ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ KÖZLEMÉNY NEW VISTAS AND VIEWS IN THE CONCEPT OF GENERALIZED EPILEPSIES Péter HALÁSZ1, Anna KELEMEN2 Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology, Budapest 2National Institute of Neurosurgery, Budapest 1 ÚJ NÉZÔPONTOK A GENERALIZÁLT EPILEPSZIÁK SZEMLÉLETÉBEN Halász P, MD; Kelemen A, MD Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. The aim of this work is to show explicitly why the “idiopathic generalized epilepsy” concept becomes outfashioned and untenable. As the concept of “generalized epilepsies” is from long ago closely related to the thalamo-cortical system, we briefly summarize the functional anatomy, the double working mode of the thalamo-cortical system in different vigilance states and it's role in development of the spike – wave pattern. The next part shows weaknesses of this concept from the EEG, seizure semiology, and neuroimaging point of view. Further experimental and clinical arguments are accumulated from the reflex epileptic features in IGE, indicating local/regional cortical hyperexcitability. A separate part is devoted to genetic aspects of the question. Lastly implications to epilepsy classification are shown and an outlook toward a unified epilepsy concept is provided. The epileptic disorder of the thalamo-cortical system is responsible for the development of “generalized", synchronous spike-wave paroxysms as the common neurophysiological background in “primary” – idiopathic and in “secondary” generalized epilepsies. This disorder is specifically related to the burstfiring working mode of the thalamo-cortical system during NREM sleep (is an epileptic exageration of it). The “generalized” epilepsy category should be abandoned, being misleading. Epilepsies are proposed to be classified according to their network properties and relations to different physiological systems of the brain. The different phenotypes, named earlier idiopathic (primary) generalized, or symptomatic (secondary) generalized (with encephalopathic features), should be delineated depending on the following factors: 1. speed and extent of syncronization within the thalamo-cortical system, 2. the way how the thalamo-cortical system is involved, 3. which kind of cortical triggers play role, 4. the degree and level of the disorder (restricted to the molecular level or extended to the level of structural alterations – in the cortex or more diffusely, 5. genetic targets and features. Munkánk célja, hogy megmutassuk, miért vált elavulttá és tarthatatlanná az „idiopathiás generalizált epilepszia” (IGE) koncepció. Elôször a koncepció kialakulásának történetét ismertetjük. Miután a koncepció régóta szorosan összefügg a thalamocorticalis rendszerrel, röviden összefoglaljuk a rendszer funkcionális anatómiáját, mûködésének kettôsségét ébren és alvás közben, a rendszer szoros összefüggését az NREM alvással és végül azt, hogy hogyan történhet a szinkrón bilaterális kiterjedt tüske-hullám minta kialakulása a rendszer közremûködésével. A következô részekben megmutatjuk, hogy milyen argumentumok hozhatók fel a koncepció ellen az EEG-tünetek, a rohamszemiológia és a képalkotó vizsgálatok adatai alapján. További ellenérveket ismertetünk az IGE-reflex epilepsziás vonásai és lokális/regionális kérgi hyperexcitabilitás jelenlétére utaló adatok, valamint azoknak az állatkísérletes adatoknak az alapján, amelyek elsôdleges kérgi indító területekre utalnak és emberi megfigyelésekkel is összeegyeztethetôek. A további részben a genetikai háttérre vonatkozó kutatások adatait csoportosítjuk. Végül az epilepsziaosztályozás módosításának szükségessége mellett érvelünk, és egyben egy, a jelenleginél egységesebb epilepsziaklasszifikáció lehetôségét vetjük fel, amelyben fiziológiai rendszerekhez kötött „rendszer-”, illetve „hálózatepilepsziákban” gondolkodnánk. A thalamocorticalis rendszer epilepsziás mûködészavara tehetô felelôssé a „primer", illetve „szekunder” tüske-hullám szinkronizáció mint közös neurobiológiai szubsztrátum kialakulásáért és az „idiopathiás generalizált epilepszia” (és altípusai) tüneteiért. Ez a mûködészavar specifikusan összefügg a thalamocorticalis rendszer burstfiring NREM alvásbeli munkamódjával és lényegében ennek az epilepsziás exagerációja. A „generalizált” epilepszia terminust, mint félrevezetôt, el kell vetni. A csoporton belüli variációk biológiai kontinuum részeként kezelhetôk, és a fenotípus-különbségek a következô faktorok figyelembevételével értelmezhetôk: 1. a thalamocorticalis rendszeren belüli szinkronizáció sebessége és kiterjedése, 2. a thalamocorticalis rendszer bevonódásának módja, 3. a kérgi triggerek helye és természete, 4. a mûködészavar szintje a molekuláris biológiai szinttôl az agyi strukturális eltérések szintjéig, valamint 5. a genetikai tényezôk, szerepe szerint. Keywords: idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE), thalamo-cortical system, bilateral synchronous spike-wave discharges, classification of epilepsies, epileptic networks Kulcsszavak: idiopathiás generalizált epilepszia (IGE), thalamocorticalis rendszer, bilaterális szinkrón tüske-hullám kisülések, epilepsziák osztályozása, epilepsziás hálózatok 366 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. Corresponding author: Péter HALÁSZ, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology, 1364 Budapest 4., Pf. 178. E-mail: Érkezett: 2009. április 29. Elfogadva: 2009. május 15. A fter the discovery of EEG epilepsy became conceptualized as an electro-clinical constellation. Due to the work of the Montreal school a functional map of the human cortex has been developed and neurologists dealing with epilepsy became more and more experienced to read the language of seizure symptoms in terms of cerebral localization. According to the work of Jackson, Penfield and Jasper, epilepsy is considered as a paroxysmal brain disorder in which excessive synchronous discharges of certain neuron-populations initiate seizures. The symptomatology of seizures is determined by functional properties of the cortex the seizure starts from, and by the routes and extension of seizure propagation. In 1933 Berger1 described the pattern consisting of spike (called dart) and wave (called dome) complexes alternating in a strict 3 Hz rhythm. Two years later Gibbs, Davis and Lennox2, showed that they are generalized over the whole scalp, and connected this pattern with “petit mal” fits (absence seizures by our contemporary terminology). In 1941 Jasper and Kershman3 showed that 86% of patients showing generalized spike-wave pattern exhibited generalized tonic-clonic seizures. These findings outlined a patient group with an EEG pattern involving at once the whole scalp and with seizures lacking localizatory symptoms. It was difficult