
Samuel L. Jackson is acting royalty and dressing like it

We salute a purple-suit-rocking, beanie-accessorising, perfect-eyeglass-owning acting legend
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Samuel L. Jackson is literally a professional badass. A living legend! So it isn’t exactly surprising to see him challenge our notion of what style in your 70s can look like. (Pause to note: The man is 70 and looks like this!) The actor is currently promoting his work in M. Night Shyamalan's Glass, so naturally his red carpet outfits have been flexes of the highest caliber. Roomy velvet suits, oversize cashmere beanies, hoodies worn over turtlenecks under blazers: Jackson knows exactly what he wants to look like when he leaves the house in the morning. This is badass style with intention.

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Not only is Jackson defying his age, he’s also challenging some of the most conventional and widely accepted notions of what constitutes great style (and this is undoubtedly great style). For most guys, wearing baggy clothes means dressing like you’re going to the gym. But in Jackson’s case, it means getting all luxe and formal. Typically, men in suits don’t wear beanies or parkas, but Jackson clearly got the memo that getting dressed up doesn’t have to mean dressing impractically. But our favourite of all his broken rules has to do with his use of colour.

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Yes, monochromatic style is something we have long championed. But Jackson isn’t wearing three shades of indigo or grey here. He’s wearing violet and salmon and chocolate brown. Look down at your shirt. What colour is it? Navy? Black? Did you get wild today with some hunter green? Samuel L. Jackson, baddest 70-year-old in America, is probably wearing teal from his shoes to his shoulder pads right now. That or a T-shirt with his own damn face on it.

All we can say is, respect your elders.

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