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VDI GUIDELINES Systematic Calculation of High Duty Bolted Joints Joints with One Cylindrical Bolt VDI GUIDELINES VEREIN Systematic Calculation Vi DEUTSCHER of High Duty Bolted Joints reo INGENIEURE Joints with One Cylindrical Bolt Pant ‘Tanslaon ofthe Garman ection 71985 27 C. Junker ad J Newnham PAD. ENG SPS Latorstoras, Naas, rand (@ subsisry of SPS Techno, 2) Foreword 9 the Guideline VD! 2230 Issued in Ouiober 1977 2 Foreword to the Guideline VDI 2250 Part 1 uly 1986) 2 + ange of Vals. 3 22 Mechanics of Beam Consections 2.3 Mocnanie of Joints wth Cirslc Plater 24 Mechanic of the Rotaion of Flanges (Flanges wih and withou Sealing Rings) «5 25 Mechanis of Flanges Joints with Plane Bearing Face s 126 Desipn Guides for Boke Joie 2.1 Mechanies of Clings Joints « 5 13 Analysis of Forces and Determation 6 32 Losd and Dafommation Ratios for Dirty 4 Calculation Steps ea 41 Calelation Prosedue (or the Basic Linea 42 Calculation Procedure for Nonlinear Cases 26 51 Sueagth ofthe Balt au 52 Minimum Thread Engagement, Thread, Shear Strength Bolt Hest Heient AT 3 Surlace Presure at the Bolt HeadiNut Bearing Ares 3 54 Tightening Factora, Assembly Technique) 35, 55 Fatigue Strength 2 ‘56 Embedding 3 57 Sellooseaing and its Prevetion a Piston and a Piston Rod in a HySrauieCyi inder as an Example of Concentric Camp- ing nd Concent Loacing 4s 62 Bolt Calultion for @ Rigid Coupling as an Example of ot Ses Resulting (mr a Transverse Soeanng Force " (65 Caleuntion fora Flybe Asembid with 1 Cental Bolt ran Example of Bol Suess ‘with Torsional Shesing Fore 6 64 Caeautions for a Connecting Rod Bening Cap Joint ar a0. Example of Ezsenire Clamping sd Eezetric Losding 3 65 Calulmtions for a Cylinder Cap Boles Joint ar an Example of Bence Camping 7 Symbols and Notation ° Reteceaces 8 CCleaation Tables 6 ‘VOI Saciet for Product Development, Design and Marksting Foreword to the Guideline VDI 2230 Issued in October 1877 ‘The prevent Guideline VOI2200 should sequaint practising design engines vith the Knowledge re= nly acquied in the leuition of Boed joints, tnd by recommending sytematiscaleslation pro eur, sould geist i the moet ical atk of i> realy designing bolted is. ‘Altes a2 analy ofthe ret onships geaerallypre- ‘ested inthe erature for coneacclly stressed 30d concentrically loaded bole, formulae are as0 developed for tbe ezetnealy sree andor co- sentry loaded joint more Requeaty found is rte, these being eupoorod by mearurements nd ‘eomatcsare, The propordsetematiccalelation prosedure ie made earier by meant of tables, di trams and examples 11 was aot posible toiled the determination of the extemal forces ané momsais exerted on bolted Seinen ths directive enue ofthe merous possi- ‘le confgurauons aad intencions Os the ober sod nluenoes arising fom the seater of te loads using the Ughteing of bolt joints were take 0 tcoounly the values quoted telag obtained Irom a “The Guideline VDI 2230 the ces of many years cf joint work by the Boted Joats Commitee of he foamer VDI Technical Desige Group (ADK) of the ‘Techical Design Sezia of to preet VDI Design and Development Divwion, The Commitee was haired by Dipt-ag.G-dunke, Kéln Foreword tothe Guid (uly 1986) Since thas ben publbed in Ocober 1977, much tention has Been pai tothe Osdeine VDI 2250, fand it has often been employed in practice. Inthe fevied version, VDI 2230 Past (Dra not only ‘ive individual sections been updated by the cor. site, but als te contents have een changed par- Waly. The eacuation of elastic resences has been incioded in accordance with the most uptonate knowledge, ‘Also aa extensive supplement was added on the tightening of ote ois The section on elelation of bots for Mange ins sno oager included, because 2 sequel (VDI 2230, Past 2)is plaaae rating othe calealation of uli- Dole joints ye VOI 2290 Part 1 datine VDI2230 Pat 1 With many suggestions for ‘changes, for which all he comtnbutors are thane, ‘he committer have reviewed the czcossion of these topic, and allowed for some ofthe objections by The committee wae cbsied by Oberin. Dip-lag H. Dreger, Hesborn. To him aod fo the gestlemes named below who eontribate considerably tothe untary assistance and contribution Ing (Grad) S. Fischer, Woltburg Desing. KH. Grote, Betin and Los Angles Dipl-Ise. 5. Jende, Osteode rot Dr-tng- Kl Kable, Ale Dipl-tng W: Senader, Damas Dip-isgD.Sreow, Dasellon Derlag.#. Thomala Sebwabach Diplsing 6. Turlech,Osterode From the VDI oie Dipletng Th. Ps, Disedort Dipiclog D. Enna, Disedor Preliminary Note {nthe Guideline VOI 230 Patt, bolted joints are teeted whi have to ans constant e alternate ing working loads and which ce designed ith duty bots ‘A boked joint is» separable joint between to of ‘more somponensasog one of mor bolts THe bolts ‘ost be designed such tat te Jones seen fs itr alowed function end withstasds the working loacsocuriag. CClelation of the belied joint aims a dtrining ‘he egited bolt dimensions allowing for ike ollow- ing influential factors = Stengt grade ofthe belt ~ Reduction of the assembis pelo ie teinterace ‘rin parte ofthe inteace by the working load 234 = Relvetion of the assembly preload by bedding as = Seater ofthe pelo during tgnening [1:6] = Fag strength under 20 alternating oad (252; ad = Compressive sree onthe clamped pts due 19 thebalt head andor the at. vol230 Pat = 1 Range of Validity ‘The design rules eablshed ia this Guideline ae sali for tea bolts, The values inthe ables ae given forthe dimeason range MC to M39 and for damp length ete fl 1 Bt it sale aod large iy of the external lod and the Bolt position s 220 in these caves (e=0, 0, clase two-rpring mod oh For the elindical (or prismatic single-bolted joint (G5dy-+ hg) wit an extereal load exceteicny @>0 tng a ecratey ofthe bol aus s>0, an adtion- Al bending deformation curs. “The calltions are made in accordance with See tion Tre exes diercnces bene the calculation (geomery O) prosces in Section 41 and in Seton 42 ar: coi on a call co a = o af aa] a 1) Io Sextion 4, a value of Fe (eguited clamping load atthe inertce ie cated which makes ‘pening of the interace enpcoable. For this fneihod a constant compressive sess dist tion atthe sntesace sure limited by Cd, “thao, and linear shanceritie ne of te humped parts are srsamed, tha the eleation approach gives an essly handled approximation [Ar soon at tendency to open atthe interface ofan examined jolt isto be expected, because Of the maternal opening free Fay > Fa. to greater Foc ire ead exentity 0 this pproach loses vali The Litaons of te Calelable join geome rein Section 3.12 For the cylindrical single beled joint (Ga. “thd with en extra louc Fy ata distance a> sod” bn eccentricity of the bolt ans $0 (oe Fig. 2 and 8, an addionl bendiag deformation ovens The distance "sis usualy given io the _rometyof joint the dsane"e" mst be deter ned in each cate by a sine probability exami. raion [16: 23; 26; 27, 53], seals the example ‘Bven ia Section 5. 1) fn Sesion 42, the curvature of the beam i found by the aid of is elastic ine under beading load, and rom this, tbe lamp oes eoency i deter- mined. This approach can aso be employed for Toads where te Joint opening The cacuaton {ust be stopped wha the camping load loa ‘4 outside the sore eroreseaion width of tending Solid fe> Daal or 5 dh, From Dyd.+ty onwards, he substitution ecst- ‘ection day fms gealy conrtant at the outside doy the cleaion of 5, ' based onthe same stattutonalerosesecton a6 sf the limiting condition Dy, +, equation Kae at 508 31.22 Resilience for Concentric ol (Configuration with Conceniie Lod Intoduction “The elastic resileace &y of concenvially damped fares (distance leom the bose SS fo the axis of gyration OO ofthe bending Sd s=0, Fig. 98) $s deermined om fy oo) Fae ‘The lays of deformation of oie, which are condition forthe vaty of thi derivation, apply only for pars which ate ey ropecimposcd, 208 ‘ot for numerous tin shes whichare not complete- ty levee these cases, the longitudinal cesiiense 4 is increased and, f nocesery, shuld be deter mined experimentally as 3 Teaciomef the load. “The contact resilience isnot consHered ia thi ap- coach. Iti dependent oa the sutace Git, the YbIz50 Pant =9= fete eat} ctfe mame seu }ey mn ‘herbie eg) bn acs wd faces, af well as on te sirength ofthe sessed part. 12:1. Relieac for Eecetrie Bot (Configurations vith Eeceatic [Load Intodcton Beside he longitudinal deformation of the substu- ional compresion soli, the eccentric camping of 4 bolted joint causes a Beodiog defonsation of the ‘amped part. Tis bending deformation causes an ‘dita! longiudionl deformation, and thereby Increases the loniteionsrestence of exetecally ‘amped plates ad slots compared wit concent cally clamped ones. I order to show the tres, ‘mula ae derived which are subject othe folowing conditions and sapling assumptions: ~ The damped pars represent a prismatic soli ~The clamped pasts form “being sli” and fn the interface eston the interacial presute i =10- vD1220 Parts seater than 2 a the bending tension side, i {he formulae ese fr making the ealuation are only vad Yor eee whee she intefae is tom = All crosssectons ofthis prismate solid cemain ‘at uede oad apd a neater ditbution 9 ‘These simpliping assumptions are in general only permissibie for bending solids which he transverse ‘Simension [aD within G=d, hum. For these rex Son it i recommended thatthe inefae rortace (bearing sucac) is sucably manufactured, eter smiled by 2 Hepa Fig. 3m 4 andi [15] p62, Fig 6,100 6, ‘A tending sod i showa in Fig. & This may te 2 section ofa mult-bolted joint. In this eas, the Taterl Nousdsry& i ven by the bot spacing ex Oya ha Teveiatons ave bees made on the distibution of interface pressure in eeeatclly amped joints [a According t these inerace presre can be apectes oo te beading tension sie ofthe bending Solid ifits outer prof inthe visit ofthe ltetace ‘Sao separated from the bolt an SS «distance ater than (Aha; bee hay i the tices Of the thinner af the two dazed plates. The inter- face ofthe bending std shown in Fig Bisubjec to efi pessure the soli is preloaded to tte preload fy bythe bol, whichis posioned escent {lyf the soi’ ans of gyration OO by the die “The area ofthe imetae Aycan be represented and ‘acute asa rectangle bey Is the bolt hoe in this area te compressive stiesses oy are eecuve For a constant erossection, the delable beading solid asthe erosezecsonal area Aye, B08 rb ‘eating the bole Fora stepped bending sold with ‘contributing pars Acy,, Which have aa increasing llc on ts sifoes, we bave te cressSecional area Ayv=blegtAcy) abo without subtmction ofthe ‘ol sas the oi snl inthe bending through ‘tsbol head and out bearing ares. The subattuton- Al momento gration ofthe stepped bending rl thee becomes ae and reduces to Hf hyehra0ordey=0 For & beading solid with 2 vanable cross-section 8 he eamping length ya beeomee We ax ‘Hi and ca readily be éetemine graphically 0 ght nde forthe calelation of the else rellences 3 se equation (320) in Fig 9) and 9 (sce equation (5:38) a5 well as fr he calelation ofthe bot tance “a” fromm the ax of gyration ofthe bending sod (26:27: 52] For the alesition of 8 Section 3.2223, Tae Imus be subsiated iitead Of Iggy 19 ag ‘ions (274) and (37, wine malin Zedl ih sey 7 4 4 ‘As decived in Secon 32222, Fa isthe clamp loxd ‘which is just sucent wo prevents one-sided open oS) ae 6.2, tg of ani ocean on Shatin Pia ey 9) comatose hat ) Seteomty compa nt ne Wis based span the reduction 10 2er0 of the Fesling lenson =e 24~¢¢=0 ~ atthe location (U" ofthe compreteed interface with ares 4 and moment af gyration fey 6? 