
Last updated: 15 december, 2009 - 18:19 GMT

Surviving the Tsunami

Photojournalist Arko Datta. Reuters

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Photojournalist Arko Datta was responsible for taking one of the most iconic images of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.

His image of an Indian woman mourning a dead relative was named World Press Photograph of the Year.

But, like many journalists, Arko had a very emotional reaction to covering such a story.

Recently he decided to return to try to find the woman in the picture, and now his account of his journey is part of a new multimedia documentary.

Outlook heard Arko Datta's description of his experiences and also spoke to Monique Villa of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Monique told Matthew Bannister about the new emergency information service for disaster zones, developed by Thomson Reuters and the Red Cross, which employs journalists to provide important information to local people at times of disaster.

After the tsunami

For more tsunami survivor stories and information about the waves, visit the click Surviving the Tsunami website from Thomson Reuters Foundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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