WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR team visits high-resolution area in Jendouba, Tunisia


On 8 February 2024, the WaPOR team visited the project area in Jendouba, in Tunisia. Jendouba is one of the two Tunisian high-resolution areas, available at 20m resolution on the new WaPOR portal. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) installed humidity sensors last January, with the aim of further validating actual evapotranspiration data (ETa) provided by WaPOR.  

ETa data from Jendouba area is used in the IREY app developed by the Institut National des Grandes Cultures (INGC). The Smart Irrigation App IREY provides real-time irrigation schedules in Tunisia for selected crops. Irrigation schedules in the Smartphone App and on the web are based on water balance methodology using weather data from multiple resources, including reference evapotranspiration by WaPOR.  

After a field visit, the project team and IWMI colleagues met the INGC Director. The participants discussed the ongoing activities and the INGC Director thanked FAO for its work in the area.   

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