Console Modding - let the lame tuning begin

it is, i have it listed under the WindowsCE heading in my chart. it seems to be kind of problematic on GDEMU in general, though. it doesn’t always launch, sometimes i have to try a few times

you don’t do anything from the ps2 itself except format the drive (and expand the OPL partition so you can put config files/art/VMCs/etc. on it) using uLaunchElf or wLaunchelf (your FreeMCBoot should have this included already). you can’t install games directly to the hard drive from the ps2, you need to connect it to your pc either with USB or SATA and use this batchkit.

don’t use winhiip to transfer files to the hard drive! it runs into issues with larger SATA drives! what i linked above is a better method

i do use winhiip just to verify the drive is being properly detected as a ps2 drive, then i run my batchkit scripts to transfer the isos

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