Feel the passion of Édouard Manet in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Édouard Manet in our art prints.

Our art reproductions bring moments of comfort directly into your home.

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Édouard Manet
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Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Édouard Manet

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

1877 | Oil on canvas

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1862 | Oil on canvas

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Botte d’asperges
1880 | painting

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The most popular works of Édouard Manet

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Édouard Manet

1283 artworks found

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Vase de fleurs, lilas blancs
1882 | painting

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Dejeuner sur l Herbe
1863 | Oil on canvas

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Le Chemin de fer
1873 | Oil on canvas

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Le buveur d’absinthe
1858 | painting

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Un Coin du jardin de Bellevue, 1...
Undated |

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Un bar aux Folies-Bergère
1881 | painting

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Stilleben mit Lachs
1866 | Oil on canvas

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Bar in den Folies-Bergère. 1881-82
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Le chemin de fer
1872 | painting

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Blumen in einer Kristallvase. Um...
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Undated | oil on canvas

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Vue prise près de la Place Clich...
1878 | Oil on canvas

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The Melon, c. 1880.
Undated |

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Le Corbeau (The Raven), 1875
1875 | lithograph

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La blonde aux seins nus
1878 | painting

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1868 | Oil on canvas

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Chaussons de danse
1862 | watercolor on paper

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Le déjeuner sur l’herbe
1863 | painting

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1877 | Oil on canvas

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1882 | painting

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Der Rabe
1875 | drawing

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Homme sur un banc
1832 | drawing

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1863 | Oil on canvas

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Portrait Édouard Manet
1863 | Oil on canvas

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Le balcon
1868 | watercolor on paper

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Victorine Meurand en Costume dEs...
1862 | etching on paper

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1865 | etching on paper

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1870 | drawing

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Der Rabe
1875 | drawing

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Le fiacre
1878 | drawing

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1882 | Ink on paper

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1880 | watercolor on paper

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Automne, Méry Laurent
1881 | Oil on canvas

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Le fiacre vu de dos
1877 | drawing

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Der Rabe
1875 | drawing

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La Rue Mosnier au bec de gaz
1878 | drawing

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Der Rabe
1875 | drawing

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Etude pour jeanne Gonzales
1871 | Graphite on paper

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Édouard Manet

Édouard Manet

  January 23, 1832
  April 30, 1883
   •   Impressionism   •   Wikipedia: Édouard Manet

Edouard Manet was a modernist painter whose works were decisive for the transition from Realism to Impressionism. Manet was born into an upper class family with a high political influence. His father was Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Justice and gave his son an appropriate education. But Manet had little love for school and was a rather underachieving student. His uncle awakened his interest in art and often visited the Louvre with him. He advised him to attend a special art course, where he became friends with Antonin Proust. Manet's parents were against his desire to become an artist and encouraged him to study law. But that again did not correspond to Manet's ideas. On his father's advice, he went on a training ship to Rio de Janeiro as an apprentice. But since he failed the entrance examination for the naval college twice, his parents finally gave in and allowed him to study art. At the age of 18 Manet became an apprentice of the classical painter Thomas Couture and stayed there for six years. During this period he also undertook several study trips to Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. On these trips he met the artists Frans Hals, Diego Velázquez and Francisco José de Goya, who had a decisive influence on him.

After completing his training, Manet opened his own studio, where he devoted himself to motifs in the style of realism by Gustave Courbet. His work Olympia, which was exhibited in the Paris Salon, caused a particular stir. The work triggered a scandal and caused a fierce outrage among visitors and art critics. Young, alternative artists such as Courbet, Monet, Cézanne or Gauguin took the work under their wing and paid special tribute to it. Manet therefore exhibited some of his paintings, which had been rejected by the Paris Salon, in the alternative Salon de Refusés. However, in contrast to the core group of Impressionist artists, Manet was convinced that they should not completely break away from the traditional Salon. For this reason, he continued to regularly exhibit his works at the Paris Salon. Manet was closely associated with the Impressionists, influenced many artists and took up many elements in exchange with them himself, but he never wanted to feel he belonged to this group.

Manet married the two years older Suzanne Leenhoff after 10 years of relationship and a common son. Manet's father had hired the native Dutchwoman at the time to give piano lessons to the two sons. In his works he was modelled on his wife, son and later sister-in-law, the impressionist painter Berthe Morisot, as well as other artist colleagues and great personalities of his time who were among his friends. Manet was also inspired by observing people in everyday situations in busy places. In the last years of his life, Manet frequently painted still lifes. He died at the age of 51 from the complications of his syphilis and rheumatic illness.

Édouard Manet

Édouard Manet
  January 23, 1832
  April 30, 1883
   •   Impressionism   •   Wikipedia: Édouard Manet

Edouard Manet was a modernist painter whose works were decisive for the transition from Realism to Impressionism. Manet was born into an upper class family with a high political influence. His father was Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Justice and gave his son an appropriate education. But Manet had little love for school and was a rather underachieving student. His uncle awakened his interest in art and often visited the Louvre with him. He advised him to attend a special art course, where he became friends with Antonin Proust. Manet's parents were against his desire to become an artist and encouraged him to study law. But that again did not correspond to Manet's ideas. On his father's advice, he went on a training ship to Rio de Janeiro as an apprentice. But since he failed the entrance examination for the naval college twice, his parents finally gave in and allowed him to study art. At the age of 18 Manet became an apprentice of the classical painter Thomas Couture and stayed there for six years. During this period he also undertook several study trips to Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. On these trips he met the artists Frans Hals, Diego Velázquez and Francisco José de Goya, who had a decisive influence on him.

After completing his training, Manet opened his own studio, where he devoted himself to motifs in the style of realism by Gustave Courbet. His work Olympia, which was exhibited in the Paris Salon, caused a particular stir. The work triggered a scandal and caused a fierce outrage among visitors and art critics. Young, alternative artists such as Courbet, Monet, Cézanne or Gauguin took the work under their wing and paid special tribute to it. Manet therefore exhibited some of his paintings, which had been rejected by the Paris Salon, in the alternative Salon de Refusés. However, in contrast to the core group of Impressionist artists, Manet was convinced that they should not completely break away from the traditional Salon. For this reason, he continued to regularly exhibit his works at the Paris Salon. Manet was closely associated with the Impressionists, influenced many artists and took up many elements in exchange with them himself, but he never wanted to feel he belonged to this group.

Manet married the two years older Suzanne Leenhoff after 10 years of relationship and a common son. Manet's father had hired the native Dutchwoman at the time to give piano lessons to the two sons. In his works he was modelled on his wife, son and later sister-in-law, the impressionist painter Berthe Morisot, as well as other artist colleagues and great personalities of his time who were among his friends. Manet was also inspired by observing people in everyday situations in busy places. In the last years of his life, Manet frequently painted still lifes. He died at the age of 51 from the complications of his syphilis and rheumatic illness.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meisterdrucke

Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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