Showing posts with label GAMES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAMES. Show all posts

Mirror - A new arcade puzzle game released for the Amiga

Cobe 002 Burnout Ultimate and Project X :SE 2.0 wasn't the only additions to the Amiga today, as we've just learnt that Zener has made available his arcade puzzle game of ' Mirror ', which has graphical artwork by Sandman and music by Estrayk/Capsule, and was developed using the Amiga game creation software 'RedPill' and originally presented at Capacitor Party 2017 (Malaga).

Cobe 002 Burnout Ultimate - Amiga game ported to the CD32 but does require Fast RAM!

Earok recently gave me the shout out, to let me know that Cobe and Lemming has done another Amiga to Amiga CD32 conversion from a game called ' Burnout Ultimate ', which was first released in 1996 by Vulcan Software. If you've never heard of this game before, that's because it was a game from late in the Amiga's run (part of Vulcan's "MiniSeries" label ) and is similar to a shareware game called Knock Out 2. The game pits you against a number of race drivers in a futuristic setting against each other, as a Battle Royale to knock each vehicle off the main Arena.

AlarCity - PixelGlass is aiming for new heights for the Amiga with a campaign trailer and pre-order campaign!

You may remember our exclusive heads up in 2016 for the unofficial Amiga platformer overhaul of ' The Great Giana Sisters ', which was known as ' Giana Sisters Special Edition '; a remastered/overhauled release by a new label called Reimagine Games who focused on non commercial ports, hacks and remakes. However another label as PixelGlass was also created but instead was to focus on the commercial side for the Amiga! This new team of people are now aiming to impress, as they have recently announced the very latest AlarCity campaign trailer & preorder campaign.

Treasure Island - A new speccy game in development with a classy Pirate tune!

It's a Thursday and do we have a ZX Spectrum treat for you, as announced through the Russian idpixel website a new game is in development called ' Treasure Island ', that doesn't just look fun to play, but the music sounds absolutely brilliant and you can't help but tap your feet to it. This game which is also being discussed on a Russian forum, is apparently going to be based on the Soviet cartoon ' Treasure Island ' and will be released in 2018, with an inspiration to Dizzy and Pyjamarama.

Mages of Aethelion - NES strategy game is in development

It's not often we mention new strategy games coming to the NES, but Estlib and with the help of MS-DOS, have announced they are working on a NES strategy game called Mages of Aethelion, which they hope to be a feature complete turn-based exploration experience. Now before you get your hopes up, there is a long way to go as the game is still in development and the screenshots below will be subject to change, especially the terrain.

Tales of Gorluth II - Amiga 68k Action RPG sequel gets a digital release

AMIworx are hoping to make your week complete as they have informed the Amiga community of the digital download release for their Action RPG game 'Tales of Gorluth II', which is a sequel to the best Amiga RPG of 2014. Thanks to the Amiga community this sequel came to light, as after 200 pre-orders were reached, the developers realised this game had to happen, but far more improved than its predecessor.

B-Squared - A very square platformer released for the ZX Spectrum

Announced just moments ago via his twitter profile, Paul Jenkinson‏ with music by David Saphier and Sergey Nilov have released the charming little game ' B-Squared ' for the ZX Spectrum. In this new game you play as a single blocked square and must make your way through 31 screens to complete the game. Be aware, not only can you die by touching nasties and evil spikes, but you can only jump upwards! So think carefully before your next move.

Crumbs! - Pac-Man on the Atari Jaguar? Well sort of!

Throughout the years there have been many Pac-Man games mentioned on Indie Retro News, from the Pac-Man Xtreme romhack, to Jr. Pac-Man on the Intellivision and even a Pac-Man game on the Pico-8, which all vary in style to the 1980's hit classic that can still be found today sitting as a port beside an Atari 2600 ( or if you're lucky an original Arcade machine ). Now this latest news isn't just a Pac-Man inspired game but it takes the original game and turns it on its head, as at some point soon if you have an Atari Jaguar you'll be able to play this inspiration but in first person!

Shoot-em-up Construction Kit - 30th Anniversary Special and Spanish Competition Roundup! [ UPDATE ]

30 years ago, Sensible Software unleashed SEUCK (Shoot-em-up Construction Kit) onto the world. Nothing so ambitious had ever been attempted.  Previously computer game creation was restricted to those able to grasp the complicated nuances of registry pushing in assembly language, or willing to cope with the massive restrictions of a cumbersome C64 BASIC, or much simpler text adventures using GAC (Graphic Adventure Creator) released a little over a year earlier.

Sensible produced a rock solid framework capable of running Shootemups with any graphics, sounds, fonts, backgrounds and enemy patterns users might want to throw at it, and largely succeeded. Earning high praise in the press at the time, including a Gold Medal Award in December's Zzap magazine.  It opened up game creation to everyone with a C64 (or Amiga), and because the kit included a compiler capable of creating self contained SEUCK games, without the need for the kit itself to run, games were made, saved, given away on covertapes and even sold.

It is quite common for those wanting to take game creation a little further, to list the limitations of such a framework: games would usually play in a similar fashion with either push or auto vertical scrolling, no weapon powerups, similar UIs, title screens, ropy level transitions, and very few colours per sprite tile.. later on, however, most of these limitations would be overcome by custom builds of SEUCK, and from editing the compiled code in assembly in post production. With a little effort and a lot of imagination many fantastic shootemups were - and still are - produced all over the world.

Alex Kidd in Pico World - An almost complete Alex Kidd demake!

