nd to a&ibule ourcofts of.ve s b<br />

thcir om @ntrol, Bbce s cxtemats auribut€ oui@mes of even6 b €xrenEt<br />

W.iNr, €r al (1979) likwi* pcoc a srstchrtic ehid€nmr modwtion rh6ry, which<br />

4sm6 rhAl suces or failw moy be lnibuied to intcm6t or ext mal eu*. Ito* vho<br />

altribue thcir succ€*s to irledal eNd iave a &realer deg@ of acnievemenl<br />

Doliv.tion th4 thos who atEibui. thcn ,!.(ts io *t drl eBB. Tn@ who<br />

atEiblle iheir failu€s to qterml aes n$.r rhd inrcmat .aus* hov. sireng€! s.lf-<br />

6tM d

Other Expllmllotr! of Cotrcept<br />

Hlll@ bchavio!, says rlato (389 BC). rows fton rh@ maid eu€s; d6ire, €motion<br />

srd tFwlcdgq Dsie, app.tiL, iDputs., innjld - tne @ olc Emdo4 spin!<br />

dbilion, co6ag. - ihae @ o&. Krowt.dg., thought, ilrellai, eer - tn@ e oE<br />

Th€* pol6 dd qualitiB m i! all n@ but in diEr dcgF, Sone mo e bul<br />

.nbodin€Dt of deire, 16{* &d acqunidv€ e!ts, sio nl! rheir gai6 dwys 6<br />

Mught conpared with th€n ev€re@ding eoats,<br />

"w€ ca@i diecrly willio bc difldeni ftom what k dE'(de Anim ii)<br />

$jd tuistotlc. W€ Doritt os chect.u by ou om choiG of Ai.ads,<br />

b@ks5 oeupatiotu &d auheoc. Thc chjef @ndirion of h,ppircs h<br />

$e life or !!en - A€ci6c glory ed powe! of md in Vin@ dth€r rha<br />

Howvd, tetG (19?7) ness€d th.i oll id6 @tu tom .xp€rioe. Ar binl fie<br />

individul s mind h like a cttu slEt .! r.bula rs,. (Dec*et. For Locke rhe njnd is<br />

pairc, n @dd @iE.xF.i€ne frm dc outsi& @.ld ed @dd Eflel lpon elf<br />

(S4ing & Tlinlins). H€ B $e onc who et€ about Gwistion of id4. He Efiim€d<br />

thal M& is hon blind e.l $ddenly hadc lo !*-. Hc tu b. n tcd to haE irjtjared d<br />

dpincd i..dition. No rDft.r lle @<strong>N9</strong> orc h6 sfong ne€.t lo ud6l&d dd qplsj!<br />

what is goin8 i4 his im.r world, be€use people nul €xplain, il opetu up sone<br />

i ding innuae posibitiris ed obvioElt one hs to rhinl lhour ir, my b. cm<br />

for a niturc. lf one k ude'sled dd dptah what i, going on one njgnt b. abl. to<br />


afr€cr ad inJllEc olha. Bur fi61, ld,s urddsknd rhe b6ic prjftiple of how Foptc<br />

qpldr tlingr, Then we wiu l@k ai it5 applicariom.<br />

Th@ b a theory about hor peopl. qpllin rhines. It is qled,.Adfibudon Tneory':<br />

1'. lh@ry is Edly quil. sirplc dc$ir. ic nrfid srr&8. suding Ime. (wtd on<br />

$B ih. rem, "alhibution", one should thiDk of th€ lfr..exptmtior,,a a synonym).<br />

the th.ory rc*s lile tbjs:<br />

$th.n w ofrd.xpl@tio6 alod $by 6i.g3 h.pFr4 w @ giE on oft*! typd.<br />

On , vc cd dEke e acrul atidbldor Two, w @ Date d itrt m6l adribudon. Ar<br />

dl€lEl ! tibution Ger tudy for rlis) sigc eEality to e oulside agenr or forc. Or<br />

s rid tuuld sly' tle d.vil ord. De do n". Ar exiftt !flributior chiDs that sone<br />

oubid. thi.s norivared lh. d€dt, By @rtr4l e ini€mal athibution 6si8B causatiry io<br />

fa.toE sillin th. p6o4 Or 6 rhc d]lE rcdd ey, "l my$tf is a d.vit, I m guitry,<br />

gml me forgiv.nss". An intehsl .tribution claims thal r\c p€Mn w6 di@ y<br />

Espon3iblc for rl| €rcnr.<br />

}|ida (1958) immducd rfiribulion rt@.y !s batt e inft@@ @ tD.u of Co rot<br />

theory. Blt is is impor&rt lo apprcciare $e diffe@c belwd ihc hislory of $e$ rwo<br />

thorajcal hod.ls in psychology.<br />

H€itu (1958) su8s6rcd r,h'r o individuat n.€d5 ro foraan ou@m6 sln lhus hs !<br />

conhl on his cnlioMenl. In d dh*is qe rhe importdt o1h6 h thc.nvioM.nr<br />

motiEr. hin ro .ngrgc in eusal d.jtsjs n uldnately tqds hin lo adcipar. 6 ro sh.r<br />

wiU h.!,p.n lo oDdetf qd to otncB is ule ourone of o @riv. b.hlvioi !isk. ed<br />


Taylor (l9l) E

sG obta;led by uiDg o& or the ode6 chifttm\ tec of Contml $.le d pE rjes<br />

ofpaMb i.e, tie child rcding prdices dd scor€s upon neaues ofchitdM\ lncus of<br />

&rkovsk, ctudrll ard Cood (t967) i!.longibdinar sludy of hu& daetophmr<br />

condwlcd by F.l's R6e@h tnstiruta fobd fou Ei.bl€s aff€ding ihe chi0\ reus of<br />

Conlrol orienidtion. I!6. fou fadoE e afelio4 drtuee, domima 4

Ef.ctive Ut. of Anriburlo!<br />

'fte $rongest l€son li,on 'Afliburion Ibeory. sms ro be itr sihpficny. One mighr<br />

hav. b€n stuct br rhc flcl lhal e oe @& .bout lh. dFrin6n, To &hi.rc obvios<br />

dd appMtly ddui.g .fr€cis! all ttE sw6 hsd b do @ br} a fd wl-timed dd<br />

atpopria& slard@t . Thft B tro sEl d..cptjo oi.klo€rion m€chrdica.<br />

Ih.E @ two lcy sicps to cfedv. B of ".nribrnior.,. Ii61 n must b. rpplied in.<br />

srlualion whce pspl. e€ dinling about wny 6in$ re hapFnirg, S*ond, $e<br />

.xplarbrion hrn be d i .Dal .rtibuli@. IargiE a k!.n6 sying l[N rhirgs. .,Boys,<br />

lhr homework dsigMenr *€F very well done. I wondq *hy ,..lherc nusr be a lor<br />

orgood snrdolr in rhis cls$ I elB".<br />

''.t.wi4 I don\ bow ify@ Edia it, bul you,vc bc6 sittjr8 hcE quidly srtins<br />

alonc on you pbjar, You nst h. very hdd-wortjng pctsor, .<br />

If you tlinl aboul it, 'AMbution Thtry' eircs cEd.n e to th. hdim, ..lcs is norc',,<br />

Th.16 yot do, od ttlc DoE you Lr rh. @iv€r rnink,0E dlc moE cbrnge you *<br />

get, You jur hay. b oake sw thar $. tinlc $inss you do lead ro inremal aftibutioE.<br />

E@ e eme @mon d@pl€s giveo by Sr.v. Booth-Bfi€rfi€ld ( l 92, Vhit€ r.hng<br />

a clN one gels his test rcsults He i.ls ! p.ll @d fi!& out 6J%, H€ 6ink! aboLl this<br />

disaptoirtiog q'nt for . ninur. &d reatids whal ! lousy tcehd he,s 8ot &d how<br />

badl, witt ! txl bml is &d tow ufan &c t6r I ed ... orc tuIa a tot of ai.nul<br />

stiribudoN. \4,ha cou.d the 65%? 'Ev€nb ouiside hjm, Exitudt lhings,,<br />


Now, on the n xt test orc scor.s 9t%, \vcll, what h. says then? .Excit d, oh t made if',<br />

Or.l* @. pcople @ h@ eqt, \r,b.rc's rhe sus.lity? IBide him, nghf Herc onc<br />

dsigns cqualily io fe1ots wilhin hin ed dus mak* e iDtdnal ati.ibltion.<br />

Il i5 @lly sinpL. wlq oln6 sk, \rhf" rc.ithd Fovide m inrehat or e deml<br />

atlribnton qun obvioqly, Ho*v.r, q&dy wbar hs rhjs gor lo do virh influe@ on<br />

ou p.somlily? Cocider below rhis chain ofaenrs,<br />

L We my 6k owlvct or p@pl. a5l "why?"<br />

2. Wc povid. m anriblrion.<br />

3, Frem lho oD. ou beh.vior depend. on $e lyF of atribution wc<br />

Clcely, if ore cm @rlrol lhe onribution t ur one hsjcs, thcn w€ d in,lhe his<br />

tule b.hlvior, ndr? tlt G chek olr 6js t*oning wirh a @upl. of €tup16.<br />

B@i[ButErfidd, (1990, l9t, 1992) ba pmvided th.* two iltErr:iioB iom ltc<br />

clas@m, Bolh ddplcs d. pubtished Etuh ,ludis tn$ were condkted wirh<br />

ekn nr.ry sh@l clildr.n i! rhen classNN wnh rh.ii tach6. ll!u, ttEe mpt.s<br />

@ oor raboFrory sludi.r of itrf]u.@ raltEr @ E t-wortd ev.nls. This hak s orcii<br />

oul4om6 uctul md id.esdlg for 6. Tn fiRt nudy corc@ Scning LiG to cltu up<br />

thc clMo. Tbe s@nd inrclva improving rolh pdfol@e {d stfstam.<br />

Lid.rlng: A c.el.ss efiort with yohser childid i5 ro g.t tn m lo<br />

d@ up sn r lhmclG_ EEr Doe $, in rh. class@m *h@ ttcE

@ tvoly or thjrty ki&, nah6s Gally mat6 a diff€lt@. How @<br />

rh. teeh6 ge1 kidr io be nd ald ridt,<br />

Thc 6d €xmpl€ nade ldds nater wilh .Atniburion IFry,. Th.y er<br />

$. kjd5 up srch lt l thc Id& Frfonn d . desired tFhavid rhr is how<br />

th.y ke provoked to rhink about why they dhibited $al h.havioi Of<br />

@w, thc situltioD q$ s€r up s! rh.r d. cnitdrcn muld mrte d<br />

irt.nal .tLibutior ('On did n beae h€t th.r kjnd o{ kid'), H@,5<br />

qhat h4p@.d? Fibl ihc @@na ehblish€d a b@li@ for liIlrjr8.<br />

ft.y visilcd lh. 5t godc clssjsl b.foF Ees rd harded out lillte<br />

cedis eraffrd in llaslic. AAd $e tids ml ro rhe playSou4 ih.<br />

Es@h€s@bt dthe ohb€of cddy mpp@ lhar w on rh€ ftoor<br />

ilE u€sle cd. Therc we Dmy norc mpFE on tbe 1l@r thm in<br />

'n<br />

Now tt sludyt siDpli.ity is goile to supd$ yo!. O*r lD. rcxr M<br />

Ek! p@pl. visited iltis ctsson For e@plc, rh. pdncipdl sbpFd<br />

i! for ! Iirlc ch$ ed on h6 wy out shc sirl thi! is a @r cralst@.<br />

You msr b. v.ry n€ar srudcnts sto @ rboul how rh.ir @h tookl_<br />

On. fine nohing rlE d6 sircd io fld a rc1c otr fie blacldoud noo<br />

Lh. pdrcipal which eid, "lhi6 is the nsrest cls in scnoot 1 ou nus o.<br />

vdy Fr .!d cl@ sndd!l". Finalt, rn rmtla huld n& sinitd<br />

kind of@menls n@ugholl rhe rm wek reiril! period (.n6r rcon,<br />

n d rids"). Ir s ail rh€ l!fuha! did.<br />


'ftd lhey cdc bek for a ssnd visit again jlsl b€foF rc6s ed<br />

agah lhey hdd.d onl lide *Dppcd 6di*. Thie ti6c s,ts lhcy<br />

oulcd whedcr lne wapp.6 w€ot on lhe noor o. in 0!e w6tc carl. dtcy<br />

Ioud a lot noE m!'pd wh@ th€y b€long.dr in the gdbag.. Tt@<br />

B a wry tegc ch.ng. in th. liiGiine ed cloing u! betravio, ofkjde<br />

L€1'6 idi€w rhis sinple $udy ed oake sw w und.dand whdl<br />

brppdcd. li6r, lhey w @ndy wpFE b€forc ed and s d<br />

objccriy. o*e of tincing. Seond, rhey nsd a vdiety of eue<br />

obedins th. dasfub ard ofdiog dpl&arjoE ("nan ImE, lqr<br />

tidi).<br />

Also realize the rhings rh.t wr€ iot going on. Nore of rhe suM<br />

hod.l.d tbe @ct bebavior, s lhc tids 9ft nor @pyiog ! em wiol<br />

obscNationol lffiilg. None of rhc soh6 povided coD.qudces of<br />

Einfolt.|M! .or 'w Esrds d puistmr givcn for sleitic &rs of<br />

b€h.vioi Nonc of lhe euMs provided .egumenb" lbout why kids<br />

should b. cl6 &d nor lirler, All ihe $uG did B o pruve<br />

'Itc rcleehm ale Eied soths rE.rn€ aton8 wjth lh. allribllion<br />

lEiniry. Tney cdled ii the ..pe6@ion Tearndfi. wirh a diifeEnr<br />

cbs@m, all rhe vriou3 sues esenlialty Save lh. typical adulr<br />

l@tus aloni cta,lines &d o@trs. Th.y ejd al th. dings eood<br />


iteha ey about linerirg. Ir h.d !o.tT.cr on thc @dy wr4'Fs tcst.<br />

Ki&, huh?Baclbtn daio poirt.<br />

Ih. &dysis th. t!s.dh.E nDde js dis. Wt n rhe Lid! hord -6t<br />

roon, rcai kids", tlry had !o rhint olo wnai had hoppm.d. In €sene,<br />

drcy had ro aJtsr r[. qu6do4 -dplsitr why r]E l!@ is nclr.p.rxl<br />

th€t sqe was simtle, ."Ihe boto i5 neat b@aue w€ .lon'r litter, We<br />

e dE tind ottEoplc *tF tict up at6 o@tv6'.<br />

In otha wrds ilr. clildq Dad. incd,l .tIliburior and if you beticv.<br />

urt you @ tlr. kind of p.eo who is neal md dcs not liner whar<br />

halFN wbd you havc r qady mpp€r? Ilur is nghq you rbrcw il<br />

awly 0 ihe wasr. .d'.<br />

Altiih ion .nd Orn.r P.Bu$iotr Trcriq<br />

'IlE p€Ewion and @nDli&e rulc bF.dr .Comnb@/C6iskrcy.. s€o4<br />

"Scque ial Rcq6rs", particddly ttr. foor in rhe d@r snategy, the reivcr is in m<br />

rdEtae@a pqirio! wirh both ofrh* r@h. Fi6r, h. Frfod $ne.dio4 &d thm<br />

k sked to do snething el* Elat d ro lhe tst etior. .Aftribulion ft@ry. h often us.d<br />

lo .xllain why CdMi!trqt/Co6ilt rcy dd F@t iD lh. d@ e.k<br />

Acadire io th. th@ry, E@iv6 obsepe iheir edo6 ar step orc ed mun aptain why<br />

th.y did *hat th€y did, If th.y rDk d ilrenol arFibudo! C.t 3iped drnt Frftjon<br />

b.e$ h l[€ lid of p6o!') lna thcy will prob.bly pdlon the $@nd ,clsted<br />


Erpet rcid: I! y cd lad 10 Fadlolog/ wh.r they d€ imtioDdly low. Ifpeopl. bave<br />

Iow qp..t ncis they do mt b.liee thei b

' Inteml atlibutioB abour th@dv6 who d'ey succ4d (i,.. i did n nyscu)<br />

. Inr€rEl olt ibutiod abour oih6 whd thcy fait (i.€_ ir w$ dFn fant<br />

. Exrrm.l anibutioa ,tout rhffilB rb€r lhey fail (i... $a€thing .t*<br />

mode m. f.il)<br />

r Exlalal attributioN aboul olhd slFn tltet succeed (j,.. ih.y e tucty)<br />

rhc ourcomc b lbe dp.ctarcy situari@ @y h. d.I.dind by ttue veiabls.<br />

. Tnerc @ b€ spaific *pecrorcio for i.he suc6s of a dva belEvior bdsed<br />

on psio6 dpdide h ln. sc sirudi6.<br />

t Thft d g.n Bliued q!*t nci.s for srll:.N bs.d otr exFric@<br />

Sa.ralied fon elaled sit!.tioD.<br />

. Th* ft rh@6 prcbld elving gcreElz€d .xFcrarcies of wnich I-E<br />

bu one qmpL.<br />

All lh@ vdiabl€s inte@t to detemirc oB exp€cllrcy for th. su.@s oflhe b.havior<br />

h qrcsiior OE of thc IBl a@ing f€!tue! of huD bei!8s is this tr.y @ exphii<br />

&ythila". May be n @ms tw l[. f.cr lh.t w e pamk sd ou chit&.n t@p<br />

aking E, \irt4" a a old.r slpdior b.ings! w jusl @tuElly hare th. ptopc,<br />

expleition to ou ldd's equcst. ( \rhy did I drop lhal sfa on hy foor? t did ir io show<br />

you shrl r ece bruis loob lilc, lbd.s why,")<br />

No m.tid the ca@, w. h!v. a shons n4d !o undcBtand {d €spl.jn *,tEt is 8oin8 on in<br />

ou world. B{re peoplc musi explai4 ii op.ns up sone inteBtine infl!€G<br />


posibilitiB, Thjnl abo ir for ldruc.Ifyou m afer how p@plc !rd6i,.d dd<br />

qtlain whar is going oD. you mighr b. rble r,o inllueDe rhh r@.<br />

l3tcno!.tholog $d Tft o..r:<br />

Rotler (19?5) is Eadily asdnlt 0E hedical nodel @n@prion oftsychologic.l dierdea<br />

a t ing dises or illu*s. R.thcr, n @n@iv€s tn€ prcblm rtrse nslw is<br />

p.ychologic.l 6 one oftn matad.ptiv. bcnlvio. brelg|rr atout or @!s.d by iudcqod.<br />

or fallty leaing *pqienc6, A@rdins ro hjD, the symplo$ of patholoc)/ dc lmcd<br />

like all odr€r b.h.vior, As s@h, lr€arndr sno,rld be @nsid*d M1n r.f@nc lo<br />

l.uhg situ.rid wh@ adrpti* b.h.vio6 &d @g'itioB @ talghr d.l rh. thmpin<br />

clie rclationship i! viw€d s beinS sinite 6 a icehd taught rela{i@ship. Much of<br />

ou pr€qt ognitirc beh.vioftt trEaltnhls have dr.i, rcors i. Rotels social L.ening<br />

Thory, alrhough lh4 go Don ofrh.linc ue.howl.dg€

Cana, Rapropoulos, ki6r &d Sadher (1980) sugg.n ilEl pcopt. with qt nal t cu<br />

of Conrrol @y ale b. pmE to resEond srB eirh delEiotr Mn h rb. @1ex1 of a<br />

rciliv. lif. chr S.ylor .i rl (1984) foEd @@bdos berf,@ dcDr*sion ad $lf<br />

bl@. for th. icglriv. dents,<br />

DepF$ion k Ue m6t como! p3 lholoeiql di$rd.r. h fsc! it hd b@ *timated rhal<br />

alDosl h.rof all hMd b.irg dFricc such !rebtm !r !o@ riD. duirg dFn liv6<br />

(Blq, 1994). Attholgh uny 6.roE phy . olc i! der.$sioa, oc tb!. h.e @iv.d<br />

r@'rg atianion i! rtEt hight bc t@ed s ! sladdating pdt m of alrriburios, Ir<br />

@nursr to mosr p€opl., who show tn sctf*ening bid d*cnbcd abov., d€lElsd<br />

individuals cnd b adoF e opposiG p.tid ttEy atribdc eg.tiE our6B b l4nin&<br />

iften l clllg such s nci! oM drits or b.t of .bilily bqt dEibu& I6iriE oulco@<br />

lo Gnpo8ry cxr€m6l caus! seh a good lucl or sp.cial fEvoB fiom cod, As a r$ult,<br />

3eh individu.k Fcive rhr! rlFy h!rc lftl. d no @ rot oq {h.r haDD.N to rhd.<br />

rIEy e m@ cliF i! rbe *i!ds oflrFldicr.ht 6itl!<br />


CIIAPTER - 2<br />


Ihe l@u of @nirol s a rI.as@ of gerc.dtiz.d pc@n litt ch@r.ristc has ba<br />

widely ued t'ircugn m I-E ssl.. Over thc ycd vdiou dtenpls hav€ ben nade to<br />

dwie &d derdop locB of@ntol $al* Tllc 9@16r iEpctu for isci€r i. locs of<br />

contd dcdrcd fon tc @adon of d Gssnenr dcvie 6 is don€ in p€rsonaliry<br />

I!wh. Ph.6 (1957) used a shorl Lilcn tt?€ of s.lc vitb l3-jr.G a h6E ol<br />

I@u of control. I! rh. sde yd, JdB dd pha6 (t95?) d.v.loped a tegcr srte<br />

tnoM a Je*Phles s.ale ed @ntain d 2Girm. FiMlly llle w.ll kroM !E scate<br />

wa introded by Rott.r in th€ ycs 1966. Th@ ftE fw od6 who msde .fons ed<br />

@llabonled wiri Rol&r. 11t* w Shepard UvcMr, Melvin S€naa DouSlas<br />

CrcMc ad .willi@ lm*. Ih. scate coBins of 29 for!.d choicc ir.@ ircluding 6<br />

fillq ilans to h.lp disgujs tb. purpo* of Ihe rsr Rotrd's (1966) iniriat fudines<br />

snowd $.r the sql. b oE dio*io.al. Howv€r, sine the intoducrion of dr. rile,<br />

@tuideEble 4iden@ hs appsrd ro prov. tbe nulidim*ioorliry of ihc sl€<br />

(And@r\ L.v@n, Blrtd, &d Kiewr4 1999; Cllmil! t9E8; Kms.t, lq9;<br />

Kobe ed Pwceii, 1983; tlf@ut et at, tq9; Ma s!!d MadjID, 1999; Mqso od<br />

PiggE 199?; Pl|@, 1978; Rubi!, l9?4 Siricutud l9?E). Rotrer's sale 6 odSi.atty<br />

devisd io 6ss @nircl €xF.r&ci6 in difld€nl d.s (Achiev€m4l DoDinee,<br />

AtrIarioq crc), but f&tor dalysis Erel.d or y ore sE t r facro. Cotueq*nrty, wirl<br />

EF.t d itcd maly$s, ttE $al€ *E evdrr.lly redu.ed !o 2!-iteos rh.t w@ vie*ed 6<br />

b.ing faidy nomogoou (Lef6un - 1982). Ron r,s IE s.l€ w6t rhrugh foe rcRioro<br />


ef@ th. ni.l 5th v6ion B slbjaled lo scRl ealidnioB Fior to its publiorior<br />

The 'Rotler's l-E eale' hs bc.D iranstale4 ihortoed, fa.tor anatrzed bnr is siilt rhe<br />

'crud F!rh6 {i' pcdsps .cod !arhd,) of .l l!. leB or @nrol n6B. lrs<br />

corcEot, @atucl ed prediciive validiry @ {ell knoM ed pbvidetl r}E $alc<br />

@bilily .rd genedliry. I[e sdc h6 bc! ! $ue of lDtirztior for orhe6 !o d€v.lop<br />

rhe $ale of sinild naiue (Funrhd ed sr*h, 1993).<br />

Frcn thc Frud ofrh. tes! n is.viddt lh.t th. subj.cb de$nb. rh.n oM vi.}TDinl<br />

by choosirg b€tEd all€oativ6 rhlt rcflsi ! fdalisriq *l€D,l @!iiol, vie*?oinr &d<br />

dbs virh e intemal conrol indi@t a b.licf in lhen oM lbiliry io lFet qd @nhol<br />

Mccimies, Nordholrn, ward ed BhantmEvin, (19?4) hav. &poried Roftcts scale<br />

ms 5 culiG (Aur.li4 Japs4 Na Z.!td4 Sqed.n and lhe Uai.d St 16)<br />

Fenolq w.re food !o be moE qtemd the nala, . finding lhsl nay renct the<br />

Fcivc{t oppornDid6 of llc sx6. scoslty, dE rhc mi.i€ 6osl simitd in<br />

ldsuaSe, cubns ed vatB (Aurratia, New Zeated, ed nr US) p.odeed lbe mon<br />

inctul leq of @ftol ffi, wh.@ S*!d6 ard Jate @ @Biddld to be ihe<br />

morc pai.malinic @tios wn@ fiftinSei! io lhen famili6l dvireMenl is viewed s<br />

doE intDrlllr tb4 elomdy, prcduccd rhc n@ dl.d,l t@B of mrol s6.<br />

fiofsled. (1980, l98l) ceied out d exrensivc sen6 ofsludies ove, sme B yes inlo<br />

0E snbjat of cult4. H. d.tc rt cdnr s barat p.ogming s the bosis ihal n<br />

preditlos.s inditdu.k !o particut{ qrs ofdintin& rErceiyilg dd behaviDS, Th3r is<br />

tut to sy ilrat cvEyon. i! ! Danicd& qliw js idalicjl jn rhe wy $.y behave. tt do6

imply, hoqtw, dBr th@ L a rcnd.Dcy ro podw sinila pa .tu of belEvior By<br />

adopling ihi6 qplo&h Eo6t d. omib a bor. detail @Eid@lion of how cdtu6 fom,<br />

ch6s. ard e @inlAin.d. (FMfid & Gu&r, t993). Hofsredc (1980) in bis l!s@h<br />

put foqdd the ida thai ilre rheoriq of motivdion s@tly r€fled a laniculd Ft of<br />

cdrrlFl nom, As s@h tn.y @uld bc mst .ff.crie snudos EfletinC rbar ponicule<br />

clhnnl oriaiation. Trctupel@s (1993) oflqs sv@ difIdent dimcnsioN of national<br />

cultw, which ould imp..r rh. individurh b€tavior inctudirs noriva{on. For<br />

eMple, some $ciciica Ely on achieydoi N a b6e of su*es! wn@ s oth6<br />

ravo eiptior (qt n l l6s or@nrrol) or hvor otr as., .xFi.@ crc As such they<br />

hav€ ban foud io podu@ higha &o&s indicaling exremai l@N of @nL.ol. A5 a<br />

subsipr Bq 0976) ue.d data fom d. Mccidi6, ct d (1974) 3tudy ad roud |har<br />

rhe l@us of @ntrol s@rcs ch@reriaiion q.s ssdaLd qiih rhe ruicid. rares of$e<br />

c@Ey- Thw, Swd6 .nd .l.pu *w foud ro prcd@ ln. no.l q0crot @B @<br />

locu ofcontol scal., ed had rhc highal su'cide 6tes,<br />

Furlher mor. . l&ee vri.ty of addilional sl6 haw b.d d\*eloped ro n@G tn<br />

aaific al@ ofl-E b.liefi, lAchidtelc ad Llwlis (1990), B6dlcy, BEwir, caffu<br />

&d Mo$s (1984), C.r.nis. Mc Dmott ed wood 0 984), Chws and DiD& (2002), De<br />

Vcllis (1985), Donov& ed O't ary (1978), Dovatiby, McKe ard Md., (1983),<br />

Duke ard cohaa (19?5), F.!re, prie, D6no(i ud Rotqts 0987), Funhm<br />

( 1986), vdd.letL vmickak aad Pohas (1987), c€su lrd Badley ( 198?), col8iou<br />

srd Bndl.y (199), Guin el at, (t969), 6uin, cuin, tjo. and B..r c (1969), Hjll ad<br />

B.le (1981), fiuter (2002), K!pl6 & Majd€s ( I976), Kaufhm, W.lrh dd Bqlwdin<br />

(195), KonsemFng, Pan@a ard GIe (2003), L! m

wunal€ (1986), Monras dd codey (1987), Mrrcn, (2005), Nic6$ €! sl 098t,<br />

o codel &d Pd@ (1985), r@l ard M.rq (19?8), P.rrrids. &d Joben (1989),<br />

Pnyn et al (1988), Rob.n ed Ho, (1996), SalEer(1982). skevingron (1990), stotldd<br />

ad zm60990), wallsron and w.I$d ald D. v.lti5 (1978), walstotr &d wallsloa,<br />

waier €t al (1990), vhitlle, D.6nod sd priE (1987), wood md Ld.t (i982),<br />

Woftll and Timnity 0981r. Apan nlo rh. goeFl l@u of @rr.ot ttBG, otld<br />

locq of @lirol m4B, neduine lte vdiou domim havc also beh ddeloped<br />

ovd tiEe. Bricf d&iptiw ro vdiou l@N of @nEol *al6 &v.toFd ovq ! Fiod<br />

ortine in rhd fi.ld of h.lttb cbildM srd adolsdrs, mrk, sphcE sp4inc e giv€n in<br />

$. slbs.qqt D{6gaphl.<br />

Da.lopd.tri ofMaod of c.n.rtl tau of Cortrcl:<br />

B.fo& tbe !@s ol sulfuizilg &d l@tilg itr thc F$ fd dt scq@E of ltsdh<br />

dk@v€ri6, rh. aurhor hs aleady diss.d abour thc Rohers (1966) rir€n tiry.<br />

E"\coalitr S&lG $ticl is @siddrd ro b. rh. pio@ in ite 6eld of c4d t@u of<br />

Contol. Howevd rh@ e othd n6@ at5o qhch may b. crled lhe m6ree of<br />

G.o.El trru of conrrcl.<br />

L8.ns (19?4) dev.lop.d a 24ii6 !!r..s of res or dtllt s6L, knoM a<br />

'Inlefroli1, Powertul Othe @d Chece Scal* (tpc),, which @si5!s of lltree<br />

indeFnddl scd4 ot th. @rrd @.ntur Bed in p.ofitir8 €Lsal h.ticIs. ,ftc<br />

Intcn lity (l) Sc.les ne&@s thc .xtenr to wnjcn peeN beljcv. they havc pqenal<br />

contol ovq dEn !v6. Th. Powatul 0$6 (p) sat. a.st*s tn€ b.li.f that odr.r<br />

p.opl. @nlrol .hts in onc,s lif._ 'I'lE Ct&@ (C) S.de ma@s b€liefs that tEt o,<br />


falc cfl€cts expe.idc6 G.t!Mn, t98r). Esch sqr. .oNi$s of 8,ir€hs, panicipa.b<br />

aspond by 6irg a ? poilr Lilcn Scd. with €poN .hoies tu8irg ftom ,3 (Stronely<br />

di6a$e) ro +3 (Sronsly ogrce). To arcid negadve valu$ 24 poinls m added to sco,es<br />

or @h *rL. lacro. aElysis of rlE s.de $ppon.d d. i!d.Frd.nc. of $c rhE<br />

subscalB. The Eli.biliiies (Ku.ler.Ricbdt on) for th. tp&C eds w.,e @poned $<br />

0,64, 0,77 &d 0.?8, T6r, rdcst elialiliry ovd a sp4 of 7 wek rmgcd ton 0.66 to<br />

0.?3.<br />

v.lehn & OsEon 0 14) dcklopcd s Ahbqialed M.!sW of brern t_Exteut lru<br />

of @ntlol. nD dlhos havc lropccd a shon vcsior ot Ron r\ (1966) I.E Scate. Tne<br />

ll-ilds loeed choie $al. t Gron d b have simitd Fycnoncric pop.nid b<br />

Rona's 29 ltcc *.lc which 6 publish€d ir l9?4 & Eviscd in 2003.<br />

To d.r@irc 1t c6@y of rhe @lcept of .xieorl l@u of @nEot in 0E sial<br />

system diheroion ed intcmal locB wjlh rcgard to self.ontrol ed faiatism wd<br />

d.veloFd bt Reid sd \v@ C94). Thcy idarified a rhird dincBion of stf conl,ll by<br />

whicn rhy nenl p@pl6 b.liew rh.t rh.y @uld @,rrol thcir inpuls d6i.e dd<br />

emoiio.al b.navior, Il is a 45-n€m! forc.d choice sql.. TX€ f.tllim &d social 3yslem<br />

