
Jean-Martin Charcot

Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893)

Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) was a French neurologist and anatomopathologist.

  • Born on November 19, 1825
  • Died on August 16, 1893

Medical Eponyms
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (1886)

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (spinal form of muscular atrophy) is the commonest disease within a group of conditions called Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies (HMSN).

Jean Martin Charcot and his pupil Pierre Marie carefully studied the multitude of infirm and paralytic inmates at the Salpêtrière, an asylum in Paris in 1886.

Charcot disease (maladie de Charcot) (1868)

Charcot foot

Charcot-Weiss-Baker syndrome (1872)

Charcot’s triad II (1877) – jaundice; fever; and right upper quadrant abdominal pain – associated with cholangitis. The addition of hypotension and mental status changes is known as Reynolds pentad

Charcot Triad (1879) – nystagmus, intention tremor and staccato speech, often associated with, but not pathognomonic for multiple sclerosis.

Charcot Triad (1879) multiple sclerosis
Charcot JM. Diagnostic des formes frustes de la sclérose en plaque 1879

Fig 9. Autopsie. Cerveau: Après l’ablation de la pie-mère, on trouve à la base du cerveau des plaques scléreuses disséminées offrant la disposition suivante; 1° Une plaque sur te nerf olfactif gauche; 2° une plaque sur chacun des deux nerfs optiques au voisinage du globe oculaire; 3° une plaque sur la bandelette optique droite; 4° une sur le pédoncule cérébral gauche; 5° on compte 7 plaques à la surface de la protubérance; 6° il y a enfin une plaque sur chaque olive, une sur chacune des pyramides antérieures.
Fig 10. Coupe à la region cervicale supérieure
Fig 11. Coupe au niveau du renflement cervical
Fig 12. Coupe à la région cervicale inférieure
Fig 13. Coupe à la région dorsale
Fig 14. Coupe à la région lombaire supérieure

Charcot JM. Diagnostic des formes frustes de la sclérose en plaque 1879

Fig 9. Autopsy. Brain: After removal of the pia mater, there are scattered sclerotic plaques at the base of the brain with the following arrangement; 1° A plaque on the left olfactory nerve; 2° a plaque on each of the two optic nerves in the vicinity of the eyeball; 3° a plate on the right optical strip; 4° one on the left cerebral peduncle; 5° there are 7 plaques on the surface of the protuberance; 6° there is finally a plaque on each olive, one on each of the previous pyramids.
Fig 10. Section through the upper cervical region
Fig 11. Section at the level of the cervical bulge
Fig 12. Section through the lower cervical region
Fig 13. Section through the dorsal region
Fig 14. Section through the upper lumbar region

Charcot JM. Diagnostic des formes frustes de la sclérose en plaque 1879

Erb-Charcot syndrome

Major Publications



Eponymous terms



the person behind the name

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