Guilty Gear Isuka

Guilty Gear Isuka

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Guilty Gear Isuka: Dualshock 3 Control Guide
By TheRealDealReece
A guide to setting up the controls for this game when using a Sony Dualshock 3 gamepad controller.
1. Emulating Your Dualshock 3
To start off you will need to allow your Dualshock 3 to emulate a Microsoft Windows /Xbox 360 gamepad. I use Better DS3, you can use motionjoy but I do not reccomend it as motionjoy requires internet access and also sends advertisements to your PC.

Open Better DS3 and then plug in your controller via usb or bluetooth, create a new profile, name it as you see fit and then select XInput. Click 'Autofill' in the top right corner, this will automatically insert the defualt 360 pad mapping.


Guilty Gear Isuka does not seem to have nativesupport for analog trigger signals which is why the R2 and L2 buttons do not work normally. If you want to use them, you will have to fool the game into thinking that your triggers are analog sticks buttons, change the L2 and R2 bindings to 'Left Stick Button' and 'Right Stick Button' respectively. You can also then disable the L3 and R3 by scrolling down the configuration page and changing them to 'None'. Save the profile and then back at the main window select the profile and apply. If you are using more than one DS3 you will need to select each one indivudally from the left list and apply the profile.

2. Guilty Gear Isuka Config File
Go to your Guilty Gear Isuka game directory, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GUILTY GEAR ISUKA". Open the config.exe

Go to Joystick settings and change from the defualt mappings to these:

Analog Sticks:


Direction Pad:


Change as required for each player.Click Apply and then Launch the game.

Note that you cannot set the D-Pad and Analog sticks for navigation/movement simultaneously.

Credit to 7thChimera from Forums for the GGI button layout.

JonLuke Jan 15, 2015 @ 10:38pm 
I've found that you can simply select 1ZMAX for L2 and 1ZMIN for R2 in the Guilty Gear Isuka config. This worked for both my Xbox 360 controller and my Dualshock 3 using Better DS3.
Bananoman Jun 21, 2014 @ 2:17am 
Thx bro:csgocross:
cristo205 May 27, 2014 @ 1:40pm 
Awesome, thank you!
Undying Zombie Apr 11, 2014 @ 11:18pm 
Thanks for posting this. Though I have to ask, I have a 360 controller and want to get the left and right triggers bound to things. For some reason the menu for configuring controlls do not recignize them. ( But the stick buttons seem to work.. but only some times oddly when in game. )

I understand if you have no clue since its a different controller.. and I do not mess with programs for gamepad stuff ( as that whole thing is fairly new to me and I do not fully understand some of them. )
Jaydepps Jan 16, 2014 @ 8:07pm 
Thanks for posting this!
Leopold Jan 16, 2014 @ 5:55pm 
Great! Most useful!
Also fight stick is supported.