2 For ae eccentric bot configuration ata dance s fiom te xs of gyration of the bending solid 0-0. finda load teoduction a the ecentially sated bolt ais $8 the late resilience 6 i calevated arin Fig 98 122 Load and Deormation Ros for Directly Superimposed Pars ‘Tre join ines conidetntion consist of pate, Sleeves or oer part which se totaly superimpered find have metal contact a fat interface, a east, ‘when the prelord bas been applied to all Ue bolts fn teint 3.21 Assemptos Sate In a bolted jon, the hoped pans are pressed to- aster by the cmping parts. Thus the preload in the Bolt fy is equal to the preload it the camped parts bat oppotia recon, Inthe assembled state ‘witout extemal loading the astembly peoad is the Bo, Fo it identel 10 the bolt force and the preload inthe claaped parts, Fy sieatca! tote clamp load A In the mos simple case without working load), Fig 10, te bolt the oat clamping par whist the place ovee tet ful thicknert ae the clamped ‘uit, On tightening, the bolt i elongated elatally Se reul ofthe astebit preload fy (ee Section 32222) y Sou=8aFo 62 st the amped parte compre by Sr=br Fa om my sia tate Te ~ 10, Bons jo bt neta ‘Flier bot foe © ccompris oc nos prec VDI2200 Patt In Fig. 1.the development of te foreedefomation ingress shoe oi tae) In the assembled state shows, the sum of the defor ‘ations inthe bolted joot under prelaed Fy be Lau thoa=(Oet BB oy tn the joist diagram, the slopes ofthe deformation lines are invecaly proportional to the reseaces, 322 operating Sate ‘Tae components Fy ofthe Woskiag loads Fy acti fo preloaded bolted joints are usually introduced ‘Grough the camped pare, Fig 12. In most eases, te loads are applied ootside the longitudinal axis ofthe bot eccentric fad), and thus cause an 266 tional bending ses. The also are general nto- fiend witin 2 specie repion of the laped pars sod not dedy under the bot head or nut <1 vbr2H0 Pact 3.224 Concer nioducton ofan Axia Working Lond Intodueton of Fn planes pusing through he bolt headnut bearing wea Se Fig 16:n= 1): only es ble theoretically. However, this case is suitable for ‘erivaing the base relationship beeen Fores and (elomation Under the action ofan externa load (Fhe bolt and the caged puts elongate bythe sine amount Joc=hou ative (the assembles state Fig 13. fa this case, the bolt must experince Ibe total free Fy, winch exceeds the assembly preload Fy 89 Fx [At the same time, the loud i the clamped partes reduced by the aout Fr, so tbat the remaining lamp load is F= Fa~ Fr PB 14) Because of the elatceesiince ofthe bol, the rete in bolt aces Rx CComespootingly, te decreas in clamp load or pre- load & Familiy The decree ia load io the clamped parts due to, sccounts forthe fact th Of this working load, only the aifereace Ry Fait fe by te bol, ‘With the working ond applied, there it» diereace betwee the bl fre Fad the asp ond remai tng a the interface which sequal to axial hot force 5 Feat Fam Fa fi ‘The ana bol fone eas the fore eqslibmum at new point. Inthe asad at, the total deformation ofthe bolt and th lamp pt infor Under the action off this becomes Sofa in ea) but oa fn: Therefore Lobo t ‘Thus, the total delormation is always constant ae Jog as te tersiniag emp load Fee's pear than ro, ie 1s long asthe inteace i not completly ‘nloaded by the component Fy ofthe working load i ‘Avalogous with the asembied sat (Fg 11), a joint ‘iagran can aso be dravo (Fig 13) 10 cortespond ‘with th codons shown ie Fi. 14 “The amount Fg ofthe lad Fy by which te bolt in addionaly need is usualy gen a8 propor tion of he load F, Thu the lead fctor @ i iuo> ced: © Fal Fr OFF Fo, Fig 15 02H Chop Fig 8 Jom sagan rhein se ttt For concent introduetion of ail bot force wader the bolt bad and out, the lad actor i dinates fxmbsFin aad 25 Becatse ffs FF bo Foe 025, ‘At the same dine, we have the equi condition i} DEI Pant 13 ‘The anil lond lending to onetided opening ofthe loteace therefore Fant 830) Inthe diseusion above, an inuoducion of 2 load ‘etl uncer the bot head ar eu was assume. a practes, however, the load 1 more often intro ced between the ble heedot beanng area 2nd the ata of he clamped part Determination of he factor“, which isthe posi io ofthe loud iatoduction plane slate tothe {camping length, can be approximated a 0 25) fr by means of 3 inte cement enayis, depending (09 the mode farm. Av ascptble and ssknowedeed Way of proceedings by estimation ofthe 08 at uetion postion, ef fom th expat fore path [Aids forthe choice f'n" are gien io Fig. 17 which ‘ko show th ees on addons bol ores. rs fh co 17 cing en rh ptton nd tan oa on 028, ben oz ghar om ssa Se natt—e0h o29 Bad BOO “Thee factor forthe theoretical cate of oad inte <éuccion inthe bolt heat bearing area ey RS (029) sd is thus reduced tthe resences, Forthemor, i follows tat forthe case of complete opening Fram By and thus (=) = \ 14 t le HE Fo. 18 ond otcton nh bo ‘Thegenera cas oad introduction onthe clamped pare isahowa ia Fig. 18. Here the assume panes Of lad application ate 2—2 and 33. Fy produces ‘oleading ofthe sctioas located betwee the load {introduction planes 2-2 and 33 by the amont Fog wi, a4 est of Fy, other sections situated vita the fore path of tbe bot, Between the twe load iattoduction plas, are addionally londed by the amount Fg Thest ore the sectoas of the clamped plates betwee the planes 1—1 apd 2-2, 143~3 and 64, a6 well asthe bol between the plates ~Tand 44 Apiying the simpliying assumption of Section L121, the elas reece of the snetons between ‘voi 7200 Part the load introduction planes 2-2 and 3—3 can be assumed tobe prt o gen by nd where 5th diference (ovce Fy eae ake a figher slur than calculate ‘bxnui of the longer lever ars De attention most be given co the fact that for swhward ernesectional conditions, en small ex ences ofthe lone appizaion posts cea cause ‘ean icinatons nthe ont, wh always ‘rent the reaience othe clamped pars I, becsuse ofthe exceatrcy ofthe assembly preload Fyand the axial ol force Fy unending ofthe inter- face onthe dei tension caeeds the compresive Drelons, onesie opening wil cca. n which case the elastic reece of the clamped pars iereses progressively. This cate is no allowed for ia the cal- ulation of either the reikeoe of tte load factor ‘erivel (om t because the erent Galdelie ico recommmend the trodeton of minis lamp Toad sfc’ to prevent one-sded opening By obtaicing calculated opening fore Fay ont ‘cn prepare for partial oneited opening wibout wet the mcthod shows ~ ay damusing inluace ‘onthe fonetion performed by bold jim, as the ‘aleulation approach for Fug sated o0 av assumed constant eompresive stress distribution atthe ster= face, which sic speaking does aot exis. The de ‘ermination ofthe ond lator @ aad thus he cals tion ofthe dilerence force Fs there of ees nly the 082 Fay “The calesiaton cen be improved considerably by al- lowing for loa! resenees ofthe sessed terface fren, and for contact reilenes whieh esl rom {the Mar teing of microscope sree euler. In bled joi, wich topetber withthe joined parts, (orm closed statcaly determined svctue, these fnfaeaces are of importance becuse the local resi ‘not tthe ileface mods advantageously the po sion of the folerum poiat and abo we estance ‘(a becomes salle) Te cous isthe contact ‘esos leds to easier opeing of the iatrace. A ‘Sleulstion slowing forthe ese ie wsaly port be tut can requie a comsigenbe amount of work (16; 23; 24; 26:27 ee Sexi 42, ‘Asa ett ofthe excentricies, rsltant tending ‘momeat is produced a the bled jit In aiion fo the srses produced by the leds Fy 208 x, DIN Fant = 15— bending sess ae also produced inte bolt cross fection which most be lakes ito acount when de termining the endurance mut. ln adn, eee Cally loaded toted jis tend to open on oe side ofthe interfer i the aia load Fy exczeds 2 value Aependent om the assembly preload Fy 2d the ecren: tneties ofthe two foroes Onesided ening ofthe ncerface causes a substantial inrese i the sess ‘on the bot fom the aval load and tending. The requirement that onesie openiag with ts adverse tiets on the salty of tej! show be avoided, Getenmines desivly the magnicte ofthe preload to be applied Fy and thus inluenes th ae of bolt for which evidence of te fauign strength must be binned for aerating workne loads Inthe case of bolt joits which ae eccentric tlamped, and have essai working Kad, the ou ‘merous diferent designs esl in elasto-mechanical problems to be calulted, in some es involving ficy lengthy Solaton procedures (10:21:26: 27 2] ‘The folowing derivation ofthe design equations i ‘aston the elastic reaences given Secon 3123 nd is thus asbject to the simpliying aumptions Inade in this section. The user of the equations ‘must check the reliability ofthe simplieations in spec caes aod if ancessary, ake acon cal- tions (ein tis coment (3) Allowance fr the ‘eente load appliction wl give a sete salty targin in the dimensioning of bots compared with the ae of he smple equations or concer clamp ing and cooceatc loading 32221 Loads and Deformations ‘upto the Interace Opening Lait Fig 20 shows an eccentricly bled, eccentially Joadedjoint During essen the bolt was ightened 1p the preload Fie The conditions ard assumprions of Section 31.23 should apply forts jolt a ‘bending lid aa be defied witb thea of penton O70. The bot ais SS is postion exetnaly ‘ith respect 1 the axis of gyration OO by the Smount v= and the load sue A~A ofthe extra |y applied axial lead Fy is separated by the distance ste rom the as of gyration 0-0. [As show in Fig. 20, he axis of ayraticn 0-0 &e- Snes the ovine the x axis In adivon, che aloe see should invariably be pose. The valve x=5 | poutve i the bok axe SS and the load ait ATA ate leat ecencslly onthe tame side of {he axis ofeyation OO. If they are 08 oppose fides, x= is negative (eee Section 3222) till fubrequendly be assumed that we alway find a> -16- ‘vDI2220 Part ES gn Ml pe ee Ser: iS Seem 3 ‘eos 0 oa et he gi the cone antag eis noe oases Ale cbc tom aya tent gynton 2.0 gine mesma hehe ce Soh see pata toe a rae Fi. 20 cnt caping ad eecene ing os bot in berg so) Wrmunn Senesuftovs sht-orvwih, we Swain 32222 sic) an [18,6 Seth 261 Bana na Boneng 1 the bolted joit shown io Fig. 20 and preloaded by means of the eccntncall pestioed bolt with a peload fy is addtinaly loaded withthe axial Toad f, the bot free Fy nee bY ‘Since the elongation of te bot ff equal to the ‘compression othe clamped par fr, me have Sama Oe Ra=5e Fin Se RgmblFa—Fal Beha 6p Fam by Bin “This general equation For the case of an ere tically loeded, ssceatrially clamped bolted joint, is equation becomes Sp Ra 8 Bom 8b Fa, 639) {37 bezause the fore F fet the distance a (oe Seaion 3222), Rs enue the force ig act at the bot axis se Section 32.0 Solving for Fy fi for load introduction a the bolt headjout beaten ares lige RF, ba) ‘The loud factor forthe exes bolted, ec cenccallyloced joint with esd introduction a the Planes of the bolt had and nut Bearig surface is a(t a Toon | Ie the fade Fy, Fig ad Fr ae nodes within the clamped pars nthe Hogbt of he planes snd 33 athe distance, a5 shows io Fig 180, en Seaton 3221, equation (439) should be given follows Tas 0 mor Fagan ‘From ti it fotos that [+ oFDFig= not sod with a= Fath Bcondh Bg (342) 6a) “Thus, equitios (343) can also be ceive formally from equation 4) by substting nd or 