@nrol dihdioB e n*!rd *ith l2-iGhs €ach sdel@ rhcc @ 8 itcDs which<br />

n6rc lh. elf @ntrcl diDsior RcMining B 'i6 d us.d d buf6. Resltr<br />

indjcate du.c distincr factod postulat d by Lcid sd we 0974). prichard, Boh md<br />

Kdly (1986) narc confdcd rbc 6@ &cror er.!cnE, IE alrho6.le confm.d rhat<br />

OB scale q be wd in c@q @wling wirh ad 1s,<br />


fcourt 0980 devclop.d the Mutidibmios|t - Mdiiai[iburion l @usaliry sil6, or<br />

MMCS,Ihc sle conpries ofiwo felo6, orc corcehing &hi.vddt dd rhe oth€r<br />

afifiatior Th@ e ioi'l 24-ii.6 to bc hled or Litcrr,s Scd*. !a.h e€l€ is<br />

conposd of l2-iierE thal focNed on sue$ .xFri€nces.nd mining 12 oncem.d<br />

wilh l.ilE.xFrias. Tle 2+itu e nrihcr $Mivided inlo 4 prs ofaitibulion:<br />

Slable Inlehal Atlribution (Abili1i6 dd Skilb); UNrabl. Ilremal AtEibulim (Etron<br />

dd Moijvali@); Stablc Extdr.l An ibuio! (Conrextud Ch,@r.risriq) for Mplc<br />

t 5k dificuliyi sd Ustable Emehal Anribution (fonuilos €vqts). 1vitn dEs vsios<br />

subsslB wbB n66 6 b. d.nwd. Thc l..gst srq ror.l a&m,liry, @sisrs<br />

of agltflenls with *tctul arlribuiioN ed th. deniol of inrdFl atribnrioN, Howvq<br />

th. r3L ha rct arF&Ld l@y e*eha io w* on rhc *ale.<br />

D vend (1984) devcloped a locE of @nlrol $aL which is a n4@ of i €ml<br />

contol, h ha iso f&roB wh€.s sm. of the eg.h6 lik. Met6 dd .Wo@<br />

(1988) suggBt dEt it ha tbr f..tob. M.y6 ed wom @Dparcd Dltrv.ila's *€lc<br />

with Rottels ( 1966) $al. &d fou'd b€fid coftlanons &d ge&r intdnat cosisren y<br />

aal homogddg. h Ih. @e yd BEwh dd Sb4no 098a) dwised a tw faclor<br />

$.1. neduing p@ivcd EsFBibilily for posiriv. r!!d ncsative oulcomcs, lt is a 12-<br />

'lanr 5 poili lgr - dbagE *sl. having dplE Fliability of O.?2 &d has @trstruct<br />

&d @ocun v.lidiry, Ihe Rottqt sqlc hd b.d foud to @rclar. vith<br />

sposibility for pcitiE, bln not neg.riv. ourcon6. rh. Spnc of Contrel ..Scale<br />

w$ developed by Paulhus ed Ctuisri€ (1981). rhis imumdr h$ ben usd to 6es<br />

dE l@s ofonrol- It b ! 30-ir.D Sph.E ofconEol Sc.l. *tich b divid€d irio rhr<br />

scPele sphees of b.hsvior; P@nal, Efiiciency, IdierpeMnat Conrol md Socio<br />


Political Contol (1o-it D tq Ah@). ne epondenrs @ r€quiEd t, raG lh. item or<br />

a ? poift Uk n scrle (l = Stongly DisagE., 7 - Slrcngly Asee). Th. Ey€N scoring is<br />

done for qtcdaly rcrdcd irm. thu lhe highq $oE rcpEq& nft jntcmol md<br />

loffi s@G, noE .xr.nal l6us of conrol, ?authu (1981) h6 rcFrr.d rlpha<br />

rliabilidq for lhe subsid @gjrg noo 0,75 io O,8O_ P&kis (1988) found low<br />

Eliability valu6 (0.50, 0.71 & 0.67) for ihe sub$.I.s i.e., p.enal Emciency,<br />

lotcrDeMnal Conill & Sciopoliticd Cod.ot cp€dvely.<br />

Thc lrt m6l Contol lndex (ICI) dcv€lop€d by Dldweilci. (1984) focu* on 6Fcrj of<br />

pcnonal choic.! auro@my, Gist nc. ro an mpls to inn@ae, d.lay of gari|cario4<br />

ud sclf{onfide€. Thc ICI @NisB of 28-ile6 wilh 6posc .ltemarivcs faljiog<br />

dong a Lik n-tlF sc.lc tugin8 nle I (tuty) to 5 (uully) Irs, dE Duin@<br />

atlrinable @nposile eor is 140, indietirg. d€cidedly more inlehd respo@ panen.<br />

Th. niniMl att inabl. @mpGitc s@E is 28, indicadns a d€cid.lly l*s inh,l<br />

Locu of Conlml Merurer Deelop.d for ChildM lnd AdolBccnt!:<br />

On of lh. fi6t m6u.s in the @a of 166 of conaol for tosg chjldEn ws of Biale,<br />

( l96l). lt wa stecificdly coMn.d wiih $e @neptualizdod ofswgs s,rd taitw in<br />

ncorally r€Iard.d dd nomal childrEn. lr b . 23-irem l.st to n..5@ 1hc children,s<br />

lss of conr,Dl. ftc aubjar b ro espond with a .y6, or ,no, to @ch iten. Th. irm<br />

e ndked a 'f and 'p'. I€trcr .f indiclr.s thal a .yesi spo.$ b sEd a inrmal<br />

@nE!I. IlE l.1tq !' si8nifi6 ihd & @vd of.no' ed is s@rcd s ilrehd contlol.<br />

Th. scale is eorEd iD t.m of loLrl nwb6 of 6pons6 in d. dnecdon of inremal<br />


conllol. Th. scale @ be eid lo meale on siiele din6ion. Bialar foud $at<br />

defm! gati8€iioo M ssia€d wiih intcnd tsu of ConEot.<br />

Banle md Rous {1963) dqdoped e incenious canoon I@s of conrol lesq tc aubj6t<br />

is to Espord 'hq lookins.r Ei@ .Lif.ti&c' arroon sindjd 0itc M@y's CAr)<br />

sd de to iovolve theh in atlribution oI rcsposibility. Tha child is 4ked to $ai. whal<br />

hdshc wuld sly lrd Ih@ le9ons c Erc

A 40-ikm $ilc B developcd by Nowicki & Stricklod (l973). ft is atcd on a'yesno'<br />

patl.n. T!. scalc w6 constnct d for, dd valid.kd oi. childr€n nom eight lo 16 yeds,<br />

Th. t6t !a. b6n shoM to barc a s.risfa.lory Eliability: Tcn @6 *@ sho$ not lo<br />

bc &laled to socisl d.siEbility or int llig@c. bur l,4 Glated to &hi*dat. A!<br />

pedicLd, sF3 be@e hoF inte@l yith .g€. Tbr s.el. hs en impBsivc<br />

6n3lrud validig rnd [d hq shou 10 elatc ro srch div6. phaom@ s mnjor.d<br />

Dopuleity, ability ro delay giatificado! ed pFj!di@. Iniemlity s@6, parricul{ly fot<br />

malc! [ave ben sisifi@0t Ela&d ro e.rlenic @nfid.rce, wir] nDluiry,<br />

ind.p.nderce, shiving ed elf-horilated b.haviou. Nowicki & Shickrdd's m6w h<br />

pcd.ps the mGt widely ed (ud ad.aplcd) ld6 of onrrol s.le fo. chjl.lrd p€nly<br />

h€lw it is @c of 0r firs1 ro .pr@, ard lppmpriaL for s wid€ @gc of as€s of<br />

A p@h@l inr.h.l qr.hd $.1. % doclopcd at SiarJord by Mish.l ed ziss<br />

(19?4). It is a *t of 14 qwstioN ed forc.d-binary choice! .lesis!€d apeciatty foi<br />

childm bet9E lhc {g* oflhE.nd sir y@!. fte rslidiry cdrr l@ pDnisins ar{t<br />

coftlatio8 b.tqdn tie sql.'s slb-se ed FBist hc. for positive hd ncsaliv.<br />

ouicods w€E si@ili.dr, It ha bq fobd. 6 pEdicrd, 6a1*ta o acrivity B<br />

poldjally etul in averrine a @g,riv. ou!@m., individu.t ditr tw6 in .xp6r.n i.s<br />

for @ rol ol rcgdiive €vob lr@ posilivcly Elated to p@ti* on rhar acivity. Wno<br />

p6c1i@.clivity a wls bc.@ thc ourcohe *s b.yord dE chitd s @n&ol tn@<br />

B a reeadve Elstionsnjp be$cer inlmalily md lreiicc oo the rcdvny.

Gruen, Kotu & Bau 0974), d.relop.d a smup da4@ of locs of conr,sl<br />

appropljac for e wittr childq of difr€dr8 scio@nomic dd.lhic nd!s. The lest<br />

@Nisls of 38 nict-fig@ drlwin$ of *oB md chitdra e fo@d ro eccpl d<br />

inFmdl or qt.mal 6lribuiion for tu desib.d behaviou. fte r.sl showd both<br />

@nclldt .rd diqihindl validiry. This rcn @nsisr of 38 picnE3 wi$ Kud.r,<br />

Rjchadson Elirbiliryof0.o8 b 0.79 ed corcuenr !€tidny.<br />

A locu of Coohol S.d. for Minority Ctroups wss dev.topcd by Louden (19?8). Ir b a<br />

l2-iteF $tlc IDl€d YEs-No. TIF itds for rh. *aL \r@ nle!, bur adaprcd tom lhe<br />

Nowicki & Stickladd (1973) ncafu. Th. $ale @ piloted fo' irs uenrh.$ rirh<br />

British adoLm|l- Th. s.ale had a {,lir-hdf Etialiti9 of 0.61 &d disinietcd<br />

bet*en imigml gtuups i! a pEdicl€d di@rion.<br />

Dan&ubl & Olitrg.r (1981) dcv.to!.d a Ldu of Conlrol S.d. fd Chjtd,€n's<br />

Peeption of Social ldterdo$, This is. 48"iiem e.L nls YES-NO dd seful for<br />

.,hitlrer !8.d ? b 12 y6. The ireru qd denr€d tw a nwbcr of e@s and<br />

ieducetl from a ioral of I 19. Th€ eale had irrmal @Nislcocy co€fi€icnis betecn 0.75<br />

&d 0.81. A sial d..inbility slbsd. is includ.d. Conrrgcnr r€tidjty ot dte st. m<br />

low bn1 significmr @rclatiom werc foud wnn odd loc$ of @nrrel nes@. Funhcr<br />

sc @fthred signifiddy wih *imct i. popularig dc€ffi ed pEdicLd Fa<br />

statu ben r 1h4 0ih4 loas of @nhol n€@H.<br />

Corell (1935) dcElopd Mulddimdionnl Mezs@ of CbildrEn s p.cpljon or<br />

Cont&I. Th€ b4w raps lhr.. 6p€cll of pceepiioo of @ rot (inhal, Fwrfnl<br />

oth€6 ed unk)oM) in ll@ domjF (@snnjrc, sjal ed<br />

''hyri@t).<br />

p@ption of

contol ov.r suces oulcono rnd failu€ oucons @ se$cd scpdalely. The scale<br />

slDs 6B!.llv inpcaivc Fychomerric vrlilarid @npaed ro ndy lcaE ir &is<br />

@.. Il t al$ uique in having 'ukmM conrol' subeal€s, all of wbi.h Eeive

mecurEd acro$ nultipl. item with Liten-Typ€ of slca rdeing fton l-5 with ni8n.r<br />

$E indi@dng gre.&r cnd@cni<br />

Nowbli & Dulc 0 989) ddeloped a LocB of Connol s@le of Einforc@t, It h6 13-<br />

iteD InGmal-Extcmal IacB of Conrol Scal. for pl!*hool od priosy 3nldcds Ghon<br />

fbo) to D6u€ lo@ o{@Dtrol oiaiation. Th. l3-it @ on rbc ahon fom w l,\os<br />

lhal poss6ed th. b€sl ncn-tot l, And item"disciibinarion indiee oftle ?6-iids on th.<br />

PE$h@l &d PriD,ry N@icrj-SEiclLnd Ini.nil,ExcEd Sr.t. CpNS-tq Nowicki<br />

& Duke, 1974), I]re PtNS-lE hs ben d@onsftted io hav€ cosi.uct validity for eety<br />

cl@r.ry st@l-as.d childd! b$.d @ ir! rctiabiliry ond Actor sElcnN ond irt<br />

Flation to acad.nic ehi€vebol ed odra m$@s of locus of conhol 0{owicki,<br />

I99D. Ri.haud d€ Mi@i 091) d.vis.d a rcw mulridim.Bional t(M of@nFol st.<br />

Ior ArSdtii6 shool childH agcd 6 ro 12 yoffi. Tncrc @ 42.ircms for childer dscd<br />

12 ycars, 32-iLm for childra agcd 8 )€s sd ]6i1cm for €hildFn aged 6 ,%. I!.<br />

subjals e Equired to ewq the itcm in .Ys, or .No' fod Though thc validiry dara<br />

l€min ro be oll*t d, howw€r th. qEsdoMiEt sptit half aliabiliry 6s6 fron<br />

0.412 io 0.74.rd t61E-r.$ Elialifiy nod 0.42 ro 0_29. Thee @ fiv. fado6; the<br />

iht ml (iffrrmaral. afl*rive, mix.d) ed iwo eiemdl (pow.rtul oth6 od iatatisn).<br />

L&u ol Coa!reI M{!B D€v.toD.d fo. g.rtn:<br />

An idportad th6red..l ed ftrhodologjcd appto&h sug86rs a gcneElizd<br />

qperrn y for bntrcl bcliefs will! rcsqd to physical firns. SoEbo4 and Wolkc!<br />

097, stlldi.! altirudc low.rdr phrsicrl UirFs in eralion ro t@s of @drcl ed fobd<br />

$at ilt @ls had nor flbhble altirud. 1ow8n5 physicat eiivity, Intemds hlr bdn

foud obt i Ig b.tL. itrs s6 rba th..xr@,ls,!d cneaged noE in volu1!ry<br />

physicd ex@ise $e did th€ €xlemals (cdliseF6l. 199D. cM (19?3), Mlon &<br />

Mlon 097t, Nadiich 097t, Pryd ed Dincfeo (t977) foud lha individu,ls oak.<br />

.tdpl to olt@tu hallh d.Bagirg b.h.vioB showd m@ intmatity in th.n<br />

behavior 6 @np*d to exiedElr. fteF d. a g@d nMber of *d6 svailable with<br />

Grrld to rGuirg the pnysi.d fhN @!trol o. halrh I6N of @ftbI. Son of dF<br />

$al€s @ diicE!.d bclow:<br />

Du*.&dCotd (1975) dw.loFd.Dc .l H.dlnl&E of CrnEot, Duk. ed Cohd<br />

nrd. ihis scale in e audpt to pn

oncurot validity. I is cotuid.Ed ro b€ thc non wid.ly sed slc for he.irb beti€f<br />


ihvoliv. and lotdtially EvardinS Iine of invdtigslion to dislinSuish l@s of conrot<br />

non |@B ofongh i. the sludy ofhallh-Gld.d @itioB.<br />

L3 & w@ 098D pbduc€d E4toFsp€.ific Lro of contrcl beli.fs. Qu$tioMdE<br />

rni.h corraiE 2?-it ms, it 6 d.v.loped a1 rh. sme rih. srd with simitd aim s de<br />

MErc (Walbion ct a/., 1978). 14 & Wd (1981) rcponed a fou.fetor srrrcrue<br />

suggddng asli1ioE @ncding hslrh our@B e suid.d by b.liefs ir choa,<br />

prcvids (posqtul oth€s), $lf dd theal (Fea). Intemal consisr€nci€s fd Ae fou<br />

$al6 vw low (0,39 - 0.49) but t6t-ei61 Eliabiliti6 w* noe ihpeiw (0,65 -<br />

0,7?) dd tn. $al. h6 ben applicd in vaioN lcltings.<br />

WoE[ & Tinility (198D deElop.d rhe At@no[c ResloEibitiry Sot.. ft E a ]2-<br />

ilen qucstiomaiE (larer rdrced to 2+neD, whicn ses*d subj€cls, beli€fs 6 io<br />

vn ind $. lru of GpoNibi|ny for lrobtd drirtjrg 6id€s yith rh. s.lf or 0$6.<br />

High corclatio$ (0.55) wilh th. Rond l-E scal. 6 d i.d.x ot @ncuftnt validiq ee<br />

epod.d lhough n is !rEei,j! ro whlr qi.nt th. sjt€ is wid.ty u*d<br />

Salt2d (1982) da.lop.d tn Weidl l&u of Coftot. Ine WLOC sale is a 4.i!ch<br />

s€re ass'ng i.cnElity vaG dlltudnt win cDct ro ob6iq. SdEa eDon d<br />

Eenable l€st{41 rcliability (0.67), Blh€! poor rld @npMdv€ly moderre int mal<br />

@tuistcncy (alpha 0.58) but frn @mu@l v.tidiry wirh olher l@B of @ftll sl6<br />

&d prcdictive validily in rem of corelotions wjm $ces jn a wcight-l€ss prc8rm-<br />

irr.m.ls, parriculdy dre *60 hisHy valud h€dth ! phtsic.l app.m@, le<br />

mr Uk.ly 1o &hi.v. th.ir Eighlos goats. Irts rclk of Sat r u

A M@rd Hcdth Li.G orcodrol sete E .tevelopcd by W@d & L€tak 09E2). Il<br />

wa a 6-n m q@$iomiE wilh fou,poi (impoia!!-uinronat) d ils 6po@ scite.<br />

While @ Fliabilite lft EFttc4 rhee s!3Eh6 rorcd rhar psychoric padeds ree<br />

disli4lishcd frcb @nituls by rhct hidd crtdnal lc$ of.onirol s@rcs_ Clwty, the<br />

tunE of l@u of @ rol bdi.A @ of coral intce$s to hey morat hcdth<br />

Dowaliby, McK.e & Mahd 0983) dewloFd a shotr l6s of control jnvotory for<br />

pon] sedlry h€ing,ibpdr.d st!(t€n$. It ir a 23-icm qu6-tioMiF wiih 5 poinl<br />

age-dis8r€e s.lc. ft h4 a signidcdr clirbiliry (0.62 _ 0.71). DesliL sone<br />

indicarioF of @ncenr ad @nt Di vatidity, *idqG of $. @vcrg€ or @Nh@t<br />

validity ofthc sale ie l.cting, BEdlet, BEwin, Gamu & M*s (1984) dryeto!.d tn<br />

Peeivcd Conhol of DiEb.ra! M.llifis. Bndtcy dd @Udg@ harc b.d very &tive itr<br />

dqisi!8 l@a of control m6@ b l@k or the @u.l atFibuliod of

claled lo *x. It's a I l -it m 7 lEint age-disge *.le wnn abha Elilbiliry of 0.?4 -<br />

0.83 &d iesr,rcl61 Eliabiliry of 0.?7 donS wirh ib @ncwnt ulidjty,<br />

De Vsllis (1985) dd @llqgw d.signed a nesu€ specifically to look al chitdren's<br />

l@very from iIGs. Ii's a 2+i.n 6 poilr .gE.disgF s,le wnh dpha Eli.bility d<br />

0.58 - 0.83 witn @rcuftrt ed pr€dictive validiry. It hs iv. &cioisj pbfesional,<br />

diviE, inilwnce, lEmt+hild ed chae<br />

Ni6sio d 6l (1985) dwised & Atlrilt Hdpl€ws Index. Ii m developed to<br />

mdE patients' peE.ptjo of loss of @nhol eirh ar{uirh.'ftey found rhe ctadv€ly<br />

sinple uidimioBl scale (eorcd in rhe di@tion of g€ara helpl.snst @fttaEd<br />

wilh SMtGr age, leg €dEarion, low elfqtan, low i nEl tos of @nrol<br />

(neautd by th€ Wdlslon & Wallslon HLCS), hjgher diety ed depe$ioi, MoB<br />

inpBiv.ly ldnaps, ovd on€ yd. ctn86 in helples.lB @retaLd wilh chdge i!<br />

dimcdty in perfomihg &iivities in d.ily living,<br />

O'Coedl a Pri@ (1985) pEp@d a Hcln Dis4c t cB of conlror_ pric. ed<br />

collsgua devised lhk Elarively bnet hean dis@ locu of conrol eale.Il i!.20-<br />

it 14 six-poirt asEcniegE qq{io@iE. ll hs ttE fer6 (idehal, cbmc. od<br />

,owdtul odrd). Ii hs stisf&iory inlemal t liabiliry (0,76 - 0.83) bu nol ad.qule<br />

Scbro.dq (1985) devked a scale to m%w ihe lahou in childbinh. Ir is a 2o,it n 6

agF . dissre scde *ilh o@l[Mt validity, It h6 thE felo6: intcdul, chae dd<br />

pou.rful olneB. Ils Elibiliry dph! is 0.?6-<br />

t,b6 A Wutale 0986) pEp.r.d. Fcral Eeilrh Lcu ofconrol s.rlc. Tn. FHrc scal.<br />

ained lo atply Latuont (1974) thFef&lor model, to ihc ap€cifc domains of h.liefs<br />

onccning Glal h.dth, Inldrl @Binen ics fd 0!e drce suhscales of irtcnality,<br />

clhe ard powrtul oth6 sE 8md<br />

(0-76 - 0.88); salsf&lory @rcG.t validny<br />

wilh hc MHLC wa eported; social desiralilily M contolled fo4 ed lie pEdictiv.<br />

validily in cm of fndirys. Fu qlnplq ttFLCl (inrm.l) ffi lEdicted @tila<br />

sltE md the intotion lo panicipar. in childbin! cl6ss,<br />

F.lre, Pri@, Demond & Rob.dr (1987) dd.lop€d a Diabcb res of Conrol $dq<br />

Ir t also a bdef health locu! of conLrl s@le wilh the f.dos (inreml, .hd@ ad<br />

powftl oth6). Il b ! 25-iteD 6 !Di!r asd{isgr qu.srio@ic- Tb. rrlidity of lh.<br />

scole b not @rfim.d. How.., it6 inr€ml diability is 0.?2 - 0.83.<br />

Gajm & BFdlcy (l9E?) .lcviscd ll. satr ed pati@rt ?@cilcd conrot of Di'bct6<br />

Scale, It is o salc with 7 poior rstings in.@h of 6 ht?orhericat evenl'. Ercn of th.<br />

.@B ha ditrdan dIirAs on . ? poi qFr sL. TIE 6 iiE s..L otr 7 poinr<br />

ra1io8! €onbinF lhe f&to6 into twor pasnat @otlol &d n€dical ontrol. Ils<br />

rclilbility is alpha 0.51 - 0.73 old 5.de bls hjgh cosEuct vclidity.<br />

A 'Hyt rlesion t @s of Conlrcl Scale 6 daeloped by Stanton (198?), Th€ $ale is<br />

a fou itd h}!qt Eion l@u of @rtrol s..lc 10 d.tedirc rhe adhcEne 10 bedicd<br />

EsiD.s by hr!.rt nsive pslienls. His str@luFl nodelins snowcd tlut sEal.t

expectdcy for iniemal control ovq heal$ and hypcnension, gratd knowledg€ of lhc<br />

tr..r!n nt rcgDs md srrone.r soci.l slppon *.rc signifi@r detmimrs of<br />

adh.tne. This shon s..le apF&€d io prcdue a [slrty rcbl* prEdicror ol nedica]<br />

Wli[n&, D$ond & rne 0987) ddis.d rhc Dcpcsion Id6 ofconEol Scsle<br />

'ntb b aothd heallh{Flific $al. io incoDoBrc tavoen's (1974) tbr€efdor<br />

nodcl. whitnE er al. Epoded re6oebl. inlcm.l consisrencies (0.63 - 0.7?) for rhis<br />

4-ilcn $ale aesing thal pow€rtul othcs, chdce or inr€bal IetoB onlroltnc onsct<br />

snd @Ne of depesion. High $or!s on thc chm@ scale distineuished {p < 0.05)<br />

adol66ts who n€quady, olhd ihd @ly, expdi.c d.ptsior Tle Essch.r!<br />

stully $ge€sted th.,t depBsiotr{p.cific le6 of @nirol $al6 @uld help nent t<br />

h.dlh pre&.sionnls ro fomdale inkd.orio. ir!r.gi6 to fr ihe prniq{e individual.<br />

Pruyn,.t al. (1988) ed watsoA €r al. (190) dry.lop.d tE c.l@ L@c ofconrol. Ir<br />

is a 22-it m scale $,lt6. eliability and vdidity w iny.sligal€d by Watson, Ged,<br />

Ptu i A vm der Bode (1990). This laner grcup of 6.Nnes tesled lhe Pruyn, cr al.<br />

m.6E @irly on 68 b@l @er pstioE. A thrcafetor solution wiih hiel intenal<br />

coEislnci.s (0.77 - 0.80) wd foud @vdirg b.licfs concmins ihe cow of iUDe$,<br />

ow ofdiw &d eligioE @ltrcl (W!r!on d .l- 1990).<br />

Paruidgc & Jo[Nn (1989) Foduced rhc Co rol of R@Err Aom Physical Disbiliry<br />

sel.. Ihir ir a srre to d.asw rh. p.e.ird @nlrol of I@very 6ob physical<br />

disbifty. They ddon5tan€d dD validity ofth. s..1. by rhoeing that glater htematny<br />


s6 w@ eciar.d with fard @orery from srrokd ed teiu$. Th.y note: ....n<br />

may b€ etul lo fcicr Fti€ni5' b.ti€fs i! itcir oM @nr.ot, rhis is in 6nt$r ro mosl<br />

hos?ilrl ce, qcludirg ph,riorhcepy, whcc rhc dphsk is o qr.d,l @nrbl: lhe<br />

prof.$ioBi p@! h nuif€srly in cofiol lrd thft .you g.r b€rcit" G58).<br />

AchtdbdS dd Laqltu (1990) dey.loped rh€ Halln Afuiborion T€sl (HAT), Thh test is<br />

! 22- iI.n qu6lioMiF design.d io n@w a Fen's b.t.& alout the sus ed<br />

c@s of illn€s. I!. tcsl osisls of lhee scal*: An inlcmt scate dqiened to h.uue<br />

lhc degE b *hic[ p6ple bclid. rh.y @ rot lhen oM he.trh; . po*rtut Orh6<br />

Scal, which is d*igncd b m6re th€ dcge to lnjch pcopl€ b€li.ve tnar maintaini,g<br />

lb€n h.dth is the eEoEibility of hallh.le DDf6sioMll; ad a clEe sstc which is<br />

designed 1o moe rhe degEe io which p€opl. b.liev. rhd uonrolable fmro6 such<br />

4 fat, luclq or chae rll*t their he.llh. The EAT Us\ cuid€ (1990) 04)<br />

d@ua6 tlE ten's Fliability ard !€tidig, &d pEsts dideM rhal it is e.fa€ciw<br />

i6Lul@t to lliliz! in tEdicrile hcalth-Ftarcd outcoDe. Tbe e!.eh citcd in the<br />

.ruual" includ* r nmbd of longitudirEt st!di6. Fo. c,mpte DE]. (15) foad &,<br />

tlAT eorcs obtaircd from 50 pcople, lrjor b ordilg a drug md alalDl t@thenl<br />

pog@, cliably pcdi.l€d s@s ad f.jtE in th. pogm. Ats, H@n, Tmo,<br />

md weind, (16) admini$d€d ihar EAT io 9l spiMt paio pdtiats bcfoE h€arn nt od<br />

llctcd lhcir pmg6 for a yd. Thcy fobd rhn pstial! who bad ihptorrd by lh. end<br />

of the ye& hnd quirc difieenr HAT poflcs th6 paii.ol9 wno snostd rctolircly littte<br />

iDFor@dt. Itr UAT sho*rd rh4 b.foE !r,h€n! s@*frn pdj.al, felt norc in<br />

@nltol of their healo! h6ted docroF horc, md did rct beli€v. luc* afect d $en<br />

haltL HAT is cdF6.

