Tiny Cartridge 3DS

Luftrausers and Fez on Vita in March ⊟ And PS3, and in the case of Fez, PS4 too, all Cross-Buy! Anyway! Vlambeer’s rad dogfighting (as in planes) game Luftrausers hits PSN on March 18 (along with Tiny favorite Steamworld Dig, which you should get if...

Luftrausers and Fez on Vita in March ⊟

And PS3, and in the case of Fez, PS4 too, all Cross-Buy! Anyway! Vlambeer’s rad dogfighting (as in planes) game Luftrausers hits PSN on March 18 (along with Tiny favorite Steamworld Dig, which you should get if you haven’t on 3DS already), with Fez following the next week.

I’ve been playing Luftrausers on and off at events for the last… two years? And yeah, you gotta get that. Of course, you don’t need me to tell you that! If it’s a Vlambeer game, buy it, ya dingus! For your health.

Fez was so rad on XBLA, and I’m looking forward to having a portable version so I can keep my Vita in sleep mode and then bang my head against an unsolvable cryptographic puzzle whenever I get a minute! 

If you have Plus, both games will be on sale for their first weeks: Luftrausers for $8 instead of $10, and Fez for $10 instead of $13.

BUY PS Vita, upcoming games
  • Source blog.us.playstation.com

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