6. From equation(3.36 olows Fen ll O.d ow Using the oad factory given by equation (3.43), lowing forthe ign eae for sas given in Section 5123, the longitudinal forces of 20 ccontially clamped, eccetealy loaded bolted joint ean then be clelate isthe same wy a thor for + concen- trclly bolted, conceaecly loaded joint 38 long san a sullcienty large preoud peveas one-sided ‘pening atte ere 22222 Loses and Deformations sth Interface Opening Lit IF the bole fr land Bian eceiealy loaded bole jin exceeds alin value Fay dependent fn the picoad the camped parts opea on one side voI2230 Pan =17- ofthe interface beginning atthe point x=u as shown 20. The one-aded opening begins when the compresvesiress i he merce becomes 20 athe point x= In the case of the bending soli) analysed here (Pig 20) the ses catnbution ia the imeTace 15 en by 845) Pelt 6381 and My= FeO.) Fs ea “The assembly preload fy is therfore ilerent fom FF, which i the pread ia a bolted joit at any tie under service sess. is grerally lower than Zio for example Doce of embedding (se Sec- tion 56) From equations (345)and (347) we thus obtain: Fyrlt~ 6) Fy , Flo“ Badl Fs ae Ter othe oa) Opening begins i the edge re xu ithe stress there becomes ofe)=d. IF Fy isa tense free and (255, opening begins inthe edge le neat fo the oad ans AWA (pobt U ia Fig 20); in this ease the edge Bre distance w shouldbe substituted for 2X 35a positive vale-If as (a always poste ee above) opening begins a the pot V te edge Bee Gisance 8 would thes be sUbsutee as 2 negative ‘value fa the case of e aegative compressive force 2 sting at a suc Targe distance, opening alka begins onthe opposite sie ofthe exossection (point V in Fig 20) lowaace is made for this by Subeutating tbe edge fibre distance from the point Vasa negative values instead of wi the otherwise sated equations Swbsttaiag =u in equation 343), the condition ‘fam gives the extemal ail oad Fy resulting {in opening a = fuscuon ofthe applied pio Fy Fags» aa) (aaa ‘Conversely, fora given axial bolt fore Toad Fe ‘obtain the proad Fa at which one-sided opening Fateh oo =i VOIR Pant) “Thus the clamping fore tthe interface opening limits given by BBs) (Ohh Bie Lis etblisbed thro oneséed opening oeare ner the eerily appli axial oad Fa, the 1e- ‘qed clamping force Fy sbuld be substituted in ‘union G1} which 3 eas eaual othe lampig {ore Fey presen ate ineface opening imi thus 653) “The equation 4.1) detemiae the bol se enn bus als be supplied 1 exceatieally loaded bolted joins fuljeet to the conraite put forward ia’ See tion 12.22 if the load factor 6, given by equation (043) and a required clamping force gvea by eau ‘ion (352) ae substtuted in eqsaton (1). I this vale ofthe camping free Fue 208 sulcient to ‘apply the required frtion gp or fall the required feaing functions the largest requied valve Fy ‘most be astumed in equation 2.) Special Cases 4) Prelond Fy and asst bolt fore F, load act co- sentially on the clamped pars. The clamped parts ste prismatic ut so arrow that the inte fice surface 4p is approximately equal 10 Ayy 38 sown io Fig 71. Tus, equation (352 also ap Plies 0 Few +) The bolt i positioned eooceatrcally (50) and the extemal load ast ecentrcally (2-0) In oer rerpects, the geeral case withthe condious de- fetlbed in Sestons 3.123 and 32224 applies 3 Sp a oben ho et ‘The ond factor given by equation (347) simp. ed ae areut of #=010 pe ®, Be Ia and us ds ot ile rom the eat of concen: {ce camping excep that the econ loséed bole subj to an aditional bering tess. To event one-ded opening a the inertce 2 min ‘um clamp 1d Fue i equved which can be falelate alos 59 11 ust, however be noted that een she normal bore olerane crates vlus of +> 0. Consequent ly higher addtional bole faces also coma Ie Seeuon 3223, In the cate afpure momen loading the load fac tor 8, and te misimus clamp load can be de rived for bled joint under the conditions de lined in Secns 31.23 a98 12221. From cous ‘ions (40) ard (3) we Bave ys? de lea_Ma Fann lietas) * setty(1e Ae) se eee 839 ‘rin order to define a dimensiones lod factor: Fontan “The minimun camp loed to prevent oaesded pening i otsines io sila way fom equa oa G52): osn Ia this case it shouldbe boroe in nnd that for the eae of pare moment loading With aFy~ My and 1/20, re also have Fy +0. I thus follows Gat Ms Fane 058) and tos 639) 6 vith piven tr egustan (88) Fora given Fay tat be calculated fom these ‘sjustions ating ve ofthe exter mo ‘nent which retin oge-nded opening, For the special ate +=0, with equation 6.5) Figs Fiat and thus Fe fom equation 3.9) 4) te interface sueace for example, rectangular, Fig. 22, wath width band eight c= 2u (also Fig 20) the al core width besmese=a/3 Tis rer frm the concn that. with = compres sive sess Fan! 3 sims moment Mya Fe, bees the poiat Wi the ioerfte surface disappear, 4 flows: FM on nfaltts 20 snd wing in Fig 20 “Toe limiting men thos becomes: inenoenht oan vpI20 Pant —19— —_— le. opening at point “ast the itrfcesurice ‘vears ar roon a the clamping ore Fi sills to the le by the moment My te 23 Showes sn Fig 20, exceeds the distance em 2m (the halfcoreth of the restanguar PBB sve greater than ‘The bendnn moment t0 be sbrorbed by the rrew ‘becomes apposimately fe Maga Mana Be ‘th eh relationship, the maximum ses for the ihly stewed ene ead ofthe ore ros-seton in the srw thread may be dtl controll Kyl be At bo, 45 Be ‘The detemining Into for the endurance Ii of 2 screw in an ecco Joaded joiat is feaeraly the addisonal stress op, Which is calculated from the difeence force Fad the part My of the der ence moment. With Mf, as in equation (3622) ot (GEHL found that forthe sere from equation en wots or simplified for the nas commen ease where My a7) Hoonbe(Ld vwebi (t-te ne ans the preatestadional ses i found tobe one, ona any the vahes for a areslar rosssection yp sardii, ym dy2.and the expeeons for fy 308 {u and forthe subtitatioealnomeat of gyration of the bending soi, Ty. he equation ofl e ei tis is obtained. With eebrence wo Fig 3, iz @ and s both on the same side of te axe of gration OO. wwf Jeni the ight ofthe square Bracks cue the ses ang on fom he dierence force ‘ian the expression in brackets i is relative i ate a ant ofthe adonal being sees, Her the expression Oblique being surfaces induce ational bending stresses which ae independent ofthe load. They a2 ofthe following amount i is the angle of incl ‘on ofthe besing era, and if be nor ie ofthe beating area within the level of moments (tthe external frees toons Magno El ars sivig ones wich i to supetingaed fn the susacetensleBbre atthe eosestion atthe tinge diameter, of Dim. Pen) =21— ae Wy Wilea Walang 1 ee 37%) Allowing fr this tease stress, we cin extend equa on 3783} oF 8240) 6 mole Bes zal} For ¥=0 we have equation (3.74 er (3.740) ‘Oblique bearing areas cn ead o considerable bend ing sess. I posible, they are be avoed 3.2.28 Typical Axial Loads In sddiion to tense working load, other kinds of working loads must be eossidered IF, i 3 eo ‘ompresive fore it ust be le 1 egantions with a nepatv sign. Fig tad Fy thes become negative; this means tht ‘he load on the bol decreases and thatthe clamped parts are additonal compresed. Io this special cae, the reside clamping losd Fe becomes Fens Fot In Fig. 23 the joint diagram i shown for Fy a8 8 compresive fore. Starting fom the deformation ie ‘ofthe clamped pars, Fis plotted between the #0 (etormation ines For bolted joints which are subj to altemating working loads, Fig. 24 the bolt is also subject to llerating stresses. From the vale: for Fy 3 both he upper and lower kts of alemating working load, Fa and Fy, the lors ampliade ia the bot resus fom equation 0.27 paciomennemmto SSRSSnoe == vpr70 Part nd te comespondag average working ond is Banh oF the om Sigce the pmmaneey susuisable sess amplitude forthe bol, which is calculated from Fig acting at (Ge minor diameter costsec08 ayy 9 retely soa Gee Fig 4) the proportion of oad that is felt by the bolt ust be kept as small as posible. One ofthe methods used to acieve ti eto choose a high elastic esac , forte bolt anda low elastic reslience by for the clamped pants et alo Table 159} ‘The ater the defornstion tine of te bolt aad he soxpe the line ofthe clamped pans. tbe soles Fy becomes te bolt is deformed plascaly bythe ene ore Fy, ts dination ine cures up to the pot K, 0a Fig 25. The deformation line for usloaing fotiows the sight ine KB and intersect the base Tine plac deformation fy. atthe X axis. Subse- ‘quently when loads F ae apple, eich ae ofthe ame maguitude or smaller, he joint ciagram DBCK spplie, in which the preload tas decreased bythe famous F, compared with the asembly sae, (20 Section 56) An analogous station occurs if the ‘lamped pas are plata debrmed bya compet ‘Sve ove Fu, Fig 26 Thu by avalogy wth Soe on 54, the loss of preload de 1a plate deforma. tin, es shows i Figs. 25 and 2, becomes fa Ane 150) oan 32.24 Representation of Fores, Deformations snd Strsies ia Joint Diagrams {A jot diagram can ako be dawn forthe gener ase of he ecentealy clamp xenical loaded Dole joint. Fig. 27 shows the it diagras for the case of loading by an axial fosce Fy atthe open Timi (this means that Fy i only marginally less than gh Under the preload Fy wc a this case equals 1 pecload necessary 1 Void penis Fru bebo ‘eloggtes by the amount SO= iy, whist the piss {Cte location xs, under the bolt head and out bearing faces, are compressed by the amoust OP 185 Fy (from equation (370% “Thus, the joint diagram SOPY fr te astembly sate aa be drawe, Furthermore, the joint diagram or the onde state ‘Should be drawn 20 thatthe lad components Fa {and Fry can be determined by aseriag Fy bewens {wo delermation lines, (One of he deformation linc shoul be the cbaracer- ‘eine of the clamping parts ich fr los intro- Auction by the camped part not identical with the bolts characterise line. Ip this ease, the line is determined by the pointe Sind V. ‘The deformation line or tbe bolt force (F+ Fa) Which rune trough tbe poine S, V and L matt Inve a gradient angle so that ts cotangent is equat to the resence between the leeatons of oad spol ation im the bot ais ia the ease of loading in the bolt ais. For lead introduction under the Bolt bead fand the nut this would be 4, However, for load ‘odetion within the elamped parts ata distance ‘i a8 in Rig 16 ths esleace changes in accor dace wity equation (342) to (5 +—n) 62). With tis we have BO= ti 4t—m 58) ith 3p fom equation (3.20, The slope of the deformation line (VP!) of the clamped pars, whieh forthe working loaded state with a Teed introduction of Fy in the planes 2—2 nd 3—3 (Pig. 8b), can be eaelaed fom the 1 fia tangles oer me oF From his follows or Thay spd faally OP [55+ “The line VE ean be clelated ater determining the interface oping Fors Fa, wit equation (249) I voImM Patt 3 the opening forse Fy drawn UwouR> the poi paral to OV, we obtain the point Hand for 4 ne joint withthe pint V the defonnaion ine foe eecentrial clamping and eezenercal lnadog ‘Thas, VP" ean be dea 1 the joint is ‘0 Bold opening atthe intertace under te een aly acting bolt force Fy the jit wou beg 10 peo at he point Hi iy 2 Fa) exceed ‘Aer opening, loading of the edgee our he Tmiting ease, From equicium considerabons, we ave Fie 20) Ales lod=R(e+le) 8) ais conditin sled by al pints onthe steight ne S306 Deets Wrote ‘Wea loading exceds the opening iit the ehrae- lest line VE wil coninve so that it approxaat 'y follows the dashed line drawo, converging tomes the straight ne SUM. The exact cuve is of lite fntret, beeaue the opening mt given bythe at mus not be exceeded 24 vDI200 Par 4 Calculation Steps “The calculation of # bolted joint is based on he extemal working load fy acing 08 the joitt Ths ‘working load, and tbe ease deformations of the component parts which Fesul, euse an ana force “Favs transverse fore Fa bending moment My abdin some case wrgut moment Myst he partie: “Glo Got location. The greeraly ile and tare ‘eale analysis of free od deformations, icvalies ‘i the determination of thee iiual quanti, ca ot be adéresied by this Guideline beeause of tbe Tnrge vanety of desigs of components and bolted joints Thex ealeustions cast be made by means tf eartomechsnies (23; 26,27). Only for simples) ‘netical aod elaively sll joints, cao the ial, ‘quate te cbiained by tmpleaaalyss of the Sorking lsd The values Fy. oy My 208 by 06 ‘bseguenly assumed tote Enowa Ia Section 4, the method with ealelation stops RI to RIO w specie, which should mainly be cated ‘ovtar a preiminay ancseat(dea-phase) olbaled joints I is based onthe elemectary consideration ‘ol the inae dependence of deformations and ress (incr eu 8 /ime/E} To cootrast a nop linea els tionship for clamp load exentcity, depenteat 00 Fy ad Fa, derived is Section 42,50 that al the Fores ot 3 bolted joint aderequtrium contions an be determined: The equations of Section 42 are ‘Specialy provided for the cate where itis ended tovcontro the bolt Fores, mathesstically and quan atively. 