SqL), &d @h $.lc ha 3 prelilc.od6 (Low, Archgc &d HigL), lhere e 3 @bcd<br />

G.eir - 27) or 27 posible tlAT prolile coddr 'nFs 2? pbfil€ @d4 e sru€tw.l itrlo<br />

6 clut s. ftey s. s follows:<br />

L Ddivatioro in Int€mal scal.s Sc6 (rcf.r.d b 6 'High l', 'SuF Hicl l', dd<br />

2. Ehvated rowitul Othd! Scd. se (.P'pofi'6)<br />

l. Eloded Chare scsL as (C'pbite$)<br />

4. El.vdr€d on two or 6oF scd6 ('lPc' pbfile)<br />

5. AU 5co6 fallins inro rhe avq.g. 6ee ('J@ Avmg€' prcfl*)<br />

6. All 5.oB frlling ifto th. low tuge OuI, plofl6)<br />

BEdl.y, d rl. (1990) develop.d th€ s.ale lor 'Pweiv.d Corrol of Tablet-TEa|.d<br />

DiabcriG'. nE !.d. hE I fa.r6 ibat ir p.@n l, ncdical ed situarion @nrol. tr is a<br />

titd hr?othdicsl cventr $ale wilh ?- point htines on ach iten vhich rc dif.rcnt<br />

for *h of de s6 iress Thc *sle h4 @nsliEl ad @ni.nr validiq !!d ils rtph!<br />

Eli.bility m8d fron 0,70 , 0.91 .<br />

Skwington 0990) deis.d rtr BGli.fin tdr Qu6tiomoiE d..]ing wilh I focros rh.t it<br />

ioLmlity, po*.rtuI doctoa ed che@. Rc@ch sho*ld tlat b€li.fs about t in<br />

@rdDl w 4 inlbr&nt ro @ roliog pain ed @nrol pa e. R.sulB indicated rh4<br />

h.lid3 aboqt @ftbning pai! @n6!onL! cloFly wirh noe geodst b.li.fs about

conr,euing heafth. This ssle cosistr of l5.iteh 6 point lge-disagec qu.slioMirc<br />

{i6 diddt @rcurcnt ard disinitut vdidity ed *ilh dpha Eliabilirt of 0.86 ard<br />

split-half reliability of 0,64.<br />

Stotlad & zmll (190) d4lop.d th. Di.rins B.iie8 Sc.le. tr is a noE @.nr<br />

exdinaiion of lcus of @.hol belids d they roy atrec1 *idl!]o$ goals /<br />

ebidcnal Stodard & ZumfFponcd o irLtrEl o$istacy @fici.fi for lhe to|3t<br />

16 item of 0.69, t4t.r€t€st reliab'lity (ov.r si* reks) !s 0.81 4d a the$feior<br />

ehrions, otr irt E l 6d ts cxt dls howd, iLft e ! nubcr of ices which<br />

load on moe thd onc fscld Daking ifl€ryet ion oflhe f&!or structu. a anpliet d<br />

aaner. It is lilely rhat the BDS $rle my b.ncfir tom rh. ilciuioD of moe itctu,<br />

desiSn d to Efl€cl th€ auiho/s multidineuion.l @@pt ofdieiine bcli€fs. co4iou &<br />

BEdl.y ( 1992) pap.rcd the Smotirg SFEific Locu of@nlrol scrle, 'Ihcy dflelop.d a<br />

rew sFcilic n€w of lm3 of conrol for @ting @sri@ @hpeirg it wirh<br />

Wslslon .t al,t (19?E) m6w in pEdiding c€rlai! soKns-elated b.haviots ed<br />

beliefs. nrc mking bcasw which s lbr $bsil6 &mo6tra1ed $p.rior @Brrucl<br />

vslidity aong a grcup ofsmoka, The $al. ss ulsul in havins a siSnili@r orhetu,<br />

sobsal. which nG6 to the mlc of ftiods, fdily dd si.ry s a w!ol. i! helpirg tic<br />

soker stop or pr€vcnting rhen ftoD doing so,<br />

Rob€n dd Ho 0996) deElopcd Halrh Licu of Conrot Scale for $c Aurtitid<br />

Aids H.iith k s of Contr.l Scslc G d€Elop.d by Mtrcn in lle t@ 2005. Th. $alc<br />

n6G rhe self cftca.y for s.tu $ruat p6cri6 dd tutue 1im. oriqlalio. oD<br />


pcdiclios of condom E. Th. study qdined lhe ElalioNhip h.tren sU eponed<br />

Itquenoy of @ndom ue (by s.lfor pdhcr duirs rhe pat six months ed li& dne).<br />

The sle is d*lop.d or Ati@ Ami@ @lleg. slud.nts who v@ qully &lir<br />

durinl the pasl y.&. Tne mpL includ.d both me 6rd womd; rhe mcd ase of lhe<br />

sMple v8 2l.l y6, Mulddim@io.al B.rlh t cu of ConEol icd wnicn wa!<br />

cosid.rcd sjlablc for lhe w w.F (h€ p6n ofrhe Aid Ecalth Los ofconlrol.<br />

work r.l.t.d Lcu of Co rut M*u6:<br />

Thc WLOC @ r!.ci6cally adlpr€d by Ouih, €t al. (1969) d! eale m6us<br />

'PceD"l Coftol, i... F@ivcd feliDg oJ Fsn l @d.ol ovr wh.t happos in life<br />

(Guin, cuin, Lao, & Baii., 1969)'; cuin, snd Modison (1978), ard ra€Mn<br />

0 98 D for thh rcsgch to qploe f€elirg! about onlrol ov.r *ort life, s $e abihy lo<br />

l.m &d adapt to dif.Enl situ.rioE is f.lt 10 be aflccld by l@E of @nnot. Thc<br />

WLOC contaiu 7l qustios orSejzd otr a fiv€ lDirr Likdt scal€. Thc ii.ns ref€r lo<br />

i$6 of ortrol a ihey Gbr.d ro fat, eftlcnts luclq posqftl oilB, dd gad.r<br />

disriniedon. Coftnr v.lidity ofth. itms wq .slaSlish.d by sd Cui! ct d, (1969 &<br />

1978) and LacMn (1981). 'nr. WLOC is divided inlo rwo *pmL eales, intetul-<br />

.xl.ml (I'E *d.) .d g.!dq distuiMrios. The 3r -i!o! tom rhc ilrcdlt€d.h'l<br />

dim€nsior E r.knt lh. @rccphbl gnupings of posatul oth6, pcreMt conlrol,<br />

toliticd @ftol, ed @ntrol id@losf, qpl.ining 39.3% of thc total vdi.@ ed baving<br />

o Conbacbt alphi cocffici.nr of .8?. The I s.nd€r di$inidtior sel. corobr. of 19-<br />

il.m! lhrl fa.iof into hili&rcy or .olldtivc action, systch btme, individurl bl@c,

iadividual etioa &d disinirrrio! nodifiabilit, erplainins 5l% ofth€ ro&l vdime<br />

dd baving Corben\ alph! c@lfcidr of -66.<br />

Monlog tud CoMey (1987) dd€lop€d ric'Drivd Id.nrlig ed Drivei Exlftaliry<br />

Scals both of whic! show cl@ ed pr.dicLd eFlatios Mth a@idenb. Thc drivcr<br />

inlena.lity qks has l6-iicffi wl@s the dt halig eal€s hd 14 it€ns, Th. GspoN<br />

pltlen b 6 poi scde Aon 'a8r.e' to diegG'. fte oddplc @elatioB be$6 rte<br />

tw driving s..16 snd thc dichotonoB dilldd ofirrcld.nr vtu mr involvmor<br />

in falal driving @idents is 0.38.<br />

,06 aad Vu.lta, on the bsis of ibe lt*dh vnicb shovld th,t h&@lig 6<br />

poninenr ir tn. saf.ty coscioB D@pL in indulrial mployncnr s such JoB dd<br />

Welbker (1985) dev€lop€d. l7-i&ns 'Safety Locu of Contol Scale'. Out of the 17-<br />

itds |}d @ l0 DNilg 6c c{lqnlity ad ? vnich E€G lhe ifimdirt. IlE<br />

scale h8d bc@ daiened to pndict @ploy@s who likely ro sulld wilh aai&nk dd<br />

injui6, The 6po@ pqtrcm is 6 poirr s.le st.1i!g &om ae@' to .di!.8rce',<br />

Eliability oflhc t6t is 0.85. 11 hs a eiqiotr Elar.d vdidiry ed md@ only ! sirgte<br />

factor that is how fd th. chd.B of d individud e io involvc in the ursafe ars. Jon s<br />

!d w@bkd 0986) tro&d thlt sdcty oscioq itrdividuds *.rc nore ilicnEl in d€n<br />

bclieG- nE NOos.l$ us.d tlE (sr cponing) ce hisiory dc6o

patren of 7 point $ale $ding ftom .agE, to diee@'. The scate d€ak a fou f&rot<br />

salcnre (Inr.6.t, Choe, Erllmrl &d ?ow.' ro orbeE). 'It. eal. h6 a sdsferory<br />

EliaSility i.., ripi! 0-78, i..l .et6r 0-86 and is Mlid in @ocml ald crircrio! sp€l'<br />

n'e denognphic oftlalcs ofth.l@u ofco rol beli€f! w.re particll&ly inter6ting<br />

for a nmhd of !!ec ald n w$ rhc checc @ronic t@B of @nEol b.licf (hr m(<br />

cltuly diff@fiiar€d betw, Oe wious d.mogalhic gmups (Aee, Scx, Edusrion<br />

.ic.), Validalion otth€ *d. hs bd previdcd by vandd.4 Vmjct.rk &d poltas<br />

(1987). r&.va O90) fouod rtst i'rqnsk on rlis $d. shoved rough dindedlB<br />

wh@6 atedsls supron d tctrda nindcd oplions.<br />

A'wo* L#q of CrD[ol S.tlc'rc dd.loped by Spetor (t988), Il j! I lcirem<br />

mea@, which uq . 6 point UkEd salc r48ir8 fon .Dis.gE v€ry much' lo .Ag@<br />

vciy Muh'. Ar .xdpl€ of ilm is:<br />

"A job is wnar you make of i1"<br />

High $6 e irdic.tiE of hirh lc!€ls of .tnt mal les of Coairot'. Th. @fficien(<br />

dpha w4 0,?7. The sale hai bcd validal.d on sudorrs ioh 6 buines Edninisralioo<br />

and i(lustrial psychology pre8rus. HovcE th@ i6 linte €vido@ so far for<br />

p[rdidiE q @atur vdidi9 .of rlc $d!. TncE HaiE atd Eltior 09E9) d*lo!.d<br />

Cui6 LeB of Conhol S.ale wi$ l&irchs 4d having a r€spo$e oode of t@ md<br />

f.l$'. Itr KudcFtuc.beho! rlialniq ofrh. &sr is 0.84 -0,89. rlc t6r hs ! @6fucl<br />

&d prdictivc validily, Ioijob srch h.haviou doog @[.g. snioB dd lh. setecdoi<br />

of a 'Major 4d 6i* $pie ue modg @lrcs€ juioB. wlcs (speror, 1988) is .<br />

lcicm iBElent Ir is a do@i! s!@ific lsu of Co.trol *ole.dt h8. @@tarion<br />


fon 0.502-0,55 with gen ral L@u ofconi.ol, The fo@r is 6 poirl s6t. mging frod<br />

bghly disasE. to ase very Duch. IlE saL sos in thc sm ofatl it @ @y tuge<br />

ftoh 16 ro 96, The sc..l€ @Fs in rhe Damr rilr qtcdEls obtai!.d hish *or.r. Ib<br />

irrsrd @qis!.ncy is 0.80 ro 0,85. T6t Gliabiliq/ rpon d by Bond ard Bll@ (200t)<br />

is 0.57, wh@6, by Mayole (1995) it ta h€n rcported s 0,60.<br />

Fhnan! Sadk rnd Blwb (1991) d*top.d e .Oeularional Afi,ibulion l Styl€<br />

Qu6liomiE' (OASQ) tha! ws dqisncd to s6s ho* d p!,son M.s causd<br />

aiLibutios for @dpadoml o!!coG. 11!. OASQ is cxc.plio.at ihli n deib.s<br />

hpolhetica.l qenG s,trich s. specificdly etaied to work eni!$. Itrc OASe h<br />

o6uirS 9 dinctuio$ of b.ti.fs $oM b tlE ir&nal rctial,iliry_ ArEiburioE foi<br />

politiv. evenB, nrhq thd n gariv€ *nr had b@ found ro be sigitiddy corcldr.d<br />

with d.nosEphic vdiabts sch s @up.tional slaru &d $lary, at$ job etisfaction<br />

anl @liBliod, OASQ rcFeetrls a nov. to@

havc with thm; the level of FAotuibiliry th.y hare in rhe orgeiafion, dd $ fo h.<br />

Subjall @ io 6te 0E 28-ircms on . 5-point self,report srt. jn Likerr fom! wirh<br />

hjgh.r $oB itrdicaljrS i @l LOG.<br />

Locur of Coltrol M€aruB Dweloped for Specifrc pulposer<br />

1!@ h.ve b@ vdios l@6 of @rd et6 dcElop.d for a speific pu4D$ or<br />

l!ffh Fojere (Funhus dd sr.lc, 199r. ne* r.lca e ofta .on .ofis,<br />

dcvelopd ro tesr a sp€cific hy?orlHis, adcquarcty bLt ml lrloNughly psycnometri@lty<br />

Lslld 4d 6&iy us.d ag.in.<br />

I'lE Dclt Quenio@ic (Dml, l98o) @nlists of 24 .rtu-f?nF" ilms of $nd.h 14<br />

costituG ile Locs of Cootrol (LOG) s.t. nd tGirm (rhe Lie contot sql.) for<br />

latirg siol ddinbiliq. TIF nqinM tobl sF on tn LOc s.lc is 14 pojn6: 0E<br />

Li. scal. is 10. A tigh sac @ the LOG e.l. indi@ra o.tdtst to@ of @ftd ar

trenty il@ lo b. rcsponded oo. fiv€ poinr Liken $ale @ging ftom silongty disagee<br />

to slenely r9!.. The ag. uiERl $d. hrs b€n Fpoa.d 6 atph. cliabiliry<br />

@emcient s hjgh d thoe in inirbsic dd extrisic subscate a.lph6 of0.6? &d 0,7],<br />

ard n hlt rle iolDnant adv&r.gc ofbciry suilsbte fd hid *[6t .8. studql'<br />

Millcr, Lefoun & we (1983)lel ou1to dewlop ed to rcsl the Mitla MdiLt t cs of<br />

Con[ol Scale wbich E ddigned spaiticdty ro eidjne pac?iio$ of $a6 .nd<br />

failw in ndiirl El.rioBhip, Tn be6w is rclat€d to mdiial satisflclior ard the<br />

prebld elvils Gxpaio6 of@pl6 (Seoto & Spicscl, 1987).<br />

Tde (1985) d.vcloped d Acadenic tsB of Conlrot Sc.te for se wirh @Ucge<br />

stu'.'re se arclcd dEt rh. widc ae€ of rtc @ ddi*d by ctudal e1 al ( r 965)<br />

io mcd@ school chndra s lE@plios of th€n conlrol in a.hievemenl ed ead€nic<br />

siudoa rcdd sugsd ir eieh b. sdtsnik b dw€lop a !t@w for @ltcsc<br />

stud.nB, IIF 28-iLn rtu€,fals. que$iomaiE ws validared on tlo 8iolps md eme<br />

{dbcn s€b .vidcne rc previdcd fo. ic @ncrent &d predjcriw vdidiry. R@ ed<br />

Medwy (1981) dcveloFd. $d. to nc6@ tqch.c' betiefs in th. coflrol ovd<br />

stud. ourcoG. Th€n n@w wbicn boc &rt sfikirg lito6r to tlE origin t ltoft.r<br />

(1966) $aie shovld 0E1 rhi5 *.te &tudty pEdicrd ftsh@,b.hayio6 in rhe<br />

clasoi! including lh€n wifinSn ss ro addpt rs ustru.rwd techniqu€s following<br />

ii-$ryi@ tnining, Cdpb, LtE& & pr. i@,Lu@ (19S6).lcv.toFd a F5t. to<br />

n€4@ .o .ol beliefs conedine tlE paEnrirg ofelcme ary school chndro whioh<br />

had imt[Bivc Eli.bilaty or fv. factoB: !.@bt etF@y. p.rcd.r Gp@,ibitiy, chitd<br />

@nt!l, fare or che4, ed petrtrj onrrot,<br />


A 2Gith qu6rioMiE 8 daiscd by kBtlssu ald BLctlod in t9E. 'IlE 16r<br />

.ncr the nde of rhe dereloF6 ha b€en ided 6 L\e L..ford t$lof reMl locu of<br />

@neol, it *a pilol tesled ro n6r !e@r tocE of @dret. The it€6 wc inspiEt by<br />

Rond'3 tE Scdc ard rh. hoBirg lirdanlc, tntcrn l @sii.ncy ard fa y hiSh<br />

Eliability hd be{ dmonstat d ovs tinc. A princip.l @Dlbnenl f&!or a!.lysis of<br />

Leford td of r.mr l@u of 6neot it arif.d Ue fado6 rhar ,@ulcd for 46 % of<br />

th. vdiets; syst n @ntol, pow€rtul oth4 md p€EoBtly control. Th! L.aford test<br />

w foud 10 b. Dositirely rclaEd wii! Ron r's rE SeL (p < o.ot) with rhc hosing<br />

s isr&tion ind* ud riLt aU lpe'fc h$ing stisf&rion sc.les (! < 0.0Dj $e<br />

Elationshjp w rcgdtiE with .M@gmdr Strictn*' ed .Fed of Eviciior'. Eouing<br />

etisfa.tior s..16 9w EgtB€d or ro th. leford 16r &d on ro tn. hoBirg<br />

sdlisf&lion indox. b both 6es reiehboB, hMgener .npalhy, &d mmgenent<br />

irictn6s erg.d 3 vdiabl6.<br />

Rouds & Edall (1988) ser out to dcvelop a ilee"factor Nuclk Lrcu of Conlbl<br />

Scd. @Ninetcd ro .l:c6 b.li.fs lbout nuclc& 9E ed nrcl@ poticy delsioB G or<br />

cd bc inflMc.d by one$lf Gysrem conlroll poserrll orhm or cbecc frclois. Th.<br />

l4.itcm qudoMic m v.lidated o! Fsly 5OO str]dcnl' with goo

Ole ol dtc fd attempb io inE duce th. @rccpt i!1o cnvirommt t psychology m<br />

Evald i! k Bllsru, Elftklod & wtieltt (1988) atlmpl lo d*lop ! Tmr<br />

los ofconbol Scale, lni5 20-i!tu r. w6 brs.d on Rotrdt saL ed vatidsled on<br />

9l sin8l."pd fdole tcmll. Tn &si {nich m sho$ ro h.ve fou qujie .16<br />

fa.io6 hld 8ood coffil .rd tulrEt v.lidiry_ The aldDB nor.d thd l.Ml l{)s<br />

of@olrol cd b. both dd erc.ddt ed e outconc of hoNing salijf.ction ed tnu<br />

sdd be both indeFndoi and dep€nddt h*w in Es.eh,<br />

Spon5 psychologirt3 havc als b.en .ag.r to d.v.lop spork sFcilic m6ws.<br />

Toebqm, F6t & WdnSan n (1984) d*toped e drEiburional siyle i$tnmenr to<br />

n.as@ &hjcMdt ir spois. McaMdy & tn g (1985) d.ldopcd ! t!@<br />

dimeuional l8-il€D Ex.6i* Objeciiv* looN of Corhol Scal€, whilc Mirehe{d &<br />

Colbin (1988) d.veloped ile dngle Fi6sl l@N of@nttul *sle. Bolh have atlracled<br />

a qrln dowt oI andrion i! $al sp@ialbr @ (Dogsis 'me@nljs & Bagiarir<br />

199D.<br />

Pdrel & Co6dd 0990) h.v. @nrty d€v.to!.d a Dddriotr ta of Cjnrol s3l.<br />

for ue in studyins Sou$ Ati6 polirical pdsons ThG Epeob a fairly nov€l dd<br />

inagin riv. lpplication of rh. los of @nhot concpl ro $ciopolidcd phdomm.<br />

FurfiM (l9l) dd.lo!.d r PNrrrl L@G of Codrol Scrl. vhich B d.v.lop€d ro<br />

asss tne extdl !o which p@nrs of childen (of att agd) bclieved Ury lbmslves,<br />

powerfd oltr6 {e.9 reac,h.F, medis paemtiriB, potiticiu), or chde / luct hdo6<br />

to bare @ot l os fieir chil.lr€n! C@Et d*l@ddr Vdbu doognphic f&!ois,<br />

such a 3a and 08., w@ foud to have 4wi.iion wirb locw of @nL!l belief!.<br />


A Leu of Contlol Scdle ro m6w Th. EnrepEne@hip TEits in rhc R6sid<br />

R.plblic m dcvelop€d by X.uolml w.hh 6d Buhmin (195). By all a@uts or<br />

@h!"1, polilicsl, wial, a.d @loDic trolt th! RNi& R.plblic Fpen|s a @urry<br />

in tsnion. ihk 0992) h6 de$ribed $is !r"e of oviom.nl s onc whec rhe* is<br />

@Bideduc defolmrio!.I c!69€, *tt@ lh. D,gritud. of chage erl!$ti a bal<br />

dbedomer of rdditional b.bavitr, dFclrtiotu, arxl rhcorid in favor of @plercly<br />

w atenEtivs or itrovaiioN. P@lirioGr wo* in ibis d€s hs b€.r popddized<br />

mdd th€ slog& of lrEdism shitu" (Ba*c, 199). Mwh .ttetrtior ha bcn siq i.<br />

the topuld pEs! ro sucn dmati€ ch&96 od chdleng.s f&iry th€ ns oirepeneus<br />

If $€y e lo sueeed, e FpHes ftur be uderslood, enomg.4 and nu!tuEd.<br />

Inde4 Ibe suc6 of dr @utrt\ snoBic Eslrucluiog cfiorts da.n& b@vily on<br />

lhc $Gs ed nunuing of bu

MoG @d, silutior spainc ad mulddiddsionat SLCS contaiB f€w iros dd ns<br />

validiry is l6s ldenuled by social dsinbiliry, The uefuli6s of lhis scate hs bee.<br />

hiShly app@i.tcd by rhc bEilB smuiry ard @.!dilc sto6.<br />

Flidrl Srfety Rclatcd Locus of Control Scde w6 develop.d by nucr (2002). As.<br />

dtl€r orfad & qjnirs 1@B ofonnol $tL ha becn nodiE€d to plc thc itebs in<br />

avia$on 6nlqi Intmality &d .xr€m.lity sub€cals wG cealed dd aNrrlcr vatidiry<br />

wa s6s€d by @rclatins th. rub$al€s wilh me3sws of Bisnarior &d involrenent<br />

in h.adow lvhjon d€nls which $prDrr.d rhc @nstu t v.tidiry of srl.. I1E s.at.<br />

nidi be employ.d 6 a eU aw4e6s q.eie for piloB or ! @vdiai. in &eaoh<br />

inBog.lilg il& cf.d of olhd faar6 @ cid.d inwtm.r<br />

In the se @otcxt, Jceph and Cm.sh (2005) developed o avialion ssfcty locu! of<br />

6ntol 1o speificdly ad&s rbc msrrer of inretut dd aiaEl t@s of @n!!l<br />

oons pilols. Ar.xtenal locur of conrol ba b@ asciatcd with Bignation dd d<br />

ili.nul l@s of @irol si$ l.€r involvcdor in !,adoB aviatior .v6|' Sepetc<br />

i .rn l, q&nEl .rd @nbid.d s6 ]la gc|:dld nle rhc ird 6poNs and *c<br />

idrtically ealyz.d ad ther. wd a sisnificdlly hieher inr.ndl LOC .vidot rld lhe<br />

Kongsonpon& Pariemn & GF4 (2003) dcvdoped a LocB of conrrol io h€6w rbc<br />

Seial innene in fie Bnyirg Deinoa Thb 6Eu.r ba bcn p6btar.d ro efl6r lhc<br />

doml of s@ial io0ua€e th.t co6ulr@ qr.nen@ in th. buyine d.cision pme$,<br />

The sudy rcpsdts a fo@.| ddiEiion of ihis Gsenion ir a crcsr mrion l *tiin8,<br />

Th. 6$lll show rh.r @I)SMG for E st Alie @ erivisl @ut i€ .xhibit DoE

cxt.hal locu of conhol teoddci€s dm @nsm6 lor typical individudisr coulries.<br />

The latrer smup dnibit {t . grsrer d.8E of inldrl IeE of 6d.ot in buyirs<br />

sil@lions, lunhd, n hd bs found thar coshen in @lldtiyisr @uLiq e noe<br />

Fspo6ive 10 sial innrcn@ in a br?odaical buying silulio!. Mmsqid<br />

impliqtios ofde otrrcoo6 ofGrtts nav. .l$ ber di$us!.d in the sludy.<br />

IhoI6, Kathy dd vacs (2006) dev.loFd rhe Al@hol Relskd Cod t cs of<br />

conEol s..k (AGLoc). conaol b.lica ald ainoality agpca to be ihporr.nt fi.!o6<br />

in lwre.y fiom alcoholbm. ltoywer, th. intcgFtion of lh6e two co!.rrucb h6<br />

@iv.d lito. attqtion, ed thc elarioMhip of spintualy Fla&d @ftot b.liefs 10<br />

'arcry<br />

maia lrcld. Cllhdy m n6@ din to spdificdly lsw d*<br />

beliefs, To addr.ls this Ned, rh. Aconol-R€lated Cod LrcN of Conrol sek (ACLOC)<br />

wa derclop.d. This l2-il€m elf-eFn nldw ass pc.prjm of Cod4tidd<br />

PM's rc|. in !@v.ry fiod d@holis, Tbe ACLOC vs adnili.r.Ed ro 144<br />

rccokring .l@holics arkndinS Al@ho[G Anonynous @rings,<br />

ExploEtory ta.tor aldysis yi.ld.d a tFfeto. $lutioa wirh ore fa.br Etd.d ro<br />

4lributions of Cod ornrcl ov€r inirial csetion of drinkiog (Cdsarion) .nd rlrc oth€r<br />

facld Elaicd to liidbudoE of cod 6rrrol ov.r oe's @Drinue

with i enal drinking-€lat d sG md v@ no1 a@'.t d with spiiihd ihporta.cc<br />

or fEqumcy of spiribal practice. Firdings suppod ihe uiiliry of lhis inslluehr for $e<br />

lss.$ol of d@bol-Elated Go

oI th.ir .ontol in scbicv.ment dd acstlmic airuatioru, As su.h it m wonhwhile !o<br />

derclop a b6@ fo. @lLge shdmls. Th. 2&itqn iru..fdF qu6lio@ic ws<br />

vdidal.d on two gbups &d th.c e e@.vi&n6 &. ir! @ncilmr ond ptldhiE<br />

qlidily.<br />

Rodd & Medway (1981) dcveloped a *.L lo n4w reachc6' beti€fi in tn.f co rol<br />

oq s.tud.lt outone 'Tehd tec of Conr$t S€ate,. Tb.ir mclsw stich b moE<br />

a driking likercs 10 thc orisinnl Rottq (1966) sale sho*ld that $n sal..ctually<br />

pEdi.i.d &!.h6' b€h.viots in th€ closoh, includilg rlcjr witlingn€s ro !d!pt ns<br />

unstEtu d rdhriqud follo*iDg in wie EddIs.<br />

Row& &d Erdrhl (1988) er out to ddcloD a rbe-factor .Nucl.e L@s of Conl,ol<br />

Sc5l.'. Thc s.les is @ut ucted b @s b.licfs about whedu r@ld w ed Drcl@<br />

polic, deisioN @ or 6 be innuefted by on*lfcysl@ @l6t), po*dnn orhcB u<br />

che. f.do6. nrc l5-il''m qu61io@ie ws vatidated on n dly 5OO sllrdcD$ with<br />

good @nclllMr &d co$lrucr ralidiry. Oe iftFnidg featw b di$ ws of l]]e<br />

atp..tue of c.d&dr of tlr $3L tr!.

ti Btlsu. Bl&ldod & wliel's (1988) Tcfut L&c of Cortml Scd., . 2Gitsr<br />

lesl b bas.d on th€ Rotier $.le dd validlte.l on 9l sinSle-pMt f€nale tcMr!. The<br />

las! which is shoM to h.v. foE quire d6 faclos, bad eood orcumr &d @sElcr<br />

validity. nr luthos noLd thal tcmt l@B ofconrDl @ b. boll a st cldd dd d<br />

oulconc of housing etbfetion &d $us @uld b€ borh d indep€ndol dd / or<br />

d€ted.nr B6w in B@h.<br />

Mcc@dy a tds (1985) Exdie Obje.tiws L(s of cotuol ws d.vclopcd in the<br />

6eld of spons dd thyeicd ex@iF. Spois psychologins have also b@n ogd to<br />

derclop slorrs-sp.ci6c e..slB. Itrii s.!t. h a rhG-diDasiotr,l l8-icm E @ie<br />

OUjecijv$ lo.N ol contol $d€ which aracr€d cstlin uout of arcotion in tnat<br />

chug, Yd Y,, ud Chco! G, Dirg e002) dacloped a mutlidim.sio.rt | 2-ir.d SaLs<br />

Locu or CoD[ol scale (SLCS) for e ir Flling @niexl and @hretr and vcrified thcir<br />

fndirss wilh 86aal l@B of orrol (Loc) $,16. Itrc tbE flctoE fo. rh. SLCS @<br />

irled.l coitrol, chdcc ard innwn€ of po*rfrn orhc6. A drephe d\*lopmot<br />

pmc*s w6 u$d, drawing epondeors frcm 10. Taiwede i6ue@ @mpdi€s<br />

involving a ioirl of 265 sd€.p€de R.lialilig and v.lidily of Ihc n w $dc @<br />

alfimed. Findiags .lso su88dt rh€ di.non v.tidiri* oflhc SLCS e Socnlty b.tkr<br />

lbm lhe gcrcraliz.d LOC lcals in etuining sd.s Fople.<br />


Ct|pt F!<br />


Tnc t!s.h itr qBlid s deigncd b &cmiE tt ELli@hip of pdddiry Esits<br />

of i .h.lly ed dt m.ll, @nrrelLd Palkrdi snrdors p6f.sors, d4uiv€s and<br />

polilicisr of both eddd, Th. followinS p.'lomliry v&iau.r wF n6uedl<br />

l. Adi.ttdd Moriv.lid<br />

4. Exlrav€ision v/s NcNticis<br />

6, Or86iatioml ComidMt<br />

It w . sbdy of Fychological laits.!d lhcn Fr.tios$iF rnoDg th€ psychotogical<br />

wiau6 bolh witbi! &d b.**q ri. !opl6 of inr.nrtty ald dten ly ori6t d<br />

snrdot!, profse6, q6utiv€s &d polilici@ ofbod rhe g€Irdes,<br />


To pd inlo details, folloeing hyporhcs \@ mad.:<br />

l) Majodty ofthe Mpl. is ULly ro hll in th. c.t 8ory ofinrdEls.<br />

2) 'Il€rc will b€ a sienift dt clatiorohip between'LeN ofcortrol'dd trle<br />

A' in m.les ald fdd6 ot diffeEni grcups (i.e. sM€nrs, pmle$o6,<br />

decutiva dd poliiicitu).<br />

3) Irrft wiu be a dgDifi@t r.laiioship bctwc.n L@6 of Control ed<br />

'Achjameni Motivation mons hal6 ald fmala of djtr@t srcups (i.e.<br />

stulents, pmf€sE, q@tiv6 md politicis).<br />

4) Th@ wiU bc a signj66t GLrtioEhip b.t*@ tru of Cortrot ard<br />

'Extrw4io!' dols nal6 .rd f.tule of difcMt sro'4s Gs studc.rs,<br />

pofe$s, d@riv6 .rd politicies).<br />

5) IrE qin b. . siilist El.tioBhip b.tvq LeB of Conriol' and<br />

'N.Wt cis' @ons malcs &d fd.l6 of difred srcuF G... stude s,<br />

pnf6sc, dsutis &d pohicid),<br />

6) nr@ {ill b. a signift dl ELrtioship b.tw€.n 'Laus oI Conlrol' 6d<br />

'Pot€s&nt Vork Vslq' Mone m6i.6 ed f.nales of difffit grups (i€.<br />

SiuddL, prcf€son, qecutives dd politicisd).<br />

7) Tlee wiU b€ a significmi rchtioahip bcMeen 'L@B of Co rol ed<br />

'Catholic Work V.lq' dong mal4 sd f.ml.s of ditfeml eoups (i.e.<br />

Stud€nls, plofcs6, dccutiv.s &d toliticia).