to fit these features into the general localizatory concept of epilepsy. Looking for a hypothetical focus from where the synchronous bilateral discharges and the from the start generalized seizures may origin, led to the centrencephalic epilepsy concept of Penfield and Jasper4. Several neurophysiological and clinical electrophysiological findings rendered this concept to be probable. The discovery of the thalamic non-specific system, producing widespread recruiting cortical effect to stimulation5 provided the anatomo-functional substrate: a midline structure having a general influence on the cortical mantle. In 1940 Lewy and Gamon6 evoked cortical spike-wave pattern by thalamic electrical stimulation. In 1947 Jasper and Droogleever Fortuyn7 stimulating with 3 Hz in the thalamic intralaminar nuclei at the vicinity of the anterior part of the massa intermedia evoked spikewave answer in cats. Again two years later Hunter and Jasper8 observed clinical response (arrest and twiching) to stimulation of the nucleus dorsomedialis during evoked cortical spike-wave pattern. Guerrero et al9 in kittens, with aluminiumoxide placed to the thalamic intralaminar nuclei and Pollen et al10 in young cats anaesthetized with barbiturate, stimulating the intralaminar nuclei, were also able to elicit bilateral spike-wave paroxysms. Later Bancaud et al11 elicited bilateral spike-wave activity with electric stimulation of the frontomedial cortex during stereo-electroencephalographic interventions in an IGE patient who had spontaneous spike-wave discharges. According to the “centrencephalic ” concept, in patients with generalized spike-wave EEG pattern and petit mal and/or GTC seizures, the missing focus is in the non-specific thalamic system, which conveys thalamic excitation diffusely to the cortex. This concept was in a good agreement with another theoretical construction of Jackson, who assumed, that the highest organizational level of brain functions is in the centrencephalic system (situated in the diencephalon and thalamus) where integration between the two hemisheres occurs. Loss of consciousness in petit mal fits was explained nicely by functional impairment of this system. When EEG became a routine diagnostic procedure different morphological variations of the generalized spike-wave pattern and their correlation with clinical seizures, course and outcome has been described. The family of generalized epilepsies without focal structural brain damage became delineated by the ILAE epilepsy classification12 under the heading of “idiopathic generalized epilepsies”. From a syndromatological point of view the following types were delineated: 1. childhood absence epilepsy (CAE), 2. juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE), 3. myoclonic absence epilepsy (MAE), 4. eyelid myoclonia with absences (EMA), 5. perioral myoclonies with absences (PMAE), 6. juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) with jerks without loss of consciousness and GTC seizures, and 7. IGE with awakening GTC seizures (EGMA). Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. 367 Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. Pathophysiology of “generalized epilepsies” NETWORK PROPERTIES, TRANSMITTER/RECEPTOR TYPES OF THE THALAMO-CORTICAL CIRCUITRY The basic connections in the thalamo-cortical and intrathalamic loops are as follows: neurons of the sensory thalamic nuclei and the cortical pyramidal neurons have a reciprocal, mutually glutaminergic excitatory connection. Both the thalamo-cortical (TC) and corticothalamic (CT) projections give an excitatory collateral to the nucleus reticularis thalami and perigeniculate nuclei (NRT/PGN). The latter structures send inhibitory GABA-ergic innervation to thalamic neurons and to other reticular nuclei providing a strong inhibitory gating influence which determines the rhythmic activity generated by the thalamic network13. Based on these network properties the reciprocal connectivity between excitatory (glutaminergic) and inhibitory (GABAergic) neurons creates an oscillatory circuit. CT cells project with powerful excitatory influence on the NRT/PGN neurones promoting their inhibitory action on the TC cells and also excitatory collaterals to the TC neurons. TC neurones exhibit a strong postinhibitory rebound response, the synaptic inhibiton exerted by the NRT/PGN neurones results in a rebound burst of action potential conveying excita- tion back to the NRT/PGN neurons leading to a reactivation of the circuit. The syncronization of the thalamic network is promoted by gap-junctions (electric synapses) mediated by axon collaterals of the NRT/PGN cells (figure 1.). THE WAKING AND SLEEP WORKING MODE DIFFERS IN THE THALAMO-CORTICAL SYSTEM Two kinds of working mode of the system has been revealed. During wakefullness the system works as a relay center which faithfully conveys input from the outher world towards the cortex. This is executed by the so called “tonic activity” of the network reflected by desyncronized EEG. During NREM sleep this desyncronized activity and tonic mode is replaced by synchronized rhythmic activity in the form of delta, spindle, and other slow waves. This working mode is called burstfiring, interrupting the information flow from the outer world toward the cortex. The cellular substrate of the burstfiring mode is mainly due to special membrane and receptor characteristics of the participating cells and their wiring14, 15. The membrane conductance of thalamic neurons is characterized by the presence of low threshold T-type Ca2 channels, the bursting properties of which have a role in the amplification of thalamic oscillations. In the wake state, T-current is inactivated and does not interfere in the transmission of sensory information relayed by the thalamus. Depolarization of the thalamic neurons is thalamus provided in the wake state by the cortex ascending influence of the brain stem activating system. When we go to sleep a cascade of events starts and the working mode of the thalamo-cortical system is going to change. Desinactivation of the low threshold Ca2 current domiCT TC nates the functional properties of the thalamic neurons when they are hyperpolarized compared to their waking resting membrane NRT/PGN potentials. This occurs in the period of drowsiness and transition from wake state to slow wave Pro-oscillatory-glutaminerg sleep when ascending arousal Anti-oscillatory – GABA-erg (a3, b3 and g2) decreases. Under this condition the relay neuron will respond to Pro-oscillatory – GABA-erg (a1, b2 and g2) the inhibitory feedback from the NRT with a rebound Ca2 burst. Figure 1. Basic circuitry in the thalamo-cortical system14. (Modified) Since the NRT innervates large CT: cortico-thalamic, TC: thalamo-cortical, NRT/PGN: reticularis thalami/perigeniculate nuclei thalamic neuron populations, syn- 368 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. chronized GABA-A and -B-ergic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials desinactivate low threshold Ca2 current spikes in an important number of thalamic neurons what is reflected by spindle waves and at the same time initiates rebound excitation. This excitation then reactivates NRT and activates the cortex. Reactivated NRT initiates an inhibitory postsynaptic potential in thalamic neurons forming again a second spindle wave. The hyperpolarization of thalamic neurons reopens the way for the activation of spike burst based on Ca2 current and the whole excitatory inhibitory cycle involving the NRT and thalamic relay cells is set into motion again. The NRT is the driving force of spindling. Thalamic structures isolated from NRT do not show oscillatory behavior, while the NRT produce spindling even after isolation from the rest of the thalamus13. NREM sleep is induced by inhibitory influences originating from the basal forebrain on brain stem arousal centers and therefore releasing the suppressing effect of the arousal system on the thalamo-cortical system16. FROM “BURSTING-MODE” TO SPIKE-WAVE PATTERN After exploration of the phasic inhibitory gating exerted by the NRT on the thalamo-cortical circuit, it became clear that this mechanism could be the basis of the spike-wave pattern in absence epilepsy. Gloor showed that the same thalamic volley eliciting spindles on the cortex in normal sleep evokes the spike-wave pattern when cortical excitability is elevated by application of penicillin17. They also showed that arousal influences were able to block spike-wave paroxysms by depolarizing the thalamic relay cells; while shifts toward sleep promoted their appearence. The transition from spindles to spike-wave was hypothetized to be underlied by the increase of cortical recurrent inhibition resulting in a longer lasting slow-wave. In recent years the possible role of the increased function of low threshold Ca2 current in thalamic (NRT and relay cell) neurons became more and more evident. This would classify IGEs among “channelopathies”. An other explanation was given by Bal et al18, 19.. The pharmacological block of GABA-A receptors in ferret geniculate slices results in the transformation of spindle waves into paroxysmal activity such, that both thalamo-cortical and perigeniculate neurons greatly increase the intensity of their burst discharges and become phase-locked into a 2to 4-Hz rhythm. This observation suggested that this shift from normal to paroxysmal activity resulted from the disinhibition of perigeniculate neurons from one another, resulting in an increase in discharge of these cells and a large increase in the postsynaptic activation of GABA B receptors in thalamo-cortical neurons20, 21. Thus, the spindle waves are slowly transformed into a paroxysmal oscillation that resembles to spike-and-wave pattern. However, the thalamo-cortical circuit may be influenced via several ascending and descending pathways from the brain stem and the cortex. Therefore, it is not surprising that the same distorsion of functions resulting in epileptic spike-wave discharges in the system could stem from influences from different key points in the network. Pharmacological factors in play external to the thalamo-cortical circutry include cholinergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic and serotoninergic mechanisms. Pathways that utilize these various transmitters project onto the thalamus and/or cortex from sites distant to those structures and may modulate the process either from up or down. Perturbation in one or more of these neuronal networks may led to abnormal neuronal oscillatory rhythms within thalamo-cortical circuitry, with a resultant generation of bilaterally synchronous spike-wave discharges that characterize IGE. The Montreal school22 emphasized the coexistence of three components which may promote the development of IGE like epileptic states: increased excitability of the cortex, weakness of the brainstem tonic arousal influence and phasically inhibited thalamo-cortical stream of impulses, now known as “bursting mode” of the thalamo-cortical system. To the role of the last factor we will return in the chapter dealing with the relationship of IGE and vigilance level and NREM sleep. Pharmacology of spike-wave pattern A number of mechanisms regulate the ability of the thalamo-cortical network to undergo oscillatory burstfiring. Circuitry, and the nature of synaptic transmission within the cortico-thalamic network, explains the pharmacological responsivity of idiopathic generalized epilepsies. GLUTAMATE TRANSMISSION BETWEEN CORTICAL PYRAMID CELLS AND THALAMIC RELAY CELLS Activation of cortico-thalamic pathways has been shown to generate excitatory postsynaptic potentials in thalamic relay neurons mediated by NMDA receptors. Since diffuse cortical hyperexcitability has been found to be associated with absence-like Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. 369 Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. seizures in the feline penicillin model22, it is possible that there is an increased excitatory synaptic input to the thalamus from the cortex during the development of spike-wave discharges. However, the role of thalamic NMDA receptors in spike-wave paroxysms was not supported in the GHB (gabahydroxy-butirate) model23. tic drugs. Extrinsic mechanisms that increase or decrease the propensity of oscillatory working mode may also influence the propensity of spikewave paroxysms and absence seizures. Increase of the cholinergic and dopaminergic input attenuates the appearence of absences and spike-wave discharges, decrease of their influence has the opposite effect. GABA-ERGIC (A AND B) NEUROTRANSMISSION BETWEEN NRT AND THE TC RELAY CELLS GABA mimetic agents, either direct or indirect GABA agonists such as muscimol and THIP (4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol) exacerbate absence seizures and increase the propensity and synchrony of spike-wave paroxysms in experimental animals, although GABA-A antagonists do not protect against seizures24. Clinical experience with antiepileptics acting on the GABA mechanism seems to support this. Vigabatrin elevating the level of GABA by irreversible inhibition of the GABA transaminase enzymes, increases seizure propensity in idiopathic generalized epilepsies and also in the GAERS (Genetic Absence Epileptic Rats of Strassbourg)25. The same is true for the GABA reuptake inhibitor drug (tiagabin). Benzodiazepines are exceptions, probably because their selective effect on the GABA-ergic transmission in the cortex and less in the