441 Caleulation Procecure for the Basic Linear Cese Fr calculation of the required bolt dimension, owing the working losé coniions,llonaece Ss ‘made forthe folowing factor = logs of preload fia sevice due to embedding, ~ the assembly preload fy is reduced in service by 2 proportion ofthe axel ole fore Fen OF, — to meet cornin requirements, cg sealing fae: ‘ion, prevention a sl looseaing, ad prevention of ovetded opening ofthe interface, + minimar flap lotd Feit noosa in the jan Fully, allowance is mace for te various levels of preload rater, which wl depend upon te aseably ‘method. All of these factors are conscered in the rain dmensoning formals which forms the basis of bol clesation, “The folowing desribes he formula Bsa Base selFeert(l-@RtA (Al) eeeanen! 28. Man damian ce nor dan Fig. 28 shows the main dimensioning quantities ia the form of joint diagram. ‘The asembly preload fy in the bot i # criterion foc determining the bolt clameter. Fy i the toad which combiaasion wih the thread Ftion orgue rode during tpatening tise 80% ofthe mini fom ye stengh ofthe bolt Fora iven material, ‘cag the alt wil ave lamp load Fy Tables 1 to # tlie toi which if at Feast as high athe ‘alte’ maximum asiemby pel Foy For assembly, the labrening toraue My is taken from Tables 1104 When the clamp load, together with the thread torque resuling from tightening, ads 10 & total stress which reacher 90% of the yield stength (02% extension kit ofthe Blt material, the difer- ence force Fg tesuling fom al for mst not exceed 0.) Rye 4720 tha the 02% extension Limit (tthe bole ot exceeded Fear ® S01 Rya 342 42) aerating steses occur seve, the ampli ‘ofthe oiling force Fig must ot exceed te ‘endurance Limit the bot (Se calelation step RB) Finally, the clclation procedure ao includes # check ofthe surface pressure uncer the bolt head ‘or the nut The nig rae presue ofthe mate Fal shoul nt be excnde in order taveld preload Toes det ep, ‘The working load Fy with its compovents Fa Fo under certsn dreustances My atthe Bling po ‘mest be piven a the intal conditions. “The design snd atsombiy conditions can usually be selected or itacoced; thse detersne the values be inverted for embedding tnd scatter in assembly preload. “Taking acount of the approptiste derivation and planes in Secon the exzulation procedure an be exried ou a8 follows inthe ealeuationsep5 Ri eeRI0: RY Rough determination of Bolt dames dh refance lo Table 7 of clamping length ratio. tei and ofthe average sorace pressure oe Seon 53, equation (S10b ad. cl. snd Fig 14 and unde he bolt bead with 509 $e “Theappropnate lr vaious ble disensions ane svength grade canbe und in Tables | {or lopeher wih Table 5 Recommendations for maximus allowable surace presse fof vasious materials are onsied in Table 9 Ig i enced he dee ‘Ser conditions must be mosied (in the ex: teeme case, by using 2 washer of adequate ‘regth and eimensins)- Ia tis case yd st bese determines ané the rove dimerioncl- ‘ulition mst be veniee [R2Deeemination ofthe tightening factor 4 om Table, allowing forthe sled tightening meod aad the Iibricaton of sriace cond tion, in aecordance with Table (not aecenary ors tightening ecaigues wich indicate the Yl oad or exceed the yi load) (ee Se ior 543.2 and 54333) RE Detnmiaaton of the minimum required lanpiog load Fg allowing fr the following specie requirements: Frition sip to absorb, povent FoF torque Me, ‘ening fonctions for koown pressures and sur face, st well ar the material arateics of ‘heseaing elements [No opening on one side in css of ecentrc loaling andor stressing Subjet to siping assumptions, calealation formula fot Fay posible ee Section 322.22 equation (332) “Te targest vale determine fot Fy SHOUIS tbe atbetute in te design equations. transverse fond com [RA Desrmination ofthe oad factor © Detrination ofthe elastic resilience ofthe bol (equation (58), and estimation ofthe Joadinroduction poe Deermination ofthe elastic resleace ofthe clamps pars J equation (19), VDI2030 Pant ~25~ 64s =0:corcetne clampin. corentie (Figs. Band 9a), by s30 and ame: ee loading (Figs. 8 and 96) ) F20 and e>0: esxentne clamping, eccentnc loading (Fp ad 19, jn ofthe loss of preload due to elmping, ecence (30 Ake ae fens) ee Section 56 Fis. 5) RG Determination of the egsre bolt sie '9) For all tightening techiqust nthe ease range of he lt, we ave Fa Fig HOFF] entity a bolt (diameter and strength grade) i Table 1 to for which Fez me For Tables | to arent applicable for spol 4y pratiled bolts (example 63), the clamping (Gece mast be alate rom equations (521) 10 (25) andthe tightening torques rom equae tina (521 ee Seton 543 La ts ease tbe eeficent of feton s dependent om he se- Jesedlubicaon and surace states (Table 5. ‘The appropriate phtning tore My fe the clamping lad fica azo be detec om the Tables 1) Fortghtenng techniques which gve or exces the yield load we Bave Fumie Four tI OF Fe tly 4 bok (ine and strength grade) for wale FiOS Ze ‘The assembly prloads fom Tables 3 t0 4 ate fserted bere (For explanations, see Sec- tion 54) RT Repestion ofthe caleulation steps R410 RE, If ebanges in bolt or clamping length rato [fd sre neces. =26- vbI7230 Part RO Check that the maximum permissible bolt force no\excsdes. The maximum permis be bo force wil aot be exceeded if the dle il load fn 1 Fy OF S01 Ry Ae (FOP Rafa ee Tables 10 nd Iie pally ex- ing the mea tail sues by bending ean be permite nthe yield range. For necked down bots we have seording'y BFS Ryp Ay To the ete of uabening techniques hich indicate the ell Toad or ex- eed th yale load this tert wil be ceplaced by tei to determine whether as adatonal plastic elosgation of the bolt bythe working Toad i pernisibi, to what exe te Blt can tndergopasicelongtion, and how frequently the bolt canbe reused (se aso Section 56 RY Detersintin of sce ofthe bolt lteroating sess codu cont Palo, 4, ie the erosesectional area atthe thread sino diameter) For exotic lead application allowance mast Algo be made for beading stress (vee Sex ion 3222.2 equation (3.74 oF cua For an increasing working lon, this caeula- tion step simples to give Approximate values forthe permisibe sre deviton cg (stress ampbtade) ofthe edur- fancelimit ep eq canbe obtained rom Fig. 48 (eee Sesion 33) this eoadtion is not sat ‘ed, toe Cig mit be improved if posse, fra ball with lege dameter or greater en- luranee Limit must be usd (See Table 15) R10 Checking allan of saree peeture under the bolt ad and nat bearing 2s with Bt OB paths In eteining the bearing aren A, allowance snvst be made for sbamferng ote hole Recomneadation o the masinum allowable surface prestue po for various tates are Bien in Table. For tightening echsiques whic indicate the al load and exceed the yield loud (oe Seo. ‘oa $4) we have Act OF, 12 Bethy, 1 sr (The etor 12 allows forthe real ye toa tn contas tothe minimuin ye lod. In gen~ eral the bol suength i edoced when sing these tightening leehniques 29 thatthe factor wall be 142 Caleulation Procedure lor Nonsinear Cases “The methods of calelaton proposed for single bolted joins re based on basic mechanical laws (0). Altes adequate sie, pplcntion of tee methods ‘of ealultion allows the engineer mol te eal ‘ultion procedure for determisaion of peva conditions, inorder to simply orto enlarge te cle ction. ‘The assumptions o- qualifications for which bolt can be designed using the clelation steps below: The bending resilience and the cmpresive stress teslience of the camped pats remain conta ~The acorn (point of loa introduction) remains consant andi only considered in the calelation ofthe reiince ofthe clamped parts under com presive sues ~ The beading stiffs ofthe bolt is net, the bot Boe ot allowed for (24), = The fore acting are considered a pint loads Fira, the elastic tesience of the bolt and of the ‘lamged part cleat The bot reliene ele ‘oles scording to Secon 4.11; the resiience of, the ange fi caleulated according. (22) “The lator for loa introduction point “n” eto be allowed for necessary (ee Seti 3.221 and (25) “The procedute can be flowed with whe ely of Figs 29 and 90 fn Fig.29 the assembled joint is shown. Fig 30 show the jin preloaded, and vith the adioeal working loads (My and) with the ‘esulaat deloraaton Lae Fn 28, Geometers lt 38 Benang sata -As starting condition, ether the working load Fy, ‘wth components, and Fat he bolt position, and) fra bending moment My, must be know. In a to, the level of preload mast be given his can beasumed to be Fi Inthe ease sated, the bolt eccenticity “=” bas an increasing elec ot beading during loading (by {moment of rotation and an axl fore). In the ‘Sppostecase, 3" would be substivted asa negative ‘ale in the eqeation for determinating the coei- Cente. The lade re to be considered ith respect tothe sig, nthe diagram Jehan thy clamping length Eun ‘moduli of plate of the clamped ‘moments of inertia of the clamped urs Moments of gyration and Yo camped pats ar simplified with Jy (= ExlmEy End “The clelation procedure i at flow: Fist the curvature k ofthe einer Is determined by RI. Since Fe unkpown for the moment, tbe ‘ale of Fe subetted an the clealation i r= peated io an teative way antl an acepable devise Hoo betmeen Fy and Fs obtaied [A the poiat of eppliction of the clamp load Fi, inflows om geometry approximating ta ror <01%) Pree le Faby with rear si the clamp load eccentric, is determined by the asic beading ofthe steht ‘beam unde load voI2050 Patt =27= The cervature ofthe beam is Ke U re MAE Ie Fats Me {or the method of loading illus RY dretPo tty Re sMEy ts) a toon seth 6, const and y= coeet = thr ‘The camped length along the bol Nedra bea Blemah 2 For thecaleulation ofthe eccentity ofclamp loud she folowing equation of the deforma on ad egilem conons of yin or prismase beading solid maybe used BB seen, From this follows the eseatricty of clamp load forthe joint sey) eae teDueeaends eeoathiet ty Flakes Bole Folds +5p)+ Fads ene thier d4 Mee 8-883) crane mad Atel oe oes of ul