8) 'nr wiu b. a sisnifi@t EhrioBhip bcr$€q .teB of Coittll. od<br />

'Orseizlioel Comith€nl. mons tu16 ed f€nalca of ditrqcnr srouDs<br />

(i,a pref6$s, deurivA ed loljticis).<br />

9) TheE will b€ a signifihl r.l.riooship b.twen .Lrcu of Connol, od<br />

'Aulhorii.tiv€ L€deEhip Srytc' @o.g majd .rd fqnatB of dif@<br />

grclps (i.s. pofes$B, cxcutiv.s rnd politicjs).<br />

l0) IrEE will be a sigrifiMt Fbrioship b.r*@ .Les of Conl,of dd<br />

'Panicipativ. Leadqship Stte' mong oal$ dd femal.s ofditreent gbups<br />

(i,., pDf.$rs, emtB ed potiijcim}<br />

I l) TheE vill b€ a significant €lslionship b€tween .L@s of controt' dd .F@<br />

R.b LcaLFhip Styla' dorS orle @d f@.1$ of djf.E!!r gbups (i.c.<br />

prcf6soB,cxeculiv*ddpolitici6s).<br />

12) Ir@ eill be a siglifar s.ndo diffddc.s on Les of Contrel moog<br />

diffde sroups (i.e. studdts, pDfesos, qautiv6 ad potiticiN)<br />

13) nr@ will be a signift@r scldd diff€lllB on .Tr!. A, sr.t. Mong<br />

vdiou grcups (i.e. studcnrs, prcIesof, d€cutives &d poljlicitur.<br />

14) ntft will b. a sig'ifiod god.r difem6 on .Exrav6ior' Scrlc mons<br />

vaioN Soups (i.€. srudenq pofesss, execuriv.s ed poljlicia6).<br />

t5)TLw will b. ! siilidt ed.Lr dilT€&@ on .Ne@ddh, Scal. mole<br />

v&ios grolps (i.e. sl!d.m, Fo&se6, €xsuiiv6 dd poliricies).<br />

l6)Ir'.rc will b. a sisnincaDr e.nd{ ditreEn@s otr .AurtFribriv. t &t ship<br />

Siyle' uone veiou goups (i.€. profqe6, execurives &d poliii.i@).

l?)fts€ will be a significei gdder difre!€n€s oo .Parlicipariv. Lead€Bhip<br />

Styl. bory v&io6 srouF (i... piofess, *ecuriv.r and polithim).<br />

18)ft@ riu be a sisoifi@t s@dr difl@nq on .IE plin lqdnship<br />

Styl.' Mong veiou grcup6 (i,e, F of.sss, ex.cutives ed politicis),<br />

l9)Ih@ wiU be . si8'i66t diffme 6 d cless of Fpulatioi m tec of<br />

Contol mong v&ioN gups of poputarion (i,e. stld€nb, pofeso6,<br />

.x@utiv.s &d politi.im).<br />

20)ft.c sill be ! siifi@t dif.@e d a clN of popltarion on .TtF A<br />

mong vEious grcups ofpopdation (i... studaB, prcfes$d, lxdunG eo<br />

21) IrFF eil be . signi6@r difrcne s . clas of populati@ on<br />

'Achi.vm€nl Motivarion' mons vsiou sreups of populatior (i.c. studenrs,<br />

pof.ss, ex@utivB md politici6).<br />

22) ThcE will be a si8dn@r ditr.Me 6 a cl.s5 of populaiion on protAtdt<br />

work vrlB mong vrbs 8rcups ofpoluladon (i.e. sru.!en6, Fofes6,<br />

qdutvd dd loliricitu).<br />

23)ThcE *ill be a si8nifi@i difiden@ s a dN of populaiioi otr Catolic<br />

Worl VolG amng veiou greups of poputation (i.c. slud€nr, pefessq<br />

ex@uti!6 dd Dolitici4).<br />

24)ThcF qill b€ a signifi@t diif@ne s a ctss of population o,<br />

'Audo rlirc L..d.ahip Slyt..dons wioB grcuF G,., prefsos,<br />

executives ed polilicis).<br />


25)T1FE will be r sisnifi@t dif.Me N , cls of popularion o!<br />

'P.nicipadv. L.ad.snip Sryl.'mong vdioue lroups (i.e. pot son,<br />

cxecutivo ed polirici4).<br />

26) Tlt@ *iU b. a si8rin@r diff.M@ s a cla$ of populatior or .Fe Rcin<br />

L..dqship Style' oong wiour !rcups (i,.. pofeso6, €x@tiv6 ed<br />

Alsdn@t of P6or.lirt Tnftr<br />

we s thc hllfu b€in8s h.ve ! le @y of cvaluating $e peMnrtrty of a pqson; w<br />

e intaa.ting wirh.rd ou cl.is of h.vitrg uddcGiood thlr Fu<br />

iDvotv6 n kilg<br />

som tild oI pEdictior about him. W. h.vc no eidtific or syslemtic bsis for ou<br />

dalBlioN bul w @ntinu. lo do so virholr conplerc asd.ncs ed makinS infcrenes<br />

abori rh.ir Ftunsliris D.cl, otr lle bsb of ou ob*ddioL Tn@ haE ba @y<br />

psrrholo8bG who hwc di$Ned rh. @ncept of doeloling F@n.lity<br />

conslrucrtth.ori4 aboul @lny $ilich dEy led to nalc oe out of *nal happec to<br />

lhh in orda 1o ud€ctlad endc" D.F!.lity. (Allpon t937, Kctty l9j5) K.Iy<br />

b€liev.! rhlt n is res.ry to uddlard $cir individual phonally @nsftct syn€m,<br />

Ae{]w ihe innua€ &d corclBio6 in gen Et w n kc abour othe lEopte are<br />

Iovm, t@ly leientifc ohsddiG ed lare m fo@.t t sis ro inr.rpcr or<br />

snaltz ihis info@tion. On th. snrrry, pcy.hologists &v.lop fomDl dd sysr.malic<br />

wys, fouow vdiou stcts, c.rry out ttu p@6! ftr a sufficiat lolg iioe dd go<br />

tmugh. gig&tic lal of dc!.loping d objetiE eli&t. ad valid tesr lo get lbe<br />


The l€m "A$*senr'8f.6 to t6-t or f@us to Ee?M. rhc chamcr.ristie of a p€opl.<br />

ed to msw is specific qucstioB abod $h. Assm.nt is m aid b makins decnion<br />

b.hiad Ihjr .ppDlch C rb€ @napt io dclqniE rh€, 'Intividu:l DiftlltB' an4' T6il<br />

Psychology', which Nmc lh.t on ofde b.F1my is !o ddcribe the differctus mong<br />

individuals and lo n*w th.L srrengdis ard e.ahrtss wilh 6pet to veioE !.6irs<br />

oi psychologic.l .r\'dbutcs swh c irclligqe, self{nae, dEdv€Eion, depBion,<br />

social diely, loving sryle, nNisiM, ag@.blen€s,.tc. StiU othe. nqu.s foos on<br />

diaglGing pslthological dierd.F or t ltins p6pL d.cidc otr pcsibl. cam &d<br />

s@ing applicdts tur dif.mt jobs. Ths d. cl{$t appr@h io ih. sludy of<br />

Flenaliiy iovolv.s to cqi. i61 or 1o vdi.laL th. *islirg !.si5, Oui of thc whole lol of<br />

prtrhologi$ n i5 dour 9l% of all lh. peticing psycholosist (€a.hing, lEgrcll<br />

ouMling, Suidece, psydDthcary, Fletio4 llmittncni, plMenl or my orh.r<br />

pdtie) & 6s.a.d in {l!$ot /n.ffidt of pceDlity of p6pl. (w.rlitu -<br />

1991, Va&ia ct al- 1995).<br />

Thc disarfttion ir F0e.&d ir difi.@r ryP6 of Fychom.tric r6t5 whicn tlE ben<br />

ddilcd Aom p@nality Lr6ri.s. Illft d. rm rr?es ne.ly "Ih. Notulive T.sl,,<br />

ud lpstiv. Tcsis". "I! Nor@riye T6r" N ih6e which @ b€ us€d to @mpa€ on<br />

individual wilh olnd r@pl.. Th* gF oflBrs sive Esullg @ slrldad *at6 wnich<br />

N th€o @mpd.d with labl6 ofpopulaiioB noms povid.d in the lst mdult to give<br />

thc tcsEr e idq of how typiclt th@ pdpLt Esults e. Or rhe ofid hdd ..bsatirc<br />

T6L d€ thos vhi€h @ u.d to p@id. d€tailed infomadon abod emotu's om<br />

individ!.1 pdsondity sttute. ftey do this by looking wnicn chd!.teristis dc<br />


$Mgen or esk6I ia a tE@n brn @r in a My rhar rllow @mpoii$n widr othd<br />

llowev.., prior to u. rh. tcat, rhe inv.stgalor snolkl uddsrard the th@rclicrl<br />

ondbtion of tnc Ests / lr&licil @sidcariotu, the appoprilreas ed the<br />

sladardiatior wpl., tlE ad.qwy of irs Eliabiliy ud vaudity. Th. hehfin<br />

dscripliotr and Bi.s rbal cl.tc ro lL4 is6 @ bc found jn .T.srs in prin! (for<br />

caah caLndd yd or in lne p@cdins y@), T61 C.itiqG, (Kcr.* aDd Sq!.rted,<br />

1985), 'A @nFlhcaive RefdcM for AssMt in psycholoSy, Edqrion ad<br />

B6ir6c (sw.crlaad ard K.ys, l99l) or .Jouo.t of p@n liry,, .roumd of<br />

PNn lity Assndf or 'JoudDl of P@Elity ,nd S@iaI psycholo$,', cic,<br />

!o Ois ceb dG E$@!d ed lLe qalira{E rcchliqE b.cae {EG @ em.<br />

advmlagcs, For exMple, q@dtltive iNrm6t! such 6 s5l€i bcilg us.d in lhis<br />

re@h or in dy olh.r sndy ttt.leg dh. to adoi.ir.r. In ldditiol! n is lh. bql<br />

wy to 6.b1. o!. to @mplct thc study i! the gih lim.. Bailcy (196) ed Ssi (2OOO<br />

& 2002) EFlt d llEr rhis is rh. bd atF@b rnd dE |€€e[q hs libir.d rift &d<br />

[nid fimcial esources. A qq{rative opp&acn al$ allows thc Es.arclEr lo Ech a<br />

la4e trubq of subjets s !@m.nded in c@tsd 09O dd cewn 0994).<br />

Mo@vq, the q@tillijle thr! .llos€d rh€ l€s4.hd b s wh.thd, $d m<br />

sbdicdt Miario!3 or rc1 tFtt@ jftt p.lrddt vriabl€s i.c., lcu of conEot<br />

(Roite. 1966), ed oihd p€@lality Eiablcs such 6 1yF .A, p6$nariq/ (Anjm ed

(hdiq 1992), &hidch6t @tivalion (Llu-1%9) qrn@ion dd tj€@ricis<br />

(EF6ckl95E), wo* valB (BI@dn969), orediztioDd comilJtr.nt (Modw,<br />

srE.F rnd Pon€r- l9?9) dd lodmtip sryte (MMins &d cunielgEr). Othq<br />

intleFnd.ni vsiru* \|@ tha gc.da &d lge of thc subjet! wnich .@ttris.d of<br />

studcnis, prcfe$orq €x@utiv€s, polidcim dd drug.ddids. Thi! h.!p€d dE es@hd<br />

io sins th. sttistical rccldqq s rh@ s roE tb,D o@ ind.F|ddl wilblc.<br />

Althoud lhe q@titativ. apprceh h6 a wid.r w eorg BcarclEs atl over dr. world<br />

in lh.$ gpe of issB, thef@, tne elEhq pefcEd to w this s he Pald b<br />

scndale qwtitEdve dlra witl which a$daliou dd rlalioiships qong vdiables<br />

could b. d.scrib.

RotLi', Int d.lily-Erleruliv SqL.<br />

ft. Intqnalily-Exidnality Sc.lc AB.nt d i! ApFrdn-A, ddelopcd by Roftc 0966)<br />

ws administ Ed !o n6w the i!l!E lity dd ex&dality. In Ot ee{d author<br />

@ntzc!.d *ill! lof6er Julid B- Rort r 10 obtain his p.@i$ion !o u& his $alc io<br />

ddmine thc ehdonsbip of this nea$ with othd Feidiry EiaU6. Rofld w<br />

kind cmugh to gier p€di$ion 10 w hb s.ale. Rothr's lctler is attachcd a App€ndix-<br />

H. Th. *al€ adoilistd.d b6 29 pai.d icor. !,l@in 6-ic6 N 61L6. So dE &iud<br />

ilds to be scord Ee 23. Thc aubj€.r sto scoE 12 oi nw on $e Intemahy-<br />

Exicm.lity Sc.lc e El€d a .xlcDr&-<br />

A cetul @ding of the ilehs nals it cl.a th.t th€ iiens de.l dclusiwly wirh th.<br />

subjell' b€lief cboul th. 4l@ of tn mrld. IlEt is rh.y e @lenEd *irh 1he<br />

subj*rs' dp€ratioB .!oul how EiDfot!.rMr k conrollcd, Cieqwdly tnc t.n i!<br />

cosid.Ed to ba ! m6w of a g.ndlied cxpecra&y. Such a gendaliz.d dpeLncy<br />

my c@L& wirh 0E v?rlue dE subj61 pLq on i d.l @ftol bur none of tn icDs<br />

is di@tly ad\CMFd to th. pFfeEnce for int€md or d!.n l contel, Sone of the<br />

crMplg of Rot&ls s..le d givo h.lowl<br />

a) Mmy oflh. ulnappy things ir p@ple's liv6 @ pa.dy dlc to b6d luck<br />

b) P@tlet nilfodu€s Eult fom the nislakca lley rrkc<br />

a) I hlE ofia foud &.r whlt is going 1o h.pp6 *in n pp.n.<br />

b) TtusliDs to faL ha evlr imed oul d weU for m€ q nakjnS . dccision ro &lc<br />

dccisiotr to nle . defriE @w ofa.rion<br />


a) who 8crs !o b. th. bos offcn deFnds on *ho w6 l@ky dough ro be in 0E dshr<br />

b) Gdtilg p@!le to do lle n8hr thing dcF.!& lpon abiliiy, luck hd linle or rolhing lo<br />

o) Mey tim6l &.1 l!!t I baw linl. ionuffi ov€r thc things tbal happ.n ro @.<br />

b) Ii is impo$ible for me to b.li.ve thal ch&e or luc,k plays e imporrani ble in hy<br />

lifc.<br />

Ile disimiEnr v.lidity ad rclilbiliiy ofth. Rott 6 S.rl. is ejvd b.tow:<br />

. Kodd Richatdson on a @nbincd popdadon of male ed f€nale rith one<br />

&ousd subjers 0.69 (Fmklitr 1963).<br />

. T6t etesl reliability wilh.onbined $bj€clJ 0,?2 wilh nalca 0.78 {lc$F1964)<br />

Sir@ thtu is . foMd cjhoic. itd salc il hd EMDUy nicb i!&nri comislacy for<br />

ii@ a$lysis &d f.atonBltsis, Tbe t st @Nlar€s etbflctorily vnh orns o.tho.ts of<br />

'ssale rhe irrqElity-qt tutiiy sh s quesriomiE, Ulcn S.at€, bcdew<br />

&ssndt dd R.ting tom $ory @bplotion resr. Th€ six fillq ir(s (No_ 1;<br />

8,14,1924, ad 27 6om Roir.r'i olieinal edc) i .nd.d 10 Datc th. 16l e@whar<br />

mbiSuous w* €xcluded for eoing pu.pos de givo b.los:<br />

(l-a) Child!6 elt i o t&u!|. bc.se rh.irp@re puish rhd roo bwn<br />

(l-b) Th. Roublc with mosl childEn noyadors b lhat their p@rs re t@ csy wirh<br />

(8-a) Hcr€dity pbys the @jor rol. in deieftinioc on ', F6oMlny<br />

(3-b) lt k ore\ dFi@ i! lifc *ttcb d.tqminc whir lhcy'E Ir.

(l1ld ntcF @ cstain pa!|. *no ejusr io so.d<br />

(l+b) Ih@ is $mc cood in evdrbody_<br />

(19-a) Orc should 3lMy5 b. willil8 ro adnir bis disrake.<br />

(l9-b) t t ulrly b6t ro @E rp oft's nir.te.<br />

(24"a) A Sood L.tld €xp€c8 Fqlc<br />

i,o d@idc for th6*lG what th.y shodd do.<br />

(24-b) A s@d lc.dd bakc! n cltu ro ev.rybody *n4 U.njob. @.<br />

(2?4) 'It E is roo du.l6rh".n d.thlai6 i! [ig[ $bool.<br />

(27-b) Tm sr6rt! @ & qensr wt ro build chsetei<br />

'nrc t*b @nqBin& coB!!c! pFdictive, conve!86t ed dii.rioiMt vatidirio c<br />

wll hoM sim. the r.3l is wid.ty ed for @npebd for atnost .lt t6rs of<br />

[|qndny-s(codil'. ft. .lpha r.tilbiliry or a c@birc popJ.ti@ of d.le .nd f@1.<br />

lubjecis wirh 1000 popdlrion B foud i! be 0.69 - 0.76 &d th€ Lsr rcie$ etilbitity is<br />

0.60 - 0.88 (F@!sL 193).<br />


A!j!E K!.lhre .y!. rA' SsL:<br />

Since tne !$le to neaw rrle 1A' behavior nad alrsdy b€en d.vcloped in Prtdsran by<br />

Anj@ Kl8liq@ (tgl) and h.d v.lidario! n.udi6 do& (A.ju Kn lqu., 1992) s<br />

sucn ln. availabl€ eale y4 s.d, Th€ sl. is d.velopcd on a for.ed choi@ panem for<br />

lhc nffimdI ot tlF 'A' b.bvior. Alju Khrliqrc typ. .A, *qtc, Siva i.<br />

Appendix-B, hs 12 itcms. One poinl ii siglcd lo rhe subjat for.ach €spond€d ile4<br />

&d lhu fi. hgl6t po$ible @e o. . toLl sc@ on 6. t6r b t2 tba. hdiote a higl<br />

iype 'A' on ihe sub',sale. Tn€ ab*cdte on rh€ bsis of rhe s@F srating frcE 9 io 12,<br />

@ 6ieh lrF 'A', dE !v@Cc ',4.' lyF sc tuee ton 5-8 &d rh. low ttF .A, (i_c,<br />

Iype 18) li'on l-4. sonc of th. ddpl$ of rhe Arj6 Klaliquc'6 Scate @ 6 undd:<br />

.. Talingdisppoidrndt.iiy<br />

b. UrSirg othss to huny up<br />

a, Arcidin8 lal erk<br />

b, Trying !o Cal al.ad of on6 @tup€riiol<br />

a. Cdin8 nuch about h€slth<br />

b. BelicvinS in Ltirg up a rlsk roday ed mw<br />

Type 'A' individuals hav. tn@ mir chdaci.risrics: Achiev€ncnt Srriving, lnpatiqce<br />

&d Tine U'a@y {d Aryd lad Eosrjlily. T}Tc .A' idividu.ls r@d 10 do l@y<br />

lh'ngs al onc tine, thlt is th€y .E bulti-Lskilg. ft.y @ f6t p4d Mividuals who<br />

lalk and walt far, tlth odd Fople\ sl.rc6 dd alwys sm !o be on rh. 80. nEy<br />

N achi€vdot o.icnt d, c@pclilive individuals who tad to tie€ w* before<br />

pl.dsc. TIs. chr$cLriitie b.co@ €xrgseEr.d vh@ rhc ryPe .A, p.Eonatity

spsi.nce! srr.$ (Hchtum.ck, Gesiq ed Kemd'l994). B.fore the<br />

dtrlopDdt of rhb m6w Bod@ (1969) dcretoped 8 poilt stc witn 7 it 6 $tEE<br />

ihe subj.cls w€ eqoired to circle ftoo Urc l.!sr p@felcd ro $e higbly pEferEd wen<br />

@dvili6 thar is Appoinlbeli, CoDFtitiot! Feli!8 Ruhcd. TatinS Things on. a1 a<br />

Tinc, Doing Thing Sloe. ErpEs in Feelings dd *ith nAy inlcEsrs. The pcenatiry<br />

tyFs \^@ giv@ iivc ditreE cci.gori* i.e, A+, A, A-, B+ od B.<br />

A tesl ro deremine t !e A b.havior B d.vcloped by cirddo, Ev.rly ed Duek i.<br />

190. h @rtained 14 i1e6 on a 04 poi.r Litcrl S.,L, mgirs 6on dtDost alwts Eue<br />

Nu.lly mq seltloh trE dd n€Er rrc. Th. slaleodrs w€e in 04 diratioG thar is<br />

Tim Urg.nc, In pFopnol. Agaisioa Polypbsic B.h.vior dd Coal Dirt

A.hidche Ori. dior<br />

IE Achj.voor Oridtatioa s.dc B dev.top.d by M.CLltdd i! 196l. ir is rh. mosr<br />

widely studi€d pnenomenor ?€ople with a higl .Ach wel lo accomplish c&mbly<br />

chrl@gi4 s@ls lheue! thcn oM .trons, Th y pEfd mrtilg .tone 6rhcr rh.D ir<br />

lems ud chooe iasks with a mo

.dst't rb tl $or! 5 G rtd - liil.dirc Or of tt tjb! b tir<br />

qrdmuiF q!.rid 1 3, ? rd t G siv.a I Dd ftr..d |f .t,qE!d .y..' tri.r!.<br />

tu qqi6 r, 4, 5 od 6 | olt rn'E ftr *.[ .r.b' Era. On tb .te Vditty' of<br />

&Erbrs8[!ldErn dbvc.e! t&! 6trH- Ib slc@En@b..ot<br />

lh! odn @Epocnr of Mcblod'!.!@.pb t$!r t, tcoBoio|E* of fi!.', ,Dtdit<br />

d V.*', rc@irr.d io wo*', .B6d...f rd 'Ad!ya.d. [rD! (lt6t)<br />

'A.|ht !E!ol ],loriErioc Qu..d@Di'r' ir Cr,€s i!.lpanix.c. A f.w.ne!L! c<br />

r Do Fu 6!d it cry io llh.dpt a.ltlrtayo&oohold.y?<br />

L lbrddidit r..ilstdE i,*d?<br />

G Do.. dld@tr!&F!-gy?<br />


ErtnveBio!.N.rmti.i!n:<br />

Eyshck a piooer fa.ror &alysl sp.r a pDf*iord lif€ tin. !o reduc. FMr.lity to<br />

o.ly. few dincEioc (Ali6l99?). Eysck d6c'ib.d Feoatitr in le@ ofiraits. rr<br />

i5 o!. ofthe dr@retical @nsiuct b€$d on ob*p.d intedcrions bet@o a nubq of<br />

dif&Ent labnud EAotuq (Ey$eI & Elsnct-t969). Eysnc* grcup d. trairs i!<br />

carcSota catlcd 'T}?!d, ihe se.ond- oldd ditl@ioB nade !p of s&risticatly int r-<br />

@ftlar.d pnnrry Fdirs. 'tEy 6 b. rhougln of $!s f!cro6, Eys@t i&ntified lhF<br />

swh facloB, "or oth4 MErkably sinile !o rhm,' have b.d foud in his srudi6.<br />

Thc* @ *E" .xr&@ion-tlrlorccion; .I,t" Ne@ricisB , slabitiy; .?" p3ychoticisn-<br />

Supcr c8o tulctioning. To illusFat drav.Ei@ .?., t[is is wi.bilit, inpubivcM,<br />

acivirt, livelircs ud qcitabitiry. PeMns qirh Ey*nct (1958) 3hort qudtimaiE for<br />

rhe m6u@dr of rN dincBios of peendiq if one sB hisld on cxrav.uion<br />

tend !o be sociable, popule, ralkltive, 6vin& .xciiing, &tine che@s, impuhiv€,<br />

pr&ric5l jolcR, ey eoine, oprinisric, on rh. Dorc, lhoit tcnF&4 lackins @not or<br />

feelings ed ueliablc. P6os wir! low s@res on .?, iend lo be djrin& fond of<br />

boob, dislalt eicept 10 cb$ ai€nds, i.trospecrjve, qnire, cautiou, h,impulsiv€,<br />

srioN, oAeia4 afle4 p*ihistic, e$icjl wi1h. e rot on feling! md eljabte.<br />

Hid 'N" i... n.Wticim s@N e enolionaly ovd 6rDnsiy., usiabre, uiousj<br />

sEisnq 6oody, eii*, toEhx oto @npldring of bo

Eysc (195E) dacloPcd a l2-it m shon queniom.i$ for th. mdumot of tw<br />

dibdi@ of Fenrdi9' ie plsd d A!p.odix-D', SoE of th. cMd6 @ gih<br />

E, Do you pd.r .ctio to pl.nnilg fd a.rid?<br />

N, AE you i!.li!.d io b. Doody?<br />

E. Do<br />

'@<br />

!s@Iy t*c tb. iniliariE<br />

'!<br />

n!H!g n* Ai.od!?<br />

N. Ac you e-.G-* bulblir8 owr wilb aerF/ ed soe liE6 very sluggish?<br />

Elch qwstiotr s*!!crl 'Y€t ir scoFd ds one (+l) poirn for NemticiNm for thc<br />

qesi@ u cd an'o! Ext6Bi@ o!*.d "8" b rt tcy. Erch qstio sqed<br />

'No' i! s@d bjnw onc Gl) point fd N.uroticiM or Extravdion Esp@rively. No<br />

poilE @ 8im ft. alirs whic! @old nd be ctdly ct6if.d s .idh6 .y6' o.<br />

'No',<br />

'Ihc aEcLrion betvler 'Exlnwnid'lrd.N.mlicism'on rhe !cd. is -0.05, The 12-<br />

itdr $Btio@iE t 5 h€n 6Ed b lry. etil latf rclidtrni.s cmlsr.d .r O79 fd<br />

N.mlicism dd 0-71 for €xravqsion,<br />


Blood (1969) dcvolld hNlf io uldc6rald rhe @n@prs of pDrcdan lrd mn<br />

prel€slsnl work val@s fld dev.loped saLr for tn€ m.su€nenl of 1h€se vatrc6, wo|k<br />

value is om of rhc vdus a t@ holds. ft. Porqlalr rcrt ethic - 16 c{)|rmnty thc<br />

Puitan w* ethic - h ! Calviabt \€lu.nphsizing the neesity of @njdt lohor in<br />

oe's calling 6 a sien of polonl r.iirlion, Ptu!6i6ll @isrcd *itt Mrnjn Llrhq,<br />

bad ecorc@h'.liad wort d a dlty i! rhc turld for the bercfit of the individual &d<br />

sietr a . *trolc. Ir€ C{holic idc! of Sood wo*'w ldsfom.d inlo d obtisdior<br />

to w* dilisotly s ! sign of gace.<br />

fte l.m 'Plotcsrol wk etiii6' B nd oired by cedm s@iologisr Mu Web..<br />

{1905) who sa i.!c "yoes6t" of rbe ccmm ttisbficd S.h@I. The por6L{r mlk<br />

clbic is oim deditcd witn h.birg ro def!. th. s@ieri6 of Nont n Empc dd otnd<br />

Polestalt @elries whft lrei.sbnlis w stong, luch d ir S@dimvia Norihem<br />

Ctuy, GFal Britain ud it U.S. In sh sied$ ir is Eg&rLd by ndy obwa<br />

4 o@ ofth€ @hclones of Drionrl pbs!61y. Il ha b..n ejd rlsl p€ople i! @mEi€s<br />

rirh l\or..1!!r @G rdd to b. me ns&d.ti3tic, pcrfftrionin, .rd rt r $Gy fcused<br />

moE on mrkj cooped to Fople of My otbr @utries, such 6 Spai! dd lroly,<br />

wh@ tlrc p.opl€ h.d r noE ELx.d aftirud. iomrd wrt.<br />

Th@ h.E bs nMbq of tlgrche 10 suppon rhd lhft is a dcfnir. !'ldicrabte<br />

rtiffden c in the apprca.h of Fo-pol6lar1 workes ed the i&Els of nor.polesla<br />

hrteE. It ha .l$ b*tr sppon d rhlr rh. hrt6 in thc ubs .@ @ $m.wh,r<br />


non-pDcsnn lnd€s in the ruai !@ w* valB e eoe edb.d ro rhc idqis of<br />

lhc pmleddt eilics (Lnski, 196l; Web€r, 1958; Tucr ard lrwncq 1965). Helld<br />

0933) ha oline

Or!.rt ti.ul CoEDitn.rtl<br />

Conniladr 6 bc d€6ncd a 0!. individud f*tilcs ofid.nrificition wilh a dedi€tjon<br />

lo 0'c orgdiz.rio or a d.8rc. b which d dploy.. idedin s with a p&ticdtr<br />

orgejaiion dd its goals dd *ish6 !o mintah nqbashi! io ihe or8en tion,<br />

Scvdl facroF lavc ben fourd whch led 10 @mitddl, (Sr.c6,l9t) hr5 sugg6r.d<br />

tlDt confrilecnt is ahtuc.d by pqsMl faclos such s 68. and ye6 of lmu€ i. m<br />

o€eizjlid @d a w[ by o4aizatior checr6i.ai6 tikc !h. d.g@ of Dqti€ipdion<br />


poid 'clL 6nt!d ton 0) r!o!81, di!€gr.. io (7) rr.6glr .€r... Iolm No. 3, 7, 9, I l,<br />

12 orl l5 rw b tc rcd h. llvqglda A td.moer of fr. sL r! rhro<br />

r I id Ey rnb b!'.ht ro thi. csdirdo Gdqr stoaI<br />

b. Tlac i! mt ioo nuc! to b. Sdld !y d.ti!8 lrll $fr dldrdd id.6ddy<br />

c I o Flld to t.I .rh3 th I m . lot of{dr asded.i. (uul ndi.s).<br />

d.I6Iy .&.bod & tu ddtr cE drd6(@rltc6rcrl<br />


L.ad.Ehip is a pow€rid .xplxio4 ca!6b1. of 6av.yjrs nrch morc 6d be @nbjn d<br />

wi$ in a concise d.finition ed epable of nminS Imy difl@nl ihinCs to diffeenr<br />

peopl. ed in ditr@t @dexr Bavelas 0%9) h6 d,aM a dbrirctior betm rn. id6<br />

of l@d.6hip. h [a a lEedl quality ed s . plg @ bc obsde

By of de*dbin8 leadeBhip n/. conceded rle Mrm of l.add,s inflqc. surocotic-<br />

dmocFijc, (Ba$- 1990, Nonl Hoe200l).<br />

Mmins ed CutiJs (1988), l8-ilem qEniomiE eiv.n at apFndix-c @<br />

,dninislered io $e subj6ri. The qu6riomirc n@N ihree p$o!ali9 styl6 of<br />

lcldaship !!irs, Aurloritarie styte (iids lJ,7,lo,l3 ed lO, ranicipanrc 6t.@<br />

2,5,8,11,14 ed l?) dd the F€eRein (ite@ 3,6,9,12,15 and l8). The subjeds e to<br />

spoad on'Mosdt Ys' or'MGdy No._ Th. sB on ea.h .y6 ircn jndjolc a<br />

p.rricule leadcEhip style. Il is rcry tikely d.t. f* subjdrs nay s@E .qu.ly on dr<br />

thc slyl.s which may be called a mixed lqdqship styte,<br />

A &w e'dpl.s e gib b.lowl<br />

a) Do you €njoy tirc authority lcdeBnip brinss? (Adno.ilaie)<br />

b) Do you find it fairly €y ro give rcgltiv. Frfotue enuuom b ercup<br />

menbeB? (Aut\oritdm)<br />

c) Do you Lc.! crD D@bq up io d!r. on dcvclopn@rs affed,g de @,k<br />

goM? (Patticiparive)<br />

d) Do you fcl $ar you should b. niendlt win tne 6nb€E of you worL go!p?<br />

€) Do you lDd ii in giving oui NigMors, you i€nd ro stzt€ rh€ eoals ed l*ve thc<br />

mcthods up 1o tou &u bdb.F? (FR - R!in)<br />

f) Do you lod to prcfq plmilg tunclioG of leadcFhip, e oppos.d ro mrking<br />

dn€cdy wi{r i@ m€&b.E? (Fe - R!i!)<br />


It wa on ofthe bdic objediv* oft'E siudy to nnd our the undcrlyins detemindc.<br />

6ai e @frn dd valid sys of dsiryin8 p6ple iI t.6 of how lhey an ibue lne<br />

vdiou p.eDlity fado6 *bich .tr@r $cn p.rc.ptio8 6 @itotted by in id.mal or<br />

qtcmal facb6. To b. hoE concise ad bricf nlis stldy was udcnakm lo dercmine<br />

wbelhar orientalion or 'P@nalig T}!e A or B', 'Achi.v€mdr Morivlrion.,<br />

'ExulvcEion - Newdcism', wolt v.lq', 'Orydiarionrt Comihof, nd<br />

't ad.Rhip styl6 de rchLd !o .Intehatiry'(! beti€f in p.Mn t Eslouibitig oi !<br />

disb.lief in pssonal rcspoBibilM i.e. 'Exrqmliq'.<br />

KepirS in viq i[.1 sbe Bpotrdor! @y d@d thc Udu v6im of thc<br />

qrcitioMiEs, n ws cEed prior to .ppliodon of rhe ten Uur fic subj6is ud.Bl{d<br />

the laguge prcpdly. Thcy kr pbvidcd full libqry ro ark ey quesioo oi b<br />

explMtion of ll)e ldgu.a. or lie wods u5.d in the r6a. Thc Udu t6io! of tn.<br />

qu.stioMi6 @uld hav. h6 d€Elop.d by d. lls.@bd &d mutd b!v. bcd<br />

slandddizd uine th€ cominee rplbch lo the lr@larion pr@ss (B€ck el.t,2003),<br />

This wa not done for dr. !!en that 6. iruaumc should Euly 8iE the psychologi€l<br />

mding in ic tusldio! s ddv@red by RobiBr (rq4).<br />

"Ifttument should ofcr Psycholoeicat Equivalace to r.spond€fis fld ml appdent<br />

objEliv. to €quiw.lo4 io ilc iny.sriSaior !o pose th€ sMc fom of qulior ro re<br />

p@d. sno @ difrffir @y r.quir Fsile rh.r qu.stiotr iI te diflGEnt fot$".<br />

As a naner of facl l&gu8c rpei.li$s r€oonDend cuionizinS r&slalions to the<br />

dial6l hosl @mody spoko *i$in dE swey a@ Ljnguists who favor this<br />


pwlch .@ug. ir.BLtoF to siirc for @ft?n6l €quivai.na bcr*ta th. el@<br />

ed targct ldgus. (H.ndriM er al, t9E9).<br />

In thc edly days of cos cdnfal e@h 0Fre w6 no t€st of validiry oI qusrio@iE<br />

which put the t.gch qult inlo doubttul F6perive Siolly @. s.y rtuslatid of<br />

Esrb iGtrlllmts @ th. pa.rie. t]oglq th. Fobld of ,n dprire.qniutde<br />

in the Esarch irsFM.nt' wa tur @licly linguisric one, (Sehres! F.y dd zaidi<br />

