01/6​5 timeless books by Victor Hugo

​With his vivid imagination, profound insights, and masterful storytelling, Victor Hugo is one of the greatest literary voices of all time. He has left an indelible mark on literature that transcends time and captivates readers across generations. From the iconic 'Les Misérables' to the haunting beauty of 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame', Hugo's works offer a glimpse into the depths of the human soul. Here we list down five timeless books by Victor Hugo.


02/6​​'Les Misérables'

​​'Les Misérables'

Considered Hugo's masterpiece, 'Les Misérables' tells the gripping story of Jean Valjean, an ex-convict seeking redemption, against the backdrop of 19th-century France. This epic novel explores themes of justice, love, sacrifice, and the human spirit's capacity for transformation.​


03/6​​'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame'

​​'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame'

​Set in medieval Paris, 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' delves into the tragic tale of Quasimodo, the deformed bell-ringer of Notre-Dame Cathedral, and his unrequited love for the beautiful Esmeralda. This novel explores societal prejudice, love, and the power of compassion.​


04/6​​'The Toilers of the Sea'

​​'The Toilers of the Sea'

​A lesser-known but equally compelling work, 'Toilers of the Sea' is a story of isolation and perseverance set on the island of Guernsey. It follows the protagonist, Gilliatt, as he faces the formidable challenges of taming the treacherous sea and winning the love of a woman.


05/6​​'The Man Who Laughs'

​​'The Man Who Laughs'

​This tragic tale revolves around a young man named Gwynplaine, whose face has been permanently disfigured into a perpetual grin. The novel explores themes of identity, society's treatment of the marginalized, and the search for happiness.




Set during the French Revolution, 'Ninety-Three' explores the complexities of the human spirit in times of political upheaval. It weaves together three storylines representing different factions of society and delves into themes of loyalty, duty, and the consequences of violence.​
