Renato Guttuso - Buy or sell works

(Bagheria/Palermo 1912-1987 Rome)


Renato Guttuso, who in addition to being a painter also worked as an art critic, stage designer, essayist, and politician, is considered a foremost representative of realism in twentieth-century Italian art. Following encounters with the Futurists and the Palermo art scene, Guttuso went to Rome and Milan, where he came into contact with such experimental artists as Giacomo Manzu and writers like Alberto Moravia, among others. In 1936 the artist took part in the Venice Biennial for the first time. In 1941, Guttuso, having joined the resistance movement, painted the heavily controversial picture ‘Crocefissione’ (‘Crucifixion’), a symbol of all those persecuted because of their ideas. In 1948 he founded the group ‘Fronto nuovo delle arti’. From the late 1940s onwards, the depiction of the female body also became a major theme in the work of the artist, who died in Rome in 1987. His tomb was designed by his friend, the artist Giacomo Manzu.