1912).<br />

thc B.ct-Tmlation" ptsdie start d i! lar. sixrie Trularion of ihc insrllmt B<br />

@nrid@d io he a vdy rougL dd stilt @Bid,ed a tuial tsk. B..t r&dation o.c<br />

on treslat6 iiom the lmguag€ in which rh. irotiumot hs oriSimlly h.€. plcpdcd<br />

inb te d6iFd laBug. &d thd eivs ir 10 th. otner d ro slM<br />

0tN onginal oB io EtrGlare n itrto lhc odgin l ldguagc rrd rhd is @Fparld to<br />

oriSiEl docDa.lt or vi@ @a 'Th€ ired tlur lrtu5lared c ar tin* quie dif@ll<br />

ed .va nmy", z.idi (lt5). As srch rl& philosophy of ba.t rtuslarid w6 oor<br />

folloqEd to avoid uduc criticin.<br />


t nicipa!$ in 1his ltudy l^@ incidatsl smpl6. They wer€ jOOO in tolal sd<br />

@nprisd ofstrdmis, prcf€sE, exsuiilcs and potiticiM of bolh g.nd.6.<br />

A stutled day bc dcfD.d c lh. ole $to is @ll.d fo. a @w of iosuucdm ir &y of<br />

il'e public / Fival. !6toi unireBity in a gaduate or post SEduarc cou& of sudi€s.<br />

this ercup ebprb.d of studats @ir y frcn K@hi Univ6ig, b.ding a f.w fom<br />

NED Uni6ity, Dw Mcdic€l Uni@ity ed priv!& stor uivGitics,<br />

A profeMr @y b. d.8ncd a o& who ir op.n lives a bener dd noble lif. ed hold. rhe<br />

belief ir sobe doctine of philosphy dd th@forc r.k6 re&hing ed h.tping peopte in<br />

a di$ipline a a profdion sd t@ha ihc highcst posibl€ gnde b th. ui!6ily. Ttis<br />

sDup mpd*d of rlr. 4s@i.r. !trof.96 .nd profe$B of publiclpti€re stor<br />

uivfti1i6 i... Uriv.Eity of K!ruhi, Dov M.dical Univ@ity, Kmchi od NED<br />

UniBiV of Engin erins md Tcchnology, Kdachi, Si. Syed Univesity. Kdebi,<br />

Hmdd.l Utrivc6ily, ed Ags (he Medicat Univ6iry, K@hj,<br />

Eedi6 wE n@ |hG tw slea@ i3 @rpo!l. stor deutiB whj.h irctude dE<br />

sdpl€ of p.opl. decttine or pdfomilg scnior leyel Il)mg€ndr |ask in tn€ mtri<br />

Mlional /naional @Aorations / orgoiariotu or in the pnvaie seror. Th. orhe6 wr€<br />

go\tmfll deutrrcs @ncd.d lo !.rfom in rbe fi€ld of adDinttration or

mmsd€nl in th. govem€ seclor. Thet @ diudy or irdiEctly jnvolved in policy<br />

Datilg or in thc .xccutior of the law &d erlio@menl of ruls md rceularioN in lhe<br />

A hid nnkine mcdb.r of a @rF6te,8ovcmol or miliiary orgdiztion having d<br />

a{inilisftiiv. authority ed sposibitity, wd d a tull tine .nploy.e hlving good<br />

dlility lo pl.4 otr{irc, .o4n,ryr ard onhol odr6 mrki4 lrdd hi! dotuir. Slould<br />

ols h. adowd with 8oo

of th. c*@hd. Howffi a larg. nmb.r of pMicipdts no$ of vhon w& the<br />

pmf6sr$ q@tiB od poliricid pcfeGd ro kep lle quesioMir with tho dd<br />

Enncd ody $.hcd rhey 9@ appro&h.d ! nuh.r of 1in6. A 1a.8. nwbd of<br />

politicies w.E hi8hly el@ra to6lli!{t qu.stiomais and $e ofrh. opi on that<br />

il is somcuring vhich is meduing llt€n by.lly to ihe Oov€@.n1. Ar such iorc ths<br />

100 sell o{thc qrcslio@iEs wft ror Ftlmd by th€ tolitioim. Itolgh otdc w.& a<br />

sood ruba of fddc toliticiu bu lsy on ihd ddie

Tablel giv€n below itrdi@les th€ denognphic infomtior rhe Dmb.. in p@nlale of<br />

qlesdomaircs i$ucd to thc panicipdls ed Eeiv€d Ern lhen. This infomaiion is<br />

wtul i! ideniitiog th. trend olihe topulatioi,<br />

Nub.r r'l D.cnog. of qo6tio@iE ir!!.d ao O. p.nicipub .!d E.ived<br />

145 80 08<br />

t45 08<br />

183<br />

85<br />

85<br />

l2 0.)<br />

05<br />

85<br />

110<br />

85<br />

l,l0<br />

145<br />

95<br />

36<br />

14<br />

l8<br />

l0<br />

u<br />

06<br />

141<br />

84<br />

1000 241 204 495<br />

Ea.h 161 / qn6tioMid E M€d a 'Fofr' &d P6 ideDrificd with i! i!*ific @lor<br />

dd d alph.lericd rymbol i,e. A,B,C,D,E,F,O !o thd dey could b..sily h. idari6.d<br />

6t lhe tine of dala p@6sing, Lsfucliotrs to dswer the qBriomn s / resis see<br />

Fift.d ar rhc iop ofcach 'Io@' slarting toh .Fom-A, to .Fo@-G',<br />

lltc Roltert 0966) lnt mality,I*:rcmlily Sc.l. @nprising 29 it€ns E rit@. The<br />

co@tly rcsponded d6E re given I poinr s pq Ror.fs k y, 'nr subje.B s,!o<br />

s@rtl 12 or moc on thc Intdality-Exi.maliry Scale q* 6r€d * .Ex1enuls,. Th6<br />

dre fill6 0t m No. l, 8, 14, t9, 24, ed 27) wr *cluded for thc purpoF ofsnry.<br />

tujm t(t,liq'i TtT. 'A' Scale is d*iglqd to m@w ryF .A' !@pl€. Ir @rrains l2<br />

pajs of il@ md ilc $bj4B e rcquiEd ro chooe one ilan frcn €ach p.ir, It€n t-8,

2-8, 3-A, 48, 5-A, 6-15 7-8, 8-4 9-8, 10.8, I I -,\ rnd l2,A onslitute tt!. 'A' $.1e.<br />

Or[d 12 ii.a e oftF 'B'. Or. poi is sirlcd to 4n Bpondcd il.n of ryF .A'<br />

s.d€, aad lhu rh. torrl sF is obrain d for @h iubj4t. Ile !4idm sE on th.<br />

s..1. is 12, S@a @ divided in three er.gories, i.e. Low 1r?€ A'(l-4), Alcng.lype<br />

'A'(5-8) &d HiSh lrpe A' (9-t 2) 6 typc !A' pcople.<br />

A! 8 iieh ealc inrend.d to neas@ rhe dour of ag@6dr with Pret6t rl E1hi6 fd<br />

rcn Ptullslrl i..- C.0Dlic Erbi6 E adhinisr.ied. The Prer6t.nl Ethica 6<br />

onprisd of 4 it nr *,hic[ w irrddcd to b. in agFndr wirh th. ide.ls of<br />

lioi6irlt Eurics. For dcn irco, $bj€clr wE rcquircd to Espond wirh ! nmbcr nom<br />

l -6, whqc I = Disagrce €onplelely, 6 = Ag€ conplelely- Th6e items N.rc 2,4,5 &1 .<br />

'nE fou it @ with h6!a l@ding on rh. 2r' @mpon6r i.e, rcn Prctcsient fc non-<br />

ClrlDlic wE @rcd tlE se wy fioD l{. Th.$ irec w 1, 3, 5 & 8.<br />

Itr sbjels eft r.quiEd lo @E to Achjd.ndt Motiurion QudrioMir of L'n<br />

(1968) amptuins of 12 itu- T]F subjccrs kr. EquiEd 10 Dart thch dswcr on<br />

'YeJ or 'No' alsdy p.inted on lle fom. I ndk w eord for e6ch .Y.d esw to<br />

quado!,2,3,7 & 8; sd I bark @h for'No'tuw6 ro qBtioN 1,4, 5 & 6<br />

Glelivcly. Atyorc sdrg 6 ond b.loq \m nlcd 6 low ehia6 wh.6 all atov.<br />

06 9@ 6tcd a high !chid6.<br />

EIMCL (1958) Shod Qwslio@ii€ fo. rh. n6llm€nr of iwo diheEion of<br />

pmomlily thai is N.mricis dd Exrav.Eion ws administercd. E&h qu6rion<br />

,cqq€d tY.!r ws sad!+l'forlr.@tcin (tuked .N' i! the r€y) or cxrilc6ion<br />

(@led 'E ir O. ker). Eah qBton Nq.r€d .No, m sFd 'l !.jat for

n uolicis d di.$srioo Bp..rivcly $ i tic.trid i! tt tcy by rh..uthd. No poi t<br />

v@ giva fot !l]!rw which odd &t bc cldly cLsifi€d 6 €ithd 'Y*' or 'No', Thc<br />

tdribL @ee ofscog d s.h faator v@ llu'+6'poiD& b M'nu ,{'loinis<br />

Mrdi.s,!d C\!r! (1981) lad.Gbi! Sryt6 Qu.sioMic @t iliDs l8 qBrioq<br />

irdiolitrg rh@ dift@t nyks ofk .lc6hip B .dninis!.rd. Q1r6to! t,4,7,r0, lj<br />

lnd l6 ildicai. th. individual's !ef.r.n . for suthodrado OT. of larl63hip, E4re@<br />

que.ti@ Ns. 2J,8,1 l,l4 .81 17 ildidt pnicip.tiE styL of LlrlcEbip, .od qesiotr<br />

3,G9,12,15 rrd lE ildica. t*ci! sryL of latLGtip. Tn! $bjc.r! ** E|lirtd ro<br />

E{r a enar 6c} hw. doe c vould & in lh. ritldion dsft.d wilb .M6rly Y6' or<br />

'M6tly No'. ftc aubj.ct dn thc hieh€rl !cor! *u Er.d b puticd{ typc. It€E wr€<br />

lobe subj4ts wlD obtailed €qu.l nwb6 ir 6y teo of tLe styl$ *.F sked again I(l<br />

idiorc ltli. ood Fd.n d ctoi6<br />


CqAPTER - 5<br />

RI5ULTS<br />

For tn. plrpo* ofanalysis th. dara fd rhjs study (i.e- lle sG ofEspondeob) on sv.n<br />

m€6ws l eDalily"Exlchality, losonality One adon (Type 'A'), &hieveneor<br />

Moiiv.tion, Exua6ion - Neuoticisn, Wod< ValE, Org&izational CoImiEI€nl ed<br />

kaLBhjp Siyl6 of s.uddrs, pref.$B, *eltic ad poulici.s b @r6ed ifio<br />

SPSS ll for windos to d.lemine fr.q6ci.s, n6, SD,.orclarioB, t-resr and<br />

prcbBbility with a vi€w to s. the Elstionlhip md diffreEnc6 mong ed wilhin the<br />

veioB grcups. P@ioNIy all this i.tislica w* s done bt lhc lll€4ner hirelf with<br />

lhe hslp of vdiou b@lc like A.L E

Err.''ality o{ord 1966) with TrF'A' Ptu.ality (Arju &d Kh.tique l99l),<br />

Achievencnt Molivarion (Lym 1968), Exlr.vdion-Newiicism (Eysnck 1958), Wo*<br />

Vals (Bl@d 1969), Orgejation CoMitiot (Modwy, SreF & Pon r l9?9) ed<br />

r.ad.Ehip Sql6 (Mtuirs sd cutis 19EE).<br />

The n€thod of stadnical dalysis wd w6 Pcdson ()900) lroduct Momot Corelalion<br />

C@ficicnt to find our lh. €tatioEhiFs' and .t' ro # difr€En@r wirnin ihe6. For tnis<br />

purlbsc SPSS 13 for WiDdowr B appli.d ed red d ncnrioncd aboE. This my,<br />

howdcr, b. poioted our rhat the esllb obtlir.d wr. basld on rhe eponse pancms of<br />

lhe cpolddls 6 aivd 10 0E ldiou q6rioMi6. ftft is ! v.ry titetibood $!l 6e<br />

@poes my ml co!6pond ro lhen anul @do6. Th. drr howvd, show lhe<br />

vdiou blocialio$ / difie.nes 0D1 disr b.t@n lh6e vdiabt.s,<br />

IX. Endiags of rLe snrdy e p@ted b.low in rtE light of rh. vdios htDod.S<br />

dcvelop€d in lh. beeiuinS of rhe study,<br />

Thc 6rsl hypoth*is M th.t ile tuidiry of ih. spte topul jon tit ly io fatt h lhe<br />

€lesory of inr.nEls- As indiercd i! TabL l.A, l-B, l-c ed l-D rhe tujonly ot dE<br />

smpl€ hdd fallen in the ol€Sory ofiot€@ls.

TABLE - IA<br />

2 9 2.0 2.0 2.0<br />

3 4 0,9 0.9 2_9<br />

t2 2,7 5.6<br />

5 t9 4.1 9.9<br />

6 22 4.9 l4.E<br />

7 J3 1.4 22.1<br />

t2.l 1.2.1 34,2<br />

ll,9 I1.9 46.1<br />

l0 45 t0,l l0.l 56,2<br />

ll 5t u.4 u.4 61_6<br />

t2 56 l2_5 t2.5 E0.l<br />

t3 23 5.1 5,1 E5.2<br />

24 5.4 5.4 90.6<br />

l5 20 4.5 4.5 95.1<br />

l6 9 2.0 2.0 97.l<br />

t7 9 2.0 2.Q 99,1<br />

IE 0.9 0.9 100.0<br />

100.0 l0o_0<br />

'nE Roitqt 0966) tor€nDlity-ExcE4liry Scal. w6 adnidslered to sludcnis.<br />

tbf$m,.x61lrires ed polilici&! whd ih. rot t Mba of Brondots w6 447. b<br />

dd.r b l@w lDo |@r of rb.m &ll i! tb. c.rcgdy of |rr.@lity o. E*i.tualiq, llE cul<br />

of Fint a pd Rotq! Scodrg Mode i.., 12 s rakq Mrh ! vi* ro obt in th. ces<br />

falling in the cat€gory of inr.@b or dicF.l& A3 indicattd jn T.bl€ lB lhc 6@Es<br />

mgcd fion 2 -<br />

a' anab.Dd 12 -<br />

18 @ Ron r'r s..te. I! !6!edcnrs'srirgfio62-tr}@l.brr.d<br />

l8 a cxrrMls EtlEriwly.<br />


N<br />

TAALE- IB<br />

M@ | S.D. lV&ie. 25Yol5V/.115'/"<br />

02 l8 9.91 l_142 IL168 3.0 r0.0 t2.0<br />

TABLE.IC<br />

RBpoDe B!.d lni.m.l!-Ei.m.L<br />

TABLE.TD<br />

Rapoe E ..d llnEd&Drr.n t<br />

t02161.6%l<br />

t45 (32.44%\<br />

s2 (65%\ 28 (35%) 80<br />

60 6a.9yr\ 21(11.t%) 81<br />

112(61lyr) s5 o2.y/.) t61<br />

22(4.8%) 10(]1,2%) 32<br />

33 (71.3%\ t2 Q6.1%\ 45<br />

Tod 5s ot.4%) ,(2E.616) n<br />

10(13,7%\ 25 Q6.3./d) 95<br />

15 (44.1%\ r965 90) 34<br />

85 (65.9oA\ 44 (r4.1%\ 1,29<br />

u (69,'4) rr 110.6%) 36<br />

25 (61.8%\ t3 (J4.2y.\ 38<br />

50 (61 6yrl 24 (12.4%\<br />

302 145<br />

Poritirc rlalionships 6 116 of Coltrol S@B wirh difcEnl p.Mn liry l' it5<br />

irdi€tcd cxledrlitt eh.M, r Eglrirc Ftrlionship b€tlr@ tec of Conrol SoB<br />

ard the difiemt p@i.lity rraiis h& bca indicated 6 inren.tity. Thae €tarionlhips<br />

wc dct€di&d on 0.01 or 0.05 ldels of robsbility.<br />


TABIE - 2<br />

Tot.l Popuhtiolr! (St!d.!t!, Prcf.soD, Er€crtiva ud PotlttcLn,<br />

Loeur of Colrnl R.lrtio.rhiD rlt[ trD. 'A, DcMo.lltv<br />

N<br />

441 -.0E1. .04J<br />

CoElatiotr is sigrili$r witb tyF 'A r- 081+, p

TABLE - 4<br />

Tot l PoDlhaior" (Studatlt Pnl6en, Etertivd ud Pold.tra)<br />

Irs ol Cortnl f,.lrtioabtD ritt htr.vdioE<br />

N<br />

,0t8 .354<br />

Coclalio, b mt 3ignificaDr wirh ExF.v6id i = ,018, p > 5<br />

Ihe lounh hpothBis re lhdt tlw will b. . signincdt relaiionship baw..n Lo@s ot<br />

Conlrol .trd Extlve6iotr m6g eal6 dd f€nd* of ditr@l group3 i... sn|dents,<br />

prefM, Gxeorivd lrd pohicid Th. cdrs indiclte wk EhrioDshjp wbich is mr<br />

TABLE - 5<br />

Tol.l Poplhliort (Srudok, Prcfeo6, Executivs rd Polirlcl.lt<br />

Locu of Conbol R.l.tlotrrblp witb N.urcti.ilh<br />

N<br />

447 -,{x8 153<br />

Coftlati@ is lor signi6@r *ith N.Niids r = ,048, p > 5<br />

Th. 6nL hypolhdir w rh.r rh.E will b. . ligrif@l dan@.bip bctw6 tdE of<br />

CotrEol .rd N.Nticis eo.a dl6 &d fcDsl* of ditrddt greuF i.c. ildds'<br />

preIesE, cxautiv$ ed loliticitu, TIF r$uhr indicate ihal io 3i8nifi@r El.doosniD<br />

b.t@ Locus of Conrrol ed Ne@ticilm wd foud.

TABLE - 6<br />

Toi.l Po0dhrio.'. (Stod.!tr, Pdf4or!, Ec iv6 !.d Politid.a)<br />

L.ur of Colarcl R.Llioubi! wirn Prer6.u. Wort V.l!€<br />

N<br />

121.. .005<br />

Coftlalion ir eigriicat witb Prcrc'l.nr rvor* Valc r =-.121.., p < ,01<br />

IE snih hypoth*is we to €slablish th. relaiooship betweo Locus of Conrrol ed<br />

Prot6r.r \vort Val&s do!8 o3l4 ed fcnd€s of di6@nt 8to!p6 i,c. studenls.<br />

pofsF, cxeuti*s dd politiciN, A poiti@ Elatio$lip bet@D iltqorl Leu of<br />

CrnFol dd ltsrdrlal \vo* val6 wq &u!rl which @ si@ifi@r ar 0,01 tcrct.<br />

.IABLE- 7<br />

Tot l PoDrl.don'3 Grudot , Pml6!oB, Ereutir6 ind Poltti.brr)<br />

lautof Co ml Rcl.tiolrbtD riil C|tnolc Wo.L Vrlu6<br />

N<br />

447 .020<br />

Coftlarion ir ei8lifi@t eirh Cadolic rvoit ValG r 4-9.., p < .05<br />

The evfl1h hwolhsis s6 to edtain thc Elariomhip betfto Locw of Conlrol dd<br />

Calholic Work Values mone mal6 4d f@les of dif&rcni grcups i.e. ltudentsj<br />

pDfss, d*ulivq @d politici$. A 6r.on8 and sienin6t elarioruhip B found<br />

witb int*rl L@s ofconuol *n€E r = 0.97 ed p < O.O5 tdel.<br />


ltE .ighd lr?oth6ir B lblr 1!@ sill b. a 3igfi@r EtadoEhip trr*@ teB of<br />

Contlol ed Orgeizador Cominndt mong mal.s md f@al6 of difr@nt 8rcups i,.,<br />

slud.nts, ploGs$6, cx.cuti!6 &d potiticids, IrE dalioNhip ws sienifiwl at O.Ol<br />

lw.l, whft r - 0. t32 sd p < 0,01.<br />

IAILE - 8<br />

Leu oa CorFol R.Ldoubip ofsr!d.!t, Prcf.*srn Erdurivd ud Porlici.lr<br />

rilb Ol8uiatio!.| CoEDiaD.lt<br />

N<br />

.0112 0.001<br />

Cofthtion is signii@i widr Oremiarional Comilmdtr - .0132, D < .O I<br />

IABLE-9<br />

trcur ot Conu nertonrtlp minte-m, tiurii--ira rolillc<br />

sil! Auftonb.i.r L..d.6hiD Styl.<br />

N<br />

240 .015 .J99<br />

Cofrladon is nol rignificqt wjth Atthoriraris Lad€nhp Styt. r - .015, p > j5<br />

Tb. ninth hyFthesis w$ $ar th* will b. a ligtrifikl ElalioBhip betvH L@$ of<br />

Contll ed Authonbie t *lcship Siylc eorg Datec ed &nal* of difr@1 ercups<br />

i-e. pl!f.96, d@utic !trd poli{ici@. No rcldio.sbip E fould bctvm hs of<br />

Conlrol ed Authontarie Lcad€Bhip Sglc, on th. conbired seDlc las studals.<br />


280 .060 t6<br />

Corelador is @l !igd8@t with Panicip.liE LdLEbip Styl. r = .060, p > ,05<br />

The tentL hr?oltr.3b B $a1 tb* will b. a siific.nl Elatiotrship b.r*@ tes o{<br />

Control ad larlicip.live Ledeship Styl. mong mal.s ed febsld of diff.Mt Croups<br />

i.e. Plof€srs, .x.cutivs and politiciu. No Eloliosnip wd foud b.tw..n Los of<br />

CotrEol &d Pdlicipltivc radqshi! Styb @ lh. @Dbir€d spl. ls studal'<br />

R.mjri4 ialld fron i'blell ro lablc26 indi€re rela,tioGhips s4Ea&ly for rh€<br />

@dbined ard individud godd-wise lmpld of snrd€ft, pmf€soB, d€uriv€s ed<br />

poliricitu. The tabl.s p€rtaining io lne @inir8 ht?otn€ss i... fDm I I to 25 @ being<br />

shoM Aon lablF27 !o ilblclz 6p@dvl.y,<br />

TABLE- IO<br />

Locur of Co.lrcl R.lrliolshlp of PtufolroB, Er€clriv.r dd Politicird<br />

aitt P&licip.riv. IAdmhip Styl€<br />

N<br />

TA.BLE - I I<br />

Loc$ofco ml n rr.ioublp ol PFfdren, Ereuriv€r r.d Poutici.ls<br />

wirh FFRdn LodenhiD Sryb<br />

N<br />

280 .036 .211<br />

CoRldion k rct rignili@l with Fc-Rcin L..d6hi! Style r = ,016, p > .05<br />


TABLE - 12<br />

Idr ol Co!(rcI R.Lrioutip ril! r$toB pdouuty ruirbL.<br />

@Ebir.d !.DDL ofltrdot<br />

N<br />

t67<br />

t67<br />

R<br />

-.095<br />

-.198..<br />

lll<br />

.005<br />

t67 .051 .251<br />

.' Silnifdt ar 0.01 l€rcI,<br />

I Sisnifc€Dt at 0.05 l.v.l.<br />

t67<br />

161<br />

r67<br />

-_l59.<br />

-236..<br />

-.lJ.l.<br />

.024<br />

.001<br />

.045<br />

Corlarid ir @t sigliic.nr virh rype. TIF .A' s r - -.095 drt p > ,05.<br />

Th@ ir!sied6@ Eh,lionsbi! hetwa l@B of @ftt !!d &[id@t botv.rion<br />

A riSnin@l FLlionsbip b.t*q ldu of conrrot md pordet mik vot8 @ t<br />

satrG= -.236 drd P

TABLE - 13<br />

Locu ol ColtDl ReLtiolrniD w t v.rior! D.M!.liw vrnblg ol r.le siudelrr<br />

N<br />

30 .,2@. _0J2<br />

80 -.16E .069<br />

80 .001<br />

30 ._t52 .088<br />

80 .044 .148<br />

80 -.079 .24J<br />

signi6c&t at 0.01 l.vel.<br />

r Sienin@t at 0,05 ldel-<br />

'ft@ is a siifqt Flrtio!$ip tetEn lea of @trEol &d t T. 'A' (. = -.M ad<br />

p < -05)<br />

Irse is m 5igttin6r cla,riorsbip b.twa l(s of miNl .Dd A.hie@dr<br />

Morivario! G= -.168 dd p > .05)<br />

'ftft is a significdt rel.tionshjp b.twdn l@B of conbol dd Proi.slet work rzlm<br />

(r=-.361dd! .05)<br />

'Itm is no signi!6r elatioahip h.ts6 l@u of @nEol .rd dltlvdio!<br />

Ih@ is a sigdfic'at Ebtiorship te$r.6 lo.u! of @dml &d tr.@licis (r = -.0?9 ard<br />


3re f{b)<br />

sE, o.e)<br />

.t fln-)<br />

sE. (.dd)<br />

sre.tkr.o<br />

3re t{rd)<br />

.,fu..r'furh@hll*'<br />

:ffi.ti.cddhdd hfi{r4.<br />

Ilt rCorEi.Iiouof M.LStud. t<br />


'Siifi@t<br />

TABLE 15<br />

LocN of Coltrol Rehrioublp wlth r.riols pcBotr.[ry v!.i.bl6<br />

of td.l. rtlddts<br />

N<br />

ar 0.05 ld.l.<br />

E7 .0ll .459<br />

-.2|]. .024<br />

a1 .063 2E0<br />

-_.219. .021<br />

81 -.tt4 .t26<br />

81 - r79 |7<br />

ft@ tu no siglifimi rclatioilhip b. €n locus of @Dtrol .ad tn .A'. (r =.01 I ed<br />

P.0t<br />

TheE n a di6@i rlatioNhip b.rketr ldu of o rol ed Achievehenl Molivrrion<br />

ft.c i5 e siglfidt Elalioship b.rva lfc of @.rrDt .rd PDa6idr \vo* VdG<br />

I1l@ is no signiti@t r€Ltioruhip betRtn l@6 of @n1bl &d Catholic Work Vd6<br />

G='129&dp>.05)<br />

Th.e is rc sknifi@r &larioNhip berwn t@u of €ortrcl sd Exrevesion (r = -.06j<br />

ft@ ir. sigd6@1 ELrioNnip b.t*e le6 of @nrbl and Nmdcim (! = -.219<br />


TrbL -16<br />

I d Co@hno6 of vaiou p.noi.liry vri.bl6 *ith Llcw of C.nlol for f.m.le<br />

$ud{a N - 87<br />

s!'(lr&)<br />

sre (dro<br />

eo 0{e)<br />

.b tr{.o<br />

' c.Ir&..btud r6.06k{trho<br />

'' ccnLbbdFhadnhod bsr0{kt<br />


' Sig'ifidl al0.05ld€I.<br />

TAILE - I?<br />

Locu ofcolrol R.Ltlolrnip th v{iou. pcBon.tity nrirbls<br />

o! o&bitr.d {DDl. ol ProfsoE<br />

N<br />

n .80 .244<br />

71 ,M3 .154<br />

11 -000 ,499<br />

71 -.027 .409<br />

.064 _29n<br />

Oryeizatioml ComiEnent<br />

Allhodlli& L.!d.6hiD Styl.<br />

Panicipadve rad.6hip Styl.<br />

FR-Fir L6d6hip Styl.<br />

71<br />

71<br />

17<br />

11<br />

.068<br />

,070<br />

.093<br />

.032<br />

.2u9.<br />

.219<br />

_272,<br />

210<br />

.391<br />

.034<br />

A poritire si8nifi@1 rclalionrhjp betr6 €xlehrl t@G of @ rol dd Fe,Ejn<br />

tratGlip Sitlc a foud. (! = ,209 &d r < .05)<br />

No sigdt!@r cl.tio4hip b.tlNfu los of onrrol fld rypc .A, qd foud. G =,80 @d<br />

No signmc&t Elationship b.r\{d l(4 of @nrol dd Achjod.ni Motivalion, ws<br />

foud. (r=.041 ed p > .05<br />

No sigdfi@t Glatiomhip bcrlEr l@u of @ftd dd ?re16tafi Voli Vrlues s<br />

found. G =.06a and p>.0t<br />

No signmcdt Flationshjp b€is€en tocu of altlrol sd Catholic Wo* values ws<br />

found. (r = .068 &d p > .05)<br />

No sigDifical Elrionship betw l@s of @nEot ad Exrnvoion whe,e<br />

No significer rlsriosnip b.r*en tocu of 6nrol &d N€Wticism M foud,<br />

No signjficfl (latioNhi p berq?a I@6 or @ntrot md Orsdiz.rionrl Comjhenr w6<br />

fosd. {r = .070 {d D > .05)<br />

No siif@t Ebto.ship b.r}q l6N of@nrotad Aurhodrari& L.adlshiD Srvt.<br />

ws round. (r - .093 &d p > .05)<br />

No s'gnjncd Elationship b.twed l@B of conrol dd psrri.ipalive taaddship Slyh<br />

re foud. (r = .032 sd p > .0t<br />


TABLE 18<br />

" SiSriliont al 0.01 Lv.l.<br />

Lcu of Collml Rellaionhip rio vrrioli p.Mr.lity v.ri.DIB<br />

of D.lc DrcfgsoB<br />

N<br />

32<br />

12<br />

.151<br />

.u4<br />

.196<br />

.405<br />

32<br />

l2<br />

-_259<br />

_011<br />

.076<br />

32 .501.' .002<br />

Orroiatiotr l Co@rEnent<br />

Authonbisn LaddshjD Siylc<br />

l.nicipltiv. t dcEhip St]le<br />

F@ein kaLBhjp SVle<br />

J2<br />

32<br />

It<br />

l)<br />

t2<br />

-.1t0.<br />

.048<br />

,0t7<br />

ll2<br />

.l3E<br />

.M2<br />

.196<br />

_461<br />

_270<br />

226<br />

1 Signilicdt at 0,05 lwel,<br />

A sig'ifdt ElarioFhip betw6 eittut teN of oftrot &rt prclansl ]vo.t VdB<br />

sa round. G =.501 {td p < .0D<br />

A sisnificdt Gladonship b.l@n qterel t6u of control md Ca$oljc Work Valu€s<br />

wa found. G=-.310 edp .05)<br />

No signifiml rclarionsnip b.re€n l@u of @!Eol od Exravcsion wa fobd.<br />

No 3ignjfi@t Elado.ship b.nrd bB of @nEol .nd Newricim % foud.<br />

No si8dficant rcbriosbir berw.cn l@s of conrrol dd OrAeiztional Colmilrnqt 6<br />

foud. G - .048 ald p >.05)<br />

No sigrin@t Elalionrhip b.(lrh lo6 of 6drol &d Althdin ie t4ateship Styte<br />

@ foud. (r = .017 ed p > .05)<br />

No signifi@t rclatioNhip bcr&en IGus of coftrol md panicipadvs L€ade$hip Slyl.<br />