thalamus. GABAB receptors are not coupled to the Cl channels but gate Ca2 and/or K channels. The neuronal response to GABA-B agonist compounds is slow hyperpolarization compared to the faster GABA-A action. GABA-B mediated inhibition seems to be essential for absence seizures generation. GABA-B receptor activation by Baclofen promotes burstfiring and consequently absence seizures, while GABA-B antagonists dose-dependently decrease the frequency of absences in the lh/lh mice, GAERS rats, and in GBH and pentylentetracor pharmacological models. Pertussis toxin (PTx) treatment reduces GABA B receptor mediated events. In the GAERS spike-wave discharges were reduced by 70-80% in thalamic nuclei after PTx treatment26, 27. INTRINSIC MECHANISMS WHICH ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DE-ACTIVATING T-TYPE CA2 CHANNELS IN THE CT AND NRT CELLS AND INFLUENCE THE ENGAGEMENT OF THE SYSTEM INTO BURST-FIRING It has long been known that absences could be specifically well controlled by succinimides T-type Ca2 current blockers28, 29. Each of these mechanisms represents a potential target for existing and newly developing antiepilep- Relationship between NREM sleep and IGE symptoms There is a close relationship between vigilance level and expression of spike-wave paroxysms. Spontaneous paroxysms are promoted by transitory decreases of vigilance level of awake state30–32, after awakening, after lunch, in evening sleepiness, during boring tasks or situations, experimental depression of reticular arousal functions33, and after sleep deprivation. Spontaneous paroxysms are inhibited by a sudden increase in vigilance33–35, arousals (calling by name), and experimental stimulation of the reticular arousal system36. This relationship stems from the common “burstfiring” working mode of the thalamo-cortical system sharing by a mechanism that sets into motion both in shifts toward slow wave sleep and in spike-wave pattern. However, the fact that spike-wave activation in the form of absence-like 3 Hz paroxysms occurs selectively in transitional periods (between slow wave sleep and wakefulness, and between slow wave and REM sleep), and that spike-wave pattern is absent in REM sleep both in humans37–41, and animals42, 43 and is present only in distorted groups during deep slow wave sleep, needs explanation. Studies analyzing this relationship have shown that not only the level of vigilance differs but activation in these transitional periods is closely connected with sudden oscillations of vigilance attached to the so called phasic events of sleep. Spontaneous paroxysms (with or without clinical manifestations) have been associated with arousaldependent phasic events preceded by K-complexes and/or slow waves44, 45. With sensory stimulation these dynamic changes could have been experimentally elicited and studied45. Association of generalized spike-wave pattern in IGE with arousal instability in NREM sleep can be measured by the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) phenomenon, the frequency of which is proportional with arousal instability. Sleep EEG analysis of 10 primary generalized patients46 showed significant prevalence of spike-wave paroxysms during CAP as compared to NCAP periods (68% vs. 32%), 93% of all the spike- 370 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. wave pattern occured in CAP were found in the reactive phase A. In sleep EEG analysis of 10 JME patients47 spiking rate was significantly higher in CAP A phase compared to NCAP, and showed strong inhibition in CAP B phase. The link between EEG arousal phenomena and spike-wave paroxysms is in apparent contradiction to the association of spike-wave pattern and sleeplike bursting mode of the thalamo-cortical system. To solve this contradiction we should take into consideration that most of the evoked phasic events during the dominance of the bursting mode show the features of sleep response. They contain clear cut slow wave sleep elements (single or serial Kcomplexes, slow wave groups) occurring in the same form as in the spontaneously appearing counterparts. Each arousal during slow wave sleep seems to evoke a regulatory rebound shift toward sleep, which seems to be the best activator of the oscillatory mode of thalamo-cortical network and the spike-wave mechanisms as well41, 45. DECREASE OF CORTICAL ACTIVITY DURING ABSENCE SEIZURES Three Hz synchronized spike-wave oscillation in the thalamo-cortical network associated with absences are composed by two distinct components. The underlying events during the “spike” component proved to be unequivocally a pronounced glutamatergic burst discharge both in cortical and thalamic relay cells. The “wave” component was previously viewed as summated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials attributed to GABA-ergic inhibitory process in pyramidal cortical neurons. Later Steriade et al48 showed that instead of inhibition a “disfacilitation” is present during the “wave” component. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) and Single Photon Cranial Tomography (SPECT) studies in experimental animals49, 50 and in humans51 showed cortical decrease and thalamic increase of blood flow during absences. On functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies thalamic structures showed positive Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) activation while over wide cortical fields patchy negative BOLD activation has been observed52. DECREASE OF CORTICAL ACTIVITY DURING NREM SLEEP Steriade et al53 discovered that beside delta activity of slow wave sleep a slower oscillation (<1 Hz, generally 0.5-1.0 Hz) exists and this slow oscillation plays role in grouping of delta waves and spindles during deep NREM sleep. This slow oscilla- tion is essentially cortical in origin, surviving thalamotomy. The slow oscillation consists of a prolonged depolarizing phase (up-state), followed by long-lasting hyperpolarization (down-state). The up-state consists dense excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity, while the down-state is characterized by cessation of synaptic barrages (disfacilitation). The Steriade group provided ample evidences that slow oscillation involves the cortex widely, opposed to faster oscillations originating in more restricted circuits. Other rhytms appear in coalescence with the slow oscillation. The production of deltas are under a homeostatic process; the amount of deltas depend on the preceding time spent awake54. Even any local wake utilization increases the amount of deltas over the corresponding cortical field55. Sleep deprivation increases the delta power and also the strength of reactive delta bouts56. Regional blood flow studies57 during NREM sleep showed decrease in the brain stem