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Toddler Dresses and Hat

Pattern Envelope (Size and other Info)

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New Look Toddler Dresses Data

11 Reviews  
Recommended for: Everyone (11 reviews)
Fabrics: Satin (3 reviews), Cotton (3), Cotton Blend (1), Fleece (1), Cotton Eyelet (1), Cotton Sateen (1)
1 Forum topics

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Member Reviews for New Look Toddler Dresses 6879

Flynnbo rates it for All sewists a
I did full put sleeves without a cuff as it is hard to know what size my granddaughters little arms will be. I made the collar smaller as I find with.....more
Sewingdownunder rates it for All sewists a
It was surprisingly easy to do with time and patience. A little on the small side, the size 3 fits my 2.5 yo well. One thing I will recommend is if se.....more
Michcoop rates it for All sewists a
Pattern Description: This is a child girls dress pattern,it has four different options plus a sun hat. Pattern Sizing The size range is 6 months throu.....more
mjroxclare rates it for All sewists a
Toddler sizes 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4. Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? I completed view A and E.....more
rmusic1 rates it for All sewists a
Fabric Used: A very pretty embroidery anglaise border printer. I had a section left over from making a dress for me and thought it was too pretty too.....more
rmusic1 rates it for All sewists a
Only used the extra layer over the bodice. I've created a full lining by adding a skirt to the bodice lining. I guess if you added an over layer AND .....more
rooskie rates it for All sewists a
I combined a couple of the views. Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?You'd think I'd say no, considering all the problems I had,.....more


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