B foud, G = -.1 12 &d p > .05)<br />

'ft@ i5 r sjgnifiqr rcladoship b€twen l@N of @nEol aDd FFEin Iad.uhi,<br />

StYb B foud.6=.138 edp < .05)<br />


TABLE - 19<br />

LocutofCo rul Rel.ilorublp {irn v.riou peno!.lity v.rl.blct<br />

of fo.l. prcf6o6<br />

N<br />

45 .069 .326<br />

45 .024 .4J1<br />

u4 _224<br />

-.t47 .168<br />

45 -_107 .242<br />

45 .018 .451<br />

Or8mizational ColMibqt .l0l .254<br />

AutlDririo lr&L6hjp Styl. 45 .175 .t24<br />

Pailiciporiv. LarlcElip Stylc 45 .201 _091<br />

FFFin I€rLBhip Srylc 45 ,290. _021<br />

I Si8ni6@r at 0.05 l.v.l.<br />

'IrEG is a siifiMt rcl.liochip betsta l@N oI @nilol and le,Eir rrad.rship<br />

sgl. G=.290&dp < .05)<br />

'D!d is m sigrifidr dlarioBhjp b.ttra tocN of @drct ard ryp€ .A',<br />

Ir'src is no siSnificmt el.tioship bdwn locu of control ed Achiactunt<br />

Motivr'rio, (r -.024 .nd p > ,05)<br />

IrEE i5 @ siifiEr Eldio6lip h.twa tofu of @Eot .rd !rcrd$r \vo* VdB<br />

'IbeE is a sigaiicdt rlalioDhip berw locu oI @niel md Cathotic wo* values<br />

Tt c is no sigdfiqr ElaiioEhip bct9@ locN of @!rml ed Exlr.v*ion wh@<br />

Tltd€ C m !i8nin@r El.rionship b.1scn l@u of @nrol ant N€uoricisn<br />

n'@ is no sieriij@r Elsrioship berwa lsN of @trrol ed ote&i2lljoMl<br />

Conniolsl(r-.l0l ddp>.05)<br />

IEE ir rc si8nifi@l Ebli@tip b€i*h l@N of @ntrol ed Aurhoribrid<br />

L.sdcshi! Style (r = ,157 ed p > ,05)<br />

Th@ h no signif'cdt rclatiouhip berwso locu of conirot ed pafliciparive Leade,lhip<br />

sglc (r - .201 4d D > .05)<br />


TABLE -20<br />

Lo.B of Corbol Rcl.itorbip wllh yriou! p.Folrlity v.rt bl6<br />

.orbhed nEDl. of d.cuth6<br />

N<br />

t29 .066 .724<br />

r29 ..1,10 ,057<br />

t29 .032 .359<br />

t29 .0.]5 _t49<br />

t29 ltl<br />

t19 .140 .056<br />

O'3eiu,rion l Comitrlenr 129 -.184r .019<br />

Auihoribrid lradcEhip Stl. t29 .086 .t66<br />

P.nicipqrir LadalhiD Srylc t29 -.t54 .040<br />

F@Ein Led.Rhio Stylc t29 .051 )42<br />

' Signifihl ar 0.05 lev€I.<br />

'n@ is m sisnifiqt ElrioNlip betwd' roc6 of @ rol dd rype .A', G =.066 ed<br />

p > .05)<br />

n'@ is no siSrif@r eLrioship h'r.cn l@u of cortol ed Achi*oor<br />

Molivation, (r = -.140 and p > ,05)<br />

Th.E is no signifi.tut Elolio6hip b€twd tocls of @ntrcl sd pmlcar&t Vork Votu.s<br />

Tt c is no ngni6{t rcladon$ip ben'gr lG of @.tol ed Carlrclic work VolB<br />

lllqe is no sisnificdt Elatio$hip betw€en I@u of conrol ed Exr.rcuion c = .032<br />

-ftcE is no siific&r Elariorship b€r@! toG of @nEot tud Ne@ricis (r = .035<br />

I1E is a signili@r FtalioNhip h.rEq t@s of controt dd Or@iztionat<br />

Comnrrne rr-- 184&dp>.01)<br />

ftcE is rc signi6@1 El.tor6Lip b.rwd l@s of ontrel md Aullorirdm<br />

Llddshi! Styl. (r = .086 &d p > .05)<br />

'n@ tu a sigrific! Elotio.5hip beren tos of @ftll .d prdici!61iv. tad.F$o<br />

Styl. tr - -.I54 &d p < 05)<br />

Ilrdc is a sienifEet elaioNhip betw€en locu of con(ol ed FE.{ein Lead€tship<br />


TABLE - 2I<br />

Locur ol Cotrtrol RelrtioDbip aitlr vrriour peBodlily r.rirbl6 of Drle q.cutiv*<br />

N<br />

95 -_021 .419<br />

95 ._2t9. .016<br />

95 -.005 .481<br />

95 .021 4ll<br />

95 l .l4l<br />

95 -.lll .l0J<br />

Orsei4tiout ComiIE.nt 95 .093 .t85<br />

Aulhor .rie kal6hiD Stl. 95 . t94<br />

Pdicipadv. Lddeshjp Styl. 95 -.183' .038<br />

FRe.(in L.ld.BhiD Sryle 95 ,065 .261<br />

' SislifiNt 6t 0.05 level.<br />

Itr@ i5 no sisnif@t Eldiotrshi! b€t*En l(E of @ftol 6d rr?e A', (r -_029 u"d<br />

p > .0t<br />

TLc is . sig.fi@t Ehlonship hetf,€m l@s of@nlrol dd Achiw€mdl Motivrrior,<br />

ft@ i6 no significdt relaiionshit betw€m locu ofmniret dd Petesranr Work Vstues<br />

Th@ G m jgnindr elarioMdip b€1@n t@6 of @nrol ard Cadolic wort Vdu6<br />

Irr.E i5 no sis.ifi@t El.tioBhip h.twa locE of.ontrcl &d Exrrlvdion lvnm<br />

'Irr@ i6 no sisnjficflt Elationship b.rwed locus of conrol md Neuoticisn G - .023<br />

th@ is Do signifi@t Ebiidshi! b.t@D t@u of @nEot sd Or8diational<br />

Co'Milhml (. = .093 ard p > .0D<br />

thd is e sienindt rclalionship b.1wm tos of conrot dd Aulrlorinrid<br />

t aleBhip Style G =,090.rd p >.05)<br />

'IXee h a si8ni6@l elationsnjp b',een l&us of contr.l &d panioipaiive L.addship<br />

stylc G= ".183 dd p

TABLE.22<br />

Locur olCorrml Rcl.llonlti! *iL[ vrliour DemDllity v.nrbb off.o.l. deotir et<br />

N<br />

-.252 .075<br />

34 .t62 .t19<br />

34 .18? .t45<br />

14 .068 ,t26<br />

l4 ,036<br />

34 -.089 ..108<br />

Or3&naioDl Comim.nr .t01 _271<br />

AudDrinrid L.d6biD Stylc l4 ll7<br />

Paniciparjw Ladqxlip Stl. 34 .360<br />

F@ein LadmhiD Sryl. 34 082 .t22<br />

I Significdr at 0,05 ldd,<br />

-Itee<br />

is rc signi66l rclatioebip bet$en lo@ of @ntrol ed g?e .A,, (r = ..252 ed<br />

p > -05)<br />

'nrft n m sigdificet clslionship h.r@r l(s of @ Dl &d Achi€vdml<br />

Moivation, (r =.162 dd p > .01)<br />

TheE is a 3ignifi6t rclatiouhip be$en locu ofconlrol ed Pe€siant Work Valu4<br />

Ihw b no sistrifi@l rcl.tiorohip b€r*eD l@s of @alrol and Caholic Wort valG<br />

'D@ is no sienifidr rcl.rjon nip behrei ldE of cortrot &d Extra*Ejor (r = ,187<br />

Therc is no signi661 rclstioBhip berw@n loc6 of @otol ed Ne@lichm G = 068<br />

'It€e is .o siedfi@r El.rioDsbip b.rw@ l@6 of @rEol ed Org&tadond<br />

Colmidndl (r = -,107 lrd p > .01)<br />

'DBe is no si91i6@t Eldlio!$ip b.rwen l@u of @nEol and Aurhorituie<br />

Lead€Ebip Slyle (r =.1l? &d p > .05)<br />

ftse is a lignificet rclstiosbip beryen locu of @ntol ed panicipaiivc Leaddship<br />

stylc (r = .064 {d p > .05)<br />

IheE is no signifi@l rcl.tioslip b€r*@n l@s of @nirbl dd FErciD tadcshiD<br />

sttleG-.0E2ardp>.05)<br />


.E<br />

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.IA,ILE - 24<br />

t .urofco rcl f,.l.tioubip witl nriour !.DoDlig v.rirbl6<br />

oEbired uDd. of Dolirici.!3<br />

N<br />

-.22t1 .029<br />

-.078 .254<br />

_052 -.]10<br />

.057 .115<br />

.056 .319<br />

.012 _4t6<br />

Oteebrional Comit'n.nt .072 .272<br />

Aulhoriarie Lral€EliD Stl. -.2t1r .032<br />

Panicipaijv. Ledeshjp Styl€ -.004 _447<br />

Fe.rei! Lad.EhiD Styl. -.lEl .059<br />

r Significdl al 0.05 l.vel.<br />

Th.e is . sigtrifimt rcbiioBhip b€trq l@s of@ltrol ard rrTe .4,, (r = -.221 dd<br />

Th@ is ao eigniftcdt clalionship h.tkd I@s of aniol ed Achi€vmenl<br />

Molivalion, G -.078 edp > ,05)<br />

'fteE is o signili@i Flationship b.r\{d locu oI @nlrol dd ?rot srari Wo* Vatu.s<br />

'ftcF t m sigr!6@r Fl.toi.hip bcn@i l@B of @.ttot dd Cadolic Wort vdB<br />

Tllse is no significnt Elationship b€rwc.n l@6 of conrrol and Ettravcdor G = ,0t6<br />

Th@ G m sigin@l rclatioEhip bdren t@u of @lrrct dnt Ne@tds G = .Ot2<br />

Irr@ is no sienificaDt Glarionship b.rq@ l@s of @nrol &d Oe@jztionat<br />

Co@itnot G =.072 {d D>,01)<br />

'nr@ is a significd rclaiionship b.ilr@ locus ofconrol ad Authoritarie lEad$hi!<br />

Slyl. G= -.217 ed p .05)<br />

Tn E is !o siSnifiql rclalioBhjp b.tl^@ locs of conrol fld lrc.-Ein tf,adenhip<br />

Slyle G=-.183 dd!>.05)<br />


TAELE - ]5<br />

Locu ol Colrrul &lrtionrtip w n v.now p.e!.lity vdirbto ol Drle Dolilicir!!<br />

N<br />

l6 ll4 .254<br />

.tlt6 _198<br />

-.166 .161<br />

36 .t44 .202<br />

36 -.040 .409<br />

l6 -.049 -.100<br />

O.3miatiotr t ColMihat 36 .082 .l l8<br />

Aurhodtari& L..dashiD Styl. l6 .006 .481<br />

Pdiciparive LodcshiD Srylc 36 .056 ..174<br />

FE.-Ein t .dqship Style 36 .028 .4.15<br />

't'G ir no signinmt elrliotulip b.rwo lo$ of conr$t dd rtF .A. G =.lt4 sd<br />

p>.0t<br />

Th!rc is no signifi@t clatioDship bct@n locs of co rot ed Achievffient<br />

Moiivltioa G -.146 ed p >.05)<br />

'nrcc is a sig li6r cladoship belEn tocB of @Ittol .nd prorcsLnr Wort Vatc<br />

G-.166ddp>.05)<br />

'Ih@ is no sipilicet Glatio$hit b€rwccn l@B ot control ed Calhotic Work Valws<br />

ThE is ao rignifitul Elationship b€r@. les of @trrtot and Exi6v6io! (r = -.040<br />

'DEE is no si8nin6l Elariomhip b.tsrd 166 of @drol md N.uroticiw G = -,049<br />

lllaF is no si8rili@t ElsrioNhip brrlh locN of @ftol dd o'gdi2djonal<br />

comitue c-.082adp>.01)<br />

ft@ b m signifi@r El.tioGlip b.t]en lou of orrot &d Aurhoritei&<br />

Lead.ahip Styl. G = .006 ed D> -0t<br />

Thdc is m siSnifi€t rclalioBhip b€tl,q locu ofconuol and paniciparive Lead.Bhip<br />

Styl.G=.056 ud p > .05)<br />

Th.E is @ sigdliol clation$ip bcrB l@B of @nrrot and F@-cin Ia!.BniD<br />

Sryl. (i -.028 &dp >.05)<br />


IASLE - 26<br />

Indr .r Conlml Rcl.liooliD wiin v.dos D.M.rlity v.ri.bld ol f.o.l. Doliaici.u<br />

N<br />

38 -.428'1 ,004<br />

l8 -.280. ,045<br />

.t8 .0t9 .456<br />

.t8 .021<br />

38 -.07E ,l2l<br />

.t8 .0?8 .)t<br />

OremizationNl Comitnenl l8 .087 )02<br />

Authodbj& t jddhjD Stylc l8 -.193.. .007<br />

PdiciDsti4 krd.6bip Sryl. ]E -_055 179<br />

FEe-Rin L.id.BhjD Styl. 38 ._302. .0ll<br />

rr siclifist !t 0.01 l€vcl,<br />

i Sisnid6t at 0.05 l4el,<br />

Th@ is ! signili@r @l.tioclip bet*En l@q of onirol .!d tt?e 'A , (r = ,.428 ed<br />

Th* is a significmt relatiotuhip betwa l@us of onlrol dd Achiet@cnr MoriBlion,<br />

G :.28 ed p < .05)<br />

Tn@ tu @ signi6@t Ebiio$hit betw.d locu of@.rol dd !rcteslort Work Valu.s<br />

ft@ i! @ signifi@t dldion5hi! bctqd ltu of Mriol .nd Catholic Wo* vdc<br />

'nr* h no siSnifiml rcLtioship betMen l@u ofonrrol sd Exrravcuion ( r = -.0?8<br />

Ih@ is no siSnifiml rcl.tioabip bd*leD locs of @nrlol ed Nemlidm G = .0?8<br />

aDd p > .05)<br />

'nre is no siSiificart lcl3tioosbip t tvm los of @nrol &d ClrBeiz,rio.d<br />

comih.nt ( =.087 ed p > .05)<br />

Th@ is a signifi@t relatioffhip behr@n locus ofcontrol 6d Authorila s ledship<br />

Siyl. G = -.193 ddp> -01)<br />

thd is rc signifi@t clatioEhip b€twen l@u of@ftll &d Phnicipatirc Led€Ghjp<br />

style (r = -.055 8nd p > .05)<br />

theE is no signif@l €latiorship bent@n locN of @drrol dd FrcFGin katdshig<br />

Strle G = -.302 edp

E<br />

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CIIAPTER.6<br />


The pr.snr study wa caid olt ro eslablhh th€ @latioGhip betwn lrcs of Conftl<br />

,nd olhd p.eDnlity wilbl6 s@h 6 FMlalit{i@t tioA ehiev€l@t motivatio4<br />

e\rrav6ion-re@liciso, protcslant{a$oli. mrl eilics !tc. of nud@t, prcfcses,<br />

dcculivca dd polilicia living in Kmhi, Pdtisls.<br />

fte abov@doned fou gmuF @Dp!is.d of wplc which is a Mjo. clEa. of<br />

Patislar'3 popdaijon other the l,!e famc6. Sirce the $udy M 6i€tl our in one olth€<br />

mjor citics of Pa&is&r i... K,ra.hi, s such s inponat msjor cluster of Palishn's<br />

popuralion i... 6rd6 lrw nol ircluded iD thii earch. This *eDmt ofpopdaion<br />

inEiably rcsidB in viUa8s, Kamchi is kroM to b€ a cosmopolira! ciry wh@ $e<br />

balihnb hlvc @n AoD thc ditreMt lsis ofthe @utry,lt ha s sporr which is oae<br />

of th. djor elB ol i!@N of a cl6 of popularj@ i.c, ble @Id @it6 s My<br />

foeign ed lftal v6sh dchor on Kdachi Pon. Usurlly p@ple have anaincd a cdiain<br />

lwcl of.dledon and @ .ither doing jobs of vuios MluE or invohed in smc ldnd of<br />

6Nin6.. Good od *noM Gdelri@lt innitudos of lhe @urry disr in lhis city. It is !<br />

hub of hdy mrioml ed inlcm.tiolal conpani* wlich c op@lirg hee. People<br />

Cfn.ally show int6t in political od ecid &tivili$- Mod of lh. population, ey about<br />

9?% e MBliff (Popul.lion 5elrs198). Th. city ba il! oM adninta.don in rhe<br />

fom of ciiy md dislrict aucil. The Povincial tuenbly buildirg dd tbc covenols<br />

cidency e d$ lomld in Krtuhi.<br />


Thc atudy hee.ls the pole ial of both theordi€al imporun@ dd practical sienifituce<br />

b.€@ ir mdd not @orribuo. only io formrl knowl.dg. fo. lhc @@ of hul:m<br />

behavior but wuld ale serue the ed@tional, social, @rporare dd political<br />

avibm€at3, ed to optjmiz. the €p.biliri6 of lhe F.plc ir rbe fou dim6ioB.<br />

The rcsulh ofde srudy @ givcn tuD Tabl.n io Tabl.-12, Tables.lA, lB, lC &d lD<br />

indiqtc the 6q@cy disriburioq Ergq E€24 srmd&tl ddiatioa &d r@€nt * of<br />

scor* on Roncfs Intemality-Exlqnality L@s of Control Sql. obtained by de<br />

nud\tc, pmf.$R, qeudE &d politicis. 6 . rojor Eisblc &d ils Eladonsnip<br />

wilh olhq psnality v{iabl6 lik TyF .A P@oality Onoution, Achicv.nenl<br />

Motiv.tiotr, Exdav6io-NeNricisb, Wort Vdc for shrd€ s.rd.tso Orgdizdon l<br />

Comnnat.!d L@de6hip Sryl€s i.c. A hontadvq P{icipativc &d FE R.in of<br />

Fof6sl' ex@utiv.s dd loliticim Giding in Kdchj, Pakrrrn.<br />

This scction of disenaiion d.als wirh rhe discusion &d findin$ oo th. bais of ih€<br />

6ults oblained for wiou n8@, Thc dddiprivc rraiijds shoh in T.bl. tB<br />

indicatca the 6poNe mod. ofth..ntie poputation includ€d in ihb study or o!. ofrhe<br />

mjor peMnalny mesG i,c. Rotler's Les ofconrrot S.ate. Siie Ihe Rono Sc€te is<br />

ui.din Biobal ed 6tur on a singL costinnM (Rond, t966), .s sEh poputador<br />

hs not beo sg.gat d in io tw categori.s for irder findjnes. How€vq, lhen dcbils<br />

Il is didd Aom the dlb rh* the rEld of the populatiotr @ moE rilt€d toweds<br />

i .odity6302i.c, 67,56F@nretlordolrfatli!thcd€soryof inremats. wlrc@,<br />

145 i... 32.,14 in rh. caegory ofcxtehab. fhc @ge ofthc $oEs b L berw..n z - 13<br />


on lhe Limdity-Exlhality Scrl€. \vhcin, mininu ws 2 ed ndidh m 18.<br />

Md c 9.91 &d SD E 3.342 EsFcrircly.<br />

A5 jndj€red in Tabl. lD rhc firn hypoihdb h6 b€en povcd that 6?.56% of the lol,l<br />

smpl€ falls in the @legory of i e6rls 6 aglinst 32.,14% ir ext€@tj. Not only thar<br />

hale! in all 0E f@ ei.gdi6 i,e srrddl!, ptof.$B, .xcrri6 ard polilicirns e<br />

higher in nhber md p.@or!8c th6 rh.n coulerp€ns in qtemaliry. Even rhe f€Mle<br />

e highd h a@bd .!d Fe.i!8. of iltdditt qc.pr in d. .!.gory ody of<br />

*ecurire f@.16 sto e n@ on qt.dEtity i... 55.9% s coepdd ro int.nality<br />

ht m.lily s . nd!rc oa ldor of Col|nt:<br />

LocB of ConEol My be thoughl of s efi€.ting h.b!vio. a s tuncrio! ofcxFcr.rcy dd<br />

a E nfo@t within a ip@ific sinDdon (Ftutg t9l). Bl@ (1984) sugs*ted rhar<br />

Lrcus of Co rol is dsciatcd wilh the goc6l aftitud€ rhll on€ has rowlrds onslf,<br />

onct b€l.vior $d @e\ @peiq ro i lud. ftm wjth hider re6 of Cod.ol<br />

scos indicak .xtemliiy. Ttr.y lend to fecl nappid, nEr ed t6s sre$.d. Tney at$<br />

djoy b€tter h4lth likely b.qe they dp.ricD@ ts d.mging etrers ih.r @ @nc<br />

rbn felings of F*des*$ s suc!, @ hoE sarisicd eih life in 8.NEl (MaiN,<br />

1987), IitenEls @ rcady to ietc action to coDfonr difrculties to ebploy moe efecrive<br />

@gritiv. rL.cgie &d @.blc b d.tay gitin@tiotr (Lf@u4 1972). Nadir€h Gargd<br />

&d Mich&l (1975) fould th!1 inr.@al iodividuts we 3ignifi6ily nG lik€ly ro<br />

Epon 1he6*lv* q @oierd.d individub wi6 the li& situtior '[rcy displa]ed Ls<br />

mood distub.,!6. 6npdric, Dubin ad Meorl€e, r94). pdr6 o9E4) tound that<br />


pottEns ofopi.S bt inledds w€E potenrially doE adaptiE. AnjM@ (1983) tuch4d<br />

(1981) found &.t intinsic EligioB odcntdtion cmlltcd posiriv.ly wilh inleoaliry,<br />

whqc6, extriuic Flieios od.ntatio! conelaFs neeativcty with inleo,l Locu of<br />

Anjlltl:m 0981), Mddin, Heis od ce (200D foud ir'Br nrls tcnded to b. eoF<br />

iolcdd tne fsn.is. Icy ffinq rlgg.sl drt bigh* $G oo ir&mal lsq of<br />

Conlrol e e.ncnlly sen s dqi6ble, To ih.D, lne t m .lnlenal res of Contot, @<br />

ols b. afeftd to s SerAgdcy', '!@a.l CrnEot','S.lf D€rami!.tion' elc How[<br />

ed Avolio (1991) foud that 6s p6plc gct old{, they r.nd to b€6m€ moF inteml dd<br />

poopl. bign up i! oigeiz.rion rtrrenre t nd to be m@ i cmal, ltal.nb€k et at ( t 989)<br />

foud $al inlmah on€n .ohnn b dsky, imovativs ed difij.ott rask, Inr.mats b€ti.ve<br />

in then ou qpabiliti6 lo p.rfon b.navioE nee$uy to conirol evdls od<br />

@Nqedy st th.iroM sorls (Philipr.d Gulty, 199r.<br />

Individu,ls wiil highd lniddl les of Conrol e boE betptul (Cldtq l99l),<br />

Feiv€ noE soci.l suplon ry€nderE.t d, 199?) @pe hetrer in srtlstul siturion<br />

(Bod, 1990). Sadowski (1993) foud rhlt individuals who perceivcd .verk in ihen<br />

civimDml a b.in8 @nlirgdr on dEn acfioG @ sjd to havc Inr.m,l te$ of<br />

Contlol orieniaion. Pilsuk, Monrsobery, p&ks and AcEdolo (1993) toud that rDlemal<br />

las of Co rcl buffcs th. dclctcn@.treis of synpbG oflhtsicd iUns o! $lf<br />

dted healb. Htu (2000) and Hanie, Mdsb, N.jl md Richads (1997) e ofthe opinion<br />

thl1 ouldoor ede$onal a.liviti.s o. edlcdjor.t inreNotion nnve b@ foud 10 pode<br />


loD8 rem slitu rovlrds inLm! toru of Conlml. Chubb, Fertme dd R6 099?)<br />

found a posnivc rclatiosnip of gcnda, tndc ed inlem,l L@c of Contrl.<br />

Th.E e G..rche^ th.,r harc linled o I aEl Locu of Conrol wnn high self€sl€en,<br />

job sctisfelion, high self eft.ey md high ed@rloml spinlioN (Marir, 2OO3).<br />

Suce$nn leds and otEpr.eG rypic.lly show a hid Inlemal Lss of Conrol<br />

(LE, 2001). Kcmis {1984) fosd rhar inicmls foud b.tl{ ihmetves on tn s. r.sk,<br />

lh.Ffore, they pcfd to @aiinuc rcrtin8 ai a &ik rhar thet hsre $cetd.d ar Inredd<br />

Lsa of Codrcl nls ber foud lo b. si8nific&rty &tared b aqpalion.l arbimen!<br />

houly @itgs, job latsfaciioo, mu,l ediols md Etadve fimcial progess.<br />

MoE spccifically th. crosstioMl d.la sueg.n rhal inremats rc in<br />

th€ bettq ud hiehe iau& o@upatiotu, em mo& money dd lend to<br />

be boE highly stisfid in |lten m* thd th. c@poEblc q&ml'<br />

The longiludin l d!t! funlM $gg.st lhal inlemds qperienc more<br />

favoEbl. .mploymcnt circrtr(sD@ 0r& deir arcEd oscrt&ts,<br />

nmdy gMla ming ed job sadsf&lion (An&isi dd Ne,t t 1976,<br />

p.160)<br />

O'B.id (1984) 8iv6 tlc.xpla.riom indiEtjsg why.dd howi em.ts Frfom b.nd<br />

iojobs a @npdcd to.xrmals. Fis[y, b.caue i €mals shov salerjob nobiliry a a<br />

ftlctiotr of th.i. c.cr plmjlg and ctoiei !@ndly, nbk. gEle. efion , @.$qnorly<br />

8.i b€fter job! md hsy€ wo.k modvalion, iheefoe, set prcmotion. Lsdy, dey choo*<br />

lask behavioB thal appmximaic m@ cloely the behovioB rcquied for @rihal job<br />

pqrolr:l.@. llutd (20@) d.Etop€.t e Aviltion SaJety L@B of Cotuot S.jt and<br />


found rhd pilot! exhibircd sqb€r. ially highr inteeality rha €xlmaliry. Ttqc @<br />

elidenes 10 suSg.sl lhal ttro& with e Intchal Locus ofcontrol @ moG appoving of<br />

.xisti4 oditiN ed d. a@bFnyirg duli6 rba.d 6r.ilcd (cbjn, 199?).<br />

Schultz dd Schulrz (2005) poinred out thlt inr€nu.l Lrcu of C@rrcl wa foud having<br />

posirivc ElarioBhip *il[ iepFEd lhysicd lcalrL mdtal haldr ard quality lif. in<br />

p.ople uddgoin8 @ndilions s diw a HIV, migrain6, diab.r.s,lddncy dis4c dd<br />

ln the light of lhe discsion n is pDvcd that majority of popubrion in Pakntan<br />

i@lFciive of g.ndq fall itr th. Elegoy of int.nBls dd h likely ro be cndos€d with th.<br />

qualilie m.dion d in rhcir rladoDsnips wirh teu ofcon$ol.<br />

E(cm.l y .r . M*!E of ldur ol Colttul:<br />

LocG ol Conrrol is a co.ept thst h6 a sienificdt ef€cl on individud! daily life. Rotld<br />

0966) slaL! that teolle who e knoM 6 €xtemdls fal lhat Einforcddr. @<br />

conrelled by for6 orrsid. of thcir @nEol. TlEy m thoe who bcli.vc lo b€ leg.ly<br />

poqe 6s in tlE fe oI at @l dents, @ Iikely to @ n@y erions s b€in8<br />

ag8Niv.. I!.y .is d udit ly ro * et tt@n ro hoF for idpovdor (Andenm<br />

dd Modgley, 199?)- Ext h.ls uudly slop wortirg on ruc6n, ta3ks dd mov. to a<br />

dir.mt re* (K.mis, 1984).<br />

Thce wiilt Ext.hal Loos of Conlrol bcli* lnal tn.ir oM &tions do mt innuo@<br />

tute oulcona. Ex&mab sho* moE s g?icd .xp4t4.y shifts. Thcy fail ro wort ro<br />


each then tull DDtenijals du€ ro lacking in iheir @gnirive, morivdioel 4d emotional<br />

spF|@h As a hana of f.ct<br />

Co itru.d failw io spite of conlinud attenpts lcads to e exlml<br />

@nirol. (Bddq, 1995)<br />

B6E 1l ed sinda (1988) @nctud€d in onc of ihel rcsdch.s thor dcv.loping e<br />

Extml leu of Cdtrcl ruk* i 4ier to *ce loor pdfotM4 without hurdry lle<br />

individual ell T[ey fird s .gpe by aiributing rhe f.itc ro lEk, ch&@ or<br />

be{.@ of orh$s not attributing to pe$onal d.ficiency or lack ofabilily.<br />

E1r@ls @ .bidad of di6qr! siruaiotu esp.cidly tho* requirirg rh.i. adic<br />

involment. For exdple th.y pusE colmuicalio! str.r€si6 thal Fqui€ ltule<br />

@l€ry (B*rd6, 1937) a4d u:lik€ inredds, re udikely io n6rc. rte skilts n*si,<br />

ro 4@mplish tn n g@lr h s.re6t, q:tmak hdi* th.r llrcy lack th€ stilb n*sa,y<br />

to t .tr ciiv€ in solving poblens (Ldson, ?i6el, Im@ ed Allen, l99O),<br />

Con5.q6dy, O.t dlibil such eid&i b.h.vi6 s pbcEniEting (Jobsd .!d<br />

Carto4 1999) or withdr ing. Erraning or dcapins (ApinEU sd Taytor, t992:<br />

Ingledow. Hedy rnd Coop.!, 1997, Skimq, 196). Extehats d€ le$ noriwled by<br />

tuod of choie thd idrdds (Rulitr .d Rubin, 1989).<br />

Exleoals uually $f.r from seial Miety, one oI the escs of thjs wi.l diety in<br />

cncm.ls L lh!! thcr @ u"a!|. ro urLBlld orhcE betEvjoE .nd pld {!cir om etioa<br />

(Fisr. and Taylor, 1984). Exrcdls idd to inr.ract les wirh orh6 in a f* ro fee<br />

situli@ a do Ihe id.rnrls, be& inren.ts do n for th.ir pt*w ed.ntat ime<br />


(FlalEny d sl, 198). IE b.lief rhar cxl.ml fol6 @nEol *6ts (*tctlu povErtul<br />

ol,rus or fac) ud€minc, the frcl da1 p.opl€ cm win .flicrcy (zi@.me fld<br />

Rappapo4 1988) lheir .nvirchatal @t ry ed pqsd grc*llt (RyfI, 1989). Muy<br />

(2003) foud rhar qld)rl Leu of Co iol hB b6 ei.tcd with bighd Lvel of<br />

sres, fcque illn6s, psychologicd dist ss ed Elarionship dirstisfadion. Bclidd<br />

in pow..tul otllss, ftay *6 doe ihai oihc6 be in @nirol of thd (Bsg.r, 1989j<br />

StiEs,1988).<br />

tupi@ (1994) foud €xLmnlized l&6 of Conrol belisf Nociat d wi6 ned for<br />

suity id jobs. Smiq S.pp, Fftll &d ,oh@n {199E) f@d il.r sM.nG with e<br />

qtqn l Licu of CoDt ol oiotarior sw r.rcd low in...dcmi. achie@d &d *tf<br />

eslem. Dousltsry (1994) ford no signincdt difio€ncB betwn mole sienli6$ dd<br />

orher r'.lc pDf*sionak i! Ld6 of Collol 5.(E.<br />

In ihh rc*dch a md8i.auy highs FentaSc of fdalc spond€nls in lh€ c.lcgory of<br />

qecutivB hrw bm foud to be &.[ilg ir qr€n ls. Ilis my be a situliionat facloi<br />

N.€dld ro rrird thd an r 9-l I rhc job rut r in Prti{,n hs b@ne irtly ti8nr &d<br />

qcepl thoe with relativcly high poldtial @ going to swiv. in the wi@ *clor. This<br />

