Taxon profile


Scaphiophryne madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  class Amphibia - amphibians »  order Anura »  family Microhylidae »  genus Scaphiophryne

Scientific synonyms

Calophrynus madagascariensis Boulenger, 1882
Pseudohemisus madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)
Pseudohemisus pustulosus Angel & Guibé, 1945
Scaphiophryne pustulosa

Near Threatened NT


Links and literature

EN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024-1 [57999]

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [] [as Scaphiophryne madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)]
Data retrieved on: 29 January 2024
EN Frost D. R.: Amphibian Species of the World [], American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA [as Scaphiophryne madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)]
Data retrieved on: 22 January 2011
CZ Moravec J. (2001): České názvy živočichů IV. Obojživelníci (Amphibia), Národní muzeum, (zoologické odd.), Praha, 148 pp. [as Scaphiophryne madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)]
CZ Moravec J. (2001): České názvy živočichů IV. Obojživelníci (Amphibia), Národní muzeum, (zoologické odd.), Praha, 148 pp. [as Scaphiophryne pustulosa Angel et Guibé, 1945]

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