structures, thalamus’ sensory relay nuclei, centrum medianum and less robust decrease in the nucley related to the prefrontal motor cortex and heteromodal cortical fields (prefrontal association areas, inferior parietal lobule and supramarginal and angular regions). We can assume, that disfacilitation during deep NREM sleep in the down-state involving large cortical fields (association areas) contributes to the decrease in regional blod flow, mainly of the frontal lobes. NREM AND IGE ABSENCES SHARE COMMON PHYSIOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Both in deep NREM sleep and in absences the cortical activity is reduced in certain (mainly frontal) areas. This seems to be paradoxical concerning an epileptic activity, but provides explanations for the cognitive deficit during absence seizures and in a certain extent also for interictal cognitive deficits associated with prolonged spike-wave activity in sleep as it was detailed before. In absence the loss of contact with the outer world may have a twofold reason, becouse: 1. the bursting mode interrupts the continuous flow of information from our surrounding to the cortex and 2. the disfacilitation during the “wave” component involving the cortical association areas decreases the possibilities of cortical elaboration. The sensory information flow is interrupted in both conditions. Sensory stimuli have an awakening effect in sleep and a disruptive effect in absence seizures too. Sleep induction promotes absences and awakening inhibits both sleep and absences. The neuroimaging counterparts of NREM sleep and Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. 371 Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. absences are strikingly similar. The same is true for the neurophysiological picture of absences and NREM sleep oscillations as it was detailed above. So the functional neuroimaging, neurophysiological and clinical data became recently highly congruent, pointing to the thalamo-cortical network as a common substrate of NREM sleep and IGE. Therefore the slogan of Steriade: “sleep and epilepsy are bedfellows” is really very witty here. Spike-wave discharges of IGE represent the epileptic exageration of the bursting mode of the thalamo-cortical system. Therefore the inducement or shift toward NREM sleep promotes the manifestations of IGE. The wellknown activating effect of sleep deprivation and sleep per se is probably related to the same mechanism58. Leaks in the generalized epilepsy concept – The concept of focal (cortical) origin From the beginning of electro-clinical observations there were experiences in favour of “focal” features from both, the clinical and the EEG side, not fitting into the original “primary generalized” concept. EEG OBSERVATIONS In many patients the “generalized” spike-wave pattern is not quite symmetric over the two hemispheres, the pattern shows localized onset and focal discharges were observed in addition to the generalized pattern59–65. Already Gibbs and Gibbs suggested that spike-wave discharges originate in the cortex, because Bennett66 have shown that pentylentetrazol injected to the carotis system reaching essentially the cortex evoked bilateral spike-wave discharges while injected into the vertebral system, targeting the midline diencephalic structures, failed to evoke them. Gloor and Tesla67 showed the same with Amytal injections. Focal finding were reported recently by Leutmezer et al68 beside generalized spike-wave discharges in IGE patients. Unterberger et al.69 in JME, Usui et al and Yoshinaga et al70, 71., Holmes et al72 were able to detect focal cortical onset in absence epilepsy with source localisation method. Regional, bilateral frontal origin or at least participation was suggested by mapping studies73 in human absence spike-wave and directional spread over the scalp with a speed of 2-15 m/sec by toposcopy74. Several case studies described focal frontal spiking and frontal seizure onset in absence epilepsy and in nonconvulsive status epilepticus75–78 showing bifrontal asymmetric electrical fields both for the spike and the wave component behind the seemingly more widespread EEG appearence. However all these data about “focality” were held for long time as exceptions “proving the rule”, although some authors suggested cortical origin with maximal frontal lobe involvement very early79, 80. Almost parallely with the description of the 3 Hz generalized spike-wave pattern a slower variation with a frequency range around 2 Hz has also been delineated. Asymmetries and focal features were described with this variation even more frequently and focal seizure symptomes and cerebral structural pathologies, furthermore cognitive deficits were associated. To harmonize these findings with the centrencephalic hypothesis Jasper and co-workers developed the concept of “secondary bilateral synchrony”81, 82. This concept was firstly based on the observation of Tükel and Jasper83 who described 31 patients who had surgically proven epileptogenic focal cortical lesions localized to the supracallosal frontal medial surface. Twenty one of them had generalized spike-wave pattern with a frequency range 2-3.5 Hz and the majority had 2-2.5 Hz pattern, but also had focal features and independent focal discharges pointing to the parasagittal region. The EEG abnormalities vanished after surgery. According to the original concept of Jasper the focal cortical epileptic discharges may transform to bilateral spike-wave pattern with (secondary) involvement of the thalamic non-specific system. Later japanese authors84 have shown that the phenomenon of “secondary bilateral synchrony” can be explained by fast cortico-cortical spread, without involvement of the thalamic system. FOCAL FEATURES IN SEIZURE SEMIOLOGY, COGNITION, NEUROIMAGING AND HISTOLOGY It is a common experience to see localized motor symptoms as adversion, unilateral facial convulsion, asymmetric involvement of limbs in “generalized” tonic-clonic seizures of patients otherwise fullfilling the criteria of IGE. Even in typical absence seizures Stefan85 clearly recognized focal features in the form of a somatotopic cranio-caudal march. The study of cognitive impairments during absences also supports more a patchy than diffuse involvement of the cortex86. The jerks of JME can be unilateral or with unilateral predominance and even if it is bilateral symmetric reflects only motor (that means local or regional) cortical involvement, 372 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. since in this form loss of consciousness is not present. An other line of evidences come from those cases where local cortical lesions were found behind seemingly “generalized” EEG and clinical features87. Quantitative MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies recently showed focal structural alterations88 in the frontal lobe89. Savic90 found decreased NAA values in JME patients91. Neuropsychological studies confirmed the early statement of Janz92, that JME patient’s personality traits are similar to those seen in frontal lobe damaged patients93. One study has shown microdysgenezis in CAE és JME patients94 in the frontal lobe. REFLEX EPILEPTIC FEATURES IN IGE INDICATING LOCAL/REGIONAL CORTICAL HYPEREXCITABILITY It is well known, that activation of specific cortical areas by sensory, non verbal or verbal cognitive stimuli may induce generalized seizures. The electroclinical characteristics, pharmacological responsiveness of the patients having reflex seizures are identical with different forms of IGE especially JME95. Photosensitivity is most frequently associated with JME (in 40-90%)96, 97. Pattern sensitivity, elicited by escalator steps, stripped wallpaper or clothings98 television and video games can elicit generalized seizures in IGE patients99, 100. When the appropriate visual stimuli activates a critical amount of cortical tissue in the striate and parastriate cortex, synchronized neuronal activity producing local epileptic discharge is induced and latter, by propagation from parieto-occipital areas to cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical pathways generalized epileptic discharges and consequently generalized seizure symptoms develop. Seizures may be induced by thinking101 (calculation, decision making, playing chess, scrabble or card games). The EEG in majority of these patients shows generalized epileptic discharges, while neuropsychological evaluation reveals regional deficits mainly of parietal lobe functions. Inoue et al102 emphasized the role of motor components in seizure induction, and proposed the term “praxisinduced epilepsy”. Arithmetic and spacial task solving probably activate dominant parietal areas and involvement (induction) of praxis helps to reach “critical mass” activation, consequently triggering seizures. Reading epilepsy is one of the most interesting epilepsy type in which different variation of reading activity evokes generalized seizures. The only common factor is the transformation of the linguistic material from graphemas to language103. Patients show more or less IGE features. The proper place in classification of this kind of epilepsy is pending between the partial and the generalized group104. A spike triggered fMR study showed activation over the same posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex area normally activated by reading105. The cortical hyperexcitability could be determined by genetic predisposition106, or can develop after aquired lesions107, 108. These reflex epilepsies clearly shows us that activation of certain cortical areas by sensory stimuli or verbal and non verbal mental task may trigger the seizures in certain IGE like patients having genetically determined or acquired predisposition to local/regional hyperexcitability. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL EVIDENCES FOR CORTICAL ORIGIN Several data point to the role of frontal lobe and other associative cortical areas in the pathogenezis and probably in seizure initiating in IGE. This was recently supported by the data of the Luijtilaar group of Nijmegen and seems to be recognized by the international epilepsy community. WAG/Rij rat model is one of the most relevant model of absence epilepsy and within the IGE group absence is attributed most likely to the thalamocortical pathogenesis. However the analysis of spontaneous bilaterally generalized syncronous spike-wave discharges in freely moving WAG/Rij rats revealed a consistent cortical focus109. This analysis furthermore evidenced that the cortical focus is the main driving factor in initiating paroxysmal oscillations in the thalamo-cortical loop via intracortical and corticothalamic pathways entraining the thalamocortical oscillations in a stepwise way. The cortical focus location was found in the somatosensory cortical area of the nose and upper lip showing rhytmical tremor during the discharges. Alterations of this particular area have been started to evaluate in dendrite arborisation properties110, ion channel alterations111, 112 and antiepileptic drugs injected to this area proved to deactivate the cortical pacemaker113, 114. These findings may shed more light to the pathophysiology of human IGE as well, since several data not fitting in the earlier thalamocortical hypothesis may gain new meaning. The cortical focus theory may explain the findings of localised start and asymmetries of the generalized spikewave pattern, the focal start of clinical seizures and in general the coexistence of focal and generalized EEG features. It may explain why seemingly not Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. 373 Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. related syndromes (as reading epilepsy with JME and pattern sensitive reflex epilepsies with JME) show overlaps. Also we may get explanation for the focal origin and treatability with local interventions of some childhood syndromes, previously held to be generalized. Chloride channel encoding CLCN2 Gene mutations, with hyperpolarizing effect, where shown to be associated with CAE, JAE and JME and grand mal in awakening120. GABA receptors Lessons learned by human genetic research ARE THERE SINGLE GENE DISORDERS UNDERLYING IGE PHENOTYPES? Despite the enormous work done in the field of epilepsy genetics in the past 10 years, the genetical background of the most common idiophatic epilepsies is not yet resolved. Although, that the genetic component is the most important etiology is undoubtful, the hope to find channel disfunction behind common IGEs, is disappointing. Different channels, receptors and receptor proteins were suspected to be the underlying genetic substrate. All mutations relevant for epilepsy were related to GABA-A receptors, a transmitter gated channel with the central Cl permanent pore, formed by α, β, γ, δ, ε and θ subunits. Genes having role in IGE are GABRG2, GABRA1 and GABRD encoding the γ, α and δ receptors. GABRG2 mutations were shown in GEFS+, SMEI and FC families and in CAE121. GABRA1 mutations encoding the alpha 1 subunit of the GABA-A receptor were found in JME families and in sporadic CAE patients122. Delta subunits are extrasynaptic and respond to ambient GABA contributing to tonic inhibition. Their mutation was found in GEFS+ and JME123. MULTIPLE GENETIC INFLUENCE? Low-voltage-activated, or T-type, calcium channels The genetic defects of Ca channels are rare in humans. CACNA1 A (P/Q type of Ca channel) and CACNAB4 mutations were found in patients with GTCS, in absence epilepsy and