Ielilg / thitjng of be@ming jobl€s hs crared a d.p.ldocy Fniel{ly in the<br />

f.brl6 lad Bp€ially i! th@ $io @ siogt. Dorhd d thc bMd *iln6 for thcn<br />

fddili*. tu sh th€ii faUing jr rbis €i€gory i! not srupdsiry nrhdjusti6e!.<br />


Typo'A' vr Inlen.lily-ErieErlity:<br />

TlbL-l i!di6t6 tbe sB on Rott .'s tdB or Coni&l s . mjd vrirbl. dd irs<br />

r.latiorship with odd vailbl€ T}!e 'A' Palonslily of slud.htq proG$ors, qecurives<br />

sd polilicis rsidins in l

'Ihe foUowing cha@t rbti.3 have gencdlly b.en hidlighi.d Ebout rhe T),!e A'<br />

a) rl.rc aboye dE av.6g. Dalal &d phtsi.d .qdcity<br />

b) HiS y wiUiq ro @mpeG in.ll siiuarions<br />

c) H.ving a strong d6iF for @snilion<br />

d) Mdidizilg th.ir ctrodr to -hi* !dv!j|cd6l<br />

e) Undcn kine nultidintuional r'sk5 ud.i a fimned dne coGtnin<br />

D Alw.ys k@ io nah dd firisn &dviiics<br />

d H.vc insadable d6iE ro Fhier thcn Soals<br />

Th.s.findinss haye suppon llon the €!.Kh cmied ont by N.elon ed Kem (1990)<br />

who foud rtd Tr?. 1A' behavior 6d LocE of CodDl boddl€d thc impel of<br />

iftBcd.ioh ddard! on pstdologic.l ndin, Tr?e A' .xFri6c.d 16 psychologjcd<br />

stnia ll1& de Tt?. B's', Sinil&Iy' &hford ad Bobko (1990) EFn d a posjrive<br />

Eldtionship betwca High Type 'A' chddiciislics &d High Pq*iv€d Cootrol, Mcy.s<br />

el al (2002) N ofih. vicw tbar p€opl. with & irtqnal L{ru of Conitol fcl rhd th.y<br />

h6rc choi@ in th.ir live sd @!t!ol {)w dEn ciEMrt aes. On lhe corFary, O@<br />

having Bxteftal Leu of Contel feel Ad dd m in chsgc ro chmse th.ir oM<br />

ciewtreen wlich lqd thla to moe dF*.m@r. arc$ &d lvilsu O98!) foud<br />

@ c.larionsbip b.t*@ P@Eliry T)D. arld tec of C,trrrct. Ha*!,le ad Sch'rlrz<br />

(199t) sd Ryckne ed Malikosi (195) circd in schulrz dd s.hulE (2oot) sussesr<br />

that t cu of Conlol incr.es in hi€nutity up ulil nid.tle a8.. Medmon (2002)<br />

sndi.d Elaii@sbip of teE of Connol ir Typ€ .A, b.nwior p.nd b prEdicl dcgfe<br />


@mplcdon in a aoD i,ldilionrl D@lor ofcdwtior Pmsre. lt w6 orchd.d lhar Ttle<br />

'A'pesonalily and hLn l Locu oI Conrol w sisnifi@l vsiabls pEdicdns rhe<br />

Achiw.D.rt Ori.lt aio! v.Fcr hr.n.lity-Era.m.lity.<br />

Asindic .dinTaUe3 asisnilidr(ar0.01 lo€l)regativ.r.latioshi!(r=-0137)ws<br />

foEd b.t*En RotGr's 0966) IaE ot Conrrol of sc.l. dd the Lydt (1969)<br />

Achiw€m.nlMolivalio! Qu6rioMiE on lll tobl @plc (447) ompnsing ofslud.nts,<br />

prof.ss6, a€cuti$ &d polili.ia6, rhis indi@t6 lhal thcE is a d.6nit elarionship<br />

b.t@ i.Gnbli(y &d &hj.v@l mrivation, Achiamdr .rd @bp.L@ e $e<br />

te sidB of the se coir. tes of conrol h6 b€' foed s m ildi.aror oI<br />

individul'r iMte @t@itis for achievdcnt, An int€lligot &d a€hieving p.Mn will<br />

.lwtr lhint of hirerG & .fredrc .rd .tncial FMn. Hilha ldel of i etli8a@<br />

ed $ccs. wee ilbught of comploddng @h orhq- How.r, in 1950 s Mc Ctl.ted<br />

md his @lleagus alteEd th. .oncepl by povidins dre impoiance of orhd vd'abl€s $m<br />

rh@ ass6s.d hy inr.lliSoe, Eiste6@t 0978) folod dr.t & h&ml t cs of<br />

Contol is p@idv€ly rcl.tcd ro rh. fe.lings of @mperme,<br />

cleM er d (1966) ilvitcd otE io! ro thc Pcsooatity ch@r.risti6 @otrs disables<br />

and lioithg then po&nd.l to &Li€mdr. Coldo4 Cupb.ll, Ijol6oa Moo4<br />

Weinfold ed York (1966) studi* Eport positive ElalionshiF be$tq inr.halily dd<br />

&hid.Dat bebvio. Cedau et dl (1962) rcported tbcir findinss or F.l lnsijnne<br />

6ndi,B . El.lio$hip in L@B of Cont ol dd !.lima1 noovrrion. Ctutd.lfs ( 1962)<br />

radings wcrc rcpliet d pi0r ditraing Bulis by Chae (1965). Lssine (t969) fosd s<br />


@ftladon b.nen gE& point !v@g6 of .idrh ard clcM|n Shd. snrdoG qitn tnen<br />

sB orpcMml @nirel. M€ser C972) foud inlenal reu of control Miarcd uirb<br />

hblE Irad6 &hiaehdl l€sr. Lilrle ed K€ndalt (19?8) onctud€n tll Lros of<br />

'n<br />

Conaol is dha o iEppopriarl lt4E io p€dicr achicvmcnt to a div.Gified<br />

slqp€n &d Srdella dd H!'pi! (1980) foud lhar tau of C@trel be studi.d in deiail<br />

o! lna of Cootiol and t@ner'r @nEol. The ead.mic acnidmot behavior of atulc<br />

hd bea quite i eresling. Ot!.n (197?) fowd th.r intemals on Ron€ts LocB of Control<br />

did oblai! thcir !LD. in nre<br />

'%<br />

o dreppcd ou! s @mpard to .xicrEts. Or<br />

gndEte Nord, Com.Iy dd DaigEdr (1974) found d8t L.cs ofconlrot ed lpdtude<br />

neN6 w.re in a definilc pedicliv€ .lir.crion in elarion ro 86d€s.<br />

R lhi O98l) cotrclud.d lh.t Int nal lcs of Cdrol d.n d jgni6@l .fte|' upon<br />

.clri@endt horivarion. Korhri S@j 0993) foud that subj&b with rni.trEt t@s of<br />

Contol hd hida &hid.bdt notivlrio! ths rhe exreiut!. HsbuS (1996) mted llol<br />

bteoEl tsa of Codrel h6 be! shom 10 be e aa DoF signfi@r F!.licror of<br />

mhi.vdcnt lho inl.lligdc. or $cioaononic slatus. Rjpin€n (1994) fobd thal<br />

IrtenEl I-ocB of Contrcl bcliefs e ei.red wirb a hjgh lercl of ned for<br />

achiffinr. Sni{r S.!r, F@ll and JohM Ji (t98) found 6ar irr.ml @rt$t,<br />

aedeiic FIf dteeh @ polilivcly rlat d with eademic @,.vem.d.<br />

Findley &d C@F (1983) @p.!.d L@u of Conrol aid &lddic &hi.vchal aDd<br />

aourd UDt ir|mrs hav. siiftudy poririv. @@larioi wirh hiehd @ddic<br />

ehiev@cnt the extcmrls. B&,Tsl ed Bezbhor (19?7) .xMined the rclltionship<br />


ctwo Locu of conFol ed &adenic a.hjdendt amng chil.lren, adolcsenc. dd<br />

adolls ad foN.t r posiliv. @rehnon b.lwen two @i.bls Egardlcs of populaiion<br />

b.ing tuii.d. Th. sl(ly of tis of Cm!!l.rd a@dmic a.hi@ ar ellcgc /<br />

univeGit lewl indiqt s that inienals &hi4 hiehq dd b.n{ g6dcs ihe dt mds,<br />

(Hjelle, l9?0; Pbcinr &d B@r! 1974; StiFk dd Weisz, 1981; WlEhimq I9?2).<br />

Howvr, corclatioa @ nor a signjfot s lhey @ in childrEn .rd adol*de<br />

(Hjcu€, l9?0). Pocid( dd Brc6 (1975) foud rlt auc i'lehars, rhos wirh hictd<br />

sc @ inr.n$l *.16 prevcd ro he d. 6on ehicl@oi onoted. KaLz ( 1968) hund<br />

that intemals requiEd norc ihe befor swding diflcdt probleN. tindley dd<br />

C@F (1981) foud Dalq b. noF inteb.l the fdd6. Howd, ttis may be dE lo<br />

sial deriEbihy (SliFk drl \v.tuz, l98l). aased on Fa.litioDd god.r oles, fenale<br />

r.nd b beliwe tnat & irlcml pape.riv&ehievenent is irmNisrnr wilh fenrat.<br />

gad€r 016.t!4 dus, si.lly und6iEbl.. SLiclldd .nd Hatey O9E0) adniiis.ed<br />

Roner's (1966) Intdnality,E*r.maliry Scat. lo 200 matq sd 200 tenat*. Md ed<br />

vona bolh EE diEtcd lo Fspord 10 lhc $ale d eiihcr .tupd md6" (mbodying<br />

ext@. o.lc gcnd.r cha6.t6islic) o. "$Fi fdal6" (.hbodyile cxrrde f.bd.<br />

g.ndtr ch@idistict t@ dd vono qho @npl€t€rt th€ scsle @ordioS ro suF hale<br />

cdtaia ohLiEd high i .od sB Co!v@1, thoe who Eslondcd i! @rdee<br />

wi1h spd fcedc cnt ri4 obraiftd hieh d.mal s6' This Bpo@ bi6 represl!<br />

lh. Sods rcle cxp.clatios / ehievd@r for m.les e.t fehaio.<br />

Ph&6 09?O foud dat i eDalr h@ Eldily.cquiE irfomatiotr whj.h ir &le6l b<br />

dEn jobs. TlDs sp**s fo. $.n qill to achicvc boe in a lcs$r time.<br />


In the field of Prtdolo&/ the 6cePt of achiev@cni notivation or .e€d for<br />

&bi.rmt o b. trc.d hq.k to tle pcMn.lfty lndisl Mlmy (1938), who iftluded<br />

&hiemeat a one of hk 20 baic nads, Achi.vd@t notiBlion {3 thB delin d 6:<br />

Thc dBi€ ir .@bplish me rhing difficdt To n ste, lfuip'n& or<br />

orgdjr phrsical obj6ti, hl|tM b.in8s, or idea. To do this 6 spidly<br />

&d ind.p€ndsUy 6 posible. To q@l on€eu. To dv.l dd surpa$<br />

oth.6" (Mutly 193E, p.2O<br />

Ih* n€e& e nonrlly *en 1o bs uarocioN lerddcica which e gd€El ed<br />

disposilioNl in Et@ &d a such e @t lp..ifiolly lilt.d to sinratiotu 6d rend lo b.<br />

srable oveninc. for quii. soh. rim. th€e hs ben a coosidcBble grcrrh of ifleb! !o<br />

ehievdent molivarion led by Atkituin (1946) &d Mccl€ll.nd (1961),<br />

Achidehdl thdtrs havc .Dphsiz.

Lcs of Conttol with lchid€lml notistion. Male q@div6 did slFs a rclationship<br />

of &hiqendt noiivadon with intemsliiy G - -0.219, p< 0,05), F*dc polilicitu also<br />

showd s rclariotuhip belw€a uhiel@qt Dolivolion md intctuliry G = -0.280,<br />

p< 0.05). Thjs my be.nibut d ro tn frcr rtlr @lid orly a limiLd nmbq of f.nals<br />

wF tb€ pan of Flitcrt d€cisios i! rhis @utty. HoaeH, n is only @ndy ey abod<br />

20<br />

'sE bet d'at th. rcncn have b€er dpowrd witl a politic.l rcspotribility od<br />

@nequendy they hav€ slarted sho}irg th.t will &d slEnglh to b. in the polilics at<br />

locd, disficl ptuvircid lrd €v@ @lioo.l lcvcl,<br />

EllnY.Bio! - N.ondci!6:<br />

The €onepr of €xtav.Bion wd odgjoally 8iv.n by Juns (1921), He dcfined th€ @hcepl<br />

bled @ his obccflalioa. He d*rib.d qilorq|5 6 thoe whoe cMgi6 @ prilMily<br />

oricnrcd outwrdly, rovods p{pl. &d ddr! in lle cxrenal coviom66. Jug s6<br />

.rtraBiotrdi ovdion d trc dillffit anifuds. He nulher

ditreM6 tht I ss fored lo doubt wh.tls I have ob6eRcd coffidy<br />

ir tb€ f6r pl@. lt t@l mc lsrly ra y6 of ob*flrlion ad<br />

@npdi$n lo cl.{ thh dolbt. (tug, l9ll1971, p.135)<br />

As a man$ oI fact ttr mnE ed dt trt of ditra€rcB belwan ext"velsion ed<br />

irtrov@ion tnnslall ilro pbfo@dly diffcEnr appDachs to otiorlri@ loEds lifc.<br />

The cxtlvesioo atiodc, tait or p€eMlny cnzractdislics h.v. bH lmif€sled in<br />

difiee weys, Tlc iturment 16 PF of CaneU (1946) MiUion Index of PeMnality<br />

sty'cq srd Mcc@ ed T Cosla NEO PI (198t) give vdiou o@in$ to exf.vcFion.<br />

For cxmpl., sN of ConfonintheE viom€ rbjch is shom in nM.m.d<br />

sell acceplance, Ell bcing. altonody, *lf @nfide.ce dd slability. Ilt€ other mseing<br />

Siven is Acdon or Envirmol i.€. domitue, ssenir€nes, $cial boldnN, qp@ity<br />

for tLls, ladasnip, chrngc, assKior .nd .xnibition.<br />

Eysnck (1947) believ.d thd thft e 2l p.$onqlity Fairs which @ co6isL!t wir!<br />

thrcc mjor dimesioos of p@nrlity. Exidvcsion is one of thc verr imporr..r qrdinal<br />

t"ib of thar list Eysml (19?5) defircd .xtraveEion d siabiliv, freIiffi or<br />

q.nlbility- To EF.nck, .xtr.ve6ion nesus 4tiyiry l€vcl, wiability, qpGsiv@ss,<br />

asenih€s, dbilion, doSDalisn dd aSgfrsivenes. He srysi<br />

Extov€rts e e0rc, opdnntic, inpulsiy., cbqgabL, dcir,ble,

Exlroveits lile excilencoi slimulation ed Lnd 10 be ch*!tuI in disposilions (Costa,<br />

McC@ tud Holldd, 1984)- H,rki6 ud CEn ( l9?5) foud d!1 dtmv.rrs fbd n hcrd<br />

10 h.inhin 6n6tErio. fo. loethy lqiod ofrim€.<br />

Merh.w*, David ed Lr6 (1990) foud L'rnr.xhverrs h&ve morc rclouEs av.ilabl.<br />

10 rh.n on c€rr.ir tilds ofrr.ls ad & @$d in rbd my feilillrc llen iDciioring<br />

EO. lha ch@gc thc ch&acI6 of lh.i! t !.lioD to l!*s. Gupu dd Ku (19?8)<br />

slrcw.d tha a stinulet dcxilomphelanins ihprcwd th€ eflici.rcy of .xlrov.ft bui<br />

inldfdd wilh lhe p.rfom.@ of intovctu, Vitff ard @lleges 0994) oifm.d<br />

lhc 8.n.rc und.+ieirg of .xtal6i@. Th.y foud Oar qi.avdiotr 6 $bsr.rdally<br />

ithdil€d dd tended to b. sr.ble &rcs gdd.r ud tiDe. Zek.mm dd his @lleaeu6<br />

(1993) support LtEt qiraveBion is prcnin.nr o! ny r€st of most inpoddi persorahy<br />

@ad!cr' M€Fafld (1994) found thlt dtsv.Ei@ E Gla!.d ro both po6iriv. &d<br />

esdjv. lsdrs (mood! o@g n@ric suljers). Anirrha (1995) ftud qravGion<br />

ro bc posnivdy Elal.d to slins sial support rnd optimism, Shins (2000) Shind,<br />

Malcn ed Rob€ns (2003) fourd thal dtiavdsion prEdicts posirilcs chang6 in socid<br />

@ht race a@$ li@. Asndorpf ed v&Ald (2003) hlvc @nclu

d6ws e negative ed tuy eyd poinl !o @iain typ€ ol patholo$,. E$ly sign of<br />

€xtlv.Fion d€ Elar€d 10 h.ighrened risk of cxte@lizinS symptom md .g8r.ssion.<br />

sbiH (2006) foud that qtowncd .hildra e nft litaly th& ht ovlrled .hil&.n !o<br />

devclop htiscial b.h.vior. Tney hav. slronger irDule3 .od mft on6 .!ga8c in<br />

mrisocial beh.vio! wilh ps. C€tola dd Piin*ey ( 1986) foud th6r hid volde (souid)<br />

mrls, but on ih€ qlrovcn tuvord @mdids b.ing shoM on a loudd volw thd<br />

rhc Flc.ding pmglu. FEnonq Mtu .rd M*o! (1970) fourd thlt illrowrc 3ho*!d<br />

less iol.tuce for bod sxe n ws a cobldd io extrov€rls.<br />

Sine th. tudings e th.t @ a 6nbi!. sdpte de p6plc hlve ml b@ cldrly<br />

clsifi.d a exlrovd!, do6 nor indiel. th.t cxt .vaid i3 @r ea in rhis eciety.<br />

On ltrc oDbired smplc of stoddts, preLs6, a€cutivs md politici@ & exte@ly<br />

var ard iNisnif@t Ellrio$nip (r = 0.048 ed D > 0.05) w fourd berM t cc of<br />

Co rol .nd ncuoticism. Wnc@, on. @6bincd splc of 3rlddts n m folDd rhar<br />

intemahy is Elale{t to ncwticisn sh@ I = .0,0159 dd t < 0.05. Eysnck (1947)<br />

.r8ucd ihar hto toaclh.r, rhe ts dincEioE of d!!r@ios 4d ne@ricin @uld<br />

!@ul fd mey pden |ny rnir- Th* dindioN e @npLt€lt ind.Fnd@r hd<br />

my b.lhouehl ofa @$ii8 e(h o1hd.t iidt adgls oo a gr.ph. Eysact disused<br />

ncNticirD s d. of th. najor dilr@ios of pden lity Bulting fron ihe greupjne of<br />

&sr otdd pssality t".iB inctudiq ui.ty, hctiliry and lyFchodn6is *nich c.w<br />

a se.plibility to nelous ailn nrs lik€ h.ldehcs or D€ni€ arhcte. Eye@k d.s(ib.d<br />

ihis dihension of p.aomlity d @@ticiffi*rabiliiy. Hc filrher dgu.s on rhe<br />

Dt@Iicis dd is of ilE opirim thai i!@ wirh Mdc rcn&ncid e noody, dioN,

n8id, $bd, Fsinistic, Ew.4 @ociablc sd qui.t. To Ey*nck (1969) p.Mn.lily<br />

@ b. deqibd in L@ ofrraiG Ep@lLd a slaljnic.l prirDry feto6 and dcfh.d<br />

IlF etical @nstncls basrd o! ob.ru€d int€F@relltion b€tser a<br />

nubd of diff@t habiMl Bpos6. (Ey*nck dd Eysmlql969, p.4l )<br />

O! th. f.6ale iu&nls @Dle inrchd ondrldon s foud Fl|ted !o mNrici!6<br />

! = 4,219 dd p

dufut csine of d,ily living. Hc h$ no s.@ of tib., dFcially of<br />

1h. turE; he sen!.! only th€ h@ dd now,<br />

Below 09EE, l9D ha &fn d @ticitu G heirg rdiou or !pF!h.aiE.<br />

Nemticish in Japd is r.k4 s the @u. of cultuEl fr.ror. Kimayd o99l) h4 deled<br />

lhal $e pat!.m ol srnptoms lhat o@u in TAUNKYOFUSHO hav. cltuly bcd shaped<br />

b, ile cdfthl facto6. J.p.ne .hildrn e 6isd io be hidy d€Fndqr on rheir<br />

borh6.nd b bsw a fd ofout5ide w 4 6p..irly srre8d.<br />

CNL sd McC@ (1992) found dal eldaly individurb rod to be slishtty lowr o.<br />

ftwlicis. E rnck .!d Eytuck O96a) fou.d that 1[@ ruff*ing ton 'mtu sE<br />

higl on the !'.sw of N. Asndoryf 4d v.nAka (2003) Eisnberg, ?i

a Gmd siologist Md Webs (1905) *tto saw it 6 a panid .xpltudon for lhe<br />

origin of qpilalhm. Pcople who believe in pbiBtdt wolk ethi6 1od to he rchievenenl<br />

snd sc.s oridled. Tney srra tt !c.d for .ff@y dd p@tielity. Tlct tend 10 be<br />

&ti-leiw dd G @Nnstire ad cleios abour wsli.g tib€ od o.!Sr.<br />

Nod, Bdei AtGh &d Dohery (1988) 3hss.d ihc n*d on ihe wo* dhics 6 rhe pln of<br />

oveall work notivalion. valu€s iltrcnce judg.nenis ed &1io6 bcyond e imediaie<br />

or speific situa{on o. go.l by prcviding a st6tra.l tde of Efcmc for FEeiviDS<br />

dd oigdi2irg *pai.dq ad fo chcing moog c.ls of@tioB. Fldban 0990)<br />

whne dldinating or prei!"sidt rcrl val@s found th.t rbo* qho b€li.v. in prel61o<br />

wo* volus de highly coDDaitive ed insist on to have €quiiable Bther thd equl<br />

eqards, ftoe who b€lid€ iD prctdtatrt wo* eihiq hav. b€n g.naally foud<br />

naintrinine . b.lee in lhen qFnditw' Tn€y e found to be good pftdiclon of<br />

Lilw tim ad etim.nt activity.<br />

Though 0t€ &*dch on wort elhi* i! alivc a ce b€ witroed from ihe work of Miller,<br />

woebr ed lludlpcth (2002) vho devclop.d o new nlhd inprovcd nultidindio.,r<br />

@rt erhic polilc, MiFb &d G{r.n (1971) !l$ developed a ltl.ase for prcreshnr<br />

wrk e|iii6, Howv.r, mosl diliq in thc @ipoane dd sp€iflcally in rh. govmdr<br />

s€tor al irt n tion.l l.El h.re cone 10 b.li.rc thlr pror€$ant MrL alica is jn 0edinal<br />

decline. Sieqad ed White 0995) @ of thc opinion that rhc stdinS point for<br />

DdeFt iding cfti6 is e intehatio.al @ncpr ed is to be uddtood in lbe @ntdr of<br />

dE mjor Eligjoq &d lhiloephi@l r...hirgs. Elliot (r98) @@ludcd in om ofbis<br />

reend lha! &dc e bolh inr.n l dd .nd*l oerniz.tion forc.s th.t have d

inpei on the p6pl. ar the timc lhey le€d the .ihical dil.ma, which ulliMldly<br />

cfi€cted thc deision, lhey nad.,<br />

Thc {. lmy qdplq of iidividuab .r th. CEO locl of thc orsuizjtioB who h.d<br />

ben i.volv.d in frauds, took bribB dd dilplayed wrupulous behdviors rclutlihg ih, io<br />

@ncludc rhit the global bBi!.g [arc rc e$i.s (Robbis & Coulte., 2008). Ba.hr.<br />

Jon6, dd Nqad (1993) Tsino md Yougbtood (1990) hav. fobd a relatiomhip of<br />

.thi@l b.hlvin wilhin individuals Loq of Cont ot. ltcy e of tbe opirior &at rhc<br />

qt m,ls de l6s lik ly io ial.c p.sonal Esposibility for thc cosequenes of $c<br />

bchavior &d e @F lil€ly ro Fly on lhci. ou inrcdal stdd.tdl of n8hr ed *DDg lo<br />

guid. th.h b€hlyioB. On the o$et had, enployes wirh m inrend Loos of Control d.<br />

lit ly to b. boe coEbrdr in rh.ir 6oat judgdor dd acrjotu the rhos wirh d<br />

*teb,l t cu ofconrrol.<br />

On de srudcnts fronr stldis snducred by Oc Cenler for Acodem'c Int€gljiy snowed lhar<br />

26% of collcse &d ui6iIi.s bNilB tujo6 adDiftd b -srioB chedtrc" on<br />

.x@s dd 54% on wifier eigme s, The *osr w.rc wiih 27% ad,aitring chaling<br />

w the jouEdi@ mjo6. I! . sw.y by .snlddts jr F@ Enr.rpds.' (SrrE) found<br />

thll I9l. ol srudoi! Fport d ih.ir ctssnars lhal lhey had chealed<br />

ihe *d!.<br />

's<br />

Tle work v.lu$ h6v. bm caicsorized by Blood (1959) in rwo ways $ar is (a) The<br />

Prct€nu! sd OJ) Non Prot6r.rr. Blood hs nm.d thc roD p&lcstanr wort,alB 6<br />

Cltholic Work valu€s. Tm€r &d Law.oc. (t%5) conclud€d rhal mrk.s frcn rud<br />

comu'r'6 v@ pndoBi@it, pecsron! st@, .tbicd id.ds in ub,! .@ EE<br />

Cadolic. A moE r.ccnr york valE b€rief q?sr€m in pl@ of Calnorc Elhics (CE) js<br />


eceivins inccdios .ttenrion is rhe c!!tud{ (cE) which is a rElu€ orienlarion stcssils<br />

brelrEeral henolx hiffihy, f@il, id.srity &d EEhip afiliatioA in addition to<br />

Esponsibility. Hui (1992) slgge$s $al p.opL farcrirS thce vrru.s ae chd&t riEd by<br />

s sllory .ni..p@uial 9idt, *.di!g io suce4 dd th.i a *t'olc eci€9 thlr adopts<br />

Mh vdu$ ba . hiSh grcwrh polmli.l, Oto Fsarch6 ae* lh.r CE vatrcs haE<br />

be! iBtrMenlal in lhe @.rgcre ud lums of rhc Asio ncwly indutri.tized<br />

@oonics of Iiorg K@g, Korc!. Tsiwl! ed Sirgaporc (Chicc Cltrw Co@{tio.!<br />

1987; Hofsred€, l99l; Kr1u, 1979j RcddiDg & Wotrg, 1986), AldouSh micD.level<br />

.nalysir 6ing CE ie rarq Yeg &d Chog (1980 fourd tblr dptoys sirh suo.g€r<br />

Co.fucia values Eporred high{ lwels ofoBmizrionil colmilrn€nl, 6 wll s high€r<br />

wqt Frfo@, than tbo* sto did ml sub6qib. 10 C@iDia lttu6; towvd, ir<br />

should be dotd tbal Yeg &d Cheng did dol specificatty iesl CE, coeolly, CE is<br />

pFmd to b. pri@ily d Ari& di@t rion (w6teood 192) whi.h i. Egion ly<br />

distinct ftom PE, evcn though .npirical cvidcn€ $pponing lhis aswpiion is s.@e.<br />

Arihough a fa y exrsiv. body of stuh ha irr6[sar.d how ]E innM6<br />

bdividual wo* aditud6 (B@hhon, l9?4i Cheringtoi, l98oj Kidron t9?8), CE hd<br />

b@r urd prindily al rh. @riodl &d sicr'l I*l lo h6@ th. long-lm .s!eG of<br />

Contucid philosopht b se. the pedicrion level of subsequ.nr economic Eo*th<br />

(Cbir* CdrN Conetio4 198?; Hofrr.d., t9l; Hofsrcd. & Bo4 1988). 56l<br />

alteotior ns b.o f€Ned on how CE irflEnces individual wort altitudG lit<br />

satilfa.tiotr &d @mitu d (Fb!rb, 1989j Olis, 1990; putti, Arre., & T&, 1989)_<br />

Fu.dr.r, litde rcd( ha b€m dorc b ddcfrine ths .xt.nt ro *hich CE, work erhi6<br />

enphaiG |te tlelihbrlirr od saflalihy of wo k ed .obmic sue s.<br />


^l<br />

dis'sd @lid lhal rojoiity of Patisld population 6npris.d of MuliN 4 $ch<br />

thw b€ing follosing Protsrrrt or C.rnolic / Coducid wort r€lues P4 sonerhing |o<br />

be l@kcd iab. Mslins iika othc6, @ lnoM s '1h. p6plc of booi' i... whee $c<br />

Elisio6, seial &d @oroni. lif. is a mix of all. Ai pd the book the wrk b.lonSd lo<br />

God dd pcople e govaned by th€ law! ofthe boot. As sn h bsins or erk re no<br />

*c@tiors. lndividualt €frolls ed will @ faEini.ally lirt€d witn rn€ ncrcr ofAllat,<br />

The buinss &d w* camt be *petd &oft rhc rctisios rdtD ft. qu6-tior of<br />

jnterest (Rjb.) or ils cMings e cosid*.d 6 prchibition ud in @nhdicdon of !h.<br />

b6ic tqEtl of tsl@. In othq Eligio6 *leiolly in the 161th. p.rfo@ appnisl<br />

@rcepB e Elaled lo speiiic dpe.ts ofr.rfomd.e blr in hlm d€e 6p.cls d€ d$<br />

rlated with dE @neF ofettol. lt@ Cosullafor (Sh@) b. it bEins is a modc of<br />

life, The onalalion of lhe Mulim is baled on p6l, rh. prc{.slilation dd falalis wil<br />

udd @plrsiz€, rc81@1 or ud.mi* rhc philoephy of pl6ming. elfu the book of<br />

alhics a code ad law of lif€ iNrucis peopt. ro honor &d flrlfitl th€n obligarion. The<br />

Slobaliaiion of thc p@nt dly bsin* hs howrcr, leeely eflct d th. EonoLheisnc<br />

Ali { 1988) 6 IslMic psychologis h6 tri.

the hed wk md @mihenl to one'3 job. ComiLaat to work .l$<br />

involw6 dcsir to improre omuity dd $cial w.lf@. S@idy Muld<br />

have f.w pmbl@ I @h p6oE 9w @mitt d to bis sort md<br />

avoid.d m edical mcthods of w..lth dcmul.tio!, Cr€alive wik md<br />

cmpeEtion e @i ody a sour of h|ppirs but e @Gid.Ed mble<br />

In a latd study of Saudi AEbim l@as6 Ali (1992) foud rhal thay w.E atl highty<br />

@tuitted to th. Isldic wrl clbis (nvE), nrc coetNion of rbn E$mn w:<br />

Coriraly to lhe nyt\ - abse of thc ILE, thc rcluiti we brv. fo@d a<br />

sno.8 comitned to brd w* &d to th. v.le of erting for th€<br />

dllaliarion of ideals &d on juti@ md goercsiry in the work place s<br />

neclsry 6nditio4 for wi.ty's Elfre positioE. lslar 6 . l.ding<br />

aoe advo€les pbdEtiw brn hudinic apFo.ch.s ro orsaizd w(t.<br />

O.g. alio!.1coDEitEdt:<br />

Tl@ e a nmbd otjob &lai.d sMies rhce dre psycholosin have beh inrer.sled in<br />

findi.g t[. efels of o4&izationEl comirncnr otr Fdol]r@, job sa$factioa job<br />

involvm€nt dd wt mlivarior Job srisfaotion dd orgeialion l omitoml e<br />

iw ditreE a(it!(|6 with F Fcr io wrt, Hoev.r, Ocrc have b..n fo6d hiStrly<br />

corclaled (t n & M.yeq l9r. Telr ard M.y6 fourd dll @mitem beds out<br />

saiisfactior tud 6 3uch thos who e conmin€d navc 6 w[ been foud saisfi€d,<br />

Hldct (1989) foud that dD* wno inEiably otrend rc* ed hddty mdn aleni<br />


tend to bc @mitr.d b th. orS.rizalion, Kozlo$sty, Sagi., KE@ & Singd (199?)<br />

foEd lhal hie! la.l of prcduclivity is $u.Uy mainlaiD.d by @Mined.mploy@s,<br />

,udge, Irtor*r. Bono & PattoA (2001) found 6mitt.d dployG p..fm much<br />

beite.6 conpded to rh. no! @miftd ones. IumnaD (1990) foud th.r thos wi$<br />

pol6irlr qo* elhi6 [ave stDM cdFrid!€j6, agd ro |!v. equihbt! rc*ads in<br />

cohparison oI €qu.l FwrG but @ committld $ they hav. bed found b snow<br />

s*lolic ,.dddci6 by @lptiDg t dios jobs. Being @@iri!d they ate ludr<br />

H.ah.@n (1996) suSsers rh.l orseiaton l @mimdt dcp.nd or i.dividual!<br />

wrk a

nultiplc fr.bF. Rdarchqs have Ep.!t dly shovld lrcu of Concol ro b€ e<br />

inporrel @Etlrrct fd €xplaining m*dc bchavio. (Speld, 1982), lndividu.ls wiin<br />

