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Exercise 11.

(1 to 10):
Solve the following equations

(i) 5x+3
1. ()x+2=
(i) 3x -

7 3(5 -

22. (i) 5x -
3 3x - 5
(i) 3(2p 1)
- = 5- (3p -2).
3. (i) 4(2x + 1) 3(x - 1) +7 =

(i) 0.3(6 x)
- = 0.4 (x + 8).
4. (i) 5y 2[y 3(y 5)] 6
- =

(i 55 P+40
5. ()*y-1,1+2y 5
5. 3 2 3
3t-2 2+3 - t + .6
6.6. (n- 72 = 1 - 3" 3 2

(1) 4(3x 2) -5(6x 1) =

2(x -

8) 6(7x -


7. +

11) 3(8x 5) 15
(i) 3(5x + 7) + 5(2x

- = -

3-2x 3
(i) 5p+27
2x+5 11 8-2p
7 4 5
9. () X-4
(i) 2x+3 x+4

2x-3 3x-1
(ii) 2y+3 4y+5
10 () 2x-1 3x+1 3y+2 6y+7
11. Solve tO- = 1. Hence find p, if + p =1.
3 2
Exercise 11.2
1. Three than twice four less than the number. Find
more a number is equal to thoe
2. When four consecutive is 46. Find the
integers are added, the sum integers.
3. Manjula thinks number and from it. She
a subtracts
multiplies the result by 6. The
result now obtained is 2 less than twice the same number she thought of. What is the
4. A positive number is 7 times another number. If 15 is added to both the
then of the 5
one new number becomestimes the other new number. What are the
numbers? 2

5. When three consecutive even

integers are added, the sum is zero. Find the integers.
6. Find two consecutive odd
integers such that two-fifth of the smaller exceeds two-ninth
of the greater by 4.
7. The denominator of a fraction is 1 more than twice its numerator. If the
numerator and
denominator are both increased by 5, it becomes. 3
Find the original fraction.
8. Find two positive numbers in the ratio 2:5 such that their difference is 15.
9. What number should be added to each of the numbers 12,
22, 42 and 72 so that the
resulting numbers may be in proportion?
10. The digits of a two-digit number differ by 3. If the digits are
resulting number is added to the original number, we interchanged and the
number? get 143. What can be the origna
11. Sum of the digits of two digit number is 11. When
a we
digits, the digits
63, it
ts .

found that the resulting new number is greater than the original number by
the two digit number. ind
Ritu is now four times as old as his brother Raju. In 4 years time, her age wil be twi
of Raju's What
age. their
are present ages?
13. A father is 7 times old as his son. Two years ago, the father was 13 times as old a
his son. How old are they now?
14. The ages of Sona and Sonali are in the ratio 5 : 3. Five
years hence, the ratio of their
ages will be 10 7. Find their present ages.
15. An employee works in a contract of 30
company on a days on the condition that he will
receive 200 for each day he works and he will be fined 7 20 for each day he is absent
Ifhe receives 3800 in all, for how many days did he remain absent?
16. I have a total of 300 in coins of denomination 1,7 2 and 7 5. The number
is 3 times the number of 5 coins. The total number of coins is 160. How
of 2 coins
many coins
of each denomination are with me?
17. is 40 passengers, some with 50 paise tickets and the remaining with
A local bus carrying
1.50 tickets. If the total receipts from these passengers is 32, find the numberof
passengers with 50 paise tickets.
18. On a school picnic, a
group of students agree to pay for the of
equally use a
ful boar
and pay 10 each. If there had been 3 more students in the group, each would have
paid 2 less. How students were there in the
many group?
19. Halt of herd of deer are grazing in the field and three
fourths of the remaining are
plaving nearby. The rest 9 are drinking water from the pond. Find the number of
in the herd. deer
20. Sakshi takes some flowers in a basket and
visits three temples one
temple, she offers one half of the flowers from the basket. If she
by one. At each
is left with 6 flowers
at the end, find the
number of flowers she had in the beginning.
21. Two
supplementary angles differ by 50°. Find the measure of each angle.
22. If the angles of
a triangle are in the ratio 5:6:7, find the angles.
23. Two equal sides of an isosceles
triangle are 3x -1 and 2x + 2 units. The third side is
2x units. Find x and the
perimeter of the triangle.
24. If each side of a
triangle is increased by 4 cm, the ratio of the perimeters of the new
triangle and the given triangle is 7:5. Find the
perimeter of the given triangle.

25. The length

of a rectangle is 5 cm less than twice its breadth. If the
length is decreased
by 3cm and breadth increased by 2 cm, the perimeter of the
resulting rectangle is
72 cm. Find the area of the original rectangle.
26. A rectangle is 10 cm long and 8 cm wide. When each side of the rectangle is increased
by xcm, its perimeter is doubled. Find the equation in x and hence find the area of the
new rectangle.
27. A streamer goes downstream and covers the distance between two ports in 5 hours
while it covers the same distance upstream in 6 hours. If the speed of the streamis
1 km/h, find the speed of the streamer in still water and the distance between two ports.
28. Distance between two places A and B is 350 km. Two cars start simultaneously from
A and B towards each other and the distance between them after 4 hours is 62 km. If
speed of one car is 8 km/h less than the speed of other car, find the speed of each car.

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