How to Grow and Care for Aeonium Mascaense

6 min readNov 29, 2023

Aeonium Mascaense, a captivating succulent, is known for its unique foliage and ease of care, making it a favored choice for both indoor and outdoor succulent gardens. This guide will cover the essential aspects of growing and nurturing Aeonium Mascaense.

What is Aeonium Mascaense?

Aeonium Mascaense is a much-branched succulent subshrub with slender stems, small dense rosettes of glaucous green leaves with red margins and a distinctive red stripe down the middle. It grows up to 10 inches tall, forming a mound. Native to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, it’s believed to be a natural hybrid. The leaves are thick, spoon-shaped, with long forward-curved cilia on the margins. It blooms with white to pale pink flowers in lax clusters​​​​.

Where to buy Aeonium Mascaense?

The Succulent Store is an online retailer specializing in a wide variety of succulents and cacti, including Aeoniums. While a specific search for Aeonium Mascaense on their site did not yield results, they do offer a range of Aeonium species for sale. This store is a convenient option for purchasing succulents online, offering detailed descriptions and care instructions for each plant.

Growing Conditions for Aeonium Mascaense

Light of Aeonium Mascaense

Aeonium Mascaense thrives in full sun, which is essential for maintaining the vibrant colors of its leaves. In regions with intense sunlight, some afternoon shade can prevent leaf scorch. Indoors, a south-facing window is ideal. If natural light is insufficient, especially during winter, supplemental lighting with grow lights can be beneficial.

Soil of Aeonium Mascaense

The ideal soil for Aeonium Mascaense should provide excellent drainage. A suitable mix can be made using:

  • 60% potting soil (standard succulent or cactus mix),
  • 20% sand to improve drainage,
  • 20% perlite or pumice to aerate the soil.

This combination ensures that water flows freely, preventing root rot, which is crucial for the health of the plant.

Temperature and Humidity of Aeonium Mascaense

Aeonium Mascaense prefers warm temperatures, thriving best in the range of 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C). It can survive temperatures as low as 30°F (-1°C), but it is not frost-tolerant, so protection or moving indoors is necessary in colder climates. This succulent prefers low to moderate humidity levels and can suffer in high humidity environments, making good air circulation important.

General Care of Aeonium Mascaense

Watering of Aeonium Mascaense

Aeonium Mascaense requires minimal watering. It’s important to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water every 2–3 weeks. In winter, reduce watering to once a month or less. Over-watering can lead to root rot, especially in colder months.

Fertilizing of Aeonium Mascaense

Fertilize Aeonium Mascaense sparingly. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to half the recommended strength, once in spring and once in summer. Avoid fertilizing in autumn and winter, as the plant’s growth slows down. Over-fertilization can harm the plant, so it’s better to under-fertilize than over-fertilize.

Repotting of Aeonium Mascaense

Repot Aeonium Mascaense every two to three years, or when it outgrows its pot. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and has good drainage. Spring or early summer is the best time to repot, using fresh succulent or cactus potting mix. Ensure the plant is firmly placed in the new pot and avoid watering for a few days to allow the roots to settle.

Pruning of Aeonium Mascaense

Pruning is not typically required for Aeonium Mascaense, as it maintains a compact growth habit. However, if needed, remove any dead or damaged leaves by cutting them at the base. Pruning can also be done to shape the plant or control its size. Be sure to use clean, sharp tools for pruning.

How to Propagate Aeonium Mascaense?

Propagating Aeonium Mascaense can be a rewarding process, and it’s relatively easy to do. Here’s how you can propagate this plant:

Leaf Cuttings:

  • Gently twist a healthy leaf from the stem, ensuring the entire leaf is removed without leaving any part on the stem.
  • Allow the leaf to callous over for a few days to a week in a dry, shaded area.
  • Place the calloused leaf on top of well-draining soil. Do not bury it.
  • Mist the soil lightly every few days to keep it slightly moist.
  • Roots and a new rosette will eventually form at the base of the leaf.

Stem Cuttings:

  • Select a healthy stem and cut it using a clean, sharp knife or scissors.
  • Allow the cut end of the stem to dry and callous over for several days.
  • Plant the stem in well-draining soil, burying a few inches of the stem.
  • Water sparingly until the cutting establishes roots, then water as you would a mature plant.


  • Aeonium Mascaense may produce offsets or “pups” around the base of the plant.
  • Gently remove these pups from the main plant, ensuring each offset has some roots.
  • Allow the offsets to dry for a day or two, then plant them in well-draining soil.
  • Water sparingly until the offsets are established.

For all methods, place the propagating material in a warm, well-lit area, but avoid direct sunlight, which can be too intense. Patience is key with propagation as it can take several weeks to a few months for new plants to establish and begin growing.

How to Care Aeonium Mascaense in winter?

Caring for Aeonium Mascaense during winter involves some special considerations, especially as this succulent prefers warmer temperatures. Here are key tips for winter care:

  1. Reduce Watering: Aeonium Mascaense enters a dormant period in the winter. Therefore, it requires less water. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In some cases, watering once a month or even less might be enough.
  2. Protect from Frost: Aeonium Mascaense is not frost-tolerant. If you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing, it’s crucial to protect your plant. Bring outdoor plants indoors or into a greenhouse to shield them from frost.
  3. Adequate Light: If the plant is indoors for the winter, ensure it receives enough light. Place it near a window that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Rotate the plant occasionally for even growth.
  4. Avoid Fertilizing: Since the plant is dormant in winter, avoid fertilizing during this period. Resume fertilizing in the spring when the growing season begins.
  5. Monitor for Pests: Indoor plants can be prone to pests in the winter due to the warm, dry indoor air. Regularly inspect your plant and treat any pest infestations promptly.
  6. Temperature Control: Keep your Aeonium Mascaense in an environment where temperatures remain above freezing. Ideal winter temperatures for this plant are above 50°F (10°C).

By following these care tips, your Aeonium Mascaense should remain healthy through the winter and be ready for active growth in the spring.

Common Problems With Aeonium Mascaense Plant

Aeonium Mascaense, like any plant, can encounter certain problems. Being aware of these common issues can help you take timely action to keep your plant healthy:

  1. Overwatering and Root Rot: This is the most common problem. Aeoniums are susceptible to root rot if the soil remains wet for too long. Signs include yellowing leaves, a mushy stem base, and a general appearance of wilting.
  2. Underwatering: While Aeoniums are drought-tolerant, prolonged lack of water can lead to shriveled leaves and stunted growth.
  3. Sunburn: If exposed to too much direct sunlight, particularly during hot summers, the leaves can get sunburned, showing brown, scorched spots or fading colors.
  4. Pests: Aeonium Mascaense can attract pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These pests typically appear on the undersides of leaves or in the crevices where the leaves meet the stem.
  5. Frost Damage: Being not frost-tolerant, exposure to freezing temperatures can cause damage or even kill the plant. Frost damage appears as soft, mushy, and discolored leaves.
  6. Leggy Growth: Inadequate light can lead to elongated stems and sparse leaf growth, as the plant stretches towards the light source.


In summary, Aeonium Mascaense is a unique and attractive succulent, ideal for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts. The best season for planting or repotting Aeonium Mascaense is spring, allowing it to establish itself during the growing season. This plant pairs well with other drought-tolerant succulents and cacti, creating a diverse and water-efficient garden. Its distinct appearance, with slender stems and rosettes of green leaves with red margins, makes it a standout addition to rock gardens, succulent collections, or as a striking container plant.

