Aspergillosis in the coral sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. Sea fan coral Gorgonia ventalina, Florida Keys, USA. Depth ~5 metres, showing a lesion surrounded by a band of purple tissue. Central areas of the lesion are devoid of coral tissue revealing the

Date: 26 November 2013

Aspergillosis in the coral sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. Sea fan coral Gorgonia ventalina, Florida Keys, USA. Depth ~5 metres, showing a lesion surrounded by a band of purple tissue. Central areas of the lesion are devoid of coral tissue revealing the underlying axial skeleton. The purple areas are devoid of coral polyps and result from the increased production of purple sclerites (small, non-fused, carbonate skeletal elements). The purpled area also indicates the location of high fungal hyphal density and el


This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Undersea Research Centre at the University of Carolina, Wilmington, and Reef Relief – Key West, Florida.

Notes: n/a

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