in one patient with JME, all were loss of function mutations115, 116. CACNA1H, which mediates low treshold action potentials to support burstfiring in thalamo-cortical circuity might have greater importance. This protein was found in the V cortical layer and in the reticular thalamic nuclei117. It is believed to play a role in generation of absences. Three types of low voltage Ca channels exist, giving rise to alternative spliced transcripts. Also single nucleotide polimorfism alter channel activity, giving rise to different types of spike-wave patterns118. Over 30 mutations were found in IGE cases, 12 mutations in CAE and JAE in Chinese population119 suggesting, that this gene may be a major susceptibilty gene involved in absence epilepsy. Unfortunatelly this was not confirmed in the white European population. It is well known, that low treshold T-type Ca2 currents regulate the thalamo-cortical bursting mode. The well known antiabsence drug, ethosuccinimide is a T-type current blocker. In this setting the gain in function of the Ttype channel mutation increases the thalamo-cortical excitability. Functional voltage-clamp studies of different CACNA1H mutations led unfortunatelly to contradictory findings, alhough most of them supported the above mentioned theory. There is evidence of complex inheritance due to multiple susceptibility genes in most idiopathic epilepsies with or without an environmental component. There are several factors which further complicate genetical research. Incomplete penetrance which may bias linkage studies, variable expression, genetic anticipation, locus and allelic heterogenity are further modifying factors which make genetical research in IGE more difficult. Changes on molecular level therefore may manifest differently on clinical level. From this orchestra of genes each per se may have some influence on cellular excitability, and their inherited set, their fine tuning influences the particular phenotypic aspect of the inherited IGE, leading to considerable phenotypic variation within the family. It becomes clear, that this significant genetic bacground contributes to clinical heterogenity. This multiple genetic influence has been modelled in mice using strains with known seizure susceptibility differences measuring, and confirming certain neurophysiological features (for example: increased GABA-ergic thalamic input in one genetic strain, or different sleep EEG frequency in other). Also double mutant, or combined mutant rodents can be studied for exacerbating or silencing features of certain genes in combination124. To reveal genetic background in complex, probably multigenetic diseases (as schizophrenia or autism and also complex epilepsies), the endophenotype concept can be a helpful approach. Endo- 374 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. phenotypes are genetically based smaller moduls of the complex diseases, reflecting usually a certain feature (a piece of mosaic) of the functional disorder. Accross different forms of IGE we have several endophenotypic biological markers like the characteristic EEG trait of bilateral synchronous spike-wave discharge variants, photosensitivity, age dependency of symptomes, or even the seizure types. These markers overlap among accepted IGE syndromes. Endophenotypic traits, as genically determined biological features can help to establish associated features and develop syndromic relationships in better harmony with the genetic background. Although polygenic inheritance is probable, recognition of three main generalized phenotypes (GEFS+, CJAE, JME) suggests, that they are determined by few major susceptibility genes. The mentioned syndromes segregate distinctly in epidemiological studies. They are rather oligogenic, than polygenic. The genes with major effects are probably ion channel genes, determining the main trait – for example the EEG 3 Hz spike-wave pattern-acting together with a number of modifying genes affecting other clinical characteristics of the phenotype. Or vice versa, the main genes such are CACNA1H or GABRA1 or GABRG2 genes or other susceptibility genes can act as modifier loci affecting penetrance or expressivity of the mutations of those monogenic epilepsies that segregate through large families. common in Japan, so they proposed to change the name of the syndrome to “autosomal dominant epilepsy with febrile seizures” (leaving the term “generalized” out)126. Dravet syndrome and genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) can both arise due to mutations of SCN1A, the gene encoding the alpha 1 pore-forming subunit of the sodium channel. The GEFS+ spectrum comprises a range of mild to severe phenotypes varying from classical febrile seizures to Dravet syndrome. Dravet syndrome is a severe infantile onset epilepsy syndrome with multiple seizure types, asymmetric, mostly unilateral prolonged febrile seizures and statuses. Later in the course of the disease beside generalized seizures various focal seizures and focal neurological signs may appear, with developmental slowing and poor outcome. More than 70% of patients with Dravet syndrome have mutations of SCN1A; these include both truncation and missense mutations. In contrast, only 10% of GEFS+ families have SCN1A mutations and these comprise missense mutations. GEFS+ has also been associated with mutations of genes encoding the sodium channel beta 1 subunit, SCN1B, and the GABA-A receptor gamma 2 subunit, GABRG2. The phenotypic heterogeneity that is characteristic of GEFS+ families is likely to be due to modifier genes127. Border line cases falling between GEFS+ and SMEI were desribed where focal seizures were not rare128. Also focal seizures evolving from generalized EEG disharge were desribed129. Delineation of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) shaped further the landscape SOME CLUES? The discovery of GEFS+ syndrome as a genetically unique disorder with heterogeneous phenotypes and later, the discovery of SMEI (Severe Myoclinic Epilepsy in Infancy) as a spectrum disorder belonging to the most severe end, was a breakthrough which bridged the dichotomy of focal/generalized based on genetical clues and was again a nail into the coffin of the generalized epilepsy concept. GEFS+ syndrome was described examining 2000 individuals belonging to a large family and individual phenotypes belonging to a core family. Different phenotypes from the generalized group were described, typical febrile seizures (FS), typical FS but peristing above 6 years of age, FS with absences, FS with myoclonic seizures, FS with atonic seizures, and myoclonic astatic epilepsy125. Later partial seizures were described as a possible seizure type in GEFS+. Partial seizures were more Genetic analysis of sets of families suggests that CAE and JAE share a close genetic relation, whereas JME is a distinct entity. FS and GTCS were frequent in both groups representing a non-specific susceptibility to seizures. Classic FS were common in all IGE groups, but FS+ was uncommon in relatives of IGE probands, suggesting that IGE and GEFS+ are caused by different sets of genes. What is common and different among the electro-clinical phenotypes of IGE? According to the present state of art four types of IGE has been recognized by the ILAE current classification: childhood absence epilepsy (CAE), juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE), juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) with jerks without loss of consciousness and GTC seizures, and IGE with awakening GTC seizures (EGMA). Three additional Ideggyogy Sz 2009;62(11–12):366–380. 