robin sire res ents ee 4 sod Byyndy instead of soba Set p= bgt bya se subtitate inthe equation for 4, B 20d c In the case where 0 and My=0, the eoel- dent are reduced to: Fat RSPB) le RIF Ca -fyerb=-Eyh <6 -vpI20 Pant IF a 8 considered that Feodn e718 Fab) and Fb Fb the coer: nay beorter pies to AnrlF8~Fuda) a Elam ‘Aller te value for th clamy load ascetecty has been determined. mst be compared with the cai Yale oy (10) The v8] jy, fora crcl faci Seu Daa® ‘and fora square or rectangular interac: (sce Figs and 2) 1 te calelaed value for S¢a ‘epioing at tbe iat "U' iz the imecace Iepie 19 open. Im thee ste, the ates at 3 interface srlce i ese, and this must be allowed for in clelaion, The caution method put foware here is based on the fact tat, fora fed scr ecceatricty 206 pot ef pplication ofload, the cmp lod eoentre- {iy ay increases wth icreasicg axial force Fy ad hes opening bela, exces fy TAU, the bear ing intefacesutace acai edaced by =~ Sean ise iar beclosated herewith cedueed moments of eyation, that is for rectangular erossecion “The new moments of gyration Tyas tes obtained a ual for eating the curate of he elder (Ri) Alter the caleltion has been repeated a his ta, the Bale fore andr the dference [ore Fy ‘an be determined using the value for 14 (R2 and RS For he determination of he fore Fan BY abaiing the opening lim, the eres! value f lamp load czeatreity is substived into the “ehancenste equation ae f a re (eats Fe Ed seooinet ‘The balance of frees i detemi mation of te edge loading a lions Inthe equation ss epaced by the greats possible ‘lamp load eccentricity seme the stan of the ‘lamp load fy trom the axis of gyration 9-0 of the bending sai othe eof he interface surace (the dstance ein Fig 20) and the equation's solved With F, Fapre The same euation afr te cleo- Jaton ef the force Fy obtained, except hat here sllowance tas to be made fora diminished igiity ofthe bending sli Beaute ofthe advanced open Ing. Is given approxiately (simplified eaclaion posible through FEN-aoalss) by potig i the ‘Bomeat of ayeation ofthe covespondiagly seduced (ell easing) interface erase Uyan— yg) TBE ‘equation becomes 1B eee Fag i 1 F,> Fay Fame 008 the bolt free F, becomes dety proporizeal to 5. The lever law apples Fag 42 be ig he ne dee yh os tod bs ewe sea Rta menor iene fe ttn se sion nf be ease See Sie ita oot Soha dl aut SSS Scie tht ed ef ne Te ene Ef dein te ie tpn aioe oy ows sing the slope With Fy = Fay the pot His obtsined below Fay Because of the onlinar relationship, the cuted characesstic line VE" ashnpcoucaly approsches the lise SJ, and it can be assumed tha it passer by Fawn ver aw. Faget Fx3 Fyn APES LOC Ue Free ra eatin =e From these lationshipe and fom Figs 31 and 32, sod a5 the folowing example clearly usetes, the le (Secton 22) force ratio ®q is not constant and — apart fom the gromcy and the das eslinar — ite variation wth Fy and Fy i nies, =f EF) eis dearly evident fom the elation ia the non linear ealeuston sporoach tat, the dileence force ‘yaad the additional sess dq te dependent 0 leary 00 Fy abd Fy, BUC Uh Fg 6 Sy 2 reduced with higher preload, so thi the beets of ‘sng highsirenth highly preloaded screws is dem onstaed, the folowing diagram Fae fF: Determination of the force Fu forthe opening lia. ~ Determination of the for Fuga OF the bene ing of eg loading. = Plotig of te line described by the lever law (eépetoading) and ~ isteation of the previously shown joi di rams (Figs 34 and 32), - — vbi72%0 Pan Screw: MIO 5,=205-10° Nim Clamped Pars For data se the Table in Fig 31, nd 0 S24 =40mm Ae 5701 0? 140213333 amt Seta bey = 6667 mn keane at ered Ta” Ta ‘With thi flows rom (25) a= 03 Blanc Resences 5, 63686-10-% mm Sy 065667-10°% mm N Bagby) By 68353-10 Spe e5p 0.20010" nN 32 7035536-10° mint Desa for lost fy e116 Fag= 600 F720 From equation (3) Fas 8T10N Case 1 with Fy = 6000 N «Fa (20 oping) Ri ra2058729mm R2: a=38 mm ( Fag he oping a the poiat"U. Ris 1027365 am RQ sea 1L.9 > fy, 67 The side othe iterace in danger of opening Isthus reduced by 45=3225 am, The reduces moment of gyration of the iteice surface (si bearing} now amounts vo oni) a= MOTE Revision Ril Fa239671 om RD gealldme RS y= 409 Fga= 8688 e=007%. With s¢=6= 20mm the Fort Fae Obtained or the tanition to edge lading 3 Fae 16627, Fane Im order to plot the line describing the lever law, two coordinates (Fa, i) ave stl ising. With = 15000 Fg23N ‘The Yaucsdternned above, wth other eaated values, are pleted on the Wagram (Fig 3) ar a ‘dashed line The rales calculated cording to Seo. tion 41 fear cakulation approach, aplicabe only for F,3 Fu) are pote a5 a dasi-dot line, aad the values om [3] a fle, ‘The relevant joint diagram ie showo in Fig. 32. 5 Influencing Factors Tn aden to the parameters consdered in Section 5 eta are ezentaly aependent on (he Gian of ‘hecomponent and the bled joint. allowance must be made for 8 sumber of clos which are either ‘dependent oa the materi and suace dian ofthe ‘Chmping par andthe clamped surfaces, he shape fof the elected bots and puts and on the assembly conditions. The wide ange of these infuentil acors 'sducsted in he present section. 151 Strongt tthe Bolt “The bal sae oecesrary forsale opertion can be re duced by means of bolt material with increased tensile strengts aed ioreatd yield sength 0° 02% proof sess (saving of pace and wight ‘The sciew mechanical properties ength and duet ly) ate acording to he standaré DIN 150.895, Past Geneclly,dimeasoning ofthe bolts done so shat the stress on the bot composed ofthe torsional end aval sresies ding Sehening (C2008 SSS) Together with the aeitons rest resulting rom the working lond, doer act exceed the yi Load (90.28 proof ses ofthe bolt material However, with adeguate bot material ductility and bolt toughness, the yell losd or 02% prof sears can be exerded without daoger upto cetie Lit ‘This oours when tchnigus are sed which ghten to yield beyond in oder to obiain a specific a5- sembly peioad with a edasvey low seater (gh ing tesiigher controling rotation angle aad yield controled tightening ia Secon 5 Bole whose mechanical properties meet the require ‘ments of DIN 150 896 Par I are generally capable of widatanding the high Incl sts which ecu luring the tiphening process, widout acting the bolts sevice peeformance The maximum force which the thread section ean withtand before rae tree elelaed by Faas 1) 5.2 Minimum Thread Engagement, “Throng, Shear Streng, Bolt Hea Height 52:1 Minimum Thread Engagement Bole Mut srength Matching “The fll ilisation ofa Bote joint for tensile foad- ing et capability for loading up tothe eacure pit of the vaengaped losded thread rection or 10 ‘ocd ehank section can only be achieved with deguate length of engagement of the bolt thread inthe nat teen vpI2230 Fant =31~ “The design principle which requires that orvoad fracture occurs inthe loaded uneagagedthra re- ques asthe alea strength of the enguged soe fd out heads i lest ag high 3 the one firength ofthe loaded unengaped thread (29), To Enoure thi,» enim thee! engagement spor {minimum net hight mar acess. The ical fnengement length, for which the shear strength of the engaged threads is equvaest to the tensile strength of the unengaged loaded threads. depends fn several facors some of which interact with exc oer te tread orm, the pith, the tread tolerance (Dank envelope, the tread diameter, the form of the ut (wrenching width the bolt bok, the strength ad ductility ofthe bolt and ne leis (mater! section, manulerring process, eat extent, the type of sess (ease, torsional, bering ssres the ction catia (abusing torque the auzber of tgteaigs ‘ee trea eogagement is stan the ita value uy iter the Sere or the aut thead, whichever as ee lowest stengh, wll shear. Theor, io his ase the weak poat athe threads the sbea sength fo ts exgnged section, The unengaged loaded part ofthe thresd is ot damaged fo his patcla ngs, (he beakig loud ofthe joint increases nea with thread engagemect eag up to the pint whee tbe sear strength ofthe engaged bolt and nut thread quae the ens rang fhe bolt ‘Tue Sotertction ofthe Increasing straight Ene of shear strength versus thread engagement wit te line for thread ene strength, which is independent of tread eagsgement ent the etal egage tment length my, Fig 33. Tes tre tha a Ineceaseof the out heh exceding the evtcal engagement length wil increas seat strength ofthe engaged trea, but his has non cen the tense stength ofthe fee part 3 the ‘tread. Ths remain constant Therefore, am insease ofthe Boling power of the jiat by increasing the fut eight bead the exit range isnot posible for tend loading [According to DIN ISO £98 Pat and 2, dhe sppro- priate bolomot strength matching is dove i the ‘uber forthe strength grade of he aut sequal {o the first numberof the strength grade of te bolt (example: not 10 fo bot 103). vot 2220 Part Bo] auee7/Acey i+ £32 nanan tghamnen reset For oon-randard boli sod #us, fe which wo able values of tense load capably are avaiable, {he tread engagement ecessary fr optional utlisa= ton ofthe joiat can be existed scnrdiag (0 (30) (Gestion 522) ped threads, Table 12 gtes the misium Fo rn pra oi ar had ee soe higher sengeh othe not tread ‘They are moreseastve to damage and oung, With tp instaations, they seize moc realy. How cre, they have advantages concriog thet ress. {ance to ret oozeing ad they xa tassmitlighly her forces than bots ith cel treads if ui- (Set engagement east s provided 522 Caleulation of the Required Nut Height The calculation made forthe calaltion of te re oie fiat of the ut [30] allows for the geome ‘es and mechanical proper of joint element, tt 0d bot, and predicts the ype of faire caused by foveloading. ef shearing ofthe serew or nut tread breaking ofthe screw. For enclatig the lading ‘apacity of threaded joints, in (30) the awisg es ‘ena factors ae allowed for which iafecoc the tense stregth Dimensional values, such as teasile rossctvn of the bolt thead,stearag aea of the itera! and rer threnda, the theead engagement meth, Ditch, dimensions ofthe thread, thread tlertnces, {read form, aut form (wrenching wid) an the clearance bole for the eae bolt. ‘The efectve thread engagemeot my is cleat fiom the dileence between the total eight ef the ‘ol my Dd the inside chamfer on both ies raning Fig 24 Gaeta he nut an en ning we (thre imcedniee tenant into the bearing surfaces, I i assumed that tle ‘chamfered segous have only 40% ofthe loading a= pasty of the uly formed thread ofthe sume eign This leads tothe folowing formula for the eectve engagement engi, Fig 34 and Table. ree (Dy—Di)tan 45104) nag gs(Dy~D,) 06 62 with Dy 9 the minor diameter of bem Expansion ofthe aut, caused by the radial compor ent of the axial oad being applied to the teed Maaks, reduces the contact area of the Manks, acd tue reduces tbe eens shearing seus of te bo fut threads Is (90), the derease loading capacty resulting foe isis allowed for by the factor Cy, Fig 3 i aly tom orem scone as | (Sf e04(SE)-20] The Cor R= Ryn Ase Ranace Aasnn eye onship a the heating fee ere fd aut theade determines the amount of plasie ‘eformavion between the bolt thread and the nut ‘head. This plastic deformation of Ue threads ee- Aces the efastve shearing sre and decreases the tnpis beween the loaded Tank of be thread and the bolt axis. Therefore, the ead component i “rete, expansion a the au isiaceased, casing ‘he shearatenpth io be reduce, The dgte of shear strength eduction due :o these phenomena is ieat- Bad