iStockPharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia Pharaonis Palau Micronesia Stock Photo - Download Image NowPharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia Pharaonis Palau Micronesia Stock Photo - Download Image NowDownload this Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia Pharaonis Palau Micronesia photo now. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Cuttlefish photos available for quick and easy download.Product #:gm1182002057$33.00iStockIn stock
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Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis, Palau, Micronesia stock photo

Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis, Palau, Micronesia The Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis lives in warm water (30°C) and is fast growing. They mate and spawn at 110 days and their life span is 240 days. They lay about 1500 eggs which take 14 days to develop at 28°C. Males are larger than females and most are larger than 1 kg. In contrary to a squid's tail fins, cuttlefish have got a fin fringe running around all of the body side. A cuttlefish moves by undulating that fringe. Additionally, the cuttlefish can use the "rocket" propulsion typical of all cephalopods: Water is pressed from the pallial (mantle) cavity through the hyponome or siphon (a muscular tube), which is also used to direct the propulsion. So the cuttlefish is driven backward, which it uses mainly to evade an enemy, especially on short distances. This specimen is howering in the bay of Ngerchong Island, Palau, Micronesia, 7°6'57.239" N 134°22'1.429" E at 12m depth Cuttlefish Stock Photo
The Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis lives in warm water (30°C) and is fast growing. They mate and spawn at 110 days and their life span is 240 days. They lay about 1500 eggs which take 14 days to develop at 28°C. Males are larger than females and most are larger than 1 kg. In contrary to a squid's tail fins, cuttlefish have got a fin fringe running around all of the body side. A cuttlefish moves by undulating that fringe. Additionally, the cuttlefish can use the "rocket" propulsion typical of all cephalopods: Water is pressed from the pallial (mantle) cavity through the hyponome or siphon (a muscular tube), which is also used to direct the propulsion. So the cuttlefish is driven backward, which it uses mainly to evade an enemy, especially on short distances. This specimen is howering in the bay of Ngerchong Island, Palau, Micronesia, 7°6'57.239" N 134°22'1.429" E at 12m depth


The Pharaoh Cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis lives in warm water (30°C) and is fast growing. They mate and spawn at 110 days and their life span is 240 days. They lay about 1500 eggs which take 14 days to develop at 28°C. Males are larger than females and most are larger than 1 kg. In contrary to a squid's tail fins, cuttlefish have got a fin fringe running around all of the body side. A cuttlefish moves by undulating that fringe. Additionally, the cuttlefish can use the "rocket" propulsion typical of all cephalopods: Water is pressed from the pallial (mantle) cavity through the hyponome or siphon (a muscular tube), which is also used to direct the propulsion. So the cuttlefish is driven backward, which it uses mainly to evade an enemy, especially on short distances. This specimen is howering in the bay of Ngerchong Island, Palau, Micronesia, 7°6'57.239" N 134°22'1.429" E at 12m depth

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Largest size:5616 x 3744 px (18.72 x 12.48 in.) - 300 dpi - RGB
Stock photo ID:1182002057
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