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A Guide to the Build-to-Rent Market in Australia

The build-to-rent (BTR) model is gaining momentum in Australia, offering property developers and business owners new opportunities for investment and growth. We've seen some huge successes with our property developer clients recently and thought it was worth collating our findings and considerations in one handy guide.

Btr whitepaper

In this whitepaper, you'll gain insights into the momentum of the build-to-rent market and uncover the key opportunities it presents to property developers.

You'll get expert advice and insights into:

  • The benefits of the build-to-rent model
  • Project feasibility through data analytics
  • Build-to-rent tax concessions
  • Build-to-rent government incentives
  • Legal considerations
  • Lending and finance options

Enter your details below to get this free guide delivered straight to your inbox!

Get Expert Advice on Your Property Development Project

Our property advisory experts are here to assist you at every stage of your build-to-rent project. Tap into their knowledge and embrace the possibilities of this evolving sector.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. © BlueRock 2023.

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