by we facorsC, and Cn (30), Fig 36. ‘Mtumee fae aelormsor star ben (29) “Thus, the factors C, and C, ae calculated as olbws Cp $.594— 13.6924 1410783 ~60STRE409353 RE for 1 dy oy becomes Phos lr eat) 25 Te aueaiy pend elated yao, Bewouss 29 Recewhrnen nai ean ‘The assembly prelouds fy given in Tables 1 to 4 have bees calculated for's 90% utsation of the vied load (705) taking ito consiertin the tor- sonal and tensile stress whieh oosue ding Han ‘ning. For yiel-conrlled and angle-controed Vigeoing heefore, Fa mus be divided by O8. For ‘heresies in join in serie, there are i gene to diadvantagts dut to thi approach, As rnerch ‘hs shown, aller tghenng, ease recovery redse he torsional sess in the clamped eytem [301 Therefore, he total tess existing in the sere in te asembled state i limite, The rebabiity in vices ths increased, compared with overs For necked-down bls Tables and 4 the cake Jaton was based on the ameter dy 09d, For calulation of sess area A 20d cross-section ofa reduced shank 4, che nominal dimensions for the pitch diameter dad the minor diameter dy stan- ardised in DIN 13 Par Ito Il ave employed. (For saves areas, se DIN 13 Part 28) ‘The assembly preload Tables 1 to 4 are rounded off The rounding er no greater than 1% For al tightening technique during which o tr Sonal ses sur in he bolt shank, equation (23) is simply to tutu Ryo ‘The large! achievable asembly pelo then Faun = ByaaAa=Ry sae 52H 5:42 Scaler of he Assembly Preload During Tens “The assy preload in bole joint i iauenad by numerous actors (31, such ~ the fiction condions fe Tables $ and 6) in de surfaces moving relative to each oter, ~ the guometia shape of he joint ~ the ghteaiag method ~ the tigheniog ool Errors in esiating the fiction eoeficeas, seater ‘9 Motos cocieiente win ae Ito Dots pnt Ing methods varying in precisioa, as well as instr rmenyseting/eading errors lad to scatter ip thee ‘aves factre at various levee. Especially te assembly preload is apple indirectly, eg by # gh ening trgue, these Inetore etl i seatler of the preload achieved. Thus, the bolt must thes be ove= ‘ned, by a0 amouat ltd to the ghteing facts ‘The actor ay hich accommodates the seater ia assembly preload betwee i 04 Fue FB. 3) 554 resal ofthe scatter in ction conics ign ou) and igbening torques, is intoduced in equ: voizm0 Peet 37 ‘oon (3 tion £4 in the fotiowing form: fiom rane) Fora consant required minimum preload Fay 28 increasing tightening actor a, mena tha the bolt ‘st be dsigned fora higher maximum asseably reload Fg ring rom te phe ater Tht {in be ackicied for example by a proportionstely Jaeger belt ross section Ss. Fem Fenn Sa” een Baeet Beet With a Ay Find For 64 C08: a “This shows tha by using ihteniog technique wit ayn2 ab opp0se 10 aay, 2 60% larger ok ismescr becomes nessa eg M2 stead of M8, Fig «0 [3ta}. with Fane Ai aad ornament 5 40 Intunoy pte tue on ot tater SS teabronstereqesteh Sanaa ) Yideowotedoon anaes oa se ind for te Abe 22h ae 629) Fe ‘From thi, the wate Afi/2 of preload relative to ‘the mean assembly preload Ryq cin be ewe Sey! 2 Fast Afr the various tightening method is composed of individ! errors which are adetve by the lew fot err propagation for random errors, In Fig.l, ‘he relationship betwee the scatter i preload Sf? ‘an tightening factor ai sbowe Fue 69) Fett Rate nen pln sats hing ‘aera, (3 38 vDIZ20 Part} “Tele gives guide values for ugbening factors for dierent assembly methods Ip the fllowng see- ‘ons, which deal withthe most important teh igus, deals ae given ony if ther are aeesary Tor the we of thi Guielire 5.43 Assembly Techiques 1543.4 Torque Conalled Tightening ‘Torqué controle ughiening generally imps Ught- ving using cooled or edzating torque weesces. Tn pancipe, however, motorised ughteang usiog bol instalation spindles also comes within tis cone cept sce a compresed air spindle for example, pies # menterable torque adjuriment “The total tightening torque Ma compris he trend Aighteningtoraue Mg and tbe bot head or te tion forge Mf: My=Mo+ My 30) snonft enerre22 a] am 2 For thread faak angi «= 60", this equation can be simplied to pre >, 7 ‘The tightening torques. My, in Tables 1 9 6 ace calculated by eqution 5.33, aad By acovding to ‘equations (526) and (5.27, Her, the ition coeti- ‘eats jg and ne ate compted independeaty Wea ‘Serving Table 110 4, bomever, 3 simplifeaton was sade ip order t iit the numberof abe four ‘Ths was doge because all combinations of fxnible ‘underbead friction coefiseats 4g aad thead ie- tion coeticients were computed, the tabulations ‘of tightening trcies My would have bee 00 exten ‘Sve The smpliation contd fom the ealula tion of My. eqtation ($33) of wing constant thread fein eceicent ug 0.12. This is permissable be caus, coastant orl combine ses inthe bot Is required (bere eg it 90% of the Til load), tbe Lightening orcus fr diferent head fsction oak ‘eknts ug temain conta with varying thread ee- tion cafes, Le the Ughtaiogf0rgues My are ~ for én a1 50% of the eld load ~ almest solely Gependest on tbe bead triton coeficeat tg, Fg. 42 Thos for extreme thread Icon coetiints o.a maximus deviation a actual assembly preload ‘rom those given inthe table of about 10% must beaceeped [2] The procedure fo: usiag Teles 104s folows: ~ The coeffi of ction sg und py ae taken from Tables Sand 6 they ace not Know fom oentersosinee Sen) 29 2 Tytania Mya nema be Fat © tenons con io i2 91132) fexperimeat, The seals vale must always be et deity the secesary bolt dimensions and ‘Meng grade forthe culated teqied aster Dy ptlotd Fy inthe le sde of one ofthe Tables Tes Find the maximum tightening torque My using ‘he identied bolt dimension and strength grade; ‘hie wil be in one ofthe Table 10 4. ‘The clelatin of Mn Tables 104 with equation (535) 5 basd on sominal pitch diameter and noi ‘a ition radi ofthe bot head Dya/2—(d 4 tn accodanee withthe head dimension fcyind fal seems DINGI2 of hexagon eid screws DIN, aod also based on bic holes in cordance with DIN 180 273 (mea) Finally the table vas sre couaded such thatthe rounding eri smaler than 2% Fig 38 shows the conditions during tightening up to's pela fy allowing fr scater io tion eae ‘ent ig, and setter in applied tghtening torque M3) Guided by this foure, torque controled tightening can be interpret as flows: 5} The assembly preload iyi applied indice by reins of the tightening torque M, for specie Icon condition ic 1) For safe faetioning ofthe bated joint, min: ‘mun asiembly peosd Rann D 8 Secesary. 9 Allowing for maximum frston ia the thread (dom0:4) and uncer the bolt ead yy =018), Fan given atthe snium ghteing torque Mou 48) As result of varsity inthe tightening tools, inching operating and reading errors, easem- by preload exo reach 2 valve higher ham Fa by AFM) atthe maximem possi vehtening (org8e Mane 1) the feton sates i the thread and under the bolt heads between fon AN Jy = C0 and ona 294 ye 04 then a he gest ghter- tng torque end lowest ction, the maximum pox ibe asemy prelond Fane Fen Fie Mul OB Therefor. for given required minimum prelond Fou the belt mus be desianed so that iting 1ot ses 6a Combed tease aad toronal stresses Sol exceeded even if the highest poss- ie preload mu i ie In the example shows, this imiting total sess i equivalent to 90% of the standard minimum yd load yy In order wo meet the requirement ofan overs. goth Bolt diameter by Fna/Fyn 28 essary beause of scat iaghtennsorgbe and tion conditions Here, 4 Is calelate to 157, By this meas, seared tht even fr bighest ‘tia asd lowes ebening org, he reied rnisinum preload is met; and atthe sae tn ‘overoading is prevented forthe case wher ction Teaches its lowest valve 20 tightening torque it ats ighet, 1 he case of torque controled tgbening using orgue wrench, the total eror ie made up to tbe Following partial errs ~The eor in estimating coefficient of cin; the ‘maximum tigbtenig torque My i determined ‘vith the enimatedeaeficet of fition eter use ing equation (5.32 or (533 or rom the tables. ~ Scatter in coeliient of sion including dimen onal deviations which nlsence the ten rai ~ lmoreison ofthe ightening tools including oper sting and ending eons, “The erorin estimating the cofcet of iction ct te limited by determining the ceguied tightening ‘omue forthe original component by messing the elongation ofthe bok ‘eer nd partial ear or phtening sing Forgve Wrenches which when added together, corspond to tphlening factor ag piven in Tabe& I the eae of “torque conoted bot instalation spindles distinction murt be made betwera 2) saionary spindles which can be adjusted over 8 certain range by means of ai pressure vegulae ) eines with automatic dives io which the drive dlueagrges atthe adjustable ocgue and DIZ P 1-3. ©) preasionauicmati spines with dyoamic torque rmeasurementgeezlly 2 the spindle mounting ‘All types of pingles shoud only be agjstd in bale ‘nsalaion son the onigtal pat. The asjstment ofthe tightening spindle aim posts a) and can ‘ether be made by means ofthe revgheningtrgues fr by exact measurement ef the elongation 29 the one ‘The retipherng tongue that torque required 10 urn the Gol further alter the ination process hasbeen she, ers om the equ hier: Ing torque for torque contd tghtening by 2c tipheing factor which ~ depending on the 330 ‘of spinal, and on the fneton and rience ratios a vary between 85 ant 1.30 (6) “The following paral rors ie found: ‘Aausmen ia etighteningrorgue ~ Errors in estimating the 2etient of fetion to enuly the gure ihning trgue for tongue ontoled tightening, ~ Errors in estinatiag the resigning factor by which the recghesing togue dlrs fom there ‘ied tighealng org. ~ Equipment and readag exo in measurement of the etightening torque ~ Eerors arising fom iondbquate accuracy of the erage vale obaind i adjustment tet he laeper the numberof adjustment ets, the smaler the enor ‘Adjustment by mean of oration measurements = Errors abing fom sfeagation meanieneats (equipment errors, reading ertor, vacation in $= reasons aad Mucoation in modus of elastic ofthe bolt mata ~ Scatter in assembly pelos during ejustment of ‘he uphtening spindle ‘The spine, i accordance wth pinto sould ako be adjusted onthe organ belted joint in whic eae the applied tarque can be seasuted in the spindle lel or by means of an atuched torque ideator fea sicily large au of tantallaton ts ‘The most accurate adjusts echaique inthis ate & by determining the required cghtening torque by measuring the bolt elongation. Ales accurate seth od is by determing the require tightening txgse ins simulated joint cootasng pieonccttic load calle and even lee accurate i eximating the coe len ofrction and determing te required tighten. ing torque rom tbls or calsatons. ‘The same procedures as thow fr tightening wise torque wrenches apply fr ctemnining the paral point From exting empiial values (6, the guide vals tivenin “able an be recommended or orque com Uwolled ightenag using automate spindles 54.32 Vuld Conuoled Tightening For yield ughteaiag with ap electosic contol sy tem, the yield point ofthe bok is automaucally ten. ‘ied, This is done by measuring the torque aad the ‘ovation angle during ihtenng and by cetemising their ference quotiet 6/39, whichis equiva lent to the slope of + tangent to be togee/argle ‘carve. As soon athe yield point reached, the gra- Frscton ofthe stored maximum valve obaied rom the linear part of the torque/aasle core acvates the shotol gna. Since Undulations ocer i the ely part of he My, eeurve,resling om