GNT #001: Most Employees Aren't Active on LinkedIn. Here's how to change that.

employees linkedin Oct 26, 2022

Read time: 3.5 minutes 

Today I'm going to show you how to help your employees build their professional presence on LinkedIn, which in-turn, helps your brand grow.


Are your employees active on LinkedIn?


Do you encourage them to build their presence even outside of sharing company content?


You should be.


Companies that empower employees to have strong personal brands:


- Attract more talent

- Drive more website traffic

- Increase company visibility

- Nurture and generate more leads

- Impact positive public image and brand reputation


Having a strong business LinkedIn presence is table stakes. (i.e. your company page)


But not engaging and empowering employees across all levels is a missed opportunity.


Not everyone is a social butterfly, but helping employees understand how to keep their profiles up to date, share and engage with content that matters to them, and nurture/grow their own network will impact your bottom line.


Here's how to get started with your business or team without any hard costs:

  1. Make sure leadership is on board and willing to lead by example or learn more with the team.

  2. For smaller teams host a "LinkedIn Lunch" in-person or virtual round table. Where does your team stand today, what are the gaps in their knowledge, what is their current level of interest?

  3. Identify a current employee that could lead a training session addressing those gaps and mentor others. OR identify an active partner or someone you're connected to on LinkedIn that would be interested in leading a discussion about what they've learned on LinkedIn. Record the session. Buddy-up into groups of two or three for accountability partners. (Stuck? LinkedIn Learning has a great personal branding course. It's is a paid platform, but you can sign up for free and cancel anytime.)
  4. Create a short checklist challenge of items to complete in the next 90 days with a fun little incentive to complete. Include updating profile, connecting with people they know, commenting on a post, sharing at least 1 post, or asking for 1 recommendation. (message me on LinkedIn if you'd like to see the checklist I use for beginners).

  5. At the end of the 90 days report back out who completed the challenge. How will you support these brand advocates moving forward? Will they be part of a special LinkedIn Advisory team for your business? Will they be featured in an employee highlight series? Or maybe a quarterly LinkedIn lunch where you discuss ongoing trends and favorite content creators?

  6. For important LinkedIn business posts, use the "Notify Employees of Post" button and also send an email letting them know exactly how to support. Your employees will likely be happy to participate with encouragement and reminders. (Note: there's a limit on how often you can use this feature and notifying too often will dilute the importance.) 



There are lots of ways to engage and support employees on LinkedIn.


If there is one takeaway, it's this: GET STARTED.




See you again next week.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Let's build and execute revenue-focused marketing strategies that grow your business, community, and brand. Work with me to get the wheels in motion: Contact me now


2. Purpose-Driven companies outperform by 42%: Empower your business. Do good. Build a legacy. Work with me and a proven methodology that boosts your business, engages employees and customers, and benefits your community. Contact me now


3. Give Back Office Hours for Non-Profits: I want to help you help your community. I offer free coaching to help you reach your audience. Contact me now (Booked out 8 weeks)


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