Feel the passion of Jean Frederic Bazille in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Jean Frederic Bazille in our art prints.

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Jean Frederic Bazille
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Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Jean Frederic Bazille

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

The most popular works of Jean Frederic Bazille

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Jean Frederic Bazille

41 artworks found

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La terrasse de Méric
1867 | painting

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The Artist's Studio, 1870
1870 | Oil on canvas

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Edmond Maître, 1869
1869 | Oil on canvas

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L’atelier de Bazille
1870 | painting

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Black woman with peonies, c.1870...
1870 | watercolour, gouache, chalk and graphite on card

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Porte de la Reine at Aigues-Mortes
Undated | oil on canvas

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Bazille's Studio
1870 | Oil on canvas

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Pierre Auguste Renoir
1867 | painting

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Self Portrait at Saint-Saveur, 1...
1868 | oil on panel

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L’atelier de Bazille
1870 | painting

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Jean Frederic Bazille

Jean Frederic Bazille

  December 6, 1841
  November 28, 1870
   •   Impressionism   •   Wikipedia: Jean Frederic Bazille

Jean-Frédéric Bazille (1841 - 1870) is considered one of the first painters of Impressionism. He is said to have founded and influenced Impressionist figure painting in particular. The works of the Montpellier-born son of a wealthy Protestant family often showed portraits and landscapes, which he painted directly in the open air in the style of open-air painting. His passion for art was awakened by the paintings of Eugène Delacroix and Gustave Courbet. However, Bacille's family had different ideas for his education and later career. He finally agreed with his father that he could study art if he also studied medicine at the same time.

After two years of study, Bazille moved to Paris in 1862 and continued his artistic training with Charles Gleyre. In Paris he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir and shared a studio with him. During his time in Paris Bazille became friends with many famous painters such as Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Édouard Manet or Henri Fantin-Latour. Bazille worked together with some of these artists and was also the model for Monet's "Breakfast in the Green". Bazille was happy to help out his less well-off painter friends. He often supported them financially, offered them working materials or allowed them to use his studio.

After failing the medical exam in 1864, Bazille finally devoted himself full-time to painting. His creative period was limited to only 8 years, as he died at a young age. During this time he was able to complete a total of 60 paintings. In total he could only exhibit five paintings publicly, the first in the Paris Salon in 1866, but he could not sell any of his paintings during his lifetime. Among his most famous works are "The Pink Dress", "The Family Reunion" or "Fisherman with Net". When the Franco-Prussian War broke out in 1870, Frédéric Bazille joined a Zouave regiment and went to war. Only a few months later he died at the age of 28 in the battle of Beaune-la-Rolande. His father had him buried in his home town of Montpellier.

Jean Frederic Bazille

Jean Frederic Bazille
  December 6, 1841
  November 28, 1870
   •   Impressionism   •   Wikipedia: Jean Frederic Bazille

Jean-Frédéric Bazille (1841 - 1870) is considered one of the first painters of Impressionism. He is said to have founded and influenced Impressionist figure painting in particular. The works of the Montpellier-born son of a wealthy Protestant family often showed portraits and landscapes, which he painted directly in the open air in the style of open-air painting. His passion for art was awakened by the paintings of Eugène Delacroix and Gustave Courbet. However, Bacille's family had different ideas for his education and later career. He finally agreed with his father that he could study art if he also studied medicine at the same time.

After two years of study, Bazille moved to Paris in 1862 and continued his artistic training with Charles Gleyre. In Paris he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir and shared a studio with him. During his time in Paris Bazille became friends with many famous painters such as Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Édouard Manet or Henri Fantin-Latour. Bazille worked together with some of these artists and was also the model for Monet's "Breakfast in the Green". Bazille was happy to help out his less well-off painter friends. He often supported them financially, offered them working materials or allowed them to use his studio.

After failing the medical exam in 1864, Bazille finally devoted himself full-time to painting. His creative period was limited to only 8 years, as he died at a young age. During this time he was able to complete a total of 60 paintings. In total he could only exhibit five paintings publicly, the first in the Paris Salon in 1866, but he could not sell any of his paintings during his lifetime. Among his most famous works are "The Pink Dress", "The Family Reunion" or "Fisherman with Net". When the Franco-Prussian War broke out in 1870, Frédéric Bazille joined a Zouave regiment and went to war. Only a few months later he died at the age of 28 in the battle of Beaune-la-Rolande. His father had him buried in his home town of Montpellier.

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        +43 4257 29415
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