& ini.mrl Locu of ConEol g.narlly fel thai lhey cd control wenls md lh.ir livcs ed<br />

Feiv. FMril inidarivc to b. largely insEuor.l in .taini.g slrc.s ar wrk ed<br />

or8{ianio. coDhitn€ni. In @dr4! individ@k who gmqolly f..l rhat outsidc or<br />

dviomdtal fo@ d.t @in. qnat bappoE in rnei! erk ti6 @ sid to tuE o<br />

exl.n.l les of Cortrol, eribc litrle or rc valu. to iniriati@ be@ue lh.y vi.w thal<br />

wharcvd lh.y qrlibit in ELarior lojob involrcm€d orjob @miitndt or satisf!.iion is<br />

$mc cxlat w.l!t d ro rh€ir oM efrotu, A s $.h they lldjn non@Imtuat ro<br />

lhen orsdizrliotu &d d.njobs.<br />

Tn sutistical ealyds ha irdicaled in rh. esulls B .le don wirh a yi€w lo fi.d<br />

difIcMB b.tw€n $b-srouD6 of lne sde oo diff.E peMnatily vdiabl6 bcing<br />

etudicd, lt Fs lowd that sludcars vw Et.tircly njd on th€ L.cus of Contd tnlD<br />

pof.$os- ticN of Conbol in esp€t of studarr is a valid prcdiciof of acad.mic<br />

s'l..s (Lirc\ Huford & Col., 2002), *h@r for a.hiM.nr oorivs,rim Fof.$s<br />

r@ Fladv€ly hid rhe studat . \v€ind (19a) found a etariv.ty high ehiev.mat<br />

nodvltion i! lNfesoB 6 @bpo,Ed to $udcots. At rh. me iinc pllf€sG lr@ higlr<br />

o! catholic work wlu€s a @npen to snrdents. L.neki (1961), weber (195s) md<br />

Tl)@ ard kw@ (1965) rowd tbd dr@ who lirc in ube .tg uuary minrain<br />


Belw strd.nrs .rd d@uriG, qeuliws vw foed hbher th.n srudoc on<br />

&hidemdt borivalion. Achi.vend notiwtion hls always becn d imponmr<br />

ch!rulcr lrail of prof.$ionrls (Crudall sd Kdlovsky, 1965).<br />

Politicids w@ found high rhm sludents on ehievenent holivalion ed carholic work<br />

vdB, ln Pari$e, tuush th. IDliricid in @jonry hlil liom ubm .l% bui have<br />

dways pr.fdcd io liE in ubu d@ d such rbey hivc been high on cltholic wok<br />

volu.s is nol $melhilg suuee. Achidmenr noiivdion indiqt s thc will ed<br />

o.rist€ey lo !!mjn i! lhs Flitic.l sdc, which is quit widcnr frco dE poliicat<br />

hislory ofPakist n tho inveiobly the nenbes olihe sme fonily have b€en inlqhins<br />

No si8nifi@t diff€rene *r€ een b€$eo th€ sub-gtuup oI prof€$os 6d exeuriv6.<br />

rn thc $b-goup of pof.$6 ad polfticnE pror.$B kF tuutrd Elaliv.ly high on<br />

plotcs|ml work vdc wheEd politicim w.rc foud hieh on carholio wrt vahes.<br />

Mai .i!in8 pretdraot ethiq indi@r6 pDl6tanl w* ditude and job 5albf&tion<br />

(FMhd 1990). Orgeizliomi @mirndr 6 qlne high in pmfesoF 6 @npEEd<br />

!o politici@. Idiry. col@ & coopq (1997) foud lhat prof€$jo.,ls gencBlty<br />

.xhibit a hiAh lcrcl of @Imiunot d @mped to mn-prfBioffts<br />

ln ihe sub-gtuup of exeuli!€s ard !6liticis, execulires wer retadv.ly high on<br />

&hjeenqr DodBrion ed quile his! on orgmiational @milrn€nq wh.casj<br />

politicis *E foud hieh oD catholic wolk lrlus. Beins high on orgmizaioml<br />

@mihar.rd ehiqel@t morii?ti@ for d€udvs is being sr,lDnsd by Fumh&tr<br />

( 1990) md lfling, Col@ & Coopa ( 199?1, All lh6e findings e als being suppo.r€d<br />


y Ma0ien ad Zaj& (1990). E a orbwis in tn ficld ofpsycholosy orgmialiood<br />

onuilrnal ed ehievel@r modvation bave almys b..n !fiibut d 4 a p€comliry<br />

irair ofex6uli!6. Orgeizalionnl @mibndt is ihe Elaiive sbength of e iDdiidurl's<br />

id.irifi@tior with thc job, I is gcrally a{ribil€d in rlF dttud. of pople .l srk.<br />

Rlthi (1981), Mdkh & Rippen 0994) have also suppon€d a signifi@r.trcct of<br />

dhidmenr norivalion oo iDdividu.l's F.fo!!@e.<br />

L..d.6hip h lh. modm @rpoEte @ntcxt hs b€con s n€6ity for grewing tuiue<br />

l.!d.u, Il reqdB dwelopilg e attitude ard lkills h th.m. Ii ,le ..quired thal pEert<br />

&y s@io qdtirG nay d$ be@iE lodotN's vision"ry l.!d.R. Mdy of $.<br />

inleractions icide or outiids th. orgmiutiotu de i! eilct Qlled negoiiatioN,. L..d.$<br />

G '!quil.d lo bc aEong douSh in rhi. s}jll, Ir d.y be mt€d lh.r l4y of the @rpont€<br />

LtinioS in thc pGdt day world @ on d*toping lqd.ship stills, having ellecrive<br />

ncgotiatios ed l.ming good @mui*lid stils. Th. b6ic u!tu lyjns sldlls for<br />

.f.cliE negotildom undouhcdty m bc l€ftrl Olcc trEsl€r€d it .nhdes *lf-<br />

@ofidace ord @lf.e$em, b.caue itutesd ol beirg doninst dd srubbom on &c one<br />

h.rd ed bei4 $bDisire d 0F othq, rhu dployc lGM to shrdup &r dhei. liehG<br />

whilo Gpating the nshs of othes. Inl.mrl Locus of Conrol ed !.tf-dpesio, ee<br />

two tt?icd F.ils *hich hav. ben &und Et.L.t lo this slEr<br />

Ttuer ed opemcss re cosid€rcd ibpodot pmnohy rraiis io presdl<br />

orymiutid &d Fliridl L!d.6hjp shcbc. Oa dd Bedu O99O)<br />

foud work uits in which Dmb€s Ie.l rru3r in @h o1h€r and in rh.<br />


cihle nmb.6 felings ofself{eramiDtjo! ad @EFtency rbscby @nrdbutirg ro<br />

feeljnss of empol,mol. EDpoffi€nt is defined d 'p@ple's bdi€f (L@s of<br />

CondDl). I! lh.ir calabilitie to mobiliz dls of dctioa @sridv. luuG &d<br />

notiErioo n tdcd to qercise @nlrol orer eivd €hts.<br />

lsrdb@t 0978) and kleai (19?4) foud in |!s€@h drr parricipels in a ladcBhit<br />

rclc icn.led 10 bc hishd in int ml Locu of Conirol md had mc pEstigioa eoals,<br />

Tohrs@ (1994) foud rhnt th€ le.deB with d anirudc of uiveGclim had bclbf,<br />

id.a .rd ph.ris alich @uld be applicd dery$td withod bodifetioo 'D!*<br />

lade6 @ guided by sFicl ard fomal ru16 (at}?ical dthonbrid s9le or lerdetship).<br />

Hc 3l$ foud lblr p.rlicipatiE led.6hip slos c @U*liv. t ndcftt tosldr<br />

comitndt &d 8o.l<br />

rhar e sere u. b6:t iI lh. inlml of th€ gbup. B.in8<br />

tanicipativ€ i! ! ntional, goo

orgdizatioD. In addirioA dilrin t.uFsrr.Ms h.E.mdg€d in wlich inricately rlat d<br />

phenoDenon ae sludi€d Fpelely 10 ovc@n thb frlgmcniarion dd poleizaion.<br />


The pE$nl sludy wa urdenakn b d.blkn d€ Elatioship ed difi.lt1G on Lic6<br />

of Conlrol nedN (lnlemdny-Exienalny) with peeoality,o.ieolaion, &hievemeht<br />

noliwtio dlravGion-ncwricisd, wo.l valE, org&iznoDl @Imilnenl md<br />

lerdeship styles of studsLs, professB, .x€culives ed polilicim. The belicf in e<br />

individlil's p€eMl ontrol or rb. tul6 ourside hin / ne. my bc eiar.d with a<br />

fairly l&ge nmbtr of faclo6. Howwe!, th. faclos m.ntioled above sen ro play e<br />

inponul FL ed mat lilrelt b. ELt d with s individud's arpb&h tosarde lifc,<br />

fte pEsot sludy sudt to vedfy ihes shFions. All rhe iNtrumeots we !*d ir<br />

lheir origin l fooat od tum. 'ttte scal6 or q!61iomais w.F printed in djfleMl<br />

colous crch havirS th€ insFwlioE on rop ed dre mod€ of Bponse, l0OO foms were<br />

bidally disdburcd b incidor.lty elaad spte Thc Etum 6t (.ner h.vjng b€a<br />

rFcted soDe, {or having di$rpmcies of 6e or the ortr.. natur€) wss 44 ?%. Alt ilr<br />

Gponddls v@ MsliDs &d baE !n iEd tn minimM int.d.dia,tc lacl of<br />

eduation. On thc bsk of 6ndin$ it is @ncluded dat our ofnie tot t smple 67.6% w<br />

i .b.ls wh@, 32-4% 1r@ cxld,lt<br />

Int.mb snow€d a rclatiouhip Mth Fenalily orienrdtion ttle .A' sjstrfi@r ar O,O5<br />

level dd acnievmcDr modurio signifr@r at point 0.Ot tsl, Llematiry B atso<br />

foud relobd to ncrolicis bur n M w@k ed also noi significml. Studenrs with<br />

inlenal oriaraiion *@ foulld Miltaining prcteshnt ert valq ,r!d &hicvdan<br />

motivadon siiii@t al 0.01 lad. trcf6s6 on lhe @nbined tuple of nat6 ed<br />

fenal.s *ho hirl cxtdd one adoo vw als found mlinhining ! file rin l.!d.6hip<br />


$yle *tich q6 signifi@t ar 0.05 l*1, MaL lFf.sE .ls showd a signiftcmt<br />

Flalioorhip of rocB of C.d!!l wiih !@Ed.!. s* rdB (sigdfiqr .r 0.01 ldcl)<br />

ed s qdl a catholic *o* EIB Gigniiic&rt !l 0.05 lev€l). ExFuriE on @nbin.d<br />

splc diel.y.d irld.liry rEld.d to olg&ialioa.l co@ir!.fl (sienificiDt al O05<br />

lqcl). Mal. d@rtiv.i with iltcmd onqllfon shoqld a si8lificdt Elariotrihip with<br />

a.hi.t@6t noti$dotr .!d p.niciFriE L.daship rtytc Gisdf@r O05 td.l).<br />

F.nile q€culivd holdins jnteinal odoLtion l@ fohd milrliaing pbhtr.nt mrk<br />

vdB (signi66.l .t 0.05 l.v.l). Poliricirus on 6c @bbio.d sttc dislt.)cd<br />

ilLoality plll€d with t,pe 'A' di€nralion ed aurhditsie styte of ieldoship<br />

Gi8lifi@l .t 0.05 Lv.l). F@dc pohicid wilt e idoiul od. .rid 3howd $.n<br />

cLrioahip oirb typ. .A' and drhoda.ri& tadqstip lryte (siSri6tu1 d O.0l levct) .d<br />

a rcU a wiih tE rcia ldd$hip sryle Gignifcet sl 0.05 levqr,<br />


Ovadl this study athrmpt€d to .smire the Elalionship b€twn p€en ljiy vdiables<br />

i.e. tt?e 'A' p€sonahy oridarioq achi.vodr norihrion, exrovGion ncuodcnn,<br />

worl valu4, orgdi4tional 6@ihot ed lead€Ehip sryle of ilrchally ed .xt€n lly<br />

@nEoll.d studmts, prcfcss,.xautiB &d potiticis of Pakirrani topuladon living<br />

io Kdachi. Ihe supl. populatiotr ws foud to be morc rilEd rowlrds irtelstity 6?.6olq<br />

a 6bp.r.

1'. @nbir.d spl. of snlddts with @ i!r@l on d.ti@ shovrd & .ssialion with<br />

.chiqehdt motiution dd protcalant wik vaiu€s sieoilic&r ar 0.01 ldel. Ihe stud.nr<br />

.ls qhibii.d e Nciadon with catholic rcrt valB ed ne@ticisb signin@r al<br />

0.05 l€v.l. M.L int @1 ttsLnG sno*ld a Elatiooship wifi type 'A' signfiqnl at 0.0,<br />

levcl md prclestlrt wolk valu6 sisnifi@t at 0.01 l.v.l, wh.@, i erEl fcmle<br />

srudcnts sho*d elariolship qi[ acti.v@nt @tivltid aid tE@dds botn<br />

Pofcss on U. cmbire spl. shovld *cnalily elard yirh fie Ein ladGhip<br />

style, Msle pof6s shoqEd *t mality to be 4eciar€d ril,\ Foi€slml<br />

work valu6<br />

signifi@t ai 0,01 lcr€l sttqar intetD,liry Mi.lqd *irh €tlolic wrr vab6<br />

sjgniliet s10.05 lael. IemaL prcfesrs also €xbbired .xt maliry rclat€d lo ftee cin<br />

leld.shjp sryl. signifi@t sr 0.05 ldel.<br />

Ex.culiles at ldge, bolh nal6 md fcn les, displaycd inlenalily Flaled with<br />

orSqiz5iioirl @mihot which B siin@r at 0.05 ld.l. Malc qauriv. splc<br />

dirtl.trd inl€n.lity ro bc Elated wilh .chidemenr dolivatio. od panicjprted<br />

lctd.Ehi! slyL. Wleres, f.oale q€curive showed thc rclatiosbip of intfi)aliy wirh<br />

polcslalt e* vdE iiinan ar O05 ld.l.<br />

Inl.Brlly ondtcd polilicitu on the @nbin d smplc of nal6 &d fm,les showcd<br />

Ehtion$ip wirh tlT. A' l.Mrdiry and &rhodlari& Lad6nip yl.. No significair<br />

rcl.ljonship with dy of the other vdioblss w6 found for nole potiticians. Howcv.r,<br />

fd.L politicid snowed. El.rionjlip b.rva int d.tjrt dd ryp. .A peen tity.<br />

Aho th.y showd irrcmality ssiated $iI authonllio 3tyte of l€ad.,5nip significml<br />


at 0.01 ldel ed achiev€ment morivalion dd ft@ Ein haddship slyle a10.0t level of<br />

On indcpendot smpL resl dglit@r dillcEres in dpp!@h weE foud b.iws<br />

ttuddls ed prefes o! leN of CinEol, achidddr notiwlion ud prcl6l3nt wrt<br />

valB, which was significmi at 0.01 ldel. The only significot difrercn@ on<br />

indep.rdat supl. Gsr betrm studoc lrd qduriva *s foqd oi lchi.vdqr<br />

notivadon, Stulenk md polilicis display.d ditremce on mhi€v.m.nl norivaiion sd<br />

.tholic wrl valu6. Pre&so6 d{i dc'rtivd did rct dirplay ot mjd si8ninml<br />

difreence in lhcl appo&h Nh.@, rrof.$os od loliticids<br />

displ.yed diffqcnc€ on<br />

pmLst! ald qtholic turt v.l@ and oig&ialion l omitn nr Exeuriv* dd<br />

politici&s displ.y.d siglific&t dif€@cc berwed &hievedent mo$vatioq catholic<br />

mrk vdc ed oryuizalioml @mitrndi On th. 6mbim! sple, qccuriv€s<br />

display.d interrality Ela&d !o derrjz*ioirl olmilrn.nl Gignilicdr ar O.O5 t.vel).<br />

Ho{ev.r, m Elalions'hip of las of Coorol in $e ce of prcf.ls6 ald poliricim<br />

6 foud will o.gdizational co@ihlql,

R..onn.dttioN .!d Sugg.3tioN for luturc Rse(h:<br />

The study ol the rclatiosbips with vdio$ veiabl* with Locus of Cont ol definilely<br />

sde to elh&e lhe ulddl.dditrg of this ibpoi.nr wiable for this qitE and<br />

3ociery, As such it is EcoMmded that L@us of Conlrol scole be wd for studcnt'<br />

clssifi€tio! to thc laios d.p,rh@t ,<br />

'Ite Los of Conlrol Day b€ studied by tu1e l!s.@h6 in Flation 10 th. follo*ingi<br />

. Reliciosity- modmlion ed exlrmisD<br />

. Eelln- phtlioloeical died6liL. c.rdi!. dis*s, @q ad diab.cl nclliG<br />

ed psychological dierders<br />

Sporls- sponscn Frfo'r:rc, viz a viz winirs or tsina the e@<br />

EntEpGn 6hiF or8&iational sErctEs, o€eizrional ercsdr dd pc.fo@cc<br />

Dru8 addicl- fmilial silu.tus, joblc$ne$, vffious cutlml clies &d dlus<br />

. Inducrion of pilols h airlincs<br />

This is *onnwhil. lo noti6 t rc thal $mc of th. inpoianr vdiabld mtioncd<br />

ahove w rcr rowh.d in this es@n dE to rhe limnadon of its p!@er.6. Howev.r,<br />

th. value dd thc inremi h th6. vdiabt6 cmot b€ d.ni.d, The work dohe is ba!.d<br />

upon pevioBlt @nducred nhbf of stldi6 in lhe Bi€m world. Ho*€@, tE<br />

Feent sludy is pbhably onc ol dre fw codducl€d on rhis topic io ois couta, The<br />

findin8s oI !!is ee4h @y sugget thal ldsly devclop.d Lrcu of ContDI rest my<br />

bc ulilizd in cduqtionol s.nins ed s cll 6 in lhe dauriv€ smh ro crlrde thc<br />

probabilily of slcess in ihe giv.n a@.<br />



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tred dft€rcnr p6!i. Each [e6 co6'sls ot . pan or sl<br />

non appt,cabte lo you .nd ,ccor<br />

spaco provLded B.!!rero s€led lhe on. you doG 5lrcngry betiev. ro b. th. cage as f .s<br />

you,e conceh.d Try ro rcspond ro.!ch tom hdependen y *h.n m.king your choie. oo<br />

nol be 'nrruenced by your Fev ols cho ces<br />

lh'ngs n peple s lives aG pa.!y dle lo<br />

Peolle s mislonunes Gsult trom lhe mislakes lhev mato<br />

2 a one or lhe mator reasons why we have wa6 is because p;;tidon<br />

t rake enough tnteresl tn pot tics.<br />

b Ih€@ witL atw.ys be wa6, no maiter how had p6opte I]/ to<br />

r a F rne ong run peopL€ get the respect fey de*Ne ,n $ s @nd.<br />

b Unronunately. dn ind'vd!.ji @nh ofren pas*s unrecognEed no<br />

. mauerh@hard hernes<br />

4 a rce. ihar €ac\e6 rre unla,r ro sldenls m;;;GE;:b<br />

Most stldents donl rcati.e the €n€.t lo which thei grades are<br />

inf uenced bv accidentat hap!€ninos.<br />

J a wtiou h6 rghtbreatsone cannot be:n ettective eaoeT<br />

b Cap.ble peopte who tait to be@me teadeB hav€ nor bken<br />

_ 9ovanlaqeo heioppodunfie3<br />

6 a Noralc,howhdo FL r,y $;e peoe€,,sr<br />

o eeorc 6;i yu-<br />

rfo €nl gei others ro t,re lhem dont -nd€6land "; hs ro<br />

a rha@on6n roJnd rhai whai; gms hapfi;iiEppen<br />

'o<br />

o I iushg 1o tate hasnevs lJhed out as we,t tof me as mak,ng<br />

decEron lo lake a definite @!6e ot acti6n<br />

I a t.rhe case or re re[ preoa.edir_oEniGeEliZrery ,r<br />

rnrn0 6s an unta I lest.<br />

b I'ianyt6es exam q@stions l€nd to b€ so un.etaied to<br />

that studvino ts eattv !setess<br />

I a. Ae@ming a su@ss is a<br />

nolhing b do wirh l<br />

b Gefling a g6d iob depends<br />

no toe.<br />

had rcrk, llck has ti e or<br />

being in $e riqhl dae at the<br />

l0 a. rhe av6,.9e cttizen can r,avi in tiiii e in<br />

b Thrs wo.ld s run by rhetew peopte in p@er, and ther€<br />

. the t lteouvcan doaboul it<br />

PLae turn ov.t th. page

a ln mrcasegeir'n! *hat twafn<br />

b Many times we milhl iusr as<br />

lamalmosl@na'n lhat t@n mate themwo,[<br />

ro pran loo tar ahead be@use many rhings tum<br />

qood or bsd lo.lune anvhow<br />

has I x e or nolhhg to do w'lh ruA<br />

weldecide whar lo do by fi'ppng<br />

Who gels lo be $e boss oien oepends on who was llcky enough<br />

lo b€ in the ightptace,tGt<br />

Gelting peopt. (o do lhe rcht thing depends lpon abtdy. tuck has<br />

Itre ornorh'no todowtrh I<br />

ns tar as rcro arars aro concimio.iiiiiiG<br />

of us a@ the victihs ot for@s re €n neirher<br />

l.'J-r,:ffi:: ::gl*" ' 'r<br />

"o ca' and soc'ar ana 6 peopre can<br />

'he<br />

Mosl people donl eare rne extenr lo shch ther L'ves are<br />

conrro red by accdeniath.ppenrnqs<br />

!!Le,eary 'r no6uch lhnd as1u.r.<br />

( Ls hard to know whelher o.<br />

Hff many l ends you have<br />

a h lne tong.un thebad<br />

b Most misfodunes a@<br />

a With enough efion @ @n<br />

b. I is diftcul tor peopte<br />

nor a pe6on reartyt€ks you<br />

depe^ds upon h@ n'e a pe6on you<br />

*ipe od pol iel@rtupr@^<br />

lo nave much @nnd over lhe lhrnos<br />

asoner,r*re-ruaersar-o--iiirere-iiiiii-titii-iEiE<br />

b TheE 6 a dacl @Meclion o€tweea hos I stuoy a-d re grades I<br />

Many limes I teet thal I<br />

tuve mrre rnnuene over nri urnGlili<br />

ro beleve lhat chance or tlck p3ys an<br />

bec.ause they Oon t rq, ro Oe triinOry<br />

use m ryhgl0o had b ptease people ilthey ike<br />

convorover fie direcrEn<br />

23. a vosrd k rm€ | enG;;i;;;.^hv po-ri;;-;;fr;;ih€-<br />

'n lhe long 'un thE peopte are resoonsbte lor bad Covehnilnr<br />

natonaras wertas on a t@l l.vel<br />



Giwn bd@ is a lisl ot lv€lv€ seB ot !i5len6nls. Each el has two choices A 3nd<br />

L R€ad th€n carelully and circl€ lhe lBher A or I ol your choic€<br />

1 A. T€nding ro b€ . q:i:rl p.en.<br />

B Ganing an!ry ...iV vilh oltrlE *h€n .ngrg6d in mlk.<br />

2. A. Taking disappoin|r*.I esy,<br />

B. U.ging oth.r. to huiyup.<br />

3. A. Becdhg hosiilo lomrds oth6rs.<br />

8. Doing lhitr$ ons by ons.<br />

4 A. Awiding h.d rc|t.<br />

L Trying lo g.t ahoad of on.'! cornpetitor.<br />

5. A. Seeklng chalLnEing aclivi063.<br />

s. Peterrjng io pos$oft toda/s @lt for tdorM<br />

6. A. Rdcring aggE*iv€t to u.Fnlrclhble srtr.non!.<br />

B. I€nding !o b€ an edy.loi.g p€Mn.<br />

7. A. Adopling a nonsedous appro.ch lo rcft in hand,<br />

a. G.iing inpalignl wilh peoplo who do $ing! 3lowly<br />

8. A. Ae|bvinO in doing or€'. irb Ftt,<br />

B. Getin! roady in a hau€ly way lq @lbg6 / iob.<br />

0 A, Ca,ing mud .born hdlnr,<br />

B, Ae[evlnC ln l.klno up . t .k lod.y ..d nd.<br />

i0. A. Trl*jng pau.ott lo psph @n wl€n soae.d In @d(<br />

B. T€nding io bo an .chlM.nkit.ted p€is.<br />

11. A. Gottinglritat€d wh€n oth€6 a€ late,<br />

S. Feeling s.lbli6d wit| tho prss.nl a.hievm6nl.<br />

12, A. Fi.ding it difiicul lo-Mil for one s trm.<br />

A. Giving way !o ono s @mp€litor.


Prease c{cre eilher lhe Yes or'No aga'nsl each answer Please be sure to answer<br />

each quesr'on and dec'de o.e w3y or aoother even dilrs had to make a nec,sbn<br />

' Do ror {'_d r easy ro re,a' coapreren whe. )o- are oa<br />

2 Oo you leel annoyed when peopte ae nol punctuar to.<br />

3 Do you rke gahblin! on oieday cicker h.rches. Erites. e<br />

Oo you d,srLre see'ng rhLn!e wasred?<br />

5 Oo you I'ke gerl'n9 'nro,(aled,<br />

6 0oyou preler b,|ght @ds and y€ttds lo dul btuesand<br />

7 Do you fnd ir €asy to fo€et about your work ourside<br />

nornlarwod'ng hou6?<br />

3 Wouldyou peferbwo|kwilh a congenia bul<br />

ncofpelenr p.1ner 'arhe' lhan*rr^ adfic-[ b-l a'gh,y<br />

9 Ooyou lend lo be pessimistic a nd unenlident in dit cu[<br />

stuatrons (e9 inletore$ toriobs, er. )?<br />

10 Does nendencynakeyou angry?<br />

1 1 Have you alwaF elked had in ode. to be among lhe<br />

besl in your sn line?<br />

12 Oo you rh'nk 3ucce.s in tife b lrrg€ty . matrer or iuck?


civei below an lew slat6henls des.rlb n9 your menlaLstate you are lo answer<br />

each queston eilher a3 Yes or'No, rick mslk the opton lhat suirs you besl<br />

A Oo you some|mes<br />

any apparenl eason?<br />

B<br />

'iet<br />

happy. somet nes d€pe*ed, wmout<br />

C 0o you have lrequ€nt up. and doMs in mood, ejthe. with or<br />

wrlhoul arparcnt..!.e?<br />

0 wnen gel rnvolled in.ome p.qecr lhat 6lLs<br />

E.<br />

ofien wander wh'le yo! arc tryrng<br />

G Do you usuatly rak6 the iniriarve in making new njends?<br />

hl. Ae you inclined to be qui.k and su.e in your .dions?<br />

Are yo! teqlenly tost in thoughl.<br />

l.k nA pad In a conv€ts.tion?<br />

would you 6te youFetf as . riwv indivijuat?<br />

blbbling over w heneroyand sometn€s<br />

L Would you be sry JnhEppy il you rc€ p,6v€nred l6n, msi,ng<br />

numeous sial6l,ads?


GN.n b€|fl ac l€w llalshonls staning rrcn @nptetet diBEg,ee to @mpterely<br />

ag.ee. You ae lo daft on 0E sere ,or 0E ch5Ectadstic tE! d.scnbs vo! b4t.<br />

1 When lhe rcrkday i3<br />

lnietied, a pB6on sholld<br />

to€et his job aod enjoy<br />

2 Ha^l rcft males . mn a<br />

3 Th. p n.ipalpu,p66 ol5<br />

man s job is lo provide him<br />

enpynq his ne€ tne,<br />

4 W.sri.g rire is.s b.d d<br />

5. When6ve. po€sible a<br />

Percon sholld relax and<br />

.c6p1 ri!€ d it i5 E$6.<br />

lh.n alsrays srrivino lor<br />

6. A good indi@rin ol.<br />

man s srtrt is hd su ho<br />

7. lfslloth€rthings 68<br />

sql]al. il is bettq to h.v€ a<br />

r€.Don6ibw thd on<br />

*ilh lilil. rEpon.ibity<br />

L P6opb 160 1do rhint. rh€<br />

c..y w.y' a@ lh6 .md

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Eers-g<br />

Drcctions Ane@r rhe lottownq qu€srDn. keeprng in mnd wharyou h.vedone. or<br />

lhink you wo!ld do in the sit!al ons d6scibed<br />

3 oo tsu rend ro parer se pr.Mfq tu.cronr o' b,edt6<br />

you keep lcam mefrbaB up 6;;F;;;;;o-;;;;G;ad;;<br />

gvfs our ass'g^m.ilr you redd<br />

tr on6 !m. b dRde.rod a oh@t;d Yo!@M<br />

!e ma,on' b ha€ i m wd<br />

'.ra<br />

+610^ b a rcc 6b.r bm halc rh<br />

ro gva oesrNe ptrrorhaic6.!.rua' ri5<br />

l3{?"i1"l-'''"'",'"'"""d'vw{1'he 6o',ok<br />

afie' dsd.od. h. re d€Cd"e ri. m*e, b a b"h<br />

Y4'e690}&lno(i{(aghe'.y<br />

15 o" yo" e..r'.ly bd6 I tt b rhe d;;;E;;6i;;;,<br />

16 Do )!u h.r 0\3r eEryu. in ,q. wd( qet;h(rd h;;;;46;<br />

Do r!" r,"q ri. ed@ or cr"rCak<br />

'dcfu..d<br />

i;oal#i,@b:|il.GI3do'0i,gJo|e@<br />


U N E T Y o F<br />


I n 30.ry rhr I d lur ofrcpdns olrhc moi4nph od 'Gadlizd Elpcdeci6<br />

lorlnicEil v!. EK.n l Contbl ofR.intorc.ncia aPscholoeiol Moi:oemotu Vol.l!,<br />

No. t, 1966). Tnjs ho'ogcph ha bc.o r.p'incd in r book by Rodd, r. B. (1932) Ib<br />

En.n''l conrol s..lr, 'irh $rir3 k.y ii r!. bod, sd iGrrudioB nr dc apphdbq ir<br />

@nEin.d in tld d. It. &|j. ory bc ftpoduc.d b, qu.li6!d p6on^.1 for l.gitimnc<br />

/5. 4o//z-

THE<br />

I]\IVETISIT]' (F<br />

CINNE(')TICT]T<br />

rhr6, !9!!! l! c{rd _:9 P.r6 ry G.en!<br />

, re76)r r, x. L.rcqlrli !.!!! !! cmrror:<br />

clcri E!4! 5 !!!es4 r64Eh (r.(.K. Err6.q ^'3ocLtrr, Publrh.rr'<br />

fti Rsxkh gl! lle !e!!s 3!<br />

l!t.lr krxmn! xelhodr (^c Dar). ^ddrlrcur<br />

hibrto3r.lhhr rn rlfcrrd b<br />

b. nit"<br />


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