375 Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. types are proposed: myoclonic absence epilepsy (MAE), eyelid myoclonia with absences (EMA) and perioral myoclonia with absences (PMAE)130. The officially recognized types differ according to the predominance of absence types, the myoclonic and generalized tonic clonic seizures. JME and EGMA are characterized by multiple spikes (JME) and tonic spiking (EGMA) ictally and by the predominance of motor symptoms starting in adolescence/young adulthood, compared to CAE and JAE. They do not have prominent motor symptoms they show overwhelming inhibitory phenomena and occur in a younger age group. The genetical relationship is presently not thoroughly cleared up, but we know several endophenotypes overlaping between these types. However there are strong evidences in favor of syndromatic independency130 however, thinking about IGE as a biological continuum131, at least from the conceptual point of view, is also very convincing. Although there is some kind of biological unity of the IGE group, this not justifies to separate them under the arteficial and misleading heading of “generalized epilepsy”. From the physiopathogenetic aspect the differences regarding the presence or absence of motor symptoms and their myoclonic or tonic character, may relate to the extent and regionality of cortical excitation, to the relationship of local frontal regional initiatory mechanism with the thalamocortical syncronization machine and also to the role of GABA-ergic (A and B) recurrent inhibition or other receptor abnormalities in the pathological oscillation, promoting hypersynchron epileptic oscillation within the thalamocortical system. All of the aformentioned parts of the system are obviously underlied by different genetic regulation and further genetic studies may modify the relationship among different phenotypic (EEG and clinical) features. Implications to classification – toward an unified epilepsy concept The epileptic disorder of the thalamo-cortical system is responsible for the development of “primary generalized”, synchronous spike-wave paroxysms, which were the essential common neurophysiological determinator of IGEs. This disorder is specifically related to the burstfiring working mode of the thalamo-cortical system during NREM sleep (is an epileptic exageration of it). The epileptic disorder of the thalamo-cortical system may develop from several reasons, due to alterations within the system and due to changes of connected influencing ascending and descending systems. Epileptic hyperexcitation and seizures develop stepwise in the system and may have a localized onset in different cortical areas. In the WAG/Rij rat model the pacemaker is in the perioral somato-sensory cortex. In the humans the frontal cortex has probably a great role too. The epilepsy type earlier named as IGE is a focal/regional epilepsy which involves a bilateral network associated with widespread sensory and cognitive functions of both hemispheres. The “generalized” epilepsy category should be abandoned, being misleading. The categorisation of epilepsies would be best to conceptualize in a multiaxial system, the physiopathogenesis of which would be determined in terms of network functions, related to physiological working systems. The epileptic network of the thalamocortical system, according to our present knowledge, is denominating in the following epilepsies: – The different subtypes of IGE (CEA, JAE, JME, GMA etc.). – The hitherto not classified cases at the borderline of focal epilepsy and IGE. – LGS. – LKS-ESES. The different phenotypes, earlier named idiopathic (primary) generalized, or symptomatic (secondary) generalized (with encephalopathic features), should be delineated depending on the following factors: 1. speed and extent of syncronization within the thalamo-cortical system, 2. the way how the thalamo-cortical system is involved, 3. which kind of cortical triggers play role, 4. the degree and level of the disorder (restricted to the molecular level or extended to the level of structural alterations – in the cortex or more diffusely, 5. genetic targets and features. 376 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. A dokumentum felhasználása a szerzôi jog szabályozása alá esik. REFERENCES 1. Berger H. Über das Elektroenkephalogram des Menchen. Arch Psychiat Nervenkr 1933;100:301-20. 2. Gibbs FA, Davis H, Lennox WG. The electroencephalogram in epilepsy and in conditions of impaired consciousness. 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KONGRESSZUSI NAPTÁR 2009 2009. december 13–16. 18th World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders – Miami Beach, Florida, Amerikai Egyesült Államok Inf.: 2010 2010. február 24–27. 2010. február 26–28. 2010. április 10–17. 2010. június 19–23. 2010. augusztus 29.– szeptember 2. 2010. szeptember 25–28. 2010. október 13–16. 2010. október 28–31. 1st European Traumatic Brain Injury Conference: TBI-CHALLENGE.EU 2010 – Bécs, Ausztria Inf.: 3rd International Congress on Gait & Mental Function – Washington, Amerikai Egyesült Államok Inf.: 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology – Toronto, Kanada Inf.: 20th Meeting of the European Neurological Society – Berlin, Németország 13th World Congress on Pain – Montreal, Amerikai Egyesült Államok Inf.:éal 14th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies – Geneva, Svájc Inf.: 26th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS (ECTRIMS) – Gothenburg, Svédország 2nd European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress (EHMTIC) – Nice, Franciaország Inf.: 2011 2011. szeptember 10–13. 15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies – Budapest, Hungary 380 Halász: New vistas and views in the concept of generalized epilepsies Az alábbi dokumentumot magáncélra töltötték le az webportálról. 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