the eae tie and plastic deformations as the itertaces are browpat together which could lead to prematare ‘Shut ofthe tebtening spindle, a sovg torque is required. Therefore, comparisos of the gradizot ‘alues and storag ofthe maxisum gradieat only Sats afte the sug orgue has bees excende, seta ls 43 vt camo ann ana (3) ‘The procedure for yield tightening is shown in Fig dt 8) Or yield Ughening, the yield pont of the bolt serves a coat alu for the assemby preload. Indepeadeat of behead friction, the bot coa- tinvovsly tightened untl te yield point eg. 02% clongation lint ofthe bol is reached as 3 rest Of te combined tennle ane tornoeal steer (a= Ry ‘The plastic eloogationsexpeicced by the bolts are ofthe same order of magnitude a the values for which the Rye. limit is defied for materials ohana teiociasy any Tm Mme omens with inaitnctyih pont (0.2% so tha the ee= oaiity of als ipbened bythe yea eoataled smetiod is hardly impaired [34 1) Forsale operation ofthe bolted joint minimam stserbly preload Fay D is eed ie Fig 44 ©) Allowing for the highest bread ction (uo 014), Fa canbe achieved fora standard bolt ‘minimum ield strength of Ryga 100 Nam @ Ase cesult ofthe permisable seater in the bolt rmechanial properties, for higher bot strengths than the stendud minimum sild suengt, the assembly preload fy can reach a value whic is ‘el stength ofthe bot, twill at eause a higher Specie bolt stess The bolt preload wil core- pond im any cate to the higher yield sength ofthe bole 1M he thread ition seater fe betwee [1.10 ad pcan 014, ~ assuming the biphost limiting value of tbe yield seagth Roy smu '=1500 Nj? and the lowes: head tron ‘maximum asembly preload Fa, Dis possible Buna Bane fil Raa) Multa) 4) In contrast to torque controled tigbtening, the maximum essombly preload Fas Which 15s From Faas increased by AFy dos not require the bolt to be oversized, brats te total ses of bol for the highest possible assembly preload ‘snot necessary bere. In sit of sightening factor 241.28 which ee SUIS lom scatter n assembly prelotd and which thas been alelaes for the asembly technique In the example, oversining bythe actor a mot necessary. Therefore, aq! ca be subsite for the dimersoniog cakulaton. equation (i) ‘Comparison with Fig 39 shons that, decane of 1 constant tte ste af Yell ighteaiog, he eat ter in axembly prlond cavest by variation io the thread ftion between j= 010 and 4 is lower for this echaigue thas for toque contd iphten ing ‘The assambly preload level for ied tightening i generally higher thie or torque contelled phen: ing Fig 4s 5433 Angle-Contoled Tighesing ‘Angle controlled tightening is indirectly 2 method oflength measurement Not ony i tbe compresion ofthe clamped pars meatured atthe same time as the elongation of tbe bot, bu also te pase and lati dlormations oeuring before complete clos ing ofthe iovefaee which ae regular and cannot be predetermined. Thetfore, in prac, the joi is preloaded, — a for sed tightening ~, by means fof snug iorgue unt alltye intact completely closed. The angle of rotation i aly meazured from this soug pot, Fig, 6. Practise ba shown thal this ucbsigos only reaches its highest precision when the bol is tighteed into the plastic range because a ts range the deforma: tia ine is roughly horzomal and angle ers have almost no eee. Ta costrst ro this inthe elastic range, angle eros would our ia ‘he seep part [tthe deformation ling sot would cause preload ‘ore of sis order of magaitude to that of torgue Controlled Ugbtening (Fg 46) ‘v1 2230 Pact 46 Alcoa igang chat) (3) iphesing into the plastic range, the ange of ‘tation shouldbe detersined i st ‘As for veld tightening, we have smaller eect of. Ison 08 pretosd sate, comparing with torgb— controled dehteaine. Since the tral stress always exceeds the ye sess, ‘vations ofthe ahlved assembly preload Fy a= 1 for ye ghtening However, af yield ahem: ing. the Gghtaning factor eq i substted a8 ay in dimensioning evulaons By exezeding the yield point of the bolt mera, the re-sablty ofthe bat i nit and the techs nique can ooly be used for bolts which are made ‘ofa sulbaeotly dete materi and which have a0, adequately high elongation capacity (>24). In the motor industry, ange-contoled tightening te crrent tte heat [9 5434 Momentum Contalied Tightening (pact Weenches) Impact wrenches transfer eatgy by means of mo- ‘mentum; itis thus alos irpossibl to measure the ‘esting toque ‘Like bolt instalation piles, impact wreaches must, lao be adjntd om the engin! Soll joint this 5 done most aceraely by measuring the elongation ofthe bolt and es acuetely, using he revighteaiog {orque. The ero cowsderations are esecially the sme ar thoes for bol instal spindles 8 under points a) and b). Toe tightening factors ive in bie mut be appli fom Ret (6) and fom otber ‘mpi values. The ighteing factors are so igh that this tightening weebaique cannot be recom mended for igh uty bolted joint. 5435 Hydeaalc Teasioning For hydraulic tensioing, the bol is held at eee ‘end above the nt position an is loaded in tension relative tothe clamped parts. As this occur, the nut <2. vol Pint ah i 1 lied of he clamped pans, and i repositioned ganst the clamped paris by rorting Aer loading, 2 defied prload remains in the bol A ‘isadvantage ie the het tha he belt ust Be tn ‘Shoed beyond the stated preload snc elastic and plastic deormation i the tread ad the camped arts occurs only afer uoloding and, thus, lads {oa loss of preload, Fig 47. The potion of the Joining surface (treat and nat Besing face), which re nol stressed during protensioine changes dur- ing removal the pretension, ad this an be com- peusitd fr by meant repeated etghening Often 2 geoeral retighecny is pede in oder to com- Denese for preload viriaton esulg Com the pee- Toading of te adjcet bot Hydraulic tensioning. eg as it is employed for the coneraction oarge presrure veil ss the ada tage that several holed joits ean be dghtened to the same proload smtaneously. The pression that ‘an be ahieed for dined preloads depends mainly ‘on the length of he rem, Toe phtening ctor a takes on vals betwen 12and 16, where the al ctvaluer ace or long exes (/d@ 5 and the largest ‘alsa for shor screws (ld52) 55 Fatigue Seen For bolted joints, a high notch eet is present at he fit strened sre thread The oleh [ator ay an have values betmen 4 sad 10, dependiog 0o (he convention, For alteraning sts, therefore, the tensile Jon ca- ability of bolted join i reduced to neha 103% oftheir capability under woiforn tense sre. ‘TMi tease load capbiliy under alternating sss ~ the endurance linit— is determined by mmerous factors (a the bass of quatative judgement, Table 15a shows posible metbes for improving the endurance limit of bated joints. ‘Besides thread rong after beat treating (item Sin ‘Table 15a) modifeatins of the design can eetvely limprove the endurance limit of bled sont tems 2,5, tL and 15 to 20 in Table 13a). Medications ‘ofthe design conbute to mirimie the bigh local Hest which must be abroad y the BOE fora fiven working load. Thee modiieations can const ft easing a moreover stress dtbuton within the tut (items 9, 11 and 15 to 17 in Table 13a) and reducing the porten Fx othe vores lad compo: ‘ent Fy thus reducing the advan sess felt by the bot vem Fan 1810 2018 Tale 133) (37) Modiseations ofthe design peeally donot improve the endurane limit of he trend but reduce the ee rere This inreses he endurance ita 1 dire improvement ofthe enirance Limit o the thread is only posable to 4 ery imied extent be ‘use of te domieatieg inure ofthe notch eect, (excep by inherent compressive ses induced dur- Ing manufacturing by trend ring slr beat est. sent (TAHT). Fig 48 contains guide values for endurance Limits ofhigh dry bots. The values or RTAHT boli have been alelated withthe ormuk empirically dete ined in [36]. Allowance has beea made inthe cal- ulations for seater ofthe mensved values around the sess amplitude oy ofthe oder of magnitude ‘of 425%. Therefore, the lower Knit of the range of eater en was determined og the factor O15 In determining the guide value for RTAITT bot the initial assompion wa made that fo low pee: loads (Fy/Fo3=02) the enduance strength of TAHT belts about tice at high ar bole ith threads soled before beat teatmeat (RTBHT), sod iN INES £8 fegana 120 geome mses nnsevenen tome nev atice eae) that the endurance strength of RTAHT bolts de crease wth an iereasing preload [15]. Due sttntion must always be pid tothe fae that Fig 48 is based upon empiial data wich in prac ee, may give over or underestimates. Basde the elastic deformations in the bolted joing, embedding go occurs whichis mainly caused by (he Datenig of rita ierepsarti The amount of embedding fg has an afet on fores inthe joint tnd reduces the elastic defornation, this reduing the assembly preload Fy by the amouat Fy ce hse apne ond [As shown in Fig. 48, the reatiowship beeen pre- load F; and embeddings derived by Simla tan les, 9 that Af be Bu Tactin Bites From tis follons fe fae ag E90 639 Li% a ‘The amount of embedding fie generally smaller than expected fom the roughness of the clamped Interface, because during fighting considerable Alasening bas taken place, and even fr alternating working loads, the sess variation atte ateraces remains rately smal According to curently svilable experimental re {uly the ftat amoust of embedsing feces inde Pedeat ofthe eumber of iateracean¢ of the tu fhceroughocis ofthe interes, batt inceases with the clampiag length ratio, For massive jit (le not sacks of set metal) with Bale according to aa Dt 2230 Part DIN 931 (an in practice also DIN 933,t was found that: a29(l ‘The guide values for enbedding caked with his Formula, Fig. 50, can te used in eases where 20 e+ perimenaly determine values are svalabie. ‘The amounts of embelting calculated or take fom Fig 50 are only appropriate ifthe values given for the limiting sorface prestore in Table 9 are aot a seded. Otherwise the camped material atthe head fsedjor aut bearing are ir subject to creep 20d he ‘mount of embedding cen increase wacontalahy (ee ait Section 53) De attention must be paid tothe fact that the amounts of embedding taken at» tai forthe for. rola and fr Fig 50, have been determined 02 ns ‘sive joints where total seating of the surfaces 0 cared under the renting preload. For clamped Stacks of sheet metal fr nstane, the rexence ms) ‘be substantially greater than tht for masive jas ofthe same clapping nth In such eases, mous of embeddingsbould be detrmied experimentally Under service ses, he prlosd is bolted joist an drop fortwo totaly dierent easoas: ~ Relaxation — at tnt of embudaing or oop in the boled joint — Rotational loosening (selécotating) — esa result of relative movemects between the mating nir- faces (40, 41} Fig. ‘Thos, distinction cua be made between “embedding preveation features toovercome erep and eabed- fing (ce also Section 56 and sel-ztation prevea- ‘on’ which can arrestor prevent the “internal” of- torque; ‘compoaent lc: prevention" cannot prevent ‘vpI2220 Past 5 Cums pced os noe er a ane | arti otto, bt preset the jit compo Sent fom cml ing sp) ‘bo it ich wel deseo te working ina and which has eaten’ pry due neal ot ted aiool ley fees One Stan ty inpoper ur fy Seen tbe lity oleate canbe foe soon. ing ciao be prevented by eae of jn Seri (Ce his peosaong oth seine ten st belonred wc sabe forthe gen ser Tae Ick ements curety arabe onthe art cen te sated fm fe rouge scone fo the efficiency (Table 14) (43). ™ otis mich ae de ony ail age Aly nots dages i thy d ot ed te see aly fcr sor bla tb oer enh aes san the we of tase seme be recommended Stich at camped iin ein or reventon Sfenbelg The case cect bower ms io be prot der fl preead aod a he het voring nd (5) Tn te cae of sexe wich ae predominantly 90 depres tthe bln uo songs be tween te dyad perc soar tet tof {nv pelod, whith lade to athe move sets inthe head Hess te ton ip te [Siri nets Under te wedge ees of the thread a steel forge cas whch ca xd to vetting ude fal ond Ecen peove io ef elfen can neal is teal of tora or can preva trated bearing ee bots ores king semen However de tention tbe pid oh ft ht for be jot wich se permanent sic 0 chr plsementy thr apr fe Uitte aire deo Bening Ie extn drop pad can be ole by toving the sl ong bt requed that te joint components donot fal apart (elf 1s) then Toss prevention devices can te considered clamp ing eemens. Ale installation and ses there maining prelads canbe 60% (ood loee-prevention) ‘or only 10% (por loss prevention) of the eigial peso [138 6 Calculation Examples 15: Calculations ofa Bolted Joint Between “aPiston ona iat 6 — ~ Ina Hyaeaute Cylinder as an Example orConcentie Cl = ‘ad Concent Loaaing 6.4 lal Conditions ‘The telted jolt shown in Fig. 5? is calculated 38 a conceirically clamped coneeirially loaded 4 mm’ the ail Lod is cleulted as a 049.109N. 82 Hyrule ne win canal te one betwen on ad ion ot “The cylinder i part of press with 300 working strokes per hout The axial [oad should hut be one SSdered as a dynam working loud Because the Blt alto required to pesorm & sal function, then the residual clamping lad after use loeding bythe working load should be not les thaa, Fig OPN oe slr reasons CCASV speci as the ston materi 1 ie assumed that te jolat is tightened ung an fncating torque wrench. ora Pant 45 6.12 Caleulaton Procedure “The pnt i calculated following the caleultion spe RL Go RIO piven in Seton | Rt Rough determination of he bolt ameter and the clamping length rato il as well as ‘be rough deterinaton of the surace pressure Under the bot hen. ‘Using Table 7 for conceotrily apis amie working loud f=249-107N ating in the ail cretion ofthe bal teguted miei som preload of Fa = 40-109 N i estima From the posible diameter streagh ombi tong, DIN 912~ M12 60~109 eyindral serew was chosen “The lengths fy and rare thus fed as fpa2émm, 8 mm, #913 om ‘The camping ength i The camping eat psdmaaia=3s “The suace pressure under the bot head it [nt 542 am, 10 N fom Table foe p04, dy 790 mm om equation (18 with dg=1723 (rom DINDI2) aed a=135 (fom DN 180 273 p thas becomes 6-108 : SIS <1 in ‘The liming surface presure for CSV be- comes rom Tabled pon HON jam?» p= 691 Nam? R2_ Determination ofthe tghenig factor a4 issued tt the bot ie tghtened using indiewing torque wrench. From Table8, mele RO Deteminstion ofthe requied minimom clamp load Fw The required minimusn clamp lod mast be al leas equal othe minimum residual pelo 15 stated in the intial conditions (6.1) Fe Fil; we thus bave Fag ION, YyD12030 Pant ‘With te equations i Secon 3.1. the ease resilience ofthe bl determined fo bendy, 48;450u 0207-10" mens ct 1036.10°4 mnt 5 egies tomn Foumbo be Joye fo. bt Feky Eom 20592 10-F ma N 5=299-10-F ith 4 mm, = 18 ms n0Sd=6mm hyeOed=48am 4529853 am, Aye 113 om Ane T62 mm pernentn ‘With equation (2.19, the elastic reslence of the clamped pats ys caleuated as te ger. aE Wit Ae tom equation (LIT, with By 1=205-107 Nj" and with Dd, + 038-10-* amin Aan dha) +a kt) Sqr) +P aps sy) Ana Si24 Rs ae Rr According to Fig. 18t, it estimated thatthe Toad introduction planes are at a distance ‘= O3 q Thertore 03,0035 on Determination ofthe loss of preload due to embedng Referring to Fig 50 foraclamping length rtio of 5 there total amount of embedding of f=5-10"* mm road). ‘Thus, accouding to egetion (3.34 the preload dosti L ie Fone 1 ats. 108 Determination af the equire bolt sie According to euation( 4), we have 24 Fann ™2aL ar Hl OFF) 2424.10 For thecingel see DIN 912M 1260 8, with nom 0.14, Table | gives an assem bay pretond of Bum t6-10 Nie “Tae selene bolt ment the requirements Accordiog to Table 1, te corresponding tight ening torque fry 0.10 (able 5) My l04Na Repetition of clealation steps R to RG in order to feta required change of bolt andor ‘damping length is oined. (Checking thet maximus permissible bol force In notexcented Aezordag to equation(42, FSO1R jo Ae ust be ale (jea~-940N/mn! rom DIN ISO £98 Pat en mm? from Tas 10) Substituting nme ales, thi relationship become: 0035.249.100 <01:940Njaa-843 mm nN Fame the screw dimensions are roltable With pone O12 and peniy=O10 (Table 5, ‘he appropriate ightenin torque cas be claw Into sh tersasesne(2 ha 5168, with Ctr ‘The checking calculation for hd and @c can ve omitee, 165mm Since the xi! loud iF, 0, the checking that. ‘the maximum pease Bolt ore i ot ex- ceeded somites Because theres 20 aia working load F, the rtermizaton of the aerating ste end ance aleo omitted vor Patt 51 R10 Checking calelation fhe srfacepresue. ApS age Bana!=3U1 and the permiibe assembly preload Ay for the elindrcalseew,the surface pressure be tween the Bol head a the hard weber ie calnlateg at ku Poult 442 Nn ‘The limiting surface pressue S50, for motor isd tightening, sive from Table 9 Pome015-p6=315 Nim? ‘Therefore snd fo reduction in steebly preload is r= wi Folows Fg =98-10° Fave Be {elo May 368 NE ‘egulidon oreo presi Suen 315mm? =) Pana Fi Y= Po Fora bold jot with yingrcal screws with the ven dimensions, te conditions for stength 0d, Feneton are filed with a tightening traue of 268 Ne Bearing Cap Join as an Example “of Eetenvie Clamping sand centre Loading 4 Inltat Condens ‘The connecting rod bearing cap bolted joint for car eaping as shown in Fig $5 shoul be calelated 36 an ecrentrclly clamped, contriclly loaded botedjiat Bolts ftengih grade 129 with thread dlmensions M91 aad gute of strength grade 12 te specified in the design. The bolts are Ughtened -2- vpI280 part fee eT] Fie) Ce Feages) SEE with 2 hgh precision tightening spindle. C45 was Selected ab the materi forthe elmped part For {he rated enpne spend = 4000 sin we have the following inal parameters ‘Axil force at the interface FeeSTIPN Bending moment atthe interface (om [45]) Ma=20N0, “Teanevere force Ry 40 From the bending momest Mu and the axial oad ‘tbe lever am of the eczate load application determined a8 the merce rom (45), on Me gimm, Te suming lor splcty thatthe beading moment ie ‘constant oer te eamping length 6.42 Caleulaton Procecure ‘The calculations ar made following the clelation sep R110 R10 given is Secon 1 1 Rough determina of te Bolt ameter & sd the clamping eet ratio If The bolt ameter i given as 9am from the , TA whose B,=700 jac from Table. Ferber [R2 Determination of heightening actor 24 ‘The bolt is tightened using a igh precision tightening spindle, which hat been adres by ensuring the elongation ofthe Bot (ae pre ‘abbrting tbe bole asthe force measuring ee reat) The tighteing factor 4.6 secording 10 Ta ble (or large angles of rotation. fe treads, and rein! ois) AS Detemnioaton ofthe required minimum clamp load Fe 1) The requirement for ton grip at the iter (ae (y= 012 Few Hans.1098 0) To avid nese opting atthe eed pend Ste np Fen ncaa om quan {3am ne Sei aaa23 wg he tine fone rein @=0 p gsa0N Fence a Fa 10? where dp 121 mm end aya 2474 The transition of bending moment and normal ore atthe isterisce lends to bolted Joust with eccentric load appliation, More ve the load in introduced ander the bolt ead and the nt but aside the damped pats. Since the greater part of the connecting sod Joint surouading the Bot ea be considered {o bea lamping Hone, n= i/3 is extinated nn lets) equation (33) Byrbet 545 tow Thread elasticity inthe aut asa 477-10" may Se 205-10" Nima? here head laccty ofthe fee and loaded part of the = 3:064-10-F mays lati ofthe bead: es 0276-10°* my ‘We thus have Bymbot but bets tb 49-10-* mi Realence of the clamped pat dy: Fo the determination f the reiene of the ‘camped parts the mallerontity othe bolt {e=03) not allowed for. Tau, dy Wl be de- ‘ermined instead of bf, The asebly preload which uses embedding, acts concentrically. Fora exossection study ofthe clamped parts ofa subetition body, se Fp (Secon 312. Since the joint hat 3 deazance Bole, wih mensions Dy snd 4, abé because A SDSdet le yDI2230 Par | we id wih equation (17) Aug 80? where DyaiSSmm: dy 12mm ienslSmm; = 925mm wien p= 205.10? Ninn? we nd Sgro 1619" mas Tis, with Iyqq2833 mm" bostite Don Sram detrained [tom Ave and dy 925mm we abi fom equation (343) e-0118 Determination of te fost of preload due Fi wenbedsing From Fig 50 we find the aout of embeddi f=610 mm (ounded), or id= 46. “Thus, the loss of preload due to embedding become 1 ae Fate n0516.10°N Determioation othe reared bot se. The masimum assembly preload is called fom: Fen UFior tll Pa) Bt Fi However, forthe case ofa beating cp bolted it Rema MUst be further inceased By the Amount required forthe east and plastic {eformaton whieh ovur ia the ebel bearing acest of oversziog. a order to compensate for overizing of the ‘tel bearings, flowing Roemer (46), a3 taal load F, of 62-10" N per bolt is equie, ‘Thus inhi cae we have Fee 6u (Fi +I Pad Ft FF) i Fee Face 868 Foes Beet Fina = 29.7109 Assuming coficentoffstiono-=0.12(Ta- ‘eS, we obtain rom equation (526) an a= sembly preload of Fenty Ay A1 6.10 N for the bolt M9x1 of stength grade 125, Thecelore, y= 4y=498 mm! and Rye sou vote =B5 Nim" ty27968 mm jg := 1100 Nin” and with ¥=09, folios Ass. ve) 2% FPF ‘The dimension ofthe bol are correc. With e012, we Bave 4 ehtening torque of Mya fe (036 P+ Ho: 0584, + -003.Ne om 012 ‘The check for ll tnd can be omilted since ‘these values are aleady determined exactly “The check thatthe maxmmom pesmi bolt lore texas Pa FeS01-Renama As oN esa Determination ofthe alteratog stress endor- snc ofthe ble [Ar etl ofthe ecentrie clamping 2nd load ing, the bots subject to tease suesses and to bending ses, From equation (3.740), cane[ta(-d) Eee) al es Ertl (se Section 32223) it folows fom 20118, Ig aMTION, EyEp= 1, 2676 amt ‘hat onthe side in easion cog n(l 4488-949 Nim 295 Nam? +-465 Nj? 1-56 Nm? “or oaths 57S din n elicit eb With strain gauges attached tote bolt sank in the vicinity of the interface, «tense sens vacation of S2N/mm? and « compressive Stee variation of —32 N/mm? relative tothe rloud were measured, afr applying an axial force of Fy toa joint with minimum bol pr load Feoee Fours? A From this we obtain 2 tense sues component of 10 N/mm" (@5 N/mm? was calculated) anda beading freis component of 2 Nam! (65 Nims! err calclted). Figure 57 vera comparison betwen the cl- cilted and measured sees distribution inthe interface plane ofthe bolt (On the tensile side the bolt stenting stress is eye Sa $28 Nim? Figure 48 gives eq 454 Nia “Thus we ave 0, 4g 4 2449 Ninn?

ei, ete, sear] > sonnet scrorsatnat Pein ene mot om] of do ape pare Le an canon in| 70rd sistas See AaB ttt-ad seo deo-9 sean] © sin rion raconteur ee erie Soa aa soon] © encanto Pai ew a | cst mm Seated | eoo|r Sate dansh inate ton vpI20 Pan —83~ 2m senate eae Ian he sue ope Fine Ma Fu[OI6h sna, ed Fanuc i aoe a cos ae oe ns [peony agi oom, Eg aay Free re ne [ente) Fins Jo a evn [a pt —— emer ames an ee prac Fleer Perec FS me em aac mre ah en Fn =PF501 Ryo ty a whe Sinema i |ONE See e Ne cece pee os ete o ests * Seed hi a Ke paaseenecaon |

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