It's a Friday and what an awesome way to end the week as I've just come across a demake that is sure to excite even the most purist of retro gamer. Now I'm sure many of you have played Alex Kidd; a fantastic side scrolling platformer released for the Sega Master System console in 1987, which was also built into most Master System II's. But how would you like to play an almost complete demake, but released for the Pico8? You would good! Because read on as this is a very impressive release indeed!

Top 11: Terrible Amstrad CPC Games... A Fan's List.

Back in the days of the 8-bit wars, quality control was not a stringent as it is now, and many games were developed under restrictive conditions or tight deadlines, or the wrong programmer was chosen. Whatever the reasons, many games released were, to put it bluntly, total garbage. Honest fans of their respective systems will fondly look back on these mess of bytes, so here I give you my Top 11 Terrible Amstrad CPC Games. This list is a combination of my personal preference, magazine reviews and polls conducted in the Amstrad forums, and features a host of Youtube CPC fans including Xyphoe, Chinnyvision and Zoe Kirk-Robinson. Will Count Duckula 2 get the number one spot? Watch and find out...

Pumpkin Poe - Jet Set Willy style ZX Spectrum fairy tale platformer gets a release!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Pumpkins scream in the dead of night! Yes that's right it's nearly Halloween with the day to come tomorrow, so as a heads up by Program Bytes 48k, a special release has come out for the ZX Spectrum called ' Pumpkin Poe '; a Jet Set Willy style ZX Spectrum fairy tale platformer developed by Ariel Endaraues, AGD by Jonathan Cauldwell, and music by David Saphier!

Indie Game Maker Contest 2017 - Make a game in RPG Maker, BIG PRIZES to be won!

BIG news for you Anime lovers and RPG players as the team behind RPG Maker has announced that as from the last week until to November 6th 2017 you'll be able to join the IGMC 2017 competition and compete for over $10,000 in cash prizes... The main catch? You need to make a game using any legal RPG Maker engine in just one month and must not be perverted in any way ( no 18+! ).

Inviyya - The latest Amiga shoot em up gets an early play through

We've been talking about Steril707's in development game ' Inviyya ' for some time now, which is going to be a high grade shoot em up coming to the Amiga. But after many updates showing either screenshots or animated videos, this week the developer has now shown off the first early version of a one and a half minute play through, although it does still have glitches and lacking enemy behaviour and certain weapons.

Inviyya - R-Type inspired Shoot em up for the Amiga gets an update

We have been featuring Steril707's in development game ' Inviyya ' for some time now, which is still on course for an Amiga release. But after all the gossip since its first showing on the EAB forums as a design exercise for himself in learning Amiga ASM. The creator has finally released not just new screenshots but new information regarding an upcoming demo, and the game will be presented in Neuss at the Amiga32 at the end of October!

Rescue - ZX Spectrum game reviewed by Florinthedwarf!

Saving all the memory for the game, eh? Let's hope so!

Here we have a game which some say is famous for its infamous loading screen or indeed the slight likeness to Harrison Ford on the game's front cover which shows the protagonist of the game. I try not to look at it like that. I like to think of it as the game that you can end in less than ten seconds if you try and take off without fuel. We've all done it, surely? Just me? Surely not! (and yes, I am serious before you ask).

Juniper Keep Assassins - A retro inspired action platformer that's pretty cool!

Putting aside the homebrew retro games for the moment as we are now looking towards a new action platformer called ' Juniper Keep Assassins ' developed by Crowno for the A Game By Its Cover 2017. This game which I found today, came across as a mix between Switchblade on the Amiga, with a hint of Ninja Gaiden blended with some sort of cute anime look. It features colorful graphics, smooth animations, wall climbing abilities, a great retro inspired chiptune and plenty of enemies to defeat with a variety of moves.

Code name Hell Squad - Amiga CD to HD as a playable sci-fi action adventure!

No sooner had we mentioned DamienD's Amiga CD to Hard Drive conversion of the high quality isometric game 'Wasted Dreams', that another game was also converted over and that was the action adventure ' Code name Hell Squad ', which again was also developed by the same team Digital Dreams Entertainment and released in 2000. Shockingly enough some say this is one of the last ever games released commercially on the system and if it wasn't for these developers contacting the original dev's of this game, when it was known as Hellpigs by Classica Entertainment (link), it probably would've never seen the light of day!

IN SEARCH OF MORTADELO - Revamped ZX Spectrum game is coming soon! [UPDATE]

Even more ZX Spectrum games have appeared in our box of speccy goodness, as we've been informed by André Luna Leão that the final version of 'IN SEARCH OF MORTADELO', will be released soon in Portuguese with a physical edition in Spanish, English and Portuguese at some point as well. Now if you've heard of this game before, that's because it was released in 1988 by Alfonso Fernández Borro as an Isometric game in similarities to both CRL and Ultimate Play the Game, although this version that is coming will have improved graphics, mapping and lives!

Desolate World - An unreleased Amiga game that looks a little bit like GODS

What do you get if you mix the game play and in part, the graphics of The Bitmap Brothers classic 'Gods'; a Platformer from 1991, with a futuristic shooter? You'd probably get this next heads up by Per-Ola Eriksson and video previewed by Hipoonios, the unreleased Amiga game ' Desolate World '. Now as this is an unreleased game, many of you probably haven't heard of it, but thanks to a post by Solaris104, we can tell you this was a demo coverdisk version released as public in a Czech magazine Amiga Review 28!